remat-float0.ll 661 Bytes
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=aarch64-none-linux-gnu -verify-machineinstrs | FileCheck %s

; Check that float 0 gets rematerialized with an fmov of zero reg instead
; of spilled/filled.

declare void @bar(float)

define void @foo() {
; CHECK: fmov s0, wzr
; CHECK: bl bar
; CHECK: fmov s0, wzr
; CHECK: bl bar
  call void @bar(float 0.000000e+00)
  call void asm sideeffect "", "~{s0},~{s1},~{s2},~{s3},~{s4},~{s5},~{s6},~{s7},~{s8},~{s9},~{s10},~{s11},~{s12},~{s13},~{s14},~{s15},~{s16},~{s17},~{s18},~{s19},~{s20},~{s21},~{s22},~{s23},~{s24},~{s25},~{s26},~{s27},~{s28},~{s29},~{s30},~{s31}"()
  call void @bar(float 0.000000e+00)
  ret void