CollectMacros.h 3.36 KB
//===--- CollectMacros.h -----------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception


#include "AST.h"
#include "Protocol.h"
#include "SourceCode.h"
#include "index/SymbolID.h"
#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PPCallbacks.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include <string>

namespace clang {
namespace clangd {

struct MainFileMacros {
  llvm::StringSet<> Names;
  // Instead of storing SourceLocation, we have to store the token range because
  // SourceManager from preamble is not available when we build the AST.
  llvm::DenseMap<SymbolID, std::vector<Range>> MacroRefs;
  // Somtimes it is not possible to compute the SymbolID for the Macro, e.g. a
  // reference to an undefined macro. Store them separately, e.g. for semantic
  // highlighting.
  std::vector<Range> UnknownMacros;
  // Ranges skipped by the preprocessor due to being inactive.
  std::vector<Range> SkippedRanges;

/// Collects macro references (e.g. definitions, expansions) in the main file.
/// It is used to:
///  - collect macros in the preamble section of the main file (in Preamble.cpp)
///  - collect macros after the preamble of the main file (in ParsedAST.cpp)
class CollectMainFileMacros : public PPCallbacks {
  explicit CollectMainFileMacros(const SourceManager &SM, MainFileMacros &Out)
      : SM(SM), Out(Out) {}

  void FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc, FileChangeReason,
                   SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind, FileID) override {
    InMainFile = isInsideMainFile(Loc, SM);

  void MacroDefined(const Token &MacroName, const MacroDirective *MD) override {
    add(MacroName, MD->getMacroInfo());

  void MacroExpands(const Token &MacroName, const MacroDefinition &MD,
                    SourceRange Range, const MacroArgs *Args) override {
    add(MacroName, MD.getMacroInfo());

  void MacroUndefined(const clang::Token &MacroName,
                      const clang::MacroDefinition &MD,
                      const clang::MacroDirective *Undef) override {
    add(MacroName, MD.getMacroInfo());

  void Ifdef(SourceLocation Loc, const Token &MacroName,
             const MacroDefinition &MD) override {
    add(MacroName, MD.getMacroInfo());

  void Ifndef(SourceLocation Loc, const Token &MacroName,
              const MacroDefinition &MD) override {
    add(MacroName, MD.getMacroInfo());

  void Defined(const Token &MacroName, const MacroDefinition &MD,
               SourceRange Range) override {
    add(MacroName, MD.getMacroInfo());

  void SourceRangeSkipped(SourceRange R, SourceLocation EndifLoc) override {
    if (!InMainFile)
    Position Begin = sourceLocToPosition(SM, R.getBegin());
    Position End = sourceLocToPosition(SM, R.getEnd());
    Out.SkippedRanges.push_back(Range{Begin, End});

  void add(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo *MI);
  const SourceManager &SM;
  bool InMainFile = true;
  MainFileMacros &Out;

} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang