test_g_zextload.mir 901 Bytes
# RUN: not --crash llc -o - -march=arm64 -global-isel -run-pass=none -verify-machineinstrs %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
# REQUIRES: global-isel, aarch64-registered-target

name:            test_zextload
legalized:       true
regBankSelected: false
selected:        false
tracksRegLiveness: true
body:             |

    ; CHECK: Bad machine code: Generic memory instruction must access a pointer
    %0:_(s64) = G_CONSTANT i32 0
    %1:_(s32) = G_ZEXTLOAD %0 :: (load 1)

    ; CHECK: *** Bad machine code: Generic instruction accessing memory must have one mem operand ***
    %2:_(p0) = G_IMPLICIT_DEF
    %3:_(s64) = G_ZEXTLOAD %2

    ; CHECK: Bad machine code: Generic extload must have a narrower memory type
    ; CHECK: Bad machine code: Generic extload must have a narrower memory type

    %4:_(s64) = G_ZEXTLOAD %2 :: (load 8)
    %5:_(s64) = G_ZEXTLOAD %2 :: (load 16)
