MipsABIFlagsSection.h 5.84 KB
//===- MipsABIFlagsSection.h - Mips ELF ABI Flags Section -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception


#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MipsABIFlags.h"
#include <cstdint>

namespace llvm {

class MCStreamer;

struct MipsABIFlagsSection {
  // Internal representation of the fp_abi related values used in .module.
  enum class FpABIKind { ANY, XX, S32, S64, SOFT };

  // Version of flags structure.
  uint16_t Version = 0;
  // The level of the ISA: 1-5, 32, 64.
  uint8_t ISALevel = 0;
  // The revision of ISA: 0 for MIPS V and below, 1-n otherwise.
  uint8_t ISARevision = 0;
  // The size of general purpose registers.
  Mips::AFL_REG GPRSize = Mips::AFL_REG_NONE;
  // The size of co-processor 1 registers.
  Mips::AFL_REG CPR1Size = Mips::AFL_REG_NONE;
  // The size of co-processor 2 registers.
  Mips::AFL_REG CPR2Size = Mips::AFL_REG_NONE;
  // Processor-specific extension.
  Mips::AFL_EXT ISAExtension = Mips::AFL_EXT_NONE;
  // Mask of ASEs used.
  uint32_t ASESet = 0;

  bool OddSPReg = false;

  bool Is32BitABI = false;

  // The floating-point ABI.
  FpABIKind FpABI = FpABIKind::ANY;

  MipsABIFlagsSection() = default;

  uint16_t getVersionValue() { return (uint16_t)Version; }
  uint8_t getISALevelValue() { return (uint8_t)ISALevel; }
  uint8_t getISARevisionValue() { return (uint8_t)ISARevision; }
  uint8_t getGPRSizeValue() { return (uint8_t)GPRSize; }
  uint8_t getCPR1SizeValue();
  uint8_t getCPR2SizeValue() { return (uint8_t)CPR2Size; }
  uint8_t getFpABIValue();
  uint32_t getISAExtensionValue() { return (uint32_t)ISAExtension; }
  uint32_t getASESetValue() { return (uint32_t)ASESet; }

  uint32_t getFlags1Value() {
    uint32_t Value = 0;

    if (OddSPReg)
      Value |= (uint32_t)Mips::AFL_FLAGS1_ODDSPREG;

    return Value;

  uint32_t getFlags2Value() { return 0; }

  FpABIKind getFpABI() { return FpABI; }
  void setFpABI(FpABIKind Value, bool IsABI32Bit) {
    FpABI = Value;
    Is32BitABI = IsABI32Bit;

  StringRef getFpABIString(FpABIKind Value);

  template <class PredicateLibrary>
  void setISALevelAndRevisionFromPredicates(const PredicateLibrary &P) {
    if (P.hasMips64()) {
      ISALevel = 64;
      if (P.hasMips64r6())
        ISARevision = 6;
      else if (P.hasMips64r5())
        ISARevision = 5;
      else if (P.hasMips64r3())
        ISARevision = 3;
      else if (P.hasMips64r2())
        ISARevision = 2;
        ISARevision = 1;
    } else if (P.hasMips32()) {
      ISALevel = 32;
      if (P.hasMips32r6())
        ISARevision = 6;
      else if (P.hasMips32r5())
        ISARevision = 5;
      else if (P.hasMips32r3())
        ISARevision = 3;
      else if (P.hasMips32r2())
        ISARevision = 2;
        ISARevision = 1;
    } else {
      ISARevision = 0;
      if (P.hasMips5())
        ISALevel = 5;
      else if (P.hasMips4())
        ISALevel = 4;
      else if (P.hasMips3())
        ISALevel = 3;
      else if (P.hasMips2())
        ISALevel = 2;
      else if (P.hasMips1())
        ISALevel = 1;
        llvm_unreachable("Unknown ISA level!");

  template <class PredicateLibrary>
  void setGPRSizeFromPredicates(const PredicateLibrary &P) {
    GPRSize = P.isGP64bit() ? Mips::AFL_REG_64 : Mips::AFL_REG_32;

  template <class PredicateLibrary>
  void setCPR1SizeFromPredicates(const PredicateLibrary &P) {
    if (P.useSoftFloat())
      CPR1Size = Mips::AFL_REG_NONE;
    else if (P.hasMSA())
      CPR1Size = Mips::AFL_REG_128;
      CPR1Size = P.isFP64bit() ? Mips::AFL_REG_64 : Mips::AFL_REG_32;

  template <class PredicateLibrary>
  void setISAExtensionFromPredicates(const PredicateLibrary &P) {
    if (P.hasCnMipsP())
      ISAExtension = Mips::AFL_EXT_OCTEONP;
    else if (P.hasCnMips())
      ISAExtension = Mips::AFL_EXT_OCTEON;
      ISAExtension = Mips::AFL_EXT_NONE;

  template <class PredicateLibrary>
  void setASESetFromPredicates(const PredicateLibrary &P) {
    ASESet = 0;
    if (P.hasDSP())
      ASESet |= Mips::AFL_ASE_DSP;
    if (P.hasDSPR2())
      ASESet |= Mips::AFL_ASE_DSPR2;
    if (P.hasMSA())
      ASESet |= Mips::AFL_ASE_MSA;
    if (P.inMicroMipsMode())
      ASESet |= Mips::AFL_ASE_MICROMIPS;
    if (P.inMips16Mode())
      ASESet |= Mips::AFL_ASE_MIPS16;
    if (P.hasMT())
      ASESet |= Mips::AFL_ASE_MT;
    if (P.hasCRC())
      ASESet |= Mips::AFL_ASE_CRC;
    if (P.hasVirt())
      ASESet |= Mips::AFL_ASE_VIRT;
    if (P.hasGINV())
      ASESet |= Mips::AFL_ASE_GINV;

  template <class PredicateLibrary>
  void setFpAbiFromPredicates(const PredicateLibrary &P) {
    Is32BitABI = P.isABI_O32();

    FpABI = FpABIKind::ANY;
    if (P.useSoftFloat())
      FpABI = FpABIKind::SOFT;
    else if (P.isABI_N32() || P.isABI_N64())
      FpABI = FpABIKind::S64;
    else if (P.isABI_O32()) {
      if (P.isABI_FPXX())
        FpABI = FpABIKind::XX;
      else if (P.isFP64bit())
        FpABI = FpABIKind::S64;
        FpABI = FpABIKind::S32;

  template <class PredicateLibrary>
  void setAllFromPredicates(const PredicateLibrary &P) {
    OddSPReg = P.useOddSPReg();

MCStreamer &operator<<(MCStreamer &OS, MipsABIFlagsSection &ABIFlagsSection);

} // end namespace llvm