InlineInfo.cpp 9.9 KB
//===- InlineInfo.cpp -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/FileEntry.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/FileWriter.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/GsymReader.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/InlineInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataExtractor.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <inttypes.h>

using namespace llvm;
using namespace gsym;

raw_ostream &llvm::gsym::operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const InlineInfo &II) {
  if (!II.isValid())
    return OS;
  bool First = true;
  for (auto Range : II.Ranges) {
    if (First)
      First = false;
      OS << ' ';
    OS << Range;
  OS << " Name = " << HEX32(II.Name) << ", CallFile = " << II.CallFile
     << ", CallLine = " << II.CallFile << '\n';
  for (const auto &Child : II.Children)
    OS << Child;
  return OS;

static bool getInlineStackHelper(const InlineInfo &II, uint64_t Addr,
    std::vector<const InlineInfo *> &InlineStack) {
  if (II.Ranges.contains(Addr)) {
    // If this is the top level that represents the concrete function,
    // there will be no name and we shoud clear the inline stack. Otherwise
    // we have found an inline call stack that we need to insert.
    if (II.Name != 0)
      InlineStack.insert(InlineStack.begin(), &II);
    for (const auto &Child : II.Children) {
      if (::getInlineStackHelper(Child, Addr, InlineStack))
    return !InlineStack.empty();
  return false;

llvm::Optional<InlineInfo::InlineArray> InlineInfo::getInlineStack(uint64_t Addr) const {
  InlineArray Result;
  if (getInlineStackHelper(*this, Addr, Result))
    return Result;
  return llvm::None;

/// Skip an InlineInfo object in the specified data at the specified offset.
/// Used during the InlineInfo::lookup() call to quickly skip child InlineInfo
/// objects where the addres ranges isn't contained in the InlineInfo object
/// or its children. This avoids allocations by not appending child InlineInfo
/// objects to the InlineInfo::Children array.
/// \param Data The binary stream to read the data from.
/// \param Offset The byte offset within \a Data.
/// \param SkippedRanges If true, address ranges have already been skipped.

static bool skip(DataExtractor &Data, uint64_t &Offset, bool SkippedRanges) {
  if (!SkippedRanges) {
    if (AddressRanges::skip(Data, Offset) == 0)
      return false;
  bool HasChildren = Data.getU8(&Offset) != 0;
  Data.getU32(&Offset); // Skip Inline.Name.
  Data.getULEB128(&Offset); // Skip Inline.CallFile.
  Data.getULEB128(&Offset); // Skip Inline.CallLine.
  if (HasChildren) {
    while (skip(Data, Offset, false /* SkippedRanges */))
      /* Do nothing */;
  // We skipped a valid InlineInfo.
  return true;

/// A Lookup helper functions.
/// Used during the InlineInfo::lookup() call to quickly only parse an
/// InlineInfo object if the address falls within this object. This avoids
/// allocations by not appending child InlineInfo objects to the
/// InlineInfo::Children array and also skips any InlineInfo objects that do
/// not contain the address we are looking up.
/// \param Data The binary stream to read the data from.
/// \param Offset The byte offset within \a Data.
/// \param BaseAddr The address that the relative address range offsets are
///                 relative to.

static bool lookup(const GsymReader &GR, DataExtractor &Data, uint64_t &Offset,
                   uint64_t BaseAddr, uint64_t Addr, SourceLocations &SrcLocs,
                   llvm::Error &Err) {
  InlineInfo Inline;
  Inline.Ranges.decode(Data, BaseAddr, Offset);
  if (Inline.Ranges.empty())
    return true;
  // Check if the address is contained within the inline information, and if
  // not, quickly skip this InlineInfo object and all its children.
  if (!Inline.Ranges.contains(Addr)) {
    skip(Data, Offset, true /* SkippedRanges */);
    return false;

  // The address range is contained within this InlineInfo, add the source
  // location for this InlineInfo and any children that contain the address.
  bool HasChildren = Data.getU8(&Offset) != 0;
  Inline.Name = Data.getU32(&Offset);
  Inline.CallFile = (uint32_t)Data.getULEB128(&Offset);
  Inline.CallLine = (uint32_t)Data.getULEB128(&Offset);
  if (HasChildren) {
    // Child address ranges are encoded relative to the first address in the
    // parent InlineInfo object.
    const auto ChildBaseAddr = Inline.Ranges[0].Start;
    bool Done = false;
    while (!Done)
      Done = lookup(GR, Data, Offset, ChildBaseAddr, Addr, SrcLocs, Err);

  Optional<FileEntry> CallFile = GR.getFile(Inline.CallFile);
  if (!CallFile) {
    Err = createStringError(std::errc::invalid_argument,
                            "failed to extract file[%" PRIu32 "]",
    return false;

  if (CallFile->Dir || CallFile->Base) {
    SourceLocation SrcLoc;
    SrcLoc.Name = SrcLocs.back().Name;
    SrcLoc.Offset = SrcLocs.back().Offset;
    SrcLoc.Dir = GR.getString(CallFile->Dir);
    SrcLoc.Base = GR.getString(CallFile->Base);
    SrcLoc.Line = Inline.CallLine;
    SrcLocs.back().Name = GR.getString(Inline.Name);
    SrcLocs.back().Offset = Addr - Inline.Ranges[0].Start;
  return true;

llvm::Error InlineInfo::lookup(const GsymReader &GR, DataExtractor &Data,
                               uint64_t BaseAddr, uint64_t Addr,
                               SourceLocations &SrcLocs) {
  // Call our recursive helper function starting at offset zero.
  uint64_t Offset = 0;
  llvm::Error Err = Error::success();
  ::lookup(GR, Data, Offset, BaseAddr, Addr, SrcLocs, Err);
  return Err;

/// Decode an InlineInfo in Data at the specified offset.
/// A local helper function to decode InlineInfo objects. This function is
/// called recursively when parsing child InlineInfo objects.
/// \param Data The data extractor to decode from.
/// \param Offset The offset within \a Data to decode from.
/// \param BaseAddr The base address to use when decoding address ranges.
/// \returns An InlineInfo or an error describing the issue that was
/// encountered during decoding.
static llvm::Expected<InlineInfo> decode(DataExtractor &Data, uint64_t &Offset,
                                         uint64_t BaseAddr) {
  InlineInfo Inline;
  if (!Data.isValidOffset(Offset))
    return createStringError(std::errc::io_error,
        "0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": missing InlineInfo address ranges data", Offset);
  Inline.Ranges.decode(Data, BaseAddr, Offset);
  if (Inline.Ranges.empty())
    return Inline;
  if (!Data.isValidOffsetForDataOfSize(Offset, 1))
    return createStringError(std::errc::io_error,
        "0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": missing InlineInfo uint8_t indicating children",
  bool HasChildren = Data.getU8(&Offset) != 0;
  if (!Data.isValidOffsetForDataOfSize(Offset, 4))
    return createStringError(std::errc::io_error,
        "0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": missing InlineInfo uint32_t for name", Offset);
  Inline.Name = Data.getU32(&Offset);
  if (!Data.isValidOffset(Offset))
    return createStringError(std::errc::io_error,
        "0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": missing ULEB128 for InlineInfo call file", Offset);
  Inline.CallFile = (uint32_t)Data.getULEB128(&Offset);
  if (!Data.isValidOffset(Offset))
    return createStringError(std::errc::io_error,
        "0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": missing ULEB128 for InlineInfo call line", Offset);
  Inline.CallLine = (uint32_t)Data.getULEB128(&Offset);
  if (HasChildren) {
    // Child address ranges are encoded relative to the first address in the
    // parent InlineInfo object.
    const auto ChildBaseAddr = Inline.Ranges[0].Start;
    while (true) {
      llvm::Expected<InlineInfo> Child = decode(Data, Offset, ChildBaseAddr);
      if (!Child)
        return Child.takeError();
      // InlineInfo with empty Ranges termintes a child sibling chain.
      if (Child.get().Ranges.empty())
  return Inline;

llvm::Expected<InlineInfo> InlineInfo::decode(DataExtractor &Data,
                                              uint64_t BaseAddr) {
  uint64_t Offset = 0;
  return ::decode(Data, Offset, BaseAddr);

llvm::Error InlineInfo::encode(FileWriter &O, uint64_t BaseAddr) const {
  // Users must verify the InlineInfo is valid prior to calling this funtion.
  // We don't want to emit any InlineInfo objects if they are not valid since
  // it will waste space in the GSYM file.
  if (!isValid())
    return createStringError(std::errc::invalid_argument,
                             "attempted to encode invalid InlineInfo object");
  Ranges.encode(O, BaseAddr);
  bool HasChildren = !Children.empty();
  if (HasChildren) {
    // Child address ranges are encoded as relative to the first
    // address in the Ranges for this object. This keeps the offsets
    // small and allows for efficient encoding using ULEB offsets.
    const uint64_t ChildBaseAddr = Ranges[0].Start;
    for (const auto &Child : Children) {
      // Make sure all child address ranges are contained in the parent address
      // ranges.
      for (const auto &ChildRange: Child.Ranges) {
        if (!Ranges.contains(ChildRange))
          return createStringError(std::errc::invalid_argument,
                                   "child range not contained in parent");
      llvm::Error Err = Child.encode(O, ChildBaseAddr);
      if (Err)
        return Err;

    // Terminate child sibling chain by emitting a zero. This zero will cause
    // the decodeAll() function above to return false and stop the decoding
    // of child InlineInfo objects that are siblings.
  return Error::success();