TestWorkingDir.test 667 Bytes
# This tests that the reproducer can deal with relative files. We create a
# binary in a subdirectory and pass its relative path to LLDB. The subdirectory
# is removed before replay so that it only exists in the reproducer's VFS.

# RUN: echo "CHECK: %t" > %t.check

# RUN: rm -rf %t.repro
# RUN: mkdir -p %t.repro
# RUN: mkdir -p %t
# RUN: mkdir -p %t/binary
# RUN: cd %t
# RUN: %clang_host %S/Inputs/simple.c -g -o binary/reproducer.out
# RUN: %lldb -x -b -s %S/Inputs/WorkingDir.in --capture --capture-path %t.repro binary/reproducer.out
# RUN: rm -rf %t/binary

# RUN: cat %t.repro/cwd.txt | FileCheck %t.check
# RUN: %lldb --replay %t.repro | FileCheck %t.check