min-version-load-commands.test 895 Bytes
## This test verifies that llvm-objcopy correctly handles min os version load commands.
## We use separate input files since one binary is not allowed to contain more than one
## load command of this type (LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS, LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX,

# RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/min_iphoneos_version_lc.yaml -o %t.iphoneos
# RUN: llvm-objcopy %t.iphoneos %t.iphoneos.copy
# RUN: cmp %t.iphoneos %t.iphoneos.copy

# RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/min_macos_version_lc.yaml -o %t.macos
# RUN: llvm-objcopy %t.macos %t.macos.copy
# RUN: cmp %t.macos %t.macos.copy

# RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/min_tvos_version_lc.yaml -o %t.tvos
# RUN: llvm-objcopy %t.tvos %t.tvos.copy
# RUN: cmp %t.tvos %t.tvos.copy

# RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/min_watchos_version_lc.yaml -o %t.watchos
# RUN: llvm-objcopy %t.watchos %t.watchos.copy
# RUN: cmp %t.watchos %t.watchos.copy