section_data.yaml 4.87 KB
## Show that yaml2obj supports custom section data for Mach-O YAML inputs.

## Case 1: The size of content is greater than the section size.
# RUN: not yaml2obj --docnum=1 %s -o %t1 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CASE1
# CASE1: error: Section size must be greater than or equal to the content size

--- !mach-o
  magic:           0xFEEDFACF
  cputype:         0x01000007
  cpusubtype:      0x00000003
  filetype:        0x00000001
  ncmds:           1
  sizeofcmds:      232
  flags:           0x00002000
  reserved:        0x00000000
  - cmd:             LC_SEGMENT_64
    cmdsize:         232
    segname:         ''
    vmaddr:          0
    vmsize:          4
    fileoff:         392
    filesize:        4
    maxprot:         7
    initprot:        7
    nsects:          1
    flags:           0
      - sectname:        __data
        segname:         __DATA
        addr:            0x0000000000000000
        size:            0
        offset:          0x00000188
        align:           2
        reloff:          0x00000000
        nreloc:          0
        flags:           0x00000000
        reserved1:       0x00000000
        reserved2:       0x00000000
        reserved3:       0x00000000
        content:         CDAB3412

## Case 2: The content size equals the section size.
# RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=2 %s -o %t2
# RUN: llvm-readobj --sections --section-data %t2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CASE2
# CASE2:       Index: 0
# CASE2-NEXT:  Name: __data (5F 5F 64 61 74 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
# CASE2-NEXT:  Segment: __DATA (5F 5F 44 41 54 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
# CASE2-NEXT:  Address: 0x0
# CASE2-NEXT:  Size: 0x4
# CASE2-NEXT:  Offset: 392
# CASE2-NEXT:  Alignment: 2
# CASE2-NEXT:  RelocationOffset: 0x0
# CASE2-NEXT:  RelocationCount: 0
# CASE2-NEXT:  Type: Regular (0x0)
# CASE2-NEXT:  Attributes [ (0x0)
# CASE2-NEXT:  ]
# CASE2-NEXT:  Reserved1: 0x0
# CASE2-NEXT:  Reserved2: 0x0
# CASE2-NEXT:  Reserved3: 0x0
# CASE2-NEXT:  SectionData (
# CASE2-NEXT:    0000: CDAB3412                             |..4.|
# CASE2-NEXT:  )

--- !mach-o
  magic:           0xFEEDFACF
  cputype:         0x01000007
  cpusubtype:      0x00000003
  filetype:        0x00000001
  ncmds:           1
  sizeofcmds:      232
  flags:           0x00002000
  reserved:        0x00000000
  - cmd:             LC_SEGMENT_64
    cmdsize:         232
    segname:         ''
    vmaddr:          0
    vmsize:          4
    fileoff:         392
    filesize:        4
    maxprot:         7
    initprot:        7
    nsects:          1
    flags:           0
      - sectname:        __data
        segname:         __DATA
        addr:            0x0000000000000000
        size:            4
        offset:          0x00000188
        align:           2
        reloff:          0x00000000
        nreloc:          0
        flags:           0x00000000
        reserved1:       0x00000000
        reserved2:       0x00000000
        reserved3:       0x00000000
        content:         CDAB3412

## Case 3: The content size is less than the section size. In this case, the area
## after the custom content is filled with zeroes.
# RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=3 %s -o %t3
# RUN: llvm-readobj --sections --section-data %t3 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CASE3
# CASE3:       Index: 0
# CASE3-NEXT:  Name: __data (5F 5F 64 61 74 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
# CASE3-NEXT:  Segment: __DATA (5F 5F 44 41 54 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
# CASE3-NEXT:  Address: 0x0
# CASE3-NEXT:  Size: 0x4
# CASE3-NEXT:  Offset: 392
# CASE3-NEXT:  Alignment: 2
# CASE3-NEXT:  RelocationOffset: 0x0
# CASE3-NEXT:  RelocationCount: 0
# CASE3-NEXT:  Type: Regular (0x0)
# CASE3-NEXT:  Attributes [ (0x0)
# CASE3-NEXT:  ]
# CASE3-NEXT:  Reserved1: 0x0
# CASE3-NEXT:  Reserved2: 0x0
# CASE3-NEXT:  Reserved3: 0x0
# CASE3-NEXT:  SectionData (
# CASE3-NEXT:    0000: AA000000                             |....|
# CASE3-NEXT:  )

--- !mach-o
  magic:           0xFEEDFACF
  cputype:         0x01000007
  cpusubtype:      0x00000003
  filetype:        0x00000001
  ncmds:           1
  sizeofcmds:      232
  flags:           0x00002000
  reserved:        0x00000000
  - cmd:             LC_SEGMENT_64
    cmdsize:         232
    segname:         ''
    vmaddr:          0
    vmsize:          4
    fileoff:         392
    filesize:        4
    maxprot:         7
    initprot:        7
    nsects:          1
    flags:           0
      - sectname:        __data
        segname:         __DATA
        addr:            0x0000000000000000
        size:            4
        offset:          0x00000188
        align:           2
        reloff:          0x00000000
        nreloc:          0
        flags:           0x00000000
        reserved1:       0x00000000
        reserved2:       0x00000000
        reserved3:       0x00000000
        content:         AA