PlatformNetBSD.cpp 11.1 KB
//===-- PlatformNetBSD.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "PlatformNetBSD.h"
#include "lldb/Host/Config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>

#include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
#include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
#include "lldb/Host/HostInfo.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/FileSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/State.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Status.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"

// Define these constants from NetBSD mman.h for use when targeting remote
// netbsd systems even when host has different values.
#define MAP_PRIVATE 0x0002
#define MAP_ANON 0x1000

using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
using namespace lldb_private::platform_netbsd;


static uint32_t g_initialize_count = 0;

PlatformSP PlatformNetBSD::CreateInstance(bool force, const ArchSpec *arch) {
  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM));
  LLDB_LOG(log, "force = {0}, arch=({1}, {2})", force,
           arch ? arch->GetArchitectureName() : "<null>",
           arch ? arch->GetTriple().getTriple() : "<null>");

  bool create = force;
  if (!create && arch && arch->IsValid()) {
    const llvm::Triple &triple = arch->GetTriple();
    switch (triple.getOS()) {
    case llvm::Triple::NetBSD:
      create = true;


  LLDB_LOG(log, "create = {0}", create);
  if (create) {
    return PlatformSP(new PlatformNetBSD(false));
  return PlatformSP();

ConstString PlatformNetBSD::GetPluginNameStatic(bool is_host) {
  if (is_host) {
    static ConstString g_host_name(Platform::GetHostPlatformName());
    return g_host_name;
  } else {
    static ConstString g_remote_name("remote-netbsd");
    return g_remote_name;

const char *PlatformNetBSD::GetPluginDescriptionStatic(bool is_host) {
  if (is_host)
    return "Local NetBSD user platform plug-in.";
    return "Remote NetBSD user platform plug-in.";

ConstString PlatformNetBSD::GetPluginName() {
  return GetPluginNameStatic(IsHost());

void PlatformNetBSD::Initialize() {

  if (g_initialize_count++ == 0) {
#if defined(__NetBSD__)
    PlatformSP default_platform_sp(new PlatformNetBSD(true));
        PlatformNetBSD::CreateInstance, nullptr);

void PlatformNetBSD::Terminate() {
  if (g_initialize_count > 0) {
    if (--g_initialize_count == 0) {


/// Default Constructor
PlatformNetBSD::PlatformNetBSD(bool is_host)
    : PlatformPOSIX(is_host) // This is the local host platform

PlatformNetBSD::~PlatformNetBSD() = default;

bool PlatformNetBSD::GetSupportedArchitectureAtIndex(uint32_t idx,
                                                     ArchSpec &arch) {
  if (IsHost()) {
    ArchSpec hostArch = HostInfo::GetArchitecture(HostInfo::eArchKindDefault);
    if (hostArch.GetTriple().isOSNetBSD()) {
      if (idx == 0) {
        arch = hostArch;
        return arch.IsValid();
      } else if (idx == 1) {
        // If the default host architecture is 64-bit, look for a 32-bit
        // variant
        if (hostArch.IsValid() && hostArch.GetTriple().isArch64Bit()) {
          arch = HostInfo::GetArchitecture(HostInfo::eArchKind32);
          return arch.IsValid();
  } else {
    if (m_remote_platform_sp)
      return m_remote_platform_sp->GetSupportedArchitectureAtIndex(idx, arch);

    llvm::Triple triple;
    // Set the OS to NetBSD
    // Set the architecture
    switch (idx) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
      return false;
    // Leave the vendor as "llvm::Triple:UnknownVendor" and don't specify the
    // vendor by calling triple.SetVendorName("unknown") so that it is a
    // "unspecified unknown". This means when someone calls
    // triple.GetVendorName() it will return an empty string which indicates
    // that the vendor can be set when two architectures are merged

    // Now set the triple into "arch" and return true
    return true;
  return false;

void PlatformNetBSD::GetStatus(Stream &strm) {

  // Display local kernel information only when we are running in host mode.
  // Otherwise, we would end up printing non-NetBSD information (when running
  // on Mac OS for example).
  if (IsHost()) {
    struct utsname un;

    if (uname(&un))

    strm.Printf("    Kernel: %s\n", un.sysname);
    strm.Printf("   Release: %s\n", un.release);
    strm.Printf("   Version: %s\n", un.version);

PlatformNetBSD::GetResumeCountForLaunchInfo(ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info) {
  int32_t resume_count = 0;

  // Always resume past the initial stop when we use eLaunchFlagDebug
  if (launch_info.GetFlags().Test(eLaunchFlagDebug)) {
    // Resume past the stop for the final exec into the true inferior.

  // If we're not launching a shell, we're done.
  const FileSpec &shell = launch_info.GetShell();
  if (!shell)
    return resume_count;

  std::string shell_string = shell.GetPath();
  // We're in a shell, so for sure we have to resume past the shell exec.

  // Figure out what shell we're planning on using.
  const char *shell_name = strrchr(shell_string.c_str(), '/');
  if (shell_name == nullptr)
    shell_name = shell_string.c_str();

  if (strcmp(shell_name, "csh") == 0 || strcmp(shell_name, "tcsh") == 0 ||
      strcmp(shell_name, "zsh") == 0 || strcmp(shell_name, "sh") == 0) {
    // These shells seem to re-exec themselves.  Add another resume.

  return resume_count;

bool PlatformNetBSD::CanDebugProcess() {
  if (IsHost()) {
    return true;
  } else {
    // If we're connected, we can debug.
    return IsConnected();

// For local debugging, NetBSD will override the debug logic to use llgs-launch
// rather than lldb-launch, llgs-attach.  This differs from current lldb-
// launch, debugserver-attach approach on MacOSX.
PlatformNetBSD::DebugProcess(ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info, Debugger &debugger,
                             Target *target, // Can be NULL, if NULL create a new
                                             // target, else use existing one
                             Status &error) {
  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM));
  LLDB_LOG(log, "target {0}", target);

  // If we're a remote host, use standard behavior from parent class.
  if (!IsHost())
    return PlatformPOSIX::DebugProcess(launch_info, debugger, target, error);

  // For local debugging, we'll insist on having ProcessGDBRemote create the
  // process.

  ProcessSP process_sp;

  // Make sure we stop at the entry point

  // We always launch the process we are going to debug in a separate process
  // group, since then we can handle ^C interrupts ourselves w/o having to
  // worry about the target getting them as well.

  // Ensure we have a target.
  if (target == nullptr) {
    LLDB_LOG(log, "creating new target");
    TargetSP new_target_sp;
    error = debugger.GetTargetList().CreateTarget(
        debugger, "", "", eLoadDependentsNo, nullptr, new_target_sp);
    if (error.Fail()) {
      LLDB_LOG(log, "failed to create new target: {0}", error);
      return process_sp;

    target = new_target_sp.get();
    if (!target) {
      error.SetErrorString("CreateTarget() returned nullptr");
      LLDB_LOG(log, "error: {0}", error);
      return process_sp;

  // Mark target as currently selected target.

  // Now create the gdb-remote process.
  LLDB_LOG(log, "having target create process with gdb-remote plugin");
  process_sp =
      target->CreateProcess(launch_info.GetListener(), "gdb-remote", nullptr);

  if (!process_sp) {
    error.SetErrorString("CreateProcess() failed for gdb-remote process");
    LLDB_LOG(log, "error: {0}", error);
    return process_sp;

  LLDB_LOG(log, "successfully created process");
  // Adjust launch for a hijacker.
  ListenerSP listener_sp;
  if (!launch_info.GetHijackListener()) {
    LLDB_LOG(log, "setting up hijacker");
    listener_sp =

  // Log file actions.
  if (log) {
    LLDB_LOG(log, "launching process with the following file actions:");
    StreamString stream;
    size_t i = 0;
    const FileAction *file_action;
    while ((file_action = launch_info.GetFileActionAtIndex(i++)) != nullptr) {
      LLDB_LOG(log, "{0}", stream.GetData());

  // Do the launch.
  error = process_sp->Launch(launch_info);
  if (error.Success()) {
    // Handle the hijacking of process events.
    if (listener_sp) {
      const StateType state = process_sp->WaitForProcessToStop(
          llvm::None, nullptr, false, listener_sp);

      LLDB_LOG(log, "pid {0} state {0}", process_sp->GetID(), state);

    // Hook up process PTY if we have one (which we should for local debugging
    // with llgs).
    int pty_fd = launch_info.GetPTY().ReleasePrimaryFileDescriptor();
    if (pty_fd != PseudoTerminal::invalid_fd) {
      LLDB_LOG(log, "hooked up STDIO pty to process");
    } else
      LLDB_LOG(log, "not using process STDIO pty");
  } else {
    LLDB_LOG(log, "{0}", error);
    // FIXME figure out appropriate cleanup here.  Do we delete the target? Do
    // we delete the process?  Does our caller do that?

  return process_sp;

void PlatformNetBSD::CalculateTrapHandlerSymbolNames() {

MmapArgList PlatformNetBSD::GetMmapArgumentList(const ArchSpec &arch,
                                                addr_t addr, addr_t length,
                                                unsigned prot, unsigned flags,
                                                addr_t fd, addr_t offset) {
  uint64_t flags_platform = 0;

  if (flags & eMmapFlagsPrivate)
    flags_platform |= MAP_PRIVATE;
  if (flags & eMmapFlagsAnon)
    flags_platform |= MAP_ANON;

  MmapArgList args({addr, length, prot, flags_platform, fd, offset});
  return args;