

No preview for this file type
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 +#-*-encoding utf-8 -*-
2 +
3 +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4 +import networkx as nx
5 +from openpyxl import load_workbook
6 +
7 +wb = load_workbook("baseball.xlsx")
8 +load_ws = wb['Sheet1']
9 +
10 +
11 +def make_edge(BBlist):
12 + edge_list = []
13 + for i in range(0,len(BBlist)):
14 + for j in range(0, len(BBlist)):
15 + if i == j:
16 + break
17 + else:
18 + edge_list.append((BBlist[i],BBlist[j]))
19 + return edge_list
20 +BB_name_list = []
21 +BB_Salary_list = []
22 +
23 +for i in range(1,857,1):
24 + school_name='G'+str(i)
25 + player_name='B'+str(i)
26 + name3=(str(load_ws[school_name].value) +','+ str(load_ws[player_name].value)).split(',')
27 + BB_Salary_list.append(int(load_ws['H'+str(i)].value))
28 + BB_name_list.append(name3)
29 +
30 +
31 +edge_list = []
32 +graph_list = []
33 +check_list = []
34 +
35 +for i in range(0,856):
36 + graph = nx.Graph()
37 + edge = make_edge(BB_name_list[i])
38 + if BB_name_list[i] in check_list:
39 + BB_Salary_list[i]=BB_Salary_list[i]+BB_Salary_list[check_list.index(BB_name_list[i])]
40 + BB_Salary_list[check_list.index(BB_name_list[i])]=BB_Salary_list[i]
41 + check_list.append(BB_name_list[i])
42 + else:
43 + check_list.append(BB_name_list[i])
44 +
45 + edge_list.append(edge)
46 + graph.add_nodes_from(BB_name_list[i])
47 + graph.add_edges_from(edge_list[i], weight = 1-BB_Salary_list[i]/10000000000)
48 + graph_list.append(graph)
49 +
50 +total = nx.Graph()
51 +
52 +for i in range(0,856):
53 + total = nx.compose(total, graph_list[i])
54 +
55 +degree = total.degree()
56 +nx.write_gexf(total, "baseball_between_closeness.gexf")
57 +
58 +options = {
59 + 'edge_color': '#FFDEA2',
60 + 'width': 1,
61 + 'with_labels': True,
62 + 'font_weight': 'regular',
63 +}
64 +
65 +plt.figure(figsize=(20,20))
66 +pos = nx.spring_layout(total, iterations = 10)
67 +nx.draw(total, pos, **options, font_family='batang', font_color='black', font_size=8)
68 +ax = plt.gca()
69 +ax.collections[0].set_edgecolor("#555555")
70 +plt.show()
71 +
72 +
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 +#-*-encoding utf-8 -*-
2 +
3 +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4 +import networkx as nx
5 +from openpyxl import load_workbook
6 +
7 +wb = load_workbook("baseball.xlsx")
8 +load_ws = wb['Sheet1']
9 +
10 +
11 +def make_edge(BBlist):
12 + edge_list = []
13 + for i in range(0,len(BBlist)):
14 + for j in range(0, len(BBlist)):
15 + if i == j:
16 + break
17 + else:
18 + edge_list.append((BBlist[i],BBlist[j]))
19 + return edge_list
20 +
21 +BB_name_list = []
22 +BB_Salary_list = []
23 +
24 +for i in range(1,857,1):
25 + school_name='G'+str(i)
26 + player_name='B'+str(i)
27 + name3=(str(load_ws[school_name].value) +','+ str(load_ws[player_name].value)).split(',')
28 + BB_Salary_list.append(int(load_ws['H'+str(i)].value))
29 + BB_name_list.append(name3)
30 +
31 +
32 +edge_list = []
33 +graph_list = []
34 +check_list = []
35 +
36 +for i in range(0,856):
37 + graph = nx.Graph()
38 + edge = make_edge(BB_name_list[i])
39 + if BB_name_list[i] in check_list:
40 + BB_Salary_list[i]=BB_Salary_list[i]+BB_Salary_list[check_list.index(BB_name_list[i])]
41 + BB_Salary_list[check_list.index(BB_name_list[i])]=BB_Salary_list[i]
42 + check_list.append(BB_name_list[i])
43 + else:
44 + check_list.append(BB_name_list[i])
45 +
46 + edge_list.append(edge)
47 + graph.add_nodes_from(BB_name_list[i])
48 + graph.add_edges_from(edge_list[i], weight = BB_Salary_list[i]/10000000000)
49 + graph_list.append(graph)
50 +
51 +
52 +total = nx.Graph()
53 +
54 +for i in range(0,856):
55 + total = nx.compose(total, graph_list[i])
56 +
57 +degree = total.degree()
58 +nx.write_gexf(total, "baseball_wiehgted-degree.gexf")
59 +
60 +options = {
61 + 'edge_color': '#FFDEA2',
62 + 'width': 1,
63 + 'with_labels': True,
64 + 'font_weight': 'regular',
65 +}
66 +
67 +plt.figure(figsize=(20,20))
68 +pos = nx.spring_layout(total, iterations = 10)
69 +nx.draw(total, pos, **options, font_family='batang', font_color='black', font_size=8)
70 +ax = plt.gca()
71 +ax.collections[0].set_edgecolor("#555555")
72 +plt.show()
73 +
74 +
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