3.78 KB
import os
import greengrasssdk
from threading import Timer
import time
import awscam
import cv2
import mo
from threading import Thread

# Creating a greengrass core sdk client
client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')

# The information exchanged between IoT and clould has 
# a topic and a message body.
# This is the topic that this code uses to send messages to cloud
iotTopic = '$aws/things/{}/infer'.format(os.environ['AWS_IOT_THING_NAME'])
jpeg = None
Write_To_FIFO = True

class FIFO_Thread(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        ''' Constructor. '''
    def run(self):
        fifo_path = "/tmp/results.mjpeg"
        if not os.path.exists(fifo_path):
        f = open(fifo_path,'w')
        client.publish(topic=iotTopic, payload="Opened Pipe")
        while Write_To_FIFO:
            except IOError as e:

def greengrass_infinite_infer_run():
        input_width = 224
        input_height = 224
        model_name = "image-classification"
        error, model_path = mo.optimize(model_name,input_width,input_height, aux_inputs={'--epoch': 2,'--precision':'FP32'})
        # The aux_inputs is equal to the number of epochs and in this case, it is 300
        # Load model to GPU (use {"GPU": 0} for CPU)
        mcfg = {"GPU": 1}
        model = awscam.Model(model_path, mcfg)
        client.publish(topic=iotTopic, payload="Model loaded")
        model_type = "classification"
        with open('caltech256_labels.txt', 'r') as f:
	        labels = [l.rstrip() for l in f]
        topk = 2
        results_thread = FIFO_Thread()

        # Send a starting message to IoT console
        client.publish(topic=iotTopic, payload="Inference is starting")

        doInfer = True
        while doInfer:
            # Get a frame from the video stream
            ret, frame = awscam.getLastFrame()
            # Raise an exception if failing to get a frame
            if ret == False:
                raise Exception("Failed to get frame from the stream")

            # Resize frame to fit model input requirement
            frameResize = cv2.resize(frame, (input_width, input_height))
            # Run model inference on the resized frame
            inferOutput = model.doInference(frameResize)

            # Output inference result to the fifo file so it can be viewed with mplayer
            parsed_results = model.parseResult(model_type, inferOutput)
            top_k = parsed_results[model_type][0:topk]
            msg = '{'
            prob_num = 0 
            for obj in top_k:
                if prob_num == topk-1: 
                    msg += '"{}": {:.2f}'.format(labels[obj["label"]], obj["prob"]*100)
                    msg += '"{}": {:.2f},'.format(labels[obj["label"]], obj["prob"]*100)
            prob_num += 1
            msg += "}"  
            client.publish(topic=iotTopic, payload = msg)
            if top_k[0]["prob"]*100 > 65 : 
                cv2.putText(frame, labels[top_k[0]["label"]] + ' '+ str(top_k[0]["prob"]*100), (0,22), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 165, 20), 4)
            global jpeg
            ret,jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)
    except Exception as e:
        msg = "myModel Lambda failed: " + str(e)
        client.publish(topic=iotTopic, payload=msg)
    # Asynchronously schedule this function to be run again in 15 seconds
    Timer(15, greengrass_infinite_infer_run).start()

# Execute the function above

# This is a dummy handler and will not be invoked
# Instead the code above will be executed in an infinite loop for our example
def function_handler(event, context):