StringViewUtils.h 1.17 KB
#pragma once
#include "il2cpp-config.h"
#include <string>
#include "StringView.h"

#define STRING_TO_STRINGVIEW(sv) il2cpp::utils::StringViewUtils::StringToStringView(sv)

namespace il2cpp
namespace utils
    class StringViewUtils
        template<typename CharType, typename CharTraits, typename StringAlloc>
        static StringView<CharType> StringToStringView(const std::basic_string<CharType, CharTraits, StringAlloc>& str)
            return StringView<CharType>(str.c_str(), str.length());

        // This will prevent accidentally assigning temporary values (like function return values)
        // to a string view. While this protection will only be enabled on C++11 compiles, even those
        // are enough to catch the bug in our runtime
        template<typename CharType, typename CharTraits, typename StringAlloc>
        static StringView<CharType> StringToStringView(const std::basic_string<CharType, CharTraits, StringAlloc>&& str)
            IL2CPP_ASSERT(0 && "Cannot create stringview into R-value reference");
            return StringView<CharType>::Empty();
