

......@@ -10,4 +10,7 @@ In this lecture, students will have an opportunity to explore the dynamic changi
- (3) midterm: A midterm report. 중간 보고서
- (4) final: A final report, presentation. 최종 보고서, 발표자료
- (5) code: Codes in the project. 프로젝트 코드
- (6) KCC2020: Materials for KCC 2020. KCC 2020 논문제출 관련자료<br>
- (6) KCC2020: Materials for KCC 2020. KCC 2020 논문제출 관련자료<br><br>
### 3. Topic
#### The Analysis of Correlation among Decision Factors in Real Estate Prices Using Graph Centrality