
remove unused files

1 -import { useState } from "react";
2 -
3 -export default (args) => {
4 - const [value, setValue] = useState(args);
5 -
6 - const onClick = (e) => {};
7 -};
1 -import React, { useState } from "react";
2 -import styled from "styled-components";
3 -import Input from "../Components/Input";
4 -import Button from "../Components/Button";
5 -import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome";
6 -import {
7 - faFacebook,
8 - faTwitter,
9 - faGithub,
10 - faGoogle,
11 -} from "@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons";
12 -
13 -const Wrapper = styled.div`
14 - width: 100%;
15 - display: flex;
16 - flex-direction: column;
17 - justify-content: center;
18 - align-items: center;
19 -`;
20 -
21 -const Box = styled.div`
22 - display: flex;
23 -`;
24 -
25 -const TitleContainer = styled(Box)`
26 - margin-bottom: 20px;
27 -`;
28 -
29 -const Title = styled.span`
30 - font-size: 30px;
31 - font-family: "Raleway", sans-serif;
32 -`;
33 -
34 -const StateChanger = styled(Box)`
35 - margin-bottom: 15px;
36 -`;
37 -
38 -const Link = styled.span`
39 - cursor: pointer;
40 - color: #0652dd;
41 -`;
42 -
43 -const Form = styled(Box)`
44 - form {
45 - display: flex;
46 - flex-direction: column;
47 - padding: 5px 5px;
48 - margin-bottom: 15px;
49 - input {
50 - font-size: 15px;
51 - margin-bottom: 10px;
52 - &:focus {
53 - outline: none;
54 - }
55 - }
56 - button {
57 - background-color: #1b9cfc;
58 - color: white;
59 - border-radius: 10px;
60 - padding: 10px 5px;
61 - font-size: 15px;
62 - }
63 - }
64 -`;
65 -
66 -const SocialLogin = styled(Box)`
67 - display: flex;
68 - svg {
69 - &:not(:last-child) {
70 - margin-right: 20px;
71 - }
72 - }
73 - font-size: 30px;
74 - opacity: 0.8;
75 -`;
76 -
77 -export default () => {
78 - const [action, setAction] = useState("logIn");
79 -
80 - return (
81 - <Wrapper>
82 - <TitleContainer>
83 - <Title>KhuChat</Title>
84 - </TitleContainer>
85 - <Form>
86 - {action === "logIn" ? (
87 - <form>
88 - <Input placeholder={"Email"} type="email" />
89 - <Input placeholder={"Password"} type="password" />
90 - <Button text={"Log In"} />
91 - </form>
92 - ) : (
93 - <form>
94 - <Input placeholder={"Email"} type="email" />
95 - <Input placeholder={"UserName"} />
96 - <Input placeholder={"PhoneNumber"} />
97 - <Input placeholder={"Password"} type="password" />
98 - <Input placeholder={"Password for validation"} type="password" />
99 - <Button text={"Sign Up"} />
100 - </form>
101 - )}
102 - </Form>
103 - <StateChanger>
104 - {action === "logIn" ? (
105 - <>
106 - Don't you have an account ?
107 - <Link onClick={() => setAction("signUp")}> Sign Up </Link>
108 - </>
109 - ) : (
110 - <>
111 - Did you have an account ?
112 - <Link onClick={() => setAction("logIn")}> Log in </Link>
113 - </>
114 - )}
115 - </StateChanger>
116 - <SocialLogin>
117 - <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faFacebook} />
118 - <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faGoogle} />
119 - <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faTwitter} />
120 - <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faGithub} />
121 - </SocialLogin>
122 - </Wrapper>
123 - );
124 -};