7.26 KB
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import logging
from tensorflow import gfile
import esot3ria.pbutil as pbutil

def get_segments(batch_video_mtx, batch_num_frames, segment_size):
    """Get segment-level inputs from frame-level features."""
    video_batch_size = batch_video_mtx.shape[0]
    max_frame = batch_video_mtx.shape[1]
    feature_dim = batch_video_mtx.shape[-1]
    padded_segment_sizes = (batch_num_frames + segment_size - 1) // segment_size
    padded_segment_sizes *= segment_size
    segment_mask = (
            0 < (padded_segment_sizes[:, np.newaxis] - np.arange(0, max_frame)))

    # Segment bags.
    frame_bags = batch_video_mtx.reshape((-1, feature_dim))
    segment_frames = frame_bags[segment_mask.reshape(-1)].reshape(
        (-1, segment_size, feature_dim))

    # Segment num frames.
    segment_start_times = np.arange(0, max_frame, segment_size)
    num_segments = batch_num_frames[:, np.newaxis] - segment_start_times
    num_segment_bags = num_segments.reshape((-1))
    valid_segment_mask = num_segment_bags > 0
    segment_num_frames = num_segment_bags[valid_segment_mask]
    segment_num_frames[segment_num_frames > segment_size] = segment_size

    max_segment_num = (max_frame + segment_size - 1) // segment_size
    video_idxs = np.tile(
        np.arange(0, video_batch_size)[:, np.newaxis], [1, max_segment_num])
    segment_idxs = np.tile(segment_start_times, [video_batch_size, 1])
    idx_bags = np.stack([video_idxs, segment_idxs], axis=-1).reshape((-1, 2))
    video_segment_ids = idx_bags[valid_segment_mask]

    return {
        "video_batch": segment_frames,
        "num_frames_batch": segment_num_frames,
        "video_segment_ids": video_segment_ids

def format_prediction(video_ids, predictions, top_k, whitelisted_cls_mask=None):
    batch_size = len(video_ids)
    for video_index in range(batch_size):
        video_prediction = predictions[video_index]
        if whitelisted_cls_mask is not None:
            # Whitelist classes.
            video_prediction *= whitelisted_cls_mask
        top_indices = np.argpartition(video_prediction, -top_k)[-top_k:]
        line = [(class_index, predictions[video_index][class_index])
                for class_index in top_indices]
        line = sorted(line, key=lambda p: -p[1])
        return (video_ids[video_index] + "," +
               " ".join("%i %g" % (label, score) for (label, score) in line) +

def inference_pb(file_path, model_path):
    with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:

        # 200527 Esot3riA
        # 0. Import SequenceExample type target from pb.
        target_video = pbutil.convert_pb(file_path)

        # 1. Load video features from pb.
        video_id_batch_val = np.array([b'video'])
        n_frames = len(target_video.feature_lists.feature_list['rgb'].feature)
        # Restrict frame size to 300
        if n_frames > 300:
            n_frames = 300
        video_batch_val = np.zeros((300, 1152))
        for i in range(n_frames):
            video_batch_rgb_raw = target_video.feature_lists.feature_list['rgb'].feature[i].bytes_list.value[0]
            video_batch_rgb = np.array(tf.cast(tf.decode_raw(video_batch_rgb_raw, tf.float32), tf.float32).eval())
            video_batch_audio_raw = target_video.feature_lists.feature_list['audio'].feature[i].bytes_list.value[0]
            video_batch_audio = np.array(tf.cast(tf.decode_raw(video_batch_audio_raw, tf.float32), tf.float32).eval())
            video_batch_val[i] = np.concatenate([video_batch_rgb, video_batch_audio], axis=0)
        video_batch_val = np.array([video_batch_val])
        num_frames_batch_val = np.array([n_frames])
        # 200527 Esot3riA End

        # Restore checkpoint and meta-graph file
        if not gfile.Exists(model_path + ".meta"):
          raise IOError("Cannot find %s. Did you run" % model_path)
        meta_graph_location = model_path + ".meta""loading meta-graph: " + meta_graph_location)

        with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
            saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(meta_graph_location, clear_devices=True)"restoring variables from " + model_path)
        saver.restore(sess, model_path)
        input_tensor = tf.get_collection("input_batch_raw")[0]
        num_frames_tensor = tf.get_collection("num_frames")[0]
        predictions_tensor = tf.get_collection("predictions")[0]

        # Workaround for num_epochs issue.
        def set_up_init_ops(variables):
            init_op_list = []
            for variable in list(variables):
                if "train_input" in
                    init_op_list.append(tf.assign(variable, 1))
            return init_op_list

        coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
        threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord)
        whitelisted_cls_mask = np.zeros((predictions_tensor.get_shape()[-1],),
        segment_label_ids_file = '../segment_label_ids.csv'
        with as fobj:
            for line in fobj:
                    cls_id = int(line)
                    whitelisted_cls_mask[cls_id] = 1.
                except ValueError:
                    # Simply skip the non-integer line.

        # 200527 Esot3riA
        # 2. Make segment features.
        results = get_segments(video_batch_val, num_frames_batch_val, 5)
        video_segment_ids = results["video_segment_ids"]
        video_id_batch_val = video_id_batch_val[video_segment_ids[:, 0]]
        video_id_batch_val = np.array([
            "%s:%d" % (x.decode("utf8"), y)
            for x, y in zip(video_id_batch_val, video_segment_ids[:, 1])
        video_batch_val = results["video_batch"]
        num_frames_batch_val = results["num_frames_batch"]
        if input_tensor.get_shape()[1] != video_batch_val.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("max_frames mismatch. Please re-run the "
                             "with correct segment_labels settings.")

        predictions_val, =[predictions_tensor],
                                        input_tensor: video_batch_val,
                                        num_frames_tensor: num_frames_batch_val
                                    })"profit :D")

        # result = format_prediction(video_id_batch_val, predictions_val, 10, whitelisted_cls_mask)
        # 결과값
        # 1. Tag 목록들(5개) + 각 Tag의 유사도(dict format)
        # 2. 연관된 영상들의 링크 => 모델에서 연관영상 찾아서, 유저 인풋(Threshold) 받아서 (20%~80%) 연관영상 + 연관도 5개 출력.

if __name__ == '__main__':

    file_path = '/tmp/mediapipe/features.pb'
    model_path = '/Users/esot3ria/PycharmProjects/yt8m/models/frame' \

    inference_pb(file_path, model_path)