
레코더 렌더러 코드 업데이트

1 -int actu = 6;
2 -
3 -
4 -const int xInput = A0;
5 -const int yInput = A1;
6 -const int zInput = A2;
7 -// initialize minimum and maximum Raw Ranges for each axis
8 -int RawMin = 0;
9 -int RawMax = 1023;
10 -int temp_x = 0;
11 -int temp_y = 0;
12 -int temp_z = 0;
13 -
14 -// Take multiple samples to reduce noise
15 -const int sampleSize = 10;
16 -
17 -void setup()
18 -{
19 - pinMode(actu,OUTPUT);
20 - analogReference(EXTERNAL);
21 - Serial.begin(115200);
22 -}
23 -
24 -void loop()
25 -{
26 - //Read raw values
27 - int xRaw = ReadAxis(xInput)-temp_x;
28 - int yRaw = ReadAxis(yInput)-temp_y;
29 - int zRaw = ReadAxis(zInput)-temp_z;
30 - int result = (abs(xRaw) +abs(yRaw) + abs(zRaw))/3;
31 - temp_x = ReadAxis(xInput);
32 - temp_y = ReadAxis(yInput);
33 - temp_z = ReadAxis(zInput);
34 -
35 - // Convert raw values to 'milli-Gs"
36 - long xScaled = map(xRaw, RawMin, RawMax, -3000, 3000);
37 - long yScaled = map(yRaw, RawMin, RawMax, -3000, 3000);
38 - long zScaled = map(zRaw, RawMin, RawMax, -3000, 3000);
39 -
40 - // re-scale to fractional Gs
41 - float xAccel = xScaled / 1000.0;
42 - float yAccel = yScaled / 1000.0;
43 - float zAccel = zScaled / 1000.0;
44 -
45 - Serial.print("X, Y, Z :: ");
46 - Serial.print(xRaw);
47 - Serial.print(", ");
48 - Serial.print(yRaw);
49 - Serial.print(", ");
50 - Serial.print(zRaw);
51 - Serial.print(" :: ");
52 - Serial.print(xAccel,0);
53 - Serial.print("G, ");
54 - Serial.print(yAccel,0);
55 - Serial.print("G, ");
56 - Serial.print(zAccel,0);
57 - Serial.print("G");
58 - Serial.print(" :: ");
59 - Serial.println(result);
60 - if (result < 0){
61 - result = 0 ;
62 -
63 - }
64 - analogWrite(actu,result-3);
65 - delay(50);
66 -}
67 -
68 -// Take samples and return the average
69 -int ReadAxis(int axisPin)
70 -{
71 - long reading = 0;
72 - analogRead(axisPin);
73 - delay(1);
74 - for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++)
75 - {
76 - reading += analogRead(axisPin);
77 - }
78 - return reading/sampleSize;
79 -}
1 +%% Write an Audio File
2 +% Create a WAVE file from the example file |handel.mat|, and read the file
3 +% back into MATLAB(R).
4 +
5 +%%
6 +% Write a WAVE (|.wav|) file in the current folder.
7 +load ('handel.mat')
8 +filename = 'test.wav';
9 +audiowrite(filename,cc/3000,Fs);
10 +clear cc Fs
11 +
12 +%%
13 +% Read the data back into MATLAB using |audioread|.
14 +[cc,Fs] = audioread(filename);
15 +
16 +%%
17 +% Listen to the audio.
18 +sound(cc,Fs);
19 +
20 +
21 +
22 +%%
23 +% Copyright 2012 The MathWorks, Inc.
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
No preview for this file type
1 +#include <SD.h>
2 +#include <SPI.h>
3 +
4 +const int xInput = A1;
5 +const int yInput = A2;
6 +const int zInput = A3;
7 +int setUpTime =0;
8 +File logfile;
9 +
10 +void setup() {
11 + Serial.begin(115200);
12 + delay(1000);
13 + if (!SD.begin(4))
14 + {
15 + Serial.println("No SD card detected. Insert SD Card"); // No card available? Let us know.
16 + while(1){
17 + }
18 + }
19 + else{
20 + logfile ="data.txt", O_WRITE | O_TRUNC);
21 +
22 + }
23 + setUpTime = millis();
24 +}
25 +
26 +void loop() {
27 + int xRaw = analogRead(xInput);
28 + int yRaw = analogRead(yInput);
29 + int zRaw = analogRead(zInput);
30 + int sum = (abs(xRaw) +abs(yRaw) + abs(zRaw));
31 + logfile.println(sum);
32 + Serial.println(sum);
33 + delayMicroseconds(805);
34 + //analogWrite(DAC1, sum);
35 + if(millis()>10000 + setUpTime){
36 + Serial.println("Recording end");
37 + logfile.close();
38 + while(1){}
39 + }
40 +}
1 +/*
2 + Simple Audio Player
3 +
4 + Demonstrates the use of the Audio library for the Arduino Due
5 +
6 + Hardware required :
7 + * Arduino shield with a SD card on CS4
8 + * A sound file named "test.wav" in the root directory of the SD card
9 + * An audio amplifier to connect to the DAC0 and ground
10 + * A speaker to connect to the audio amplifier
11 +
12 + Original by Massimo Banzi September 20, 2012
13 + Modified by Scott Fitzgerald October 19, 2012
14 + Modified by Arturo Guadalupi December 18, 2015
15 +
16 + This example code is in the public domain
17 +
18 +
19 +
20 +*/
21 +
22 +#include <SD.h>
23 +#include <SPI.h>
24 +#include <Audio.h>
25 +
26 +void setup() {
27 + // debug output at 9600 baud
28 + Serial.begin(115200);
29 +
30 + // setup SD-card
31 + Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
32 + if (!SD.begin(4)) {
33 + Serial.println(" failed!");
34 + while(true);
35 + }
36 + Serial.println(" done.");
37 + // hi-speed SPI transfers
38 +
39 + // 44100kHz stereo => 88200 sample rate
40 + // 100 mSec of prebuffering.
41 + Audio.begin(1000, 100);
42 +}
43 +
44 +void loop() {
45 + // open wave file from sdcard
46 + File myFile ="test.wav");
47 + if (!myFile) {
48 + // if the file didn't open, print an error and stop
49 + Serial.println("error opening test.wav");
50 + while (true);
51 + }
52 +
53 + const int S = 1024; // Number of samples to read in block
54 + short buffer[S];
55 +
56 + Serial.print("Playing");
57 + // until the file is not finished
58 + while (myFile.available()) {
59 + // read from the file into buffer
60 +, sizeof(buffer));
61 +
62 + // Prepare samples
63 + int volume = 7000;
64 + Audio.prepare(buffer, S, volume);
65 + // Feed samples to audio
66 + Audio.write(buffer, S);
67 + }
68 + myFile.close();
69 +
70 + Serial.println("End of file. Thank you for listening!");
71 + while (true) ;
72 +}