special-syms.test 959 Bytes
# RUN: yaml2obj %s > %t
# Test --special-syms flag. Currently this flag is a no-op, so outputs with and without
# this flag should be identical. GNU nm doesn't show ARM and AArch64 special symbols
# without --special-syms, so this test is to be changed when/if we decide to implement
# GNU nm-like behavior in llvm-nm

# RUN: llvm-nm %t | FileCheck %s
# RUN: llvm-nm %t --special-syms | FileCheck %s

  Class:           ELFCLASS64
  Data:            ELFDATA2LSB
  Type:            ET_REL
  Machine:         EM_AARCH64
  - Name:            .text
    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ]
    Address:         0x1000
  - Name:            .data
    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_WRITE ]
    Address:         0x2000
  - Name:     $x.1
    Section:  .text
  - Name:     $d.1
    Section:  .data

# CHECK:      2000 d $d.1
# CHECK-NEXT: 1000 t $x.1