invalid-docnum.yaml 589 Bytes
## Test that an error is reported when a docnum is specified, which is
## greater than the number of YAML inputs in the file.

# RUN: not yaml2obj %s --docnum=3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
# CHECK: yaml2obj: error: cannot find the 3rd document

# RUN: not yaml2obj %s --docnum=76768677 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=TWO
# TWO: yaml2obj: error: cannot find the 76768677th document

--- !ELF
  Class:   ELFCLASS64
  Data:    ELFDATA2LSB
  Type:    ET_DYN
  Machine: EM_X86_64

--- !ELF
  Class:   ELFCLASS64
  Data:    ELFDATA2LSB
  Type:    ET_DYN
  Machine: EM_X86_64