simple.test 668 Bytes
## Show that llvm-cxxfilt can handle basic demangling for command-line inputs,
## including when they are part of a string. Note that this test uses "-n"
## (alias for --no-strip-underscore) because on darwin, the default for
## --strip-underscore is true, but false elsewhere.

RUN: llvm-cxxfilt -n _Z1fi abc | FileCheck %s
RUN: echo "Mangled _Z1fi and _Z3foov in string." | llvm-cxxfilt -n \
RUN:   | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-STRING
RUN: llvm-cxxfilt -n "CLI remains mangled _Z1fi" \
RUN:   | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-MANGLED

CHECK: f(int)
CHECK-STRING: Mangled f(int) and foo() in string.
CHECK-MANGLED: CLI remains mangled _Z1fi