machine-outliner-bti.mir 1.71 KB
# RUN: llc -mtriple=aarch64--- -run-pass=prologepilog -run-pass=machine-outliner -verify-machineinstrs %s -o - | FileCheck %s

# AArch64 Branch Target Enforcement treats the BR and BLR indirect branch
# instructions differently. The BLR instruction can only target a BTI C
# instruction, and the BR instruction can only target a BTI J instruction. We
# always start indirectly-called functions with BTI C, so the outliner must not
# transform a BLR instruction into a BR instruction.

# There is an exception to this: BR X16 and BR X17 can also target a BTI C
# instruction. We make of this for general tail-calls (tested elsewhere), but
# don't currently make use of this in the outliner.


--- |
  @g = hidden local_unnamed_addr global i32 0, align 4

  define hidden void @bar(void ()* nocapture %f) "branch-target-enforcement" {
    ret void

  declare void @foo()
name:            bar
tracksRegLiveness: true
body:             |
    liveins: $x20, $x21, $lr, $x19

    HINT 34

    STRWui renamable $w21, renamable $x20, target-flags(aarch64-pageoff, aarch64-nc) @g :: (store 4 into @g)
    BLR renamable $x19, csr_aarch64_aapcs, implicit-def dead $lr, implicit $sp, implicit-def $sp

    STRWui renamable $w21, renamable $x20, target-flags(aarch64-pageoff, aarch64-nc) @g :: (store 4 into @g)
    BLR renamable $x19, csr_aarch64_aapcs, implicit-def dead $lr, implicit $sp, implicit-def $sp

    STRWui killed renamable $w21, killed renamable $x20, target-flags(aarch64-pageoff, aarch64-nc) @g :: (store 4 into @g)
    BLR killed renamable $x19, csr_aarch64_aapcs, implicit-def dead $lr, implicit $sp, implicit-def $sp

    TCRETURNdi @foo, 0, csr_aarch64_aapcs, implicit $sp