SemanticSelectionTests.cpp 5.06 KB
//===-- SemanticSelectionTests.cpp  ----------------*- C++ -*--------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "Annotations.h"
#include "ClangdServer.h"
#include "Matchers.h"
#include "Protocol.h"
#include "SemanticSelection.h"
#include "SourceCode.h"
#include "SyncAPI.h"
#include "TestFS.h"
#include "TestTU.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
namespace {
using ::testing::ElementsAreArray;

class IgnoreDiagnostics : public DiagnosticsConsumer {
  void onDiagnosticsReady(PathRef File,
                          std::vector<Diag> Diagnostics) override {}

TEST(SemanticSelection, All) {
  const char *Tests[] = {
      R"cpp( // Single statement in a function body.
        [[void func() [[{
          [[[[int v = [[1^00]]]];]]
      R"cpp( // Expression
        [[void func() [[{
          int a = 1;
          // int v = (10 + 2) * (a + a);
          [[[[int v = [[[[([[[[10^]] + 2]])]] * (a + a)]]]];]]
      R"cpp( // Function call.
        int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
        [[void callee() [[{
          // int res = add(11, 22);
          [[[[int res = [[add([[1^1]], 22)]]]];]]
      R"cpp( // Tricky macros.
        #define MUL ) * (
        [[void func() [[{
          // int var = (4 + 15 MUL 6 + 10);
          [[[[int var = [[[[([[4 + [[1^5]]]] MUL]] 6 + 10)]]]];]]
      R"cpp( // Cursor inside a macro.
        #define HASH(x) ((x) % 10)
        [[void func() [[{
          [[[[int a = [[HASH([[[[2^3]] + 34]])]]]];]]
      R"cpp( // Cursor on a macro.
        #define HASH(x) ((x) % 10)
        [[void func() [[{
          [[[[int a = [[HA^SH(23)]]]];]]
      R"cpp( // Multiple declaration.
        [[void func() [[{
          [[[[int var1, var^2]], var3;]]
      R"cpp( // Before comment.
        [[void func() [[{
          int var1 = 1;
          [[[[int var2 = [[[[var1]]^ /*some comment*/ + 41]]]];]]
      // Empty file.
      // FIXME: We should get the whole DeclStmt as a range.
      R"cpp( // Single statement in TU.
        [[int v = [[1^00]]]];
      R"cpp( // Cursor at end of VarDecl.
        [[int v = [[100]]^]];
      // FIXME: No node found associated to the position.
      R"cpp( // Cursor in between spaces.
        void func() {
          int v = 100 + ^  100;
      // Structs.
        struct AAA { struct BBB { static int ccc(); };};
        [[void func() [[{
          // int x = AAA::BBB::ccc();
          [[[[int x = [[[[AAA::BBB::c^cc]]()]]]];]]
        struct AAA { struct BBB { static int ccc(); };};
        [[void func() [[{
          // int x = AAA::BBB::ccc();
          [[[[int x = [[[[[[[[[[AA^A]]::]]BBB::]]ccc]]()]]]];]]
      R"cpp( // Inside struct.
        struct A { static int a(); };
        [[struct B { 
          [[static int b() [[{
            [[return [[[[1^1]] + 2]]]];
      // Namespaces.
        [[namespace nsa { 
          [[namespace nsb { 
            static int ccc();
            [[void func() [[{
              // int x = nsa::nsb::ccc();
              [[[[int x = [[[[nsa::nsb::cc^c]]()]]]];]]


  for (const char *Test : Tests) {
    auto T = Annotations(Test);
    auto AST = TestTU::withCode(T.code()).build();
    EXPECT_THAT(llvm::cantFail(getSemanticRanges(AST, T.point())),
        << Test;

TEST(SemanticSelection, RunViaClangDServer) {
  MockFSProvider FS;
  IgnoreDiagnostics DiagConsumer;
  MockCompilationDatabase CDB;
  ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest());

  auto FooH = testPath("foo.h");
  FS.Files[FooH] = R"cpp(
    int foo(int x);
    #define HASH(x) ((x) % 10)

  auto FooCpp = testPath("Foo.cpp");
  const char *SourceContents = R"cpp(
  #include "foo.h"
  [[void bar(int& inp) [[{
    // inp = HASH(foo(inp));
    [[inp = [[HASH([[foo([[in^p]])]])]]]];
  Annotations SourceAnnotations(SourceContents);
  FS.Files[FooCpp] = SourceAnnotations.code();
  Server.addDocument(FooCpp, SourceAnnotations.code());

  auto Ranges = runSemanticRanges(Server, FooCpp, SourceAnnotations.point());
      << "getSemanticRange returned an error: " << Ranges.takeError();
  EXPECT_THAT(*Ranges, ElementsAreArray(SourceAnnotations.ranges()));
} // namespace
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang