
소스코드 삭제

Showing 118 changed files with 0 additions and 5214 deletions
1 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 -<module type="WEB_MODULE" version="4">
3 - <component name="NewModuleRootManager">
4 - <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" />
5 - <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
6 - <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
7 - </component>
8 -</module>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 -<project version="4">
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6 - <component name="ProjectPlainTextFileTypeManager">
7 - <file url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/render_server_react_native/components/CardComponent.js" />
8 - </component>
9 -</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 -<project version="4">
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5 - <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/code.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/code.iml" />
6 - </modules>
7 - </component>
8 -</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 -<project version="4">
3 - <component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
4 - <mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/.." vcs="Git" />
5 - <mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/locationTest/expo-location-example" vcs="Git" />
6 - <mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/my-project" vcs="Git" />
7 - <mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/render_server_react_native" vcs="Git" />
8 - <mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/render_server_react_native/@expo/vector-icons" vcs="Git" />
9 - </component>
10 -</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 -<project version="4">
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5 - <webServer id="1b403629-1b05-48f5-aa8c-1b92f496c1d2" name="2019-BigData" url="">
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9 - </advancedOptions>
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11 - </fileTransfer>
12 - </webServer>
13 - </option>
14 - </component>
15 -</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 -<project version="4">
3 - <component name="ChangeListManager">
4 - <list default="true" id="940f1aa2-9848-4abc-bd75-a3db12d9e8e1" name="Default Changelist" comment="">
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7 - <change beforePath="$PROJECT_DIR$/../보고서/최종보고서.docx" beforeDir="false" afterPath="$PROJECT_DIR$/../보고서/최종보고서.docx" afterDir="false" />
8 - </list>
9 - <option name="SHOW_DIALOG" value="false" />
10 - <option name="HIGHLIGHT_CONFLICTS" value="true" />
11 - <option name="HIGHLIGHT_NON_ACTIVE_CHANGELIST" value="false" />
12 - <option name="LAST_RESOLUTION" value="IGNORE" />
13 - </component>
14 - <component name="FavoritesManager">
15 - <favorites_list name="code" />
16 - </component>
17 - <component name="FileTemplateManagerImpl">
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19 - <list>
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21 - </list>
22 - </option>
23 - </component>
24 - <component name="Git.Settings">
25 - <option name="RECENT_GIT_ROOT_PATH" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/.." />
26 - </component>
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29 - <ConfirmationsSetting value="2" id="Add" />
30 - </component>
31 - <component name="ProjectViewState">
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34 - <option name="showLibraryContents" value="true" />
35 - </component>
36 - <component name="PropertiesComponent">
37 - <property name="ASKED_ADD_EXTERNAL_FILES" value="true" />
38 - <property name="RunOnceActivity.ShowReadmeOnStart" value="true" />
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43 - <property name="WebServerToolWindowPanel.toolwindow.show.permissions" value="false" />
44 - <property name="WebServerToolWindowPanel.toolwindow.show.size" value="false" />
45 - <property name="last_opened_file_path" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/render_server_react_native/assets/userFile" />
46 - <property name="nodejs_package_manager_path" value="npm" />
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48 - <component name="RecentsManager">
49 - <key name="MoveFile.RECENT_KEYS">
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51 - <recent name="$PROJECT_DIR$/render_server_react_native/navigations" />
52 - <recent name="$PROJECT_DIR$/render_server_react_native/components" />
53 - </key>
54 - <key name="CopyFile.RECENT_KEYS">
55 - <recent name="$PROJECT_DIR$/render_server_react_native/assets/userFile" />
56 - <recent name="$PROJECT_DIR$/render_server_react_native" />
57 - <recent name="$PROJECT_DIR$/render_server_react_native/screens" />
58 - <recent name="$PROJECT_DIR$/render_server_react_native/components" />
59 - <recent name="$PROJECT_DIR$/user_and_post_server" />
60 - </key>
61 - </component>
62 - <component name="SvnConfiguration">
63 - <configuration />
64 - </component>
65 - <component name="TaskManager">
66 - <task active="true" id="Default" summary="Default task">
67 - <changelist id="940f1aa2-9848-4abc-bd75-a3db12d9e8e1" name="Default Changelist" comment="" />
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128 - <workItem from="1592813189933" duration="12000" />
129 - </task>
130 - <servers />
131 - </component>
132 - <component name="TypeScriptGeneratedFilesManager">
133 - <option name="version" value="1" />
134 - </component>
135 - <component name="UnknownFeatures">
136 - <option featureType="com.intellij.fileTypeFactory" implementationName="*.csv" />
137 - </component>
138 - <component name="VcsManagerConfiguration">
139 - <option name="ADD_EXTERNAL_FILES_SILENTLY" value="true" />
140 - </component>
141 - <component name="WindowStateProjectService">
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148 - </state>
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152 - </state>
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163 - <screen x="0" y="23" width="1440" height="877" />
164 - </state>
165 - <state width="784" height="229" key="GridCell.Tab.0.left/0.23.1440.877@0.23.1440.877" timestamp="1588878772212" />
166 - <state width="784" height="229" key="GridCell.Tab.0.right" timestamp="1588878772213">
167 - <screen x="0" y="23" width="1440" height="877" />
168 - </state>
169 - <state width="784" height="229" key="GridCell.Tab.0.right/0.23.1440.877@0.23.1440.877" timestamp="1588878772213" />
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171 - <screen x="0" y="23" width="1440" height="877" />
172 - </state>
173 - <state x="585" y="23" width="552" height="758" key="dock-window-1/0.23.1440.877@0.23.1440.877" timestamp="1592127183020" />
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175 - <screen x="0" y="23" width="1440" height="877" />
176 - </state>
177 - <state x="702" y="213" width="670" height="676" key="search.everywhere.popup/0.23.1440.877@0.23.1440.877" timestamp="1592465069777" />
178 - <state x="767" y="383" key="vcs.readOnlyHandler.ReadOnlyStatusDialog" timestamp="1588882053803">
179 - <screen x="0" y="23" width="1440" height="877" />
180 - </state>
181 - <state x="767" y="383" key="vcs.readOnlyHandler.ReadOnlyStatusDialog/0.23.1440.877@0.23.1440.877" timestamp="1588882053803" />
182 - </component>
183 - <component name="XDebuggerManager">
184 - <breakpoint-manager>
185 - <breakpoints>
186 - <line-breakpoint enabled="true" type="javascript">
187 - <url>file://$PROJECT_DIR$/my-project/screens/HomeScreen.js</url>
188 - <option name="timeStamp" value="1" />
189 - </line-breakpoint>
190 - </breakpoints>
191 - </breakpoint-manager>
192 - </component>
193 -</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -{
2 - "12bb71342c6255bbf50437ec8f4441c083f47cdb74bd89160c15e4f43e52a1cb": true,
3 - "40b842e832070c58deac6aa9e08fa459302ee3f9da492c7e77d93d2fbf4a56fd": true
4 -}
1 -node_modules/**/*
2 -.expo/*
3 -npm-debug.*
4 -*.jks
5 -*.p8
6 -*.p12
7 -*.key
8 -*.mobileprovision
9 -*.orig.*
10 -web-build/
11 -web-report/
12 -
13 -# macOS
14 -.DS_Store
15 -env.js
16 -.env
1 -import React, {useState} from 'react';
2 -import {StyleSheet, Text, View, Image, StatusBar, AsyncStorage} from 'react-native';
3 -import {AppLoading} from "expo";
4 -import {Asset} from 'expo-asset';
5 -import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
6 -import * as Font from 'expo-font'
7 -import {Ionicons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
8 -import {NavigationContainer} from "@react-navigation/native";
9 -import store from './store';
10 -import StackNavigation from "./navigations/StackNavigation";
11 -import {AuthProvider} from "./AuthContext";
12 -import {host} from './env';
13 -import axios from "axios";
14 -
15 -const cacheImages = (images) => {
16 - return images.map((image) => {
17 - if (typeof image === 'string') {
18 - return Image.prefetch(image);
19 - } else {
20 - return Asset.fromModule(image).downloadAsync();
21 - }
22 - })
23 -};
24 -
25 -const cacheFonts = (fonts) => {
26 - return fonts.map((font) => {
27 - return Font.loadAsync(font);
28 - })
29 -};
30 -
31 -const App = () => {
32 - const [isReady, setIsReady] = useState(false);
33 - const [user, setUser] = useState('');
34 -
35 - const loadAssets = async () => {
36 - const images = cacheImages(
37 - ['https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1532278951723-545f655c97f9?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&auto=format&fit=crop&w=500&q=60']
38 - );
39 - const fonts = cacheFonts([Ionicons.font]);
40 -
41 - // await AsyncStorage.removeItem('cookie');
42 - const cookie = await AsyncStorage.getItem('cookie');
43 - console.log('cookie', cookie);
44 - if (cookie) {
45 - try {
46 - axios.defaults.headers.Cookie = cookie;
47 - console.log('user/loadMe 요청보냄', `http://${host}:4001/user/loadMe`);
48 - const res = await axios.get(`http://${host}:4001/user/loadMe`);
49 - const {user} = res.data;
50 - console.log(user);
51 - setUser(user);
52 - } catch (e) {
53 - console.error(e);
54 - }
55 - }
56 -
57 - return Promise.all([images, fonts]);
58 - };
59 -
60 - const onFinish = () => {
61 - setIsReady(true);
62 - };
63 - const onError = (err) => {
64 - console.error(err)
65 - };
66 - return (
67 - <>
68 - {isReady
69 - ?
70 - <Provider store={store}>
71 - <AuthProvider user={user}>
72 - <NavigationContainer>
73 - <StatusBar barstyle={'light-content'}/>
74 - <StackNavigation/>
75 - </NavigationContainer>
76 - </AuthProvider>
77 - </Provider>
78 - :
79 - <AppLoading
80 - startAsync={loadAssets}
81 - onFinish={onFinish}
82 - onError={onError}
83 - />
84 - }
85 - </>
86 - );
87 -};
88 -
89 -
90 -export default App;
91 -
92 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
93 - container: {
94 - flex: 1,
95 - backgroundColor: '#fff',
96 - alignItems: 'center',
97 - justifyContent: 'center',
98 - },
99 -});
1 -import { Platform, StyleSheet, Dimensions } from "react-native";
2 -
3 -const { width, height } = Dimensions.get("window");
4 -const SCREEN_WIDTH = width < height ? width : height;
5 -const numColumns = 2;
6 -
7 -export const AppStyles = {
8 - color: {
9 - main: "#5ea23a",
10 - text: "#696969",
11 - title: "#464646",
12 - subtitle: "#545454",
13 - categoryTitle: "#161616",
14 - tint: "#ff5a66",
15 - description: "#bbbbbb",
16 - filterTitle: "#8a8a8a",
17 - starRating: "#2bdf85",
18 - location: "#a9a9a9",
19 - white: "white",
20 - facebook: "#4267b2",
21 - grey: "grey",
22 - greenBlue: "#00aea8",
23 - placeholder: "#a0a0a0",
24 - background: "#f2f2f2",
25 - blue: "#3293fe"
26 - },
27 - fontSize: {
28 - title: 30,
29 - content: 20,
30 - normal: 16
31 - },
32 - buttonWidth: {
33 - main: "70%"
34 - },
35 - textInputWidth: {
36 - main: "80%"
37 - },
38 - fontName: {
39 - main: "Noto Sans",
40 - bold: "Noto Sans"
41 - },
42 - borderRadius: {
43 - main: 25,
44 - small: 5
45 - }
46 -};
47 -
48 -export const AppIcon = {
49 - container: {
50 - backgroundColor: "white",
51 - borderRadius: 20,
52 - padding: 8,
53 - marginRight: 10
54 - },
55 - style: {
56 - tintColor: AppStyles.color.tint,
57 - width: 25,
58 - height: 25
59 - },
60 - images: {
61 - home: require("./assets/icons/home.png"),
62 - defaultUser: require("./assets/icons/default_user.jpg"),
63 - logout: require("./assets/icons/shutdown.png")
64 - }
65 -};
66 -
67 -export const HeaderButtonStyle = StyleSheet.create({
68 - multi: {
69 - flexDirection: "row"
70 - },
71 - container: {
72 - padding: 10
73 - },
74 - image: {
75 - justifyContent: "center",
76 - width: 35,
77 - height: 35,
78 - margin: 6
79 - },
80 - rightButton: {
81 - color: AppStyles.color.tint,
82 - marginRight: 10,
83 - fontWeight: "normal",
84 - fontFamily: AppStyles.fontName.main
85 - }
86 -});
87 -
88 -export const ListStyle = StyleSheet.create({
89 - title: {
90 - fontSize: 16,
91 - color: AppStyles.color.subtitle,
92 - fontFamily: AppStyles.fontName.bold,
93 - fontWeight: "bold"
94 - },
95 - subtitleView: {
96 - minHeight: 55,
97 - flexDirection: "row",
98 - paddingTop: 5,
99 - marginLeft: 10
100 - },
101 - leftSubtitle: {
102 - flex: 2
103 - },
104 - avatarStyle: {
105 - height: 80,
106 - width: 80
107 - }
108 -});
1 -import React, {createContext, useContext, useEffect, useState} from 'react';
2 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from 'react-redux';
3 -import {LOAD_ME_SUCCESS} from "./reducers/user";
4 -
5 -export const AuthContext = createContext({});
6 -export const AuthProvider = (props) => {
7 - const {children, user} = props;
8 -
9 - const dispatch = useDispatch();
10 -
11 - const onLoadMe = async () => {
12 - try {
13 - await dispatch({
14 - type: LOAD_ME_SUCCESS,
15 - data: {
16 - user
17 - }
18 - });
19 - } catch (e) {
20 - console.log(e);
21 - }
22 - };
23 -
24 - useEffect(() => {
25 - onLoadMe();
26 - console.log('AuthContext user', user);
27 - }, [user]);
28 -
29 - return (
30 - <AuthContext.Provider>
31 - {children}
32 - </AuthContext.Provider>
33 - )
34 -};
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -{
2 - "expo": {
3 - "name": "render_server_react_native",
4 - "slug": "render_server_react_native",
5 - "platforms": [
6 - "ios",
7 - "android",
8 - "web"
9 - ],
10 - "version": "1.0.0",
11 - "orientation": "portrait",
12 - "icon": "./assets/icon.png",
13 - "splash": {
14 - "image": "./assets/splash.png",
15 - "resizeMode": "contain",
16 - "backgroundColor": "#ffffff"
17 - },
18 - "updates": {
19 - "fallbackToCacheTimeout": 0
20 - },
21 - "assetBundlePatterns": [
22 - "**/*"
23 - ],
24 - "ios": {
25 - "supportsTablet": true
26 - }
27 - }
28 -}
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 -[{"index":1,"avgSpeed": 53},{"index":2,"avgSpeed":60}]
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -module.exports = function(api) {
2 - api.cache(true);
3 - return {
4 - presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],
5 - };
6 -};
1 -import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react';
2 -import {Text, View, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, ScrollView} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
4 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
5 -import styled from "styled-components";
6 -import {AntDesign, MaterialCommunityIcons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
7 -
8 -
9 -const Banner = styled.View`
10 - flex: 1;
11 - margin-left: 15px;
12 - margin-bottom: 5px;
13 - width: 3px;
14 - height: 3px;
15 - border-radius: 20px;
16 - border: 3px solid #88c600;
17 -
18 -`;
19 -
20 -const BusPathComponent = (props) => {
21 - const navigation = useNavigation();
22 - const [busPath, setBusPath] = useState(null);
23 - const [seeStaList, setSeeStaList] = useState(false);
24 - const {pathDetail} = props;
25 -
26 - const changeSeeStaList = () => {
27 - setSeeStaList(!seeStaList);
28 - console.log(seeStaList)
29 - };
30 -
31 - useEffect(() => {
32 - console.log(props.pathDetail);
33 - setBusPath(props.pathDetail);
34 - }, []);
35 -
36 - return (
37 - <ScrollView>
38 - <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', flex: 5}}>
39 - <View style={styles.pathType}>
40 - <MaterialCommunityIcons style={{flex: 1}} color={'#88c600'} name={'bus'} size={20}/>
41 - <Text style={{flex: 1, fontSize: 13}}>{pathDetail.time}</Text>
42 - </View>
43 - <View style={{flex: 1}}>
44 - <Banner/>
45 - <Banner/>
46 - <Banner/>
47 - <Banner/>
48 - <Banner/>
49 - <Banner/>
50 - <Banner/>
51 - </View>
52 - <View style={styles.inputTile}>
53 - <Text style={styles.stationStyle}>{pathDetail.startName}</Text>
54 - <Text style={styles.idStyle}>{pathDetail.startID}</Text>
55 - {pathDetail.arrivalInfo.map((bus, index) => {
56 - return (
57 - <View>
58 - <Text style={styles.busStyle}>{bus.busNo}</Text>
59 - {bus.msg.msg1.indexOf('undefined') !== -1 ?
60 - null
61 - :
62 - <>
63 - <Text style={styles.busSubStyle}>{bus.msg.msg1}</Text>
64 - </>
65 - }
66 - {bus.msg.msg2.indexOf('undefined') !== -1 ?
67 - null
68 - :
69 - <>
70 - <Text style={styles.busSubStyle}>{bus.msg.msg2}</Text>
71 - </>
72 - }
73 - </View>
74 - )
75 - })}
76 - <View style={styles.stationListStyle}>
77 - <Text style={styles.cntStyle}>{pathDetail.stationCnt} 정류소 이동</Text>
78 - <TouchableOpacity style={{flex: 1, marginTop: 17}} onPress={changeSeeStaList}>
79 - <AntDesign color={'darkgrey'} name={'caretdown'} size={15}/>
80 - </TouchableOpacity>
81 - </View>
82 - <View>
83 - {seeStaList === true ?
84 - <View>
85 - {pathDetail.stationList.map((bus, index) => {
86 - return (
87 - <>
88 - <Text>{bus.stationName}</Text>
89 - </>
90 - )
91 - })}
92 - </View>
93 - :
94 - null
95 - }
96 - </View>
97 - <Text style={styles.stationStyle}>{pathDetail.endName}</Text>
98 - </View>
99 - </View>
100 - </ScrollView>
101 - );
102 -}
103 -export default BusPathComponent;
104 -
105 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
106 - inputTile: {
107 - marginLeft: 6,
108 - flex: 4,
109 - color: 'grey',
110 - },
111 - inputText: {
112 - fontWeight: 'normal',
113 - fontSize: 15,
114 - },
115 - pathType: {
116 - flexDirection: 'column',
117 - flex: 0.4,
118 - alignItems: 'center',
119 - justifyContent: 'center',
120 - marginLeft: 5,
121 - marginTop: 10,
122 - },
123 - stationStyle: {
124 - fontWeight: 'bold',
125 - fontSize: 15,
126 - },
127 - idStyle: {
128 - marginTop: 3,
129 - marginBottom: 20,
130 - color: 'grey',
131 - fontSize: 14
132 - },
133 - busStyle: {
134 - fontWeight: 'bold',
135 - fontSize: 14,
136 - color: '#88c600'
137 - },
138 - cntStyle: {
139 - flex: 1,
140 - marginTop: 20,
141 - marginBottom: 3,
142 - color: 'grey',
143 - fontSize: 14
144 - },
145 - stationListStyle: {
146 - flexDirection: 'row',
147 - flex: 1,
148 - },
149 - busSubStyle: {
150 - marginTop: 2,
151 - fontSize: 12,
152 - color: 'red',
153 - }
154 -})
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Button, Image, TouchableOpacity, StyleSheet, Platform} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
4 -import {LOG_IN_REQUEST, LOG_OUT_REQUEST} from "../reducers/user";
5 -import {MaterialCommunityIcons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
6 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
7 -import DateTimePicker from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker';
8 -import {SET_TIME_SUCCESS} from "../reducers/location";
9 -import moment from "moment";
10 -
11 -const DateTimePickerComponent = (props) => {
12 - const [date, setDate] = useState(new Date());
13 - const [mode, setMode] = useState('time');
14 - const {goToMapsClick} = props;
15 -
16 - const onChange = (event, selectedDate) => {
17 - const currentDate = selectedDate || date;
18 - console.log(currentDate);
19 - setDate(currentDate);
20 - };
21 -
23 - const dispatch = useDispatch();
24 - const onSubmit = async () => {
25 - if (!date) {
26 - return
27 - }
28 - console.log('SET_TIME_SUCCESS GO!!', date);
29 - await dispatch({
30 - type: SET_TIME_SUCCESS,
31 - data: {
32 - date
33 - }
34 - });
35 - };
36 -
37 - useEffect(() => {
38 - if (goToMapsClick === true) {
39 - console.log(goToMapsClick);
40 - console.log('goToMapsClick!');
41 - onSubmit();
42 - }
43 - setDate(date);
44 - }, [goToMapsClick, date]);
45 -
46 - return (
47 - <View>
48 - <DateTimePicker
49 - testID="dateTimePicker"
50 - value={date}
51 - mode={mode}
52 - is24Hour={true}
53 - display="default"
54 - onChange={onChange}
55 - style={styles.TextStyle}
56 - />
57 -
58 - </View>
59 - );
60 -};
61 -
62 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
63 - containerStyle: {
64 - marginTop: 10,
65 - alignItems: 'center',
66 - justifyContent: 'center',
67 - },
68 - TextStyle: {
69 - flex: 1,
70 - marginBottom: 240,
71 - }
72 -});
73 -
74 -export default DateTimePickerComponent;
75 -
1 -import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
2 -import {Text, View, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, ScrollView} from 'react-native';
3 -import styled from 'styled-components';
4 -import {MaterialCommunityIcons, AntDesign} from '@expo/vector-icons';
5 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
6 -
7 -
8 -const ShowDetail = styled.TouchableOpacity`
9 - flex: 2;
10 - position: absolute;
11 - right: 6px;
12 - bottom: 2px;
13 - width: 30px;
14 - height: 30px;
15 - border-radius: 50px;
16 -`;
17 -
18 -const Banner = styled.View`
19 - flex: 1;
20 - margin-left: 15px;
21 - margin-bottom: 5px;
22 - width: 3px;
23 - height: 3px;
24 - border-radius: 20px;
25 - border: 3px solid #273b96;
26 -`;
27 -
28 -
29 -const GoPathSummary = (props) => {
30 - const navigation = useNavigation();
31 - const [pathSummary, setPathSummary] = useState(null);
32 - const goPathDetail = () => {
33 - navigation.navigate('GoPathDetail', {'detail': props.detail});
34 - };
35 -
36 - useEffect
37 - (() => {
38 - console.log(props.summary);
39 - setPathSummary(props.summary);
40 - }, []);
41 -
42 -
43 - return (
44 - <View>
45 - {pathSummary ?
46 - <>
47 - <View style={styles.container}>
48 -
49 - <View style={styles.titleParagraph}>
50 - <Text style={styles.hourStyle}>{pathSummary.hour1} {pathSummary.min1} 출발
51 - <Text style={styles.conditionStyle}>정확</Text>
52 - </Text>
53 - <Text style={styles.hourStyle}>{pathSummary.hour2} {pathSummary.min2} 출발
54 - <Text style={styles.conditionStyle}>여유</Text>
55 - </Text>
56 - </View>
57 - <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', flex: 2, marginLeft: 70}}>
58 - <Text style={{flex: 1, fontSize: 13, fontWeight: 'bold'}}>총소요시간: {pathSummary.totalTime}</Text>
59 - <Text style={{flex: 1, fontSize: 13, fontWeight: 'bold'}}>비용: {pathSummary.payment}</Text>
60 - </View>
61 - <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', flex: 5, marginLeft: 70, marginTop: 20}}>
62 - <View style={styles.pathType}>
63 - <MaterialCommunityIcons style={{flex: 1}} color={'#273b96'} name={'train'} size={20}/>
64 - </View>
65 - <View style={styles.inputTile}>
66 - <Text style={styles.stationStyle}>{pathSummary.firstStartStation}</Text>
67 - <Text style={styles.stationStyle}>{pathSummary.lastEndStation}</Text>
68 - </View>
69 - </View>
70 - <View style={{position: 'absolute', right: 10}}>
71 - <ShowDetail onPress={goPathDetail}>
72 - <AntDesign color={'darkgrey'} name={'caretright'} size={32}/>
73 - </ShowDetail>
74 - </View>
75 -
76 - </View>
77 - </>
78 - :
79 - null
80 - }
81 - </View>
82 - );
83 -}
84 -
85 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
86 - container: {
87 - flex: 1,
88 - flexDirection: 'column',
89 - paddingTop: 40,
90 - paddingBottom: 30,
91 - backgroundColor: '#ecf0f1',
92 - alignItems: 'center',
93 - justifyContent: 'center',
94 - borderWidth: 1,
95 - borderColor: 'darkgrey',
96 - },
97 - paragraph: {
98 - flex: 1,
99 - fontSize: 14,
100 - fontWeight: 'bold',
101 - textAlign: 'center',
102 - color: '#34495e',
103 - },
104 - titleParagraph: {
105 - flexDirection: 'column',
106 - flex: 1,
107 - },
108 - inputTile: {
109 - marginLeft: 6,
110 - flex: 4,
111 - color: 'grey',
112 - },
113 - inputText: {
114 - fontWeight: 'normal',
115 - fontSize: 15,
116 - },
117 - pathType: {
118 - flexDirection: 'column',
119 - flex: 0.4,
120 - alignItems: 'center',
121 - justifyContent: 'center',
122 - marginLeft: 5,
123 - marginTop: 10,
124 - },
125 - stationStyle: {
126 - fontWeight: 'bold',
127 - fontSize: 15,
128 - },
129 - idStyle: {
130 - marginTop: 3,
131 - marginBottom: 20,
132 - color: 'grey',
133 - fontSize: 14
134 - },
135 - laneStyle: {
136 - fontWeight: 'bold',
137 - fontSize: 15,
138 - color: '#EBA900'
139 - },
140 - cntStyle: {
141 - flex: 1,
142 - marginTop: 20,
143 - marginBottom: 3,
144 - color: 'grey',
145 - fontSize: 14
146 - },
147 - stationListStyle: {
148 - flexDirection: 'row',
149 - flex: 1,
150 - },
151 - hourStyle: {
152 - flexDirection: 'row',
153 - flex: 1,
154 - fontSize: 18,
155 - fontWeight: 'bold',
156 - marginBottom: 20,
157 - },
158 - conditionStyle: {
159 - paddingLeft: 10,
160 - fontSize: 15,
161 - color: 'red',
162 - }
163 -});
164 -
165 -export default GoPathSummary;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react';
2 -import {Text, View, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, ScrollView} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
4 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
5 -import styled from "styled-components";
6 -import {AntDesign, MaterialCommunityIcons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
7 -
8 -const Banner = styled.View`
9 - flex: 1;
10 - margin-left: 15px;
11 - margin-bottom: 5px;
12 - width: 3px;
13 - height: 3px;
14 - border-radius: 20px;
15 - border: 3px solid #EBA900;
16 -`;
17 -
18 -const LanePathComponent = (props) => {
19 - const navigation = useNavigation();
20 - const [lanePath, setLanePath] = useState(null);
21 - const [seeLaneList, setSeeLaneList] = useState(false);
22 - const {pathDetail} = props;
23 -
24 -
25 - const changeSeeLaneList = () => {
26 - setSeeLaneList(!seeLaneList);
27 - console.log(seeLaneList)
28 - };
29 -
30 - useEffect(() => {
31 - console.log(props.pathDetail);
32 - setLanePath(props.pathDetail);
33 - }, []);
34 -
35 - return (
36 - <ScrollView>
37 - <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', flex: 5}}>
38 - <View style={styles.pathType}>
39 - <MaterialCommunityIcons style={{flex: 1}} color={'#EBA900'} name={'train'} size={20}/>
40 - <Text style={{flex: 1, fontSize: 13}}>{pathDetail.time}</Text>
41 - </View>
42 - <View style={{flex: 1}}>
43 - <Banner/>
44 - <Banner/>
45 - <Banner/>
46 - <Banner/>
47 - <Banner/>
48 - <Banner/>
49 - <Banner/>
50 - </View>
51 - <View style={styles.inputTile}>
52 - <Text style={styles.stationStyle}>{pathDetail.startName}</Text>
53 - <Text style={styles.idStyle}>{pathDetail.startID}</Text>
54 - {pathDetail.laneList.map((lane, index) => {
55 - return (
56 - <Text style={styles.laneStyle}>{lane.name}</Text>
57 - )
58 - })}
59 - <View style={styles.stationListStyle}>
60 - <Text style={styles.cntStyle}>{pathDetail.stationCnt} 정류소 이동</Text>
61 - <TouchableOpacity style={{flex: 1, marginTop: 17}} onPress={changeSeeLaneList}>
62 - <AntDesign color={'darkgrey'} name={'caretdown'} size={15}/>
63 - </TouchableOpacity>
64 - </View>
65 - {seeLaneList === true ?
66 - <View>
67 - {pathDetail.stationList.map((lane, index) => {
68 - return (
69 - <Text>{lane}</Text>
70 - )
71 - })}
72 - </View>
73 - :
74 - null
75 - }
76 - <Text style={styles.stationStyle}>{pathDetail.endName}</Text>
77 - </View>
78 - </View>
79 - </ScrollView>
80 - );
81 -}
82 -export default LanePathComponent;
83 -
84 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
85 - inputTile: {
86 - marginLeft: 6,
87 - flex: 4,
88 - color: 'grey',
89 - },
90 - inputText: {
91 - fontWeight: 'normal',
92 - fontSize: 15,
93 - },
94 - pathType: {
95 - flexDirection: 'column',
96 - flex: 0.4,
97 - alignItems: 'center',
98 - justifyContent: 'center',
99 - marginLeft: 5,
100 - marginTop: 10,
101 - },
102 - stationStyle: {
103 - fontWeight: 'bold',
104 - fontSize: 15,
105 - },
106 - idStyle: {
107 - marginTop: 3,
108 - marginBottom: 20,
109 - color: 'grey',
110 - fontSize: 14
111 - },
112 - laneStyle: {
113 - fontWeight: 'bold',
114 - fontSize: 15,
115 - color: '#EBA900'
116 - },
117 - cntStyle: {
118 - flex: 1,
119 - marginTop: 20,
120 - marginBottom: 3,
121 - color: 'grey',
122 - fontSize: 14
123 - },
124 - stationListStyle: {
125 - flexDirection: 'row',
126 - flex: 1,
127 - }
128 -})
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React from 'react';
2 -import {ActivityIndicator, View} from 'react-native';
3 -
4 -const LoadingComponent = () => {
5 - return (
6 - <View style={{
7 - flex: 1,
8 - justifyContent: 'center',
9 - alignItems: 'center'
10 - }}>
11 - <ActivityIndicator color={'grey'}/>
12 - </View>
13 - )
14 -};
15 -
16 -
17 -
18 -export default LoadingComponent;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Button, StyleSheet, TextInput, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
4 -import {LOG_IN_REQUEST, LOG_OUT_REQUEST} from "../reducers/user";
5 -import styled from "styled-components";
6 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
7 -import Profile from "../screens/Profile";
8 -
9 -
10 -const LoginButton = styled.TouchableOpacity`
11 - align-items: center;
12 - justify-content: center;
13 - width: 60px;
14 - height: 40px;
15 - background-color: #e6e6fa;
16 - border: 1px;
17 - marginBottom: 10px;
18 - border-radius: 50px;
19 -
20 -`;
21 -
22 -const SignUpButton = styled.TouchableOpacity`
23 - align-items: center;
24 - justify-content: center;
25 - width: 60px;
26 - height: 40px;
27 - background-color: #e6e6fa;
28 - border: 1px;
29 - border-radius: 50px;
30 -
31 -`;
32 -
33 -
34 -const LoginComponent = () => {
35 - const navigation = useNavigation();
36 - const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
37 - const [email, setEmail] = useState('');
38 - const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
39 -
40 -
41 - const {me} = useSelector(state => state.user);
42 - const {isLoggingIn} = useSelector(state => state.user);
43 -
44 - const onChangeEmail = (email) => {
45 - setEmail(email)
46 - };
47 -
48 - const onChangePassword = (password) => {
49 - setPassword(password);
50 - };
51 -
52 - const dispatch = useDispatch();
53 - const onSubmit = async () => {
54 - if (!email || !password) {
55 - return
56 - }
57 - await dispatch({
58 - type: LOG_IN_REQUEST,
59 - data: {
60 - email,
61 - password
62 - }
63 - });
64 -
65 - };
66 - const goSignUp = () => {
67 - navigation.navigate('SignUp');
68 - }
69 -
70 - useEffect(() => {
71 - if (me) {
72 - navigation.navigate('Profile');
73 - }
74 - }, [me]);
75 -
76 - useEffect(() => {
77 - setLoading(false);
78 - setEmail('');
79 - setPassword('');
80 - }, []);
81 -
82 - return (
83 - <View style={styles.containerStyle}>
84 - <TextInput
85 - style={styles.input}
86 - placeholder="Type here to Email!"
87 - onChangeText={onChangeEmail}
88 - defaultValue={email}
89 - />
90 - <TextInput
91 - style={styles.input}
92 - placeholder="Type here to password!"
93 - type="password"
94 - onChangeText={onChangePassword}
95 - />
96 - <LoginButton
97 - title={'Login'}
98 - onPress={onSubmit}>
99 - <Text style={{color: '#696969'}}>Login</Text>
100 - </LoginButton>
101 - <SignUpButton
102 - title={'Login'}
103 - onPress={goSignUp}>
104 - <Text style={{color: '#696969'}}>SignUp</Text>
105 - </SignUpButton>
106 - </View>
107 - )
108 -};
109 -
110 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
111 - containerStyle: {
112 - // flex: 1,
113 - alignItems: 'center',
114 - // justifyContent: 'center',
115 - // backgroundColor: '#ecf0f1',
116 - // marginTop: 100,
117 - },
118 - input: {
119 - width: 200,
120 - height: 44,
121 - padding: 10,
122 - borderWidth: 1,
123 - borderColor: '#778899',
124 - marginBottom: 10,
125 - }
126 -});
127 -
128 -export default LoginComponent;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Button, Image, TouchableOpacity, StyleSheet, Alert} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
4 -import {LOG_IN_REQUEST, LOG_OUT_REQUEST} from "../reducers/user";
5 -import {MaterialCommunityIcons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
6 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
7 -import {SET_PERVELOCITY_SUCCESS} from "../reducers/location";
8 -import Login from "../screens/Login";
9 -import Papa from 'papaparse';
10 -
11 -
12 -const MyProfileComponent = () => {
13 - const navigation = useNavigation();
14 - const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
15 - const [numRecord, setNumRecord] = useState(0);
16 -
17 - const {me} = useSelector(state => state.user);
18 - const {isLoggingIn} = useSelector(state => state.user);
19 -
20 - const downloadFile = async () => {
21 - const uri = "https://www.mapmyfitness.com/workout/export/csv";
22 - let fileUri = FileSystem.documentDirectory + "userVelocity.txt";
23 - FileSystem.downloadAsync(uri, fileUri)
24 - .then(({uri}) => {
25 - saveFile(uri);
26 - })
27 - .catch(error => {
28 - console.error(error);
29 - })
30 - }
31 -
32 - const saveFile = async (fileUri) => {
33 - const {status} = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL);
34 - if (status === "granted") {
35 - const asset = await MediaLibrary.createAssetAsync(fileUri)
36 - await MediaLibrary.createAlbumAsync("Download", asset, false)
37 - }
38 - }
39 -
40 - const dispatch = useDispatch();
41 - const loadPersonalVelocity = async () => {
42 - try {
43 -
44 - const userVelocity = require('../assets/userFile/userVelocity');
45 - var allAvgSpeed = 0;
46 - setNumRecord(userVelocity.length);
47 - userVelocity.map((i, index) => {
48 - allAvgSpeed = allAvgSpeed + i.avgSpeed;
49 - });
50 -
51 - var personalVelocity = parseInt(allAvgSpeed / userVelocity.length);
52 - await dispatch({
54 - data: {
55 - personalVelocity: personalVelocity
56 - }
57 - });
58 -
59 - Alert.alert(
60 - 'MAP 사용자 평균 속도 설정',
61 - ` 사용자 평균 속도를 설정하였습니다. `,
62 - [
63 - {
64 - text: 'Cancel',
65 - onPress: () => console.log('Cancel Pressed'),
66 - style: 'cancel',
67 - },
68 - {text: 'OK', onPress: () => console.log('OK Pressed')},
69 - ],
70 - {cancelable: false}
71 - );
72 -
73 - } catch (e) {
74 - console.log(e);
75 - }
76 -
77 - };
78 -
79 - useEffect(() => {
80 - setNumRecord(0);
81 - }, []);
82 -
83 - useEffect(() => {
84 - console.log(numRecord)
85 - }, [numRecord]);
86 -
87 - const onLogout = async () => {
88 - await dispatch({
89 - type: LOG_OUT_REQUEST
90 - });
91 - console.log('onLogout');
92 - };
93 - return (
94 - <View>
95 - {me ?
96 - <View>
97 - <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', paddingTop: 15}}>
98 - <View style={{flex: 1, alignItems: 'center'}}>
99 - <Image source={{url: 'https://steemitimages.com/u/anpigon/avatar'}}
100 - style={{width: 75, height: 75, borderRadius: 37.5}}/>
101 - </View>
102 - <View style={{flex: 3}}>
103 - <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-around', marginTop: 12}}>
104 - <View style={{alignItems: 'center'}}>
105 - <Text style={{fontSize: 15, fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{me.email}</Text>
106 - <Text style={{fontSize: 10, color: 'gray'}}>email</Text>
107 - </View>
108 - <View style={{alignItems: 'center'}}>
109 - <Text style={{fontSize: 15, fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{me.nickName}</Text>
110 - <Text style={{fontSize: 10, color: 'gray'}}>nickName</Text>
111 - </View>
112 - <View style={{alignItems: 'center'}}>
113 - <Text style={{fontSize: 15, fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{numRecord}</Text>
114 - <Text style={{fontSize: 10, color: 'gray'}}>numRecord</Text>
115 - </View>
116 - </View>
117 - <View style={{flexDirection: 'row'}}>
118 - <TouchableOpacity
119 - onPress={loadPersonalVelocity}
120 - style={{
121 - flex: 4,
122 - marginLeft: 10,
123 - justifyContent: 'center',
124 - alignItems: 'center',
125 - borderWidth: 1,
126 - borderColor: 'black',
127 - height: 30,
128 - marginTop: 17
129 - }}>
130 - <Text style={{fontSize: 13}}>load personal velocity</Text>
131 - </TouchableOpacity>
132 - <TouchableOpacity
133 - onPress={onLogout}
134 - style={{
135 - borderColor: 'black',
136 - borderWidth: 1,
137 - flex: 1,
138 - marginRight: 10,
139 - marginLeft: 5,
140 - justifyContent: 'center',
141 - alignItems: 'center',
142 - height: 30,
143 - marginTop: 17
144 - }}>
145 - <MaterialCommunityIcons color={'black'} name={'logout'} size={20}/>
146 - </TouchableOpacity>
147 - </View>
148 - </View>
149 - </View>
150 - < View style={{paddingHorizontal: 20, paddingVertical: 10}}>
151 - </View>
152 - </View>
153 - :
154 - <View style={{alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', marginTop: 200}}>
155 - <Text style={{fontSize: 30, textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: 'bold'}}>유저 정보가 없습니다.</Text>
156 - </View>
157 - }
158 - </View>
159 - )
160 -};
161 -
162 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
163 - containerStyle: {
164 - marginTop: 10,
165 - alignItems: 'center',
166 - justifyContent: 'center',
167 - },
168 - TextStyle: {
169 - width: 200,
170 - height: 44,
171 - padding: 10,
172 - borderWidth: 1,
173 - borderColor: '#778899',
174 - marginBottom: 10,
175 - }
176 -});
177 -
178 -export default MyProfileComponent;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Button, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
4 -import {SIGN_UP_REQUEST} from "../reducers/user";
5 -import styled from "styled-components";
6 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
7 -import Profile from "../screens/Profile";
8 -
9 -
10 -const SignUpButton = styled.TouchableOpacity`
11 - align-items: center;
12 - justify-content: center;
13 - width: 60px;
14 - height: 40px;
15 - background-color: #e6e6fa;
16 - border: 1px;
17 - marginBottom: 10px;
18 - border-radius: 50px;
19 -`;
20 -
21 -const GoLoginButton = styled.TouchableOpacity`
22 - align-items: center;
23 - justify-content: center;
24 - width: 60px;
25 - height: 40px;
26 - background-color: #e6e6fa;
27 - border: 1px;
28 - border-radius: 50px;
29 -`;
30 -
31 -
32 -const SignUpComponent = () => {
33 - const navigation = useNavigation();
34 - const [email, setEmail] = useState('');
35 - const [nickName, setNickName] = useState('');
36 - const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
37 -
38 -
39 - const {me} = useSelector(state => state.user);
40 - const {isSigningUp} = useSelector(state => state.user);
41 -
42 - const onChangeEmail = (email) => {
43 - setEmail(email)
44 - };
45 -
46 - const onChangePassword = (password) => {
47 - setPassword(password);
48 - };
49 -
50 - const onChangeNickName = (nickName) => {
51 - setNickName(nickName)
52 - };
53 -
54 - const dispatch = useDispatch();
55 - const onSubmit = async () => {
56 - await dispatch({
57 - type: SIGN_UP_REQUEST,
58 - data: {
59 - email,
60 - nickName,
61 - password
62 - }
63 - });
64 - if (me !== null) {
65 - navigation.navigate('Profile');
66 - }
67 - };
68 -
69 - return (
70 - <View styles={styles.containerStyle}>
71 - <TextInput
72 - style={styles.input}
73 - placeholder="Type here to Email!"
74 - onChangeText={onChangeEmail}
75 - />
76 - <TextInput
77 - style={styles.input}
78 - placeholder="Type here to nickname!"
79 - onChangeText={onChangeNickName}
80 - />
81 - <TextInput
82 - style={styles.input}
83 - placeholder="Type here to password!"
84 - type="password"
85 - onChangeText={onChangePassword}
86 - />
87 - <SignUpButton
88 - title={'signUp'}
89 - onPress={onSubmit}>
90 - <Text style={{color: '#696969'}}>signUp</Text>
91 - </SignUpButton>
92 - <GoLoginButton
93 - title={'signUp'}
94 - onPress={onSubmit}>
95 - <Text style={{color: '#696969'}}>Login</Text>
96 - </GoLoginButton>
97 - </View>
98 - )
99 -};
100 -
101 -export default SignUpComponent;
102 -
103 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
104 - containerStyle: {
105 - // flex: 1,
106 - alignItems: 'center',
107 - // justifyContent: 'center',
108 - // backgroundColor: '#ecf0f1',
109 - // marginTop: 100,
110 - },
111 - input: {
112 - width: 200,
113 - height: 44,
114 - padding: 10,
115 - borderWidth: 1,
116 - borderColor: '#778899',
117 - marginBottom: 10,
118 - }
119 -});
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
2 -import MapView, {Marker} from 'react-native-maps';
3 -import {StyleSheet, Text, TextInput, View, TouchableOpacity, Alert} from 'react-native';
4 -import screen from '../constants/layout';
5 -import {useSelector, useDispatch} from "react-redux";
6 -import * as Location from 'expo-location';
7 -import {set} from "react-native-reanimated";
8 -import {MaterialCommunityIcons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
9 -import {SET_ELOC_REQUEST, SET_LOC_REQUEST, SET_SLOC_REQUEST, SET_USER_LOC} from "../reducers/location";
10 -import axios from 'axios';
11 -
12 -const StartAndFinishLocationComponent = () => {
13 - const [hasPermission, setHasPermission] = useState(false);
14 - const [startTextLocation, setStartTextLocation] = useState('');
15 - const [endTextLocation, setEndTextLocation] = useState('');
16 - const [userLocation, setUserLocation] = useState(null);
17 - const [errorMsg, setErrorMsg] = useState(null);
18 -
19 - const onChangeStartLocation = (startTextLocation) => {
20 - setStartTextLocation(startTextLocation);
21 - };
22 -
23 - const onChangeFinishLocation = (endTextLocation) => {
24 - setEndTextLocation(endTextLocation);
25 - };
26 -
27 - const dispatch = useDispatch();
28 - const onSetUserLocation = async () => {
29 - const {status} = await Location.requestPermissionsAsync();
30 - if (status !== 'granted') {
31 - setErrorMsg('Permission to access location was denied')
32 - }
33 - const location = await Location.getCurrentPositionAsync({});
34 - setStartTextLocation('현위치');
35 - setUserLocation(location);
36 - console.log(location);
37 - await dispatch({
38 - type: SET_USER_LOC,
39 - data: {
40 - userLocation
41 - }
42 - });
43 - };
44 -
45 - const setLocation = async () => {
46 - if (startTextLocation && startTextLocation !== '현위치') {
47 - console.log(startTextLocation);
48 - await dispatch({
49 - type: SET_SLOC_REQUEST,
50 - data: {
51 - startTextLocation
52 - }
53 - })
54 - }
55 -
56 - if (endTextLocation) {
57 - console.log(endTextLocation);
58 - await dispatch({
59 - type: SET_ELOC_REQUEST,
60 - data: {
61 - endTextLocation
62 - }
63 - }
64 - )
65 - }
66 -
67 - Alert.alert(
68 - 'MAP ROUTE 설정',
69 - ` 출발지 ${startTextLocation}, 목적지 ${endTextLocation} 맞습니까? `,
70 - [
71 - {
72 - text: 'Cancel',
73 - onPress: () => console.log('Cancel Pressed'),
74 - style: 'cancel',
75 - },
76 - {text: 'OK', onPress: () => console.log('OK Pressed')},
77 - ],
78 - {cancelable: false}
79 - );
80 - };
81 -
82 -
83 - return (
84 - <View style={styles.container}>
85 - <View style={styles.input}>
86 - <MaterialCommunityIcons color={'red'} name={'map-marker'} size={26}/>
87 - <TextInput
88 - style={styles.inputText}
89 - onChangeText={onChangeStartLocation}
90 - value={startTextLocation}
91 - />
92 - <TouchableOpacity onPress={onSetUserLocation}>
93 - <MaterialCommunityIcons color={'grey'} name={'crosshairs-gps'} size={30}/>
94 - </TouchableOpacity>
95 -
96 - </View>
97 - <View style={styles.input}>
98 - <MaterialCommunityIcons color={'blue'} name={'map-marker'} size={26}/>
99 - <TextInput
100 - style={styles.inputText}
101 - onChangeText={onChangeFinishLocation}
102 - value={endTextLocation}
103 - />
104 - </View>
105 - <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center'}}>
106 - <TouchableOpacity style={styles.buttonStyle} onPress={setLocation}>
107 - <Text>Map설정</Text>
108 - </TouchableOpacity>
109 - </View>
110 - </View>
111 - )
112 -};
113 -
114 -export default StartAndFinishLocationComponent;
115 -
116 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
117 - container: {
118 - alignItems: 'center',
119 - marginTop: 50,
120 - marginLeft: 20,
121 - marginRight: 20,
122 - opacity: 0.5,
123 - },
124 - input: {
125 - borderRadius: 10,
126 - backgroundColor: '#f0f8ff',
127 - paddingLeft: 10,
128 - paddingRight: 10,
129 - width: 300,
130 - height: 50,
131 - alignItems: 'center',
132 - flexDirection: 'row',
133 - justifyContent: 'space-between',
134 - borderBottomColor: '#f0f8ff',
135 - marginBottom: 10
136 - // borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
137 - },
138 - inputText: {
139 - flex: 1,
140 - },
141 - textStyle: {
142 - fontWeight: 'bold',
143 - fontSize: 17,
144 - marginRight: 15,
145 - },
146 - buttonStyle: {
147 - flex: 0.5,
148 - backgroundColor: '#f0f8ff',
149 - alignItems: 'center',
150 - justifyContent: 'center',
151 - width: 10,
152 - height: 30,
153 - borderWidth: 1,
154 - borderColor: 'grey',
155 - marginBottom: 20,
156 - borderRadius: 30
157 - }
158 -});
1 -import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react';
2 -import {Text, View, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, ScrollView, TextInput} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
4 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
5 -import styled from "styled-components";
6 -import {MaterialCommunityIcons, AntDesign} from '@expo/vector-icons';
7 -
8 -
9 -const Banner = styled.View`
10 - flex: 1;
11 - margin-left: 15px;
12 - margin-bottom: 5px;
13 - width: 3px;
14 - height: 3px;
15 - border-radius: 20px;
16 - border: 3px solid grey;
17 -
18 -`;
19 -
20 -
21 -const WalkPathComponent = (props) => {
22 - const navigation = useNavigation();
23 - const [walkPath, setWalkPath] = useState(null);
24 - const {pathDetail} = props;
25 -
26 - useEffect(() => {
27 - console.log(props.pathDetail.distance);
28 - setWalkPath(props.pathDetail);
29 - }, []);
30 -
31 - return (
32 - <ScrollView>
33 - <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', flex: 5}}>
34 - <View style={styles.pathType}>
35 - <MaterialCommunityIcons style={{flex: 1}} color={'darkgrey'} name={'walk'} size={20}/>
36 - <Text style={{flex: 1, fontSize: 13}}>{pathDetail.time}</Text>
37 - </View>
38 - <View style={{flex: 1}}>
39 - <Banner/>
40 - <Banner/>
41 - <Banner/>
42 - <Banner/>
43 - <Banner/>
44 - <Banner/>
45 - <Banner/>
46 - </View>
47 - <View style={styles.inputTile}>
48 - <Text style={styles.inputText}> 도보 {pathDetail.distance}m 이동</Text>
49 - </View>
50 - </View>
51 - </ScrollView>
52 - );
53 -}
54 -export default WalkPathComponent;
55 -
56 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
57 - inputTile: {
58 - flex: 4,
59 - justifyContent: 'center',
60 - color: 'grey',
61 - },
62 - inputText: {
63 - fontWeight: 'normal',
64 - fontSize: 15,
65 - },
66 - pathType: {
67 - flexDirection: 'column',
68 - flex: 0.4,
69 - alignItems: 'center',
70 - justifyContent: 'center',
71 - marginLeft: 5,
72 - marginTop: 10,
73 - }
74 -})
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import {Dimensions} from 'react-native';
2 -
3 -const {width, height} = Dimensions.get('screen');
4 -
5 -export default{
6 - width,
7 - height
8 -}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {userLayoutEffect} from 'react';
2 -import {createStackNavigator} from "@react-navigation/stack";
3 -import SelectOrTakePhotoTabNavigation from "./SelectOrTakePhotoTabNavigation";
4 -import UploadPhoto from "../screens/UploadPhoto";
5 -
6 -const Stack = createStackNavigator();
7 -
8 -const SelectOrTakePhotoStackNavigation = () => {
9 - return (
10 - <Stack.Navigator
11 - mode='card'
12 - screenOptions={{
13 - headerShown: false
14 - }}
15 - >
16 - <Stack.Screen
17 - name='SelectOrTakePhotoTabNavigation'
18 - component={SelectOrTakePhotoTabNavigation}
19 - />
20 - <Stack.Screen
21 - name='UploadPhoto'
22 - component={UploadPhoto}
23 - />
24 - </Stack.Navigator>
25 - )
26 -};
27 -
28 -export default SelectOrTakePhotoStackNavigation;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useLayoutEffect} from 'react';
2 -import {Ionicons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
3 -import {createBottomTabNavigator} from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';
4 -import TakePhoto from "../screens/TakePhoto";
5 -import SelectPhoto from "../screens/SelectPhoto";
6 -
7 -const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator();
8 -
9 -const SelectOrTakePhotoTabNavigation = (props) => {
10 - const {navigation, route} = props;
11 - // useLayoutEffect(() => {}, [route]);
12 -
13 - return (
14 - <Tab.Navigator
15 - tabBarOptions = {{}}
16 - >
17 - <Tab.Screen
18 - name='SelectPhoto'
19 - component={SelectPhoto}
20 - />
21 -
22 - <Tab.Screen
23 - name='TakePhoto'
24 - component={TakePhoto}
25 - />
26 -
27 - </Tab.Navigator>
28 - )
29 -};
30 -
31 -export default SelectOrTakePhotoTabNavigation;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {userLayoutEffect} from 'react';
2 -import {createStackNavigator} from "@react-navigation/stack";
3 -import SetLocationTabNavigation from "./SetLocationTabNavigation";
4 -import GoPathDetail from "../screens/GoPathDetail";
5 -import OptRoutePath from "../screens/OptRoutePath";
6 -
7 -const Stack = createStackNavigator();
8 -
9 -const SetLocationStackNavigation = () => {
10 - return (
11 - <Stack.Navigator
12 - mode='card'
13 - screenOptions={{
14 - headerShown: false
15 - }}
16 - >
17 - <Stack.Screen
18 - name='SetLocationTabNavigation'
19 - component={SetLocationTabNavigation}
20 - />
21 -
22 - <Stack.Screen
23 - name='GoPathDetail'
24 - component={GoPathDetail}
25 - />
26 -
27 - </Stack.Navigator>
28 -
29 - )
30 -};
31 -
32 -export default SetLocationStackNavigation;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useLayoutEffect} from 'react';
2 -import {Ionicons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
3 -import {createBottomTabNavigator} from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';
4 -import Maps from "../screens/Maps";
5 -import OptRoutePath from "../screens/OptRoutePath";
6 -
7 -const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator();
8 -
9 -const SetLocationTabNavigation = (props) => {
10 - const {navigation, route} = props;
11 - // useLayoutEffect(() => {}, [route]);
12 -
13 - return (
14 - <Tab.Navigator
15 - tabBarOptions={{}}
16 - >
17 - <Tab.Screen
18 - name='Maps'
19 - component={Maps}
20 - />
21 -
22 - <Tab.Screen
23 - name='OptRoutePath'
24 - component={OptRoutePath}
25 - />
26 -
27 - </Tab.Navigator>
28 - )
29 -};
30 -
31 -export default SetLocationTabNavigation;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React from 'react';
2 -import {createStackNavigator} from "@react-navigation/stack";
3 -import Gallery from "../screens/Gallery";
4 -import Maps from "../screens/Maps";
5 -import Main from "../screens/Main";
6 -import TabNavigation from "./TabNavigation";
7 -import {TouchableOpacity} from "react-native";
8 -import {MaterialCommunityIcons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
9 -import SelectOrTakePhotoStackNavigation from "./SelectOrTakePhotoStackNavigation";
10 -import SetLocationStackNavigation from "./SetLocationStackNavigation";
11 -import Profile from "../screens/Profile";
12 -import Login from "../screens/Login";
13 -import SignUp from "../screens/SignUp";
14 -
15 -const Stack = createStackNavigator();
16 -//
17 -// const openBrowser = (url) => async () => {
18 -// await WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync(url);
19 -// };
20 -
21 -const StackNavigation = () => {
22 - return (
23 - <Stack.Navigator
24 - mode='card'
25 - screenOptions={{
26 - headerTitle: 'SGGO',
27 - headerRight: () => {
28 - return (
29 - <TouchableOpacity style={{marginRight: 5}}>
30 - <MaterialCommunityIcons color={'grey'} name={'send'} size={24}/>
31 - </TouchableOpacity>
32 - )
33 - }
34 - }}
35 - >
36 - <Stack.Screen
37 - name='TabNavigation'
38 - component={TabNavigation}
39 - />
40 - <Stack.Screen
41 - name='SelectOrTakePhotoStackNavigation'
42 - component={SelectOrTakePhotoStackNavigation}
43 - />
44 - <Stack.Screen
45 - name='SetLocationStackNavigation'
46 - component={SetLocationStackNavigation}
47 - />
48 - <Stack.Screen
49 - name='Maps'
50 - component={Maps}
51 - />
52 - <Stack.Screen
53 - name='Gallery'
54 - component={Gallery}
55 - />
56 -
57 - <Stack.Screen
58 - name='Login'
59 - component={Login}
60 - />
61 -
62 - <Stack.Screen
63 - name='SignUp'
64 - component={SignUp}
65 - />
66 - </Stack.Navigator>
67 - )
68 -};
69 -
70 -export default StackNavigation;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useLayoutEffect} from 'react';
2 -import {Ionicons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
3 -import {createBottomTabNavigator} from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';
4 -import Main from "../screens/Main";
5 -import Login from "../screens/Login";
6 -import Profile from "../screens/Profile";
7 -import LocationTimeSet from "../screens/LocationTimeSet";
8 -import Maps from "../screens/Maps";
9 -
10 -const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator();
11 -
12 -const TabNavigation = (props) => {
13 - const {navigation, route} = props;
14 - // useLayoutEffect(() => {}, [route]);
15 -
16 - return (
17 - <Tab.Navigator
18 - // screenOptions = {({route})=>{}}
19 - tabBarOptions={{}}
20 - >
21 -
22 - <Tab.Screen
23 - name='login'
24 - component={Login}
25 - />
26 -
27 - <Tab.Screen
28 - name='LocationTimeSet'
29 - component={LocationTimeSet}
30 - />
31 -
32 - <Tab.Screen
33 - name='Profile'
34 - component={Profile}
35 - />
36 -
37 - </Tab.Navigator>
38 - )
39 -};
40 -
41 -export default TabNavigation;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 -{
2 - "main": "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js",
3 - "scripts": {
4 - "start": "expo start",
5 - "android": "expo start --android",
6 - "ios": "expo start --ios",
7 - "web": "expo start --web",
8 - "eject": "expo eject"
9 - },
10 - "dependencies": {
11 - "@react-native-community/datetimepicker": "2.2.2",
12 - "@react-native-community/masked-view": "0.1.6",
13 - "@react-navigation/bottom-tabs": "^5.4.1",
14 - "@react-navigation/native": "^5.3.0",
15 - "@react-navigation/stack": "^5.2.11",
16 - "axios": "^0.19.2",
17 - "expo": "~37.0.3",
18 - "expo-asset": "^8.1.4",
19 - "expo-camera": "~8.2.0",
20 - "expo-file-system": "~8.1.0",
21 - "expo-font": "^8.1.1",
22 - "expo-location": "~8.1.0",
23 - "expo-media-library": "~8.1.0",
24 - "expo-permissions": "~8.1.0",
25 - "expo-web-browser": "^8.2.1",
26 - "moment": "^2.26.0",
27 - "native-base": "^2.13.12",
28 - "node-nikerunclub": "^1.0.0",
29 - "papaparse": "^5.2.0",
30 - "react": "~16.9.0",
31 - "react-dom": "~16.9.0",
32 - "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-37.0.1.tar.gz",
33 - "react-native-bottom-action-sheet": "^2.0.1",
34 - "react-native-fast-image": "^8.1.5",
35 - "react-native-gesture-handler": "~1.6.0",
36 - "react-native-maps": "0.26.1",
37 - "react-native-reanimated": "~1.7.0",
38 - "react-native-safe-area-context": "0.7.3",
39 - "react-native-screens": "~2.2.0",
40 - "react-native-web": "~0.11.7",
41 - "react-redux": "^7.2.0",
42 - "redux": "^4.0.5",
43 - "redux-saga": "^1.1.3",
44 - "styled-components": "^5.1.0"
45 - },
46 - "devDependencies": {
47 - "@babel/core": "^7.8.6",
48 - "@expo/vector-icons": "^10.0.6",
49 - "babel-preset-expo": "~8.1.0"
50 - },
51 - "private": true
52 -}
1 -import {combineReducers} from "redux";
2 -import user from './user';
3 -import location from './location';
4 -
5 -const rootReducer = combineReducers({
6 - user,
7 - location
8 -});
9 -
10 -export default rootReducer;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -export const initialState = {
2 - startLocation: null,
3 - endLocation: null,
4 - endTime: '',
5 -
6 - optRoute: null,
7 -
8 - settingLocation: false,
9 - settingTime: false,
10 - settingOptRoute: false,
11 - settingVelocity: false,
12 -
13 -
14 - personalVelocity: 60,
15 - info: '',
16 -};
17 -
24 -export const SET_USER_LOC = 'SET_USER_LOC';
25 -
29 -
33 -
37 -
38 -
39 -export default (state = initialState, action) => {
40 - switch (action.type) {
41 -
42 - case SET_SLOC_REQUEST: {
43 - return {
44 - ...state,
45 - settingLocation: true,
46 - }
47 - }
48 -
49 - case SET_SLOC_SUCCESS: {
50 - const {startLocation} = action.data;
51 - return {
52 - ...state,
53 - startLocation,
54 - isLoggingIn: false,
55 - };
56 - }
57 -
58 - case SET_SLOC_FAILURE: {
59 - const {info} = action.data;
60 - return {
61 - ...state,
62 - settingLocation: false,
63 - info,
64 - }
65 - }
66 -
67 -
68 - case SET_ELOC_REQUEST: {
69 - return {
70 - ...state,
71 - settingLocation: true,
72 - }
73 - }
74 -
75 - case SET_ELOC_SUCCESS: {
76 - const {endLocation} = action.data;
77 - return {
78 - ...state,
79 - endLocation,
80 - isLoggingIn: false,
81 - };
82 - }
83 -
84 - case SET_ELOC_FAILURE: {
85 - const {info} = action.data;
86 - return {
87 - ...state,
88 - settingLocation: false,
89 - info,
90 - }
91 - }
92 -
93 - case SET_USER_LOC: {
94 - var {userLocation} = action.data;
95 - userLocation = {
96 - title: '현위치',
97 - latitude: userLocation.coords.latitude,
98 - longitude: userLocation.coords.longitude,
99 - latitudeDelta: 0.0039,
100 - longitudeDelta: 0.0039,
101 - description: 'start point',
102 -
103 - };
104 - console.log(userLocation.coords);
105 - return {
106 - ...state,
107 - startLocation: userLocation,
108 - settingLocation: false
109 - }
110 - }
111 -
112 - case SET_TIME_REQUEST: {
113 - return {
114 - ...state,
115 - settingTime: true,
116 - }
117 - }
118 - case SET_TIME_SUCCESS: {
119 - const {date} = action.data;
120 - console.log('reducer SET_TIME_SUCCESS', date);
121 - return {
122 - ...state,
123 - endTime: date,
124 - settingTime: false,
125 - }
126 - }
127 - case SET_TIME_FAILURE: {
128 - const {info} = action.data;
129 - return {
130 - ...state,
131 - settingTime: false,
132 - }
133 - }
134 -
136 - return {
137 - ...state,
138 - settingOptRoute: true,
139 - }
140 - }
141 -
143 - var {optRoute} = action.data;
144 - console.log('SET_OPTROUTE_SUCCESST', optRoute);
145 - return {
146 - ...state,
147 - optRoute: optRoute,
148 - settingOptRoute: false,
149 - }
150 - }
151 -
153 - const {info} = action.data;
154 - return {
155 - ...state,
156 - settingOptRoute: false,
157 - }
158 - }
159 -
160 -
162 - return {
163 - ...state,
164 - settingVelocity: true,
165 - }
166 - }
167 -
169 - var {personalVelocity} = action.data;
170 - console.log('SET_PERVELOCITY_SUCCESS', personalVelocity);
171 - return {
172 - ...state,
173 - personalVelocity,
174 - settingVelocity: true,
175 - }
176 - }
177 -
179 - const {info} = action.data;
180 - return {
181 - ...state,
182 - settingVelocity: false,
183 - }
184 - }
185 -
186 - default: {
187 - return {
188 - ...state,
189 - };
190 - }
191 - }
192 -};
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -export const initialState = {
2 - me: null,
3 - nikeRecord: null,
4 -
5 - isLoggingIn: false,
6 - isSigningUp: false,
7 - isLoadingMe: false,
8 - isLoggingOut: false,
9 -
10 - info: '',
11 -};
12 -
13 -export const LOG_IN_REQUEST = 'LOG_IN_REQUEST';
14 -export const LOG_IN_SUCCESS = 'LOG_IN_SUCCESS';
15 -export const LOG_IN_FAILURE = 'LOG_IN_FAILURE';
16 -
17 -export const SIGN_UP_REQUEST = 'SIGN_UP_REQUEST';
18 -export const SIGN_UP_SUCCESS = 'SIGN_UP_SUCCESS';
19 -export const SIGN_UP_FAILURE = 'SIGN_UP_FAILURE';
20 -
24 -
25 -export const LOG_OUT_REQUEST = 'LOG_OUT_REQUEST';
26 -export const LOG_OUT_SUCCESS = 'LOG_OUT_SUCCESS';
27 -export const LOG_OUT_FAILURE = 'LOG_OUT_FAILURE';
28 -
29 -export default (state = initialState, action) => {
30 - switch (action.type) {
31 -
32 - case LOG_IN_REQUEST: {
33 - return {
34 - ...state,
35 - isLoggingIn: true,
36 - }
37 - }
38 -
39 - case LOG_IN_SUCCESS: {
40 - const {me} = action.data;
41 - return {
42 - ...state,
43 - me,
44 - isLoggingIn: false,
45 - };
46 - }
47 -
48 - case LOG_IN_FAILURE: {
49 - const {info} = action.data;
50 - return {
51 - ...state,
52 - isLoggingIn: false,
53 - info,
54 - }
55 - }
56 -
57 - case SIGN_UP_REQUEST: {
58 - return {
59 - ...state,
60 - isSigningUp: true
61 - }
62 - }
63 - case SIGN_UP_SUCCESS: {
64 - const {me} = action.data;
65 - return {
66 - ...state,
67 - me,
68 - isSigningUp: false,
69 - };
70 - }
71 - case SIGN_UP_FAILURE: {
72 - const {info} = action.data;
73 - return {
74 - ...state,
75 - isSigningUp: false,
76 - info
77 - };
78 - }
79 -
80 - case LOAD_ME_REQUEST: {
81 - return {
82 - ...state,
83 - isLoadingMe: true
84 - }
85 - }
86 - case LOAD_ME_SUCCESS: {
87 - const {user} = action.data;
88 - console.log(user);
89 - return {
90 - ...state,
91 - me: user,
92 - isLoadingMe: false
93 - }
94 - }
95 - case LOAD_ME_FAILURE: {
96 - const {info} = action.data;
97 - return {
98 - ...state,
99 - isLoadingMe: false,
100 - info
101 - }
102 - }
103 -
104 -
105 - case LOG_OUT_REQUEST: {
106 - return {
107 - ...state,
108 - isLoggingOut: true
109 - }
110 - }
111 -
112 - case LOG_OUT_SUCCESS: {
113 - console.log('LOG_OUT_SUCCESS 완료');
114 - return {
115 - ...state,
116 - me: null,
117 - isLoggingOut: false
118 - }
119 - }
120 -
121 - case LOG_OUT_FAILURE: {
122 - const {info} = action.data;
123 - return {
124 - ...state,
125 - isLoggingOut: false,
126 - info
127 - }
128 - }
129 -
130 - default: {
131 - return {
132 - ...state,
133 - };
134 - }
135 - }
136 -};
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import {all, fork} from 'redux-saga/effects';
2 -
3 -import user from './user';
4 -import location from './location';
5 -
6 -export default function* rootSaga() {
7 - yield all([
8 - fork(user),
9 - fork(location),
10 - ])
11 -}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import {all, call, fork, delay, put, takeEvery, takeLatest} from 'redux-saga/effects';
2 -import axios from 'axios';
3 -import {coordAPIKEY, host} from '../env';
4 -
5 -
6 -import {
16 -} from "../reducers/location";
17 -
18 -function setStartLocationAPI(data) {
19 - const {startTextLocation} = data;
20 - console.log(startTextLocation);
21 - return axios.get(`http://api.vworld.kr/req/address?service=address&request=getcoord&version=1.0&crs=epsg:4326&address=${startTextLocation}&refine=true&simple=false&format=json&type=road&key=${coordAPIKEY}`);
22 -}
23 -
24 -function setEndLocationAPI(data) {
25 - const {endTextLocation} = data;
26 - console.log(endTextLocation);
27 - return axios.get(`http://api.vworld.kr/req/address?service=address&request=getcoord&version=1.0&crs=epsg:4326&address=${endTextLocation}&refine=true&simple=false&format=json&type=road&key=${coordAPIKEY}`);
28 -}
29 -
30 -function setOptRouteAPI(data) {
31 - const {startLocation, endLocation, endTime, personalVelocity} = data;
32 - console.log('제발 좀 되라', startLocation, endLocation, endTime, personalVelocity);
33 - return axios.post(`http://${host}:4001/api/setOptRoute`, {
34 - startLocation,
35 - endLocation,
36 - endTime,
37 - personalVelocity
38 - }, {withCredentials: true});
39 -}
40 -
41 -function* setStartLocation(action) {
42 - try {
43 - console.log('saga의 setLocation', action.data);
44 - let res = yield call(setStartLocationAPI, action.data);
45 - let longitude, latitude = null;
46 -
47 - if (res.data.response.status === "OK") {
48 - longitude = parseFloat(res.data.response.result.point.x);
49 - latitude = parseFloat(res.data.response.result.point.y);
50 - }
51 - //
52 - // if (res.data.status === "OK") {
53 - // latitude = res.data.results[0].geometry.location.lat;
54 - // longitude = res.data.results[0].geometry.location.lng;
55 - // console.log(latitude, longitude)
56 - // }
57 -
58 - console.log('startRes: ', longitude, latitude);
59 -
60 - yield put({
61 - type: SET_SLOC_SUCCESS,
62 - data: {
63 - startLocation: {
64 - title: action.data.startTextLocation,
65 - description: 'start point',
66 - longitude: longitude,
67 - latitude: latitude,
68 - latitudeDelta: 1.2,
69 - longitudeDelta: 1.2
70 -
71 - }
72 - }
73 - })
74 - } catch (e) {
75 - console.error(e);
76 - yield put({
77 - type: SET_SLOC_FAILURE,
78 - data: {
79 - info: e.response.data.info
80 - }
81 - });
82 - }
83 -}
84 -
85 -function* setEndLocation(action) {
86 - try {
87 - let res = yield call(setEndLocationAPI, action.data);
88 - let longitude, latitude = null;
89 -
90 - //
91 - // if (res.data.status === "OK") {
92 - // latitude = res.data.results[0].geometry.location.lat;
93 - // longitude = res.data.results[0].geometry.location.lng;
94 - // console.log(latitude, longitude)
95 - // }
96 -
97 - if (res.data.response.status === "OK") {
98 - longitude = parseFloat(res.data.response.result.point.x);
99 - latitude = parseFloat(res.data.response.result.point.y);
100 - }
101 -
102 - console.log('finishRes: ', longitude, latitude);
103 -
104 - yield put({
105 - type: SET_ELOC_SUCCESS,
106 - data: {
107 - endLocation: {
108 - title: action.data.endTextLocation,
109 - description: 'end point',
110 - longitude: longitude,
111 - latitude: latitude,
112 - latitudeDelta: 1.2,
113 - longitudeDelta: 1.2
114 - }
115 - }
116 - });
117 - } catch (e) {
118 - console.error(e);
119 - yield put({
120 - type: SET_ELOC_FAILURE,
121 - data: {
122 - info: e.response.data.info
123 - }
124 - })
125 -
126 - }
127 -}
128 -
129 -function* setOptRoute(action) {
130 - try {
131 - let res = yield call(setOptRouteAPI, action.data);
132 - const {optRoute} = res.data;
133 - yield put({
135 - data: {
136 - optRoute: optRoute
137 - }
138 - });
139 -
140 - } catch (e) {
141 - console.error(e);
142 - yield put({
144 - data: {
145 - info: e.response.data.info
146 - }
147 - })
148 - }
149 -}
150 -
151 -
152 -function* watchSetStartLocation() {
153 - console.log('watchSetStartLocation');
154 - yield takeLatest(SET_SLOC_REQUEST, setStartLocation);
155 -}
156 -
157 -function* watchSetEndLocation() {
158 - console.log('watchSetEndLocation');
159 - yield takeLatest(SET_ELOC_REQUEST, setEndLocation)
160 -}
161 -
162 -function* watchSetOptRoute() {
163 - console.log('watchSetOptimalRoute');
164 - yield takeLatest(SET_OPTROUTE_REQUEST, setOptRoute)
165 -}
166 -
167 -export default function* locationSaga() {
168 - yield all([
169 - fork(watchSetStartLocation),
170 - fork(watchSetEndLocation),
171 - fork(watchSetOptRoute),
172 - ]);
173 -};
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import {all, call, fork, delay, put, takeEvery, takeLatest} from 'redux-saga/effects';
2 -import axios from 'axios';
3 -import {host} from '../env';
4 -import {
8 -
12 -
16 -
20 -} from '../reducers/user';
21 -import {AsyncStorage} from 'react-native';
22 -
23 -const parseCookies = (cookies = '') =>
24 - cookies
25 - .split(';')
26 - .map(v =>
27 - v.split('=')
28 - )
29 - .reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
30 - acc[key.trim()] = decodeURIComponent(value);
31 - console.log(acc);
32 - return acc;
33 - }, {});
34 -
35 -//로그인
36 -function loginAPI(data) {
37 - const {email, password} = data;
38 - console.log(email, password);
39 - console.log(`http://${host}:4001/user/login`);
40 -
41 - return axios.post(`http://${host}:4001/user/login`, {
42 - email, password
43 - }, {
44 - withCredentials: true
45 - });
46 -}
47 -
48 -// # 함수의 동기적인 호출을 할 때 사용
49 -// 응답이 다 받아진 후에 실행할 때 사용
50 -function* login(action) {
51 - try {
52 - console.log('login하러 왔어요');
53 - const res = yield call(loginAPI, action.data);
54 - console.log('서버 login에서 온 응답', res);
55 - const {user} = res.data;
56 - const cookieArray = res.headers['set-cookie'];
57 - console.log(cookieArray);
58 - yield call(AsyncStorage.setItem, 'cookie', `userChecker=s%3A${cookieArray.map(cookie => parseCookies(cookie)['userChecker'].substring(2))}`);
59 - yield put({
60 - type: LOG_IN_SUCCESS,
61 - data: {
62 - me: user
63 - }
64 - })
65 - } catch (e) {
66 - console.error(e);
67 - yield put({
68 - type: LOG_IN_FAILURE,
69 - data: {
70 - info: e.response.data.info
71 - }
72 - })
73 - }
74 -};
75 -
76 -function* watchLogin() {
77 - yield takeLatest(LOG_IN_REQUEST, login);
78 -}
79 -
80 -// 회원가입
81 -function signUpAPI(data) {
82 - const {email, nickName, password} = data;
83 - return axios.post(`http://${host}:4001/user/signUp`, {
84 - email, nickName, password
85 - }, {
86 - withCredentials: true
87 - });
88 -}
89 -
90 -function* signUp(action) {
91 - try {
92 - console.log('signUp 실행원할');
93 - const res = yield call(signUpAPI, action.data);
94 - const {me} = res.data;
95 - yield put({
96 - type: SIGN_UP_SUCCESS,
97 - data: {
98 - me
99 - }
100 - });
101 - } catch (e) {
102 - console.error(e);
103 - yield put({
104 - type: SIGN_UP_FAILURE,
105 - data: {
106 - info: e.response.data.info
107 - }
108 - });
109 - }
110 -}
111 -
112 -// # generator 함수에서 마지막 액션 하나만 유효하다고 인정
113 -// 실수로 회원가입 버튼을 연달아 누를 경우 서버의 요청이 2번 가지 않게함
114 -function* watchSignUp() {
115 - yield takeLatest(SIGN_UP_REQUEST, signUp);
116 -}
117 -
118 -
119 -function loadMeAPI() {
120 - return axios.get(`http://${host}:4001/user/loadMe`, {withCredentials: true})
121 -};
122 -
123 -function* loadMe(action) {
124 - try {
125 - console.log('loadMe 실행원할');
126 - const res = yield call(loadMeAPI, action.data);
127 - const {user} = res.data;
128 - yield put({
129 - type: LOAD_ME_SUCCESS,
130 - data: {
131 - user
132 - }
133 - })
134 - } catch (e) {
135 - console.error(e);
136 - yield put({
137 - type: LOAD_ME_FAILURE,
138 - data: {
139 - info: e.response.data.info
140 - }
141 - })
142 - }
143 -};
144 -
145 -function* watchLoadMe() {
146 - yield takeLatest(LOAD_ME_REQUEST, loadMe);
147 -}
148 -
149 -function logoutAPI() {
150 - return axios.get(`http://${host}:4001/user/logout`, {withCredentials: true});
151 -}
152 -
153 -function* logout() {
154 - try {
155 - const res = yield call(logoutAPI);
156 - console.log('logout 완료');
157 - yield call(AsyncStorage.removeItem, 'cookie');
158 - yield put({
159 - type: LOG_OUT_SUCCESS
160 - });
161 - } catch (e) {
162 - console.error(e);
163 - yield put({
164 - type: LOG_OUT_FAILURE,
165 - data: {
166 - info: e.response.data.info
167 - }
168 - })
169 - }
170 -}
171 -
172 -function* watchLogoutMe() {
173 - yield takeLatest(LOG_OUT_REQUEST, logout);
174 -}
175 -
176 -// # 모든 액션을 유효하게 인정한다.
177 -// while(true)로 감싸는 효과
178 -// takeEvery
179 -
180 -// # 함수의 비동기적인 호출을 사용할 때
181 -// call과 다르게 fork는 순서 상관없이 실행할 때 사용
182 -export default function* userSaga() {
183 - yield all([
184 - fork(watchLogin),
185 - fork(watchSignUp),
186 - fork(watchLoadMe),
187 - fork(watchLogoutMe),
188 - ]);
189 -}
190 -
1 -import React from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Button} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useNavigation} from "@react-navigation/native";
4 -
5 -const Gallery = () => {
6 - const navigation = useNavigation();
7 -
8 - return (
9 - <View>
10 - <Text>
11 - 하이하이
12 - </Text>
13 - </View>
14 - )
15 -};
16 -
17 -export default Gallery;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react';
2 -import {Text, View, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, ScrollView, TextInput} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
4 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
5 -import WalkPathComponent from "../components/WalkPathComponent";
6 -import BusPathComponent from "../components/BusPathComponent";
7 -import LanePathComponent from "../components/LanePathComponent";
8 -import {MaterialCommunityIcons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
9 -
10 -const GoPathDetail = (props) => {
11 - const navigation = useNavigation();
12 - const {route} = props;
13 - const {detail} = route.params;
14 - const [pathDetails, setPathDetails] = useState(null);
15 - const {startLocation, endLocation, optRoute} = useSelector(state => state.location);
16 -
17 -
18 - useEffect(() => {
19 - setPathDetails(detail);
20 - console.log(detail)
21 - }, []);
22 -
23 -
24 - return (
25 - <ScrollView>
26 - <View style={styles.input}>
27 - <MaterialCommunityIcons color={'red'} name={'map-marker'} size={26}/>
28 - <TextInput
29 - style={styles.inputText}
30 - value={startLocation.title}
31 - />
32 - </View>
33 - {pathDetails ?
34 - pathDetails.map((detail, index) => {
35 - if (detail.trafficType === '도보') {
36 - return (
37 - <WalkPathComponent pathDetail={detail}/>
38 - )
39 - } else if (detail.trafficType === '버스') {
40 - return (
41 - <BusPathComponent pathDetail={detail}/>
42 - )
43 - } else (detail.trafficType === '지하철')
44 - {
45 - return (
46 - <LanePathComponent pathDetail={detail}/>
47 - )
48 - }
49 - })
50 - :
51 - null
52 - }
53 - <View style={styles.input}>
54 - <MaterialCommunityIcons color={'blue'} name={'map-marker'} size={26}/>
55 - <TextInput
56 - style={styles.inputText}
57 - value={endLocation.title}
58 - />
59 - </View>
60 - </ScrollView>
61 - );
62 -}
63 -export default GoPathDetail;
64 -
65 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
66 - input: {
67 - borderRadius: 20,
68 - paddingLeft: 10,
69 - paddingTop: 5,
70 - paddingRight: 10,
71 - width: 350,
72 - height: 30,
73 - alignItems: 'center',
74 - flexDirection: 'row',
75 - justifyContent: 'space-between',
76 - borderBottomColor: '#f0f8ff',
77 - marginBottom: 10,
78 - // borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
79 - },
80 - inputText: {
81 - flex: 1,
82 - fontWeight: 'bold',
83 - }
84 -})
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Button, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
3 -import StartAndFinishLocationComponent from "../components/StartAndFinishLocationComponent";
4 -import DateTimePickerComponent from "../components/DateTimePickerComponent";
5 -import styled from "styled-components";
6 -import {useNavigation} from "@react-navigation/native";
7 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
8 -import {SET_OPTROUTE_REQUEST} from "../reducers/location";
9 -
10 -const GoToMaps = styled.TouchableOpacity`
11 - flex: 0.5;
12 - backgroundColor: #f0f8ff;
13 - align-items: center;
14 - justify-content: center;
15 - width: 180px;
16 - height: 30px;
17 - border-radius: 30px;
18 - border-width: 1px;
19 - border-color: #a9a9a9;
20 - position: absolute;
21 - left: 55
22 -`;
23 -
24 -const LocationTimeSet = () => {
25 - const navigation = useNavigation();
26 - const [goToMapsClick, setGoToMapsClick] = useState(false);
27 -
28 - const {startLocation} = useSelector(state => state.location);
29 - const {endLocation} = useSelector(state => state.location);
30 -
31 - const dispatch = useDispatch();
32 - const goToMaps = async () => {
33 - setGoToMapsClick(true);
34 - navigation.navigate('SetLocationStackNavigation');
35 - setTimeout(() => {
36 - setGoToMapsClick(false)
37 - }, 2000)
38 - };
39 -
40 - useEffect(() => {
41 - }, []);
42 -
43 - return (
44 - <View>
45 - <StartAndFinishLocationComponent/>
46 - <DateTimePickerComponent goToMapsClick={goToMapsClick}/>
47 -
48 - <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', marginLeft: 50}}>
49 - <GoToMaps onPress={goToMaps}>
50 - <Text>도착 시간 설정</Text>
51 - </GoToMaps>
52 - </View>
53 - </View>
54 - )
55 -};
56 -
57 -
58 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
59 - containerStyle: {
60 - flex: 1,
61 - alignItems: 'center',
62 - justifyContent: 'center',
63 - backgroundColor: '#ecf0f1',
64 - marginTop: 100,
65 - },
66 - input: {
67 - width: 200,
68 - height: 44,
69 - padding: 10,
70 - borderWidth: 1,
71 - borderColor: '#778899',
72 - marginBottom: 10,
73 - }
74 -});
75 -
76 -export default LocationTimeSet;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Image, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
4 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
5 -import LoginComponent from "../components/LoginComponent";
6 -import styled from "styled-components";
7 -
8 -
9 -const Login = (props) => {
10 - const navigation = useNavigation();
11 - const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
12 - const [isLogin, setIsLogin] = useState(true);
13 -
14 - const {me} = useSelector(state => state.user);
15 - const {isLoggingIn} = useSelector(state => state.user);
16 -
17 - const changeIsLogin = () => {
18 - return setIsLogin(!isLogin);
19 - }
20 -
21 - useEffect(() => {
22 - setLoading(false);
23 - }, [me]);
24 -
25 -
26 - return (
27 - <View style={styles.changeStyle}>
28 - {me ?
29 - <View style={{flex: 2}}>
30 - <Image
31 - style={{width: 500, height: 600, flex: 1}}
32 - source={require('../assets/nike.png')}
33 - />
34 - <TouchableOpacity
35 - title={'SGGO'}
36 - style={{flex: 1, fontSize: 100}}
37 - >
38 - </TouchableOpacity>
39 - </View>
40 - :
41 - <View style={styles.loginStyle}>
42 - <Text style={styles.inputText}>로그인</Text>
43 - <LoginComponent/>
44 - </View>
45 - }
46 - </View>
47 - )
48 -};
49 -
50 -export default Login;
51 -
52 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
53 - changeStyle: {
54 - flex: 2,
55 - alignItems: 'center',
56 - justifyContent: 'center',
57 - borderColor: 'darkgrey',
58 - },
59 - loginStyle: {
60 - flex: 1,
61 - marginTop: 30,
62 - },
63 - inputText: {
64 - borderColor: 'darkgrey',
65 - fontWeight: 'bold',
66 - fontSize: 20,
67 - marginBottom: 10
68 - }
69 -
70 -});
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';
3 -import styled from "styled-components";
4 -import {useNavigation} from "@react-navigation/native";
5 -import {useSelector} from "react-redux";
6 -
7 -
8 -const GoToGalleryButton = styled.TouchableOpacity`
9 - width: 60px;
10 - border: 1px;
11 -
12 - align-items: center;
13 - justify-content: center;
14 -
15 - flex: 2
16 -`;
17 -
18 -const GoToSelectOrTakePhotoButton = styled.TouchableOpacity`
19 - position: absolute;
20 - right: 20px;
21 - bottom: 20px;
22 - width: 30px;
23 - height: 30px;
24 - border-radius: 50px;
25 - border: 15px solid green;
26 -`;
27 -
28 -const Main = () => {
29 - const navigation = useNavigation();
30 -
31 - const goToGallery = () => {
32 - navigation.navigate('Gallery');
33 - };
34 -
35 - const goToSelectOrTakePhoto = () => {
36 - navigation.navigate('SelectOrTakePhotoStackNavigation');
37 - };
38 -
39 -
40 - const {me} = useSelector(state => state.user);
41 -
42 -
43 - return (
44 - <>
45 - <View style={{
46 - flex: 1,
47 - alignItems: 'center',
48 - justifyContent: 'center'
49 - }}>
50 - <GoToGalleryButton title={'갤러리로 가보자'} onPress={goToGallery}>
51 - <Text>갤러리로 가보자</Text>
52 - </GoToGalleryButton>
53 - <View style={{
54 - flex: 8,
55 - flexDirection: 'row'
56 - }}>
57 - <Text style={{
58 - width: '100%',
59 - flex: 1,
60 - backgroundColor: 'red'
61 - }}>메인페이지</Text>
62 - <Text style={{
63 - width: '100%',
64 - flex: 1,
65 - backgroundColor: 'grey',
66 - }}>메인페이지2</Text>
67 - <GoToSelectOrTakePhotoButton onPress={goToSelectOrTakePhoto}/>
68 - </View>
69 - </View>
70 - </>
71 - )
72 -};
73 -
74 -export default Main;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, TouchableOpacity, Image, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
3 -import styled from "styled-components";
4 -import {useNavigation} from "@react-navigation/native";
5 -import {useSelector} from "react-redux";
6 -
7 -const MainImage = (props) => {
8 - const navigation = useNavigation();
9 -
10 - const {me} = useSelector(state => state.user);
11 -
12 -
13 - return (
14 - <>
15 - <View style={styles.containerStyle}>
16 - <Text>로그인에 성공하였습니다</Text>
17 - </View>
18 - </>
19 - )
20 -};
21 -export default MainImage;
22 -
23 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
24 - containerStyle: {
25 - flex: 1,
26 - },
27 -});
1 -import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
2 -import MapView, {Marker, Polygon, AnimatedRegion} from 'react-native-maps';
3 -import {StyleSheet, Text, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, View} from 'react-native';
4 -import screen from '../constants/layout';
5 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
6 -import {useNavigation} from "@react-navigation/native";
7 -import {AntDesign, MaterialCommunityIcons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
8 -import {SET_OPTROUTE_REQUEST} from "../reducers/location";
9 -import styled from "styled-components";
10 -import OptRoutePath from "./OptRoutePath";
11 -
12 -const GoToOptRoutePath = styled.TouchableOpacity`
13 - flex: 2;
14 - position: absolute;
15 - right: 8px;
16 - bottom: 20px;
17 - width: 30px;
18 - height: 30px;
19 - border-radius: 50px;
20 -`;
21 -
22 -const Maps = (props) => {
23 - const navigation = useNavigation();
24 - const [region, setRegion] = useState(null);
25 - const [markers, setMarkers] = useState([]);
26 - const [pathList, setPathList] = useState([]);
27 - const {startLocation, endLocation, optRoute, endTime, personalVelocity} = useSelector(state => state.location);
28 - const onRegionChange = (region) => {
29 - setRegion(region);
30 - };
31 -
32 - useEffect(() => {
33 - setRegion({
34 - latitude: 37.56647,
35 - longitude: 126.977963,
36 - latitudeDelta: 1.5,
37 - longitudeDelta: 1.5
38 - });
39 - if (startLocation || endLocation) {
40 - setMarkers([startLocation, endLocation]);
41 - }
42 -
43 - }, []);
44 -
45 - const dispatch = useDispatch();
46 - const goToOptRoutePath = async () => {
47 - try {
48 - console.log('set optroute request');
49 - await dispatch({
51 - data: {
52 - startLocation,
53 - endLocation,
54 - endTime,
55 - personalVelocity
56 - }
57 - });
58 - setTimeout(() => {
59 - if (optRoute !== null) {
60 - navigation.navigate('OptRoutePath', {optRoute: optRoute})
61 - }
62 - }, 3000);
63 - } catch (e) {
64 - console.error(e);
65 - }
66 - };
67 -
68 - useEffect(() => {
69 - setMarkers([startLocation, endLocation]);
70 - }, [startLocation, endLocation]);
71 -
72 -
73 - return (
74 - <View style={styles.container}>
75 - <View style={styles.input}>
76 - <MaterialCommunityIcons color={'red'} name={'map-marker'} size={26}/>
77 - <TextInput
78 - style={styles.inputText}
79 - value={startLocation.title}
80 - />
81 - </View>
82 - <View style={styles.input}>
83 - <MaterialCommunityIcons color={'blue'} name={'map-marker'} size={26}/>
84 - <TextInput
85 - style={styles.inputText}
86 - value={endLocation.title}
87 - />
88 - </View>
89 - <MapView
90 - style={styles.mapStyle}
91 - initialRegion={region}
92 - onRegionChange={onRegionChange}
93 - textStyle={{color: '#bc8b00'}}
94 - showsUserLocation={true}
95 - >
96 - {markers ?
97 - markers.map((marker, index) => {
98 - return (
99 - <MapView.Marker draggable
100 - key={index}
101 - coordinate={marker}
102 - title={marker.title}
103 - />
104 - )
105 - })
106 - :
107 - null
108 - }
109 - </MapView>
110 - <GoToOptRoutePath onPress={goToOptRoutePath}>
111 - <AntDesign color={'darkgrey'} name={'caretright'} size={32}/>
112 - </GoToOptRoutePath>
113 - </View>
114 - )
115 -};
116 -
117 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
118 - container: {
119 - flex: 1,
120 - backgroundColor: '#fff',
121 - alignItems: 'center',
122 - },
123 - mapStyle: {
124 - width: screen.width,
125 - height: screen.height,
126 - },
127 - textStyle: {
128 - flex: 1,
129 - fontWeight: 'bold',
130 - fontSize: 20,
131 - color: 'grey',
132 - marginBottom: 20,
133 - },
134 - input: {
135 - borderRadius: 10,
136 - backgroundColor: '#f0f8ff',
137 - paddingLeft: 10,
138 - paddingTop: 5,
139 - paddingRight: 10,
140 - width: 350,
141 - height: 30,
142 - alignItems: 'center',
143 - flexDirection: 'row',
144 - justifyContent: 'space-between',
145 - borderBottomColor: '#f0f8ff',
146 - marginBottom: 10
147 - // borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
148 - },
149 - inputText: {
150 - flex: 1,
151 - },
152 -});
153 -
154 -export default Maps;
155 -
1 -import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Button, ScrollView} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
4 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
5 -import GoPathSummary from '../components/GoPathSummary';
6 -
7 -const OptRoutePath = (props) => {
8 - const navigation = useNavigation();
9 - const {route} = props;
10 - const {optRoute} = route.params;
11 -
12 - const [pathList, setPathList] = useState([]);
13 - const {startLocation} = useSelector(state => state.location);
14 - const {endLocation} = useSelector(state => state.location);
15 -
16 - const dispatch = useDispatch();
17 - const setOptRouteRequest = async () => {
18 - try {
19 - console.log('set optroute request');
20 - setTimeout(() => {
21 - if (optRoute.pathList) {
22 - for (var i = 0; i < optRoute.pathList.length; i++) {
23 - setPathList(oldPath => [...oldPath, optRoute.pathList[i]]);
24 - }
25 - }
26 - }, 3000);
27 -
28 - } catch (e) {
29 - console.error(e);
30 - }
31 - };
32 -
33 -
34 - useEffect(() => {
35 - setOptRouteRequest();
36 - }, []);
37 -
38 - return (
39 - <ScrollView>
40 - {pathList ?
41 - pathList.map((path, index) => {
42 - return (
43 - <>
44 - <GoPathSummary summary={path.info} detail={path.subPathList}/>
45 - </>
46 - )
47 - })
48 - :
49 - null
50 - }
51 - </ScrollView>
52 - )
53 -};
54 -
55 -export default OptRoutePath;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Button} from 'react-native';
3 -import MyProfileComponent from "../components/MyProfileComponent";
4 -
5 -const Profile = () => {
6 - const {me} = (state => state.user);
7 - return (
8 - <View>
9 - {!me ?
10 - <MyProfileComponent/>
11 - :
12 - null
13 - }
14 - </View>
15 - )
16 -};
17 -
18 -export default Profile;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
2 -import * as MediaLibrary from 'expo-media-library';
3 -import * as Permission from 'expo-permissions';
4 -import {Image, ImageBackground, ScrollView, View, Text, TouchableOpacity} from "react-native";
5 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
6 -import LoadingComponent from "../components/LoadingComponent";
7 -import screen from '../constants/layout';
8 -import {UploadPhoto} from './UploadPhoto';
9 -
10 -const SelectPhoto = (props) => {
11 - const navigation = useNavigation();
12 - const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
13 - const [hasPermission, setHasPermission] = useState(true);
14 - const [selectedPhoto, setSelectedPhoto] = useState([]);
15 - const [allPhotos, setAllPhotos] = useState([]);
16 -
17 - const getPhotos = async () => {
18 - try {
19 - const {assets} = await MediaLibrary.getAssetsAsync();
20 - const [firstPhoto] = assets;
21 - setSelectedPhoto([firstPhoto]);
22 - setAllPhotos(assets);
23 - } catch (e) {
24 - console.error(e)
25 - } finally {
26 - setLoading(false);
27 - }
28 - };
29 -
30 - const askPermission = async () => {
31 - try {
32 - setLoading(true);
33 - const {status} = await Permission.askAsync(Permission.CAMERA_ROLL);
34 - console.log(status);
35 - if (status === 'granted') {
36 - setHasPermission(true);
37 - await getPhotos();
38 - }
39 - } catch (e) {
40 - console.error(e);
41 - setHasPermission(false);
42 - }
43 - };
44 -
45 - const changeSelectedPhoto = (photo) => {
46 - setSelectedPhoto([photo]);
47 - };
48 -
49 - const uploadPhoto = () => {
50 - navigation.navigate('UploadPhoto', {photos: selectedPhoto})
51 - };
52 -
53 - useEffect(() => {
54 - askPermission();
55 - return () => {
56 - setLoading(true);
57 - setHasPermission(false);
58 - setSelectedPhoto([]);
59 - setAllPhotos([]);
60 - }
61 - }, []);
62 -
63 - return (
64 - <View>
65 - {loading
66 - ?
67 - <LoadingComponent/>
68 - :
69 - hasPermission
70 - ?
71 - selectedPhoto[0]
72 - ?
73 - <>
74 - <ImageBackground
75 - style={{width: screen.width, height: screen.height / 2}}
76 - source={{uri: selectedPhoto[0].uri}}
77 - >
78 - <TouchableOpacity
79 - style={{
80 - justifyContent: 'center',
81 - alignItems: 'center',
82 - }}
83 - key={selectedPhoto.id}
84 - onPress={uploadPhoto}
85 - >
86 - <Text>선택</Text>
87 - </TouchableOpacity>
88 - </ImageBackground>
89 -
90 - <ScrollView>
91 -
92 - <>
93 - <ScrollView horizontal contentContainerStyle={{flexDirection: 'row'}}>
94 - {allPhotos.map(photo => {
95 - return (
96 - <TouchableOpacity
97 - key={photo.id}
98 - onPress={() => changeSelectedPhoto(photo)}>
99 - <Image
100 - source={{uri: photo.uri}}
101 - style={{
102 - width: screen.width / 3,
103 - height: screen.height / 4,
104 - opacity: photo.id === selectedPhoto[0].id ? 0.6 : 1
105 - }}/>
106 - </TouchableOpacity>
107 - )
108 - }
109 - )}
110 - </ScrollView>
111 - </>
112 -
113 - </ScrollView>
114 - </>
115 - :
116 - null
117 - :
118 - <Text>사용자 권한이 없습니다</Text>
119 - }
120 - </View>
121 - )
122 -};
123 -
124 -export default SelectPhoto;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback} from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Button, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
3 -import {useDispatch, useSelector} from "react-redux";
4 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
5 -import SignUpComponent from "../components/SignUpComponent";
6 -
7 -
8 -const SignUp = (props) => {
9 - const navigation = useNavigation();
10 - const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
11 - const [isLogin, setIsLogin] = useState(true);
12 -
13 - const {me} = useSelector(state => state.user);
14 - const {isLoggingIn} = useSelector(state => state.user);
15 -
16 - const changeIsLogin = () => {
17 - return setIsLogin(!isLogin);
18 - }
19 -
20 - useEffect(() => {
21 - setLoading(false);
22 - }, [me]);
23 -
24 - return (
25 - <View style={styles.changeStyle}>
26 - <View style={styles.loginStyle}>
27 - <Text style={styles.inputText}>회원가입</Text>
28 - <SignUpComponent/>
29 - </View>
30 - </View>
31 - )
32 -};
33 -
34 -export default SignUp;
35 -
36 -const styles = StyleSheet.create({
37 - changeStyle: {
38 - flex: 2,
39 - alignItems: 'center',
40 - justifyContent: 'center',
41 - borderColor: 'darkgrey',
42 - },
43 - loginStyle: {
44 - flex: 1,
45 - marginTop: 30,
46 - },
47 - inputText: {
48 - borderColor: 'darkgrey',
49 - fontWeight: 'bold',
50 - fontSize: 20,
51 - marginBottom: 10
52 - }
53 -
54 -});
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React, {useEffect, useState, useRef} from 'react';
2 -import * as MediaLibrary from 'expo-media-library';
3 -import * as Permission from 'expo-permissions';
4 -import {Image, ImageBackground, ScrollView, View, Text, TouchableOpacity} from "react-native";
5 -import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
6 -import LoadingComponent from "../components/LoadingComponent";
7 -import screen from '../constants/layout';
8 -import { Camera } from 'expo-camera';
9 -import styled from "styled-components";
10 -import {MaterialCommunityIcons} from "@expo/vector-icons";
11 -
12 -const TakePhotoButton = styled.TouchableOpacity`
13 - width: 70px;
14 - height: 70px;
15 - border-radius: 50px;
16 - border: 15px solid green;
17 -`;
18 -
19 -
20 -const TakePhoto = (props) => {
21 - const navigation = useNavigation();
22 - const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
23 - const [hasPermission, setHasPermission] = useState(false);
24 - const [cameraType, setCameraType] = useState(Camera.Constants.Type.back);
25 - const [canTakePhoto, setCanTakePhoto] = useState(true);
26 - const cameraRef = useRef(null);
27 -
28 -
29 - const askPermission = async () => {
30 - try {
31 - setLoading(true);
32 - const {status} = await Permission.askAsync(Permission.CAMERA);
33 - console.log(status);
34 - if (status === 'granted') {
35 - setHasPermission(true);
36 - }
37 - } catch (e) {
38 - console.error(e);
39 - setHasPermission(false);
40 - } finally {
41 - setLoading(false)
42 - }
43 - };
44 -
45 - const changeCameraType = () => {
46 - if (cameraType === Camera.Constants.Type.front) {
47 - setCameraType(Camera.Constants.Type.back);
48 - } else {
49 - setCameraType(Camera.Constants.Type.front);
50 - }
51 - };
52 -
53 - const takePhoto = async () => {
54 - if (!canTakePhoto) {
55 - return
56 - }
57 - try {
58 - setCanTakePhoto(false);
59 - const {uri} = await cameraRef.current.takePictureAsync({quality: 1});
60 - const asset = await MediaLibrary.createAssetAsync(uri);
61 - navigation.navigate('UploadPhoto', {photo: asset});
62 - } catch (e) {
63 - console.error(e);
64 - setCanTakePhoto(true);
65 - }
66 - };
67 -
68 - const goUpload = () => {
69 - navigation.navigate('UploadPhoto');
70 - };
71 -
72 - useEffect(() => {
73 - askPermission();
74 - }, []);
75 -
76 - return (
77 - <View style={{alignItems: 'center'}}>
78 - {loading
79 - ? <LoadingComponent/>
80 - : hasPermission ?
81 - <View>
82 - <Camera
83 - ref={cameraRef}
84 - type={cameraType}
85 - style={{
86 - justifyContent: 'flex-end',
87 - padding: 10,
88 - width: screen.width,
89 - height: screen.height / 2
90 - }}>
91 - <TouchableOpacity onPress={changeCameraType}>
92 - <MaterialCommunityIcons color={'green'} name={'camera'} size={24}/>
93 - </TouchableOpacity>
94 - </Camera>
95 - <TakePhotoButton
96 - onPress={takePhoto}
97 - disabled={!canTakePhoto}
98 - />
99 - <TakePhotoButton
100 - onPress={goUpload}
101 - />
102 - </View>
103 - :
104 - null
105 - }
106 - </View>
107 - )
108 -};
109 -
110 -export default TakePhoto;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import React from 'react';
2 -import {View, Text, Image, Button, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
3 -import styled from "styled-components";
4 -
5 -const UploadPhoto = (props) => {
6 - const {route} = props;
7 - const {photos} = route.params;
8 -
9 -
10 - return (
11 - <View>
12 - <Text>
13 - 하이하이
14 - </Text>
15 - <View>{photos.map((photo, index) => {
16 - return (
17 - <Image style={{width: 200, height: 200}} source={{uri: photo.uri}} key={photo.id}/>)
18 - })}</View>
19 -
20 - </View>
21 - )
22 -}
23 -export default UploadPhoto;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -import createSagaMiddleware from "redux-saga";
2 -import {applyMiddleware, compose, createStore} from "redux";
3 -import rootReducer from "./reducers";
4 -import rootSaga from "./sagas";
5 -
6 -const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
7 -const middlewares = [sagaMiddleware];
8 -const enhancer = compose(
9 - applyMiddleware(...middlewares),
10 - // !options.isServer && typeof window.REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION !== 'undefined' ? window.REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION() : (f) => f,
11 -);
12 -const store = createStore(rootReducer, enhancer);
13 -sagaMiddleware.run(rootSaga);
14 -
15 -export default store;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 -node_modules/**/*
2 -.expo/*
3 -npm-debug.*
4 -*.jks
5 -*.p8
6 -*.p12
7 -*.key
8 -*.mobileprovision
9 -*.orig.*
10 -web-build/
11 -web-report/
12 -
13 -# macOS
14 -.DS_Store
15 -env.js
16 -.env
1 -const path = require('path');
2 -const morgan = require('morgan');
3 -const express = require('express');
4 -//header Cookie : 쿠키, 해쉬함수
5 -//오리지널 >> 해쉬 >> 압축메세지
6 -
7 -const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
8 -const expressSession = require('express-session');
9 -const passport = require('passport');
10 -const httpErrors = require('http-errors');
11 -const dotenv = require('dotenv');
12 -dotenv.config();
13 -const MongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(expressSession);
14 -const MONGO_URL = `mongodb://localhost:27017/admin`;
15 -const cors = require('cors');
16 -
17 -
18 -const {sequelize} = require('./models/index');
19 -sequelize.sync({force: false});
20 -const connect = require('./schemas/index');
21 -connect();
22 -
23 -const sessionMiddleware = expressSession({
24 - resave: false,
25 - saveUninitialized: false,
26 - secret: process.env.COOKIE_SECRET,
27 - cookie: {
28 - httpOnly: true,
29 - secure: false
30 - },
31 - name: 'userChecker',
32 - store: new MongoStore({
33 - url: MONGO_URL,
34 - collection: "sessions"
35 - }),
36 -});
37 -
38 -const passportIndex = require('./passport/index');
39 -const userRouter = require('./routes/user');
40 -const apiRouter = require('./routes/api');
41 -
42 -passportIndex(passport);
43 -
44 -
45 -// const app = express(); 사용 설명서
46 -// app.use(미들웨어)
47 -// 미들웨어란: (req, res, next) => {req와 res를 분석 및 가공, next로 req와 res를 다음 미들웨어로 전달}
48 -// 따라서 미들웨어끼리의 순서가 중요하다
49 -
50 -// 어떤 미들웨어에서 req에 변수를 등록하고, 다음 미들웨어에서 그 변수를 가져다가 사용하는 방법
51 -// 1. req.set()으로 변수를 등록하고, req.get()으로 전역 변수들을 가져와서 사용할 수 있다
52 -// 2. app.set()으로 변수를 등록하고, req.app.get()으로 전역 변수들을 가져와서 사용할 수 있다(req 객체에 app 객체는 자동으로 세팅된다)
53 -// 3. req.app.set()으로 변수를 등록하고, req.app.get()으로 전역 변수들을 가져와서 사용할 수 있다
54 -
55 -// res 사용법
56 -// 오리지날: res.writeHead, res.write, res.end
57 -// 익스프레스 프레임워크: res.render('view 파일 이름', 자바스크립트 변수 객체), res.send(아무거나), res,json(객체), res.redirect('경로'), res.sendFile,
58 -
59 -const app = express(); // 익스프레스 프레임워크를 사용하기 위한 app 객체를 생성
60 -
61 -app.use(morgan('dev')); // 로거를 미들웨어 최상단에 위치시켜서 서버로 들어오는 모든 요청에 대한 로그를 콘솔에서 확인
62 -
63 -app.use(cors({
64 - origin: 'http://localhost:3001',
65 - credentials: true
66 -}));
67 -app.use(express.json());
68 -app.use(express.urlencoded({extended: false}));
69 -app.use(cookieParser(process.env.COOKIE_SECRET));
70 -app.use(sessionMiddleware);
71 -
72 -app.use(passport.initialize()); // 패스포트 작동 시작
73 -app.use(passport.session()); // 패스포트 세션 작업
74 -
75 -
76 -app.use('/public', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'open'))); // 모두에게 공개된 폴더 설정
77 -app.use('/user', userRouter);
78 -app.use('/api', apiRouter);
79 -
80 -
81 -app.use(function (req, res, next) {
82 - next(httpErrors(404));
83 -});
84 -app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
85 - // set locals, only providing error in development
86 - console.log(req);
87 - res.locals.message = err.message;
88 - res.locals.error = req.app.get('env') === 'development' ? err : {};
89 -
90 - //render the error pagea
91 - res.status(err.status || 500);
92 - res.render('error');
93 -});
94 -
95 -module.exports = {
96 - app,
97 - sessionMiddleware
98 -};
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -#!/usr/bin/env node
2 -
3 -
4 -/*
5 -* Module dependencies
6 -*/
7 -
8 -const debug = require('debug')('node_study_project_final:server');
9 -const http = require('http');
10 -const {app} = require('../app');
11 -
12 -
13 -/*
14 -* Get port from environment and store in Express.
15 -*/
16 -
17 -const port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '3001');
18 -app.set('port', port);
19 -
20 -/*
21 -* Create HTTP server.
22 -*/
23 -
24 -const server = http.createServer(app);
25 -
26 -function normalizePort(val) {
27 - const port = parseInt(val, 10);
28 -
29 - if (isNaN(port)) {
30 - return val;
31 - }
32 -
33 - if (port >= 0) {
34 - return port;
35 - }
36 -
37 - return false;
38 -};
39 -
40 -const onListening = () => {
41 - const addr = server.address();
42 - const bind = typeof addr === 'string'
43 - ? 'pipe ' + addr
44 - : 'port ' + addr.port;
45 - debug('Listening on ' + bind);
46 -};
47 -
48 -const onError = (error) => {
49 - if (error.syscall !== 'listen') {
50 - throw error;
51 - }
52 -
53 - const bind = typeof port === 'string'
54 - ? 'Pipe ' + port
55 - : 'Port ' + port;
56 -
57 - switch (error.code) {
58 - case 'EACCES':
59 - console.error(bind + ' requires elevated privileges');
60 - process.exit(1);
61 - break;
62 - case 'EADDRINUSE':
63 - console.error(bind + ' is already in use');
64 - process.exit(1);
65 - break;
66 - default:
67 - throw error;
68 - }
69 -};
70 -
71 -
72 -server.listen(port);
73 -server.on('listening', onListening);
74 -server.on('error', onError);
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -{
2 - "development": {
3 - "username": "root",
4 - "password": "ksy98042!",
5 - "database": "capstone_design_prj1",
6 - "host": "",
7 - "dialect": "mysql",
8 - "operatorsAliases": false
9 - },
10 - "test": {
11 - "username": "root",
12 - "password": null,
13 - "database": "database_test",
14 - "host": "",
15 - "dialect": "mysql",
16 - "operatorsAliases": false
17 - },
18 - "production": {
19 - "username": "root",
20 - "password": null,
21 - "database": "database_production",
22 - "host": "",
23 - "dialect": "mysql",
24 - "operatorsAliases": false
25 - }
26 -}
1 -'use strict';
2 -
3 -const fs = require('fs');
4 -const path = require('path');
5 -const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
6 -const basename = path.basename(__filename);
7 -const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
8 -const config = require(__dirname + '/../config/config.json')[env];
9 -const models = {};
10 -
11 -let sequelize;
12 -if (config.use_env_variable) {
13 - sequelize = new Sequelize(process.env[config.use_env_variable], config);
14 -} else {
15 - sequelize = new Sequelize(config.database, config.username, config.password, config);
16 -}
17 -
18 -// 반복문을 돌면서 models 내에 있는 파일들을 읽고 그것을 모델로 정의함
19 -fs
20 - .readdirSync(__dirname)
21 - .filter(file => {
22 - return (file.indexOf('.') !== 0) && (file !== basename) && (file.slice(-3) === '.js');
23 - })
24 - .forEach(file => {
25 - const model = sequelize['import'](path.join(__dirname, file));
26 - models[model.name] = model;
27 - });
28 -
29 -models.User = require('./user')(sequelize, Sequelize);
30 -
31 -
32 -Object.keys(models).forEach(modelName => {
33 - if (models[modelName].associate) {
34 - models[modelName].associate(models);
35 - }
36 -});
37 -
38 -models.sequelize = sequelize;
39 -models.Sequelize = Sequelize;
40 -
41 -module.exports = models;
1 -module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
2 - const User = sequelize.define("User", {
3 - email: {
4 - type: DataTypes.STRING(30),
5 - allowNull: false,
6 - unique: true
7 - },
8 - nickName: {
9 - type: DataTypes.STRING(10),
10 - allowNull: false,
11 - unique: true
12 - },
13 - hashedPassword: {
14 - type: DataTypes.STRING(200),
15 - allowNull: false
16 - }
17 - }, {
18 - timestamps: true,
19 - paranoid: true,
20 - underscored: false,
21 - charset: 'utf8mb4',
22 - collate: 'utf8mb4_general_ci'
23 - });
24 - // User.associate = (models) => {
25 - // models.User.hasMany(models.SnsId, {onDelete: 'CASCADE', foreignKey: 'userId', sourceKey: 'id'});
26 - // models.User.hasMany(models.Post, {onDelete: 'CASCADE', foreignKey: 'userId', sourceKey: 'id'});
27 - // models.User.hasMany(models.Comment, {onDelete: 'CASCADE', foreignKey: 'userId', sourceKey: 'id'});
28 - // };
29 - return User;
30 -}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -body {
2 - padding: 50px;
3 - font: 14px "Lucida Grande", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
4 -}
5 -
6 -.card {
7 - float: left;
8 - margin: 10px;
9 - border: 3px solid #e3e3e3;
10 - width: 300px;
11 -}
12 -
13 -.post-img {
14 - width: 300px;
15 -}
16 -
17 -.mine {
18 - background-color: #808B96 ;
19 -}
20 -
21 -.other {
22 - background-color: #BFC9CA;
23 -}
24 -
25 -.system {
26 - text-align: center;
27 -}
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 -{
2 - "name": "capstone_design_prj1",
3 - "version": "0.0.0",
4 - "private": true,
5 - "scripts": {
6 - "start": "nodemon ./bin/www"
7 - },
8 - "dependencies": {
9 - "axios": "^0.19.2",
10 - "bcrypt": "^3.0.6",
11 - "connect-mongo": "^3.2.0",
12 - "cookie-parser": "~1.4.4",
13 - "cookie-signature": "^1.1.0",
14 - "cors": "^2.8.5",
15 - "debug": "~2.6.9",
16 - "dotenv": "^8.1.0",
17 - "express": "~4.16.1",
18 - "express-session": "^1.16.2",
19 - "fs": "0.0.1-security",
20 - "http-errors": "~1.6.3",
21 - "moment": "^2.26.0",
22 - "mongoose": "^5.9.2",
23 - "morgan": "^1.9.1",
24 - "multer": "^1.4.2",
25 - "mysql": "^2.18.1",
26 - "mysql2": "^1.7.0",
27 - "nodemon": "^1.19.4",
28 - "passport": "^0.4.0",
29 - "passport-local": "^1.0.0",
30 - "path": "^0.12.7",
31 - "pug": "2.0.0-beta11",
32 - "sequelize": "^5.21.5",
33 - "sequelize-cli": "^5.5.1",
34 - "socket.io": "^2.3.0",
35 - "xml-js": "^1.6.11",
36 - "xml2json": "^0.12.0",
37 - "xmlhttprequest": "^1.8.0"
38 - }
39 -}
1 -const models = require('../models/index');
2 -const localStrategy = require('./localStrategy');
3 -
4 -module.exports = (passport) => {
5 - passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {
6 - done(null, user.email);
7 - });
8 - passport.deserializeUser(async (email, done) => {
9 - try {
10 - const user = await models.User.findOne({
11 - where: {email},
12 - attributes: ['id', 'email', 'nickName']
13 - });
14 -
15 - if (!user) {
16 - console.error('유저 데이터가 존재하지 않습니다.');
17 - done(null, false, {message: '유저 데이터가 존재하지 않습니다.'});
18 - }
19 -
20 - return done(null, user);
21 - } catch (e) {
22 - console.error(e);
23 - done(e);
24 - }
25 - });
26 - localStrategy(passport);
27 -};
1 -const LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;
2 -const models = require('../models/index');
3 -const bcrypt = require("bcrypt");
4 -
5 -module.exports = (passport) => {
6 - passport.use(new LocalStrategy({
7 - usernameField: 'email',
8 - passwordField: 'password'
9 - }, async (email, password, done) => {
10 - try {
11 - let user = await models.User.findOne({
12 - where: {email}
13 - });
14 - if (!user) {
15 - return done(null, false, {message: "유저 데이터가 존재하지 않습니다."});
16 - }
17 -
18 - let resultOfPasswordCheck = await bcrypt.compare(password, user.hashedPassword);
19 - if (!resultOfPasswordCheck) {
20 - return done(null, false, {message: '비밀번호 에러입니다'});
21 - }
22 - user = await models.User.findOne({
23 - where:{email},
24 - attributes: ['id', 'email', 'nickName']
25 - });
26 - return done(null, user);
27 - } catch (e) {
28 - console.error(e);
29 - return done(e);
30 - }
31 - })
32 - );
33 -};
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -var express = require('express');
2 -const axios = require('axios');
3 -const convert = require('xml-js');
4 -var router = express.Router();
5 -let xmlParser = require('xml2json');
6 -var searchPubTransPath = require('../setPath');
7 -const moment = require('moment');
8 -
9 -/* GET home page. */
10 -router.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
11 - return res.json({title: 'Express'});
12 -});
13 -
14 -router.post('/setOptRoute', async (req, res, next) => {
15 - var {startLocation, endLocation, endTime, personalVelocity} = req.body;
16 - try {
17 - const startLocationX = startLocation.longitude;
18 - const startLocationY = startLocation.latitude;
19 - const endLocationX = endLocation.longitude;
20 - const endLocationY = endLocation.latitude;
21 - var avgSpeed = personalVelocity;
22 - if(!avgSpeed){
23 - avgSpeed = 60;
24 - }
25 - console.log('endTime 은? ', endTime, personalVelocity);
26 - const path = await searchPubTransPath(startLocationX, startLocationY, endLocationX, endLocationY, avgSpeed, endTime);
27 - const optRoute = path;
28 - console.log(path);
29 - return res.json({optRoute: optRoute});
30 - } catch (e) {
31 - console.error(e);
32 - // next(e);
33 - }
34 -});
35 -
36 -module.exports = router;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -const express = require('express');
2 -const router = express.Router();
3 -const models = require('../models/index');
4 -
5 -router.get('/', async (req, res, next) => {
6 - try {
7 - if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
8 - return res.render('index', {
9 - title: '홈',
10 - user: null,
11 - posts: [],
12 - }
13 - );
14 - }
15 -
16 - return res.render('index', {
17 - title: '홈',
18 - user: req.user,
19 - }
20 - );
21 - } catch (e) {
22 - console.error(e);
23 - next(e);
24 - }
25 -});
26 -
27 -module.exports = router;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -const isLoggedIn = (req, res, next) => {
2 - if (req.isAuthenticated()) {
3 - next();
4 - } else {
5 - res.redirect('/');
6 - }
7 -};
8 -
9 -let isNotLoggedIn = (req, res, next) => {
10 - if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
11 - next();
12 - } else {
13 - res.redirect('/');
14 - }
15 -};
16 -
17 -
18 -module.exports = {
19 - isLoggedIn,
20 - isNotLoggedIn,
21 -};
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -const express = require('express');
2 -const router = express.Router();
3 -const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
4 -const passport = require('passport');
5 -const {isLoggedIn, isNotLoggedIn} = require("./middleware");
6 -const models = require('../models/index');
7 -
8 -router.get('/loadMe', isLoggedIn, (req, res, next) => {
9 - // console.log('loadMe요청옴', req.user);
10 - return res.json({user: req.user});
11 -});
12 -
13 -router.get('/signUp', isNotLoggedIn, (req, res, next) => {
14 - return res.render('SignUpComponent.vue', {
15 - title: '회원가입'
16 - });
17 -});
18 -
19 -router.post('/signUp', isNotLoggedIn, async (req, res, next) => {
20 - let {email, nickName, password} = req.body;
21 - try {
22 - let user = await models.User.findOne({
23 - where: {email}
24 - });
25 - if (user) {
26 - return res.json({user});
27 - }
28 -
29 - const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10);
30 - const signupComplete = await models.User.create({
31 - email, nickName, hashedPassword
32 - });
33 -
34 - user = await models.User.findOne({
35 - where: {email},
36 - attributes: ['id', 'email', 'nickName']
37 - });
38 -
39 - return req.login(user, (err) => {
40 - if (err) {
41 - console.error(err);
42 - return next(err);
43 - }
44 - return res.json({me: user});
45 - });
46 - } catch (e) {
47 - console.error(e);
48 - next(e);
49 - }
50 -});
51 -
52 -router.post('/login', isNotLoggedIn, (req, res, next) => {
53 - passport.authenticate('local', {}, (err, user, info) => {
54 - if (err) {
55 - console.error(err);
56 - return next(err);
57 - }
58 - if (info) {
59 - console.error(info.message);
60 - return res.status(401).send(info.message);
61 - }
62 - req.login(user, (err) => {
63 - if (err) {
64 - console.error(err);
65 - return next(err);
66 - }
67 - ///////////////////////// req.session.returnURL
68 - // nuxt
69 - // return res.json({user: req.user});
70 - return res.json({user: req.user});
71 - });
72 - })(req, res, next);
73 -});
74 -
75 -router.get('/profile', isLoggedIn, (req, res, next) => {
76 - return res.render('profile', {title: '프로필', user: req.user});
77 -});
78 -
79 -router.post('/updateProfile', isLoggedIn, async (req, res, next) => {
80 - let {newNickName} = req.body;
81 - await models.User.update({
82 - nickName: newNickName
83 - }, {
84 - where: {email: req.user.email}
85 - });
86 -
87 - let user = await models.User.findOne({
88 - where: {email: req.user.email}
89 - });
90 - if (!user) {
91 - return res.redirect('/');
92 - }
93 -
94 - return res.render('profile', {
95 - title: 'profile',
96 - user
97 - })
98 -});
99 -
100 -router.get('/deleteProfile', async (req, res, next) => {
101 - let email = {email: req.user.email};
102 - let User = await models.User.destroy({
103 - where: {email}
104 - });
105 - return res.redirect('/');
106 -});
107 -
108 -
109 -router.get('/logout', (req, res, next) => {
110 - console.log('로그아웃 요청이 들어옴');
111 - req.logout();
112 - req.session.destroy();
113 - return res.send();
114 -});
115 -
116 -router.get('/test', (req, res, next) => {
117 - searchPubTransPathAJAX();
118 -});
119 -
120 -module.exports = router;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -const mongoose = require('mongoose');
2 -const {MONGO_ID, MONGO_PASSWORD, NODE_ENV} = process.env;
3 -const MONGO_URL = `mongodb://localhost:27017/admin`;
4 -const connect = () => {
5 - if (process.env.NODE_VIEW !== 'production') {
6 - mongoose.set('debug', true);
7 - }
8 - mongoose.connect(MONGO_URL, {
9 - dbName: 'chat',
10 - useUnifiedTopology: true
11 - }, (err) => {
12 - if (err) {
13 - console.error('몽고디비 연결 에러', err);
14 - } else {
15 - console.log('몽고디비 연결 성공');
16 - }
17 - });
18 -};
19 -
20 -module.exports = () => {
21 - connect();
22 - mongoose.connection.on('error', (err) => {
23 - console.log('연결 종료');
24 - });
25 - mongoose.connection.on('disconnected', (err) => {
26 - console.error('연결이 끊어졌습니다. 재접속 시도중');
27 - connect();
28 - });
29 -};
30 -// 몽고디비는 데이터의 형식조건에서 자유롭다
31 -// json객체 형태라면 무엇이든 저장이 가능하다
32 -// 이러한 자유도에 제약을 걸고(형태에 제약) 안정성을 높이는 몽구스를 사용할 수 있다
33 -// 몽고디비는 sql이 아닌 자바스크립트를 쓰기 때문에 노드와 궁합이 좋다
34 -// 마이에스큐엘도 시퀄라이즈를 쓰면 자바스크립트로 제어할 수는 있다
35 -// 몽고디비서버 실행 명령어: mongod --dbpath C:\Users\kimseoyoung\mongodb_data --auth
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -<경희대학교 우정원 -> 영통역>
2 -{
3 - "result": { //최상위 노드
4 - "searchType": 0, //결과구분 0:도시내
5 - "outTrafficCheck": 1, //환승
6 - "busCount": 6, //버스6개
7 - "subwayCount": 0,//지하철 0개
8 - "subwayBusCount": 0, //버스&지하철 0 개
9 - "pointDistance": 792, //출발지와 도착지의 직선거리 (필요없음)
10 - "startRadius": 700, //출발지 반경(필요없음)
11 - "endRadius": 700,//도착지 반경(필요없음)
12 - "path": [ //결과 리스트 확장 노드
13 -{
14 - "pathType": 2, //결과종류 2:버스
15 - "info": { //요약정보 확장 노드
16 - "trafficDistance": 934, //총이동거리 – 도보거리(필요없음)
17 - "totalWalk": 462, //총도보 이동거리
18 - "totalTime": 14, //총소요시간 (분)
19 - "payment": 1050, //요금 (필요없음)
20 - "busTransitCount": 1, //버스환승 횟수
21 - "subwayTransitCount": 0,//지하철 환승 횟수
22 - "mapObj": "11235:1:13:16", //보간점 api를 호출하기 위한 파라미터값
23 - "firstStartStation": "SK아파트", //최초 출발역
24 - "lastEndStation": "동수원세무소.영통역2번출구", //최종 도착역
25 - "totalStationCount": 3, //총 정류장 합
26 - "busStationCount": 3,//버스 정류장 합
27 - "subwayStationCount": 0, //총 지하철 정류장 합
28 - "totalDistance": 1396, //총 거리
29 - "totalWalkTime": -1//
30 -},
31 - "subPath": [ //이동 교통수단 정보 확장 노드
32 -{
33 - "trafficType": 3, //도보 이동
34 - "distance": 296, //도보 이동 거리
35 - "sectionTime": 4 //도보 이동 소요시간-> 사용자 최적화 시키기
36 -},
37 -{
38 - "trafficType": 2,
39 - "distance": 934,
40 - "sectionTime": 8,
41 - "stationCount": 3,
42 - "lane": [
43 -{
44 - "busNo": "55",
45 - "type": 3,
46 - "busID": 11235
47 -}
48 - ],
49 - "startName": "SK아파트",
50 - "startX": 127.073755,
51 - "startY": 37.245495,
52 - "endName": "동수원세무소.영통역2번출구",
53 - "endX": 127.072699,
54 - "endY": 37.250704,
55 - "startID": 211483,
56 - "endID": 83255,
57 - "passStopList": {
58 - "stations": [
59 -{
60 - "index": 0,
61 - "stationID": 211483,
62 - "stationName": "SK아파트",
63 - "x": "127.073755",
64 - "y": "37.245495"
65 -},
66 -{
67 - "index": 1,
68 - "stationID": 184510,
69 - "stationName": "서그내",
70 - "x": "127.073454",
71 - "y": "37.247034"
72 -},
73 -{
74 - "index": 2,
75 - "stationID": 184509,
76 - "stationName": "영일중학교.수원출입국외국인청",
77 - "x": "127.075096",
78 - "y": "37.249227"
79 -},
80 -{
81 - "index": 3,
82 - "stationID": 83255,
83 - "stationName": "동수원세무소.영통역2번출구",
84 - "x": "127.072699",
85 - "y": "37.250704"
86 -}
87 - ]
88 -}
89 -},
90 -{
91 - "trafficType": 3,
92 - "distance": 166,
93 - "sectionTime": 2
94 -}
95 - ]
96 -},
97 -{
98 - "pathType": 2,
99 - "info": {
100 - "trafficDistance": 610,
101 - "totalWalk": 363,
102 - "totalTime": 12,
103 - "payment": 1450,
104 - "busTransitCount": 1,
105 - "subwayTransitCount": 0,
106 - "mapObj": "9576:1:50:52",
107 - "firstStartStation": "경희대학교",
108 - "lastEndStation": "동수원세무소.영통역2번출구",
109 - "totalStationCount": 2,
110 - "busStationCount": 2,
111 - "subwayStationCount": 0,
112 - "totalDistance": 973,
113 - "totalWalkTime": -1
114 -},
115 - "subPath": [
116 -{
117 - "trafficType": 3,
118 - "distance": 197,
119 - "sectionTime": 3
120 -},
121 -{
122 - "trafficType": 2,
123 - "distance": 610,
124 - "sectionTime": 7,
125 - "stationCount": 2,
126 - "lane": [
127 -{
128 - "busNo": "5",
129 - "type": 1,
130 - "busID": 9576
131 -},
132 -{
133 - "busNo": "310",
134 - "type": 1,
135 - "busID": 9516
136 -},
137 -{
138 - "busNo": "900",
139 - "type": 1,
140 - "busID": 9660
141 -},
142 -{
143 - "busNo": "9",
144 - "type": 1,
145 - "busID": 9598
146 -},
147 -{
148 - "busNo": "9-1",
149 - "type": 1,
150 - "busID": 9517
151 -},
152 -{
153 - "busNo": "18",
154 - "type": 1,
155 - "busID": 9584
156 -}
157 - ],
158 - "startName": "경희대학교",
159 - "startX": 127.077671,
160 - "startY": 37.247878,
161 - "endName": "동수원세무소.영통역2번출구",
162 - "endX": 127.072699,
163 - "endY": 37.250704,
164 - "startID": 184499,
165 - "endID": 83255,
166 - "passStopList": {
167 - "stations": [
168 -{
169 - "index": 0,
170 - "stationID": 184499,
171 - "stationName": "경희대학교",
172 - "x": "127.077671",
173 - "y": "37.247878"
174 -},
175 -{
176 - "index": 1,
177 - "stationID": 184509,
178 - "stationName": "영일중학교.수원출입국외국인청",
179 - "x": "127.075096",
180 - "y": "37.249227"
181 -},
182 -{
183 - "index": 2,
184 - "stationID": 83255,
185 - "stationName": "동수원세무소.영통역2번출구",
186 - "x": "127.072699",
187 - "y": "37.250704"
188 -}
189 - ]
190 -}
191 -},
192 -{
193 - "trafficType": 3,
194 - "distance": 166,
195 - "sectionTime": 2
196 -}
197 - ]
198 -},
199 -{
200 - "pathType": 2,
201 - "info": {
202 - "trafficDistance": 1944,
203 - "totalWalk": 541,
204 - "totalTime": 16,
205 - "payment": 2800,
206 - "busTransitCount": 1,
207 - "subwayTransitCount": 0,
208 - "mapObj": "10501:1:3:6",
209 - "firstStartStation": "경희대학교",
210 - "lastEndStation": "영통역",
211 - "totalStationCount": 2,
212 - "busStationCount": 2,
213 - "subwayStationCount": 0,
214 - "totalDistance": 2485,
215 - "totalWalkTime": -1
216 -},
217 - "subPath": [
218 -{
219 - "trafficType": 3,
220 - "distance": 197,
221 - "sectionTime": 3
222 -},
223 -{
224 - "trafficType": 2,
225 - "distance": 1944,
226 - "sectionTime": 8,
227 - "stationCount": 2,
228 - "lane": [
229 -{
230 - "busNo": "M5107",
231 - "type": 14,
232 - "busID": 10501
233 -}
234 - ],
235 - "startName": "경희대학교",
236 - "startX": 127.077671,
237 - "startY": 37.247878,
238 - "endName": "영통역",
239 - "endX": 127.074057,
240 - "endY": 37.25395,
241 - "startID": 184499,
242 - "endID": 184643,
243 - "passStopList": {
244 - "stations": [
245 -{
246 - "index": 0,
247 - "stationID": 184499,
248 - "stationName": "경희대학교",
249 - "x": "127.077671",
250 - "y": "37.247878"
251 -},
252 -{
253 - "index": 1,
254 - "stationID": 88099,
255 - "stationName": "외서천삼거리",
256 - "x": "127.072291",
257 - "y": "37.247187"
258 -},
259 -{
260 - "index": 2,
261 - "stationID": 184641,
262 - "stationName": "살구골동아아파트",
263 - "x": "127.068013",
264 - "y": "37.247685"
265 -},
266 -{
267 - "index": 3,
268 - "stationID": 184643,
269 - "stationName": "영통역",
270 - "x": "127.074057",
271 - "y": "37.25395"
272 -}
273 - ]
274 -}
275 -},
276 -{
277 - "trafficType": 3,
278 - "distance": 344,
279 - "sectionTime": 5
280 -}
281 - ]
282 -},
283 -{
284 - "pathType": 2,
285 - "info": {
286 - "trafficDistance": 454,
287 - "totalWalk": 705,
288 - "totalTime": 17,
289 - "payment": 2800,
290 - "busTransitCount": 1,
291 - "subwayTransitCount": 0,
292 - "mapObj": "10049:1:70:71",
293 - "firstStartStation": "경희대학교",
294 - "lastEndStation": "살구골.서광아파트",
295 - "totalStationCount": 1,
296 - "busStationCount": 1,
297 - "subwayStationCount": 0,
298 - "totalDistance": 1159,
299 - "totalWalkTime": -1
300 -},
301 - "subPath": [
302 -{
303 - "trafficType": 3,
304 - "distance": 197,
305 - "sectionTime": 3
306 -},
307 -{
308 - "trafficType": 2,
309 - "distance": 454,
310 - "sectionTime": 6,
311 - "stationCount": 1,
312 - "lane": [
313 -{
314 - "busNo": "1550-1",
315 - "type": 4,
316 - "busID": 10049
317 -}
318 - ],
319 - "startName": "경희대학교",
320 - "startX": 127.077671,
321 - "startY": 37.247878,
322 - "endName": "살구골.서광아파트",
323 - "endX": 127.07264,
324 - "endY": 37.24728,
325 - "startID": 184499,
326 - "endID": 184495,
327 - "passStopList": {
328 - "stations": [
329 -{
330 - "index": 0,
331 - "stationID": 184499,
332 - "stationName": "경희대학교",
333 - "x": "127.077671",
334 - "y": "37.247878"
335 -},
336 -{
337 - "index": 1,
338 - "stationID": 184495,
339 - "stationName": "살구골.서광아파트",
340 - "x": "127.07264",
341 - "y": "37.24728"
342 -}
343 - ]
344 -}
345 -},
346 -{
347 - "trafficType": 3,
348 - "distance": 508,
349 - "sectionTime": 8
350 -}
351 - ]
352 -},
353 -{
354 - "pathType": 2,
355 - "info": {
356 - "trafficDistance": 1416,
357 - "totalWalk": 385,
358 - "totalTime": 14,
359 - "payment": 2800,
360 - "busTransitCount": 1,
361 - "subwayTransitCount": 0,
362 - "mapObj": "10052:1:4:7",
363 - "firstStartStation": "경희대학교",
364 - "lastEndStation": "살구골현대아파트.영통역4번출구",
365 - "totalStationCount": 3,
366 - "busStationCount": 3,
367 - "subwayStationCount": 0,
368 - "totalDistance": 1801,
369 - "totalWalkTime": -1
370 -},
371 - "subPath": [
372 -{
373 - "trafficType": 3,
374 - "distance": 197,
375 - "sectionTime": 3
376 -},
377 -{
378 - "trafficType": 2,
379 - "distance": 1416,
380 - "sectionTime": 8,
381 - "stationCount": 3,
382 - "lane": [
383 -{
384 - "busNo": "1112",
385 - "type": 4,
386 - "busID": 10052
387 -},
388 -{
389 - "busNo": "5100",
390 - "type": 4,
391 - "busID": 9564
392 -}
393 - ],
394 - "startName": "경희대학교",
395 - "startX": 127.077671,
396 - "startY": 37.247878,
397 - "endName": "살구골현대아파트.영통역4번출구",
398 - "endX": 127.070462,
399 - "endY": 37.250191,
400 - "startID": 184499,
401 - "endID": 184689,
402 - "passStopList": {
403 - "stations": [
404 -{
405 - "index": 0,
406 - "stationID": 184499,
407 - "stationName": "경희대학교",
408 - "x": "127.077671",
409 - "y": "37.247878"
410 -},
411 -{
412 - "index": 1,
413 - "stationID": 184495,
414 - "stationName": "살구골.서광아파트",
415 - "x": "127.07264",
416 - "y": "37.24728"
417 -},
418 -{
419 - "index": 2,
420 - "stationID": 184641,
421 - "stationName": "살구골동아아파트",
422 - "x": "127.068013",
423 - "y": "37.247685"
424 -},
425 -{
426 - "index": 3,
427 - "stationID": 184689,
428 - "stationName": "살구골현대아파트.영통역4번출구",
429 - "x": "127.070462",
430 - "y": "37.250191"
431 -}
432 - ]
433 -}
434 -},
435 -{
436 - "trafficType": 3,
437 - "distance": 188,
438 - "sectionTime": 3
439 -}
440 - ]
441 -},
442 -{
443 - "pathType": 2,
444 - "info": {
445 - "trafficDistance": 2784,
446 - "totalWalk": 337,
447 - "totalTime": 16,
448 - "payment": 2800,
449 - "busTransitCount": 1,
450 - "subwayTransitCount": 0,
451 - "mapObj": "9592:1:3:8",
452 - "firstStartStation": "경희대학교",
453 - "lastEndStation": "영통역6번출구.영덕고등학교",
454 - "totalStationCount": 5,
455 - "busStationCount": 5,
456 - "subwayStationCount": 0,
457 - "totalDistance": 3121,
458 - "totalWalkTime": -1
459 -},
460 - "subPath": [
461 -{
462 - "trafficType": 3,
463 - "distance": 197,
464 - "sectionTime": 3
465 -},
466 -{
467 - "trafficType": 2,
468 - "distance": 2784,
469 - "sectionTime": 11,
470 - "stationCount": 5,
471 - "lane": [
472 -{
473 - "busNo": "7000",
474 - "type": 4,
475 - "busID": 9592
476 -}
477 - ],
478 - "startName": "경희대학교",
479 - "startX": 127.077671,
480 - "startY": 37.247878,
481 - "endName": "영통역6번출구.영덕고등학교",
482 - "endX": 127.069841,
483 - "endY": 37.252142,
484 - "startID": 184499,
485 - "endID": 184508,
486 - "passStopList": {
487 - "stations": [
488 -{
489 - "index": 0,
490 - "stationID": 184499,
491 - "stationName": "경희대학교",
492 - "x": "127.077671",
493 - "y": "37.247878"
494 -},
495 -{
496 - "index": 1,
497 - "stationID": 184495,
498 - "stationName": "살구골.서광아파트",
499 - "x": "127.07264",
500 - "y": "37.24728"
501 -},
502 -{
503 - "index": 2,
504 - "stationID": 113705,
505 - "stationName": "영통롯데아파트",
506 - "x": "127.061285",
507 - "y": "37.246695"
508 -},
509 -{
510 - "index": 3,
511 - "stationID": 184503,
512 - "stationName": "벽적골태영아파트",
513 - "x": "127.062669",
514 - "y": "37.24958"
515 -},
516 -{
517 - "index": 4,
518 - "stationID": 184501,
519 - "stationName": "신나무실아파트",
520 - "x": "127.06605",
521 - "y": "37.252445"
522 -},
523 -{
524 - "index": 5,
525 - "stationID": 184508,
526 - "stationName": "영통역6번출구.영덕고등학교",
527 - "x": "127.069841",
528 - "y": "37.252142"
529 -}
530 - ]
531 -}
532 -},
533 -{
534 - "trafficType": 3,
535 - "distance": 140,
536 - "sectionTime": 2
537 -}
538 - ]
539 -}
540 - ]
541 -}
542 -}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -const axios = require('axios');
2 -const convert = require('xml-js');
3 -const moment = require('moment');
4 -
5 -const apiKey = '';
6 -
7 -const reverseGeocoding = async (_x, _y) => {
8 - try {
9 - var result = await axios.get("http://apis.vworld.kr/coord2jibun.do?x=" + _x + "&y=" + _y + "&output=xml&epsg=epsg:4326&apiKey=");
10 - result = convert.xml2js(result.data, {compact: true, spaces: 4});
11 - result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
12 - var cityName = result.result.ADDR._cdata.split(" ")[0];
13 - return cityName
14 - } catch (e) {
15 - console.error(e);
16 - }
17 -
18 -};
19 -
20 -const subwayArrivalTime = async (stationID, wayCode) => {
21 - try {
22 - let today = new Date();
23 - let day = today.getDay();//요일
24 - let hours = today.getHours();//시
25 - let minutes = today.getMinutes();//분
26 - var result = await axios.get("https://api.odsay.com/v1/api/subwayTimeTable?lang=0&stationID=" + stationID + "&wayCode=" + wayCode + `&showExpressTime=1&apiKey=${apiKey}`);
27 - } catch (e) {
28 - console.error(e);
29 - }
30 -
31 -}
32 -//subwayArrivalTime(216,1);
33 -const seoulBusStationID = async (stationID) => {
34 - try {
35 - var result = await axios.get("https://api.odsay.com/v1/api/busStationInfo?lang=0&stationID=" + parseInt(stationID) + `&apiKey=${apiKey}`);
36 - result = result.data;
37 - var _stationID = result.result.arsID;
38 - _stationID = _stationID.replace("-", "");
39 - return _stationID;
40 - } catch (e) {
41 - console.error(e);
42 - }
43 -}
44 -
45 -const seoulBusArrivalTime = async (stationID, busNum) => {
46 - try {
47 -
48 - var _stationID = await seoulBusStationID(stationID);
49 -
50 - var result = await axios.get('http://ws.bus.go.kr/api/rest/stationinfo/getStationByUid?serviceKey' + _stationID);
51 - //console.log(res.data);
52 - result = convert.xml2js(result.data, {compact: true, spaces: 4});
53 - result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
54 - //console.log(result.ServiceResult.msgBody.itemList);
55 - var arrList = result.ServiceResult.msgBody.itemList;
56 - //console.log(arrList);
57 - for (var i = 0; i < arrList.length; i++) {
58 - if (arrList[i].rtNm._text == busNum) {
59 - var msg = new Object();
60 - msg.msg1 = arrList[i].arrmsg1._text;
61 - msg.msg2 = arrList[i].arrmsg2._text;
62 - msg.timeInterval = 7;
63 - return msg;
64 - }
65 - }
66 - var msg = new Object();
67 - msg.msg1 = "도착예정 없음";
68 - msg.msg2 = "도착예정 없음";
69 - msg.timeInterval = 7;
70 - return msg;
71 -
72 -
73 - } catch (e) {
74 - console.error(e);
75 - }
76 -};
77 -
78 -const gyeonggiLocalData = async (stationID, busID) => {
79 - try {
80 - var result = await axios.get("https://api.odsay.com/v1/api/busStationInfo?lang=0&stationID=" + parseInt(stationID) + `&apiKey=${apiKey}`);
81 - result = result.data;
82 - var stationLocalId = result.result.localStationID;
83 - for (var i = 0; i < result.result.lane.length; i++) {
84 - if (result.result.lane[i].busID == busID) {
85 - busLocalId = result.result.lane[i].busLocalBlID;
86 -
87 - return [stationLocalId, busLocalId];
88 - }
89 - }
90 - } catch (e) {
91 - console.error(e);
92 - }
93 -};
94 -const gyeonggiBusArrivalTime = async (stationID, busID) => {
95 - try {
96 - var localData = await gyeonggiLocalData(stationID, busID);
97 - var stationLocalID = localData[0];
98 - var busLocalID = localData[1];
99 - var result = await axios.get('http://openapi.gbis.go.kr/ws/rest/busarrivalservice/station?&stationId=' + stationLocalID);
100 - result = convert.xml2js(result.data, {compact: true, spaces: 4});
101 - result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
102 -
103 - var msg = new Object();
104 - if (result.response.msgHeader.resultMessage._text == "결과가 존재하지 않습니다.") {
105 - msg.msg1 = "도착 정보 없음";
106 - msg.msg2 = "도착 정보 없음";
107 - msg.timeInterval = 7;
108 - console.log(msg);
109 - return msg;
110 -
111 - } else if (result.response.msgHeader.resultMessage._text == '정상적으로 처리되었습니다.') {
112 -
113 - var arrList = result.response.msgBody.busArrivalList;
114 - for (var i = 0; i < arrList.length; i++) {
115 - var item = arrList[i];
116 - if (item.routeId._text == busLocalID) {
117 - msg.msg1 = item.predictTime1._text + "분 남음" + "(" + item.locationNo1._text + "개 역 전에 도착)";
118 - if (parseInt(item.predictTime2._text) > 0) {
119 - msg.msg2= msg.msg2 = item.predictTime2._text + "분 남음" + "(" + item.locationNo2._text + "개 역 전에 도착)";
120 - msg.timeInterval = (parseInt(item.predictTime2._text) - parseInt(item.predictTime1._text))/60;//초
121 - console.log("time interval,",msg.timeInterval);
122 - } else {
123 - msg.msg2="도착 정보 없음";
124 - msg.timeInterval = parseInt(item.predictTime1._text);
125 - }
126 - console.log(msg);
127 - return msg;//JSON타입 데이터
128 -
129 - }
130 - }
131 - msg.msg1 = "도착 정보 없음";
132 - msg.msg2 = "도착 정보 없음";
133 - msg.timeInterval = 7;
134 - console.log(msg);
135 - return msg;
136 -
137 - }
138 -
139 - } catch (e) {
140 - console.error(e);
141 - }
142 -}
143 -
144 -function printSubwayInfo(subPath) {
145 - console.log("-------지하철 이동---------");
146 - console.log("소요시간:", subPath.time);
147 - console.log("총 정거장수:", subPath.stationCnt);
148 - console.log("지하철 정보:");
149 - for (var i = 0; i < subPath.laneList.length; i++) {
150 - console.log(subPath.laneList[i].name);
151 - }
152 - console.log("출발역:", subPath.startName);
153 - console.log("도착역:", subPath.endName);
154 - console.log("station 리스트");
155 - console.log("------노선-------");
156 - for (var i = 0; i < subPath.stationList.length; i++) {
157 - console.log("|")
158 - console.log(subPath.stationList[i]);
159 - }
160 -
161 -
162 -}
163 -
164 -function printBusInfo(subPath) {
165 - console.log("--------버스 이동----------");
166 - console.log("소요시간:", subPath.time);
167 - console.log(subPath.stationCnt, "개 정류장 이동");
168 - for (var i = 0; i < subPath.arrivalInfo.length; i++) {
169 - console.log("버스 번호:", subPath.arrivalInfo[i].busNo);
170 - console.log(subPath.arrivalInfo[i].msg);
171 - console.log("-----------------------");
172 - }
173 - //console.log("대체버스:",subPath.busNumberList);
174 - console.log("출발역:", subPath.startName);
175 - console.log("도착역:", subPath.endName);
176 - console.log("-------노선--------");
177 - for (var i = 0; i < subPath.stationList.length; i++) {
178 - console.log("|");
179 - console.log(subPath.stationList[i].stationName);
180 - }
181 -
182 -
183 -}
184 -
185 -function printWalkInfo(subPath) {
186 - console.log("--------도보 이동----------");
187 - console.log("도보 이동 시간:", subPath.time);
188 - console.log("도보 이동 거리:", subPath.distance);
189 -
190 -
191 -}
192 -
193 -const searchPubTransPath = async (sx, sy, ex, ey, avgSpeed, endTime) => {
194 - //출발지점x좌표, 출발지점 y좌표, 도착지점 x좌표, 도착지점 y좌표, 보행자 평균 속도, 희망 도착시간(stringtype 2digit->hour, 2digit->min)
195 - try {
196 - var result = await axios.get("https://api.odsay.com/v1/api/searchPubTransPath?SX=" + sx + "&SY=" + sy + "&EX=" + ex + "&EY=" + ey + `&apiKey=${apiKey}`);
197 - result = result.data;
198 - var endTime = moment(endTime).format('HH:mm').split(':');
199 - console.log(endTime);
200 -
201 - var arrivalTime = parseInt(endTime[0]) * 60 + parseInt(endTime[1]);//endTime의 시각을 minute단위로 바꿈
202 - if (result.result.searchType == 0) {//도시내 이동
203 - var pathList = new Array();
204 - for (var i = 0; i < result.result.path.length; i++) {
205 - var path = result.result.path[i];
206 - console.log("========================================================================================");
207 - console.log("========================================================================================");
208 - console.log(i + 1, "번째 경로");
209 - var pathObj = new Object();
210 - if (path.pathType == 1) {
211 - pathObj.pathType = "지하철";
212 - } else if (path.pathType == 2) {
213 - pathObj.pathType = "버스";
214 - } else {
215 - pathObj.pathType = "지하철&버스";
216 - }
217 - pathObj.walkTime = 0;
218 - pathObj.info = path.info;
219 - pathObj.walkDistance = 0;
220 - pathObj.busTimeInterval = 0;
221 - console.log(pathObj.pathType);
222 - console.log("총소요시간:", pathObj.info.totalTime);
223 - console.log("비용:", pathObj.info.payment);
224 - console.log("출발역:", pathObj.info.firstStartStation);
225 - console.log("도착역:", pathObj.info.lastEndStation);
226 - console.log("도보:", pathObj.info.totalWalk, " 이동");
227 - console.log("총", pathObj.info.totalStationCount, "개 역 이동");
228 - console.log("버스:", pathObj.info.busStationCount, "개 역 이동");
229 - console.log("지하철:", pathObj.info.subwayStationCount, "개 역 이동");
230 - console.log("=======경로 상세정보========");
231 - pathObj.subPathList = new Array();
232 - //console.log(pathObj.info);
233 - for (var j = 0; j < path.subPath.length; j++) {
234 - var subPath = new Object();
235 - if (path.subPath[j].trafficType == 1) {//지하철 환승
236 - subPath.trafficType = "지하철";
237 - subPath.time = path.subPath[j].sectionTime;
238 - subPath.stationCnt = path.subPath[j].stationCount;
239 - subPath.laneList = path.subPath[j].lane;
240 - subPath.startName = path.subPath[j].startName;
241 - subPath.startID = path.subPath[j].startID;
242 - subPath.endName = path.subPath[j].endName;
243 - subPath.endID = path.subPath[j].endID;
244 - subPath.stationList = new Array();
245 - for (var k = 0; k < path.subPath[j].passStopList.stations.length; k++) {
246 - subPath.stationList.push(path.subPath[j].passStopList.stations[k].stationName);
247 - }
248 - printSubwayInfo(subPath);
249 - } else if (path.subPath[j].trafficType == 2) {//버스=>실시간 정보!
250 - subPath.trafficType = "버스";
251 - subPath.time = path.subPath[j].sectionTime;//총소요시간
252 - subPath.stationCnt = path.subPath[j].stationCount;
253 - subPath.startName = path.subPath[j].startName;
254 - subPath.startID = path.subPath[j].startID;
255 - subPath.endName = path.subPath[j].endName;
256 - subPath.endID = path.subPath[j].endID;
257 - subPath.stationList = path.subPath[j].passStopList.stations;
258 - subPath.arrivalInfo = new Array();
259 - var cityName = await reverseGeocoding(path.subPath[j].passStopList.stations[0].x, path.subPath[j].passStopList.stations[0].y);
260 - if (cityName == "서울특별시") {//stationID와 busNo로 도착 예정시간 추출
261 - //seoulBusArrivalTime(path.subPath[j].passStopList.stations[0].stationID,busNumberList);
262 - for (var a = 0; a < path.subPath[j].lane.length; a++) {
263 - var busArrivalInfoItem = new Object();
264 - var _msg = await seoulBusArrivalTime(subPath.startID, path.subPath[j].lane[a].busNo);
265 - busArrivalInfoItem.busID = path.subPath[j].lane[a].busID;
266 - busArrivalInfoItem.busNo = path.subPath[j].lane[a].busNo;
267 - busArrivalInfoItem.msg = _msg;
268 - subPath.arrivalInfo.push(busArrivalInfoItem);
269 - pathObj.busTimeInterval = _msg.timeInterval; //초->분단위로 바꿈
270 - console.log(_msg.timeInterval);
271 - if (a == 2)//버스 최대 3개까지만 출력시킴
272 - break;
273 - }
274 - printBusInfo(subPath);
275 - } else if (cityName == "경기도") {
276 - for (var a = 0; a < path.subPath[j].lane.length; a++) {
277 - var busArrivalInfoItem = new Object();
278 - var _msg = await gyeonggiBusArrivalTime(subPath.startID, path.subPath[j].lane[a].busID);
279 - busArrivalInfoItem.busID = path.subPath[j].lane[a].busID;
280 - busArrivalInfoItem.busNo = path.subPath[j].lane[a].busNo;
281 - busArrivalInfoItem.msg = _msg;
282 - subPath.arrivalInfo.push(busArrivalInfoItem);
283 - console.log("----------메시지메시지-----------", _msg);
284 - pathObj.busTimeInterval = _msg.timeInterval;
285 -
286 - if (a == 2)//버스 최대 3개까지만 출력
287 - break;
288 - }
289 - printBusInfo(subPath);
290 - } else {
291 - //서울, 경기를 제외한 지역은 실시간 정보 제공 불가
292 - printBusInfo(subPath);
293 - }
294 - } else {//도보이동
295 - pathObj.walkTime += path.subPath[j].sectionTime;
296 - pathObj.walkDistance += path.subPath[j].distance;
297 - subPath.trafficType = "도보";
298 - subPath.time = path.subPath[j].sectionTime;
299 - subPath.distance = path.subPath[j].distance;
300 - printWalkInfo(subPath);
301 - }
302 - pathObj.subPathList.push(subPath);
303 -
304 - }
305 -
306 - pathList.push(pathObj);
307 - var optTotalTime = pathObj.info.totalTime - pathObj.walkTime + pathObj.walkDistance / avgSpeed;//사용자의 보행속도를 고려한 이동시간
308 - console.log("arrrrrrrrrrr",arrivalTime)
309 - var departureTime1 = parseInt(arrivalTime - optTotalTime);
310 -
311 - if(departureTime1<0){
312 - departureTime1+=1440;
313 - }
314 - if(path.pathType==1){//지하철의 경우 시간간격 4분으로
315 - pathObj.busTimeInterval=4;
316 - }
317 - var departureTime2 = parseInt(arrivalTime - optTotalTime - pathObj.busTimeInterval);
318 - if(departureTime2<0){
319 - departureTime2+=1440;
320 - }
321 - console.log(pathObj.busTimeInterval);
322 - console.log("dp1",departureTime1);
323 - console.log("dp2",departureTime2);
324 -
325 - console.log("pathType",path.pathType);
326 - console.log("departure time 1",departureTime1);
327 - console.log("departure time 2",departureTime2);
328 - var hour1 = departureTime1 / 60;
329 - var min1 = departureTime1 % 60;
330 - var hour2 = departureTime2 / 60;
331 - var min2 =departureTime2 % 60;
332 - pathObj.info.hour1=parseInt(hour1).toString();
333 - pathObj.info.min1=parseInt(min1).toString();
334 - pathObj.info.hour2=parseInt(hour2).toString();
335 - pathObj.info.min2=parseInt(min2).toString();
336 - console.log(pathObj.info.hour1,"시 ",pathObj.info.min1,"분");
337 - console.log(pathObj.info.hour2,"시 ",pathObj.info.min2,"분");
338 - if (i == 2)//경로 3개까지만 출력
339 - break;
340 -
341 -
342 - }
343 - return {pathList};
344 - } else if (result.result.searchType == 1) {//도시간 이동
345 - var path = new Object();
346 - path.trainList = new Array();
347 - for (var j = 0; j < result.result.trainRequest.count; j++) {
348 - var train = new Object();
349 - train = result.result.trainRequest.OBJ[j];
350 - path.trainList.push(train);
351 - if (j == 2)
352 - break;
353 - }
354 - path.exBusList = new Array();
355 - for (var j = 0; j < result.result.exBusRequest.count; j++) {
356 - var exBus = new Object();
357 - exBus = reuslt.result.exBusRequest.OBJ[j];
358 - path.exBusList.push(exBus);
359 - if (j == 2)
360 - break;
361 - }
362 - path.outBusList = new Array();
363 - for (var j = 0; j < result.result.outBusRequest.count; j++) {
364 - var outBus = new Object();
365 - outBus = result.result.outBusRequest.OBJ[j];
366 - path.outBusList.push(outBus);
367 - if (j == 2)
368 - break;
369 - }
370 - return path;
371 -
372 - }
373 -
374 - } catch (e) {
375 - console.error(e);
376 - }
377 -};
378 -searchPubTransPath(126.999451,37.266670, 126.986990,37.541386,60,"00:10");
379 -module.exports = searchPubTransPath;
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