
develop branch 생성, naver 크롤링 실패

1 +const axios = require("axios");
2 +const cheerio = require("cheerio");
3 +const log = console.log;
4 +
5 +const getHtml = async () => {
6 + try {
7 + return await axios.get("https://sports.news.naver.com/kbaseball/news/index.nhn?isphoto=N&type=latest");
8 + } catch (error) {
9 + console.error(error);
10 + }
11 +};
12 +
13 +getHtml()
14 + .then(html => {
15 + let ulList = [];
16 + const $ = cheerio.load(html.data);
17 + const $bodyList = $("div.news_list ul").children("li");
18 +
19 + $bodyList.each(function(i, elem) {
20 + ulList[i] = {
21 + url: $(this).find('a').attr('href'),
22 + image_url: $(this).find('a.thmb img').attr('src'),
23 + title: $(this).find('div.text a').text(),
24 + summary: $(this).find('div.text p').text(),//.slice(0, -29)
25 + datetime: $(this).find('div.text div.source span').text()
26 + };
27 + console.log(ulList[i]) // list object checking code
28 + });
29 +
30 + const data = ulList.filter(n => n.title);
31 + return data;
32 + //return ulList;
33 + }).then(res => console.log(res));
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