@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ In order to run these scripts, you'll need the following libraries.
3. Our first job is to download all of your conversation data from various social media sites. For me, I used Facebook, Google Hangouts, and LinkedIn. If you have other sites that you're getting data from, that's fine. You just will have to create a new method in [createDataset.py](https://github.com/adeshpande3/Facebook-Messenger-Bot/blob/master/createDataset.py).
**KaKaotalk Data**: Tap the More section of the KakaoTalk window you want to analyze and enter the settings. After that, you can send the KakaoTalk chat file to the designated email by clicking the Export chat details button, and enter all the text in your log file.
**KaKaotalk Data**: Tap the More section of the KakaoTalk window you want to analyze and enter the settings. After that, you can send the KakaoTalk chat file to the designated email by clicking the Export chat details button, and enter all the text in your log file.
And re-routing it for your computer
4. Now that we have all our conversation logs in a clean format, we can go ahead and create our dataset. In our directory, let's run: