10.2 KB
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import sys
from random import randint
import datetime
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
import pickle
import os
# Removes an annoying Tensorflow warning
import sys    

def createTrainingMatrices(conversationFileName, wList, maxLen):
    conversationDictionary = np.load(conversationFileName, allow_pickle=True).item()
    numExamples = len(conversationDictionary)
    xTrain = np.zeros((numExamples, maxLen), dtype='int32')
    yTrain = np.zeros((numExamples, maxLen), dtype='int32')
    for index,(key,value) in enumerate(conversationDictionary.items()):
        # Will store integerized representation of strings here (initialized as padding)
        encoderMessage = np.full((maxLen), wList.index('<pad>'), dtype='int32')
        decoderMessage = np.full((maxLen), wList.index('<pad>'), dtype='int32')
        # Getting all the individual words in the strings
        keySplit = key.split()
        valueSplit = value.split()
        keyCount = len(keySplit)
        valueCount = len(valueSplit)
        # Throw out sequences that are too long or are empty
        if (keyCount > (maxLen - 1) or valueCount > (maxLen - 1) or valueCount == 0 or keyCount == 0):
        # Integerize the encoder string
        for keyIndex, word in enumerate(keySplit):
                encoderMessage[keyIndex] = wList.index(word)
            except ValueError:
                # TODO: This isnt really the right way to handle this scenario
                encoderMessage[keyIndex] = 0
        encoderMessage[keyIndex + 1] = wList.index('<EOS>')
        # Integerize the decoder stringd
        for valueIndex, word in enumerate(valueSplit):
                decoderMessage[valueIndex] = wList.index(word)
            except ValueError:
                decoderMessage[valueIndex] = 0
        decoderMessage[valueIndex + 1] = wList.index('<EOS>')
        xTrain[index] = encoderMessage
        yTrain[index] = decoderMessage
    # Remove rows with all zeros
    yTrain = yTrain[~np.all(yTrain == 0, axis=1)]
    xTrain = xTrain[~np.all(xTrain == 0, axis=1)]
    numExamples = xTrain.shape[0]
    return numExamples, xTrain, yTrain

def getTrainingBatch(localXTrain, localYTrain, localBatchSize, maxLen):
    num = randint(0,numTrainingExamples - localBatchSize - 1)
    arr = localXTrain[num:num + localBatchSize]
    labels = localYTrain[num:num + localBatchSize]
    # Reversing the order of encoder string apparently helps as per 2014 paper
    reversedList = list(arr)
    for index,example in enumerate(reversedList):
        reversedList[index] = list(reversed(example))

    # Lagged labels are for the training input into the decoder
    laggedLabels = []
    EOStokenIndex = wordList.index('<EOS>')
    padTokenIndex = wordList.index('<pad>')
    for example in labels:
        eosFound = np.argwhere(example==EOStokenIndex)[0]
        shiftedExample = np.roll(example,1)
        shiftedExample[0] = EOStokenIndex
        # The EOS token was already at the end, so no need for pad
        if (eosFound != (maxLen - 1)):
            shiftedExample[eosFound+1] = padTokenIndex

    # Need to transpose these
    reversedList = np.asarray(reversedList).T.tolist()
    labels = labels.T.tolist()
    laggedLabels = np.asarray(laggedLabels).T.tolist()
    return reversedList, labels, laggedLabels

def translateToSentences(inputs, wList, encoder=False):
    EOStokenIndex = wList.index('<EOS>')
    padTokenIndex = wList.index('<pad>')
    numStrings = len(inputs[0])
    numLengthOfStrings = len(inputs)
    listOfStrings = [''] * numStrings
    for mySet in inputs:
        for index,num in enumerate(mySet):
            if (num != EOStokenIndex and num != padTokenIndex):
                if (encoder):
                    # Encodings are in reverse!
                    listOfStrings[index] = wList[num] + " " + listOfStrings[index]
                    listOfStrings[index] = listOfStrings[index] + " " + wList[num]
    listOfStrings = [string.strip() for string in listOfStrings]
    return listOfStrings

def getTestInput(inputMessage, wList, maxLen):
    encoderMessage = np.full((maxLen), wList.index('<pad>'), dtype='int32')
    inputSplit = inputMessage.lower().split()
    for index,word in enumerate(inputSplit):
            encoderMessage[index] = wList.index(word)
        except ValueError:
    encoderMessage[index + 1] = wList.index('<EOS>')
    encoderMessage = encoderMessage[::-1]
    for num in encoderMessage:
    return encoderMessageList

def idsToSentence(ids, wList):
    EOStokenIndex = wList.index('<EOS>')
    padTokenIndex = wList.index('<pad>')
    myStr = ""
    for num in ids:
        if (num[0] == EOStokenIndex or num[0] == padTokenIndex):
            myStr = ""
            myStr = myStr + wList[num[0]] + " "
    if myStr:
    listOfResponses = [i for i in listOfResponses if i]
    return listOfResponses

# Hyperparamters
batchSize = 24
maxEncoderLength = 15
maxDecoderLength = maxEncoderLength
lstmUnits = 112
embeddingDim = lstmUnits
numLayersLSTM = 3
numIterations = 500000

# Loading in all the data structures
with open("wordList.txt", "rb") as fp:
    wordList = pickle.load(fp)

vocabSize = len(wordList)

# If you've run the entirety of then these lines will load in
# the embedding matrix.
if (os.path.isfile('embeddingMatrix.npy')):
    wordVectors = np.load('embeddingMatrix.npy')
    wordVecDimensions = wordVectors.shape[1]
    question = 'Since we cant find an embedding matrix, how many dimensions do you want your word vectors to be?: '
    wordVecDimensions = 2

# Add two entries to the word vector matrix. One to represent padding tokens,
# and one to represent an end of sentence token
padVector = np.zeros((1, wordVecDimensions), dtype='int32')
EOSVector = np.ones((1, wordVecDimensions), dtype='int32')
if (os.path.isfile('embeddingMatrix.npy')):
    wordVectors = np.concatenate((wordVectors,padVector), axis=0)
    wordVectors = np.concatenate((wordVectors,EOSVector), axis=0)

# Need to modify the word list as well
vocabSize = vocabSize + 2

if (os.path.isfile('Seq2SeqXTrain.npy') and os.path.isfile('Seq2SeqYTrain.npy')):
    xTrain = np.load('Seq2SeqXTrain.npy')
    yTrain = np.load('Seq2SeqYTrain.npy')
    print ('Finished loading training matrices')
    numTrainingExamples = xTrain.shape[0]
    numTrainingExamples, xTrain, yTrain = createTrainingMatrices(r'C:\Users\dlgpd\Desktop\20-1\oss\term-project\Learn_for_yourself\final\conversationDictionary.npy', wordList, maxEncoderLength)'Seq2SeqXTrain.npy', xTrain)'Seq2SeqYTrain.npy', yTrain)
    print ('Finished creating training matrices')


# Create the placeholders
encoderInputs = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,)) for i in range(maxEncoderLength)]
decoderLabels = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,)) for i in range(maxDecoderLength)]
decoderInputs = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,)) for i in range(maxDecoderLength)]
feedPrevious = tf.placeholder(tf.bool)

encoderLSTM = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(lstmUnits, state_is_tuple=True)

#encoderLSTM = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([singleCell]*numLayersLSTM, state_is_tuple=True)
# Architectural choice of of whether or not to include ^

decoderOutputs, decoderFinalState = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_rnn_seq2seq(encoderInputs, decoderInputs, encoderLSTM,
                                                            vocabSize, vocabSize, embeddingDim, feed_previous=feedPrevious)

decoderPrediction = tf.argmax(decoderOutputs, 2)

lossWeights = [tf.ones_like(l, dtype=tf.float32) for l in decoderLabels]
loss = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.sequence_loss(decoderOutputs, decoderLabels, lossWeights, vocabSize)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(loss)

sess = tf.Session()
saver = tf.train.Saver()
# If you're loading in a saved model, uncomment the following line and comment out line 202
#saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('models/'))

# Uploading results to Tensorboard
tf.summary.scalar('Loss', loss)
merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
logdir = "tensorboard/" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + "/"
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir, sess.graph)

# Some test strings that we'll use as input at intervals during training
encoderTestStrings = ["밥먹었어?",

zeroVector = np.zeros((1), dtype='int32')

for i in range(numIterations):

    encoderTrain, decoderTargetTrain, decoderInputTrain = getTrainingBatch(xTrain, yTrain, batchSize, maxEncoderLength)
    feedDict = {encoderInputs[t]: encoderTrain[t] for t in range(maxEncoderLength)}
    feedDict.update({decoderLabels[t]: decoderTargetTrain[t] for t in range(maxDecoderLength)})
    feedDict.update({decoderInputs[t]: decoderInputTrain[t] for t in range(maxDecoderLength)})
    feedDict.update({feedPrevious: False})

    curLoss, _, pred =[loss, optimizer, decoderPrediction], feed_dict=feedDict)

    if (i % 50 == 0):
        print('Current loss:', curLoss, 'at iteration', i)
        summary =, feed_dict=feedDict)
        writer.add_summary(summary, i)
    if (i % 25 == 0 and i != 0):
        num = randint(0,len(encoderTestStrings) - 1)
        print (encoderTestStrings[num])
        inputVector = getTestInput(encoderTestStrings[num], wordList, maxEncoderLength);
        feedDict = {encoderInputs[t]: inputVector[t] for t in range(maxEncoderLength)}
        feedDict.update({decoderLabels[t]: zeroVector for t in range(maxDecoderLength)})
        feedDict.update({decoderInputs[t]: zeroVector for t in range(maxDecoderLength)})
        feedDict.update({feedPrevious: True})
        ids = (, feed_dict=feedDict))
        print (idsToSentence(ids, wordList))

    if (i % 100 == 0 and i != 0):
        savePath =, "models/pretrained_seq2seq.ckpt", global_step=i)