6.11 KB
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import re
from datetime import datetime

def getKakaotalkbookData():
    print("function active")
    personName = raw_input('Enter your full kakao name: ')
    personName = personName.rstrip('\r')
    responseDictionary = dict()
    with open(r'C:\Users\dlgpd\Desktop\20-1\oss\term-project\Learn_for_yourself\chat_system\fbMessages.txt', 'r') as fbFile:
        allLines = fbFile.readlines()

    myMessage, otherPersonsMessage, currentSpeaker = "","",""

    for index,lines in enumerate(allLines):
        rightBracket = lines.find(']') + 2
        justMessage = lines[rightBracket:]
        colon = justMessage.find(':')
        # Find messages that I sent
        print(personName, len(personName))
        print(justMessage[:colon-1], len(personName))
        print(justMessage[:colon-1] == personName)
        print(justMessage[:colon] == "Second User")
        print(personName == "Second User")

        if (justMessage[:colon-1] == personName):
            if not myMessage:
                # Want to find the first message that I send (if I send multiple
                # in a row)
                startMessageIndex = index - 1
            myMessage += justMessage[colon + 2:]

        elif myMessage:
            # Now go and see what message the other person sent by looking at
            # previous messages
            for counter in range(startMessageIndex, 0, -1):
                currentLine = allLines[counter]
                rightBracket = currentLine.find(']') + 2
                justMessage = currentLine[rightBracket:]
                colon = justMessage.find(':')
                if not currentSpeaker:
                    # The first speaker not named me
                    currentSpeaker = justMessage[:colon]
                elif (currentSpeaker != justMessage[:colon] and otherPersonsMessage):
                    # A different person started speaking, so now I know that the
                    # first person's message is done
                    otherPersonsMessage = cleanMessage(otherPersonsMessage)
                    myMessage = cleanMessage(myMessage)
                    responseDictionary[otherPersonsMessage] = myMessage
                otherPersonsMessage = justMessage[colon + 2:] + otherPersonsMessage
            myMessage, otherPersonsMessage, currentSpeaker = "","",""
    return responseDictionary

def getFacebookData():
    print("function active")
    personName = input('Enter your full Kakaotalk name: ')
    personName = personName.rstrip('\r')
    responseDictionary = dict()
    with open(r'C:\Users\dlgpd\Downloads\kakao\Talk_2020.6.21 20_35-1.txt', 'r', encoding='UTF8') as fbFile:
        allLines = fbFile.readlines()

    myMessage, otherPersonsMessage, currentSpeaker = "","",""

    for index,lines in enumerate(allLines):
        rightBracket = lines.find(':') + 5
        justMessage = lines[rightBracket:]
        colon = justMessage.find(':')
        # Find messages that I sent
        print(personName, len(personName))
        print(justMessage[:colon-1], len(personName))
        print(justMessage[:colon-1] == personName)
        print(justMessage[:colon] == "Second User")
        print(personName == "Second User")

        if (justMessage[:colon-1] == personName):
            if not myMessage:
                # Want to find the first message that I send (if I send multiple
                # in a row)
                startMessageIndex = index - 1
            myMessage += justMessage[colon + 2:]

        elif myMessage:
            # Now go and see what message the other person sent by looking at
            # previous messages
            for counter in range(startMessageIndex, 0, -1):
                currentLine = allLines[counter]
                rightBracket = currentLine.find(':') + 5
                justMessage = currentLine[rightBracket:]
                colon = justMessage.find(':')
                if not currentSpeaker:
                    # The first speaker not named me
                    currentSpeaker = justMessage[:colon]
                elif (currentSpeaker != justMessage[:colon] and otherPersonsMessage):
                    # A different person started speaking, so now I know that the
                    # first person's message is done
                    otherPersonsMessage = cleanMessage(otherPersonsMessage)
                    myMessage = cleanMessage(myMessage)
                    responseDictionary[otherPersonsMessage] = myMessage
                otherPersonsMessage = justMessage[colon + 2:] + otherPersonsMessage
            myMessage, otherPersonsMessage, currentSpeaker = "","",""
    return responseDictionary

def cleanMessage(message):
    # Remove new lines within message
    cleanedMessage = message.replace('\n',' ').lower()
    # Deal with some weird tokens
    cleanedMessage = cleanedMessage.replace("\xc2\xa0", "")
    # Remove punctuation
    cleanedMessage = re.sub('([.,!?])','', cleanedMessage)
    # Remove multiple spaces in message
    cleanedMessage = re.sub(' +',' ', cleanedMessage)
    return cleanedMessage

combinedDictionary = {}


print ('Total len of dictionary', len(combinedDictionary))

print('Saving conversation data dictionary')'C:\Users\dlgpd\Desktop\20-1\oss\term-project\Learn_for_yourself\chat_system\conversationDictionary.npy', combinedDictionary)

conversationFile = open(r'C:\Users\dlgpd\Desktop\20-1\oss\term-project\Learn_for_yourself\chat_system\conversationData.txt', 'w', encoding='UTF8')
for key, value in combinedDictionary.items():
    if (not key.strip() or not value.strip()):
        # If there are empty strings
    print(key.strip() + value.strip())
    conversationFile.write(key.strip() + value.strip())