ini-loader.d.ts 1.38 KB
export interface LoadFileOptions {
  filename?: string,
  isConfig?: boolean,

export interface IniFileContent {
  [key: string]: {[key: string]: string}

 * Ini file loader class the same as that used in the SDK. It loads and 
 * parses config and credentials files in .ini format and cache the content
 * to assure files are only read once. 
 * Note that calling operations on the instance instantiated from this class
 * won't affect the behavior of SDK since SDK uses an internal singleton of
 * this class.
export class IniLoader{
/** Remove all cached files. Used after config files are updated. */

 * Load configurations from config/credentials files and cache them 
 * for later use. If no file is specified it will try to load default
 * files.
 * @returns {object} object of all profile information in the file
  loadFrom(options: LoadFileOptions): IniFileContent;

 * Read specified file and return parsed config object. This method will always
 * read from disk and won't update cache. This is a lower level function of 
 * loadFrom().
 * @param filename [string] valid readable file path containing aws credentials
 * or aws configs
 * @param isConfig [boolean] true if specified file is an aws config file; false
 * if the file is an aws credentials file
export function parseFile(filename: string, isConfig: boolean): IniFileContent;