
Handle exception of maintenance homepage

......@@ -12,8 +12,14 @@ module.exports = {
var isMaintainence = false;
await axios.get("https://lostark.game.onstove.com").then(html=>{
const $ = cheerio.load(html.data);
textMaintainence = $("div.time_wraper").find("h3").text();
timeMaintainence = $("strong#inspectionTime").text();
if(textMaintainence == "예상 점검 완료 시간")
isMaintainence = true;
const buttonsRow = new MessageActionRow()
const buttonsRow = new MessageActionRow()
new MessageButton()
......@@ -32,72 +38,81 @@ module.exports = {
.setLabel("현재 마리샵 정보 조회")
async function getHTML() {
try {
return await axios.get("https://lostark.game.onstove.com/Shop#mari");
} catch (error) {
await getHTML().then(html => {
const $ = cheerio.load(html.data);
const bodyList = $("ul.list-items").children("li");
bodyList.each(function(i, elem) {
itemInfo[i] = {
name: $(this).find("span.item-name").text(),
amount: $(this).find("span.amount").text()};
return itemInfo;
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("마리샵 성장 추천 목록")
.setDescription("성장 추천");
for(idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
embed.addField("\u200B", "전투ㆍ생활 추천", false);
for(idx = 18; idx < 24; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed], components: [buttonsRow], allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});
const filter = (interaction) => { return interaction.customId === "12time_ago" || "6time_ago" || "0time_ago" ;};
const collector = interaction.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter, time: 60000});
collector.on("collect", async (interaction) => {
if(interaction.customId === "12time_ago") {
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("마리샵 성장 추천 목록")
.setDescription("성장 추천");
for(idx = 6; idx < 12; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
embed.addField("\u200B", "전투ㆍ생활 추천", false);
for(idx = 24; idx < 30; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
interaction.update({ embeds: [embed], components: [buttonsRow], allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});
} else if(interaction.customId === "6time_ago"){
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("마리샵 성장 추천 목록")
.setDescription("성장 추천");
for(idx = 12; idx < 18; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
embed.addField("\u200B", "전투ㆍ생활 추천", false);
for(idx = 30; idx < 36; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
interaction.update({ embeds: [embed], components: [buttonsRow], allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});
} else if(interaction.customId === "0time_ago"){
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("마리샵 성장 추천 목록")
.setDescription("성장 추천");
for(idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
embed.addField("\u200B", "전투ㆍ생활 추천", false);
for(idx = 18; idx <24; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
interaction.update({ embeds: [embed], components: [buttonsRow], allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});
async function getHTML() {
try {
return await axios.get("https://lostark.game.onstove.com/Shop#mari");
} catch (error) {
await getHTML().then(html => {
const $ = cheerio.load(html.data);
const bodyList = $("ul.list-items").children("li");
bodyList.each(function(i, elem) {
itemInfo[i] = {
name: $(this).find("span.item-name").text(),
amount: $(this).find("span.amount").text()};
return itemInfo;
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("마리샵 성장 추천 목록")
.setDescription("성장 추천");
for(idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
embed.addField("\u200B", "전투ㆍ생활 추천", false);
for(idx = 18; idx < 24; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed], components: [buttonsRow], allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});
const filter = (interaction) => { return interaction.customId === "12time_ago" || "6time_ago" || "0time_ago" ;};
const collector = interaction.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter, time: 60000});
collector.on("collect", async (interaction) => {
if(interaction.customId === "12time_ago") {
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("마리샵 성장 추천 목록")
.setDescription("성장 추천");
for(idx = 6; idx < 12; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
embed.addField("\u200B", "전투ㆍ생활 추천", false);
for(idx = 24; idx < 30; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
interaction.update({ embeds: [embed], components: [buttonsRow], allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});
} else if(interaction.customId === "6time_ago"){
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("마리샵 성장 추천 목록")
.setDescription("성장 추천");
for(idx = 12; idx < 18; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
embed.addField("\u200B", "전투ㆍ생활 추천", false);
for(idx = 30; idx < 36; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
interaction.update({ embeds: [embed], components: [buttonsRow], allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});
} else if(interaction.customId === "0time_ago"){
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("마리샵 성장 추천 목록")
.setDescription("성장 추천");
for(idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
embed.addField("\u200B", "전투ㆍ생활 추천", false);
for(idx = 18; idx <24; idx++) {
embed.addField(`${(itemInfo[idx]).name}`, `${(itemInfo[idx]).amount}<:bluecrystal:952747773097295932>`, true); }
interaction.update({ embeds: [embed], components: [buttonsRow], allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("현재 로스트아크가 점검중입니다.")
.setDescription(`예상 점검 시간: ${timeMaintainence}`);
interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed], allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false} });
\ No newline at end of file