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NodeJS file stream rotator


To provide an automated rotation of Express/Connect logs based on date.


npm install file-stream-rotator


    // Default date added at the end of the file
    var rotatingLogStream = require('file-stream-rotator').getStream({filename:"/tmp/test.log", frequency:"daily", verbose: false});

    // Default date added using file pattern
    var rotatingLogStream = require('file-stream-rotator').getStream({filename:"/tmp/test-%DATE%.log", frequency:"daily", verbose: false});

    // Custom date added using file pattern using moment.js formats
    var rotatingLogStream = require('file-stream-rotator').getStream({filename:"/tmp/test-%DATE%.log", frequency:"daily", verbose: false, date_format: "YYYY-MM-DD"});

    // Rotate when the date format as calculated by momentjs is different (e.g monthly)
    var rotatingLogStream = require('file-stream-rotator').getStream({filename:"/tmp/test-%DATE%.log", frequency:"custom", verbose: false, date_format: "YYYY-MM"});

    // Rotate when the date format as calculated by momentjs is different (e.g weekly)
    var rotatingLogStream = require('file-stream-rotator').getStream({filename:"/tmp/test-%DATE%.log", frequency:"custom", verbose: false, date_format: "YYYY-ww"});

    // Rotate when the date format as calculated by momentjs is different (e.g AM/PM)
    var rotatingLogStream = require('file-stream-rotator').getStream({filename:"/tmp/test-%DATE%.log", frequency:"custom", verbose: false, date_format: "YYYY-MM-DD-A"});

    // Rotate on given minutes using the 'm' option i.e. 5m or 30m
    var rotatingLogStream = require('file-stream-rotator').getStream({filename:"/tmp/test.log", frequency:"5m", verbose: false});

    // Rotate on the hour or any specified number of hours
    var rotatingLogStream = require('file-stream-rotator').getStream({filename:"/tmp/test.log", frequency:"1h", verbose: false});


    // Use new stream in express
    app.use(express.logger({stream: rotatingLogStream, format: "default"}));


You can listen to the open, close, error and finish events generated by the open stream. You can also listen for custom events:

rotate: that will pass two parameters to the callback: oldFilename and newFilename new: that will pass two parameters to the callback: oldFilename and newFilename

You can also limit the size of each file by adding the size option using "k", "m" and "g" to specify the size of the file in kiloybytes, megabytes or gigabytes. When it rotates a file based on size, it will add a number to the end and increment it for every time the file rotates in the given period as shown below.

  3078  7 Mar 13:09:58 2017 testlog-2017-03-07.13.09.log.20
  2052  7 Mar 13:10:00 2017 testlog-2017-03-07.13.09.log.21
  3078  7 Mar 13:10:05 2017 testlog-2017-03-07.13.10.log.1
  3078  7 Mar 13:10:08 2017 testlog-2017-03-07.13.10.log.2
  3078  7 Mar 13:10:11 2017 testlog-2017-03-07.13.10.log.3
  3078  7 Mar 13:10:14 2017 testlog-2017-03-07.13.10.log.4

The example below will rotate files daily but each file will be limited to 5MB.

    // Rotate every day or every 5 megabytes, whatever comes first.
    var rotatingLogStream = require('file-stream-rotator').getStream(
            verbose: false, 
            date_format: "YYYY-MM-DD",
            size: "5M" // its letter denominating the size is case insensitive
        // do something with old file like compression or delete older than X days.

NPM Maintainers

The npm module for this library will be maintained by:


file-stream-rotator is licensed under the MIT license.