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      function daum_click()
          if(Daum_webtoons.display == "none")
            Daum_webtoons.display == "block";
            if(Daum_webtoons.display = "block")
            Daum_webtoons.display == "none";
      function naver_click()
          if(Naver_webtoons.display == "none")
              Naver_webtoons.display == "block";
          if(Naver_webtoons.display = "block")
              Naver_webtoons.display == "none";
  <body id="page-top" data-spy="scroll" data-target=".navbar-fixed-top">
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              <a class="navbar-brand page-scroll" href="#page-top" style="font-family:Gugi">니툰내툰</a> </div>
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                  <li><a href="#about" class="page-scroll">About</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#portfolio" class="page-scroll">Webtoons</a></li>
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                          <h1 style="font-family:Gugi">니툰내툰</h1>
                          <p>NAVER / DAUM / WEBTOONS</p>
                          <a href="#about" class="btn btn-custom btn-lg page-scroll">All the Webtoons</a> </div>

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  <div id="about">
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                  <div class="about-img"><img src="images/toon.png" class="img-responsive" alt=""></div>
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                  <div class="about-text">
                      <h2>Our Term-Project</h2>
                      <p>Our goal is improve YTMT Project. You can put webtoons in your account. webtoons can be daum webtoons, and naver webtoons. Your webtoons can be shared to your friend. If you want to recommend webtoons you'd like, using this application.</p>
                      <p>2016104132 안형준, 2016104140 윤혜원</p>
  <!-- Portfolio Section -->
  <div id="portfolio">
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              <p>니툰내툰에서 제공하는 웹툰 리스트입니다</p>
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  <font size = 30>
      다음 웹툰

  <a onclick="'none')?'block':'none';" href="javascript:void(0)">
      <img src ='/images/daumicon.png' width="83" height="90" onclick="daum_click" />
  <div style="display:none" id="Daum_webtoons">
          var current = "";
                  for(webtoon in list){

          if(current!=list[webtoon].week && list[webtoon].site == 'daum'){
          <% } %>
              <th><%= list[webtoon].week %></th>
              <% } %>
              if(list[webtoon].site == 'daum')
                      <a href="<%= list[webtoon].webtoon_link %>">
                          <img alt="img" width="83" height="90" src="<%= list[webtoon].thum_link %>"/>
                      <%= list[webtoon].name %>

              if(current!=list[webtoon].week) {
                  current = list[webtoon].week;


  <font size = 30>
      네이버 웹툰
  <a onclick="'none')?'block':'none';" href="javascript:void(0)">
      <img src ='/images/navericon.png' width="83" height="90"/>
  <div id="Naver_webtoons" style = "display:none">

          var current = "";
                  for(webtoon in list){

          if(current!=list[webtoon].week && list[webtoon].site == 'naver'){
          <% } %>
              <th><%= list[webtoon].week %></th>
              <% } %>
              if(list[webtoon].site == 'naver')
                      <a href="<%= list[webtoon].webtoon_link %>">
                          <img alt="img" width="83" height="90" src="<%= list[webtoon].thum_link %>"/>
                      <%= list[webtoon].name %>

              if(current!=list[webtoon].week) {
                  current = list[webtoon].week;


