console.log("You should try to fall asleep at one of the following times: ");
"sres1"title="Six Cycles: Nine Hours of Sleep"
"sres2"title="Five Cycles: Seven and a half Hours of Sleep"
"sres3"title="Four Cycles: Six Hours of Sleep"
"sres4"title="Three Cycles: Four and a half Hours of Sleep">
console.log("Please keep in mind that you should be falling asleep at these times.");
console.log("The average human takes fourteen minutes to fall asleep, so plan accordingly!");
console.log("꿀잠봇 works by counting backwards in sleep cycles.");
console.log("Waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle leaves you feeling tired and groggy, but waking up in between cycles wakes you up feeling refreshed and alert!");
console.log("A good night's sleep consists of 5-6 complete sleep cycles.");
//getup 함수
console.log("If you head to bed right now, you should try to wake up at one of the following times:");
"gres1"title="One Cycle: One and a half Hours of Sleep"
"gres2"title="Two Cycles: Three Hours of Sleep"
"gres3"title="Three Cycles: Four and a half Hours of Sleep"
"gres4"title="Four Cycles: Six Hours of Sleep"
"gres5"title="Five Cycles: Seven and a half Hours of Sleep"
"gres6"title="Six Cycles: Nine Hours of Sleep"
console.log("Please keep in mind that you should try to wake up at one of these times.");
console.log("The average human takes fourteen minutes to fall asleep, so plan accordingly!");
console.log("꿀잠봇 works by counting backwards in sleep cycles.");
console.log("Waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle leaves you feeling tired and groggy, but waking up in between cycles wakes you up feeling refreshed and alert!");
console.log("A good night's sleep consists of 5-6 complete sleep cycles.");