main.d.ts 851 Bytes
import type { PluginCreator } from 'postcss';

declare const cssDeclarationSorter: PluginCreator<{
  Provide the name of one of the built-in sort orders or a comparison function that is passed to `Array.sort`.

  @default 'alphabetical'
  order?: SortOrder | SortFunction | undefined;

  To prevent breaking legacy CSS where shorthand declarations override longhand declarations. For example `animation-name: some; animation: greeting;` will be kept in this order.

  @default false
  keepOverrides?: boolean;

export = cssDeclarationSorter;

type SortOrder = 'alphabetical' | 'concentric-css' | 'smacss';

 * This function receives two declaration property names and is expected
 * to return -1, 0 or 1 depending on the wanted order.
type SortFunction = (propertyNameA: string, propertyNameB: string) => -1 | 0 | 1;