Longbow.cs 11.8 KB
//======= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============
// Purpose: The bow

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Valve.VR.InteractionSystem
	[RequireComponent( typeof( Interactable ) )]
	public class Longbow : MonoBehaviour
		public enum Handedness { Left, Right };

		public Handedness currentHandGuess = Handedness.Left;
		private float timeOfPossibleHandSwitch = 0f;
		private float timeBeforeConfirmingHandSwitch = 1.5f;
		private bool possibleHandSwitch = false;

		public Transform pivotTransform;
		public Transform handleTransform;

		private Hand hand;
		private ArrowHand arrowHand;

		public Transform nockTransform;
		public Transform nockRestTransform;

		public bool autoSpawnArrowHand = true;
		public ItemPackage arrowHandItemPackage;
		public GameObject arrowHandPrefab;

		public bool nocked;
		public bool pulled;

		private const float minPull = 0.05f;
		private const float maxPull = 0.5f;
		private float nockDistanceTravelled = 0f;
		private float hapticDistanceThreshold = 0.01f;
		private float lastTickDistance;
		private const float bowPullPulseStrengthLow = 100;
		private const float bowPullPulseStrengthHigh = 500;
		private Vector3 bowLeftVector;

		public float arrowMinVelocity = 3f;
		public float arrowMaxVelocity = 30f;
		private float arrowVelocity = 30f;

		private float minStrainTickTime = 0.1f;
		private float maxStrainTickTime = 0.5f;
		private float nextStrainTick = 0;

		private bool lerpBackToZeroRotation;
		private float lerpStartTime;
		private float lerpDuration = 0.15f;
		private Quaternion lerpStartRotation;

		private float nockLerpStartTime;

		private Quaternion nockLerpStartRotation;

		public float drawOffset = 0.06f;

		public LinearMapping bowDrawLinearMapping;

		private Vector3 lateUpdatePos;
		private Quaternion lateUpdateRot;

		public SoundBowClick drawSound;
		private float drawTension;
		public SoundPlayOneshot arrowSlideSound;
		public SoundPlayOneshot releaseSound;
		public SoundPlayOneshot nockSound;

		SteamVR_Events.Action newPosesAppliedAction;

		private void OnAttachedToHand( Hand attachedHand )
			hand = attachedHand;

		private void HandAttachedUpdate( Hand hand )
			// Reset transform since we cheated it right after getting poses on previous frame
			//transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
			//transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

			// Update handedness guess

			if ( nocked )
				Vector3 nockToarrowHand = ( arrowHand.arrowNockTransform.parent.position - nockRestTransform.position ); // Vector from bow nock transform to arrowhand nock transform - used to align bow when drawing

				// Align bow
				// Time lerp value used for ramping into drawn bow orientation
				float lerp = Util.RemapNumberClamped( Time.time, nockLerpStartTime, ( nockLerpStartTime + lerpDuration ), 0f, 1f );

				float pullLerp = Util.RemapNumberClamped( nockToarrowHand.magnitude, minPull, maxPull, 0f, 1f ); // Normalized current state of bow draw 0 - 1

				Vector3 arrowNockTransformToHeadset = ( ( Player.instance.hmdTransform.position + ( Vector3.down * 0.05f ) ) - arrowHand.arrowNockTransform.parent.position ).normalized;
				Vector3 arrowHandPosition = ( arrowHand.arrowNockTransform.parent.position + ( ( arrowNockTransformToHeadset * drawOffset ) * pullLerp ) ); // Use this line to lerp arrowHand nock position
				//Vector3 arrowHandPosition = arrowHand.arrowNockTransform.position; // Use this line if we don't want to lerp arrowHand nock position

				Vector3 pivotToString = ( arrowHandPosition - pivotTransform.position ).normalized;
				Vector3 pivotToLowerHandle = ( handleTransform.position - pivotTransform.position ).normalized;
				bowLeftVector = -Vector3.Cross( pivotToLowerHandle, pivotToString );
				pivotTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp( nockLerpStartRotation, Quaternion.LookRotation( pivotToString, bowLeftVector ), lerp );

				// Move nock position
				if ( Vector3.Dot( nockToarrowHand, -nockTransform.forward ) > 0 )
					float distanceToarrowHand = nockToarrowHand.magnitude * lerp;

					nockTransform.localPosition = new Vector3( 0f, 0f, Mathf.Clamp( -distanceToarrowHand, -maxPull, 0f ) );

					nockDistanceTravelled = -nockTransform.localPosition.z;

					arrowVelocity = Util.RemapNumber( nockDistanceTravelled, minPull, maxPull, arrowMinVelocity, arrowMaxVelocity );

					drawTension = Util.RemapNumberClamped( nockDistanceTravelled, 0, maxPull, 0f, 1f );

					this.bowDrawLinearMapping.value = drawTension; // Send drawTension value to LinearMapping script, which drives the bow draw animation

					if ( nockDistanceTravelled > minPull )
						pulled = true;
						pulled = false;

					if ( ( nockDistanceTravelled > ( lastTickDistance + hapticDistanceThreshold ) ) || nockDistanceTravelled < ( lastTickDistance - hapticDistanceThreshold ) )
						ushort hapticStrength = (ushort)Util.RemapNumber( nockDistanceTravelled, 0, maxPull, bowPullPulseStrengthLow, bowPullPulseStrengthHigh );
						hand.TriggerHapticPulse( hapticStrength );
						hand.otherHand.TriggerHapticPulse( hapticStrength );

						drawSound.PlayBowTensionClicks( drawTension );

						lastTickDistance = nockDistanceTravelled;

					if ( nockDistanceTravelled >= maxPull )
						if ( Time.time > nextStrainTick )
							hand.TriggerHapticPulse( 400 );
							hand.otherHand.TriggerHapticPulse( 400 );

							drawSound.PlayBowTensionClicks( drawTension );

							nextStrainTick = Time.time + Random.Range( minStrainTickTime, maxStrainTickTime );
					nockTransform.localPosition = new Vector3( 0f, 0f, 0f );

					this.bowDrawLinearMapping.value = 0f;
				if ( lerpBackToZeroRotation )
					float lerp = Util.RemapNumber( Time.time, lerpStartTime, lerpStartTime + lerpDuration, 0, 1 );

					pivotTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp( lerpStartRotation, Quaternion.identity, lerp );

					if ( lerp >= 1 )
						lerpBackToZeroRotation = false;

		public void ArrowReleased()
			nocked = false;
			hand.HoverUnlock( GetComponent<Interactable>() );
			hand.otherHand.HoverUnlock( arrowHand.GetComponent<Interactable>() );

			if ( releaseSound != null )

			this.StartCoroutine( this.ResetDrawAnim() );

		private IEnumerator ResetDrawAnim()
			float startTime = Time.time;
			float startLerp = drawTension;

			while ( Time.time < ( startTime + 0.02f ) )
				float lerp = Util.RemapNumberClamped( Time.time, startTime, startTime + 0.02f, startLerp, 0f );
				this.bowDrawLinearMapping.value = lerp;
				yield return null;

			this.bowDrawLinearMapping.value = 0;

			yield break;

		public float GetArrowVelocity()
			return arrowVelocity;

		public void StartRotationLerp()
			lerpStartTime = Time.time;
			lerpBackToZeroRotation = true;
			lerpStartRotation = pivotTransform.localRotation;

			Util.ResetTransform( nockTransform );

		public void StartNock( ArrowHand currentArrowHand )
			arrowHand = currentArrowHand;
			hand.HoverLock( GetComponent<Interactable>() );
			nocked = true;
			nockLerpStartTime = Time.time;
			nockLerpStartRotation = pivotTransform.rotation;

			// Sound of arrow sliding on nock as it's being pulled back

			// Decide which hand we're drawing with and lerp to the correct side

		private void EvaluateHandedness()
            var handType = hand.handType;

			if ( handType == SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftHand )// Bow hand is further left than arrow hand.
				// We were considering a switch, but the current controller orientation matches our currently assigned handedness, so no longer consider a switch
				if ( possibleHandSwitch && currentHandGuess == Handedness.Left )
					possibleHandSwitch = false;

				// If we previously thought the bow was right-handed, and were not already considering switching, start considering a switch
				if ( !possibleHandSwitch && currentHandGuess == Handedness.Right )
					possibleHandSwitch = true;
					timeOfPossibleHandSwitch = Time.time;

				// If we are considering a handedness switch, and it's been this way long enough, switch
				if ( possibleHandSwitch && Time.time > ( timeOfPossibleHandSwitch + timeBeforeConfirmingHandSwitch ) )
					currentHandGuess = Handedness.Left;
					possibleHandSwitch = false;
			else // Bow hand is further right than arrow hand
				// We were considering a switch, but the current controller orientation matches our currently assigned handedness, so no longer consider a switch
				if ( possibleHandSwitch && currentHandGuess == Handedness.Right )
					possibleHandSwitch = false;

				// If we previously thought the bow was right-handed, and were not already considering switching, start considering a switch
				if ( !possibleHandSwitch && currentHandGuess == Handedness.Left )
					possibleHandSwitch = true;
					timeOfPossibleHandSwitch = Time.time;

				// If we are considering a handedness switch, and it's been this way long enough, switch
				if ( possibleHandSwitch && Time.time > ( timeOfPossibleHandSwitch + timeBeforeConfirmingHandSwitch ) )
					currentHandGuess = Handedness.Right;
					possibleHandSwitch = false;

		private void DoHandednessCheck()
			// Based on our current best guess about hand, switch bow orientation and arrow lerp direction
			if ( currentHandGuess == Handedness.Left )
				pivotTransform.localScale = new Vector3( 1f, 1f, 1f );
				pivotTransform.localScale = new Vector3( 1f, -1f, 1f );

		public void ArrowInPosition()

			if ( nockSound != null )

		public void ReleaseNock()
			// ArrowHand tells us to do this when we release the buttons when bow is nocked but not drawn far enough
			nocked = false;
			hand.HoverUnlock( GetComponent<Interactable>() );
			this.StartCoroutine( this.ResetDrawAnim() );

		private void ShutDown()
			if ( hand != null && hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObject != null )
				if ( hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObject.GetComponent<ItemPackageReference>() != null )
					if ( hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObject.GetComponent<ItemPackageReference>().itemPackage == arrowHandItemPackage )
						hand.otherHand.DetachObject( hand.otherHand.currentAttachedObject );

		private void OnHandFocusLost( Hand hand )
			gameObject.SetActive( false );

		private void OnHandFocusAcquired( Hand hand )
			gameObject.SetActive( true );
			OnAttachedToHand( hand );

		private void OnDetachedFromHand( Hand hand )
			Destroy( gameObject );

		void OnDestroy()