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Generate code for Pug attributes

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npm install pug-attrs


var compileAttrs = require('pug-attrs');

compileAttrs(attrs, options)

Compile attrs to a JavaScript string that evaluates to the attributes in the desired format.

options MUST include the following properties:

  • terse: whether or not to use HTML5-style terse boolean attributes
  • runtime: callback that takes a runtime function name and returns the source code that will evaluate to that function at runtime
  • format: output format; must be html or object

attrs is an array of attributes, with each attribute having the form of { name, val, mustEscape }. val represents a JavaScript string that evaluates to the value of the attribute, either statically or dynamically.

var compileAttrs = require('pug-attrs');
var pugRuntime = require('pug-runtime');

function getBaz () { return 'baz<>'; }

var attrs = [
  {name: 'foo',  val: '"bar"',    mustEscape: true },
  {name: 'baz',  val: 'getBaz()', mustEscape: true },
  {name: 'quux', val: true,       mustEscape: false}
var result, finalResult;

result = compileAttrs(attrs, {
  terse:   true,
  format:  'html',
  runtime: function (name) { return 'pugRuntime.' + name; }
//=> '" foo=\\"bar\\"" + pugRuntime.attr("baz", getBaz(), true, true) + " quux"'

finalResult = Function('pugRuntime, getBaz',
  'return (' + result + ');'
finalResult(pugRuntime, getBaz);
// => ' foo="bar" baz="baz&lt;&gt;" quux'

result = compileAttrs(attrs, {
  terse:   true,
  format:  'object',
  runtime: function (name) { return 'pugRuntime.' + name; }
//=> '{"foo": "bar","baz": pugRuntime.escape(getBaz()),"quux": true}'

finalResult = Function('pugRuntime, getBaz',
  'return (' + result + ');'
finalResult(pugRuntime, getBaz);
//=> { foo: 'bar', baz: 'baz&lt;&gt;', quux: true }
