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formerly node-config-python

Read and write python config files non-destructively (preserves comments and line-order)

Turns this kind of thing:

foo = True
bar = None
baz = whatever
qux = apples,bananas

Into this kind of thing:

{ foo: true
, bar: null
, baz: "whatever"
, qux: ["apples", "bananas"]

(comments are stored in meta-data keys __lines and __keys)


npm install --save pyconf


var pyconf = require('pyconf');

// alias for fs.readFile() then pyconf.parse()
pyconf.readFile("/path/to/foo.conf", function (err, obj) {

// alias for pyconf.stringify() then safeReplace.writeFile()
pyconf.writeFile("/path/to/foo.conf", obj, function (err, obj) {
  console.log("wrote file");

Note: the writeFile function uses safe-replace so that it will work even in environments where race conditions are possible and will also create a backup file whatever.conf.bak of the config being overwritten.


  .parse(str, cb)                   // => err, object

  .stringify(obj, cb)               // => err, text

  .readFile(filename, cb)           // => err, object

  .writeFile(filename, obj, cb)     // => err