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string representations of objects in node and the browser

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var inspect = require('object-inspect');
var obj = { a: 1, b: [3,4] };
obj.c = obj;

dom element

var inspect = require('object-inspect');

var d = document.createElement('div');
d.setAttribute('id', 'beep');
d.innerHTML = '<b>wooo</b><i>iiiii</i>';

console.log(inspect([ d, { a: 3, b : 4, c: [5,6,[7,[8,[9]]]] } ]));


[ <div id="beep">...</div>, { a: 3, b: 4, c: [ 5, 6, [ 7, [ 8, [ ... ] ] ] ] } ]


var inspect = require('object-inspect')

var s = inspect(obj, opts={})

Return a string s with the string representation of obj up to a depth of opts.depth.

Additional options:

  • quoteStyle: must be "single" or "double", if present. Default 'single' for strings, 'double' for HTML elements.
  • maxStringLength: must be 0, a positive integer, Infinity, or null, if present. Default Infinity.
  • customInspect: When true, a custom inspect method function will be invoked (either undere the util.inspect.custom symbol, or the inspect property). When the string 'symbol', only the symbol method will be invoked. Default true.
  • indent: must be "\t", null, or a positive integer. Default null.
  • numericSeparator: must be a boolean, if present. Default false. If true, all numbers will be printed with numeric separators (eg, 1234.5678 will be printed as '1_234.567_8')


With npm do:

npm install object-inspect
