
Showing 1 changed file with 198 additions and 37 deletions
# **Running Football**
# 个人博客
## About the Project
​ A minimalistic version of PC football blog. The front-end project is mainly built using Vue2 and Element-UI; it is built and packaged using Webpack5. The back-end project is mainly designed using the Node framework Koa2 and the MongoDB database.
### The main function
#### Client
​ Article function: the content of the article supports Markdown syntax and the code is highlighted;
Tag function: retrieve article data by tag classification;
Sidebar function: click ranking, webmaster recommendation, tag classification, etc.;
Search function: search the title and abstract of the article by keywords, and support search highlighting;
Message function: you can like, reply to comments, count comments and the total number of replies, support Emoji emoticons;
Other functions: image lazy loading, paging, sidebar top and one-click top, etc.;
#### Management
​ Authority management: CRUD administrator, who can assign authority;
​ Article management: CRUD articles, article covers support local upload, article content supports Markdown syntax editing;
​ Label management: CRUD label, label background color supports custom selection with Vue-Color plug-in;
​ Message management: CRUD comments and replies;
#### Built With
## Getting Started
1.安装配置git环境,使用git clone指令下载项目
### Installation
#### 环境准备
​ node.js环境配置安装
​ vue、vue-cli环境配置安装
​ mongodb、mongodb Compass环境配置安装
#### 运行说明
> vue项目配置启动
-- yarn指令安装
npm install -g yarn
npm install yarn --save
-- vue项目依赖引入
npm install
cnpm install
-- 扩展组件依赖引入
vue-lazyload插件:yarn add vue-lazyload -S
vue-color插件:yarn add vue-color -S
style-resources-loader插件:yarn add style-resources-loader -D
mdrkdown语法支撑相关插件:marked、highlightJs yarn add marked highlightJs -S
> mongodb配置:
​ mongodb配置信息对应:`code/server/config.js`文件配置数据库信息
// 进入mongodb安装目录,执行指令开启mongo服务
> mongo
// 显示数据库列表
> show dbs
// 新建一个rfBlog数据库
> use rfBlog
// 在rfBlog数据库创建一个rf用户,密码为123456
> db.createUser({user:"rf",pwd:"123456",roles:[{role:"readWrite",db:'rfBlog'}]})
// 展示该库有哪些用户
> show users
// 数据库认证一下用户、密码,结果返回 1 表示认证成功
> db.auth("rf", "123456");
> 初始化系统用户信息
// 开启mongo服务
> mongo
// 显示数据库列表
> show dbs
// 进入到wallBlog数据库
> use rfBlog
// 往该库的users集合插入一条数据,账号:admin 密码:123456
> db.users.insert({
"pwd" : "e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e",
"username" : "admin",
"roles" : [
// 查询该库下的集合(类似于关系型数据表)
> show collections
// 查询users集合下的所有数据
> db.users.find()
> 项目启动(前后端分离概念,需对应分别启动前端界面和后台接口服务)
// 本地开发管理端页面
yarn dev:admin
// 本地开发客户端页面
yarn dev:client
// 启动后台接口服务
yarn server
> 项目打包
// 项目打包 - 管理端
yarn build:admin
// 项目打包 - 客户端
yarn build:client
// 查看打包信息
yarn analyz
### 项目展示
#### 后台管理
#### 前台展示
## contents
* About the Project
* Getting Started
* Usage
* Roadmap
* Contribution
* License
* Contact
## **About the Project**
A minimalistic version of PC football blog. The front-end project is mainly built using Vue2 and Element-UI; it is built and packaged using Webpack5. The back-end project is mainly designed using the Node framework Koa2 and the MongoDB database.
###The main function
#### Client
1. Article function: the content of the article supports `Markdown` syntax and the code is highlighted;
2. Tag function: retrieve article data by tag classification;
3. Sidebar function: click ranking, webmaster recommendation, tag classification, etc.;
4. Search function: search the title and abstract of the article by keywords, and support search highlighting;
5. Message function: you can like, reply to comments, count comments and the total number of replies, support `Emoji` emoticons;
6. Other functions: image lazy loading, paging, sidebar top and one-click top, etc.;
1. Authority management: CRUD administrator, who can assign authority;
2. Article management: CRUD articles, article covers support local upload, article content supports `Markdown` syntax editing;
3. Label management: CRUD label, label background color supports custom selection with `Vue-Color` plug-in;
4. Message management: RD comments and replies;
####Built With
* ![Node.js](
* ![Element-UI](
* ![Webpack5](
* ![MongoDB](
* ![Koa2](
* ![Vue2](
## **Getting Started**
### **Prerequisites**