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1 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 +"""data_histogram_dataset.ipynb
3 +
4 +Automatically generated by Colaboratory.
5 +
6 +Original file is located at
7 + https://colab.research.google.com/drive/16Rn0IDJTE6vJMOZtafDAI19AvGD9eK4C
8 +"""
9 +
10 +import pandas as pd
11 +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
12 +
13 +df = pd.read_excel('/content/drive/MyDrive/2d-slice-set-networks-for-brain-age-master/data/IXI0609.xls', usecols=['age_at_scan'])
14 +
15 +print(df.describe())
16 +
17 +plt.hist(df['age_at_scan'])
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