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1 +#!/usr/bin/env sh
2 +
5 +DEVICE="cuda"
6 +
7 +################################################################################
8 +#### Commands for training with less sample (Table 4)
9 +#### we show the command for 2d-slice set network with mean operation
10 +#### for other models just use the command from table 1 section and add the
11 +#### data.num_sample parameter and increase number of epochs and patience
12 +################################################################################
13 +python3 -m src.scripts.main -c config/config.py \
14 + --exp_name 2d_slice_mean_n=5000 \
15 + -r result/2d_slice_mean_n=5000 \
16 + --device $DEVICE --wandb.use 0 \
17 + --model.arch.file src/arch/brain_age_slice_set.py \
18 + --model.arch.attn_dim 32 --model.arch.attn_num_heads 1 \
19 + --model.arch.attn_drop 1 --model.arch.agg_fn "mean" \
20 + --data.root_path "$DATA_ROOT_PATH" \
21 + --data.train_num_sample 5000 \
22 + --train.max_epoch 145 --train.patience 145
23 +
24 +