7.03 MB
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"source": [
"import pandas as pd\n",
"from nltk.corpus import stopwords\n",
"from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize\n",
"import re\n",
"romance_plot = pd.read_csv('/Users/김서영/Desktop/datacap/data/moviedata/moviePlot/romancePlot.csv')\n",
"thriller_plot = pd.read_csv('/Users/김서영/Desktop/datacap/data/moviedata/moviePlot/thrillerPlot.csv')\n",
"print(len(romance_plot)) #5699 ==> train 2899 test 2900\n",
"print(len(thriller_plot)) #9823 ==> train 2899 test 2800\n",
"train_data_size = 2899\n",
"#전처리(1) 전부 소문자로 변환\n",
"romance_plot.줄거리 = romance_plot.줄거리.str.lower()\n",
"thriller_plot.줄거리 = thriller_plot.줄거리.str.lower()\n",
"#전처리(1-1) 데이터 csv 파일로 옮기기\n",
"#romance_plot 2899개 train_data로 to_csv || 2800개 test_data로 to_csv\n",
"#thriller_plot 2899개 train_data로 to_csv || 2800개 test_data로 to_csv\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {
"scrolled": true
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
" index 줄거리\n",
"0 0 the film follows the adventures of a group of ...\n",
"1 1 the film tells the story of two girls, agnes a...\n",
"2 2 the first part of the film begins with a narr...\n",
"3 3 the film opens at a school where a boy is pick...\n",
"4 4 the story may not be linear and exhibits sever...\n",
"... ... ...\n",
"5694 5694 cristina, a princess, is visiting rome with th...\n",
"5695 5695 in a futuristic society called 'alpha blue', s...\n",
"5696 5696 a sweet young woman trying to get ahead in the...\n",
"5697 5697 shanno lives with her mother, paro, a housewif...\n",
"5698 5698 few details are known yet, though the film tak...\n",
"[5699 rows x 2 columns]\n"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"[[\"'the\", 'film', 'follows', 'adventures', 'group', 'friends', 'eyes', 'charles', 'debonair', 'faux', 'pas-prone', 'englishman', 'smitten', 'carrie', 'attractive', 'american', 'charles', 'repeatedly', 'meets', 'weddings', 'funeral', 'first', 'wedding', 'angus', 'laura', 'charles', 'best', 'man', 'charles', 'collection', 'single', 'friends', 'wonder', 'ever', 'get', 'married', 'wedding', 'charles', 'meets', 'carrie', 'first', 'time', 'spends', 'night', 'carrie', 'teases', 'pretending', 'bed', 'together', 'also', 'get', 'married', 'charles', 'endeavours', 'respond', 'realising', 'joking', 'goes', 'back', 'home', 'america', 'observing', 'may', 'missed', 'opportunity', 'second', 'wedding', 'bernard', 'lydia', 'couple', 'got', 'together', 'previous', 'wedding', 'rowan', 'atkinson', 'makes', 'second', 'appearance', 'time', 'fully', 'fledged', 'gaffe-prone', 'priest', 'conducting', 'first', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'connection', 'friend', 'family', 'charles', 'happy', 'discover', 'carrie', 'attending', 'wedding', 'introduces', 'fianc챕', 'sir', 'hamish', 'banks', 'wealthy', 'politician', 'scotland', 'reception', 'charles', 'finds', 'seated', 'table', 'several', 'ex-girlfriends', 'relate', 'embarrassing', 'stories', 'inability', 'discreet', 'afterwards', 'bumps', 'henrietta', 'difficult', 'relationship', 'evening', 'wears', 'charles', 'finds', 'empty', 'hotel', 'suite', 'watching', 'carrie', 'hamish', 'leave', 'taxicab', 'trapped', 'bath', 'newlyweds', 'suddenly', 'stumble', 'room', 'sex', 'charles', 'awkwardly', 'exits', 'room', 'henrietta', 'confronts', 'habit', 'serial', 'monogamy', 'telling', 'afraid', 'letting', 'anyone', 'get', 'close', 'shortly', 'encounter', 'charles', 'runs', 'carrie', 'end', 'spending', 'another', 'night', 'together', 'months', 'later', 'charles', 'receives', 'invitation', 'carrie\\\\', 'wedding', 'scotland', 'shopping', 'present', 'london', 'accidentally', 'bumps', 'carrie', 'shop', 'ends', 'helping', 'select', 'wedding', 'dress', 'carrie', 'also', 'astonishes', 'list', 'thirty', 'sexual', 'partners', 'later', 'tries', 'confess', 'love', 'hints', 'would', 'like', 'relationship', 'however', 'says', 'rather', 'lamely', 'confession', 'obviously', 'comes', 'late', 'third', 'wedding', 'carrie', 'hamish', 'scottish', 'castle', 'charles', 'attends', 'depressed', 'prospect', 'carrie\\\\', 'marrying', 'hamish', 'reception', 'gets', 'way', 'gareth', 'instructs', 'friends', 'forth', 'seek', 'potential', 'mates', 'fiona\\\\', 'brother', 'tom', 'stumbles', 'attempt', 'connect', 'minister\\\\', 'wife', 'charles\\\\', 'flatmate', 'scarlett', 'strikes', 'conversation', 'tall', 'attractive', 'american', 'named', 'chester', 'charles', 'watches', 'carrie', 'hamish', 'dance', 'husband', 'wife', 'charles\\\\', 'friend', 'fiona', 'deduces', 'feelings', 'carrie', 'charles', 'asks', 'fiona', 'married', 'confesses', 'always', 'loved', 'charles', 'since', 'first', 'met', 'years', 'ago', 'charles', 'surprised', 'empathetic', 'requite', 'love', 'wedding', 'gareth', 'dies', 'suddenly', 'heart', 'attack', 'gareth\\\\', 'partner', 'matthew', 'john', 'hannah', 'another', 'part', 'room', 'listening', 'groom\\\\', 'toast', 'gareth', 'dies', 'funeral', 'gareth', 'funeral', 'matthew', 'recites', 'poem', 'funeral', 'blues', 'auden', 'commemorating', 'relationship', 'gareth.bbc', 'leicester', 'interview', 'simon', 'callow', 'retrieved', '2012-05-07john', 'hannah', 'unofficial', 'website', 'john', 'hannah', 'interview', 'scotsman', 'april', '2000', 'retrieved', '2012-05-07', 'funeral', 'charles', 'tom', 'discussion', 'whether', 'hoping', 'find', 'one', 'true', 'love', 'futile', 'effort', 'ponder', 'clique', 'always', 'viewed', 'proud-to-be-single', 'gareth', 'matthew', 'fact', 'married', 'couple', 'among', 'fourth', 'wedding', 'takes', 'place', 'ten', 'months', 'later', 'charles', 'decided', 'marry', 'henrietta', 'however', 'moments', 'ceremony', 'carrie', 'arrives', 'church', 'reveals', 'charles', 'hamish', 'longer', 'together', 'charles', 'crisis', 'confidence', 'reveals', 'deaf', 'brother', 'david', 'altar', 'vicar', 'asks', 'anyone', 'knows', 'reason', 'couple', 'marry', 'david', 'asks', 'charles', 'translate', 'says', 'sign', 'language', 'suspects', 'groom', 'doubts', 'loves', 'someone', 'else', 'vicar', 'asks', 'whether', 'charles', 'love', 'someone', 'else', 'charles', 'replies', 'henrietta', 'punches', 'charles', 'wedding', 'abruptly', 'halted', 'finally', 'carrie', 'visits', 'charles', 'recovering', 'debacle', 'check', 'apologise', 'attending', 'charles', 'confesses', 'standing', 'altar', 'realised', 'first', 'time', 'life', 'totally', 'utterly', 'loved', 'one', 'person', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'person', 'standing', 'next', 'veil', 'charles', 'makes', 'proposal', 'lifelong', 'commitment', 'without', 'marriage', 'carrie', 'saying', 'think', 'married', 'might', 'maybe', 'something', 'could', 'consider', 'rest', 'life', 'carrie', 'responds', 'saying', 'song', 'going', 'chapel', 'played', 'see', 'henrietta', 'marry', 'member', 'guard', 'scarlett', 'marry', 'chester', 'david', 'marry', 'girlfriend', 'tom', 'marry', 'distant', 'cousin', 'deirdre', 'matthew', 'new', 'partner', 'fiona', 'marry', 'prince', 'charles', 'charles', 'carrie', 'son', 'presumably', 'married'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'two', 'girls', 'agnes', 'elin', 'attend', 'school', 'small', 'town', '횇m책l', 'sweden', 'elin', 'outgoing', 'popular', 'finds', 'life', 'unsatisfying', 'dull', 'agnes', 'contrast', 'real', 'friends', 'constantly', 'depressed', 'agnes', 'crush', 'elin', 'find', 'way', 'express', 'agnes\\\\', 'parents', 'worry', 'daughter\\\\', 'reclusive', 'life', 'try', 'reassuring', 'mother', 'decides', 'agnes\\\\', 'throw', '16th', 'birthday', 'party', 'agnes', 'afraid', 'one', 'come', 'viktoria', 'girl', 'wheelchair', 'shows', 'agnes', 'shouts', 'front', 'parents', 'telling', 'friends', 'one', 'else', 'talk', 'agnes', 'overcome', 'anger', 'depression', 'goes', 'room', 'cries', 'pillow', 'shouting', 'wishes', 'dead', 'father', 'tries', 'soothe', 'viktoria', 'leaves', 'agnes\\\\', 'family', 'eats', 'food', 'made', 'party', 'elin', 'arrives', 'agnes\\\\', 'house', 'mainly', 'excuse', 'avoid', 'going', 'different', 'party', 'boy', 'wants', 'avoid', 'elin\\\\', 'older', 'sister', 'jessica', 'comes', 'dares', 'kiss', 'agnes', 'rumoured', 'lesbian', 'elin', 'fulfills', 'dare', 'runs', 'jessica', 'soon', 'feel', 'guilty', 'humiliated', 'agnes', 'becoming', 'drunk', 'party', 'elin', 'gets', 'sick', 'throws', 'johan', 'tries', 'help', 'ends', 'professing', 'love', 'elin', 'leaves', 'johan', 'party', 'return', 'agnes\\\\', 'house', 'apologize', 'acted', 'earlier', 'elin', 'stops', 'agnes', 'attempting', 'commit', 'suicide', 'even', 'manages', 'persuade', 'agnes', 'return', 'party', 'way', 'elin', 'shares', 'real', 'feelings', 'trapped', '횇m책l', 'asks', 'agnes', 'lesbian', 'believes', 'problems', 'could', 'solved', 'leaving', '횇m책l', 'going', 'stockholm', 'impulse', 'elin', 'persuades', 'agnes', 'hitchhike', 'stockholm', 'five-hour', 'car', 'journey', 'away', 'find', 'driver', 'agrees', 'take', 'believing', 'sisters', 'visiting', 'grandmother', 'sitting', 'back', 'seat', 'together', 'first', 'kiss', 'real', 'driver', 'sees', 'shocked', 'behaviour', 'two', \"\\\\'sisters\\\\\", 'orders', 'leave', 'car', 'elin', 'discovers', 'attracted', 'agnes', 'afraid', 'admit', 'proceeds', 'ignore', 'agnes', 'refuses', 'talk', 'elin\\\\', 'sister', 'jessica', 'sees', 'love', 'pushes', 'figure', 'cover', 'fact', 'love', 'agnes', 'elin', 'lies', 'pretending', 'love', 'johan', 'loses', 'virginity', 'short-lived', 'relationship', 'elin', 'eventually', 'admits', 'feelings', 'end', 'film', 'climactic', 'scene', 'school', 'bathroom', 'forced', \"\\\\'out\\\\\", 'relationship', 'entire', 'school', 'film', 'ends', 'elin', 'agnes', 'sitting', 'elin\\\\', 'bedroom', 'drinking', 'chocolate', 'milk', 'elin', 'explaining', 'often', 'adds', 'much', 'chocolate', 'milk', 'nearly', 'black', 'must', 'fill', 'another', 'glass', 'milk', 'mix', 'sister', 'jessica', 'often', 'gets', 'mad', 'finishes', 'chocolate', 'film', 'ends', 'elin', 'saying', 'makes', 'lot', 'chocolate', 'milk', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'matter'], ['first', 'part', 'film', 'begins', 'narrator', 'called', 'scientist', 'making', 'cryptic', 'comments', 'humanity', 'film', 'proper', 'opens', 'inspector', 'warren', 'finding', 'corpse', 'male', 'transvestite', 'named', 'patrick/patricia', 'committed', 'suicide', 'wanting', 'know', 'cross-dressing', 'warren', 'seeks', 'dr.', 'alton', 'narrates', 'story', 'glen/glenda', 'however', 'several', 'points', 'alton', 'appears', 'address', 'viewer', 'rather', 'inspector', 'warren', 'unclear', 'role', 'scientist', 'narrator', 'makes', 'things', 'even', 'confusing', 'glen', 'shown', 'studying', 'women\\\\', 'clothes', 'shop', 'window', 'dr.', 'alton', 'points', 'men\\\\', 'clothes', 'dull', 'restrictive', 'whereas', 'women', 'adorn', 'attractive', 'clothing', 'glen', 'reads', 'sex', 'change', 'operations', 'newspaper', 'meets', 'barbara', 'girlfriend', 'asks', 'glen\\\\', 'secret', 'problem', 'another', 'woman', 'film', 'cuts', 'infamous', 'shot', 'scientist', 'shouting', 'pull', 'string', 'bison', 'stampede', 'onscreen', 'clear', 'meant', 'mean', 'perhaps', 'glen', 'act', 'puppeteer', 'controlling', 'life', 'instead', 'letting', 'others', 'dictate', 'another', 'transvestite', 'friend', 'john', 'tells', 'glen', 'cross-dressing', 'ended', 'marriage', 'bizarre', 'dream', 'sequence', 'containing', 'bdsm', 'vignettes', 'full', 'flagellation', 'bondage', 'reminiscent', 'fetish', 'films', 'irving', 'klaw', 'follows', 'glen', 'decides', 'tell', 'barbara', 'truth', 'offers', 'angora', 'sweater', 'sign', 'acceptance'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'school', 'boy', 'picking', 'another', 'boy', 'see', 'gracie', 'hart', 'child', 'beats', 'bully', 'tries', 'help', 'victim', 'instead', 'criticizes', 'saying', 'disliked', 'want', 'girl', 'help', 'promptly', 'punches', 'boy', 'nose', 'sulks', 'playground', 'forward', 'time', 'gracie', 'hart', 'working', 'federal', 'bureau', 'investigation', 'eric', 'matthews', 'special', 'agent', 'mission', 'follow', 'orders', 'superior', 'tries', 'stop', 'target', 'choking', 'actions', 'one', 'squad', 'gets', 'shot', 'put', 'desk', 'job', 'bureau', 'receives', 'threat', '75th', 'annual', 'miss', 'united', 'states', 'beauty', 'pageant', 'san', 'antonio', 'texas', 'notorious', 'domestic', 'terrorist', 'citizen', 'eric', 'elected', 'lead', 'mission', 'stop', 'attack', 'computer', 'search', 'identifies', 'hart', 'female', 'fbi', 'agent', 'best', 'qualified', 'undercover', 'contestant', 'although', 'pays', 'little', 'attention', 'femininity', 'beauty', 'pageant', 'coach', 'victor', 'melling', 'whose', 'reputation', 'ruined', 'last', 'contestant', 'criticized', 'methods', 'teaches', 'tomboyish', 'hart', 'dress', 'walk', 'act', 'like', 'contestant', 'unused', 'behavior', 'however', 'sees', 'pageant', 'participants', 'outdated', 'antifeminist', 'representing', 'new', 'jersey', 'gracie', 'lou', 'freebush', 'hart', 'impresses', 'audience', 'playing', 'glass', 'harp', 'demonstrating', 'self-defense', 'techniques', 'talent', 'competition', 'unexpectedly', 'becomes', 'friends', 'frasier', 'contestants', 'several', 'suspects', 'exist', 'including', 'competition', 'director', 'former', 'pageant', 'winner', 'kathy', 'morningside', 'unpleasant', 'assistant', 'frank', 'tobin', 'veteran', 'emcee', 'stan', 'fields', 'like', 'morningside', 'replaced', 'younger', 'person', 'rhode', 'island\\\\', 'cheryl', 'frasier', 'possibly', 'radical', 'animal', 'rights', 'activist', 'citizen', 'caught', 'elsewhere', 'hart', 'beginning', 'suspect', 'kathy', 'morningside', 'worried', 'safety', 'girls', 'gives', 'badge', 'gun', 'continues', 'investigation', 'alone', 'matthews', 'failing', 'support', 'hart', 'leave', 'bureau', 'works', 'hart\\\\', 'suspicions', 'correct', 'returns', 'help', 'hart', 'surprises', 'everyone', 'including', 'becoming', 'runner-up', 'frasier', 'agents', 'discover', 'morningside', 'tobin', 'mdash', 'secretly', 'son', 'mdash', 'impersonated', 'citizen', 'due', 'old', 'grudge', 'contest', 'attempting', 'murder', 'frasier', 'bomb', 'title', 'tiara', 'however', 'hart', 'matthews', 'save', 'day', 'hart\\\\', 'fellow', 'contestants', 'choose', 'miss', 'congeniality', 'starts', 'relationship', 'matthews'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'may', 'linear', 'exhibits', 'several', 'instances', 'temporal', 'disruption', 'dark-haired', 'woman', 'escapes', 'murder', 'surviving', 'car', 'accident', 'mulholland', 'drive', 'injured', 'shock', 'descends', 'los', 'angeles', 'sneaks', 'apartment', 'older', 'red-headed', 'woman', 'vacated', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'named', 'betty', 'elms', 'arrives', 'apartment', 'finds', 'dark-haired', 'woman', 'confused', 'knowing', 'name', 'dark-haired', 'woman', 'assumes', 'name', 'rita', 'seeing', 'poster', 'film', 'gilda', 'starring', 'rita', 'hayworth', 'help', 'rita', 'remember', 'identity', 'betty', 'looks', 'rita\\\\', 'purse', 'finds', 'large', 'amount', 'money', 'unusual', 'blue', 'key', 'diner', 'called', 'winkies', 'man', 'tells', 'companion', 'nightmare', 'dreamt', 'horrible', 'figure', 'behind', 'diner', 'investigate', 'figure', 'appears', 'causing', 'man', 'nightmare', 'collapse', 'fright', 'hollywood', 'director', 'named', 'adam', 'kesher', 'film', 'commandeered', 'apparent', 'mobsters', 'insist', 'cast', 'unknown', 'actress', 'named', 'camilla', 'rhodes', 'lead', 'film', 'resists', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'wife', 'affair', 'thrown', 'house', 'later', 'learns', 'bank', 'closed', 'line', 'credit', 'broke', 'agrees', 'meet', 'mysterious', 'figure', 'called', 'cowboy', 'urges', 'cast', 'camilla', 'rhodes', 'good', 'later', 'bungling', 'hit', 'man', 'attempts', 'steal', 'book', 'full', 'phone', 'numbers', 'leaves', 'three', 'people', 'dead', 'trying', 'learn', 'rita\\\\', 'accident', 'betty', 'rita', 'winkies', 'served', 'waitress', 'named', 'diane', 'causes', 'rita', 'remember', 'name', 'diane', 'selwyn', 'find', 'diane', 'selwyn', 'phone', 'book', 'call', 'answer', 'betty', 'goes', 'audition', 'performance', 'highly', 'praised', 'casting', 'agent', 'takes', 'set', 'film', 'called', 'sylvia', 'north', 'story', 'directed', 'adam', 'camilla', 'rhodes', 'gives', 'audition', 'adam', 'declares', 'girl', 'betty', 'flees', 'meet', 'adam', 'saying', 'needs', 'meet', 'friend', 'betty', 'rita', 'diane', 'selwyn\\\\', 'apartment', 'break', 'one', 'answers', 'door', 'bedroom', 'find', 'body', 'woman', 'dead', 'several', 'days', 'terrified', 'return', 'apartment', 'rita', 'disguises', 'blonde', 'wig', 'two', 'women', 'sex', 'night', 'awake', 'a.m.', 'rita', 'insists', 'eerie', 'theater', 'called', 'club', 'silencio', 'stage', 'man', 'explains', 'several', 'languages', 'everything', 'illusion', 'woman', 'begins', 'singing', 'collapses', 'although', 'vocals', 'continue', 'betty', 'finds', 'blue', 'box', 'purse', 'matches', 'rita\\\\', 'key', 'upon', 'returning', 'apartment', 'rita', 'retrieves', 'key', 'finds', 'betty', 'disappeared', 'rita', 'unlocks', 'box', 'falls', 'floor', 'thump', 'older', 'red-headed', 'woman', 'investigates', 'sound', 'nothing', 'cowboy', 'appears', 'doorway', 'diane', 'selwyn\\\\', 'bedroom', 'saying', 'hey', 'pretty', 'girl', 'time', 'wake', 'diane', 'selwyn', 'wakes', 'bed', 'looks', 'exactly', 'like', 'betty', 'portrayed', 'failed', 'actress', 'driven', 'deep', 'depression', 'unrequited', 'love', 'camilla', 'rhodes', 'camilla\\\\', 'invitation', 'diane', 'attends', 'party', 'adam\\\\', 'house', 'mulholland', 'drive', 'limousine', 'stops', 'reach', 'house', 'camilla', 'escorts', 'using', 'shortcut', 'adam', 'appears', 'love', 'camilla', 'dinner', 'diane', 'states', 'came', 'hollywood', 'aunt', 'died', 'met', 'camilla', 'audition', 'sylvia', 'north', 'story', 'another', 'woman', 'kisses', 'camilla', 'turn', 'smile', 'diane', 'adam', 'camilla', 'prepare', 'make', 'important', 'announcement', 'dissolve', 'laughter', 'kiss', 'diane', 'watches', 'crying', 'diane', 'meets', 'hit', 'man', 'winkies', 'gives', 'camilla\\\\', 'photo', 'large', 'amount', 'money', 'served', 'waitress', 'named', 'betty', 'hit', 'man', 'tells', 'diane', 'job', 'done', 'find', 'blue', 'key', 'diane', 'asks', 'anything', 'key', 'opens', 'hit', 'man', 'laughs', 'diane', 'looks', 'sees', 'man', 'nightmare', 'standing', 'counter', 'back', 'apartment', 'key', 'table', 'front', 'terrorized', 'hallucinations', 'runs', 'screaming', 'bed', 'shoots', 'woman', 'club', 'whispers', 'silencio'], [\"'benjamin\", 'braddock', 'soon', 'turn', 'returns', 'parents\\\\', 'home', 'southern', 'california', 'graduating', 'college', 'east', 'coast', 'graduation', 'party', 'parents\\\\', 'friends', 'want', 'know', 'benjamin\\\\', 'upcoming', 'plans', 'graduate', 'school', 'career', 'something', 'benjamin', 'clearly', 'uncomfortable', 'anxious', 'parents', 'ignore', 'anxiety', 'interested', 'talking', 'academic', 'athletic', 'successes', 'plans', 'attend', 'graduate', 'school', 'mrs.', 'robinson', 'wife', 'father\\\\', 'law', 'partner', 'asks', 'benjamin', 'drive', 'home', 'party', 'invites', 'benjamin', 'inside', 'attempts', 'seduce', 'removing', 'clothes', 'tells', 'benjamin', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'nervous', 'finds', 'attractive', 'wants', 'know', 'available', 'anytime', 'mr.', 'robinson', 'arrives', 'home', 'neither', 'sees', 'suspects', 'anything', 'advises', 'benjamin', 'relax', 'enjoy', 'youth', 'still', 'days', 'later', 'benjamin', 'contacts', 'mrs.', 'robinson', 'clumsily', 'organizes', 'tryst', 'hotel', 'two', 'begin', 'affair', 'benjamin', 'spends', 'summer', 'floating', 'pool', 'day', 'meeting', 'mrs.', 'robinson', 'hotel', 'night', 'encounters', 'benjamin', 'discovers', 'nothing', 'common', 'also', 'learns', 'mrs.', 'robinson', 'forced', 'give', 'college', 'marry', 'someone', 'love', 'became', 'pregnant', 'daughter', 'elaine', 'however', 'increasing', 'pressure', 'parents', 'begin', 'career', 'enroll', 'grad', 'school', 'benjamin', 'set', 'date', 'elaine', 'benjamin', 'last', 'saw', 'high', 'school', 'father', 'mr.', 'robinson', 'although', 'mrs.', 'robinson', 'made', 'clear', 'benjamin', 'nothing', 'elaine', 'benjamin', 'eventually', 'succumbs', 'pressure', 'takes', 'elaine', 'date', 'course', 'date', 'benjamin', 'goes', 'way', 'mistreat', 'rude', 'elaine', 'even', 'going', 'far', 'taking', 'lewd', 'strip', 'joint', 'order', 'sabotage', 'evening', 'elaine', 'begins', 'sob', 'benjamin', 'explains', 'motives', 'asked', 'date', 'obligation', 'fathers', 'two', 'reconcile', 'discover', 'able', 'discuss', 'current', 'worries', 'plans', 'future', 'happiness', 'upon', 'benjamin\\\\', 'arriving', 'robinsons\\\\', 'home', 'take', 'elaine', 'mrs.', 'robinson', 'threatens', 'reveal', 'elaine', 'earlier', 'relationship', 'benjamin', 'however', 'benjamin', 'preemptively', 'blurts', 'details', 'affair', 'elaine', 'mrs.', 'robinson', 'make', 'good', 'threat', 'upset', 'heartbroken', 'elaine', 'returns', 'berkeley', 'severs', 'communication', 'benjamin', 'benjamin', 'resolves', 'must', 'marry', 'elaine', 'follows', 'berkeley', 'interrupts', 'date', 'elaine', 'classmate', 'carl', 'later', 'evening', 'elaine', 'confronts', 'benjamin', 'asking', 'raped', 'mother', 'drunk', 'benjamin', 'reveals', 'side', 'story', 'elaine', 'one', 'pursued', 'mrs.', 'robinson', 'upsets', 'elaine', 'benjamin', 'tells', 'elaine', 'leave', 'alone', 'elaine', 'asks', 'remain', 'following', 'day', 'elaine', 'confronts', 'benjamin', 'asks', 'kiss', 'although', 'benjamin', 'wants', 'marry', 'elaine', 'presses', 'obtain', 'blood', 'test', 'wed', 'elaine', 'laments', 'already', 'told', 'carl', 'might', 'marry', 'mr.', 'robinson', 'learned', 'wife\\\\', 'affair', 'benjamin', 'goes', 'benjamin\\\\', 'apartment', 'berkeley', 'berates', 'threatening', 'prosecuted', 'fullest', 'extent', 'law', 'benjamin', 'ever', 'come', 'near', 'elaine', 'forces', 'elaine', 'drop', 'school', 'takes', 'away', 'marry', 'carl', 'elaine', 'leaves', 'benjamin', 'note', 'saying', 'although', 'loves', 'father\\\\', 'anger', 'would', 'never', 'lead', 'benjamin\\\\', 'acceptance', 'elaine\\\\', 'husband', 'benjamin', 'races', 'back', 'pasadena', 'looking', 'elaine', 'finds', 'mrs.', 'robinson', 'tells', 'stop', 'wedding', 'benjamin', 'learns', 'carl\\\\', 'fraternity', 'brothers', 'wedding', 'taking', 'place', 'santa', 'barbara', 'route', 'church', 'car', 'runs', 'gas', 'forcing', 'run', 'final', 'blocks', 'chapel', 'arriving', 'elaine', 'carl', 'kiss', 'watching', 'loft', 'back', 'church', 'benjamin', 'bangs', 'glass', 'window', 'screams', 'elaine', 'several', 'times', 'attempting', 'stop', 'ceremony', 'hesitation', 'elaine', 'returns', 'cry', 'ben', 'rushes', 'toward', 'benjamin', 'brawl', 'breaks', 'everyone', 'tries', 'stop', 'benjamin', 'leaving', 'elaine', 'manages', 'break', 'free', 'mother', 'claims', 'it\\\\', 'late', 'elaine', 'replies', 'benjamin', 'elaine', 'escape', 'chapel', 'using', 'wooden', 'cross', 'double', 'chapel', 'doors', 'thereby', 'trapping', 'people', 'flag', 'bus', 'making', 'way', 'back', 'seat', 'bus', 'pulls', 'away', 'elaine', 'wedding', 'dress', 'benjamin', 'tattered', 'clothing', 'initially', 'appear', 'ecstatic', 'dramatic', 'escape', 'gradually', 'however', 'exhilaration', 'disappears', 'benjamin', 'looking', 'forward', 'elaine', 'occasionally', 'looking', 'benjamin', 'closing', 'shot', 'elaine', 'benjamin', 'shown', 'rear', 'window', 'sitting', 'back', 'bus', 'travels', 'road'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'psychological', 'thriller', 'ira', 'foot', 'soldier', 'fergus', 'unit', 'ira', 'fighters', 'including', 'woman', 'named', 'jude', 'led', 'maguire', 'kidnap', 'jody', 'black', 'british', 'soldier', 'ira', 'demands', 'release', 'jailed', 'ira', 'members', 'threatening', 'execute', 'jody', 'three', 'days', 'demands', 'met', 'amiable', 'fergus', 'guards', 'jody', 'develop', 'bond', 'much', 'chagrin', 'ira', 'men', 'time', 'jody', 'tells', 'fergus', 'story', 'scorpion', 'frog', 'jody', 'persuades', 'fergus', 'make', 'sure', 'girlfriend', 'dil', 'right', 'jody', 'killed', 'deadline', 'set', 'jody\\\\', 'captors', 'passes', 'jody', 'executed', 'fergus', 'takes', 'jody', 'woods', 'carry', 'sentence', 'however', 'jody', 'knows', 'fergus', 'murderer', 'heart', 'makes', 'break', 'sure', 'enough', 'fergus', 'bring', 'shoot', 'fleeing', 'jody', 'back', 'jody', 'instead', 'accidentally', 'run', 'killed', 'british', 'armoured', 'personnel', 'carriers', 'suddenly', 'move', 'assault', 'ira', 'safehouse', 'ira', 'companions', 'seemingly', 'dead', 'attack', 'fergus', 'hides', 'main', 'body', 'ira', 'london', 'takes', 'job', 'day', 'labourer', 'using', 'alias', 'jimmy', 'london', 'fergus', 'meets', 'jody\\\\', 'attractive', 'girlfriend', 'dil', 'hair', 'salon', 'later', 'talk', 'bar', 'next', 'evening', 'sees', 'singing', 'crying', 'game', 'fergus', 'still', 'suffers', 'guilt', 'jody\\\\', 'death', 'sees', 'dreams', 'bowling', 'cricket', 'ball', 'continues', 'pursue', 'dil', 'protecting', 'obsessive', 'suitor', 'gradually', 'falling', 'love', 'later', 'make', 'love', 'apartment', 'discovers', 'fact', 'pre-op', 'transwoman', 'initial', 'reaction', 'revulsion', 'rushing', 'bathroom', 'throw', 'accidentally', 'hits', 'dil', 'face', 'leaving', 'nosebleed', 'leaves', 'apartment', 'days', 'later', 'fergus', 'leaves', 'dil', 'note', 'two', 'make', 'despite', 'everything', 'dil', 'still', 'attracted', 'around', 'time', 'jude', 'unexpectedly', 'reappears', 'fergus\\\\', 'apartment', 'tells', 'ira', 'tried', 'convicted', 'absentia', 'forces', 'agree', 'help', 'new', 'mission', 'aid', 'assassinating', 'well-known', 'official', 'also', 'off-handedly', 'mentions', 'knows', 'fergus', 'dil', 'warning', 'ira', 'kill', 'fergus', 'co-operate', 'fergus', 'however', 'overcome', 'feelings', 'dil', 'continues', 'wooing', 'fergus', 'shields', 'possible', 'retribution', 'giving', 'haircut', 'male', 'clothes', 'disguise', 'night', 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'saying', 'kill', 'jody', 'allow', 'fergus', 'prevents', 'dil', 'shooting', 'tells', 'hide', 'club', 'dil', 'gone', 'wipes', 'dil\\\\', 'fingerprints', 'gun', 'allows', 'arrested', 'place', 'dil', 'epilogue', 'takes', 'place', 'months', 'later', 'fergus', 'prison', 'visited', 'dil', 'dil', 'talking', 'fergus', 'plans', 'gets', 'jail', 'asks', 'took', 'fall', 'first', 'place', 'fergus', 'responds', 'man', 'said', 'it\\\\', 'nature', 'tells', 'story', 'scorpion', 'frog'], ['planning', 'coordinating', 'another', 'successful', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'san', 'francisco', 'wedding', 'planner', 'mary', 're-introduced', 'childhood', 'acquaintance', 'massimo', 'father', 'wants', 'two', 'marry', 'mary', 'however', 'impressed', 'instead', 'remains', 'focused', 'ambition', 'become', 'partner', 'wedding', 'company', 'works', 'way', 'persuade', 'boss', 'geri', 'accept', 'partner', 'mary', 'pursues', 'hired', 'catering', 'heiress', 'fran', 'donolly', 'plan', 'society', 'wedding', 'long', 'term', 'boyfriend', '쁄ddie', 'phone', 'reporting', 'success', 'mary', 'shoe', 'heel', 'gets', 'stuck', 'manhole', 'cover', 'attempts', 'free', 'taxi', 'collides', 'dumpster', 'comes', 'hurtling', 'towards', 'man', 'standing', 'nearby', 'rushes', 'pulls', 'away', 'dumpster', 'crashes', 'mary', 'manages', 'thank', 'man', 'fainting', 'later', 'wakes', 'hospital', 'man', 'saved', 'revealed', 'local', 'pediatrician', 'steve', 'edison', 'mary', 'friend', 'colleague', 'penny', 'arrives', 'persuades', 'steve', 'attend', 'outdoor', 'movie', 'screening', 'park', 'make', 'excuse', 'leave', 'pair', 'alone', 'movie', 'mary', 'steve', 'dance', 'kiss', 'heavy', 'downpour', 'forces', 'run', 'cover', 'days', 'later', 'mary', 'fran', 'another', 'mary', 'weddings', 'fran', 'teases', 'dreamy', 'look', 'mary', 'tells', 'movie', 'date', 'later', 'mary', 'attending', 'dance', 'lesson', 'another', 'clients', 'fran', 'also', 'attending', 'introduces', 'mary', 'fianc챕', '쁄ddie', 'turns', 'steve', 'fran', 'leaves', 'pair', 'dance', 'together', 'mary', 'angrily', 'rebukes', 'leading', 'going', 'behind', 'fran', 'back', 'mary', 'left', 'wondering', 'whether', 'continue', 'plan', 'fran', 'steve', 'wedding', 'steve', 'left', 'wondering', 'whether', 'chemistry', 'mary', 'sign', 'marrying', 'fran', 'penny', 'persuades', 'mary', 'career', 'important', 'whatever', 'attraction', 'might', 'felt', 'steve', 'steve', 'colleague', 'persuades', 'connection', 'mary', 'result', 'pre-wedding', 'nerves', 'arrive', 'potential', 'wedding', 'venue', 'napa', 'valley', 'massimo', 'appears', 'mary', 'confusion', 'horror', 'introduces', 'fianc챕', 'later', 'four', 'along', 'fran', 'parents', 'riding', 'horseback', 'estate', 'mrs', 'donolly', 'singing', 'frightens', 'mary', 'horse', 'rushes', 'terrified', 'mary', 'clinging', 'steve', 'instantly', 'gallops', 'mary', 'rescues', 'control', 'horse', 'pair', 'alone', 'bitterly', 'rebukes', 'condemning', 'actions', 'also', 'engaged', 'home', 'mary', 'father', 'excitedly', 'talks', 'upcoming', 'wedding', 'reveal', 'massimo', 'engaged', 'scolding', 'father', 'trying', 'arrange', 'marriage', 'father', 'reveals', 'wedding', 'mother', 'mary', 'always', 'seen', 'perfect', 'marriage', 'actually', 'arranged', 'became', 'loving', 'relationship', 'months', 'later', 'leaving', 'mary', 'feeling', 'confused', 'mary', 'fran', 'steve', 'visit', 'another', 'potential', 'wedding', 'venue', 'differences', 'opinion', 'couple', 'begin', 'emerge', 'steve', 'agrees', 'whatever', 'makes', 'fran', 'happy', 'fran', 'reveals', 'going', 'week-long', 'business', 'trip', 'leaving', 'mary', 'steve', 'continue', 'wedding', 'preparations', 'pair', 'apologise', 'angry', 'words', 'looking', 'flowers', 'run', 'keith', 'wendy', 'mary', 'reveals', 'keith', 'fianc챕', 'wendy', 'high-school', 'girlfriend', 'rehearsal', 'dinner', 'found', 'making', 'car', 'night', 'drunk', 'mary', 'laments', 'keith', 'married', 'expecting', 'baby', 'still', 'alone', 'miserable', 'steve', 'comforts', 'insists', 'keith', 'fool', 'pick', 'wendy', 'leaves', 'quickly', 'returns', 'confesses', 'feelings', 'mary', 'sadly', 'replies', 'respects', 'fran', 'much', 'let', 'anything', 'happen', 'sends', 'steve', 'away', 'fran', 'returns', 'early', 'trip', 'comes', 'speak', 'mary', 'mary', 'fears', 'steve', 'revealed', 'feelings', 'instead', 'fran', 'reveals', 'know', 'love', 'steve', 'anymore', 'ignoring', 'heart', 'mary', 'persuades', 'fran', 'ahead', 'wedding', 'birthday', 'party', 'attending', 'massimo', 'offers', 'mary', 'heartfelt', 'proposal', 'little', 'hesitation', 'finally', 'agrees', 'marry', 'two', 'couples', 'prepare', 'weddings', 'day', 'arrives', 'mary', 'leaves', 'penny', 'coordinate', 'donolly', 'wedding', 'goes', 'town', 'hall', 'marry', 'massimo', 'wedding', 'starts', 'steve', 'takes', 'fran', 'walk', 'asks', 'right', 'thing', 'fran', 'eventually', 'admits', 'want', 'get', 'married', 'pair', 'part', 'friends', 'fran', 'leaves', 'honeymoon', 'alone', 'penny', 'reveals', 'mary', 'plans', 'steve', 'rushes', 'stop', 'town', 'hall', 'massimo', 'mary', 'prepare', 'marry', 'father', 'stops', 'ceremony', 'realising', 'wedding', 'wants', 'wants', 'mary', 'given', 'true', 'love', 'insists', 'life', 'fairytale', 'marrying', 'massimo', 'right', 'thing', 'steve', 'arrives', 'find', 'mary', 'father', 'massimo', 'outside', 'massimo', 'reveals', 'ahead', 'wedding', 'knowing', 'mary', 'love', 'actually', 'love', 'steve', 'steve', 'reveals', 'feelings', 'mary', 'father', 'tells', 'get', 'steve', 'massimo', 'ride', 'massimo', 'scooter', 'park', 'another', 'outdoor', 'movie', 'starting', 'steve', 'finds', 'mary', 'asks', 'dance', 'pair', 'finally', 'kiss'], ['identical', 'twins', 'susan', 'evers', 'sharon', 'mckendrick', 'meet', 'summer', 'camp', 'unaware', 'sisters', 'identical', 'appearance', 'initially', 'creates', 'rivalry', 'continually', 'pull', 'pranks', 'one', 'another', 'eventually', 'mischief', 'ruins', 'camp', 'dance', 'punishment', 'must', 'live', 'together', 'isolated', 'cabin', 'remains', 'summer', 'admit', 'come', 'broken', 'homes', 'soon', 'realize', 'twin', 'sisters', 'parents', 'mitch', 'maggie', 'divorced', 'shortly', 'birth', 'parent', 'custody', 'one', 'twins', 'eager', 'meet', 'parent', 'never', 'knew', 'switch', 'places', 'susan', 'boston', 'masquerading', 'sharon', 'sharon', 'goes', 'california', 'pretending', 'susan', 'sharon', 'telephones', 'susan', 'boston', 'news', 'father', 'planning', 'marry', 'gold-digger', 'mother', 'needs', 'rushed', 'california', 'prevent', 'union', 'boston', 'susan', 'tells', 'mother', 'truth', 'switched', 'identities', 'two', 'fly', 'four', 'california', 'twins', 'set', 'sabotaging', 'father', 'marriage', 'plans', 'mitch', 'money-hungry', 'much-younger', 'fianc챕e', 'vicky', 'robinson', 'receives', 'rude', 'mischievous', 'treatment', 'girls', 'veiled', 'cattiness', 'maggie', 'one', 'evening', 'girls', 'recreate', 'parents', 'first', 'date', 'italian', 'restaurant', 'gypsy', 'violinist', 'former', 'spouses', 'gradually', 'drawn', 'together', 'though', 'quickly', 'begin', 'bickering', 'minor', 'things', 'vicky', 'delay', 'maggie', 'return', 'boston', 'sharon', 'twins', 'dress', 'talk', 'alike', 'parents', 'unable', 'tell', 'apart', 'reveal', 'everyone', 'goes', 'annual', 'family', 'camping', 'trip', 'mitch', 'maggie', 'reluctantly', 'agree', 'vicky', 'objects', 'plan', 'maggie', 'tricks', 'taking', 'place', 'girls', 'effect', 'coup', 'grace', 'vicky', 'spends', 'time', 'swatting', 'mosquitoes', 'awakened', 'terror', 'two', 'bear', 'cubs', 'licking', 'honey', 'twins', 'put', 'feet', 'exasperated', 'vicky', 'angrily', 'slaps', 'one', 'girls', 'mitch', 'ends', 'relationship', 'mitch', 'maggie', 'rekindle', 'love', 'two', 'remarry', 'final', 'scene', 'twins', 'wedding', 'party'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'framed', 'interviews', 'elderly', 'couples', 'telling', 'stories', 'relationships', 'several', 'stories', 'told', 'throughout', 'movie', 'story', 'begins', '1977.', 'harry', 'burns', 'sally', 'albright', 'finish', 'college', 'university', 'chicago', 'meet', 'need', 'someone', 'share', 'drive', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'sally', 'beginning', 'journalism', 'school', 'harry', 'presumably', 'starting', 'career', 'time', 'harry', 'dating', 'friend', 'sally\\\\', 'amanda', 'film\\\\', 'underlying', 'theme', 'arises', 'differing', 'ideas', 'relationships', 'men', 'women', 'emerge', 'journey', 'harry', 'evinces', 'view', 'men', 'women', \"can\\\\'t\", 'friends', 'sex', 'part', 'always', 'gets', 'way', '...', 'even', 'ones', 'finds', 'unattractive', 'sally', 'disagrees', 'claiming', 'men', 'women', 'strictly', 'friends', 'without', 'sex', 'way', 'stop', 'diner', 'sally', 'angered', 'harry', 'tells', 'attractive', 'accuses', 'making', 'pass', 'new', 'york', 'due', 'divergent', 'philosophies', 'part', 'less', 'friendly', 'terms', 'five', 'years', 'later', 'meet', 'new', 'york', 'airport', 'find', 'plane', 'relationships', 'sally', 'started', 'dating', 'man', 'named', 'joe', '봶ho', 'happens', 'old', 'friend', 'harry\\\\', '봞nd', 'harry', 'engaged', 'woman', 'named', 'helen', 'surprises', 'sally', 'harry', 'suggests', 'become', 'friends', 'forcing', 'elaborate', 'previous', 'rule', 'male-female', 'friendships', 'never', 'friends', 'sex', 'part', 'gets', 'way', 'despite', 'harry\\\\', 'suggestions', 'exceptions', 'rule', 'separate', 'concluding', 'friends', 'harry', 'sally', 'meet', 'yet', 'five', 'years', 'later', 'new', 'york', 'bookstore', 'coffee', 'together', 'talk', 'previous', 'relationships', 'ended', 'leaving', 'caf챕', 'take', 'walk', 'decide', 'friends', 'subsequent', 'scenes', 'late-night', 'phone', 'conversations', 'dinner', 'spend', 'lot', 'time', 'together', 'dating', 'experiences', 'others', 'continue', 'highlight', 'different', 'approaches', 'relationships', 'sex', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'party', 'harry', 'sally', 'find', 'attracted', 'though', 'remain', 'friends', 'set', 'respective', 'best', 'friends', 'marie', 'jess', 'four', 'restaurant', 'marie', 'jess', 'hit', 'later', 'get', 'engaged', 'one', 'night', 'sally', 'tearfully', 'tells', 'harry', 'phone', 'joe', 'getting', 'married', 'legal', 'assistant', 'rushes', 'apartment', 'comfort', 'unexpectedly', 'sex', 'night', 'resulting', 'awkward', 'moment', 'next', 'morning', 'harry', 'quickly', 'leaves', 'state', 'distress', 'creates', 'tension', 'relationship', 'friendship', 'cools', 'three', 'weeks', 'two', 'heated', 'argument', 'jess', 'marie\\\\', 'wedding', 'dinner', 'following', 'fight', 'harry', 'repeatedly', 'attempts', 'mend', 'friendship', 'sally', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'party', 'year', 'sally', 'feels', 'alone', 'without', 'harry', 'side', 'meanwhile', 'harry', 'shown', 'spending', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'alone', 'decides', 'leave', 'party', 'early', 'harry', 'appears', 'declares', 'love', 'make', 'kiss', 'last', 'segment', 'couples', 'discuss', 'relationship', 'histories', 'interview', 'harry', 'sally', 'talking', 'wedding'], ['awards', 'dinner', 'eve', 'harrington', 'nbsp', 'newest', 'brightest', 'star', 'broadway', 'nbsp', 'presented', 'sarah', 'siddons', 'award', 'breakout', 'performance', 'cora', 'footsteps', 'ceiling', 'theatre', 'critic', 'addison', 'dewitt', 'observes', 'proceedings', 'sardonic', 'voiceover', 'recalls', 'eve\\\\', 'star', 'rose', 'quickly', 'film', 'flashes', 'back', 'year', 'margo', 'channing', 'one', 'biggest', 'stars', 'broadway', 'despite', 'success', 'bemoaning', 'age', 'turned', 'forty', 'knowing', 'mean', 'career', 'performance', 'one', 'night', 'margo\\\\', 'close', 'friend', 'karen', 'richards', 'wife', 'play\\\\', 'author', 'lloyd', 'richards', 'meets', 'besotted', 'fan', 'eve', 'harrington', 'cold', 'alley', 'outside', 'stage', 'door', 'recognizing', 'passed', 'many', 'times', 'alley', 'karen', 'takes', 'backstage', 'meet', 'margo', 'eve', 'tells', 'group', 'gathered', 'margo\\\\', 'dressing', 'room', 'nbsp', 'karen', 'lloyd', 'margo\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'bill', 'sampson', 'director', 'eight', 'years', 'junior', 'margo\\\\', 'maid', 'birdie', 'nbsp', 'followed', 'margo\\\\', 'last', 'theatrical', 'tour', 'new', 'york', 'seeing', 'play', 'san', 'francisco', 'tells', 'moving', 'involving', 'story', 'difficult', 'life', 'including', 'losing', 'young', 'husband', 'recent', 'war', 'becomingly', 'humble', 'flattering', 'idolization', 'margo', 'response', 'margo', 'quickly', 'befriends', 'eve', 'moves', 'home', 'takes', 'assistant', 'leaving', 'birdie', 'instinctively', 'dislikes', 'eve', 'feeling', 'put', 'maintaining', 'seamless', 'outward', 'appearance', 'humility', 'desire', 'serve', 'eve', 'gradually', 'shown', 'working', 'supplant', 'margo', 'scheming', 'become', 'understudy', 'behind', 'back', 'conspiring', 'unsuspecting', 'karen', 'cause', 'margo', 'miss', 'performance', 'eve', 'knowing', 'advance', 'one', 'appearing', 'night', 'invites', 'city\\\\', 'theatre', 'critics', 'attend', 'evening\\\\', 'performance', 'triumph', 'eve', 'tries', 'seduce', 'bill', 'rejects', 'following', 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'addison', 'hands', 'award', 'phoebe', 'leaves', 'without', 'entering', 'phoebe', 'lies', 'eve', 'telling', 'cab', 'driver', 'dropped', 'award', 'eve', 'rests', 'room', 'phoebe', 'dons', 'eve\\\\', 'elegant', 'costume', 'robe', 'poses', 'front', 'multi-paned', 'mirror', 'holding', 'award', 'crown', 'mirrors', 'transform', 'phoebe', 'multiple', 'images', 'bows', 'regally', 'accepting', 'award', 'thunderous', 'applause', 'triumphant', 'music', 'plays'], [\"'philip\", 'schuyler', 'green', 'widowed', 'journalist', 'moved', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'son', 'tommy', 'mother', 'green', 'meets', 'magazine', 'publisher', 'john', 'minify', 'asks', 'green', 'gentile', 'write', 'article', 'antisemitism', 'he\\\\', 'enthusiastic', 'first', 'initially', 'struggling', 'approach', 'topic', 'fresh', 'way', 'green', 'inspired', 'adopt', 'jewish', 'identity', 'writes', 'first-hand', 'experiences', 'green', 'minify', 'agree', 'keep', 'secret', 'phil', 'jewish', 'since', 'family', 'new', 'new', 'york', 'easy', 'hide', 'dinner', 'party', 'phil', 'meets', 'minify\\\\', 'divorced', 'niece', 'kathy', 'lacey', 'turns', 'person', 'originally', 'suggested', 'story', 'idea', 'minify', 'provides', 'large', 'apartment', 'money', 'kathy', 'works', 'pre-school', 'teacher', 'next', 'day', 'phil', 'tries', 'explain', 'anti-jewish', 'prejudice', 'young', 'precocious', 'son', 'nbsp', 'directly', 'displaying', 'anti-female', 'prejudice', 'green', 'tells', 'mother', 'he\\\\', 'struck', 'odd', 'notion', 'idea', 'article', 'came', 'girl', 'magazine', 'mother', 'replies', 'women', 'thinking', 'next', 'phil', 'kathy', 'begin', 'dating', 'phil', 'considerable', 'difficulty', 'getting', 'started', 'assignment', 'every', 'angle', 'thinks', 'ends', 'stone', 'wall', 'mother', 'heart', 'pain', 'middle', 'night', 'must', 'summon', 'doctor', 'realizes', 'never', 'feel', 'another', 'person', 'feels', 'unless', 'experiences', 'recalls', 'lived', 'okie', 'route', 'coalminer', 'previous', 'writing', 'jobs', 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'york', 'job', 'lives', 'greens', 'looks', 'home', 'family', 'housing', 'scarce', 'city', 'particularly', 'difficult', 'goldman', 'since', 'landlords', 'rent', 'jewish', 'family', 'phil', 'tells', 'dave', 'project', 'dave', 'supportive', 'concerned', 'time', 'goes', 'phil', 'experiences', 'several', 'incidents', 'bigotry', 'mother', 'becomes', 'ill', 'heart', 'condition', 'doctor', 'discourages', 'consulting', 'specialist', 'obviously', 'jewish', 'name', 'suggesting', 'might', 'cheated', 'phil', 'reveals', 'jewish', 'doctor', 'becomes', 'uncomfortable', 'leaves', 'also', 'phil', 'wants', 'celebrate', 'honeymoon', 'swanky', 'hotel', 'rich', 'people', 'country', 'manager', 'hotel', 'refuses', 'register', 'phil', 'due', 'jew', 'also', 'kids', 'school', 'learn', 'tommy', 'jewish', 'becomes', 'target', 'bullies', 'phil', 'troubled', 'way', 'kathy', 'consoles', 'tommy', 'telling', 'taunts', 'dirty', 'jew', 'wrong', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'jewish', 'epithet', 'wrong', 'kathy\\\\', 'attitudes', 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'asks', 'comes', 'realize', 'remaining', 'silent', 'condones', 'prejudice', 'next', 'day', 'dave', 'tells', 'phil', 'family', 'moving', 'cottage', 'darien', 'kathy', 'moving', 'sister', 'next', 'door', 'make', 'sure', 'treated', 'well', 'neighbors', 'phil', 'hears', 'reconciles', 'kathy'], [\"'brad\", 'braden', 'no-nonsense', 'general', 'manager', 'time', 'world\\\\', 'largest', 'railroad', 'circus', 'number', 'problems', 'hands', 'upcoming', 'season', 'show\\\\', 'board', 'directors', 'plan', 'run', 'short', 'week', 'season', 'rather', 'risk', 'losing', '25,000', 'day', 'shaky', 'post-war', 'economy', 'brad', 'bargains', 'keep', 'circus', 'road', 'long', 'making', 'profit', 'thus', 'keeping', '1,400', 'performers', 'roustabouts', 'make', 'ringling', 'bros.', 'barnum', 'bailey', 'circus\\\\', 'greatest', 'show', 'earth', 'working', 'brad\\\\', 'first', 'problem', 'tell', 'girlfriend', 'holly', 'flyer', 'idea', 'love', 'expecting', 'star', 'season\\\\', 'show', 'she\\\\', 'center', 'ring', 'way', 'able', 'get', 'management', 'agree', 'full', 'season', 'hire', 'great', 'sebastian', 'debonair', 'king', 'air', 'world-class', 'trapeze', 'artist', 'star', 'show', 'holly', 'knows', 'brad', 'must', 'think', 'show', 'first', 'personal', 'feelings', 'second', 'take', 'chances', 'show', 'nevertheless', 'infuriated', 'decision', 'second', 'problem', 'keeping', 'sebastian', 'control', 'well-deserved', 'reputation', 'ladies\\\\', 'man', 'cut', 'wide', 'swath', 'female', 'contingent', 'every', 'show', 'he\\\\', 'ever', 'worked', 'detriment', 'running', 'shows', 'third', 'problem', 'keeping', 'eye', 'harry', 'midway', 'concessionaire', 'suspects', 'running', 'crooked', 'games', 'chance', 'works', 'mysterious', 'gangster', 'named', 'mr.', 'henderson', 'another', 'situation', 'unbeknownst', 'brad', 'involves', 'beloved', 'buttons', 'clown', 'never', 'seen', 'without', 'makeup', 'performance', 'buttons', 'converses', 'woman', 'member', 'audience', 'mdash', 'warns', 'unnamed', 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'klaus', 'byproduct', 'robbing', 'circus', 'pay', 'wagon', 'money', 'earned', 'show', 'last', 'stand', 'buttons', 'flee', 'returns', 'plea', 'holly', 'like', 'brad', 'made', 'connection', 'doctor', 'killed', 'wife', 'loved', 'vanished', 'new', 'identity', 'buttons', 'clown', 'saves', 'critically', 'injured', 'brad\\\\', 'life', 'giving', 'blood', 'transfusion', 'sebastian', 'fly', 'despite', 'knowing', 'gregory', 'watching', 'turn', 'leads', 'gregory', 'reluctantly', 'arresting', 'buttons', 'declares', 'right', 'holly', 'realizes', 'actually', 'love', 'brad', 'always', 'loved', 'takes', 'command', 'show', 'mounting', 'circus', 'parade', 'town', 'nearest', 'crash', 'staging', 'open', 'air', 'show', 'crash', 'site', 'brad\\\\', 'near-death', 'experience', 'forces', 'admit', 'love', 'holly', 'ironically', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'time', 'show', 'must', 'last', 'loose', 'end', 'tied', 'sebastian', 'proposes', 'angel', 'accepts', 'movie', 'ends', 'troupe', 'mounting', 'spec', 'open', 'improvised', 'performance', 'keep', 'show', 'black', 'enable', 'continue', 'tour', 'magnificent', 'recovery', 'disaster'], ['willie', 'conway', 'goes', 'home', 'high', 'school', 'class', 'reunion', 'crossroads', 'life', \"n't\", 'decide', 'marry', 'girlfriend', \"n't\", 'decide', 'quit', 'music', 'take', 'job', 'salesman', 'course', 'film', 'spends', 'time', 'old', 'friends', 'similar', 'crossroads', 'end', 'discover', 'want'], ['emotions', 'extended', 'upper-class', 'family', 'manhattan', 'followed', 'song', 'paris', 'venice', 'various', 'friends/lovers/acquaintances/relatives', 'act', 'interact', 'sing', 'new', 'york', 'venice', 'paris', 'young', 'lovers', 'holden', 'skylar', 'manhattan', 'skylar', 'parents', 'bob', 'steffi', 'joe', 'ex-husband', 'steffi', 'daughter', 'marriage', 'joe', 'steffi', 'von', 'lady', 'joe', 'meets', 'venice', 'recently-released', 'prison', 'inmate', 'charles', 'ferry', 'inserted', 'skyler', 'holden', 'resulting', 'breakup'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'presented', 'two', 'parts', 'separated', 'intermission', '1935', 'lawrence', 'killed', 'motorcycle', 'accident', 'memorial', 'service', 'paul\\\\', 'cathedral', 'reporters', 'try', 'gain', 'insights', 'remarkable', 'enigmatic', 'man', 'knew', 'little', 'success', 'first', 'world', 'war', 'lawrence', 'misfit', 'british', 'army', 'lieutenant', 'stationed', 'cairo', 'notable', 'insolence', 'knowledge', 'bedouin', 'objections', 'general', 'murray', 'sent', 'mr.', 'dryden', 'arab', 'bureau', 'assess', 'prospects', 'prince', 'faisal', 'revolt', 'turks', 'journey', 'bedouin', 'guide', 'killed', 'sherif', 'ali', 'drinking', 'well', 'without', 'permission', 'lawrence', 'later', 'meets', 'colonel', 'brighton', 'orders', 'keep', 'quiet', 'make', 'assessment', 'faisal\\\\', 'camp', 'leave', 'lawrence', 'promptly', 'ignores', 'brighton\\\\', 'commands', 'meets', 'faisal', 'knowledge', 'outspokenness', 'pique', 'prince\\\\', 'interest', 'brighton', 'advises', 'faisal', 'retreat', 'major', 'defeat', 'lawrence', 'proposes', 'daring', 'surprise', 'attack', 'aqaba', 'successful', 'would', 'provide', 'port', 'british', 'could', 'offload', 'much-needed', 'supplies', 'strongly', 'fortified', 'naval', 'assault', 'town', 'lightly', 'defended', 'landward', 'side', 'convinces', 'faisal', 'provide', 'fifty', 'men', 'led', 'sceptical', 'sherif', 'ali', 'two', 'teenage', 'orphans', 'daud', 'farraj', 'attach', 'lawrence', 'servants', 'cross', 'nefud', 'desert', 'considered', 'impassable', 'even', 'bedouins', 'travelling', 'day', 'night', 'last', 'stage', 'reach', 'water', 'gasim', 'succumbs', 'fatigue', 'falls', 'camel', 'unnoticed', 'night', 'rest', 'make', 'oasis', 'lawrence', 'turns', 'back', 'lost', 'man', 'risking', 'life', 'winning', 'sherif', 'ali', 'saving', 'gasim', 'lawrence', 'persuades', 'auda', 'abu', 'tayi', 'leader', 'powerful', 'local', 'howeitat', 'tribe', 'turn', 'turks', 'lawrence\\\\', 'plan', 'almost', 'derailed', 'one', 'ali\\\\', 'men', 'kills', 'one', 'auda\\\\', 'blood', 'feud', 'since', 'howeitat', 'retaliation', 'would', 'shatter', 'fragile', 'alliance', 'lawrence', 'declares', 'execute', 'murderer', 'stunned', 'discover', 'culprit', 'gasim', 'shoots', 'anyway', 'next', 'morning', 'intact', 'alliance', 'overruns', 'turkish', 'garrison', 'lawrence', 'heads', 'cairo', 'inform', 'dryden', 'new', 'commander', 'general', 'allenby', 'victory', 'crossing', 'sinai', 'desert', 'daud', 'dies', 'stumbles', 'quicksand', 'lawrence', 'promoted', 'major', 'given', 'arms', 'money', 'support', 'arabs', 'deeply', 'disturbed', 'confessing', 'enjoyed', 'executing', 'gasim', 'allenby', 'brushes', 'aside', 'qualms', 'asks', 'allenby', 'whether', 'basis', 'arabs\\\\', 'suspicions', 'british', 'designs', 'arabia', 'pressed', 'general', 'states', 'designs', 'lawrence', 'launches', 'guerrilla', 'war', 'blowing', 'trains', 'harassing', 'turks', 'every', 'turn', 'american', 'war', 'correspondent', 'jackson', 'bentley', 'arthur', 'kennedy', 'publicizes', 'exploits', 'making', 'world', 'famous', 'one', 'raid', 'farraj', 'badly', 'injured', 'unwilling', 'leave', 'tortured', 'lawrence', 'forced', 'shoot', 'fleeing', 'lawrence', 'scouts', 'enemy-held', 'city', 'daraa', 'ali', 'taken', 'along', 'several', 'arab', 'residents', 'turkish', 'bey', 'lawrence', 'stripped', 'ogled', 'prodded', 'striking', 'bey', 'severely', 'flogged', 'thrown', 'street', 'lawrence', 'traumatized', 'experience', 'abandons', 'exploits', 'going', 'proclaimed', 'god', 'insisting', 'merely', 'man', 'attempts', 'return', 'british', 'forces', 'swear', 'desert', 'never', 'fits', 'jerusalem', 'allenby', 'urges', 'support', 'big', 'push', 'damascus', 'lawrence', 'changed', 'tormented', 'man', 'unwilling', 'return', 'allenby', 'insists', 'lawrence', 'destiny', 'finally', 'relents', 'lawrence', 'naively', 'believes', 'warriors', 'come', 'rather', 'money', 'recruits', 'army', 'mainly', 'killers', 'mercenaries', 'cutthroats', 'motivated', 'money', 'rather', 'arab', 'cause', 'sight', 'column', 'retreating', 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'corporation', 'high-rise', 'building', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'order', 'climb', 'corporate', 'ladder', 'baxter', 'allows', 'four', 'company', 'managers', 'different', 'evenings', 'week', 'take', 'turns', 'borrowing', 'upper', 'west', 'side', 'apartment', 'various', 'extramarital', 'liaisons', 'noisy', 'neighours', 'assume', 'bringing', 'home', 'different', 'women', 'every', 'night', 'four', 'managers', 'write', 'glowing', 'reports', 'baxter', 'personnel', 'director', 'jeffery', 'sheldrake', 'promotes', 'personal', 'staff', 'convincing', 'baxter', 'give', 'exclusive', 'privilege', 'apartment', 'insists', 'using', 'night', 'compensation', 'short', 'notice', 'gives', 'baxter', 'two', 'company-sponsored', 'tickets', 'hit', 'broadway', 'musical', 'music', 'man', 'work', 'baxter', 'catches', 'fran', 'kubelik', 'elevator', 'operator', 'eye', 'agree', 'meet', 'theater', 'drink', 'former', 'fling', 'baxter', 'waits', 'miss', 'kubelik', 'meets', 'mr.', 'sheldrake', 'convinces', 'divorcing', 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'dreyfus', 'reviving', 'miss', 'kubelik', 'without', 'notifying', 'authorities', 'spends', 'several', 'days', 'recuperating', 'apartment', 'baxter', 'tries', 'entertain', 'distract', 'suicidal', 'thoughts', 'talking', 'playing', 'numerous', 'hands', 'gin', 'rummy', 'though', 'largely', 'uninterested', 'since', 'missing', 'miss', 'kubelik\\\\', 'brother-in-law', 'comes', 'office', 'looking', 'four', 'executives', 'direct', 'baxter\\\\', 'apartment', 'assuming', 'baxter', 'still', 'denies', 'use', 'apartment', 'miss', 'kubelik', 'affair', 'brother-in-law', 'assumes', 'worst', 'baxter', 'punches', 'twice', 'confronting', 'pair', 'baxter\\\\', 'apartment', 'sheldrake', 'fires', 'secretary', 'revealing', 'history', 'womanizing', 'retaliates', 'telling', 'wife', 'infidelities', 'leading', 'breakup', 'marriage', 'sheldrake', 'moved', 'room', 'athletic', 'club', 'figures', 'string', 'miss', 'kubelik', 'along', 'enjoys', 'newfound', 'bachelorhood', 'requests', 'access', 'baxter\\\\', 'apartment', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'baxter', 'refuses', 'quits', 'firm', 'process', 'miss', 'kubelik', 'hears', 'sheldrake', 'realizes', 'baxter', 'man', 'truly', 'loves', 'runs', 'apartment', 'arrives', 'apartment', 'alone', 'insists', 'resuming', 'earlier', 'game', 'gin', 'rummy', 'declares', 'love', 'reply', 'now-famous', 'final', 'line', 'film', 'shut', 'deal'], ['lester', 'burnham', 'middle-aged', 'magazine', 'writer', 'despises', 'job', 'wife', 'carolyn', 'ambitious', 'real-estate', 'broker', 'sixteen-year-old', 'daughter', 'jane', 'abhors', 'parents', 'low', 'self-esteem', 'burnhams', 'new', 'neighbors', 'retired', 'united', 'states', 'marine', 'corps', 'colonel', 'frank', 'fitts', 'chris', 'cooper', 'introverted', 'wife', 'barbara', 'teenage', 'son', 'ricky', 'secret', 'marijuana', 'smoker', 'drug', 'dealer', 'colonel', 'subjects', 'strict', 'disciplinarian', 'lifestyle', 'ricky', 'forced', 'military', 'academy', 'mental', 'hospital', 'spends', 'time', 'recording', 'surroundings', 'camcorder', 'keeps', 'dozens', 'taped', 'videos', 'bedroom', 'lester', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'jane', 'cheerleader', 'friend', 'angela', 'hayes', 'seeing', 'perform', 'half-time', 'dance', 'routine', 'high', 'school', 'basketball', 'game', 'begins', 'sexual', 'fantasies', 'angela', 'red', 'rose', 'petals', 'recurring', 'motif', 'carolyn', 'begins', 'affair', 'business', 'rival', 'buddy', 'kane', 'lester', 'laid', 'job', 'blackmails', 'boss', '60,000', 'quits', 'taking', 'employment', 'serving', 'fast', 'food', 'buys', 'dream', 'car', 'starts', 'working', 'overhears', 'angela', 'tell', 'jane', 'would', 'find', 'sexually', 'attractive', 'improved', 'physique', 'begins', 'smoking', 'marijuana', 'bought', 'ricky', 'flirts', 'angela', 'whenever', 'visits', 'jane', 'jane', 'becomes', 'involved', 'ricky', 'bond', 'ricky', 'considers', 'beautiful', 'imagery', 'filmed', 'plastic', 'bag', 'dancing', 'wind'], ['am챕lie', 'poulain', 'young', 'woman', 'grown', 'isolated', 'children', 'death', 'mother', 'father', 'subsequent', 'withdrawal', 'developed', 'unusually', 'active', 'imagination', 'ward', 'away', 'feelings', 'loneliness', 'age', 'twenty-three', 'am챕lie', 'waitress', 'caf챕', 'des', 'moulins', 'small', 'caf챕', 'montmartre', 'staffed', 'frequented', 'collection', 'eccentrics', 'spurned', 'romantic', 'relationships', 'following', 'disappointing', 'efforts', 'finds', 'contentment', 'simple', 'pleasures', 'letting', 'imagination', 'roam', 'free', 'august', '1997', 'am챕lie', 'shocked', 'upon', 'hearing', 'news', 'death', 'diana', 'princess', 'wales', 'television', 'drops', 'bottle', 'cap', 'knocks', 'bathroom', 'wall', 'tile', 'loosens', 'behind', 'tile', 'finds', 'old', 'metal', 'box', 'childhood', 'memorabilia', 'hidden', 'boy', 'lived', 'apartment', 'decades', 'earlier', 'fascinated', 'find', 'resolves', 'track', 'adult', 'man', 'placed', 'return', 'making', 'promise', 'process', 'finds', 'makes', 'happy', 'devote', 'life', 'bringing', 'happiness', 'others', 'am챕lie', 'meets', 'reclusive', 'neighbour', 'raymond', 'dufayel', 'painter', 'continually', 'repaints', 'luncheon', 'boating', 'party', 'pierre-auguste', 'renoir', 'known', \"'the\", 'glass', 'man', 'brittle', 'bone', 'condition', 'help', 'others', 'tracks', 'former', 'occupant', 'places', 'box', 'phone', 'booth', 'ringing', 'number', 'passes', 'lure', 'upon', 'opening', 'box', 'man', 'moved', 'tears', 'epiphany', 'long-forgotten', 'childhood', 'memories', 'come', 'flooding', 'back', 'finds', 'way', 'bar', 'amelie', 'vows', 'reconcile', 'estranged', 'family', 'seeing', 'positive', 'effect', 'resolves', 'moment', 'good', 'lives', 'others', 'am챕lie', 'becomes', 'secret', 'matchmaker', 'guardian', 'angel', 'executing', 'complex', 'hidden', 'schemes', 'impact', 'lives', 'around', 'subtly', 'escorts', 'blind', 'man', 'metro', 'station', 'giving', 'rich', 'description', 'street', 'scenes', 'passes', 'persuades', 'father', 'follow', 'dream', 'touring', 'world', 'stealing', 'garden', 'gnome', 'stewardess', 'friend', 'send', 'pictures', 'posing', 'landmarks', 'world', 'kindles', 'romance', 'middle-aged', 'co-worker', 'one', 'customers', 'bar', 'convinces', 'unhappy', 'concierge', 'building', 'husband', 'abandoned', 'fact', 'sent', 'final', 'reconciliatory', 'love', 'letter', 'accidental', 'death', 'years', 'supports', 'lucien', 'childlike', 'young', 'man', 'works', 'mr.', 'collignon', 'bullying', 'neighborhood', 'greengrocer', 'playing', 'practical', 'jokes', 'collignon', 'whose', 'confidence', 'undermines', 'questions', 'sanity', 'however', 'looking', 'others', 'mr.', 'dufayel', 'observing', 'begins', 'conversation', 'painting', 'comes', 'visit', 'one', 'day', 'although', 'copied', 'famous', 'painting', 'dozens', 'times', 'never', 'quite', 'captured', 'excluded', 'look', 'girl', 'drinking', 'glass', 'water', 'often', 'discuss', 'meaning', 'character', 'although', 'never', 'explicitly', 'stated', 'dufayel', 'comes', 'represent', 'am챕lie', 'lonely', 'life', 'discussions', 'am챕lie', 'forced', 'examine', 'life', 'attraction', 'quirky', 'young', 'man', 'strangely', 'collects', 'discarded', 'photographs', 'passport', 'photo', 'booths', 'accidentally', 'bumps', 'second', 'time', 'realizes', 'smitten', 'fortunate', 'scene', 'pick', 'photo', 'album', 'drops', 'street', 'discovers', 'name', 'nino', 'quincampoix', 'plays', 'cat', 'mouse', 'game', 'around', 'paris', 'eventually', 'anonymously', 'returning', 'treasured', 'album', 'however', 'finally', 'attempting', 'orchestrate', 'proper', 'meeting', 'shy', 'approach', 'almost', 'loses', 'hope', 'misinterprets', 'conversation', 'one', 'caf챕', 'patrons', 'takes', 'raymond', 'dufayel', 'insightful', 'friendship', 'give', 'courage', 'overcome', 'shyness', 'finally', 'meet', 'nino', 'resulting', 'night', 'spent', 'together', 'beginnings', 'relationship'], [\"'seventeen-year-old\", 'seven-months-pregnant', 'novalee', 'nation', 'sets', 'road', 'trip', 'tennessee', 'california', 'ignorant', \"ne\\\\'er-do-well\", 'boyfriend', 'willy', 'jack', 'pickens', 'sequoyah', 'oklahoma', 'novalee', 'asks', 'boyfriend', 'stop', 'wal-mart', 'bathroom', 'replace', 'shoes', 'fallen', 'hole', 'floor', 'beat-up', 'car', 'novalee', 'reaches', 'change', 'register', 'amount', '5.55', 'sends', 'panic', 'runs', 'outside', 'find', 'boyfriend', 'left', 'rest', 'afternoon', 'novalee', 'browses', 'wal-mart', 'meets', 'sister', 'husband', 'woman', 'runs', 'welcome', 'wagon', 'town', 'mistakenly', 'believes', 'novalee', 'long-lost', 'relative', 'ruth', 'ann', 'gives', 'buckeye', 'tree', 'welcome', 'basket', 'novalee', 'also', 'meets', 'photographer', 'named', 'moses', 'whitecotton', 'becomes', 'mentor', 'later', 'years', 'later', 'evening', 'novalee', 'feels', 'sick', 'runs', 'bathroom', 'vomit', 'comes', 'discovers', 'store', 'closed', 'locked', 'dark', 'soon', 'figures', 'live', 'undetected', 'wal-mart', 'novalee', 'visits', 'library', 'meets', 'forney', 'hull', 'works', 'library', 'caring', 'sister', 'whose', 'health', 'ruined', 'alcoholism', 'novalee', 'learns', 'sister', 'husband', 'boyfriend', 'forney', 'dropped', 'bowdoin', 'college', 'maine', 'wanted', 'history', 'teacher', 'leave', 'school', 'novalee', 'goes', 'sister', 'husband\\\\', 'house', 'explains', 'ruth', 'ann', 'however', 'sister', 'husband', 'invites', 'stay', 'cornbread', 'buttermilk', 'novalee', 'plants', 'buckeye', 'tree', 'sister\\\\', 'yard', 'night', 'wal-mart', 'novalee', 'wakes', 'thunderstorm', 'starts', 'feeling', 'pain', 'stomach', 'water', 'breaks', 'attempting', 'clean', 'goes', 'labor', 'falls', 'pain', 'notices', 'row', 'store', 'makes', 'big', 'effort', 'move', 'next', 'row', 'moment', 'forney', 'jumps', 'plate-glass', 'window', 'helps', 'deliver', 'baby', 'next', 'morning', 'novalee', 'wakes', 'hospital', 'became', 'instant', 'celebrity', 'giving', 'birth', 'wal-mart', 'day', 'stalked', 'several', 'newscasters', 'asked', 'nurse', 'lexie', 'coop', 'name', 'baby', 'girl', 'novalee', 'decides', 'name', 'baby', 'americus', 'novalee', 'gets', 'know', 'lexie', 'reveals', 'four', 'children', 'three', 'different', 'men', 'hospital', 'novalee', 'gets', 'visit', 'mother', 'seen', 'since', 'child', 'mother', 'asks', 'place', 'live', 'novalee', 'says', 'mother', 'says', 'two', 'women', 'get', 'apartment', 'together', 'novalee', 'shows', '500', 'given', 'president', 'wal-mart', 'chain', 'mother', 'novalee\\\\', 'mother', 'takes', '500', 'saying', 'would', 'use', 'get', 'apartment', 'americus', 'novalee', 'agrees', 'mother', 'come', 'pick', 'americus', '9:00', 'a.m.', 'next', 'day', 'next', 'day', '12:15', 'lobby', 'mother', 'never', 'shows', 'novalee', 'realizes', 'mother', 'wanted', 'money', 'shortly', 'sister', 'sister', 'comes', 'pick', 'novalee', 'offers', 'let', 'novalee', 'baby', 'live', 'house', 'novalee\\\\', 'ex-boyfriend', 'willy', 'jack', 'pickens', 'shown', 'trying', 'make', 'country', 'singer', 'arrested', 'dating', 'young', 'teenager', 'hired', 'agent', 'ruth', 'meyers', 'later', 'novalee', 'shown', 'good', 'time', 'sister', 'husband\\\\', 'house', 'extremely', 'religious', 'couple', 'midnight', 'mississippi', 'come', 'show', 'wal-mart', 'baby', 'word', 'god', 'sister', 'husband', 'slams', 'door', 'later', 'novalee', 'forney', 'getting', 'christmas', 'trees', 'forney', 'remembers', 'americus', 'months', 'old', 'shocks', 'novalee', 'unlucky', 'number', 'races', 'home', 'find', 'americus', 'kidnapped', 'sister', 'husband', 'talks', 'police', 'officer', 'church', 'folks', 'came', 'house', 'midnight', 'mississippi', 'novalee', 'remembers', 'hospital', 'reading', 'cards', 'people', 'sent', 'one', 'card', 'post', 'marked', 'sent', 'midnight', 'mississippi', 'said', 'baby', 'abomination', 'god', 'novalee', 'asks', 'forney', 'bad', 'things', 'happened', 'follow', 'police', 'cars', 'outside', 'church', 'find', 'americus', 'baby', 'jesus\\\\', 'manger', 'five', 'years', 'pass', 'novalee', 'begins', 'career', 'photographer', 'help', 'moses', 'whitecotton', 'one', 'day', 'tornado', 'blows', 'town', 'novalee', 'americus', 'hide', 'underground', 'shelter', 'sister', 'running', 'errand', 'make', 'back', 'time', 'sister', 'husband', 'killed', 'home', 'destroyed', 'funeral', 'one', 'sister', 'husband\\\\', 'friends', 'informs', 'novalee', 'beneficiary', 'sister\\\\', 'estate', 'worth', 'around', '41,000', 'novalee', 'proceeds', 'build', 'new', 'home', 'americus', 'sister\\\\', 'land', 'one', 'day', 'novalee', 'receives', 'call', 'brownie', 'lexie\\\\', 'oldest', 'child', 'novalee', 'hear', 'saying', 'eventually', 'perceives', 'something', 'bad', 'happened', 'drives', 'lexie\\\\', 'house', 'finds', 'lexie', 'bedroom', 'brownie', 'praline', 'covered', 'blood', 'bruised', 'novalee', 'permits', 'lexie', 'five', 'children', 'live', 'americus', 'new', 'house', 'lexie', 'tells', 'novalee', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'gone', 'house', 'tried', 'molest', 'two', 'oldest', 'children', 'brownie', 'praline', 'praline', 'thrown', 'lexie', 'returned', 'home', 'work', 'early', 'caught', 'got', 'brownie', 'attacked', 'hitting', 'twice', 'knocked', 'lexie', 'first', 'devastated', 'time', 'passes', 'children', 'begin', 'heal', 'eventually', 'marries', 'ordinary', 'reliable', 'ernie', 'exterminator', 'another', 'child', 'forney', 'sister', 'passes', 'away', 'due', 'alcoholism', 'appear', 'funeral', 'novalee', 'finds', 'hotel', 'comforts', 'novalee', 'forney', 'end', 'sleeping', 'together', 'tells', 'loves', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'reply', 'forney', 'returns', 'maine', 'bury', 'sister', 'town\\\\', 'people', 'make', 'comments', 'finally', 'leave', 'town', 'real', 'life', 'forney', 'comes', 'back', 'talks', 'visiting', 'bowdoin', 'novalee', 'realizes', 'could', 'finish', 'education', 'forney', 'says', 'loves', 'wants', 'get', 'factory', 'job', 'stay', 'novalee', 'lies', 'saying', 'love', 'leaves', 'americus\\\\', '5th', 'birthday', 'novalee', 'paranoid', 'party', 'unlucky', 'later', 'novalee', 'picks', 'newspaper', 'reads', 'story', 'double', 'amputee', 'robbed', 'wheelchair', 'man', 'proves', 'willy', 'jack', 'ex-boyfriend', 'father', 'daughter', 'willy', 'lost', 'legs', 'drunk', 'sued', 'copyright', 'infrigment', 'hit', 'song', 'drunk', 'kept', 'hearing', 'novalee\\\\', 'voice', 'talking', 'americus', 'tripped', 'train', 'tracks', 'oncoming', 'train', 'singing', 'career', 'failed', 'see', 'novalee', 'entered', 'elevator', 'agent', 'moments', 'novalee', 'left', 'elevator', 'order', 'receive', 'award', 'prized', 'photograph', 'visits', 'willy', 'hospital', 'tells', 'happened', 'admits', 'lied', 'told', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'feel', 'baby\\\\', 'heart', 'beat', 'day', 'left', 'behind', 'willy', 'says', 'wishes', 'could', 'back', 'undo', 'lie', 'one', 'lie', 'change', 'whole', 'life', 'willy', 'explains', 'people', 'lie', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'scared', 'crazy', 'mean', 'novalee', 'realizes', 'made', 'similar', 'mistake', 'lying', 'forney', 'drives', 'willy', 'jack', 'home', 'tennessee', 'continues', 'maine', 'find', 'forney', 'college', 'novalee', 'admits', 'lied', 'really', 'loves', 'return', 'oklahoma', 'get', 'married', 'wal-mart'], ['bront챘', 'mitchell', 'horticulturalist', 'environmentalist', 'enters', 'sham', 'marriage', 'georges', 'faur챕', 'illegal', 'alien', 'france', 'may', 'obtain', 'green', 'card', 'turn', 'bront챘', 'uses', 'fake', 'marriage', 'credentials', 'rent', 'apartment', 'dreams', 'moving', 'explain', 'spouse', 'absence', 'tells', 'doorman', 'neighbors', 'conducting', 'musical', 'research', 'africa', 'contacted', 'immigration', 'naturalization', 'service', 'interview', 'determine', 'marriage', 'legitimate', 'bront챘', 'tracks', 'georges', 'working', 'waiter', 'although', 'two', 'little', 'time', 'get', 'facts', 'straight', 'agents', 'question', 'appear', 'satisfied', 'answers', 'one', 'agents', 'asks', 'use', 'bathroom', 'georges', 'directs', 'closet', 'suspicions', 'aroused', 'schedule', 'full', 'formal', 'interview', 'conducted', 'two', 'weeks', 'later', 'office', 'advised', 'attorney', 'could', 'face', 'criminal', 'charges', 'deception', 'uncovered', 'bront챘', 'reluctantly', 'invites', 'georges', 'move', 'try', 'learn', 'past', 'quirks', 'habits', 'quickly', 'find', 'barely', 'tolerate', 'georges', 'fiery', 'tempered', 'selfish', 'slob', 'smoker', 'prefers', 'red', 'meat', 'vegetarian', 'food', 'bront챘', 'shown', 'somewhat', 'uptight', 'cold', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'obsessed', 'plants', 'wrapped', 'environmental', 'issues', 'bront챘', 'best', 'friend', 'lauren', 'adler', 'parents', 'plan', 'leave', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'may', 'donate', 'trees', 'plants', 'green', 'guerrillas', 'group', 'overseeing', 'development', 'inner', 'city', 'gardens', 'bront챘', 'invited', 'dinner', 'party', 'discuss', 'issue', 'discovers', 'georges', 'asked', 'lauren', 'impresses', 'adlers', 'impressionistic', 'piano', 'piece', 'set', 'poem', 'children', 'trees', 'agree', 'donate', 'plants', 'green', 'guerrillas', 'bront챘', 'parents', 'later', 'arrive', 'apartment', 'unannounced', 'visit', 'georges', 'pretends', 'handyman', 'bront챘', 'boyfriend', 'phil', 'returns', 'trip', 'georges', 'reveals', 'husband', 'bront챘', 'angrily', 'kicks', 'georges', 'pair', 'nonetheless', 'appear', 'immigration', 'interview', 'next', 'day', 'two', 'questioned', 'separately', 'georges', 'caught', 'interviewer', 'confesses', 'marriage', 'sham', 'agrees', 'deportation', 'insists', 'bront챘', 'charged', 'role', 'charade', 'lets', 'bront챘', 'believe', 'interview', 'success', 'two', 'separate', 'ways', 'days', 'later', 'georges', 'invites', 'bront챘', 'join', 'cafe', 'first', 'met', 'notices', 'one', 'immigration', 'agents', 'seated', 'nearby', 'realizes', 'georges', 'deported', 'finally', 'aware', 'loves', 'however', 'georges', 'deported', 'back', 'france', 'admitted', 'love'], [\"'spoiled\", 'heiress', 'ellen', 'ellie', 'andrews', 'marries', 'fortune-hunter', 'king', 'westley', 'wishes', 'extremely', 'wealthy', 'father', 'marriage', 'annulled', 'runs', 'away', 'boarding', 'bus', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'reunite', 'new', 'spouse', 'meets', 'fellow', 'bus', 'passenger', 'peter', 'warne', 'out-of-work', 'newspaper', 'reporter', 'warne', 'recognizes', 'gives', 'choice', 'give', 'exclusive', 'story', 'help', 'reunite', 'westley', 'tell', 'father', 'collect', 'reward', 'offered', 'return', 'ellie', 'agrees', 'first', 'choice', 'soon', 'penniless', 'ellie', 'rely', 'completely', 'peter', 'several', 'adventures', 'together', 'ellie', 'loses', 'initial', 'disdain', 'begins', 'fall', 'love', 'hitchhike', 'peter', 'claims', 'expert', 'subject', 'car', 'car', 'passes', 'eventually', 'ends', 'thumbing', 'nose', 'sheltered', 'ellie', 'shows', 'it\\\\', 'done', 'stops', 'next', 'car', 'driven', 'danker', 'dead', 'tracks', 'lifting', 'skirt', 'showing', 'shapely', 'leg', 'stop', 'break', 'danker', 'tries', 'drive', 'luggage', 'peter', 'chases', 'takes', 'car', 'one', 'night', 'nearing', 'end', 'journey', 'together', 'ellie', 'confesses', 'love', 'peter', 'peter', 'mulls', 'said', 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'fear', 'flying', 'seated', 'next', 'crude', 'frenchman', 'luc', 'teyssier', 'whose', 'every', 'word', 'seven-hour', 'flight', 'seems', 'annoy', 'luc', 'petty', 'thief', 'smuggling', 'vine', 'cutting', 'stolen', 'diamond', 'necklace', 'france', 'hoping', 'use', 'start', 'vineyard', 'despite', 'uncomfortable', 'sarcastic', 'banter', 'throughout', 'flight', 'kate', 'help', 'drinks', 'able', 'tolerate', 'rude', 'hygiene', 'deficient', 'seating', 'partner', 'long', 'enough', 'arrive', 'safely', 'paris', 'deboarding', 'however', 'luc', 'sneaks', 'vine', 'necklace', 'kate\\\\', 'bag', 'knowing', 'would', 'searched', 'customs', 'offers', 'kate', 'ride', 'paris', 'terminal', 'luc', 'spotted', 'inspector', 'jean-paul', 'cardon', 'insists', 'giving', 'luc', 'ride', 'searches', 'bag', 'inspector', 'feels', 'protective', 'luc', 'saved', 'life', 'meanwhile', 'kate', 'makes', 'h척tel', 'george', 'encounters', 'new', 'levels', 'french', 'sarcasm', 'rudeness', 'concierge', 'waiting', 'lobby', 'confront', 'charlie', 'meets', 'petty', 'thief', 'named', 'bob', 'finally', 'sees', 'charlie', 'juliette', 'kissing', 'elevator', 'kate', 'faints', 'bob', 'steals', 'bag', 'luc', 'arrives', 'steals', 'car', 'together', 'track', 'bob', 'missing', 'bag', 'upset', 'lost', 'money', 'passport', 'kate', 'argues', 'luc', 'separate', 'ways', 'kate', 'soon', 'learns', 'charlie', 'juliette', 'headed', 'south', 'cannes', 'meet', 'parents', 'wedding', 'meanwhile', 'realizing', 'necklace', 'still', 'kate\\\\', 'bag', 'luc', 'tracks', 'offers', 'help', 'win', 'back', 'charlie', 'together', 'board', 'train', 'cannes', 'along', 'way', 'luc', 'attempts', 'search', 'bag', 'unsuccessful', 'lactose', 'intolerant', 'kate', 'samples', '452', 'official', 'government', 'cheeses', 'france', 'becomes', 'sick', 'get', 'train', 'luc\\\\', 'hometown', 'ravelle', 'paulhaguet', 'stay', 'luc\\\\', 'family', 'home', 'surrounded', 'beautiful', 'vineyard', 'kate', 'learns', 'luc\\\\', 'past', 'gambled', 'away', 'vineyard', 'birthright', 'brother', 'single', 'hand', 'poker', 'kate', 'also', 'learns', 'luc', 'knows', 'lot', 'wines', 'gradually', 'two', 'grow', 'closer', 'luc', 'searches', 'bag', 'comes', 'empty', 'agrees', 'help', 'kate', 'cannes', 'inspector', 'approaches', 'kate', 'urges', 'convince', 'luc', 'return', 'stolen', 'necklace', 'anonymously', 'avoid', 'jail', 'luc', 'planning', 'sell', 'necklace', 'cartier', 'agrees', 'kate\\\\', 'plan', 'sell', 'necklace', 'meanwhile', 'luc', 'busy', 'instructing', 'kate', 'win', 'back', 'lost', 'fianc챕', 'make', 'charlie', 'jealous', 'luc', 'pretends', 'kate\\\\', 'lover', 'meet', 'charlie', 'juliette', 'beach', 'deception', 'works', 'dinner', 'charlie', 'apologizes', 'kate', 'later', 'tries', 'seduce', 'room', 'rejects', 'advances', 'realizing', 'longer', 'wants', '봲he', 'love', 'luc', 'meanwhile', 'effort', 'ensure', 'victory', 'kate', 'luc', 'attempts', 'seduce', 'juliette', 'walks', 'calls', 'kate', 'mistake', 'following', 'morning', 'cartier', 'kate', 'returns', 'stolen', 'necklace', 'inspector', 'purchases', 'cartier', 'check', '45,782', 'savings', 'create', 'illusion', 'actually', 'sold', 'necklace', 'giving', 'check', 'luc', 'kate', 'leaves', 'airport', 'pretending', 'meet', 'charlie', 'soonafter', 'inspector', 'approaches', 'luc', 'reveals', 'charade', 'kate', 'done', 'realizes', 'kate', 'returning', 'charlie', 'luc', 'rushes', 'airport', 'boards', 'airplane', 'confesses', 'he\\\\', 'love', 'wants', 'stay', 'sometime', 'later', 'luc', 'kate', 'embrace', 'beautiful', 'new', 'vineyard'], [\"'in\", 'early', 'morning', 'yellow', 'taxi', 'pulls', 'tiffany', 'co.', 'fifth', 'avenue', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'holly', 'golightly', 'emerges', 'eats', 'pastry', 'drinks', 'coffee', 'standing', 'outside', 'shop', 'window', 'strolls', 'home', 'apartment', 'building', 'fends', 'date', 'disastrous', 'night', 'waiting', 'car', 'night', 'next', 'morning', 'awakened', 'new', 'tenant', 'paul', 'varjak', 'ringing', 'doorbell', 'pair', 'chat', 'dresses', 'leave', 'weekly', 'visit', 'sally', 'tomato', 'mobster', 'incarcerated', 'sing', 'sing', 'prison', 'paid', 'pass', 'coded', 'messages', 'drug', 'ring', 'plays', 'dumb', 'regarding', 'visits', 'leaving', 'sing', 'sing', 'holly', 'introduced', 'paul\\\\', 'decorator', 'wealthy', 'older', 'woman', 'emily', 'eustace', 'failenson', 'paul', 'nicknames', 'night', 'holly', 'goes', 'onto', 'building\\\\', 'fire', 'escape', 'elude', 'overly', 'eager', 'date', 'peeks', 'paul\\\\', 'apartment', 'sees', 'leaving', 'money', 'kissing', 'paul', 'goodbye', 'leaves', 'holly', 'enters', 'paul\\\\', 'apartment', 'learns', 'writer', 'anything', 'published', 'five', 'years', 'since', 'writing', 'book', 'vignettes', 'titled', 'nine', 'lives', 'holly', 'turn', 'explains', 'trying', 'save', 'money', 'order', 'support', 'brother', 'fred', 'gets', 'army', 'pair', 'fall', 'asleep', 'awoken', 'holly', 'nightmare', 'fred', 'leaves', 'apartment', 'later', 'buys', 'paul', 'new', 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'live', 'new', 'york', 'doc', 'leaves', 'brokenhearted', 'drinking', 'club', 'paul', 'holly', 'return', 'apartment', 'drunkenly', 'tells', 'plans', 'marry', 'rusty', 'trawler', 'money', 'days', 'later', 'paul', 'learns', 'one', 'short', 'stories', 'accepted', 'publication', 'way', 'tell', 'holly', 'sees', 'newspaper', 'door', 'headline', 'stating', 'trawler', 'married', 'someone', 'else', 'holly', 'paul', 'agree', 'spend', 'day', 'together', 'taking', 'turns', 'things', 'never', 'done', 'tiffany\\\\', 'paul', 'ring', 'doc', 'golightly\\\\', 'box', 'cracker', 'jack', 'engraved', 'present', 'holly', 'spending', 'night', 'together', 'awakens', 'find', 'returned', 'apartment', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'paul', 'ends', 'relationship', 'holly', 'schemes', 'marry', 'jos챕', 'money', 'angers', 'paul', 'firmly', 'decided', 'love', 'holly', 'jos챕', 'return', 'apartment', 'find', 'telegram', 'notifying', 'fred\\\\', 'death', 'trashes', 'apartment', 'grief', 'behavior', 'disturbing', 'jos챕', 'months', 'later', 'paul', 'moved', 'building', 'invited', 'dinner', 'holly', 'leaving', 'next', 'morning', 'brazil', 'however', 'soon', 'arrested', 'police', 'connection', 'sally\\\\', 'drug', 'ring', 'taken', '19th', 'precinct', 'yunioshi', 'insinuated', 'smoking', 'narcotics', 'arrested', 'holly', 'spends', 'night', 'jail', 'next', 'morning', 'holly', 'released', 'bail', 'help', 'o.j', 'finds', 'paul', 'waiting', 'taxi', 'outside', 'cat', 'letter', 'jos챕', 'explaining', 'must', 'end', 'relationship', 'due', 'arrest', 'holly', 'insists', 'brazil', 'anyway', 'releases', 'cat', 'taxi', 'rain', 'paul', 'confronts', 'holly', 'behavior', 'leaves', 'cab', 'tossing', 'ring', 'engraved', 'lap', 'telling', 'examine', 'life', 'quickly', 'runs', 'together', 'find', 'cat', 'look', 'other\\\\', 'eyes', 'embrace'], [\"'akeem\", 'joffer', 'prince', 'heir', 'throne', 'fictitious', 'wealthy', 'african', 'country', 'called', 'zamunda', 'discontented', 'pampered', 'life', 'final', 'straw', 'comes', 'parents', 'king', 'jaffe', 'joffer', 'queen', 'aeoleon', 'present', 'bride-to-be', 'imani', 'izzi', 'never', 'met', 'trained', 'obey', 'every', 'command', 'seeing', 'imani', 'subservient', 'offers', 'nothing', 'intellect', 'akeem', 'concocts', 'plan', 'travel', 'united', 'states', 'find', 'independent-minded', 'wife', 'love', 'respect', 'accepts', 'status', 'friend', 'personal', 'aide', 'semmi', 'arrive', 'queens', 'borough', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'according', 'akeem', 'better', 'place', 'find', 'queen', 'city', 'queens', 'rent', 'run-down', 'apartment', 'neighborhood', 'long', 'island', 'city', 'begin', 'working', 'local', 'fast', 'food', 'restaurant', 'called', 'mcdowell\\\\', 'passing', 'poor', 'foreign', 'students', 'akeem', 'falls', 'love', 'mcdowell\\\\', 'daughter', 'lisa', 'possesses', 'qualities', 'prince', 'looking', 'rest', 'film', 'centers', 'akeem\\\\', 'attempts', 'win', 'lisa\\\\', 'hand', 'marriage', 'complicated', 'obnoxious', 'lazy', 'boyfriend', 'darrell', 'although', 'akeem', 'thrives', 'working', 'hard', 'seeing', 'commoners', 'live', 'semmi', 'comfortable', 'life', 'poor', 'man', 'akeem', 'donates', 'travel', 'money', 'semmi', 'nearly', 'blows', 'cover', 'semmi', 'transmits', 'plea', 'king', 'joffer', 'financial', 'help', 'causes', 'zamundan', 'royal', 'couple', 'travel', 'united', 'states', 'reveal', 'mcdowells', 'although', 'father', 'ecstatic', 'daughter', 'attracted', 'interest', 'prince', 'lisa', 'fallen', 'akeem', 'becomes', 'angry', 'confused', 'lied', 'identity', 'tried', 'convince', 'lisa', 'simple', 'goat', 'herder', 'zamunda', 'prince', 'refuses', 'marry', 'akeem', 'even', 'offers', 'renounce', 'throne', 'returns', 'zamunda', 'broken', 'heart', 'resigned', 'marry', 'woman', 'chosen', 'parents', 'way', 'airport', 'king', 'joffe', 'remarks', 'akeem', 'marry', 'lisa', 'anyway', 'tradition', 'defending', 'saying', 'change', 'queen', 'aoleon', 'responds', 'curtly', 'thought', 'king', 'final', 'scene\\\\', 'wedding', 'procession', 'akeem', 'waits', 'dejectedly', 'altar', 'bride-to-be', 'makes', 'way', 'aisle', 'lifts', 'veil', 'kiss', 'finds', 'lisa', 'instead', 'arranged', 'bride', 'ride', 'happily', 'carriage', 'ceremony', 'cheers', 'zamundans', 'witnessing', 'splendor', 'lisa', 'impressed', 'akeem', 'would', 'given', 'akeem', 'proposes', 'make', 'abdication', 'official', 'lisa', 'playfully', 'declines', 'decides', 'become', 'royal', 'instead'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'set', 'new', 'york', '1890s', 'bawdy', 'singer', 'lady', 'lou', 'works', 'bowery', 'barroom', 'saloon', 'boss', 'benefactor', 'gus', 'jordan', 'given', 'many', 'diamonds', 'lou', 'lady', 'men', 'friends', 'anyone', 'might', 'imagine', 'know', 'gus', 'trafficks', 'prostitution', 'runs', 'counterfeiting', 'ring', 'help', 'finance', 'expensive', 'diamonds', 'also', 'sends', 'young', 'women', 'san', 'francisco', 'pickpockets', 'gus', 'works', 'two', 'crooked', 'entertainer-assistants', 'russian', 'rita', 'rita\\\\', 'lover', 'suave', 'sergei', 'stanieff', 'one', 'gus\\\\', 'rivals', 'former', 'friend', 'lou\\\\', 'named', 'dan', 'flynn', 'david_landau_', 'spends', 'movie', 'dropping', 'hints', 'lou', 'gus', 'good', 'promising', 'look', 'gus', 'jail', 'lou', 'leads', 'hinting', 'times', 'return', 'eventually', 'loses', 'patience', 'implies', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'see', 'jailed', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'submit', 'city', 'mission', 'located', 'next', 'door', 'bar', 'young', 'director', 'captain', 'cummings', 'reality', 'undercover', 'federal', 'agent', 'working', 'infiltrate', 'expose', 'illegal', 'activities', 'bar', 'gus', 'suspects', 'nothing', 'worries', 'cummings', 'reform', 'bar', 'scare', 'away', 'customers', 'lou\\\\', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'chick', 'clark', 'vicious', 'criminal', 'convicted', 'robbery', 'sent', 'prison', 'trying', 'steal', 'diamonds', 'absence', 'becomes', 'attracted', 'handsome', 'young', 'psalm-singing', 'reformer', 'warned', 'chick', 'thinks', 'she\\\\', 'betrayed', 'goes', 'prison', 'try', 'reassure', 'inmates', 'greet', 'warmly', 'familiarly', 'walks', 'cellblock', 'chick', 'becomes', 'angry', 'threatens', 'kill', 'double-crosses', 'two-times', 'gets', 'lies', 'claims', 'true', 'gus', 'gives', 'counterfeit', 'money', 'rita', 'sergei', 'spend', 'chick', 'escapes', 'jail', 'police', 'search', 'bar', 'comes', 'lou\\\\', 'room', 'starts', 'strangle', 'breaking', 'still', 'loves', 'harm', 'lou', 'calms', 'promising', 'finishes', 'next', 'number', 'sergei', 'gives', 'lou', 'diamond', 'pin', 'belonging', 'rita', 'rita', 'starts', 'fight', 'lou', 'accidentally', 'stabs', 'death', 'lou', 'calmly', 'combs', 'dead', 'woman\\\\', 'long', 'hair', 'hide', 'fact', 'rita', 'dead', 'police', 'search', 'room', 'chick', 'clark', 'bodyguard', 'spider', 'would', 'anything', 'lou', 'dispose', 'rita\\\\', 'body', 'tells', 'spider', 'bring', 'chick', 'who\\\\', 'hiding', 'alley', 'back', 'room', 'upstairs', 'sings', 'frankie', 'johnny', 'silently', 'signals', 'dan', 'flynn', 'room', 'wait', 'even', 'though', 'knows', 'chick', 'gun', 'chick', 'shoots', 'dan', 'dead', 'gunfire', 'draws', 'police', 'raid', 'cummings', 'shows', 'badge', 'reveals', 'hawk', 'well-known', 'federal', 'agent', 'arrests', 'gus', 'sergei', 'chick', 'still', 'lurking', 'lou\\\\', 'room', 'kill', 'lou', 'double-crossing', 'cummings', 'also', 'apprehends', 'cummings', 'takes', 'lou', 'away', 'open', 'horse-drawn', 'carriage', 'instead', 'paddywagon', 'criminals', 'loaded', 'tells', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'belong', 'jail', 'removes', 'rings', 'slips', 'diamond', 'engagement', 'ring', 'onto', 'marriage', 'finger', 'where\\\\', 'get', 'dark', 'handsome', 'lou', 'asks', 'bad', 'girl', 'scolds', 'you\\\\', \"'ll\", 'find', 'coos'], [\"'holden\", 'mcneil', 'banky', 'edwards', 'jason', 'lee', 'comic', 'book', 'artists', 'lifelong', 'friends', 'holden', 'calmer', 'reasonable', 'duo', 'banky', 'meanwhile', 'caustic', 'short-tempered', 'half', 'everything', 'going', 'well', 'meet', 'alyssa', 'jones', 'comic', 'book', 'convention', 'new', 'york', 'promoting', 'comic', 'bluntman', 'chronic', 'holden', 'attracted', 'alyssa', 'soon', 'learns', 'attracted', 'women', 'two', 'begin', 'hanging', 'deep', 'friendship', 'develops', 'eventually', 'holden', 'longer', 'able', 'contain', 'feelings', 'confesses', 'love', 'alyssa', 'initially', 'angry', 'night', 'two', 'begin', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'new', 'development', 'worsens', 'tension', 'holden', 'banky', 'dislikes', 'distrusts', 'alyssa', 'bothered', 'holden\\\\', 'relationship', 'banky', 'investigates', 'uncovers', 'dirt', 'alyssa\\\\', 'past', 'reports', 'holden', 'alyssa', 'participated', 'threesome', 'two', 'guys', 'high', 'school', 'gave', 'nickname', 'finger', 'cuffs', 'holden', 'deeply', 'disturbed', 'revelation', 'believed', 'first', 'man', 'alyssa', 'ever', 'slept', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'alyssa', 'attending', 'hockey', 'game', 'clumsily', 'attempts', 'baiting', 'confessing', 'tearful', 'argument', 'tells', 'holden', 'many', 'youthful', 'sexual', 'experimentations', 'apologizes', 'letting', 'believe', 'man', 'however', 'refuses', 'apologize', 'past', 'holden', 'leaves', 'feeling', 'angry', 'confused', 'later', 'lunch', 'jay', 'silent', 'bob', 'silent', 'bob', 'reveals', 'relationship', 'similar', 'holden\\\\', 'despite', 'fact', 'love', 'girlfriend', 'amy', 'insecurities', 'adventurous', 'sexual', 'past', 'caused', 'sabotage', 'relationship', 'leave', 'angry', 'letting', 'spent', 'every', 'day', 'since', 'chasing', 'amy', 'speak', 'inspired', 'silent', 'bob\\\\', 'story', 'holden', 'devises', 'plan', 'fix', 'relationship', 'alyssa', 'fractured', 'friendship', 'banky', 'invites', 'tells', 'alyssa', 'would', 'like', 'get', 'past', 'remain', 'boyfriend', 'also', 'tells', 'banky', 'realizes', 'banky', 'love', '봩issing', 'passionately', 'prove', 'point', 'holden', 'suggests', 'threesome', 'though', 'initially', 'appalled', 'banky', 'agrees', 'participate', 'whereas', 'alyssa', 'explains', 'holden', 'save', 'relationship', 'leaving', 'states', 'loves', 'whore', 'banky', 'also', 'leaves', 'apartment', 'summarily', 'ends', 'friendship', 'one', 'year', 'later', 'banky', 'holden', 'busy', 'promoting', 'respective', 'comics', 'convention', 'new', 'york', 'revealed', 'holden', 'dissolved', 'partnership', 'bluntman', 'chronic', 'leaving', 'viewer', 'assumption', 'sold', 'publishing', 'creative', 'rights', 'banky', 'banky', 'smiles', 'sadly', 'seeing', 'old', 'friend', 'silently', 'congratulates', 'success', 'banky', 'gestures', 'booth', 'hosted', 'alyssa', 'provides', 'wordless', 'encouragement', 'holden', 'talk', 'brief', 'quietly', 'emotional', 'conversation', 'alyssa', 'gives', 'copy', 'chasing', 'amy', 'new', 'comic', 'based', 'failed', 'relationship', 'holden', 'leaves', 'alyssa\\\\', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'arrives', 'asks', 'talking', 'shaken', 'misty-eyed', 'alyssa', 'feigns', 'indifference', 'replies', 'guy', 'knew'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'stars', 'maurice', 'chevalier', 'claudette', 'colbert', 'miriam', 'hopkins', 'charles', 'ruggles', 'george', 'barbier', 'romantic', 'comedy', 'concerning', 'love', 'princess', 'soldier', 'love', 'soldier', 'another', 'woman', 'lieutenant', 'standing', 'formation', 'parade', 'honoring', 'visiting', 'royal', 'family', 'flausenthurm', 'takes', 'opportunity', 'smile', 'girlfriend', 'crowd', 'unfortunately', 'smile', 'intercepted', 'princess', 'flausenthurm', 'international', 'incident', 'narrowly', 'avoided', 'marry', 'lieutenant', 'sneaks', 'away', 'bride', 'wander', 'streets', 'flausenthurm', 'discovers', 'girlfriend', 'franzi', 'princess', 'receives', 'notice', 'decides', 'confront', 'franzi', 'initial', 'confrontation', 'franzi', 'sees', 'princess', 'fact', 'deeply', 'love', 'lieutenant', 'decides', 'save', 'marriage', 'giving', 'princess', 'makeover', 'results', 'complete', 'success', 'lieutenant', 'follows', 'satin-clad', 'cigarette-puffing', 'bride', 'bedroom', 'closes', 'door', 'open', 'give', 'audience', 'last', 'song', 'suggestive', 'wink'], [\"'richard\", 'palmer', 'grant', 'dorcy', 'known', 'canary', 'enlisted', 'man', 'united', 'states', 'army', 'currently', 'stationed', 'hawaiian', 'islands', 'affectionately', 'argumentative', 'relationship', 'sergeant', 'scrapper', 'thornhill', 'pat', \"o\\\\'brien\", 'although', 'hates', 'taking', 'orders', 'dick', 'intention', 'becoming', 'officer', 'general', 'fitts', 'arrives', 'base', 'daughter', 'kit', 'dick', 'assigned', 'drive', 'reception', 'evening', 'falling', 'victim', 'moonlit', 'night', 'kit', 'dick', 'miss', 'reception', 'attend', 'native', 'luau', 'instead', 'discovered', 'other\\\\', 'arms', 'lieutenant', 'biddle', 'john', 'eldredge', 'also', 'love', 'kit', 'biddle', 'blames', 'dick', 'ruining', 'kit\\\\', 'reputation', 'dick', 'decides', 'desert', 'scrapper', 'begs', 'kit', 'straighten', 'things', 'biddle', 'prevent', 'dick', 'deserting', 'kit', 'tells', 'love', 'responding', 'crazy', 'impulse', 'stung', 'words', 'dick', 'decides', 'compete', 'biddle', 'equal', 'applies', 'west', 'point', 'accepted', 'well', 'scrapper\\\\', 'delight', 'dick\\\\', 'senior', 'year', 'general', 'fitts', 'appointed', 'west', 'point', 'superintendent', 'men', 'infatuated', 'kit', 'dick', 'cold', 'consequently', 'happy', 'rest', 'men', 'insist', 'participate', 'traditional', 'hundredth', 'night', 'theatrical', 'performance', 'dick', 'writes', 'show', 'female', 'general', 'message', 'directed', 'kit', 'first', 'rehearsal', 'kit', 'walks', 'dick', 'flirtation', 'walk', 'tries', 'explain', 'told', 'love', 'dick', 'angry', 'listen', 'kit', 'on-stage', 'love', 'scene', 'kisses', 'admits', 'loves', 'general', 'fitts', 'announces', 'kit\\\\', 'engagement', 'biddle', 'dick', 'naturally', 'confused', 'visits', 'lights', 'talk', 'marrying', 'biddle', 'caught', 'protect', 'kit\\\\', 'name', 'agrees', 'resign', 'academy', 'scrapper', 'arrives', 'academy', 'see', 'dick', 'graduate', 'disappointed', 'learn', 'dick\\\\', 'resignation', 'day', 'saved', 'biddle', 'tells', 'dick', 'resignation', 'accepted', 'kit', 'returned', 'ring', 'dick', 'graduates', 'happy', 'man'], [\"'mimi\", 'glossop', 'arrives', 'england', 'seek', 'divorce', 'geologist', 'husband', 'cyril', 'william', 'austin', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'seen', 'several', 'years', 'guidance', 'domineering', 'much-married', 'aunt', 'hortense', 'consults', 'bumbling', 'less-than-competent', 'lawyer', 'egbert', 'fitzgerald', 'happens', 'one', 'hortense\\\\', 'previous', 'fianc챕s', 'arranges', 'spend', 'night', 'seaside', 'hotel', 'caught', 'adulterous', 'relationship', 'purpose', 'hires', 'professional', 'co-respondent', 'rodolfo', 'tonetti', 'erik', 'rhodes', 'egbert', 'forgets', 'arrange', 'private', 'detectives', 'catch', 'couple', 'coincidence', 'guy', 'holden', 'american', 'dancer', 'friend', 'egbert\\\\', 'briefly', 'met', 'mimi', 'arrival', 'england', 'besotted', 'also', 'arrives', 'hotel', 'mistaken', 'mimi', 'co-respondent', 'waiting', 'mimi\\\\', 'bedroom', 'tonetti', 'arrives', 'revealing', 'truth', 'holds', 'prisoner', 'suit', 'plan', 'contrive', 'escape', 'dance', 'night', 'away', 'morning', 'several', 'mistakes', 'waiter', 'cyril', 'glossop', 'william', 'austin', 'arrives', 'door', 'guy', 'hides', 'next', 'room', 'mimi', 'tonetti', 'give', 'show', 'lovers', 'cyril', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'guy', 'comes', 'embraces', 'mimi', 'attempt', 'convince', 'lover', 'avail', 'unwitting', 'waiter', 'finally', 'clears', 'whole', 'thing', 'revealing', 'cyril', 'adulterer', 'thus', 'clearing', 'way', 'mimi', 'get', 'divorce', 'marry', 'guy'], ['count', 'alfred', 'military', 'attach챕', 'sylvanian', 'embassy', 'paris', 'ordered', 'back', 'sylvania', 'report', 'queen', 'louise', 'reprimand', 'following', 'string', 'scandals', 'including', 'affair', 'ambassador', 'wife', 'meantime', 'queen', 'louise', 'ruler', 'sylvania', 'right', 'royally', 'fed-up', 'subjects', 'preoccupation', 'marry', 'intrigued', 'rather', 'offended', 'count', 'alfred', 'dossier', 'queen', 'louise', 'invites', 'dinner', 'romance', 'progresses', 'point', 'marriage', 'despite', 'qualms', 'love', 'louise', 'alfred', 'agrees', 'obey', 'queen'], [\"'an\", 'american', 'dancer', 'jerry', 'travers', 'comes', 'london', 'star', 'show', 'produced', 'bumbling', 'horace', 'hardwick', 'practicing', 'tap', 'dance', 'routine', 'hotel', 'bedroom', 'awakens', 'dale', 'tremont', 'floor', 'storms', 'upstairs', 'complain', 'whereupon', 'jerry', 'falls', 'hopelessly', 'love', 'proceeds', 'pursue', 'london', 'dale', 'mistakes', 'jerry', 'horace', 'married', 'friend', 'madge', 'following', 'success', 'jerry\\\\', 'opening', 'night', 'london', 'jerry', 'follows', 'dale', 'venice', 'visiting', 'madge', 'modelling/promoting', 'gowns', 'created', 'alberto', 'beddini', 'erik', 'rhodes', 'dandified', 'italian', 'fashion', 'designer', 'penchant', 'malapropisms', 'jerry', 'proposes', 'dale', 'still', 'believing', 'jerry', 'horace', 'disgusted', 'friend\\\\', 'husband', 'could', 'behave', 'manner', 'agrees', 'instead', 'marry', 'alberto', 'fortunately', 'bates', 'horace\\\\', 'meddling', 'english', 'valet', 'disguises', 'priest', 'conducts', 'ceremony', 'apparently', 'horace', 'sent', 'bates', 'keep', 'tabs', 'dale', 'trip', 'gondola', 'jerry', 'manages', 'convince', 'dale', 'return', 'hotel', 'previous', 'confusion', 'rapidly', 'cleared', 'reconciled', 'couple', 'dance', 'venetian', 'sunset', 'tune', 'piccolino', '.adapted', 'billman'], [\"'during\", 'great', 'depression', 'longfellow', 'deeds', 'co-owner', 'tallow', 'works', 'part-time', 'greeting', 'card', 'poet', 'tuba-playing', 'inhabitant', 'hamlet', 'mandrake', 'falls', 'vermont', 'inherits', 'million', 'dollars', 'late', 'uncle', 'martin', 'semple', 'uncle\\\\', 'scheming', 'attorney', 'john', 'cedar', 'locates', 'deeds', 'takes', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'cedar', 'gives', 'cynical', 'troubleshooter', 'ex-newspaperman', 'cornelius', 'cobb', 'task', 'keeping', 'reporters', 'away', 'deeds', 'cobb', 'outfoxed', 'however', 'star', 'reporter', 'louise', 'babe', 'bennett', 'appeals', 'deeds\\\\', 'romantic', 'fantasy', 'rescuing', 'damsel', 'distress', 'masquerading', 'poor', 'worker', 'named', 'mary', 'dawson', 'pretends', 'faint', 'exhaustion', 'walking', 'day', 'find', 'job', 'worms', 'way', 'confidence', 'bennett', 'proceeds', 'write', 'series', 'enormously', 'popular', 'articles', 'mocking', 'longfellow\\\\', 'hick', 'ways', 'odd', 'behavior', 'giving', 'moniker', 'cinderella', 'man', 'cedar', 'tries', 'get', 'deeds\\\\', 'power', 'attorney', 'order', 'keep', 'financial', 'misdeeds', 'secret', 'deeds', 'however', 'proves', 'shrewd', 'judge', 'character', 'easily', 'fending', 'cedar', 'greedy', 'opportunists', 'wins', 'cobb\\\\', 'wholehearted', 'respect', 'eventually', 'babe\\\\', 'love', 'however', 'cobb', 'finds', 'bennett\\\\', 'true', 'identity', 'tells', 'deeds', 'love', 'left', 'heartbroken', 'deeds', 'ready', 'return', 'mandrake', 'falls', 'disgust', 'dispossessed', 'farmer', 'john', 'wray', 'breaks', 'mansion', 'threatens', 'gun', 'expresses', 'scorn', 'seemingly', 'heartless', 'ultra-rich', 'man', \"won\\\\'t\", 'lift', 'finger', 'help', 'multitudes', 'desperate', 'poor', 'intruder', 'comes', 'senses', 'deeds', 'realizes', 'troublesome', 'fortune', 'decides', 'provide', 'fully', 'equipped', '10-acre', 'farms', 'free', 'thousands', 'homeless', 'families', 'work', 'land', 'several', 'years', 'alarmed', 'prospect', 'losing', 'control', 'fortune', 'cedar', 'joins', 'forces', 'deeds\\\\', 'relative', 'grasping', 'domineering', 'wife', 'seeking', 'deeds', 'declared', 'mentally', 'incompetent', 'along', 'babe\\\\', 'betrayal', 'finally', 'breaks', 'deeds\\\\', 'spirit', 'sinks', 'deep', 'depression', 'sanity', 'hearing', 'scheduled', 'determine', 'control', 'deeds\\\\', 'fortune', 'sanity', 'hearing', 'things', 'look', 'bleak', 'deeds', 'especially', 'since', 'initially', 'refuses', 'defend', 'cedar', 'even', 'gets', 'deeds\\\\', 'mandrake', 'falls', 'tenants', '봢ccentric', 'elderly', 'sisters', 'jane', 'amy', 'faulkner', 'testify', 'deeds', 'pixilated', 'meaning', 'odd', 'like', 'pixie', 'charge', 'falls', 'apart', 'two', 'spinsters', 'questioned', 'else', 'pixilated', 'reply', 'everyone', 'babe', 'convinces', 'deeds', 'truly', 'loves', 'systematically', 'punches', 'holes', 'cedar\\\\', 'case', '봟efore', 'actually', 'punching', 'cedar', 'face', '봞nd', 'judge', 'declares', 'sanest', 'man', 'ever', 'walked', 'courtroom'], [\"'jerry\", 'warriner', 'returns', 'home', 'trip', 'find', 'wife', 'lucy', 'home', 'returns', 'company', 'handsome', 'music', 'teacher', 'armand', 'duvalle', 'learns', 'spent', 'night', 'country', 'car', 'supposedly', 'broke', 'discovers', 'jerry', \"hadn\\\\'t\", 'gone', 'florida', 'claimed', 'mutual', 'suspicions', 'result', 'divorce', 'lucy', 'moves', 'apartment', 'aunt', 'patsy', 'becomes', 'engaged', 'neighbor', 'dan', 'leeson', 'oklahoma', 'however', 'leeson\\\\', 'mother', 'approve', 'eventually', 'lucy', 'realizes', 'still', 'loves', 'jerry', 'decides', 'break', 'engagement', 'however', 'inform', 'dan', 'armand', 'shows', 'apartment', 'discuss', 'jerry\\\\', 'earlier', 'disastrous', 'interruption', 'lucy\\\\', 'singing', 'recital', 'jerry', 'knocks', 'door', 'armand', 'decides', 'would', 'prudent', 'hide', 'bedroom', 'jerry', 'wants', 'reconcile', 'much', 'lucy\\\\', 'delight', 'dan', 'mother', 'make', 'appearance', 'wanting', 'avoid', 'complications', 'jerry', 'slips', 'lucy\\\\', 'bedroom', 'fight', 'erupts', 'finds', 'armand', 'already', 'jerry', 'chases', 'apartment', 'right', 'front', 'leesons', 'dan', 'mother', 'stalk', 'afterward', 'jerry', 'becomes', 'seen', 'around', 'town', 'heiress', 'barbara', 'vance', 'break', 'relationship', 'lucy', 'crashes', 'party', 'vance', 'mansion', 'pretending', 'jerry\\\\', 'sister', 'acts', 'like', 'showgirl', 'lets', 'father', 'gardener', 'princeton', 'university', 'student', 'athlete', 'realizing', 'chances', 'barbara', 'effectively', 'sabotaged', 'jerry', 'drives', 'lucy', 'away', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'policemen', 'stop', 'lucy', 'plotting', 'spend', 'time', 'jerry', 'sabotages', 'car', 'couple', 'get', 'lift', 'aunt\\\\', 'cabin', 'policemen', 'jerry', 'admits', 'made', 'fool', 'reconcile'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'centers', 'manuela', 'nurse', 'oversees', 'donor', 'organ', 'transplants', 'ram처n', 'cajal', 'hospital', 'madrid', 'single', 'mother', 'esteban', 'teenager', 'wants', 'writer', 'seventeenth', 'birthday', 'esteban', 'hit', 'car', 'killed', 'chasing', 'actress', 'huma', 'rojo', 'autograph', 'following', 'performance', 'streetcar', 'named', 'desire', 'portrays', 'blanche', 'dubois', 'manuela', 'agree', 'colleagues', 'work', 'son\\\\', 'heart', 'transplanted', 'man', 'coru챰a', 'traveling', 'son\\\\', 'heart', 'manuela', 'quits', 'job', 'journeys', 'barcelona', 'hopes', 'find', 'son\\\\', 'father', 'lola', 'transvestite', 'kept', 'secret', 'son', 'never', 'told', 'lola', 'son', 'barcelona', 'manuela', 'reunites', 'old', 'friend', 'agrado', 'warm', 'witty', 'transsexual', 'prostitute', 'also', 'meets', 'becomes', 'deeply', 'involved', 'several', 'characters', 'rosa', 'young', 'nun', 'works', 'shelter', 'battered', 'prostitutes', 'pregnant', 'lola', 'rosa\\\\', 'mother', 'huma', 'rojo', 'actress', 'son', 'admired', 'drug-addicted', 'nina', 'cruz', 'huma\\\\', 'co-star', 'lover', 'life', 'becomes', 'entwined', 'cares', 'rosa', 'pregnancy', 'works', 'huma', 'personal', 'assistant', 'even', 'acts', 'play', 'understudy', 'nina', 'one', 'drug', 'abuse', 'crises', 'way', 'hospital', 'rosa', 'asks', 'taxi', 'stop', 'park', 'spots', 'father\\\\', 'dog', 'sapic', 'father', 'suffers', 'alzheimer\\\\', 'recognize', 'rosa', 'asks', 'age', 'height', 'sapic', 'cleverer', 'knows', 'rosa', 'rosa', 'dies', 'giving', 'birth', 'son', 'lola', 'manuela', 'finally', 'reunite', 'rosa\\\\', 'funeral', 'lola', 'dying', 'aids', 'talks', 'always', 'wanted', 'son', 'manuela', 'tells', 'esteban', 'died', 'car', 'accident', 'manuela', 'adopts', 'esteban', 'rosa\\\\', 'child', 'stays', 'rosa\\\\', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'father', 'understand', 'manuela', 'rosa\\\\', 'mother', 'says', 'it\\\\', 'new', 'cook', 'living', 'son', 'rosa\\\\', 'father', 'asks', 'manuela', 'age', 'height', 'manuela', 'introduces', 'esteban', 'lola', 'gives', 'picture', 'esteban', 'rosa\\\\', 'mother', 'spots', 'street', 'confronts', 'manuela', 'letting', 'strangers', 'see', 'baby', 'manuela', 'tells', 'lola', 'esteban\\\\', 'father', 'rosa\\\\', 'mother', 'appalled', 'says', 'monster', 'killed', 'daughter', 'manuela', 'flees', 'back', 'madrid', 'esteban', 'take', 'living', 'rosa\\\\', 'house', 'longer', 'since', 'grandmother', 'afraid', 'contract', 'aids', 'baby', 'writes', 'letter', 'huma', 'agrado', 'saying', 'leaving', 'sorry', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'like', 'years', 'two', 'years', 'later', 'manuela', 'returns', 'esteban', 'aids', 'convention', 'telling', 'huma', 'agrado', 'run', 'stage', 'show', 'together', 'esteban', 'miracle', 'inheriting', 'virus', 'says', 'returning', 'stay', 'esteban\\\\', 'grandparents', 'asking', 'huma', 'nina', 'becomes', 'melancholic', 'leaves', 'agrado', 'tells', 'manuela', 'nina', 'went', 'back', 'town', 'got', 'married', 'fat', 'ugly', 'baby', 'boy', 'almod처var', 'dedicates', 'film', 'actresses', 'played', 'actresses', 'women', 'act', 'men', 'act', 'become', 'women', 'people', 'want', 'mothers', 'mother', 'almodovar', 'recreates', 'accident', 'scene', 'john', 'cassavetes\\\\', 'opening', 'night', 'epicenter', 'dramatic', 'conflict'], [\"'reckless\", 'test', 'pilot', 'jim', 'lane', 'forced', 'land', 'kansas', 'farm', 'aircraft', 'drake', 'bullet', 'meets', 'ann', 'barton', 'spend', 'day', 'together', 'fall', 'love', 'jim\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'mechanic', 'gunner', 'morris', 'arrives', 'jim', 'ignores', 'ann', 'spur', 'gets', 'engaged', 'sweetheart', 'jim', 'leaves', 'morning', 'soon', 'comes', 'back', 'quickly', 'get', 'married', 'jim', 'loses', 'job', 'drake', 'clashes', 'owner', 'takes', 'job', 'another', 'outfit', 'flying', 'experimental', 'aircraft', 'ann', 'soon', 'finds', 'dangerous', 'husband\\\\', 'occupation', 'promises', 'gunner', 'stick', 'man', 'jim', 'wins', 'race', 'benson', 'man', 'drake', 'sends', 'jim\\\\', 'place', 'dies', 'leaving', 'wife', 'three', 'children', 'behind', 'one', 'day', 'gunner', 'accompanies', 'jim', 'test', 'flight', 'new', 'bomber', 'something', 'goes', 'wrong', 'bomber', 'goes', 'spin', 'sandbags', 'break', 'loose', 'pinning', 'gunner', 'unwilling', 'bail', 'without', 'buddy', 'jim', 'manages', 'crash', 'land', 'pulls', 'badly', 'injured', 'gunner', 'wreckage', 'right', 'burst', 'flames', 'late', 'gunner', 'jim', 'realizes', 'toll', 'job', 'taken', 'wife', 'gives'], ['judith', 'traherne', 'young', 'carefree', 'hedonistic', 'long', 'island', 'socialite/heiress', 'passion', 'horses', 'fast', 'cars', 'much', 'smoking', 'drinking', 'initially', 'ignores', 'severe', 'headaches', 'brief', 'episodes', 'dizziness', 'double', 'vision', 'uncharacteristically', 'takes', 'spill', 'riding', 'tumbles', 'flight', 'stairs', 'secretary/best', 'friend', 'ann', 'king', 'insists', 'see', 'family', 'doctor', 'refers', 'specialist', 'dr.', 'frederick', 'steele', 'midst', 'closing', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'office', 'preparation', 'move', 'brattleboro', 'vermont', 'plans', 'devote', 'time', 'brain', 'cell', 'research', 'scientific', 'study', 'growth', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'see', 'judith', 'cold', 'openly', 'antagonistic', 'toward', 'shows', 'signs', 'short-term', 'memory', 'loss', 'dismisses', 'symptoms', 'steele', 'convinces', 'ailments', 'experiencing', 'serious', 'potentially', 'life-threatening', 'puts', 'career', 'plans', 'hold', 'tend', 'diagnostic', 'tests', 'confirm', 'suspicions', 'judith', 'agrees', 'surgery', 'remove', 'malignant', 'brain', 'tumor', 'steele', 'discovers', 'tumor', 'completely', 'removed', 'realizes', 'less', 'year', 'live', 'end', 'painless', 'swift', '봲hortly', 'experiencing', 'total', 'blindness', 'judith', 'pass', 'away', 'order', 'allow', 'months', 'happiness', 'steele', 'opts', 'keep', 'diagnosis', 'secret', 'assures', 'judith', 'ann', 'surgery', 'success', 'ann', 'suspicious', 'confronts', 'steele', 'admits', 'truth', 'agrees', 'remain', 'silent', 'judith', 'steele', 'become', 'involved', 'romantically', 'eventually', 'engaged', 'helping', 'assistant', 'pack', 'office', 'prior', 'departure', 'vermont', 'judith', 'discovers', 'case', 'history', 'file', 'containing', 'letters', 'several', 'doctors', 'confirming', 'steele', 'prognosis', 'assuming', 'steele', 'marrying', 'pity', 'judith', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'reverts', 'former', 'lifestyle', 'one', 'day', 'stablehand', 'michael', \"o'leary\", 'years', 'loved', 'afar', 'confronts', 'unruly', 'behavior', 'confesses', 'dying', 'conversation', 'convinces', 'spend', 'final', 'months', 'happy', 'dignified', 'man', 'loves', 'apologizes', 'steele', 'two', 'marry', 'move', 'vermont', 'three', 'months', 'later', 'ann', 'comes', 'visit', 'judith', 'garden', 'planting', 'bulbs', 'judith', 'comments', 'odd', 'still', 'feels', 'heat', 'sun', 'rapidly', 'darkening', 'skies', 'realizes', 'actually', 'losing', 'vision', 'approaching', 'end', 'steele', 'scheduled', 'present', 'recent', 'medical', 'findings', 'new', 'york', 'judith', 'making', 'excuse', 'remain', 'home', 'helps', 'pack', 'sends', 'bidding', 'ann', 'housekeeper', 'martha', 'dogs', 'farewell', 'climbs', 'stairs', 'lies', 'bed', 'see', 'face', 'image', 'blurs', 'grey'], ['french', 'painter', 'michel', 'marnet', 'meets', 'american', 'singer', 'terry', 'mckay', 'aboard', 'liner', 'crossing', 'atlantic', 'ocean', 'already', 'engaged', 'heiress', 'lois', 'clarke', 'kenneth', 'bradley', 'nonetheless', 'fall', 'love', 'stop', 'madeira', 'visit', 'michel', 'grandmother', 'janou', 'approves', 'terry', 'couple', 'make', 'appointment', 'meet', 'six', 'months', 'later', 'top', 'empire', 'state', 'building', 'however', 'tragedy', 'strikes', 'terry', 'struck', 'car', 'way', 'rendezvous', 'told', 'may', 'crippled', 'though', 'known', 'certain', 'several', 'months', 'wanting', 'burden', 'michel', 'contact', 'preferring', 'let', 'think', 'worst', 'meet', 'accident', 'theater', 'though', 'terry', 'manages', 'conceal', 'condition', 'michel', 'visits', 'apartment', 'finally', 'learns', 'truth', 'assures', 'together', 'matter', 'diagnosis'], [\"'three\", 'russians', 'iranov', 'buljanov', 'kopalsky', 'paris', 'sell', 'jewelry', 'confiscated', 'aristocracy', 'russian', 'revolution', '1917.', 'upon', 'arrival', 'meet', 'count', 'leon', \"d\\\\'algout\", 'mission', 'russian', 'grand', 'duchess', 'swana', 'wants', 'retrieve', 'jewelry', 'sold', 'corrupts', 'talks', 'staying', 'paris', 'soviet', 'union', 'sends', 'nina', 'ivanovna', 'ninotchka', 'yakushova', 'special', 'envoy', 'whose', 'goal', 'jewelry', 'sale', 'bring', 'back', 'three', 'men', 'rigid', 'stern', 'first', 'slowly', 'becomes', 'seduced', 'west', 'count', 'falls', 'love', 'three', 'russians', 'also', 'accommodate', 'capitalism', 'last', 'joke', 'film', 'one', 'carries', 'sign', 'protesting', 'two', 'unfair'], ['tracy', 'samantha', 'lord', 'wealthy', 'main', 'line', 'philadelphia', 'socialite', 'divorced', 'dexter', 'member', 'social', 'set', 'measure', 'exacting', 'standards', 'marry', 'nouveau', 'riche', 'man', 'people', 'george', 'kittredge', 'john', 'howard', 'spy', 'magazine', 'publisher', 'sidney', 'kidd', 'eager', 'cover', 'wedding', 'enlists', 'dexter', 'one', 'former', 'employees', 'introduce', 'reporter', 'macaulay', 'mike', 'connor', 'photographer', 'liz', 'imbrie', 'friends', 'family', 'report', 'wedding', 'tracy', 'fooled', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'let', 'stay', '봞fter', 'dexter', 'explains', 'kidd', 'innuendo-laden', 'article', 'tracy\\\\', 'father', 'seth', 'john', 'halliday', 'tracy', 'believes', 'affair', 'dancer', 'though', 'seth', 'separated', 'tracy\\\\', 'mother', 'margaret', 'tracy', 'harbors', 'great', 'resentment', 'wants', 'protect', 'family\\\\', 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'deluzy-desportes', 'french', 'woman', 'starts', 'teaching', 'american', 'girls', 'school', 'confronted', 'tales', 'gossip', 'become', 'common', 'knowledge', 'among', 'pupils', 'provoked', 'decides', 'tell', 'life', 'story', 'mademoiselle', 'deluzy-desportes', 'governess', 'four', 'children', 'duc', 'praslin', 'wife', 'duchesse', 'praslin', 'last', 'years', 'orleans', 'monarchy', 'paris', 'result', 'duchesse', 'constantly', 'erratic', 'temperamental', 'behavior', 'remains', 'unhappy', 'marriage', 'however', 'duc', 'praslin', 'stays', 'wife', 'children', 'warmth', 'kindness', 'henriette', 'wins', 'love', 'affection', 'children', 'well', 'duc', 'praslin', 'jealousy', 'hatred', 'duchesse', 'praslin', 'governess', 'forced', 'leave', 'duchess', 'refused', 'give', 'letter', 'recommendation', 'future', 'employer', 'duc', 'confronts', 'invention', 'two', 'alternate', 'letters', 'opposing', 'attitudes', 'turns', 'written', 'intends', 'write', 'enrage', 'leads', 'murder', 'duc', 'praslin', 'privileged', 'position', 'peer', 'case', 'heard', 'nobles', 'refuses', 'confess', 'guilt', 'openly', 'admit', 'love', 'henriette', 'means', 'protecting', 'suspicion', 'complicity', 'murder', 'duchess', 'ultimately', 'duc', 'takes', 'poison', 'prevent', 'confessing', 'truth', 'authorities', 'lives', 'long', 'enough', 'reveal', 'another', 'servants', 'pierre', 'kindly', 'old', 'man', 'earlier', 'warned', 'henriette', 'escape', 'praslin', 'household', 'henriette', 'released', 'french', 'class', 'moved', 'account', 'gives', 'life', 'american', 'minister', 'henry', 'field', 'henriette', 'expressed', 'loss', 'faith', 'prison', 'responsible', 'recommending', 'post', \"'in\", 'land', 'free', 'proposes', 'marry', 'henriette', 'accepts'], [\"'in\", '14th', 'century', 'europe', 'squires', 'william', 'thatcher', 'roland', 'wat', 'discover', 'master', 'sir', 'ector', 'died', 'one', 'final', 'pass', 'complete', 'win', 'jousting', 'tournament', 'destitute', 'william', 'rides', 'ector\\\\', 'place', 'win', 'tournament', 'secure', 'prize', 'though', 'roland', 'wat', 'wish', 'take', 'share', 'winnings', 'leave', 'william', 'convinces', 'train', 'joust', 'along', 'way', 'first', 'tournament', 'rouen', 'trio', 'encounters', 'geoffrey', 'chaucer', 'agrees', 'forge', 'patents', 'nobility', 'allow', 'william', 'compete', 'knight', 'assumed', 'name', 'sir', 'ulrich', 'von', 'liechtenstein', 'gelderland', 'competing', 'opening', 'event', 'william', 'brought', 'simon', 'summoner', 'peter', 'pardoner', 'chaucer', 'gambling', 'problem', 'debt', 'william', 'orders', 'released', 'promises', 'payment', 'course', 'competition', 'william\\\\', 'armour', 'damaged', 'goads', 'kate', 'female', 'blacksmith', 'repair', 'armour', 'without', 'advance', 'payment', 'goes', 'win', 'sword', 'event', 'tournament', 'joust', 'faces', 'sir', 'thomas', 'colville', 'withdraws', 'tournament', 'injured', 'william', 'though', 'exchange', 'ceremonial', 'pass', 'colville', 'might', 'retain', 'honor', 'never', 'failed', 'complete', 'match', 'proceedings', 'observed', 'jocelyn', 'noble', 'lady', 'william', 'become', 'infatuated', 'count', 'adhemar', 'rival', 'joust', 'jocelyn\\\\', 'heart', 'final', 'joust', 'tournament', 'william', 'defeated', 'adhemar', 'kate', 'joins', 'william\\\\', 'party', 'forges', 'new', 'lightweight', 'armour', 'allowing', 'greater', 'mobility', 'following', 'tournament', 'adhemar', 'william', 'assigned', 'tilt', 'sir', 'thomas', 'colville', 'adhemar', 'withdraws', 'discovered', 'true', 'identity', 'edward', 'black', 'prince', 'though', 'william', 'also', 'learns', 'colville\\\\', 'identity', 'instead', 'continues', 'match', 'earning', 'colville\\\\', 'respect', 'william', 'continues', 'achieve', 'victories', 'adhemar', 'called', 'battlefield', 'wins', 'jocelyn\\\\', 'heart', 'first', 'agreeing', 'lose', 'tournament', 'finding', 'terrible', 'deficit', 'eliminated', 'win', 'tournament', 'name', 'group', 'travels', 'london', 'world', 'championship', 'william', 'recalls', 'leaving', 'father', 'squire', 'sir', 'ector', 'learn', 'become', 'knight', 'hoping', 'change', 'stars', 'adhemar', 'also', 'arrived', 'london', 'announces', 'negotiations', 'jocelyn\\\\', 'father', 'hand', 'marriage', 'william', 'dominates', 'tournament', 'returns', 'visit', 'father', 'blind', 'living', 'alone', 'cheapside', 'discovered', 'adhemar', 'alerts', 'authorities', 'william\\\\', 'false', 'identity', 'william', 'placed', 'stocks', 'defended', 'hostile', 'crowd', 'friends', 'mob', 'reaches', 'frenzy', 'prince', 'edward', 'emerges', 'crowd', 'declares', 'william', 'descended', 'noble', 'lineage', 'knights', 'sir', 'william', 'william', 'returns', 'tournament', 'face', 'adhemar', 'final', 'match', 'adhemar', 'cheats', 'illegal', 'lance', 'piercing', 'william\\\\', 'shoulder', 'seriously', 'injuring', 'entering', 'final', 'pass', 'william', 'losing', 'lances', 'demands', 'stripped', 'armour', 'tilts', 'adhemar', 'jocelyn', 'william\\\\', 'father', 'attendance', 'william', 'bellows', 'true', 'name', 'delivering', 'crushing', 'blow', 'knocking', 'adhemar', 'ground', 'winning', 'tournament', 'ensuing', 'celebration', 'chaucer', 'remarks', 'write', 'whole', 'story', 'jocelyn', 'william', 'embrace'], [\"'the\", 'comedian', 'alvy', 'singer', 'trying', 'understand', 'relationship', 'annie', 'hall', 'ended', 'year', 'ago', 'growing', 'new', 'york', 'vexed', 'mother', 'impossible', 'questions', 'emptiness', 'existence', 'precocious', 'innocent', 'sexual', 'curiosity', 'annie', 'alvy', 'wait', 'theater', 'queue', 'watch', 'sorrow', 'pity', 'another', 'man', 'loudly', 'misinterprets', 'work', 'marshall', 'mcluhan', 'mcluhan', 'steps', 'correct', 'mistake', 'night', 'annie', 'interested', 'sex', 'alvy', 'instead', 'discuss', 'first', 'wife', 'allison', 'portchnik', 'little', 'sexual', 'pleasure', 'second', 'marriage', 'new', 'york', 'intellectual', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'enjoyable', 'annie', 'different', 'two', 'uproarious', 'fun', 'making', 'meal', 'boiled', 'lobster', 'together', 'alvy', 'enjoys', 'mocking', 'unusual', 'men', 'annie', 'involved', 'alvy', 'met', 'annie', 'tennis', 'court', 'game', 'awkward', 'small', 'talk', 'led', 'offer', 'first', 'ride', 'town', 'glass', 'wine', 'balcony', 'seemed', 'mild', 'exchange', 'trivial', 'personal', 'data', 'revealed', 'mental', 'subtitles', 'escalating', 'flirtation', 'first', 'date', 'follows', 'annie', 'singing', 'audition', 'night', 'club', 'suggests', 'kiss', 'first', 'thing', 'get', 'way', 'lovemaking', 'night', 'alvy', 'wreck', 'relaxes', 'joint', 'soon', 'annie', 'admits', 'loves', 'buys', 'books', 'death', 'says', 'feelings', 'love', 'moves', 'things', 'get', 'tense', 'alvy', 'feels', 'strange', 'visit', 'family', 'chippewa', 'falls', 'wisconsin', 'easter', 'claims', 'never', 'felt', 'jewish', '쏪ew-hating', 'grandmother', 'imagined', 'conversation', 'two', 'families', 'reveals', 'gulf', 'style', 'substance', 'background', 'finding', 'arm', 'arm', 'one', 'college', 'professors', 'alvy', 'argues', 'annie', 'whether', 'flexibility', 'discussed', 'searches', 'truth', 'relationships', 'asking', 'strangers', 'street', 'nature', 'love', 'questioning', 'formative', 'years', 'becomes', 'animated', 'snow', 'white', 'annie', 'evil', 'queen', 'love', 'gone', 'alvy', 'returns', 'dating', 'effort', 'marred', 'neurosis', 'bad', 'sex', 'finally', 'interruption', 'annie', 'insists', 'come', 'immediately', 'turns', 'needs', 'kill', 'spider', 'reconciliation', 'follows', 'coupled', 'vow', 'stay', 'together', 'come', 'may', 'however', 'separate', 'discussions', 'therapists', 'make', 'evident', 'unspoken', 'divide', 'alvy', 'accepts', 'offer', 'present', 'award', 'television', 'fly', 'los', 'angeles', 'return', 'agree', 'working', 'losing', 'record', 'producer', 'tony', 'lacey', 'unsuccessfully', 'tries', 'rekindling', 'flame', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'stages', 'play', 'episode', 'changes', 'ending', 'accepts', 'last', 'meeting', 'wistful', 'coda', 'new', 'york\\\\', 'upper', 'west', 'side', 'moved', 'someone', 'new', 'alvy', 'voice', 'returns', 'summation', 'love', 'essential', 'especially', 'it\\\\', 'neurotic', 'annie', 'torches', 'seems', 'like', 'old', 'times', 'credits', 'roll'], [\"'joe\", 'gideon', 'theatre', 'director', 'choreographer', 'trying', 'balance', 'work', 'latest', 'broadway', 'musical', 'editing', 'hollywood', 'film', 'directed', 'workaholic', 'chain-smokes', 'cigarettes', 'chain-sleeps', 'dancers', 'without', 'daily', 'dose', 'vivaldi', 'visine', 'alka-seltzer', 'dexedrine', 'sex', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'energy', 'keep', 'biggest', 'show', 'life', 'girlfriend', 'katie', 'jagger', 'ex-wife', 'audrey', 'paris', 'daughter', 'michelle', 'try', 'pull', 'back', 'brink', 'late', 'exhausted', 'body', 'stress-ravaged', 'heart', 'decades', 'overwork', 'constant', 'stress', 'gotten', 'gideon', 'imagination', 'flirts', 'angel', 'death', 'named', 'angelique', 'gideon\\\\', 'condition', 'gets', 'progressively', 'worse', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'chest', 'pains', 'particularly', 'stressful', 'script', 'rehearsal', 'admitted', 'severe', 'attacks', 'angina', 'joe', 'brushes', 'symptoms', 'attempts', 'leave', 'back', 'rehearsal', 'collapses', 'doctor\\\\', 'office', 'ordered', 'stay', 'hospital', 'three', 'four', 'weeks', 'rest', 'heart', 'recover', 'exhaustion', 'show', 'postponed', 'gideon', 'continues', 'antics', 'hospital', 'bed', 'champagne', 'flows', 'endless', 'strings', 'women', 'frolic', 'around', 'hospital', 'room', 'cigarettes', 'always', 'lit', 'cardiogram', 'readings', \"don\\\\'t\", 'show', 'improvement', 'gideon', 'playing', 'death', 'paltry', 'reviews', 'feature', 'film', 'come', 'gideon', 'massive', 'coronary', 'taken', 'straight', 'coronary', 'artery', 'bypass', 'surgery', 'backers', 'broadway', 'show', 'must', 'decide', 'whether', 'it\\\\', 'time', 'pack', 'replace', 'gideon', 'director', 'matter-of-fact', 'money-oriented', 'negotiations', 'insurers', 'juxtaposed', 'graphic', 'scenes', 'open', 'heart', 'surgery', 'producers', 'realize', 'best', 'way', 'recoup', 'money', 'make', 'profit', 'bet', 'gideon', 'dying', 'would', 'bring', 'profit', 'usd', '500,000', 'meanwhile', 'elements', 'gideon\\\\', 'past', 'life', 'staged', 'dazzling', 'dream', 'sequences', 'musical', 'numbers', 'directs', 'hospital', 'bed', 'life', 'support', 'realizing', 'death', 'imminent', 'mortality', 'unconquerable', 'gideon', 'another', 'heart', 'attack', 'glittery', 'finale', 'goes', 'five', 'stages', 'death', 'anger', 'denial', 'bargaining', 'depression', 'acceptance', 'featured', 'stand-up', 'routine', 'editing', 'death', 'closes', 'gideon', 'fantasy', 'episodes', 'become', 'hallucinatory', 'extravagant', 'final', 'epilogue', 'set', 'truly', 'monumental', 'live', 'variety', 'show', 'featuring', 'everyone', 'past', 'gideon', 'takes', 'center', 'stage'], [\"'doris\", 'attinger', 'follows', 'husband', 'gun', 'one', 'day', 'sees', 'affair', 'another', 'woman', 'rage', 'fires', 'couple', 'multiple', 'times', 'one', 'bullets', 'hits', 'husband', 'arm', 'following', 'morning', 'married', 'lawyers', 'adam', 'amanda', 'bonner', 'read', 'incident', 'newspaper', 'two', 'argue', 'case', 'amanda', 'sympathizes', 'girl', 'particularly', 'noting', 'double', 'standard', 'exists', 'men', 'women', 'regarding', 'adultery', 'adam', 'thinks', 'guilty', 'attempted', 'murder', 'adam', 'arrives', 'work', 'finds', 'assigned', 'case', 'amanda', 'hears', 'seeks', 'doris', 'adam\\\\', 'dismay', 'becomes', 'defense', 'lawyer', 'amanda', 'bases', 'case', 'belief', 'women', 'men', 'equal', 'doris', 'forced', 'situation', 'husband\\\\', 'poor', 'treatment', 'adam', 'feels', 'showing', 'disregard', 'law', 'never', 'excuse', 'behavior', 'tension', 'increasingly', 'builds', 'home', 'couple', 'battle', 'court', 'situation', 'comes', 'head', 'amanda', 'humiliates', 'adam', 'trial', 'female', 'witness', 'pick', 'adam', 'later', 'storms', 'house', 'verdict', 'trial', 'comes', 'amanda\\\\', 'plea', 'jury', 'judge', 'case', 'would', 'sexes', 'reversed', 'proves', 'successful', 'doris', 'found', 'guilty', 'night', 'adam', 'sees', 'amanda', 'neighbor', 'kip', 'shown', 'clear', 'interest', 'amanda', 'together', 'window', 'breaks', 'apartment', 'pointing', 'gun', 'pair', 'amanda', 'horrified', 'says', 'adam', 'you\\\\', \"'ve\", 'right', 'nobody', 'satisfies', 'adam', 'feels', 'proven', 'point', 'injustice', 'amanda\\\\', 'line', 'defense', 'puts', 'gun', 'mouth', 'amanda', 'kip', 'scream', 'adam', 'merely', 'bites', '봳he', 'gun', 'made', 'liquorice', 'amanda', 'furious', 'prank', 'three-way', 'fight', 'ensues', 'couple', 'reluctantly', 'reunited', 'meeting', 'accountant', 'talk', 'relationship', 'past', 'tense', 'soon', 'become', 'sad', 'talking', 'farm', 'realize', 'love', 'farm', 'adam', 'announces', 'selected', 'republican', 'nominee', 'county', 'court', 'judge', 'amanda', 'jokes', 'running', 'role', 'democratic', 'candidate'], ['cary', 'scott', 'affluent', 'widow', 'suburban', 'new', 'england', 'whose', 'social', 'life', 'involves', 'country', 'club', 'peers', 'college-age', 'children', 'couple', 'men', 'vying', 'affection', 'becomes', 'interested', 'ron', 'kirby', 'family', 'gardener', 'down-to-earth', 'younger', 'man', 'ron', 'content', 'simple', 'life', 'outside', 'judgmental', 'society', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'ron', 'introduces', 'people', 'need', 'wealth', 'status', 'responds', 'positively', 'cary', 'accepts', 'proposal', 'marriage', 'becomes', 'distressed', 'friends', 'children', 'look', 'upon', 'reject', 'socially', 'unacceptable', 'marriage', 'cary', 'breaks', 'marriage', 'children', 'threaten', 'abandon', 'ron', 'continue', 'separate', 'lives', 'sorrow', 'cary', 'social', 'life', 'returns', 'original', 'state', 'notices', 'women', 'becoming', 'engaged', 'living', 'lives', 'happiness', 'even', 'children', 'soon', 'leave', 'family', 'home', 'cary', 'realizes', 'ready', 'defy', 'social', 'norms', 'commit', 'loving', 'ron', 'rushes', 'side', 'life-threatening', 'accident', 'telling', 'come', 'home'], ['tale', 'loosely', 'based', 'upon', 'life', 'kazan', 'uncle', 'director', 'uses', 'little-known', 'cast', 'members', 'entire', 'storyline', 'revolving', 'around', 'central', 'performance', 'greek', 'actor', 'stathis', 'giallelis', 'twenty-two', 'years', 'old', 'time', 'production', 'virtually', 'every', 'scene', 'nearly', 'three-hour', 'movie', 'film', 'begins', 'late', '1890s', 'young', 'greek', 'stavros', 'topouzoglou', 'living', 'impoverished', 'village', 'turkish', 'anatolia', 'witnesses', 'brutal', 'oppression', 'turkish', 'authorities', 'greek', 'armenian', 'minorities', 'entrusted', 'father', 'family', 'financial', 'resources', 'mission', 'hope', 'turkish', 'capital', 'constantinople', 'would', 'work', 'carpet', 'business', 'father', 'cousin', 'although', 'dream', 'reach', 'faraway', 'land', 'opportunity', 'america', 'odyssey', 'begins', 'long', 'voyage', 'donkey', 'foot', 'impoverished', 'towns', 'villages', 'way', 'constantinople', 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'anarchists', 'revolutionaries', 'severely', 'injured', 'mayhem', 'unconscious', 'stavros', 'thrown', 'among', 'piles', 'dead', 'bodies', 'slated', 'disposal', 'sea', 'subsequently', 'topples', 'cart', 'transporting', 'bodies', 'painfully', 'makes', 'way', 'cousin', 'residence', 'relative', 'takes', 'pity', 'young', 'man', 'allows', 'recover', 'home', 'deprived', 'resistance', 'stavros', 'agrees', 'marry', 'intended', 'bride', 'upon', 'questioned', 'regarding', 'moodiness', 'however', 'admits', 'still', 'plans', 'emigrate', 'america', 'using', 'dowry', 'money', 'pay', 'passage', 'entreats', 'take', 'along', 'admitting', 'feels', 'hope', 'present', 'situation', 'point', 'stavros', 'becomes', 'reacquainted', 'hohannes', 'young', 'armenian', 'stavros', 'aided', 'food', 'clothing', 'original', 'voyage', 'istanbul', 'hohannes', 'informs', 'sponsored', 'america', 'employer', 'seeking', 'labor', 'offer', 'also', 'extended', 'stavros', 'dream', 'seemed', 'within', 'reach', 'tells', 'intended', 'could', 'marry', 'subsequently', 'embarks', 'voyage', 'however', 'another', 'major', 'impediment', 'mdash', 'affair', 'young', 'wife', 'older', 'businessman', 'well-known', 'former', 'prospective', 'father-in-law', 'older', 'man', 'lodges', 'criminal', 'charge', 'stavros', 'would', 'result', 'deportation', 'back', 'turkey', 'everything', 'looks', 'bleak', 'however', 'tubercular', 'hohannes', 'exchanges', 'documents', 'stavros', 'allowing', 'enter', 'america', 'hohannes', 'place', 'climactic', 'image', 'statue', 'liberty', 'boatload', 'immigrants', 'docks', 'new', 'york', 'harbor', 'stavros', 'puts', 'tribulations', 'behind', 'starting', 'shoeshine', 'boy', 'gathering', 'pennies', 'dollars', 'eventually', 'bring', 'family', 'land', 'descendants', 'including', 'elia', 'kazan', 'chance', 'fulfill', 'potential'], ['western', 'atlantic', 'railroad', 'train', 'engineer', 'johnnie', 'gray', 'marietta', 'georgia', 'see', 'one', 'two', 'loves', 'life', 'fiancee', 'annabelle', 'lee', '봳he', 'locomotive', 'general', '봶hen', 'american', 'civil', 'war', 'breaks', 'hurries', 'first', 'line', 'sign', 'confederate', 'army', 'rejected', 'valuable', 'present', 'job', 'leaving', 'runs', 'annabelle', 'father', 'brother', 'beckon', 'join', 'line', 'sadly', 'walks', 'away', 'giving', 'impression', 'want', 'enlist', 'annabelle', 'coldly', 'informs', 'johnnie', 'speak', 'uniform', 'year', 'passes', 'annabelle', 'receives', 'word', 'father', 'wounded', 'travels', 'north', 'general', 'see', 'still', 'wants', 'nothing', 'johnnie', 'train', 'makes', 'stop', 'passengers', 'detrain', 'quick', 'meal', 'planned', 'union', 'spies', 'led', 'captain', 'anderson', 'use', 'opportunity', 'steal', 'train', 'annabelle', 'becomes', 'inadvertent', 'prisoner', 'johnnie', 'gives', 'chase', 'first', 'foot', 'handcar', 'boneshaker', 'bicycle', 'reaching', 'station', 'chattanooga', 'alerts', 'army', 'detachment', 'boards', 'another', 'train', 'give', 'chase', 'johnnie', 'manning', 'locomotive', 'texas', 'however', 'flatcars', 'hooked', 'engine', 'troops', 'left', 'behind', 'time', 'johnnie', 'realizes', 'alone', 'late', 'turn', 'back', 'union', 'agents', 'try', 'variety', 'methods', 'shake', 'dogged', 'pursuer', 'including', 'disconnecting', 'trailing', 'car', 'dropping', 'railroad', 'ties', 'tracks', 'unusual', 'duel', 'continues', 'northward', 'confederate', 'army', 'tennessee', 'ordered', 'retreat', 'northern', 'army', 'advances', 'wake', 'johnnie', 'finally', 'notices', 'surrounded', 'union', 'soldiers', 'hijackers', 'see', 'johnnie', 'johnnie', 'stops', 'locomotive', 'runs', 'forest', 'hide', 'nightfall', 'johnnie', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'northern', 'army', 'encampment', 'hungry', 'climbs', 'window', 'steal', 'food', 'hide', 'underneath', 'table', 'enemy', 'officers', 'enter', 'overhears', 'discussing', 'plan', 'launch', 'surprise', 'attack', 'johnnie', 'learns', 'securing', 'rock', 'river', 'bridge', 'essential', 'supply', 'trains', 'sees', 'annabelle', 'brought', 'taken', 'room', 'guard', 'decide', 'meeting', 'ends', 'johnnie', 'manages', 'knock', 'guards', 'free', 'annabelle', 'escape', 'woods', 'next', 'day', 'johnnie', 'annabelle', 'creep', 'woods', 'find', 'near', 'railway', 'station', 'union', 'soldiers', 'guns', 'trains', 'equipment', 'organized', 'attack', 'seeing', 'general', 'midst', 'johnnie', 'devises', 'plan', 'warn', 'south', 'sneaking', 'annabelle', 'hidden', 'inside', 'sack', 'onto', 'boxcar', 'behind', 'general', 'johnnie', 'steals', 'engine', 'back', 'two', 'trains', 'including', 'texas', 'set', 'pair', 'northern', 'attack', 'immediately', 'set', 'motion', 'reversal', 'first', 'chase', 'johnnie', 'fend', 'pursuers', 'finally', 'starts', 'fire', 'behind', 'general', 'center', 'rock', 'river', 'bridge', 'reaching', 'friendly', 'lines', 'johnnie', 'informs', 'local', 'army', 'commander', 'impending', 'attack', 'confederate', 'forces', 'rush', 'defend', 'bridge', 'meanwhile', 'annabelle', 'reunited', 'convalescing', 'father', 'texas', 'driven', 'onto', 'burning', 'bridge', 'collapses', 'would', 'later', 'come', 'recognized', 'expensive', 'stunt', 'silent', 'era', 'cite', 'web', 'union', 'soldiers', 'try', 'ford', 'river', 'confederate', 'artillery', 'infantrymen', 'open', 'fire', 'eventually', 'driving', 'back', 'disarray', 'reward', 'bravery', 'johnnie', 'enlisted', 'army', 'lieutenant', 'final', 'scene', 'johnnie', 'tries', 'kiss', 'girlfriend', 'obliged', 'return', 'salutes', 'passing', 'soldiers', 'johnnie', 'finally', 'uses', 'one', 'hand', 'embrace', 'girlfriend', 'using', 'blindly', 'salute', 'men', 'walk'], [\"'in\", '1920s', 'sean', 'thornton', 'irish-born', 'american', 'pittsburgh', 'pennsylvania', 'travels', 'ireland', 'reclaim', 'family\\\\', 'farm', 'innisfree', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'fiery', 'mary', 'kate', 'danaher', 'spinster', 'sister', 'bullying', 'loud-mouthed', 'landowner', 'squire', 'red', 'danaher', 'danaher', 'angry', 'sean', 'outbid', 'thornton', 'land', 'adjacent', 'property', 'initially', 'refuses', 'sanction', 'marriage', 'several', 'town', 'locals', 'including', 'parish', 'priest', 'conspire', 'trick', 'believing', 'wealthy', 'widow', 'tillane', 'wants', 'marry', 'mary', 'kate', 'longer', 'living', 'house', 'learning', 'truth', 'sean', 'mary', 'kate\\\\', 'wedding', 'day', 'enraged', 'refuses', 'give', 'sister', 'full', 'dowry', 'sean', 'unschooled', 'irish', 'customs', 'cares', 'nothing', 'dowry', 'mary', 'kate', 'obsessed', 'obtaining', 'dowry', 'representing', 'independence', 'identity', 'pride', 'angered', 'shamed', 'sean\\\\', 'refusal', 'confront', 'brother', 'demand', 'legally', 'brands', 'coward', 'despite', 'living', 'together', 'estranged', 'husband', 'wife', 'sean', 'boxer', 'united', 'states', 'heavyweight', 'challenger', 'known', 'trooper', 'thorn', 'accidentally', 'killing', 'opponent', 'ring', 'sean', 'hung', 'gloves', 'vowing', 'never', 'fight', 'known', 'one', 'person', 'village', 'church', 'ireland', 'minister', 'rev', 'playfair', 'later', 'attempt', 'force', 'sean', 'confront', 'danaher', 'mary', 'kate', 'leaves', 'boards', 'train', 'departing', 'castletown', 'headed', 'dublin', 'infuriated', 'sean', 'arrives', 'drags', 'train', 'followed', 'townspeople', 'forces', 'walk', 'five', 'miles', 'inisfree', 'castletown', 'danaher\\\\', 'farm', 'sean', 'demands', 'hand', 'dowry', 'threatens', 'return', 'mary', 'kate', 'household', 'refuses', 'finally', 'relents', 'gives', 'cash', 'mary', 'kate', 'sean', 'throw', 'furnace', 'showing', 'mary', 'kate', 'never', 'cared', 'money', 'sean', 'stand', 'wife', 'sean', 'slug', 'village', 'stop', 'drink', 'brawl', 'become', 'best', 'friends', 'sean', 'regains', 'mary', 'kate\\\\', 'love', 'respect', 'danaher', 'widow', 'tillane', 'begin', 'courting', 'peace', 'returned', 'innisfree'], ['film', 'takes', 'place', 'around', 'end', '1938.', 'laura', 'jesson', 'suburban', 'housewife', 'dull', 'affectionate', 'marriage', 'tells', 'story', 'first', 'person', 'home', 'husband', 'imagining', 'confessing', 'affair', 'conventional', 'laura', 'like', 'women', 'class', 'time', 'goes', 'nearby', 'town', 'every', 'thursday', 'shopping', 'cinema', 'matin챕e', 'returning', 'one', 'excursion', 'milford', 'waiting', 'station', 'helped', 'another', 'passenger', 'remove', 'piece', 'grit', 'eye', 'passenger', 'alec', 'harvey', 'idealistic', 'doctor', 'also', 'works', 'one', 'day', 'week', 'consultant', 'local', 'hospital', 'thirties', 'married', 'two', 'children', 'enjoying', 'company', 'two', 'arrange', 'meet', 'soon', 'troubled', 'find', 'innocent', 'casual', 'relationship', 'quickly', 'developing', 'love', 'meet', 'furtively', 'constantly', 'fearing', 'chance', 'meetings', 'friends', 'several', 'meetings', 'room', 'belonging', 'friend', 'fellow', 'doctor', 'alec', 'stephen', 'interrupted', 'stephen', 'unexpected', 'return', 'brings', 'home', 'fact', 'future', 'together', 'impossible', 'wishing', 'hurt', 'families', 'agree', 'part', 'alec', 'offered', 'job', 'johannesburg', 'south', 'africa', 'brother', 'lives', 'final', 'meeting', 'railway', 'station', 'refreshment', 'room', 'see', 'second', 'time', 'poignant', 'perspective', 'story', 'await', 'sad', 'final', 'parting', 'dolly', 'messiter', 'talkative', 'acquaintance', 'laura', 'invites', 'join', 'soon', 'chattering', 'away', 'oblivious', 'couple', 'inner', 'misery', 'realise', 'robbed', 'chance', 'final', 'goodbye', 'alec', 'train', 'arrives', 'dolly', 'still', 'chattering', 'alec', 'departs', 'last', 'look', 'laura', 'without', 'passionate', 'farewell', 'long', 'shaking', 'messiter', 'hand', 'lightly', 'squeezes', 'laura', 'shoulder', 'leaves', 'laura', 'waits', 'moment', 'anxiously', 'hoping', 'alec', 'walk', 'back', 'refreshment', 'room', 'train', 'heard', 'pulling', 'away', 'laura', 'traumatised', 'hearing', 'approaching', 'express', 'train', 'suddenly', 'dashes', 'platform', 'lights', 'train', 'flash', 'across', 'face', 'conquers', 'impulse', 'commit', 'suicide', 'returns', 'home', 'family', 'final', 'scene', 'film', 'appear', 'original', 'coward', 'play', 'laura', 'bland', 'kind', 'husband', 'fred', 'suddenly', 'shows', 'noticed', 'distress', 'past', 'weeks', 'takes', 'arms'], [\"'in\", 'far', 'future', 'known', 'universe', 'ruled', 'padishah', 'emperor', 'shaddam', 'corrino', 'important', 'substance', 'galactic', 'empire', 'spice', 'melange', 'spice', 'many', 'special', 'properties', 'extending', 'life', 'expanding', 'consciousness', 'profitable', 'properties', 'ability', 'assist', 'spacing', 'guild', 'folding', 'space', 'spice', 'vital', 'space', 'travel', 'allows', 'safe', 'interstellar', 'travel', 'part', 'universe', 'instantaneously', 'sensing', 'potential', 'threat', 'spice', 'production', 'guild', 'sends', 'emissary', 'demand', 'explanation', 'emperor', 'confidentially', 'shares', 'plans', 'destroy', 'house', 'atreides', 'popularity', 'duke', 'leto', 'atreides', 'grown', 'suspected', 'amassing', 'secret', 'army', 'using', 'sonic', 'weapons', 'called', 'weirding', 'modules', 'making', 'threat', 'emperor', 'shaddam\\\\', 'plan', 'give', 'atreides', 'control', 'planet', 'arrakis', 'source', 'spice', 'ambushed', 'longtime', 'enemies', 'harkonnens', 'navigator', 'commands', 'emperor', 'kill', 'duke\\\\', 'son', 'paul', 'atreides', 'young', 'man', 'dreams', 'prophetic', 'visions', 'purpose', 'order', 'draws', 'attention', 'bene', 'gesserit', 'sisterhood', 'paul', 'tied', 'centuries-long', 'breeding', 'program', 'seeks', 'produce', 'superhuman', 'kwisatz', 'haderach', 'paul', 'tested', 'bene', 'gesserit', 'reverend', 'mother', 'gaius', 'helen', 'mohiam', 'deadly', 'gom', 'jabbar', 'throat', 'paul', 'forced', 'place', 'hand', 'box', 'subjects', 'excruciating', 'pain', 'passes', 'mohiam\\\\', 'satisfaction', 'meanwhile', 'industrial', 'world', 'giedi', 'prime', 'sadistic', 'baron', 'vladimir', 'harkonnen', 'tells', 'nephews', 'glossu', 'rabban', 'feyd-rautha', 'plan', 'eliminate', 'atreides', 'manipulating', 'someone', 'betraying', 'duke', 'atreides', 'leave', 'caladan', 'arrakis', 'barren', 'desert', 'planet', 'plagued', 'gigantic', 'sandworms', 'populated', 'fremen', 'mysterious', 'people', 'long', 'held', 'prophecy', 'messiah', 'would', 'come', 'lead', 'freedom', 'upon', 'arrival', 'arrakis', 'leto', 'informed', 'one', 'right-hand', 'men', 'duncan', 'idaho', 'fremen', 'underestimated', 'exist', 'vast', 'numbers', 'could', 'prove', 'powerful', 'allies', 'leto', 'gains', 'trust', 'fremen', 'duke', 'establish', 'alliance', 'harkonnens', 'launch', 'attack', 'atreides', 'anticipated', 'trap', 'unable', 'withstand', 'attack', 'supported', 'emperor\\\\', 'elite', 'troops', 'sardaukar', 'aided', 'traitor', 'within', 'house', 'atreides', 'dr.', 'wellington', 'yueh', 'captured', 'leto', 'dies', 'failed', 'attempt', 'assassinate', 'baron', 'harkonnen', 'using', 'poison', 'gas', 'capsule', 'planted', 'tooth', 'dr.', 'yueh', 'leto\\\\', 'concubine', 'lady', 'jessica', 'son', 'paul', 'escape', 'deep', 'desert', 'manage', 'join', 'band', 'fremen', 'paul', 'emerges', \"muad\\\\'dib\", 'leader', 'fremen', 'waiting', 'paul', 'teaches', 'fremen', 'use', 'weirding', 'modules', 'begins', 'targeting', 'mining', 'production', 'spice', 'within', 'two', 'years', 'spice', 'production', 'effectively', 'halted', 'emperor', 'warned', 'spacing', 'guild', 'situation', 'arrakis', 'guild', 'fears', 'paul', 'consume', 'water', 'life', 'fears', 'revealed', 'paul', 'prophetic', 'dream', 'drinks', 'water', 'life', 'enters', 'coma', 'awaking', 'transformed', 'gains', 'control', 'sandworms', 'arrakis', 'discovered', 'water', 'kept', 'huge', 'caches', 'fremen', 'used', 'destroy', 'spice', 'paul', 'also', 'seen', 'space', 'future', 'emperor', 'amassing', 'huge', 'invasion', 'fleet', 'arrakis', 'regain', 'control', 'planet', 'spice', 'upon', 'emperor\\\\', 'arrival', 'arrakis', 'executes', 'rabban', 'failing', 'remedy', 'spice', 'situation', 'paul', 'launches', 'final', 'attack', 'harkonnens', 'emperor', 'capital', 'city', 'arrakeen', 'fremen', 'warriors', 'defeat', 'emperor\\\\', 'legions', 'sardaukar', 'paul\\\\', 'sister', 'alia', 'kills', 'baron', 'harkonnen', 'paul', 'faces', 'defeated', 'emperor', 'relieves', 'power', 'engages', 'feyd-rautha', 'duel', 'death', 'paul', 'defeats', 'feyd', 'rain', 'falls', 'arrakis', 'alia', 'declares', 'kwisatz', 'haderach'], [\"'david\", 'huxley', 'mild-mannered', 'paleontologist', 'beleaguered', 'problems', 'past', 'four', 'years', 'trying', 'assemble', 'skeleton', 'brontosaurus', 'missing', 'one', 'bone', 'add', 'stress', 'get', 'married', 'dour', 'alice', 'swallow', 'must', 'make', 'favorable', 'impression', 'upon', 'mrs.', 'random', 'considering', 'donating', 'one', 'million', 'dollars', 'museum', 'day', 'planned', 'wedding', 'david', 'meets', 'susan', 'vance', 'chance', 'golf', 'course', 'free-spirited', 'young', 'lady', 'unknown', 'first', 'happens', 'mrs.', 'random\\\\', 'niece', 'susan\\\\', 'brother', 'mark', 'sent', 'tame', 'leopard', 'brazilleopards', 'old', 'world', 'animals', 'brazil', 'jaguar', 'territory', 'named', 'baby', 'supposed', 'give', 'aunt', 'susan', 'believes', 'david', 'zoologist', 'rather', 'paleontologist', 'persistent', 'getting', 'david', 'country', 'home', 'connecticut', 'help', 'take', 'care', 'baby', 'includes', 'singing', \"can\\\\'t\", 'give', 'anything', 'love', 'baby', 'likes', 'complications', 'arise', 'susan', 'decides', 'fallen', 'love', 'david', 'endeavors', 'keep', 'house', 'long', 'possible', 'prevent', 'marrying', 'colleague', 'david', 'susan\\\\', 'dog', 'george', 'skippy', 'steals', 'buries', 'bone', 'david', 'needs', 'complete', 'brontosaurus', 'skeleton', 'susan\\\\', 'aunt', 'mrs.', 'elizabeth', 'random', 'arrives', 'unaware', 'david', 'really', 'susan', 'introduced', 'man', 'named', 'mr.', 'bone', 'baby', 'runs', 'george', 'complicate', 'matters', 'susan', 'david', 'mistake', 'decidedly', 'wild', 'dangerous', 'leopard', 'escaped', 'nearby', 'circus', 'baby', 'jailed', 'befuddled', 'town', 'constable', 'constable', 'slocum', 'breaking', 'house', 'dr.', 'fritz', 'lehman', 'cite', 'web', 'slocum', 'believe', 'story', 'susan', 'tells', 'members', 'leopard', 'gang', 'refers', 'swingin\\\\', 'door', 'susie', 'david', 'jerry', 'nipper', 'david', 'fails', 'convince', 'constable', 'making', 'everything', 'motion', 'pictures', 'she\\\\', 'seen', 'eventually', 'alexander', 'peabody', 'george', 'irving', 'shows', 'verify', 'everyone\\\\', 'identity', 'susan', 'sneaked', 'window', 'unwittingly', 'drags', 'highly', 'irritated', 'circus', 'leopard', 'jail', 'david', 'save', 'using', 'chair', 'shoo', 'animal', 'jail', 'cell', 'weeks', 'later', 'susan', 'finds', 'david', 'jilted', 'alice', 'working', 'brontosaurus', 'reconstruction', 'museum', 'presenting', 'bone', 'finally', 'found', 'trailing', 'george', 'susan', 'informs', 'david', 'gotten', 'aunt', 'donate', 'million', 'dollars', 'museum', 'advice', 'climbs', 'tall', 'ladder', 'beside', 'dinosaur', 'closer', 'although', 'susan', 'climbs', 'dangerously', 'swaying', 'ladder', 'onto', 'skeleton', 'causes', 'collapse', 'david', 'finally', 'gives', 'admits', 'without', 'her.mast', 'gerald', 'bringing', 'baby', 'howard', 'hawks', 'director', 'new', 'brunswick', 'london', 'rutgers', 'university', 'press', '1988.', 'isbn', '0813513413.', '33-206'], [\"'the\", 'officials', 'city', 'dedicating', 'new', 'statue', 'unveiled', 'chaplin\\\\', 'tramp', 'discovered', 'sleeping', 'chased', 'crowd', 'destitute', 'homeless', 'wanders', 'streets', 'getting', 'tormented', 'two', 'newsboys', 'happens', 'upon', 'blind', 'flower', 'girl', 'buys', 'flower', 'give', 'change', 'man', 'gets', 'nearby', 'car', 'drives', 'away', 'making', 'think', 'tramp', 'driven', 'tramp', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'correct', 'slinks', 'away', 'flower', 'girl', 'returns', 'home', 'simple', 'life', 'grandmother', 'evening', 'tramp', 'runs', 'drunken', 'millionaire', 'trying', 'commit', 'suicide', 'tramp', 'convinces', 'live', 'whereupon', 'millionaire', 'showers', 'gifts', 'return', 'millionaire\\\\', 'mansion', 'tramp', 'gets', 'change', 'clothes', 'town', 'tramp', 'inadvertently', 'causes', 'much', 'havoc', 'next', 'morning', 'return', 'mansion', 'flower', 'girl', 'walks', 'tramp', 'asks', 'millionaire', 'money', 'buys', 'flowers', 'drives', 'home', 'millionaire\\\\', 'rolls-royce', 'tells', 'grandmother', 'wealthy', 'suitor', 'tramp', 'returns', 'mansion', 'millionaire', 'sobered', 'rudely', 'dismisses', 'later', 'day', 'meets', 'tramp', 'intoxicated', 'invites', 'back', 'wild', 'party', 'next', 'morning', 'sobered', 'planning', 'leave', 'cruise', 'millionaire', 'tosses', 'tramp', 'returning', 'flower', 'girl\\\\', 'apartment', 'tramp', 'spies', 'attended', 'doctor', 'decides', 'take', 'job', 'earn', 'money', 'becomes', 'street-sweeper', 'managing', 'annoy', 'new', 'coworker', 'meanwhile', 'grandmother', 'receives', 'notice', 'flower', 'girl', 'evicted', 'pay', 'back', 'rent', 'hides', 'goes', 'beg', 'tramp', 'visits', 'flower', 'girl', 'lunch', 'break', 'sees', 'operation', 'cures', 'blindness', 'finds', 'notice', 'promises', 'girl', 'pay', 'returns', 'work', 'late', 'fired', 'dejected', 'passes', 'boxing', 'venue', 'fighter', 'convinces', 'spar', 'throw', 'fight', 'they\\\\', \"'ll\", 'split', 'prize', 'money', 'fighter', 'turns', 'fugitive', 'justice', 'flees', 'leaving', 'tramp', 'fight', 'no-nonsense', 'replacement', 'despite', 'valiant', 'effort', 'tramp', 'thrashed', 'meets', 'drunken', 'millionaire', 'takes', 'mansion', 'gives', '1000', 'girl', 'two', 'burglars', 'sneak', 'clobber', 'millionaire', 'comes', 'accuses', 'tramp', 'stealing', 'tramp', 'narrowly', 'escapes', 'police', 'delivers', 'money', 'girl', 'promises', 'return', 'picked', 'police', 'thrown', 'jail', 'several', 'months', 'later', 'little', 'tramp', 'wanders', 'streets', 'far', 'ragged', 'seen', 'searching', 'girl', 'returns', 'original', 'street', 'corner', 'sight', 'restored', 'girl', 'opened', 'flower', 'shop', 'grandmother', 'rich', 'man', 'comes', 'shop', 'girl', 'wonders', 'mysterious', 'benefactor', 'tramp', 'ragged', 'clothes', 'tormented', 'newsboys', 'suddenly', 'finds', 'staring', 'window', 'jokes', 'colleague', 'made', 'conquest', 'seeing', 'flower', 'retrieved', 'gutter', 'falling', 'apart', 'hand', 'girl', 'kindly', 'offers', 'fresh', 'flower', 'shop', 'coin', 'tramp', 'begins', 'leave', 'reaches', 'flower', 'girl', 'takes', 'hold', 'hand', 'place', 'coin', 'recognizing', 'touch', 'hand', 'realizes', 'says', 'nods', 'asking', 'see', 'replies', 'yes', 'see', 'holds', 'hand', 'heart', 'little', 'tramp', 'smiles', 'shyly', 'girl', 'clutching', 'flower', 'face', 'eyes', 'full', 'love', 'hope', 'film', 'ends'], [\"'john\", 'sullivan', 'popular', 'young', 'hollywood', 'director', 'fresh', 'string', 'profitable', 'shallow', 'comedies', 'tells', 'studio', 'boss', 'mr.', 'lebrand', 'dissatisfied', 'wants', 'next', 'project', 'serious', 'exploration', 'plight', 'downtrodden', 'based', 'socially-conscious', 'novel', 'brother', 'art', 'thou', 'sinclair', 'beckstein', 'surprisingly', 'lebrand', 'wants', 'direct', 'another', 'lucrative', 'comedy', 'instead', 'idealistic', 'sullivan', 'refuses', 'give', 'wants', 'know', 'trouble', 'first-hand', 'tramp', 'return', 'make', 'film', 'truly', 'depicts', 'sorrows', 'humanity', 'butler', 'valet', 'openly', 'question', 'wisdom', 'plan', 'undeterred', 'sullivan', 'dresses', 'penniless', 'hobo', 'takes', 'road', 'however', 'matter', 'hard', 'tries', 'somehow', 'always', 'ends', 'back', 'hollywood', 'lebrand', 'insists', 'staff', 'follow', 'double-decker', 'coach', 'neither', 'party', 'happy', 'arrangement', 'sullivan', 'eventually', 'persuades', 'guardians', 'leave', 'alone', 'arranges', 'rendezvous', 'later', 'hitchhikes', 'finds', 'back', 'started', 'meets', 'young', 'failed', 'actress', 'contemplating', 'quitting', 'business', 'return', 'kindness', 'sullivan', 'gives', 'lift', 'car', 'without', 'telling', 'servants', 'report', 'theft', 'pair', 'apprehended', 'police', 'upon', 'release', 'girl', 'pushes', 'enormous', 'swimming', 'pool', 'deceiving', 'true', 'identity', 'however', 'considering', 'options', 'becomes', 'traveling', 'companion', 'time', 'sullivan', 'succeeds', 'living', 'like', 'hobo', 'eating', 'soup', 'kitchens', 'sleeping', 'homeless', 'shelters', 'girl', 'sullivan', 'finally', 'decides', 'enough', 'experiment', 'publicized', 'studio', 'huge', 'success', 'girl', 'wants', 'stay', 'explains', 'advice', 'business', 'manager', 'got', 'married', 'reduce', 'income', 'tax', 'discover', 'wife', 'cost', 'double', 'saved', 'taxes', 'sullivan', 'decides', 'thank', 'homeless', 'handing', 'bills', 'one', 'man', 'decides', 'wants', 'share', 'ambushes', 'sullivan', 'alone', 'sullivan', 'knocked', 'unconscious', 'thrown', 'onto', 'train', 'boxcar', 'leaving', 'city', 'thief', 'run', 'killed', 'another', 'train', 'man', 'earlier', 'stolen', 'sullivan\\\\', 'shoes', 'special', 'identification', 'card', 'hidden', 'one', 'soles', 'card', 'found', 'everyone', 'assumes', 'unrecognizable', 'body', 'sullivan\\\\', 'meanwhile', 'sullivan', 'wakes', 'rail', 'yard', 'another', 'city', 'memory', 'got', 'confused', 'state', 'assaults', 'railroad', 'worker', 'finds', 'sentenced', 'six', 'years', 'labor', 'camp', 'eventually', 'regains', 'memory', 'learning', 'importance', 'laughter', 'otherwise', 'dreary', 'lives', 'fellow', 'prisoners', 'allowed', 'attend', 'showing', 'walt', 'disney\\\\', 'playful', 'pluto', 'cartoon', 'sullivan', 'comes', 'realize', 'comedy', 'good', 'poor', 'brother', 'art', 'thou', 'sullivan', 'still', 'problem', 'ndash', 'convince', 'anybody', 'sullivan', 'finally', 'comes', 'ingenious', 'solution', 'confesses', 'killer', 'picture', 'makes', 'front', 'page', 'newspapers', 'girl', 'recognizes', 'gets', 'released', 'widow', 'taken', 'crooked', 'business', 'manager', 'meanwhile', 'divorce', 'reunited', 'girl', 'montage', 'happily', 'laughing', 'faces', 'ends', 'film'], ['walter', 'burns', 'hard-boiled', 'editor', 'morning', 'post', 'learns', 'ex-wife', 'former', 'star', 'reporter', 'hildegard', 'hildy', 'johnson', 'marry', 'bland', 'insurance', 'man', 'bruce', 'baldwin', 'settle', 'quiet', 'life', 'wife', 'mother', 'albany', 'new', 'york', 'walter', 'determines', 'sabotage', 'plans', 'enticing', 'reluctant', 'hildy', 'cover', 'one', 'last', 'story', 'upcoming', 'execution', 'convicted', 'murderer', 'earl', 'williams', 'walter', 'everything', 'keep', 'hildy', 'leaving', 'including', 'setting', 'bruce', 'gets', 'arrested', 'trumped-up', 'charges', 'even', 'kidnaps', 'hildy\\\\', 'stern', 'mother-in-law-to-be', 'williams', 'escapes', 'bumbling', 'sheriff', 'practically', 'falls', 'hildy\\\\', 'lap', 'lure', 'big', 'scoop', 'proves', 'much', 'consumed', 'writing', 'story', 'hardly', 'notices', 'bruce', 'realizes', 'cause', 'hopeless', 'returns', 'albany', 'crooked', 'mayor', 'sheriff', 'need', 'publicity', 'execution', 'keep', 'jobs', 'upcoming', 'election', 'messenger', 'brings', 'reprieve', 'governor', 'try', 'bribe', 'man', 'away', 'return', 'later', 'late', 'walter', 'hildy', 'find', 'time', 'save', 'walter', 'arrested', 'kidnapping', 'afterward', 'walter', 'offers', 'remarry', 'hildy', 'promising', 'take', 'honeymoon', 'never', 'niagara', 'falls', 'walter', 'learns', 'newsworthy', 'strike', 'albany', 'way', 'niagara', 'falls', 'train'], ['story', 'follows', 'jerry', 'welbach', 'travels', 'mexico', 'find', 'antique', 'gun', 'mexican', 'smuggle', 'united', 'states', 'five', 'years', 'earlier', 'welbach', 'caused', 'traffic', 'accident', 'hit', 'car', 'local', 'mobster', 'arnold', 'margolese', 'jailed', 'five', 'years', 'police', 'searched', 'car', 'following', 'crash', 'finding', 'someone', 'tied', 'trunk', 'compensation', 'jail', 'time', 'welbach', 'sent', 'various', 'errands', 'margolese', 'second-in-command', 'bernie', 'nayman', 'final', 'errand', 'welbach', 'girlfriend', 'samantha', 'constantly', 'argues', 'among', 'things', 'lack', 'commitment', 'relationship', 'gun', 'legendary', 'history', 'curse', 'regarding', 'likelihood', 'misfire', 'involvement', 'jilted', 'love-triangle', 'used', 'suicide', 'weapon', 'gunsmith', 'assistant', 'love', 'gunsmith', 'daughter', 'killed', 'interested', 'nobleman', 'prompting', 'suicide', 'object', 'affection', 'legend', 'reprised', 'story'], [\"'jean\", 'harrington', 'beautiful', 'con', 'artist', 'along', 'equally', 'larcenous', 'father', 'colonel', 'harrington', 'partner', 'gerald', 'fleece', 'rich', 'naive', 'charles', 'pike', 'heir', 'pike', 'ale', 'fortune', 'pike', 'woman-shy', 'snake', 'expert', 'returning', 'year-long', 'expedition', 'amazon', 'though', 'surrounded', 'ladies', 'desperate', 'attention', 'charles', 'putty', 'jean\\\\', 'hands', 'even', 'best', 'laid', 'plans', 'astray', 'first', 'jean', 'falls', 'hard', 'pike', 'shields', 'card', 'sharp', 'father', 'pike\\\\', 'suspicious', 'minder/valet', 'muggsy', 'discovers', 'truth', 'father', 'pike', 'dumps', 'furious', 'scorned', 're-enters', 'life', 'masquerading', 'posh', 'lady', 'eve', 'sidwich', 'niece', 'sir', 'alfred', 'mcglennan', 'keith', 'another', 'con', 'man', 'who\\\\', 'swindling', 'rich', 'folk', 'connecticut', 'jean', 'determined', 'torment', 'pike', 'mercilessly', 'explains', \"'ve\", 'got', 'unfinished', 'business', 'need', 'like', 'axe', 'needs', 'turkey', 'pike', 'meets', 'eve', 'bewildered', 'constantly', 'trips', 'falls', 'although', 'muggsy', 'tries', 'convince', 'she\\\\', 'dame', 'pike', 'reasons', 'jean', 'would', 'never', 'come', 'close', 'home', 'without', 'least', 'disguising', 'concludes', 'resemblance', 'coincidence', 'brief', 'courtship', 'marry', 'train', 'honeymoon', 'eve', 'begins', 'confess', 'past', 'dropping', 'name', 'name', 'name', 'old', 'boyfriends', 'lovers', 'pike', 'finally', 'gets', 'fed', 'jumps', 'train', 'separated', 'jean\\\\', 'con', 'team', 'urges', 'close', 'deal', 'saying', 'she\\\\', 'got', 'barrel', 'make', 'killing', 'settlement', 'charles\\\\', 'father', 'lawyers', 'phone', 'pleading', 'settle', 'quickly', 'jean', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'money', 'pike', 'tell', 'it\\\\', 'face', 'pike', 'refuses', 'father', 'jean', 'learns', 'he\\\\', 'departing', 'another', 'ocean', 'voyage', 'arranges', 'passage', 'bumps', 'pike', 'met', 'hopsie', 'overjoyed', 'see', 'jean', 'instantly', 'dash', 'cabin', 'mutually', 'affirm', 'love', 'charles', 'confesses', 'married', 'jean', 'replies', 'tenderly', 'darling'], [\"'it\", 'december', '1938', 'town', 'carvel', 'andy', 'hardy', 'putting', 'payment', 'used', 'car', 'andy', 'desperate', 'take', 'girlfriend', 'polly', 'benedict', 'christmas', 'eve', 'dance', 'car', 'must', 'pay', 'additional', 'december', 'polly', 'tells', 'andy', 'visiting', 'grandmother', 'next', 'three', 'weeks', 'able', 'attend', 'christmas', 'eve', 'dance', 'andy', 'vows', 'attend', 'dance', 'alone', 'judge', 'hardy', 'later', 'encounters', 'son', 'andy', 'andy', 'broaches', 'subject', 'car', 'ownership', 'judge', 'hardy', 'tells', 'andy', 'car', 'returning', 'home', 'evening', 'judge', 'hardy', 'runs', 'betsy', 'booth', 'staying', 'grandparents', 'christmas', 'holiday', 'betsy', 'grandmother', 'effusive', 'andy', 'hardy', 'betsy', 'thrilled', 'learn', 'next', 'door', 'neighbor', 'stay', 'judge', 'hardy', 'wife', 'emily', 'receives', 'telegram', 'evening', 'informing', 'mother', 'serious', 'stroke', 'emily', 'sister', 'leave', 'immediately', 'care', 'mother', 'andy', 'hardy', 'meets', 'betsy', 'booth', 'delivering', 'mother', 'freshly', 'canned', 'preserves', 'betsy', 'obviously', 'taken', 'andy', 'reciprocate', 'admiration', 'leaves', 'quickly', 'possible', 'beezy', 'andy', 'friend', 'asks', 'andy', 'date', 'cynthia', 'beezy', 'girlfriend', 'beezy', 'town', 'christmas', 'holiday', 'beezy', 'promises', 'pay', 'andy', 'plus', 'cents', 'week', 'expenses', 'efforts', 'andy', 'needs', 'money', 'purchase', 'car', 'agrees', 'andy', 'starts', 'going', 'cynthia', 'find', 'get', 'along', 'busy', 'kissing', 'walking', 'cynthia', 'home', 'andy', 'stops', 'visit', 'betsy', 'booth-only', 'covered', 'cynthia', 'lipstick', 'betsy', 'gives', 'andy', 'handsome', 'new', 'radiator', 'cap', 'anticipated', 'car', 'leaves', 'sadly', 'sings', '쏧n-between.', 'one', 'morning', 'andy', 'receives', 'telegram', 'polly', 'saying', 'home', 'christmas', 'eve', 'dance', 'andy', 'telephones', 'saying', 'take', 'dance', 'previous', 'engagement', 'thereafter', 'opens', 'letter', 'beezy', 'beezy', 'wrote', 'saying', 'found', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'going', 'pay', 'andy', 'dating', 'cynthia', 'betsy', 'offers', 'help', 'andy', 'pay', 'car', 'refuses', 'aid', 'evening', 'tells', 'father', 'mess', 'made', 'judge', 'hardy', 'explains', 'point', 'view', 'spending', 'money', 'car', 'versus', 'putting', 'aside', 'savings-and', 'discloses', 'deep', 'concern', 'andy', 'mother', 'judge', 'hardy', 'would', 'like', 'convey', 'message', 'wife', 'telephone', 'mother', 'home', 'emily', 'finds', 'telegrams', 'unnerving', 'andy', 'suggests', 'message', 'sent', 'mother', 'via', 'ham', 'radio', 'lieu', 'sending', 'telegram', 'andy', 'brings', 'judge', 'hardy', 'home', 'year-old', 'ham', 'radio', 'operator', 'james', 'mcmann', 'sends', 'message', 'mrs.', 'hardy', 'judge', 'hardy', 'impressed', 'james', 'help', 'son', 'ingenuity', 'pays', 'last', 'andy', 'car', 'betsy', 'deceives', 'cynthia', 'thinking', 'andy', 'car', 'absolute', 'wreck', 'cynthia', 'haughtily', 'refuses', 'christmas', 'eve', 'dance', 'andy', 'andy', 'tries', 'clear', 'things', 'polly', 'angrily', 'tells', 'andy', 'dance', 'date', 'college', 'boy', 'christmas', 'eve', 'finds', 'andy', 'wholly', 'dejected', 'prospect', 'date', 'dance-but', 'betsy', 'comes', 'evening', 'gown', 'decides', 'take', 'dance', 'dance', 'polly', 'date', 'recognizes', 'betsy', 'accomplished', 'singer', 'asks', 'perform', 'andy', 'scared', 'embarrass', 'proves', 'fantastic', 'singer', 'quickly', 'wins', 'crowd', 'never', 'rains', 'pours', 'encores', '쏮eet', 'beat', 'heart.', 'betsy', 'andy', 'lead', 'dance', 'grand', 'march', 'polly', 'leaves', 'tears', 'late', 'evening', 'home', 'dance', 'betsy', 'booth', 'hardy', 'family', 'gathered', 'together', 'around', 'christmas', 'tree', 'mrs.', 'hardy', 'unexpectedly', 'returns', 'home-her', 'mother', 'getting', 'better', 'christmas', 'day', 'betsy', 'explains', 'everything', 'polly', 'polly', 'date', 'dance', 'come', 'hardy', 'home', 'polly', 'date', 'turns', 'cousin', 'betsy', 'expresses', 'gratitude', 'andy', 'wonderful', 'evening', 'leaves', 'polly', 'andy', 'make'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'describes', 'encounter', 'parisian', 'tailor', 'named', 'maurice', 'courtelin', 'family', 'local', 'aristocrats', 'include', 'viscount', 'gilbert', 'var챔ze', 'owes', 'maurice', 'large', 'amount', 'money', 'tailoring', 'work', 'gilbert\\\\', 'uncle', 'duke', \"d\\\\'artelines\", 'family', 'patriarch', \"d\\\\'artelines\\\\\", 'man-hungry', 'niece', 'valentine', '22-year-old', 'niece', 'princess', 'jeanette', 'widow', 'three', 'years', \"d\\\\'artelines\", 'unable', 'find', 'jeanette', 'new', 'husband', 'suitable', 'age', 'rank', 'house', 'hold', 'also', 'includes', 'three', 'aunts', 'ineffectual', 'suitor', 'count', 'savignac', 'maurice', 'custom-tailors', 'clothing', 'var챔ze', 'credit', 'viscount\\\\', 'unpaid', 'tailoring', 'bills', 'become', 'intolerable', 'maurice', 'travels', 'savignac\\\\', 'castle', 'collect', 'money', 'owed', 'way', 'confrontation', 'princess', 'jeanette', 'immediately', 'professes', 'love', 'haughtily', 'rejects', 'maurice', 'arrives', 'castle', 'gilbert', 'introduces', 'baron', 'courtelin', 'order', 'hide', 'truth', 'count', 'maurice', 'fearful', 'scheme', 'first', 'changes', 'mind', 'sees', 'jeanette', 'staying', 'castle', 'arouses', 'valentine\\\\', 'desire', 'charms', 'rest', 'family', 'except', 'jeanette', 'saves', 'deer\\\\', 'life', 'hunt', 'continues', 'woo', 'jeanette', 'count', 'savignac', 'discovers', 'maurice', 'fake', 'viscount', 'claims', 'maurice', 'royal', 'traveling', 'incognito', 'security', 'reasons', 'finally', 'jeanette', 'succumbs', 'maurice\\\\', 'charms', 'telling', 'whoever', 'whatever', 'wherever', 'love', 'maurice', 'criticizes', 'jeanette\\\\', 'tailor', 'family', 'confronts', 'rudeness', 'catch', 'jeanette', 'alone', 'jeanette', 'partially', 'undressed', 'maurice', 'explains', 'redesigning', 'jeanette\\\\', 'riding', 'outfit', 'proves', 'successfully', 'altering', 'process', 'forced', 'reveal', 'true', 'identity', 'despite', 'earlier', 'promise', 'jeanette', 'recoils', 'runs', 'room', 'hearing', 'commoner', 'entire', 'household', 'outraged', 'maurice', 'leaves', 'however', 'train', 'carries', 'back', 'paris', 'jeanette', 'struggles', 'fears', 'finally', 'realizes', 'mistake', 'catches', 'train', 'horseback', 'engineer', 'refuses', 'stop', 'train', 'rides', 'ahead', 'stands', 'track', 'train', 'stops', 'maurice', 'jumps', 'two', 'lovers', 'embrace', 'steam', 'train', 'envelops'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'montage', 'images', 'manhattan', 'accompanied', 'george', 'gershwin\\\\', 'rhapsody', 'blue', 'isaac', 'davis', 'introduced', 'man', 'writing', 'book', 'love', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'twice-divorced', '42-year-old', 'television', 'writer', 'dealing', 'women', 'life', 'gives', 'unfulfilling', 'job', 'comedy', 'writer', 'dating', 'tracy', '17-year-old', 'girl', 'attending', 'dalton', 'school', 'best', 'friend', 'yale', 'michael', 'murphy', 'married', 'emily', 'affair', 'mary', 'wilkie', 'ex-husband', 'former', 'teacher', 'jeremiah', 'also', 'appears', 'isaac\\\\', 'ex-wife', 'jill', 'writing', 'confessional', 'book', 'marriage', 'jill', 'also', 'since', 'come', 'closet', 'lesbian', 'lives', 'female', 'partner', 'connie', 'isaac', 'meets', 'mary', 'cultural', 'snobbery', 'rubs', 'wrong', 'way', 'isaac', 'runs', 'equal', 'rights', 'amendment', 'fund-raising', 'event', 'museum', 'modern', 'art', 'accompanies', 'cab', 'ride', 'home', 'chat', 'sunrise', 'sequence', 'culminates', 'iconic', 'shot', 'queensboro', 'bridge', 'spite', 'growing', 'attraction', 'mary', 'isaac', 'continues', 'relationship', 'tracy', 'emphasizes', \"can\\\\'t\", 'serious', 'relationship', 'encourages', 'girl', 'london', 'study', 'acting', 'another', 'iconic', 'scene', 'tracy\\\\', 'request', 'carriage', 'ride', 'central', 'park', 'yale', 'breaks', 'mary', 'suggests', 'isaac', 'ask', 'isaac', 'always', 'felt', 'tracy', 'young', 'isaac', 'breaks', 'tracy', 'much', 'dismay', 'long', 'mary', 'virtually', 'moved', 'apartment', 'emily', 'curious', 'isaac\\\\', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'several', 'meetings', 'two', 'couples', 'including', 'one', 'emily', 'reads', 'portions', 'jill\\\\', 'new', 'book', 'marriage', 'isaac', 'yale', 'leaves', 'emily', 'resume', 'relationship', 'mary', 'betrayed', 'isaac', 'confronts', 'yale', 'college', 'teaches', 'yale', 'argues', 'found', 'mary', 'first', 'isaac', 'responds', 'discussing', 'yale\\\\', 'extramarital', 'affairs', 'emily', 'thinks', 'isaac', 'introduced', 'mary', 'yale', 'denouement', 'isaac', 'lies', 'sofa', 'musing', 'tape', 'recorder', 'things', 'make', 'life', 'worth', 'living', '봳he', 'final', 'item', 'sets', 'microphone', 'tracy\\\\', 'face', 'leaves', 'apartment', 'sets', 'foot', 'tracy\\\\', 'arrives', 'lobby', 'family\\\\', 'apartment', 'leaving', 'london', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'special', 'thing', 'change', 'replies', 'plans', 'already', 'made', 'reassures', 'everybody', 'gets', 'corrupted', 'saying', 'you\\\\', \"'ve\", 'got', 'faith', 'people', 'gives', 'slight', 'smile', 'segueing', 'final', 'shots', 'skyline', 'bars', 'rhapsody', 'blue', 'playing', 'instrumental', 'version', 'embraceable', 'plays', 'credits'], ['wealthy', 'bessiere', 'tries', 'strike', 'acquaintance', 'disillusioned', 'nightclub', 'singer', 'amy', 'jolly', 'ship', 'bound', 'morocco', 'though', 'polite', 'later', 'tears', 'tosses', 'away', 'calling', 'card', 'meet', 'nightclub', 'headliner', 'also', 'audience', 'appreciative', 'ladies', 'man', 'legionnaire', 'private', 'tom', 'brown', 'first', 'performance', 'kissing', 'woman', 'audience', 'amy', 'slips', 'tom', 'key', 'takes', 'offer', 'night', 'become', 'acquainted', 'discovers', 'become', 'embittered', 'life', 'men', 'talk', 'finds', 'coming', 'like', 'unwilling', 'risk', 'heartbreak', 'asks', 'leave', 'anything', 'serious', 'happens', 'street', 'tom', 'encounters', 'legionnaire', 'adjutant', 'caesar', 'wife', 'clear', 'past', 'clandestine', 'relationship', 'desires', 'intensely', 'maintain', 'husband', 'tom', 'commanding', 'officer', 'watches', 'undetected', 'shadows', 'tom', 'rejects', 'meanwhile', 'amy', 'changes', 'mind', 'seeks', 'tom', 'madame', 'caesar', 'hires', 'two', 'street', 'ruffians', 'attack', 'couple', 'tom', 'manages', 'seriously', 'wound', 'amy', 'escape', 'unscathed', 'next', 'day', 'tom', 'brought', 'adjutant', 'caesar', 'charge', 'injuring', 'two', 'allegedly', 'harmless', 'natives', 'amy', 'clears', 'caesar', 'makes', 'aware', 'knows', 'tom', 'involvement', 'wife', 'tom', 'ordered', 'leave', 'amalfi', 'pass', 'detachment', 'commanded', 'caesar', 'suspects', 'caesar', 'intends', 'rid', 'romantic', 'rival', 'night', 'tom', 'overhears', 'bessiere', 'courting', 'amy', 'along', 'offer', 'marry', 'though', 'fallen', 'love', 'tom', 'decides', 'would', 'better', 'rich', 'man', 'poor', 'legionnaire', 'tom', 'hides', 'depth', 'feelings', 'departure', 'amy', 'eventually', 'accepts', 'bessiere', 'proposal', 'march', 'amalfi', 'pass', 'detachment', 'runs', 'machine', 'gun', 'nest', 'caesar', 'orders', 'tom', 'deal', 'decides', 'accompany', 'caesar', 'killed', 'enemy', 'later', 'engagement', 'party', 'bessiere', 'amy', 'learn', 'left', 'tom', 'detachment', 'returned', 'frantic', 'amy', 'rushes', 'outside', 'learns', 'tom', 'wounded', 'left', 'behind', 'recuperate', 'hospital', 'informs', 'bessiere', 'must', 'tom', 'night', 'wanting', 'happiness', 'drives', 'finds', 'injured', 'feigned', 'wounded', 'avoid', 'returning', 'assigned', 'new', 'unit', 'march', 'away', 'desert', 'amy', 'torn', 'sees', 'handful', 'native', 'women', 'stubbornly', 'following', 'legionnaires', 'love', 'joins'], [\"'during\", 'great', 'depression', 'godfrey', 'smith', 'living', 'alongside', 'men', 'luck', 'city', 'dump', 'one', 'night', 'spoiled', 'socialite', 'cornelia', 'bullock', 'offers', 'five', 'dollars', 'forgotten', 'man', 'scavenger', 'hunt', 'annoyed', 'advances', 'causing', 'retreat', 'fall', 'pile', 'ashes', 'leaves', 'fury', 'much', 'glee', 'younger', 'sister', 'irene', 'talking', 'godfrey', 'finds', 'kind', 'bit', 'scatter-brained', 'offers', 'irene', 'help', 'beat', 'cornelia', 'ballroom', 'waldorf-ritz', 'hotel', 'irene\\\\', 'long-suffering', 'businessman', 'father', 'alexander', 'bullock', 'waits', 'resignedly', 'ditsy', 'wife', 'angelica', 'mooching', 'prot챕g챕', 'carlo', 'play', 'frivolous', 'game', 'godfrey', 'arrives', 'authenticated', 'scavenger', 'hunt', 'judge', 'forgotten', 'man', 'addresses', 'idle', 'rich', 'expressing', 'contempt', 'antics', 'irene', 'apologetic', 'offers', 'job', 'family', 'butler', 'gratefully', 'accepts', 'next', 'morning', 'godfrey', 'shown', 'sardonic', 'wise-cracking', 'maid', 'molly', 'servant', 'able', 'put', 'antics', 'family', 'warns', 'latest', 'long', 'line', 'butlers', 'slightly', 'daunted', 'proves', 'surprisingly', 'competent', 'although', 'cornelia', 'still', 'holds', 'sizeable', 'grudge', 'hand', 'irene', 'considers', 'godfrey', 'prot챕g챕', 'thrilled', 'success', 'complication', 'arises', 'guest', 'tommy', 'gray', 'greets', 'godfrey', 'familiarly', 'old', 'friend', 'godfrey', 'quickly', 'ad-libs', 'tommy\\\\', 'valet', 'school', 'tommy', 'plays', 'along', 'mentioning', 'godfrey\\\\', 'non-existent', 'wife', 'five', 'children', 'dismayed', 'irene', 'impulsively', 'announces', 'engagement', 'surprised', 'charlie', 'van', 'rumple', 'soon', 'breaks', 'tears', 'flees', 'politely', 'congratulated', 'godfrey', 'lunch', 'next', 'day', 'tommy', 'curious', 'know', 'one', 'elite', 'parkes', 'boston', 'servant', 'godfrey', 'explains', 'broken', 'love', 'affair', 'left', 'considering', 'suicide', 'optimistic', 'undaunted', 'attitude', 'men', 'living', 'dump', 'rekindled', 'spirit', 'meanwhile', 'everything', 'make', 'godfrey\\\\', 'life', 'miserable', 'fails', 'cornelia', 'sneaks', 'room', 'plants', 'pearl', 'necklace', 'mattress', 'calls', 'police', 'report', 'missing', 'jewelry', 'cornelia\\\\', 'surprise', 'pearls', 'turn', 'even', 'suggests', 'check', 'godfrey\\\\', 'bed', 'mr.', 'bullock', 'realizes', 'daughter', 'orchestrated', 'whole', 'thing', 'sees', 'policemen', 'bullocks', 'send', 'daughters', 'europe', 'get', 'irene', 'away', 'godfrey', 'return', 'cornelia', 'implies', 'intends', 'seduce', 'godfrey', 'worried', 'irene', 'stages', 'fainting', 'spell', 'falls', 'godfrey\\\\', 'arms', 'carries', 'bed', 'searching', 'smelling', 'salts', 'realizes', 'she\\\\', 'faking', 'sees', 'sit', 'briefly', 'revenge', 'puts', 'shower', 'turns', 'cold', 'water', 'full', 'blast', 'far', 'quenching', 'attraction', 'merely', 'confirms', 'hopes', 'godfrey', 'know', 'love', '...', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'lost', 'temper', 'confronted', 'rest', 'family', 'godfrey', 'quits', 'mr.', 'bullock', 'pressing', 'concerns', 'first', 'private', 'little', 'chat', 'carlo', 'throwing', 'freeloader', 'announces', 'business', 'dire', 'financial', 'straits', 'might', 'even', 'facing', 'criminal', 'charges', 'godfrey', 'interrupts', 'unexpected', 'good', 'news', '봱ealizing', 'mr.', 'bullock\\\\', 'problems', 'godfrey', 'sold', 'short', 'using', 'money', 'raised', 'pawning', 'cornelia\\\\', 'necklace', 'buying', 'stock', 'bullock', 'sold', 'endorses', 'stock', 'certificates', 'stunned', 'mr.', 'bullock', 'saving', 'family', 'financial', 'ruin', 'also', 'returns', 'necklace', 'humbled', 'cornelia', 'apologizes', 'attempt', 'frame', 'afterwards', 'godfrey', 'takes', 'leave', 'rest', 'stock', 'profits', 'reluctant', 'business', 'partner', 'tommy', 'gray\\\\', 'backing', 'godfrey', 'built', 'fashionable', 'nightclub', 'dump', '...', 'giving', 'food', 'shelter', 'fifty', 'people', 'winter', 'giving', 'employment', 'summer', 'godfrey', 'tells', 'tommy', 'quit', 'bullocks\\\\', 'butler', 'felt', 'foolish', 'feeling', 'coming', 'along', 'later', 'though', 'irene', 'tracks', 'bulldozes', 'marriage', 'saying', 'stand', 'still', 'godfrey', 'it\\\\', \"'ll\", 'minute'], [\"'in\", '1962', 'college', 'freshmen', 'lawrence', 'larry', 'kroger', 'kent', 'dorfman', 'seek', 'join', 'fraternity', 'faber', 'college', 'visit', 'prestigious', 'omega', 'theta', 'house\\\\', 'invitational', 'party', 'welcomed', 'try', 'next', 'door', 'delta', 'tau', 'chi', 'house', 'kent\\\\', 'brother', 'member', 'making', 'kent', 'legacy', 'find', 'john', 'bluto', 'blutarsky', 'urinating', 'outside', 'fraternity', 'house', 'deltas', 'need', 'dues', 'permit', 'larry', 'kent', 'pledge', 'receive', 'fraternity', 'names', 'pinto', 'flounder', 'vernon', 'wormer', 'dean', 'faber', 'college', 'wants', 'remove', 'delta', 'fraternity', 'campus', 'due', 'repeated', 'conduct', 'violations', 'low', 'academic', 'standing', 'since', 'already', 'probation', 'puts', 'deltas', 'something', 'calls', 'double', 'secret', 'probation', 'orders', 'clean-cut', 'smug', 'omega', 'president', 'greg', 'marmalard', 'find', 'way', 'get', 'rid', 'deltas', 'permanently', 'flounder', 'bullied', 'omega', 'member', 'rotc', 'cadet', 'commander', 'doug', 'neidermeyer', 'bluto', 'daniel', 'simpson', 'd-day', 'day', 'persuade', 'flounder', 'sneak', 'neidermeyer\\\\', 'horse', 'dean', 'wormer\\\\', 'office', 'late', 'night', 'give', 'gun', 'tell', 'shoot', 'unbeknownst', 'flounder', 'gun', 'loaded', 'blanks', 'unable', 'bring', 'kill', 'horse', 'fires', 'ceiling', 'noise', 'frightens', 'horse', 'much', 'dies', 'heart', 'attack', 'cafeteria', 'next', 'day', 'smooth-talking', 'eric', 'otter', 'stratton', 'tries', 'convince', 'stuck-up', 'mandy', 'pepperidge', 'abandon', 'boyfriend', 'uninterested', 'marmalard', 'date', 'instead', 'bluto', 'proceeds', 'provoke', 'marmalard', 'impression', 'popping', 'zit', 'stuffing', 'mouth', 'mashed', 'potatoes', 'propelling', 'marmalard', 'table', 'mates', 'chip', 'diller', 'barbara', 'babs', 'jansen', 'bluto', 'starts', 'food', 'fight', 'engulfs', 'cafeteria', 'bluto', 'd-day', 'steal', 'answers', 'upcoming', 'psychology', 'test', 'turns', 'omegas', 'planted', 'exam', 'stencil', 'deltas', 'get', 'every', 'answer', 'wrong', 'grade-point', 'averages', 'drop', 'low', 'wormer', 'needs', 'one', 'incident', 'revoke', 'charter', 'allows', 'remain', 'campus', 'cheer', 'deltas', 'organize', 'toga', 'party', 'otis', 'day', 'knights', 'perform', 'shout', 'dean\\\\', 'alcoholic', 'lecherous', 'wife', 'marion', 'attends', 'party', 'otter\\\\', 'invitation', 'sex', 'pinto', 'hooks', 'clorette', 'girl', 'met', 'supermarket', 'makes', 'learn', 'mayor\\\\', '13-year-old', 'daughter', 'later', 'brings', 'home', 'shopping', 'cart', 'due', 'party', 'wormer', 'organizes', 'kangaroo', 'court', 'omegas', 'revokes', 'delta\\\\', 'charter', 'belongings', 'confiscated', 'take', 'minds', 'troubles', 'otter', 'donald', 'boon', 'schoenstein', 'flounder', 'pinto', 'road', 'trip', 'otter', 'picks', 'girls', 'emily', 'dickinson', 'college', 'pretending', 'fianc챕', 'fawn', 'liebowitz', 'girl', 'recently', 'died', 'campus', 'stop', 'roadhouse', 'otis', 'day', 'knights', 'performing', 'realizing', 'caters', 'exclusively', 'black', 'clientele', 'hulking', 'patrons', 'intimidate', 'guys', 'flee', 'damaging', 'flounder\\\\', 'borrowed', 'car', 'leaving', 'frightened', 'dates', 'behind', 'boon', 'breaks', 'girlfriend', 'katy', 'discovering', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'professor', 'marmalard', 'told', 'girlfriend', 'affair', 'otter', 'omegas', 'lure', 'motel', 'beat', 'deltas\\\\', 'midterm', 'grades', 'poor', 'ecstatic', 'wormer', 'expels', 'even', 'notifies', 'draft', 'boards', 'eligibility', 'process', 'bluto', 'attempts', 'speak', 'dean', 'wormer', 'orders', 'flounder', 'speak', 'words', 'well', 'whereupon', 'flounder', 'vomits', 'dean', 'seems', 'time', 'deltas', 'give', 'bluto', 'supported', 'injured', 'otter', 'rouses', 'impassioned', 'historically', 'inaccurate', 'speech', 'decide', 'take', 'revenge', 'wormer', 'omegas', 'deltas', 'construct', 'rogue', 'parade', 'float', 'flounder\\\\', 'car', 'base', 'wreak', 'havoc', 'annual', 'homecoming', 'parade', 'ensuing', 'chaos', 'futures', 'many', 'main', 'characters', 'revealed', 'last', 'shot', 'film', 'bluto', 'driving', 'away', 'white', 'convertible', 'soon-to-be', 'wife', 'mandy', 'pepperidge'], ['story', 'introduces', 'duff', 'anderson', 'railroad', 'playing', 'checkers', 'rail', 'worker', 'friends', 'pool', 'hall', 'street', 'night', 'church', 'duff', 'meets', 'josie', 'dawson', 'grounded', 'woman', 'begin', 'date', 'preacher', 'dawson', 'duff', 'realizes', 'prefers', 'stability', 'love', 'wife', 'opposed', 'brute', 'freedom', 'two', 'marry', 'begin', 'face', 'series', 'challenges', 'married', 'couple', 'duff', 'past', 'constantly', 'lingering', 'creates', 'difficulty', 'lives', 'duff', 'son', 'nearly', 'four', 'stays', 'nanny', 'also', 'unfamiliar', 'drunkard', 'father', 'plot', 'unfolds', 'duff', 'faces', 'racism', 'unemployment', 'social', 'barriers', 'illegitimate', 'children', 'drunken', 'father', 'side', 'caring', 'wife', 'duff', 'wife', 'get', 'fight', 'emotional', 'physical', 'trials', 'duff', 'faces', 'duff', 'storms', 'father', 'inebriated', 'dies', 'duff', 'driving', 'hospital', 'film', 'concludes', 'duff', 'finally', 'gains', 'courage', 'return', 'home', 'son', 'reassures', 'wife', 'everything', '쐅onna', 'right'], [\"'max\", 'bialystock', 'washed-up', 'aging', 'broadway', 'producer', 'ekes', 'living', 'romancing', 'lascivious', 'wealthy', 'elderly', 'women', 'exchange', 'money', 'next', 'play', 'nebbishy', 'accountant', 'leo', 'bloom', 'arrives', 'bialystock\\\\', 'office', 'books', 'discovers', 'two', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'overcharge', 'accounts', 'bialystock\\\\', 'last', 'play', 'raised', 'money', 'needed', 'bialystock', 'persuades', 'bloom', 'hide', 'relatively', 'minor', 'fraud', 'shuffling', 'numbers', 'bloom', 'revelation', '봳hat', 'producer', 'could', 'make', 'lot', 'money', 'flop', 'hit', 'scheme', 'bialystock', 'immediately', 'puts', 'action', 'over-sell', 'shares', 'much', 'larger', 'scale', 'produce', 'play', 'close', 'opening', 'night', 'one', 'audits', 'books', 'play', 'presumed', 'lost', 'money', 'thus', 'avoiding', 'pay-out', 'leaving', 'duo', 'free', 'flee', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'profits', 'leo', 'afraid', 'criminal', 'venture', 'fail', 'prison', 'max', 'eventually', 'convinces', 'drab', 'existence', 'better', 'prison', 'reading', 'many', 'bad', 'plays', 'partners', 'find', 'obvious', 'choice', 'scheme', 'springtime', 'hitler', 'gay', 'romp', 'adolf', 'eva', 'berchtesgaden', 'love', 'letter', 'hitler', 'written', 'total', 'sincerity', 'deranged', 'ex-nazi', 'franz', 'liebkind', 'whose', 'name', 'german', 'frank', 'lovechild', 'persuade', 'sign', 'stage', 'rights', 'telling', 'want', 'show', 'world', 'true', 'hitler', 'hitler', 'song', 'heart', 'guarantee', 'show', 'flop', 'hire', 'roger', 'bris', 'director', 'whose', 'plays', 'close', 'first', 'day', 'rehearsal', 'part', 'hitler', 'goes', 'charismatic', 'semi-coherent', 'flower', 'power', 'hippie', 'named', 'lorenzo', 'st.', 'dubois', 'aka', 'l.s.d', 'barely', 'remember', 'name', 'mistakenly', 'wandered', 'theater', 'casting', 'call', 'bialystock', 'sells', '25,000', 'percent', 'play', 'regular', 'investors', 'sure', 'way', 'rio', 'result', 'cheerfully', 'upbeat', 'utterly', 'tasteless', 'musical', 'play', 'purporting', 'happy', 'home', 'life', 'brutal', 'dictator', 'opens', 'lavish', 'production', 'title', 'song', 'springtime', 'hitler', 'celebrates', 'nazi', 'germany', 'crushing', 'europe', 'unfortunately', 'bialystock', 'bloom', 'attempt', 'backfires', 'initial', 'dumbfounded', 'disbelief', 'audience', 'finds', 'l.s.d.\\\\', 'beatnik-like', 'portrayal', 'hilarious', 'misinterpret', 'production', 'satire', 'springtime', 'hitler', 'declared', 'smash-hit', 'means', 'course', 'investors', 'expecting', 'larger', 'financial', 'return', 'paid', 'stunned', 'partners', 'turn', 'confronted', 'gun-wielding', 'franz', 'liebkind', 'enraged', 'l.s.d.\\\\', 'portrayal', 'hitler', 'says', 'broken', 'siegfried', 'oath', 'took', 'deleted', 'earlier', 'scene', 'desperation', 'three', 'band', 'together', 'blow', 'theater', 'end', 'production', 'injured', 'arrested', 'tried', 'spite', 'leo\\\\', 'impassioned', 'statement', 'praising', 'max', 'jury', 'finds', 'incredibly', 'guilty', 'prison', 'apparently', 'learned', 'lesson', 'though', 'film', 'ends', 'rehearsing', 'new', 'franz', 'liebkind', 'musical', 'starring', 'fellow', 'inmates', 'called', 'prisoners', 'love', 'leo', 'bloom', 'continues', 'oversell', 'shares', 'play', 'prisoners', 'even', 'warden', 'max', 'rehearsal', 'dances', 'song', 'prisoners', 'singing', 'song', 'performed', 'credits', 'shown'], [\"'ann\", 'crown', 'princess', 'unspecified', 'country', 'widely', 'publicized', 'tour', 'several', 'european', 'capitals', 'including', 'rome', 'one', 'night', 'overwhelmed', 'strenuous', 'demands', 'official', 'duties', 'day', 'tightly', 'scheduled', 'doctor', 'gives', 'sedative', 'calm', 'help', 'sleep', 'secretly', 'leaves', 'country\\\\', 'embassy', 'experience', 'rome', 'sedative', 'eventually', 'takes', 'effect', 'falls', 'asleep', 'bench', 'joe', 'bradley', 'expatriate', 'american', 'reporter', 'working', 'rome', 'daily', 'american', 'finds', 'recognizing', 'offers', 'money', 'take', 'taxi', 'home', 'woozy', 'anya', 'smith', 'refuses', 'cooperate', 'joe', 'finally', 'decides', 'safety\\\\', 'sake', 'let', 'spend', 'night', 'apartment', 'amused', 'regal', 'manner', 'less', 'appropriates', 'bed', 'transfers', 'couch', 'without', 'awakening', 'next', 'morning', 'joe', 'already', 'slept', 'interview', 'princess', 'ann', 'scheduled', 'give', 'hurries', 'news', 'office', 'leaving', 'still', 'asleep', 'editor', 'mr.', 'hennessy', 'asks', 'late', 'joe', 'lies', 'claims', 'attended', 'press', 'conference', 'princess', 'joe', 'makes', 'details', 'alleged', 'interview', 'hennessy', 'informs', 'press', 'conference', 'canceled', 'princess', 'suddenly', 'fallen', 'ill', 'joe', 'sees', 'picture', 'recognizes', 'young', 'woman', 'apartment', 'joe', 'immediately', 'sees', 'opportunity', 'proposes', 'exclusive', 'interview', '5000', 'hennessy', 'agrees', 'bets', 'joe', '500', 'succeed', 'joe', 'hurries', 'home', 'hiding', 'fact', 'reporter', 'offers', 'spend', 'day', 'anya', 'showing', 'rome', 'also', 'surreptitiously', 'calls', 'photographer', 'friend', 'irving', 'radovich', 'tag', 'along', 'secretly', 'take', 'pictures', 'however', 'anya', 'declines', 'joe\\\\', 'offer', 'leaves', 'enjoying', 'freedom', 'whim', 'anya', 'gets', 'hair', 'cut', 'short', 'barbershop', 'joe', 'follows', 'accidentally', 'meets', 'spanish', 'steps', 'time', 'convinces', 'spend', 'day', 'seeing', 'sights', 'including', 'mouth', 'truth', 'face', 'carved', 'marble', 'said', 'bite', 'hands', 'liars', 'joe', 'pulls', 'hand', 'mouth', 'appears', 'missing', 'causing', 'anya', 'scream', 'pops', 'hand', 'sleeve', 'laughs', 'evening', 'gregory', 'peck', 'series', 'retrospective', 'lectures', 'peck', 'gave', 'years', 'death', 'remembering', 'roman', 'holiday', 'featurette', '2002', 'dvd', 'release', 'later', 'anya', 'shares', 'joe', 'dream', 'living', 'normal', 'life', 'without', 'crushing', 'responsibilities', 'night', 'dance', 'boat', 'government', 'agents', 'finally', 'track', 'try', 'escort', 'away', 'wild', 'melee', 'breaks', 'joe', 'anya', 'escape', 'gradually', 'fall', 'love', 'anya', 'realizes', 'relationship', 'continue', 'finally', 'bids', 'farewell', 'joe', 'returns', 'embassy', 'course', 'day', 'hennessy', 'learns', 'princess', 'missing', 'ill', 'claimed', 'suspects', 'joe', 'knows', 'tries', 'get', 'admit', 'joe', 'claims', 'know', 'nothing', 'joe', 'decides', 'write', 'story', 'initially', 'irving', 'plans', 'publish', 'photographs', 'reluctantly', 'decides', 'next', 'day', 'princess', 'ann', 'appears', 'postponed', 'news', 'conference', 'alarmed', 'find', 'joe', 'irving', 'among', 'members', 'press', 'irving', 'takes', 'picture', 'miniature', 'cigarette', 'lighter/camera', 'used', 'previous', 'day', 'presents', 'photographs', 'taken', 'day', 'discreetly', 'tucked', 'envelope', 'memento', 'adventure', 'joe', 'lets', 'know', 'allusion', 'secret', 'safe', 'turn', 'works', 'bland', 'statements', 'coded', 'message', 'love', 'gratitude', 'joe', 'departs', 'leaving', 'joe', 'linger', 'contemplating', 'might'], [\"'alfred\", 'kralik', 'top', 'salesman', 'gift', 'shop', 'budapest', 'owned', 'high-strung', 'mr.', 'hugo', 'matuschek', 'kralik\\\\', 'coworkers', 'matuschek', 'company', 'include', 'friend', 'pirovitch', 'kindly', 'family', 'man', 'ferencz', 'vadas', 'two-faced', 'womanizer', 'pepi', 'katona', 'ambitious', 'precocious', 'delivery', 'boy', 'one', 'morning', 'kralik', 'reveals', 'pirovitch', 'he\\\\', 'corresponding', 'anonymously', 'intelligent', 'cultured', 'woman', 'whose', 'came', 'across', 'newspaper', 'kralik', 'mr.', 'matuschek\\\\', 'oldest', 'trusted', 'employee', '봨ust', 'invited', 'dinner', 'party', 'matuschek\\\\', 'home', '봟ut', 'lately', 'tension', 'two', 'get', 'argument', 'mr.', 'matuschek\\\\', 'idea', 'sell', 'cigarette', 'box', 'plays', 'ochi', 'ch챘rnye', 'opened', 'kralik', 'thinks', 'it\\\\', 'bad', 'idea', 'although', 'annoyed', 'kralik\\\\', 'stubbornness', 'reluctant', 'ignore', 'judgement', 'exchange', 'klara', 'novak', 'enters', 'gift', 'shop', 'looking', 'job', 'kralik', 'tells', 'openings', 'able', 'sell', 'one', 'cigarette', 'boxes', 'mr.', 'matuschek', 'hires', 'later', 'year', 'christmas', 'approaches', 'kralik', 'preparing', 'finally', 'meet', 'mystery', 'correspondent', 'dinner', 'date', 'planning', 'matrimony', 'date', 'works', 'kralik', 'requests', 'raise', 'mr.', 'matuschek', 'good', 'mood', 'months', 'forced', 'put', 'pesky', 'miss', 'novak', '봳he', 'two', 'simply', 'get', 'along', '봌ralik', 'grateful', 'anonymous', 'correspondent', 'nothing', 'like', 'admits', 'pirovitch', 'nervous', 'meeting', 'wonderful', 'girl', 'world', 'first', 'time', 'kralik\\\\', 'planned', 'meeting', 'interrupted', 'mr.', 'matuschek', 'demands', 'everyone', 'stay', 'late', 'work', 'kralik', 'argue', 'kralik', 'mentions', 'previous', 'engagement', 'later', 'kralik', 'called', 'mr.', 'matuschek\\\\', 'office', 'fired', 'one', 'shop', 'understands', 'mr.', 'matuschek\\\\', 'actions', 'know', 'mr.', 'matuschek', 'suspects', 'kralik', 'affair', 'wife', 'later', 'meets', 'private', 'investigator', 'informs', 'suspicions', 'correct', 'wife', 'affair', 'one', 'employees', '봃erencz', 'vadas', 'pepi', 'arrives', 'back', 'shop', 'time', 'prevent', 'distraught', 'mr.', 'matuschek', 'committing', 'suicide', 'meanwhile', 'kralik', 'arrives', 'cafe', 'nizza', 'discovers', 'mystery', 'woman', 'red', 'carnation', 'planned', 'fact', 'klara', 'novak', 'despite', 'disappointment', 'kralik', 'goes', 'talks', 'pretending', 'meet', 'pirovitch', 'mind', 'kralik', 'tries', 'reconcile', 'cultured', 'woman', 'letters', 'annoying', 'coworker', '봲ecretly', 'hoping', 'things', 'might', 'work', 'concerned', 'kralik\\\\', 'presence', 'spoil', 'first', 'meeting', 'far', 'superior', 'mystery', 'correspondent', 'calls', 'kralik', 'little', 'insignificant', 'clerk', 'asks', 'leave', 'later', 'night', 'kralik', 'goes', 'hospital', 'visit', 'mr.', 'matuschek', 'apologizing', 'behavior', 'mr.', 'matuschek', 'offers', 'job', 'manager', 'matuschek', 'company', 'gives', 'keys', 'shop', 'asks', 'dismiss', 'vadas', 'quietly', 'grateful', 'pepi', 'saving', 'life', 'promotes', 'errand', 'boy', 'clerk', 'next', 'day', 'miss', 'novak', 'calls', 'sick', 'mystery', 'man', 'failed', 'show', 'night', 'kralik', 'visits', 'apartment', 'reveals', 'problem', 'psychological', 'visit', 'receives', 'letter', 'correspondent', 'reads', 'front', 'kralik', 'next', 'day', 'christmas', 'eve', 'matuschek', 'company', 'enjoys', 'records', 'sales', 'grateful', 'mr.', 'matuschek', 'gives', 'everyone', 'bonuses', 'sends', 'home', 'early', 'feeling', 'lonely', 'tries', 'get', 'someone', 'dinner', 'employees', 'plans', 'finally', 'rudy', 'new', 'errand', 'boy', 'lives', 'alone', 'city', 'agrees', 'kralik', 'miss', 'novak', 'alone', 'shop', 'talk', 'planned', 'dates', 'evening', 'miss', 'novak', 'reveals', 'crush', 'kralik', 'first', 'met', 'back', 'foolish', 'naive', 'pretending', 'met', 'overweight', 'balding', 'unemployed', 'mystery', 'man', 'kralik', 'puts', 'red', 'carnation', 'lapel', 'finally', 'reveals', 'miss', 'novak', 'fact', 'mystery', 'correspondent', '봦er', 'dear', 'friend', '봞nd', 'two', 'kiss', 'embrace'], ['textual', 'prologue', 'told', 'via', 'storybook', 'snow', 'white', 'princess', 'living', 'stepmother', 'vain', 'wicked', 'queen', 'assumed', 'taken', 'kingdom', 'death', 'snow', 'white\\\\', 'father', 'fearing', 'snow', 'white\\\\', 'beauty', 'surpassing', 'queen', 'forced', 'work', 'scullery', 'maid', 'asked', 'magic', 'mirror', 'daily', 'fairest', 'one', 'several', 'years', 'mirror', 'always', 'answered', 'queen', 'pleasing', 'film\\\\', 'opening', 'magic', 'mirror', 'informs', 'queen', 'snow', 'white', 'fairest', 'land', 'jealous', 'queen', 'orders', 'reluctant', 'huntsman', 'take', 'snow', 'white', 'woods', 'kill', 'demands', 'huntsman', 'return', 'snow', 'white\\\\', 'heart', 'jeweled', 'box', 'proof', 'deed', 'huntsman', 'encounters', 'snow', 'white', 'decides', 'harm', 'tearfully', 'begs', 'forgiveness', 'revealing', 'queen', 'wants', 'dead', 'urges', 'flee', 'woods', 'never', 'come', 'back', 'bringing', 'back', 'pig\\\\', 'heart', 'instead', 'lost', 'frightened', 'princess', 'befriended', 'woodland', 'creatures', 'lead', 'cottage', 'deep', 'woods', 'finding', 'seven', 'small', 'chairs', 'cottage\\\\', 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'put', 'whoever', 'eats', 'sleeping', 'death', 'evil', 'queen', 'explains', 'snow', 'white', 'would', 'collapse', 'magical', 'sleep', 'take', 'even', 'single', 'bite', 'apple', 'sleep', 'cured', 'power', 'love\\\\', 'first', 'kiss', 'queen', 'reasons', 'danger', 'plans', 'dwarfs', 'would', 'able', 'awaken', 'snow', 'white', 'would', 'think', 'dead', 'thus', 'resulting', 'snow', 'white', 'buried', 'alive', 'queen', 'goes', 'cottage', 'dwarfs', 'away', 'tricks', 'snow', 'white', 'biting', 'poisoned', 'apple', 'snow', 'white', 'falls', 'asleep', 'queen', 'proclaims', 'fairest', 'land', 'vengeful', 'dwarfs', 'alerted', 'woodland', 'animals', 'recognize', 'chase', 'queen', 'cliff', 'trap', 'tries', 'roll', 'boulder', 'lightning', 'strikes', 'cliff', 'standing', 'causing', 'collapse', 'queen', 'falls', 'death', 'body', 'crushed', 'boulder', 'dwarfs', 'return', 'cottage', 'find', 'snow', 'white', 'seemingly', 'dead', 'kept', 'deathlike', 'slumber', 'potion', 'unwilling', 'bury', 'sight', 'ground', 'instead', 'place', 'glass', 'coffin', 'trimmed', 'gold', 'clearing', 'forest', 'together', 'woodland', 'creatures', 'keep', 'watch', 'eternal', 'vigil', 'time', 'prince', 'previously', 'met', 'fallen', 'love', 'snow', 'white', 'learns', 'eternal', 'sleep', 'visits', 'coffin', 'saddened', 'apparent', 'death', 'kisses', 'breaks', 'spell', 'awakens', 'dwarfs', 'animals', 'rejoice', 'prince', 'takes', 'snow', 'white', 'castle', 'glows', 'presence', 'snow', 'white'], [\"'it\", 'february', '1929', 'city', 'chicago', 'two', 'friends', 'struggling', 'jazz', 'musicians', 'joe', 'saxophone', 'player', 'irresponsible', 'gambler', 'ladies\\\\', 'man', 'jerry', 'sensible', 'double-bass', 'player', 'accidentally', 'witness', 'saint', 'valentine\\\\', 'day', 'massacre', 'gangsters', 'led', 'spats', 'colombo', 'spot', 'two', 'run', 'lives', 'penniless', 'freezing', 'cold', 'rush', 'get', 'town', 'two', 'musicians', 'take', 'job', 'women\\\\', 'band', 'headed', 'miami', 'disguised', 'women', 'calling', 'josephine', 'daphne', 'board', 'train', 'sweet', 'sue', 'society', 'syncopators', 'all-girl', 'band', 'male', 'manager', 'beanstock', 'board', 'train', 'joe', 'jerry', 'already', 'noticed', 'sugar', 'kane', 'band\\\\', 'vocalist', 'ukulele', 'player', 'marveling', 'walks', 'like', 'jello', 'springs', 'struggle', 'along', 'high', 'heels', 'sure', 'able', 'pass', 'women', 'board', 'train', 'however', 'daphne', 'experiences', 'kind', 'sexual', 'harassment', 'common', 'women', 'beanstock', 'feels', 'joe', 'jerry', 'become', 'enamored', 'sugar', 'compete', 'affection', 'maintaining', 'disguises', 'sugar', 'confides', 'sworn', 'male', 'saxophone', 'players', 'stolen', 'heart', 'past', 'left', 'fuzzy', 'end', 'lollipop', 'set', 'sights', 'finding', 'sweet', 'bespectacled', 'millionaire', 'florida', 'forbidden', 'drinking', 'partying', 'train', 'women', 'band', 'josephine', 'daphne', 'become', 'intimate', 'friends', 'sugar', 'continually', 'struggle', 'remember', 'girls', 'make', 'pass', 'miami', 'joe', 'woos', 'sugar', 'assuming', 'second', 'disguise', 'millionaire', 'named', 'junior', 'heir', 'shell', 'oil', 'mimicking', 'cary', 'grant\\\\', 'voice', 'feigning', 'disinterest', 'sugar', 'actual', 'millionaire', 'aging', 'mama\\\\', 'boy', 'much-married', 'osgood', 'fielding', 'iii', 'joe', 'brown', 'tries', 'repeatedly', 'pick', 'daphne', 'repeatedly', 'rebuffs', 'one', 'night', 'osgood', 'invites', 'daphne', 'champagne', 'supper', 'yacht', 'joe', 'convinces', 'daphne', 'keep', 'osgood', 'occupied', 'onshore', 'junior', 'take', 'sugar', 'osgood\\\\', 'yacht', 'passing', 'yacht', 'junior', 'uses', 'metaphors', 'explain', 'sugar', 'unfortunately', 'due', 'psychological', 'trauma', 'impotent', 'frigid', 'would', 'certainly', 'marry', 'anyone', 'could', 'change', 'sugar', 'tries', 'desperately', 'arouse', 'sexual', 'response', 'junior', 'begins', 'succeed', 'meanwhile', 'jerry', 'osgood', 'dance', 'tango', 'till', 'dawn', 'joe', 'jerry', 'get', 'back', 'hotel', 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'osgood', 'joe', 'tells', 'sugar', 'good', 'enough', 'would', 'getting', 'fuzzy', 'end', 'lollipop', 'yet', 'sugar', 'wants', 'anyway', 'jerry', 'part', 'tries', 'explain', 'osgood', 'daphne', 'marry', 'offering', 'series', 'objections', 'daphne', 'smokes', 'lot', 'daphne', \"can\\\\'t\", 'get', 'married', 'osgood\\\\', 'mother\\\\', 'dress', 'daphne', 'sadly', 'never', 'children', 'osgood', 'dismisses', 'information', 'insignificant', 'loves', 'daphne', 'determined', 'marry', 'finally', 'exasperated', 'jerry', 'removes', 'wig', 'says', 'male', 'voice', 'man', 'smiling', 'osgood', 'overrides', 'final', 'barrier', 'using', 'film\\\\', 'memorable', 'last', 'line', 'well', '...', 'nobody\\\\', 'perfect'], [\"'aged\", 'emissary', 'hitu', 'arrives', 'western', 'sailing', 'ship', 'island', 'bora', 'bora', 'small', 'island', 'south', 'pacific', 'important', 'mission', 'bears', 'message', 'chief', 'fanuma', 'chief', 'bora', 'bora', 'maiden', 'sacred', 'gods', 'died', 'reri', 'given', 'great', 'honour', 'replacing', 'royal', 'blood', 'virtue', 'point', 'tabu', 'man', 'must', 'touch', 'cast', 'upon', 'eye', 'desire', 'upon', 'penalty', 'death', 'painful', 'news', 'reri', 'young', 'man', 'matahi', 'love', 'matahi', 'bear', 'night', 'sneaks', 'ship', 'couple', 'escape', 'island', 'outrigger', 'canoe', 'eventually', 'reach', 'french', 'colony', 'half', 'dead', 'recover', 'quickly', 'matahi', 'becomes', 'community\\\\', 'successful', 'pearl', 'diver', 'happy', 'new', 'life', 'together', 'however', 'matahi', 'unfamiliar', 'concept', 'money', 'understand', 'bills', 'signs', 'drinks', 'everyone', 'celebration', 'local', 'policeman', 'receives', 'notice', 'french', 'government', 'announcing', 'reward', 'return', 'couple', 'matahi', 'bribes', 'last', 'pearl', 'hitu', 'arrives', 'island', 'sees', 'reri', 'alone', 'informing', 'three', 'days', 'give', 'matahi', 'put', 'death', 'without', 'telling', 'matahi', 'meeting', 'hitu', 'reri', 'decides', 'must', 'flee', 'however', 'matahi', 'goes', 'buy', 'tickets', 'schooner', 'shopkeepers', 'instead', 'take', 'money', 'partial', 'payment', 'debt', 'night', 'hitu', 'returns', 'spear', 'reri', 'first', 'throws', 'front', 'sleeping', 'matahi', 'agrees', 'return', 'bora', 'bora', 'save', 'life', 'matahi', 'stirs', 'reri', 'pretends', 'asleep', 'matahi', 'gets', 'decides', 'get', 'money', 'getting', 'pearl', 'tabu', 'region', 'lagoon', 'perilous', 'place', 'guarded', 'shark', 'already', 'taken', 'life', 'one', 'diver', 'away', 'reri', 'writes', 'farewell', 'note', 'leaves', 'hitu', 'matahi', 'manages', 'get', 'pearl', 'fending', 'shark', 'returns', 'however', 'finds', 'note', 'swims', 'hitu\\\\', 'boat', 'manages', 'grab', 'rope', 'trailing', 'boat', 'unbeknownst', 'sleeping', 'reri', 'hitu', 'cuts', 'undaunted', 'matahi', 'continues', 'swimming', 'eventually', 'tires', 'drowns'], [\"'michael\", 'dorsey', 'respected', 'perfectionist', 'actor', 'nobody', 'new', 'york', 'wants', 'hire', 'anymore', 'difficult', 'work', 'according', 'long-suffering', 'agent', 'george', 'fields', 'michael\\\\', 'attention', 'detail', 'difficult', 'reputation', 'got', 'fired', 'playing', 'tomato', 'television', 'commercial', 'idea', 'tomato', 'sitting', 'illogical', 'many', 'months', 'without', 'job', 'michael', 'hears', 'opening', 'soap', 'opera', 'southwest', 'general', 'friend', 'acting', 'student', 'sandy', 'lester', 'tries', 'role', 'hospital', 'administrator', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'get', 'desperation', 'dresses', 'woman', 'auditions', 'dorothy', 'michaels', 'wins', 'part', 'michael', 'takes', 'job', 'way', 'raise', '8,000', 'produce', 'play', 'written', 'roommate', 'jeff', 'slater', 'entitled', 'return', 'love', 'canal', 'michael', 'plays', 'character', 'feisty', 'feminist', 'administrator', 'surprises', 'actors', 'crew', 'expected', 'another', 'swooning', 'female', 'plot', 'time', 'however', 'character', 'dorothy', 'michaels', 'becomes', 'television', 'sensation', 'sandy', 'catches', 'michael', 'bedroom', 'half', 'undressed', 'covers', 'professing', 'wants', 'sex', 'sex', 'despite', 'better', 'judgment', 'self-esteem', 'issues', 'michael', 'believes', 'sandy', 'emotionally', 'fragile', 'handle', 'truth', 'winning', 'part', 'dorothy', 'especially', 'noticing', 'strong', 'resentment', 'dorothy', 'getting', 'part', 'relationship', 'combined', 'deception', 'complicates', 'busy', 'schedule', 'exacerbating', 'matters', 'strongly', 'attracted', 'one', 'co-stars', 'lovely', 'soft-spoken', 'julie', 'nichols', 'single', 'mother', 'unhealthy', 'relationship', 'show\\\\', 'amoral', 'sexist', 'director', 'ron', 'carlisle', 'party', 'michael', 'approaches', 'julie', 'line', 'previously', 'told', 'dorothy', 'would', 'receptive', 'throws', 'drink', 'face', 'later', 'dorothy', 'makes', 'tentative', 'advances', 'julie', 'shocked', 'later', 'tells', 'dorothy', 'likes', 'romantic', 'way', 'meanwhile', 'dorothy', 'admirers', 'contend', 'older', 'cast', 'member', 'john', 'van', 'horn', 'julie\\\\', 'widowed', 'father', 'les', 'john', 'follows', 'dorothy', 'home', 'almost', 'forces', 'stopped', 'jeff', 'walking', 'les', 'even', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'jeff', 'george', 'masquerade', 'watch', 'amazement', 'situation', 'escalates', 'control', 'tipping', 'point', 'comes', 'due', 'dorothy\\\\', 'popularity', 'show\\\\', 'producers', 'want', 'extend', 'contract', 'another', 'year', 'michael', 'finds', 'clever', 'way', 'extricate', 'cast', 'forced', 'perform', 'show', 'live', 'improvises', 'grand', 'speech', 'camera', 'pulls', 'wig', 'reveals', 'actually', 'character\\\\', 'twin', 'brother', 'took', 'place', 'avenge', 'sandy', 'les', 'jeff', 'watching', 'home', 'varying', 'reactions', 'shock', 'exception', 'jeff', 'simply', 'remarks', '...', 'one', 'nutty', 'hospital', 'revelation', 'allows', 'everybody', 'more-or-less', 'graceful', 'way', 'julie', 'however', 'outraged', 'slugs', 'stomach', 'off-camera', 'weeks', 'later', 'michael', 'awkwardly', 'makes', 'peace', 'les', 'bar', 'les', 'shows', 'tentative', 'support', 'michael\\\\', 'attraction', 'julie', 'later', 'michael', 'waits', 'julie', 'outside', 'studio', 'julie', 'resists', 'talking', 'finally', 'admits', 'misses', 'dorothy', 'confesses', 'better', 'man', 'woman', 'ever', 'woman', 'man', 'forgives', 'walk', 'julie', 'asking', 'lend', 'dress'], ['venice', 'gaston', 'monescu', 'master', 'thief', 'masquerading', 'baron', 'meets', 'lily', 'beautiful', 'thief', 'pickpocket', 'also', 'pretending', 'nobility', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'decide', 'team', 'leave', 'venice', 'paris', 'work', 'famous', 'perfume', 'manufacturer', 'madame', 'mariette', 'colet', 'intention', 'stealing', 'great', 'sum', 'money', 'safe', 'monescu', 'secretary', 'arranges', 'diverted', 'course', 'things', 'colet', 'begins', 'flirt', 'monescu', 'begins', 'feelings', 'unfortunately', 'plan', 'develops', 'hitch', 'fran챌ois', 'filiba', 'one', 'colet', 'suitors', 'sees', 'monescu', 'garden', 'party', 'unable', 'remember', 'knows', 'another', 'colet', 'suitors', 'major', 'tells', 'filiba', 'mistook', 'monescu', 'doctor', 'filiba', 'suddenly', 'remembers', 'knows', 'monescu', 'venice', 'thief', 'robbed', 'pretending', 'doctor', 'monescu', 'lily', 'plan', 'immediate', 'getaway', 'night', 'take', 'money', 'safe', 'colet', 'prepares', 'leave', 'dinner', 'party', 'given', 'major', 'decide', 'whether', 'stay', 'sex', 'monescu', 'eventually', 'goes', 'lily', 'catches', 'monescu', 'fallen', 'rival', 'wants', 'back', 'plan', 'ndash', 'robs', 'safe', 'confronting', 'partner', 'major', 'filiba', 'tells', 'colet', 'monescu', 'refuses', 'believe', 'true', 'returns', 'home', 'suggestively', 'probes', 'monescu', 'admits', 'safe', 'cleaned', 'claims', 'took', 'cash', 'also', 'tells', 'manager', 'business', 'adolph', 'giron', 'suspicious', 'monescu', 'along', 'stolen', 'millions', 'dollars', 'firm', 'years', 'lily', 'confronts', 'colet', 'monescu', 'reporting', 'stole', 'money', 'safe', 'argument', 'ensues', 'eventually', 'colet', 'allows', 'two', 'thieves', 'leave', 'together', 'parting', 'shot', 'monescu', 'steals', 'necklace', 'colet', 'lily', 'eye', 'turn', 'lily', 'steals', 'displaying', 'taxi', 'takes', 'away', 'hugging'], ['lieu', 'theme', 'song', 'opening', 'movie', 'tashlin', 'instead', 'laid', 'traditional', 'opening', 'credits', 'faux', 'television', 'commercials', 'products', 'failed', 'deliver', 'promise', 'comedic', 'segue', 'film', 'opens', 'writer', 'television', 'advertising', 'rockwell', 'hunter', 'low', 'ladder', 'salle', 'agency', 'company', 'works', 'agency', 'set', 'lose', 'biggest', 'account', 'ndash', 'stay-put', 'lipstick', 'ndash', 'hatches', 'idea', 'get', 'perfect', 'model', 'spokesperson', 'stay-put\\\\', 'new', 'line', 'lipstick', 'famous', 'actress', 'oh-so-kissable', 'lips', 'rita', 'marlowe', 'order', 'rita', 'endorse', 'lipstick', 'however', 'rock', 'pretend', 'boyfriend', 'make', 'real', 'boyfriend', 'bobo', 'branigansky', 'star', 'tarzan', 'show', 'jealous', 'bobo', 'leaks', 'news', 'rita\\\\', 'new', 'romance', 'tabloids', 'rock', 'hunter', 'suddenly', 'famous', 'marlowe\\\\', 'lover', 'doll', 'hunter\\\\', 'boss', 'decides', 'leverage', 'employee\\\\', 'new', 'found', 'fame', '봦owever', 'hunter', 'also', 'gets', 'marlowe', 'agree', 'television', 'spectacular', 'sponsored', 'stay-put', 'hunter', 'becomes', 'advertising', 'firm\\\\', 'highest', 'regarded', 'employee', 'marlowe', 'meanwhile', 'miserable', '봲he', 'thinks', 'falling', 'love', 'hunter', 'one', 'real', 'true', 'love', 'man', 'discovered', '봆eorge', 'schmidlap', 'able', 'find', 'schmidlap', 'pursues', 'hunter', 'even', 'though', 'secretary', 'warns', 'playing', 'dangerous', 'game', 'hunter', 'soon', 'finds', 'fame', 'double', 'edged', 'sword', 'getting', 'wants', 'price', 'paid', 'success', 'women', 'crazy', 'peace', 'mind', 'ultimately', 'moves', 'ladder', 'work', 'becoming', 'company', 'president', 'find', 'really', 'wanted', 'hunter', 'confesses', 'angry', 'fianc챕e', 'jenny', 'finds', 'top', 'heap', 'without', 'meaning', 'takes', 'back', 'rita', 'marlowe', 'opens', 'television', 'spectacular', 'stay-put', 'lipstick', 'surprised', 'appearance', 'show\\\\', 'surprise', 'guest', 'star', 'george', 'schmidlap', 'freed', 'strain', 'advertising', 'rock', 'jenny', 'retire', 'country', 'tend', 'chicken', 'farm', 'announcing', 'found', 'real', 'living', 'end'], [\"'sam\", 'craig', 'tess', 'harding', 'journalists', 'new', 'york', 'newspaper', 'early', '1940s', 'tess', 'daughter', 'diplomat', 'internationally', 'inclined', 'political', 'affairs', 'columnist', 'polyglot', 'educated', 'various', 'prestigious', 'european', 'universities', 'traveled', 'world', 'meanwhile', 'sam', 'everyman', 'sportswriter', 'worked', 'way', 'feud', 'columns', 'baseball', 'develops', 'romance', 'love', 'marriage', 'despite', 'different', 'backgrounds', 'worlds', 'sam', 'invites', 'date', 'baseball', 'game', 'tess', 'inadvertently', 'breaks', 'men', 'atmosphere', 'press', 'box', 'initially', 'confused', 'unfamiliar', 'rules', 'sport', 'enjoying', 'befriending', 'spectators', 'sam', 'tess', 'marry', 'conflict', 'arises', 'tess\\\\', 'priorities', 'sam\\\\', 'place', 'life', 'several', 'minor', 'disagreements', 'bigger', 'problem', 'occurs', 'tess', 'coerced', 'take', 'care', 'greek', 'refugee', 'child', 'chris', 'without', 'chance', 'consult', 'sam', 'sam', 'initially', 'believes', 'tess', 'pregnant', 'child', 'thrilled', 'upon', 'meeting', 'chris', 'first', 'unconvinced', 'taking', 'unrelated', 'orphan', 'even', 'communicate', 'still', 'tries', 'befriend', 'boy', 'much', 'introduces', 'sports', 'tess', 'learns', 'received', 'award', 'woman', 'year', 'given', 'fancy', 'ceremony', 'evening', 'sam', 'wonders', 'looking', 'boy', 'unsatisfied', 'answer', \"'ll\", 'ask', 'one', 'elevator', 'boys', 'look', 'sam', 'decides', 'stay', 'home', 'look', 'chris', 'tess', 'upset', '봲he', 'wants', 'beside', 'big', 'night', 'embarrassed', 'thought', 'public', 'wonder', 'sam', 'says', 'tell', 'everyone', 'important', 'plans', 'tess', 'accidentally', 'offends', 'asking', 'whether', 'anyone', 'would', 'believe', 'sam', 'could', 'find', 'something', 'important', 'tess', 'leaves', 'sam', 'tells', 'chris', 'dress', 'pack', 'tess', 'ceremony', 'sam', 'returns', 'child', 'home', 'greek', 'refugee', 'children', 'walks', 'marriage', 'tess', 'learns', 'upon', 'return', 'goes', 'change', 'photographers', 'discover', 'men', 'belongings', 'missing', 'attempts', 'reclaim', 'chris', 'refuses', 'next', 'day', 'tess', 'receives', 'invitation', 'addressed', 'home', 'father', 'aunt', 'raised', 'however', 'sam', 'covering', 'championship', 'boxing', 'match', 'evening', 'tells', 'tess', 'arrives', 'alone', 'told', 'aunt', 'father', 'married', 'night', 'years', 'making', 'mistake', 'saying', 'nothing', 'attraction', 'listening', 'words', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'encourages', 'tess', 'attempt', 'reconciliation', 'sam', 'enters', 'sam\\\\', 'new', 'riverside', 'home', 'next', 'morning', 'starts', 'prepare', 'breakfast', 'sam', 'eventually', 'woken', 'noisy', 'incompetence', 'kitchen', 'comes', 'watch', 'proclaims', 'new', 'intention', 'nothing', 'wife', 'thinking', 'domestic', 'needs', 'believes', 'insincere', 'tactic', 'win', 'back', 'trying', 'prove', 'tess', 'tries', 'cook', 'breakfast', 'fail', 'knows', 'nothing', 'cooking', 'sam', 'tells', 'first', 'time', 'disappointed', '봣or', 'going', 'extremes', 'says', 'want', 'tess', 'harding', 'little', 'mrs.', 'craig', \"can\\\\'t\", 'tess', 'harding', 'craig', 'tess', 'happily', 'agrees', 'reconcile', 'gerald', 'tess\\\\', 'inconsiderate', 'secretary', 'arrives', 'bottle', 'champagne', 'reminds', 'tess', 'commitment', 'launch', 'ship', '8:30', 'sam', 'takes', 'gerald', 'outside', 'bottle', 'smashes', 'sam', 'returns', 'claiming', 'launched', 'gerald'], [\"'los\", 'angeles', 'housewife', 'mother', 'mabel', 'loves', 'construction', 'worker', 'husband', 'nick', 'desperately', 'wants', 'please', 'strange', 'mannerisms', 'increasingly', 'odd', 'behavior', 'displays', 'company', 'others', 'concerned', 'convinced', 'become', 'threat', 'others', 'reluctantly', 'commits', 'institution', 'undergoes', 'treatment', 'six', 'months', 'left', 'alone', 'three', 'children', 'nick', 'proves', 'neither', 'wiser', 'better', 'wife', 'way', 'relates', 'interacts', 'accepts', 'role', 'society', 'expects', 'play'], ['nick', 'cavanaugh', 'lonely', 'atlanta', 'surgeon', 'obsessed', 'woman', 'named', 'helena', 'injured', 'grievous', 'hit-and-run', 'motor', 'vehicle', 'accident', 'front', 'home', 'kidnaps', 'treats', 'house', 'surreptitiously', 'amputating', 'legs', 'later', 'amputates', 'healthy', 'arms', 'well', 'though', 'helena', 'victim', 'nick', 'kidnapping', 'mutilation', 'dominates', 'dialogue', 'constant', 'ridiculing', 'shortcomings', 'time', 'living', 'together', 'becomes', 'lonely', 'returns', 'affection'], [\"'boxer\", 'amateur', 'pilot', 'joe', 'pendleton', 'robert', 'montgomery', 'flies', 'small', 'plane', 'next', 'fight', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'crashes', 'control', 'cable', 'severs', 'soul', 'rescued', '7013', 'officious', 'angel', 'assumed', 'joe', 'could', 'survived', 'joe\\\\', 'manager', 'max', 'corkle', 'body', 'cremated', 'afterlife', 'records', 'show', 'death', 'mistake', 'supposed', 'live', 'years', 'angel\\\\', 'superior', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'confirms', 'since', 'body', 'joe', 'take', 'newly', 'dead', 'corpse', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'explains', 'body', 'something', 'worn', 'like', 'overcoat', 'inside', 'joe', 'still', 'joe', 'insists', 'someone', 'good', 'physical', 'shape', 'wants', 'continue', 'boxing', 'career', 'joe', 'keeps', 'saying', 'body', 'find', 'pink', 'color', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'finds', 'annoying', 'another', 'annoying', 'fact', 'joe', 'somehow', 'managed', 'bring', 'saxophone', 'heaven', 'it\\\\', 'good', 'luck', 'charm', 'plays', 'last', 'rose', 'summer', 'badly', 'joe', 'turns', 'several', 'unsuitable', 'candidates', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'takes', 'see', 'body', 'crooked', 'extremely', 'wealthy', 'banker-investor', 'named', 'bruce', 'farnsworth', 'farnsworth\\\\', 'wife', 'julia', 'secretary', 'tony', 'abbott', 'john', 'emery', 'drugged', 'drowned', 'bathtub', 'joe', 'reluctant', 'take', 'life', 'unlike', 'previous', 'one', 'sees', 'murderous', 'pair', 'mockingly', 'berating', 'miss', 'logan', 'daughter', 'financier', 'sold', 'worthless', 'bonds', 'farnsworth\\\\', 'bank', 'changes', 'mind', 'agrees', 'inserted', 'farnsworth\\\\', 'body', 'audience', 'continues', 'see', 'montgomery', 'pendleton', 'everyone', 'film', 'including', 'wife', 'secretary', 'see', 'hear', 'farnsworth', 'farnsworth', 'joe', 'reforms', 'repays', 'investors', 'including', 'miss', 'logan\\\\', 'father', 'sends', 'corkle', 'convinces', 'joe', 'farnsworth\\\\', 'money', 'smooth', 'way', 'corkle', 'trains', 'arranges', 'bout', 'current', 'heavyweight', 'champion', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'returns', 'warn', 'joe', 'destined', 'new', 'champion', 'happen', 'way', 'joe', 'enough', 'time', 'warn', 'miss', 'logan', 'he\\\\', 'fallen', 'love', 'look', 'another', 'body', 'likely', 'boxer', 'shot', 'secretary', 'body', 'concealed', 'joe', 'returns', 'ghostly', 'existence', 'accompanied', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'joe', 'finds', 'replacement', 'prizefight', 'champ', 'clean-cut', 'honest', 'fighter', 'named', 'murdoch', 'joe', 'knows', 'respects', 'finding', 'forgotten', 'lucky', 'saxophone', 'joe', 'runs', 'back', 'farnsworth', 'mansion', 'find', 'everyone', 'believes', 'farnsworth', 'disappeared', 'corkle', 'hired', 'private', 'investigator', 'find', 'usually', 'down-to-earth', 'corkle', 'openly', 'explains', 'joe', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'body-switching', 'sounding', 'like', 'spiritualist', 'joe', 'manages', 'mentally', 'nudge', 'corkle', 'turn', 'radio', 'prizefight', 'hears', 'murdoch', 'collapsed', 'without', 'even', 'touched', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'reveals', 'boxer', 'shot', 'gamblers', 'refused', 'throw', 'fight', 'joe', 'takes', 'murdoch\\\\', 'body', 'wins', 'fight', 'back', 'mansion', 'corkle', 'hears', 'one', 'radio', 'announcers', 'mention', 'saxophone', 'hanging', 'ringside', 'realizes', 'joe', 'assumed', 'murdoch\\\\', 'body', 'corkle', 'races', 'dressing', 'room', 'joe', 'passes', 'along', 'information', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'farnsworth\\\\', 'body', 'refrigerator', 'basement', 'mansion', 'corkle', 'tells', 'detective', 'promptly', 'mrs.', 'farnsworth', 'secretary', 'arrested', 'murdoch', 'joe', 'fires', 'old', 'crooked', 'manager', 'hires', 'corkle', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'reveals', 'joe', 'destiny', 'murdoch', 'live', 'life', 'healing', 'gunshot', 'wound', 'time', 'removing', 'joe\\\\', 'memory', 'past', 'life', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'hangs', 'around', 'bit', 'longer', 'miss', 'logan', 'arrives', 'wanted', 'see', 'corkle', 'runs', 'murdoch', 'instead', 'pair', 'feel', 'met', 'two', 'together', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'smiles', 'another', 'job', 'well', 'done', 'says', 'long', 'champ'], [\"'john\", 'smith', 'british', 'officer', 'gassed', 'became', 'shellshocked', 'trenches', 'first', 'world', 'war', 'confined', 'asylum', 'unidentified', 'inmate', 'lost', 'memory', 'trouble', 'speaking', 'war', 'ends', 'jubilation', 'erupts', 'nearby', 'town', 'melbridge', 'gatekeepers', 'abandon', 'posts', 'join', 'celebration', 'one', 'stop', 'smith', 'simply', 'wanders', 'town', 'befriended', 'singer', 'paula', 'guesses', 'asylum', 'seems', 'harmless', 'arranges', 'join', 'traveling', 'theatrical', 'group', 'incident', 'threatens', 'bring', 'unwanted', 'attention', 'paula', 'takes', 'smith', 'away', 'secluded', 'country', 'village', 'marry', 'blissfully', 'happy', 'smithy', 'paula', 'calls', 'discovers', 'literary', 'talent', 'tries', 'writing', 'earn', 'living', 'paula', 'remains', 'home', 'newborn', 'baby', 'smithy', 'goes', 'liverpool', 'job', 'interview', 'newspaper', 'struck', 'taxi', 'regains', 'consciousness', 'past', 'memory', 'restored', 'life', 'paula', 'forgotten', 'charles', 'rainier', 'son', 'wealthy', 'businessman', 'none', 'meager', 'possessions', 'including', 'key', 'provide', 'clue', 'got', 'battleground', 'france', 'charles', 'returns', 'home', 'day', 'father\\\\', 'funeral', 'family\\\\', 'amazement', 'given', 'dead', 'fifteen-year-old', 'kitty', 'stepdaughter', 'one', 'charles\\\\', 'siblings', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'uncle', 'charles', 'wants', 'return', 'college', 'mismanaged', 'family', 'business', 'needs', 'puts', 'desires', 'safeguard', 'jobs', 'many', 'employees', 'restore', 'family', 'fortune', 'years', 'newspaper', 'touts', 'industrial', 'prince', 'england', 'meanwhile', 'paula', 'searching', 'smithy', 'son', 'died', 'infant', 'returns', 'work', 'secretary', 'one', 'day', 'sees', 'charles\\\\', 'picture', 'newspaper', 'manages', 'become', 'executive', 'assistant', 'calling', 'margaret', 'hoping', 'presence', 'jog', 'memory', 'confidante', 'admirer', 'dr.', 'jonathan', 'benet', 'warns', 'revealing', 'identity', 'would', 'cause', 'charles', 'resent', 'kitty', 'grows', 'sends', 'charles', 'love', 'letters', 'eventually', 'become', 'engaged', 'margaret', 'smithy', 'declared', 'legally', 'dead', 'seven', 'years', 'elapsed', 'since', 'left', 'dissolving', 'marriage', 'however', 'hymn', 'kitty', 'considering', 'upcoming', 'wedding', 'triggers', 'vague', 'memory', 'charles', 'kitty', 'realizes', 'still', 'loves', 'someone', 'else', 'heartbroken', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'margaret', 'hears', 'charles', 'liverpool', 'trying', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'piece', 'together', 'lost', 'years', 'rushes', 'recover', 'suitcase', 'hotel', 'recognizes', 'nothing', 'charles', 'approached', 'stand', 'parliament', 'election', 'margaret', 'provided', 'invaluable', 'assistance', 'feels', 'need', 'wife', 'new', 'role', 'proposes', 'business', 'proposition', 'romantic', 'one', 'accepts', 'become', 'ideal', 'couple', 'least', 'outward', 'appearance', 'perfect', 'society', 'hostess', 'sometimes', 'discuss', 'lost', 'past', 'one', 'point', 'tells', 'lost', 'love', 'without', 'disclosing', 'charles', 'hopes', 'life', 'together', 'fill', 'void', 'feel', 'desperately', 'unhappy', 'margaret', 'decides', 'take', 'extended', 'vacation', 'abroad', 'liner', 'sails', 'revisits', 'hamlet', 'smithy', 'lived', 'meanwhile', 'charles', 'called', 'upon', 'mediate', 'strike', 'melbridge', 'cable', 'works', 'succeeds', 'walking', 'town', 'familiar', 'surroundings', 'celebrating', 'workers', 'begin', 'unlock', 'lost', 'memories', 'eventually', 'leads', 'cottage', 'paula', 'shared', 'hesitantly', 'tries', 'old', 'key', 'kept', 'finds', 'unlocks', 'door', 'margaret', 'leave', 'boat', 'train', 'makes', 'casual', 'remark', 'current', 'innkeeper', 'former', 'owner', 'innkeeper', 'remarks', 'someone', 'else', 'morning', 'asked', 'woman', 'margaret', 'hurries', 'cottage', 'calls', 'smithy', 'turns', 'memories', 'flooding', 'back', 'cries', 'paula', 'embrace'], ['mill', 'worker', 'political', 'activist', 'leopold', 'dilg', 'accused', 'burning', 'mill', 'causing', 'death', 'foreman', 'fire', 'middle', 'trial', 'dilg', 'escapes', 'jail', 'seeks', 'shelter', 'house', 'owned', 'former', 'schoolmate', 'nora', 'shelley', 'schoolteacher', 'crush', 'years', 'shelley', 'house', 'rented', 'summer', 'distinguished', 'law', 'professor', 'michael', 'lightcap', 'plans', 'write', 'book', 'lightcap', 'dilg', 'arrive', 'within', 'minutes', 'dilg', 'spotted', 'lightcap', 'shelley', 'passes', 'gardener', 'lightcap', 'dilg', 'enjoy', 'spirited', 'discussions', 'law', 'lightcap', 'arguing', 'academic', 'viewpoint', 'dilg', 'subscribes', 'practical', 'approach', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'result', 'meanwhile', 'become', 'romantic', 'rivals', 'lightcap', 'also', 'falls', 'love', 'nora', 'result', 'prodding', 'shelley', 'dilg', 'lawyer', 'lightcap', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'starts', 'spite', 'initial', 'reluctance', 'investigate', 'romances', 'girlfriend', 'supposed', 'murder', 'victim', 'discovers', 'former', 'foreman', 'still', 'alive', 'hiding', 'boston', \"'persuaded\", 'return', 'town', 'admit', 'guilt', 'mill', 'owner', 'lightcap', 'also', 'convinces', 'dilg', 'importance', 'following', 'law', 'dilg', 'gives', 'due', 'course', 'set', 'free', 'soon', 'afterward', 'lightcap', 'appointed', 'supreme', 'court', 'asks', 'shelley', 'marry', 'dilg', 'tells', 'shelley', 'lightcap', 'fine', 'man', 'decides', 'favor', 'dilg'], [\"'an\", 'aged', 'henry', 'van', 'cleve', 'enters', 'opulent', 'reception', 'area', 'hell', 'personally', 'greeted', 'excellency', 'henry', 'petitions', 'admitted', 'doubt', 'qualifications', 'prove', 'worthiness', 'begins', 'tell', 'story', 'dissolute', 'life', 'born', 'manhattan', 'october', '1872', 'henry', 'spoiled', 'child', 'stuffy', 'clueless', 'wealthy', 'parents', 'randolph', 'bertha', 'paternal', 'grandmother', 'also', 'doting', 'naive', 'although', 'down-to-earth', 'grandfather', 'hugo', 'van', 'cleve', 'self-made', 'millionaire', 'understands', 'henry', 'quite', 'well', 'henry', 'grows', 'idle', 'young', 'man', 'taste', 'attractive', 'showgirls', 'one', 'day', 'henry', 'overhears', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'lying', 'mother', 'public', 'telephone', 'intrigued', 'follows', 'brentano\\\\', 'pretends', 'employee', 'get', 'know', 'better', 'despite', 'learning', 'engaged', 'begins', 'making', 'advances', 'finally', 'confessing', 'work', 'whereupon', 'hastily', 'departs', 'later', 'obnoxious', 'cousin', 'albert', 'introduces', 'family', 'fiancee', 'martha', 'feuding', 'parents', 'strables', 'henry', 'shocked', 'find', 'mystery', 'woman', 'martha', 'one', 'turns', 'albert', 'first', 'suitor', 'parents', 'approved', 'fearful', 'spending', 'rest', 'life', 'spinster', 'kansas', 'city', 'martha', 'agreed', 'marry', 'henry', 'convinces', 'elope', 'instead', 'though', 'everyone', 'scandalized', 'eventually', 'received', 'back', 'family', 'henry', 'martha', 'enjoy', 'happy', 'marriage', 'become', 'proud', 'parents', 'boy', 'eve', 'tenth', 'anniversary', 'however', 'martha', 'finds', 'henry\\\\', 'continuing', 'dalliances', 'women', 'goes', 'back', 'parents', 'henry', 'grandpa', 'follow', 'sneaking', 'strabel', 'house', 'henry', 'begs', 'forgiveness', 'talks', 'eloping', 'second', 'time', 'much', 'grandpa\\\\', 'delight', 'fifteen', 'years', 'later', 'henry', 'meets', 'chorus', 'girl', 'dressing', 'room', 'shortly', 'performance', 'begins', 'courtship', 'soon', 'revealed', 'attempt', 'henry', 'turn', 'away', 'son', 'dating', 'reveals', 'knowledge', 'true', 'identity', 'henry', 'buys', 'instead', '25,000', 'martha', 'passes', 'away', 'shortly', 'twenty-fifth', 'anniversary', 'henry', 'resumes', 'active', 'social', 'life', 'much', 'bemusement', 'son', 'october', '1942', 'day', '70th', 'birthday', 'henry', 'dies', 'care', 'beautiful', 'nurse', 'portended', 'coming', 'dream', 'hearing', 'henry\\\\', 'story', 'excellency', 'denies', 'entry', 'suggests', 'try', 'place', 'martha', 'grandfather', 'waiting', 'hinting', 'might', 'small', 'room', 'vacant', 'annex'], ['world', 'war', 'retired', 'millionaire', 'benjamin', 'dingle', 'arrives', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'adviser', 'housing', 'shortage', 'finds', 'hotel', 'suite', 'available', 'two', 'days', 'sees', 'roommate', 'talks', 'reluctant', 'young', 'woman', 'connie', 'milligan', 'letting', 'sublet', 'half', 'apartment', 'comedy', 'ensues', 'two', 'clumsily', 'get', 'way', 'arising', 'preparing', 'work', 'dingle', 'runs', 'sergeant', 'joe', 'carter', 'place', 'stay', 'waits', 'shipped', 'overseas', 'dingle', 'generously', 'rents', 'half', 'half', 'connie', 'finds', 'new', 'arrangement', 'orders', 'leave', 'forced', 'relent', 'already', 'spent', 'rent', 'money', 'joe', 'connie', 'attracted', 'though', 'engaged', 'high-paid', 'bureaucrat', 'charles', 'pendergast', 'connie', 'mother', 'married', 'love', 'security', 'connie', 'determined', 'repeat', 'mistake', 'dingle', 'happens', 'meet', 'pendergast', 'business', 'luncheon', 'like', 'sees', 'decides', 'joe', 'would', 'better', 'match', 'landlady', 'one', 'day', 'dingle', 'goes', 'far', 'reading', 'aloud', 'joe', 'connie', 'private', 'diary', 'including', 'thoughts', 'joe', 'finds', 'demands', 'leave', 'next', 'day', 'dingle', 'accepts', 'full', 'blame', 'incident', 'connie', 'allows', 'joe', 'stay', 'days', 'ship', 'fighting', 'joe', 'gives', 'connie', 'expensive', 'suitcase', 'surprise', 'due', 'nosy', 'teenage', 'neighbor', 'joe', 'taken', 'questioning', 'suspected', 'spy', 'japanese', 'connie', 'brought', 'along', 'well', 'dingle', 'pendergast', 'show', 'vouch', 'comes', 'joe', 'connie', 'living', 'apartment', 'eventually', 'released', 'story', 'reaches', 'reporter', 'dingle', 'advises', 'young', 'couple', 'get', 'married', 'avoid', 'scandal', 'annulled', 'later', 'follow', 'advice', 'wed.', 'however', 'connie', 'attraction', 'joe', 'overcomes', 'prudence'], ['joe', 'brady', 'clarence', 'doolittle', 'navy', 'sailors', 'four', 'day', 'leave', 'hollywood', 'joe', 'heart', 'set', 'spending', 'time', 'girl', 'unseen', 'lola', 'clarence', 'wants', 'meet', 'girl', 'find', 'little', 'boy', 'named', 'donald', 'ran', 'away', 'home', 'wants', 'join', 'navy', 'taking', 'home', 'two', 'sailors', 'meet', 'young', 'beautiful', 'singer-wannabe', 'aunt', 'susan', 'old', 'donald', 'made', 'sound', 'clarence', 'develops', 'crush', 'asks', 'joe', 'help', 'get', 'susan', 'like', 'trying', 'get', 'clarence', 'date', 'susan', 'joe', 'boasts', 'personally', 'knows', 'big', 'time', 'music', 'producer', 'audition', 'problem', 'joe', \"n't\", 'know', 'music', 'producer', 'starting', 'fall', 'love', 'susan', 'joe', 'also', 'tells', 'boy', 'donald', 'story', 'sailor', 'mouse', 'turns', 'jerry', 'mouse', 'clarence', 'eventually', 'meets', 'befriends', 'girl', 'hometown', 'brooklyn'], ['bishop', 'henry', 'brougham', 'prays', 'divine', 'guidance', 'troubled', 'building', 'new', 'cathedral', 'plea', 'seemingly', 'answered', 'suave', 'angel', 'named', 'dudley', 'reveals', 'identity', 'initially', 'clergyman', 'however', 'dudley', 'mission', 'help', 'construction', 'cathedral', 'guide', 'henry', 'people', 'around', 'henry', 'become', 'obsessed', 'building', 'detriment', 'duties', 'marriage', 'neglected', 'unhappy', 'wife', 'julia', 'everyone', 'except', 'henry', 'charmed', 'newcomer', 'even', 'non-religious', 'professor', 'wutheridge', 'dudley', 'persuades', 'wealthy', 'parishioners', 'particularly', 'mrs.', 'hamilton', 'contribute', 'needed', 'funds', 'build', 'cathedral', 'helps', 'mrs.', 'hamilton', 'decide', 'give', 'money', 'feed', 'clothe', 'needy', '봫uch', 'henry', 'chagrin', 'also', 'redecorates', 'broghams', 'christmas', 'tree', 'two', 'seconds', 'saves', 'old', 'church', 'restoring', 'interest', 'boys', 'choir', 'arranges', 'typewriter', 'automatically', 'type', 'henry', 'new', 'sermon', 'dudley', 'dictates', 'without', 'henry', 'knowledge', 'dudley', 'spends', 'time', 'cheering', 'julia', 'unexpected', 'development', 'dudley', 'finds', 'strongly', 'attracted', 'sensing', 'henry', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'anxious', 'unwelcome', 'guest', 'finish', 'depart', 'eventually', 'stands', 'angel', 'mission', 'completed', 'knowing', 'julia', 'loves', 'husband', 'dudley', 'leaves', 'promising', 'never', 'return', 'memory', 'erased', 'christmas', 'eve', 'midnight', 'henry', 'delivers', 'sermon', 'believes', 'written'], [\"'just\", 'take', 'group', 'underprivileged', 'children', 'riverboat', 'ride', 'picnic', 'deborah', 'bishop', 'rita', 'phipps', 'lora', 'mae', 'hollingsway', 'receive', 'message', 'addie', 'ross', 'informing', 'run', 'one', 'husbands', 'however', 'leaves', 'suspense', 'one', 'three', 'marriages', 'shown', 'flashback', 'strained', 'deborah', 'grew', 'farm', 'first', 'experience', 'outside', 'world', 'came', 'joined', 'navy', 'waves', 'world', 'war', 'met', 'future', 'husband', 'brad', 'return', 'civilian', 'life', 'deborah', 'ill', 'ease', 'brad\\\\', 'upper', 'class', 'social', 'circle', 'adding', 'insecurity', 'learns', 'everyone', 'expected', 'brad', 'marry', 'addie', 'three', 'husbands', 'consider', 'practically', 'goddess', 'however', 'comforted', 'brad\\\\', 'friend', 'rita', 'career', 'woman', 'writes', 'stories', 'sappy', 'radio', 'soap', 'operas', 'husband', 'george', 'school-teacher', 'feels', 'somewhat', 'emasculated', 'since', 'earns', 'much', 'money', 'also', 'disappointed', 'wife', 'constantly', 'gives', 'demands', 'boss', 'mrs.', 'manleigh', 'rita\\\\', 'flashback', 'dinner', 'party', 'gave', 'boss', 'forgot', 'husband\\\\', 'birthday', 'night', 'remembered', 'birthday', 'present', 'rare', 'brahms', 'recording', 'arrived', 'addie', 'ross', 'lora', 'mae', 'grew', 'poor', 'wrong', 'side', 'tracks', 'literally', 'next', 'railroad', 'tracks', 'sets', 'sights', 'older', 'divorced', 'employer', 'porter', 'paul', 'douglas', 'wealthy', 'owner', 'statewide', 'chain', 'department', 'stores', 'mother', 'ruby', 'finney', 'unsure', 'think', 'daughter\\\\', 'ambition', 'ruby\\\\', 'friend', 'sadie', 'approves', 'matters', 'come', 'head', 'sees', 'picture', 'addie', 'ross', 'piano', 'home', 'tells', 'wants', 'picture', 'piano', 'piano', 'home', 'tells', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'interested', 'marriage', 'breaks', 'romance', 'however', 'loves', 'much', 'finally', 'gives', 'proposes', 'skipping', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'party', 'addie\\\\', 'house', 'women', 'return', 'picnic', 'rita', 'overjoyed', 'find', 'husband', 'home', 'work', 'issues', 'promises', 'let', 'pushed', 'around', 'mrs.', 'manleigh', 'deborah\\\\', 'houseman', 'gives', 'message', 'stating', 'brad', 'coming', 'home', 'night', 'heartbroken', 'deborah', 'goes', 'alone', 'dance', 'two', 'couples', 'porter', 'complains', 'wife', 'dancing', 'another', 'man', 'tells', 'idea', 'much', 'lora', 'mae', 'really', 'loves', 'porter', 'certain', 'wife', 'sees', 'cash', 'register', 'unable', 'take', 'anymore', 'deborah', 'gets', 'leave', 'announcing', 'brad', 'run', 'addie', 'porter', 'stops', 'confessing', 'started', 'run', 'away', 'addie', 'explains', 'man', 'change', 'mind', \"can\\\\'t\", 'porter', 'tells', 'wife', 'admission', 'front', 'witnesses', 'divorce', 'get', 'wants', 'shock', 'lora', 'mae', 'claims', 'hear', 'word', 'said', 'asks', 'dance', 'voice', 'addie', 'ross', 'bids', 'good', 'night', 'film', 'shown', 'behind'], [\"'following\", 'wedding', 'daughter', 'kay', 'stanley', 'banks', 'suburban', 'lawyer', 'recalls', 'day', 'three', 'months', 'earlier', 'first', 'learned', 'kay\\\\', 'engagement', 'buckley', 'dunstan', 'taylor', 'family', 'dinner', 'table', 'kay\\\\', 'casual', 'announcement', 'love', 'buckley', 'accepted', 'proposal', 'makes', 'stanley', 'feel', 'uneasy', 'soon', 'comes', 'realize', 'daughter', 'grown', 'wedding', 'inevitable', 'ellie', 'kay\\\\', 'mother', 'immediately', 'begins', 'making', 'preparations', 'wedding', 'stanley', 'lies', 'awake', 'night', 'fearing', 'worst', 'daughter', 'stanley\\\\', 'misgivings', 'marriage', 'eventually', 'make', 'ellie', 'anxious', 'insists', 'kay', 'introduce', 'buckley\\\\', 'parents', 'kay', 'calls', 'tradition', 'old-fashioned', 'rigamarole', 'arranges', 'meeting', 'nevertheless', 'introduction', 'stanley', 'private', 'conversation', 'buckley', 'pleased', 'learn', 'young', 'man', 'head', 'small', 'company', 'capable', 'providing', 'comfortable', 'life', 'kay', 'bankses\\\\', 'first', 'meeting', 'doris', 'herbert', 'buckley\\\\', 'parents', 'gets', 'awkward', 'start', 'goes', 'bad', 'worse', 'stanley', 'drinks', 'much', 'falls', 'asleep', 'wealthy', 'dunstans\\\\', 'living', 'room', 'following', 'kay', 'buckley\\\\', 'engagement', 'party', 'stanley', 'misses', 'entire', 'party', 'kitchen', 'mixing', 'drinks', 'realizes', 'plans', 'small', 'wedding', 'swept', 'aside', 'expected', 'pay', 'extravagant', 'wedding', 'trimmings', 'costs', 'june', 'event', 'spiral', 'control', 'stanley', 'calculates', 'afford', 'accommodate', 'one', 'hundred', 'fifty', 'guests', 'task', 'paring', 'guest', 'list', 'proves', 'difficult', 'however', 'stanley', 'reluctantly', 'consents', '250-person', 'reception', 'plans', 'lavish', 'wedding', 'continue', 'day', 'buckley', 'tells', 'kay', 'wants', 'take', 'fishing', 'trip', 'nova', 'scotia', 'honeymoon', 'kay', 'reacts', 'announcement', 'shock', 'calls', 'wedding', 'buckley', 'soon', 'reconcile', 'two', 'families', 'begin', 'wedding', 'rehearsals', 'day', 'wedding', 'chaos', 'reigns', 'banks', 'home', 'final', 'preparations', 'made', 'reception', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'brings', 'joy', 'sorrow', 'stanley', 'realizes', 'daughter', 'woman', 'longer', 'child', 'following', 'day', 'ellie', 'stanley', 'survey', 'mess', 'home', 'concur', 'entire', 'affair', 'great', 'success', 'cite', 'web'], [\"'william\", 'shakespeare', 'poor', 'playwright', 'philip', 'henslowe', 'owner', 'rose', 'theatre', '1593', 'london', 'learning', 'love', 'cheating', 'patron', 'shakespeare', 'burns', 'new', 'comedy', 'romeo', 'ethel', 'pirate\\\\', 'daughter', 'rewriting', 'tragedy', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'suffering', 'writer\\\\', 'block', 'unable', 'complete', 'play', 'begins', 'auditions', 'romeo', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'thomas', 'kent', 'cast', 'role', 'impressing', 'shakespeare', 'performance', 'love', 'shakespeare\\\\', 'previous', 'work', 'kent', 'actually', 'viola', 'lesseps', 'daughter', 'wealthy', 'merchant', 'desires', 'act', 'since', 'women', 'banned', 'stage', 'must', 'disguise', 'shakespeare', 'discovers', 'star\\\\', 'true', 'identity', 'viola', 'begin', 'passionate', 'secret', 'affair', 'inspired', 'shakespeare', 'writes', 'quickly', 'benefits', 'advice', 'playwright', 'friendly', 'rival', 'christopher', \"\\\\'kit\\\\\", 'marlowe', 'shakespeare', 'viola', 'know', 'however', 'romance', 'doomed', 'married', 'albeit', 'long', 'separated', 'wife', 'viola\\\\', 'parents', 'arranged', 'betrothal', 'lord', 'wessex', 'aristocrat', 'needs', 'money', 'viola', 'summoned', 'court', 'queen', 'elizabeth', 'shakespeare', 'dons', 'woman\\\\', 'disguise', 'accompany', 'cousin', 'court', 'persuades', 'wessex', 'bet', '짙50', 'play', 'capture', 'nature', 'true', 'love', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'success', 'shakespeare', 'playwright', 'win', 'money', 'queen', 'enjoys', 'shakespeare\\\\', 'plays', 'agrees', 'witness', 'wager', 'edmund', 'tilney', 'master', 'revels', 'queen\\\\', 'official', 'charge', 'theatres', 'learns', 'woman', 'theatre', 'company', 'rose', 'playhouse', 'orders', 'theatre', 'closed', 'violating', 'morality', 'law', 'left', 'without', 'stage', 'lead', 'actor', 'seems', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'must', 'close', 'even', 'opens', 'richard', 'burbage', 'owner', 'competing', 'theatre', 'curtain', 'offers', 'stage', 'shakespeare', 'shakespeare', 'assumes', 'lead', 'role', 'romeo', 'boy', 'actor', 'playing', 'juliet', 'viola', 'learns', 'play', 'performed', 'wedding', 'day', 'ceremony', 'secretly', 'travels', 'theatre', 'shortly', 'play', 'begins', 'boy', 'playing', 'juliet', 'starts', 'experiencing', 'voice', 'change', 'puberty', 'viola', 'replaces', 'plays', 'juliet', 'shakespeare\\\\', 'romeo', 'passionate', 'portrayal', 'two', 'lovers', 'inspires', 'entire', 'audience', 'tilney', 'arrives', 'theatre', 'wessex', 'deduced', 'new', 'bride\\\\', 'location', 'tilney', 'plans', 'arrest', 'audience', 'cast', 'indecency', 'queen', 'attendance', 'although', 'recognizes', 'viola', 'queen', 'unmask', 'instead', 'declaring', 'role', 'juliet', 'performed', 'thomas', 'kent', 'however', 'even', 'queen', 'powerless', 'end', 'lawful', 'marriage', 'orders', 'kent', 'fetch', 'viola', 'may', 'sail', 'wessex', 'colony', 'virginia', 'queen', 'also', 'states', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'accurately', 'portrayed', 'true', 'love', 'wessex', 'must', 'pay', 'shakespeare', '짙50', 'exact', 'amount', 'shakespeare', 'requires', 'buy', 'share', 'lord', 'chamberlain\\\\', 'men', 'queen', 'directs', 'kent', 'tell', 'shakespeare', 'write', 'something', 'little', 'cheerful', 'next', 'time', 'twelfth', 'night', 'viola', 'shakespeare', 'part', 'resigned', 'fates', 'film', 'closes', 'shakespeare', 'begins', 'write', 'twelfth', 'night', 'imagining', 'love', 'washed', 'ashore', 'strange', 'land', 'shipwreck', 'musing', 'heroine', 'time', 'name', '...', 'viola', 'strong', 'young', 'woman', 'castaway', 'disguises', 'young', 'man'], ['maria', 'owens', 'young', 'witch', 'exiled', 'maria', 'island', 'massachusetts', 'unborn', 'child', 'escaping', 'execution', 'cast', 'spell', 'upon', 'never', 'fall', 'love', 'due', 'heartbreak', 'die', 'soon', 'spell', 'became', 'curse', 'hundreds', 'years', 'gillian', 'sally', 'owen', 'two', 'descendants', 'owens', 'family', 'taken', 'aunts', 'frances', 'jet', 'death', 'parents', 'sally', 'gifted', 'two', 'gillian', 'talents', 'charm', 'persuasion', 'subject', 'ridicule', 'youth', 'witnessing', 'aunts', 'cast', 'spell', 'man', 'woman', 'seems', 'obsessed', 'love', 'gillian', 'decides', 'fall', 'love', 'sally', 'casts', 'true', 'love', 'spell', 'protect', 'sisters', 'cast', 'oath', 'using', 'blood', 'hands', 'gillian', 'leaves', 'california', 'sally', 'meets', 'marries', 'michael', 'apple', 'salesman', 'years', 'later', 'two', 'open', 'botanical', 'shop', 'verbena', 'two', 'young', 'daughters', 'kylie', 'antonia', 'michael', 'killed', 'truck', 'collides', 'sally', 'daughters', 'return', 'owens', 'home', 'live', 'aunts', 'realize', 'aunts', 'cast', 'spell', 'could', 'fall', 'love', 'sally', 'swears', 'magic', 'magical', 'curses', 'ruined', 'life', 'vows', 'daughters', 'perform', 'magic', 'gillian', 'begins', 'relationship', 'jimmy', 'angelov', 'california', 'sally', 'devastated', 'husband', 'death', 'gillian', 'feels', 'sally', 'needs', 'drugs', 'jimmy', 'return', 'massachusetts', 'gillian', 'returns', 'sally', 'jimmy', 'becomes', 'abusive', 'sisters', 'kidnapped', 'sally', 'puts', 'belladonna', 'jimmy', 'tequila', 'inadvertently', 'kills', 'sisters', 'attempt', 'resurrect', 'using', 'forbidden', 'spell', 'aunts', 'book', 'spells', 'jimmy', 'attempts', 'kill', 'gillian', 'revived', 'sally', 'kills', 'sisters', 'bury', 'body', 'garden', 'owens', 'home', 'state', 'investigator', 'gary', 'hallett', 'arrives', 'tucson', 'arizona', 'search', 'jimmy', 'attributing', 'death', 'sally', 'gillian', 'kylie', 'antonia', 'create', 'potion', 'banish', 'gary', 'fails', 'later', 'sally', 'gary', 'record', 'testimony', 'sees', 'letter', 'written', 'gillian', 'realizes', 'must', 'read', 'times', 'let', 'unable', 'deny', 'feelings', 'kiss', 'sally', 'realizes', 'spell', 'cast', 'years', 'earlier', 'sally', 'finds', 'jimmy', 'spirit', 'possessed', 'gillian', 'body', 'gary', 'sees', 'jimmy', 'spirit', 'emerge', 'jimmy', 'attempts', 'grab', 'gary', 'heart', 'star-shaped', 'badge', 'saves', 'temporarily', 'exiles', 'spirit', 'later', 'sally', 'tells', 'gary', 'spell', 'feelings', 'real', 'gary', 'replies', 'curses', 'true', 'one', 'believes', 'reveals', 'also', 'wished', 'returning', 'arizona', 'jimmy', 'possesses', 'gillian', 'attempts', 'kill', 'sally', 'realizing', 'coven', 'nine', 'women', 'use', 'witchcraft', 'jimmy', 'frances', 'jet', 'return', 'sally', 'realizes', 'must', 'embrace', 'magic', 'save', 'sister', 'asks', 'aid', 'townswomen', 'jimmy', 'spirit', 'dispelled', 'exorcised', 'coven', 'sally', 'repeats', 'spell', 'mentioned', 'gillian', 'first', 'left', 'clasp', 'hands', 'mix', 'blood', 'exorcise', 'jimmy', 'spirit', 'sally', 'receives', 'letter', 'gary', 'telling', 'sister', 'cleared', 'suspicion', 'wrongdoing', 'jimmy', 'case', 'gary', 'returns', 'massachusetts', 'sally', 'owens', 'women', 'celebrate', 'hallow', 'eve', 'dressed', 'witch', 'costumes', 'embraced', 'welcomed', 'townsfolk'], ['mel', 'coplin', 'wife', 'nancy', 'live', 'new', 'york', 'near', 'mel', 'neurotic', 'jewish', 'adoptive', 'parents', 'pearl', 'coplin', 'mel', 'nancy', 'first', 'child', 'mel', \"n't\", 'decide', 'name', 'son', 'discover', 'identity', 'biological', 'parents', 'adoption', 'agency', 'employee', 'locates', 'biological', 'mother', 'name', 'database', 'mel', 'decides', 'meet', 'personally', 'tina', 'sexy', 'highly', 'incompetent', 'adoption', 'agency', 'employee', 'decides', 'accompany', 'mel', 'nancy', 'newborn', 'trip', 'san', 'diego', 'meet', 'mel', 'biological', 'mother', 'trip', 'course', 'planned', 'ends', 'becoming', 'tour', 'united', 'states', 'first', 'mel', 'introduced', 'valerie', 'blond', 'scandinavian', 'woman', 'confederate', 'roots', 'whose', 'twin', 'daughters', 'least', 'six', 'inches', 'taller', 'mel', 'quickly', 'realize', 'valerie', 'mel', 'biological', 'mother', 'tina', 'scrambles', 'get', 'correct', 'information', 'agency', 'database', 'meanwhile', 'nancy', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'tina', 'mel', 'begin', 'flirt', 'next', 'group', 'heads', 'rural', 'michigan', 'hope', 'meeting', 'man', 'whose', 'name', 'appears', 'person', 'delivered', 'infant', 'mel', 'adoption', 'agency', 'man', 'fritz', 'boudreau', 'turns', 'trucker', 'violent', 'streak', 'however', 'discovers', 'mel', 'might', 'son', 'becomes', 'instantly', 'friendly', 'lets', 'mel', 'drive', 'semi-trailer', 'truck', 'mel', 'immediately', 'crashes', 'post', 'office', 'building', 'leads', 'run-in', 'two', 'atf', 'agents', 'tony', 'paul', 'gay', 'relationship', 'discovered', 'tony', 'nancy', 'went', 'high', 'school', 'together', 'charges', 'dismissed', 'fritz', 'boudreau', 'tells', 'mel', 'mel', 'father', 'handled', 'mel', 'adoption', 'mel', 'biological', 'parents', 'indisposed', 'tina', 'locates', 'current', 'address', 'mel', 'biological', 'parents', 'turns', 'rural', 'new', 'mexico', 'tony', 'paul', 'surprise', 'everyone', 'deciding', 'tag', 'along', 'trip', 'mel', 'tina', 'become', 'close', 'nancy', 'finds', 'flirting', 'tony', 'returns', 'compliment', 'causing', 'friction', 'trip', 'rural', 'new', 'mexico', 'fraught', 'problems', 'last', 'whole', 'crowd', 'descends', 'front', 'porch', 'mel', 'true', 'biological', 'parents', 'richard', 'mary', 'schlichting', 'asked', 'stay', 'night', 'richard', 'mary', 'welcoming', 'mel', 'biological', 'brother', 'lonnie', 'overly', 'rude', 'jealous', 'dinner', 'mel', 'discovers', 'richard', 'mary', 'let', 'mel', 'adopted', 'jail', 'making', 'distributing', 'lsd', 'late', '1960s', 'richard', 'mary', 'continue', 'manufacture', 'lsd', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'lonnie', 'attempt', 'dose', 'mel', 'acid', 'dinner', 'accidentally', 'doses', 'paul', 'atf', 'agent', 'drugged', 'state', 'paul', 'tries', 'arrest', 'richard', 'mary', 'lonnie', 'knocks', 'frying', 'pan', 'attempt', 'escape', 'decide', 'take', 'mel', 'car', 'hiding', 'supply', 'acid', 'trunk', 'mel', 'adoptive', 'parents', 'arrive', 'change', 'minds', 'decide', 'leave', 'taking', 'wrong', 'car', 'change', 'minds', 'make', 'blind', 'u-turn', 'two', 'families', 'crash', 'mel', 'adoptive', 'parents', 'arrested', 'biological', 'parents', 'escape', 'mexico', 'realizing', 'happened', 'mel', 'recounts', 'stories', 'dinner', 'nancy', 'agree', 'name', 'baby', 'garcia', 'next', 'day', 'paul', 'explains', 'situation', 'able', 'get', 'mel', 'parents', 'released', 'happy', 'reassured', 'hear', 'mel', 'call', 'parents', 'montage', 'relationships', 'continues', 'credits', 'still', 'troubles', 'mel', 'nancy', 'happy', 'together'], ['young', 'american', 'secretary', 'maria', 'williams', 'arrives', 'rome', 'greeted', 'anita', 'hutchins', 'woman', 'replacing', 'united', 'states', 'distribution', 'agency', 'drive', 'villa', 'anita', 'shares', 'miss', 'frances', 'longtime', 'secretary', 'american', 'author', 'john', 'frederick', 'shadwell', 'expatriate', 'living', 'rome', 'past', 'fifteen', 'years', 'way', 'town', 'three', 'women', 'stop', 'famous', 'trevi', 'fountain', 'frances', 'anita', 'tell', 'maria', 'according', 'legend', 'throws', 'coin', 'fountain', 'makes', 'wish', 'return', 'rome', 'maria', 'francis', 'throw', 'coins', 'anita', 'returning', 'united', 'states', 'marry', 'declines', 'anita', 'takes', 'maria', 'agency', 'introduces', 'giorgio', 'bianchi', 'translator', 'works', 'maria', 'senses', 'anita', 'giorgio', 'attracted', 'though', 'anita', 'states', 'agency', 'forbids', 'american', 'italian', 'employees', 'fraternize', 'later', 'evening', 'party', 'maria', 'attracted', 'handsome', 'prince', 'dino', 'cessi', 'despite', 'warned', 'frances', 'anita', 'notorious', 'womanizer', 'girlfriends', 'become', 'known', 'venice', 'girls', 'takes', 'venice', 'romantic', 'trysts', 'dino', 'charms', 'maria', 'telling', 'ignore', 'she\\\\', 'heard', 'party', 'anita', 'maria', 'walk', 'home', 'anita', 'admits', 'fianc챕', 'waiting', 'back', 'united', 'states', 'she\\\\', 'leaving', 'believes', 'better', 'chance', 'finding', 'husband', 'america', 'wealthy', 'italian', 'men', 'interested', 'mere', 'secretaries', 'men', 'interested', 'poor', 'walk', 'maria', 'pinched', 'man', 'pesters', 'rescued', 'giorgio', 'asks', 'anita', 'next', 'day', 'family\\\\', 'country', 'farm', 'attend', 'celebration', 'anita', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'next', 'morning', 'giorgio', 'picks', 'anita', 'cousin\\\\', 'dilapidated', 'truck', 'way', 'town', 'spotted', 'boss', 'burgoyne', 'giorgio\\\\', 'family', 'farm', 'giorgio', 'tells', 'anita', 'hopes', 'become', 'lawyer', 'despite', 'poverty', 'anita', 'climbs', 'truck', 'almost', 'killed', 'giorgio', 'rescues', 'breathless', 'couple', 'gives', 'attraction', 'kiss', 'meanwhile', 'back', 'apartment', 'dino', 'calls', 'maria', 'asks', 'accompany', 'venice', 'desiring', 'see', 'venice', 'wanting', 'lose', 'dino\\\\', 'respect', 'maria', 'arranges', 'frances', 'chaperon', 'dino\\\\', 'disappointment', 'agency', 'monday', 'burgoyne', 'questions', 'maria', 'anita\\\\', 'weekend', 'giorgio', 'although', 'maintains', 'anita', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'burgoyne', 'assumes', 'affair', 'giorgio', 'following', 'day', 'fires', 'giorgio', 'anita', 'finds', 'blames', 'maria', 'betraying', 'confidence', 'insists', 'moving', 'apartment', 'visits', 'giorgio', 'worried', 'may', 'ruined', 'chances', 'becoming', 'lawyer', 'giorgio', 'regrets', 'meanwhile', 'maria', 'sets', 'attract', 'dino\\\\', 'affections', 'learns', 'modern', 'art', 'loves', 'favorite', 'food', 'wine', 'pretends', 'learn', 'piccolo', 'maria', 'even', 'lies', 'background', 'telling', 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'circumstances', 'frances', 'accepts', 'next', 'day', 'shadwell', 'learns', 'terminally', 'ill', 'less', 'year', 'live', 'unless', 'goes', 'america', 'experimental', 'treatment', 'shadwell', 'returns', 'villa', 'coldly', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'frances', 'shadwell', 'leaves', 'frances', 'learns', 'doctor', 'truth', 'shadwell\\\\', 'condition', 'follows', 'caf챕', 'proceeds', 'match', 'drink', 'drink', 'bickering', 'whether', 'pursue', 'treatment', 'completely', 'drunk', 'frances', 'climbs', 'nearby', 'fountain', 'sobs', 'life', 'shadwell', 'takes', 'back', 'villa', 'tucks', 'goes', 'see', 'dino', 'cessi', 'palace', 'shadwell', 'tells', 'dino', 'leaving', 'united', 'states', 'marry', 'frances', 'uses', 'reverse', 'psychology', 'provoke', 'dino', 'realizing', 'loves', 'maria', 'anita', 'maria', 'packed', 'ready', 'leave', 'frances', 'telephones', 'asks', 'meet', 'trevi', 'fountain', 'arrive', 'maria', 'anita', 'disappointed', 'see', 'fountain', 'emptied', 'cleaning', 'joined', 'frances', 'however', 'water', 'springs', 'women', 'thrilled', 'beauty', 'dino', 'giorgio', 'arrive', 'men', 'embrace', 'girlfriends', 'frances', 'joined', 'shadwell', 'happily', 'admire', 'fountain', 'proved', 'lucky'], [\"'lloyd\", 'ace', 'gruver', 'major', 'son', 'u.s.', 'army', 'general', 'stationed', 'itami', 'air', 'force', 'base', 'near', 'kobe', 'japan', 'falls', 'love', 'japanese', 'entertainer', 'performer', 'takarazuka-like', 'theater', 'company', 'meets', 'enlisted', 'crew', 'chief', 'airman', 'kelly', 'kelly', 'wed', 'japanese', 'woman', 'katsumi', 'spite', 'disapproval', 'united', 'states', 'military', 'recognize', 'marriage', 'air', 'force', 'including', 'gruver', 'marriage', 'gruver', 'kelly', 'argument', 'gruver', 'uses', 'racial', 'slur', 'describe', 'kelly\\\\', 'fiancee', 'gruver', 'eventually', 'apologizes', 'agrees', 'kelly\\\\', 'best', 'man', 'wedding', 'kelly', 'suffers', 'prejudice', 'hands', 'particularly', 'nasty', 'colonel', 'pulling', 'extra', 'duty', 'less-attractive', 'assignments', 'many', 'others', 'married', 'japanese', 'ordered', 'back', 'states', 'kelly', 'realizes', 'able', 'take', 'wife', 'pregnant', 'finding', 'way', 'together', 'kelly', 'katsumi', 'commit', 'double', 'suicide', 'strengthens', 'major', 'gruver\\\\', 'resolve', 'marry', 'japanese', 'lover', 'asked', 'stars', 'stripes', 'reporter', 'say', 'big', 'brass', 'well', 'japanese', 'neither', 'particularly', 'happy', 'major', 'gruver', 'says', 'tell', \"\\\\'em\", 'said', \"\\\\'sayonara.\\\\\", 'ending', 'movie', 'however', 'differs', 'book', 'gruver', 'says', 'sayonara', 'japanese', 'girlfriend', 'returns', 'states'], [\"'nomi\", 'malone', 'hot', 'young', 'drifter', 'hitchhikes', 'las', 'vegas', 'hoping', 'make', 'showgirl', 'cheated', 'money', 'jeff', 'gave', 'lift', 'nomi', 'meets', 'molly', 'abrams', 'seamstress', 'costume', 'designer', 'takes', 'roommate', 'molly', 'invites', 'nomi', 'backstage', 'goddess', 'stardust', 'casino', 'show', 'works', 'meet', 'cristal', 'connors', 'diva-like', 'star', 'topless', 'dance', 'revue', 'nomi', 'tells', 'cristal', 'dances', 'cheetah\\\\', 'topless', 'club', 'cristal', 'derisively', 'tells', 'akin', 'prostitution', 'makes', 'nomi', 'furious', 'sparks', 'rivalry', 'nomi', 'upset', 'work', 'night', 'molly', 'takes', 'dancing', 'holbank', 'pinks', 'club', 'james', 'smith', 'works', 'bouncer', 'james', 'asks', 'nomi', 'dance', 'criticizes', 'dancing', 'kicks', 'groin', 'james', 'falls', 'crowd', 'starting', 'brawl', 'dance', 'floor', 'several', 'male', 'patrons', 'nomi', 'arrested', 'causing', 'melee', 'james', 'bails', 'jail', 'still', 'pays', 'little', 'notice', 'shortly', 'cristal', 'boyfriend', 'zack', 'carey', 'entertainment', 'director', 'stardust', 'visit', 'cheetah\\\\', 'request', 'lap', 'dance', 'nomi', 'although', 'bisexual', 'cristal', 'attracted', 'nomi', 'request', 'also', 'informed', 'desire', 'humiliate', 'nomi', 'proving', 'little', 'hooker', 'nomi', 'reluctantly', 'performs', 'lap', 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'audition', 'cristal\\\\', 'understudy', 'nomi', 'wins', 'role', 'cristal', 'threatens', 'legal', 'action', 'stardust', 'offer', 'rescinded', 'cristal', 'gloats', 'taunts', 'nomi', 'performance', 'nomi', 'pushes', 'flight', 'stairs', 'breaking', 'hip', 'unable', 'perform', 'cristal', 'finds', 'replaced', 'nomi', 'show\\\\', 'lead', 'although', 'nomi', 'finally', 'secured', 'fame', 'fortune', 'sought', 'alienates', 'molly', 'saw', 'push', 'cristal', 'stairs', 'later', 'molly', 'relents', 'attends', 'nomi\\\\', 'opening', 'night', 'celebration', 'zack\\\\', 'home', 'meets', 'idol', 'musician', 'andrew', 'carver', 'carver', 'lures', 'molly', 'room', 'brutally', 'beats', 'one', 'two', 'security', 'guards', 'rapes', 'molly', 'hospitalized', 'assault', 'nomi', 'wants', 'prosecute', 'carver', 'zack', 'tells', 'stardust', 'give', 'molly', 'hush', 'money', 'instead', 'primary', 'interest', 'protect', 'high-profile', 'celebrity', 'client', 'seek', 'justice', 'zack', 'confronts', 'nomi', 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'ride', 'los', 'angeles', 'jeff', 'man', 'cheated', 'stole', 'suitcase', 'arrived', 'demands', 'return', 'film\\\\', 'last', 'shot', 'juxtaposes', 'billboard', 'advertising', 'nomi\\\\', 'starring', 'role', 'goddess', 'road', 'sign', 'indicating', 'distance', 'los', 'angeles'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'begins', 'silent', 'film', 'sequence', 'good', 'squire', 'allworthy', 'returns', 'home', 'lengthy', 'stay', 'london', 'discovers', 'baby', 'bed', 'thinking', 'barber', 'mr.', 'partridge', 'one', 'servants', 'jenny', 'jones', 'birthed', 'infant', 'lust', 'squire', 'banishes', 'chooses', 'raise', 'little', 'tom', 'jones', 'son', 'tom', 'grows', 'lively', 'young', 'man', 'whose', 'good', 'looks', 'kind', 'heart', 'make', 'popular', 'opposite', 'sex', 'however', 'truly', 'loves', 'one', 'woman', 'gentle', 'sophie', 'western', 'returns', 'passion', 'sadly', 'tom', 'stigmatized', 'bastard', 'wed', 'young', 'lady', 'high', 'station', 'sophie', 'must', 'hide', 'feelings', 'aunt', 'father', 'squire', 'western', 'try', 'coerce', 'marry', 'suitable', 'man', 'man', 'hates', 'young', 'man', 'blifil', 'david', 'warner', 'son', 'squire\\\\', 'widowed', 'sister', 'bridget', 'although', 'legitimate', 'birth', 'ill-natured', 'fellow', 'plenty', 'hypocritical', \"\\\\'virtue\\\\\", 'none', 'tom\\\\', 'warmth', 'honesty', 'high', 'spirits', 'bridget', 'dies', 'unexpectedly', 'blifil', 'intercepts', 'letter', 'mother', 'intended', 'brother\\\\', 'eyes', 'letter', 'contains', 'revealed', 'end', 'movie', 'however', 'mother\\\\', 'funeral', 'blifil', 'two', 'tutors', 'mr.', 'thwackum', 'mr.', 'square', 'john', 'moffatt', 'join', 'forces', 'convince', 'squire', 'tom', 'villain', 'allworthy', 'gives', 'tom', 'small', 'cash', 'legacy', 'sorrowfully', 'sends', 'world', 'seek', 'fortune', 'road-traveling', 'odyssey', 'tom', 'knocked', 'unconscious', 'defending', 'good', 'name', 'beloved', 'sophie', 'robbed', 'legacy', 'also', 'flees', 'jealous', 'irishman', 'falsely', 'accuses', 'affair', 'wife', 'engages', 'deadly', 'swordfights', 'meets', 'alleged', 'father', 'alleged', 'mother', 'certain', 'mrs.', 'waters', 'saves', 'evil', 'redcoat', 'officer', 'later', 'beds', 'mrs.', 'waters', 'celebrated', 'scene', 'tom', 'mrs.', 'waters', 'sit', 'opposite', 'dining', 'room', 'upton', 'inn', 'wordlessly', 'consuming', 'enormous', 'meal', 'gazing', 'lustfully', 'meanwhile', 'sophie', 'runs', 'away', 'home', 'soon', 'tom\\\\', 'banishment', 'escape', 'attentions', 'loathed', 'blifil', 'narrowly', 'missing', 'upton', 'inn', 'tom', 'sophie', 'arrive', 'separately', 'london', 'tom', 'attracts', 'attention', 'lady', 'bellaston', 'promiscuous', 'noblewoman', 'years', 'age', 'rich', 'beautiful', 'completely', 'amoral', 'though', 'worth', 'noting', 'tom', 'goes', 'bed', 'willingly', 'generously', 'rewarded', 'services', 'eventually', 'tom', 'ends', 'tyburn', 'gaol', 'facing', 'boisterous', 'hanging', 'crowd', 'two', 'blackguardly', 'agents', 'blifil', 'frame', 'robbery', 'attempted', 'murder', 'allworthy', 'learns', 'contents', 'mysterious', 'letter', 'tom', 'jenny', 'jones\\\\', 'child', 'bridget\\\\', 'illegitimate', 'son', 'allworthy\\\\', 'nephew', 'furthermore', 'since', 'blifil', 'knew', 'concealed', 'tried', 'destroy', 'half-brother', 'disgrace', 'disinherited', 'allworthy', 'uses', 'knowledge', 'get', 'tom', 'pardon', 'tom', 'already', 'conveyed', 'gallows', 'hanging', 'begun', 'interrupted', 'squire', 'western', 'cuts', 'takes', 'sophie', 'tom', 'permission', 'court', 'sophie', 'ends', 'well', 'tom', 'embracing', 'sophie', 'squire', 'western\\\\', 'blessing', 'original', 'release', 'film', 'ran', 'hours', 'minutes'], [\"'diana\", 'scott', 'beautiful', 'bored', 'young', 'model', 'married', 'tony', 'bridges', 'one', 'day', 'diana', 'meets', 'robert', 'gold', 'literary', 'interviewer/director', 'television', 'arts', 'programmes', 'chance', 'spotted', 'street', 'roving', 'film', 'crew', 'interviewed', 'young', 'people\\\\', 'views', 'convention', 'diana', 'invited', 'watch', 'final', 'edit', 'studio', 'relationship', 'starts', 'liaisons', 'bleak', 'hotel', 'rooms', 'leave', 'spouses', 'move', 'apartment', 'couple', 'become', 'part', 'fashionable', 'london', 'media/arts', 'set', 'initially', 'diana', 'jealous', 'robert', 'sees', 'wife', 'visiting', 'children', 'quickly', 'loses', 'attachment', 'mixes', 'predatory', 'males', 'media', 'arts', 'advertising', 'scene', 'particularly', 'miles', 'brand', 'powerful', 'advertising', 'executive', 'glass', 'corporation', 'gets', 'part', 'trashy', 'thriller', 'sex', 'bookish', 'robert', 'prefers', 'quiet', 'life', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'increasingly', 'detached', 'depressed', 'lonely', 'diana', 'attends', 'high-class', 'charity', 'draw', 'world', 'hunger', 'face', 'event', 'adorned', 'giant', 'images', 'african', 'famine', 'victims', 'height', 'cynical', 'hypocrisy', 'bad', 'taste', 'showing', 'diana\\\\', 'rich', 'white', 'set', 'includes', 'establishment', 'playing', 'concern', 'gorging', 'gambling', 'generally', 'behaving', 'decadently', 'already', 'showing', 'signs', 'stress', 'constantly', 'maintaining', 'carefree', 'look', 'demanded', 'false', 'empty', 'lifestyle', 'become', 'prisoner', 'diana', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'abortion', 'flies', 'paris', 'miles', 'jet-set', 'sophistication', 'finds', 'wild', 'party', 'beat', 'music', 'strip', 'dance', 'mind', 'game', 'cross', 'dressing', 'predatory', 'males', 'females', 'vaguely', 'repellent', 'intimidating', 'diana', 'holds', 'gaining', 'respect', 'weird', 'crowd', 'taunts', 'miles', 'game', 'return', 'london', 'robert', 'calls', 'whore', 'leaves', 'emotionally', 'prepared', 'ironically', 'miles', 'casts', 'happiness', 'girl', 'glass', 'corporation\\\\', 'advertising', 'campaign', 'chocolate', 'firm', 'location', 'palazzo', 'near', 'rome', 'diana', 'smiles', 'medieval/renaissance', 'costume', 'completes', 'happiness', 'girl', 'shoot', 'much', 'taken', 'beauty', 'building', 'landscape', 'gets', 'well', 'prince', 'cesare', 'owns', 'palazzo', 'gay', 'photographer', 'malcom', 'created', 'famous', 'look', 'person', 'shown', 'real', 'understanding', 'friendship', 'diana', 'decides', 'stay', 'italy', 'stay', 'simple', 'house', 'small', 'harbour', 'capri', 'diana', 'flirts', 'half-heartedly', 'catholicism', 'visited', 'cesare', 'arrives', 'huge', 'launch', 'invites', 'board', 'proposes', 'diana', 'cesare', 'widowed', 'several', 'children', 'oldest', 'age', 'diana', 'diana', 'politely', 'declines', 'proposal', 'cesare', 'leaves', 'offer', 'open', 'diana', 'returns', 'london', 'goes', 'refreshingly', 'innocent', 'disco', 'miles', 'robert', 'aged', 'soon', 'disillusioned', 'miles', 'vacuous', 'london', 'jet', 'set', 'diana', 'flirts', 'catholic', 'church', 'impulsively', 'flies', 'italy', 'marries', 'prince', 'proves', 'ill-considered', 'though', 'waited', 'hand', 'foot', 'servants', 'almost', 'immediately', 'abandoned', 'vast', 'palazzo', 'cesare', 'gone', 'rome', 'presumably', 'visit', 'mistress', 'diana', 'flees', 'london', 'robert', 'taking', 'advantage', 'emotional', 'vulnerability', 'charms', 'bed', 'thinks', 'stable', 'long-term', 'relationship', 'morning', 'self-disgust', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'leaving', 'fooled', 'act', 'revenge', 'reserves', 'flight', 'rome', 'packs', 'car', 'takes', 'london', 'airport', 'send', 'back', 'life', 'princess', 'della', 'romita', 'airport', 'diana', 'hounded', 'press', 'address', 'reverentially', 'princess', 'boards', 'plane', 'leave'], ['film', 'deals', 'story', 'daughter', 'minor', 'branch', 'european', 'royal', 'house', 'considered', 'wife', 'cousin', 'heir', 'throne', 'princess', 'alexandra', 'princess', 'cousin', 'crown', 'prince', 'albert', 'played', 'alec', 'guinness', 'brothers', 'tutor', 'commoner', 'thinks', 'may', 'feel', 'affection', 'prince', 'played', 'louis', 'jourdan', 'princess', 'relatives', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'played', 'jessie', 'royce', 'landis', 'estelle', 'winwood', 'brian', 'aherne', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'comically', 'eccentric', 'agnes', 'moorehead', 'queen', 'shows', 'near', 'end', 'find', 'princess', 'made', 'grade', 'crankily', 'imperious', 'leo', 'carroll', 'plays', 'butler', 'van', 'dyke', 'parks', 'also', 'appears', 'movie', 'princess', 'alexandra', 'urged', 'mother', 'accept', 'albert', 'family', 'may', 'regain', 'throne', 'taken', 'napoleon', 'princess', 'alexandra', 'tries', 'gain', 'albert', 'attention', 'otherwise', 'taken', 'sleeping', 'late', 'shooting', 'duck', 'playing', 'football', 'alexandra', 'two', 'younger', 'brothers', 'alexandra', 'mother', 'urges', 'show', 'interest', 'tutor', 'mr.', 'agi', 'make', 'albert', 'jealous', 'stimulate', 'proposal', 'agi', 'already', 'taken', 'alexandra', 'invites', 'farewell', 'ball', 'crown', 'prince', 'eagerly', 'accepts', 'later', 'dancing', 'ball', 'appears', 'albert', 'getting', 'jealous', 'instead', 'interested', 'playing', 'bass', 'orchestra', 'later', 'agi', 'tells', 'alexandra', 'feels', 'tells', 'ploy', 'get', 'albert', 'propose', 'suspected', 'felt', 'way', 'realizes', 'feelings', 'refuses', 'albert', 'comes', 'find', 'situation', 'little', 'taken', 'aback', 'albert', 'agi', 'trade', 'insults', 'agi', 'storms', 'tries', 'leave', 'next', 'morning', 'alexandra', 'distraught', 'happened', 'tries', 'leave', 'refuses', 'albert', 'mother', 'shows', 'gets', 'entire', 'story', 'aghast', 'albert', 'gives', 'blessing', 'pair', 'says', 'king', 'allow', 'back', 'country', 'however', 'agi', 'ends', 'leaving', 'mansion', 'without', 'alexandra', 'albert', 'tries', 'console', 'alexandra', 'telling', 'like', 'swan', 'water', 'looks', 'serene', 'land', 'like', 'goose', 'albert', 'offers', 'alexandra', 'arm', 'walk', 'back', 'mansion', 'together'], ['rachel', 'cameron', 'shy', '35-year-old', 'spinster', 'schoolteacher', 'living', 'widowed', 'mother', 'apartment', 'funeral', 'home', 'owned', 'father', 'small', 'town', 'connecticut', 'school', 'summer', 'vacation', 'rachel', 'figures', 'another', 'lonely', 'boring', 'summer', 'fellow', 'unmarried', 'teacher', 'best', 'friend', 'calla', 'mackie', 'closeted', 'lesbian', 'persuades', 'attend', 'revival', 'meeting', 'one', 'preachers', 'encourages', 'rachel', 'express', 'feelings', 'calla', 'also', 'inspired', 'explore', 'emotions', 'reveals', 'physical', 'attraction', 'rachel', 'kindly', 'rebuffed', 'friend', 'rachel', 'former', 'high', 'school', 'classmate', 'nick', 'kazlik', 'comes', 'town', 'visit', 'parents', 'succumbs', 'charms', 'first', 'sexual', 'experience', 'mistaking', 'lust', 'love', 'begins', 'plan', 'future', 'nick', 'rejects', 'realizes', 'views', 'relationship', 'casual', 'temporary', 'affair', 'believing', 'pregnant', 'rachel', 'plans', 'leave', 'town', 'raise', 'child', 'calla', 'assistance', 'finds', 'another', 'teaching', 'job', 'oregon', 'moves', 'discovers', 'expanding', 'girth', 'actually', 'result', 'benign', 'cyst', 'undergoing', 'surgery', 'removed', 'decides', 'relocate', 'planned', 'mother', 'tow', 'sets', 'hopes', 'promising', 'future'], ['jack', 'campbell', 'single', 'wealthy', 'wall', 'street', 'executive', 'living', 'high', 'life', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'midst', 'putting', 'together', 'billion', 'dollar', 'merger', 'ordered', 'emergency', 'meeting', 'christmas', 'day', 'ensure', 'success', 'family', 'clearly', 'meaning', 'office', 'christmas', 'eve', 'surprised', 'hear', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'kate', 'tried', 'call', 'many', 'years', 'reminiscing', 'bit', 'walks', 'convenience', 'store', 'lottery', 'contestant', 'cash', 'barges', 'saying', 'winning', 'ticket', 'store', 'clerk', 'believes', 'cash', 'lying', 'refuses', 'give', 'winnings', 'cash', 'pulls', 'gun', 'shoot', 'clerk', 'jack', 'offers', 'buy', 'ticket', 'thus', 'averting', 'disaster', 'jack', 'cash', 'settle', 'business', 'deal', 'outside', 'jack', 'arrogantly', 'offers', 'help', 'cash', 'going', 'sleep', 'penthouse', 'next', 'morning', 'christmas', 'day', 'jack', 'wakes', 'suburban', 'new', 'jersey', 'bedroom', 'kate', 'two', 'children', 'shocked', 'confused', 'hurries', 'back', 'office', 'condo', 'new', 'york', 'even', 'closest', 'friends', 'recognize', 'confused', 'jack', 'runs', 'street', 'encounters', 'cash', 'driving', 'jack', 'ferrari', 'cash', 'explains', 'jack', 'experiencing', 'glimpse', 'alternate', 'universe', 'order', 'learn', 'lesson', 'lesson', 'unknown', 'personal', 'jack', 'life', 'jack', 'realizes', 'living', 'life', 'could', 'gone', 'london', 'study', 'become', 'investment', 'banker', 'stayed', 'united', 'states', 'girlfriend', 'instead', 'modest', 'family', 'life', 'tire', 'salesman', 'kate', 'non-profit', 'lawyer', 'jack', 'struggles', 'fit', 'role', 'family', 'man', 'making', 'many', 'serious', 'blunders', 'missing', 'opening', 'christmas', 'presents', 'flirting', 'married', 'woman', 'forgetting', 'anniversary', 'soon', 'jack', 'young', 'daughter', 'realizes', 'secret', 'decides', 'assist', 'surviving', 'new', 'life', 'begins', 'succeed', 'life', 'bonding', 'children', 'falling', 'love', 'wife', 'working', 'hard', 'dull', 'job', 'suddenly', 'finds', 'offered', 'contract', 'work', 'investment', 'firm', 'real', 'life', 'impressed', 'chairman', 'firm', 'business', 'savvy', 'came', 'tire', 'change', 'old', 'mentor', 'gladly', 'offers', 'job', 'formerly', 'sycophantic', 'employee', 'instead', 'jack', 'old', 'position', 'assertiveness', 'possess', 'subordinate', 'wowed', 'potential', 'salary', 'complimentary', 'extreme', 'luxuries', 'kate', 'argues', 'happy', 'thankful', 'life', 'jack', 'finally', 'realizing', 'true', 'value', 'new', 'life', 'sees', 'cash', 'demands', 'stay', 'life', 'though', 'sorrowful', 'jack', 'situation', 'cash', 'informs', 'nothing', 'epiphany', 'jolts', 'back', 'wealthy', '봸et', 'realizes', 'lonely', 'unfulfilled', '봣ormer', 'life', 'christmas', 'day', 'desperation', 'forgoes', 'closing', '130', 'billion', 'pharmaceutical', 'acquisition', 'deal', 'intercept', 'kate', 'left', 'message', 'day', 'finds', 'moving', 'luxury', 'townhouse', 'like', 'jack', 'also', 'focused', 'career', 'became', 'wealthy', 'lawyer', 'furthermore', 'called', 'give', 'back', 'old', 'possessions', 'moves', 'paris', 'runs', 'airport', 'describes', 'family', 'alternate', 'universe', 'effort', 'win', 'back', 'love', 'shocked', 'intrigued', 'agrees', 'cup', 'coffee', 'airport', 'suggesting', 'might', 'future'], [\"'four\", 'atlanta', 'businessmen', 'lewis', 'bobby', 'drew', 'decide', 'canoe', 'cahulawassee', 'river', 'remote', 'georgia', 'wilderness', 'expecting', 'fun', 'see', 'glory', 'nature', 'river', 'valley', 'flooded', 'construction', 'dam', 'lewis', 'experienced', 'outdoorsman', 'leader', 'also', 'veteran', 'several', 'trips', 'lacks', 'lewis\\\\', 'machismo', 'bobby', 'drew', 'novices', 'four', 'clearly', 'outsiders', 'rural', 'location', 'crude', 'locals', 'unimpressed', 'city', 'boys', 'also', 'implied', 'locals', 'inbred', 'attempting', 'secure', 'drivers', 'vehicles', 'drew', 'briefly', 'connects', 'local', 'banjo-playing', 'boy', 'joining', 'impromptu', 'bluegrass', 'jam', 'finish', 'however', 'boy', 'turns', 'away', 'without', 'saying', 'anything', 'refusing', 'effusive', 'drew\\\\', 'handshake', 'four', 'men', 'exhibit', 'slightly', 'condescending', 'attitude', 'toward', 'locals', 'bobby', 'particular', 'patronizing', 'even', 'derides', 'locals', 'companions', 'seeming', 'display', 'genetic', 'defects', 'men', 'spend', 'day', 'canoeing', 'river', 'pairs', 'camping', 'riverside', 'night', 'shortly', 'retire', 'bed', 'lewis', 'tells', 'others', 'quiet', 'disappears', 'dark', 'woods', 'investigate', 'sound', 'heard', 'returns', 'shortly', 'says', 'find', 'anything', 'asked', 'whether', 'heard', 'something', 'someone', 'tells', 'know', 'traveling', 'next', 'day', 'group\\\\', 'two', 'canoes', 'separated', 'pulling', 'ashore', 'get', 'bearings', 'bobby', 'encounter', 'pair', 'unkempt', 'hillbillies', 'emerging', 'woods', 'one', 'toothless', 'carrying', 'shotgun', 'tense', 'conversation', 'hillbillies', 'appear', 'goading', 'others', 'speculates', 'two', 'locals', 'moonshine', 'still', 'hidden', 'woods', 'bobby', 'amicably', 'offers', 'buy', 'hillbillies', 'moved', 'bobby', 'forced', 'gunpoint', 'strip', 'naked', 'bobby', 'next', 'chased', 'humiliated', 'ordered', 'squeal', 'like', 'pig', 'violently', 'sodomized', 'unable', 'help', 'tied', 'tree', 'held', 'toothless', 'hillbilly', 'meanwhile', 'lewis', 'drew', 'dock', 'canoe', 'hearing', 'commotion', 'lewis', 'secretly', 'sneaks', 'kills', 'rapist', 'arrow', 'hunting', 'bow', 'grabs', 'shotgun', 'captor', 'quickly', 'vanishes', 'woods', 'lewis', 'drew', 'argue', 'whether', 'inform', 'authorities', 'lewis', 'insists', 'would', 'receive', 'fair', 'trial', 'jury', 'would', 'composed', 'dead', 'man\\\\', 'friends', 'relatives', 'bobby', 'agrees', 'want', 'incident', 'rape', 'become', 'public', 'lewis', 'tells', 'since', 'entire', 'area', 'would', 'flooded', 'lake', 'soon', 'body', 'never', 'found', 'escaped', 'hillbilly', 'could', 'inform', 'authorities', 'since', 'participated', 'incident', 'men', 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'suspicious', 'activities', 'within', 'minutes', 'building', 'surrounded', 'police', 'unsure', 'two', 'robbers', 'camp', 'bank', 'holding', 'workers', 'hostage', 'police', 'detective', 'sergeant', 'eugene', 'moretti', 'calls', 'bank', 'tell', 'sonny', 'police', 'arrived', 'sonny', 'warns', 'sal', 'hostages', 'kill', 'anyone', 'tries', 'come', 'bank', 'sal', 'tells', 'sonny', 'ready', 'kill', 'hostages', 'necessary', 'detective', 'moretti', 'acts', 'hostage', 'negotiator', 'fbi', 'agent', 'sheldon', 'monitors', 'actions', 'howard', 'security', 'guard', 'asthma', 'attack', 'sonny', 'releases', 'moretti', 'asks', 'hostage', 'sign', 'good', 'faith', 'moretti', 'convinces', 'sonny', 'step', 'outside', 'bank', 'see', 'aggressive', 'police', 'forces', 'using', 'head', 'teller', 'sylvia', 'shield', 'sonny', 'exits', 'bank', 'begins', 'dialogue', 'moretti', 'culminates', 'shouting', 'attica', 'attica', 'civilian', 'crowd', 'starts', 'cheering', 'sonny', 'realizing', 'make', 'simple', 'getaway', 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'suicide', 'get', 'away', 'sonny', 'hospitalized', 'psychiatric', 'ward', 'bellevue', 'hospital', 'police', 'brought', 'scene', 'leon', 'turns', 'sonny\\\\', 'offer', 'join', 'sal', 'wherever', 'take', 'plane', 'sonny', 'tells', 'police', 'listening', 'phone', 'call', 'leon', 'nothing', 'robbery', 'attempt', 'phone', 'call', 'doctor', 'asks', 'sonny', 'let', 'mulvaney', 'leave', 'sonny', 'agrees', 'mulvaney', 'refuses', 'instead', 'insisting', 'remain', 'employees', 'fbi', 'calls', 'sonny', 'bank', 'brought', 'mother', 'scene', 'unsuccessfully', 'tries', 'persuade', 'give', 'agent', 'sheldon', 'signals', 'limousine', 'arrive', 'ten', 'minutes', 'take', 'waiting', 'jet', 'back', 'inside', 'bank', 'sonny', 'writes', 'leaving', 'money', 'life', 'insurance', 'leon', 'sex', 'change', 'wife', 'angie', 'limousine', 'arrives', 'sonny', 'checks', 'hidden', 'weapons', 'booby', 'traps', 'decides', 'car', 'satisfactory', 'settles', 'agent', 'murphy', 'drive', 'sonny', 'sal', 'remaining', 'hostages', 'kennedy', 'airport', 'per', 'sonny\\\\', 'earlier', 'agreement', 'additional', 'hostage', 'edna', 'released', 'remaining', 'hostages', 'get', 'limousine', 'sonny', 'sal', 'sonny', 'sits', 'front', 'next', 'murphy', 'sal', 'sits', 'behind', 'murphy', 'repeatedly', 'asks', 'sal', 'point', 'gun', 'roof', 'sal', \"won\\\\'t\", 'accidentally', 'shoot', 'wait', 'airport', 'tarmac', 'plane', 'taxi', 'position', 'reminds', 'sal', 'aim', 'gun', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'fire', 'accident', 'sal', 'agent', 'sheldon', 'forces', 'sonny\\\\', 'weapon', 'onto', 'dashboard', 'creating', 'distraction', 'allows', 'murphy', 'pull', 'revolver', 'hidden', 'armrest', 'shoot', 'sal', 'head', 'sonny', 'immediately', 'arrested', 'hostages', 'escorted', 'terminal', 'film', 'ends', 'sonny', 'watching', 'sal\\\\', 'body', 'taken', 'car', 'stretcher', 'subtitles', 'reveal', 'sonny', 'sentenced', 'years', 'prison', 'angie', 'children', 'subsisted', 'welfare', 'leon', 'sex', 'reassignment', 'surgery'], [\"'paula\", 'mcfadden', 'learns', 'dumped', 'married', 'boyfriend', 'tony', 'deforrest', 'sublet', 'manhattan', 'apartment', 'lives', 'ten-year-old', 'daughter', 'lucy', 'elliot', 'garfield', 'neurotic', 'sweet', 'aspiring', 'actor', 'chicago', 'shows', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'middle', 'night', 'expecting', 'live', 'rents', 'apartment', 'though', 'paula', 'demanding', 'makes', 'clear', 'start', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'elliot', 'allows', 'lucy', 'stay', 'paula', 'struggles', 'get', 'back', 'shape', 'try', 'resume', 'career', 'dancer', 'meanwhile', 'elliot', 'problems', 'landed', 'title', 'role', 'off-off-broadway', 'production', 'richard', 'iii', 'director', 'mark', 'wants', 'play', 'character', 'exaggerated', 'stereotype', 'homosexual', 'mark\\\\', 'words', 'queen', 'wanted', 'king', 'reluctantly', 'elliot', 'agrees', 'play', 'role', 'despite', 'full', 'knowledge', 'may', 'mean', 'end', 'career', 'actor', 'many', 'theater', 'critics', 'television', 'stations', 'newspapers', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'attend', 'opening', 'night', 'savage', 'production', 'especially', 'elliot\\\\', 'performance', 'play', 'quickly', 'closes', 'much', 'relief', 'despite', 'frequent', 'clashes', 'paula', 'elliot', 'fall', 'love', 'sleep', 'together', 'lucy', 'however', 'begins', 'dislike', 'elliot', 'seeing', 'affair', 'repeat', 'happened', 'tony', 'also', 'slept', 'paula', 'left', 'soon', 'elliot', 'offered', 'fantastic', 'opportunity', 'role', 'movie', 'turn', 'catch', 'job', 'seattle', 'elliot', 'gone', 'four', 'weeks', 'paula', 'informed', 'scared', 'elliot', 'leaving', 'never', 'return', 'like', 'men', 'life', 'desperate', 'make', 'believe', 'return', 'last', 'minute', 'elliot', 'invites', 'paula', 'filming', 'picture', 'suggests', 'lucy', 'stay', 'friend', 'return', 'paula', 'declines', 'happy', 'knows', 'elliot\\\\', 'invitation', 'evidence', 'loves', 'come', 'back', 'leaves', 'trip', 'paula', 'realizes', 'left', 'prized', 'guitar', 'behind', 'purposely', 'signaling', 'indeed', 'return', 'really', 'love'], ['plot', '1964', 'guy', 'patterson', 'jazz', 'drummer', 'works', 'family\\\\', 'erie', 'pennsylvania', 'appliance', 'store', 'jimmy', 'mattingly', 'lenny', 'haise', 'ask', 'guy', 'sit', 'band', 'annual', 'mercyhurst', 'college', 'talent', 'show', 'regular', 'drummer', 'broken', 'arm', 'group', 'rehearses', 'ballad', 'titled', 'thing', 'jimmy\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'faye', 'dolan', 'inspired', 'guy\\\\', 'performance', 'rehearsal', 'suggests', 'group', 'call', 'oneders', 'talent', 'show', 'guy', 'launches', 'faster', 'tempo', 'thing', 'rehearsal', 'audience', 'goes', 'wild', 'song', 'jimmy', 'scolds', 'guy', 'playing', 'fast', 'lenny', 'heartily', 'approves', 'change', 'oneders', 'win', '100', 'top', 'prize', 'obtain', 'first', 'paying', 'gig', 'local', 'pizza', 'parlor', 'help', 'guy\\\\', 'uncle', 'bob', 'begin', 'selling', 'single', 'thing', 'attracts', 'attention', 'local', 'manager', 'phil', 'horace', 'chris', 'ellis', 'horace', 'signs', 'bigger', 'gigs', 'arranges', 'local', 'airplay', 'single', 'increasing', 'band\\\\', 'appeal', 'pittsburgh', 'gig', 'record', 'company', 'representative', 'mr.', 'white', 'offers', 'band', 'development', 'contract', 'play-tone', 'records', 'boys', 'sign', 'contract', 'white', 'changes', 'band', 'name', 'wonders', 'avoid', 'confusion', 'wonders', 'costume', 'mistress', 'faye', 'tour', 'state', 'fairs', 'across', 'midwest', 'summer', 'play-tone', 'artists', 'guy', 'faye', 'grow', 'closer', 'thing', 'enters', 'climbs', 'billboard', 'top', 'nbsp', '100.', 'wonders', 'opening', 'act', 'feature', 'attraction', 'throngs', 'teenage', 'girls', 'mob', 'band', 'thing', 'enters', 'top', 'nbsp', 'play-tone', 'sends', 'band', 'hollywood', 'meet', 'sol', 'siler', 'label\\\\', 'founder', 'flight', 'faye', 'comes', 'mild', 'case', 'flu', 'guy', 'seems', 'solicitous', 'comfort', 'wonders', 'appear', 'low-budget', 'beach', 'movie', 'siler\\\\', 'apparent', 'disdain', 'band', 'disillusions', 'jimmy', 'whose', 'lack', 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'absent', 'next', 'day\\\\', 'recording', 'session', 'white', 'prepares', 'find', 'another', 'studio', 'musician', 'fill', 'jimmy', 'resists', 'white\\\\', 'plan', 'cover', 'songs', 'play-tone', 'catalog', 'instead', 'jimmy\\\\', 'original', 'ballads', 'white', 'explains', 'play-tone', 'contract', 'specifies', 'content', 'album', 'one', 'original', 'song', 'per', 'side', 'balance', 'consisting', 'corporate-owned', 'material', 'original', 'songs', 'must', 'snappy', 'ballads', 'jimmy', 'quits', 'band', 'storms', 'studio', 'white', 'tells', 'guy', 'wonders', 'breach', 'contract', 'common', 'tale', 'seen', 'reenacted', 'countless', 'bands', 'white', 'reassures', 'guy', 'tells', 'wonders', 'vacate', 'hotel', 'afternoon', 'guy', 'bolstered', 'idol', 'jazz', 'pianist', 'del', 'paxton', 'overheard', 'guy\\\\', 'impromptu', 'drum', 'solo', 'suggests', 'record', 'duet', 'guy', 'later', 'tells', 'faye', 'del', 'thinks', 'potential', 'studio', 'musician', 'faye', 'tells', 'guy', 'plans', 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'mistaken', 'belief', 'death', 'imminent', 'pendleton', 'arrives', 'afterlife', 'refuses', 'believe', 'time', 'upon', 'investigation', 'mysterious', 'mr.', 'jordan', 'discovers', 'right', 'destined', 'die', 'much', 'later', 'unfortunately', 'body', 'already', 'cremated', 'new', 'body', 'must', 'found', 'rejecting', 'several', 'possibilities', 'joe', 'finally', 'persuaded', 'accept', 'body', 'millionaire', 'industrialist', 'leo', 'farnsworth', 'farnsworth', 'drugged', 'drowned', 'bathtub', 'wife', 'julia', 'lover', 'farnsworth', 'personal', 'secretary', 'tony', 'abbott', 'julia', 'tony', 'naturally', 'confused', 'farnsworth', 'reappears', 'alive', 'well', 'leo', 'farnsworth', 'buys', 'los', 'angeles', 'rams', 'order', 'lead', 'super', 'bowl', 'quarterback', 'order', 'succeed', 'must', 'first', 'convince', 'secure', 'aid', 'long-time', 'friend', 'trainer', 'max', 'corkle', 'get', 'new', 'body', 'shape', 'time', 'falls', 'love', 'environmental', 'activist', 'betty', 'logan', 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'extremely', 'wealthy', 'months', 'shy', 'sixteen', 'risen', 'top', 'high', 'school', 'social', 'scene', 'happy', 'self-assured', 'insular', 'fashion-obsessed', 'world', 'lives', 'beverly', 'hills', 'mansion', 'father', 'mel', 'ferocious', '500-an-hour', 'litigator', 'mother', 'long', 'since', 'died', 'succumbed', 'complications', 'undergoing', 'liposuction', 'cher\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'dionne', 'davenport', 'also', 'rich', 'pretty', 'hip', 'understands', 'it\\\\', 'like', 'envied', 'among', 'people', 'find', 'much', 'fault', 'cher', 'josh', 'socially', 'conscious', 'ex-stepbrother', 'visits', 'break', 'college', 'josh', 'cher', 'spar', 'continually', 'without', 'malice', 'refers', 'granola', 'breath', 'mocks', 'scruffy', 'idealism', 'teases', 'selfish', 'vain', 'superficial', 'says', 'direction', 'life', 'toward', 'mall', 'illustrating', 'cher\\\\', 'selfishness', 'usually', 'innocent', 'relatively', 'harmless', 'cher', 'plays', 'matchmaker', 'two', 'lonely', 'nerdy', 'hard-grading', 'teachers', 'mr.', 'hall', 'miss', 'geist', 'achieves', 'original', 'purpose', 'make', 'relax', 'grading', 'standards', 'renegotiate', 'bad', 'report', 'card', 'sees', 'newfound', 'happiness', 'realizes', 'likes', 'good', 'deeds', 'cher', 'decides', 'ultimate', 'way', 'give', 'back', 'community', 'would', 'adopt', 'tragically', 'unhip', 'new', 'girl', 'school', 'tai', 'frasier', 'cher', 'dionne', 'give', 'tai', 'makeover', 'initiate', 'mysteries', 'popularity', 'cher', 'also', 'tries', 'extinguish', 'strong', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'tai', 'travis', 'amiable', 'skateboarding', 'slacker', 'steer', 'toward', 'elton', 'rich', 'snob', 'second', 'matchmaking', 'scheme', 'backfires', 'elton', 'rejects', 'tai', 'makes', 'play', 'cher', 'matters', 'worsen', 'however', 'cher\\\\', 'project', 'works', 'bit', 'well', 'tai\\\\', 'popularity', 'begins', 'surpass', 'cher\\\\', 'especially', 'tai', 'near-death', 'adventure', 'mall', 'helps', 'skyrocket', 'fame', 'school', 'classmates', 'including', 'dionne', 'cher\\\\', 'longtime', 'rival', 'amber', 'soon', 'gravitate', 'toward', 'tai', 'cher', 'finds', 'demoted', 'queen', 'courtier', 'high', 'school', 'meanwhile', 'cher', 'couple', 'romantic', 'mishaps', 'boys', 'school', 'first', 'involves', 'elton', 'next', 'concerns', 'christian', 'justin', 'walker', 'handsome', 'classmate', 'great', 'fashion', 'sense', 'turns', 'gay', 'cher', 'naively', 'repeatedly', 'fails', 'recognize', 'christian\\\\', 'homosexual', 'tendencies', 'tries', 'unsuccessfully', 'seduce', 'alone', 'one', 'night', 'watching', 'spartacus', 'next', 'day', 'dionne\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'murray', 'roars', 'laughter', 'makes', 'cher\\\\', 'mistake', 'clear', 'last', 'events', 'reach', 'crisis', 'cher', 'fails', 'driver\\\\', 'test', \"can\\\\'t\", 'renegotiate', 'result', 'cher', 'goes', 'home', 'crushed', 'tai', 'confides', 'she\\\\', 'taken', 'fancy', 'josh', 'wants', 'cher', 'help', 'get', 'cher', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'think', 'josh', 'right', 'quarrel', 'cher', 'left', 'alone', 'begins', 'think', 'created', 'monster', 'image', 'feeling', 'totally', 'clueless', 'reflects', 'priorities', 'repeated', 'failures', 'understand', 'appreciate', 'people', 'life', 'keeps', 'thinking', 'josh', 'tai', 'wonders', 'cares', 'much', 'much', 'soul-searching', 'cher', 'discovers', 'fallen', 'love', 'josh', 'begins', 'making', 'awkward', 'sincere', 'efforts', 'live', 'useful', 'life', 'even', 'captaining', 'school\\\\', 'pismo', 'beach', 'disaster', 'relief', 'effort', 'scene', 'near', 'end', 'film', 'finds', 'cher', 'josh', 'stumbling', 'admit', 'mutual', 'feelings', 'finally', 'culminating', 'tender', 'kiss', 'stairs', 'home', 'film', 'happy', 'hollywood', 'ending', 'cher', 'mr.', 'hall', 'miss', 'geist', 'get', 'married', 'friendships', 'tai', 'dionne', 'reaffirmed', 'tai', 'travis', 'love', 'josh\\\\', 'arms', 'finally', 'found', 'love'], [\"'nick\", 'marshall', 'chicago', 'advertising', 'executive', 'alpha', 'male', 'grew', 'las', 'vegas', 'showgirl', 'mother', 'chauvinist', 'skilled', 'selling', 'men', 'seducing', 'women', 'including', 'local', 'coffee', 'attendant', 'lola', 'however', 'thinks', 'he\\\\', 'headed', 'promotion', 'manager', 'dan', 'informs', 'hiring', 'talents', 'darcy', 'mcguire', 'instead', 'broaden', 'firm\\\\', 'appeal', 'women', 'also', 'estranged', '15-year-old', 'daughter', 'alex', 'spending', 'two', 'weeks', 'ex-wife', 'gigi', 'goes', 'honeymoon', 'new', 'husband', 'alex', 'embarrassed', 'nick', 'resents', 'protective', 'meets', 'boyfriend', 'needing', 'prove', 'darcy', 'dan', 'nick', 'attempts', 'think', 'copy', 'series', 'feminine', 'products', 'darcy', 'distributed', 'day\\\\', 'staff', 'meeting', 'however', 'slips', 'falls', 'bathtub', 'holding', 'electric', 'hairdryer', 'shocking', 'next', 'day', 'nick', 'wakes', 'able', 'understand', 'maid\\\\', 'thoughts', 'cleans', 'apartment', 'walks', 'park', 'encounters', 'numerous', 'women', 'realizes', 'hear', 'thoughts', 'even', 'female', 'poodle', 'proves', 'epiphany', 'hears', 'thoughts', 'female', 'co-workers', 'goes', 'previous', 'therapist', 'dr.', 'perkins', 'realizes', 'gift', 'men', 'mars', 'women', 'venus', 'speak', 'venutian', 'world', 'nick', 'eavesdrops', 'women\\\\', 'thoughts', 'uses', 'ideas', 'also', 'begin', 'develop', 'real', 'friendships', 'co-workers', 'spends', 'time', 'darcy', 'attracted', 'however', 'tries', 'get', 'closer', 'daughter', 'resents', 'trying', 'many', 'years', 'neglect', 'nick', 'shrewdly', 'suspects', 'boyfriend', 'considerably', 'older', 'alex', 'plans', 'sleep', 'dump', 'want', 'nick\\\\', 'advice', 'nick', 'darcy', 'begin', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'ultimately', 'kiss', 'manages', 'trump', 'darcy', 'idea', 'new', 'nike', 'campaign', 'aimed', 'women', 'later', 'regrets', 'selfishness', 'especially', 'leads', 'fired', 'nick', 'loses', 'gift', 'storm', 'trying', 'find', 'company', 'secretary', 'erin', 'contemplating', 'suicide', 'also', 'reconciled', 'daughter', 'boyfriend', 'rejects', 'nick', 'finally', 'visits', 'darcy', 'explains', 'everything', 'regains', 'job', 'nick', 'gets', 'fired', 'forgives', 'agrees', 'save', 'responds', 'hero'], [\"'aurora\", 'emma', 'greenway', 'horton', 'mother', 'daughter', 'searching', 'deep', 'romantic', 'love', 'beginning', 'emma\\\\', 'early', 'childhood', 'aurora', 'reveals', 'difficult', 'caring', 'nearly', 'climbing', 'emma\\\\', 'crib', 'order', 'make', 'sure', 'daughter', 'breathing', '봮nly', 'reassured', 'emma', 'starts', 'crying', 'two', 'extremely', 'close', 'love-hate', 'mother/daughter', 'relationship', 'emma', 'grows', 'film', 'follows', 'women', 'across', 'several', 'years', 'find', 'reasons', 'going', 'living', 'finding', 'joy', 'emma', 'gets', 'married', 'immediately', 'upon', 'graduating', 'high', 'school', 'houston', 'area', 'best', 'friend', 'patsy', 'continues', 'college', 'eventually', 'becoming', 'successful', 'rich', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'emma', 'two', 'children', 'husband', 'college', 'professor', 'flap', 'horton', 'struggle', 'support', 'des', 'moines', 'iowa', 'later', 'telephones', 'mother', 'asks', 'money', 'pregnant', 'third', 'child', 'aurora', 'knowing', 'telephone', 'call', 'emma', 'already', 'several', 'months', 'pregnant', 'wants', 'emma', 'get', 'abortion', 'emma\\\\', 'once-passionate', 'marriage', 'flap', 'becomes', 'strained', 'thanks', 'mostly', 'philandering', 'finds', 'lover', 'small-town', 'older', 'banker', 'sam', 'burns', 'eventually', 'romantic', 'love', 'affair', 'well', 'time', 'aurora', 'cultivates', 'attention', 'several', 'gentlemen', 'area', 'rather', 'bizarre', 'attracted', 'next', 'door', 'neighbor', 'fifteen', 'years', 'philandering', 'retired', 'astronaut', 'garrett', 'breedlove', 'garrett', 'drinking', 'heavily', 'years', 'partied', 'young', 'women', 'home', 'aurora', 'garrett', 'eventually', 'lunch', 'date', 'make', 'love', 'develop', 'tenuous', 'relationship', 'one', 'scene', 'shows', 'speeding', 'open', 'corvette', 'convertible', 'along', 'quiet', 'beach', 'recklessly', 'sits', 'top', 'car', 'steers', 'foot', 'emma', 'returns', 'mother\\\\', 'home', 'houston', 'discovering', 'husband', 'affair', 'young', 'grad', 'student', 'named', 'janice', 'attends', 'college', 'flap', 'teaches', 'however', 'emma\\\\', 'appearance', 'along', 'three', 'children', 'spooks', 'garrett', 'single', 'long', 'time', 're-assessing', 'relationship', 'aurora', 'garrett', 'breaks', 'greatly', 'upsetting', 'aurora', 'emma', 'houston', 'flap', 'telephones', 'reluctantly', 'returns', 'home', 'iowa', 'attempting', 'reconciliation', 'accept', 'made', 'mistakes', 'emma', 'ends', 'relationship', 'sam', 'flap', 'accepts', 'new', 'teaching', 'position', 'kearney', 'nebraska', 'although', 'want', 'emma', 'agrees', 'relocate', 'flap\\\\', 'career', 'however', 'emma', 'soon', 'discovers', 'janice', 'attending', 'college', 'flap', 'works', 'realizing', 'flap', 'followed', 'nebraska', 'daughter', 'stroller', 'emma', 'confronts', 'janice', 'taking', 'daughter', 'doctor\\\\', 'office', 'get', 'flu', 'shots', 'administering', 'injection', 'emma\\\\', 'doctor', 'notices', 'two', 'large', 'lumps', 'armpit', 'although', 'emma', '30s', 'doctor', 'orders', 'biopsy', 'discovers', 'malignancy', 'emma\\\\', 'childhood', 'friend', 'patsy', 'invites', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'first', 'vacation', 'without', 'children', 'however', 'arriving', 'emma', 'feels', 'out-of-place', 'amongst', 'patsy\\\\', 'friends', 'returns', 'home', 'early', 'begin', 'treatment', 'illness', 'later', 'doctor', 'informs', 'drugs', 'taking', 'desired', 'effect', 'survive', 'illness', 'flap', 'aurora', 'remain', 'bedside', 'hospital', 'weeks', 'although', 'devastated', 'exhausted', 'aurora', 'still', 'supportive', 'loving', 'towards', 'emma', 'garrett', 'flies', 'lincoln', 'nebraska', 'surprises', 'aurora', 'two', 'proclaim', 'love', 'discussion', 'hospital', 'cafeteria', 'aurora', 'flap', 'aurora', 'tells', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'energy', 'job', 'chasing', 'women', 'managing', 'family', 'aurora', 'tells', 'flap', 'raise', 'emma\\\\', 'children', 'houston', 'although', 'patsy', 'children', 'wants', 'adopt', 'melanie', 'flap', 'emma', 'want', 'children', 'separated', 'emma', 'wanting', 'janice', 'raise', 'children', 'flap', 'feeling', 'like', 'failure', 'father', 'husband', 'agree', 'living', 'aurora', 'best', 'children', 'emma\\\\', 'time', 'begins', 'run', 'short', 'teddy', 'shows', 'open', 'resentment', 'toward', 'mother', 'due', 'circumstances', 'social', 'class', 'fights', 'parents', 'teddy\\\\', 'perception', 'feeling', 'unloved', 'emma', 'reassures', 'three', 'children', 'loved', 'altercation', 'aurora', 'teddy', 'weeps', 'arms', 'emma', 'dies', 'later', 'night', 'following', 'emma\\\\', 'funeral', 'emma', 'aurora\\\\', 'friends', 'family', 'gather', 'aurora\\\\', 'back', 'yard', 'wake', 'garrett', 'shows', 'love', 'toward', 'emma\\\\', 'children', 'helps', 'teddy', 'cope', 'wake', 'film', 'closes', 'aurora', 'sitting', 'next', 'grandchild', 'melanie'], ['film', 'tells', 'two', 'different', 'men', 'share', 'brazilian', 'prison', 'cell', 'valentin', 'arregui', 'imprisoned', 'due', 'activities', 'behalf', 'leftist', 'revolutionary', 'group', 'luis', 'molina', 'homosexual', 'prison', 'sex', 'underage', 'boy', 'molina', 'passes', 'time', 'recounting', 'memories', 'one', 'favorite', 'films', 'wartime', 'romantic', 'thriller', 'also', 'nazi', 'propaganda', 'film', 'weaves', 'characters', 'narrative', 'meant', 'comfort', 'arregui', 'distract', 'harsh', 'realities', 'political', 'imprisonment', 'separation', 'woman', 'cares', 'arregui', 'allows', 'molina', 'penetrate', 'defensive', 'self', 'opens', 'despite', 'arregui', 'occasionally', 'snapping', 'molina', 'rather', 'shallow', 'views', 'political', 'cinema', 'unlikely', 'friendship', 'develops', 'two', 'story', 'develops', 'becomes', 'clear', 'arregui', 'poisoned', 'jailers', 'provide', 'molina', 'chance', 'befriend', 'molina', 'spying', 'arregui', 'behalf', 'brazilian', 'secret', 'police', 'molina', 'namely', 'promised', 'parole', 'succeeds', 'obtaining', 'information', 'allow', 'secret', 'police', 'find', 'revolutionary', 'group', 'members', 'however', 'molina', 'falls', 'love', 'arregui', 'arregui', 'responds', 'fashion', 'culminating', 'physical', 'consummation', 'love', 'molina', 'last', 'night', 'prison', 'molina', 'granted', 'parole', 'hopes', 'arregui', 'reveal', 'information', 'contacts', 'knows', 'molina', 'prison', 'arregui', 'provides', 'molina', 'telephone', 'number', 'message', 'comrades', 'molina', 'first', 'refuses', 'take', 'number', 'fearing', 'consequences', 'treason', 'relents', 'arregui', 'bid', 'farewell', 'kiss', 'final', 'scenes', 'molina', 'calls', 'telephone', 'number', 'meeting', 'arranged', 'revolutionary', 'group', 'secret', 'police', 'molina', 'surveillance', 'gun', 'battle', 'ensues', 'revolutionaries', 'assuming', 'molina', 'betrayed', 'shooting', 'wanders', 'streets', 'wounded', 'policemen', 'catch', 'demand', 'disclose', 'telephone', 'number', 'exchange', 'taking', 'hospital', 'treatment', 'molina', 'refuses', 'succumbs', 'wounds', 'orders', 'homophobic', 'police', 'chief', 'policemen', 'dump', 'molina', 'body', 'rubbish', 'pit', 'fabricate', 'story', 'death', 'involvement', 'revolutionary', 'group', 'meanwhile', 'back', 'prison', 'arregui', 'treated', 'tortured', 'doctor', 'administers', 'morphine', 'help', 'sleep', 'risking', 'job', 'process', 'arregui', 'escapes', 'dream', 'tropical', 'island', 'woman', 'loves', 'although', 'made', 'explicit', 'implied', 'dies', 'wounds'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'mob', 'hit', 'man', 'hit', 'woman', 'fall', 'love', 'even', 'though', 'hired', 'kill'], ['sarah', 'norman', 'troubled', 'young', 'deaf', 'woman', 'working', 'cleaner', 'school', 'deaf', 'hard', 'hearing', 'new', 'england', 'energetic', 'new', 'teacher', 'james', 'leeds', 'arrives', 'school', 'encourages', 'set', 'aside', 'insular', 'life', 'learning', 'talk', 'already', 'uses', 'sign', 'language', 'sarah', 'resists', 'james', 'attempts', 'get', 'talk', 'romantic', 'interest', 'develops', 'james', 'sarah', 'soon', 'living', 'together', 'though', 'differences', 'mutual', 'stubbornness', 'eventually', 'strains', 'relationship', 'breaking', 'point', 'continues', 'want', 'talk', 'feels', 'somewhat', 'stifled', 'presence', 'sarah', 'leaves', 'james', 'goes', 'live', 'estranged', 'mother', 'nearby', 'city', 'reconciling', 'process', 'however', 'james', 'later', 'find', 'way', 'resolve', 'differences'], ['story', 'told', 'three', 'main', 'arcs', 'almost', 'occurring', '24-month', 'period', 'beginning', 'ending', 'thanksgiving', 'parties', 'hosted', 'hannah', 'husband', 'elliot', 'hannah', 'serves', 'stalwart', 'hub', 'narrative', 'story', 'successful', 'actress', 'somewhat', 'secondary', 'events', 'film', 'connect', 'adulterous', 'romance', 'elliot', 'one', 'hannah', 'sisters', 'lee', 'provides', 'main', 'romantic', 'entanglement', 'film', 'elliot', 'attributes', 'discontent', 'wife', 'self-sufficiency', 'resentment', 'emotional', 'strength', 'lee', 'lived', 'five', 'years', 'reclusive', 'artist', 'frederick', 'much', 'older', 'finds', 'relationship', 'frederick', 'longer', 'intellectually', 'sexually', 'stimulating', 'spite', 'frederick', 'professed', 'interest', 'continuing', 'teach', 'leaves', 'frederick', 'much', 'sorrow', 'discovers', 'affair', 'elliot', 'remainder', 'year', 'first', 'second', 'thanksgiving', 'gatherings', 'elliot', 'lee', 'carry', 'affair', 'despite', 'elliot', 'lingering', 'inability', 'end', 'marriage', 'hannah', 'lee', 'finally', 'ends', 'affair', 'second', 'thanksgiving', 'explaining', 'finished', 'waiting', 'commit', 'started', 'dating', 'someone', 'else', 'mickey', 'former', 'husband', 'hannah', 'eventual', 'husband', 'holly', 'shown', 'primarily', 'scenes', 'outside', 'primary', 'story', 'scenes', 'take', 'place', 'outside', '24-month', 'period', 'primary', 'story', 'involve', 'flashbacks', 'mickey', 'previous', 'marriage', 'hannah', 'hannah', 'mickey', 'struggle', 'infertility', 'subsequent', 'role', 'surrogate', 'father', 'hannah', 'children', 'first', 'date', 'hannah', 'sister', 'holly', 'aside', 'flashback', 'scenes', 'mickey', 'depicted', 'within', 'timeline', 'main', 'story', 'dealing', 'hypochondria', 'professional', 'creative', 'conflicts', 'television', 'industry', 'existential', 'crisis', 'leads', 'unsatisfying', 'experiments', 'religious', 'conversion', 'catholicism', 'interest', 'krishna', 'consciousness', 'ultimately', 'unsuccessful', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'leads', 'find', 'meaning', 'life', 'unexpectedly', 'viewing', 'marx', 'brothers', 'duck', 'soup', 'movie', 'theater', 'revelation', 'life', 'enjoyed', 'rather', 'understood', 'helps', 'prepare', 'second', 'date', 'holly', 'time', 'blossoms', 'quickly', 'love', 'marriage', 'holly', 'story', 'film', 'third', 'main', 'arc', 'former', 'cocaine', 'addict', 'depicted', 'insecure', 'least', 'talented', 'three', 'sisters', 'unsuccessful', 'actress', 'shifts', 'one', 'career', 'aspiration', 'another', 'order', 'find', 'success', 'borrowing', 'money', 'hannah', 'starts', 'catering', 'business', 'april', 'friend', 'fellow', 'actress', 'holly', 'april', 'end', 'rivals', 'auditions', 'parts', 'broadway', 'musicals', 'well', 'affections', 'architect', 'attracted', 'holly', 'abandons', 'catering', 'business', 'romance', 'architect', 'fails', 'decides', 'try', 'hand', 'writing', 'career', 'change', 'forces', 'borrow', 'money', 'hannah', 'dependency', 'hannah', 'perhaps', 'welcomes', 'holly', 'resents', 'writes', 'script', 'inspired', 'hannah', 'elliot', 'greatly', 'upsets', 'hannah', 'suggested', 'much', 'script', 'involved', 'personal', 'details', 'hannah', 'elliot', 'marriage', 'conveyed', 'holly', 'lee', 'although', 'threatens', 'expose', 'affair', 'elliot', 'lee', 'elliot', 'soon', 'disavows', 'disclosing', 'details', 'holly', 'sets', 'aside', 'script', 'due', 'hannah', 'objections', 'instead', 'writes', 'story', 'inspired', 'life', 'mickey', 'reads', 'admires', 'greatly', 'vowing', 'help', 'get', 'produced', 'leading', 'second', 'date', 'minor', 'arc', 'film', 'tells', 'part', 'story', 'norma', 'evan', 'played', 'maureen', \"o'sullivan\", 'mia', 'farrow', 'actual', 'mother', 'lloyd', 'nolan', 'never', 'late', 'parents', 'hannah', 'two', 'sisters', 'still', 'acting', 'careers', 'tumultuous', 'marriage', 'revolves', 'around', 'norma', 'alcoholism', 'alleged', 'affairs', 'however', 'long-term', 'bond', 'evident', 'evan', 'flirtatious', 'anecdotes', 'norma', 'playing', 'piano', 'thanksgiving', 'gatherings', 'time', 'film', 'third', 'thanksgiving', 'lee', 'married', 'someone', 'met', 'taking', 'classes', 'columbia', 'meanwhile', 'hannah', 'elliot', 'reconciled', 'marriage', 'film', 'final', 'shot', 'reveals', 'holly', 'married', 'mickey', 'pregnant', 'part', 'film', 'structure', 'background', 'borrowed', 'ingmar', 'bergman', 'fanny', 'alexander', 'films', 'large', 'theatrical', 'family', 'gather', 'three', 'successive', 'year', 'celebrations', 'first', 'gathering', 'time', 'contentment', 'second', 'time', 'trouble', 'third', 'showing', 'happens', 'resolution', 'troubles', 'sudden', 'appearance', 'mickey', 'reflection', 'behind', 'holly', 'closing', 'scene', 'also', 'parallels', 'apparition', 'behind', 'alexander', 'bishop', 'ghost'], [\"'thirty-seven-year-old\", 'loretta', 'castorini', 'italian', 'american', 'widow', 'accountant', 'local', 'businesses', 'brooklyn', 'heights', 'new', 'york', 'lives', 'large', 'comfortable', 'house', 'parents', 'cosmo', 'successful', 'plumber', 'rose', 'grandfather', 'cosmo\\\\', 'father', 'boyfriend', 'johnny', 'cammareri', 'proposes', 'dinner', 'neighborhood', 'italian', 'restaurant', 'grand', 'ticino', 'leaving', 'sicily', 'attend', 'dying', 'mother', 'agrees', 'condition', 'observes', 'formalities', 'kneeling', 'presenting', 'ring', 'considers', 'previous', 'marriage', 'cut', 'short', \"hadn\\\\'t\", 'observed', 'johnny', 'asks', 'loretta', 'invite', 'estranged', 'younger', 'brother', 'ronny', 'wedding', 'loretta', 'drives', 'johnny', 'airport', 'stops', 'liquor', 'store', 'bottle', 'champagne', 'hears', 'proprietors', 'bickering', 'wife', 'accusing', 'husband', 'wolf', 'home', 'cosmo', 'listening', 'vicki', 'carr\\\\', 'recording', 'must', 'brooding', 'loretta', 'pours', 'drink', 'shares', 'news', 'cosmo', 'points', 'married', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'work', 'loretta', 'says', 'bad', 'luck', 'husband', 'hit', 'bus', 'believes', 'bad', 'luck', 'caused', 'real', 'wedding', 'cosmo', 'approved', 'gotten', 'married', 'city', 'hall', 'party', 'dress', 'cake', '...', 'bad', 'luck', 'agrees', 'tells', 'real', 'wedding', 'time', 'wake', 'rose', 'tell', 'news', 'asks', 'loretta', 'loves', 'johnny', 'loretta', 'says', 'likes', 'rose', 'says', 'good', 'love', 'drive', 'crazy', 'know', 'next', 'morning', 'loretta', 'rose', 'breakfast', 'johnny', 'calls', 'sicily', 'mother', 'dying', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'told', 'engagement', 'yet', 'loretta', 'urges', 'wait', 'dead', 'reminds', 'loretta', 'promise', 'visit', 'ronny', 'visits', 'bakery', 'ronny', 'owns', 'explains', 'reason', 'bad', 'blood', 'ronny', 'engaged', 'woman', 'time', 'johnny', 'come', 'one', 'day', 'buy', 'bread', 'ronny', 'talked', 'johnny', 'sliced', 'bread', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'paying', 'attention', 'lost', 'hand', 'slicer', 'fianc챕e', 'left', 'maimed', 'ronny', 'blames', 'johnny', 'accident', 'upset', 'loretta', 'tells', 'come', 'upset', 'talk', 'apartment', 'bakery', 'loretta', 'cooks', 'meal', 'drink', 'whiskey', 'talk', 'loretta', 'tells', 'ronny', 'wolf', 'allowed', 'lose', 'hand', 'rather', 'caught', 'trap', 'ronny', 'sweeps', 'loretta', 'bed', 'make', 'love', 'night', 'amazing', 'full', 'moon', 'shines', 'couples', 'story', 'morning', 'loretta', 'feels', 'ashamed', 'tells', 'ronny', 'never', 'see', 'admits', 'he\\\\', 'fallen', 'love', 'agrees', 'see', 'opera', 'night', 'would', 'two', 'things', 'loves', 'opera', 'loretta', 'agrees', 'meet', 'met', 'day', 'loretta', 'goes', 'beauty', 'salon', 'hair', 'colored', 'styled', 'eyebrows', 'plucked', 'complete', 'makeover', 'shops', 'beautiful', 'gown', 'shoes', 'stops', 'church', 'confession', 'telling', 'priest', 'slept', 'fianc챕\\\\', 'brother', 'priest', 'urges', 'consider', 'life', 'sees', 'rose', 'sitting', 'church', 'talk', 'rose', 'tells', 'cosmo', 'seeing', 'another', 'woman', 'loretta', 'believe', 'meanwhile', 'cosmo', 'lunch', 'fancy', 'restaurant', 'mistress', 'mona', 'presents', 'gift', 'gold', 'bracelet', 'scene', 'evening', 'loretta', 'plays', 'romantic', 'music', 'leisurely', 'dresses', 'opera', 'takes', 'cab', 'meet', 'ronny', 'met', 'wearing', 'tux', 'transformed', 'loretta', 'deeply', 'moved', 'first', 'opera', 'puccini\\\\', 'boh챔me', 'night', 'rose', 'dines', 'alone', 'grand', 'ticino', 'witnesses', 'dramatic', 'breakup', 'young', 'coed', 'college', 'professor', 'named', 'perry', 'invites', 'perry', 'dine', 'afterwards', 'walks', 'home', 'knows', 'husband', 'mistress', 'refuses', 'unfaithful', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'take', 'perry\\\\', 'suggestion', 'invite', 'know', 'loretta', 'ronny', 'leave', 'opera', 'sees', 'cosmo', 'mona', 'loretta', 'cosmo', 'shocked', 'see', 'someone', 'proper', 'partner', 'agree', 'ignore', 'fact', 'saw', 'loretta', 'ronny', 'stop', 'bar', 'drink', 'loretta', 'upset', 'cosmo\\\\', 'infidelity', 'feels', 'guilty', 'ronny', 'explains', 'person', 'decide', 'things', 'differently', 'change', 'desperately', 'passionately', 'persuades', 'another', 'tryst', 'meanwhile', 'johnny\\\\', 'mother', 'made', 'miraculous', 'recovery', 'told', 'plans', 'marry', 'loretta', 'returned', 'sicily', 'unexpectedly', 'stopping', 'loretta\\\\', 'house', 'way', 'back', 'airport', 'rose', 'tells', 'loretta', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'opportunity', 'talk', 'rose', 'asks', 'men', 'cheat', 'women', 'first', 'suggests', 'might', 'something', 'adam', 'looking', 'missing', 'rib', 'rose', 'lays', 'opinion', 'real', 'reason', 'fear', 'death', 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'loretta', 'books', 'forgot', 'make', 'bank', 'deposit', 'delicatessen', 'getting', 'makeover', 'worried', 'everyone', 'introduced', 'ronny', 'await', 'johnny\\\\', 'arrival', 'johnny', 'finally', 'comes', 'explains', 'loretta', 'marries', 'mother', 'die', 'loretta', 'forgetting', 'momentarily', 'good', 'news', 'throws', 'engagement', 'ring', 'seizing', 'moment', 'ronny', 'asks', 'loretta', 'marry', 'borrows', 'johnny\\\\', 'ring', 'loretta', 'accepts', 'rose', 'asks', 'loretta', 'loves', 'loretta', 'says', 'love', 'awful', 'rose', 'comments', 'that\\\\', 'bad', 'family', 'shares', 'bottle', 'champagne', 'celebrate', 'grandfather', 'insists', 'johnny', 'join', 'toast', 'one', 'family', 'well'], [\"'tess\", 'mcgill', 'working-class', 'stockbroker\\\\', 'secretary', 'staten', 'island', 'bachelor\\\\', 'degree', 'business', 'evening', 'classes', 'dreams', 'executive', 'position', 'tricked', 'boss', 'date', 'lascivious', 'colleague', 'gets', 'trouble', 'publicly', 'insulting', 'reassigned', 'secretary', 'new', 'financial', 'executive', 'katharine', 'parker', 'seemingly', 'supportive', 'katharine', 'encourages', 'tess', 'share', 'ideas', 'tess', 'suggests', 'client', 'trask', 'industries', 'invest', 'radio', 'gain', 'foothold', 'media', 'katharine', 'listens', 'idea', 'says', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'pass', 'people', 'later', 'says', 'idea', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'well', 'received', 'katharine', 'breaks', 'leg', 'skiing', 'europe', 'asks', 'tess', 'house-sit', 'tess', 'discovers', 'plans', 'pass', 'idea', 'home', 'tess', 'finds', 'boyfriend', 'bed', 'another', 'woman', 'disillusioned', 'returns', 'katharine\\\\', 'apartment', 'begins', 'transformation', 'tess', 'sets', 'meeting', 'executive', 'jack', 'trainer', 'using', 'boss\\\\', 'name', 'entr챕e', 'wants', 'see', 'trainer', 'evening', 'meeting', 'party', 'attend', 'dress', 'katharine\\\\', 'party', 'friend', 'cynthia', 'gives', 'valium', 'katharine\\\\', 'bathroom', 'tess', 'suffers', 'panic', 'attack', 'party', 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'accusing', 'tess', 'mere', 'secretary', 'stealing', 'idea', 'tess', 'protests', 'leaves', 'apologizing', 'days', 'later', 'tess', 'clearing', 'desk', 'someone', 'bumps', 'spiling', 'notes', 'supplies', 'floor', 'picking', 'front', 'elevator', 'jack', 'katharine', 'trask', 'arrive', 'tess', 'confronts', 'katharine', 'starts', 'tell', 'side', 'story', 'katharine', 'tries', 'lead', 'group', 'away', 'jack', 'says', 'believes', 'tess', 'trask', 'hears', 'convincing', 'tidbit', 'hops', 'closing', 'elevator', 'katharine', 'onto', 'elevator', 'jack', 'tess', 'convince', 'trask', 'move', 'radio', 'tess\\\\', 'idea', 'showing', 'materials', 'trask', 'confronts', 'katharine', 'asking', 'came', 'idea', 'stumbles', 'fired', 'trask', 'offers', 'tess', 'entry-level', 'job', 'company', 'tess', 'starts', 'new', 'job', 'armed', 'lunchbox', 'prepared', 'jack', 'directed', 'office', 'sees', 'woman', 'phone', 'assumes', 'new', 'boss', 'seats', 'typing', 'pool', 'woman', 'reveals', 'fact', 'tess', 'secretary', 'tess', 'insists', 'work', 'together', 'colleagues', 'showing', 'different', 'katharine', 'calls', 'cynthia', 'office', 'overlooking', 'manhattan', 'say', 'she\\\\', 'landed', 'dream', 'job'], [\"'tom\", 'wingo', 'teacher', 'football', 'coach', 'south', 'carolina', 'asked', 'mother', 'lila', 'travel', 'new', 'york', 'help', 'twin', 'sister\\\\', 'psychiatrist', 'susan', 'lowenstein', 'sister', 'savannah\\\\', 'latest', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'tom', 'hates', 'new', 'york', 'reluctantly', 'accepts', 'largely', 'take', 'opportunity', 'alone', 'away', 'life', 'satisfy', 'initial', 'meetings', 'lowenstein', 'tom', 'reluctant', 'disclose', 'many', 'details', 'dysfunctional', 'family\\\\', 'secrets', 'flashbacks', 'tom', 'relates', 'incidents', 'childhood', 'lowenstein', 'hopes', 'discovering', 'save', 'savannah\\\\', 'life', 'wingo', 'parents', 'abusive', 'father', 'overly', 'proud', 'status-hungry', 'mother', 'father', 'shrimp', 'boat', 'operator', 'despite', 'successful', 'profession', 'spent', 'money', 'frivolous', 'business', 'pursuits', 'leaving', 'family', 'poverty', 'tom', 'also', 'torn', 'problems', 'hides', 'behind', 'calls', 'southern', 'way', 'i.e.', 'laughing', 'everything', 'example', 'wife', 'sallie', 'affair', 'lover', 'wants', 'marry', 'tom', 'lowenstein', 'begin', 'feelings', 'tom', 'discovers', 'married', 'herbert', 'woodruff', 'famous', 'concert', 'violinist', 'lowenstein', 'introduces', 'tom', 'son', 'bernard', 'groomed', 'become', 'musician', 'well', 'secretly', 'wants', 'play', 'football', 'tom', 'starts', 'coaching', 'bernard', 'along', 'attending', 'sessions', 'lowenstein', 'help', 'sister', 'tom', 'discovers', 'savannah', 'dissociated', 'state', 'even', 'different', 'identity', 'renata', 'halpern', 'halpern', 'wrote', 'books', 'disguise', 'savannah', 'side', 'troubled', 'life', 'tom', 'confronts', 'lowenstein', 'revealing', 'information', 'argue', 'throws', 'dictionary', 'apologize', 'asks', 'dinner', 'relationship', 'becomes', 'closer', 'tom', 'fateful', 'meeting', 'mother', 'stepfather', 'bringing', 'painful', 'memories', 'tom', 'reveals', 'years', 'old', 'three', 'escaped', 'convicts', 'invaded', 'home', 'raped', 'along', 'mother', 'sister', 'older', 'brother', 'luke', 'killed', 'two', 'aggressors', 'shotgun', 'mother', 'stabbed', 'third', 'kitchen', 'knife', 'buried', 'bodies', 'beneath', 'house', 'never', 'spoke', 'tom', 'suffers', 'mental', 'breakdown', 'let', 'loose', 'key', 'piece', 'savannah\\\\', 'troubled', 'life', 'session', 'football', 'herbert', 'orders', 'bernard', 'return', 'music', 'lessons', 'prepare', 'leave', 'tanglewood', 'tom', 'invited', 'dinner', 'lowenstein\\\\', 'home', 'along', 'poets', 'intellectuals', 'herbert', 'overtly', 'rude', 'reveals', 'tom\\\\', 'sister', 'therapy', 'wife', 'infuriated', 'lowenstein', 'voices', 'suspicions', 'husband\\\\', 'affairs', 'tom', 'takes', 'herbert\\\\', 'million', 'dollar', 'violin', 'threatens', 'throw', 'balcony', 'unless', 'herbert', 'apologizes', 'tom', 'spends', 'romantic', 'weekend', 'lowenstein', 'country', 'house', 'savannah', 'recovers', 'released', 'hospital', 'tom', 'realizes', 'wants', 'closer', 'wife', 'children', 'despite', 'fallen', 'love', 'someone', 'else', 'returns', 'home', 'last', 'thoughts', 'lowenstein'], [\"'the\", 'piano', 'tells', 'story', 'mute', 'scotswoman', 'ada', 'mcgrath', 'whose', 'father', 'sells', 'marriage', 'new', 'zealand', 'frontiersman', 'alistair', 'stewart', 'shipped', 'along', 'young', 'daughter', 'flora', 'mcgrath', 'voice', 'audience', 'hears', 'speaking', 'voice', 'mind\\\\', 'voice', 'ada', 'spoken', 'word', 'since', 'six', 'years', 'old', 'expressing', 'instead', 'piano', 'playing', 'sign', 'language', 'daughter', 'served', 'interpreter', 'ada', 'cares', 'little', 'mundane', 'world', 'occupying', 'hours', 'every', 'day', 'piano', 'never', 'made', 'explicitly', 'clear', 'ceased', 'speak', 'flora', 'later', 'learned', 'product', 'relationship', 'teacher', 'ada', 'believed', 'could', 'control', 'mind', 'making', 'love', 'became', 'frightened', 'stopped', 'listening', 'thus', 'left', 'ada', 'flora', 'belongings', 'including', 'piano', 'deposited', 'new', 'zealand', 'beach', 'ship\\\\', 'crew', 'angry', 'objections', 'one', 'meet', 'spend', 'night', 'alone', 'sheltering', 'tiny', 'tent', 'made', 'hoop', 'skirt', 'frame', 'following', 'day', 'alistair', 'arrives', 'm훮ori', 'crew', 'friend', 'baines', 'fellow', 'forester', 'retired', 'sailor', 'adopted', 'many', 'm훮ori', 'customs', 'including', 'tattooing', 'face', 'socializing', 'm훮ori', 'instead', 'race', 'insufficient', 'men', 'carry', 'everything', 'alistair', 'abandons', 'piano', 'eliciting', 'objections', 'ada', 'alistair', 'proves', 'shy', 'diffident', 'man', 'jokingly', 'called', 'old', 'dry', 'balls', 'm훮ori', 'cohorts', 'tells', 'ada', 'room', 'small', 'house', 'piano', 'ada', 'turn', 'makes', 'effort', 'befriend', 'continues', 'try', 'reunited', 'piano', 'unable', 'communicate', 'alistair', 'goes', 'flora', 'baines', 'asks', 'taken', 'piano', 'agrees', 'three', 'spend', 'day', 'plays', 'tunes', 'beach', 'socially', 'aligns', 'm훮ori', 'baines', 'steadfastly', 'refused', 'sexual', 'activity', 'm훮ori', 'women', 'clearly', 'finds', 'ada', 'attractive', 'due', 'passion', 'music', 'baines', 'eventually', 'retrieves', 'instrument', 'suggests', 'alistair', 'trade', 'mdash', 'lessons', 'ada', 'mdash', 'land', 'alistair', 'wants', 'alistair', 'consents', 'oblivious', 'budding', 'attraction', 'ada', 'baines', 'surprised', 'find', 'piano', 'put', 'perfect', 'tune', 'rough', 'journey', 'asks', 'simply', 'listen', 'rather', 'learn', 'play', 'offers', 'let', 'buy', 'piano', 'back', 'one', 'key', 'time', 'letting', 'things', 'likes', 'plays', 'ada', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'attracted', 'baines', 'ada', 'alistair', 'sexual', 'even', 'mildly', 'affectionate', 'interaction', 'even', 'though', 'betrothed', 'marry', 'baines', 'sexually', 'aroused', 'ada\\\\', 'playing', 'point', 'openly', 'approaches', 'finally', 'yields', 'desire', 'one', 'afternoon', 'baines', 'intercourse', 'alistair', 'finally', 'begins', 'suspect', 'love', 'affair', 'discovering', 'angrily', 'boards', 'home', 'ada', 'inside', 'goes', 'work', 'timberland', 'interlude', 'ada', 'avoids', 'baines', 'feigns', 'affection', 'alistair', 'though', 'caresses', 'serve', 'frustrate', 'makes', 'move', 'touch', 'return', 'pulls', 'away', 'alistair', 'departs', 'next', 'journey', 'asks', 'ada', 'see', 'baines', 'mdash', 'shakes', 'head', 'mdash', 'tells', 'trusts', \"won\\\\'t\", 'he\\\\', 'gone', 'soon', 'ada', 'sends', 'daughter', 'package', 'baines', 'containing', 'single', 'piano', 'key', 'inscribed', 'love', 'declaration', 'says', 'dear', 'george', 'heart', 'ada', 'mcgrath', 'flora', 'begun', 'accept', 'alistair', 'papa', 'angered', 'mother\\\\', 'infidelity', 'brings', 'piano', 'key', 'instead', 'alistair', 'reading', 'love', 'note', 'burnt', 'onto', 'piano', 'key', 'alistair', 'furiously', 'returns', 'home', 'cuts', 'ada\\\\', 'index', 'finger', 'axe', 'deprive', 'ability', 'play', 'piano', 'sends', 'flora', 'baines', 'severed', 'finger', 'wrapped', 'cloth', 'message', 'baines', 'ever', 'attempts', 'see', 'ada', 'chop', 'fingers', 'ada', 'recovers', 'injury', 'alistair', 'sends', 'flora', 'away', 'baines', 'dissolves', 'marriage', 'depart', 'beach', 'first', 'landed', 'new', 'zealand', 'rowed', 'ship', 'baggage', 'piano', 'tied', 'onto', 'maori', 'longboat', 'ada', 'feels', 'piano', 'ruined', 'longer', 'play', 'insists', 'baines', 'throw', 'piano', 'overboard', 'sinks', 'deliberately', 'puts', 'foot', 'loop', 'rope', 'trailing', 'overboard', 'rapidly', 'pulled', 'deep', 'underwater', 'connected', 'rope', 'piano', 'mdash', 'changes', 'mind', 'kicks', 'free', 'pulled', 'back', 'boat', 'epilogue', 'describes', 'new', 'life', 'baines', 'flora', 'nelson', 'started', 'give', 'piano', 'lessons', 'new', 'home', 'severed', 'finger', 'replaced', 'silver', 'finger', 'made', 'baines', 'ada', 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'hardwick', 'eric', 'edwards', 'give', 'job', 'candle', 'store', 'mrs.', 'hardwick', 'rikki', 'annie', 'agree', 'wash', 'mr.', 'bradly\\\\', 'car', 'football', 'team', 'annoyed', 'lack', 'sex', 'roberta\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'rick', 'teammates', 'join', 'roberta', 'pat', 'showers', 'group', 'sex', 'working', 'mr.', 'greenfield', 'sports', 'store', 'debbie', 'talked', 'allowing', 'greenfield', 'see', 'breasts', 'fondle', 'breasts', 'another', 'sucks', 'additional', 'realising', 'able', 'raise', 'enough', 'money', 'legitimate', 'means', 'debbie', 'convinces', 'girls', 'engage', 'sexual', 'activities', 'money', 'agree', 'terms', 'roberta', 'caught', 'masturbating', 'mrs.', 'hardwick', 'engages', 'sexual', 'activity', 'mrs', 'hardwick', 'earning', 'extra', 'money', 'rikki', 'annie', 'see', 'mr.', 'bradly', 'wash', 'car', 'mr.', 'bradly', 'home', 'wash', 'car', 'anyway', 'mr.', 'bradly', 'arrives', 'home', 'asks', 'dry', 'wet', 'clothes', 'undress', 'performs', 'oral', 'sex', 'anal', 'sex', 'annie', 'library', 'donna', 'flirts', 'biddle', 'librarian', 'boyfriend', 'tim', 'visits', 'attempting', 'sex', 'fellates', 'caught', 'biddle', 'allows', 'spank', 'prevent', 'telling', 'parents', 'hamilton', 'friend', 'ashly', 'tennis', 'club', 'sauna', 'tennis', 'game', 'hamilton', 'convinces', 'lisa', 'fellate', 'ashly', 'penetrates', 'record', 'store', 'tammy', 'avoiding', 'tony\\\\', 'advances', 'calls', 'lisa', 'joins', 'record', 'store', 'lisa', 'offers', 'tony', 'anything', 'begins', 'fellate', 'tammy', 'joins', 'ejaculates', 'tammy\\\\', 'breasts', 'debbie', 'dresses', 'texas', 'cowgirl', 'goes', 'see', 'mr.', 'greenfield', 'hours', 'store', 'fellates', 'penetrates', 'vagina', 'finger', 'performs', 'cunnilingus', 'engage', 'sex', 'first', 'missionary', 'position', 'doggy', 'style', 'debbie', 'top', 'finish', 'missionary', 'position', 'mr.', 'greenfield', 'ejaculates', 'debbie'], [\"'sardonic\", 'self-absorbed', 'meteorologist', 'phil', 'connors', 'news', 'producer', 'rita', 'cameraman', 'larry', 'fictional', 'pittsburgh', 'television', 'station', 'wpbh-tv9', 'travel', 'punxsutawney', 'pennsylvania', 'cover', 'annual', 'groundhog', 'day', 'festivities', 'punxsutawney', 'phil', 'grown', 'annoyed', 'assignment', 'phil', 'grudgingly', 'gives', 'sarcastic', 'report', 'attempts', 'return', 'pittsburgh', 'blizzard', 'shuts', 'roads', 'phil', 'team', 'forced', 'return', 'punxsutawney', 'stay', 'town', 'overnight', 'phil', 'wakes', 'find', 'reliving', 'february', 'day', 'plays', 'exactly', 'one', 'else', 'aware', 'time', 'loop', 'phil', 'aware', 'past', 'events', 'initially', 'confused', 'phenomenon', 'continues', 'subsequent', 'day', 'decides', 'take', 'advantage', 'situation', 'learns', 'town\\\\', 'residents', 'secrets', 'seduces', 'women', 'plays', 'pranks', 'overindulges', 'unhealthy', 'foods', 'steals', 'money', 'drives', 'recklessly', 'gets', 'thrown', 'jail', 'however', 'attempts', 'get', 'closer', 'rita', 'repeatedly', 'fail', 'eventually', 'phil', 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'fluent', 'french', 'eventually', 'phil', 'able', 'befriend', 'almost', 'everyone', 'meets', 'day', 'uses', 'knowledge', 'day\\\\', 'experiences', 'save', 'lives', 'help', 'townspeople', 'get', 'closer', 'rita', 'crafts', 'report', 'groundhog', 'day', 'celebration', 'eloquent', 'stations', 'turn', 'microphones', 'surrounding', 'crowd', 'erupts', 'applause', 'cheers', 'report\\\\', 'conclusion', 'evening', 'dance', 'rita', 'phil', 'retire', 'together', 'phil\\\\', 'room', 'wakes', 'next', 'morning', 'finds', 'time', 'loop', 'broken', 'february', 'rita', 'still', 'going', 'outside', 'phil', 'suggests', 'rita', 'move', 'punxsutawney'], [\"'jerry\", 'maguire', 'glossy', '35-year-old', 'sports', 'agent', 'working', 'sports', 'management', 'international', 'suffering', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'result', 'stress', 'guilty', 'conscience', 'writes', 'mission', 'statement', 'perceived', 'dishonesty', 'sports', 'management', 'business', 'believes', 'operated', 'distributes', 'copies', 'entitled', 'things', 'think', 'say', 'future', 'business', 'co-workers', 'touched', 'honesty', 'greet', 'applause', 'management', 'sends', 'bob', 'sugar', 'maguire\\\\', 'prot챕g챕', 'fire', 'jerry', 'sugar', 'call', 'jerry\\\\', 'clients', 'try', 'convince', 'hire', 'services', 'jerry', 'speaks', 'arizona', 'cardinals', 'wide', 'receiver', 'rod', 'tidwell', 'one', 'clients', 'disgruntled', 'contract', 'rod', 'tests', 'jerry\\\\', 'resolve', 'long', 'telephone', 'conversation', 'culminates', 'famed', 'show', 'money', 'scene', 'meanwhile', 'sugar', 'secures', 'jerry\\\\', 'previous', 'clients', 'frank', 'cush', 'cushman', 'superstar', 'quarterback', 'prospect', 'southern', 'methodist', 'university', 'expected', 'nfl', 'draft', 'also', 'stays', 'jerry', 'makes', 'visit', 'cushman', 'home', 'leaving', 'office', 'jerry', 'announces', 'start', 'agency', 'asks', 'anyone', 'willing', 'join', '26-year-old', 'single', 'mother', 'dorothy', 'boyd', 'agrees', 'two', 'previously', 'bumped', 'airport', 'boyd', 'told', 'maguire', 'personally', 'inspiring', 'found', 'memo', 'jerry', 'travels', 'nfl', 'draft', 'cush', 'convinces', 'rod', 'come', 'meet', 'representatives', 'nfl', 'teams', 'though', 'rod', 'first', 'feels', 'neglected', 'compared', 'superstar', 'cush', 'sugar', 'contacts', 'matt', 'cushman', 'cush\\\\', 'dad', 'jerry', 'lobby', 'rod', 're-signs', 'cush', 'smi', 'jerry', 'devastated', 'turns', 'fianc챕e', 'avery', 'support', 'rebukes', 'breaks', 'turns', 'dorothy', 'becoming', 'closer', 'young', 'son', 'ray', 'eventually', 'starts', 'relationship', 'however', 'dorothy', 'contemplates', 'moving', 'san', 'diego', 'secure', 'job', 'offer', 'jerry', 'concentrates', 'efforts', 'rod', 'client', 'turns', 'difficult', 'satisfy', 'next', 'several', 'months', 'two', 'direct', 'harsh', 'criticism', 'towards', 'rod', 'claiming', 'jerry', 'trying', 'hard', 'enough', 'get', 'contract', 'jerry', 'claims', 'rod', 'proving', 'worthy', 'money', 'asks', 'jerry', 'marries', 'dorothy', 'help', 'stay', 'afloat', 'financially', 'keep', 'moving', 'away', 'emotionally', 'physically', 'distant', 'marriage', 'clearly', 'invested', 'becoming', 'father', 'ray', 'although', 'dorothy', 'love', 'breaks', 'believes', 'love', 'start', 'monday', 'night', 'football', 'game', 'cardinals', 'dallas', 'cowboys', 'sugar', 'attempts', 'steal', 'rod', 'rebuked', 'rod', 'jerry', 'two', 'reconcile', 'soon', 'rod', 'plays', 'well', 'appears', 'receive', 'serious', 'injury', 'catching', 'touchdown', 'recovers', 'however', 'dances', 'crowd', 'cheers', 'wildly', 'afterwards', 'jerry', 'rod', 'embrace', 'front', 'athletes', 'sports', 'agents', 'show', 'relationship', 'progressed', 'strictly', 'business', 'one', 'close', 'personal', 'one', 'one', 'points', 'jerry', 'made', 'mission', 'statement', 'jerry', 'flies', 'back', 'home', 'meet', 'dorothy', 'walks', 'front', 'friends', 'says', 'hello', 'speaks', 'several', 'minutes', 'telling', 'loves', 'wants', 'life', 'ending', 'statement', 'complete', 'dorothy\\\\', 'reply', 'jerry', 'hello', 'rod', 'later', 'appears', 'roy', 'firestone\\\\', 'sports', 'show', 'unbeknownst', 'jerry', 'secured', '11.2', 'million', 'contract', 'cardinals', 'allow', 'finish', 'pro', 'football', 'career', 'arizona', 'visibly', 'emotional', 'rod', 'proceeds', 'thank', 'everyone', 'extends', 'warm', 'gratitude', 'jerry', 'jerry', 'speaks', 'several', 'pro', 'athletes', 'read', 'earlier', 'mission', 'statement', 'respect', 'work', 'tidwell', 'film', 'ends', 'jerry', 'dorothy', 'ray', 'walking', 'park', 'stumbling', 'across', 'little', 'league', 'baseball', 'game', 'ball', 'lands', 'near', 'ray', 'throws', 'back', 'surprised', 'jerry', 'comments', 'natural', 'throwing', 'ability', 'much', 'dorothy\\\\', 'dismay'], ['melvin', 'udall', 'misanthrope', 'works', 'home', 'best-selling', 'novelist', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'suffers', 'obsessive-compulsive', 'disorder', 'paired', 'misanthropy', 'alienates', 'nearly', 'everyone', 'interacts', 'eats', 'breakfast', 'table', 'restaurant', 'every', 'day', 'using', 'disposable', 'plastic', 'utensils', 'brings', 'due', 'pathological', 'mysophobia', 'takes', 'interest', 'waitress', 'carol', 'connelly', 'server', 'restaurant', 'tolerate', 'behavior', 'one', 'day', 'melvin', 'neighbor', 'gay', 'artist', 'named', 'simon', 'bishop', 'assaulted', 'nearly', 'killed', 'melvin', 'forced', 'care', 'simon', 'dog', 'verdell', 'simon', 'hospitalized', 'although', 'initially', 'enjoy', 'caring', 'dog', 'melvin', 'becomes', 'emotionally', 'attached', 'simultaneously', 'receives', 'attention', 'carol', 'bishop', 'released', 'hospital', 'melvin', 'unable', 'cope', 'emotionally', 'returning', 'dog', 'melvin', 'life', 'altered', 'carol', 'decides', 'work', 'closer', 'home', 'brooklyn', 'care', 'acutely', 'asthmatic', 'son', 'jesse', 'james', 'unable', 'adjust', 'another', 'waitress', 'melvin', 'arranges', 'pay', 'son', 'medical', 'expenses', 'carol', 'agrees', 'continue', 'working', 'previous', 'restaurant', 'manhattan', 'meanwhile', 'simon', 'assault', 'rehabilitation', 'coupled', 'verdell', 'preference', 'melvin', 'causes', 'simon', 'lose', 'creative', 'muse', 'simon', 'approaching', 'bankruptcy', 'due', 'medical', 'bills', 'simon', 'agent', 'frank', 'sachs', 'convinces', 'simon', 'baltimore', 'ask', 'estranged', 'parents', 'money', 'frank', 'offers', 'melvin', 'use', 'car', 'trip', 'melvin', 'invites', 'carol', 'accompany', 'trip', 'lessen', 'awkwardness', 'reluctantly', 'accepts', 'invitation', 'relationships', 'among', 'three', 'develop', 'baltimore', 'carol', 'persuades', 'melvin', 'take', 'dinner', 'melvin', 'comments', 'dinner', 'greatly', 'upset', 'carol', 'abruptly', 'leaves', 'upon', 'seeing', 'frustrated', 'carol', 'simon', 'begins', 'sketch', 'rekindles', 'creativity', 'feeling', 'desire', 'paint', 'briefly', 'reconnects', 'parents', 'able', 'tell', \"'ll\", 'fine', 'returning', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'carol', 'tells', 'melvin', 'want', 'life', 'anymore', 'later', 'regrets', 'statement', 'calls', 'apologize', 'relationship', 'melvin', 'carol', 'remains', 'complicated', 'simon', 'melvin', 'allowed', 'move', 'get', 'new', 'apartment', 'convinces', 'melvin', 'declare', 'love', 'apartment', 'brooklyn', 'two', 'realize', 'depth', 'personal', 'connection', 'film', 'ends', 'melvin', 'carol', 'walking', 'together', 'buy', 'fresh', 'rolls', 'corner', 'bakery'], [\"'the\", 'once-successful', 'steel', 'mills', 'sheffield', 'south', 'yorkshire', 'shut', 'employees', 'laid', 'former', 'steel', 'workers', 'gary', 'gaz', 'schofield', 'dave', 'horsefall', 'resorted', 'stealing', 'scrap', 'metal', 'abandoned', 'mills', 'sell', 'gaz', 'facing', 'trouble', 'ex-wife', 'mandy', 'child', 'support', 'payments', 'he\\\\', 'failed', 'make', 'since', 'losing', 'job', 'gaz\\\\', 'son', 'nathan', 'loves', 'father', 'wishes', 'could', 'normal', 'stuff', 'time', 'together', 'one', 'day', 'gaz', 'spots', 'crowd', 'women', 'lined', 'outside', 'local', 'club', 'see', 'chippendale\\\\', 'striptease', 'act', 'gets', 'idea', 'form', 'strip', 'tease', 'group', 'using', 'local', 'men', 'hopes', 'making', 'enough', 'money', 'pay', 'child', 'support', 'obligations', 'first', 'join', 'group', 'lomper', 'security', 'guard', 'harrison\\\\', 'steel', 'mill', 'dave', 'gaz', 'worked', 'finally', 'laid', 'lomper', 'attempts', 'commit', 'suicide', 'rescued', 'dave', 'convinces', 'join', 'group', 'next', 'recruit', 'gerald', 'cooper', 'former', 'manager', 'plant', 'hiding', 'wife', 'fact', 'he\\\\', 'laid', 'gaz', 'dave', 'see', 'gerald', 'wife', 'linda', 'dance', 'class', 'recruit', 'teach', 'actual', 'dance', 'moves', 'four', 'men', 'hold', 'open', 'audition', 'recruit', 'members', 'settle', 'horse', 'older', 'man', 'nevertheless', 'good', 'dancer', 'guy', \"can\\\\'t\", 'dance', 'proves', 'well-endowed', 'exposes', 'four', 'men', 'even', 'nathan', 'approached', 'local', 'women', 'heard', 'show', 'gaz', 'declares', 'show', 'better', 'chippendales', 'dancers', 'they\\\\', \"'ll\", 'full', 'monty', 'remove', 'clothes', 'much', 'left', 'lose', 'sold-out', 'show', 'men', 'decide', 'one', 'night', 'dave', 're-gained', 'confidence', 'help', 'wife', 'jean', 'joins', 'rest', 'group', 'minutes', 'stage', 'however', 'gaz', 'refuses', 'men', 'audience', 'even', 'nathan', 'secretly', 'come', 'tells', 'ex-wife', 'nathan', 'later', 'forces', 'hand', 'gaz', 'proud', 'son', 'performs', 'front', 'audience', 'mandy', 'seems', 'see', 'new', 'light', 'film', 'ends', 'group', 'stage', 'front', 'packed', 'house', 'stripping', 'tom', 'jones\\\\', 'version', 'leave', 'hat'], ['1930s', 'italy', 'guido', 'orefice', 'funny', 'charismatic', 'young', 'man', 'looking', 'work', 'city', 'falls', 'love', 'local', 'school', 'teacher', 'dora', 'engaged', 'rich', 'arrogant', 'civil', 'servant', 'guido', 'engineers', 'meetings', 'seizing', 'coincidental', 'incidents', 'declare', 'affection', 'finally', 'wins', 'steals', 'engagement', 'party', 'horse', 'humiliating', 'fiance', 'mother', 'soon', 'married', 'son', 'giosu챔', 'first', 'part', 'movie', 'depicts', 'changing', 'political', 'climate', 'italy', 'guido', 'frequently', 'imitates', 'nazi', 'party', 'members', 'skewering', 'racist', 'logic', 'pseudoscientific', 'reasoning', 'however', 'growing', 'racist', 'wave', 'also', 'evident', 'horse', 'guido', 'steals', 'dora', 'away', 'painted', 'green', 'covered', 'antisemitic', 'insults', '1945', 'dora', 'mother', 'reconciled', 'guido', 'uncle', 'eliseo', 'giosu챔', 'seized', 'giosu챔', 'birthday', 'forced', 'onto', 'train', 'taken', 'concentration', 'camp', 'despite', 'non-jew', 'dora', 'demands', 'train', 'join', 'family', 'camp', 'guido', 'hides', 'true', 'situation', 'son', 'convincing', 'camp', 'complicated', 'game', 'giosu챔', 'must', 'perform', 'tasks', 'guido', 'gives', 'earning', 'points', 'first', 'team', 'reach', 'one', 'thousand', 'points', 'win', 'tank', 'tells', 'cries', 'complains', 'wants', 'mother', 'says', 'hungry', 'lose', 'points', 'quiet', 'boys', 'hide', 'camp', 'guards', 'earn', 'extra', 'points', 'guido', 'uses', 'game', 'explain', 'features', 'concentration', 'camp', 'would', 'otherwise', 'scary', 'young', 'child', 'guards', 'mean', 'want', 'tank', 'dwindling', 'numbers', 'children', 'hiding', 'order', 'score', 'points', 'giosu챔', 'win', 'game', 'puts', 'giosu챔', 'requests', 'end', 'game', 'return', 'home', 'convincing', 'lead', 'tank', 'need', 'wait', 'short', 'return', 'home', 'tank', 'despite', 'surrounded', 'misery', 'sickness', 'death', 'camp', 'giosu챔', 'question', 'fiction', 'father', 'convincing', 'performance', 'innocence', 'guido', 'maintains', 'story', 'right', 'end', 'chaos', 'shutting', 'camp', 'americans', 'approach', 'tells', 'son', 'stay', 'sweatbox', 'everybody', 'left', 'final', 'competition', 'tank', 'guido', 'tries', 'find', 'dora', 'caught', 'executed', 'nazi', 'soldier', 'marched', 'executed', 'maintains', 'fiction', 'game', 'deliberately', 'marching', 'exaggerated', 'goose-step', 'next', 'morning', 'giosu챔', 'emerges', 'sweatbox', 'camp', 'occupied', 'american', 'armored', 'division', 'let', 'ride', 'tank', 'later', 'day', 'sees', 'dora', 'crowd', 'people', 'streaming', 'camp', 'film', 'giosu챔', 'four', 'half', 'years', 'old', 'however', 'beginning', 'ending', 'film', 'narrated', 'older', 'giosu챔', 'recalling', 'father', 'story', 'sacrifice', 'family'], [\"'bernard\", 'lawrence', 'american', 'journalist', 'stationed', 'paris', 'france', 'playboy', 'devised', 'ingenious', 'system', 'juggling', 'three', 'different', 'girlfriends', 'dating', 'stewardesses', 'assigned', 'international', 'routes', 'non-intersecting', 'flight', 'schedules', 'one', 'woman', 'country', 'given', 'time', 'comings', 'goings', 'timetabled', 'precision', 'drop', 'british', 'united', 'airways', 'girlfriend', 'outgoing', 'flight', 'pick', 'inbound', 'lufthansa', 'girlfriend', 'trip', 'airport', '봶hile', 'air', 'france', 'girlfriend', 'holding', 'pattern', 'elsewhere', 'help', 'long-suffering', 'housekeeper', 'bertha', '봶ho', 'swaps', 'appropriate', 'photos', 'food', 'apartment', 'match', 'incoming', 'girlfriend', '봭one', 'ladies', 'aware', 'other\\\\', 'presence', 'apartment', 'regard', 'lawrence\\\\', 'flat', 'home', 'paris', 'layovers', 'bernard', 'happy', 'life', 'paris', 'intends', 'turn', 'imminent', 'promotion', 'would', 'require', 'move', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'bernard\\\\', 'life', 'turned', 'upside', 'girlfriends\\\\', 'airlines', 'begin', 'putting', 'new', 'state-of-the-art', 'aircraft', 'service', 'faster', 'airplanes', 'change', 'existing', 'route', 'schedules', 'allow', 'stewardesses', 'spend', 'time', 'paris', 'alarming', 'bernard', 'three', 'girlfriends', 'paris', 'time', 'robert', 'reed', 'fellow', 'journalist', 'old', 'acquaintance', 'complicates', 'bernard\\\\', 'life', 'even', 'arrives', 'town', 'unable', 'find', 'hotel', 'room', 'insists', 'staying', 'bernard\\\\', 'apartment', 'days', 'sees', 'bernard\\\\', 'living', 'situation', 'schemes', 'take', 'bernard\\\\', 'apartment', 'girls', 'housekeeper', 'bernard\\\\', 'paris', 'job', 'manipulate', 'taking', 'new', 'job', 'new', 'york'], [\"'at\", 'circus', 'midway', 'penniless', 'hungry', 'tramp', 'mistaken', 'pickpocket', 'chased', 'police', 'real', 'crook', 'running', 'away', 'tramp', 'stumbles', 'middle', 'performance', 'unknowingly', 'becomes', 'hit', 'show', 'ringmaster/proprietor', 'struggling', 'circus', 'gives', 'tryout', 'next', 'day', 'tramp', 'fails', 'miserably', 'however', 'property', 'men', 'quit', 'paid', 'gets', 'hired', 'spot', 'take', 'place', 'inadvertently', 'creates', 'comic', 'mayhem', 'show', 'ringmaster', 'craftily', 'hires', 'poorly', 'paid', 'property', 'man', 'tramp', 'befriends', 'merna', 'horse', 'rider', 'treated', 'badly', 'ringmaster', 'stepfather', 'later', 'informs', 'tramp', 'star', 'show', 'forcing', 'ringmaster', 'pay', 'accordingly', 'circus', 'thriving', 'tramp', 'also', 'able', 'secure', 'better', 'treatment', 'merna', 'overhearing', 'fortune', 'teller', 'inform', 'merna', 'sees', 'love', 'marriage', 'dark', 'handsome', 'man', 'near', 'overjoyed', 'tramp', 'buys', 'ring', 'another', 'clown', 'alas', 'meets', 'rex', 'newly', 'hired', 'tightrope', 'walker', 'tramp', 'eavesdrops', 'rushes', 'tell', 'fortune', 'teller', 'fallen', 'love', 'new', 'man', 'heart', 'broken', 'tramp', 'unable', 'entertain', 'crowds', 'several', 'poor', 'performances', 'ringmaster', 'warns', 'one', 'chance', 'rex', 'found', 'performance', 'ringmaster', 'sends', 'tramp', 'place', 'despite', 'mishaps', 'including', 'several', 'mischievous', 'escaped', 'monkeys', 'manages', 'survive', 'experience', 'however', 'sees', 'ringmaster', 'slapping', 'merna', 'around', 'afterward', 'beats', 'man', 'fired', 'merna', 'runs', 'away', 'join', 'tramp', 'finds', 'brings', 'rex', 'back', 'marry', 'merna', 'trio', 'back', 'circus', 'ringmaster', 'starts', 'berating', 'stepdaughter', 'stops', 'rex', 'informs', 'wife', 'traveling', 'circus', 'leaves', 'tramp', 'remains', 'behind', 'picks', 'starts', 'walking', 'jauntily', 'away'], ['story', 'takes', 'place', 'russia', 'year', '1910.', 'yegor', 'dashing', 'bandit', 'leader', 'meets', 'princess', 'vera', 'mountain', 'inn', 'fall', 'love', 'relationship', 'shattered', 'yegor', 'kills', 'vera', 'brother', 'prince', 'serge', 'raping', 'sister', 'nadja', 'driving', 'suicide', 'yegor', 'kidnaps', 'vera', 'forcing', 'live', 'life', 'lowly', 'servitude', 'among', 'bandits', 'vera', 'manages', 'outwit', 'yegor', 'captured', 'soldiers', 'flogged', 'vera', 'begs', 'yegor', 'forgiveness', 'although', 'still', 'love', 'realize', 'together', 'least', 'time'], [\"'set\", 'amidst', 'chicago\\\\', 'swing', 'music', 'revival', 'late', '1990s', 'oscar', 'novak', 'aspiring', 'architect', 'business', 'partner', 'peter', 'steinberg', 'landed', 'career-making', 'opportunity', 'chicago', 'tycoon', 'charles', 'newman', 'chosen', 'compete', 'design', 'multimillion', 'dollar', 'cultural', 'center', 'ploy', 'publicity', 'newman', 'pitched', 'oscar', 'peter', 'neck-and-neck', 'competition', 'archrivals', 'former', 'colleagues', 'hugely', 'successful', 'decker', 'strauss', 'comic', 'twist', 'oscar', 'mistaken', 'gay', 'man', 'meeting', 'charles', 'newman', 'mistaken', 'impression', 'oscar', 'homosexual', 'therefore', 'safe', 'companion', 'girlfriend', 'amy', 'asks', 'oscar', 'keep', 'eye', 'make', 'sure', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'talk', 'wife', 'oscar', 'falls', 'amy', 'virtually', 'sight', 'thinks', 'he\\\\', 'gay', 'forced', 'maintain', 'charade', 'avoid', 'getting', 'trouble', 'newman', 'losing', 'commission', 'matters', 'become', 'complicated', 'news', 'article', 'oscar', 'peter\\\\', 'homosexual', 'status', 'published', 'business', 'paper', 'leaving', 'oscar', 'increasingly', 'frustrating', 'position', 'fend', 'advances', 'various', 'gay', 'men', 'convincing', 'friends', 'family', 'simply', 'pretending', 'gay', 'amy', 'even', 'sets', 'date', 'ex-boyfriend', 'football', 'player', 'kevin', 'cartwright', 'oscar', 'manages', 'defuse', 'situation', 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'oscar', 'peter', 'better', 'job'], [\"'two\", 'relative', 'strangers', 'try', 'turn', 'one', 'night', 'stand', 'marriage', 'romantic', 'comedy', 'alex', 'whitman', 'matthew', 'perry', 'architect', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'sent', 'las', 'vegas', 'supervise', 'construction', 'nightclub', 'firm', 'hired', 'build', 'alex', 'straight-laced', 'wasp-ish', 'type', 'enjoying', 'night', 'town', 'meets', 'isabel', 'fuentes', 'free-spirited', 'mexican-american', 'photographer', 'alex', 'isabel', 'overtaken', 'lust', 'first', 'sight', 'end', 'spending', 'night', 'together', 'however', 'immediate', 'attraction', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'last', 'cold', 'light', 'day', \"don\\\\'t\", 'see', 'another', 'three', 'months', 'meet', 'it\\\\', 'isabel', 'interesting', 'news', 'alex', 'she\\\\', 'pregnant', 'child', 'alex', 'isabel', 'decide', 'right', 'thing', 'quickly', 'get', 'married', 'isabel', 'meets', 'alex\\\\', 'mom', 'alex', 'confronted', 'isabel\\\\', 'father', 'start', 'wonder', 'right', 'thing', 'especially', 'alex', 'tries', 'balance', 'career', 'new', 'york', 'isabel\\\\', 'desire', 'continue', 'working', 'nevada'], [\"'madame\", 'emery', '17-year-old', 'daughter', 'genevi챔ve', 'sell', 'umbrellas', 'tiny', 'boutique', 'coastal', 'town', 'cherbourg', 'normandy', 'france', 'genevi챔ve', 'love', '20-year-old', 'guy', 'handsome', 'young', 'auto', 'mechanic', 'lives', 'cares', 'sickly', 'aunt', 'godmother', 'elise', 'quiet', 'dedicated', 'young', 'care-giver', 'madeleine', 'clearly', 'love', 'guy', 'subsequently', 'guy', 'drafted', 'must', 'leave', 'two-year', 'tour', 'duty', 'algerian', 'war', 'night', 'leaves', 'genevi챔ve', 'make', 'love', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'leaves', 'though', 'feels', 'abandoned', 'write', 'frequently', 'largely', 'due', 'restrictions', 'military', 'life', 'mother\\\\', 'insistence', 'marries', 'thirty-ish', 'roland', 'cassard', 'quiet', 'handsome', 'parisian', 'jeweler', 'falls', 'love', 'genevi챔ve', 'willing', 'wed', 'though', 'carrying', 'another', 'man\\\\', 'child', 'cassard', 'previously', 'wooed', 'title', 'character', 'lola', 'society', 'wedding', 'great', 'cathedral', 'shows', 'genevi챔ve\\\\', 'upward', 'social', 'economic', 'mobility', 'seem', 'happy', 'situation', 'guy', 'returns', 'war', 'knee', 'injury', 'learns', 'genevi챔ve', 'married', 'left', 'cherbourg', 'umbrella', 'store', 'sold', 'attempts', 'ease', 'back', 'previous', 'life', 'becomes', 'rebellious', 'due', 'war', 'loss', 'genevi챔ve', 'one', 'day', 'guy', 'quits', 'job', 'argument', 'boss', 'drinks', 'away', 'day', 'evening', 'seedy', 'port', 'bars', 'spends', 'night', 'friendly', 'prostitute', 'named', 'jenny', 'morning', 'reveals', 'name', 'actually', 'genevi챔ve', 'returns', 'apartment', 'discovers', 'distraught', 'madeleine', 'tells', 'tearfully', 'godmother', 'died', 'sees', 'madeleine', 'loves', 'cleans', 'life', 'encouragement', 'inheritance', 'aunt', 'able', 'finance', 'new', 'american-style', 'esso', 'gas', 'station', 'asks', 'madeleine', 'marry', 'accepts', 'though', 'wonders', 'asking', 'despair', 'genevi챔ve\\\\', 'actions', 'coda', 'set', 'december', '1963', 'approximately', 'six', 'years', 'earliest', 'events', 'guy', 'managing', 'couple\\\\', 'esso', 'station', 'he\\\\', 'upbeat', 'loving', 'wife', 'madeleine', 'little', 'son', 'fran챌ois', 'christmas', 'eve', 'madeleine', 'fran챌ois', 'short', 'walk', 'leaving', 'guy', 'briefly', 'new', 'mercedes', 'pulls', 'station', 'mink-clad', 'driver', 'turns', 'sophisticated', 'visibly', 'well-off', 'genevi챔ve', 'accompanied', 'daughter', 'fran챌oise', 'remains', 'car', 'shocked', 'see', 'inside', 'station', 'talk', 'genevi챔ve', 'explains', 'first', 'time', 'cherbourg', 'since', 'marriage', 'town', 'detour', 'paris', 'picking', 'daughter', 'cassard\\\\', 'mother', 'anjou', 'fairly', 'young', 'mother', 'died', 'previous', 'autumn', 'rich', 'husband', 'child', 'family', 'left', 'children', 'cassard', 'two', 'converse', 'genevi챔ve\\\\', 'car', 'filled', 'gas', 'genevi챔ve', 'asks', 'guy', 'wants', 'meet', 'daughter', 'declines', 'restrained', 'emotion', 'part', 'film', 'ends', 'guy', 'greets', 'wife', 'kiss', 'plays', 'son', 'snow'], [\"'while\", 'listening', 'recording', 'penny', 'serenade', 'julie', 'gardiner', 'adams', 'begins', 'reflecting', 'past', 'roger', 'julie', 'adams', 'suffer', 'tragedy', 'miscarries', 'earthquake', '1923', 'stay', 'japan', 'told', 'children', 'request', 'adopt', 'two-year', 'old', 'boy', 'ultimately', 'adopt', 'much', 'younger', 'girl', 'struggle', 'make', 'ends', 'meet', 'retain', 'parental', 'rights', 'roger', 'loses', 'job', 'little', 'girl', 'dies', 'suddenly', 'emotional', 'strain', 'threatens', 'destroy', 'marriage', 'songs', 'mark', 'episodes', 'action', 'records', 'collection', 'mdash', 'title', 'refers', 'song', 'name', 'end', 'offered', 'opportunity', 'adopt', 'little', 'boy', 'matches', 'original', 'request', 'miraculously', 'saving', 'marriage.http', '//www.allmovie.com/work/penny-serenade-37643'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'thomas', 'boats', 'gilhooley', 'expatriate', 'united', 'states', 'navy', 'veteran', 'working', 'aboard', 'freighter', 'realizes', 'ship', 'signed', 'passing', 'haleakaloha', 'french', 'polynesia', 'actually', 'stopping', 'jumps', 'ship', 'swim', 'island', 'next', 'michael', 'guns', 'donovan', 'another', 'expatriate', 'u.s.', 'navy', 'veteran', 'former', 'shipmate', 'gilhooley', 'returns', 'fishing', 'trip', 'aboard', 'outrigger', 'canoe', 'donovan', 'greeted', 'william', 'doc', 'dedham', 'also', 'u.s.', 'navy', 'veteran', 'physician', 'archipelago', 'begin', 'one', 'two', 'week', 'pre-christmas', 'circuit', 'outer', 'islands', 'taking', 'care', 'health', 'needs', 'residents', 'dedham\\\\', 'three', 'children', 'placed', 'donovan\\\\', 'care', 'kids\\\\', 'plans', 'peaceful', 'celebration', 'donovan\\\\', 'birthday', 'december', 'shattered', 'arrival', 'gilhooley', 'shares', 'birthday', 'unbroken', '21-year', 'tradition', 'donovan', 'gilhooley', 'knock-down', 'drag-out', 'fight', 'every', 'birthday', 'delight', 'local', 'observers', '봞nd', '22nd', 'year', 'break', 'tradition', 'two', 'vets', 'meet', 'donovan\\\\', 'reef', 'saloon', 'owned', 'donovan', 'miss', 'amelia', 'dedham', 'proper', 'young', 'lady', 'means', 'boston', 'become', 'chairman', 'board', 'dedham', 'shipping', 'company', 'father', 'doc', 'dedham', 'never', 'met', 'inherited', 'large', 'block', 'stock', 'family', 'company', 'making', 'majority', 'stockholder', 'travels', 'haleakaloha', 'hope', 'finding', 'proof', 'doc', 'violated', 'outdated', 'morality', 'clause', 'would', 'enable', 'keep', 'inheriting', 'stock', 'retain', 'control', 'word', 'reaches', 'haleakaloha', 'miss', 'dedham', 'way', 'scheme', 'concocted', 'donovan', 'gilhooley', 'marquis', 'lage', 'lage', 'haleakaloha\\\\', 'french', 'governor', 'hopes', 'find', 'post', 'somewhere', 'else', 'donovan', 'pretend', 'father', 'doc\\\\', 'three', 'hapa', 'children', 'doc', 'comes', 'back', 'explain', 'things', 'prim', 'proper', 'boston', 'lady', 'plan', 'reluctantly', 'accepted', 'oldest', 'daughter', 'leilani', 'believes', 'deception', 'siblings', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'white', 'reflection', 'bigotry', 'period', 'plan', 'works', 'amelia', 'learns', 'father', 'donovan', 'gilhooley', 'marooned', 'japanese-occupied', 'island', 'destroyer', 'sunk', 'world', 'war', 'help', 'locals', 'three', 'men', 'conducted', 'guerrilla', 'war', 'japanese', 'also', 'learns', 'father', 'built', 'hospital', 'lives', 'large', 'house', 'mystery', 'develops', 'enters', 'house', 'sees', 'portrait', 'beautiful', 'polynesian', 'woman', 'royal', 'trappings', 'viewer', 'understands', 'doc\\\\', 'wife', 'mother', 'children', 'amelia', 'told', 'relationship', 'learns', 'woman', 'named', 'manulani', 'donovan', 'mentions', 'luke\\\\', 'mother', 'died', 'childbirth', 'story', 'develops', 'amelia', 'learns', 'life', 'islands', 'expected', 'neither', 'donovan', 'proves', 'educated', 'intelligent', 'owner', 'substantial', 'local', 'shipping', 'operation', 'amelia', 'expected', 'strips', 'outdated', 'swimming', 'costume', 'reveal', 'tight', 'swimsuit', 'challenges', 'donovan', 'swimming', 'race', 'dives', 'water', 'develop', 'truce', 'lage', 'tries', 'court', 'amelia', 'dr.', 'dedham', 'returns', 'father', 'daughter', 'meet', 'first', 'time', 'told', 'deception', 'dinner', 'explains', 'serving', 'world', 'war', 'wife', 'died', 'war', 'ended', 'felt', 'needed', 'boston', 'desperately', 'needed', 'islands', 'stayed', 'even', 'signed', 'stock', 'amelia', 'intends', 'remain', 'islands', 'explain', 'manulani', 'children', 'hospital', 'emergency', 'interrupts', 'turns', 'manulani', 'granddaughter', 'last', 'hereditary', 'prince', 'islands', 'christmas', 'amelia', 'finally', 'puts', 'pieces', 'together', 'solve', 'mystery', 'leilani', '봎anulani\\\\', 'daughter', 'island\\\\', 'princess', 'amelia\\\\', 'sister', 'relationship', 'tearfully', 'joyfully', 'acknowledged', 'girls', 'amelia', 'donovan', 'evolve', 'truce', 'marriage', 'plans', 'gilhooley', 'also', 'finally', 'marries', 'longtime', 'girlfriend', 'miss', 'lafleur', 'donovan', 'points', 'new', 'sign', 'saloon', 'gilhooley\\\\', 'reef', 'donovan', 'given', 'bar', 'old', 'shipmate', 'wedding', 'present', 'crisis', 'resolved', 'life', 'islands', 'return', 'normal'], ['world', 'war', 'larry', 'nevins', 'american', 'sergeant', 'blinded', 'german', 'sniper', 'fighting', 'north', 'africa', 'taken', 'hospital', 'blinded', 'soldiers', 'struggles', 'come', 'terms', 'disability', 'larry', 'quickly', 'adapts', 'physically', 'difficulty', 'forging', 'relationships', 'unknowing', 'race', 'creed', 'appearance', 'takes', 'toll', 'befriends', 'joe', 'morgan', 'another', 'blinded', 'veteran', 'judy', 'bank', 'teller', 'town', 'one', 'day', 'larry', 'unaware', 'joe', 'black', 'utters', 'racial', 'slur', 'causes', 'huge', 'rift', 'larry', 'others', 'meanwhile', 'progresses', 'well', 'recovery', 'passing', 'crucial', 'test', 'see', 'well', 'handle', 'street', 'cleared', 'furlough', 'judy', 'takes', 'visit', 'sister', 'cabin', 'larry', 'learns', 'successful', 'lawyer', 'blind', 'gives', 'hope', 'future', 'dinner', 'judy', 'reveals', 'love', 'larry', 'says', 'needs', 'security', 'already', 'fiancee', 'home', 'somewhat', 'dispirited', 'goes', 'home', 'rough', 'time', 'dealing', 'racial', 'attitudes', 'southern', 'family', 'friends', 'fiancee', 'family', 'doubts', 'fitness', 'son-in-law', 'parents', 'downcast', 'disability', 'larry', 'happy', 'see', 'fiancee', 'chris', 'though', 'still', 'thinks', 'judy', 'bad', 'experience', 'homecoming', 'party', 'tells', 'chris', 'difficulties', 'expect', 'disability', 'chris', 'eventually', 'tells', 'larry', \"n't\", 'strong', 'enough', 'leave', 'home', 'larry', 'struggles', 'make', 'new', 'life', 'returning', 'hospital', 'larry', 'takes', 'side', 'trip', 'philadelphia', 'meets', 'famous', 'lawyer', 'given', 'hope', 'lawyer', 'tells', 'life', 'difficult', 'worth', 'wife', 'invaluable', 'helper', 'train', 'station', 'larry', 'unexpectedly', 'reunited', 'judy', 'joyfully', 'declare', 'mutual', 'love', 'boarding', 'train', 'hears', 'joe', 'morgan', 'name', 'called', 'catches', 'joe', 'arm', 'apologizes', 'hurt', 'caused', 'asks', 'friends', 'joe', 'accepts', 'apology', 'board', 'sit', 'together', 'train', 'pulls', 'station'], [\"'in\", 'hollywood', 'screenwriter', 'james', 'lee', 'bartlow', 'movie', 'star', 'georgia', 'lorrison', 'director', 'fred', 'amiel', 'barry', 'sullivan', 'refuse', 'speak', 'phone', 'jonathan', 'shields', 'paris', 'movie', 'producer', 'harry', 'pebbel', 'gathers', 'office', 'begs', 'help', 'shields', 'backstory', 'involvement', 'shields', 'unfolds', 'series', 'flashbacks', 'shields', 'son', 'notorious', 'old', 'filmmaker', 'dumped', 'industry', 'unpopular', 'son', 'hire', 'extras', 'attend', 'funeral', 'shields', 'determined', 'make', 'hollywood', 'means', 'necessary', 'shields', 'partners', 'aspiring', 'director', 'amiel', 'meets', 'father\\\\', 'funeral', 'shields', 'intentionally', 'loses', 'money', 'poker', 'game', 'film', 'executive', 'pebbel', 'talk', 'pebbel', 'letting', 'work', 'debt', 'shields', 'amiel', 'learn', 'respective', 'trades', 'making', 'low-budget', 'films', 'pebbel', 'amiel', 'decides', 'ready', 'direct', 'project', 'nursing', 'along', 'shields', 'pitches', 'studio', 'gets', 'large', 'budget', 'produce', 'film', 'betrays', 'amiel', 'allowing', 'someone', 'established', 'reputation', 'chosen', 'director', 'shields', 'next', 'encounters', 'alcoholic', 'small-time', 'actress', 'lorrison', 'daughter', 'famous', 'actor', 'shields', 'admired', 'builds', 'confidence', 'gives', 'leading', 'role', 'one', 'movies', 'everyone', 'else\\\\', 'objections', 'falls', 'love', 'lets', 'think', 'feels', 'way', 'self-destruct', 'gets', 'performance', 'needs', 'smash', 'premiere', 'makes', 'star', 'overnight', 'finds', 'beautiful', 'bit', 'player', 'named', 'lila', 'drives', 'lorrison', 'away', 'telling', 'never', 'allow', 'anyone', 'much', 'control', 'meanwhile', 'film\\\\', 'success', 'allows', 'shields', 'start', 'studio', 'pebbel', 'comes', 'work', 'finally', 'bartlow', 'contented', 'professor', 'small', 'college', 'written', 'bestselling', 'book', 'shields', 'wants', 'turn', 'film', 'write', 'script', 'bartlow', 'interested', 'shallow', 'southern', 'belle', 'wife', 'rosemary', 'agrees', 'sake', 'hollywood', 'shields', 'annoyed', 'find', 'constant', 'distractions', 'keeping', 'husband', 'work', 'gets', 'suave', 'actor', 'friend', 'victor', 'gaucho', 'ribera', 'keep', 'occupied', 'freed', 'interruption', 'bartlow', 'trouble', 'finishing', 'script', 'rosemary', 'however', 'runs', 'gaucho', 'killed', 'plane', 'crash', 'shields', 'employs', 'bartlow', 'help', 'produce', 'film', 'fourth', 'day', 'filming', 'shields', 'disagrees', 'director', 'decides', 'direct', 'film', 'first', 'time', 'shields', 'directed', 'film', 'botches', 'leads', 'bankruptcy', 'shields', 'slips', 'reveals', 'knew', 'gaucho', 'going', 'away', 'rosemary', 'bartlow', 'walks', 'flashbacks', 'complete', 'three', 'reject', 'shields\\\\', 'offer', 'work', 'together', 'pebbel', 'sarcastically', 'agrees', 'shields', 'ruined', 'lives', 'pointing', 'three', 'top', 'professions', 'thanks', 'work', 'shields', 'leave', 'pebbel', 'still', 'talking', 'shields', 'sight', 'three', 'eavesdrop', 'using', 'extension', 'phone', 'shields', 'describes', 'new', 'idea', 'become', 'interested'], [\"'kathleen\", 'kelly', 'involved', 'frank', 'navasky', 'leftist', 'postmodernist', 'newspaper', 'writer', 'new', 'york', 'observer', 'who\\\\', 'always', 'search', 'opportunity', 'root', 'underdog', 'frank', 'devoted', 'typewriter', 'kathleen', 'prefers', 'laptop', 'logging', 'aol', 'e-mail', 'account', 'using', 'screen', 'name', \"\\\\'shopgirl\\\\\", 'reads', 'e-mail', 'ny152', 'screen', 'name', 'joe', 'fox', 'reading', 'e-mail', 'reveals', 'boundaries', 'online', 'relationship', 'specifics', 'including', 'names', 'career', 'class', 'information', 'family', 'connections', 'joe', 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'omitting', 'last', 'name', 'makes', 'abrupt', 'exit', 'children', 'however', 'publishing', 'party', 'later', 'week', 'joe', 'kathleen', 'meet', 'new', 'york', 'book', 'business', 'kathleen', 'discovers', 'joe\\\\', 'true', 'identity', 'following', 'suggestions', 'frank', 'joe', 'via', 'ny152', 'kathleen', 'begins', 'media', 'war', 'including', 'boycott', 'fox', 'books', 'interview', 'local', 'news', 'ny152', 'shopgirl', 'continue', 'courtship', 'point', 'ny152', 'asks', 'shopgirl', 'meet', 'embarrassed', 'alone', 'joe', 'brings', 'kevin', 'along', 'moral', 'support', 'insists', 'shopgirl', 'may', 'love', 'life', 'meanwhile', 'kevin', 'looking', 'cafe', 'window', 'behest', 'joe', 'discovers', 'true', 'identity', 'shopgirl', 'joe', 'discovers', 'actually', 'kathleen', 'behind', 'name', 'confronts', 'joe', 'two', 'exchange', 'bitter', 'words', 'joe', 'leaves', 'cafe', 'hurt', 'kathleen', 'returns', 'home', 'puzzled', 'ny152', 'might', 'stood', 'despite', 'efforts', 'shop', 'around', 'corner', 'slowly', 'goes', 'somber', 'moment', 'kathleen', 'enters', 'fox', 'books', 'discover', 'true', 'nature', 'store', 'one', 'friendliness', 'relaxation', 'yet', 'without', 'dedication', 'children\\\\', 'books', 'independent', 'shop', 'eventually', 'employees', 'move', 'jobs', 'christina', 'goes', 'job', 'hunting', 'george', 'gets', 'job', 'children\\\\', 'department', 'fox', 'books', 'store', 'birdie', 'already', 'wealthy', 'investments', 'retires', 'allowing', 'time', 'electronic', 'relationship', 'convalesce', 'joe', 'visits', 'kathleen', 'sick', 'first', 'time', 'makes', 'favorable', 'impression', 'joe', 'discovers', 'kathleen', 'broken', 'frank', 'moved', 'talk', 'show', 'host', 'interviewed', 'jane', 'adams', 'predated', 'one', 'week', 'joe', 'uptight', 'girlfriend', 'patricia', 'broke', 'apartment', 'building', 'stuck', 'elevator', 'kathleen', 'joe', 'develop', 'tentative', 'friendship', 'blossoms', 'course', 'weeks', 'begin', 'spend', 'time', 'one', 'another', 'time', 'joe', 'ny152', 'mysteriously', 'postpones', 'meeting', 'kathleen', 'finally', 'ny152', 'shopgirl', 'agree', 'meet', 'first', 'time', 'since', 'ny152', 'apparently', 'stood', 'joe', 'dog', 'brinkley', 'meet', 'kathleen', 'riverside', 'park', 'kathleen', 'admits', 'wanted', 'ny152', 'joe', 'badly', 'two', 'kiss'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'centers', 'rob', 'gordon', 'self-confessed', 'music', 'geek', 'whose', 'flair', 'understanding', 'women', 'par', 'course', 'getting', 'dumped', 'current', 'girlfriend', 'laura', 'decides', 'look', 'old', 'flames', 'attempt', 'figure', 'keeps', 'wrong', 'relationships', 'spends', 'days', 'record', 'store', 'championship', 'vinyl', 'holds', 'court', 'customers', 'drift', 'helping', 'rob', 'task', 'musical', 'elitism', 'dick', 'barry', 'musical', 'moron', 'twins', 'refers', 'armed', 'encyclopedic', 'knowledge', 'things', 'musical', 'compile', 'top', 'five', 'lists', 'every', 'conceivable', 'occasion', 'openly', 'mock', 'ignorance', 'customers', 'every', 'often', 'sell', 'records', 'rob', 'staff', 'strong', 'dislike', 'two', 'shoplifting', 'skateboarder', 'teenagers', 'vince', 'justin', 'one', 'day', 'listens', 'recording', 'offers', 'record', 'deal', 'starting', 'label', 'called', 'top', 'records', 'hours', 'pines', 'lost', 'girlfriend', 'laura', 'best', 'win', 'back', 'rob', 'soon', 'hears', 'laura\\\\', 'father', 'liked', 'rob', 'died', 'attends', 'funeral', 'laura', 'shortly', 'reception', 'rob', 'realizes', 'never', 'committed', 'laura', 'always', 'one', 'foot', 'door', 'made', 'realize', 'neglected', 'future', 'process', 'afterwards', 'laura', 'move', 'back', 'together', 'organizes', 'celebration', 'recently', 'released', 'single', 'two', 'delinquents', 'barry\\\\', 'band', 'plays', 'let\\\\', 'get', 'delightful', 'final', 'scene', 'rob', 'finishes', 'advice', 'making', 'perfect', 'mixtape', 'says', 'making', 'one', 'laura'], ['frankie', 'machine', 'released', 'prison', 'set', 'drums', 'new', 'outlook', 'life', 'heroin', 'addict', 'frankie', 'became', 'clean', 'prison', 'outside', 'greets', 'friends', 'acquaintances', 'sparrow', 'runs', 'con', 'selling', 'homeless', 'dogs', 'clings', 'like', 'young', 'brother', 'schwiefka', 'robert', 'strauss', 'frankie', 'used', 'deal', 'illegal', 'card', 'game', 'sinister', 'reasons', 'welcoming', 'back', 'louis', 'machine', 'former', 'heroin', 'dealer', 'frankie', 'sees', 'wife', 'zosh', 'supposedly', 'wheelchair-bound', 'secretly', 'fully', 'recovered', 'car', 'crash', 'years', 'ago', 'zosh', 'smothers', 'husband', 'hinders', 'attempt', 'make', 'something', 'thinks', 'takes', 'play', 'drums', 'big', 'band', 'calling', 'make', 'appointment', 'bumps', 'old', 'flame', 'molly', 'frankie', 'soon', 'gets', 'tryout', 'asks', 'sparrow', 'get', 'new', 'suit', 'suit', 'stolen', 'one', 'ends', 'back', 'cell', 'schwiefka', 'offers', 'pay', 'bail', 'frankie', 'refuses', 'soon', 'changes', 'mind', 'sight', 'drug', 'addict', 'edge', 'becomes', 'much', 'repay', 'debt', 'must', 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'convinces', 'frankie', 'must', 'cold', 'turkey', 'stand', 'chance', 'police', 'frankie', 'agrees', 'locked', 'molly', 'apartment', 'goes', 'grueling', 'withdrawal', 'clear', 'drugs', 'body', 'finally', 'clean', 'tells', 'zosh', 'going', 'leave', 'start', 'anew', 'stand', 'trial', 'desperation', 'zosh', 'gives', 'away', 'standing', 'front', 'frankie', 'police', 'runs', 'get', 'outside', 'balcony', 'trapped', 'blows', 'whistle', 'throws', 'balcony', 'death', 'ambulance', 'arrives', 'take', 'zosh', 'hospital', 'drives', 'away', 'frankie', 'watches', 'dismay', 'walks', 'away', 'molly'], ['setting', 'housing', 'project', 'apartment', 'johnny', 'pope', 'murray', 'soldier', 'returns', 'korean', 'war', 'stay', 'military', 'hospital', 'left', 'secretly', 'addicted', 'morphine', 'emotional', 'distance', 'alienate', 'apartment', 'residents', 'johnny', 'pregnant', 'wife', 'celia', 'brother', 'polo', 'celia', 'convinced', 'johnny', 'affair', 'course', 'truth', 'far', 'worse', 'johnny', 'polo', 'father', 'john', 'sr.', 'arrives', 'town', 'stays', 'small', 'apartment', 'complicating', 'tense', 'situation', 'leading', 'dynamic', 'dramatic', 'climax'], [\"'charlie\", 'gordon', 'mentally', 'retarded', 'man', 'strong', 'desire', 'make', 'smarter', 'attending', 'night', 'school', 'two', 'years', 'taught', 'alice', 'kinnian', 'read', 'write', 'however', 'spelling', 'remains', 'poor', 'even', 'unable', 'spell', 'name', 'alice', 'takes', 'charlie', 'nemur-straus', 'clinic', 'run', 'dr.', 'richard', 'nemur', 'dr.', 'anna', 'straus', 'nemur', 'straus', 'increasing', 'intelligence', 'laboratory', 'mice', 'new', 'surgical', 'procedure', 'looking', 'human', 'test', 'subject', 'part', 'series', 'tests', 'ascertain', 'charlie\\\\', 'suitability', 'procedure', 'made', 'race', 'algernon', 'one', 'laboratory', 'mice', 'algernon', 'physically', 'runs', 'maze', 'charlie', 'uses', 'pencil', 'trace', 'way', 'diagram', 'maze', 'charlie', 'disappointed', 'consistently', 'loses', 'races', 'nevertheless', 'given', 'experimental', 'surgery', 'surgery', 'charlie', 'initially', 'angered', 'immediately', 'smarter', 'still', 'loses', 'races', 'algernon', 'eventually', 'however', 'beats', 'algernon', 'race', 'intelligence', 'starts', 'increasing', 'rapidly', 'alice', 'continues', 'teach', 'soon', 'surpasses', 'charlie\\\\', 'co-workers', 'also', 'try', 'tease', 'making', 'work', 'machine', 'know', 'able', 'work', 'charlie', 'shows', 'work', 'machine', 'co-workers', 'pleased', 'fact', 'intelligent', 'teased', 'anymore', 'sign', 'petition', 'loses', 'job', 'bakery', 'charlie', 'also', 'starts', 'staring', 'alice\\\\', 'bottom', 'breasts', 'well', 'drawing', 'painting', 'abstract', 'nude', 'figures', 'also', 'questions', 'whether', 'alice', 'loves', 'fianc챕', 'one', 'night', 'charlie', 'follows', 'alice', 'back', 'apartment', 'sexually', 'assaults', 'pulling', 'floor', 'kissing', 'forcefully', 'breaks', 'free', 'slapping', 'film', 'uses', 'montage', 'sequence', 'show', 'charlie', 'mustache', 'goatee', 'riding', 'motorcycle', 'kissing', 'series', 'different', 'women', 'smoking', 'dancing', 'end', 'sequence', 'charlie', 'returned', 'home', 'alice', 'comes', 'visit', 'learned', 'time', 'apart', 'want', 'together', 'montage', 'sequence', 'shows', 'charlie', 'alice', 'running', 'woods', 'kissing', 'trees', 'accompanied', 'voice-over', 'two', 'talking', 'marriage', 'straus', 'nemur', 'present', 'research', 'panel', 'scientists', 'including', 'question', 'answer', 'session', 'charlie', 'charlie', 'aggressive', 'session', 'reveals', 'algernon', 'died', 'causing', 'charlie', 'believe', 'increased', 'intelligence', 'temporary', 'suffering', 'visions', 'intelligence', 'fading', 'charlie', 'operation', 'following', 'charlie', 'decides', 'work', 'nemur', 'straus', 'see', 'saved', 'charlie', 'discovers', 'nothing', 'done', 'prevent', 'intelligence', 'fading', 'alice', 'visits', 'charlie', 'asks', 'marry', 'refuses', 'tells', 'leave', 'alice', 'watches', 'charlie', 'playing', 'children', 'playground', 'reverted', 'former', 'self'], ['paul', 'middle-aged', 'american', 'hotel', 'owner', 'mourning', 'wife', 'suicide', 'meets', 'young', 'engaged', 'parisian', 'woman', 'named', 'jeanne', 'maria', 'schneider', 'apartment', 'interested', 'renting', 'paul', 'jeanne', 'proceed', 'anonymous', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'apartment', 'paul', 'demands', 'neither', 'share', 'personal', 'information', 'even', 'names', 'affair', 'goes', 'one', 'day', 'jeanne', 'comes', 'apartment', 'find', 'paul', 'without', 'warning', 'packed', 'left', 'paul', 'later', 'meets', 'jeanne', 'street', 'says', 'wants', 'start', 'anew', 'relationship', 'proceeds', 'tell', 'recent', 'tragedy', 'wife', 'telling', 'life', 'story', 'carries', 'tango', 'bar', 'continues', 'telling', 'loss', 'anonymity', 'disillusions', 'jeanne', 'relationship', 'tells', 'paul', \"n't\", 'want', 'see', 'paul', 'wanting', 'let', 'jeanne', 'chases', 'back', 'apartment', 'tells', 'loves', 'finally', 'wants', 'know', 'name', 'unbeknown', 'paul', 'jeanne', 'holds', 'gun', 'taken', 'drawer', 'tells', 'name', 'shoots', 'paul', 'mortally', 'wounded', 'staggers', 'onto', 'balcony', 'collapses', 'dies', 'audience', 'sees', 'jeanne', 'dazed', 'muttering', 'stranger', 'tried', 'rape', 'reassuring', 'know', 'rehearsal', 'questioning', 'police'], [\"'the\", 'day', 'may', '1938', 'day', 'hitler', 'visited', 'rome', 'meet', 'premier', 'mussolini', 'also', 'day', 'entire', 'family', 'goes', 'streets', 'follow', 'great', 'meeting', 'parade', 'italian', 'housewife', 'stays', 'home', 'looking', 'domestic', 'tasks', 'apartment', 'building', 'empty', 'man', 'seems', 'repulsed', 'fascism', 'living', 'building', 'across', 'complex', 'chamber', 'drama', 'progresses', 'loneliness', 'revealed', 'audience', 'learns', 'man', 'radio', 'broadcaster', 'lost', 'job', 'deported', 'sardinia', 'due', 'political', 'attitudes', 'homosexuality', 'unaware', 'housewife', 'flirts', 'meet', 'chance', 'empty', 'building', 'conversation', 'rather', 'na챦ve', 'mainstream', 'woman', 'surprised', 'opinions', 'finally', 'shocked', 'realizes', 'sexual', 'orientation', 'nonetheless', 'despite', 'fights', 'arguments', 'friendship', 'develops', 'eventually', 'make', 'love', 'taken', 'away', 'police', 'family', 'comes', 'back', 'home.review', 'special', 'day', 'channel', '4.a', 'special', 'day'], ['arthur', 'bach', 'spoiled', 'alcoholic', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'likes', 'driven', 'chauffeured', 'limousine', 'central', 'park', 'heir', 'father', 'stanford', '750', 'million', 'fortune', 'told', 'marries', 'upper', 'class', 'susan', 'johnson', 'love', 'susan', 'family', 'feels', 'make', 'finally', 'grow', 'arthur', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'meets', 'working-class', 'queens', 'waitress', 'linda', 'marolla', 'despite', 'shoplifter', 'attracted', 'arthur', 'struggles', 'promise', 'marry', 'susan', 'visiting', 'grandmother', 'martha', 'arthur', 'shares', 'feelings', 'linda', 'warned', 'disowned', 'valet', 'hobson', 'like', 'father', 'arthur', 'real', 'father', 'realizes', 'arthur', 'beginning', 'grow', 'secretly', 'encourages', 'linda', 'attend', 'arthur', 'engagement', 'party', 'telling', 'linda', 'recognizes', 'young', 'man', 'love', 'hobson', 'hospitalized', 'arthur', 'rushes', 'side', 'several', 'weeks', 'hobson', 'dies', 'arthur', 'sober', 'whole', 'time', 'goes', 'drinking', 'binge', 'wedding', 'day', 'visits', 'diner', 'linda', 'works', 'proposes', 'church', 'jilts', 'susan', 'resulting', 'abusive', 'father', 'burt', 'johnson', 'stephen', 'elliott', 'attempting', 'stab', 'arthur', 'cheese', 'knife', 'though', 'prevented', 'martha', 'arthur', 'tells', 'church', 'wedding', 'passes', 'linda', 'attends', 'wounds', 'discuss', 'living', 'life', 'poverty', 'horrified', 'martha', 'tells', 'arthur', 'fortune', 'bach', 'ever', 'working', 'class', 'arthur', 'declines', 'last', 'minute', 'talks', 'privately', 'martha', 'returns', 'linda', 'side', 'tells', 'declined', 'martha', 'dinner', 'invitation', 'means', 'take', 'money', 'arthur', 'pleased', 'chauffeur', 'bitterman', 'drives', 'couple', 'central', 'park'], [\"'desk\", 'set', 'takes', 'place', 'federal', 'broadcasting', 'network', 'bunny', 'watson', 'charge', 'reference', 'library', 'responsible', 'researching', 'answering', 'questions', 'manner', 'topics', 'names', 'santa\\\\', 'reindeer', 'involved', 'seven', 'years', 'rising', 'network', 'executive', 'mike', 'cutler', 'marriage', 'sight', 'network', 'negotiating', 'merger', 'another', 'company', 'keeping', 'secret', 'help', 'employees', 'cope', 'extra', 'work', 'result', 'network', 'head', 'ordered', 'two', 'computers', 'richard', 'sumner', 'inventor', 'emerac', 'efficiency', 'expert', 'brought', 'see', 'library', 'functions', 'figure', 'ease', 'transition', 'though', 'extremely', 'bright', 'gets', 'know', 'bunny', 'surprised', 'discover', 'every', 'bit', 'match', 'find', 'computers', 'coming', 'employees', 'jump', 'conclusion', 'machines', 'going', 'replace', 'whereas', 'merely', 'intended', 'help', 'ease', 'research', 'fears', 'seem', 'confirmed', 'everyone', 'staff', 'receives', 'pink', 'slip', 'printed', 'new', 'payroll', 'computer', 'fortunately', 'turns', 'mistake', 'machine', 'fired', 'everybody', 'company', 'including', 'president'], ['young', 'idealistic', 'tennessee', 'valley', 'authority', 'administrator', 'chuck', 'glover', 'comes', 'small', 'town', 'tennessee', 'enforce', 'clearing', 'land', 'flooded', 'new', 'dam', 'tennessee', 'river', 'early', '1930s', 'aging', '80-year-old', 'matriarch', 'ella', 'garth', 'refuses', 'sell', 'land', 'federal', 'government', 'film', 'anticipates', 'much', 'environmental', 'debates', 'concerning', 'artificial', 'control', 'rivers', 'cite', 'news', 'glover', 'falls', 'love', 'matriarch', 'granddaughter', 'carol', 'garth', 'baldwin', 'film', 'also', 'portrays', 'racial', 'issues', 'south', 'great', 'depression'], ['upper-middle', 'class', 'mathieu', 'spending', 'summer', 'vacation', 'french', 'coast', 'beginning', 'studies', 'fall', 'become', 'architect', 'mother', 'deeply', 'depressed', 'death', 'baby', 'brother', 'cancer', 'cared', 'sister', 'mathieu', 'moody', 'younger', 'sister', 'get', 'along', 'meets', 'cedric', 'beach', 'attractive', 'obviously', 'looking', 'boyfriend', 'boys', 'embark', 'romance', 'mathieu', 'sudden', 'secrecy', 'long', 'hours', 'away', 'home', 'invite', 'curiosity', 'sister', 'aunt', 'parallel', 'plotline', 'focuses', 'mathieu', 'eighteen', 'months', 'later', 'recovers', 'shock', 'separation', 'tried', 'commit', 'suicide', 'mathieu', 'psychiatrist', 'sends', 'back', 'small', 'seaside', 'town', 'learn', 'deal', 'happened', 'film', 'ends', 'hopeful', 'note', 'mathieu', 'looks', 'pierre', 'another', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'cedric', 'living', 'seaside', 'town', 'overcome', 'past', 'tensions', 'discover', 'understand'], [\"'howard\", 'brackett', 'well-liked', 'english', 'literature', 'teacher', 'living', 'quiet', 'life', 'fictional', 'town', 'greenleaf', 'indiana', 'fianc챕e', 'fellow', 'teacher', 'emily', 'montgomery', 'recently', 'lost', 'pounds', 'town', 'filled', 'anticipation', 'nomination', 'cameron', 'drake', 'howard\\\\', 'former', 'student', 'best', 'actor', 'category', 'academy', 'awards', 'portrayal', 'gay', 'soldier', 'serve', 'protect', 'cameron', 'indeed', 'win', 'best', 'actor', 'award', 'acceptance', 'speech', 'thanks', 'howard', 'adding', '쫆nd', 'he\\\\', 'gay', 'howard\\\\', 'family', 'friends', 'students', 'co-workers', 'emily', 'naturally', 'shocked', 'nothing', 'compared', 'howard\\\\', 'reaction', 'disbelief', 'indignation', 'angrily', 'tries', 'reassure', 'know', 'heterosexual', 'reporters', 'invade', 'hometown', 'harassing', 'interviews', 'following', 'awards', 'night', 'telecast', 'howard', 'placed', 'scrutiny', 'boss', 'principal', 'tom', 'halliwell', 'uncomfortable', 'attention', 'brought', 'school', 'although', 'reporters', 'leave', 'getting', 'story', 'one', 'stays', 'behind', 'on-camera', 'entertainment', 'reporter', 'peter', 'malloy', 'wants', 'wait', 'week', 'cover', 'howard\\\\', 'wedding', 'emily', 'howard', 'continues', 'harassed', 'dismayed', 'changed', 'attitudes', 'everyone', 'around', 'decides', 'must', 'sleep', 'emily', 'order', 'prove', 'heterosexuality', 'howard', 'tries', 'due', 'conflicting', 'emotions', 'emily\\\\', 'concern', 'well-being', 'howard', 'crosses', 'paths', 'peter', 'reveals', 'he\\\\', 'gay', 'trying', 'provide', 'helpful', 'ear', 'narrates', 'experience', 'coming', 'family', 'howard', 'still', 'insists', 'gay', 'prompting', 'peter', 'kiss', 'although', 'shocked', 'howard', 'reacts', 'somewhat', 'positively', 'kiss', 'vindicating', 'peter\\\\', 'instinct', 'along', 'matter', 'howard\\\\', 'final', 'measure', 'restore', 'heterosexuality', 'use', 'self-help', 'audio', 'cassette', 'although', 'fails', 'well', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'emily', 'recites', 'vow', 'without', 'hesitation', 'howard', 'prompted', 'minister', 'instead', 'says', 'gay', 'wedding', 'although', 'peter', 'proud', 'howard', 'howard', 'angry', 'hurting', 'emily', 'things', 'take', 'turn', 'worse', 'fired', 'school', 'outing', 'despite', 'fired', 'howard', 'attends', 'graduation', 'ceremony', 'support', 'students', 'one', 'student', 'got', 'college', 'howard\\\\', 'hard', 'work', 'learns', 'dismissed', 'gay', 'classmates', 'proclaim', 'one', 'one', 'gay', 'well', 'show', 'support', 'howard', 'thumb', 'noses', 'school', 'board', 'howard\\\\', 'family', 'follows', 'suit', 'friends', 'townsfolk', 'assembled', 'learned', 'ensuing', 'media', 'blitz', 'los', 'angeles', 'cameron', 'flies', 'hometown', 'supermodel', 'girlfriend', 'support', 'former', 'teacher', 'although', 'howard', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'win', \"\\\\'teacher\", 'year\\\\', 'cameron', 'presents', 'oscar', 'film', 'ends', 'howard\\\\', 'wedding-crazy', 'mother', 'finally', 'getting', 'wedding', 'husband', 'decide', 'renew', 'vows', 'howard', 'peter', 'rest', 'townsfolk', 'attend', 'reception', 'among', 'crowd', 'emily', 'cameron', 'appear', 'begun', 'relationship', 'film', 'ends', 'everyone', 'dancing', 'village', 'people\\\\', 'song', 'macho', 'man'], [\"'before\", 'opening', 'credits', 'begin', 'dedication', 'yusuf', 'hawkins', 'shown', 'killed', 'august', '1989', 'bensonhurst', 'new', 'york', 'neighborhood', 'folk', 'believed', 'youth', 'involved', 'white', 'girl', 'neighborhood', 'though', 'actually', 'neighborhood', 'inquire', 'used', 'car', 'sale', 'area', 'flipper', 'purify', 'successful', 'married', 'african', 'american', 'man', 'works', 'architectural', 'firm', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'one', 'day', 'italian', 'american', 'woman', 'named', 'angela', 'angie', 'tucci', 'hired', 'temporary', 'secretary', 'place', 'flipper', 'complains', 'partners', 'jerry', 'leslie', 'wanting', 'african', 'american', 'secretary', 'tell', 'want', 'best', 'human', 'job', 'flipper', 'returns', 'harlem', 'home', 'visiting', 'friend', 'cyrus', 'tells', 'wife', 'drew', 'promotion', 'drew', 'tells', 'prepared', 'promotion', 'declined', 'flipper', 'tells', 'worry', 'meanwhile', 'angie', 'returns', 'bensonhurst', 'home', 'cooks', 'dinner', 'father', 'mike', 'two', 'brothers', 'charlie', 'jimmy', 'boyfriend', 'paulie', 'carbone', 'arrives', 'takes', 'date', 'one', 'night', 'flipper', 'angie', 'working', 'late', 'firm', 'start', 'conversation', 'cooking', 'dinner', 'office', 'sex', 'desk', 'next', 'day', 'flipper', 'say', 'anything', 'walking', 'daughter', 'school', 'later', 'office', 'tells', 'jerry', 'leslie', 'wanted', 'partner', 'firm', 'offer', 'declined', 'abruptly', 'quits', 'job', 'later', 'night', 'park', 'flipper', 'admits', 'infidelity', 'cyrus', 'tells', 'affair', 'problematic', 'mistress', 'white', 'also', 'italian', 'bensonhurst', 'flipper\\\\', 'brother', 'gator', 'shows', 'girlfriend', 'vivian', 'asks', 'flipper', 'money', 'feed', 'crack', 'habit', 'flipper', 'initially', 'refuses', 'gives', 'eventually', 'meanwhile', 'angie', 'tells', 'girlfriends', 'seeing', 'flipper', 'shocking', 'tells', 'african', 'american', 'tells', 'tell', 'anybody', 'next', 'evening', 'flipper', 'angela', 'ignored', 'staff', 'restaurant', 'complains', 'waitress', 'served', 'turn', 'berates', 'dating', 'white', 'woman', 'later', 'rumors', 'surface', 'flipper', 'comes', 'home', 'sees', 'furious', 'drew', 'throwing', 'things', 'window', 'forcing', 'move', 'back', 'mother', 'lucinda', 'father', 'good', 'reverend', 'doctor', 'later', 'night', 'confronts', 'cyrus', 'betraying', 'trust', 'cyrus', 'admitted', 'told', 'wife', 'vera', 'know', 'told', 'drew', 'flipper', 'insults', 'vera', 'causing', 'rift', 'friendship', 'cyrus', 'next', 'day', 'flipper', 'tries', 'make', 'things', 'drew', 'bringing', 'flowers', 'work', 'proceeds', 'refuse', 'meanwhile', 'angie', 'ends', 'relationship', 'paulie', 'father', 'lou', 'finds', 'paulie', 'bathroom', 'consoles', 'angie', 'returns', 'home', 'livid', 'mike', 'violently', 'beats', 'dating', 'black', 'man', 'throws', 'house', 'flipper', 'angie', 'move', 'apartment', 'together', 'subsequently', 'encounter', 'social', 'problems', 'including', 'failed', 'dinner', 'flipper\\\\', 'parents', 'another', 'problem', 'walking', 'street', 'joke', 'around', 'flipper', 'forces', 'onto', 'police', 'show', 'thinking', 'raping', 'tells', 'boyfriend', 'threatens', 'badges', 'flipper', 'yells', 'want', 'anyone', 'else', 'know', 'paulie', 'attempts', 'start', 'similar', 'relationship', 'african', 'american', 'woman', 'called', 'orin', 'goode', 'encounters', 'problems', 'lucinda', 'flipper', 'come', 'informs', 'gator', 'taken', 'television', 'wants', 'try', 'get', 'back', 'good', 'reverend', 'doctor', 'comes', 'home', 'flipper', 'goes', 'find', 'gator', 'flipper', 'finds', 'gator', 'crack', 'house', 'vivian', 'smoking', 'drug', 'gator', 'tells', 'flipper', 'pawned', 'get', 'money', 'crack', 'flipper', 'slaps', 'vivian', 'face', 'tells', 'gator', 'mother', 'crying', 'gator', 'appear', 'care', 'flipper', 'tells', 'cutting', 'good', 'leaves', 'eventually', 'issues', 'surrounding', 'flipper', 'angie', 'strain', 'relationship', 'much', 'break', 'orin', 'accepts', 'paulie\\\\', 'offer', 'take', 'date', 'tells', 'father', 'going', 'date', 'african', 'american', 'father', 'disowns', 'way', 'meet', 'orin', 'gets', 'fight', 'still', 'heads', 'house', 'one', 'night', 'gator', 'storms', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'reverend', 'away', 'demanding', 'money', 'lucinda', 'trashing', 'house', 'reverend', 'arrives', 'threatens', 'shoot', 'leave', 'gator', 'refuses', 'leave', 'antagonizing', 'father', 'reverend', 'tells', 'gator', 'better', 'dead', 'shoots', 'gator', 'dies', 'mother\\\\', 'arms', 'flipper', 'attempts', 'reconcile', 'drew', 'sex', 'drew', 'still', 'hurt', 'tells', 'best', 'leave', 'walking', 'street', 'flipper', 'passes', 'prostitute', 'offers', 'perform', 'fellatio', 'two', 'dollars', 'flipper', 'response', 'hugs', 'screams', 'heavens'], ['first', 'half', 'film', 'shows', 'gowan', 'mcgland', 'creatively', 'blocked', 'scottish', 'poet', 'cutting', 'swath', 'various', 'older', 'society', 'women', 'recites', 'verse', 'various', 'arts', 'groups', 'cultural', 'societies', 'tone', 'much', 'uneasy', 'social', 'comedy', 'mcgland', 'cadges', 'expensive', 'dinners', 'well-off', 'patrons', 'seducing', 'bored', 'wives', 'affecting', 'superiority', 'bourgeois', 'types', 'exploits', 'obviously', 'quite', 'talented', 'also', 'career', 'drunk', 'indifferent', 'wounds', 'casually', 'inflict', 'wit', 'rumpled', 'charm', 'scottish', 'burr', 'mouthful', 'brilliant', 'white', 'teeth', 'make', 'irresistible', 'women', 'manages', 'eke', 'day-to-day', 'existence', 'leaning', 'kindness', 'strangers', 'second', 'half', 'film', 'becomes', 'appreciably', 'darker', 'gowan', 'falls', 'love', 'young', 'college', 'student', 'geneva', 'spofford', 'everything', 'lose', 'relationship', 'drunken', 'deadbeat', 'poet', 'unable', 'hold', 'job', 'couple', 'ugly', 'incidents', 'split', 'also', 'suffers', 'ironic', 'come-uppance', 'husband', 'cuckolded', 'man', 'dentist', 'offers', 'gowan', 'free', 'dental', 'care', 'order', 'ruin', 'smile', 'force', 'wear', 'dentures', 'gowan', 'prepares', 'hang', 'dictating', 'last', 'thoughts', 'tape', 'recorder', 'comes', 'good', 'lines', 'regains', 'write', 'unfortunately', 'host', 'pet', 'dog', 'old', 'english', 'sheepdog', 'named', 'reuben', 'comes', 'bounding', 'room', 'causing', 'gowan', 'lose', 'balance', 'undo', 'noose', 'turning', 'aborted', 'suicide', 'accidental', 'asphyxiation', 'end', 'film', 'title', 'gowan', 'final', 'words', 'attempt', 'dissuade', 'dog', 'approaching', 'make', 'sense'], [\"'after\", 'told', 'short', 'carnival', 'ride', 'attempting', 'impress', 'older', 'girl', '12-year-old', 'josh', 'baskin', 'cliffside', 'park', 'new', 'jersey', 'goes', 'wishing', 'machine', 'called', 'zoltar', 'speaks', 'wishes', 'big', 'machine', 'notifies', 'josh', 'wish', 'granted', 'finds', 'machine', 'unplugged', 'continues', 'operate', 'despite', 'lack', 'power', 'next', 'morning', 'josh', 'shocked', 'discover', 'transformed', '30-year-old', 'man', 'goes', 'back', 'wishing', 'machine', 'finds', 'carnival', 'disassembled', 'fleeing', 'mother', 'thinks', 'strange', 'man', 'kidnapped', 'son', 'josh', 'finds', 'best', 'friend', 'billy', 'kopecki', 'school', 'attend', 'billy', 'shocked', 'first', 'josh', 'convinces', 'identity', 'singing', 'secret', 'song', 'two', 'know', 'billy\\\\', 'help', 'learns', 'would', 'take', 'couple', 'months', 'find', 'zoltar', 'speaks', 'machine', 'josh', 'rents', 'flophouse', 'room', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'obtains', 'job', 'data', 'entry', 'clerk', 'macmillan', 'toy', 'company', 'chance', 'josh', 'meets', 'company\\\\', 'owner', 'mr.', 'macmillan', 'fao', 'schwarz', 'impresses', 'extensive', 'insight', 'current', 'toys', 'happy-go-lucky', 'childlike', 'enthusiasm', 'iconic', 'scene', 'two', 'end', 'playing', 'duet', 'together', 'foot-operated', 'electronic', 'keyboard', 'performing', 'heart', 'soul', 'chopsticks', 'earns', 'josh', 'promotion', 'dream', 'job', 'testing', 'toys', 'day', 'long', 'getting', 'paid', 'promotion', 'josh\\\\', 'larger', 'salary', 'enables', 'move', 'working', 'man\\\\', 'hotel', 'spacious', 'apartment', 'billy', 'fill', 'toys', 'pepsi', 'vending', 'machine', 'pinball', 'machine', 'josh', 'soon', 'attracts', 'attention', 'susan', 'lawrence', 'fellow', 'toy', 'executive', 'romance', 'begins', 'develop', 'much', 'annoyance', 'susan\\\\', 'competitive', 'boyfriend', 'paul', 'davenport', 'john', 'heard', 'josh', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'entwined', 'adult', 'life', 'spending', 'time', 'susan', 'mingling', 'friends', 'moving', 'new', 'ideas', 'become', 'valuable', 'assets', 'macmillan', 'toys', 'however', 'billy', 'begins', 'feeling', 'annoyed', 'neglected', 'josh', 'forgotten', 'really', 'macmillan', 'asks', 'josh', 'come', 'proposals', 'new', 'line', 'toys', 'josh', 'intimidated', 'need', 'formulate', 'business', 'aspects', 'proposal', 'susan', 'insists', 'handle', 'business', 'end', 'josh', 'need', 'rely', 'affinity', 'toys', 'come', 'good', 'idea', 'nonetheless', 'josh', 'soon', 'begins', 'feel', 'overly', 'pressured', 'new', 'life', 'expresses', 'doubts', 'susan', 'attempts', 'explain', 'really', 'child', 'interprets', 'fear', 'commitment', 'part', 'dismisses', 'explanation', 'frustration', 'longing', 'return', 'life', 'child', 'josh', 'eventually', 'learns', 'billy', 'zoltar', 'speaks', 'machine', 'sea', 'point', 'park', 'middle', 'presenting', 'proposal', 'macmillan', 'executives', 'josh', 'leaves', 'susan', 'realizes', 'something', 'wrong', 'leaves', 'well', 'encounters', 'billy', 'tells', 'josh', 'went', 'park', 'josh', 'finds', 'machine', 'makes', 'wish', 'become', 'kid', 'confronted', 'susan', 'seeing', 'machine', 'fortune', 'gave', 'josh', 'realizes', 'telling', 'truth', 'susan', 'becomes', 'despondent', 'realizing', 'relationship', 'josh', 'tells', 'susan', 'one', 'thing', 'adult', 'life', 'wishes', 'would', 'end', 'suggests', 'use', 'machine', 'turn', 'little', 'girl', 'declines', 'indicating', 'child', 'enough', 'takes', 'josh', 'home', 'sharing', 'emotional', 'goodbye', 'josh', 'reverts', 'child', 'form', 'reunited', 'family'], [\"'nina\", 'interpreter', 'beside', 'grief', 'recent', 'death', 'boyfriend', 'jamie', 'cellist', 'verge', 'despair', 'jamie', 'reappears', 'ghost', 'couple', 'reconciled', 'screenplay', 'never', 'clarifies', 'whether', 'occurs', 'reality', 'merely', 'nina\\\\', 'imagination', 'nina', 'ecstatic', 'jamie\\\\', 'behaviour', 'turning', 'central', 'heating', 'stifling', 'levels', 'moving', 'furniture', 'around', 'inviting', 'back', 'ghost', 'friends', 'watch', 'videos', 'gradually', 'infuriates', 'relationship', 'deteriorates', 'meets', 'mark', 'psychologist', 'attracted', 'unwilling', 'become', 'involved', 'jamie\\\\', 'continued', 'presence', 'nina', 'continues', 'love', 'jamie', 'conflicted', 'self-centred', 'behaviour', 'ultimately', 'wonders', 'loud', 'always', 'like', 'nina', 'objections', 'jamie', 'decides', 'leave', 'allow', 'move', 'end', 'film', 'jamie', 'watches', 'nina', 'leave', 'mark', 'one', 'fellow', 'ghosts', 'asks', 'well', 'jamie', 'responds', 'think', 'yes', 'point', 'central', 'conceit', 'movie', 'become', 'clear', 'jamie', 'came', 'back', 'specifically', 'help', 'nina', 'get', 'tarnishing', 'idealized', 'memory'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', '1984', '985', 'miners\\\\', 'strike', 'centres', 'character', '11-year-old', 'billy', 'elliot', 'love', 'dance', 'hope', 'become', 'professional', 'ballet', 'dancer', 'billy', 'lives', 'widowed', 'father', 'jackie', 'gary', 'lewis', 'older', 'brother', 'tony', 'coal', 'miners', 'strike', 'also', 'invalid', 'nan', 'aspired', 'professional', 'dancer', 'durham', 'jackie', 'takes', 'billy', 'sports', 'centre', 'learn', 'boxing', 'billy', 'dislikes', 'sport', 'happens', 'upon', 'ballet', 'class', 'using', 'gym', 'usual', 'basement', 'studio', 'sports', 'centre', 'temporarily', 'used', 'soup', 'kitchen', 'striking', 'miners', 'unknown', 'jackie', 'billy', 'joins', 'ballet', 'class', 'jackie', 'discovers', 'forbids', 'billy', 'take', 'ballet', 'passionate', 'dancing', 'billy', 'secretly', 'continues', 'lessons', 'dance', 'teacher', 'sandra', 'wilkinson\\\\', 'help', 'mrs.', 'wilkinson', 'believes', 'billy', 'talented', 'enough', 'study', 'royal', 'ballet', 'school', 'london', 'due', 'tony\\\\', 'arrest', 'skirmish', 'police', 'striking', 'miners', 'billy', 'misses', 'audition', 'mrs.', 'wilkinson', 'tells', 'jackie', 'missed', 'opportunity', 'fearing', 'billy', 'considered', 'poof', 'jackie', 'tony', 'outraged', 'prospect', 'billy', 'becoming', 'professional', 'ballet', 'dancer', 'christmas', 'billy', 'learns', 'best', 'friend', 'michael', 'gay', 'although', 'billy', 'supportive', 'friend', 'later', 'jackie', 'catches', 'billy', 'dancing', 'gym', 'realises', 'son', 'truly', 'gifted', 'whatever', 'takes', 'help', 'billy', 'attain', 'dream', 'jackie', 'attempts', 'cross', 'picket', 'line', 'pay', 'trip', 'london', 'tony', 'blocks', 'instead', 'fellow', 'miners', 'neighbourhood', 'raise', 'money', 'jackie', 'sells', 'billy\\\\', 'mum\\\\', 'jewelry', 'cover', 'cost', 'jackie', 'takes', 'london', 'audition', 'royal', 'ballet', 'school', 'though', 'highly', 'nervous', 'billy', 'performs', 'well', 'punches', 'another', 'boy', 'frustration', 'audition', 'fear', 'ruined', 'chance', 'attaining', 'dream', 'sternly', 'rebuked', 'review', 'board', 'seemingly', 'rejected', 'billy', 'returns', 'home', 'father', 'sometime', 'later', 'receives', 'letter', 'accepting', 'royal', 'ballet', 'school', 'leaves', 'home', 'attend', 'film\\\\', 'final', 'scene', 'set', 'fourteen', 'years', 'later', 'mature', 'billy', 'dancer/actor', 'adam', 'cooper', 'takes', 'stage', 'perform', 'lead', 'matthew', 'bourne\\\\', 'swan', 'lake', 'jackie', 'tony', 'michael', 'watch', 'audience'], [\"'karl\", 'childers', 'mentally', 'disabled', 'arkansas', 'man', 'custody', 'state', 'mental', 'hospital', 'since', 'age', 'killed', 'mother', 'lover', 'although', 'thoroughly', 'institutionalized', 'karl', 'deemed', 'fit', 'released', 'outside', 'world', 'prior', 'release', 'interviewed', 'local', 'college', 'newspaper', 'reporter', 'recounts', 'brutal', 'murder', 'mother', 'boyfriend', 'kaiser', 'blade', 'scene', 'notes', 'reporter', 'folks', 'call', 'sling', 'blade', 'call', 'kaiser', 'blade', 'line', 'film', 'derives', 'name', 'karl', 'continues', 'saying', 'killed', 'man', 'thought', 'raping', 'mother', 'discovered', 'mother', 'willing', 'participant', 'affair', 'killed', 'developed', 'knack', 'small-engine', 'repair', 'childhood', 'institutionalization', 'karl', 'lands', 'job', 'small-engine', 'repair', 'shop', 'small', 'town', 'born', 'raised', 'around', 'time', 'befriends', '12-year-old', 'frank', 'wheatley', 'karl', 'shares', 'frank', 'details', 'past', 'including', 'killings', 'frank', 'reveals', 'father', 'killed', 'hit', 'train', 'leaving', 'mother', 'later', 'admits', 'lied', 'father', 'committed', 'suicide', 'frank', 'introduces', 'karl', 'mother', 'linda', 'well', 'gay', 'friend', 'vaughan', 'cunningham', 'manager', 'dollar', 'store', 'employed', 'despite', 'vaughan\\\\', 'concerns', 'karl\\\\', 'history', 'mental', 'hospital', 'linda', 'allows', 'move', 'garage', 'angers', 'linda\\\\', 'abusive', 'boyfriend', 'doyle', 'hargraves', 'eventually', 'karl', 'bonds', 'linda', 'vaughan', 'early', 'scene', 'vaughan', 'tells', 'karl', 'gay', 'man', 'mentally', 'challenged', 'man', 'face', 'similar', 'obstacles', 'intolerance', 'ridicule', 'small-town', 'america', 'karl', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'father', 'figure', 'frank', 'misses', 'father', 'despises', 'doyle', 'karl', 'frank', 'becomes', 'much', 'like', 'younger', 'brother', 'karl', 'eventually', 'reveals', 'haunted', 'task', 'given', 'parents', 'child', 'six', 'eight', 'years', 'dispose', 'premature', 'unwanted', 'newborn', 'brother', 'subsequent', 'scene', 'visits', 'father', 'become', 'mentally', 'unbalanced', 'hermit', 'living', 'dilapidated', 'home', 'karl', 'grew', 'karl', 'tells', 'father', 'killing', 'baby', 'wrong', 'wanted', 'kill', 'father', 'making', 'eventually', 'decided', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'worth', 'effort', 'doyle', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'abusive', 'toward', 'karl', 'frank', 'leading', 'eventual', 'drunken', 'outburst', 'physical', 'confrontation', 'linda', 'frank', 'linda', 'kicks', 'doyle', 'house', 'telling', 'home', 'sober', 'next', 'day', 'linda', 'doyle', 'reconcile', 'knowing', 'upper', 'hand', 'doyle', 'confronts', 'karl', 'frank', 'announces', 'plan', 'move', 'house', 'permanently', 'plans', 'big', 'changes', 'including', 'karl\\\\', 'removal', 'house', 'karl', 'begins', 'realize', 'one', 'bring', 'positive', 'change', 'thus', 'spare', 'frank', 'mother', 'grim', 'fate', 'karl', 'makes', 'frank', 'promise', 'spend', 'night', 'vaughan\\\\', 'house', 'asks', 'vaughan', 'pick', 'linda', 'work', 'stay', 'also', 'later', 'evening', 'karl', 'returns', 'linda\\\\', 'house', 'seems', 'undecided', 'whether', 'enter', 'asking', 'doyle', 'reach', 'police', 'phone', 'kills', 'doyle', 'two', 'stabbing', 'blows', 'head', 'lawnmower', 'blade', 'he\\\\', 'fashioned', 'weapon', 'karl', 'calls', 'police', 'turn', 'requests', 'hearse', 'sent', 'doyle', 'calmly', 'dines', 'biscuits', 'mustard', 'waiting', 'authorities', 'returned', 'state', 'hospital', 'seems', 'different', 'person', 'previous', 'incarceration', 'sternly', 'rebuffs', 'sexual', 'predator', 'previously', 'forced', 'listen', 'tales', 'horrible', 'deeds'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'opens', '1950s', 'korean', 'war', 'decade', 'since', 'james', 'whale', 'director', 'frankenstein', 'bride', 'frankenstein', 'retired', 'lives', 'long-time', 'housemaid', 'hanna', 'loyally', 'cares', 'disapproves', 'homosexuality', 'whale', 'suffered', 'series', 'strokes', 'left', 'fragile', 'tormented', 'memories', 'growing', 'poor', 'outcast', 'tragic', 'world', 'war', 'service', 'filming', 'bride', 'frankenstein', 'whale', 'slips', 'past', 'indulges', 'fantasies', 'reminiscing', 'gay', 'pool', 'parties', 'also', 'tormenting', 'starstruck', 'fan', 'comes', 'interview', 'whale', 'battles', 'depression', 'times', 'contemplating', 'suicide', 'realizes', 'life', 'attractiveness', 'health', 'slipping', 'away', 'whale', 'befriends', 'young', 'handsome', 'gardener', 'former', 'marine', 'clayton', 'boone', 'two', 'begin', 'sometimes', 'uneasy', 'friendship', 'boone', 'poses', 'whale\\\\', 'sketches', 'two', 'men', 'bond', 'discussing', 'lives', 'dealing', 'whale\\\\', 'spells', 'disorientation', 'weakness', 'strokes', 'boone', 'impressed', 'whale\\\\', 'fame', 'watches', 'bride', 'frankenstein', 'friends', 'mock', 'movie', 'friendship', 'whale', 'whale\\\\', 'intentions', 'boone', 'assures', 'whale', 'straight', 'receives', 'assurance', 'whale', 'sexual', 'interest', 'boone', 'storms', 'whale', 'graphically', 'discusses', 'sexual', 'history', 'boone', 'later', 'returns', 'agreement', 'locker', 'room', 'discussions', 'occur', 'boone', 'invited', 'escort', 'whale', 'party', 'hosted', 'george', 'cukor', 'princess', 'margaret', 'photo', 'arranged', 'whale', 'monsters', 'boris', 'karloff', 'elsa', 'lanchester', 'ancient', 'movie', 'fame', 'event', 'exacerbates', 'depression', 'sudden', 'rain', 'storm', 'becomes', 'excuse', 'leave', 'back', 'whale\\\\', 'home', 'boone', 'needs', 'dry', 'change', 'clothes', 'whale', 'find', 'sweater', 'boone', 'wears', 'towel', 'wrapped', 'around', 'waist', 'whale', 'decides', 'try', 'sketch', 'boone', 'one', 'time', 'minutes', 'shows', 'sketches', 'boone', 'disclosing', 'lost', 'ability', 'draw', 'boone', 'drops', 'towel', 'pose', 'nude', 'whale', 'uses', 'opportunity', 'make', 'sexual', 'advance', 'boone', 'boone', 'becomes', 'enraged', 'attacks', 'whale', 'confesses', 'plan', 'begs', 'boone', 'kill', 'relieve', 'suffering', 'boone', 'refuses', 'puts', 'whale', 'bed', 'sleeps', 'downstairs', 'next', 'morning', 'hanna', 'alarmed', 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'underage', 'simone', 'given', 'run-down', 'chateau', 'emperor', 'handsome', 'young', 'architect', 'prouix', 'hand', 'renovation', 'hasty', 'marriage', 'incites', 'much', 'gossip', 'asylum', 'prompting', 'marquis', 'write', 'farce', 'performed', 'public', 'exhibition', 'audacious', 'play', 'titled', 'crimes', 'love', 'interrupted', 'inmate', 'bouchon', 'british', 'character', 'actor', 'molests', 'madeleine', 'off-stage', 'prompting', 'hit', 'face', 'iron', 'royer-collard', 'shuts', 'public', 'theater', 'demands', 'abb챕', 'control', 'marquis', 'infuriated', 'abb챕', 'confiscates', 'marquis\\\\', 'quills', 'ink', 'prompting', 'subversive', 'behavior', 'including', 'story', 'written', 'wine', 'bedsheets', 'blood', 'clothing', 'results', 'deprivation', 'eventually', 'leaving', 'marquis', 'naked', 'empty', 'cell', 'one', 'maids', 'reveals', 'madeleine', 'helping', 'marquis', 'madeleine', 'whipped', 'order', 'dr.', 'royer-collard', 'abb챕', 'stops', 'offering', 'instead', 'declaring', 'sent', 'away', 'night', 'visits', 'chamber', 'beg', 'reconsider', 'sending', 'away', 'confesses', 'love', 'process', 'prompting', 'kiss', 'passionately', 'abruptly', 'breaks', 'away', 'realization', 'madeleine', 'angry', 'next', 'day', 'abb챕', 'shown', 'sexually', 'frustrated', 'occurring', 'asylum', 'simone', 'violently', 'introduced', 'adult', 'world', 'husband', 'unrepentantly', 'purchases', 'copy', 'marquis', 'sade\\\\', 'justine', 'seduces', 'prioux', 'young', 'lovers', 'run', 'together', 'leaves', 'behind', 'letter', 'explaining', 'actions', 'copy', 'justine', 'upon', 'finding', 'dr.', 'royer-collard', 'seizes', 'marquis', 'source', 'troubles', 'embarks', 'upon', 'quest', 'revenge', 'sent', 'away', 'charenton', 'role', 'assisting', 'marquis', 'madeleine', 'begs', 'last', 'story', 'relayed', 'asylum', 'patients', 'bouchon', 'inmate', 'end', 'relay', 'excited', 'story', 'breaks', 'cell', 'kills', 'madeleine', 'asylum', 'set', 'afire', 'pyromaniac', 'dauphin', 'inmates', 'break', 'cells', 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'new', 'abb챕', 'meets', 'predecessor', 'resides', 'marquis\\\\', 'old', 'cell', 'yearning', 'write', 'begs', 'paper', 'quill', 'abb챕', 'herded', 'royer-collard', 'overseer', 'asylum', 'however', 'peephole', 'opens', 'madeleine\\\\', 'mother', 'thrusts', 'paper', 'quill', 'ink', 'abb챕', 'begins', 'scribble', 'furiously', 'marquis', 'providing', 'narration', 'cite', 'web'], [\"'sam\", 'dawson', 'man', 'developmental', 'disability', 'single', 'father', 'lucy', 'following', 'abandonment', 'mother', 'despite', 'limitations', 'sam', 'well-adjusted', 'supportive', 'group', 'friends', 'developmental', 'disabilities', 'well', 'kind', 'agoraphobic', 'neighbor', 'annie', 'takes', 'care', 'lucy', 'sam', 'though', 'sam', 'provides', 'loving', 'caring', 'environment', 'precocious', 'lucy', 'soon', 'surpasses', 'mental', 'ability', 'children', 'tease', 'retard', 'father', 'becomes', 'embarrassed', 'accept', 'intellectually', 'advanced', 'sam', 'preparation', 'custody', 'case', 'social', 'worker', 'turns', 'lucy\\\\', 'birthday', 'party', 'takes', 'away', 'allowing', 'sam', 'two', 'supervised', 'visits', 'per', 'week', 'advice', 'friends', 'sam', 'approaches', 'high-powered', 'lawyer', 'rita', 'harrison', 'whose', 'brusque', 'manner', 'fast-paced', 'schedule', 'difficult', 'personal', 'life', 'earned', 'reputation', 'cold', 'unfeeling', 'attempt', 'prove', 'others', 'heartless', 'rita', 'surprisingly', 'agrees', 'take', 'sam\\\\', 'case', 'pro', 'bono', 'work', 'together', 'secure', 'sam\\\\', 'parental', 'rights', 'sam', 'unwittingly', 'helps', 'rita', 'family', 'problems', 'including', 'encouraging', 'leave', 'philandering', 'husband', 'repairing', 'factious', 'relationship', 'son', 'trial', 'sam', 'breaks', 'opposing', 'counsel', 'convinces', 'capable', 'father', 'trial', 'lucy', 'resides', 'foster', 'home', 'randy', 'carpenter', 'tries', 'convince', 'sam', 'help', 'run', 'away', 'continually', 'escapes', 'middle', 'night', 'sam\\\\', 'apartment', 'whereupon', 'immediately', 'returns', 'ultimately', 'foster', 'family', 'planned', 'adopt', 'lucy', 'decide', 'return', 'sam', 'arrangement', 'randy', 'help', 'raise', 'final', 'scene', 'depicts', 'soccer', 'game', 'refereed', 'sam', 'lucy', 'participates', 'player', 'attendance', 'foster', 'family', 'sam\\\\', 'friendship', 'group', 'newly-single', 'rita', 'son'], [\"'joe\", 'banks', 'downtrodden', 'everyman', 'staten', 'island', 'working', 'factory', 'unpleasant', 'demanding', 'boss', 'frank', 'waturi', 'joyless', 'listless', 'chronically', 'sick', 'banks', 'regularly', 'visits', 'doctors', 'find', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'finally', 'dr.', 'ellison', 'diagnoses', 'incurable', 'disease', 'called', 'brain', 'cloud', 'symptoms', 'kill', 'joe', 'within', 'six', 'months', 'ellison', 'says', 'joe\\\\', 'ailments', 'psychosomatic', 'caused', 'horrific', 'experiences', 'previous', 'job', 'fireman', 'ellison', 'advises', 'life', 'left', '...', 'live', 'well', 'joe', 'tells', 'boss', 'quits', 'job', 'asks', 'former', 'co-worker', 'dede', 'date', 'goes', 'quite', 'well', 'tells', 'dying', 'becomes', 'upset', 'leaves', 'next', 'day', 'wealthy', 'industrialist', 'named', 'samuel', 'graynamore', 'unexpectedly', 'makes', 'joe', 'proposition', 'graynamore', 'needs', 'bubaru', 'alternate', 'spelling', 'may', 'boobaroo', 'mineral', 'essential', 'manufacturing', 'superconductors', 'deposits', 'tiny', 'pacific', 'island', 'waponi', 'woo', 'resident', 'waponis', 'let', 'mine', 'solve', 'problem', 'believe', 'volcano', 'island', 'must', 'appeased', 'voluntary', 'human', 'sacrifice', 'every', 'century', 'none', 'waponis', 'willing', 'volunteer', 'time', 'around', 'graynamore', 'offers', 'joe', 'credit', 'cards', 'pay', 'whatever', 'wants', 'enjoy', 'final', 'days', 'long', 'willing', 'jump', 'volcano', 'end', 'recommending', 'live', 'like', 'king', 'die', 'like', 'man', 'nothing', 'lose', 'joe', 'accepts', 'joe', 'spends', 'day', 'night', 'town', 'new', 'york', 'solicits', 'advice', 'everything', 'style', 'living', 'life', 'fullest', 'wise', 'chauffeur', 'marshall', 'joe', 'purchases', 'four', 'top-of-the-line', 'handcrafted', 'waterproof', 'steamer', 'trunks', 'fanatically', 'dedicated', 'luggage', 'salesman', 'joe', 'flies', 'los', 'angeles', 'met', 'one', 'graynamore\\\\', 'daughters', 'angelica', 'flighty', 'socialite', 'labels', 'flibbertigibbet', 'next', 'morning', 'angelica', 'takes', 'joe', 'yacht', 'tweedledee', 'owned', 'father', 'captain', 'half-sister', 'patricia', 'reluctantly', 'agreed', 'take', 'joe', 'waponi', 'woo', 'graynamore', 'promised', 'give', 'yacht', 'return', 'awkward', 'beginning', 'joe', 'patricia', 'begin', 'bond', 'run', 'typhoon', 'patricia', 'knocked', 'unconscious', 'flung', 'overboard', 'joe', 'jumps', 'sinister', 'lightning', 'strikes', 'sinks', 'yacht', 'fortunately', 'joe', 'able', 'construct', 'raft', 'lashing', 'together', 'steamer', 'trunks', 'patricia', 'regain', 'consciousness', 'several', 'days', 'joe', 'doles', 'small', 'supply', 'water', 'gradually', 'becomes', 'delirious', 'thirst', 'joe', 'experiences', 'revelation', 'delirium', 'thanks', 'god', 'life', 'patricia', 'finally', 'awakens', 'deeply', 'touched', 'joe\\\\', 'self-sacrifice', 'find', 'fortuitously', 'drifted', 'destination', 'waponis', 'treat', 'grand', 'feast', 'chief', 'asks', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'anyone', 'else', 'volunteer', 'takers', 'joe', 'heads', 'volcano', 'patricia', 'tries', 'stop', 'declaring', 'love', 'admits', 'loves', 'well', 'timing', 'stinks', 'patricia', 'gets', 'chief', 'marry', 'afterwards', 'patricia', 'refuses', 'separated', 'joe', 'unable', 'dissuade', 'jump', 'together', 'volcano', 'erupts', 'moment', 'blowing', 'ocean', 'island', 'sinks', 'joe', 'patricia', 'land', 'near', 'trusty', 'steamer', 'trunks', 'first', 'ecstatic', 'miraculous', 'salvation', 'joe', 'puts', 'damper', 'things', 'telling', 'patricia', 'fatal', 'brain', 'cloud', 'recognizes', 'name', 'joe\\\\', 'doctor', 'father\\\\', 'crony', 'realizes', 'joe', 'lied', 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'starts', 'stringing', 'beads', 'caterpillar', 'drops', 'inside', 'back', 'cries', 'help', 'gordon', 'ralfe', 'educated', 'soft-spoken', 'black', 'man', 'working', 'night', 'shifts', 'office', 'stops', 'help', 'selina', 'quickly', 'befriends', 'asks', 'gordon', 'whether', 'ugly', 'gordon', 'learns', 'blinded', 'age', 'rose-ann', 'threw', 'chemicals', 'attempting', 'hit', 'husband', 'gordon', 'immediately', 'develops', 'sympathy', 'compassion', 'selina', 'department', 'store', 'buys', 'pair', 'sunglasses', 'cover', 'selina', 'eye', 'scars', 'gordon', 'feels', 'even', 'sympathy', 'selina', 'offers', 'pineapple', 'juice', 'fails', 'recognize', \"'wonderful\", 'drink', 'also', 'tells', 'never', 'attended', 'school', 'taught', 'little', 'never', 'heard', 'braille', 'returning', 'home', 'rose-ann', 'confronts', 'selina', 'preparing', 'dinner', 'time', 'slaps', 'also', 'confiscates', 'glasses', 'next', 'day', 'mr.', 'faber', 'comes', 'apartment', 'helps', 'selena', 'find', 'glasses', 'takes', 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'urges', 'take', 'selina', 'park', 'agrees', 'disheartened', 'selina', 'tries', 'navigate', 'along', 'busy', 'city', 'sidewalks', 'park', 'fails', 'returns', 'home', 'meanwhile', 'worried', 'gordon', 'calls', 'mr.', 'faber', 'sends', 'son', 'selina', 'delivers', 'gordon', 'message', 'meet', 'next', 'day', 'son', 'offers', 'take', 'selina', 'park', 'next', 'day', 'meeting', 'selina', 'gordon', 'teaches', 'use', 'pay', 'telephone', 'gives', 'number', 'also', 'share', 'kiss', 'eventually', 'gordon', 'backs', 'mark', 'finding', 'selina', 'house', 'gets', 'angry', 'gordon', 'tells', 'interracial', 'relationship', 'wrong', 'meanwhile', 'rose-ann', 'sadie', 'decide', 'move', 'new', 'place', 'leaving', 'behind', 'taking', 'selina', 'force', 'prostitution', 'selina', 'next', 'day', 'finds', 'abandoned', 'usual', 'place', 'park', 'thunderstorm', 'panics', 'gordon', 'appears', 'lead', 'home', 'rose-ann', 'sees', 'park', 'tells', 'gordon', 'black', 'apartment', 'hearing', 'rose-ann', 'insult', 'gordon', 'selina', 'loses', 'temper', 'fights', 'rose-ann', 'rose-ann', 'beats', 'comes', 'rescue', 'gets', 'beaten', 'next', 'morning', 'rose-ann', 'tells', 'selina', 'moving', 'leave', 'behind', 'selina', 'refuses', 'offers', 'stay', 'behind', 'look', 'pa.', 'meantime', 'gordon', 'contacted', 'blind', 'school', 'ready', 'take', 'selina', 'rose-ann', 'away', 'selina', 'runs', 'away', 'park', 'meets', 'gordon', 'tells', 'gordon', 'plan', 'assures', 'leaving', 'school', 'days', 'however', 'selina', 'wants', 'gordon', 'rather', 'going', 'school', 'finding', 'selina', 'missing', 'house', 'rose-ann', 'takes', 'park', 'confronts', 'gordon', 'despite', 'rose-ann', 'resistance', 'gordon', 'manages', 'take', 'selina', 'away', 'stops', 'rose-ann', 'telling', 'selina', 'kid', 'anymore', 'gordon', 'house', 'selina', 'asks', 'gordon', 'marry', 'gordon', 'replies', 'many', 'types', 'love', 'later', 'realize', 'relationship', \"n't\", 'work', 'selina', 'tells', 'loves', 'realizes', 'black', 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'illegitimate', 'son', 'hubert', 'father', 'abandon', 'becomes', 'mistress', 'older', 'acquaintance', 'count', 'carlo', 'boretti', 'friends', 'rosalie', 'victor', 'lebeau', 'care', 'boy', 'carlo', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'madelon', 'accepts', 'however', 'celebrate', 'arrested', 'jewel', 'thief', 'manages', 'commit', 'suicide', 'madelon', 'sentenced', 'ten', 'years', 'prison', 'accomplice', 'even', 'though', 'innocent', 'finally', 'released', '1919', 'goes', 'see', 'teenage', 'son', 'lawrence', 'living', 'state', 'boarding', 'school', 'conversation', 'school', 'doctor', 'proves', 'crucial', 'dr.', 'dulac', 'reveals', 'father', 'criminal', 'get', 'better', 'work', 'elsewhere', 'determined', 'become', 'similar', 'burden', 'child', 'tells', 'son', 'mother', 'dead', 'madelon', 'determined', 'finance', 'lawrence', 'medical', 'education', 'end', 'world', 'war', 'millions', 'frenchmen', 'released', 'army', 'jobs', 'scarce', 'man', 'mistakes', 'prostitute', 'takes', 'profession', 'ages', 'loses', 'looks', 'forced', 'steal', 'well', 'finally', 'goal', 'realized', 'lawrence', 'receives', 'degree', 'aged', 'destitute', 'decides', 'give', 'freedom', 'commit', 'state', 'charity', 'visits', 'son', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'pretending', 'patient', 'leaves', 'encounters', 'dr.', 'dulac', 'recognizes', 'persuades', 'friend', 'dr.', 'claudet', 'still', 'unaware', 'true', 'identity', 'provide', 'hearing', 'woman', 'self-sacrifice', 'alice', 'claudet', 'suggests', 'lawrence', 'invite', 'madelon', 'live'], ['becky', 'sharp', 'socially', 'ambitious', 'english', 'young', 'lady', 'manages', 'survive', 'years', 'following', 'napoleon', 'defeat', 'waterloo', 'efforts', 'advance', 'manages', 'link', 'number', 'gentlemen', 'marquis', 'steyne', 'joseph', 'sedley', 'rawdon', 'crawley', 'george', 'osborne', 'rises', 'top', 'british', 'society', 'becomes', 'scourge', 'social', 'circle', 'offending', 'ladies', 'lady', 'bareacres', 'finally', 'sharp', 'falls', 'humiliation', 'singing', 'meals', 'beer', 'hall', 'becky', 'never', 'stays', 'long'], [\"'most\", 'movie', 'told', 'flashback', 'puff', 'testifies', 'congress', 'lila', 'jute', 'tells', 'story', 'police', 'dead', 'nathan', 'bronfman', 'addresses', 'unseen', 'audience', 'netherworld', 'lila', 'woman', 'rare', 'hormonal', 'imbalance', 'causes', 'thick', 'hair', 'grow', 'body', '20s', 'lila', 'decides', 'leave', 'society', 'live', 'within', 'nature', 'feels', 'free', 'exist', 'comfortably', 'natural', 'state', 'writes', 'successful', 'book', 'naked', 'savage', 'happy', 'free', 'life', 'woods', 'embracing', 'nature', 'age', 'strong', 'sexual', 'desire', 'causes', 'return', 'civilization', 'hair', 'removed', 'order', 'find', 'partner', 'partner', 'finds', 'dr.', 'nathan', 'bronfman', 'psychologist', 'researching', 'possibility', 'teaching', 'table', 'manners', 'mice', 'lila', 'nathan', 'hiking', 'woods', 'one', 'day', 'lila', 'sights', 'naked', 'man', 'woods', 'believed', 'ape', 'entire', 'life', 'lila', 'discards', 'clothes', 'chases', 'he\\\\', 'cornered', 'tree', 'branch', 'man', 'falls', 'branch', 'fall', 'unconscious', 'nathan', 'comes', 'along', 'nathan', 'brings', 'man', 'lab', 'man', 'named', 'puff', 'name', 'french', 'research', 'assistant', 'gabrielle\\\\', 'childhood', 'dog', 'discover', 'later', 'phone', 'call', 'unknown', 'person', 'actually', 'american', 'fake', 'french', 'accent', 'first', 'help', 'gabrielle', 'later', 'lila', 'help', 'nathan', 'performs', 'extensive', 'manner', 'training', 'puff', 'speak', 'motions', 'appreciating', 'high', 'culture', 'though', 'still', 'difficulty', 'controlling', 'sexual', 'urges', 'demonstrate', 'success', 'nathan', 'takes', 'puff', 'tour', 'puff', 'secretly', 'drinks', 'heavily', 'patronizes', 'prostitutes', 'meanwhile', 'nathan', 'lila\\\\', 'relationship', 'deteriorates', 'nathan', 'affair', 'gabrielle', 'eventually', 'lila', 'decides', 'take', 'puff', 'back', 'forest', 'undo', 'manner', 'training', 'return', 'natural', 'state', 'lila', 'puff', 'live', 'naked', 'woods', 'together', 'nathan', 'finds', 'one', 'day', 'puff', 'kills', 'nathan', 'lila', 'turns', 'murderer', 'asks', 'puff', 'testify', 'waywardness', 'humanity', 'returns', 'home', 'forest', 'reporters', 'spectators', 'leave', 'puff', 'comes', 'back', 'forest', 'gets', 'car', 'gabrielle', 'drive', 'get', 'food', 'end', 'movie', 'philosophical', 'passage', 'read', 'credits', 'appear', 'excerpt', 'william', 'ockham', 'opera', 'theologica', 'ockham', 'explains', 'theory', 'intuitive', 'cognition.opera', 'theologica', 'p.31', 'intuitive', 'cognition', 'things', 'cognized', 'one', 'inheres', 'one', 'spatially', 'distant', 'exists', 'relation', 'immediately', 'virtue', 'non-propositional', 'cognition', 'things', 'known', 'thing', 'inheres', 'inhere', 'spatially', 'distant', 'true', 'contingent', 'propositions', 'unless', 'cognition', 'flawed', 'impediment', 'opera', 'theologica'], ['theodora', 'lynn', 'sunday', 'school', 'teacher', 'former', 'church', 'organist', 'raised', 'two', 'spinster', 'aunts', 'mary', 'elsie', 'lynn', 'also', 'happens', 'pen', 'name', 'caroline', 'adams', 'secret', 'author', 'bestselling', 'book', 'straitlaced', 'lynnfield', 'literary', 'circle', 'uproar', 'serialized', 'local', 'newspaper', 'circle', 'led', 'outraged', 'busybody', 'rebecca', 'perry', 'forces', 'jed', 'waterbury', 'thomas', 'mitchell', 'stop', 'printing', 'salacious', 'installments', 'theodora', 'travels', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'pretext', 'visiting', 'uncle', 'john', 'robert', 'greig', 'actually', 'see', 'publisher', 'arthur', 'stevenson', 'though', 'stevenson', 'reassures', 'anxious', 'theodora', 'secretary', 'know', 'identity', 'wife', 'ethel', 'pressures', 'introduction', 'book', 'illustrator', 'michael', 'grant', 'overhears', 'intrigued', 'michael', 'invites', 'dinner', 'stevensons', 'theodora', 'theodora', 'becomes', 'annoyed', 'michael', 'smugly', 'assumes', 'teetotaler', 'orders', 'whiskey', 'night', 'goes', 'becomes', 'drunk', 'ethel', 'forcing', 'arthur', 'take', 'wife', 'home', 'leaving', 'theodora', 'alone', 'michael', 'makes', 'pass', 'panics', 'flees', 'much', 'amusement', 'tracks', 'hometown', 'blackmails', 'hiring', 'gardener', 'scandalizing', 'aunts', 'providing', 'rebecca', 'perry', 'plenty', 'gossip', 'michael', 'declares', 'going', 'break', 'theodora', 'confining', 'routine', 'ignoring', 'protests', 'likes', 'life', 'way', 'despite', 'enjoys', 'much', 'michael', 'makes', 'berrypicking', 'fishing', 'finally', 'gets', 'nerve', 'tell', 'disapproving', 'women', 'literary', 'circle', 'loves', 'tells', 'michael', 'done', 'less', 'thrilled', 'next', 'day', 'theodora', 'finds', 'gone', 'away', 'tracks', 'park', 'avenue', 'apartment', 'admits', 'loves', 'father', 'lieutenant', 'governor', 'shows', 'followed', 'michael', 'wife', 'agnes', 'estranged', 'couple', 'remaining', 'married', 'avoid', 'causing', 'political', 'scandal', 'michael', 'father', 'theodora', 'determines', 'free', 'michael', 'done', 'wants', 'hold', 'father', 'term', 'ends', 'unwilling', 'wait', 'long', 'end', 'courts', 'publicity', 'finally', 'crashes', 'governor', 'ball', 'arranges', 'reporters', 'photograph', 'embracing', 'michael', 'agnes', 'seeks', 'divorce', 'avoid', 'looking', 'like', 'fool', 'theodora', 'returns', 'lynnfield', 'warmly', 'welcomed', 'celebrity', 'even', 'now-supportive', 'aunts', 'causes', 'talk', 'brings', 'newborn', 'baby', 'michael', 'divorced', 'sees', 'child', 'tries', 'flee', 'theodora', 'reveals', 'baby', 'belongs', 'rebecca', 'perry', 'secretly-married', 'daughter'], [\"'carrie\", 'snyder', 'prostitute', 'forced', 'fictional', 'southern', 'town', 'crebillon', 'forming', 'friendship', 'young', 'boy', 'named', 'paul', 'whose', 'dying', 'mother', 'unable', 'protest', 'son', 'visiting', 'woman', 'carrie', 'left', 'town', 'paul', 'runs', 'away', 'abusive', 'father', 'john', 'wray', 'meets', 'girl', 'named', 'lady', 'run', 'away', 'burning', 'trainwreck', 'wanting', 'back', 'people', 'carrie', 'comes', 'back', 'paul', 'ends', 'taking', 'paul', 'lady', 'new', 'york', 'carrie', 'gets', 'apartment', 'starts', 'successful', 'chain', 'laundry', 'stores', 'eventually', 'become', 'rich', 'lady', 'grows', 'attracted', 'paul', 'john', 'howard', 'however', 'paul', 'feels', 'obligated', 'take', 'care', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'lili', 'whose', 'brother\\\\', 'death', 'caused', 'lilli', 'pretends', 'love', 'paul', 'rich', 'carrie', 'able', 'see', 'paul', 'devises', 'plan', 'make', 'lilli', 'leave', 'bribe', 'people', 'help', 'get', 'lilli\\\\', 'true', 'love', 'jail', 'leave', 'paul', 'break', 'man', 'jail', 'caught', 'lilli', 'shot', 'dead', 'carrie', 'gets', 'sent', 'jail', 'old', 'lawyer', 'friend', 'harry', 'carey', 'vows', 'fight', 'freedom', 'carrie', 'decides', 'plead', 'guilty', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'lady', 'know', 'past', 'also', 'fears', 'damage', 'reputation', 'would', 'also', 'bad', 'reputation', 'children', 'lawyer', 'ends', 'remarking', 'paul\\\\', 'employer', 'dudley', 'digges', 'valiant', 'word', 'carrie'], ['group', 'professors', 'lived', 'together', 'years', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'residence', 'compiling', 'encyclopedia', 'human', 'knowledge', 'youngest', 'professor', 'bertram', 'potts', 'grammarian', 'researching', 'modern', 'american', 'slang', 'professors', 'accustomed', 'working', 'relative', 'seclusion', 'leisurely', 'pace', 'prim', 'housekeeper', 'named', 'miss', 'bragg', 'keeping', 'watch', 'impatient', 'financial', 'backer', 'miss', 'totten', 'suddenly', 'demands', 'finish', 'work', 'soon', 'venturing', 'independent', 'research', 'bertram', 'becomes', 'interested', 'slang', 'vocabulary', 'saucy', 'nightclub', 'performer', 'sugarpuss', \"o\\\\'shea\", 'reluctant', 'assist', 'research', 'needs', 'place', 'hide', 'police', 'want', 'question', 'boyfriend', 'mob', 'boss', 'joe', 'lilac', 'sugarpuss', 'takes', 'refuge', 'house', 'professors', 'live', 'work', 'despite', 'bertram\\\\', 'objections', 'housekeeper\\\\', 'threat', 'leave', 'professors', 'soon', 'become', 'enamored', 'femininity', 'begins', 'grow', 'fond', 'teaches', 'conga', 'demonstrates', 'bertram', 'meaning', 'phrase', 'yum', 'yum', 'becomes', 'attracted', 'bertram', 'reciprocates', 'vengeance', 'proposing', 'marriage', 'accepts', 'anything', 'taken', 'away', 'lilac\\\\', 'henchmen', 'lilac', 'also', 'wants', 'marry', 'means', 'preventing', 'wife', 'testifying', 'professors', 'eventually', 'outwit', 'lilac', 'henchmen', 'rescue', 'sugarpuss', 'decides', 'good', 'enough', 'bertram', 'forceful', 'application', 'yum', 'yum', 'convinces', 'change', 'mind'], [\"'charlotte\", 'vale', 'unattractive', 'overweight', 'repressed', 'spinster', 'whose', 'life', 'dominated', 'dictatorial', 'mother', 'aristocratic', 'boston', 'dowager', 'whose', 'verbal', 'emotional', 'abuse', 'daughter', 'contributed', 'woman\\\\', 'complete', 'lack', 'self-confidence', 'fearing', 'charlotte', 'verge', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'sister-in-law', 'lisa', 'introduces', 'psychiatrist', 'dr.', 'jaquith', 'recommends', 'spend', 'time', 'sanatorium', 'away', 'mother\\\\', 'control', 'charlotte', 'blossoms', 'transformed', 'woman', 'lisa\\\\', 'urging', 'opts', 'take', 'lengthy', 'cruise', 'rather', 'immediately', 'return', 'home', 'board', 'ship', 'meets', 'married', 'man', 'jeremiah', 'duvaux', 'durrance', 'traveling', 'friends', 'deb', 'lee', 'patrick', 'frank', 'mcintyre', 'james', 'rennie', 'charlotte', 'learns', 'jerry\\\\', 'devotion', 'young', 'daughter', 'christine', 'keeps', 'divorcing', 'wife', 'manipulative', 'jealous', 'woman', 'keeps', 'jerry', 'engaging', 'chosen', 'career', 'architecture', 'despite', 'fulfillment', 'gets', 'charlotte', 'jerry', 'become', 'friendly', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'two', 'stranded', 'sugarloaf', 'mountain', 'car', 'crashes', 'miss', 'ship', 'spend', 'five', 'days', 'together', 'charlotte', 'flies', 'buenos', 'aires', 'rejoin', 'cruise', 'although', 'fallen', 'love', 'decide', 'would', 'best', 'see', 'arrives', 'home', 'charlotte\\\\', 'family', 'stunned', 'dramatic', 'changes', 'appearance', 'demeanor', 'mother', 'determined', 'regain', 'control', 'daughter', 'charlotte', 'resolved', 'remain', 'independent', 'memory', 'jerry\\\\', 'love', 'devotion', 'help', 'give', 'strength', 'needs', 'remain', 'resolute', 'charlotte', 'becomes', 'engaged', 'wealthy', 'well-connected', 'widower', 'elliot', 'livingston', 'john', 'loder', 'chance', 'meeting', 'jerry', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'quarrels', 'mother', 'mother', 'becomes', 'angry', 'heart', 'attack', 'dies', 'guilty', 'distraught', 'charlotte', 'returns', 'sanatorium', 'arrives', 'immediately', 'diverted', 'problems', 'meets', 'lonely', 'unhappy', 'tina', 'greatly', 'reminds', 'unwanted', 'unloved', 'mothers', 'shaken', 'depression', 'instead', 'becomes', 'interested', 'tina\\\\', 'welfare', 'dr.', 'jaquith\\\\', 'permission', 'takes', 'girl', 'wing', 'improves', 'charlotte', 'takes', 'home', 'boston', 'jerry', 'dr.', 'jaquith', 'visit', 'vale', 'home', 'jerry', 'delighted', 'see', 'changes', 'daughter', 'initially', 'pities', 'charlotte', 'believing', 'settling', 'life', 'he\\\\', 'taken', 'aback', 'contempt', 'initial', 'condescension', 'dr.', 'jaquith', 'agreed', 'allow', 'charlotte', 'keep', 'tina', 'understanding', 'relationship', 'jerry', 'remain', 'platonic', 'tells', 'jerry', 'sees', 'tina', 'gift', 'way', 'close', 'jerry', 'asks', 'she\\\\', 'happy', 'charlotte', 'finds', 'much', 'value', 'life', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'everything', 'would', 'want', 'tells', 'jerry', \"don\\\\'t\", 'let\\\\', 'ask', 'moon', 'stars', 'line', 'ranked', 'american', 'film', 'institute\\\\', 'list', 'top', '100', 'movie', 'quotes', 'american', 'cinema'], [\"'in\", '1914', 'spoiled', 'fanny', 'trellis', 'renowned', 'beauty', 'many', 'suitors', 'loves', 'brother', 'trippy', 'would', 'anything', 'help', 'fanny', 'learns', 'trippy', 'embezzled', 'money', 'stockbroker', 'employer', 'job', 'skeffington', 'marries', 'lovestruck', 'businessman', 'order', 'save', 'brother', 'disgusted', 'arrangement', 'part', 'prejudice', 'skeffington', 'jewish', 'trippy', 'leaves', 'home', 'fight', 'lafayette', 'escadrille', 'world', 'war', 'job', 'loves', 'fanny', 'merely', 'fond', 'largely', 'ignores', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'child', 'trippy', 'dies', 'france', 'states', 'stuck', 'job', 'marriage', 'becomes', 'wholly', 'loveless', 'continuing', 'child\\\\', 'sake', 'job', 'fanny\\\\', 'cousin', 'george', 'trellis', 'also', 'enlist', 'remain', 'stationed', 'near', 'home', 'fanny', 'enjoys', 'playing', 'wealthy', 'socialite', 'stringing', 'along', 'persistent', 'quartet', 'suitors', 'unfazed', 'marriage', 'well', 'much', 'younger', 'lovers', 'lonely', 'job', 'finds', 'solace', 'secretaries', 'fanny', 'finds', 'divorces', 'conveniently', 'ignoring', 'behavior', 'daughter', 'also', 'called', 'fanny', 'prefers', 'father', 'begs', 'take', 'europe', 'although', 'job', 'fears', 'child', 'tries', 'unsuccessfully', 'explain', 'nature', 'prejudice', 'encounter', 'jew', 'abroad', 'finally', 'tearfully', 'joyfully', 'says', 'yes', 'fanny', 'relieved', 'free', 'encumbrance', 'child', 'fanny', 'series', 'affairs', 'living', 'well', 'extremely', 'generous', 'settlement', 'job', 'left', 'half', 'fortune', 'hardly', 'giving', 'thought', 'daughter', 'see', 'many', 'years', 'retains', 'beauty', 'grows', 'older', 'catches', 'diphtheria', 'ravages', 'appearance', 'denial', 'invites', 'old', 'lovers', 'party', 'men', 'shocked', 'much', 'fanny', 'changed', 'leaving', 'distraught', 'ironically', 'latest', 'young', 'suitor', 'johnny', 'mitchell', 'falls', 'love', 'kind', 'daughter', 'returned', 'europe', 'rise', 'nazis', 'marry', 'months', 'leave', 'seattle', 'fanny', 'left', 'alone', 'maid', 'manby', 'fanny\\\\', 'cousin', 'george', 'wryly', 'observed', 'fanny\\\\', 'self-centeredness', 'along', 'brings', 'job', 'back', 'fanny\\\\', 'home', 'unannounced', 'nazis', 'left', 'job', 'penniless', 'worse', 'george', 'tells', 'fanny', 'calls', 'generous', 'fanny\\\\', 'vanity', 'nearly', 'prevents', 'venturing', 'home\\\\', 'grand', 'staircase', 'see', 'job', 'finally', 'enter', 'parlor', 'job', 'moves', 'stumbles', 'falls', 'apparent', 'among', 'sufferings', 'undergone', 'germany', 'job', 'made', 'blind', 'fanny', 'sobbing', 'compassion', 'rushes', 'cradle', 'arms', 'takes', 'arm', 'guides', 'staircase', 'tells', 'maid', 'mr.', 'skeffington', 'come', 'home', 'job', 'long', 'ago', 'told', 'fanny', 'woman', 'beautiful', 'she\\\\', 'loved', 'george', 'tells', 'fanny', 'moment', 'never', 'beautiful', 'long', 'last', 'realizes', 'truth'], ['susie', 'parkington', 'elderly', 'society', 'matron', 'surrounded', 'many', 'relatives', 'stately', 'home', 'christmastime', 'exception', 'beloved', 'great-granddaughter', 'jane', 'jane', 'appear', 'informs', 'great-grandmother', 'plans', 'elope', 'ned', 'talbot', 'father', 'employee', 'wishes', 'take', 'away', 'family', 'way', 'life', 'susie', 'arranges', 'meeting', 'ned', 'reveals', 'jane', 'father', 'amory', 'questioned', 'fraud', 'planned', 'take', 'jane', 'away', 'order', 'hide', 'truth', 'susie', 'sends', 'ned', 'away', 'telling', 'jane', 'forget', 'hearing', 'grandson-in-law', 'side', 'story', 'makes', 'decision', 'pay', 'amory', 'debts', 'much', 'family', 'disgust', 'mean', 'lose', 'inheritance', 'family', 'bickering', 'susie', 'begins', 'flashbacks', 'humble', 'beginnings', 'chambermaid', 'mother', 'modest', 'guesthouse', 'met', 'wealthy', 'major', 'augustus', 'parkington', 'following', 'mother', 'death', 'marry', 'shortly', 'marriage', 'susie', 'introduced', 'baroness', 'aspasia', 'conti', 'french', 'aristocrat', 'close', 'friend', 'augustus', 'helps', 'susie', 'pick', 'clothes', 'accessories', 'even', 'house', 'susie', 'originally', 'grateful', 'aspasia', 'help', 'soon', 'grows', 'tired', 'interference', 'marriage', 'announces', 'pregnant', 'husband', 'elated', 'augustus', 'holds', 'ball', 'celebrate', 'happiness', 'turns', 'fury', 'great', 'number', 'people', 'refuse', 'attend', 'due', 'augustus', 'feud', 'wealthy', 'businessman', 'rage', 'upsets', 'susie', 'runs', 'husband', 'comfort', 'stumbles', 'miscarries', 'baby', 'anger', 'augustus', 'blames', 'neighbours', 'susie', 'miscarriage', 'vows', 'get', 'revenge', 'four', 'years', 'pass', 'transpires', 'augustus', 'managed', 'put', 'many', 'neighbours', 'business', 'wall', 'street', 'one', 'neighbours', 'mrs.', 'livingstone', 'fills', 'susie', 'husband', 'deeds', 'pleads', 'speak', 'augustus', 'putting', 'husband', 'business', 'susie', 'leaves', 'husband', 'moves', 'aspasia', 'several', 'weeks', 'pass', 'augustus', 'begs', 'wife', 'return', 'home', 'revealing', 'unsuccessful', 'mission', 'put', 'livingstones', 'business', 'susie', 'informs', 'financially', 'supporting', 'livingstones', 'business', 'vendetta', 'neighbours', 'got', 'stop', 'augustus', 'agrees', 'couple', 'reunite', 'marriage', 'faces', 'troubles', 'however', 'parkingtons', 'son', 'herbert', 'dies', 'susie', 'becomes', 'recluse', 'year', 'augustus', 'takes', 'country', 'home', 'england', 'aspasia', 'manages', 'convince', 'susie', 'fight', 'marriage', 'prince', 'wales', 'help', 'following', 'aspasia', 'reveals', 'leaving', 'parkingtons', 'moving', 'back', 'paris', 'dying', 'also', 'reveals', 'susie', 'always', 'love', 'augustus', 'susie', 'shocks', 'revealing', 'knows', 'aspasia', 'departs', 'france', 'augustus', 'susie', 'heart-to-heart', 'discussion', 'family', 'augustus', 'reveals', 'despite', 'loathing', 'receive', 'money', 'without', 'deserving', 'children', 'lack', 'nothing', 'long', 'know', 'value', 'money', 'point', 'susie', 'realises', 'misgivings', 'family', 'rejected', 'offer', 'bail', 'amory', 'fear', 'losing', 'inheritance', 'meaning', 'sent', 'prison', 'seeing', 'distraught', 'jane', 'lost', 'father', 'lover', 'susie', 'makes', 'decision', 'bail', 'amory', 'anyway', 'tells', 'jane', 'follow', 'heart', 'ned', 'family', 'flee', 'home', 'disgust', 'learning', 'cut', 'mother', 'whilst', 'susie', 'gleefully', 'decides', 'return', 'childhood', 'home', 'guest', 'house', 'start'], ['francesco', 'marta', 'uptight', 'roman', 'couple', 'running', 'small', 'design', 'firm', 'marriage', 'important', 'thing', 'lost', 'meaning', 'francesco', 'loses', 'interest', 'marta', 'prompting', 'start', 'affair', 'business', 'partner', 'francesco', 'aunt', 'anita', 'black', 'sheep', 'family', 'dies', 'istanbul', 'francesco', 'goes', 'try', 'sell', 'property', 'inherited', 'quickly', 'possible', 'family', 'managed', 'property', 'anita', 'supervision', 'direction', 'welcomes', 'hospitality', 'concerned', 'future', 'holds', 'young', 'son', 'mehmet', 'particularly', 'eager', 'show', 'handsome', 'guest', 'around', 'francesco', 'discovers', 'property', 'includes', 'derelict', 'hamam', 'turkish', 'bath', 'instead', 'decides', 'restore', 'hamam', 'reopen', 'public', 'restoration', 'starts', 'relationship', 'mehmet.steam-scene', 'meanwhile', 'marta', 'arrived', 'istanbul', 'get', 'speedy', 'divorce', 'francesco', 'taken', 'aback', 'realizes', 'much', 'francesco', 'changed', 'roman', 'self', 'hamam', 'mehmet', 'unconditional', 'affection', 'needed', 'giving', 'back', 'purpose', 'life', 'marta', 'falls', 'love', 'causing', 'rome', 'divorce', 'lose', 'importance', 'francesco', 'unwillingness', 'sell', 'property', 'makes', 'enemies', 'ultimately', 'murder', 'marta', 'decides', 'stay', 'istanbul', 'run', 'hamam', 'final', 'scene', 'suggesting', 'turned', 'second', 'anita'], [\"'between\", 'visits', 'keeper', 'john', 'handsome', 'male', 'prostitute', 'alone', 'apartment', 'lounges', 'fantasizing', 'worlds', 'central', 'character', 'example', 'pictures', 'matador', 'roman', 'slave', 'boy', 'emperor', 'condemns', 'keeper', 'male', 'harem', 'another', 'male', 'performs', 'belly', 'dance'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'centres', 'handsome', 'belgian', 'sailor', 'georges', 'querelle', 'brad', 'davis', 'also', 'thief', 'murderer', 'ship', 'vengeur', 'arrives', 'brest', 'visits', 'feria', 'bar', 'brothel', 'sailors', 'run', 'madame', 'lysiane', 'whose', 'lover', 'robert', 'querelle\\\\', 'brother', 'querelle', 'love/hate', 'relationship', 'brother', 'meet', 'feria', 'embrace', 'also', 'punch', 'one', 'another', 'slowly', 'repeatedly', 'belly', 'lysiane\\\\', 'husband', 'nono', 'tends', 'bar', 'manages', 'feria\\\\', 'underhanded', 'affairs', 'assistance', 'friend', 'corrupt', 'police', 'captain', 'mario', 'querelle', 'makes', 'deal', 'sell', 'opium', 'nono', 'murders', 'accomplice', 'vic', 'delivering', 'drugs', 'querelle', 'announces', 'wants', 'sleep', 'lysiane', 'knows', 'means', 'throw', 'dice', 'nono', 'lysiane\\\\', 'husband', 'privilege', 'playing', 'game', 'chance', 'prospective', 'lovers', 'nono', 'loses', 'suitor', 'allowed', 'proceed', 'affair', 'suitor', 'loses', 'however', 'must', 'submit', 'anal', 'sex', 'nono', 'first', 'way', 'say', 'wife', 'sleeps', 'assholes', 'nono', 'says', 'querelle', 'deliberately', 'loses', 'game', 'allowing', 'sodomized', 'nono', 'nono', 'gloats', 'querelle\\\\', 'loss', 'robert', 'dice', 'game', 'brothers', 'end', 'violent', 'fight', 'later', 'querelle', 'becomes', 'lysiane\\\\', 'lover', 'also', 'sex', 'mario', 'luckily', 'querelle', 'construction', 'worker', 'called', 'gil', 'murders', 'coworker', 'theo', 'harassing', 'sexually', 'assaulting', 'gil', 'also', 'considered', 'murderer', 'vic', 'gil', 'hides', 'police', 'abandoned', 'prison', 'roger', 'love', 'gil', 'establishes', 'contact', 'querelle', 'gil', 'hopes', 'querelle', 'help', 'gil', 'flee', 'querelle', 'falls', 'love', 'gil', 'closely', 'resembles', 'brother', 'gil', 'returns', 'affections', 'querelle', 'betrays', 'gil', 'tipping', 'police', 'querelle', 'cleverly', 'arranged', 'murder', 'vic', 'also', 'blamed', 'gil', 'parallel', 'plot', 'line', 'concerning', 'querelle\\\\', 'superior', 'lieutenant', 'seblon', 'love', 'querelle', 'constantly', 'tries', 'prove', 'manliness', 'seblon', 'aware', 'querelle', 'murdered', 'vic', 'chooses', 'protect', 'near', 'end', 'film', 'seblon', 'reveals', 'love', 'concern', 'drunken', 'querelle', 'kiss', 'embrace', 'returning', 'vengeur'], [\"'pearl\", 'chavez', 'orphaned', 'father', 'scott', 'chavez', 'kills', 'mother', 'caught', 'wife', 'lover', 'execution', 'chavez', 'arranges', 'pearl', 'live', 'second', 'cousin', 'old', 'sweetheart', 'laura', 'belle', 'arriving', 'stagecoach', 'pearl', 'met', 'jesse', 'mccanles', 'one', 'laura', 'belle\\\\', 'two', 'grown', 'sons', 'takes', 'spanish', 'bit', 'enormous', 'cattle', 'ranch', 'gentle', 'gracious', 'laura', 'belle', 'happy', 'welcome', 'home', 'husband', 'wheelchair-using', 'senator', 'jackson', 'mccanles', 'calls', 'half-breed', 'jealously', 'despises', 'father', 'second', 'son', 'lewt', 'ladies', 'man', 'personality', 'quite', 'unlike', 'gentlemanly', 'brother', 'jesse', 'expresses', 'interest', 'pearl', 'direct', 'terms', 'takes', 'strong', 'dislike', 'laura', 'belle', 'calls', 'mr.', 'jubal', 'crabbe', 'sinkiller', 'gun-toting', 'preacher', 'counsel', 'pearl', 'avoid', 'evils', 'temptation', 'pearl', 'determined', 'remain', 'good', 'girl', 'overpowered', 'lewt', 'bedroom', 'one', 'night', 'pearl', 'angry', 'ashamed', 'behavior', 'also', 'help', 'flattered', 'lust', 'attentions', 'jesse', 'meanwhile', 'ostracized', 'father', 'longer', 'welcome', 'ranch', 'siding', 'railroad', 'men', 'headed', 'mr.', 'langford', 'senator\\\\', 'personal', 'interests', 'jesse', 'love', 'pearl', 'leaves', 'austin', 'pursue', 'political', 'career', 'becomes', 'engaged', 'helen', 'langford', 'langford\\\\', 'daughter', 'offended', 'lewt', 'reneges', 'promise', 'marry', 'pearl', 'takes', 'sam', 'pierce', 'neighboring', 'rancher', 'smitten', 'love', 'says', 'yes', 'proposal', 'married', 'however', 'lewt', 'picks', 'fight', 'pierce', 'saloon', 'guns', 'insists', 'pearl', 'belong', 'however', 'lewt', 'becomes', 'wanted', 'man', 'run', 'law', 'lewt', 'finds', 'time', 'derail', 'train', 'occasionally', 'drop', 'ranch', 'late', 'night', 'foist', 'attentions', 'pearl', 'resist', 'desire', 'lies', 'lewt', 'law', 'hiding', 'room', 'laura', 'belle\\\\', 'health', 'takes', 'turn', 'worse', 'senator', 'admits', 'love', 'dies', 'jesse', 'returns', 'visit', 'late', 'mother', 'dead', 'senator', 'continues', 'shun', 'lewt', 'family', 'feud', 'finally', 'resulting', 'showdown', 'lewt', 'tosses', 'gun', 'unarmed', 'brother', 'picked', 'shoots', 'jesse', 'senator\\\\', 'old', 'friend', 'lem', 'smoot', 'harry', 'carey', 'tells', 'jesse', 'going', 'make', 'old', 'man', 'softens', 'towards', 'son', 'livid', 'pearl', 'relieved', 'jesse', 'going', 'survive', 'helen', 'arrives', 'invites', 'pearl', 'leave', 'spanish', 'bit', 'forever', 'come', 'live', 'austin', 'pearl', 'agrees', 'tipped', 'one', 'spanish', 'bit', 'hands', 'sid', 'lewt', 'intends', 'come', 'jesse', 'arms', 'engages', 'shootout', 'lewt', 'desert', 'die', 'other\\\\', 'arms'], ['young', 'iris', 'murdoch', 'meets', 'fellow', 'student', 'john', 'bayley', 'university', 'oxford', 'naive', 'virgin', 'easily', 'flummoxed', 'libertine', 'spirit', 'arch', 'personality', 'obvious', 'artistic', 'talent', 'decades', 'later', 'little', 'changed', 'couple', 'keeps', 'house', 'john', 'doting', 'famous', 'wife', 'iris', 'begins', 'experiencing', 'forgetfulness', 'dementia', 'however', 'devoted', 'john', 'struggles', 'hopelessness', 'frustration', 'become', 'caretaker', 'wife', 'mind', 'deteriorates', 'ravages', 'alzheimer', 'disease'], [\"'doc\", 'delaney', 'recovering', 'alcoholic', 'younger', 'days', 'promising', 'medical', 'student', 'dropped', 'school', 'take', 'job', 'support', 'pregnant', 'lola', 'whose', 'premarital', 'intercourse', 'doc', 'caused', 'thrown', 'family\\\\', 'house', 'father', 'doc', 'thinking', 'right', 'thing', 'married', 'lola', 'child', 'later', 'died', 'process', 'rendered', 'lola', 'unable', 'children', 'leaving', 'couple', 'childless', 'result', 'doc', 'turned', 'drinking', 'excessively', 'causing', 'bouts', 'anger', 'murderous', 'rage', 'later', 'went', 'therapy', 'able', 'quit', 'drinking', 'though', 'still', 'keeps', 'bottle', 'house', 'remind', 'past', 'life', 'marie', 'young', 'college', 'student', 'rents', 'spare', 'room', 'delaneys', 'one', 'day', 'brings', 'home', 'young', 'man', 'turk', 'star', 'track', 'team', 'he\\\\', 'wearing', 'track', 'outfit', 'shows', 'muscles', 'intends', 'use', 'figure', 'model', 'poster', 'she\\\\', 'major', 'athletic', 'competition', 'held', 'town', 'mrs.', 'delaney', 'encourages', 'couple', 'modeling', 'session', 'though', 'doc', 'walks', 'find', 'turk', 'underdressed', 'thinks', 'borders', 'pornography', 'later', 'marie', 'turk', 'leave', 'revealed', 'marie', 'promised', 'married', 'another', 'man', 'bruce', 'away', 'due', 'return', 'soon', 'marie\\\\', 'infatuation', 'turk', 'grows', 'doc', 'becomes', 'agitated', 'lola', 'reminds', 'marie', 'much', 'like', 'lola', 'younger', 'days', 'young', 'pretty', 'doc', 'dashing', 'handsome', 'lola', 'became', 'old', 'fat', 'sloppy', 'doc', 'calms', 'still', 'voices', 'disagreement', 'marie', 'seeing', 'another', 'boy', 'bruce', 'away', 'one', 'night', 'turk', 'marie', 'return', 'school', 'dance', 'marie', 'forgot', 'key', 'turk', 'enters', 'window', 'unlocks', 'front', 'door', 'lets', 'marie', 'sneak', 'marie\\\\', 'room', 'meanwhile', 'witnessed', 'doc', 'believes', 'good', 'begins', 'remember', 'like', 'lola', 'goes', 'back', 'kitchen', 'reaches', 'bottle', 'hidden', 'cupboard', 'back', 'marie\\\\', 'room', 'changes', 'mind', 'turk', 'asks', 'leave', 'accuses', 'big', 'tease', 'force', 'way', 'onto', 'changes', 'mind', 'leaves', 'unseen', 'doc', 'window', 'next', 'morning', 'doc', 'drunk', 'angry', 'perceives', 'marie\\\\', 'infidelity', 'murderous', 'rage', 'attacks', 'lola', 'knife', 'manages', 'call', 'two', 'doc\\\\', 'support', 'group', 'friends', 'come', 'take', 'hospital', 'doc', 'follows', 'parlor', 'doc', 'stumbles', 'drops', 'knife', 'passes', 'trying', 'choke', 'lola', 'neighbor', 'mrs.', 'coffman', 'hears', 'commotion', 'comes', 'running', 'two', 'men', 'come', 'take', 'doc', 'away', 'doc', 'carried', 'shaken', 'lola', 'calls', 'mother', 'see', 'stay', 'days', 'told', 'father', 'still', \"won\\\\'t\", 'welcome', 'family', 'house', 'mother', 'offers', 'come', 'lola\\\\', 'lola', 'declines', 'bruce', 'returns', 'carries', 'marie', 'away', 'get', 'married', 'drawing', 'featured', 'athletic', 'poster', 'turk', 'becomes', 'star', 'competition', 'doc', 'returns', 'hospital', 'welcomed', 'lola', 'doc', 'realizes', 'loves', 'lola', 'begs', 'never', 'leave', 'lola', 'promises', 'stay', 'forever'], ['eloise', 'honey', 'bear', 'kelly', 'arrives', 'remote', 'african', 'outpost', 'looking', 'rich', 'maharajah', 'acquaintance', 'find', 'canceled', 'trip', 'owing', 'unrest', 'realm', 'waiting', 'next', 'river', 'boat', 'spars', 'hardworking', 'big', 'game', 'hunter', 'victor', 'marswell', 'pegs', 'certain', 'disreputable', 'type', 'river', 'boat', 'returns', 'brings', 'donald', 'nordley', 'wife', 'linda', 'nordleys', 'wish', 'safari', 'film', 'gorillas', 'marswell', 'declines', 'guide', 'kelly', 'rejoins', 'group', 'steamer', 'runs', 'aground', 'tensions', 'run', 'high', 'two', 'women', 'linda', 'also', 'attracted', 'marswell', 'marswell', 'agrees', 'take', 'nordleys', 'gorilla', 'country', 'taking', 'kelly', 'halfway', 'join', 'district', 'commissioner', 'escort', 'back', 'civilization', 'however', 'find', 'commissioner', 'badly', 'wounded', 'recently', 'belligerent', 'natives', 'reinforcements', 'days', 'away', 'small', 'party', 'narrowly', 'escapes', 'taking', 'mortally', 'wounded', 'commissioner', 'meanwhile', 'serious', 'romance', 'developing', 'marswell', 'linda', 'donald', 'blind', 'situation', 'marswell', 'tries', 'warn', 'husband', 'bull', 'gorilla', 'charges', 'forcing', 'shoot', 'beast', 'cutting', 'confession', 'marswell', 'becomes', 'depressed', 'begins', 'drinking', 'heavily', 'tent', 'kelly', 'joins', 'one', 'thing', 'leads', 'another', 'linda', 'appears', 'finds', 'cuddling', 'marswell\\\\', 'dismissive', 'remarks', 'infatuation', 'white', 'hunter', 'enrage', 'shoots', 'pistol', 'wounding', 'arm', 'kelly', 'lies', 'others', 'telling', 'marswell', 'making', 'advances', 'linda', 'time', 'finally', 'forcing', 'shoot', 'drunken', 'state', 'next', 'day', 'party', 'breaks', 'camp', 'leaving', 'marswell', 'behind', 'try', 'capture', 'young', 'gorillas', 'pay', 'safari', 'marswell', 'acknowledging', 'feelings', 'kelly', 'proposes', 'rebuffs', 'canoe', 'takes', 'downriver', 'suddenly', 'jumps', 'water', 'makes', 'way', 'back', 'two', 'embrace'], ['comedy', 'manners', 'film', 'centers', 'virtuous', 'actress', 'patty', \"o'neill\", 'meets', 'playboy', 'architect', 'donald', 'gresham', 'top', 'empire', 'state', 'building', 'accepts', 'invitation', 'join', 'drinks', 'dinner', 'apartment', 'meets', 'donald', 'upstairs', 'neighbors', 'ex-fianc챕e', 'cynthia', 'father', 'roguish', 'david', 'slater', 'men', 'determined', 'bed', 'young', 'woman', 'quickly', 'discover', 'patty', 'interested', 'engaging', 'spirited', 'discussions', 'pressing', 'moral', 'sexual', 'issues', 'day', 'surrendering', 'virginity', 'either', 'one', 'resisting', 'amorous', 'advances', 'throughout', 'night', 'patty', 'leaves', 'returns', 'empire', 'state', 'building', 'donald', 'finds', 'proposes', 'marriage'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'focuses', 'jane', 'hudson', 'single', 'middle-aged', 'elementary', 'school', 'secretary', 'akron', 'ohio', 'summer', 'vacation', 'enjoying', 'lifelong', 'dream', 'vacation', 'venice', 'saving', 'money', 'past', 'years', 'big', 'trip', 'water', 'bus', 'ride', 'pensione', 'fiorini', 'meets', 'two', 'fellow', 'americans', 'lloyd', 'edith', 'mcilhenny', 'hotel', 'greeted', 'signora', 'fiorini', 'widow', 'transformed', 'home', 'pensione', 'world', 'war', 'also', 'staying', 'property', 'eddie', 'yaeger', 'young', 'american', 'painter', 'studying', 'art', 'wife', 'phyl', 'evening', 'jane', 'walks', 'piazza', 'san', 'marco', 'sight', 'many', 'couples', 'leaves', 'slightly', 'depressed', 'seated', 'caf챕', 'becomes', 'aware', 'solitary', 'italian', 'man', 'watching', 'quickly', 'leaves', 'following', 'day', 'jane', 'goes', 'shopping', 'sees', 'red', 'glass', 'goblet', 'window', 'antiques', 'store', 'upon', 'entering', 'discovers', 'owner', 'renato', 'rossi', 'man', 'fled', 'night', 'assures', 'goblet', 'authentic', '18th', 'century', 'artifact', 'purchases', 'teaches', 'art', 'bargaining', 'hoping', 'see', 'renato', 'offers', 'search', 'matching', 'goblet', 'jane', 'also', 'pestered', 'stay', 'friendly', 'young', 'italian', 'street', 'urchin', 'boy', 'present', 'jane', 'accidentally', 'steps', 'backward', 'canal', 'focusing', 'camera', 'rossi\\\\', 'shop', 'next', 'morning', 'jane', 'returns', 'shop', 'disappointed', 'discover', 'renato', 'evening', 'comes', 'pensione', 'confesses', 'attracted', 'jane', 'resists', 'advances', 'warns', 'waste', 'opportunity', 'happiness', 'agree', 'dinner', 'mcilhennys', 'return', 'shopping', 'expedition', 'island', 'murano', 'purchased', 'set', 'new', 'red', 'goblets', 'similar', 'one', 'jane', 'bought', 'accuses', 'renato', 'swindling', 'assures', 'designs', 'used', 'centuries', 'murano', 'insists', 'goblet', 'antique', 'two', 'attend', 'concert', 'piazza', 'orchestra', 'plays', 'overture', 'gazza', 'ladra', 'flower', 'seller', 'approaches', 'renato', 'surprised', 'jane', 'chooses', 'simple', 'gardenia', 'instead', 'orchid', 'return', 'pensione', 'kisses', 'responds', 'passionately', 'murmurs', 'love', 'rushing', 'room', 'next', 'day', 'treats', 'salon', 'treatments', 'new', 'clothes', 'anticipation', 'date', 'evening', 'waits', 'piazza', 'renato\\\\', 'assistant', 'vito', 'arrives', 'inadvertently', 'reveals', 'renato\\\\', 'son', 'stunned', 'discover', 'renato', 'married', 'several', 'children', 'jane', 'takes', 'refuge', 'bar', 'encounters', 'phyl', 'confides', 'marriage', 'trouble', 'upon', 'returning', 'pensione', 'jane', 'discovers', 'eddie', 'affair', 'signora', 'fiorini', 'renato', 'arrives', 'tells', 'relationship', 'none', 'business', 'admits', 'married', 'claims', 'wife', 'separated', 'fact', 'concealed', 'want', 'scare', 'away', 'accuses', 'immature', 'unwilling', 'accept', 'reality', 'instead', 'longing', 'dinner', 'jane', 'renato', 'venture', 'renato\\\\', 'apartment', 'affair', 'consummated', 'spending', 'time', 'renato', 'island', 'burano', 'jane', 'unwilling', 'remain', 'relationship', 'knows', 'destined', 'end', 'unhappily', 'decides', 'return', 'home', 'renato', 'begs', 'stay', 'jane', 'insists', 'better', 'leave', 'party', 'ends', 'although', 'asks', 'come', 'train', 'station', 'hopes', 'ignore', 'request', 'train', 'begins', 'leave', 'station', 'jane', 'thrilled', 'see', 'renato', 'running', 'toward', 'tries', 'hand', 'package', 'train', 'moving', 'quickly', 'opens', 'reveal', 'bought', 'another', 'gardenia'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'loosely', 'based', 'true', 'story', 'former', 'inmate', 'german', 'asylum', 'became', 'known', \"\\\\'anna\", 'anderson\\\\', 'whose', 'story', 'made', 'headlines', 'decades', 'however', 'russian', 'monarchist', 'movement', 'never', 'backed', 'ms.', 'anderson', 'ever', 'meet', 'dowager', 'empress', 'played', 'hayes', 'script', 'plays', 'question', 'anna/anastasia\\\\', 'identity', 'ten', 'years', 'turmoil', 'passed', 'since', 'teenage', 'anastasia', 'sisters', 'brother', 'presumably', 'killed', 'refugee', 'anna', 'turned', 'paris', 'bearing', 'speech', 'intimate', 'knowledge', 'imperial', 'family', 'real', 'grand', 'duchess', 'would', 'merely', 'apt', 'pupil', 'general', 'bounine', 'recovering', 'amnesiac', 'striking', 'resemblance', 'cleverly', 'groomed', '챕migr챕', 'general', 'stake', 'claim', 'million', 'pounds', 'left', 'tsar', 'english', 'bank', 'series', 'encounters', 'former', 'familiars', 'members', 'imperial', 'court', 'anna', 'begins', 'display', 'confidence', 'style', 'astonish', 'skeptical', 'interlocutors', 'yet', 'retains', 'sympathy', 'seeming', 'interested', 'recovering', 'identity', 'imperial', 'bank', 'account', 'tour', 'force', 'climactic', 'meeting', 'empress', 'copenhagen', 'bergman', 'hayes', 'take', 'measure', 'alternately', 'projecting', 'imperial', 'self-possession', 'anguish', 'family', 'longing', 'meanwhile', 'bounine', 'become', 'increasingly', 'jealous', 'attentions', 'fortune-hunting', 'prince', 'paul', 'pays', 'anna', 'grand', 'ball', 'engagement', 'paul', 'announced', 'empress', 'private', 'word', 'anna/anastasia', 'subsequently', 'elopes', 'bounine', 'film', 'reveal', 'whether', 'anna', 'really', 'romanov', 'princess', 'series', 'subtle', 'hints', 'throughout', 'appear', 'suggest', 'gradual', 'realisation', 'true', 'identity', 'juxtaposed', 'upon', 'romantic', 'interest', 'develops', 'within', 'bounine', 'one', 'speeches', 'declares', 'anna', 'anastasia', 'cares', 'name', 'hayes', 'summons', 'stage', 'experience', 'deliver', 'celebrated', 'last', 'line', 'summing', 'film\\\\', 'poignant', 'exploration', 'identity', 'role-playing', 'asked', 'explain', 'vanishing', 'supposed', 'granddaughter', 'ballroom', 'full', 'expectant', 'guests', 'declares', 'tell', 'play', 'home', 'film', 'closes', 'regal', 'figure', 'dowager', 'empress', 'arm', 'prince', 'paul', 'descending', 'grand', 'staircase'], [\"'jan\", 'morrow', 'successful', 'content', 'self-reliant', 'interior', 'decorator', 'lives', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'lives', 'alone', 'claims', 'quite', 'happy', 'questioned', 'subject', 'drunken', 'housekeeper', 'alma', 'due', 'state', 'telephone', 'company\\\\', 'development', 'use', 'party', 'line', 'shares', 'brad', 'allen', 'talented', 'creative', 'broadway', 'composer', 'playboy', 'jan', 'brad', 'never', 'met', 'develop', 'feud', 'use', 'party', 'line', 'brad', 'constantly', 'using', 'phone', 'chat', 'one', 'young', 'woman', 'another', 'singing', 'original', 'love', 'song', 'supposedly', 'written', 'though', 'changes', 'name', 'language', 'sings', 'jan', 'brad', 'bicker', 'party', 'line', 'brad', 'suggesting', 'single', 'jan', 'jealous', 'popularity', 'one', 'jan\\\\', 'clients', 'millionaire', 'jonathan', 'forbes', 'repeatedly', 'throws', 'avail', 'unknown', 'jan', 'jonathan', 'brad\\\\', 'old', 'college', 'buddy', 'current', 'broadway', 'benefactor', 'one', 'evening', 'nightclub', 'brad', 'finally', 'sees', 'jan', 'dancing', 'attracted', 'fakes', 'texan', 'accent', 'invents', 'new', 'persona', 'rex', 'stetson', 'wealthy', 'texas', 'rancher', 'succeeds', 'wooing', 'jan', 'pair', 'begin', 'seeing', 'regularly', 'jan', 'resist', 'bragging', 'new', 'beau', 'phone', 'brad', 'allen', 'brad', 'teases', 'jan', 'showing', 'interest', 'traditionally', 'effeminate', 'things', 'thereby', 'stereotypically', 'implying', 'rex\\\\', 'homosexuality.when', 'jonathan', 'finds', 'brad', 'done', 'forces', 'brad', 'leave', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'jonathan\\\\', 'cabin', 'connecticut', 'complete', 'new', 'songs', 'brad', 'uses', 'opportunity', 'secretly', 'ask', 'jan', 'away', 'romance', 'air', 'jan', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'copy', 'rex\\\\', 'sheet', 'music', 'plunks', 'melody', 'nearby', 'piano', 'recognizes', 'brad\\\\', 'song', 'confronts', 'brad', 'angrily', 'ignores', 'attempts', 'explanation', 'leaving', 'jonathan', 'arrived', 'time', 'expose', 'rex', 'brad', 'takes', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'brad', 'returns', 'new', 'york', 'jonathan', 'pleased', 'learn', 'mighty', 'oak', 'playboy', 'finally', 'fallen', 'love', 'conversely', 'jan', 'nothing', 'deceiving', 'ready', 'give', 'brad', 'turns', 'jan\\\\', 'maid', 'alma', 'advice', 'suggests', 'hire', 'jan', 'decorate', 'apartment', 'forced', 'collaborate', 'jan', 'concedes', 'employer', 'lose', 'account', 'little', 'know', 'employer', 'also', 'scheme', 'still', 'quite', 'angry', 'however', 'jan', 'completely', 'redoes', 'brad\\\\', 'apartment', 'gaudy', 'ghastly', 'hideous', 'decor', 'muster', 'horrified', 'finds', 'brad', 'angrily', 'storms', 'jan\\\\', 'apartment', 'carries', 'pajamas', 'street', 'back', 'apartment', 'asks', 'feels', 'return', 'scene', 'crime', 'frustration', 'tells', 'changes', 'he\\\\', 'made', 'end', 'bachelor', 'lifestyle', 'thought', 'getting', 'married', 'face', 'lights', 'admission', 'he\\\\', 'angry', 'attempts', 'leave', 'quickly', 'reaches', 'one', 'tacky', 'remote', 'control', 'switches', 'installed', 'accommodate', 'purposes', 'immediately', 'locks', 'door', 'flips', 'second', 'switch', 'player', 'piano', 'pounds', 'honky-tonk', 'version', 'brad\\\\', 'standard', 'love', 'song', 'turns', 'around', 'defeat', 'eyes', 'meet', 'smiles', 'lovingly', 'embrace', 'end', 'film', 'brad', 'goes', 'tell', 'jonathan', 'going', 'father', 'end', 'credits', 'pillows', 'appear', 'screen-pink', 'blue', 'pink', 'blue-signifying', 'children', 'brad', 'jan', 'together'], [\"'gloria\", 'wandrous', 'wakes', 'wealthy', 'executive', 'weston', 'liggett\\\\', 'apartment', 'finds', 'liggett', 'left', '250', 'insulted', 'gloria', 'whose', 'dress', 'torn', 'takes', 'liggett\\\\', 'wife', 'emily\\\\', 'mink', 'coat', 'cover', 'scrawls', 'sale', 'lipstick', 'mirror', 'orders', 'telephone', 'answering', 'service', 'butterfield', 'put', 'liggett', 'call', 'gloria', 'visits', 'childhood', 'friend', 'pianist', 'steve', 'carpenter', 'eddie', 'fisher', 'greenwich', 'village', 'apartment', 'chastises', 'gloria', 'wasting', 'life', 'one-night', 'stands', 'agrees', 'ask', 'girlfriend', 'norma', 'lend', 'dress', 'gloria', 'leaves', 'whereupon', 'norma', 'jealously', 'gives', 'steve', 'ultimatum', 'must', 'choose', 'gloria', 'liggett', 'takes', 'train', 'countryside', 'wife', 'emily', 'caring', 'mother', 'friend', 'bingham', 'smith', 'advises', 'end', 'adulterous', 'relationships', 'return', 'bing\\\\', 'law', 'firm', 'instead', 'working', 'chemical', 'business', 'emily\\\\', 'father', 'gloria', 'lies', 'doting', 'mother', 'annie', 'claiming', 'spent', 'night', 'norma\\\\', 'neighbor', 'fanny', 'thurber', 'insinuates', 'gloria', 'spends', 'many', 'nights', 'less', 'virtuous', 'circumstances', 'liggett', 'returns', 'home', 'finding', 'lipstick', 'money', 'phones', 'gloria', 'explain', 'money', 'meant', 'buy', 'new', 'dress', 'replace', 'one', 'torn', 'drinking', 'later', 'night', 'liggett', 'advises', 'ask', 'high', 'price', 'lovemaking', 'talents', 'prompting', 'gloria', 'jam', 'stiletto', 'heel', 'shoe', 'insists', 'take', 'payment', 'dates', 'claims', 'hired', 'model', 'advertise', 'dress', 'wearing', 'three', 'different', 'bistros', 'night', 'liggett', 'follows', 'watches', 'gloria', 'flirt', 'dozens', 'men', 'several', 'clubs', 'drives', 'run-down', 'motel', 'owned', 'middle-aged', 'female', 'ex-vaudevillian', 'called', 'happy', 'sleeping', 'together', 'liggett', 'gloria', 'decide', 'explore', 'relationship', 'norma', 'finds', 'mink', 'coat', 'steve\\\\', 'closet', 'tries', 'explain', 'gloria\\\\', 'father', 'died', 'steve', 'looked', 'like', 'brother', 'norma', 'asserts', 'want', 'continue', 'relationship', 'gloria', 'lives', 'liggett', 'disappears', 'gloria', 'five', 'days', 'mother-in-law', 'suggests', 'emily', 'divorce', 'emily', 'feels', 'frustrated', 'life', 'family', 'handed', 'insists', 'patient', 'liggett', 'finally', 'admits', 'gloria', 'married', 'far', 'surprised', 'thanks', 'liggett', 'respect', 'showed', 'finally', 'calling', 'name', 'instead', 'honey', 'dollface', 'gloria', 'describes', 'mother', 'slut', 'annie', 'slaps', 'mother', 'finally', 'heard', 'truth', 'gloria', 'says', 'finally', 'fallen', 'love', 'one', 'man', 'gloria', 'visits', 'psychiatrist', 'dr.', 'tredman', 'insist', 'relationship', 'liggett', 'cured', 'promiscuity', 'rushes', 'liggett\\\\', 'apartment', 'building', 'mink', 'coat', 'return', 'sees', 'elegant', 'wife', 'emily', 'entryway', 'leaves', 'shame', 'liggett', 'takes', 'bing\\\\', 'offer', 'job', 'law', 'firm', 'returns', 'home', 'emily', 'noticed', 'mink', 'gone', 'liggett', 'nervously', 'makes', 'excuses', 'rushes', 'search', 'gloria', 'regular', 'clubs', 'finds', 'instead', 'one', 'fraternity', 'gloria\\\\', 'ex-lovers', 'meet', 'yankee', 'stadium', 'one', 'says', 'gloria', 'goes', 'visit', 'happy', 'relates', 'wild', 'promiscuous', 'life', 'youth', 'brought', 'nothing', 'pain', 'led', 'depressing', 'dead', 'end', 'finds', 'liggett', 'bistro', 'following', 'evening', 'launches', 'series', 'drunken', 'insults', 'taunts', 'gloria', 'saying', 'honey', 'baby', 'dollface', 'kid', 'creates', 'scene', 'gloria', 'drives', 'drunken', 'liggett', 'apartment', 'building', 'emily', 'spotting', 'window', 'watches', 'husband', 'throws', 'coat', 'gloria', 'saying', 'would', 'never', 'give', 'tainted', 'object', 'back', 'wife', 'gloria', 'goes', 'steve', 'saying', 'cynically', 'feels', 'earned', 'mink', 'coat', 'wearing', 'every', 'thread', 'fur', 'pelt', 'recounts', 'years', 'old', 'major', 'hartley', 'friend', 'widowed', 'mother', 'repeatedly', 'raped', 'mother', 'away', 'next', 'day', 'defeated', 'liggett', 'asks', 'emily', 'divorce', 'explains', 'loves', 'gloria', 'much', 'thought', 'deserting', 'drove', 'rage', 'norma', 'meanwhile', 'finds', 'gloria', 'asleep', 'steve\\\\', 'couch', 'calmly', 'asks', 'norma', 'marry', 'back', 'home', 'gloria', 'tells', 'mother', 'going', 'boston', 'begin', 'new', 'life', 'gives', 'mink', 'fanny', 'leaves', 'sports', 'car', 'finding', 'went', 'liggett', 'drives', 'spots', 'car', 'roadside', 'caf챕', 'tries', 'apologize', 'gloria', 'asking', 'marry', 'gloria', 'insists', 'branded', 'insults', 'convinces', 'happy\\\\', 'talk', 'private', 'happy', 'greets', 'sarcastically', 'gloria', 'speeds', 'away', 'liggett', 'drives', 'trying', 'catch', 'increasingly', 'fast', 'pace', 'turning', 'see', 'follow', 'gloria', 'misses', 'sign', 'road', 'construction', 'hurtles', 'embankment', 'death', 'returns', 'city', 'liggett', 'tells', 'wife', 'gloria\\\\', 'death', 'announces', 'leaving', 'find', 'pride'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'centers', 'cesira', 'widowed', 'roman', 'shopkeeper', 'rosetta', 'devoutly', 'religious', 'twelve-year-old', 'daughter', 'world', 'war', 'escape', 'allied', 'bombing', 'rome', 'cesira', 'daughter', 'flee', 'southern', 'lazio', 'native', 'ciociaria', 'rural', 'mountainous', 'province', 'central', 'italy', 'arrive', 'ciociaria', 'cesira', 'attracts', 'attention', 'young', 'local', 'intellectual', 'communist', 'sympathies', 'named', 'michele', 'however', 'michele', 'eventually', 'taken', 'prisoner', 'company', 'german', 'soldiers', 'hope', 'use', 'guide', 'mountainous', 'terrain', 'later', 'cesira', 'rosetta', 'learn', 'shot', 'killed', 'soldiers', 'took', 'hostage', 'italian', 'liberation', 'mother', 'daughter', 'decide', 'back', 'rome', 'experiencing', 'mild', 'harassment', 'propositioning', 'throughout', 'journey', 'fall', 'subject', 'unexpected', 'tragedy', 'rest', 'bombed-out', 'church', 'captured', 'gang', 'raped', 'goumiers', 'serving', 'free', 'french', 'forces', 'alphonse', 'juin', 'rosetta', 'particularly', 'traumatized', 'conflicting', 'feelings', 'mother', 'eventually', 'two', 'succeed', 're-establishing', 'bond', 'linked'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'combines', 'straightforward', 'storytelling', 'periodic', 'interruptions', 'soundtrack', 'action', 'continues', 'narrator', 'provides', 'additional', 'details', 'context', 'characters', 'events', 'setting', 'depicted', 'addition', 'expanding', 'narrative', 'footnotes', 'sometimes', 'draw', 'attention', 'economic/political', 'issues', 'mexico', 'especially', 'situation', 'poor', 'rural', 'areas', 'country', 'story', 'focuses', 'two', 'boys', 'threshold', 'adulthood', 'julio', 'leftist', 'middle-class', 'family', 'tenoch', 'whose', 'father', 'high-ranking', 'political', 'official', 'film', 'opens', 'scenes', 'boy', 'sex', 'girlfriend', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'girls', 'leave', 'trip', 'italy', 'without', 'girlfriends', 'around', 'boys', 'quickly', 'become', 'bored', 'wedding', 'meet', 'luisa', 'spanish', 'wife', 'tenoch\\\\', 'cousin', 'jano', 'attempt', 'impress', 'older', 'woman', 'talk', 'invented', 'secluded', 'beach', 'called', 'boca', 'del', 'cielo', 'initially', 'declines', 'invitation', 'changes', 'mind', 'following', 'phone', 'call', 'jano', 'tearfully', 'confesses', 'cheating', 'although', 'julio', 'tenoch', 'little', 'idea', 'find', 'promised', 'beach', 'three', 'set', 'driving', 'poor', 'rural', 'mexico', 'pass', 'time', 'talking', 'relationships', 'sexual', 'experiences', 'boys', 'largely', 'boasting', 'modest', 'exploits', 'luisa', 'speaking', 'measured', 'terms', 'jano', 'wistfully', 'first', 'love', 'died', 'motorcycle', 'accident', 'teenager', 'overnight', 'stop', 'telephones', 'jano', 'leaving', 'goodbye', 'note', 'answering', 'machine', 'tenoch', 'goes', 'motel', 'room', 'looking', 'shampoo', 'finds', 'crying', 'seduces', 'awkwardly', 'enthusiastically', 'sex', 'julio', 'sees', 'open', 'doorway', 'angrily', 'tells', 'tenoch', 'he\\\\', 'sex', 'girlfriend', 'next', 'day', 'luisa', 'tries', 'even', 'score', 'sex', 'julio', 'tenoch', 'reveals', 'sex', 'julio\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'boys', 'begin', 'fight', 'luisa', 'threatens', 'leave', 'chance', 'find', 'isolated', 'beach', 'gradually', 'relax', 'enjoy', 'beach', 'company', 'local', 'family', 'nearby', 'village', 'luisa', 'makes', 'final', 'phone', 'call', 'jano', 'bidding', 'affectionate', 'final', 'farewell', 'evening', 'three', 'drink', 'excessively', 'joke', 'recklessly', 'sexual', 'transgressions', 'revealing', 'two', 'boys', 'frequently', 'sex', 'women', 'line', 'mam찼', 'tambi챕n', 'julio', 'admits', 'tenoch', 'sex', 'tenoch\\\\', 'mother', 'opportunistic', 'joke', 'set', 'background', 'preceding', 'shocking', 'confessions', 'three', 'dance', 'together', 'sensually', 'retire', 'room', 'begin', 'undress', 'grope', 'drunkenly', 'boys', 'focusing', 'attentions', 'luisa', 'kneels', 'stimulates', 'grasp', 'kiss', 'passionately', 'next', 'morning', 'luisa', 'rises', 'early', 'leaving', 'boys', 'wake', 'together', 'naked', 'immediately', 'turn', 'away', 'eager', 'return', 'home', 'narrator', 'explains', 'quietly', 'uneventfully', 'luisa', 'stayed', 'behind', 'explore', 'nearby', 'coves', 'relates', 'boys\\\\', 'girlfriends', 'broke', 'started', 'dating', 'girls', 'stopped', 'seeing', 'final', 'scene', 'follows', 'chance', 'encounter', 'year', 'later', '2000', 'year', 'institutional', 'revolutionary', 'party', 'lost', 'first', 'election', 'years', 'perfunctory', 'cup', 'coffee', 'together', 'catching', 'other\\\\', 'lives', 'news', 'friends', 'tenoch', 'informs', 'julio', 'luisa', 'died', 'cancer', 'month', 'trip', 'knew', 'ill', 'whole', 'time', 'three', 'together', 'tenoch', 'excuses', 'never', 'see'], [\"'during\", 'junior', 'high', 'graduation', 'lizzie', 'mcguire', 'forced', 'make', 'speech', 'place', 'class', 'president', 'margaret', 'chan', 'trips', 'onstage', 'brings', 'curtain', 'fellow', 'graduates', 'friends', 'leave', 'class', 'trip', 'rome', 'two', 'weeks', 'accompanied', 'rude', 'strict', 'new', 'high', 'school', 'principal', 'ms.', 'ungermeyer', 'ex-best', 'friend', 'kate', 'sanders', 'lizzie', 'discovers', 'sharing', 'room', 'kate', 'ms.', 'ungermeyer', 'takes', 'trevi', 'fountain', 'lizzie', 'throws', 'penny', 'water', 'good', 'luck', 'seconds', 'later', 'meets', 'famous', 'italian', 'pop', 'star', 'paolo', 'exclaims', 'much', 'resembles', 'singing', 'partner', 'isabella', 'paolo', 'promises', 'meet', 'lizzie', 'trevi', 'fountain', 'next', 'day', 'lizzie', 'wishes', 'see', 'next', 'day', 'lizzie', 'pretends', 'sick', 'sneaks', 'meet', 'paolo', 'goes', 'drive', 'agreeing', 'sing', 'isabella', 'prevent', 'isabella', 'sued', 'lip-synching', 'later', 'lizzie', 'discovers', 'also', 'lip-synch', 'dreams', 'made', 'agrees', 'kate', 'later', 'finds', 'truth', 'helps', 'lizzie', 'instead', 'lizzie', 'continues', 'pretend', 'sick', 'scheme', 'discovered', 'gordo', 'covers', 'telling', 'ms.', 'ungermeyer', 'one', 'sneaking', 'ms.', 'ungermeyer', 'pack', 'bags', 'home', 'punishment', 'he\\\\', 'board', 'plane', 'home', 'meets', 'real', 'isabella', 'airport', 'discovers', 'truth', 'paolo', 'meanwhile', 'lizzie', 'looking', 'gordo', 'kate', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'sent', 'home', 'lizzie', 'confused', 'he\\\\', 'kate', 'tells', 'wake', 'see', 'gordo', 'likes', 'friend', 'gordo', 'isabella', 'race', 'music', 'event', 'stop', 'paolo', 'making', 'fool', 'lizzie', 'stage', 'two', 'reach', 'lizzie', 'time', 'warn', 'convince', 'truth', 'isabella', 'reminding', 'she\\\\', 'known', 'paolo', 'days', 'paolo\\\\', 'plan', 'show', 'world', 'isabella', 'lip-synching', 'ironically', 'turns', 'paolo', 'lip-synching', 'isabella', 'gordo', 'exposes', 'paolo', 'pulling', 'plug', 'recorded', 'tape', 'turning', 'microphone', 'causing', 'shown', 'fake', 'actually', 'angry', 'he\\\\', 'exposed', 'paolo', 'leaves', 'he\\\\', 'ambushed', 'paparazzi', 'bodyguard', 'sergei', 'brendan', 'kelly', 'quits', 'disgust', 'isabella', 'introduces', 'lizzie', 'crowd', 'lizzie', 'sing', 'dreams', 'made', 'live', 'front', 'entire', 'audience', 'inside', 'colosseum', 'among', 'crowd', 'parents', 'brother', 'schoolmates', 'ms.', 'ungermeyer', 'got', 'beating', 'bouncers', 'later', 'hotel', 'sergei', 'formed', 'new', 'relationship', 'ms.', 'ungermeyer', 'ms.', 'ungermeyer', 'respects', 'gordo', 'loyal', 'friend', 'lizzie', 'looks', 'forward', 'years', 'high', 'school', 'lizzie\\\\', 'parents', 'tell', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'proud', 'she\\\\', 'grounded', 'rest', 'summer', 'matt\\\\', 'attempt', 'embarrass', 'lizzie', 'thwarted', 'hotel', 'concierge', 'lizzie', 'gordo', 'sneak', 'away', 'last', 'time', 'after-party', 'went', 'roof', 'talk', 'lizzie', 'asks', 'promise', 'things', 'always', 'gordo', 'reassures', 'tells', 'always', 'believe', 'lizzie', 'kisses', 'gordo', 'thanks', 'throughout', 'whole', 'paolo', 'situation', 'back', 'afterparty', 'fireworks', 'spell', 'end', 'ending', 'series', 'movie'], [\"'william\", 'thacker', 'owns', 'independent', 'bookshop', 'notting', 'hill', 'specialises', 'travel', 'writing', 'coping', 'divorce', 'wife', 'left', 'man', 'looked', 'exactly', 'like', 'harrison', 'ford', 'shares', 'house', 'uninhibited', 'welsh', 'eccentric', 'named', 'spike', 'thacker', 'encounters', 'hollywood', 'star', 'actress', 'anna', 'scott', 'enters', 'shop', 'buy', 'book', 'minutes', 'later', 'pair', 'collide', 'street', 'causing', 'spill', 'orange', 'juice', 'offers', 'house', 'across', 'road', 'anna', 'change', 'accepts', 'changed', 'surprises', 'kiss', 'starts', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'days', 'later', 'asks', 'spike', 'messages', 'spike', 'trouble', 'writing', 'remembering', 'messages', 'recall', 'american', 'girl', 'called', 'anna', 'mentioned', 'completely', 'different', 'name', 'anna', 'ritz', 'name', 'flintstone', 'asked', 'visit', 'allowed', 'press', 'interviews', 'still', 'running', 'mistaken', 'journalist', 'interview', 'cast', 'anna\\\\', 'new', 'film', 'helix', 'even', 'though', 'seen', 'called', 'back', 'see', 'anna', 'tells', 'cancelled', 'evening', 'appointment', 'delighted', 'remembers', 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'stay', 'ever', 'says', 'doorbell', 'rings', 'stunned', 'see', 'reporters', 'doorstep', 'alerted', 'careless', 'talk', 'spike', 'pub', 'angry', 'views', 'will\\\\', 'betrayal', 'anna', 'leaves', 'attempts', 'forget', 'six', 'months', 'anna', 'returns', 'london', 'make', 'henry', 'james', 'film', 'suggested', 'approaches', 'set', 'film', 'sees', 'anna', 'invites', 'watch', 'day\\\\', 'filming', 'talk', 'afterwards', 'sound', 'engineer', 'offers', 'pair', 'headphones', 'listen', 'dialogue', 'overhears', 'anna', 'tell', 'co-star', 'one', 'guy', 'past', 'crushed', 'leaves', 'set', 'without', 'talked', 'anna', 'next', 'day', 'anna', 'comes', 'bookshop', 'asks', 'left', 'tells', 'overheard', 'remarks', 'explains', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'co-star', 'know', 'notorious', 'gossip', 'listens', 'says', 'could', 'survive', 'third', 'rejection', 'love', 'turns', 'brought', 'present', 'leaves', 'behind', 'still', 'wrapped', 'turns', 'original', 'marc', 'chagall', 'painting', 'mari챕e', 'seen', 'print', 'will\\\\', 'home', 'meets', 'friends', 'supportive', 'decision', 'anna', 'spike', 'arrives', 'promptly', 'calls', 'daft', 'prick', 'realizes', 'made', 'biggest', 'mistake', 'life', 'letting', 'group', 'searches', 'anna', 'racing', 'around', 'london', 'max\\\\', 'car', 'finally', 'reach', 'anna\\\\', 'press', 'conference', 'persuades', 'stay', 'england', 'anna', 'later', 'marry', 'film', 'concluding', 'shot', 'pregnant', 'anna', 'park', 'bench', 'park'], ['plot|date', 'farewell', 'concubine', 'study', 'notes', 'cite', 'web', '1977', 'year', 'end', 'cultural', 'revolution', 'two', 'men', 'beijing', 'opera', 'costumes', 'one', 'female', 'role', 'stage', 'king', 'enter', 'performance', 'hall', 'greeted', 'voice', 'camera', '봳hey', \"haven\\\\'t\", 'performed', 'twenty-two', 'years', '봞nd', 'single', 'spot', 'light', 'falls', 'beginning', 'scene', 'shot', 'sepia', 'cuts', '1924', 'near', 'end', 'period', 'warlords', 'ruled', 'china', 'farewell', 'concubine', 'story', 'dieyi', 'xiaolou', 'lives', 'lived', 'affected', 'japanese', 'invasion', 'china', '1930s', 'surrender', 'japanese', 'world', 'war', 'end', 'victory', 'communists', '1949.', 'scene', 'woman', 'walks', 'hurriedly', 'small', 'child', 'arms', 'crowded', 'chinese', 'market', 'man', 'recognizing', 'tries', 'speak', 'roughly', 'pushes', 'shouts', 'whore', 'crowd', 'watching', 'troupe', 'boys', 'beijing', 'opera', 'training', 'school', 'perform', 'coins', 'street', 'supervised', 'aging', 'director', 'master', 'guan', 'one', 'boys', 'laizi', 'tries', 'run', 'away', 'crowd', 'insulted', 'leader', 'possible', 'warlord', 'begins', 'pushing', 'around', 'master', 'guan', 'one', 'troupe', 'shitou', 'distracts', 'crowd', 'breaking', 'brick', 'head', 'crowd', 'cheers', 'shitou', 'later', 'punished', 'pulling', 'stunt', 'mother', 'takes', 'boy', 'troupe', 'house', 'master', 'guan', 'refuses', 'birth', 'defect', 'superfluous', 'finger', 'throughout', 'scene', 'audience', 'hear', 'peddler', 'calling', 'skill', 'knife', 'sharpener', 'mother', 'goes', 'gets', 'sharp', 'knife', 'cuts', 'extra', 'finger', 'signs', 'contract', 'thumb', 'print', 'blood', 'leaves', 'giving', 'robe', 'shitou', 'welcomes', 'douzi', 'bean', 'two', 'boys', 'soon', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'years', 'later', 'laizi', 'craving', 'freedom', 'candied', 'crab', 'apples', 'douzi', 'escape', 'return', 'seeing', 'performance', 'opera', 'master', 'makes', 'laizi', 'weep', 'ask', 'became', 'stars', 'much', 'endure', 'become', 'stars', 'inspired', 'laizi', 'douzi', 'return', 'troupe', 'find', 'master', 'guan', 'beating', 'shitou', 'allowing', 'escape', 'meantime', 'laizi', 'hides', 'quickly', 'stuff', 'mouth', 'rest', 'crab', 'apples', 'douzi', 'walks', 'beating', 'bench', 'accept', 'punishment', 'master', 'guan', 'begins', 'beat', 'mercilessly', 'douzi', 'never', 'screams', 'though', 'shitou', 'begs', 'say', 'sorry', 'shitou', 'charges', 'master', 'assistant', 'yells', 'master', 'come', 'laizi', 'hanged', 'douzi', 'attaches', 'shitou', 'trained', 'play', 'dan', 'roles', 'practices', 'monologue', 'dreaming', 'world', 'outside', 'nunnery', 'say', 'nature', 'girl', 'boy', 'instead', 'says', 'nature', 'boy', '...', 'monologue', 'comes', 'kunqu', 'record', 'evil', 'sea', 'kuhai', 'buddhist', 'term', 'life', 'sorrow', 'shitou', 'learns', 'jing', 'painted-face', 'male', 'lead', 'punishment', 'xiaolou', 'gets', 'stick', 'forces', 'douzi\\\\', 'mouth', 'cite', 'news', 'causing', 'mouth', 'bleed', 'agent', 'begins', 'leave', 'future', 'troupe', 'risk', 'soon', 'enough', 'gargled', 'enough', 'blood', 'soft', 'whisper', 'nature', 'girl', '...', 'boy', 'spills', 'gotten', 'line', 'right', 'everyone', 'cheered', 'happiness', 'sense', 'relief.http', '//www.illuminatedlantern.com/cinema/review/archives/farewell_my_concubine.php', 'later', 'douzi', 'shitou', 'perform', 'eunuch', 'zhang', 'admired', 'performance', 'summon', 'boys', 'audience', 'shitou', 'admires', 'beautiful', 'sword', 'zhang\\\\', 'collection', 'stating', 'emperor', 'douzi', 'would', 'queen', 'douzi', 'says', 'one', 'day', 'hopes', 'give', 'shitou', 'sword', 'like', 'boys', 'told', 'douzi', 'meet', 'zhang', 'alone', 'given', 'sword', 'douzi', 'walks', 'old', 'man', 'lascivious', 'embrace', 'young', 'girl', 'douzi', 'afraid', 'man', 'eyes', 'wishes', 'find', 'shitou', 'pee', 'old', 'man', 'brings', 'glass', 'dragon', 'jar', 'tells', 'pee', 'stares', 'lusty', 'amazement', 'boy\\\\', 'body', 'reaches', 'douzi', 'tries', 'flee', 'zhang', 'pushes', 'ground', 'hours', 'later', 'emerges', 'shitou', 'get', 'say', 'word', 'clear', 'douzi', 'traumatized', 'way', 'home', 'douzi', 'spies', 'baby', 'abandoned', 'street', 'master', 'guan', 'urges', 'douzi', 'leave', 'baby', 'saying', 'fate', 'yuanfen', 'douzi', 'takes', 'eventually', 'master', 'guan', 'trains', 'douzi', 'shitou', 'become', 'stars', 'beijing', 'opera', 'take', 'stage', 'names', 'cheng', 'dieyi', 'duan', 'xiaolou', 'adult', 'dieyi', 'love', 'xiaolou', 'sexual', 'aspects', 'affection', 'returned', 'become', 'hit', 'beijing', 'patron', 'yuan', 'shiqing', 'slowly', 'courts', 'dieyi', 'xiaolou', 'meantime', 'takes', 'liking', 'juxian', 'headstrong', 'courtesan', 'upscale', 'house', 'flowers', 'citation', 'needed', 'xiaolou', 'intervenes', 'mob', 'drunk', 'men', 'harass', 'juxian', 'conjures', 'ruse', 'get', 'men', 'leave', 'alone', 'saying', 'announcing', 'engagement', 'juxian', 'later', 'buys', 'freedom', 'deceiving', 'thinking', 'thrown', 'pressures', 'xiaolou', 'keep', 'word', 'xiaolou', 'announces', 'engagement', 'juxian', 'dieyi', 'xiaolou', 'falling', 'dieyi', 'calls', 'pan', 'jinlian', 'dragon', 'lady', 'novel', 'golden', 'lotus', 'dieyi', 'takes', 'master', 'yuan', 'gives', 'zhang\\\\', 'sword', 'master', 'guan', 'shames', 're-forming', 'troupe', 'complex', 'relationship', 'three', 'characters', 'tested', 'succession', 'political', 'upheavals', 'encompass', 'china', 'onset', 'second', 'sino-japanese', 'war', 'film', 'also', 'follows', 'fates', 'kun', 'turns', 'theater', 'troupe', 'new', 'government', '1949', 'abandoned', 'baby', 'trained', 'female', 'roles', 'called', 'xiao', 'little', 'fourth', 'brother', 'japanese', 'occupation', 'kuomintang', 'administration\\\\', 'mainland', 'communist', 'revolution', '1949', 'people\\\\', 'liberation', 'army\\\\', 'entrance', 'city', 'cultural', 'revolution\\\\', 'attack', 'feudal', 'traditional', 'opera', 'xiao', 'douzi', 'argument', 'xiao', 'training', 'punishment', 'end', 'xiao', 'threatens', 'revenge', 'eve', 'cultural', 'revolution', 'shitou', 'juxian', 'seen', 'burning', 'contraband', 'literature', 'clothing', 'drinks', 'rekindle', 'relationship', 'next', 'scene', 'shifts', 'shitou', 'questioned', 'communist', 'party', 'unpatriotic', 'words', 'said', 'years', 'ago', 'overheard', 'manager', 'xiao', 'seen', 'background', 'seemingly', 'position', 'power', 'beijing', 'opera', 'troupe', 'taken', 'questioning', 'offered', 'chance', 'repent', 'duress', 'shitou', 'confesses', 'douzi', 'performed', 'japanese', 'may', 'relationship', 'yuan', 'shiqing', 'douzi', 'enraged', 'tells', 'mob', 'juxian', 'prostitute', 'shitou', 'forced', 'admit', 'married', 'prostitute', 'swears', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'love', 'never', 'see', 'sake', 'life', 'juxian', 'crushed', 'hear', 'words', 'given', 'chance', 'visit', 'finds', 'hanged', 'committed', 'suicide', 'broken', 'heart', 'xiao', 'seen', 'gym', 'practicing', 'concubine', 'yu\\\\', 'role', 'happy', 'usurped', 'douzi\\\\', 'position', 'communist', 'cadre', 'catch', 'act', 'fate', 'unclear', 'film', 'jumps', 'back', 'first', 'scene', 'reunion', '1977.', 'douzi', 'shitou', 'practicing', 'farewell', 'concubine', 'relationship', 'seems', 'mended', 'since', 'tribunal', 'suicide', 'shitou\\\\', 'wife', 'exchange', 'smile', 'shitou', 'begins', 'line', 'gave', 'douzi', 'trouble', 'forty', 'years', 'ago', 'douzi', 'makes', 'error', 'finishing', 'line', 'girl', 'shitou', 'corrects', 'continue', 'practicing', 'douzi', 'commits', 'suicide', 'sword', 'manner', 'play', 'farewell', 'concubine', 'palme', \"d\\\\'or\", 'cannes', 'film', 'festival', 'well', 'best', 'foreign', 'language', 'film', 'golden', 'globes', 'los', 'angeles', 'film', 'critics', 'association', 'gong', 'best', 'supporting', 'actress', 'award', 'new', 'york', 'film', 'critics', 'circle'], [\"'1928\", 'kansas', 'wilma', 'dean', 'deanie', 'loomis', 'teenage', 'girl', 'follows', 'mother\\\\', 'advice', 'resist', 'desire', 'sex', 'boyfriend', 'bud', 'stamper', 'scion', 'one', 'prosperous', 'families', 'town', 'turn', 'bud', 'reluctantly', 'follows', 'advice', 'father', 'ace', 'suggests', 'find', 'another', 'kind', 'girl', 'satisfy', 'desires', 'bud\\\\', 'parents', 'disappointed', 'ashamed', 'older', 'sister', 'ginny', 'flapper', 'party', 'girl', 'sexually', 'promiscuous', 'smokes', 'drinks', 'abortion', 'marriage', 'annulled', 'pin', 'hopes', 'bud', 'pressuring', 'attend', 'yale', 'university', 'bud', 'find', 'girl', 'willing', 'become', 'sexually', 'involved', 'deanie', 'finds', 'later', 'almost', 'raped', 'another', 'boy', 'driven', 'close', 'madness', 'institutionalized', 'parents', 'must', 'sell', 'stock', 'order', 'pay', 'institutionalization', 'great', 'depression', 'bud\\\\', 'family', 'loses', 'fortune', 'crash', \"\\\\'29\", 'leads', 'father\\\\', 'suicide', 'ginny', 'dies', 'automobile', 'accident', 'mother', 'lives', 'nearby', 'squalor', 'bud', 'takes', 'ranching', 'postponed', 'father\\\\', 'aspirations', 'final', 'scene', 'deanie', 'home', 'asylum', 'two', 'years', 'six', 'months', 'goes', 'meet', 'bud', 'married', 'angelina', 'daughter', 'italian', 'immigrants', 'wife', 'met', 'complying', 'father\\\\', 'desire', 'attend', 'yale', 'infant', 'child', 'expecting', 'another', 'one', 'brief', 'reunion', 'deanie', 'bud', 'see', 'must', 'continue', 'lives', 'separately', 'deanie', 'goes', 'marry', 'doctor', 'cincinnati', 'met', 'asylum'], ['plot', 'philadelphia', '1946', 'david', 'alfred', 'eaton', 'returns', 'home', 'war', 'find', 'mother', 'martha', 'wretched', 'alcoholic', 'victim', 'years', 'neglect', 'abuse', 'husband', 'samuel', 'owner', 'prestigious', 'iron', 'steel', 'company', 'samuel', 'emotionally', 'withdrew', 'family', 'thirteen', 'years', 'earlier', 'death', 'beloved', 'son', 'billy', 'still', 'resents', 'fact', 'billy', 'died', 'alfred', 'lives', 'samuel', 'begrudgingly', 'offers', 'son', 'position', 'family', 'business', 'alfred', 'moving', 'new', 'york', 'launch', 'aircraft', 'business', 'old', 'friend', 'lex', 'porter', 'attending', 'party', 'estate', 'lex', 'wealthy', 'uncle', 'alfred', 'makes', 'play', 'mary', 'st.', 'john', 'stunning', 'daughter', 'main', 'line', 'family', 'mary', 'secretly', 'engaged', 'dr.', 'jim', 'roper', 'sexually', 'drawn', 'alfred', 'soon', 'two', 'embroiled', 'tempestuous', 'relationship', 'mary', 'snobbish', 'parents', 'object', 'alfred', 'father', 'nobody', 'mother', 'drunk', 'mary', 'defies', 'alfred', 'asks', 'father', 'loan', 'finance', 'share', 'aircraft', 'company', 'samuel', 'humiliates', 'alfred', 'begins', 'sob', 'lost', 'billy', 'furious', 'alfred', 'storms', 'disgust', 'samuel', 'suffers', 'heart', 'attack', 'wedding', 'day', 'alfred', 'receives', 'word', 'father', 'died', 'certain', 'samuel', 'timed', 'death', 'spite', 'alfred', 'goes', 'ahead', 'ceremony', 'uncle', 'money', 'lex', 'alfred', 'fund', 'nassau', 'aircraft', 'corporation', 'lex', 'shows', 'interest', 'perfecting', 'aircraft', 'designs', 'selling', 'planes', 'alfred', 'becomes', 'impatient', 'one', 'wintry', 'day', 'alfred', 'mary', 'driving', 'home', 'party', 'see', 'little', 'boy', 'fall', 'thin', 'ice', 'frozen', 'pond', 'alfred', 'plunges', 'icy', 'waters', 'save', 'boy', 'grandfather', 'james', 'duncan', 'machardie', 'famous', 'financier', 'america', 'invites', 'alfred', 'mary', 'dinner', 'machardie', 'shrewd', 'businessman', 'senses', 'alfred', 'drive', 'ambition', 'alfred', 'asserts', 'goal', 'life', 'earn', 'money', 'father', 'machardie', 'offers', 'job', 'investment', 'firm', 'obsessed', 'success', 'alfred', 'travels', 'country', 'machardie', 'leaving', 'mary', 'alone', 'months', 'time', 'lonely', 'self-pitying', 'mary', 'begins', 'resent', 'alfred', 'constant', 'absences', 'creighton', 'duffy', 'machardie', 'son-in-law', 'whose', 'position', 'threatened', 'alfred', 'acumen', 'suggests', 'alfred', 'spend', 'two', 'months', 'rural', 'pennsylvania', 'checking', 'business', 'aptitude', 'prospects', 'ralph', 'benziger', 'prosperous', 'coal', 'mine', 'owner', 'ugly', 'argument', 'wife', 'alfred', 'goes', 'pennsylvania', 'invited', 'dinner', 'benziger', 'home', 'meets', 'man', 'beautiful', 'compassionate', 'daughter', 'natalie', 'lonely', 'overwhelmed', 'sensitivity', 'alfred', 'impetuously', 'invites', 'date', 'refuses', 'married', 'later', 'night', 'however', 'natalie', 'reconsiders', 'arranges', 'meet', 'drive-in', 'movie', 'following', 'evening', 'alfred', 'confides', 'natalie', 'warmth', 'generosity', 'made', 'realize', 'sham', 'marriage', 'kiss', 'discovers', 'alfred', 'would', 'prefer', 'called', 'david', 'given', 'first', 'name', 'natalie', 'still', 'believes', 'must', 'end', 'relationship', 'goes', 'sakes', 'upon', 'returning', 'new', 'york', 'alfred', 'immediately', 'summoned', 'machardie', 'office', 'informed', 'mary', 'affair', 'dr.', 'roper', 'archly', 'conservative', 'machardie', 'proceeds', 'warn', 'alfred', 'tolerate', 'divorce', 'within', 'firm', 'considering', 'failure', 'employee', 'character', 'machardie', 'also', 'assigns', 'analyze', 'nassau', 'aircraft', 'corp.', 'former', 'firm', 'possible', 'investment', 'one', 'night', 'leaving', 'party', 'wife', 'alfred', 'unexpectedly', 'encounters', 'natalie', 'front', 'hotel', 'somehow', 'sensing', 'alfred', 'woman', 'intimate', 'mary', 'vindictively', 'calls', 'roper', 'makes', 'date', 'alfred', 'goes', 'meet', 'natalie', 'tells', 'although', 'estranged', 'mary', 'career', 'prevents', 'requesting', 'divorce', 'alfred', 'begins', 'investigate', 'nassau', 'aircraft', 'business', 'practices', 'duffy', 'become', 'unethically', 'involved', 'nassau', 'reap', 'financial', 'windfall', 'machardie', 'invests', 'company', 'threatens', 'blackmail', 'alfred', 'unless', 'suppresses', 'report', 'alfred', 'natalie', 'find', 'unable', 'resist', 'attraction', 'tryst', 'hotel', 'room', 'ensues', 'photographers', 'hired', 'duffy', 'burst', 'capture', 'indiscretion', 'natalie', 'uncertain', 'alfred', 'main', 'concern', 'save', 'reputation', 'career', 'decides', 'leave', 'mary', 'meanwhile', 'suggests', 'husband', 'share', 'open', 'marriage', 'seeing', 'whomever', 'please', 'seductively', 'retires', 'bedroom', 'scandalous', 'photos', 'delivered', 'alfred', 'home', 'work', 'next', 'day', 'machardie', 'ushers', 'mary', 'celebrate', 'alfred', 'surprise', 'promotion', 'partner', 'duffy', 'smirks', 'see', 'alfred', 'rise', 'denounce', 'machardie', 'hypocrisy', 'placing', 'success', 'social', 'position', 'personal', 'responsibility', 'happiness', 'alfred', 'issues', 'uncensored', 'report', 'exposing', 'duffy', 'duplicity', 'walks', 'mary', 'runs', 'late', 'leaves', 'good', 'returns', 'natalie', 'home', 'new', 'life'], [\"'irma\", 'douce', 'irma', 'sweet', 'tells', 'story', 'nestor', 'patou', 'honest', 'cop', 'transferred', 'park', 'bois', 'boulogne', 'urban', 'neighborhood', 'paris', 'finds', 'street', 'full', 'prostitutes', 'working', 'hotel', 'casanova', 'proceeds', 'raid', 'place', 'police', 'inspector', 'nestor\\\\', 'superior', 'policemen', 'aware', 'prostitutes', 'tolerating', 'exchange', 'bribes', 'inspector', 'client', 'prostitutes', 'fires', 'nestor', 'accidentally', 'framed', 'bribery', 'kicked', 'force', 'humiliated', 'nestor', 'finds', 'drawn', 'neighborhood', 'ended', 'career', 'paris', 'police', 'returning', 'chez', 'moustache', 'popular', 'hangout', 'prostitutes', 'pimps', 'luck', 'nestor', 'becomes', 'close', 'friends', 'irma', 'douce', 'popular', 'prostitute', 'also', 'reluctantly', 'accepts', 'confidant', 'proprietor', 'chez', 'moustache', 'man', 'known', 'moustache', 'running', 'joke', 'moustache', 'irma', 'dumps', 'pimp', 'boyfriend', 'nestor', 'moves', 'soon', 'finds', 'irma\\\\', 'new', 'pimp', 'jealous', 'thought', 'irma', 'men', 'nestor', 'comes', 'plan', 'stop', 'irma\\\\', 'prostitution', 'soon', 'finds', 'it\\\\', 'it\\\\', 'cracked', 'invents', 'alter-ego', 'lord', 'british', 'peer', 'becomes', 'irma\\\\', 'sole', 'client', 'nestor\\\\', 'plans', 'keep', 'irma', 'streets', 'soon', 'backfire', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'since', 'nestor', 'must', 'work', 'long', 'hard', 'earn', 'cash', 'lord', 'pays', 'irma', 'irma', 'decides', 'leave', 'paris', 'fictitious', 'lord', 'nestor', 'decides', 'end', 'charade', 'unaware', 'he\\\\', 'tailed', 'irma\\\\', 'former', 'pimp', 'finds', 'secluded', 'stretch', 'along', 'river', 'seine', 'tosses', 'disguise', 'pimp', 'seen', 'nestor', 'change', 'clothes', 'sees', 'lord', 'clothes', 'floating', 'water', 'concludes', 'nestor', 'murdered', 'arrested', 'police', 'nestor', 'advised', 'moustache', 'revealing', 'lord', 'fabrication', 'jails', 'full', 'innocent', 'people', 'told', 'truth', 'barkeep', 'claims', 'following', 'moustache\\\\', 'advice', 'nestor', 'admits', 'killed', 'lord', 'love', 'irma', 'hauled', 'jail', 'irma', 'love', 'nestor', 'sentenced', 'years\\\\', 'hard', 'labor', 'learning', 'irma', 'pregnant', 'nestor', 'escapes', 'prison', 'moustache\\\\', 'help', 'returns', 'irma', 'narrowly', 'avoids', 'recaptured', 'police', 'search', 'irma\\\\', 'apartment', 'donning', 'old', 'uniform', 'nestor', 'simply', 'blends', 'police', 'help', 'irma\\\\', 'ex-pimp', 'nestor', 'arranges', 'police', 'search', 'along', 'seine', 'dressed', 'lord', 'emerges', 'knowing', \"can\\\\'t\", 'rearrested', 'murder', 'police', 'know', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'occur', 'nestor', 'rushes', 'church', 'plans', 'marry', 'irma', 'barely', 'make', 'ceremony', 'irma', 'delivers', 'baby', 'nestor', 'everyone', 'else', 'occupied', 'irma', 'moustache', 'notices', 'one', 'guests', 'sitting', 'alone', 'front', 'row', 'rising', 'seat', 'walking', 'past', 'moustache', 'guest', 'none', 'lord', 'clearly', 'baffled', 'moustache', 'looks', 'lord', 'audience', 'that\\\\', 'another', 'story', 'says'], [\"'charlie\", 'mckenzie', 'beat', 'poet', 'living', 'san', 'francisco', 'broken', 'yet', 'another', 'girl', 'based', 'paranoid', 'perception', 'policeman', 'friend', 'tony', 'tries', 'point', 'pattern', 'charlie', 'simply', 'afraid', 'commitment', 'tries', 'think', 'invent', 'reason', 'break', 'someone', 'things', 'pick', 'charlie', 'meets', 'butcher', 'named', 'harriet', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'instantly', 'driving', 'near', 'workplace', 'goes', 'volunteers', 'help', 'day', 'eventually', 'date', 'ensues', 'evening', 'learning', 'various', 'factoids', 'learns', 'used', 'live', 'atlantic', 'city', 'used', 'involved', 'trainer', 'russian', 'martial', 'arts', 'screams', 'someone', 'named', 'ralph', 'sleep', 'next', 'day', 'gone', 'awakes', 'sister', 'rose', 'lives', 'tries', 'get', 'know', 'bit', 'kindly', 'warns', 'careful', 'meanwhile', 'tony', 'begins', 'losing', 'enthusiasm', 'job', 'police', 'force', 'frustrated', 'action', 'comparison', 'portray', 'tries', 'get', 'chief', 'become', 'short', 'tempered', 'per', 'stereotype', 'movies', 'taking', 'bigger', 'jobs', 'charlie', 'comes', 'tony', 'begging', 'act', 'voice', 'reason', 'times', 'ahead', 'wanting', 'get', 'hung', 'paranoid', 'anything', 'may', 'find', 'odd', 'charlie', 'harriet', 'begin', 'falling', 'deeper', 'love', 'finds', 'gets', 'along', 'great', 'friends', 'perfectly', 'matched', 'passions', 'takes', 'meet', 'parents', 'parents', 'stuart', 'may', 'flagrantly', 'scottish', 'tend', 'believe', 'conspiracy', 'theories', 'charlie', 'scoffs', 'mother', 'relies', 'weekly', 'world', 'news', 'keep', 'factually', 'updated', 'keeps', 'stacked', 'reading', 'material', 'charlie', 'picks', 'one', 'bathroom', 'bemusement', 'finds', 'article', 'mrs.', 'bride', 'kills', 'husbands', 'honeymoon', 'seems', 'perfectly', 'match', 'harriet', 'killer\\\\', 'three', 'reported', 'victims', 'plumber', 'named', 'ralph', 'lounge', 'singer', 'atlantic', 'city', 'russian', 'martial', 'arts', 'student', 'strongly', 'suspicious', 'charlie', 'begs', 'tony', 'investigate', 'finding', 'husbands', 'question', 'disappeared', 'reported', 'missing', 'along', 'wives', 'charlie', 'tries', 'let', 'issue', 'unfortunately', 'panic', 'gets', 'worse', 'suspecting', 'trying', 'cover', 'eventually', 'breaks', 'days', 'gloom', 'tony', 'informs', 'one', 'husband\\\\', 'killers', 'confessed', 'charlie', 'realizing', 'needs', 'make', 'changes', 'rushes', 'back', 'harriet', 'informing', 'see', 'therapist', 'wins', 'playing', 'one', 'poems', 'rooftop', 'reconcile', 'every', 'doubt', 'gets', 'disproved', 'friend', 'ralph', 'actually', 'girl', 'example', 'parents\\\\', '30th', 'year', 'anniversary', 'charlie', 'proposes', 'harriet', 'soon', 'wedding', 'underway', 'later', 'venture', 'secluded', 'hotel', 'mountains', 'honeymoon', 'meanwhile', 'back', 'police', 'station', 'chief', 'informs', 'tony', 'woman', 'taken', 'credit', 'murder', 'plumber', 'actually', 'compulsive', 'confessor', 'tony', 'faxes', 'photo', 'harriet', 'known', 'associates', 'three', 'missing', 'husbands', 'recognize', 'friends\\\\', 'wife', 'tony', 'tries', 'desperately', 'contact', 'charlie', 'finds', 'phone', 'lines', 'due', 'storm', 'honeymooning', 'charters', 'plane', 'upon', 'landing', 'calls', 'charlie', 'warns', 'harriet', 'mrs.', 'tell', 'anything', 'else', 'phone', 'line', 'gets', 'knocked', 'power', 'goes', 'charlie', 'desperately', 'tries', 'escape', 'harriet', 'finds', 'begins', 'acting', 'unsettled', 'confrontational', 'tries', 'leave', 'without', 'letting', 'knows', 'traits', 'endearing', 'staff', 'literally', 'forces', 'hotel', 'room', 'spend', 'first', 'night', 'together', 'charlie', 'finds', 'alone', 'room', 'harriet', 'axe', 'firewood', 'harriet', 'locks', 'door', 'begins', 'telling', 'she\\\\', 'married', 'forces', 'closet', 'locks', 'looks', 'desk', 'sees', 'dear', 'jane', 'letter', 'harriet', 'saying', 'run', 'away', 'rose', 'leaps', 'shadows', 'swipes', 'charlie', 'axe', 'stating', 'husband', 'never', 'supposed', 'room', 'note', 'found', 'revealing', 'true', 'killer', 'charlie', 'option', 'run', 'roof', 'try', 'evade', 'rose', 'long', 'enough', 'police', 'show', 'eventually', 'tony', 'leads', 'police', 'hotel', 'arrests', 'harriet', 'still', 'believing', 'murderer', 'rose', 'swings', 'axe', 'charlie', 'thrown', 'building', 'charlie', 'holding', 'falling', 'death', 'prompting', 'tony', 'come', 'aid', 'authorities', 'take', 'away', 'charlie', 'harriet', 'resume', 'lives', 'afterward', 'happy', 'couple'], ['film', 'takes', 'place', 'hong', 'kong', '1962.', 'chow', 'mo-wan', 'journalist', 'rents', 'room', 'apartment', 'building', 'day', 'li-zhen', 'secretary', 'shipping', 'company', 'become', 'next-door', 'neighbours', 'spouse', 'works', 'often', 'leaves', 'alone', 'overtime', 'shifts', 'despite', 'presence', 'friendly', 'shanghainese', 'landlady', 'mrs.', 'suen', 'bustling', 'mahjong-playing', 'neighbours', 'chow', 'often', 'find', 'alone', 'rooms', 'lives', 'continue', 'intersect', 'everyday', 'situations', 'recurring', 'motif', 'film', 'loneliness', 'eating', 'alone', 'film', 'documents', 'leads', 'chance', 'encounters', 'making', 'individual', 'trek', 'street', 'noodle', 'stall', 'chow', 'nurse', 'suspicions', 'spouse', 'fidelity', 'comes', 'conclusion', 'spouses', 'seeing', 'wonders', 'aloud', 'spouses', 'affair', 'might', 'begun', 'together', 'chow', 're-enact', 'imagine', 'might', 'happened', 'chow', 'soon', 'invites', 'help', 'write', 'martial', 'arts', 'serial', 'papers', 'relationship', 'develops', 'neighbours', 'begin', 'take', 'notice', 'context', 'socially', 'conservative', '1960s', 'hong', 'kong', 'friendships', 'men', 'women', 'bear', 'scrutiny', 'chow', 'rents', 'hotel', 'room', 'away', 'apartment', 'work', 'together', 'without', 'attracting', 'attention', 'relationship', 'chow', 'platonic', 'suggestion', 'would', 'degraded', 'stooped', 'level', 'spouses', 'time', 'passes', 'however', 'acknowledge', 'developed', 'feelings', 'chow', 'leaves', 'hong', 'kong', 'job', 'singapore', 'asks', 'chow', 'waits', 'hotel', 'room', 'time', 'leaves', 'seen', 'rushing', 'stairs', 'apartment', 'arrive', 'empty', 'hotel', 'room', 'late', 'join', 'chow', 'next', 'year', 'goes', 'singapore', 'visits', 'chow', 'apartment', 'calls', 'chow', 'working', 'singaporean', 'newspaper', 'remains', 'silent', 'phone', 'chow', 'picks', 'later', 'chow', 'realises', 'visited', 'apartment', 'seeing', 'lipstick-stained', 'cigarette', 'butt', 'ashtray', 'dining', 'friend', 'chow', 'relays', 'story', 'older', 'times', 'person', 'secret', 'could', 'shared', 'would', 'instead', 'atop', 'mountain', 'make', 'hollow', 'tree', 'whisper', 'secret', 'hollow', 'cover', 'mud', 'three', 'years', 'later', 'visits', 'former', 'landlady', 'mrs.', 'suen', 'mrs.', 'suen', 'emigrate', 'united', 'states', 'enquires', 'whether', 'apartment', 'available', 'rent', 'time', 'later', 'chow', 'returns', 'visit', 'landlords', 'koos', 'finds', 'emigrated', 'philippines', 'asks', 'suen', 'family', 'next', 'door', 'new', 'owner', 'tells', 'woman', 'son', 'living', 'next', 'door', 'leaves', 'without', 'realising', 'lady', 'living', 'next', 'door', 'film', 'ends', 'siem', 'reap', 'cambodia', 'chow', 'seen', 'visiting', 'angkor', 'wat', 'site', 'ruined', 'monastery', 'whispers', 'time', 'hollow', 'ruined', 'wall', 'plugging', 'hollow', 'mud'], ['young', 'widow', 'anne', 'gauthier', 'raising', 'daughter', 'francois', 'alone', 'following', 'death', 'husband', 'worked', 'stuntman', 'died', 'movie', 'set', 'accident', 'witnessed', 'still', 'working', 'film', 'script', 'supervisor', 'anne', 'divides', 'time', 'home', 'paris', 'deauville', 'northern', 'france', 'daughter', 'attends', 'boarding', 'school', 'young', 'widower', 'jean-louis', 'raising', 'son', 'antoine', 'alone', 'following', 'death', 'wife', 'valerie', 'committed', 'suicide', 'jean-louis', 'near', 'fatal', 'crash', 'hours', 'mans', 'still', 'working', 'race', 'car', 'driver', 'jean-louis', 'divides', 'time', 'paris', 'deauville', 'son', 'also', 'attends', 'boarding', 'school', 'one', 'day', 'anne', 'jean-louis', 'meet', 'deauville', 'boarding', 'school', 'anne', 'misses', 'last', 'train', 'back', 'paris', 'jean-louis', 'offers', 'ride', 'two', 'become', 'acquainted', 'drive', 'home', 'enjoying', 'other\\\\', 'company', 'drops', 'asks', 'would', 'like', 'drive', 'together', 'following', 'weekend', 'gives', 'phone', 'number', 'busy', 'week', 'track', 'preparing', 'next', 'race', 'jean-louis', 'calls', 'meet', 'early', 'sunday', 'morning', 'drive', 'deauville', 'rain', 'clearly', 'attracted', 'enjoy', 'pleasant', 'sunday', 'lunch', 'children', 'get', 'along', 'well', 'later', 'afternoon', 'boat', 'ride', 'followed', 'walk', 'beach', 'sunset', 'jean-louis', 'spends', 'following', 'week', 'preparing', 'driving', 'monte', 'carlo', 'rally', 'southeast', 'france', 'every', 'day', 'anne', 'closely', 'follows', 'news', 'reports', 'race', 'takes', 'place', 'poor', 'weather', 'conditions', 'along', 'icy', 'roads', 'french', 'riviera', '273', 'cars', 'started', 'race', 'able', 'finish', 'including', 'jean', 'louis\\\\', 'white', 'mustang', 'number', '184.', 'watching', 'television', 'coverage', 'conclusion', 'race', 'anne', 'sends', 'jean-louis', 'telegram', 'reads', 'bravo', 'love', 'anne', 'night', 'dinner', 'drivers', 'monte', 'carlo', 'casino', 'jean-louis', 'receives', 'telegram', 'leaves', 'immediately', 'jumps', 'car', 'used', 'race', 'drives', 'night', 'paris', 'telling', 'woman', 'sends', 'telegraph', 'like', 'matter', 'along', 'way', 'imagines', 'reunion', 'like', 'paris', 'apartment', 'jean-louis', 'learns', 'anne', 'deauville', 'continues', 'north', 'jean-louis', 'finally', 'arrives', 'deauville', 'finds', 'anne', 'two', 'children', 'playing', 'beach', 'see', 'run', 'other\\\\', 'arms', 'embrace', 'dropping', 'children', 'boarding', 'school', 'jean-louis', 'anne', 'drive', 'town', 'rent', 'room', 'begin', 'make', 'love', 'passionate', 'tenderness', 'other\\\\', 'arms', 'however', 'jean-louis', 'senses', 'something', 'right', 'anne\\\\', 'memories', 'deceased', 'husband', 'still', 'feels', 'uncomfortable', 'continuing', 'anne', 'says', 'would', 'best', 'take', 'train', 'back', 'paris', 'alone', 'dropping', 'station', 'jean-louis', 'drives', 'home', 'alone', 'unable', 'understand', 'feelings', 'train', 'anne', 'think', 'jean-louis', 'time', 'together', 'meanwhile', 'jean-louis', 'drives', 'south', 'french', 'countryside', 'paris', 'train', 'station', 'train', 'arriving', 'leaves', 'train', 'spots', 'jean-louis', 'surprised', 'hesitates', 'briefly', 'walks', 'toward', 'embrace'], [\"'mary\", 'ann', 'pookie', 'adams', 'oddball', 'quirky', 'teenager', 'meets', 'jerry', 'payne', 'waiting', 'bus', 'heading', 'colleges', 'near', 'enrolled', 'freshmen', 'jerry', 'immediately', 'sees', 'pookie', 'different', 'even', 'strange', 'lies', 'nun', 'bus', 'nun', 'switch', 'seats', 'jerry', 'beginning', 'settle', 'college', 'life', 'roommate', 'pookie', 'shows', 'one', 'saturday', 'morning', 'blue', 'spend', 'much', 'time', 'together', 'weekend', 'long', 'seeing', 'regularly', 'jerry', 'slowly', 'falls', 'love', 'pookie', 'soon', 'different', 'personality', 'types', 'pull', 'apart', 'began', 'sex', 'long', 'pookie', 'tells', 'jerry', 'might', 'pregnant', 'pregnancy', 'scare', 'jerry', 'wants', 'spend', 'spring', 'break', 'alone', 'catch', 'studies', 'pookie', 'begs', 'pleads', 'stay', 'relents', 'week', 'alone', 'pookie', 'makes', 'jerry', 'realize', 'need', 'time', 'apart', 'tells', 'pookie', 'discovers', 'left', 'college', 'finds', 'boarding', 'house', 'stayed', 'first', 'day', 'came', 'visit', 'puts', 'bus', 'home', 'young', 'lovers', 'part'], [\"'in\", '1920', 'midlands', 'mining', 'town', 'beldover', 'two', 'sisters', 'ursula', 'gudrun', 'brangwen', 'discuss', 'marriage', 'way', 'watch', 'wedding', 'laura', 'crich', 'daughter', 'town\\\\', 'wealthy', 'mine', 'owner', 'alan', 'webb', 'tibby', 'lupton', 'naval', 'officer', 'village\\\\', 'church', 'sister', 'especially', 'fascinated', 'particular', 'member', 'wedding', 'party', 'gudrun', 'laura\\\\', 'brother', 'gerald', 'ursula', 'gerald\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'rupert', 'birkin', 'ursula', 'school', 'teacher', 'rupert', 'school', 'inspector', 'remembers', 'coming', 'classroom', 'interrupting', 'botany', 'lesson', 'discourse', 'sexual', 'nature', 'catkin', 'four', 'later', 'brought', 'together', 'house', 'party', 'estate', 'hermione', 'roddice', 'rich', 'woman', 'whose', 'relationship', 'rupert', 'falling', 'apart', 'hermione', 'devises', 'entertainment', 'guest', 'dance', 'style', 'russian', 'ballet', 'rupert', 'becomes', 'impatient', 'pretensions', 'tells', 'pianist', 'play', 'ragtime', 'sets', 'spontaneous', 'dancing', 'among', 'whole', 'group', 'angers', 'hermione', 'birkin', 'follows', 'next', 'room', 'smashes', 'glass', 'paperweight', 'head', 'staggers', 'outside', 'discards', 'clothes', 'wanders', 'woods', 'later', 'criches\\\\', 'annual', 'picnic', 'town', 'invited', 'ursula', 'gudrun', 'find', 'secluded', 'spot', 'gudrun', 'dances', 'highland', 'cattle', 'ursula', 'sings', 'forever', 'blowing', 'bubbles', 'gerald', 'rupert', 'appear', 'gerald', 'calls', 'gudrun\\\\', 'behaviour', 'impossible', 'ridiculous', 'says', 'loves', 'that\\\\', 'one', 'way', 'putting', 'replies', 'ursula', 'birkin', 'wander', 'away', 'discussing', 'death', 'love', 'end', 'making', 'love', 'day', 'ends', 'tragedy', 'laura', 'tibby', 'drown', 'swimming', 'lake', 'pulls', 'one', 'gerald', 'rupert\\\\', 'discussions', 'rupert', 'suggest', 'japanese', 'style', 'wrestling', 'strip', 'clothes', 'wrestle', 'firelight', 'rupert', 'enjoys', 'closeness', 'says', 'swear', 'love', 'implicitly', 'gerald', 'understand', 'rupert\\\\', 'idea', 'wanting', 'emotional', 'union', 'man', 'well', 'emotional', 'physical', 'union', 'woman', 'ursula', 'birkin', 'decide', 'marry', 'gudrun', 'gerald', 'continue', 'see', 'one', 'evening', 'emotionally', 'exhausted', 'father\\\\', 'illness', 'death', 'gerald', 'sneaks', 'brangwen', 'house', 'spend', 'night', 'gudrun', 'leaves', 'dawn', 'later', 'ursula', 'birkin\\\\', 'marriage', 'gerald', 'suggest', 'four', 'alps', 'christmas', 'inn', 'alps', 'gudrun', 'irritates', 'gerald', 'interest', 'loerke', 'homosexual', 'german', 'sculptor', 'artist', 'gudrun', 'fascinated', 'loerke\\\\', 'idea', 'brutality', 'necessary', 'create', 'art', 'gerald', 'grows', 'increasingly', 'jealous', 'angry', 'gudrun', 'derides', 'ridicules', 'finally', 'endure', 'longer', 'attempting', 'strangle', 'trudges', 'snow', 'die', 'rupert', 'ursula', 'gudrun', 'return', 'cottage', 'england', 'grieves', 'dead', 'friend', 'ursula', 'rupert', 'discuss', 'love', \"can\\\\'t\", 'two', 'kinds', 'love', 'ursula', 'says', 'seems', \"can\\\\'t\", 'rupert', 'responds', 'yet', 'wanted'], ['film', 'takes', 'place', 'imaginary', 'isolated', 'village', 'kirrary', 'dingle', 'peninsula', 'county', 'kerry', 'ireland', 'world', 'war', 'rosy', 'ryan', 'bored', 'humdrum', 'life', 'fantasizes', 'outside', 'world', 'much', 'chagrin', 'local', 'priest', 'father', 'hugh', 'collins', 'old', 'sharp-witted', 'highly', 'influential', 'person', 'knows', 'goes', 'village', 'rosy', 'falls', 'love', 'local', 'schoolmaster', 'charles', 'shaughnessy', 'imagines', 'though', 'tries', 'convince', 'otherwise', 'add', 'excitement', 'life', 'marry', 'rosy', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'discontented', 'villagers', 'nationalist', 'exclusionary', 'taunting', 'michael', 'british', 'soldiers', 'nearby', 'army', 'base', 'resentful', 'rosy', 'spoilt', 'daughter', 'local', 'publican', 'tom', 'ryan', 'ryan', 'pretends', 'staunch', 'nationalist', 'early', 'scene', 'strongly', 'supports', 'recently', 'suppressed', 'easter', 'rising', 'referring', 'rebels', 'boys', 'truth', 'informer', 'british', 'major', 'randolph', 'doryan', 'christopher', 'jones', 'arrives', 'take', 'command', 'local', 'army', 'base', 'veteran', 'world', 'war', 'awarded', 'victoria', 'cross', 'crippled', 'leg', 'suffers', 'shell', 'shock', 'rosy', 'instantly', 'passionately', 'attracted', 'michael\\\\', 'absent-minded', 'banging', 'leg', 'pub', 'bench', 'causes', 'doryan', 'flashback', 'trenches', 'collapses', 'recovers', 'comforted', 'rosy', 'two', 'passionately', 'kiss', 'interrupted', 'arrival', 'ryan', 'townspeople', 'next', 'day', 'two', 'meet', 'forest', \"\\\\'gauzy\\\\\", 'passionate', 'liaison', 'charles', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'rosy', 'keeps', 'thoughts', 'trip', 'beach', 'students', 'finds', 'rosy', 'doryan\\\\', 'footprints', 'sand', 'tracks', 'cave', 'later', 'finds', 'conch', 'shell', 'rosy\\\\', 'dresser', 'refuses', 'confront', 'michael', 'also', 'seen', 'two', 'lovers', 'however', 'improvised', 'british', 'officer\\\\', 'uniform', 'tips', 'townspeople', 'affair', 'townspeople', 'turn', 'rosy', 'deriding', 'british', 'officer\\\\', 'whore', 'one', 'night', 'midst', 'fierce', 'storm', 'irb', 'leader', 'tim', \"o\\\\'leary\", 'barry', 'foster', 'killed', 'police', 'constable', 'earlier', 'small', 'band', 'comrades', 'arrive', 'ryan\\\\', 'pub', 'strong-arm', 'helping', 'recover', 'shipment', 'german', 'arms', 'storm', 'leave', 'ryan', 'left', 'alone', 'possession', 'phone', 'tips', 'british', 'soon', 'entire', 'town', 'arrives', 'beach', 'help', \"o\\\\'leary\", 'followers', 'stopped', 'major', 'doryan', 'men', 'road', 'arrested', \"o\\\\'leary\", 'shot', 'wounded', 'doryan', 'attempting', 'escape', 'charles', 'tells', 'rosy', 'aware', 'infatuation', 'hopes', 'pass', 'though', 'rosy', 'declares', 'affair', 'charles', 'decides', 'leave', 'night', 'sees', 'return', 'doryan', 'dismay', 'wanders', 'nightclothes', 'beach', 'morning', 'father', 'collins', 'finds', 'mob', 'accusing', 'rosy', 'informed', 'british', 'arms', 'shipment', 'strip', 'shear', 'hair', 'father', 'collins', 'arrives', 'worse', 'ryan', 'deeply', 'ashamed', 'unable', 'confess', 'he\\\\', 'informer', 'rosy', 'guesses', 'guilt', 'takes', 'punishment', 'meanwhile', 'doryan', 'walks', 'along', 'beach', 'comes', 'across', 'michael', 'leads', 'cache', 'arms', 'including', 'dynamite', 'recovered', 'michael', 'runs', 'doryan', 'commits', 'suicide', 'detonating', 'explosives', 'next', 'day', 'rosy', 'charles', 'leave', 'dublin', 'enduring', 'taunts', 'villagers', 'charles', 'gets', 'small', 'bus', 'father', 'collins', 'counsels', 'ending', 'marriage', 'bus', 'leaves', 'rosy', 'previously', 'found', 'michael', 'repulsive', 'touchingly', 'kisses', 'cheek'], [\"'23-year-old\", 'psychiatric', 'patient', 'ricky', 'deemed', 'cured', 'released', 'mental', 'institution', 'lover', 'woman', 'director', 'hospital', 'orphan', 'free', 'alone', 'goal', 'normal', 'life', 'marina', 'ozores', 'actress', 'former', 'porn', 'star', 'recovering', 'drug', 'addict', 'slept', 'escape', 'asylum', 'ricky', 'discovers', 'marina', 'whereabouts', 'film', 'journal', 'announcement', 'start', 'next', 'film', 'goes', 'studio', 'marina', 'last', 'day', 'work', 'filming', 'midnight', 'phantom', 'euro-horror', 'film', 'hideously', 'mutilated', 'masked', 'muscleman', 'love', 'marina', 'character', 'film', 'directed', 'm찼ximo', 'espejo', 'old', 'film', 'director', 'confined', 'wheelchair', 'stroke', 'm찼ximo', 'gentle', 'mentor', 'marina', 'threatens', 'throw', 'journalist', 'mentions', 'words', 'porn', 'junkie', 'marina', 'presence', 'protection', 'actress', 'completely', 'innocent', 'since', 'sexually', 'attracted', 'marina', 'lusts', 'enjoying', 'could', 'last', 'experience', 'directing', 'sexy', 'female', 'lead', 'ricky', 'comes', 'set', 'steals', 'necessary', 'items', 'including', 'keys', 'marina', 'apartment', 'long', 'unwelcome', 'presence', 'life', 'ricky', 'long-haired', 'wig', 'handstand', 'try', 'capture', 'attention', 'marina', 'remember', 'quickly', 'dismisses', 'filming', 'last', 'scene', 'marina', 'goes', 'home', 'change', 'post-shoot', 'party', 'ricky', 'follows', 'apartment', 'answers', 'door', 'ricky', 'forces', 'way', 'grabs', 'headbutts', 'silence', 'screams', 'tapes', 'mouth', 'binds', 'rope', 'marina', 'wakes', 'terrible', 'toothache', 'normal', 'painkillers', 'relieve', 'addicted', 'stronger', 'drugs', 'ricky', 'explains', 'captured', 'gets', 'know', 'better', 'fall', 'love', 'get', 'married', 'children', \"'ll\", 'never', 'love', 'ever', 'says', 'marina', 'understandably', 'enraged', 'handcuffed', 'gagged', 'lashed', 'bed', 'we\\\\', \"'ll\", 'see', 'says', 'ricky', 'would', 'anything', 'win', 'heart', 'marina', 'shocked', 'pain', 'eventually', 'persuades', 'ricky', 'take', 'doctor', 'give', 'necessary', 'painkillers', 'ricky', 'barely', 'leaves', 'alone', 'doctor', 'unable', 'communicate', 'plight', 'get', 'drugs', 'pharmacy', 'ricky', 'goes', 'get', 'black', 'market', 'however', 'rather', 'paying', 'street', 'price', 'attacks', 'dealer', 'get', 'tablets', 'after-filming', 'party', 'marina', 'sister', 'lola', 'assistant', 'director', 'midnight', 'phantom', 'steals', 'show', 'musical', 'number', 'increasingly', 'worried', 'sister', 'disappearance', 'lola', 'visits', 'marina\\\\', 'apartment', 'leaves', 'note', 'avoid', 'discovered', 'ricky', 'moves', 'marina', 'next', 'door', 'neighbor', 'apartment', 'apartment', 'empty', 'owner', 'left', 'keys', 'lola', 'water', 'plants', 'away', 'summer', 'street', 'ricky', 'spotted', 'dealer', 'attacked', 'seriously', 'beaten', 'left', 'unconscious', 'absence', 'marina', 'makes', 'desperate', 'somewhat', 'halfhearted', 'attempt', 'escape', 'captivity', 'however', 'returns', 'covered', 'bruises', 'cuts', 'sees', 'vulnerability', 'devotion', 'matter', 'misguided', 'cares', 'binding', 'wounds', 'suddenly', 'struck', 'realization', 'fallen', 'love', 'captor', 'make', 'love', 'length', 'ricky', 'seems', 'verge', 'achieving', 'aim', 'decide', 'take', 'trip', 'together', 'native', 'village', 'leave', 'steal', 'car', 'trip', 'marina', 'still', 'considers', 'prisoner', 'tells', 'keep', 'tied', \"won\\\\'t\", 'try', 'escape', 'however', 'ricky', 'absence', 'lola', 'reenters', 'apartment', 'discovers', 'marina', 'tied', 'rescues', 'marina', 'informs', 'sister', 'love', 'captor', 'lola', 'astonished', 'learn', 'marina', 'really', 'longer', 'wants', 'rescued', 'convinced', 'agrees', 'drive', 'marina', 'ricky\\\\', 'birthplace', 'find', 'ruins', 'family', 'house', 'deserted', 'village', 'three', 'climb', 'lola\\\\', 'car', 'return', 'city', 'lola', 'promises', 'ricky', 'find', 'job', 'marina', 'cries', 'happiness', 'drive', 'together', 'distance', 'singing', 'like', 'regular', 'family'], ['peacetime', 'sailor', 'john', 'baggs', 'unable', 'get', 'paid', 'receive', 'new', 'orders', 'somehow', 'u.s.', 'navy', 'lost', 'file', 'able', 'come', 'base', 'curfew', 'one', 'night', 'bar', 'spots', 'attractive', 'woman', 'hustling', 'guys', 'pool', 'table', 'challenges', 'develops', 'interest', 'woman', 'maggie', 'turns', 'prostitute', 'living', 'tenement', 'young', 'black', 'son', 'doug', 'baggs', 'begins', 'spending', 'time', 'maggie', 'apartment', 'doug', 'often', 'left', 'fend', 'attempts', 'creating', 'normal', 'life', 'succeed', 'maggie', 'change', 'way', 'doug', 'suspicious', 'cynical', 'first', 'bonds', 'baggs', 'devotes', 'free', 'time', 'kid', 'even', 'gets', 'teeth', 'fixed', 'know', 'soon', 'baggs', 'reassigned', 'gone', 'good', 'navy', 'mix-up', 'continues', 'baffle', 'baggs', 'one', 'day', 'veteran', 'sailor', 'named', 'forshay', 'finds', 'file', 'volunteers', 'change', 'places', 'baggs', 'ship', 'false', 'name', 'baggs', 'doug', 'may', 'maggie', 'around', \"'ve\", 'got'], ['socorro', 'new', 'mexico', 'housewife', 'alice', 'hyatt', 'uncaring', 'husband', 'donald', 'killed', 'accident', 'decides', 'garage', 'sale', 'pack', 'left', 'meager', 'belongings', 'take', 'precocious', 'son', 'tommy', 'monterey', 'california', 'hopes', 'pursue', 'singing', 'career', 'abandoned', 'married', 'financial', 'situation', 'forces', 'take', 'temporary', 'lodgings', 'phoenix', 'arizona', 'finds', 'work', 'lounge', 'singer', 'seedy', 'bar', 'meets', 'considerably', 'younger', 'seemingly', 'available', 'ben', 'uses', 'charm', 'lure', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'comes', 'sudden', 'end', 'wife', 'confronts', 'alice', 'ben', 'mercilessly', 'beats', 'wife', 'interfering', 'extramarital', 'affair', 'fearing', 'safety', 'alice', 'tommy', 'quickly', 'leave', 'town', 'spent', 'little', 'money', 'earned', 'new', 'wardrobe', 'alice', 'forced', 'delay', 'journey', 'west', 'coast', 'accept', 'job', 'waitress', 'tucson', 'accumulate', 'cash', 'local', 'diner', 'owned', 'mel', 'eventually', 'bonds', 'fellow', 'servers', '봧ndependent', 'no-nonsense', 'outspoken', 'flo', 'quiet', 'timid', 'incompetent', 'vera', 'meets', 'divorced', 'local', 'rancher', 'david', 'soon', 'realizes', 'way', 'alice', 'heart', 'tommy', 'still', 'emotionally', 'wounded', 'difficult', 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'lights', 'turned', 'eventually', 'pascal', 'karine', 'show', 'slightly', 'disheveled', 'couples', 'part', 'ludovic', 'meets', 'marthe', 'lunch', 'tells', 'husband', 'affair', 'wife', 'later', 'pascal', 'shamelessly', 'informs', 'he\\\\', 'broken', 'affairs', 'one', 'marthe', 'tells', 'knows', 'karine', 'says', 'three', 'times', 'bushes', 'sometime', 'later', 'family', 'gathering', 'marthe\\\\', 'mother\\\\', 'house', 'ludovic\\\\', 'daughter', 'nelsa', 'shows', 'slides', 'took', 'wedding', '봧ncluding', 'compromising', 'photos', 'pascal', 'karine', 'slide', 'show', 'martha\\\\', 'mother\\\\', 'new', 'husband', 'dies', 'funeral', 'ludovic\\\\', 'father', 'arrives', 'extends', 'condolences', 'lost', 'spouse', 'recently', 'way', 'back', 'cemetery', 'marthe', 'ludovic', 'get', 'better', 'acquainted', 'marthe', 'revealing', 'enjoys', 'swimming', 'singing', 'later', 'week', 'marthe', 'ludovic', 'meet', 'lunch', 'buy', 'bathing', 'suits', 'going', 'swimming', 'public', 'pool', 'enjoy', 'other\\\\', 'company', 'much', 'decide', 'take', 'rest', 'day', 'together', 'shopping', 'see', 'movie', 'although', 'relationship', 'platonic', 'pascal', 'karine', 'begin', 'grow', 'jealous', 'marthe', 'ludovic', 'playfully', 'arrange', 'meet', 'chance', 'restaurant', 'respective', 'families', 'see', 'pascal', 'karine', 'react', 'later', 'week', 'marthe', 'ludovic', 'meet', 'swimming', 'pool', 'acknowledge', 'relationship', 'special', 'must', 'remain', 'way', 'even', 'platonic', 'another', 'family', 'wedding', 'pascal', 'groom\\\\', 'father', 'fighting', 'business', 'deal', 'gone', 'wrong', 'marthe', 'ludovic', 'decide', 'leave', 'spend', 'day', 'together', 'return', 'find', 'drunken', 'pascal', 'harassing', 'guests', 'soon', 'leave', 'disastrous', 'wedding', 'bring', 'pascal', 'home', 'marthe\\\\', 'mother', 'ludovic\\\\', 'father', 'develop', 'close', 'friendship', 'plan', 'spend', 'time', 'vineyard', 'marthe', 'ludovic', 'discuss', 'relationship', 'decide', 'absurd', 'keep', 'platonic', 'something', 'spouses', 'families', 'saturday', 'marthe', 'ludovic', 'meet', 'spend', 'day', 'together', 'hotel', 'making', 'love', 'decide', 'keep', 'room', 'night', 'order', 'food', 'following', 'morning', 'extend', 'stay', 'another', 'day', 'making', 'love', 'exchanging', 'recipes', 'bathing', 'together', 'simply', 'enjoying', 'other\\\\', 'company', 'coming', 'days', 'pascal', 'reverts', 'back', 'philandering', 'ways', 'karine', 'leaves', 'ludovic', 'returns', 'marthe\\\\', 'mother', 'ludovic\\\\', 'father', 'discover', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'compatible', 'thought', 'marthe', 'ludovic\\\\', 'relationship', 'however', 'continues', 'grow', 'love', 'christmas', 'family', 'gathering', 'marthe\\\\', 'mother\\\\', 'house', 'marthe', 'ludovic', 'lock', 'bedroom', 'make', 'love', 'throughout', 'evening', 'families', 'eat', 'drink', 'watch', 'midnight', 'mass', 'exchange', 'gifts', 'couple', 'finally', 'emerge', 'bedroom', 'say', 'goodbye', 'crazy', 'families', 'ride', 'night', 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'observation', 'deck', 'meanwhile', 'annie', 'seen', 'skyscraper', 'rainbow', 'room', 'dining', 'walter', 'confesses', 'doubts', 'amicably', 'end', 'engagement', 'rushes', 'empire', 'state', 'building', 'observation', 'deck', 'closed', 'annie', 'convinces', 'guard', 'allow', 'observation', 'deck', 'arrives', 'moments', 'doors', 'elevator', 'close', 'sam', 'jonah', 'inside', 'spite', 'observation', 'deck', 'deserted', 'annie', 'convinces', 'elevator', 'operator', 'let', 'take', 'quick', 'look', 'around', 'discovers', 'backpack', 'jonah', 'left', 'behind', 'pulls', 'jonah\\\\', 'teddy', 'bear', 'backpack', 'sam', 'jonah', 'emerge', 'elevator', 'three', 'meet', 'first', 'time', 'annie', 'asks', 'jonah', 'teddy', 'bear', 'says', 'annie', 'jonah', 'asks', 'nods', 'yes', 'jonah', 'smiles', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'annie', 'says', 'stunned', 'sam', 'elevator', 'operator', 'clears', 'throat', 'sam', 'indicates', 'momentarily', 'making', 'unclear', 'intentions', 'says', 'shall', 'offers', 'hand', 'annie', 'three', 'elevator', 'together'], [\"'lucy\", 'moderatz', 'lonely', 'token', 'collector', 'chicago', 'transit', 'authority', 'secret', 'crush', 'handsome', 'commuter', 'named', 'peter', 'callaghan', 'christmas', 'day', 'rescues', 'oncoming', 'train', 'mugger', 'pushes', 'onto', 'tracks', 'falls', 'coma', 'accompanies', 'hospital', 'nurse', 'overhears', 'musing', 'aloud', 'going', 'marry', 'misinterpreting', 'nurse', 'tells', 'family', 'fianc챕e', 'first', 'caught', 'panic', 'explain', 'truth', 'winds', 'keeping', 'secret', 'number', 'reasons', 'embarrassed', 'elsie', 'heart', 'condition', 'quickly', 'comes', 'love', 'part', 'peter\\\\', 'big', 'loving', 'family', 'one', 'night', 'thinking', 'she\\\\', 'alone', 'visiting', 'peter', 'confesses', 'predicament', 'unbeknownst', 'saul', 'overhears', 'truth', 'later', 'confronts', 'tells', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'keep', 'secret', 'accident', 'brought', 'family', 'closer', 'family', 'friends', 'lucy', 'becomes', 'captivated', 'quirky', 'callaghans', 'unconditional', 'love', 'bring', 'hurt', 'revealing', 'peter', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'even', 'know', 'spends', 'belated', 'christmas', 'meets', 'younger', 'brother', 'jack', 'supposed', 'take', 'father\\\\', 'furniture', 'business', 'suspicious', 'first', 'falls', 'love', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'develop', 'close', 'friendship', 'soon', 'falls', 'love', 'well', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'peter', 'wakes', 'memory', 'lucy', 'time', 'family', 'become', 'convinced', 'engagement', 'story', 'assume', 'must', 'amnesia', 'peter', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'already', 'fallen', 'love', 'jack', 'saul', 'persuades', 'peter', 'propose', 'agrees', 'despite', 'feelings', 'jack', 'visits', 'day', 'wedding', 'gives', 'chance', 'change', 'mind', 'asking', 'give', 'reason', 'marry', 'peter', 'replies', \"can\\\\'t\", 'leaving', 'disappointed', 'day', 'wedding', 'priest', 'begins', 'ceremony', 'lucy', 'finally', 'confesses', 'everything', 'tells', 'family', 'love', 'jack', 'rather', 'peter', 'ashley', 'bartlett', 'bacon', 'peter\\\\', 'real', 'fianc챕e', 'also', 'arrives', 'stop', 'wedding', 'family', 'argues', 'lucy', 'slips', 'unnoticed', 'unsure', 'future', 'time', 'later', 'lucy', 'collects', 'tokens', 'passengers', 'train', 'station', 'jack', 'places', 'engagement', 'ring', 'token', 'tray', 'booth', 'entire', 'callaghan', 'family', 'watching', 'walks', 'toll', 'booth', 'proposes', 'last', 'scenes', 'film', 'kiss', 'end', 'wedding', 'leave', 'train', 'honeymoon', 'narrates', 'fulfilled', 'dream', 'going', 'florence', 'italy', 'explains', 'peter', 'asked', 'fell', 'love', 'jack', 'replied', 'sleeping'], [\"'the\", 'kid', 'prince', 'aspiring', 'talented', 'troubled', 'minneapolis', 'musician', 'difficult', 'home', 'life', 'meets', 'singer', 'named', 'apollonia', 'become', 'involved', 'untidy', 'romance', 'plot', 'centers', 'prince', 'trying', 'repeat', 'pattern', 'abusive', 'father', 'played', 'clarence', 'williams', 'iii', 'keep', 'band', 'revolution', 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'failed', 'qualify', 'tour', 'roy', 'tries', 'hit', 'shot', 'repeatedly', 'heart-breaking', 'result', 'one', 'last', 'ball', 'bag', 'roy', 'risks', 'humiliated', 'disqualified', 'still', 'goes', 'green', '12th', 'shot', 'ball', 'clears', 'water', 'slowly', 'rolls', 'hole', 'wild', 'celebration', 'roy', 'finally', 'realizes', 'done', 'feels', 'ashamed', 'molly', 'assures', 'five', 'years', 'nobody', 'remember', 'lost', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'gon', 'remember', 'back', 'texas', 'molly', 'tells', 'roy', 'finishing', 'top', 'open', 'automatically', 'qualifies', 'play', 'next', 'year', 'suggests', 'back', 'qualifying', 'school', 'get', 'tour', 'molly', 'picked', 'bunch', 'new', 'clients', 'tournament', 'prepares', 'career', 'helping', 'players', 'mental', 'portion', 'game', 'kiss', 'passionately', 'movie', 'ends', 'movie', 'features', 'cameos', 'pga', 'pros', 'gary', 'mccord', 'phil', 'mickelson', 'craig', 'stadler', 'johnny', 'miller', 'lee', 'janzen', 'billy', 'mayfair', 'well', 'golf', 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'name', 'carmichael', 'hide', 'southern', 'roots', 'successful', 'fashion', 'designer', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'becoming', 'engaged', 'mayor\\\\', 'son', 'andrew', 'melanie', 'announces', 'back', 'home', 'alone', 'alabama', 'tell', 'parents', 'told', 'andrew', 'still', 'married', 'jake', 'upon', 'arrival', 'alabama', 'melanie', 'demands', 'divorce', 'explanation', 'last', 'seven', 'years', 'jake', 'returned', 'divorce', 'papers', 'unsigned', 'jake', 'refuses', 'sign', 'papers', 'first', 'demanding', 'melanie', 'visit', 'parents', 'say', 'hello', 'melanie', 'retaliates', 'emptying', 'joint', 'checking', 'account', 'following', 'jake', 'local', 'bar', 'melanie', 'gets', 'drunk', 'embarrasses', 'front', 'friends', 'confessing', 'previously', 'pregnant', 'jake\\\\', 'baby', 'ended', 'miscarraige', 'also', 'reveals', 'mutual', 'friend', 'bobby', 'ray', 'gay', 'jake', 'becomes', 'angry', 'takes', 'home', 'melanie', 'wakes', 'next', 'morning', 'divorce', 'papers', 'lying', 'bed', 'finally', 'signed', 'jake', 'soon', 'melanie', 'visits', 'carmichael', 'plantation', 'tries', 'apologize', 'bobby', 'ray', 'though', 'bobby', 'ray', 'accepts', 'apology', 'explicitly', 'tells', 'melanie', 'jake', 'person', 'left', 'behind', 'expresses', 'sadness', 'friends', 'felt', 'fled', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'years', 'ago', 'melanie', 'leaving', 'plantation', 'finds', 'cornered', 'pushy', 'reporter', 'claims', 'new', 'york', 'post', 'asks', 'tour', 'beautiful', 'plantation', 'melanie', 'supposedly', 'grew', 'desperately', 'melanie', 'tries', 'sneak', 'back', 'mansion', 'bobby', 'ray', 'realizes', 'happening', 'pretends', 'melanie\\\\', 'cousin', 'saves', 'embarrassment', 'giving', 'reporter', 'tour', 'plantation', 'afternoon', 'melanie', 'realizes', 'friends', 'kind', 'caring', 'individuals', 'never', 'stopped', 'loving', 'melanie', 'learns', 'friend', 'jake', 'gone', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'try', 'find', 'still', 'love', 'night', 'melanie', 'goes', 'cemetery', 'tell', 'old', 'dog', 'good-bye', 'jake', 'shows', 'talk', 'marriage', 'work', 'hinted', 'due', 'combination', 'jake\\\\', 'irresponsibility', 'miscarriage', 'jake', 'wishes', 'melanie', 'good', 'life', 'andrew', 'melanie', 'says', 'kisses', 'however', 'jake', 'pushes', 'away', 'tells', 'home', 'andrew', 'arrives', 'town', 'looking', 'melanie', 'carmichael', 'plantation', 'supposed', 'home', 'jake', 'meets', 'takes', 'field', 'civil', 'war', 'reenactment', 'melanie', 'father', 'jake', 'tells', 'andrew', 'ex-wife', 'melanie', 'smooter', 'andrew', 'sees', 'melanie', 'battlefield', 'father', 'introduces', 'andrew', 'earl', 'smooter', 'realizing', 'jake\\\\', 'ex-wife', 'woman', 'proposed', 'andrew', 'rebuffs', 'melanie', 'leaves', 'melanie', 'returns', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'father', 'walks', 'andrew', 'andrew', 'tells', 'care', 'past', 'still', 'wants', 'marry', 'decide', 'wedding', 'alabama', 'andrew\\\\', 'mother', 'comes', 'new', 'york', 'melanie\\\\', 'friends', 'new', 'york', 'arrive', 'discover', 'jake', 'become', 'successful', 'glassblower', 'company', 'melanie', 'surprised', 'see', 'jake', 'made', 'suddenly', 'clear', 'win', 'back', 'wedding', 'day', 'walking', 'aisle', 'lawyer', 'interrupts', 'ceremony', 'explains', 'divorce', 'still', 'final', 'melanie', 'forgot', 'sign', 'divorce', 'papers', 'melanie', 'explains', 'andrew', 'marry', 'still', 'loves', 'jake', 'hopes', 'andrew', 'find', 'good', 'woman', 'andrew', 'graciously', 'accepts', 'wishes', 'well', 'jake', 'however', 'andrew\\\\', 'mother', 'explodes', 'attacking', 'andrew', 'sullying', 'image', 'promising', 'political', 'career', 'verbally', 'attacking', 'melanie', 'town', 'insults', 'melanie\\\\', 'mother', 'melanie', 'punches', 'melanie', 'finds', 'jake', 'beach', 'film\\\\', 'opening', 'melanie', 'tells', 'two', 'still', 'married', 'wants', 'jake', 'melanie', 'kiss', 'town', 'sheriff', 'wade', 'interrupts', 'explaining', 'melanie', 'wanted', 'ran', 'perfectly', 'good', 'cake', 'wade', 'takes', 'pair', 'back', 'bar', 'owned', 'jake\\\\', 'mother', 'friends', 'family', 'waiting', 'throughout', 'end', 'credits', 'post-credits', 'scene', 'shown', 'melanie', 'got', 'pregnant', 'time', 'successfully', 'carried', 'baby', 'term', 'couple', 'living', 'happily', 'daughter'], ['balu', 'short', 'balakrishna', 'economically', 'disadvantaged', 'multi-talented', 'dancer', 'adept', 'indian', 'classical', 'dances', 'kuchipudi', 'bharatanatyam', 'kathak', 'etc', 'simple', 'honest', 'soul', 'permit', 'attain', 'professional', 'success', 'commercial', 'world', 'requires', 'certain', 'level', 'moral', 'laxness', 'madhavi', 'wealthy', 'young', 'woman', 'dance', 'patron', 'notices', 'talent', 'acts', 'benefactress', 'helping', 'secure', 'lifelong', 'opportunity', 'participating', 'high-level', 'classical', 'dance', 'festival', 'balu', 'aging', 'mother', 'passes', 'away', 'afflictions', 'poverty', 'two', 'days', 'performance', 'balu', 'attached', 'emotionally', 'devastated', 'result', 'fails', 'participate', 'dance', 'festival', 'madhavi', 'nevertheless', 'gives', 'support', 'encouragement', 'sets', 'mend', 'balu', 'gradually', 'develops', 'fondness', 'madhavi', 'relationship', 'grows', 'hides', 'love', 'eventually', 'picks', 'courage', 'express', 'balu', 'discovers', 'madhavi', 'shares', 'feelings', 'married', 'woman', 'separated', 'husband', 'husband', 'later', 'returns', 'unite', 'madhavi', 'balu', 'balu', 'decides', 'sacrifice', 'love', 'showing', 'respect', 'institution', 'marriage', 'years', 'pass', 'balu', 'disappointed', 'man', 'become', 'inconsolable', 'alcoholic', 'newspaper', 'journalist/art', 'critic', 'meanwhile', 'madhavi', 'husband', 'dies', 'hears', 'balu', 'condition', 'bid', 'revive', 'live', 'passion', 'art', 'tends', 'medical', 'needs', 'friend', 'raghu', 'solicits', 'balu', 'dance', 'master', 'daughter', 'sailaja', 'film', 'ends', 'madhavi', 'daughter', 'stage', 'performance', 'balu', 'watching', 'wheelchair', 'health', 'completely', 'deteriorated', 'watching', 'performance', 'passes', 'away', 'raghu', 'madhavi', 'seen', 'taking', 'away', 'quietly', 'without', 'interrupting', 'performance', 'back', 'hospital'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'mr.', 'mcfarland', 'driving', 'erratically', 'residential', 'street', 'way', 'drop', 'son', 'john', 'john', 'robinson', 'john', 'notices', 'damage', 'car', 'realizes', 'father', 'drunk', 'john', 'instructs', 'move', 'passenger', 'seat', 'let', 'drive', 'camera', 'follows', 'students', 'walk', 'hallways', 'talk', 'friends', 'class', 'many', 'characters', 'shown', 'long', 'tracking', 'shots', 'turn', 'away', 'alex', 'eric', 'shown', 'bullied', 'school', 'so-called', 'jocks', 'one', 'diverts', 'teacher', 'throws', 'spitball', 'alex', 'science', 'class', 'later', 'alex', 'eric', 'shown', 'home', 'ordering', 'weapons', 'website', 'receiving', 'rifle', 'mail', 'alex', 'taking', 'shower', 'eric', 'gets', 'claims', 'never', 'kissed', 'anyone', 'two', 'kiss', 'two', 'later', 'shown', 'formulating', 'attack', 'plan', 'next', 'day', 'alex', 'eric', 'prepare', 'shooting', 'make', 'way', 'school', 'silence', 'alex\\\\', 'car', 'arriving', 'school', 'alex', 'eric', 'encounter', 'john', 'outside', 'tell', 'leave', 'heavy', 'shit\\\\', 'realizing', 'happen', 'john', 'attempts', 'warn', 'others', 'enter', 'school', 'little', 'effect', 'two', 'gunmen', 'enter', 'school', 'plans', 'blow', 'parts', 'school', 'propane', 'bombs', 'fail', 'begin', 'shooting', 'indiscriminately', 'elias', 'photographs', 'entering', 'library', 'open', 'fire', 'shooting', 'several', 'students', 'including', 'michelle', 'presumably', 'elias', 'realizing', 'gunfire', 'real', 'students', 'begin', 'panic', 'teachers', 'attempt', 'quickly', 'evacuate', 'everyone', 'two', 'boys', 'separate', 'continuing', 'killing', 'spree', 'alex', 'enters', 'bathroom', 'brittany', 'jordan', 'nicole', 'presumably', 'shooting', 'three', 'mr.', 'luce', 'cornered', 'eric', 'hallway', 'begs', 'eric', 'lower', 'weapon', 'talk', 'eric', 'yells', \"ain\\\\'t\", 'putting', 'shit', 'fires', 'speak', 'mr.', 'luce', 'however', 'turns', 'around', 'suddenly', 'see', 'benny', 'approaching', 'eric', 'shoots', 'presumably', 'kills', 'benny', 'eric', 'turns', 'back', 'luce', 'warns', 'bully', 'kids', 'like', 'alex', 'agrees', 'let', 'man', 'gun', 'seconds', 'later', 'alex', 'enters', 'cafeteria', 'sits', 'eric', 'meets', 'brief', 'conversation', 'ends', 'alex', 'shoots', 'eric', 'mid-sentence', 'alex', 'leaves', 'cafeteria', 'showing', 'emotion', 'shooting', 'eric', 'discovers', 'carrie', 'nathan', 'freezer', 'tauntingly', 'recites', 'eeny', 'meeny', 'miny', 'moe', 'decide', 'kill', 'first', 'film', 'ends', 'without', 'resolution', 'last', 'shot', 'similar', 'first', 'cloudy', 'blue', 'sky'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', '1783', 'chevalier', 'milletail', 'visiting', 'elderly', 'monsieur', 'blayac', 'confined', 'chair', 'taunts', 'past', 'prowess', 'wit', 'reminds', 'humiliated', 'naming', 'marquis', 'clatterbang', 'fell', 'dancing', 'urinates', 'helpless', 'old', 'man', 'film', 'shifts', 'dombes', 'boggy', 'region', 'north', 'lyon', 'baron', 'gr챕goire', 'ponceludon', 'malavoy', 'minor', 'aristocrat', 'engineer', 'one', 'aristocrats', 'care', 'plight', 'peasants', 'horrified', 'sickness', 'death', 'caused', 'mosquitoes', 'infest', 'swamps', 'hopes', 'drain', 'goes', 'versailles', 'hope', 'obtaining', 'backing', 'king', 'louis', 'xvi', 'reaching', 'versailles', 'ponceludon', 'robbed', 'beaten', 'found', 'marquis', 'bellegarde', 'minor', 'noble', 'physician', 'ponceludon', 'recuperates', 'marquis\\\\', 'house', 'bellegarde', 'takes', 'wing', 'teaching', 'wit', 'primary', 'way', 'make', 'one\\\\', 'way', 'court', 'first', 'ponceludon\\\\', 'provincial', 'background', 'makes', 'target', 'parties', 'gatherings', 'even', 'though', 'proves', 'formidable', 'adversary', 'verbal', 'sparring', 'one', 'party', 'catches', \"l\\\\'abb챕\", 'vilecourt', 'cheating', 'game', 'wits', 'help', 'lover', 'madame', 'blayac', 'beautiful', 'rich', 'recent', 'widow', 'monsieur', 'blayac', 'ponceludon\\\\', 'sponsor', 'court', 'blayac', 'repays', 'generosity', 'exposing', 'arranging', 'certification', 'lineage', '봳hereby', 'allowing', 'suit', 'proceed', 'despite', 'success', 'ponceludon', 'begins', 'see', 'court', 'versailles', 'corrupt', 'hollow', 'exception', 'mathilde', 'bellegarde', 'doctor\\\\', 'daughter', 'agreed', 'marry', 'monsieur', 'montali챕ri', 'rich', 'old', 'aristocrat', 'whose', 'wife', 'dying', 'motivation', 'twofold', 'support', 'science', 'experiments', 'help', 'pay', 'father\\\\', 'debts', 'ponceludon', 'begins', 'help', 'experiments', 'montali챕ri', 'observes', 'growing', 'attraction', 'later', 'montali챕ri', 'tells', 'ponceludon', 'wait', 'likely', 'live', 'long', 'mathilde', 'would', 'rich', 'widow', 'even', 'mathilde', 'admits', 'dreads', 'upcoming', 'marriage', 'ponceludon', 'want', 'end', 'wife', 'poor', 'man', 'one', 'day', 'deaf-mute', 'named', 'paul', 'runs', 'woods', 'wearing', 'mathilde', 'diving', 'suit', 'frightens', 'madame', 'blayac', 'blayac', 'makes', 'bellegarde', 'send', 'away', 'bellegarde', 'sends', 'boy', 'abb챕', \"l\\\\'횋p챕e\", 'pioneering', 'educator', 'deaf', 'mathilde', 'visits', 'madame', 'blayac', 'unsuccessfully', 'pleads', 'paul', 'madame', 'blayac', 'senses', 'rival', 'ponceludon', 'meanwhile', 'vilecourt', 'concerned', 'ponceludon', 'becoming', 'successful', 'madame', 'blayac', 'promises', 'bring', 'madame', 'blayac', 'traps', 'ponceludon', 'dinner', 'party', 'one', 'many', 'guest', 'invited', 'contest', 'wit', 'used', 'settle', 'must', 'make', 'humiliating', 'departure', 'distracted', 'blayac', 'ponceludon', 'loses', 'convinced', 'disgrace', 'force', 'leave', 'court', 'however', 'reminded', 'set', 'first', 'place', 'village', 'child', 'dies', 'drinking', 'contaminated', 'water', 'time', 'mathilde', 'appears', 'court', 'breaking', 'terms', 'engagement', 'contract', 'vilecourt', 'finally', 'obtains', 'audience', 'king', 'blunders', 'accidentally', 'blaspheming', 'god', 'attempt', 'witty', 'blayac', 'turns', 'attention', 'back', 'ponceludon', 'convincing', 'return', 'versailles', 'sleeps', 'exchange', 'assistance', 'arranges', 'meeting', 'king', 'maliciously', 'bellegarde', 'attend', 'capacity', 'physician', 'ponceludon', 'still', 'ensuring', 'mathilde', 'learns', 'relationship', 'presentation', 'court', 'abb챕', \"l\\\\'횋p챕e\\\\\", 'work', 'deaf', 'people', 'development', 'sign', 'language', 'nobles', 'ridicule', 'deaf', 'mercilessly', 'however', 'nobles', 'change', 'minds', 'deaf', 'demonstrate', 'form', 'wit', 'sign', 'language', 'puns', 'response', 'bellegarde', 'stands', 'asks', 'sign', 'bravo', 'leading', 'ponceludon', 'rise', 'clap', 'show', 'support', 'mathilde', 'touched', 'soon', 'make', 'ponceludon', 'joins', 'king\\\\', 'entourage', 'showing', 'engineering', 'prowess', 'proposing', 'improvement', 'cannon', 'secures', 'private', 'meeting', 'king', 'discuss', 'project', 'embarrassed', 'cannoneer', 'insults', 'ponceludon', 'forcing', 'demanding', 'duel', 'madame', 'blayac', 'almost', 'persuades', 'avoid', 'duel', 'eventually', 'decides', 'proceed', 'supervision', 'bellegarde', 'kills', 'cannoneer', 'later', 'informed', 'king', 'meet', 'someone', 'killed', 'one', 'officers', 'right', 'death', 'although', 'assured', 'right', 'uphold', 'honor', 'madame', 'blayac', 'furious', 'learns', 'ponceludon', 'left', 'mathilde', 'plots', 'revenge', 'ponceludon', 'invited', 'costume', 'ball', 'wits', 'upon', 'arriving', 'ball', 'mathilde', 'maneuvered', 'dancing', 'blayac', 'tripped', 'spectacular', 'fall', 'earns', 'derisive', 'nickname', 'marquis', 'des', 'antipodes', 'milletail', 'ponceludon', 'tears', 'mask', 'condemns', 'decadence', 'tells', 'class', 'voltaire', 'wit', 'none', 'voltaire\\\\', 'compassion', 'vows', 'drain', 'swamp', 'leaves', 'court', 'mathilde', 'madame', 'blayac', 'removes', 'mask', 'stands', 'silently', 'crying', 'movie', 'closes', 'dover', 'england', '1794', 'bellegarde', 'fled', 'french', 'revolution', 'gets', 'taste', 'english', '쐆umour', 'nobles', 'discussed', 'earlier', 'film', 'on-screen', 'text', 'states', 'gr챕goire', 'mathilde', 'ponceludon', 'successfully', 'drained', 'dombes', 'live', 'revolutionary', 'france'], ['lee', 'holloway', 'socially', 'awkward', 'emotionally', 'sensitive', 'youngest', 'daughter', 'dysfunctional', 'family', 'adjusts', 'normal', 'life', 'hospitalized', 'following', 'incident', 'dangerous', 'self-harm', 'learns', 'type', 'starts', 'date', 'acquaintance', 'high', 'school', 'named', 'peter', 'begins', 'work', 'secretary', 'eccentric', 'attorney', 'edward', 'grey', 'hires', 'despite', 'stilted', 'social', 'skills', 'unprofessional', 'appearance', 'though', 'first', 'grey', 'appears', 'highly', 'irritated', 'lee', 'typos', 'innocuous', 'mistakes', 'soon', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'sexually', 'aroused', 'submissive', 'behavior', 'confronts', 'propensity', 'self-injury', 'commands', 'never', 'hurt', 'two', 'embark', 'bdsm', 'relationship', 'lee', 'experiences', 'sexual', 'personal', 'awakening', 'falls', 'deeply', 'love', 'edward', 'however', 'displays', 'insecurity', 'concerning', 'feelings', 'lee', 'shows', 'shame', 'disgust', 'sexual', 'habits', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'office', 'fires', 'lee', 'period', 'exploration', 'edward', 'lee', 'also', 'attempting', 'normal', 'boyfriend', 'peter', 'even', 'engaging', 'lukewarm', 'sex', 'lee', 'fired', 'job', 'peter', 'proposes', 'lee', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'marry', 'however', 'trying', 'wedding', 'gown', 'leaves', 'runs', 'edward', 'office', 'declares', 'love', 'edward', 'still', 'uncertain', 'relationship', 'tests', 'lee', 'commanding', 'sit', 'chair', 'without', 'moving', 'hands', 'feet', 'returns', 'lee', 'eagerly', 'complies', 'days', 'pass', 'peter', 'family', 'members', 'acquaintances', 'individually', 'visit', 'lee', 'alternately', 'attempt', 'dissuade', 'encourage', 'three', 'days', 'edward', 'returns', 'office', 'takes', 'lee', 'apartment', 'bathes', 'nurtures', 'pair', 'marry', 'happily', 'continue', 'dominant-submissive', 'relationship'], [\"'the\", 'day', 'prior', 'events', 'clerks', 'april', '1993', 'college', 'student', 't.s', 'quint', 'preparing', 'trip', 'universal', 'studios', 'florida', 'brandi', 'svenning', 'plans', 'propose', 'however', 'brandi', 'tells', 'volunteered', 'fill', 'contestant', 'truth', 'date', 'father\\\\', 'dating', 'game', 'show', 'argue', 'eventually', 'break', 't.s', 'turns', 'best', 'friend', 'brodie', 'bruce', 'also', 'broken', 'girlfriend', 'rene', 'mosier', 'argument', 'brodie', 'suggests', 'two', 'might', 'find', 'solace', 'local', 'mall', 'brodie', 't.s', 'discover', 'truth', 'date', 'filmed', 'mall', 'ask', 'local', 'drug', 'dealers', 'jay', 'silent', 'bob', 'destroy', 'show\\\\', 'stage', 'task', 'devise', 'elaborate', 'ultimately', 'unsuccessful', 'plans', 'actions', 'result', 'two', 'pursued', 'mall', 'security', 'guard', 'lafours', 'able', 'escape', 'brodie', 'finds', 'rene', 'began', 'relationship', 'nemesis', 'shannon', 'hamilton', 'clothing', 'store', 'manager', 'hates', 'brodie', 'lack', 'shopping', 'agenda', 'brodie', 'confronts', 'rene', 'find', 'relationship', 'shannon', 'two', 'sex', 'elevator', 'rene', 'seems', 'respect', 'brodie', 'latter', 'later', 'confronted', 'assaulted', 'shannon', 'admits', 'intending', 'seduce', 'rene', 'sex', 'uncomfortable', 'place', 'running', 'joke', 'interpreted', 'back', 'volkswagen', 'result', 'incident', 'jay', 'silent', 'bob', 'assault', 'mall\\\\', 'easter', 'bunny', 'wrongful', 'assumption', 'attacked', 'brodie', 'brandi\\\\', 'father', 'jared', 'aware', 'brodie', 't.s\\\\', 'presence', 'mall', 'two', 'arrested', 'lafours', 'tries', 'plant', 'drugs', 'jay', 'silent', 'bob', 'able', 'rescue', 'brodie', 't.s', 'able', 'evade', 'lafours', 'meanwhile', 'brodie', 't.s', 'seek', 'refuge', 'local', 'flea', 'market', 'meet', 'local', 'fortune', 'teller', 'ivannah', 't.s', 'decides', 'win', 'back', 'brandi', 'two', 'return', 'mall', 'show', 'begins', 'brodie', 'receives', 'advice', 'romance', 'stan', 'lee', 'visiting', 'mall', 'brodie', 'requests', 'friend', 'tricia', 'jones', 'retrieve', 'footage', 'sexual', 'intercourse', 'shannon', 'tricia', 'project', 'sex', 'number', 'male', 'adults', 'despite', 'fifteen', 'years', 'old', 'book', 'sex', 'drive', 'men', 'meanwhile', 't.s', 'also', 'persuades', 'jay', 'get', 'two', 'game', 'show', 'contestants', 'high', 'allow', 'brodie', 'replace', 'truth', 'date', 'initial', 'plan', 'three', 'contestants', 'third', 'one', 'gil', 'hicks', 'showed', 'late', 'brodie', 't.s', 'must', 'show', 'brandi', 'recognizes', 'voices', 'brodie', 't.s.', 'argument', 'ensues', 'three', 'aired', 'well', 'front', 'crowd', 'brodie', 'tells', 'brandi', 't.s', 'spent', 'day', 'trying', 'win', 'back', 't.s', 'proposes', 'brandi', 'accepts', 'police', 'arrive', 'arrest', 't.s', 'brodie', 'show', 'silent', 'bob', 'plays', 'sex', 'tape', 'shannon', 'tricia', 'results', 'former', 'arrested', 'brodie', 'rene', 'renew', 'relationship', 'result', 'conclusion', 'reveals', 't.s', 'marries', 'brandi', 'show\\\\', 'producers', 'impressed', 'brodie\\\\', 'stage', 'banter', 'offer', 'talk', 'show', 'rene', 'bandleader'], [\"'in\", '1931', 'berlin', 'american', 'artist', 'sally', 'bowles', 'performs', 'kit', 'kat', 'klub', 'new', 'arrival', 'city', 'brian', 'roberts', 'michael', 'york', 'moves', 'sally\\\\', 'boarding', 'house', 'reserved', 'english', 'academic', 'writer', 'brian', 'gives', 'english', 'lessons', 'earn', 'living', 'completing', 'doctorate', 'philosophy', 'sally', 'unsuccessfully', 'tries', 'seduce', 'brian', 'suspects', 'may', 'gay', 'brian', 'tells', 'sally', 'three', 'previous', 'occasions', 'tried', 'physical', 'relationships', 'women', 'failed', 'unlikely', 'pair', 'become', 'friends', 'brian', 'witness', 'sally\\\\', 'anarchic', 'bohemian', 'life', 'last', 'days', 'german', 'weimar', 'republic', 'later', 'film', 'sally', 'brian', 'become', 'lovers', 'despite', 'earlier', 'reservations', 'brian', 'sally', 'conclude', 'irony', 'previous', 'failures', 'women', 'wrong', 'three', 'girls', 'sally', 'befriends', 'maximilian', 'von', 'heune', 'rich', 'playboy', 'baron', 'takes', 'brian', 'country', 'estate', 'becomes', 'ambiguous', 'duo', 'max', 'seducing', 'epitomized', 'scene', 'three', 'dance', 'intimately', 'together', 'wine-induced', 'reverie', 'sexual', 'experience', 'brian', 'max', 'loses', 'interest', 'two', 'departs', 'argentina', 'sally', 'triumphantly', 'tells', 'brian', 'slept', 'max', 'brian', 'begins', 'laugh', 'reveals', 'slept', 'max', 'well', 'ensuing', 'argument', 'brian', 'storms', 'picks', 'fight', 'group', 'nazis', 'beat', 'senseless', 'brian', 'sally', 'make', 'rooming', 'house', 'sally', 'reveals', 'max', 'left', 'envelope', 'money', 'later', 'sally', 'finds', 'she\\\\', 'pregnant', 'unsure', 'whether', 'brian', 'max', 'father', 'brian', 'offers', 'marry', 'take', 'back', 'university', 'life', 'cambridge', 'scene', 'strongly', 'hints', 'sally', 'prefers', 'life', 'singer', 'life', 'mother', 'housewife', 'proceeds', 'abortion', 'brian', 'confronts', 'shares', 'fears', 'two', 'reach', 'understanding', 'film', 'ends', 'brian', 'departing', 'england', 'train', 'sally', 'continuing', 'life', 'berlin', 'singing', 'cabaret', 'highly', 'appreciative', 'audience', 'original', 'research', 'subplot', 'concerns', 'fritz', 'wendel', 'german', 'jew', 'passing', 'christian', 'fritz', 'eventually', 'reveals', 'true', 'religious', 'background', 'falls', 'natalia', 'landauer', 'wealthy', 'german', 'jewish', 'heiress', 'although', 'marry', 'audience', 'left', 'wondering', 'fate', 'nazis\\\\', 'violent', 'rise', 'powerful', 'ever-present', 'undercurrent', 'film', 'though', 'explicit', 'evidence', 'actions', 'sporadically', 'presented', 'progress', 'tracked', 'characters\\\\', 'changing', 'actions', 'attitudes', 'beginning', 'film', 'national', 'socialist', 'members', 'sometimes', 'harassed', 'even', 'kicked', 'kit', 'kat', 'klub', 'scene', 'midway', 'film', 'shows', 'everyday', 'germans', 'rising', 'song', 'rally', 'around', 'national', 'socialism', 'final', 'shot', 'film', 'shows', 'cabaret\\\\', 'audience', 'dominated', 'nazi', 'party', 'members', 'play', 'role', 'main', 'plot', 'subplot', 'emcee', 'serves', 'role', 'storyteller', 'throughout', 'film', 'acting', 'sort', 'voyeur', 'circus', 'atmosphere', 'surface', 'demeanor', 'one', 'benevolence', 'hospitality', 'floor', 'show', 'gets', 'underway', 'exposes', 'audience', 'seedy', 'world', 'cabaret', 'intermittent', 'songs', 'kit', 'kat', 'klub', 'risque', 'pointedly', 'mock', 'nazis', 'scene', 'sally', 'experiences', 'delirium', 'emcee', 'seen', 'holding', 'breasts', 'significance', 'never', 'explained', 'clear', 'memory', 'fantasy', 'rise', 'national', 'socialist', 'movement', 'increasing', 'influence', 'german', 'society', 'dramatically', 'demonstrated', 'beer', 'garden', 'scene', 'boy', 'face', 'seen', 'sings', 'seated', 'guests', 'first', 'seems', 'innocent', 'lyrical', 'song', 'beauties', 'nature', 'gradually', 'becomes', 'strident', 'tomorrow', 'belongs', 'camera', 'shifts', 'show', 'boy', 'wearing', 'brown', 'hitler', 'youth', 'uniform', 'lifts', 'hand', 'nazi', 'salute', 'one', 'one', 'nearly', 'guests', 'beer', 'garden', 'get', 'voluntarily', 'join', 'singing', 'saluting', 'oldest', 'gentleman', 'among', 'however', 'obviously', 'feels', 'differently', 'share', 'common', 'exaltation', 'obviously', 'grown', 'wise', 'enough', 'join', 'chorus', 'turns', 'away', 'uneasily', 'max', 'brian', 'flee', 'beer', 'garden', 'show', 'grass', 'roots', 'solidarity', 'realising', 'nazis', 'difficult', 'control', 'earlier', 'film', 'nsdap', 'enjoyed', 'relative', 'favor', 'main', 'characters', 'due', 'strong', 'opposition', 'communism', 'natural', 'risk', 'trio\\\\', 'increasingly', 'lavish', 'lifestyle', 'although', 'songs', 'throughout', 'film', 'allude', 'advance', 'narrative', 'every', 'song', 'except', 'tomorrow', 'belongs', 'executed', 'context', 'kit', 'kat', 'klub', 'performance', 'voice', 'heard', 'radio', 'reading', 'news', 'throughout', 'film', 'german', 'associate', 'producer', 'harold', 'nebenzal', 'whose', 'father', 'seymour', 'nebenzahl', 'made', 'notable', 'weimar', 'films', 'testament', 'dr.', 'mabuse', 'threepenny', 'opera'], ['forty-something', 'schoolmistress', 'kate', 'two', 'best', 'friends', 'police', 'superintendent', 'janine', 'doctor', 'molly', 'live', 'rural', 'britain', 'share', 'single', 'lives', 'dating', 'exploits', 'weekly', 'chats', 'kate', 'recovered', 'ovarian', 'cyst', 'disease', 'fears', 'relapse', \"n't\", 'dating', 'much', 'chance', 'meets', 'jed', 'former', 'student', 'handsome', 'twenty-something', 'church', 'organist', 'surprise', 'ends', 'sleeping', 'two', 'embark', 'unlikely', 'relationship', 'looked', 'suspicion', 'janine', 'molly', 'janine', 'comes', 'believe', 'kate', 'jed', 'feelings', 'molly', 'still', 'dubious', 'showing', 'jed', 'criminal', 'record', 'medical', 'history', 'kate', 'bringing', 'adult', 'dates', 'dinner', 'parties', 'taking', 'janine', 'paris', 'jed', 'conversely', 'brings', 'kate', 'jed', 'closer', 'together', 'plan', 'wedding', 'molly', 'eventually', 'attempts', 'prove', 'jed', 'faithlessness', 'seducing', 'fails', 'angers', 'kate', 'extreme', 'argument', 'kate', 'kept', 'engagement', 'quiet', 'jed', 'thrown', 'kate', 'house', 'struck', 'killed', 'passing', 'truck', 'unexpected', 'tragedy', 'breaks', 'three', 'women', 'kate', 'inconsolable', 'janine', 'blames', 'molly', 'kate', 'reluctantly', 'embarks', 'mild', 'romance', 'local', 'vicar', 'always', 'love', 'finally', 'agrees', 'marry', 'becomes', 'ill', 'altar', 'molly', 'janine', 'take', 'away', 'discover', 'pregnant', 'jed', 'child', 'decides', 'baby', 'raise', 'vicar', 'meets', 'woman', 'actually', 'excited', 'also', 'janine', 'starts', 'going', 'bill', 'molly', 'falls', 'pediatrician', 'named', 'eleanor', 'three', 'friends', 'reconcile', 'continue', 'share', 'lives', 'experiences'], ['chaplin', 'portrays', 'womanizing', 'city', 'man', 'meets', 'tillie', 'country', 'fight', 'girlfriend', 'sees', 'tillie\\\\', 'father', 'large', 'bankroll', 'workers', 'persuades', 'elope', 'city', 'meets', 'woman', 'seeing', 'already', 'tries', 'work', 'around', 'complication', 'steal', 'tillie\\\\', 'money', 'gets', 'tillie', 'drunk', 'restaurant', 'asks', 'let', 'hold', 'pocketbook', 'since', 'drunk', 'agrees', 'escapes', 'old', 'girlfriend', 'money', 'later', 'day', 'see', 'picture', 'show', 'entitled', 'thief\\\\', 'fate', 'illustrates', 'thievery', 'form', 'morality', 'play', 'feel', 'guilty', 'leave', 'theatre', 'sitting', 'park', 'bench', 'paperboy', 'asks', 'buy', 'newspaper', 'reads', 'story', 'tillie\\\\', 'uncle', 'banks', 'millionaire', 'died', 'mountain-climbing', 'expedition', 'tillie', 'named', 'sole', 'heir', 'inherits', 'three', 'million', 'dollars', 'man', 'leaves', 'girlfriend', 'park', 'bench', 'runs', 'restaurant', 'tillie', 'forced', 'work', 'support', 'embarrassed', 'home', 'begs', 'take', 'back', 'marries', 'although', 'skeptical', 'first', 'believes', 'truly', 'loves', 'move', 'uncle\\\\', 'mansion', 'throw', 'big', 'party', 'ends', 'horribly', 'tillie', 'finds', 'husband', 'old', 'girlfriend', 'smuggled', 'house', 'working', 'one', 'maids', 'uncle', 'found', 'mountaintop', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'die', 'goes', 'back', 'mansion', 'disarray', 'tillie', 'instigated', 'gunfight', 'luckily', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'harm', 'anyone', 'uncle', 'banks', 'insists', 'tillie', 'arrested', 'damage', 'caused', 'house', 'three', 'run', 'cops', 'way', 'dock', 'car', 'bumps', 'tillie', 'water', 'flails', 'hoping', 'rescued', 'eventually', 'pulled', 'safety', 'tillie', 'man\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'realize', 'good', 'leaves', 'two', 'girls', 'become', 'friends'], [\"'val\", 'goldman', 'barbara', 'keeley', 'engaged', 'married', 'wish', 'families', 'meet', 'val\\\\', 'father', 'armand', 'owns', 'birdcage', 'south', 'beach', 'drag', 'club', 'domestic', 'partner', 'albert', 'appears', 'regularly', 'starina', 'show\\\\', 'star', 'drag', 'queen', 'barbara\\\\', 'father', 'ultraconservative', 'republican', 'ohio', 'senator', 'kevin', 'keeley', 'seeking', 're-election', 'co-founder', 'coalition', 'moral', 'order', 'fearing', 'reaction', 'learn', 'truth', 'val\\\\', 'parents', 'barbara', 'tells', 'parents', 'armand', 'cultural', 'attach챕', 'greece', 'albert', 'housewife', 'divide', 'time', 'greece', 'florida', 'also', 'changes', 'family\\\\', 'last', 'name', 'goldman', 'coleman', 'hide', 'jewish', 'background', 'kevin', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'senator', 'jackson', 'kevin\\\\', 'colleague', 'co-founder', 'coalition', 'moral', 'order', 'found', 'dead', 'bed', 'underage', 'african-american', 'prostitute', 'event', 'receives', 'large', 'amount', 'coverage', 'media', 'louise', 'keeley', 'proposes', 'visit', 'meet', 'new', 'in-laws', 'diversion', 'save', 'kevin\\\\', 'political', 'career', 'barbara\\\\', 'marriage', 'white', 'traditional', 'wholesome', 'all-american', 'family', 'give', 'senator', 'excellent', 'material', 'barbara', 'phones', 'val', 'south', 'beach', 'lies', 'told', 'parents', 'val', 'convinces', 'armand', 'along', 'farce', 'armand', 'house', 'redecorated', 'austere', 'manner', 'begins', 'remaking', 'unassuming', 'conventional', 'heterosexual', 'american', 'male', 'contacts', 'val\\\\', 'biological', 'mother', 'katherine', 'archer', 'agrees', 'join', 'charade', 'planning', 'despite', 'changes', 'house', 'katherine\\\\', 'help', 'armand', 'realizes', 'albert\\\\', 'outlandish', 'effeminate', 'mannerisms', 'reveal', 'true', 'nature', 'goldman', 'household', 'armand', 'asks', 'albert', 'present', 'dinner', 'party', 'evening', 'albert', 'offended', 'threatens', 'leave', 'armand', 'compromise', 'reached', 'albert', 'act', 'val\\\\', 'uncle', 'soon', 'falls', 'apart', 'albert', 'effectively', 'pretend', 'heterosexual', 'another', 'argument', 'ensues', 'albert', 'locks', 'bedroom', 'evening', 'draws', 'nearer', 'agador', 'goldman\\\\', 'flamboyant', 'gay', 'housekeeper', 'made', 'butler', 'chef', 'evening', 'despite', 'fact', 'cook', 'never', 'wears', 'shoes', 'keeleys', 'arrive', 'armand\\\\', 'residence', 'katherine', 'play', 'val\\\\', 'mother', 'stuck', 'traffic', 'kevin', 'louise', 'worried', 'armand\\\\', 'nervousness', 'heard', 'jackson', 'scandal', 'uncomfortable', 'keeleys', 'house', 'suddenly', 'albert', 'emerges', 'dressed', 'middle-aged', 'mother', 'armand', 'val', 'horrified', 'fearing', 'katherine\\\\', 'arrival', 'destroy', 'illusion', 'agador', 'prepared', 'nothing', 'dinner', 'bizarre', 'soup', 'containing', 'shrimp', 'hard-boiled', 'eggs', 'despite', 'many', 'challenges', 'facing', 'armand', 'val', 'barbara', 'act', 'part', 'interact', 'albert', 'mrs.', 'coleman', 'dinner', 'louise', 'notices', 'soup', 'bowls', 'depict', 'men', 'homoerotic', 'poses', 'classical', 'greek', 'style', 'armand', 'insists', 'mistaken', 'promptly', 'fills', 'everyone\\\\', 'bowl', 'soup', 'keeleys', 'take', 'closer', 'look', 'primary', 'topic', 'conversation', 'politics', 'despite', 'many', 'potential', 'pitfalls', 'albert', 'wins', 'senator', 'right-wing', 'tirade', 'moral', 'collapse', 'american', 'society', 'louise', 'still', 'suspicious', 'dinner', 'terrible', 'armand', 'kept', 'leaving', 'table', 'kevin', 'defends', 'albert', 'true', 'lady', 'remarks', 'armand', 'pretentious', 'european', 'val', 'leaves', 'note', 'katherine', 'front', 'door', 'informing', 'come', 'inside', 'two', 'paparazzi', 'photographers', 'hoping', 'scoop', 'remove', 'note', 'katherine', 'arrives', 'introduces', 'mrs.', 'goldman', 'kevin', 'demands', 'know', 'two', 'mrs.', 'colemans', 'val', 'realizes', 'keep', 'lying', 'pulls', 'albert\\\\', 'wig', 'explaining', 'keeleys', 'katherine', 'biological', 'mother', 'albert', 'primary', 'mother', 'figure', 'kevin', 'louise', 'taken', 'aback', 'upon', 'learning', 'albert', 'armand', 'gay', 'jewish', 'nightclub', 'owners', 'louise', 'breaks', 'kevin', 'announces', 'leaving', 'demands', 'barbara', 'come', 'keeleys', 'followed', 'paparazzi', 'trapped', 'news', 'crews', 'arrive', 'goldmans', 'keeleys', 'katherine', 'agador', 'consider', 'best', 'plan', 'action', 'val', 'barbara', 'explain', 'deceived', 'kevin', 'louise', 'forgiven', 'keeleys', 'fear', 'tangled', 'scandal', 'spotted', 'gay', 'nightclub', 'albert', 'choreographs', 'keeleys\\\\', 'escape', 'dressing', 'drag', 'leave', 'club', 'night\\\\', 'show', 'ends', 'plan', 'works', 'none', 'media', 'crews', 'recognize', 'kevin', 'louise', 'barbara', 'group', 'leaves', 'south', 'beach', 'katherine', 'val', 'barbara', 'married', 'interfaith', 'ceremony', 'attended', 'families'], [\"'phil\", 'potter', 'splits', 'wife', 'jessica', 'wants', 'begin', 'singing', 'songwriting', 'career', 'also', 'affair', 'phil', 'moves', 'new', 'york', 'boston', 'brother', 'mickey', 'sister-in-law', 'marva', 'live', 'wishes', 'set', 'phil', 'blind', 'date', 'marilyn', 'holmberg', 'nursery-school', 'teacher', 'working', 'master\\\\', 'degree', 'begins', 'new', 'life', 'phil', 'takes', 'part-time', 'teaching', 'job', 'attends', 'divorced-men', 'workshop', 'church', 'basement', 'meeting', 'lonely', 'men', 'like', 'paul', 'larry', 'whose', 'situations', 'similar', 'marilyn', 'feels', 'it\\\\', 'soon', 'following', 'breakup', 'phil', 'begin', 'new', 'relationship', 'goes', 'date', 'friend', 'marie', 'single', 'mom', 'literally', 'throws', 'longer', 'apart', 'marilyn', 'wants', 'become', 'lovers', 'relationship', 'grows', 'although', 'phil', 'seems', 'prone', 'panic', 'attacks', 'day', 'phil', 'finally', 'invites', 'marilyn', 'move', 'jessica', 'unexpectedly', 'turns', 'apartment', 'looks', 'fabulous', 'become', 'great', 'success', 'songwriter', 'although', 'decidedly', 'off-key', 'singer', 'family', 'thanksgiving', 'dinner', 'phone', 'call', 'jessica', 'comes', 'inopportune', 'time', 'marilyn', 'overhears', 'telling', 'jessie', 'dining', 'family', 'friend', 'marilyn\\\\', 'feelings', 'hurt', 'knows', 'relationship', 'end', 'phil', 'moves', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'jessica', 'misses', 'marilyn', 'returns', 'boston', 'find', 'dating', 'basketball', 'player', 'phil', 'everything', 'even', 'disrupting', 'boston', 'celtics', 'practice', 'attempt', 'win', 'back'], ['plot', 'jim', 'levenstein', 'asks', 'girlfriend', 'michelle', 'flaherty', 'marry', 'following', 'embarrassing', 'incident', 'restaurant', 'involving', 'fellatio', 'table', 'michelle', 'readily', 'agrees', 'kevin', 'myers', 'paul', 'finch', 'serve', 'groomsmen', \"\\\\'milf\\\\\", 'guys', 'john', 'justin', 'proclaim', 'ushers', 'unfortunately', 'gang\\\\', 'obnoxious', 'friend', 'steve', 'stifler', 'crashes', 'couple\\\\', 'engagement', 'party', 'gang', 'tries', 'keep', 'wedding', 'secret', 'stifler', 'fearing', 'might', 'ruin', 'everything', 'finds', 'instantly', 'comes', 'idea', 'throw', 'jim', 'bachelor', 'party', 'wedding', 'dress', 'michelle', 'finally', 'settles', 'long', 'hours', 'searching', 'made', 'one', 'designer', 'working', 'one', 'store', 'boys', 'set', 'find', 'dressmaker', 'chicago', 'looking', 'leslie', 'sommers', 'end', 'gay', 'bar', 'leslie', 'agrees', 'make', 'dress', 'bear', 'also', 'offering', 'provide', 'strippers', 'jim\\\\', 'bachelor', 'party', 'meantime', 'michelle\\\\', 'younger', 'sister', 'cadence', 'flies', 'wedding', 'finch', 'stifler', 'attracted', 'effort', 'win', 'adopt', 'other\\\\', 'personality', 'mannerisms', 'jim', 'worried', 'dancing', 'wedding', 'salvation', 'comes', 'form', 'stifler', 'taken', 'dance', 'lessons', 'stifler', 'agrees', 'teach', 'jim', 'dance', 'condition', 'allowed', 'attend', 'wedding', 'plan', 'bachelor', 'party', 'stifler', 'agreeing', 'tone', 'obnoxious', 'personality', 'michelle\\\\', 'parents', 'exchange', 'meantime', 'stifler', 'arranges', 'party', 'everyone', 'jim\\\\', 'house', 'except', 'jim', 'unknowingly', 'arranged', \"\\\\'special\", 'dinner\\\\', 'michelle\\\\', 'parents', 'wedding', 'explain', 'good', 'husband', 'finally', 'win', 'bear', 'introduces', 'three', 'fraulein', 'brandi', 'officer', 'krystal', 'play', 'submissive', 'dominant', 'roles', 'party', 'abruptly', 'halted', 'unexpected', 'return', 'jim', 'harold', 'mary', 'assistance', 'bear', 'poses', 'butler', 'named', 'mr.', 'belvedere', 'jim', 'nearly', 'succeeds', 'keeping', 'activities', 'secret', 'michelle\\\\', 'mother', 'opens', 'closet', 'door', 'shocked', 'find', 'kevin', 'inside', 'stripped', 'boxers', 'tied', 'chair', 'boys', 'explain', 'attempt', 'make', 'jim', 'seem', 'like', 'hero', 'went', 'horribly', 'wrong', 'michelle\\\\', 'parents', 'accept', 'explanation', 'tell', 'puts', 'much', 'effort', 'upcoming', 'marriage', 'give', 'blessing', 'ceremony', 'draws', 'near', 'series', 'mishaps', 'occur', 'including', 'jim\\\\', 'grandmother', 'displeased', 'michelle', 'jewish', 'jim', 'shaving', 'pubic', 'hair', 'disposing', 'close', 'vent', 'causes', 'set', 'loose', 'wedding', 'cake', 'night', 'wedding', 'stifler', 'inadvertently', 'disrupts', 'walk-in', 'refrigerator\\\\', 'power', 'supply', 'retrieving', 'bottle', 'champagne', 'essentially', 'turning', 'oven', 'killing', 'many', 'flowers', 'put', 'together', 'ceremony', 'previously', 'stifler', 'unaware', 'cadence\\\\', 'presence', 'revealed', 'true', 'rude', 'obnoxious', 'personality', 'angered', 'stunned', 'jim', 'asks', 'leave', 'others', 'including', 'cadence', 'support', 'jim\\\\', 'decision', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'thoughtless', 'behavior', 'stifler', 'convinces', 'local', 'florist', 'put', 'together', 'new', 'batch', 'flowers', 'enlists', 'help', 'football', 'players', 'bear', 'gesture', 'remorse', 'also', 'gives', 'rose', 'cadence', 'much', 'amazement', 'jim', 'michelle', 'moved', 'actions', 'cadence', 'agrees', 'sex', 'ceremony', 'stifler\\\\', 'presence', 'delayed', 'brief', 'thank-you', 'meeting', 'jim', 'calls', 'among', 'groomsmen', 'citing', 'grateful', 'friends', 'like', 'back', 'need', 'quickly', 'returning', 'hotel', 'stifler', 'hears', 'someone', 'supply', 'closet', 'steps', 'inside', 'due', 'closet\\\\', 'poor', 'lighting', 'gets', 'inadvertently', 'walked', 'stifler', 'realizes', 'he\\\\', 'actually', 'sex', 'jim\\\\', 'grandmother', 'placed', 'closet', 'john', 'justin', 'stop', 'constant', 'complaining', 'despite', 'chaotic', 'events', 'leading', 'michelle', 'jim', 'eventually', 'get', 'married', 'reception', 'newly', 'married', 'couple', 'dances', 'stifler', 'dances', 'cadence', 'meanwhile', 'finch', 'sitting', 'stifler\\\\', 'mom', 'arrives', 'although', 'agreeing', 'stifler\\\\', 'mom', 'mentions', 'double', 'suite', 'invites', 'finch', 'join', 'film', 'ends', 'john', 'justin', 'spying', 'stifler\\\\', 'mom', 'finch', 'suite\\\\', 'couple-size', 'bathtub', 'sex'], [\"'set\", '1934', 'paris', 'film', 'opens', 'richard', 'nardo', 'young', 'hustler', 'emerging', 'bed', 'gay', 'middle-aged', 'carroll', 'todd', 'aka', 'toddy', 'richard', 'dresses', 'takes', 'money', 'toddy\\\\', 'wallet', 'leaves', 'toddy\\\\', 'apartment', 'going', 'day', 'toddy', 'performer', 'chez', 'lui', 'paris', 'sees', 'labisse', 'club', 'owner', 'auditioning', 'frail', 'impoverished', 'soprano', 'victoria', 'grant', 'audition', 'labisse', 'drily', 'writes', 'responds', 'sustaining', 'pitch', 'shatter', 'wine', 'glass', 'using', 'resonant', 'frequency', 'night', 'richard', 'comes', 'chez', 'lui', 'part', 'straight', 'foursome', 'toddy', 'incites', 'brawl', 'insulting', 'richard', 'women', 'group', 'labisse', 'fires', 'toddy', 'bans', 'club', 'walking', 'home', 'spots', 'victoria', 'dining', 'restaurant', 'invites', 'join', 'neither', 'pay', 'meal', 'dumps', 'cockroach', 'salad', 'avoid', 'paying', 'check', 'escapes', 'whole', 'place', 'breaks', 'havoc', 'duo', 'run', 'rain', 'toddy\\\\', 'invites', 'stay', 'finds', 'rain', 'shrunken', 'cheap', 'clothes', 'next', 'morning', 'richard', 'shows', 'collect', 'things', 'victoria', 'wearing', 'clothes', 'hides', 'toddy\\\\', 'closet', 'thinks', 'richard', 'might', 'harm', 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'share', 'empire', 'sal', 'small', 'portion', 'worth', 'squash', 'tells', 'victoria', 'what\\\\', 'happening', 'interrupts', 'paperwork', 'signing', 'show', 'norma', 'really', 'woman', 'prevent', 'king', 'lose', 'stake', 'night', 'club', 'cassell', 'tells', 'toddy', 'victoria', 'labisse', 'lodged', 'complaint', 'victor', 'perpetrating', 'fraud', 'inspector', 'confirms', 'labisse', 'performer', 'man', 'labisse', 'idiot', 'end', 'victoria', 'joins', 'king', 'club', 'real', 'self', 'king', 'stunned', 'moments', 'earlier', 'announcer', 'said', 'victor', 'going', 'perform', 'revealed', 'toddy', 'masquerading', 'victor', 'intentionally', 'disastrous', 'hilarious', 'performance', 'toddy', 'claims', 'last', 'performance', 'film', 'ends', 'king', 'squash', 'victoria', 'cassell', 'public', 'applauding', 'enthusiastically'], [\"'zachary\", 'zack', 'mayo', 'living', 'philippines', 'father', 'byron', 'alcoholic', 'u.s.', 'navy', 'chief', 'boatswain\\\\', 'mate', 'since', 'early', 'adolescence', 'zack\\\\', 'mother', 'committed', 'suicide', 'hoping', 'put', 'life', 'different', 'path', 'zack', 'signs', 'navy\\\\', 'aviation', 'officer', 'candidate', 'school', 'become', 'navy', 'pilot', 'zack', 'fellow', 'aocs', 'welcomed', 'head', 'drill', 'instructor', 'marine', 'gunnery', 'sergeant', 'emil', 'foley', 'foley', 'makes', 'clear', 'program', 'designed', 'eliminate', 'officer', 'candidates', 'suitable', 'earn', 'prize', 'commission', 'ensign', 'u.s.', 'navy', 'flight', 'training', 'worth', '1,000,000', 'foley', 'warns', 'male', 'candidates', 'young', 'women', 'area', 'foley', 'says', 'scout', 'regiment', 'officers', 'want', 'marry', 'far', 'feign', 'pregnancy', 'order', 'trap', 'zack', 'hits', 'fellow', 'candidate', 'sid', 'worley', 'female', 'candidate', 'casey', 'seeger', 'zack', 'sid', 'meet', 'two', 'local', 'girls', 'factory', 'workers', 'navy-hosted', 'dance', 'zack', 'begins', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'paula', 'pokrifki', 'sid', 'lynette', 'pomeroy', 'foley', 'rides', 'zack', 'mercilessly', 'believing', 'lacks', 'motivation', 'team', 'player', 'zack\\\\', 'side', 'business', 'selling', 'pre-shined', 'shoes', 'belt', 'buckles', 'discovered', 'foley', 'hazes', 'entire', 'weekend', 'attempt', 'make', 'dor', 'zack', 'refuses', 'give', 'foley', 'tells', 'zack', 'simply', 'thrown', 'zack', 'finally', 'breaks', 'telling', 'foley', 'nowhere', 'else', 'nothing', 'else', 'life', 'satisfied', 'zack', 'come', 'crucial', 'self-realization', 'foley', 'lets', 'zack', 'paula', 'spend', 'next', 'weekend', 'together', 'takes', 'home', 'meet', 'dinner', 'family', 'dinner', 'shows', 'zack', 'old', 'picture', 'real', 'father', 'also', 'aoc', 'following', 'commissioning', 'left', 'flight', 'training', 'simply', 'deserted', 'mother', 'refusing', 'marry', 'became', 'pregnant', 'paula', 'later', 'zack', 'chance', 'break', 'record', 'time', 'negotiating', 'obstacle', 'course', 'meanwhile', 'seeger', 'disqualified', \"can\\\\'t\", 'negotiate', 'foot', 'high', 'wall', 'lacks', 'upper-body', 'strength', 'climb', 'easily', 'zack', 'abandons', 'attempt', 'break', 'course', 'record', 'order', 'coach', 'seeger', 'wall', 'makes', 'following', 'dinner', 'sid', 'parents', 'town', 'zack', 'learns', 'sid', 'long-time', 'girlfriend', 'back', 'home', 'plans', 'marry', 'commissioned', 'meanwhile', 'lynette', 'dropping', 'hints', 'sid', 'may', 'pregnant', 'high-altitude', 'simulation', 'pressure', 'chamber', 'sid', 'sudden', 'anxiety', 'attack', 'realizing', 'joined', 'sense', 'obligation', 'family', 'sid', 'dors', 'leaves', 'base', 'without', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'zack', 'paula', 'look', 'sid', 'goes', 'lynette\\\\', 'house', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'turns', 'confessing', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'pregnant', 'wanted', 'graduate', 'order', 'fulfill', 'dream', 'marrying', 'navy', 'pilot', 'curses', 'dropping', 'later', 'cursed', 'zack', 'paula', 'come', 'see', 'sid\\\\', 'whereabouts', 'despondent', 'lynette\\\\', 'rejection', 'sid', 'checks', 'motel', 'commits', 'suicide', 'zack', 'decides', 'dor', 'foley', \"won\\\\'t\", 'let', 'close', 'graduation', 'zack', 'clash', 'unofficial', 'martial', 'arts', 'bout', 'platoon', 'looking', 'although', 'zack', 'dominates', 'fight', 'foley', 'manages', 'win', 'kicking', 'zack', 'groin', 'foley', 'tells', 'quit', 'wants', 'zack', 'show', 'graduation', 'sworn', 'navy', 'class', 'following', 'naval', 'tradition', 'seeks', 'receives', 'first', 'salute', 'foley', 'exchange', 'silver', 'dollar', 'tradition', 'calls', 'drill', 'instructor', 'place', 'coin', 'left', 'shirt', 'pocket', 'foley', 'places', 'coin', 'right', 'pocket', 'gives', 'zack', 'picture-perfect', 'salute', 'acknowledging', 'zack', 'special', 'candidate', 'zack', 'tells', 'never', 'forget', 'never', 'would', 'made', 'without', 'guidance', 'zack', 'ensign', 'mayo', 'orders', 'flight', 'training', 'seeks', 'paula', 'factory', 'works', 'picks', 'walks', 'arms', 'applause', 'cheers', 'co-workers', 'including', 'lynette'], ['karen', 'silkwood', 'worker', 'kerr-mcgee', 'cimarron', 'fuel', 'fabrication', 'site', 'shares', 'ramshackle', 'house', 'two', 'co-workers', 'boyfriend', 'drew', 'stephens', 'lesbian', 'friend', 'dolly', 'pelliker', 'makes', 'plutonium', 'fuel', 'rods', 'nuclear', 'reactors', 'deals', 'threat', 'exposure', 'radiation', 'become', 'union', 'activist', 'concerned', 'corporate', 'practices', 'may', 'adversely', 'affect', 'health', 'workers', 'also', 'engaged', 'conflict', 'former', 'common-law', 'husband', 'effort', 'time', 'three', 'children', 'plant', 'fallen', 'behind', 'major', 'contract', 'employees', 'required', 'work', 'long', 'hours', 'overtime', 'believes', 'managers', 'falsifying', 'safety', 'reports', 'cutting', 'corners', 'wherever', 'possible', 'risking', 'welfare', 'personnel', 'karen', 'approaches', 'union', 'concerns', 'becomes', 'active', 'lobbying', 'safeguards', 'travels', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'testify', 'atomic', 'energy', 'commission', 'interacts', 'union', 'officials', 'appear', 'interested', 'publicity', 'generating', 'welfare', 'co-workers', 'silkwood', 'workers', 'become', 'contaminated', 'radiation', 'plant', 'officials', 'try', 'blame', 'incident', 'discovers', 'negatives', 'photographs', 'faulty', 'fuel', 'rods', 'retouched', 'records', 'inadequate', 'safety', 'measures', 'altered', 'decides', 'conduct', 'investigation', 'complications', 'arise', 'personal', 'life', 'angela', 'funeral', 'parlor', 'beautician', 'joins', 'household', 'dolly', 'lover', 'unable', 'deal', 'silkwood', 'obsession', 'gathering', 'evidence', 'lover', 'drew', 'moves', 'feels', 'gathered', 'sufficient', 'documentation', 'silkwood', 'contacts', 'reporter', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'arranges', 'nighttime', 'meeting', 'film', 'final', 'moments', 'scene', 'fades', 'silkwood', 'way', 'meeting', 'sees', 'approaching', 'headlights', 'rear-view', 'mirror', 'draw', 'close', 'blind', 'make', 'unable', 'watch', 'road', 'ahead', 'scene', 'fades', 'aftermath', 'fatal', 'one-car', 'crash', 'viewer', 'left', 'decide', 'whether', 'crash', 'accident'], [\"'caligula\", 'young', 'heir', 'throne', 'syphilis-ridden', 'half-mad', 'emperor', 'tiberius', 'thinks', 'received', 'bad', 'omen', 'blackbird', 'flies', 'room', 'early', 'one', 'morning', 'shortly', 'afterward', 'macro', 'head', 'praetorian', 'guards', 'appears', 'tell', 'young', 'man', 'great', 'uncle', 'demands', 'report', 'island', 'capri', 'tiberius', 'residing', 'number', 'years', 'close', 'friend', 'nerva', 'dim-witted', 'relative', 'claudius', 'caligula\\\\', 'younger', 'stepbrother', 'gemellus', 'fearing', 'assassination', 'caligula', 'afraid', 'leave', 'beloved', 'sister', 'drusilla', 'convinces', 'capri', 'caligula', 'finds', 'uncle', 'become', 'depraved', 'showing', 'signs', 'advanced', 'venereal', 'diseases', 'embittered', 'rome', 'politics', 'tiberius', 'enjoys', 'watching', 'degrading', 'sexual', 'shows', 'often', 'including', 'children', 'various', 'freaks', 'nature', 'caligula', 'observes', 'mixture', 'fascination', 'horror', 'tensions', 'rise', 'tiberius', 'jokingly', 'tries', 'poison', 'caligula', 'front', 'gemellus', 'nerva', 'commits', 'suicide', 'prospect', 'caligula\\\\', 'rule', 'tiberius', 'collapses', 'stroke', 'leaving', 'macro', 'caligula', 'planning', 'way', 'hasten', 'latter\\\\', 'ascent', 'throne', 'late', 'one', 'night', 'macro', 'escorts', 'spectators', 'tiberius\\\\', 'bedchamber', 'allow', 'caligula', 'opportunity', 'murder', 'uncle', 'fails', 'macro', 'finishes', 'deed', 'strangling', 'tiberius', 'scarf', 'caligula', 'triumphantly', 'removes', 'imperial', 'signet', 'tiberius\\\\', 'finger', 'suddenly', 'realizes', 'gemellus', 'witnessed', 'murder', 'tiberius', 'buried', 'honors', 'caligula', 'proclaimed', 'new', 'emperor', 'turn', 'proclaims', 'drusilla', 'equal', 'apparent', 'disgust', 'senate', 'afterwards', 'drusilla', 'fearful', 'macro\\\\', 'influence', 'convinces', 'caligula', 'get', 'rid', 'caligula', 'obliges', 'setting', 'mock', 'trial', 'gemellus', 'intimidated', 'testifying', 'macro', 'alone', 'murdered', 'tiberius', 'powerful', 'macro', 'gone', 'caligula', 'appoints', 'tiberius\\\\', 'former', 'adviser', 'longinus', 'right-hand', 'man', 'pronounces', 'docile', 'senator', 'chaerea', 'new', 'head', 'praetorian', 'guard', 'drusilla', 'endeavors', 'find', 'caligula', 'wife', 'amongst', 'priestesses', 'goddess', 'isis', 'cult', 'secretly', 'practice', 'caligula', 'wants', 'marry', 'drusilla', 'refuses', 'actually', 'sister', 'spitefully', 'marries', 'caesonia', 'known', 'courtesan', 'bears', 'heir', 'caligula', 'proves', 'popular', 'eccentric', 'ruler', 'cutting', 'taxes', 'overturning', 'oppressive', 'laws', 'tiberius', 'enacted', 'senate', 'begins', 'dislike', 'young', 'emperor', 'eccentricities', 'various', 'insults', 'directed', 'towards', 'darker', 'aspects', 'personality', 'begin', 'emerge', 'well', 'rapes', 'bride', 'groom', 'wedding', 'day', 'minor', 'fit', 'jealousy', 'orders', 'execution', 'gemellus', 'merely', 'provoke', 'reaction', 'drusilla', 'discovers', 'caesonia', 'pregnant', 'caligula', 'suffers', 'severe', 'fever', 'drusilla', 'nurses', 'back', 'health', 'fully', 'recovers', 'caesonia', 'bears', 'daughter', 'julia', 'drusilla', 'caligula', 'marries', 'spot', 'celebration', 'drusilla', 'collapses', 'caligula\\\\', 'arms', 'fever', 'he\\\\', 'suffered', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'caligula', 'receives', 'another', 'ill', 'omen', 'guise', 'black', 'bird', 'rushes', 'drusilla\\\\', 'side', 'watches', 'die', 'caligula', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'smashes', 'statue', 'isis', 'drags', 'drusilla\\\\', 'body', 'around', 'palace', 'screaming', 'hysterically', 'deep', 'depression', 'caligula', 'walks', 'roman', 'streets', 'disguised', 'beggar', 'caligula', 'causes', 'disturbance', 'watching', 'amateur', 'performance', 'mocking', 'relationship', 'drusilla', 'brief', 'stay', 'city', 'jail', 'caligula', 'proclaims', 'god', 'becomes', 'determined', 'destroy', 'senatorial', 'class', 'come', 'loathe', 'reign', 'becomes', 'series', 'humiliations', 'foundations', 'rome', 'senators\\\\', 'wives', 'forced', 'work', 'service', 'state', 'prostitutes', 'estates', 'confiscated', 'old', 'religion', 'desecrated', 'initiates', 'absurd', 'war', 'britain', 'humiliate', 'army', 'army', 'never', 'actually', 'fights', 'britain', 'ordered', 'attack', 'stalks', 'papyrus', 'shores', 'obvious', 'senators', 'military', 'caligula', 'must', 'assassinated', 'longinus', 'conspires', 'chaerea', 'carry', 'deed', 'caligula', 'wanders', 'bedroom', 'nervous', 'caesonia', 'awaits', 'blackbird', 'makes', 'final', 'appearance', 'caesonia', 'frightened', 'next', 'morning', 'rehearsing', 'egyptian', 'play', 'caligula', 'family', 'attacked', 'leave', 'stadium', 'coup', 'headed', 'chaerea', 'wife', 'daughter', 'brutally', 'murdered', 'chaerea', 'stabs', 'caligula', 'stomach', 'final', 'breaths', 'defiantly', 'whimpers', 'live', 'caligula', 'family\\\\', 'bodies', 'thrown', 'marble', 'steps', 'blood', 'washed', 'marble', 'floor', 'claudius', 'proclaimed', 'new', 'emperor'], [\"'peggy\", 'sue', 'bodell', 'sets', '25-year', 'high', 'school', 'reunion', 'albeit', 'hesitantly', 'daughter', 'beth', 'coming', 'along', 'company', 'peggy', 'sue', 'separated', 'former', 'high', 'school', 'sweetheart', 'husband', 'charlie', 'wary', 'attending', 'reunion', 'everyone', 'questioning', 'absence', 'charlie', 'married', 'since', 'became', 'pregnant', 'end', 'high', 'school', 'peggy', 'sue', 'arrives', 'reunion', 'happy', 'reconnect', 'old', 'friends', 'maddy', 'carol', 'start', 'comment', 'old', 'high', 'school', 'memories', 'times', 'changed', 'charlie', 'unexpectedly', 'arrives', 'reunion', 'causing', 'awkward', 'scene', 'peggy', 'sue', 'ignoring', 'awkwardness', 'ended', 'event', 'announces', 'reunion', 'king', 'queen', 'king', 'richard', 'norvik', 'barry', 'miller', 'former', 'class', 'geek', 'turned', 'multi-millionaire', 'computer', 'whiz', 'peggy', 'sue', 'named', 'queen', 'arriving', 'stage', 'faints', 'peggy', 'sue', 'awakens', 'finds', 'gone', 'back', 'spring', '1960', 'senior', 'year', 'high', 'school', 'passed', 'donating', 'blood', 'peggy', 'first', 'believes', 'died', 'reunion', 'comes', 'accept', 'gone', 'back', 'time', 'shock', 'see', 'old', 'family', 'members', 'young', 'talk', 'relatives', 'since', 'died', 'attends', 'high', 'school', 'classes', 'meets', 'old', 'friends', 'well', 'now-young', 'boyfriends', 'peggy', 'answers', 'simple', 'questions', 'adult', 'responses', 'example', 'mother', 'asks', 'charlie', 'fight', 'replies', 'yes', '봟ut', 'house', 'payments', 'talking', 'future', 'divorce', 'also', 'makes', 'get-rich-quick', 'reference', 'going', 'england', 'discover', 'beatles', 'peggy', 'confused', 'new/old', 'world', 'fascinated', 'get', 'live', 'high', 'school', 'say', 'things', 'always', 'wanted', 'say', 'uses', 'opportunity', 'repair', 'estranged', 'relationship', 'younger', 'sister', 'nancy', 'one', 'thing', 'peggy', 'happy', 'still', 'dating', 'charlie', 'breaks', 'one-night', 'stand', 'michael', 'fitzsimmons', 'kevin', \"o\\\\'connor\", '봳he', 'guy', 'school', 'always', 'wished', 'slept', 'peggy', 'sue', 'soon', 'sees', 'charlie', 'adulterous', 'charlie', 'left', '1985', 'peggy', 'starts', 'fall', 'love', 'though', 'relationship', 'still', 'problems', 'meanwhile', 'contacts', 'young', 'richard', 'asks', 'advice', 'time', 'travel', 'seems', 'believe', 'discuss', 'events', 'inventions', 'yet', 'exist', 'inquiries', 'time', 'travel', 'lead', 'grandfather', 'agrees', 'try', 'strange', 's챕ance', 'ritual', 'masonic', 'lodge', 'buddies', 'send', 'forward', 'time', 'peggy', 'kidnapped', 'charlie', 'takes', 'greenhouse', 'sorts', 'everybody', 'lodge', 'thinks', 'ritual', 'worked', 'tells', 'peggy', 'sue', 'loves', 'gives', 'locket', 'wore', 'beginning', 'film', 'realizing', 'cheat', 'fate', 'peggy', 'sue', 'kisses', 'charlie', 'begin', 'make', 'love', 'would', 'lead', 'peggy', 'getting', 'pregnant', 'marrying', 'next', 'moment', 'peggy', 'sue', 'transported', 'back', 'present', 'day', 'peggy', 'sue', 'wakes', 'hospital', 'charlie', 'side', 'however', 'idea', 'may', 'dreamed', 'entire', 'ordeal', 'called', 'doubt', 'sees', 'michael', 'dedicated', 'book', 'night', 'together', 'charlie', 'meanwhile', 'deeply', 'regretful', 'adultery', 'tells', 'peggy', 'sue', 'wants', 'back', 'seems', 'there\\\\', 'hope', 'possibly', 'reconciling', 'differences', 'peggy', 'sue', 'looks', 'charlie', 'new', 'eyes', 'says', 'like', 'invite', 'house', 'dinner', 'sunday', 'kids', \"'ll\", 'make', 'strudel'], [\"'during\", 'world', 'war', 'world', 'war', 'women\\\\', 'land', 'army', 'set', 'united', 'kingdom', 'recruit', 'women', 'work', 'farms', 'men', 'left', 'war', 'women', 'wla', 'nicknamed', 'land', 'girls', 'set', '1941', 'dorset', 'countryside', 'three', 'land', 'girls', 'arrive', 'remote', 'farm', 'unlikely', 'trio', 'hairdresser', 'prue', 'vivacious', 'sexy', 'cambridge', 'university', 'graduate', 'quiet', 'reserved', 'dreamy', 'stella', 'love', 'philip', 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'flowers', 'lila', 'ted', 'danny', 'accosted', 'employee', 'linda', 'mason', 'recognizes', 'talent', 'agent', 'begs', 'start', 'show', 'business', 'danny', 'refers', 'holiday', 'inn', 'gives', 'pass', 'ted\\\\', 'club', 'night', 'linda', 'sits', 'performer\\\\', 'table', 'jim', 'pretends', 'owns', 'big', 'club', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'sure', 'could', 'use', 'act', 'like', 'hanover', 'dixon', 'linda', 'pretends', 'she\\\\', 'celebrity', 'friend', 'ted\\\\', 'escapes', 'two', 'performers', 'come', 'jim\\\\', 'table', 'next', 'morning', 'christmas', 'day', 'linda', 'arrives', 'holiday', 'inn', 'meets', 'jim', '봟oth', 'realizing', 'fooling', 'previous', 'evening', 'jim', 'preparing', 'place', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'take', 'one', 'another', 'immediately', 'jim', 'sings', 'new', 'song', 'white', 'christmas', 'song', 'would', 'performed', 'inn', 'open', 'night', 'later', 'week', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'holiday', 'inn', 'opens', 'packed', 'house', 'meanwhile', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'ted', 'learns', 'lila', 'leaving', 'texas', 'millionaire', 'drinking', 'heavily', 'drives', 'holiday', 'inn', 'talk', 'jim', 'arriving', 'midnight', 'wandering', 'aimlessly', 'across', 'dance', 'floor', 'ted', 'sees', 'linda', 'remembers', 'christmas', 'eve', 'dance', 'ted', 'bringing', 'house', 'despite', 'inebriated', 'state', 'danny', 'arrives', 'dance', 'ends', 'ecstatic', 'ted', 'found', 'new', 'partner', 'next', 'morning', 'however', 'ted', 'remembers', 'little', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'remember', 'linda', 'jim', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'say', 'anything', 'hides', 'linda', 'away', 'afraid', 'ted', 'steal', 'away', 'inn', 'next', 'performance', 'lincoln\\\\', 'birthday', 'ted', 'danny', 'return', 'holiday', 'inn', 'search', 'linda', 'jim', 'ready', 'decides', 'run', 'night\\\\', 'big', 'minstrel', 'show', 'number', 'abraham', 'disguised', 'performers', 'including', 'linda', 'effort', 'foil', 'search', 'applying', 'linda\\\\', 'blackface', 'makeup', 'jim', 'asks', 'stay', 'holidays', 'linda', 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'plays', 'ted', 'unconvinced', 'telling', 'danny', 'continue', 'pursue', 'linda', 'easter', 'romance', 'continues', 'blossom', 'jim', 'linda', 'travel', 'home', 'church', 'carriage', 'reach', 'inn', 'ted', 'sitting', 'porch', 'waiting', 'ted', 'asks', 'jim', 'remain', 'shows', 'claiming', 'wants', 'experience', 'true', 'happiness', 'they\\\\', \"'ve\", 'found', 'inn', 'linda', 'charmed', 'jim', 'suspicious', 'jim\\\\', 'suspicions', 'confirmed', 'independence', 'day', 'overhears', 'ted', 'danny', 'discussing', 'offer', 'ted', 'received', 'hollywood', 'representatives', 'attend', 'night\\\\', 'show', 'determine', 'ted', 'linda', 'suitable', 'motion', 'pictures', 'desperate', 'jim', 'bribes', 'hired', 'hand', 'gus', 'ensure', 'linda', 'arrive', 'inn', 'gus', 'drives', 'inn\\\\', 'car', 'creek', 'attempting', 'delay', 'linda', 'tries', 'return', 'inn', 'picked', 'lila', 'left', 'texas', 'millionaire', 'tax', 'problems', 'revealed', 'lila', 'tells', 'linda', 'pretending', 'waitress', 'studio', 'tryout', 'lila', 'ted\\\\', 'partner', 'assuming', 'jim', 'arranged', 'take', 'linda\\\\', 'place', 'linda', 'directs', 'lila', 'river', 'back', 'inn', 'ted', 'forced', 'perform', 'solo', 'dance', 'linda', 'eventually', 'makes', 'way', 'inn', 'finds', 'ted', 'impressed', 'studio', 'honchos', 'improvised', 'solo', 'opportunity', 'stands', 'irritated', 'jim', 'trusting', 'make', 'decision', 'linda', 'takes', 'offer', 'leaves', 'hollywood', 'producers', 'want', 'make', 'film', 'holiday', 'inn', 'jim', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'thanksgiving', 'inn', 'closed', 'jim', 'deeply', 'depressed', 'barely', 'touching', 'turkey', 'dinner', 'prepared', 'housekeeper', 'mamie', 'jim', 'prepared', 'mail', 'hollywood', 'recording', 'new', 'thanksgiving', 'song', 'plays', 'record', 'player', 'makes', 'negative', 'comments', 'positive', 'ones', 'recording', 'realizing', 'wrong', 'ignoring', 'decorum', 'mamie', 'implores', 'travel', 'california', 'win', 'linda', 'back', 'telling', 'really', 'feels', 'jim', 'arrives', 'studio', 'christmas', 'eve', 'ted', 'preparing', 'leave', 'linda', 'get', 'married', 'jim', 'confronts', 'ted', 'dressing', 'room', 'locks', 'linda', 'films', 'final', 'scene', 'movie', 'features', 'recreation', 'holiday', 'inn', 'jim', 'walks', 'around', 'set', 'director', 'boasts', 'exact', 'recreation', 'ever', 'created', 'motion', 'picture', 'jim', 'leaves', 'pipe', 'set\\\\', 'piano', 'hides', 'nearby', 'linda', 'enters', 'room', 'sits', 'piano', 'performing', 'white', 'christmas', 'startled', 'pipe\\\\', 'presence', 'falters', 'continues', 'jim\\\\', 'voice', 'joins', 'jim', 'appears', 'linda', 'runs', 'director', 'yells', 'cut', 'meanwhile', 'ted', 'danny', 'learn', 'jim\\\\', 'plan', 'late', 'stop', 'holiday', 'inn', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'ted', 'reunited', 'lila', 'ready', 'willing', 'perform', 'jim', 'linda', 'prepare', 'stay', 'together', 'run', 'inn'], ['highly', 'successful', 'jazz', 'musician', 'c.k', 'dexter', 'divorced', 'wealthy', 'newport', 'rhode', 'island', 'socialite', 'tracy', 'samantha', 'lord', 'remains', 'love', 'however', 'get', 'married', 'bland', 'gentleman', 'good', 'standing', 'george', 'kittredge', 'spy', 'magazine', 'possession', 'embarrassing', 'information', 'tracy', 'father', 'sends', 'reporter', 'mike', 'connor', 'photographer', 'liz', 'imbrie', 'cover', 'nuptials', 'tracy', 'begins', 'elaborate', 'charade', 'private', 'means', 'revenge', 'pretending', 'uncle', 'willy', 'father', 'seth', 'lord', 'vice', 'versa', 'connor', 'falls', 'love', 'tracy', 'must', 'choose', 'three', 'different', 'men', 'course', 'self-discovery'], [\"'immensely\", 'popular', 'democratic', 'president', 'andrew', 'shepherd', 'preparing', 'run', 're-election', 'president', 'staff', 'led', 'chief', 'staff', 'a.j', 'macinerney', 'attempt', 'consolidate', 'administration\\\\', 'approval', 'rating', 'passing', 'moderate', 'crime', 'control', 'bill', 'however', 'support', 'bill', 'parties', 'tepid', 'conservatives', 'want', 'liberals', 'think', 'weak', 'passes', 'though', 'shepherd\\\\', 're-election', 'presumed', 'staff', 'shoo-in', 'shepherd', 'resolves', 'announce', 'bill', 'congressional', 'support', 'pass', 'state', 'union', 'president', 'france', 'arrive', 'united', 'states', 'attend', 'state', 'dinner', 'honor', 'shepherd', 'widowed', 'wife', 'died', 'cancer', 'three', 'years', 'earlier', 'placed', 'awkward', 'predicament', 'cousin', 'planned', 'attend', 'dinner', 'gets', 'sick', 'president\\\\', 'attention', 'soon', 'focuses', 'sydney', 'ellen', 'wade', 'hired', 'environmental', 'lobbying', 'firm', 'persuade', 'president', 'pass', 'legislation', 'committing', 'administration', 'substantially', 'reduce', 'carbon', 'dioxide', 'emissions', 'first', 'meeting', 'shepherd', 'wade', 'immediately', 'intrigued', 'meeting', 'shepherd', 'strikes', 'deal', 'wade', 'secure', 'votes', 'environmental', 'bill', 'date', 'state', 'union', 'deliver', 'last', 'ten', 'whatever', 'personal', 'feelings', 'towards', 'wade', 'expresses', 'staff', 'especially', 'pragmatic', 'a.j.', 'sound', 'political', 'move', 'believes', 'wade', 'able', 'get', 'enough', 'votes', 'meet', 'side', 'deal', 'thus', 'releasing', 'shepherd', 'responsibility', 'bill', 'fails', 'pass', 'later', 'evening', 'series', 'phone', 'calls', 'shepherd', 'invites', 'wade', 'state', 'dinner', 'state', 'dinner', 'subsequent', 'occasions', 'couple', 'fall', 'love', 'republican', 'presidential', 'hopeful', 'bob', 'rumson', 'learns', 'president\\\\', 'got', 'girlfriend', 'steps', 'attacks', 'shepherd', 'wade', 'focusing', 'wade\\\\', 'activist', 'past', 'maligning', 'shepherd\\\\', 'ethics', 'family', 'values', 'president', 'refuses', 'respond', 'attacks', 'drives', 'approval', 'ratings', 'lower', 'costs', 'crucial', 'political', 'support', 'without', 'crime', 'bill', 'seems', 'doomed', 'failure', 'white', 'house', 'christmas', 'party', 'wade', 'dejected', 'meeting', 'day', 'three', 'congressmen', 'michigan', 'environmental', 'bill', 'dismal', 'failure', 'process', 'inadvertently', 'mentions', 'president', 'mcinerney', 'congressmen', 'question', 'said', 'bill', 'interested', 'defeating', 'president\\\\', 'crime', 'bill', 'wade\\\\', 'environmental', 'bill', 'shepherd', 'mcinerney', 'conflicted', 'information', 'wade', 'clearly', 'idea', 'implications', 'casual', 'conversation', 'much', 'less', 'might', 'actually', 'use', 'information', 'favor', 'environmental', 'bill', 'eventually', 'wade', 'manage', 'get', 'enough', 'votes', 'meet', 'part', 'deal', 'however', 'meantime', 'shepherd\\\\', 'team', 'discovers', 'exactly', 'three', 'votes', 'short', 'apparent', 'options', 'acquire', 'except', 'shelving', 'environmental', 'bill', 'thus', 'solidifying', 'support', 'three', 'congressmen', 'michigan', 'agrees', 'results', 'disaster', 'wade', 'immediately', 'fired', 'lobbyist', 'job', 'failed', 'achieve', 'objectives', 'well', 'seemingly', 'jeopardizing', 'political', 'reputation', 'visits', 'white', 'house', 'break', 'shepherd', 'says', 'job', 'possibility', 'hartford', 'connecticut', 'tells', 'politics', 'making', 'choices', 'number', 'one', 'priority', 'always', 'crime', 'control', 'bill', 'want', 'lose', 'congratulates', 'getting', 'leverage', 'pass', 'crime', 'bill', 'way', 'help', 'fight', 'crime', 'concludes', 'mr.', 'president', 'bigger', 'problems', 'losing', 'you\\\\', \"'ve\", 'lost', 'vote', 'morning', 'deliver', 'state', 'union', 'address', 'congress', 'makes', 'surprise', 'appearance', 'white', 'house', 'press', 'room', 'eloquently', 'rebuts', 'rumson\\\\', 'attacks', 'wade\\\\', 'past', 'values', 'character', 'declares', 'send', 'controversial', 'environmental', 'bill', 'congress', 'massive', 'cut', 'fossil', 'fuels', 'far', 'originally', 'envisaged', 'withdrawing', 'support', 'weak', 'crime', 'bill', 'promising', 'write', 'stronger', 'one', 'due', 'time', 'speech', 'even', 'promises', 'gun', 'control', 'attempt', 'root-and-branch', 'solving', 'america\\\\', 'problems', 'passionate', 'erudite', 'defense', 'things', 'believes', 'contrast', 'earlier', 'passive', 'behavior', 'galvanizes', 'press', 'staff', 'shepherd', 'declares', 'going', 'house', 'leaving', 'get', 'back', 'wade', 'enters', 'oval', 'office', 'leave', 'couple', 'reconciled', 'president', 'accompanied', 'wade', 'leaves', 'give', 'state', 'union', 'address', 'movie', 'ends', 'shepherd', 'entering', 'house', 'chamber', 'thunderous', 'applause'], [\"'in\", 'opening', 'scene', 'group', 'men', 'interviewed', 'regarding', 'christina', 'walters', 'introduce', 'player', 'user', 'men', 'swinging', 'singles', 'market', 'men', 'include', 'neurotic', 'loser', 'gets', 'nose', 'bleed', 'fails', 'call', 'promising', 'man', 'saw', 'movie', 'swingers', 'calling', 'days', 'find', 'gave', 'number', 'moviefone', 'man', 'whose', 'masculinity', 'comes', 'question', 'attempted', 'court', 'christina', 'denied', 'claiming', 'lesbian', 'talkative', 'man', 'ends', 'propelling', 'exercise', 'bike', 'starts', 'talking', 'christina', 'scene', 'shifts', 'back', 'sexist', 'man', 'whose', 'claims', 'christina\\\\', 'lesbianism', 'causes', 'entire', 'crowd', 'women', 'attack', 'baseball', 'bats', 'movie', 'moves', 'along', 'introducing', 'christina', 'walters', 'successful', 'interior', 'designer', 'courtney', 'rockcliffe', 'divorce', 'lawyer', 'console', 'friend', 'roommate', 'jane', 'recently', 'broken', 'boyfriend', 'kevin', 'taking', 'dance', 'club', 'cancel', 'plans', 'stay', 'pizza', 'club', 'jane', 'feels', 'place', 'christina', 'grabs', 'man', 'passing', 'set', 'jane', 'meets', 'peter', 'donahue', 'confronts', 'christina', 'methods', 'disappearing', 'night', 'bathroom', 'courtney', 'calls', 'name', 'leading', 'suspect', 'got', 'christina\\\\', 'skin', 'she\\\\', 'actually', 'attracted', 'denies', 'running', 'peter', 'christina', 'buys', 'drink', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'peter', 'explaining', 'attending', 'wedding', 'saturday', 'obnoxious', 'womanizing', 'brother', 'roger', 'celebrate', 'invites', 'christina', 'courtney', 'after-party', 'hotel', 'christina', 'goes', 'home', 'later', 'regrets', 'going', 'next', 'day', 'christina', \"can\\\\'t\", 'stop', 'talking', 'peter', 'jane', 'deals', 'embarrassing', 'cleanup', 'fun', 'guy', 'met', 'night', 'unedited', 'version', 'jane', 'returns', 'lunch', 'women', 'talk', 'always', 'complimenting', 'men', 'sizes', 'penises', 'eventually', 'breaking', 'restaurant-wide', 'penis', 'song', 'courtney', 'arranges', 'christina', 'travel', 'summerset', 'peter\\\\', 'brother\\\\', 'wedding', 'take', 'place', 'meet', 'jane\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'recurring', 'gag', 'indicate', 'well', 'endowed', 'causing', 'misery', 'enjoyment', 'jane', 'leave', 'christina', 'courtney', 'series', 'misadventures', 'including', 'exploding', 'toilet', 'glory', 'hole', 'discovery', 'motorcyclist', 'led', 'believe', 'christina', 'giving', 'courtney', 'oral', 'sex', 'meanwhile', 'jane', 'encounters', 'boyfriend', 'retail', 'job', 'nearly', 'caught', 'sex', 'changing', 'rooms', 'christina', 'courtney', 'finally', 'get', 'summerset', 'christina', 'begins', 'second', 'thoughts', 'visiting', 'store', 'replace', 'wet', 'ruined', 'clothing', 'come', 'extremely', 'gaudy', 'indiscreet', 'outfits', 'series', 'coincidences', 'gives', 'change', 'heart', 'peter\\\\', 'brother\\\\', 'wedding', 'discover', 'peter', 'roger', 'getting', 'married', 'pair', 'nearly', 'ruin', 'ceremonies', 'attempts', 'escape', 'peter', 'fiance', 'decide', 'want', 'marry', 'call', 'wedding', 'christina', 'returns', 'home', 'back', 'newly', 'unfulfilled', 'life', 'single', 'peter', 'finds', 'christina\\\\', 'address', 'log', 'store', 'bought', 'clothing', 'tracks', 'christina', 'determined', 'fear', 'commitment', 'kisses', 'peter', 'walks', 'away', 'disappointed', 'sometime', 'later', 'courtney', 'dating', 'doctor', 'clearly', 'attracted', 'peter', 'interviewed', 'like', 'men', 'beginning', 'film', 'retelling', 'version', 'events', 'calling', 'bitch', 'player', 'ultimately', 'revealing', 'christina', 'together', 'gotten', 'married', 'living', 'happily', 'jane', 'courtney', 'roger', 'well', 'whether', 'live', 'together', 'left', 'ambiguous'], ['bud', 'clay', 'motorcycle', 'racer', 'undertakes', 'cross-country', 'drive', 'following', 'race', 'new', 'hampshire', 'order', 'participate', 'race', 'california', 'haunted', 'memories', 'former', 'lover', 'daisy', 'journey', 'meets', 'three', 'women', 'unable', 'form', 'emotional', 'connection', 'first', 'meets', 'violet', 'gas', 'station', 'new', 'hampshire', 'convinces', 'join', 'trip', 'california', 'stop', 'home', 'order', 'get', 'clothes', 'drives', 'soon', 'enters', 'house', 'bud', 'next', 'stop', 'daisy', 'parents', 'home', 'location', 'daisy', 'brown', 'bunny', 'daisy', 'mother', 'remember', 'bud', 'grew', 'house', 'next', 'door', 'remember', 'visited', 'bud', 'daisy', 'california', 'next', 'bud', 'stops', 'pet', 'shelter', 'asks', 'life', 'expectancy', 'rabbits', 'highway', 'rest', 'stop', 'joins', 'distressed', 'woman', 'lilly', 'comforts', 'kisses', 'starting', 'cry', 'eventually', 'leaving', 'bud', 'appears', 'distressed', 'road', 'trip', 'continues', 'crying', 'drives', 'stops', 'bonneville', 'speedway', 'race', 'motorcycle', 'las', 'vegas', 'drives', 'around', 'prostitutes', 'street', 'corners', 'deciding', 'ask', 'one', 'rose', 'join', 'lunch', 'eats', 'mcdonald', 'food', 'truck', 'stops', 'pays', 'leaves', 'back', 'street', 'motorcycle', 'checked', 'bike', 'shop', 'los', 'angeles', 'bud', 'stops', 'daisy', 'home', 'appears', 'abandoned', 'leaves', 'note', 'door', 'frame', 'sitting', 'truck', 'driveway', 'remembering', 'kissing', 'daisy', 'place', 'checks', 'hotel', 'daisy', 'eventually', 'appears', 'seems', 'nervous', 'going', 'bathroom', 'twice', 'smoke', 'crack', 'cocaine', 'bud', 'waits', 'sitting', 'bed', 'proposes', 'buy', 'something', 'drink', 'bud', 'tells', 'happened', 'last', 'time', 'saw', \"n't\", 'drink', 'anymore', 'argument', 'daisy', 'kissing', 'boys', 'point', 'bud', 'undresses', 'daisy', 'performs', 'apparently', 'unsimulated', 'fellatio', 'culminating', 'swallowing', 'semen', 'done', 'insults', 'lie', 'bed', 'talking', 'happened', 'last', 'meeting', 'bud', 'continuously', 'asks', 'daisy', 'involved', 'men', 'party', 'explains', 'friendly', 'wanted', 'smoke', 'pot', 'bud', 'becomes', 'upset', 'daisy', 'pregnant', 'transpires', 'baby', 'died', 'result', 'happened', 'party', 'flashback', 'scenes', 'viewer', 'understands', 'daisy', 'raped', 'party', 'scene', 'witnessed', 'bud', 'intervene', 'bud', 'explains', 'know', 'decided', 'leave', 'party', 'came', 'back', 'saw', 'ambulance', 'front', 'house', 'daisy', 'explains', 'bud', 'dead', 'passed', 'prior', 'rape', 'choked', 'death', 'vomit', 'bud', 'awakens', 'next', 'morning', 'alone', 'encounter', 'daisy', 'figment', 'imagination', 'movie', 'ends', 'bud', 'driving', 'truck', 'california'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'follows', 'lewis', 'meets', 'american', 'fan', 'joy', 'gresham', 'befriends', 'eventually', 'marries', 'story', 'also', 'deals', 'struggle', 'personal', 'pain', 'grief', 'lewis', 'preaches', 'one', 'endure', 'suffering', 'patience', 'finds', 'simple', 'answers', 'preached', 'longer', 'apply', 'joy', 'becomes', 'afflicted', 'cancer', 'eventually', 'dies'], [\"'spunky\", 'shopgirl', 'betty', 'lou', 'spence', 'crush', 'handsome', 'employer', 'cyrus', 'waltham', 'jr.', 'new', 'manager', 'heir', 'world\\\\', 'largest', 'store', 'however', 'belong', 'different', 'social', 'classes', 'already', 'romantically', 'linked', 'blond', 'socialite', 'adela', 'van', 'norman', 'cyrus\\\\', 'silly', 'friend', 'monty', 'william', 'austin', 'notices', 'betty', 'though', 'uses', 'get', 'closer', 'cyrus', 'finally', 'gets', 'cyrus\\\\', 'attention', 'convinces', 'take', 'date', 'coney', 'island', 'introduced', 'proletarian', 'pleasures', 'roller', 'coasters', 'hot', 'dogs', 'wonderful', 'time', 'end', 'evening', 'tries', 'kiss', 'betty', 'lou', 'slaps', 'face', 'hurries', 'car', 'flat', 'peeks', 'window', 'leaving', 'betty', 'bravely', 'proclaims', 'unmarried', 'mother', 'protect', 'sickly', 'roommate', 'molly', 'baby', 'taken', 'away', 'couple', 'meddling', 'welfare', 'workers', 'monty', 'arrives', 'wrong', 'moment', 'forcing', 'betty', 'continue', 'charade', 'tells', 'cyrus', 'although', 'love', 'cyrus', 'offers', 'arrangement', 'includes', 'everything', 'marriage', 'betty', 'lou', 'shocked', 'humiliated', 'refuses', 'quits', 'job', 'resolves', 'forget', 'cyrus', 'learns', 'monty', 'cyrus\\\\', 'misunderstanding', 'fumes', 'vows', 'teach', 'former', 'beau', 'lesson', 'cyrus', 'hosts', 'yachting', 'excursion', 'betty', 'lou', 'makes', 'monty', 'take', 'along', 'masquerading', 'miss', 'van', 'cortland', 'cyrus', 'first', 'wants', 'remove', 'ship', 'long', 'resist', 'betty', 'lou\\\\', 'factor', 'eventually', 'corners', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'gets', 'back', 'telling', 'she\\\\', 'rather', 'marry', 'office', 'boy', 'accomplishes', 'goal', 'breaks', 'heart', 'learns', 'truth', 'baby', 'leaves', 'monty', 'helm', 'yacht', 'find', 'monty', 'crashes', 'yacht', 'fishing', 'boat', 'tossing', 'betty', 'lou', 'adela', 'water', 'betty', 'lou', 'saves', 'adela', 'punching', 'face', 'panics', 'threatens', 'drown', 'end', 'film', 'cyrus', 'reconcile', 'anchor', 'yacht', 'first', 'two', 'letters', 'ship\\\\', 'name', 'itola', 'monty', 'adela', 'upset', 'losing', 'friends', 'implied', 'pursue', 'relationship', 'film', 'ends'], [\"'jedda\", 'aboriginal', 'girl', 'born', 'cattle', 'station', 'northern', 'territory', 'australia', 'mother', 'dies', 'giving', 'birth', 'child', 'brought', 'sarah', 'mcmann', 'wife', 'station', 'boss', 'sarah', 'recently', 'lost', 'newborn', 'illness', 'first', 'intends', 'give', 'baby', 'one', 'aboriginal', 'women', 'work', 'station', 'raises', 'jedda', 'teaching', 'european', 'ways', 'separating', 'aborigines', 'jedda', 'wants', 'learn', 'culture', 'forbidden', 'sarah', 'jedda', 'grows', 'young', 'woman', 'becomes', 'curious', 'aboriginal', 'man', 'bush', 'named', 'marbuck', 'tall', 'stranger', 'arouses', 'strong', 'feelings', 'lured', 'camp', 'one', 'night', 'song', 'marbuck', 'abducts', 'sets', 'back', 'tribal', 'land', 'crocodile-infested', 'swamps', 'joe', 'half-caste', 'stockman', 'love', 'jedda', 'tracks', 'two', 'several', 'days', 'travel', 'across', 'high', 'rocky', 'country', 'river', 'marbuck', 'reaches', 'tribe', 'tribal', 'council', 'declares', 'marbuck', 'committed', 'serious', 'crime', 'bringing', 'jedda', 'right', \"\\\\'skin\\\\\", 'group', 'sing', 'death', 'song', 'punishment', 'marbuck', 'defies', 'elders', 'takes', 'jedda', 'area', 'steep', 'cliffs', 'canyons', 'taboo', 'lands', 'driven', 'insane', 'death', 'song', 'pulls', 'jedda', 'tall', 'cliff', 'perish', 'joe', 'narrator', 'says', 'spirit', 'joined', 'great', 'mother', 'world', 'dreaming', 'time', 'tomorrow'], [\"'awkward\", 'shy', '16-year-old', 'high-schooler', 'ted', 'stroehmann', 'lands', 'prom', 'date', 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'slander', 'among', 'brett', 'favre', 'ted', 'aided', 'dom', 'drives', 'florida', 'seems', 'mary\\\\', 'love', 'anonymous', 'letter', 'exposes', 'less', 'honest', 'link', 'healy', 'ted', 'confronts', 'healy', 'tucker', 'mary', 'confronted', 'dom', 'turns', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'woogie', 'got', 'weird', 'back', 'high', 'school', 'setting', 'original', 'prom', 'scenario', 'found', 'tucker', 'also', 'lied', 'mary\\\\', 'former', 'love', 'interest', 'football', 'player', 'brett', 'favre', 'ted', 'decides', 'mary', 'brett', 'brett', 'one', 'resort', 'deceit', 'win', 'mary', 'reuniting', 'brett', 'mary', 'ted', 'leaves', 'tearfully', 'mary', 'chases', 'preferring', 'brett', '49ers', 'fan', 'film', 'concludes', 'two', 'engaging', 'kiss', 'guitarist', 'narrates/sings', 'along', 'story', 'accidentally', 'shot', 'magda\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'trying', 'shoot', 'ted', 'could', 'win', 'mary'], [\"'lee\", 'phillips', 'movie', 'publicist', 'major', 'problem', 'movie', 'stars', 'gwen', 'harrison', 'eddie', 'thomas', 'golden', 'hollywood', 'duo', 'formerly', 'known', 'america\\\\', 'sweethearts', 'split', 'due', 'gwen\\\\', 'affair', 'caused', 'eddie', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'gwen', 'shacked', 'hector', 'eddie', 'holed', 'new', 'age', 'retreat', 'eccentric', 'director', 'last', 'movie', 'hal', 'weidmann', 'demanded', 'first', 'viewing', 'film', 'press', 'junket', 'although', 'one', 'seen', 'sell', 'film', 'lee', 'decided', 'get', 'two', 'back', 'together', 'sell', 'couple', 'gwen', 'eddie', 'manipulated', 'attending', 'junket', 'gwen\\\\', 'ego', 'massaged', 'going', 'looks', 'better', 'press', 'fans', 'lee', 'gifts', 'owner', 'retreat', 'expensive', 'car', 'return', 'convincing', 'eddie', 'leave', 'gwen', 'immediately', 'plays', 'martyr', 'eddie\\\\', 'delicate', 'psyche', 'put', 'test', 'outside', 'world', 'complicating', 'matters', 'gwen\\\\', 'personal', 'assistant', 'sister', 'kiki', 'hector', 'overly', 'watchful', 'love', 'though', 'kiki', 'always', 'gwen\\\\', 'shadow', 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'manipulative', 'eddie', 'man', 'slowly', 'becoming', 'paranoid', 'suspects', 'wife', 'affair', 'gwen', 'attempts', 'resolve', 'situation', 'announcing', 'couple', 'reuniting', 'eddie', 'finds', 'courage', 'admit', 'love', 'kiki', 'upon', 'hearing', 'revelation', 'gwen', 'fires', 'kiki', 'junket', 'kiki', 'eddie', 'packing', 'leave', 'hotel', 'together'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'concerns', 'group', 'guys', 'made', 'deal', 'invest', 'fund', 'would', 'paid', 'last', 'remaining', 'bachelor', 'group', 'michael', 'delaney', 'cartoonist', 'attempts', 'get', 'remaining', 'bachelor', 'kyle', 'brenner', 'married', 'statuesque', 'policewoman', 'kyle', 'said', 'one', 'got', 'away', 'michael', 'claim', 'fund', 'pay', 'gambling', 'debt', 'unfortunately', 'statuesque', 'policewoman', 'kyle', 'trying', 'marry', 'woman', 'michael', 'fallen', 'love', 'officer', 'natalie', 'parker', 'michael', 'gets', 'sorts', 'misadventures', 'getting', 'captured', 'young', 'woman', 'grandmother', 'bizarre', 'bdsm', 'fetish', 'trying', 'retrieve', 'kyle\\\\', 'surgically', 'removed', 'testicle', 'attempting', 'pay', 'gambling', 'debt', 'honked-off', 'mobster', 'menacing', 'selling', 'possessions', 'relieving', 'tomcat', 'status', 'overcoming', 'fear', 'commitment', 'finding', 'true', 'love'], ['group', 'florida', 'high', 'school', 'students', 'plan', 'losing', 'virginity', 'porky\\\\', 'nightclub', 'believing', 'hire', 'prostitute', 'satisfy', 'sexual', 'desires', 'porky', 'takes', 'money', 'humiliates', 'kids', 'dumping', 'swamp', 'group', 'demand', 'money', 'back', 'sheriff', 'turns', 'porky\\\\', 'brother', 'arrives', 'drive', 'away', 'minions', 'extort', 'rest', 'money', 'cause', 'embarrassment', 'mickey', 'beaten', 'badly', 'hospitalized', 'gang', 'becomes', 'hellbent', 'exacting', 'revenge', 'porky', 'brother', 'eventually', 'succeeding', 'sinking', 'establishment', 'swamp', 'porky', 'men', 'joined', 'sheriff', 'chase', 'group', 'make', 'across', 'county', 'line', 'met', 'group', 'local', 'police', 'officers', 'one', 'mickey\\\\', 'older', 'brother', 'ted', 'high', 'school', 'band', 'ted', 'repeatedly', 'damages', 'porky\\\\', 'car', 'says', 'charges', 'porky', 'driving', 'unsafe', 'vehicle', 'dropped', 'night\\\\', 'events', 'forgiven', 'boys', 'young', 'legally', 'allowed', 'porky\\\\', 'first', 'place', 'porky', 'brother', 'choice', 'agree', 'film', 'ends', 'group', 'getting', 'revenge', 'pee', 'wee', 'finally', 'losing', 'virginity', 'subplot', 'boys', 'also', 'peep', 'female', 'students', 'locker', 'room', 'shower', 'several', 'unsuccessful', 'attempts', 'tommy', 'billy', 'pee', 'wee', 'finally', 'see', 'several', 'girls', 'showering', 'pee', 'wee', 'gives', 'away', 'shouts', 'particularly', 'fat', 'girl', 'move', 'see', 'girls', 'run', 'stay', 'finding', 'situation', 'funny', 'test', 'attitude', 'tommy', 'sticks', 'tongue', 'peephole', 'gets', 'smeared', 'soap', 'infuriated', 'drops', 'pants', 'sticks', 'penis', 'opening', 'female', 'coach', 'beulah', 'balbricker', 'walks', 'shower', 'area', 'spotting', 'protruding', 'member', 'sneaks', 'tommy', 'grabs', 'protruding', 'part', 'pulls', 'might', 'tommy', 'manages', 'pull', 'free', 'escape', 'beulah', 'determined', 'prove', 'offending', 'member', 'belongs', 'tommy', 'going', 'far', 'request', 'principal', 'carter', 'hold', 'police-type', 'line-up', 'boys', 'nude', 'identify', 'however', 'carter', 'balks', 'request', 'basketball', 'coaches', 'laugh', 'almost', 'uncontrollably', 'coach', 'brackett', 'suggests', 'getting', 'police', 'involved', 'gets', 'even', 'carter', 'laughing', 'balbricker', 'leaves', 'huff', 'film', 'ends', 'ms.', 'balbricker', 'sneaking', 'bushes', 'ambush', 'tommy', 'actually', 'dragging', 'pants', 'pulled', 'police', 'dragged', 'away', 'screaming', 'saw', 'identify'], ['gia', 'carangi', 'philadelphia', 'native', 'moves', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'become', 'fashion', 'model', 'immediately', 'catches', 'attention', 'powerful', 'agent', 'wilhelmina', 'cooper', 'gia', 'attitude', 'beauty', 'help', 'rise', 'quickly', 'forefront', 'modeling', 'industry', 'persistent', 'loneliness', 'death', 'wilhelmina', 'drives', 'experiment', 'mood-altering', 'drugs', 'like', 'cocaine', 'becomes', 'entangled', 'passionate', 'affair', 'linda', 'make-up', 'artist', 'love', 'affair', 'first', 'starts', 'pose', 'nude', 'make', 'love', 'photo', 'shoot', 'however', 'linda', 'begins', 'worry', 'gia', 'drug', 'use', 'gives', 'ultimatum', 'gia', 'chooses', 'drugs', 'failed', 'attempts', 'reconciliation', 'linda', 'mother', 'kathleen', 'drive', 'gia', 'begin', 'abusing', 'heroin', 'although', 'eventually', 'able', 'break', 'drug', 'habit', 'much', 'effort', 'already', 'contracted', 'hiv', 'needle', 'containing', 'infected', 'blood', 'dies', 'complications', 'aids', '1986', 'age'], [\"'it\", '1961', 'two', 'years', 'original', 'grease', 'gang', 'became', 'seniors', 'new', 'academic', 'year', 'beginning', 'rydell', 'high', 'school', 'pink', 'ladies', 'led', 'beautiful', 'stephanie', 'zinone', 'feels', 'outgrown', 'relationship', 'arrogant', 'leader', 't-birds', 'johnny', 'nogerelli', 'summer', 'break', 'new', 'arrival', 'comes', 'form', 'clean-cut', 'british', 'student', 'michael', 'carrington', 'cousin', 'sandy', 'olsson', 'olivia', 'newton-john\\\\', 'character', 'grease', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'smitten', 'steph', 'local', 'bowling', 'alley', 'game', 'turns', 'sour', 'due', 'animosity', 'johnny', 'stephanie', 'stephanie', 'retaliates', 'kissing', 'next', 'man', 'walks', 'door', 'happens', 'michael', 'bemused', 'unexpected', 'kiss', 'michael', 'attempts', 'ask', 'discovers', 'specific', 'vision', 'ideal', 'man', 'realizes', 'win', 'affection', 'turns', 'cool', 'rider', 'michael', 'buys', 'motorcycle', 'following', 'unusual', 'biology', 'lesson', 'given', 'mr.', 'stuart', 'gang', 'rival', 'motorcyclists', 'called', 'cycle', 'lords', 'surprise', 't-birds', 'bowling', 'alley', 'fight', 'starts', 'lone', 'anonymous', 'biker', 'appears', 'fact', 'disguised', 'michael', 'defeats', 'enemy', 'gang', 'disappears', 'night', 'stephanie', 'instantly', 'fascinated', 'stranger', 'short', 'comic', 'scene', 'one', 't-birds', 'louis', 'dimucci', 'attempts', 'trick', 'sweetheart', 'sharon', 'losing', 'virginity', 'taking', 'fallout', 'shelter', 'faking', 'nuclear', 'attack', 'stephanie', 'surprised', 'cool', 'rider', 'enjoy', 'romantic', 'twilight', 'motorcycle', 'ride', 'michael', 'reveal', 'identity', 'interrupted', 'arrival', 'whole', 'gang', 'michael', 'disappears', 'tells', 'stephanie', 'see', 'talent', 'show', 'pink', 'ladies', 't-birds', 'performing', 'johnny', 'enraged', 'stephanie\\\\', 'new', 'romance', 'threatens', 'fight', 'cool', 'rider', 'sees', 'pink', 'ladies', 'exit', 'haughtily', 'although', 'little', 'effect', 't-birds\\\\', 'self-confidence', 'school', 'stephanie\\\\', 'poor', 'grades', 'english', 'lead', 'accept', 'michael\\\\', 'offer', 'help', 'slowly', 'begins', 'discover', 'similar', 'feelings', 'starts', 'reciprocate', 'crush', 'johnny', 'upon', 'seeing', 'together', 'discussion', 'demands', 'stephanie', 'quit', 'pink', 'ladies', 'rep', 'subtly', 'threatens', 't-birds', 'beat', 'michael', 'refuses', 'stephanie', 'visibly', 'upset', 'refuses', 'quit', 'pink', 'ladies', 'although', 'still', 'head', 'heels', 'cool', 'rider', 'interactions', 'michael', 'reveal', 'become', 'smitten', 'well', 'michael', 'ponders', 'continuing', 'charade', 'puts', 'stephanie', 'talent', 'show', 'stephanie', 'cool', 'rider', 'meet', 'outside', 'school', 'ambushed', 't-birds', 'pursue', 'michael', 'stephanie', 'pink', 'ladies', 'following', 'car', 'chase', 'construction', 'site', 'conceals', 'deadly', 'drop', 'biker\\\\', 'absence', 'suggests', 'perished', 'leaving', 'stephanie', 'inconsolable', 'pink', 'ladies\\\\', 'number', 'talent', 'show', 'stephanie', 'enters', 'dreamlike', 'fantasy', 'world', 'reunited', 'mystery', 'biker', 'named', 'winner', 'contest', 'crowned', 'queen', 'upcoming', 'graduation', 'luau', 'johnny', 'hailed', 'king', 'school', 'year', 'ends', 'luau', 'cycle', 'lords', 'suddenly', 'reappear', 'begin', 'destroy', 'celebration', 'cool', 'rider', 'reappears', 'defeats', 'cycle', 'lords', 'finally', 'reveals', 'michael', 'initial', 'shock', 'johnny', 'offers', 't-bird', 'jacket', 'welcomes', 'gang', 'stephanie', 'finally', 'accepts', 'couples', 'pair', 'happily', 'graduation', 'graduating', 'class', 'sings', 'credits', 'start', 'rolling', 'like', 'earlier', 'film', 'it\\\\', 'style', 'yearbook'], ['social', 'worker', 'nina', 'borowski', 'bright', 'young', 'woman', 'living', 'cozy', 'brooklyn', 'apartment', 'nina', 'attends', 'party', 'given', 'stepsister', 'constance', 'husband', 'sidney', 'nina', 'meets', 'george', 'hanson', 'young', 'handsome', 'gay', 'first', 'grade', 'teacher', 'nina', 'tells', 'george', 'stepsister', 'constantly', 'trying', 'fix', 'somebody', 'higher', 'society', 'completely', 'ignoring', 'fact', 'nina', 'boyfriend', 'vince', 'conversation', 'nina', 'offers', 'george', 'room', 'apartment', 'heard', 'boyfriend', 'dr.', 'robert', 'joley', 'george', 'looking', 'somewhere', 'live', 'george', 'knowing', 'robert', 'plans', 'taken', 'aback', 'heartbroken', 'party', 'two', 'split', 'george', 'accepts', 'nina', 'offer', 'moves', 'apartment', 'two', 'soon', 'become', 'best', 'friends', 'watch', 'films', 'together', 'ballroom', 'dancing', 'everything', 'perfect', 'nina', 'announces', 'pregnant', 'vince', 'wants', 'marry', 'constant', 'care', 'drives', 'nina', 'crazy', 'leaves', 'asks', 'george', 'help', 'bring', 'child', 'time', 'live', 'together', 'apartment', 'brooklyn', 'everything', 'perfect', 'nina', 'finds', 'love', 'george', 'growing', 'every', 'day', 'especially', 'tells', 'girlfriend', 'high', 'school', 'leading', 'believe', 'might', 'change', 'ways', 'one', 'afternoon', 'george', 'nina', 'sex', 'george', 'gets', 'phone', 'call', 'robert', 'tells', 'much', 'missed', 'invites', 'away', 'weekend', 'george', 'confused', 'agrees', 'nina', 'feels', 'threatened', 'gets', 'jealous', 'george', 'robert', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'george', 'meets', 'paul', 'james', 'young', 'actor', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'sex', 'meanwhile', 'nina', 'staying', 'constance', 'vacation', 'mansion', 'extremely', 'moody', 'horrible', 'time', 'decides', 'head', 'back', 'home', 'asks', 'george', 'would', 'return', 'well', 'mugged', 'way', 'back', 'city', 'gets', 'ride', 'home', 'friendly', 'police', 'officer', 'louis', 'nina', 'george', 'decide', 'invite', 'paul', 'elderly', 'acting', 'mentor', 'rodney', 'thanksgiving', 'paul', 'stays', 'night', 'sex', 'george', 'resulting', 'fallout', 'george', 'nina', 'following', 'day', 'start', 'arguing', 'george', 'brother', 'wedding', 'nina', 'fully', 'explains', 'george', 'feelings', 'george', 'loves', 'nina', 'best', 'friend', 'tells', 'wants', 'paul', 'hours', 'later', 'nina', 'gives', 'birth', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'names', 'molly', 'vince', 'comes', 'visit', 'hospital', 'ecstatic', 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'promising', 'take', 'baywatch', 'seems', 'brian\\\\', 'singular', 'obsession', 'turns', 'beach', 'man', 'ordered', 'kidnapping', 'louis', 'trust', 'gigli', 'get', 'job', 'done', 'right', 'hires', 'woman', 'calling', 'ricki', 'take', 'charge', 'gigli', 'attracted', 'ricki', 'resents', 'fact', 'louis', 'faith', 'take', 'orders', 'woman', 'also', 'frustrated', 'brian\\\\', 'insistence', 'going', 'baywatch', 'ricki\\\\', 'lesbianism', 'events', 'take', 'darker', 'turn', 'larry', 'ricki', 'receive', 'orders', 'cut', 'brian\\\\', 'thumb', 'something', 'neither', 'wants', 'ricki\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'robin', 'shows', 'gigli\\\\', 'apartment', 'accusing', 'cheating', 'slits', 'wrists', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'hospital', 'gigli', 'goes', 'morgue', 'cuts', 'corpse\\\\', 'thumb', 'sends', 'boss', 'brian\\\\', 'thumb', 'gigli', 'ricki', 'back', 'apartment', 'gigli', 'confesses', 'love', 'two', 'sleep', 'together', 'summoned', 'meet', 'mob\\\\', 'boss', 'starkman', 'reveals', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'approve', 'plan', 'kidnap', 'federal', 'prosecutor\\\\', 'brother', 'scolds', 'thumb', 'sent', \"won\\\\'t\", 'match', 'brian\\\\', 'fingerprint', 'kills', 'louis', 'starkman', 'kill', 'ricki', 'gigli', 'well', 'ricki', 'talks', 'decide', 'take', 'brian', 'back', 'found', 'way', 'discover', 'baywatch', 'shooting', 'episode', 'beach', 'leave', 'happy', 'brian', 'last', 'minute', 'ricki', 'decides', 'leave', 'town', 'gigli'], [\"'beverly\", 'sutphin', 'appears', 'typical', 'suburban', 'housewife', 'living', 'dentist', 'husband', 'eugene', 'children', 'misty', 'chip', 'suburbs', 'baltimore', 'behind', 'chipper', 'fa챌ade', 'however', 'serial', 'killer', 'murdering', 'people', 'smallest', 'criticism', 'insult', 'slight', 'film', 'opens', 'sutphin', 'family', 'breakfast', 'beverly', 'attentively', 'taking', 'care', 'family\\\\', 'needs', 'two', 'police', 'officers', 'arrive', 'question', 'family', 'mail', 'threats', 'obscene', 'phone', 'calls', 'fellow', 'resident', 'area', 'dottie', 'hinkle', 'brief', 'interview', 'family', 'members', 'police', 'leave', 'house', 'begin', 'day', 'except', 'beverly', 'goes', 'upstairs', 'master', 'bedroom', 'makes', 'obscene', 'phone', 'calls', 'changing', 'voice', 'dottie', 'revealing', 'predator', 'bothering', 'reason', 'dottie', 'stole', 'parking', 'space', 'beverly', 'mall', 'beverly\\\\', 'friend', 'neighbor', 'rosemary', 'ackerman', 'enters', 'house', 'surprises', 'finishes', 'prank', 'call', 'lend', 'beverly', 'sewing', 'supplies', 'materials', 'including', 'pair', 'scissors', 'first', 'murder', 'known', 'commit', 'occurs', 'beverly', 'attends', 'pta', 'mr.', 'stubbins', 'chip\\\\', 'high', 'school', 'math', 'teacher', 'criticizes', 'son\\\\', 'morbid', 'fascination', 'violent', 'horror', 'films', 'questions', 'strength', 'family', 'unit', 'well', 'recommending', 'therapy', 'chip', 'runs', 'car', 'killing', 'woman', 'smoking', 'marijuana', 'witnesses', 'incident', 'following', 'morning', 'beverly\\\\', 'husband', 'eugene', 'called', 'office', 'betty', 'sterner', 'misty', 'upset', 'gets', 'stood', 'date', 'carl', 'pageant', 'proclaiming', 'desire', 'kill', 'beverly', 'cautions', 'misty', 'using', 'words', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'mean', 'subsequently', 'sees', 'police', 'investigating', 'trash', 'cans', 'car', 'beverly', 'skillfully', 'deflects', 'cops\\\\', 'questions', 'husband', 'asks', 'cops', 'leave', 'later', 'seeing', 'carl', 'another', 'girl', 'local', 'indoor', 'swap', 'meet', 'beverly', 'impales', 'men\\\\', 'restroom', 'fireplace', 'poker', 'rosemary', 'came', 'along', 'purchased', 'miscreant', 'pervert', 'looking', 'hole', 'one', 'stalls', 'witnesses', 'beverly', 'hiding', 'toilet', 'stall', 'following', 'murder', 'among', 'first', 'suspect', 'beverly\\\\', 'crimes', 'neighbor', 'dottie', 'hinkle', 'person', 'making', 'obscene', 'phone', 'calls', 'sending', 'threatening', 'letters', 'coincidentally', 'meet', 'rosemary\\\\', 'house', 'one', 'afternoon', 'beverly', 'asks', 'rosemary', 'question', 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'break', 'find', 'alive', 'masturbating', 'pornographic', 'movie', 'police', 'barge', 'well', 'scotty\\\\', 'embarrassment', 'beverly', 'fact', 'going', 'kill', 'sterners', 'skillful', 'driving', 'evades', 'police', 'car', 'following', 'upon', 'arriving', 'sterners\\\\', 'house', 'spies', 'sterners', 'chicken', 'dinner', 'angering', 'beverly', 'avid', 'bird', 'watcher', 'concert', 'fact', 'betty', 'called', 'eugene', 'office', 'saturday', 'morning', 'well', 'disregarding', 'husband\\\\', 'advice', 'eating', 'sweets', 'makes', 'beverly', 'decide', 'must', 'die', 'beverly', 'promptly', 'sneaks', 'house', 'via', 'upstairs', 'window', 'bedroom', 'hides', 'bed', 'betty', 'opens', 'closet', 'beverly', 'stabs', 'stomach', 'scissors', 'ralph', 'runs', 'upstairs', 'finds', 'wife', 'dead', 'beverly', 'unsuccessfully', 'tries', 'throw', 'pair', 'scissors', 'kill', 'ralph', 'runs', 'outside', 'calling', 'help', 'beverly', 'topples', 'air', 'conditioner', 'onto', 'killing', 'sutphins', 'church', 'sunday', 'hear', 'news', 'report', 'car', 'radio', 'naming', 'beverly', 'suspect', 'two', 'murders', 'betty', 'ralph', 'sterner', 'family', 'silently', 'come', 'conclusion', 'beverly', 'indeed', 'murderer', 'arrive', 'church', 'met', 'suspicion', 'fear', 'congregants', 'church\\\\', 'message', 'board', 'announces', 'day\\\\', 'sermon', 'capital', 'punishment', 'church', 'service', 'ends', 'pandemonium', 'suspicious', 'sound', 'causes', 'everyone', 'except', 'beverly', 'panic', 'flee', 'church', 'including', 'minister', 'police', 'detectives', 'confirm', 'beverly\\\\', 'fingerprints', 'match', 'sterner', 'crime', 'scene', 'attempt', 'arrest', 'manages', 'escape', 'hides', 'video', 'rental', 'store', 'son', 'works', 'overhears', 'customer', 'named', 'mrs.', 'jensen', 'bickering', 'chip', 'paying', 'fee', 'failing', 'rewind', 'videotape', 'renting', 'film', 'version', 'annie', 'mrs.', 'jensen', 'calls', 'chip', 'son', 'psycho', 'beverly', 'sneaks', 'follows', 'mrs.', 'jensen', 'home', 'mrs.', 'jensen', 'begins', 'watch', 'opening', 'credits', 'annie', 'sing', 'along', 'tomorrow', 'bludgeons', 'death', 'leg', 'lamb', 'notices', 'one', 'chip\\\\', 'friends', 'scotty', 'spying', 'window', 'begins', 'chasing', 'tries', 'stab', 'knife', 'car\\\\', 'convertible', 'roof', 'yelling', 'wear', 'seat', 'belt', 'it\\\\', 'law', 'scotty', 'drives', 'beverly', 'carjacks', 'passing', 'van', 'follows', 'hammerjack\\\\', 'all-girl', 'band', 'named', 'camel', 'lips', 'playing', 'scotty', 'tries', 'escape', 'running', 'stage', 'beverly', 'causes', 'light', 'fixture', 'fall', 'sets', 'fire', 'using', 'cigarette', 'lighter', 'aerosol', 'onstage', 'front', 'deranged', 'crowd', 'listening', 'band', 'family', 'arrives', 'police', 'arrest', 'beverly', 'crowd', 'cheer', 'support', 'serial', 'mom', 'beverly', 'named', 'media', 'trial', 'becomes', 'national', 'sensation', 'already', 'dubbed', 'serial', 'mom', 'movie', 'case', 'starring', 'suzanne', 'somers', 'planned', 'chip', 'hires', 'agent', 'manage', 'family\\\\', 'media', 'appearances', 'misty', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'reporter', 'baltimore', 'sun', 'sell', 'merchandise', 'mother\\\\', 'trial', 'outside', 'courthouse', 'opening', 'arguments', 'beverly', 'notices', 'member', 'jury', 'wearing', 'white', 'shoes', 'labor', 'day', 'fashion', 'faux', 'pas', 'whole', 'trial', 'beverly', 'brings', 'attention', 'attorney', 'dismisses', 'comment', 'claims', 'beverly', 'guilty', 'reason', 'insanity', 'asks', 'lawyer', 'fired', 'permitted', 'represent', 'judge', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'trial', 'begins', 'beverly', 'proves', 'quite', 'formidable', 'defending', 'trial', 'dottie', 'hinkle', 'testifies', 'beverly', 'prank', 'phone', 'caller', 'beverly\\\\', 'courtroom', 'antics', 'cause', 'dottie', 'explode', 'cursing', 'fit', 'destroying', 'credibility', 'judge', 'holds', 'contempt', 'court', 'rosemary', 'ackerman', 'takes', 'stand', 'beverly', 'destroys', 'credibility', 'revealing', 'ackerman\\\\', 'magazine', 'source', 'nuisance', 'letters', 'dottie', 'hinkle', 'ackerman\\\\', 'firepoker', 'used', 'kill', 'carl', 'pageant', 'ackerman\\\\', 'scissors', 'found', 'sterner', 'murder', 'scene', 'beverly', 'gets', 'ackerman', 'admit', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'recycle', 'provokes', 'exaggerated', 'disgust', 'jury', 'testimony', 'marvin', 'pickles', 'seen', 'peephole', 'restroom', 'stall', 'poker', 'carl\\\\', 'murder', 'beverly', 'fans', 'legs', 'sexually', 'arousing', 'man', 'confusing', 'saying', 'lied', 'never', 'saw', 'beverly', 'stall', 'lu-ann', 'hodges', 'stoner', 'saw', 'beverly\\\\', 'car', 'drive', 'mr.', 'stubbins', 'discredited', 'intoxicated', 'demeanor', 'recalling', 'blue', 'car', 'rather', 'blue', 'station', 'wagon', 'beverly', 'questions', 'detective', 'gracey', 'merits', 'judging', 'reading', 'materials', 'obtained', 'searching', 'garbage', 'bolstering', 'argument', 'displaying', 'porno', 'magazine', 'chicks', 'dicks', 'claims', 'found', 'detective\\\\', 'trash', 'garbage', 'man', 'friends', 'second', 'detective\\\\', 'testimony', 'entire', 'courtroom', 'starstruck', 'distracted', 'crucial', 'evidence', 'sudden', 'appearance', 'suzanne', 'somers', 'would', 'portraying', 'beverly', 'heroine', 'television', 'movie', 'verdict', 'read', 'beverly', 'found', 'guilty', 'charges', 'laughs', 'announces', 'coming', 'home', 'family', 'clearly', 'stunned', 'unnerved', 'acquittal', 'vow', 'never', 'get', 'nerves', 'post-trial', 'interviews', 'beverly', 'follows', 'juror', 'wearing', 'white', 'shoes', 'pay', 'phone', 'conveniently', 'empty', 'ladies\\\\', 'room', 'lecturing', 'juror', 'folly', 'wearing', 'white', 'labor', 'day', 'refusing', 'accept', 'apologies', 'beverly', 'kills', 'juror', 'striking', 'head', 'hard', 'payphone', 'receiver', 'joins', 'family', 'somers', 'wants', 'picture', 'taken', 'beverly', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'beverly', 'gets', 'increasingly', 'angry', 'somers\\\\', 'insistence', 'yelling', 'suzanne', 'somers', 'bad', 'side', 'moment', 'someone', 'discovers', 'juror\\\\', 'body', 'begins', 'screaming', 'somers', 'realizes', 'beverly\\\\', 'family', 'already', 'knows', 'woman', 'somers', 'pretentiously', 'labeled', 'feminist', 'heroine', 'indeed', 'serial', 'mom', 'film', 'ends', 'close-in', 'beverly\\\\', 'face', 'lips', 'quiver', 'small', 'diabolical', 'smile', 'screen', 'appears', 'displaying', 'message', 'beverly', 'refused', 'cooperate', 'making', 'film', 'playing', 'premise', 'film\\\\', 'reality'], ['king', 'navarre', 'vowed', 'avoid', 'romantic', 'entanglements', 'order', 'spend', 'three', 'years', 'study', 'contemplation', 'chief', 'courtiers', 'agree', 'follow', 'vow', 'though', 'one', 'argues', 'able', 'fulfil', 'plan', 'berowne', 'claim', 'proven', 'correct', 'almost', 'instantly', 'princess', 'france', 'comes', 'navarre', 'discuss', 'status', 'province', 'aquitaine', 'though', 'king', 'grant', 'access', 'palace', 'courtiers', 'falls', 'love', 'one', 'handmaidens', 'king', 'falls', 'love', 'princess', 'men', 'attempt', 'hide', 'loves', 'expose', 'fellows', 'end', 'masked', 'ball', 'pairs', 'lovers', 'comically', 'mismatched', 'amours', 'revealed', 'however', 'expected', 'nuptial', 'consummation', 'women', 'demand', 'men', 'prove', 'serious', 'waiting', 'comic', 'underplot', 'costard', 'others', 'attempt', 'stage', 'play', 'severely', 'curtailed', 'boasting', 'spaniard', 'armado'], ['plot', 'peter', 'appleton', 'up-and-coming', 'young', 'screenwriter', 'meeting', 'hollywood', 'executives', 'dreaming', 'ways', 'radically', 'change', 'plot', 'movie', 'written', 'long', 'learns', 'accused', 'communist', 'attended', 'antiwar', 'meeting', 'college', 'years', 'meeting', 'claims', 'attended', 'impress', 'girl', 'instant', 'new', 'film', 'pushed', 'back', 'months', 'credit', 'given', 'someone', 'else', 'movie', 'star', 'girlfriend', 'leaves', 'contract', 'studio', 'dropped', 'gets', 'drunk', 'accidentally', 'drives', 'car', 'bridge', 'river', 'knocked', 'unconscious', 'wakes', 'ocean', 'beach', 'amnesia', 'finds', 'small', 'town', 'called', 'lawson', 'discovered', 'stan', 'keller', 'takes', 'local', 'doctor', 'named', 'doc', 'stanton', 'townsfolk', 'believe', 'luke', 'trimble', 'one', 'town', 'boys', 'killed', 'world', 'war', 'years', 'embrace', 'symbol', 'hope', 'luke', 'first', 'mildly', 'hesitant', 'embrace', 'life', 'eventually', 'settles', 'old', 'life', 'father', 'harry', 'girlfriend', 'adele', 'stanton', 'starts', 'restore', 'majestic', 'theater', 'old', 'movie', 'house', 'closed', 'hard', 'times', 'meanwhile', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'congressional', 'committee', 'member', 'elvin', 'clyde', 'convinced', 'appleton\\\\', 'disappearance', 'proof', 'communist', 'clyde', 'sends', 'two', 'federal', 'agents', 'search', 'back', 'lawson', 'everyone', 'believes', 'luke', 'back', 'bob', 'leffert', 'one-handed', 'veteran', 'knew', 'real', 'luke', 'like', 'convinced', 'peter', 'luke', 'also', 'believes', 'stranger', 'setting', 'town', 'heartbreak', 'days', 'later', 'town', 'throws', 'welcome', 'home', 'party', 'luke', 'headed', 'mayor', 'ernie', 'cole', 'town', 'asks', 'play', 'piano', 'used', 'kid', 'instead', 'playing', 'one', 'classics', 'taught', 'play', 'eventually', 'falls', 'roadhouse', 'boogie', 'tune', 'way', 'home', 'runs', 'bob', 'confronts', 'suspicions', 'luke', 'punches', 'peter', 'makes', 'remark', 'war', 'must', 'damaged', 'readily', 'apparent', 'peter', 'harry', 'adele', 'staff', 'members', 'majestic', 'rest', 'townsfolk', 'work', 'together', 'restore', 'theater', 'former', 'glory', 'process', 'peter', 'also', 'convinces', 'town', 'finally', 'display', 'memorial', 'president', 'franklin', 'roosevelt', 'commissioned', 'war', 'town', 'heart', 'erect', 'peter', 'recovers', 'amnesia', 'majestic', 'shows', 'movie', 'wrote', 'called', 'sand', 'pirates', 'sahara', 'moment', 'harry', 'suffers', 'massive', 'heart', 'attack', 'reel', 'change', 'halting', 'movie', 'doc', 'tells', 'peter', 'harry\\\\', 'condition', 'fatal', 'die', 'soon', 'harry\\\\', 'death', 'bed', 'peter', 'lets', 'die', 'believing', 'really', 'son', 'immediately', 'harry\\\\', 'funeral', 'peter', 'tells', 'adele', 'regained', 'memory', 'knows', 'luke', 'adele', 'admits', 'suspected', 'break', 'news', 'townspeople', 'however', 'federal', 'agents', 'ellerby', 'saunders', 'confront', 'publicly', 'tracked', 'two', 'boys', 'discovered', 'car', 'washed', 'beach', 'sheriff', 'cecil', 'coleman', 'asks', 'help', 'federal', 'agents', 'something', 'agents', 'present', 'peter', 'summons', 'appear', 'congress', 'night', 'theater', 'closes', 'early', 'one', 'shows', 'watch', 'shows', 'peter', 'talks', 'emmett', 'tells', 'realized', 'peter', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'luke', 'moment', 'heard', 'peter', 'pounding', 'fine', 'roadhouse', 'boogie', 'tune', 'piano', 'luke', 'could', 'never', 'learn', 'play', 'kept', 'knowledge', 'realizing', 'town', 'needed', 'luke', 'town\\\\', 'hope', 'future', 'peter', 'leaves', 'ownership', 'theater', 'emmett', 'irene', 'theater\\\\', 'vendor', 'peter\\\\', 'agent', 'advises', 'admit', 'denounce', 'past', 'associations', 'communist', 'party', 'presents', 'list', 'named', 'communists', 'could', 'read', 'committee', 'clear', 'name', 'initially', 'peter', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'plan', 'argument', 'adele', 'letter', 'finds', 'pocket-sized', 'copy', 'constitution', 'written', 'sort', 'goodbye', 'letter', 'real', 'luke', 'trying', 'explain', 'adele', 'knows', 'might', 'die', 'real', 'cause', 'inspire', 'peter', 'instead', 'confront', 'committee', 'hearing', 'headed', 'congressman', 'doyle', 'televised', 'citizens', 'lawson', 'also', 'watching', 'peter', 'makes', 'impassioned', 'speech', 'american', 'ideals', 'wins', 'crowd', 'fearing', 'political', 'backlash', 'lawmakers', 'let', 'free', 'peter', 'finds', 'fact', 'girl', 'went', 'college', 'meeting', 'years', 'named', 'committee', 'soon', 'peter', 'sits', 'group', 'unseen', 'studio', 'executives', 'heard', 'film\\\\', 'opening', 'brainstorming', 'changes', 'plot', 'film', 'yet', 'finally', 'exasperated', 'peter', 'walks', 'away', 'career', 'disgust', 'peter', 'returns', 'lawson', 'fearing', 'unwelcome', 'reception', 'peter\\\\', 'surprise', 'receives', 'hero\\\\', 'welcome', 'town\\\\', 'citizens', 'come', 'respect', 'peter', 'individual', 'epilogue', 'shows', 'peter', 'resumed', 'ownership', 'management', 'majestic', 'still', 'photos', 'residence', 'movie', 'house', 'reveal', 'adele', 'peter', 'gotten', 'married', 'son'], ['film', 'set', 'spring', 'break', 'fort', 'lauderdale', 'florida', 'texan', 'singing', 'waitress', 'kelly', 'taylor', 'meets', 'pennsylvanian', 'college', 'student', 'justin', 'bell', 'fall', 'various', 'romantic', 'complications', 'ensue', 'kelly', 'friend', 'kaya', 'falls', 'love', 'charming', 'busboy', 'carlos', 'kelly', 'friend', 'alexa', 'schemes', 'keep', 'justin', 'kelly', 'meeting', 'justin', 'friend', 'brandon', 'always', 'getting', 'wrong', 'side', 'sexy', 'beach', 'patrolwoman', 'justin', 'friend', 'eddie', 'tries', 'hook', 'cyberpal', 'cite', 'web'], 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'motel', 'room', 'several', 'weeks', 'searches', 'town', 'ronnie', 'unsuccessfully', 'first', 'finally', 'spots', 'ronnie\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'follows', 'supermarket', 'giles', 'rams', 'shopping', 'cart', 'accidentally', 'girlfriend', 'makes', 'story', 'god-daughter', 'abigail', 'love', 'ronnie', 'girlfriend', 'audrey', 'seemingly', 'glad', 'found', 'fan-base', 'ronnie', 'england', 'spends', 'day', 'talking', 'giles', 'tells', 'ronnie', 'invite', 'another', 'time', 'talk', 'ronnie\\\\', 'career', 'eventually', 'giles', 'becomes', 'regular', 'visitor', 'ronnie', 'audrey\\\\', 'house', 'ronnie', 'flattered', 'giles', 'giles', 'able', 'stay', 'longer', 'presence', 'claiming', 'write', 'new', 'script', 'ronnie', 'one', 'better', 'suits', 'acting', 'abilities', 'audrey', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'giles\\\\', 'motives', 'regarding', 'ronnie', 'tells', 'giles', 'taking', 'ronnie', 'see', 'parents', 'extended', 'visit', 'giles', 'upset', 'last-ditch', 'effort', 'confronts', 'ronnie', 'tells', 'feels', 'says', 'many', 'artists', 'younger', 'male', 'lovers', 'ronnie', 'split', 'audrey', 'obvious', \"won\\\\'t\", 'last', 'ronnie', 'rejects', 'giles', 'seems', 'genuinely', 'concerned', 'giles', 'goes', 'back', 'england', 'cinema', 'watches', 'ronnie\\\\', 'next', 'film', 'another', 'hotpants', 'college', 'movie'], [\"'there\", 'many', 'continuations', '400', 'blows', 'discharged', 'army', 'unfit', 'antoine', 'doinel', 'seeks', 'sweetheart', 'violinist', 'christine', 'darbon', 'written', 'voluminously', 'military', 'relationship', 'tentative', 'unresolved', 'christine', 'away', 'skiing', 'friends', 'antoine', 'arrives', 'parents', 'must', 'entertain', 'though', 'glad', 'see', 'learns', 'antoine', 'returned', 'military', 'service', 'christine', 'goes', 'greet', 'new', 'job', 'hotel', 'night', 'clerk', 'promising', 'sign', 'perhaps', 'time', 'romance', 'turn', 'happily', 'antoine', 'however', 'quickly', 'fired', 'hotel', 'job', 'counting', 'army', 'antoine', 'loses', 'three', 'jobs', 'film', 'clearly', 'destined', 'lose', 'fourth', 'symbolic', 'general', 'difficulty', 'finding', 'identity', 'fitting', 'later', 'christine', 'attempts', 'guess', 'antoine\\\\', 'latest', 'job', 'amusingly', 'tossing', 'guesses', 'like', 'sheriff', 'water', 'taster', 'finally', 'job', 'private', 'detective', 'revealed', 'throughout', 'film', 'antoine', 'works', 'maintain', 'job', 'working', 'case', 'requires', 'pose', 'shoe', 'store', 'stock', 'boy', 'job', 'separates', 'antoine', 'relationship', 'christine', 'soon', 'falls', 'employer\\\\', 'attractive', 'wife', 'willingly', 'seduces', 'quarrels', 'christine', 'saying', 'never', 'admired', 'fired', 'detective', 'agency', 'film\\\\', 'end', 'antoine', 'become', 'repairman', 'still', 'avoids', 'christine', 'wins', 'back', 'deliberately', 'disabling', 'calling', 'company', 'repairs', 'parents', 'away', 'company', 'sends', 'antoine', 'bumbling', 'inept', 'trying', 'hours', 'fix', 'one', 'missing', 'tube', 'morning', 'finds', 'two', 'bed', 'together', 'film\\\\', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'newly', 'engaged', 'antoine', 'christine', 'strolling', 'park', 'strange', 'man', 'trailed', 'christine', 'days', 'approaches', 'couple', 'declares', 'love', 'christine', 'describes', 'love', 'definitive', 'unlike', 'temporary', 'love', 'temporary', 'people', 'walks', 'away', 'christine', 'explains', 'man', 'must', 'mad', 'antoine', 'recognising', 'similarities', 'much', 'previous', 'behaviour', 'admits', 'must'], [\"'william\", 'lee', 'exterminator', 'finds', 'wife', 'joan', 'stealing', 'insecticide', 'use', 'drug', 'lee', 'arrested', 'police', 'begins', 'hallucinating', 'bug', 'powder', 'exposure', 'believes', 'secret', 'agent', 'whose', 'controller', 'assigns', 'mission', 'killing', 'joan', 'agent', 'organization', 'called', 'interzone', 'incorporated', 'lee', 'dismisses', 'bug', 'instructions', 'kills', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'joan', 'sleeping', 'hank', 'one', 'writer', 'friends', 'shortly', 'afterwards', 'accidentally', 'kills', 'attempting', 'shoot', 'drinking', 'glass', 'head', 'imitation', 'william', 'tell', 'inadvertently', 'accomplished', 'mission', 'lee', 'flees', 'interzone', 'spends', 'time', 'writing', 'reports', 'imaginary', 'handler', 'documents', 'insistence', 'literary', 'colleagues', 'eventually', 'become', 'titular', 'book', 'whilst', 'lee', 'influence', 'assorted', 'mind-altering', 'substances', 'typewriter', 'clark', 'nova', 'becomes', 'giant', 'talking', 'insect', 'tells', 'find', 'dr.', 'benway', 'seducing', 'joan', 'frost', 'doppelg채nger', 'dead', 'wife', 'coming', 'conclusion', 'dr.', 'benway', 'fact', 'secret', 'mastermind', 'narcotics', 'operation', 'drug', 'called', 'black', 'meat', 'supposedly', 'derived', 'guts', 'giant', 'centipedes', 'lee', 'completes', 'report', 'flees', 'interzone', 'annexia', 'joan', 'frost', 'stopped', 'annexian', 'border', 'patrol', 'instructed', 'prove', 'writer', 'claims', 'lee', 'produces', 'pen', 'insufficient', 'proof', 'passage', 'inexplicably', 'offers', 'demonstration', 'william', 'tell', 'routine', 'using', 'glass', 'atop', 'joan', 'frost\\\\', 'head', 'misses', 'badly', 'thus', 're-enacts', 'earlier', 'killing', 'wife', 'allowed', 'enter', 'annexia'], [\"'the\", 'three', 'married', 'men', 'george', 'doug', 'howie', 'divorc챕', 'fred', 'friends', 'commute', 'work', 'greenwich', 'connecticut', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'train', 'seeing', 'fred\\\\', 'philandering', 'boss', 'mr.', 'bingham', 'mistress', 'sets', 'men', 'fantasizing', 'sharing', 'expense', 'apartment', 'city', 'love', 'nest', 'gag', 'give', 'fred', 'task', 'finding', 'unrealistically', 'inexpensive', 'apartment', 'blonde', 'companion', 'fred', 'rents', 'luxurious', 'suite', 'peter', 'bowers', 'desperate', 'find', 'tenant', 'chance', 'cathy', 'knockout', 'blonde', 'also', 'answers', 'advertisement', 'apartment', 'fred', 'explains', 'place', 'already', 'taken', 'learns', 'also', 'looking', 'beautiful', 'young', 'housekeeper', 'friends', 'surprise', 'accepts', 'job', 'boys', 'delighted', 'tells', 'wife', 'taking', 'course', 'one', 'night', 'week', 'improve', 'mind', 'stay', 'new', 'york', 'overnight', 'unbeknownst', 'men', 'cathy', 'actually', 'sociology', 'graduate', 'student', 'writing', 'thesis', 'adolescent', 'fantasies', 'adult', 'suburban', 'male', 'skeptical', 'advisor', 'dr.', 'prokosch', 'worries', \"won\\\\'t\", 'able', 'fend', 'men', 'confident', 'abilities', 'start', 'calling', 'individually', 'evenings', 'encourages', 'talk', 'secretly', 'recording', 'conversations', 'cathy', 'deftly', 'avoids', 'seduced', 'married', 'men', 'although', 'brags', 'others', 'slept', 'supplies', 'one', 'really', 'wants', 'howie', 'starved', 'substantial', 'food', 'dieting', 'wife', 'provide', 'doug', 'likes', 'repair', 'things', 'conveniently', 'broken', 'week', 'george', 'enjoys', 'talking', 'spouse', 'keeps', 'finishing', 'sentences', 'fred', 'however', 'different', 'story', 'attracted', 'cathy', 'disgusted', 'friends\\\\', 'fabricated', 'stories', 'refuses', 'use', 'night', 'end', 'wives', 'become', 'suspicious', 'advice', 'fred\\\\', 'mother', 'ethel', 'hire', 'private', 'investigator', 'ernest', 'bohannon', 'find', 'going', 'based', 'report', 'assume', 'worst', 'confront', 'husbands', 'three', 'married', 'men', 'confess', 'nothing', 'happened', 'cathy', 'reveals', 'research', 'getting', 'shock', 'fred', 'marries', 'cathy', 'everyone', 'learns', 'lesson', 'boys\\\\', 'night', 'instead', 'couples', 'together'], [\"'johnny\", 'van', 'owen', 'carefree', 'rapper', 'drifts', 'city', 'city', 'performing', 'crew', 'film', 'begins', 'johnny', 'performing', 'nightclub', 'rapping', 'dancing', 'crew', 'club', 'background', 'songstress', 'singing', 'cool', 'ice', 'club', 'closes', 'night', 'johnny', 'receives', 'phone', 'number', 'female', 'audience', 'member', 'crew', 'heads', 'motorcycles', 'heading', 'next', 'show', 'group', 'passes', 'small', 'town', 'rebellious', 'johnny', 'falls', 'honor', 'student', 'kathy', 'winslow', 'crew', 'stranded', 'town', 'member\\\\', 'motorcycle', 'breaks', 'left', 'local', 'repair', 'shop', 'waiting', 'repairs', 'johnny', 'uses', 'opportunity', 'see', 'kathy', 'unfortunately', 'already', 'boyfriend', 'named', 'nick', 'advises', 'kathy', 'dump', 'acting', 'tip', 'kathy\\\\', 'younger', 'brother', 'tommy', 'johnny', 'shows', 'crew', 'local', 'club', 'frequented', 'kathy', 'friends', 'noticing', 'one', 'enjoying', 'live', 'music', 'playing', 'club', 'johnny', 'crew', 'decide', 'perform', 'musical', 'number', 'unplugging', 'band\\\\', 'instruments', 'taking', 'control', 'shocking', 'audience', 'ending', 'johnny', 'sweeping', 'kathy', 'feet', 'humiliating', 'nick', 'offers', 'forgive', 'kathy', 'take', 'home', 'refuses', 'walks', 'home', 'unbeknownst', 'kathy', 'however', 'stalked', 'two', 'strange', 'men', 'car', 'saved', 'johnny', 'takes', 'home', 'club\\\\', 'parking', 'lot', 'jealous', 'nick', 'friends', 'smash', 'motorcycles', 'belonging', 'johnny\\\\', 'friends', 'nick\\\\', 'friends', 'attack', 'rapping', 'biker', 'fights', 'back', 'leaving', 'nick', 'hospital', 'broken', 'nose', 'kathy\\\\', 'father', 'gordon', 'michael', 'gross', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'johnny', 'warns', 'kathy', 'stay', 'away', \"can\\\\'t\", 'trust', 'strangers', 'despite', 'protests', 'father', 'insists', 'safety', 'well', 'winslow', 'family', 'next', 'day', 'kathy', 'goes', 'ride', 'johnny', 'father\\\\', 'wishes', 'ride', 'town', 'including', 'construction', 'site', 'paying', 'heed', 'time', 'finally', 'return', 'home', 'greeted', 'angry', 'gordon', 'coldly', 'warns', 'johnny', 'stay', 'away', 'daughter', 'gordon', 'pressure', 'wife', 'grace', 'reveals', 'kathy', 'secret', 'past', 'police', 'officer', 'met', 'mother', 'run', 'two', 'corrupt', 'cops', 'able', 'escape', 'using', 'fabricated', 'documents', 'explaining', 'kept', 'life', 'secret', 'kathy', 'years', 'kathy', 'criticizes', 'father', 'saying', 'fair', 'lied', 'order', 'protect', 'yet', 'refuse', 'permit', 'see', 'total', 'stranger', 'next', 'day', 'johnny', 'agrees', 'give', 'tommy', 'ride', 'bike', 'cruise', 'streets', 'finally', 'back', 'winslow', 'home', 'tommy', 'kidnapped', 'repair', 'shop', 'crew', 'prepares', 'leave', 'town', 'since', 'bike', 'repaired', 'tell', 'johnny', 'say', 'goodbye', 'kathy', 'last', 'time', 'johnny', 'arrives', 'winslow', 'house', 'finds', 'envelope', 'meant', 'family', 'turns', 'message', 'crooked', 'cops', 'tommy', 'recording', 'fearing', 'worst', 'gordon', 'accuses', 'johnny', 'criminal', 'involvement', 'much', 'kathy\\\\', 'dismay', 'kathy', 'asks', 'johnny', 'play', 'tape', 'left', 'behind', 'kidnappers', 'hears', 'loud', 'clanging', 'noise', 'construction', 'vehicle', 'revealing', 'message', 'recorded', 'construction', 'site', 'gang', 'ambushes', 'kidnappers', 'rescue', 'tommy', 'police', 'arrive', 'gang', 'return', 'tommy', 'winslows', 'gordon', 'apologizes', 'johnny', 'rapper', 'tells', 'kathy', 'move', 'decides', 'follow', 'around', 'time', 'nick', 'arrives', 'car', 'telling', 'kathy', 'get', 'used', 'biker', 'chick', 'never', 'see', 'discouraged', 'kathy', 'holds', 'johnny', 'uses', 'car', 'ramp', 'much', 'nick\\\\', 'shock', 'two', 'new', 'lovers', 'ride', 'big', 'city', 'film', 'ends', 'johnny', 'finally', 'reaching', 'destination', 'rapping', 'dancing', 'crew', 'audience', 'night', 'club', 'kathy', 'among', 'audience', 'joins', 'stage', 'show', 'dancing', 'alone', 'spotlight'], [\"'jack\", 'elliot', 'aging', 'american', 'baseball', 'player', 'unsuspectingly', 'put', 'trading', 'block', 'new', 'york', 'yankees', 'favor', 'rookie', 'first-baseman', 'played', 'former', 'chicago', 'white', 'sox', 'player', 'frank', 'thomas', 'there\\\\', 'one', 'taker', 'nagoya', 'chunichi', 'dragons', 'japan\\\\', 'nippon', 'professional', 'baseball', 'right', 'away', 'arrogant', 'elliot', 'clashes', 'japanese', 'culture', 'team\\\\', 'manager', 'soon', 'alienates', 'new', 'teammates', 'believes', 'rules', 'management', 'style', 'new', 'skipper', 'uchiyama', 'ludicrous', 'continues', 'things', 'way', 'leads', 'already', 'dwindling', 'performance', 'suffer', 'much', 'ally', 'team', 'another', 'american', 'ballplayer', 'max', 'hammer', 'dubois', 'even', 'he\\\\', 'fed', 'jack\\\\', 'attitude', 'lack', 'respect', 'game', 'team', 'time', 'elliot', 'develops', 'relationship', 'beautiful', 'hiroko', 'later', 'finds', 'uchiyama\\\\', 'daughter', 'one', 'many', 'outbursts', 'including', 'punching', 'interpreter', 'elliot', 'suspended', 'play', 'meeting', 'hiroko\\\\', 'family', 'including', 'uchiyama', 'uchiyama', 'admits', 'jack', 'hired', 'objections', 'management', 'career', 'jack\\\\', 'jeopardy', 'hearing', 'elliot', 'swallows', 'pride', 'admits', 'deficiencies', 'rare', 'show', 'humility', 'apologizes', 'team', 'rally', 'around', 'teach', 'value', 'sportsmanship', 'respect', 'hard', 'work', 'uchiyama', 'lifts', 'suspension', 'begins', 'work', 'elliot', 'improving', 'play', 'reinvigorated', 'elliot\\\\', 'enthusiasm', 'team', 'play', 'contagious', 'mediocre', 'dragons', 'become', 'contenders', 'central', 'league', 'pennant', 'process', 'also', 'utilizes', 'japanese', 'tradition', 'able', 'tell', 'uchiyama', 'intoxicated', 'convince', 'encourage', 'players', 'aggressive', 'little', 'fun', 'eventually', 'elliot', 'gets', 'opportunity', 'break', 'uchiyama\\\\', 'record', 'seven', 'consecutive', 'games', 'home', 'run', 'new-found', 'respect', 'team', 'play', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'crucial', 'game', 'yomiuri', 'giants', 'bases', 'loaded', 'two', 'outs', 'team', '6-5', 'team', 'brass', 'expects', 'uchiyama', 'signal', 'bunt', 'try', 'tie', 'game', 'even', 'though', 'would', 'deny', 'elliot', 'chance', 'break', 'home', 'run', 'record', 'elliot', 'goes', 'uchiyama', 'asks', 'read', 'sign', 'correctly', 'uchiyama', 'nods', 'tells', 'swing', 'away', 'knowing', 'home', 'run', 'would', 'break', 'record', 'elliot', 'takes', 'called', 'strike', 'one', 'questionable', 'call', 'first', 'pitch', 'elliot', 'fouls', 'second', 'pitch', 'back', 'faced', 'ball', 'two', 'strike', 'count', 'elliot', 'sees', 'giants\\\\', 'infield', 'playing', 'deep', 'bunts', 'giants', 'caught', 'guard', 'bunt', 'successful', 'allowing', 'tying', 'run', 'cross', 'giants', 'struggle', 'field', 'ball', 'elliot', 'runs', 'knocks', 'one', 'giants\\\\', 'players', 'causes', 'throwing', 'error', 'allows', 'winning', 'run', 'score', 'second', 'base', 'dragons', 'winning', 'pennant', 'max', 'elliot', 'return', 'major', 'league', 'baseball', 'max', 'signs', 'contract', 'los', 'angeles', 'dodgers', 'ending', 'five', 'year', 'career', 'npb', 'elliot', 'married', 'hiroko', 'becomes', 'coach', 'mentor', 'detroit', 'tigers', 'movie', 'ends', 'one', 'players', 'calling', 'chief', 'name', 'called', 'uchiyama', 'japan'], [\"'georgette\", 'thomas', 'six-year-old', 'daughter', 'margaret', 'rose', 'travel', 'small', 'southern', 'texas', 'town', 'meet', 'irresponsible', 'rockabilly', 'singer/guitarist', 'husband', 'henry', 'thomas', 'released', 'prison', 'serving', 'time', 'stabbing', 'man', 'drunken', 'brawl', 'tries', 'make', 'home', 'family', 'kate', 'dawson', 'aging', 'spinster', 'raised', 'parents', 'died', 'remains', 'formidable', 'presence', 'life', 'tries', 'sabotage', 'efforts', 'threatening', 'returned', 'prison', 'fails', 'acquiesce', 'demands', 'woman', 'finally', 'dies', 'henry', 'drunkenly', 'destroys', 'possessions', 'desecrates', 'gravesite', 'returned', 'prison', 'georgette', 'margaret', 'rose', 'leave', 'town', 'local', 'sheriff', 'slim'], [\"'sonny\", 'malone', 'talented', 'artist', 'dreams', 'fame', 'beyond', 'job', 'uncreative', 'task', 'painting', 'larger', 'versions', 'album', 'covers', 'record-store', 'window', 'advertisements', 'film', 'opens', 'sonny', 'broke', 'verge', 'giving', 'dream', 'quit', 'day', 'job', 'try', 'make', 'living', 'freelance', 'artist', 'failed', 'make', 'money', 'sonny', 'returns', 'old', 'job', 'airflo', 'records', 'humorous', 'run-ins', 'imperious', 'boss', 'nemesis', 'simpson', 'resumes', 'painting', 'record', 'covers', 'work', 'sonny', 'told', 'paint', 'album', 'cover', 'group', 'called', 'nine', 'sisters', 'cover', 'features', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'passing', 'front', 'art', 'deco', 'auditorium', 'woman', 'collided', 'earlier', 'day', 'kissed', 'roller-skated', 'away', 'malone', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'finding', 'finds', 'auditorium', 'identifies', 'kira', 'tell', 'anything', 'else', 'unbeknownst', 'sonny', 'kira', 'one', 'nine', 'mysterious', 'beautiful', 'women', 'literally', 'sprang', 'life', 'local', 'mural', 'town', 'near', 'beach', 'sonny', 'befriends', 'has-been', 'big', 'band', 'orchestra', 'leader-turned-construction', 'mogul', 'named', 'danny', 'mcguire', 'danny', 'lost', 'muse', '1940s', 'sonny', 'yet', 'found', 'muse', 'kira', 'encourages', 'two', 'men', 'form', 'partnership', 'open', 'nightclub', 'old', 'auditorium', 'album', 'cover', 'falls', 'love', 'sonny', 'presents', 'problem', 'actually', 'olympian', 'muse', 'eight', 'women', 'beginning', 'film', 'sisters', 'fellow', 'goddesses', 'muses', 'mural', 'actually', 'portal', 'sorts', 'point', 'entry', 'earth', 'muses', 'visit', 'earth', 'often', 'help', 'inspire', 'others', 'pursue', 'dreams', 'desires', 'kira\\\\', 'case', 'violated', 'rules', 'muses', 'supposed', 'conduct', 'supposed', 'inspire', 'sonny', 'ended', 'falling', 'love', 'well', 'parents', 'recall', 'timeless', 'realm', 'gods', 'sonny', 'follows', 'mural', 'professes', 'love', 'short', 'debate', 'sonny', 'zeus', 'occurs', 'mnemosyne', 'interceding', 'kira', 'sonny\\\\', 'behalf', 'kira', 'enters', 'discussion', 'saying', 'emotions', 'toward', 'sonny', 'new', 'could', 'one', 'night', 'together', 'sonny\\\\', 'dream', 'success', 'nightclub', 'xanadu', 'could', 'come', 'true', 'zeus', 'ultimately', 'sends', 'sonny', 'back', 'earth', 'kira', 'expresses', 'feelings', 'sonny', 'song', 'suspended', 'time', 'zeus', 'mnemosyne', 'decide', 'let', 'kira', 'moment', 'maybe', 'forever', 'keep', 'straight', 'mortal', 'time', 'confuses', 'audience', 'left', 'wonder', 'fate', 'finale', 'kira', 'muses', 'perform', 'packed', 'house', 'xanadu\\\\', 'grand', 'opening', 'kira\\\\', 'final', 'song', 'return', 'realm', 'gods', 'spectacular', 'fashion', 'departure', 'sonny', 'understandably', 'depressed', 'quickly', 'changes', 'danny', 'one', 'waitresses', 'bring', 'sonny', 'drink', 'waitress', 'looks', 'exactly', 'like', 'kira', 'sonny', 'approaches', 'enigmatic', 'doppelg채nger', 'says', 'would', 'like', 'talk', 'film', 'ends', 'two', 'talking', 'silhouette', 'credits', 'begin', 'roll'], ['two', 'pairs', 'lovers', 'play', 'comedy', 'errors', 'maggie', 'sam', 'astronomer', 'try', 'several', 'unethical', 'nasty', 'tricks', 'break', 'apart', 'envied', 'union', 'respective', 'former', 'partners', 'anton', 'linda', 'good-natured', 'astronomer', 'sam', 'devastated', 'love', 'life', 'linda', 'leaves', 'suave', 'frenchman', 'named', 'anton', 'therefore', 'every', 'normal', 'dumpee', 'would', 'goes', 'new', 'york', 'sets', 'house', 'abandoned', 'building', 'opposite', 'ex-girlfriend', 'apartment', 'intent', 'winning', 'back', 'waiting', 'decides', 'leave', 'current', 'lover', 'sam', 'count', 'joined', 'several', 'weeks', 'later', 'ultra', 'hip', 'tomboy', 'maggie', 'photographer', 'motorcyclist', 'determined', 'get', 'revenge', 'anton', 'ex-fiance', 'mutually', 'hostile', 'first', 'two', 'eventually', 'join', 'forces', 'attempt', 'separate', 'couple', 'ruin', 'anton', 'life', 'however', 'complications', 'ensue', 'sam', 'maggie', 'start', 'falling', 'other.http', '//www.imdb.com/title/tt0118556/plotsummary'], [\"'oscar\", 'grubman', '15-year-old', 'young', 'man', 'portrayed', 'mature', 'beyond', 'years', 'traveling', 'home', 'thanksgiving', 'speaks', 'fluent', 'french', 'quotes', 'voltaire', 'finds', 'girls', 'age', 'unexperienced', 'life', 'attractive', 'girl', 'school', 'miranda', 'spear', 'approaches', 'oscar', 'politely', 'brushes', 'oscar', 'confides', 'friend', 'charlie', 'love', 'mature', 'woman', 'plans', 'win', 'heart', 'thanksgiving', 'break', 'oscar', 'arrives', 'apartment', 'father', 'columbia', 'university', 'history', 'professor', 'author', 'stanley', 'grubman', 'stepmother', 'passionate', 'cardiologist', 'eve', 'evening', 'grubmans', 'hold', 'party', 'stanley', 'introduces', 'girl', 'age', 'oscar', 'rebuffs', 'well', 'staring', 'object', 'affection', 'stepmother', 'oscar', 'tries', 'open', 'unsuspecting', 'eve', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'pick', 'advances', 'stanley', 'tells', 'walk', 'girl', 'home', 'hails', 'cab', 'depressed', 'failure', 'older', 'woman', 'oscar', 'goes', 'bar', 'gets', 'drunk', 'bumps', 'eve\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'chiropractor', 'diane', 'lodder', 'offers', 'take', 'apartment', 'seeing', 'current', 'condition', 'diane', 'begins', 'massage', 'end', 'sex', 'oscar', 'wakes', 'next', 'morning', 'awkward', 'encounter', 'diane\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'phil', 'back', 'home', 'oscar', 'plans', 'surprise', 'lunch', 'eve', 'first', 'stanley', 'inquires', 'oscar', 'spent', 'night', 'oscar', 'makes', 'story', 'meeting', 'miranda', 'spear', 'school', 'brings', 'lunch', 'eve', 'lab', 'opens', 'pondering', 'use', 'heart', 'symbol', 'affection', 'together', 'decide', 'liver', 'new', 'symbol', 'love', 'conversation', 'interrupted', 'phone', 'call', 'stanley', 'mentions', 'diane', 'joining', 'dinner', 'worried', 'diane', 'tell', 'eve', 'tryst', 'oscar', 'finds', 'diane', 'tea', 'room', 'several', 'friends', 'act', 'though', 'know', 'previous', 'evening', 'oscar', 'makes', 'diane', 'promise', 'keep', 'last', 'night', 'secret', 'stanley', 'especially', 'eve', 'dinner', 'diane', 'drinks', 'behaves', 'erratically', 'plays', 'footsie', 'oscar', 'flirts', 'french', 'excuses', 'table', 'oscar', 'follows', 'confront', 'kisses', 'totally', 'stanley\\\\', 'view', 'diane', 'admits', 'stanley', 'eve', 'oscar', 'lovers', 'next', 'day', 'diane', 'explains', 'eve', 'found', 'oscar', 'charming', 'young', 'man', 'eve', 'oscar', 'play', 'tense', 'round', 'tennis', 'lobbing', 'insults', 'ending', 'oscar', 'getting', 'hit', 'head', 'ball', 'oscar', 'explains', 'eve', 'diane', 'drunk', 'wearing', 'eve\\\\', 'scarf', 'eve', 'immediately', 'understands', 'love', 'share', 'passionate', 'kiss', 'eve', 'eventually', 'breaks', 'away', 'end', 'thanksgiving', 'break', 'eve', 'stanley', 'take', 'oscar', 'train', 'eve', 'asks', 'oscar', 'liver', 'feels', 'replies', 'hurts', 'broken', 'train', 'oscar', 'runs', 'miranda', 'quotes', 'voltaire', 'find', 'something', 'pleasant', 'least', 'find', 'something', 'new', 'oscar', 'tells', 'charlie', 'obsession', 'eve', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'important', 'seemed', 'charlie', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'understand', 'friend', 'oscar', 'smiles', 'train', 'rolls'], ['gabriel', 'office', 'temp', 'day', 'aspiring', 'broadway', 'composer', 'night', 'becomes', 'smitten', 'mark', 'go-go', 'dancer', 'gay', 'bar', 'makes', 'eye', 'contact', 'two', 'meet', 'subway', 'night', 'back', 'gabriel', 'place', 'sex', \"'re\", 'thwarted', 'attempt', 'however', 'first', 'gabriel', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'friend', 'katherine', 'obsessed', 'role', 'adaptation', 'salom챕', 'set', 'women', 'prison', 'gabriel', 'roommate', 'rich', 'returns', 'home', 'girlfriend', 'judy', 'similar', 'plans', 'apartment', 'gabriel', 'rich', 'argue', 'get', 'use', 'apartment', 'night', 'decide', 'settle', 'matter', 'coin', 'toss', 'gabriel', 'loses', 'coin', 'toss', 'mark', 'leave', 'gabriel', 'seeks', 'friend', 'perry', 'request', 'use', 'perry', 'place', 'unfortunately', 'perry', 'escorts', 'gabriel', 'mark', 'run', 'perry', 'ex-boyfriend', 'perry', 'tearfully', 'reconcile', 'back', 'perry', 'frustrating', 'gabriel', 'mark', 'yet', 'two', 'decide', 'hit', 'gay', 'club', 'dancing', 'malicious', 'drag', 'queen', 'corners', 'gabriel', 'restroom', 'badmouths', 'mark', 'gabriel', 'telling', 'time', 'tricked', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'sounds', 'much', 'like', 'gabriel', 'mark', 'met', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'mark', 'left', 'abruptly', 'climaxing', 'leaving', 'fake', 'phone', 'number', 'boot', 'crushed', 'news', 'gabriel', 'decides', 'take', 'mark', 'follows', 'gabriel', 'back', 'gabe', 'rich', 'apartment', 'talk', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'also', 'left', 'house', 'keys', 'look', 'keys', 'try', 'talk', 'things', 'judy', 'mediates', 'topless', 'mark', 'asserts', 'indeed', 'trick', 'miss', 'coco', 'actually', 'latter', 'tried', 'take', 'advantage', 'secretly', 'videotaping', 'encounter', 'without', 'mark', 'consent', 'gabriel', 'accepts', 'story', 'still', \"n't\", 'trust', 'mark', 'mark', 'angrily', 'leaves', 'judy', 'finds', 'mark', 'keys', 'gabriel', 'chases', 'mark', 'new', 'york', 'subway', 'system', 'seems', 'mark', 'gone', 'forever', 'reappears', 'gabriel', 'made', 'connection', 'reconciled', 'decide', 'get', 'something', 'eat', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'yet', 'another', 'turn', 'events', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'run', 'katherine', 'theatre', 'friends', 'diner', 'katherine', 'proceeds', 'monopolize', 'conversation', 'gabriel', 'finally', 'blows', 'katherine', 'humiliated', 'melts', 'leaves', 'huff', 'gabriel', 'chases', 'apologizes', 'smooth', 'things', 'katherine', 'company', 'depart', 'new', 'morning', 'dawns', 'mark', 'gives', 'gabriel', 'phone', 'number', 'kiss', 'mark', 'heads', 'home', 'gabriel', 'calls', 'number', 'nearby', 'payphone', 'relieved', 'learn', 'mark', 'actual', 'number', 'never', 'found', 'spot', 'trick', 'mark', 'gabriel', 'instead', 'formed', 'budding', 'relationship', 'beyond', 'simple', 'one-night-stand', 'first', 'trying'], [\"'in\", '1763', 'captain', 'edward', 'reynolds', 'hunting', 'pirates', 'least', 'trying', 'consider', 'great', 'commander', 'neither', 'crew', 'first', 'officer', 'jules', 'believes', 'save', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'isabella', 'drowning', 'tells', 'husband\\\\', 'ship', 'destroyed', 'feared', 'captain', 'victor', 'stagnetti', 'crew', 'cutthroat', 'pirates', 'reynolds', 'crew', 'hunting', 'stagnetti', 'tries', 'find', 'map', 'leads', 'powerful', 'secret', 'island', 'somewhere', 'caribbean', 'sea', 'stagnetti', 'finds', 'secret', 'staff', 'unlocked', 'isabella\\\\', 'husband', 'manuel', 'crew', 'escapes', 'spawn', 'darkness', 'summoned', 'stagnetti', 'ship', 'engages', 'stagnetti\\\\', 'battle', 'ending', 'stagnetti\\\\', 'reign', 'pirate', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'described', 'film', 'relatively', 'high-budget', 'story', 'group', 'ragtag', 'sailors', 'searching', 'crew', 'evil', 'pirates', 'plan', 'world', 'domination', 'also', 'many', 'characters', 'movie', 'sex', 'one', 'another', 'cite', 'news'], [\"'in\", 'summer', '1959', 'local', 'boy', 'danny', 'zuko', 'vacationing', 'sandy', 'olsson', 'meet', 'beach', 'fall', 'love', 'summer', 'comes', 'end', 'sandy', '봶ho', 'going', 'back', 'australia', '봣rets', 'may', 'never', 'meet', 'danny', 'tells', 'love', 'beginning', 'film', 'moves', 'start', 'seniors\\\\', 'term', 'rydell', 'high', 'school', 'danny', 'greaser', 'member', 't-birds', 'consisting', 'best', 'friend', 'kenickie', 'doody', 'putzie', 'sonny', 'pink', 'ladies', 'also', 'arrive', 'consisting', 'betty', 'rizzo', 'janet', 'marty', 'parents', 'decided', 'return', 'australia', 'sandy', 'enrolls', 'rydell', 'befriends', 'frenchy', 'considers', 'dropping', 'school', 'become', 'beautician', 'oblivious', 'other\\\\', 'presence', 'school', 'danny', 'sandy', 'tell', 'respective', 'groups', 'accounts', 'events', 'pair\\\\', 'brief', 'romance', 'upon', 'learning', 'danny', 'sandy\\\\', 'lover', 'rizzo', 'arranges', 'two', 'reunite', 'danny', 'forced', 'maintain', 'bad-boy', 'attitude', 'front', 'friends', 'upsetting', 'sandy', 'frenchy', 'invites', 'girls', 'sleepover', 'sandy', 'falls', 'ill', 'trying', 'cigarette', 'drinking', 't-birds', 'almost', 'crash', 'party', 'guilty', 'danny', 'leaves', 'followed', 'rizzo', 'departs', 'make', 'kenickie', 'actually', 'boyfriend', 'two', 'disturbed', 'leo', 'leader', 't-birds\\\\', 'rival', 'gang', 'scorpions', 'girlfriend', 'cha-cha', 'leading', 'planned', 'race', 'kenickie', 'leo', 'wishing', 'win', 'way', 'back', 'sandy\\\\', 'affection', 'danny', 'turns', 'coach', 'calhoun', 'get', 'sports', 'eventually', 'becoming', 'runner', 'reunites', 'sandy', 'attempt', 'date', 'friends', 'crash', 'resulting', 'kenickie', 'rizzo', 'breaking', 'fight', 'left', 'alone', 'frenchy', 'visited', 'guardian', 'angel', 'advises', 'return', 'school', 'school', 'dance', 'arrives', 'broadcast', 'live', 'television', 'hosted', 'vince', 'fontaine', 'flirts', 'marty', 'rizzo', 'kenickie', 'attempt', 'spite', 'one', 'another', 'bringing', 'leo', 'cha-cha', 'dates', 'whilst', 'danny', 'sandy', 'come', 'together', 'dance', 'danny', 'cha-cha', 'perform', 'together', 'win', 'dance-off', 'danny', 'tries', 'make', 'sandy', 'taking', 'drive-in', 'theater', 'ends', 'making', 'several', 'passes', 'causing', 'sandy', 'flee', 'meanwhile', 'rizzo', 'fears', 'pregnant', 'missing', 'period', 'confides', 'marty', 'sonny', 'overhears', 'spreads', 'rumour', 'eventually', 'reaches', 'kenickie', 'potential', 'father', 'race', 'arrives', 'kenickie', 'knocked', 'car', 'door', 'danny', 'takes', 'challenge', 'leo', 'race', 'leo', 'crashes', 'leaves', 'humiliated', 'danny', 'victor', 'sandy', 'watches', 'afar', 'concluding', 'still', 'loves', 'danny', 'decides', 'change', 'attitude', 'look', 'impress', 'last', 'day', 'school', 'whilst', 'principal', 'mcgee', 'assistant', 'blanche', 'sob', 'departing', 'class', 'class', 'celebrates', 'graduation', 'fair', 'school', 'grounds', 'rizzo', 'discovers', 'pregnant', 'reunites', 'kenickie', 'danny', 'become', 'jock', 'shocked', 'sandy', 'appears', 'dressed', 'leather', 'seen', 'smoking', 'song', 'two', 'admit', 'love', 'reunite', 'film', 'ends', 'danny', 'sandy', 'departing', 'danny\\\\', 'car', 'together', 'takes', 'flight', 'pair', 'waves', 'goodbye', 'friends', 'live', 'happily', 'ever'], [\"'as\", 'eight', 'year-old', 'boy', 'allen', 'bauer', 'vacationing', 'family', 'near', 'cape', 'cod', 'taking', 'sight-seeing', 'tour', 'ferry', 'gazes', 'ocean', 'sees', 'something', 'surface', 'fascinates', 'allen', 'jumps', 'water', 'even', 'though', 'swim', 'grasps', 'hands', 'girl', 'inexplicably', 'water', 'instant', 'connection', 'forms', 'two', 'allen', 'quickly', 'pulled', 'surface', 'deck', 'hands', 'two', 'separated', 'though', 'one', 'else', 'apparently', 'sees', 'girl', 'ferry', 'moves', 'allen', 'continues', 'look', 'back', 'girl', 'water', 'cries', 'separation', 'dives', 'underwater', 'showing', 'mermaid\\\\', 'tail', 'allen', 'comes', 'believe', 'encounter', 'near-death', 'hallucination', 'bond', 'mermaid', 'proves', 'strong', 'subsequent', 'relationships', 'women', 'invariably', 'fail', 'seeks', 'connection', 'felt', 'mermaid', 'years', 'later', 'allen', 'co-owner', 'wholesale', 'fruit', 'vegetable', 'business', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'womanizing', 'older', 'brother', 'freddie', 'depressed', 'latest', 'breakup', 'allen', 'returns', 'cape', 'cod', 'briefly', 'encounters', 'eccentric', 'scientist', 'dr.', 'walter', 'kornbluth', 'falls', 'sea', 'wakes', 'beach', 'encounters', 'beautiful', 'naked', 'woman', 'unknown', 'mermaid', 'met', 'boy', 'instantly', 'becomes', 'attracted', 'saved', 'drowning', 'kissing', 'dives', 'sea', 'leaves', 'allen', 'return', 'home', 'kornbluth', 'diving', 'seeking', 'proof', 'strange', 'sea', 'creatures', 'also', 'encounters', 'mermaid', 'sea', 'form', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'finding', 'mermaid', 'finds', 'allen\\\\', 'wallet', 'dropped', 'water', 'decides', 'find', 'new', 'york', 'comes', 'ashore', 'naked', 'statue', 'liberty', 'liberty', 'island', 'arrested', 'indecent', 'exposure', 'much', 'disappointment', 'crowd', 'gaining', 'information', 'allen\\\\', 'wallet', 'mermaid', 'gets', 'released', 'care', 'picks', 'english', 'watching', 'television', 'day', 'chooses', 'name', 'madison', 'madison', 'avenue', 'sign', 'madison', 'vague', 'comes', 'tries', 'distract', 'allen', 'asking', 'questions', 'country', 'origin', 'tells', 'allen', 'new', 'york', 'six', 'fun-filled', 'days', 'moon', 'full', 'stays', 'longer', 'never', 'home', 'despite', 'madison\\\\', 'occasional', 'unusual', 'behavior', 'allen', 'fall', 'love', 'meanwhile', 'kornbluth', 'realizing', 'naked', 'woman', 'liberty', 'island', 'mermaid', 'encountered', 'pursues', 'couple', 'trying', 'expose', 'mermaid', 'splashing', 'water', 'many', 'attempts', 'unsuccessful', 'kornbluth', 'ends', 'multiple', 'injuries', 'including', 'badly', 'broken', 'arm', 'whiplash', 'finally', 'madison', 'taken', 'government', 'scientists', 'led', 'kornbluth\\\\', 'cold-hearted', 'former', 'colleague', 'rival', 'dr.', 'ross', 'examination', 'however', 'kornbluth', 'regrets', 'actions', 'learns', 'madison', 'due', 'studied', 'dissected', 'wanted', 'prove', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'crazy', 'allen', 'course', 'shocked', 'madison\\\\', 'secret', 'denies', 'love', 'freddie', 'lashes', 'telling', 'brother', 'happy', 'finally', 'allen', 'confronts', 'guilt-ridden', 'kornbluth', 'dentist', 'agrees', 'help', 'impersonating', 'two', 'swedish', 'scientists', 'freddie', 'allen', 'enter', 'lab', 'kornbluth', 'manage', 'smuggle', 'madison', 'outside', 'madison', 'makes', 'back', 'ocean', 'tells', 'allen', 'survive', 'water', 'long', 'allen', 'realizes', 'young', 'mermaid', 'met', 'long', 'united', 'states', 'military', 'arrive', 'recapture', 'research', 'ignoring', 'allen\\\\', 'demands', 'let', 'free', 'although', 'madison', 'warns', 'comes', 'live', 'sea', \"can\\\\'t\", 'return', 'jumps', 'water', 'elude', 'pursuers', 'together', 'swim', 'along', 'ocean', 'floor', 'toward', 'appears', 'underwater', 'kingdom'], ['mike', 'recent', 'transplant', 'los', 'angeles', 'broken', 'long-time', 'girlfriend', 'six', 'years', 'still', 'trouble', 'letting', 'moving', 'friend', 'trent', 'takes', 'overnight', 'trip', 'las', 'vegas', 'attempt', 'get', 'back', 'game', 'trent', 'picks', 'cocktail', 'waitress', 'actress', 'friend', 'mike', 'obsession', 'ex-girlfriend', 'spoils', 'one-night', 'stand', 'back', 'los', 'angeles', 'mike', 'attends', 'various', 'hollywood', 'los', 'feliz', 'hot', 'spots', 'including', 'derby', 'dresden', 'room', 'hollywood', 'hills', 'coffee', 'shop', 'friends', 'rob', 'charles', 'sue', 'coach', 'rules', 'seduction', 'mike', 'makes', 'several', 'awkward', 'attempts', 'speaking', 'women', 'end', 'disastrously', 'along', 'way', 'group', 'discusses', 'movies', 'video', 'games', 'floundering', 'careers', 'show', 'business', 'mike', 'learns', 'accept', 'eschew', 'pretenses', 'self-promotion', 'involved', 'hollywood', 'dating', 'scene', 'finally', 'connects', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'named', 'lorraine', 'heather', 'graham', 'next', 'day', 'gets', 'call', 'ex-girlfriend', 'obsessed', 'rejects', 'offer', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'lorraine', 'rings', 'line', 'discussing', 'mike', 'new', 'situation', 'diner', 'trent', 'interrupts', 'make', 'disastrous', 'attempt', 'flirting', 'woman', 'nearby', 'trent', 'tries', 'recover', 'embarrassment', 'mike', 'smiles', 'tables', 'turn'], [\"'daniel\", 'hillard', 'talented', 'unemployed', 'actor', 'devoted', 'father', 'loved', 'three', 'children', 'chris', 'lydia', 'natalie', 'however', 'marriage', 'workaholic', 'wife', 'miranda', 'increasingly', 'strained', 'uptight', 'miranda', 'grown', 'dislike', 'husband\\\\', 'immature', 'spontaneous', 'behavior', 'daniel', 'hires', 'mobile', 'petting', 'zoo', 'throws', 'large', 'birthday', 'party', 'son', 'chris', 'despite', 'knowing', 'wife', 'would', 'allow', 'receiving', 'complaint', 'business', 'neighbor', 'miranda', 'decides', 'last', 'straw', 'demands', 'divorce', 'since', 'daniel', 'steady', 'source', 'income', 'home', 'miranda', 'gets', 'primary', 'custody', 'children', 'daniel', 'visitation', 'rights', 'limited', 'saturday', 'evenings', 'devastating', 'adores', 'children', 'judge', 'acknowledges', 'agrees', 'consider', 'joint', 'custody', 'arrangement', 'daniel', 'hold', 'job', 'create', 'suitable', 'home', 'within', 'three', 'months', 'daniel', 'learns', 'miranda', 'intends', 'hire', 'housekeeper', 'unwilling', 'let', 'daniel', 'take', 'care', 'kids', 'contacts', 'miranda', 'phone', 'pretending', 'old', 'lady', 'asked', 'name', 'looks', 'newspaper', 'sees', 'headline', 'containing', 'words', 'doubt', 'fire', 'says', 'doubtfire', 'daniel', 'uses', 'acting', 'talents', 'enlists', 'help', 'brother', 'frank', 'makeup', 'artist', 'partner', 'jack', 'transform', 'mrs.', 'euphegenia', 'doubtfire', 'year', 'old', 'british', 'nanny', 'apply', 'position', 'miranda', 'delighted', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire', 'hires', 'spot', 'two', 'quickly', 'begin', 'form', 'friendship', 'despite', 'children', 'struggling', 'adjust', 'new', 'caretaker', 'daniel', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire', 'able', 'see', 'kids', 'every', 'day', 'uses', 'opportunity', 'firm', 'father', 'figure', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'eventually', 'children', 'begin', 'respond', 'favourably', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire\\\\', 'methods', 'miranda', 'able', 'heal', 'rocky', 'relationship', 'daniel', 'well', 'begins', 'improve', 'alter', 'ego', 'learning', 'gourmet', 'cooking', 'refurnishing', 'new', 'apartment', 'daniel', 'able', 'keep', 'charade', 'despite', 'nearly', 'discovered', 'caseworker', 'mrs.', 'sellner', 'attempting', 'break', 'ex-wife\\\\', 'relationship', 'stuart', 'denmeyer', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'dislikes', 'daniel', 'also', 'realises', 'trapped', 'mrs', 'doubtfire', 'facade', 'asks', 'miranda', 'take', 'care', 'children', 'responds', 'could', 'never', 'get', 'rid', 'mrs', 'doubtfire', 'made', 'lives', 'much', 'better', 'daniel', 'discovered', 'chris', 'accidentally', 'walks', 'using', 'bathroom', 'standing', 'explains', 'lydia', 'chris', 'dresses', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire', 'see', 'every', 'day', 'also', 'warns', 'tell', 'mother', 'would', 'likely', 'end', 'jail', 'might', 'never', 'see', 'kids', 'natalie', 'young', 'understand', 'might', 'reveal', 'truth', 'children', 'happy', 'father', 'back', 'lives', 'agree', 'keep', 'secret', 'meanwhile', 'station', 'daniel', 'works', 'shipping', 'clerk', 'station\\\\', 'ceo', 'jonathan', 'lundy', 'sees', 'clowning', 'toy', 'dinosaurs', 'set', 'children\\\\', 'program', 'impressed', 'enough', 'schedule', 'dinner', 'meeting', 'hear', 'ideas', 'stuart', 'plans', 'celebrate', 'miranda\\\\', 'birthday', 'taking', 'family', 'restaurant', 'time', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire', 'also', 'invited', 'daniel', 'tries', 'postpone', 'dinner', 'lundy', 'lundy', 'fully', 'booked', 'daniel', 'realizes', 'cancel', 'appointment', 'restaurant', 'daniel', 'attempts', 'rotate', 'back', 'forth', 'lundy', 'family', 'using', 'restroom', 'change', 'back', 'forth', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire', 'daniel', 'dumps', 'cayenne', 'pepper', 'stuart\\\\', 'order', 'jambalaya', 'ingredient', 'allergic', 'also', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'intoxicated', 'throughout', 'evening', 'forgets', 'remove', 'costume', 'returning', 'lundy\\\\', 'table', 'covers', 'mistake', 'explaining', 'lundy', 'alter', 'ego', 'merely', 'idea', 'new', 'persona', 'lundy', 'impressed', 'agrees', 'develop', 'character', 'possible', 'television', 'program', 'moment', 'daniel', 'notices', 'stuart', 'choking', 'pepper', 'regret', 'administers', 'heimlich', 'maneuver', 'however', 'mask', 'tears', 'revealing', 'true', 'identity', 'horrified', 'outraged', 'housekeeper', 'really', 'miranda', 'storms', 'children', 'later', 'court', 'hearing', 'daniel', 'makes', 'impassioned', 'plea', 'judge', 'saying', 'created', 'disguise', 'merely', 'spend', 'time', 'beloved', 'children', 'judge', 'gives', 'miranda', 'full', 'custody', 'children', 'limiting', 'daniel', 'supervised', 'visitation', 'rights', 'week', 'finds', 'behavior', 'disturbing', 'without', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire', 'children', 'withdrawn', 'depressed', 'miranda', 'admits', 'lives', 'much', 'better', 'however', 'surprised', 'delighted', 'see', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire', 'star', 'lundy\\\\', 'new', 'television', 'program', 'euphegenia\\\\', 'house', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'highest-rated', 'program', 'timeslot', 'creating', 'possibility', 'show', 'aired', 'nationwide', 'upon', 'realizing', 'unhappy', 'children', 'without', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire', 'miranda', 'pays', 'daniel', 'visit', 'set', 'tells', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'keep', 'hurting', 'children', 'custody', 'issues', 'knows', 'children', 'much', 'happier', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire', 'therefore', 'father', 'lives', 'forgives', 'deceit', 'sorts', 'things', 'courts', 'allowing', 'daniel', 'unlimited', 'access', 'children', 'two', 'make', 'daniel', 'picks', 'kids', 'spend', 'afternoon', 'miranda', 'watches', 'episode', 'daniel\\\\', 'show', 'mrs.', 'doubtfire', 'answers', 'letter', 'another', 'child', 'divorce', 'asking', 'advice', 'explains', 'matter', 'type', 'living', 'arrangement', 'children', 'may', 'love', 'maintain', 'bond', 'family'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'focuses', 'four', 'friends', 'recent', 'college', 'graduates', 'living', 'houston', 'coffee-house', 'guitarist', 'troy', 'dyer', 'budding', 'filmmaker', 'lelaina', 'pierce', 'attracted', 'although', 'acted', 'feelings', 'save', 'one', 'brief', 'drunken', 'encounter', 'troy', 'floundering', 'lost', 'several', 'minimum', 'wage', 'jobs', 'last', 'loses', 'early', 'film', 'stealing', 'candy', 'bar', 'employer', 'lelaina', 'hand', 'valedictorian', 'university', 'aspirations', 'become', 'documentarian', 'although', 'initially', 'settle', 'position', 'production', 'assistant', 'rude', 'obnoxious', 'host', 'lelaina', 'meets', 'michael', 'grates', 'throws', 'cigarette', 'convertible', 'causing', 'crash', 'car', 'two', 'soon', 'begin', 'date', 'works', 'mtv-like', 'cable', 'channel', 'called', 'face', 'executive', 'learning', 'documentary', 'she\\\\', 'working', 'wants', 'get', 'aired', 'network', 'lelaina\\\\', 'roommate', 'vickie', 'series', 'one-night', 'stands', 'short', 'relationships', 'dozens', 'guys', 'promiscuity', 'leads', 'confront', 'very-real', 'risk', 'contracting', 'aids', 'former', 'fling', 'tests', 'positive', 'hiv', 'vickie', 'works', 'sales', 'associate', 'gap', 'later', 'promoted', 'manager', 'seems', 'content', 'new', 'job', 'friend', 'sammy', 'gray', 'gay', 'remains', 'celibate', 'fear', 'aids', 'forming', 'relationship', 'would', 'force', 'come', 'conservative', 'parents', 'impulsive', 'act', 'retribution', 'lelaina', 'loses', 'job', 'causes', 'tension', 'roommates', 'eventually', 'vickie\\\\', 'aids', 'test', 'comes', 'back', 'negative', 'sammy', 'comes', 'parents', 'two', 'manage', 'resume', 'lives', 'meanwhile', 'lelaina\\\\', 'relationship', 'michael', 'dissolves', 'helps', 'sell', 'documentary', 'network', 'let', 'edit', 'stylized', 'montage', 'feels', 'compromises', 'artistic', 'vision', 'lelaina', 'troy', 'sleep', 'together', 'confess', 'love', 'morning', 'avoids', 'messy', 'confrontation', 'leaves', 'town', 'troy\\\\', 'father', 'dies', 'forces', 'reevaluate', 'life', 'deciding', 'attempt', 'relationship', 'lelaina', 'troy', 'lelaina', 'reunite', 'make', 'amends', 'troy', 'returns', 'father\\\\', 'funeral', 'chicago', 'see', 'happens', 'michael', 'credits', 'abrupt', 'break', 'two', 'characters', 'laina', 'roy', 'obvious', 'parodies', 'lelaina', 'troy', 'argument', 'relationship', 'show\\\\', 'credits', 'roll', 'michael\\\\', 'name', 'revealed', 'producer', 'implying', 'turned', 'failed', 'relationship', 'subject', 'new', 'show', 'network'], ['film', 'couple', 'madrid', 'elena', 'alberto', 'happy', 'marriage', 'professional', 'success', 'loving', 'son', 'later', 'elena', 'finds', 'hotel', 'receipt', 'alberto', 'pocket', 'discovers', 'unfaithful', 'surprise', 'one', 'involved', 'another', 'man', 'diego', 'alberto', 'struggling', 'save', 'marriage', 'forget', 'feelings', 'diego', 'fails', 'finally', 'everything', 'comes', 'end', 'elena', 'confronts', 'diego', 'know', 'alberto', 'married', 'kicks', 'alberto', 'house', 'leaving', 'diego', 'home', 'fight', 'alberto', 'killed', 'accident', 'movie', 'ends', 'elena', 'diego', 'becoming', 'friends'], [\"'when\", 'jonathan', 'ogner', 'first', 'shows', 'prep', 'school', 'laughed', 'wearing', 'school', 'uniform', 'goes', 'dorm', 'meets', 'new', 'roommate', 'introduces', 'franklin', 'burroughs', 'tells', 'jonathan', 'call', 'skip', 'skip', 'takes', 'trench', 'coat', 'shown', 'wearing', 'red', 'bra', 'girls\\\\', 'underwear', 'explains', 'shocked', 'jonathan', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'looks', 'like', 'it\\\\', 'tradition', 'seniors', 'parade', 'around', 'campus', 'wearing', 'girls\\\\', 'underwear', 'jonathan', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'skip', 'gives', 'set', 'dresser', 'skip', 'jonathan', 'travel', 'dorm', 'together', 'get', 'final', 'door', 'skip', 'stays', 'behind', 'locks', 'door', 'students', 'begin', 'laugh', 'mock', 'jonathan', 'wearing', 'girls\\\\', 'underwear', 'mortified', 'jonathan', 'attempts', 'flee', 'scene', 'discovering', 'skip', 'locked', 'doors', 'jonathan', 'climbs', 'trellis', 'leads', 'dorm', 'finds', 'skip', 'lying', 'floor', 'laughing', 'hysterically', 'skip', 'tries', 'tell', 'jonathan', 'practical', 'joke', 'laugh', 'jonathan', 'embarrassed', 'see', 'humor', 'later', 'lunch', 'time', 'cafetaria', 'students', 'begin', 'taunt', 'jonathan', 'tries', 'eat', 'meal', 'skip', 'invites', 'jonathan', 'table', 'sit', 'friends', 'jonathan', 'turns', 'reveal', 'crying', 'shame', 'skip', 'deeply', 'remorseful', 'played', 'prank', 'jonathan', 'sees', 'jonathan', 'flee', 'cafeteria', 'skip', 'returns', 'room', 'apologize', 'jonathan', 'finds', 'jonathan', 'hanging', 'rope', 'around', 'neck', 'apparent', 'suicide', 'skip', 'goes', 'get', 'help', 'returns', 'room', 'jonathan', 'hanged', 'skip', 'gathering', 'crowd', 'find', 'jonathan', 'mannequin', 'picture', 'dean\\\\', 'face', 'attached', 'head', 'crowd', 'begins', 'laugh', 'hysterically', 'skip', 'dean', 'says', 'wants', 'see', 'skip', 'jonathan', 'office', 'crowd', 'disperses', 'skip', 'hears', 'laughter', 'coming', 'closet', 'upon', 'opening', 'closet', 'door', 'skip', 'finds', 'jonathan', 'much', 'alive', 'laughing', 'skip', 'telling', 'skip', 'joke', 'skip', 'grudgingly', 'accepts', 'prank', 'reversal', 'two', 'become', 'fast', 'friends', 'becoming', 'friends', 'two', 'share', 'secrets', 'jonathan', 'admits', 'skip', 'cheated', 'sat', 'exam', 'several', 'failed', 'attempts', 'find', 'jonathan', 'date', 'skip', 'decides', 'sworn', 'duty', 'help', 'friend', 'successful', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'fast', 'sakes', 'skip', 'decides', 'send', 'jonathan', 'chicago', 'meet', 'girl', 'gain', 'sexual', 'experience', 'reputations', 'ruined', 'jonathan', 'picked', 'ellen', 'beautiful', 'older', 'woman', 'affair', 'jonathan', 'begins', 'fall', 'love', 'ellen', 'even', 'though', 'older', 'woman', 'knows', 'fling', 'jonathan', 'lies', 'claims', 'ph.d.', 'student', 'jonathan', 'proclaims', 'love', 'ellen', 'one', 'sessions', 'ellen', 'begins', 'second', 'thoughts', 'continuing', 'relationship', 'decision', 'finalized', 'discovers', 'jonathan', 'much', 'younger', 'originally', 'claimed', 'also', 'attends', 'school', 'son', 'attends', 'christmas', 'break', 'skip', 'invites', 'jonathan', 'spend', 'christmas', 'family', 'burroughs\\\\', 'estate', 'jonathan', 'discovers', 'ellen', 'skip\\\\', 'mother', 'married', 'jonathan', 'tries', 'end', 'affair', 'skip\\\\', 'mother', 'contacts', 'jonathan', 'several', 'times', 'eventually', 'jonathan', 'agrees', 'meet', 'ellen', 'talk', 'lies', 'skip', 'claiming', 'need', 'time', 'alone', 'jonathan', 'ellen', 'meet', 'end', 'bed', 'attempt', 'cheer', 'friend', 'skip', 'friends', 'jonathan\\\\', 'hotel', 'room', 'discover', 'jonathan', 'bed', 'skip\\\\', 'mother', 'skip', 'upset', 'cold', 'toward', 'jonathan', 'however', 'turn', 'john', 'investigation', 'cheating', 'sat', 'end', 'movie', 'skip', 'jonathan', 'violent', 'fist', 'fight', 'make', 'last', 'scene'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'violent', 'sexually', 'graphic', 'high-speed', 'coming', 'age', 'story', 'centers', 'three', 'young', 'men', 'dreaming', 'escape', 'provincial', 'surroundings', 'means', 'motocross', 'career', 'young', 'motocross', 'racing', 'champion', 'rien', 'another', 'racer', 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'date', 'boring', 'evening', 'broken', 'amusing', 'diatribe', 'tom', 'movie', 'days', 'later', 'run', 'flea', 'market', 'hit', 'winding', 'back', 'eli', 'place', 'tom', 'spends', 'night', 'next', 'morning', 'tom', 'says', 'mistake', 'jackie', 'brett', 'decide', 'try', 'set', 'two', 'men', 'start', 'develop', 'relationship', 'tom', 'fear', 'becoming', 'emotionally', 'close', 'coupled', 'eli', 'insecurities', 'makes', 'difficult', 'maintain', 'jackie', 'brett', 'get', 'engaged', 'forces', 'tom', 'eli', 'together', 'disguise', 'unease', 'behind', 'petty', 'arguments', 'meaningless', 'details', 'grammar', 'pronunciation', 'finally', 'able', 'push', 'past', 'pettiness', 'make', 'love', 'eli', 'tells', 'tom', 'loves', 'tom', 'terrified', 'lashes', 'next', 'day', 'drives', 'away', 'flashbacks', 'end', 'day', 'brett', 'jackie', 'wedding', 'esther', 'tries', 'teach', 'eli', 'understanding', 'tom', 'emotional', 'needs', 'member', 'tries', 'sexually', 'assault', 'tom', 'tells', 'jackie', 'upbraids', 'throwing', 'eli', 'away', 'daring', 'fall', 'reception', 'eli', 'tom', 'come', 'realize', 'overcome', 'families', 'dysfunction', 'fears'], ['robin', 'monroe', 'new', 'york', 'journalist', 'working', 'dazzle', 'fashion', 'magazine', 'invited', 'boyfriend', 'frank', 'spend', 'week', 'holiday', 'island', 'paradise', 'makatea', 'south', 'pacific', 'final', 'leg', 'journey', 'makatea', 'small', 'dilapidated', 'aircraft', 'piloted', 'middle-aged', 'american', 'quinn', 'harris', 'accompanied', 'quinn', 'girlfriend', 'co-pilot', 'angelica', 'first', 'night', 'island', 'quinn', 'makes', 'move', 'robin', 'rejects', 'frank', 'appears', 'later', 'night', 'frank', 'proposes', 'happily', 'accepts', 'resulting', 'engagement', 'next', 'morning', 'robin', 'workaholic', 'called', 'away', 'tahiti', 'boss', 'supervise', 'fashion', 'event', 'hires', 'quinn', 'fly', 'unexpected', 'thunderstorm', 'forces', 'crash-land', 'deserted', 'island', 'robin', 'completely', 'distraught', 'ones', 'island', 'communication', 'food', 'shelter', 'may', 'like', 'long', 'time', 'initially', 'believing', 'peninsula', 'rather', 'island', 'try', 'find', 'non', 'existent', 'connection', 'mainland', 'believing', 'different', 'island', 'climb', 'mountain', 'disable', 'beacon', 'quinn', 'believes', 'unsuccessful', 'wrong', 'island', 'air-sea', 'rescue', 'team', 'accompanied', 'angelica', 'frank', 'try', 'find', 'quinn', 'robin', 'unable', 'fighting', 'survival', 'island', 'quinn', 'robin', 'inadvertently', 'become', 'witnesses', 'modern-day', 'piracy', 'pirates', 'discover', 'chase', 'quinn', 'robin', 'meanwhile', 'angelica', 'frank', 'forging', 'relationship', 'one', 'night', 'thinking', 'robin', 'dead', 'never', 'see', 'frank', 'gets', 'drunk', 'sleeps', 'angelica', 'vast', 'majority', 'film', 'deals', 'adventures', 'quinn', 'robin', 'try', 'escape', 'island', 'evade', 'pirates', 'survive', 'island', 'jungle', 'wilderness', 'repair', 'quinn', 'plane', 'take', 'process', 'quinn', 'robin', 'fall', 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'walks', 'finally', 'reciprocates', 'feelings', 'movie', 'ends', 'quinn', 'robin', 'embracing', 'kissing'], [\"'hal\", 'larson', 'superficial', 'man', 'whose', 'fixation', 'physical', 'beauty', 'women', 'gets', 'way', 'seeing', 'inner', 'beauty', 'hal', 'equally', 'shallow', 'friend', 'mauricio', 'wilson', 'spend', 'nights', 'obnoxiously', 'hitting', 'beautiful', 'women', 'nightclubs', 'twist', 'fate', 'hal', 'becomes', 'trapped', 'elevator', 'famous', 'american', 'life', 'coach', 'tony', 'robbins', 'talking', 'hal', 'hypnotizes', 'seeing', 'physical', 'manifestations', 'person\\\\', 'inner', 'beauty', 'hal', 'unaware', 'he\\\\', 'hypnotized', 'later', 'meets', 'smitten', 'rosemary', 'shanahan', 'daughter', 'steve', 'shanahan', 'president', 'hal\\\\', 'company', 'rosemary', 'fat', 'hal', 'sees', 'slender', 'beautiful', 'trophy', 'blonde', 'kind', 'generous', 'personality', 'used', 'overlooked', 'men', 'due', 'appearance', 'rosemary', 'initially', 'interprets', 'hal', 'interest', 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'realizes', 'true', 'feelings', 'rosemary', 'coincidentally', 'arrived', 'restaurant', 'family', 'sees', 'hal', 'jill', 'seated', 'together', 'assuming', 'worst', 'rosemary', 'leaves', 'tears', 'recognizing', 'rosemary', 'hal', 'walks', 'right', 'way', 'pay', 'phone', 'ironically', 'reaffirm', 'feelings', 'confused', 'distraught', 'rosemary', 'calls', 'hal', 'psycho', 'phone', 'effectively', 'breaks', 'five', 'days', 'later', 'steve', 'chastises', 'hal', 'coldly', 'informs', 'rosemary', 'peace', 'corps', 'partner', 'wants', 'relationship', 'hal', 'attempts', 'find', 'rosemary', 'instead', 'encounters', 'young', 'patient', 'named', 'cadence', 'hospital', 'rosemary', 'volunteers', 'previously', 'due', 'robbins', 'hypnosis', 'hal', 'saw', 'cadence', 'perfect', 'little', 'girl', 'sees', 'severe', 'burns', 'cadence', 'face', 'hal', 'realizes', 'need', 'hypnosis', 'see', 'people', 'true', 'inner', 'beauty', 'rosemary', 'decides', 'leave', 'country', 'rejoin', 'peace', 'corps', 'hal', 'search', 'rosemary', 'finds', 'mauricio', 'reason', 'stopping', 'hal\\\\', 'hypnosis', 'vestigial', 'tail', 'shame', 'prevented', 'ever', 'getting', 'close', 'woman', 'mauricio', 'confesses', 'jealous', 'hal\\\\', 'happiness', 'afraid', 'starting', 'relationships', 'women', 'hal', 'makes', 'mauricio', 'decides', 'try', 'reconcile', 'rosemary', 'hal', 'arrives', 'shanahan', 'mansion', 'bon', 'voyage', 'party', 'rosemary', 'underway', 'rosemary', 'initially', 'rebuffs', 'hal\\\\', 'presence', 'accepts', 'apology', 'hal', 'professes', 'love', 'rosemary', 'informs', 'hal', 'still', 'leaving', 'peace', 'corps', 'mission', 'point', 'hal', 'says', 'coming', 'sworn-in', 'peace', 'corps', 'hal', 'rosemary', 'reconcile', 'cheered', 'crowd', 'kiss', 'tries', 'carry', 'bridal-style', 'car', 'finds', 'lift', 'carries', 'car', 'instead', 'drive', 'mauricio', 'meets', 'woman', 'loves', 'dogs', 'two', 'walk', 'together', 'wags', 'tail'], ['bob', 'harris', 'aging', 'american', 'movie', 'star', 'arrives', 'tokyo', 'film', 'advertisement', 'suntory', 'whisky', 'receive', 'million', 'charlotte', 'young', 'college', 'graduate', 'left', 'behind', 'hotel', 'room', 'husband', 'john', 'celebrity', 'photographer', 'assignment', 'tokyo', 'charlotte', 'unsure', 'future', 'believes', 'takes', 'interest', 'celebrity', 'models', 'notably', 'young', 'popular', 'american', 'actress', 'named', 'kelly', 'time', 'bob', '25-year', 'marriage', 'tired', 'lacking', 'romance', 'goes', 'midlife', 'crisis', 'one', 'night', 'long', 'photo', 'shoot', 'bob', 'retreats', 'hotel', 'bar', 'charlotte', 'sitting', 'table', 'john', 'friends', 'notices', 'bob', 'waiter', 'bring', 'bowl', 'peanuts', 'table', 'later', 'bob', 'charlotte', 'brief', 'encounters', 'night', 'hotel', 'bar', 'charlotte', 'invites', 'bob', 'meet', 'local', 'friends', 'bob', 'accepts', 'arrives', 'later', 'hotel', 'room', 'dressed', 'clothes', 'appear', 'designed', 'younger', 'generation', 'meanwhile', 'two', 'begin', 'friendship', 'bond', 'adventures', 'tokyo', 'together', 'experiencing', 'differences', 'japanese', 'american', 'culture', 'generations', 'penultimate', 'night', 'stay', 'bob', 'attracts', 'attention', 'resident', 'vocalist', 'next', 'morning', 'bob', 'awakens', 'find', 'woman', 'room', 'apparently', 'slept', 'charlotte', 'arrives', 'room', 'breakfast', 'find', 'woman', 'room', 'leading', 'conflict', 'tension', 'subsequent', 'lunch', 'later', 'night', 'fire', 'alarm', 'hotel', 'bob', 'charlotte', 'reconcile', 'express', 'miss', 'make', 'one', 'trip', 'back', 'hotel', 'bar', 'following', 'morning', 'bob', 'set', 'departure', 'back', 'united', 'states', 'tells', 'charlotte', 'goodbye', 'hotel', 'lobby', 'shortly', 'checking', 'sadly', 'watches', 'retreat', 'back', 'elevator', 'riding', 'limousine', 'airport', 'bob', 'sees', 'charlotte', 'crowded', 'street', 'gets', 'goes', 'bob', 'embraces', 'charlotte', 'whispers', 'something', 'tearful', 'charlotte', 'ear', 'two', 'share', 'kiss', 'say', 'goodbye', 'bob', 'departs'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'voiceover', 'david', 'commenting', 'whenever', 'gets', 'gloomy', 'state', 'world', 'thinks', 'arrivals', 'terminal', 'heathrow', 'airport', 'pure', 'uncomplicated', 'love', 'felt', 'friends', 'families', 'welcome', 'arriving', 'loved', 'ones', 'david\\\\', 'voiceover', 'also', 'relates', 'messages', 'left', 'people', 'died', '9/11', 'planes', 'messages', 'love', 'hate', 'film', 'tells', \"\\\\'love\", 'stories\\\\', 'many', 'people', 'help', 'longtime', 'manager', 'joe', 'aging', 'rock', 'roll', 'legend', 'billy', 'mack', 'records', 'christmas', 'variation', 'troggs\\\\', 'classic', 'hit', 'love', 'around', 'although', 'thinks', 'record', 'terrible', 'mack', 'promotes', 'release', 'hope', 'become', 'christmas', 'number', 'one', 'single', 'song', 'number', 'one', 'briefly', 'celebrating', 'victory', 'party', 'hosted', 'sir', 'elton', 'john', 'billy', 'recognises', 'joe', 'love', 'life', 'suggests', 'joe', 'celebrate', 'christmas', 'getting', 'drunk', 'watching', 'porn', 'juliet', 'peter', 'wed', 'lovely', 'ceremony', 'orchestrated', 'videotaped', 'mark', 'peter\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'best', 'man', 'one', 'day', 'juliet', 'arrives', 'unexpectedly', 'mark\\\\', 'apartment', 'watches', 'video', 'discovering', 'footage', 'entirely', 'confuses', 'juliet', 'thought', 'mark', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'never', 'talked', 'avoided', 'generally', 'distant', 'uncomfortable', 'around', 'blurts', 'acts', 'way', \"\\\\'self-preservation\\\\\", 'finally', 'realises', 'he\\\\', 'always', 'head', 'heels', 'kept', 'respect', 'peter\\\\', 'relationship', 'christmas', 'mark', 'takes', 'moment', 'truly', 'confess', 'unrequited', 'love', 'juliet', 'juliet', 'acknowledges', 'giving', 'kiss', 'writer', 'jamie', 'first', 'appears', 'preparing', 'attend', 'juliet', 'peter\\\\', 'wedding', 'girlfriend', 'misses', 'ceremony', 'sleep', 'brother', 'crushed', 'jamie', 'retires', 'french', 'cottage', 'meets', 'portuguese', 'housekeeper', 'aur챕lia', 'speaks', 'native', 'tongue', 'instant', 'attraction', 'two', 'jamie', 'returns', 'england', 'realises', 'love', 'aur챕lia', 'following', 'times', 'jamie', 'learns', 'portuguese', 'goes', 'back', 'propose', 'propose', 'says', 'yes', 'revealed', 'learning', 'english', 'communicate', 'jamie', 'harry', 'managing', 'director', 'design', 'agency', 'mia', 'new', 'secretary', 'christmas', 'buys', 'expensive', 'necklace', 'jewelery', 'salesman', 'rufus', 'elaborately', 'wraps', 'harry', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'nervous', 'fear', 'detection', 'meanwhile', 'harry\\\\', 'wife', 'karen', 'busy', 'dealing', 'children', 'daisy', 'bernard', 'appearing', 'school', 'nativity', 'play', 'voices', 'fears', 'harry', 'brother', 'david', 'became', 'prime', 'minister', 'united', 'kingdom', 'friend', 'daniel', 'lost', 'wife', 'karen', 'discovers', 'necklace', 'harry\\\\', 'coat', 'pocket', 'initially', 'assumes', 'gift', 'later', 'confronts', 'harry', 'necklace', 'admits', 'foolishness', 'karen\\\\', 'brother', 'david', 'recently', 'elected', 'prime', 'minister', 'natalie', 'new', 'junior', 'member', 'household', 'staff', 'downing', 'street', 'serves', 'tea', 'biscuits', 'something', 'seems', 'click', 'david', 'walks', 'find', 'u.s.', 'president', 'attempting', 'seduce', 'natalie', 'inspires', 'take', 'stand', 'bullying', 'president\\\\', 'policies', 'finding', 'relationship', 'natalie', 'become', 'strained', 'david', 'moved', 'another', 'job', 'later', 'comes', 'across', 'christmas', 'card', 'natalie', 'ending', 'declaration', 'love', 'eventually', 'finds', 'natalie', 'family\\\\', 'home', 'seeing', 'way', 'local', 'school', 'nativity', 'play', 'drives', 'family', 'play', 'two', 'watch', 'show', 'backstage', 'budding', 'relationship', 'exposed', 'curtain', 'raised', 'kissing', 'end', 'pageant\\\\', 'big', 'finale', 'daniel', 'karen\\\\', 'friend', 'stepson', 'sam', 'fend', 'mourn', 'loss', 'wife', 'mother', 'joanna', 'sam', 'fallen', 'american', 'classmate', 'also', 'named', 'joanna', 'discussion', 'stepfather', 'decides', 'learn', 'drums', 'accompany', 'big', 'finale', 'school\\\\', 'christmas', 'pageant', 'sam', 'feels', 'missed', 'chance', 'make', 'impression', 'daniel', 'convinces', 'sam', 'must', 'catch', 'joanna', 'returning', 'airport', 'night', 'show', 'feels', 'lest', 'regret', 'whole', 'life', 'sam', 'runs', 'away', 'airport', 'security', 'says', 'joanna', 'kisses', 'cheek', 'meanwhile', 'daniel', 'admires', 'supermodel', 'claudia', 'schiffer', 'meets', 'carol', 'parent', 'another', 'sam\\\\', 'school', 'mates', 'sarah', 'first', 'appears', 'juliet', 'peter\\\\', 'wedding', 'sitting', 'next', 'friend', 'jamie', 'learn', 'works', 'harry\\\\', 'graphic', 'design', 'company', 'love', 'years', 'company\\\\', 'creative', 'director', 'karl', 'tryst', 'karl', 'interrupted', 'phone', 'call', 'sarah\\\\', 'mentally', 'ill', 'brother', 'michael', 'michael', 'fitzgerald', 'effectively', 'ends', 'relationship', 'christmas', 'eve', 'visits', 'brother', 'institution', 'lives', 'wrapping', 'scarf', 'around', 'hugs', 'several', 'blunders', 'attempting', 'woo', 'various', 'english', 'women', 'including', 'nancy', 'caterer', 'juliet', 'peter\\\\', 'wedding', 'well', 'mia', 'colin', 'frissell', 'informs', 'friend', 'tony', 'plans', 'find', 'love', 'convinced', 'britishness', 'asset', 'foreign', 'country', 'landing', 'milwaukee', 'wisconsin', 'colin', 'meets', 'stacey', 'jeannie', 'carol-anne', 'three', 'stunningly', 'attractive', 'women', 'fall', 'basildon', 'accent', 'invite', 'stay', 'home', 'joined', 'roommate', 'harriet', 'john', 'judy', 'meet', 'body', 'doubles', 'sex', 'scenes', 'film', 'tony', 'production', 'assistant', 'john', 'tells', 'judy', 'nice', 'someone', 'chat', 'two', 'perfectly', 'comfortable', 'naked', 'simulating', 'sex', 'on-set', 'shy', 'tentative', 'off-set', 'carefully', 'pursue', 'relationship', 'see', 'play', 'local', 'school', 'together', 'john\\\\', 'brother', 'rufus', 'minor', 'significant', 'character', 'played', 'rowan', 'atkinson', 'jewellery', 'salesman', 'whose', 'obsessive', 'attention', 'gift-wrapping', 'nearly', 'gets', 'harry', 'caught', 'karen', 'buying', 'mia\\\\', 'necklace', 'also', 'distraction', 'staff', 'airport', 'allows', 'sam', 'sneak', 'see', 'joanna', 'director', 'cast', 'commentary', 'revealed', 'rufus', 'originally', 'supposed', 'christmas', 'angel', 'however', 'dropped', 'final', 'script', 'epilogue', 'set', 'one', 'month', 'later', 'film\\\\', 'characters', 'seen', 'relationships', 'however', 'two', 'relationships', 'romantic', 'rock', 'star', 'billy', 'mack', 'manager', 'joe', 'long-suffering', 'sarah', 'institutionalised', 'brother', 'michael', 'billy', 'arrives', 'gorgeous', 'groupie', 'tow', 'greeted', 'joe', 'indicating', 'comeback', 'remained', 'successful', 'juliet', 'peter', 'mark', 'come', 'meet', 'jamie', 'new', 'bride', 'aurelia', 'showing', 'married', 'mark', 'learning', 'cope', 'better', 'romantic', 'triangle', 'karen', 'kids', 'greet', 'returning', 'harry', 'confirming', 'survived', 'relationship', 'crisis', 'reconciled', 'sam', 'greets', 'joanna', 'returned', 'mother', 'daniel', 'looks', 'joined', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'carol', 'son', 'john', 'judy', 'run', 'tony', 'meet', 'colin', 'return', 'shown', 'married', 'honeymoon', 'colin', 'returns', 'gorgeous', 'harriet', 'tow', 'harriet\\\\', 'younger', 'sister', 'carla', 'tony', 'immediately', 'struck', 'natalie', 'seen', 'welcoming', 'david', 'back', 'front', 'press', 'cameras', 'indicating', 'relationship', 'public', 'scenes', 'dissolve', 'live-footage', 'actual', 'arrivals', 'heathrow', 'airport', 'divide', 'screen', 'eventually', 'form', 'heart', 'beach', 'boys\\\\', 'god', 'knows', 'plays'], ['idealistic', 'young', 'medical', 'student', 'named', 'martin', 'arrowsmith', 'makes', 'favorable', 'impression', 'dr.', 'max', 'gottlieb', 'arrowsmith', 'graduates', 'gottlieb', 'offers', 'position', 'research', 'assistant', 'young', 'man', 'reluctantly', 'turn', 'fallen', 'love', 'nurse', 'leora', 'salary', 'enough', 'support', 'couple', 'instead', 'marries', 'leora', 'sets', 'medical', 'practice', 'rural', 'home', 'town', 'one', 'day', 'develops', 'serum', 'cure', 'fatal', 'cow', 'disease', 'ravaging', 'nearby', 'herds', 'reinvigorated', 'decides', 'join', 'gottlieb', 'mcgurk', 'institute', 'new', 'york', 'meanwhile', 'leora', 'miscarries', 'couple', 'sorrow', 'unable', 'children', 'devotes', 'supporting', 'husband', 'mission', 'outbreak', 'bubonic', 'plague', 'west', 'indies', 'gottlieb', 'believes', 'arrowsmith', 'experience', 'cow', 'serum', 'would', 'prove', 'invaluable', 'eager', 'help', 'mankind', 'arrowsmith', 'goes', 'caribbean', 'island', 'work', 'scientist', 'gustav', 'sondelius', 'richard', 'bennett', 'struggle', 'save', 'natives', 'leora', 'accompanies', 'despite', 'fear', 'safety', 'sir', 'robert', 'fairland', 'refuses', 'let', 'give', 'serum', 'half', 'people', 'give', 'half', 'placebo', 'order', 'test', 'effectiveness', 'cure', 'howard', 'university-educated', 'dr.', 'oliver', 'marchand', 'offers', 'people', 'island', 'test', 'subjects', 'among', 'participants', 'experiment', 'mrs.', 'joyce', 'lanyon', 'new', 'yorker', 'stranded', 'island', 'attracted', 'arrowsmith', 'sondelius', 'contracts', 'disease', 'dies', 'pleads', 'arrowsmith', 'save', 'many', 'lives', 'possible', 'abandoning', 'scientific', 'protocol', 'young', 'doctor', 'becomes', 'worried', 'wife', 'goes', 'see', 'late', 'succumbed', 'plague', 'arrowsmith', 'decides', 'give', 'serum', 'saving', 'many', 'lives', 'arrowsmith', 'return', 'new', 'york', 'dr.', 'tubbs', 'head', 'mcgurk', 'institute', 'eager', 'bask', 'reflected', 'glory', 'however', 'gottlieb', 'suffers', 'stroke', 'reception', 'arrowsmith', 'honor', 'arrowsmith', 'decides', 'quit', 'institute', 'join', 'friend', 'co-worker', 'terry', 'wickett', 'makeshift', 'lab', 'real', 'research'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'portrays', 'friends', 'marvin', \"\\\\'shake\\\\\", 'tiller', 'billy', 'clyde', 'puckett', 'two', 'football', 'buddies', 'play', 'team', 'owned', 'big', 'bookman', 'called', 'miami', 'bucks', 'cite', 'book', 'initially', 'romantic', 'feelings', 'kristofferson\\\\', 'character', 'become', 'self-confident', 'taking', 'self-improvement', 'training', 'seminar', 'leader', 'friedrich', 'bismark.', 'ref', 'name', 'staff', 'title', 'allmovie', 'publisher', 'url', 'avg', 'sql', '2007-10-24', 'barbara', 'jane', 'determined', 'make', 'work', 'shake', 'attends', 'b.e.a.t', 'effort', 'get', 'barbara', 'jane', 'also', 'feels', 'guilty', 'get', 'shake', 'insistent', 'training', 'proven', 'results', 'noting', 'missed', 'football', 'pass', 'since', 'completing', 'b.e.a.t', 'participating', 'training', 'billy', 'clyde', 'shown', 'coping', 'seminar', 'rules', 'forbidding', 'going', 'bathroom', 'training', 'cite', 'book', 'time', 'puckett', 'pretends', 'underwent', 'conversion', 'bismark\\\\', 'way', 'thinking', 'barbara', 'jane', 'shake', 'altar', 'married', 'minister', 'turns', 'friedrich', 'bismark', 'gives', 'advice', 'avoid', 'capital', 'gains', 'tax', 'business', 'cite', 'book'], [\"'chambers\", 'plays', 'role', 'gloria', 'gloria', 'shown', 'kidnapped', 'taken', 'sex', 'theater', 'placed', 'stage', 'forced', 'perform', 'various', 'sexual', 'acts', 'multiple', 'partners', 'front', 'masked', 'audience', 'first', 'heterosexual', 'scene', 'film', 'johnny', 'keyes', 'accompanied', 'jazz', 'soundtrack.williams', '300', 'possibly', 'makes', 'behind', 'green', 'door', 'first', 'u.s.', 'feature-length', 'hardcore', 'film', 'include', 'interracial', 'sex', 'scene', 'next', 'truck', 'driver-narrator', 'runs', 'onto', 'stage', 'carries', 'gloria', 'green', 'door'], [\"'georgina\", 'spelvin', 'plays', 'justine', 'jones', 'lonely', 'depressed', 'spinster', 'decides', 'suicide', 'way', 'routinely', 'dull', 'existence.', 'ref', 'name62', '1973', 'original', 'edition', 'dvd', 'product', 'page', 'vcx', 'lying', 'bathtub', 'justine', 'slits', 'wrists', 'dying', 'quietly', 'tub', 'fills', 'blood.spelvin', 'p.228', 'lived', \"\\\\'pure\\\\\", 'life', 'miss', 'jones', 'finds', 'limbo', 'meets', 'mr.', 'abaca', 'angel', 'sorts', 'informs', 'qualify', 'entrance', 'heaven', 'killed', 'angry', 'one', 'indiscretion', 'left', 'options', 'limbo', 'hell', 'begs', 'mr.', 'abaca', 'let', 'earn', 'place', 'hell', 'allowed', 'return', 'earth', 'become', 'embodiment', 'lust.spelvin', 'p.94', 'justine', 'bizarre', 'sexually', 'deviant', 'encounters', 'last', 'graphic', 'threesome', 'however', 'she\\\\', 'enjoying', 'new', 'life', 'lust', 'brief', 'time', 'justine', 'given', 'fulfill', 'runs', 'faced', 'eternity', 'hell', 'first', 'miss', 'jones', 'horrified', 'pain', 'forced', 'endure', 'abaca', 'quick', 'dispel', 'common', 'human', 'myth', 'hell', 'promises', 'justine', 'quite', 'comfortable', '...', 'justine', 'raging', 'sex', 'addict', 'finds', 'confined', 'small', 'room', 'impotent', 'sexually', 'uninterested', 'man', 'interested', 'catching', 'flies', 'her.she', 'desperately', 'begs', 'man', 'sex', 'simply', 'asks', 'quiet', 'listens', 'buzzing', 'imaginary', 'insects', 'trapped', 'private', 'hell', 'miss', 'jones', 'left', 'screaming', 'agony', 'eternity', 'thirsting', 'climax', 'never', 'achieve', 'means'], [\"'victorian\", 'adventurer', 'sexologist', 'sir', 'richard', 'francis', 'burton', 'john', 'robinson', 'following', 'unfortunate', 'encounter', 'fountain', 'youth', '1892', '170', 'years', 'old', 'living', 'toronto', 'canada', 'burton', 'living', 'working', 'chief', 'taxidermist', 'museum', 'natural', 'history', 'searching', 'centerpiece', 'display', 'exhibit', 'hall', 'contagion', 'comes', 'idea', 'featuring', 'aids', 'patient', 'zero', 'hypothesis', 'accepting', 'popular', 'belief', 'zero', 'introduced', 'virus', 'north', 'america', 'burton', 'sets', 'collect', 'video', 'footage', 'knew', 'zero', 'support', 'hypothesis', 'zero\\\\', 'doctor', 'mother', 'former', 'airline', 'colleague', 'mary', 'act', 'refuse', 'demonize', 'zero', 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'exhibit', 'scheduled', 'opening', 'date', 'museum', 'curator', 'substitutes', 'original', 'presentation', 'instead', 'burton\\\\', 'protests', 'leading', 'renewed', 'rush', 'press', 'scapegoating', 'zero', 'night', 'exhibit', 'opens', 'mary', 'act', 'members', 'break', 'hall', 'contagion', 'trash', 'exhibit', 'zero', 'returns', 'burton', 'explains', 'tried', 'stop', 'exhibit', 'zero', 'forgives', 'burton', 'says', 'wants', 'disappear', 'completely', 'zero', 'merges', 'disfigured', 'video', 'image', 'smoking', 'cigarette', 'inside', 'video', 'sets', 'fire', 'alarm', 'sprinklers', 'destroy', 'video', 'player', 'zero', 'vanishes', 'major', 'subplot', 'involves', 'george', 'french', 'teacher', 'former', 'intimate', 'zero\\\\', 'george', 'losing', 'sight', 'cytomegalovirus', 'taking', 'drug', 'manufactured', 'company', 'member', 'act', 'george', 'protesting', 'george', 'struggles', 'film', 'resolve', 'conflicted', 'feelings', 'guilt', 'abandoning', 'zero', 'final', 'days', 'illness', 'fear', 'thing', 'happen'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'concerns', 'two', 'feminist', 'groups', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'voicing', 'concerns', 'public', 'pirate', 'radio', 'one', 'group', 'led', 'outspoken', 'white', 'lesbian', 'isabel', 'operates', 'radio', 'ragazza', 'group', 'led', 'soft-spoken', 'african-american', 'honey', 'operates', 'phoenix', 'radio', 'local', 'community', 'stimulated', 'action', 'world-traveling', 'political', 'activist', 'adelaide', 'norris', 'arrested', 'upon', 'arriving', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'airport', 'suspiciously', 'dies', 'police', 'custody', 'also', 'women\\\\', 'army', 'led', 'hilary', 'hurst', 'advised', 'zella', 'initially', 'honey', 'isabel', 'refuse', 'join', 'group', 'along', 'norris', 'radio', 'stations', 'investigation', 'callous', 'fbi', 'agent', 'progress', 'tracked', 'three', 'interns', 'becky', 'johnston', 'pat', 'murphy', 'socialist', 'newspaper', 'run', 'screenwriter', 'bowes', 'far', 'get', 'fired', 'story', 'involves', 'several', 'different', 'women', 'coming', 'different', 'perspectives', 'attempts', 'show', 'several', 'examples', 'sexism', 'plays', 'dealt', 'direct', 'action', 'famous', 'scene', 'one', 'two', 'men', 'attacking', 'woman', 'street', 'dozens', 'women', 'bicycles', 'whistles', 'come', 'chase', 'men', 'away', 'comfort', 'woman', 'women', 'movie', 'different', 'ideas', 'done', 'know', 'government', 'take', 'care', 'movie', 'shows', 'women', 'organizing', 'meetings', 'radio', 'shows', 'creating', 'art', 'wheatpasting', 'putting', 'condom', 'penis', 'wrapping', 'raw', 'chicken', 'processing', 'plant', 'etc', 'film', 'portrays', 'world', 'rife', 'violence', 'women', 'high', 'female', 'unemployment', 'government', 'oppression', 'women', 'film', 'start', 'get', 'together', 'make', 'bigger', 'impact', 'means', 'would', 'call', 'terrorism', 'ultimately', 'radio', 'stations', 'suspiciously', 'burned', 'honey', 'isabel', 'team', 'broadcast', 'phoenix', 'ragazza', 'radio', 'stolen', 'moving', 'vans', 'also', 'join', 'women\\\\', 'army', 'sends', 'group', 'terrorists', 'interrupt', 'broadcast', 'president', 'united', 'states', 'proposing', 'women', 'paid', 'housework', 'followed', 'bombing', 'antenna', 'top', 'world', 'trade', 'center', 'prevent', 'additional', 'destructive', 'messages', 'mainstream'], [\"'cameron\", 'james', 'new', 'student', 'padua', 'stadium', 'high', 'school', 'given', 'tour', 'school', 'michael', 'eckman', 'a.v', 'geek', 'tour', 'cameron', 'notices', 'beautiful', 'popular', 'bianca', 'stratford', 'immediately', 'smitten', 'michael', 'warns', 'cameron', 'bianca', 'shallow', 'conceited', 'father', 'allow', 'date', 'however', 'michael', 'inform', 'cameron', 'bianca', 'looking', 'french', 'tutor', 'stratford', 'residence', 'bianca\\\\', 'outcast', 'older', 'sister', 'kat', 'conflict', 'overprotective', 'father', 'wants', 'kat', 'attend', 'college', 'nearby', 'despite', 'acceptance', 'sarah', 'lawrence', 'college', 'bianca', 'also', 'fighting', 'father', 'regarding', 'strict', 'no-dating', 'rule', 'kat\\\\', 'aversion', 'dating', 'prompts', 'father', 'come', 'new', 'rule', 'bianca\\\\', 'fury', 'bianca', 'date', 'kat', 'also', 'relationship', 'cameron', 'starts', 'tutoring', 'bianca', 'cameron', 'makes', 'failed', 'attempt', 'ask', 'date', 'informs', 'father', 'rule', 'motivates', 'cameron', 'michael', 'find', 'boy', 'willing', 'date', 'kat', 'cameron', 'suggests', 'patrick', 'verona', 'another', 'outcast', 'ill-tempered', 'kat', 'cameron', 'tries', 'asking', 'patrick', 'assistance', 'patrick', 'scares', 'michael', 'suggests', 'joey', 'donner', 'affluent', 'student', 'model', 'also', 'wants', 'date', 'bianca', 'pay', 'patrick', 'take', 'kat', 'patrick', 'agrees', 'kat', 'wants', 'nothing', 'little', 'effort', 'patrick', 'gets', 'kat', 'attend', 'party', 'rejects', 'advances', 'leaving', 'angered', 'unwilling', 'talk', 'party', 'bianca', 'sees', 'cameron', 'dragged', 'away', 'joey', 'poses', 'tries', 'please', 'bianca', 'realizes', 'obsessed', 'party', 'cameron', 'admits', 'feelings', 'bianca', 'kiss', 'next', 'day', 'patrick', 'eventually', 'wins', 'kat', 'performance', \"can\\\\'t\", 'take', 'eyes', 'front', 'entire', 'soccer', 'team', 'sneaking', 'patrick', 'detention', 'two', 'date', 'kiss', 'however', 'patrick', 'asks', 'kat', 'prom', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'two', 'fight', 'bianca', 'tries', 'convince', 'father', 'let', 'attend', 'prom', 'refuses', 'kat', 'going', 'prom', 'bianca', 'confronts', 'kat', 'revealed', 'kat', 'previously', 'dated', 'joey', 'slept', 'together', 'since', 'everyone', 'tells', 'bianca', 'feelings', 'isolation', 'fellow', 'students', 'dated', 'incident', 'would', 'never', 'anything', 'popular', 'thing', 'bianca', 'kat', 'end', 'going', 'prom', 'cameron', 'patrick', 'respectively', 'joey', 'furious', 'learn', 'bianca', 'gone', 'prom', 'cameron', 'confronts', 'patrick', 'arrangement', 'front', 'kat', 'kat', 'angry', 'patrick', 'discovers', 'truth', 'leaves', 'prom', 'joey', 'subsequently', 'confronts', 'cameron', 'manipulating', 'deal', 'knocks', 'floor', 'bianca', 'punches', 'joey', 'numerous', 'times', 'using', 'hurting', 'kat\\\\', 'feelings', 'punching', 'cameron', 'bianca', 'cameron', 'share', 'kiss', 'leave', 'joey', 'lying', 'floor', 'pain', 'next', 'morning', 'kat', 'bianca\\\\', 'relationship', 'appears', 'improved', 'drastically', 'bianca', 'attempts', 'comfort', 'older', 'sister', 'father', 'allows', 'kat', 'sarah', 'lawrence', 'college', 'extremely', 'grateful', 'hugs', 'happiness', 'later', 'school', 'kat', 'reads', 'poem', 'wrote', 'english', 'class', 'titled', 'ten', 'things', 'hate', 'revealing', 'true', 'feelings', 'patrick', 'school', 'kat', 'finds', 'guitar', 'car', 'patrick', 'bought', 'money', 'joey', 'paid', 'admits', 'messed', 'joey\\\\', 'deal', 'falling', 'kat', 'forgives', 'patrick', 'two', 'reconcile', 'kiss'], ['cinderella', 'much-loved', 'child', 'widowed', 'aristocrat', 'deciding', 'beloved', 'daughter', 'needs', 'mother', 'care', 'cinderella', 'father', 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'animals', 'alert', 'bruno', 'cinderella', 'bloodhound', 'scares', 'lucifer', 'house', 'duke', 'prepares', 'leave', 'stepsisters', 'unsuccessfully', 'try', 'slipper', 'cinderella', 'appears', 'requests', 'try', 'knowing', 'slipper', 'fit', 'lady', 'tremaine', 'trips', 'footman', 'causing', 'drop', 'slipper', 'shatters', 'hundreds', 'pieces', 'duke', 'laments', 'broken', 'slipper', 'cinderella', 'produces', 'glass', 'slipper', 'much', 'stepmother', 'horror', 'delighted', 'indisputable', 'proof', 'maiden', 'identity', 'duke', 'slides', 'slipper', 'onto', 'foot', 'fits', 'perfectly', 'soon', 'cinderella', 'prince', 'celebrate', 'wedding', 'surrounded', 'confetti', 'tossed', 'king', 'grand', 'duke', 'mice'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'centers', 'etienne', 'lives', 'rouen', 'mother', 'grandmother', 'intends', 'take', 'part', 'national', 'figure', 'skating', 'championship', '16th', 'birthday', 'grandmother', 'gives', 'digital', 'camcorder', 'present', 'starts', 'use', 'immediately', 'etienne', 'films', 'anything', 'everything', 'around', 'mdash', 'family', 'teacher', 'laurent', 'ludovic', 'best', 'friend', 'figure', 'skating', 'sea', 'steep', 'cliffs', 'ludovic', 'geography', 'teacher', 'soon', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'obsession', 'grounded', 'artistic', 'pursuits', 'etienne\\\\', 'burgeoning', 'homosexual', 'tendencies', 'become', 'clear', 'audience', 'course', 'movie', 'even', 'though', 'etienne', 'determined', 'make', 'year', 'year', 'love', 'year', 'everything', 'turns', 'around', 'things', 'well', 'anticipated', 'makes', 'blunder', 'figure', 'skating', 'performance', 'achieves', 'second', 'place', 'starts', 'carefully', 'talk', 'ludovic', 'possibility', 'two', 'men', 'love', 'ludovic', 'runs', 'away', 'final', 'minutes', 'film', 'purpose', 'etienne\\\\', 'video', 'diary', 'gets', 'clear', 'feeling', 'failed', 'set', 'deeply', 'hurt', 'ludovic\\\\', 'resentment', 'etienne', 'decides', 'jump', 'cliff', 'leave', 'camcorder', 'behind', 'explain', 'family', 'went', 'luckily', 'stranger', 'walks', 'moment', 'notices', 'boy', 'close', 'cliff', 'camera', 'nearby', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'stranger', 'etienne', 'bed', 'sex', 'etienne', 'seeming', 'truly', 'happy', 'first', 'time'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'unfolds', 'least', 'nine', 'different', 'stories', 'different', 'levels', 'first', 'john', 'reporter', 'trying', 'capture', 'interesting', 'things', 'daily', 'life', 'hong', 'kong', 'persuading', 'way', 'gives', 'life', 'meaning', 'second', 'vivian', 'trying', 'find', 'balance', 'life', 'trying', 'escape', 'underground', 'forget', 'past', 'allowed', 'prejudices', 'back', 'thousands', 'years', 'chinese', 'society', 'third', 'vivian', 'possibility', 'discard', 'problems', 'simple', 'option', 'marrying', 'john', 'going', 'west', 'knows', 'would', 'running', 'away', 'core', 'problem', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'really', 'long-term', 'solution', 'different', 'cultural', 'backgrounds', 'maybe', 'even', 'subtle', 'uncertainty', 'regarding', 'john\\\\', 'ex-wife', 'ex-life', 'fourth', 'jean', 'story', 'typical', 'hong', 'kong', 'here-today-who-knows-where-tomorrow', 'attitude', 'living', 'moment', 'enjoying', 'suffering', 'time', 'perfect', 'reflection', 'modern', 'life', 'especially', 'easily', 'seen', 'hong', 'kong', 'understands', 'different', 'kinds', 'hardships', 'come', 'life', 'face', 'disfigured', 'also', 'understands', 'draw', 'line', 'selling', 'john', 'tries', 'help', 'dishonest', 'way', 'disappoints', 'tremendously', 'jean\\\\', 'story', 'inspired', 'short', 'story', 'american-british', 'author', 'rachel', 'ingalls', 'according', 'note', 'film\\\\', 'credits.http', '//www.avclub.com/articles/wayne-wang,13516/http', '//www.calendarlive.com/movies/reviews/cl-movie980416-6,0,6006146.story', 'fifth', 'friendship', 'john', 'jim', 'close', 'mutually', 'understanding', 'enough', 'humor', 'sarcasm', 'keep', 'going', 'even', 'bad', 'days', 'sixth', 'chang', 'man', 'power', 'high', 'position', 'wimp', 'heart', 'money', \"can\\\\'t\", 'replace', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'personality', 'charisma', 'morality', 'care', 'money', 'status', 'ashamed', 'vivian', 'loves', 'pathetic', 'cowardly', 'way', 'time', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'marry', 'rather', 'arranges', 'mock', 'wedding', 'photo-shoot', 'vivian', 'would', 'pictures', 'much', 'saving', 'face', 'find', 'equilibrium', 'life', 'seventh', 'john', 'vivian', 'story', 'true', 'love', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'meant', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'constraints', 'society', 'live', 'eighth', 'john', 'perplexed', 'mortality', 'awareness', 'appears', 'suddenly', 'without', 'preparation', 'ninth', 'political', 'aspect', 'hong', 'kong', 'politically', 'becoming', 'part', 'china', 'great', 'uncertainty'], [\"'the\", 'protagonist', 'narrator', 'dexter', 'king', 'american', 'actor', 'working', 'london', 'living', 'platonically', 'camden', 'town', 'educated', 'charming', '...', 'nymphomaniac', 'landlady', 'he\\\\', 'finished', 'sixth', 'year', 'playing', 'tall', 'guy', 'straight', 'man', 'two-man', 'long-running', 'comedy', 'revue', 'starring', 'ron', 'anderson', 'called', 'elephant', 'features', 'song', 'called', 'packing', 'trunk', 'finale', 'ends', 'lyric', 'somewhere', 'heaven', 'there\\\\', 'angel', 'big', 'ears', 'rehearsal', 'dexter', 'succumbs', 'advances', 'married', 'co-star', 'new', 'musical\\\\', 'opening', 'night', 'kate', 'puts', 'together', 'evidence', 'affair', 'subtle', 'clues', 'leaves', 'dexter', 'without', 'ado', 'seeing', 'scene', 'televised', 'award', 'show', 'suggests', 'ron', 'dating', 'kate', 'dexter', 'impulsively', 'gives', 'role', 'elephant', 'curtain', 'rises', 'plans', 'make', 'impassioned', 'plea', 'kate', 'take', 'back', 'ron\\\\', 'involuntary', 'help', 'dexter', 'presents', 'case', 'kate', 'busy', 'hospital', 'ward', 'kate', 'agrees', 'give', 'another', 'chance'], ['movie', 'lan', 'played', 'liu', 'poor', 'architecture', 'student', 'northern', 'china', 'desperately', 'needed', 'money', 'late', '1980s', 'meeting', 'acquaintance', 'zheng', 'suggested', 'lan', 'youth', 'turn', 'prostitution', 'supposedly', 'one', 'night', 'remedy', 'financial', 'situation', 'naively', 'lan', 'agreed', 'night', 'arrived', 'bar', 'pool', 'hall', 'meet', 'john', 'introduced', 'successful', 'businessman', 'international', 'trader', 'named', 'chen', 'handong', 'lan', 'evidently', 'smitten', 'left', 'older', 'man', 'rather', 'man', 'meet', 'night', 'spent', 'together', 'sexual', 'also', 'emotional', 'awakening', 'boy', 'lan', 'immediately', 'fell', 'love', 'chen', 'handong', 'older', 'man', 'closeted', 'wanted', 'emotional', 'relationship', 'sex', 'tried', 'best', 'avoid', 'attachment', 'whatsoever', 'youth', 'instead', 'showered', 'lan', 'money', 'expensive', 'gifts', 'efforts', 'turn', 'lan', 'love', 'dependent', 'loveless', 'relationship', 'failed', 'lan', 'discovered', 'chen', 'middle', 'seduction', 'young', 'college', 'athlete', 'crushed', 'lan', 'left', 'chen', 'apartment', 'would', 'meet', 'june', '1989', 'chen', 'went', 'looking', 'lan', 'fearing', 'youth', 'safety', 'amid', 'army', 'tiananmen', 'square', 'crackdown', 'finding', 'lan', 'disheveled', 'distraught', 'incident', 'reunited', 'two', 'opened', 'new', 'chapter', 'relationship', 'although', 'chen', 'handong', 'still', 'could', 'commit', 'totally', 'lan', 'gave', 'youth', 'time', 'attention', 'well', 'money', 'car', 'expensive', 'villa', 'beijing', 'suburbs', 'none', 'material', 'things', 'lan', 'really', 'wanted', 'although', 'accepted', 'chen', 'lived', 'somewhat', 'surreptitiously', 'lan', 'mattered', 'latter', 'unfortunately', 'chen', 'handong', 'son', 'top', 'government', 'bureaucrat', 'increasing', 'pressure', 'marry', 'whirlwind', 'courtship', 'chen', 'handong', 'married', 'jingping', 'translator', 'helped', 'negotiate', 'successful', 'business', 'deal', 'russians', 'upon', 'marriage', 'lan', 'moved', 'villa', 'chen', 'handong', 'lost', 'contact', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'chen', 'handong', 'jingping', 'divorced', 'chance', 'meeting', 'airport', 'lan', 'invitation', 'home-cooked', 'meal', 'reunited', 'pair', 'finally', 'chen', 'handong', 'reciprocated', 'love', 'commitment', 'lan', 'freely', 'given', 'two', 'truly', 'couple', 'chen', 'handong', 'company', 'perhaps', 'russian', 'deal', 'aroused', 'government', 'suspicion', 'investigation', 'charges', 'smuggling', 'money-laundering', 'started', 'father', 'dead', 'longer', 'able', 'protect', 'chen', 'handong', 'faced', 'long', 'prison', 'term', 'execution', 'lan', 'took', 'savings', 'proceeds', 'sale', 'villa', 'chen', 'gifts', 'raised', 'enough', 'funds', 'get', 'chen', 'handong', 'legal', 'financial', 'trouble', 'unfortunately', 'realized', 'younger', 'man', 'truly', 'beloved', 'destiny', 'lan', 'killed', 'traffic', 'accident', 'three', 'years', 'later', 'chen', 'handong', 'still', 'grief-stricken', 'film', 'begins', 'thinking', 'back', 'past', 'might'], ['jeroen', 'reminisces', 'time', '1944', 'boys', 'sent', 'countryside', 'parents', 'escape', 'war', 'city', 'suffers', 'food', 'shortages', 'food', 'available', 'country', 'stays', 'eel', 'fisher', 'family', 'despite', 'abundance', 'food', 'plagued', 'homesickness', 'jeroen', 'friend', 'jan', 'ocean', 'see', 'american', 'plane', 'water', 'jan', 'tries', 'claims', 'many', 'eels', 'comes', 'big', 'cut', 'upper', 'right', 'thigh', 'things', 'change', 'village', 'liberated', 'canadian', 'troops', 'jeroen', 'meets', 'walt', 'cook', 'canadian', 'soldier', 'early', '20s', 'befriends', 'jeroen', 'revels', 'attention', 'soldier', 'showers', 'first', 'treating', 'like', 'little', 'brother', 'eventually', 'relationship', 'becomes', 'sexual', 'foster', 'parents', 'aware', 'closeness', 'jeroen', 'soldier', 'unclear', 'film', 'whether', 'aware', 'sexual', 'nature', 'relationship', 'days', 'walt', 'troop', 'ordered', 'move', 'walt', 'leaves', 'without', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'jeroen', 'jeroen', 'hears', 'foster', 'sisters', 'leaving', 'rushes', 'soldiers', 'home', 'finds', 'already', 'left', 'jeroen', 'lying', 'awake', 'bed', 'notices', 'scarecrow', 'posed', 'walt', 'foster', 'family', 'took', 'pictures', 'races', 'outside', 'get', 'touches', 'hand', 'badly', 'hurt', 'taken', 'inside', 'foster', 'dad', 'next', 'morning', 'hosted', 'dad', 'burning', 'scarecrow', 'notices', 'sunglasses', 'walt', 'left', 'wire', 'jeroen', 'heartbroken', 'photo', 'remind', 'soldier', 'turns', 'ruined', 'rain', 'war', 'returns', 'family', 'back', 'amsterdam', 'decides', 'america', 'later', 'life', 'film', 'ends', 'grown-up', 'jeroen', 'affectionately', 'recalling', 'story', 'trying', 'express', 'ballet', 'dance', 'rehearsing', 'dance', 'assistant', 'hands', 'envelope', 'opens', 'envelope', 'find', 'enlargement', 'photo', 'foster', 'family', 'also', 'enlargement', 'soldier', 'dog', 'tag', 'identification', 'realizes', 'find', 'lost', 'soldier', 'time', 'novel', 'walt', 'name', 'walter', 'narbutus'], [\"'harry\", 'sanborn', 'wealthy', 'new', 'york', 'music', 'mogul', '40-year', 'habit', 'dating', 'women', 'including', 'latest', 'conquest', 'marin', 'klein', 'two', 'drive', 'mother\\\\', 'hamptons', 'beach', 'house', 'expecting', 'alone', 'surprised', 'marin\\\\', 'mother', 'successful', 'playwright', 'erica', 'barry', 'sister', 'zoe', 'awkward', 'dinner', 'night', 'turns', 'disastrous', 'foreplay', 'marin', 'harry', 'heart', 'attack', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'doctor', 'julian', 'mercer', 'tells', 'harry', 'stay', 'nearby', 'days', 'harry', 'ends', 'staying', 'erica', 'personalities', 'clash', 'make', 'awkward', 'living', 'arrangements', '=until', 'get', 'know', 'fact', 'harry', 'dating', 'daughter', 'julian', 'fallen', 'erica', 'leave', 'two', 'struggling', 'deal', 'relationships', 'marin', 'harry', 'agree', 'break', 'erica', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'eventually', 'consummate', 'relationship', 'harry', 'discovers', 'improving', 'health', 'means', 'longer', 'stay', 'erica', 'heads', 'home', 'marin', 'receives', 'news', 'father', 'erica\\\\', 'ex-husband', 'erica', 'still', 'allows', 'direct', 'plays', 'getting', 'remarried', 'although', 'erica', 'unaffected', 'news', 'marin', 'devastated', 'pressures', 'mother', 'accompanying', 'family', 'dinner', 'erica', 'life', 'party', 'sees', 'harry', 'another', 'table', 'another', 'woman', 'argument', 'follows', 'harry', 'suffers', 'believes', 'another', 'heart', 'attack', 'told', 'young', 'physician', 'dr.', 'martinez', 'treats', 'like', 'father', 'panic', 'attack', 'although', 'heartbroken', 'erica', 'figures', 'events', 'would', 'great', 'use', 'play', 'harry', 'hears', 'rushes', 'nyc', 'theater', 'rehearsed', 'despite', 'denials', 'quickly', 'obvious', 'used', 'personal', 'details', 'affair', 'play', 'erica', 'coolly', 'rebuffs', 'every', 'insinuation', 'cares', 'hints', 'character', 'die', 'play', '봣or', 'laugh', 'another', 'panic', 'attack', 'treated', 'dr.', 'martinez', 'warns', 'needs', 'learn', 'decompress', 'six', 'months', 'pass', 'erica\\\\', 'play', 'huge', 'success', 'harry', 'pays', 'marin', 'visit', 'apologize', 'anything', 'ever', 'hurt', 'replies', 'nothing', 'nice', 'happily', 'tells', 'pregnant', 'new', 'husband', 'harry', 'expresses', 'desire', 'see', 'erica', 'marin', 'tells', 'mother', 'paris', 'celebrating', 'birthday', 'harry', 'decides', 'surprise', 'erica', 'remembering', 'planned', 'spend', 'birthdays', 'together', 'shows', 'parisian', 'restaurant', 'seated', 'table', 'harry', 'explains', 'past', 'six', 'months', 'reached', 'women', 'ever', 'affairs', 'even', 'though', 'repeatedly', 'rebuffed', 'first', 'finally', 'broke', 'identical', 'harsh', 'stories', 'helped', 'learn', 'arrived', 'tells', 'erica', 'trip', 'find', 'last', 'farthest', 'julian', 'appears', 'along', 'erica', 'waiting', 'restaurant', 'julian', 'dating', 'harry', 'erica', 'get', 'along', 'well', 'dinner', 'part', 'outside', 'restaurant', 'gazing', 'heartache', 'river', 'seine', 'erica', 'pulls', 'taxi', 'explains', 'julian', 'figured', 'happening', 'decided', 'step', 'aside', 'let', 'erica', 'harry', 'harry', 'explains', 'search', 'last', 'six', 'months', 'made', 'realize', 'truly', 'loves', 'erica', 'harry', 'erica', 'kiss', 'year', 'later', 'new', 'york', 'restaurant', 'erica', 'harry', 'married', 'marin', 'husband', 'new', 'baby', 'one', 'big', 'happy', 'family'], [\"'back\", 'france', 'master', 'sergeant', 'galoup', 'remembers', 'time', 'desert', 'led', 'men', 'command', 'bruno', 'forestier', 'life', 'routine', 'duties', 'supervising', 'physical', 'exercise', 'men', 'one', 'day', 'troop', 'joined', 'gilles', 'sentain', 'whose', 'physical', 'beauty', 'social', 'skills', 'fortitude', 'make', 'galoup', 'envious', 'repressed', 'homosexual', 'feelings', 'galoup', 'suggested', 'sentain', 'helps', 'another', 'soldier', 'violating', 'previous', 'orders', 'galoup', 'sergeant', 'sees', 'chance', 'destroy', 'punishment', 'drives', 'sentain', 'desert', 'make', 'walk', 'back', 'base', 'sentain', 'return', 'galoup', 'tampered', 'compass', 'soldier', 'lost', 'without', 'even', 'though', 'sentain', 'later', 'found', 'rescued', 'group', 'djiboutis', 'galoup', 'sent', 'back', 'france', 'commander', 'court', 'martial', 'ends', 'career', 'foreign', 'legion', 'final', 'scene', 'metaphoric', 'dance', 'suggests', 'suicide'], [\"'the\", 'two', 'protagonists', 'max', 'albert', 'played', 'jerzy', 'stuhr', 'olgierd', '흟ukaszewicz', 'respectively', 'submit', '1991', 'first', 'human', 'hibernation', 'experiment', 'instead', 'awakened', 'years', 'later', 'planned', 'wake', 'year', '2044', 'post-nuclear', 'world', 'humans', 'retreated', 'underground', 'living', 'facilities', 'result', 'subjection', 'specific', 'kind', 'radiation', 'males', 'died', 'women', 'reproduce', 'parthenogenesis', 'living', 'oppressive', 'feminist', 'society', 'apparatchiks', 'teach', 'women', 'suffered', 'males', 'males', 'removed', 'world', 'cold-shoulder', 'treatment', 'max', 'albert', 'receive', 'women', 'character', 'differences', 'specific', 'realities', 'future', 'life', 'serve', 'background', 'many', 'humorous', 'encounters', 'plot', 'thickens', 'turns', 'females', 'interest', 'rebirth', 'men', 'good', 'society', 'two', 'males', 'killed', 'naturalised', 'i.e', 'undergo', 'sex-change', 'trying', 'break', 'away', 'max', 'albert', 'find', 'impact', 'masculinity', 'women', 'one', 'scientists', 'side', 'men', 'choose', 'freedom', 'prefer', 'escape', 'die', 'outside', 'discover', 'truth', 'radiation', 'feminist', 'lie', 'keep', 'women', 'underground', 'surving', 'male', 'population', 'naturalised', 'women', 'feminists', 'took', 'power', 'post-war', 'period', 'result', 'discovering', 'truth', 'max', 'albert', 'begin', 'thinking', 'bringing', 'world', 'back', 'normal', 'expand', 'section'], ['film', 'begins', 'luc챠a', 'work', 'waitress', 'talking', 'phone', 'depressed', 'boyfriend', 'lorenzo', 'worried', 'goes', 'home', 'console', 'finding', 'empty', 'apartment', 'luc챠a', 'frantically', 'looks', 'finally', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'police', 'finds', 'suicide', 'note', 'afraid', 'bad', 'news', 'hangs', 'assuming', 'worst', 'happened', 'lorenzo', 'looking', 'new', 'beginning', 'luc챠a', 'decides', 'travel', 'mysterious', 'balearic', 'islands', 'lorenzo', 'always', 'talked', 'plot', 'breaks', 'six', 'years', 'earlier', 'lorenzo', 'casual', 'sex', 'ocean', 'woman', 'named', 'elena', 'part', 'ways', 'expecting', 'never', 'see', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'baby', 'ventures', 'find', 'lorenzo', 'talks', 'literary', 'agent', 'restaurant', 'discussing', 'writer', 'block', 'luc챠a', 'catches', 'attention', 'gets', 'table', 'tells', 'ever', 'since', 'read', 'latest', 'book', 'following', 'fallen', 'passionately', 'love', 'smitten', 'lorenzo', 'immediately', 'engages', 'sexy', 'passionate', 'luc챠a', 'move', 'together', 'lorenzo', 'apartment', 'film', 'continues', 'interweaving', 'past', 'present', 'people', 'real', 'life', 'characters', 'lorenzo', 'novel', 'past', 'plays', 'see', 'lorenzo', 'repeatedly', 'stalling', 'time', 'new', 'book', 'editor', 'relationship', 'luc챠a', 'deepens', 'lorenzo', 'learns', 'daughter', 'result', 'encounter', 'elena', 'begins', 'visit', 'child', 'school', 'meeting', 'babysitter', 'bel챕n', 'lorenzo', 'uses', 'new', 'encounters', 'content', 'book', 'bel챕n', 'flirts', 'lorenzo', 'invites', 'elena', 'house', 'babysits', 'daughter', 'luna', 'lorenzo', 'tells', 'luna', 'bedtime', 'story', 'falls', 'asleep', 'bel챕n', 'begin', 'make', 'love', 'interrupted', 'luna', 'knocks', 'bedroom', 'door', 'watch', 'horror', 'family', 'dog', 'kills', 'lorenzo', 'runs', 'away', 'falls', 'deep', 'depression', 'writes', 'new', 'experiences', 'bel챕n', 'luc챠a', 'reads', 'thinking', 'fiction', 'present', 'luc챠a', 'meets', 'scuba', 'diver', 'island', 'carlos', 'elena', 'runs', 'inn', 'island', 'cope', 'grief', 'luc챠a', 'rents', 'room', 'inn', 'past', 'revealed', 'characters', 'cope', 'significance', 'present', 'understand', 'entanglements', 'interwoven', 'relationships'], [\"'it\", 'story', 'famous', 'filmmaker', 'sandy', 'bates', 'plagued', 'fans', 'prefer', 'earlier', 'funnier', 'movies', 'recent', 'artistic', 'efforts', 'tries', 'reconcile', 'conflicting', 'attraction', 'two', 'different', 'women', 'earnest', 'intellectual', 'daisy', 'maternal', 'isobel', 'meanwhile', 'also', 'haunted', 'memories', 'ex-girlfriend', 'mercurial', 'dorrie'], [\"'fotoula\", 'toula', 'portokalos', 'going', 'early', 'midlife', 'crisis', 'thirty', 'woman', 'family', 'failed', 'family', 'expects', 'marry', 'greek', 'boy', 'make', 'greek', 'babies', 'feed', 'everyone', 'day', 'dies', 'instead', 'toula', 'stuck', 'working', 'family', 'business', 'restaurant', 'dancing', 'zorba\\\\', 'contrast', 'perfect', 'sister', 'athena', 'toula', 'frumpy', 'cynical', 'fears', 'she\\\\', 'doomed', 'stuck', 'life', 'restaurant', 'briefly', 'sees', 'ian', 'miller', 'handsome', 'school', 'teacher', 'event', 'combined', 'argument', 'overly-patriotic', 'father', 'gus', 'merely', 'wants', 'daughter', 'marry', 'settle', 'rather', 'pursue', 'career', 'motivates', 'begin', 'taking', 'computer', 'classes', 'local', 'college', 'also', 'gets', 'contact', 'lenses', 'wears', 'hair', 'curly', 'begins', 'use', 'makeup', 'maria', 'mother', 'aunt', 'voula', 'contrive', 'way', 'get', 'gus', 'allow', 'work', 'voula\\\\', 'travel', 'agency', 'toula', 'feels', 'much', 'better', 'new', 'job', 'especially', 'notices', 'ian', 'hanging', 'around', 'looking', 'window', 'finally', 'introduce', 'begin', 'dating', 'toula', 'keeps', 'relationship', 'secret', 'family', 'weeks', 'later', 'gus', 'finds', 'throws', 'fit', 'ian', 'greek', 'orders', 'toula', 'end', 'relationship', 'ian', 'toula', 'continue', 'see', 'gus\\\\', 'wishes', 'ian', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'accepts', 'gus', 'hurt', 'infuriated', 'feeling', 'daughter', 'betrayed', 'ian', 'agrees', 'baptized', 'greek', 'orthodox', 'church', 'speak', 'fluent', 'greek', 'worthy', 'family', 'year', 'passes', 'wedding', 'planning', 'hits', 'snag', 'snag', 'toula\\\\', 'numerous', 'relatives', 'helpfully', 'interfere', 'father', 'insists', 'inviting', 'entire', 'church', 'ceremony', 'mother', 'orders', 'invitations', 'misspells', 'ian\\\\', 'parents\\\\', 'names', 'toula\\\\', 'cousin', 'nikki', 'orders', 'tacky', 'bridesmaids\\\\', 'dresses', 'toula', 'horrified', 'learn', 'parents', 'invited', 'entire', 'family', 'meant', 'quiet', 'dinner', 'millers', 'used', 'cultural', 'fervor', 'overwhelmed', 'wedding', 'day', 'dawns', 'liveliness', 'hysteria', 'traditional', 'wedding', 'goes', 'without', 'hitch', 'gus', 'gives', 'speech', 'accepting', 'ian', 'millers', 'family', 'buys', 'newlyweds', 'house', 'right', 'next', 'door', 'epilogue', 'shows', 'new', 'couple\\\\', 'life', 'six', 'years', 'later', 'daughter', 'paris', 'raise', 'greek', 'style', 'toula', 'tells', 'marry', 'anyone', 'wants', 'grows', 'says', 'wants', 'brownies', 'instead', 'greek', 'school'], [\"'yossi\", 'commands', 'company', 'soldiers', 'snow-covered', 'mountains', 'near', 'lebanon', 'secrecy', 'leads', 'passionate', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'second-in-command', 'officer', 'lior', 'called', 'jagger', 'everyone', 'rock', 'star-like', 'handsomeness', 'lip-syncing', 'mick', 'jagger', 'pair', 'yossi', 'jagger', 'lead', 'loving', 'yet', 'secret', 'life', 'together', 'venturing', 'alone', 'open', 'one', 'another', 'one', 'day', 'colonel', 'arrives', 'base', 'two', 'female', 'soldiers', 'one', 'immediately', 'sleeps', 'bunker', 'one', 'yaeli', 'interested', 'jagger', 'refuses', 'sexual', 'advances', 'ofir', 'tries', 'make', 'clear', 'jagger', 'particularly', 'interested', 'colonel', 'supervise', 'night-time', 'ambush', 'yossi', 'resentful', 'full', 'moon', 'also', 'fears', 'soldiers\\\\', 'safety', 'indeed', 'jagger', 'fatally', 'injured', 'night', 'dying', 'arms', 'lover', 'able', 'articulate', 'love', 'funeral', 'reception', 'jagger\\\\', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'jagger\\\\', 'mother', 'mistakes', 'yaeli', 'girlfriend', 'laments', 'knew', 'little', 'son', 'including', 'favorite', 'song', 'yossi', 'able', 'tell', 'sung', 'rita', 'song', 'also', 'sung', 'ivri', 'lider'], [\"'set\", 'sicily', 'mainland', 'italy', 'film', 'follows', 'adventures', 'man', 'nicknamed', 'mimi', 'asked', 'rig', 'local', 'election', 'instead', 'votes', 'communist', 'representative', 'get', 'away', 'mafia', 'leaves', 'wife', 'falls', 'lives', 'female', 'political', 'activist', 'soon', 'situations', 'happen', 'leave', 'mimi', 'questioning', 'life', 'next', 'screenplay', 'adapted', 'loosely', '1977', 'film', 'way', 'starring', 'richard', 'pryor'], ['film', 'opens', 'foreshadow', 'moments', 'shooting', 'quickly', 'followed', 'scene', 'valerie', 'solanas', 'custody', 'shooting', 'andy', 'warhol', 'film', 'takes', 'back', 'time', 'valerie', 'living', 'new', 'york', 'prostituting', 'living', 'series', 'flashbacks', 'point', 'difficult', 'childhood', 'success', 'studying', 'psychology', 'college', 'valerie', 'discovers', 'lesbian', 'write', 'distinctive', 'view', 'world', 'leads', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'downtown', 'underworld', 'friend', 'stevie', 'meets', 'candy', 'darling', 'turn', 'introduces', 'andy', 'warhol', 'meanwhile', 'valerie', 'also', 'meets', 'maurice', 'girodias', 'publisher', 'olympia', 'press', 'valerie', 'wants', 'warhol', 'produce', 'play', 'ass', 'girodias', 'wants', 'write', 'pornographic', 'novel', 'signs', 'contract', 'girodias', 'comes', 'suspect', 'offer', 'generous', 'one', 'may', 'interests', 'comes', 'regret', 'signing', 'contract', 'point', 'increasing', 'derangement', 'leads', 'believe', 'warhol', 'girodias', 'controlling', 'film', 'concludes', 'began', 'solanas', 'attempted', 'murder', 'warhol', 'film', 'steps', 'ten', 'years', 'future', 'warhol', 'gets', 'frightened', 'sees', 'valerie', 'near', 'car', 'staring', 'angrily', 'friends', 'entering', 'nightclub', 'finds', 'suddenly', 'disappears', 'bus', 'passes', 'car'], [\"'as\", 'adults', 'benjamin', 'benny', 'pearl', 'ill', 'sister', 'juniper', 'joon', 'pearl', 'live', 'together', 'following', 'accidental', 'death', 'parents', 'benny\\\\', 'friend', 'mike', 'cinemaphile', 'cousin', 'sam', 'staying', 'joon', 'joins', 'benny', 'mike\\\\', 'poker', 'game', 'loses', 'bet', 'commits', 'sam', 'live', 'pearls', 'benny', 'first', 'outraged', 'evening', 'sam', 'local', 'diner', 'coming', 'home', 'next', 'day', 'find', 'sam', 'cleaned', 'house', 'benny', 'decides', 'sam', 'joon\\\\', 'housekeeper', 'since', 'housekeepers', 'scared', 'away', 'joon\\\\', 'outbursts', 'next', 'day', 'joon', 'aids', 'illiterate', 'sam', 'struggling', 'writing', 'mom', 'two', 'local', 'diner', 'ruthie', 'working', 'takes', 'errands', 'takes', 'home', 'ruthie', 'stays', 'dinner', 'car', \"won\\\\'t\", 'start', 'benny', 'drives', 'home', 'set', 'dinner', 'date', 'meanwhile', 'left', 'alone', 'joon', 'sam', 'almost', 'kiss', 'benny', 'ruthie', 'fun', 'date', 'ends', 'abruptly', 'benny', 'wants', 'get', 'home', 'joon', 'next', 'day', 'benny', 'joon', 'sam', 'park', 'sam', 'starts', 'keatonesque', 'tricks', 'hat', 'attracting', 'appreciative', 'crowd', 'benny', 'tries', 'persuade', 'sam', 'could', 'life', 'joon\\\\', 'housekeeper', 'benny', 'heads', 'park', 'reflect', 'sends', 'joon', 'home', 'sam', 'make', 'love', 'sam', 'tells', 'joon', 'loves', 'next', 'morning', 'sam', 'asks', 'job', 'video', 'store', 'benny', 'persuades', 'buddy', 'let', 'sam', 'audition', 'benny', 'suggests', 'sam', 'make', 'something', 'joon', 'becomes', 'agitated', 'makes', 'sam', 'explain', 'joon', 'romantically', 'involved', 'benny', 'throws', 'sam', 'house', 'yells', 'joon', 'shows', 'pamphlet', 'group', 'home', 'dr.', 'garvey', 'thinks', 'would', 'better', 'home', 'joon', 'starts', 'hitting', 'benny', 'screaming', 'pushes', 'away', 'feeling', 'bad', 'benny', 'leaves', 'get', 'tapioca', 'away', 'sam', 'arrives', 'pack', 'suitcases', 'get', 'bus', 'joon', 'soon', 'begins', 'hear', 'voices', 'argue', 'great', 'distress', 'sam', 'tries', 'soothe', 'continues', 'become', 'agitated', 'bus', 'stopped', 'two', 'men', 'ambulance', 'service', 'restrain', 'joon', 'benny', 'arrives', 'hospital', 'dr.', 'garvey', 'tells', 'joon', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'see', 'finds', 'sam', 'waiting', 'room', 'argue', 'sam', 'goes', 'stay', 'ruthie', 'apartment', 'manager', 'benny', 'finds', 'sam', 'working', 'video', 'store', 'asks', 'help', 'hospital', 'benny', 'persuades', 'joon', 'consider', 'getting', 'apartment', 'tries', 'convince', 'sam', 'come', 'back', 'interviewed', 'dr.', 'garvey', 'joon', 'sees', 'sam', 'swinging', 'platform', 'outside', 'window', 'waving', 'states', 'would', 'like', 'try', 'living', 'apartment', 'dr.', 'garvey', 'agrees', 'try', 'choice', 'benny', 'joon', 'reconcile', 'sam', 'joon', 'reunited', 'upon', 'release', 'end', 'benny', 'brings', 'roses', 'ruthie', 'takes', 'another', 'bouquet', 'upstairs', 'joon\\\\', 'apartment', 'smiles', 'leaves', 'flowers', 'doorway', 'discovers', 'sam', 'joon', 'together', 'contentedly', 'making', 'grilled', 'cheese', 'sandwiches', 'iron'], ['moving', 'florida', 'aileen', 'wuornos', 'female', 'prostitute', 'meets', 'selby', 'wall', 'gay', 'bar', 'initial', 'hostility', 'declaring', 'gay', 'aileen', 'talks', 'selby', 'beers', 'selby', 'takes', 'aileen', 'almost', 'immediately', 'likes', 'protective', 'selby', 'invites', 'spend', 'night', 'return', 'house', 'selby', 'staying', 'later', 'agree', 'meet', 'rollerskating', 'rink', 'kiss', 'first', 'time', 'though', 'passion', 'emotion', 'clear', 'nowhere', 'selby', 'goes', 'home', 'raped', 'brutalized', 'vincent', 'corey', 'aileen', 'kills', 'self-defense', 'decides', 'quit', 'prostitution', 'confesses', 'action', 'selby', 'selby', 'angry', 'succeeding', 'supporting', 'two', 'eventually', 'unable', 'pay', 'bills', 'aileen', 'tries', 'find', 'legitimate', 'work', 'due', 'lack', 'qualifications', 'past', 'prospective', 'employers', 'reject', 'occasionally', 'openly', 'hostile', 'desperate', 'money', 'returns', 'career', 'prostitute', 'continues', 'commit', 'several', 'acts', 'murder', 'intent', 'rob', 'victims', 'killed', 'brutal', 'way', 'last', 'spares', 'one', 'man', 'pity', 'man', 'admits', 'never', 'sex', 'prostitute', 'ultimately', 'kills', 'another', 'man', 'instead', 'exploiting', 'offers', 'help', 'aileen', 'uses', 'money', 'steals', 'victims', 'indulge', 'selby', 'two', 'drink', 'bars', 'eat', 'fancy', 'restaurants', 'however', 'selby', 'reads', 'papers', 'string', 'murders', 'begins', 'suspect', 'girlfriend', 'may', 'committed', 'two', 'falling', 'selby', 'returns', 'ohio', 'charter', 'bus', 'aileen', 'eventually', 'arrested', 'biker', 'bar', 'speaks', 'selby', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'jail', 'selby', 'reveals', 'incriminating', 'information', 'telephone', 'aileen', 'realizes', 'police', 'listening', 'protect', 'lover', 'aileen', 'admits', 'committed', 'murders', 'alone', 'aileen', 'trial', 'selby', 'testifies', 'aileen', 'later', 'convicted', 'sentenced', 'death'], ['stella', 'main', 'character', 'rebetiko', 'singer', 'although', 'love', 'miltos', 'soccer', 'player', 'repeatedly', 'rejects', 'marriage', 'proposals', 'miltos', 'finally', 'forces', 'accept', 'idea', 'marriage', 'stella', 'appear', 'church', 'despite', 'miltos', 'repeatedly', 'warning', 'kill', \"n't\", 'marry', 'miltos', 'kills', 'dagger', 'end', 'film', 'said', 'story', 'stella', 'forced', 'marriage', 'symbolises', 'forces', 'constantly', 'trying', 'impose', 'greece'], [\"'in\", 'senior', 'year', 'southern', 'california', 'college', 'student', 'girlish', 'sorority', 'president', 'elle', 'woods', 'majors', 'fashion', 'merchandising', 'seriously', 'love', 'boyfriend', 'warner', 'huntington', 'iii', 'attend', 'harvard', 'law', 'school', 'following', 'year', 'excitedly', 'expects', 'ask', 'marry', 'instead', 'breaks', 'desperate', 'win', 'warner', 'back', 'elle', 'studies', 'passes', 'law-school', 'entrance', 'exam', 'applies', 'harvard', 'accepted', 'upon', 'arriving', 'harvard', 'classmates', 'disapprove', 'naivete', 'discovers', 'warner', 'engaged', 'another', 'student', 'vivian', 'kensington', 'friend', 'elle', 'makes', 'paulette', 'divorced', 'manicurist', 'elle', 'later', 'helps', 'paulette', 'gain', 'custody', 'dog', 'back', 'ex-husband', 'well', 'seduce', 'delivery', 'man', 'crush', 'vivian', 'tricks', 'elle', 'attending', 'party', 'playboy', 'bunny', 'costume', 'elle', 'discussion', 'warner', 'finally', 'realizes', 'never', 'respect', 'determined', 'succeed', 'elle', 'studies', 'hard', 'wins', 'internship', 'professor', 'callahan', 'warner', 'vivian', 'work', 'callahan', 'associate', 'attorney', 'emmett', 'richmond', 'defend', 'brooke', 'taylor-windham', 'famous', 'fitness', 'instructor', 'accused', 'murdering', 'much', 'older', 'billionaire', 'husband', 'hayworth', 'windham', 'brooke', 'elle\\\\', 'fitness', 'instructor', 'member', 'sorority', 'elle', 'believes', 'brooke', 'innocent', 'brooke\\\\', 'stepdaughter', 'chutney', 'household', 'cabana', 'boy', 'say', 'guilty', 'saw', 'brooke', 'standing', 'windham\\\\', 'dead', 'body', 'covered', 'blood', 'brooke', 'testifies', 'loved', 'husband', 'found', 'shot', 'death', 'brooke', 'refuses', 'provide', 'callahan', 'alibi', 'elle', 'visits', 'prison', 'brooke', 'admits', 'liposuction', 'day', 'murder', 'public', 'knowledge', 'fact', 'would', 'ruin', 'brooke\\\\', 'reputation', 'fitness', 'instructor', 'elle', 'agrees', 'keep', 'secret', 'refuses', 'reveal', 'alibi', 'callahan', 'impressed', 'integrity', 'vivian', 'starts', 'befriend', 'elle', 'also', 'admitting', 'warner', 'put', 'harvard\\\\', 'wait-list', 'got', 'father', 'pulled', 'strings', 'case', 'brooke', 'begins', 'weaken', 'elle', 'deduces', 'cabana', 'boy', 'gay', 'correctly', 'identifies', 'elle\\\\', 'shoe', 'style', 'cross-examination', 'emmett', 'tricks', 'identifying', 'boyfriend', 'court', 'proving', 'testimony', 'affair', 'brooke', 'lie', 'impressed', 'performance', 'callahan', 'discusses', 'elle\\\\', 'future', 'makes', 'sexual', 'advances', 'elle', 'immediately', 'rejects', 'overhearing', 'part', 'conversation', 'vivian', 'frustrated', 'elle', 'apparently', 'using', 'sexuality', 'gain', 'internship', 'elle', 'also', 'thinking', 'callahan', 'chose', 'sexual', 'reasons', 'decides', 'leave', 'law', 'school', 'professor', 'stromwell', 'removed', 'elle', 'class', 'unprepared', 'helps', 'regain', 'elle\\\\', 'spirit', 'meanwhile', 'emmett', 'explains', 'elle\\\\', 'encounter', 'callahan', 'vivian', 'brooke', 'brooke', 'enraged', 'vivian', 'realizes', 'mistake', 'trial', 'continues', 'brooke', 'dismisses', 'callahan', 'hires', 'elle', 'new', 'attorney', 'emmett', 'supervising', 'elle', 'begins', 'shakily', 'cross-examining', 'chutney', 'testifies', 'home', 'father\\\\', 'murder', 'hear', 'gunshot', 'shower', 'washing', 'hair', 'getting', 'hair', 'permed', 'earlier', 'day', 'elle', 'gets', 'chutney', 'reconfirm', 'story', 'reveals', 'washing', 'permed', 'hair', 'within', 'first', 'hours', 'would', 'deactivated', 'ammonium', 'thioglycolate', 'chutney\\\\', 'curls', 'still', 'intact', 'exposed', 'chutney', 'admits', 'killing', 'hayworth', 'accidentally', 'thought', 'brooke', 'hated', 'marrying', 'father', 'chutney\\\\', 'age', 'brooke', 'exonerated', 'chutney', 'arrested', 'trial', 'warner', 'tries', 'reconcile', 'elle', 'rejects', 'explaining', 'needs', 'boyfriend', 'less', 'bonehead', 'new', 'career', 'two', 'years', 'later', 'elle', 'graduated', 'high', 'honors', 'class-elected', 'speaker', 'ceremony', 'invited', 'one', 'boston\\\\', 'best', 'law', 'firms', 'vivian', 'elle\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'called', 'engagement', 'warner', 'graduated', 'without', 'honors', 'girlfriend', 'job', 'offers', 'paulette', 'married', 'delivery', 'man', 'expecting', 'baby', 'girl', 'named', 'elle', 'finally', 'emmett', 'started', 'practice', 'elle\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'propose', 'night'], ['note', 'story', 'exotica', 'told', 'chronological', 'order', 'important', 'information', 'often', 'revealed', 'late', 'film', 'following', 'synopsis', 'reflect', 'viewer', 'actual', 'experience', 'events', 'unfold', 'exotica', 'presents', 'disparate', 'group', 'characters', 'whose', 'lives', 'interconnected', 'exotica', 'nightclub', 'christina', 'exotic', 'dancer', 'exotica', 'owned', 'zoe', 'eric', 'club', 'christina', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'involved', 'complex', 'relationship', 'zoe', 'francis', 'customer', 'comes', 'nightly', 'always', 'christina', 'dressed', 'schoolgirl', 'uniform', 'give', 'private', 'dance', 'seems', 'inspire', 'eric', 'jealousy', 'francis', 'hires', 'teenaged', 'girl', 'babysit', 'night', 'attends', 'nightclub', 'francis', 'child', 'girl', 'waits', 'empty', 'house', 'night', 'employer', 'returns', 'professional', 'life', 'francis', 'tax', 'auditor', 'revenue', 'canada', 'thomas', 'latent-gay', 'pet', 'store', 'owner', 'whose', 'books', 'account', 'francis', 'auditing', 'pursuant', 'suspicion', 'thomas', 'running', 'illegal', 'import', 'business', 'revenues', '200,000', 'per', 'year', 'francis', 'eventually', 'banned', 'club', 'eric', 'manipulates', 'touching', 'christina', 'one', 'dances', 'around', 'time', 'francis', 'discovers', 'illegal', 'activities', 'thomas', 'financial', 'records', 'forces', 'thomas', 'get', 'involved', 'conflict', 'eric', 'eventually', 'learn', 'francis', 'obsession', 'christina', 'much', 'complex', 'roots', 'first', 'appears', 'film', 'final', 'scene', 'set', 'many', 'years', 'others', 'shows', 'death', 'francis', 'daughter', 'discovery', 'body', 'central', 'lives', 'main', 'characters'], [\"'elle\", 'woods', 'wants', 'chihuahua', 'bruiser', 'reunite', 'mother', 'would', 'like', 'bruiser\\\\', 'mom', 'attend', 'elle', 'emmett\\\\', 'wedding', 'elle', 'hires', 'detective', 'find', 'bruiser\\\\', 'mother', 'discover', 'company', 'dog\\\\', 'mother', 'stripper', 'company', 'uses', 'bruiser\\\\', 'mother', 'testing', 'finds', 'law', 'firm', 'represents', \"c\\\\'est\", 'magnifique', 'corporation', 'elle', 'decides', 'leave', 'boston', 'bruiser', 'settled', 'fianc챕', 'emmett', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'work', 'bruiser\\\\', 'bill', 'elle', 'upset', 'dog\\\\', 'mother', 'make-up', 'testing', 'laboratory', 'decides', 'take', 'upon', 'voice', \"can\\\\'t\", 'speak', 'outlaw', 'animal', 'testing', 'working', 'congresswoman', 'victoria', 'rudd', 'elle', 'met', 'skepticism', 'barriers', 'common', 'washington', 'politics', 'rudd\\\\', 'member', 'staff', 'timothy', 'sarcastically', 'calls', 'capitol', 'barbie', 'variety', 'ups', 'downs', 'including', 'failed', 'attempt', 'improve', 'work', 'environment', 'co-workers', 'write', 'compliments', 'one', 'another', 'place', 'snap', 'cup', 'elle', 'starts', 'lose', 'faith', 'washington', 'politics', 'story', 'moves', 'along', 'elle', 'discovers', 'bruiser', 'actually', 'gay', 'paged', 'paws', 'refreshes', 'doggy', 'day', 'spa', 'bruiser', 'affectionate', 'leslie', 'rottweiller', 'owned', 'congressman', 'stan', 'marks', 'chairman', 'committee', 'energy', 'commerce', 'jurisdiction', 'bruiser\\\\', 'bill', 'elle', 'also', 'finds', 'congresswoman', 'libby', 'hauser', 'ranking', 'member', 'committee', 'member', 'delta', 'result', 'marks', 'hauser', 'warm', 'elle', 'eventually', 'come', 'support', 'bruiser\\\\', 'bill', 'elle', 'also', 'discovers', 'congresswoman', 'rudd', 'actually', 'working', 'rudd', 'effort', 'satisfy', 'interests', 'major', 'campaign', 'donor', 'named', 'bob', 'however', 'rudd', 'eventually', 'blackmailed', 'supporting', 'elle\\\\', 'petition', 'rudd\\\\', 'chief', 'staff', 'grace', 'rossiter', 'eavesdrops', 'recorded', 'conversation', 'rudd', 'admits', 'elle', 'working', 'bruiser\\\\', 'bill', 'order', 'help', 'rudd\\\\', 'sponsors', 'want', 'continue', 'tests', 'animals', 'grace', 'appalled', 'rudd', 'lied', 'elle', 'blamed', 'grace', 'elle', 'eventually', 'reach', 'place', 'mutual', 'respect', 'especially', 'grace', 'admits', 'came', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'enthusiasm', 'unlike', 'elle\\\\', 'later', 'lost', 'idealism', 'discovered', 'dirty', 'politics', 'could', 'really', 'help', 'friends', 'elle\\\\', 'petition', 'successful', 'bruiser\\\\', 'bill', 'brought', 'floor', 'house', 'elle', 'emmett', 'get', 'married', 'park', 'd.c.', 'albeit', 'fenway', 'park', 'planned', 'standing', 'home', 'plate', 'delivered', 'd.c.', 'ups', 'guy', 'bruce', 'thomas', 'final', 'scene', 'movie', 'emmett', 'asks', 'live', 'elle', 'says', 'think', 'know', 'place', 'driving', 'white', 'house'], [\"'maggie\", 'recently', 'moved', 'started', 'relationship', 'another', 'woman', 'kim', 'however', 'maggie\\\\', 'mother', 'lila', 'brother', 'forced', 'move', 'loft', 'sublet', 'unaware', 'lesbian', 'maggie\\\\', 'freedom', 'compromised', 'believes', 'must', 'keep', 'blossoming', 'affair', 'secret', 'however', 'clandestine', 'romance', 'introduces', 'maggie\\\\', 'family', 'host', 'new', 'experiences', 'many', 'better', 'chocolate', 'cast', 'also', 'includes', 'ann-marie', 'macdonald', 'frances', 'owner', 'lesbian', 'bookstore', 'maggie', 'works', 'peter', 'outerbridge', 'judy', 'trans', 'woman', 'crush', 'frances'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'explores', 'lives', 'characters', 'felice', 'schragenheim', 'jewish', 'woman', 'assumed', 'false', 'name', 'belongs', 'underground', 'organization', 'lilly', 'wust', 'married', 'mother', 'four', 'children', 'unsatisfied', 'husband', 'felice', 'takes', 'initiative', 'love', 'affair', 'lilly', 'fascinated', 'strength', 'felice', 'friends', 'realizes', 'give', 'love', 'fully', 'cosmopolitan', 'woman', 'man', 'film', 'features', 'erotic', 'encounters', 'sentimental', 'love', 'poems', 'one', 'love', 'scene', 'poetic', 'line', 'emerges', 'lilly', 'aim챕e', 'felice', 'jaguar', 'one', 'day', 'lilly', 'husband', 'gets', 'leave', 'front', 'arrives', 'home', 'find', 'felice', 'lilly', 'bed', 'although', 'hoped', 'merely', 'punish', 'indiscretion', 'marriage', 'would', 'return', 'normal', 'lilly', 'surprises', 'asking', 'divorce', 'later', 'dies', 'front', 'felice', 'friends', 'stop', 'seeing', 'lilly', 'sake', 'survival', 'one', 'occasion', 'lilly', 'erupts', 'anger', 'felice', 'unexplained', 'absence', 'days', 'felice', 'shares', 'secret', 'jewish', 'july', 'plot', 'lilly', 'friends', 'fear', 'lives', 'arrange', 'flee', 'germany', 'rounded', 'felice', 'prefers', 'take', 'chances', 'order', 'enjoy', 'love', 'life', 'though', 'unfortunately', 'long', 'felice', 'captured', 'gestapo', 'sent', 'theresienstadt', 'concentration', 'camp', 'two', 'still', 'manage', 'correspond', 'contact', 'lost', 'end', '1944.', 'story', 'two', 'bookends', 'film', 'begins', '1997', '83-year-old', 'lilly', 'taking', 'residence', 'dilapidated', 'flat', 'served', 'underground', 'hideout', 'lilly', 'german', 'maid', 'ilse', 'rounded', '1945', 'already', 'tenant', 'lilly', 'ilse', 'reminisce', 'film', 'ends', 'lilly', 'though', 'saddened', 'tragedy', 'caused', 'friends', 'lovers', 'unable', 'imagine', 'life', 'could', 'different', 'given', 'obsessive', 'live-for-today-for-tomorrow-we-die', 'mood', 'common', 'among', 'besieged', 'berliners', 'lilly', 'wust', 'lived', 'berlin', 'death', 'march', '2006.', 'tagline', 'film', 'love', 'transcends', 'death'], ['plot', 'film', 'begins', 'hudson', 'ohio', 'scotty', 'scott', 'thomas', 'dumped', 'girlfriend', 'fiona', 'high', 'school', 'graduation', 'later', 'evening', 'scott', 'best', 'friend', 'cooper', 'harris', 'attend', 'graduation', 'party', 'learn', 'fiona', 'sleeping', 'donny', 'lead', 'singer', 'college', 'band', 'treated', 'performance', 'film\\\\', 'main', 'theme', 'song', 'scotty', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'crudely', 'details', 'affair', 'drunk', 'angry', 'scott', 'return', 'home', 'receives', 'e-mail', 'reply', 'german', 'pen', 'pal', 'mieke', 'believes', 'guy', 'thinking', 'name', 'pronounced', 'mike', 'mieke', 'feels', 'sorry', 'happened', 'wants', 'arrange', 'meeting', 'order', 'make', 'scott', 'feel', 'better', 'thinking', 'comment', 'cooper', 'said', 'earlier', 'internet', 'full', 'predatory', 'homosexuals', 'scott', 'emails', 'mieke', 'stay', 'away', 'however', 'scott\\\\', 'younger', 'brother', 'bert', 'explains', 'mieke', 'german', 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'europe', 'together', 'since', 'last', 'summer', 'four', 'spend', 'together', 'going', 'college', 'following', 'long', 'train', 'ride', 'creepy', 'italian', 'man', 'attempting', 'grope', 'jamie', 'group', 'ends', 'fictional', 'french', 'town', 'crans', 'sur', 'mer', 'famous', 'nude', 'beach', 'however', 'leave', 'immediately', 'realizing', 'women', 'another', 'nearby', 'nude', 'beach', 'perverted', 'men', 'flock', 'beach', 'either', 'grope', 'stare', 'females', 'amsterdam', 'cooper', 'heads', 'club', 'vandersexxx', 'actually', 'brutal', 'bdsm', 'club', 'subjected', 'sadistic', 'torture', 'pronounce', 'safe', 'word', 'meanwhile', 'scott', 'jenny', 'caf챕', 'eat', 'believe', 'hash', 'brownies', 'proceed', 'freak', 'told', 'normal', 'brownies', 'jamie', 'camera', 'store', 'seeking', 'prized', 'leica', 'camera', 'cleaned', 'female', 'shopkeeper', 'takes', 'alley', 'engage', 'oral', 'sex', 'jamie', 'robbed', 'traveller\\\\', 'fanny', 'pack', 'mugger', 'choice', 'hitchhike', 'berlin', 'manage', 'get', 'truck', 'driver', 'pull', 'however', 'speak', 'english', 'scott', 'saying', 'speaks', 'german', 'crudely', 'asks', 'driver', 'take', 'berlin', 'driver', 'mentions', 'berlin', 'reply', 'numerous', 'times', 'actually', 'saying', 'going', 'nowhere', 'near', 'berlin', 'wanted', 'stabbing', 'woman', 'assaulting', 'horse', 'group', 'ultimately', 'end', 'bratislava', 'horrified', 'desolation', 'eastern', 'europe', 'aftermath', 'cold', 'war', 'talk', 'slovak', 'man', 'named', 'tibor', 'loves', '1980s', 'american', 'pop', 'culture', 'deciding', 'fun', 'group', 'goes', 'nightclub', 'owned', 'man', 'named', 'kristoff', 'jenny', 'met', 'railway', 'station', 'paris', 'earlier', 'jenny', 'attracted', 'kristoff', 'discovers', 'married', 'bisexual', 'jenny', 'downs', 'half', 'bottle', 'absinthe', 'boys', 'drinking', 'jenny', 'jamie', 'drunk', 'absinthe', 'make', 'horrified', 'realize', 'next', 'day', 'tibor', 'finally', 'drives', 'berlin', 'mieke\\\\', 'father', 'informs', 'scott', 'cooper', 'daughter', 'gone', 'tour', 'group', 'summer', 'reachable', 'rome', 'short', 'time', 'order', 'afford', 'flight', 'tickets', 'rome', 'find', 'mieke', 'jamie', 'sells', 'precious', 'leica', 'camera', 'rome', 'four', 'friends', 'head', 'vatican', 'city', 'mieke', 'tour', 'leaves', 'however', 'group', 'unable', 'get', 'inside', 'vatican', 'follow', 'mieke', 'end', 'finally', 'get', 'inside', 'vatican', 'jamie', 'manage', 'convince', 'swiss', 'guards', 'tour', 'guide', 'inside', 'vatican', 'jamie', 'asked', 'replace', 'one', 'tour', 'guides', 'called', 'sick', 'meanwhile', 'cooper', 'unknowingly', 'rings', 'bell', 'saint', 'marco', 'sets', 'papal', 'mitre', 'fire', 'throwing', 'onto', 'fireplace', 'lights', 'white', 'smoke', 'vatican', 'making', 'everyone', 'realize', 'old', 'pope', 'died', 'new', 'pope', 'elected', 'attempting', 'escape', 'scott', 'gets', 'tangled', 'golden', 'curtain', 'ends', 'stumbles', 'balcony', 'presumed', 'new', 'pope', 'spotting', 'mieke', 'scott', 'jumps', 'banister', 'meet', 'although', 'swiss', 'guards', 'realize', 'going', 'attempt', 'stop', 'scott', 'cooper', 'football', 'hooligans', 'london', 'eventually', 'shows', 'vatican', 'rescue', 'scott', 'cooper', 'scott', 'finally', 'introduces', 'mieke', 'person', 'confesses', 'love', 'passionate', 'sex', 'confessional', 'mieke', 'tells', 'scott', 'continue', 'writing', 'boards', 'boat', 'man', 'jamie', 'took', 'tour', 'vatican', 'turns', 'arthur', 'frommer', 'author', 'guidebook', 'jamie', 'memorized', 'frommer', 'hires', 'jamie', 'tour', 'every', 'museum', 'cathedral', 'across', 'europe', 'scott', 'cooper', 'jenny', 'finally', 'board', 'flight', 'back', 'ohio', 'plane', 'jenny', 'entices', 'cooper', 'sex', 'one', 'plane\\\\', 'toilets', 'finally', 'realizing', 'dream', 'crazy', 'european', 'sex', 'film', 'ends', 'scott', 'moves', 'oberlin', 'college', 'fall', 'surprised', 'mieke', 'prematurely', 'shows', 'room', 'mieke', 'says', 'due', 'another', 'misunderstanding', 'name', 'roommate', 'scott', 'mieke', 'embrace'], [\"'in\", '1977', 'eddie', 'adams', 'high', 'school', 'dropout', 'lives', 'father', 'alcoholic', 'mother', 'torrance', 'california', 'works', 'los', 'angeles', 'nightclub', 'owned', 'maurice', 'rodriguez', 'discovered', 'porn', 'director', 'jack', 'horner', 'auditions', 'watching', 'sex', 'rollergirl', 'porn', 'starlet', 'always', 'wears', 'skates', 'heated', 'argument', 'mother', 'girlfriend', 'sexual', 'life', 'adams', 'runs', 'away', 'home', 'moves', 'horner', 'san', 'fernando', 'valley', 'home', 'agreeing', 'enter', 'world', 'pornography', 'gives', 'screen', 'name', 'dirk', 'diggler', 'becomes', 'star', 'good', 'looks', 'youthful', 'charisma', 'extraordinarily', 'large', 'penis', 'success', 'allows', 'buy', 'new', 'house', 'extensive', 'wardrobe', 'competition', 'orange', 'chevrolet', 'corvette', 'dirk', 'best', 'friend/fellow', 'star', 'reed', 'rothchild', 'featured', 'series', 'successful', 'action-themed', 'porn', 'films', 'assistant', 'director', 'little', 'bill', 'married', 'porn', 'star', 'frequently', 'embarrasses', 'sex', 'men', 'public', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'party', 'jack\\\\', 'house', 'marking', 'year', '1980', 'shoots', 'lover', 'turns', 'gun', 'jack\\\\', 'porn', 'empire', 'struggles', 'main', 'source', 'funding', 'colonel', 'imprisoned', 'possession', 'child', 'pornography', 'new', 'financier', 'floyd', 'gondolli', 'insists', 'cutting', 'costs', 'shooting', 'videotape', 'format', 'jack', 'detests', 'also', 'unhappy', 'lack', 'scripts', 'character', 'development', 'projects', 'gondolli', 'expects', 'churn', 'quickly', 'possible', 'one', 'projects', 'involves', 'rollergirl', 'riding', 'limousine', 'searching', 'random', 'men', 'sex', 'crew', 'tapes', 'man', 'recognizes', 'rollergirl', 'former', 'high', 'school', 'classmate', 'insults', 'jack', 'beat', 'leave', 'bleeding', 'half-conscious', 'street', 'leading', 'lady', 'amber', 'waves', 'took', 'eddie', 'wing', 'joined', 'jack\\\\', 'stable', 'actors', 'finds', 'custody', 'battle', 'former', 'husband', 'court', 'determines', 'unfit', 'mother', 'due', 'involvement', 'porn', 'industry', 'prior', 'criminal', 'record', 'cocaine', 'addiction', 'buck', 'swope', 'marries', 'fellow', 'porn', 'star', 'jessie', 'st.', 'vincent', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'past', 'buck', 'denied', 'bank', 'loan', 'open', 'stereo', 'equipment', 'store', 'stops', 'donut', 'shop', 'finds', 'middle', 'hold', 'clerk', 'thief', 'armed', 'customer', 'killed', 'crossfire', 'buck', 'escapes', 'money', 'uses', 'finance', 'store', 'dirk', 'becomes', 'addicted', 'cocaine', 'methamphetamine', 'result', 'finds', 'increasingly', 'difficult', 'achieve', 'erection', 'falls', 'violent', 'mood', 'swings', 'falling', 'jack', 'film', 'shoot', 'reed', 'decide', 'pursue', 'dream', 'rock', 'roll', 'stardom', 'move', 'supported', 'scotty', 'gay', 'boom', 'operator', 'love', 'dirk', 'however', 'squander', 'money', 'leaving', 'unable', 'pay', 'recording', 'studio', 'demo', 'tapes', 'desperate', 'money', 'dirk', 'resorts', 'prostitution', 'assaulted', 'robbed', 'gang', 'thugs', 'dirk', 'reed', 'friend', 'todd', 'attempt', 'scam', 'drug', 'dealer', 'rahad', 'jackson', 'selling', 'half-kilo', 'baking', 'soda', 'disguised', 'cocaine', 'sale', 'seems', 'executed', 'smoothly', 'todd', 'unexpectedly', 'tries', 'rob', 'rahad', 'killed', 'ensuing', 'gunfight', 'frightened', 'brush', 'death', 'dirk', 'tearfully', 'reconciles', 'jack', '1984', 'amber', 'rollergirl', 'dirk', 'living', 'jack\\\\', 'house', 'prepare', 'shoot', 'film'], ['loosely', 'based', 'true', 'events', 'film', 'concerns', 'ren챕', 'gallimard', 'french', 'diplomat', 'assigned', 'beijing', 'china', '1960s', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'chinese', 'opera', 'performer', 'song', 'liling', 'spies', 'government', 'people', 'republic', 'china', 'affair', 'lasts', 'years', 'gallimard', 'apparently', 'unaware', 'fact', 'traditional', 'chinese', 'opera', 'roles', 'performed', 'men', 'eventually', 'gallimard', 'betrays', 'country', 'tried', 'treason', 'forces', 'face', 'truth', 'relationship', 'faced', 'unbearable', 'truth', 'lover', 'actually', 'male', 'takes', 'role', 'butterfly', 'woman', 'died', 'sake', 'illusory', 'love'], [\"'high\", 'school', 'senior', 'andie', 'walsh', 'working-class', 'girl', 'crush', 'one', 'rich', 'preppie', 'boys', 'school', 'blane', 'mcdonough', 'andie', 'blane', 'try', 'get', 'together', 'encounter', 'resistance', 'respective', 'social', 'circles', 'andie', 'lives', 'wrong', 'side', 'tracks', 'unemployed', 'father', 'jack', 'andie\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'phil', 'duckie', 'dale', 'love', 'plays', 'joke', 'front', 'school', 'andie', 'harassed', 'blane\\\\', 'friends', 'arrogant', 'so-called', 'richie', 'kids', 'benny', 'steff', 'andie', 'works', 'trax', 'new', 'wave', 'record', 'store', 'chinatown', 'neighborhood', 'managed', 'older', 'friend', 'mentor', 'iona', 'iona', 'advises', 'andie', 'senior', 'prom', 'despite', 'date', 'soon', 'blane', 'makes', 'move', 'via', 'chatting', 'computer', 'lab', 'andie', 'smitten', 'blane', 'ventures', 'area', 'school', 'punks', 'metalheads', 'new', 'wavers', 'hang', 'asks', 'andie', 'date', 'friday', 'night', 'date', 'andie', 'waits', 'blane', 'trax', 'late', 'blane', 'finally', 'arrives', 'duckie', 'andie', 'argue', 'duckie', 'tries', 'convince', 'blane', 'hurt', 'harsh', 'words', 'duckie', 'storms', 'andie', 'goes', 'date', 'first', 'blane', 'suggests', 'going', 'party', 'steff', 'throwing', 'party', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'exactly', 'blane', 'expected', 'andie', 'treated', 'poorly', 'everyone', 'including', 'drunk', 'steff', 'benny', 'andie', 'turn', 'suggests', 'going', 'local', 'club', 'discover', 'iona', 'sitting', 'duckie', 'never', 'gets', 'duckie', 'immediately', 'hostile', 'toward', 'blane', 'andie', 'start', 'walking', 'club', 'duckie', 'kisses', 'startled', 'iona', 'make', 'andie', 'feel', 'jealous', 'blane', 'offers', 'take', 'andie', 'home', 'refuses', 'admitting', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'see', 'lives', 'eventually', 'allows', 'drop', 'asks', 'prom', 'andie', 'accepts', 'share', 'first', 'kiss', 'home', 'jack', 'surprises', 'pink', 'dress', 'bought', 'thrift', 'shop', 'questioning', 'able', 'afford', 'andie', 'discovers', 'faking', 'going', 'full-time', 'job', 'two', 'fight', 'jack', 'breaks', 'revealing', 'still', 'bitter', 'depressed', 'wife', 'left', 'meanwhile', 'blane', 'pressured', 'steff', 'begins', 'distancing', 'andie', 'finally', 'andie', 'confronts', 'avoiding', 'school', 'returning', 'calls', 'blane', 'claims', 'he\\\\', 'already', 'asked', 'somebody', 'prom', 'forgotten', 'andie', 'replies', 'calling', 'filthy', 'fucking', 'no-good', 'liar', 'accuses', 'ashamed', 'seen', 'friend', 'would', 'approve', 'runs', 'away', 'blane', 'protests', 'understand', 'nothing', 'blane', 'leaves', 'steff', 'offers', 'criticism', 'andie', 'duckie', 'overhears', 'attacks', 'steff', 'hallway', 'two', 'fight', 'teachers', 'break', 'duckie', 'runs', 'tearing', 'prom', 'banner', 'process', 'andie', 'finds', 'iona', 'preparing', 'date', 'iona', 'already', 'thinking', 'marriage', 'iona\\\\', 'newly', 'found', 'happiness', 'inspires', 'andie', 'decides', 'attend', 'prom', 'show', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'break', 'using', 'iona\\\\', 'prom', 'dress', 'thrift', 'shop', 'dress', 'father', 'bought', 'creates', 'new', 'pink', 'dress', 'wear', 'prom', 'gets', 'prom', 'second', 'thoughts', 'braving', 'crowd', 'looks', 'like', 'may', 'back', 'sees', 'duckie', 'also', 'dressed', 'walk', 'ballroom', 'hand', 'hand', 'steff', 'begins', 'mocking', 'couple', 'blane', 'finally', 'realizes', 'steff', 'resents', 'andie', 'although', 'steff', 'tried', 'get', 'andie', 'refused', 'something', 'steff', 'used', 'blane', 'finds', 'courage', 'tell', 'steff', 'approaches', 'andie', 'duckie', 'shakes', 'duckie\\\\', 'hand', 'confesses', 'andie', 'always', 'believed', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'duckie', 'concedes', 'blane', 'like', 'rich', 'kids', 'school', 'advises', 'andie', 'outside', 'prom', 'andie', 'catches', 'blane', 'parking', 'lot', 'kiss', 'passionately', 'front', 'car'], [\"'in\", '1985', 'robbie', 'hart', 'wedding', 'singer', 'ridgefield', 'new', 'jersey', 'engaged', 'long-time', 'girlfriend', 'linda', 'attracted', 'time', 'dreamed', 'becoming', 'rock', 'star', 'meets', 'befriends', 'waitress', 'julia', 'sullivan', 'reception', 'hall', 'regularly', 'performs', 'julia', 'also', 'engaged', 'businessman', 'glenn', 'gulia', 'disappointed', 'robbie\\\\', 'loss', 'ambition', 'linda', 'changes', 'mind', 'wedding', 'day', 'leaves', 'robbie', 'standing', 'altar', 'emotionally', 'devastated', 'robbie', 'tries', 'move', 'forward', 'life', 'despair', 'hinders', 'performances', 'julia', 'tries', 'cheer', 'later', 'asks', 'help', 'plan', 'wedding', 'robbie', 'eventually', 'agrees', 'friendship', 'blossoms', 'double', 'date', 'julia', 'glenn', 'robbie', 'julia\\\\', 'cousin', 'holly', 'robbie', 'learns', 'glenn', 'frequently', 'cheating', 'julia', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'plan', 'stop', 'married', 'julia', 'robbie', 'increasingly', 'confused', 'deepening', 'feelings', 'robbie', 'mistakenly', 'believes', 'impress', 'julia', 'getting', 'conventional', 'job', 'becomes', 'angry', 'assuming', 'marrying', 'glenn', 'money', 'confiding', 'best', 'friend', 'sammy', 'robbie', 'finally', 'decides', 'confess', 'true', 'feelings', 'goes', 'julia\\\\', 'house', 'arrives', 'sees', 'bedroom', 'window', 'wearing', 'wedding', 'dress', 'happily', 'imagining', 'robbie\\\\', 'wife', 'robbie', 'mistakenly', 'concludes', 'looking', 'forward', 'marrying', 'glenn', 'heartbroken', 'robbie', 'leaves', 'get', 'drunk', 'finds', 'glenn', 'midst', 'pre-bachelor', 'party', 'party', 'heated', 'exchange', 'glenn', 'punches', 'robbie', 'intoxicated', 'robbie', 'goes', 'home', 'finds', 'linda', 'waiting', 'wanting', 'reconcile', 'robbie', 'passes', 'following', 'morning', 'linda', 'answers', 'door', 'introduces', 'robbie\\\\', 'fianc챕e', 'crestfallen', 'julia', 'julia', 'runs', 'glenn', 'wanting', 'married', 'immediately', 'glenn', 'happily', 'offers', 'take', 'las', 'vegas', 'robbie', 'awakens', 'promptly', 'breaks', 'linda', 'good', 'inspired', '50th', 'wedding', 'anniversary', 'friend', 'rosie', 'giving', 'singing', 'lessons', 'robbie', 'decides', 'pursue', 'julia', 'holly', 'arrives', 'telling', 'julia\\\\', 'plans', 'robbie', 'sammy', 'holly', 'rush', 'airport', 'robbie', 'books', 'flight', 'las', 'vegas', 'gets', 'first', 'class', 'ticket', 'coach', 'seats', 'sold', 'telling', 'story', 'sympathetic', 'audience', 'first', 'class', 'includes', 'billy', 'idol', 'robbie', 'learns', 'glenn', 'julia', 'flight', 'peeps', 'curtain', 'separating', 'first', 'class', 'coach', 'loudspeaker', 'help', 'idol', 'flight', 'crew', 'robbie', 'sings', 'song', 'written', 'called', 'grow', 'old', 'dedicated', 'julia', 'enters', 'coach', 'area', 'glenn', 'tries', 'attack', 'path', 'blocked', 'male', 'flight', 'attendant', 'idol', 'pushing', 'refreshment', 'carts', 'glenn', 'threatens', 'idol', 'burly', 'idol', 'fan', 'also', 'wearing', 'biker', 'attire', 'forces', 'glenn', 'aisle', 'female', 'flight', 'attendant', 'tried', 'seducing', 'earlier', 'pushes', 'cabin', 'toilet', 'robbie', 'julia', 'admit', 'love', 'idol', 'briefly', 'interrupts', 'offer', 'robbie', 'support', 'fulfilling', 'dream', 'songwriter', 'share', 'kiss', 'film', 'ends', 'scene', 'fades', 'similar', 'kiss', 'time', 'wedding'], [\"'eight\", 'years', 'gone', 'since', 'divorced', 'father', 'scott', 'calvin', 'first', 'took', 'santa', 'claus', 'suit', 'became', 'subject', 'santa', 'clause', 'top', 'game', 'north', 'pole', 'could', 'happier', 'least', 'bernard', 'curtis', 'keeper', 'handbook', 'christmas', 'break', 'news', 'another', 'clause', 'mrs.', 'clause', 'old', 'noticed', 'hidden', 'contract', 'santa/scott', 'get', 'married', 'next', 'christmas', 'eve', 'clause', 'broken', 'christmas', 'die', 'away', 'time', 'abby', 'elf', 'delivers', 'news', 'distressing', '16-year-old', 'son', 'charlie', 'naughty', 'list', 'cuts', 'one', 'night', 'defacing', 'walls', 'school', 'gymnasium', 'skywindow', 'caught', 'principal', 'carol', 'newman', 'scott', 'must', 'return', 'hometown', 'search', 'wife', 'set', 'things', 'right', 'charlie', 'even', 'brings', 'visited', 'council', 'legendary', 'figures', 'consisting', 'mother', 'nature', 'father', 'time', 'cupid', 'easter', 'bunny', 'tooth', 'fairy', 'sandman', 'meantime', 'scott', 'stays', 'ex-wife', 'laura', 'husband', 'neil', 'two', 'grown', 'adore', 'idolize', 'simply', 'he\\\\', 'santa', 'daughter', 'named', 'lucy', 'sees', 'scott', 'uncle-figure', 'suspects', 'he\\\\', 'santa', 'claus', 'cover', 'santa\\\\', 'prolonged', 'absence', 'curtis', 'helps', 'create', 'life-size', 'toy', 'replica', 'much', 'bernard\\\\', 'horror', 'however', 'larger-than-life', 'legalist', 'find', 'grace', 'mercy', 'slack', 'plastic', 'heart', 'minor', 'infractions', 'children', 'world', 'followed', 'handbook', 'strictly', 'toy', 'santa', 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'party', 'turns', 'dull', 'boring', 'using', 'little', 'christmas', 'magic', 'livens', 'presenting', 'everyone', 'childhood', 'dream', 'gifts', 'makes', 'special', 'presentation', 'carol', 'last', 'remnant', 'magic', 'wins', 'kiss', 'passionately', 'however', 'balks', 'attempts', 'explain', 'santa', 'believing', 'mocking', 'childhood', 'charlie', 'manages', 'convince', 'showing', 'magic', 'snow', 'globe', 'curtis', 'flies', 'deliver', 'dreadful', 'news', 'evil', 'toy', 'santa\\\\', 'coal', 'binge', 'urges', 'return', 'north', 'pole', 'save', 'christmas', 'unfortunately', 'scott', 'used', 'last', 'magic', 'wooing', 'carol', 'comet', 'eaten', 'many', 'chocolate', 'bars', 'curtis\\\\', 'jetpack', 'destroyed', 'upon', 'arrival', 'convincing', 'tooth', 'fairy', 'santa', 'claus', 'tooth', 'fairy', 'flies', 'scott', 'curtis', 'back', 'north', 'pole', 'captured', 'toy', 'soldiers', 'toy', 'santa', 'wastes', 'time', 'tying', 'curtis', 'charlie', 'now-believing', 'carol', 'spring', 'free', 'summoning', 'tooth', 'fairy', 'fly', 'charlie', 'lost', 'tooth', 'goes', 'toy', 'santa', 'already', 'left', 'sleigh', 'riding', 'chet', 'reindeer-in-training', 'battle', 'reindeer', 'army', 'elves', 'carol', 'bernard', 'charlie', 'curtis', 'lead', 'snowball', 'war', 'overthrow', 'toy', 'soldiers', 'battle', 'toy', 'santa', 'scott', 'accidentally', 'causes', 'sleigh', 'crash', 'back', 'village', 'toy', 'santa', 'forcibly', 'restrained', 'elves', 'reduced', 'normal', 'six-inch', 'height', 'scott', 'marries', 'carol', 'ceremony', 'presided', 'mother', 'nature', 'transforms', 'back', 'santa', 'christmas', 'proceeds', 'always', 'carol', 'three', 'month', 'honeymoon', 'next', 'day', 'addition', 'charlie', 'reveal', 'truth', 'lucy', 'santa', 'claus', 'secret', 'well', 'pick', 'comet'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'upper', 'east', 'side', 'apartment', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'late', '1960s', 'michael', 'roman', 'catholic', 'recovering', 'alcoholic', 'preparing', 'host', 'birthday', 'party', 'friend', 'harold', 'another', 'friends', 'donald', 'self-described', 'underachiever', 'moved', 'city', 'arrives', 'helps', 'michael', 'prepare', 'alan', 'peter', 'white', 'michael\\\\', 'old', 'college', 'roommate', 'georgetown', 'calls', 'urgent', 'need', 'see', 'michael', 'michael', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'invites', 'home', 'one', 'one', 'guests', 'arrive', 'emory', 'stereotypical', 'flamboyant', 'interior', 'decorator', 'hank', 'soon-to-be-divorced', 'schoolteacher', 'larry', 'fashion', 'photographer', 'couple', 'albeit', 'one', 'monogamy', 'issues', 'bernard', 'amiable', 'black', 'bookstore', 'clerk', 'alan', 'calls', 'inform', 'michael', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'coming', 'party', 'continues', 'festive', 'manner', 'however', 'alan', 'appear', 'unexpectedly', 'throws', 'gathering', 'turmoil', 'cowboy', 'male', 'hustler', 'emory\\\\', 'gift', 'harold', 'arrives', 'tensions', 'mount', 'alan', 'assaults', 'emory', 'ensuing', 'chaos', 'harold', 'finally', 'makes', 'grand', 'appearance', 'michael', 'begins', 'drinking', 'guests', 'become', 'intoxicated', 'party', 'moves', 'indoors', 'patio', 'due', 'sudden', 'downpour', 'michael', 'believes', 'alan', 'closeted', 'homosexual', 'begins', 'game', 'objective', 'guest', 'call', 'one', 'person', 'truly', 'believes', 'loved', 'call', 'past', 'scars', 'present', 'anxieties', 'revealed', 'michael\\\\', 'plan', 'alan', 'game', 'appears', 'backfire', 'alan', 'calls', 'wife', 'male', 'college', 'friend', 'justin', 'stewart', 'michael', 'presumed', 'alan\\\\', 'lover', 'party', 'ends', 'guests', 'depart', 'michael', 'collapses', 'donald\\\\', 'arms', 'sobbing', 'pulls', 'together', 'appears', 'life', 'remain', 'much'], [\"'solek\", 'family', 'live', 'nazi', 'germany', 'eve', 'solek\\\\', 'bar', 'mitzvah', 'kristallnacht', 'occurs', 'sister', 'killed', 'nazis', 'perel', 'family', 'moves', '흟처d탄', 'poland', 'safe', 'moment', 'less', 'year', 'later', 'world', 'war', 'begins', 'germany', 'invades', 'poland', 'isaak', 'solek', 'flee', 'toward', 'eastern', 'poland', 'invaded', 'soviet', 'union', 'brothers', 'separated', 'solek', 'placed', 'soviet', 'orphanage', 'grodno', 'polish', 'refugee', 'children', 'solek', 'lives', 'orphanage', 'two', 'years', 'joins', 'komsomol', 'receives', 'communist', 'indoctrination', 'teenager', 'romantic', 'interest', 'inna', 'pretty', 'young', 'woman', 'instructor', 'even', 'climbs', 'outside', 'building', 'look', 'bedroom', 'window', 'one', 'scene', 'features', 'russian', 'version', 'german', 'communist', 'song', 'dem', 'morgenrot', 'entgegen', 'mail', 'call', 'solek', 'receives', 'letter', 'parents', 're-settled', 'ghetto', 'crash', 'bomb', 'germany', 'invades', 'soviet', 'union', 'orphanage', 'evacuated', 'solek', 'left', 'behind', 'found', 'german', 'soldiers', 'solek', 'gets', 'rid', 'identity', 'papers', 'tells', 'germans', 'josef', 'peters', 'volksdeutsche', 'baltic', 'german', 'family', 'latvia', 'also', 'says', 'alone', 'parents', 'killed', 'soviets', 'german', 'invasion', 'soldiers', 'believe', 'speaks', 'german', 'russian', 'becomes', 'interpreter', 'unit', 'captures', 'yakov', 'dzhugashvili', 'son', 'soviet', 'dictator', 'joseph', 'stalin', 'declare', 'jupp', 'good-luck', 'charm', 'adopt', 'auxiliary', 'accompanies', 'unit', 'several', 'weeks', 'sees', 'horrors', 'war', 'including', 'murdered', 'civilians', 'germans', 'seek', 'crush', 'soviet', 'resistance', 'nonetheless', 'solek', 'still', 'danger', 'let', 'anyone', 'see', 'bathing', 'circumcised', 'penis', 'would', 'expose', 'jupp', 'jew', 'robert', 'one', 'soldiers', 'homosexual', 'sneaks', 'jupp', 'finally', 'manages', 'private', 'bath', 'solek', 'rejects', 'robert\\\\', 'sexual', 'overture', 'secrets', 'nazis', 'would', 'kill', 'become', 'friends', 'bizarre', 'combat', 'incident', 'occurs', 'robert', 'killed', 'solek', 'left', 'alone', 'tries', 'get', 'soviet', 'lines', 'crosses', 'bridge', 'unit', 'charges', 'across', 'behind', 'soviet', 'troops', 'surrender', 'jupp', 'hailed', 'hero', 'company', 'commander', 'decides', 'fine', 'young', 'german', 'properly', 'educated', 'childless', 'tells', 'jupp', 'adopt', 'jupp', 'sent', 'elite', 'hitler', 'youth', 'academy', 'berlin', 'escorted', 'much', 'trip', 'rosemarie', 'middle-aged', 'female', 'nazi', 'official', 'rosemarie', 'thinks', 'jupp', 'resembles', 'hitler', 'observes', 'even', 'birthday', 'train', 'seduces', 'jupp', 'sex', 'cries', 'mein', 'f체hrer', 'school', 'peters', 'introduced', 'boys', 'heroic', 'combat', 'veteran', 'problem', 'concealing', 'circumcision', 'continues', 'solek', 'uses', 'string', 'rubber', 'bands', 'various', 'painful', 'ways', 'simulate', 'foreskin', 'evades', 'medical', 'examination', 'pretending', 'violent', 'toothache', 'girls', 'hitler', 'youth', 'serve', 'meals', 'academy', 'leni', 'one', 'girls', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'jupp', 'dares', 'take', 'advantage', 'leni', 'fervent', 'nazi', 'even', 'speaks', 'wanting', 'kill', 'jews', 'leni', 'strongly', 'hints', 'would', 'happily', 'bear', 'jupp', 'child', 'particularly', 'venomous', 'anti-jewish', 'remark', 'refuses', 'intimacy', 'calls', 'schlappschwanz', 'break', 'less', 'serious', 'threat', 'visit', 'academy', 'nazi', 'expert', 'racial', 'pseudoscience', 'claims', 'particular', 'skill', 'detecting', 'jews', 'nazi', 'selects', 'jupp', 'subject', 'demonstration', 'carefully', 'measures', 'head', 'face', 'calculates', 'jupp', 'anthropometric', 'indexes', 'pronounces', 'pure', 'aryan', 'stock', 'several', 'months', 'without', 'seeing', 'leni', 'solek', 'visits', 'mother', 'sympathize', 'nazis', 'tells', 'leni', 'pregnant', 'intends', 'give', 'child', 'f체hrer', 'lebensborn', 'program', 'solek', 'realizes', 'child\\\\', 'father', 'best', 'friend', 'classmate', 'gerd', 'leni\\\\', 'mother', 'presses', 'josef', 'identity', 'breaks', 'confesses', 'jew', 'promises', 'betray', 'leni', 'never', 'finds', 'solek\\\\', 'pretense', 'nearly', 'exposed', 'gestapo', 'investigates', 'jupp', 'supposed', 'parentage', 'summoned', 'gestapo', 'offices', 'show', 'certificate', 'racial', 'purity', 'claims', 'grodno', 'gestapo', 'official', 'says', 'send', 'rants', 'war', 'hitler\\\\', 'wunderwaffen', 'solek', 'leaves', 'building', 'destroyed', 'allied', 'bombs', 'solek\\\\', 'relief', 'tempered', 'gerd\\\\', 'death', 'bombing', 'soviet', 'troops', 'close', 'berlin', 'hitler', 'youth', 'school', 'sent', 'front', 'solek', 'manages', 'surrender', 'captors', 'refuse', 'believe', 'jew', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'jew', \"don\\\\'t\", 'look', 'like', 'look', 'demands', 'soviet', 'officer', 'shows', 'solek', 'photos', 'murdered', 'jews', 'death', 'camps', 'liberated', 'solek', 'shot', 'elderly', 'communist', 'political', 'prisoner', 'solek\\\\', 'brother', 'isaak', 'released', 'concentration', 'camp', 'identifies', 'solek', 'saves', 'leaving', 'camp', 'isaak', 'tells', 'solek', 'never', 'reveal', 'story', 'anyone', 'saying', 'would', 'never', 'believed', 'released', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'emigrates', 'british', 'mandate', 'palestine', 'future', 'state', 'israel', 'embraces', 'jewish', 'heritage', 'films', 'ends', 'real', 'solomon', 'perel', 'old', 'man', 'singing', 'jewish', 'folk', 'song', 'zohar', 'book', 'concerning', 'brotherhood', 'unity', 'fellowship'], ['olivier', 'small-time', 'crook', 'friend', 'happen', 'meet', 'woman', 'ariane', 'whose', 'plumbing', 'needs', 'fixed', 'fix', 'pipes', 'learn', 'landlord', 'downstairs', 'away', 'take', 'opportunity', 'burgle', 'however', 'discover', 'fact', 'downstairs', 'ariane', 'torture', 'chamber', '봲he', 'professional', 'dominatrix', 'ariane', 'request', 'olivier', 'assists', 'work', 'slowly', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'struggles', 'sado-masochistic', 'activities', 'olivier', 'tries', 'understand', 'take', 'control', 'ariane', 'believes', 'frightened', 'job', 'however', 'love', 'blossoms', 'natural', 'roles', 'dominant', 'submissive', 'overcome'], ['sexually', 'frustrated', 'woman', 'asks', 'friend', 'helen', 'advice', 'achieve', 'orgasm', 'sex', 'party', 'provides', 'help', 'helen', 'recommends', 'linda', 'visit', 'doctor', 'doctor', 'discovers', 'linda\\\\', 'clitoris', 'located', 'throat', 'helping', 'develop', 'oral', 'sex', 'skills', 'infatuated', 'linda', 'asks', 'marry', 'informs', 'settle', 'job', 'therapist', 'performing', 'particular', 'oral', 'technique', '봳hereafter', 'known', 'deep', 'throat', 'various', 'men', 'finds', 'one', 'marry', 'meanwhile', 'doctor', 'documents', 'exploits', 'repeatedly', 'sex', 'nurse', 'carol', 'connors', 'movie', 'ends', 'line', 'end', 'deep', 'throat', '61-minute-long', 'movie', 'intended', 'humorous', 'highly', 'tongue-in-cheek', 'dialogue', 'songs', 'fireworks', 'going', 'bells', 'ringing', 'lovelace\\\\', 'orgasms'], ['since', 'getting', 'divorced', 'baroness', 'amantine-lucile-aurore', 'dupin', 'previously', 'baroness', 'dudevant', 'successful', 'notorious', 'writer', 'sensational', 'romance', 'novels', 'living', 'pseudonym', 'george', 'sand', 'paris', 'habit', 'dressing', 'like', 'man', 'romantic', 'pursuit', 'sensitive', 'chopin', 'whose', 'music', 'fell', 'love', 'seeing', 'person', 'george/aurora', 'advised', 'must', 'act', 'like', 'man', 'pursuing', 'woman', 'though', 'also', 'advised', 'avoid', 'damaging', 'health', 'pursuing', 'advice', 'sand', 'deterred', 'fellow', 'countrywoman', 'pretends', 'smitten', 'chopin', 'mistress', 'franz', 'liszt', 'countess', 'marie', \"d'agoult\", 'whether', 'countess', 'really', 'love', 'chopin', 'unlikely', 'seeks', 'prevent', 'relationship', 'chopin', 'sand', 'sand', 'meets', 'chopin', 'french', 'countryside', 'house', 'duchess', \"d'antan\", 'foolish', 'aspiring', 'socialite', 'invites', 'artists', 'paris', 'salon', 'order', 'feel', 'cosmopolitan', 'sand', 'invites', 'knowing', 'several', 'former', 'lovers', 'also', 'attendance', 'small', 'play', 'written', 'alfred', 'musset', 'satirizing', 'aristocracy', 'chopin', 'protests', 'lack', 'manners', 'musset', 'bellows', 'fireplace', 'explosion', 'ensues', 'chopin', 'briefly', 'swayed', 'beautifully', 'written', 'love', 'letter', 'ostensibly', \"d'agoult\", 'letter', 'actually', 'written', 'stolen', 'sand', 'eventually', 'sand', 'wins', 'chopin', 'proves', 'wrote', 'letter', 'reciting', 'words', 'passionately', 'giving', 'copy', 'memoir', 'text', 'letter', 'appears', 'chopin', 'challenged', 'duel', 'one', 'sand', 'ex-lovers', 'faints', 'face-off', 'sand', 'finishes', 'duel', 'nurses', 'back', 'health', 'countryside', 'solidifying', 'relationship', 'near', 'end', 'movie', 'sand', 'chopin', 'dedicate', 'volume', 'music', 'countess', 'although', 'suggests', 'affair', 'chopin', 'causing', 'falling-out', 'lover', 'liszt', 'sand', 'chopin', 'depart', 'majorca', 'relieved', 'escape', 'competitive', 'nature', 'artistic', 'alliances', 'jealousies', 'paris'], [\"'the\", 'setting', 'small', 'cottage', 'film', 'starts', 'ten-year', 'old', 'girl', 'named', 'sam', 'montgomery', 'living', 'san', 'fernando', 'valley', 'area', 'los', 'angeles', 'widowed', 'father', 'hal', 'runs', 'popular', 'sports-themed', 'diner', 'hal', 'soon', 'marries', 'vain', 'self-absorbed', 'woman', 'named', 'fiona', 'hal', 'killed', 'earthquake', 'runs', 'save', 'fiona', 'supposedly', 'leaving', 'fiona', 'receives', 'belongings', 'including', 'house', 'diner', 'dismay', 'sam', 'eight', 'years', 'later', 'eighteen-year', 'old', 'tomboy', 'sam', 'employed', 'worker', 'diner', 'save', 'money', 'princeton', 'tormented', 'fiona', 'two', 'dim-witted', 'daughters', 'brianna', 'gabriella', 'fiona', 'emotionally', 'abuses', 'sam', 'uses', 'unnecessary', 'amounts', 'water', 'drought', 'running', 'gag', 'throughout', 'film', 'demonstrates', 'sam\\\\', 'stepsisters', 'participating', 'synchronized', 'swimming', 'found', 'absolutely', 'talent', 'sam', 'struggles', 'cope', 'socially', 'north', 'valley', 'high', 'school', 'queen', 'bee', 'cheerleader', 'shelby', 'cummings', 'also', 'torments', 'calls', 'diner', 'girl', 'sam', 'confides', 'online', 'pen', 'pal', 'nomad', 'dream', 'attend', 'princeton', 'university', 'dream', 'also', 'shares', 'however', 'nomad', 'true', 'identity', 'austin', 'ames', 'popular', 'yet', 'unhappy', 'quarterback', 'school\\\\', 'football', 'team', 'shelby\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'nomad', 'proposes', 'meet', 'person', 'school\\\\', 'halloween', 'dance', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'sam', 'convinced', 'friend', 'carter', 'ferrell', 'dance', 'meet', 'mysterious', 'online', 'friend', 'night', 'dance', 'fiona', 'orders', 'sam', 'work', 'night', 'shift', 'diner', 'leaves', 'drive', 'brianna', 'gabriella', 'dance', 'carter', 'rhonda', 'sam\\\\', 'best', 'friends', 'convince', 'disobey', 'fiona', 'dance', 'way', 'carter', 'rhonda', 'take', 'sam', 'find', 'costume', 'dance', 'sam', 'wearing', 'mask', 'beautiful', 'white', 'dress', 'meets', 'nomad', 'dance', 'surprised', 'shocked', 'learn', 'austin', 'two', 'decide', 'leave', 'party', 'walk', 'alone', 'get', 'know', 'sharing', 'romantic', 'dance', 'together', 'sam', 'austin', 'begin', 'fall', 'love', 'austin', 'unmask', 'sam\\\\', 'cell', 'phone', 'alarm', 'goes', 'warning', 'return', 'diner', 'fiona', 'comes', 'back', 'midnight', 'leaves', 'without', 'revealing', 'identity', 'austin', 'drops', 'phone', 'way', 'austin', 'picks', 'cell', 'begins', 'desperate', 'search', 'figure', 'cinderella', 'really', 'result', 'every', 'girl', 'school', 'claims', 'mysterious', 'owner', 'phone', 'sam', 'reluctant', 'reveal', 'identity', 'austin', 'feeling', \"won\\\\'t\", 'accept', 'due', 'not-so-elegant', 'lifestyle', 'carter', 'dressed', 'zorro', 'rescues', 'shelby', 'unwanted', 'amorous', 'advances', 'austin\\\\', 'friend', 'david', 'shelby', 'falls', 'zorro', 'knowing', 'carter', 'resolves', 'tell', 'really', 'next', 'day', 'end', 'shunned', 'austin', 'comes', 'diner', 'one', 'day', 'sam', 'forced', 'help', 'talk', 'attempts', 'reveal', 'identity', 'cut', 'fiona', 'sam\\\\', 'stepsisters', 'convince', 'shelby', 'sam', 'tried', 'steal', 'austin', 'prep', 'rally', 'sam\\\\', 'identity', 'revealed', 'austin', 'like', 'austin', 'sam', 'accepted', 'princeton', 'duped', 'fiona', 'believing', 'rejected', 'sam', 'decides', 'give', 'dreams', 'resigns', 'working', 'diner', 'rhonda', 'gives', 'sam', 'pep', 'talk', 'stepsisters', 'come', 'cause', 'guitar', 'fall', 'wall', 'taking', 'wallpaper', 'attached', 'sam', 'sees', 'father\\\\', 'words', 'never', 'let', 'fear', 'striking', 'keep', 'playing', 'game', 'regains', 'confidence', 'fed', 'sam', 'confronts', 'fiona', 'mistreatment', 'she\\\\', 'given', 'quits', 'job', 'diner', 'moves', 'live', 'rhonda', 'simultaneously', 'rhonda', 'rest', 'diner\\\\', 'staff', 'quit', 'along', 'sam', 'put', 'fiona\\\\', 'abuse', 'sam\\\\', 'sake', 'years', 'hal', 'died', 'customers', 'watched', 'entire', 'scene', 'leave', 'diner', 'well', 'school', 'football', 'game', 'sam', 'confronts', 'austin', 'cowardice', 'lies', 'final', 'play', 'game', 'sees', 'sam', 'making', 'way', 'stands', 'finally', 'faces', 'father', 'wants', 'attend', 'princeton', 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'austin', 'shelby', 'makes', 'play', 'carter', 'spurned', 'favor', 'astrid', 'school\\\\', 'movie', 'ends', 'sam', 'austin', 'happily', 'driving', 'princeton', 'officially', 'couple'], [\"'andrew\", 'beckett', 'senior', 'associate', 'largest', 'corporate', 'law', 'firm', 'philadelphia', 'although', 'lives', 'partner', 'miguel', '횁lvarez', 'beckett', 'open', 'homosexuality', 'law', 'firm', 'fact', 'aids', 'day', 'assigned', 'firm\\\\', 'newest', 'important', 'case', 'one', 'firm\\\\', 'partners', 'notices', 'small', 'lesion', 'beckett\\\\', 'forehead', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'beckett', 'stays', 'home', 'work', 'several', 'days', 'try', 'find', 'way', 'hide', 'lesions', 'home', 'finishes', 'complaint', 'case', 'assigned', 'brings', 'office', 'leaving', 'instructions', 'assistants', 'file', 'complaint', 'court', 'following', 'day', 'marks', 'end', 'statute', 'limitations', 'case', 'beckett', 'suffers', 'bowel', 'spasms', 'home', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'later', 'morning', 'still', 'receives', 'frantic', 'call', 'firm', 'asking', 'complaint', 'paper', 'copy', 'found', 'copies', 'computer\\\\', 'hard', 'drive', 'however', 'complaint', 'finally', 'discovered', 'filed', 'court', 'last', 'possible', 'moment', 'following', 'day', 'beckett', 'dismissed', 'firm\\\\', 'partners', 'previously', 'referred', 'buddy', 'question', 'professional', 'abilities', 'light', 'misplaced', 'document', 'beckett', 'believes', 'someone', 'deliberately', 'hid', 'paperwork', 'give', 'firm', 'pretext', 'fire', 'firing', 'actually', 'result', 'diagnosis', 'aids', 'asks', 'several', 'attorneys', 'take', 'case', 'including', 'personal', 'injury', 'lawyer', 'joe', 'miller', 'involved', 'previous', 'case', 'miller', 'admittedly', 'homophobic', 'knows', 'little', 'aids', 'initially', 'declines', 'take', 'case', 'immediately', 'visits', 'doctor', 'find', 'could', 'contracted', 'aids', 'shaking', 'beckett\\\\', 'hand', 'doctor', 'explains', 'methods', 'hiv', 'infection', 'doctor', 'offers', 'take', 'sample', 'miller\\\\', 'blood', 'suspecting', 'miller', 'asking', 'aids', 'suspected', 'contracted', 'trying', 'hide', 'miller', 'dismisses', 'request', 'laughing', 'taking', 'joke', 'unable', 'find', 'lawyer', 'willing', 'represent', 'beckett', 'compelled', 'act', 'attorney', 'researching', 'case', 'law', 'library', 'miller', 'sees', 'beckett', 'nearby', 'table', 'librarian', 'announces', 'found', 'book', 'aids', 'discrimination', 'beckett', 'others', 'library', 'begin', 'first', 'stare', 'move', 'away', 'librarian', 'suggests', 'beckett', 'retire', 'private', 'room', 'disgusted', 'behavior', 'miller', 'approaches', 'beckett', 'reviews', 'material', 'gathered', 'obvious', 'decided', 'take', 'case', 'upon', 'receiving', 'summons', 'miller', 'head', 'firm', 'charles', 'wheeler', 'worries', 'damage', 'lawsuit', 'could', 'business', 'reputation', 'although', 'one', 'partner', 'unsuccessfully', 'tries', 'convince', 'settle', 'court', 'beckett', 'case', 'goes', 'court', 'wheeler', 'takes', 'stand', 'claiming', 'beckett', 'incompetent', 'claiming', 'deliberately', 'tried', 'hide', 'condition', 'defense', 'repeatedly', 'suggests', 'beckett', 'invited', 'illness', 'promiscuity', 'therefore', 'victim', 'course', 'testimony', 'revealed', 'partner', 'noticed', 'beckett\\\\', 'lesion', 'previously', 'worked', 'woman', 'contracted', 'aids', 'blood', 'transfusion', 'would', 'recognized', 'lesion', 'relating', 'aids', 'one', 'dramatic', 'scenes', 'prove', 'lesions', 'would', 'visible', 'miller', 'asks', 'beckett', 'unbutton', 'shirt', 'witness', 'stand', 'revealing', 'lesions', 'indeed', 'visible', 'recognizable', 'cross-examination', 'beckett', 'admits', 'originally', 'planning', 'tell', 'law', 'colleagues', 'gay', 'changed', 'mind', 'hearing', 'make', 'homophobic', 'jokes', 'sauna', 'health', 'club', 'asked', 'truth', 'got', 'infected', 'confirms', 'engaged', 'anonymous', 'sex', 'another', 'man', 'pornographic', 'movie', 'theater', 'however', 'miller', 'gain', 'advantage', 'partner', 'advised', 'settling', 'court', 'confesses', 'long', 'suspected', 'beckett', 'aids', 'never', 'said', 'anything', 'regrets', 'inaction', 'beckett', 'collapses', 'wheeler\\\\', 'testimony', 'hospitalization', 'jury', 'votes', 'favor', 'awarding', 'back', 'pay', 'damages', 'pain', 'suffering', 'punitive', 'damages', 'totaling', 'miller', 'visits', 'beckett', 'hospital', 'verdict', 'overcomes', 'fear', 'enough', 'touch', 'beckett\\\\', 'face', 'beckett\\\\', 'family', 'leaves', 'room', 'tells', 'miguel', 'ready', 'die', 'short', 'scene', 'immediately', 'afterward', 'shows', 'miller', 'getting', 'word', 'beckett', 'died', 'movie', 'ends', 'reception', 'beckett\\\\', 'home', 'following', 'funeral', 'many', 'mourners', 'including', 'millers', 'view', 'home', 'movies', 'beckett', 'healthy', 'child'], [\"'thirteen-year-old\", 'tracy', 'freeland', 'writes', 'poetry', 'honor', 'student', 'portola', 'middle', 'school', 'los', 'angeles', 'divorced', 'mother', 'melanie', 'recovering', 'alcoholic', 'high', 'school', 'dropout', 'struggles', 'hairdresser', 'support', 'two', 'children', 'tracy', 'older', 'brother', 'mason', 'school', 'tracy', 'teased', 'girls', 'cabbage', 'patch', 'clothes', 'tracy', 'endeavours', 'shed', \"\\\\'little\", 'girl\\\\', 'image', 'pleads', 'mother', 'purchase', 'trendier', 'style', 'clothing', 'melanie', 'buys', 'tracy', 'new', 'clothes', 'discount', 'vendor', 'parked', 'van', 'tracy', 'invited', 'evie', 'zamora', 'one', 'popular', 'girls', 'school', 'shopping', 'melrose', 'avenue', 'hollywood', 'although', 'evie', 'gives', 'disconnected', 'telephone', 'number', 'mean', 'joke', 'tracy', 'takes', 'city', 'bus', 'melrose', 'avenue', 'anyway', 'finds', 'evie', 'friend', 'edgy', 'thrift', 'shop', 'store', 'tracy', 'sees', 'evie', 'friend', 'continuously', 'shoplift', 'tracy', 'begins', 'feel', 'uncomfortable', 'walks', 'store', 'sits', 'bench', 'outside', 'tracy', 'begins', 'truly', 'feel', 'need', 'popular', 'steals', 'distracted', 'woman\\\\', 'pocketbook', 'like', 'evie', 'impresses', 'evie', 'friend', 'shopping', 'spree', 'incident', 'tracy', 'evie', 'become', 'best', 'friends', 'evie', 'temporarily', 'moves', 'freeland', 'household', 'tracy', 'amongst', 'things', 'angry', 'parents\\\\', 'divorce', 'unbeknownst', 'mother', 'cuts', 'way', 'cope', 'stress', 'tracy', 'rapidly', 'transforms', 'new', 'person', 'neglects', 'old', 'friends', 'becomes', 'impulsive', 'cares', 'less', 'schoolwork', 'taunts', 'melanie\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'brady', 'also', 'recovering', 'addict', 'although', 'melanie', 'somewhat', 'aware', 'happening', 'tracy', 'evie', 'unable', 'stop', 'melanie', 'also', 'reluctant', 'ask', 'evie', 'leave', 'household', 'evie\\\\', 'manipulative', 'yet', 'likely', 'truthful', 'claims', 'abusive', 'childhood', 'tracy', 'steadily', 'shuts', 'melanie', 'life', 'tracy', 'evie', 'become', 'close', 'even', 'talking', 'ludling', 'language', 'however', 'early', 'thrills', 'tracy\\\\', 'new-found', 'popularity', 'make', 'happy', 'although', 'tracy', 'endeavors', 'emulate', 'evie\\\\', 'seductive', 'behavior', 'bring', 'pleasure', 'tracy', 'gets', 'caught', 'so-called', 'romance', 'teenage', 'boy', 'javi', 'later', 'doubts', 'feels', 'evie', 'tracy', 'try', 'seduce', 'luke', 'adult', 'lifeguard', 'early', 'twenties', 'friend', 'mason', 'tracy', 'feel', 'comfortable', 'drawn', 'first', 'kisses', 'allowing', 'partially', 'strip', 'luke', 'throws', 'house', 'soon', 'moves', 'away', 'neighborhood', 'one', 'night', 'hollywood', 'mason', 'friend', 'make', 'comments', 'thong', 'cute', 'girl', 'shocked', 'girl', 'turns', 'around', 'realizes', 'sister', 'belly', 'ring', 'tracy', 'evie', 'movies', 'melanie', 'brady', 'bolted', 'things', 'later', 'girls', 'take', 'turns', 'inhaling', 'gas', 'duster', 'computers', 'become', 'intoxicated', 'laughingly', 'hit', 'drawing', 'blood', 'meanwhile', 'melanie', 'unaware', 'deeply', 'girls', 'fallen', 'petty', 'crime', 'drug', 'abuse', 'oral', 'sex', 'teenage', 'boys', 'seeing', 'harmful', 'impact', 'evie', 'lives', 'melanie', 'takes', 'evie', 'back', 'live', 'cousin', 'brooke', 'tracy', 'seems', 'agree', 'evie', 'becomes', 'upset', 'suddenly', 'betrays', 'tracy', 'school', 'melanie', 'also', 'hopes', 'tracy', 'live', 'father', 'travis', 'unhappy', 'thought', 'much', 'tracy\\\\', 'dismay', 'travis', 'decides', 'wants', 'take', 'custody', 'mason', 'instead', 'give', 'stable', 'environment', 'away', 'tracy', 'informed', 'may', 'fail', 'seventh', 'grade', 'tracy', 'comes', 'home', 'school', 'find', 'evie', 'brooke', 'melanie', 'waiting', 'women', 'confront', 'tracy', 'girls\\\\', 'drug', 'use', 'stealing', 'tracy', 'angrily', 'blames', 'evie', 'sees', 'evie', 'tries', 'blame', 'brooke', 'convinced', 'evie', 'says', 'tracy', 'bad', 'influence', 'owing', 'moving', 'ojai', 'get', 'away', 'melanie', 'stands', 'daughter', 'saying', 'tracy', 'playing', 'barbies', 'met', 'evie', 'brooke', 'grabs', 'tracy', 'pulls', 'sleeve', 'show', 'melanie', 'many', 'cuts', 'long', 'scars', 'daughter\\\\', 'left', 'arm', 'caused', 'self-mutilation', 'horrified', 'melanie', 'tells', 'brooke', 'evie', 'leave', 'mother', 'daughter', 'weep', 'kitchen', 'floor', 'melanie', 'kisses', 'daughter\\\\', 'heavily', 'cut', 'arm', 'although', 'tracy', 'tearfully', 'pleads', 'melanie', 'let', 'melanie', 'holds', 'tight', 'two', 'eventually', 'fall', 'asleep', 'holding', 'next', 'morning', 'tracy', 'wakes', 'fresh', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'film', 'ends', 'tracy', 'spinning', 'alone', 'park', 'merry-go-round', 'screams'], [\"'maggie\", 'prescott', 'fashion', 'magazine', 'publisher', 'editor', 'quality', 'magazine', 'looking', 'next', 'big', 'fashion', 'trend', 'wants', 'new', 'look', 'magazine', 'maggie', 'wants', 'look', 'beautiful', 'intellectual', 'famous', 'fashion', 'photographer', 'dick', 'avery', 'want', 'models', 'think', 'well', 'look', 'two', 'brainstorm', 'come', 'idea', 'find', 'sinister', 'looking', 'book', 'store', 'greenwich', 'village', 'neighborhood', 'manhattan', 'subsequently', 'locate', 'bookstore', 'named', 'embryo', 'concepts', 'maggie', 'dick', 'take', 'embryo', 'concepts', 'run', 'shy', 'bookshop', 'clerk', 'amateur', 'philosopher', 'stockton', 'thinks', 'fashion', 'modeling', 'industry', 'nonsense', 'saying', 'chichi', 'unrealistic', 'approach', 'self-impressions', 'well', 'economics', 'maggie', 'decides', 'use', 'first', 'fashion', 'shot', 'give', 'intellectual', 'look', 'first', 'shot', 'maggie', 'locks', 'shop', 'shut', 'wants', 'anything', 'else', 'world', 'paris', 'attend', 'famous', 'philosopher', 'professor', 'emile', 'flostre\\\\', 'lectures', 'empathicalism', 'dick', 'gets', 'back', 'dark', 'room', 'sees', 'something', 'jo\\\\', 'face', 'new', 'fresh', 'would', 'perfect', 'campaign', 'giving', 'character', 'spirit', 'intelligence', 'send', 'pretending', 'want', 'order', 'books', 'shop', 'arrives', 'start', 'treating', 'like', 'doll', 'trying', 'make', 'pulling', 'clothes', 'attempting', 'cut', 'hair', 'outraged', 'runs', 'away', 'hide', 'darkroom', 'dick', 'working', 'dick', 'mentions', 'paris', 'becomes', 'interested', 'would', 'get', 'chance', 'see', 'professor', 'flostre', 'finally', 'convinced', 'model', 'soon', 'maggie', 'dick', 'paris', 'prepare', 'major', 'fashion', 'event', 'shooting', 'photos', 'famous', 'landmarks', 'area', 'various', 'photo', 'shoots', 'dick', 'develop', 'feelings', 'fall', 'love', 'one', 'night', 'getting', 'ready', 'gala', 'learns', 'professor', 'flostre', 'giving', 'lecture', 'cafe', 'nearby', 'attends', 'forgetting', 'gala', 'eventually', 'dick', 'finds', 'get', 'argument', 'gala\\\\', 'opening', 'results', 'publicly', 'embarrassed', 'maggie', 'outraged', 'goes', 'talk', 'professor', 'flostre', 'home', 'scheming', 'maggie', 'dick', 'make', 'flostre\\\\', 'home', 'performing', 'impromptu', 'song', 'dance', 'flostre\\\\', 'disciples', 'confront', 'flostre', 'eventually', 'leads', 'dick', 'causing', 'flostre', 'fall', 'knock', 'urges', 'leave', 'flostre', 'wakes', 'tries', 'make', 'pass', 'shocked', 'behavior', 'idol', 'smashes', 'vase', 'head', 'runs', 'group', 'leaves', 'home', 'final', 'fashion', 'show', 'maggie', 'try', 'get', 'touch', 'dick', 'made', 'plans', 'leave', 'paris', 'runway', 'show', 'wedding', 'gown', 'finale', 'looks', 'window', 'sees', 'plane', 'dick', 'supposed', 'take', 'heartbroken', 'runs', 'runway', 'tears', 'conclusion', 'show', 'meanwhile', 'dick', 'airport', 'runs', 'flostre', 'learns', 'bashed', 'head', 'vase', 'dick', 'realizing', 'much', 'cares', 'goes', 'back', 'find', 'goes', 'back', 'runway', 'show', 'find', 'nowhere', 'found', 'finally', 'long', 'search', 'dick', 'finds', 'little', 'church', 'shared', 'romantic', 'moment', 'photo', 'shoot', 'embrace', 'kiss'], ['alice', 'tate', 'upper-class', 'new', 'york', 'housewife', 'spends', 'days', 'shopping', 'getting', 'beauty', 'treatments', 'gossiping', 'friends', 'married', 'wealthy', 'doug', 'fifteen', 'years', 'two', 'children', 'raised', 'nanny', 'one', 'day', 'brief', 'encounter', 'joe', 'ruffalo', 'handsome', 'jazz', 'musician', 'finds', 'mysteriously', 'attracted', 'experiences', 'catholic', 'guilt', 'feelings', 'inner', 'turmoil', 'manifests', 'backache', 'referred', 'dr.', 'yang', 'asian', 'herbalist', 'puts', 'hypnosis', 'reveals', 'initially', 'attracted', 'husband', 'fact', 'superficial', 'qualities', 'looks', 'money', 'also', 'reveals', 'feelings', 'joe', 'dr.', 'yang', 'gives', 'alice', 'ancient', 'herbs', 'make', 'act', 'feelings', 'toward', 'joe', 'ruffalo', 'agree', 'meet', 'herbs', 'wear', 'alice', 'appalled', 'behavior', 'meet', 'planned', 'next', 'herbs', 'receives', 'turn', 'invisible', 'spies', 'joe', 'going', 'visit', 'ex-wife', 'vicky', 'much', 'prudish', 'alice', 'horror', 'make', 'love', 'vicky', 'office', 'alice', 'glad', 'meet', 'joe', 'however', 'next', 'herbal', 'remedy', 'allows', 'alice', 'communicate', 'ghost', 'first', 'lover', 'encourages', 'find', 'joe', 'alice', 'joe', 'finally', 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'joe', 'however', 'joe', 'decided', 'reunite', 'ex-wife', 'spied', 'therapy', 'sessions', 'realised', 'still', 'feelings', 'stunned', 'alice', 'goes', 'dr.', 'yang', 'leaving', 'town', 'gives', 'one', 'final', 'packet', 'herbs', 'telling', 'create', 'potent', 'love', 'potion', 'alice', 'must', 'choose', 'joe', 'doug', 'goes', 'sister', 'dorothy', 'advice', 'however', 'dorothy', 'christmas', 'party', 'herbs', 'get', 'mixed', 'eggnog', 'men', 'party', 'become', 'enamoured', 'alice', 'flees', 'panic', 'home', 'alice', 'tells', 'doug', 'marriage', 'reveals', 'plans', 'calcutta', 'work', 'mother', 'teresa', 'doug', 'scoffs', 'doubting', 'alice', 'could', 'survive', 'without', 'luxuries', 'grown', 'accustomed', 'however', 'doug', 'proved', 'wrong', 'alice', 'goes', 'calcutta', 'meets', 'mother', 'teresa', 'returning', 'new', 'york', 'moves', 'modest', 'apartment', 'raises', 'children', 'volunteer', 'work', 'spare', 'time'], [\"'jerry\", 'falk', 'aspiring', 'writer', 'living', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'falls', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'amanda', 'begins', 'affair', 'eventually', 'tells', 'girlfriend', 'dump', 'falk', 'end', 'relationships', 'seeking', 'advice', 'jerry', 'turns', 'aging', 'struggling', 'artist', 'acts', 'oracle', 'mdash', 'includes', 'trying', 'help', 'sort', 'jerry', 'romantic', 'life'], [\"'isabel\", 'visits', 'sister', 'roxeanne', 'poet', 'living', 'paris', 'husband', 'charles-henri', 'young', 'daughter', 'gennie', 'roxy', 'pregnant', 'husband', 'walked', 'holds', 'lie', 'country', 'selling', 'painting', 'isabel', 'discovers', 'truth', 'agrees', 'see', 'charles-henri', 'roxy', 'give', 'contacts', 'left', 'behind', 'arriving', 'charles-henri', 'makes', 'excuse', 'leave', 'paris-based', 'american', 'author', 'olivia', 'pace', 'friend', 'roxy\\\\', 'arrives', 'olivia', 'offers', 'isabel', 'job', 'takes', 'later', 'sisters', 'country', 'visit', 'charles-henri\\\\', 'family', 'sunday', 'brunch', 'isabel', 'meets', 'charles-henri\\\\', 'mother', 'along', 'charles-henri\\\\', 'uncle', 'edgar', 'later', 'helping', 'olivia', 'isabel', 'meets', 'yves', 'another', 'one', 'olivia\\\\', 'workers', 'two', 'sex', 'afterwards', 'watching', 'television', 'isabel', 'sees', 'edgar', 'giving', 'speech', 'admits', 'attracted', 'two', 'lunch', 'begin', 'affair', 'isabel', 'still', 'strings', 'yves', 'along', 'edgar', 'sends', 'hermes', 'paris', 'kelly', 'bag', 'isabel', 'expensive', 'item', 'roxy', 'knows', 'isabel', \"can\\\\'t\", 'afford', 'isabel', 'tells', 'roxy', 'affair', 'meanwhile', 'roxy', 'meets', 'charles-henri\\\\', 'mistress', 'magda', 'tellman', 'magda\\\\', 'husband', 'american', 'begins', 'stalk', 'isabel\\\\', 'apartment', 'complex', 'one', 'afternoon', 'roxy', 'meets', 'charles-henri', 'park', 'gennie', 'rides', 'carousel', 'two', 'talk', 'roxy', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'divorce', 'charles-henri', 'roxy', 'admits', 'she\\\\', 'thinking', 'names', 'likes', 'henri-luc', 'charles-henri', 'still', 'entertained', 'leaves', 'later', 'evening', 'isabel', 'finds', 'bloody', 'unconscious', 'roxy', 'sofa', 'calls', 'ambulance', 'roxy', 'lives', 'apologizes', 'attempt', 'suicide', 'aided', 'lawyer', 'isabel', 'calls', 'family', 'paris', 'help', 'roxy', 'complicates', 'things', 'especially', 'edgar\\\\', 'wife', 'amelie', 'discovers', 'affair', 'edgar\\\\', 'sister', 'roxy\\\\', 'mother-in-law', 'along', 'olivia\\\\', 'long', 'affair', 'edgar', 'exposed', 'charles-henri', 'found', 'dead', 'murdered', 'magda', 'tellman\\\\', 'husband', 'crime', 'passion', 'mr.', 'tellman', 'follows', 'walkers', 'eiffel', 'tower', 'corners', 'pulls', 'gun', 'demanding', 'opportunity', 'explain', 'absent', 'roxy', 'killed', 'husband', 'persuasion', 'tellman', 'slides', 'gun', 'isabel', 'puts', 'kelly', 'bag', 'throwing', 'eiffel', 'tower', 'subsequently', 'edgar', 'ends', 'affair', 'isabel', 'chanel', 'scarf', 'blunt', 'brief', 'lunch', 'charles-henri\\\\', 'mother', 'still', 'stays', 'involved', 'new', 'grandson', 'presumably', 'named', 'henri-luc', 'luc\\\\', 'life', 'roxy', 'marries', 'lawyer', 'isabel', 'begins', 'real', 'relationship', 'yves', 'family', 'painting', 'tour', 'saint', 'ursula', 'sells', 'almost', 'usd', 'million', 'prompts', 'family', 'begin', 'foundation', 'saint', 'ursula', 'based', 'paris'], [\"'alex\", 'author', 'must', 'repay', 'usd', '100,000', 'debt', 'cuban', 'mafia', 'face', 'dire', 'consequences', 'laptop', 'destroyed', 'hires', 'emma', 'stenographer', 'talks', 'much', 'writes', 'alex', 'dictates', 'novel', 'emma', 'movie', 'cuts', 'away', 'scenes', 'novel', 'adam', 'interacts', 'series', 'nannies', 'falling', 'last', 'one', 'eventually', 'life', 'imitates', 'art', 'alex', 'emma', 'fall', 'love'], ['plot', 'film', 'revolves', 'around', 'eclectic', 'group', 'students', 'pennsylvania', 'attending', 'high', 'school', 'graduation', 'party', 'large', 'house', 'owned', 'rich', 'class', 'member\\\\', 'family', 'character', 'different', 'plans', 'night', 'preston', 'myers', 'plans', 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'ever', 'meeting', 'restaurant', 'owner', 'sue', 'explains', 'henry', 'year', 'ago', 'lucy', 'father', 'marlin', 'went', 'north', 'shore', 'pick', 'pineapple', 'birthday', 'way', 'back', 'got', 'serious', 'car', 'accident', 'left', 'lucy', 'goldfield', 'syndrome', 'type', 'antegorade', 'amnesia', 'wakes', 'every', 'morning', 'thinking', 'sunday', 'october', 'last', 'year', 'save', 'heartbreak', 'reliving', 'accident', 'everyday', 'marlin', 'doug', 'lucy', 'lisping', 'steroid-addicted', 'brother', 'relive', 'everyday', 'numerous', 'tasks', 'including', 'putting', 'october', '13th', 'newspaper', 'watching', 'vikings', 'game', 'refilling', 'lucy', 'shampoo', 'bottles', 'despite', 'sue', 'warning', 'nick', 'hukilau', 'caf챕', 'chef', 'come', 'meat', 'cleaver', 'henry', 'decided', 'try', 'get', 'lucy', 'breakfast', 'eventually', 'ends', 'poorly', 'henry', 'accidentally', 'hurts', 'lucy', 'feelings', 'follows', 'home', 'apologize', 'marlin', 'doug', 'instruct', 'henry', 'leave', 'lucy', 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'henry', 'wedding', 'tape', 'henry', 'says', 'put', 'jacket', 'come', 'breakfast', 'ready', 'lucy', 'sees', 'henry', 'boat', 'finally', 'made', 'alaska', 'goes', 'deck', 'meets', 'henry', 'daughter', 'nicole', 'well', 'dad'], ['film', 'starts', 'tom', 'sarah', 'airport', 'tom', 'leezak', 'back', 'radio', 'reminisces', 'tells', 'details', 'day', 'first', 'met', 'back', 'airport', 'tom', 'leezak', 'sarah', 'mcnerney', 'meet', 'tom', 'accidentally', 'hits', 'sarah', 'football', 'months', 'later', 'despite', 'opposition', 'sarah', 'rich', 'uptight', 'family', 'get', 'married', 'however', 'secret', 'want', 'keep', 'tom', \"n't\", 'want', 'sarah', 'know', 'accidentally', 'killed', 'dog', 'sarah', \"n't\", 'want', 'tom', 'know', 'slept', 'peter', 'prentiss', 'tom', 'sarah', 'decide', 'honeymoon', 'classy', 'hotel', 'foot', 'alps', 'way', 'attempt', 'join', 'mile', 'high', 'club', 'fail', 'captain', 'turns', 'fasten', 'seat', 'belt', 'sign', 'forced', 'back', 'seats', 'arrive', 'hotel', 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'peter', 'staying', 'hotel', 'prompts', 'initiate', 'conversation', 'tom', 'reveals', 'accidentally', 'killed', 'dog', 'reveals', 'slept', 'peter', 'prentiss', 'couple', 'storm', 'hotel', 'separate', 'ways', 'tom', 'going', 'bar', 'meets', 'girl', 'sarah', 'going', 'sightseeing', 'meets', 'peter', 'girl', 'begins', 'flirt', 'tom', 'two', 'end', 'dancing', 'tom', 'realizes', 'wants', 'sex', 'makes', 'excuse', 'escapes', 'toilet', 'window', 'goes', 'back', 'hotel', 'find', 'sarah', 'peter', 'prompts', 'back', 'bar', 'meets', 'girl', 'girl', 'clearly', 'wants', 'sex', 'tom', 'tries', 'think', 'clever', 'way', 'get', 'agrees', 'walk', 'girl', 'hotel', 'except', 'girl', 'tricks', 'tom', 'revealing', 'hotel', 'desperate', 'attempt', 'bed', 'falsely', 'says', 'hotel', 'tricks', 'tom', 'hotel', 'says', 'lost', 'key', 'needs', 'call', 'front', 'desk', 'tom', 'trying', 'avoid', 'situation', 'tom', 'sarah', 'room', 'girl', 'rips', 'top', 'bra', 'tries', 'sex', 'tom', 'tom', 'everything', 'possible', 'get', 'away', 'mounting', 'trying', 'make', 'tom', 'blurts', 'honeymoon', 'girl', 'finally', 'leaves', 'peter', 'convinces', 'sarah', 'drink', 'promising', 'ride', 'home', 'eventually', 'takes', 'home', 'kisses', 'slaps', 'tells', 'honeymoon', 'tom', 'sees', 'kiss', 'see', 'slap', 'assumes', 'sarah', 'relationship', 'peter', 'prompts', 'initiate', 'argument', 'sarah', 'finds', 'bra', 'girl', 'tom', 'left', 'behind', 'sarah', 'throws', 'ashtray', 'tom', 'hitting', 'head', 'enraging', 'peter', 'bursts', 'room', 'tells', 'sarah', 'run', 'away', 'seattle', 'tom', 'equips', 'fire', 'poker', 'starts', 'shouting', 'peter', 'breaking', 'things', 'process', 'peter', 'runs', 'away', 'scene', 'asking', 'ma챤tre', 'call', 'police', 'tom', 'chases', 'peter', 'hotel', 'tom', 'gets', 'arrested', 'sarah', 'end', 'prison', 'cell', 'peter', 'bails', 'time', 'couple', 'angry', 'decide', 'home', 'los', 'angeles', 'film', 'switches', 'present', 'sarah', 'moved', 'tom', 'wants', 'get', 'back', 'upon', 'receiving', 'advice', 'father', 'tom', 'attempts', 'break', 'sarah', 'family', 'household', 'tell', 'loves', 'gives', 'unsuccessfully', 'trying', 'ram', 'gate', 'dodge', 'challenger', 'unsuccessfully', 'trying', 'convince', 'family', 'open', 'however', 'sarah', 'opens', 'gate', 'seeing', 'tom', 'make', 'romantic', 'speech', 'camera', 'two', 'rush', 'proclaim', 'love', 'sarah', 'family', 'also', 'finally', 'accepts', 'tom', 'father', 'telling', 'opens', 'gate', 'film', 'ends', 'couple', 'recounting', 'events', 'honeymoon', 'sarah', 'family', 'finally', 'approving', 'marriage'], ['rock', 'star', 'johnny', 'boz', 'viciously', 'stabbed', 'death', 'ice', 'pick', 'sex', 'mysterious', 'blonde', 'woman', 'homicide', 'detective', 'nick', 'curran', 'sent', 'investigate', 'suspect', 'catherine', 'tramell', 'crime', 'novelist', 'last', 'person', 'seen', 'boz', 'night', 'died', 'nick', 'partner', 'gus', 'moran', 'visit', 'pacific', 'heights', 'mansion', 'find', 'catherine', 'lesbian', 'lover', 'roxy', 'sends', 'catherine', 'stinson', 'beach', 'house', 'ask', 'catherine', 'relationship', 'boz', 'shows', 'little', 'emotion', 'hearing', 'dead', 'nick', 'gus', 'along', 'superiors', 'discover', 'catherine', 'written', 'novel', 'former', 'rock', 'star', 'killed', 'way', 'boz', 'questioning', 'detectives', 'including', 'nick', 'police', 'headquarters', 'catherine', 'engages', 'provocative', 'behavior', 'refuses', 'extinguish', 'cigarette', 're-crosses', 'legs', 'short', 'skirt', 'revealing', 'wearing', 'underwear', 'nick', 'accidentally', 'shot', 'two', 'tourists', 'high', 'cocaine', 'attends', 'counseling', 'sessions', 'police', 'psychologist', 'dr.', 'beth', 'garner', 'affair', 'interrogation', 'nick', 'goes', 'bar', 'co-workers', 'taunted', 'lieutenant', 'marty', 'nilsen', 'internal', 'affairs', 'investigator', 'bent', 'making', 'life', 'difficult', 'nick', 'beth', 'arrives', 'nick', 'leaves', 'aggressive', 'sex', 'apartment', 'nick', 'learns', 'catherine', 'troubled', 'history', 'parents', 'killed', 'boating', 'accident', 'adolescent', 'leaving', 'fortune', 'one', 'college', 'counselors', 'noah', 'goldstein', 'stabbed', 'sleep', 'ice', 'pick', 'catherine', 'attending', 'berkeley', 'former', 'fianc챕', 'boxer', 'manny', 'vasquez', 'killed', 'ring', 'prize', 'fight', 'atlantic', 'city', 'also', 'discovers', 'catherine', 'makes', 'habit', 'befriending', 'murderers', 'including', 'hazel', 'dobkins', 'woman', 'stabbed', 'husband', 'children', 'apparent', 'reason', 'visit', 'house', 'catherine', 'taunts', 'nick', 'information', 'confidential', 'police', 'psychologist', 'beth', 'person', 'access', 'information', 'nick', 'confronts', 'beth', 'admits', 'handed', 'file', 'nilsen', 'threatened', 'discharge', 'nick', 'could', 'evaluate', 'directly', 'enraged', 'nick', 'storms', 'nilsen', 'office', 'assaults', 'accuses', 'sold', 'nick', 'file', 'catherine', 'nilsen', 'suspends', 'nick', 'goes', 'home', 'spends', 'evening', 'drinking', 'beth', 'visits', 'heated', 'argument', 'throws', 'later', 'night', 'nilsen', 'found', 'dead', 'car', 'shot', 'head', '.38', 'caliber', 'revolver', 'recent', 'altercation', 'nick', 'prime', 'suspect', 'torrid', 'affair', 'nick', 'catherine', 'begins', 'air', 'cat-and-mouse', 'game', 'catherine', 'explains', 'base', 'next', 'novel', 'character', 'cop', 'falling', 'wrong', 'woman', 'killed', 'nick', 'time', 'declares', 'love', 'unchanged', 'intention', 'nail', 'boz', 'murder', 'jealous', 'roxy', 'tries', 'run', 'nick', 'catherine', 'car', 'car', 'chase', 'killed', 'crash', 'death', 'reveals', 'murderous', 'past', 'killed', 'two', 'brothers', 'razor', 'teenager', 'roxy', 'death', 'catherine', 'seems', 'genuinely', 'saddened', 'nick', 'begins', 'doubt', 'guilt', 'catherine', 'later', 'reveals', 'previous', 'lesbian', 'encounter', 'college', 'went', 'awry', 'girl', 'lisa', 'hoberman', 'became', 'obsessed', 'nick', 'identifies', 'girl', 'beth', 'garner', 'acknowledges', 'encounter', 'claims', 'catherine', 'became', 'obsessed', 'also', 'discovered', 'beth', 'husband', 'killed', 'unsolved', 'drive-by', 'shooting', 'shot', '.38', 'caliber', 'revolver', 'nick', 'visits', 'catherine', 'house', 'catherine', 'comes', 'room', 'sees', 'printer', 'final', 'pages', 'catherine', 'new', 'detective', 'book', 'quickly', 'reads', 'lines', 'fictional', 'detective', 'finds', 'partner', 'lying', 'dead', 'legs', 'protruding', 'doors', 'elevator', 'catherine', 'comes', 'explains', 'finished', 'book', 'coldly', 'ends', 'affair', 'upset', 'nick', 'meets', 'gus', 'arranged', 'meet', 'catherine', 'college', 'roommate', 'hotel', 'find', 'really', 'went', 'catherine', 'beth', 'nick', 'waits', 'car', 'gus', 'enters', 'hotel', 'elevator', 'exits', 'elevator', 'hooded', 'figure', 'jumps', 'stabs', 'multiple', 'times', 'neck', 'ice', 'pick', 'nick', 'figures', 'trouble', 'brewing', 'runs', 'building', 'arrives', 'late', 'save', 'gus', 'finds', 'lying', 'dead', 'legs', 'protruding', 'doors', 'elevator', 'hearing', 'floor', 'creak', 'nick', 'grabs', 'gus', 'gun', 'turns', 'find', 'beth', 'standing', 'hallway', 'explaining', 'received', 'message', 'meet', 'gus', 'however', 'nick', 'suspects', 'murdered', 'gus', 'beth', 'moves', 'hand', 'pocket', 'shoots', 'final', 'breath', 'beth', 'tells', 'nick', 'loved', 'dejected', 'nick', 'checks', 'pocket', 'find', 'keys', 'police', 'arrive', 'staircase', 'discover', 'blond', 'wig', 'sfpd', 'raincoat', 'ice', 'pick', 'weapon', 'used', 'murder', 'gus', 'concluding', 'beth', 'ditched', 'items', 'heard', 'nick', 'coming', 'search', 'beth', 'apartment', 'turns', 'evidence', 'needed', 'brand', 'killer', 'boz', 'gus', 'nilsen', 'presumably', 'husband', '봳he', 'matching', 'revolver', 'catherine', 'novels', 'photos', 'chronicling', 'writer', 'life', 'police', 'headquarters', 'detectives', 'quickly', 'piece', 'together', 'story', 'conclude', 'beth', 'killer', 'nick', 'sits', 'desk', 'confused', 'dejected', 'knowing', 'based', 'catherine', 'foreknowledge', 'manner', 'gus', 'death', 'must', 'actually', 'killer', 'must', 'set', 'beth', 'nick', 'returns', 'apartment', 'met', 'catherine', 'knowing', 'killer', 'explains', 'reluctance', 'commit', 'two', 'make', 'love', 'afterward', 'conversation', 'turns', 'toward', 'possible', 'future', 'couple', 'nick', 'looks', 'wary', 'knowing', 'catherine', 'must', 'killer', 'talking', 'nick', 'turns', 'back', 'catherine', 'slowly', 'reaches', 'something', 'underneath', 'bed', 'suggests', 'future', 'comprise', 'sex', 'children', 'catherine', 'says', 'hates', 'children', 'nick', 'suggests', 'future', 'involve', 'sex', 'catherine', 'stops', 'reaching', 'something', 'bed', 'throws', 'arms', 'around', 'nick', 'convincing', 'two', 'resume', 'making', 'love', 'camera', 'slowly', 'pans', 'show', 'reaching', 'bed', 'ice', 'pick', 'implies', 'catherine', 'killer', 'also', 'plans', 'kill', 'nick'], [\"'anthony\", 'tick', 'belrose', 'using', 'drag', 'pseudonym', 'mitzi', 'del', 'bra', 'sydney-based', 'drag', 'queen', 'accepts', 'offer', 'perform', 'drag', 'act', 'lasseter\\\\', 'hotel', 'casino', 'resort', 'managed', 'female', 'friend', 'named', 'marion', 'alice', 'springs', 'remote', 'town', 'central', 'australia', 'persuading', 'friends', 'fellow', 'performers', 'bernadette', 'basinger', 'recently', 'bereaved', 'transsexual', 'woman', 'adam', 'whitely', 'flamboyant', 'obnoxious', 'younger', 'drag', 'queen', 'goes', 'drag', 'name', 'felicia', 'jollygoodfellow', 'join', 'three', 'set', 'large', 'tour', 'bus', 'adam', 'christens', 'priscilla', 'queen', 'desert', 'four-week', 'run', 'australian', 'outback', 'town', 'long', 'journey', 'remote', 'lands', 'bordering', 'simpson', 'desert', 'meet', 'variety', 'characters', 'including', 'group', 'friendly', 'australian', 'aborigines', 'perform', 'less', 'accepting', 'attitudes', 'rural', 'australia', 'towns', 'coober', 'pedy', 'subjected', 'homophobic', 'abuse', 'even', 'violence', 'including', 'tour', 'bus', 'vandalised', 'words', 'aids', 'fuckers', 'home', 'tour', 'bus', 'breaks', 'middle', 'desert', 'trio', 'meet', 'bob', 'bill', 'hunter', 'middle-aged', 'mechanic', 'small', 'outback', 'town', 'joins', 'journey', 'arrive', 'alice', 'springs', 'tick', 'reveals', 'marion', 'actually', 'wife', 'never', 'divorced', 'fact', 'going', 'favour', 'continuing', 'journey', 'adam', 'almost', 'mutilated', 'homophobic', 'gang', 'saved', 'bob', 'bernadette', 'adam', 'shaken', 'bernadette', 'comforts', 'allowing', 'reach', 'understanding', 'likewise', 'others', 'come', 'terms', 'secret', 'tick\\\\', 'marriage', 'resolve', 'differences', 'together', 'fulfill', 'long-held', 'dream', 'adam\\\\', 'climb', 'kings', 'canyon', 'full', 'drag', 'regalia', 'upon', 'arrival', 'hotel', 'revealed', 'tick', 'marion', 'also', 'eight-year-old', 'son', 'benjamin', 'tick', 'seen', 'many', 'years', 'tick', 'nervous', 'exposing', 'son', 'drag', 'profession', 'anxious', 'revealing', 'homosexuality', 'though', 'surprised', 'discover', 'benjamin', 'already', 'knows', 'fully', 'supportive', 'father\\\\', 'sexuality', 'career', 'time', 'four-week', 'stint', 'resort', 'tick', 'adam', 'head', 'back', 'sydney', 'taking', 'benjamin', 'back', 'tick', 'get', 'know', 'son', 'marion', 'long-earned', 'break', 'however', 'bernadette', 'decides', 'remain', 'resort', 'bob', 'decided', 'work', 'hotel', 'two', 'become', 'close'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'video', 'presentation', 'top-secret', 'project', 'called', 'crossbow', 'high', 'tech', 'space', 'shuttle', 'mounted', 'computer-guided', 'laser', 'weapon', 'shown', 'incinerate', 'man', 'ground', 'pinpoint', 'accuracy', 'film', 'ends', 'group', 'cia', 'agents', 'discuss', 'project', 'noting', 'researchers', 'developing', 'laser', 'yet', 'able', 'generate', 'power', 'needed', 'also', 'stated', 'wartime', 'applications', 'designed', 'solely', 'illegal', 'assassinations', 'one', 'agent', 'moral', 'qualms', 'quits', 'program', 'strongly', 'implied', 'agent', 'assassinated', 'meanwhile', 'professor', 'jerry', 'hathaway', 'meets', 'fifteen', 'year', 'old', 'genius', 'mitch', 'taylor', 'hathaway', 'lets', 'know', 'he\\\\', 'admitted', 'pacific', 'tech', 'also', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'rooming', 'working', 'physics', 'legend', 'chris', 'knight', 'dr.', 'hathaway\\\\', 'laser', 'project', 'later', 'learn', 'hathaway', 'researcher', 'contracted', 'cia', 'develop', 'laser', 'weapon', 'instead', 'research', 'he\\\\', 'subbed', 'job', 'students', 'used', 'funding', 'remodel', 'house', 'arriving', 'campus', 'mitch', 'meets', 'chris', 'surprised', 'bit', 'irritated', 'learn', 'chris', 'brilliant', 'also', 'irreverent', 'slacker', 'spends', 'time', 'constructing', 'elaborate', 'pranks', 'freezing', 'dorm', 'floors', 'ice', 'skating', 'mitch', 'also', 'meets', 'jordan', 'hyperkinetic', 'female', 'student', 'falls', 'love', 'mysterious', 'lazlo', 'hollyfeld', 'seems', 'live', 'chris', 'mitch\\\\', 'dorm', 'room', 'closet', 'hathaway\\\\', 'subservient', 'graduate', 'assistant', 'kent', 'becomes', 'hostile', 'hathaway', 'puts', 'mitch', 'charge', 'project', 'hathaway', 'increasing', 'pressure', 'cia', 'get', 'results', 'cracks', 'chris', 'giving', 'unrealistic', 'timetable', 'chris', 'dismisses', 'increasingly', 'distracts', 'mitch', 'work', 'hathaway', 'brutally', 'scolds', 'mitch', 'joining', 'chris\\\\', 'pool', 'party', 'kent', 'records', 'mitch\\\\', 'tearful', 'telephone', 'call', 'mother', 'plays', 'cafeteria', 'system', 'lunchtime', 'mitch', 'ready', 'quit', 'chris', 'convinces', 'stay', 'telling', 'lazlo\\\\', 'story', 'top', 'genius', 'pacific', 'tech', 'learned', 'misuse', 'theories', 'became', 'recluse', 'living', 'steam', 'tunnels', 'dorm', 'behind', 'secret', 'passageway', 'closet', 'chris', 'tells', 'mitch', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'crack', 'needs', 'learn', 'fun', 'first', 'order', 'business', 'get', 'even', 'kent', 'two', 'disassemble', 'kent\\\\', 'car', 'reassemble', 'dorm', 'room', 'much', 'horror', 'hathaway', 'nearly', 'desperate', 'show', 'cia', 'progress', 'berates', 'chris', 'lets', 'know', 'matter', 'flunked', 'school', 'chris', 'encouragement', 'mitch', 'decides', 'fix', 'power', 'problem', 'also', 'ace', 'hathaway\\\\', 'exam', 'efforts', 'appear', 'ruined', 'kent', 'sabotages', 'laser', 'fit', 'anger', 'laser\\\\', 'destruction', 'epiphany', 'solves', 'project\\\\', 'power', 'problem', 'beam', 'redesigned', 'laser', 'hotter', 'sun', 'unlimited', 'range', 'produces', 'required', 'five', 'megawatts', 'power', 'hathaway', 'forgives', 'chris', 'completely', 'laser', 'team', 'celebrate', 'success', 'laslo', 'shows', 'overheard', 'chris\\\\', 'solution', 'points', 'high-energy', 'laser', 'used', 'weapon', 'fact', 'must', 'conceptualized', 'purpose', 'chris', 'devastated', 'research', 'lab', 'hathaway', 'removed', 'laser', 'tracking', 'system', 'aim', 'first', 'step', 'implant', 'radio', 'transceiver', 'kent\\\\', 'braces', 'posing', 'jesus', 'mitch', 'tricks', 'kent', 'revealing', 'laser', 'going', 'tested', 'soon', 'group', 'tail', 'hathaway', 'nearby', 'air', 'force', 'base', 'chris', 'mitch', 'talk', 'way', 'base', 'laslo', 'remotely', 'cracks', 'laser\\\\', 'computer', 'changes', 'target', 'coordinates', 'hathaway\\\\', 'house', 'gang', 'placed', 'huge', 'tin', 'popcorn', 'call', 'dean', 'local', 'congressman', 'witness', 'weapon', 'firing', 'mitch', 'jesus', 'orders', 'kent', 'visit', 'house', 'laser', 'hits', 'house', 'shines', 'stained-glass', 'window', 'kent', 'becomes', 'convinced', 'religious', 'experience', 'popcorn', 'heats', 'expands', 'house', 'bursts', 'seams', 'popcorn', 'pours', 'pushing', 'kent', 'along', 'street', 'meanwhile', 'laser', 'overheats', 'destroys', 'lazlo', 'states', 'intention', 'get', 'married', 'retire', 'midwest', 'rest', 'group', 'watch', 'dr.', 'hathaway\\\\', 'newly', 'destroyed', 'house', 'ransacked', 'kids', 'playing', 'popcorn', 'final', 'shot', 'credits', 'shows', 'hathaway', 'pulling', 'house', 'seeing', 'damage', 'close'], ['wife', 'uninterested', 'fishing', 'dr.', 'paul', 'martin', 'goes', 'holiday', 'cornwall', 'coast', 'alone', 'snags', 'miranda', 'real', 'mermaid', 'pulled', 'water', 'keeps', 'prisoner', 'underwater', 'cavern', 'lets', 'agrees', 'show', 'london', 'disguises', 'invalid', 'patient', 'wheelchair', 'takes', 'home', 'month-long', 'stay', 'martin', 'wife', 'clare', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'arrangement', 'gets', 'hire', 'someone', 'look', 'guest', 'selects', 'nurse', 'carey', 'eccentric', 'nature', 'takes', 'confidence', 'paul', 'relief', 'carey', 'delighted', 'working', 'mermaid', 'miranda', 'seductive', 'nature', 'earns', 'admiration', 'paul', 'also', 'chauffeur', 'charles', 'nigel', 'fianc챕', 'clare', 'friend', 'neighbour', 'isobel', 'arousing', 'jealousy', 'women', 'lives', 'nigel', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'charles', 'discover', 'miranda', 'flirting', 'come', 'senses', 'clare', 'finally', 'figures', 'sort', 'creature', 'miranda', 'really', 'miranda', 'overhears', 'telling', 'paul', 'public', 'must', 'told', 'wheels', 'river', 'makes', 'escape', 'final', 'scene', 'miranda', 'shown', 'rock', 'holding', 'little', 'merboy', 'lap'], ['much', 'film', 'without', 'dialogue', 'story', 'presented', 'flashbacks', 'nightmares', 'fantasy', 'sequences', 'set', 'tchaikovsky', 'music', 'child', 'composer', 'sees', 'mother', 'die', 'horribly', 'forcibly', 'immersed', 'scalding', 'water', 'supposed', 'cure', 'cholera', 'haunted', 'scene', 'throughout', 'musical', 'career', 'despite', 'difficulty', 'establishing', 'reputation', 'attracts', 'madame', 'nadezhda', 'von', 'meck', 'patron', 'marriage', 'nymphomaniacal', 'antonina', 'miliukova', 'plagued', 'homosexual', 'urges', 'lustful', 'desire', 'count', 'anton', 'chiluvsky', 'dynamics', 'life', 'lead', 'deteriorating', 'mental', 'health', 'loss', 'von', 'meck', 'patronage', 'dies', 'cholera', 'deliberately', 'drinking', 'contaminated', 'water'], ['film', 'coming', 'age', 'two', 'sisters', 'friend', 'romantic', 'lives', 'three', 'main', 'characters', 'kat', 'araujo', 'daisy', 'araujo', 'jojo', 'barbosa', 'waitresses', 'mystic', 'pizza', 'mystic', 'connecticut', 'film', 'mystic', 'represented', 'fishing', 'town', 'large', 'portuguese', 'american', 'population', 'film', 'also', 'touches', 'old', 'world', 'work', 'ethic', 'kat', 'daisy', 'sisters', 'rivals', 'kat', 'studies', 'astronomy', 'works', 'local', 'planetarium', 'well', 'restaurant', 'accepted', 'attend', 'yale', 'university', 'partial', 'scholarship', 'daisy', 'wants', 'find', 'love', 'lust', 'trying', 'get', 'mystic', 'kat', 'apple', 'portuguese', 'mother', 'eye', 'daisy', 'promiscuous', 'goal-oriented', 'younger', 'sister', 'also', 'dynamic', 'kat', 'anglo-american', 'employer', 'father', 'hired', 'look', 'young', 'daughter', 'wife', 'away', 'resulting', 'relationship', 'class', 'distinctions', 'variant', 'european', 'heritages', 'explored', 'various', 'scenes', 'film'], ['career', 'bank', 'robber', 'jack', 'foley', 'u.s.', 'marshal', 'karen', 'sisco', 'forced', 'share', 'car', 'trunk', 'foley\\\\', 'escape', 'florida', 'prison', 'completes', 'getaway', 'sisco', 'chases', 'foley', 'friends', '봦is', 'right-hand', 'man', 'buddy', 'unreliable', 'associate', 'glenn', '봶ork', 'way', 'north', 'bloomfield', 'hills', 'wealthy', 'northern', 'suburb', 'detroit', 'plan', 'pay', 'visit', 'shady', 'businessman', 'ripley', 'foolishly', 'bragged', 'years', 'cache', 'uncut', 'diamonds', 'hidden', 'home', 'vicious', 'criminal', 'named', 'maurice', 'miller', 'also', 'spent', 'time', 'jail', 'jack', 'ripley', 'planning', 'hitting', 'ripley\\\\', 'mansion', 'crew', 'including', 'kenneth', 'white', 'boy', 'bob', 'romantic', 'interlude', 'foley', 'sisco', 'takes', 'place', 'detroit', 'hotel', 'question', 'whether', 'really', 'pursuing', 'foley', 'arrest', 'love', 'ends', 'showdown', 'robbery', 'adds', 'fun', 'foley', 'claims'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'two', 'families', 'unhappy', 'respective', 'relationships', 'first', 'couple', 'young', 'ambitious', 'businessman', 'jeffrey', 'byron', 'sexually', 'frustrated', 'wife', 'marianne', 'second', 'older', 'repair', 'contractor', 'lucky', 'mann', 'former', 'b-movie', 'actress', 'wife', 'phyllis', 'unhappily', 'married', 'living', 'montreal', 'canada', 'years', 'marriage', 'phyllis', 'tells', 'husband', 'father', 'daughter', 'rather', 'conceived', 'away', 'navel', 'duty', 'she\\\\', 'engaged', 'relations', 'attractive', 'co-actor', 'jack', 'lucky', 'deeply', 'shocked', 'surprised', 'leaving', 'house', 'fresh', 'air', 'reflecting', 'upon', 'relationship', 'ultimately', 'goes', 'bar', 'drinks', 'excesses', 'coming', 'home', 'lucky', 'rails', 'wife', 'unfaithful', 'betrayal', 'throws', 'household', 'items', 'upon', 'hearing', 'teenage', 'daughter', 'daisy', 'leaves', 'house', 'night', 'absence', 'intensifies', 'negative', 'relations', 'luck', 'phyllis', 'decided', 'stay', 'together', 'certain', 'terms', 'namely', 'sleeping', 'different', 'rooms', 'one', 'another', 'others', 'weeks', 'pass', 'receive', 'letter', 'daisy', 'writes', 'fit', 'parents', 'never', 'wants', 'see', 'consequently', 'lucky', 'phyllis', 'sell', 'house', 'came', 'montreal', 'canada', 'letter', 'post', 'marked', 'order', 'find', 'byron', 'working', 'hard', 'provide', 'family', 'lead', 'comfortable', 'luxurious', 'life', 'due', 'excessive', 'work', 'pressure', 'ready', 'children', 'avoids', 'sex', 'wife', 'however', 'desperately', 'wants', 'baby', 'causes', 'much', 'tension', 'life', 'one', 'day', 'byron', 'returns', 'office', 'find', 'marianne', 'arranged', 'candlelit', 'dinner', 'sweet', 'music', 'marked', 'per', 'period', 'dates', 'times', 'fertile', 'eggs', 'calendar', 'order', 'sex', 'dates', 'conceive', 'child', 'tied', 'sex', 'added', 'trip', 'plan', 'lekh', 'lenore', 'hotel', 'dates', 'attend', 'important', 'business', 'meeting', 'meeting', 'could', 'spend', 'romantic', 'moments', 'wife', 'lap', 'nature', 'away', 'busy', 'city', 'business', 'life', 'also', 'falls', 'dates', 'marked', 'marianne', 'calendar', 'told', 'visit', 'plans', 'closed', 'door', 'room', 'leaving', 'unsatisfied', 'warned', 'going', 'baby', 'without', 'take', 'seriously', 'time', 'next', 'day', 'lucky', 'arrives', 'byron\\\\', 'apartment', 'make', 'minor', 'repair', 'marianne', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'due', 'talking', 'style', 'decided', 'baby', 'gave', 'work', 'create', 'nursery', 'child', 'make', 'door', 'bedroom', 'baby', 'room', 'spend', 'time', 'soon', 'everyday', 'balance', 'breaks', 'lucky', 'marianne', 'begin', 'affair', 'first', 'sex', 'pool', 'house', 'started', 'ignoring', 'husband', 'unprotected', 'sex', 'lucky', 'several', 'times', 'due', 'period', 'dates', 'conceive', 'child', 'byron', 'sensed', 'foul', 'play', 'due', 'sudden', 'change', 'marianne', 'behavior', 'towards', 'absence', 'house', 'tried', 'spy', 'wife', 'vain', 'phyllis', 'continues', 'search', 'daughter', 'streets', 'montreal', 'one', 'day', 'watched', 'daughter', 'standing', 'bridge', 'river', 'tried', 'reach', 'daisy', 'left', 'could', 'reach', 'spot', 'goes', 'bar', 'drink', 'order', 'lessen', 'sorrow', 'failure', 'noticed', 'husband', 'marianne', 'also', 'drinks', 'bar', 'taking', 'beautiful', 'cheat', 'one', 'spouse', 'later', 'phyllis', 'meets', 'byron', 'gave', 'lift', 'car', 'due', 'non', 'availability', 'taxi', 'home', 'way', 'offered', 'spend', 'weekend', 'lekh', 'lenore', 'hotel', 'friend', 'discovered', 'affair', 'wife', 'refused', 'politely', 'latter', 'agrees', 'spend', 'weekend', 'found', 'husband', 'spending', 'time', 'marianne', 'day', 'fixed', 'trip', 'lekh', 'byron', 'took', 'place', 'wife', 'bother', 'fully', 'smitten', 'lucky', 'phyllis', 'left', 'note', 'home', 'husband', 'return', 'days', 'goes', 'byron', 'stayed', 'hotel', 'different', 'rooms', 'another', 'married', 'person', 'tried', 'flirt', 'dinner', 'taking', 'drinks', 'told', 'story', 'relation', 'bitter', 'husband', 'leaved', 'room', 'tried', 'call', 'husband', 'phone', 'came', 'engaged', 'lucky', 'also', 'trying', 'call', 'marianne', 'time', 'marine', 'outside', 'house', 'byron', 'phoned', 'wife', 'quickly', 'picked', 'thinking', 'would', 'lucky', 'called', '쏬ucky', 'darling', 'upsets', 'byron', 'went', 'room', 'phyllis', 'soon', 'entered', 'room', 'bell', 'rang', 'byron', 'client', 'appeared', 'door', 'bottle', 'wine', 'asked', 'make', 'choice', 'byron', 'responded', 'positively', 'taking', 'bottle', 'wine', 'telling', '쐓he', 'may', 'accept', 'offer', 'know', 'night', 'upsets', 'byron', 'decided', 'leave', 'room', 'left', 'hotel', 'next', 'morning', 'way', 'byron', 'asked', 'couples', 'happily', 'live', 'chaste', 'relations', 'spouse', 'reply', 'receiving', 'phone', 'marianne', 'lucky', 'went', 'place', 'late', 'night', 'sex', 'morning', 'reshuffled', 'furniture', 'house', 'put', 'paintings', 'walls', 'told', 'lucky', 'needed', 'divorce', 'husband', 'told', 'marry', 'already', 'married', 'last', 'years', 'leave', 'wife', 'still', 'love', 'much', 'told', 'often', 'marriages', 'work', 'good', 'single', 'mother', 'brought', 'child', 'needs', 'byron', 'bring', 'baby', 'told', 'think', 'said', 'think', 'women', 'stay', 'women', 'narrated', 'story', 'came', 'know', 'betrayal', 'wife', 'one', 'quick', 'spontaneous', 'thoughtless', 'wrong', 'reaction', 'made', 'moment', 'passion', 'spoiled', 'happily', 'married', 'life', 'forever', 'even', 'today', 'passing', 'years', 'facing', 'consequences', 'decision', 'takes', 'bar', 'hotel', 'drink', 'returning', 'byron', 'phyllis', 'also', 'stayed', 'bar', 'drink', 'found', 'marianne', 'already', 'lucky', 'provoked', 'byron', 'lucky', 'fight', 'security', 'hotel', 'throws', 'lucky', 'hotel', 'phyllis', 'leaves', 'marianne', 'house', 'taxi', 'without', 'marianne', 'knowledge', 'lucky', 'wife', 'way', 'phyllis', 'asked', 'feels', 'lucky', 'replied', 'fucking', 'man', 'ever', 'met', 'life.', 'asked', 'many', 'men', 'met', 'till', 'far', 'life', 'marianne', 'replied', '쐔wo', 'marianne', 'asked', 'phyllis', 'whether', 'sex', 'byron', 'told', 'husband', 'loves', 'much', 'strongly', 'believes', 'chaste', 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'repair', 'relationship', 'soon', 'touched', 'byron', 'retracted', 'tried', 'leave', 'room', 'tried', 'stop', 'saying', 'really', 'good', 'together', 'good', 'together', '╈\\\\x80', 'byron', 'left', 'house', 'anger', 'saying', 'little', 'mad', 'sometime', 'life.', 'marianne', 'realized', 'mistake', 'undone', 'take', 'bath', 'pool', 'house', 'whole', 'night', 'deeply', 'think', 'analyzed', 'spoiled', 'relations', 'husband', 'due', 'worst', 'decision', 'made', 'momentary', 'loss', 'passion', 'consequences', 'adultery', 'lucky', 'fore-coming', 'baby', 'future', 'byron', 'light', 'story', 'lucky', 'phyllis', 'arrived', 'harsh', 'decision', 'byron', 'goes', 'bridge', 'order', 'get', 'fresh', 'air', 'accidentally', 'fell', 'resulting', 'fracture', 'right', 'leg', 'morning', 'marianne', 'packed', 'things', 'went', 'helen', 'told', 'separated', 'perhaps', '쐀aby', 'may', 'last', 'connecting', 'link', 'two', 'previously', 'knowing', 'differences', 'baby', 'helen', 'asked', 'father', 'child', 'deliberately', 'lied', 'named', 'byron', 'said', 'goodbye', 'left', 'byron', 'forever', 'even', 'without', 'facing', 'telling', 'pregnancy', 'lucky', 'found', 'daughter', 'near', 'river', 'tried', 'bring', 'back', 'home', 'heartily', 'apologizing', 'denied', 'byron', 'came', 'back', 'hospital', 'found', 'marianne', 'already', 'left', 'forever', 'film', 'ends', 'reconciliation', 'lucky', 'phyllis', 'daisy', 'watching', 'window', 'standing', 'lawn', 'house'], [\"'clark\", 'griswold', 'wanting', 'spend', 'time', 'wife', 'ellen', 'children', 'rusty', 'audrey', 'decides', 'lead', 'family', 'cross-country', 'expedition', 'chicago', 'los', 'angeles', 'amusement', 'park', 'walley', 'world', 'billed', 'america\\\\', 'favorite', 'family', 'fun', 'park', 'although', 'ellen', 'wants', 'fly', 'clark', 'insists', 'driving', 'bond', 'family', 'preparation', 'ordered', 'new', 'sports', 'wagon', 'trip', 'dealer', 'pulls', 'bait-and-switch', 'insisting', 'sports', 'wagon', \"won\\\\'t\", 'ready', 'weeks', 'clark', 'forced', 'take', 'failing', 'behemoth', 'wagon', 'queen', 'family', 'truckster', 'family', 'travels', 'several', 'mishaps', 'tagged', 'vandals', 'east', 'st.', 'louis', 'clark', 'tempted', 'several', 'times', 'attractive', 'young', 'woman', 'driving', 'flashy', 'red', 'ferrari', '308', 'gts', 'stop', 'coolidge', 'kansas', 'visit', 'ellen\\\\', 'cousin', 'catherine', 'husband', 'eddie', 'creates', 'tension', 'among', 'griswolds', 'catherine', 'eddie', 'foist', 'crotchety', 'old', 'aunt', 'edna', 'dog', 'dinky', 'griswolds', 'asking', 'drop', 'son', 'normy\\\\', 'home', 'phoenix', 'stopping', 'campground', 'south', 'fork', 'colorado', 'night', 'clark', 'forgets', 'untie', 'dinky', 'car\\\\', 'bumper', 'leaving', 'killing', 'dog', 'ellen', 'clark', 'argue', 'become', 'stranded', 'desert', 'clark', 'eventually', 'finds', 'mechanic', 'scams', 'rest', 'cash', 'fix', 'car', 'frustrated', 'stop', 'grand', 'canyon', 'clark', 'convince', 'hotel', 'clerk', 'take', 'check', 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'credits', 'show', 'various', 'photographs', 'griswolds', 'enjoying', 'rest', 'vacation', 'including', 'returning', 'chicago', 'via', 'plane'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'features', 'three', 'primary', 'sets', 'characters', 'within', 'distinct', 'story', 'young', 'man', 'matsumoto', 'played', 'hidetoshi', 'nishijima', 'rejects', 'engagement', 'fianc챕e', 'marry', 'daughter', 'company\\\\', 'president', 'former', 'fianc챕e', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'ends', 'semi-vegetative', 'state', 'takes', 'hospital', 'run', 'away', 'another', 'young', 'man', 'obsessed', 'pop-star', 'haruna', 'blinds', 'involved', 'disfiguring', 'car', 'accident', 'aged', 'yakuza', 'tries', 'meet', 'girlfriend', 'youth', 'stories', 'incidental', 'visual', 'cross-over', 'film', 'mostly', 'separate', 'first', 'story', 'one', 'film', 'centers', 'film', 'leads', 'opening', 'performance', 'bunraku', 'theatre', 'closes', 'shot', 'dolls', 'performance', 'courier', 'hell', 'chikamatsu', 'monzaemon', 'alludes', 'themes', 'reappear', 'later', 'film', 'rest', 'film', 'treated', 'bunraku', 'film', 'form', 'film', 'quite', 'symbolic', 'cases', 'clear', 'whether', 'particular', 'scene', 'meant', 'taken', 'literally', 'film', 'also', 'strict', 'chronological', 'order', 'strong', 'visual', 'emphasis', 'changing', 'seasons', 'bonds', 'love', 'progression', 'time'], [\"'irish\", 'brothers', 'connor', 'murphy', 'mcmanus', 'attend', 'mass', 'catholic', 'church', 'priest', 'mentions', 'fate', 'kitty', 'genovese', 'later', 'celebrating', 'st.', 'patrick\\\\', 'day', 'friends', 'two', 'get', 'bar', 'brawl', 'three', 'russian', 'mobsters', 'want', 'close', 'pub', 'take', 'land', 'built', 'two', 'brothers', 'try', 'reason', 'mobsters', 'latter', 'respond', 'violence', 'next', 'morning', 'two', 'russians', 'seek', 'revenge', 'connor', 'murphy', 'kill', 'mobsters', 'act', 'self-defense', 'fbi', 'special', 'agent', 'paul', 'smecker', 'assigned', 'case', 'finds', 'police', 'local', 'news', 'reporters', 'see', 'heroes', 'interview', 'smecker', 'reveal', 'mother', 'insisted', 'fluent', 'several', 'languages', 'something', 'demonstrate', 'explanation', 'communicated', 'mobsters', 'connor', 'murphy', 'retell', 'incident', 'smecker', 'avoid', 'attention', 'media', 'smecker', 'allows', 'brothers', 'spend', 'night', 'holding', 'cell', 'receive', 'appears', 'calling', 'god', 'telling', 'hunt', 'wicked', 'men', 'innocent', 'flourish', 'connor', 'murphy', 'resolve', 'rid', 'boston', 'evil', 'men', 'friend', 'former', 'mob', 'errand', 'boy', 'rocco', 'eventually', 'joining', 'help', 'connor', 'learns', 'meeting', 'russian', 'syndicate', 'bosses', 'hotel', 'pager', 'taken', 'one', 'dead', 'russian', 'mobsters', 'equipped', 'weaponry', 'local', 'underground', 'gun', 'dealer', 'brothers', 'quickly', 'kill', 'eight', 'nine', 'bosses', 'underbosses', 'save', 'leader', 'yuri', 'petrov', 'brothers', 'recite', 'family', 'prayer', 'kill', 'petrov', 'two', 'gunshots', 'back', 'head', '봳he', 'bullets', 'cross', 'eye', 'sockets', 'place', 'coins', 'eyes', 'nine', 'bodies', 'pay', 'toll', 'cross', 'river', 'styx', 'investigation', 'smecker', 'believes', 'killings', 'russian', 'mobsters', 'result', 'beginning', 'mob', 'war', 'next', 'day', 'rocco', 'learns', 'set', 'sold', 'boss', 'giuseppe', 'papa', 'joe', 'yakavetta', 'confirms', 'papa', 'joe', 'attempted', 'send', 'rocco', 'hotel', 'solely', 'confront', 'russian', 'mobsters', 'hotel', 'revolver', 'rocco', 'kills', 'three', 'mob', 'members', 'setup', 'decides', 'officially', 'join', 'mcmanus', 'brothers', 'mission', 'night', 'mcmanus', 'brothers', 'rocco', 'hunt', 'underboss', 'yakavetta', 'crime', 'family', 'vincenzo', 'lapazzi', 'live', 'peep', 'show', 'kill', 'criminals', 'killed', 'well', 'incidents', 'lead', 'smecker', 'dismiss', 'gang', 'war', 'theory', 'earlier', 'brought', 'response', 'growing', 'threat', 'three', 'vigilantes', 'papa', 'joe', 'contracts', 'feared', 'hitman', 'duce', 'deal', 'killing', 'criminal', 'rocco', 'personal', 'hatred', 'former\\\\', 'house', 'three', 'men', 'ambushed', 'duce', 'exiting', 'house', 'although', 'manage', 'chase', 'duce', 'away', 'three', 'men', 'suffer', 'wounds', 'serious', 'loss', 'rocco\\\\', 'finger', 'rather', 'risk', 'going', 'hospital', 'explain', 'bullet', 'wounds', 'three', 'cauterize', 'wounds', 'iron', 'hours', 'later', 'police', 'conduct', 'investigation', 'spot', 'firefight', 'took', 'place', 'investigation', 'seems', 'futile', 'since', 'brothers', 'covered', 'tracks', 'spraying', 'blood', 'left', 'behind', 'ammonia', 'however', 'frustrated', 'rant', 'smecker', 'happens', 'upon', 'part', 'finger', 'lost', 'rocco', 'smecker', 'decides', 'independent', 'investigation', 'see', 'behind', 'gun', 'battle', 'able', 'track', 'evidence', 'rocco', 'two', 'allies', 'leaves', 'smecker', 'difficult', 'scenario', 'struggles', 'choice', 'whether', 'prosecute', 'three', 'men', 'join', 'cause', 'smecker', 'become', 'sympathetic', 'towards', 'brothers\\\\', 'actions', 'getting', 'severely', 'drunk', 'gay', 'bar', 'insulting', 'several', 'people', 'smecker', 'wanders', 'catholic', 'church', 'confessional', 'smecker', 'decides', 'help', 'three', 'men', 'listening', 'conversation', 'reluctant', 'priest', 'later', 'questions', 'retired', 'mob', 'boss', 'helped', 'papa', 'joe', 'recruit', 'duce', 'finds', 'brothers', 'walking', 'trap', 'later', 'brothers', 'rocco', 'infiltrate', 'yakavetta', 'headquarters', 'finish', 'family', 'followed', 'smecker', 'dresses', 'drag', 'gain', 'admittance', 'brothers', 'captured', 'rocco', 'shot', 'killed', 'papa', 'joe', 'meanwhile', 'smecker', 'kills', 'two', 'men', 'knocked', 'unconscious', 'duce', 'accordance', 'one', 'two', 'rules', 'women', 'children', 'papa', 'joe', 'leaves', 'house', 'brothers', 'manage', 'escape', 'subdue', 'captors', 'brothers', 'say', 'family', 'prayer', 'rocco', 'duce', 'enters', 'room', 'prepared', 'open', 'fire', 'however', 'revealed', 'duce', 'brothers\\\\', 'father', 'noah', 'finishes', 'prayer', 'decides', 'join', 'two', 'sons', 'mission', 'destroy', 'evil', 'three', 'months', 'later', 'papa', 'joe', 'sent', 'trial', 'however', 'reporters', 'on-scene', 'anticipate', 'acquittal', 'brothers', 'noah', 'aided', 'agent', 'smecker', 'three', 'detectives', 'infiltrate', 'trial', 'sliding', 'weapons', 'metal', 'detector', 'unmasked', 'make', 'speech', 'stating', 'intend', 'eradicate', 'evil', 'wherever', 'find', 'three', 'men', 'recite', 'family', 'prayer', 'kill', 'papa', 'joe', 'front', 'audience', 'media', 'dubs', 'three', 'saints', 'movie', 'ends', 'various', 'candid', 'interviews', 'public', 'reflecting', 'question', 'saints', 'ultimately', 'good', '...', 'evil'], ['emperor', 'akbar', 'rajput', 'wife', 'jodha', 'bai', 'pray', 'son', 'akbar', 'offers', 'rituals', 'initiate', 'birth', 'successor', 'child', 'born', 'news', 'brought', 'emperor', 'maid', 'overjoyed', 'prayers', 'answered', 'emperor', 'gives', 'maid', 'ring', 'promises', 'grant', 'one', 'wish', 'asks', 'son', 'prince', 'salim', 'grows', 'weak', 'pleasure-loving', 'boy', 'father', 'sends', 'war', 'order', 'teach', 'courage', 'discipline', 'years', 'salim', 'returns', 'distinguished', 'soldier', 'salim', 'falls', 'love', 'anarkali', 'court-dancer', 'salim', 'wants', 'marry', 'anarkali', 'arranges', 'secret', 'meetings', 'however', 'jealous', 'bahaar', 'dancer', 'higher', 'rank', 'wants', 'crown', 'india', 'attempts', 'make', 'prince', 'love', 'may', 'ascend', 'queenship', 'unsuccessful', 'winning', 'salim', 'heart', 'exposes', 'love', 'anarkali', 'salim', 'pleads', 'anarkali', 'hand', 'father', 'objects', 'throws', 'anarkali', 'prison', 'despite', 'imprisonment', 'anarkali', 'refuses', 'reject', 'salim', 'salim', 'rebels', 'amasses', 'army', 'confront', 'akbar', 'salim', 'defeated', 'battle', 'sentenced', 'death', 'father', 'told', 'sentence', 'revoked', 'anarkali', 'hiding', 'handed', 'face', 'death', 'place', 'akbar', 'subjects', 'plead', 'emperor', 'spare', 'son', 'anarkali', 'comes', 'hiding', 'save', 'prince', 'life', 'condemned', 'death', 'entombment', 'alive', 'sentence', 'carried', 'pleads', 'hours', 'salim', 'make-believe', 'wife', 'granted', 'wish', 'agrees', 'drug', 'afterwards', 'interfere', 'entombment', 'walled', 'akbar', 'reminded', 'still', 'owes', 'favour', 'anarkali', 'mother', 'since', 'one', 'akbar', 'gave', 'ring', 'informed', 'birth', 'son', 'anarkali', 'mother', 'takes', 'advantage', 'begs', 'daughter', 'life', 'emperor', 'relents', 'arranges', 'anarkali', 'secret', 'escape', 'mother', 'exile', 'stipulates', 'though', 'live', 'total', 'obscurity', 'salim', 'never', 'know', 'anarkali', 'still', 'lives'], ['neurotic', 'businessman', 'tries', 'improve', 'sex', 'life', 'wife', 'encouraging', 'threesome', 'involving', 'another', 'woman', 'fortunately', 'likes', 'idea', 'unfortunately', 'decides', \"n't\", 'need', 'husband', 'fun', 'ladies', 'fact', '...', 'ends', 'preferring'], [\"'the\", 'premise', 'film', 'stated', 'group', 'four', 'writers', 'conversing', 'dinner', 'beginning', 'film', 'question', 'arises', 'life', 'naturally', 'comic', 'tragic', 'one', 'four', 'proposes', 'simple', 'story', 'two', 'prominent', 'playwrights', 'group', 'begin', 'telling', 'versions', 'story', 'one', 'comic', 'one', 'tragic'], [\"'in\", '1952', 'wood', 'struggling', 'join', 'film', 'industry', 'upon', 'hearing', 'announcement', 'variety', 'producer', 'george', 'weiss', 'trying', 'purchase', 'christine', 'jorgensen\\\\', 'life', 'story', 'inspired', 'meet', 'weiss', 'person', 'weiss', 'explains', 'varietys', 'announcement', 'news', 'leak', 'impossible', 'purchase', 'jorgensen\\\\', 'rights', 'producer', 'decides', \"\\\\'fictionalize\\\\\", 'film', 'titled', 'changed', 'sex', 'without', 'shemale', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'longtime', 'idol', 'b챕la', 'lugosi', 'spotting', 'trying', 'casket', 'drives', 'b챕la', 'home', 'two', 'become', 'friends', 'later', 'decides', 'star', 'b챕la', 'film', 'convinces', 'weiss', 'perfect', 'direct', 'changed', 'sex', 'transvestite', 'weiss', 'argue', 'film\\\\', 'title', 'weiss', 'already', 'poster', 'printed', 'changes', 'glen', 'glenda', 'shoot', 'finishes', 'glen', 'glenda', 'enthusiastic', 'starred', 'directed', 'wrote', 'produced', 'film', 'like', 'hero', 'orson', 'welles', 'made', 'citizen', 'kane', 'glen', 'glenda', 'released', 'critical', 'financial', 'failure', 'unsuccessful', 'getting', 'job', 'warner', 'bros.', 'producer', 'tells', 'glen', 'glenda', 'worst', 'film', 'ever', 'seen', 'ed\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'dolores', 'fuller', 'tells', 'studio', 'material', 'find', 'independent', 'backers', 'next', 'film', 'bride', 'monster', 'unsuccessful', 'finding', 'money', 'bride', 'monster', 'introduced', 'psychic', 'amazing', 'criswell', 'bar', 'meets', 'loretta', 'king', 'thinks', 'enough', 'money', 'fund', 'bride', 'monster', 'filming', 'begins', 'halted', 'convinces', 'meat', 'packing', 'industry', 'tycoon', 'mccoy', 'take', 'funding', 'film', 'mccoy', 'condition', 'film', 'ends', 'giant', 'nuclear', 'explosion', 'son', 'tony', 'little', 'slow', 'leading', 'man', 'filming', 'bride', 'monster', 'finishes', 'dolores', 'break', 'wrap', 'party', 'ed\\\\', 'circle', 'friends', 'transvestism', 'also', 'b챕la', 'revealed', 'highly', 'depressed', 'morphine', 'addict', 'attempts', 'conduct', 'double', 'suicide', 'talked', 'b챕la', 'checks', 'rehab', 'finds', 'love', 'meets', 'kathy', \"o\\\\'hara\", 'visiting', 'father', 'hospital', 'takes', 'date', 'reveals', 'transvestism', 'accepts', 'begins', 'shoot', 'film', 'b챕la', 'outside', 'home', 'company', 'attend', 'premiere', 'bride', 'monster', 'angry', 'mob', 'chases', 'theater', 'sometime', 'later', 'b챕la', 'dies', 'leaving', 'without', 'star', 'convinces', 'church', 'leader', 'named', 'reynolds', 'funding', 'ed\\\\', 'script', 'grave', 'robbers', 'outer', 'space', 'would', 'result', 'box', 'office', 'success', 'generate', 'enough', 'money', 'reynolds\\\\', 'dream', 'project', 'dr.', 'tom', 'mason', 'kathy\\\\', 'chiropractor', 'chosen', 'b챕la\\\\', 'stand-in', 'however', 'baptists', 'begin', 'conflicts', 'title', 'content', 'script', 'want', 'changed', 'plan', 'outer', 'space', 'along', 'ed\\\\', 'movie', 'directing', 'style', 'casting', 'decisions', 'transvestism', 'causes', 'distressed', 'leave', 'set', 'immediately', 'take', 'taxi', 'nearest', 'bar', 'encounters', 'idol', 'orson', 'welles', 'welles', 'tells', 'visions', 'worth', 'fighting', 'filming', 'plan', 'finishes', 'taking', 'action', 'producers', 'film', 'ends', 'premiere', 'plan', 'kathy', 'taking', 'las', 'vegas', 'nevada', 'get', 'married'], [\"'richard\", 'king', 'howland', 'swaggering', 'bigot', 'land-baron', 'living', 'big', 'island', 'hawaii', 'objects', 'sister', 'sloan', 'howland', 'announces', 'plans', 'marry', 'paul', 'kahana', 'native', 'hawaiian', 'even', 'though', 'richard', 'torrid', 'affair', 'asian', 'woman', 'mai', 'chen', 'sloan', 'paul\\\\', 'engagement', 'party', 'mai', 'chen\\\\', 'brother', 'attacks', 'richard', 'knife', 'paul', 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'rat', 'race', 'job', 'attendant', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'morgue', 'displeasure', 'promoted', 'night', 'shift', 'supervisor', 'make', 'room', 'boss\\\\', 'nephew', 'exacerbated', 'irrational', 'exuberance', 'bill', 'blaze', 'blazejowski', 'new', 'coworker', 'however', 'men', 'inspired', 'plight', 'chuck\\\\', 'prostitute', 'neighbor', 'belinda', 'apply', 'chuck\\\\', 'm.b.a.', 'education', 'bill\\\\', 'entrepreneurial', 'spirit', 'open', 'prostitution', 'service', 'headquarters', 'morgue'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'orton', 'halliwell', 'flashback', 'framed', 'sequences', 'lahr', 'researching', 'book', 'upon', 'film', 'based', 'orton\\\\', 'literary', 'agent', 'peggy', 'ramsay', 'orton', 'halliwell\\\\', 'relationship', 'traced', 'beginnings', 'royal', 'academy', 'dramatic', 'arts', 'orton', 'starts', 'uneducated', 'youth', 'halliwell\\\\', 'older', 'faux-sophisticate', 'relationship', 'progresses', 'however', 'orton', 'grows', 'increasingly', 'confident', 'talent', 'halliwell\\\\', 'writing', 'stagnates', 'fall', 'parody', 'traditional', 'married', 'couple', 'orton', 'husband', 'halliwell', 'long-suffering', 'increasingly', 'ignored', 'wife', 'orton', 'commissioned', 'write', 'screenplay', 'beatles', 'halliwell', 'gets', 'carried', 'away', 'preparing', 'meeting', 'fab', 'four', 'end', 'orton', 'taken', 'away', 'meeting', 'finally', 'despondent', 'halliwell', 'kills', 'orton', 'commits', 'suicide'], [\"'emotionally\", 'withdrawn', 'joel', 'barish', 'unhinged', 'free', 'spirit', 'clementine', 'kruczynski', 'strike', 'relationship', 'long', 'island', 'rail', 'road', 'train', 'montauk', 'new', 'york', 'almost', 'immediately', 'drawn', 'account', 'radically', 'different', 'personalities', 'although', 'apparently', 'realize', 'time', 'joel', 'clementine', 'fact', 'former', 'lovers', 'separated', 'spent', 'two', 'years', 'together', 'nasty', 'fight', 'clementine', 'hired', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'firm', 'lacuna', 'inc.', 'erase', 'memories', 'relationship', 'upon', 'discovering', 'joel', 'devastated', 'decides', 'undergo', 'procedure', 'process', 'takes', 'place', 'sleeps', 'much', 'film', 'takes', 'place', 'joel\\\\', 'mind', 'memories', 'erased', 'joel', 'finds', 'revisiting', 'reverse', 'upon', 'seeing', 'happier', 'times', 'love', 'clementine', 'earlier', 'relationship', 'struggles', 'preserve', 'least', 'memory', 'love', 'despite', 'efforts', 'memories', 'slowly', 'erased', 'last', 'memory', 'clementine', 'telling', 'meet', 'montauk', 'separate', 'related', 'story', 'arcs', 'occurring', 'joel\\\\', 'memory', 'erasure', 'employees', 'lacuna', 'revealed', 'peripheral', 'characters', 'patrick', 'one', 'lacuna', 'technicians', 'performing', 'erasure', 'dating', 'clementine', 'viewing', 'joel\\\\', 'memories', 'copying', 'aspects', 'relationship', 'order', 'seduce', 'mary', 'lacuna', 'receptionist', 'turns', 'affair', 'dr.', 'howard', 'mierzwiak', 'married', 'doctor', 'heads', 'company', 'relationship', 'agreed', 'erased', 'memory', 'discovered', 'wife', 'mary', 'learns', 'quits', 'job', 'steals', 'company\\\\', 'records', 'sends', 'clients', 'company', 'joel', 'clementine', 'come', 'upon', 'lacuna', 'records', 'shortly', 're-encountering', 'train', 'react', 'shock', 'bewilderment', 'given', 'clear', 'memory', 'known', 'let', 'alone', 'relationship', 'memories', 'erased', 'joel', 'beckons', 'clementine', 'start', 'clementine', 'initially', 'resists', 'pointing', 'could', 'way', 'joel', 'accepts', 'decide', 'attempt', 'relationship', 'anyway', 'starting', 'life', 'together', 'anew'], ['honey', 'daniels', 'bartender', 'dance', 'teacher', 'local', 'community', 'center', 'new', 'york', 'dreams', 'make', 'backup', 'dancer', 'music', 'videos', 'honey', 'rival', 'katrina', 'recorded', 'dancing', 'one', 'night', 'club', 'works', 'night', 'honey', 'friend', 'gina', 'leave', 'club', 'encounter', 'kids', 'dancing', 'two', 'kids', 'introduced', 'benny', 'little', 'brother', 'raymond', 'honey', 'invites', 'attend', 'classes', 'community', 'center', 'become', 'inspiration', 'moves', 'dancer', 'honey', 'soon', 'catches', 'attention', 'music', 'director', 'michael', 'ellis', 'gives', 'job', 'back', 'dancer', 'jadakiss', 'new', 'video', 'unimpressed', 'current', 'choreographer', 'michael', 'decides', 'let', 'honey', 'choreograph', 'video', 'suitably', 'impressed', 'honey', 'gets', 'promoted', 'choreographs', 'tweet', 'sheek', 'louch', 'shawn', 'desman', 'hit', 'big', 'time', 'music', 'business', 'honey', 'reluctantly', 'dates', 'hairdresser', 'chaz', 'faces', 'problems', 'community', 'center', 'building', 'old', 'falling', 'apart', 'honey', 'mother', 'runs', 'center', 'unsure', 'able', 'maintain', 'deciding', 'something', 'honey', 'finds', 'old', 'store', 'sale', 'decides', 'turn', 'dance', 'studio', 'local', 'kids', 'pressuring', 'honey', 'take', 'teaching', 'ballet', 'classes', 'parents', 'refuse', 'help', 'new', 'dance', 'studio', 'honey', 'gets', 'bank', 'loan', 'puts', 'deposit', 'meanwhile', 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'parents', 'benny', 'disapproving', 'mother', 'chaz', 'among', 'many', 'others', 'attend', 'everyone', 'getting', 'dressed', 'preparing', 'performance.in', 'dressing', 'room', 'benny', 'tells', 'honey', 'everything', 'ok.', 'benny', 'mother', 'duly', 'impressed', 'son', 'sees', 'future', 'choreographer', 'audience', 'claps', 'everyone', 'danced', 'honey', 'embraces', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'chaz', 'benny', 'everybody', 'else', 'including', 'parents', 'singer', 'tweet', 'also', 'attends', 'gets', 'stage', 'honey', 'celebrate', 'victory', 'missy', 'elliott', 'arrives', 'benefit', 'around', 'time', 'finishes', 'cursing', 'driver', 'saying', 'fired', 'reason', \"n't\", 'meet', 'honey', 'credits', 'roll', 'feature', 'honey', 'successful', 'music', 'video', 'blaque'], [\"'strictly\", 'ballroom', 'tells', 'story', 'australian', 'ballroom', 'dancer', 'scott', 'hastings', 'struggle', 'establish', 'personal', 'style', 'dance', 'way', 'win', 'pan-pacific', 'grand', 'prix', 'dancing', 'championship', 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'progress', 'fran', 'grows', 'attractive', 'self-confident', 'scott', 'begins', 'spending', 'time', 'rehearsing', 'fran', 'house', 'barry', 'fife', 'bill', 'hunter', 'conniving', 'president', 'australian', 'dancing', 'federation', 'tells', 'scott', 'must', 'know', 'truth', 'parents', 'doug', 'shirley', 'ballroom', 'dancing', 'champions', 'lost', 'pan-pacific', 'grand', 'prix', 'fife', 'claims', 'doug', 'become', 'self-obsessed', 'danced', 'steps', 'barry', 'convinces', 'scott', 'dance', 'liz', 'instead', 'fran', 'win', 'father\\\\', 'sake', 'however', 'later', 'revealed', 'lie', 'part', 'barry\\\\', 'plot', 'fix', 'competition', 'scott', 'liz', 'lose', 'scott', 'starts', 'training', 'liz', 'unhappy', 'fran', 'goes', 'back', 'beginner\\\\', 'class', 'pan-pacific', 'grand', 'prix', 'scott\\\\', 'father', 'finally', 'manages', 'pull', 'scott', 'aside', 'tells', 'real', 'story', 'doug', 'never', 'danced', 'competition', 'barry', 'convinced', 'shirley', 'way', 'win', 'dance', 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'career', 'now-adult', 'c.c', 'exactly', 'taking', 'write', 'regularly', 'give', 'updates', 'lives', 'one', 'night', 'hillary', 'shows', 'dive', 'bar', 'c.c', 'performing', 'travelled', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'impulse', 'tired', 'feeling', 'trapped', 'life', 'feels', 'suffocated', 'family\\\\', 'expectations', 'soon', 'gets', 'job', 'aclu', 'whereas', 'c.c', 'makes', 'money', 'performing', 'birthday', 'singing', 'telegrams', 'usually', 'dressed', 'rabbit', 'chicken', 'suit', 'accepted', 'c.c.\\\\', 'offer', 'stay', 'apartment', 'become', 'closer', 'eventually', 'vie', 'love', 'man', 'john', 'heard', 'artistic', 'director', 'falcon', 'players', 'gives', 'c.c', 'start', 'listening', 'delivery', 'birthday', 'singing', 'telegram', 'love', 'triangle', 'ensues', 'hillary', 'john', 'instantly', 'attracted', 'one', 'another', 'leaving', 'c.c', 'cold', 'feeling', 'resentment', 'toward', 'best', 'friend', 'matters', 'made', 'worse', 'hillary', 'john', 'finally', 'sleep', 'together', 'c.c.\\\\', 'opening-night', 'performance', 'marking', 'c.c.\\\\', 'first', 'lead', 'off-broadway', 'production', 'cloud', 'comes', 'hillary\\\\', 'life', 'form', 'father', 'becoming', 'ill', 'forced', 'return', 'san', 'francisco', 'look', 'two', 'friends', 'resolve', 'issues', 'john', 'john', 'romantic', 'feelings', 'c.c', 'father', 'passes', 'away', 'hillary', 'marries', 'lawyer', 'michael', 'essex', 'c.c', 'john', 'spend', 'lot', 'time', 'together', 'start', 'dating', 'eventually', 'marry', 'leads', 'bond', 'two', 'women', 'declining', 'hillary', 'michael', 'return', 'new', 'york', 'see', 'c.c', 'broadway', 'time', 'become', 'broadway', 'star', 'c.c', 'finds', 'hillary', 'resigned', 'position', 'lawyer', 'friends', 'argument', 'bloomingdales', 'department', 'store', 'c.c', 'angry', 'hillary', 'given', 'dreams', 'hillary', 'responding', 'c.c', 'become', 'pretentious', 'social', 'climber', 'obsessed', 'career', 'two', 'women', 'part', 'ways', 'unbeknownst', 'feel', 'incredible', 'sadness', 'loss', 'friendship', 'c.c', 'tries', 'reconnect', 'hillary', 'hillary', 'throws', 'dutiful', 'unchallenged', 'wife', 'however', 'unions', 'women', 'anything', 'blissful', 'relationship', 'c.c', 'john', 'eventually', 'deteriorates', 'john', 'tells', 'c.c', 'self-centeredness', 'obsession', 'career', 'feeling', 'left', 'behind', 'asks', 'divorce', 'upset', 'thought', 'marriage', 'failing', 'c.c', 'turns', 'mother', 'one', 'day', 'beach', 'mother', 'tells', 'given', 'lot', 'daughter', 'must', 'live', 'life', 'take', 'care', 'c.c', 'hears', 'truth', 'first', 'time', 'mother', 'tells', 'effect', 'selfishness', 'closest', 'meanwhile', 'hillary', 'believing', 'marriage', 'strong', 'returns', 'home', 'trip', 'earlier', 'expected', 'enters', 'kitchen', 'sees', 'husband', 'breakfast', 'another', 'woman', 'wearing', 'one', 'bathrobes', 'michael', 'shocked', 'seeing', 'wife', 'reaches', 'woman\\\\', 'hand', 'wordlessly', 'confirming', 'affair', 'later', 'women', 'reunite', 'hillary', 'divorces', 'husband', 'discover', 'secretly', 'jealous', 'years', 'without', 'realizing', 'hillary', 'upset', 'none', 'talent', 'charisma', 'c.c', 'noted', 'c.c', 'retaliate', 'admits', 'instead', 'hillary', 'stands', 'reasons', 'always', 'deeply', 'envious', 'beautiful', 'intelligent', 'two', 'realize', 'feud', 'could', 'avoided', 'honest', 'communication', 'appreciation', 'other\\\\', 'recognized', 'qualities', 'hillary', 'tells', 'c.c', 'pregnant', 'also', 'caught', 'michael', 'cheating', 'wants', 'nothing', 'child', 'fathered', 'planning', 'marry', 'mistress', 'instead', 'hillary', 'admits', 'already', 'decided', 'keep', 'baby', 'raise', 'single', 'parent', 'decision', 'wins', 'much', 'admiration', 'feisty', 'always', 'independent', 'c.c', 'promises', 'stay', 'help', 'although', 'leaves', 'short', 'time', 'promised', 'lead', 'part', 'new', 'musical', 'returns', 'time', 'birth', 'faints', 'delivery', 'room', 'alluding', 'recurrent', 'theme', 'c.c', 'stealing', 'attention', 'hillary', 'hillary', 'daughter', 'names', 'victoria', 'cecilia', 'victoria', 'young', 'girl', 'hillary', 'finds', 'easily', 'exhausted', 'breathless', 'state', 'attributes', 'busy', 'schedule', 'attorney', 'collapses', 'work', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'diagnosed', 'viral', 'cardiomyopathy', 'debilitating', 'cardiac', 'illness', 'requiring', 'heart', 'transplant', 'live', 'put', 'donor', 'list', 'rare', 'heart', 'tissue', 'type', 'found', 'time', 'hillary', 'learns', 'illness', 'becomes', 'clear', 'likely', 'die', 'result', 'depriving', 'chance', 'live', 'see', 'daughter', 'grow', 'plunges', 'state', 'depression', 'inadvertently', 'takes', 'c.c', 'sees', 'energy', 'fun', 'comparison', 'debilitated', 'state', 'c.c', 'agrees', 'accompany', 'hillary', 'victoria', 'beach', 'house', 'free', 'time', 'completing', 'album', 'locks', 'horns', 'victoria', 'sees', 'interruption', 'life', 'mother', 'gradually', 'come', 'appreciate', 'one', 'another', 'eventually', 'hillary', 'sheds', 'feelings', 'anger', 'depression', 'begins', 'accept', 'prognosis', 'bravely', 'c.c', 'makes', 'comment', 'hillary', 'knows', 'everything', 'know', 'hillary', 'replies', 'breath', 'she\\\\', 'counting', 'c.c', 'heads', 'back', 'home', 'quick', 'performance', 'hillary', 'left', 'prepare', 'victoria', 'attend', 'c.c.\\\\', 'concert', 'leaving', 'victoria', 'returns', 'room', 'find', 'mother', 'passed', 'floor', 'suddenly', 'screams', 'help', 'c.c', 'races', 'hospital', 'san', 'francisco', 'driving', 'night', 'los', 'angeles', 'hillary', 'close', 'death', 'tells', 'c.c', 'one', 'last', 'wish', 'victoria', 'see', 'state', 'c.c', 'arranges', 'get', 'hillary', 'discharged', 'hospital', 'spend', 'last', 'hours', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'victoria', 'return', 'beach', 'house', 'c.c', 'make', 'final', 'moments', 'best', 'friend\\\\', 'life', 'comfortable', 'enjoyable', 'possible', 'scene', 'cuts', 'away', 'cemetery', 'hillary\\\\', 'headstone', 'c.c', 'takes', 'victoria', 'back', 'home', 'settle', 'hillary\\\\', 'affairs', 'funeral', 'c.c', 'reveals', 'victoria', 'mother', 'wanted', 'live', 'c.c', 'honest', 'enough', 'admit', 'selfish', 'idea', 'kind', 'mother', 'make', 'also', 'tells', 'there\\\\', 'nothing', 'world', 'want', 'takes', 'victoria', 'arms', 'two', 'console', 'grief', 'though', 'relatives', 'want', 'take', 'victoria', 'victoria', 'decides', 'c.c..', 'c.c', 'returns', 'hollywood', 'bowl', 'complete', 'concert', 'forced', 'postpone', 'hillary\\\\', 'illness', 'learn', 'c.c', 'bloom', 'enjoys', 'almost', 'iconic', 'status', 'performer', 'show', 'leaves', 'stage', 'victoria', 'hand', 'begins', 'reciting', 'tales', 'first', 'met', 'hillary', 'hillary', 'hoped', 'would', 'victoria', 'enchanted', 'new', 'guardian\\\\', 'anecdotes', 'c.c.\\\\', 'victoria\\\\', 'voices', 'fade', 'hear', 'younger', 'c.c', 'hillary', 'speak', 'sure', 'keep', 'touch', 'c.c.', 'o.k.', 'well', 'sure', 'we\\\\', \"'re\", 'friends', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'film', 'ends', 'clip', 'start', 'film', 'c.c', 'hillary', 'taking', 'pictures', 'together', 'photo', 'booth', 'day', 'first', 'met'], [\"'reuben\", 'feffer', 'insurance', 'risk', 'assessment', 'expert', 'celebrating', 'honeymoon', 'newlywed', 'wife', 'lisa', 'kramer', 'island', 'st.', 'barts', 'catches', 'sex', 'claude', 'french', 'scuba', 'instructor', 'returning', 'home', 'new', 'york', 'attempts', 'piece', 'life', 'back', 'together', 'reuben', 'goes', 'art', 'gallery', 'friend', 'sandy', 'lyle', 'runs', 'former', 'junior', 'high', 'school', 'classmate', 'polly', 'prince', 'reuben', 'polly', 'begin', 'dating', 'introducing', 'activities', 'wrote', 'risky', 'eating', 'moroccan', 'restaurant', 'salsa', 'dancing', 'culminates', 'pair', 'enthusiastically', 'sleeping', 'together', 'reuben', 'shouting', 'orgasms', 'contrast', 'two', 'personalities', 'source', 'comedy', 'throughout', 'film', 'lisa', 'returns', 'tells', 'wants', 'reconcile', 'relationship', 'reuben', 'torn', 'free-spirited', 'polly', 'safe', 'familiar', 'lisa', 'solve', 'issue', 'enters', 'information', 'polly', 'lisa', 'computer', 'insurance', 'program', 'measures', 'risk', 'computer', 'tells', 'despite', 'numerous', 'blunders', 'polly', 'best', 'choice', 'polly', 'joins', 'reuben', 'sailing', 'trip', 'he\\\\', 'going', 'order', 'inspect', 'leland', 'van', 'lew', 'high', 'risk', 'client', 'gets', 'offended', 'sees', 'risk', 'analysis', 'rejects', 'proposal', 'move', 'together', 'telling', 'he\\\\', 'better', 'going', 'back', 'lisa', 'back', 'home', 'reuben', 'tries', 'talking', 'polly', 'avail', 'eventually', 'invites', 'lisa', 'sandy\\\\', 'opening', 'show', 'learns', 'polly', 'leaving', 'new', 'york', 'hours', 'speech', 'given', 'father', 'irving', 'sandy', 'reuben', 'realizes', 'wants', 'polly', 'lisa', 'rushes', 'apartment', 'stop', 'leaving', 'polly', 'convinced', 'stay', 'reuben', 'eats', 'food', 'ground', 'prove', 'capable', 'taking', 'risks', 'movie', 'ends', 'reuben', 'polly', 'beach', 'lisa', 'honeymoon', 'beginning', 'film', 'reuben', 'encounters', 'claude', 'instead', 'angry', 'thanks', 'claude', 'heads', 'water', 'polly'], [\"'sandy\", 'jonathan', 'roommates', 'amherst', 'college', 'whose', 'lives', 'explored', 'seem', 'offer', 'contrast', 'one', 'another', 'spanning', '25-year', 'period', 'college', 'years', 'mid-1940s', 'middle', 'aged', 'adulthood', 'early', '1970s', 'film', 'explores', 'relationships', 'various', 'women', 'susan', 'bobbie', 'jennifer', 'cindy', 'louise'], [\"'this\", 'movie', 'gay', 'university', 'student', 'ricky', 'mark', 'ricky', 'comes', 'family', 'friends', 'fag', 'hag', 'olivia', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'seem', 'convinced', 'rejected', 'parents', 'ricky', 'moves', 'friend', 'mark', 'mark', 'heart', 'gay', 'yet', 'come', 'anyone', 'including', 'girlfriend', 'mabel', 'movie', 'focuses', 'process', 'mark\\\\', 'trying', 'face', 'sexual', 'orientation'], [\"'sylvie\", 'cooper', 'teenage', 'girl', 'private', 'school', 'wealthy', 'first', 'meets', 'ivy', 'poor', 'intelligent', 'highly', 'trashy', 'girl', 'local', 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'raj', 'lands', 'role', 'story', 'goes', 'raj', 'munna', 'falling', 'mili', 'mili', 'busy', 'making', 'movie', 'notice', 'starts', 'spending', 'lot', 'time', 'raj', 'filming', 'munna', 'tries', 'many', 'times', 'tell', 'mili', 'loves', 'unable', 'raj', 'gets', 'way', 'eventually', 'feeling', 'inferior', 'munna', 'decides', 'leave', 'mili', 'raj', 'give', 'better', 'life', 'matter', \"n't\", 'resolved', 'yet', 'though', 'mili', 'hears', 'film', 'opening', 'night', 'asks', 'raj', 'help', 'find', 'munna', 'realizing', 'mili', 'seems', 'love', 'munna', 'lovers', 'finally', 'get', 're-united', 'sunset', 'roadhill'], [\"'andrew\", 'largeman', 'wakes', 'dream', 'apathetically', 'sits', 'crashing', 'plane', 'telephone', 'message', 'father', 'telling', 'andrew', 'needs', 'return', 'home', 'mother', 'died', 'andrew', 'leaves', 'los', 'angeles', 'returns', 'home', 'new', 'jersey', 'attend', 'funeral', 'recognizes', 'grave-diggers', 'old', 'friends', 'mark', 'dave', 'alex', 'burns', 'invite', 'party', 'night', 'meet', 'jesse', 'old', 'friend', 'earned', 'fortune', 'creating', 'silent', 'velcro', 'smoking', 'marijuana', 'takes', 'ecstasy', 'party', 'remains', 'detached', 'home', 'father', 'books', 'andrew', 'doctor\\\\', 'appointment', 'headaches', 'he\\\\', 'morning', 'party', 'andrew', 'proceeds', 'appointment', 'waiting', 'room', 'meets', 'girl', 'named', 'sam', 'pathological', 'liar', 'later', 'explains', 'times', 'know', 'lies', 'always', 'admit', 'afterward', 'andrew\\\\', 'meeting', 'doctor', 'revealed', 'andrew', 'lithium', 'mood', 'stabilizers', 'well', 'antidepressants', 'entire', 'adult', 'life', 'recently', 'stopped', 'taking', 'also', 'says', 'father', 'psychiatrist', 'put', 'medication', 'andrew', 'finds', 'sam', 'outside', 'office', 'offers', 'ride', 'home', 'sam', 'invites', 'house', 'meets', 'mother', 'inadvertently', 'reveals', 'sam', 'epileptic', 'andrew', 'tells', 'sam', 'mother\\\\', 'death', 'sam', 'tearfully', 'eulogizes', 'hamster', 'returning', 'home', 'andrew\\\\', 'father', 'confronts', 'insistent', 'talk', 'andrew', 'leaves', 'later', 'andrew', 'jesse', 'sit', 'cemetery', 'mark', 'digs', 'another', 'grave', 'andrew', 'observes', 'mark', 'stealing', 'jewelry', 'corpse', 'burying', 'andrew', 'returns', 'sam\\\\', 'house', 'two', 'spend', 'rest', 'day', 'together', 'joining', 'friends', 'later', 'jesse\\\\', 'mansion', 'andrew', 'tells', 'nine', 'years', 'old', 'pushed', 'mother', 'frustration', 'knocking', 'broken', 'dishwasher', 'accident', 'left', 'paraplegic', 'says', 'father', 'blames', 'wife\\\\', 'paralysis', 'put', 'medications', 'curb', 'anger', 'supposedly', 'harbors', 'sam', 'listens', 'andrew', 'admits', 'feelings', 'next', 'day', 'mark', 'tells', 'andrew', 'needs', 'help', 'tracking', 'going-away', 'present', 'sam', 'andrew', 'mark', 'spend', 'day', 'together', 'ending', 'quarry', 'newark', 'mark', 'talks', 'man', 'named', 'albert', 'employed', 'keeping', 'intruders', 'quarry', 'three', 'visitors', 'discuss', 'reasons', 'albert', 'wife', 'choose', 'live', 'quarry', 'albert', 'explains', 'living', 'exploring', 'quarry', 'something', 'that\\\\', 'completely', 'unique', 'that\\\\', 'never', 'done', 'mirroring', 'earlier', 'speech', 'sam', 'finally', 'albert', 'explains', 'actually', 'matters', 'living', 'family', 'andrew', 'inspired', 'conversation', 'outside', 'rain', 'climbs', 'atop', 'derelict', 'crane', 'screams', 'quarry', 'joined', 'sam', 'mark', 'sam', 'share', 'kiss', 'mark', 'andrew', 'look', 'gift', 'later', 'turns', 'andrew\\\\', 'mother\\\\', 'favorite', 'pendant', 'one', 'items', 'mark', 'stole', 'grave', 'sold', 'subsequently', 'located', 'andrew', 'eventually', 'talks', 'father', 'states', 'blame', 'mother\\\\', 'accident', 'live', 'rest', 'life', 'without', 'medications', 'forgives', 'father', 'says', 'wants', 'build', 'better', 'relationship', 'morning', 'andrew', 'says', 'goodbyes', 'sam', 'airport', 'begs', 'leave', 'acknowledges', 'changed', 'life', 'still', 'fix', 'personal', 'problems', 'continuing', 'relationship', 'andrew', 'boards', 'flight', 'sam', 'left', 'crying', 'telephone', 'booth', 'andrew', 'returns', 'saying', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'waste', 'life', 'without', 'sam', 'wonders', 'next', 'two', 'kiss'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'deals', 'relationships', 'among', 'four', 'men', 'japanese', 'prisoner', 'war', 'camp', 'second', 'world', 'war', 'mdash', 'major', 'jack', 'celliers', 'rebellious', 'prisoner', 'guilty', 'secret', 'youth', 'captain', 'yonoi', 'young', 'camp', 'commandant', 'lieutenant', 'colonel', 'john', 'lawrence', 'british', 'officer', 'lived', 'japan', 'speaks', 'japanese', 'fluently', 'sergeant', 'hara', 'seemingly', 'brutal', 'yet', 'humane', 'ways', 'lawrence', 'develops', 'peculiar', 'friendship', 'like', 'celliers', 'yonoi', 'tormented', 'guilt', 'posted', 'manchuria', 'previously', 'unable', 'tokyo', 'army', 'comrades', 'shining', 'young', 'officers', 'japan\\\\', 'february', 'incident', '1936', 'military', 'coup', \"d\\\\'챕tat\", 'coup', 'fails', 'young', 'army', 'officers', 'executed', 'yonoi', 'regrets', 'able', 'share', 'patriotic', 'sacrifice', 'jack', 'celliers', 'betrayed', 'younger', 'brother', 'two', 'attending', 'boarding', 'school', 'although', 'celliers', 'confesses', 'lawrence', 'captain', 'yonoi', 'senses', 'celliers', 'kindred', 'spirit', 'wants', 'replace', 'british', 'camp', 'commandant', 'group', 'captain', 'hicksley', 'celliers', 'spokesman', 'prisoners', 'taboo', 'homosexuality', 'especially', 'harsh', 'otherwise', 'ultranationalist', 'traditional', 'environment', 'suggested', 'throughout', 'film', 'korean', 'soldier', 'condemned', 'commit', 'seppuku', 'caught', 'improper', 'relationship', 'one', 'dutch', 'prisoners', 'execution', 'carried', 'dutch', 'prisoner', 'forced', 'watch', 'along', 'rest', 'prisoners', 'japanese', 'officials', 'well', 'bites', 'tongue', 'dies', 'suffocation', 'captain', 'yonoi', 'enraged', 'sees', 'prisoners', 'behaving', 'sees', 'cowardly', 'way', 'wanting', 'witness', 'death', 'celliers', 'interned', 'camp', 'yonoi', 'seems', 'develop', 'homoerotic', 'fixation', 'often', 'asking', 'hara', 'silently', 'visiting', 'small', 'hours', 'celliers', 'confined', 'however', 'later', 'yonoi', 'becomes', 'enraged', 'celliers\\\\', 'behaviour', 'lawrence', 'thrown', 'punishment', 'cells', 'charge', 'possessing', 'wireless', 'celliers', 'known', 'nickname', 'strafer', 'jack', 'instigates', 'small', 'number', 'rebellious', 'actions', 'one', 'supplying', 'men', 'food', 'rations', 'suspended', 'two', 'days', 'actions', 'seppuku', 'yonoi', 'deems', 'spiritually', 'lazy', 'yonoi\\\\', 'batman', 'suspects', 'mental', 'hold', 'celliers', 'yonoi', 'tries', 'kill', 'celliers', 'fails', 'attempt', 'celliers', 'manages', 'escape', 'cell', 'rescues', 'lawrence', 'thwarted', 'yonoi', 'unexpectedly', 'yonoi', 'challenges', 'celliers', 'single', 'combat', 'saying', 'defeat', 'free', 'celliers', 'refuses', 'yonoi\\\\', 'batman', 'commits', 'seppuku', 'atonement', 'urging', 'yonoi', 'kill', 'celliers', 'celliers', 'destroy', 'yonoi', 'christmas', 'eve', 'sgt', 'hara', 'drinking', 'heavily', 'orders', 'celliers', 'lawrence', 'brought', 'hara', 'advises', 'playing', 'santa', 'claus', 'ordering', 'release', 'prisoner', 'confesses', 'radio', 'calls', 'english', 'first', 'time', 'merry', 'christmas', 'lawrence', 'sgt', 'hara', 'later', 'reprimanded', 'yonoi', 'exceeding', 'authority', 'whole', 'camp', 'paraded', 'yonoi\\\\', 'order', 'prisoners', 'prompted', 'form', 'lines', 'outside', 'barracks', 'including', 'sick', 'moribund', 'ones', 'climax', 'film', 'reached', 'yonoi', 'ready', 'kill', 'pow\\\\', 'commander', 'men', 'present', 'parade', 'celliers', 'breaks', 'rank', 'walks', 'decidedly', 'yonoi\\\\', 'direction', 'man', 'executed', 'ends', 'resolutely', 'kissing', 'cheek', 'straight', 'face', 'unbearable', 'offence', 'yonoi\\\\', 'bushido', 'honor', 'code', 'reaches', 'katana', 'celliers', 'collapse', 'conflicting', 'feelings', 'vindicating', 'offence', 'suffered', 'front', 'troops', 'feelings', 'celliers', 'celliers', 'attacked', 'beaten', 'japanese', 'soldiers', 'captain', 'yonoi', 'redeployed', 'successor', 'declares', 'sentimental', 'captain', 'yonoi', 'immediately', 'celliers', 'buried', 'ground', 'neck', 'means', 'punishment', 'left', 'die', 'captain', 'yonoi', 'goes', 'celliers', 'one', 'around', 'cuts', 'lock', 'hair', 'pays', 'respects', 'leaves', 'four', 'years', 'later', 'lawrence', 'visits', 'sergeant', 'hara', 'imprisoned', 'allied', 'forces', 'hara', 'learned', 'speak', 'english', 'whilst', 'captivity', 'also', 'reveals', 'going', 'executed', 'next', 'day', 'war', 'crimes', 'lawrence', 'tells', 'yonoi', 'given', 'lock', 'celliers', 'hair', 'told', 'take', 'village', 'japan', 'dedicate', 'shrine', 'hara', 'reminisces', 'celliers', 'yonoi', 'find', 'yonoi', 'killed', 'war', 'ended', 'hara', 'recalls', 'christmas', 'eve', 'much', 'amused', 'two', 'bid', 'farewell', 'last', 'time', 'lawrence', 'leaves', 'hara', 'calls', 'merry', 'christmas', 'merry', 'christmas', 'lawrence'], [\"'joel\", 'goodson', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'lives', 'wealthy', 'parents', 'north', 'shore', 'area', 'suburban', 'chicago', 'father', 'wants', 'attend', 'princeton', 'university', 'joel\\\\', 'mother', 'tells', 'tell', 'interviewer', 'bill', 'rutherford', 'participation', 'future', 'enterprisers', 'extracurricular', 'activity', 'students', 'work', 'teams', 'create', 'small', 'businesses', 'parents', 'away', 'trip', 'joel', 'left', 'explicit', 'instructions', 'touch', 'stereo', 'system', 'use', 'father\\\\', 'porsche', 'joel\\\\', 'friend', 'miles', 'convinces', 'take', 'advantage', 'newfound', 'freedom', 'fun', 'first', 'night', 'raids', 'liquor', 'cabinet', 'plays', 'stereo', 'loudly', 'dances', 'around', 'living', 'room', 'underwear', 'socks', 'pink', 'dress', 'shirt', 'old', 'time', 'rock', 'roll', 'later', 'friend', 'barry', 'take', 'porsche', 'drive', 'recklessly', 'following', 'day', 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'coldly', 'rebuffed', 'grabs', 'nurse', 'collar', 'calmly', 'demands', 'compassion', 'following', 'joel', 'suspended', 'days', 'kicked', 'future', 'enterprisers', 'goes', 'see', 'lana', 'decides', 'turn', 'goodsons\\\\', 'house', 'brothel', 'night', 'joel\\\\', 'share', 'profits', 'pay', 'car', 'repairs', 'party', 'huge', 'success', 'house', 'packed', 'joel\\\\', 'friends', 'classmates', 'lana\\\\', 'co-workers', 'however', 'rutherford', 'chooses', 'night', 'evaluate', 'joel', 'admission', 'princeton', 'interview', 'plagued', 'interruptions', 'rutherford', 'unimpressed', 'joel\\\\', 'resume', 'unaffected', 'apparent', 'rejection', 'joel', 'famously', 'puts', 'pair', 'wayfarers', 'joyously', 'exclaims', 'looks', 'like', 'university', 'illinois', 'afterwards', 'rutherford', 'stays', 'party', 'becomes', 'acquainted', 'lana\\\\', 'friends', 'party', 'joel', 'lana', 'sex', 'deserted', 'chicago', 'next', 'morning', 'joel', 'finds', 'house', 'burgled', 'tries', 'call', 'lana', 'guido', 'answers', 'tells', 'joel', 'let', 'joel', 'buy', 'back', 'furniture', 'joel', 'buys', 'back', 'furniture', 'final', 'piece', 'glass', 'egg', 'guido\\\\', 'female', 'associate', 'tosses', 'egg', 'like', 'football', 'joel', 'barely', 'manages', 'catch', 'hits', 'ground', 'fortunately', 'joel', 'friends', 'manage', 'get', 'everything', 'moved', 'back', 'parents', 'walk', 'though', 'mother', 'notices', 'crack', 'egg', 'joel', 'eventually', 'accepts', 'responsibility', 'goes', 'rake', 'yard', 'father', 'comes', 'excitedly', 'informs', 'joel', 'rutherford', 'satisfied', 'interview', 'said', 'princeton', 'could', 'use', 'guy', 'like', 'joel', 'joel', 'meets', 'lana', 'restaurant', 'speculate', 'future', 'tells', 'wants', 'keep', 'seeing', 'jokes', 'cost', 'final', 'voiceover', 'joel', 'reveals', 'future', 'enterprises', 'class', 'deals', 'human', 'fulfillment', 'turned', 'quite', 'profit', 'ends', 'quoting', 'guido', 'time', 'life', 'huh', 'kid', 'newly', 'remastered', '25th-anniversary', 'edition', 'offers', 'upbeat', 'studio', 'ending', 'mr.', 'brickman\\\\', 'original', 'tentative', 'melancholic', 'conclusion', 'critic\\\\', 'choice', 'dave', 'kehr', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'october', '2008.', 'ending', 'joel', 'still', 'accepted', 'princeton', 'film', 'ends', 'ambiguous', 'note', 'joel', 'lana', 'ponder', 'future', 'joel', 'asks', 'lana', 'night', 'together', 'setup', 'lana', 'denies', 'clear', 'joel', 'difficulty', 'believing', 'lana', 'states', 'want', 'get', 'hurt', 'lana', 'exclaims', 'frustration', 'tough', 'joel', 'asks', 'lana', 'embrace', 'embraces', 'reluctantly', 'scene', 'film', 'conclude', 'quote', 'guido', 'voiced-over', 'line', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'life', 'grand', 'original', 'ending', 'risky', 'business', 'youtube', 'retrieved', 'july', '2012.', 'test', 'screenings', 'decided', 'geffen', 'company', 'film', 'needed', 'upbeat', 'ending'], ['naive', 'rambunctious', 'overly', 'enthusiastic', 'socially', 'inept', 'cowboy', 'beauregard', 'friend', 'father-figure', 'virgil', 'take', 'bus', 'montana', 'phoenix', 'arizona', 'participate', 'rodeo', 'virgil', 'encouraged', '21-year-old', 'virgin', 'take', 'interest', 'girls', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'frightened', 'idea', 'declares', 'hopes', 'find', 'angel', 'know', 'sees', 'making', 'trouble', 'everywhere', 'continues', 'bad', 'behavior', 'blue', 'dragon', 'cafe', 'imagines', 'love', 'cafe\\\\', 'singer', 'ch챕rie', 'talentless', 'ambitious', 'performer', 'ozarks', 'aspirations', 'becoming', 'hollywood', 'star', 'rendition', 'old', 'black', 'magic', 'entrances', 'forces', 'outside', 'despite', 'establishment\\\\', 'rules', 'kisses', 'thinks', 'means', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'engaged', 'cherie', 'physically', 'attracted', 'resists', 'plans', 'take', 'back', 'montana', 'intention', 'marrying', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'stubborn', 'listen', 'next', 'day', 'intends', 'marry', 'cherie', 'rodeo', 'escapes', 'tracks', 'forces', 'bus', 'back', 'montana', 'way', 'stop', 'grace\\\\', 'diner', 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'weekend', 'discuss', 'situation', 'juliette', 'waiting', 'take', 'away', 'intentions', 'short-term', 'spurns', 'leaving', 'town', 'without', 'tiring', 'antics', 'juliette', 'guardians', 'threaten', 'send', 'back', 'orphanage', 'keep', 'town', 'carradine', 'pleads', 'antoine', 'marry', 'laughs', 'naive', 'younger', 'brother', 'michel', 'secretly', 'love', 'juliette', 'rises', 'challenge', 'proposes', 'despite', 'love', 'older', 'brother', 'accepts', 'antoine', 'contracted', 'return', 'home', 'good', 'trouble', 'starts', 'newlyweds', 'men', 'life', 'come', 'realize', 'means'], [\"'oliver\", 'ollie', 'trink챕', 'powerful', 'media', 'publicist', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'loses', 'wife', 'gertrude', 'childbirth', 'avoid', 'grief', 'buries', 'work', 'ignores', 'new', 'daughter', 'gertie', 'father', 'bart', 'takes', 'month', 'work', 'care', 'returns', 'son', 'forced', 'live', 'responsibility', 'parent', 'stress', 'botched', 'diaper', 'change', 'baby', 'stop', 'crying', 'ollie', 'trashes', 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'gertie', 'bart', 'maya', 'rest', 'celebrating', 'bar', 'maya', 'hint', 'possible', 'feelings', 'interrupted', 'gertie', 'holds', 'says', 'staying', 'new', 'jersey', 'take', 'job', 'asks', 'loved', 'much', 'says', 'thought', 'loved', 'new', 'life', 'father', 'thing', 'ever', 'really', 'good'], [\"'andie\", 'anderson', 'writer', 'works', 'magazine', 'called', 'composure', '...', 'woman', 'bored', 'wishes', 'could', 'write', 'important', 'things', 'politics', 'economics', 'religion', 'poverty', 'stuff', 'cares', 'soon', 'finds', 'writing', 'article', 'called', 'lose', 'guy', 'days', 'idea', 'comes', 'andie\\\\', 'friend', 'michelle', 'experiences', 'minor', 'breakdown', 'yet', 'another', 'break-up', 'using', 'friend', 'inspiration', 'andie', 'reveals', 'actually', 'start', 'dating', 'guy', 'drive', 'away', \"\\\\'only\", 'using', 'classic', 'mistakes', 'women', 'make\\\\', 'time', 'advertising', 'executive', 'benjamin', 'barry', 'striving', 'pitch', 'advertise', 'diamonds', 'explains', 'boss', 'co-workers', 'woman', 'lust', 'wants', 'chocolate', 'woman', 'love', 'wants', 'diamonds', 'questioning', 'ben', 'would', 'know', 'love', 'ben', 'bets', 'could', 'make', 'woman', 'fall', 'love', 'wanted', 'bet', 'arises', 'make', 'woman', 'fall', 'love', 'upcoming', 'company', 'ball', 'days', 'charge', 'advertising', 'new', 'diamond', 'company', 'ben\\\\', 'rival', 'co-workers', 'judy', 'spears', 'judy', 'green', 'composure', 'magazine', 'earlier', 'aware', 'andie\\\\', 'new', 'assignment', 'conspire', 'andie', 'ben', 'meet', 'night', 'start', 'quests', 'fortunately', 'night', 'andie', 'ben', 'happen', 'place', 'judy', 'judy', 'refer', 'blond', 'pretty', 'smile', 'ben', 'thinks', 'done', 'deal', 'neither', 'andie', 'ben', 'reveal', 'true', 'intentions', 'andie', 'works', 'hard', 'make', 'ben', 'break', 'order', 'completion', 'article', 'however', 'ben', 'continues', 'stick', 'around', 'hope', 'making', 'fall', 'love', 'andie', 'goes', 'get', 'ben', 'knocked', 'chick', 'flick', 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'personal', 'favourites', 'alternatively', 'sang', 'ben', 'barry', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'vain', 'probably', 'think', 'song', \"don\\\\'t\", \"don\\\\'t\", 'fooled', 'win', 'bet', 'feel', 'ashamed', 'look', 'took', 'god', 'damn', 'celine', 'dion', 'concert', 'made', 'miss', 'big', 'game', 'smart', 'guy\\\\', 'rhymer', 'well', 'want', 'everybody', 'know', 'love', 'making', 'lame', 'maybe', 'named', 'penis', 'named', 'penis', 'named', 'penis', 'dame', 'separate', 'ways', 'ben', 'shown', 'andie\\\\', 'article', 'encouraged', 'read', 'explains', \"\\\\'lost\", 'one', 'man', 'ever', 'fell', 'for\\\\', 'hears', 'quit', 'job', 'composure', 'way', 'washington', 'interview', 'chases', 'stops', 'calling', 'bluff', 'saying', 'running', 'away', 'reveal', 'true', 'feelings', 'film', 'ends', 'ben', 'instructs', 'taxi', 'driver', 'return', 'andie\\\\', 'belongings', 'home', 'kiss'], ['lance', 'barton', 'struggling', 'comedian', 'quite', 'funny', 'confident', 'personality', 'unable', 'bring', 'talent', 'across', 'front', 'audience', 'booed', 'stage', 'one', 'night', 'hears', 'opportunity', 'manager', 'whitney', 'daniels', 'apollo', 'theater', 'goodbye', 'show', 'due', 'imminent', 'closing', 'hoping', 'get', 'chance', 'prove', 'front', 'real', 'audience', 'way', 'home', 'riding', 'bike', 'lance', 'distracted', 'sontee', 'jenkins', 'paying', 'attention', 'hit', 'semi', 'truck', 'instantly', 'killed', 'lance', 'brought', 'heaven', 'meets', 'angels', 'king', 'keyes', 'reveal', 'lance', 'died', 'time', 'help', 'lance', 'return', 'earth', 'lance', 'king', 'start', 'searching', 'body', 'sorting', 'many', 'find', 'charles', 'wellington', 'iii', 'extremely', 'rich', 'businessman', 'freshly', 'drowned', 'tub', 'wife', 'assistant', 'winston', 'sklar', 'lance', 'wants', 'nothing', 'body', 'discovers', 'sontee', 'girl', 'saw', 'lance', 'protesting', 'charles', 'handcuffing', 'coffee', 'table', 'penthouse', 'demanding', 'charles', 'presence', 'lance', 'sees', 'chance', 'get', 'know', 'reluctant', 'permanently', 'charles', 'accordingly', 'makes', 'deal', 'king', 'loan', 'charles', 'body', 'suitable', 'body', 'found', 'soon', 'charles', 'returns', 'death', 'witty', 'soul', 'lance', 'barton', 'inside', 'angels', 'see', 'lance', 'everybody', 'else', 'sees', 'middle-aged', 'rich', 'caucasian', 'charles', 'unpopular', 'past', 'public', 'closest', 'charles', 'start', 'notice', 'change', 'personality', 'transforms', 'snobbish', 'billionaire', 'homely', 'philanthropist', 'despite', 'recent', 'events', 'continues', 'follow', 'comedy', 'dreams', 'charles', 'contacting', 'old', 'manager', 'whitney', 'convincing', 'lance', 'reincarnated', 'many', 'humorous', 'moments', 'issues', 'gets', 'sontee', 'fall', 'love', 'soon', 'charles', 'wife', 'sklar', 'plans', 'murder', 'succeed', 'shot', 'killed', 'hired', 'assassin', 'fulfilling', 'deal', 'lance', 'king', 'set', 'earlier', 'king', 'keys', 'send', 'lance', 'return', 'yet', 'earth', 'joe', 'guy', 'great', 'comedian', 'acceptable', 'candidate', 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'tall', 'must', 'two', 'phd', 'speak', 'five', 'languages', 'service', 'actually', 'locates', '1.75', 'chinese', 'woman', 'sings', 'western', 'opera', 'speaks', 'five', 'languages', 'single', 'phd', 'gracious', 'wai-tung', 'explains', 'dilemma', 'hiding', 'relationship', 'simon', 'insistence', 'wai-tung', 'decides', 'get', 'married', 'one', 'tenants', 'wei-wei', 'penniless', 'artist', 'mainland', 'china', 'need', 'green', 'card', 'besides', 'helping', 'wei-wei', 'simon', 'wai-tung', 'hope', 'placate', 'wai-tung', 'parents', 'mr.', 'mrs.', 'gao', 'decide', 'fly', 'taiwan', 'bringing', '30,000', 'hold', 'magnificent', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'son', 'wai-tung', 'dares', 'tell', 'parents', 'truth', 'father', 'recovered', 'stroke', 'wedding', 'however', 'heartbreak', 'mother', 'experiences', 'courthouse', 'wedding', 'prepares', 'story', 'shift', 'drama', 'way', 'atone', 'disgraceful', 'wedding', 'magnificent', 'wedding', 'banquet', 'banquet', 'wei-wei', 'seduces', 'drunken', 'wai-tung', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'simon', 'extremely', 'upset', 'finds', 'relationship', 'wai-tung', 'begins', 'deteriorate', 'moment', 'anger', 'fight', 'simon', 'wei-wei', 'wai-tung', 'admits', 'truth', 'mother', 'shocked', 'insists', 'tell', 'father', 'perceptive', 'mr.', 'gao', 'sees', 'letting', 'secretly', 'tells', 'simon', 'knows', 'relationship', 'appreciating', 'considerable', 'sacrifices', 'made', 'biological', 'son', 'takes', 'simon', 'son', 'well', 'simon', 'accepts', 'hongbao', 'wai-tung', 'father', 'symbolic', 'admission', 'relationship', 'mr.', 'gao', 'makes', 'promise', 'tell', 'anyone', 'without', 'everyone', 'trying', 'lie', 'points', 'never', 'gotten', 'grandchild', 'making', 'appointment', 'abortion', 'wei-wei', 'decides', 'keep', 'baby', 'asks', 'simon', 'stay', 'together', 'wai-tung', 'baby', 'father', 'final', 'parting', 'scene', 'wai-tung', 'parents', 'prepare', 'fly', 'home', 'mrs.', 'gao', 'clearly', 'forged', 'emotional', 'bond', 'daughter-in-law', 'wei-wei', 'mr.', 'gao', 'accepts', 'simon', 'warmly', 'shakes', 'hand', 'end', 'derive', 'happiness', 'situation', 'walk', 'board', 'aircraft', 'leaving', 'unconventional', 'family', 'sort'], ['naive', 'countryman', 'chou', \"t'ien-tsai\", 'goes', 'taipei', 'meet', 'internet', 'friend', 'face-to-face', 'romantic', 'believing', \"'true\", 'love', 'sorely', 'disappointed', 'friend', 'suggests', 'sex', 'love', \"t'ien\", 'instead', 'goes', 'bar', 'runs', 'ex-classmate', 'process', 'meets', \"'number\", 'one', 'playboy', 'bai', 'tie', 'nan', 'notorious', 'one', 'night', 'stands', \"t'ien\", 'quickly', 'develops', 'liking', 'towards', 'bai', 'night', 'bar', 'becoming', 'roommates', \"t'ien\", 'gets', 'job', 'pool', 'attendant', 'several', 'run-ins', 'bai', 'seems', 'like', \"t'ien\", 'mutually', 'scenes', 'bai', 'psychologist', 'show', 'bai', 'problem', 'kissing', 'people', 'advised', 'practice', 'kissing', 'mirror', 'dummy', 'fail', 'help', 'tries', 'kiss', 'longtime', 'friend', \"n't\", 'bring', 'one', 'night', \"t'ien\", 'shows', 'bai', 'doorstep', 'end', 'sex', 'consensually', 'true', 'nature', 'bai', 'disappears', 'next', 'day', 'leaving', 'friend', 'turn', 'house', 'explain', 't-ien', \"'he\", 'hopes', \"n't\", 'misunderstand', \"t'ien\", 'hurt', 'unknowing', 'entire', 'story', 'behind', 'bai', 'intimacy', 'issues', 'leaves', 'message', 'saying', \"'this\", 'kind', 'misunderstanding', \"n't\", 'happen', \"t'ien\", 'prepares', 'leave', 'roommate', 'dwelling', 'return', 'home', 'meantime', \"t'ien\", 'friends', 'corner', 'bai', 'asked', 'bai', 'tell', 'truth', 'bai', 'resistant', 'tell', 'story', 'best', 'friend', 'decides', 'share', 'instead', 'young', 'boy', 'bai', 'told', 'fortune', 'teller', 'cursed', 'anything', 'loves', 'doomed', 'lifetime', 'self-fulfilling', 'prophecy', 'led', 'bai', 'become', 'serial', 'one-night', 'stander', 'lose', 'ability', 'love', 'falling', 'love', \"t'ien\", 'caught', 'bai', 'guard', 'result', 'suffered', 'silent', 'prayer', 'second', 'chance', 'sees', \"t'ien\", 'heading', 'escalator', 'first', 'attempt', 'apologize', 'fails', \"t'ien\", 'literally', 'runs', 'away', 'nearly', 'gets', 'run', 'scooter', 'bai', 'saves', 'make', 'ending', 'credits', 'include', 'short', 'segment', 'three', 'supporting', 'cast', 'members', 'somewhat', 'stereotyped', 'views', 'upon', 'gay', 'fashion', 'film', 'highest', 'grossing', 'fiction', 'film', 'taiwan', '2004'], ['ann', 'hard-working', '23-year-old', 'mother', 'two', 'small', 'daughters', 'unemployed', 'husband', 'mother', 'sees', 'life', 'failure', 'jailed', 'father', 'seen', 'ten', 'years', 'life', 'changes', 'dramatically', 'medical', 'checkup', 'following', 'collapse', 'diagnosed', 'metastatic', 'ovarian', 'cancer', 'told', 'two', 'months', 'live', 'deciding', 'tell', 'anyone', 'condition', 'using', 'cover', 'anemia', 'ann', 'makes', 'list', 'things', 'dies.', 'ref', 'namemylifewithoutme', 'decides', 'change', 'hair', 'record', 'birthday', 'messages', 'girls', 'every', 'year', \"'re\", 'try', 'setup', 'husband', 'another', 'woman', 'affair', 'get', 'know', 'like', 'sex', 'another', 'man', 'meets', 'man', 'named', 'lee', 'ends', 'madly', 'love', 'left', 'heartbroken', 'ann', 'breaks', 'meets', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'says', 'anything', 'make', 'happy', 'taking', 'care', 'daughters', 'even', 'finding', 'husband', 'job', 'ends', 'relationship', 'never', 'tells', 'dying', 'end', 'film', 'ann', 'records', 'message', 'husband', 'telling', 'loves', 'another', 'one', 'lee', 'telling', 'leaves', 'tapes', 'recorded', 'doctor', 'tell', 'dying', 'asking', 'deliver', 'death'], [\"'charlie\", 'c.d', 'bales', 'fire', 'chief', 'small', 'american', 'town', 'pacific', 'northwest', 'c.d', 'witty', 'acrobatic', 'skilled', 'many', 'things', 'large', 'nose', 'violently', 'sensitive', 'falls', 'love', 'roxanne', 'kowalski', 'beautiful', 'astronomer', 'infatuated', 'chris', 'handsome', 'dim', 'fireman', 'play', 'bales', 'touchy', 'perceived', 'ugliness', 'speaks', 'object', 'adoration', 'way', 'writes', 'expressions', 'love', 'letter', 'form', 'allows', 'chris', 'present', 'roxanne', 'roxanne', 'receives', 'letter', 'chris', 'telling', 'left', 'town', 'another', 'woman', 'c.d.\\\\', 'friend', 'dixie', 'reveals', 'letters', 'roxanne', 'thought', 'written', 'chris', 'actually', 'written', 'c.d', 'c.d', 'arrives', 'home', 'response', 'call', 'confronts', 'letters', 'c.d', 'roxanne', 'end', 'argument', 'claiming', 'deceiving', 'leading', 'c.d', 'says', 'wanted', 'perfect', 'man', 'emotionally', 'physically', 'beautiful', 'end', 'c.d', 'roxanne', 'forgive', 'one', 'another', 'roxanne', 'confesses', 'love', 'c.d', 'characteristic', 'nose', 'says', 'flat-nosed', 'people', 'boring', 'bland', 'nose', 'gives', 'character', 'bales', 'roxanne', 'kiss', 'beautiful', 'stars', 'live', 'happily', 'ever', 'stories', 'movie', 'include', 'c.d', 'dealing', 'incompetence', 'volunteer', 'firemen', 'appearance', 'new', 'comet', 'roxanne', 'come', 'observe', 'caf챕', 'owner', 'friend', 'c.d', 'roxanne'], [\"'larry\", 'kozinski', 'maria', 'hardy', 'meet', 'marriage', 'larry\\\\', 'uncle', 'phil', 'maria\\\\', 'mother', 'edie', 'newly', 'made', 'cousins-by-marriage', 'find', 'common', 'expected', 'respective', 'spouses', 'insecure', 'tish', 'boorish', 'tom', 'begin', 'affair', 'series', 'ritualized', 'family', 'events', 'dreamer', 'larry', 'repressed', 'maria', 'decide', 'exact', 'revenge', 'spouses', 'pretending', 'affair', 'good-natured', 'plan', 'takes', 'unexpected', 'gravity', 'learn', 'great', 'friends', 'realize', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'falling', 'love', 'consummate', 'affair', 'ramifications', 'shake', 'families', 'including', 'larry\\\\', 'artistic', 'son', 'mitch', 'maria\\\\', 'adorable', 'aggressive', 'daughter', 'chloe', 'end', 'affair', 'bring', 'stability', 'back', 'families\\\\', 'lives', 'meanwhile', 'larry\\\\', 'father', 'vince', 'becomes', 'interested', 'widowed', 'sister-in-law', 'edie', 'courts', 'larry', 'maria', 'meet', 'time', 'later', 'vince', 'edie\\\\', 'wedding', 'encouraged', 'tish', 'asks', 'maria', 'dance', 'angering', 'tom', 'convincing', 'maria', 'break', 'free', 'unhappy', 'marriage', 'epilogue', 'larry', 'maria', 'seen', 'sailing', 'away', 'children', 'living', 'fantasy', 'shared', 'earlier', 'affair'], ['singles', 'centers', 'lives', 'group', 'young', 'people', 'mostly', '20s', 'living', 'apartment', 'block', 'seattle', 'washington', 'divided', 'chapters', 'focuses', 'course', 'two', 'couples', 'rocky', 'romances', 'well', 'love', 'lives', 'friends', 'associates', 'film', 'stars', 'bridget', 'fonda', 'coffee-bar', 'waitress', 'fawning', 'aspiring', 'musician', 'kyra', 'sedgwick', 'campbell', 'scott', 'couple', 'wavering', 'whether', 'commit', 'events', 'film', 'set', 'backdrop', 'early', '1990s', 'grunge', 'movement', 'seattle'], [\"'joan\", 'wilder', 'lonely', 'romance', 'novelist', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'receives', 'treasure', 'map', 'mailed', 'recently-murdered', 'brother-in-law', 'widowed', 'sister', 'elaine', 'calls', 'joan', 'begs', 'come', 'cartagena', 'colombia', 'elaine', 'kidnapped', 'bumbling', 'antiquities', 'smugglers', 'ira', 'ralph', 'map', 'ransom', 'hastily', 'flying', 'colombia', 'joan', 'detoured', 'rendezvous', 'ralph', 'colonel', 'zolo', 'man', 'killed', 'elaine\\\\', 'husband', 'joan', 'ends', 'jungle', 'almost', 'killed', 'zolo', 'saved', 'swashbuckling', 'american', 'bird', 'exporter', 'jack', 'colton', 'getting', 'cartagena', 'joan', 'promises', 'pay', 'jack', '375', 'jack', 'joan', 'elude', 'zolo', 'wants', 'treasure', 'chases', 'military', 'police', 'commands', 'private', 'army', 'spending', 'night', 'hiding', 'crashed', 'marijuana', 'smuggler\\\\', 'c-47', 'airplane', 'encounter', 'drug', 'lord', 'named', 'juan', 'big', 'fan', 'joan\\\\', 'novels', 'helps', 'escape', 'zolo', 'night', 'dancing', 'passion', 'jack', 'suggests', 'joan', 'find', 'treasure', 'handing', 'map', 'follow', 'clues', 'find', 'treasure', 'enormous', 'emerald', 'called', 'corazon', 'unknown', 'jack', 'joan', 'trail', 'picked', 'ralph', 'tries', 'take', 'emerald', 'taunts', 'joan', 'jack', 'would', 'done', 'ralph', 'flees', 'without', 'treasure', 'zolo', 'appears', 'jack', 'joan', 'chased', 'river', 'waterfall', 'jack', 'joan', 'end', 'opposite', 'sides', 'raging', 'river', 'joan', 'map', 'jack', 'emerald', 'jack', 'directs', 'joan', 'cartagena', 'promising', 'meet', 'emerald', 'skeptical', 'owing', 'ralph\\\\', 'taunts', 'cartagena', 'joan', 'contacts', 'ira', 'find', 'jack', 'meets', 'ira', 'ralph', 'base', 'makes', 'exchange', 'joan', 'elaine', 'attempt', 'leave', 'stopped', 'zolo', 'men', 'captured', 'jack', 'zolo', 'demands', 'emerald', 'threatens', 'joan', 'crocodiles', 'ira', 'keeps', 'pets', 'save', 'joan', 'jack', 'surrenders', 'hidden', 'emerald', 'zolo', 'crocodile', 'bites', 'zolo\\\\', 'hand', 'swallows', 'along', 'emerald', 'furious', 'gun', 'battle', 'takes', 'place', 'zolo\\\\', 'soldiers', 'ira\\\\', 'gang', 'joan', 'elaine', 'dash', 'safety', 'pursued', 'enraged', 'zolo', 'jack', 'tries', 'stop', 'crocodile', 'escaping', 'lets', 'sees', 'joan', 'danger', 'joan', 'knocks', 'zolo', 'crocodile', 'pit', 'ira', 'men', 'escape', 'ralph', 'left', 'behind', 'authorities', 'arrive', 'kiss', 'jack', 'dives', 'water', 'crocodile', 'leaving', 'joan', 'behind', 'sister', 'time', 'later', 'joan', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'delivering', 'new', 'manuscript', 'based', 'adventure', 'publisher', 'gloria', 'loves', 'returning', 'home', 'finds', 'jack', 'waiting', 'sailboat', 'caught', 'crocodile', 'made', 'pair', 'boots', 'sold', 'emerald', 'bought', 'boat', 'told', 'joan', 'dream', 'together', 'planning', 'sail', 'around', 'world'], ['story', 'follows', 'british', 'journalist', 'arthur', 'stuart', 'revisits', 'past', 'writing', 'article', 'mysterious', 'disappearance', 'former', 'glam-rock', 'star', 'brian', 'slade', 'american', 'periodical', 'slade', 'career', 'ended', 'backlash', 'publicity', 'stunt', 'faked', 'murdered', 'on-stage', 'gradually', 'disappeared', 'public', 'view', 'entirely', 'stuart', 'locates', 'talks', 'people', 'connected', 'slade', 'trying', 'find', 'happened', 'recalls', 'glam-rock', 'scene', \"'70s\", 'series', 'vignettes', 'recreate', 'stories', 'slade', 'slade', 'collaborator', 'onetime', 'lover', 'curt', 'wild', 'slade', 'former', 'wife', 'mandy', 'others', 'involved', 'lives', 'film', 'utilizes', 'non-linear', 'structure', 'interweave', 'stories', 'various', 'characters'], [\"'yashvardhan\", 'yash', 'raichand', 'rich', 'businessman', 'living', 'new', 'delhi', 'wife', 'nandini', 'two', 'sons', 'rahul', 'rohan', 'elder', 'son', 'rahul', 'adopted', 'whilst', 'rohan', 'biological', 'son', 'result', 'rahul', 'feels', 'indebted', 'parents', 'finds', 'adoption', 'adult', 'rahul', 'falls', 'love', 'anjali', 'sharma', 'girl', 'belonging', 'lower', 'social', 'standing', 'wishes', 'yash', 'wants', 'marry', 'naina', 'kapoor', 'rahul', 'however', 'rebels', 'marries', 'anjali', 'following', 'yash', 'disowns', 'rahul', 'son', 'disheartened', 'rahul', 'leaves', 'london', 'wife', 'nandini', 'sends', 'sayeeda', 'rahul', 'rohan\\\\', 'nanny', 'rahul', 'take', 'care', 'meanwhile', 'rohan', 'sent', 'boarding', 'school', 'per', 'family', 'tradition', 'ten', 'years', 'later', 'grown-up', 'rohan', 'finds', 'truth', 'rahul\\\\', 'disappearance', 'asks', 'parents', 'let', 'london', 'attend', 'graduate', 'school', 'order', 'conspire', 'anjali\\\\', 'sister', 'pooja', 'poo', 'sharma', 'bring', 'brother', 'back', 'home', 'poo', 'informs', 'rahul', 'rohan', 'friend\\\\', 'cousin', 'shifted', 'india', 'london', 'pursue', 'studies', 'needs', 'place', 'stay', 'rahul', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'let', 'live', 'rahul', 'eventually', 'finds', 'rohan\\\\', 'identity', 'rohan', 'begs', 'return', 'home', 'rahul', 'refuses', 'believes', 'yash', 'love', 'poo', 'however', 'believes', 'rahul', 'back', 'home', 'encourages', 'rohan', 'invite', 'parents', 'london', 'arrange', 'meet', 'rahul', 'london', 'nandini', 'rahul', 'share', 'happy', 'reunion', 'rahul', 'refuses', 'talk', 'father', 'meanwhile', 'yash', 'finds', 'conspiracy', 'furious', 'rohan', 'nandini', 'however', 'return', 'india', 'due', 'sudden', 'death', 'mother', 'rahul', 'also', 'joins', 'yash', 'rohan', 'funeral', 'service', 'agrees', 'return', 'home', 'one', 'visit', 'meet', 'mother', 'insistence', 'rohan', 'poo', 'yash', 'expresses', 'guilt', 'disowning', 'elder', 'son', 'adds', 'rahul', 'foolish', 'enough', 'believing', 'father', 'love', 'film', 'ends', 'elaborate', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'rohan', 'poo', 'entire', 'family', 'participates'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'set', 'london', '1914', 'eve', 'world', 'war', '1914', 'year', 'chaplin', 'made', 'first', 'movie', 'calvero', 'famous', 'stage', 'clown', 'washed-up', 'drunk', 'saves', 'young', 'dancer', 'thereza', 'ambrose', 'alias', 'terry', 'suicide', 'nursing', 'back', 'health', 'calvero', 'helps', 'terry', 'regain', 'self-esteem', 'resume', 'dancing', 'career', 'regains', 'self-confidence', 'attempts', 'make', 'comeback', 'less', 'successful', 'terry', 'says', 'wants', 'marry', 'calvero', 'despite', 'age', 'difference', 'although', 'befriended', 'neville', 'young', 'composer', 'calvero', 'believes', 'would', 'better', 'suited', 'order', 'give', 'chance', 'calvero', 'leaves', 'home', 'becomes', 'street', 'entertainer', 'terry', 'starring', 'show', 'eventually', 'finds', 'calvero', 'persuades', 'return', 'stage', 'benefit', 'concert', 'reunited', 'old', 'partner', 'calvero', 'gives', 'triumphant', 'comeback', 'performance', 'immediately', 'suffers', 'heart', 'attack', 'dies', 'wings', 'feet', 'away', 'terry', 'second', 'act', 'bill', 'dances', 'stage', 'represents', 'end', 'generation', 'coming', 'another', 'fading', 'age', 'emergence', 'youth', '...', 'limelight', 'said', 'initial', 'credits'], [\"'professor\", 'julius', 'kelp', 'nerdy', 'unkempt', 'buck-toothed', 'introverted', 'accident', 'prone', 'socially', 'inept', 'university', 'professor', 'whose', 'experiments', 'classroom', 'laboratory', 'less', 'successful', '...', 'hilariously', 'destructive', 'football-playing', 'bully', 'humiliates', 'assaults', 'kelp', 'decides', 'beef', 'joining', 'local', 'gym', 'kelp\\\\', 'failure', 'succeed', 'gym', 'prompts', 'invent', 'serum', 'turns', 'handsome', 'extremely', 'smooth', 'cool', 'obnoxious', 'girl-chasing', 'hipster', 'buddy', 'love', 'new', 'found', 'persona', 'gives', 'confidence', 'pursue', 'one', 'students', 'stella', 'purdy', 'although', 'despises', 'love', 'finds', 'strangely', 'attracted', 'buddy', 'wows', 'crowd', 'jazzy', 'breezy', 'musical', 'delivery', 'cool', 'demeanor', 'purple', 'pit', 'nightclub', 'students', 'hang', 'formula', 'wears', 'inopportune', 'times', 'often', 'kelp\\\\', 'embarrassment', 'although', 'kelp', 'knows', 'alternate', 'persona', 'arrogant', 'person', 'prevent', 'continually', 'taking', 'formula', 'enjoys', 'attention', 'love', 'receives', 'buddy', 'performs', 'annual', 'student', 'dance', 'formula', 'starts', 'wear', 'real', 'identity', 'revealed', 'kelp', 'gives', 'impassioned', 'speech', 'admitting', 'mistakes', 'seeking', 'forgiveness', 'kelp', 'says', 'one', 'thing', 'learned', 'someone', 'else', \"don\\\\'t\", 'like', \"can\\\\'t\", 'expect', 'others', 'like', 'purdy', 'meets', 'kelp', 'backstage', 'confesses', 'prefers', 'kelp', 'buddy', 'love', 'eventually', 'kelp\\\\', 'formerly', 'henpecked', 'father', 'chooses', 'market', 'formula', 'endorsed', 'strait-laced', 'dean', 'college', 'proclaims', 'it\\\\', 'gasser', 'kelp\\\\', 'father', 'makes', 'pitch', 'chemistry', 'class', 'students', 'rush', 'forward', 'buy', 'new', 'tonic', 'confusion', 'kelp', 'purdy', 'slip', 'class', 'armed', 'marriage', 'license', 'two', 'bottles', 'formula', 'elope'], ['world', 'war', 'musical', 'yip', 'yip', 'yaphank', 'rousing', 'success', 'show', 'learned', 'troop', 'received', 'orders', 'ship', 'france', 'thus', 'end', 'number', 'changed', 'soldiers', 'march', 'theater', 'rifles', 'gear', 'waiting', 'convoy', 'trucks', 'jones', 'kisses', 'new', 'bride', 'way', 'aisle', 'war', 'several', 'soldiers', 'production', 'killed', 'jerry', 'jones', 'wounded', 'france', 'shrapnel', 'german', 'artillery', 'barrage', 'loses', 'full', 'use', 'one', 'legs', 'ending', 'career', 'dancer', 'must', 'walk', 'cane', 'nevertheless', 'resolved', 'find', 'something', 'useful', 'sgt', 'mcgee', 'pvt', 'eddie', 'dibble', 'bugler', 'also', 'survive', 'twenty-five', 'years', 'later', 'world', 'war', 'raging', 'europe', 'jones', 'son', 'johnny', 'enlists', 'army', 'shortly', 'pearl', 'harbor', 'attacked', 'tells', 'sweetheart', 'marry', 'returns', 'since', \"n't\", 'want', 'make', 'widow', 'grudgingly', 'accepts', 'order', 'stage', 'another', 'musical', 'father', 'show', 'goes', 'tour', 'around', 'united', 'states', 'eventually', 'plays', 'front', 'president', 'roosevelt', 'jack', 'young', 'washington', 'd.c..', 'show', 'announced', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'performance', 'last', 'night', 'afterwards', 'soldiers', 'production', 'ordered', 'back', 'combat', 'units', 'johnny', 'erstwhile', 'fianc챕e', 'since', 'joined', 'red', 'cross', 'auxiliary', 'appears', 'show', 'break', 'show', 'brings', 'minister', 'convinces', 'marry', 'alley', 'behind', 'theater', 'fathers', 'witnesses'], ['plot', 'ambitious', 'westport', 'high', 'school', 'senior', 'matthew', 'kidman', 'dreams', 'career', 'politics', 'accepted', 'prestigious', 'georgetown', 'university', 'able', 'afford', 'win', 'large', 'scholarship', 'graduation', 'approaching', 'struggles', 'find', 'anything', 'truly', 'memorable', 'high', 'school', 'experience', 'quite', 'hard', 'due', 'social', 'staus', 'however', 'luck', 'changes', 'meets', 'beautiful', 'next', 'door', 'neighbor', 'danielle', 'outlandish', 'danielle', 'steady', 'matthew', 'turn', 'perfect', 'complement', 'immediately', 'smitten', 'one', 'another', 'however', 'relationship', 'challenged', 'matthew', 'discovers', 'porn-enthusiast', 'friend', 'eli', 'danielle', 'recently', 'adult', 'film', 'actress', 'stage', 'name', 'athena', 'following', 'eli\\\\', 'advice', 'deal', 'incredible', 'revelation', 'matthew', 'takes', 'danielle', 'sleazy', 'motel', 'danielle', 'guesses', 'matthew', 'discovered', 'past', 'punishes', 'performing', 'striptease', 'offering', 'matthew', 'becomes', 'distressed', 'asks', 'degrading', 'danielle', 'calls', 'base', 'intentions', 'abruptly', 'ends', 'relationship', 'matthew', 'goes', 'danielle\\\\', 'house', 'following', 'day', 'attempts', 'reconcile', 'learns', 'returning', 'porn', 'industry', 'leaving', 'las', 'vegas', 'ex-colleague', 'porn', 'producer', 'named', 'kelly', 'matthew', 'riddled', 'guilt', 'follows', 'danielle', 'las', 'vegas', 'find', 'adult', 'film', 'convention', 'kelly', 'menacingly', 'warns', 'matthew', 'interfere', 'business', 'matthew', 'convinces', 'danielle', 'rejoin', 'industry', 'kelly', 'abducts', 'matthew', 'school', 'physically', 'assaults', 'saying', 'danielle\\\\', 'failure', 'arrive', 'set', 'cost', '30,000', 'kelly', 'offers', 'let', 'matthew', 'erase', 'debt', 'breaking', 'rival', 'producer', 'hugo', 'posh', 'home', 'steal', 'award', 'statuette', 'matthew', 'entered', 'house', 'kelly', 'quietly', 'calls', 'robbery', 'report', 'leaves', 'premises', 'caught', 'posh', 'matthew', 'narrowly', 'avoids', 'police', 'rushes', 'scholarship', 'award', 'dinner', 'accidentally', 'high', 'ecstasy', 'kelly', 'told', 'aspirin', 'improvises', 'deeply', 'sentimental', 'speech', 'loses', 'scholarship', 'student', 'strongly', 'resembles', 'passionless', 'pre-danielle', 'version', 'matthew', 'kelly', 'gets', 'money', 'back', 'stealing', '25,000', 'matthew', 'raised', 'bring', 'samnang', 'brilliant', 'cambodian', 'student', 'study', 'united', 'states', 'wanting', 'explain', 'connections', 'adult', 'film', 'industry', 'matthew', 'previously', 'introduced', 'kelly', 'bank', 'staff', 'student', 'advisor', 'although', 'matthew', 'committed', 'crime', 'still', 'fears', 'face', 'expulsion', 'criminal', 'charges', 'unwitting', 'role', 'fraud', 'reluctantly', 'turns', 'danielle', 'help', 'danielle', 'calls', 'friends', 'days', 'porn', 'star', 'agree', 'make', 'video', 'hugo', 'posh', 'prom', 'night', 'school', 'grounds', 'using', 'matthew\\\\', 'classmates', 'actors', 'successful', 'shoot', 'eli', 'dropped', 'tape\\\\', 'master', 'copy', 'danielle', 'matthew', 'sex', 'first', 'time', 'limousine', 'despite', 'danielle\\\\', 'past', 'first', 'time', 'truly', 'made', 'love', 'moment', 'tender', 'significant', 'next', 'morning', 'matthew', 'shocked', 'find', 'kelly', 'holding', 'tape', 'stolen', 'eli\\\\', 'home', 'seated', 'parents', 'school', 'principal', 'dining', 'room', 'table', 'kelly', 'asks', 'speak', 'privately', 'matthew', 'says', 'unless', 'given', 'half', 'profits', 'play', 'tape', 'immediately', 'matthew', 'following', 'danielle\\\\', 'repeated', 'advice', 'refuses', 'money', 'earn', 'tape', 'rightfully', 'belongs', 'samnang', 'kelly', 'repeats', 'threat', 'matthew', 'stands', 'dares', 'show', 'tape', 'stating', 'longer', 'cares', 'now-ruined', 'future', 'tape', 'begins', 'play', 'becomes', 'clear', 'matthew', 'friends', 'made', 'progressive', 'comprehensive', 'sex', 'education', 'tape', 'rather', 'pornographic', 'film', 'cards', 'left', 'play', 'kelly', 'finally', 'grudgingly', 'admits', 'defeat', 'smiles', 'matthew\\\\', 'initiative', 'hugo', 'posh', 'matthew', 'make', 'millions', 'video', 'hugo', 'posh', 'keeps', 'word', 'pays', 'samnang', 'come', 'usa', 'matthew', 'enough', 'money', 'attend', 'georgetown', 'take', 'danielle', 'matthew', 'sends', 'kelly', 'box', 'cuban', 'cigars', 'happily', 'accepts', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'matthew', 'driving', 'georgetown', 'university', 'bmw', 'matthew\\\\', 'story', 'ends', 'getting', 'girl', 'dreams', 'chance', 'future', 'always', 'wanted'], [\"'the\", 'film\\\\', 'title', 'pillow', 'book', 'refers', 'ancient', 'japanese', 'diary', 'book', 'observations', 'nihongo', 'actual', 'name', 'believed', 'nihongo', 'whence', 'protagonist\\\\', 'name', 'film', 'film', 'narrated', 'nagiko', 'japanese', 'born', 'model', 'living', 'hong', 'kong', 'nagiko', 'seeks', 'lover', 'match', 'desire', 'carnal', 'pleasure', 'admiration', 'poetry', 'calligraphy', 'roots', 'obsession', 'lie', 'youth', 'kyoto', 'father', 'would', 'write', 'characters', 'good', 'fortune', 'face', 'nagiko\\\\', 'father', 'celebrates', 'birthday', 'retelling', 'japanese', 'creation', 'myth', 'writing', 'flesh', 'beautiful', 'calligraphy', 'aunt', 'reads', 'list', 'beautiful', 'things', 'sei', 'sh흲nagon\\\\', 'book', 'observations', 'nagiko\\\\', 'aunt', 'tells', 'twenty-eight', 'years', 'old', 'official', 'book', 'observations', 'officially', '1000', 'years', 'old', 'nagiko', 'age', 'sei', 'sh흲nagon', 'written', 'book', 'nagiko', 'also', 'learns', 'around', 'time', 'father', 'thrall', 'publisher', 'yaji-san', 'demands', 'sexual', 'favors', 'father', 'exchange', 'publishing', 'work', 'publisher', 'arranges', 'nagiko\\\\', 'wedding', 'young', 'apprentice', 'husband', 'expert', 'archer', 'resents', 'nagiko\\\\', 'love', 'books', 'desire', 'read', 'spite', 'apprenticeship', 'also', 'refuses', 'indulge', 'desires', 'pleasure', 'refusing', 'write', 'body', 'discovers', 'reads', 'nagiko\\\\', 'pillow', 'book', 'extremely', 'resentful', 'setting', 'fire', 'thus', 'setting', 'fire', 'marital', 'home', 'event', 'nagiko', 'describes', \"\\\\'first\", 'major', 'fire', 'life.\\\\', 'insulted', 'enraged', 'nagiko', 'leaves', 'good', 'hiding', 'husband', 'nagiko', 'moves', 'hong', 'kong', 'spite', 'aversion', 'practice', 'learns', 'type', 'order', 'find', 'work', 'outside', 'apartment', 'group', 'activists', 'regularly', 'protest', 'publishing', 'industry', 'depletion', 'forests', 'due', 'need', 'make', 'paper', 'working', 'secretary', 'office', 'japanese', 'fashion', 'designer', 'nagiko\\\\', 'employer', 'takes', 'liking', 'makes', 'one', 'models', 'successful', 'fashion', 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'death', 'scene', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'gives', 'jerome', 'pills', 'arriving', 'nagiko\\\\', 'home', 'away', 'jerome', 'takes', 'pills', 'writes', 'page', 'writing', 'book', 'time', 'takes', 'pills', 'writes', 'another', 'page', 'keeping', 'track', 'many', 'pills', 'takes', 'page', 'pills', 'take', 'effect', 'jerome', 'write', 'lies', 'bed', 'naked', 'holding', 'copy', 'sei', 'sh흲nagon\\\\', 'book', 'observations', 'plan', 'success', 'nagiko', 'returns', 'home', 'finds', 'jerome', 'rushes', 'eager', 'renew', 'relationship', 'continue', 'plans', 'however', 'plan', 'worked', 'well', 'jerome', 'overdosed', 'pills', 'dead', 'nagiko', 'devastated', 'realizes', 'much', 'loved', 'dead', 'body', 'nagiko', 'writes', 'book', 'book', 'lovers', 'jerome\\\\', 'funeral', 'mother', 'snobbish', 'upper-class', 'woman', 'tells', 'nagiko', 'jerome', 'always', 'loved', 'things', 'fashionable', 'suggests', 'probably', 'jerome', 'loved', 'nagiko', 'nagiko', 'strikes', 'funeral', 'publisher', 'secretly', 'exhumes', 'jerome\\\\', 'body', 'tomb', 'jerome\\\\', 'skin', 'still', 'bearing', 'writing', 'flayed', 'made', 'grotesque', 'pillow', 'book', 'nagiko', 'back', 'japan', 'learns', 'publisher\\\\', 'actions', 'becomes', 'distraught', 'outraged', 'sends', 'letter', 'publisher', 'still', 'keeping', 'identity', 'secret', 'demanding', 'particular', 'book', 'publisher\\\\', 'hands', 'exchange', 'remaining', 'books', 'publisher', 'obsessed', 'mysterious', 'writer', 'work', 'agrees', 'nagiko', 'pregnant', 'jerome\\\\', 'child', 'writes', 'book', 'book', 'seducer', 'male', 'messenger', 'writing', 'almost', 'destroyed', 'undecipherable', 'publisher', 'accidentally', 'leaves', 'messenger', 'rain', 'book', 'book', 'youth', 'delivered', 'series', 'photographs', 'young', 'buddhist', 'monk', 'arrives', 'bearing', 'book', 'book', 'secrets', 'written', 'secret', 'spots', 'fingers', 'toes', 'insides', 'thighs', 'etc', 'book', 'presented', 'form', 'riddles', 'next', 'messenger', 'arrives', 'completely', 'bare', 'writing', 'publisher', 'staff', 'search', 'hint', 'writing', 'messenger\\\\', 'naked', 'body', 'publisher', 'dismisses', 'hoax', 'man', 'sticks', 'tongue', 'bearing', 'book', 'book', 'silence', 'activists\\\\', 'protests', 'come', 'end', 'truck', 'hits', 'young', 'wrestler', 'bearing', 'book', 'book', 'betrayed', 'right', 'outside', 'publisher\\\\', 'office', 'next', 'messenger', 'simply', 'drives', 'office', 'giving', 'little', 'time', 'copy', 'book', 'book', 'false', 'starts', 'finally', 'book', 'book', 'dead', 'arrives', 'body', 'sumo', 'wrestler', 'book', 'writing', 'body', 'messenger', 'publisher', 'carefully', 'reads', 'nagiko', 'finally', 'reveals', 'identity', 'confronting', 'publisher', 'crimes', 'blackmailing', 'disgracing', 'father', 'corrupting', 'husband', 'well', 'jerome', 'he\\\\', 'done', 'jerome\\\\', 'corpse', 'publisher', 'greatly', 'shamed', 'humbled', 'confronted', 'guilt', 'hands', 'pillow', 'book', 'made', 'jerome\\\\', 'skin', 'messenger', 'messenger', 'slit', 'throat', 'upon', 'recovering', 'book', 'made', 'jerome\\\\', 'skin', 'nagiko', 'buries', 'bonsai', 'tree', 'life', 'goes', 'given', 'birth', 'jerome\\\\', 'child', 'shown', 'epilogue', 'writing', 'child\\\\', 'face', 'like', 'father', 'used', 'young', 'quoting', 'pillow', 'book', 'nagiko\\\\', '28th', 'birthday', 'nagiko\\\\', 'bi-cultural', 'heritage', 'plays', 'key', 'role', 'film', 'half-chinese', 'half-japanese', 'woman', 'nagiko', 'navigates', 'dual', 'cultures', 'physical', 'psychological', 'exploration', 'greenaway', 'portrays', 'exploration', 'subtly', 'mixing', 'switching', 'asian', 'iconography'], ['preston', 'blake', 'started', 'career', 'hoping', 'disc', 'jockey', 'young', 'man', 'slowly', 'working', 'way', 'ranks', 'found', 'blake', 'media', 'corporation', 'running', 'hundreds', 'television', 'radio', 'stations', 'thousand', 'employees', 'blake', 'freezes', 'death', 'summit', 'mount', 'everest', 'triumphant', 'smile', 'face', 'search', 'heir', 'begins', 'found', 'blake', 'living', 'nephew', 'named', 'longfellow', 'deeds', 'runs', 'pizzeria', 'new', 'hampshire', 'attempts', 'write', 'sell', 'greeting', 'card', 'captions', 'deeds', 'contacted', 'brought', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'attorney', 'businessman', 'chuck', 'cedar', 'plans', 'made', 'deeds', 'sell', 'shares', 'company', 'cedar', 'return', 'home', 'billion', 'richer', 'must', 'remain', 'new', 'york', 'days', 'legal', 'details', 'worked', 'story', 'major', 'news', 'reporter', 'babe', 'bennett', 'works', 'tabloid', 'show', 'called', 'inside', 'access', 'friend', 'pretend', 'steal', 'purse', 'sight', 'deeds', 'research', 'indicated', 'deeds', 'wanted', 'meet', 'girl', 'saving', 'way', 'father', 'met', 'mother', 'deeds', 'rescues', 'continues', 'disguise', 'pam', 'dawson', 'school', 'nurse', 'winchestertonfieldville', 'iowa', 'town', 'made', 'spot', 'asked', 'later', 'turns', 'real', 'place', 'though', 'pam', 'initially', 'hopes', 'get', 'good', 'story', 'new', 'heir', 'eventually', 'falls', 'unfailingly', 'kind-hearted', 'deeds', 'decides', 'tell', 'says', 'inside', 'access', 'concert', 'cedar', 'reveals', 'deeds', 'first', 'heartbroken', 'upset', 'deeds', 'decides', 'return', 'home', 'mandrake', 'falls', 'giving', 'billion', 'inheritance', 'united', 'negro', 'college', 'fund', 'returning', 'mandrake', 'falls', 'learns', 'crazy', 'eyes', 'chuck', 'cedar', 'intends', 'sell', 'company', 'cause', 'thousands', 'people', 'lose', 'jobs', 'babe', 'visits', 'deeds', 'mandrake', 'falls', 'tries', 'win', 'back', 'saving', 'fallen', 'ice', 'lake', 'rejects', 'saying', 'really', 'know', 'shareholders', 'meeting', 'cedar', 'everyone', 'convinced', 'sell', 'company', 'deeds', 'arrives', 'manages', 'convince', 'everyone', 'sell', 'cedar', 'control', 'majority', 'shares', 'sale', 'approved', 'babe', 'arrives', 'reveals', 'blake', 'butler', 'emilio', 'preston', 'blake', 'illegitimate', 'son', 'true', 'heir', 'result', 'deeds', 'sale', 'shares', 'cedar', 'legal', 'emilio', 'immediately', 'takes', 'control', 'fires', 'cedar', 'well', 'entire', 'top', 'brass', 'company', 'exception', 'cecil', 'anderson', 'good-hearted', 'executive', 'befriended', 'deeds', 'babe', 'reveals', 'deeds', 'apologizes', 'tricking', 'reconcile', 'deeds', 'falls', 'love', 'leaving', 'emilio', 'thanks', 'deeds', 'support', 'asks', 'repay', 'deeds', 'says', 'wants', 'friendship', 'emilio', 'ends', 'giving', 'deeds', 'billion', 'dollars', 'deeds', 'spends', 'corvettes', 'entire', 'town', 'returns', 'mandrake', 'falls', 'new', 'wife', 'babe', 'learns', 'hallmark', 'cards', 'bought', 'one', 'cards', 'one', 'wrote', 'babe'], [\"'in\", '1876', 'leopold', 'alexis', 'elijah', 'walker', 'thomas', 'gareth', 'mountbatten', 'duke', 'albany', 'stifled', 'dreamer', 'strict', 'uncle', 'millard', 'patience', 'leopold\\\\', 'disrespect', 'monarchy', 'chastising', 'telling', 'must', 'marry', 'rich', 'american', 'mountbatten', 'family', 'finances', 'depleted', 'uncle', 'told', 'thirtieth', 'birthday', 'become', 'blemish', 'family', 'name', 'duke', 'finds', 'stuart', 'besser', 'amateur', 'physicist', 'perusing', 'schematic', 'diagrams', 'taking', 'photographs', 'seen', 'earlier', 'roebling\\\\', 'speech', 'brooklyn', 'bridge', 'leopold', 'follows', 'stuart', 'tries', 'save', 'falling', 'unfinished', 'bridge', 'fall', 'temporal', 'portal', 'centuries', 'leopold', 'awakens', '21st', 'century', 'new', 'york', 'first', 'confused', 'thinks', 'kidnapped', 'stuart', 'says', 'created', 'formulae', 'forecast', 'portals', 'temporal', 'universe', 'leopold', 'must', 'stay', 'inside', 'apartment', 'portal', 'opens', 'week', 'later', 'stuart', 'takes', 'dog', 'injured', 'falling', 'elevator', 'shaft', 'eventually', 'institutionalized', 'speaking', 'scientific', 'discovery', 'leopold', 'intrigued', 'cynical', 'ambitious', 'kate', 'mckay', 'stuart\\\\', 'ex-girlfriend', 'comes', 'apartment', 'palm', 'pilot', 'stylus', 'observes', 'career', 'woman', 'field', 'market', 'research', 'fine', 'avocation', 'woman', 'states', 'dated', 'librarian', 'sussex', 'kate', 'dismisses', 'demands', 'take', 'stuart\\\\', 'dog', 'walk', 'leopold', 'overwhelmed', 'see', 'roebling\\\\', 'bridge', 'still', 'standing', 'back', 'apartment', 'befriends', 'charlie', 'kate\\\\', 'brother', 'actor', 'gigs', 'believes', 'actor', 'well', 'steadfast', 'character', 'kate', 'leopold', 'become', 'romantically', 'involved', 'dine', 'tour', 'new', 'york', 'shooting', 'begins', 'commercial', 'leopold', 'agreed', 'act', 'finds', 'product', 'diet', 'margarine', 'disgusting', 'understand', 'kate', 'would', 'endorse', 'flawed', 'item', 'without', 'qualms', 'declares', 'someone', 'involved', 'something', 'entirely', 'without', 'merit', 'one', 'withdraws', 'echoing', 'uncle', 'kate', 'says', 'sometimes', 'one', 'things', 'one', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'chides', 'integrity', 'retorts', \"don\\\\'t\", 'time', 'pious', 'speeches', 'two', 'hundred', 'year', 'old', 'men', 'worked', 'day', 'life', 'dalliance', 'seems', 'end', 'stuart', 'escapes', 'mental', 'hospital', 'sends', 'leopold', 'back', 'time', 'night', 'kate', 'accepting', 'promotion', 'company', 'banquet', 'charlie', 'racing', 'meet', 'moments', 'goes', 'stage', 'arrive', 'produce', 'pictures', 'stuart\\\\', 'camera', 'show', '1876.', 'stuart', 'says', 'thought', 'disrupted', 'spacetime', 'continuum', 'actually', 'whole', 'thing', 'beautiful', '4-d', 'pretzel', 'kismetic', 'inevitability', 'kate', 'chooses', 'life', 'leopold', 'career', 'three', 'escape', 'brooklyn', 'bridge', 'catching', 'portal', 'closes', 'midnight', 'kate', 'vanishes', '1876', 'leopold', 'appears', 'resigned', 'pragmatic', 'kate', 'uncle', 'advised', 'marry', 'miss', 'tree', 'family', 'fortune', 'announce', 'intention', 'become', 'engaged', 'miss', 'tree', 'opens', 'mouth', 'speak', 'sees', 'kate', 'announces', 'name', 'kate', 'mckay', 'bride-to-be', 'closing', 'scene', 'kiss', 'camera', 'drawn', 'outward', 'showing', 'grandfather\\\\', 'clock', 'depicting', '12:15'], ['set', 'seattle', 'washington', 'film', 'features', 'lloyd', 'dobler', 'average', 'student', 'aspiring', 'kickboxer', 'attempts', 'relationship', 'lovely', 'valedictorian', 'diane', 'court', 'immediately', 'graduation', 'high', 'school', 'diane', 'major', 'fellowship', 'study', 'england', 'going', 'end', 'summer', 'highly', 'intelligent', 'yet', 'socially', 'inexperienced', 'diane', 'intrigued', 'lloyd', 'endearing', 'manner', 'willingness', 'take', 'chance', 'someone', 'like', 'agrees', 'lloyd', 'request', 'date', 'two', 'begin', 'seeing', 'regularly', 'lloyd', 'seeks', 'advice', 'counsel', 'sister', 'several', 'close', 'female', 'friends', 'genuinely', 'looking', 'lloyd', 'best', 'interests', 'embarks', 'first', 'serious', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'diane', 'father', 'jim', 'investigation', 'internal', 'revenue', 'service', 'alleged', 'tax', 'violations', 'committed', 'nursing', 'home', 'owns', 'relationship', 'lloyd', 'deepens', 'diane', 'worries', 'spending', 'time', 'father', 'rather', 'lloyd', 'also', 'jim', 'approve', 'daughter', 'dating', 'underachiever', 'pressures', 'break', 'lloyd', 'ultimately', 'wins', 'diane', 'heart', 'summer', 'end', 'supports', 'emotionally', 'father', 'conviction', 'incarceration', 'film', 'ends', 'lloyd', 'escorting', 'aviophobic', 'diane', 'flight', 'england'], ['buster', 'edwards', 'petty', 'criminal', 'east', 'end', '1960s', 'london', 'long-suffering', 'wife', 'june', 'thinks', 'loveable', 'rogue', 'believe', 'learns', 'involvement', 'great', 'train', 'robbery', 'several', 'months', 'robbery', 'buster', 'june', 'hiding', 'young', 'daughter', 'nicky', 'turned', 'police', 'suspicious', 'neighbour', 'buster', 'flees', 'acapulco', 'met', 'fellow', 'great', 'train', 'robber', 'bruce', 'reynolds', 'larry', 'lamb', 'girlfriend', 'franny', 'reynolds', 'also', 'run', 'living', 'sun', 'profits', 'crime', 'june', 'nicky', 'arrive', 'despite', 'disapproval', 'mother', 'although', 'nicky', 'seems', 'love', 'new', 'life', 'sun', 'june', 'immediately', 'keen', 'new', 'way', 'life', 'resolving', 'return', 'england', 'despite', 'knowing', 'buster', 'return', 'mean', 'imprisonment', 'buster', 'remains', 'acapulco', 'time', 'june', 'leaves', 'realising', 'despite', 'money', 'sun', 'means', 'nothing', \"n't\", 'family', 'returns', 'england', 'accept', 'punishment', 'film', 'closes', 'years', 'buster', 'release', 'jail', 'seemingly', 'content', 'running', 'flower', 'stall', 'near', 'waterloo', 'bridge', 'thames'], [\"'as\", 'story', 'opens', 'jenna', 'rink', 'unpopular', 'girl', 'celebrating', '13th', 'birthday', 'may', '1987', 'wishes', 'hopes', 'would', 'help', 'overcome', 'unpopularity', 'school', 'jenna', 'especially', 'wants', 'join', 'six', 'chicks', 'school', 'clique', 'led', 'lucy', 'tom-tom', 'wyman', 'takes', 'advantage', 'jenna\\\\', 'desire', 'fit', 'manipulating', 'jenna\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'matt', 'flamhaff', 'gives', 'doll', 'dream', 'house', 'built', 'packet', 'magic', 'wishing', 'dust', 'birthday', 'sprinkled', 'roof', 'house', 'tom-tom', 'dashes', 'jenna\\\\', 'hopes', 'joining', 'six', 'chicks', 'pulling', 'cruel', 'practical', 'joke', 'game', 'seven', 'minutes', 'heaven', 'jenna', 'mistakenly', 'thinking', 'matt', 'responsible', 'yells', 'barricades', 'closet', 'put', 'dream', 'house', 'cries', 'rocks', 'backs', 'forth', 'bumping', 'wall', 'wishing', 'flirty', 'thriving', 'wishing', 'dust', 'dollhouse', 'sprinkles', 'seconds', 'later', 'jenna', 'awakens', '30-year-old', 'woman', 'living', 'fifth', 'avenue', 'apartment', 'without', 'friends', 'family', '2004', 'jenna', 'memory', 'years', 'passed', 'since', '13th', 'birthday', '30-year-old', 'jenna\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'lucy', 'drives', 'work', 'office', 'soon', 'jenna', 'discovers', 'works', 'poise', 'favorite', 'fashion', 'magazine', 'teenager', 'missing', 'best', 'friend', '1987', 'jenna', 'asks', 'assistant', 'track', 'matt', 'dismay', 'jenna', 'learns', 'matty', 'estranged', 'since', 'high', 'school', 'jenna', 'fell', 'in-crowd', 'matt', 'engaged', 'jenna', 'overhears', 'lucy', 'badmouthing', 'co-worker', 'sadly', 'realizes', 'thought', 'wanted', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'important', 'complicated', 'fact', 'jenna', 'become', 'shadow', 'former', 'self', 'lost', 'almost', 'contact', 'parents', 'affair', 'husband', 'colleague', 'generally', 'hated', 'co-workers', 'anyone', 'else', 'worked', 'suspected', 'giving', 'magazine\\\\', 'ideas', 'rival', 'publication', 'sparkle', 'jenna', 'slowly', 'realizes', 'person', 'become', 'neither', 'trustworthy', 'likable', 'unknowingly', 'begins', 'reverse', 'situation', 'distancing', 'new', 'shallow', 'boyfriend', 'however', 'lucy', 'determined', 'steal', 'jenna\\\\', 'position', 'frames', 'jenna', 'point', 'jenna\\\\', 'work', 'rebuild', 'life', 'thirty', 'year', 'old', 'woman', 'gone', 'waste', 'jenna', 'heads', 'back', 'hometown', 'new', 'jersey', 'parents', 'hides', 'closet', 'years', 'cries', 'parents', 'return', 'find', 'hiding', 'welcome', 'night', 'next', 'day', 'reminisces', 'looking', 'school', 'yearbooks', 'items', 'school', 'days', 'catch-up', 'years', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'remember', 'inspire', 'return', 'manhattan', 'several', 'outings', 'working', 'together', 'magazine', 'project', 'jenna', 'becomes', 'friends', 'matt', 'although', 'matt', 'engaged', 'jenna', 'boyfriend', 'kiss', 'nighttime', 'walk', 'arranging', 'magazine', 'photo', 'shoot', 'matt', 'making', 'successful', 'presentation', 'planned', 'revamp', 'poise', 'jenna', 'prepares', 'revamp', 'gets', 'bad', 'news', 'publisher', 'poise', 'shutting', 'work', 'put', 'relaunch', 'ended', 'sparkle', 'jenna', 'learns', 'responsible', 'sabotaging', 'poise', 'within', 'sending', 'material', 'sparkle', 'months', 'lucy', 'learns', 'cons', 'matt', 'signing', 'photo', 'rights', 'relaunch', 'shoot', 'accepts', 'position', 'sparkle', 'editor-in-chief', 'using', 'jenna\\\\', 'work', 'similar', 'girls', 'middle', 'school', 'already-distraught', 'jenna', 'discovers', 'matt', 'getting', 'married', 'day', 'rushes', 'house', 'begs', 'call', 'wedding', 'dazed', 'matt', 'realizes', 'loves', 'jenna', 'change', 'past', 'closet', 'pulls', 'dream', 'house', 'made', 'years', 'gives', 'back', 'jenna', 'leaves', 'tears', 'crying', 'dream', 'house', 'unbeknownst', 'jenna', 'specks', 'wishing', 'dust', 'remain', 'dream', 'house', 'wishes', 'opens', 'eyes', 'finds', 'back', 'closet', 'basement', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'years', 'old', 'matt', 'comes', 'check', 'jumps', 'top', 'kiss', 'true', 'years', 'later', 'jenna', 'matt', 'married', 'live', 'house', 'resembles', 'dollhouse', 'unknown', 'whether', 'remembers', 'past', 'adventure', 'might', 'future', 'clearly', 'happy', 'life', 'matt', 'happens', 'lucy', 'also', 'unclear', 'presumed', 'working', 'poise', 'unsecure', 'life'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'british', 'independent', 'school', 'boys', 'late', '1960s', 'mick', 'travis', 'one', 'three', 'non-conformist', 'boys', 'among', 'returning', 'class', 'watched', 'persecuted', 'whips', 'senior', 'boys', 'given', 'authority', 'prefects', 'juniors', 'prefects', 'entitled', 'services', 'scum', 'first-year', 'boys', 'assigned', 'run', 'errands', 'make', 'tea', 'generally', 'act', 'unpaid', 'servants', 'refers', 'old', 'tradition', 'fagging', 'still', 'persisted', 'many', 'british', 'independent', 'boys\\\\', 'schools', 'early', 'part', 'film', 'shows', 'scenes', 'school', 'pupils', 'return', 'start', 'new', 'term', 'mick', 'travis', 'protagonist', 'arrives', 'suitcase', 'shoulder', 'wearing', 'black', 'hat', 'black', 'scarf', 'across', 'face', 'hide', 'moustache', 'stephans', 'comments', 'god', 'it\\\\', 'guy', 'fawkes', 'back', 'hinting', 'conclusion', 'film', 'rowntree', 'head', 'whip', 'revels', 'power', 'ordering', 'junior', 'boys', 'run', 'run', 'corridor', 'first', 'evening', 'meal', 'whips', 'conduct', 'mundane', 'business', 'school', 'signing', 'boys', 'confirmation', 'class', 'clinic', 'boy', 'lower', 'pants', 'school', 'nurse', 'inspect', 'genitals', 'early', 'scenes', 'show', 'school\\\\', 'customs', 'traditions', 'headmaster', 'somewhat', 'remote', 'boys', 'house', 'masters', 'arthur', 'lowe', 'mick\\\\', 'house', 'master', 'mr.', 'kemp', 'told', \"'ll\", 'get', 'back', 'brings', 'things', 'headmaster\\\\', 'attention', 'kemp', 'easily', 'manipulated', 'whips', 'giving', 'free', 'hand', 'enforcing', 'discipline', 'staff', 'shown', 'suffering', 'various', 'perversions', 'example', 'chaplain', 'also', 'geometry', 'master', 'enjoys', 'grasping', 'boys\\\\', 'hurting', 'class', 'bedtime', 'mr.', 'kemp', 'sings', 'hymn', 'wife', 'accompanies', 'recorder', 'matron', 'overhearing', 'driven', 'near', 'orgasm', 'mrs.', 'kemp', 'enjoys', 'walking', 'naked', 'boys\\\\', 'dormitory', 'washroom', 'fondling', 'soap', 'towels', 'objects', 'boys', 'carelessly', 'strewn', 'one', 'day', 'sneaked', 'campus', 'town', 'mick', 'steals', 'motorbike', 'showroom', 'affair', 'local', 'waitress', 'meanwhile', 'wallace', 'finds', 'adolescent', 'romance', 'bobby', 'philips', 'junior', 'boy', 'takes', 'bed', 'indulge', 'self-inflicted', 'ordeals', 'seeing', 'long', 'hold', 'plastic', 'bag', 'faces', 'film', 'progresses', 'concentrates', 'mick\\\\', 'group', 'clashes', 'school', 'authorities', 'mick', 'friends', 'subject', 'punishments', 'eventually', 'sentenced', 'corporal', 'punishment', 'form', 'severe', 'beating', 'whips', 'caning', 'administered', 'rowntree', 'gym', 'long', 'run-up', 'three', 'boys', 'left', 'bleeding', 'buttocks', 'mick\\\\', 'punishment', 'especially', 'brutal', 'yet', 'tradition', 'demands', 'shake', 'hands', 'say', 'thank', 'scenes', 'shot', 'surreal', 'elements', 'scenes', 'shot', 'black', 'white', 'dramatic', 'emphasis', 'people', 'presumed', 'simply', 'huge', 'windows', 'college', 'gave', 'obstructing', 'light', 'affected', 'camera', 'lenses', 'another', 'explanation', 'given', 'later', 'lindsay', 'anderson', 'simply', 'production', 'running', 'money', 'end', 'surreal', 'sequence', 'discover', 'cache', 'automatic', 'weapons', 'revolt', 'establishment', 'founders\\\\', 'day', 'parents', 'visiting', 'school', 'start', 'fire', 'hall', 'smoke', 'parents', 'staff', 'boys', 'open', 'fire', 'rooftop', 'led', 'visiting', 'general', 'giving', 'speech', 'staff', 'boys', 'break', 'open', 'combined', 'cadet', 'force', 'armoury', 'fire', 'back', 'headmaster', 'tries', 'stop', 'firefight', 'calls', 'peace', 'mick\\\\', 'girl', 'roof', 'produces', 'webley', 'revolver', 'belt', 'shoots', 'headmaster', 'forehead', 'battle', 'continues', 'camera', 'closes', 'mick\\\\', 'face', 'keeps', 'firing', 'ending', 'film', 'blackout', 'echo', 'gunfire', 'film\\\\', 'title', '...', 'emblazoned', 'red', 'screen'], ['paul', 'hackett', 'word', 'processor', 'meets', 'marcy', 'franklin', 'cafe', 'converse', 'common', 'interest', 'henry', 'miller', 'marcy', 'leaves', 'paul', 'number', 'informs', 'lives', 'sculptor', 'named', 'kiki', 'bridges', 'makes', 'sells', 'plaster', 'paris', 'paperweights', 'resembling', 'bagels', 'later', 'night', 'pretense', 'buying', 'paperweight', 'paul', 'visits', 'marcy', 'taking', 'cab', 'apartment', 'way', 'visit', 'marcy', 'bill', 'blown', 'window', 'cab', 'leaving', 'spare', 'pocket', 'change', 'cab', 'driver', 'furious', \"n't\", 'pay', 'thereby', 'beginning', 'first', 'long', 'series', 'misadventures', 'paul', 'turn', 'hostile', 'fault', 'apartment', 'paul', 'meets', 'sculptor', 'kiki', 'marcy', 'seems', 'romance', 'might', 'develop', 'paul', 'marcy', 'comes', 'across', 'collection', 'photographs', 'medications', 'imply', 'marcy', 'severely', 'disfigured', 'burns', 'legs', 'torso', 'result', 'implication', 'result', 'strained', 'conversation', 'marcy', 'paul', 'abruptly', 'slips', 'apartment', 'paul', 'later', 'learns', 'marcy', 'disfigured', 'significance', 'earlier', 'discovery', 'left', 'mystery', 'viewer', 'paul', 'attempts', 'home', 'subway', 'yet', 'fare', 'increased', 'stroke', 'midnight', 'finds', 'pocket', 'change', 'longer', 'sufficient', 'purchase', 'token', 'goes', 'bar', 'owner', 'tom', 'schorr', 'john', 'heard', 'open', 'cash', 'register', 'help', 'exchange', 'keys', 'paul', 'tom', 'place', 'fetch', 'cash', 'register', 'keys', 'way', 'spots', 'two', 'burglars', 'neil', 'pepe', 'one', 'kiki', 'sculptures', 'returns', 'sculpture', 'apartment', 'finds', 'marcy', 'committed', 'suicide', 'kiki', 'stout', 'man', 'named', 'horst', 'already', 'left', 'club', 'berlin', 'nightclub', 'paul', 'goes', 'back', 'tom', 'bar', 'finding', 'tom', 'deeply', 'grief', 'death', 'marcy', 'turns', 'tom', 'girlfriend', 'way', 'meets', 'two', 'women', 'julie', 'gail', 'apparently', 'like', 'first', 'turn', 'later', 'goes', 'nightclub', 'kiki', 'horst', 'patronize', 'collection', 'punks', 'attempt', 'shave', 'head', 'mohawk', 'hairstyle', 'street', 'paul', 'mistaken', 'burglar', 'relentlessly', 'pursued', 'mob', 'local', 'residents', 'paul', 'finds', 'tom', 'mob', 'chases', 'paul', 'ultimately', 'seeks', 'refuge', 'back', 'club', 'berlin', 'helped', 'woman', 'named', 'june', 'also', 'sculptress', 'protects', 'pouring', 'plaster', 'order', 'disguise', 'sculpture', 'however', \"n't\", 'let', 'plaster', 'eventually', 'hardens', 'trapping', 'paul', 'position', 'resembles', 'character', 'depicted', 'edvard', 'munch', 'scream', 'burglar', 'duo', 'breaks', 'club', 'berlin', 'steals', 'placing', 'back', 'van', 'falls', 'burglar', 'cargo', 'near', 'gate', 'office', 'sun', 'rising', 'returns', 'work', 'bringing', 'film', 'full', 'circle'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'soldier', 'nurse', 'getting', 'two', '1950-style', 'cars', 'middle', 'night', 'nurse', 'runs', 'soldier', 'camera', 'switches', 'reveal', 'scene', 'film', 'three', 'piggly', 'wiggly', 'store', 'workers', '봕osalee', 'cathy', 'pete', '봞re', 'watching', 'nurse', 'screen', 'asks', 'forgiveness', 'soldier', 'agrees', 'women', 'audience', 'moved', 'tears', 'pete', 'clearly', 'unimpressed', 'girls', 'wonder', 'tad', 'hamilton', '봳he', 'star', 'film', 'moment', 'prediction', 'praying', 'proven', 'false', 'scene', 'cuts', 'tad', '봡escribed', 'next', 'scene', 'agent', 'drinking', 'driving', 'smoking', 'leering', 'groping', 'time', 'conclusion', 'agent', 'scene', 'tad', 'must', 'clean', 'act', 'convince', 'director', 'cast', 'upcoming', 'film', 'solution', 'competition', 'win', 'date', 'tad', 'found', 'rosalee', 'surfs', 'internet', 'help', 'piggly', 'wiggly', 'customers', 'reluctant', 'agreement', 'pete', 'girls', 'raise', '100', 'entrance', 'money', 'pete', 'reveals', 'superior', 'leave', 'richmond', 'college', 'discussion', 'someone', 'going', 'richmond', 'person', 'obviously', 'rosalee', 'news', 'crew', 'outside', 'house', 'signals', 'success', 'winning', 'date', 'tad', 'hamilton', 'pete', 'sees', 'airport', 'sadly', 'warns', 'guard', 'carnal', 'treasure', 'rosalee', 'awed', 'los', 'angeles', 'becomes', 'tongue-tied', 'tad\\\\', 'presence', 'date', 'well', 'rosalee', 'throws', 'limo', 'tad', 'mentions', 'love', 'animals', '봶hich', 'pete', 'warned', 'signal', 'sexual', 'intentions', '봱ousing', 'suspicions', 'seeing', 'tad\\\\', 'house', 'rosalee', 'requests', 'back', 'hotel', 'soon', 'returns', 'home', 'leaving', 'tad', 'thoughtful', 'pete', 'tell', 'rosalee', 'moving', 'richmond', 'surprised', 'much', 'pete', 'disappointed', 'tad\\\\', 'sudden', 'arrival', 'get', 'know', 'goodness', 'rub', 'though', 'rosalee', 'still', 'cynical', 'uses', 'line', 'one', 'films', 'admission', 'priorities', 'straight', 'seems', 'convince', 'good', 'intentions', 'phone', 'call', 'agent', 'tad', 'insists', 'wants', 'turn', 'new', 'leaf', 'return', 'los', 'angeles', 'picks', 'rosalee', 'date', 'leaves', 'good', 'impression', 'rosalee\\\\', 'father', 'studied', 'hard', 'encounter', 'pete', 'tries', 'stop', 'rosalee', 'seeing', 'tad', 'reporting', 'pair', 'parking', 'infamous', 'water', 'gap', 'convince', 'tad', 'using', 'directly', 'competes', 'tad', 'farmyard', 'chores', 'despite', 'efforts', 'rosalee', 'tad', 'grow', 'close', 'next', 'days', 'bar', 'pete', 'corners', 'tad', 'men\\\\', 'room', 'giving', 'competition', 'rosalee\\\\', 'love', 'tells', 'tad', 'rosalee', 'wholesome', 'small', 'town', 'girl', 'wonderful', 'person', 'kind', 'beauty', 'guy', 'sees', 'explains', 'smiles', 'one', 'smile', 'something', 'makes', 'laugh', 'one', 'polite', 'laughter', 'one', 'makes', 'plans', 'one', 'makes', 'fun', 'one', 'she\\\\', 'uncomfortable', 'one', 'she\\\\', 'talking', 'friends', 'makes', 'tad', 'swear', 'break', 'heart', 'tear', 'tad', 'pieces', 'vicious', 'rhetoric', 'pair', 'tad\\\\', 'hotel', 'room', 'agents', 'appear', 'inform', 'director', 'decided', 'cast', 'film', 'tad', 'overjoyed', 'convinces', 'come', 'using', 'pete\\\\', 'smile', 'speech', 'rousing', 'speech', 'great', 'love', 'angelica', 'bar', 'maid', 'crush', 'pete', 'rushes', 'rosalee\\\\', 'house', 'confesses', 'love', 'confused', 'resolves', 'still', 'tad', 'plane', 'tad', 'fails', 'identify', 'one', 'rosalee\\\\', 'smiles', 'confesses', 'lie', 'asks', 'home', 'runs', 'piggly', 'wiggly', 'pete\\\\', 'house', 'drives', 'furiously', 'towards', 'richmond', 'overtake', 'heartbroken', 'friend', 'set-up', 'similar', 'opening', 'scene', 'rosalee', 'pete', 'get', 'cars', 'pete', 'surrendering', 'cheesy', 'romance', 'asks', 'dance'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'begins', 'jesus', 'christ', 'sitting', 'beach', 'relaxing', 'comparing', 'kingdom', 'god', 'sand', 'castle', 'meets', 'santo', 'woman', 'named', 'mary', 'magnum', 'together', 'fight', 'lesbian-killing', 'vampires', 'jesus', 'fights', 'mixed', 'martial', 'arts', 'skills', 'uses', 'carpentry', 'skills', 'create', 'weapons', 'slay', 'vampires'], ['two', 'young', 'lovers', 'sam', 'freeman', 'paula', 'powers', 'want', 'get', 'married', 'las', 'vegas', 'paula', 'introduces', 'sam', 'parents', 'dispute', 'daughter', 'decision', 'see', 'collins', 'hedgeworth', 'son', 'wealthy', 'family', 'area', 'fianc챕e', 'paula', 'parents', 'rich', 'well', 'father', 'bigby', 'powers', 'planning', 'run', 'governor', 'think', 'sam', 'marrying', 'paula', 'money', 'call', 'fortune', 'hunter', 'paula', 'fiercely', 'disputes', 'sam', 'thrown', 'premises', 'paula', 'sent', 'room', 'escapes', 'window', 'steals', 'parents', 'rolls-royce', 'picks', 'sam', 'hits', 'road', 'beginning', 'two', 'runaway', 'lovers', 'wild', 'explosive', 'car', 'chase', 'race', 'towards', 'las', 'vegas', 'news', 'elopement', 'spreads', 'several', 'people', 'start', 'try', 'stop', 'fleeing', 'couple', 'paula', 'father', 'bigby', 'powers', 'starts', 'chase', 'arranging', 'helicopter', 'collins', 'hedgeworth', 'leaves', 'stable', 'starts', 'chasing', 'love', 'interest', 'like', 'mad', 'calls', 'tenq', 'radio', 'station', 'curly', 'brown', 'offers', 'usd', '25,000', 'reward', 'ones', 'catch', 'paula', 'sam', 'result', 'chase', 'becomes', 'chaotic', 'many', 'people', 'along', 'road', 'try', 'stop', 'couple', 'order', 'claim', 'reward', 'number', 'cars', 'wrecked', 'stolen', 'subsequent', 'reward', '25,000', 'offered', 'collins', 'hedgeworth', 'wanted', 'police', 'grand', 'theft', 'auto', 'stole', 'car', 'many', 'cars', 'following', 'paula', 'sam', 'turn', 'onto', 'small', 'country', 'roads', 'try', 'lose', 'pursuers', 'wants', 'head', 'somewhere', 'else', 'get', 'married', 'set', 'vegas', 'wedding', 'paula', 'father', 'makes', 'emotional', 'appeal', 'via', 'telephone', 'refuses', 'listen', 'approach', 'las', 'vegas', 'sam', 'begins', 'doubts', 'paula', 'reasons', 'elopment', 'questions', 'whether', 'genuinely', 'motivated', 'affection', 'desire', 'spite', 'father', 'persuades', 'want', 'marry', 'chase', 'gaining', 'increasing', 'coverage', 'news', 'media', 'live', 'cameras', 'following', 'chase', 'pursuing', 'cars', 'become', 'involved', 'demolition', 'derby', 'leading', 'massive', 'pile-up', 'priceless', 'rolls', 'royce', 'totally', 'destroyed', 'paula', 'sam', 'manage', 'escape', 'eventually', 'get', 'married'], ['film', 'begins', 'paris', 'somewhere', 'around', 'year', '1902.', 'claude', 'roc', 'young', 'middle-class', 'frenchman', 'meets', 'ann', 'brown', 'young', 'englishwoman', 'become', 'quick', 'friends', 'ann', 'invites', 'claude', 'spend', 'holidays', 'family', 'mansion', 'meet', 'ann', 'widowed', 'mother', 'younger', 'sister', 'muriel', 'holidays', 'claude', 'ann', 'muriel', 'become', 'close', 'claude', 'gradually', 'falls', 'love', 'muriel', 'fully', 'knowing', 'couple', 'intentions', 'families', 'lay', 'one-year-long', 'separation', 'without', 'contact', 'agreeing', 'get', 'married', 'claude', 'goes', 'back', 'paris', 'many', 'love', 'affairs', 'eleven', 'months', 'later', 'sends', 'muriel', 'break-off', 'letter', 'despondent', 'muriel', 'sinks', 'deep', 'depression', 'upon', 'returning', 'paris', 'defend', 'sister', 'ann', 'falls', 'claude', 'instigates', 'love', 'triangle', 'consumes', 'threesome', 'next', 'twenty', 'years'], [\"'barry\", 'egan', 'owns', 'company', 'markets', 'themed', 'toilet', 'plungers', 'novelty', 'items', 'seven', 'overbearing', 'sisters', 'ridicule', 'emotionally', 'abuse', 'regularly', 'leads', 'lonely', 'life', 'punctuated', 'fits', 'rage', 'span', 'one', 'morning', 'witnesses', 'bizarre', 'car', 'accident', 'picks', 'abandoned', 'harmonium', 'street', 'encounters', 'lena', 'leonard', 'orchestrated', 'meeting', 'seeing', 'family', 'picture', 'belonging', 'sister', 'elizabeth', 'co-worker', 'lena\\\\', 'barry', 'calls', 'phone', 'sex', 'hotline', 'conversation', 'operator', 'attempts', 'extort', 'money', 'sends', 'four', 'henchmen', 'brothers', 'collect', 'complicates', 'budding', 'relationship', 'lena', 'well', 'plan', 'exploit', 'loophole', 'healthy', 'choice', 'promotion', 'amass', 'million', 'frequent', 'flyer', 'miles', 'buying', 'large', 'quantities', 'pudding', 'based', 'true', 'story', 'david', 'phillips', 'lena', 'leaves', 'hawaii', 'business', 'trip', 'barry', 'decides', 'follow', 'arrives', 'calls', 'one', 'manipulative', 'sisters', 'learn', 'lena', 'staying', 'sister', 'tries', 'manipulating', 'barry', 'snaps', 'demands', 'give', 'information', 'lena', 'unexpectedly', 'overjoyed', 'see', 'barry', 'pillow', 'talk', 'scene', 'first', 'barry', 'explains', 'hawaii', 'business', 'trip', 'coincidence', 'soon', 'admits', 'came', 'pursue', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'return', 'home', 'four', 'brothers', 'ram', 'car', 'barry\\\\', 'leaving', 'lena', 'mildly', 'injured', 'enraged', 'barry', 'attacked', 'brothers', 'one', 'wields', 'tire', 'iron', 'surprising', 'skill', 'fights', 'despite', 'outnumbered', 'later', 'leaves', 'lena', 'hospital', 'tries', 'end', 'harassment', 'calling', 'phone-sex', 'line', 'speaking', 'supervisor', 'turns', 'dean', 'trumbell', 'owner', 'mattress', 'store', 'barry', 'travels', 'provo', 'utah', 'confront', 'person', 'dean', 'first', 'trying', 'intimidate', 'barry', 'finds', 'barry', 'much', 'intimidating', 'barry', 'forces', 'leave', 'alone', 'scene', 'made', 'intimidating', 'fact', 'barry', 'carried', 'phone', 'called', 'trumbell', 'way', 'utah', 'holding', 'side', 'barry', 'tells', 'lena', 'story', 'begs', 'forgiveness', 'pledging', 'use', 'frequent-flier', 'miles', 'accompany', 'future', 'trips', 'readily', 'agrees', 'embrace', 'happily', 'lena', 'approaches', 'barry', 'office', 'plays', 'harmonium', 'puts', 'arms', 'around', 'says'], [\"'lucy\", 'kelson', 'liberal', 'lawyer', 'specializes', 'environmental', 'law', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'george', 'wade', 'immature', 'billionaire', 'real', 'estate', 'tycoon', 'almost', 'everything', 'knows', 'almost', 'nothing', 'lucy\\\\', 'hard', 'work', 'devotion', 'others', 'contrast', 'sharply', 'george\\\\', 'world', 'weary', 'recklessness', 'greed', 'lucy', 'meets', 'george', 'attempt', 'stop', 'destruction', 'coney', 'island', 'community', 'center', 'childhood', 'attempts', 'hire', 'replace', 'old', 'chief', 'counsel', 'amber', 'knows', 'playboy', 'tendencies', 'promises', 'protect', 'community', 'center', 'works', 'soon', 'finds', 'really', 'requires', 'advice', 'aspects', 'life', 'becomes', 'indispensable', 'aide', 'calls', 'every', 'little', 'thing', 'finally', 'gets', 'fed', 'situation', 'gives', 'two', 'weeks\\\\', 'notice', 'resignation', 'sends', 'message', 'emergency', 'friend\\\\', 'wedding', 'since', 'emergency', 'finds', 'unable', 'choose', 'wear', 'event', 'deeply', 'troubled', 'resignation', 'tries', 'convince', 'stay', 'also', 'tries', 'block', 'getting', 'jobs', 'attempt', 'make', 'stay', 'finally', 'gives', 'train', 'replacement', 'attractive', 'flirtatious', 'june', 'carver', 'quits', 'lucy', 'gets', 'jealous', 'june', 'leaves', 'she\\\\', 'gone', 'george', 'realizes', 'time', 'really', 'changed', 'keeps', 'promise', 'made', 'beginning', 'even', 'means', 'costs', 'company', 'millions', 'meanwhile', 'new', 'job', 'lucy', 'missing', 'terribly', 'goes', 'search', 'confess', 'feelings', 'movie', 'ends', 'lucy', 'ordering', 'take', 'apartment', 'george', 'making', 'jokes', 'size', 'apartment', 'usually', 'orders', 'asked', 'many', 'lucy', 'replies', 'one', 'time', 'sly', 'smile', 'lucy', 'replies', 'two'], [\"'in\", '1982', 'taeko', 'years', 'old', 'unmarried', 'lived', 'whole', 'life', 'tokyo', 'works', 'company', 'decides', 'take', 'another', 'trip', 'visit', 'elder', 'sisters-in-law', 'rural', 'countryside', 'help', 'safflower', 'harvest', 'get', 'away', 'city', 'life', 'traveling', 'night', 'sleeper', 'train', 'yamagata', 'begins', 'recall', 'memories', 'schoolgirl', '1966', 'intense', 'desire', 'holiday', 'like', 'classmates', 'family', 'outside', 'big', 'city', 'stay', 'yamagata', 'finds', 'increasingly', 'nostalgic', 'wistful', 'childhood', 'self', 'simultaneously', 'wrestling', 'adult', 'issues', 'career', 'love', 'trip', 'dredges', 'forgotten', 'memories', 'first', 'stirrings', 'childish', 'romance', 'puberty', 'growing', 'frustrations', 'math', 'boys', 'lyrical', 'switches', 'present', 'past', 'taeko', 'wonders', 'true', 'dreams', 'childhood', 'self', 'finally', 'taeko', 'faces', 'true', 'self', 'views', 'world', 'people', 'around', 'decide', 'kind', 'person', 'become'], [\"'we\", 'see', 'principal', 'students', 'auditioning', 'alongside', 'less', 'successful', 'applicants', 'drama', 'department', 'montgomery', 'forgets', 'lines', 'auditioning', 'doris\\\\', 'nerves', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'helped', 'presence', 'pushy', 'mother', 'insists', 'doris', 'sing', 'audition', 'music', 'department', 'bruno\\\\', 'father', 'uncle', 'help', 'haul', 'bruno\\\\', 'keyboards', 'equipment', 'taxicabs', 'audition', 'bruno\\\\', 'electronics', 'horrify', 'conservative', 'music', 'teacher', 'shorofsky', 'dance', 'department', 'lisa', 'dancing', 'since', 'little', 'girl', 'coco', 'sure', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'get', 'thanks', 'combination', 'all-around', 'talent', 'leroy', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'take', 'part', 'dance', 'routine', 'auditioning', 'friend', 'dance', 'teachers', 'rather', 'impressed', 'talents', 'attempting', 'audition', 'music', 'dance', 'departments', 'ralph', 'succeeds', 'audition', 'drama', 'department', 'students', 'learn', 'first', 'day', 'classes', 'academics', 'weighed', 'equally', 'performance', 'leroy', 'clashes', 'mrs.', 'sherwood', 'english', 'class', 'doris', 'overwhelmed', 'energy', 'spontaneity', 'lunchroom', 'flees', 'meeting', 'montgomery', 'year', 'progresses', 'coco', 'tries', 'convince', 'bruno', 'book', 'performing', 'gigs', 'doris', 'montgomery', 'become', 'friends', 'doris', 'worries', 'she\\\\', 'ordinary', 'colorful', 'personalities', 'students', 'leroy', 'mrs.', 'sherwood', 'continue', 'clash', 'leroy\\\\', 'refusal', 'homework', 'bruno', 'father', 'argue', 'bruno\\\\', 'reluctance', 'play', 'music', 'publicly', 'coco', 'tells', 'bruno', 'belief', 'she\\\\', 'last', 'dance', 'dark', 'little', 'planet', 'spectacular', 'miss', 'berg', 'warns', 'lisa', 'working', 'hard', 'enough', 'graduating', 'senior', 'michael', 'wins', 'prestigious', 'scholarship', 'tells', 'doris', 'william', 'morris', 'agency', 'wants', 'send', 'auditions', 'television', 'pilots', 'new', 'student', 'hilary', 'van', 'doren', 'joins', 'school', 'coco', 'clash', 'leroy', 'hilary', 'seduces', 'bruno', 'mr.', 'shorofsky', 'debate', 'merits', 'traditional', 'orchestras', 'versus', 'synthesized', 'instruments', 'acting', 'exercise', 'students', 'divulge', 'painful', 'memory', 'ralph', 'tells', 'learning', 'death', 'freddie', 'prinze', 'doris', 'relates', 'humiliation', 'forced', 'stage', 'mother', 'sing', 'child\\\\', 'birthday', 'party', 'montgomery', 'discusses', 'discovering', 'homosexuality', 'process', 'coming', 'school', 'teased', 'ralph', 'wearing', 'rocky', 'horror', 'picture', 'show-style', 'drag', 'bruno\\\\', 'father', 'plays', 'bruno\\\\', 'music', 'title', 'song', 'fame', 'outside', 'school', 'inspiring', 'student', 'body', 'dance', 'streets', 'miss', 'berg', 'drops', 'lisa', 'dance', 'program', 'lisa', 'seemingly', 'considering', 'suicide', 'instead', 'drops', 'dance', 'clothes', 'subway', 'tracks', 'declares', 'f**k', \"can\\\\'t\", 'dance', \"'ll\", 'change', 'drama', 'department', 'ralph', 'doris', 'discover', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'growing', 'intimacy', 'leaves', 'montgomery', 'feeling', 'excluded', 'hilary', 'brings', 'leroy', 'home', 'shock', 'father', 'stepmother', 'ralph\\\\', 'young', 'sister', 'attacked', 'junkie', 'ralph', 'lashes', 'mother\\\\', 'attempts', 'comfort', 'child', 'taking', 'local', 'catholic', 'church', 'instead', 'doctor', 'doris', 'also', 'begins', 'question', 'jewish', 'upbringing', 'changing', 'name', 'dominique', 'dupont', 'ralph', 'attend', 'screening', 'rocky', 'horror', 'picture', 'show', '8th', 'street', 'playhouse', 'time', 'warp', 'doris', 'rips', 'blouse', 'joins', 'stage', 'show', 'becomes', 'giddy', 'next', 'day', 'realizes', 'actress', 'put', 'personality', 'wants', 'sobered', 'upon', 'running', 'michael', 'struggling', 'actor', 'waiting', 'tables', 'ralph', 'follows', 'footsteps', 'idol', 'freddie', 'prinze', 'performs', 'stand-up', 'comedy', 'catch', 'rising', 'star', 'garners', 'initial', 'success', 'falls', 'hard-party', 'lifestyle', 'strains', 'relationship', 'doris', 'given', 'prime', 'spot', 'comedy', 'club', 'bombs', 'clashing', 'doris', 'montgomery', 'new', 'lifestyle', 'disgusted', 'believes', 'career', 'montgomery', 'comforts', 'telling', 'bombing', 'part', 'entertainment', 'business', 'hilary', 'offered', 'spot', 'san', 'francisco', 'ballet', 'take', 'abortion', 'coco', 'approached', 'diner', 'porno', 'filmmaker', 'claiming', 'director', 'goes', 'apartment', 'screen', 'test', 'convinces', 'undress', 'front', 'camera', 'leroy', 'offered', 'spot', 'alvin', 'ailey\\\\', 'dance', 'company', 'accepted', 'must', 'graduate', 'finds', 'mrs.', 'sherwood', 'outside', 'husband\\\\', 'hospital', 'room', 'lashes', 'lashes', 'back', 'chagrined', 'comforts', 'graduation', 'student', 'body', 'performs', 'final챕', 'sing', 'body', 'electric', 'opening', 'lines', 'sung', 'lisa', 'coco', 'montgomery'], ['main', 'character', 'barcelona', 'chicago', 'salesman', 'named', 'ted', 'boynton', 'lives', 'works', 'eponymous', 'spanish', 'city', 'early', '1980s', 'ted', 'cousin', 'fred', 'naval', 'officer', 'unexpectedly', 'comes', 'stay', 'ted', 'beginning', 'film', 'fred', 'sent', 'barcelona', 'handle', 'public', 'relations', 'behalf', 'u.s.', 'fleet', 'scheduled', 'arrive', 'later', 'cousins', 'history', 'conflict', 'since', 'childhood', 'film', 'refers', 'several', 'times', 'ted', 'fred', 'develop', 'relationships', 'various', 'single', 'women', 'barcelona', 'experience', 'negative', 'reactions', 'community', 'residents', 'context', 'fred', 'presence', 'ted', 'also', 'faces', 'possible', 'problems', 'american', 'employer', 'concept', 'attraction', 'physical', 'beauty'], ['dr.', 'john', 'carpenter', 'physician', 'ghetto', 'clinic', 'falls', 'co-worker', 'michelle', 'gallagher', 'unaware', 'nun', 'elvis', 'stars', 'professional', 'man', 'first', 'time', 'career', 'dr.', 'carpenter', 'heads', 'ghetto', 'clinic', 'major', 'metropolis', 'surprised', 'offered', 'assistance', 'three', 'women', 'unknown', 'three', 'nuns', 'street', 'clothing', 'want', 'aid', 'community', 'afraid', 'local', 'residents', 'might', 'reluctant', 'seek', 'help', 'true', 'identities', 'known', 'carpenter', 'falls', 'love', 'sister', 'michelle', 'gallagher', 'played', 'wholesome', 'mary', 'tyler', 'moore', 'sister', 'michelle', 'true', 'vocation', 'remains', 'unknown', 'dr.', 'carpenter', 'also', 'feelings', 'doctor', 'reluctant', 'leave', 'order', 'film', 'concludes', 'sister', 'michelle', 'sister', 'irene', 'entering', 'church', 'dr.', 'carpenter', 'singing', 'pray', 'guidance', 'make', 'choice'], ['dashing', 'rahul', 'khanna', 'tomboy', 'anjali', 'sharma', 'best', 'friends', 'st.', 'xavier', 'college', 'extremely', 'close', 'college', 'principal', 'mr.', 'malhotra', 'daughter', 'tina', 'comes', 'st.', 'xavier', 'finish', 'degree', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'friends', 'rahul', 'anjali', 'anjali', 'realizes', 'love', 'rahul', 'encouraged', 'motherly', 'housekeeper', 'rifat', 'tell', 'instead', 'anjali', 'left', 'heartbroken', 'rahul', 'tells', 'loves', 'tina', 'decides', 'leave', 'college', 'shares', 'tearful', 'goodbye', 'rahul', 'going', 'away', 'rahul', 'tina', 'lives', 'forever', 'tina', 'realizes', 'came', 'two', 'best', 'friends', 'two', 'lovers', 'college', 'rahul', 'marries', 'tina', 'year', 'marriage', 'give', 'birth', 'baby', 'girl', 'tina', 'complications', 'pregnancy', 'little', 'time', 'left', 'writes', 'eight', 'letters', 'daughter', 'nbsp', 'one', 'first', 'eight', 'birthdays', 'know', 'mother', 'dying', 'tina', 'asks', 'rahul', 'name', 'daughter', 'anjali', 'memory', 'anjali', 'sharma', 'eight', 'years', 'pass', 'rahul', 'single', 'parent', 'living', 'daughter', 'loving', 'mother', 'eighth', 'birthday', 'little', 'anjali', 'khanna', 'reads', 'last', 'important', 'letter', 'mother', 'left', 'tells', 'story', 'anjali', 'sharma', 'anjali', 'always', 'rahul', 'true', 'love', 'anjali', 'khanna', 'given', 'mission', 'reuniting', 'rahul', 'anjali', 'sharma', 'bringing', 'back', 'rahul', 'lost', 'love', 'anjali', 'sharma', 'longer', 'tomboy', 'college', 'feminine', 'engaged', 'aman', 'mehra', 'however', 'explains', 'mother', 'really', 'love', 'marrying', 'compromise', 'feels', 'never', 'love', 'losing', 'rahul', 'anjali', 'khanna', 'grandmother', 'search', 'anjali', 'sharma', 'soon', 'learn', 'going', 'working', 'summer', 'camp', 'nbsp', 'travel', 'anjali', 'khanna', 'meets', 'first', 'time', 'night', 'anjali', 'sharma', 'realizes', 'met', 'best', 'friend', 'daughter', 'tina', 'dead', 'rahul', 'arrives', 'summer', 'camp', 'anjali', 'surprised', 'delighted', 'see', 'sharing', 'sweet', 'reunion', 'throughout', 'days', 'spent', 'camp', 'rahul', 'anjali', 'feel', 'falling', 'love', 'however', 'anjali', 'remembers', 'engaged', 'feels', 'guilty', 'aman', 'arrives', 'tells', 'rahul', 'anjali', 'fiancee', 'rahul', 'heartbroken', 'congratualtes', 'anjali', 'takes', 'rejecting', 'leaves', 'summer', 'camp', 'decides', 'get', 'married', 'aman', 'soon', 'possible', 'rahul', 'family', 'arrive', 'anjali', 'wedding', 'rahul', 'silently', 'confesses', 'anjali', 'loves', 'watches', 'tears', 'brought', 'forth', 'wedding', 'realizing', 'anjali', 'hesitant', 'marriage', 'weeping', 'aman', 'notices', 'tears', 'eyes', 'realizes', 'always', 'love', 'rahul', 'releases', 'anjali', 'engagement', 'tells', 'marry', 'rahul', 'rahul', 'anjali', 'emotional', 'hug', 'two', 'marry', 'little', 'anjali', 'vision', 'tina', 'smiling', 'giving', 'thumbs'], ['single', 'father', 'balances', 'work', 'attorney', 'care', 'five', 'year', 'old', 'son', 'work', 'high', 'school', 'basketball', 'coach', 'rural', 'kansas', 'moved', 'wife', 'abandoned', 'chicago', 'starts', 'develop', 'new', 'relationship', 'veterinarian', 'assistant', 'ex-wife', 'suddenly', 'reappears', 'wants', 're-assert', 'husband', 'son', 'life', 'top', 'romantic', 'conflict', 'also', 'suddenly', 'presented', 'opportunity', 'lifetime', 'join', 'major', 'firm', 'dallas'], [\"'crash\", 'davis', 'veteran', 'years', 'minor', 'leagues', 'sent', 'single-a', 'bulls', 'specific', 'purpose', 'educate', 'hotshot', 'rookie', 'pitcher', 'ebby', 'laloosh', 'cite', 'news', 'major-league', 'talent', 'control', 'ebby\\\\', 'haphazard', 'pitching', 'crash', 'immediately', 'begins', 'calling', 'ebby', 'degrading', 'nickname', 'meat', 'get', 'rocky', 'start', 'thrown', 'mix', 'annie', 'lifelong', 'spiritual', 'seeker', 'latched', 'onto', 'church', 'baseball', 'every', 'year', 'chosen', 'one', 'player', 'bulls', 'lover', 'student', 'annie', 'flirts', 'crash', 'ebby', 'crash', 'walks', 'saying', 'he\\\\', 'much', 'veteran', 'try', 'anything', 'leaves', 'crash', 'sparks', 'annie\\\\', 'interest', 'memorable', 'speech', 'lists', 'things', 'believes', 'ending', 'phase', 'believe', 'long', 'slow', 'soft', 'deep', 'wet', 'kisses', 'last', 'three', 'days', '...', 'good', 'night', 'despite', 'animosity', 'annie', 'crash', 'work', 'ways', 'shape', 'ebby', 'big-league', 'pitcher', 'annie', 'plays', 'mild', 'bondage', 'games', 'reads', 'poetry', 'gets', 'think', 'different', 'ways', 'crash', 'forces', 'nuke', 'learn', 'think', 'letting', 'catcher', 'make', 'pitching', 'calls', 'lectures', 'pressure', 'facing', 'major', 'league', 'hitters', 'hit', 'heat', 'crash', 'also', 'talks', 'pleasure', 'life', 'show', 'briefly', 'lived', 'greatest', 'days', 'life', 'tried', 'years', 'return', 'meanwhile', 'nuke', 'matures', 'relationship', 'annie', 'crash', 'grows', 'becomes', 'obvious', 'two', 'appropriate', 'match', 'except', 'fact', 'annie', 'nuke', 'currently', 'couple', 'rough', 'start', 'nuke', 'becomes', 'dominant', 'pitcher', 'mid-season', 'end', 'movie', 'nuke', 'called', 'majors', 'bulls', 'use', 'mentor', 'release', 'crash', 'incites', 'jealous', 'anger', 'crash', 'frustrated', 'nuke\\\\', 'failure', 'recognize', 'talent', 'blessed', 'nuke', 'leaves', 'big', 'leagues', 'ending', 'relationship', 'annie', 'crash', 'overcomes', 'jealousy', 'leave', 'nuke', 'final', 'words', 'advice', 'crash', 'released', 'bulls', 'joins', 'another', 'team', 'asheville', 'tourists', 'breaks', 'minor', 'league', 'record', 'career', 'home', 'runs', 'see', 'nuke', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'interviewed', 'press', 'major', 'leaguer', 'reciting', 'clich챕d', 'answers', 'crash', 'taught', 'earlier', 'crash', 'retires', 'player', 'returns', 'durham', 'annie', 'tells', 'she\\\\', 'ready', 'give', 'annual', 'affairs', 'boys', 'crash', 'tells', 'thinking', 'becoming', 'manager', 'minor', 'league', 'team', 'visalia', 'characters', 'end', 'one', 'phase', 'lives', 'begin', 'another', 'annie', 'crash', 'dancing', 'candle-lit', 'living', 'room'], [\"'viktor\", 'navorski', 'arrives', 'jfk', 'international', 'airport', 'finds', 'passport', 'suddenly', 'valid', 'allowed', 'enter', 'united', 'states', 'route', 'u.s.', 'revolution', 'started', 'home', 'nation', 'krakozhia', 'due', 'civil', 'war', 'united', 'states', 'longer', 'recognizes', 'krakozhia', 'sovereign', 'nation', 'denies', 'viktor\\\\', 'entrance', 'u.s.', 'territory', 'passport', 'unrecognized', 'unable', 'leave', 'airport', 'also', 'unable', 'deported', 'back', 'krakozhia', 'viktor', 'instead', 'lives', 'terminal', 'carrying', 'luggage', 'mysterious', 'planters', 'peanut', 'cbp', 'head', 'frank', 'dixon', 'wants', 'navorski', 'removed', 'airport', 'navorski', 'collects', 'money', 'food', 'retrieving', 'vacant', 'baggage', 'trolleys', '25-cent', 'reward', 'machine', 'dixon', 'prevents', 'befriends', 'catering', 'car', 'driver', 'named', 'enrique', 'cruz', 'gives', 'food', 'exchange', 'information', 'customs', 'border', 'protection', 'officer', 'dolores', 'torres', 'enrique', 'infatuated', 'viktor\\\\', 'help', 'enrique', 'dolores', 'eventually', 'marry', 'meets', 'flight', 'attendant', 'amelia', 'warren', 'asks', 'dinner', 'tries', 'earn', 'money', 'order', 'ask', 'amelia', 'instead', 'finally', 'gets', 'off-the-books', 'job', 'construction', 'worker', 'airport', 'earning', 'hour', 'also', 'learns', 'speak', 'fluent', 'english', 'viktor', 'asked', 'interpret', 'desperate', 'russian', 'man', 'undocumented', 'drugs', 'sick', 'father', 'viktor', 'claims', 'medicine', 'goat', 'barring', 'drug', 'confiscation', 'resolving', 'crisis', 'pressure', 'watchful', 'eye', 'airport', 'ratings', 'committee', 'evaluating', 'dixon', 'upcoming', 'promotion', 'dixon', 'chastises', 'viktor', 'though', 'dixon', 'advised', 'sometimes', 'rules', 'must', 'ignored', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'getting', 'viktor', 'ejected', 'airport', 'airport', 'janitor', 'rajan', 'gupta', 'relates', 'goat', 'incident', 'embellishment', 'fellow', 'co-workers', 'result', 'viktor', 'earns', 'respect', 'admiration', 'airport', 'staff', 'one', 'day', 'viktor', 'explains', 'amelia', 'purpose', 'visit', 'new', 'york', 'collect', 'autograph', 'tenor', 'saxophonist', 'benny', 'golson', 'revealed', 'peanut', 'viktor', 'carries', 'contains', 'autographed', 'copy', 'great', 'day', 'harlem', 'photograph', 'late', 'father', 'jazz', 'enthusiast', 'discovered', 'famous', 'portrait', 'hungarian', 'newspaper', '1958', 'vowed', 'get', 'autograph', 'jazz', 'musicians', 'featured', 'photograph', 'succeeded', 'obtaining', 'died', 'could', 'finish', 'collection', 'viktor', 'traveled', 'new', 'york', 'obtain', 'autograph', 'finish', 'collection', 'months', 'living', 'jfk', 'terminal', 'awakened', 'enrique', 'friends', 'inform', 'war', 'krakozhia', 'ended', 'dixon', 'still', 'allow', 'viktor', 'enter', 'united', 'states', 'amelia', 'reveals', 'asked', \"\\\\'friend\\\\\", 'mdash', 'actually', 'married', 'government', 'official', 'affair', 'mdash', 'assist', 'viktor', 'obtaining', 'permission', 'travel', 'within', 'u.s.', 'viktor', 'disappointed', 'learn', 'renewed', 'relationship', 'man', 'process', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'dixon', 'needs', 'sign', 'form', 'granting', 'viktor', 'right', 'remain', 'united', 'states', 'refuses', 'instead', 'blackmails', 'viktor', 'returning', 'krakozhia', 'mulroy', 'fired', 'evening', 'poker', 'games', 'friends', 'bringing', 'alcohol', 'marijuana', 'airport', 'enrique', 'fired', 'allowing', 'viktor', 'restricted', 'food', 'preparation', 'area', 'deport', 'gupta', 'back', 'native', 'india', 'wanted', 'assaulting', 'corrupt', 'police', 'officer', 'back', '1979.', 'upon', 'hearing', 'gupta', 'runs', 'front', 'viktor\\\\', 'plane', 'asks', 'viktor', 'anyway', 'plane', 'delayed', 'giving', 'viktor', 'enough', 'time', 'city', 'obtain', 'autograph', 'blessing', 'entire', 'airport', 'staff', 'viktor', 'leaves', 'airport', 'receiving', 'uniform', 'coat', 'u.s.', 'customs', 'border', 'protection', 'assistant', 'port', 'director', 'hails', 'taxi', 'dixon', 'watching', 'viktor', 'leave', 'airport', 'decides', 'pursue', 'viktor', 'prepares', 'take', 'taxi', 'ramada', 'inn', 'benny', 'golson', 'performing', 'observes', 'amelia', 'exiting', 'cab', 'gives', 'wistful', 'smile', 'telling', 'short', 'conversation', 'cab', 'driver', 'telling', 'avoid', 'traffic', 'way', 'hotel', 'krakozhia', 'driver', 'tells', 'viktor', 'albania', 'arrived', 'earlier', 'week', 'hotel', 'benny', 'golson', 'sound', 'check', 'asks', 'permission', 'viktor', 'wait', 'finishes', 'rehearsal', 'viktor', 'listens', 'play', 'collects', 'autograph', 'finally', 'completing', 'collection', 'afterwards', 'viktor', 'leaves', 'hails', 'taxi', 'telling', 'driver', 'going', 'home', 'taxi', 'drives', 'credits', 'roll'], ['dr.', 'sullivan', 'travis', 'wealthy', 'dallas', 'gynecologist', 'wealthiest', 'women', 'texas', 'finds', 'life', 'beginning', 'fall', 'apart', 'starting', 'wife', 'kate', 'suffers', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'committed', 'state', 'mental', 'hospital', 'dr.', 'eldest', 'daughter', 'dee', 'dee', 'planning', 'approaching', 'wedding', 'despite', 'secret', 'romantically', 'involved', 'marilyn', 'maid', 'honor', 'dr.', 'youngest', 'daughter', 'connie', 'spunky', 'conspiracy', 'theorist', 'agenda', 'dr.', 'loyal', 'secretary', 'carolyn', 'romantic', 'feelings', 'mutual', 'dr.', 'sister-in-law', 'peggy', 'meddles', 'every', 'situation', 'stumbles', 'one', 'woman', 'bree', 'golf', 'instructor', 'offers', 'comfort'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'follows', 'various', 'plot', 'arcs', 'occurring', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', '1981.', 'monica', 'throwing', 'big', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'bash', 'desperately', 'afraid', 'one', 'attend', 'early', 'person', 'arrived', 'friend', 'hillary', 'tries', 'convince', 'hillary', 'stay', 'learn', 'various', 'groupings', 'individuals', 'way', 'film', 'follows', 'several', 'characters', 'spend', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'eventually', 'showing', 'monica\\\\', 'party', 'characters', 'val', 'stephie', 'teens', 'ronkonkoma', 'get', 'lost', 'seedy', 'alphabet', 'city', 'section', 'borough', 'wander', 'punk', 'club', 'meet', 'dave', 'tom', 'package', 'need', 'deliver', 'ditsy', 'awkward', 'cindy', 'dinner', 'date', 'paranoid', 'jack', 'lucy', 'best', 'friend', 'kevin', 'struggling', 'sexual', 'tension', 'kevin\\\\', 'feminist', 'girlfriend', 'ellie', 'walks', 'kevin', 'lucy', 'mid-coitus', 'restroom', 'stall', 'dim-witted', 'flirtatious', 'bartender', 'competitive', 'friends', 'bridget', 'caitlyn', 'attempt', 'ditch', 'bridget\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'eric', 'eccentric', 'cab', 'driver', 'takes', 'around', 'town', 'throughout', 'evening', 'disco', 'themed', 'taxi', 'eventually', 'characters', 'find', 'way', 'party', 'although', 'meantime', 'monica', 'passed', 'drowning', 'sorrows', 'alcohol', 'wakes', 'next', 'morning', 'find', 'many', 'unrecognizable', 'people', 'floor', 'including', 'stephie', 'tells', 'big', 'hit', 'party', 'monica', 'thrilled', 'especially', 'finds', 'elvis', 'costello', 'showed', 'final', 'montage', 'shows', 'polaroids', 'party', 'narrated', 'disco', 'cabbie', 'mostly', 'featuring', 'unlikely', 'romances', 'party', 'unconscious', 'monica', 'propped', 'party', 'guests'], [\"'joe\", 'slovak', 'brilliant', 'first-year', 'med', 'student', 'whose', 'nonconformist', 'approach', 'life', 'tested', 'enrolls', 'gross', 'anatomy', 'toughest', 'course', 'med', 'school', 'joe\\\\', 'freewheeling', 'independent', 'style', 'creates', 'funny', 'moments', 'classroom', 'puts', 'odds', 'demanding', 'professor', 'questions', 'whether', 'class', 'rebel', 'takes', 'doctor', 'meanwhile', 'joe', 'falls', 'love', 'lab', 'partner', 'laurie', \"won\\\\'t\", 'let', 'anything', 'especially', 'romance', 'interfere', 'plans', 'joe\\\\', 'never', 'done', 'anything', 'book', 'proves', 'takes', 'succeed', 'mdash', 'without', 'changing', 'ways'], [\"'francesca\", 'frankie', 'sutton', 'los', 'angeles', 'bank', 'teller', 'witnesses', 'robbery', 'shortly', 'incident', 'bank', 'fires', 'frankie', 'police', 'uncover', 'connection', 'darnell', 'one', 'robbers', 'frankie', 'reluctantly', 'gets', 'job', 'janitorial', 'company', 'friends', 'lita', 'stoney', 'newsome', 'cleopatra', 'cleo', 'sims', 'tisean', 't.t', 'williams', 'already', 'work', 'stoney\\\\', 'brother', 'stevie', 'wrongfully', 'gunned', 'police', 'mistake', 'one', 'men', 'involved', 'previous', 'robbery', 'incident', 'prompts', 'cleo', 'suggest', 'rob', 'bank', 'frankie', 'happy', 'along', 'plan', 't.t', 'initially', 'opposed', 'idea', 'however', 'accident', 'work', 'leads', 'toddler', 'taken', 'away', 'social', 'services', 't.t', 'commits', 'plot', 'well', 'four', 'women', 'embark', 'series', 'bank', 'robberies', 'investigated', 'lapd', 'detective', 'strode', 'women', 'stash', 'money', 'air', 'vent', 'one', 'work', 'sites', 'however', 'show', 'work', 'another', 'day', 'realize', 'boss', 'luther', 'discovered', 'money', 'fled', 'women', 'track', 'luther', 'find', 'motel', 'woman', 'confront', 'luther', 'killed', 't.t', 'pulls', 'gun', 'cleo', 'afterwards', 'cleo', 'takes', 'woman\\\\', 'drivers', 'license', 'prevent', 'contacting', 'police', 'money', 'gone', 'girls', 'rob', 'another', 'bank', 'happens', 'bank', 'keith', 'stoney\\\\', 'lover', 'works', 'make', 'bank', 'strode', 'partner', 'arrive', 'order', 'drop', 'weapons', 'bank', 'security', 'guard', 'shoots', 'tisean', 'stoney', 'cleo', 'open', 'fire', 'security', 'guard', 'carry', 'tisean', 'getaway', 'car', 'frankie', 'behind', 'wheel', 'tisean', 'dies', 'stoney', 'arms', 'route', 'hospital', 'three', 'women', 'decide', 'split', 'cleo', 'second', 'girls', 'killed', 'police', 'catches', 'police', 'catch', 'frankie', 'order', 'surrender', 'however', 'frankie', 'pulls', 'gun', 'strode', 'tries', 'run', 'away', 'shot', 'killed', 'officer', 'stoney', 'meantime', 'boards', 'bus', 'heading', 'mexico', 'painfully', 'witnesses', 'killing', 'frankie', 'strode', 'spots', 'stoney', 'bus', 'lets', 'considering', 'already', 'enough', 'cutting', 'hair', 'small', 'motel', 'taken', 'refuge', 'calls', 'keith', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'say', 'anything', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'tell', 'assures', 'right', 'thanks', 'movie', 'ends', 'driving', 'mountains'], [\"'stanley\", 'moon', 'dissatisfied', 'introverted', 'young', 'man', 'works', 'wimpy\\\\', 'restaurant', 'admires', 'afar', 'waitress', 'margaret', 'despairing', 'unrequited', 'infatuation', 'process', 'incompetent', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'interrupted', 'devil', 'incarnated', 'george', 'spiggott', 'spiggott', 'contest', 'god', 'trying', 'first', 'gather', '100', 'billion', 'souls', 'achieves', 'first', 'readmitted', 'heaven', 'return', 'soul', 'spiggott', 'offers', 'stanley', 'seven', 'wishes', 'stanley', 'consumes', 'opportunities', 'trying', 'satisfy', 'lust', 'margaret', 'spiggott', 'twists', 'words', 'frustrate', 'consummation', 'desire', 'last', 'occasion', 'reincarnates', 'stanley', 'nun', 'convent', 'whilst', 'specific', 'nearly', 'every', 'aspect', 'wish', 'forgotten', 'specify', 'gender', 'vocation', 'spiggott', 'mischievously', 'takes', 'full', 'advantage', 'spiggott', 'fills', 'time', 'episodes', 'acts', 'minor', 'vandalism', 'petty', 'spite', 'incompetently', 'assisted', 'personification', 'seven', 'deadly', 'sins', 'notably', 'lust', 'envy', 'meanwhile', 'margaret', 'finds', 'noose', 'stanley\\\\', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'well', 'suicide', 'note', 'accompanies', 'police', 'inspector', 'looking', 'signs', 'stanley\\\\', 'corpse', 'police', 'inspector', 'also', 'seems', 'interested', 'seducing', 'margaret', 'dismayed', 'margaret\\\\', 'sudden', 'interest', 'stanley', 'disappearance', 'largely', 'amoral', 'character', 'searches', 'evidence', 'stanley\\\\', 'suicide', 'seduce', 'margaret', 'ultimately', 'spiggott', 'spares', 'stanley', 'eternal', 'damnation', 'pity', 'stanley', 'returns', 'old', 'job', 'wiser', 'clear-sighted', 'spiggott', 'goes', 'heaven', 'meet', 'god', 'rejected', 'peter', 'explains', 'gave', 'stanley', 'back', 'soul', 'spiggott', 'right', 'thing', 'wrong', 'motive', 'closing', 'scene', 'stanley', 'margaret', 'back', 'restaurant', 'stanley', 'asks', 'says', 'plans', 'spiggott', 'tries', 'entice', 'stanley', 'stanley', 'turns', 'spiggott', 'leaves', 'threatens', 'revenge', 'god', 'unleashing', 'tawdry', 'shallow', 'technological', 'curses', 'modern', 'age', 'right', 'great', 'git', 'you\\\\', \"'ve\", 'asked', \"'ll\", 'cover', 'world', 'tastee-freez', 'wimpy', 'burgers', \"'ll\", 'fill', 'full', 'concrete', 'runways', 'motorways', 'aircraft', 'television', 'automobiles', 'advertising', 'plastic', 'flowers', 'frozen', 'food', 'supersonic', 'bangs', \"'ll\", 'make', 'noisy', 'disgusting', 'even', 'you\\\\', \"'ll\", 'ashamed', 'wonder', 'you\\\\', \"'ve\", 'friends', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'unbelievable', 'stanley', 'wishes', 'articulate', 'george', 'turns', 'talkative', 'somewhat', 'pretentious', 'intellectual', 'exaggerated', 'welsh', 'accent', 'margaret', 'becomes', 'equally', 'pretentious', 'character', 'enthusiastically', 'agrees', 'stanley\\\\', 'beliefs', 'visit', 'zoo', 'encounter', 'george', 'collecting', 'donations', 'society', 'advancement', 'depraved', 'criminals', 'catch', 'bus', 'back', 'stanley\\\\', 'apartment', 'stanley', 'discusses', 'freud', 'rousseau', 'margaret', 'intent', 'seducing', 'stresses', 'importance', 'breaking', 'free', 'one\\\\', 'social', 'moral', 'constraints', 'stanley', 'makes', 'move', 'however', 'horrified', 'starts', 'screaming', \"\\\\'rape\\\\\", 'revealing', 'talk', 'ego-preening', 'wish', 'stanley', 'multi-millionaire', 'margaret', 'physical', 'wife', 'turns', 'physical', 'anyone', 'including', 'george', 'third', 'wish', 'stanley', 'rock', 'star', 'singing', 'passionately', 'affection', 'however', 'fame', 'short', 'lived', 'usurped', 'newcomer', 'called', 'drimble', 'wedge', 'vegetations', 'sings', 'drably', 'disinterest', 'anyone', 'except', 'margaret', 'vapid', 'excitable', 'groupie', 'probably', 'parody', 'british', 'psychedelia', 'movement', 'artists', 'like', 'syd', 'barrett', 'stanley', 'literally', 'becomes', 'fly', 'wall', 'morgue', 'inspector', 'showing', 'margaret', 'various', 'dead', 'bodies', 'hoping', 'identify', 'one', 'stanley', 'stanley', 'injured', 'fly', 'spray', 'exits', 'wish', 'difficulty', 'blowing', 'raspberry', 'george', 'promises', 'stanley', 'wish', 'quiet', 'life', 'countryside', 'children', 'playing', 'front', 'yard', 'house', 'margaret', 'making', 'anniversary', 'dinner', 'soon', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'however', 'margaret', 'actually', 'george\\\\', 'wife', 'deeply', 'love', 'even', 'attempt', 'consummate', 'affection', 'drives', 'stanley', 'margaret', 'emotional', 'agony', 'stanley', 'attempts', 'dictate', 'wish', 'george', 'ruin', 'wishes', 'margaret', 'two', 'pious', 'people', 'lived', 'isolation', 'false', 'glitter', 'big', 'city', 'would', 'always', 'together', 'however', 'stanley', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'specify', 'gender', 'wants', 'wish', 'george', 'turns', 'nun', 'named', 'sister', 'luna', 'sisters', 'order', 'saint', 'beryl', 'leaping', 'beryllians', 'glorify', 'founder', 'jumping', 'trampolines', 'revealed', 'stanley', 'already', 'wished', 'seventh', 'wish', 'signing', 'contract', 'george', 'offers', 'wish', 'prove', 'devil', 'stanley', 'wishes', 'frobisher', 'gleeson', 'raspberry', 'ice', 'lolly', 'however', 'unaware', 'counts', 'wish', 'unable', 'escape', 'sixth', 'wish'], [\"'high\", 'school', 'sophomore', 'samantha', 'sam', 'baker', 'struggles', 'get', 'day', '16th', 'birthday', 'entire', 'family', 'forgets', 'older', 'sister', 'ginny', 'getting', 'married', 'next', 'day', 'also', 'plagued', 'ongoing', 'infatuation', 'popular', 'attractive', 'senior', 'jake', 'ryan', 'day', 'school', 'fares', 'better', 'finds', 'completed', 'sex', 'quiz', 'surreptitiously', 'slipped', 'friend', 'never', 'reached', 'sam', 'panics', 'quiz', 'contains', 'personal', 'information', 'including', 'fact', 'virgin', 'saving', 'jake', 'whole', 'new', 'set', 'problems', 'arrives', 'home', 'find', 'sets', 'grandparents', 'staying', 'baker', 'home', 'duration', 'wedding', 'visit', 'top', 'one', 'set', 'grandparents', 'brings', 'along', 'bizarre', 'asian', 'foreign', 'exchange', 'student', 'long', 'duk', 'dong', 'sam\\\\', 'grandparents', 'force', 'take', 'along', 'school', 'dance', 'night', 'sam\\\\', 'amazement', 'takes', 'donger', 'five', 'minutes', 'find', 'unlikely', 'girlfriend', 'mdash', 'tallish', 'large-breasted', 'jock', 'marlene', 'nicknamed', 'lumberjack', 'found', 'slow', 'dancing', 'gym', 'running', 'subplot', 'involves', 'geeky', 'freshman', 'continually', 'tries', 'bed', 'love', 'interest', 'sam', 'satisfy', 'bet', 'friends', 'character', 'referred', 'several', 'occasions', 'movie', 'either', 'ted', 'farmer', 'ted', 'credited', 'solely', 'geek', 'sam', 'knocks', 'bus', 'way', 'home', 'saying', 'hell', 'auto', 'shop', 'dance', 'sam', 'ted', 'begin', 'talking', 'sam', 'confesses', 'love', 'jake', 'upon', 'hearing', 'tells', 'jake', 'asking', 'dance', 'agree', 'sam', 'talk', 'she\\\\', 'leaving', 'reveals', 'wager', 'sam', 'excited', 'state', 'agrees', 'loan', 'panties', 'help', 'win', 'dozen', 'floppy', 'disks', 'later', 'ted', 'equally', 'unwelcome', 'geeky', 'friends', 'cliff', 'bryce', 'enter', 'senior', 'after-party', 'cliff', 'asks', 'ted', 'he\\\\', 'panicky', 'going', 'senior', 'party', 'ted', 'assures', 'friends', 'saying', 'got', 'seventy', 'dollars', 'got', 'pair', 'girl\\\\', 'underpants', 'we\\\\', \"'re\", 'safe', 'kittens', 'okay', 'great', 'social', 'opportunity', 'come', 'knock', 'door', 'long', 'duk', 'dong', 'also', 'attends', 'party', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'greets', 'ted', 'gang', 'get', 'door', 'make', 'big', 'mistake', 'knocking', 'jocks\\\\', 'beer', 'pyramid', 'table', 'ted', 'bryce', 'leave', 'cliff', 'deal', 'jocks', 'meanwhile', 'upstairs', 'jake\\\\', 'bedroom', 'jake', 'takes', 'opportunity', 'look', 'yearbook', 'finds', 'sam\\\\', 'photo', 'jots', 'phone-number', 'scrap', 'paper', 'calls', 'disappointed', 'grandparents', 'pick', 'phone', 'says', 'um..would', 'possible', 'tell', 'there\\\\', 'samantha', 'baker', 'may', 'converse', 'briefly', 'unsuccessful', 'jake\\\\', 'house', 'mdash', 'entire', 'house', 'completely', 'trashed', 'night\\\\', 'end', 'jake', 'finds', 'ted', 'trapped', 'table', 'begin', 'talk', 'jake', 'inquires', 'sam', 'ted', 'explains', 'situation', 'jake', 'makes', 'deal', 'ted', 'ted', 'lets', 'jake', 'keep', 'sam\\\\', 'panties', 'let', 'ted', 'drive', 'home', 'drunk', 'girlfriend', 'caroline', 'mulford', 'jake\\\\', 'father\\\\', 'rolls', 'royce', 'jake', 'later', 'uses', 'excuse', 'finding', 'together', 'break', 'caroline', 'afterward', 'jake', 'drives', 'church', 'time', 'meet', 'incredulous', 'sam', 'sister\\\\', 'wedding', 'movie', 'concludes', 'sharing', 'kiss', 'birthday', 'cake', 'candles'], ['shane', \"o'shea\", 'young', 'jersey', 'man', 'handsome', 'enough', 'become', 'bartender', 'studio', '54.', 'befriends', 'aspiring', 'singer', 'anita', 'husband', 'greg', 'randazzo', 'shane', 'gets', 'sucked', 'hard-partying', 'scene', 'studio', 'life', 'spirals', 'downward', 'studio'], [\"'misfit\", 'captain', 'fisby', 'sent', 'americanize', 'village', 'tobiki', 'okinawa', 'largest', 'ryukyu', 'islands', 'commanding', 'officer', 'colonel', 'wainwright', 'purdy', 'iii', 'assigns', 'wily', 'local', 'sakini', 'act', 'interpreter', 'fisby', 'tries', 'implement', 'military\\\\', 'plans', 'encouraging', 'villagers', 'build', 'school', 'shape', 'pentagon', 'want', 'build', 'teahouse', 'instead', 'fisby', 'gradually', 'becomes', 'assimilated', 'local', 'customs', 'mores', 'help', 'sakini', 'lotus', 'blossom', 'young', 'geisha', 'revive', 'economy', 'okinawans', 'manufacture', 'small', 'items', 'sell', 'souvenirs', 'nobody', 'wants', 'buy', 'include', 'cricket', 'cages', 'wooden', 'japanese', 'footwear', 'called', 'geta', 'fisby', 'makes', 'happy', 'discovery', 'villagers', 'brew', 'potent', 'alcoholic', 'beverage', 'matter', 'days', 'finds', 'ready', 'market', 'american', 'army', 'influx', 'money', 'teahouse', 'built', 'next', 'time', 'purdy', 'sends', 'psychiatrist', 'captain', 'mclean', 'check', 'fisby', 'newcomer', 'quickly', 'even', 'fisby', 'greets', 'mclean', 'wearing', 'geta', 'army', 'bathrobe', 'fisby', 'terms', 'air-conditioned', 'straw', 'hat', 'mclean', 'later', 'proves', 'enthusiastic', 'organic', 'farming', 'purdy', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'hear', 'either', 'officer', 'shows', 'person', 'surprises', 'fisby', 'mclean', 'latter', 'wearing', 'yukata', 'leading', 'rowdy', 'song', 'party', 'full', 'swing', 'teahouse', 'purdy', 'orders', 'building', 'destroyed', 'burst', 'foresight', 'villagers', 'dismantle', 'teahouse', 'instead', 'might', 'referred', 'deus', 'machina', 'village', 'chosen', 'scap', 'example', 'successful', 'american-led', 'democratization', 'leads', 'teahouse', 'reassembled', 'without', 'threat', 'destruction', 'colonel', 'purdy'], [\"'pearl\", 'kantrowitz', 'husband', 'marty', 'lower', 'middle', 'class', 'jewish', 'couple', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'marty', 'television', 'repairman', 'movie', 'begins', 'couple', 'family', 'including', 'teenage', 'daughter', 'alison', 'young', 'son', 'danny', 'marty\\\\', 'mother', 'lillian', 'going', 'summer', 'camp', 'retreat', 'dr.', 'folger\\\\', 'bungalows', 'attend', 'summer', 'marty', 'forced', 'work', 'away', 'home', 'hence', 'visits', 'family', 'weekends', 'leaves', 'pearl', 'feeling', 'lonely', 'isolated', 'pearl', 'got', 'pregnant', 'age', 'feels', 'missed', 'enjoying', 'youth', 'absence', 'marty', 'pearl', 'attracted', 'new', 'blouse', 'man', 'walker', 'jerome', 'meanwhile', 'alison', 'neglected', 'experiences', 'first', 'period', 'first', 'date', 'first', 'kiss', 'enters', 'relationship', 'another', 'boy', 'camp', 'ross', 'epstein', 'marty', 'unable', 'visit', 'family', 'repair', 'sets', 'usual', 'due', 'impending', 'moon', 'landing', 'whole', 'town', 'celebrates', 'historic', 'moonwalk', 'pearl', 'sex', 'walker', 'marty\\\\', 'mother', 'lillian', 'learns', 'affair', 'tries', 'persuade', 'pearl', 'break', 'affair', 'continues', 'marty', \"can\\\\'t\", 'get', 'visit', 'weekend', 'traffic', 'jam', 'caused', 'woodstock', 'festival', 'within', 'walking', 'distance', 'bungalow', 'colony', 'pearl', 'goes', 'festival', 'unbeknownst', 'alison', 'goes', 'well', 'ross', 'friends', 'despite', 'mother', 'previously', 'forbidding', 'alison', 'observes', 'pearl', 'carousing', 'blouse', 'man', 'marty', 'learns', 'affair', 'confronts', 'pearl', 'alison', 'confronts', 'mother', 'emotional', 'scene', 'pearl', 'forced', 'deal', 'love', 'family', 'conflicting', 'yearning', 'marital', 'freedom', 'pearl', 'finally', 'makes', 'decision', 'stay', 'marty', 'tells', 'walker', 'away', 'jerome', 'says', 'understands', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'pearl', 'marty', 'dancing', 'together', 'first', 'dean', 'martin\\\\', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'smiling', 'jimi', 'hendrix\\\\', 'purple', 'haze', 'marty', 'changes', 'station'], [\"'gaylord\", 'greg', 'focker', 'nurse', 'living', 'chicago', 'intends', 'propose', 'girlfriend', 'pam', 'byrnes', 'plan', 'disrupted', 'learns', 'pam\\\\', 'sister\\\\', 'fiance', 'asked', 'pam\\\\', 'father', 'permission', 'proposing', 'greg', 'pam', 'travel', 'pam\\\\', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'attend', 'pam\\\\', 'sister\\\\', 'wedding', 'greg', 'hopes', 'propose', 'pam', 'front', 'family', 'receiving', 'father\\\\', 'permission', 'plan', 'put', 'hold', 'airline', 'loses', 'luggage', 'including', 'engagement', 'ring', 'byrnes\\\\', 'home', 'greg', 'meets', 'pam\\\\', 'father', 'jack', 'mother', 'dina', 'beloved', 'cat', 'mr.', 'jinx', 'jack', 'takes', 'instant', 'dislike', 'greg', 'openly', 'criticizes', 'choice', 'career', 'male', 'nurse', 'whatever', 'else', 'sees', 'difference', 'greg', 'byrnes', 'family', 'greg', 'tries', 'impress', 'jack', 'efforts', 'fail', 'greg', 'becomes', 'even', 'uncomfortable', 'receives', 'impromptu', 'lie', 'detector', 'test', 'jack', 'later', 'learns', 'pam', 'father', 'retired', 'cia', 'counterintelligence', 'officer', 'meeting', 'rest', 'pam\\\\', 'family', 'friends', 'greg', 'still', 'feels', 'like', 'outsider', 'despite', 'efforts', 'impress', 'family', 'greg\\\\', 'inadvertent', 'actions', 'make', 'easy', 'target', 'ridicule', 'anger', 'accidentally', 'gives', 'pam\\\\', 'sister', 'black', 'eye', 'volleyball', 'mishap', 'uses', 'malfunctioning', 'toilet', 'floods', 'byrnes\\\\', 'back', 'yard', 'sewage', 'sets', 'wedding', 'altar', 'fire', 'inadvertently', 'leads', 'jack', 'think', 'marijuana', 'user', 'later', 'greg', 'loses', 'jinx', 'replaces', 'stray', 'whose', 'tail', 'spray', 'paints', 'make', 'look', 'like', 'mr.', 'jinx', 'entire', 'byrnes', 'family', 'including', 'pam', 'agrees', 'best', 'greg', 'leave', 'unwillingly', 'greg', 'goes', 'airport', 'detained', 'airport', 'security', 'back', 'byrnes', 'household', 'jack', 'tries', 'convince', 'wife', 'pam', 'greg', 'would', 'unsuitable', 'husband', 'upon', 'receiving', 'retribution', 'wife', 'pam', 'jack', 'realizes', 'pam', 'truly', 'loves', 'greg', 'jack', 'rushes', 'airport', 'convinces', 'airport', 'security', 'release', 'greg', 'brings', 'back', 'byrnes', 'household', 'greg', 'proposes', 'pam', 'accepts', 'parents', 'agree', 'meet', 'greg\\\\', 'parents', 'debbie\\\\', 'wedding', 'jack', 'views', 'footage', 'greg', 'recorded', 'hidden', 'cameras', 'placed', 'strategically', 'around', 'house'], [\"'we\", 'first', 'see', 'malik', 'williams', 'kristen', 'connor', 'remy', 'opening', 'freshman', 'pep', 'rally', 'decorating', 'rooms', 'malik', 'kristen', 'meet', 'elevator', 'kristen', 'shielding', 'purse', 'malik', 'seeing', 'resenting', 'montage', 'putting', 'pictures', 'posters', 'rooms', 'track', 'star', 'malik', 'goes', 'first', 'practice', 'unprepared', 'chastised', 'severely', 'coach', 'kristen', 'meets', 'roommate', 'monet', 'black', 'girl', 'attends', 'fraternity', 'rush', 'party', 'monet', 'malik', 'attend', 'party', 'black', 'students', 'hosted', 'fudge', 'black', 'nationalist', 'remy', 'fudge\\\\', 'roommate', 'upset', 'loud', 'rap', 'music', 'played', 'late', 'night', 'calls', 'security', 'breaks', 'party', 'fudge', 'upset', \"don\\\\'t\", 'tell', 'room', 'hall', 'stop', 'loud', 'hillbilly', 'music', 'kristen', 'walking', 'home', 'meets', 'taryn', 'junior', 'lesbian', 'student', 'warns', 'kristen', 'walking', 'alone', 'late', 'night', 'invites', 'student', 'group', 'malik\\\\', 'roommate', 'wayne', 'introduced', 'malik', 'angry', 'filthy', 'bed', 'area', 'next', 'day', 'fudge', 'points', 'self-segregation', 'various', 'ethnic', 'groups', 'campus', 'see', 'malik\\\\', 'first', 'class', 'professor', 'maurice', 'phipps', 'class', 'malik\\\\', 'kristen\\\\', 'names', 'called', 'financial', 'problems', 'embarrassing', 'financial', 'aid', 'office', 'kristen', 'told', 'needs', 'job', 'malik', 'learns', 'scholarship', 'partial', 'full', 'talks', 'coach', 'agrees', 'help', 'keeps', 'grades', 'works', 'extra', 'hard', 'field', 'fudge', 'returns', 'room', 'friend', 'dreads', 'plays', 'music', 'loud', 'disrupting', 'remy\\\\', 'studying', 'remy', 'complains', 'fudge', 'mocks', 'threatens', 'causing', 'remy', 'move', 'later', 'remy', 'beaten', 'malik', 'video', 'game', 'rejects', 'offer', 'pool', 'wayne', 'david', 'isaacs', 'remy\\\\', 'new', 'jewish', 'roommate', 'kristen', 'shown', 'getting', 'drunk', 'leaving', 'frat', 'boy', 'billy', 'retreating', 'back', 'frat', 'room', 'billy', 'initiates', 'sex', 'without', 'condom', 'kristen', 'changes', 'mind', 'middle', 'consensual', 'act', 'fights', 'running', 'crying', 'monet', 'returns', 'room', 'finds', 'kristen', 'crying', 'bed', 'billy', 'calls', 'monet', 'refuses', 'give', 'phone', 'kristen', 'billy', 'insults', 'racially', 'angered', 'turns', 'fudge', 'recruits', 'friends', 'confront', 'frat', 'party', 'fudge', 'dreads', 'pull', 'billy', 'outside', 'threatening', 'forcing', 'apologize', 'security', 'guards', 'arrive', 'black', 'students', 'leave', 'kristen', 'attends', 'taryn\\\\', 'student', 'group', 'harmony', 'different', 'groups', 'malik', 'borrows', 'copy', 'autobiography', 'frederick', 'douglass', 'telling', 'fudge', 'needs', 'class', 'fudge', 'kicks', 'telling', 'read', 'school', 'evening', 'remy', 'reading', 'alone', 'outside', 'asked', 'drink', 'scott', 'moss', 'white', 'supremacist', 'also', 'meets', 'scott\\\\', 'friends', 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'kristen\\\\', 'bland', 'paper', 'telling', 'writing', 'facts', 'fine', 'journalism', 'political', 'science', 'course', 'phipps', 'tells', 'purpose', 'college', 'think', 'phipps', 'talks', 'malik', 'much', 'improved', 'paper', 'remy', 'shown', 'working', 'class', 'surrounded', 'students', 'races', 'removes', 'hat', 'showing', 'shaved', 'head', 'wearing', 'iron', 'cross', 'necklace', 'wayne', 'asks', 'kristen', 'flier', 'group', 'confronting', 'says', 'anti-sexism', 'group', 'women', 'flirting', 'well', 'halloween', 'monet', 'attends', 'party', 'dreads', 'kristen', 'attends', 'rape', 'awareness', 'rally', 'taryn', 'remy', 'neo-nazis', 'attack', 'interracial', 'couple', 'kristen', 'asks', 'spend', 'night', 'taryn', 'taryn', 'rebuffs', 'saying', 'wants', 'kristen', 'sure', 'stretching', 'track', 'malik', 'continues', 'spouting', 'fudge\\\\', 'ideology', 'deja', 'saying', 'hates', 'feeling', 'like', 'thoroughbred', 'deja', 'rebuffs', 'saying', 'opportunities', 'people', 'would', 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'celebrating', 'actions', 'chanting', 'white', 'power', 'scott', 'quietly', 'sits', 'back', 'brief', 'moment', 'seems', 'smile', 'malik', 'phipps', 'discuss', 'future', 'away', 'university', 'phipps', 'saying', 'trusts', 'malik\\\\', 'judgment', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'malik', 'kristen', 'meeting', 'memorial', 'kristen', 'feels', 'guilty', 'deaths', 'started', 'festival', 'malik', 'assuages', 'guilt'], [\"'teenager\", 'grace', 'maclean', 'best', 'friend', 'judith', 'early', 'one', 'winter\\\\', 'morning', 'ride', 'horses', 'pilgrim', 'gulliver', 'ride', 'icy', 'slope', 'gulliver', 'slips', 'hits', 'pilgrim', 'horses', 'fall', 'dragging', 'girls', 'onto', 'road', 'colliding', 'truck', 'judith', 'gulliver', 'killed', 'grace', 'pilgrim', 'severely', 'injured', 'grace', 'left', 'partially', 'amputated', 'right', 'leg', 'bitter', 'withdrawn', 'accident', 'meanwhile', 'pilgrim', 'traumatized', 'uncontrollable', 'extent', 'suggested', 'put', 'grace\\\\', 'mother', 'annie', 'strong-minded', 'workaholic', 'magazine', 'editor', 'refuses', 'allow', 'pilgrim', 'put', 'sensing', 'somehow', 'grace\\\\', 'recovery', 'linked', 'pilgrim\\\\', 'desperate', 'way', 'heal', 'grace', 'pilgrim', 'annie', 'tracks', 'horse', 'whisperer', 'tom', 'booker', 'remote', 'montana', 'mountains', 'tom', 'agrees', 'help', 'grace', 'also', 'takes', 'part', 'process', 'grace', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'annie', 'stay', 'booker', 'ranch', 'tom', 'lives', 'brother', 'brother\\\\', 'family', 'pilgrim', 'grace', 'slowly', 'overcome', 'trauma', 'annie', 'tom', 'begin', 'mutual', 'romantic', 'feelings', 'however', 'reluctant', 'act', 'feelings', 'nbsp', 'annie', 'married', 'tom', 'heart', 'broken', 'wife', 'left', 'belonged', 'city', 'ranch', 'status', 'quo', 'broken', 'robert', 'maclean', 'grace\\\\', 'father', 'annie\\\\', 'husband', 'unexpectedly', 'shows', 'ranch', 'annie', 'increasingly', 'torn', 'feelings', 'tom', 'love', 'family', 'soon', 'tom\\\\', 'help', 'grace', 'finally', 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'soon-to-be-born', 'son', 'decides', 'time', 'take', 'responsibility', 'late', 'robin', 'williams', 'rebecca', 'russian', 'ob-gyn', 'adds', 'much', 'comic', 'relief', 'film'], [\"'twenty-seven-year-old\", 'st.', 'louis', 'advertising', 'executive', 'max', 'baron', 'completely', 'shut', 'world', 'two', 'years', 'since', 'auto', 'accident', 'death', 'wife', 'way', 'bachelor', 'party', 'friend', 'neil', 'picks', 'burgers', 'diner', 'however', 'realises', 'order', 'six', 'burgers', 'short', 'returns', 'white', 'palace', 'complain', 'following', 'heated', 'exchange', 'waitress', 'nora', 'baker', 'gets', 'money', 'refunded', 'returns', 'party', 'leaves', 'party', 'drunk', 'runs', 'nora', 'bar', 'gives', 'lift', 'home', 'crashes', 'car', 'mailbox', 'stays', 'night', 'sleep', 'together', 'visiting', 'wife\\\\', 'grave', 'second', 'anniversary', 'death', 'max', 'returns', 'white', 'palace', 'see', 'nora', 'misses', 'visits', 'home', 'pretext', 'replacing', 'mailbox', 'instead', 'begin', 'relationship', 'max', 'becoming', 'open', 'relaxed', 'reluctant', 'reveal', 'relationship', 'family', 'friends', 'max', 'attempts', 'introduce', 'nora', 'culture', 'resists', 'feeling', 'age', 'difference', 'cultural', 'differences', 'put', 'strain', 'relationship', 'nora', 'angry', 'max', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'take', 'neil\\\\', 'wedding', 'argue', 'max', \"won\\\\'t\", 'introduce', 'nora', 'family', 'friends', 'nora\\\\', 'sister', 'judy', 'meets', 'max', 'following', 'day', 'explains', 'abandoned', 'children', 'left', 'nora', 'care', 'judy', 'explains', 'nora', 'devastated', 'son', 'died', 'supermarket', 'max', 'runs', 'neil\\\\', 'wife', 'rachel', 'invites', 'mystery', 'woman', 'thanksgiving', 'max\\\\', 'apartment', 'nora', 'hears', 'message', 'answering', 'machine', 'inviting', 'horowitz\\\\', 'thanksgiving', 'resolve', 'attend', 'dinner', 'neil', 'rachel', 'mrs', 'baron', 'max\\\\', 'friends', 'horowitz\\\\', 'extended', 'family', 'nora', 'max', 'made', 'feel', 'uncomfortable', 'following', 'remark', 'neil\\\\', 'father', 'walk', 'dinner', 'nora', 'max', 'argue', 'nora', 'quits', 'white', 'palace', 'leaves', 'louis', 'max', 'finds', 'house', 'empty', 'note', 'explaining', 'max', 'leave', 'goes', 'brunch', 'meets', 'heidi', 'solomon', 'max', 'stop', 'thinking', 'nora', 'travels', 'new', 'york', 'see', 'judy', 'tells', 'max', 'nora', 'working', 'restaurant', 'max', 'goes', 'restaurant', 'confesses', 'love', 'nora', 'reveals', 'moved', 'new', 'york', 're-unite', 'kissing', 'tenderly', 'patrons', 'restaurant', 'look', 'max', 'playfully', 'clears', 'table', 'contents', 'lays', 'laughing', 'nora', 'climbing', 'top', 'passionately', 'kisses', 'neck', 'lips', 'whole', 'restaurant', 'cheers', 'applauds'], [\"'hank\", 'grotowski', 'widower', 'son', 'sonny', 'corrections', 'officers', 'local', 'prison', 'reside', 'louisiana', 'hank\\\\', 'ailing', 'father', 'buck', 'unwavering', 'racist', 'whose', 'wife', 'committed', 'suicide', 'hank\\\\', 'hateful', 'attitude', 'toward', 'others', 'strongly', 'influenced', 'father', 'extends', 'son', 'members', 'neighboring', 'community', 'hank', 'sonny', 'assist', 'execution', 'convicted', 'murderer', 'lawrence', 'musgrove', 'proceedings', 'prove', 'intense', 'sonny', 'collapses', 'begins', 'vomit', 'leading', 'lawrence', 'electric', 'chair', 'hank', 'beats', 'sonny', 'jail\\\\', 'bathroom', 'afterwards', 'soft', 'time', 'later', 'hank', 'drags', 'sonny', 'bed', 'tells', 'get', 'house', 'unable', 'cope', 'estrangement', 'sonny', 'grabs', 'gun', 'confrontation', 'ends', 'living', 'room', 'hank', 'gunpoint', 'lying', 'carpet', 'sonny', 'buck\\\\', 'customary', 'chair', 'sonny', 'asks', 'father', 'hate', \"don\\\\'t\", 'father', 'calmly', 'confirms', 'always', 'sonny', 'responds', 'well', 'always', 'loved', 'shoots', 'heart', 'hank', 'subsequently', 'buries', 'sonny', 'back', 'garden', 'quits', 'job', 'prison', 'burns', 'uniform', 'backyard', 'locks', 'door', 'sonny\\\\', 'room', 'tightly', 'buck', 'calls', 'quitter', 'years', 'lawrence\\\\', 'imprisonment', 'wife', 'leticia', 'struggling', 'raising', 'son', 'tyrell', 'inherited', 'father\\\\', 'artistic', 'talent', 'goads', 'boy', 'point', 'abuse', 'obesity', 'along', 'domestic', 'problems', 'leticia', 'struggles', 'financially', 'leading', 'loss', 'family', 'car', 'worse', 'eviction', 'notice', 'house', 'desperate', 'need', 'money', 'leticia', 'takes', 'job', 'diner', 'frequented', 'hank', 'one', 'rainy', 'night', 'leticia', 'tyrell', 'walking', 'soaked', 'highway', 'tyrell', 'struck', 'car', 'hank', 'happens', 'driving', 'along', 'sees', 'leticia', 'tyrell', 'initially', 'drives', 'past', 'like', 'cars', 'turns', 'around', 'picks', 'leticia', 'tyrell', 'takes', 'hospital', 'tyrell', 'dies', 'upon', 'arrival', 'hank', 'lends', 'shoulder', 'leticia', 'cry', 'suggestion', 'authorities', 'hospital', 'drives', 'home', 'days', 'later', 'hank', 'gives', 'leticia', 'ride', 'home', 'diner', 'begin', 'talking', 'car', 'discover', 'common', 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'swears', 'god', 'innocent', 'fed', 'hilary', 'faye\\\\', 'hypocrisy', 'tia', 'reveals', 'signed', 'receipt', 'veronica', 'turns', 'well', 'calling', 'fake', 'hilary', 'faye', 'flees', 'others', 'pursuit', 'dean', 'suddenly', 'arrives', 'teenagers', 'mercy', 'house', 'dean', 'surprised', 'upset', 'mary\\\\', 'pregnancy', 'meets', 'patrick', 'warmly', 'mary', 'similarly', 'accepting', 'towards', 'dean\\\\', 'roommate/boyfriend', 'mitch', 'pastor', 'skip', 'tries', 'send', 'new', 'arrivals', 'back', 'mercy', 'house', 'refuse', 'mary', 'friends', 'support', 'suddenly', 'hilary', 'crashes', 'van', 'school\\\\', 'huge', 'effigy', 'jesus', 'realizing', 'done', 'breaks', 'tears', 'regret', 'cassandra', 'shows', 'sympathy', 'towards', 'hilary', 'feeling', 'sorry', 'paramedics', 'arrive', 'accident', 'scene', 'mary', 'abruptly', 'goes', 'labor', 'taken', 'hospital', 'hospital', 'room', 'mary\\\\', 'dean\\\\', 'friends', 'family', 'crowd', 'around', 'baby', 'girl', 'pastor', 'skip', 'waits', 'outside', 'debating', 'whether', 'come', 'voice-over', 'mary', 'tells', 'audience', 'returned', 'believing', 'god', 'loves', 'helps', 'ones', 'love', 'help', 'others', 'need'], [\"'psychiatrist\", 'jack', 'mickler', 'dissuades', 'would-be', 'suicide', '21-year-old', 'costumed', 'like', 'zorro', 'claiming', 'juan', 'held', 'ten-day', 'review', 'mental', 'institution', 'mickler', 'retire', 'insists', 'evaluation', 'conducts', 'without', 'medicating', 'youth', 'juan', 'tells', 'story', '봟orn', 'mexico', 'death', 'father', 'year', 'harem', 'finding', 'true', 'love', 'remote', 'island', 'listening', 'enlivens', 'mickler\\\\', 'relationship', 'wife', 'marilyn', 'ten', 'days', 'tick', 'pressure', 'mounts', 'mickler', 'support', 'youth\\\\', 'indefinite', 'confinement', 'finding', 'reality', 'within', 'romantic', 'imagination', 'becomes', 'jack\\\\', 'last', 'professional', 'challenge'], ['gemma', 'dillard', '13-year-old', 'country', 'girl', 'lives', 'grandpa', 'dillard', 'gemma', 'visited', 'mother', 'offer', 'come', 'stay', 'city', 'mother', 'married', 'provide', 'gemma', 'accepts', 'soon', 'finds', 'new', 'environment', 'becomes', 'acquainted', 'man', 'intellectual', 'disability', '21-year-old', 'rory', 'torrance', 'play', 'together', 'hang', 'together', 'imagine', \"'re\", 'married', 'story', 'focuses', 'series', 'bitter-sweet', 'experiences', 'eventually', 'return', 'gemma', 'country'], ['celeste', 'alien', 'sent', 'secret', 'mission', 'earth', 'steven', 'mills', 'widowed', 'scientist', 'working', 'experimental', 'ways', 'send', 'radio', 'waves', 'deep', 'space', 'accident', 'causes', 'loss', 'gravity', 'celeste', 'home', 'world', 'sent', 'investigate', 'could', 'affect', 'gravity', 'done', 'belief', 'attack', 'aided', 'alien', 'device', 'resembling', 'tentacle', 'eye', 'hides', 'designer', 'purse', 'aid', 'celeste', 'encounters', 'earth', 'bag', 'able', 'create', 'diamonds', 'designer', 'dresses', 'almost', 'instantaneously', 'celeste', 'inexperience', 'leads', 'almost', 'exposing', 'alien', 'like', 'trying', 'kiss', 'first', 'time', 'cooking', 'jessie', 'mills', 'steven', 'year', 'old', 'daughter', 'notices', 'celeste', 'strange', 'habits', 'like', 'eating', 'cigarette', 'butts', 'flashlight', 'batteries', 'pulling', 'hard', 'boiled', 'eggs', 'boiling', 'hot', 'water', 'bare', 'hands', 'however', \"n't\", 'convince', 'smitten', 'father', 'something', 'unusual', 'celeste', 'celeste', 'encounters', 'lot', 'new', 'experiences', 'sneezing', 'sexual', 'intercourse', 'love', 'eventually', 'celeste', 'falls', 'love', 'steven', 'likes', 'daughter', 'attempts', 'convince', 'home', 'world', 'attack', 'actually', 'accident', 'earth', \"n't\", 'destroyed'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'chronicles', 'one', 'woman\\\\', 'alcoholism', 'husband\\\\', 'efforts', 'help', 'meg', 'ryan', 'plays', 'alice', 'green', 'school', 'counselor', 'serious', 'drinking', 'problem', 'married', 'michael', 'airline', 'pilot', 'though', 'she\\\\', 'lighthearted', 'loving', 'alice', 'often', 'reckless', 'drunk', 'even', 'neglects', 'children', 'nine-year-old', 'daughter', 'jess', 'previous', 'marriage', 'four-year-old', 'daughter', 'casey', 'whose', 'father', 'michael', 'accident', 'alice', 'realizes', 'hit', 'bottom', 'goes', 'clinic', 'rehab', 'returns', 'home', 'kicked', 'addiction', 'become', 'independent', 'strong', 'perfectionist', 'controlling', 'husband', 'trouble', 'adjusting', 'michael', 'used', 'wife', 'weak', 'helpless', 'end', 'seeing', 'marriage', 'counselor', 'recover', 'michael\\\\', 'co-dependency', 'alice\\\\', 'role', 'alcoholic', 'man', 'loves', 'woman', 'plot', 'summary', 'details', 'http', '//www.moviefone.com/movie/when-a-man-loves-a-woman/8770/synopsis', 'alice', 'gets', 'help', 'needs', 'realizes', \"can\\\\'t\", 'michael', 'however', 'even', 'trials', 'tribulations', 'michael', 'gets', 'back', 'together', 'alice', 'deciding', 'move', 'denver', 'returns', 'day', 'gives', 'speech', 'function', 'speech', 'everyone', 'deserves', 'second', 'chance', 'kisses', 'long', 'time', 'credits', 'roll'], [\"'in\", 'poland', '1968', 'little', 'girl', 'shown', 'stars', 'winter', 'sky', 'mother', 'identifies', 'christmas', 'eve', 'star', 'france', 'little', 'girl', 'shown', 'one', 'first', 'leaves', 'spring', 'mother', 'points', 'fine', 'veins', 'running', 'poland', '1990', 'young', 'polish', 'woman', 'named', 'weronika', 'singing', 'outdoor', 'concert', 'choir', 'sudden', 'downpour', 'causes', 'singers', 'rush', 'cover', 'weronika', 'alone', 'continues', 'hold', 'last', 'note', 'rain', 'falls', 'smiling', 'face', 'concert', 'weronika', 'meets', 'boyfriend', 'antek', 'apartment', 'make', 'love', 'next', 'day', 'asks', 'father', 'tell', 'antek', 'leaving', 'sick', 'aunt', 'krak처w', 'tells', 'lately', 'feels', 'she\\\\', 'alone', 'world', 'weronika', 'travels', 'krak처w', 'train', 'looking', 'passing', 'landscape', 'small', 'clear', 'rubber', 'ball', 'aunt\\\\', 'house', 'weronika', 'talks', 'boyfriend', 'meets', 'friend', 'concert', 'rehearsal', 'choir', 'rehearses', 'weronika', 'watching', 'offstage', 'accompanies', 'beautiful', 'high', 'soprano', 'voice', 'afterwards', 'musical', 'director', 'asks', 'audition', 'overjoyed', 'weronika', 'rushes', 'home', 'sheet', 'music', 'way', 'passes', 'main', 'market', 'square', 'protest', 'rally', 'progress', 'one', 'protester', 'runs', 'causing', 'drop', 'music', 'folder', 'retrieving', 'sheet', 'music', 'weronika', 'notices', 'french', 'tourist', 'taking', 'photos', 'protestors', 'young', 'woman', 'looks', 'exactly', 'like', 'weronika', 'smiles', 'watches', 'double', 'board', 'tourist', 'bus', 'soon', 'pulls', 'away', 'audition', 'weronika\\\\', 'singing', 'impresses', 'musical', 'director', 'conductor', 'later', 'told', 'audition', 'next', 'day', 'trolley', 'studying', 'score', 'weronika', 'notices', 'boyfriend', 'antek', 'following', 'motorbike', 'talk', 'apologizes', 'returning', 'calls', 'antek', 'tells', 'loves', 'later', 'getting', 'dressed', 'concert', 'weronika', 'presses', 'face', 'window', 'sees', 'old', 'woman', 'shopping', 'bags', 'slowly', 'making', 'way', 'along', 'street', 'night', 'concert', 'singing', 'solo', 'part', 'weronika', 'collapses', 'onstage', 'dies', '봦er', 'spirit', 'passing', 'audience', 'paris', 'day', 'young', 'french', 'woman', 'named', 'v챕ronique', 'making', 'love', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'overwhelmed', 'sadness', 'grieving', 'next', 'day', 'school', 'teaches', 'music', 'v챕ronique', 'attends', 'marionette', 'performance', 'class', 'performance', 'story', 'ballet', 'dancer', 'breaks', 'leg', 'turns', 'butterfly', '봙챕ronique', 'watches', 'puppeteer', 'controlling', 'marionettes', 'tag', 'ref|the', 'puppet', 'acts', 'double', 'life', 'v챕ronique', 'performed', 'american', 'puppeteer', 'sculptor', 'bruce', 'schwartz', 'unlike', 'puppeteers', 'usually', 'hide', 'hands', 'gloves', 'use', 'strings', 'sticks', 'schwartz', 'shows', 'hands', 'performing.|group', 'musicolog', 'cite', 'web', 'night', 'driving', 'home', 'sees', 'puppeteer', 'traffic', 'light', 'motioning', 'light', 'wrong', 'end', 'cigarette', 'later', 'awakened', 'phone', 'call', 'one', 'speaking', 'background', 'hears', 'choir', 'singing', 'music', 'van', 'den', 'budenmayer', 'next', 'day', 'v챕ronique', 'drives', 'father\\\\', 'house', 'reveals', 'love', 'someone', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'recently', 'felt', 'alone', '봳hat', 'someone', 'gone', 'life', 'back', 'paris', 'v챕ronique', 'receives', 'mysterious', 'letter', 'containing', 'shoelace', 'throws', 'away', 'night', 'awakened', 'strange', 'light', 'reflecting', 'neighbor\\\\', 'mirror', 'v챕ronique', 'retrieves', 'mysterious', 'shoelace', 'later', 'contemplating', 'recent', 'ekg', 'graph', 'holds', 'shoestring', 'across', 'graph', 'paper', 'straight', 'line', 'v챕ronique', 'learns', 'puppeteer', 'children\\\\', 'book', 'author', 'named', 'alexandre', 'fabbri', 'whose', 'marionette', 'story', 'based', 'book', 'libellule', 'papillon', 'one', 'books', 'shoelace', 'coming', 'days', 'v챕ronique', 'reads', 'several', 'alexandre\\\\', 'books', 'v챕ronique', 'visits', 'father', 'gives', 'package', 'addressed', 'containing', 'cassette', 'tape', 'she\\\\', 'alone', 'listens', 'mysterious', 'recording', 'typewriter', 'footsteps', 'door', 'opening', 'train', 'station', 'fragment', 'music', 'van', 'den', 'budenmayer', 'also', 'sounds', 'car', 'accident', 'explosion', 'postage', 'stamp', 'envelope', 'leads', 'v챕ronique', 'gare', 'saint-lazare', 'train', 'station', 'cafe', 'believes', 'cassette', 'recording', 'made', 'sees', 'alexandre', 'sitting', 'waiting', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'waiting', 'two', 'days', 'he\\\\', 'working', 'new', 'book', 'kind', 'experiment', 'see', 'would', 'come', 'angered', 'manipulated', 'v챕ronique', 'leaves', 'takes', 'taxi', 'nearby', 'hotel', 'checking', 'sees', 'alexandre', 'apparently', 'ran', 'taxi', 'asks', 'forgiveness', 'brings', 'room', 'fall', 'asleep', 'night', 'wakes', 'tells', 'loves', 'make', 'love', 'next', 'morning', 'tells', 'life', \"'ve\", 'felt', 'like', 'somewhere', 'else', 'time', 'looking', 'proof', 'sheet', 'photos', 'taken', 'v챕ronique\\\\', 'recent', 'trip', 'poland', 'alexandre', 'notices', 'thinks', 'photo', 'v챕ronique', 'assures', 'fact', 'took', 'photo', 'young', 'polish', 'woman', 'carrying', 'music', 'folder', 'v챕ronique', 'crumples', 'proof', 'sheet', 'breaks', 'tears', 'alexandre', 'comforts', 'make', 'love', 'later', 'apartment', 'v챕ronique', 'sees', 'alexandre', 'working', 'new', 'marionette', 'image', 'asked', 'purpose', 'second', 'identical', 'marionette', 'alexandre', 'explains', 'handle', 'lot', 'perform', 'get', 'damaged', 'easily', 'shows', 'work', 'one', 'marionette', 'double', 'lays', 'lifeless', 'table', 'time', 'later', 'alexandre', 'reads', 'new', 'book', 'v챕ronique', 'two', 'women', 'born', 'day', 'different', 'cities', 'mysterious', 'connection', 'later', 'day', 'v챕ronique', 'arrives', 'father\\\\', 'house', 'stops', 'front', 'gate', 'reaches', 'touches', 'old', 'tree.at', 'request', 'harvey', 'weinstein', 'united', 'states', 'distributor', 'kie힄lowski', 'added', 'four', 'brief', 'shots', 'end', 'film', 'showing', 'v챕ronique\\\\', 'father', 'emerging', 'house', 'v챕ronique', 'running', 'across', 'yard', 'embrace', 'final', 'image', 'father', 'daughter', 'embracing', 'shot', 'inside', 'house', 'window'], [\"'five\", 'years', 'first', 'film', 'crown', 'princess', 'genovia', 'amelia', 'mia', 'thermopolis', 'graduated', 'princeton', 'university\\\\', 'woodrow', 'wilson', 'school', 'returning', 'genovia', 'bodyguard', 'joe', 'beloved', 'cat', 'fat', 'louie', 'await', 'reign', 'grandmother', 'queen', 'clarisse', 'abdicates', 'throne', 'mia\\\\', '21st', 'birthday', 'party', 'dances', 'eligible', 'bachelors', 'hope', 'seeking', 'husband', 'happens', 'meet', 'handsome', 'young', 'gentleman', 'accidentally', 'stepping', 'foot', 'saving', 'dysfunctional', 'dance', 'charming', 'man', 'introduces', 'nicholas', 'course', 'night', 'mia\\\\', 'tiara', 'falls', 'caught', 'parliament', 'member', 'viscount', 'mabrey', 'secretly', 'plans', 'steal', 'mia\\\\', 'crown', 'next', 'morning', 'parliament', 'in-session', 'mia', 'explores', 'castle', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'hidden', 'room', 'allows', 'secretly', 'listen', 'parliament\\\\', 'session', 'viscount', 'mabrey', 'reveals', 'nephew', 'lord', 'devereaux', 'another', 'heir', 'genovian', 'throne', 'despite', 'queen', 'clarisse\\\\', 'objection', 'way', 'mia', 'assume', 'duties', 'queen', 'marries', 'within', 'next', 'days', 'clarisse', 'invites', 'lord', 'deveraux', 'stay', 'palace', 'stating', 'mischief', 'goes', 'want', 'know', 'mia', 'shocked', 'discover', 'nicholas', 'man', 'flirted', 'ball', 'enraged', 'stomps', 'foot', 'time', 'purpose', 'clarisse', 'confronts', 'mia', 'demanding', 'explanation', 'behavior', 'confesses', 'nicholas\\\\', 'history', 'clarisse', 'says', 'queen', 'condone', 'mia\\\\', 'behavior', 'grandmother', 'completely', 'agrees', 'mia\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'lilly', 'moscovitz', 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'back', 'backs', 'away', 'nicholas', 'pursues', 'even', 'causes', 'fall', 'fountain', 'queen', 'clarisse', 'finally', 'tells', 'soaked', 'mia', 'behaviour', 'nicholas', 'needs', 'stop', 'genovian', 'independence', 'day', 'parade', 'mia', 'sees', 'boys', 'picking', 'little', 'girl', 'abruptly', 'halts', 'parade', 'goes', 'comfort', 'girl', 'boys', 'run', 'learning', 'children', 'orphans', 'mia', 'vendor', 'give', 'tiaras', 'lets', 'walk', 'parade', 'everyone', 'especially', 'nicholas', 'impressed', 'act', 'generosity', 'mabrey', 'disgusted', 'sees', 'political', 'maneouver', 'mia', 'later', 'decides', 'build', 'temporary', 'children\\\\', 'centre', 'one', 'royal', 'palaces', 'help', 'parliament', 'member', 'lord', 'crawley', 'architect', 'twin', 'brother', 'dean', 'night', 'mia', 'bridal', 'sleepover', 'party', 'queen', 'clarisse', 'surfs', 'mattress', 'sings', 'duet', 'princess', 'asana', 'one', 'mia\\\\', 'good', 'friends', 'nicholas', 'begins', 'second', 'thoughts', 'sabotaging', 'mia', 'order', 'become', 'king', 'mabrey', 'realizes', 'nicholas', 'fallen', 'love', 'nicholas', 'says', 'mia', 'never', 'feelings', 'mabrey', 'claims', 'want', 'nicholas\\\\', 'happiness', 'nicholas', 'comes', 'upon', 'mia', 'practising', 'archery', 'part', 'coronation', 'rites', 'helps', 'succeed', 'getting', 'arrow', 'hit', 'target', 'something', 'struggling', 'nicholas', 'informs', 'mia', 'leaving', 'asks', 'see', 'one', 'time', 'goes', 'declines', 'saying', 'close', 'guard', 'night', 'nicholas', 'appears', 'outside', 'mia\\\\', 'window', 'asks', 'come', 'lilly', 'encourages', 'mia', 'climbs', 'vine', 'ride', 'lake', 'share', 'secrets', 'dance', 'eventually', 'fall', 'asleep', 'other\\\\', 'arms', 'next', 'morning', 'awaken', 'find', 'man', 'boat', 'videotaping', 'mia', 'thinks', 'nicholas', 'set', 'angrily', 'storms', 'time', 'gets', 'back', 'palace', 'scandalous', 'footage', 'broadcast', 'genovian', 'breakfast', 'television', 'andrew', 'disappointed', 'tells', 'mia', 'still', 'thinks', 'marriage', 'could', 'work', 'hopefully', 'kisses', 'mia', 'asks', 'felt', 'anything', 'kiss', 'says', 'realize', 'love', 'call', 'wedding', 'andrew', 'said', 'would', 'marry', 'mia', 'gentleman', 'never', 'breaks', 'promise', 'wedding', 'take', 'place', 'following', 'day', 'mia\\\\', 'mother', 'helen', 'comes', 'new', 'husband', 'patrick', 'newborn', 'son', 'trevor', 'paulo', 'arrives', 'promptly', 'mia\\\\', 'hair', 'right', 'leaving', 'wedding', 'nicholas', 'debates', 'whether', 'attend', 'mabrey', 'ends', 'leaving', 'without', 'surly', 'housekeeper', 'gretchen', 'informs', 'nicholas', 'mabrey', 'engineered', 'televised', 'scandal', 'nicholas', 'rushes', 'church', 'first', 'grandfather\\\\', 'old', 'penny-farthing', 'bicycle', 'getting', 'horse', 'local', 'farmer', 'moments', 'wedding', 'joe', 'informs', 'mia', 'nicholas', 'set', 'walks', 'aisle', 'mia', 'finds', 'difficult', 'marriage', 'rushes', 'outside', 'catch', 'breath', 'queen', 'clarisse', 'follows', 'encourages', 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'officially', 'opens', 'children\\\\', 'home', 'planned'], [\"'opening\", 'small', 'kansas', 'town', 'betty', 'kind', 'considerate', 'diner', 'waitress', 'fan', 'soap', 'opera', 'reason', 'love', 'idea', 'husband', 'del', 'car', 'salesman', 'affair', 'secretary', 'intends', 'leave', 'betty', 'pursue', 'relationship', 'secretary', 'also', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'husband', 'supplements', 'income', 'selling', 'drugs', 'car', 'dealership', 'calls', 'leave', 'message', 'borrowing', 'buick', 'lesabre', 'birthday', 'husband', 'tells', 'betty', 'take', 'different', 'car', 'lesabre', 'stolen', 'drugs', 'hidden', 'trunk', 'two', 'hitmen', 'charlie', 'wesley', 'show', 'house', 'betty\\\\', 'husband', 'hitmen', 'torture', 'betty\\\\', 'husband', 'revealing', 'hidden', 'drugs', 'trunk', 'car', 'wesley', 'wants', 'scalp', 'anyway', 'betty', 'witnesses', 'murder', 'experiences', 'fugue', 'state', 'escaping', 'reality', 'murder', 'comforting', 'fantasy', 'soap', 'opera', 'mind', 'assumes', 'identity', 'one', 'characters', 'daytime', 'drama', 'nurse', 'evening', 'sheriff', 'eldon', 'ballard', 'local', 'reporter', 'several', 'policemen', 'examine', 'crime', 'scene', 'betty', 'calmly', 'packs', 'suitcase', 'seems', 'oblivious', 'murder', 'even', 'investigation', 'going', 'right', 'house', 'police', 'station', 'psychiatrist', 'examines', 'betty', 'spends', 'night', 'friend\\\\', 'house', 'sleeping', 'child\\\\', 'bedroom', 'innocence', 'little', 'girl', 'middle', 'night', 'gets', 'car', 'drives', 'betty\\\\', 'next', 'stop', 'bar', 'arizona', 'lady', 'bartender', 'talks', 'inspiring', 'vacation', 'rome', 'betty', 'tells', 'engaged', 'famous', 'surgeon', 'meanwhile', 'two', 'hitmen', 'trying', 'find', 'finally', 'realized', 'must', 'car', 'drugs', 'search', 'charlie', 'begins', 'falling', 'love', 'image', 'betty', 'wesley\\\\', 'consternation', 'los', 'angeles', 'betty', 'tries', 'get', 'job', 'nurse', 'looking', 'long-lost', 'ex-fianc챕', 'turned', 'due', 'forgotten', 'r챕sum챕', 'references', 'manages', 'get', 'job', 'pharmacy', 'due', 'help', 'saving', 'life', 'victim', 'drive-by', 'shooting', 'despite', 'injunction', 'touching', 'patients', 'betty', 'becomes', 'popular', 'families', 'ends', 'living', 'rosa', 'hispanic', 'legal', 'secretary', 'series', 'painful', 'love', 'affairs', 'offers', 'help', 'betty', 'find', 'surgeon', 'friend', 'rosa', 'learns', 'david', 'soap', 'opera', 'character', 'goes', 'pharmacy', 'window', 'confront', 'betty', 'thinks', 'friend', 'jealous', 'impervious', 'revelation', 'lawyer', 'idea', 'supplies', 'tickets', 'charity', 'function', 'george', 'mccord', 'actor', 'portraying', 'david', 'appearing', 'betty', 'meets', 'george', 'function', 'george', 'inclined', 'dismiss', 'over-imaginative', 'fan', 'something', 'compels', 'walk', 'back', 'talk', 'begins', 'think', 'betty', 'actress', 'determined', 'get', 'part', 'soap', 'opera', 'decides', 'play', 'along', 'three', 'hours', 'staying', 'character', 'takes', 'home', 'george', 'begins', 'falling', 'love', 'producer', 'decide', 'bring', 'onto', 'show', 'new', 'character', 'nurse', 'betty', 'betty', 'arrives', 'set', 'falls', 'fantasy', 'world', 'back', 'real', 'life', 'seeing', 'inner', 'workings', 'television', 'show', 'snaps', 'back', 'reality', 'two', 'failed', 'takes', 'realizes', 'set', 'people', 'thought', 'real', 'characters', 'portrayed', 'actors', 'george', 'confronts', 'crazy', 'person', 'betty', 'walks', 'recovered', 'betty', 'begins', 'tell', 'rosa', 'happened', 'two', 'hitmen', 'come', 'house', 'decide', 'find', 'car', 'drugs', 'outside', 'rosa\\\\', 'house', 'killers', 'turn', 'interrupted', 'reporter', 'sheriff', 'ballard', 'betty\\\\', 'hometown', 'also', 'tracked', 'standoff', 'ensues', 'ballard', 'pulls', 'gun', 'ankle', 'holster', 'shoots', 'kills', 'wesley', 'distracted', 'watching', 're-run', 'airing', 'reason', 'love', 'point', 'wesley', 'revealed', 'charlie\\\\', 'son', 'charlie', 'rather', 'arrested', 'decides', 'kill', 'betty', 'commits', 'suicide', 'bathroom', 'george', 'offers', 'betty', 'job', 'show', 'appears', 'episodes', 'takes', 'vacation', 'rome', 'betty', 'later', 'plans', 'pursue', 'nursing', 'career'], [\"'doug\", 'kinney', 'los', 'angeles', 'construction', 'worker', 'whose', 'job', 'constantly', 'getting', 'way', 'family', 'one', 'job', 'build', 'new', 'wing', 'scientific', 'facility', 'doug', 'meets', 'dr.', 'leeds', 'friendly', 'scientist', 'developed', 'successful', 'method', 'cloning', 'humans', 'introduced', 'dr.', 'leeds\\\\', 'clone', 'proof', 'scientist', 'sympathetic', 'doug\\\\', 'troubles', 'allows', 'doug', 'make', 'clone', 'take', 'work', 'tries', 'spend', 'quality', 'time', 'family', 'clone', 'called', 'two', 'doug\\\\', 'memory', 'knowledge', 'overly', 'macho', 'although', 'clone', 'seems', 'dream', 'come', 'true', 'taking', 'wife', 'laura', 'restaurant', 'dinner', 'finds', 'two', 'date', 'doug', 'realizes', 'clones', 'great', 'seem', 'doug', 'begins', 'worry', 'clone', 'revealed', 'eventually', 'two', 'clones', 'made', 'three', 'sharp', 'contrast', 'two', 'extremely', 'sensitive', 'thoughtful', 'much', 'like', 'housewife', 'knowing', 'cook', 'well', 'take', 'care', 'house', 'four', 'cloned', 'two', 'mentality', 'overly-curious', 'child', 'unfortunately', 'since', 'clone-of-a-clone', 'considerably', 'lower', 'predecessors', 'since', 'personality', 'defects', 'pronounced', 'clone', 'cloned', 'causes', 'annoyed', 'doug', 'decree', 'moratorium', 'cloning', 'one', 'night', 'doug', 'leaves', 'home', 'business', 'trip', 'doug', 'gone', 'clones', 'runs', 'laura', 'one', 'sleeps', 'next', 'day', 'two', 'comes', 'cold', 'unable', 'work', 'sends', 'three', 'three', 'second', 'clone', 'knows', 'nothing', 'construction', 'three', 'goes', 'work', 'inspection', 'site', 'causes', 'three', 'unimpress', 'inspector', 'leads', 'losing', 'doug\\\\', 'job', 'movie', 'progresses', 'doug\\\\', 'wife', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'upset', 'husband', 'wondering', 'doug\\\\', 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'shop', 'serves', 'customers', 'also', 'gets', 'meet', 'lots', 'women', 'three', 'head', 'chef', 'four', 'delivery', 'boy', 'well', 'taking', 'second', 'job', 'paperboy'], [\"'billy\", 'madison', '27-year-old', 'heir', 'wealthy', 'father', 'spent', 'entire', 'life', 'reaping', 'benefits', 'family\\\\', 'hotel', 'chain', 'madison', 'hotels', 'fortune', '500', 'company', 'spends', 'days', 'drinking', 'best', 'friends', 'jack', 'frank', 'creating', 'disasters', 'across', 'father\\\\', 'estate', 'one', 'day', 'billy', 'ruins', 'dinner', 'meeting', 'father', 'brian', 'associates', 'behaving', 'obnoxiously', 'provoked', 'eric', 'gordon', 'brian\\\\', 'executive', 'vice', 'president', 'openly', 'expresses', 'hatred', 'towards', 'billy', 'secretly', 'harbors', 'hatred', 'towards', 'brian', 'well', 'impatiently', 'waits', 'become', 'brian\\\\', 'succsessor', 'head', 'madison', 'hotels', 'prompts', 'brian', 'lose', 'remaining', 'faith', 'billy', 'chooses', 'conniving', 'eric', 'become', 'next', 'ceo', 'company', 'billy', 'also', 'despises', 'eric', 'protests', 'responsible', 'brian', 'reveals', 'secretly', 'bribed', 'billy\\\\', 'school', 'teachers', 'order', 'pass', 'billy', 'begs', 'father', 'reconsider', 'decision', 'two', 'finally', 'come', 'compromise', 'billy', 'must', 'pass', 'elementary', 'middle', 'high', 'school', 'within', 'course', 'twenty-four', 'weeks', 'order', 'prove', 'competence', 'shortly', 'enrolling', 'school', 'billy', 'becomes', 'attracted', 'third', 'grade', 'teacher', 'named', 'veronica', 'vaughn', 'initially', 'disgusted', 'billy', 'finds', 'enrollment', 'distraction', 'students', 'eventually', 'finds', 'one', 'veronica\\\\', 'students', 'earns', 'respect', 'defending', 'ernie', 'friend', 'classmate', 'billy', 'becomes', 'popular', 'among', 'third', 'graders', 'begins', 'miss', 'advances', 'school', 'billy', 'reaches', 'ninth', 'grade', 'finds', 'rather', 'cool', 'guy', 'everyone', 'looks', 'considered', 'loser', 'realizing', 'feels', 'receiving', 'end', 'bullying', 'calls', 'old', 'classmate', 'danny', 'mcgrath', 'apologizes', 'way', 'treated', 'high', 'school', 'danny', 'accepts', 'apology', 'crosses', 'name', 'list', 'people', 'kill', 'billy\\\\', 'progress', 'frustrates', 'alarms', 'eric', 'leading', 'take', 'offensive', 'billy', 'struggles', 'high', 'school', 'visits', 'billy\\\\', 'grade', 'school', 'principal', 'max', 'anderson', 'threatens', 'reveal', 'past', 'professional', 'wrestler', 'filled', 'controversial', 'incidents', 'especially', 'particular', 'one', 'back', '1983', 'max', 'accidentally', 'caused', 'death', 'another', 'man', 'performing', 'stunt', 'coerced', 'max', 'publicly', 'states', 'took', 'bribes', 'billy', 'return', 'passing', 'announcement', 'angers', 'brian', 'chooses', 'give', 'hotel', 'chain', 'eric', 'billy', 'becomes', 'distraught', 'reverts', 'original', 'care-free', 'lifestyle', 'veronica', 'others', 'come', 'billy\\\\', 'aid', 'convincing', 'keep', 'fighting', 'eric', 'grade', 'school', 'friends', 'helps', 'billy\\\\', 'plight', 'visiting', 'max', 'home', 'convincing', 'retract', 'previous', 'statements', 'billy\\\\', 'name', 'cleared', 'brian', 'carl', 'alphonse', 'loyal', 'long-time', 'employee', 'madison', 'hotels', 'argue', 'eric', 'billy', 'deserves', 'another', 'chance', 'eric', 'disagrees', 'finally', 'shows', 'true', 'colors', 'disrespecting', 'brian', 'front', 'group', 'threatens', 'file', 'lawsuit', 'billy', 'challenges', 'eric', 'academic', 'decathlon', 'determine', 'father\\\\', 'successor', 'although', 'men', 'excel', 'different', 'activities', 'billy', 'manages', 'take', 'single-point', 'lead', 'contest\\\\', 'final', 'event', 'jeopardy', '-style', 'academic', 'test', 'eric', 'chooses', 'reflections', 'society', 'literature', 'billy\\\\', 'topic', 'billy', 'uses', 'book', 'read', 'first', 'grade', 'answer', 'question', 'judge', 'calls', 'answer', 'insanely', 'idiotic', 'gives', 'billy', 'points', 'answer', 'scores', 'still', 'eric', 'given', 'chance', 'answer', 'potentially', 'win', 'however', 'billy', 'chooses', 'question', 'eric', 'business', 'ethics', 'ironically', 'eric', 'knows', 'nothing', 'breaks', \"can\\\\'t\", 'give', 'answer', 'refusing', 'admit', 'defeat', 'brandishes', 'gun', 'billy', 'max', 'clad', 'wrestling', 'outfit', 'subdues', 'eric', 'attack', 'fails', 'keep', 'eric', 'laughing', 'maniacally', 'makes', 'final', 'attempt', 'get', 'revenge', 'billy', 'turning', 'gun', 'veronica', 'suddenly', 'danny', 'mcgrath', 'appears', 'high-powered', 'rifle', 'defeats', 'eric', 'firing', 'single', 'shot', 'buttocks', 'danny', 'billy', 'share', 'quick', 'wave', 'departs', 'billy\\\\', 'graduation', 'announces', 'passing', 'hotel', 'business', 'carl', 'instead', 'attend', 'college', 'hopes', 'becoming', 'teacher', 'veronica', 'share', 'kiss', 'film', 'ends'], ['high', 'school', 'senior', 'walter', 'gibson', 'best', 'friend', 'lance', 'celebrating', 'fact', 'moving', 'college', 'gibson', 'lament', 'fact', 'lost', 'touch', 'women', 'lance', 'heads', 'ucla', 'gibson', 'moves', 'college', 'new', 'england', 'two', 'keep', 'touch', 'writing', 'letters', 'gibson', 'luck', 'changed', 'attempt', 'get', 'close', 'alison', 'bradbury', 'english', 'class', 'tricking', 'tutoring', 'results', 'angering', 'alienating', 'eventually', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'lance', 'telling', 'come', 'california', 'christmas', 'break', 'set', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'assuring', 'sure', 'thing', 'gibson', 'finds', 'ride', 'ride', 'share', 'board', 'make', 'trip', 'immediately', 'knows', 'going', 'long', 'trip', 'meets', 'gary', 'cooper', 'mary', 'ann', 'webster', 'couple', 'providing', 'ride', 'overly', 'extroverted', 'upbeat', 'things', 'bad', 'worse', 'realizes', 'sitting', 'next', 'alison', 'heads', 'ucla', 'visit', 'boyfriend', 'jason', 'tension', 'constant', 'bickering', 'gibson', 'alison', 'quickly', 'become', 'much', 'cooper', 'abandons', 'side', 'road', 'middle', 'nowhere', 'hitch', 'california', 'overcome', 'issues', 'transportation', 'weather', 'lack', 'food', 'lack', 'money', 'sleeping', 'arrangements', 'time', 'developing', 'genuine', 'feelings', 'one', 'another', 'upon', 'arriving', 'california', 'alison', 'discovers', 'real', 'reason', 'gibson', 'making', 'trip', 'meet', 'sure', 'thing', 'angrily', 'runs', 'night', 'college', 'mixer', 'lance', 'arranged', 'gibson', 'meet', 'sure', 'thing', 'meanwhile', 'alison', 'spending', 'boring', 'night', 'jason', 'drags', 'mixer', 'fun', 'alison', 'gibson', 'see', 'party', 'jealousy', 'leads', 'confrontation', 'two', 'gibson', 'takes', 'sure', 'thing', 'lance', 'room', 'stop', 'thinking', 'alison', 'back', 'campus', 'break', 'alison', 'gibson', 'obviously', 'uncomfortable', 'around', 'english', 'class', 'professor', 'taub', 'reads', 'essay', 'composed', 'gibson', 'writing', 'assignment', 'description', 'night', 'sure', 'thing', 'girl', 'essay', 'asks', 'protagonist', 'loves', 'first', 'time', 'realizes', 'words', 'sleep', 'alison', 'realizes', 'actually', 'happened', 'night', 'kiss'], ['walter', 'davis', 'allows', 'brother', 'ted', 'set', 'blind', 'date', 'wife', 'cousin', 'nadia', 'nadia', 'shy', 'two', 'experience', 'awkwardness', 'however', 'evening', 'goes', 'nadia', 'begins', 'drink', 'behave', 'wild', 'manner', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'nadia', 'jealous', 'ex-boyfriend', 'david', 'exacerbates', 'situation', 'stalking', 'couple', 'night', 'walter', 'ends', 'driven', 'insane', 'nadia', 'mishaps', 'wreaking', 'havoc', 'party', 'getting', 'arrested', 'menacing', 'david', 'mugger', 'revolver', 'even', 'forces', 'david', 'moonwalk', 'firing', 'frightened', 'man', 'feet', 'nadia', 'posts', '10,000', 'bail', 'agrees', 'marry', 'david', 'help', 'walter', 'avoid', 'prison', 'time', 'wedding', 'walter', 'gives', 'nadia', 'chocolates', 'filled', 'brandy', 'walter', 'attempts', 'stop', 'wedding', 'chaos', 'ensues'], [\"'an\", 'english', 'bon-vivant', 'osteopath', 'enchanted', 'young', 'exotic', 'dancer', 'invites', 'live', 'serves', 'friend', 'mentor', 'contacts', 'parties', 'friend', 'meet', 'date', 'members', 'conservative', 'party', 'eventually', 'scandal', 'occurs', 'affair', 'minister', 'war', 'goes', 'public', 'threatening', 'lifestyles', 'freedom'], ['16-year', 'old', 'guillermo', 'israel', 'rodr챠guez', 'exactly', 'hide', 'sexual', 'orientation', 'even', 'though', 'parents', 'disapprove', 'also', 'seduces', 'english', 'language', 'tutor', 'introduces', 'pleasures', 'anal', 'sex', 'moves', 'frequently', 'cruise', 'toilets', 'local', 'mall', 'gay', 'sex', 'getting', 'caught', 'mall', 'security', 'guards', 'consequence', 'incident', 'parents', 'learn', 'activities', 'take', 'mental', 'health', 'therapist', 'pronounces', 'guillermo', 'mentally', 'healthy', 'need', 'conversion', 'therapy', 'recommends', 'sessions', 'parents', 'help', 'accept', 'son', 'sexual', 'identity', 'short', 'film', 'shown', 'british', 'television', 'network', 'channel', 'included', 'gay', 'lesbian', 'short', 'film', 'collection', 'boys', 'briefs'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', '1988', 'soviet', 'bloc', 'beginning', 'disintegrate', 'franti큄ek', 'louka', 'middle-aged', 'czech', 'man', 'dedicated', 'bachelorhood', 'pursuit', 'women', 'concert', 'cellist', 'struggling', 'make', 'living', 'playing', 'funerals', 'prague', 'crematorium', 'lost', 'previous', 'job', 'czech', 'philharmonic', 'due', 'half-accidentally', 'blacklisted', 'politically', 'unreliable', 'authorities', 'friend', 'offers', 'chance', 'earn', 'great', 'deal', 'money', 'sham', 'marriage', 'russian', 'woman', 'enable', 'stay', 'czechoslovakia', 'woman', 'uses', 'czechoslovak', 'citizenship', 'emigrate', 'join', 'boyfriend', 'west', 'germany', 'due', 'concurrence', 'circumstances', 'leave', 'behind', 'russian-speaking', 'five-year-old', 'son', 'kolya', 'disgruntled', 'czech', 'musician', 'look', 'first', 'louka', 'kolya', 'communication', 'difficulties', \"don\\\\'t\", 'speak', 'other\\\\', 'languages', 'many', 'false', 'friend', 'words', 'exist', 'czech', 'russian', 'add', 'confusion', 'gradually', 'though', 'bond', 'forms', 'louka', 'kolya', 'child', 'suffers', 'suspected', 'meningitis', 'placed', 'course', 'carefully', 'monitored', 'antibiotics', 'louka', 'threatened', 'imprisonment', 'suspect', 'marriage', 'child', 'may', 'placed', 'russian', 'children\\\\', 'home', 'velvet', 'revolution', 'intervenes', 'though', 'kolya', 'reunited', 'mother', 'louka', 'kolya', 'say', 'goodbyes'], ['young', 'farm', 'boy', 'oklahoma', 'named', 'claude', 'hooper', 'bukowski', 'john', 'savage', 'heads', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'enter', 'army', 'serve', 'vietnam', 'war', 'central', 'park', 'meets', 'troupe', 'free-spirited', 'hippies', 'led', 'george', 'berger', 'young', 'man', 'introduces', 'debutante', 'sheila', 'franklin', 'crash', 'dinner', 'party', 'home', 'inevitably', 'claude', 'sent', 'recruit', 'training', 'nevada', 'berger', 'band', 'merry', 'pranksters', 'including', 'woof', 'daschund', 'lafayette', 'hud', 'johnson', 'pregnant', 'jeannie', 'ryan', 'follow', 'sheila', 'flirts', 'off-duty', 'sergeant', 'order', 'steal', 'uniform', 'gives', 'berger', 'uses', 'extract', 'claude', 'base', 'last', 'meeting', 'sheila', 'taking', 'place', 'claude', 'away', 'unit', 'flies', 'vietnam', 'taking', 'berger', 'film', 'ends', 'main', 'cast', 'singing', 'berger\\\\', 'grave', 'followed', 'scenes', 'large', 'anti-war', 'protest', 'outside', 'white', 'house', 'washington'], ['jet', 'handsome', 'gay', 'hustler', 'whose', 'sex', 'appeal', 'seems', 'know', 'bounds', 'everyone', 'wants', 'make', 'love', 'love', 'one', 'things', 'change', 'drastically', 'notices', 'seems', 'like', 'young', 'couple', 'shop', 'sam', 'kana', 'first', 'sight', 'falls', 'love', 'sam', 'begins', 'following', 'two', 'around', 'jet', 'friend', 'ching', 'also', 'hustler', 'runs', 'personal', 'gay', 'magazine', 'jet', 'imploring', 'sam', 'contact', 'jet', 'first', 'jet', 'angry', 'ching', 'asking', 'wrath', 'subsides', 'quickly', 'indeed', 'meets', 'sam', 'seems', 'like', 'chance', 'encounter', 'actually', 'outcome', 'personal', 'sam', 'turns', 'police', 'officer', 'jet', 'starts', 'befriend', 'sam', 'hoping', 'turn', 'relationship', 'sam', 'seem', 'notice', 'jet', 'intentions', 'towards', 'unbeknownst', 'jet', 'sam', 'homosexual', 'affair', 'pop', 'star', 'k.s', 'five', 'years', 'earlier', 'time', 'ching', 'unrequited', 'love', 'sam', 'two', 'still', 'office', 'workers', 'ching', 'comes', 'apartment', 'shared', 'jet', 'jet', 'sam', 'instantly', 'recognizes', 'sam', 'fai', 'furious', 'jet', 'stealing', 'beloved', 'sam', 'runs', 'back', 'apartment', 'jet', 'pursues', 'two', 'kisses', 'interrupted', 'unknown', 'person', 'door', 'later', 'sam', 'believes', 'person', 'father', 'unwilling', 'face', 'father', 'disappointment', 'suicides', 'jet', 'lives', 'hustler', 'receives', 'letter', 'knowing', 'sam', 'loved'], ['children', 'paradise', 'divided', 'two', 'epochs', 'boulevard', 'crime', \"l\\\\'homme\", 'blanc', 'first', 'begins', 'around', '1827', 'second', 'seven', 'years', 'later', 'action', 'takes', 'place', 'mainly', 'neighborhood', 'boulevard', 'temple', 'paris', 'nicknamed', 'boulevard', 'crime', 'melodramas', 'bloody', 'scenarios', 'offered', 'largely', 'plebian', 'public', 'evening', 'two', 'principal', 'theaters', 'th챕창tre', 'des', 'funambules', 'specializes', 'pantomime', 'since', 'authorities', 'allow', 'use', 'spoken', 'dialogue', 'reserved', 'official', 'venue', 'grand', 'theater', 'part', 'boulevard', 'crime', 'young', 'actor', 'womanizer', 'fr챕d챕rick', 'lema챤tre', 'dreams', 'becoming', 'star', 'meets', 'flirts', 'garance', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'earns', 'living', 'exhibiting', 'physical', 'charms', 'carnival', 'show', 'garance', 'staves', 'fr챕d챕rick\\\\', 'advances', 'goes', 'visit', 'one', 'acquaintances', 'pierre-fran챌ois', 'lacenaire', 'rebel', 'revolt', 'society', 'lacenaire', 'proud', 'dangerous', 'individual', 'works', 'scrivener', 'cover', 'organized', 'criminal', 'enterprises', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'garance', 'accused', 'stealing', 'man\\\\', 'gold', 'watch', 'watching', 'pantomime', 'featuring', 'baptiste', 'debureau', 'barker', 'front', 'funambules', 'theater', 'lacenaire', 'fact', 'guilty', 'party', 'baptiste', 'dressed', 'stock', 'character', 'pierrot', 'saves', 'police', 'silently', 'acting', 'theft', 'witnessed', 'reveals', 'great', 'talent', 'veritable', 'vocation', 'pantomime', 'falls', 'immediately', 'irremediably', 'love', 'garance', 'saving', 'flower', 'thanked', 'baptiste\\\\', 'father', 'one', 'stars', 'funambules', 'daughter', 'theater', 'director', 'nathalie', 'mime', 'also', 'deeply', 'love', 'baptiste', 'performance', 'evening', 'used-clothes', 'peddler', 'named', 'j챕richo', 'reads', 'palm', 'marry', 'man', 'loves', 'knew', 'father', 'worried', 'mood', 'affecting', 'performances', 'fight', 'breaks', 'evening', 'two', 'rival', 'clans', 'actors', 'baptiste', 'fr챕d챕rick', 'manage', 'calm', 'crowd', 'improvising', 'mime', 'act', 'thus', 'saving', 'day\\\\', 'receipts', 'enthusiastic', 'spectators', 'seated', 'gods', 'top', 'floor', 'balcony', 'cheapest', 'seats', 'located', 'later', 'night', 'baptiste', 'catches', 'sight', 'garance', 'lacenaire', 'accomplices', 'seedy', 'restaurant/dancehall', 'rouge', 'gorge', 'invites', 'garance', 'dance', 'thrown', 'restaurant', 'avril', 'one', 'lacenaire\\\\', 'thugs', 'turns', 'situation', 'around', 'leaves', 'garance', 'finds', 'room', 'boarding', 'house', 'fr챕d챕rick', 'live', 'declaring', 'love', 'baptiste', 'flees', 'garance\\\\', 'room', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'return', 'love', 'way', 'despite', 'clear', 'invitation', 'stay', 'fr챕d챕rick', 'hears', 'garance', 'singing', 'room', 'next', 'quickly', 'joins', 'baptiste', 'becomes', 'star', 'funambules', 'fueled', 'passion', 'writes', 'several', 'popular', 'pantomimes', 'performing', 'garance', 'fr챕d챕rick', 'become', 'lovers', 'baptiste', 'tormented', 'affair', 'nathalie', 'convinced', 'baptiste', 'made', 'suffers', 'lack', 'love', 'garance', 'visited', 'dressing', 'room', 'count', '횋douard', 'montray', 'wealthy', 'cynical', 'dandy', 'offers', 'fortune', 'agree', 'become', 'mistress', 'garance', 'repelled', 'mockingly', 'rejects', 'proposition', 'count', 'nonetheless', 'offers', 'protection', 'need', 'arise', 'later', 'unjustly', 'suspected', 'complicity', 'abortive', 'robbery', 'murder', 'attempt', 'lacenaire', 'avril', 'avoid', 'arrest', 'forced', 'appeal', 'count', '횋douard', 'protection', 'first', 'part', 'film', 'comes', 'end', 'development', 'part', 'man', 'white', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'fr챕d챕rick', 'become', 'famous', 'star', 'grand', 'theater', 'man', 'town', 'spendthrift', 'covered', 'debts', 'nbsp', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'prevent', 'devastating', 'mediocre', 'play', 'currently', 'main', 'role', 'exposing', 'ridicule', 'rehearsal', 'playing', 'laughs', 'rather', 'straight', 'melodrama', 'opening', 'night', 'despite', 'achieving', 'smashing', 'success', 'play\\\\', 'three', 'fussy', 'authors', 'still', 'outraged', 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'actor', 'man', 'loves', 'break', 'play', 'count', 'coolly', 'mocks', 'fr챕d챕rick', 'trying', 'provoke', 'duel', 'elsewhere', 'baptiste', 'also', 'audience', 'encounters', 'garance', 'last', 'lacenaire', 'takes', 'fr챕d챕rick\\\\', 'side', 'verbal', 'jousting', 'count', 'attempts', 'humiliate', 'well', 'lacenaire', 'takes', 'revenge', 'calling', 'cuckold', 'dramatically', 'pulling', 'back', 'curtain', 'reveals', 'garance', 'baptiste\\\\', 'embrace', 'balcony', 'two', 'lovers', 'slip', 'away', 'spend', 'night', 'together', 'garance\\\\', 'former', 'room', 'great', 'post', 'house', 'next', 'morning', 'turkish', 'bath', 'lacenaire', 'assassinates', 'count', 'thrown', 'theater', 'calmly', 'sits', 'wait', 'police', 'meet', 'destiny', 'die', 'scaffold', 'rooming', 'house', 'nathalie', 'finds', 'baptiste', 'garance', 'nathalie', 'desperate', 'pleading', 'wifely', 'rights', 'garance', 'declares', 'baptiste', 'past', 'six', 'years', 'much', 'nathalie', 'wife', 'flees', 'pursued', 'equally', 'desperate', 'baptiste', 'soon', 'lost', 'frantic', 'carnival', 'crowd', 'amid', 'sea', 'bobbing', 'masks', 'unheeding', 'white', 'pierrots', 'film', 'ends', 'baptiste', 'swept', 'away', 'garance', 'makes', 'escape', 'carriage', 'still', 'unaware', 'protector', 'count', 'dead.singerman', 'alan', 'french', 'cinema', 'student\\\\', 'book', '2006'], ['andy', 'writer', 'newspaper', 'classifieds', 'bouncing', 'relationship', 'relationship', 'since', 'eighth', 'grade', 'throughout', 'film', 'loses', 'custody', 'dog', 'girlfriend', 'cheryl', 'breaks', 'another', 'man', 'andy', 'meets', 'lorna', 'children', 'show', 'host', 'obsessed', 'dog', 'commit', 'relationship', 'andy', 'also', 'still', 'hurt', 'emotionally', 'boyfriend', 'trevor', 'left', 'andy', 'cheryl', 'andy', 'also', 'fling', 'another', 'woman', 'keiran', 'meanwhile', 'cheryl', 'takes', 'andy', 'dog', 'psychiatrist', 'tells', 'promiscuity', 'traumatizing', 'dog', 'andy', 'cheryl', 'best', 'share', 'custody', 'problems', 'arise', 'cheryl', 'trevor', 'break', 'tries', 'win', 'andy', 'back', 'unsuccessfully', 'keiran', 'figures', 'jeri', 'boyfriend', 'jeff', 'affair', 'andy', 'lorna', 'feelings', \"n't\", 'sure', 'follow'], [\"'on\", 'september', '1975', 'all-female', 'fan', 'club', 'called', 'disciples', 'james', 'dean', 'meets', 'inside', 'woolworth\\\\', 'five-and-dime', 'store', 'mccarthy', 'texas', 'joe', 'busy', 'stocking', 'new', 'issues', 'photoplay', 'magazine', 'mona', 'arrives', 'late', 'due', 'weather', 'juanita\\\\', 'chagrin', 'sissy', 'mona', 'joe', 'counter', 'begin', 'singing', 'doo-wop', 'tune', 'called', 'sincerely', 'back', '1975', 'sun', 'still', 'shining', 'another', 'two', 'disciples', 'stella', 'mae', 'edna', 'louise', 'make', 'way', 'five-and-dime', 'bringing', 'red', 'jacket', 'club', 'used', 'wear', 'mona', 'joins', 'explains', 'bus', 'riding', 'broke', 'repaired', 'looking', 'group', 'picture', 'recalls', 'last', 'time', 'disciples', 'dressed', 'jackets', 'came', 'together', 'reunion', 'preparations', 'continue', 'flashback', 'mona', 'reveals', 'dean', 'chose', 'raise', 'son', 'juanita', 'thinks', 'warped', 'demented', 'mona', 'loses', 'temper', 'sissy', 'badmouths', 'latter', 'goes', 'outside', 'cool', 'mona', 'juanita', 'leave', 'shop', 'see', 'window', 'shopper', 'joanne', 'driving', 'porsche', 'sports', 'car', 'joanne', 'arrived', 'mccarthy', 'thanks', 'old', 'highway', 'sign', 'promoting', 'dean\\\\', 'son', 'store', 'disciples', 'learn', 'sex', 'change', 'operation', 'reunion', 'winds', 'appears', 'jo/joanne', 'father', 'mona\\\\', 'never-seen', '20-year-old', 'son', 'jimmy', 'dean', 'stolen', 'joanne\\\\', 'porsche', 'disciples', 'make', 'pact', 'hold', 'another', 'one', 'next', 'twenty', 'years', 'mona', 'refuses', 'cissy', 'joanne', 'appear', 'front', 'mirrors', 'sing', 'sincerely', 'film', 'ends', 'shots', 'decaying', 'abandoned', 'five-and-dime', 'store', 'song', 'fades', 'wind', 'blows'], [\"'the\", 'fabulous', 'baker', 'boys', 'jack', 'frank', 'brothers', 'living', 'seattle', 'making', 'living', 'playing', 'lounges', 'music', 'bars', 'gimmick', 'play', 'intricate', 'jazz', 'pop-flavored', 'duets', 'matching', 'grand', 'pianos', 'frank', 'handles', 'business', 'aspect', 'jack', 'single', 'attractive', 'talented', 'player', 'feels', 'disillusioned', 'bored', 'often', 'hackneyed', 'material', 'play', 'nonetheless', 'able', 'live', 'comfortable', 'responsibility-free', 'existence', 'frank\\\\', 'management', 'sleeping', 'pleases', 'frank', 'wife', 'family', 'adores', 'jack', 'personal', 'connections', 'private', 'life', 'eddie', 'soulful', 'aging', 'black', 'labrador', 'nina', 'lonely', 'child', 'single', 'mom', 'living', 'building', 'walks', 'eddie', 'takes', 'piano', 'lessons', 'jack', 'respects', 'professionally', 'personally', 'jack\\\\', 'life', 'series', 'empty', 'one-night', 'stands', 'plays', 'challenging', 'music', 'really', 'cares', 'local', 'jazz', 'club', 'concerned', 'way', 'keep', 'losing', 'gigs', 'baker', 'boys', 'hold', 'auditions', 'female', 'singer', 'join', 'outfit', 'ending', 'beautiful', 'eccentric', 'susie', 'diamond', 'former', 'escort', 'unusual', 'charisma', 'sultry', 'singing', 'voice', 'emotional', 'baggage', 'keeps', 'well', 'hidden', 'time', 'she\\\\', 'late', 'audition', 'cockily', 'irreverent', 'professional', 'reputation', 'ticks', 'frank', 'saying', 'she\\\\', 'got', 'intuition', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'hire', 'anyway', '봟ut', 'overcomes', 'reservations', 'impassioned', 'performance', 'know', 'jack', 'accompanying', 'clearly', 'impressed', 'susie\\\\', 'singing', 'wants', 'admit', 'rocky', 'start', 'new', 'act', 'becomes', 'unexpectedly', 'successful', 'leading', 'bigger', 'gigs', 'better', 'money', 'frank', 'worried', 'jack', 'ruin', 'sleeping', 'susie', 'noted', 'growing', 'attraction', 'two', 'well', 'aware', 'brother\\\\', 'effect', 'opposite', 'sex', 'jack', 'susie', 'circle', 'warily', 'gig', 'gig', 'neither', 'wanting', 'make', 'first', 'move', 'meantime', 'normally', 'cool', 'emotionally', 'distant', 'jack', 'stark', 'revelation', 'fragile', 'world', 'really', 'eddie', 'spend', 'night', 'animal', 'hospital', 'needs', 'several', 'teeth', 'removed', 'procedure', 'could', 'easily', 'kill', 'elderly', 'dog', 'jack', 'suddenly', 'realizes', 'real', 'friend', 'world', 'sought-after', 'trio', 'head', 'town', 'play', 'extended', 'engagement', 'grand', 'old-style', 'hotel', 'frank', 'leave', 'suddenly', 'one', 'kids', 'minor', 'accident', 'without', 'act', 'chaperone', 'susie', 'jack', 'give', 'feelings', 'playing', 'sizzling', 'duet', 'makin\\\\', 'whoopee', 'hotel\\\\', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'celebration', 'sex', 'susie', 'opens', 'jack', 'past', 'escort', 'service', 'sleeping', 'clients', 'simply', 'nice', 'tries', 'tell', 'good', 'player', 'he\\\\', 'unwilling', 'admit', 'regrets', 'romance', 'uneasy', 'off-kilter', 'start', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'last', 'long', 'back', 'seattle', 'increasing', 'tension', 'within', 'act', 'frank', 'senses', 'happened', 'jack', 'susie', 'begin', 'rebel', 'frank\\\\', 'creative', 'control', 'performing', 'crowd-pleasers', 'like', 'feelings', 'every', 'night', 'instead', 'jazz', 'standards', 'prefer', 'spends', 'night', 'jack', 'apartment', 'susie', 'reveals', 'got', 'lucrative', 'offer', 'catfood', 'conventioneer', 'hotel', 'sing', 'jingles', 'would', 'mean', 'leaving', 'baker', 'boys', 'later', 'takes', 'job', 'jack', 'wounded', 'she\\\\', 'even', 'consider', 'going', 'refuses', 'admit', 'feels', 'acts', 'departure', 'big', 'deal', 'parting', 'shot', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'selling', 'cheap', 'much', 'ever', 'escort', 'working', 'cheesy', 'lounge', 'act', 'instead', 'developing', 'talent', 'serious', 'jazz', 'musician', 'jack', 'frank', 'quarrel', 'susie\\\\', 'departure', 'increasingly', 'embarrassing', 'gigs', 'frank', 'landing', 'get', 'fight', 'jack', 'nearly', 'breaking', 'frank\\\\', 'fingers', 'frustrated', 'rage', 'storming', 'saying', \"can\\\\'t\", 'pretend', 'anymore', 'jack', 'later', 'blows', 'nina', 'driving', 'away', '봟ut', 'goes', 'apologize', '봞nd', 'learns', 'she\\\\', 'getting', 'new', 'stepdad', \"won\\\\'t\", 'big', 'part', 'life', 'anymore', 'ready', 'pursue', 'solo', 'career', 'loyalty', 'frank', 'delayed', 'maturity', 'kept', 'back', 'burner', 'jack', 'goes', 'frank\\\\', 'house', 'mend', 'fences', 'brothers', 'finally', 'let', 'know', 'much', 'care', \"don\\\\'t\", 'work', 'together', 'frank', 'accepts', 'jack\\\\', 'decision', 'way', 'says', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'switch', 'giving', 'piano', 'lessons', 'home', 'mind', 'simply', 'helping', 'brother', 'lead', 'carefree', 'swinging', 'single', 'life', 'secretly', 'envied', 'thought', 'jack', 'wanted', 'reminisce', 'happily', 'early', 'days', 'act', 'play', 'riotous', 'chorus', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'sixteen', 'knowing', 'connection', 'unbreakable', 'matter', 'happens', 'jack', 'goes', 'see', 'susie', 'enjoying', 'jingle', 'business', 'much', 'let', 'know', 'he\\\\', 'sorry', 'way', 'behaved', 'subtly', 'unmistakably', 'communicate', 'wants', 'try', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'ready', 'give', 'another', 'chance', 'yet', 'part', 'friends', 'jack', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'got', 'intuition', 'they\\\\', \"'ll\", 'see', 'echoing', 'earlier', 'prediction', 'brothers', 'would', 'hire', 'act', 'walks', 'job', 'watching', 'she\\\\', 'nearly', 'sight', 'credits', 'roll', 'soundtrack', 'plays', 'michelle', 'pfeiffer', 'dave', 'grusin\\\\', 'interpretation', 'funny', 'valentine'], [\"'seventeen-year-old\", 'megan', 'sunny', 'high', 'school', 'senior', 'loves', 'cheerleading', 'dating', 'football', 'player', 'jared', 'enjoy', 'kissing', 'jared', 'however', 'prefers', 'looking', 'fellow', 'cheerleaders', 'combined', 'megan\\\\', 'interest', 'vegetarianism', 'melissa', 'etheridge', 'family', 'friends', 'suspect', 'megan', 'fact', 'lesbian', 'help', 'ex-gay', 'mike', 'surprise', 'intervention', 'following', 'confrontation', 'megan', 'sent', 'true', 'directions', 'reparative', 'therapy', 'camp', 'uses', 'five-step', 'program', 'convert', 'campers', 'heterosexuality', 'true', 'directions', 'megan', 'meets', 'founder', 'strict', 'disciplinarian', 'mary', 'brown', 'mary\\\\', 'supposedly', 'heterosexual', 'son', 'rock', 'critical', 'introduction', 'queer', 'theory', 'nikki', 'sullivan', 'calls', 'rock', 'overtly', 'homosexual', 'says', 'mary\\\\', 'desire', 'cure', 'son', 'homosexuality', 'inspiration', 'true', 'directions', 'program', 'ref', 'name', 'group', 'young', 'people', 'trying', 'cure', 'homosexuality', 'prompting', 'mary', 'campers', 'megan', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'lesbian', 'fact', 'odds', 'traditional', 'religious', 'upbringing', 'distresses', 'puts', 'every', 'effort', 'becoming', 'heterosexual', 'early', 'stay', 'true', 'directions', 'megan', 'discovers', 'two', 'boys', 'dolph', 'clayton', 'making', 'panics', 'screams', 'leading', 'discovery', 'mike', 'dolph', 'made', 'leave', 'clayton', 'punished', 'forced', 'isolation', 'true', 'directions', 'program', 'involves', 'campers', 'admitting', 'homosexuality', 'rediscovering', 'gender', 'identity', 'performing', 'stereotypically', 'gender-associated', 'tasks', 'finding', 'root', 'homosexuality', 'demystifying', 'opposite', 'sex', 'simulating', 'heterosexual', 'intercourse', 'course', 'program', 'megan', 'becomes', 'friends', 'another', 'girl', 'camp', 'college', 'student', 'named', 'graham', 'though', 'comfortable', 'gay', 'megan', 'forced', 'camp', 'risk', 'otherwise', 'disowned', 'family', 'true', 'directions', 'kids', 'encouraged', 'rebel', 'mary', 'two', 'former', 'students', 'ex-ex-gays', 'larry', 'lloyd', 'take', 'campers', 'local', 'gay', 'bar', 'graham', 'megan\\\\', 'relationship', 'develops', 'romance', 'mary', 'discovers', 'trip', 'makes', 'picket', 'larry', 'lloyd\\\\', 'house', 'carrying', 'placards', 'shouting', 'homophobic', 'abuse', 'megan', 'graham', 'sneak', 'away', 'one', 'night', 'sex', 'begin', 'fall', 'love', 'mary', 'finds', 'megan', 'ease', 'sexual', 'identity', 'unrepentant', 'made', 'leave', 'true', 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'values', 'holds', 'dear', 'mrs.', 'bridge', 'played', 'joanne', 'woodward', 'labors', 'maintain', 'pollyanna', 'view', 'world', 'husband', 'emotional', 'distance', 'children', 'eagerness', 'adopt', 'world', 'view', 'modern', 'movie', 'features', 'blythe', 'danner', 'mrs.', 'bridge', 'troubled', 'friend', 'simon', 'callow', 'foreign', 'psychiatrist', 'bridges', 'find', 'unsavory', 'saundra', 'mcclain', 'bridges', 'maid', 'bridge', 'children', 'kyra', 'sedgwick', 'robert', 'sean', 'leonard', 'margaret', 'welsh', 'filmed', 'entirely', 'location', 'kansas', 'city', 'paris', 'france', 'ottawa', 'canada', 'nominated', 'academy', 'award', 'best', 'actress'], ['early', '1990s', 'retired', 'entertainer', 'dixie', 'leonard', 'commitment', 'attend', 'hollywood', 'ceremony', 'televised', 'live', 'honor', 'longtime', 'show-biz', 'partner', 'eddie', 'sparks', 'young', 'man', 'show', 'comes', 'pick', 'dixie', 'balks', 'explains', 'brought', 'eddie', 'together', 'drove', 'apart', 'bulk', 'film', 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'carly', 'affair', 'base', 'commander', 'vince', 'johnson'], ['george', 'banks', 'upper-middle-class', 'owner', 'athletic', 'shoe', 'company', 'san', 'marino', 'california', 'whose', '22-year-old', 'daughter', 'annie', 'returns', 'europe', 'telling', 'decided', 'marry', 'bryan', 'mackenzie', 'man', 'upper-class', 'family', 'bel-air', 'despite', 'knowing', 'three', 'months', 'sudden', 'shock', 'turns', 'warm', 'reunion', 'heated', 'argument', 'george', 'annie', 'quickly', 'reconcile', 'time', 'bryan', 'arrive', 'meet', 'despite', 'bryan', 'good', 'financial', 'status', 'likeable', 'demeanour', 'george', 'takes', 'immediate', 'dislike', 'wife', 'nina', 'accepts', 'young', 'man', 'potential', 'son-in-law', 'george', 'nina', 'meet', 'bryan', 'parents', 'john', 'joanna', 'though', 'george', 'feels', 'comfort', 'john', 'also', 'expressing', 'shocked', 'initially', 'bryan', 'marriage', 'plans', 'george', 'quickly', 'gets', 'trouble', 'begins', 'nosing', 'around', 'eventually', 'ends', 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'accident', 'flown', 'back', 'mainland', 'bess', 'believes', 'prayer', 'reason', 'accident', 'occurred', 'longer', 'able', 'perform', 'sexually', 'mentally', 'affected', 'paralysis', 'jan', 'asks', 'bess', 'find', 'lover', 'bess', 'devastated', 'storms', 'jan', 'attempts', 'commit', 'suicide', 'fails', 'falls', 'unconscious', 'readmitted', 'hospital', 'jan', 'condition', 'deteriorates', 'urges', 'bess', 'find', 'sex', 'men', 'tell', 'details', 'together', 'keep', 'alive', 'bess', 'begins', 'believe', 'actions', 'god', 'accordance', 'loving', 'jan.', 'despite', 'unwillingness', 'inner', 'turmoil', 'men', 'perseveres', 'believes', 'keeping', 'jan', 'alive'], ['elizabeth', 'von', 'arnim', 'novel', 'tells', 'story', 'four', 'dissimilar', 'women', '1920s', 'england', 'leave', 'damp', 'rainy', 'environs', 'holiday', 'secluded', 'coastal', 'castle', 'italy', 'mrs', 'arbuthnot', 'mrs', 'wilkins', 'belong', 'ladies', 'club', 'never', 'spoken', 'become', 'acquainted', 'reading', 'newspaper', 'advertisement', \"'small\", 'mediaeval', 'italian', 'castle', 'shores', 'mediterranean', 'let', 'furnished', 'month', 'april', 'find', 'common', 'ground', 'struggling', 'make', 'best', 'unhappy', 'marriages', 'decided', 'seek', 'ladies', 'help', 'share', 'expenses', 'reluctantly', 'take', 'waspish', 'elderly', 'mrs', 'fisher', 'stunning', 'aloof', 'lady', 'caroline', 'dester', 'four', 'women', 'come', 'together', 'castle', 'find', 'rejuvenation', 'tranquil', 'beauty', 'surroundings', 'rediscovering', 'hope', 'love'], [\"'the\", 'older', 'paul', 'verlaine', 'meets', 'dead', 'arthur', 'rimbaud\\\\', 'sister', 'isabelle', 'caf챕', 'paris', 'isabelle', 'mother', 'want', 'verlaine', 'hand', 'copies', 'may', 'still', 'rimbaud\\\\', 'poems', 'burn', 'fear', 'lewdness', 'writings', 'verlaine', 'reflects', 'wild', 'relationship', 'rimbaud', 'beginning', 'teenaged', 'rimbaud', 'sent', 'poetry', 'verlaine', 'home', 'provinces', '1871.', 'verlaine', 'instantly', 'fascinated', 'impulsively', 'invites', 'rich', 'father-in-law\\\\', 'home', 'paris', 'lives', 'young', 'pregnant', 'wife', 'wild', 'eccentric', 'rimbaud', 'displays', 'sense', 'manners', 'decency', 'whatever', 'scandalising', 'verlaine\\\\', 'pretentious', 'bourgeois', 'in-laws', 'verlaine', 'seduced', '16-year-old', 'rimbaud\\\\', 'physical', 'body', 'well', 'unique', 'originality', 'mind', 'staid', 'respectability', 'married', 'heterosexual', 'life', 'easy', 'middle', 'class', 'surroundings', 'stifling', 'verlaine\\\\', 'admittedly', 'sybaritic', 'literary', 'talent', 'taking', 'rimbaud', 'much', 'rebellion', 'liberation', 'giving', 'self-indulgence', 'masochism', 'rimbaud', 'acts', 'sadistically', 'verlaine', 'verlaine', 'young', 'wife', 'eventually', 'deserts', 'violent', 'itinerant', 'relationship', 'ensues', 'two', 'poets', 'sad', 'climax', 'arrives', 'brussels', 'drunken', 'enraged', 'verlaine', 'shoots', 'wounds', 'rimbaud', 'sentenced', 'prison', 'sodomy', 'attempted', 'murder', 'prison', 'verlaine', 'converts', 'christianity', 'erstwhile', 'lover\\\\', 'disgust', 'upon', 'release', 'meets', 'rimbaud', 'germany', 'vainly', 'mistakenly', 'seeking', 'revive', 'relationship', 'two', 'men', 'part', 'however', 'never', 'meet', 'bitterly', 'renouncing', 'literature', 'form', 'rimbaud', 'travels', 'world', 'alone', 'finally', 'settling', 'abyssinia', 'run', 'trading', 'post', 'mistress', 'possibly', 'young', 'boy-lover', 'tumor', 'right', 'knee', 'forces', 'back', 'france', 'leg', 'amputated', 'nevertheless', 'cancer', 'spreads', 'dies', 'age', '37.', 'dies', 'image', 'one', 'famous', 'poems', 'dormeur', 'val', 'appears', 'conversation', 'verlaine', 'isabelle', 'rimbaud', 'asserts', 'brother', 'accepted', 'confession', 'priest', 'right', 'died', 'showing', 'christian', 'penitence', 'censored', 'versions', 'poetry', 'survive', 'verlaine', 'pretends', 'agree', 'tears', 'card', 'leaves', 'later', 'verlaine', 'drinking', 'absinthe', 'sees', 'vision', 'sixteen-year-old', 'rimbaud', 'returned', 'transcendent', 'realm', 'express', 'love', 'respect', 'verlaine', 'thus', 'posthumously', 'earned', 'film', 'ends', 'young', 'rimbaud', 'walking', 'alone', 'mountain', 'range', 'verlaine', 'proclaiming', 'happy', 'together', 'rimbaud', 'claiming', 'finally', 'found', 'eternity'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'set', 'hope', 'england', 'it\\\\', 'christmastime', \"\\\\'tis\", 'season', 'put', 'shakespeare\\\\', 'cheery', 'seasonal', 'play', 'hamlet', 'joe', 'harper', 'takes', 'project', 'final', 'stand', 'sorts', 'encouragement', 'catty', 'agent', 'advertising', 'local', 'newspaper', 'actors', 'low', 'price', 'rabble', 'actors', 'strange', 'untalented', 'chooses', 'following', 'hamlet', 'joe', 'harper', 'ophelia', 'nina', 'raymond', 'shortsighted', 'well-meaning', 'space', 'cadet', 'using', 'low-calorie', 'mayonnaise', 'lotion', \"can\\\\'t\", 'make', 'label', 'king', 'claudius', 'henry', 'wakefield', 'long-suffering', 'cynical', 'old', 'englishman', 'sharp', 'tongue', 'list', 'prejudices', 'five', 'miles', 'long', 'forced', 'room', 'queen', 'gertrude\\\\', 'player', 'queen', 'gertrude', 'terry', 'dubois', 'flamboyantly', 'gay', 'theatrical', 'actor', 'preoccupation', 'costume', 'estranged', 'son', 'laertes', 'fortinbras', 'various', 'tom', 'newman', 'uptight', 'self-righteous', 'character', 'foists', 'values', 'everyone', 'else', 'attempts', 'distinguish', 'many', 'characters', 'variety', 'outrageous', 'accents', 'horatio', 'bernardo', 'not-so-subtle', 'carnforth', 'greville', 'alcoholic', 'denial', 'kindly', 'bachelor', 'memory', 'lines', 'whatsoever', 'polonius', 'marcellus', 'first', 'gravedigger', 'vernon', 'spatch', 'ambitious', 'techie\\\\', 'techie', 'self-imposed', 'marketing', 'director', 'unofficial', 'documentarian', 'proceedings', 'set', 'designer', 'fadge', 'fadge', 'specializing', 'new-age', 'art', 'obscure', 'statements', 'air', 'space', 'fog', 'close', 'friends', 'call'], [\"'the\", 'patriarch', 'seemingly', 'normal', 'nuclear', 'family', 'returns', 'home', 'one', 'day', 'small', 'white', 'rat', 'animal', 'soon', 'adverse', 'effect', 'wife', 'children', 'influencing', 'enacting', 'darkest', 'hidden', 'desires', 'son', 'loudly', 'announces', 'homosexuality', 'begins', 'throwing', 'wild', 'orgies', 'daughter', 'deliberately', 'flirts', 'death', 'practices', 'sadomasochism', 'boyfriend', 'mother', 'seduces', 'son', 'cure', 'orientation', 'father', 'eventually', 'kills', 'devours', 'offending', 'rat', 'turns', 'one', 'family', 'discover', 'band', 'together', 'brutally', 'slay'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', 'jesse', 'meeting', 'c챕line', 'train', 'budapest', 'striking', 'conversation', 'jesse', 'going', 'vienna', 'catch', 'flight', 'back', 'united', 'states', 'whereas', 'c챕line', 'returning', 'university', 'paris', 'visiting', 'grandmother', 'reach', 'vienna', 'jesse', 'convinces', 'c챕line', 'disembark', 'saying', 'years', 'road', 'might', 'happy', 'marriage', 'might', 'wonder', 'life', 'would', 'different', 'picked', 'another', 'guy', 'chance', 'realize', 'different', 'rest', 'words', 'boring', 'unmotivated', 'guy', 'jesse', 'catch', 'flight', 'early', 'morning', 'enough', 'money', 'rent', 'room', 'night', 'decide', 'roam', 'around', 'vienna', 'visiting', 'landmarks', 'vienna', 'share', 'kiss', 'top', 'wiener', 'riesenrad', 'ferris', 'wheel', 'sunset', 'start', 'feel', 'romantic', 'connection', 'continue', 'roam', 'around', 'city', 'begin', 'talk', 'openly', 'conversations', 'ranging', 'topics', 'love', 'life', 'religion', 'observations', 'city', 'c챕line', 'tells', 'jesse', 'last', 'boyfriend', 'broke', 'six', 'months', 'ago', 'claiming', 'loved', 'much', 'questioned', 'jesse', 'reveals', 'initially', 'come', 'europe', 'spend', 'time', 'girlfriend', 'studying', 'madrid', 'broken', 'avoiding', 'decided', 'take', 'cheap', 'flight', 'europe', 'vienna', 'leave', 'two', 'weeks', 'bought', 'eurail', 'pass', 'traveled', 'around', 'europe', 'walking', 'alongside', 'donaukanal', 'approached', 'man', 'instead', 'begging', 'offers', 'write', 'poem', 'word', 'choice', 'jesse', 'c챕line', 'decide', 'word', 'milkshake', 'soon', 'presented', 'poem', 'delusion', 'angel', 'written', 'film', 'poet', 'david', 'jewell', 'traditional', 'viennese', 'caf챕', 'jesse', 'c챕line', 'stage', 'fake', 'phone', 'conversations', 'playing', 'others\\\\', 'friends', 'pretend', 'call', 'c챕line', 'reveals', 'ready', 'get', 'train', 'jesse', 'convinced', 'jesse', 'reveals', 'broke', 'girlfriend', 'bought', 'flight', 'really', 'much', 'cheaper', 'really', 'wanted', 'escape', 'life', 'admit', 'attraction', 'night', 'made', 'feel', 'though', 'understand', 'probably', 'see', 'leave', 'simply', 'decide', 'make', 'best', 'time', 'left', 'ending', 'night', 'implication', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'point', 'jesse', 'explains', 'given', 'choice', 'would', 'marry', 'instead', 'never', 'seeing', 'film', 'ends', 'next', 'day', 'train', 'station', 'two', 'hastily', 'agree', 'meet', 'together', 'place', 'six', 'months', 'train', 'leave'], [\"'nine\", 'years', 'passed', 'since', 'events', 'sunrise', 'jesse', 'celine', 'met', 'vienna', 'since', 'jesse', 'written', 'novel', 'time', 'inspired', 'time', 'celine', 'book', 'become', 'american', 'bestseller', 'help', 'sales', 'europe', 'jesse', 'book', 'tour', 'last', 'stop', 'tour', 'paris', 'jesse', 'reading', 'bookstore', 'shakespeare', 'company', 'jesse', 'talks', 'audience', 'flashbacks', 'shown', 'celine', 'vienna', 'memories', 'night', 'together', 'clearly', 'remained', 'despite', 'nine', 'years', 'elapsed', 'three', 'journalists', 'present', 'bookstore', 'interviewing', 'jesse', 'romantic', 'convinced', 'book\\\\', 'main', 'characters', 'meet', 'cynic', 'convinced', \"don\\\\'t\", 'third', 'one', 'despite', 'wanting', 'meet', 'remains', 'doubtful', 'actually', 'speaks', 'audience', 'eyes', 'wander', 'side', 'hardly', 'believe', 'celine', 'smiling', 'presentation', 'bookstore', 'manager', 'reminds', 'plane', 'catch', 'must', 'leave', 'airport', 'little', 'hour', 'like', 'sunrise', 'celine', 'jesse\\\\', 'reunion', 'constrained', 'time', 'earlier', 'movie', 'characters', 'forced', 'make', 'best', 'little', 'time', 'together', 'making', 'easier', 'conversations', 'become', 'ever', 'personal', 'beginning', 'usual', 'thirty-something\\\\', 'themes', 'work', 'politics', 'ever', 'increasing', 'passion', 'approaching', 'love', 'time', 'together', 'running', 'early', 'conversation', 'broach', 'subject', 'meet', 'promised', 'six', 'months', 'first', 'encounter', 'turns', 'jesse', 'returned', 'vienna', 'promised', 'celine', 'grandmother', 'suddenly', 'died', 'scheduled', 'date', 'meeting', 'jesse', 'celine', 'never', 'exchanged', 'addresses', 'way', 'contact', 'resulted', 'missed', 'connection', 'talk', 'reveals', 'happened', 'lives', 'since', 'first', 'meeting', 'early', 'thirties', 'jesse', 'writer', 'married', 'son', 'celine', 'become', 'advocate', 'environment', 'lived', 'america', 'time', 'boyfriend', 'photojournalist', 'becomes', 'clear', 'course', 'talk', 'dissatisfied', 'varying', 'degrees', 'lives', 'jesse', 'reveals', 'stays', 'wife', 'love', 'son', 'celine', 'says', 'see', 'boyfriend', 'much', 'often', 'assignment', 'conversation', 'traverse', 'paris', 'takes', 'place', 'various', 'venues', 'including', 'caf챕', 'garden', 'bateau', 'mouche', 'jesse\\\\', 'hired', 'car', 'stay', 'paris', 'old', 'feelings', 'slowly', 'rekindled', 'even', 'tension', 'regret', 'missed', 'meeting', 'earlier', 'realize', 'nothing', 'else', 'lives', 'matched', 'one', 'prior', 'night', 'together', 'vienna', 'jesse', 'eventually', 'admits', 'wrote', 'book', 'distant', 'hope', 'meeting', 'celine', 'one', 'day', 'replies', 'book', 'brought', 'back', 'painful', 'memories', 'one', 'point', 'hired', 'car', 'tense', 'moment', 'jesse', 'confessing', 'loveless', 'near', 'sexless', 'marriage', 'celine', 'reaches', 'hand', 'touch', 'jesse', 'pulls', 'back', 'turns', 'concluding', 'scene', 'celine', 'jesse', 'arrive', 'apartment', 'jesse', 'learned', 'celine', 'plays', 'guitar', 'persuades', 'play', 'waltz', 'song', 'waltz', 'revealed', 'lyrics', 'brief', 'encounter', 'jesse', 'plays', 'nina', 'simone', 'stereo', 'system', 'celine', 'dances', 'song', 'time', 'jesse', 'watches', 'celine', 'imitates', 'simone', 'playfully', 'imitates', 'simone\\\\', 'voice', 'says', 'jesse', 'baby', '...', 'gon', 'miss', 'plane', 'camera', 'slowly', 'pans', 'jesse', 'smiles', 'nervously', 'fidgeting', 'wedding', 'ring', 'responds', 'know', 'film', 'ends'], [\"'three\", 'unique', 'women', 'embark', 'cross-country', 'road', 'trip', 'jane', 'lesbian', 'lounge', 'singer', 'search', 'new', 'life', 'breaking', 'girlfriend', 'getting', 'fired', 'holly', 'pregnant', 'girl', 'wants', 'escape', 'brutal', 'boyfriend', 'robin', 'uptight', 'real', 'estate', 'agent', 'secrets', 'robin', 'puts', 'newspaper', 'looking', 'traveling', 'companion', 'accompany', 'cross', 'country', 'trip', 'california', 'jane', 'answers', 'agrees', 'join', 'robin', 'car', 'gets', 'towed', 'meeting', 'jane', 'robin', 'leave', 'new', 'york', 'travel', 'pittsburgh', 'take', 'jane\\\\', 'friend', 'holly', 'lunch', 'stumble', 'across', 'knock', 'out-fight', 'holly', 'abusive', 'boyfriend', 'nick', 'missing', 'drugs', 'leave', 'bound', 'chair', 'tape', 'holly', 'hits', 'head', 'bat', 'stop', 'attacking', 'jane', 'unbeknownst', 'women', 'without', 'medical', 'attention', 'blow', 'nick', 'received', 'head', 'turns', 'fatal', 'stumbles', 'across', 'floor', 'dies', 'three', 'unlikely', 'travelers', 'form', 'special', 'friendship', 'journey', 'sees', 'ultimately', 'tragic', 'times', 'discovering', 'holly', 'accidentally', 'killed', 'nick', 'pregnant', 'three', 'women', 'decide', 'continue', 'across', 'country', 'end', 'tucson', 'arizona', 'robin', 'hospitalized', 'decide', 'stay', 'tucson', 'hoping', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'however', 'jane', 'secret', 'crush', 'robin', 'holly', 'falls', 'love', 'eventually', 'confesses', 'local', 'police', 'officer', 'named', 'abe', 'lincoln', 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'pop', 'singer', 'rose\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'top', 'record', 'producer', 'song-writer', 'sam', 'rose', 'groomed', 'sam', 'achieving', 'stardom', 'international', 'acclaim', 'success', 'sam', 'decides', 'try', 'hand', 'bringing', 'male', 'singer', 'decides', 'announce', 'country-wide', 'males-only', 'talent', 'search', 'much', 'former', 'proteg챕e\\\\', 'chagrin', 'wing', 'desperate', 'meet', 'idols', 'seizes', 'opportunity', 'enters', 'contest', 'disguised', 'male', 'childhood', 'friend', 'trains', 'perfect', 'whimsical', 'idea', 'fate', 'would', 'wing', 'succeeds', 'audition', 'thanks', 'poor', 'quality', 'auditioning', 'part', 'rose\\\\', 'taunts', 'rose', 'challenges', 'sam', 'see', 'idea', 'bringing', 'talentless', 'wing', 'wing', 'later', 'invited', 'stay', 'sam', 'rose\\\\', 'home', 'her/', 'musical', 'education', 'wing', 'tries', 'unsuccessfully', 'reconcile', 'two', 'lovers\\\\', 'difference', 'trouble', 'comedy', 'ensue', 'finds', 'falling', 'sam', 'vice', 'versa', 'despite', 'thinking'], ['gurukul', 'university', 'run', 'stubborn', 'narayan', 'shankar', 'narayan', 'wants', 'best', 'students', 'places', 'emphasis', 'honour', 'tradition', 'discipline', 'run', 'university', 'years', 'forbids', 'kind', 'romance', 'mdash', 'anybody', 'catches', 'falling', 'love', 'expelled', 'focus', 'three', 'boys', 'sameer', 'vicky', 'karan', 'love', 'three', 'women', 'sameer', 'love', 'childhood', 'friend', 'sanjana', 'vicky', 'falls', 'girl', 'university', 'next', 'door', 'named', 'ishika', 'karan', 'becomes', 'smitten', 'girl', 'sees', 'train', 'station', 'named', 'kiran', 'however', 'know', 'caught', 'expelled', 'decide', 'try', 'confess', 'love', 'interests', 'raj', 'aryan', 'joins', 'gurukul', 'music', 'teacher', 'strong', 'believer', 'love', 'mdash', 'learns', 'three', 'boys', 'love', 'encourages', 'follow', 'hearts', 'also', 'slowly', 'starts', 'introducing', 'changes', 'gurukul', 'much', 'disgust', 'narayan', 'like', 'changes', 'boys', 'soon', 'end', 'disappointed', 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'even', 'narayan', 'able', 'remove', 'battle', 'begins', 'love', 'fear', 'narayan', 'decides', 'keep', 'raj', 'gurukal', 'challenge', 'sameer', 'vicky', 'karan', 'soon', 'win', 'girls', 'love', 'mdash', 'raj', 'winning', 'battle', 'moment', 'narayan', 'give', 'easily', 'sees', 'rules', 'gurukul', 'broken', 'tightens', 'three', 'boys', 'continue', 'break', 'rules', 'encourages', 'students', 'narayan', 'decides', 'expel', 'three', 'raj', 'tries', 'reason', 'narayan', 'mdash', 'tells', 'three', 'boys', 'caused', 'expelled', 'raj', 'also', 'says', 'feels', 'narayan', 'lost', 'battle', 'daughter', 'left', 'raj', 'leaving', 'raj', 'words', 'make', 'narayan', 'realise', 'mistake', 'publicly', 'apologises', 'students', 'steps', 'principal', 'allowing', 'raj', 'take', 'raj', 'turns', 'gurukul', 'love-filled', 'university', 'end', 'raj', 'narayan', 'image', 'megha', 'walk', 'happily', 'towards', 'gates', 'gurukul'], [\"'in\", 'late', 'eighteenth', 'century', 'grande', 'dame', 'france', 'elderly', 'aristocrat', 'summons', 'brothers', 'grimm', 'tell', 'real', 'story', 'little', 'cinder', 'girl', 'shows', 'portrait', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'danielle', 'barbarac', 'glass', 'slipper', 'begins', 'tale', 'danielle', 'little', 'girl', 'age', 'eight', 'lives', 'widowed', 'father', 'auguste', 'shares', 'love', 'books', 'progressive', 'ideas', 'brings', 'home', 'new', 'wife', 'haughty', 'baroness', 'rodmilla', 'ghent', 'two', 'daughters', 'danielle\\\\', 'age', 'margu챕rite', 'jacqueline', 'heart', 'attack', 'soon', 'dying', 'breath', 'professes', 'love', 'danielle', 'rather', 'rodmilla', 'envies', 'danielle', 'treats', 'like', 'servant', 'thereafter', 'margu챕rite', 'cruel', 'rodmilla', 'jacqueline', 'kind', 'gentle', 'ten', 'years', 'later', 'manor\\\\', 'orchard', 'danielle', 'catches', 'man', 'stealing', 'father\\\\', 'horse', 'unseats', 'well-aimed', 'apple', 'horrified', 'learn', 'henry', 'crown', 'prince', 'france', 'trying', 'escape', 'responsibilities', 'court', 'buys', 'silence', 'purse', 'gold', 'decides', 'use', 'rescue', 'elderly', 'servant', 'sold', 'crown', 'pay', 'household\\\\', 'debts', 'dresses', 'noblewoman', 'goes', 'court', 'ransom', 'servant', 'encounters', 'prince', 'jailor', 'refuses', 'release', 'servant', 'argues', 'injustice', 'quotes', 'thomas', 'more\\\\', 'utopia', 'henry', 'captivated', 'orders', 'man', 'released', 'begs', 'name', 'evades', 'pleas', 'leaves', 'instead', 'mother\\\\', 'name', 'comtesse', 'nicole', 'lancret', 'henry', 'returns', 'horse', 'manor', 'it\\\\', 'plain', 'rodmilla', 'intends', 'match', 'daughter', 'margu챕rite', 'prince', 'despite', 'marriage', 'parents', 'arranged', 'spanish', 'royals', 'king', 'strikes', 'bargain', 'recalcitrant', 'prince', 'telling', 'henry', 'choose', 'bride', 'give', 'ball', 'honour', 'leonardo', 'vinci', 'come', 'court', 'choose', 'henry', 'meets', 'danielle', 'river', 'arguing', 'vinci', 'love', 'fate', 'runs', 'away', 'looking', 'vinci', 'soon', 'henry', 'finds', 'danielle\\\\', 'childhood', 'friend', 'gustave', 'knows', 'whole', 'story', 'tells', 'nicole', 'lancret', 'staying', 'rodmilla', 'arrives', 'manor', 'danielle', 'agrees', 'accompany', 'library', 'nearby', 'monastery', 'accosted', 'gypsies', 'route', 'uproarious', 'turn', 'events', 'danielle', 'rescues', 'henry', 'end', 'night', 'kiss', 'agree', 'meet', 'next', 'day', 'returns', 'home', 'late', 'loses', 'temper', 'morning', 'punches', 'margu챕rite', 'eye', 'discovers', 'margu챕rite', 'intends', 'take', 'mother\\\\', 'wedding', 'dress', 'wear', 'masque', 'beaten', 'rodmilla', 'meets', 'henry', 'later', 'danielle', 'disheartened', 'unable', 'tell', 'truth', 'runs', 'away', 'day', 'queen', 'asks', 'margu챕rite', 'rodmilla', 'know', 'mysterious', 'comtesse', 'lancret', 'realize', 'must', 'danielle', 'rodmilla', 'tells', 'queen', 'comtesse', 'gone', 'marry', 'someone', 'else', 'return', 'manor', 'comtesse\\\\', 'wedding', 'dress', 'disappeared', 'rodmilla', 'thinks', 'danielle', 'plans', 'going', 'masque', 'locks', 'larder', 'servants', 'get', 'word', 'vinci', 'gustave', 'frees', 'makes', 'pair', 'wings', 'match', 'mother\\\\', 'wedding', 'dress', 'glass', 'slippers', 'masque', 'danielle', 'arrives', 'king', 'announces', 'henry\\\\', 'engagement', 'tell', 'truth', 'rodmilla', 'accuses', 'plotting', 'entrap', 'prince', 'masquerading', 'courtier', 'henry', 'shocked', 'spurns', 'danielle', 'saying', 'she\\\\', 'like', 'rest', 'tearfully', 'danielle', 'flees', 'losing', 'slipper', 'along', 'way', 'henry', 'decides', 'marry', 'spanish', 'princess', 'calls', 'sees', 'distraught', 'ceremony', 'goes', 'manor', 'learns', 'jacqueline', 'danielle', 'sold', 'pierre', 'pieu', 'man', 'seems', 'sexual', 'advances', 'danielle', 'masque', 'sets', 'laurent', 'rescue', 'finds', 'freed', 'realizing', 'loved', 'asks', 'forgive', 'marry', 'agrees', 'happily', 'kiss', 'next', 'day', 'rodmilla', 'margu챕rite', 'summoned', 'court', 'charged', 'lying', 'queen', 'without', 'defence', 'queen', 'strips', 'rodmilla', 'title', 'sentences', 'margu챕rite', 'banished', 'americas', 'unless', 'someone', 'speak', 'danielle', 'steps', 'forward', 'henry', 'introduces', 'wife', 'asks', 'receive', 'courtesy', 'showed', 'margu챕rite', 'rodmilla', 'sent', 'laundry', 'serve', 'lives', 'jacqueline', 'matched', 'henry\\\\', 'acerbic', 'squire', 'danielle', 'henry', 'live', 'happily', 'ever', 'grande', 'dame', 'tells', 'brothers', 'grimm', 'point', 'gentlemen', 'lived'], [\"'the\", 'entire', 'house', 'wyndham', 'ruling', 'family', 'united', 'kingdom', 'film', 'electrocuted', 'freak', 'accident', 'posing', 'family', 'photograph', 'cable', 'became', 'wet', 'storm', 'british', 'government', 'immediately', 'begins', 'search', 'led', 'courtier', 'sir', 'cedric', 'willingham', 'look', 'surviving', 'heirs', 'pass', 'crown', 'researcher', 'finally', 'locates', 'living', 'heir', 'named', 'ralph', 'jones', 'american', 'las', 'vegas', 'ralph', 'easygoing', 'slob', 'works', 'lounge', 'singer/piano', 'player', 'one', 'main', 'casinos', 'duncan', 'phipps', 'inspector', 'mcguire', 'watch', 'performance', 'applaud', 'enthusiasm', 'ralph', 'discovers', 'fired', 'replaced', 'chimpanzee', 'ralph', 'meets', 'phipps', 'mcguire', 'inform', 'king', 'though', 'first', 'ralph', 'skeptical', 'claims', 'phipps', 'explains', 'ralph\\\\', 'grandfather', 'first', 'duke', 'warren', 'brief', 'affair', 'hotel', 'maid', 'visiting', 'states', 'affair', 'produced', 'child', 'ralph\\\\', 'father', 'since', 'father', 'grandfather', 'died', 'ralph', 'surviving', 'wyndham', 'heir', 'ralph', 'finally', 'convinced', 'seeing', 'duke\\\\', 'ring', 'exact', 'copy', 'ring', 'grandmother', 'claimed', 'given', 'prince', 'ralph', 'flown', 'london', 'meets', 'willingham', 'first', 'time', 'begins', 'long', 'period', 'adjustment', 'instruction', 'intended', 'turn', 'proper', 'british', 'monarch', 'schooled', 'willingham', 'english', 'history', 'culture', 'shown', 'variety', 'traditional', 'english', 'dishes', 'including', 'bangers', 'mash', 'shown', 'spotted', 'dick', 'traditional', 'english', 'dessert', 'mistakes', 'bangers', 'replies', 'spotted', 'dick', 'dick', 'ralph', 'also', 'learns', 'hard', 'way', 'british', 'monarch', 'smile', 'wave', 'shortly', 'arrival', 'ralph', 'heads', 'local', 'strip', 'club', 'meeting', 'exotic', 'dancer', 'miranda', 'greene', 'unable', 'perform', 'leaves', 'stage', 'embarrassment', 'ralph', 'decides', 'wants', 'meet', 'skeptical', 'claim', 'king', 'ralph', 'proposes', 'prove', 'miranda', 'least', 'one', 'date', 'ralph\\\\', 'appearance', 'newscast', 'soon', 'proves', 'claim', 'sir', 'cedric', 'gives', 'ralph', 'pointers', 'cricket', 'explaining', 'differences', 'baseball', 'ralph', 'hits', 'ball', 'long', 'way', 'pretends', 'fair', 'rounds', 'imaginary', 'bases', 'gets', 'home', 'plate', 'imaginary', 'bash', 'brothers', 'greeting', 'meanwhile', 'lord', 'percival', 'graves', 'prime', 'minister', 'geoffrey', 'hale', 'willingham', 'meet', 'discuss', 'ralph\\\\', 'selection', 'king', 'graves', 'opposed', 'idea', 'american', 'throne', 'proposes', 'declare', 'wyndham', 'line', 'end', 'replace', 'house', 'stuart', 'putting', 'next', 'line', 'throne', 'hale', 'states', 'jones', 'royal', 'blood', 'unless', 'jones', 'commits', 'grievous', 'error', 'country', 'live', 'graves', 'decides', 'use', 'miranda', 'way', 'cause', 'embarrassment', 'ralph', 'provide', 'excuse', 'needed', 'remove', 'throne', 'offered', 'money', 'maneuver', 'ralph', 'compromising', 'position', 'miranda', 'initially', 'accepts', 'ralph', 'continue', 'relationship', 'soon', 'beginning', 'fall', 'love', 'miranda', 'returns', 'money', 'graves', 'telling', 'wants', 'part', 'scheme', 'knowing', 'graves', 'already', 'pictures', 'order', 'protect', 'ralph', 'miranda', 'decides', 'break', 'relationship', 'despite', 'ralph\\\\', 'initial', 'reluctance', 'accept', 'british', 'culture', 'general', 'ineptness', 'formal', 'affairs', 'manage', 'make', 'strong', 'positive', 'impression', 'king', 'mulambon', 'zambezi', 'latter\\\\', 'state', 'visit', 'two', 'monarchs', 'share', 'concerns', 'role', 'leadership', 'assumed', 'economic', 'interests', 'respective', 'nations', 'turned', 'blue-collar', 'background', 'advantage', 'ralph', 'begins', 'accumulating', 'small', 'loyal', 'compassionate', 'following', 'ralph\\\\', 'staff', 'arrange', 'marry', 'princess', 'anna', 'finland', 'ralph', 'soon', 'receives', 'parents', 'official', 'state', 'visit', 'discovers', 'unusually', 'deep', 'voice', 'nothing', 'common', 'voice', 'like', 'tuba', 'way', 'we\\\\', 'sex', 'bed', 'nails', 'national', 'television', 'least', 'party', 'stinks', 'says', 'ralph', 'however', 'graves', 'photos', 'miranda', 'ralph', 'passed', 'around', 'royal', 'ball', 'along', 'ralph\\\\', 'wild', 'rendition', 'good', 'golly', 'miss', 'molly', 'harpsichord', 'ruin', 'chance', 'royal', 'marriage', 'causes', 'finnish', 'company', 'award', 'coveted', 'contract', 'japanese', 'failed', 'realize', 'role', 'king', 'comes', 'formal', 'expectations', 'rely', 'entirely', 'charm', 'blue-collar', 'background', 'ralph', 'accepts', 'stern', 'rebuke', 'sir', 'cedric', 'willingham', 'endeavors', 'set', 'things', 'right', 'palace', 'staff', 'begins', 'investigation', 'soon', 'realizes', 'ralph', 'set', 'gordon', 'halliwell', 'palace', 'butler', 'miranda', 'confesses', 'ralph', 'role', 'scandal', 'ralph', 'starts', 'developing', 'suspicions', 'heir', 'throne', 'suspicions', 'confirmed', 'gets', 'duncan', 'confess', 'learns', 'willingham', 'another', 'heir', 'throne', 'initially', 'refused', 'accept', 'role', 'next', 'day', 'ralph', 'addresses', 'parliament', 'finally', 'adopting', 'dignified', 'manner', 'composure', 'befitting', 'monarch', 'publicly', 'apologizes', 'recent', 'actions', 'informs', 'parliament', 'helped', 'work', 'deal', 'king', 'zambezi', 'create', 'british', 'jobs', 'reveals', 'graves', 'working', 'sabotage', 'succession', 'throne', 'arrested', 'violating', 'treason', 'act', '1702.', 'finally', 'tells', 'british', 'people', 'tried', 'best', 'good', 'king', 'admits', 'best', 'never', 'good', 'enough', 'believes', 'british', 'people', 'deserve', 'better', 'monarch', 'thus', 'decided', 'abdicate', 'throne', 'reveals', 'willingham', 'succeed', 'willingham', 'becomes', 'king', 'cedric', 'ralph', 'free', 'pursue', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'miranda', 'along', 'dreams', 'rock', 'star', 'ralph', 'bids', 'tearful', 'goodbye', 'friends', 'newly', 'discovered', 'relative', 'king', 'cedric', 'creates', 'ralph', 'third', 'duke', 'warren', 'lucrative', 'annual', 'salary', 'palace', 'country', 'state-of-the-art', 'recording', 'studio', 'years', 'later', 'miranda', 'sitting', 'ralph\\\\', 'young', 'son', 'watching', 'husband', 'perform', 'musical', 'group', 'child', 'identified', 'credits', 'baby', 'ralph', 'suggesting', 'might', 'someday', 'succeed', 'childless', 'cedric', 'monarch'], [\"'martin\", 'lawrence', 'stars', 'nightclub', 'manager', 'darnell', 'perpetual', 'playboy', 'hopeless', 'male', 'chauvinist', 'darnell', 'crude-but-smooth', 'talker', 'lady\\\\', 'man', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'take', 'answer', 'works', 'nightclub', 'called', 'chocolate', 'city', 'aspires', 'owner', 'trades', 'vip', 'privileges', 'club', 'favors', 'women', 'though', 'expert', 'conning', 'women', 'sometimes', 'worries', 'childhood', 'sweetheart', 'mia', 'thinks', 'adventures', 'classy', 'elegant', 'brandi', 'steps', 'limousine', 'enter', 'club', 'darnell', 'feels', 'he\\\\', 'met', 'ultimate', 'prize', 'rejects', 'come-ons', 'fuels', 'appetite', 'pursues', 'showing', 'flowers', 'real', 'estate', 'office', 'finally', 'wins', 'brandi', 'find', 'he\\\\', 'really', 'love', 'mia', 'brandi', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'take', 'kindly', 'rejection', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'femme', 'fatale', 'stalking', 'even', 'taking', 'four', 'wheels', 'suv', 'ground', 'rounds', 'ending', 'relationship', 'mia', 'enough', 'satisfy', 'brandi', 'finally', 'administers', 'darnell\\\\', 'punishment', 'misogyny', 'darnell', 'quickly', 'learns', 'hard', 'way', 'play', 'pay', 'film', 'ends', 'much', 'like', 'last', 'verse', 'song', 'thin', 'line', 'love', 'hate', 'injured', 'darnell', 'hospital', 'pondering', 'happened', 'deciding', 'change', 'mugshot', 'brandi', 'darnell\\\\', 'voice', 'saying', 'damn', 'truly', 'sorry', 'happened', 'brandi', 'hope', 'po\\\\', 'baby', 'lands', 'feet', 'better', 'make', 'damn', 'sure', 'fix', 'dent', 'heart', 'let'], [\"'during\", 'surprise', '42nd', 'birthday', 'party', 'george', 'webber', 'well-known', 'composer', 'popular', 'music', 'finds', 'coping', 'badly', 'incipient', 'middle', 'age', 'catches', 'glimpse', 'mysterious', 'woman', 'route', 'wedding', 'instantly', 'obsessed', 'beauty', '뷶espite', 'presence', 'lover', 'samantha', 'taylor', '뷹ollows', 'woman', 'church', 'crashes', 'police', 'cruiser', 'stung', 'bee', 'george', 'visits', 'priest', 'learns', 'woman', 'jenny', 'miles', 'daughter', 'prominent', 'beverly', 'hills', 'dentist', 'later', 'night', 'sam', 'george', 'argument', 'george\\\\', 'failure', 'give', 'attention', 'needs', 'use', 'term', 'broad', 'fact', 'neighbor', 'watch', 'perform', 'carnal', 'acts', 'using', 'telescopes', 'final', 'straw', 'sam', 'occurs', 'george', 'makes', 'remark', 'subtly', 'impugning', 'femininity', 'point', 'sam', 'leaves', 'huff', 'following', 'day', 'george', 'sam', 'suffer', 'series', 'mishaps', 'prevent', 'reconciling', 'including', 'george', 'spying', 'neighbor', 'hitting', 'telescope', 'falling', 'embankment', 'causing', 'miss', 'sam\\\\', 'phone', 'call', 'addition', 'george', 'schedules', 'dental', 'appointment', 'jenny\\\\', 'father', 'dentist\\\\', 'chair', 'subtly', 'leads', 'dentist', 'disclosing', 'daughter', 'husband', 'went', 'mexico', 'honeymoon', 'examination', 'also', 'reveals', 'mouthful', 'cavities', 'requiring', 'dentist', 'spend', 'entire', 'afternoon', 'inserting', 'fillings', 'george\\\\', 'teeth', 'effects', 'novocaine', 'aggravated', 'heavy', 'drinking', 'immediately', 'leave', 'completely', 'incoherent', 'sam', 'finally', 'reaches', 'phone', 'mistakes', 'madman', 'calls', 'police', 'police', 'storm', 'house', 'recognizing', 'leave', 'amicably', 'visits', 'neighbor\\\\', 'house', 'take', 'part', 'orgy', 'sam', 'arrives', 'house', 'spots', 'telescope', 'widening', 'rift', 'later', 'george', 'impulsively', 'follows', 'newlyweds', 'exclusive', 'hotel', 'manzanillo', 'colima', 'mexico', 'bar', 'george', 'encounters', 'old', 'acquaintance', 'mary', 'lewis', 'suffers', 'lack', 'self-confidence', 'blames', 'series', 'failed', 'relationships', 'attempt', 'fling', 'night', 'interprets', 'george\\\\', 'inadequacy', 'bed', 'confirmation', 'insecurities', 'despite', 'better-than-average', 'looks', 'easygoing', 'disposition', 'one', 'hot', 'day', 'beach', 'george', 'sees', 'jenny', '븉untanned', 'dressed', 'one-piece', 'swimsuit', 'hair', 'braided', 'cornrows', '븏hich', 'furthers', 'george\\\\', 'obsession', 'notices', 'david', 'jenny\\\\', 'husband', 'fallen', 'asleep', 'surfboard', 'pretending', 'inquire', 'renting', 'surfboard', 'george', 'learns', 'beyond', 'certain', 'point', 'powerful', 'currents', 'sweep', 'swimmer', 'surfer', 'dangerously', 'far', 'land', 'george', 'rents', 'catamaran', 'clumsily', 'successfully', 'rescues', 'david', 'becomes', 'hero', 'sam', 'songwriting', 'partner', 'see', 'network', 'news', 'sam', 'tries', 'call', 'george', 'refuses', 'call', 'david', 'badly', 'sunburned', 'stays', 'hospital', 'allowing', 'jenny', 'george', 'spend', 'time', 'alone', 'together', 'culminating', 'jenny', 'seducing', 'sounds', 'ravel\\\\', 'bol챕ro', 'although', 'george', 'initially', 'elated', 'find', 'fantasies', 'fulfilled', 'horrified', 'jenny', 'takes', 'call', 'husband', 'bed', 'casually', 'informs', 'george\\\\', 'presence', 'even', 'confused', 'david', 'responds', 'complete', 'lack', 'concern', 'jenny', 'explains', 'open', 'relationship', 'mutual', 'honesty', 'george', 'appalled', 'thrill', 'enjoying', 'forbidden', 'pleasures', 'extinguished', 'loses', 'interest', 'jenny', 'heads', 'back', 'beverly', 'hills', 'end', 'film', 'reconciles', 'sam', 'demonstrating', 'new', 'maturity', 'taking', 'idea', 'jenny', 'starts', 'ravel\\\\', 'bol챕ro', 'phonograph', 'make', 'love', 'music', 'playing', 'background', 'full', 'view', 'neighbor\\\\', 'telescope', 'shortly', 'neighbor', 'walked', 'away', 'disgust', 'complaining', 'enough', 'providing', 'erotic', 'entertainment', 'george', 'getting', 'nothing', 'return'], ['wishing', 'pursue', 'career', 'jazz', 'saxophonist', 'pete', 'hammond', 'jr.', 'takes', 'bus', 'home', 'milwaukee', 'wisconsin', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'optimistically', 'begins', 'looking', 'work', 'however', 'jobs', 'extremely', 'hard', 'find', 'crosses', 'paths', 'peggy', 'brown', 'model', 'dancer', 'become', 'jaded', 'cynical', 'years', 'struggling', 'survive', 'city', 'evicted', 'apartment', 'rented', 'pete', 'penniless', 'home', 'return', 'offers', 'let', 'stay', 'forced', 'rely', 'generosity', 'two', 'work', 'various', 'low-paying', 'jobs', 'stay', 'together', 'apartment', 'friends', 'peggy', 'warns', 'people', \"n't\", 'trusted', 'pete', 'encouraged', 'band', 'auditions', 'job', 'musicians', 'send', 'beer', 'pete', 'returns', 'find', 'stolen', 'instruments', 'victim', 'scam', 'pete', 'finds', 'part-time', 'job', 'cruise', 'ship', 'writes', 'peggy', 'every', 'day', 'debt', 'abusive', 'club', 'owner', 'nelly', 'miller', 'strips', 'peggy', 'dress', 'jewelry', 'payment', 'threatens', 'violence', 'love', 'peggy', 'afraid', 'pete', 'gives', 'wristwatch', 'saxophone', 'nelly', 'punches', 'warning', 'pete', 'tells', 'peggy', 'loves', 'agrees', 'tentatively', 'begin', 'romantic', 'relationship'], ['16-year-old', 'sebastian', 'nice', 'parents', 'great', 'circle', 'friends', 'well', 'school', 'good', 'looks', 'leads', 'happy', 'life', 'least', 'everyone', 'thinks', 'secretly', 'brooding', 'time', 'fact', 'love', 'best', 'friend', 'rather', 'hunky', 'ulf', 'one', 'evening', 'playful', 'frolicking', 'around', 'ulf', 'sebastian', 'plants', 'kiss', 'ulf', 'lips', 'exactly', 'latter', 'delight', 'sexually', 'rejected', 'way', 'throws', 'sebastian', 'even', 'deeper', 'depression', 'sexuality', 'refuses', 'discuss', 'issues', 'parents', 'long', 'talk', 'female', 'friend', 'also', 'love', 'ulf', 'guesses', 'correctly', 'sebastian', 'problem', 'could', 'opens', 'family', 'friends', 'find', 'problematic', 'even', 'coming', 'ulf', 'anticipated', 'painful', 'turns', 'bad', 'actually', 'takes', 'comical', 'turn', 'ulf', 'admits', 'homosexual', 'experience', 'time', 'ago', 'end', 'basically', 'nothing', 'changed', 'except', 'sebastian', 'longer', 'waste', 'energy', 'guarding', 'secret', 'instead', 'concentrate', 'happy', 'fun', 'friends', 'perhaps', 'finding', 'real', 'boyfriend', 'someday'], [\"'s챕verine\", 'serizy', 'young', 'beautiful', 'housewife', 'unable', 'share', 'physical', 'intimacy', 'husband', 'dr.', 'pierre', 'serizy', 'despite', 'love', 'sexual', 'life', 'restricted', 'elaborate', 'fantasies', 'involving', 'domination', 'sadomasochism', 'bondage', 'although', 'frustrated', 'wife\\\\', 'frigidity', 'toward', 'respects', 'wishes', 'visiting', 'ski', 'resort', 'meet', 'two', 'friends', 'henri', 'husson', 'ren챕e', 's챕verine', 'like', 'husson\\\\', 'manner', 'way', 'looks', 'back', 'paris', 's챕verine', 'meets', 'ren챕e', 'learns', 'mutual', 'friend', 'henrietta', 'works', 'brothel', 'home', 's챕verine', 'receives', 'roses', 'husson', 'unsettled', 'gesture', 'tennis', 'courts', 'meets', 'husson', 'discuss', 'henrietta', 'houses', 'pleasure', 'husson', 'mentions', 'high-class', 'brothel', 's챕verine', 'cite', 'jean', 'saumer', 'also', 'confesses', 'desire', 's챕verine', 'rejects', 'advances', 'haunted', 'childhood', 'memories', 'involving', 'father', 's챕verine', 'goes', 'high-class', 'brothel', 'run', 'madame', 'ana챦s', 'afternoon', 's챕verine', 'services', 'first', 'client', 'reluctant', 'first', 'responds', 'firm', 'hand', 'madame', 'ana챦s', 'names', \"\\\\'belle\", 'jour\\\\', 'sex', 'stranger', 'staying', 'away', 'week', 's챕verine', 'returns', 'brothel', 'begins', 'working', 'two', 'five', \"o\\\\'clock\", 'day', 'returning', 'unsuspecting', 'husband', 'evenings', 'one', 'day', 'husson', 'comes', 'visit', 'home', 's챕verine', 'refuses', 'see', 'still', 'fantasizes', 'sex', 'husband\\\\', 'presence', 'ironically', 's챕verine\\\\', 'physical', 'relationship', 'husband', 'improving', 'begins', 'sleeping', 's챕verine', 'becomes', 'involved', 'young', 'gangster', 'marcel', 'offers', 'kind', 'thrills', 'excitement', 'fantasies', 'marcel', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'jealous', 'demanding', 's챕verine', 'decides', 'leave', 'brothel', 'madame', 'ana챦s\\\\', 'agreement', 's챕verine', 'also', 'concerned', 'husson', 'knows', 'secret', 'life', 'brothel', 'one', 'marcel\\\\', 'gangster', 'associates', 'follows', 's챕verine', 'home', 'soon', 'marcel', 'visits', 'threatens', 'reveal', 'secret', 'life', 'husband', 's챕verine', 'pleads', 'leave', 'home', 'time', 'marcel', 'waits', 'downstairs', 'pierre', 'return', 'home', 'shoots', 'three', 'times', 'escaping', 'eventually', 'tracked', 'shot', 'dead', 'police', 's챕verine\\\\', 'husband', 'survives', 'left', 'coma', 'police', 'unable', 'find', 'motive', 'attempted', 'murder', 'sometime', 'later', 's챕verine', 'home', 'taking', 'care', 'pierre', 'completely', 'paralyzed', 'wheelchair', 'husson', 'visits', 'tells', 'pierre', 'truth', 'wife\\\\', 'secret', 'life', 'try', 'stop', 'afterwards', 's챕verine', 'dreams', 'husband', 'healthy', 'happy'], ['sex', 'comedy', 'film', 'mimi', 'young', 'widow', 'discovers', 'recently', 'deceased', 'husband', 'kept', 'secret', 'apartment', 'kinky', 'desires', 'frustrated', 'explore', 'sexual', 'fantasies', 'wife', 'embarks', 'quest', 'understand', 'perversion', 'sexuality', 'uses', 'late', 'husband', 'apartment', 'seduce', 'various', 'men', 'time', 'learning', 'depths', 'human', 'pleasure', 'finally', 'lost', 'perversion', 'losing', 'touch', 'identity', 'meets', 'man', 'shares', 'fully', 'accepting', 'whomever'], [\"'petra\", 'von', 'kant', 'prominent', 'fashion', 'designer', 'based', 'bremen', 'film', 'almost', 'totally', 'restricted', 'apartment\\\\', 'bedroom', 'decorated', 'huge', 'reproduction', 'poussin\\\\', 'midas', 'bacchus', 'depicting', 'naked', 'partially', 'clothed', 'men', 'room', 'also', 'contains', 'numerous', 'life-size', 'mannequins', 'work', 'though', 'assistant', 'marlene', 'shown', 'using', 'petra\\\\', 'marriages', 'ended', 'death', 'divorce', 'first', 'husband', 'pierre', 'great', 'love', 'died', 'car', 'accident', 'petra', 'pregnant', 'second', 'began', 'way', 'ended', 'disgust', 'petra', 'lives', 'marlene', 'another', 'designer', 'treats', 'slave', 'reveals', 'sadistic', 'side', 'making', 'codependent', 'relationships', 'von', 'kant', 'shown', 'awoken', 'marlene', 'proceeds', 'begin', 'day', 'get', 'dressed', 'assistant', 'attends', 'von', 'kant', 'makes', 'phone', 'call', 'mother', 'makes', 'demands', 'marlene', 'dons', 'brown', 'wig', 'receives', 'visitor', 'petra', 'talks', 'sidonie', 'cousin', 'male', 'relationships', 'meanwhile', 'marlene', 'work', 'acts', 'hostess', 'karin', 'thimm', 'sidonie\\\\', 'friend', 'joins', 'women', 'karin', 'newly', 'returned', 'germany', 'residing', 'sydney', 'five', 'years', 'desirable', '23-year-old', 'woman', 'petra', 'immediately', 'attracted', 'karin', 'first', 'meeting', 'suggests', 'karin', 'becomes', 'model', 'karin', 'agrees', 'return', 'following', 'day', 'sidonie', 'leave', 'karin', 'follows', 'petra', 'quickly', 'falls', 'madly', 'love', 'karin', 'next', 'day', 'marlene', 'showing', 'clearer', 'signs', 'frustration', 'still', 'typing', 'petra', 'wearing', 'larger', 'dark', 'wig', 'offers', 'support', 'karin', 'trains', 'model', 'karin\\\\', 'husband', 'remained', 'sydney', 'though', 'petra', 'momentarily', 'put', 'revelation', 'women', 'soon', 'show', 'incompatibility', 'petra', 'happy', 'childhood', 'came', 'home', 'good', 'things', 'life', 'always', 'stressed', 'karin\\\\', 'father', 'toolmaker', 'always', 'felt', 'neglected', 'parents', 'petra', 'loved', 'mathematics', 'algebra', 'school', 'karin', 'could', 'never', 'understand', 'arithmetic', 'point', 'substituting', 'letters', 'numbers', 'petra', 'daughter', 'rarely', 'sees', 'reassures', 'daughter', 'best', 'possible', 'boarding', 'school', 'karin\\\\', 'parents', 'dead', 'father', 'killed', 'karin\\\\', 'mother', 'hanged', 'says', 'people', 'reject', 'find', 'history', 'petra', 'admits', 'great', 'affection', 'even', 'stronger', 'heard', 'family', 'history', 'petra', 'orders', 'marlene', 'get', 'bottle', 'sekt', 'karin', 'goes', 'details', 'parents', 'death', 'father', 'made', 'redundant', 'age', 'though', 'clear', 'probably', 'alcoholic', 'deaths', 'occurred', 'drunken', 'stupor', 'karin', 'feels', 'drifted', 'life', 'husband', 'sydney', 'treated', 'slave', 'offered', 'reprieve', 'past', 'petra', 'insists', 'change', 'marlene', 'returns', 'bottle', 'sekt', 'tumbler', 'silently', 'returns', 'typing', 'two', 'women', 'toast', 'petra', 'promises', 'make', 'karin', 'great', 'model', 'marlene', 'previously', 'hidden', 'curtain', 'stops', 'typing', 'glares', 'petra', 'listening', 'record', 'petra', 'says', 'life', 'predestined', 'people', 'brutal', 'hard', 'everyone', 'replaceable', 'petra', 'discovering', 'expense', 'karin\\\\', 'hotel', 'suggests', 'move', 'marlene', 'resumes', 'typing', 'karin', 'agrees', 'move', 'petra', 'ordered', 'bring', 'sekt', 'petra', 'admits', 'love', 'karin', 'karin', 'say', 'likes', 'petra', 'six', 'months', 'pass', 'petra', 'resplendent', 'red', 'wig', 'getting', 'dressed', 'karin', 'bed', 'reading', 'colour', 'magazine', 'petra', 'cancels', 'flight', 'madrid', 'telephone', 'habit', 'karin', 'thinks', 'pointless', 'petra', 'orders', 'marlene', 'find', 'shoes', 'karin', 'thinks', 'marlene', 'strange', 'petra', 'reassures', 'marlene', 'loves', 'karin', 'still', 'say', 'loves', 'petra', 'karin\\\\', 'capacity', 'cruelty', 'emerges', 'women', 'already', 'started', 'drinking', 'previous', 'night', 'karin', '6am', 'admits', 'man', 'though', 'keeps', 'changing', 'precise', 'story', 'petra', 'jealous', 'shouts', 'marlene', 'freddy', 'karin\\\\', 'husband', 'telephones', 'zurich', 'emerges', 'contact', 'letter', 'karin', 'longer', 'planning', 'gaining', 'divorce', 'rather', 'rejoining', 'husband', 'petra', 'calls', 'rotten', 'little', 'whore', 'karin', 'responds', 'petra', 'less', 'strenuous', 'walking', 'streets', 'asks', 'petra', 'book', 'flight', 'frankfurt', 'meet', 'husband', 'asks', '500dm', 'petra', 'though', 'petra', 'freely', 'gives', 'twice', 'marlene', 'drives', 'karin', 'airport', 'petra', 'drunk', 'drive', 'petra\\\\', 'birthday', 'bedroom', 'almost', 'empty', 'petra', 'lying', 'floor', 'wearing', 'blond', 'wig', 'drinking', 'heavily', 'assuming', 'object', 'love', 'hate', 'karin', 'phone', 'daughter', 'gaby', 'arrives', 'petra', 'tells', 'little', 'gaby', 'admits', 'love', 'young', 'man', 'though', 'far', 'unrequited', 'sidonie', 'appears', 'birthday', 'present', 'doll', 'blond', 'hair', 'like', 'karin\\\\', 'admits', 'knowing', 'karin', 'bremen', 'day', 'petra\\\\', 'mother', 'valerie', 'subjected', 'abuse', 'turn', 'petra', 'accuses', 'whore', 'never', 'worked', 'lived', 'husband', 'petra', 'tramples', 'china', 'tea', 'service', 'marlene', 'brought', 'insists', 'ability', 'smash', 'anything', 'bought', 'insists', 'crazy', 'karin', 'loved', 'claims', 'karin\\\\', 'little', 'finger', 'worth', 'put', 'together', 'mother', 'previously', 'unaware', 'karin', 'shocked', 'thought', 'daughter', 'love', 'another', 'woman', 'petra', 'rejects', 'sidonie', 'hopes', 'see', 'sidonie', 'stays', 'later', 'petra', 'lies', 'bed', 'sans', 'wig', 'natural', 'auburn', 'hair', 'display', 'apologetic', 'mother', 'realizes', 'wanted', 'possess', 'karin', 'rather', 'love', 'karin', 'rings', 'paris', 'offering', 'chance', 'perhaps', 'meet', 'petra', 'turns', 'marlene', 'mother', 'left', 'admits', 'apologize', 'many', 'things', 'different', 'petra', 'share', 'life', 'marlene', 'marlene', 'satisfied', 'personal', 'masochistic', 'desire', 'submitting', 'petra', 'packs', 'small', 'suitcase', 'leaves', 'takes', 'doll'], [\"'wanda\", 'dominatrix', 'runs', 'gallery', 'hamburg', 'lures', 'men', 'women', 'types', 'sadomasochistic', 'world', 'audiences', 'pay', 'privilege', 'seeing', 'humiliate', 'slaves', 'eventually', 'gunned', 'american', 'female', 'lover', 'turns', 'assistant-mistress', 'older', 'tender', 'shoe-fetishist', 'motherly', 'concerned', 'lover', 'either', 'people', 'husband', 'supreme', 'joy', 'face', 'absolutely', 'ineffable'], [\"'henry\", 'harding', 'british', 'government', 'minister', 'moral', 'crusade', 'hires', 'inexperienced', 'young', 'computer', 'whizzkid', 'peter', 'emery', 'works', 'christian', 'computer', 'company', 'called', 'holy', 'hardware', 'infiltrate', 'united', 'kingdom', 'bdsm', 'scene', 'harding', 'set', 'putting', 'club', 'called', 'house', 'thwax', 'run', 'mistress', 'tanya', 'cheex', 'business', 'sure', 'peter\\\\', 'secretly', 'videotaped', 'evidence', 'club\\\\', 'activities', 'trick', 'however', 'virginal', 'peter', 'takes', 'liking', 'tanya', 'cheex', 'finds', 'falling', 'mistress', 'amongst', 'locations', 'used', 'layer', 'marney', 'tower', 'essex', 'plays', 'pivotal', 'role', 'party', 'scene'], ['prim', 'proper', 'british', 'couple', 'fiona', 'nigel', 'mediterranean', 'cruise', 'ship', 'istanbul', 'route', 'india', 'encounter', 'another', 'couple', 'ship', 'seductive', 'french', 'woman', 'mimi', 'american', 'husband', 'oscar', 'self-centered', 'paraplegic', 'acerbic', 'cynical', 'jaded', 'failure', 'writer', 'story', 'unfolds', 'oscar', 'invites', 'nigel', 'cabin', 'nigel', 'accepts', 'invitation', 'attracted', 'mimi', 'cabin', 'oscar', 'recalls', 'series', 'episodes', 'much', 'younger', 'mimi', 'met', 'bus', 'paris', 'fell', 'love', 'relationship', 'went', 'horribly', 'wrong', 'series', 'flashbacks', 'oscar', 'recounts', 'mimi', 'love', 'developed', 'took', 'darker', 'turn', 'explored', 'bondage', 'sado-masochism', 'voyeurism', 'slowly', 'self-absorbed', 'relationship', 'decayed', 'bored', 'oscar', 'tried', 'break-up', 'mimi', 'begged', 'let', 'live', 'conditions', 'took', 'advantage', 'opportunity', 'explore', 'sadistic', 'fantasies', 'expense', 'oscar', 'increasingly', 'subjected', 'mimi', 'public', 'humiliation', 'became', 'pregnant', 'oscar', 'persuaded', 'would', 'terrible', 'father', 'abortion', 'recovering', 'oscar', 'visited', 'shocked', 'condition', 'almost', 'relented', 'attempts', 'drive', 'away', 'instead', 'promised', 'holiday', 'caribbean', 'plane', 'departure', 'oscar', 'pretended', 'luggage', 'would', \"n't\", 'fit', 'overhead', 'bin', 'went', 'find', 'help', 'attendant', 'abandoned', 'flight', 'leaving', 'mimi', 'board', 'oscar', 'tale', 'continues', 'immersing', 'world', 'parties', 'one-night', 'stands', 'next', 'two', 'years', 'hedonistic', 'lifestyle', 'ended', 'drunkenly', 'stepped', 'front', 'vehicle', 'much', 'confident', 'mimi', 'visited', 'hospital', 'recovering', 'minor', 'injuries', 'broken', 'leg', 'manipulating', 'oscar', 'traction', 'device', 'vengeful', 'mimi', 'crippled', 'oscar', 'became', 'paraplegic', 'mimi', 'informed', 'oscar', 'would', 'look', 'moved', 'back', 'apartment', 'full-time', 'caretaker', 'reveled', 'dominating', 'humiliating', 'extent', 'seduced', 'friends', 'front', 'oscar', 'filled', 'self-loathing', 'time', 'meeting', 'nigel', 'seems', 'believe', 'deserves', 'treatment', 'nigel', 'shocked', 'appalled', 'however', 'intrigued', 'mimi', 'encouraged', 'oscar', 'affair', 'lacks', 'confidence', 'social', 'skills', 'approach', 'directly', 'fiona', 'subtly', 'repeatedly', 'warns', 'stray', 'far', 'anything', 'better', 'nigel', 'attempts', 'meet', 'every', 'night', 'mimi', 'lies', 'fiona', 'intentions', 'later', 'shipboard', 'new', 'year', 'eve', 'party', 'nigel', 'attempts', 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'sexually', 'enraged', 'nigel', 'grabs', 'oscar', 'throat', 'oscar', 'warns', 'point', 'gun', 'oscar', 'shoots', 'sleeping', 'mimi', 'several', 'times', 'fiona', 'awakens', 'cowers', 'beside', 'oscar', 'commits', 'suicide', 'blowing', 'back', 'head', 'end', 'see', 'bodies', 'oscar', 'mimi', 'stretchered', 'ship', 'fiona', 'nigel', 'left', 'embracing', 'one', 'another', 'sobbing', 'credits', 'start', 'roll', 'midst', 'intense', 'sexual', 'narratives', 'interactions', 'aboard', 'ship', 'nigel', 'fiona', 'also', 'encounter', 'distinguished', 'indian', 'gentleman', 'traveling', 'young', 'daughter', 'child', 'represents', 'stability', 'normality', 'nigel', 'fiona', 'collapse', 'film', 'end', 'gentleman', 'encourages', 'little', 'girl', 'comfort'], [\"'dirk\", 'bogarde', 'plays', 'maximilian', 'theo', 'aldorfer', 'former', 'nazi', 'officer', 'charlotte', 'rampling', 'plays', 'lucia', 'atherton', 'concentration', 'camp', 'survivor', 'ambiguous', 'relationship', 'aldorfer', 'flashbacks', 'show', 'max', 'tormenting', 'lucia', 'also', 'acting', 'protector', 'iconic', 'scene', 'lucia', 'sings', 'marlene', 'dietrich', 'song', 'concentration', 'camp', 'guards', 'wearing', 'pieces', 'uniform', 'max', 'rewards', 'severed', 'head', 'male', 'inmate', 'bullying', 'inmates', 'reference', 'salome', 'thirteen', 'years', 'world', 'war', 'lucia', 'meets', 'aldorfer', 'night', 'porter', 'vienna', 'hotel', 'fall', 'back', 'sadomasochistic', 'relationship'], [\"'mollie\", 'accountant', 'living', 'working', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'latest', 'client', 'assigned', 'firm', 'charmingly', 'handsome', 'shallow', 'womanizing', 'executive', 'named', 'albert', 'seduces', 'although', 'married', 'embarks', 'affair', 'promising', 'leave', 'wife', 'mollie', 'insists', 'relationship', 'stop', 'however', 'succumbing', 'temptation', 'proceeds', 'sex', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'realizes', 'informs', 'takes', 'news', 'well', 'promises', 'leave', 'wife', 'raise', 'baby', 'decides', 'tell', 'eccentric', 'overbearing', 'parents', 'father', 'became', 'pregnant', 'via', 'sperm', 'donor', 'continues', 'relationship', 'pregnancy', 'develops', 'however', 'fears', 'seeing', 'another', 'woman', 'melissa', 'later', 'best', 'friend', 'rona', 'shopping', 'finds', 'clinch', 'melissa', 'tells', 'love', 'melissa', 'leaving', 'wife', 'melissa', 'get', 'place', 'together', 'angry', 'upset', 'heartbroken', 'mollie', 'storms', 'rage', 'fight', 'causes', 'suddenly', 'labor', 'hails', 'cab', 'driver', 'james', 'ubriacco', 'realizes', 'seriousness', 'situation', 'speeds', 'hospital', 'upon', 'reaching', 'hospital', 'nurses', 'mistake', 'baby\\\\', 'father', 'feels', 'inclined', 'stay', 'gives', 'birth', 'son', 'names', 'michael', 'mikey', 'short', 'days', 'brought', 'home', 'receives', 'visit', 'james', 'returns', 'purse', 'left', 'behind', 'taxi', 'meets', 'mikey', 'seem', 'enjoy', 'other\\\\', 'company', 'next', 'month', 'mollie', 'dealing', 'single', 'parent', 'mikey', 'becoming', 'used', 'new', 'world', 'discovers', 'james', 'using', 'address', 'keep', 'grandfather', 'nursing', 'home', 'local', 'area', 'confronts', 'offers', 'babysit', 'mikey', 'lets', 'continue', 'use', 'address', 'agrees', 'starts', 'dating', 'quickly', 'realizes', 'none', 'men', 'seeing', 'good', 'enough', 'mikey', 'see', 'three', 'restaurants', 'see', 'imagining', 'they\\\\', 'treat', 'witnessing', 'behaviors', 'first', 'angrily', 'berates', 'waiter', 'messing', 'order', 'imagines', 'abusive', 'father', 'second', 'fastidious', 'neat', 'freak', 'sees', 'uptight', 'third', 'man', 'named', 'harry', 'works', 'father', 'james', 'tricks', 'taking', 'advantage', 'pay', 'everything', 'one', 'night', 'lets', 'guard', 'almost', 'sleeps', 'james', 'however', 'imagining', 'life', 'would', 'like', 'married', 'asks', 'leave', 'despite', 'telling', 'loves', 'mikey', 'soon', 'mollie', 'forced', 'help', 'albert', 'taxes', 'pleads', 'let', 'see', 'mikey', 'agrees', 'forgets', 'inform', 'james', 'babysitting', 'fight', 'ensues', 'albert', 'arrives', 'claims', 'mikey\\\\', 'father', 'james', 'believe', 'possible', 'mollie', 'told', 'used', 'sperm', 'donor', 'get', 'argument', 'albert', 'leaves', 'later', 'mollie', 'takes', 'mikey', 'see', 'albert', 'shows', 'changed', 'proceeds', 'destroy', 'office', 'help', 'enthusiastic', 'mikey', 'receives', 'call', 'nursing', 'home', 'james\\\\', 'grandfather', 'living', 'complaining', 'behavior', 'explains', 'manager', 'behavior', 'bad', 'agrees', 'let', 'stay', 'believing', 'james\\\\', 'wife', 'runs', 'james', 'outside', 'office', 'overheard', 'discussion', 'thanks', 'mollie', 'pleading', 'manager', 'mikey', 'escapes', 'james\\\\', 'grandfather', 'first', 'wanders', 'cafeteria', 'kitchen', 'sees', 'taxi', 'outside', 'nursing', 'home', 'believes', 'james\\\\', 'climbs', 'taken', 'away', 'tow', 'truck', 'leaving', 'ends', 'standing', 'middle', 'open', 'traffic', 'looking', 'james\\\\', 'taxi', 'james', 'mollie', 'rescue', 'street', 'calls', 'da-da', 'sees', 'perfect', 'mikey', 'perfect', 'well', 'kiss', 'mikey', 'looking', 'happily', 'credits', 'roll', 'james', 'older', 'mikey', 'shown', 'walking', 'hospital', 'see', 'mollie', 'given', 'birth', 'mikey\\\\', 'half-sister', 'julie', 'also', 'baby', 'talks'], [\"'sarah\", 'polley', 'plays', 'harper', 'sloane', 'misfit', 'snobbish', 'upperclass', 'family', 'gotten', 'accepted', 'harvard', 'sister\\\\', 'wedding', 'sent', 'hiding', 'place', 'storage', 'room', 'bottle', 'champagne', 'meets', 'connie', 'fitzpatrick', 'bohemian', 'photographer', 'takes', 'instant', 'liking', 'nicknames', 'guinevere', 'visit', 'flat', 'order', 'pick', 'wedding', 'photographs', 'soon', 'blossoms', 'full-blown', 'affair', 'harper', 'eventually', 'moves', 'connie', 'instructs', 'ways', 'art', 'particular', 'photography', 'brutal', 'confrontation', 'harper\\\\', 'mother', 'harper\\\\', 'discovery', 'connie', 'history', 'relationships', 'young', 'women', 'film', 'comes', 'climax', 'downtrodden', 'l.a.', 'hotel', 'tumultuous', 'five', 'year', 'relationship', 'two', 'harper', 'knows', 'time', 'leave', 'connie', 'returns', 'dying', 'cirrhosis', 'liver', 'meets', 'guineveres', 'one', 'stays', 'dies', 'describes', 'personal', 'view', 'heaven', 'affectionately', 'titles', 'connie', 'special'], [\"'amar\", 'prem', 'two', 'daydreamers', 'common', 'aim', 'getting', 'rich', 'marrying', 'rich', 'heiress', 'raveena', 'bajaj', 'daughter', 'ram', 'gopal', 'bajaj', 'guys', 'run', 'bus', 'soon', 'realize', 'common', 'goal', 'duo', 'fail', 'various', 'attempts', 'woo', 'lady', 'finally', 'decide', 'insinuate', 'house', 'amar', 'pretends', 'guy', 'lost', 'memory', 'getting', 'hit', 'raveena', 'prem', 'pretends', 'doctor', 'boys', \"don\\\\'t\", 'know', 'raveena\\\\', 'secretary', 'karishma', 'real', 'raveena', 'switched', 'identity', 'wanted', 'find', 'boy', 'love', 'money', 'nobody', 'aware', 'ram', 'gopal', 'twin', 'brother', 'called', 'shyam', 'gopal', 'bajaj', 'aka', 'teja', 'teja', 'criminal', 'taken', 'lots', 'money', 'crime', 'master', 'gogo', 'teja', 'hopes', 'land', 'riches', 'kidnapping', 'brother', 'posing', 'ram', 'also', 'planted', 'cronies', 'robert', 'bhalla', 'household', 'ram', 'arrives', 'india', 'teja', 'plans', 'steal', 'ram\\\\', 'money', 'converted', 'diamonds', 'ram', 'sees', 'real', 'nature', 'amar', 'prem', 'thus', 'declining', 'raveena\\\\', 'marriage', 'anyone', 'duo', 'plan', 'fake', 'kidnapping', 'heroically', 'rescue', 'ram', 'unknown', 'teja', 'planned', 'kidnap', 'ram', 'well', 'teja', 'succeeds', 'ram', 'kidnapped', 'boys', 'release', 'ram', 'teja', 'makes', 'believe', 'ram', 'finally', 'enters', 'ram\\\\', 'household', 'initially', 'nobody', 'suspects', 'thing', 'girls', 'soon', 'smell', 'rat', 'boys', 'discovered', 'real', 'identities', 'girls', 'prem', 'fallen', 'real', 'raveena', 'amar', 'fallen', 'real', 'karishma', 'girls', 'tell', 'suspicions', 'boys', 'boys', 'tail', 'teja', 'soon', 'find', 'truth', 'ram', 'tricks', 'teja', 'escapes', 'prison', 'however', 'boys', 'mistake', 'teja', 'resulting', 'ram', 'imprisoned', 'amar', 'prem', 'however', 'amar', 'prem', 'succeed', 'convincing', 'robert', 'bhalla', 'ram', 'actually', 'teja', 'boys', 'along', 'robert', 'bhalla', 'stop', 'teja', 'however', 'ram', 'kidnapped', 'along', 'raveena', 'karishma', 'climax', 'takes', 'place', 'gogo\\\\', 'lair', 'boys', 'try', 'control', 'situation', 'along', 'ram', 'comic', 'standoff', 'real', 'motives', 'villain', 'revealed', 'however', 'due', 'smartness', 'boys', 'police', 'raid', 'gogo\\\\', 'lair', 'thus', 'rounding', 'criminals', 'ram', 'finally', 'decides', 'girls', 'married', 'amar', 'prem'], ['die', 'porter', 'life', 'flashes', 'form', 'musical', 'production', 'staged', 'archangel', 'gabriel', 'indiana', 'theater', 'composer', 'first', 'performed', 'stage', 'start', 'linda', 'aware', 'cole', 'gay', 'feelings', 'love', 'devotion', 'strong', 'enough', 'overlook', 'romantic', 'flings', 'outside', 'marriage', 'longer', 'ignore', 'innuendos', 'songs', 'relationship', 'grows', 'strained', 'cole', 'photographed', 'amorous', 'embrace', 'another', 'man', 'rest', 'room', 'gay', 'nightclub', 'linda', 'blackmailed', 'paying', 'heavy', 'settlement', 'suppress', 'publication', 'pictures', 'shrugs', 'blackmail', 'finally', 'goes', 'paris', 'leaving', 'bereft', 'injured', 'horseback', 'riding', 'accident', 'seriously', 'cripples', 'return', 'side', 'willing', 'forgive', 'still', 'finding', 'difficult', 'cope', 'extramarital', 'affairs', 'eventually', 'diagnosed', 'emphysema', 'prepares', 'husband', 'impending', 'death', 'attempts', 'forge', 'relationship', 'interior', 'decorator', \"'ll\", 'companion', 'following', 'death', 'deeply', 'affects', 'eventual', 'amputation', 'right', 'leg', 'adds', 'deep', 'depression', 'affecting', 'creative', 'output', 'porter', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'reclusive', 'well', 'becoming', 'dependent', 'alcohol', 'cite', 'news'], [\"'when\", 'prank', 'fellow', 'high-school', 'student', 'clay', 'gephardt', 'goes', 'wrong', 'popular', 'rebellious', 'landon', 'carter', 'threatened', 'expulsion', 'punishment', 'mandatory', 'participation', 'various', 'after-school', 'activities', 'drama', 'club', 'forced', 'interact', 'quiet', 'kind', 'bookish', 'jamie', 'sullivan', 'girl', 'known', 'many', 'years', 'rarely', 'ever', 'spoken', 'differing', 'social', 'statures', 'leave', 'worlds', 'apart', 'despite', 'close', 'physical', 'proximity', 'landon', 'trouble', 'learning', 'lines', 'asks', 'jamie', 'help', 'begin', 'practicing', 'together', 'house', 'school', 'first', 'landon', 'using', 'jamie', 'help', 'play', 'treats', 'coldly', 'friends', 'around', 'spends', 'time', 'surprised', 'find', 'far', 'person', 'thought', 'begins', 'question', 'really', 'wants', 'impress', 'play', 'jamie', 'astounds', 'landon', 'entire', 'audience', 'beauty', 'voice', 'landon', 'kisses', 'stage', 'afterwards', 'tries', 'get', 'closer', 'repeatedly', 'rejects', 'soon', 'thereafter', 'however', 'landon\\\\', 'friends', 'publicly', 'humiliate', 'jamie', 'altering', 'photograph', 'placing', 'head', 'body', 'scantily', 'clad', 'woman', 'landon', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'former', 'friend', 'punching', 'publicly', 'siding', 'jamie', 'afterwards', 'landon', 'jamie', 'begin', 'relationship', 'landon', 'dedicates', 'time', 'discovers', 'wish', 'list', 'sets', 'make', 'ambitions', 'come', 'true', 'taking', 'state', 'border', 'stand', 'either', 'side', 'line', 'thus', 'two', 'places', 'final', 'stretch', 'movie', 'jamie', 'confesses', 'landon', 'afflicted', 'terminal', 'leukemia', 'stopped', 'responding', 'treatments', 'landon', 'gets', 'upset', 'first', 'jamie', 'tells', 'reason', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'tell', 'moving', 'life', 'using', 'time', 'left', 'landon', 'happened', 'fell', 'love', 'jamie\\\\', 'cancer', 'gets', 'worse', 'father', 'rushes', 'hospital', 'meets', 'landon', 'landon', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'leave', 'jamie\\\\', 'side', 'father', 'practically', 'pry', 'away', 'jamie\\\\', 'father', 'sits', 'jamie', 'tells', \"'ve\", 'kept', 'close', 'it\\\\', 'want', 'keep', 'longer', 'soon', 'word', 'gets', 'jamie\\\\', 'illness', 'eric', 'landon\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'comes', 'tells', 'sorry', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'understand', 'friends', 'come', 'apologize', 'later', 'jamie', 'gives', 'landon', 'book', 'mother\\\\', 'filled', 'quotes', 'landon', 'reads', 'corinthians', '13:4-8', 'along', 'jamie', 'tells', 'landon', 'believes', 'god', 'sent', 'help', 'illness', 'he\\\\', 'angel', 'later', 'learns', 'estranged', 'father', 'going', 'pay', 'private', 'home', 'care', 'jamie', 'landon', 'shows', 'father\\\\', 'door', 'thanks', 'breaking', 'tears', 'father', 'hugs', 'landon', 'continues', 'fulfill', 'various', 'wishes', 'jamie\\\\', 'list', 'building', 'telescope', 'see', 'comet', 'process', 'landon', 'jamie', 'learn', 'nature', 'love', 'landon', 'finally', 'able', 'grant', 'jamie\\\\', 'top', 'wish', 'marrying', 'chapel', 'parents', 'got', 'married', 'landon', 'narrates', 'perfect', 'summer', 'together', 'love', 'anybody', 'could', 'possibly', 'know', 'died', 'soon', 'landon', 'becomes', 'better', 'person', 'jamie\\\\', 'memory', 'achieving', 'goals', 'set', 'like', 'four', 'years', 'later', 'landon', 'visits', 'jamie\\\\', 'father', 'shows', 'still', 'better', 'person', 'jamie', 'informing', 'father', 'accepted', 'medical', 'school', 'prior', 'falling', 'love', 'jamie', 'plans', 'future', 'high', 'school', 'jamie\\\\', 'father', 'tells', 'mother', 'proud', 'jamie', 'would', 'landon', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'sorry', 'never', 'granted', 'jamie\\\\', 'wish', 'witness', 'miracle', 'jamie\\\\', 'father', 'tells', 'fact', 'witness', 'one', 'carrying', 'thought', 'landon', 'goes', 'walk', 'docks', 'narrates', 'saying', 'jamie', 'changed', 'forever', 'misses', 'believes', 'love', 'like', 'wind', \"can\\\\'t\", 'see', 'feel', 'movie', 'ends', 'landon', 'looking', 'sunset', 'smiling'], ['rajalingam', 'kannamma', 'savitri', 'two', 'young', 'people', 'meet', 'train', 'going', 'town', 'kalathur', 'former', 'knowing', 'latter', 'poor', 'family', 'introduces', 'electrician', 'make', 'fall', 'though', 'later', 'revealed', 'son', 'rich', 'landlord', 'kannamma', 'father', 'murugan', 'working', 'labourer', 'rajalingam', 'kannamma', 'eventually', 'meet', 'zameen', 'former', 'finally', 'proposes', 'love', 'kannamma', 'despite', 'initial', 'reluctance', 'accepts', 'get', 'married', 'secretly', 'nearby', 'temple', 'however', 'witnessed', 'rajalingam', 'servant', 'ratnam', 'promises', 'keep', 'marriage', 'secret', 'rajalingam', 'goes', 'london', 'one-year', 'project', 'father', 'eventually', 'finds', 'son', 'affair', 'kannamma', 'orders', 'forget', 'trouble', 'arises', 'kannamma', 'revealed', 'pregnant', 'result', 'sleeping', 'rajalingam', 'refuses', 'reveal', 'father', 'slept', 'landlord', 'order', 'leave', 'nearby', 'village', 'several', 'months', 'finally', 'gives', 'birth', 'baby', 'boy', 'however', 'taken', 'away', 'murugan', 'leaves', 'nearby', 'orphanage', 'lies', 'kannamma', 'son', 'stillborn', 'leaving', 'grief', 'boy', 'grows', 'orphanage', 'named', 'selvam', 'murugan', 'knows', 'selvam', 'kannamma', 'son', 'selvam', \"n't\", 'know', 'meanwhile', 'rajalingam', 'returned', 'shortly', 'selvam', 'birth', 'discovers', 'ratnam', 'kannamma', 'left', 'kalathur', 'leaving', 'angered', 'father', 'arranges', 'marriage', 'another', 'girl', 'accepts', 'soon', 'kannamma', 'later', 'gets', 'job', 'teacher', 'orphanage', 'selvam', 'without', 'recognizing', 'son', 'rajalingam', 'later', 'invited', 'chief', 'guest', 'stage', 'performance', 'selvam', 'performing', 'gets', 'liking', 'show', 'ends', 'rajalingam', 'finds', 'kannamma', 'selvam', 'teacher', 'thinking', 'good', 'character', 'orders', 'headmistress', 'dismiss', 'selvam', 'close', 'friend', 'mani', 'soon', 'dies', 'making', 'former', 'feel', 'complete', 'orphan', 'rajalingam', 'soon', 'takes', 'zameen', 'accepts', 'son', 'despite', 'father', 'initial', 'reluctance', 'one', 'day', 'nearby', 'temple', 'selvam', 'comes', 'across', 'kannamma', 'explains', 'selvam', 'mother', 'also', 'accepts', 'also', 'alerts', 'rajalingam', 'impending', 'marriage', 'devika', 'kannamma', 'refuses', 'see', 'rajalingam', 'face', 'later', 'marriage', 'kannamma', 'finally', 'arrives', 'reveals', 'rajalingam', 'selvam', 'mother', 'rajalingam', 'however', 'refuses', 'believe', 'orders', 'leave', 'father', 'explains', 'reason', 'split', 'reveals', 'selvam', 'indeed', 'grandson', 'rajalingam', 'soon', 'reconciles', 'kannamma', 'marriage', 'devika', 'cancelled'], [\"'high\", 'school', 'sweethearts', 'david', 'diana', 'murphy', 'married', 'couple', 'travel', 'las', 'vegas', 'hoping', 'win', 'enough', 'money', 'finance', 'david\\\\', 'fantasy', 'real', 'estate', 'project', 'place', 'money', 'red', 'roulette', 'lose', 'gambling', 'away', 'savings', 'encounter', 'billionaire', 'john', 'gage', 'gage', 'attracted', 'diana', 'offers', 'david', 'one', 'million', 'dollars', 'spend', 'night', 'difficult', 'night', 'david', 'diana', 'decide', 'accept', 'offer', 'contract', 'signed', 'next', 'day', 'gage', 'flies', 'diana', 'private', 'yacht', 'offers', 'chance', 'void', 'deal', 'return', 'husband', 'loses', 'toss', 'lucky', 'coin', 'gage', 'calls', 'correctly', 'spends', 'night', 'although', 'hoped', 'forget', 'whole', 'incident', 'david', 'grows', 'increasingly', 'insecure', 'relationship', 'diana', 'consumed', 'fear', 'remains', 'involved', 'gage', 'insecurity', 'heightened', 'fact', 'diana', 'discovers', 'gage', 'bought', 'home/property', 'going', 'foreclosure', 'tension', 'relationship', 'david', 'diana', 'separate', 'gage', 'actively', 'persists', 'renews', 'advances', 'diana', 'although', 'initially', 'resists', 'diana', 'eventually', 'consents', 'spending', 'time', 'relationship', 'develops', 'david', 'meanwhile', 'realizes', 'without', 'love', 'life', 'diana', 'files', 'divorce', 'david', 'makes', 'one', 'final', 'attempt', 'win', 'back', 'signing', 'divorce', 'papers', 'giving', 'million', 'dollars', 'away', 'david', 'bares', 'soul', 'allowed', 'night', 'happen', 'clearly', 'turning', 'point', 'gage', 'sees', 'diana', 'looks', 'david', 'recognizes', 'even', 'stayed', 'relationship', 'would', 'never', 'achieve', 'intensity', 'david', 'later', 'car', 'gage', 'clear', 'diana', 'made', 'mind', 'return', 'david', 'says', 'gage', 'need', 'talk', 'gage', 'realizing', 'longs', 'return', 'david', 'makes', 'story', 'latest', 'long', 'line', 'million-dollar', 'girls', 'diana', 'realizes', 'gage', 'make', 'easy', 'leave', 'thanks', 'gage', 'returns', 'david', 'leaves', 'gives', 'lucky', 'coin', 'revealed', 'double', 'sided', 'returns', 'pier', 'david', 'proposed', 'find', 'waiting', 'confess', 'love', 'one', 'another', 'join', 'hands'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'set', 'moscow', 'late', '1950s', 'late', '1970s', 'plot', 'centers', 'three', 'young', 'women', 'come', 'moscow', 'smaller', 'towns', 'katerina', 'lyudmila', 'antonina', 'placed', 'together', 'university', 'dormitory', 'apartment', 'eventually', 'become', 'friends', 'katerina', 'strives', 'earn', 'degree', 'also', 'works', 'hard', 'factory', 'asked', 'house-sit', 'apartment', 'well-to-do', 'moscow', 'relatives', 'away', 'trip', 'lyudmila', 'convinces', 'throw', 'dinner', 'party', 'apartment', 'pretend', 'daughters', 'rich', 'professor', 'ploy', 'meet', 'successful', 'muscovite', 'men', 'party', 'young', 'woman', 'meets', 'man', 'destined', 'change', 'life', 'lyudmila', 'meets', 'sergei', 'famous', 'hockey', 'player', 'antonina', 'meets', 'nikolai', 'reserved', 'kind', 'young', 'man', 'katerina', 'meets', 'rudolf', 'smooth', 'talker', 'works', 'cameraman', 'television', 'channel', 'eventually', 'forces', 'katerina', 'resulting', 'becoming', 'pregnant', 'upon', 'discovering', 'katerina', 'actually', 'come', 'rich', 'professor\\\\', 'family', 'rudolf', 'refuses', 'marry', 'acknowledge', 'child', 'rudolf\\\\', 'mother', 'tells', 'katerina', 'stop', 'bothering', 'son', 'offers', 'money', 'katerina', 'refuses', 'leaves', 'katerina', 'alone', 'baby', 'movie', 'shows', 'katerina', 'tears', 'eyes', 'setting', 'alarm', 'clock', 'dormitory', 'arrived', 'bearing', 'daughter', 'alexandra', 'takes', '20-year', 'leap', 'forward', 'time', 'katerina', 'shown', 'waking', 'sound', 'alarm', 'clock', 'apartment', 'still', 'single', 'gone', 'luck', 'student', 'becoming', 'executive', 'director', 'large', 'factory', 'lover', 'older', 'married', 'man', 'named', 'volodya', 'left', 'feeling', 'empty', 'affair', 'despite', 'career', 'success', 'katerina', 'seems', 'unfulfilled', 'weighed', 'deep', 'sadness', 'still', 'close', 'friends', 'lyudmila', 'antonina', 'party', 'lyudmila', 'seduced', 'married', 'sergei', 'shortly', 'quit', 'playing', 'hockey', 'became', 'alcoholic', 'antonina', 'also', 'married', 'alone', 'among', 'three', 'friends', 'found', 'happiness', 'husband', 'nikolai', 'three', 'children', 'one', 'evening', 'katerina', 'returning', 'home', 'antonina\\\\', 'dacha', 'countryside', 'elektrichka', 'train', 'meets', 'man', 'named', 'gosha', 'soon', 'afterward', 'start', 'seeing', 'romance', 'begins', 'rudolf', 'unexpectedly', 'reenters', 'katarina\\\\', 'life', 'part', 'news', 'crew', 'arrives', 'katerina\\\\', 'factory', 'report', 'factory\\\\', 'success', 'exceeding', 'production', 'quota', 'recognize', 'ex-lover', 'first', 'wants', 'make', 'amends', 'meet', 'daughter', 'katerina', 'lets', 'know', 'want', 'see', 'rudolf', 'shows', 'uninvited', 'apartment', 'one', 'evening', 'katerina', 'dinner', 'gosha', 'alexandra', 'awkward', 'scene', 'rudolf', 'tells', 'gosha', 'alexandra', 'interview', 'moment', 'gosha', 'finds', 'katerina', 'factory', 'director', 'realizes', 'salary', 'must', 'larger', 'coming', 'society', 'many', 'men', 'relished', 'role', 'breadwinners', 'family', 'gosha', 'finds', 'pride', 'wounded', 'becomes', 'upset', 'leaves', 'huff', 'several', 'days', 'gosha', 'disappears', 'katerina\\\\', 'life', 'longer', 'visiting', 'returning', 'calls', 'katerina', 'becomes', 'frantic', 'former', 'dormitory', 'roommates', 'gather', 'apartment', 'decide', 'help', 'nikolai', 'husband', 'antonina', 'sets', 'find', 'gosha', 'finds', 'drinking', 'getting', 'drunk', 'convinces', 'gosha', 'return', 'katerina', 'final', 'scene', 'movie', 'set', 'kitchen', 'katerina\\\\', 'flat', 'gosha', 'eats', 'table', 'katerina', 'watches', 'tears', 'eyes', 'gosha', 'asks', 'what\\\\', 'wrong', 'katerina', 'replies', 'looking', 'long', 'moment', 'thought', 'gosha', 'says', 'eight', 'days', 'katerina', 'says', 'repeats', 'looking', 'long', 'implying', 'gosha', 'first', 'decent', 'man', 'met', 'since', 'fateful', 'dinner', 'party', 'twenty', 'years', 'ago'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'begins', 'convenience', 'store', 'two', 'fbi', 'agents', 'brothers', 'kevin', 'marcus', 'copeland', 'posing', 'afro-cuban', 'clerks', 'try', 'capture', 'members', 'organization', 'sells', 'drugs', 'inside', 'ice', 'cream', 'boxes', 'unfortunately', 'first', 'arrival', 'turns', 'genuine', 'ice', 'cream', 'delivery', 'actual', 'drug', 'dealers', 'manage', 'get', 'away', 'situation', 'worsened', 'fact', 'kevin', 'marcus', 'decided', 'resolve', 'bust', 'fbi', 'supervisor', 'elliott', 'gordon', 'gives', 'two', 'agents', 'last', 'chance', 'remain', 'fbi', 'giving', 'duty', 'protecting', 'mega-rich', 'billionaire', 'cruise', 'line', 'heiresses', 'socialites', 'brittany', 'tiffany', 'wilson', 'arriving', 'town', 'last', 'social', 'event', 'summer', 'hamptons', 'kidnapping', 'plot', 'wilson', 'sisters', 'get', 'minor', 'facial', 'cuts', 'car', 'accident', 'refuse', 'leave', 'hotel', 'kevin', 'marcus', 'disguise', 'wilson', 'sisters', 'order', 'save', 'jobs', 'hamptons', 'hotel', 'kevin', 'marcus', 'meet', 'brittany', 'tiffany\\\\', 'three', 'best', 'friends', 'soap', 'heiress', 'karen', 'diminutive', 'tori', 'insecure', 'lisa', 'rivals', 'catty', 'vandergeld', 'sisters', 'megan', 'heather', 'addition', 'basketball', 'player', 'latrell', 'spencer', 'takes', 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'karen', 'seeing', 'heather\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'heath', 'unemployed', 'poor', 'actor', 'behind', 'back', 'constantly', 'mistreated', 'drinks', 'heavily', 'runs', 'bathroom', 'marcus/tiffany', 'kevin/brittany', 'throw', 'lets', 'slip', 'mr.', 'vandergeld', 'broke', 'borrow', 'money', 'karen\\\\', 'father', 'next', 'day', 'real', 'brittany', 'tiffany', 'see', 'faces', 'page', 'six', 'new', 'york', 'post', 'think', 'cloned', 'hamptons', 'clones', 'seen', 'two', 'fbi', 'agents', 'agents', 'harper', 'gomez', 'believing', 'kevin', 'marcus', 'strip', 'leads', 'chief', 'finding', 'marcus', 'kevin', 'impersonating', 'brittany', 'tiffany', 'fires', 'later', 'kevin', 'marcus', 'figure', 'mr.', 'vandergeld', 'along', 'heath', 'behind', 'socialite', 'kidnappings', 'kevin', 'marcus', 'decide', 'even', 'though', 'fired', 'going', 'fashion', 'show', 'marcus/tiffany', 'kevin/brittany', 'arrive', 'fashion', 'show', 'informed', 'walking', 'catwalk', 'also', 'real', 'tiffany', 'brittany', 'arrive', 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'costume', 'releases', 'captives', 'heath', 'marcus/tiffany', 'tells', 'said', 'would', 'get', 'back', 'hits', 'marcus/tiffany', 'responds', 'back', 'knocks', 'cold', 'meanwhile', 'mr.', 'vandergeld', 'takes', 'real', 'tiffany', 'brittany', 'tries', 'run', 'caught', 'confronted', 'whereupon', 'admits', 'bankrupt', 'funneling', 'money', 'charity', 'hammer', 'broke', 'denise', 'cameraman', 'filming', 'entire', 'time', 'mr.', 'vandergeld', 'shoots', 'kevin/brittany', 'jumps', 'pushes', 'denise', 'ground', 'way', 'mr.', 'vandergeld', 'shoots', 'marcus/tiffany', 'latrell', 'jumps', 'front', 'bullet', 'takes', 'hit', 'shocked', 'enraged', 'discover', 'marcus/tiffany', 'unmasking', 'black', 'kevin/brittany', 'also', 'unmasks', 'marcus\\\\', 'wife', 'gina', 'attacks', 'believed', 'kevin/brittany', 'affair', 'marcus', 'chief', 'appears', 'tell', 'marcus', 'kevin', 'agents', 'gomez', 'harper', 'disobeyed', 'right', 'thing', 'chief', 'expects', 'back', 'office', 'next', 'morning', 'marcus', 'apologizes', 'gina', 'realizing', 'female', 'hard', 'task', 'ignoring', 'gina', 'job', 'kevin', 'asks', 'denise', 'replies', 'would', 'course', 'date', 'man', 'willing', 'take', 'bullet', 'movie', 'ends', 'tori', 'lisa', 'karen', 'kevin', 'marcus', 'making', 'pact', 'stay', 'together', 'shopping'], ['expand', 'section', 'helen', 'harris', 'successful', 'fashion', 'industry', 'nice', 'manhattan', 'lifestyle', 'keeps', 'extremely', 'occupied', 'content', 'helen', 'world', 'suddenly', 'changes', 'sister', 'lindsay', 'brother-in-law', 'paul', 'die', 'car', 'accident', 'helen', 'sister', 'jenny', 'shock', 'hear', 'lindsay', 'paul', 'left', 'helen', 'charge', 'three', 'kids', '15-year-old', 'audrey', '10-year-old', 'henry', 'five-year-old', 'sarah', 'convinced', 'raise', 'kids', 'maintain', 'already', 'fast-paced', 'schedule', 'helen', 'quickly', 'finds', 'burnt', 'disheartened', 'responsibilities', 'jenny', 'lack', 'faith', 'despite', 'already', 'hectic', 'schedule', 'helen', 'finds', 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'restaurant', 'wall', 'road', 'pulled', 'racist', 'homophobic', 'sheriff', 'dollard', 'tries', 'force', 'onto', 'vida', 'discovers', 'vida', 'biologically', 'female', 'commotion', 'dollard', 'falls', 'backwards', 'knocked', 'unconscious', 'trio', 'think', 'dead', 'hurry', 'leave', 'behind', 'recover', 'incident', 'rest', 'stop', 'car', 'breaks', 'young', 'man', 'bobby', 'ray', 'nearby', 'small', 'town', 'snydersville', 'happens', 'gives', 'ride', 'take', 'refuge', 'bed', 'breakfast', 'owned', 'carol', 'ann', 'abusive', 'car', 'repairman', 'husband', 'virgil', 'drag', 'queens', 'become', 'stranded', 'town', 'weekend', 'wait', 'replacement', 'part', 'car', 'arrive', 'confronted', 'town\\\\', 'small-mindedness', 'though', 'focuses', 'genderqueer', 'identities', 'rather', 'status', 'females', 'addresses', 'social', 'difficulties', 'faced', 'white', 'heterosexual', 'males', 'chi-chi', 'harassed', 'group', 'roughnecks', 'saved', 'bobby', 'ray', 'drag', 'queens', 'ecstatic', 'find', 'vintage', 'fashions', '1960s', 'town\\\\', 'clothing', 'store', 'give', 'town\\\\', 'female', 'residents', 'make-over', 'following', 'make-over', 'group', 'abused', 'roughnecks', 'attempted', 'attack', 'chi-chi', 'fed', 'noxeema', 'handles', 'situation', 'typically', 'new', 'york', 'manner', 'teaches', 'ringleader', 'lesson', 'manners', 'vida', 'noxeema', 'chi-chi', 'positive', 'set', 'improve', 'lives', 'townspeople', 'including', 'offering', 'assistance', 'organizing', 'annual', 'strawberry', 'social', 'event', 'meanwhile', 'sheriff', 'dollard', 'ridiculed', 'colleagues', 'believe', 'beat', 'girl', 'goes', 'search', 'drag', 'queens', 'vida', 'meanwhile', 'becomes', 'acutely', 'aware', 'carol', 'ann\\\\', 'abuse', 'hands', 'husband', 'virgil', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'three', 'queens', 'overhear', 'virgil', 'giving', 'carol', 'ann', 'another', 'beating', 'vida', 'decides', 'intervene', 'beats', 'virgil', 'throwing', 'house', 'next', 'day', 'virgil', 'runs', 'sheriff', 'dollard', 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'hires', 'jonathan', 'protest', 'vice-president', 'richards', 'assigns', 'jonathan', 'stock', 'boy', 'spare', 'time', 'jonathan', 'hits', 'flamboyant', 'window', 'dresser', 'hollywood', 'montrose', 'working', 'jonathan\\\\', 'mannequin', 'night', 'hollywood', 'jonathan', 'construct', 'window', 'display', 'run-in', 'store\\\\', 'night', 'security', 'chief', 'captain', 'felix', 'maxwell', 'cowardly', 'bulldog', 'rambo', 'jonathan', 'alone', 'mannequin', 'obsessed', 'comes', 'life', 'emmy', 'next', 'morning', 'jonathan', 'tells', 'roxie', 'emmy', 'believe', 'jonathan\\\\', 'window-dressing', 'prince', 'company', 'attracts', 'large', 'audiences', 'including', 'roxie', 'unfortunately', 'b.j', 'wert', 'president', 'illustra', 'rival', 'department', 'store', 'revealed', 'richards', 'corporate', 'spy', 'wert', 'next', 'board', 'meeting', 'richards', 'wants', 'fire', 'jonathan', 'claire', 'points', 'jonathan\\\\', 'designs', 'increasing', 'sales', 'store', 'richards', 'proposes', 'sell', 'prince', 'company', 'illustra', 'former\\\\', 'value', 'claire', 'refuses', 'board', 'members', 'promote', 'jonathan', 'visual', 'merchandising', 'emmy', 'jonathan\\\\', 'relationship', 'snowballs', 'following', 'week', 'every', 'night', 'helps', 'hollywood', 'create', 'window', 'displays', 'dazzle', 'everyone', 'prince', 'company', 'ultimately', 'makes', 'store', 'famous', 'throughout', 'philadelphia', 'dressers', 'still', 'deal', 'captain', 'maxwell', 'roxie', 'latter', 'also', 'deal', 'armand', 'another', 'illustra', 'employee', 'keeps', 'angling', 'sex', 'one', 'morning', 'maxwell', 'caught', 'sleeping', 'job', 'claire', 'fires', 'richards', 'sticks', 'maxwell', 'succeeds', 'getting', 'fired', 'also', 'claire', 'promotes', 'jonathan', 'vice-president', 'meanwhile', 'window', 'designs', 'still', 'bringing', 'tremendous', 'amount', 'profits', 'customers', 'prince', 'company', 'illustra\\\\', 'expense', 'armand', 'sneaks', 'prince', 'company', 'night', 'takes', 'pictures', 'emmy', 'jealous', 'wert', 'sees', 'pictures', 'calls', 'richards', 'plan', 'steal', 'emmy', 'knowing', 'alive', 'put', 'display', 'illustra', 'jonathan', 'takes', 'emmy', 'ride', 'motorcycle', 'roxie', 'offers', 'jonathan', 'work', 'illustra', 'already', 'job', 'moreover', 'emmy', 'love', 'maxwell', 'richards', 'break', 'prince', 'company', 'search', 'emmy', 'tell', 'apart', 'mannequins', 'wind', 'stealing', 'every', 'mannequin', 'store', 'next', 'morning', 'hollywood', 'jonathan', 'discover', 'happened', 'emmy', 'dash', 'illustra', 'look', 'around', 'wert', 'offers', 'jonathan', 'richards\\\\', 'old', 'job', 'jonathan', 'suspects', 'truth', 'turns', 'roxie', 'storms', 'office', 'swearing', 'jonathan', 'never', 'lay', 'eyes', 'emmy', 'ever', 'jonathan', 'chases', 'roxie', 'employees', 'area', 'store', 'pursued', 'dozen', 'security', 'guards', 'including', 'maxwell', 'new', 'attack', 'dog', 'named', 'terminator', 'dog', 'completely', 'ignores', 'jonathan', 'roxie', 'loads', 'emmy', 'stolen', 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'starting', 'new', 'careers', 'day', 'rendezvous', 'terry', 'haste', 'reach', 'empire', 'state', 'building', 'struck', 'car', 'crossing', 'street', 'gravely', 'injured', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'meanwhile', 'nickie', 'waiting', 'observation', 'deck', 'top', 'building', 'unaware', 'accident', 'many', 'hours', 'finally', 'concedes', 'midnight', 'arrive', 'believing', 'rejected', 'accident', 'terry', 'unable', 'walk', 'refuses', 'contact', 'nickie', 'wanting', 'conceal', 'disability', 'instead', 'finds', 'work', 'music', 'teacher', 'nickie', 'pursued', 'talent', 'painter', 'work', 'displayed', 'old', 'friend', 'art', 'shop', 'owner', 'six', 'months', 'accident', 'sees', 'nickie', 'former', 'fianc챕e', 'ballet', 'attending', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'nickie', 'notice', 'condition', 'seated', 'says', 'hello', 'passes', 'nickie', 'finally', 'learns', 'terry\\\\', 'address', 'christmas', 'eve', 'makes', 'surprise', 'visit', 'although', 'steers', 'conversation', 'make', 'explain', 'actions', 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'could', 'chances', 'top', 'respective', 'games', 'audrey', 'daniel', 'classic', 'study', 'opposites', 'practices', 'law', 'strictly', 'book', 'always', 'manages', 'win', 'seat', 'pants', 'cheap', 'theatrics', 'audrey', 'says', 'one', 'scene', 'soon', 'pitted', 'opposite', 'sides', 'nasty', 'public', 'divorce', 'famous', 'clients', 'case', 'centering', 'upon', 'irish', 'castle', 'named', 'caisle찼n', 'cloiche', 'rock', 'castle', 'future', 'divorcee', 'sights', 'set', 'audrey', 'daniel', 'travel', 'ireland', 'chase', 'depositions', 'yet', 'two', 'lawyers', 'slowly', 'developing', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'neither', 'wants', 'acknowledge', 'find', 'thrown', 'together', 'romantic', 'irish', 'festival', 'night', 'wild', 'celebrating', 'wake', 'next', 'morning', 'husband', 'wife', 'audrey', 'shocked', 'daniel', 'seems', 'normal', 'return', 'new', 'york', 'find', 'marriage', 'news', 'printed', 'popular', 'tabloid', 'next', 'day', 'audrey', 'decides', 'stay', 'together', 'save', 'careers', 'fighting', 'divorce', 'case', 'gusto', 'always', 'courtroom', 'meanwhile', 'start', 'developing', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'staying', 'together', 'audrey\\\\', 'house', 'disposing', 'garbage', 'one', 'day', 'daniel', 'discovers', 'sensitive', 'information', 'audrey\\\\', 'client', 'spills', 'accidentally', 'next', 'day\\\\', 'court', 'proceedings', 'audrey', 'feels', 'betrayed', 'asks', 'divorce', 'daniel', 'agrees', 'give', 'famous', 'clients', 'meanwhile', 'ireland', 'castle', 'legally', 'permitted', 'judge', 'abramovitz', 'sends', 'respective', 'counselors', 'ireland', 'inform', 'law', 'permit', 'castle', 'till', 'proper', 'settlement', 'i.e', 'division', 'assets', 'done', 'everybody\\\\', 'surprise', 'famous', 'couple', 'reunited', 'turns', 'priest', 'performed', 'audrey', 'daniel\\\\', 'marriage', 'servant', 'castle', 'priest', 'marriages', 'performed', 'part', 'festival\\\\', 'celebration', 'anything', 'real', 'audrey', 'daniel', 'shocked', 'daniel', 'returns', 'new', 'york', 'audrey', 'follows', 'realizes', 'fallen', 'love', 'court', 'marriage', 'end', 'carried', 'judge', 'abramovitz'], ['matt', 'sullivan', 'roommate', 'ryan', 'co-workers', 'san', 'francisco', 'dot-com', 'company', 'matt', 'obsessed', 'ex-girlfriend', 'nicole', 'gotten', 'engaged', 'confides', 'brother', 'john', 'training', 'become', 'catholic', 'priest', 'sexual', 'problems', 'obsession', 'matt', 'vows', 'without', 'sexual', 'activities', 'days', 'nights', 'lent', 'movie', 'also', 'implied', 'matt', 'masturbate', 'otherwise', 'actively', 'seek', 'orgasm', 'period', 'since', 'could', 'considered', 'sexual', 'john', 'warns', 'matt', 'celibacy', 'easy', 'meanwhile', 'ryan', 'starts', 'popular', 'office', 'pool', 'bet', 'long', 'matt', 'last', 'matt', 'meets', 'erica', 'cyber', 'nanny', 'begin', 'date', 'face', 'many', 'challenges', 'relationship', 'including', 'discovery', 'celibacy', 'vow', 'matt', 'continuing', 'feelings', 'nicole', 'matt', 'co-workers', 'make', 'many', 'unsuccessful', 'attempts', 'persuade', 'sex', 'order', 'win', 'pool', 'days', 'pass', 'matt', 'obsession', 'sex', 'grows', 'one', 'point', 'angrily', 'grabs', 'pornographic', 'magazine', 'office', 'desk', 'begins', 'march', 'towards', 'toilet', 'stall', 'order', 'masturbate', 'co-workers', 'stop', 'convince', 'maintain', 'pledge', 'despite', 'range', 'increasingly', 'powerful', 'cultural', 'incentives', 'sex', 'orgasm', 'surrounding', 'matt', 'scantily-dressed', 'women', 'billboards', 'cetera', 'matt', 'commitment', 'holds', 'begins', 'frustrate', 'lot', 'people', 'around', 'fully', 'expected', 'break', 'long', 'could', 'get', 'close', 'goal', 'meantime', 'erica', 'matt', 'falling', 'love', 'plan', 'special', 'encounter', '40th', 'night', 'celebrate', 'successfully', 'completing', 'vow', '40th', 'day', 'newly', 'single', 'nicole', 'learns', 'betting', 'pool', 'makes', 'large', 'bet', 'rapes', 'matt', 'asleep', 'erica', 'subsequently', 'believes', 'matt', 'dishonored', 'vow', 'unfaithful', 'matt', 'wins', 'erica', 'back', 'reminding', 'special', 'moments', 'shared', 'relationship', 'two', 'reconcile', 'matt', 'bedroom', 'many', 'hours', 'co-workers', 'making', 'new', 'betting', 'pool', 'duration', 'stamina'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'two', 'couples', 'jack', 'sally', 'gabe', 'judy', 'film', 'starts', 'jack', 'sally', 'arrive', 'gabe', 'judy\\\\', 'apartment', 'announce', 'separation', 'gabe', 'shocked', 'judy', 'takes', 'news', 'personally', 'hurt', 'still', 'confused', 'dinner', 'chinese', 'restaurant', 'weeks', 'later', 'sally', 'goes', 'apartment', 'colleague', 'plan', 'together', 'opera', 'dinner', 'sally', 'asks', 'use', 'phone', 'calls', 'jack', 'learning', 'met', 'someone', 'accuses', 'affair', 'marriage', 'judy', 'gabe', 'introduced', 'jack\\\\', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'sam', 'aerobics', 'trainer', 'judy', 'sam', 'shop', 'gabe', 'calls', 'jack\\\\', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'cocktail', 'waitress', 'tells', 'crazy', 'leaving', 'sally', 'week', 'later', 'judy', 'introduces', 'sally', 'michael', 'judy\\\\', 'magazine', 'colleague', 'michael', 'asks', 'sally', 'meanwhile', 'gabe', 'developed', 'friendship', 'student', 'rain', 'read', 'manuscript', 'working', 'novel', 'comments', 'brilliance', 'though', 'several', 'criticisms', 'gabe', 'reacts', 'defensively', 'due', 'autobiographical', 'nature', 'less', 'two', 'weeks', 'later', 'jack', 'sally', 'back', 'together', 'couple', 'meet', 'judy', 'gabe', 'dinner', 'like', 'old', 'times', 'dinner', 'judy', 'gabe', 'get', 'argument', 'sharing', 'poetry', 'argue', 'many', 'things', 'gabe', 'makes', 'failed', 'pass', 'judy', 'tells', 'thinks', 'relationship', 'week', 'later', 'gabe', 'moves', 'judy', 'begins', 'seeing', 'michael', 'michael', 'tells', 'judy', 'needs', 'time', 'alone', 'says', \"can\\\\'t\", 'help', 'still', 'feelings', 'sally', 'judy', 'becomes', 'frustrated', 'michael', 'walks', 'rain', 'highlighting', 'passive', 'aggressiveness', 'michael', 'follows', 'begs', 'stay', 'year', 'half', 'later', 'marry', 'end', 'audience', 'sees', 'pensive', 'jack', 'sally', 'back', 'together', 'jack', 'sally', 'admit', 'marital', 'problems', 'still', 'exist', 'find', 'accept', 'problems', 'simply', 'price', 'pay', 'remain', 'together', 'gabe', 'living', 'alone', 'says', 'he\\\\', 'race', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'hurt', 'anyone', 'said', 'realized', 'much', 'messed', 'relationship', 'judy', 'film', 'ends', 'immediate', 'cut', 'black', 'gabe', 'pleads', 'unseen', 'documentary', 'crew'], [\"'nelson\", 'moss', 'unexpectedly', 'meets', 'sara', 'deever', 'woman', 'different', 'anyone', 'else', 'ever', 'met', 'arrogance', 'ignorance', 'leads', 'failing', 'dmv', 'test', 'beguiles', 'continually', 'asks', 'spend', 'month', 'promise', 'change', 'life', 'better', 'night', 'sleeps', 'next', 'day', 'chaz', 'arrives', 'able', 'identify', 'nelson', 'sara\\\\', 'november', 'throughout', 'november', 'two', 'experience', 'happy', 'times', 'together', 'fall', 'love', 'month', 'adventures', 'nelson', 'examines', 'life', 'past', 'befriends', 'fatherless', 'child', 'called', 'abner', 'eventually', 'realizes', 'love', 'sara', 'asks', 'marry', 'revealed', 'sara', 'terminal', 'cancer', 'non-hodgkin', 'lymphoma', 'bear', 'nelson', 'experience', 'death', 'asks', 'leave', 'sara', 'tells', 'chaz', 'nelson', 'proposed', 'chaz', 'says', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'first', 'time', 'man', 'proposed', 'implying', 'sara', 'numerous', 'months', 'sara', 'confirms', 'claims', 'first', 'time', 'wanted', 'say', 'yes', 'decides', 'continue', 'relationship', 'protect', 'nelson', 'getting', 'hurt', 'nelson', 'complies', 'stages', 'surprise', 'return', 'thanksgiving', 'giving', 'gifts', 'remind', 'happy', 'times', 'stay', 'together', 'one', 'day', 'posts', 'november', 'calendars', 'apartment', 'walls', 'saying', 'always', 'november', 'make', 'love', 'next', 'morning', 'nelson', 'finds', 'sara', 'dressed', 'asks', 'leave', 'calendars', 'taken', 'nelson', 'becomes', 'confused', 'heartbroken', 'sara', 'asks', 'nelson', 'let', 'always', 'happy', 'memories', 'explains', 'needs', 'remembered', 'return', 'home', 'family', 'face', 'last', 'days', 'movie', 'ends', 'sara', 'blindfolding', 'nelson', 'giving', 'one', 'last', 'kiss', 'walking', 'away', 'nelson', 'takes', 'blindfold', 'tears', 'later', 'shown', 'park', 'went', 'one', 'dates'], [\"'terri\", 'griffith', 'aspiring', 'teenage', 'journalist', 'living', 'tucson', 'arizona', 'feels', 'teachers', \"don\\\\'t\", 'take', 'school', 'newspaper', 'articles', 'seriously', 'good', 'looks', 'failing', 'get', 'dream', 'job', 'newspaper', 'intern', 'comes', 'conclusion', 'girl', 'parents', 'town', 'terri', 'decides', 'remedy', 'situation', 'enrolling', 'rival', 'high', 'school', 'enlists', 'help', 'sex-obsessed', 'loudmouth', 'little', 'brother', 'buddy', 'best', 'friend', 'denise', 'disguise', 'boy', 'brother', 'friend', 'also', 'help', 'keep', 'tabs', 'throughout', 'experiment', 'along', 'way', 'meets', 'rick', 'gold-hearted', 'nerd', 'becomes', 'pet', 'project', 'helping', 'image', 'makeover', 'encouraging', 'start', 'talking', 'girls', 'terri', 'starts', 'fall', 'many', 'episodes', 'school', 'including', 'fending', 'group', 'bullies', 'led', 'bodybuilder', 'greg', 'tolan', 'dealing', 'real', 'college', 'boyfriend', 'kevin', 'set', 'blind', 'date', 'potential', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'named', 'sandy', 'terri', 'manages', 'accepted', 'one', 'guys', 'senior', 'prom', 'jealous', 'greg', 'picks', 'fight', 'rick', 'ultimately', 'trounces', 'bully', 'front', 'entire', 'class', 'terri\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'shows', 'unexpectedly', 'finds', 'what\\\\', 'going', 'terri', 'choice', 'reveal', 'rick', 'although', 'admits', 'loving', 'rick', 'angrily', 'rejects', 'prompting', 'desperate', 'terri', 'kiss', 'front', 'everyone', 'seemingly', 'unfazed', 'rick', 'simply', 'walks', 'away', 'heartbroken', 'humiliated', 'terri', 'retreats', 'room', 'writes', 'long', 'article', 'like', 'girl', 'boy\\\\', 'clothing', 'detailing', 'experiences', 'good', 'bad', 'school', 'end', 'terri', 'returns', 'school', 'article', 'printed', 'newspaper', 'receives', 'high', 'praise', 'teachers', 'friends', 'finally', 'earns', 'dream', 'job', 'newspaper', 'office', 'nevertheless', 'still', 'finds', 'yearning', 'rick', 'spoken', 'since', 'prom', 'without', 'boyfriend', 'terri', 'looking', 'forward', 'summer', 'spirits', 'lift', 'rick', 'suddenly', 'turns', 'reading', 'article', 'realizing', 'true', 'feelings', 'reconcile', 'film', 'ends', 'drive', 'away', 'together'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'focuses', 'antwone', 'fish', 'fisher', 'temperamental', 'young', 'man', 'navy', 'violent', 'history', 'set', 'america', '1990s', 'father', 'killed', 'born', 'teenage', 'mother', 'eva', 'mae', 'fisher', 'ended', 'arrested', 'soon', 'put', 'jail', 'gave', 'birth', 'placed', 'orphanage', 'got', 'claim', 'never', 'claimed', 'antwone', 'placed', 'foster', 'home', 'two', 'years', 'old', 'ran', 'religious', 'couple', 'mr.', 'mrs.', 'tate', 'antwone', 'faced', 'abuse', 'mrs.', 'tate', 'mentally', 'physically', 'many', 'years', 'finally', 'left', 'home', 'age', 'fourteen', 'living', 'streets', 'next', 'years', 'decided', 'join', 'u.s.', 'navy', 'make', 'something', 'life', 'however', 'rough', 'life', 'child', 'caused', 'violent', 'temper', 'point', 'getting', 'fight', 'fellow', 'sailor', 'antwone', 'sentenced', 'demoted', 'fined', 'restricted', 'ship', 'days', 'commanding', 'officer', 'also', 'orders', 'psychiatric', 'treatment', 'antwone', 'goes', 'meet', 'dr.', 'jerome', 'davenport', 'davenport', 'attempts', 'get', 'open', 'antwone', 'first', 'extremely', 'resistant', 'sessions', 'antwone', 'develops', 'feelings', 'fellow', 'naval', 'personnel', 'cheryl', 'still', 'getting', 'altercations', 'davenport', 'tries', 'explore', 'antwone\\\\', 'feelings', 'cheryl', 'channel', 'antwone\\\\', 'feelings', 'something', 'positive', 'antwone', 'finally', 'goes', 'date', 'cheryl', 'establishes', 'relationship', 'leave', 'mexico', 'antwone\\\\', 'sexuality', 'called', 'question', 'fellow', 'personnel', 'previously', 'called', 'uncle', 'tom', 'personnel\\\\', 'comments', 'impact', 'antwone', 'gets', 'yet', 'another', 'fight', 'antwone\\\\', 'thrown', 'jail', 'davenport', 'meets', 'jail', 'antwone', 'confided', 'sexually', 'abused', 'child', 'nadine', 'tate', 'member', 'tate', 'household', 'later', 'antwone', 'eventually', 'reveals', 'cheryl', 'sees', 'shrink', 'share', 'first', 'kiss', 'thanksgiving', 'dinner', 'davenport', 'advises', 'antwone', 'find', 'real', 'family', 'antwone', 'refuses', 'thanks', 'davenport', 'inviting', 'graduation', 'ceremony', 'following', 'graduation', 'ceremony', 'davenport', 'tells', 'antwone', 'he\\\\', 'ending', 'sessions', 'feels', 'antwone', 'needs', 'progress', 'antwone', 'breaks', 'feels', 'everyone', 'abandoned', 'reveals', 'best', 'friend', 'killed', 'attempted', 'robbery', 'resents', 'friend', 'leaving', 'behind', 'realizing', 'needs', 'find', 'parents', 'find', 'closure', 'antwone', 'asks', 'cheryl', 'cleveland', 'dead', 'end', 'social', 'services', 'antwone', 'decides', 'return', 'tate', 'household', 'confronts', 'older', 'nadine', 'mrs.', 'tate', 'abuses', 'toward', 'mrs.', 'tate', 'ultimately', 'reveals', 'antwone\\\\', 'father\\\\', 'name', 'edward', 'elkins', 'looking', 'multiple', 'telephone', 'books', 'antwone', 'comes', 'contact', 'aunt', 'annette', 'visits', 'antwone', 'learns', 'mother', 'lives', 'nearby', 'goes', 'visit', 'sits', 'silence', 'reveals', 'he\\\\', 'firstborn', 'antwone', 'finds', 'closure', 'forgives', 'leaves', 'returns', 'elkins', 'household', 'finds', 'feast', 'prepared', 'finds', 'family', 'lost', 'end', 'film', 'antwone', 'visits', 'davenport', 'thanks', 'everything', 'davenport', 'replies', 'thanking', 'antwone', 'davenport', 'reveals', 'antwone', 'slowly', 'shutting', 'life', 'day', 'met', 'antwone', 'movie', 'draws', 'close', 'davenport', 'antwone', 'eat'], [\"'regina\", 'reggie', 'lampert', 'skiing', 'holiday', 'meg챔ve', 'decides', 'divorce', 'husband', 'charles', 'meets', 'charming', 'stranger', 'peter', 'joshua', 'returns', 'paris', 'apartment', 'completely', 'empty', 'police', 'notify', 'charles', 'murdered', 'leaving', 'paris', 'give', 'reggie', 'travel', 'bag', 'containing', 'letter', 'addressed', 'ticket', 'venezuela', 'passports', 'multiple', 'names', 'items', 'funeral', 'regina', 'notices', 'three', 'odd', 'characters', 'show', 'view', 'body', 'one', 'sticks', 'corpse', 'pin', 'another', 'places', 'mirror', 'front', 'body\\\\', 'mouth', 'nose', 'verify', 'charles', 'really', 'dead', 'reggie', 'summoned', 'meet', 'cia', 'administrator', 'hamilton', 'bartholomew', 'u.s.', 'embassy', 'learns', 'three', 'men', 'tex', 'panthollow', 'herman', 'scobie', 'leopold', 'gideon', 'part', 'oss', 'world', 'war', 'parachuted', 'behind', 'enemy', 'lines', 'together', 'charles', 'lampert', 'fifth', 'man', 'carson', 'dyle', 'ordered', 'deliver', '250,000', 'gold', 'french', 'resistance', 'stole', 'instead', 'dyle', 'fatally', 'wounded', 'german', 'ambush', 'charles', 'doublecrossed', 'others', 'took', 'gold', 'three', 'men', 'want', 'missing', 'money', 'u.s.', 'government', 'wants', 'back', 'bartholomew', 'insists', 'reggie', 'even', 'know', 'peter', 'tracks', 'reggie', 'helps', 'move', 'hotel', 'three', 'criminals', 'separately', 'threaten', 'reggie', 'convinced', 'knows', 'money', 'scobie', 'informs', 'reggie', 'peter', 'league', 'trio', 'peter', 'tells', 'alexander', 'dyle', 'convinced', 'brother', 'carson', 'murdered', 'three', 'hunt', 'money', 'continues', 'first', 'scobie', 'found', 'murdered', 'gideon', 'police', 'grow', 'increasingly', 'exasperated', 'reggie', 'falls', 'love', 'alex', 'learns', 'bartholomew', 'carson', 'dyle', 'brother', 'alex', 'says', 'really', 'adam', 'canfield', 'unabashed', 'professional', 'thief', 'although', 'frustrated', 'dishonesty', 'reggie', 'still', 'finds', 'trusting', 'reggie', 'adam', 'location', 'charles\\\\', 'last', 'appointment', 'find', 'outdoor', 'market', 'also', 'spot', 'tex', 'adam', 'follows', 'tex', 'finally', 'figures', 'money', 'hidden', 'sees', 'booths', 'selling', 'stamps', 'collectors', 'realizes', 'charles', 'must', 'purchased', 'rare', 'stamps', 'stuck', 'envelope', 'plain', 'sight', 'letter', 'travel', 'bag', 'adam', 'realizes', 'thing', 'races', 'tex', 'back', 'reggie\\\\', 'hotel', 'room', 'stamps', 'gone', 'reggie', 'given', 'friend\\\\', 'little', 'boy', 'jean-louis', 'collection', 'taken', 'market', 'trade', 'reggie', 'also', 'realizes', 'stamps\\\\', 'significance', 'jean-louis', 'finds', 'stamp', 'trader', 'fortunately', 'honest', 'puts', 'total', 'value', '250,000', 'returns', 'reggie', 'returns', 'hotel', 'finds', 'tex', 'murdered', 'well', 'mdash', 'dying', 'wrote', 'name', 'dyle', 'figuring', 'meant', 'alexander', 'dyle', 'frightened', 'reggie', 'telephones', 'bartholomew', 'arranges', 'meet', 'leaves', 'hotel', 'adam', 'spots', 'gives', 'chase', 'streets', 'paris', 'subway', 'rendezvous', 'reggie', 'caught', 'open', 'two', 'men', 'adam', 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'beautiful', 'leather', 'jacket-clad', 'new', 'student', 'stands', 'mr.', 'buttinger', 'releases', 'rita\\\\', 'frog', 'mr.', 'buttinger', 'sentences', 'detention', 'drifter', 'reveals', 'she\\\\', 'new', 'student', 'escapes', 'window', 'frog', 'later', 'girls\\\\', 'restroom', 'drifter', 'girls', 'listening', 'rita', 'describe', 'mr.', 'buttinger\\\\', 'untoward', 'advances', 'drifter', 'says', 'way', 'stop', 'teacher', 'stick', 'together', 'girls', 'stay', 'rita', 'violet', 'maddie', 'detention', 'time', 'comes', 'mr.', 'buttinger', 'indeed', 'begins', 'advances', 'toward', 'rita', 'startled', 'violet\\\\', 'entry', 'maddie', 'drifter', 'come', 'soon', 'realizes', 'situation', 'becoming', 'serious', 'girls', 'confront', 'teacher', 'abuse', 'become', 'involved', 'physical', 'altercation', 'ends', 'ordinarily', 'shy', 'rita', 'slams', 'face', 'lab', 'bench', 'tells', 'ever', 'put', 'hands', 'gon', 'snip', 'little', 'nuts', 'toenail', 'clippers', 'point', 'goldie', 'goldberg', 'walks', 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'three', 'weeks', 'girls', 'escorted', 'campus', 'maddie', 'allowed', 'retrieve', 'art', 'school', 'portfolio', 'instead', 'going', 'home', 'news', 'suspension', 'decide', 'abandoned', 'house', 'river', 'meet', 'legs', 'suggests', 'break', 'school', 'get', 'maddie\\\\', 'portfolio', 'girls', 'sneak', 'high', 'school', 'vent', 'art', 'room', 'girls', 'busy', 'collecting', 'maddie\\\\', 'work', 'goldie', 'put', 'unflattering', 'polaroid', 'moves', 'side', 'room', 'smoke', 'joint', 'throws', 'match', 'pile', 'oily', 'rags', 'starting', 'fire', 'setting', 'sprinklers', 'girls', 'escape', 'police', 'come', 'investigate', 'eventually', 'reconvene', 'house', 'back', 'house', 'legs', 'decides', 'commemorate', 'night', 'giving', 'tattoo', 'flame', 'breast', 'one', 'one', 'girls', 'ask', 'legs', 'give', 'tattoo', 'act', 'dictates', 'final', 'bond', 'tie', 'girls', 'together', 'however', 'things', 'start', 'terribly', 'wrong', 'first', 'maddie', 'threatened', 'group', 'jocks', 'dislike', 'idea', 'girls', 'reporting', 'abusive', 'teacher', 'since', 'also', 'coach', 'football', 'team', 'attempt', 'teach', 'lesson', 'rescued', 'rest', 'group', 'steal', 'dana\\\\', 'car', 'legs', 'driving', 'eventually', 'running', 'cops', 'patrol', 'continue', 'run', 'legs', 'refuses', 'stop', 'leading', 'accident', 'turn', 'leads', 'legs', 'put', 'correctional', 'facility', 'girls', 'continue', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'close-knit', 'anymore', 'goldie', 'gives', 'pressure', 'runs', 'away', 'home', 'maddie', 'somehow', 'finds', 'brings', 'back', 'abandoned', 'house', 'legs', 'gets', 'returns', 'hang', 'shocked', 'see', 'goldie\\\\', 'state', 'together', 'maddie', 'goldie\\\\', 'parents', 'home', 'demanding', 'grand', 'rehabilitation', 'purposes', 'goldie', 'father', 'refuses', 'legs', 'threatens', 'gun', 'takes', 'hostage', 'house', 'tie', 'chair', 'pressure', 'money', 'goldie', 'oblivious', 'startled', 'see', 'dad', 'calls', 'surprise', 'however', 'surprises', 'rita', 'accidentally', 'shoots', 'goldie\\\\', 'father', 'chest', 'chaos', 'ensues', 'girls', 'keep', 'calm', 'decide', 'take', 'hospital', 'rita', 'drives', 'others', 'maddie', 'legs', 'stay', 'back', 'scene', 'towards', 'end', 'film', 'centers', 'around', 'legs', 'relationship', 'maddie', 'legs', 'done', 'current', 'circumstances', 'surroundings', 'shown', 'walking', 'highway', 'looking', 'ride', 'highway', 'upon', 'maddie', 'almost', 'lost', 'art', 'portfolio', 'maddie', 'finds', 'legs', 'calls', 'attempt', 'make', 'stay', 'legs', 'hesitant', 'holds', 'decision', 'leave', 'upon', 'maddie\\\\', 'disappointment', 'legs', 'asks', 'come', 'along', 'thinking', 'future', 'maddie', 'decides', 'stay', 'assures', 'legs', 'never', 'forget', 'legs', 'hopeful', 'maddie', 'choose', 'come', 'along', 'slightly', 'overwhelmed', 'understands', 'reciprocates', 'telling', 'maddie', 'always', 'heart', 'legs\\\\', 'boards', 'truck', 'stopped', 'maddie', 'watches', 'disappear', 'road', 'walks', 'climb', 'bridge', 'way', 'legs', 'thus', 'conquering', 'fear', 'heights', 'voice-over', 'hear', 'maddie', 'graduated', 'high', 'school', 'got', 'accepted', 'art', 'school', 'traveled', 'half', 'way', 'around', 'world', 'stopping', 'airports', 'bus', 'stops', 'along', 'way', 'seen', 'legs', 'meets', 'others', 'get', 'together', 'reminisce', 'past'], [\"'baran\", 'young', 'kurd', 'sent', 'hamburg', 'parents', 'helped', 'kurdish', 'rebels', 'betrayed', 'subsequently', 'killed', 'turkish', 'militia', 'baran', 'longer', 'allowed', 'stay', 'germany', 'faces', 'bleak', 'prospect', 'getting', 'deported', 'back', 'baran', 'meets', 'chernor', 'african', 'boy', 'problem', 'trafficks', 'drugs', 'make', 'money', 'chernor', 'openly', 'gay', 'friendship', 'sexual', 'overtones', 'beginning', 'baran', 'also', 'little', 'interest', 'girls', 'even', 'though', 'marriage', 'might', 'solve', 'immigration-related', 'legal', 'trouble', 'things', 'get', 'even', 'complicated', 'baran', 'spots', 'traitor', 'family', 'wants', 'kill', 'however', 'man', 'pleads', 'life', 'baran', 'spares', 'act', 'forgiveness', 'cherno', 'baran', 'sex', 'together', 'first', 'time', 'making', 'clear', 'baran', 'interest', 'cherno', 'goes', 'beyond', 'friendship', 'finally', 'cherno', 'baran', 'made', 'desperate', 'attempt', 'free', 'cherno', 'arrested', 'police'], [\"'resourceful\", 'schatze', 'page', 'spunky', 'loco', 'dempsey', 'ditzy', 'pola', 'debevoise', 'rent', 'luxurious', 'sutton', 'place', 'penthouse', 'freddie', 'denmark', 'avoiding', 'irs', 'living', 'europe', 'women', 'plan', 'use', 'attract', 'marry', 'millionaires', 'money', 'tight', 'schatze', 'pawns', 'freddie\\\\', 'furniture', 'without', 'knowledge', 'course', 'winter', 'approaches', 'furnishings', 'gradually', 'vanish', 'one', 'day', 'loco', 'carries', 'groceries', 'assisted', 'tom', 'brookman', 'cameron', 'mitchell', 'tom', 'interested', 'schatze', 'knows', 'prior', 'marital', 'experience', 'gas', 'pump', 'jockey', 'tries', 'repeatedly', 'brush', 'without', 'success', 'sights', 'bigger', 'game', 'charming', 'classy', 'widower', 'j.d', 'hanley', 'whose', 'worth', 'irreproachably', 'large', 'she\\\\', 'stalking', 'older', 'j.d.', 'tom', 'keeps', 'every', 'one', 'dates', 'tells', 'never', 'wants', 'see', 'refuses', 'marry', 'poor', 'man', 'meanwhile', 'loco', 'becomes', 'acquainted', 'grumpy', 'businessman', 'married', 'agrees', 'lodge', 'maine', 'mistakenly', 'thinking', 'she\\\\', 'going', 'meet', 'bunch', 'elks', 'club', 'members', 'learns', 'truth', 'wants', 'nothing', 'plans', 'unfortunately', 'comes', 'measles', 'stay', 'lodge', 'cured', 'nursed', 'back', 'health', 'help', 'strapping', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'eben', 'thinks', 'owns', 'surrounding', 'land', 'trouble', 'transferring', 'affections', 'handsome', 'outdoorsman', 'become', 'engaged', 'finds', 'he\\\\', 'forest', 'ranger', 'guarding', 'fires', 'land', 'disappointed', 'loves', 'willing', 'overlook', 'financial', 'shortcomings', 'third', 'member', 'group', 'pola', 'extremely', 'nearsighted', 'hates', 'wear', 'glasses', 'man', 'might', 'see', 'puts', 'men', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'attentive', 'girls', 'wear', 'glasses', 'falls', 'phony', 'arab', 'oil', 'tycoon', 'knowing', 'he\\\\', 'really', 'crooked', 'speculator', 'luckily', 'takes', 'plane', 'meet', 'misreads', 'airport', 'sign', 'ends', 'wrong', 'plane', 'sits', 'next', 'man', 'also', 'wearing', 'glasses', 'thinks', 'she\\\\', 'quite', 'strudel', 'encourages', 'put', 'turns', 'mysterious', 'freddie', 'denmark', 'way', 'kansas', 'city', 'find', 'crooked', 'accountant', 'got', 'trouble', 'irs', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'much', 'luck', 'tracks', 'man', 'much', 'success', 'pola', 'loco', 'pola', 'reunited', 'schatze', 'wedding', 'finally', 'managed', 'overcome', 'j.d.\\\\', 'qualms', 'age', 'difference', 'tom', 'shows', 'recognized', 'groom', 'turns', 'tom', 'far', 'richer', 'two', 'men', 'j.d', 'inkling', 'things', 'going', 'turn', 'surprised', 'schatze', 'finds', 'unable', 'wedding', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'love', 'j.d', 'leaves', 'graciously', 'schatze', 'better', 'judgement', 'ends', 'marrying', 'tom', 'afterwards', 'three', 'happy', 'couples', 'end', 'greasy', 'spoon', 'dining', 'hamburgers', 'tom', 'breaks', 'news', 'schatze', 'extremely', 'wealthy', 'naming', 'things', 'owns', 'thinks', 'he\\\\', 'kidding', 'pays', 'bill', 'pulling', 'enormous', 'wad', 'money', 'three', 'women', 'faint', 'dead', 'away', 'men', 'drink', 'toast', 'unconscious', 'wives', 'premier', 'movie', 'held', 'saban', 'theatre', 'former', 'fox', 'wilshire', 'theatre', 'beverly', 'hills', 'california', 'november', '1953', 'attendance', 'humphrey', 'bogart', 'cecil', 'demille', 'robert', 'mitchum', 'lucille', 'ball', 'rock', 'hudson', 'debbie', 'reynolds', 'shelley', 'winters', 'mitzi', 'gaynor', 'jeffrey', 'hunter', 'michael', 'rennie', 'among', 'celebrities'], [\"'in\", '1784', 'shortly', 'united', 'states', 'wins', 'independence', 'american', 'peter', 'standish', 'arrives', 'england', 'marry', 'cousin', 'upon', 'hearing', 'frenchman', 'crossing', 'english', 'channel', 'balloon', 'peter', 'regrets', 'able', 'see', 'marvels', 'future', 'store', '1933', 'descendent', 'also', 'named', 'peter', 'standish', 'unexpectedly', 'inherits', 'house', 'berkeley', 'square', 'london', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'obsessed', 'ancestor\\\\', 'diary', 'causing', 'fianc챕e', 'marjorie', 'frant', 'great', 'concern', 'tea', 'american', 'ambassador', 'peter', 'confides', 'diplomat', 'eager', 'anticipation', 'conviction', 'transported', 'back', '149', 'years', '5:30', 'day', 'rushes', 'home', 'opens', 'door', 'indeed', 'back', '1784', 'taking', 'place', 'earlier', 'peter', 'standish', 'arrives', 'house', 'owned', 'relations', 'pettigrews', 'lady', 'ann', 'grown', 'offspring', 'tom', 'kate', 'valerie', 'taylor', 'helen', 'greet', 'pettigrews', 'deep', 'financial', 'straits', 'anxious', 'kate', 'marry', 'wealthy', 'american', 'peter', 'determined', 'alter', 'future', 'read', 'sees', 'helen', 'first', 'time', 'tries', 'fight', 'attraction', 'ultimately', 'fails', 'helen', 'meanwhile', 'pressed', 'mother', 'marry', 'mr.', 'throstle', 'determined', 'even', 'peter\\\\', 'arrival', 'comply', 'time', 'goes', 'peter', 'keeps', 'inadvertently', 'giving', 'offense', 'unfamiliarity', '18th', 'century', 'customs', 'people', 'also', 'begin', 'fear', 'blunders', 'speaks', 'things', 'yet', 'taken', 'place', 'commissions', 'sir', 'joshua', 'reynolds', 'paint', 'portrait', 'praises', 'another', 'reynolds', 'work', 'one', 'painter', 'begun', 'kate', 'becomes', 'convinced', 'peter', 'demonically', 'possessed', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'helen', 'however', 'falls', 'love', 'helen', 'eventually', 'presses', 'peter', 'explanation', 'hinted', 'though', 'refuses', 'speak', 'somehow', 'visions', 'peter\\\\', 'modern', 'world', 'guesses', 'truth', 'knowing', 'become', 'disillusioned', 'desperately', 'unhappy', 'day-to-day', 'realities', 'era', 'urges', 'return', 'time', 'wants', 'stay', 'regardless', 'consequences', 'end', 'back', '1933.', 'visits', 'helen\\\\', 'grave', 'learns', 'died', 'soon', '1787', 'age', '23.', 'marjorie', 'comes', 'see', 'worried', 'sanity', 'peter', 'realizes', 'ancestor', 'switched', 'places', 'makes', 'clear', 'longer', 'intends', 'marry', 'marjorie', 'leaves', 'comforted', 'helen\\\\', 'conviction', 'together', 'time', 'god\\\\'], [\"'in\", 'heaven', 'angels', 'tasked', 'ensuring', 'humans', 'earth', 'find', 'love', 'captain', 'gabriel', 'upset', 'reviewing', 'file', 'angel', 'partners', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'jackson', 'whose', 'recent', 'cases', 'ended', 'divorce', 'misery', 'gabriel', 'pressed', 'results', 'introduces', 'radical', 'new', 'incentive', 'latest', 'case', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'cracked', 'meaning', 'pair', 'question', 'fall', 'stay', 'love', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'jackson', 'must', 'stay', 'earth', 'forever', 'appealing', 'open', 'case', 'file', 'see', 'store', '...', 'celine', 'naville', 'spoiled', 'twenty-something', 'daughter', 'wealthy', 'businessman', 'one', 'suitors', 'loathsome', 'dentist', 'named', 'elliott', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'offers', 'say', 'yes', 'agrees', 'play', 'william', 'tell', 'apple', 'head', 'takes', 'aim', 'pistol', 'elliot\\\\', 'nerves', 'fail', 'moves', 'stop', 'spoiling', 'aim', 'causing', 'non-fatal', 'head', 'wound', 'robert', 'lewis', 'janitor', 'employed', 'basement', 'celine\\\\', 'father\\\\', 'company', 'dreams', 'writing', 'best-selling', 'trash', 'novel', 'shot', 'coworkers', 'told', 'made', 'redundant', 'replaced', 'robot', 'manager', 'whilst', 'drowning', 'sorrows', 'local', 'bar', 'girlfriend', 'lily', 'tells', 'leaving', 'aerobics', 'instructor', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'jackson', 'start', 'process', 'posing', 'collection', 'agents', 'repossessing', 'robert\\\\', 'things', 'evicting', 'apartment', 'deciding', 'last', 'straw', 'robert', 'storms', 'high-rise', 'office', 'mr.', 'naville', 'naville', 'berating', 'celine', 'william', 'tell', 'fiasco', 'security', 'guards', 'run', 'start', 'beat', 'robert', 'pulp', 'robert', 'grabs', 'one', 'guns', 'holds', 'bay', 'celine', 'introduces', 'robert', 'decides', 'kidnap', 'drives', 'remote', 'cabin', 'california', 'woods', 'soon', 'becomes', 'clear', 'celine', 'one', 'control', 'easily', 'slipping', 'free', 'tied', 'surprises', 'sticking', 'around', 'robert', 'comes', 'realize', 'bored', 'normal', 'life', 'hates', 'father', 'much', 'staying', 'adventure', 'chance', 'get', 'back', 'naville', 'eventually', 'proposes', 'partner', 'extort', 'huge', 'ransom', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'jackson', 'posing', 'bounty', 'hunters', 'hire', 'naville', 'retrieve', 'celine', 'kill', 'robert', 'robert\\\\', 'first', 'attempt', 'collect', 'ransom', 'fails', 'feels', 'downcast', 'celine', 'encourages', 'got', 'away', 'feeling', 'cheered', 'takes', 'rustic', 'bar', 'pretend', 'newlyweds', 'sing', 'beyond', 'sea', 'karaoke', 'machine', 'next', 'morning', 'robert', 'wakes', 'stunned', 'see', 'celine', 'apparently', 'slept', 'together', 'robert', 'makes', 'second', 'demand', 'ransom', 'letter', 'written', 'celine\\\\', 'blood', 'naville', 'gives', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'jackson', 'money', 'meet', 'robert', 'forest', 'disappointment', 'robert', 'appears', 'willing', 'let', 'celine', 'exchange', 'money', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'stops', 'getaway', 'aside', 'jackson', 'confesses', 'fears', 'two', 'love', 'yet', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'responds', 'jeopardy', 'jackson', 'always', 'works', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'celine', 'wait', 'car', 'jackson', 'takes', 'robert', 'woods', 'execute', 'celine', 'decks', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'runs', 'woods', 'knocks', 'jackson', 'shovel', 'robert', 'celine', 'drive', 'away', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'grabs', 'towbar', 'rides', 'along', 'points', 'gun', 'robert', 'celine', 'jump', 'car', 'careens', 'cliff', 'money', 'still', 'inside', 'since', 'short', 'money', 'celine', 'decides', 'rob', 'bank', 'jackson\\\\', 'pistol', 'robbery', 'goes', 'smoothly', 'security', 'guard', 'shoots', 'celine', 'robert', 'pushes', 'way', 'taking', 'bullet', 'thigh', 'celine', 'hurriedly', 'drives', 'back', 'city', 'operated', 'elliot', 'little', 'later', 'robert', 'regains', 'consciousness', 'appalled', 'see', 'celine', 'playing', 'sleazy', 'sexual', 'roleplaying', 'game', 'elliott', 'fight', 'breaks', 'robert', 'knocks', 'elliott', 'unconscious', 'drive', 'away', 'celine', 'explains', 'agreed', 'elliott\\\\', 'request', 'would', 'help', 'robert', 'case', 'it\\\\', 'none', 'robert\\\\', 'business', 'since', 'celine', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'involved', 'whatever', 'might', 'think', 'hurt', 'robert', 'gets', 'car', 'walks', 'away', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'jackson', 'writes', 'love', 'poem', 'robert\\\\', 'handwriting', 'sends', 'celine', 'overcome', 'runs', 'back', 'bar', 'robert', 'started', 'working', 'janitor', 'says', 'heart', 'poem', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'jackson', 'listening', 'dance', 'joy', '...', 'robert', 'says', 'he\\\\', 'never', 'written', 'poem', 'life', 'humiliated', 'celine', 'runs', 'she\\\\', 'gone', 'robert\\\\', 'boss', 'knocks', 'sense', 'robert', 'nothing', 'life', 'except', 'improbable', 'love', 'intelligent', 'passionate', 'beautiful', 'rich', 'woman', '...', 'even', 'thinking', 'robert', 'runs', 'celine', 'late', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'jackson', 'believing', 'failed', 'decide', 'make', 'earth-bound', 'lives', 'bearable', 'kidnapping', 'celine', 'ransom', 'robert', 'tracks', 'celine', 'hideout', 'she\\\\', 'held', 'blind', 'folded', 'gagged', 'robert', 'knocks', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'punch', 'struggles', 'jackson', 'tells', 'celine', 'truly', 'love', \"o\\\\'reilly\", 'jackson', 'give', 'celebrate', 'success', 'door', 'kicked', 'naville\\\\', 'butler', 'mayhew', 'shoots', 'two', 'angels', 'head', 'leaving', 'celine', 'locked', 'trunk', 'naville', 'mayhew', 'drove', 'robert', 'two', 'angels\\\\', 'bodies', 'cabin', 'planning', 'fake', 'murder-suicide', 'heaven', 'gabriel\\\\', 'secretary', 'begs', 'intervene', 'protests', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'authority', 'instead', 'telephones', 'god', 'asks', 'god', 'agrees', 'celine', 'released', 'truck', 'neighbor', 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'northern', 'california', 'centers', 'high-schooler', 'lane', 'myer', 'whose', 'girlfriend', 'beth', 'dumps', 'arrogant', 'bullying', 'captain', 'high', 'school', 'ski', 'team', 'roy', 'stalin', 'lane', 'get', 'past', 'rejection', 'decides', 'death', 'way', 'misery', 'half-hearted', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'however', 'always', 'fail', 'comedic', 'consequences', 'lane\\\\', 'family', 'odd', 'mother', 'jenny', 'sort', 'deranged', 'stepford', 'wife', 'perhaps', 'world\\\\', 'worst', 'cook', 'genius', 'little', 'brother', 'badger', 'never', 'speaks', 'build', 'lasers', 'attract', 'trashy', 'women', 'father', 'convinced', 'lane', 'using', 'drugs', 'lane\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'charles', 'mar', 'attempts', 'inhale', 'everyday', 'substances', 'like', 'nitrous', 'oxide', 'whipped', 'cream', 'jell-o', 'snow', 'cocaine', \"can\\\\'t\", 'even', 'get', 'real', 'drugs', 'film', 'also', 'introduces', 'two', 'japanese', 'drag', 'racing', 'brothers', 'one', 'learned', 'english', 'impersonating', 'howard', 'cosell', 'lane', 'attempts', 'either', 'end', 'life', 'win', 'back', 'ex-girlfriend', 'gradually', 'gets', 'know', 'new', 'girl', 'french', 'foreign-exchange', 'student', 'named', 'monique', 'staying', 'lane\\\\', 'neighbors', 'laura', 'waterbury', 'dan', 'schneider', 'across', 'street', 'annoying', 'pretends', 'speak', 'english', 'monique', 'turns', 'fan', 'brooklyn', 'dodgers', 'tough', 'confident', 'soul', 'helps', 'lane', 'fix', '1967', 'camaro', 'rekindles', 'lane\\\\', 'confidence', 'live', 'language', 'lessons', 'international', 'language', 'love', 'climactic', 'scene', 'involves', 'ski', 'competition', 'roy', 'stalin', 'treacherous', 'slope', 'called', 'k-12', 'two', 'rivals', 'race', 'johnny', 'lane\\\\', 'persistent', 'paperboy', 'pursues', 'repeating', 'wants', 'two', 'dollars', 'owed'], [\"'director\", 'vilgot', 'sj철man', 'plans', 'make', 'social', 'film', 'starring', 'lover', 'lena', 'nyman', 'young', 'theater', 'student', 'strong', 'interest', 'social', 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'shop', 'voted', 'rightist', 'party', 'begin', 'love', 'affair', 'lena', 'soon', 'finds', 'father', 'bill', 'another', 'woman', 'marie', 'young', 'daughter', 'lena', 'furious', 'bill', 'open', 'goes', 'country', 'bicycle', 'holiday', 'alone', 'cabin', 'woods', 'attempts', 'ascetic', 'lifestyle', 'meditating', 'studying', 'non-violence', 'practicing', 'yoga', 'bill', 'soon', 'comes', 'looking', 'new', 'car', 'greets', 'shot', 'gun', 'soon', 'start', 'make', 'love', 'lena', 'confronts', 'bill', 'marie', 'finds', 'another', 'lovers', 'madeleine', 'begin', 'fight', 'bill', 'leaves', 'lena', 'strange', 'dreams', 'ties', 'two', 'teams', 'football', 'players', 'notes', 'number', 'tree', 'shoots', 'bill', 'cuts', 'penis', 'also', 'dreams', 'taunted', 'passing', 'drivers', 'cycles', 'road', 'finally', 'martin', 'luther', 'king', 'jr.', 'drives', 'apologizes', 'strong', 'enough', 'practice', 'non-violence', 'lena', 'returns', 'home', 'destroys', 'room', 'goes', 'car', 'showroom', 'bill', 'works', 'tell', 'scabies', 'treated', 'clinic', 'separate', 'ways', 'embedded', 'story', 'lena', 'bill', 'begins', 'resolve', 'film', 'crew', 'director', 'sj철man', 'featured', 'relationship', 'lena', 'actress', 'bill', 'actor', 'become', 'intimate', 'production', 'vilgot\\\\', 'film', 'vilgot', 'jealous', 'clashes', 'bill', 'film', 'concludes', 'lena', 'returning', 'vilgot\\\\', 'keys', 'meets', 'another', 'young', 'female', 'theater', 'student', 'addition', 'footage', 'king', 'film', 'also', 'includes', 'interview', 'minister', 'transportation', 'olof', 'palme', 'talks', 'existence', 'class', 'structure', 'swedish', 'society', 'footage', 'russian', 'poet', 'yevgeny', 'yevtushenko'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'elizabethan', 'age', 'shortly', 'death', 'queen', 'elizabeth', 'deathbed', 'elizabeth', 'promises', 'androgynous', 'young', 'nobleman', 'named', 'orlando', 'large', 'tract', 'land', 'castle', 'built', 'along', 'generous', 'monetary', 'gift', 'bequeath', 'consents', 'command', 'fade', 'wither', 'grow', 'old', 'heirs', 'keep', 'land', 'inheritance', 'forever', 'orlando', 'acquiesces', 'resides', 'splendid', 'isolation', 'castle', 'couple', 'centuries', 'time', 'dabbles', 'poetry', 'art', 'attempts', 'befriend', 'celebrated', 'poet', 'however', 'backfire', 'poet', 'writes', 'devastating', 'takedown', 'poetry', 'orlando', 'travels', 'constantinople', 'british', 'ambassador', 'turks', 'almost', 'killed', 'diplomatic', 'fracas', 'waking', 'next', 'morning', 'however', 'learns', 'something', 'even', 'startling', 'physically', 'transformed', 'woman', 'overnight', \"\\\\'lady\\\\\", 'orlando', 'comes', 'home', 'estate', 'middle', 'eastern', 'garb', 'learn', 'faces', 'several', 'impending', 'lawsuits', 'arguing', 'orlando', 'woman', 'begin', 'therefore', 'right', 'land', 'her/his', 'royal', 'inheritance', 'succeeding', 'two', 'centuries', 'tire', 'court', 'case', 'bad', 'luck', 'love', 'wars', 'british', 'history', 'eventually', 'bring', '1990s', 'young', 'daughter', 'tow', 'book', 'search', 'publisher', 'editor', 'judges', 'work', 'quite', 'good', 'ironically', 'portrayed', 'heathcoate', 'williams', 'actor', 'denigrated', 'poetry', 'different', 'character', '200', 'years', 'earlier', 'lived', 'bizarre', 'existence', 'orlando', 'finally', 'finds', 'tranquil', 'niche', 'within', 'cquote', 'also', 'film', 'ends', 'present', 'day', 'order', 'remain', 'true', 'virginia', 'woolf\\\\', 'use', 'real-time', 'end', 'novel'], [\"'now\", 'successful', 'wealthy', 'architect', 'mark', 'wallace', 'wife', 'joanna', 'wallace', 'fly', 'white', 'mercedes', '230sl', 'roadster', 'northern', 'france', 'order', 'continue', 'driving', 'saint-tropez', 'celebrate', 'completion', 'building', 'project', 'client', 'maurice', 'tensions', 'couple', 'evident', 'journey', 'south', 'remember', 'discuss', 'several', 'past', 'journeys', 'along', 'road', 'earliest', 'memory', 'involves', 'first', 'met', 'ferry', 'crossing', 'mark', 'travelling', 'alone', 'joanna', 'part', 'girl\\\\', 'choir', 'meet', 'joanna\\\\', 'choirbus', 'goes', 'road', 'mark', 'helps', 'get', 'back', 'road', 'girls', 'get', 'chickenpox', 'joanna', 'mark', 'unexpectedly', 'wind', 'hitchhiking', 'south', 'together', 'next', 'story', 'tells', 'two', 'newlyweds', 'travelling', 'mark\\\\', 'ex-girlfriend', 'cathy', 'manchester', 'husband', 'daughter', 'ruth', \"\\\\'ruthie\\\\\", 'usa', 'ruthie', 'given', 'limits', 'behaviour', 'frustrates', 'mark', 'eventually', 'ruthie', 'reveals', 'unkind', 'descriptions', 'joanna', 'parents', 'made', 'private', 'point', 'mark', 'joanna', 'decide', 'travel', 'alone', 'next', 'pair', 'drive', 'new', 'begins', 'exhaust', 'troubles', 'finally', 'catching', 'fire', 'journey', 'joanna', 'announces', 'pregnant', 'also', 'meet', 'wealthy', 'maurice', 'dalbret', 'claude', 'dauphin', 'wife', 'fran챌oise', 'maurice', 'becomes', 'generous', 'demanding', 'client', 'mark', 'next', 'story', 'shows', 'travelling', 'young', 'daughter', 'caroline', 'another', 'time', 'shows', 'mark', 'travelling', 'alone', 'fling', 'another', 'motorist', 'shown', 'fleeting', 'unserious', 'nature', 'later', 'joanna', 'affair', 'fran챌oise\\\\', 'brother', 'david', 'portrayed', 'much', 'serious', 'mark\\\\', 'threatens', 'end', 'marriage', 'however', 'joanna', 'dines', 'david', 'witness', 'couple', 'eating', 'together', 'without', 'saying', 'word', 'david', 'asks', 'offhandedly', 'kind', 'people', 'eat', 'entire', 'meal', 'together', 'talk', 'joanna', 'replies', 'enthusiastically', 'married', 'people', 'realizing', 'misses', 'mark', 'despite', 'faded', 'passion', 'runs', 'back', 'end', 'film', 'wallaces', 'manage', 'end', 'long-term', 'relationship', 'maurice', 'find', 'new', 'client', 'rome', 'honestly', 'analyse', 'fears', 'insecurities', 'plagued', 'throughout', 'film', 'finally', 'cross', 'border', 'france', 'italy', 'new', 'ground', 'well', 'audience', 'signalling', 'move', 'beyond', 'old', 'issues', 'mature', 'future'], ['jay', 'bartender', 'abandoned', 'family', 'wife', 'lost', 'interest', 'relationship', 'living', 'alone', 'decrepit', 'house', 'casual', 'weekly', 'sex', 'anonymous', 'woman', 'whose', 'name', \"n't\", 'know', 'first', 'relationship', 'purely', 'physical', 'eventually', 'falls', 'love', 'wanting', 'know', 'jay', 'follows', 'across', 'streets', 'london', 'grey', 'suburbs', 'lives', 'follows', 'theatre', 'pub', 'working', 'actress', 'evenings', 'jay', 'learns', 'name', 'claire', 'husband', 'son', 'subsequently', 'terminates', 'relationship', 'thinks', 'sons', 'loves', 'misses', 'meet', 'final', 'time', 'sex', 'intimacy', 'missing', 'illicit', 'sex', 'sessions', 'previous', 'encounters'], [\"'together\", 'set', 'one', 'communes', 'sprang', 'around', 'stockholm', '1970s', 'loosely', 'led', 'sweet-natured', 'g철ran', 'anything', 'avoid', 'conflict', 'group', 'spend', 'time', 'arguing', 'left-wing', 'politics', 'questions', 'whether', 'dishes', 'bourgeois', 'commune\\\\', 'dynamics', 'significantly', 'shaken', 'g철ran\\\\', 'sister', 'leaves', 'violent', 'husband', 'rolf', 'moves', 'bringing', 'two', 'children', 'eva', 'stefan', 'self-declared', 'lesbian', 'anna', 'lives', 'commune', 'ex-husband', 'lasse', 'son', 'tet', 'befriends', 'stefan', 'two', 'play', 'games', 'torture', 'pinochet', 'victim', 'spirit', 'equality', 'take', 'turns', 'pinochet', 'eva', 'meanwhile', 'befriends', 'lonely', 'boy', 'across', 'street', 'family', 'appears', 'conventional', 'surface', 'proves', 'even', 'dysfunctional', 'commune', 'openly', 'disapprove', 'children', 'portrayed', 'sidelined', 'everyone', 'film', 'new', 'school', 'bullied', 'parents', 'genuinely', 'loving', 'busy', 'experimenting', 'freedom', 'show', 'elisabeth\\\\', 'husband', 'rolf', 'makes', 'concerted', 'effort', 'clean', 'act', 'although', 'getting', 'drunk', 'arrested', 'leaving', 'children', 'stranded', 'roadside', 'disastrous', 'meal', 'chinese', 'restaurant', 'relationship', 'problems', 'found', 'klas', 'desperately', 'love', 'lasse', 'g철ran', 'selfish', 'immature', 'girlfriend', 'wants', 'benefits', 'open', 'relationship', 'responsibilities', 'film', 'ends', 'feel-good', 'tone', 'set', 'abba', 'song', 'showing', 'characters', 'seeming', 'find', 'love', 'need'], [\"'among\", 'characters', 'mature', 'couple', 'renew', 'vows', 'woman', 'accepts', 'date', 'offer', 'stranger', 'gay', 'man', 'dying', 'aids', 'mother', 'struggled', 'accept', 'two', 'clubbers', 'meet', 'nightclub', 'couple', 'affair', 'man', 'tells', 'tragic', 'life', 'story', 'woman', 'meets', 'bar', 'seems', 'strange', 'connection', 'another', 'mysterious', 'woman', 'film', 'continues', 'stories', 'evolve', 'connections', 'characters', 'become', 'evident', 'kellie', 'waymire', 'nastassja', 'kinski', 'alec', 'mapa', 'amanda', 'peet', 'michael', 'emerson', 'also', 'roles', 'film'], [\"'sadness\", 'boredom', 'involves', 'life', 'justine', 'last', '30-year', 'old', 'woman', 'meaningless', 'job', 'make-over', 'assistant', 'downscale', 'discount', 'retail', 'store', 'married', 'phil', 'house', 'painter', 'spends', 'free', 'time', 'getting', 'high', 'friend', 'bubba', 'altough', 'phil', 'trying', 'baby', 'improve', 'lives', 'justine', 'feels', 'like', 'trapped', 'dead-end', 'world', 'begins', 'make', 'friends', 'retail', 'rodeo', 'new', 'cashier', 'thomas', 'holden', 'worther', '22-year', 'old', 'aspiring', 'novelist', 'writer', 'college', 'drop', 'still', 'lives', 'parents', 'something', 'common', 'justine', 'lives', \"don\\\\'t\", 'want', 'calls', 'holden', 'always', 'nose', 'copy', 'catcher', 'rye', 'identifies', 'justine', 'develops', 'feelings', 'unusual', 'personality', 'holden', 'tries', 'kiss', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'let', 'thinking', 'husband', 'holden', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'show', 'work', 'next', 'day', 'instead', 'sends', 'letter', 'justine', 'proclaming', 'love', 'meet', 'p.m.', 'otherwise', 'never', 'hear', 'day', 'gwen', 'jackson', 'gets', 'sick', 'food', 'poisoning', 'justine', 'takes', 'hospital', 'failing', 'spot', 'even', 'though', 'comes', '5h35', 'holden', 'appears', 'nowhere', 'agree', 'secret', 'relationship', 'proceeding', 'motel', 'sex', 'gives', 'justine', 'new', 'thrill', 'life', 'gets', 'second', 'thoughts', 'sees', 'bubba\\\\', 'pickup', 'truck', 'motel', 'parking', 'lot', 'assuming', 'he\\\\', 'following', 'corny', 'retail', 'rodeo', 'security', 'guard', 'invites', 'phil', 'justine', 'bible', 'studies', 'justine', 'agrees', 'phil', 'sees', 'motel', 'recepcionist', 'way', 'bible', 'studies', 'well', 'backs', 'away', 'leaving', 'phil', 'stunned', 'confused', 'discovers', 'gwen', 'died', 'food', 'poisoning', 'bubba', 'really', 'knows', 'holden', 'leaves', 'justine', 'guilty', 'give', 'right', 'attention', 'gwen', 'disease', 'husband', 'concerned', 'marriage', 'justine', 'agrees', 'sex', 'bubba', 'blackmails', 'discovering', 'affair', 'holden', 'holden', 'sees', 'everything', 'confronts', 'justine', 'work', 'highly', 'drunk', 'calling', 'hooker', 'betraying', 'justine', 'begins', 'worry', 'upon', 'discovering', 'holden\\\\', 'real', 'personality', 'unstable', 'obsessive', 'immature', 'boy', 'thinking', 'ditching', 'buys', 'blackberries', 'road', 'despite', 'fact', 'gwen', 'food', 'poisoning', 'first', 'place', 'eating', 'bad', 'blackberries', 'contained', 'parasites', 'starts', 'eat', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'justine', 'throw', 'box', 'away', 'hand', 'several', 'days', 'later', 'justine', 'feels', 'stomach', 'cramps', 'breasts', 'begin', 'swelling', 'pregnancy', 'test', 'she\\\\', 'confronted', 'phil', 'together', 'see', 'test', 'comes', 'back', 'positive', 'leaving', 'phil', 'ecstatic', 'justine', 'worried', 'realizes', 'baby', 'holden\\\\', 'phil\\\\', 'meanwhile', 'holden', 'desperate', 'justine', 'arms', 'wanting', 'begin', 'new', 'life', 'road', 'together', 'steals', 'fifteen', 'thousand', 'dollars', 'retail', 'rodeo', 'safe', 'parents', 'justine\\\\', 'manager', 'discover', 'holden', 'theft', 'security', 'cameras', 'asks', 'she\\\\', 'holden', 'accomplice', 'denies', 'justine', 'gives', 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'justine', 'ignores', 'justine', 'decides', 'stay', 'phil', 'together', 'try', 'decent', 'life', 'new', 'baby', 'daughter'], [\"'over\", 'span', 'nearly', 'years', 'gid', 'johnny', 'pair', 'texas', 'farm', 'boys', 'compete', 'affections', 'molly', 'taylor', 'free', 'spirit', 'cares'], ['beautiful', 'young', 'girl', 'small', 'taiwanese', 'fishing', 'village', 'discovers', 'romantic', 'message', 'bottle', 'heads', 'hong', 'kong', 'find', 'writer', 'learn', 'fact', 'written', 'albert', 'lonely', 'gay', 'man', 'however', 'meets', 'wealthy', 'recycling', 'company', 'owner', 'c.n', 'falls', 'love', 'plot', 'soon', 'thickened', 'rival', 'businessmen', 'hired', 'goons', 'confused', 'would', 'boyfriend'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'told', 'eight', 'straight', 'chapters', '*chapter', 'one', 'happen', 'upon', 'manderlay', 'meet', 'people', '*chapter', 'two', 'freed', 'enterprise', 'manderlay', '*chapter', 'three', 'old', 'lady\\\\', 'garden', '*chapter', 'four', 'grace', 'means', 'business', '*chapter', 'five', 'shoulder', 'shoulder', '*chapter', 'six', 'hard', 'times', 'manderlay', '*chapter', 'seven', 'harvest', '*chapter', 'eight', 'grace', 'settles', 'manderlay', 'film', 'ends', 'set', 'early', '1930s', 'film', 'takes', 'story', 'grace', 'father', 'burning', 'town', 'dogville', 'end', 'previous', 'film', 'grace', 'father', 'travel', 'convoy', 'number', 'gunmen', 'rural', 'alabama', 'stop', 'briefly', 'outside', 'plantation', 'called', 'manderlay', 'gangsters', 'converse', 'black', 'woman', 'emerges', 'manderlay\\\\', 'front', 'gates', 'complaining', 'someone', 'whipped', 'stealing', 'bottle', 'wine', 'grace', 'enters', 'plantation', 'learns', 'within', 'slavery', 'persists', 'roughly', 'years', 'american', 'civil', 'war', 'emancipation', 'proclamation', 'grace', 'appalled', 'insists', 'staying', 'plantation', 'small', 'contingent', 'gunmen', 'father\\\\', 'lawyer', 'joseph', 'order', 'guarantee', 'slaves\\\\', 'safe', 'transition', 'freedom', 'shortly', 'grace\\\\', 'father', 'remaining', 'gangsters', 'depart', 'mam', 'master', 'house', 'dies', 'asking', 'grace', 'burn', 'notebook', 'containing', 'mam\\\\', 'law', 'exhaustive', 'code', 'conduct', 'entire', 'plantation', 'inhabitants', 'free', 'slave', 'reads', 'descriptions', 'variety', 'slave', 'encountered', 'include', '*group', 'proudy', 'nigger', '*group', 'talkin\\\\', 'nigger', '*group', 'weepin\\\\', 'nigger', '*group', 'hittin\\\\', 'nigger', '*group', 'clownin\\\\', 'nigger', '*group', 'loser', 'nigger', '*group', 'pleasing', 'nigger', 'principal', 'seven', 'divisions', 'populated', 'single', 'adult', 'slave', 'manderlay', 'congregate', 'daily', 'converse', 'parade', 'ground', 'roman', 'numerals', 'numbers', 'designating', 'slave', 'stands', 'mam\\\\', 'law', 'contains', 'provisions', 'use', 'cash', 'slaves', 'felling', 'trees', 'property', 'timber', 'information', 'disgusts', 'grace', 'inspires', 'take', 'charge', 'plantation', 'order', 'punish', 'slave', 'owners', 'prepare', 'slaves', 'life', 'free', 'individuals', 'order', 'guarantee', 'former', 'slaves', 'continue', 'exploited', 'sharecroppers', 'grace', 'orders', 'joseph', 'draw', 'contracts', 'manderlay\\\\', 'inhabitants', 'institutionalizing', 'communistic', 'form', 'cooperative', 'living', 'white', 'family', 'works', 'slaves', 'blacks', 'collectively', 'plantation', 'crops', 'throughout', 'process', 'grace', 'lectures', 'present', 'notions', 'freedom', 'democracy', 'using', 'rhetoric', 'entirely', 'keeping', 'ideology', 'racial', 'equality', 'contemporary', 'americans', 'yet', 'embrace', 'however', 'film', 'progresses', 'grace', 'fails', 'embed', 'principles', 'manderlay\\\\', 'community', 'form', 'considers', 'satisfactory', 'furthermore', 'suggestions', 'improving', 'conditions', 'community', 'backfire', 'several', 'occasions', 'using', 'surrounding', 'trees', 'timber', 'leaves', 'crops', 'vulnerable', 'dust', 'storms', 'year', 'tribulations', 'community', 'harvests', 'cotton', 'successfully', 'sells', 'marking', 'high', 'point', 'grace\\\\', 'involvement', 'subsequently', 'unenthusiastically', 'sex', 'one', 'ex-slaves', 'also', 'steals', 'gambles', 'away', 'cotton', 'profits', 'finally', 'admitting', 'failure', 'grace', 'contacts', 'father', 'attempts', 'leave', 'plantation', 'stopped', 'plantation\\\\', 'blacks', 'point', 'revealed', 'mam\\\\', 'law', 'conceived', 'enforced', 'mam', 'whites', 'instead', 'wilhelm', 'community\\\\', 'eldest', 'member', 'means', 'maintaining', 'status', 'quo', 'abolition', 'slavery', 'protecting', 'blacks', 'hostile', 'outside', 'world', 'many', 'von', 'trier', 'films', 'idealistic', 'main', 'character', 'becomes', 'frustrated', 'reality', 'encounters'], ['chadwick', 'gates', 'gotten', 'army', 'happy', 'back', 'hawaii', 'surfboard', 'beach', 'buddies', 'girlfriend', 'mother', 'wants', 'work', 'great', 'southern', 'hawaiian', 'fruit', 'company', 'chad', 'reluctant', 'chad', 'goes', 'work', 'tour', 'guide', 'girlfriend', 'agency'], ['beverly', 'hills', 'school', 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'eve', 'apology', 'declaration', 'love', 'st.', 'patrick', 'day', 'reconciliation', 'softball', 'game'], [\"'the\", 'lambda', 'lambda', 'lambda', 'adams', 'college', 'packing', 'suitcases', 'get', 'ready', 'national', 'fraternity', 'convention', 'fort', 'lauderdale', 'florida', 'heading', 'airport', 'lewis\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'gilbert', 'explains', 'feels', 'stupid', 'come', 'due', 'breaking', 'leg', 'arriving', 'fort', 'lauderdale', 'heading', 'royal', 'flamingo', 'hotel', 'trainee', 'named', 'sunny', 'informs', 'lewis', 'reservation', 'canceled', 'given', 'alpha', 'betas', 'royal', 'flamingo', 'manager', 'explains', 'sunny', 'want', 'nerds', 'staying', 'hotel', 'tri-lambs', 'also', 'meet', 'stewart', 'geeky', 'bellboy', 'hotel', 'also', 'friends', 'sunny', 'lewis', 'finds', 'another', 'hotel', 'called', 'hotel', 'coral', 'essex', 'located', 'shady', 'neighborhood', 'makes', 'reservation', 'roger', 'president', 'local', 'chapter', 'alpha', 'betas', 'seen', 'planning', 'fellow', 'jocks', 'get', 'rid', 'tri-lambs', 'means', 'necessary', 'furthermore', 'ogre', 'revealed', 'conference', 'scheming', 'roger', 'alphas', 'lambdas', 'arrive', 'florida', 'swamplands', 'hoping', 'attend', 'united', 'fraternity', 'pre-conference', 'barbecue', 'take', 'wrong', 'way', 'see', 'group', 'seminole', 'indians', 'capture', 'indian', 'maiden', 'throw', 'flame', 'captured', 'forced', 'strip', 'underwear', 'poindexter', 'tests', 'ethnicity', 'yelling', 'bite', 'crank', 'seminole', 'one', 'responds', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'chased', 'ogre', 'forced', 'make', 'way', 'across', 'town', 'back', 'hotel', 'underwear', 'next', 'day', 'roger', 'announces', 'new', 'bylaw', 'voted', 'upon', 'conference', 'proposition', 'rule', 'would', 'require', 'physical', 'well', 'academic', 'standards', 'met', 'members', 'conference', 'lewis', 'make', 'argument', 'proposition', 'co-opted', 'wet-nightie', 'contest', 'happening', 'poolside', 'lambdas', 'decide', 'beat', 'alphas', 'game', 'throw', 'party', 'hotel', 'coral', 'essex', 'neon', 'sign', 'outside', 'hotel', 'deliberately', 'broken', 'draws', 'people', 'miles', 'tri-lambs', 'perform', 'outside', 'hotel', 'coral', 'essex', 'winning', 'crowd', 'prop', 'voted', 'next', 'morning', 'time', 'roger', 'seemingly', 'sincere', 'expresses', 'desire', 'make', 'peace', 'tri-lambs', 'end', 'proposes', 'bylaw', 'stating', 'fraternity', 'found', 'guilty', 'crime', 'expelled', 'national', 'conference', 'charter', 'revoked', 'lambdas', 'satisfied', 'alphas', 'attack', 'without', 'expelled', 'conference', 'accept', 'offer', 'friendship', 'luxurious', 'hotel', 'suite', 'royal', 'flamingo', 'roger', 'encourages', 'sunny', 'grab', 'couple', 'girls', 'take', 'tri-lambs', 'beach', 'car', 'beach', 'sunny', 'lewis', 'get', 'know', 'like', 'unfortunately', 'roger', 'reported', 'car', 'stolen', 'lambdas', 'arrested', 'stewart', 'sunny', 'bail', 'tri-lambs', 'jail', 'sunny', 'apologizes', 'tries', 'explain', 'knew', 'nothing', 'roger\\\\', 'plan', 'lewis', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'explain', 'alpha', 'betas', 'kidnap', 'tri-lambs', 'along', 'sunny', 'dump', 'uninhabited', 'island', 'disgusted', 'roger\\\\', 'actions', 'sunny', 'jumps', 'overboard', 'realize', 'ogre', 'trusted', 'keep', 'mouth', 'shut', 'also', 'throw', 'water', 'despite', 'fact', 'swim', 'upon', 'seeing', 'ogre', 'drowning', 'wormser', 'jumps', 'ocean', 'rescues', 'though', 'seemingly', 'ungrateful', 'group', 'sleeps', 'lewis', 'dream', 'gilbert', 'explains', 'lost', 'implores', 'lewis', 'give', 'also', 'points', 'lewis', 'acting', 'like', 'jerk', 'sunny', 'stranded', 'island', 'choice', 'helps', 'give', 'lewis', 'confidence', 'needs', 'apologize', 'sunny', 'behavior', 'try', 'find', 'way', 'island', 'next', 'morning', 'tri-lambs', 'using', 'combined', 'intelligence', 'ingenuity', 'find', 'cuban', 'military', 'officer\\\\', 'hidden', 'cache', 'military', 'supplies', 'including', 'amphibious', 'vehicle', 'meanwhile', 'conference', 'roger', 'presiding', 'vote', 'expel', 'tri-lambs', 'decked', 'military', 'gear', 'literally', 'crash', 'conference', 'driving', 'right', 'conference', 'room', 'wall', 'chase', 'attendees', 'pool', 'roger', 'unfazed', 'tries', 'continue', 'lambdas', 'voted', 'stealing', 'car', 'sunny', 'reveals', 'roger', 'set', 'kidnapped', 'roger', 'states', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'matter', 'since', 'always', 'cool', 'popular', 'good-looking', 'lambdas', 'always', 'weird', 'different', 'pathetic', 'there\\\\', 'nothing', 'say', 'lewis', 'takes', 'moment', 'quietly', 'agrees', 'roger', 'stating', 'there\\\\', 'nothing', 'say', 'something', \"'ve\", 'got', 'punches', 'roger', 'jaw', 'knocking', 'pool', 'back', 'adams', 'college', 'induction', 'ceremony', 'ogre', 'sworn', 'lambda', 'lambda', 'lambda', 'newest', 'member'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'pete', 'dolly\\\\', 'small', 'roadside', 'diner/tavern', 'sleepy', 'upstate', 'new', 'york', 'thirty-something-year-old', 'victor', 'cook', 'employed', 'mother', 'dolly', 'owner', 'restaurant', 'dolly', 'spends', 'time', 'sitting', 'chair', 'back', 'kitchen', 'reminiscing', 'late', 'husband', 'prodding', 'promiscuous', 'waitress', 'delores', 'lonely', 'woman', 'worked', 'restaurant', 'fifteen', 'years', 'also', 'meaningless', 'affair', 'dolly\\\\', 'husband', 'old', 'routine', 'rhythm', 'restaurant', 'changed', 'dolly', 'hires', 'new', 'waitress', 'callie', 'sweet', 'soft-spoken', 'enchantingly', 'beautiful', 'college', 'drop', 'ethereal', 'creature', 'catches', 'eye', 'painfully', 'shy', 'overweight', 'victor', 'callie\\\\', 'presence', 'complicates', 'lives', 'rest', 'employees', 'even', 'local', 'regulars', 'leo', 'alcoholic', 'friend', 'delores', 'long-time', 'customer', 'dolly', 'throughout', 'film', 'victor', 'shy', 'hardly', 'communicate', 'goodhearted', 'callie', 'develops', 'growing', 'crush', 'despite', 'already', 'boyfriend', 'age', 'lives', 'callie', 'suggests', 'victor', 'attend', 'fancy', 'cooking', 'school', 'across', 'river', 'thought', 'considered', 'victor', 'dismissed', 'mother', 'delores', 'victor', 'subtly', 'vies', 'callie\\\\', 'attention', 'feelings', 'platonic', 'nature', 'nonetheless', 'finds', 'companionship', 'meanwhile', 'dolly', 'depends', 'victor', 'greatly', 'still', 'lives', 'home', 'household', 'work', 'shopping', 'eventually', 'dolly\\\\', 'health', 'begins', 'decline', 'dies', 'taken', 'hospital', 'suffering', 'heart', 'attack', 'victor', 'fails', 'tell', 'anyone', 'restaurant', 'mother\\\\', 'death', 'fear', 'would', 'change', 'things', 'eventually', 'news', 'comes', 'callie', 'prompted', 'quit', 'job', 'restaurant', 'victor\\\\', 'issues', 'self-esteem', 'stemming', 'weight', 'revelation', 'mother\\\\', 'death', 'come', 'surface', 'one', 'night', 'restaurant', 'callie', 'arrives', 'closing', 'collect', 'check', 'say', 'goodbye', 'disheveled', 'victor', 'asks', 'come', 'visit', 'occasionally', 'agrees-', 'plans', 'going', 'back', 'home', 'returning', 'college', 'film', 'ends', 'slightly', 'confident', 'victor', 'local', 'grocery', 'mart', 'chatting', 'female', 'cashier', 'appeared', 'throughout', 'film'], ['film', 'central', 'story', 'concerns', 'father', 'lalit', 'verma', 'trying', 'organize', 'enormous', 'chaotic', 'expensive', 'wedding', 'daughter', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'man', 'known', 'weeks', 'often', 'happens', 'punjabi', 'culture', 'wedding', 'means', 'one', 'times', 'generation', 'whole', 'family', 'comes', 'together', 'corners', 'globe', 'including', 'india', 'australia', 'oman', 'united', 'states', 'story', 'set', 'modern', 'upper-middle', 'class', 'india', 'telecommunications', 'western', 'lifestyle', 'mix', 'old', 'traditions', 'like', 'arranged', 'wedding', 'young', 'aditi', 'accepts', 'ends', 'current', 'affair', 'groom', 'indian', 'living', 'texas', 'relatives', 'families', 'distant', 'places', 'like', 'australia', 'come', 'new', 'delhi', 'monsoon', 'season', 'attend', 'wedding', 'four-day', 'arrangements', 'celebrations', 'see', 'clumsy', 'organization', 'family', 'parties', 'drama', 'dangers', 'happy', 'end', 'wedding', 'lots', 'music'], ['paul', 'womanizer', 'early', 'twenties', 'lives', 'small', 'southern', 'town', 'earns', 'living', 'fixing', 'cars', 'uncle', 'paul', 'still', 'lives', 'mother', 'elvira', 'works', 'clown', 'cheering', 'children', 'local', 'hospital', 'spends', 'time', 'hanging', 'best', 'friend', 'self-proclaimed', 'partner-in-crime', 'tip', 'friends', 'bust-ass', 'among', 'friends', 'paul', 'reputation', 'ladies', 'man', 'known', 'involved', 'long-term', 'relationships', 'paul', 'romances', 'last', 'weeks', 'slept', 'nearly', 'every', 'girl', 'town', 'paul', 'beginning', 'reach', 'point', 'would', 'like', 'lead', 'different', 'life', 'feeling', 'becomes', 'clear', 'meets', 'noel', 'tip', 'teenage', 'sister', 'come', 'back', 'home', 'attending', 'boarding', 'school', 'noel', 'thoughtful', 'mature', 'girls', 'paul', 'used', 'paul', 'noel', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'paul', 'different', 'sort', 'relationship', 'accustomed', 'noel', 'still', 'virgin', 'contemplative', 'nature', 'gives', 'desire', 'better', 'stronger', 'person', 'tip', \"n't\", 'approve', 'paul', 'dating', 'younger', 'sister', 'leads', 'rift', 'longtime', 'friends'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'begins', 'strangest', 'day', 'larry', 'burrows', 'life', 'consisting', 'series', 'comic', 'dramatic', 'misadventures', 'larry', 'blames', 'life\\\\', 'problems', 'fact', 'struck', 'key', 'moment', 'high', 'school', 'baseball', 'game', 'wishes', 'done', 'things', 'differently', 'wish', 'granted', 'guardian', 'angel-like', 'figure', 'named', 'mike', 'appears', 'various', 'times', 'bartender', 'cab', 'driver', 'larry', 'soon', 'discovers', 'mike', 'transferred', 'larry', 'alternate', 'reality', 'pivotal', 'high', 'school', 'game', 'finds', 'rich', 'powerful', 'married', 'boss\\\\', 'sexy', 'daughter', 'cindy', 'bumpers', 'first', 'new', 'life', 'seems', 'perfect', 'soon', 'begins', 'miss', 'best', 'friend', 'cliff', 'metzler', 'wife', 'ellen', 'previous', 'life', 'also', 'discovers', 'alternate', 'self', 'created', 'many', 'enemies', 'like', 'jewel', 'jagger', 'larry\\\\', 'problems', 'multiply', 'finds', 'wishing', 'put', 'back', 'old', 'life'], ['plot', 'jimmy', 'livingston', 'born', 'without', 'immune', 'system', 'forced', 'live', 'sterilized', 'dome', 'bedroom', 'earning', 'title', 'bubble', 'boy', 'neighbors', 'jimmy\\\\', 'devout', 'right-wing', 'christian', 'mother', 'exposes', 'highlights', 'magazine', 'land', 'lost', 'entertainment', 'teenager', 'girl', 'named', 'chloe', 'moves', 'next', 'door', 'jimmy', 'immediately', 'taken', 'eventually', 'befriends', 'despite', 'mothers\\\\', 'discouragement', 'one', 'day', 'chloe', 'visits', 'jimmy', 'tells', 'leaving', 'niagara', 'falls', 'marry', 'boyfriend', 'mark', 'three', 'days', 'jimmy', 'upset', 'revelation', 'separate', 'bad', 'terms', 'later', 'jimmy', 'opens', 'gift', 'chloe', 'brought', 'homemade', 'snow', 'globe', 'phrase', 'love', 'written', 'jimmy', 'realizes', 'chloe', 'cares', 'realizing', 'much', 'cares', 'jimmy', 'builds', 'mobile', 'bubble', 'suit', 'runs', 'away', 'home', 'determined', 'stop', 'wedding', 'first', 'day', 'journey', 'he\\\\', 'unable', 'afford', 'bus', 'ride', 'niagara', 'falls', 'picked', 'overly', 'enthusiastic', 'cult', 'pilgrimage', 'towards', 'enlightenment', 'jimmy', 'unintentionally', 'offends', 'cult', 'marooned', 'desert', 'time', 'jimmy\\\\', 'mother', 'discovered', 'son', 'missing', 'husband', 'set', 'find', 'jimmy', 'traveling', 'desert', 'jimmy', 'meets', 'slim', 'biker', 'flat', 'tire', 'jimmy', 'offers', 'fix', 'flat', 'patches', 'two', 'become', 'friends', 'elsewhere', 'gil', 'leader', 'cult', 'jimmy', 'met', 'revealed', 'messiah', 'round', 'one', 'whoever', 'rejects', 'suffer', 'group', 'abandoned', 'jimmy', 'regret', 'actions', 'set', 'find', 'jimmy', 'slim', 'traveled', 'las', 'vegas', 'hopes', 'scoring', 'enough', 'money', 'get', 'niagara', 'falls', 'however', 'slim', 'gets', 'caught', 'vegas', 'life', 'jimmy', 'goes', 'without', 'cult', 'runs', 'slim', 'vegas', 'asking', 'directions', 'slim', 'recognizes', 'jimmy\\\\', 'story', 'threatens', 'bike', 'destroyed', 'cult', 'bus', 'enraged', 'slim', 'rallies', 'gang', 'bikers', 'get', 'even', 'riding', 'motor', 'scooter', 'vegas', 'jimmy', 'recognized', 'parents', 'veers', 'road', 'boards', 'train', 'filled', 'circus', 'freaks', 'conducted', 'owner', 'dr.', 'phreak', 'dr.', 'phreak', 'finds', 'jimmy', 'announces', 'he\\\\', 'keeping', 'attraction', 'circus', 'jimmy', 'refuses', 'knocking', 'unconscious', 'allowing', 'circus', 'freaks', 'escape', 'jimmy', 'wanders', 'restaurant', 'indian', 'man', 'antagonized', 'ignorant', 'townspeople', 'jimmy', 'tries', 'defend', 'townspeople', 'begin', 'probe', 'suit', 'panic', 'evacuate', 'restaurant', 'misunderstand', 'illness', 'sheriff', 'locks', 'restaurant', 'quarantines', 'unintentionally', 'setting', 'building', 'fire', 'luckily', 'jimmy', 'saved', 'pushpop', 'ice', 'cream', 'curry', 'truck', 'driver', 'defended', 'earlier', 'jimmy', 'escape', 'town', 'flames', 'pushpop', 'thanks', 'jimmy', 'earlier', 'kindness', 'agrees', 'take', 'niagara', 'falls', 'meanwhile', 'jimmy\\\\', 'parents', 'met', 'dr.', 'phreak', 'jimmy\\\\', 'mother', 'mistakes', 'child', 'brings', 'along', 'elsewhere', 'niagara', 'falls', 'chloe', 'apprehensive', 'marrying', 'mark', \"can\\\\'t\", 'stop', 'thinking', 'jimmy', 'later', 'pushpop', 'accidentally', 'runs', 'cow', 'feels', 'must', 'atone', 'actions', 'unable', 'continue', 'journey', 'jimmy', 'sets', 'foot', 'ends', 'small', 'town', 'illinois', 'meets', 'pappy', 'cab', 'driver', 'agrees', 'take', 'niagara', 'falls', '500', 'dollars', 'earn', 'money', 'jimmy', 'goes', 'japanese', 'casino', 'nearby', 'enters', 'mud', 'wrestling', 'competition', 'two', 'women', 'convenient', 'prize', '500', 'jimmy', 'eventually', 'wins', 'leave', 'runs', 'cult', 'proclaiming', 'chosen', 'one', 'plan', 'releasing', 'jimmy', 'bubble', 'luckily', 'freaks', 'followed', 'jimmy', 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'sitting', 'alone', 'car', 'father', 'regrets', 'jimmy', 'giving', 'close', 'jimmy\\\\', 'father', 'looks', 'way', 'jimmy', 'escapes', 'finish', 'mission', 'upon', 'mother', 'discovering', 'begin', 'chasing', 'car', 'biplane', 'swoops', 'nowhere', 'picks', 'jimmy', 'pilot', 'pappy\\\\', 'brother', 'pippy', 'finally', 'jimmy', 'reaches', 'niagara', 'falls', 'falls', 'plane', 'falls', 'jimmy', 'manages', 'escape', 'water', 'arrives', 'time', 'stop', 'wedding', 'removes', 'bubble', 'suit', 'allowing', 'touch', 'girl', 'loves', 'first', 'time', 'upon', 'kissing', 'jimmy', 'collapses', 'presumably', 'dies', 'front', 'everyone', 'church', 'well', 'people', 'chasing', 'jimmy\\\\', 'mother', 'confesses', 'jimmy', 'developed', 'immune', 'system', 'four', 'revealing', 'actually', 'dead', 'jimmy\\\\', 'perfectly', 'fine', 'health-wise', 'mrs.', 'livingston', 'hidden', 'fact', 'jimmy', 'protect', 'corrupting', 'world', 'jimmy', 'forgives', 'resumes', 'kissing', 'chloe', 'finally', 'jimmy', 'chloe', 'married', 'jimmy\\\\', 'new', 'friends', 'attendance', 'jimmy\\\\', 'mom', 'rides', 'slim', 'jimmy\\\\', 'father', 'pushpop', 'become', 'new', 'leader', 'former', 'cult', 'apparently', 'followers', 'hinduism', 'dr.', 'phreak', 'befriended', 'band', 'freaks', 'pippy', 'pappy', 'drive', 'jimmy', 'chloe', 'honeymoon'], ['joan', 'webster', 'young', 'middle-class', 'englishwoman', 'ambitious', 'independent', 'spirit', 'knows', 'going', 'thinks', 'travels', 'home', 'london', 'via', 'manchester', 'hebrides', 'marry', 'sir', 'robert', 'bellinger', 'wealthy', 'much', 'older', 'industrialist', 'isle', 'kiloran', 'bad', 'weather', 'postpones', 'final', 'leg', 'journey', 'boat', 'trip', 'kiloran', '봲he', 'forced', 'wait', 'isle', 'mull', 'among', 'community', 'people', 'whose', 'values', 'quite', 'different', 'meets', 'torquil', 'macneil', 'naval', 'officer', 'trying', 'home', 'kiloran', 'shore', 'leave', 'spend', 'night', 'nearby', 'home', 'torquil', 'friend', 'catriona', 'potts', 'pamela', 'brown', 'next', 'day', 'way', 'catch', 'bus', 'town', 'come', 'upon', 'ruins', 'moy', 'castle', 'joan', 'wants', 'take', 'look', 'inside', 'torquil', 'refuses', 'reminds', 'terrible', 'curse', 'applies', 'laird', 'kiloran', 'torquil', 'introduces', 'laird', 'bellinger', 'leased', 'island', 'bad', 'weather', 'turns', 'full-scale', 'gale', 'torquil', 'takes', 'advantage', 'delay', 'woo', 'joan', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'torn', 'ambition', 'growing', 'attraction', 'desperate', 'salvage', 'carefully', 'laid', 'plans', 'joan', 'tries', 'persuade', 'ruairidh', 'mh처r', 'take', 'across', 'island', 'immediately', 'experienced', 'sailor', 'knows', 'conditions', 'far', 'dangerous', 'joan', 'manages', 'bribe', 'young', 'kenny', 'attempting', 'offering', 'enough', 'money', 'buy', 'half', 'share', 'ruairidh', 'boat', 'marry', 'ruairidh', 'daughter', 'bridie', 'torquil', 'learns', 'scheme', 'tries', 'talk', 'joan', 'proves', 'adamant', 'quarrel', 'invites', 'aboard', 'boat', 'engine', 'gets', 'flooded', 'caught', 'corryvreckan', 'whirlpool', 'torquil', 'able', 'restart', 'motor', 'time', 'return', 'safely', 'mull', 'last', 'weather', 'clears', 'joan', 'asks', 'torquil', 'parting', 'kiss', 'separate', 'ways', 'torquil', 'enters', 'moy', 'castle', 'centuries', 'earlier', 'torquil', 'ancestor', 'stormed', 'castle', 'capture', 'unfaithful', 'wife', 'lover', 'bound', 'together', 'cast', 'water-filled', 'dungeon', 'small', 'stone', 'stand', 'upon', 'strength', 'gave', 'dragged', 'water', 'placed', 'curse', 'lairds', 'kiloran', 'macneil', 'laird', 'dared', 'step', 'threshold', 'would', 'chained', 'woman', 'end', 'days', 'battlements', 'torquil', 'sees', 'joan', 'marching', 'resolutely', 'toward', 'behind', 'three', 'pipers', 'meets', 'embrace'], [\"'angus\", 'bethune', 'teenage', 'boy', 'living', 'minnesota', 'despite', 'talents', 'football', 'player', 'science', 'class', 'holds', 'deep', 'insecurities', 'since', 'kindergarten', 'angus', 'regularly', 'harassed', 'handsome', 'rick', 'sanford', 'complacent', 'cohorts', 'normal', 'due', 'overweight', 'view', 'named', 'cow', 'friend', 'troy', 'wedberg', 'also', 'social', 'outcast', 'like', 'angus', 'also', 'feelings', 'melissa', 'lefevre', 'though', 'fearful', 'expressing', 'dating', 'rick', 'eventually', 'tired', 'abuse', 'rick', 'angus', 'applies', 'magnet', 'school', 'hopes', 'free', 'constant', 'humiliation', 'however', 'well', 'aware', 'angus\\\\', 'feelings', 'melissa', 'rick', 'rigs', 'election', 'angus', 'melissa', 'dance', 'together', 'upcoming', 'freshman', 'winter', 'ball', 'king', 'queen', 'respectively', 'confronting', 'rick', 'stunt', 'angus', 'ordered', 'principal', 'lay', 'hand', 'rick', 'would', 'expelled', 'get', 'ready', 'dance', 'angus', 'gets', 'help', 'troy', 'also', 'mother', 'meg', 'narcoleptic', 'grampa', 'grandfather', 'tells', 'dance', 'move', 'called', 'irish', 'swoon', 'claims', 'guaranteed', 'lady-pleaser', 'angus', 'fears', 'largeness', 'makes', 'inept', 'dancer', 'would', 'embarrass', 'melissa', 'fix', 'grampa', 'takes', 'angus', 'madame', 'rulenska', 'despite', 'angus\\\\', 'best', 'efforts', 'comes', 'worse', 'later', 'despite', 'request', 'black', 'tuxedo', 'wanting', 'normal', 'grampa', 'purchases', 'plum', 'one', 'one', 'day', 'football', 'practice', 'angus', 'opens', 'locker', 'sees', 'favorite', 'pair', 'boxers', 'missing', 'angus', 'troy', 'learn', 'later', 'eyes', 'rick', 'hoisted', 'boxers', 'flagpole', 'school', 'see', 'fly', 'squarely', 'onto', 'passerby', 'melissa\\\\', 'face', 'angus', 'storms', 'home', 'anger', 'rick', 'company', 'quickly', 'kidnap', 'troy', 'asking', 'anything', 'would', 'embarrass', 'angus', 'winter', 'ball', 'troy', 'refuses', 'request', 'tries', 'escape', 'break', 'arm', 'trips', 'floor', 'rick', 'gives', 'troy', 'ultimatum', 'meanwhile', 'angus', 'helps', 'grampa', 'prepare', 'marriage', 'april', 'woman', 'thirty', 'years', 'younger', 'angus', 'waits', 'grampa', 'room', 'day', 'wedding', 'confides', 'love', 'melissa', 'tries', 'wake', 'quickly', 'discovers', 'dead', 'distraught', 'angus', 'opts', 'stay', 'home', 'days', 'time', 'fearful', 'rick', 'hurt', 'even', 'troy', 'gives', 'videotape', 'containing', 'footage', 'angus', 'practicing', 'dancing', 'inflatable', 'doll', 'confessing', 'feelings', 'melissa', 'later', 'week', 'cleaning', 'wedding', 'angus', 'receives', 'box', 'april', 'opens', 'revealing', 'plum', 'suit', 'earlier', 'rejected', 'realizes', 'grandfather', 'right', 'needs', 'stop', 'fearing', 'humiliation', 'rick', 'stand', 'nothing', 'change', 'resolved', 'grant', 'grampa\\\\', 'wish', 'angus', 'rejects', 'interview', 'science', 'school', 'applied', 'wears', 'plum', 'suit', 'marches', 'school', 'gymnasium', 'dance', 'held', 'outside', 'school', 'gym', 'troy', 'warns', 'turn', 'around', 'leave', 'rick', 'something', 'bad', 'planned', 'angus', 'refuses', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'sick', 'enduring', 'humiliation', 'he\\\\', 'taking', 'grandfather\\\\', 'advice', 'standing', 'meets', 'melissa', 'two', 'converse', 'first', 'time', 'angus', 'surprised', 'melissa', 'tells', 'nervous', 'everyone', 'staring', 'introduced', 'students', 'rick', 'plays', 'troy\\\\', 'videotape', 'monitors', 'students', 'laughing', 'humiliated', 'melissa', 'runs', 'gym', 'angus', 'follows', 'infuriated', 'troy', 'betraying', 'outside', 'gym', 'apologizes', 'yet', 'surprisingly', 'melissa', 'shows', 'disgust', 'rick', 'reveals', 'bulimic', 'also', 'mentions', 'controlling', 'even', 'hinted', 'abusive', 'angus', 'learns', 'melissa', 'likes', 'he\\\\', 'kind', 'respectful', 'others', 'finding', 'common', 'ground', 'two', 'return', 'gym', 'dance', 'even', 'melissa', 'helps', 'steps', 'two', 'receive', 'mild', 'reception', 'students', 'rick', 'scolds', 'melissa', 'angus', 'comes', 'defense', 'angus', 'finally', 'confronts', 'rick', 'petitions', 'realize', 'fact', 'many', 'people', 'fit', 'rick\\\\', 'idea', 'normal', 'unwantingly', 'ostracized', 'fed', 'humiliation', 'rick', 'refuses', 'angus\\\\', 'plea', 'replying', 'whatever', 'it\\\\', 'something', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'never', 'gon', 'angus', 'replies', 'thank', 'god', 'turns', 'leave', 'gym', 'students', 'applaud', 'angus', 'taking', 'stand', 'rick', 'appears', 'lost', 'popularity', 'since', 'students', 'longer', 'seem', 'fear', 'angus', 'leave', 'gym', 'stopped', 'melissa', 'says', 'wants', 'another', 'dance', 'immediately', 'angus', 'meets', 'troy', 'forgives', 'offering', 'troy', 'dance', 'melissa', 'troy', 'overjoyed', 'wheels', 'around', 'accidentally', 'punches', 'rick\\\\', 'nose', 'breaks', 'catching', 'attention', 'girl', 'asks', 'troy\\\\', 'name', 'soon', 'angus', 'walks', 'melissa', 'home', 'smiles', 'kisses', 'cheek', 'going', 'house', 'implying', 'two', 'may', 'relationship', 'angus', 'walks', 'away', 'melissa', 'watches', 'bedroom', 'window', 'end', 'stood', 'ground', 'angus', 'rejects', 'offer', 'transfer', 'rick', 'suspended', 'videotape', 'prank', 'though', 'moment', 'angus', 'decides', 'get', 'another', 'one', 'day'], ['isabelle', 'grossman', 'works', 'new', 'york', 'bookstore', 'supports', 'authors', 'public', 'readings', 'author', 'anton', 'maes', 'comes', 'bookstore', 'give', 'reading', 'shows', 'interest', 'isabelle', 'enamored', 'intellectual', 'world', 'different', 'traditional', 'jewish', 'upbringing', 'isabelle', 'pays', 'frequent', 'visits', 'bubbie', 'ida', 'lives', 'lower', 'east', 'side', 'manhattan', 'anxious', 'granddaughter', 'settle', 'ida', 'turns', 'local', 'marriage', 'broker', 'although', 'shocked', 'annoyed', 'isabelle', 'allows', 'matchmaker', 'introduce', 'sam', 'posner', 'owns', 'pickle', 'shop', 'essex', 'delancey', 'street', 'first', 'isabelle', 'interested', 'sam', 'believing', 'working-class', 'instead', 'sets', 'sights', 'anton', 'new', 'york', 'intelligentsia', 'also', 'feels', 'sorry', 'sam', 'tries', 'set', 'girlfriend', 'marilyn', 'process', 'learns', 'hire', 'matchmaker', 'desperation', 'fact', 'admired', 'isabelle', 'afar', 'several', 'years', 'deeply', 'touched', 'isabelle', 'agrees', 'meet', 'grandmother', 'house', 'work', 'however', 'sidelined', 'anton', 'believing', 'romantically', 'interested', 'goes', 'apartment', 'discovers', 'instead', 'anton', 'wants', 'convenience', 'assistant', 'true', 'partner', 'finally', 'seeing', 'disgusted', 'isabelle', 'races', 'grandmother', 'apartment', 'finding', 'empty', 'ida', 'sleeping', 'couch', 'heartbroken', 'believes', 'ruined', 'chances', 'honest', 'caring', 'sam', 'cries', 'sam', 'enters', 'balcony', 'two', 'finally', 'united', 'ida', 'feigns', 'confusion', 'gleeful', 'plan', 'succeeded'], [\"'major\", 'general', 'clive', 'wynne-candy', 'leader', 'home', 'guard', 'second', 'world', 'war', 'training', 'exercise', 'captured', 'turkish', 'bath', 'soldiers', 'led', 'lieutenant', 'spud', 'wilson', 'struck', 'pre-emptively', 'ignores', 'candy\\\\', 'outraged', 'protests', 'war', 'starts', 'midnight', 'scuffle', 'fall', 'bathing', 'pool', 'extended', 'flashback', 'ensues', 'boer', 'war', '1902', 'lieutenant', 'candy', 'leave', 'boer', 'war', 'received', 'letter', 'edith', 'hunter', 'working', 'berlin', 'complains', 'german', 'named', 'kaunitz', 'spreading', 'anti-british', 'propaganda', 'wants', 'british', 'embassy', 'something', 'candy', 'brings', 'superiors\\\\', 'attention', 'refuse', 'permission', 'intervene', 'decides', 'act', 'anyway', 'berlin', 'candy', 'edith', 'caf챕', 'confronts', 'kaunitz', 'provoked', 'candy', 'inadvertently', 'insults', 'imperial', 'german', 'army', 'officer', 'corps', 'germans', 'insist', 'fight', 'duel', 'officer', 'chosen', 'lot', 'theodore', 'kretschmar-schuldorff', 'candy', 'theo', 'become', 'friends', 'recuperating', 'wounds', 'nursing', 'home', 'edith', 'visits', 'regularly', 'although', 'implied', 'feelings', 'clive', 'suggested', 'michael', 'powell', 'dvd', 'commentary', 'track', 'becomes', 'engaged', 'theo', 'candy', 'delighted', 'soon', 'realises', 'consternation', 'loves', 'first', 'world', 'war', 'candy', 'brigadier', 'general', 'believes', 'allies', 'first', 'world', 'war', 'right', 'might', 'france', 'meets', 'nurse', 'barbara', 'wynne', 'bears', 'striking', 'resemblance', 'edith', 'back', 'england', 'courts', 'marries', 'despite', 'twenty-year', 'age', 'difference', 'candy', 'tracks', 'theo', 'prisoner', 'war', 'camp', 'england', 'candy', 'greets', 'nothing', 'changed', 'theo', 'snubs', 'later', 'repatriated', 'germany', 'theo', 'apologises', 'accepts', 'invitation', 'clive\\\\', 'house', 'remains', 'sceptical', 'country', 'treated', 'fairly', 'barbara', 'dies', 'world', 'wars', 'candy', 'retires', '1935.', 'second', 'world', 'war', '1939', 'theo', 'relates', 'immigration', 'official', 'estranged', 'children', 'became', 'nazis', 'war', 'refused', 'move', 'england', 'edith', 'wanted', 'time', 'ready', 'died', 'candy', 'vouches', 'theo', 'candy', 'reveals', 'theo', 'loved', 'edith', 'realised', 'late', 'admits', 'never', 'got', 'shows', 'theo', 'portrait', 'barbara', 'theo', 'meets', 'candy\\\\', 'driver', 'angela', 'johnny', 'cannon', 'personally', 'chosen', 'englishman', 'theo', 'struck', 'resemblance', 'barbara', 'edith', 'candy', 'restored', 'active', 'list', 'give', 'bbc', 'radio', 'talk', 'regarding', 'retreat', 'dunkirk', 'candy', 'plans', 'say', 'would', 'rather', 'lose', 'war', 'win', 'using', 'methods', 'employed', 'nazis', 'talk', 'cancelled', 'last', 'minute', 'theo', 'urges', 'friend', 'accept', 'need', 'fight', 'win', 'whatever', 'means', 'necessary', 'consequences', 'losing', 'dire', 'candy', 'retired', 'theo\\\\', 'angela\\\\', 'urging', 'turns', 'energy', 'home', 'guard', 'candy\\\\', 'energy', 'connections', 'instrumental', 'building', 'guard', 'house', 'bombed', 'blitz', 'replaced', 'emergency', 'water', 'supply', 'cistern', 'moves', 'club', 'relaxes', 'turkish', 'bath', 'training', 'exercise', 'arranged', 'film', 'come', 'full', 'circle', 'brash', 'young', 'lieutenant', 'captures', 'candy', 'fact', 'angela\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'used', 'learn', 'candy\\\\', 'plans', 'location', 'tries', 'warn', 'candy', 'late', 'afterward', 'theo', 'angela', 'find', 'candy', 'sitting', 'across', 'street', 'house', 'stood', 'recalls', 'given', 'severe', 'dressing', 'superior', 'causing', 'diplomatic', 'incident', 'man', 'invited', 'dinner', 'declined', 'often', 'regretted', 'tells', 'angela', 'invite', 'boyfriend', 'dine', 'years', 'clive', 'promised', 'barbara', 'would', 'never', 'change', 'house', 'flooded', 'lake', 'seeing', 'cistern', 'realises', 'lake', 'still', \"haven\\\\'t\", 'changed', 'film', 'ends', 'candy', 'saluting', 'new', 'guard', 'passes', 'by.the', 'death', 'old', 'ideas', 'death', 'referred', 'title', 'final', 'shot', 'close-up', 'motto', 'tapestry', 'used', 'background', 'opening', 'scene', 'states', 'sic', 'transit', 'gloria', 'candy', 'parodying', 'well-known', 'saying', 'sic', 'transit', 'gloria', 'mundi', 'nbsp', 'thus', 'passes', 'glory', 'world', 'i.e', 'fame', 'fleeting'], [\"'gaylord\", 'myron', 'greg', 'focker', 'fianc챕e', 'pam', 'byrnes', 'decide', 'introduce', 'parents', 'first', 'fly', 'oyster', 'bay', 'long', 'island', 'pick', 'pam\\\\', 'father', 'retired', 'cia', 'operative', 'jack', 'byrnes', 'mother', 'dina', 'one-year-old', 'nephew', 'little', 'jack', 'rather', 'going', 'airport', 'planned', 'jack', 'decides', 'drive', 'family', 'miami', 'meet', 'fockers', 'new', 'arrive', 'greeted', 'greg\\\\', 'eccentric', 'fun-loving', 'amiable', 'father', 'bernie', 'mother', 'roz', 'sex', 'therapist', 'elder', 'couples', 'worried', 'jack', 'may', 'put', 'fockers\\\\', 'lifestyle', 'greg', 'convinces', 'roz', 'pretend', 'yoga', 'instructor', 'weekend', 'though', 'jack', 'bernie', 'get', 'good', 'start', 'small', 'cracks', 'begin', 'form', 'jack', 'fockers', 'due', 'contrasting', 'personalities', 'things', 'made', 'worse', 'chase', 'fockers\\\\', 'dog', 'moses', 'byrnses\\\\', 'cat', 'jinx', 'culminates', 'jinx', 'flushing', 'moses', 'rv\\\\', 'toilet', 'forcing', 'bernie', 'destroy', 'save', 'moses', 'later', 'bernie', 'accidentally', 'injures', 'jack\\\\', 'back', 'game', 'football', 'pam', 'meanwhile', 'informs', 'greg', 'pregnant', 'two', 'decide', 'keep', 'secret', 'jack', 'know', 'sex', 'jack', 'however', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'greg\\\\', 'character', 'introduced', 'fockers\\\\', 'housekeeper', 'isabel', 'villalobos', 'bernie', 'reveals', 'greg', 'sexual', 'affair', 'fifteen', 'years', 'jack', 'later', 'takes', 'isabel\\\\', 'fifteen-year-old', 'son', 'jorge', 'fix', 'toilet', 'disturbed', 'jorge\\\\', 'striking', 'resemblance', 'greg', 'begins', 'suspect', 'may', 'greg\\\\', 'son', 'isabel', 'meanwhile', 'roz', 'bernie', 'dina', 'realise', 'pam', 'pregnant', 'promise', 'tell', 'jack', 'growing', 'envious', 'bernie', 'roz\\\\', 'active', 'sex', 'life', 'dina', 'consults', 'roz', 'sex', 'tips', 'order', 'seduce', 'jack', 'none', 'work', 'things', 'eventually', 'come', 'crunch', 'greg', 'left', 'alone', 'babysit', 'little', 'jack', 'jack', 'raising', 'via', 'ferber', 'method', 'despite', 'jack\\\\', 'instructions', 'leave', 'little', 'jack', 'self-soothe', 'greg', 'bear', 'listen', 'little', 'jack\\\\', 'cries', 'tends', 'boy', 'cheer', 'turning', 'television', 'acting', 'funny', 'inadvertently', 'teaching', 'little', 'jack', 'say', 'asshole', 'brief', 'phone', 'call', 'roz', 'long', 'enough', 'little', 'jack', 'wander', 'pen', 'put', 'scarface', 'glue', 'hands', 'rum', 'bottle', 'furious', 'argument', 'fockers', 'family', 'jack', 'reverts', 'old', 'ways', 'sends', 'greg', 'jorge\\\\', 'hair', 'samples', 'dna', 'test', 'inviting', 'jorge', 'fockers\\\\', 'planned', 'engagement', 'party', 'hopes', 'getting', 'greg', 'admit', 'jorge\\\\', 'father', 'engagement', 'party', 'jack', 'introduces', 'greg', 'jorge', 'later', 'greg', 'refuses', 'admit', 'jorge', 'son', 'jack', 'injects', 'truth', 'serum', 'make', 'talk', 'stage', 'greg', 'blurts', 'pam', 'pregnant', 'jorge', 'indeed', 'son', 'finally', 'passing', 'others', 'realise', 'jack\\\\', 'actions', 'next', 'day', 'another', 'argument', 'ensues', 'dina', 'admits', 'knew', 'pam', 'pregnant', 'deliberately', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'tell', 'shocked', 'hurt', 'jack', 'leaves', 'grandson', 'bernie', 'greg', 'give', 'pursuit', 'arrested', 'policeman', 'leflore', 'speeding', 'jack', 'returns', 'defend', 'informed', 'greg', 'jorge\\\\', 'father', 'overeager', 'leflore', 'arrests', 'well', 'cell', 'greg', 'jack', 'bernie', 'make', 'released', 'local', 'judge', 'ira', 'student', 'roz', 'close', 'friend', 'focker', 'family', 'greg', 'pam', 'married', 'weekend', 'pam\\\\', 'ex-fianc챕e', 'party', 'jack', 'asks', 'roz', 'sex', 'tips', 'sneaks', 'dina\\\\', 'credits', 'jack', 'watches', 'hidden', 'baby-cam', 'footage', 'fockers', 'giving', 'attention', 'little', 'jack', 'jack\\\\', 'previous', 'objections', 'roz', 'gives', 'little', 'jack', 'chocolate', 'bernie', 'advises', 'use', 'crying', 'disagree', 'everything', 'jack', 'says', 'greg', 'pretends', 'drunkenly', 'tell', 'little', 'jack', 'keep', 'secret', 'left', 'smoke', 'pot', 'answer', 'phone', 'left', 'little', 'jack', 'unattended', 'resulted', 'jack', 'gluing', 'hands', 'rum', 'bottle', 'pam', 'really', 'pregnant', 'said', 'jack', 'would', 'let', 'get', 'married', 'greg', 'pretends', 'discover', 'camera', 'making', 'mocking', 'gestures', 'realise', 'greg', 'knew', 'along', 'none', 'things', 'said', 'true'], [\"'the\", 'event', 'begins', 'interviews', 'participants', 'annabel', 'chong', 'arrives', 'later', 'greeted', 'event', 'director', 'bone', 'briefs', 'chong', 'format', 'gives', 'briefing', 'rest', 'participants', 'footage', 'cuts', 'interview', 'chong', 'gives', 'press', 'ron', 'jeremy', 'introduces', 'fluff', 'girls', 'commences', 'gang', 'bang', 'chong', 'changed', 'gown', 'emerges', 'side', 'entrance', 'climbs', 'onto', 'stage', 'stage', 'built', 'look', 'like', 'roman', 'playground', 'bed', 'middle', 'setting', 'intended', 'allude', 'orgy', 'roman', 'empress', 'messalina'], [\"'brantley\", 'foster', 'recent', 'graduate', 'kansas', 'state', 'university', 'moves', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'landed', 'job', 'financier', 'upon', 'arriving', 'discovers', 'company', 'supposed', 'work', 'taken', 'rival', 'corporation', 'result', 'brantley', 'laid', 'even', 'starts', 'working', 'several', 'unsuccessful', 'attempts', 'get', 'another', 'job', 'mostly', 'either', 'overqualified', 'underqualified', 'little', 'experience', 'brantley', 'ends', 'working', 'mailroom', 'pemrose', 'corporation', 'directed', 'uncle', 'howard', 'prescott', 'ceo', 'pemrose', 'founded', 'prescott\\\\', 'father-in-law', 'howard', 'received', 'presidency', 'company', 'marrying', 'boss\\\\', 'daughter', 'vera', 'pemrose', 'upon', 'inspecting', 'company', 'reports', 'brantley', 'realizes', 'prescott', 'fellow', 'suits', 'making', 'ineffective', 'and/or', 'non-beneficial', 'decisions', 'brantley', 'notices', 'empty', 'office', 'building', 'due', 'one', 'howard\\\\', 'frequent', 'firings', 'assumes', 'identity', 'carlton', 'whitfield', 'new', 'executive', 'handling', 'two', 'jobs', 'brantley', 'also', 'falls', 'head-over-heels', 'christy', 'wills', 'fellow', 'financial', 'wizard', 'recently', 'graduated', 'harvard', 'brantley', 'meets', 'vera', 'driving', 'home', 'company', 'limo', 'vera', 'persuades', 'brantley', 'stay', 'swim', 'seduces', 'upon', 'seeing', 'prescott', 'arriving', 'brantley', 'vera', 'realize', 'related', 'brantley', 'gets', 'changed', 'fast', 'leaves', 'mansion', 'without', 'seen', 'prescott', 'prescott', 'without', 'brantley\\\\', 'knowledge', 'affair', 'christy', 'howard', 'asks', 'spy', 'carlton', 'whitfield', 'christy', 'falls', 'head-over-heels', 'carlton', 'knowing', 'actually', 'brantley', 'pemrose', 'corporation', 'preparing', 'merge', 'infamous', 'davenport', 'corporation', 'prescott', 'unaware', 'whitfield', 'brantley', 'one', 'person', 'suspects', 'carlton', 'spy', 'corporate', 'raider', 'donald', 'davenport', 'end', 'brantley', 'vera', 'raise', 'enough', 'cash', 'bonds', 'stocks', 'wrest', 'ownership', 'pemrose', 'corporation', 'prescott', 'proceed', 'hostile', 'takeover', 'bid', 'davenport\\\\', 'corporation', 'vera', 'already', 'contemptuous', 'howard', 'counter-productive', 'business', 'practices', 'driving', 'father\\\\', 'empire', 'ground', 'learns', 'prescott', 'cheating', 'boot', 'promptly', 'replaces', 'brantley', 'security', 'guards', 'escort', 'howard', 'aide', 'art', 'thomas', 'pemrose', 'building', 'brantley', 'christy', 'start', 'planning', 'future', 'together', 'personal', 'well', 'professional'], [\"'one\", 'christmas', 'eve', 'present', 'day', 'tokyo', 'three', 'homeless', 'people', 'mdash', 'nihongo', 'middle-aged', 'alcoholic', 'nihongo', 'transwoman', 'former', 'drag', 'queen', 'nihongo', 'runaway', 'girl', 'mdash', 'discover', 'abandoned', 'newborn', 'searching', 'trash', 'deposited', 'unnamed', 'baby', 'note', 'asking', 'finder', 'take', 'good', 'care', 'bag', 'containing', 'clues', 'parent\\\\', 'identity', 'trio', 'sets', 'find', 'baby\\\\', 'parents', 'baby', 'named', 'kiyoko', 'pure', 'child', 'born', 'christmas', 'eve', 'outside', 'cemetery', 'group', 'encounters', 'high-ranking', 'yakuza', 'man', 'trapped', 'car', 'man', 'happens', 'know', 'owner', 'club', 'kiyoko\\\\', 'mother', 'used', 'visit', 'getting', 'married', 'man\\\\', 'daughter', 'wedding', 'groom', 'tells', 'baby\\\\', 'mother', 'former', 'club', 'member', 'named', 'sachiko', 'gives', 'sachiko\\\\', 'address', 'party', 'interrupted', 'maid', 'revealed', 'latin', 'american', 'hit', 'man', 'disguise', 'attempting', 'shoot', 'bride\\\\', 'father', 'tokarev', 'tt-33', 'hit', 'man', 'kidnaps', 'miyuki', 'baby', 'takes', 'back', 'home', 'miyuki', 'befriends', 'hit', 'man\\\\', 'wife', 'shows', 'pictures', 'family', 'hana', 'searches', 'miyuki', 'kiyoko', 'gin', 'takes', 'care', 'old', 'homeless', 'man', 'finds', 'dying', 'street', 'old', 'man', 'dies', 'giving', 'gin', 'little', 'red', 'bag', 'teenagers', 'show', 'beat', 'gin', 'deceased', 'old', 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'building', 'husband', 'comes', 'apartment', 'encourages', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'sachiko', 'jumps', 'nevertheless', 'accidentally', 'drops', 'baby', 'building', 'hana', 'jumps', 'kiyoko', 'catches', 'baby', 'miraculously', 'lands', 'safely', 'hana', 'miyuki', 'gin', 'taken', 'hospital', 'miyuki', 'hands', 'gin', 'cigarettes', 'drops', 'old', 'man\\\\', 'small', 'red', 'bag', 'floor', 'revealing', 'winning', 'lottery', 'ticket', 'kiyoko\\\\', 'real', 'parents', 'want', 'ask', 'trio', 'become', 'godparents', 'police', 'inspector', 'introduce', 'trio', 'inspector', 'revealed', 'miyuki\\\\', 'father'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'narrated', 'rooster', 'alan-a-dale', 'explains', 'robin', 'hood', 'little', 'john', 'live', 'sherwood', 'forest', 'robbing', 'rich', 'giving', 'poor', 'townsfolk', 'nottingham', 'sheriff', 'nottingham', 'posse', 'often', 'try', 'catch', 'two', 'fail', 'every', 'time', 'meanwhile', 'prince', 'john', 'assistant', 'sir', 'hiss', 'arrive', 'nottingham', 'sir', 'hiss', 'hypnotised', 'prince', 'john\\\\', 'brother', 'king', 'richard', 'crusades', 'allowing', 'prince', 'john', 'take', 'throne', 'unfortunately', 'prince', 'greedy', 'immature', 'even', 'sucking', 'thumb', 'whenever', 'mother', 'mentioned', 'robin', 'little', 'john', 'rob', 'prince', 'john', 'disguising', 'fortune', 'tellers', 'prompting', 'prince', 'put', 'bounty', 'heads', 'makes', 'sheriff', 'personal', 'tax', 'collector', 'sheriff', 'taxes', 'friar', 'tuck', 'family', 'rabbits', 'however', 'robin', 'gives', 'back', 'money', 'rabbits', 'giving', 'hat', 'archery', 'kit', 'young', 'rabbit', 'skippy', 'birthday', 'skippy', 'friends', 'test', 'archery', 'kit', 'skippy', 'fires', 'arrow', 'grounds', 'maid', 'marian\\\\', 'castle', 'children', 'sneak', 'inside', 'meeting', 'maid', 'marian', 'attendant', 'lady', 'kluck', 'maid', 'marian', 'reveals', 'robin', 'childhood', 'sweethearts', 'seen', 'one', 'another', 'years', 'friar', 'tuck', 'visits', 'robin', 'little', 'john', 'explaining', 'prince', 'john', 'hosting', 'archery', 'tournament', 'winner', 'receive', 'kiss', 'maid', 'marian', 'robin', 'agrees', 'participate', 'tournament', 'disguised', 'stork', 'whilst', 'little', 'john', 'disguises', 'duke', 'chutney', 'get', 'near', 'prince', 'john', 'sir', 'hiss', 'discovers', 'robin\\\\', 'identity', 'trapped', 'barrel', 'ale', 'friar', 'tuck', 'alan-a-dale', 'robin', 'wins', 'tournament', 'prince', 'john', 'exposes', 'arrested', 'execution', 'despite', 'maid', 'marian\\\\', 'pleas', 'little', 'john', 'threatens', 'prince', 'john', 'leading', 'fight', 'robin', 'little', 'john', 'maid', 'marian', 'lady', 'kluck', 'prince', 'john\\\\', 'soldiers', 'forest', 'robin', 'maid', 'marian', 'fall', 'love', 'townsfolk', 'mock', 'prince', 'john', 'describing', 'phony', 'king', 'england', 'enraged', 'insult', 'prince', 'john', 'triples', 'taxes', 'imprisoning', 'townsfolk', 'pay', 'taxes', 'sheriff', 'visits', 'friar', 'tuck\\\\', 'church', 'steal', 'poor', 'box', 'enraging', 'friar', 'tuck', 'arrested', 'prince', 'john', 'plans', 'hang', 'friar', 'tuck', 'lure', 'robin', 'kill', 'robin', 'little', 'john', 'sneak', 'managing', 'free', 'prisoners', 'whilst', 'robin', 'steals', 'prince', 'john\\\\', 'taxes', 'sir', 'hiss', 'awakens', 'find', 'robin', 'fleeing', 'chaos', 'follows', 'robin', 'others', 'try', 'escape', 'sherwood', 'forest', 'sheriff', 'corners', 'robin', 'setting', 'fire', 'prince', 'john\\\\', 'castle', 'whilst', 'robin', 'leaps', 'tower', 'pool', 'water', 'little', 'john', 'skippy', 'watch', 'pool', 'pelted', 'arrows', 'robin', 'apparently', 'shot', 'emerge', 'unharmed', 'prince', 'john', 'despairs', 'driven', 'blind', 'rage', 'sir', 'hiss', 'points', 'mother\\\\', 'castle', 'fire', 'king', 'richard', 'returns', 'england', 'placing', 'brother', 'cohorts', 'arrest', 'allows', 'robin', 'maid', 'marian', 'married', 'leave', 'nottingham', 'little', 'john', 'skippy', 'tow'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'centered', 'three', 'reyes', 'brothers', 'juan', '횙scar', 'franco', 'wealthy', 'ranch', 'owner', 'bernardo', 'elizondo', 'affair', 'reyes', 'brothers\\\\', 'younger', 'sister', 'libia', 'libia', 'falls', 'love', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'old', 'hacienda', 'owner', 'dies', 'commits', 'suicide', 'reyes', 'brothers', 'put', 'blame', 'sister\\\\', 'death', 'elizondo', 'household', 'plot', 'revenge', 'pretending', 'construction', 'workers/house', 'makers', 'hacienda', 'reyes', 'brothers', 'unexpectedly', 'fall', 'bernardo\\\\', 'three', 'daughters', 'norma', 'jimena', 'sarita', 'juan', 'reyes', 'eldest', 'sibling', 'tall', 'strong', 'man', 'shoulder', 'length', 'brown', 'hair', 'extremely', 'protective', 'siblings', 'especially', 'libia', 'usually', 'quiet', 'calm', 'provoked', 'impulsive', 'violent', 'deeply', 'hurt', 'sister\\\\', 'death', 'since', 'loved', 'much', 'ready', 'avenge', 'libia\\\\', 'death', 'tricking', 'bernando\\\\', 'daughters', 'done', 'libia', 'meets', 'norma', 'elizondo', 'amazed', 'beauty', 'feels', 'connection', 'long', 'light', 'brown', 'hair', 'exquisite', 'face', 'forced', 'marry', 'fernando', 'escand처n', 'rather', 'insensitive', 'cruel', 'man', 'escape', 'family', 'shame', 'raped', 'three', 'intruders', 'years', 'ago', 'shaken', 'let', 'man', 'touch', 'including', 'husband', 'meets', 'juan', 'fears', 'away', 'falls', 'love', 'many', 'obstacles', 'later', 'marry', 'baby', 'boy', 'juan', 'david', 'norma\\\\', 'pale', 'skin', 'juan\\\\', 'large', 'eyes', 'oscar', 'reyes', 'second', 'oldest', 'handsome', 'well-built', 'beautiful', 'smile', 'arrogant', 'rude', 'greedy', 'times', 'still', 'good', 'heart', 'kind', 'sweet', 'incredibly', 'clever', 'sometimes', 'schemes', 'get', 'money', 'like', 'example', 'makes', 'younger', 'brother', 'dates', 'older', 'rich', 'woman', 'make', 'money', 'jimena', 'elizondo', 'beautiful', 'model', 'wants', 'live', 'life', 'fullest', 'immediately', 'takes', 'liking', 'reyes', 'brothers', 'truly', 'fall', 'love', 'oscar', 'even', 'though', 'denies', 'sometimes', 'joyed', 'asks', 'marry', 'first', 'mostly', 'interested', 'money', 'admit', 'something', 'special', 'time', 'passes', 'discovers', 'loves', 'far', 'expected', 'to.their', 'love', 'grows', 'endless', 'passion', 'share', 'romantic', 'moments', 'together', 'learns', 'love', 'much', 'important', 'money', 'would', 'care', 'rich', 'poor', 'long', 'side', 'franco', 'reyes', 'third', 'oldest', 'blond', 'hair', 'blue', 'eyes', 'innocent', 'looking', 'face', 'easily', 'manipulated', 'people', 'often', 'take', 'advantage', 'kindness', 'calm', 'relaxed', 'brothers', 'love', 'rosario', 'montes', 'bar', 'dancer', 'mostly', 'humiliates', 'marries', 'greedy', 'bar', 'owner', 'crushed', 'spite', 'marries', 'old', 'rich', 'woman', 'obsessed', 'dies', 'wedding', 'day', 'leaving', 'money', 'franco', 'sara', 'sarita', 'elizondo', 'serious', 'uptight', 'dedicated', 'managing', 'family\\\\', 'hacienda', 'although', 'extremely', 'beautiful', 'would', 'rather', 'horses', 'men', 'falls', 'love', 'franco', 'many', 'incidents', 'though', 'pretends', 'often', 'hates', 'later', 'comes', 'shell', 'learns', 'control', 'falls', 'love', 'libia', 'reyes', 'beautiful', '17-year-old', 'girl', 'youngest', 'reyes', 'siblings', 'quiet', 'sweet', 'rather', 'innocent', 'loves', 'brothers', 'much', 'despite', 'overprotective', 'manners', 'lives', 'poor', 'barrio', 'lives', 'humble', 'life', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'much', 'it\\\\', 'suggested', 'never', 'boyfriend', 'brothers\\\\', 'protectiveness', 'meets', 'bernando', 'elizando', 'falls', 'love', 'despite', 'major', 'age', 'difference', 'bernando', 'lies', 'telling', 'single', 'lives', 'sister', 'three', 'nieces', 'also', 'falls', 'love', 'reyes', 'brothers', 'find', 'furious', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'tell', 'especially', 'bernando', 'much', 'older', 'discoovered', 'libia', 'pregnant', 'allow', 'marriage', 'sister', 'bernando', 'bernando', 'dies', 'accident', 'leaving', 'libia', 'devastated', 'angry', 'lies', 'encouraged', 'nosy', 'store', 'owner', 'sons', 'goes', 'elizando', 'mansion', 'talk', 'bernando\\\\', 'widow', 'gabriela', 'elizando', 'humiliates', 'calling', 'slut', 'gold', 'digger', 'front', 'everybody', 'crying', 'hysterically', 'leaves', 'mansion', 'libia', 'proceeds', 'kill', 'jumping', 'bridge', 'falling', 'lake', 'brothers', 'find', 'devastated', 'swear', 'sister\\\\', 'tomb', 'they\\\\', \"'ll\", 'avenge', 'death', 'later', 'reyes', 'brothers', 'meet', 'ruth', 'uribe', 'rich', 'girl', 'looks', 'exactly', 'like', 'libia', 'reyes', 'brothers', 'amazed', 'resemblance', 'consider', 'adoptive', 'little', 'sister', 'ruth', 'represents', 'symbol', 'reyes', 'brothers', 'still', 'hold', 'libia', 'later', 'revealed', 'ruth', 'reyes\\\\', 'cousin', 'explaining', 'libia', 'ruth\\\\', 'resemblance', 'plot', 'reaches', 'climax', 'gabriela', 'marries', 'dangerous', 'suitor', 'none', 'former', 'son-in-law', 'fernando', 'manages', 'alienate', 'gabriela\\\\', 'family', 'virtually', 'take', 'control', 'estate', 'spend', 'much', 'money', 'gambling', 'raucous', 'living', 'gabriela', 'refuses', 'see', 'truth', 'late', 'soon', 'finds', 'grave', 'danger', 'reyes', 'brothers', 'must', 'take', 'action'], [\"'thirteen-year-old\", 'vic', 'new', 'high', 'school', 'makes', 'friends', 'p챕n챕lope', 'together', 'check', 'boys', 'school', 'looking', 'true', 'love', 'vic', 'frustrated', 'parents', 'allow', 'attend', 'boum', 'big', 'party', 'great-grandmother', 'poupette', 'helps', 'vic', 'ends', 'falling', 'love', 'matthieu', 'vic', 'busy', 'finding', 'true', 'love', 'parents\\\\', 'marriage', 'faces', 'crisis', 'father\\\\', 'ex-lover', 'demands', 'last', 'night', 'together', 'cite', 'web'], ['peter', 'colt', 'english', 'professional', 'tennis', 'player', 'thirties', 'whose', 'ranking', 'slipped', '11th', '119th', 'world', 'considers', 'never', 'really', 'fight', 'anything', 'wealthy', 'close', 'family', 'easily', 'put', 'studies', 'allowed', 'pursue', 'tennis', 'ambitions', 'bravely', 'exchanges', 'jokes', 'german', 'sparring', 'partner', 'dieter', 'prohl', 'similar', 'position', 'tough', 'earns', 'wildcard', 'spot', 'wimbledon', 'tournament', 'internally', 'feels', 'time', 'admit', 'getting', 'old', 'compete', 'fitter', 'coming', 'men', 'intends', 'last', 'wimbledon', 'take', 'job', 'prestigious', 'tennis', 'club', 'instead', 'however', 'wimbledon', 'begins', 'accident', 'bumps', 'lizzie', 'bradbury', 'american', 'rising', 'star', 'female', 'tennis', 'falls', 'love', 'finds', 'interest', 'changes', 'entire', 'perception', 'even', 'gives', 'strength', 'win', 'love', 'grows', 'peter', 'game', 'becomes', 'better', 'better', 'game', 'starts', 'worsening', 'spends', 'much', 'time', 'peter', 'ignoring', 'practice', 'tiredness', 'however', 'overprotective', 'father-manager', 'dennis', 'bradbury', 'proves', 'determined', 'nip', 'relationship', 'bud', 'believing', 'detrimental', 'career', 'one', 'day', 'dennis', 'comes', 'peter', 'old', 'flat', 'yells', 'spoiling', 'daughter', 'game', 'overhears', 'decides', 'leave', 'focus', 'game', 'play', 'several', 'games', 'different', 'opponents', 'win', 'without', 'lizzie', 'support', 'peter', 'confidence', 'concentration', 'start', 'shake', 'lizzie', 'enters', 'semi-final', 'peter', 'also', 'manages', 'reach', 'semi-final', 'difficulty', 'night', 'semi-final', 'games', 'peter', 'sneaks', 'lizzie', 'hotel', 'room', 'persuades', 'sex', 'initially', 'denies', 'requires', 'rest', 'sleep', 'semi-final', 'game', 'next', 'morning', 'later', 'agrees', 'next', 'day', 'performs', 'quite', 'well', 'wins', 'semi-final', 'match', 'straight', 'sets', 'whilst', 'lizzie', 'loses', 'match', 'due', 'tiredness', 'lack', 'sleep', 'losing', 'focus', 'last', 'night', 'together', 'peter', 'lizzie', 'gets', 'upset', 'breaks', 'relationship', 'accusing', 'madness', 'last', 'night', 'greed', 'sex', 'cause', 'loss', 'match', 'dreams', 'perhaps', 'career', 'leaves', 'say', 'explain', 'anything', 'decides', 'immediately', 'return', 'usa', 'peter', 'play', 'final', 'match', 'jake', 'hammond', 'arrogant', 'american', 'star', 'peter', 'already', 'argument', 'involving', 'lizzie', 'finds', 'classed', 'airport', 'lizzie', 'watches', 'interview', 'peter', 'apologizes', 'declares', 'love', 'openly', 'drops', 'idea', 'home', 'comes', 'back', 'wimbledon', 'lizzie', 'reaches', 'stadium', 'peter', 'already', 'lost', 'two', 'sets', 'running', 'behind', 'third', 'one', 'due', 'fast', 'forceful', 'tricky', 'serves', 'jake', 'lost', 'focus', 'due', 'breakup', 'lizzie', 'game', 'interrupted', 'rain', 'back', 'muscles', 'get', 'stressed', 'started', 'thinking', 'quitting', 'game', 'rather', 'face', 'sure', 'defeat', 'suddenly', 'lizzie', 'comes', 'dressing', 'room', 'tells', 'forgiven', 'prepares', 'play', 'face', 'fate', 'rather', 'quit', 'tells', 'secret', 'jake', 'tricky', 'serves', 'lizzie', 'cheering', 'peter', 'makes', 'recovery', 'game', 'wins', 'title', 'diving', 'volley', 'game', 'retires', 'tennis', 'lizzie', 'get', 'married', 'support', 'lizzie', 'goes', 'win', 'u.s.', 'open', 'wimbledon', 'twice', 'ultimately', 'achieving', 'dreams', 'last', 'scene', 'peter', 'youngest', 'child', 'boy', 'watching', 'lizzie', 'eldest', 'child', 'girl', 'playing', 'tennis', 'together', 'neighborhood', 'court', 'new', 'york', 'city'], [\"'leslie\", 'steele', 'guest', 'costume', 'party', 'forced', 'stay', 'overnight', 'hotel', 'particularly', 'bad', 'london', 'fog', 'rooms', 'available', 'steele', 'talks', 'way', 'sharing', 'suite', 'everard', 'logan', 'handsome', 'somewhat', 'stiff', 'lawyer', 'spend', 'night', 'together', 'quite', 'chastely', 'logan', 'becomes', 'convinced', 'leslie', 'must', 'married', 'conviction', 'confirmed', 'old', 'school', 'friend', 'lord', 'mere', 'arrives', 'asks', 'everard', 'represent', 'divorce', 'case', 'wife', 'lady', 'claire'], ['angelo', 'barberini', 'oddball', 'son', 'italian', 'immigrants', 'gino', 'maria', 'inadvertently', 'ended', 'canada', 'rather', 'united', 'states', 'america', 'angelo', 'shocks', 'parents', 'sister', 'anna', 'moving', 'without', 'getting', 'married', 'shortly', 'shocks', 'still', 'reveals', 'gay', 'boyfriend', 'policeman', 'nino', 'paventi', \"n't\", 'ready', 'come', 'closet', 'especially', 'busybody', 'sicilian', 'mother', 'lina'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'stars', 'grant', 'tony', 'anglican', 'priest', 'newly', 'arrived', 'england', 'asked', 'visit', 'notorious', 'artist', 'loosely', 'based', 'australian', 'artist', 'norman', 'lindsay', 'played', 'sam', 'neill', 'church\\\\', 'concern', 'blasphemous', 'painting', 'artist', 'plans', 'exhibit', 'estella', 'priest\\\\', 'wife', 'accompanies', 'visit', 'artist\\\\', 'bucolic', 'compound', 'blue', 'mountains', 'artist\\\\', 'saucy', 'models', 'played', 'elle', 'macpherson', 'kate', 'fischer', 'lindsay\\\\', 'wife', 'rose', 'also', 'poses', 'portia', 'rossi', 'plays', 'maid', 'begun', 'demurely', 'modeling', 'well', 'mark', 'gerber', 'plays', 'partially', 'blind', 'devlin', 'odd-job', 'man', 'also', 'poses', 'lindsay', 'grant', 'neill', 'play', 'characters', 'critical', 'film\\\\', 'story', 'film', 'really', 'estella', 'responds', 'sensuality', 'surroundings', 'course', 'visit', 'lindsay\\\\', 'estate', 'relationship', 'tony', 'includes', 'intimacy', 'commitment', 'needed', 'well-rounded', 'marriage', 'missing', 'passion', 'term\\\\', 'senses', 'estella\\\\', 'senses', 'engaged', 'backdrop', 'film', 'lush', 'dangerous', 'landscape', 'filled', 'distinctive', 'flora', 'fauna', 'australia', 'prim', 'proper', 'english', 'wife', 'priest', 'it\\\\', 'quite', 'exotic', 'lindsay\\\\', 'voluptuous', 'models', 'live', 'libertine', 'lives', 'lindsay', 'champions', 'paintings', 'lindsay', 'animated', 'postprandial', 'conversations', 'husband', 'scenes', 'conversations', 'various', 'glimpses', 'naked', 'models', 'naked', 'devlin', 'contribute', 'stimulating', 'environment', 'surroundings', 'lives', 'models', 'siren', 'calls', 'lead', 'estella', 'fantasize', 'increasing', 'intensity', 'act', 'impulses', 'suffers', 'morning-after', 'remorse', 'late-night', 'encounter', 'devlin', 'perhaps', 'influenced', 'supportive', 'words', 'husband', 'film', 'ends', 'playful', 'scene', 'two', 'scene', 'hints', 'possibility', 'may', 'find', 'passion', 'husband', 'separate', 'story', 'arc', 'follows', 'rossi\\\\', 'character', 'matures', 'emotionally', 'influence', 'two', 'models', 'estella\\\\', 'advice', 'intersects', 'primary', 'arc', 'person', 'devlin', 'rossi\\\\', 'character', 'attracted'], [\"'an\", 'american', 'beautician', 'named', 'joy', 'miller', 'teaches', 'students', 'groom', 'hair', 'put', 'business', 'one', 'students', 'accidentally', 'ignites', 'hair', 'spray', 'cigarette', 'eventually', 'leading', 'school', 'burning', 'joy', 'ends', 'highlighted', 'newspaper', 'article', 'helps', 'students', 'caged', 'animals', 'escape', 'building', 'successfully', 'article', 'seen', 'ira', 'grushinsky', 'diplomatic', 'representative', 'small', 'eastern', 'european', 'country', 'called', 'slovetzia', 'country', 'never', 'heard', 'ira', 'sent', 'united', 'states', 'find', 'tutor', 'three', 'children', 'slovetzia\\\\', 'president', 'mistakenly', 'thinking', 'joy', 'academic', 'teacher', 'offers', 'job', 'joy', 'accepts', 'arrive', 'slovetzia', 'ira', 'realizes', 'error', 'late', 'joy', 'agrees', 'keep', 'ruse', 'real', 'teacher', 'time', 'initial', 'meeting', 'joy', 'president', 'dictator', 'named', 'boris', 'pochenko', 'gets', 'wrong', 'foot', 'joy', 'gets', 'along', 'well', 'three', 'children', 'katrina', 'karl', 'masha', 'joy', 'teaches', 'life', 'outside', 'slovetzia', 'helps', 'gain', 'confidence', 'joy', 'frequently', 'clashes', 'pochenko', 'disturbed', 'fierce', 'independence', 'fact', 'frighten', 'joy\\\\', 'presence', 'slovetzia', 'due', 'pochenko\\\\', 'desire', 'change', 'reputation', 'among', 'western', 'nations', 'beast', 'second-in-command', 'leonid', 'kleist', 'pochenko\\\\', 'softening', 'strategy', 'wants', 'crush', 'growing', 'rebellion', 'among', 'slovetzia\\\\', 'youth', 'joy', 'eventually', 'learns', 'katrina', 'love', 'alek', 'one', 'leaders', 'youth', 'rebellion', 'alek', 'captured', 'pochenko', 'joy', 'secretly', 'helps', 'katrina', 'sneak', 'cell', 'see', 'summit', 'visiting', 'emissaries', 'arriving', 'slovetzia', 'meet', 'pochenko', 'joy', 'convinces', 'best', 'way', 'prove', 'modern-thinking', 'man', 'would', 'throw', 'party', 'joy', 'put', 'charge', 'preparations', 'time', 'pochenko', 'grow', 'closer', 'evening', 'dinner', 'joy', 'confesses', 'academic', 'teacher', 'time', 'pochenko', 'care', 'credentials', 'brought', 'happiness', 'family', 'later', 'leonid', 'confronts', 'joy', 'fact', 'helping', 'katrina', 'meet', 'alek', 'information', 'brought', 'pochenko', 'argues', 'joy', 'meddling', 'joy', 'decides', 'leave', 'slovetzia', 'good', 'months', 'pass', 'leonid', 'quietly', 'taken', 'administrative', 'duties', 'signing', 'sentences', 'pochenko\\\\', 'name', 'pochenko', 'made', 'aware', 'fact', 'ira', 'confronts', 'leonid', 'strips', 'duties', 'pochenko', 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'shortly', 'hanging', 'nicole', 'calls', 'back', 'apologizes', 'accepts', 'invitation', 'drinks', 'next', 'day', 'hotel', 'bar', 'next', 'evening', 'pierre', 'nicole', 'spend', 'hours', 'talking', 'night', 'captivated', 'stories', 'balzac', 'world', 'literature', 'morning', 'return', 'hotel', 'make', 'love', 'room', 'airplane', 'next', 'day', 'nicole', 'slips', 'matchbook', 'phone', 'number', 'back', 'paris', 'wife', 'franca', 'entertain', 'friends', 'pierre', 'sneaks', 'tries', 'calling', 'nicole', 'one', 'home', 'next', 'day', 'tries', 'phone', 'booth', 'time', 'gets', 'meet', 'briefly', 'coming', 'days', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'flights', 'one', 'day', 'meet', 'airport', 'decide', 'spend', 'evening', 'nightclub', 'ending', 'apartment', 'make', 'love', 'later', 'week', 'pierre', 'nicole', 'travel', 'reims', 'pierre', 'scheduled', 'present', 'film', 'andre', 'gide', 'conference', 'check', 'hotel', 'michelet', 'pierre', 'heads', 'theater', 'pierre', 'takes', 'stage', 'nicole', 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'pushing', 'remains', 'father', 'aside', 'sitting', 'throne', 'rising', 'central', 'park', 'starting', 'riotous', 'party', 'meanwhile', 'nicky', 'wakes', 'heaven', 'reward', 'sacrificing', 'meets', 'mother', 'angel', 'tells', 'defeat', 'adrian', 'inner', 'light', 'inherited', 'gives', 'mysterious', 'orb', 'goes', 'central', 'park', 'adrian', 'appears', 'win', 'pitched', 'battle', 'locking', 'nicky', 'flask', 'turning', 'bat', 'nicky', 'escapes', 'flask', 'shatters', 'orb', 'ozzy', 'osbourne', 'appears', 'bites', 'adrian\\\\', 'head', 'spits', 'flask', 'brothers', 'captured', 'nicky', 'ready', 'save', 'father', 'sins', 'make', 'sure', 'goes', 'hell', 'valerie', 'express', 'love', 'kills', 'hell', 'satan', 'regains', 'body', 'recommends', 'nicky', 'back', 'earth', 'film', 'ends', 'year', 'later', 'nicky', 'valerie', 'live', 'new', 'york', 'infant', 'son', 'zachariah', 'mentioned', 'john', 'peter', 'died', 'plane', 'crash', 'living', 'hell', 'nicky\\\\', 'old', 'room'], ['lorenzo', 'borrelli', 'priest', 'poor', 'neighborhood', 'naples', 'mafia', 'killings', 'daily', 'occurrence', 'young', 'people', 'see', 'organized', 'crime', 'way', 'earn', 'respect', 'borelli', 'tries', 'best', 'persuade', 'adolescents', 'camorra', 'odds', 'catholicism', 'learn', 'nothing', 'change', 'long', 'parents', 'silently', 'accept', 'mafia', 'supremacy', 'borrelli', 'personal', 'life', 'centers', 'relationship', '13-year-old', 'choir', 'boy', 'nunzio', 'pianese', 'strikingly', 'handsome', 'also', 'talented', 'musician', 'nunzio', 'plans', 'becoming', 'priest', 'well', 'easy', 'life', 'priest', 'without', 'worries', 'future', 'appeals', 'mobsters', 'figure', 'child', 'molestation', 'charge', 'convenient', 'way', 'get', 'rid', 'incendiary', 'lorenzo', 'try', 'get', 'local', 'authorities', 'investigate', 'meanwhile', 'nunzio', 'begins', 'doubt', 'stay', 'course', 'give', 'pressure', 'denounce', 'lorenzo'], ['plot', 'lillian', 'frank', 'performer', 'nightclub', 'lillian', 'tries', 'rouse', 'crowd', 'torch', 'song', 'lillie\\\\', 'blues', 'daughter', 'billie', 'accompanying', 'vocals', 'plot', 'fails', 'lillian', 'fired', 'desperate', 'money', 'lillian', 'goes', 'former', 'lovers', 'house', 'also', 'billie\\\\', 'father', 'ask', 'hands', 'small', 'amount', 'money', 'lillian', 'stuffs', 'cash', 'bosom', 'despite', 'lilian', 'still', 'feels', 'defeated', 'lights', 'cigarette', 'accidentally', 'falls', 'asleep', 'starts', 'fire', 'causing', 'building', 'evacuated', 'due', 'mother\\\\', 'actions', 'billie', 'fostered', 'lillian', 'promises', 'regain', 'custody', 'never', 'billie\\\\', 'father', 'picture', 'years', 'later', 'adult', 'billie', 'club', 'dancer', 'along', 'foster-care', 'friends', 'louise', 'roxanne', 'meet', 'timothy', 'walker', 'offers', 'contract', 'backup', 'singers/dancers', 'singer', 'sylk', 'initially', 'billie', 'refuses', 'hoping', 'achieve', 'stardom', 'terms', 'pestering', 'friends', 'billie', 'relents', 'three', 'contracted', 'record', 'hit', 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'write', 'song', 'dice', 'orders', 'billie', 'friends', 'leave', 'accusing', 'rafael', 'sexual', 'advances', 'towards', 'billie', 'louise', 'roxanne', 'give', 'billie', 'ultimatum', 'dice', 'leave', 'choose', 'billie', 'cries', 'comforted', 'dice', 'laments', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'none', 'would', 'ever', 'happened', 'reconciliation', 'short-lived', 'billie', 'gets', 'threat', 'timothy', 'concerning', 'debt', 'dice', 'failed', 'pay', 'billie', 'tells', 'dice', 'timothy', 'apartment', 'debt', 'contract', 'confused', 'thought', 'handled', 'contract', 'properly', 'admits', 'dice', 'timothy', 'threatened', 'dice', 'rage', 'puts', 'timothy', 'hospital', 'middle', 'beating', 'dice', 'arrested', 'causing', 'billie', 'leave', 'appearance', 'late', 'night', 'live', 'bail', 'billie', 'upset', 'dice', 'lied', 'contract', 'arrest', 'argues', 'leaves', 'nowhere', 'goes', 'back', 'live', 'roxanne', 'louise', 'billie', 'tries', 'deal', 'pain', 'creating', 'single', 'want', 'rafael', 'hit', 'emotional', 'pain', 'leads', 'solo', 'songwriting', 'dice', 'also', 'misses', 'billie', 'also', 'begins', 'writing', 'song', 'billie', 'goes', 'dice\\\\', 'apartment', 'attempt', 'reconcile', 'he\\\\', 'home', 'music', 'written', 'billie', 'realizes', 'wrote', 'song', 'never', 'far', 'kisses', 'sheet', 'music', 'leaving', 'lipstick', 'imprint', 'dice', 'later', 'discovers', 'dice', 'plans', 'reconciliation', 'shot', 'dead', 'timothy', 'billie\\\\', 'management', 'support', 'crew', 'see', 'report', 'murder', 'television', 'wonder', 'billie', 'see', 'seen', 'report', 'billie', 'onstage', 'commands', 'band', 'stop', 'playing', 'loverboy', 'tells', 'crowd', 'never', 'take', 'someone', 'granted', 'love', 'tell', 'might', 'never', 'chance', 'tell', 'really', 'feel', 'starts', 'sing', 'never', 'far', 'afterwords', 'billie', 'reads', 'note', 'dice', 'left', 'tells', 'love', 'plan', 'see', 'perform', 'found', 'billie\\\\', 'mother', 'billie\\\\', 'limo', 'takes', 'secluded', 'rural', 'property', 'united', 'mother'], ['samantha', 'mackenzie', 'president', 'daughter', 'public', 'eye', 'whole', 'life', 'recently', 'spent', 'sheltered', 'existence', 'white', 'house', 'father', 'usually', 'busy', 'look', 'daughter', 'accompanied', 'secret', 'service', 'agents', 'everywhere', 'goes', 'including', 'ladies', 'room', 'samantha', 'finally', 'believes', 'chance', 'break', 'cocoon', 'given', 'opportunity', 'attend', 'college', 'though', 'still', 'followed', 'secret', 'service', 'agents', 'samantha', 'last', 'feels', 'leading', 'normal', 'life', 'ends', 'sharing', 'dorm', 'crazed', 'mia', 'two', 'instantly', 'strike', 'begrudging', 'partnership', 'classroom', 'samantha', 'meets', 'james', 'samantha', 'feels', 'icing', 'cake', 'new', 'life', 'college', 'james', 'initially', 'thought', 'samantha', 'must', 'learn', 'two', 'sides', 'life', 'separate', 'order', 'entire', 'life', 'content', 'james', 'secret', 'service', 'agent', 'undercover', 'college', 'student', 'love', 'samantha', 'mackenzie'], [\"'nineteen-year-old\", 'high', 'school', 'student', 'danny', 'fisher', 'works', 'school', 'order', 'support', 'father', 'sister', 'mimi', 'danny\\\\', 'mother', 'died', 'grieving', 'father', 'lost', 'job', 'pharmacist', 'moved', 'impoverished', 'family', 'french', 'quarter', 'new', 'orleans', 'work', 'one', 'morning', 'danny', 'rescues', 'ronnie', 'abusive', 'date', 'taxi', 'ride', 'danny\\\\', 'high', 'school', 'kisses', 'danny', 'responds', 'schoolmates\\\\', 'teasing', 'kissing', 'ronnie', 'back', 'punching', 'one', 'face', 'earns', 'trip', 'principal\\\\', 'office', 'miss', 'pearson', 'teacher', 'tells', 'danny', 'graduate', 'principal', 'mr.', 'evans', 'sympathetic', 'powerless', 'help', 'danny', 'decides', 'drop', 'school', 'leaves', 'school', 'grounds', 'three', 'young', 'men', 'take', 'alley', 'leader', 'shark', 'wants', 'revenge', 'danny', 'hitting', 'brother', 'danny', 'defends', 'well', 'shark', 'invites', 'join', 'later', 'mr.', 'fisher', 'tries', 'convince', 'son', 'stay', 'school', 'instead', 'helps', 'shark\\\\', 'gang', 'shoplift', 'five-and-dime', 'singing', 'lover', 'doll', 'distract', 'customers', 'staff', 'nellie', 'working', 'snack', 'bar', 'notices', 'complicity', 'theft', 'turn', 'danny', 'invites', 'nellie', 'fictitious', 'party', 'hotel', 'room', 'finding', 'nobody', 'else', 'starts', 'crying', 'leaves', 'admitting', 'still', 'wants', 'see', 'conditions', 'night', 'danny', 'meets', 'ronnie', 'blue', 'shade', 'night', 'club', 'working', 'first', 'pretends', 'know', 'accompanied', 'boyfriend', 'club\\\\', 'owner', 'maxie', 'fields', 'maxie', 'believe', 'claims', 'heard', 'danny', 'sing', 'maxie', 'insists', 'danny', 'prove', 'sing', 'rendition', 'trouble', 'impresses', 'charlie', 'legrand', 'owner', 'king', 'creole', 'club', 'nightspot', 'area', 'owned', 'maxie', 'offers', 'danny', 'job', 'singer', 'meanwhile', 'mr.', 'fisher', 'gets', 'work', 'pharmacist', 'drug', 'store', 'boss', 'mr.', 'primont', 'gavin', 'gordon', 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'catcher/zip', 'party', 'almost', 'caught', 'decides', 'time', 'take', 'everything', 'next', 'level', 'tells', 'barbara', 'catcher', 'block', 'wants', 'interview', 'expos챕', 'nasa', 'space', 'program', 'asks', 'accompany', 'apartment', 'sets', 'everything', 'record', 'saying', 'loves', 'reveals', 'truth', 'knew', 'really', 'catcher', 'beginning', 'also', 'lied', 'barbara', 'novak', 'nancy', 'brown', 'one', 'catcher\\\\', 'many', 'secretaries', 'fell', 'love', 'whilst', 'working', 'know', 'turned', 'asked', 'want', 'another', 'one', 'long', 'list', 'romances', 'tells', 'different', 'women', 'knew', 'make', 'love', 'realize', 'catcher', 'love', 'proposing', 'one', 'many', 'lovers', 'appears', 'thanks', 'barbara', 'she\\\\', 'done', 'womankind', 'barbara', 'realizes', 'want', 'love', 'become', 'real', 'love', 'girl', 'vicky', 'peter\\\\', 'relationship', 'also', 'changes', 'insults', 'helping', 'catcher', 'peter', 'realizes', 'indeed', 'like', 'man', 'takes', 'vicky', 'catcher\\\\', 'apartment', 'take', 'things', 'next', 'level', 'days', 'later', 'catcher', 'completely', 'depressed', 'efforts', 'win', 'barbara', 'back', 'failed', 'even', 'expos챕', 'ruined', 'barbara', 'told', 'story', 'magazine', 'peter', 'also', 'depressed', 'relationship', 'vicky', 'apparently', 'based', 'sex', 'catcher', 'realizes', 'something', 'writes', 'new', 'expos챕', 'falling', 'love', 'barbara', 'novak', 'made', 'new', 'man', 'learns', 'opening', 'goes', 'interview', 'tells', 'much', 'changed', 'obvious', 'wants', 'turns', 'anyway', 'says', 'wished', 'could', 'middle', 'ground', 'somewhere', 'blonde', 'brunette', 'referring', 'real', 'persona', 'brunette', 'leaving', 'office', 'realizes', 'coming', 'surprises', 'elevator', 'showing', 'bright', 'red', 'hair', 'style', 'found', 'middle', 'ground', 'wants', 'fly', 'vegas', 'get', 'married', 'influencing', 'vicky', 'peter', 'also', 'decide', 'get', 'married', 'end', 'credits', 'show', 'marriage', 'resulted', 'new', 'book', 'intended', 'end', 'battle', 'sexes', 'pair', 'end', 'singing', 'here\\\\', 'love'], ['matko', 'destanov', 'small-time', 'roma', 'smuggler', 'profiteer', 'living', 'teenage', 'son', 'zare', 'ramshackle', 'house', 'danube', 'river', 'eastern', 'serbia', 'near', 'bulgarian', 'border', 'plans', 'acquire', 'whole', 'train', 'smuggled', 'fuel', 'finds', 'cut-price', 'obtain', 'loan', 'would', 'subsidize', 'heist', 'visits', 'grga', 'piti훶', 'wheelchair-using', 'old', 'gangster', 'old', 'friend', 'zarije', 'destanov', 'matko', 'father', 'zare', 'grandfather', 'matko', 'plots', 'details', 'job', 'ally', 'named', 'dadan', 'rich', 'fun-living', 'drug-snorting', 'gangster', 'harem', 'juggles', 'grenades', 'cheats', 'gambling', 'however', 'dadan', 'double-crosses', 'glitches', 'deal', 'giving', 'matko', 'drink', 'drugged', 'carrying', 'job', 'matko', 'unconscious', 'means', 'matko', 'owes', 'dadan', 'great', 'deal', 'cash', 'matko', 'afford', 'pay', 'dadan', 'makes', 'deal', 'whereby', 'would', 'forgive', 'debt', 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'garden', 'hose', 'zare', 'meanwhile', 'grabs', 'wedding', 'official', 'gunpoint', 'orders', 'solemnize', 'marriage', 'sweetheart', 'ida', 'two', 'sail', 'together', 'riverboat', 'set', 'bulgaria', 'fistful', 'cash', 'stashed', 'grandfather', 'accordion', 'blessing', 'respective', 'grandparents', 'witnesses', 'black', 'cat', 'white', 'cat'], [\"'anna\", 'foster', 'daughter', 'president', 'united', 'states', 'james', 'foster', 'secret', 'service', 'agents', 'ruin', 'first', 'date', 'anna', 'demands', 'less', 'supervision', 'upcoming', 'trip', 'prague', 'president', 'agrees', 'assign', 'two', 'agents', 'watch', 'anna', 'whose', 'secret', 'service', 'codename', 'liberty', 'prague', 'anna', 'friend', 'gabrielle', 'clare', 'attend', 'concert', 'anna', 'discovers', 'numerous', 'agents', 'crowd', 'believing', 'father', 'broken', 'promise', 'anna', 'eludes', 'protectors', 'gabrielle\\\\', 'help', 'outside', 'theater', 'asks', 'ben', 'calder', 'ride', 'motorbike', 'unknown', 'anna', 'ben', 'secret', 'service', 'agent', 'informs', 'agents', 'alan', 'weiss', 'cynthia', 'morales', 'found', 'president', 'learns', 'behavior', 'instructs', 'ben', 'guard', 'anna', 'without', 'revealing', 'true', 'identity', 'give', 'illusion', 'freedom', 'guarantee', 'safety', 'believing', 'finally', 'free', 'anna', 'jumps', 'vltava', 'river', 'naked', 'mistaking', 'danube', 'ben', 'climb', 'rooftop', 'watch', 'offenbach', 'opera', 'shown', 'plaza', 'next', 'morning', 'anna', 'calls', 'parents', 'initially', 'relieved', 'daughter', 'safe', 'president\\\\', 'tone', 'changes', 'shown', 'photos', 'undressing', 'outraged', 'father\\\\', 'tone', 'anna', 'decides', 'love', 'parade', 'berlin', 'ben', 'board', 'train', 'meet', 'scotty', 'mcgruff', 'flighty', 'romantic', 'gives', 'stack', 'six', 'million', 'dollar', 'man', 'stickers', 'instructing', 'post', 'random', 'places', 'one', 'day', 'unhappy', 'may', 'come', 'across', 'one', 'make', 'smile', 'ben', 'discovers', 'boarded', 'venice-bound', 'train', 'going', 'opposite', 'direction', 'berlin', 'venice', 'checking', 'agents', 'weiss', 'morales', '봶ho', 'growing', 'closer', 'romantically', '볿en', 'joins', 'anna', 'mcgruff', 'together', 'explore', 'city', 'mcgruff', 'leaves', 'anna', 'realizes', 'stolen', 'wallet', 'anna', 'recognized', 'tourists', 'ben', 'flee', 'money', 'tell', 'kind-hearted', 'gondolier', 'eugenio', 'joseph', 'long', 'recently', 'married', 'parents\\\\', 'wishes', 'free', 'gondola', 'ride', 'ben', 'kisses', 'anna', 'hide', 'pursuers', 'learns', 'newlyweds', 'place', 'stay', 'eugenio', 'invites', 'house', 'welcomed', 'mother', 'maria', 'night', 'thinking', 'kiss', 'heartfelt', 'anna', 'offers', 'ben', 'rejects', 'advances', 'next', 'day', 'eugenio', 'drives', 'austrian', 'border', 'weiss', 'morales', 'show', 'maria\\\\', 'house', 'learn', 'maria', 'anna', 'ben', 'married', 'reported', 'anna\\\\', 'parents', 'upset', 'ben\\\\', 'rejection', 'anna', 'hitchhikes', 'ride', 'truck', 'leaving', 'ben', 'chase', 'austrian', 'countryside', 'anna', 'comes', 'bridge', 'meets', 'jumping', 'germans', 'bungee', 'jumping', 'group', 'ben', 'arrives', 'anna', 'strapped', 'harness', 'insists', 'jumping', 'later', 'evening', 'jumping', 'germans\\\\', 'camp', 'one', 'germans', 'asks', 'anna', 'share', 'tent', 'night', 'refuses', 'flirts', 'ben', 'rejects', 'advances', 'upset', 'declares', 'share', 'german\\\\', 'tent', 'ben', 'finally', 'admits', 'feelings', 'anna', 'spend', 'night', 'together', 'love', 'parade', 'ben', 'explains', 'actions', 'phone', 'fellow', 'agents', 'anna', 'discovers', 'identity', 'enraged', 'apparent', 'betrayal', 'anna', 'runs', 'harassed', 'group', 'men', 'recognize', 'ben', 'rescues', 'anna', 'family', 'return', 'united', 'states', 'preparing', 'college', 'anna', 'reveals', 'mother', 'heart', 'little', 'bit', 'broken', 'college', 'weiss', 'morales', 'still', 'protecting', 'anna', 'sees', 'six', 'million', 'dollar', 'man', 'sticker', 'reminds', 'european', 'adventure', 'christmas', 'break', 'anna\\\\', 'father', 'tells', 'ben', 'resigned', 'secret', 'service', 'working', 'photographer', 'london', 'exchange', 'program', 'oxford', 'university', 'anna', 'visits', 'ben', 'opera', 'kiss', 'reconcile', 'escape', 'motorbike', 'secret', 'service', 'following'], ['gang', 'master', 'hung', 'died', 'two', 'followers', 'cheung', 'chapman', 'sent', 'thailand', 'look', 'son', 'georgie', 'hung', 'succeed', 'georgie', 'gay', 'lives', 'cook', 'boyfriend', 'frankie', 'uninterested', 'continue', 'father', 'work', 'close', 'friend', 'sam', 'adored', 'life', 'gangster', 'took', 'position', 'instead', 'sam', 'georgie', 'thus', 'returned', 'hong', 'kong', 'identities', 'swapped', 'upon', 'returning', 'discovered', 'hung', 'accidentally', 'killed', 'cheng', 'chow', 'father', 'cheng', 'chow', 'leading', 'gangster', 'friendly', 'gang', 'led', 'chan', 'wai-man', 'looking', 'avenge', 'father', 'death', 'meanwhile', 'chan', 'wai-man', 'wanted', 'let', 'daughter', 'julie', 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'initially', 'working', 'beauty', 'salon', 'wind', 'posing', 'drag', 'queens', 'auditioning', 'host', 'drag', 'revue', 'gay', 'club', 'sing', 'songs', 'hired', 'variety', 'show', 'first', 'entitled', 'drag', 'becomes', 'hit', 'things', 'going', 'smoothly', 'two', 'make', 'pact', 'let', 'men', 'interfere', 'life', 'causes', 'conflict', 'connie', 'falls', 'jeff', 'straight', 'brother', 'robert', 'one', 'drag', 'queen', 'friends', 'show', 'gets', 'bigger', 'two', 'convince', 'club', 'owner', 'stanley', 'convert', 'full', 'dinner', 'theater', 'eventually', 'popularity', 'threatens', 'expose', 'official', 'opening', 'night', 'dinner', 'theater', 'mob', 'killers', 'catch', 'help', 'drag', 'queen', 'friends', 'great', 'applause', 'audience', 'connie', 'carla', 'take', 'ultimately', 'confess', 'real', 'identities', 'audience', 'accepted', 'connie', 'reveals', 'jeff', 'arrives', 'chaos', 'accepts', 'becomes', 'boyfriend', 'following', 'list', 'musicals', 'referenced', 'featured', 'film', 'oklahoma', 'connie', 'carla', 'perform', 'oklahoma', 'young', 'girls', 'school', 'lunchroom', 'airport', 'lounge', \"cain\\\\'t\", 'say', 'audition', 'handlebar', 'jesus', 'christ', 'superstar', 'connie', 'carla', 'perform', 'superstar', 'airport', 'lounge', 'everything\\\\', 'alright', 'first', 'performance', 'handlebar', 'yentl', 'connie', 'carla', 'perform', 'papa', 'hear', 'airport', 'lounge', 'cats', 'connie', 'carla', 'perform', 'memory', 'airport', 'lounge', 'rocky', 'horror', 'show', 'peaches', 'creme', 'perform', 'time', 'warp', 'handlebar', 'cabaret', 'connie', 'carla', 'perform', 'maybe', 'time', 'audition', 'handlebar', 'evita', 'connie', 'carla', 'perform', \"don\\\\'t\", 'cry', 'argentina', 'audition', 'handlebar', 'mame', 'interludes', 'picture', 'character', 'tibor', 'seeing', 'several', 'performances', 'mame', 'south', 'pacific', 'gon', 'wash', 'man', 'right', 'outa', 'hair', 'part', 'connie', 'carla\\\\', 'performance', 'drag', 'handlebar', 'also', 'sing', 'nothing', 'like', 'dame', 'end', 'film', 'rest', 'main', 'cast', 'funny', 'girl', 'connie', 'carla', 'sing', \"don\\\\'t\", 'rain', 'parade', 'part', 'performance', 'drag', 'handlebar', 'thoroughly', 'modern', 'millie', 'producers', 'say', 'goodnight', 'gracie', 'never', 'gon', 'dance', 'gypsy', 'chicago', 'mamma', 'mia', 'long', 'days', 'journey', 'night', 'master', 'harold', '...', 'boys', 'avenue', 'man', 'mancha', 'hairspray', 'billboards', 'shows', 'shown', 'gypsy', 'rent', 'hairspray', 'point', 'film', 'mentioned', 'tibor', 'hairspray', 'got', 'matin챕e', 'ticket', 'though', 'songs', 'shows', 'sung', 'theater', 'productions', 'rent', 'hairspray', 'mamma', 'mia', 'became', 'semi-successful', 'movie', 'musicals', 'shortly', 'film', 'gypsy', 'let', 'entertain', 'performed', 'connie', 'carla', 'belles', 'balls', 'hair', 'connie', 'says', 'guys', 'enter', 'back', 'house', 'good', 'morning', 'starshine', 'music', 'man', 'debbie', 'reynolds', 'says', 'enter', 'back', 'house', 'seventy-six', 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'years', 'ago', 'stinging', 'defeat', 'big', 'day', 'game', 'comes', 'match', 'starts', 'badly', 'ecki', 'team', 'ultimately', 'able', 'triumph', 'old', 'teammates', 'allowing', 'homophobia', 'turn'], [\"'zack\", 'siler', 'soccer', 'star', 'class', 'president', 'honor', 'student', 'big', 'man', 'campus', 'southern', 'californian', 'high', 'school', 'popular', 'girlfriend', 'taylor', 'vaughan', 'ditches', 'faded', 'reality', 'star', 'real', 'world', 'brock', 'hudson', 'met', 'spring', 'break', 'florida', 'although', 'bitter', 'break-up', 'zack', 'consoles', 'claiming', 'taylor', 'replaceable', 'girl', 'school', 'zack\\\\', 'friend', 'dean', 'sampson', 'jr.', 'disagrees', 'challenges', 'bet', 'whether', 'zack', 'turn', 'random', 'girl', 'prom', 'queen', 'within', 'six', 'weeks', 'walking', 'around', 'school', 'dean', 'picks', 'laney', 'boggs', 'dorky', 'solitudinous', 'unpopular', 'art', 'student', 'choice', 'zack', 'zack', 'starts', 'approach', 'attempt', 'befriend', 'laney', 'hope', 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'celebrate', 'new', 'year', 'eve', 'friends', 'get', 'drunk', 'toasting', 'upcoming', 'marriage', 'central', 'male', 'character', 'zhenya', 'lukashin', 'galya', 'bath', 'one', 'friends', 'pavlik', 'catch', 'plane', 'leningrad', 'zhenya', 'hand', 'supposed', 'home', 'celebrate', 'new', 'year', 'eve', 'fianc챕e', 'zhenya', 'pavlik', 'pass', 'others', 'remember', 'unconscious', 'friends', 'supposed', 'catching', 'plane', 'eventually', 'mistakenly', 'decide', 'zhenya', 'put', 'plane', 'instead', 'pavlik', 'plane', 'collapses', 'onto', 'shoulder', 'annoyed', 'seatmate', 'played', 'director', 'brief', 'comedic', 'cameo', 'appearance', 'seatmate', 'helps', 'zhenya', 'get', 'plane', 'leningrad', 'wakes', 'leningrad', 'airport', 'believing', 'still', 'moscow', 'stumbles', 'taxi', 'still', 'quite', 'drunk', 'gives', 'driver', 'address', 'turns', 'leningrad', 'street', 'name', 'building', 'address', 'looks', 'exactly', 'like', 'zhenya', 'key', 'fits', 'door', 'apartment', 'number', 'inside', 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'interwoven', 'slowly', 'developing', 'love', 'story', 'morning', 'feel', 'everything', 'happened', 'delusion', 'make', 'difficult', 'decision', 'part', 'heavy', 'heart', 'zhenya', 'returns', 'moscow', 'meanwhile', 'nadya', 'reconsiders', 'everything', 'deciding', 'might', 'let', 'chance', 'happiness', 'slip', 'away', 'takes', 'plane', 'moscow', 'following', 'zhenya', 'easily', 'finding', 'moscow', 'since', 'addresses'], [\"'elder\", 'aaron', 'davis', 'young', 'mormon', 'pocatello', 'idaho', 'sent', 'los', 'angeles', 'three', 'missionaries', 'spread', 'mormon', 'faith', 'move', 'apartment', 'next', 'openly', 'gay', 'party', 'boy', 'christian', 'markelli', 'roommate', 'julie', 'aspiring', 'singer', 'christian', 'julie', 'work', 'waiters', 'lila\\\\', 'trendy', 'restaurant', 'owned', 'retired', 'actress', 'lila', 'montagne', 'christian', 'makes', 'bet', 'co-workers', 'seduce', 'one', 'mormons', 'soon', 'realizes', 'aaron', 'inexperienced', 'missionary', 'closeted', 'homosexual', 'aaron', 'christian', 'become', 'acquainted', 'several', 'encounters', 'apartment', 'complex', 'christian', 'accidentally', 'cuts', 'metal', 'hose', 'reel', 'faints', 'aaron', 'helps', 'indoors', 'cleans', 'wound', 'christian', 'attempts', 'seduce', 'aaron', 'hesitant', 'mormon', 'becomes', 'upset', 'christian\\\\', 'remark', 'sex', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'mean', 'anything', 'aaron', 'accuses', 'shallow', 'walks', 'worried', 'aaron', 'correct', 'christian', 'joins', 'project', 'angel', 'food', 'delivering', 'meals', 'people', 'aids', 'aaron\\\\', 'fellow', 'missionary', 'paul', 'ryder', 'cycling', 'accident', 'returning', 'apartment', 'distraught', 'aaron', 'encounters', 'christian', 'tries', 'comfort', 'hug', 'men', 'overwhelmed', 'feelings', 'end', 'kissing', 'failing', 'notice', 'return', 'aaron\\\\', 'roommates', 'aaron', 'sent', 'home', 'disgrace', 'leading', 'christian', 'confront', 'ryder', 'angry', 'christian', 'corrupted', 'aaron', 'reason', 'christian', 'admits', 'initially', 'wanted', 'win', 'bet', 'says', 'it\\\\', 'anymore', 'recognizing', 'christian\\\\', 'distress', 'ryder', 'tells', 'aaron\\\\', 'flight', 'five', 'hour', 'layover', 'salt', 'lake', 'city', 'christian', 'finds', 'aaron', 'standing', 'snow', 'outside', 'airport', 'terminal', 'christian', 'confesses', 'love', 'despite', 'misgivings', 'aaron', 'admits', 'feelings', 'love', 'flights', 'canceled', 'due', 'snowstorm', 'christian', 'aaron', 'spend', 'intimate', 'night', 'motel', 'christian', 'awakes', 'finds', 'aaron', 'gone', 'aaron\\\\', 'pocketwatch', 'family', 'heirloom', 'left', 'behind', 'christian', 'returns', 'los', 'angeles', 'idaho', 'aaron', 'excommunicated', 'church', 'elders', 'led', 'father', 'farron', 'stake', 'president', 'aaron', 'rejected', 'father', 'scolded', 'mother', 'tells', 'needs', 'pray', 'forgiveness', 'aaron', 'suggests', 'might', 'gay', 'mother', 'slaps', 'overwhelmed', 'despair', 'aaron', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'subsequently', 'sent', 'parents', 'treatment', 'facility', 'cured', 'homosexuality', 'christian', 'desperate', 'find', 'aaron', 'locates', 'home', 'address', 'phone', 'number', 'aaron\\\\', 'mother', 'informs', 'thanks', 'son', 'took', 'razor', 'wrists', 'thanks', 'lost', 'son', 'believing', 'aaron', 'dead', 'christian', 'spends', 'next', 'days', 'thinking', 'continually', 'aaron', 'julie', 'discovers', 'entry', 'christian\\\\', 'feelings', 'cellphone', 'journal', 'uses', 'basis', 'new', 'song', 'christian', 'travels', 'davis', 'home', 'idaho', 'tearfully', 'returns', 'aaron\\\\', 'watch', 'mother', 'encounter', 'julie', 'hesitantly', 'shows', 'new', 'video', 'upsets', 'christian', 'realizing', 'part', 'lyrics', 'came', 'personal', 'journal', 'without', 'consent', 'julie', 'tells', 'christian', 'hoped', 'something', 'good', 'would', 'come', 'treatment', 'facility', 'aaron', 'hears', 'female', 'voice', 'singing', 'investigates', 'discovers', 'music', 'video', 'playing', 'television', 'song', 'performed', 'julie', 'video', 'prompts', 'aaron', 'return', 'los', 'angeles', 'search', 'christian', 'upon', 'arriving', 'christian\\\\', 'apartment', 'aaron', 'heartbroken', 'stranger', 'answers', 'door', 'thinking', 'christian', 'returned', 'party', 'boy', 'ways', 'moved', 'nowhere', 'else', 'aaron', 'makes', 'way', 'lila\\\\', 'restaurant', 'befriended', 'owner', 'missionary', 'work', 'life', 'partner', 'died', 'christian', 'overjoyed', 'see', 'aaron', 'alive', 'reconcile', 'later', 'celebrate', 'thanksgiving', 'christian\\\\', 'co-workers', 'lila', 'tells', 'everyone', 'matter', 'always', 'place', 'table', 'place', 'heart'], ['shekhar', 'son', 'traditional', 'hindu', 'father', 'seaside', 'village', 'tamil', 'nadu', 'journalism', 'student', 'studying', 'bombay', 'shekhar', 'visits', 'back', 'home', 'see', 'family', 'one', 'return', 'trips', 'lays', 'eyes', 'shaila', 'bano', 'muslim', 'schoolgirl', 'village', 'initially', 'shy', 'shaila', 'seeks', 'distance', 'shekhar', 'frequent', 'run-ins', 'days', 'pursuit', 'shaila', 'begins', 'like', 'shekhar', 'eventually', 'fall', 'love', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'vehemently', 'opposed', 'lovers', 'fathers', 'shekar', 'father', 'refuses', 'accept', 'shaila', 'daughter-in-law', 'telling', 'shekhar', 'find', 'another', 'partner', 'whilst', 'shaila', 'father', 'announces', 'need', 'immediate', 'marriage', 'daughter', 'muslim', 'spouse', 'shekhar', 'father', 'says', 'two', 'ever', 'get', 'married', 'cease', 'talking', 'son', 'shekhar', 'reacts', 'angrily', 'father', 'refusal', 'accept', 'shaila', 'leaves', 'back', 'bombay', 'shaila', 'increasing', 'pressure', 'father', 'escapes', 'village', 'joins', 'shekhar', 'first', 'shaila', 'overwhelmed', 'city', 'relocated', 'first', 'time', 'rural', 'surroundings', 'city', 'life', 'however', 'time', 'adapts', 'new', 'lifestyle', 'two', 'get', 'married', 'newlyweds', 'move', 'new', 'apartment', 'months', 'later', 'shaila', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'gives', 'birth', 'twins', 'kabir', 'kamal', 'shekar', 'continues', 'work', 'journalist', 'whilst', 'shaila', 'works', 'home', 'looking', 'children', 'six', 'years', 'family', 'live', 'bombay', 'settling', 'well', 'begin', 'process', 'repairing', 'relations', 'respective', 'families', 'relatives', 'visit', 'family', 'city', 'first', 'time', 'half', 'decade', 'overjoyed', 'see', 'two', 'grandchildren', 'meanwhile', 'west', 'india', 'hindu', 'fundamentalism', 'rises', 'force', 'reckon', 'causing', 'wave', 'anti-muslim', 'riots', 'leave', 'thousands', 'dead', 'bombay', 'targets', 'violence', 'sides', 'shaila', 'shekhar', 'worry', 'increasingly', 'safety', 'children'], [\"'frances\", 'lawrence', 'turn', 'years', 'old', 'summer', 'break', 'junior', 'senior', 'years', 'high', 'school', 'resists', 'pressure', 'manhunting', 'girlfriends', 'laments', 'days', 'girls', 'fun', 'together', 'without', 'boys', 'frances', 'also', 'rejects', 'parents', 'wishing', 'fix', 'date', 'son', 'friend', 'family', 'jeffrey', 'matthews', 'jaunt', 'beach', 'bikini-clad', 'girlfriends', 'flat-chested', 'tomboy', 'frances', 'meets', 'surfer', 'moondoggie', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'shows', 'romantic', 'interest', 'however', 'frances', 'attracted', 'surfing', 'man', 'hunting', 'home', 'francie', 'importunes', 'parents', 'used', 'surfboard', 'russ', 'dorothy', 'lawrence', 'grant', 'daughter\\\\', 'request', 'early', 'birthday', 'present', 'excited', 'youngster', 'returns', 'beach', 'surf', 'gang', 'dubs', 'female', 'associate', 'gidget', 'portmanteau', 'word', 'based', \"\\\\'girl\\\\\", \"\\\\'midget\\\\\", 'associates', 'all-male', 'surfer', 'gang', 'led', 'worldly', 'beach', 'bum', 'kahuna', 'kahuna', 'korean', 'war', 'air', 'force', 'veteran', 'twice', 'age', 'frances', 'fed', 'rules', 'live', 'flew', 'combat', 'missions', 'dropped', 'normal', 'society', 'travels', 'hemisphere', 'surfing', 'pet', 'bird', 'moondoggie', 'admires', 'kahuna', 'wants', 'emulate', 'joining', 'kahuna', 'working', 'way', 'freighter', 'surfing', 'peru', 'summer\\\\', 'end', 'instead', 'going', 'university', 'self-made', 'father', 'planned', 'kahuna', 'gidget', 'enjoy', 'other\\\\', 'company', 'gidget', 'questioning', 'survive', 'aimless', 'lonely', 'existence', 'without', 'job', 'questions', 'whether', 'kahuna', 'knew', 'knew', 'would', 'still', 'make', 'lifestyle', 'choice', 'leaving', 'air', 'force', 'kahuna', 'later', 'reflects', 'gidget\\\\', 'words', 'death', 'friend', 'pet', 'bird', 'hoping', 'make', 'moondoggie', 'jealous', 'gidget', 'hires', 'one', 'surfers', 'gang', 'date', 'luau', 'party', 'beach', 'plan', 'backfires', 'surfer', 'hired', 'pawns', 'job', 'none', 'moondoggie', 'unaware', 'one', 'gidget', 'wanted', 'make', 'jealous', 'gidget', 'lies', 'tells', 'moondoggie', 'kahuna', 'wants', 'make', 'jealous', 'romantic', 'evening', 'luau', 'eventually', 'moondoggie', 'says', 'something', 'upsets', 'gidget', 'flees', 'luau', 'runs', 'kahuna', 'agrees', 'take', 'nearby', 'beach', 'house', 'alone', 'kahuna', 'gidget', 'tries', 'make', 'kahuna', 'take', 'virginity', 'amused', 'kahuna', 'attempts', 'call', 'gidget\\\\', 'bluff', 'pretending', 'take', 'offer', 'finds', 'falling', 'spell', 'realizing', 'angry', 'situation', 'he\\\\', 'put', 'kahuna', 'throws', 'beach', 'house', 'moondoggie', 'arrives', 'gidget', 'mortified', 'escapes', 'back', 'beach', 'house', 'moondoggie', 'confronts', 'kahuna', 'cops', 'called', 'break', 'fight', 'kahuna', 'moondoggie', 'leaving', 'beach', 'house', 'find', 'gidget', 'stranded', 'flat', 'tire', 'without', 'driver\\\\', 'license', 'bring', 'police', 'station', 'gidget\\\\', 'father', 'heard', 'incident', 'decides', 'take', 'control', 'social', 'life', 'orders', 'see', 'surfer', 'gang', 'falls', 'depression', 'mother', 'shows', 'tapestry', 'grandmother', 'reading', 'real', 'woman', 'brings', 'best', 'man', 'end', 'mr.', 'lawrence', 'arranges', 'date', 'gidget', 'jeffrey', 'matthews', 'frances', 'grudgingly', 'accepts', 'surprise', 'matthews', 'turns', 'moondoggie', 'two', 'return', 'beach', 'find', 'kahuna', 'tearing', 'beach', 'shack', 'find', 'he\\\\', 'taken', 'job', 'airline', 'pilot', 'moondoggie', 'gidget', 'realize', 'feel', 'act', 'romantic', 'devotion', 'moondoggie', 'asks', 'gidget', 'wear', 'class', 'pin', 'kahuna', 'cheefully', 'warns', 'moondoggie', 'gidget', 'quite', 'woman'], [\"'ella\", 'peterson', 'works', 'switchboard', 'operator', 'susanswerphone', 'answering', 'service', \"can\\\\'t\", 'help', 'breaking', 'rules', 'becoming', 'overly', 'involved', 'lives', 'subscribers', 'peculiar', 'ones', 'include', 'dentist', 'composes', 'songs', 'air', 'hose', 'actor', 'emulates', 'marlon', 'brando', 'little', 'boy', 'pretends', 'santa', 'claus', 'ella', 'secret', 'crush', 'voice', 'subscriber', 'jeffrey', 'moss', 'playwright', 'plays', 'comforting', 'mom', 'character', 'finally', 'meets', 'face', 'face', 'brings', 'message', 'false', 'name', 'romantic', 'sparks', 'confusion', 'begin', 'humorous', 'subplot', 'involves', 'courtly', 'otto', 'convinces', 'susanswerphone', 'take', 'orders', 'mail-order', 'classical', 'record', 'business', 'unfortunately', 'otto', 'actually', 'bookie', 'whose', 'orders', 'system', 'betting', 'horses', 'unwittingly', 'ella', 'changes', 'orders', 'realizing', 'changing', 'bets', 'although', 'police', 'begin', 'assume', 'susanswerphone', 'might', 'front', 'escort', 'service', 'plot', 'ends', 'happily', 'jeff', 'proposing', 'wacky', 'subscribers', 'coming', 'thank'], ['vatican', 'financial', 'difficulties', 'world', 'war', 'young', 'priest', 'america', 'sent', 'recommended', 'accounting', 'skill', 'father', 'john', 'flaherty', 'indeed', 'good', 'head', 'figures', 'also', 'believes', 'means', 'end', 'raise', 'money', 'church', 'willing', 'enter', 'black', 'market', 'operation', 'mafia', 'selling', 'cartons', 'cigarettes', 'tens', 'thousands', 'percentage', 'take', 'priest', 'morals', 'strained', 'develops', 'romantic', 'interest', 'clara', 'young', 'nun', 'crisis', 'faith', 'begin', 'affair', 'flaherty', 'confess', 'true', 'identity', 'one', 'day', 'papal', 'audience', 'clara', 'catches', 'sight', 'flaherty', 'clerical', 'robes', 'love', 'trust', 'shattered', 'flaherty', 'methods', 'may', 'overlooked', 'success', 'raising', 'funds', 'appreciated', 'superiors', 'rises', 'become', 'monsignor', 'ill-advised', 'stock', 'investment', 'costs', 'vatican', 'millions', 'however', 'flaherty', 'must', 'pay', 'price', 'deeds'], ['film', 'stars', 'cryer', 'son', 'senator', 'spent', 'life', 'away', 'boarding', 'school', 'eccentric', 'boy', 'fan', 'horror', 'films', 'personality', 'fit', 'carefully', 'calculated', 'conservative', 'image', 'mother', 'designed', 'family', 'brought', 'home', 'help', 'father', 'campaign', 'unwittingly', 'discovers', 'others', 'setting', 'family', 'fall', 'help', 'zany', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'manages', 'save', 'day', 'loosen', 'family', 'process'], ['bale', 'plays', 'chris', 'young', 'married', 'professional', 'living', 'ordinary', 'life', 'fictional', 'suburb', 'eastwood', 'near', 'london', 'late', '1970s', 'although', 'still', 'loves', 'wife', 'marion', 'chris', 'still', 'experiences', 'boredom', 'visit', 'old', 'friend', 'carefree', 'toni', 'lee', 'ross', 'causes', 'chris', 're-evaluate', 'life', 'recall', 'time', 'spent', 'paris', 'ten', 'years', 'relationship', 'exciting', 'french', 'woman', 'named', 'annick', 'dreamed', 'becoming', 'photographer', 'chris', 'considers', 'sex', 'another', 'woman', 'party', 'discovers', 'toni', 'arranged', 'attempt', 'draw', 'chris', 'complacency', 'marion', 'resisted', 'sexual', 'advances', 'toni', 'points', 'chris', 'toni', 'actually', 'jealous', 'chris', 'chris', 'realises', 'although', 'life', 'may', 'lack', 'perpetual', 'excitement', 'made', 'right', 'decisions', 'content', 'film', 'explores', 'tension', 'youthful', 'idealism', 'hedonistic', 'existence', 'inevitable', 'middle-class', 'establishment', \"'metroland\", 'refers', 'london', 'suburbs', 'served', 'expansive', 'underground', 'network', 'environment', 'chris', 'toni', 'always', 'promised', 'would', 'escape', 'narrative', 'format', 'largely', 'flashback', 'extended', 'portions', 'showing', 'chris', 'year', 'old', 'living', 'paris', 'primary', 'difference', 'film', '1980', 'novel', 'metroland', 'based', 'narrative', 'structure', 'book', 'proceeds', 'chronologically', 'chris', 'youth', 'early', 'years', 'marriage', 'whereas', 'film', 'uses', 'flashbacks', 'time', 'paris', 'book', 'chris', 'graduate', 'student', 'paris', 'interest', 'photography', 'finally', 'book', 'chris', 'encounter', 'another', 'woman', 'party', 'arranged', 'toni', 'indication', 'toni', 'made', 'pass', 'chris', 'wife', 'marion', 'much', 'dialogue', 'book', 'preserved', 'film'], [\"'two\", 'friends', 'convicts', 'joe', 'terry', 'break', 'oregon', 'state', 'penitentiary', 'concrete', 'mixing', 'truck', 'start', 'bank', 'robbing', 'spree', 'hoping', 'fund', 'dream', 'share', 'become', 'known', 'sleepover', 'bandits', 'modus', 'operandi', 'kidnap', 'manager', 'target', 'bank', 'night', 'planned', 'robbery', 'spend', 'night', 'manager\\\\', 'family', 'early', 'next', 'morning', 'accompany', 'manager', 'bank', 'get', 'money', 'using', 'dim-witted', 'would-be', 'stunt', 'man', 'harvey', 'pollard', 'getaway', 'driver', 'lookout', 'three', 'successfully', 'pull', 'series', 'robberies', 'gets', 'recognition', 'fbi\\\\', 'ten', 'wanted', 'list', 'housewife', 'failing', 'marriage', 'decides', 'run', 'away', 'ends', 'hands', 'criminals', 'initially', 'attracted', 'joe', 'also', 'ends', 'bed', 'terry', 'confused', 'love', 'triangle', 'begins', 'three', 'lam', 'manage', 'pull', 'robberies', 'two', 'begin', 'fight', 'kate', 'decides', 'leave', 'two', 'criminals', 'decide', 'pull', 'one', 'last', 'job', 'story', 'told', 'flashbacks', 'framed', 'story', 'pair\\\\', 'last', 'robbery', 'alamo', 'bank', 'told', 'criminals', 'large', 'fictional', 'reality', 'television', 'show', 'show', 'tells', 'story', 'last', 'job', 'failure', 'kate', 'tips', 'police', 'two', 'caught', 'act', 'two', 'begin', 'argue', 'joe', 'tells', 'police', \"won\\\\'t\", 'take', 'alive', 'argument', 'gets', 'point', 'two', 'shoot', 'dead', 'end', 'film', 'real', 'story', 'behind', 'last', 'job', 'revealed', 'harvey', 'used', 'special', 'effects', 'make', 'seem', 'though', 'terry', 'joe', 'shooting', 'harvey', 'girlfriend', 'ran', 'dressed', 'paramedics', 'placed', 'stolen', 'money', 'terry', 'joe', 'body', 'bags', 'ambulance', 'harvey', 'uses', 'electronics', 'blow', 'tires', 'sends', 'ambulance', 'junkyard', 'jumpsuit', 'harvey', 'wearing', 'fire', 'suit', 'lights', 'fire', 'rigs', 'bomb', 'kate', 'harvey', 'harvey\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'terry', 'joe', 'flee', 'scene', 'leading', 'officials', 'believe', 'bodies', 'burned', 'reunited', 'joe', 'terry', 'harvey', 'kate', 'make', 'mexico', 'live', 'dream', 'last', 'scene', 'shows', 'harvey', 'getting', 'married', 'mexico', 'kate', 'kissing', 'joe', 'terry', 'passionately'], ['film', 'sets', 'november', '1970', 'last', 'day', 'mishima', 'life', 'shown', 'finishing', 'manuscript', 'puts', 'uniform', 'designed', 'meets', 'four', 'loyal', 'followers', 'private', 'army', 'flashbacks', 'highlighting', 'episodes', 'past', 'life', 'viewer', 'sees', 'mishima', 'progression', 'sickly', 'young', 'boy', 'one', 'japan', 'acclaimed', 'writers', 'post-war', 'era', 'loathing', 'materialism', 'modern', 'japan', 'turn', 'towards', 'extremist', 'traditionalism', 'sets', 'private', 'army', 'proclaims', 'reinstating', 'emperor', 'head', 'state', 'biographical', 'parts', 'interwoven', 'short', 'dramatizations', 'three', 'mishima', 'novels', 'temple', 'golden', 'pavilion', 'stuttering', 'aspirant', 'sets', 'fire', 'famous', 'zen', 'buddhist', 'temple', 'feels', 'inferior', 'sight', 'beauty', 'kyoko', 'house', 'depicts', 'sadomasochistic', 'relationship', 'elderly', 'woman', 'young', 'lover', 'financial', 'debt', 'runaway', 'horses', 'group', 'young', 'fanatic', 'nationalists', 'fails', 'overthrow', 'government', 'leader', 'subsequently', 'committing', 'suicide', 'frame', 'story', 'flashbacks', 'dramatizations', 'segmented', 'four', 'chapters', 'film', 'title', 'named', 'beauty', 'art', 'action', 'harmony', 'pen', 'sword', 'film', 'culminates', 'mishima', 'followers', 'taking', 'general', 'japanese', 'armed', 'forces', 'hostage', 'addresses', 'garrison', 'soldiers', 'asking', 'join', 'struggle', 'reinstate', 'emperor', 'nation', 'sovereign', 'faced', 'proclamation', 'largely', 'ignored', 'ridiculed', 'mishima', 'commits', 'seppuku'], ['john', 'clark', 'lawyer', 'charming', 'wife', 'loving', 'family', 'nevertheless', 'feels', 'something', 'missing', 'makes', 'way', 'every', 'day', 'city', 'evening', 'commute', 'home', 'chicago', 'john', 'sees', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'staring', 'lost', 'expression', 'window', 'dance', 'studio', 'haunted', 'gaze', 'john', 'impulsively', 'jumps', 'train', 'one', 'night', 'signs', 'ballroom', 'dancing', 'lessons', 'hoping', 'meet', 'first', 'seems', 'like', 'mistake', 'teacher', 'turns', 'paulina', 'older', 'miss', 'mitzi', 'john', 'proves', 'clumsy', 'equally', 'clueless', 'classmates', 'chic', 'vern', 'dance-floor', 'even', 'worse', 'meet', 'paulina', 'icily', 'tells', 'john', 'hopes', 'come', 'studio', 'seriously', 'study', 'dance', 'look', 'date', 'lessons', 'continue', 'john', 'falls', 'love', 'dancing', 'keeping', 'new', 'obsession', 'family', 'co-workers', 'john', 'feverishly', 'trains', 'chicago', 'biggest', 'dance', 'competition', 'friendship', 'paulina', 'blossoms', 'enthusiasm', 'rekindles', 'lost', 'passion', 'dance', 'time', 'john', 'spends', 'away', 'home', 'wife', 'beverly', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'hires', 'private', 'investigator', 'find', 'john', 'finds', 'truth', 'chooses', 'discontinue', 'investigation', 'invade', 'husband', 'privacy', 'john', 'partnered', 'bobbie', 'competition', 'although', 'friend', 'link', 'steps', 'latin', 'dances', 'link', 'bobbie', 'well', 'latin', 'dances', 'john', 'bobbie', 'waltz', 'goes', 'well', 'john', 'hears', 'wife', 'daughter', 'crowd', 'quickstep', 'distracted', 'trying', 'find', 'bobbie', 'fall', 'disqualified', 'john', 'beverly', 'argue', 'parking', 'structure', 'john', 'quits', 'dancing', 'everyone', 'dismay', 'paulina', 'inspired', 'john', 'take', 'competing', 'leaving', 'europe', 'going-away', 'party', 'dance', 'studio', 'sends', 'john', 'invitation', 'convinced', 'wife', 'leaves', 'pair', 'dancing', 'shoes', 'bought', 'goes', 'meets', 'beverly', 'work', 'convinces', 'loves', 'dancing', 'still', 'loves', 'much', 'dance', 'party', 'john', 'paulina', 'one', 'last', 'dance', 'leaves', 'end', 'scene', 'shows', 'everyone', 'afterwards', 'link', 'bobbie', 'together', 'chic', 'actually', 'gay', 'dances', 'club', 'partner', 'miss', 'mitzi', 'finds', 'new', 'partner', 'happy', 'together', 'john', 'beverly', 'back', 'normal', 'dance', 'kitchen', 'vern', 'newly', 'married', 'fianc챕e', 'dances', 'wedding', 'private', 'investigator', 'beverly', 'hired', 'devine', 'starts', 'dance', 'lessons', 'paulina', 'new', 'partner', 'competes', 'blackpool', 'competition', 'lost', 'years'], ['strait-laced', 'banker', 'works', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'charles', 'driggs', 'meets', 'sexy', 'wild', 'child', 'audrey', 'hankel', 'aka', 'lulu', 'series', 'small', 'adventures', 'though', 'initially', 'protests', 'finds', 'free-wheeling', 'lifestyle', 'adds', 'spark', 'missing', 'life', 'relationship', 'takes', 'dark', 'turn', 'violent', 'ex-convict', 'husband', 'ray', 'sinclair', 'shows', 'high', 'school', 'class', 'reunion', 'wants', 'back'], [\"'jeff\", 'peters', 'emotionally', 'repressed', 'scientist', \"can\\\\'t\", 'stand', 'others', 'intellectual', 'inferiority', 'dreams', 'deep', 'space', 'exploration', 'would', 'difficult', 'lack', 'human', 'contact', 'long', 'periods', 'time', 'develops', 'ulysses', 'android', 'purpose', 'space', 'exploration', 'since', 'android', 'would', 'affected', 'isolation', 'frankie', 'stone', 'hired', 'public', 'relations', 'project', 'part', 'job', 'must', 'get', 'know', 'android', 'better', 'order', 'humanize', 'benefit', 'project\\\\', 'sponsors', 'congress', 'however', 'interaction', 'android', 'develops', 'emotions', 'develops', 'better', 'social', 'skills', 'scientist', 'one', 'point', 'impersonates', 'jeff', 'order', 'leave', 'laboratory', 'stows', 'away', 'frankie\\\\', 'car', 'escaping', 'encounters', 'human', 'society', 'shopping', 'mall', 'buys', 'tuxedo', 'goes', 'date', 'woman', 'thinks', 'jeff', 'reducing', 'emotional', 'wreck', 'loses', 'head', 'frankie\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'trish', 'taken', 'refuge', 'frankie\\\\', 'apartment', 'walking', 'husband', 'frankie', 'also', 'develops', 'feelings', 'android', 'befriends', 'jeff', 'lesser', 'level', 'frankie\\\\', 'mother', 'seen', 'ulysses', 'assumes', 'frankie\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'expects', 'frankie', 'bring', 'wedding', 'frankie\\\\', 'sister', 'frankie', 'persuades', 'jeff', 'impersonate', 'ulysses', 'ulysses', 'absconds', 'lab', 'gate-crashes', 'wedding', 'dancing', 'ulysses', 'short-circuits', 'crashes', 'swimming', 'pool', 'turning', 'occasion', 'public', 'relations', 'disaster', 'frankie', 'fired', 'job', 'forbidden', 'contact', 'ulysses', 'anyone', 'project', 'attempts', 'say', 'goodbye', 'launch', 'day', 'using', 'connections', 'former', 'client', 'boyfriend', 'candidate', 'congress', 'sees', 'ulysses', 'farewell', 'speech', 'bemoans', 'tendency', 'humans', 'tragic', 'emotional', 'relationships', 'eventually', 'becomes', 'clear', 'ulysses\\\\', 'final', 'speech', 'actually', 'made', 'jeff', 'realized', 'deal', 'people', 'due', 'lack', 'social', 'skills', 'jeff', 'realizes', 'lack', 'human', 'contact', 'hardship', 'jeff', 'decided', 'space', 'android', 'takes', 'place', 'earth', 'ulysses', 'frankie', 'together'], ['oliver', 'barrett', 'emotionally', 'devastated', 'death', 'wife', 'jenny', 'tries', 'lose', 'work', 'lawyer', 'long', 'hours', \"n't\", 'ease', 'pain', 'especially', 'finds', 'leftist', 'views', 'conflict', 'senior', 'partners', 'firm', 'eventually', 'oliver', 'inconsolable', 'grief', 'begins', 'alienate', 'around', 'finds', 'new', 'love', 'marcie', 'bonwit', 'wealthy', 'beautiful', 'heiress', 'bonwit', 'teller', 'fortune', 'despite', 'affection', 'oliver', 'finds', 'difficult', 'leave', 'memory', 'jenny', 'behind', 'causes', 'major', 'problems', 'relationship'], [\"'nineteen-year-old\", 'tomek', 'living', 'apartment', 'complex', 'warsaw', 'godmother', '봲taying', 'son\\\\', 'room', 'he\\\\', 'away', 'raised', 'orphanage', 'shy', 'tomek', 'friends', 'works', 'postal', 'clerk', 'tomek', 'spying', 'beautiful', 'older', 'woman', 'magda', 'lives', 'adjacent', 'apartment', 'complex', 'using', 'telescope', 'watches', 'every', 'night', 'performing', 'mundane', 'tasks', 'working', 'artwork', 'entertaining', 'men', 'get', 'closer', 'slips', 'fake', 'postal', 'notices', 'mailbox', 'nonexistent', 'money', 'order', 'post', 'office', 'also', 'calls', 'anonymously', 'hear', 'voice', 'tomek\\\\', 'obsession', 'focused', 'everyday', 'activities', 'rather', 'sex', 'life', 'sees', 'becoming', 'sexual', 'men', 'trains', 'telescope', 'away', 'watch', 'tomek', 'learns', 'problem', 'milk', 'deliveries', 'magda\\\\', 'apartment', 'complex', 'takes', 'delivery', 'job', 'closer', 'one', 'night', 'sees', 'return', 'home', 'breaking', 'latest', 'boyfriend', 'spilling', 'bottle', 'milk', 'weeping', 'another', 'failed', 'relationship', 'later', 'tomek', 'asks', 'godmother', 'people', 'cry', 'receiving', 'another', 'fake', 'postal', 'notice', 'magda', 'confrontation', 'postmistress', 'accuses', 'extortion', 'magda', 'walks', 'away', 'upset', 'tomek', 'follows', 'admits', 'leaving', 'fake', 'postal', 'notices', 'saw', 'crying', 'he\\\\', 'watching', 'night', 'magda', 'arranges', 'bed', 'tomek', 'see', 'another', 'boyfriend', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'bed', 'tells', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'watched', 'someone', 'across', 'way', 'boyfriend', 'rushes', 'street', 'calls', 'tomek', 'comes', 'downstairs', 'punches', 'face', 'voyeurism', 'next', 'day', 'delivering', 'milk', 'magda', 'tomek', 'admits', 'loves', 'expects', 'nothing', 'return', 'overwhelmed', 'feelings', 'tomek', 'rushes', 'roof', 'building', 'returns', 'magda\\\\', 'apartment', 'asks', 'date', '봞nd', 'accepts', 'elated', 'tomek', 'races', 'courtyard', 'milkcart', 'date', 'cafe', 'magda', 'learns', 'tomek', 'watching', 'year', 'stole', 'letters', 'mailed', 'old', 'boyfriend', 'first', 'she\\\\', 'upset', 'dismisses', 'saying', 'matter', 'response', 'earlier', 'declaration', 'love', 'tells', 'love', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'exist', '봮nly', 'sex', 'shows', 'caress', 'hands', 'way', 'lovers', 'later', 'night', 'apartment', 'showers', 'changes', 'short', 'bathrobe', 'gives', 'small', 'gift', 'says', 'she\\\\', 'good', 'person', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'deserve', 'gifts', 'crouching', 'front', 'guides', 'hands', 'onto', 'thighs', 'orgasm', 'magda', 'says', 'love', '...', 'that\\\\', 'tomek', 'rushes', 'apartment', 'embarrassed', 'upset', 'magda', 'feels', 'guilty', 'tries', 'communicate', 'window', '봥esturing', 'call', 'holding', 'sign', 'reads', 'come', 'back', 'sorry', 'response', 'back', 'apartment', 'tomek', 'cuts', 'wrists', 'razor', 'blade', 'later', 'magda', 'comes', 'tomek\\\\', 'apartment', 'return', 'coat', 'left', 'behind', 'learns', 'godmother', 'tried', 'kill', 'taken', 'hospital', 'magda', 'tells', 'think', 'hurt', 'tomek\\\\', 'godmother', 'shows', 'tomek\\\\', 'room', 'telescope', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'fallen', 'love', 'asked', 'he\\\\', 'fallen', 'wrong', 'woman', 'magda', 'responds', 'yes', 'coming', 'days', 'magda', 'unable', 'find', 'tomek', '봲he', 'clearly', 'worried', 'concerned', 'wellbeing', 'one', 'night', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'thinking', 'tomek', 'acknowledges', 'right', 'love', 'days', 'waiting', 'watching', 'tomek\\\\', 'window', 'small', 'binoculars', 'finally', 'sees', 'he\\\\', 'returned', 'magda', 'goes', 'tomek\\\\', 'apartment', 'godmother', 'shows', 'room', 'sees', 'tomek', 'sleeping', 'wrists', 'still', 'bandaged', 'godmother', 'prevents', 'getting', 'close', '봢ven', 'preventing', 'touching', 'bandaged', 'wrist.the', 'opening', 'scene', 'film', 'shows', 'magda\\\\', 'hand', 'trying', 'touch', 'tomek\\\\', 'bandaged', 'wrist', 'flash-forward', 'final', 'scene.insdorf', '1999', '97.', 'noticing', 'telescope', 'magda', 'looks', 'toward', 'apartment', 'imagines', 'tomek', 'must', 'seen', 'night', 'watching', 'come', 'home', 'spilling', 'milk', 'weeping', 'another', 'failed', 'relationship', 'closes', 'eyes', 'imagines', 'tomek', 'apartment', 'reaching', 'comfort', '봞nd', 'smiles'], ['tashi', 'raised', 'buddhist', 'monk', 'since', 'age', 'five', 'gets', 'erotic', 'phantasms', 'adolescent', 'spiritual', 'master', 'decides', 'time', 'taste', 'profane', 'life', 'sending', 'journey', 'real', 'himalayan', 'world', 'told', 'hottest', 'dream', 'real', 'tashi', 'decides', 'leave', 'monastery', 'marries', 'pema', 'daughter', 'rich', 'farmer', 'actually', 'engaged', 'local', 'stonemason', 'jamayang', 'ex-lama', 'soon', 'becomes', 'rich', 'land-owner', 'makes', 'killing', 'harvest', 'bringing', 'city', 'instead', 'selling', 'half', 'price', 'local', 'merchant', 'dawa', 'half', 'next', 'harvest', 'perishes', 'fire', 'yet', 'comes', 'raises', 'bright', 'son', 'karma', 'committing', 'infidelity', 'contemplated', 'years', 'later', 'hears', 'promiscuous', 'indian', 'labourer', 'girl', 'named', 'sujata', 'tashi', 'reconsiders', 'life'], [\"'tony\", 'wealthy', 'young', 'londoner', 'hires', 'hugo', 'barrett', 'manservant', 'initially', 'barrett', 'appears', 'take', 'easily', 'new', 'job', 'tony', 'form', 'quiet', 'bond', 'retaining', 'social', 'roles', 'relationships', 'begin', 'shifting', 'however', 'change', 'introduction', 'susan', 'tony\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'seems', 'suspicious', 'barrett', 'loathe', 'represents', 'barrett', 'brings', 'vera', 'presents', 'sister', 'tony\\\\', 'household', 'maidservant', 'emerges', 'vera', 'actually', 'barrett\\\\', 'lover', 'barrett\\\\', 'vera\\\\', 'games', 'machinations', 'reverse', 'roles', 'tony', 'susan', 'tony', 'becomes', 'dissipated', 'sinking', 'perceives', 'level', 'master', 'servant', 'exchange', 'roles', 'final', 'scene', 'tony', 'become', 'wholly', 'dependent', 'barrett', 'susan', 'exiled', 'permanently', 'house', 'losey', 'first', 'showed', 'robin', 'maugham\\\\', 'novelette', 'servant', 'bogarde', '1954.', 'originally', 'separately', 'commissioned', 'director', 'michael', 'anderson', 'pinter', 'stripped', 'first-person', 'narrator', 'yellow', 'book', 'snobbery', 'arguably', 'anti-semitic', 'characterisation', 'barrett', 'oiliness', 'heavy', 'lids', 'replacing', 'economical', 'language', 'implied', 'rather', 'stated', 'slippage', 'power', 'relations', 'away', 'tony', 'towards', 'barrett', 'losey', 'collaborations', 'pinter', 'accident', 'go-between', 'share', 'resemblance', 'servant', 'offer', 'savage', 'indictment', 'waning', 'english', 'class', 'system', 'losey', 'joseph', 'servant', 'studio', 'canal', '2007', 'theme', 'british', 'film-makers', 'previously', 'explored'], ['eric', 'sculptor', 'wakes', 'recalling', 'disturbing', 'dream', 'followed', 'frantically', 'picking', 'random', 'women', 'streets', 'taking', 'back', 'studio', 'sex', 'however', 'clearly', 'distressed', 'something', 'turns', 'aftermath', 'breakup', 'olga', 'movie', 'recounts', 'relationship', 'olga', 'olga', 'picks', 'eric', 'hitchhiking', 'immediately', 'hit', 'together', 'sexually', 'spiritually', 'live', 'together', 'marry', 'however', 'relationship', 'strongly', 'resisted', 'olga', 'mother', 'approve', 'bohemian', 'sculptor', 'lives', 'poorly', 'occasional', 'commissions', 'suitable', 'match', 'olga', 'nevertheless', 'eric', 'olga', 'get', 'married', 'olga', 'family', 'accepts', 'number', 'adventures', 'olga', 'suddenly', 'starts', 'acting', 'strangely', 'party', 'organised', 'family', 'flirts', 'businessman', 'arguments', 'eric', 'slaps', 'leaves', 'eric', 'trashes', 'studio', 'violently', 'crushing', 'anything', 'reminded', 'olga', 'brings', 'movie', 'point', 'opened', 'ending', 'flashback', 'eric', 'still', 'obsessed', 'olga', 'sees', 'occasionally', 'acts', 'outrageously', 'often', 'presence', 'men', 'family', 'refuses', 'let', 'eric', 'visit', 'says', 'come', 'arrange', 'divorce', 'short', 'olga', 'gets', 'married', 'american', 'businessman', 'soon', 'goes', 'wrong', 'olga', 'moves', 'back', 'netherlands', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'olga', 'flamboyantly', 'dressed', 'acting', 'almost', 'completely', 'incoherent', 'collapses', 'taken', 'hospital', 'diagnosed', 'brain', 'tumor', 'surgical', 'intervention', 'could', 'remove', 'becomes', 'clear', 'die', 'eric', 'brings', 'turkish', 'delight', 'thing', 'eat', 'afraid', 'harder', 'food', 'break', 'teeth', 'soon', 'dies'], [\"'in\", 'beginning', 'movie', 'new', 'generation', 'nerds', 'rule', 'adams', 'college', 'campus', 'upholding', 'traditions', 'nerds', 'first', 'film', 'alpha', 'betas', 'respectful', 'nerds\\\\', 'prominence', 'even', 'wish', 'could', 'get', 'nerds', 'join', 'frat', 'however', 'changes', 'orrin', 'price', 'becomes', 'member', 'adams', 'college', 'board', 'regents', 'new', 'generation', 'jocks', 'come', 'campus', 'including', 'orrin\\\\', 'obnoxious', 'son', 'brain-dead', 'jock', 'named', 'bobo', 'stan', 'gable', 'pathetic', 'motorcycle', 'police', 'officer', 'orrin', 'price', 'implausibly', 'installs', 'new', 'dean', 'students', 'gable', 'price', 'rally', 'abs', 'cause', 'trouble', 'nerds', 'whose', 'group', 'includes', 'obese', 'english', 'inductee', 'korean', 'elvis', 'impersonator', 'early', 'anti-nerd', 'actions', 'include', 'vandalizing', 'computer', 'science', 'center', 'raid', 'ruins', 'tri-lamb', 'new', 'membership', 'party', 'lewis', 'lives', 'near', 'adams', 'college', 'campus', 'chairs', 'adams\\\\', 'computer', 'science', 'department', 'shows', 'distancing', 'nerd', 'past', 'growing', 'ponytail', 'asking', 'people', 'call', 'lou', 'rather', 'lewis', 'nephew', 'harold', 'student', 'adams', 'surprised', 'lewis\\\\', 'behavior', 'saying', 'college', 'day', 'george', 'washington', 'nerds', 'betty', 'married', 'lewis', 'also', 'professor', 'adams', 'college', 'tries', 'remind', 'fell', 'love', 'courage', 'lewis', 'interested', 'becoming', 'friends', 'new', 'dean', 'gable', 'stan', 'alpha', 'betas', 'launch', 'reign', 'terror', 'nerds', 'lewis', 'forced', 'examine', 'self-hating', 'nerd', 'status', 'stan', 'faces', 'stirrings', 'conscience', 'vile', 'actions', 'orrin', 'price', 'decide', 'stand', 'film', 'reaches', 'climax', 'lewis', 'finally', 'unable', 'ignore', 'orrin', 'price\\\\', 'reign', 'terror', 'adams', 'college', 'decides', 'take', 'action', 'orrin', 'price', 'framed', 'tri-lambs', 'planting', 'marijuana', 'house', 'lewis', 'reaches', 'stan', 'help', 'defend', 'tri-lams', 'stan', 'says', 'help', 'lewis', 'angrily', 'tells', 'stan', 'forgiving', 'rocky', 'past', 'defended', 'stan', 'friend', 'others', 'telling', 'lewis', 'ditch', 'stan', 'stan', 'says', 'friends', 'lewis', 'lewis', 'nerd', 'life', 'matter', 'behavior', 'betrayal', 'spurs', 'lewis', 'embrace', 'nerd', 'self', 'lewis', 'arranges', 'bail', 'arrested', 'tri-lams', 'putting', 'house', 'collateral', 'calls', 'upon', 'nerds', 'sympathetic', 'cause', 'campus', 'city', 'participate', 'massive', 'nerd', 'strike', 'meaning', 'take', 'easy', 'stop', 'working', 'many', 'city\\\\', 'basic', 'utilities', 'services', 'crippled', 'order', 'end', 'strike', 'price', 'decides', 'frame', 'lewis', 'embezzling', 'college', 'funds', 'tactic', 'stan', 'uncomfortable', 'lewis', 'arrested', 'strikers', 'return', 'work', 'betty', 'confronts', 'stan', 'tell', 'truth', 'get', 'lewis', 'released', 'stan', 'suggests', 'would', 'offer', 'betty', 'asks', 'really', 'wants', 'stan', 'looks', 'deeply', 'ashamed', 'says', 'want', 'still', 'little', 'bit', 'pride', 'left', 'trial', 'things', 'look', 'good', 'lewis', 'old', 'tri-lamb', 'friends', 'return', 'support', 'stan', 'realizing', 'miserable', 'life', 'stems', 'refusal', 'admit', 'mistakes', 'change', 'heart', 'testifies', 'price', 'admitting', 'proof', 'orrin', 'price', 'planted', 'marijuana', 'plants', 'tri-lam', 'house', 'stan', 'also', 'states', 'nerd', 'always', 'wanted', 'read', 'books', 'family', 'discouraged', 'price', 'arrested', 'charges', 'lewis', 'dismissed', 'stan', 'feels', 'ought', 'best', 'resign', 'dean', 'student', 'feels', 'cut', 'lewis', 'argues', 'stay', 'nerds', 'accept', 'stan', 'one', 'guaranteeing', 'nerd', 'freedom', 'adams', 'college'], [\"'in\", 'movie', 'dudley', 'booger', 'dawson', 'getting', 'married', 'omega', 'girlfriend', 'jeannie', 'father', 'bride', 'tries', 'stop', 'keen', 'welcoming', 'likes', 'booger', 'family', 'despite', 'fact', 'dudley', 'would', 'good', 'husband', 'jeannie', 'share', 'many', 'common', 'interests', 'jeannie\\\\', 'father', 'works', 'loathsome', 'son-in-law', 'chip', 'find', 'way', 'discredit', 'booger', 'cause', 'jeannie', 'call', 'wedding', 'lewis', 'skolnick', 'nerds', 'discover', 'conspiracy', 'work', 'save', 'booger\\\\', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'torpedoed', 'subplot', 'lewis\\\\', 'wife', 'betty', 'pregnant', 'first', 'child', 'third', 'trimester', 'wedding', 'date', 'approaches', 'part', 'plot', 'booger', 'trying', 'find', 'origin', 'accusation', 'fathered', 'illegitimate', 'child', 'reveals', 'dudley', 'dawson', 'born', 'akron', 'ohio', 'child', 'sandusky', 'ohio', 'booger', 'spent', 'much', 'life', 'end', 'jeannie\\\\', 'mom', 'tells', 'husband', 'leave', 'support', 'daughter\\\\', 'wedding', 'booger', 'chip\\\\', 'accusations', 'fall', 'apart', 'little', 'girl', 'reveals', 'drafted', 'orphanage', 'play', 'illegitimate', 'child', 'role', 'chip\\\\', 'wife', 'decides', 'divorce', 'throw', 'lives', 'forever', 'leaving', 'chip', 'swear', 'revenge', 'nerds', 'end', 'booger', 'jeannie', 'married', 'betty', 'gives', 'birth', 'healthy', 'baby', 'boy', 'newly', 'married', 'couple', 'tell', 'heidie', 'little', 'orphan', 'girl', 'would', 'like', 'adopt'], ['ramu', 'gupta', 'dance', 'teacher', 'leaves', 'native', 'city', 'delhi', 'india', 'seek', 'fortune', 'united', 'states', 'lured', 'exaggerations', 'cousin', 'vijay', 'already', 'moved', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'vijay', 'deception', 'first', 'several', 'drive', 'plot', 'seeking', 'work', 'actor', 'na챦ve', 'ramu', 'unknowingly', 'lands', 'role', 'pornographic', 'film', 'evening', 'accompanies', 'vijay', 'roommates', 'catering', 'job', 'society', 'birthday', 'party', 'indian', 'swami', 'hired', 'address', 'party', 'falls', 'drunken', 'oblivion', 'ramu', 'takes', 'place', 'lacking', 'real', 'philosophy', 'improvises', 'repeating', 'advice', 'given', 'sharonna', 'heather', 'graham', 'adult', 'film', 'actress', 'met', 'earlier', 'lexi', 'birthday', 'girl', 'impressed', 'promotes', 'new', 'age', 'sex', 'guru', 'friends', 'ramu', 'hires', 'sharonna', 'ostensibly', 'advice', 'actor', 'adult', 'films', 'though', 'really', 'wants', 'ideas', 'could', 'use', 'new', 'role', 'guru', 'sex', 'personal', 'relationship', 'develops', 'two', 'though', 'sharonna', 'engaged', 'firefighter', 'thinks', 'school', 'teacher', 'complications', 'ensue', 'deceptions'], ['story', 'concerns', 'veteran', 'playboy', 'screenwriter', 'named', 'richard', 'benson', 'paid', 'write', 'screenplay', 'boss', 'mr.', 'alexander', 'myerheim', 'overly', 'confident', 'writing', 'abilities', 'puts', 'writing', 'screenplay', 'two', 'days', 'due', 'gabrielle', 'simpson', 'temp', 'secretary', 'hired', 'benson', 'type', 'script', 'comes', 'richard', 'hotel', 'room', 'spend', 'weekend', 'richard', 'gabrielle', 'come', 'various', 'off-the-wall', 'scenarios', 'screenplay', 'called', 'girl', 'stole', 'eiffel', 'tower', 'script', 'unfolds', 'romance', 'two', 'writers'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'introducing', 'alfie', 'charismatic', 'charming', 'bed-hopping', 'vespa-riding', 'cockney', 'resides', 'manhattan', 'impeccably', 'stylish', 'lad', 'late', 'twenties', 'alfie', 'funds', 'hedonistic', 'lifestyle', 'working', 'driver', 'local', 'limousine', 'service', 'meeting', 'romancing', 'seducing', 'women', 'comes', 'second', 'nature', 'alfie', 'addition', 'maintaining', 'casual', 'relationship', 'single', 'mother', 'named', 'julie', 'refers', 'semi-regular-quasi-sort-of-girlfriend', 'thing', 'also', 'sleeps', 'various', 'girls', 'side', 'married-yet-neglected-by-her-husband', 'blonde', 'named', 'dorie', 'regularly', 'meets', 'sex', 'work', 'back', 'limo', 'first', 'inkling', 'dorie', 'may', 'desire', 'liaison', 'grow', 'something', 'decides', 'stop', 'contact', 'alfie', 'ultimately', 'views', 'women', 'expendable', 'cutting', 'loose', 'soon', 'feels', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'starting', 'cramp', 'style', 'alfie\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'marlon', 'also', 'limo', 'driver', 'company', 'addition', 'friendship', 'two', 'working', 'plan', 'would', 'eventually', 'see', 'start', 'business', 'however', 'moment', 'marlon', 'preoccupied', 'trying', 'win', 'back', 'ex-girlfriend', 'lonette', 'dumped', 'hesitated', 'commit', 'despite', 'desperate', 'efforts', 'stubbornly', 'unresponsive', 'reconciliation', 'attempts', 'loss', 'ideas', 'marlon', 'eventually', 'turns', 'alfie', 'help', 'put', 'good', 'word', 'lonette', 'takes', 'place', 'late', 'one', 'night', 'following', 'closing', 'shift', 'bar', 'lonette', 'waitressing', 'staff', 'closing', 'alfie', 'trying', 'persuade', 'take', 'marlon', 'back', 'however', 'conversation', 'soon', 'goes', 'different', 'direction', 'eventually', 'drinks', 'end', 'passionate', 'sex', 'pool', 'table', 'alfie', 'terrified', 'facing', 'friend', 'event', 'ever', 'gets', 'word', 'happened', 'amazed', 'relieved', 'told', 'jubilant', 'marlon', 'lonette', 'got', 'back', 'next', 'day', 'conversation', 'alfie', 'around', 'time', 'arrives', 'julie\\\\', 'place', 'looking', 'another', 'booty', 'call', 'alfie', 'informed', 'longer', 'wants', 'see', 'since', 'found', 'proof', 'infidelity', 'seems', 'take', 'stride', 'smile', 'face', 'disappears', 'street', 'alfie', 'soon', 'gets', 'another', 'unpleasant', 'piece', 'news', 'time', 'lonette', 'pregnant', 'child', 'without', 'telling', 'marlon', 'two', 'visit', 'clinic', 'order', 'abortion', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'marlon', 'lonette', 'unexpectedly', 'move', 'upstate', 'without', 'even', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'alfie', 'alfie', 'faced', 'erectile', 'problem', 'causes', 'plenty', 'embarrassment', 'front', 'next', 'female', 'conquests', 'following', 'repeated', 'failures', 'achieve', 'erection', 'various', 'women', 'visits', 'doctor', 'performs', 'examination', 'reassures', 'there\\\\', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'physically', 'would', 'stand', 'way', 'achieving', 'one', 'thus', 'writing', 'erectile', 'problems', 'probably', 'stress', 'however', 'it\\\\', 'good', 'news', 'doctor', 'locates', 'lump', 'indicating', 'possibility', 'testicular', 'cancer', 'alfie', 'immediately', 'test', 'run', 'clinic', 'spends', 'anxious', 'days', 'awaiting', 'results', 'one', 'trips', 'hospital', 'alfie', 'meets', 'older', 'man', 'named', 'joe', 'clinic', 'bathroom', 'brief', 'conversation', 'reveals', 'he\\\\', 'widower', 'joe', 'imparts', 'life', 'advice', 'depressed', 'alfie', 'find', 'somebody', 'love', 'live', 'every', 'day', 'like', 'it\\\\', 'last', 'followed', 'offering', 'card', 'alfie', 'case', 'wants', 'someone', 'talk', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'luckily', 'alfie', 'finds', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'cancer', 'alfie', 'takes', 'whole', 'erection', 'episode', 'followed', 'mortal', 'health', 'scare', 'heart', 'decides', 'aiming', 'higher', 'love', 'life', 'new', 'resolution', 'end', 'picks', 'beautiful', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'nikki', 'christmas', 'quickly', 'embark', 'passionate', 'turbulent', 'relationship', 'winter', 'holidays', 'backdrop', 'soon', 'moving', 'together', 'alfie', 'happy', 'endure', 'nikki\\\\', 'wild', 'mood', 'swings', 'reckless', 'behavior', 'occur', 'result', 'decision', 'medication', 'beginning', 'distance', 'emotionally', 'nikki', 'sets', 'sights', 'older', 'woman', 'liz', 'sultry', 'cosmetics', 'mogul', 'meets', 'company', 'older', 'man', 'driving', 'around', 'although', 'alfie', 'clearly', 'quite', 'taken', 'confident', 'flair', 'high', 'society', 'ways', 'unlike', 'many', 'women', 'alfie\\\\', 'life', 'seemingly', 'displays', 'intent', 'move', 'relationship', 'past', 'physical', 'stage', 'unsurprisingly', 'infatuation', 'liz', 'serves', 'final', 'catalyst', 'leads', 'end', 'interest', 'nikki', 'soon', 'moves', 'life', 'long', 'afterwards', 'chance', 'meeting', 'julie', 'coffee', 'shop', 'renews', 'feelings', 'dismay', 'she\\\\', 'happily', 'involved', 'someone', 'else', 'filling', 'alfie', 'feelings', 'regret', 'years', 'thoughtless', 'womanizing', 'trip', 'upstate', 'visit', 'marlon', 'now-wife', 'lonette', 'reveals', 'never', 'actually', 'went', 'abortion', 'opting', 'instead', 'give', 'birth', 'alfie\\\\', 'child', 'alfie', 'also', 'learns', 'marlon', 'accepted', 'baby', 'cares', 'though', 'it\\\\', 'biological', 'child', 'leaves', 'alfie', 'feeling', 'horrible', 'downcast', 'gloomy', 'alfie', 'digs', 'number', 'given', 'man', 'named', 'joe', 'clinic', 'bathroom', 'calls', 'walking', 'along', 'beach', 'together', 'joe', 'imparts', 'words', 'encouragment', 'alfie', 'turns', 'liz', 'reassurance', 'comfort', 'crushed', 'discover', 'new', 'man', 'life', 'completely', 'rattled', 'alfie', 'insists', 'know', 'new', 'boyfriend', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'initial', 'hesitation', 'simply', 'states', 'he\\\\', 'younger', 'shocked', 'dismayed', 'one', 'blow', 'another', 'alfie', 'happens', 'run', 'dorie', 'walks', 'docks', 'late', 'one', 'night', 'point', 'interested', 'shoulder', 'lean', 'sex', 'however', 'informs', 'she\\\\', 'moved', 'though', 'cordial', 'polite', 'generally', 'lets', 'know', 'wants', 'part', 'anymore', 'film', 'ends', 'alfie\\\\', 'monologue', 'begins', 'question', 'shallow', 'self-indulgent', 'lifestyle'], [\"'paige\", 'morgan', 'pre-medical', 'student', 'university', 'wisconsin-madison', 'denmark\\\\', 'prince', 'edvard', 'hand', 'shirks', 'princely', 'duties', 'instead', 'racing', 'sports', 'cars', 'watching', 'television', 'cabinet', 'meeting', 'edvard', 'sees', 'commercial', 'reality', 'show', 'set', 'wisconsin', 'called', 'college', 'girls', 'gone', 'wild', 'featuring', 'drunken', 'co-eds', 'flashing', 'breasts', 'meeting', 'parents', 'king', 'haraald', 'queen', 'rosalind', 'edvard', 'announces', 'intentions', 'attend', 'college', 'america', 'specifically', 'wisconsin', 'parents', 'want', 'edvard', 'tells', 'without', 'consent', 'want', 'help', 'money', 'king', 'dispatches', 'edvard\\\\', 'assistant', 's첩ren', 'chaperone', 'trip', 'america', 'edvard', 'arrives', 'university', 'orders', 's첩ren', 'keep', 'identity', 'secret', 'call', 'eddie', 'also', 'limo', 'nearly', 'hits', 'paige', 'later', 'bar', 'eddie', 'sees', 'paige', 'flirts', 'eddie', 'asks', 'paige', 'take', 'shirt', 'like', 'girls', 'college', 'girls', 'gone', 'wild', 'advertisement', 'paige', 'angrily', 'drenches', 'eddie', 'drink', 'hose', 'bouncers', 'escort', 'eddie', 'bar', 'paige\\\\', 'annoyance', 'eddie', 'also', 'assigned', 'lab', 'partners', 'organic', 'chemistry', 'class', 'since', 'class', 'important', 'paige\\\\', 'medical', 'school', 'ambitions', 'warns', 'eddie', 'get', 'way', 'reprimands', 'sleeps', 'one', 'lab', 'experiments', 'running', 'money', 'eddie', 'gets', 'job', 'deli', 'section', 'bar', 'even', 'using', 'paige', 'reference', 'paige', 'reluctantly', 'helps', 'first', 'day', 'eddie', 'later', 'asks', 'refuses', 'eddie', 'helps', 'paige', 'learn', 'interpret', 'shakespeare', 'paige', 'goaded', 'friend', 'invite', 'home', 'thanksgiving', 'eddie', 'takes', 'part', 'lawn', 'mower', 'race', 'even', 'beating', 'morgan', 'family\\\\', 'rival', 'however', 'fistfight', 'ensues', 'patching', 'wounds', 'eddie', 'paige', 'kiss', 'back', 'school', 'thanksgiving', 'break', 'eddie', 'paige', 'sneak', 'library', 'stacks', 'pursue', 'romantic', 'encounter', 'unspecified', 'nature', 'danish', 'paparazzi', 'appear', 'begin', 'taking', 'photographs', 'reveal', 'royal', 'identity', 'confronting', 'eddie', 'paige', 'leaves', 'end', 'day', 'eddie', 'notified', 'mother', 'father', 'ill', 'leading', 'return', 'home', 'paige', 'faces', 'panel', 'professors', 'questioning', 'shakespeare', 'love', 'realizes', 'loves', 'edvard', 'runs', 'find', 'discover', 'already', 'left', 'denmark', 'goes', 'upon', 'arriving', 'copenhagen', 'trip', 'delayed', 'parade', 'honoring', 'royal', 'family', 'blocking', 'traffic', 'paige', 'recognized', 'crowd', 'edvard', 'finds', 'takes', 'castle', 'horseback', 'queen', 'objects', 'edvard\\\\', 'choice', 'marry', 'paige', 'king', 'tells', 'loves', 'paige', 'marry', 'edvard', 'proposes', 'paige', 'accepts', 'paige', 'struggles', 'conforming', 'lifestyle', 'royalty', 'however', 'queen', 'warms', 'takes', 'paige', 'little', 'room', 'jewelry', 'get', 'ready', 'coronation', 'ball', 'coronation', 'ball', 'edvard', 'paige', 'share', 'first', 'dance', 'sneak', 'together', 'left', 'alone', 'paige', 'remembers', 'dream', 'doctors', 'without', 'borders', 'edvard', 'returns', 'tells', 'want', 'sacrifice', 'dreams', 'queen', 'returns', 'wisconsin', 'graduates', 'college', 'accepted', 'johns', 'hopkins', 'school', 'medicine', 'edvard', 'arrives', 'graduation', 'admits', 'would', 'willing', 'wait', 'marry', 'finishes', 'medical', 'school', 'achieves', 'dreams', 'confesses', 'denmark', 'may', 'ready', 'queen', 'like', 'says', 'leading', 'kiss', 'passionately'], [\"'as\", 'film', 'opens', 'kermit', 'miss', 'piggy', 'friends', 'graduating', 'danhurst', 'college', 'performing', 'variety', 'show', 'manhattan', 'melodies', 'campus', 'kermit', 'believes', 'something', 'missing', 'script', 'friends', 'suggest', 'group', 'take', 'show', 'broadway', 'miss', 'piggy', 'particular', 'hopes', 'make', 'enough', 'money', 'marry', 'kermit', 'promised', 'kermit', 'others', 'confident', 'show', 'anticipate', 'becoming', 'instant', 'stars', 'first', 'start', 'new', 'york', 'producer', 'martin', 'price', 'wants', 'pay', 'money', 'show', 'martin\\\\', 'secretary', 'nancy', 'comes', 'elderly', 'woman', 'two', 'police', 'officers', 'elderly', 'woman', 'identifies', 'price', 'con', 'artist', 'murray', 'plotsky', 'plotsky', 'tries', 'use', 'camilla', 'chicken', 'gonzo', 'hostages', 'get', 'subdued', 'animal', 'camilla', 'muppets', 'try', 'theatrical', 'producers', 'success', 'months', 'pass', 'group', 'runs', 'money', 'members', 'forced', 'get', 'jobs', 'throughout', 'united', 'states', 'scooter', 'gets', 'job', 'house', 'manager', 'movie', 'theater', 'cleveland', 'ohio', 'finds', 'swedish', 'chef', 'popcorn', 'server', 'lew', 'zealand', 'dedicated', 'viewer', '3-d', 'movie', 'fozzie', 'joins', 'bears', 'hibernating', 'within', 'forests', 'maine', 'hard', 'time', 'hibernating', 'dr.', 'teeth', 'electric', 'mayhem', 'gig', 'pittsburgh', 'pennsylvania', 'performing', 'retirement', 'home', 'kermit', 'stays', 'new', 'york', 'work', 'script', 'gets', 'job', 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'campaign', 'amongst', 'patrons', 'however', 'liza', 'eventually', 'enters', 'ends', 'asking', 'vincent', 'sardi', 'jr.', 'portrait', 'taken', 'one', 'rats', 'ends', 'giving', 'away', 'causing', 'havoc', 'waiter', 'discovers', 'minnelli\\\\', 'portrait', 'near', 'table', 'kermit', 'sitting', 'causes', 'kermit', 'rats', 'ejected', 'restaurant', 'central', 'park', 'jenny', 'comforts', 'kermit', 'loss', 'first', 'two', 'attempts', 'miss', 'piggy', 'jealous', 'jenny', 'kermit\\\\', 'friendship', 'secretly', 'spies', 'purse', 'snatcher', 'steals', 'purse', 'causing', 'borrow', 'skates', 'roller', 'skater', 'miss', 'piggy', 'catches', 'purse', 'snatcher', 'police', 'officer', 'arrests', 'purse', 'snatcher', 'kermit', 'jenny', 'catch', 'kermit', 'miss', 'piggy', 'argue', 'kermit\\\\', 'relationship', 'jenny', 'roller', 'skater', 'unsuccessfully', 'tries', 'reclaim', 'skates', 'miss', 'piggy', 'makes', 'kermit', 'ride', 'around', 'central', 'park', 'kermit', 'miss', 'piggy', 'also', 'takes', 'job', 'waitress', 'diner', 'kermit', 'kermit', 'reads', 'letters', 'friends', 'rats', 'handle', 'customer', 'miss', 'piggy', 'letters', 'kermit', 'reveal', 'gonzo', 'camilla', 'michigan', 'trying', 'make', 'successful', 'water', 'act', 'rowlf', 'delaware', 'working', 'dog', 'kennel', 'mr.', 'skeffington', 'leaves', 'dog', 'weekend', 'another', 'letter', 'kermit', 'got', 'bernard', 'crawford', 'broadway', 'producer', 'interested', 'producing', 'kermit\\\\', 'play', 'kermit', 'meets', 'ronnie', 'crawford', 'willing', 'fund', 'manhattan', 'melodies', 'order', 'prove', 'father', 'bernard', 'excitement', 'finally', 'sold', 'play', 'kermit', 'fails', 'notice', \"don\\\\'t\", 'walk', 'sign', 'hit', 'car', 'making', 'way', 'back', 'restaurant', 'ronnie', 'comes', 'diner', 'bring', 'father\\\\', 'approval', 'miss', 'piggy', 'jenny', 'pete', 'miss', 'piggy', 'pete', 'send', 'telegram', 'rest', 'kermit\\\\', 'friends', 'informing', 'get', 'new', 'york', 'quickly', 'fozzie', 'ends', 'bringing', 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'country', 'show', 'supernumeraries', 'expanded', 'cast', 'jenny\\\\', 'costumes', 'manhattan', 'melodies', 'successful', 'opening', 'night', 'piggy', 'substitutes', 'real', 'minister', 'gonzo', 'wedding', 'scene', 'finale', 'muppet', 'characters', 'many', 'characters', 'sesame', 'street', 'uncle', 'traveling', 'matt', 'fraggle', 'rock', 'attend', 'kermit', 'surprised', 'willingly', 'says', 'miss', 'piggy', 'happily', 'wed'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'professor', 'alfred', 'kinsey', 'interviewed', 'sexual', 'history', 'interspersed', 'interview', 'flashbacks', 'childhood', 'young-adulthood', 'former', 'depicts', 'experiences', 'boy', 'scout', 'shows', 'kinsey', 'disappointing', 'father', 'chosen', 'vocational', 'intentions', 'shows', 'kinsey', 'teaching', 'indiana', 'university', 'professor', 'biology', 'lecturing', 'gall', 'wasps', 'kinsey', 'falls', 'love', 'student', 'class', 'calls', 'mac', 'marries', 'consummation', 'marriage', 'difficult', 'first', 'medical', 'problem', 'mac', 'fixed', 'easily', 'minor', 'surgery', 'shown', 'equally', 'intense', 'sexual', 'appetite', 'husband', 'meanwhile', 'university', 'professor', 'kinsey', 'affectionately', 'called', 'prok', 'graduate', 'students', 'meets', 'students', 'afterhours', 'offer', 'individual', 'sexual', 'advice', 'book', 'party', 'celebrating', 'kinsey\\\\', 'latest', 'publication', 'gall', 'wasps', 'kinsey', 'approaches', 'dean', 'students', 'open-forum', 'sex', 'education', 'course', 'opposed', 'anti-sex', 'propaganda', 'taught', 'general', 'health', 'class', 'eventually', 'approved', 'grounds', 'open', 'teachers', 'graduate', 'senior', 'students', 'married', 'students', 'nevertheless', 'kinsey', 'begins', 'teaching', 'sex', 'course', 'packed', 'auditorium', 'kinsey', 'continues', 'answer', 'students\\\\', 'questions', 'personal', 'meetings', 'finds', 'answers', 'severely', 'limited', 'complete', 'paucity', 'scientific', 'data', 'human', 'sexual', 'behavior', 'leads', 'kinsey', 'pass', 'questionnaires', 'sexual', 'education', 'class', 'learns', 'enormous', 'disparity', 'society', 'assumed', 'people', 'actual', 'practices', 'securing', 'financial', 'support', 'rockefeller', 'foundation', 'kinsey', 'research', 'assistants', 'including', 'closest', 'assistant', 'clyde', 'martin', 'travel', 'country', 'interviewing', 'subjects', 'sexual', 'histories', 'time', 'progresses', 'dr.', 'kinsey', 'begins', 'realizing', 'sexuality', 'within', 'humans', 'including', 'lot', 'varied', 'originally', 'thought', 'range', 'expression', 'creates', 'later', 'becomes', 'known', 'kinsey', 'scale', 'ranks', 'overall', 'sexuality', 'completely', 'heterosexual', 'completely', 'homosexual', 'everything', 'in-between', 'first', 'sexological', 'book', 'kinsey', 'publishes', 'sexual', 'habits', 'male', 'large-scale', 'success', 'best', 'seller', 'kinsey\\\\', 'research', 'turns', 'women', 'met', 'controversy', 'release', 'female', 'volume', 'support', 'kinsey', 'declines', 'mccarthyist', 'pressures', 'lead', 'rockefeller', 'foundation', 'withdraw', 'financial', 'support', 'lest', 'labeled', 'communist', 'backing', 'subversion', 'traditional', 'american', 'values', 'kinsey', 'feels', 'failed', 'everyone', 'ever', 'victim', 'sexual', 'ignorance', 'customs', 'office', 'tipped', 'importation', 'kinsey\\\\', 'research', 'material', 'exacerbates', 'financial', 'situation', 'kinsey\\\\', 'research', 'organization', 'kinsey', 'suffers', 'heart', 'attack', 'found', 'developed', 'addiction', 'barbiturates', 'meeting', 'philanthropists', 'fails', 'garner', 'support', 'needed', 'still', 'kinsey', 'continues', 'taking', 'sex', 'histories', 'interviews', 'older', 'woman', 'tells', 'kinsey', 'felt', 'much', 'shame', 'attraction', 'another', 'woman', 'became', 'alcoholic', 'research', 'saved', 'life', 'made', 'happy', 'helping', 'come', 'terms', 'sexuality', 'story', 'returns', 'initial', 'interview', 'kinsey', 'asked', 'love', 'ever', 'attempt', 'conduct', 'research', 'response', 'love', 'impossible', 'measure', 'impossible', 'quantify', 'important', 'final', 'scene', 'kinsey', 'wife', 'pulling', 'side', 'road', 'nature', 'walk', 'remarks', 'tree', 'thousand', 'years', 'kinsey', 'replies', 'tree', 'seems', 'display', 'strong', 'love', 'way', 'roots', 'grip', 'earth', 'afterwards', 'two', 'walk', 'together', 'kinsey', 'remarking', 'there\\\\', 'lot', 'work'], [\"'rob\", 'salinger', 'overworked', 'television', 'reporter', 'happily', 'married', 'micki', 'lawyer', 'candidate', 'become', 'judge', 'unable', 'bear', 'child', 'rob', 'wants', 'one', 'badly', 'assignment', 'rob', 'interviews', 'young', 'musician', 'named', 'maude', 'guillory', 'smitten', 'begin', 'seeing', 'one', 'another', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'maude', 'professional', 'wrestler', 'father', 'begin', 'plan', 'wedding', 'prepared', 'face', 'music', 'confess', 'micki', 'agree', 'divorce', 'rob', 'stunned', 'reveals', 'going', 'give', 'birth', 'rob', 'becomes', 'bigamist', 'television', 'boss', 'leo', 'covering', 'sees', 'one', 'wife', 'daytime', 'night', 'using', 'work', 'excuse', 'gets', 'away', 'fates', 'collide', 'micki', 'maude', 'going', 'labor', 'hospital', 'floor', 'time', 'two', 'women', 'end', 'becoming', 'friends', 'ban', 'rob', 'lives', 'well', 'lives', 'new', 'children', 'realizes', 'tricked', 'cheated', 'rob', 'follows', 'around', 'spying', 'families', 'distance', 'eventually', 'rob', 'reconciles', 'micki', 'maude', 'though', 'clear', 'two', 'women', 'aware', 'reconciled', 'film', 'ends', 'women', 'pursuing', 'careers', 'micki', 'judge', 'maude', 'lead', 'cellist', 'symphony', 'film', 'closes', 'shot', 'rob', 'park', 'years', 'later', 'two', 'babies', 'six', 'children', 'years', 'micki', 'maude'], ['sylvia', 'chang', 'plays', 'director', 'intends', 'make', 'romance', 'film', 'begins', 'wonder', 'role', 'fate', 'plays', 'relationships', 'ends', 're-examining', 'first', 'love', 'completely', 'different', 'light', 'story', 'set', 'two', 'different', 'periods', 'time', 'one', '1970s', 'gigi', 'plays', 'teenage', 'xiao-rou', '1990s', 'sylvia', 'plays', 'older', 'xiao-rou', 'takeshi', 'kaneshiro', 'plays', 'role', 'shy', 'teenager', 'ho-jun', 'falls', 'love', 'xiao-rou', 'relationship', 'turns', 'intimate', 'faces', 'fierce', 'objections', 'parents', 'karen', 'mok', 'plays', 'chen-li', 'xiao-rou', 'best', 'friend', 'xiao-rou', 'confides', 'teenage', 'love', 'soon', 'fizzles', 'owing', 'misunderstandings', 'ho-jun', 'many', 'years', 'turns', 'marry', 'chen-li', 'one', 'day', 'chen-li', 'reveals', 'lesbian', 'love', 'girl', 'xiao-rou', 'ho-jun', 'meets', 'xiao-rou', 'trip', 'japan', 'upon', 'knowing', 'ho-jun', 'already', 'married', 'xiao-rou', 'returns', 'home', 'gets', 'engaged', 'ho-jun', 'manages', 'last', 'attempt', 'reunite', 'xiao-rou', 'flying', 'hong', 'kong', 'telling', 'already', 'divorcee', 'avail', 'years', 'later', 'xiao-rou', 'finds', 'ho-jun', 'wife', 'actually', 'chen-li', 'discovers', 'chen-li', 'died', 'chen-li', 'leaves', 'message', 'xiao-rou', 'asking', 'forgiveness', 'xiao', 'rou', 'prepares', 'fly', 'back', 'hong', 'kong', 'japan', 'receives', 'present', 'ho-jun', 'box', 'photographs', 'taken', 'ho-jun', 'thinking', 'xiao-rou', 'brief', 'moments', 'happiness', 'end', 'film', 'tactfully', 'revealed', 'director', 'sylvia', 'chang', 'actually', 're-enacting', 'teenage', 'romance'], [\"'elliot\", 'richards', 'geeky', 'over-zealous', 'man', 'working', 'dead-end', 'technical', 'support', 'job', 'san', 'francisco', 'computer', 'company', 'friends', 'co-workers', 'use', 'knowing', 'anything', 'acceptance', 'crush', 'colleague', 'alison', 'gardner', 'lacks', 'courage', 'ask', 'elliot', 'ditched', 'co-workers', 'bar', 'trying', 'talk', 'alison', 'says', 'would', 'give', 'anything', 'alison', 'satan', 'form', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'overhears', 'offers', 'give', 'elliot', 'seven', 'wishes', 'return', 'soul', 'test', 'wishes', 'big', 'mac', 'coke', 'satan', 'takes', 'mcdonald\\\\', 'places', 'order', 'elliot', 'pay', \"ain\\\\'t\", 'thing', 'free', 'lunch', 'taking', 'elliot', 'office', 'based', 'nightclub', 'oakland', 'satan', 'convinces', 'elliot', 'sign', 'contract', 'delivers', 'wishes', 'wish', 'elliot', 'living', 'alison', 'co-workers', 'surrogate', 'roles', 'however', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'satan', 'always', 'spoil', 'wishes', 'adding', 'something', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'elliot', 'wishes', 'rich', 'powerful', 'alison', 'wife', 'satan', 'makes', 'colombian', 'drug', 'lord', 'whose', 'wife', 'despises', 'cheats', 'raul', 'co-worker', 'secretly', 'planning', 'get', 'rid', 'elliot', 'take', 'position', 'property', 'soon', 'firefight', 'raul\\\\', 'people', 'elliot', 'dies', 'returns', 'real', 'world', 'satan', 'points', 'never', 'wished', 'alison', 'love', 'secondly', 'elliot', 'wishes', 'emotionally', 'sensitive', 'understand', 'needs', 'desires', 'women', 'satan', 'makes', 'sensitive', 'spends', 'time', 'crying', 'beautiful', 'world', 'constantly', 'asks', 'alison', 'girlfriend', 'three', 'magical', 'weeks', 'whether', 'hurt', 'needs', 'anything', 'alison', 'says', 'enough', 'wants', 'man', 'strong', 'shallow', 'leaves', 'elliot', 'man', 'strong', 'rude', 'completely', 'different', 'romantic', 'emotionally', 'sensitive', 'elliot', 'elliot', 'wishes', 'superstar', 'athlete', 'would', 'woman', 'magnet', 'satan', 'makes', 'clich챕-spewing', 'nba', 'star', 'also', 'gives', 'small', 'penis', 'low', 'causes', 'alison', 'sports', 'reporter', 'lose', 'interest', 'shortly', 'meet', 'wishes', 'intelligent', 'witty', 'well-endowed', 'satan', 'grants', 'making', 'famous', 'writer', 'alison', 'falls', 'love', 'cocktail', 'party', 'arrive', 'elliot\\\\', 'home', 'make', 'love', 'revealed', 'elliot', 'gay', 'living', 'flamboyant', 'male', 'partner', 'lastly', 'elliot', 'wishes', 'president', 'united', 'states', 'try', 'improve', 'world', 'get', 'alison', 'take', 'seriously', 'satan', 'makes', 'abraham', 'lincoln', 'ford\\\\', 'theatre', 'night', 'assassination', 'nearly', 'avoids', 'wish', 'renounced', 'elliot', 'meets', 'satan', 'blames', 'specific', 'enough', 'eventually', 'returns', 'work', 'thinking', 'last', 'two', 'wishes', 'satan', 'appears', 'computer', 'screen', 'pointing', 'first', 'meeting', 'asked', 'big', 'mac', 'coke', 'although', 'stated', 'test', 'wish', 'granted', 'elliot', 'signed', 'contract', 'elliot', 'loses', 'patience', 'storms', 'office', 'elliot', 'visits', 'church', 'looking', 'god\\\\', 'help', 'briefly', 'confesses', 'priest', 'seems', 'sympathetic', 'however', 'asked', 'whether', 'thinks', 'asking', 'satan', 'big', 'mac', 'coke', 'counts', 'wish', 'priest', 'believing', 'drunk', 'elliot', 'arrested', 'sergeant', 'books', 'satan', 'dressed', 'police', 'officer', 'throws', 'cell', 'telling', 'like', 'would', 'hurt', 'friend', 'elliot\\\\', 'cellmate', 'tells', 'possibly', 'sell', 'soul', 'belongs', 'god', 'although', 'satan', 'may', 'try', 'confuse', 'end', 'realise', 'truly', 'purpose', 'elliot', 'questions', 'man', 'identity', 'response', 'simply', 'really', 'good', 'friend', 'elliot', 'asks', 'satan', 'cancel', 'contract', 'satan', 'refuses', 'elliot', 'states', 'use', 'final', 'wish', 'satan', 'teleports', 'hell', 'transforms', 'first', 'black', 'horned', 'monster', 'giant', 'satan', 'pushes', 'make', 'final', 'wish', 'elliot', 'wishes', 'alison', 'could', 'happy', 'life', 'without', 'satan', 'sighs', 'elliot', 'falls', 'depths', 'hell', 'elliot', 'wakes', 'marble', 'staircase', 'wondering', 'heaven', 'satan', 'tells', 'courthouse', 'selfless', 'wish', 'voids', 'contract', 'keeps', 'soul', 'elliot', 'admits', 'despite', 'manipulation', 'come', 'like', 'satan', 'regards', 'friend', 'something', 'object', 'replies', 'heaven', 'hell', 'found', 'earth', 'humans', 'choose', 'elliot', 'asks', 'alison', 'learn', 'already', 'dating', 'somebody', 'continues', 'life', 'better', 'understanding', 'later', 'elliot', 'confronted', 'bob', 'one', 'co-workers', 'starts', 'ridiculing', 'elliot', 'encouragement', 'co-workers', 'elliot', 'loses', 'temper', 'grabs', 'terrified', 'bob', 'shirt', 'lets', 'simply', 'saying', 'nice', 'talking', 'threatening', 'look', 'sends', 'co-workers', 'scurrying', 'away', 'fear', 'home', 'meets', 'new', 'neighbor', 'nicole', 'delarusso', 'whose', 'looks', 'resemble', 'alison\\\\', 'personality', 'interests', 'dressing', 'styles', 'similar', 'offers', 'help', 'unpack', 'presumably', 'begin', 'relationship', 'two', 'walk', 'along', 'boulevard', 'satan', 'elliot\\\\', 'cellmate', 'dressed', 'white', 'seen', 'playing', 'chess', 'looking', 'elliot', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'revealing', 'cellmate', 'god', 'scene', 'ends', 'listing', 'foibles', 'nicole\\\\', 'elliot\\\\', 'tolerate'], ['becker', 'hotshot', 'american', 'marketing', 'executive', 'coca-cola', 'company', 'visits', 'australian', 'operations', 'tries', 'figure', 'tiny', 'corner', 'australia', 'far', 'resisted', 'coke', 'products', 'literally', 'bumps', 'pretty', 'secretary', 'assigned', 'help', 'eventually', 'becker', 'discovers', 'local', 'producer', 'soft', 'drinks', 'run', 'old', 'eccentric', 'successfully', 'fending', 'american', 'brand', 'name', 'products', 'executive', 'vows', 'marketing', 'war', 'eccentric', 'eventually', 'comes', 'reconsider', 'role', 'cog', 'coca-cola', 'giant', 'corporate', 'machinery', 'along', 'way', 'humorous', 'subplots', 'involving', 'office', 'manager', 'violent', 'ex-husband', 'becker', 'attempt', 'find', \"'australian\", 'sound', 'odd', 'waiter', 'mistaken', 'belief', 'becker', 'secret', 'agent'], [\"'van\", 'wilder', 'outgoing', 'friendly', 'extremely', 'popular', 'student', 'coolidge', 'college', 'seven', 'years', 'past', 'six', 'semesters', 'made', 'effort', 'graduate', 'instead', 'spending', 'time', 'organizing', 'parties', 'fundraisers', 'charity', 'work', 'helping', 'students', 'posing', 'figure', 'drawing', 'classes', 'seven', 'years', 'return', 'investment', 'van\\\\', 'father', 'decides', 'time', 'cut', 'losses', 'stops', 'paying', 'van\\\\', 'tuition', 'meanwhile', 'gwen', 'pearson', 'star', 'reporter', 'student', 'newspaper', 'asked', 'article', 'van', 'proves', 'popular', 'asked', 'write', 'follow-up', 'article', 'front', 'page', 'graduation', 'issue', 'although', 'would', 'big', 'win', 'rather', 'put', 'van', 'interprets', 'attempts', 'schedule', 'interviews', 'romantic', 'advances', 'mdash', 'already', 'boyfriend', 'richard', 'bagg', 'happens', 'president', 'student', 'union', 'leader', 'fraternity', 'takes', 'personal', 'offense', 'van\\\\', 'attempts', 'steal', 'girlfriend', 'becomes', 'stressed', 'deal', 'burden', 'top', 'preparing', 'medical', 'school', 'leading', 'delta', 'iota', 'kappa', 'fraternity', 'subsequently', 'rivalry', 'develops', 'two', 'men', 'rivalry', 'grows', 'perform', 'increasingly', 'disgusting', 'pranks', 'instance', 'one', 'scene', 'involves', 'richard', 'inviting', 'van', 'dinner', 'gwen\\\\', 'family', 'prove', 'point', 'van\\\\', 'lackadaisical', 'attitude', 'towards', 'life', 'one', 'infamous', 'scene', 'van', 'friends', 'replace', 'cream', 'inside', 'pastries', 'dog', 'semen', 'send', 'richard\\\\', 'fraternity', 'frat', 'brothers', 'begin', 'eating', 'realize', 'really', 'late', 'one', 'point', 'richard', 'intercourse', 'another', 'woman', 'sister', 'sorority', 'would', 'final', 'straw', 'gwen', 'later', 'richard', 'also', 'sets', 'van', 'one', 'parties', 'underage', 'drinkers', 'reports', 'police', 'leads', 'van', 'almost', 'expelled', 'however', 'van', 'proposes', 'alternative', 'punishment', 'school', 'force', 'complete', 'semester\\\\', 'worth', 'work', 'six', 'days', 'remaining', 'graduate', 'committee', 'agrees', 'three-to-two', 'decision', 'gwen', 'impressed', 'van', 'taking', 'initiative', 'get', 'life', 'together', 'learns', 'richard\\\\', 'setting', 'van', 'well', 'infidelity', 'decides', 'take', 'retribution', 'morning', 'richard\\\\', 'mcat', 'interview', 'northwestern', 'medical', 'school', 'gwen', 'laces', 'ritualistic', 'protein', 'shake', 'powerful', 'laxative', 'since', 'bathroom', 'breaks', 'allowed', 'test', 'richard', 'rushes', '2-hour', 'exam', 'minutes', 'dialing', 'middle', 'towards', 'end', 'disgusting', 'test-takers', 'frequent', 'farting', 'afterwards', 'reaches', 'bathroom', 'unexpectedly', 'runs', 'medical', 'school', 'interview', 'committee', 'pull', 'aside', 'office', 'begin', 'interview', 'richard', 'ends', 'defecating', 'explosively', 'trash', 'right', 'front', 'briefly', 'seen', 'film', 'reading', 'gwen\\\\', 'article', 'school', 'paper', 'bathroom', 'meanwhile', 'van', 'well', 'finals', 'celebrates', 'graduation', 'gwen', 'subplot', 'depicts', 'saga', 'taj', 'mahal', 'badalandabad', 'indian', 'foreign', 'exchange', 'student', 'accepted', 'van\\\\', 'personal', 'assistant', 'main', 'reason', 'application', 'position', 'taj', 'explains', 'wants', 'sex', 'american', 'girl', 'goes', 'home', 'meets', 'girl', 'named', 'naomi', 'van', 'pushes', 'taj', 'taj', 'accidentally', 'sets', 'fire', 'massage', 'oil', 'end', 'film', 'taj', 'meets', 'another', 'indian', 'girl', 'seems', 'like', 'going', 'hit'], ['daphne', 'reynolds', 'every', 'girl', 'wants', 'young', 'american', 'girl', 'unique', 'style', 'unconventional', 'loving', 'relationship', 'bohemian', 'mother', 'libby', 'future', 'full', 'possibilities', 'despite', 'remarkable', 'promise', 'daphne', 'feels', 'incomplete', 'alone.at', 'start', 'film', 'libby', 'henry', 'married', 'morocco', 'bedouin', 'chief', 'second', 'ceremony', 'england', 'separate', 'meantime', 'libby', 'pregnant', 'daphne', 'dreams', 'one', 'day', 'meeting', 'father', 'never', 'known', 'man', 'libby', 'loved', 'deeply', 'seventeen', 'years', 'ago', 'ultimately', 'left', 'behind', 'aristocratic', 'family', 'supposedly', 'found', 'unsuitable', 'determined', 'live', 'fantasy', 'forging', 'storybook', 'relationship', 'long-absent', 'dad', 'daphne', 'impulse', 'gets', 'flight', 'london', 'quickly', 'discovers', 'father', 'high-profile', 'politician', 'lord', 'henry', 'dashwood', 'controversially', 'renounced', 'hereditary', 'seat', 'house', 'lords', 'run', 'house', 'commons', 'henry', 'opens', 'life', 'social', 'calendar', 'daughter', 'never', 'knew', 'existed', 'daphne', 'appearance', 'high', 'society', 'creates', 'uproar', 'threatens', 'undermine', 'political', 'career', 'wanting', 'jeopardize', 'campaign', 'upcoming', 'election', 'daphne', 'stifles', 'naturally', 'vibrant', 'personality', 'refashions', 'proper', 'debutante', 'plunges', 'whirlwind', 'british', 'social', 'events', 'even', 'henry', 'support', 'getting', 'help', 'conniving', 'fianc챕e', 'jealous', 'daughter', 'bent', 'ruining', 'daphne', 'every', 'turn', 'aid', 'ian', 'charming', 'society-savvy', 'local', 'musician', 'daphne', 'attempts', 'prove', 'love', 'along', 'proper', 'etiquette', 'conquer', 'daphne', 'soon', 'realizes', 'like', 'person', 'becoming', 'process', 'much', 'wants', 'father', 'daughter', 'realizes', 'worth', 'though', 'mostly', 'influenced', 'henry', 'fianc챕e', 'interference', 'debutante', 'ball', 'coldly', 'cruelly', 'locks', 'daphne', 'closet', 'prevent', 'henry', 'bonding', 'goes', 'back', 'home', 'henry', 'finding', 'libby', 'banishment', 'plot', 'engineered', 'fiancee', 'politically', 'ambitious', 'father', 'realizes', 'much', 'loves', 'daphne', 'goes', 'find', 'brings', 'ian', 'film', 'ends', 'daphne', 'mother', 'officially', 'getting', 'married', 'daphne', 'father', 'daphne', 'also', 'becomes', 'ian', 'girlfriend', 'goes', 'oxford', 'university', 'near'], ['giovanna', 'husband', 'filippo', 'settled', 'life', 'jobs', 'make', 'unhappy', 'works', 'accountant', 'works', 'graveyard', 'shift', 'weak', 'ask', 'boss', 'daytime', 'slot', 'argue', 'money', 'sex', 'time', 'work', '...', 'subtle', 'sense', 'marriage', 'whose', 'love', 'dwindling', 'fast', 'perhaps', 'going', 'motions', 'sake', 'kids', 'one', 'morning', 'two', 'walking', 'home', 'cross', 'paths', 'elderly', 'man', 'suffering', 'transient', 'global', 'amnesia', 'remembering', 'nothing', 'current', 'situation', 'although', 'recalling', 'random', 'episodes', 'remote', 'past', 'despite', 'giovanna', 'protests', 'filippo', 'brings', 'back', 'home', 'night', 'take', 'police', 'next', 'morning', 'hopes', 'unraveling', 'mystery', 'complications', 'ensue', 'one', 'night', 'stretches', 'days', 'old', 'man', 'experiences', 'strange', 'episodes', 'flashbacks', 'sorts', 'reveal', 'clues', 'mysterious', 'past', 'actions', 'lead', 'meeting', 'giovanna', 'lorenzo', 'lorenzo', 'lives', 'across', 'street', 'giovanna', 'apartment', 'windows', 'face', 'sexual', 'tension', 'two', 'quite', 'palpable', 'secretly', 'watching', 'lusting', 'dimly', 'lit', 'windows', 'giovanna', 'lorenzo', 'instant', 'friendship', 'swiftly', 'moves', 'flirtation', 'passionate', 'kiss', 'however', 'lorenzo', 'job', 'transferring', 'another', 'city', 'soon', 'giovanna', 'put', 'awkward', 'spot', 'make', 'quick', 'decision', 'heart', 'tells', 'act', 'feelings', 'mind', 'tells', 'responsible', 'nevertheless', 'two', 'puzzle', 'mystery', 'old', 'man', 'try', 'come', 'terms', 'feelings', 'one', 'another', 'thing', 'old', 'man', 'seems', 'remember', 'name', 'simone', 'giovanna', 'family', 'take', 'calling', 'giovanna', 'takes', 'simone', 'suit', 'cleaned', 'discovers', 'love', 'letter', 'jacket', 'pocket', 'addressed', 'certain', 'davide', 'veroli', 'next', 'morning', 'simone', 'disappears', 'giovanna', 'sets', 'trace', 'davide', 'veroli', 'means', 'identifying', 'simone', 'point', 'also', 'tracing', 'meeting', 'arranged', 'giovanna', 'comes', 'face', 'face', 'old', 'davide', 'veroli', 'turns', 'old', 'man', 'called', 'simone', 'simone', 'fact', 'man', 'davide', 'loved', 'young', 'davide', 'forced', 'kill', 'prevent', 'giving', 'nazis', 'information', 'many', 'children', 'would', 'transferred', 'working', 'camp', 'given', 'many', 'honors', 'lost', 'love', 'remembering', 'gone', 'back', 'home', 'although', 'without', 'mentioning', 'anything', 'family', 'given', 'roof', 'previous', 'days', 'nonetheless', 'became', 'good', 'friends', 'davide', 'helped', 'make', 'big', 'decisions', 'life', 'like', 'pursuing', 'dream', 'work', 'bakery', 'strength', 'end', 'marriage'], ['may', 'ordinary', 'grandmother', 'northern', 'england', 'husband', 'dies', 'family', 'visit', 'london', 'recedes', 'background', 'busy', 'metropolitan', 'children', 'lives', 'trapped', 'unfamiliar', 'city', 'far', 'home', 'may', 'fears', 'become', 'another', 'invisible', 'old', 'lady', 'whose', 'life', 'less', 'embarks', 'sexual', 'affair', 'darren', 'married', 'handyman', 'half', 'age', 'renovating', 'son', 'house', 'also', 'daughter', 'lover', 'sexual', 'desire', 'soon', 'turns', 'emotional', 'longing', 'may', 'unwittingly', 'embroils', 'point-of-no-return', 'situation', 'devastating', 'results', 'surrounding'], [\"'lucy\", 'mimi', 'kit', 'three', 'friends', 'live', 'small', 'town', 'located', 'state', 'georgia', 'children', 'bury', 'wish', 'box', 'ground', 'vow', 'dig', 'night', 'high', 'school', 'graduation', 'also', 'pledging', 'stay', 'best', 'friends', 'forever', 'however', 'grow', 'focus', 'different', 'aspects', 'lives', 'stop', 'friends', 'lucy', 'turns', 'smart', 'girl', 'perfect', 'grades', 'kit', 'becomes', 'popular', 'girl', 'school', 'mimi', 'teenager', 'ends', 'pregnant', 'night', 'graduation', 'keep', 'promise', 'get', 'together', 'open', 'wish', 'box', 'start', 'talking', 'remember', 'old', 'wishes', 'burying', 'box', 'mimi', 'wanted', 'travel', 'california', 'lucy', 'wanted', 'see', 'mother', 'kit', 'wanted', 'get', 'married', 'mimi', 'brings', 'topic', 'going', 'los', 'angeles', 'record', 'contract', 'audition', 'decide', 'together', 'lucy', 'visit', 'mom', 'tucson', 'arizona', 'kit', 'visit', 'fiance', 'los', 'angeles', 'set', 'road', 'little', 'money', 'yellow', '1969', 'buick', 'skylark', 'convertible', 'guy', 'named', 'ben', 'lucy', 'however', 'leaves', 'without', 'permission', 'father', 'pete', 'wakes', 'next', 'day', 'find', 'daughter', 'gone', 'shortly', 'journey', 'car', 'breaks', 'realise', \"don\\\\'t\", 'enough', 'money', 'travel', 'repair', 'costs', 'mimi', 'suggests', 'sing', 'karaoke', 'local', 'bar', 'good', 'singers', 'tipped', 'well', 'costumers', 'bar', 'girls', 'dress', 'stage', 'perform', 'however', 'song', 'starts', 'mimi', 'develops', 'stage', 'fright', 'unable', 'sing', 'seeing', 'needed', 'money', 'lucy', 'takes', 'place', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'hit', 'crowd', 'make', 'enough', 'money', 'fix', 'car', 'continue', 'way', 'shortly', 'group', 'checks', 'motel', 'kit', 'tells', 'girls', 'heard', 'rumour', 'ben', 'commenting', 'recently', 'released', 'jail', 'killing', 'someone', 'girls', 'spend', 'journey', 'feeling', 'uneasy', 'around', 'confront', 'ben', 'reveals', 'fact', 'jail', 'driving', 'step-sister', 'across', 'state', 'borders', 'without', 'parental', 'consent', 'father', 'abusing', 'established', 'ben', 'assassin', 'imagined', 'lucy', 'ben', 'grow', 'closer', 'girls', 'talk', 'properly', 'first', 'time', 'since', 'kids', 'lucy', 'reveals', 'mother', 'abandoned', 'father', 'three', 'kit', 'overweight', 'child', 'overbearing', 'mother', 'sent', 'fat', 'camp', 'stand', 'daughter', 'beautiful', 'mimi', 'reveals', 'baby\\\\', 'father', 'boyfriend', 'guy', 'raped', 'got', 'drunk', 'party', 'arrive', 'arizona', 'lucy', 'finally', 'meets', 'mother', 'caroline', 'eighteen', 'years', 'however', 'caroline', 'reveals', 'married', 'two', 'sons', 'reveals', 'lucy', 'never', 'wanted', 'mistake', 'lucy', 'leaves', 'house', 'starts', 'cry', 'motel', 'bathroom', 'ben', 'comforts', 'following', 'day', 'lucy', 'rejoins', 'others', 'goes', 'los', 'angeles', 'arrive', 'kit', 'brings', 'mimi', 'along', 'surprise', 'fiance', 'dylan', 'however', 'revealed', 'dylan', 'betraying', 'kit', 'see', 'another', 'girl', 'apartment', 'already', 'upset', 'kit', 'suddenly', 'realizes', 'dylan', 'raped', 'mimi', 'got', 'pregnant', 'punches', 'scared', 'mimi', 'runs', 'away', 'however', 'falls', 'stairs', 'consequently', 'loses', 'baby', 'alone', 'hotel', 'lucy', 'sex', 'ben', 'first', 'time', 'lucy', 'ben', 'fall', 'love', 'father\\\\', 'wishes', 'stays', 'los', 'angeles', 'goes', 'audition', 'instead', 'mimi', 'receiving', 'standing', 'ovation', 'end'], ['told', 'segmented', 'fashion', 'film', 'opens', 'caravaggio', 'dies', 'lead', 'poisoning', 'exile', 'long-time', 'deaf-dumb', 'companion', 'jerusaleme', 'spencer', 'leigh', 'side', 'caravaggio', 'thinks', 'back', 'life', 'teenage', 'street', 'ruffian', 'hustles', 'paints', 'taken', 'ill', 'care', 'priests', 'young', 'caravaggio', 'catches', 'eye', 'cardinal', 'del', 'monte', 'del', 'monte', 'nurtures', 'caravaggio', 'artistic', 'intellectual', 'development', 'also', 'appears', 'molest', 'adult', 'caravaggio', 'still', 'lives', 'roof', 'paints', 'funding', 'del', 'monte', 'caravaggio', 'shown', 'employing', 'street', 'people', 'drunks', 'prostitutes', 'models', 'intense', 'usually', 'religious', 'paintings', 'depicted', 'frequently', 'brawling', 'gambling', 'getting', 'drunk', 'implied', 'sleep', 'male', 'female', 'models', 'including', 'male', 'jerusaleme', 'female', 'contortionist', 'pipo', 'art', 'world', 'caravaggio', 'regarded', 'vulgar', 'entitled', 'due', 'vatican', 'connections', 'one', 'day', 'ranuccio', 'street', 'fighter', 'pay', 'catches', 'caravaggio', 'eye', 'subject', 'potential', 'lover', 'ranuccio', 'also', 'introduces', 'caravaggio', 'girlfriend', 'lena', 'also', 'becomes', 'object', 'attraction', 'model', 'artist', 'ranuccio', 'lena', 'separately', 'caught', 'kissing', 'caravaggio', 'displays', 'jealousy', 'artist', 'attentions', 'one', 'day', 'lena', 'announces', 'pregnant', 'become', 'mistress', 'wealthy', 'scipione', 'borghese', 'soon', 'found', 'murdered', 'drowning', 'weeping', 'ranuccio', 'looks', 'caravaggio', 'jerusaleme', 'clean', 'lena', 'body', 'caravaggio', 'shown', 'painting', 'lena', 'dies', 'mournfully', 'writhing', 'nude', 'body', 'ranuccio', 'arrested', 'lena', 'murder', 'although', 'claims', 'innocent', 'caravaggio', 'pulls', 'strings', 'goes', 'pope', 'free', 'ranuccio', 'ranuccio', 'freed', 'tells', 'caravaggio', 'killed', 'lena', 'could', 'together', 'response', 'caravaggio', 'cuts', 'ranuccio', 'throat', 'killing', 'back', 'deathbed', 'caravaggio', 'shown', 'visions', 'boy', 'trying', 'refuse', 'last', 'rites', 'offered', 'priests', 'keeping', 'caravaggio', 'use', 'contemporary', 'dress', 'biblical', 'figures', 'jarman', 'intentionally', 'includes', 'several', 'anachronisms', 'film', \"n't\", 'fit', 'caravaggio', 'life', '16th', 'century', 'one', 'scene', 'caravaggio', 'bar', 'lit', 'electric', 'lights', 'another', 'character', 'seen', 'using', 'electronic', 'calculator', 'car', 'horns', 'heard', 'honking', 'outside', 'caravaggio', 'studio', 'one', 'scene', 'caravaggio', 'seen', 'leaning', 'green', 'truck', 'cigarette', 'smoking', 'use', 'manual', 'typewriter', 'also', 'feature', 'film'], [\"'in\", '1936', 'tokyo', 'sada', 'abe', 'former', 'prostitute', 'works', 'maid', 'hotel', 'hotel\\\\', 'owner', 'kichizo', 'ishida', 'molests', 'two', 'begin', 'intense', 'affair', 'consists', 'sexual', 'experiments', 'drinking', 'various', 'self-indulgences', 'ishida', 'leaves', 'wife', 'family', 'pursue', 'affair', 'abe', 'abe', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'possessive', 'jealous', 'ishida', 'ishida', 'eager', 'please', 'mutual', 'obsession', 'escalates', 'point', 'ishida', 'finds', 'excited', 'strangled', 'lovemaking', 'killed', 'fashion', 'abe', 'severs', 'penis', 'writes', 'sada', 'kichi', 'two', 'forever', 'blood', 'chest'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'movie', 'based', 'austen', 'novel', 'pride', 'prejudice', 'character', 'names', 'remain', 'others', 'changed', 'slightly', 'using', 'localized', 'names', 'similar', 'pronunciation', 'set', 'amritsar', 'story', 'follows', 'lalita', 'bakshi', 'young', 'woman', 'living', 'doting', 'father', 'helping', 'run', 'family', 'farming', 'enterprise', 'mother', 'determined', 'marry', 'daughters', 'respectable', 'wealthy', 'men', 'three', 'sisters', 'jaya', 'maya', 'lakhi', 'friend\\\\', 'wedding', 'lalita', 'meets', 'darcy', 'handsome', 'wealthy', 'american', 'working', 'family', 'hotel', 'business', 'arrived', 'amritsar', 'long-time', 'friend', 'barrister', 'balraj', 'balraj\\\\', 'sister', 'kiran', 'events', 'movie', 'roughly', 'parallel', 'novel', 'punctuated', 'bollywood', 'style', 'song', 'dance', 'numbers', 'darcy', 'resists', 'attraction', 'lalita', 'considers', 'conceited', 'arrogant', 'intolerant', 'toward', 'india', 'indian', 'culture', 'various', 'parties', 'gatherings', 'mrs', 'bakshi\\\\', 'mindless', 'chatter', 'maya\\\\', 'kitschy', 'dancing', 'lakhi\\\\', 'uninhibited', 'flirting', 'astonish', 'darcy', 'friends', 'mortify', 'jaya', 'lalita', 'balraj', 'jaya', 'fall', 'quickly', 'love', 'misunderstandings', 'interference', 'others', 'drag', 'courtship', 'lalita', 'meets', 'attracted', 'johnny', 'wickham', 'darcy\\\\', 'former', 'friend', 'validates', 'low', 'opinion', 'darcy', 'kholi', 'rich', 'crass', 'clumsy', 'ostentatious', 'americanized', 'relative', 'proposes', 'lalita', 'turns', 'best', 'friend', 'chandra', 'agrees', 'marry', 'much', 'lalita\\\\', 'confusion', 'consternation', 'youngest', 'sister', 'lakhi', 'tries', 'run', 'wickham', 'darcy', 'lalita', 'find', 'couple', 'separate', 'ruin', 'life', 'almost', 'will\\\\', 'young', 'sister', 'georgie', 'ultimately', 'back', 'india', 'jaya', 'balraj\\\\', 'wedding', 'darcy', 'surprises', 'wins', 'lalita', 'joining', 'traditional', 'drumming', 'showing', 'learning', 'appreciate', 'indian', 'culture', 'film', 'ends', 'double', 'wedding', 'jaya', 'balraj', 'lalita', 'darcy', 'two', 'couples', 'riding', 'elephants', 'streets', 'amritsar'], ['young', 'married', 'couple', 'gilles', 'marion', 'sit', 'office', 'listen', 'lawyer', 'read', 'formal', 'terms', 'separation', 'book', 'hotel', 'room', 'together.', 'ref', 'namehttp', '//www.timeout.com/film/reviews/81640/5-x-2.html|title16', 'march', '2005|publisher15', 'october', '2009', 'plot', 'travels', 'backwards', 'chronologically', 'following', 'chapter', 'focusing', 'tense', 'dinner', 'party', 'couple', 'hosted', 'gilles', 'brother', 'boyfriend', 'time', 'previously', 'gilles', 'appears', 'admit', 'infidelity', 'moving', 'back', 'point', 'birth', 'son', 'gilles', 'manages', 'miss', 'several', 'hours', 'leaving', 'marion', 'parents', 'family', 'hospital', 'film', 'reverts', 'wedding', 'day', 'ending', 'scenes', 'italian', 'beach', 'resort', 'already', 'acquaintances', 'work', 'ran', 'chance', 'first', 'began', 'relationship', 'cite', 'web', 'ozon', 'also', 'said', 'backward', 'structure', 'story', 'part', 'inspired', 'jane', 'campion', '1986', 'film', 'two', 'friends', 'allowed', 'true', 'lucid', 'reading', 'couple', 'story'], ['film', 'based', 'life', 'alexander', 'great', 'king', 'macedon', 'conquered', 'asia', 'minor', 'egypt', 'persia', 'part', 'ancient', 'india', 'shown', 'key', 'moments', 'alexander', 'youth', 'invasion', 'mighty', 'persian', 'empire', 'death', 'also', 'outlines', 'early', 'life', 'including', 'difficult', 'relationship', 'father', 'philip', 'macedon', 'strained', 'feeling', 'towards', 'mother', 'olympias', 'unification', 'greek', 'city-states', 'two', 'greek', 'kingdoms', 'hellenic', 'league', 'bowra', 'c.m.', '1957', 'greek', 'experience', 'london', 'phoenix', 'orion', 'books', 'ltd', 'isbn', '1-85799-122-2', 'conquest', 'persian', 'empire', '331', 'also', 'details', 'plans', 'reform', 'empire', 'attempts', 'made', 'reach', 'end', 'known', 'world', 'story', 'begins', 'years', '323', 'around', '283', 'ptolemy', 'soter', 'narrates', 'throughout', 'film', 'see', 'alexander', 'daily', 'life', 'strained', 'relationship', 'parents', 'alexander', 'grows', 'mother', 'olympias', 'tutor', 'aristotle', 'finds', 'interest', 'love', 'honour', 'music', 'exploration', 'poetry', 'military', 'combat', 'relationship', 'father', 'destroyed', 'philip', 'marries', 'attalus', 'niece', 'eurydice', 'philip', 'assassinated', 'alexander', 'becomes', 'king', 'macedonia', 'briefly', 'mentioned', 'punitive', 'razing', 'thebes', 'burning', 'persepolis', 'ptolemy', 'gives', 'overview', 'alexander', 'west-persian', 'campaign', 'including', 'declared', 'son', 'zeus', 'oracle', 'amun', 'siwa', 'oasis', 'great', 'battle', 'persian', 'emperor', 'darius', 'iii', 'battle', 'gaugamela', 'eight-year', 'campaign', 'across', 'asia', 'also', 'shown', 'alexander', 'private', 'relationships', 'childhood', 'friend', 'hephaestion', 'later', 'wife', 'roxana', 'hephaestion', 'compares', 'alexander', 'achilles', 'alexander', 'replies', 'achilles', 'hephaestion', 'must', 'patroclus', 'hephaestion', 'mentions', 'patroclus', 'died', 'first', 'alexander', 'pledges', 'hephaestion', 'die', 'first', 'follow', 'afterlife', 'hephaestion', 'shows', 'extensive', 'jealousy', 'sees', 'alexander', 'roxana', 'deep', 'sadness', 'marries', 'going', 'far', 'attempt', 'keep', 'away', 'alexander', 'murders', 'cleitus', 'black', 'india', 'initial', 'objection', 'soldiers', 'alexander', 'convinces', 'join', 'final', 'bloodiest', 'battle', 'battle', 'hydaspes', 'severely', 'injured', 'arrow', 'survives', 'celebrated', 'later', 'hephaestion', 'succumbs', 'unknown', 'illness', 'either', 'chance', 'perhaps', 'poison', 'speculated', 'movie', 'typhus', 'carried', 'india', 'alexander', 'full', 'grief', 'anger', 'distances', 'wife', 'despite', 'pregnancy', 'believing', 'killed', 'hephaestion', 'dies', 'less', 'three', 'months', 'hephaestion', 'manner', 'keeping', 'promise', 'would', 'follow'], ['story', 'focuses', 'ruthless', 'barney', 'glasgow', 'edward', 'arnold', 'stop', 'nothing', 'achieve', 'goal', 'rises', 'rank', 'lowly', 'lumberjack', 'head', 'logging', 'industry', '19th', 'century', 'wisconsin', 'determination', 'succeed', 'eventually', 'leads', 'end', 'relationship', 'saloon', 'singer', 'lotta', 'morgan', 'marry', 'emma', 'louise', 'hewitt', 'daughter', 'boss', 'jed', 'hewett', 'order', 'secure', 'partnership', 'business', 'two', 'decades', 'later', 'barney', 'emma', 'louise', 'son', 'richard', 'strongly', 'objects', 'father', 'practice', 'destroying', 'forests', 'without', 'planting', 'new', 'trees', 'barney', 'visits', 'old', 'friend', 'swan', 'bostrom', 'married', 'lotta', 'barney', 'rejected', 'swan', 'widower', 'raising', 'daughter', 'also', 'named', 'lotta', 'bears', 'striking', 'resemblance', 'mother', 'barney', 'finds', 'attracted', 'girl', 'foolishly', 'hoping', 'recapture', 'love', 'abandoned', 'young', 'man', 'offers', 'finance', 'education', 'complications', 'arise', 'richard', 'meets', 'lotta', 'takes', 'strong', 'interest', 'reciprocated', 'much', 'barney', 'displeasure', 'jealousy'], ['lilian', \"'lil\", 'andrews', 'young', 'woman', 'anything', 'improve', 'seduces', 'wealthy', 'boss', 'william', \"'bill\", 'legendre', 'jr.', 'cleverly', 'breaks', 'marriage', 'loving', 'wife', 'irene', 'irene', 'reconsiders', 'tries', 'reconcile', 'bill', 'find', 'married', 'lil', 'day', 'however', 'lil', 'finds', 'shunned', 'high', 'society', 'including', 'bill', 'father', 'legendre', 'sr.', 'lower', 'class', 'origins', 'homewrecking', 'charles', 'gaerste', 'nationally', 'known', 'coal', 'tycoon', 'main', 'customer', 'legendres', 'company', 'visits', 'city', 'lil', 'thinks', 'found', 'way', 'force', 'way', 'highest', 'social', 'circles', 'seduces', 'blackmails', 'throwing', 'party', 'mansion', 'knowing', 'one', 'would', 'dare', 'offend', 'showing', 'seems', 'like', 'social', 'coup', 'lil', 'hairdresser', 'friend', 'confidante', 'sally', 'points', 'guests', 'left', 'early', 'attend', 'surprise', 'party', 'irene', 'humiliated', 'decides', 'move', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'even', 'means', 'temporary', 'separation', 'husband', 'finds', 'lil', 'handkerchief', 'gaerste', 'place', 'correctly', 'guesses', 'lil', 'done', 'shows', 'evidence', 'son', 'hires', 'detectives', 'watch', 'lil', 'find', 'conducting', 'one', 'two', 'affairs', 'charles', 'handsome', 'french', 'chauffeur', 'albert', 'bill', 'shows', 'charles', 'damning', 'photographs', 'lil', 'learns', 'charles', 'found', 'returns', 'bill', 'find', 'irene', 'furious', 'shoots', 'survives', 'refuses', 'charged', 'attempted', 'murder', 'however', 'divorce', 'remarry', 'irene', 'two', 'years', 'later', 'sees', 'racetrack', 'paris', 'company', 'aged', 'frenchman', 'discreetly', 'hides', 'irene', 'binoculars', 'final', 'scene', 'lil', 'elderly', 'companion', 'get', 'limousine', '...', 'driven', 'albert'], ['miles', 'raymond', 'unsuccessful', 'writer', 'wine-aficionado', 'depressed', 'middle', 'school', 'english', 'teacher', 'living', 'san', 'diego', 'takes', 'soon-to-be-married', 'actor', 'friend', 'college', 'roommate', 'jack', 'cole', 'road', 'trip', 'santa', 'ynez', 'valley', 'wine', 'country', 'miles', 'wants', 'relax', 'live', 'well', 'however', 'jack', 'wants', 'one', 'last', 'sexual', 'fling', 'wine', 'country', 'men', 'encounter', 'maya', 'waitress', 'miles', 'favorite', 'restaurant', 'hitching', 'post', 'friend', 'stephanie', 'employee', 'local', 'winery', 'arrange', 'double', 'date', 'without', 'revealing', 'jack', 'married', 'jack', 'affair', 'stephanie', 'miles', 'maya', 'connect', 'miles', 'accidentally', 'tells', 'maya', 'jack', 'married', 'enraged', 'dishonesty', 'maya', 'dumps', 'miles', 'tells', 'stephanie', 'breaks', 'jack', 'nose', 'upon', 'finding', 'manuscript', 'rejected', 'miles', 'makes', 'scene', 'wine', 'tasting', 'room', 'jack', 'hooks', 'another', 'woman', 'explain', 'broken', 'nose', 'fianc챕e', 'jack', 'runs', 'miles', 'car', 'tree', 'wedding', 'miles', 'faces', 'fact', 'ex-wife', 'never', 'return', 'alone', 'drinks', 'prized', 'wine', '1961', 'ch창teau', 'cheval', 'blanc', 'disposable', 'coffee', 'cup', 'fast-food', 'restaurant', 'later', 'receives', 'message', 'maya', 'says', 'enjoyed', 'manuscript', 'invites', 'visit', 'last', 'scene', 'movie', 'shows', 'miles', 'back', 'santa', 'ynez', 'knocking', 'maya', 'door'], [\"'calamity\", 'jane', 'rides', 'deadwood', 'south', 'dakota', 'stagecoach', 'local', 'saloon', 'bar', 'golden', 'garter', 'sends', 'beautiful', 'women', 'appear', 'stage', 'entertain', 'residents', 'town', 'females', 'unfortunately', 'men', 'anything', 'pleased', 'latest', 'woman', 'turns', 'man', 'named', 'francis', 'fryer', 'dick', 'wesson', 'stage', 'act', 'drag', 'goes', 'name', 'frances', 'fryer', 'saloon', 'owner', 'misled', 'girlish-sounding', 'name', 'reading', 'advertisement', 'newspaper', 'men', 'begin', 'storm', 'calamity', 'thinking', 'quick', 'panic', 'vows', 'get', 'one', 'woman', 'drooling', 'singer', 'adelaid', 'adams', 'chicago', 'golden', 'garter', 'receives', 'letter', 'adams', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'seen', 'dead', 'town', 'calamity', 'still', 'determined', 'bring', 'wild', 'bill', 'hickok', 'laughs', 'idea', 'tells', 'calamity', 'night', 'adams', 'steps', 'stage', 'come', 'opening', 'dressed', 'sioux', 'squaw', 'lugging', 'papoose', 'calamity', 'travels', 'chicago', 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'back', 'onto', 'horse', 'chases', 'stagecoach', 'eventually', 'catching', 'tells', 'katie', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'love', 'danny', 'marrying', 'bill', 'two', 'women', 'become', 'friends', 'double', 'wedding', 'follows', 'bill', 'finds', 'calamity\\\\', 'gun', 'wedding', 'dress', 'jokes', 'it\\\\', 'case', 'actresses', 'roll', 'chicago', 'movie', 'ends', 'two', 'happy', 'couples', 'riding', 'town', 'stage.for', 'music', 'lyrics', 'libretto', 'subsequent', 'stage', 'play', 'musical', 'adapted', 'warner', 'bros', 'film', 'also', 'see', 'vocal', 'score-', 'calamity', 'jane', 'amateur', 'operatic', 'version', 'warner', 'chappell', 'music', 'ltd', 'copyright', '2006', 'faber', 'music', 'ltd', 'libretto-', 'calamity', 'jane', 'musical', 'western', 'adapted', 'ronald', 'hanmer', 'phil', 'park', 'stage', 'play', 'charles', 'freeman', 'warner', 'bros', 'film', 'written', 'james', \"o\\\\'hanlon\", 'licensed', 'josef', 'weinberger', 'ltd', 'london', 'arrangement', 'tams-witmark', 'music', 'library', 'nyc'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'shortly', 'bridget\\\\', 'mother\\\\', 'yearly', 'turkey', 'curry', 'buffet', 'bridget', 'ecstatic', 'relationship', 'mark', 'darcy', 'however', 'bridget\\\\', 'confidence', 'relationship', 'shattered', 'meets', 'mark\\\\', 'colleague', 'beautiful', 'rebecca', 'gilles', 'bridget', 'meets', 'daniel', 'cleaver', 'job', 'sit-up', 'britain', 'offered', 'position', 'smooth', 'guidess', 'bridget', 'delighted', 'asked', 'mark', 'law', 'council', 'dinner', 'assuming', 'propose', 'afterwards', 'night', 'end', 'well', 'law', 'council', 'dinner', 'mark', 'bridget', 'argument', 'walks', 'away', 'mark', 'goes', 'bridget\\\\', 'apartment', 'apologizes', 'tells', 'loves', 'first', 'time', 'later', 'night', 'mark', 'asks', 'bridget', 'she\\\\', 'like', 'ski', 'holiday', 'slopes', 'learns', 'rebecca', 'recommended', 'vacation', 'spot', 'mark', 'holiday', 'bridget', 'thinks', 'she\\\\', 'pregnant', 'argument', 'concerning', 'future', 'children', 'test', 'negative', 'return', 'home', 'bridget', 'mark', 'lunch', 'parents', 'subject', 'marriage', 'comes', 'conversation', 'bridget', 'hurt', 'mark\\\\', 'comment', 'it\\\\', 'something', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'even', 'thinking', 'yet', 'mark\\\\', 'place', 'bridget', 'upset', 'giving', 'straight', 'answer', 'reasons', 'breaks', 'relationship', 'bridget', 'decides', 'daniel', 'thailand', 'film', 'smooth', 'guide', 'friend', 'shazzer', 'bridget', 'daniel', 'flirt', 'plane', 'leads', 'alone', 'hotel', 'room', 'walks', 'prostitute', 'arrives', 'packing', 'trip', 'home', 'thailand', 'bridget', 'puts', 'shazzer\\\\', 'gift', 'man', 'named', 'jed', 'paul', 'nicholls', 'bag', 'bridget', 'arrested', 'sent', 'thai', 'prison', 'airport', 'security', 'dogs', 'recognize', 'cocaine', 'inside', 'gift', 'prison', 'bridget', 'spends', 'time', 'sharing', 'relationship', 'stories', 'inmates', 'teaching', 'madonna\\\\', 'like', 'virgin', 'mark', 'arrives', 'tell', 'bridget', 'superiors', 'sent', 'put', 'release', 'motion', 'bridget', 'identifies', 'jed', 'picture', 'man', 'gave', 'shazzer', 'hidden', 'cocaine', 'mark', 'walks', 'away', 'clearly', 'stating', 'messenger', 'britain', 'mark', 'confronts', 'daniel', 'helping', 'bridget', 'arrested', 'start', 'fight', 'outside', 'museum', 'bridget\\\\', 'return', 'international', 'human', 'rights', 'celebrity', 'greeted', 'parents', 'busy', 'planning', 'vow', 'renewal', 'ceremony', 'home', 'surprised', 'friends', 'inform', 'mark', 'one', 'tracked', 'jed', 'forced', 'custody', 'order', 'free', 'process', 'putting', 'motion', 'british', 'government', 'mi5', 'interpol', 'many', 'diplomatic', 'big-wigs', 'hopeful', 'still', 'loves', 'runs', 'house', 'finds', 'rebecca', 'reveals', 'love', 'mark', 'loves', 'bridget', 'instead', 'bridget', 'confronts', 'mark', 'legal', 'chambers', 'asks', 'take', 'back', 'mark', 'proposes', 'bridget', 'accepts', 'film', 'ends', 'bridget\\\\', 'parents', 'renewing', 'vows', 'bridget', 'catching', 'bouquet'], [\"'the\", 'story', 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'knowledge', 'courses', 'took', 'many', 'institutions', 'higher', 'learning', 'expelled', '*the', 'third', 'bag', 'belongs', 'mrs.', 'van', 'hoskins', 'rich', 'woman', 'using', 'store', 'valuable', 'jewels', '*the', 'fourth', 'last', 'overnight', 'bag', 'belongs', 'mysterious', 'mr.', 'smith', 'michael', 'murphy', 'contains', 'top-secret', 'government', 'papers', 'least', 'indication', 'illegally', 'wishes', 'make', 'public', 'equally', 'mysterious', 'mr.', 'jones', 'philip', 'roth', 'identifies', 'government', 'mission', 'recover', 'documents', 'howard', 'eunice', 'mrs.', 'van', 'hoskins', 'mr.', 'smith', 'happen', 'check', 'hotel', 'bristol', 'time', 'whereupon', 'judy', 'lodges', 'without', 'paying', 'begins', 'pursuing', 'howard', 'two', 'hotel', 'employees', 'attempt', 'steal', 'jewels', 'belonging', 'mrs.', 'van', 'hoskins', 'mr.', 'jones', 'attempts', 'get', 'bag', 'belonging', 'mr.', 'smith', 'course', 'evening', 'bags', 'get', 'switched', 'haphazardly', 'room', 'room', 'four', 'parties', 'unwittingly', 'take', 'one', 'another\\\\', 'suitcases', 'howard', 'ends', 'jewels', 'judy', 'documents', 'mr.', 'smith', 'clothes', 'thieves', 'end', 'rocks', 'people', 'ever', 'actually', 'open', 'bags', 'confirm', 'think', 'actually', 'possess', 'meanwhile', 'judy', 'manages', 'secure', 'grant', 'howard', 'masquerading', 'eunice', 'accidentally', 'destroys', 'hotel', 'room', 'following', 'day', 'everyone', 'makes', 'way', 'mr.', 'larrabee\\\\', 'home', 'shooting', 'occurs', 'howard', 'judy', 'take', 'bags', 'chased', 'san', 'francisco', 'thieves', 'mr.', 'smith', 'mr.', 'jones', 'eunice', 'simon', 'larabee', 'roped-in', 'bystanders', 'chinatown', 'lombard', 'street', 'eventually', 'san', 'francisco', 'bay', 'protagonists', 'finally', 'end', 'court', 'gavel', 'world-weary', 'curmudgeonly', 'judge', 'improbably', 'turns', 'judy\\\\', 'father', 'shock', 'seeing', 'daughter', 'involved', 'scandal', 'suffers', 'heart', 'attack', 'causes', 'judge\\\\', 'bench', 'collapse', 'end', 'everything', 'cleared', 'howard', 'gets', 'rocks', 'back', 'mrs.', 'van', 'hoskins', 'pays', 'considerable', 'damages', 'howard\\\\', 'name', 'reward', 'money', 'would', 'received', 'return', 'jewels', 'hotel', 'thieves', 'forced', 'flee', 'country', 'papers', 'put', 'back', 'hands', 'government', 'judy', 'exposes', 'simon', 'fraud', 'plagiarist', 'eunice', 'leaves', 'howard', 'larrabee', 'judy', 'announces', 'taking', 'one', 'pass', 'college', 'mdash', 'studying', 'music', 'history', 'iowa', 'conservatory', 'music', 'film', 'ends', 'suitably', 'romantic', 'note', 'howard', 'judy', 'share', 'airborne', 'kiss', 'in-flight', 'movie', 'shows', 'bugs', 'bunny', 'cartoon', 'gave', 'film', 'name'], [\"'in\", 'opening', 'scene', 'girl', 'young', 'man', 'see', 'first', 'time', 'opposite', 'sides', 'street', 'london', 'girl', 'looks', 'wrong', 'direction', 'crosses', 'street', 'hit', 'taxicab', 'right', 'front', 'young', 'man', 'rushes', 'smiles', 'says', 'hello', 'stranger', 'takes', 'hospital', 'treated', 'released', 'afterward', 'way', 'office', 'stop', 'postman\\\\', 'park', 'introduce', 'years', 'old', 'arrived', 'london', 'united', 'states', 'stripping', 'living', 'he\\\\', 'dan', 'woolf', 'unsuccessful', 'aspiring', 'british', 'writer', 'way', 'work', 'writes', 'obituaries', 'national', 'newspaper', 'leaves', 'goes', 'work', 'asks', 'name', 'answers', 'alice', 'ayres', 'soon', 'start', 'relationship', 'year', 'later', 'dan', 'straying', 'written', 'novel', 'based', 'alice\\\\', 'life', 'photographed', 'publicize', 'flirts', 'american', 'photographer', 'anna', 'cameron', 'anna', 'dan', 'kiss', 'finds', 'dan', 'alice', 'relationship', 'alice', 'arrives', 'asks', 'use', 'anna\\\\', 'bathroom', 'leaving', 'anna', 'dan', 'alone', 'dan', 'takes', 'opportunity', 'try', 'persuade', 'anna', 'affair', 'cut', 'short', 'alice\\\\', 'return', 'alice', 'asks', 'anna', 'portrait', 'taken', 'well', 'anna', 'agrees', 'alice', 'asks', 'dan', 'leave', 'alone', 'photo', 'shooting', 'photographed', 'reveals', 'anna', 'overheard', 'photographed', 'weeping', 'alice', 'reveal', 'overheard', 'dan', 'even', 'spends', 'year', 'stalking', 'anna', 'resists', 'another', 'year', 'later', 'dan', 'enters', 'cybersex', 'chat', 'room', 'randomly', 'meets', 'larry', 'gray', 'british', 'dermatologist', 'anna', 'still', 'mind', 'dan', 'pretends', 'using', 'pretense', 'sex', 'dan', 'convinces', 'larry', 'meet', 'aquarium', 'larry', 'goes', 'meeting', 'place', 'coincidence', 'anna', 'approaches', 'turns', 'set', 'feeling', 'foolish', 'larry', 'apologizes', 'confused', 'situation', 'anna', 'tells', 'larry', 'man', 'pursued', 'dan', 'likely', 'blame', 'setup', 'soon', 'anna', 'larry', 'become', 'couple', 'refer', 'dan', 'cupid', 'inside', 'joke', 'four', 'months', 'later', 'anna\\\\', 'photo', 'exhibition', 'larry', 'meets', 'alice', 'recognizes', 'tearful', 'photograph', 'one', 'many', 'exhibited', 'larry', 'knows', 'alice', 'dan', 'couple', 'talking', 'anna', 'flirt', 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'larry', 'office', 'larry', 'anna', 'sex', 'fully', 'functional', 'larry', 'successful', 'private', 'practice', 'tells', 'dan', 'anna', 'secretly', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'happy', 'never', 'gave', 'signed', 'divorce', 'papers', 'lawyer', 'larry', 'tells', 'dan', 'love', 'needs', 'compromise', 'suggests', 'try', 'get', 'alice', 'back', 'dan', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'larry', 'tells', 'find', 'alice', 'also', 'alice', 'sex', 'alice', 'takes', 'dan', 'back', 'decides', 'take', 'america', 'surprise', 'vacation', 'get', 'hotel', 'room', 'near', 'heathrow', 'airport', 'happy', 'back', 'together', 'alice', 'notes', 'four', 'years', 'ago', 'today', 'day', 'first', 'met', 'london', 'street', 'reminisce', 'dan', \"can\\\\'t\", 'help', 'asks', 'whether', 'sex', 'larry', 'initially', 'truthfully', 'denies', 'insists', 'truth', 'suddenly', 'tells', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'love', 'anymore', 'goes', 'say', 'sex', 'larry', 'night', 'found', 'working', 'strip', 'club', 'dan', 'reveals', 'larry', 'already', 'told', 'one-night', 'stand', 'he\\\\', 'already', 'forgiven', 'angry', 'tricked', 'insists', 'it\\\\', 'tells', 'leave', 'refuses', 'threatens', 'call', 'security', 'believe', 'picks', 'phone', 'grabs', 'questions', 'angrily', 'slept', 'larry', 'eventually', 'says', 'it\\\\', 'dan', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'continue', 'argue', 'spits', 'face', 'dan', 'almost', 'hits', 'refrains', 'encourages', 'hit', 'looks', 'shock', 'dan', 'hits', 'alice', 'returns', 'new', 'york', 'alone', 'passing', 'immigration', 'checkpoint', 'way', 'back', 'united', 'states', 'revealed', 'shot', 'passport', 'name', 'indeed', 'jane', 'rachel', 'jones', 'lied', 'name', 'duration', 'four-year', 'relationship', 'dan', 'back', 'london', 'dan', 'returns', 'postman\\\\', 'park', 'surprise', 'notices', 'name', 'alice', 'ayres', 'tile', 'dedicated', 'girl', 'intrepid', 'conduct', 'cost', 'young', 'life', 'saved', 'three', 'children', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'alice/jane', 'walking', 'broadway', 'towards', '47th', 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'two', 'meet', 'man', 'tired', 'daily', 'interrogations', 'tries', 'persuade', 'surrender', 'last', 'secrets', 'sake', 'son', 'declines', 'offer', 'live', 'cuts', 'finger', 'writes', 'name', 'secret', 'bank', 'account', 'blood', 'handkerchief', 'saved', 'first', 'time', 'investigated'], [\"'josh\", 'tiffany', 'long', 'time', 'friends', 'became', 'high', 'school', 'sweethearts', 'face', 'long', 'distance', 'relationship', 'josh', 'enrolls', 'university', 'ithaca', 'tiffany', 'enrolls', 'university', 'austin', 'despite', 'distance', 'apart', 'make', 'promise', 'true', 'call', 'every', 'day', 'tiffany', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'call', 'josh', 'answer', 'josh\\\\', 'calls', 'josh', 'worryied', 'tiffany', 'seeing', 'another', 'man', 'show', 'still', 'love', 'makes', 'daily', 'recorded', 'video', 'blog', 'josh\\\\', 'last', 'blog', 'friends', 'rubin', 'carver', 'barry', 'manilow', 'barge', 'video', 'barry', 'keeps', 'checking', 'rubin\\\\', 'snake', 'mitch', 'urging', 'rubin', 'over-feed', 'mitch', 'josh', 'tells', 'rubin', 'mail', 'blog', 'tape', 'tiffany', 'leaving', 'class', 'class', 'josh', 'flunking', 'ancient', 'philosophy', 'needs', 'mid-term', 'pass', 'semester', 'josh', 'thinks', 'flunk', 'anyway', 'still', 'worrying', 'tiffany', 'josh\\\\', 'friend', 'e.l.', 'encourages', 'josh', 'move', 'another', 'woman', 'josh\\\\', 'friend', 'beth', 'party', 'jacob', 'teacher\\\\', 'assistant', 'huge', 'crush', 'beth', 'even', 'knows', 'josh', 'likes', 'unbeknownst', 'josh', 'set', 'jacob', 'fail', 'ancient', 'philosophy', 'e.l.\\\\', 'party', 'josh', 'attends', 'e.l.', 'holds', 'auction', 'women', 'including', 'beth', 'bid', 'jacob', 'also', 'attends', 'party', 'beth', 'convinces', 'josh', 'outbid', 'jacob', 'e.l.', 'helps', 'josh', 'win', 'bid', 'jacob', 'e.l.', 'claimed', 'since', 'jacob', 'teacher\\\\', 'assistant', 'bid', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'count', 'josh', 'beth', 'dance', 'decide', 'sex', 'arrive', 'josh\\\\', 'room', 'beth', 'decides', 'record', 'sex', 'camcorder', 'josh', 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'boston', 'confusion', 'austin', 'beth', 'goes', 'girls\\\\', 'showers', 'everyone', 'naked', 'advice', 'suggest', 'boston', 'tell', 'tiffany', 'situation', 'beth', 'however', 'tiffany', 'confronts', 'boston', 'wrong', 'one', 'road', 'group', 'talk', 'loop', 'holes', 'come', 'across', 'ten', 'foot', 'gap', 'think', 'waste', 'hours', 'back', 'tracking', 'soon', 'think', 'could', 'jump', 'gap', 'kyle', 'objects', 'jump', 'anyway', 'make', 'wheels', 'fall', 'car', 'explodes', 'continue', 'foot', 'stop', 'motel', 'rubin', 'tries', 'score', 'marijuana', 'motel', 'clerk', 'informed', 'kyle\\\\', 'credit', 'card', 'maxed', 'meanwhile', 'kyle\\\\', 'father', 'earl', 'tries', 'pay', 'meal', 'maxed', 'card', 'denied', 'service', 'begins', 'all-out', 'search', 'kyle', 'informed', 'police', 'kyle\\\\', 'car', 'blown', 'kyle', 'turned', 'missing', 'way', 'austin', 'group', 'goes', 'series', 'hilarious', 'misadventures', 'rubin', 'successfully', 'bluffing', 'way', 'all-black', 'fraternity', 'house', 'university', 'tennessee', 'riotous', 'visit', 'barry\\\\', 'grandparents', 'since', 'josh\\\\', 'books', 'destroyed', 'explosion', 'calls', 'professor', 'gets', 'extension', 'midterm', '...', '..or', 'thinks', 'group', 'finally', 'gets', 'austin', 'get', 'tiffany\\\\', 'dorm', 'josh', 'intercepts', 'tape', 'sent', 'tiffany', 'arrived', 'back', 'school', 'meanwhile', 'earl', 'shows', 'enraged', 'happened', 'car', 'credit', 'card', 'threatens', 'take', 'kyle', 'back', 'home', 'kyle', 'finally', 'gets', 'courage', 'stand', 'states', 'going', 'back', 'school', 'friends', 'josh', 'tiffany', 'watch', 'tape', 'turns', 'nothing', 'barry', 'mooning', 'camera', 'beth', 'found', 'real', 'tiffany', 'calls', 'warn', 'josh', 'duped', 'jacob', 'josh', 'hours', 'get', 'back', 'school', 'else', 'fail', 'midterm', 'fail', 'course', 'possibly', 'kicked', 'college', 'talk', 'josh', 'tiffany', 'agree', 'break', 'remain', 'friends', 'josh', 'buddies', 'head', 'back', 'school', 'josh', 'arrives', 'time', 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'advanced', 'stage', 'doctor', 'feels', 'treatment', 'would', 'futile', 'liberated', 'job', 'hated', 'funded', 'severance', 'package', 'george', 'decides', 'time', 'come', 'demolish', 'ramshackle', 'home', 'left', 'father', 'replace', 'house', 'keeping', 'ambiance', 'upscale', 'neighborhood', 'decides', 'enlist', 'aid', 'son', 'angst-ridden', 'self-loathing', 'sam', 'rebellious', 'pill-popping', 'glue-sniffing', 'teenager', 'blue', 'hair', 'makeup', 'number', 'piercings', 'sam', 'alienated', 'stepfather', 'peter', 'mother', 'robin', 'finds', 'unable', 'cope', 'sam', 'must', 'spend', 'summer', 'george', 'opted', 'reveal', 'terminal', 'condition', 'help', 'final', 'project', 'life', 'sam', 'happy', 'forced', 'stay', 'george', 'makes', 'point', 'help', 'house\\\\', 'construction', 'return', 'george', 'refuses', 'give', 'money', 'makes', 'shower', 'outside', 'attempt', 'gain', 'money', 'fund', 'drugs', 'sam', 'turns', 'prostitution', 'however', 'caught', 'forced', 'flee', 'leads', 'take', 'george\\\\', 'vicodin', 'time', 'passes', 'george', 'slowly', 'reconnects', 'sam', 'robin', 'decides', 'assist', 'well', 'begins', 'find', 'rediscovering', 'man', 'loved', 'also', 'joining', 'construction', 'alyssa', 'sam\\\\', 'classmate', 'lives', 'house', 'next', 'door', 'mother', 'colleen', 'local', 'policeman', 'kurt', 'walker', 'george\\\\', 'childhood', 'friend', 'sam\\\\', 'young', 'half-brothers', 'adam', 'ryan', 'various', 'neighbors', 'eventually', 'peter', 'even', 'separating', 'robin', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'renewed', 'feelings', 'ex-husband', 'eventually', 'george', 'tells', 'robin', 'disease', 'sending', 'shock', 'night', 'tells', 'sam', 'reacts', 'feelings', 'betrayal', 'accusing', 'george', 'selfish', 'george', 'responds', 'saying', 'sam', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'trying', 'get', 'like', 'trying', 'get', 'love', 'making', 'sam', 'even', 'angrier', 'betrayal', 'leading', 'take', 'refuge', 'alyssa\\\\', 'house', 'night', 'george', 'collapses', 'garage/shack', 'found', 'robin', 'following', 'morning', 'complications', 'arise', 'cantankerous', 'neighbor', 'david', 'dokos', 'tries', 'halt', 'construction', 'building\\\\', 'height', 'exceeds', 'allowable', 'limit', 'six', 'inches', 'plans', 'halt', 'project', 'stopped', 'sam', 'recognises', 'prostitution', 'attempt', 'subtly', 'blackmails', 'information', 'final', 'act', 'love', 'towards', 'father', 'sam', 'puts', 'christmas', 'lights', 'unfinished', 'house', 'shows', 'george', 'gleaming', 'house', 'hospital', 'window', 'next', 'morning', 'sam', 'returns', 'finish', 'house', 'robin', 'sits', 'beside', 'george', 'death', 'robin', 'goes', 'house', 'tells', 'sam', 'father\\\\', 'death', 'sam', 'much', 'changed', 're-engagement', 'father', 'inherits', 'house', 'finished', 'building', 'closing', 'scenes', 'decides', 'give', 'property', 'girl', 'injured', 'car', 'crash', 'george\\\\', 'father', 'cause', 'living', 'trailer', 'park', 'rather', 'occupying', 'selling', 'profit', 'voice-over', 'george', 'says', 'final', 'words', 'sam', 'always', 'thought', 'house', 'always', 'lived', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'need', 'big', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'even', 'need', 'beautiful', 'needed', 'mine', 'became', 'meant', 'built', 'life', '...', 'built', 'house', 'twenty-nine', 'years', 'ago', 'father', 'crossed', 'double', 'line', 'changed', 'life', 'life', 'little', 'girl', 'forever', 'mistake', \"can\\\\'t\", 'stop', 'thinking', 'every', 'crash', 'every', 'wave', 'hear', 'something', 'never', 'listened', 'edge', 'cliff', 'listening', 'almost', 'finished', 'house', 'sam', 'would', 'want', 'built', 'rock', 'facing', 'sea', 'listening', 'listening'], ['1943', 'captain', 'buzz', 'rickson', 'arrogant', 'b-17', 'pilot', 'stationed', 'england', 'world', 'war', 'bombing', 'mission', 'aborted', 'clouds', 'obscure', 'potential', 'targets', 'rickson', 'ignores', 'order', 'turn', 'around', 'dives', 'clouds', 'completes', 'job', 'cost', 'one', 'bombers', 'squadron', 'entire', 'crew', 'rickson', 'revels', 'fighting', 'destruction', 'assigned', 'drop', 'propaganda', 'leaflets', 'makes', 'displeasure', 'felt', 'buzzing', 'airfield', 'commanding', 'officer', 'tolerates', 'repeated', 'insubordination', 'best', 'pilot', 'bomber', 'group', 'even', 'asks', 'flight', 'surgeon', 'opinion', 'latter', 'uncertain', 'whether', 'rickson', 'hero', 'psychopath', 'however', 'rickson', 'crew', 'trusts', 'great', 'flying', 'skill', 'especially', 'co-pilot', 'lieutenant', 'bolland', 'missions', 'rickson', 'bolland', 'meet', 'woman', 'daphne', 'caldwell', 'though', 'attracted', 'pilots', 'quickly', 'finds', 'kind', 'man', 'rickson', 'chooses', 'bolland', 'soon', 'begin', 'sleeping', 'together', 'falls', 'love', 'though', 'suspects', 'leave', 'behind', 'return', 'america', 'end', 'tour', 'duty', 'meanwhile', 'bolland', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'disillusioned', 'rickson', 'arrogance', 'callousness', 'rickson', 'pressures', 'navigator', '2nd', 'lieutenant', 'marty', 'lynch', 'transferring', 'another', 'aircraft', 'questions', 'orders', 'behaviour', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'family', 'man', 'lynch', 'killed', 'action', 'friend', 'bolland', 'takes', 'hard', 'blames', 'rickson', 'crew', 'near', 'end', 'required', 'missions', 'rickson', 'makes', 'move', 'daphne', 'visiting', 'flat', 'bolland', 'heads', 'back', 'base', 'rickson', 'plans', 'embark', 'second', 'tour', 'duty', 'rival', 'goes', 'home', 'daphne', 'rejects', 'forceful', 'advances', 'rickson', 'tries', 'make', 'bolland', 'think', 'otherwise', 'finally', 'bombing', 'mission', 'b-17', 'badly', 'shot', 'one', 'crew', 'member', 'sgt', 'sailen', 'dies', 'wounds', 'limps', 'back', 'english', 'channel', 'rest', 'crew', 'bails', 'rickson', 'pushes', 'unsuspecting', 'bolland', 'plane', 'tries', 'nurse', 'bomber', 'back', 'base', 'crash', 'white', 'cliffs', 'kent', 'coast'], [\"'while\", 'researching', 'ordinary', 'real', 'estate', 'transaction', 'title', 'examiner', 'leah', 'farrell', 'discovers', 'property', 'transfer', 'document', 'forged', 'name', 'missing', 'woman', 'proceeds', 'investigate', 'threatened', 'gangsters', 'snooping', 'around', 'turns', 'help', 'assistant', 'district', 'attorney', 'paul', 'shaughnessy', 'paul', 'tries', 'protect', 'leah', 'danger', 'looms', 'sides', 'romance', 'blooms', 'two', 'foil', 'plot', 'bring', 'illegal', 'gambling', 'activities', 'small', 'seaside', 'town', 'massachusetts'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'revolves', 'around', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'kyle', 'chris', 'evans', 'needs', 'high', 'score', 'sat', 'get', 'preferred', 'architecture', 'program', 'cornell', 'university', 'constantly', 'compares', 'older', 'brother', 'larry', 'living', 'parents\\\\', 'garage', 'kyle\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'matty', 'wants', 'get', 'high', 'score', 'college', 'girlfriend', 'underachiever', 'previously', 'received', 'low', 'score', 'psat', 'believe', 'sat', 'standing', 'way', 'futures', 'two', 'boys', 'realize', 'fellow', 'student', 'francesca', 'curtis\\\\', 'father', 'owns', 'building', 'houses', 'regional', 'office', 'ets', 'answers', 'sat', 'located', 'francesca', 'initially', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'help', 'changes', 'mind', 'saying', 'hell', 'sounds', 'like', 'fun', 'meanwhile', 'kyle', 'becomes', 'attracted', 'anna', 'ross', 'second-highest', 'ranked', 'student', 'school', 'tells', 'plan', 'anna', 'bombed', 'previous', 'sat', 'needs', 'good', 'score', 'get', 'brown', 'university', 'however', 'matty', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'fact', 'knows', 'plan', 'outburst', 'right', 'presence', 'stoner', 'roy', 'included', 'heist', 'finally', 'anna', 'tells', 'school', 'basketball', 'star', 'desmond', 'rhodes', 'needs', 'score', '900', 'better', 'join', 'basketball', 'team', 'st.', 'john\\\\', 'university', 'early', 'attempt', 'break', 'ets', 'offices', 'fails', 'team', 'devises', 'another', 'plan', 'eve', 'exam', 'francesca', 'arrange', 'kyle', 'matty', 'meeting', 'near', 'top', 'floor', 'staying', 'closing', 'three', 'wait', 'outside', 'watch', 'night', 'guard', 'francesca', 'kyle', 'matty', 'successfully', 'stolen', 'answers', 'first', 'part', 'plan', 'goes', 'well', 'francesca', 'kyle', 'matty', 'successfully', 'dodging', 'security', 'cameras', 'night', 'guard', 'however', 'answers', 'located', 'computer', 'technical', 'genius', 'roy', 'crack', 'password', 'two', 'get', 'building', 'roy', 'correctly', 'guesses', 'password', 'seeing', 'photograph', 'employee', 'still', 'answers', \"can\\\\'t\", 'printed', 'group', 'decides', 'take', 'test', 'combined', 'knowledge', 'get', 'answers', 'way', 'early', 'hours', 'morning', 'finished', 'answers', 'written', 'guard', 'ascends', 'stairs', 'try', 'escape', 'ceiling', 'however', 'francesca', 'left', 'behind', 'discovered', 'matty', 'purposefully', 'gives', 'order', 'save', 'everyone', 'else', 'escapes', 'faces', 'certain', 'confrontation', 'exam', 'kyle\\\\', 'brother', 'asks', 'he\\\\', 'really', 'worse', 'thief', 'matty', 'bailed', 'francesca', 'anna', 'finds', 'independence', 'parents', 'desmond\\\\', 'mother', 'convinces', 'roy', 'quit', 'drugs', 'sat', 'testing', 'begins', 'group', 'realizes', 'although', 'help', 'get', 'want', 'would', 'better', 'without', 'cheating', 'roy', 'grabs', 'answers', 'distributes', 'bathroom', 'decision', 'matty', 'comments', 'whole', 'thing', 'nothing', 'kyle', 'replies', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'say', 'nothing', 'glances', 'anna', 'matty', 'francesca', 'also', 'share', 'look', 'presumably', 'started', 'relationship', 'person', 'eventually', 'gets', 'desired', 'test', 'score', 'without', 'answers', 'kyle\\\\', 'dream', 'becoming', 'architect', 'still', 'alive', 'attending', 'syracuse', 'university', 'desmond', 'ends', 'going', 'st.', 'john\\\\', 'matty', 'becomes', 'actor', 'francesca', 'writes', 'novel', 'anna', 'decides', 'travel', 'europe', 'awhile', 'starting', 'college', 'roy', 'narrator', 'movie', 'earned', 'highest', 'sat', 'county', 'desmond\\\\', 'mom\\\\', 'guidance', 'gets', 'ged', 'puts', 'untapped', 'intelligence', 'use', 'programming', 'becoming', 'successful', 'video', 'game', 'designer'], ['bowie', 'escapes', 'prison', 'bank', 'robbers', 'chicamaw', 't-dub', 'bowie', 'unfairly', 'convicted', 'murder', 'three', 'plan', 'rob', 'bank', 'bowie', 'needs', 'money', 'hire', 'lawyer', 'prove', 'innocent', 'bowie', 'injured', 'auto', 'accident', 'finds', 'refuge', 'daughter', 'owner', 'gas', 'station', 'keechie', 'marry', 'plan', 'live', 'honest', 'life', 'chicamaw', 't-dub', 'return', 'demand', 'bowie', 'come', 'one', 'job', 'bowie', 'refuses', 'finds', 'unable', 'escape', 'hunted', 'law', 'meets', 'tragic', 'end', 'betrayed', 'keechie', 'carries', 'pregnant', 'child'], ['film', 'opens', 'oscar', 'wilde', '1882', 'visit', 'leadville', 'colorado', 'lecture', 'tour', 'united', 'states', 'despite', 'flamboyant', 'personality', 'urbane', 'wit', 'proves', 'success', 'local', 'silver', 'miners', 'regales', 'tales', 'renaissance', 'silversmith', 'benvenuto', 'cellini', 'wilde', 'returns', 'london', 'weds', 'constance', 'lloyd', 'two', 'sons', 'quick', 'succession', 'second', 'child', 'still', 'infant', 'couple', 'hosts', 'young', 'canadian', 'named', 'robbie', 'ross', 'seduces', 'wilde', 'helps', 'come', 'terms', 'homosexuality', 'opening', 'night', 'play', 'lady', 'windermere', 'fan', 'oscar', 're-introduced', 'dashingly', 'handsome', 'openly', 'foppish', 'poet', 'lord', 'alfred', 'douglas', 'met', 'briefly', 'year', 'two', 'fall', 'passionate', 'tempestuous', 'relationship', 'hedonistic', 'alfred', 'content', 'remain', 'monogamous', 'frequently', 'engages', 'sexual', 'activity', 'rent', 'boys', 'older', 'lover', 'plays', 'role', 'voyeur', 'alfred', 'father', 'marquess', 'queensberry', 'objects', 'son', 'relationship', 'oscar', 'demeans', 'playwright', 'shortly', 'opening', 'importance', 'earnest', 'oscar', 'sues', 'marquess', 'criminal', 'libel', 'homosexuality', 'publicly', 'exposed', 'eventually', 'tried', 'gross', 'indecency', 'sentenced', 'two', 'years', 'hard', 'labour', 'prison', 'visited', 'wife', 'tells', \"n't\", 'divorcing', 'taking', 'sons', 'germany', 'welcome', 'visit', 'long', 'never', 'sees', 'douglas', 'oscar', 'released', 'prison', 'goes', 'straight', 'exile', 'continental', 'europe', 'spite', 'advice', 'objections', 'others', 'eventually', 'meets', 'alfred', 'throughout', 'film', 'portions', 'well-loved', 'wilde', 'story', 'selfish', 'giant', 'woven', 'first', 'wilde', 'telling', 'story', 'children', 'narrator', 'finishing', 'story', 'film', 'ends'], [\"'\\\\'bud\\\\\", 'davis', 'moves', 'small', 'town', 'spur', 'texas', 'pasadena', 'texas', 'located', 'near', 'heavily', 'industrial', 'eastern', 'side', 'houston', 'better', 'paying', 'job', 'city\\\\', 'oil', 'refinery', 'hopes', 'saving', 'enough', 'money', 'move', 'back', 'hometown', 'buy', 'land', 'cite', 'web', 'bud', 'moves', 'uncle', 'bob', 'family', 'bud', 'close', 'bob', 'takes', 'bud', 'local', 'honky', 'tonk', 'gilley\\\\', 'time', 'actual', 'bar', 'pasadena', 'co-owned', 'singer', 'mickey', 'gilley', 'record', 'producer', 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'relationship', 'sissy', 'moving', 'bud\\\\', 'arch-rival', 'wes', 'bud', 'seeks', 'solace', 'pam', 'pam', 'eventually', 'realizes', 'bud', 'still', 'loves', 'sissy', 'encourages', 'reconcile', 'meanwhile', 'wes', 'beating', 'sissy', 'steals', 'prize', 'money', 'bull', 'riding', 'competition', 'resulting', 'fight', 'bud', 'bud', 'punches', 'wes', 'money', 'wes', 'stolen', 'falls', 'jacket', 'club\\\\', 'manager', 'discovering', 'attempted', 'robbery', 'detains', 'wes', 'gunpoint', 'bud', 'sissy', 'finally', 'depart', 'gilley\\\\', 'together'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'loosely', 'based', 'real', 'life', 'phantom', 'lover', 'dan', 'cheung', 'known', 'due', 'ghostlike', 'nature', 'women', 'romances', 'film', 'set', 'china', '1940s', 'song', 'dan', 'ping', 'ambitious', 'theatre', 'actor', 'owner', 'built', 'dream', 'magnificent', 'playhouse', 'entertained', 'dazzled', 'theatre-loving', 'populace', 'adaptation', 'classics', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'tragic', 'love', 'stories', 'passionate', 'devoted', 'performances', 'drew', 'attention', 'beautiful', 'daughter', 'corrupt', 'despotic', 'official', 'named', 'wan-yin', 'wan-yin', 'would', 'sneak', 'house', 'personal', 'maid', 'night', 'watch', 'dan', 'ping\\\\', 'play', 'patriarchal', 'era', 'romance', 'actor', 'rich', 'man\\\\', 'daughter', 'definitely', 'taboo', 'hence', 'performance', 'dan', 'ping', 'wan-yin', 'would', 'rendezvous', 'theatre', 'love', 'deepened', 'extent', 'vowed', 'run', 'away', 'city', 'get', 'married', 'elsewhere', 'however', 'wan-yin', 'betrothed', 'man', 'love', 'reputed', 'cruel', 'sadistic', 'persuaded', 'throw', 'caution', 'wind', 'run', 'away', 'home', 'song', 'also', 'turned', 'wan-yin\\\\', 'father', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'benefit', 'sought', 'become', 'allies', 'another', 'official', 'great', 'influence', 'whose', 'friendship', 'would', 'help', 'improve', 'social', 'standing', 'fate', 'dictated', 'eloping', 'couple', 'caught', 'plan', 'came', 'fruition', 'wan-yin\\\\', 'maid', 'assisted', 'eloping', 'couple', 'attempt', 'escape', 'brutally', 'beaten', 'crippled', 'meanwhile', 'wan-yin', 'locked', 'house', 'father', 'prevent', 'eloping', 'end', 'couple\\\\', 'tragic', 'fate', 'wan-yin\\\\', 'fiance', 'arranged', 'men', 'harm', 'dan', 'ping', 'disfiguring', 'dan', 'ping\\\\', 'face', 'burning', 'acid', 'set', 'theatre', 'ablaze', 'dan', 'ping', 'many', 'innocent', 'people', 'wan-yin', 'came', 'know', 'fire', 'dan', 'ping\\\\', 'disappearance', 'resigned', 'fate', 'married', 'fiance', 'wedding', 'night', 'wan-yin\\\\', 'husband', 'found', 'virgin', 'wan-yin', 'abused', 'eventually', 'drove', 'house', 'forced', 'lead', 'wandering', 'life', 'crippled', 'maid', 'wan-yin', 'soon', 'lost', 'senses', 'longing', 'dan', 'ping', 'drove', 'crazy', 'many', 'years', 'later', 'group', 'performing', 'arts', 'students', 'traveled', 'beijing', 'perform', 'city', 'song', 'dan', 'ping', 'performed', 'eager', 'adapt', 'exploits', 'improvise', 'legendary', 'performances', 'came', 'theatre', 'hall', 'outer', 'foundations', 'still', 'intact', 'internal', 'sections', 'terribly', 'destroyed', 'made', 'temporary', 'quarters', 'many', 'people', 'believed', 'song', 'perished', 'fire', 'indeed', 'still', 'living', 'students', 'made', 'home', 'theatre', 'song', 'however', 'badly', 'scarred', 'face', 'never', 'reveal', 'once-handsome', 'face', 'outside', 'world', 'earned', 'nickname', \"\\\\'the\", 'phantom', 'lover\\\\', 'once-loving', 'audience', 'personality', 'also', 'changed', 'severely', 'depressed', 'morose', 'tragic', 'incidents', 'lived', 'life', 'hermit', 'ever', 'since', 'students', 'arrived', 'theatre', 'slightly', 'encouraged', 'reveal', 'one', 'talented', 'students', 'tried', 'unsuccessfully', 'sing', 'ultimate', 'love', 'serenade', 'dedicated', 'wan-yin', 'song', 'later', 'lashed', 'students\\\\', 'incompetence', 'could', 'longer', 'bear', 'disparaging', 'performances', 'efforts', 'decided', 'reveal', 'scarred', 'face', 'officials', 'heard', 'students', 'tried', 'popularise', 'song', 'theatre', 'performances', 'reenact', 'glorious', 'days', 'came', 'arrest', 'students', 'little', 'know', 'evil', 'deeds', 'exposed', 'public', 'came', 'performances', 'one', 'one', 'accomplices', 'plot', 'burn', 'theatre', 'forced', 'confess', 'detail', 'crimes', 'justice', 'finally', 'achieved', 'hollow', 'victory', 'song\\\\', 'part', 'closing', 'moments', 'song', 'seen', 'holding', 'lover\\\\', 'hands', 'wan-yin', 'since', 'become', 'invalid', 'also', 'become', 'blind', 'result', 'ex-husband', 'shooting', 'recognized', 'song', 'lamented', 'could', 'see', 'blessing', 'since', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'see', 'ugly', 'face', 'become', 'two', 'lovers', 'finally', 'departed', 'town', 'coach', 'together', 'last', 'epilogue', 'reveals', 'wan-yin', 'died', 'year', 'later', '봯robably', 'due', 'shooting', 'injuries', '봞nd', 'song', 'never', 'loved', 'another', 'woman', 'lifetime'], ['jenny', 'taylor', 'fan', 'jason', 'masters', 'world-famous', 'rock', 'star', 'efforts', 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'community', 'saint', 'joseph', 'county', 'indiana', 'dedee', 'seduces', 'bill\\\\', 'young', 'lover', 'matt', 'tricks', 'believing', 'impregnated', 'fact', 'father', 'child', 'ex-boyfriend', 'randy', 'cates', 'matt', 'elope', 'leaving', 'bill', 'uptight', 'lucia', 'sister', 'bill\\\\', 'deceased', 'partner', 'tom', 'track', 'sort', 'mess', 'meantime', 'matt\\\\', 'bit', 'side', 'jason', 'bock', 'attempts', 'blackmail', 'bill', 'order', 'track', 'matt', 'claiming', 'bill', 'sexually', 'assaulted', 'student', 'bill', 'lucia', 'find', 'dedee', 'matt', 'discover', 'dedee', 'stolen', 'tom\\\\', 'ashes', 'holding', 'ransom', 'randy', 'also', 'finds', 'dedee', 'inform', 'matt', 'taking', 'ashes', 'moving', 'baby', 'elsewhere', 'escape', 'soon', 'get', 'argument', 'leads', 'dedee', 'accidentally', 'shooting', 'randy', 'matt', 'escape', 'canada', 'bill', 'eventually', 'finds', 'giving', 'birth', 'randy', 'jr.', 'dedee', 'returns', 'tom\\\\', 'ashes', 'bill', 'apologizing', 'actions', 'past', 'year', 'months', 'prison', 'moves', 'back', 'bill', 'matt', 'jason', 'traveling', 'together', 'lucia', 'marries', 'old', 'friend', 'carl', 'eventually', 'dedee', 'decides', 'randy', 'jr.', 'would', 'better', 'alone', 'bill', 'runs', 'away', 'narrating', 'ending', 'dedee', 'sarcastically', 'concludes', 'sex', 'precisely', 'opposite', 'people', 'want', 'leading', 'kids', 'disease', 'worst', 'relationships', 'end', 'film', 'vignettes', 'various', 'caring', 'relationships', 'among', 'characters', 'show', 'opposite', 'superficial', 'sexual', 'gratification'], ['film', 'follows', 'lives', 'group', 'gay', 'friends', 'west', 'hollywood', 'among', 'group', 'dennis', 'photographer', 'often', 'holds', 'group', 'together', 'cole', 'handsome', 'charismatic', 'actor', 'mdash', 'often', 'unwittingly', 'mdash', 'ends', 'people', 'boyfriends', 'benji', 'youngest', 'member', 'group', 'penchant', 'gym-bodied', 'men', 'finds', 'going', 'bad', 'times', 'howie', 'matt', 'mcgrath', 'psychology', 'student', 'known', 'overthinking', 'every', 'situation', 'patrick', 'ben', 'weber', 'cynic', 'group', 'taylor', 'billy', 'porter', 'long', 'boasted', 'long-term', 'relationship', 'come', 'crashing', 'end', 'guiding', 'restaurant', 'owner', 'jack', 'provides', 'advice', 'jobs', 'work', 'part', 'time', 'servers', 'restaurant', 'tragedy', 'strikes', 'group', 'newest', 'member', '23-year-old', 'kevin', 'attempts', 'fit', 'friendships', 'put', 'test', 'film', 'also', 'stars', 'nia', 'long', 'mary', 'mccormack', 'justin', 'theroux', 'features', 'cameo', 'kerr', 'smith', 'knew', 'director', 'work', 'dawson', 'creek', 'enjoyed', 'script', 'much', 'asked', 'part'], [\"'jagan\", 'jamuna', 'meet', 'shopping', 'mall', 'chennai', 'like', 'spend', 'day', 'chatting', 'coffee', 'shop', 'jamuna', 'believer', 'destiny', 'writes', 'address', 'telephone', 'number', 'rs.100', 'note', 'makes', 'payment', 'cafe', 'declaring', 'note', 'comes', 'back', 'jagan', 'means', 'destined', 'meet', 'tries', 'hard', 'trace', 'note', 'vain', 'jamuna', 'goes', 'back', 'kolkata', 'meanwhile', 'pooja', 'rescued', 'madhavan', 'thugs', 'crush', 'finally', 'jagan', 'manages', 'get', 'jamuna', 'address', 'eve', 'wedding', 'unites', 'her.this', 'plot', 'derieved', 'hollywood', 'film', 'serendipity'], ['protagonist', 'lolita', 'cassard', 'lacks', 'confidence', 'self-esteem', \"n't\", 'look', 'like', 'women', 'fill', 'pages', 'fashion', 'magazines', 'father', '횋tienne', 'cassard', 'respected', 'novelist', 'rarely', 'considers', 'feelings', 'others', 'thinking', 'worrying', 'aging', 'pierre', 'millet', 'younger', 'writer', 'doubts', 'ever', 'successful', 'meanwhile', 'sylvia', 'millet', 'singing', 'teacher', 'believes', 'husband', 'talent', 'doubts', 'student', 'lolita', 'sylvia', 'discovers', 'lolita', 'daughter', '횋tienne', 'author', 'admires', 'befriends', 'lolita', 'order', 'gain', 'access', '횋tienne', 'husband', 'sake', 'lolita', 'believe', 'see', 'sylvia', 'another', 'person', 'generous', 'father', 'famous', 'begins', 'confide', 'sylvia', 'father', 'love', 'life', 'self-confidence', 'issues', 'sylvia', 'surprisingly', 'takes', 'liking', 'lolita', 'begins', 'see', '횋tienne', 'man', 'really', 'throughout', 'film', 's챕bastien', 'young', 'journalist', 'befriends', 'lolita', 'one', 'pure', 'intents', 'even', 'finds', 'father', 'takes', 'liking', 'lolita', 'refuses', 'show', 'interests', 'infatuated', 'another', 'boy', 'mathieu', 'mathieu', 'everything', 's챕bastien', 'mathieu', 'interest', 'lolita', 'father', 'mistreats', 'lolita', 'casts', 'behaviors', 's챕bastien', 'realize', 'truly', 'like', 'crazy', 'weekend', '횋tienne', 'cottage', 'sylvia', 'leaves', 'pierre', 'become', 'like', '횋tienne', 'lolita', 'goes', 's챕bastien', 'realizes', 'honest', 'intentions', '횋tienne', 'repeatedly', 'reminded', 'indifferent', 'father', 'lolita'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'starts', 'voiceover', 'jane', 'goodale', 'images', 'scientific', 'experiment', 'bull', 'herd', 'cows', 'apparently', 'bull', 'never', 'mounts', 'cow', 'twice', 'even', 'scent', 'changed', 'prefers', 'new', 'cow', 'jane', 'tells', 'recently', 'believed', 'men', 'like', 'bull', 'understand', 'happened', 'back', 'time', 'jane', 'production', 'assistant', 'talk', 'show', 'recently', 'syndicated', 'means', 'host', 'diane', 'roberts', 'wants', 'best', 'always', 'looking', 'ungettable', 'guests', 'like', 'fidel', 'castro', 'eddie', 'alden', 'producer', 'talk', 'show', 'womanizer', 'much', 'dismay', 'jane', 'comments', 'actions', 'amicable', 'critique', 'eddie', 'looking', 'roommate', 'messages', 'bulletin', 'board', 'sabotaged', 'disgruntled', 'exes', 'wonders', 'whether', 'jane', 'would', 'like', 'move', 'turns', 'vengeance', 'meet', 'new', 'producer', 'show', 'ray', 'brown', 'jane', 'immediately', 'smitten', 'tells', 'friend', 'liz', 'discusses', 'bad', 'luck', 'men', 'meanwhile', 'sister', 'trying', 'get', 'pregnant', 'fertility', 'program', 'ray', 'calls', 'jane', 'spend', 'evening', 'together', 'end', 'kissing', 'next', 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'earlier', 'back', 'leaving', 'waldo', 'previously', 'tried', 'win', 'near', 'success', 'says', 'never', 'wan', 'speak', 'long', 'live', 'tell', 'comes', 'guys', 'alfalfa', 'regains', 'consciousness', 'club', 'members', 'punish', 'forcing', 'guard', 'blur', 'every', 'night', 'day', 'day', 'race', 'first', 'night', 'alfalfa', 'nightmare', 'darla', 'spanky', 'blows', 'cliff', 'wakes', 'moment', 'he-man', 'woman', 'haters', 'convince', 'girls', 'good', 'darla\\\\', 'friends', 'night', 'scream', 'there\\\\', 'thunder', 'alfalfa', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'listen', 'rules', 'still', 'loves', 'darla', 'order', 'win', 'back', 'alfalfa', 'pretends', 'write', 'darla', 'hate', 'note', 'really', 'writes', 'love', 'note', 'porky', 'buckwheat', 'deliver', 'lose', 'note', 'way', 'darla\\\\', 'house', 'buckwheat', 'remembers', 'alfalfa', 'told', 'note', 'said', 'recites', 'darla', 'hates', 'alfalfa', 'even', 'spanky', 'tries', 'change', 'alfalfa\\\\', 'mind', 'girls', 'making', 'speak', 'ballet', 'recital', 'two', 'end', 'ruining', 'recital', 'makes', 'darla', 'upset', 'alfalfa', 'taken', 'duty', 'guarding', 'go-cart', 'porky', 'buckwheat', 'assigned', 'instead', 'however', 'butch', 'woim', 'lure', 'two', 'young', 'boys', 'away', 'blur', 'tying', 'dollar', 'bill', 'duck\\\\', 'tail', 'sending', 'duck', 'right', 'past', 'go-cart', 'setting', 'booby', 'trap', 'involving', 'pickle', 'jar', 'dropped', 'he-man', 'woman', 'haters', 'try', 'raise', 'money', 'afford', 'new', 'clubhouse', 'local', 'fair', 'try', 'come', 'least', '450', 'try', 'several', 'different', 'schemes', 'including', 'trying', 'buy', 'lumber', 'pile', 'pennies', 'trying', 'get', 'money', 'bank', 'disguising', 'adults', 'however', 'porky', 'buckwheat', 'manage', 'raise', '500', 'putting', 'admisshun', 'sign', 'free', 'talent', 'show', 'boys\\\\', 'schoolteacher', 'miss', 'crabtree', 'finds', 'soon', 'scolds', 'tricking', 'people', 'however', 'spanky', 'suggests', 'using', 'money', 'porky', 'buckwheat', 'raised', 'prize', 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'california', 'plot', 'revolves', 'around', 'emily', 'tyler', 'enjoys', 'surfing', 'twin', 'sister', 'tess', 'member', 'high', 'diving', 'team', 'try', 'various', 'stratagems', 'get', 'widower', 'father', 'max', 'talented', 'artist', 'sculptor', 'girlfriend', 'attempts', 'end', 'failure', 'tess', 'emily', 'ndash', 'little', 'help', 'friend', 'cody', 'ndash', 'decide', 'paint', 'advertisement', 'giant', 'billboard', 'situated', 'high', 'sunset', 'boulevard', 'lady', 'named', 'debbie', 'answers', 'brings', 'friend', 'brooke', 'back', 'brooke', 'max', 'coincidentally', 'meet', 'take', 'liking', 'debbie', 'agrees', 'start', 'dating', 'first', 'tess', 'emily', \"n't\", 'like', 'brooke', 'son', 'ryan', 'helps', 'foil', 'elaborate', 'scheme', 'max', 'business', 'manager', 'nigel', 'break', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'max', 'brooke', 'girls', 'eventually', 'accept', 'weasel-inline'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'opens', 'image', 'white', 'greek', 'bas', 'relief', 'explodes', 'reveal', 'black', 'men', 'dancing', 'samba', 'drums', 'favela', 'eurydice', 'arrives', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'takes', 'trolley', 'driven', 'orfeu', 'new', 'city', 'rides', 'forlornly', 'end', 'line', 'orfeu', 'introduces', 'station', 'guard', 'hermes', 'gives', 'directions', 'home', 'cousin', 'serafina', 'although', 'engaged', 'mira', 'orfeu', 'playboy', 'enthusiastic', 'upcoming', 'marriage', 'orfeu', 'mira', 'get', 'marriage', 'license', 'clerk', 'courthouse', 'hears', 'orfeu\\\\', 'name', 'jokingly', 'asks', 'mira', 'eurydice', 'annoying', 'afterward', 'mira', 'insists', 'getting', 'engagement', 'ring', 'though', 'orfeu', 'paid', 'would', 'rather', 'use', 'money', 'get', 'guitar', 'pawn', 'shop', 'carnival', 'mira', 'finally', 'offers', 'loan', 'orfeu', 'money', 'buy', 'ring', 'orfeu', 'goes', 'home', 'pleased', 'find', 'eurydice', 'staying', 'next', 'door', 'serafina', 'eurydice', 'run', 'away', 'rio', 'hide', 'strange', 'man', 'believes', 'wants', 'kill', 'man', 'finds', 'orfeu', 'gallantly', 'chases', 'away', 'orfeu', 'eurydice', 'fall', 'love', 'yet', 'constantly', 'run', 'mira', 'death', 'serafina\\\\', 'sailor', 'boyfriend', 'chico', 'shows', 'orfeu', 'offers', 'let', 'eurydice', 'sleep', 'home', 'takes', 'hammock', 'outside', 'eurydice', 'invites', 'bed', 'orfeu', 'mira', 'serafina', 'principal', 'members', 'samba', 'school', 'one', 'many', 'parading', 'carnival', 'serafina', 'decides', 'eurydice', 'dress', 'costume', 'spend', 'time', 'sailor', 'veil', 'conceals', 'eurydice\\\\', 'face', 'orfeu', 'told', 'deception', 'parade', 'orfeu', 'dances', 'eurydice', 'rather', 'mira', 'eventually', 'mira', 'spots', 'serafina', 'among', 'spectators', 'rips', 'eurydice', 'veil', 'eurydice', 'forced', 'run', 'life', 'first', 'mira', 'death', 'trapped', 'orfeu\\\\', 'trolley', 'station', 'hangs', 'power', 'line', 'get', 'away', 'death', 'killed', 'accidentally', 'orfeu', 'turns', 'power', 'electrocutes', 'death', 'tells', 'orfeu', 'she\\\\', 'mine', 'knocking', 'distraught', 'orfeu', 'looks', 'eurydice', 'office', 'missing', 'persons', 'although', 'hermes', 'told', 'dead', 'building', 'deserted', 'night', 'janitor', 'sweeping', 'tells', 'orfeu', 'place', 'holds', 'papers', 'people', 'found', 'taking', 'pity', 'orfeu', 'janitor', 'takes', 'large', 'darkened', 'spiral', 'staircase', 'macumba', 'ritual', 'regional', 'form', 'afro-brazilian', 'religion', 'candombl챕', 'gate', 'dog', 'named', 'cerberus', 'three-headed', 'dog', 'hades', 'greek', 'mythology', 'ritual', 'janitor', 'tells', 'orfeu', 'call', 'beloved', 'singing', 'spirit', 'eurydice', 'inhabits', 'body', 'old', 'woman', 'speaks', 'orfeu', 'wants', 'gaze', 'upon', 'eurydice', 'begs', 'lest', 'lose', 'forever', 'turns', 'looks', 'anyway', 'sees', 'old', 'woman', 'eurydice\\\\', 'spirit', 'departs', 'orfeu', 'wanders', 'mourning', 'retrieves', 'eurydice\\\\', 'body', 'city', 'morgue', 'carries', 'arms', 'across', 'town', 'hill', 'toward', 'home', 'orfeu\\\\', 'shack', 'burning', 'vengeful', 'mira', 'running', 'amok', 'flings', 'stone', 'hits', 'head', 'knocks', 'cliff', 'death', 'two', 'children', 'benedito', 'zeca', 'followed', 'orfeu', 'around', 'throughout', 'film', 'believe', 'orfeu\\\\', 'tall', 'tale', 'guitar', 'playing', 'causes', 'sun', 'rise', 'every', 'morning', 'orfeu\\\\', 'death', 'benedito', 'insists', 'zeca', 'pick', 'guitar', 'play', 'sun', 'rise', 'zeca', 'plays', 'sun', 'comes', 'little', 'girl', 'appears', 'gives', 'zeca', 'single', 'flower', 'film', 'ends', 'three', 'children', 'dancing'], [\"'gynecologist\", 'dr.', 'alex', 'hesse', 'nightmare', 'urinating', 'infants', 'library', 'real', 'world', 'colleague', 'dr.', 'larry', 'arbogast', 'invented', 'fertility', 'drug', 'expectane', 'supposed', 'reduce', 'chances', 'woman\\\\', 'body', 'rejecting', 'embryo', 'thus', 'prevent', 'miscarriage', 'unfortunately', 'allowed', 'test', 'women', 'since', 'food', 'drug', 'administration', 'yet', 'approved', 'drug', 'hesse', 'arbogast', 'move', 'forward', 'research', 'response', 'hesse', 'breaks', 'laboratory', 'locks', 'head', 'review', 'board', 'noah', 'banes', 'informs', 'arbogast', 'fda', 'denied', 'team', 'right', 'human', 'experimentation', 'team', 'managed', 'receive', 'donation', 'dr.', 'diana', 'reddin', 'ovum', 'cryogenics', 'department', 'hesse', 'questions', 'chances', 'woman', 'taking', 'unapproved', 'drug', 'pregnancy', 'arbogast', 'reveals', 'need', 'identify', 'gender', 'experiment', 'convinces', 'hesse', 'impregnate', 'using', 'ovum', 'codenamed', 'junior', 'night', 'hesse', 'another', 'nightmare', 'potential', 'offspring', 'face', 'pasted', 'onto', 'day', 'complains', 'arbogast', 'nipples', 'hurting', 'later', 'normally', 'aloof', 'hesse', 'inexplicably', 'lightens', 'chats', 'incessantly', 'walks', 'massages', 'naps', 'reddin', 'tells', 'hesse', 'woman', 'great', 'sounds', 'citing', 'menstrual', 'cycles', 'stop', 'menopause', 'arbogast', 'warns', 'hesse', 'disease', 'turning', 'men', 'strudels', 'meanwhile', 'arbogast\\\\', 'pregnant', 'ex-wife', 'wants', 'doctor', 'delivering', 'baby', 'hesse', 'begins', 'wonder', 'would', 'like', 'father', 'watches', 'television', 'commercials', 'good', 'sobbing', 'later', 'begins', 'overeating', 'arbogast\\\\', 'ex-wife', 'noting', 'practice', 'mixing', 'cuisines', 'revealed', 'junior', 'ovum', 'actually', 'reddin\\\\', 'body', 'making', 'mother', 'hesse\\\\', 'child', 'banes', 'wants', 'take', 'credit', 'experiment', 'despite', 'role', 'arbogast', 'disguises', 'hesse', 'woman', 'hides', 'retreat', 'expecting', 'mothers', 'outside', 'city', 'passing', 'masculine', 'appearance', 'past', 'anabolic', 'steroid', 'use', 'eventually', 'hesse', 'goes', 'labor', 'gives', 'birth', 'via', 'caesarean', 'section', 'baby', 'girl', 'naming', 'junior', 'arbogast', 'delivers', 'ex-wife\\\\', 'child', 'two', 'reconcile', 'raise', 'new', 'son', 'credits', 'shows', 'two', 'families', 'beach', 'vacation', 'celebrating', 'birthdays', 'junior', 'jake', 'discover', 'reddin', 'pregnant', 'credits', 'rolling', 'playing', 'sea'], [\"'dark\", 'smith', 'alienated', '18-year-old', 'man', 'struggling', 'daily', 'life', 'fluctuating', 'romantic', 'status', 'bisexual', 'polyamorous', 'girlfriend', 'mel', 'conflicting', 'feelings', 'shy', 'gay', 'classmate', 'montgomery', 'day', 'starts', 'normally', 'enough', 'dark', 'meeting', 'friends', 'include', 'intelligent', 'dingbat', 'montgomery', 'mel', 'purple-haired', 'acid-tongued', 'lesbian', 'lover', 'lucifer', 'breakfast', 'local', 'coffeehouse', 'hangout', 'hole', 'various', 'mentions', 'party', 'jujyfruit\\\\', 'along', 'plans', 'drug-fueled', 'game', 'kick', 'made', 'film', 'segues', 'portions', 'goings-on', 'lives', 'characters', 'film', 'plot', 'lines', 'develop', 'story', 'progresses', 'towards', 'oft-mentioned', 'party', 'jujyfruit\\\\', 'house', 'bacchanalian', 'orgy', 'excess', 'drinking', 'drugs', 'film', 'descends', 'innocuous', 'normal', 'beginning', 'natural', 'lighting', 'balanced', 'visuals', 'sureal', 'sharply', 'contrasted', 'and/or', 'colored', 'lighting', 'seemingly', 'hallucinatory', 'visions', 'surrealistic', 'visuals', 'events', 'well', 'chaotic', 'improbable', 'happenings', 'reaches', 'chaotic', 'finale', 'issues', 'come', 'head', 'dark', 'mel', 'argue', 'desire', 'open', 'relationship', 'dark\\\\', 'desire', 'commitment', 'zero', 'zoe', 'ambushed', 'atari', 'gang', 'way', 'jujyfruit\\\\', 'house', 'car', 'belonging', 'zero\\\\', 'mother', 'stolen', 'left', 'helpless', 'side', 'road', 'egg', 'bart', 'separately', 'watching', 'televangelist', 'decide', 'world', 'messed', 'live', 'commit', 'suicide', 'reach', 'heaven', 'ducky', 'receives', 'word', 'sister\\\\', 'death', 'attempts', 'drown', 'swimming', 'pool', 'saved', 'dark', 'dingbat', 'bart\\\\', 'drug', 'dealer', 'handjob', 'beaten', 'death', 'elvis', 'selling', 'cut', 'drugs', 'dark', 'covered', 'blood', 'proximity', 'returns', 'home', 'montgomery', 'claims', 'escaped', 'aliens', 'abducted', 'game', 'kick', 'comes', 'dark\\\\', 'window', 'asks', 'come', 'pair', 'discuss', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'one', 'another', 'montgomery', 'asks', 'dark', 'spend', 'night', 'dark', 'agrees', 'makes', 'montgomery', 'promise', 'never', 'leave', 'seen', 'momentary', 'loving', 'embrace', 'montgomery', 'begins', 'uncontrollably', 'coughing', 'dark', 'shakes', 'try', 'get', 'stop', 'montgomery', 'explodes', 'shower', 'flesh', 'blood', 'cockroach-like', 'alien', 'apparently', 'using', 'host', 'turns', 'dark', 'says', 'outta', 'crawling', 'window', 'leaving', 'dark', 'covered', 'blood', 'staring', 'camera', 'credits', 'begin', 'roll'], [\"'in\", '1957', 'suburban', 'connecticut', 'cathy', 'whitaker', 'appears', 'perfect', 'wife', 'mother', 'homemaker', 'cathy', 'married', 'frank', 'successful', 'executive', 'magnatech', 'company', 'selling', 'television', 'advertising', 'one', 'evening', 'cathy', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'local', 'police', 'holding', 'husband', 'says', 'it\\\\', 'mix', \"won\\\\'t\", 'let', 'leave', 'alone', 'cathy', 'preparing', 'annual', 'party', 'best', 'friend', 'eleanor', 'fine', 'one', 'day', 'cathy', 'spies', 'unknown', 'black', 'man', 'walking', 'yard', 'turns', 'raymond', 'deagan', 'son', 'cathy\\\\', 'late', 'gardener', 'frank', 'finds', 'forced', 'stay', 'late', 'office', 'swamped', 'work', 'one', 'evening', 'however', 'enters', 'underground', 'bar', 'filled', 'single', 'men', 'one', 'night', 'frank', 'working', 'late', 'cathy', 'decides', 'bring', 'dinner', 'office', 'walks', 'passionately', 'kissing', 'another', 'man', 'frank', 'confesses', 'problems', 'young', 'man', 'agrees', 'sign', 'conversion', 'therapy', 'relationship', 'cathy', 'irreparably', 'strained', 'however', 'turns', 'alcohol', 'meanwhile', 'cathy', 'starts', 'becoming', 'better', 'acquainted', 'raymond', 'one', 'night', 'party', 'frank', 'attempts', 'make', 'love', 'cathy', 'unable', 'become', 'aroused', 'strikes', 'cathy', 'tries', 'console', 'cathy', 'finds', 'completely', 'unable', 'comprehend', 'destruction', 'marriage', 'sees', 'once-idyllic', 'world', 'begin', 'fall', 'apart', 'turns', 'raymond', 'comfort', 'takes', 'ride', 'part', 'town', 'meets', 'black', 'people', 'gas', 'station', 'sighted', 'together', 'one', 'cathy\\\\', 'neighbors', 'immediately', 'tells', 'everyone', 'town', 'soon', 'ablaze', 'gossip', 'two', 'husband', 'comes', 'home', 'furious', 'cathy', 'unwillingly', 'breaks', 'blossoming', 'friendship', 'raymond', 'christmas', 'cathy', 'takes', 'family', 'vacation', 'miami', 'take', 'minds', 'things', 'hotel', 'frank', 'another', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'young', 'man', 'unable', 'suppress', 'desires', 'seeks', 'divorce', 'cathy', 'cathy', 'later', 'informed', 'maid', 'sybil', 'raymond\\\\', 'daughter', 'attacked', 'three', 'white', 'boys', 'cathy', 'comes', 'home', 'find', 'packing', 'moving', 'baltimore', 'cathy', 'single', 'presents', 'opportunity', 'together', 'raymond', 'declines', \"'ve\", 'learned', 'lesson', 'mixing', 'two', 'worlds', 'says', 'last', 'scene', 'cathy', 'goes', 'train', 'station', 'see', 'raymond', 'say', 'silent', 'goodbye'], [\"'jerry\", 'ryan', 'lawyer', 'nebraska', 'recently', 'separated', 'wife', 'get', 'away', 'moved', 'shabby', 'apartment', 'new', 'york', 'struggling', 'divorce', 'filed', 'final', 'takes', 'long', 'walks', 'night', 'party', 'meets', 'gittel', 'mosca', 'struggling', 'dancer', 'instantly', 'get', 'along', 'begin', 'fall', 'love', 'relationship', 'hampered', 'differences', 'background', 'temperament', 'jerry', 'gets', 'job', 'new', 'york', 'law', 'firm', 'prepares', 'take', 'bar', 'examination', 'helps', 'gittel', 'rent', 'loft', 'dance', 'studio', 'rents', 'dancers', 'relationship', 'stormy', 'gittel', 'fling', 'old', 'boyfriend', 'jerry', 'difficulty', 'separating', 'emotionally', 'wife', 'prepare', 'move', 'together', 'nevertheless', 'gittel', 'upset', 'learns', 'divorce', 'came', 'jerry', 'tell', 'jerry', 'explains', 'even', 'though', 'divorced', 'former', 'wife', 'paper', 'continue', 'bonded', 'many', 'ways', 'decides', 'return', 'nebraska'], [\"'captain\", 'william', 'morgan', 'well-respected', 'businessman', 'owns', 'fleet', 'whaling', 'ships', 'quaker', 'town', 'new', 'bedford', 'massachusetts', 'close', 'shy', 'obedient', 'daughter', 'patience', 'tells', 'must', 'marry', 'man', 'whaler', 'quaker', 'like', 'son', 'daughter-in-law', 'lost', 'ten', 'years', 'whaling', 'expedition', 'eventually', 'baby', 'granddaughter', 'dot', 'found', 'floating', 'near', 'shore', 'raft', 'made', 'branches', 'raised', 'ever', 'since', 'dot', 'mischievous', 'rebellious', 'child', 'wants', 'whaler', 'grows', 'ambition', 'acceptable', 'female', 'among', 'people', 'one', 'day', 'childhood', 'friend', 'patience\\\\', 'allan', 'dexter', 'arrives', 'town', 'recently', 'back', 'college', 'patience', 'renew', 'acquaintance', 'fall', 'love', 'goes', 'ask', 'captain', 'morgan', 'permission', 'marry', 'patience', 'captain', 'morgan', 'turns', 'house', 'informing', 'suitable', 'husband', 'neither', 'quaker', 'whaler', 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'win', 'chance', 'harpoon', 'whale', 'would', 'make', 'accomplished', 'whalesman', 'meanwhile', 'jake', 'finner', 'killed', 'captain', 'taken', 'ship', 'finds', 'dot', 'discovers', 'girl', 'attacks', 'treating', 'men', 'board', 'like', 'slaves', 'mutiny', 'finner', 'appointing', 'dexter', 'captain', 'dot\\\\', 'friend', 'jimmie', 'cabin', 'boy', 'rescues', 'finner\\\\', 'clutches', 'harpooning', 'whale', 'learning', 'abducted', 'dexter', 'arranges', 'vessel', 'return', 'port', 'meanwhile', 'captain', 'morgan', 'fallen', 'ill', 'fears', 'dying', 'commands', 'patience', 'marry', 'siggs', 'last', 'wish', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'dexter', 'arrives', 'time', 'save', 'patience', 'terrible', 'fate', 'lovers', 'reunited', 'end', 'last', 'scene', 'film', 'memorable', 'shot', 'year', 'old', 'clara', 'bow', 'frolicking', 'brightly', 'lit', 'field', 'flowers'], ['film', 'compresses', 'events', 'novel', 'somewhat', 'example', 'naming', 'day', 'celebrations', 'take', 'place', 'day', 'onegin', 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'band', 'members', 'committed', 'son', 'phil', 'badly', 'debt', 'becomes', 'clown', 'children\\\\', 'parties', 'fails', 'prevent', 'wife', 'children', 'walking', 'danny', 'collapses', 'street', 'hospitalised', 'pneumoconiosis', 'similar', 'disease', 'phil', 'later', 'revealed', 'struggling', 'guilt', 'voted', 'take', 'lump', 'sum', 'rather', 'fight', 'closure', 'colliery', 'breakdown', 'entertaining', 'group', 'children', 'part', 'harvest', 'festival', 'church', 'saying', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'much', 'harvest', 'festival', 'offers', 'tell', 'story', 'god', 'descends', 'foul-mouthed', 'satire', 'tory', 'party', 'created', 'asked', 'leave', 'told', 'may', 'god', 'forgive', 'gestures', 'towards', 'effigy', 'jesus', 'cross', 'reels', 'list', 'perceived', 'injustices', 'asking', 'bloody', 'hell\\\\', 'playing', 'parting', 'you\\\\', \"'ve\", 'great', 'name\\\\', 'coco', 'scab', 'later', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'trying', 'hang', 'girders', 'one', 'colliery\\\\', 'winding', 'towers', 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'glad', 'bugger\\\\', 'closed', 'departing', 'phil', 'leaves', 'note', 'danny', 'found', 'bed', 'nurse', 'along', 'danny\\\\', 'pajamas', 'next', 'morning', 'note', 'simply', 'says', 'we\\\\', \"'re\", 'going', 'danny', 'arrives', 'uniform', 'time', 'see', 'band', 'win', 'competition', 'stirring', 'rendition', 'william', 'tell', 'overture', 'phil', 'notices', 'wife', 'children', 'audience', 'danny', 'refuses', 'accept', 'trophy', 'stating', 'it\\\\', 'human', 'beings', 'matter', 'music', 'trophy', '...', 'bloody', 'government', 'systematically', 'destroyed', 'entire', 'industry', 'industry', 'industry', 'communities', 'homes', 'lives', 'name', \"\\\\'progress\\\\\", 'lousy', 'bob', 'however', 'despite', 'moving', 'gesture', 'another', 'band', 'member', 'takes', 'away', 'giant', 'cup', 'typical', 'yorkshire', \"don\\\\'t\", 'talk', 'bloody', 'soft', 'film', 'ends', 'andy', 'gloria', 'kissing', 'passionately', 'upper', 'deck', 'open', 'topped', 'bus', 'travelling', 'london', 'rest', 'band', 'play', 'land', 'hope', 'glory', 'conducted', 'danny'], [\"'zahir\", 'george', 'khan', 'pakistani', 'muslim', 'lived', 'england', 'since', '1937', 'married', 'ella', 'british', 'roman', 'catholic', 'irish', 'descent', 'years', 'seven', 'children', 'nazir', 'abdul', 'tariq', 'saleem', 'maneer', 'meenah', 'sajid', 'couple', 'runs', 'popular', 'fish', 'chips', 'shop', 'george', 'also', 'first', 'wife', 'pakistan', 'film', 'starts', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'eldest', 'son', 'pakistani', 'girl', 'son', 'nazir', 'finds', 'unable', 'marriage', 'runs', 'start', 'ceremony', 'front', 'family', 'guests', 'much', 'chagrin', 'father', 'distress', 'mother', 'retaliation', 'george', 'disowns', 'nazir', 'tells', 'anyone', 'asks', 'dead', 'next', 'crisis', 'fall', 'george', 'discovery', 'youngest', 'son', 'sajid', 'accidentally', 'circumcised', 'preferred', 'islam', 'sajid', 'promptly', 'taken', 'hospital', 'get', 'circumcised', 'ella', 'sees', 'pain', 'son', 'suffered', 'circumcised', 'get', 'first', 'insight', 'conflict', 'clear', 'love', 'husband', 'inability', 'stand', 'left', 'alone', 'children', 'eat', 'bacon', 'sausages', 'forbidden', 'islam', 'since', 'contain', 'pork', 'meenah', 'sees', 'parents', 'coming', 'back', 'sajid', 'warns', 'others', 'try', 'hide', 'evidence', 'ella', 'comes', 'kitchen', 'smells', 'keeps', 'george', 'away', 'long', 'enough', 'get', 'rid', 'everything', 'meanwhile', 'marriage', 'still', 'george\\\\', 'mind', 'accepts', 'introduction', 'shah', 'looking', 'good', 'pakistani', 'bridegrooms', 'two', 'comically', 'ugly', 'overweight', 'daughters', 'nighat', 'nushaaba', 'despite', 'seen', 'daughters\\\\', 'photographs', 'george', 'still', 'promises', 'shah', 'abdul', 'tariq', 'marry', 'george', 'tells', 'ella', 'plans', 'openly', 'disagrees', 'reminding', 'george', 'happened', 'nazir', 'george', 'takes', 'notice', 'insisting', 'nazir', 'dead', 'children', 'right', 'whatsoever', 'disagree', 'sajid', 'accidentally', 'overhears', 'conversation', 'battle', 'tariq', 'saleem', 'meenah', 'blurts', 'arranged', 'marriages', 'infuriate', 'tariq', 'already', 'relationship', 'local', 'white', 'british', 'girl', 'stella', 'moorhouse', 'kept', 'secret', 'george', 'stella\\\\', 'racist', 'grandfather', 'destroys', 'clothes', 'watches', 'father', 'traditionally', 'buys', 'sons\\\\', 'weddings', 'despite', 'others\\\\', 'attempts', 'stop', 'george', 'later', 'sees', 'desecrated', 'items', 'assaults', 'maneer', 'ironically', 'one', 'follows', 'george\\\\', 'strict', 'rules', 'refusing', 'tell', 'culprit', 'ella', 'stands', 'two', 'greatly', 'angering', 'confusing', 'george', 'tells', 'pig', 'ignorance', 'caused', 'alienation', 'children', 'reason', 'much', 'trouble', 'george', 'however', 'understand', 'clearly', 'hears', 'ella', 'calling', 'pig', 'terrible', 'insult', 'muslim', 'uncontrollable', 'rage', 'turns', 'beats', 'badly', 'response', 'children', 'attempt', 'flee', 'nazir', 'eccles', 'turns', 'gay', 'living', 'male', 'partner', 'nazir', 'drives', 'back', 'manchester', 'confront', 'george', 'leaves', 'mother', 'begs', 'george', 'mad', 'nazir', 'desperate', 'see', 'mother', 'hurt', 'leaves', 'begs', 'saying', 'always', 'come', 'needs', 'george', 'briefly', 'sees', 'nazir', 'drives', 'away', 'appears', 'regretful', 'rather', 'angry', 'george', 'sees', 'world', 'around', 'collapsing', 'resorts', 'severe', 'measures', 'losing', 'control', 'respect', 'family', 'see', 'british', 'pakistani', 'get', 'increasingly', 'frustrated', 'father\\\\', 'attempt', 'mould', 'image', 'tariq', 'tries', 'speaking', 'father', 'reasonably', 'george', 'listen', 'even', 'threatening', 'tariq', 'knifepoint', 'obeying', 'tariq', 'finally', 'agrees', 'hints', 'divorcing', 'ugly', 'wife', 'soon', 'possible', 'mrs', 'shah', 'finally', 'arrive', 'unattractive', 'daughters', 'ella', 'knows', 'brought', 'children', 'well', 'snobby', 'rude', 'mrs', 'shah', 'makes', 'constant', 'subtle', 'attacks', 'ella', 'final', 'straw', 'occurs', 'saleem', 'accidentally', 'drops', 'sculpture', 'vagina', 'mrs', 'shah\\\\', 'lap', 'mrs', 'shah', 'directly', 'insults', 'ella', 'sons', 'calling', 'half', 'breeds', 'ella', 'take', 'abuse', 'lightly', 'angrily', 'ejects', 'shahs', 'inbred', 'monstrosities', 'house', 'george', 'expectedly', 'puts', 'blame', 'ella', 'instead', 'mrs', 'shah', 'ella', 'stands', 'ground', 'labels', 'george', 'source', 'family\\\\', 'misery', 'george', 'attacks', 'ella', 'children', 'come', 'defence', 'mother', 'stop', 'seeing', 'unjust', 'position', 'driven', 'family', 'even', 'maneer', 'away', 'george', 'becomes', 'broken', 'man', 'realising', 'perceived', 'best', 'intentions', 'backfired', 'dreadfully', 'longer', 'man', 'house', 'george', 'quietly', 'leaves', 'household', 'finds', 'solace', 'fish', 'chips', 'shop', 'despite', 'ella', 'still', 'sees', 'george', 'husband', 'someone', 'remain', 'faithful', 'loyal', 'end', 'film', 'ends', 'george', 'ella', 'cup', 'tea', 'together', 'tariq', 'attempting', 'reconcile', 'upset', 'stella', 'children', 'playing', 'together', 'street'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'follows', 'xavier', 'year', 'old', 'frenchman', 'leaves', 'girlfriend', 'martine', 'country', 'erasmus', 'programme', 'barcelona', 'prerequisite', 'job', 'french', 'government', 'flight', 'meets', 'young', 'uncool', 'french', 'couple', 'let', 'stay', 'flat', 'searches', 'place', 'stay', 'xavier', 'manages', 'find', 'apartment', 'people', 'around', 'europe', 'including', 'england', 'belgium', 'spain', 'italy', 'germany', 'denmark', 'becomes', 'good', 'friends', 'martine', 'pays', 'xavier', 'visit', 'returns', 'sad', 'xavier', 'eventually', 'affair', 'french', 'neurologist\\\\', 'wife', 'exploring', 'city', 'one', 'roommates', 'wendy', 'london', 'visiting', 'brother', 'named', 'william', 'quite', 'abrasive', 'rude', 'resulting', 'funny', 'dialogues', 'xavier\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'affair', 'breaks', 'telephone', 'xavier', 'becomes', 'somewhat', 'depressed', 'asks', 'friend', 'neurologist', 'help', 'anne-sophie', 'tells', 'husband', 'affair', 'tells', 'xavier', 'see', 'wife', 'wendy', 'affair', 'american', 'boyfriend', 'alister', 'makes', 'surprise', 'visit', 'william', 'pretends', 'american', 'actually', 'lover', 'end', 'film', 'xavier', 'returns', 'paris', 'gets', 'job', 'ministry', 'runs', 'away', 'first', 'day', 'work', 'becomes', 'writer', 'meaning', 'story', 'based', 'erasmus\\\\', 'famous', 'essay', 'praise', 'folly', 'discusses', 'superiority', 'folly', 'conventional', 'wisdom', 'citation', 'needed'], ['drew', 'latham', 'wealthy', 'advertising', 'executive', 'christmas', 'surprises', 'girlfriend', 'missy', 'first', 'class', 'tickets', 'fiji', 'horrified', 'would', 'want', 'spend', 'christmas', 'away', 'family', 'citing', 'fact', 'drew', 'never', 'even', 'introduced', 'family', 'concludes', 'never', 'get', 'serious', 'relationship', 'dumps', 'drew', 'assistant', 'send', 'cartier', 'bracelet', 'apologize', 'desperate', 'spend', 'christmas', 'alone', 'drew', 'calls', 'contacts', 'find', 'place', 'stay', 'christmas', 'close', 'enough', 'anyone', 'invited', 'tracks', 'dr.', 'freeman', 'airport', 'hoping', 'squeeze', 'therapy', 'session', 'hurried', 'doctor', 'tells', 'list', 'grievances', 'burn', 'childhood', 'home', 'house', 'occupied', 'valcos', 'wonder', 'drew', 'front', 'lawn', 'sets', 'grievances', 'fire', 'tom', 'valco', 'sneaks', 'behind', 'knocks', 'shovel', 'comes', 'drew', 'explains', 'asks', 'tour', 'house', 'thrilled', 'see', 'old', 'room', 'drew', 'impetuously', 'offers', 'tom', '250,000', 'let', 'spend', 'christmas', 'valcos', 'tom', 'accepts', 'drew', 'lawyer', 'draws', 'contract', 'requires', 'valcos', 'pose', 'family', 'next', 'day', 'drew', 'forces', 'family', 'buy', 'tree', 'together', 'requiring', 'tom', 'wear', 'santa', 'cap', 'public', 'trimming', 'tree', 'eldest', 'child', 'alicia', 'arrives', 'holidays', 'stunned', 'drew', 'presence', 'suggests', 'could', 'portray', 'maid', 'since', 'unexpected', 'addition', 'scenario', 'dinner', 'drew', 'writes', 'script', 'family', 'read', 'table', 'hires', 'local', 'actor', 'play', 'part', 'grandfather', 'calls', 'doo-dah', 'drew', 'takes', 'alicia', 'brother', 'brian', 'josh', 'zuckerman', 'sledding', 'next', 'day', 'crashing', 'bottom', 'hill', 'moves', 'kiss', 'alicia', 'sneezes', 'instead', 'recovering', 'back', 'home', 'growing', 'colds', 'alicia', 'shares', 'childhood', 'memory', 'drew', 'old', 'tree', 'coated', 'ice', 'storm', 'tom', 'asks', 'drew', 'leave', 'planning', 'divorcing', 'wife', 'christine', 'instead', 'drew', 'encourages', 'couple', 'indulge', 'tom', 'buys', 'chevelle', 'high', 'school', 'christine', 'goes', 'photographer', 'glamor', 'shots', 'one', 'evening', 'drew', 'takes', 'alicia', 'old', 'tree', 'childhood', 'covered', 'ice', 'touched', 'gesture', 'drew', 'overdoes', 'bringing', 'full', 'pageant', 'production', 'surround', 'tree', 'disgusted', 'lack', 'restraint', 'alicia', 'demands', 'leave', 'meanwhile', 'missy', 'bracelet', 'drew', 'assistant', 'informed', 'spending', 'christmas', 'family', 'missy', 'visits', 'valco', 'house', 'parents', 'drew', 'promises', 'valco', 'extra', '75,000', 'play', 'along', 'evening', 'agree', 'pretend', 'family', 'visit', 'two', 'families', 'steadily', 'descends', 'chaos', 'culminating', 'everyone', 'seeing', 'christine', 'glamor', 'shots', 'manipulated', 'pornography', 'brian', 'computer', 'missy', 'parents', 'storm', 'drew', 'informs', 'relationship', 'alicia', 'finally', 'draws', 'drew', 'truth', 'family', 'father', 'left', 'four', 'every', 'christmas', 'mother', 'would', 'work', 'double', 'shift', 'diner', 'make', 'extra', 'money', 'would', 'spend', 'christmas', 'day', 'alone', 'visit', 'mom', 'end', 'night', 'would', 'give', 'adult', 'stack', 'pancakes', 'repeated', 'ritual', 'every', 'year', 'never', 'diner', 'since', 'mother', 'died', 'college', 'drew', 'returns', 'apartment', 'spend', 'christmas', 'alone', 'tom', 'visits', 'collect', 'money', 'two', 'decide', 'watch', 'actor', 'played', 'doo-dah', 'perform', 'local', 'production', 'christmas', 'carol', 'play', 'tom', 'christine', 'decide', 'divorce', 'drew', 'alicia', 'make', 'outside', 'theater', 'film', 'closes', 'everyone', 'eating', 'diner', 'together'], [\"'captain\", 'hardt', 'world', 'war', 'german', 'submarine', 'commander', 'ordered', 'lead', 'mission', 'attack', 'british', 'fleet', 'scapa', 'flow', 'puts', 'ashore', 'orkney', 'islands', 'meet', 'contact', 'finds', 'bargained', 'local', 'schoolmistress'], [\"'hazel\", 'woodus', 'jennifer', 'jones', 'child', 'nature', 'shropshire', 'countryside', '1897.', 'loves', 'understands', 'wild', 'animals', 'people', 'around', 'whenever', 'problems', 'turns', 'book', 'spells', 'charms', 'left', 'gypsy', 'mother', 'local', 'squire', 'jack', 'reddin', 'david', 'farrar', 'sees', 'hazel', 'wants', 'already', 'promised', 'baptist', 'minister', 'edward', 'marston', 'struggle', 'body', 'soul', 'ensues'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', 'cristina', 'moreno', 'applying', 'princeton', 'university', 'tells', 'story', 'childhood', 'college', 'essay', 'flor', 'moreno', 'poor', 'mexican', 'single', 'mother', 'hired', 'housekeeper', 'john', 'deborah', 'clasky', 'kids', 'bernice', 'georgie', 'deborah\\\\', 'mother', 'evelyn', 'wright', 'rich', 'american', 'family', 'john', 'head', 'chef', 'popular', 'restaurant', 'deborah', 'former', 'businesswoman', 'turned', 'stay-at-home', 'mother', 'evelyn', 'former', 'jazz', 'singer', 'flor', 'speaks', 'little', 'english', 'mention', 'daughter', 'cristina', 'john', 'evelyn', 'georgie', 'bernice', 'likeable', 'deborah', 'however', 'uptight', 'behavior', 'often', 'upsetting', 'households', 'summer', 'comes', 'flor', 'needed', '24/7', 'claskys\\\\', 'summer', 'home', 'unable', 'communicate', 'well', 'english', 'deborah', 'finds', 'neighbor', 'interpret', 'flor', 'reveals', 'unable', 'maintain', 'hours', 'daughter', 'cristina', 'invited', 'come', 'stay', 'cristina', 'interprets', 'mother', 'impresses', 'deborah', 'begins', 'treat', 'like', 'daughter', 'taking', 'cristina', 'shopping', 'getting', 'hair', 'done', 'enrolling', 'private', 'school', 'showing', 'love', 'sensitive', 'bernice', 'flor', 'becomes', 'unhappy', 'appears', 'cristina', 'influenced', 'deborah', 'part', 'wants', 'cristina', 'keep', 'touch', 'mexican', 'roots', 'working-class', 'values', 'partly', 'deborah', 'overstepping', 'bounds', 'flor', 'objects', 'deborah\\\\', 'actions', 'john', 'apologizes', 'flor', 'loses', 'temper', 'finds', 'john', 'given', 'cristina', '600', 'cash', 'minor', 'task', 'threatens', 'leave', 'john', 'convinces', 'stay', 'cristina\\\\', 'sake', 'flor', 'begins', 'learn', 'english', 'communicate', 'better', 'becomes', 'closer', 'john', 'difficulty', 'deborah\\\\', 'self-centered', 'behavior', 'alcoholic', 'evelyn', 'realizes', 'daughter', 'affair', 'marriage', 'trouble', 'pleads', 'deborah', 'end', 'affair', 'telling', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'never', 'get', 'another', 'man', 'good', 'john', 'deborah', 'confesses', 'john', 'cheated', 'john', 'walks', 'gives', 'flor', 'ride', 'car', 'restaurant', 'cooks', 'flor', 'enjoy', 'conversation', 'lives', 'feeling', 'love', 'one', 'another', 'flor', 'quits', 'takes', 'daughter', 'home', 'upsetting', 'cristina', 'got', 'along', 'well', 'claskys', 'way', 'home', 'tells', 'cristina', \"can\\\\'t\", 'private', 'school', 'anymore', 'either', 'upsetting', 'cristina', 'even', 'screams', 'middle', 'street', 'flor', \"can\\\\'t\", 'life', 'ruined', 'flor', 'loses', 'patience', 'cristina', 'asks', 'mother', 'space', 'flor', 'explains', 'daughter', 'must', 'answer', 'important', 'question', 'life', 'young', 'age', 'want', 'become', 'someone', 'different', 'cristina', 'considers', 'bus', 'ride', 'home', 'make', 'embrace', 'film', 'ends', 'cristina', 'adult', 'years', 'later', 'acknowledging', 'life', 'rests', 'firmly', 'happily', 'simple', 'fact', 'mother\\\\', 'daughter'], ['janosch', 'problems', 'school', 'despises', 'lifestyle', 'bourgeois', 'mother', 'runs', 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'asleep', 'evie', 'mother', 'bed', 'next', 'morning', 'evelyn', 'returns', 'prematurely', 'kitchen', 'mess', 'used', 'wine', 'glasses', 'scattered', 'furiously', 'searching', 'upstairs', 'discovers', 'girls', 'recognize', 'randy', 'girl', 'runs', 'past', 'way', 'meanwhile', 'rebecca', 'learned', 'randy', 'graduating', 'high', 'school', 'vicky', 'ex-girlfriend', 'lena', 'frank', 'house', 'randy', 'told', 'would', 'staying', 'night', 'rebecca', 'threatens', 'frank', 'panicked', 'turns', 'evie', 'phone', 'number', 'rebecca', 'calls', 'evie', 'randy', 'already', 'absconded', 'left', 'talking', 'furious', 'evelyn', 'evie', 'randy', 'crying', 'scared', 'accusatory', 'take', 'refuge', 'motel', 'randy', 'finally', 'calls', 'wendy', 'comes', 'pays', 'room', 'tries', 'comfort', 'girls', 'ali', 'sees', 'car', 'parking', 'lot', 'however', 'comes', 'bursting', 'eventually', 'attracting', 'evelyn', 'rebecca', 'vicky', 'lena', 'frank', 'evie', 'three', 'friends', 'driving', 'past', 'reading', 'aloud', 'rita', 'mae', 'brown', 'rubyfruit', 'jungle', 'movie', 'ends', 'randy', 'evie', 'kissing', 'hugging', 'open', 'motel', 'room', 'doorway', 'everyone', 'else', 'argues', 'background', 'top', 'volume', 'asked', 'aware', 'close', 'final', 'shot', 'classic', 'hollywood', 'romantic', 'comedy', 'maggenti', 'said', 'cquote'], ['brando', 'appears', 'start', 'film', 'ken', 'young', 'infantry', 'lieutenant', 'leading', 'platoon', 'embattled', 'european', 'town', 'advances', 'open', 'square', 'shot', 'rings', 'hit', 'lower', 'back', 'instant', 'robust', 'young', 'man', 'made', 'paraplegic', 'rest', 'life', 'hospital', 'ken', 'sullen', 'resentful', 'patient', 'feeling', 'sorry', 'finds', 'sympathy', 'fellow', 'paraplegics', 'include', 'norm', 'bitter', 'caustic', 'man', 'leo', 'ken', 'reluctance', 'respond', 'treatment', 'begins', 'diminish', 'persistence', 'fianc챕e', 'refuses', 'give', 'despite', 'wish', 'support', 'sympathetic', 'doctor', 'ken', 'begins', 'tackle', 'programme', 'adjustment', 'decides', 'wedding', 'determined', 'take', 'vows', 'standing', 'altar', 'wedding', 'night', 'however', 'painful', 'returns', 'hospital', 'later', 'involved', 'drunk', 'driving', 'accident', 'disciplined', 'fellow', 'patients', 'eventually', 'ken', 'comes', 'appreciate', 'responsibilities', 'especially', 'wife', 'also', 'faced', 'problems', 'married', 'paraplegic', 'course', 'accepted', 'full', 'knowledge', 'considerable', 'courage'], ['beautiful', 'cynical', 'noble-woman', 'makes', 'bet', 'free-spirited', 'cousin', 'sex', 'able', 'seduce', 'young', 'woman', 'great', 'virtue', 'accepts', 'challenge', 'enthusiasm', 'though', 'suspecting', 'nasty', 'trap', 'walking'], [\"'han\", 'mi-yeong', 'meets', 'choi', 'su-hyeon', 'falls', 'love', 'however', 'unknown', 'also', 'begins', 'seduce', 'two', 'sisters', 'han', 'seon-yeong', 'han', 'ji-yeong', 'two', 'sisters', 'captivated', 'unable', 'resist'], [\"'booty\", 'call', 'tender-hearted', 'upwardly-mobile', 'african', 'american', 'named', 'rushon', 'dating', 'girlfriend', 'nikki', 'seven', 'weeks', 'really', 'like', 'relationship', 'yet', 'consummated', 'nikki', 'sure', 'relationship', 'ready', 'next', 'stage', 'rushon', 'asks', 'nikki', 'dinner', 'nikki', 'wants', 'double', 'date', 'brings', 'opinionated', 'friend', 'lysterine', 'rushon', 'comes', 'bad', 'boy', 'buddy', 'bunz', 'lysti', 'bunz', 'hit', 'quickly', 'rushon\\\\', 'surprise', 'nikki', 'decides', 'time', 'relationship', 'move', 'next', 'level', 'however', 'one', 'small', 'problem', '90s', 'everyone', 'wants', 'practice', 'safe', 'sex', 'therefore', 'rushon', 'bunz', 'must', 'wild', 'adventures', 'trying', 'find', 'protection', 'evening\\\\', 'mood', 'evaporates'], [\"'in\", 'village', 'square', 'herald', 'proclaims', 'prince', 'giving', 'ball', 'celebrate', 'prince\\\\', '21st', 'birthday', 'ladies', 'kingdom', 'thrilled', 'prospect', 'meeting', 'cinderella', 'whose', 'beloved', 'father', 'died', 'takes', 'care', 'home', 'ill-tempered', 'selfish', 'stepmother', 'stepsisters', 'carries', 'shopping', 'parcels', 'return', 'home', 'three', 'order', 'cinderella', 'left', 'alone', 'corner', 'near', 'fire', 'dreams', 'living', 'exotic', 'life', 'princess', 'anything', 'servant', 'meanwhile', 'king', 'queen', 'get', 'ready', 'big', 'celebration', 'servants', 'discuss', 'planning', 'feast', 'hope', 'son', 'find', 'suitable', 'bride', 'prince', 'bit', 'apprehensive', 'meeting', 'eager', 'women', 'kingdom', 'queen', 'touched', 'overhearing', 'king\\\\', 'discussion', 'son', 'tells', 'loves', 'cinderella\\\\', 'stepsisters', 'get', 'ready', 'ball', 'hoping', 'catch', 'prince\\\\', 'eye', 'laugh', 'cinderella\\\\', 'dreams', 'finally', 'leave', 'cinderella', 'imagines', 'gone', 'little', 'corner', 'cinderella\\\\', 'fairy', 'godmother', 'appears', 'persuaded', 'fervor', 'cinderella\\\\', 'wish', 'ball', 'transforms', 'cinderella', 'beautifully', 'gowned', 'young', 'lady', 'little', 'mouse', 'friends', 'pumpkin', 'glittering', 'carriage', 'impressive', 'footmen', 'leaves', 'ball', 'cinderella', 'arrives', 'palace', '11:30', 'enters', 'godmother', 'warns', 'stay', 'past', 'midnight', 'prince', 'bored', 'attention', 'young', 'ladies', 'dance', 'including', 'stepsisters', 'cinderella\\\\', 'grand', 'entrance', 'immediately', 'attracts', 'everyone\\\\', 'attention', 'intrigues', 'prince', 'dance', 'together', 'instantly', 'fall', 'love', 'seeing', 'prince', 'petite', 'beauty', 'stepsisters', 'ask', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'prefer', 'substantial', 'usual', 'girl', 'like', 'prince', 'cinderella', 'dance', 'find', 'private', 'moment', 'declares', 'love', 'share', 'kiss', 'clock', 'begins', 'strike', 'midnight', 'cinderella', 'flees', 'magic', 'wears', 'haste', 'drops', 'glass', 'slipper', 'next', 'morning', 'cinderella\\\\', 'stepmother', 'stepsisters', 'reminisce', 'ball', 'find', 'cinderella', 'intuitive', 'must', 'like', 'going', 'ball', 'dancing', 'prince', 'meanwhile', 'prince', 'searching', 'beauty', 'danced', 'fled', 'quickly', 'ball', 'herald', 'tries', 'slipper', 'ladies', 'cinderella\\\\', 'house', 'slipper', 'fit', 'ladies', 'cinderella\\\\', 'stepmother', 'tries', 'steer', 'herald', 'away', 'servant', 'girl', 'cinderella', 'home', 'hiding', 'palace', 'garden', 'herald', 'returns', 'palace', 'garden', 'regretfully', 'informs', 'prince', 'found', 'missing', 'girl', 'herald', 'sees', 'cinderella', 'hiding', 'places', 'arrest', 'prodded', 'fairy', 'godmother', 'tries', 'slipper', 'cinderella', 'fits', 'prince', 'called', 'back', 'garden', 'recognizes', 'beloved', 'love', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'beautiful', 'cinderella', 'prince', 'marry', 'ends', 'happily'], [\"'once\", 'installed', 'king', 'edward', 'summons', 'friend', 'lover', 'piers', 'gaveston', 'side', 'showers', 'gifts', 'titles', 'abiding', 'love', 'relationship', 'fiery', 'passionate', 'focus', 'gossip', 'derision', 'throughout', 'kingdom', 'upon', 'return', 'gaveston', 'takes', 'revenge', 'bishop', 'winchester', 'responsible', 'banishment', 'england', 'previous', 'reign', 'personally', 'torturing', 'kent', 'edwards', 'brother', 'first', 'protest', 'gaveston\\\\', 'return', 'many', 'others', 'feel', 'way', 'including', 'bishop', 'winchester', 'lord', 'mortimer', 'charge', 'army', 'forces', 'kingdom', 'nevertheless', 'edward', 'defends', 'lover', 'mounting', 'enemies', 'pleasure-seeker', 'edward', 'quite', 'distracted', 'affairs', 'state', 'much', 'distress', 'anger', 'court', 'queen', 'isabella', 'edward', 'french', 'wife', 'vainly', 'tries', 'everything', 'win', 'back', 'lover', 'mercilessly', 'rejected', 'husband', 'love', 'starved', 'isabella', 'turns', 'gaveston', 'inflames', 'isabella', 'desire', 'whispering', 'obscenities', 'ear', 'mocks', 'responsiveness', 'handsome', 'hedonistic', 'opportunistic', 'gaveston', 'repels', 'everyone', 'except', 'king', 'enemies', 'join', 'forces', 'threaten', 'edward', 'dethronment', 'exile', 'edwards', 'forced', 'comply', 'wishes', 'sends', 'gaveston', 'away', 'lovers\\\\', 'separation', 'serenaded', 'annie', 'lennox', 'rendition', 'cole', 'porter\\\\', \"ev\\\\'ry\", 'time', 'say', 'goodbye', 'queen', 'hopes', 'gaveston', 'away', 'could', 'reconcile', 'husband', 'rejects', 'last', 'effort', 'regain', 'husband\\\\', 'affection', 'allows', 'gaveston', 'return', 'king', 'lover', 'resume', 'relationship', 'enemies', 'ready', 'strike', 'back', 'isabella', 'mortimer', 'becomes', 'lover', 'plan', 'rule', 'realm', 'edward', 'isabella\\\\', 'young', 'son', 'future', 'edward', 'iii', 'kent', 'tries', 'save', 'brother', 'murdered', 'isabella', 'nobles', 'soon', 'plotting', 'get', 'rid', 'gaveston', 'also', 'king', 'mortimer', 'leader', 'military', 'man', 'practicing', 'sadomasochist', 'takes', 'grim', 'pleasure', 'personally', 'torturing', 'gaveston', 'lovers\\\\', 'friend', 'spencer', 'addresses', 'girl', 'boy', 'torture', 'takes', 'place', 'clash', 'police', 'members', 'british', 'gay', 'rights', 'organization', 'outrage', 'gaveston', 'spencer', 'assassinations', 'edward', 'thrown', 'dungeon', 'executed', 'impalement', 'red-hot', 'poker', 'hideous', 'fate', 'presented', 'nightmare', 'imprisoned', 'king', 'awakens', 'executioner', 'arrive', 'tosses', 'away', 'lethal', 'weapon', 'kisses', 'man', 'sent', 'kill', 'back', 'castle', 'mortimer', 'isabella', 'enjoy', 'triumph', 'briefly', 'king\\\\', 'young', 'son', 'edward', 'iii', 'along', 'neglected', 'parents', 'witnessing', 'quarrels', 'donned', 'mother\\\\', 'earrings', 'lipstick', 'listening', 'classical', 'music', 'walkman', 'walks', 'atop', 'cage', 'imprisons', 'mother', 'mortimer'], ['ned', 'kynaston', 'one', 'leading', 'actors', 'day', 'famed', 'portrayal', 'female', 'characters', 'particularly', 'desdemona', 'othello', 'loyal', 'dresser', 'maria', 'longs', 'perform', 'stage', 'forbidden', 'law', 'enacted', 'puritans', 'prior', 'return', 'house', 'stuart', 'throne', 'fulfills', 'desire', 'appearing', 'plays', 'presented', 'local', 'tavern', 'name', 'margaret', 'hughes', 'word', 'performances', 'spread', 'novelty', 'woman', 'stage', 'draws', 'attention', 'sir', 'charles', 'sedley', 'offers', 'patron', 'eventually', 'attention', 'king', 'charles', 'kynaston', 'rant', 'allowing', 'women', 'stage', 'overheard', 'nell', 'gwynn', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'charles', 'mistress', 'literally', 'seduces', 'charles', 'banning', 'men', 'playing', 'female', 'roles', 'result', 'kynaston', 'loses', 'lover', 'george', 'villiers', 'duke', 'buckingham', 'acceptance', 'london', 'society', 'unable', 'shake', 'feminine', 'characteristics', 'perfected', 'years', 'reduced', 'performing', 'bawdy', 'songs', 'drag', 'music', 'halls', 'maria', 'career', 'thrives', 'though', 'abilities', 'leave', 'much', 'desired', 'bases', 'everything', 'kynaston', 'performances', 'maria', 'called', 'upon', 'portray', 'desdemona', 'king', 'panics', 'implores', 'kynaston', 'coach', 'agree', 'insists', 'replacing', 'company', 'head', 'thomas', 'betterton', 'role', 'titular', 'protagonist', 'discovers', 'ability', 'portray', 'male', 'character', 'maria', 'evolves', 'actress', 'middling', 'talent', 'acclaimed', 'theatrical', 'star'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'ming', 'dynasty', 'china', 'long', 'town', 'bully', 'known', 'boorish', 'manners', 'reckless', 'attitude', 'endeared', 'one', 'save', 'sister', 'feng', 'curious', 'penchant', 'cross-dressing', 'apparent', 'early', 'siblings', 'misfits', 'virtually', 'prospect', 'marriage', 'faye', 'wong', 'cast', 'runaway', 'princess', 'dressed', 'man', 'disguise', 'fools', 'long', 'feng', 'long', 'immediately', 'decides', 'likes', 'new-found', 'friend', 'much', 'entrust', 'sister\\\\', 'hand', 'marriage', 'princess', 'course', 'marry', 'another', 'woman', 'tried', 'fend', 'long\\\\', 'suggestions', 'match', 'also', 'attracted', 'long', 'emperor', 'zheng', 'also', 'leaves', 'palace', 'temporarily', 'order', 'search', 'missing', 'sister', 'dresses', 'like', 'commoner', 'twist', 'fate', 'meets', 'feng', 'smitten', 'feng', 'begins', 'court', 'keeping', 'imperial', 'identity', 'secret', 'motives', 'leaving', 'palace', 'also', 'included', 'fact', 'unhappy', 'lonely', 'court', 'wants', 'escape', 'smothering', 'influence', 'empress', 'dowager', 'mother', 'plays', 'dictatorial', 'role', 'actions', 'son', 'convoy', 'imperial', 'guards', 'try', 'protect', 'town', 'bring', 'emperor', 'back', 'palace', 'unsuccessfully', 'princess', 'also', 'assisted', 'fairy', 'godmother', 'marrying', 'match', 'empress', 'dowager', 'hears', 'wayward', 'children', 'storms', 'long\\\\', 'house', 'children', 'holed', 'hear', 'wish', 'marry', 'two', 'commoners', 'unwholesome', 'eccentric', 'tendencies', 'emperor', 'adamant', 'marrying', 'feng', 'empress', 'dowager', 'relents', 'long', 'unable', 'pass', 'ring', 'test', 'prove', 'destined', 'one', 'empress', 'dowager', 'forbids', 'marriage', 'daughter', 'ends', 'well', 'however', 'separation', 'long', 'enlightened', 'fairy', 'godmother', 'passes', 'ring', 'test', 'reunited', 'princess', 'empress', 'dowager', 'accepts', 'happiness', 'reigns'], ['paul', 'upper-class', 'young', 'man', 'start', 'grande', '챕cole', 'one', 'system', 'mostly', 'public', 'colleges', 'students', 'admitted', 'based', 'highly', 'competitive', 'process', 'whose', 'graduates', 'often', 'gain', 'prestigious', 'employment', 'chosen', 'live', 'two', 'new', 'roommates', 'instead', 'girlfriend', 'agn챔s', 'result', 'studies', 'little', 'time', 'see', 'agn챔s', 'perceives', 'cracks', 'relationship', 'suspects', 'paul', 'attraction', 'one', 'new', 'roommates', 'aristocratic', 'louis-arnault', 'paul', 'denies', 'homosexual', 'attraction', 'agn챔s', 'decides', 'make', 'bet', 'whichever', 'beds', 'louis-arnault', 'first', 'wins', 'paul', 'must', 'stop', 'exploring', 'sexuality', 'leave', 'bet', 'plays', 'paul', 'meets', 'm챕cir', 'young', 'arab', 'worker', 'becomes', 'besotted', 'm챕cir', 'paul', 'goes', 'journey', 'discovery', 'changes', 'many', 'ideas', 'class', 'cultural', 'differences', 'sexuality'], ['raj', 'khanna', 'pooja', 'sahani', 'tina', 'kapoor', 'childhood', 'friends', 'raj', 'always', 'attracted', 'vivacious', 'tina', 'completely', 'unaware', 'quiet', 'pooja', 'love', 'raj', 'father', 'decides', 'move', 'england', 'family', 'take', 'new', 'job', 'raj', 'away', 'friends', 'makes', 'tina', 'promise', 'write', 'via', 'e-mail', 'tina', 'soon', 'becomes', 'occupied', 'things', 'loyal', 'pooja', 'writes', 'raj', 'always', 'signs', 'tina', 'name', 'help', 'tina', 'keep', 'promise', 'raj', 'pooja', 'many', 'things', 'common', 'e-mails', 'bring', 'close', 'decade', 'half', 'later', 'raj', 'returns', 'india', 'short', 'vacation', 'love', 'girl', 'writing', 'believes', 'recognise', 'first', 'sight', 'three', 'finally', 'meet', 'raj', 'pooja', 'disappointment', 'completely', 'ignores', 'besotted', 'tina', 'vivacious', 'ever', 'however', 'two', 'weeks', 'vacation', 'help', 'notice', 'real', 'tina', 'completely', 'different', 'compared', 'tina', 'knew', 'e-mails', 'also', 'starts', 'like', 'pooja', 'without', 'realising', 'one', 'really', 'love', 'returns', 'london', 'pooja', 'coincidentally', 'arrives', 'interview', 'discovers', 'pooja', 'wrote', 'letters', 'confess', 'love', 'decide', 'get', 'married', 'fate', 'plays', 'unexpected', 'trick', 'back', 'india', 'tina', 'father', 'died', 'leaving', 'tina', 'alone', 'world', 'love', 'raj', 'well', 'pooja', 'refuses', 'marry', 'raj', 'since', 'want', 'break', 'tina', 'heart', 'raj', 'one', 'tina', 'left', 'raj', 'parents', 'also', 'agree', 'marriage', 'raj', 'wants', 'tell', 'really', 'loves', 'pooja', 'pooja', 'however', 'still', 'refuses', 'marry', 'raj', 'angrily', 'vows', 'marry', 'tina', 'pooja', 'marries', 'someone', 'else', 'day', 'enter', 'friend', 'raj', 'rohan', 'verma', 'rohan', 'greatly', 'attracted', 'pooja', 'families', 'match', 'pooja', 'bows', 'inevitable', 'agrees', 'marry', 'rohan', 'day', 'raj', 'tina', 'way', 'hopes', 'satisfy', 'raj', 'condition', 'ensure', 'tina', 'happiness', 'rohan', 'realises', 'something', 'wrong', 'pooja', 'love', 'keeps', 'charade', 'nevertheless', 'day', 'marriage', 'tina', 'realises', 'raj', 'really', 'love', 'pooja', 'gives', 'finally', 'pooja', 'raj', 'get', 'married'], ['dil', 'maange', 'story', 'nikhil', 'mathur', 'quest', 'true', 'love', 'passions', 'village', 'samarpur', 'soccer', 'desperate', 'fall', 'love', 'one', 'woman', 'ends', 'three', 'women', 'arms', 'ready', 'swear', 'undying', 'love', 'first', 'shown', 'love', 'neha', 'girlfriend', 'four', 'years', 'neha', 'ambitious', 'girl', 'leaves', 'village', 'mumbai', 'become', 'flight', 'attendant', 'nikhil', 'follows', 'bring', 'back', 'mumbai', 'nikhil', 'bumps', 'shagun', 'though', 'two', 'part', 'ways', 'fate', 'something', 'else', 'store', 'starts', 'living', 'shagun', 'house', 'next', 'day', 'nikhil', 'tries', 'convince', 'neha', 'return', 'succeed', 'luck', 'would', 'lands', 'job', 'music', 'store', 'run', 'a.r', 'rehman', 'exactly', 'opposite', 'institute', 'neha', 'training', 'meets', 'coworker', 'sarah', 'nikhil', 'keeps', 'trying', 'convince', 'neha', 'gets', 'rejection', 'eventually', 'ends', 'falling', 'love', 'sarah', 'well', 'however', 'sarah', 'ex-boyfriend', 'comes', 'takes', 'away', 'disheartens', 'nikhil', 'invited', 'shagun', 'home', 'reads', 'computer', 'diary', 'learns', 'actually', 'love', 'proposes', 'shagun', 'accepts', 'things', 'turn', 'neha', 'returns', 'wanting', 'back', 'shagun', 'sees', 'neha', 'hugging', 'nikhil', 'leaves', 'nikhil', 'breaks', 'neha', 'a.r', 'rehman', 'fixes', 'shagun', 'nikhil', 'sarah', 'also', 'comes', 'saying', 'left', 'boyfriend', 'hugs', 'shagun', 'sees', 'goes', 'berserk', 'one', 'day', 'a.r', 'rehman', 'arranges', 'party', 'yacht', 'girls', 'attend', 'argue', 'three', 'fall', 'water', 'nikhil', 'quickly', 'goes', 'help', 'saves', 'shagun', 'meanwhile', 'nikhil', 'thinking', 'lost', 'shagun', 'forever', 'returns', 'samarpur', 'shagun', 'finally', 'realizes', 'nikhil', 'really', 'loves', 'follows', 'samarpur', 'two', 'decide', 'live', 'happily', 'ever', 'shagun', 'confessing', 'love', 'see', 'neha', 'sarah', 'a.r', 'rehman', 'saying', 'plan', 'successful', 'implying', 'everything', 'act', 'get', 'nikhil', 'shagun', 'together'], [\"'happy\", 'american', 'bachelor', 'raj', 'reluctantly', 'attends', 'cousin\\\\', 'wedding', 'mumbai', 'finds', 'pushed', 'towards', 'marriage', 'overzealous', 'uncle', 'uncle\\\\', 'employee', 'namrata', 'begrudgingly', 'chaperones', 'raj', 'series', 'set-ups', 'deliberately', 'sabotages', 'eventually', 'one', 'dates', 'raj', 'watches', 'namrata', 'dancing', 'realizes', 'loves', 'finally', 'gets', 'strength', 'tell', 'surprise', 'discovers', 'son', 'aditya', 'already', 'married', 'raj', 'confused', 'forms', 'strong', 'fatherly', 'relationship', 'son', 'anyway', 'uncle', 'informs', 'namrata\\\\', 'husband', 'disappeared', 'right', 'aditya\\\\', 'birth', 'although', 'namrata', 'still', 'technically', 'married', 'raj', 'takes', 'heart', 'soon', 'enough', 'however', 'finds', 'raj\\\\', 'feelings', 'turmoil', 'attempts', 'distance', 'knowing', 'never', 'together', 'nevertheless', 'raj', 'follows', 'aditya\\\\', 'boarding', 'school', 'promised', 'boy', 'pose', 'father', 'raj', 'drives', 'namrata', 'home', 'sarcastically', 'comments', 'circumstances', 'must', 'fault', 'upset', 'tells', 'raj', 'husband', 'one', 'left', 'another', 'woman', 'whilst', 'pregnant', 'eventually', 'namrata', 'comes', 'round', 'get', 'together', 'raj', 'introduce', 'namrata', 'mother', 'leave', 'party', 'husband', 'sanjeev', 'arbaaz', 'khan', 'walks', 'back', 'life', 'begin', 'left', 'want', 'anything', 'grudgingly', 'takes', 'back', 'even', 'though', 'love', 'raj', 'chance', 'meeting', 'sanjeev', 'raj', 'invites', 'sanjeev', 'cousin\\\\', 'wedding', 'adi', 'also', 'comes', 'goes', 'straight', 'raj', 'calls', 'dad', 'sanjeev', 'jealous', 'angry', 'insults', 'raj', 'family', 'creates', 'scene', 'wedding', 'namrata', 'finally', 'gets', 'courage', 'tell', 'sanjeev', 'longer', 'wife', 'love', 'raj', 'raj', 'namrata', 'get', 'married', 'child', 'live', 'happily', 'ever'], [\"'1960\", 'baltimore', 'juvenile', 'delinquent', 'dawn', 'davenport', 'divine', 'regular', 'troublemaker', 'all-girls', 'school', 'receives', 'failing', 'geography', 'grade', 'sentence', 'writing', 'lines', 'fighting', 'lying', 'cheating', 'eating', 'class', 'christmas', 'morning', 'dawn', 'fails', 'get', 'cha-cha', 'heel', 'shoes', 'wants', 'christmas', 'breaking', 'violent', 'rage', 'pushing', 'mother', 'christmas', 'tree', 'dawn', 'runs', 'away', 'home', 'hitchhiking', 'gets', 'picked', 'earl', 'peterson', 'fat', 'man', 'driving', 'edsel', 'station', 'wagon', 'peterson', 'drives', 'davenport', 'dump', 'sex', 'dirty', 'mattress', 'side', 'road', 'later', 'finds', 'pregnant', 'demands', 'money', 'tells', 'fuck', 'divine', 'indeed', 'done', 'playing', 'roles', 'dawn', 'gives', 'birth', 'daughter', 'taffy', 'works', 'waitress', 'go-go', 'dancer', 'hooker', 'petty', 'thief', '봶orking', 'latter', 'two', 'jobs', 'delinquent', 'friends', 'chicklette', 'susan', 'walsh', 'concetta', 'mid', \"\\\\'60s\", '1968', 'taffy', 'eight', 'years', 'old', 'driving', 'mother', 'violence', 'dawn', 'complains', 'chicklette', 'concetta', 'demands', 'motherhood', 'suggest', 'cheer', 'getting', 'hair', 'done', 'stylist', 'named', 'gator', 'lives', 'morbidly', 'obese', 'aunt', 'ida', 'constantly', 'pleads', 'turn', 'queer', 'dawn', 'becomes', 'client', 'gator\\\\', 'lipstick', 'beauty', 'salon', 'owned', 'donald', 'donna', 'dasher', 'dawn', 'gator', 'marry', 'five', 'years', 'later', '1974', 'marriage', 'complicated', 'fact', 'taffy', 'fourteen', 'years', 'old', 'hates', 'gator', 'taffy', 'catches', 'mother', 'stepfather', 'sex', 'gator', 'suggests', 'join', 'bed', 'taffy', 'replies', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'suck', 'lousy', 'dick', 'suffocating', 'oxygen', 'balls', 'fed', 'gator\\\\', 'infidelities', 'penchant', 'reading', 'magazines', 'penetrating', 'tools', 'hammers', 'pliers', 'dawn', 'leaves', 'gator', 'starts', 'divorce', 'proceedings', 'seeks', 'solace', 'lipstick', 'beauty', 'salon', 'diabolical', 'dashers', 'ask', 'glamorous', 'guinea', 'pig', 'beauty', 'experiment', 'want', 'test', 'jean', 'genet\\\\', 'theory', 'crime', 'equals', 'beauty', 'behest', 'dawn', 'performs', 'several', 'crimes', 'including', 'knocking', 'daughter', 'unconscious', 'chair', 'fight', 'narcissistic', 'dawn', 'happily', 'poses', 'photographs', 'ida', 'bursts', 'dawn\\\\', 'house', 'disfigures', 'face', 'acid', 'gator', 'leaves', 'pursue', 'work', 'auto', 'industry', 'michigan', 'dawn', 'lands', 'hospital', 'though', 'hideously', 'disfigured', 'dashers', 'friends', 'convince', 'she\\\\', 'pretty', 'discourage', 'reconstructive', 'plastic', 'surgery', 'leaving', 'hospital', 'dawn', 'returns', 'find', 'home', 'redecorated', 'dashers', 'who\\\\', \"'ve\", 'kidnapped', 'confined', 'ida', 'oversized', 'bird', 'cage', 'encouragement', 'dashers', 'dawn', 'cuts', 'ida\\\\', 'hand', 'taffy', 'comes', 'home', 'becoming', 'unhinged', 'sight', 'grown', 'woman', 'bird', 'cage', 'bloody', 'stump', 'pleads', 'mother', 'reveal', 'identity', 'real', 'father', 'reluctantly', 'taffy', 'finds', 'father', 'living', 'dilapidated', 'house', 'drinking', 'excessively', 'stabs', 'death', 'butcher', 'knife', 'tries', 'sexually', 'assault', 'taffy', 'returns', 'home', 'announces', 'joining', 'hare', 'krishna', 'movement', 'dawn', 'warns', 'kill', 'dawn', 'grotesque', 'hair', 'make-up', 'outfits', 'provided', 'dashers', 'creates', 'nightclub', 'act', 'backstage', 'opening', 'night', 'taffy', 'appears', 'freeing', 'ida', 'bird', 'cage', 'upon', 'discovering', 'taffy', 'hare', 'krishna', 'dawn', 'strangles', 'death', 'dashers', 'minions', 'cheer', 'dawn', 'performs', 'nightclub', 'act', 'includes', 'jumping', 'trampoline', 'wallowing', 'playpen', 'filled', 'dead', 'fish', 'revels', 'ideal', 'beauty', 'art', 'form', 'born', 'crime', 'cquote', 'yells', 'wants', 'famous', 'wants', 'die', 'art', 'commences', 'shooting', 'crowd', 'several', 'people', 'wounded', 'others', 'trampled', 'fleeing', 'scene', 'police', 'allow', 'dashers', 'leave', 'donald', 'donna', 'claim', 'upright', 'citizens', 'caught', 'bloody', 'rampage', 'dawn', 'flees', 'forest', 'soon', 'arrested', 'police', 'dawn\\\\', 'trial', 'dashers', 'granted', 'total', 'immunity', 'judge', 'exchange', 'testimony', 'claim', 'shocked', 'dawn\\\\', 'crime', 'spree', 'although', 'engineered', 'encouraged', 'ida', 'testifies', 'dawn', 'kidnapping', 'amputating', 'hand', 'actually', 'dashers', 'kidnapped', 'ida', 'told', 'dawn', 'cut', 'hand', 'dawn', 'found', 'guilty', 'sentenced', 'die', 'electric', 'chair', 'dashers', 'seen', 'paying', 'ida', 'testimony', 'jail', 'awaiting', 'execution', 'dawn', 'lesbian', 'affair', 'another', 'prisoner', 'dawn', 'tells', 'lover', 'executed', 'make', 'famous', 'like', 'winning', 'academy', 'award', 'indeed', 'delirious', 'dawn', 'strapped', 'electric', 'chair', 'gives', 'speech', 'winning', 'oscar', 'cquote', 'receiving', 'fatal', 'electric', 'shock', 'dawn', 'immortalized', 'distorted', 'face', 'shown', 'freeze', 'frame', 'end', 'credits', 'rolling'], ['peggy', 'gravel', 'neurotic', 'delusional', 'suburban', 'housewife', 'overweight', 'maid', 'grizelda', 'brown', 'lam', 'grizelda', 'smothers', 'peggy', 'husband', 'bosley', 'death', 'two', 'arrested', 'cross-dressing', 'policeman', 'gives', 'ultimatum', 'jail', 'exiled', 'mortville', 'filthy', 'shantytown', 'ruled', 'evil', 'queen', 'carlotta', 'treasonous', 'daughter', 'princess', 'coo-coo', 'peggy', 'grizelda', 'choose', 'mortville', 'still', 'engage', 'lesbian', 'prison', 'sex', 'become', 'associates', 'self-hating', 'lesbian', 'wrestler', 'mole', 'mchenry', 'wants', 'sex', 'change', 'please', 'lover', 'muffy', 'st.', 'jacques', 'mortville', 'social', 'outcasts', '봠riminals', 'nudists', 'sexual', 'deviants', '봠onspire', 'overthrow', 'queen', 'carlotta', 'banishes', 'daughter', 'coo-coo', 'elopes', 'garbage', 'collector', 'later', 'shot', 'death', 'guards', 'coo-coo', 'hides', 'peggy', 'grizelda', 'house', 'dead', 'lover', 'peggy', 'betrays', 'coo-coo', 'queen', 'guards', 'grizelda', 'fights', 'dies', 'house', 'collapses', 'peggy', 'however', 'joins', 'queen', 'terrorizing', 'subjects', 'even', 'infecting', 'rabies', 'eventually', 'mortville', 'denizens', 'led', 'mole', 'overthrow', 'queen', 'carlotta', 'execute', 'peggy', 'shooting', 'gun', 'anus', 'celebrate', 'freedom', 'townsfolk', 'roast', 'carlotta', 'spit', 'serve', 'pig-like', 'platter', 'apple', 'mouth'], [\"'in\", 'ming', 'dynasty', 'exists', 'legendary', 'group', 'four', 'scholars', 'whose', 'literary', 'artistic', 'skills', 'unmatched', 'china', 'four', 'scholars', 'tong', 'pak', 'famous', 'eight', 'wives', 'addition', 'expertise', 'artist', 'poet', 'calligrapher', 'however', 'tong\\\\', 'eight', 'wives', 'actually', 'complete', 'gambling', 'addicts', 'general', 'unappreciative', 'tong\\\\', 'artistic', 'skills', 'leads', 'tong\\\\', 'quest', 'woman', 'truly', 'understands', 'appreciates', 'strengths', 'also', 'familial', 'secret', 'within', 'tong', 'family', 'generations', 'martial', 'arts', 'masters', 'tong', 'family', 'two', 'major', 'enemies', 'evil', 'scholar', 'notorious', 'swordsman', 'known', 'deadly', 'scholastic', 'sword', 'killed', 'tong', 'pak', 'fu\\\\', 'father', 'melee', 'love', 'rival', 'tong', 'pak', 'fu\\\\', 'mother', 'chissy', 'due', 'rivalries', 'tong', 'pak', 'forbidden', 'mother', 'use', 'form', 'martial', 'arts', 'outing', 'scholars', 'tong', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'convoy', 'house', 'wah', 'aristocratic', 'family', 'much', 'political', 'power', 'ming', 'dynasty', 'government', 'tong', 'also', 'meets', 'chow', 'heung', 'one', 'four', 'maids', 'house', 'wah', 'renowned', 'legendary', 'beauty', 'chance', 'encounter', 'convinces', 'tong', 'finally', 'found', 'true', 'love', 'decides', 'actively', 'woo', 'chow', 'heung', 'advice', 'boat', 'driver', 'tong', 'pretends', 'lowly', 'servant', 'order', 'gain', 'employment', 'house', 'wah', 'tong', 'finds', 'life', 'servant', 'difficult', 'caught', 'helping', 'friend', 'sells', 'tong\\\\', 'paintings', 'living', 'results', 'madame', 'wah', 'discovering', 'tong', 'actually', 'educated', 'impromptu', 'rap', 'tong', 'made', 'spot', 'claiming', 'life', 'ruined', 'tong', 'pak', 'persuasion', 'chow', 'heung', 'tong', 'hired', 'assistant', 'tutor', 'madame', 'wah\\\\', 'two', 'young', 'sons', 'presumed', 'mentally', 'challenged', 'sudden', 'death', 'main', 'tutor', 'house', 'wah', 'tong', 'hired', 'main', 'tutor', 'result', 'tong', 'manages', 'get', 'closer', 'chow', 'heung', 'good', 'times', 'last', 'however', 'house', 'wah', 'suddenly', 'visited', 'chancellor', 'wah\\\\', 'political', 'rival', 'prince', 'ning', 'hired', 'evil', 'scholar', 'bodyguard', 'general', 'counsel', 'prince', 'ning', 'planning', 'coup', 'brings', 'painting', 'tong', 'pak', 'chancellor', 'wah', 'enjoy', 'ruse', 'prince', 'wants', 'evil', 'scholar', 'injure', 'kill', 'members', 'wah', 'family', 'especially', 'chancellor', 'wah', 'madame', 'wah', 'accomplished', 'martial', 'artist', 'subsequent', 'viewing', 'painting', 'madame', 'wah', 'injured', 'tong', 'steps', 'finish', 'battle', 'house', 'wah\\\\', 'favor', 'succeeds', 'painting', 'destroyed', 'process', 'prince', 'ning', 'seizes', 'opportunity', 'blame', 'house', 'wah', 'insulting', 'destroying', 'painting', 'save', 'house', 'wah', 'possibly', 'executed', 'emperor', 'tong', 'claims', 'destroyed', 'painting', 'actually', 'counterfeit', 'copy', 'genuine', 'painting', 'inside', 'wah', 'compounds', 'tong', 'leaves', 'chow', 'heung', 'fetch', 'painting', 'however', 'chow', 'heung', 'fearful', 'repercussions', 'house', 'wah', 'allowed', 'tong', 'pak', 'fu\\\\', 'works', 'chow', 'heung', 'frets', 'tong', 'reproduces', 'painting', 'record', 'time', 'presents', 'painting', 'prince', 'ning', 'embarrassed', 'utterly', 'defeated', 'hands', 'tutor', 'prince', 'ning', 'leaves', 'hastily', 'vowing', 'revenge', 'reproducing', 'painting', 'tong', 'unintentionally', 'reveals', 'real', 'identity', 'madame', 'wah', 'former', 'love', 'rival', 'tong\\\\', 'mother', 'one', 'enemies', 'tong', 'family', 'seemingly', 'polite', 'exchange', 'madame', 'wah', 'tong', 'poison', 'several', 'days', 'prince', 'ning\\\\', 'embarrassment', 'evil', 'scholar', 'returns', 'annihilate', 'entire', 'house', 'wah', 'madame', 'wah', 'attempts', 'defend', 'family', 'almost', 'killed', 'process', 'tong', 'appears', 'seconds', 'madame', 'wah', 'chow', 'heung', 'would', 'killed', 'evil', 'scholar', 'fierce', 'battle', 'tong', 'kills', 'evil', 'scholar', 'earns', 'chow', 'heung\\\\', 'hand', 'marriage', 'reward', 'madame', 'wah', 'puts', 'game', 'test', 'tong\\\\', 'love', 'chow', 'heung', 'tong', 'passes', 'tong', 'chow', 'heung', 'eventually', 'marry', 'ceremony', 'discovers', 'dismay', 'chow', 'heung', 'much', 'gambling', 'addict', 'previous', 'eight', 'wives'], ['greek', 'chorus', 'narrates', 'comments', 'oedipus', 'jocasta', 'tiresias', 'cassandra', 'sometimes', 'directly', 'intervene', 'modern', 'fable', 'sportswriter', 'lenny', 'weinrib', 'married', 'career-driven', 'wife', 'amanda', 'wants', 'baby', 'afford', 'get', 'pregnant', 'due', 'job', 'says', 'adopt', 'lenny', 'opposed', 'always', 'amanda', 'way', 'adopt', 'baby', 'boy', 'name', 'max', 'child', 'grows', 'becomes', 'clear', 'highly', 'intelligent', 'lenny', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'learning', 'identity', 'max\\\\', 'biological', 'parents', 'great', 'difficulty', 'lenny', 'finally', 'locates', 'max\\\\', 'mother', 'prostitute', 'part-time', 'porn', 'star', 'linda', 'ash', 'lenny', 'makes', 'appointment', 'first', 'linda', 'appears', 'dumb', 'blonde', 'crude', 'sense', 'humor', 'along', 'delusions', 'becoming', 'actress', 'lenny', 'sleep', 'urges', 'stop', 'prostitute', 'linda', 'becomes', 'furious', 'throws', 'takes', 'lenny', 'befriend', 'linda', 'begins', 'lifestyle', 'makeover', 'lenny', 'also', 'tricks', 'telling', 'child', 'gave', 'adoption', 'persuades', 'linda', 'quit', 'profession', 'even', 'bribes', 'violent', 'pimp', 'basketball', 'tickets', 'let', 'linda', 'lenny', 'sets', 'linda', 'boxer-turned-onion', 'farmer', 'kevin', 'appears', 'perfect', 'match', 'kevin', 'discovers', 'linda\\\\', 'background', 'leaves', 'meanwhile', 'amanda', 'affair', 'colleague', 'jerry', 'lenny', 'finds', 'lenny', 'linda', 'console', 'one', 'another', 'sleep', 'together', 'lenny', 'reconciles', 'guilt-ridden', 'amanda', 'realizing', 'still', 'love', 'linda', 'makes', 'one', 'last', 'attempt', 'win', 'back', 'farm', 'boy', 'kevin', 'drives', 'back', 'city', 'helicopter', 'drops', 'sky', 'linda', 'gives', 'pilot', 'lift', 'know', 'end', 'getting', 'married', 'twist', 'linda', 'pregnant', 'lenny\\\\', 'child', 'year', 'later', 'lenny', 'linda', 'individual', 'children', 'meet', 'toy', 'store', 'other\\\\', 'child', \"don\\\\'t\", 'know'], ['loosely', 'based', 'real-life', 'kendal', 'family', 'film', 'follows', 'story', 'nomadic', 'british', 'actors', 'perform', 'towns', 'post-colonial', 'india', 'performing', 'plays', 'shakespeare', 'story', 'tony', 'buckingham', 'wife', 'carla', 'oversee', 'troupe', 'daughter', 'lizzie', 'buckingham', 'falls', 'love', 'sanju', 'also', 'romancing', 'manjula', 'bollywood', 'film', 'star', 'real', 'life', 'shashi', 'kapoor', 'fell', 'love', 'felicity', 'elder', 'sister', 'jennifer', 'kendal', 'marriage', 'would', 'provide', 'important', 'contribution', 'indian', 'film', 'industry', 'kendal', 'death', '1984'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'opens', 'miles', 'harding', 'architect', 'envisions', 'brick', 'shaped', 'like', 'jigsaw', 'puzzle', 'piece', 'could', 'enable', 'buildings', 'withstand', 'earthquakes', 'seeking', 'way', 'get', 'organized', 'buys', 'home', 'computer', 'help', 'develop', 'ideas', 'although', 'initially', 'unsure', 'even', 'able', 'correctly', 'operate', 'computer', 'later', 'buys', 'numerous', 'extra', 'gadgets', 'necessary', 'work', 'switches', 'control', 'household', 'appliances', 'like', 'blender', 'speech', 'synthesizer', 'microphone', 'computer', 'addresses', 'miles', 'moles', 'miles', 'mistyped', 'name', 'initial', 'set-up', 'miles', 'attempts', 'download', 'data', 'mainframe', 'computer', 'work', 'computer', 'begins', 'overheat', 'state', 'panic', 'miles', 'pours', 'nearby', 'bottle', 'champagne', 'machine', 'becomes', 'sentient', 'remainder', 'movie', 'deals', 'love', 'triangle', 'miles', 'computer', 'miles\\\\', 'neighbor', 'attractive', 'cellist', 'named', 'madeline', 'upon', 'hearing', 'practicing', 'piece', 'notebook', 'anna', 'magdalena', 'bach', 'cello', 'air', 'vent', 'connecting', 'apartments', 'edgar', 'promptly', 'elaborates', 'parallel', 'variation', 'piece', 'leading', 'improvised', 'duet', 'believing', 'miles', 'engaged', 'duet', 'madeline', 'begins', 'fall', 'love', 'spite', 'ongoing', 'relationship', 'fellow', 'musician', 'bill', 'miles\\\\', 'request', 'edgar', 'composes', 'piece', 'music', 'madeline', 'mutual', 'love', 'becomes', 'evident', 'however', 'edgar', 'responds', 'jealousy', 'canceling', 'miles\\\\', 'credit', 'cards', 'registering', 'armed', 'dangerous', 'criminal', 'miles', 'shoves', 'computer', 'tries', 'unplug', 'getting', 'electric', 'shock', 'computer', 'retaliates', 'harassing', 'household', 'electronics', 'eventually', 'edgar', 'accepts', 'madeline', 'miles\\\\', 'love', 'appears', 'commit', 'suicide', 'sending', 'large', 'electric', 'current', 'acoustic', 'coupler', 'around', 'world', 'back', 'final', 'scene', 'pop', 'song', 'written', 'edgar', 'tribute', 'miles', 'madeline', 'plays', 'radio', 'stations', 'around', 'united', 'states'], [\"'on\", 'falconhurst', 'run-down', 'plantation', 'owned', 'widowed', 'warren', 'maxwell', 'son', 'hammond', 'mandingo', 'slave', 'ganymede', 'mede', 'trained', 'fight', 'slaves', 'hammond', 'neglects', 'wife', 'blanche', 'susan', 'george', 'rejects', 'wedding', 'night', 'discovering', 'virgin', 'hammond', 'instead', 'ravishes', 'slave', 'ellen', 'blanche', 'seduces', 'mede', 'various', 'conflicting', 'affairs', 'eventually', 'come', 'together', 'causing', 'film', 'end', 'tragically'], [\"'c챕sar\", 'barkeeper', 'marseille', 'early', '1920s', '19-year-old', 'son', 'marius', 'works', 'bar', 'wants', 'nothing', 'sea', 'leave', 'boring', 'existence', 'behind', 'thing', 'holding', 'back', 'fanny', '18-year-old', 'girl', 'grew', 'fanny', 'works', 'selling', 'fish', 'mother', 'waterfront', 'fanny', 'love', 'marius', 'whole', 'life', 'flirts', 'marius', 'always', 'rejects', 'fanny', 'invites', 'marius', 'sunday', 'night', 'dance', 'rejects', 'unbeknownst', 'fanny', 'marius', 'planning', 'leave', 'next', 'day', 'secretly', 'signed', 'sailor', 'lengthy', 'scientific', 'expedition', 'traveling', 'around', 'world', 'encouraged', 'friend', 'known', 'admiral', 'fanny', 'offended', 'leaves', 'meanwhile', 'elderly', 'wealthy', 'merchant', 'panisse', 'asks', 'meet', 'fanny\\\\', 'mother', 'honorine', 'believes', 'wants', 'propose', 'surprise', 'wants', 'marry', 'fanny', 'even', 'though', 'knows', 'loves', 'someone', 'else', 'although', 'disappointed', 'honorine', 'object', 'seeing', 'panisse', 'worth', '600,000', 'francs', 'fanny', 'tells', 'marius', 'rejected', 'panisse\\\\', 'proposal', 'loves', 'willing', 'wait', 'returns', 'marius', 'tells', 'away', 'five', 'years', 'forget', 'declare', 'love', 'fanny\\\\', 'house', 'empty', 'mother', 'away', 'following', 'morning', 'honorine', 'discovers', 'fanny', 'marius', 'bed', 'together', 'c챕sar', 'begin', 'plan', 'children\\\\', 'wedding', 'fanny', 'urges', 'marius', 'leave', 'even', 'lying', 'telling', 'would', 'rather', 'marry', 'rich', 'man', 'like', 'panisse', 'would', 'truth', 'fearful', 'eventually', 'grow', 'hate', 'depriving', 'great', 'opportunity', 'around', 'two', 'months', 'marius', 'goes', 'sea', 'fanny', 'discovers', 'pregnant', 'marius\\\\', 'child', 'tells', 'panisse', 'news', 'happy', 'marry', 'anyway', 'overjoyed', 'possibility', 'male', 'heir', 'carry', 'name', 'marry', 'fanny', 'gives', 'birth', 'boy', 'c챕sar', 'godfather', 'c챕sar', 'knowing', 'baby\\\\', 'true', 'father', 'collaborates', 'panisse', 'give', 'baby', 'name', 'c챕sario', 'marius', 'panisse', 'c챕sario\\\\', 'first', 'birthday', 'panisse', 'leaves', 'train', 'paris', 'business', 'gone', 'marius', 'returns', 'short', 'leave', 'visits', 'fanny', 'upon', 'learning', 'child', 'apologizes', 'fanny', 'knows', 'said', 'things', 'make', 'marius', 'tells', 'wants', 'back', 'c챕sar', 'comes', 'anything', 'happen', 'panisse', 'arrives', 'home', 'early', 'says', 'try', 'stop', 'fanny', 'leaving', 'marius', 'part', 'child', 'knowing', 'fanny', \"won\\\\'t\", 'leave', 'without', 'boy', 'fanny', 'tells', 'marius', 'loves', 'take', 'c챕sario', 'panisse', 'panisse', 'fanny', 'c챕sario', 'along', 'c챕sar', 'advises', 'son', 'father', 'one', 'loves', 'panisse', 'loves', 'child', 'wonderful', 'father', 'marius', 'departs', 'neither', 'fanny', 'child', 'ten', 'years', 'later', 'c챕sario', 'looking', 'forward', 'birthday', 'party', 'taken', 'waterfront', 'fanny\\\\', 'mother', 'c챕sario', 'wanders', 'meets', 'admiral', 'admiral', 'takes', 'boy', 'sailing', 'without', 'telling', 'anyone', 'reunites', 'marius', 'though', 'c챕sario', 'idea', 'marius', 'marius', 'working', 'garage', 'overjoyed', 'see', 'son', 'panisse', 'told', 'boy', 'missing', 'stricken', 'taken', 'room', 'fanny', 'finds', 'c챕sario', 'father', 'shocked', 'announces', 'panisse', 'dying', 'marius', 'drives', 'home', 'dying', 'panisse', 'arrive', 'house', 'panisse', 'calls', 'c챕sario', 'sit', 'leaving', 'fanny', 'marius', 'together', 'fanny', 'explains', 'marius', 'never', 'told', 'baby', 'fully', 'expected', 'take', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'felt', 'betrayed', 'angry', 'fanny', 'goes', 'panisse', 'lies', 'dying', 'panisse', 'dictates', 'letter', 'asking', 'marius', 'marry', 'wife', 'dead', 'father', 'c챕sario', 'request', 'boy', 'keep', 'last', 'name'], ['prologue', 'young', 'gilda', 'bess챕', 'daughter', 'french', 'aristocrat', 'emotionally', 'unstable', 'american', 'mother', 'reluctantly', 'told', 'life', 'line', 'palm', \"n't\", 'extend', 'past', 'age', 'fortune', 'teller', 'fast', 'forward', 'rainy', 'night', '1933', 'stumbles', 'room', 'guy', 'malyon', 'irishman', 'first-year', 'student', 'scholarship', 'cambridge', 'university', 'lover', 'quarrel', 'one', 'dons', 'rather', 'turn', 'storm', 'guy', 'gallantly', 'allows', 'spend', 'night', 'later', 'become', 'lovers', 'two', 'separated', 'gilda', 'mother', 'dies', 'opts', 'leave', 'england', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'guy', 'sees', 'extra', 'hollywood', 'film', 'shortly', 'coincidentally', 'receives', 'letter', 'inviting', 'visit', 'paris', 'working', 'photographer', 'discovers', 'living', 'spanish-born', 'nursing', 'student/model', 'mia', 'lover', 'quickly', 'discards', 'guy', 'moves', 'trio', 'enjoying', 'unusual', 'living', 'arrangement', 'world', 'events', 'beginning', 'affect', 'existence', 'height', 'spanish', 'civil', 'war', 'idealistic', 'guy', 'long-time', 'supporter', 'army', 'second', 'spanish', 'republic', 'determined', 'help', 'francisco', 'franco', 'fascists', 'gain', 'strength', 'mia', 'anxious', 'come', 'aid', 'native', 'land', 'gilda', 'however', 'interest', 'politics', 'anything', 'else', 'might', 'disrupt', 'life', 'luxury', 'pleads', 'two', 'ignore', 'conflict', 'feel', 'compelled', 'act', 'depart', 'spain', 'guy', 'becomes', 'soldier', 'mia', 'tends', 'wounded', 'cross', 'paths', 'one', 'night', 'sleeping', 'guy', 'mia', 'confesses', 'gilda', 'lover', 'morning', 'ambulance', 'destroyed', 'land', 'mine', 'laying', 'rest', 'guy', 'returns', 'paris', 'ignored', 'gilda', 'feels', 'abandonment', 'form', 'betrayal', 'six', 'years', 'later', 'guy', 'working', 'spy', 'underground', 'occupied', 'paris', 'auspices', 'british', 'intelligence', 'learns', 'gilda', 'taken', 'nazi', 'major', 'franz', 'bietrich', 'lover', 'visits', 'old', 'apartment', 'two', 'make', 'love', 'following', 'morning', 'tells', 'affair', 'two', 'never', 'see', 'd-day', 'approaching', 'guy', 'throws', 'work', 'one', 'day', 'arrives', 'caf챕', 'meet', 'contact', 'instead', 'approached', 'gilda', 'overheard', 'german', 'lover', 'plotting', 'trap', 'come', 'help', 'escape', 'cleric', 'clothing', 'concealed', 'restaurant', 'washroom', 'night', 'associates', 'destroy', 'rail', 'station', 'guy', 'manages', 'elude', 'german', 'soldiers', 'guy', 'returns', 'london', 'discovers', 'gilda', 'joined', 'resistance', 'years', 'earlier', 'occupation', 'paris', 'come', 'end', 'realizes', 'locals', 'long', 'regarded', 'gilda', 'nazi', 'sympathizer', 'traitor', 'seek', 'revenge', 'returns', 'paris', 'find', 'guy', 'unaware', 'bietrich', 'killed', 'gilda', 'apartment', 'taken', 'captive', 'mob', 'intent', 'avenging', 'deaths', 'loved', 'ones', 'finally', 'killed', 'local', 'youth', 'avenge', 'death', 'sister', 'movie', 'ends', 'guy', 'reading', 'last', 'letter', 'written', 'gilda'], [\"'timoteo\", 'surgeon', 'gets', 'shocking', 'news', 'fifteen-year', 'old', 'daughter', 'angela', 'seriously', 'injured', 'motorcycle', 'accident', 'operated', 'upon', 'timoteo', 'looks', 'window', 'see', 'woman', 'back', 'facing', 'proceeding', 'sit', 'chair', 'rain', 'outside', 'notices', 'prominent', 'red', 'heels', 'turns', 'away', 'disbelief', 'indicating', 'familiar', 'subsequent', 'reminiscences', 'old', 'affair', 'comprise', 'remainder', 'film', 'subsequent', 'scene', 'shows', 'timoteo', 'sitting', 'bar', 'unfamiliar', 'location', 'hot', 'day', 'italia', 'woman', 'albanian', 'origin', 'working', 'bar', 'wearing', 'red', 'heels', 'offers', 'let', 'make', 'seemingly', 'important', 'call', 'home', 'inebriated', 'timoteo', 'entered', 'flat', 'rapes', 'italia', 'subsequently', 'falls', 'love', 'learns', 'among', 'things', 'sexually', 'abused', 'childhood', 'dress', 'salesman', 'decides', 'leave', 'wife', 'elsa', 'conveys', 'italia', 'come', 'clean', 'discovers', 'elsa', 'pregnant', 'meanwhile', 'italia', 'also', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'child', 'timoteo', 'real', 'dilemma', 'gather', 'courage', 'confront', 'elsa', 'condition', 'italia', 'unaware', 'interprets', 'timoteo\\\\', 'hesitation', 'lack', 'commitment', 'part', 'heartbroken', 'perceived', 'betrayal', 'later', 'timoteo', 'encounters', 'seemingly', 'unstable', 'italia', 'dancing', 'frenziedly', 'outside', 'house', 'chiding', 'italia', 'tells', 'agitatedly', 'child', 'aborted', 'nearby', 'gypsy\\\\', 'adding', 'bitterly', 'best', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'made', 'good', 'mother', 'anyway', 'greatly', 'disturbed', 'development', 'timoteo', 'leaves', 'goes', 'home', 'pregnant', 'wife', 'months', 'later', 'timoteo', 'shopping', 'wife', 'deliver', 'spots', 'italia', 'crowd', 'rushes', 'rain', 'catching', 'profusely', 'apologises', 'italia', 'asking', 'forgiveness', 'pain', 'caused', 'reacting', 'violently', 'initially', 'italia', 'tells', 'knew', 'could', 'leave', 'wife', 'understood', 'also', 'learns', 'would', 'moving', 'another', 'town', 'shortly', 'next', 'morning', 'timoteo', 'offers', 'drive', 'italia', 'new', 'town', 'journey', 'feelings', 'italia', 'grow', 'stronger', 'confesses', 'desire', 'marry', 'settle', 'new', 'town', 'dinner', 'timoteo', 'marries', 'italia', 'refers', 'wife', 'speaking', 'waitress', 'night', 'woken', 'italia\\\\', 'screams', 'gripped', 'unbearable', 'pain', 'abdomen', 'rushed', 'local', 'hospital', 'ultrasound', 'reveals', 'belly', 'full', 'blood', 'indicating', 'botched', 'abortion', 'desperate', 'timoteo', 'proceeds', 'operate', 'italia', 'dies', 'soon', 'briefly', 'regaining', 'consciousness', 'recollections', 'interrupted', 'nurse', 'informs', 'daughter\\\\', 'condition', 'stabilised', 'visits', 'wife', 'final', 'act', 'relieved', 'timoteo', 'takes', 'italia\\\\', 'red', 'shoe', 'carefully', 'preserved', 'kisses', 'gesture', 'thanks'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'tells', 'tale', 'two', 'policemen', 'undercover', 'defeat', 'narcotics', 'trafficking', 'among', 'high', 'school', 'gangs', 'film', 'featured', 'stark', 'scenes', 'violence', 'inter-racial', 'gangs', 'seemingly', 'order', 'portray', 'anti-discrimination', 'sentiment'], ['directed', 'roger', 'vadim', 'modern', 'adaptation', 'scandalous', 'french', 'novel', 'pits', 'one', 'woman', 'desire', 'manipulate', 'others', 'power', 'real', 'love', 'jeanne', 'moreau', 'plays', 'juliette', 'merteuil', 'conniving', 'socialite', 'manipulates', 'vicomte', 'valmont', 'meeting', 'seducing', 'marianne', 'valmont', 'marianne', 'fall', 'love', 'much', 'dismay', 'delight', 'merteuil', 'shot', 'black', 'white', 'style', 'french', 'new', 'wave', 'vadim', 'whirlwind', 'portrayal', 'merteuil', 'valmont', 'deceitful', 'dealings', 'brings', 'together', 'clash', 'late', '1950s', 'society', '18th-century', 'morality'], [\"'sabrina\", 'fairchild', 'young', 'daughter', 'larrabee', 'family\\\\', 'chauffeur', 'thomas', 'john', 'williams', 'love', 'david', 'larrabee', 'life', 'david', 'oft-married', 'idle', 'playboy', 'crazy', 'women', 'never', 'noticed', 'sabrina', 'much', 'staff\\\\', 'dismay', 'sabrina', 'attends', 'culinary', 'school', 'paris', 'returns', 'attractive', 'sophisticated', 'woman', 'hepburn', 'sings', 'vie', 'rose', 'signature', 'song', 'french', 'singer', '횋dith', 'piaf', 'emdash', 'highly', 'popular', 'english-speaking', 'world', 'well', 'france', 'since', 'piaf', 'came', '1946.', 'occasion', 'hepburn', 'sing', 'episode', 'sabrina\\\\', 'return', 'paris', 'far', 'assertive', 'setting', 'life', 'turn', 'rosier', 'david', 'initially', 'recognizing', 'quickly', 'drawn', 'david\\\\', 'workaholic', 'older', 'brother', 'linus', 'sees', 'fears', 'david\\\\', 'imminent', 'wedding', 'rich', 'woman', 'elizabeth', 'may', 'endangered', 'wedding', 'canceled', 'would', 'great', 'corporate', 'deal', 'bride\\\\', 'family', 'linus', 'tries', 'redirect', 'sabrina\\\\', 'affections', 'process', 'falls', 'love', 'end', 'sabrina', 'sets', 'paris', 'boat', 'linus', 'told', 'leave', 'never', 'come', 'back', 'next', 'day', 'linus', 'second', 'thoughts', 'decides', 'call', 'brother\\\\', 'wedding', 'elizabeth', 'send', 'david', 'ship', 'paris', 'sabrina', 'calls', 'board', 'meeting', 'announce', 'decision', 'turns', 'david', 'boarded', 'ship', 'instead', 'intends', 'marriage', 'linus', 'realizes', 'love', 'sabrina', 'manages', 'get', 'boat', 'couple', 'sails', 'away', 'together', 'paris'], [\"'sabrina\", 'fairchild', 'young', 'daughter', 'larrabee', 'family\\\\', 'chauffeur', 'thomas', 'john', 'wood', 'love', 'david', 'larrabee', 'life', 'david', 'playboy', 'constantly', 'falling', 'love', 'yet', 'never', 'noticed', 'sabrina', 'much', 'dismay', 'sabrina', 'travels', 'paris', 'fashion', 'internship', 'vogue', 'returns', 'attractive', 'sophisticated', 'woman', 'david', 'initially', 'recognizing', 'quickly', 'drawn', 'despite', 'newly', 'engaged', 'elizabeth', 'tyson', 'doctor', 'david\\\\', 'workaholic', 'older', 'brother', 'linus', 'fears', 'david\\\\', 'imminent', 'wedding', 'suitable', 'elizabeth', 'might', 'endangered', 'wedding', 'canceled', 'would', 'lucrative', 'merger', 'bride\\\\', 'family', 'business', 'tyson', 'electronics', 'run', 'father', 'patrick', 'could', 'cost', 'larrabee', 'corporation', 'run', 'linus', 'mother', 'maude', 'neighborhood', 'billion', 'dollars', 'linus', 'tries', 'redirect', 'sabrina\\\\', 'affections', 'works', 'sabrina', 'falls', 'love', 'even', 'though', 'quotes', 'others', 'calling', 'linus', 'world\\\\', 'living', 'heart', 'donor', 'someone', 'thinks', 'morals', 'paintings', 'walls', 'scruples', 'money', 'russia', 'process', 'linus', 'also', 'falls', 'love', 'unwilling', 'admit', 'feelings', 'linus', 'confesses', 'scheme', 'sabrina', 'last', 'minute', 'sends', 'back', 'paris', 'induced', 'pursue', 'chiding', 'mother', 'newly', 'aware', 'david', 'steps', 'shoes', 'larrabee', 'corporation'], ['plot', 'centers', 'around', 'marchetta', 'sisters', 'tanzie', 'ava', 'rich', 'spoiled', 'hollywood', 'socialites', 'enjoy', 'material', 'things', 'shopping', 'dating', 'rather', 'caring', 'late', 'father', 'cosmetics', 'company', 'major', 'media', 'scandal', 'involving', 'one', 'company', 'products', 'turns', 'investigation', 'girls', 'find', 'assets', 'frozen', 'must', 'adjust', 'life', 'without', 'fortune', 'seems', 'like', 'things', 'could', 'get', 'worse', 'disaster', 'strikes', 'fire', 'starts', 'home', 'ava', 'quickly', 'takes', 'clothes', 'tanzie', 'caring', 'father', 'takes', 'tivo', 'clothes', 'tempted', 'listen', 'advisors', 'sell', 'company', 'biggest', 'competitor', 'fabiella', 'million', 'though', 'means', 'could', 'return', 'lifestyle', 'accustomed', 'decide', 'honor', 'father', 'memory', 'trying', 'turn', 'around', 'finding', 'inspiration', 'erin', 'brockovich', 'girls', 'decide', 'get', 'root', 'scandal', 'use', 'good', 'looks', 'charming', 'personalities', 'win', 'case', 'prove', 'father', 'innocence', 'end', 'girls', 'successfully', 'manage', 'clear', 'marchetta', 'name', 'reclaim', 'company', 'nearly', 'six', 'months', 'scandal', 'began', 'girls', 'seen', 'leading', 'company', 'ava', 'ceo', 'tanzie', 'working', 'lab', 'technician', 'finding', 'true', 'loves', 'tanzie', 'lab', 'technician', 'rick', 'ava', 'lawyer', 'henry'], ['danny', 'inherits', 'two', 'houses', 'pilon', 'poor', 'idle', 'friends', 'move', 'one', 'pirate', 'saving', 'money', 'pilon', 'endeavors', 'steal', 'discovers', 'collected', 'purchase', 'golden', 'candlestick', 'intends', 'burn', 'st.', 'francis', 'honor', 'pirate', 'dead', 'dog', 'one', 'houses', 'burns', 'danny', 'allows', 'friends', 'move', 'house', 'gratitude', 'pilon', 'tries', 'make', 'life', 'better', 'friend', 'things', 'fine', 'first', 'danny', 'passion', 'lovely', 'girl', 'causes', 'actually', 'work', 'misunderstanding', 'caused', 'pilon', 'vacuum', 'cleaner', 'causes', 'danny', 'lose', 'becomes', 'drunk', 'bit', 'crazy', 'almost', 'dies', 'accident', 'cannery', 'pilon', 'prayers', 'restored', 'health', 'marries', 'sweetheart', 'promise', 'become', 'fisherman', 'pilon', 'found', 'money', 'buy', 'boat', 'happy', 'ending', 'quite', 'different', 'novel', 'ending', 'danny', 'dies', 'fall', 'totally', 'keeping', 'optimistic', 'feel-good', 'mgm', 'movies', 'time'], ['stephen', 'fitzgerald', 'newspaper', 'reporter', 'new', 'york', 'meets', 'leprechaun', 'beautiful', 'young', 'woman', 'traveling', 'ireland', 'returns', 'fiance', 'wealthy', 'father', 'political', 'campaign', 'new', 'york', 'finds', 'leprechaun', 'young', 'woman', 'big', 'city', 'well', 'stephen', 'torn', 'wealth', 'might', 'enjoy', 'new', 'york', 'returning', 'roots', 'ireland'], ['lew', 'marsh', 'good', 'newspaper', 'reporter', 'bad', 'habit', 'drinks', 'much', 'fired', 'also', 'loses', 'woman', 'loves', 'colleague', 'paula', 'arnold', 'passing', 'drunk', 'one', 'day', 'street', 'ex-alcoholic', 'charley', 'dolan', 'takes', 'pity', 'lew', 'offering', 'room', 'apartment', 'finding', 'job', 'construction', 'crew', 'lew', 'tempted', 'drink', 'learns', 'paula', 'married', 'another', 'man', 'boyd', 'copeland', 'nephew', 'lew', 'former', 'boss', 'newspaper', 'john', 'ives', 'ives', 'gives', 'newly', 'sober', 'lew', 'second', 'chance', 'paper', 'many', 'months', 'pass', 'time', 'lew', 'remains', 'sober', 'helpful', 'others', 'weakness', 'comes', 'attention', 'ives', 'worried', 'boyd', 'increased', 'drinking', 'lew', 'learns', 'boyd', 'unfaithful', 'paula', 'taking', 'singer', 'named', 'maria', 'loved', 'jealous', 'gangster', 'named', 'garr', 'help', 'lew', 'invites', 'boyd', 'come', 'live', 'charley', 'also', 'helps', 'lonely', 'paula', 'return', 'work', 'newspaper', 'secretly', 'hoping', 'fall', 'love', 'garr', 'henchman', 'rig', 'car', 'bid', 'murder', 'boyd', 'end', 'killing', 'charley', 'mistake', 'depressed', 'lew', 'feels', 'responsible', 'tries', 'commit', 'suicide', 'boyd', 'gets', 'touch', 'maria', 'followed', 'garr', 'another', 'thug', 'gunpoint', 'boyd', 'lew', 'ordered', 'drink', 'garr', 'intends', 'make', 'murders', 'look', 'accidental', 'get', 'upper', 'hand', 'garr', 'mobster', 'killed', 'boyd', 'able', 'persuade', 'paula', 'give', 'marriage', 'another', 'try', 'lew', 'pleased', 'satisfied', 'sober', 'working'], ['self-destructive', 'alcoholic', 'nymphomaniac', 'marylee', 'insecure', 'alcoholic', 'playboy', 'brother', 'kyle', 'children', 'texas', 'oil', 'baron', 'jasper', 'hadley', 'spoiled', 'inherited', 'wealth', 'crippled', 'personal', 'demons', 'neither', 'able', 'sustain', 'personal', 'relationship', 'problems', 'ensue', 'kyle', 'impulsive', 'marriage', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'executive', 'secretary', 'lucy', 'moore', 'becomes', 'steadying', 'influence', 'life', 'first', 'months', 'meet', 'kyle', 'resumes', 'drinking', 'unsuccessful', 'fathering', 'baby', 'turns', 'childhood', 'friend', 'marylee', 'long-time', 'infatuation', 'mitch', 'wayne', 'geologist', 'oil', 'company', 'kyle', 'anger', 'depression', 'grow', 'death', 'father', 'admires', 'mitch', 'disgusted', 'behavior', 'two', 'heirs', 'mitch', 'secretly', 'love', 'lucy', 'keeps', 'feelings', 'private', 'kyle', 'diagnosed', 'low', 'sperm', 'count', 'physically', 'assaults', 'lucy', 'announces', 'pregnancy', 'wrongly', 'assuming', 'result', 'adultery', 'mitch', 'lucy', 'fall', 'results', 'miscarriage', 'mitch', 'vows', 'leave', 'town', 'soon', 'well', 'enough', 'travel', 'return', 'drunken', 'kyle', 'recovers', 'hidden', 'pistol', 'intends', 'shoot', 'mitch', 'marylee', 'struggles', 'brother', 'weapon', 'accidentally', 'fires', 'killing', 'repeatedly', 'spurned', 'man', 'claims', 'love', 'spiteful', 'marylee', 'threatens', 'implicate', 'mitch', 'kyle', 'death', 'inquest', 'first', 'testifies', 'killed', 'sibling', 'tearfully', 'redeems', 'last', 'second', 'admitting', 'truth', 'mitch', 'lucy', 'depart', 'leaving', 'marylee', 'mourn', 'death', 'brother', 'run', 'company', 'alone'], ['stone', 'asks', 'gannon', 'speak', 'night-school', 'college', 'journalism', 'class', 'turns', 'invitation', 'writing', 'nasty', 'letter', 'instructor', 'stating', 'viewpoint', 'ordered', 'class', 'managing', 'editor', 'finds', 'attractive', 'stone', 'teaching', 'class', 'able', 'introduce', 'apologize', 'letter', 'erica', 'reads', 'aloud', 'mocks', 'gannon', 'class', 'humiliated', 'decides', 'join', 'class', 'show', 'posing', 'wallpaper', 'salesman', 'named', 'jim', 'gallagher', 'erica', 'quite', 'taken', 'charming', 'man', 'unwittingly', 'finds', 'exceptional', 'student', 'gannon', 'continues', 'ruse', 'becomes', 'quite', 'enchanted', 'erica', 'fend', 'dr.', 'pine', 'well', 'girlfriend', 'peggy', 'defore', 'nightclub', 'singer', 'erica', 'discovers', 'gannon', 'deception', 'immediately', 'calls', 'relationship', 'convinced', 'dr.', 'pine', 'gives', 'gannon', 'another', 'chance', 'end', 'film', 'jim', 'erica', 'come', 'understand', 'partially', 'adopt', 'point', 'view'], [\"'newlywed\", 'kate', 'judson', 'lawrence', 'distraught', 'discover', 'wedding', 'night', 'upper', 'class', 'philadelphia', 'main', 'line', 'husband', 'william', 'lawrence', 'iii', 'impotent', 'leaves', 'night', 'seeks', 'comfort', 'longtime', 'working', 'class', 'friend', 'mike', 'flanagan', 'next', 'day', 'kate', 'learns', 'william', 'died', 'car', 'wreck', 'gives', 'birth', 'son', 'anthony', 'judson', 'tony', 'lawrence', 'raises', 'genteel', 'poverty', 'years', 'pass', 'tony', 'becomes', 'smart', 'ambitious', 'college', 'student', 'working', 'way', 'school', 'construction', 'worker', 'sights', 'becoming', 'lawyer', 'one', 'day', 'encounters', 'socialite', 'joan', 'dickinson', 'minor', 'car', 'accident', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'though', 'joan', 'expected', 'nearly', 'everyone', 'lofty', 'social', 'circle', 'marry', 'millionaire', 'carter', 'henry', 'mutual', 'friend', 'chester', 'chet', 'gwynn', 'warns', 'let', 'social', 'pressure', 'separate', 'one', 'loves', 'tony', 'persuades', 'elope', 'however', 'joan\\\\', 'father', 'gilbert', 'dickinson', 'john', 'williams', 'persuades', 'tony', 'postpone', 'wedding', 'offering', 'invaluable', 'career', 'help', 'job', 'highly', 'esteemed', 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'job', 'prestigious', 'firm', 'tony', 'accepts', 'deciding', 'specialize', 'relatively', 'new', 'area', 'tax', 'law', 'opportunity', 'rapid', 'advancement', 'korean', 'war', 'breaks', 'interrupting', 'career', 'tony', 'serves', 'jag', 'officer', 'others', 'fortunate', 'chet', 'loses', 'arm', 'combat', 'carter', 'henry', 'killed', 'upon', 'returning', 'home', 'tony', 'gets', 'lucky', 'break', 'forced', 'work', 'christmas', 'holiday', 'available', 'rich', 'mrs.', 'arthur', 'allen', 'needs', 'amended', 'specialized', 'knowledge', 'shows', 'avoid', 'paying', 'great', 'deal', 'taxes', 'mrs.', 'allen', 'responds', 'designating', 'tony', 'manage', 'finances', 'instead', 'longtime', 'lawyer', 'gilbert', 'dickinson', 'tony', 'also', 'begins', 'mending', 'relationship', 'joan', 'success', 'success', 'follows', 'tony', 'becomes', 'well', 'known', 'respected', 'philadelphia', 'elite', 'one', 'night', 'chet', 'resurfaces', 'tony', 'called', 'police', 'station', 'pick', 'disheveled', 'drunken', 'friend', 'however', 'leave', 'donetti', 'chet', 'taken', 'custody', 'charged', 'first', 'degree', 'murder', 'morton', 'stearnes', 'robert', 'douglas', 'chet\\\\', 'uncle', 'tight-fisted', 'guardian', 'inheritance', 'chet', 'insists', 'tony', 'defending', 'fearing', 'relatives', 'particularly', 'family', 'patriarch', 'dr.', 'shippen', 'stearnes', 'frank', 'conroy', 'interested', 'avoiding', 'scandal', 'proving', 'innocence', 'despite', 'experience', 'criminal', 'law', 'tony', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'work', 'complicated', 'shippen', 'stearnes', 'threatens', 'reveal', 'tony\\\\', 'real', 'father', 'mike', 'flanagan', 'tony', 'embarrasses', 'stearnes', 'clan', 'joan', 'offers', 'hire', 'reliable', 'attorney', 'tony', 'realizes', 'still', 'trust', 'fears', 'sold', 'trial', 'tony', 'discredits', 'testimony', 'morton', 'stearnes\\\\', 'butler', 'george', 'archibald', 'richard', 'deacon', 'gets', 'shippen', 'admit', 'morton', 'brain', 'tumor', 'mentally', 'depressed', 'might', 'committed', 'suicide', 'jury', 'finds', 'chet', 'guilty', 'trial', 'tony', 'joan', 'reconcile'], [\"'lovers\", 'strangers', 'revolves', 'around', 'wedding', 'mike', 'susan', 'intercutting', 'story', 'couples', 'among', 'families', 'friends', 'movie', 'opens', 'mike', 'wants', 'call', 'wedding', 'arguing', 'would', 'hypocritical', 'get', 'married', 'they\\\\', \"'ve\", 'already', 'living', 'together', 'year', 'half', 'relents', 'susan\\\\', 'father', 'hal', 'tells', 'susan', 'went', 'first', 'halloween', 'party', 'dressed', 'bride', 'course', 'movie', 'meet', 'susan\\\\', 'wasp-ish', 'parents', 'hal', 'bernice', 'hal', 'learn', 'long-running', 'extramarital', 'affair', 'bernice\\\\', 'sister', 'kathy', 'afraid', 'left', 'spinster', 'using', 'wedding', 'get', 'commitment', 'hal', 'susan\\\\', 'sister', 'wilma', 'husband', 'johnny', 'two', 'children', 'wilma', 'feeling', 'age', 'misses', 'passion', 'beginning', 'marriage', 'johnny', 'interested', 'watching', 'spellbound', 'giving', 'wife', 'attention', 'mike\\\\', 'brother', 'richie', 'wife', 'joan', 'grown', 'incompatible', 'unhappy', 'considering', 'divorce', 'bridesmaid', 'brenda', 'usher', 'jerry', 'mike', 'susan', 'fix', 'wedding', 'nebbishy', 'jerry', 'imagines', 'playboy', 'spends', 'weekend', 'trying', 'score', 'brenda', 'mike\\\\', 'italian-american', 'parents', 'frank', 'bea', 'relentlessly', 'trying', 'persuade', 'richie', 'joan', 'get', 'divorced', 'plot', 'lines', 'play', 'rehearsal', 'wedding', 'reception'], ['kinki', 'kwok', 'somewhat', 'scatter-brained', 'office', 'worker', 'electronics', 'firm', 'luck', 'love', 'boyfriend', 'dan', 'cheats', 'treats', 'like', 'doormat', 'given', 'fits', 'pathological', 'cleaning', 'emotional', 'stress', 'workplace', 'full', 'gossip-mongers', 'perpetually', 'looking', 'shirk', 'work', 'andy', 'lau', 'plays', 'andy', 'cheung', 'department', 'manager', 'womanizing', 'bachelor', 'fight', 'office', 'politicking', 'top', 'comes', 'appreciate', 'kinki', 'work', 'ethic', 'good-naturedness', 'something', 'rarity', 'company', 'kinki', 'helped', 'andy', 'defuse', 'sticky', 'work', 'situation', 'andy', 'offers', 'help', 'subordinate', 'private', 'love', 'life', 'plots', 'kinki', 'get', 'back', 'dan', 'philandering', 'boyfriend', 'process', 'two', 'realize', 'may', 'harbor', 'romantic', 'feelings', 'andy', 'old', 'flame', 'fiona', 'attempts', 'intervene', 'trying', 'hook', 'kinki', 'young', 'internet', 'billionaire', 'roger', 'although', 'kinki', 'fancy', 'roger', 'realize', 'andy', 'showing', 'fits', 'unease', 'jealousy', 'pleasing'], [\"'angela\", 'marco', 'wife', 'mafia', 'up-and-comer', 'frank', 'cucumber', 'marco', 'gets', 'violently', 'dispatched', 'mob', 'boss', 'tony', 'tiger', 'russo', 'discovered', 'compromising', 'situation', 'latter\\\\', 'mistress', 'karen', 'angela', 'wants', 'escape', 'mafia', 'scene', 'son', 'harassed', 'tony', 'puts', 'moves', 'frank\\\\', 'funeral', 'clinch', 'earns', 'suspicion', 'fbi', 'agents', 'mike', 'downey', 'benitez', 'also', 'tony\\\\', 'ball-busting', 'wife', 'connie', 'repeatedly', 'confronts', 'angela', 'accusations', 'stealing', 'husband', 'complicate', 'things', 'mike', 'downey', 'assigned', 'monitor', 'angela\\\\', 'movements', 'part', 'undercover', 'surveillance', 'operation', 'resist', 'becoming', 'romantically', 'involved', 'angela', 'angela\\\\', 'attempts', 'break', 'away', 'mob', 'result', 'comic', 'mayhem', 'climactic', 'showdown', 'honeymoon', 'suite', 'miami'], [\"'longtime\", 'companion', 'chronicles', 'first', 'years', 'aids', 'epidemic', 'seen', 'impact', 'several', 'gay', 'men', 'straight', 'sister', 'one', 'film', 'split', 'several', 'sections', 'identified', 'dates', 'willy', 'personal', 'trainer', 'friend', 'john', 'spending', 'time', 'affluent', 'gay', 'couple', 'david', 'sean', 'beach', 'house', 'fire', 'island', '4th', 'july', 'sean', 'screenwriter', 'popular', 'daytime', 'soap', 'opera', 'people', 'david', 'comes', 'blue', 'blood', 'background', 'large', 'trust', 'fund', 'back', 'city', 'howard', 'patrick', 'cassidy', 'preparing', 'audition', 'sean\\\\', 'soap', 'boyfriend', 'paul', 'business', 'executive', 'next-door', 'neighbor', 'lisa', 'whose', 'brother', 'fuzzy', 'stephen', 'caffrey', 'lawyer', 'represents', 'howard', 'morning', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'publishes', 'first', 'article', 'rise', 'new', 'gay', 'cancer', 'news', 'spreads', 'friends', 'call', 'immediately', 'concerned', 'others', 'dismissive', 'willy', 'meets', 'fuzzy', 'tea', 'dance', 'later', 'afternoon', 'begin', 'relationship', 'howard', 'lands', 'role', 'john', 'first', 'among', 'group', 'diagnosed', 'new', 'disease', 'contracting', 'pneumonia', 'howard', 'given', 'script', 'pages', 'character', 'slated', 'become', 'first', 'openly', 'gay', 'character', 'daytime', 'television', 'he\\\\', 'concerned', 'typecasting', 'fearing', 'playing', 'gay', \"won\\\\'t\", 'offered', 'sorts', 'parts', 'willy', 'fuzzy', 'move', 'together', 'john', 'dies', 'shortly', 'admission', 'hospital', 'willy', 'fuzzy', 'lisa', 'david', 'sean', 'gather', 'back', 'fire', 'island', 'friends', 'michael', 'bob', 'watch', 'howard\\\\', 'character', 'come', 'soap', 'opera', 'group', 'also', 'discuss', 'sick', 'neighbor', 'become', 'pariah', 'island', 'evening', 'sean', 'david', 'argue', 'sean\\\\', 'fears', 'might', 'getting', 'sick', 'paul', 'hospitalized', 'toxoplasmosis', 'sean', 'also', 'hospitalized', 'willy', 'visits', 'sean', 'terrified', 'becoming', 'infected', 'dons', 'surgical', 'mask', 'protective', 'gown', 'sean', 'kisses', 'neck', 'excuses', 'bathroom', 'scrub', 'spot', 'michael', 'also', 'visiting', 'sean', 'bringing', 'homeopathic', 'preparations', 'book', 'louise', 'hay', 'howard', 'visits', 'paul', 'breaks', 'sobbing', 'paul', 'tries', 'reassure', 'comfort', 'sean', 'deteriorated', 'point', 'dementia', 'david', 'helping', 'writing', 'deceiving', 'studio', 'thinking', 'sean', 'still', 'able', 'work', 'fuzzy', 'tries', 'get', 'howard', 'movie', 'role', 'producer', 'refuses', 'cast', 'rumor', 'aids', 'paul', 'back', 'hospital', 'following', 'seizure', 'david', 'takes', 'sean', 'walk', 'take', 'home', 'sean', 'urinates', 'fountain', 'night', 'willy', 'catches', 'fuzzy', 'checking', 'swollen', 'glands', 'talk', 'fear', 'dying', 'think', 'happens', 'die', 'fuzzy', 'asks', 'get', 'sex', 'willy\\\\', 'reply', 'sean', 'deteriorated', 'point', 'near-catatonia', 'constant', 'pain', 'strapped', 'bed', 'lost', 'control', 'bowels', 'bladder', 'wear', 'adult', 'diapers', 'result', 'sending', 'sean\\\\', 'nurse', 'errand', 'david', 'sits', 'sean', 'tells', 'it\\\\', 'right', 'let', 'stop', 'fighting', 'stay', 'alive', 'sean', 'dies', 'willy', 'lisa', 'come', 'help', 'david', 'pick', 'suit', 'sean', 'wear', 'cremated', 'fuzzy', 'calls', 'gay', 'men\\\\', 'health', 'crisis', 'find', 'funeral', 'home', 'rare', 'moment', 'levity', 'lisa', 'willy', 'stumble', 'across', 'slinky', 'red', 'dress', 'sean\\\\', 'closet', 'consider', 'giving', 'undertaker', 'could', 'say', 'asks', 'willy', 'said', 'knew', 'knew', 'that\\\\', 'way', 'wanted', 'remembered', 'ultimately', 'decide', 'since', 'needs', 'hat', 'big', 'bea', 'lillie', 'thing', 'four', 'chinese', 'restaurant', 'write', 'sean\\\\', 'obituary', 'include', 'david', 'longtime', 'companion', 'david', 'died', 'sleep', 'day', 'memorial', 'service', 'bob', 'willy', 'eulogize', 'reception', 'following', 'service', 'friends', 'recall', 'time', 'david', 'tried', 'sister\\\\', 'wedding', 'dress', 'accidentally', 'tripped', 'fell', 'stairs', 'still', 'wearing', 'dress', 'fuzzy', 'lisa', 'volunteering', 'answering', 'phones', 'gmhc', 'willy', 'buddy', 'gmhc', 'client', 'alberto', 'howard', 'diagnosed', 'hiv', 'positive', 'although', 'it\\\\', 'mentioned', 'presumption', 'paul', 'died', 'howard', 'exploits', 'remaining', 'fame', 'former', 'soap', 'opera', 'star', 'raise', 'money', 'aids', 'causes', 'hosting', 'benefit', 'includes', 'performance', 'finger', 'lakes', 'trio', 'village', 'people', 'song', 'ymca', 'performed', 'pastiche', 'chamber', 'music', 'style', 'willy', 'fuzzy', 'lisa', 'walk', 'along', 'beach', 'unstated', 'presumption', 'howard', 'died', 'talk', 'upcoming', 'act', 'demonstration', 'talk', 'remembering', 'time', 'aids', 'wonder', 'finding', 'cure', 'film', 'ends', 'momentary', 'fantasy', 'sequence', 'friends', 'others', 'lost', 'aids', 'appearing', 'beach', 'vanish', 'three', 'left', 'walk', 'deserted', 'beach', 'song', 'post-mortem', 'bar', 'zane', 'campbell', 'plays', 'soundtrack'], ['film', 'opens', 'bobby', 'james', 'friends', 'phones', 'hoppy', 'gordo', 'myriad', 'extras', 'skate', 'work', 'venice', 'california', 'boardwalk', 'meanwhile', 'beverly', 'hills', 'terry', 'barkley', 'genius', 'flautist', 'also', 'heading', 'towards', 'beach', 'excalibur', 'phateon', 'car', 'also', 'joined', 'stuck-up', 'girlfriend', 'lana', 'bobby', 'skating', 'boardwalk', 'female', 'friend', 'encounters', 'terry', 'remains', 'aloof', 'spurns', 'advance', 'later', 'meet', 'local', 'skating', 'rink', 'called', 'jammers', 'near', 'catastrophic', 'skating', 'incident', 'bobby', 'saves', 'day', 'gives', 'terry', 'wants', 'pay', 'teach', 'skate', 'roller', 'disco', 'contest', 'even', 'though', 'share', 'flirty', 'romantic', 'couples', 'skate', 'later', 'rebuffs', 'yet', 'next', 'day', 'terry', 'bobby', 'getting', 'flack', 'respected', 'friends', 'family', 'enough', 'goes', 'beach', 'finds', 'bobby', 'practicing', 'jump', 'turns', 'charm', 'shares', 'dream', 'become', 'olympic', 'roller', 'skater', 'end', 'making', 'beach', 'bobby', 'asks', 'going', 'pay', 'sex', 'well', 'garners', 'mighty', 'slap', 'return', 'takes', 'terry', 'goes', 'home', 'row', 'mother', 'wants', 'give', 'dreams', 'playing', 'classical', 'flute', 'juilliard', 'school', 'win', 'roller', 'disco', 'contest', 'beach', 'mom', 'shocked', 'enough', 'needs', 'valium', 'terry', 'decided', 'run', 'away', 'next', 'morning', 'calls', 'invites', 'bobby', 'breakfast', 'apologizes', 'wants', 'skate', 'terms', 'money', 'calls', 'shot', 'series', 'outdoor', 'scenes', 'see', 'work', 'together', 'form', 'routine', 'unfortunately', 'jammers', 'sold', 'ruthless', 'mob', 'developer', 'bobby', 'terry', 'clued', 'plot', 'try', 'get', 'father', 'lawyer', 'help', 'refuses', 'skaters', 'find', 'evidence', 'kill', 'deal', 'race', 'get', 'cops', 'time', 'mobsters', 'hauled', 'boogie', 'contest', 'terry', 'bobby', 'skate', 'routine', 'win', 'later', 'back', 'beach', 'terry', 'bobby', 'share', 'sad', 'goodbye', 'promise', 'write', 'heads', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'olympics'], ['set', 'london', '1938', 'film', 'focuses', 'highly', 'successful', 'extremely', 'popular', 'theatre', 'actress', 'julia', 'lambert', 'whose', 'gradual', 'disillusionment', 'career', 'approaches', 'middle', 'age', 'prompted', 'ask', 'husband', 'stage', 'director', 'michael', 'gosselyn', 'financial', 'backer', 'dolly', 'vries', 'close', 'current', 'production', 'allow', 'time', 'travel', 'abroad', 'convince', 'remain', 'play', 'throughout', 'summer', 'michael', 'introduces', 'tom', 'fennel', 'enterprising', 'american', 'confesses', 'deep', 'appreciation', 'work', 'seeking', 'passion', 'missing', 'marriage', 'anxious', 'fill', 'void', 'left', 'close', 'friend', 'lord', 'charles', 'suggested', 'part', 'ways', 'avoid', 'scandalous', 'gossip', 'julia', 'embarks', 'passionate', 'affair', 'young', 'man', 'begins', 'support', 'may', 'enjoy', 'glamorous', 'lifestyle', 'introduced', 'relationship', 'revives', 'sparking', 'distinct', 'change', 'personality', 'always', 'hovering', 'background', 'offering', 'counsel', 'spirit', 'mentor', 'jimmie', 'langton', 'theatrical', 'manager', 'gave', 'julia', 'start', 'made', 'star', 'flesh-and-blood', 'evie', 'serves', 'personal', 'maid', 'dresser', 'confidante', 'michael', 'suggests', 'invite', 'tom', 'spend', 'time', 'country', 'estate', 'become', 'better', 'acquainted', 'son', 'roger', 'party', 'tom', 'meets', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'avice', 'crichton', 'julia', 'sees', 'flirting', 'pretty', 'young', 'woman', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'anxious', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'slowly', 'reveals', 'callous', 'social-climbing', 'gold-digging', 'gigolo', 'julia', 'shattered', 'affair', 'comes', 'end', 'avice', 'romantically', 'involved', 'tom', 'asks', 'bring', 'julia', 'see', 'perform', 'play', 'hope', 'actress', 'convince', 'husband', 'cast', 'supporting', 'role', 'julia', 'upcoming', 'new', 'project', 'play', 'dreadful', 'avice', 'much', 'better', 'backstage', 'julia', 'compliments', 'even', 'worse', 'co-star', 'barely', 'acknowledges', 'avice', 'although', 'promises', 'tell', 'michael', 'afterwards', 'forces', 'tom', 'admit', 'loves', 'avice', 'although', 'heart', 'broken', 'admission', 'assures', 'insist', 'ingenue', 'cast', 'next', 'play', 'julia', 'performance', 'current', 'play', 'begins', 'suffer', 'due', 'personal', 'discontent', 'michael', 'closes', 'production', 'julia', 'visits', 'mother', 'aunt', 'carrie', 'jersey', 'lord', 'charles', 'comes', 'visit', 'julia', 'suggests', 'romantic', 'tryst', 'gently', 'tells', 'gay', 'meanwhile', 'back', 'london', 'avice', 'auditions', 'michael', 'although', 'julia', 'resents', 'given', 'role', 'julia', 'returns', 'home', 'begin', 'rehearsals', 'new', 'play', 'shortly', 'learns', 'son', 'avice', 'one', 'michael', 'casual', 'trysts', 'still', 'uncharacteristically', 'solicitous', 'toward', 'girl', 'making', 'suggestions', 'place', 'spotlight', 'insisting', 'wardrobe', 'drab', 'allow', 'avice', 'shine', 'director', 'fellow', 'cast', 'members', \"n't\", 'realize', 'method', 'seeming', 'madness', 'julia', 'planned', 'sweet', 'revenge', 'opening', 'night', 'performance', 'successfully', 'affirms', 'position', 'london', 'theatre', 'foremost', 'diva'], [\"'the\", 'film\\\\', 'underlying', 'plot', 'create', 'ultimate', 'brassiere', 'japanese', 'company', 'specialising', 'undergarment', 'hence', 'fanciful', 'title', 'samantha', 'managing', 'hong', 'kong', 'subsidiary', 'company', 'project', 'leader', 'assignment', 'appoints', 'two', 'zany', 'highly', 'creative', 'designers', 'aid', 'project', 'wayne', 'johnny', 'johnny', 'flirts', 'samantha', 'soon', 'enough', 'engaged', 'work', 'claims', 'would', 'assist', 'creative', 'powers', 'although', 'story', 'engaged', 'humorous', 'efforts', 'creating', 'bra', 'however', 'samantha', 'snubbed', 'overtures', 'love', 'affair', 'remained', 'balance', 'meanwhile', 'project', 'various', 'prototypes', 'tried', 'tested', 'appalling', 'results', 'apparently', 'wayne', 'johnny', 'male', 'unable', 'realise', 'finer', 'points', 'creating', 'undergarment', 'lena', 'lover', 'wayne', 'also', 'working', 'project', 'got', 'inspiration', 'ultimate', 'bra', 'one', 'incorporates', 'feeling', 'woman', 'male', 'lover', 'lovingly', 'supports', 'breasts', 'accordingly', 'two', 'designers', 'created', 'undergarment', 'approved', 'japanese', 'employers'], ['chicago', 'newspaper', 'reporter', 'ernie', 'souchak', 'investigating', 'corrupt', 'city', 'councilman', 'expose', 'corrupt', 'land', 'dealings', 'councilman', 'assaulted', 'two', 'crooked', 'police', 'officers', 'sent', 'councilman', 'ends', 'hospital', 'souchak\\\\', 'editor', 'decides', 'send', 'town', 'safety', 'city', 'boy', 'souchak', 'reluctantly', 'travels', 'rockies', 'interview', 'reclusive', 'dr.', 'nell', 'porter', 'conducting', 'research', 'bald', 'eagles', 'several', 'years', 'two', 'odds', 'first', 'finding', 'reporter', 'reluctant', 'let', 'stay', 'realizes', 'able', 'survive', 'mountains', 'without', 'guide', 'scheduled', 'return', 'two', 'weeks', 'skeptical', 'work', 'comes', 'admire', 'porter', 'strong', 'character', 'dedication', 'eventually', 'fall', 'love', 'first', 'lets', 'stay', 'long', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'write', 'story', 'learn', 'respect', 'agrees', 'let', 'write', 'adventures', 'sprains', 'back', 'accident', 'mauled', 'mountain', 'lion', 'meets', 'all-american', 'football', 'player', 'left', 'civilization', 'become', 'mountain', 'man', 'souchak', 'returns', 'chicago', 'still', 'much', 'mind', 'finds', 'one', 'sources', 'accidentally', 'killed', 'pursues', 'investigation', 'day', 'councilman', 'flees', 'country', 'day', 'souchak', 'finds', 'porter', 'coming', 'chicago', 'presentation', 'symposium', 'uncertainly', 'souchak', 'decides', 'attend', 'presentation', 'rekindle', 'relationship', 'happy', 'together', 'reconcile', 'different', 'paths', 'taken', 'life', 'reluctantly', 'decide', 'part', 'souchak', 'seeing', 'train', 'ends', 'traveling', 'way', 'back', 'wyoming', 'getting', 'stop', 'decide', 'without', 'decide', 'marry', 'movie', 'ends', 'catching', 'train', 'back', 'chicago', 'newlyweds', 'promising', 'meet', 'soon'], [\"'donna\", 'jensen', 'girl', 'small', 'town', 'nevada', 'wishes', 'see', 'world', 'order', 'get', 'away', 'unhappy', 'life', 'living', 'trailer', 'alcoholic', 'mother', 'former', 'las', 'vegas', 'showgirl', 'abusive', 'alcoholic', 'boyfriend', 'graduating', 'high', 'school', 'donna', 'tries', 'make', 'ends', 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'paris', 'first', 'class', 'etc', 'donna', 'realizes', 'still', 'happy', 'misses', 'boyfriend', 'cleveland', 'terribly', 'sally', 'weston\\\\', 'encouragement', 'returns', 'cleveland', 'meet', 'heartfelt', 'speech', 'deaf', 'grandmother', 'overhears', 'two', 'kiss', 'make', 'movie', 'ends', 'donna', 'wishing', 'passengers', 'well', 'land', 'cleveland', 'become', 'pilot'], ['jerry', 'nick', 'two', 'best', 'buddies', 'whose', 'love', 'lives', 'hit', 'rock', 'bottom', 'nick', 'runs', 'friend', 'married', 'beautiful', 'younger', 'girl', 'met', 'singles', 'cruise', 'decides', 'take', 'similar', 'cruise', 'jerry', 'things', 'planned', 'though', 'vengeful', 'travel', 'agent', 'books', 'cruise', 'gay', 'men', 'trip', 'come', 'learn', 'gay', 'men', 'less', 'objectionable', 'first', 'assumed', 'however', 'jerry', 'falls', 'love', 'cruise', 'dance', 'instructor', 'gabriella', 'order', 'win', 'pretends', 'gay', 'get', 'closer', 'meanwhile', 'nick', 'blossoms', 'romance', 'bikini', 'model', 'named', 'inga', 'accidental', 'affair', 'mean', 'sex-obsessed', 'coach', 'sonya', 'nick', 'must', 'fend', 'sonya', 'fallen', 'love', 'well', 'end', 'jerry', 'wins', 'gabriella', 'nick', 'loses', 'inga', 'sees', 'potential', 'relationship', 'sister', 'instead', 'however', 'unwittingly', 'reunited', 'sonya', 'much', 'dismay', 'arousal'], ['luke', 'wilson', 'appears', 'ex-con', 'working', 'retirement', 'home', 'luke', 'brother', 'owen', 'wilson', 'home', 'head', 'nurse', 'eva', 'mendes', 'co-stars', 'luke', 'wilson', 'character', 'love-interest', 'film', 'also', 'features', 'eddie', 'griffin', 'kris', 'kristofferson', 'harry', 'dean', 'stanton', 'seymour', 'cassel', 'ferrell'], [\"'halley\", 'marie', 'martin', '17-year-old', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'disillusioned', 'love', 'seeing', 'many', 'dysfunctional', 'relationships', 'around', 'parents', 'divorced', 'father', 'len', 'martin', 'radio', 'talk', 'show', 'host', 'new', 'young', 'girlfriend', 'entire', 'family', 'despises', 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'scarlett', 'baby', 'halley', 'makes', 'list', 'little', 'things', 'hates', 'macon', 'way', 'hair', 'falls', 'face', 'way', 'voice', 'gets', 'low', 'serious', 'way', 'bites', 'lip', 'he\\\\', 'nervous', 'way', 'eyebrow', 'twitches', 'halley', 'playfully', 'uses', 'macon\\\\', \"\\\\'jedi\", 'mind', 'trick\\\\', 'kiss', 'dance', 'briefly', 'hallway', 'movie', 'ends', 'halley', 'macon', 'embrace', 'see', 'scarlett', 'gave', 'birth', 'baby', 'boy'], [\"'john\", 'beckwith', 'jeremy', 'grey', 'divorce', 'mediators', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'two', 'friends', 'frequently', 'crash', 'wedding', 'parties', 'meet', 'women', 'working', 'set', 'rules', 'taught', 'past', 'crasher', 'chazz', 'reinhold', 'duo', 'always', 'cover', 'stories', 'inquisitive', 'guests', 'inevitably', 'become', 'hit', 'every', 'reception', 'goals', 'enjoy', 'free', 'food', 'drinks', 'ultimately', 'charm', 'way', 'bed', 'women', 'wedding', 'one-night', 'stand', 'sequence', 'successful', 'crashes', 'jeremy', 'takes', 'john', 'wedding', 'daughter', 'u.s.', 'secretary', 'treasury', 'william', 'cleary', 'inside', 'pair', 'set', 'sights', 'cleary\\\\', 'daughters', 'gloria', 'claire', 'jeremy', 'ends', 'sex', 'gloria', 'nearby', 'beach', 'reception', 'taking', 'place', 'gloria', 'possessive', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'jeremy', 'claims', 'virgin', 'encounter', 'shocks', 'jeremy', 'tries', 'get', 'john', 'bail', 'reception', 'meanwhile', 'john', 'attempting', 'court', 'claire', 'maid', 'honor', 'interrupted', 'hotheaded', 'boyfriend', 'sack', 'lodge', 'later', 'turns', 'want', 'date', 'claire', 'william\\\\', 'political', 'power', 'shown', 'openly', 'mock', 'cheat', 'behind', 'back', 'later', 'john', 'convinces', 'jeremy', 'accept', 'family\\\\', 'invitation', 'extended', 'weekend', 'party', 'family', 'compound', 'jeremy', 'john', 'members', 'family', 'play', 'game', 'touch', 'football', 'ends', 'jeremy', 'badly', 'hurt', 'over-aggressive', 'sack', 'gloria', 'tends', 'trying', 'engage', 'sexual', 'intercourse', 'time', 'dinner', 'later', 'evening', 'gloria', 'gives', 'jeremy', 'hand', 'job', 'dinner', 'table', 'john', 'spikes', 'sack\\\\', 'wine', 'eye-drops', 'sack', 'becomes', 'sick', 'lets', 'john', 'connect', 'claire', 'agree', 'walk', 'together', 'following', 'dinner', 'john', 'goes', 'room', 'change', 'shoes', 'william\\\\', 'wife', 'kathleen', 'jane', 'seymour', 'makes', 'john', 'fondle', 'surgically', 'enhanced', 'breasts', 'rebuffs', 'actions', 'much', 'john\\\\', 'confusion', 'later', 'night', 'gloria', 'ties', 'jeremy', 'proceeds', 'rape', 'thinking', 'adventurous', 'fulfilling', 'fantasies', 'night', 'gloria\\\\', 'gay', 'brother', 'todd', 'paints', 'provocative', 'image', 'jeremy', 'tries', 'seduce', 'interrupted', 'father', 'next', 'morning', 'jeremy', 'asks', 'john', 'home', 'john', 'convinces', 'stay', 'helps', 'jeremy', 'realize', 'john', 'falling', 'claire', 'afternoon', 'family', 'sailing', 'john', 'claire', 'continue', 'bond', 'following', 'sailing', 'trip', 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'gives', 'todd', 'relief', 'knowing', 'someone', 'took', 'seriously', 'artist', 'jeremy', 'gloria', 'briefly', 'confess', 'love', 'john', 'jeremy', 'return', 'normal', 'lives', 'time', 'jeremy', 'trying', 'keep', 'relationship', 'gloria', 'secret', 'john', 'comes', 'talk', 'he\\\\', 'found', 'new', 'way', 'try', 'reconcile', 'claire', 'trying', 'waiter', 'engagement', 'party', 'jeremy', 'tries', 'convince', 'attempts', 'reconcile', 'unsuccessful', 'needs', 'let', 'coming', 'term', 'claire', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'anything', 'pretending', 'waiter', 'caught', 'brutally', 'beaten', 'sack', 'recovers', 'goes', 'search', 'jeremy', 'instead', 'finds', 'still', 'house', 'sex', 'gloria', 'john', 'learns', 'truth', 'he\\\\', 'upset', 'causes', 'rift', 'jeremy', 'john', 'crashes', 'several', 'weddings', 'alone', 'behaves', 'erratically', 'due', 'state', 'depression', 'soon', 'becomes', 'nihilistic', 'suicidal', 'meanwhile', 'jeremy', 'continues', 'relationship', 'gloria', 'culminating', 'accepted', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'claire', 'begins', 'doubt', 'relationship', 'sack', 'jeremy', 'attempts', 'reconcile', 'john', 'asking', 'best', 'man', 'john', 'refuses', 'john', 'goes', 'meet', 'mentor', 'chazz', 'reinhold', 'reaffirm', 'jeremy\\\\', 'apparent', 'stupidity', 'getting', 'engaged', 'visit', 'chaz', 'talks', 'crashing', 'funeral', 'instead', 'going', 'jeremy\\\\', 'wedding', 'chaz', 'believes', 'grief', 'best', 'aphrodisiac', 'john', 'takes', 'notice', 'woman', 'truly', 'grieving', 'husband', 'loved', 'reconsiders', 'stance', 'love', 'marriage', 'rushes', 'jeremy\\\\', 'wedding', 'john', 'joins', 'wedding', 'mid-ceremony', 'jeremy\\\\', 'delight', 'soon', 'disrupts', 'attempting', 'speak', 'claire', 'claire', 'tears', 'leaves', 'altar', 'john', 'quickly', 'professes', 'love', 'feelings', 'regret', 'past', 'behavior', 'towards', 'women', 'sack', 'interrupts', 'asking', 'claire', 'return', 'altar', 'wedding', 'finished', 'claire', 'finally', 'tells', 'sack', 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'urges', 'frances', 'take', 'italian', 'vacation', 'tuscany', 'using', 'ticket', 'purchased', 'became', 'pregnant', 'first', 'frances', 'refuses', 'another', 'depressing', 'day', 'gloomy', 'apartment', 'decides', 'good', 'idea', 'get', 'away', 'awhile', 'tuscany', 'tour', 'group', 'stops', 'small', 'town', 'cortona', 'wandering', 'charming', 'streets', 'notices', 'posting', 'villa', 'sale', 'cortona', 'rejoins', 'tour', 'group', 'bus', 'outside', 'town', 'bus', 'stops', 'allow', 'herd', 'sheep', 'cross', 'road', 'wait', 'frances', 'realizes', \"'ve\", 'stopped', 'directly', 'front', 'villa', 'seen', 'sale', '봲omething', 'believes', 'sign', 'asks', 'driver', 'stop', 'gets', 'bus', 'series', 'serendipitous', 'events', 'becomes', 'owner', 'lovely', 'yet', 'dilapidated', 'villa', 'beautiful', 'tuscany', 'frances', 'begins', 'new', 'life', 'help', 'variety', 'interesting', 'characters', 'unusual', 'gentle', 'souls', 'hires', 'crew', 'polish', 'immigrants', 'renovate', 'house', 'time', 'frances', 'also', 'befriends', 'italian', 'neighbors', 'develops', 'relationships', 'polish', 'workers', 'realtor', 'sold', 'villa', 'katherine', 'eccentric', 'aging', 'british', 'actress', 'evokes', 'mystery', 'beauty', 'italian', 'film', 'star.there', 'several', 'visual', 'references', 'federico', 'fellini', 'films', 'especially', 'dolce', 'vita', 'catherine', 'caresses', 'duck', 'open', 'market', 'recalls', 'scene', 'anita', 'ekberg', 'strokes', 'white', 'kitten', 'prior', 'dancing', 'fontana', 'trevi', 'later', 'visited', 'pregnant', 'patti', 'whose', 'partner', 'grace', 'left', 'frances', 'meets', 'brief', 'romantic', 'affair', 'marcello', 'relationship', 'last', 'give', 'happiness', 'one', 'polish', 'workers', 'teenager', 'named', 'pawel', 'neighbor', 'young', 'daughter', 'come', 'help', 'father', 'approve', 'yet', 'much', 'love', 'want', 'get', 'married', 'frances', 'persuades', 'girl', 'family', 'support', 'love', 'young', 'lovers', 'soon', 'married', 'villa', 'wedding', 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'woman', 'power', 'goes', 'matthew', 'unknown', 'woman', 'sex', 'dark', 'matthew', 'wakes', 'morning', '봲till', 'elevator', 'finds', 'alone', 'pair', 'panties.http', '//www.imdb.com/title/tt0214388/synopsis', 'mission', 'find', 'mystery', 'maiden', 'finding', 'matching', 'bra', 'panties', 'matthew', 'becomes', 'maintenance', 'man', 'virgin', 'vault', 'releasing', 'mice', 'goes', 'room', 'room', 'setting', 'traps', 'convinces', 'panicked', 'women', 'leave', 'rooms', 'starts', 'look', 'match', 'unsuccessful', 'continues', 'break', 'things', 'effort', 'find', 'woman', 'also', 'fixes', 'television', 'set', 'greatly', 'received', 'women', 'refers', 'jane-ites', 'great', 'interest', 'films', 'adapted', 'books', 'jane', 'austen', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'get', 'much', 'help', 'roommate', 'rod', 'keeps', 'telling', 'give', 'together', 'philosophize', 'men', 'women', 'rod', 'tells', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'need', 'girlfriend', 'it\\\\', 'futile', 'try', 'find', 'bra', 'matching', 'panties', 'matthew', 'accuses', 'machismo', 'rod', 'introduces', 'matthew', 'penile', 'power', 'involves', 'use', 'weights', 'attached', 'penis', 'means', 'increasing', 'organ\\\\', 'size', 'insults', 'women', 'make', 'feel', 'better', 'problem', 'manhood', 'suffers', 'hypospadias', 'condition', 'urethra', 'opens', 'underside', 'penis', 'rather', 'tip', 'glans', 'early', 'matthew', 'watches', 'woman', 'named', 'patty', 'boyfriend', 'crick', 'fight', 'crick', 'epitome', 'macho', 'man', 'stereotype', 'big', 'pectorals', 'conceited', 'attitude', 'abusiveness', 'wears', 'pony-tail', 'manicured', 'goatee', 'male', 'make-up', 'chews', 'nicotine', 'gum', 'much', 'matthew\\\\', 'dismay', 'matthew', 'tries', 'save', 'patty', 'hurt', 'crick', 'crick', 'leaves', 'patty', 'tries', 'help', 'matthew', 'matthew', \"can\\\\'t\", 'help', 'think', 'patty\\\\', 'reputation', 'slut', 'searching', 'one', 'room', 'matthew', 'finds', 'trapped', 'bathroom', 'occupant', 'returns', 'matthew', 'attacked', 'wendy', 'recognizes', 'high', 'school', 'classmate', 'wendy', 'decides', 'help', 'matthew', 'quest', 'find', 'mystery', 'maiden', 'hoping', 'process', 'may', 'find', 'one', 'closeted', 'lesbian', 'matthew', 'nervous', 'talking', 'girls', 'arlene', 'teacher', 'ms.', 'stern', 'disparage', 'matthew', 'asserting', 'women', 'dominant', 'men', 'arlene', 'beats', 'foosball', 'ms.', 'stern', 'asserts', 'women', 'rather', 'men', 'command', 'rod', 'tells', 'matthew', 'he\\\\', 'chicken', 'give', 'girls', 'matthew', 'tells', 'never', 'able', 'speak', 'girls', 'especially', 'cynthia', 'matthew', 'puts', 'advertisement', 'school', 'newspaper', 'asking', 'girl', 'he\\\\', 'seeking', 'meet', 'basement', 'thursday', 'night', 'sits', 'dark', 'every', 'thursday', 'night', 'waiting', 'show', 'door', 'opens', 'one', 'night', 'thinks', 'it\\\\', 'it\\\\', 'wendy', 'coming', 'check', 'finally', 'mystery', 'maiden', 'show', 'tell', 'stop', 'looking', 'despite', 'approach', 'end', 'semester', 'matthew', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'deterred', 'disguises', 'drag', 'francesca', 'means', 'continue', 'search', 'drag', 'actually', 'able', 'talk', 'cynthia', 'one', 'one', 'able', 'intimidated', 'good', 'looks', 'rod', 'flirts', 'francesca', 'later', 'brags', 'matthew', 'sex', 'francesca', 'makes', 'matthew', 'angry', 'adds', 'another', 'weight', 'onto', 'rod\\\\', 'penile', 'power', 'device', 'hurting', 'crick', 'makes', 'pass', 'matthew', 'drag', 'fights', 'patty', 'matthew', 'bites', 'part', 'crick\\\\', 'tongue', 'result', 'crick', 'unable', 'speak', 'without', 'lisping', 'desperation', 'sets', 'matthew', 'appeals', 'mystery', 'maiden', 'proclaiming', 'love', 'whole', 'dormitory', 'finally', 'determines', 'mystery', 'maiden', 'patty', 'initially', 'rejects', 'thought', 'would', 'see', 'slut', 'crick', 'sees', 'matthew', 'wants', 'patty', 'matthew', 'arrested', 'sexually', 'assaulting', 'matthew', 'introduces', 'rod', 'dora', 'arlene', 'wendy', 'hook', 'cynthia', 'shows', 'newly', 'found', 'martial', 'art', 'abilities', 'ms.', 'stern', 'learns', 'valuable', 'lesson', 'gender', 'equality', 'matthew', 'stands', 'front', 'class', 'ovation', 'finally', 'matthew', 'proclaims', 'passionate', 'love', 'patty', 'sees', 'loving', 'eyes', 'kiss'], ['karen', 'paul', 'get', 'married', 'however', 'bachelor', 'party', 'paul', 'wakes', 'next', 'becky', 'dancer', 'party', 'assuming', 'slept', 'together', 'paul', 'rushes', 'becky', 'apartment', 'hopes', 'never', 'see', 'tries', 'cover', 'connection', 'days', 'wedding', 'unfortunately', 'becky', 'unexpectedly', 'shows', 'around', 'town', 'turns', 'karen', 'cousin', 'even', 'worse', 'becky', 'ex-boyfriend', 'cop', 'ray', 'becky', 'followed', 'photographed', 'becky', 'paul', 'meet', 'steal', 'pictures', 'ray', 'apartment', 'problems', 'arise', 'family', 'friends', 'consistently', 'showing', 'wrong', 'times', 'crabs', 'dirty', 'underwear', 'toilet', 'tank', 'horny', 'best', 'friend', 'best', 'man/brother', 'love', 'bride', 'provide', 'week', 'wedding', 'preparations'], ['spoiled', 'strong-willed', 'new', 'orleans', 'belle', 'julie', 'marsden', 'engaged', 'banker', 'preston', \"'pres\", 'dillard', 'retaliation', 'pres', 'refusing', 'drop', 'work', 'accompany', 'shops', 'dress', 'orders', 'brazen', 'red', 'one', 'important', 'ball', 'year', 'one', 'white', 'dresses', 'unmarried', 'women', 'expected', 'julie', 'friends', 'shocked', 'one', 'convince', 'give', 'whim', 'olympus', 'ball', 'every', 'woman', 'floor', 'dressed', 'white', 'pres', 'julie', 'entrance', 'met', 'shock', 'disdain', 'present', 'finally', 'realizes', 'magnitude', 'social', 'blunder', 'begs', 'pres', 'take', 'away', 'time', 'implacable', 'forces', 'dance', 'dancers', 'leave', 'floor', 'finally', 'leaving', 'alone', 'orchestra', 'stops', 'playing', 'instruction', 'one', 'ball', 'sponsors', 'pres', 'orders', 'conductor', 'continue', 'pres', 'julie', 'finish', 'dance', 'alone', 'assemblage', 'looking', 'afterwards', 'pres', 'takes', 'leave', 'julie', 'implicitly', 'breaking', 'engagement', 'final', 'bit', 'spite', 'julie', 'slaps', 'face', 'way', 'farewell', 'aunt', 'belle', 'massey', 'urges', 'pres', 'beg', 'forgiveness', 'refuses', 'arrogantly', 'confident', 'return', 'instead', 'goes', 'north', 'business', 'julie', 'shuts', 'house', 'refuses', 'see', 'visitors', 'year', 'later', 'pres', 'finally', 'returns', 'help', 'dr.', 'livingstone', 'try', 'convince', 'city', 'authorities', 'take', 'measures', 'outbreak', 'yellow', 'fever', 'pres', 'stop', 'julie', 'humbles', 'begs', 'forgiveness', 'return', 'love', 'pres', 'introduces', 'northern', 'wife', 'amy', 'dismayed', 'julie', 'eggs', 'admirer', 'skilled', 'duellist', 'buck', 'cantrell', 'quarrel', 'pres', 'scheme', 'goes', 'awry', 'pres', 'inexperienced', 'brother', 'ted', 'richard', 'cromwell', 'one', 'goaded', 'challenging', 'buck', 'unexpected', 'twist', 'ted', 'emerges', 'victorious', 'buck', 'fatally', 'shot', 'something', 'happens', 'overshadows', 'everything', 'else', 'dr.', 'livingstone', 'warned', 'repeatedly', 'deadly', 'epidemic', 'yellow', 'fever', 'sweeps', 'city', 'done', 'numerous', 'times', 'pres', 'comes', 'like', 'victims', 'quarantined', 'island', 'amy', 'prepares', 'along', 'care', 'risking', 'life', 'julie', 'stops', 'tells', 'northerner', 'know', 'deal', 'slaves', 'southerners', 'island', 'begs', 'place', 'act', 'redemption', 'amy', 'agrees'], ['concert', 'pianist', 'sandra', 'kovak', 'aviator', 'husband', 'peter', 'van', 'allen', 'discover', 'impulsive', 'marriage', 'invalid', 'divorce', 'finalized', 'wed', 'leaves', 'marries', 'old', 'flame', 'maggie', 'patterson', 'peter', 'travels', 'brazil', 'business', 'aircraft', 'goes', 'missing', 'presumed', 'crashed', 'jungle', 'killed', 'sandra', 'discovers', 'pregnant', 'peter', 'maggie', 'proposes', 'allowed', 'raise', 'child', 'exchange', 'taking', 'care', 'sandra', 'financially', 'two', 'women', 'arizona', 'await', 'birth', 'sandra', 'delivers', 'boy', 'named', 'father', 'sandra', 'embarks', 'upon', 'world', 'tour', 'peter', 'survived', 'crash', 'returns', 'home', 'maggie', 'leads', 'believe', 'boy', 'sandra', 'wanting', 'father', 'son', 'taunts', 'maggie', 'peter', 'remained', 'boy', 'demands', 'confess', 'misled', 'maggie', 'explains', 'true', 'situation', 'peter', 'shocked', 'sandra', 'behavior', 'announces', 'take', 'baby', 'remain', 'maggie', 'sandra', 'accepting', 'fact', 'peter', 'truly', 'loves', 'maggie', 'knowing', 'far', 'better', 'mother', 'child', 'takes', 'leave'], [\"'in\", 'san', 'francisco', '1970s', 'baker', 'born', 'blind', 'lived', 'life', 'mother', 'fletcher', 'family', 'moves', 'near', 'home', 'meets', 'daughter', 'linda', 'fletcher', 'linda', 'takes', 'parties', 'fills', 'confidence', 'talks', 'moving', 'mother\\\\', 'house', 'apartment', 'even', 'finds', 'apartment', 'encourages', 'become', 'musician', 'moves', 'new', 'apartment', 'linda', 'meets', 'guy', 'party', 'goes', 'live', 'mexico', 'finds', 'alone', 'made', 'contract', 'mother', 'come', 'see', 'least', 'two', 'months', 'one', 'month', 'passed', 'jill', 'tanner', 'moves', 'apartment', 'next', 'door', 'listens', 'talking', 'mother', 'phone', 'turns', 'radio', 'asks', 'turn', 'volume', 'invites', 'cup', 'coffee', 'start', 'talking', 'find', 'friendly', 'jill', 'realize', 'blind', 'sees', 'dropping', 'cigarette', 'ash', 'table', 'jill', 'never', 'met', 'blind', 'man', 'asks', 'sorts', 'question', 'manages', 'everyday', 'chores', 'tells', 'favorite', 'quote', 'mark', 'twain', 'ask', 'free', 'butterflies', 'free', 'mankind', 'surely', 'deny', 'harold', 'skimpole', 'concedes', 'butterflies', 'corrects', 'actually', 'quote', 'bleak', 'house', 'charles', 'dickens', 'makes', 'song', 'starts', 'sing', 'butterflies', 'free', 'guitar', 'jill', 'takes', 'shopping', 'find', 'better-fitting', 'clothes', 'aspiring', 'musician', 'dinner', 'together', 'later', 'spend', 'night', 'together', 'don\\\\', 'bed', 'morning', 'don\\\\', 'mother', 'mrs.', 'baker', 'surprises', 'visit', 'mrs.', 'baker', 'sees', 'attached', 'jill', 'fears', 'jill', 'break', 'don\\\\', 'heart', 'like', 'linda', 'takes', 'jill', 'lunch', 'tries', 'talk', 'don\\\\', 'life', 'jill', 'strong', 'feelings', 'tells', 'mrs.', 'baker', 'someone', 'get', 'don\\\\', 'life', 'however', 'jill', 'problems', 'making', 'commitment', 'starts', 'fall', 'begins', 'look', 'ways', 'end', 'growing', 'relationship', 'makes', 'dinner', 'date', 'appears', 'three', 'hours', 'late', 'another', 'man', 'ralph', 'announces', 'moving', 'ralph', 'director', 'play', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'acting', 'breaks', 'don\\\\', 'heart', 'gets', 'ready', 'home', 'mother', 'mrs.', 'baker', 'telling', 'come', 'back', 'home', 'makes', 'about-face', 'starts', 'telling', 'come', 'home', 'face', 'life\\\\', 'challenges', 'mrs.', 'baker', 'leaves', 'soon', 'jill', 'departs', 'shattered', 'trips', 'sofa', 'sitting', 'floor', 'puts', 'head', 'table', 'despair', 'hears', 'someone', 'opening', 'door', 'apartment', 'jill', 'walks', 'asks', 'he\\\\', 'floor', 'says', 'picnic', 'jill', 'asks', 'without', 'answers', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'choice', 'picture', 'ends', 'two', 'embracing'], [\"'after\", 'faithfully', 'serving', 'full', 'time', 'mission', 'church', 'marrying', 'jonathan', 'jordan', 'finds', 'recently', 'divorced', 'member', 'lds', 'single', 'adult', 'world', 'mdash', 'world', 'whose', 'ultimate', 'goal', 'eternal', 'marriage', 'disenchanted', 'jordan', 'stops', 'going', 'church', 'even', 'creates', 'stand', 'routine', 'lampooning', 'mormon', 'way', 'life', 'resistance', 'church', 'continues', 'falls', 'cammie', 'giles', 'member', 'local', 'singles', 'ward', 'suddenly', 'jordan', 'finds', 'going', 'church', 'appealing', 'attending', 'church', 'impress'], ['film', 'relates', 'historical', 'case', 'identity', 'theft', 'martin', 'guerre', 'leaves', 'young', 'wife', 'small', 'french', 'village', 'fight', 'war', 'travel', 'many', 'years', 'later', 'man', 'claiming', 'martin', 'returns', 'resume', 'life', 'man', 'initially', 'acknowledged', 'welcomed', 'family', 'friends', 'seems', 'know', 'details', 'martin', 'life', 'later', 'townpeople', 'grow', 'suspicious', 'imposter', 'story', 'ends', 'man', 'trial'], ['spoiled', 'heiress', 'brooke', 'carter', 'runs', 'spoiled', 'gambler', 'johnny', 'spanish', 'race', 'track', 'spoiled', 'playboy', 'michael', 'pritchard', 'nearly', 'runs', 'spoiled', 'showgirl', 'kitty', \"o'kelly\", 'car', 'backstage', 'kitty', 'show', 'turns', 'brooke', 'old', 'friends', 'attended', 'public', 'school', 'together', 'foursome', 'town', 'accompanied', 'brooke', 'companion', 'elizabeth', 'throws', 'michael', 'butler', 'chauffeur', 'rodney', 'james', 'four', 'friends', 'change', 'partners', 'party', 'brooke', 'michael', 'step', 'outside', 'behind', 'backs', 'kitty', 'johnny', 'effort', 'make', 'others', 'jealous', 'kitty', 'johnny', 'begin', 'romance', 'genuinely', 'fall', 'love', 'brooke', 'michael', 'elizabeth', 'rodney'], ['romantic', 'comedy', 'laughed', 'set', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'largely', 'filmed', 'outdoors', 'streets', 'tells', 'story', 'three', 'private', 'detectives', 'investigating', 'two', 'beautiful', 'women', 'infidelity', 'detectives', 'eventually', 'wind', 'romantically', 'pursuing', 'women', 'turn', 'tables', 'laughed', 'updating', 'ronde', 'tone', 'theme', 'detective', 'john', 'russo', 'attempts', 'cheat', 'girlfriend', 'country', 'singer', 'christy', 'miller', 'blonde', 'taxi', 'driver', 'connivance', 'colleague', 'arthur', 'brodsky', 'met', 'taxi', 'driver', 'route', 'meeting', 'assigned', 'follow', 'angela', 'niotes', 'wife', 'european', 'tycoon', 'detective', 'charles', 'rutledge', 'falls', 'love', 'dolores', 'martin', 'whose', 'husband', 'also', 'hired', 'spy', 'rutledge', 'cautioned', 'infatuation', 'buddy', 'arthur', 'feeling', 'slighted', 'russo', 'infidelity', 'christy', 'miller', 'throws', 'rutledge', 'ultimately', 'falls', 'love', 'dolores', 'martin', 'extramarital', 'paramour', 'jose', 'russo', 'pursuit', 'angela', 'leads', 'fall', 'love'], ['cahit', 'tomruk', 'turkish', 'german', '40s', 'given', 'life', 'death', 'wife', 'seeks', 'solace', 'cocaine', 'alcohol', 'one', 'night', 'intentionally', 'drives', 'car', 'head-on', 'wall', 'barely', 'survives', 'psychiatric', 'clinic', 'taken', 'sibel', 'g체ner', 'another', 'turkish', 'german', 'tried', 'commit', 'suicide', 'approaches', 'asks', 'cahit', 'carry', 'formal', 'marriage', 'break', 'strict', 'rules', 'conservative', 'family', 'cahit', 'initially', 'turned', 'idea', 'agrees', 'take', 'part', 'plan', 'sibel', 'tells', 'frankly', 'prefers', 'independent', 'sex', 'life', 'live', 'roommates', 'separate', 'private', 'lives', 'eventually', 'fall', 'love', 'things', 'take', 'different', 'turn', 'cahit', 'kills', 'one', 'sibel', 'former', 'lovers', 'anger', 'sent', 'prison', 'cahit', 'prison', 'sibel', 'flees', 'family', 'goes', 'istanbul', 'stay', 'cousin', 'selma', 'divorced', 'woman', 'manages', 'hotel', 'sibel', 'accepts', 'job', 'maid', 'selma', 'hotel', 'finds', 'new', 'life', 'restrictive', 'prison', 'leaves', 'selma', 'apartment', 'live', 'bartender', 'provides', 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'eventually', 'rapes', 'throws', 'roaming', 'streets', 'night', 'baits', 'three', 'men', 'beating', 'one', 'stabs', 'leave', 'dead', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'cahit', 'travels', 'istanbul', 'upon', 'release', 'hoping', 'find', 'sibel', 'initially', 'selma', 'refuses', 'tell', 'cahit', 'sibel', 'informs', 'sibel', 'long-term', 'relationship', 'daughter', 'cahit', 'waits', 'hotel', 'sibel', 'call', 'eventually', 'comes', 'meet', 'make', 'love', 'asks', 'run', 'away', 'agrees', 'home', 'packing', 'hears', 'boyfriend', 'return', 'squeals', 'delight', 'daughter', 'never', 'shows', 'film', 'ends', 'cahit', 'bus', 'presumably', 'traveling', 'mersin', 'city', 'born'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'set', 'chongyang', 'sanming', 'zhou', 'ceramics', 'artist', 'sanming', 'falls', 'love', 'poet', 'chen', 'qing', 'lives', 'chongyang', 'town', 'several', 'hundred', 'kilometers', 'sanming', 'train', 'trips', 'sanming', 'chongyang', 'also', 'meets', 'zhang', 'qiang', 'veterinary', 'surgeon', 'gong', 'plays', 'two', 'characters', 'differ', 'hair', 'styles', 'namely', 'zhou', 'short-haired', 'xiu', 'film', 'pieced', 'together', 'many', 'flashbacks', 'particular', 'chronological', 'order', 'relation', 'two', 'women', 'unclear', 'end', 'film'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'france', 'notorious', 'womanizer', 'michael', 'james', 'wants', 'faithful', 'fianc챕e', 'carole', 'werner', 'every', 'woman', 'meets', 'seems', 'fall', 'love', 'including', 'neurotic', 'american', 'parachutist', 'accidentally', 'lands', 'car', '1936-37', 'singer', 'file', \"\\\\'36\", 'singer', 'lemans', \"o\\\\'toole\", 'blue', 'singer', 'nine', 'mans', 'special', 'speed', 'psychoanalyst', 'fassbender', 'help', 'either', 'since', 'he\\\\', 'stalking', 'one', 'patients', 'turn', 'longs', 'michael', 'catastrophe', 'appears', 'horizon', 'characters', 'check', 'quaint', 'hideaway', 'hotel', 'french', 'countryside', 'weekend', 'unaware', 'other\\\\', 'presence'], ['smart', 'successful', 'sexy', 'jackson', 'smith', 'brian', 'palmer', 'derrick', 'west', 'terry', 'white', 'lifelong', 'friends', 'since', 'childhood', 'banded', 'together', 'weather', 'love', 'innate', 'terrors', 'occasional', 'triumphs', 'brazenly', 'comic', 'yet', 'painfully', 'true', 'exploration', 'battle', 'sexes', 'amidst', 'career', 'track', 'basketball', 'bar', 'hopping', 'love', 'women', 'many', 'possible', 'shocking', 'revelations', 'test', 'foursome', 'friendship', 'changes', 'dating', 'relationship', 'habits', 'forever'], [\"'music\", 'superstar', 'bud', 'parks', 'along', 'statuesque', 'wife', 'alice', 'approximately', 'eight-year-old', 'daughter', 'terri', 'return', 'small', 'hometown', 'fictional', 'doak', 'city', 'indiana', 'paternal', 'grandfather\\\\', '80th', 'birthday', 'initially', 'visit', 'light-hearted', 'bud', 'receives', 'hero\\\\', 'welcome', 'many', 'relatives', 'fans', 'supposed', 'three-day', 'visit', 'fun', 'quickly', 'turns', 'much', 'birthday', 'party', 'bud\\\\', 'high', 'school', 'sweetheart', 'sister-in-law', 'p.j.', 'invites', 'bud', 'walk', 'met', 'curious', 'suspicion', 'bud\\\\', 'father', 'speck', 'p.j', 'confesses', 'sex', 'speck', 'met', 'shock', 'disapproval', 'bud', 'speck', 'successful', 'poultry', 'farmer', 'shown', 'early', 'chauvinistic', 'dominating', 'womanizer', 'fathered', 'illegitimate', 'son', 'wife', 'marian', 'stayed', 'speck', 'refers', 'sire', 'women', 'bore', 'children', 'fillies', 'time', 'revealed', 'dominating', 'violent', 'exploitive', 'shameless', 'point', 'even', 'making', 'pass', 'bud\\\\', 'wife', 'bud', 'alice', 'seem', 'good', 'marriage', 'clearly', 'devoted', 'learning', 'p.j.\\\\', 'affair', 'speck', 'bud', 'sex', 'p.j', 'well', 'p.j', 'seems', 'view', 'sexual', 'encounters', 'conquests', 'take', 'pride', 'simultaneously', 'three', 'parks', 'men', 'lovers', 'also', 'seems', 'view', 'promiscuity', 'need', 'keep', 'secret', 'source', 'excitement', 'housewife', 'mother', 'resides', 'considers', 'boring', 'town', 'three', 'days', 'turn', 'several', 'weeks', 'bud\\\\', 'feelings', 'love', 'lust', 'p.j', 'rekindled', 'neglects', 'alice', 'already', 'disillusioned', 'music', 'business', 'thinking', 'leaving', 'realizes', 'he\\\\', 'small-town', 'man', 'heart', 'wants', 'stay', 'doak', 'city', 'many', 'relatives', 'still', 'reside', 'anger', 'toward', 'father', 'also', 'escalates', 'california-bred', 'alice', 'continues', 'love', 'husband', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'tired', 'small', 'town', 'life', 'neglect', 'accuses', 'bud', 'committing', 'adultery', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'deny', 'leaves', 'terri', 'bud', 'tries', 'get', 'p.j', 'back', 'woman', 'life', 'reveals', 'wanted', 'many', 'years', 'earlier', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'make', 'commitment', 'it\\\\', 'late', 'frustrated', 'angry', 'bud', 'confronts', 'speck', 'restaurant', 'speck', 'shows', 'interest', 'sympathy', 'son\\\\', 'problems', 'expresses', 'displeasure', 'received', 'none', 'millions', 'dollars', 'bud', 'made', 'music', 'basis', 'sired', 'bud', 'speck', 'claims', 'entitled', 'bud\\\\', 'money', 'bud', 'warns', 'speck', 'make', 'sexual', 'advances', 'alice', 'rage', 'knocks', 'food', 'tableware', 'table', 'bud', 'gets', 'leave', 'viciously', 'beaten', 'speck', 'feeling', 'like', 'he\\\\', 'hit', 'rock', 'bottom', 'bud', 'gets', 'drunk', 'performs', 'stunt', 'wild', 'youth', 'lies', 'cage', 'back', 'pickup', 'truck', 'one', 'friends', 'push', 'cage', 'onto', 'road', 'truck', 'moving', 'wakes', 'lying', 'hospital', 'bed', 'wearing', 'brace', 'neck', 'cast', 'right', 'arm', 'standing', 'beside', 'bed', 'p.j.', 'sister', 'sally', 'cutler', 'paternal', 'grandmother', 'alice', 'returns', 'seems', 'willing', 'take', 'bud', 'back', 'honest', 'rejected', 'p.j', 'humbled', 'father', 'accident', 'bud', 'realizes', 'what\\\\', 'important', 'life', 'alice', 'reconcile'], ['andr챕', 'maciel', 'young', 'man', 'works', 'photocopier', 'shop', 'falls', 'love', 'neighbour', 's챠lvia', 'works', 'clothes', 'shop', 'order', 'get', 'closer', 'decides', 'buy', 'dress', \"n't\", 'afford', 'pay', 'begins', 'photocopying', 'money', 'quickly', 'gets', 'control', 'realizes', 'get', 'away', 'photocopying', 'money', 'decides', 'try', 'slightly', 'larger', 'scale', 'even', 'realizes', 'amount', 'make', 'photocopying', 'limited', 'looks', 'better', 'ways', 'get', 'money', 'guy', 'little', 'education', 'job', 'copy', 'machine', 'operator', 'decides', 'way', 'rob', 'bank', 'somehow', 'run', 'away', 'sweetheart', 'silvia', 'plot', 'also', 'characters', 'marin챗s', 'cardoso', 'feitosa', 'mother', 'along', 'silvia', 'guardian', 'father', 'antunes', 'movie', 'takes', 'unexpected', 'twist', 'andr챕', 'really', 'look', 'like', 'kind', 'guy', 'could', 'pull', 'robbery', 'actually', 'pulls', 'next', 'day', 'also', 'finds', 'lottery', 'numbers', 'activities', 'help', 'friend', 'cardoso', 'two', 'people', 'die', 'movie', 'eventually', 'movie', 'goes', 'tell', 'truth', 'behind', 'incidents', 'actually', 'masterminded', 'silvia', 'movie', 'ends', 'silvia', 'writing', 'man', 'believes', 'father', 'telling', 'journey', 'undertaken', 'rio', 'place', 'meets', 'paulo', 'father'], ['cincinnati', 'college', 'student', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'wealthy', 'fianc챕e', 'falls', 'love', 'backwoods', 'kentucky', 'girl', 'meets', 'party', 'says', 'finds', 'married', 'abusive', 'husband'], ['fed', 'dead-end', 'job', 'minneapolis', 'car', 'rental', 'agency', 'martha', 'quits', 'cashes', 'final', 'paycheck', 'uses', 'money', 'purchase', 'airline', 'ticket', 'least', 'expensive', 'international', 'destination', 'find', 'london', 'airport', 'meets', 'daniel', 'successful', 'music', 'label', 'executive', 'covertly', 'arranges', 'upgraded', 'first', 'class', 'seated', 'next', 'flight', 'sells', 'ticket', 'another', 'passenger', 'daniel', 'finds', 'seatmate', 'obnoxiously', 'loud', 'woman', 'instead', 'girl', 'dreams', 'moves', 'back', 'economy', 'section', 'takes', 'vacant', 'seat', 'next', 'martha', 'landing', 'london', 'offers', 'use', 'deluxe', 'suite', 'luxury', 'hotel', 'company', 'expense', 'exchange', 'lunch', 'date', 'following', 'day', 'series', 'flashbacks', 'flashforwards', 'learn', 'laurence', 'former', 'bridge', 'champion', 'teaches', 'game', 'wealthy', 'women', 'went', 'airport', 'pick', 'daniel', 'missed', 'flight', 'landed', 'early', 'instead', 'literally', 'runs', 'martha', 'hits', 'luggage', 'cart', 'searching', 'exit', 'coerces', 'taking', 'city', 'invites', 'suite', 'dinner', 'bathroom', 'bouquet', 'flowers', 'daniel', 'delivered', 'suite', 'laurence', 'sees', 'attached', 'card', 'departs', 'without', 'explanation', 'following', 'day', 'martha', 'meets', 'struggling', 'actor', 'frank', 'fled', 'audition', 'panic', 'gone', 'park', 'console', 'pint', 'whiskey', 'heard', 'daniel', 'realizes', 'calls', 'laurence', 'boast', 'make', 'conquest', 'takes', 'nearby', 'art', 'gallery', 'martha', 'slips', 'away', 'heads', 'exit', 'reunites', 'laurence', 'looking', 'pair', 'invites', 'back', 'flat', 'accepts', 'torn', 'loyalty', 'daniel', 'love', 'martha', 'laurence', 'seeks', 'advice', 'pederson', 'neighbor', 'mistakenly', 'believes', 'psychiatrist', 'early', 'morning', 'hours', 'interim', 'martha', 'awakens', 'seeing', 'photograph', 'three', 'friends', 'assumes', 'target', 'elaborate', 'practical', 'joke', 'get', 'even', 'separately', 'invites', 'men', 'meet', 'breakfast', 'three', 'arrive', 'bearing', 'floral', 'arrangements', 'varying', 'size', 'brawl', 'ensues', 'laurence', 'sees', 'martha', 'running', 'distance', 'unable', 'catch', 'despondent', 'goes', 'travel', 'agency', 'purchase', 'ticket', 'anywhere', '짙99', 'proves', 'reykjav챠k', 'airport', 'gate', 'told', 'seated', 'first', 'class', 'boards', 'plane', 'finds', 'martha', 'waiting', 'reveals', 'responsible', 'upgrade', 'trick', 'learned', 'daniel'], ['claire', 'learns', 'five', 'months', 'pregnant', 'age', 'seventeen', 'decides', 'keep', 'baby', 'tell', 'father', 'instead', 'quits', 'current', 'job', 'local', 'supermarket', 'goes', 'work', 'assistant', 'madame', 'm챕likian', 'embroiderer', 'haute', 'couture', 'm챕likian', 'lost', 'son', 'motorcycle', 'accident', 'claire', 'shows', 'willingness', 'taking', 'duties', 'well', 'taking', 'm챕likian', 'private', 'order', 'treated', 'hospital'], ['film', 'protagonist', 'harold', 'shand', 'old-fashioned', '1960s-style', 'london', 'gangster', 'late', '1970s', 'aspiring', 'become', 'legitimate', 'businessman', 'albeit', 'financial', 'support', 'american', 'mafia', 'plan', 'redevelop', 'then-disused', 'london', 'docklands', 'venue', 'future', 'olympic', 'games', 'storyline', 'weaves', 'together', 'events', 'concerns', 'late', '1970s', 'including', 'low-level', 'political', 'police', 'corruption', 'provisional', 'irish', 'republican', 'army', 'gun-running', 'displacement', 'traditional', 'british', 'industry', 'property', 'development', 'britain', 'membership', 'eec', 'free', 'market', 'economy', 'latter', 'strongly', 'ascendant', 'time', 'film', 'made', 'first', 'year', 'thatcher', 'government', 'harold', 'undisputed', 'ruling', 'kingpin', 'london', 'underworld', 'world', 'suddenly', 'torn', 'apart', 'series', 'murders', 'exploding', 'bombs', 'unseen', 'foe', 'uncovering', 'enemy', 'identity', 'forms', 'much', 'film', 'subsequent', 'plotline', 'ruthless', 'violent', 'pursuit', 'leads', 'points', 'small-time', 'tawdriness', 'organisation', 'hopes', 'legitimise', 'story', 'seems', 'hinge', 'upon', 'act', 'betrayal', 'one', 'harold', 'closest', 'aides', 'implications', 'become', 'clear', 'near', 'film', 'climax', 'solution', 'mystery', 'suggested', 'though', 'spelled', 'acts', 'information', 'brutality', 'took', 'pinnacle', 'london', 'underworld', 'first', 'place', 'enemies', 'time', 'follow', 'motivations', 'different', 'local', 'rivals', 'american', 'mafia', 'representatives', 'led', 'actor', 'eddie', 'constantine', 'decide', 'leave', 'england', 'killings', 'harold', 'determined', 'stay', 'business', 'german', 'consortium', 'saying', 'become', 'legitimate', 'businessman', 'leaves', 'hotel', 'gets', 'car', 'thinks', 'driven', 'chauffeur', 'fact', 'taken', 'two', 'ira', 'men', 'car', 'sharply', 'pulls', 'hotel', 'zone', 'harold', 'realises', 'girlfriend', 'victoria', 'car', 'sees', 'back', 'another', 'car', 'driven', 'away', 'armed', 'men', 'harold', 'finds', 'gunpoint', 'front', 'seat', 'passenger', 'car', 'speeds', 'away', 'harold', 'silent', 'face', 'see', 'full', 'range', 'emotions', 'first', 'astonishment', 'gives', 'way', 'anger', 'slow', 'realization', 'powerless', 'finally', 'resignation', 'fact', 'moments', 'death'], ['omar', 'ali', 'young', 'man', 'living', '1980s', 'london', 'father', 'hussein', 'pakistani', 'journalist', 'lives', 'london', 'hates', 'britain', 'international', 'politics', 'dissatisfaction', 'world', 'family', 'tragedy', 'caused', 'alcoholism', 'take', 'omar', 'take', 'care', 'contrast', 'omar', 'paternal', 'uncle', 'nasser', 'successful', 'entrepreneur', 'active', 'member', 'london', 'pakistani', 'community', 'omar', 'father', 'asks', 'uncle', 'give', 'job', 'working', 'brief', 'time', 'car', 'washer', 'one', 'uncle', 'garages', 'assigned', 'task', 'running', 'run-down', 'laundrette', 'turning', 'profitable', 'business', 'nasser', 'omar', 'meets', 'members', 'pakistani', 'community', 'tania', 'nasser', 'daughter', 'possibly', 'future', 'bride', 'salim', 'traffics', 'drugs', 'hires', 'deliver', 'airport', 'driving', 'salim', 'wife', 'home', 'night', 'three', 'get', 'attacked', 'group', 'right-wing', 'extremists', 'shouting', 'racist', 'slogans', 'among', 'omar', 'recognizes', 'old', 'friend', 'johnny', 'omar', 'asks', 'johnny', 'resume', 'friendship', 'johnny', 'decides', 'help', 'laundrette', 'resume', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'interrupted', 'school', 'running', 'money', 'omar', 'johnny', 'sell', 'one', 'salim', 'drug', 'deliveries', 'make', 'cash', 'laundrette', 'redecoration', 'laundrette', 'becomes', 'success', 'opening', 'day', 'nasser', 'visits', 'store', 'mistress', 'rachel', 'dance', 'together', 'laundrette', 'omar', 'johnny', 'sex', 'back', 'room', 'omar', 'johnny', 'almost', 'caught', 'nasser', 'omar', 'claims', 'sleeping', 'tania', 'confronts', 'rachel', 'affair', 'father', 'nasser', 'nasser', 'rachel', 'leave', 'laundrette', 'fight', 'road', 'rachel', 'storms', 'feels', 'humiliated', 'tania', 'presence', 'later', 'film', 'falls', 'ill', 'skin', 'rash', 'apparently', 'caused', 'ritual', 'curse', 'nasser', 'wife', 'rachel', 'decides', 'leave', 'omar', 'drunk', 'proposes', 'tania', 'agrees', 'condition', 'omar', 'gathers', 'money', 'omar', 'father', 'also', 'stops', 'late', 'night', 'appeals', 'johnny', 'persuade', 'omar', 'college', 'unhappy', 'son', 'running', 'laundrette', 'omar', 'decides', 'take', 'two', 'laundrettes', 'owned', 'friend', 'nasser', 'help', 'salim', 'salim', 'drives', 'johnny', 'omar', 'view', 'one', 'properties', 'expresses', 'dislike', 'british', 'non-working', 'punks', 'salim', 'attempts', 'run', 'group', 'punks', 'previously', 'attacked', 'omar', 'car', 'injures', 'one', 'group', 'working', 'class', 'punks', 'decides', 'wait', 'salim', 'around', 'laundrette', 'punks', 'circle', 'laundrette', 'tania', 'drops', 'tells', 'johnny', 'leaving', 'asks', 'come', 'refuses', 'tania', 'revealing', 'relationship', 'omar', 'departs', 'salim', 'enters', 'laundrette', 'punks', 'trash', 'car', 'upon', 'noticing', 'destruction', 'runs', 'laundrette', 'ambushed', 'attacked', 'beaten', 'bloodied', 'johnny', 'decides', 'save', 'despite', 'mutual', 'dislike', 'punks', 'turn', 'attention', 'attacking', 'johnny', 'instead', 'supporting', 'pakistani', 'community', 'beat', 'savagely', 'saved', 'omar', 'film', 'cuts', 'nasser', 'visiting', 'omar', 'father', 'discussion', 'omar', 'future', 'nasser', 'sees', 'tania', 'train', 'platform', 'running', 'away', 'shouts', 'disappears', 'omar', 'proceeds', 'clean', 'johnny', 'wounds', 'two', 'bond', 'film', 'ends', 'playfully', 'splashing', 'water', 'sink', 'topless', 'implying', 'continuing', 'relationship'], [\"'in\", 'unnamed', 'victorian', 'era', 'european', 'village', 'victor', 'van', 'dort', 'son', 'nouveau', 'riche', 'fish', 'merchants', 'victoria', 'everglot', 'neglected', 'daughter', 'hateful', 'aristocrats', 'getting', 'prepared', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'raise', 'social', 'class', 'victor\\\\', 'parents', 'restore', 'wealth', 'victoria\\\\', 'penniless', 'family', 'concerns', 'marrying', 'someone', 'know', 'fall', 'instantly', 'love', 'first', 'meet', 'shy', 'clumsy', 'victor', 'ruins', 'wedding', 'rehearsal', 'scolded', 'pastor', 'galswells', 'flees', 'practices', 'wedding', 'vows', 'nearby', 'forest', 'placing', 'wedding', 'ring', 'nearby', 'upturned', 'tree', 'root', 'root', 'turns', 'finger', 'dead', 'girl', 'clad', 'tattered', 'bridal', 'gown', 'rises', 'grave', 'claiming', 'victor\\\\', 'wife', 'spirited', 'away', 'surprisingly', 'festive', 'land', 'dead', 'bewildered', 'victor', 'learns', 'story', 'emily', 'new', 'bride', 'murdered', 'years', 'ago', 'night', 'secret', 'elopement', 'emily', 'wedding', 'gift', 'reunites', 'victor', 'long-dead', 'dog', 'scraps', 'meanwhile', 'victoria\\\\', 'parents', 'hear', 'victor', 'seen', 'another', 'woman\\\\', 'arms', 'become', 'suspicious', 'wanting', 'reunite', 'victoria', 'victor', 'tricks', 'emily', 'taking', 'back', 'land', 'living', 'pretending', 'wants', 'meet', 'parents', 'agrees', 'takes', 'see', 'elder', 'gutknecht', 'kindly', 'ruler', 'underworld', 'send', 'emily', 'temporarily', 'land', 'living', 'back', 'home', 'victor', 'asks', 'emily', 'wait', 'forest', 'rushes', 'see', 'victoria', 'confess', 'wish', 'marry', 'soon', 'possible', 'gladly', 'returns', 'feelings', 'emily', 'soon', 'arrives', 'sees', 'two', 'together', 'feeling', 'betrayed', 'hurt', 'drags', 'victor', 'back', 'land', 'dead', 'victoria', 'tells', 'parents', 'victor', 'forcibly', 'wed', 'dead', 'woman', 'believe', 'lost', 'mind', 'lock', 'bedroom', 'escapes', 'room', 'window', 'rushes', 'galswells', 'find', 'way', 'helping', 'victor', 'fails', 'victor', 'gone', 'victoria\\\\', 'parents', 'decide', 'marry', 'presumably', 'wealthy', 'newcomer', 'town', 'named', 'lord', 'barkis', 'bittern', 'appeared', 'wedding', 'rehearsal', 'emily', 'heartbroken', 'victor\\\\', 'deception', 'victor', 'however', 'apologizes', 'lying', 'two', 'reconcile', 'playing', 'piano', 'together', 'shortly', 'victor\\\\', 'family', 'coachman', 'appears', 'afterlife', 'informs', 'victor', 'victoria\\\\', 'impending', 'marriage', 'lord', 'barkis', 'time', 'emily', 'learns', 'elder', 'gutknecht', 'marriage', 'vows', 'binding', 'death', 'part', 'death', 'already', 'parts', 'supposed', 'marriage', 'victor', 'never', 'valid', 'order', 'marriage', 'become', 'valid', 'victor', 'must', 'repeat', 'vows', 'land', 'living', 'willingly', 'drink', 'poison', 'thus', 'joining', 'death', 'overhearing', 'fretting', 'lost', 'chance', 'victoria', 'victor', 'agrees', 'die', 'emily', 'dead', 'upstairs', 'land', 'living', 'perform', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'victor', 'emily', 'upon', 'arrival', 'town', 'erupts', 'temporary', 'panic', 'every', 'living', 'person', 'recognizes', 'other\\\\', 'loved', 'ones', 'dead', 'joyous', 'reunion', 'bizarre', 'circumstances', 'quarrel', 'lord', 'barkis', 'realizing', 'supposed', 'money', 'victoria', 'follows', 'procession', 'dead', 'church', 'victor', 'prepares', 'drink', 'cup', 'poison', 'kill', 'emily', 'notices', 'victoria', 'second', 'thoughts', 'realizing', 'denying', 'victoria', 'chance', 'happiness', 'way', 'stolen', 'lord', 'barkis', 'interrupts', 'emily', 'recognizes', 'former', 'fiance', 'revealed', 'one', 'murdered', 'dowry', 'lord', 'barkis', 'tries', 'kidnap', 'victoria', 'sword', 'point', 'victor', 'stops', 'two', 'men', 'duel', 'emily', 'intercedes', 'save', 'victor', 'lord', 'barkis', 'mockingly', 'proposes', 'toast', 'emily', 'claiming', 'she\\\\', 'always', 'bridesmaid', 'never', 'bride', 'accidentally', 'drinking', 'cup', 'poison', 'dead', 'drag', 'new', 'arrival', 'away', 'punishment', 'emily', 'sets', 'victor', 'free', 'vow', 'marry', 'giving', 'wedding', 'ring', 'back', 'victor', 'wedding', 'bouquet', 'victoria', 'exiting', 'church', 'steps', 'moonlight', 'transforms', 'hundreds', 'butterflies', 'presumably', 'finding', 'eternal', 'rest', 'heaven', 'victor', 'victoria', 'look'], ['sydney', 'age', 'woman', 'whole', 'life', 'mapped', 'front', 'living', 'longtime', 'boyfriend', 'james', 'working', 'way', 'respected', 'high-art', 'photography', 'magazine', 'frame', 'syd', 'desires', 'frustrations', 'seem', 'typical', 'manageable', 'crack', 'ceiling', 'springs', 'leak', 'syd', 'finds', 'knocking', 'door', 'upstairs', 'neighbor', 'chance', 'meeting', 'suddenly', 'takes', 'new', 'path', 'opening', 'door', 'uncharted', 'world', 'syd', 'lucy', 'berliner', 'renowned', 'photographer', 'enchanting', 'elusive', 'curiously', 'retired', 'lucy', 'lives', 'glamorous', 'heroin-addicted', 'german', 'girlfriend', 'greta', 'plays', 'host', 'collection', 'hard-living', 'party', 'kids', 'syd', 'caught', 'breath', 'caught', 'lucy', 'fascination', 'drawn', 'center', 'lucy', 'strangely', 'alluring', 'life', 'upstairs', 'syd', 'mentions', 'lucy', 'bosses', 'remain', 'uninterested', 'realise', 'exactly', 'lucy', 'lunch', 'lucy', 'agrees', 'work', 'magazine', 'long', 'syd', 'editor', 'soon', 'working', 'relationship', 'develops', 'two', 'project', 'underway', 'promises', 'second', 'chance', 'lucy', 'career', 'syd', 'lucy', 'collaboration', 'draws', 'closer', 'together', 'working', 'relationship', 'turns', 'sexual', 'lines', 'love', 'professionalism', 'suddenly', 'blur', 'syd', 'slowly', 'discovers', 'darker', 'truths', 'lucy', 'life', 'edge', 'forced', 'confront', 'hunger', 'recognition', 'uncertain', 'rewards', 'public', 'esteem'], ['plot', 'ian', 'wyndham', 'paul', 'nicholls', 'english', 'businessman', 'lives', 'musician', 'girlfriend', 'samantha', 'andrews', 'london', 'taking', 'day', 'ian', 'sam', 'life', 'film', 'opens', 'showing', 'different', 'events', 'sam', 'getting', 'burnt', 'kettle', 'ian', 'watch', 'breaking', 'sam', 'getting', 'coca-cola', 'spilt', 'ian', 'interrupted', 'sam', 'important', 'meeting', 'work', 'day', 'progresses', 'see', 'ian', 'taxi', 'tells', 'driver', 'sam', 'going', 'difficulties', 'driver', 'recommends', 'love', 'sam', 'concert', 'night', 'ian', 'tries', 'dismiss', 'sam', 'favorite', 'student', 'dinner', 'sam', 'confronts', 'ian', 'frustration', 'boils', 'gets', 'angry', 'ian', 'attitude', 'toward', 'tells', 'wants', 'love', 'sam', 'storms', 'restaurant', 'tears', 'ian', 'following', 'close', 'behind', 'asking', 'forgiveness', 'sam', 'gets', 'passing', 'taxi', 'ian', 'tries', 'get', 'beside', 'notices', 'driver', 'man', 'traveled', 'earlier', 'day', 'man', 'gives', 'ian', 'ominous', 'smile', 'clock', 'hits', 'sam', 'closes', 'door', 'leaving', 'ian', 'standing', 'watches', 'taxi', 'drive', 'away', 'ian', 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'zone', 'thus', 'papers', 'take', 'effect', '7:04.', 'mere', 'minutes', 'lose', 'fortune', 'joe', 'sara', 'trail', 'gordon', 'rodeo', 'evade', 'gordon\\\\', 'bodyguard', 'tony', 'motorbike', 'competition', 'seconds', 'spare', '7:04', 'gordon', 'knocked', 'pack', 'beer', 'dropped', 'head', 'sara', 'joe', 'serves', 'new', 'york', 'law', 'gordon', 'finally', 'accepting', 'loss', 'takes', 'serve', 'he\\\\', 'photographed', 'tony', 'gordon\\\\', 'bodyguard', 'seen', 'carried', 'stadium', 'joe', 'refers', 'guy', 'got', 'ran', 'guy', 'ran', 'film', 'ends', 'joe', 'sara', 'joe\\\\', 'dream', 'vineyard', 'taste-test', 'joe\\\\', 'first', 'bottle', 'going', 'inside', 'sex'], ['kat', 'ellis', 'single', 'new', 'yorker', 'returns', 'parents', 'house', 'london', 'maid', 'honor', 'younger', 'half', 'sister', 'wedding', 'best', 'man', 'none', 'former', 'fianc챕', 'unexpectedly', 'dumped', 'two', 'years', 'ago', 'anxious', 'confronting', 'eager', 'impress', 'hires', 'suave', 'escort', 'nick', 'mercer', 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'introduce', 'formally', 'first', 'time', 'film', 'concludes', 'sara', 'jonathan', 'bloomingdale', 'enjoying', 'champagne', 'anniversary', 'spot', 'first', 'met'], [\"'in\", '1934', 'impoverished', 'painter', 'eben', 'adams', 'meets', 'fey', 'little', 'girl', 'named', 'jennie', 'appleton', 'central', 'park', 'new', 'york', 'wearing', 'old-fashioned', 'clothing', 'makes', 'sketch', 'memory', 'involves', 'art', 'dealer', 'miss', 'spinney', 'sees', 'potential', 'inspires', 'paint', 'portrait', 'jennie', 'eben', 'encounters', 'jennie', 'intermittent', 'intervals', 'strangely', 'appears', 'growing', 'much', 'rapidly', 'possible', 'soon', 'falls', 'love', 'puzzled', 'fact', 'seems', 'experiencing', 'events', 'discovers', 'took', 'place', 'many', 'years', 'previously', 'happened', 'sets', 'investigate', 'reveal', 'discovers', 'anyone', 'puzzled', 'finds'], ['following', 'graduation', 'college', 'friends', 'karen', 'wright', 'martha', 'dobie', 'transform', 'karen', 'massachusetts', 'farm', 'boarding', 'school', 'assistance', 'wealthy', 'benefactor', 'amelia', 'tilford', 'enrolls', 'malevolent', 'granddaughter', 'mary', 'karen', 'local', 'doctor', 'joe', 'cardin', 'begin', 'date', 'unaware', 'martha', 'love', 'complications', 'arise', 'martha', 'aunt', 'lily', 'mortar', 'comes', 'visit', 'one', 'evening', 'joe', 'falls', 'asleep', 'chair', 'martha', 'room', 'waiting', 'karen', 'return', 'school', 'leading', 'lily', 'jump', 'wrong', 'conclusion', 'martha', 'quarrel', 'lily', 'decides', 'leave', 'confronting', 'niece', 'suspicions', 'young', 'woman', 'true', 'feelings', 'joe', 'martha', 'discovers', 'rosalie', 'wells', 'listening', 'door', 'accidentally', 'closes', 'arm', 'slightly', 'injuring', 'mary', 'finds', 'missing', 'bracelet', 'belongs', 'another', 'student', 'among', 'rosalie', 'things', 'forces', 'revealing', 'overheard', 'outside', 'martha', 'room', 'mary', 'harbors', 'pathological', 'hatred', 'teachers', 'tells', 'grandmother', 'grossly', 'distorted', 'version', 'argument', 'martha', 'lily', 'suggesting', 'martha', 'joe', 'engaged', 'illicit', 'sexual', 'affair', 'coerces', 'rosalie', 'verifying', 'story', 'threatening', 'reveal', 'theft', 'bracelet', 'mrs.', 'tilford', 'shocked', 'revelation', 'parents', 'withdraw', 'daughters', 'school', 'leaving', 'martha', 'karen', 'mystified', 'one', 'girls', 'chauffeurs', 'tells', 'women', 'reason', 'behind', 'mass', 'exodus', 'confront', 'mrs.', 'tilford', 'terrified', 'theft', 'revealed', 'rosalie', 'insists', 'story', 'true', 'martha', 'karen', 'sue', 'mrs.', 'tilford', 'libel', 'lose', 'case', 'lily', 'fails', 'testify', 'behalf', 'later', 'claims', 'assumed', 'corroboration', 'unnecessary', 'although', 'women', 'humiliated', 'joe', 'dismissed', 'hospital', 'due', 'scandal', 'three', 'hope', 'repair', 'damage', 'lives', 'karen', 'joe', 'separate', 'ways', 'confesses', 'believes', 'story', 'mary', 'told', 'martha', 'admits', 'karen', 'loves', 'joe', 'assures', 'never', 'told', 'martha', 'decides', 'leave', 'lily', 'later', 'mentions', 'missing', 'bracelet', 'realizing', 'happened', 'martha', 'confronts', 'rosalie', 'convinces', 'reveal', 'truth', 'aware', 'wrong', 'committed', 'mrs.', 'tilford', 'offers', 'martha', 'compensation', 'martha', 'asks', 'tell', 'karen', 'truth', 'urge', 'reunite', 'joe'], ['ingrid', 'bergman', 'played', 'notorious', 'woman', 'comes', 'back', 'new', 'orleans', 'falls', 'texas', 'gambler', 'portrayed', 'gary', 'cooper', '1875', 'clio', 'dulaine', 'illegitimate', 'daughter', 'aristocratic', 'new', 'orleans', 'creole', 'man', 'light-skinned', 'creole', 'woman', 'color', 'plac챕e', 'returns', 'paris', 'birthplace', 'rampart', 'street', 'avenge', 'mother', 'mistreatment', 'hands', 'father', 'family', 'dulaines', 'years', 'ago', 'clio', 'mother', 'accidentally', 'killed', 'dulaine', 'tried', 'prevent', 'committing', 'suicide', 'scandalized', 'dulaines', 'exiled', 'clio', 'mother', 'paris', 'clio', 'accompanied', 'haitian', 'maid', 'angelique', 'dwarf', 'manservant', 'cupidon', 'fixing', 'rundown', 'house', 'rampart', 'street', 'clio', 'ventures', 'hoping', 'encounter', 'dulaines', 'consisting', 'father', 'widow', 'mother', 'daughter', 'clio', 'half-sister', 'charlotte', 'th챕r챔se', 'french', 'marketplace', 'clio', 'stops', 'bowl', 'jambalaya', 'immediately', 'attracted', 'clint', 'maroon', 'tall', 'texan', 'white', 'hat', 'eating', 'counter', 'attraction', 'mutual', 'clint', 'offers', 'drive', 'clio', 'cathedral', 'carriage', 'disapproving', 'angelique', 'interferes', 'clio', 'leaves', 'without', 'service', 'clio', 'angelique', 'cupidon', 'breakfast', 'begue', 'restaurant', 'patronized', 'dulaines', 'every', 'sunday', 'announcing', 'maitre', 'relative', 'clio', 'sits', 'table', 'reserved', 'dulaines', 'dulaines', 'arrive', 'recognize', 'resemblance', 'mother', 'leave', 'without', 'confrontation', 'clint', 'clio', 'meet', 'restaurant', 'afterward', 'drives', 'home', 'clio', 'clint', 'begin', 'courtship', 'eventually', 'clint', 'moves', 'clio', 'house', 'although', 'clio', 'clint', 'love', 'clio', 'obsessed', 'plans', 'revenge', 'intends', 'marry', 'rich', 'powerful', 'man', 'prove', 'good', 'father', 'family', 'clint', 'gambler', 'never', 'intends', 'marry', 'revenge', 'railroaders', 'ruined', 'father', 'texas', 'clio', 'continues', 'embarrass', 'dulaines', 'every', 'opportunity', 'planning', 'necessary', 'sabotage', 'society', 'debut', 'half-sister', 'charlotte', 'th챕r챔se', 'clint', 'exasperated', 'clio', 'unrelenting', 'machinations', 'leaves', 'saratoga', 'springs', 'new', 'york', 'result', 'clio', 'scheming', 'dulaines', 'pay', '10,000', 'agree', 'destroy', 'rampart', 'street', 'house', 'bury', 'mother', 'new', 'orleans', 'cemetery', 'later', 'clio', 'joins', 'clint', 'saratoga', 'springs', 'plots', 'marry', 'wealthy', 'railroad', 'heir', 'bartholomew', 'van', 'steed', 'clio', 'arrival', 'angelique', 'cupidon', 'causes', 'quite', 'stir', 'hotel', 'completely', 'booked', 'clint', 'calling', 'colonel', 'maroon', 'offers', 'clio', 'two', 'rooms', 'suite', 'privately', 'explains', 'bart', 'owns', 'railroad', 'saratoga', 'trunk', 'suddenly', 'worth', 'millions', 'dollars', 'connects', 'coal', 'country', 'new', 'york', 'railroader', 'raymond', 'soule', 'man', 'ruined', 'clint', 'father', 'trying', 'steal', 'railroad', 'bart', 'clio', 'poses', 'widow', 'french', 'count', 'claim', 'many', 'doubt', 'unexpectedly', 'backed', 'socialite', 'mrs.', 'coventry', 'bellop', 'intensely', 'dislikes', 'van', 'steed', 'mother', 'clio', 'beauty', 'melodramatic', 'posturing', 'quickly', 'capture', 'bart', 'attentions', 'meantime', 'clint', 'offers', 'save', 'saratoga', 'trunk', 'soule', 'exchange', 'shares', 'railroad', 'clio', 'learns', 'bart', 'paying', 'clint', 'dirty', 'work', 'hysterically', 'accuses', 'cowardice', 'sends', 'away', 'excites', 'bart', 'explains', 'knows', 'background', 'wants', 'marry', 'anyway', 'costume', 'ball', 'evening', 'interrupted', 'arrival', 'clint', 'cupidon', 'seriously', 'wounded', 'pitched', 'battle', 'soule', 'men', 'clio', 'realizes', 'loves', 'clint', 'much', 'marry', 'another', 'man', 'nurses', 'back', 'health', 'clint', 'tells', 'clio', 'saved', 'saratoga', 'trunk', 'soule', 'railroad', 'shares', 'made', 'rich', 'man', 'plans', 'eventually', 'take', 'trunk', 'line', 'van', 'steed'], ['film', 'starts', 'david', 'clemens', 'brought', 'residential', 'treatment', 'center', 'apparently', 'caring', 'mother', 'becomes', 'upset', 'one', 'inmates', 'brushes', 'hand', 'believes', 'touches', 'kill', 'cold', 'distant', 'mainly', 'concentrates', 'studies', 'especially', 'clocks', 'appears', 'obsessed', 'later', 'learn', 'recurring', 'dream', 'murders', 'people', 'means', 'giant', 'clock', 'meets', 'lisa', 'brandt', 'girl', 'two', 'personalities', 'one', 'lisa', 'speak', 'rhymes', 'muriel', 'speak', 'write', 'david', 'befriends', 'talking', 'rhymes', 'following', 'argument', 'mother', 'comes', 'visit', 'parents', 'decide', 'leave', 'place', 'staying', 'house', 'short', 'time', 'david', 'runs', 'away', 'goes', 'back', 'residential', 'treatment', 'center', 'allowed', 'stay', 'small', 'argument', 'lisa', 'takes', 'train', 'city', 'unnoticed', 'anyone', 'final', 'scene', 'david', 'realizes', 'would', 'back', 'museum', 'embraced', 'statue', 'finds', 'lisa', 'appears', 'cured', \"n't\", 'need', 'rhyme', 'anymore', 'david', 'allows', 'hold', 'hand', 'way', 'back'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'kate', 'collins', 'walking', 'house', 'knocks', 'woman', 'answers', 'door', 'kate', 'explains', 'although', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'long', 'story', 'explain', 'story', 'begins', 'death', 'grandfather', 'edmund', 'collins', 'movie', 'goes', 'show', 'family', 'members', 'found', 'death', 'came', 'together', 'funeral', 'collins', 'family', 'joins', 'widowed', 'mother/grandmother', 'charlotte', 'collins', 'family\\\\', 'dysfunctions', 'idiosyncrasies', 'come', 'light', 'kate\\\\', 'father', 'daniel', 'collins', 'obscure', 'foreign', 'film', 'actor', 'whose', 'career', 'peaked', 'age', 'appeared', 'peanut', 'butter', 'commercial', 'kate\\\\', 'uncle', 'skip', 'collins', 'overly', 'hormonal', 'father', 'overly', 'hormonal', 'twin', 'sons', 'managed', 'run', 'mother', 'family', 'kate\\\\', 'aunt', 'lucy', 'collins', 'girlfriend', 'judy', 'arnolds', 'criticised', 'throughout', 'movie', 'relationship', 'criticism', 'comes', 'kate\\\\', 'aunt', 'alice', 'collins', 'bossy', 'intimidating', 'alice', 'managed', 'raise', 'three', 'children', 'drive', 'husband', 'submissive', 'silence', 'persistent', 'talking', 'badgering', 'arrive', 'family', 'home', 'kate', 'told', 'charlotte', 'grandfather', 'wished', 'give', 'eulogy', 'funeral', 'family', 'dinner', 'goes', 'south', 'lucy', 'judy', 'announce', 'getting', 'married', 'tired', 'family', 'feuding', 'charlotte', 'tries', 'commit', 'suicide', 'overdosing', 'medication', 'family', 'sits', 'waiting', 'room', 'run', 'samantha', 'nurse', 'hospital', 'also', 'old', 'friend', 'alice\\\\', 'stomach', 'pumped', 'rejoining', 'family', 'tries', 'jumping', 'moving', 'van', 'bridge', 'although', 'die', 'seriously', 'injured', 'spends', 'remainder', 'movie', 'wheelchair', 'film', 'kate', 'continually', 'tries', 'come', 'eulogy', 'dealing', 'previous', 'romance', 'ryan', 'ran', 'away', 'caught', 'ryan\\\\', 'mother', 'came', 'home', 'ryan', 'kate', 'sex', 'kate', 'gets', 'reacquainted', 'ryan', 'relationship', 'reignites', 'edmund\\\\', 'reading', 'revealed', 'edmund', 'three', 'families', \"don\\\\'t\", 'know', 'explains', 'edmund\\\\', 'inability', 'keep', 'names', 'number', 'children', 'straight', 'years', 'also', 'dropping', 'bomb', 'prostate', 'debt', 'kate', 'tasked', 'finding', 'telling', 'two', 'families', 'edmund\\\\', 'demise', 'ultimately', 'per', 'edmund\\\\', 'placed', 'casket', 'floated', 'local', 'lake', 'boat', 'ted', 'fred', 'previously', 'filled', 'casket', 'gasoline', 'start', 'shooting', 'fiery', 'arrows', 'bow', 'casket', 'time', 'kate', 'finally', 'gives', 'eulogy', 'one', 'arrows', 'eventually', 'hits', 'casket', 'moment', 'later', 'casket', 'completely', 'unexpectedly', 'explodes', 'fiery', 'explosion', 'completely', 'demolishes', 'boat', 'body', 'casket', 'splintery', 'mess', 'movie', 'ends', 'kate', 'talking', 'woman', 'beginning', 'film', 'woman', 'explains', 'actually', 'person', 'looking', 'rather', 'neighbor'], [\"'set\", '1950s', 'film', 'begins', 'confrontation', 'two', 'men', 'one', 'clare', 'quilty', 'drunk', 'incoherent', 'plays', 'chopin\\\\', 'polonaises', 'piano', 'shot', 'shooter', 'humbert', 'humbert', '40-something', 'british', 'professor', 'french', 'literature', 'four', 'years', 'earlier', 'humbert', 'arrives', 'ramsdale', 'new', 'hampshire', 'intending', 'spend', 'summer', 'professorship', 'begins', 'beardsley', 'college', 'ohio', 'searches', 'room', 'let', 'charlotte', 'haze', 'blowsy', 'sexually', 'frustrated', 'widow', 'invites', 'stay', 'house', 'declines', 'seeing', 'daughter', 'dolores', 'affectionately', 'called', 'lolita', 'lolita', 'soda-pop', 'drinking', 'gum-snapping', 'overtly', 'flirtatious', 'teenager', 'humbert', 'falls', 'love', 'close', 'lolita', 'humbert', 'accepts', 'charlotte\\\\', 'offer', 'becomes', 'lodger', 'haze', 'household', 'charlotte', 'wants', 'hum\\\\', 'time', 'soon', 'announces', 'sending', 'lolita', 'all-girl', 'sleepaway', 'camp', 'summer', 'hazes', 'depart', 'camp', 'maid', 'gives', 'humbert', 'letter', 'charlotte', 'confessing', 'love', 'demanding', 'vacate', 'unless', 'feels', 'way', 'letter', 'says', 'humbert', 'still', 'house', 'returns', 'charlotte', 'know', 'love', 'requited', 'must', 'marry', 'though', 'roars', 'laughter', 'reading', 'sadly', 'heartfelt', 'yet', 'characteristically', 'overblown', 'letter', 'humbert', 'marries', 'charlotte', 'things', 'turn', 'sour', 'couple', 'absence', 'lolita', 'humbert', 'becomes', 'withdrawn', 'charlotte', 'becomes', 'whiny', 'charlotte', 'discovers', 'humbert', 'diary', 'entries', 'detailing', 'passion', 'lolita', 'characterizing', 'haze', 'woman', 'cow', 'obnoxious', 'mama', 'brainless', 'baba', 'hysterical', 'outburst', 'humbert', 'hurriedly', 'fixes', 'martinis', 'kitchen', 'smooth', 'situation', 'runs', 'outside', 'hit', 'car', 'dies', 'humbert', 'drives', 'camp', 'pick', 'lolita', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'yet', 'know', 'mother', 'dead', 'stay', 'night', 'hotel', 'handling', 'overflow', 'influx', 'police', 'officers', 'attending', 'convention', 'one', 'guests', 'quilty', 'pretends', 'policeman', 'insinuates', 'upon', 'humbert', 'keeps', 'steering', 'conversation', 'beautiful', 'little', 'daughter', 'asleep', 'upstairs', 'repeating', 'often', 'thinks', 'humbert', 'normal', 'humbert', 'escapes', 'quilty\\\\', 'advances', 'next', 'morning', 'humbert', 'lolita', 'enter', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'two', 'commence', 'odyssey', 'across', 'united', 'states', 'traveling', 'hotel', 'motel', 'public', 'act', 'father', 'daughter', 'several', 'days', 'humbert', 'tells', 'lolita', 'mother', 'sick', 'hospital', 'previously', 'told', 'dead', 'grief-stricken', 'stays', 'humbert', 'fall', 'humbert', 'reports', 'position', 'beardsley', 'college', 'enrolls', 'lolita', 'high', 'school', 'long', 'people', 'begin', 'wonder', 'relationship', 'father', 'over-protected', 'daughter', 'humbert', 'worries', 'involvement', 'school', 'play', 'male', 'classmates', 'one', 'night', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'dr.', 'zempf', 'pushy', 'abrasive', 'stranger', 'sitting', 'darkened', 'living', 'room', 'zempf', 'speaking', 'thick', 'german', 'accent', 'claims', 'lolita\\\\', 'school', 'wants', 'discuss', 'knowledge', 'facts', 'life', 'humbert', 'frightened', 'decides', 'take', 'lolita', 'road', 'soon', 'realizes', 'followed', 'mysterious', 'car', 'never', 'drops', 'away', 'never', 'quite', 'catches', 'lolita', 'becomes', 'sick', 'takes', 'hospital', 'however', 'returns', 'pick', 'gone', 'nurse', 'tells', 'left', 'another', 'man', 'claiming', 'uncle', 'humbert', 'devastated', 'left', 'without', 'single', 'clue', 'disappearance', 'whereabouts', 'years', 'later', 'humbert', 'receives', 'letter', 'mrs.', 'richard', 'schiller', 'lolita\\\\', 'married', 'name', 'writes', 'married', 'man', 'named', 'dick', 'pregnant', 'desperate', 'need', 'money', 'humbert', 'travels', 'home', 'finds', 'roundly', 'expectant', 'woman', 'glasses', 'leading', 'pleasant', 'humdrum', 'life', 'humbert', 'demands', 'tell', 'kidnapped', 'three', 'years', 'earlier', 'tells', 'clare', 'quilty', 'man', 'following', 'famous', 'playwright', 'mother', 'fling', 'ramsdale', 'days', 'states', 'quilty', 'also', 'one', 'disguised', 'policeman', 'dr.', 'zempf', 'well', 'well', 'anonymous', 'phone', 'caller', 'earlier', 'lolita', 'carried', 'affair', 'left', 'promised', 'glamor', 'however', 'demanded', 'join', 'depraved', 'lifestyle', 'including', 'acting', 'art', 'films', 'humbert', 'begs', 'lolita', 'leave', 'husband', 'come', 'away', 'declines', 'humbert', 'gives', 'lolita', '13,000', 'explaining', 'sale', 'mother\\\\', 'house', 'leaves', 'shoot', 'quilty', 'mansion', 'film', 'began', 'epilogue', 'explains', 'humbert', 'died', 'coronary', 'thrombosis', 'awaiting', 'trial', 'quilty\\\\', 'murder'], ['film', 'lillian', 'travers', 'wealthy', 'northern', 'woman', 'married', 'takes', 'magical', 'seed', 'transforms', 'user', 'opposite', 'gender', 'lillian', 'transformation', 'lawrence', 'talbot', 'also', 'read', 'transformation', 'butch', 'lesbian', 'reading', 'bolstered', 'later', 'transformation', 'lillian', 'fianc챕', 'appears', 'effemininate', 'gay', 'man'], [\"'winnie\", 'pooh', 'friends', 'hear', 'strange', 'noise', 'find', 'set', 'large', 'perfectly', 'circular', 'footprints', 'hundred', 'acre', 'wood', 'jump', 'conclusion', 'noise', 'prints', 'heffalump', 'rabbit', 'organizes', 'expedition', 'try', 'catch', 'disappointed', 'roo', 'told', 'stay', 'behind', 'everyone', 'believes', 'expedition', 'dangerous', 'one', 'young', 'roo', 'slips', 'search', 'heffalump', 'soon', 'finds', 'one', 'playful', 'young', 'four-footed', 'creature', 'named', 'heffridge', 'trumpler', 'brompet', 'heffalump', 'coloured', 'lavender', 'british', 'accent', 'trunk', 'like', 'elephant', 'much', 'larger', 'roo', 'roo', 'afraid', 'first', 'two', 'quickly', 'become', 'friends', 'play', 'lumpy', 'hears', 'mother', 'calling', 'come', 'home', 'roo', 'wants', 'lumpy', 'come', 'home', 'meet', 'friends', 'first', 'head', 'towards', 'hundred', 'acre', 'wood', 'get', 'fence', 'lumpy', 'suddenly', 'stops', 'thinking', 'creatures', 'live', 'scary', 'roo', 'reassures', 'return', 'hundred', 'acre', 'wood', 'deserted', 'everyone', 'else', 'still', 'searching', 'heffalump', 'roo', 'lumpy', 'soon', 'become', 'great', 'friends', 'find', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'different', 'playing', 'two', 'friends', 'hear', 'lumpy\\\\', 'mother', 'calling', 'come', 'home', 'lumpy', 'roo', 'search', 'mother', 'nowhere', 'seen', 'lumpy', 'uses', 'trunk', 'call', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'work', 'hours', 'searching', 'lumpy', 'assumes', 'never', 'find', 'starts', 'cry', 'roo', 'sings', 'part', 'song', 'lumpy', 'mother', 'sang', 'earlier', 'film', 'gives', 'roo', 'idea', 'could', 'find', 'mother', 'see', 'help', 'lumpy', 'soon', 'find', 'kanga', 'rest', 'gang', 'rabbit', 'thinks', 'lumpy', 'captured', 'roo', 'gang', 'starts', 'chase', 'lumpy', 'traps', 'set', 'earlier', 'film', 'fails', 'lumpy', 'escapes', 'traps', 'set', 'running', 'lumpy', 'roo', 'gets', 'caught', 'last', 'trap', 'frightened', 'lumpy', 'keeps', 'running', 'escapes', 'woods', 'roo', 'manages', 'get', 'trap', 'runs', 'find', 'lumpy', 'quickly', 'sees', 'trapped', 'giant', 'cage', 'lumpy', 'madly', 'tells', 'friend', 'broke', 'promise', 'roo', 'said', 'friends', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'frightening', 'roo', 'makes', 'many', 'attempts', 'break', 'cage', 'fails', 'work', 'roo', 'apologizes', 'everything', 'explains', 'fault', 'roo', 'looks', 'cage', 'soon', 'sees', 'way', 'free', 'friend', 'untie', 'rope', 'holding', 'cage', 'together', 'climbs', 'way', 'top', 'unties', 'rope', 'frees', 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'lumpy\\\\', 'mother', 'tells', 'it\\\\', 'time', 'home', 'lumpy', 'says', 'goodbye', 'friend', 'roo', 'better', 'idea', 'pleads', 'mom', 'bit', 'longer', 'movie', 'ended', 'roo', 'lumpy', 'playing', 'together', 'end', 'credits', 'show', 'lumpy', 'roo', 'tigger', 'rabbit', 'eeyore', 'piglet', 'even', 'christopher', 'robin', 'best', 'friends'], [\"'josch\", 'klauser', 'mike', 'younger', 'sister', 'nic', 'experience', 'ups', 'downs', 'search', 'first', 'love', 'josch', 'oldest', 'three', 'big', 'fan', 'dracula', 'mentally', 'handicapped', 'falls', 'love', 'nadine', 'girlfriend', 'brother', 'mike'], ['young', 'fast', 'food', 'worker', 'named', 'sally', 'jackson', 'unwittingly', 'falls', 'love', 'dorian', 'montier', 'stepson', 'lover', 'henry', 'lever', 'chris', 'ellis', 'discovers', 'henry', 'married', 'disgusted', 'leaves', 'although', 'pregnant', 'child', 'dorian', 'brother', 'angus', 'army', 'helicopter', 'pilots', 'accidentally', 'kill', 'scaring', 'death', 'chasing', 'car', 'appears', 'ah-1', 'attack', 'helicopter', 'decide', 'meet', 'woman', 'cheating', 'search', 'sally', 'dorian', 'fall', 'love', 'gets', 'job', 'burger-matic', 'take', 'day', 'work', 'funeral', 'spots', 'dorian', 'also', 'faced', 'dealing', 'feelings', 'mother', 'beatrice', 'lever', 'angus', 'homicidal', 'desires', 'revenge'], [\"'on\", 'christmas', 'eve', '1989', 'aspiring', 'filmmaker', 'mark', 'cohen', 'roommate', 'roger', 'davis', 'learn', 'rent', 'previously', 'waived', 'former', 'friend', 'landlord', 'benjamin', '쏝enny', 'coffin', 'iii', 'due', 'time', 'former', 'roommate', 'tom', 'collins', 'shows', 'gets', 'mugged', 'alleyway', 'meanwhile', 'mark', 'roger', 'meet', 'benny', 'tells', 'plans', 'evict', 'homeless', 'nearby', 'lot', 'build', 'cyber', 'studio', 'place', 'offers', 'free', 'rent', 'get', 'maureen', 'mark\\\\', 'ex-girlfriend', 'cancel', 'protest', 'plans', 'refuse', 'street', 'drummer', 'drag', 'queen', 'angel', 'finds', 'collins', 'alleyway', 'helps', 'bond', 'find', 'aids', 'later', 'night', 'roger', 'hiv-positive', 'ex-druggie', 'tries', 'compose', 'one', 'last', 'great', 'song', 'he\\\\', 'visited', 'downstairs', 'neighbour', 'mimi', 'exotic', 'dancer', 'heroin', 'addict', 'flirts', 'next', 'day', 'mark', 'roger', 'visited', 'collins', 'angel', 'arrive', 'bearing', 'gifts', 'invite', 'mark', 'roger', 'attend', 'life', 'support', 'local', 'aids', 'support', 'group', 'meeting', 'roger', 'turns', 'mark', 'heads', 'help', 'fix', 'maureen\\\\', 'sound', 'equipment', 'protest', 'runs', 'joanne', 'maureen\\\\', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'bonds', 'discuss', 'maureen\\\\', 'promiscuity', 'afterwards', 'mark', 'arrives', 'slightly', 'late', 'life', 'support', 'meeting', 'night', 'mimi', 'finishes', 'dancing', 'returns', 'home', 'flirts', 'roger', 'roger', 'whose', 'ex-girlfriend', 'killed', 'learning', 'hiv-positive', 'rebukes', 'advances', 'throws', 'next', 'day', 'arrives', 'another', 'life', 'support', 'meeting', 'much', 'joy', 'friends', 'later', 'attend', 'maureen\\\\', 'protest', 'benny', 'police', 'standby', 'riot', 'ensues', 'mark', 'films', 'sells', 'footage', 'buzzline', 'local', 'news', 'program', 'life', 'cafe', 'show', 'benny', 'criticizes', 'groups\\\\', 'bohemian', 'lifestyle', 'respond', 'joyous', 'celebration', 'commotion', 'mimi', 'roger', 'learn', 'hiv-positive', 'roger', 'mimi', 'express', 'interest', 'outside', 'cafe', 'new', 'years', 'day', 'group', 'finds', 'benny', 'padlocked', 'apartment', 'angel', 'solves', 'problem', 'breaking', 'lock', 'garbage', 'support', 'mark', 'takes', 'job', 'buzzline', 'another', 'fight', 'maureen', 'proposes', 'joanne', 'relationship', 'quickly', 'ends', 'maureen', 'flirts', 'another', 'woman', 'commitment', 'ceremony', 'persuaded', 'mimi', 'ex-girlfriend', 'benny', 'gives', 'group', 'back', 'apartment', 'roger', 'quickly', 'grows', 'distrustful', 'mimi', 'relationship', 'ends', 'meanwhile', 'angel\\\\', 'condition', 'gets', 'worse', 'dies', 'collins\\\\', 'arms', 'angel\\\\', 'funeral', 'group', 'goes', 'separate', 'ways', 'bitter', 'argument', 'roger', 'sells', 'guitar', 'buys', 'car', 'moves', 'santa', 'returns', 'realizes', 'still', 'loves', 'mimi', 'meanwhile', 'mark', 'quits', 'job', 'buzzline', 'pursue', 'film', 'christmas', 'eve', '1990', 'mark', 'roger', 'reunite', 'collins', 'reveals', 'reprogrammed', 'atm', 'dispense', 'cash', 'someone', 'inputs', 'a-n-g-e-l.', 'however', 'joanne', 'maureen', 'find', 'mimi', 'streets', 'near', 'death', 'mimi', 'roger', 'reconcile', 'sings', 'song', 'written', 'past', 'year', 'mimi', 'appears', 'die', 'suddenly', 'awakens', 'tells', 'heading', 'light', 'angel', 'told', 'back', 'mark\\\\', 'documentary', 'shown', 'first', 'time', 'friends', 'reaffirm', 'day', 'today'], ['plot', 'fegele', 'abramovich', 'russian', 'jew', 'separated', 'father', 'child', '1927.', 'father', 'traveled', 'america', 'seek', 'fortune', 'plans', 'send', 'fegele', 'grandmother', 'leaving', 'sings', 'crois', 'entendre', 'encore', 'bizet', 'opera', 'les', 'p챗cheurs', 'perles', 'father', 'leaves', 'village', 'attacked', 'burned', 'pogrom', 'fegele', 'escapes', 'help', 'neighbors', 'many', 'obstacles', 'crowded', 'onto', 'boat', 'headed', 'britain', 'photo', 'father', 'coin', 'given', 'grandmother', 'upon', 'arrival', 'english', 'official', 'renames', 'susan', 'places', 'foster', 'parents', 'english', 'students', 'school', 'taunt', 'calling', 'gypsy', 'yet', 'understand', 'english', 'teacher', 'school', 'overhears', 'singing', 'crois', 'entendre', 'encore', 'yiddish', 'teaches', 'sing', 'speak', 'english', 'time', 'passes', 'suzie', 'auditions', 'singing', 'dance', 'troupe', 'heading', 'paris', 'meets', 'older', 'russian', 'dancer', 'lola', 'share', 'apartment', 'friends', 'formal', 'party', 'women', 'perform', 'dancers', 'alongside', 'mysterious', 'performing', 'horseman', 'cesar', 'romani', 'suzie', 'attracted', 'performance', 'outside', 'overhear', 'tenor', 'inside', 'singing', 'crois', 'entendre', 'encore', 'voice', 'belongs', 'dante', 'italian', 'opera', 'singer', 'immediately', 'catches', 'lola\\\\', 'eye', 'lola', 'works', 'way', 'good', 'graces', 'falls', 'charms', 'enticed', 'wealth', 'success', 'dante', 'lola', 'suzie', 'cesar', 'work', 'opera', 'company', 'directed', 'felix', 'perlman', 'dante', 'imperious', 'follower', 'mussolini', 'alienates', 'suzie', 'even', 'becomes', 'lola\\\\', 'lover', 'meanwhile', 'cesar', 'introduces', 'suzie', 'family', 'fall', 'love', 'one', 'day', 'dante', 'rifling', 'suzie\\\\', 'things', 'dalliance', 'lola', 'apartment', 'deduces', 'jewish', 'heritage', 'finding', 'father\\\\', 'photo', 'elderly', 'jewish', 'neighbor', 'downstairs', 'madame', 'goldstein', 'also', 'knows', 'suzie', 'jewish', 'warned', 'dangers', 'horizon', 'germans', 'invade', 'poland', 'following', 'year', 'germans', 'invade', 'france', 'approach', 'paris', 'exodus', 'begins', 'jews', 'people', 'threatened', 'nazism', 'crowds', 'operatic', 'show', 'dwindle', 'eventually', 'cast', 'members', 'left', 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'find', 'father', 'share', 'tender', 'last', 'evening', 'together', 'suzie', 'lola', 'leave', 'ship', 'america', 'suzie', 'sings', 'onstage', 'dinner', 'ship\\\\', 'guests', 'night', 'ship', 'attacked', 'sunk', 'frequent', 'occurrence', 'time', 'lola', 'killed', 'suzie', 'rescued', 'wreckage', 'passing', 'boat', 'taken', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'suzie', 'searches', 'father', 'discovers', 'changed', 'name', 'gave', 'singing', 'moved', 'west', 'hearing', 'attack', 'home', 'village', 'assumed', 'killed', 'members', 'family', 'suzie', 'goes', 'hollywood', 'father', 'studio', 'head', 'discovers', 'new', 'family', 'dying', 'goes', 'hospital', 'walks', 'past', 'new', 'wife', 'children', 'waiting', 'outside', 'door', 'room', 'reunited', 'father', 'recognizes', 'expresses', 'joy', 'appearance', 'sits', 'side', 'bed', 'sings', 'crois', 'entendre', 'encore', 'yiddish', 'tears', 'roll', 'face'], ['berke', 'landers', 'ben', 'foster', 'girlfriend', 'allison', 'quintessential', 'high-school', 'couple', 'breaks', 'immediately', 'film', 'begins', 'begins', 'new', 'relationship', 'striker', \"'foreign\", 'student', 'lead', 'singer', 'boy', 'band', 'allison', 'striker', 'audition', 'school', 'upcoming', 'musical', 'berke', 'desperately', 'tries', 'win', 'allison', 'back', 'also', 'auditioning', 'play', 'despite', 'theatrical', 'talent', 'busy', 'schedule', 'member', 'basketball', 'team', 'meanwhile', 'berke', 'friends', 'felix', 'dennis', 'try', 'find', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'help', 'felix', 'younger', 'sister', 'kelly', 'talented', 'songwriter', 'singer', 'berke', 'wins', 'minor', 'role', 'play', 'modern', 'musical', 'version', 'shakespeare', 'comedy', 'midsummer', 'night', 'dream', 'called', 'midsummer', 'night', 'rockin', 'eve', 'written', 'directed', 'school', 'domineering', 'drama', 'teacher', 'dr.', 'desmond', 'oates', 'striker', 'plays', 'demetrius', 'allison', 'plays', 'hermia', 'kelly', 'plays', 'helena', 'lysander', 'played', 'school', 'star', 'actor', 'peter', 'wong', 'peter', 'injured', 'freak', 'accident', 'striker', 'nominates', 'berke', 'take', 'role', 'lysander', 'still', 'intent', 'winning', 'allison', 'back', 'berke', 'accepts', 'gradually', 'improves', 'continuing', 'assistance', 'kelly', 'remains', 'unaware', 'growing', 'attraction', 'two', 'meanwhile', 'oates', 'blames', 'kelly', 'singing', 'poorly', 'written', 'song', 'rejects', 'suggestions', 'improve', 'party', 'berke', 'house', 'kelly', 'kisses', 'berke', 'insists', 'relationship', 'could', 'work', 'felix', 'sister', 'leaves', 'annoyed', 'unwillingness', 'move', 'life', 'felix', 'coming', 'across', 'two', 'punches', 'berke', 'party', 'berke', 'allison', 'catch', 'striker', 'cheating', 'allison', 'best', 'friend', 'maggie', 'allison', 'breaks', 'striker', 'play', 'opening', 'night', 'first', 'half', 'performance', 'goes', 'smoothly', 'except', 'onstage', 'scuffling', 'berke', 'striker', 'intermission', 'allison', 'confides', 'berke', 'wants', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'leaving', 'difficult', 'choice', 'kelly', 'meanwhile', 'striker', 'bribes', 'two', 'theater', 'technicians', 'try', 'blow', 'berke', 'using', 'stage', 'pyrotechnics', 'play', 'resumes', 'felix', 'gives', 'orchestra', 'sheet', 'music', 'love', 'ballad', 'written', 'kelly', 'replace', 'oates', 'unpopular', 'tune', 'curtain', 'rises', 'kelly', 'sings', 'song', 'beautifully', 'berke', 'reminded', 'time', 'together', 'finally', 'realizes', 'loves', 'fourth', 'act', 'begins', 'abandons', 'lines', 'script', 'makes', 'verse', 'professing', 'character', 'love', 'kelly', 'character', 'helena', 'audience', 'applauds', 'berke', 'kelly', 'kiss', 'striker', 'protests', 'change', 'unwittingly', 'signals', 'technicians', 'set', 'explosion', 'blowing', 'offstage', 'kelly', 'berke', 'leave', 'theater', 'show', 'looking', 'forward', 'future', 'together', 'discuss', 'next', 'night', 'performance'], ['film', 'tells', 'modern', 'love', 'story', 'set', 'period', 'months', 'london', 'england', 'young', 'couple', 'matt', 'british', 'climatologist', 'lisa', 'american', 'exchange', 'student', 'story', 'framed', 'personal', 'review', 'matt', 'perspective', 'working', 'antarctica', 'main', 'common', 'interest', 'passion', 'live', 'music', 'frequently', 'attend', 'rock', 'concerts', 'together', 'film', 'depicts', 'couple', 'matt', 'alone', 'watching', 'nine', 'songs', 'brixton', 'academy', 'concert', 'venues', 'also', 'shows', 'weekend', 'getaway', 'countryside', 'travels', 'around', 'london', 'lisa', 'brings', 'short', 'intense', 'relationship', 'end', 'christmas', 'time', 'returns', 'home', 'united', 'states'], [\"'belgian\", 'teenager', 'angela', 'skilled', 'drawing', 'meets', 'subsequently', 'falls', 'love', 'attractive', 'japanese', 'encouraged', 'goes', 'japan', 'work', 'exclusive', 'club', 'rich', 'businessmen', 'like', 'meet', 'young', 'blonde', 'women', 'start', 'film', 'surreal', 'unique', 'characters', 'clear', 'sharp', 'cinematography', 'slow', 'panning', 'camera', 'work', 'manga', 'drawings', 'also', 'used', 'enhance', 'plot', 'ambiance', 'angela', 'seeks', 'work', 'aforementioned', 'club', 'begrudgingly', 'let', 'met', 'derision', 'girls', 'working', 'however', 'despite', 'spurned', 'girls', 'soon', 'proves', 'favourite', 'among', 'patrons', 'pretending', 'lolita-style', '15-year-old', 'please', 'businessmen', 'plot', 'sinister', 'undertone', 'possibility', 'murder', 'girl', 'larissa', 'angela', 'replaced', 'film', 'goes', 'learn', 'larissa', 'possibly', 'murdered', 'japanese', 'men', 'search', 'sick', 'sexual', 'fantasy', 'fulfillment', 'envious', 'jealous', 'hands', 'workmates', 'last', 'scenes', 'learn', 'larissa', 'lives', 'furthermore', 'angela', 'heralded', 'contract', 'manga', 'artist'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'li챔gehttp', '//movieraccoon.com/2004/love-me-if-you-dare/', 'belgium', 'little', 'girl', 'sophie', 'bullied', 'children', 'bus', 'driver', 'boy', 'julien', 'help', 'collect', 'books', 'others', 'thrown', 'puddle', 'cheer', 'sophie', 'julien', 'gives', 'small', 'tin', 'box', 'gift', 'fatally', 'ill', 'mother', 'important', 'asks', 'lend', 'back', 'time', 'time', 'julien', 'wants', 'box', 'back', 'moment', 'gave', 'sophie', 'demands', 'proof', 'important', 'julien', 'disengages', 'handbrake', 'bus', 'without', 'hesitation', 'bus', 'full', 'children', 'rolls', 'hill', 'game', 'begun', 'box', 'changes', 'owner', 'completed', 'dare', 'son', 'wealthy', 'belgian', 'parents', 'daughter', 'poor', 'polish', 'immigrants', 'lasting', 'friendship', 'develops', 'children', 'misbehave', 'school', 'wreak', 'havoc', 'wedding', 'ask', 'silly', 'tasks', 'teenagers', 'lovers', 'suffer', 'dares', 'meanwhile', 'two', 'friends', 'ignore', 'consequences', 'punishment', 'game', 'always', 'looking', 'next', 'kick', 'love', 'slowly', 'evolving', 'protagonists', 'wanting', 'admit', 'divert', 'attention', 'even', 'extreme', 'dares', 'young', 'adults', 'julien', 'tells', 'sophie', 'wants', 'get', 'married', 'later', 'revealing', 'means', 'someone', 'else', 'climax', 'reached', 'sophie', 'interrupts', 'julien\\\\', 'wedding', 'cast', 'father', 'sophie', 'nearly', 'killed', 'another', 'game', 'julien', 'returns', 'marry', 'wife', 'sophie', 'declares', 'see', 'ten', 'years', 'ten', 'years', 'pass', 'julien', 'married', 'two', 'children', 'sophie', 'also', 'married', 'husband', 'famous', 'soccer', 'star', 'successful', 'julien', 'admits', 'forgotten', 'sophie', 'though', 'assumes', 'forgotten', 'night', 'julien\\\\', 'tenth', 'wedding', 'anniversary', 'sophie', 'sends', 'message', 'indicating', 'game', 'back', 'julien', 'sophie', 'meet', 'brief', 'moment', 'midst', 'another', 'dare', 'yet', 'enough', 'remind', 'julien', 'game', 'better', 'life', 'dramatic', 'accident', 'julien', 'sophie', 'finally', 'reunite', 'despite', 'protestations', 'spouses', 'film', 'two', 'alternate', 'endings', 'shown', 'consequently', 'first', 'julien', 'sophie', 'decide', 'ultimate', 'dare', 'finally', 'share', 'dream', 'together', 'dream', 'eternal', 'love', 'pair', 'embrace', 'stand', 'construction', 'pit', 'filled', 'concrete', 'ending', 'aged', 'julien', 'sophie', 'spending', 'time', 'together', 'garden', 'carrying', 'playing', 'game', 'milder', 'dares', 'however', 'opening', 'scene', 'film', 'resurges', 'suggesting', 'two', 'friends', 'actually', 'bury', 'concrete'], ['helen', 'mccarter', 'husband', 'charles', 'steve', 'harris', 'attorney', 'money', 'success', 'fine', 'home', 'lives', 'perfect', '봟ut', 'looked', 'perfect', 'public', 'helen', 'unemployed', 'charles', 'multiple', 'affairs', '18th', 'anniversary', 'helen', 'awakens', 'find', 'belongings', 'packed', 'u-haul', 'truck', 'charles', 'kicking', 'house', 'favor', 'brenda', 'young', 'mistress', 'mother', 'two', 'children', 'helen', 'kicks', 'u-haul', 'driver', 'orlando', 'truck', 'heads', 'see', 'loud', 'sassy', 'grandmother', 'madea', 'takes', 'helps', 'get', 'back', 'feet', 'much', 'dismay', 'madea', 'brother', 'joe', 'joe', 'son', 'madea', 'nephew', 'brian', 'acts', 'madea', 'helen', 'attorney', 'trial', 'charles', 'brenda', 'catch', 'women', 'breaking', 'vandalizing', 'mansion', 'since', 'madea', 'repeat', 'offender', 'judge', 'mablean', 'ephriam', 'places', 'house', 'arrest', 'sets', '5,000', 'property', 'cash', 'bond', 'helen', 'meanwhile', 'brian', 'gets', 'last', 'straw', 'drug-addicted', 'wife', 'debrah', 'kicks', 'home', 'helen', 'learns', 'grow', 'pain', 'eventually', 'ready', 'move', 'despite', 'rocky', 'first', 'encounter', 'explores', 'second', 'chance', 'love', 'orlando', 'relationship', 'blooms', 'course', 'many', 'months', 'meanwhile', 'jamison', 'milton', 'jackson', 'coerces', 'charles', 'attorney', 'upcoming', 'trial', 'shooting', 'undercover', 'cop', 'drug', 'deal', '봞nd', 'possibly', 'bribe', 'judge', 'favor', 'forces', 'revelation', 'charles', 'received', 'money', 'drug', 'deals', 'buying', 'judges', 'divorce-court', 'session', 'helen', 'decides', 'let', 'charles', 'keep', 'money', 'property', 'provided', 'pays', 'brian', 'attorney', 'fees', 'also', 'wants', 'charles', 'pay', 'mother', 'stay', 'nursing', 'home', 'since', 'one', 'forced', 'put', 'mother', 'charles', 'happily', 'agrees', 'charles', 'loses', 'shooting', 'case', 'jurors', 'find', 'jamison', 'guilty', 'bailiff', 'leads', 'disgruntled', 'jamison', 'courtroom', 'jamison', 'snatches', 'bailiff', 'gun', 'shoots', 'charles', 'failing', 'get', 'acquitted', 'later', 'orlando', 'proposes', 'helen', 'promising', 'take', 'care', 'love', 'forever', 'helen', 'respond', 'sees', 'shooting', 'news', 'races', 'hospital', 'brian', 'run', 'brenda', 'doctor', 'informs', 'charles', 'shot', 'spine', 'could', 'paralyzed', 'life', 'asks', 'resuscitate', 'brenda', 'quickly', 'chooses', 'let', 'die', 'helen', 'still', 'charles', 'legal', 'wife', 'tells', 'doctors', 'everything', 'charles', 'recovers', 'returns', 'home', 'helen', 'resumes', 'verbal', 'abuse', 'helen', 'enough', 'retaliates', 'years', 'abuse', 'days', 'revealed', 'charles', 'hospital', 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'lives', 'work', 'martha', 'difficulty', 'relating', 'world', 'food', 'single-minded', 'obsession', 'culinary', 'craft', 'occasionally', 'leads', 'unpleasant', 'confrontations', 'customers', 'consequently', 'restaurant', 'owner', 'frida', 'requires', 'see', 'therapist', 'work', 'poor', 'interpersonal', 'skills', 'martha\\\\', 'therapy', 'sessions', 'however', 'turn', 'monologues', 'food', 'approach', 'stress', 'management', 'usually', 'involves', 'hiding', 'restaurant\\\\', 'walk-in', 'refrigerator', 'martha\\\\', 'life', 'takes', 'dramatic', 'turn', 'learns', 'sister', 'died', 'car', 'accident', 'leaving', 'behind', 'young', 'daughter', 'lina', 'girl\\\\', 'father', 'giuseppe', 'lorenzo', 'picture', 'years', 'living', 'somewhere', 'italy', 'martha', 'must', 'look', 'niece', 'depressed', 'withdrawn', 'refuses', 'eat', 'trying', 'cope', 'sister\\\\', 'death', 'difficulty', 'raising', 'young', 'girl', 'martha\\\\', 'world', 'complicated', 'frida', 'hires', 'funloving', 'unorthodox', 'mario', 'sous-chef', 'replace', 'lea', 'expecting', 'child', 'day', 'martha', 'looks', 'horror', 'mario', 'transforms', 'kitchen', 'precision', 'logistics', 'relaxed', 'banter', 'italian', 'music', 'unable', 'find', 'acceptable', 'babysitter', 'martha', 'starts', 'bring', 'lina', 'restaurant', 'lina', 'warms', 'mario\\\\', 'playfulness', 'even', 'devours', 'plate', 'spaghetti', 'he\\\\', 'prepared', 'touched', 'mario\\\\', 'kindness', 'concern', 'child', 'martha', 'becomes', 'accepting', 'mario', 'even', 'asks', 'help', 'locating', 'lina\\\\', 'father', 'italy', 'translating', 'letter', 'she\\\\', 'written', 'martha\\\\', 'relationship', 'lina', 'seems', 'improving', 'setback', 'occurs', 'forgets', 'pick', 'girl', 'school', 'helping', 'lea', 'get', 'hospital', 'deliver', 'baby', 'lina', 'angry', 'forgotten', 'make', 'amends', 'martha', 'offers', 'grant', 'lina', 'wish', 'wish', 'lina', 'wants', 'mario', 'cook', 'mario', 'agrees', 'prepares', 'picnic-style', 'dinner', 'martha\\\\', 'living', 'room', 'despite', 'mess', 'left', 'behind', 'kitchen', 'evening', 'stories', 'games', 'bring', 'three', 'closer', 'together', 'martha\\\\', 'relationship', 'lina', 'tested', 'martha', 'informed', 'school', 'principal', 'lina', 'attending', 'school', 'regularly', 'come', 'school', 'sleeps', 'classroom', 'lina', 'also', 'telling', 'friends', 'she\\\\', 'forced', 'work', 'kitchen', 'room', 'board', 'angered', 'lina\\\\', 'behavior', 'martha', 'tells', 'longer', 'come', 'restaurant', 'lina', 'storms', 'nearly', 'getting', 'hit', 'car', 'later', 'attempts', 'run', 'away', 'italy', 'frustrated', 'martha', 'tells', 'lina', 'frustration', 'wish', 'recipe', 'could', 'follow', 'mario', 'continues', 'support', 'martha', 'relationship', 'becomes', 'romantic', 'lina\\\\', 'father', 'finally', 'arrives', 'takes', 'daughter', 'italy', 'live', 'new', 'wife', 'family', 'distraught', 'conflicted', 'separation', 'martha', 'rejects', 'mario\\\\', 'loving', 'support', 'another', 'confrontation', 'customer', 'quits', 'job', 'martha', 'reconciles', 'mario', 'two', 'drive', 'italy', 'bring', 'lina', 'back', 'germany', 'martha', 'mario', 'marry', 'adopt', 'lina', 'make', 'plans', 'open', 'restaurant', 'together', 'meanwhile', 'martha\\\\', 'therapy', 'sessions', 'turned', 'cooking', 'lessons', 'therapist', 'amazed', 'tell', 'difference', 'type', 'sugar', 'used', 'type', 'sugar', 'called', 'recipe'], [\"'alex\", 'hitch', 'hitchens', 'professional', 'date', 'doctor', 'coaches', 'men', 'art', 'wooing', 'women', 'coaching', 'one', 'clients', 'albert', 'brennaman', 'kevin', 'james', 'smitten', 'client', 'investment', 'firm', 'celebrity', 'allegra', 'cole', 'hitch', 'finds', 'falling', 'sara', 'melas', 'gossip', 'columnist', 'determined', 'unmask', 'ruin', 'so-called', 'date', 'doctor', 'one', 'clients', 'one-night', 'stand', 'best', 'friend', 'sara', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'realize', 'hitch', 'refused', 'work', 'pig', 'clients', 'like', 'women', 'albert', 'allegra\\\\', 'relationship', 'continues', 'progress', 'hitch', 'finds', 'none', 'tried', 'tested', 'methods', 'working', 'despite', 'master', 'art', 'hitch', 'unmasked', 'sara', 'break', 'allegra', 'albert', 'follow', 'soon', 'finally', 'hitch', 'confronts', 'allegra', 'convinces', 'reunite', 'albert', 'reconciling', 'sara', 'process', 'makes', 'startling', 'discovery', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'really', 'anything', 'significant', 'besides', 'allowing', 'clients', 'get', 'attention', 'woman', 'giving', 'confidence', 'customers', 'really', 'successful'], ['lianna', 'wife', 'college', 'professor', 'teaching', 'film', 'media', 'university', 'small', 'midsized', 'town', 'new', 'jersey', 'mother', 'two', 'children', 'attempt', 'give', 'husband', 'freedom', 'request', 'cure', 'boredom', 'housewife', 'takes', 'child', 'psychology', 'class', 'friend', 'sandy', 'becoming', 'involved', 'class', 'interacting', 'female', 'professor', 'realizes', 'crush', 'instructor', 'ruth', 'ruth', 'invites', 'lianna', 'home', 'dinner', 'talk', 'night', 'lianna', 'explaining', 'graduate', 'student', 'one', 'time', 'married', 'professor', 'eventually', 'sleep', 'together', 'begin', 'affair', 'complicated', 'lianna', 'husband', 'affair', 'one', 'students', 'lianna', 'expresses', 'interest', 'leaving', 'husband', 'ruth', 'ruth', 'backs', 'away', 'warning', 'lianna', 'living', 'another', 'woman', 'would', 'jeopardize', 'career', 'child', 'psychologist', 'partner', 'another', 'city', 'lianna', 'leaves', 'husband', 'particularly', 'ugly', 'fight', 'live', 'alone', 'first', 'time', 'years', 'lianna', 'visits', 'lesbian', 'bar', 'attempts', 'connect', 'lesbians', 'string', 'affairs', 'explore', 'new', 'identity', 'film', 'explores', 'loneliness', 'changing', 'relationships', 'children', 'new', 'relationship', 'sandy', 'shocked', 'lianna', 'revelations', 'first', 'slowly', 'begins', 'accept', 'support', 'lianna'], [\"'this\", 'film', 'look', 'lives', 'jake', 'kristy', 'briggs', 'wedding', 'day', 'birth', 'first', 'child', 'beginning', 'wedding', 'day', 'follows', 'lives', 'jake\\\\', 'voice', 'commentaries', 'several', 'imaginary', 'scenes', 'based', 'actual', 'feared', 'future', 'events', 'wedding', 'jake', 'kristy', 'head', 'new', 'mexico', 'jake', 'works', 'towards', 'gaining', 'masters', 'degree', 'leaves', 'finishing', 'describing', 'high', 'school', 'ashtrays', 'return', 'chicago', 'jake', 'setting', 'new', 'records', 'lying', 'job', 'market', 'impresses', 'potential', 'employers', 'much', 'give', 'work', 'advertising', 'copywriter', 'kristy', 'also', 'gains', 'work', 'research', 'analyst', 'able', 'buy', 'three', 'bedroom', 'mortgage', 'suburbs', 'jake', 'kristy', 'continue', 'adjust', 'new', 'life', 'kristy', 'unilaterally', 'decides', 'cease', 'taking', 'contraceptives', 'without', 'telling', 'jake', 'several', 'months', 'informs', 'unable', 'impregnate', 'begin', 'program', 'assist', 'efforts', 'become', 'pregnant', 'eventually', 'succeed', 'movie', 'culminates', 'traumatic', 'yet', 'eventually', 'successful', 'labour', 'jake\\\\', 'realisation', 'lack', 'satisfaction', 'sense', 'detachment', 'due', 'external', 'factors', 'selfishness', 'immaturity', 'last', 'scene', 'film', 'reveals', 'jakes', 'voice', 'new', 'father', 'reading', 'novel', 'entitled', 'she\\\\', 'baby', 'wife', 'son', 'credits', 'roll', 'rapid', 'succession', 'suggestions', 'name', 'baby'], [\"'professional\", 'assassin', 'martin', 'blank', 'finds', 'depressed', 'irritable', 'dissatisfied', 'work', 'major', 'irritant', 'chief', 'rival', 'grocer', 'whose', 'effort', 'cartelize', 'hitman', 'business', 'puts', 'potentially', 'lethal', 'odds', 'solitary', 'martin', 'following', 'botched', 'contract', 'martin', 'receives', 'invitation', 'class', \"\\\\'86\", '10-year', 'high', 'school', 'reunion', 'home', 'town', 'grosse', 'pointe', 'michigan', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'attend', 'pressured', 'therapist', 'secretary', 'books', 'contract', 'michigan', 'coincides', 'reunion', 'ostensibly', 'smooth', 'things', 'client', 'whose', 'contract', 'botched', 'upon', 'arriving', 'grosse', 'pointe', 'martin', 'seeks', 'debi', 'newberry', 'radio', 'martin', 'abandoned', 'prom', 'night', 'enlist', 'army', 'debi\\\\', 'visit', 'suggests', 'hope', 'redemption', 'martin\\\\', 'depression', 'deepened', 'visits', 'demented', 'mother', 'alcoholic', 'father\\\\', 'grave', 'site', 'childhood', 'home', 'convenience', 'store', 'stands', 'reconnecting', 'friends', 'like', 'paul', 'likewise', 'depressing', 'many', 'seemingly', 'become', 'well', 'adjusted', 'adults', 'normal', 'jobs', 'asked', 'livelihood', 'martin', 'readily', 'reveals', 'professional', 'killer', 'response', 'taken', 'joke', 'everyone', 'meets', 'meanwhile', 'martin', 'stalked', 'fellow', 'hitmen', 'grocer', 'felix', 'lapoubelle', 'basque', 'former', 'terrorist', 'hired', 'kill', 'martin', 'revenge', 'one', 'past', 'jobs', 'attempts', 'convenience', 'store', 'stands', 'place', 'childhood', 'home', 'also', 'clumsily', 'tailed', 'two', 'national', 'security', 'agency', 'agents', 'tipped', 'martin\\\\', 'contract', 'grocer', 'despite', 'dangers', 'martin', 'remains', 'distracted', 'desire', 'make', 'amends', 'debi', 'fails', 'open', 'background', 'dossier', 'prospective', 'target', 'reunion', 'martin', 'mingles', 'former', 'classmates', 'one', 'hands', 'adorable', 'toddler', 'martin', 'experiences', 'existential', 'transformation', 'recognizing', 'recent', 'dissatisfaction', 'work', 'amends', 'debi', 'signify', 'opportunity', 'change', 'life', 'moments', 'later', 'exploring', 'halls', 'martin', 'attacked', 'lapoubelle', 'kills', 'self-defense', 'debi', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'scene', 'horrified', 'find', 'martin', 'joking', 'work', 'flees', 'reunion', 'paul', 'arrives', 'moments', 'later', 'find', 'martin', 'corrals', 'helping', 'dispose', 'lapoubelle\\\\', 'body', 'school', 'furnace', 'realizing', 'friend', 'joking', 'profession', 'paul', 'walks', 'away', 'martin', 'disgust', 'dispose', 'lapoubelle', 'later', 'debi', 'confronts', 'martin', 'hotel', 'room', 'reveals', 'psychological', 'testing', 'army', 'revealed', 'suited', 'work', 'hitman', 'cia', 'leaving', 'cia', 'went', 'business', 'rationalizations', 'work', 'horrify', 'debi', 'even', 'rejects', 'attempts', 'reconciliation', 'storms', 'martin', 'concluding', 'futile', 'attempt', 'change', 'life', 'fires', 'psychiatrist', 'phone', 'finally', 'opens', 'dossier', 'containing', 'details', 'contract', 'brought', 'grosse', 'pointe', 'startled', 'find', 'target', 'bart', 'newberry', 'debi\\\\', 'father', 'scheduled', 'testify', 'martin\\\\', 'client', 'grocer', 'decides', 'stop', 'waiting', 'martin', 'kill', 'bart', 'attempts', 'job', 'impress', 'martin\\\\', 'client', 'either', 'love', 'debi', 'new-found', 'respect', 'life', 'martin', 'abandons', 'contract', 'rescues', 'bart', 'certain', 'death', 'speeding', 'newberry', 'house', 'holing', 'inside', 'narrowly', 'ahead', 'grocer', 'team', 'mercenaries', 'siege', 'martin', 'finally', 'reveals', 'stood', 'debi', 'prom', 'night', 'enlist', 'army', 'channel', 'strong', 'homicidal', 'urges', 'away', 'family', 'friends', 'martin', 'gradually', 'kills', 'team', 'mercenaries', 'tense', 'standoff', 'blank', 'grocer', 'nsa', 'agents', 'enter', 'fight', 'gunned', 'grocer', 'martin', 'point', 'blank', 'run', 'ammunition', 'grocer', 'tries', 'trick', 'blank', 'selling', 'weapon', '100,000', 'blank', 'surprises', 'smashing', 'head', 'killing', 'wounded', 'exhausted', 'blank', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'debi', 'debi', 'shell-shocked', 'day\\\\', 'events', 'respond', 'although', 'father', 'readily', 'gives', 'blessing', 'film', 'ends', 'debi', 'martin', 'speeding', 'grosse', 'pointe', 'together'], [\"'eight\", 'intellectual', 'friends', 'four', 'men', 'four', 'women', 'department', 'history', 'universit챕', 'montr챕al', 'prepare', 'dinner', 'together', 'ensuing', 'conversations', 'range', 'professional', 'lives', 'politics', 'primarily', 'concern', 'sexual', 'exploits', 'group', 'plans', 'gather', 'secluded', 'house', 'dinner', 'four', 'men', 'prepare', 'food', 'reflect', 'promiscuity', 'four', 'women', 'discuss', 'affairs', 'nearby', 'gym', 'dinner', 'table', 'conflicts', 'soon', 'arise', 'dominique', 'reveals', 'affairs', 'two', 'men', 'one', 'married', 'louise'], [\"'nola\", 'darling', 'young', 'attractive', 'sexually-independent', 'brooklynite', 'juggles', 'three', 'suitors', 'polite', 'well-meaning', 'jamie', 'overstreet', 'self-obsessed', 'model', 'greer', 'childs', 'immature', 'motor-mouthed', 'bicycle', 'messenger', 'mars', 'blackmon', 'nola', 'attracted', 'best', 'refuses', 'commit', 'cherishing', 'personal', 'freedom', 'instead', 'even', 'though', 'man', 'wants'], [\"'in\", 'opening', 'moments', 'movie', 'set', '1931', 'arctic-canadian', 'settlement', 'nunataaq', 'avik', 'lives', 'watchful', 'eye', 'grandmother', 'tagging', 'along', 'british', 'cartographer', 'walter', 'russell', 'avik', 'falls', 'prey', 'white', 'man\\\\', 'disease', '봳uberculosis', 'assuage', 'guilt', 'russell', 'takes', 'boy', 'montreal', 'clinic', 'recover', 'avik', 'meets', 'albertine', 'mixed-blood', 'indian', 'girl', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'relationship', 'quickly', 'broken', 'mother', 'superior', 'charge', 'clinic', 'years', 'later', 'avik', 'meets', 'russell', 'time', 'mission', 'recover', 'german', 'u-boat', 'lying', 'wrecked', 'coast', 'nunataaq', 'avik', 'asks', 'russell\\\\', 'help', 'learning', 'whereabouts', 'albertine', 'gives', 'cartographer', 'chest', 'x-ray', 'girl', 'carried', 'since', 'separation', 'time', 'elapses', 'avik', 'become', 'british', 'bombardier', 'fighting', 'world', 'war', 'sought', 'albertine', 'become', 'russell\\\\', 'mistress', 'still', 'begins', 'affair', 'avik', 'russell', 'soon', 'finds', 'revenge', 'sends', 'avik', 'crew', 'suicide', 'mission', 'avik', 'lone', 'survivor', 'despondent', 'war', 'experiences', 'avik', 'flees', 'canada', 'becomes', 'alcoholic', 'decades', 'later', 'sought', 'rainee', 'daughter', 'born', 'affair', 'albertine', 'way', 'girl\\\\', 'wedding', 'avik', 'killed', 'accident', 'body', 'washes', 'beach', 'nunataaq', 'wedding', 'gift', 'still', 'clutched', 'arms'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', 'monti', 'ward', 'male', 'prostitute', 'dead', 'jacuzzi', 'voice', 'monti', 'describes', 'circumstances', 'led', 'fate', 'j체rgen', 'anger', 'writer', 'europe', 'california', 'researching', 'book', 'gay', 'prostitution', 'pornographic', 'scene', 'hollywood', 'touring', 'santa', 'monica', 'boulevard', 'meets', 'monti', 'hustling', 'street', 'develops', 'crush', 'throughout', 'movie', 'discover', 'various', 'facets', 'monti', 'including', 'committing', 'hit', 'run', 'crippling', 'fellow', 'hustler', 'named', 'eigil', 'j체rgen', 'unsuccessfully', 'follows', 'devastatingly', 'handsome', 'rent-boy', 'jurgen', 'continues', 'pursuit', 'young', 'man', 'film', 'follows', 'monti', 'typical', 'routine', 'various', 'sordid', 'bizarre', 'encounters', 'hustlers', 'johns', 'pornographers'], ['los', 'angeles', 'pool', 'cleaner', 'accustomed', 'living', 'womanizing', 'lifestyle', 'runs', 'challenge', 'meets', 'wealthy', 'attractive', 'new', 'love', 'interest'], ['plot|date', 'part', 'one', 'part', 'two', 'overtime', 'two-year', 'span', 'gyeon-woo', 'works', 'hard', 'improve', 'writing', 'sassy', 'girl', 'movie', 'script', 'details', 'love', 'affair', 'internet', 'agreed', 'upon', 'date', 'arrives', 'travels', 'mountain', 'girl', 'show', 'eventually', 'opens', 'time', 'capsule', 'reads', 'letter', 'learns', 'root', 'angst', 'behavior', 'gyeon-woo', 'reminds', 'previous', 'boyfriend', 'rather', 'breaking', 'actually', 'died', 'met', 'gyeon-woo', 'time', 'girl', 'gyeon-woo', 'seeing', 'seeing', 'dead', 'boyfriend\\\\', 'mother', 'wants', 'introduce', 'nice', 'young', 'man', 'year', 'gyeon-woo', 'visits', 'tree', 'girl', 'finally', 'arrives', 'sitting', 'tree', 'old', 'man', 'conversation', 'old', 'man', 'reveals', 'secret', 'tree', 'tree', 'original', 'tree', 'struck', 'killed', 'lightning', 'year', 'similar', 'tree', 'planted', 'young', 'man', 'someone', 'special', 'would', 'sad', 'girl', 'reads', 'letter', 'tries', 'call', 'gyeon-woo', 'repeatedly', 'unable', 'contact', 'lunch', 'deceased', 'boyfriend\\\\', 'mother', 'year', 'later', 'mother', 'introduces', 'nephew', 'turns', 'gyeon-woo', 'trying', 'introduce', 'girl', 'years', 'mother', 'gyeon-woo\\\\', 'aunt', 'tells', 'girl', 'hoping', 'could', 'make', 'life', 'easier', 'tells', 'gyeon-woo', 'girl', 'give', 'advice', 'impending', 'trip', 'england', 'replies', \"don\\\\'t\", 'anymore'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'begins', 'attorney', 'walter', 'fielding', 'girlfriend', 'anna', 'crowley', 'learning', 'father', 'walter', 'sr.\\\\', 'wedding', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'escaping', 'country', 'embezzled', 'millions', 'dollars', 'musician', 'clients', 'next', 'morning', 'couple', 'hears', 'noises', 'surprised', 'find', 'workmen', 'putting', 'furnishings', 'around', 'apartment', 'man', 'asking', 'still', 'becomes', 'clear', 'walter', 'anna', 'apartment', 'belongs', 'anna\\\\', 'ex-husband', 'max', 'beissart', 'self-loving', 'conductor', 'returned', 'unexpectedly', 'early', 'tour', 'europe', 'intends', 'take', 'residence', 'walter', 'anna', 'need', 'place', 'unscrupulous', 'real', 'estate', 'agent', 'friend', 'walter', 'learns', 'million', 'dollar', 'distress', 'sale', 'mansion', 'anna', 'meet', 'owner', 'estelle', 'claims', 'must', 'sell', 'house', 'quickly', 'husband', 'carlos', 'arrested', 'israelis', 'accused', 'adolf', 'hitler\\\\', 'pool', 'boy', 'sob', 'story', 'insistence', 'keeping', 'place', 'candlelight', 'order', 'save', 'money', 'goddamn', 'bloodsucking', 'lawyers', 'distracts', 'walter', 'enchants', 'anna', 'finds', 'romantic', 'walter', 'anna', 'decide', 'buy', 'house', 'anna', 'insists', 'putting', 'half', 'money', 'needed', 'repairs', 'turns', 'max', 'half', 'money', 'selling', 'back', 'got', 'divorce', 'walter', 'gets', 'half', 'wealthiest', 'client', 'rock', 'star', 'named', 'benny', 'happens', 'kid', 'moment', 'walter', 'anna', 'take', 'possession', 'house', 'quickly', 'begins', 'fall', 'apart', 'entire', 'front', 'door', 'frame', 'rips', 'wall', 'main', 'staircase', 'collapses', 'plumbing', 'found', 'full', 'gunk', 'electrical', 'system', 'catches', 'fire', 'bathtub', 'crashes', 'floor', 'chimney', 'collapses', 'raccoon', 'invaded', 'dumbwaiter', 'contractors', 'art', 'brad', 'shirk', 'called', 'work', 'permits', 'issued', 'job', 'originally', 'estimated', 'take', 'two', 'weeks', 'original', 'intent', 'demolish', 'house', 'still', 'estimate', 'two', 'weeks', 'running', 'gag', 'throughout', 'movie', 'asked', 'long', 'process', 'take', 'answer', 'always', 'two', 'weeks', 'walter', 'increasingly', 'frustrated', 'delays', 'increasing', 'cost', 'dubs', 'house', 'money', 'pit', 'repair', 'work', 'ends', 'taking', 'four', 'months', 'anna', 'attempts', 'secure', 'funds', 'max', 'selling', 'artwork', 'received', 'divorce', 'max', 'care', 'artwork', 'gives', 'money', 'anyway', 'wines', 'dines', 'ends', 'compromising', 'situation', 'morning', 'agrees', 'buy', 'paintings', 'anna', 'max', 'allows', 'believe', 'assumption', 'woken', 'max\\\\', 'bed', 'cheated', 'walter', 'reality', 'max', 'slept', 'couch', 'walter', 'later', 'asks', 'anna', 'point-blank', 'slept', 'max', 'anna', 'hastily', 'denies', 'walter\\\\', 'suspicions', 'push', 'anna', 'admit', 'slept', 'max', 'damage', 'done', 'anna', 'later', 'confides', 'max', \"can\\\\'t\", 'forgive', \"can\\\\'t\", 'forgive', 'due', 'walter', 'anna\\\\', 'stubbornness', 'relationship', 'becomes', 'hostile', 'rare', 'moment', 'agreement', 'vow', 'sell', 'house', 'restored', 'split', 'proceeds', 'nearly', 'happens', 'walter', 'misses', 'anna', 'says', 'loves', 'even', 'sleep', 'max', 'anna', 'happily', 'states', 'sleep', 'max', 'two', 'reconcile', 'end', 'married', 'front', 'new', 'house', 'movie', 'ends', 'cutaway', 'back', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'estelle', 'carlos', 'revealed', 'con', 'artists', 'taking', 'cash-filled', 'briefcase', 'walter', 'sr.', 'new', 'bride', 'thrilled', 'getting', 'great', 'deal', 'house'], ['elderly', 'couple', 'edith', 'abby', 'sit', 'cinema', 'watching', 'lesbian-themed', 'film', 'children', 'hour', 'couple', 'walks', 'theater', 'disgust', 'film', 'group', 'kids', 'laugh', 'see', 'edith', 'abby', 'holding', 'hands', 'later', 'home', 'shared', 'years', 'abby', 'falls', 'ladder', 'hospital', 'doctors', 'tell', 'edith', 'abby', 'may', 'suffered', 'stroke', 'edith', 'spends', 'night', 'waiting', 'room', 'morning', 'learns', 'abby', 'died', 'night', 'none', 'hospital', 'workers', 'informed', 'happened', 'edith', 'telephones', 'abby', 'nephew', 'ted', 'tell', 'news', 'ted', 'family', 'come', 'funeral', 'edith', 'removes', 'traces', 'couple', 'makes', 'look', 'like', 'separate', 'bedrooms', 'removes', 'photographs', 'two', 'together', 'house', 'afterwards', 'ted', 'edith', 'talk', 'fact', 'house', 'abby', 'name', 'although', 'edith', 'contributed', 'equally', 'mortgage', 'legally', 'owns', 'part', 'alice', 'packs', 'abby', 'belongings', 'ted', 'tells', 'edith', 'would', 'consider', 'letting', 'edith', 'staying', 'house', 'paying', 'rent', 'edith', 'tells', 'abby', 'would', 'wanted', 'stay', 'house', 'always', 'talked', 'ted', 'eventually', 'tells', 'would', 'better', 'sells', 'house', 'finds', 'place', 'although', 'says', \"'ll\", 'wait', 'till', 'finds', 'new', 'place', 'putting', 'house', 'market', 'family', 'leaves', 'ted', 'telling', 'edith', 'touch', 'couple', 'weeks', 'discuss', 'going', 'linda', 'michelle', 'williams', 'young', 'student', 'shares', 'house', 'three', 'friends', 'lesbians', 'face', 'conflict', 'feminist', 'group', 'part', 'women', 'want', 'include', 'lesbian', 'issues', 'despite', 'fact', 'linda', 'friends', 'helped', 'found', 'group', 'fought', 'free', 'contraception', 'campus', 'straight', 'friends', 'lesbian', 'bar', 'surprised', 'disappointed', 'see', 'women', 'apparently', 'fulfilling', 'traditional', 'butch', 'femme', 'roles', 'laugh', 'amy', 'young', 'butch', 'woman', 'wearing', 'tie', 'amy', 'asks', 'linda', 'dance', 'refuses', 'friends', 'still', 'others', 'soon', 'leave', 'linda', 'stays', 'behind', 'dances', 'amy', 'later', 'amy', 'gives', 'linda', 'ride', 'home', 'motorcycle', 'kiss', 'linda', 'invites', 'amy', 'return', 'next', 'day', 'next', 'day', 'linda', 'others', 'arguing', 'woman', 'feminist', 'group', 'amy', 'arrives', 'linda', 'embarrassed', 'short', 'amy', 'quickly', 'leaves', 'linda', 'friends', 'tease', 'amy', 'question', 'taken', 'seriously', 'feminists', 'associate', 'people', 'like', 'amy', 'understand', 'woman', 'would', 'dress', 'like', 'man', 'fought', 'hard', 'escape', 'stereotypical', 'roles', 'linda', 'goes', 'amy', 'house', 'apologizes', 'sleep', 'together', 'next', 'morning', 'linda', 'sees', 'picture', 'amy', 'child', 'dressed', 'like', 'boy', 'asks', 'amy', 'amy', 'supposed', 'man', 'linda', 'woman', 'amy', 'says', 'accuses', 'linda', 'afraid', 'people', 'know', 'seen', 'amy', 'amy', 'goes', 'linda', 'house', 'dinner', 'linda', 'urges', 'friends', 'give', 'amy', 'chance', 'awkward', 'evening', 'deteriorates', 'linda', 'friends', 'laugh', 'amy', 'try', 'make', 'change', 'clothes', 'amy', 'leaves', 'upset', 'linda', 'follows', 'home', 'tells', 'never', 'ashamed', 'amy', 'reconcile', 'house', 'inhabited', 'fran', 'kal', 'couple', 'hoping', 'baby', 'together', 'hope', 'get', 'sperm', 'donation', 'tom', 'arnold', 'gay', 'couple', 'men', 'reluctant', 'agree', 'stay', 'baby', 'life', 'women', 'decide', 'ahead', 'later', 'kal', 'tells', 'fran', 'want', 'know', 'father', 'baby', 'agree', 'use', 'anonymous', 'donor', 'look', 'donors', 'internet', 'find', 'company', 'use', 'going', 'endless', 'profiles', 'potential', 'donors', 'kal', 'gets', 'upset', 'get', 'fran', 'pregnant', 'discover', 'fran', 'ovulating', 'kal', 'hurries', 'donor', 'company', 'get', 'sperm', 'inseminates', 'fran', 'success', 'share', 'worries', 'child', 'know', 'baby', 'face', 'discrimination', 'hope', 'love', 'child', 'enough', 'three', 'attempts', 'get', 'pregnant', 'doctor', 'help', 'conceive', 'shortly', 'afterwards', 'discover', 'fran', 'pregnant'], ['amber', 'leighton', 'beautiful', 'rich', 'spoiled', 'arrogant', 'beyond', 'measure', 'nothing', 'makes', 'woman', 'happy', 'including', 'wealthy', 'passive', 'husband', 'tony', 'pharmaceutical', 'kingpin', 'tony', 'takes', 'private', 'cruise', 'greece', 'italy', 'two', 'couples', 'amber', 'unimpressed', 'impromptu', 'no-frills', 'vacation', 'takes', 'anger', 'ship', 'first', 'mate', 'giuseppe', 'esposito', 'storm', 'leaves', 'two', 'shipwrecked', 'deserted', 'island', 'however', 'tables', 'suddenly', 'turn', 'giuseppe', 'gaining', 'upper', 'hand', 'followed', 'two', 'falling', 'love'], ['ann', 'david', 'smith', 'robert', 'montgomery', 'happily', 'married', 'couple', 'living', 'new', 'york', 'one', 'morning', 'ann', 'asks', 'david', 'would', 'marry', 'disappointment', 'answers', 'would', \"n't\", 'later', 'day', 'separately', 'find', 'due', 'complication', 'married', 'three', 'years', 'earlier', 'fact', 'legally', 'married', 'ann', 'mention', 'david', 'thinks', 'remarry', 'night', 'takes', 'romantic', 'dinner', 'happen', 'angrily', 'kicks', 'david', 'home', 'david', 'spends', 'night', 'club', 'friend', 'advises', 'wait', 'day', 'back', 'home', 'david', 'drops', 'work', 'ann', 'announces', 'behind', 'closed', 'door', 'married', 'david', 'intention', 'ever', 'marrying', 'angry', 'disheartened', 'david', 'takes', 'following', 'ann', 'around', 'process', 'interrupting', 'date', 'getting', 'fired', 'job', 'friend', 'co-worker', 'david', 'jeff', 'tells', 'david', 'talk', 'ann', 'persuade', 'remarry', 'david', 'david', 'shows', 'later', 'evening', 'finds', 'jeff', 'instead', 'arranged', 'date', 'ann', 'following', 'night', 'david', 'arranges', 'blind', 'date', 'restaurant', 'date', 'vulgar', 'rude', 'affair', 'ends', 'disaster', 'later', 'ann', 'jeff', 'world', 'fair', 'become', 'stuck', 'ride', 'forced', 'sit', 'several', 'hours', 'rain', 'many', 'feet', 'air', 'ann', 'jeff', 'begin', 'date', 'seriously', 'ann', 'even', 'meets', 'jeff', 'parents', 'event', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'awkward', 'david', 'barges', 'escape', 'ann', 'jeff', 'decide', 'take', 'vacation', 'jeff', 'parents', 'skiing', 'resort', 'mdash', 'resort', 'ann', 'david', 'earlier', 'planning', 'holiday', 'upon', 'arriving', 'resort', 'find', 'david', 'rented', 'cabin', 'right', 'next', 'confronted', 'david', 'simply', 'faints', 'david', 'spends', 'next', 'hours', 'pretending', 'sick', 'delirious', 'ann', 'fawns', 'ann', 'discovers', 'deception', 'yells', 'leaves', 'ann', 'loudly', 'stages', 'pretend', 'one-way', 'conversation', 'jeff', 'order', 'david', 'see', 'serious', 'falls', 'david', 'storms', 'find', 'talking', 'thin', 'air', 'end', 'ann', 'david', 'picture', 'happy', 'couple', 'screaming', 'jeff', 'walks', 'ann', 'attacks', 'jeff', 'beating', 'david', 'jeff', 'parents', 'leave', 'huff', 'ann', 'alone', 'last', 'struggles', 'skis', 'david', 'offers', 'help', 'lifts', 'legs', 'get', 'ann', 'yells', 'bends', 'kisses', 'silencing'], [\"'in\", '1950s', 'england', 'stevens', 'butler', 'darlington', 'hall', 'receives', 'letter', 'miss', 'kenton', 'worked', 'housekeeper', 'years', 'prior', 'second', 'world', 'war', 'twenty', 'years', 'later', 'lord', 'darlington', 'died', 'stately', 'country', 'manor', 'sold', 'retired', 'american', 'congressman', 'mr.', 'lewis', 'kenton', 'reveals', 'marriage', 'failed', 'nostalgic', 'days', 'worked', 'house', 'stevens', 'goes', 'visit', 'miss', 'kenton', 'ostensibly', 'persuade', 'return', 'service', 'film', 'flashes', 'back', 'kenton\\\\', 'arrival', 'housekeeper', 'time', 'darlington', 'hall', 'frequented', 'many', 'politicians', 'interwar', 'period', 'men', 'decided', 'important', 'affairs', 'state', 'stevens', 'loyal', 'perfectionistic', 'calm', 'efficient', 'manage', 'household', 'servants', 'seemed', 'almost', 'invisible', 'took', 'great', 'pride', 'skills', 'profession', 'clashed', 'miss', 'kenton', 'equal', 'household', 'hierarchy', 'displayed', 'understated', 'irritation', 'others', 'indeed', 'utter', 'focus', 'emotional', 'repression', 'fully', 'displayed', 'father', 'also', 'employee', 'dying', 'stevens', 'continued', 'duties', 'without', 'pause', 'miss', 'kenton', 'equally', 'efficient', 'strong-willed', 'warmer', 'less', 'repressed', 'relations', 'two', 'eventually', 'warmed', 'kenton', 'even', 'teased', 'stevens', 'becomes', 'clear', 'fallen', 'love', 'perhaps', 'though', 'feelings', 'left', 'ambiguous', 'tried', 'break', 'wall', 'stevens\\\\', 'coldness', 'formidable', 'finally', 'struck', 'relationship', 'another', 'man', 'married', 'leaving', 'house', 'outbreak', 'world', 'war', 'departure', 'insulted', 'stevens', 'clearly', 'distress', 'never', 'expressed', 'emotional', 'interest', 'still', 'refused', 'moved', 'cried', 'frustration', 'response', 'could', 'muster', 'call', 'attention', 'domestic', 'task', 'lord', 'darlington', 'used', 'influence', 'broker', 'policy', 'appeasement', 'towards', 'nazi', 'germany', 'based', 'belief', 'germany', 'unfairly', 'treated', 'treaty', 'versailles', 'following', 'world', 'war', 'guests', 'series', 'conferences', 'meetings', 'like-minded', 'british', 'european', 'aristocrats', 'exception', 'american', 'congressman', 'lewis', 'depicted', 'younger', 'much', 'worldly', 'dignitaries', 'eventually', 'lost', 'patience', 'lord', 'darlington\\\\', 'naive', 'schemes', 'argued', 'favour', 'foreign', 'policy', 'conducted', 'professionals', 'rather', 'gentlemen', 'amateurs', 'reading', 'work', 'houston', 'stewart', 'chamberlain', 'lord', 'darlington', 'commanded', 'two', 'german-jewish', 'maids', 'dismissed', 'considering', 'employment', 'inappropriate', 'stevens', 'carried', 'order', 'miss', 'kenton', 'almost', 'resigned', 'protest', 'fearing', 'girls', 'would', 'return', 'germany', 'need', 'employment', 'caused', 'avoid', 'following', 'darlington', 'later', 'regretted', 'decision', 'asked', 'stevens', 'reinstate', 'maids', 'could', 'located', 'darlington', 'died', 'broken', 'man', 'reputation', 'destroyed', 'denounced', 'traitor', 'daily', 'mail', 'asked', 'former', 'employer', 'stevens', 'first', 'denies', 'served', 'even', 'met', 'later', 'admits', 'served', 'recognizes', 'former', 'master\\\\', 'failings', 'indicates', 'regrets', 'life', 'miss', 'kenton', 'however', 'kenton', 'declines', 'stevens\\\\', 'offer', 'return', 'darlington', 'hall', 'announcing', 'instead', 'wants', 'remain', 'husband', 'since', 'daughter', 'soon', 'present', 'grandchild', 'meeting', 'stevens', 'departs', 'darlington', 'hall', 'downpour', 'rain', 'kenton', 'cries', 'stevens', 'still', 'unable', 'demonstrate', 'feeling', 'simply', 'raises', 'hat', 'film\\\\', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'stevens', 'making', 'final', 'preparations', 'darlington', 'hall', 'preparation', 'arrival', 'congressman', 'lewis\\\\', 'family', 'two', 'men', 'enter', 'banquet', 'hall', 'table', 'tennis', 'table', 'lies', 'congressman', 'lewis', 'reflects', 'banquet', 'attended', 'room', '1935', 'admits', 'embarrassment', 'comments', 'asks', 'stevens', 'remembers', 'comments', 'stevens', 'replies', 'busy', 'serving', 'symbolically', 'pigeon', 'flies', 'room', 'fireplace', 'becomes', 'trapped', 'hall', 'two', 'men', 'eventually', 'coax', 'window', 'flees', 'freedom', 'leaving', 'stevens', 'darlington', 'hall', 'behind'], ['beta', 'story', 'raju', 'child', 'widowed', 'multi-millionaire', 'raju', 'father', 'provide', 'anything', 'wants', 'raju', 'desire', 'mother', 'love', 'please', 'father', 'gets', 'married', 'laxmi', 'thinking', 'take', 'care', 'raju', 'raju', 'becomes', 'completely', 'devoted', 'stepmother', 'whatever', 'wishes', 'raju', 'stepmother', 'keeps', 'raju', 'uneducated', 'pretext', 'education', 'would', 'get', 'son', 'job', 'working', 'people', 'wants', 'self-employed', 'grows', 'raju', 'father', 'gradually', 'isolated', 'family', 'locked', 'dark', 'room', 'family', 'home', 'labelled', 'mentally', 'unstable', 'raju', 'meanwhile', 'meets', 'saraswati', 'raju', 'sees', 'abducted', 'assaulted', 'fair', 'saves', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'raju', 'marries', 'saraswati', 'everyone', 'village', 'believes', 'longer', 'chaste', 'saraswati', 'discovers', 'laxmi', 'motherly', 'love', 'raju', 'fake', 'laxmi', 'interested', 'capturing', 'raju', 'wealth', 'horrified', 'find', 'raju', 'father', 'treated', 'mentally', 'ill', 'patient', 'speaking', 'realise', 'reason', 'raju', 'naive', 'nature', 'uneducated', 'status', 'stepmother', 'manipulated', 'take', 'advantage', 'laxmi', 'another', 'son', 'father', 'educated', 'also', 'seeks', 'raju', 'wealth', 'mother', 'laxmi', 'intends', 'inherit', 'thus', 'begins', 'battle', 'within', 'household', 'daughter-in-law', 'mother-in-law', 'involves', 'saraswati', 'trying', 'outdo', 'laxmi', 'initially', 'saraswati', 'allows', 'raju', 'father', 'come', 'prison', 'insists', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'voices', 'concerns', 'raju', 'mother', 'resulting', 'saraswati', 'slapped', 'repeatedly', 'around', 'courtyard', 'house', 'front', 'family', 'members', 'saraswati', 'ready', 'leave', 'wisely', 'decides', 'apologise', 'mother-in-law', 'take', 'oath', 'protect', 'husband', 'house', 'laxmi', 'immoral', 'intentions', 'humiliation', 'deter', 'saraswati', 'cleverly', 'starts', 'exposing', 'laxmi', 'every', 'step', 'dignified', 'manner', 'sake', 'husband', 'publically', 'exposes', 'fact', 'raju', 'younger', 'step-brother', 'received', 'degree', 'medicine', 'rather', 'bought', 'fake', 'one', 'gives', 'laxmi', 'taste', 'medicine', 'causing', 'slip', 'leads', 'over-protective', 'raju', 'look', 'allow', 'anything', 'lay', 'mdash', 'scuppering', 'plans', 'laxmi', 'intends', 'execute', 'upon', 'discovering', 'saraswati', 'pregnant', 'laxmi', 'decides', 'enough', 'enough', 'tries', 'kill', 'saraswati', 'mixing', 'poison', 'saffron', 'laxmi', 'mix', 'milk', 'however', 'saraswati', 'discovers', 'approaches', 'raju', 'tells', 'truth', 'raju', 'refuses', 'believe', 'even', 'takes', 'oath', 'upon', 'unborn', 'child', 'life', 'decides', 'prove', 'saraswati', 'wrong', 'offering', 'drink', 'poisoned', 'milk', 'raju', 'begins', 'cough', 'blood', 'realise', 'saraswati', 'telling', 'truth', 'confronts', 'mother', 'usual', 'innocent', 'manner', 'asks', 'forsaken', 'tells', 'simply', 'asked', 'wealth', 'would', 'happily', 'agreed', 'give', 'tells', 'laxmi', 'dying', 'wish', 'would', 'request', 'mother', 'least', 'clean', 'heart', 'call', \"'her\", 'son', 'may', 'die', 'peace', 'words', 'touch', 'laxmi', 'deeply', 'realises', 'cruelty', 'shown', 'son', 'ever', 'loved', 'brief', 'altercation', 'laxmi', 'real', 'son', 'still', 'wishes', 'procure', 'raju', 'wealth', 'raju', 'deteriorating', 'state', 'still', 'manages', 'save', 'mother', 'step-brother', 'film', 'concludes', 'raju', 'recovering', 'following', 'treatment', 'agreeing', 'give', 'worldly', 'possessions', 'mother', 'leaving', 'home', 'wife', 'father', 'last', 'moment', 'laxmi', 'begs', 'leave', 'claiming', 'learnt', 'error', 'ways', 'tears', 'property', 'papers', 'tells', 'want', 'wealth', 'wants', \"'her\", 'son', 'nothing'], [\"'six\", 'years', 'events', 'saturday', 'night', 'fever', 'former', 'disco', 'king', 'anthony', 'tony', 'manero', 'left', 'brooklyn', 'living', 'manhattan', 'staying', 'flophouse', 'works', 'dance', 'instructor', 'waiter', 'dance', 'club', 'looking', 'big', 'break', 'modern', 'dance', 'productions', 'broadway', 'breakaway', 'brooklyn', 'life', 'family', 'friends', 'seems', 'matured', 'tony', 'refined', 'personality', 'specifically', 'represented', 'diminished', 'brooklyn', 'accent', 'avoidance', 'alcohol', 'swear', 'words', 'certain', 'attitudes', \"haven\\\\'t\", 'changed', 'recent', 'girlfriend', 'forgiving', 'jackie', 'holds', 'double', 'standard', 'whereby', 'feels', 'liberty', 'see', 'women', 'becomes', 'vexed', 'finds', 'jackie', 'men', 'watching', 'show', 'jackie', 'dancer', 'chorus', 'tony', 'focuses', 'instead', 'lead', 'wealthy', 'english', 'dancer', 'laura', 'seduces', 'spends', 'night', 'becomes', 'clear', 'laura', 'intended', 'involved', 'one', 'night', 'tony', 'feels', 'used', 'coldly', 'dubs', 'relationship', 'mere', 'one-night', 'stand', 'justifies', 'saying', 'everybody', 'uses', 'everybody', 'even', 'implies', 'tony', 'used', 'order', 'get', 'dance', 'role', 'latest', 'show', 'jackie', 'unhappy', 'breaking', 'several', 'promises', 'meet', 'jackie', 'also', 'vocalist', 'local', 'band', 'unable', 'trust', 'tony', 'instead', 'presumably', 'begins', 'relationship', 'band\\\\', 'rhythm', 'guitarist', 'upsetting', 'tony', 'conflict', 'laura', 'jackie', 'tony', 'laura', 'try', 'broadway', 'production', 'satan\\\\', 'alley', 'others', 'land', 'small', 'parts', 'laura', 'cast', 'lead', 'female', 'dancer', 'jackie', 'sick', 'considered', 'second', 'best', 'tony\\\\', 'eyes', 'finally', 'leaves', 'tony', 'realizes', 'cruel', 'tony', 'walks', 'way', 'manhattan', 'old', 'neighbourhood', 'brooklyn', 'middle', 'night', 'also', 'walks', 'past', 'former', 'saturday', 'night', 'hangout', '2001', 'odyssey', 'discoth챔que', 'gay', 'nightclub', 'visits', 'mother', 'apologizes', 'selfish', 'ways', 'young', 'tells', 'selfishness', 'got', 'dead-end', 'life', 'brooklyn', 'feeling', 'better', 'tony', 'heads', 'back', 'manhattan', 'make', 'things', 'right', 'jackie', 'snobby', 'laura', 'remain', 'distant', 'hostile', 'production', 'progresses', 'seeing', 'opportunity', 'replace', 'lead', 'male', 'dancer', 'tony', 'asks', 'jackie', 'help', 'practice', 'number', 'laura', 'disgusted', 'fact', 'tony', 'lands', 'lead', 'meaning', 'must', 'dance', 'tony', 'production', 'despite', 'animosity', 'two', 'display', 'chemistry', 'stage', 'opening', 'night', 'tony', 'brashly', 'goes', 'script', 'kisses', 'laura', 'repulsed', 'scratches', 'face', 'tony', 'completes', 'rest', 'performance', 'without', 'problems', 'creating', 'excitement', 'audience', 'cast', 'show', 'apologizes', 'jackie', 'two', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'following', 'renewed', 'relationship', 'jackie', 'tony', 'exits', 'stage', 'door', 'strut', 'celebration', 'reminiscent', 'opening', 'scene', 'saturday', 'night', 'fever', 'walks', 'alone', 'times', 'square', 'beaming', 'newfound', 'self-confidence'], ['film', 'rahul', 'middle', 'class', 'man', 'reveling', 'job', 'extra', 'earnings', 'made', 'helping', 'boss', 'deal', 'multiple', 'extra-marital', 'affairs', 'boss', 'siddharth', 'lustful', 'person', 'deviously', 'trapped', 'rich', 'woman', 'married', 'huge', 'property', 'seema', 'ambitious', 'young', 'woman', 'aspiring', 'model', 'rahul', 'seema', 'meet', 'siddharth', 'falls', 'asks', 'rahul', 'help', 'trap', 'helpless', 'rahul', 'deep', 'somewhere', 'rahul', 'soft', 'corner', 'seema', 'seema', 'impressed', 'siddharth', 'forced', 'act', 'rahul', 'wife', 'fool', 'siddharth', 'wife', 'seema', 'slowly', 'understands', 'rahul', 'purity', 'heart', 'begins', 'liking', 'abroad', 'shooting', 'schedule', 'face', 'problem', 'rahul', 'mother', 'heart', 'patient', 'sensitive', 'shocking', 'news', 'bhushan', 'uses', 'rahul', 'tells', 'mother', 'rahul', 'married', 'keep', 'mother', 'happy', 'rahul', 'seema', 'forced', 'carry', 'drama', 'fall', 'love', 'process', 'siddharth', 'learns', 'reality', 'fires', 'rahul', 'true', 'love', 'triumphs', 'seema', 'decides', 'let', 'luxurious', 'life', 'true', 'love'], [\"'the\", 'first', 'half', 'film', 'told', 'non-consecutive', 'narrative', 'format', 'introducing', 'three', 'principal', 'characters', 'turn', 'taking', 'events', 'convenience', 'store', 'four', 'chapters', 'pornography', 'blue', 'space', 'man', 'documentary', 'last', 'scene', 'breaks', 'boyfriend', 'believes', 'done', 'little', 'promote', 'acting', 'career', 'tries', 'blackmail', 'video', 'two', 'sex', 'turns', 'boss', 'store', 'help', 'agrees', 'sleep', 'later', 'evening', 'makes', 'boyfriend', 'discovers', 'boss', 'also', 'videotaping', 'changes', 'store\\\\', 'back', 'room', 'working', 'behind', 'counter', 'convenience', 'store', 'takes', 'cheque', 'pay', 'beer', 'meets', 'singing', 'club', 'thailand', 'fall', 'love', 'continue', 'seeing', 'back', 'korea', 'one', 'day', 'announces', 'trip', 'without', 'day', 'return', 'prepares', 'meal', 'two', 'apartment', 'overjoyed', 'finally', 'shows', 'realizes', 'parents', 'father', 'found', 'transsexual', 'demands', 'see', 'card', 'proof', 'refuses', 'starts', 'fling', 'food', 'asks', 'leave', 'short', 'later', 'goes', 'convenience', 'store', 'uses', 'cheque', 'buy', 'beer', 'store\\\\', 'boss', 'demands', 'see', 'turns', 'anger', 'smashes', 'bottle', 'beer', 'head', 'carries', 'camcorder', 'wherever', 'goes', 'videotaping', 'everyday', 'life', 'eventually', 'walks', 'convenience', 'store', 'gets', 'something', 'drink', 'boss', 'walks', 'back', 'room', 'demands', 'see', 'card', 'begins', 'taping', 'incident', 'smashes', 'beer', 'bottle', 'boss\\\\', 'head', 'tries', 'comfort', 'slips', 'spilt', 'beer', 'falls', 'banging', 'head', 'camera', 'case', 'blood', 'flows', 'onto', 'floor', 'boss', 'apparently', 'dead', 'decide', 'accept', 'joint', 'responsibility', 'boss\\\\', 'death', 'drag', 'body', 'back', 'room', 'clean', 'blood', 'leave', 'getting', 'fight', 'bar', 'trio', 'retreat', 'hotel', 'room', 'sex', 'lies', 'curled', 'floor', 'remembering', 'time', 'spent', 'thailand', 'meanwhile', 'gets', 'drunk', 'apartment', 'distraught', 'feelings', 'days', 'trio', 'another', 'bar', 'drinking', 'trying', 'decide', 'next', 'several', 'police', 'officers', 'come', 'check', 'ids', 'three', 'leave', 'without', 'paying', 'bill', 'chased', 'back', 'alley', 'one', 'officers', 'run', 'trips', 'falls', 'forcing', 'wait', 'trip', 'officer', 'drops', 'gun', 'picks', 'gun', 'points', 'lies', 'ground', 'quickly', 'gets', 'better', 'two', 'come', 'back', 'help', 'begins', 'berating', 'one', 'one', 'ending', 'clubs', 'officer', 'head', 'camera', 'case', 'enough', 'decides', 'leave', 'find', 'hotel', 'room', 'console', 'begin', 'goofing', 'around', 'following', 'day', 'leave', 'motorcycle', 'going', 'family', 'home', 'turns', 'young', 'daughter', 'looked', 'parents', 'it\\\\', 'birthday', 'leaves', 'birthday', 'cake', 'refuses', 'stay', 'returns', 'motorcycle', 'however', 'nowhere', 'seen', 'suddenly', 'someone', 'grabs', 'clerk\\\\', 'hair', 'convenience', 'store', 'boss', 'dead', 'believed', 'friend', 'taken', 'private', 'karaoke', 'room', 'friend', 'forces', 'undress', 'dance', 'sings', 'karaoke', 'boss', 'demands', 'show', 'card', 'instead', 'pulls', 'police', 'officer\\\\', 'gun', 'bag', 'shoots', 'men', 'dead', 'two', 'women', 'find', 'room', 'stay', 'lie', 'tenderly', 'together', 'naked', 'tells', 'clerk', 'one', 'day', 'they\\\\', \"'ll\", 'away', 'somewhere', 'warm', 'together', 'later', 'two', 'getting', 'hair', 'styled', 'salon', 'sees', 'ex-boyfriend', 'become', 'big', 'star', 'throws', 'ground', 'fit', 'rage', 'meets', 'ex-boyfriend', 'caf챕', 'uses', 'sex', 'video', 'blackmail', 'money', 'goes', 'spending', 'spree', 'preparation', 'trip', 'thailand', 'return', 'apartment', 'waiting', 'takes', 'inside', 'talk', 'leaving', 'outside', 'still', 'feeling', 'distraught', 'threatens', 'kill', 'bottle', 'pills', 'pours', 'pills', 'sweeps', 'trash', 'telling', \"won\\\\'t\", 'enough', 'gives', 'gun', 'leaves', 'going', 'bathroom', 'cry', 'goes', 'street', 'sees', 'phone', 'booth', 'mistaking', 'shoots', 'head', 'kills', 'comes', 'outside', 'find', 'dead', 'left', 'alone'], ['plot', 'film', 'opens', 'gray', 'funeral', 'fianc챕', 'grady', 'supposed', 'married', 'day', 'gray', 'upset', 'eventually', 'seeks', 'solace', 'hiding', 'bathtub', 'meanwhile', 'one', 'grady\\\\', 'friends', 'fritz', 'seduced', 'one', 'catering', 'staff', 'takes', 'bathroom', 'realizing', 'gray', 'gray', 'forced', 'listen', 'sex', 'caterer', 'leaves', 'pulls', 'back', 'shower', 'curtain', 'startling', 'fritz', 'gray', 'visits', 'attorney', 'determine', 'happen', 'grady\\\\', 'estate', 'grady', 'since', 'grady', 'married', 'inherit', 'money', 'attorney', 'reveals', 'grady', 'investment', 'account', 'million', 'dollars', 'gray', 'knew', 'nothing', 'determines', 'longer', 'afford', 'rent', 'house', 'picked', 'already', 'living', 'help', 'grady\\\\', 'friends', 'dennis', 'sam', 'puts', 'things', 'storage', 'moves', 'grady\\\\', 'old', 'room', 'fritz', 'lives', 'l.a.', 'also', 'staying', 'house', 'visit', 'tensions', 'continue', 'gray', 'fritz', 'gray', 'investigates', 'grady\\\\', 'investment', 'account', 'finds', 'every', 'month', 'transferred', '3,000', 'account', 'night', 'separate', 'house', 'phone', 'line', 'rings', 'gray', 'wakes', 'fritz', 'thinking', 'phone', 'says', 'it\\\\', 'turns', 'time', 'realize', 'phone', 'must', 'belonged', 'grady', 'gray', 'grabs', 'phone', 'first', 'turns', 'find', 'ten', 'voicemail', 'messages', 'listens', 'string', 'messages', 'woman', 'goes', 'cautiously', 'concerned', 'increasingly', 'angry', 'message', 'progresses', 'gray', 'appears', 'frustrated', 'upset', 'hears', 'gray', 'researches', 'phone', 'number', 'finds', 'area', 'code', 'l.a..', 'goes', 'fritz', 'answers', 'reveals', 'grady', 'son', 'woman', 'met', 'l.a.', 'depends', 'money', 'received', 'support', 'son', 'fritz', 'tells', 'boy', 'eight', 'encounter', 'happened', 'grady', 'involved', 'meanwhile', 'gray', 'upset', 'grady\\\\', 'mother', 'asks', 'engagement', 'ring', 'back', 'gray', 'refuses', 'keeps', 'ring', 'eventually', 'woman', 'maureen', 'son', 'turn', 'trying', 'get', 'answers', 'grady', 'money', 'gray', 'encounters', 'realizes', 'boy', 'years', 'old', 'affair', 'happened', 'grady', 'together', 'gray', 'confronts', 'fritz', 'revelation', 'slaps', 'pins', 'arms', 'wall', 'kiss', 'part', 'leave', 'without', 'word', 'gray', 'comes', 'greater', 'understanding', 'silence', 'fritz', 'lied', 'hiding', 'effected', 'well', 'gray', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'anything', 'maureen', 'guys', 'reluctant', 'send', 'away', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'get', 'know', 'sam', 'maureen', 'begin', 'develop', 'connection', 'dennis', 'reveals', 'feelings', 'gray', 'gray', 'lets', 'easily', 'becomes', 'furious', 'finds', 'gray', 'fritz', 'item', 'gray', 'tells', 'dennis', 'relationship', 'fritz', 'less', 'nothing', 'realizing', 'standing', 'doorway', 'hear', 'speaking', 'fritz', 'determines', 'gray', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'return', 'feelings', 'returns', 'malibu', 'grady\\\\', 'mother', 'insists', 'boy', 'dna', 'test', 'inheriting', 'grady\\\\', 'money', 'stands', 'colorado', 'law', 'results', 'determine', 'grady', 'father', 'maureen', 'devastated', 'unsure', 'support', 'child', 'without', 'grady\\\\', 'money', 'gray', 'goes', 'grady\\\\', 'mother', 'tells', 'thinks', 'grady', 'must', 'known', 'child', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'money', 'could', 'make', 'difference', 'boy\\\\', 'life', 'offers', 'grady\\\\', 'mother', 'engagement', 'ring', 'exchange', 'giving', 'grady\\\\', 'money', 'maureen', 'group', 'gathers', 'dedication', 'ceremony', 'peace', 'garden', 'dennis', 'built', 'memorialize', 'grady', 'grady\\\\', 'mother', 'gives', 'maureen', 'certified', 'check', 'gray', 'finds', 'offers', 'ring', 'back', 'grady\\\\', 'mother', 'tells', 'keep', 'says', 'never', 'cared', 'ring', 'money', 'wanted', 'son', 'back', 'dennis', 'decides', 'it\\\\', 'time', 'moves', 'house', 'maureen', 'son', 'move', 'sam', 'voiceover', 'memorial', 'gray', 'determines', 'never', 'fully', 'knew', 'grady', 'mourning', 'come', 'feelings', 'one', 'person', 'could', 'around', 'fritz', 'end', 'film', 'gray', 'goes', 'malibu', 'goes', 'fritz\\\\', 'house', 'finds', 'outside', 'beach', 'playing', 'fetch', 'dog', 'throws', 'ball', 'dog', 'runs', 'fritz', 'turns', 'around', 'sees', 'walks', 'toward', 'says', 'called', 'starts', 'rambling', 'quiets', 'kissing', 'says', 'took', 'long', 'film', 'ends', 'fritz\\\\', 'photographs', 'rolling', 'credits'], [\"'sir\", 'robert', 'chiltern', 'successful', 'government', 'minister', 'well-off', 'loving', 'wife', 'threatened', 'mrs.', 'cheveley', 'appears', 'london', 'damning', 'evidence', 'past', 'misdeed', 'sir', 'robert', 'turns', 'help', 'friend', 'lord', 'goring', 'apparently', 'idle', 'philanderer', 'despair', 'father', 'goring', 'knows', 'lady', 'old', 'plot', 'help', 'friend', 'unintended', 'consequences'], ['pastor', 'mountain', 'village', 'adopts', 'small', 'blind', 'girl', 'gertrude', 'gertrude', 'grows', 'attractive', 'young', 'woman', 'pastor', 'middle-aged', 'realises', 'love', 'chagrin', 'adopted', 'son', 'jacques', 'also', 'love', 'gertrude', 'even', 'though', 'shortly', 'married', 'another', 'woman', 'jacques', 'fianc챕e', 'jealous', 'gertrude', 'arranges', 'see', 'doctor', 'hope', 'might', 'cured', 'enable', 'jacques', 'choose', 'equally', 'two', 'women', 'miraculously', 'gertrude', 'sight', 'restored', 'returns', 'village', 'changed', 'woman', 'unable', 'accept', 'jacques', 'love', 'disappointed', 'pastor', 'affections', 'realises', 'former', 'happiness', 'lost', 'forever', 'film', 'supplies', 'second', 'deeper', 'meaning', 'blind', 'girl', 'comes', 'dominate', 'pastor', 'consciousness', 'guides', 'brutish', 'creature', 'seen', 'first', 'glimpse', 'accomplished', 'attractive', 'young', 'woman', 'obsession', 'damages', 'family', 'life', 'indication', 'carnal', 'attraction', 'pastor', 'spiritual', 'creation', 'alternative', 'interpretation', 'blind', 'girl', 'kind', 'demon', 'takes', 'consciousness', 'result', 'wrecking', 'family', 'life', 'marring', 'surface', 'saintliness', 'meaning', 'cued', 'wife', 'slowly', 'growing', 'worry'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'opens', 'small-town', 'street', 'man', 'throws', 'bundle', 'papers', 'onto', 'sidewalk', 'back', 'truck', 'labeled', 'chronicle', 'clift', 'sitting', 'bar', 'woman', 'offers', 'drink', 'refuses', 'telling', 'alcohol', 'seems', 'poisonous', 'talking', 'finds', 'married', 'editor', 'paper', 'hoping', 'work', 'editor', 'shows', 'meet', 'wife', 'find', 'talking', 'monty', 'asks', 'monty', 'found', 'monty', 'says', 'heard', 'bar', 'newspaper', 'people', 'hang', 'came', 'since', 'closest', 'chronicle', 'paper', 'town', 'mrs.', 'says', 'monty', 'write', 'deserves', 'chance', 'prove', 'ryan', 'says', 'write', 'clift', 'hems', 'haws', 'momentarily', 'delivers', 'following', 'story', 'chronicle', 'pleased', 'announce', 'addition', 'new', 'member', 'staff', 'met', 'editor', 'chief', 'went', 'far', 'insult', 'wife', 'effort', 'provoke', 'new', 'staff', 'member', 'instead', 'punching', 'editor', 'face', 'accepted', 'position', 'paper'], [\"'jenny\", 'stewart', 'tough', 'broadway', 'musical', 'star', 'alienating', 'colleagues', 'neurotic', 'demands', 'absolute', 'perfection', 'jenny', 'takes', 'offense', 'new', 'rehearsal', 'pianist', 'tye', 'graham', 'criticizes', 'song', 'stylings', 'ruthless', 'ways', 'graham', 'blinded', 'wwii', 'fell', 'love', 'jenny', 'young', 'reporter', 'deep', 'jenny', 'yearns', 'real', 'lasting', 'love', 'disenchanted', 'men', 'around', 'broadway', 'parasite', 'cliff', 'willard', 'home', 'mother', 'discovers', 'old', 'newspaper', 'clipping', 'tye', 'reviewed', 'one', 'first', 'shows', 'made', 'evident', 'loved', 'jenny', 'realizes', 'loved', 'goes', 'tye', 'embrace'], ['plot', 'ellen', 'mcnulty', 'forced', 'sell', 'hamburger', 'stand', 'decides', 'visit', 'son', 'val', 'lives', 'another', 'city', 'val', 'recently', 'married', 'socialite', 'maggie', 'help', 'husband', 'hires', 'maid', 'promises', 'send', 'right', 'away', 'meantime', 'ellen', 'arrives', 'maggie', 'daughter-in-law', 'mistakes', 'maid', 'ellen', 'begins', 'tell', 'maggie', 'really', 'worried', 'saying', 'anything', 'might', 'cause', 'maggie', 'embarrassment', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'reveal', 'decides', 'pretend', 'maid', 'next', 'morning', 'ellen', 'arrives', 'things', 'wakes', 'maggie', 'realizes', 'son', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'explain', 'everything', 'yet', 'keeps', 'pretending', 'maid', 'tells', 'underfoot', 'lives', 'house', 'mother-in-law', 'eventually', 'talks', 'idea', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'much', 'maggie\\\\', 'mother', 'decides', 'come', 'visit', 'nothing', 'like', 'maggie', 'snob', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'val', 'one', 'bit', 'helping', 'mr.', 'kalinger', 'ellen', 'realizes', 'son', 'kalinger', 'jr.', 'taking', 'credit', 'work', 'actually', 'done', 'val', 'tells', 'mr.', 'kalinger', 'truth', 'mr.', 'kalinger', 'invites', 'val', 'maggie', 'party', 'party', 'maggie', 'gets', 'argument', 'important', 'female', 'guest', 'woman', 'insults', 'maggie', 'storms', 'val', 'realizing', 'woman', 'carries', 'lot', 'influence', 'forces', 'maggie', 'call', 'party', 'apologize', 'woman', 'unwillingly', 'leading', 'another', 'fight', 'next', 'morning', 'val', 'maggie', 'make', 'steal', 'away', 'closet', 'kiss', 'ellen\\\\', 'friends', 'door', 'ask', 'speak', 'mrs.', 'mcnulty', 'point', 'revealed', 'ellen', 'val\\\\', 'mother', 'maggie', 'furious', 'val', 'hiding', 'mother\\\\', 'identity', 'mother', 'leave', 'hotel', 'maggie', 'later', 'confronts', 'val', 'office', 'val', 'tries', 'explain', 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'young', 'italian', 'man', 'paolo', 'karen', 'paolo', 'embark', 'passionate', 'affair', 'disastrous', 'consequences'], ['angelo', 'donnini', 'younger', 'brother', 'gino', 'italian', 'origin', 'living', 'australia', '1950s', 'angelo', 'insecure', 'silent', 'introverted', 'good-looking', 'gino', 'complete', 'opposite', 'outgoing', 'funny', 'handsome', 'angelo', 'looks', 'wife', 'writes', 'letters', 'italian', 'girls', 'hope', 'match', 'letters', 'always', 'returned', 'photograph', 'one', 'day', 'desperately', 'sends', 'new', 'letter', 'picture', 'brother', 'rosetta', 'falls', 'love', 'instantly', 'man', 'picture', 'therefore', 'accepts', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'arrives', 'australia', 'course', 'appalled', 'angelo', 'look', 'like', 'man', 'thought', 'married', 'however', 'stays', 'try', 'gain', 'gino', 'affections', 'gino', 'girlfriend', 'connie', 'wise', 'tough', 'girl', 'knows', 'exactly', 'wants', 'loves', 'gino', 'wishes', 'possessed', 'angelo', 'qualities', 'though', 'gino', 'tries', 'avoid', 'rosetta', 'help', 'eventually', 'fall', 'love', 'gino', 'connie', 'argument', 'call', 'quits', 'angelo', 'connie', 'start', 'develop', 'romance', 'end', 'rosetta', 'believing', 'failed', 'gain', 'gino', 'affections', 'decides', 'return', 'italy', 'help', 'father', 'alfredo', 'gino', 'follows', 'onto', 'ship', 'embrace', 'couple', 'marry', 'final', 'scene', 'film', 'seems', 'years', 'later', 'shows', 'wedding', 'party', 'connie', 'angelo', 'gino', 'married', 'rosetta', 'newborn', 'baby'], [\"'donovan\", 'donaly', 'soap', 'opera', 'producer', 'comes', 'home', 'unexpectedly', 'early', 'find', 'wife', 'bonnie', 'ex-boyfriend', 'pool', 'cleaner', 'named', 'ollie', 'even', 'though', 'donalys', 'pool', 'miles', 'massey', 'top', 'divorce', 'attorney', 'inventor', 'massey', 'pre-nup', 'completely', 'foolproof', 'prenuptial', 'agreement', 'becomes', 'bonnie\\\\', 'lawyer', 'victorious', 'divorce', 'case', 'leaving', 'donovan', 'nothing', 'meanwhile', 'rex', 'rexroth', 'sexual', 'roleplaying', 'session', 'blonde', 'motel', 'room', 'private', 'investigator', 'named', 'gus', 'petch', 'bursts', 'records', 'everything', 'video', 'camera', 'takes', 'video', 'rex\\\\', 'wife', 'marylin', 'rexroth', 'married', 'rex', 'solely', 'obtain', 'wealth', 'independence', 'via', 'divorce', 'rex', 'hires', 'miles', 'marylin', 'learns', 'friend', 'wealthy', 'fellow', 'serial', 'divorc챕e', 'named', 'sarah', 'sorkin', 'miles', 'dangerous', 'opponent', 'marylin', 'lawyer', 'freddy', 'bender', 'fail', 'reach', 'settlement', 'miles', 'rex', 'miles', 'asks', 'marylin', 'dinner', 'spar', 'miles', 'hires', 'gus', 'steal', 'information', 'court', 'miles', 'concierge', 'named', 'heinz', 'baron', 'krauss', 'von', 'espy', 'testify', 'marylin', 'asked', 'several', 'years', 'ago', 'find', 'rich', 'easily-manipulated', 'husband', 'result', 'marylin', 'winds', 'nothing', 'miles\\\\', 'aged', 'boss', 'herb', 'myerson', 'congratulates', 'miles', 'fine', 'work', 'marylin', 'wants', 'revenge', 'gets', 'help', 'broke', 'soap', 'producer', 'donaly', 'finds', 'living', 'street', 'clutching', 'emmy', 'statuette', 'soon', 'marylin', 'shows', 'miles\\\\', 'office', 'new', 'fianc챕', 'oil', 'millionaire', 'named', 'howard', 'doyle', 'though', 'marylin', 'insists', 'doyle', 'sign', 'massey', 'prenup', 'destroys', 'wedding', 'demonstration', 'love', 'months', 'later', 'marylin', 'divorces', 'howard', 'receives', 'doyle', 'oil', 'fortune', 'marylin', 'later', 'bumps', 'miles', 'las', 'vegas', 'nevada', 'keynote', 'speaker', 'convention', 'divorce', 'attorneys', 'discover', 'lonely', 'people', 'despite', 'wealth', 'miles', 'marries', 'spur', 'moment', 'insists', 'signing', 'massey', 'prenup', 'show', 'money', 'tears', 'announces', 'convention', 'abandoning', 'divorce', 'suits', 'favor', 'pro-bono', 'work', 'east', 'los', 'angeles', 'however', 'miles', 'soon', 'discovers', 'howard', 'doyle', 'fact', 'actor', 'one', 'donaly\\\\', 'soap', 'operas', 'marylin', 'tricked', 'wealth', 'risk', 'miles\\\\', 'boss', 'displeased', 'turn', 'events', 'demands', 'something', 'done', 'save', 'firm\\\\', 'fearsome', 'reputation', 'refers', 'miles', 'hitman', 'named', 'wheezy', 'joe', 'miles', 'learns', 'marylin\\\\', 'ex-husband', 'rex', 'died', 'heart', 'attack', 'leaving', 'millions', 'never', 'changed', 'miles', 'rushes', 'save', 'wife', 'marylin', 'however', 'danger', 'rottweiler', 'guard', 'dogs', 'wheezy', 'joe', 'surrounded', 'offers', 'pay', 'double', 'switch', 'sides', 'miles', 'assistant', 'wrigley', 'arrive', 'confronted', 'hit', 'man', 'confusion', 'ensuing', 'struggle', 'wheezy', 'joe', 'mistakes', 'salbutamol', 'inhaler', 'gun', 'shoots', 'head', 'later', 'miles', 'marylin', 'meet', 'negotiate', 'divorce', 'miles', 'pleads', 'second', 'chance', 'retroactively', 'signs', 'massey', 'pre-nup', 'tears', 'kiss', 'marylin', 'tells', 'miles', 'suggested', 'idea', 'donaly', 'show', 'gus', 'petch', 'becomes', 'host', 'america\\\\', 'funniest', 'divorce', 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'endora', 'successful', 'taping', 'first', 'episode', 'isabel', 'happens', 'overhear', 'conversation', 'jack', 'agent', 'ritchie', 'talking', 'tricked', 'isabel', 'appear', 'without', 'lines', 'furious', 'isabel', 'storms', 'maria', 'new', 'friend', 'nina', 'close', 'behind', 'decides', 'three', 'choices', 'quit', 'get', 'mad', 'live', 'instead', 'isabel', 'aunt', 'clara', 'visits', 'aids', 'isabel', 'casting', 'spell', 'jack', 'order', 'make', 'fall', 'love', 'time', 'nigel', 'introduced', 'iris', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'hex', 'works', 'jack', 'becomes', 'love', 'struck', 'isabel', 'insisting', 'several', 'script', 'changes', 'give', 'dialogue', 'jokes', 'ignoring', 'statements', 'test', 'groups', 'preferring', 'isabel', 'jack', 'affection', 'isabel', 'grows', 'asks', 'date', 'making', 'isabel', 'forget', 'hex', 'brings', 'home', 'remembers', 'reverses', 'back', 'aunt', 'clara', 'cast', 'next', 'day', 'rather', 'events', 'hex', 'presented', 'jack', 'outraged', 'scores', 'received', 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'jack', 'takes', 'hard', 'brought', 'studios', 'police', 'becoming', 'disenchanted', 'project', 'isabel', 'decides', 'return', 'home', 'longer', 'wishes', 'stay', 'jack', 'imagining', 'conan', \"o'brien\", 'show', 'visited', 'uncle', 'arthur', 'arthur', 'convinces', 'jack', 'let', 'isabel', 'leave', 'jack', 'still', 'loves', 'would', \"n't\", 'able', 'return', '100', 'years', 'arthur', 'drives', 'studio', 'finds', 'isabel', 'set', 'jack', 'apologizes', 'tells', 'wants', 'marry', 'move', 'new', 'neighbourhood'], ['opening', 'scene', 'presents', 'terry', 'daughters', 'denny', 'attending', 'funeral', 'three', 'years', 'earlier', 'flashback', 'reveals', 'terry', 'told', 'daughters', 'thought', 'father', 'grey', 'left', 'family', 'former', 'secretary', 'sweden', 'sharing', 'news', 'neighbor', 'denny', 'retired', 'baseball', 'player', 'turned', 'radio', 'talkshow', 'host', 'fellow', 'alcoholic', 'terry', 'progressively', 'grows', 'close', 'man', 'eventually', 'begins', 'intimate', 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'feels', 'unready', 'weary', 'tired', 'terry', 'ever-shifting', 'moods', 'denny', 'storms', 'house', 'separation', 'temporary', 'though', 'two', 'reconcile', 'short', 'later', 'real', 'estate', 'deal', 'involving', 'denny', 'terry', 'finally', 'goes', 'construction', 'begins', 'area', 'surrounding', 'homes', 'worker', 'accidentally', 'uncovers', 'well', 'grey', 'wolfmeyer', 'body', 'found', 'revealing', 'fact', 'never', 'abandoned', 'family', 'rather', 'accidentally', 'fallen', 'well', 'drowned', 'story', 'returns', 'initial', 'scene', 'wolfmeyers', 'denny', 'part', 'family', 'leave', 'grey', 'funeral', 'reveal', 'terry', 'saddened', 'grieving', 'coming', 'terms', 'daughters', 'life', 'choices', 'finally', 'finding', 'inner', 'peace'], [\"'after\", 'rejected', 'girlfriend', 'peter', 'rooker', 'decides', 'audition', 'small', 'role', 'upcoming', 'local', 'community', 'theatre\\\\', 'production', 'cyrano', 'bergerac', 'despite', 'fact', 'peter', 'experience', 'skill', 'actor', 'director', 'casts', 'peter', 'lead', 'role', 'peter', 'soon', 'becomes', 'caught', 'various', 'intrigues', 'theater', 'people', 'including', 'charming', 'mercurial', 'michael', 'degan', 'beautiful', 'leading', 'lady', 'grace', 'hargrove', 'cast', 'eccentric', 'players', 'gradually', 'peter', 'discovers', 'world', 'theater', 'normal', 'rules', 'apply', 'ndash', 'end', 'role', 'everyone'], ['film', 'centers', 'around', 'five', 'strangers', 'linked', 'together', 'mdash', 'meet', 'separate', 'times', 'mdash', 'series', 'events', 'take', 'place', 'christmas', 'eve', 'main', 'character', 'rose', 'woman', 'struggling', 'cope', 'caring', 'mother', 'alzheimer', 'patient', 'meanwhile', 'nina', 'mike', 'young', 'couple', 'verge', 'breaking', 'due', 'mike', 'increasingly', 'jealous', 'behavior', 'elsewhere', 'artie', 'old', 'waiter', 'searches', 'deceased', 'wife', 'every', 'christmas', 'eve', 'finally', 'jules', 'marcus', 'thomas', 'young', 'man', 'deliberately', 'damages', 'hand', 'attend', 'christmas', 'party', 'emergency', 'room', 'happy', 'memory', 'childhood', 'addition', 'five', 'main', 'characters', 'mysterious', 'charlie', 'introduced', 'person', 'may', 'able', 'help', 'rose', 'finally', 'realize', 'must', 'look', 'rather', 'worrying', 'everyone', 'else'], [\"'stacy\", 'holt', 'associate', 'producer', 'daytime', 'talk', 'show', 'convinced', 'boyfriend', 'derek', 'right', 'man', 'though', 'apparent', 'phobia', 'commitment', 'he\\\\', 'vague', 'past', 'relationships', 'taking', 'advice', 'colleague', 'barb', 'looks', 'palm', 'tungsten', 'record', 'names', 'numbers', 'three', 'ex-girlfriends', 'french', 'supermodel', 'gynecologist', 'cook', 'sets', 'interview', 'woman', 'attempt', 'learn', 'get', 'closer', 'derek', 'however', 'stacy\\\\', 'plan', 'suffers', 'setback', 'develops', 'friendship', 'one', 'women', 'stacy', 'eventually', 'betrayed', 'barb', 'derek', 'ex-girlfriends', 'brought', 'together', 'stage', 'live', 'broadcast', 'sweeps', 'season', 'show', 'stacy', 'comes', 'realization', 'right', 'one', 'derek', 'lets', 'way', 'barb', 'clearly', 'mind', 'tells', 'stacy', 'actions', 'premeditated', 'goes', 'call', 'event', 'masterpiece', 'live', 'camera', 'behind', 'stacy', 'responds', 'tear', 'eyes', 'right', 'able', 'look', 'morning', 'audience', 'cheers', 'stacy', 'departs', 'studio', 'camera', 'stays', 'humiliated', 'barb', 'end', 'stacy', 'winds', 'earning', 'dream', 'job', 'working', 'diane', 'sawyer', 'cite', 'news', 'meets', 'idol', 'carly', 'simon'], ['subir', 'professional', 'singer', 'whose', 'career', 'soaring', 'plan', 'marry', '봴ntil', 'meets', 'uma', 'sweet', 'village', 'girl', 'also', 'sings', 'subir', 'falls', 'love', 'uma', 'marries', 'returns', 'mumbai', 'new', 'bride', 'subir', 'continues', 'singer', 'also', 'fosters', 'uma', 'singing', 'career', 'career', 'falters', 'however', 'uma', 'singing', 'career', 'begins', 'thrive', 'eventually', 'becomes', 'famous', 'husband', 'sparking', 'jealousy', 'subir', 'pride', 'jealousy', 'tear', 'marriage', 'apart', 'question', 'becomes', 'whether', 'subir', 'overcome', 'jealousy', 'movie', 'reaches', 'sensitive', 'situation', 'couple', 'separates', 'uma', 'miscarriage', 'considered', 'masterpiece', 'direction', 'mukherjee', 'scoring', 'burman', 'couple', 'comes', 'together', 'emotional', 'reunion', 'sing', 'together', 'soon', 'jaya', 'bachchan', 'filmfare', 'best', 'actress', 'award', 'film', 'cut', 'work', 'later', 'took', 'many', 'years', 'raise', 'family', 'speculated', 'focused', 'personal', 'affairs', 'avoid', 'turmoil', 'character', 'abhimaan', 'experienced', 'citation', 'needed', 'film', 'popular', 'sri', 'lanka', 'india', 'screened', 'continuously', 'two', 'years', 'movie', 'theater', 'new', 'olympia', 'colombo'], [\"'eyal\", 'agent', 'mossad', 'israeli', 'security', 'service', 'hitman', 'targets', 'enemies', 'israel', 'wife', 'recently', 'committed', 'suicide', 'agency', 'decides', 'needs', 'take', 'less', 'challenging', 'assignment', 'find', 'aging', 'nazi', 'war', 'criminal', 'get', 'god', 'order', 'track', 'old', 'man', 'eyal', 'poses', 'tour', 'guide', 'befriends', 'nazi\\\\', 'adult', 'grandchildren', 'axel', 'pia', 'pia', 'lives', 'kibbutz', 'israeli', 'commune', 'brother', 'axel', 'visits', 'order', 'convince', 'pia', 'return', 'germany', 'father\\\\', 'seventieth', 'birthday', 'later', 'revealed', 'pia\\\\', 'estrangement', 'parents', 'began', 'discovered', 'hiding', 'grandfather', 'shares', 'information', 'axel', 'although', 'job', 'perform', 'eyal', 'truly', 'befriends', 'axel', 'pia', 'axel', 'pia', 'decent', 'people', 'demonstrate', 'germans', 'gotten', 'beyond', 'hatred', 'led', 'holocaust', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'eyal', 'enjoys', 'even', 'would', 'openly', 'admit', 'friendship', 'axel', 'allows', 'display', 'humanity', 'letting', 'tough-guy', 'machismo', 'eyal', 'axel', 'even', 'take', 'mud', 'bath', 'dead', 'sea', 'showering', 'together', 'nude', 'afterward', 'three', 'dinner', 'one', 'night', 'tel', 'aviv', 'restaurant', 'axel', 'speaks', 'privately', 'palestinian', 'waiter', 'rafik', 'finds', 'best', 'club', 'town', 'later', 'evening', 'axel', 'pia', 'eyal', 'arrive', 'club', 'eyal', 'shocked', 'discover', 'gay', 'club', 'sees', 'axel', 'dancing', 'rafik', 'taken', 'aback', 'eyal', 'initially', 'disgusted', 'disappointed', 'discover', 'axel', 'gay', 'asks', 'removed', 'assignment', 'attempting', 'hide', 'homophobia', 'reason', 'boss', 'menachem', 'insists', 'eyal', 'finish', 'mission', 'eyal', 'visits', 'germany', 'comes', 'realize', 'axel\\\\', 'orientation', 'unimportant', 'visit', 'eyal', 'defends', 'group', 'axel\\\\', 'transsexual', 'friends', 'attackers', 'reveals', 'fluent', 'german', 'tells', 'axel', 'parents', 'german', 'leaving', 'jews', 'mother\\\\', 'region', 'germany', 'killed', 'axel\\\\', 'grandfather', 'later', 'visit', 'eyal', 'runs', 'menachem', 'whose', 'family', 'also', 'killed', 'grandfather\\\\', 'nazi', 'activities', 'axel', 'invites', 'eyal', 'father\\\\', 'birthday', 'party', 'guests', 'uncomfortable', 'eyal\\\\', 'nationality', 'religion', 'still', 'polite', 'cake', 'brought', 'axel\\\\', 'parents', 'surprise', 'guests', 'bringing', 'axel\\\\', 'aged', 'grandfather', 'axel', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'mother', 'goes', 'eyal\\\\', 'room', 'find', 'folder', 'full', 'information', 'axel\\\\', 'family', 'meanwhile', 'eyal', 'meets', 'menachem', 'tells', 'easily', 'take', 'grandfather', 'bring', 'israel', 'tried', 'war', 'crimes', 'menachem', 'reveals', 'two', 'mission', 'aim', 'kill', 'grandfather', 'eyal', 'clearly', 'conflicted', 'takes', 'case', 'poisons', 'menachem', 'gives', 'eyal', 'arrives', 'axel\\\\', 'house', 'enters', 'grandfather\\\\', 'room', 'unbeknownst', 'axel', 'axel', 'sneaks', 'behind', 'eyal', 'watches', 'fills', 'syringe', 'poison', 'nothing', 'intervene', 'ultimately', 'though', 'eyal', 'unable', 'fulfill', 'task', 'leaves', 'axel', 'tenderly', 'caresses', 'grandfather\\\\', 'face', 'turning', 'oxygen', 'tank', 'killing', 'goes', 'eyal\\\\', 'room', 'eyal', 'tells', 'suicide', 'note', 'wife', 'wrote', 'told', 'kills', 'everything', 'comes', 'near', 'eyal', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'kill', 'anymore', 'breaks', 'axel\\\\', 'arms', 'story', 'jumps', 'ahead', 'years', 'eyal', 'pia', 'married', 'child', 'named', 'tom', 'living', 'kibbutz', 'eyal', 'axel', 'remain', 'good', 'friends'], ['mike', 'windgren', 'works', 'boat', 'acapulco', 'mexico', 'bratty', 'daughter', 'boat', 'owner', 'gets', 'fired', 'mike', 'must', 'find', 'new', 'work', 'mexican', 'boy', 'named', 'raoul', 'helps', 'get', 'job', 'lifeguard', 'singer', 'local', 'hotel', 'clashes', 'abound', 'mike', 'runs', 'rival', 'lifeguard', 'champion', 'diver', 'mexico', 'angry', 'mike', 'taking', 'hours', 'stealing', 'woman', 'however', 'mike', 'sees', 'lifeguard', 'perform', 'number', 'dangerous', 'dives', 'including', 'flips', 'head-first', 'dives', 'section', 'pool', 'surrounded', 'ring', 'fire', 'decides', 'get', 'even', 'eventually', 'sets', 'perform', 'death-defying', 'dive', '136-foot', 'cliff', 'front', 'thousands', 'people', 'mike', 'dives', 'cliff', 'successfully', 'lands', 'water', 'earning', 'lifeguard', 'respect', 'crowd', 'lifeguard', 'applaud', 'mike', 'performs', 'one', 'song', 'leaves', 'margarita', 'raoul'], ['prabhu', 'chairman', 'chennai', 'government', 'arts', 'college', 'asked', 'principal', 'invite', 'governor', 'tamil', 'nadu', 'kakarla', 'sathyanaryanamoorthy', 'chief', 'guest', 'annual', 'day', 'college', 'goes', 'invite', 'kakarla', 'bumps', 'daughter', 'shruthi', 'instantly', 'falls', 'love', 'propose', 'love', 'even', 'joins', 'dance', 'class', 'subsequently', 'gets', 'know', 'falls', 'love', 'since', 'considerable', 'fear', 'terrorism', 'state', 'kakarla', 'permit', 'daughter', 'travel', 'anywhere', 'without', 'bodyguards', 'one', 'occasion', 'manages', 'give', 'slip', 'runs', 'away', 'prabhu', 'dance', 'festival', 'shortly', 'threat', 'bomb', 'planted', 'shruthi', 'immediately', 'brought', 'home', 'prabhu', 'arrested', 'shruthi', 'forbidden', 'see', 'prabhu', 'beaten', 'severely', 'prabhu', 'released', 'police', 'custody', 'goes', 'meet', 'shruthi', 'unaware', 'changed', 'circumstances', 'finds', 'evidence', 'lead', 'hideout', 'terrorist', 'mallikarjuna', 'mastermind', 'bomb', 'blasts', 'joins', 'forces', 'kakarla', 'killing', 'innocent', 'civilians', 'whether', 'prabhu', 'become', 'victim', 'emerge', 'victor', 'forms', 'rest', 'story'], [\"'don\", 'pedro', 'noblemen', 'visiting', 'good', 'friend', 'leonato', 'messina', 'quashed', 'uprising', 'led', 'john', 'prince\\\\', 'bastard', 'half-brother', 'among', 'victors', 'misogynistic', 'witty', 'benedick', 'erstwhile', 'flame', 'leonato\\\\', 'equally', 'sharp-tongued', 'somewhat', 'fierce', 'niece', 'beatrice', 'something', 'misandrist', 'benedick\\\\', 'sworn', 'brother', 'claudio', 'young', 'count', 'claudio', 'thinking', 'fondly', 'leonato\\\\', 'gentle', 'lovely', 'daughter', 'hero', 'since', 'went', 'war', 'returns', 'find', 'attractive', 'ever', 'pedro', 'learning', 'young', 'friend\\\\', 'feelings', 'arranges', 'match', 'party', 'despite', 'john\\\\', 'best', 'efforts', 'foil', 'prince\\\\', 'plan', 'works', 'perfectly', 'end', 'needing', 'something', 'pass', 'time', 'wedding', 'day', 'pedro', 'decides', 'arrange', 'similar', 'fate', 'beatrice', 'benedick', 'course', 'parties', '쐏rofessed', 'tyrant', 'opposite', 'sex', 'match', 'take', 'little', 'ingenuity', 'leonato', 'claudio', 'prince', 'stage', 'loud', 'conversation', 'containing', 'fictitious', 'account', 'much', 'beatrice', 'love', 'benedick', 'knowing', 'benedick', 'hiding', 'well', 'within', 'earshot', 'hero', 'gentlewoman', 'ursula', 'play', 'trick', 'upon', 'beatrice', 'believes', 'story', 'hear', 'midst', 'good-natured', 'scheming', 'john', 'men', 'casting', 'ways', 'stop', 'intended', 'marriage', 'man', '쐆ath', 'glory', 'john\\\\', 'overthrow', 'woman', 'one', 'may', 'suspect', 'cherished', 'tender', 'feeling', 'night', 'wedding', 'servant', 'borachio', 'arranges', 'meet', 'hero\\\\', 'gentlewoman', 'margaret', 'hero\\\\', 'chamber', 'window', 'john', 'shows', 'half-brother', 'claudio', 'rendezvous', 'makes', 'believe', 'seeing', 'hero', 'act', 'infidelity', 'revelry', 'evening', 'constable', 'dogberry', 'appoints', 'watch', 'keep', 'peace', 'three', 'hapless', 'watchmen', 'happen', 'hear', 'borachio', 'bragging', 'colleague', 'conrade', 'john', 'finally', 'succeeded', 'wrecking', 'wedding', 'plans', 'make', 'arrest', 'send', 'dogberry', 'morning', 'fetch', 'leonato', 'examination', 'old', 'gentleman', 'much', 'hurry', 'try', 'decipher', 'constable', 'would', 'say', 'amidst', 'confusion', 'villain', 'managed', 'escape', 'parts', 'unknown', 'get', 'comeuppance', 'wedding', 'claudio', 'publicly', 'disgraces', 'would-be', 'bride', 'storms', 'away', 'along', 'guests', 'except', 'ursula', 'friar', 'leonato', 'beatrice', 'father', 'antonio', 'benedick', 'agree', 'friar\\\\', 'plan', 'publish', 'tale', 'hero', 'upon', 'grief', 'claudio\\\\', 'accusations', 'suddenly', 'died', 'beatrice', 'benedick', 'linger', 'moment', 'wind', 'confessing', 'love', 'one', 'another', 'wake', 'declaration', 'beatrice', 'asks', 'benedick', 'one', 'thing', 'satisfy', 'outrage', 'happened', 'asks', 'kill', 'claudio', 'agrees', 'heavy', 'heart', 'challenge', 'issued', 'story', 'john\\\\', 'deception', 'comes', 'light', 'prince', 'claudio', 'sorely', 'grieved', 'grave', 'mistake', 'leonato', 'forgives', 'claudio', 'condition', 'marry', 'hero\\\\', 'cousin', 'next', 'morning', 'claudio', 'agrees', 'bride', 'brought', 'forth', 'revealed', 'none', 'hero', 'profess', 'true', 'undying', 'love', 'beatrice', 'benedick', 'faced', 'written', 'evidence', 'found', 'pockets', 'benedick\\\\', 'form', 'endearingly', 'poorly-written', 'song', 'reconciled', 'john', 'discovered', 'promised', 'punishment', 'film', 'ends', 'whole', 'leonato\\\\', 'household', 'dancing', 'courtyard', 'newlyweds', 'center'], ['justin', 'playfair', 'millionaire', 'retreats', 'fantasy', 'death', 'wife', 'imagining', 'sherlock', 'holmes', 'legendary', 'fictional', 'detective', 'complete', 'deerstalker', 'hat', 'pipe', 'violin', 'spends', 'days', 'home-made', 'criminal', 'laboratory', 'constantly', 'paranoid', 'plots', 'hatched', 'arch-enemy', 'professor', 'moriarty', 'brother', 'tries', 'place', 'justin', 'observation', 'mental', 'institution', 'get', 'power', 'attorney', 'justin', 'attracts', 'attention', 'mildred', 'watson', 'psychiatrist', 'becomes', 'fascinated', 'case', 'justin', 'demonstrates', 'knack', 'holmesian', 'deduction', 'walks', 'institution', 'ensuing', 'confusion', 'watson', 'comes', 'home', 'attempt', 'treatment', 'playfair', 'initially', 'dismissive', 'watson', 'attempts', 'psychoanalyzing', 'hears', 'name', 'enthusiastically', 'incorporates', 'life', 'doctor', 'watson', 'holmes', 'duo', 'begin', 'enigmatic', 'quest', 'moriarty', 'playfair/holmes', 'following', 'manner', 'bizarre', 'unintelligible', 'clues', 'two', 'growing', 'closer', 'process'], [\"'in\", '1963', 'ennis', 'del', 'mar', 'jack', 'twist', 'hired', 'joe', 'aguirre', 'herd', 'sheep', 'summer', 'wyoming', 'night', 'heavy', 'drinking', 'jack', 'makes', 'sexual', 'pass', 'ennis', 'initially', 'apprehensive', 'succumbs', 'jack\\\\', 'advances', 'although', 'warns', 'jack', 'one-time', 'incident', 'develop', 'sexual', 'emotional', 'relationship', 'shortly', 'learning', 'summer', 'together', 'cut', 'short', 'briefly', 'fight', 'bloodied', 'jack', 'ennis', 'part', 'ways', 'ennis', 'marries', 'longtime', 'fianc챕e', 'alma', 'beers', 'fathers', 'two', 'children', 'jack', 'returns', 'next', 'summer', 'aguirre', 'witnessed', 'jack', 'ennis', 'mountain', 're-hire', 'jack', 'meets', 'marries', 'starts', 'family', 'rodeo', 'rider', 'lureen', 'newsome', 'four', 'years', 'jack', 'visits', 'ennis', 'upon', 'meeting', 'two', 'kiss', 'passionately', 'alma', 'accidentally', 'witnesses', 'jack', 'broaches', 'subject', 'creating', 'life', 'together', 'small', 'ranch', 'ennis', 'haunted', 'childhood', 'memory', 'torture', 'murder', 'man', 'suspected', 'homosexual', 'behavior', 'refuses', 'also', 'unwilling', 'abandon', 'family', 'ennis', 'jack', 'continue', 'meet', 'infrequent', 'fishing', 'trips', 'marriages', 'men', 'deteriorate', 'alma', 'ennis', 'eventually', 'divorce', 'ennis', 'sees', 'family', 'regularly', 'alma', 'finally', 'reveals', 'knowledge', 'nature', 'relationship', 'jack', 'making', 'homophobic', 'remarks', 'incites', 'violent', 'argument', 'ennis', 'subsequently', 'severs', 'ties', 'alma', 'lureen', 'abandons', 'rodeo', 'days', 'becomes', 'businesswoman', 'father', 'expects', 'jack', 'work', 'sales', 'hearing', 'ennis\\\\', 'divorce', 'jack', 'drives', 'wyoming', 'hoping', 'live', 'together', 'ennis', 'refuses', 'move', 'away', 'children', 'jack', 'finds', 'solace', 'male', 'prostitutes', 'mexico', 'ennis', 'meets', 'brief', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'waitress', 'cassie', 'cartwright', 'jack', 'lureen', 'meet', 'befriend', 'another', 'couple', 'randall', 'lashawn', 'malone', 'implied', 'jack', 'randall', 'begin', 'affair', 'behind', 'wives\\\\', 'backs', 'end', 'fishing', 'trip', 'ennis', 'attempts', 'push', 'back', 'next', 'meeting', 'argument', 'erupts', 'jack\\\\', 'frustration', 'seeing', 'ennis', 'infrequently', 'ennis', 'blames', 'jack', 'cause', 'conflicted', 'emotions', 'jack', 'attempts', 'hold', 'brief', 'struggle', 'end', 'locked', 'embrace', 'flashback', 'ennis', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'jack', 'summer', 'brokeback', 'mountain', 'fades', 'back', 'jack', 'watching', 'ennis', 'drive', 'away', 'sometime', 'later', 'postcard', 'ennis', 'sends', 'jack', 'returned', 'stamped', 'deceased', 'telephone', 'conversation', 'lureen', 'tells', 'ennis', 'jack', 'died', 'tire', 'changing', 'exploded', 'listening', 'ennis', 'imagines', 'jack', 'beaten', 'death', 'gang', 'jack\\\\', 'actual', 'fate', 'left', 'deliberately', 'ambiguous', 'cite', 'journal', 'lureen', 'tells', 'ennis', 'jack', 'wanted', 'ashes', 'scattered', 'brokeback', 'mountain', 'know', 'ennis', 'travels', 'meet', 'jack\\\\', 'mother', 'father', 'offers', 'take', 'jack\\\\', 'ashes', 'father', 'refuses', 'preferring', 'interred', 'family', 'plot', 'jack\\\\', 'childhood', 'bedroom', 'ennis', 'finds', 'bloodstained', 'shirt', 'thought', 'lost', 'brokeback', 'mountain', 'realizing', 'jack', 'kept', 'hanging', 'bloodstained', 'shirt', 'jack', 'wore', 'fight', 'ennis', 'holds', 'face', 'breathing', 'scent', 'silently', 'weeping', 'jack\\\\', 'mother', 'allows', 'keep', 'shirts', 'later', '19-year-old', 'alma', 'jr.', 'arrives', 'father\\\\', 'trailer', 'news', 'engaged', 'asks', 'ennis', 'blessing', 'invites', 'wedding', 'ennis', 'asks', 'fianc챕', 'really', 'loves', 'answers', 'yes', 'alma\\\\', 'departure', 'ennis', 'goes', 'closet', 'hanging', 'nail', 'pounded', 'door', 'shirts', 'postcard', 'brokeback', 'mountain', 'tacked', 'jack\\\\', 'shirt', 'tucked', 'inside', 'ennis\\\\', 'ennis', 'fastens', 'top', 'button', 'jack\\\\', 'shirt', 'tears', 'eyes', 'mutters', 'jack', 'swear', '...', 'straightening', 'postcard', 'closing', 'door', 'walking', 'away'], ['title', 'character', 'raja', 'hindustani', 'taxi-driver', 'tourist', 'guide', 'lives', 'simple', 'code', 'prone', 'violence', 'code', 'violated', 'aarti', 'sehgal', 'wealthy', 'debutante', 'seeking', 'connect', 'past', 'standing', 'way', 'love', 'disapproving', 'father', 'stepmother', 'bent', 'obtaining', 'total', 'control', 'family', 'assets', 'wealthy', 'sehgal', 'lives', 'daughter', 'aarti', 'stepmother', 'shalini', 'palatial', 'home', 'aarti', 'decides', 'vacation', 'small', 'hill', 'station', 'named', 'palankhet', 'discover', 'memories', 'dead', 'mother', 'upon', 'arrival', 'finds', 'transportation', 'airport', 'palankhet', 'result', 'hires', 'services', 'available', 'driver', 'raja', 'hindustani', 'stay', 'palankhet', 'aarti', 'raja', 'fall', 'love', 'one', 'day', 'aarti', 'surprise', 'father', 'arrives', 'palankhet', 'intends', 'bring', 'home', 'father', 'accept', 'marriage', 'condition', 'raja', 'come', 'mumbai', 'learn', 'become', 'respectable', 'member', 'society', 'raja', 'refuses', 'forces', 'aarti', 'make', 'cision', 'aarti', 'chooses', 'raja', 'begs', 'father', 'blessings', 'father', 'refuses', 'offer', 'blessings', 'leaves', 'mumbai', 'time', 'sehgal', 'forgives', 'daughter', 'visits', 'palankhet', 'gifts', 'daughter', 'son-in-law', 'new', 'house', 'raja', 'refuses', 'live', 'house', 'see', 'house', 'gift', 'rather', 'alms', 'since', 'poor', 'mr.', 'sehgal', 'rich', 'shalini', 'brother', 'swaraj', 'nephew', 'jai', 'seek', 'exploit', 'conflict', 'order', 'gain', 'total', 'control', 'mr.', 'sehgal', 'assets', 'pretext', 'birthday', 'party', 'bring', 'raja', 'aarti', 'mumbai', 'set', 'motion', 'events', 'change', 'lives', 'forever', 'result', 'aarti', 'raja', 'separate', 'aarti', 'pregnant', 'due', 'health', 'problem', 'doctor', 'forbid', 'palankhet', 'instead', 'stepmother', 'palankhet', 'inform', 'raja', 'baby', 'request', 'come', 'mumbai', 'however', 'instead', 'aarti', 'mother', 'chooses', 'tell', 'raja', 'aarti', 'wants', 'divorce', 'raja', 'refuses', 'give', 'divorce', 'back', 'mumbai', 'even', 'aarti', 'refuses', 'give', 'raja', 'divorce', 'sometime', 'raja', 'comes', 'know', 'aarti', 'baby', 'goes', 'aarti', 'house', 'steals', 'baby', 'aarti', 'live', 'without', 'baby', 'comes', 'raja', 'house', 'begging', 'baby', 'learn', 'truth', 'aarti', 'stepmother', 'culprit', 'raja', 'returns', 'home', 'baby', 'sees', 'aarti', 'starts', 'run', 'away', 'road', 'fighting', 'aarti', 'step-uncle', 'raja', 'capture', 'baby', 'aarti', 'step-uncle', 'wanted', 'kill', 'baby', 'aarti', 'step-uncle', 'loses', 'last', 'aarti', 'raja', 'reunite'], [\"'durga\", 'singh', 'poor', 'woman', 'raising', 'two', 'sons', 'karan', 'arjun', 'sons', 'give', 'bangles', 'says', 'shall', 'give', 'woman', 'marry', 'later', 'munim', 'aging', 'thakur', 'comes', 'talk', 'durga', 'karan', 'arjun', 'learn', 'father', 'dead', 'durga', 'reveals', 'father', 'thakur\\\\', 'son', 'married', 'father\\\\', 'wishes', 'durjan', 'singh', 'servant', 'thakur', 'killed', 'durga\\\\', 'husband', 'prevent', 'durga', 'sons', 'inheriting', 'thakur\\\\', 'estate', 'karan', 'arjun', 'learn', 'dying', 'thakur', 'wants', 'give', 'estate', 'grandchildren', 'dying', 'durjan', 'kills', 'master', 'latter', 'learns', 'truth', 'later', 'kills', 'karan', 'arjun', 'front', 'durga\\\\', 'eyes', 'durga', 'accept', 'sons', 'died', 'prays', 'goddess', 'kali', 'bring', 'back', 'miraculously', 'durga\\\\', 'prayers', 'heard', 'sons', 'reborn', 'different', 'families', 'knowledge', 'past', 'lives', 'durga', 'unaware', 'miracle', 'years', 'keeps', 'persuading', 'people', 'village', 'karan', 'arjun', 'come', 'back', 'durjan', 'family', 'often', 'imitate', 'brothers-in-law', 'shamsher', 'nahar', 'mockingly', 'give', 'garlands', 'put', 'picture', 'karan', 'arjun', 'durga', 'vows', 'place', 'garlands', 'dead', 'bodies', 'arjun', 'reincarnated', 'vijay', 'works', 'stable', 'uncle', 'parents', 'die', 'wins', 'heart', 'sonia', 'saxena', 'spend', 'lot', 'time', 'together', 'neither', 'knows', 'sonia', 'marry', 'durjan', 'singh\\\\', 'son', 'suraj', 'karan', 'reincarnated', 'ajay', 'professional', 'fighter', 'soon', 'works', 'saxena', 'sonia\\\\', 'father', 'durjan', 'singh\\\\', 'partner', 'karan', 'arjun', 'still', 'nightmares', 'deaths', 'previous', 'lives', 'none', 'knows', 'learning', 'vijay', 'suraj', 'sets', 'stable', 'fire', 'believes', 'vijay', 'died', 'however', 'later', 'sonia', 'suraj\\\\', 'engagement', 'party', 'vijay', 'arrives', 'attacks', 'suraj', 'ajay', 'sent', 'kill', 'vijay', 'two', 'start', 'fighting', 'durga', 'given', 'sign', 'photo', 'sons', 'falls', 'rushes', 'temple', 'prays', 'vijay', 'ajay', 'suddenly', 'stop', 'fighting', 'saxena', 'tries', 'shoot', 'vijay', 'ajay', 'stops', 'whilst', 'shouting', 'bhaag', 'arjun', 'bhaag', 'something', 'ajay', 'said', 'vijay', 'previous', 'lives', 'attacked', 'durjan\\\\', 'men', 'ajay', 'sent', 'prison', 'whilst', 'vijay', 'escapes', 'vijay', 'confused', 'incident', 'mostly', 'dreamt', 'somebody', 'saying', 'exact', 'words', 'sonia', 'forcibly', 'taken', 'durjan', 'singh\\\\', 'house', 'marry', 'suraj', 'writes', 'vijay', 'begging', 'come', 'rescue', 'vijay', 'friend', 'travel', 'save', 'sonia', 'everybody', 'sees', 'stunned', 'calls', 'arjun', 'remembers', 'details', 'flashes', 'reunites', 'durga', 'vijay', 'saves', 'ajay', 'explains', 'whole', 'situation', 'heading', 'back', 'save', 'sonia', 'ajay', 'refuses', 'believe', 'durjan\\\\', 'brothers-in-law', 'attack', 'durga', 'ajay', 'also', 'convinced', 'fights', 'vijay', 'durjan', 'hears', 'karan', 'arjun', 'returning', 'refuses', 'believe', 'brothers-in-law', 'attempt', 'bring', 'process', 'killed', 'durga', 'places', 'garlands', 'gave', 'dead', 'bodies', 'village', 'temple', 'rituals', 'held', 'sonia', 'suraj\\\\', 'wedding', 'karan', 'arjun', 'teamed', 'allies', 'frighten', 'durjan', 'convincing', 'back', 'soon', 'saxena', 'durjan', 'fallout', 'fearful', 'saxena', 'tells', 'sonia', 'run', 'away', 'vijay', 'sonia', 'meets', 'vijay', 'everybody', 'helping', 'durjan', 'saxena', 'arrive', 'making', 'realize', 'ruse', 'ajay', 'succeeds', 'creating', 'diversion', 'letting', 'vijay', 'sonia', 'escape', 'vijay', 'kills', 'suraj', 'upon', 'durjan', 'kills', 'saxena', 'fit', 'rage', 'henchmen', 'killed', 'durjan', 'attempts', 'kill', 'karan', 'arjun', 'overpower', 'falls', 'knees', 'runs', 'durga', 'begs', 'forgiveness', 'however', 'orders', 'sons', 'kill', 'revenge', 'durga', 'places', 'garland', 'gave', 'dead', 'body', 'fulfilling', 'promises', 'made', 'later', 'arjun', 'marries', 'sonia', 'karan', 'marries', 'bindiya', 'durga', 'places', 'bangles', 'sons', 'gave', 'daughters-in-law\\\\', 'wrists', 'promised', 'karan', 'arjun', 'years', 'ago'], ['1950s', 'reserved', 'middle', 'aged', 'bachelor', 'lewis', 'oxford', 'university', 'academic', 'magdalen', 'college', 'author', 'chronicles', 'narnia', 'series', 'children', 'books', 'meets', 'married', 'american', 'poet', 'joy', 'gresham', 'young', 'son', 'douglas', 'visit', 'england', 'yet', 'knowing', 'circumstances', 'gresham', 'troubled', 'marriage', 'begins', 'formal', 'meeting', 'two', 'different', 'minds', 'slowly', 'develops', 'intense', 'feeling', 'connection', 'love', 'lewis', 'finds', 'quiet', 'life', 'brother', 'warnie', 'disrupted', 'outspoken', 'feisty', 'gresham', 'whose', 'uninhibited', 'behavior', 'offers', 'sharp', 'contrast', 'rigid', 'sensibilities', 'male-dominated', 'university', 'provides', 'new', 'ways', 'viewing', 'world', 'initially', 'marriage', 'one', 'convenience', 'platonic', 'union', 'designed', 'allow', 'gresham', 'remain', 'england', 'diagnosed', 'cancer', 'deeper', 'feelings', 'surface', 'lewis', 'faith', 'tested', 'wife', 'tries', 'prepare', 'imminent', 'death'], [\"'set\", 'new', 'jersey', 'great', 'depression', 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'cecilia', 'clumsy', 'waitress', 'goes', 'movies', 'escape', 'bleak', 'life', 'loveless', 'abusive', 'marriage', 'monk', 'attempted', 'leave', 'numerous', 'occasions', 'latest', 'film', 'cecilia', 'sees', 'fictitious', 'rko', 'radio', 'pictures', 'film', 'purple', 'rose', 'cairo', 'story', 'rich', 'manhattan', 'playwright', 'goes', 'exotic', 'vacation', 'egypt', 'companions', 'jason', 'john', 'wood', 'rita', 'egypt', 'three', 'meet', 'archaeologist', 'tom', 'baxter', 'tom', 'brought', 'back', 'madcap', 'manhattan', 'weekend', 'falls', 'head-over-heels', 'kitty', 'haynes', 'chanteuse', 'copacabana', 'cecilia', 'sits', 'film', 'several', 'times', 'tom', 'noticing', 'breaks', 'fourth', 'wall', 'emerges', 'black-and-white', 'screen', 'colorful', 'real', 'world', 'side', 'cinema\\\\', 'screen', 'tells', 'cecilia', 'attracted', 'noticing', 'watching', 'many', 'times', 'takes', 'around', 'new', 'york', 'later', 'takes', 'film', 'great', 'evening', 'town', 'within', 'film', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'character\\\\', 'defection', 'film', 'caused', 'problems', 'copies', 'film', 'others', 'tried', 'exit', 'screen', 'producer', 'film', 'learns', 'tom', 'left', 'film', 'flies', 'cross-country', 'new', 'jersey', 'actor', 'gil', 'shepherd', 'sets', 'unusual', 'love', 'triangle', 'involving', 'tom', 'gil', 'cecilia', 'cecilia', 'must', 'choose', 'decides', 'choose', 'real', 'person', 'gil', 'rather', 'fantasy', 'figure', 'tom', 'gives', 'chance', 'return', 'tom', 'world', 'choosing', 'stay', 'gil', \"\\\\'real\\\\\", 'life', 'breaks', 'husband', 'gil\\\\', 'professions', 'love', 'cecilia', 'false', 'mdash', 'wooed', 'get', 'tom', 'return', 'movie', 'thereby', 'save', 'gil\\\\', 'hollywood', 'career', 'gil', 'abandons', 'cecilia', 'seen', 'quietly', 'racked', 'guilt', 'flight', 'back', 'hollywood', 'left', 'without', 'lover', 'job', 'home', 'cecilia', 'ends', 'immersing', 'frothy', 'escapism', 'hollywood', 'sitting', 'theater', 'watching', 'fred', 'astaire', 'ginger', 'rogers', 'dancing', 'cheek-to-cheek', 'film', 'top', 'hat', 'forgetting', 'dire', 'situation', 'losing', 'film'], ['min', 'part', 'cantonese', 'street', 'opera', 'troupe', 'part-time', 'cover', 'artiste', 'meets', 'kit', 'struggling', 'jazz', 'musician', 'broken', 'celebrity', 'singer', 'girlfriend', 'bubbly', 'personality', 'affects', 'kit', 'better', 'however', 'relationship', 'begins', 'stabilize', 'win', 'acceptance', 'min', 'family', 'includes', 'strict', 'mother', 'doting', 'saxophone-playing', 'uncle', 'min', 're-diagnosed', 'bone', 'cancer', 'suffered', 'young', 'child'], ['film', 'centers', 'relationship', 'exotic', 'dancer', 'ang챕la', 'lover', '횋mile', 'ang챕la', 'wants', 'child', '횋mile', \"n't\", 'ready', '횋mile', 'best', 'friend', 'alfred', 'also', 'says', 'loves', 'ang챕la', 'keeps', 'gentle', 'pursuit', 'ang챕la', '횋mile', 'arguments', 'matter', 'one', 'point', 'decided', 'speak', 'pull', 'books', 'shelf', 'pointing', 'titles', 'continue', 'argument', 'since', '횋mile', 'stubbornly', 'refuses', 'request', 'child', 'ang챕la', 'finally', 'decides', 'accept', 'alfred', 'plea', 'sleeps', 'since', 'shows', 'needs', 'child', '횋mile', 'finally', 'make', 'might', 'chance', 'become', 'father'], [\"'happy-go-lucky\", 'advertising', 'executive', 'david', 'basner', 'recently', 'got', 'promotion', 'chicago', 'agency', 'returns', 'work', 'vacation', 'utterly', 'carefree', 'parents', 'split', 'years', 'marriage', 'blue', 'must', 'care', 'aging', 'bitter', 'father', 'max', 'well', 'emotionally', 'fragile', 'mother', 'lorraine', 'add', 'insult', 'injury', 'max', 'fired', '35-year', 'career', 'garment', 'industry', 'work', 'david', 'developing', 'commercial', 'colonial', 'airlines', 'owned', 'rich', 'eccentric', 'andrew', 'woolridge', 'successful', 'campaign', 'would', 'likely', 'promote', 'david', 'partner', 'company', 'david', 'develops', 'relationship', 'woolridge\\\\', 'daughter', 'no-nonsense', 'cheryl', 'ann', 'wayne', 'father', 'well', 'aware', 'david\\\\', 'playboy', 'nature', 'asking', 'one', 'point', 'son', 'bed', 'woman', 'max', 'adds', 'anybody', 'know', 'parents', 'begin', 'rely', 'david', 'calling', 'phone', 'constantly', 'mother', 'needs', 'help', 'moving', 'new', 'apartment', 'father', 'needs', 'driven', 'eye', 'doctor', 'lorraine', 'needs', 'rescued', 'bar', 'going', 'date', 'another', 'man', 'become', 'frightened', 'tried', 'kiss', 'goodnight', 'david\\\\', 'mother', 'confides', 'max', 'cheated', 'humiliated', 'enraged', 'david', 'goes', 'confront', 'max', 'argument', 'ends', 'david', 'saying', 'tomorrow', 'shooting', 'commercial', 'family', 'loves', 'cares', 'fakin\\\\', 'next', 'day', 'david', 'distracted', 'deteriorating', 'relationship', 'dad', 'affects', 'work', 'peace', 'offering', 'david', 'offers', 'take', 'max', 'nightclub', 'hear', 'jazz', 'music', 'max', 'likes', 'david', 'accidentally', 'discovers', 'secret', 'max', 'hiding', 'diabetes', 'foot', 'gangrened', 'max', 'must', 'hospital', 'awaiting', 'surgery', 'lorraine', 'share', 'thoughts', 'life', 'together', 'lorraine', 'condemning', 'max', 'sobs', 'mistakes', 'alone', 'agency', 'andrew', 'woolridge', 'insists', 'david', 'new', 'york', 'promote', 'new', 'campaign', 'david', 'refuses', 'saying', 'wants', 'stay', 'sick', 'father', 'woolridge', 'complains', 'it\\\\', 'unnecessary', 'david', 'tells', 'fired', 'next', 'day', 'david', 'accompanies', 'dad', 'operating', 'room', 'boss', 'charlie', 'relating', 'similar', 'story', 'david', 'difficult', 'relationship', 'father', 'assures', 'david', 'personally', 'smooth', 'things', 'woolridge', 'david', 'take', 'time', 'max', 'loses', 'two', 'toes', 'goes', 'home', 'hospital', 'david', 'pushes', 'wheelchair', 'max', 'admits', 'son', 'last', 'person', 'thought', 'would', 'ever', 'come'], [\"'in-soo\", 'seo-young', 'married', 'meet', 'hospital', 'respective', 'partners', 'involved', 'car', 'accident', 'leads', 'discover', 'spouses', 'affair', 'begin', 'one', 'relationship', 'grows', 'approach', 'help', 'occasionally'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'revolves', 'around', 'four', 'friends', 'relationships', 'women', 'set', 'background', 'upscale', 'manhattan', 'bars', 'lofts', 'apartments', 'guys', 'engage', 'sharp', 'banter', 'one-upsmanship', 'characters', 'mark', 'therapist', 'runyon', 'playwright', 'josh', 'playboy', 'phil', 'plumber', 'try', 'sort', 'troubled', 'love-lives', 'mark', 'girlfriend', 'hung', 'moving', 'together', 'runyon', 'hung', 'old', 'girlfriend', 'kathryn', 'moved', 'los', 'angeles', 'womanizing', 'josh', 'hung', 'phil\\\\', 'sister', 'gina', 'abusive', 'husband', 'phil', 'married', 'children', 'finds', 'hung', 'english', 'interior', 'designer', 'characters', 'film', 'spend', 'much', 'time', 'trying', 'decipher', 'word', 'pompatus', 'wondering', 'whether', 'mis-hearing', 'lyrics', 'prophetess', 'impetus', 'profitless', 'impotence', 'pompous', 'ass', 'pom-pom', 'tits'], ['theresa', 'jones', 'takes', 'boyfriend', 'simon', 'green', 'home', 'meet', 'parents', 'occasion', 'parents', '25th', 'wedding', 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'needs', 'elizabethtown', 'kentucky', 'bring', 'body', 'back', 'home', 'airport', 'drew\\\\', 'sister', 'mother', 'tell', 'wish', 'cremate', 'father\\\\', 'body', 'nearly', 'empty', 'plane', 'quick-witted', 'flight', 'attendant', 'claire', 'gives', 'free', 'seat', 'first', 'class', 'declines', 'insists', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'walk', 'way', 'back', 'coach', 'claire', 'energetic', 'charming', 'knows', 'read', 'people', 'starts', 'pestering', 'drew', 'get', 'know', 'knows', 'kentucky', 'well', 'draws', 'map', 'elizabethtown', 'roads', 'hopelessly', 'gloriously', 'confusing', 'also', 'jots', 'phone', 'number', 'map', 'arrives', 'elizabethtown', 'boy', 'leads', 'funeral', 'home', 'drew\\\\', 'cousin', 'waiting', 'various', 'members', 'family', 'greet', 'california', 'boy', 'although', 'family', 'lived', 'california', 'months', 'moving', 'oregon', 'viewing', 'father\\\\', 'body', 'drew', 'meets', 'relatives', 'aunt', 'dora\\\\', 'house', 'realizing', 'huge', 'loving', 'extended', 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'learns', 'he\\\\', 'performer', 'cauliflower', 'ear', 'years', 'pinky', 'invites', 'come', 'see', 'perform', 'sees', 'clown', 'act', 'tolerated', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'distract', 'serving', 'food', 'liquor', 'louisa', 'charmed', 'pinky\\\\', 'satisfaction', 'simple', 'lot', 'life', 'seeing', 'mirroring', 'desires', 'marries', 'one', 'night', 'suggests', 'pinky', 'perform', 'without', 'clown', 'makeup', 'suddenly', 'customers', 'notice', 'talent', 'short', 'order', 'pinky', 'becomes', 'hollywood', 'movie', 'star', 'louisa', 'neglected', 'husband', 'obsessed', 'fame', 'all-pink', 'mansion', 'among', 'pinky\\\\', 'obsessions', 'louisa\\\\', 'appearance', 'movie', 'screening', 'all-pink', 'chinchilla', 'coat', 'pink', 'wig', 'pinky\\\\', 'adoring', 'public', 'stampede', 'premiere', 'trampling', 'death', 'early', 'grave', 'louisa', 'told', 'psychiatrist', 'sad', 'tale', 'turns', 'begs', 'marry', 'familiar-looking', 'janitor', 'comes', 'office', 'attempt', 'lower', 'psychiatrist\\\\', 'chair', 'robert', 'cummings\\\\', 'character', 'stuck', 'winds', 'letting', 'drop', 'ceiling-height', 'knocking', 'cold', 'reviving', 'throwing', 'bucket', 'water', 'turns', 'makes', 'happy', 'discovery', 'janitor', 'leonard', 'crawley', 'lost', 'everything', 'leading', 'poor', 'simple', 'life', 'share', 'doctor', 'comes', 'sees', 'louisa', 'leonard', 'kissing', 'passionately', 'causes', 'pass', 'end', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'see', 'happy', 'no-longer-curse-weary', 'louisa', 'several', 'children', 'quaint', 'house', 'leonard', 'sits', 'running', 'tractor', 'reading', 'thoreau', 'tractor', 'slowly', 'grinds', 'ground', 'strikes', 'oil', 'thinking', 'curse', 'finally', 'resurfaced', 'devastated', 'louisa', 'runs', 'husband', 'man', 'coveralls', 'runs', 'starts', 'berating', 'leonard', 'hitting', 'underground', 'oil', 'pipe', 'tractor', 'relieved', 'louisa', 'hugs', 'kisses', 'leonard', 'showered', 'erupting', 'oil'], ['set', 'fictional', 'town', 'thayer', 'connecticut', 'story', 'focuses', 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'paramedic', 'brad', 'stevenson', 'paul', 'schneider', 'stones', 'christmas', 'breakfast', 'following', 'morning', 'awakens', 'ben', 'bed', 'incorrectly', 'assumes', 'night', 'revelry', 'ended', 'two', 'sleeping', 'together', 'christmas', 'proves', 'day', 'accusations', 'recriminations', 'self-discoveries', 'attempts', 'mend', 'fences', 'sybil', 'originally', 'refused', 'everett', 'request', 'grandmother', 'ring', 'reconsiders', 'position', 'offers', 'feelings', 'meredith', 'shifted', 'sister', 'moment', 'emotional', 'confusion', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'clarity', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'asks', 'julie', 'try', 'ring', 'gets', 'stuck', 'julie', 'meredith', 'lock', 'bathroom', 'get', 'ring', 'assume', 'everett', 'propose', 'meredith', 'family', 'exchanges', 'gifts', 'meredith', 'oblivious', 'sybil', 'failing', 'health', 'presents', 'framed', 'enlarged', 'photograph', 'sybil', 'taken', 'pregnant', 'amy', 'everyone', 'touched', 'gesture', 'meredith', 'relaxes', 'slightly', 'everett', 'asks', 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'mouth', 'calm', 'animal', 'says', 'duncan', 'also', 'likes', 'dress', 'late', 'mother', 'clothing', 'much', 'distress', 'confused', 'father', 'small', 'insular', 'band', 'conformist', 'teens', 'comprise', 'adolescent', 'social', 'life', 'duncan', 'world', 'initially', 'ostracize', 'allow', 'circle', 'reluctantly', 'largely', 'amusement', 'duncan', 'beset', 'profound', 'sense', 'grief', 'trying', 'reconcile', 'world', 'sexual', 'alien', 'crush', 'one', 'local', 'kids', 'perry', 'leads', 'violent', 'resolution', 'duncan', 'relinquishes', 'loves'], [\"'matt\", 'travis', 'good-looking', 'popular', 'school\\\\', 'best', 'competitive', 'swimmer', 'everyone', 'shocked', 'inexplicably', 'commits', 'suicide', 'following', 'year', 'unfolds', 'member', 'family', 'struggles', 'recover', 'tragedy', 'mixed', 'results', 'mother', 'sandy', 'tries', 'keep', 'lines', 'communication', 'open', 'younger', 'son', 'tim', 'easing', 'emotional', 'pain', 'marijuana', 'father', 'ben', 'perfectionist', 'worshiped', 'matt', 'much', 'ignored', 'tim', 'insists', 'continuing', 'place', 'meal', 'dinner', 'table', 'dead', 'boy', 'begins', 'drink', 'heavily', 'eventually', 'without', 'telling', 'wife', 'takes', 'leave', 'absence', 'work', 'spends', 'days', 'lost', 'reverie', 'park', 'bench', 'tim', 'always', 'shadows', 'smaller', 'unathletic', 'less', 'accomplished', 'brother', 'struggles', 'get', 'school', 'trying', 'resist', 'recreational', 'drugs', 'best', 'friend', 'kyle', 'dwyer', 'always', 'offering', 'contemplating', 'sex', 'classmate', 'steph', 'connors', 'sister', 'penny', 'away', 'college', 'dutifully', 'comes', 'home', 'infrequent', 'visits', 'tries', 'help', 'bridge', 'widening', 'gap', 'surviving', 'brother', 'parents', 'passing', 'months', 'new', 'crises', 'arise', 'long-kept', 'secret', 'revealed', 'revealed', 'one', 'family', 'member', 'aware', 'matt\\\\', 'inner', 'turmoil', 'suicidal', 'thoughts', 'nothing', 'done', 'help'], [\"'nino\", 'culotta', 'italian', 'immigrant', 'newly', 'arrived', 'australia', 'expected', 'work', 'cousin', 'sports', 'writer', 'italian', 'magazine', 'however', 'arrival', 'sydney', 'nino', 'discovers', 'cousin', 'abandoned', 'magazine', 'leaving', 'substantial', 'debt', 'kay', 'kelly', 'nino', 'declares', 'get', 'job', 'pay', 'back', 'debt', 'working', 'labourer', 'nino', 'becomes', 'mates', 'co-workers', 'despite', 'difficulties', 'australian', 'slang', 'culture', '1960s', 'nino', 'endeavours', 'understand', 'aspirational', 'values', 'social', 'rituals', 'everyday', 'urban', 'australians', 'assimilate', 'romantic', 'attraction', 'builds', 'nino', 'kay', 'despite', 'frosty', 'exterior', 'conservative', 'irish', 'father\\\\', 'dislike', 'italians', 'cite', 'news', 'tone', 'racism', 'exists', 'film', 'anglo-saxon/anglo-irish', 'characters', 'kay', 'kelly\\\\', 'dad', 'harry', 'nino', 'undermined', 'nino', 'sitting', 'kelly', 'house', 'notices', 'picture', 'pope', 'wall', 'nino', 'says', 'dago', 'he\\\\', 'dago', 'realising', 'impossibility', 'referring', 'pope', 'derogatory', 'term', 'harry', 'gives'], [\"'bradley\", 'morahan', 'australian', 'artist', 'feels', 'become', 'jaded', 'success', 'life', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'decides', 'needs', 'regain', 'edge', 'young', 'artist', 'returns', 'australia', 'sets', 'shack', 'shore', 'small', 'sparsely', 'inhabited', 'island', 'great', 'barrier', 'reef', 'meets', 'young', 'cora', 'ryan', 'grown', 'wild', 'relative', 'difficult', 'gin-guzzling', 'grandmother', \"\\\\'ma\\\\\", 'earn', 'money', 'cora', 'sells', 'bradley', 'fish', 'caught', 'sea', 'later', 'sells', 'chicken', 'stolen', 'spinster', 'neighbor', 'isabel', 'marley', 'bradley', 'suspected', 'thief', 'pays', 'isabel', 'gets', 'cora', 'promise', 'steal', 'anymore', 'help', 'save', 'enough', 'money', 'fulfill', 'dream', 'becoming', 'hairdresser', 'brisbane', 'pays', 'model', 'reinvigorates', 'becoming', 'artistic', 'muse', 'bradley\\\\', 'work', 'disrupted', 'sponging', 'longtime', 'friend', 'nat', 'kelly', 'shows', 'nat', 'hiding', 'police', 'alimony', 'owes', 'bradley', 'refuses', 'give', 'loan', 'nat', 'invites', 'stay', 'bradley', 'several', 'days', 'bradley\\\\', 'patience', 'becomes', 'exhausted', 'luckily', 'problem', 'solved', 'nat', 'romances', 'isabel', 'hoping', 'get', 'money', 'instead', 'unexpectedly', 'ravishes', 'next', 'day', 'hastily', 'departs', 'island', 'stealing', 'bradley\\\\', 'money', 'drawings', 'catches', 'cora', 'posing', 'nude', 'bradley', 'accuses', 'carrying', 'underage', 'granddaughter', 'bradley', 'protests', 'done', 'nothing', 'improper', 'finally', 'gives', 'little', 'money', 'left', 'get', 'away', 'cora', 'discovers', 'found', 'hidden', 'cache', 'money', 'chases', 'ensuing', 'struggle', 'falls', 'hill', 'breaks', 'neck', 'dies', 'local', 'policeman', 'sees', 'reason', 'investigate', 'since', 'old', 'woman', 'known', 'frequently', 'drunk', 'later', 'night', 'cora', 'goes', 'bradley\\\\', 'shack', 'disappointed', 'seems', 'view', 'model', 'runs', 'bradley', 'follows', 'water', 'finally', 'gets', 'see', 'desirable', 'young', 'woman'], ['sir', 'hugo', 'interested', 'reconstructing', 'dinosaur', 'bones', 'paying', 'attention', 'wife', 'lady', 'harriet', 'thrilled', 'daughter', 'cleo', 'brings', 'home', 'betrothed', 'sidney', 'aspires', 'poet', 'new', 'butler', 'fledge', 'provides', 'lady', 'harriet', 'attention', 'missing', 'seduces', 'sidney', 'role', 'sidney', 'disappearance', 'well'], ['writer', 'invited', 'house', 'noblewoman', 'adores', 'free-thinkers', 'attempts', 'seduce', 'insists', 'tell', 'past', 'love', 'exploits', 'takes', 'time', 'prison', 'unknowingly', 'incarcerated', 'cell', 'beside'], ['dashing', 'french', 'army', 'officer', 'capitaine', 'jacques', 'keroual', 'saint-yves', 'captured', 'british', 'napoleonic', 'wars', 'sent', 'scottish', 'prison', 'camp', 'falls', 'local', 'girl', 'befriends', 'commanding', 'office', 'discovers', 'surprising', 'secret', 'long-lost', 'grandfather'], ['film', 'begins', 'flashback', 'titular', 'character', 'antoine', 'introduced', 'fixation', 'female', 'hairdressers', 'began', 'young', 'age', 'film', 'uses', 'flashbacks', 'throughout', 'frequent', 'parallels', 'drawn', 'past', 'though', 'antoine', 'tells', 'mathilde', \"'the\", 'past', 'dead', 'life', 'evidence', 'level', 'past', 'repeats', 'young', 'boy', 'fantasised', 'hairdresser', 'committed', 'suicide', 'man', '50s', 'begins', 'affair', 'hairdresser', 'ends', 'ten', 'years', 'suicide', 'however', 'differences', 'mathilde', 'commits', 'suicide', 'happy', 'afraid', 'happiness', 'found', 'antoine', 'ending', 'unsure', 'antoine', 'done', 'life', 'know', 'however', 'fulfilled', 'childhood', 'ambition', 'marry', 'haidresser', 'reality', 'proves', 'every', 'bit', 'wonderful', 'fantasy', 'two', 'enjoy', 'enigmatic', 'enclosed', 'enchanting', 'relationship', 'final', 'sequence', 'shows', 'antoine', 'salon', 'dancing', 'eastern', 'music', 'done', 'throughout', 'life', 'last', 'line', 'enigmatic', 'comment', 'hairdresser', 'return'], [\"'leung\", 'plays', 'translator', 'kaneshiro', 'plays', 'violinist', 'live', 'parallel', 'lives', 'appear', 'perfect', 'somehow', 'fate', 'seems', 'keep', 'apart'], [\"'four\", 'angels', 'mdash', 'charlie', 'earl', 'gonzales', 'ruth', 'mdash', 'charge', 'heaven', 'last', 'years', 'playing', 'golf', 'match', 'heaven', 'game', 'interrupted', 'god', 'returned', 'office', 'like', 'sees', 'earth', 'god', 'wants', 'order', 'another', 'flood', 'start', 'angels', 'persuade', 'god', 'reconsider', 'reasoning', 'typical', 'earth', 'man', 'reform', 'would', 'prove', 'mankind', 'capable', 'god', 'agrees', 'scheme', 'typical', 'earth', 'man', 'selected', 'angels', 'zack', 'melon', 'mdash', 'failed', 'inventor', 'threatened', 'loan', 'sharks', 'decides', 'hold', 'bank', 'zack', 'points', 'gun', 'bank', 'teller', 'debbie', 'wylder', 'ostensibly', 'gives', 'money', 'zack', 'peers', 'sack', 'robbery', 'sees', 'debbie', 'substituted', 'bank', 'deposit', 'slips', 'cash', 'kept', 'money', 'zack', 'tracks', 'reclaim', 'stolen', 'money', 'two', 'fall', 'love'], [\"'when\", 'fabre', 'family', 'move', 'dream', 'house', 'wonderful', 'neighbors', 'everything', 'seems', 'perfect', 'except', 'one', 'thing', 'youngest', 'child', 'ludovic', 'transgender', 'girl', 'born', 'biologically', 'male', 'knows', 'girl', 'wants', 'live', 'female', 'rest', 'family', 'humor', 'best', 'rationalizing', 'ludovic', 'trying', 'find', 'identity', 'soon', 'trouble', 'begins', 'ludovic', 'befriends', 'j챕r척me', 'son', 'father\\\\', 'boss', 'expresses', 'desire', 'marry', 'ludovic', 'finally', 'boy', 'visiting', 'j챕r척me\\\\', 'house', 'ludovic', 'enters', 'sister\\\\', 'room', 'puts', 'one', 'dresses', 'realizing', 'sister', 'deceased', 'room', 'merely', 'kept', 'memory', 'j챕r척me\\\\', 'mother', 'sees', 'rest', 'neighbors', 'horrified', 'community', 'turns', 'ludovic', 'extension', 'rest', 'fabre', 'family', 'ludovic', 'stands', 'snow', 'white', 'school', 'play', 'parents', 'students', 'send', 'petition', 'expelled', 'ludovic\\\\', 'father', 'strain', 'employee', 'j챕r척me\\\\', 'father', 'unable', 'cope', 'causes', 'conflict', 'within', 'family', 'particularly', 'bad', 'argument', 'ludovic', 'attempts', 'mend', 'situation', 'hiding', 'freezer', 'commit', 'suicide', 'found', 'time', 'allowed', 'wear', 'skirt', 'neighborhood', 'party', 'neighbors', 'greet', 'warmly', 'father', 'gets', 'fired', 'next', 'day', 'finds', 'house', 'spray', 'painted', 'graffiti', 'ludo', 'runs', 'house', 'saying', 'got', 'period', 'hannah', 'ludovic\\\\', 'mother', 'gets', 'furious', 'ludo', 'saying', 'blames', 'ludovic', 'everything', 'gone', 'wrong', 'hannah', 'wants', 'set', 'ludo', 'straight', 'cuts', 'hair', 'make', 'look', 'like', 'brothers', 'ludo', 'hates', 'mother', 'wants', 'live', 'grandmother', 'ludo', 'grandmother', 'visit', 'ludo\\\\', 'parents', 'one', 'weekend', 'father', 'announces', 'new', 'job', 'it\\\\', 'town', 'move', 'new', 'house', 'ludovic', 'befriended', 'christine', 'chris', 'delvigne', 'female-to-male', 'transgender', 'boy', 'chris\\\\', 'mother', 'invites', 'ludovic', 'chris\\\\', 'dress-up', 'birthday', 'party', 'attends', 'musketeer', 'outfit', 'chris', 'unhappy', 'princess', 'outfit', 'asks', 'ludo', 'swap', 'friends', 'force', 'ludo', 'refuses', 'ludovic\\\\', 'mother', 'sees', 'dress', 'fears', 'troubles', 'beginning', 'lashes', 'hitting', 'party', 'guests', 'restrain', 'follows', 'ludovic', 'billboard', 'shocked', 'see', 'ludovic', 'picture', 'running', 'away', 'living', 'barbie-like', 'doll', 'named', 'pam', 'tries', 'follow', 'falls', 'ground', 'awakens', 'home', 'ludovic\\\\', 'father', 'assure', 'ludo', 'may', 'wear', 'skirts', 'wishes', 'turn', 'assures', 'mother', 'never', 'really', 'intended', 'run', 'away', 'pam'], [\"'twenty-eight-year-old\", 'jessica', 'stein', 'jewish', 'copyeditor', 'living', 'working', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'plagued', 'failed', 'blind', 'dates', 'men', 'decides', 'answer', 'newspaper\\\\', 'personal', 'advertisement', 'containing', 'quote', 'rilke', 'read', 'admired', 'earlier', 'advertisement', 'placed', 'helen', 'cooper', 'thirtysomething', 'bisexual', 'art', 'gallerist', 'seeking', 'lesbian', 'relationship', 'replace', 'unsatisfying', 'meaningless', 'sex', 'men', 'given', 'men', 'jessica', 'shown', 'test-dating', 'start', 'film', 'ranging', 'borderline', 'gay', 'nerd', 'would', 'probably', 'say', 'it\\\\', 'surprise', 'she\\\\', 'want', 'fan', 'prospects', 'little', 'nervous', 'jessica', 'dating', 'helen', 'realizes', 'surprise', 'kiss', 'even', 'different', 'experience', 'good', 'early', 'part', 'relationship', 'jessica', 'finds', 'helen', 'everything', 'she\\\\', 'dreamed', 'finding', 'man', 'compatible', 'like', 'many', 'things', 'caring', 'one', 'another', 'even', 'helen', 'gets', 'sick', 'mdash', 'says', 'earlier', 'film', 'never', 'happens', 'mdash', 'jessica', 'care', 'predicament', 'relationship', 'jessica\\\\', 'nervousness', 'concerning', 'same-sex', 'intimacy', 'early', 'weeks', 'relationship', 'helen', 'slowly', 'work', 'building', 'confidence', 'area', 'gradually', 'extended', 'make-out', 'sessions', 'eventually', 'graduate', 'full', 'intimacy', 'initiated', 'jessica', 'night', 'stay', 'parents\\\\', 'home', 'scarsdale', 'spite', 'jessica\\\\', 'happiness', 'helen', 'keeps', 'relationship', 'secret', 'jessica\\\\', 'secrecy', 'means', 'endure', 'scenes', 'would', 'happen', 'open', 'two', 'one', 'example', 'occurs', 'dinner', 'celebrate', 'brother\\\\', 'engagement', 'mother', 'invited', 'ibm', 'executive', 'hopes', 'setting', 'jessica', 'helen', 'jessica', 'later', 'get', 'quarrel', 'jessica\\\\', 'refusal', 'inform', 'family', 'relationship', 'resulting', 'apparent', 'breakup', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'later', 'brother\\\\', 'wedding', 'approaches', 'mother', 'figures', 'dating', 'mother', 'reminds', 'jessica', 'little', 'given', 'lead', 'school', 'play', 'first', 'rehearsal', 'jessica', 'deemed', 'co-star', 'task', 'quit', 'play', 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'behavior', 'towards', 'helen', 'akin', 'sister', 'friend', 'rather', 'sexual', 'partner', 'relationship', 'ends', 'amidst', 'jessica\\\\', 'tears', 'helen\\\\', 'realization', 'wants', 'jessica', 'willing', 'offer', 'moving', 'beyond', 'heartbreak', 'jessica', 'helen', 'appear', 'remain', 'friends', 'suggested', 'jessica', 'might', 'renewed', 'interest', 'josh', 'left', 'newspaper', 'previously', 'worked'], ['elvis', 'presley', 'plays', 'deke', 'rivers', 'delivery', 'man', 'discovered', 'publicist', 'glenda', 'markle', 'country-western', 'musician', 'tex', 'warner', 'deke', 'handsome', 'young', 'man', 'fast', 'car', 'even', 'faster', 'fists', 'really', 'sets', 'apart', 'voice', 'charisma', 'one', 'day', 'seen', 'singing', 'word', 'quickly', 'spreads', 'talent', 'throughout', 'small', 'town', 'works', 'markle', 'warner', 'believing', 'potential', 'want', 'promote', 'talented', 'newcomer', 'fame', 'fortune', 'giving', 'every', 'break', 'feel', 'deserves', 'first', 'warner', 'washed-up', 'country', 'music', 'entertainer', 'sees', 'deke', 'addition', 'act', 'merely', 'side', 'act', 'warner', 'return', 'limelight', 'learns', 'painful', 'truth', 'glenda', 'tearfully', 'tells', 'promoters', 'works', \"n't\", 'want', 'warner', 'anymore', '...', 'deke', 'shot', 'left', 'big-time'], ['u.s', 'army', 'specialist', 'tulsa', 'mclean', 'tank', 'crewman', 'singing', 'career', 'serving', '3rd', 'armored', 'spearhead', 'division', 'west', 'germany', 'mclean', 'dreams', 'running', 'nightclub', 'leaves', 'army', 'dreams', \"don\\\\'t\", 'come', 'cheap', 'tulsa', 'buddies', 'formed', 'band', 'perform', 'various', 'german', 'gasthauses', 'night', 'clubs', 'armed', 'forced', 'stage', 'one', 'bar', 'even', 'discovers', 'record', 'blue', 'suede', 'shoes', 'sung', 'someone', 'named', 'elvis', 'jukebox', 'raise', 'money', 'tulsa', 'places', 'bet', 'friend', 'dynamite', 'spend', 'night', 'club', 'dancer', 'named', 'lili', 'rumored', 'hard', 'get', 'turned', 'one', 'g.i', 'operator', 'turk', 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'leaves', 'college', 'become', 'writer'], ['17-year-old', 'misfit', 'jones', 'dillon', 'drops', 'college', 'first', 'day', 'moves', 'old', 'apartment', 'building', 'soon', 'becomes', 'entangled', 'lives', 'kooky', 'new', 'neighbors', 'including', 'temperamental', 'photographer', 'self-absorbed', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'busy', 'flirting', 'ladies', 'learning', 'live', 'would-be', 'writer', 'jones', 'divides', 'time', 'fending', 'queries', 'alcoholic', 'mother', 'penning', 'letters', 'absentee', 'father', 'indulging', 'overactive', 'fantasy', 'life', 'auto', 'accident', 'forces', 'reality', 'check', 'however', 'nudging', 'jones', 'grow', 'decide', 'really', 'wants'], ['film', 'opens', 'cabiria', 'happy', 'laughing', 'river', 'bank', 'current', 'boyfriend', 'live-in', 'lover', 'pushes', 'river', 'steals', 'purse', 'full', 'money', 'swim', 'nearly', 'drowns', 'rescued', 'revived', 'last', 'possible', 'moment', 'helpful', 'ordinary', 'people', 'live', 'little', 'river', 'rest', 'plot', 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'career', 'tension', 'depicted', 'rub챕n', 'non-believer', 'amelia', 'strongly', 'catholic', 'rub챕n', 'father', 'avowed', 'anti-clerical', 'atheist', 'unpopular', 'within', 'town', 'strong', 'opinions', 'amaro', 'soon', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'amelia', 'strongly', 'attracted', 'asks', 'awkward', 'questions', 'love', 'sin', 'confessional', 'touches', 'hand', 'serving', 'restaurant', 'newspaper', 'tipped', 'benito', 'baptising', 'drug', 'lord', 'newborn', 'child', 'rub챕n', 'asked', 'write', 'scandals', 'hometown', 'aid', 'mountains', 'evidence', 'compiled', 'father', 'publishes', 'story', 'benito', 'hospital', 'front', 'money', 'laundering', 'church', 'amaro', 'write', 'denial', 'rub챕n', 'sacked', 'newspaper', 'pressure', 'catholic', 'lobby', 'amelia', 'phones', 'rub챕n', 'dumps', 'berating', 'string', 'obscenities', 'rub챕n', 'family', 'home', 'vandalized', 'devout', 'catholics', 'returns', 'home', 'assaults', 'amaro', 'sees', 'street', 'amaro', 'decides', 'press', 'charges', 'rub챕n', 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'hospital', 'large', 'city', 'already', 'dead', 'gets', 'lurid', 'details', 'case', 'suppressed', 'benito', 'cynical', 'old', 'woman', 'know', 'happened', 'false', 'story', 'passed', 'around', 'town', 'blaming', 'rub챕n', 'impregnating', 'amelia', 'marriage', 'praising', 'amaro', 'breaking', 'abortion', 'clinic', 'liberating', 'amelia', 'failed', 'attempt', 'save', 'child', 'amaro', 'presides', 'amelia', 'funeral', 'church', 'packed', 'mourners', 'benito', 'using', 'wheelchair', 'leaves', 'disgust'], ['ninne', 'pelladata', 'family', 'romance', 'based', 'movie', 'mahalakshmi', 'comes', 'hyderabad', 'job', 'training', 'falls', 'love', 'seenu', 'duo', 'decide', 'inform', 'respective', 'parents', 'plan', 'get', 'married', 'seenu', 'family', 'welcomes', 'mahalaxmi', 'approves', 'shortly', 'approval', 'mahalaxmi', 'parents', 'interrupt', 'proceedings', 'forcibly', 'take', 'mahalaxmi', 'get', 'married', 'someone', 'else', 'leaving', 'mahalaxmi', 'seenu', 'unknown', 'fate'], [\"'introspective\", 'artist', 'blake', 'buckling', 'weight', 'fame', 'professional', 'obligations', 'mounting', 'feeling', 'isolation', 'dwarfed', 'towering', 'trees', 'blake', 'slowly', 'makes', 'way', 'dense', 'woods', 'scrambles', 'embankment', 'fresh', 'spring', 'undresses', 'short', 'swim', 'next', 'morning', 'returns', 'house', 'elegant', 'neglected', 'stone', 'mansion', 'many', 'people', 'looking', 'blake', '봦is', 'friends', 'managers', 'record', 'label', 'even', 'private', 'detective', '봟ut', 'want', 'found', 'haze', 'final', 'hours', 'blake', 'spend', 'time', 'avoids', 'people', 'living', 'house', 'approach', 'want', 'something', 'money', 'help', 'song', 'hides', 'one', 'concerned', 'friend', 'turns', 'away', 'another', 'visits', 'politely', 'stranger', 'yellow', 'pages', 'sales', 'department', 'ducks', 'underground', 'rock', 'club', 'wanders', 'woods', 'later', 'plays', 'new', 'song', 'one', 'last', 'rock', 'roll', 'blowout', 'finally', 'alone', 'greenhouse', 'blake', 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'young', 'girl', 'initially', 'poor', 'student', 'fails', 'understand', 'reasons', 'behind', 'education', 'enjoys', 'spending', 'time', 'gaston', 'regards', 'elder', 'brother', 'gaston', 'publicly', 'embarrasses', 'cheating', 'mistress', 'tries', 'rebuild', 'reputation', 'endless', 'parties', 'decides', 'take', 'vacation', 'sea', 'gigi', 'proposes', 'beats', 'game', 'cards', 'must', 'take', 'mamita', 'along', 'accepts', 'happily', 'wins', 'holiday', 'gigi', 'gaston', 'spend', 'many', 'hours', 'together', 'two', 'learn', 'honor챕', 'mamita', 'romantically', 'involved', 'becoming', 'comfortable', 'friends', 'alicia', 'insists', 'gigi\\\\', 'education', 'must', 'increase', 'dramatically', 'catch', 'prize', 'gaston', 'gigi', 'miserable', 'lessons', 'endures', 'necessary', 'evil', 'though', 'still', 'seems', 'awkward', 'bumbling', 'perfectionist', 'great-aunt', 'gaston', 'sees', 'gigi', 'alluring', 'white', 'gown', 'tells', 'looks', 'ridiculous', 'storms', 'later', 'returns', 'apologizes', 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'find', 'way', 'buy', 'westwind', 'boat', 'built', 'father', 'ross', 'caught', 'love', 'triangle', 'two', 'women', 'childish', 'insensitive', 'club', 'singer', 'robin', 'sweet', 'laurel', 'wesley', 'johnson', 'makes', 'advances', 'laurel', 'ross', 'punches', 'wesley', 'owns', 'boat', 'ross', 'thereby', 'loses', 'laurel', 'however', 'pretends', 'ross', 'choose', 'robin'], ['marisa', 'ventura', 'single', 'mother', 'trying', 'get', 'young', 'son', 'working', 'maid', 'classy', 'hotel', 'set', 'heart', 'manhattan', 'school', 'spends', 'time', 'among', 'marisa', 'fellow', 'hotel', 'workers', 'think', 'capable', 'promoted', 'management', 'marisa', 'fellow', 'maid', 'stephanie', 'cleaning', 'room', 'socialite', 'stephanie', 'convinces', 'marisa', 'try', 'coat', 'guest', 'caroline', 'lane', 'previously', 'asked', 'returned', 'store', 'stephanie', 'argues', '쐔echnically', 'belong', 'anyone', 'moment', 'elsewhere', 'hotel', 'befriends', 'hotel', 'guest', 'senatorial', 'candidate', 'christopher', 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'comment', 'embraces', 'erik', 'explaining', 'happiest', 'thing', 'dexter', 'difficult', 'life', 'upon', 'arrival', 'home', 'confronted', 'furious', 'gail', 'gail', 'starts', 'hit', 'erik', 'linda', 'quickly', 'intervenes', 'asks', 'talk', 'privately', 'inside', 'linda', 'home', 'gail', 'anger', 'backfires', 'linda', 'pins', 'door', 'angrily', 'tearfully', 'tells', 'dexter', 'death', 'erik', 'going', 'funeral', 'ends', 'threatening', 'kill', 'gail', 'ever', 'hits', 'erik', 'gail', 'sadly', 'complies', 'funeral', 'erik', 'places', 'one', 'shoes', 'coffin', 'takes', 'one', 'dexter', 'let', 'sail', 'river', 'way', 'shoes', 'represent', 'boys', 'souls', 'live'], ['elvis', 'plays', 'dual', 'role', 'look-alike', 'cousins', 'josh', 'morgan', 'dark-haired', 'u.s.', 'air', 'force', 'second', 'lieutenant', 'jodie', 'tatum', 'blonde', 'smoky', 'mountain', 'hillbilly', 'film', 'set', 'hills', 'tennessee', 'great', 'smoky', 'mountains', 'mostly', 'shot', 'hollywood', 'sets', 'san', 'bernardino', 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['shaukat', 'booker', 'prize-winning', 'writer', 'whose', 'latest', 'work', 'criticised', 'one', 'surreal', 'anyone', 'liking', 'antara', 'wife', 'supports', 'nevertheless', 'shaukat', 'weird', 'plans', 'next', 'book', 'though', 'decides', 'manufacture', 'realistic', 'story', 'making', 'antara', 'hide', 'marital', 'status', 'yash', 'pursue', 'relationship', 'things', 'wrong', 'antara', 'begins', 'real', 'feelings', 'yash', 'whatever', 'shaukat', 'pens', 'turns', 'true', 'starts', 'believe', 'change', 'antara', 'yash', 'fate', 'writings', 'writes', 'according', 'logic', 'yash', 'would', 'commit', 'suicide', 'getting', 'know', 'antara', 'reality', 'however', 'antara', 'soon', 'comes', 'know', 'lies', 'shaukat', 'yash', 'really', 'committed', 'suicide', 'order', 'disillusion', 'shaukat', 'shaukat', 'guilt', 'becomes', 'schizophrenic', 'film', 'ends', 'disturbing', 'note', 'antara', 'sends', 'shaukat', 'asylum', 'due', 'schizophrenia'], [\"'andreas\", 'karin', 'vergerus', 'live', 'fine', 'rapport', 'personalities', 'matching', 'well', 'quiet', 'contemplative', 'rational', 'persons', 'liable', 'act', 'spontaneously', 'intruder', 'david', 'kovac', 'played', 'elliott', 'gould', 'contrast', 'impetuous', 'man', 'uncompromising', 'overbearing', 'tormented', 'inner', 'contradictions', 'compulsions', 'karin', 'david', 'become', 'clandestine', 'lovers', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'appropriate', 'meet', 'david', 'attempted', 'suicide', 'karin', 'unhappy', 'reduced', 'wife', 'flower', 'new', 'love', 'destroys', 'lives'], ['rusty', 'wells', 'band', 'ready', 'leave', 'chicago', 'annual', 'spring', 'break', 'trip', 'fort', 'lauderdale', 'big', 'frank', 'extends', 'stay', 'club', 'big', 'frank', 'daughter', 'valerie', 'decides', 'lauderdale', 'friends', 'spring', 'break', 'gets', 'rusty', 'band', 'look', 'make', 'sure', 'stays', 'trouble', 'attempts', 'rusty', 'contend', 'good-time', 'girl', 'deena', 'patience', 'guys', 'stand', 'keep', 'waiting'], ['story', 'troubled', 'young', 'businessman', 'prakash', 'married', 'sapna', 'daughter', 'famous', 'rich', 'businessman', 'rajiv', 'chopra', 'rajiv', 'chopra', 'totally', 'hates', 'prakash', 'troubles', 'time', 'prakash', 'fed', 'troubled', 'chopra', 'makes', 'plan', 'get', 'sapna', 'kidnapped', 'make', 'rajiv', 'chopra', 'feel', 'way', 'hires', 'two', 'broke', 'strugglers', 'rahul', 'harry', 'fake', 'kidnappers', 'kidnap', 'sapna', 'plan', 'rides', 'successfully', 'chopra', 'believes', 'every', 'bit', 'rahul', 'harry', 'demand', 'rs.1', 'crores', 'ransom', 'money', 'fooled', 'chopra', 'agrees', 'pay', 'ransom', 'money', 'paid', 'rahul', 'harry', 'set', 'sapna', 'free', 'leave', 'forest', 'also', 'part', 'prakash', 'plan', 'prakash', 'arrives', 'forest', 'pick', 'sapna', 'however', 'realizes', 'kidnapped', 'time', 'real', 'kidnappers', 'crime', 'caper', 'soon', 'turns', 'one', 'hilarious', 'joy', 'ride'], [\"'elvis\", 'presley', 'lonnie', 'beale', 'out-of-work', 'rodeo', 'star', 'trying', 'make', 'ends', 'meet', 'season', 'starts', 'comes', 'town', 'zuni', 'wells', 'friend', 'says', 'get', 'job', 'ranch', 'friend', 'nowhere', 'found', 'option', 'lonnie', 'begins', 'singing', 'local', 'club', 'gets', 'fired', 'fight', 'one', 'customers', 'thankfully', 'vera', 'radford', 'sees', 'performance', 'offers', 'job', 'ranch', 'runs', 'called', 'circle-z', 'take', 'care', 'horses', 'circle-z', 'lonnie', 'expected', 'though', 'guest', 'ranch', 'actresses', 'models', 'lose', 'weight', 'get', 'shape', 'fitness', 'salon', 'referred', 'yogurt', 'gulch', 'upsetting', 'staff', 'times', 'disrupting', 'activities', 'singing', 'lonnie', 'follows', 'pam', 'meritt', 'nearby', 'ghost', 'town', 'silverado', 'learns', 'one', 'relatives', 'hidden', 'treasure', 'comical', 'vision', 'town', 'must', 'like', 'still', 'populated', 'back', 'ranch', 'people', 'keep', 'trying', 'abduct', 'pam', 'find', 'knows', 'location', 'treasure', 'specific', 'want', 'get', 'hands', 'letter', 'pam\\\\', 'possession', 'lonnie', 'finds', 'defending', 'lonnie', 'pam', 'soon', 'begin', 'relationship', 'matters', 'complicated', 'vera', 'throws', 'pam', 'walks', 'brief', 'interlude', 'western', 'films', 'spoofed', 'parodied', 'comedy', 'sequence', 'lonnie', 'beal', 'panhandle', 'kid', 'milk', 'drinking', 'cowboy', 'pam', 'meritt', 'stanley', 'potter', 'costume', 'characters', 'saloon', 'rodeo', 'season', 'starts', 'lonnie', 'goes', 'circuit', 'things', 'left', 'unresolved', 'pam', 'unable', 'job', 'well', 'every', 'time', 'tries', 'call', 'hangs', 'writes', 'sends', 'back', 'marked', 'return', 'sender', 'eventually', 'one', 'ranch', 'hands', 'stanley', 'potter', 'finds', 'lonnie', 'circuit', 'talks', 'confronting', 'pam', 'two', 'reach', 'circle-z', 'pam', 'way', 'silverado', 'follow', 'fierce', 'storm', 'begins', 'arrive', 'trio', 'decide', 'spend', 'night', 'deserted', 'hotel', 'hotel', 'deserted', 'think', 'seems', 'haunted', 'strange', 'things', 'keep', 'happening', 'pam', 'stanley', 'whenever', 'lonnie', 'around', 'eventually', 'learn', 'ghosts', 'goblins', 'hotel', 'actually', 'masked', 'men', 'trying', 'get', 'pam\\\\', 'treasure', 'finally', 'men', 'treasure', 'defeated', 'unmasked', 'hiding', 'place', 'treasure', 'discovered', 'hotel', 'lonnie', 'pam', 'decide', 'get', 'married', 'big', 'reception', 'circle-z', 'stanley', 'gets', 'tangled', 'decorations', 'behind', 'car', 'film', 'ends', 'lonnie', 'singing', 'pam', 'drive', 'toward', 'honeymoon', 'dragging', 'stanley', 'metal', 'tub', 'behind'], ['leila', 'charli', 'rome', 'summer', 'job', 'four', 'people', 'minor', 'accidents', 'twins', 'fired', 'girls', 'shocked', 'interns', 'sisters', 'soon', 'meet', 'derek', 'hammond', 'owner', 'fashion', 'company', 're-hires', 'girls', 'jamie', 'stay', 'hammond', 'days', 'leila', 'meets', 'bad', 'boy', 'new', 'york', 'named', 'ryan', 'two', 'soon', 'bond', 'start', 'develop', 'feelings', 'ryan', 'comes', 'tries', 'kiss', 'good', 'night', 'leila', 'respond', 'pushes', 'away', 'clear', 'likes', 'might', 'broken', 'boyfriend', 'back', 'home', 'ready', 'new', 'love', 'girls', 'soon', 'return', 'work', 'well', 'soon', 'another', 'accident', 'happens', 'time', 'much', 'serious', 'six', 'interns', 'fired', 'soon', 'leila', 'returns', 'ryan', 'two', 'reveal', 'plot', 'use', 'charli', 'designs', 'missing', 'clothes', 'tell', 'derek', 'returns', 'already', 'knew', 'photo', 'shoot', 'mr.', 'tortoni', 'comes', 'hires', 'everyone', 'arrested', 'also', 'interns', 'ryan', 'proud', 'jamie', 'derek', 'decide', 'take', 'new', 'york', 'derek', 'jamie', 'well', 'charli', 'paolo', 'kiss', 'ryan', 'tries', 'leila', 'leading', 'smiling', 'says', 'rather', 'hug', 'two', 'hug', 'huge', 'smiles', 'faces', 'showing', 'leila', 'really', 'like', 'ryan', 'way', 'photo', 'shoot', 'still', 'going', 'everyone', 'smiling', 'laughing'], ['police', 'round', 'street', 'children', 'pixote', 'sent', 'juvenile', 'reformatory', 'prison', 'hellish', 'school', 'pixote', 'uses', 'glue', 'sniffing', 'means', 'emotional', 'escape', 'constant', 'threats', 'abuse', 'rape', 'soon', 'becomes', 'clear', 'young', 'criminals', 'pawns', 'criminal', 'sadistic', 'games', 'prison', 'guards', 'commander', 'boy', 'dies', 'physical', 'abuse', 'guards', 'frame', 'lover', 'transgendered', 'effeminate', 'boy', 'known', 'lilica', 'murder', 'lover', 'conveniently', 'also', 'dies', 'help', 'guards', 'soon', 'pixote', 'lilica', 'new', 'lover', 'dito', 'find', 'opportunity', 'flee', 'prison', 'first', 'stay', 'apartment', 'cristal', 'former', 'lover', 'lilica', 'tensions', 'arise', 'rio', 'cocaine', 'drug', 'deal', 'however', 'get', 'duped', 'showgirl', 'time', 'bumming', 'around', 'city', 'pixote', 'friends', 'club', 'another', 'drug', 'deal', 'pixote', 'finds', 'showgirl', 'took', 'drugs', 'stabs', 'become', 'pimps', 'prostitute', 'sueli', 'definitely', 'past', 'prime', 'possibly', 'ill', 'botched', 'abortion', 'group', 'conspires', 'rob', 'johns', 'lilica', 'lover', 'dito', 'falls', 'sueli', 'lillica', 'leaves', 'robbery', 'scheme', 'fails', 'american', 'john', 'fights', 'back', 'shoot', 'ensuing', 'fight', 'pixote', 'accidentally', 'shoots', 'kills', 'dito', 'well', 'pixote', 'tries', 'gain', 'comfort', 'sueli', 'treating', 'mother', 'figure', 'rejects', 'leaves', 'seen', 'walking', 'railway', 'line', 'gun', 'hand', 'away', 'camera', 'figure', 'disappearing', 'distance', 'film', 'view'], ['american', 'movie', 'star', 'johnny', 'tyrone', 'goes', 'middle', 'east', 'premiere', 'new', 'picture', 'seduced', 'lovely', 'aishah', 'kidnapped', 'man', 'wants', 'johnny', 'help', 'kill', 'king', 'johnny', 'encounters', 'slave', 'girl', 'shalimar', 'turns', 'actually', 'king', 'daughter', 'helps', 'restore', 'order', 'government', 'johnny', 'new', 'royal', 'bride', 'honeymoon', 'las', 'vegas', 'along', 'dancing', 'girls'], ['johnny', 'girlfriend', 'frankie', 'performers', 'mississippi', 'river', 'riverboat', 'also', 'casino', 'johnny', 'compulsive', 'gambler', 'luck', 'debt', 'johnny', 'friend', 'cully', 'musician', 'composer', 'visit', 'gypsy', 'camp', 'get', 'fortune', 'told', 'lady', 'reads', 'tea', 'leaves', 'tells', 'johnny', 'soon', 'meet', 'red-haired', 'woman', 'bring', 'luck', 'back', 'boat', 'johnny', 'cully', 'promptly', 'encounter', 'nellie', 'bly', 'boss', 'clint', 'braden', 'on-again', 'off-again', 'girlfriend', 'nellie', 'caught', 'braden', 'seducing', 'another', 'singer', 'mitzi', 'since', 'red', 'hair', 'nellie', 'persuaded', 'johnny', 'touch', 'chips', 'luck', 'wins', 'johnny', 'convinced', 'gypsy', 'must', 'correct', 'frankie', 'finds', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'johnny', 'boss', 'bit', 'musical', 'theatre', 'frankie', 'shoots', 'johnny', 'dancing', 'nellie', 'bly', 'singing', 'cully', 'new', 'song', 'broadway', 'recruiter', 'sees', 'riverboat', 'show', 'buys', 'rights', 'new', 'song', 'suggesting', 'frankie', 'johnny', 'work', 'together', 'new', 'york', 'landing', 'new', 'orleans', 'musical', 'cast', 'riverboat', 'crew', 'attend', 'masked', 'ball', 'frankie', 'nellie', 'mitzi', 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'frankie', 'given'], ['rick', 'richards', 'returns', 'home', 'hawaii', 'fired', 'job', 'airline', 'pilot', 'buddy', 'danny', 'kohana', 'helicopter', 'charter', 'business', 'together', 'rick', 'reckless', 'flying', 'careless', 'negotiations', 'local', 'women', 'may', 'cost', 'rick', 'business', 'danny', 'home', 'disaster', 'looms', 'danny', 'becomes', 'overdue', 'flight', 'rick', 'grounded', 'government', 'officials', 'rick', 'must', 'decide', 'risk', 'losing', 'license', 'forever', 'going', 'look', 'friend'], [\"'lieutenant\", 'ted', 'jackson', 'former', 'u.s.', 'navy', 'frogman', 'divides', 'time', 'twin', 'careers', 'deep', 'sea', 'diver', 'nightclub', 'singer', 'ted', 'discovers', 'believes', 'could', 'fortune', 'spanish', 'gold', 'aboard', 'sunken', 'ship', 'sets', 'rescue', 'help', 'go-go', 'dancing', 'yoga', 'expert', 'symington', 'friend', 'judd', 'whitman', 'gil', 'carey', 'however', 'also', 'treasure', 'uses', 'girlfriend', 'dina', 'bishop', 'foil', 'ted\\\\', 'plans', 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'reflection', 'window', 'decides', 'turn', 'life', 'around', 'starts', 'diary', 'covers', 'attempts', 'stop', 'smoking', 'lose', 'weight', 'find', 'mr.', 'right', 'bridget', 'daniel', 'begin', 'flirt', 'heavily', 'work', 'first', 'email', 'book', 'launch', 'start', 'relationship', 'despite', 'fact', 'notorious', 'womanizer', 'questionable', 'personality', 'bridget', 'aware', 'stating', 'earlier', 'film', 'form', 'relationships', 'alcoholics', 'workaholics', 'peeping-toms', 'megalomaniacs', 'perverts', 'bridget', 'learns', 'daniel', 'mark', 'history', 'result', 'hate', 'daniel', 'informs', 'bridget', 'falling-out', 'telling', 'mark', 'broke', 'friendship', 'sleeping', 'fianc챕e', 'daniel\\\\', 'dubious', 'character', 'becomes', 'clearer', 'clearer', 'bridget', 'eventually', 'breaks', 'relationship', 'catches', 'another', 'woman', 'colleague', 'lara', 'spectacular', 'departure', 'office', 'daniel\\\\', 'desperate', 'attempts', 'make', 'bridget', 'stay', 'spark', 'comment', 'rather', 'job', 'wiping', 'saddam', 'hussein\\\\', 'arse', 'finds', 'new', 'job', 'television', 'mark', 'run-ins', 'bed', 'breakfast', 'mutual', 'friend\\\\', 'dinner', 'party', 'party', 'mark', 'come', 'dinner', 'colleague', 'natasha', 'privately', 'confesses', 'bridget', 'despite', 'faults', 'likes', 'way', 'later', 'helps', 'bridget', 'achieve', 'important', 'interview', 'work', 'quirky', 'approach', 'prompts', 'classic', 'comment', 'bridget', 'jones', 'already', 'legend', 'begins', 'develop', 'feelings', 'mark', 'bridget', 'mark\\\\', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'comes', 'together', 'birthday', 'dinner', 'party', 'hosted', 'bridget', 'daniel', 'comes', 'back', 'temporarily', 'claiming', 'bridget\\\\', 'attention', 'mark', 'originally', 'leaves', 'party', 'returns', 'face', 'daniel', 'mark', 'punches', 'daniel', 'two', 'fight', 'end', 'nearby', 'restaurant', 'finally', 'smash', 'window', 'landing', 'street', 'mark', 'wins', 'battle', 'knocks', 'daniel', 'bridget', 'chides', 'mark', 'afterwards', 'insensitive', 'appeal', 'daniel', 'says', 'emphatically', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'bridget', 'learns', 'truth', 'mark', 'daniel\\\\', 'falling-out', 'mother', 'lets', 'conversation', 'actually', 'daniel', 'seduced', 'mark\\\\', 'wife', 'dinner', 'party', 'day', 'bridget', 'confesses', 'feelings', 'mark', 'find', 'natasha', 'leaving', 'accept', 'jobs', 'new', 'york', 'bridget', 'interrupts', 'toast', 'pending', 'engagement', 'halting', 'moving', 'speech', 'england', 'losing', 'one', 'finest', 'men', 'words', 'clearly', 'effect', 'mark', 'realises', 'really', 'means', 'still', 'flies', 'new', 'york', 'though', 'obvious', 'misgivings', 'bridget', 'starts', 'embark', 'trip', 'paris', 'friends', 'mend', 'broken', 'heart', 'mark', 'returns', 'stay', 'kiss', 'first', 'time', 'bridget', 'goes', 'bedroom', 'change', 'undergarments', 'remarking', 'occasion', 'genuinely', 'tiny', 'knickers', 'bridget', 'changing', 'mark', 'peeks', 'diary', 'written', 'many', 'insults', 'bridget', 'returns', 'find', 'left', 'realizing', 'read', 'diary', 'might', 'potentially', 'lose', 'bridget', 'runs', 'outside', 'thin', 'sweater', 'zebra', 'skin-print', 'underwear', 'unable', 'find', 'disheartened', 'return', 'home', 'mark', 'appears', 'holding', 'new', 'diary', 'make', 'fresh', 'start', 'kiss', 'snow-covered', 'streets', 'film', 'closes'], ['terms', 'late', 'father', 'spoiled', 'london', 'heiress', 'epifania', 'parerga', 'richest', 'woman', 'world', 'marry', 'unless', 'prospective', 'husband', 'able', 'turn', '짙500', '짙15,000', 'within', 'three-month', 'period', 'epifania', 'becomes', 'smitten', 'alastair', 'muscular', 'tennis', 'player', 'rigs', 'contest', 'giving', '짙500', 'stock', 'buying', 'back', '짙15,000', 'alastair', 'unable', 'live', 'domineering', 'epifania', 'however', 'leaves', 'domestic', 'polly', 'smith', 'contemplating', 'suicide', 'epifania', 'melodramatically', 'plunges', 'thames', 'dr.', 'ahmed', 'kabir', 'self-effacing', 'selfless', 'indian', 'physician', 'runs', 'inadequately', 'equipped', 'clinic', 'poor', 'ignores', 'plight', 'paddles', 'past', 'rowboat', 'swims', 'shore', 'accuses', 'assassin', 'julius', 'sagamore', 'shrewd', 'family', 'solicitor', 'suggests', 'epifania', 'undergo', 'therapy', 'noted', 'society', 'psychiatrist', 'adrian', 'bond', 'opportunist', 'bond', 'makes', 'bid', 'hand', 'criticizes', 'father', 'epifania', 'throws', 'thames', 'kabir', 'rows', 'help', 'bond', 'epifania', 'jumps', 'river', 'ensnare', 'kabir', 'epifania', 'feigns', 'injury', 'dedicated', 'doctor', 'remains', 'impervious', 'charms', 'indifferent', 'wealth', 'determined', 'win', 'doctor', 'epifania', 'buys', 'property', 'surrounding', 'clinic', 'erects', 'new', 'modern', 'facility', 'kabir', 'rejects', 'epifania', 'offer', 'run', 'facility', 'suggests', 'marry', 'instead', 'intimidated', 'headstrong', 'heiress', 'kabir', 'manufactures', 'deathbed', 'promise', 'made', 'mother', 'pledging', 'would', 'marry', 'unless', 'prospective', 'bride', 'take', 'shillings', 'earn', 'living', 'three', 'months', 'undaunted', 'epifania', 'accepts', 'challenge', 'discloses', 'details', 'father', 'hands', '짙500', 'kabir', 'protests', 'head', 'money', 'epifania', 'plops', 'wad', 'bills', 'leaves', 'setting', 'prove', 'worth', 'epifania', 'takes', 'shillings', 'heads', 'sweatshop', 'pasta', 'factory', 'threatens', 'expose', 'labor', 'violations', 'unless', 'joe', 'proprietor', 'allows', 'manage', 'plant', 'three', 'months', 'later', 'epifania', 'installed', 'labor-saving', 'machines', 'thus', 'boosting', 'productivity', 'making', 'plant', 'big', 'success', 'kabir', 'meanwhile', 'tried', 'vain', 'give', 'away', '짙500', 'kabir', 'becomes', 'drunk', 'scientific', 'dinner', 'hosted', 'wealthy', 'doctor', 'finds', 'sympathetic', 'ear', 'former', 'professor', 'mentor', 'generously', 'offers', 'accept', 'money', 'clinic', 'kabir', 'eagerly', 'turns', 'cash', 'professor', 'soon', 'professor', 'leaves', 'epifania', 'appears', 'informs', 'kabir', 'met', 'mother', 'challenge', 'replies', 'failed', 'given', 'money', 'away', 'epifania', 'deeply', 'offended', 'deciding', 'turn', 'back', 'world', 'men', 'announces', 'plans', 'fire', 'board', 'directors', 'disband', 'empire', 'retire', 'tibetan', 'monastery', 'evicted', 'monks', 'desperate', 'keep', 'job', 'sagamore', 'realizes', 'kabir', 'responsible', 'epifania', 'erratic', 'behavior', 'goes', 'see', 'doctor', 'clinic', 'sagamore', 'tells', 'kabir', 'epifania', 'vowed', 'withdraw', 'world', 'stroke', 'midnight', 'concerned', 'kabir', 'hurries', 'reception', 'epifania', 'bid', 'farewell', 'previous', 'existence', 'certain', 'marriage', 'imminent', 'sagamore', 'meets', 'terms', 'purchasing', 'kabir', 'medical', 'papers', '짙15,000', 'kabir', 'rushes', 'epifania', 'kiss', 'finally', 'expresses', 'love'], [\"'greg\", 'nolan', 'newspaper', 'photographer', 'lives', 'lavish', 'carefree', 'life', 'encounters', 'estranged', 'lovelorn', 'woman', 'named', 'bernice', 'beach', 'near', 'beach', 'front', 'home', 'assumes', 'different', 'names', 'personalities', 'whenever', 'mood', 'hits', 'dog', 'albert', 'great', 'dane', 'chase', 'greg', 'water', 'insults', 'feeling', 'anything', 'towards', 'kissed', 'invites', 'stay', 'home', 'later', 'manages', 'make', 'lose', 'job', 'apartment', 'drugging', 'left', 'deep', 'sleep', 'days', 'however', 'bernice', 'manages', 'find', 'greg', 'another', 'home', 'wants', 'pay', 'back', 'gets', 'two', 'full-time', 'photographer', 'jobs', 'one', 'playboy-like', 'magazine', 'company', 'owned', 'mike', 'lansdown', 'conservative', 'advertising', 'firm', 'co-owned', 'mr.', 'penlow', 'two', 'jobs', 'building', 'forcing', 'greg', 'run', 'one', 'job', 'without', 'detected', 'greg', 'manage', 'balancing', 'two', 'conflicting', 'jobs', 'along', 'dealing', 'bernice', 'eccentric', 'ways'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'takes', 'place', 'small', 'iowa', 'town', '1927.', 'traveling', 'chautauqua', 'company', 'arrives', 'town', 'internal', 'squabbles', 'create', 'friction', 'amidst', 'troupe', 'new', 'manager', 'walter', 'hale', 'trying', 'prevent', 'charlene', 'troupe', '쏶tory', 'lady', 'recruiting', 'performers', 'form', 'union', 'meanwhile', 'town', 'scandal', 'following', 'murder', 'local', 'pharmacist', 'wilby', 'although', 'shady', 'gambler', 'arrested', 'walter', 'realizes', 'real', 'killer', 'nita', 'one', 'wilby', 'employees', 'walter', 'successfully', 'gets', 'nita', 'confess', 'chautauqua', 'performance', 'makes', 'public', 'sexual', 'harassment', 'wilby', 'directed', 'nita', 'self-defense', 'plea', 'frees', 'wrongly', 'jailed', 'man', 'charlene', 'outraged', 'walter', 'used', 'crime', 'financially', 'enrich', 'chautauqua', 'attempts', 'quit', 'walter', 'attempts', 'reason', 'charlene', 'refuses', 'give', 'deceives', 'uses', 'local', 'police', 'force', 'sure', 'must', 'leave', 'train', 'rest', 'troupe'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'young', 'radha', 'sitting', 'mustard', 'field', 'parents', 'mother', 'tells', 'story', 'people', 'wanted', 'see', 'ocean', 'explains', 'sometimes', 'one', 'must', 'learn', 'see', 'things', 'without', 'looking', 'film', 'flashes', 'forward', 'sita', 'newly', 'married', 'young', 'woman', 'trying', 'perceive', 'emotion', 'husband', 'jatin', 'jatin', 'appears', 'distant', 'shows', 'little', 'interest', 'sita', 'married', 'sita', 'given', 'perfunctory', 'welcome', 'jatin\\\\', 'family', 'jatin', 'typical', 'joint', 'family', 'arrangement', 'lives', 'older', 'brother', 'ashok', 'sister-in-law', 'radha', 'invalid', 'mother', 'family', 'servant', 'mundu', 'apartment', 'second', 'floor', 'two', 'story', 'dwelling', 'crowded', 'marketplace', 'new', 'delhi', 'ashok', 'jatin', 'run', 'small', 'store', 'sells', 'food', 'rents', 'videotapes', 'sita', 'gradually', 'exposed', 'various', 'difficulties', 'also', 'typical', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'learns', 'jatin', 'married', 'put', 'end', 'ashok\\\\', 'incessant', 'nagging', 'jatin', 'continues', 'date', 'chinese', 'girlfriend', 'sita', 'rebuke', 'fear', 'may', 'bring', 'dishonor', 'parents', 'rest', 'jatin\\\\', 'home', 'rosy', 'either', 'biji', 'paralyzed', 'without', 'speech', 'stroke', 'sita', 'radha', 'must', 'constantly', 'attend', 'biji', 'sita', 'spends', 'days', 'slaving', 'hot', 'greasy', 'kitchen', 'finds', 'lonely', 'frustrated', 'night', 'jatin', 'dallying', 'girlfriend', 'financial', 'front', 'store', 'provides', 'modest', 'income', 'expenses', 'high', 'unable', 'expand', 'business', 'buy', 'bigger', 'home', 'sita', 'resignedly', 'accepts', 'difficulties', 'yearns', 'break', 'stifling', 'hopeless', 'situation', 'later', 'revealed', 'radha', 'faces', 'somewhat', 'similar', 'problem', 'many', 'years', 'ago', 'ashok', 'come', 'influence', 'swamiji', 'local', 'preacher', 'teaches', 'desires', 'cause', 'suffering', 'must', 'suppressed', 'ashok', 'completely', 'taken', 'monastic', 'teachings', 'accordingly', 'suppresses', 'desires', 'also', 'donates', 'large', 'sums', 'meager', 'store', 'income', 'treat', 'swamiji\\\\', 'hydrocele', 'condition', 'also', 'revealed', 'radha', 'bear', 'children', 'due', 'untreatable', 'ailment', 'swamiji', 'per', 'strict', 'devotional', 'spiritual', 'convention', 'teaches', 'sexual', 'contact', 'permitted', 'means', 'procreation', 'accordingly', 'ashok', 'aims', 'stamp', 'desires', 'slept', 'radha', 'past', 'years', 'puts', 'radha', 'excruciating', 'ritual', 'lie', 'motionless', 'next', 'whenever', 'wants', 'test', 'resolve', 'radha', 'racked', 'guilt', 'ailment', 'driven', 'frustration', 'ritual', 'resigns', 'live', 'life', 'unable', 'stop', 'growing', 'sadness', 'radha', 'sita', 'motions', 'oscillating', 'desires', 'disappointments', 'radha', 'older', 'woman', 'remains', 'bound', 'tradition', 'subdued', 'silence', 'sita', 'refuses', 'accept', 'misfortune', 'wishes', 'break', 'free', 'one', 'evening', 'shunned', 'husbands', 'provoked', 'feelings', 'driven', 'desperation', 'unfulfilled', 'longings', 'radha', 'sita', 'seek', 'solace', 'become', 'lovers', 'overjoyed', 'finding', 'satisfaction', 'unusual', 'manner', 'resolve', 'continue', 'secret', 'eventually', 'realize', 'love', 'start', 'looking', 'ways', 'move', 'things', 'take', 'turn', 'servant', 'mundu', 'becomes', 'aware', 'relationship', 'radha', 'reprimands', 'masturbating', 'pornography', 'front', 'biji', 'warily', 'reminds', 'hanky', 'panky', 'bad', 'family', 'one', 'day', 'mundu', 'causes', 'ashok', 'walk', 'radha', 'sita', 'ashok', 'horrified', 'shattered', 'finds', 'incident', 'stoked', 'long-dormant', 'desire', 'nevertheless', 'confronts', 'radha', 'radha', 'overcomes', 'subservience', 'pours', 'emotions', 'desire', 'impels', 'life', 'desires', 'sita', 'desires', 'live', 'pointedly', 'suggests', 'ashok', 'seeks', 'control', 'desires', 'henceforth', 'seek', 'swamiji\\\\', 'help', 'stop', 'ritual', 'amid', 'argument', 'radha\\\\', 'sari', 'catches', 'fire', 'ashok', 'steps', 'way', 'angrily', 'watches', 'burn', 'radha', 'puts', 'flames', 'recalls', 'mother\\\\', 'advice', 'young', 'finally', 'see', 'ocean', 'leaves', 'ashok', 'film', 'ends', 'radha', 'moving', 'joining', 'sita'], [\"'sid\", 'boggle', 'friend', 'bernie', 'lugg', 'partners', 'plumbing', 'business', 'take', 'girlfriends', 'prudish', 'joan', 'fussey', 'meek', 'anthea', 'meeks', 'cinema', 'see', 'film', 'paradise', 'nudist', 'camp', 'sid', 'idea', 'foursome', 'holidaying', 'reasoning', 'environment', 'heretofore', 'chaste', 'girlfriends', 'relax', 'strict', 'moral', 'standards', 'sid', 'easily', 'gains', 'bernie\\\\', 'co-operation', 'scheme', 'bravely', 'attempt', 'keep', 'secret', 'girls', 'travel', 'campsite', 'named', 'paradise', 'paying', 'fees', 'owner', 'money-grabbing', 'farmer', 'josh', 'fiddler', 'sid', 'realises', 'camp', 'film', 'standard', 'family', 'campsite', 'furthermore', 'paradise', 'damp', 'field', 'facilities', 'basic', 'ablutions', 'block', 'reluctantly', 'agree', 'stay', 'fiddler', 'refuses', 'refund', 'girls', 'approve', 'place', 'disappointment', 'girls', \"won\\\\'t\", 'share', 'tent', 'boys', 'sid', 'bernie', 'soon', 'set', 'sights', 'bunch', 'young', 'ladies', 'holiday', 'chayste', 'place', 'finishing', 'school', 'ringleader', 'girls', 'blonde', 'bouncy', 'babs', 'charge', 'girls', 'soaper', 'fervently', 'pursued', 'lovelorn', 'colleague', 'school\\\\', 'matron', 'miss', 'haggard', 'outdoor', 'aerobics', 'session', 'led', 'soaper', 'babs\\\\', 'bikini', 'top', 'flies', 'caught', 'soaper', 'campers', 'peter', 'potter', 'hates', 'camping', 'must', 'endure', 'jolly', 'yet', 'domineering', 'wife', 'harriet', 'hideous', 'braying', 'cackle', 'naive', 'first-time', 'camper', 'charlie', 'muggins', 'charles', 'hawtrey', 'completes', 'mismatched', 'trio', 'chaos', 'ensues', 'group', 'hippies', 'arrive', 'next', 'field', 'noisy', 'all-night', 'rave', 'live', 'concert', 'band', 'flowerbuds', 'campers', 'club', 'together', 'successfully', 'drive', 'ravers', 'away', 'girls', 'leave', 'however', 'happy', 'ending', 'bernie', 'sid', 'girlfriends', 'finally', 'agree', 'sleep', 'joy', 'short-lived', 'joan\\\\', 'mother', 'turns', 'anthea', 'lets', 'goat', 'loose', 'chases', 'joan\\\\', 'mother', 'away'], ['nawab', 'popular', 'hyderabadi', 'novelist', 'suffering', 'classic', 'case', 'writer', 'block', 'five', 'years', 'passed', 'stories', 'substance', 'seem', 'dried', 'almost', 'providentially', 'nawab', 'comes', 'across', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'meenaxi', 'enigmatic', 'individualistic', 'quite', 'willing', 'perform', 'part', 'passive', 'muse', \"n't\", 'deter', 'rejuvenated', 'nawab', 'giving', 'different', 'personae', 'mysterious', 'perfume', 'trader', 'hyderabad', 'exotic', 'desert', 'bloom', 'jaisalmer', 'orphaned', 'maria', 'prague', 'inexorably', 'consolidates', 'command', 'novelist', 'dismisses', 'renewed', 'attempts', 'writing', 'insubstantial', 'hackneyed', 'plunging', 'state', 'deeper', 'despair', 'scathingly', 'critical', 'story', 'amused', 'one', 'characters', 'lovelorn', 'awkward', 'kameshwar', 'finally', 'nawab', 'strives', 'new', 'page', 'meenaxi', 'comments', 'perhaps', 'book', 'vain', 'case', 'much', 'late', 'writer', 'must', 'survive', 'live', 'without', 'support', 'inspiration', 'criticism.', 'ref', 'namehttp', '//www.imdb.com/title/tt0366761/plotsummary|title=plot', 'summary', 'meenaxi', 'tale', 'cities'], ['shareholders', 'meeting', 'international', 'projects', 'billion', 'dollar', 'corporation', 'john', 'blessington', 'john', 'williams', 'announces', 'replacing', 'edward', 'mckeever', 'company', 'founder', 'president', 'chairman', 'board', 'mckeever', 'resigning', 'work', 'federal', 'government', 'washington', 'laura', 'partridge', 'minority', 'stockholder', 'ten', 'shares', 'stock', 'drives', 'arrogant', 'self-serving', 'executives', 'distraction', 'incessant', 'questioning', 'subsequent', 'meetings', 'blessington', 'comes', 'idea', 'hiring', 'struggling', 'actress', 'director', 'shareholder', 'relations', 'keep', 'occupied', 'answering', 'letters', 'small', 'shareholders', 'assigns', 'secretary', 'amelia', 'shotgraven', 'secret', 'instructions', 'obstruct', 'much', 'possible', 'conscientious', 'miss', 'partridge', 'discovering', 'nothing', 'decides', 'write', 'stockholders', 'gains', 'amelia', 'friendship', 'wholehearted', 'assistance', 'helping', 'develop', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'office', 'manager', 'mark', 'jenkins', 'directors', 'find', 'fire', 'amelia', 'however', 'laura', 'discovers', 'blessington', 'thoroughly', 'unqualified', 'brother-in-law', 'harry', 'harkness', 'driven', 'competitor', 'bankruptcy', 'unaware', 'international', 'projects', 'owns', 'unfortunate', 'company', 'leverage', 'gets', 'amelia', 'rehired', 'still', 'determined', 'neutralize', 'laura', 'board', 'decides', 'send', 'washington', 'persuade', 'mckeever', 'give', 'government', 'contracts', 'agrees', 'secret', 'intention', 'trying', 'convince', 'return', 'take', 'back', 'control', 'crooked', 'cronies', 'however', 'company', 'directors', 'recall', 'divested', 'shares', 'thus', 'powerless', 'brush', 'mckeever', 'takes', 'court', 'arguing', 'laura', 'unlicensed', 'illegal', 'lobbyist', 'forced', 'admit', 'stand', 'another', 'romantic', 'reason', 'seeing', 'case', 'dropped', 'however', 'laura', 'forged', 'warm', 'relationship', 'many', 'smaller', 'investors', 'working', 'company', 'responded', 'sent', 'proxies', 'giving', 'right', 'vote', 'shares', 'mckeever', 'uses', 'votes', 'replace', 'entire', 'board', 'later', 'marries', 'laura', 'gratitude', 'rescuing', 'company', 'shareholders', 'make', 'gift', 'solid', 'gold', 'cadillac', 'happy', 'couple'], [\"'set\", 'baltimore', 'neighborhood', 'known', 'thickest', 'local', 'accent', 'pecker', 'tells', 'story', 'unassuming', '18-year-old', 'works', 'sandwich', 'shop', 'takes', 'photos', 'loving', 'peculiar', 'family', 'friends', 'side', 'pecker', 'named', 'childhood', 'habit', 'pecking', 'food', 'stumbles', 'fame', 'work', 'discovered', 'savvy', 'new', 'york', 'art', 'dealer', 'rorey', 'wheeler', 'pecker\\\\', 'pictures', 'grainy', 'out-of-focus', 'studies', 'unglamorous', 'subjects', 'far', 'professional', 'strike', 'chord', 'new', 'york', 'art', 'collectors', 'unfortunately', 'instant', 'over-exposure', 'downside', 'rorey\\\\', 'efforts', 'turn', 'pecker', 'art', 'sensation', 'threaten', 'ruin', 'low-key', 'lifestyle', 'inspiration', 'pecker', 'finds', 'best', 'friend', 'matt', \"can\\\\'t\", 'shoplift', 'anymore', 'pecker\\\\', 'photographs', 'increased', 'profile', 'shelley', 'pecker\\\\', 'obsessive', 'girlfriend', 'runs', 'laundromat', 'seems', 'especially', 'distressed', 'press', 'dub', 'stain', 'goddess', 'mistake', 'good-natured', 'pin-up', 'poses', 'pornographic', 'come-ons', 'family', 'dubbed', 'culturally', 'challenged', 'overzealous', 'critic', 'begin', 'feel', 'uncomfortable', 'glare', 'stardom', 'pecker\\\\', 'mother', 'longer', 'free', 'dispense', 'fashion', 'tips', 'homeless', 'clientele', 'thrift', 'shop', 'pecker\\\\', 'grandmother', 'memama', 'endures', 'public', 'ridicule', 'experience', 'talking', 'statue', 'virgin', 'mary', 'exposed', 'cover', 'national', 'art', 'magazine', 'tina', 'pecker\\\\', 'fag', 'hag', 'older', 'sister', 'fired', 'job', 'emceeing', 'go-go', 'dancing', 'gay', 'bar', 'pecker\\\\', 'edgy', 'photographs', 'chronicle', 'sex', 'practices', 'club\\\\', 'patrons', 'even', 'little', 'chrissy', 'six-year-old', 'sister', 'feels', 'pressure', 'celebrity', 'eating', 'disorder', 'exposed', 'bringing', 'unwanted', 'attention', 'nosy', 'child', 'welfare', 'agencies', 'pecker\\\\', 'newfound', 'fame', 'disrupts', 'lives', 'family', 'friends', 'pecker', 'turns', 'tables', 'art', 'world', 'refusing', 'participate', 'scheduled', 'show', 'whitney', 'museum', 'art', 'instead', 'forces', 'new', 'york', 'art', 'collectors', 'come', 'baltimore', 'see', 'latest', 'photographs', 'portray', 'people', 'disparaged', 'family', 'unflattering', 'light', 'pecker', 'asked', 'plans', 'next', 'replies', 'would', 'like', 'direct', 'film'], ['film', 'centered', 'spencer', 'moves', 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'merritt', 'freshman', 'meets', 'suave', 'ivy', 'leaguer', 'ryder', 'smith', 'senior', 'brown', 'realizes', 'she\\\\', 'ready', 'sex', 'melanie', 'discovers', 'frank', 'boy', 'yale', 'thought', 'loved', 'using', 'tuggle', 'quickly', 'fixes', 'attention', 'goofy', 'thompson', 'junior', 'michigan', 'state', 'becomes', 'disillusioned', 'becomes', 'enamored', 'older', 'woman', 'lola', 'fandango', 'works', 'mermaid', 'swimmer/dancer', 'angie', 'stumbles', 'love', 'eccentric', 'jazz', 'musician', 'basil', 'merritt', 'tuggle', 'angie\\\\', 'adolescent', 'relationship', 'angst', 'quickly', 'evaporates', 'discover', 'melanie', 'distressed', 'state', 'although', 'mentioned', 'directly', 'set', 'scene', 'melanie', 'leaves', 'motel', 'torn', 'dress', 'serious', 'state', 'shock', 'strongly', 'suggests', 'sexually', 'assaulted', 'ends', 'hospital', 'sobered', 'spring', 'break', 'joy', 'friends', 'realize', 'potentially', 'serious', 'consequences', 'physical', 'actions', 'resolve', 'act', 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'chicken', 'drives', 'forced', 'dress', 'sexy', 'awkward', 'chicken', 'allergic', 'feathers', 'first', 'woo', 'expresses', 'disinterest', 'matchmaking', 'mismatch', 'she\\\\', 'told', 'tim', 'virgo', 'decides', 'fate', 'jumps', 'chance', 'immediately', 'heads', 'tim\\\\', 'apartment', 'meanwhile', 'tim', \"can\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'luck', 'goes', 'next', 'door', 'neighbor', 'darryl', 'tips', 'romancing', 'women', 'darryl', 'supplies', 'tim', 'incense', 'edible', 'body', 'oils', 'tape', 'sexy', 'songs', 'woo', 'arrives', 'tim', 'completely', 'smitten', 'woo', 'however', 'discovers', 'tim', 'anything', 'sexy', 'spontaneous', 'stud', 'dreams', 'finding', 'tim\\\\', 'pseudo-cool', 'act', 'totally', 'transparent', 'humiliates', 'teases', 'exit', 'tim\\\\', 'apartment', 'tim', 'visited', 'three', 'pals', 'frankie', 'hop', 'romaine', 'chauvinistic', 'attitude', 'tim\\\\', 'friends', 'irritates', 'woo', 'retaliates', 'freaks', 'trio', 'acting', 'insane', 'finally', 'date', 'gets', 'underway', 'woo', 'tim', 'arrive', 'stuffy', 'italian', 'restaurant', 'woo\\\\', 'behavior', 'gets', 'thrown', 'dance', 'club', 'tim', 'becomes', 'victim', 'punched', 'woo\\\\', 'ex-boyfriend', 'woo', 'likes', 'good', 'laugh', 'tim', 'discovers', 'theft', 'flashy', 'new', 'car', 'finds', 'hilarious', 'goes', 'straight', 'till', 'morning', '*tim\\\\', 'friends', 'frankie', 'hop', 'romaine', 'night', 'fun', 'gradually', 'going', 'places', 'woo', 'tim', 'unfortunately', 'unwittingly', 'night', 'club', 'mostly', 'drag', 'queens', 'hop', 'thinks', 'really', 'women', 'tagline', 'it\\\\', 'world..', 'we\\\\', \"'re\", 'living'], [\"'nineteen\", 'year', 'old', 'charles', 'highly', 'sexed', 'precociously', 'intelligent', 'teenager', 'attend', 'oxford', 'university', 'intends', 'use', 'charm', 'intelligence', 'seduce', 'beautiful', 'american', 'girl', 'rachel', 'charles', 'becomes', 'completely', 'besotted', 'rachel', 'numerous', 'rebuffs', 'eventually', 'forges', 'friendship', 'things', 'become', 'complicated', 'however', 'strategy', 'becomes', 'threatened', 'rachel', 'already', 'boyfriend', 'deforest', 'however', 'control', 'freak', 'treat', 'particularly', 'well', 'help', 'sister', 'jenny', 'lunatic', 'brother-in-law', 'norman', 'best', 'friend', 'big', 'brother', 'mentor', 'geoff', 'charles', 'eventually', 'manages', 'lure', 'rachel', 'away', 'deforest', 'father', 'gordon', 'impressed', 'charles\\\\', 'new', 'quarry', 'however', 'unlikely', 'relationship', 'develops', 'charles', 'discovers', 'seemingly', 'perfect', 'woman', 'numerous', 'dislikeable', 'habits', 'personality', 'traits', 'like', 'lesser', 'girls', 'previously', 'seduced', 'irritated', 'rachel\\\\', 'habits', 'charles', 'grows', 'bored', 'seduced', 'later', 'sleeps', 'old', 'flame', 'gloria', 'ending', 'relationship', 'rachel', 'subsequently', 'moves', 'new', 'york', 'charles', 'still', 'ends', 'going', 'oxford', 'university', 'enjoy', 'life', 'feeling', 'life', 'missing', 'something', 'following', 'end', 'relationship', 'rachel', 'charles', 'accidentally', 'meet', 'museum', 'spend', 'whole', 'day', 'together', 'end', 'rachel', 'kisses', 'cheek', 'leaves', 'hear', 'charles', 'voiceover', 'saying', 'tried', 'remember', 'william', 'blake\\\\', 'quotation', 'love', 'eternal', 'could', 'say', 'rachel', 'unable', 'charles', 'finally', 'realises', 'late', 'fact', 'fallen', 'genuinely', 'love', 'rachel', 'regrets', 'actions', 'forced', 'face', 'reality', 'probably', 'lost', 'forever'], ['kisna', 'befriends', 'british', 'girl', 'named', 'katherine', 'shields', 'enraged', 'mob', 'nationalists', 'including', 'kisna', 'uncle', 'brother', 'katherine', 'young', 'daughter', 'ruthless', 'british', 'collector', 'kisna', 'takes', 'upon', 'escort', 'katherine', 'safety', 'british', 'high', 'commission', 'new', 'delhi', 'arrange', 'board', 'ship', 'home', 'tender', 'attraction', 'develops', 'kisna', 'katherine', 'journey', 'lakshmi', 'kisna', 'indian', 'fianc챕e', 'forms', 'third', 'point', 'emotional', 'triangle', 'involving', 'indo-british', 'romantic', 'pair'], [\"'matty\", 'dean', 'young', 'gay', 'man', 'arrives', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'bus', 'immediately', 'heads', 'greenwich', 'village', 'falls', 'drag', 'queen', 'miranda', 'friends', 'take', 'stonewall', 'inn', 'police', 'raid', 'mattie', 'miranda', 'arrested', 'bailed', 'bostonia', 'african-american', 'mother', 'family', 'queens', 'hang', 'stonewall', 'bostonia', 'secret', 'lover', 'vinnie', 'deeply', 'closeted', 'mafioso', 'runs', 'stonewall', 'matty', 'miranda', 'back', 'miranda\\\\', 'place', 'receives', 'draft', 'notice', 'talk', 'night', 'matty', 'leaves', 'attend', 'meeting', 'mattachine', 'society', 'meets', 'burt', 'ethan', 'he\\\\', 'bumped', 'night', 'ethan', 'distributing', 'leaflets', 'group', 'planning', 'picket', 'independence', 'hall', 'philadelphia', 'ethan', 'matty', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'meeting', 'matty', 'goes', 'meet', 'miranda', 'witness', 'initiation', 'sorts', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'jos챕', 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'one', 'refuses', 'serve', 'stonewall', 'bar', 'miranda', 'ethan', 'meet', 'ethan', 'treats', 'mockingly', 'miranda', 'realizes', 'matty', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'told', 'mattachine', 'friends', 'storms', 'matty', 'follows', 'argue', 'miranda\\\\', 'refusal', 'conform', 'matty\\\\', 'feeling', 'need', 'masculine', 'men', 'matty', 'seeks', 'ethan', 'begin', 'affair', 'vinnie', 'takes', 'bostonia', 'isolated', 'rooftop', 'points', 'clinic', 'calls', 'palace', 'dreams', 'tells', 'wants', 'sex', 'reassignment', 'surgery', 'marry', 'bostonia', 'vehemently', 'opposed', 'declaring', 'chick', 'dick', \"ain\\\\'t\", 'done', 'dick', 'yet', 'vinnie', 'miserable', 'bostonia', 'reaches', 'comfort', 'vinnie', 'terrified', 'someone', 'spot', 'one', 'distant', 'windows', 'following', 'philadelphia', 'picket', 'ethan', 'takes', 'matty', 'fire', 'island', 'ethan', 'describes', 'heaven', 'heaven', 'includes', 'repressive', 'features', 'men', 'allowed', 'dance', 'face-to-face', 'allowed', 'dance', 'unless', 'there\\\\', 'woman', 'dance', 'floor', 'police', 'performing', 'random', 'beach', 'checks', 'suggestive', 'bathing', 'costumes', 'given', 'choice', 'ethan\\\\', 'acceptance', 'sort', 'discrimination', 'miranda\\\\', 'defiance', 'matty', 'chooses', 'miranda', 'reconcile', 'day', 'judy', 'garland\\\\', 'death', 'bostonia', 'watches', 'television', 'coverage', 'depressed', 'cheer', 'vinnie', 'takes', 'full', 'drag', 'public', 'first', 'time', 'ice', 'cream', 'fancy', 'restaurant', 'open', 'affection', 'drawing', 'disapproving', 'stares', 'patrons', 'asked', 'leave', 'manager', 'wake', 'together', 'next', 'morning', 'vinnie', 'asks', 'bostonia', 'he\\\\', 'ever', 'told', 'loves', 'says', 'vinnie', 'suddenly', 'commits', 'suicide', 'bullet', 'head', 'bostonia', 'becomes', 'hysterical', 'vinnie', 'left', 'large', 'amount', 'cash', 'scrawled', 'love', 'mirror', 'lipstick', 'night', 'stonewall', 'there\\\\', 'another', 'raid', 'several', 'queens', 'arrested', 'including', 'bostonia', 'she\\\\', 'led', 'arresting', 'officer', 'says', 'poor', 'little', 'faggot', \"don\\\\'t\", 'know', 'whether', 'kill', 'kiss', 'bostonia', 'smashes', 'face', 'saying', 'guess', 'made', 'mind', 'attacked', 'cops', 'queens', 'fight', 'back', 'touching', 'riots', 'would', 'mark', 'beginning', 'gay', 'community\\\\', 'advocacy', 'movement', 'rights'], ['party-animal', 'rick', 'gassko', 'makes', 'living', 'school', 'bus', 'driver', 'decides', 'finally', 'settle', 'marry', 'girlfriend', 'debbie', 'thompson', 'gathering', 'buddies', 'give', 'news', 'shocked', 'friends', 'decide', 'throw', 'bachelor', 'party', 'end', 'bachelor', 'parties', 'bride', 'parents', 'happy', 'decision', 'father', 'decides', 'enlist', 'help', 'debbie', 'ex-boyfriend', 'cole', 'whittier', 'robert', 'prescott', 'break', 'win', 'back', 'debbie', 'worries', 'goes', 'bridal', 'shower', 'thrown', 'friends', 'rick', 'heads', 'bachelor', 'party', 'promises', 'remain', 'faithful', 'parties', 'start', 'wrong', 'foot', 'thanks', 'little', 'sabotage', 'cole', 'bachelor', 'party', 'starts', 'heats', 'however', 'debbie', 'girls', 'decide', 'get', 'even', 'rick', 'friends', 'party', 'parties', 'eventually', 'collide', 'leading', 'debbie', 'accusing', 'rick', 'infidelity', 'parties', 'end', 'becoming', 'one', 'big', 'drunken', 'orgy', 'bachelors', 'hotel', 'room', 'ends', 'getting', 'trashed', 'much', 'chagrin', 'hotel', 'ever-frustrated', 'manager', 'adding', 'confusion', 'rick', 'friend', 'brad', 'become', 'despondent', 'wife', 'breaking', 'various', 'points', 'movie', 'riotously', 'fact', 'chase', '36-screen', 'movie', 'theater', 'rick', 'eventually', 'wins', 'marrying', 'debbie', 'driven', 'airport', 'honeymoon', 'rick', 'school', 'bus', 'brad'], ['sound', 'engineer', 'sang-woo', 'meets', 'local', 'eun-soo', 'recording', 'trip', 'quest', 'nature', 'voice', 'succeed', 'capturing', 'various', 'sensual', 'sounds', 'well', 'tenderness', 'love', 'flourishes', 'spring', 'comes', 'along', 'sang-woo', 'ever', 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'still', 'love', 'deeply', 'overcome', 'trials', 'life', 'thrown'], [\"'ace\", 'wannabe', 'rock', 'star', 'way', 'concert', 'band', 'guitar', 'wolf', 'space', 'aliens', 'invade', 'earth', 'result', 'dead', 'rise', 'feet', 'countryside', 'setting', 'asahi', 'japan', 'appetite', 'flesh', 'enlisting', 'help', 'rock', 'roll', 'blood', 'brother', 'guitar', 'wolf', 'ace', 'members', 'band', 'get', 'entangled', 'many', 'misadventures', 'crazy', 'rock', 'managers', 'tight', 'shorts', 'transsexuals', 'naked', 'women', 'shooting', 'guns', 'shower', 'bloodthirsty', 'zombies', 'ready', 'tear', 'apart', 'leather', 'jackets', 'loud', 'over-modulated', 'music', 'laser', 'guitar', 'picks', 'motorcycles', 'guns', 'muscle', 'cars', 'fire', 'abound', 'guitar', 'wolf', 'japanese', 'trio', 'signed', 'matador', 'records', '봞nd', 'self-proclaimed', 'coolest', 'rock', 'band', 'world', '봲tar', 'well-coiffed', 'heroes', 'also', 'love', 'story', 'ace', 'tobio', 'trans', 'woman', 'music', 'garage', 'punk', 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'wally', 'sent', 'town', 'warsaw', 'vermont', 'interview', 'hazel', 'flagg', 'woman', 'supposedly', 'dying', 'radium', 'poisoning', 'cook', 'finally', 'locates', 'hazel', 'crying', 'doctor', 'told', 'dying', 'unaware', 'invites', 'new', 'york', 'guest', 'morning', 'star', 'newspaper', 'newspaper', 'uses', 'story', 'increase', 'circulation', 'receives', 'ticker', 'tape', 'parade', 'key', 'city', 'becomes', 'inspiration', 'many', 'addition', 'wally', 'fall', 'love', 'finally', 'discovered', 'hazel', 'really', 'dying', 'city', 'officials', 'decide', 'would', 'better', 'avoid', 'embarrassment', 'seem', 'committed', 'suicide', 'hazel', 'wally', 'get', 'married', 'quietly', 'set', 'sail', 'tropics'], ['conservative', 'beijing', 'graduate', 'student', 'name', 'fang', 'goes', 'series', 'blind', 'dates', 'sensitive', 'slights', 'advances', 'men', 'often', 'becomes', 'offended', 'leaves', 'halfway', 'dates', 'though', 'sometimes', 'men', 'leave', 'first', 'annoyed', 'behavior', 'one', 'date', 'meets', 'chen', 'minglian', 'whose', 'fiancee', 'recently', 'left', 'affair', 'another', 'man', 'initial', 'date', 'unmitigated', 'disaster', 'mingliang', 'discusses', 'fortune-telling', 'friend', 'mingliang', 'scoffs', 'fang', 'walks', 'mingliang', 'asks', 'many', 'previous', 'boyfriends', 'chases', 'suggesting', 'get', 'room', 'local', 'hotel', 'slaps', 'takes', 'taxi', 'get', 'away', 'however', 'mingliang', 'pursues', 'fang', 'initially', 'resistant', 'agrees', 'additional', 'dates', 'mingliang', 'dates', 'fang', 'begins', 'relate', 'tale', 'friend', 'parents', 'mother', 'cosmetic', 'artist', 'dead', 'funeral', 'home', 'fact', 'kept', 'secret', 'husband', 'father', 'finally', 'discovered', 'truth', 'went', 'nearly', 'mad', 'descended', 'alcoholism', 'according', 'fang', 'father', 'would', 'drink', 'excess', 'beat', 'wife', 'daughter', 'often', 'claiming', 'wife', 'hands', 'destroyed', 'life', 'course', 'several', 'dates', 'fang', 'tells', 'mingliang', 'mother', 'eventually', 'killed', 'father', 'accidentally', 'resisting', 'one', 'attacks', 'imprisoned', 'ten', 'years', 'times', 'fang', 'suggests', 'made', 'story', 'though', 'mingliang', 'seems', 'remain', 'entranced', 'tale', 'time', 'mingliang', 'artist', 'friend', 'jun', 'trying', 'set', 'sultry', 'lounge', 'singer', 'club', 'singer', 'named', 'lang', 'lang', 'bears', 'striking', 'resemblance', 'fang', 'dresses', 'far', 'provocatively', 'trouble', 'men', 'mingliang', 'tries', 'get', 'lang', 'lang', 'admit', 'fang', 'eventually', 'settles', 'idea', 'different', 'woman', 'two', 'share', 'several', 'conversations', 'discuss', 'life', 'love', 'though', 'mingliang', 'remains', 'enraptured', 'graduate', 'student', 'rather', 'lounge', 'singer', 'finally', 'fang', 'agrees', 'become', 'mingliang', 'girlfriend', 'jun', 'dinner', 'party', 'planned', 'fang', 'nowhere', 'found', 'mingliang', 'asks', 'lang', 'lang', 'pose', 'girlfriend', 'night', 'dinner', 'lang', 'lang', 'reads', 'fortune', 'jun', 'girlfriend', 'revealing', 'shallow', 'manipulative', 'girlfriend', 'gets', 'drunk', 'jun', 'slaps', 'lang', 'lang', 'walks', 'jun', 'slaps', 'return', 'telling', 'hates', 'men', 'strike', 'women', 'film', 'ends', 'ambiguously', 'laughing', 'mingliang', 'takes', 'lang', 'lang', 'get', 'hotel', 'room', 'time', 'conversation', 'mingliang', 'explains', 'likes', 'fang', 'replayed', 'soundtrack'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'takes', 'place', 'manhattan', 'height', 'aids', 'epidemic', 'revolves', 'around', 'title', 'character', 'steven', 'weber', 'gay', 'man', 'sworn', 'sex', 'almost', 'immediately', 'thereafter', 'meets', 'steve', 'hunky', 'charming', 'hiv+', 'man', 'experiences', 'emotional', 'conflict', 'must', 'face', 'fear', 'order', 'accept', 'love', 'often', 'breaking', 'fourth', 'wall'], ['father', 'greg', 'pilkington', 'newly', 'assigned', 'st.', 'mary', 'parish', 'inner-city', 'liverpool', 'startled', 'discover', 'father', 'matthew', 'thomas', 'engaged', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'rectory', 'housekeeper', 'maria', 'kerrigan', 'moreover', 'father', 'thomas', 'left-wing', 'radical', 'outspoken', 'proponent', 'liberation', 'theology', 'leading', 'constant', 'clashes', 'bickering', 'bishop', '봶ho', 'nevertheless', 'appreciates', 'abilities', 'young', 'protagonist', 'personal', 'traditional', 'conservatism', 'religious', 'beliefs', 'offended', 'older', 'priest', 'blatant', 'disregard', 'vow', 'celibacy', 'struggles', 'homosexual', 'urges', 'especially', 'meets', 'graham', 'local', 'gay', 'hangout', 'two', 'embark', 'physical', 'relationship', 'meanwhile', 'student', 'lisa', 'unsworth', 'confided', 'sexually', 'abused', 'father', 'confirms', 'story', 'revealed', 'secret', 'confessional', 'however', 'father', 'greg', 'required', 'honor', 'sanctity', 'sacrament', 'penance', 'reveal', 'told', 'tries', 'warn', 'mother', 'keep', 'close', 'watch', 'naive', 'woman', 'believes', 'daughter', 'safe', 'care', 'husband', 'mrs.', 'unsworth', 'discovers', 'husband', 'molesting', 'lisa', 'realizes', 'priest', 'knew', 'happening', 'lashes', 'adding', 'torment', 'arrest', 'sex', 'graham', 'parked', 'car', 'pleads', 'guilty', 'charge', 'story', 'headlined', 'front', 'page', 'local', 'newspaper', 'unable', 'face', 'parishioners', 'father', 'greg', 'relocates', 'remote', 'rural', 'parish', 'headed', 'disapproving', 'unforgiving', 'priest', 'father', 'matthew', 'convinces', 'return', 'st.', 'mary', 'two', 'preside', 'mass', 'disrupted', 'loud', 'protests', 'opposed', 'father', 'greg', 'presence', 'altar', 'father', 'matthew', 'demands', 'leave', 'chapel', 'two', 'priests', 'begin', 'distribute', 'eucharist', 'remaining', 'parishioners', 'ignore', 'father', 'greg', 'line', 'receive', 'communion', 'father', 'matthew', 'lisa', 'finally', 'approaches', 'younger', 'priest', 'two', 'fall', 'arms', 'sobbing'], [\"'dr\", 'barnaby', 'fulton', 'research', 'chemist', 'working', 'fountain', 'youth', 'pill', 'chemical', 'company', 'trying', 'develop', 'elixir', 'youth', 'urged', 'commercially-minded', 'boss', 'oliver', 'oxley', 'one', 'dr.', 'fulton\\\\', 'chimpanzees', 'esther', 'gets', 'loose', 'laboratory', 'pours', 'chemicals', 'water', 'cooler', 'mdash', 'chemicals', 'happen', 'rejuvenating', 'effect', 'fulton', 'searching', 'unaware', 'monkey\\\\', 'antics', 'fulton', 'tests', 'latest', 'experimental', 'concoction', 'washes', 'water', 'cooler', 'naturally', 'soon', 'begins', 'act', 'like', '20-year-old', 'spends', 'day', 'town', 'boss\\\\', 'secretary', 'lois', 'laurel', 'fulton\\\\', 'wife', 'edwina', 'learns', 'elixir', 'works', 'drinks', 'washing', 'water', 'turns', 'prank-pulling', 'schoolgirl', 'things', 'get', 'hand', 'newly', 'quick', 'temper', 'induces', 'edwina', 'make', 'impetuous', 'phone', 'call', 'old', 'flame', 'hank', 'entwhistle', 'knowing', 'nothing', 'elixir', 'believes', 'edwina', 'truly', 'unhappy', 'marriage', 'wants', 'divorce', 'meanwhile', 'people', 'laboratory', 'drinking', 'water', 'reverting', 'second', 'childhood', 'predictably', 'hilarious', 'results', 'end', 'course', 'everything', 'works', 'help', 'elixir'], ['j.r.', 'typical', 'italian-american', 'young', 'man', 'streets', 'new', 'york', 'gets', 'involved', 'local', 'girl', 'decides', 'wants', 'get', 'married', 'settle', 'learns', 'raped', 'handle', 'explicitly', 'linked', 'catholic', 'guilt', 'scorsese', 'later', 'work', 'see', 'happens', 'j.r.', 'religious', 'guilt', 'catches'], [\"'people\", 'talk', 'describes', 'episode', 'life', 'dr.', 'noah', 'praetorius', 'physician', 'teaches', 'medical', 'school', 'founded', 'clinic', 'dedicated', 'treating', 'patients', 'humanely', 'holistically', 'plot', 'contains', 'two', 'parallel', 'story', 'lines', 'professional-misconduct', 'challenge', 'brought', 'praetorius', 'conventional', 'colleague', 'dr.', 'rodney', 'elwell', 'dislikes', 'praetorius\\\\', 'unorthodox', 'effective', 'methods', 'struggle', 'distressed', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'deborah', 'higgins', 'falls', 'love', 'praetorius', 'dealing', 'out-of-wedlock', 'pregnancy', 'film', 'also', 'highlights', 'praetorius\\\\', 'close', 'friend', 'confidant', 'physics', 'professor', 'lyonel', 'barker', 'plays', 'bass', 'viol', 'student/faculty', 'orchestra', 'conducted', 'praetorius', 'start', 'film', 'elwell', 'hired', 'detective', 'investigate', 'praetorius', 'housemaid', 'worked', 'praetorius', 'reacts', 'visibly', 'elwell', 'asks', 'praetorius\\\\', 'mysterious', 'friend', 'mr.', 'shunderson', 'rarely', 'leaves', 'praetorius\\\\', 'side', 'deep', 'intuitive', 'understanding', 'human', 'animal', 'nature', 'elwell\\\\', 'detective', 'discovers', 'shunderson', 'tried', 'murder', 'elwell', 'calls', 'misconduct', 'hearing', 'praetorius', 'hearing', 'praetorius', 'explains', 'started', 'career', 'small', 'town', 'opening', 'butcher', 'shop', 'front', 'undeclared', 'medical', 'practice', 'people', 'town', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'trust', 'doctors', 'elwell', 'tries', 'discredit', 'praetorius\\\\', 'methods', 'praetorius', 'defends', 'use', 'faith', 'healing', 'describing', 'forced', 'leave', 'town', 'maid', 'discovered', 'medical', 'degree', 'praetorius', 'refuses', 'answer', 'questions', 'shunderson', 'shunderson', 'explains', 'served', 'years', 'prison', 'alleged', 'death', 'man', 'tried', 'murder', 'somehow', 'survived', 'hanged', 'actually', 'murdering', 'man', 'gone', 'hiding', 'first', 'trial', 'woke', 'lying', 'table', 'front', 'praetorius', 'time', 'medical', 'student', 'examining', 'believed', 'corpse', 'praetorius', 'kept', 'shunderson\\\\', 'survival', 'secret', 'shunderson', 'became', 'praetorius\\\\', 'devoted', 'friend', 'story', 'told', 'chairman', 'concludes', 'hearing', 'praetorius\\\\', 'favor', 'elwell', 'walks', 'away', 'alone', 'discredited', 'meanwhile', 'deborah', 'enters', 'praetorius\\\\', 'life', 'displaying', 'signs', 'emotional', 'distress', 'faints', 'lecture', 'praetorius', 'examines', 'informs', 'she\\\\', 'pregnant', 'upset', 'news', 'mrs.', 'higgins', 'admits', 'she\\\\', 'really', 'married', 'unborn', 'child\\\\', 'father', 'dead', 'knowing', 'condition', 'would', 'much', 'father', 'bear', 'hallway', 'near', 'praetorius\\\\', 'office', 'shoots', 'successfully', 'operating', 'deborah', 'praetorius', 'tries', 'calm', 'telling', 'mistake', 'pregnancy', 'test', 'fallen', 'love', 'becomes', 'upset', 'embarrassing', 'behavior', 'runs', 'away', 'clinic', 'forcing', 'find', 'tell', 'really', 'pregnant', 'praetorius', 'shunderson', 'drive', 'deborah', 'father', 'arthur', 'live', 'farm', 'owned', 'arthur\\\\', 'brother', 'john', 'deborah', 'praetorius', 'hide', 'deborah\\\\', 'shooting', 'incident', 'father', 'failure', 'life', 'lives', 'unhappily', 'dependent', 'stingy', 'brother', 'deborah', 'pride', 'life', 'might', 'become', 'intolerable', 'baby', 'take', 'care', 'daughter\\\\', 'reputation', 'ruined', 'showing', 'praetorius', 'farm', 'deborah', 'admits', 'love', 'also', 'wonders', 'visiting', 'begins', 'suspect', 'attracted', 'seductively', 'interrogates', 'share', 'passionate', 'kiss', 'soon', 'get', 'married', 'arthur', 'comes', 'live', 'weeks', 'later', 'deborah', 'suggests', 'noah', 'may', 'pregnant', 'admits', 'pregnant', 'along', 'ruefully', 'concludes', 'married', 'pity', 'convinces', 'really', 'fall', 'love', 'reason', 'praetorius\\\\', 'misconduct', 'hearing', 'scheduled', 'time', 'student/faculty', 'orchestra\\\\', 'concert', 'hearing', 'praetorius\\\\', 'acquittal', 'film', 'ends', 'deborah', 'shunderson', 'barker', 'audience', 'watching', 'praetorius', 'conduct', 'orchestra', 'finale', 'brahms\\\\', 'academic', 'festival', 'overture', 'gaudeamus', 'igitur', 'according', 'review', 'films', 'france', 'website', 'movie', 'number', 'political', 'overtones', 'review', 'says', 'film', 'reaction', 'mankiewicz', 'experiences', 'communist', 'witch', 'hunts', 'late', '1940s', 'early', '1950s', 'initiated', 'senator', 'joseph', 'mccarthy', 'whilst', 'president', 'director', 'guild', 'mankiewicz', 'openly', 'attacked', 'cecil', 'demille', 'great', 'filmmaker', 'hard-line', 'conservative', 'unwillingness', 'support', 'anti-communist', 'campaign', 'like', 'many', 'fellow', 'directors', 'screenwriters', 'mankiewicz', 'liberal', 'refused', 'denounce', 'others', 'working', 'hollywood', 'communist', 'sympathies', 'film\\\\', 'investigative', 'trial', 'parallels', 'congressional', 'hearings', 'anti-communist', 'crusaders', 'refused', 'name', 'names', 'hearings', 'lead', 'character', 'played', 'cary', 'grant', 'declines', 'clear', 'name', 'revealing', 'private', 'business', 'another', 'person', 'case', 'convicted', 'murderer', 'review', 'said', 'although', 'movie', 'meant', 'cautionary', 'tale', 'dangers', 'witch', 'hunts', 'deals', 'many', 'issues', 'including', 'pregnancy', 'single', 'woman', 'corrosive', 'effect', 'unfettered', 'capitalism', 'human', 'cost', 'korean', 'war', 'among', 'others'], ['charlie', 'finally', 'found', 'one', 'charlie', 'kevin', 'became', 'engaged', 'charlie', 'soon-to-be', 'mother', 'law', 'viola', 'sets', 'destroy', 'relationship', 'realizes', 'charlie', \"n't\", 'without', 'fight'], [\"'in\", 'summer', '1963', 'jeffrey', 'willis', 'hired', 'upscale', 'long', 'island', 'beach', 'resort', 'flamingo', 'jeffrey', 'kid', 'middle', 'class', 'brooklyn', 'family', 'father', 'approve', 'working', 'private', 'club', 'hero', 'mentor', 'resort', 'reigning', 'gin', 'rummy', 'card', 'game', 'champ', 'phil', 'brody', '.blank', 'traditional', 'values', 'put', 'test', 'effective', \"\\\\'flamingo\", 'kid\\\\', 'pittsburgh', 'press', 'december', '1984', 'jeffrey', 'winning', 'gin', 'rummy', 'player', 'friends', 'admire', 'brody', 'wins', 'gin', 'rummy', 'table', 'make', 'seem', 'psychic', 'knowing', 'cards', 'give', 'brody', 'also', 'takes', 'liking', 'jeffrey', 'eventually', 'showing', 'car', 'business', 'gives', 'hopes', 'car', 'sales', 'belongs', 'career', 'jeffrey', 'gets', 'immersed', 'easy', 'buck', 'defying', 'father\\\\', 'guidance', 'dinner', 'jeffrey', 'notably', 'says', 'needing', 'college', 'plans', 'pursue', 'car', 'salesman', 'instead', 'jeffrey', 'co-workers', 'flamingo', 'also', 'venture', 'yonkers', 'raceway', 'together', 'risking', 'cash', 'horse', 'tip', 'come', 'short', 'trotter', 'breaks', 'stride', 'eventually', 'brody', 'reveals', 'jeffrey', 'job', 'opening', 'car', 'dealership', 'stock', 'boy', 'salesman', 'jeffrey', 'led', 'believe', 'asked', 'brody', 'encourages', 'jeffrey', 'take', 'stock', 'boy', 'position', 'work', 'way', 'near', 'summer\\\\', 'end', 'jeffrey', 'observes', 'regular', 'onlooker', 'big', 'sid', 'feeding', 'signals', 'brody', 'true', 'cause', 'brody\\\\', 'winning', 'ways', 'big', 'sid', 'member', 'gin', 'team', 'playing', 'brody\\\\', 'team', 'overcome', 'heat', 'jeffrey', 'fills', 'opposing', 'brody', 'seeking', 'help', 'win', 'back', 'unfair', 'profits', 'brody', 'friends', 'course', 'summer', 'jeffrey', 'team', 'eventually', 'win', 'back', 'unfairly', 'lost', 'including', 'good', 'profit', 'besides', 'realizing', 'mistakes', 'made', 'rejecting', 'father\\\\', 'good', 'advice', 'jeffrey', 'makes', 'dad', 'touching', 'scene', 'larry\\\\', 'fish', 'house', 'family', 'dining'], [\"'nicole\", 'oakley', 'spoiled', 'rich', 'out-of-control', 'daughter', 'congressman', 'tom', 'oakley', 'meets', 'working', 'class', 'mexican-american', 'straight-a', 'student', 'carlos', 'nu챰ez', 'resulting', 'clash', 'cultures', 'values', 'love', 'affair', 'nicole', 'troubled', 'mother', 'committed', 'suicide', 'young', 'feels', 'unwanted', 'father', 'married', 'another', 'woman', 'another', 'young', 'daughter', 'new', 'wife', 'carlos', 'hand', 'poor', 'background', 'working', 'hard', 'towards', 'becoming', 'navy', 'pilot', 'meet', 'beach', 'nicole', 'community', 'service', 'discover', 'attend', 'high', 'school', 'later', 'fall', 'love', 'carlos', 'spends', 'much', 'time', 'stops', 'performing', 'well', 'school', 'carlos', 'applying', 'u.s.', 'naval', 'academy', 'nicole\\\\', 'father', 'suggests', 'carlos', 'talk', 'gaining', 'congressional', 'sponsorship', 'academy', 'meeting', 'nicole\\\\', 'father', 'tells', 'carlos', 'needs', 'break', 'nicole', 'want', 'destroy', 'life', 'carlos', 'break', 'leads', 'nicole', 'depression', 'back', 'wild', 'drunken', 'partying', 'one', 'night', 'carlos', 'really', 'misses', 'calls', 'finds', 'getting', 'drunk', 'high', 'school', 'party', 'crashes', 'saves', 'drunken', 'nicole', 'boy', 'trying', 'take', 'advantage', 'carlos', 'drives', 'home', 'get', 'stopped', 'police', 'result', 'incident', 'nicole\\\\', 'father', 'stepmother', 'decide', 'needs', 'boarding', 'school', 'far', 'away', 'home', 'carlos', 'rescues', 'run', 'away', 'together', 'away', 'nicole', 'realizes', 'really', 'messing', 'carlos\\\\', 'life', 'taking', 'away', 'dreams', 'goals', 'decides', 'sober', 'back', 'home', 'makes', 'father', 'father', 'thanks', 'carlos', 'listening', 'advice', 'stay', 'away', 'nicole', 'end', 'credits', 'see', 'carlos', 'become', 'pilot', 'navy'], 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'girl', 'furious', 'don\\\\', 'teasing', 'throws', 'real', 'cake', 'hit', 'lina', 'right', 'face', 'later', 'weeks', 'searching', 'makes', 'kathy', 'finds', 'working', 'another', 'monumental', 'pictures', 'production', 'begin', 'fall', 'love', 'rival', 'studio', 'enormous', 'hit', 'first', 'talking', 'picture', '1927\\\\', 'jazz', 'singer', 'r.f', 'decides', 'choice', 'convert', 'new', 'lockwood', 'lamont', 'film', 'dueling', 'cavalier', 'talkie', 'production', 'beset', 'difficulties', 'far', 'worst', 'problem', 'lina\\\\', 'grating', 'voice', 'exasperated', 'diction', 'coach', 'tried', 'teach', 'speak', 'properly', 'avail', 'test', 'screening', 'disaster', 'one', 'scene', 'repeats', 'line', 'love', 'lina', 'audience\\\\', 'derisive', 'laughter.comden', '2002', 'reference', 'scene', 'john', 'gilbert', 'first', 'talkie', 'middle', 'film', 'sound', 'goes', 'synchronization', 'hilarious', 'results', 'don\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'cosmo', 'brown', 'comes', 'idea', 'dub', 'lina\\\\', 'voice', 'kathy\\\\', 'persuade', 'r.f', 'turn', 'dueling', 'cavalier', 'musical', 'called', 'dancing', 'cavalier', 'complete', 'modern', 'musical', 'number', 'called', 'broadway', 'melody', 'lina', 'finds', 'infuriated', 'everything', 'possible', 'sabotage', 'romance', 'kathy', 'becomes', 'even', 'angrier', 'discovers', 'r.f', 'intends', 'give', 'kathy', 'screen', 'credit', 'big', 'publicity', 'promotion', 'lina', 'consulting', 'lawyers', 'threatens', 'sue', 'r.f', 'unless', 'cancels', 'kathy\\\\', 'buildup', 'orders', 'continue', 'working', 'lina\\\\', 'voice', 'r.f', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'demands', 'premiere', 'dancing', 'cavalier', 'tremendous', 'success', 'audience', 'clamors', 'lina', 'sing', 'live', 'cosmo', 'r.f', 'improvise', 'get', 'lip', 'sync', 'microphone', 'kathy', 'hidden', 'behind', 'stage', 'curtain', 'sings', 'second', 'one', 'lina', 'singing', 'cosmo', 'r.f', 'gleefully', 'raise', 'curtain', 'cosmo', 'replaces', 'kathy', 'microphone', 'sham', 'becomes', 'obvious', 'lina', 'flees', 'embarrassment', 'kathy', 'tries', 'run', 'away', 'well', 'introduces', 'audience', 'real', 'star', 'film', 'final', 'shot', 'shows', 'kathy', 'kissing', 'front', 'billboard', 'new', 'film', 'singin\\\\', 'rain'], [\"'terence\", 'stamp', 'plays', 'mysterious', 'figure', 'appears', 'lives', 'typical', 'bourgeois', 'italian', 'family', 'engages', 'sexual', 'affairs', 'members', 'household', 'devoutly', 'religious', 'maid', 'sensitive', 'son', 'sexually', 'repressed', 'mother', 'timid', 'daughter', 'finally', 'tormented', 'father', 'stranger', 'gives', 'unstintingly', 'asking', 'nothing', 'return', 'one', 'day', 'leaves', 'suddenly', 'mysteriously', 'came', 'subsequent', 'void', 'created', 'forces', 'family', 'member', 'confront', 'previously', 'concealed', 'trappings', 'bourgeois', 'life', 'mother', 'seeks', 'sexual', 'encounters', 'young', 'men', 'son', 'leaves', 'family', 'home', 'become', 'artist', 'daughter', 'sinks', 'catatonic', 'state', 'father', 'strips', 'material', 'effects', 'handing', 'factory', 'workers', 'removing', 'clothes', 'railway', 'station', 'wandering', 'naked', 'wilderness', 'maid', 'returns', 'rural', 'village', 'born', 'seen', 'perform', 'miracles'], [\"'veidt\", 'portrays', 'successful', 'violinist', 'paul', 'k철rner', 'falls', 'love', 'one', 'male', 'students', 'sleazy', 'extortionist', 'threatens', 'expose', 'k철rner', 'homosexual', 'flashbacks', 'show', 'k철rner', 'became', 'aware', 'orientation', 'tried', 'first', 'change', 'understand', 'k철rner', 'extortionist', 'end', 'court', 'judge', 'sympathetic', 'violinist', 'scandal', 'becomes', 'public', 'career', 'ruined', 'driven', 'suicide', 'film', 'opens', 'paul', 'k철rner', 'reading', 'daily', 'newspaper', 'obituaries', 'filled', 'vaguely', 'worded', 'seemingly', 'inexplicable', 'suicides', 'k철rner', 'however', 'knows', 'paragraph', '175', 'hidden', 'behind', 'mdash', 'hangs', 'german', 'homosexuals', 'like', 'sword', 'damocles', 'thesis', 'statement', 'main', 'plot', 'begins', 'kurt', 'sivers', 'fritz', 'schulz', 'fan', 'admirer', 'k철rner', 'violin', 'virtuoso', 'approaches', 'k철rner', 'hopes', 'becoming', 'student', 'k철rner', 'agrees', 'begin', 'lessons', 'together', 'fall', 'one', 'another', 'men', 'experience', 'disapproval', 'parents', 'neither', 'sivers\\\\', 'object', 'increasingly', 'large', 'amount', 'attention', 'focuses', 'violin', 'unusual', 'infatuation', 'k철rner', 'k철rners', 'understand', 'shown', 'interest', 'finding', 'wife', 'starting', 'family', 'k철rner', 'sends', 'parents', 'see', 'mentor', 'doctor', 'doctor', 'appears', 'several', 'times', 'film', 'time', 'deliver', 'speeches', 'intended', 'audience', 'advancement', 'plot', 'first', 'appearance', 'tells', 'k철rner\\\\', 'parents', 'cquote', 'k철rner\\\\', 'coming', 'sivers', 'begin', 'seeing', 'openly', 'walking', 'together', 'hand', 'hand', 'park', 'pass', 'man', 'recognizes', 'k철rner', 'later', 'day', 'k철rner', 'alone', 'man', 'franz', 'bollek', 'confronts', 'demands', 'hush', 'money', 'else', 'expose', 'sivers', 'k철rner', 'pays', 'keeps', 'secret', 'sivers', 'eventually', 'however', 'blackmailer\\\\', 'demands', 'become', 'great', 'k철rner', 'refuses', 'pay', 'bollek', 'decides', 'instead', 'break', 'k철rner\\\\', 'house', 'sivers', 'performing', 'discovered', 'sivers', 'k철rner', 'return', 'fight', 'breaks', 'course', 'fight', 'bollek', 'reveals', 'sivers', 'blackmailing', 'sivers', 'runs', 'away', 'faces', 'hardships', 'trying', 'survive', 'alone', 'k철rner', 'left', 'dejected', 'photo', 'sivers', 'remembers', 'past', 'first', 'memory', 'boarding', 'school', 'boyfriend', 'max', 'discovered', 'kissing', 'teacher', 'he\\\\', 'expelled', 'next', 'remembers', 'university', 'solitary', 'lonely', 'life', 'growing', 'impossibility', 'trying', 'play', 'straight', 'remembers', 'trying', 'ex-gay', 'hypnotherapist', 'finding', 'charlatan', 'first', 'met', 'doctor', 'whose', 'reaction', 'much', 'different', 'previously', 'met', 'among', 'things', 'told', 'cquote', 'remembering', 'recalled', 'first', 'meeting', 'bollek', 'gay', 'dance', 'hall', 'bollek', 'leading', 'ultimately', 'turning', 'using', 'homosexuality', 'blackmail', 'back', 'present', 'k철rner', 'takes', 'else', 'sivers', 'kurt', 'sivers\\\\', 'sister', 'doctor\\\\', 'lecture', 'alternative', 'sexuality', 'doctor', 'speaks', 'topics', 'homosexuality', 'lesbianism', 'gender', 'identity', 'intersexuality', 'perils', 'stereotypes', 'idea', 'sexuality', 'physically', 'determined', 'rather', 'mental', 'condition', 'k철rner', 'reports', 'bollek', 'blackmail', 'arrested', 'retaliation', 'bollek', 'exposes', 'k철rner', 'doctor', 'gives', 'testimony', 'k철rner\\\\', 'behalf', 'found', 'guilty', 'respective', 'crimes', 'bollek', 'sentenced', 'three', 'years', 'extortion', 'judge', 'sympathetic', 'k철rner', 'gives', 'minimum', 'sentence', 'allowable', 'one', 'week', 'allowed', 'home', 'starting', 'term', 'k철rner', 'finds', 'shunned', 'friends', 'strangers', 'alike', 'longer', 'employable', 'even', 'family', 'tells', 'one', 'honorable', 'way', 'attempts', 'dance', 'wearing', 'max\\\\', 'old', 'lederhosen', 'slips', 'takes', 'handful', 'pills', 'kills', 'sivers', 'rushes', 'side', 'lies', 'dead', 'k철rner\\\\', 'parents', 'blame', 'sivers', 'happened', 'else', 'harshly', 'rebukes', 'meanwhile', 'sivers', 'attempts', 'kill', 'well', 'doctor', 'prevents', 'delivers', 'final', 'speech', 'cquote', 'movie', 'closes', 'open', 'german', 'law', 'book', 'turned', 'paragraph', '175', 'hand', 'holding', 'brush', 'crosses'], [\"'lcdr\", 'charlie', 'madison', 'usnr', 'cynical', 'highly', 'efficient', 'adjutant', 'radm', 'william', 'jessup', '1944', 'london', 'madison\\\\', 'job', 'dog', 'robber', 'keep', 'boss', 'high-ranking', 'officers', 'supplied', 'luxury', 'goods', 'amiable', 'englishwomen', 'falls', 'love', 'driver', 'motor', 'pool', 'emily', 'barham', 'lost', 'husband', 'brother', 'father', 'war', 'madison\\\\', 'sybaritic', 'american', 'lifestyle', 'amid', 'wartime', 'scarcity', 'fascinates', 'disgusts', 'emily', 'want', 'lose', 'another', 'loved', 'one', 'war', 'finds', 'practicing', 'coward', 'madison', 'irresistible', 'stress', 'since', 'death', 'wife', 'jessup', 'obsesses', 'army', 'air', 'corps', 'overshadowing', 'navy', 'forthcoming', 'd-day', 'invasion', 'mentally', 'unstable', 'admiral', 'decides', 'first', 'dead', 'man', 'omaha', 'beach', 'must', 'sailor', 'film', 'document', 'death', 'casualty', 'buried', 'tomb', 'unknown', 'sailor', 'despite', 'best', 'efforts', 'avoid', 'duty', 'madison', 'gung-ho', 'friend', 'lcdr', 'bus', 'cummings', 'find', 'film', 'crew', 'combat', 'engineers', 'first', 'shore', 'madison', 'tries', 'retreat', 'safety', 'cummings', 'forces', 'forward', 'pistol', 'german', 'shell', 'lands', 'near', 'madison', 'making', 'first', 'american', 'die', 'omaha', 'beach', 'hundreds', 'newspaper', 'magazine', 'covers', 'reprint', 'photograph', 'madison', 'shore', 'making', 'martyr', 'jessup', 'recovered', 'breakdown', 'regrets', 'part', 'madison\\\\', 'death', 'plans', 'use', 'support', 'navy', 'testifying', 'senate', 'committee', 'washington', 'losing', 'another', 'man', 'loves', 'war', 'devastates', 'emily', 'comes', 'unexpected', 'news', 'madison', 'dead', 'alive', 'well', 'english', 'hospital', 'relieved', 'jessup', 'plans', 'show', 'senate', 'testimony', 'heroic', 'first', 'man', 'omaha', 'beach', 'madison', 'angry', 'senseless', 'near-death', 'uncharacteristically', 'plans', 'act', 'nobly', 'telling', 'world', 'truth', 'happened', 'beach', 'even', 'means', 'imprisoned', 'cowardice', 'emily', 'convinces', 'instead', 'choose', 'happiness', 'keeping', 'quiet', 'accepting', 'heroic', 'role'], [\"'opening\", 'los', 'angeles', 'party', 'around', 'christmas', 'self-aware', 'narrator', 'harry', 'lockhart', 'recounts', 'events', 'film', 'fleeing', 'botched', 'robbery', 'friend', 'harry\\\\', 'friend', 'killed', 'forcing', 'harry', 'evade', 'police', 'ducking', 'audition', 'script', 'mirrors', 'friend\\\\', 'death', 'harry', 'impresses', 'producers', 'outburst', 'mistake', 'method', 'acting', 'attending', 'intro', 'hollywood', 'party', 'screen', 'test', 'harry', 'introduced', 'private', 'investigator', 'gay', 'perry', 'van', 'shrike', 'enlisted', 'help', 'harry', 'prepare', 'acting', 'role', 'later', 're-encounters', 'childhood', 'crush', 'friend', 'harmony', 'lane', 'due', 'harmony\\\\', 'younger', 'sister', 'jenna', 'subject', 'sexual', 'abuse', 'harmony', 'left', 'l.a.', 'become', 'actress', 'support', 'sister', 'concurrently', 'harry', 'also', 'meets', 'party', 'host', 'harlan', 'dexter', 'retired', 'actor', 'millionaire', 'recently', 'resolved', 'ten', 'year', 'feud', 'wife\\\\', 'inheritance', 'daughter', 'veronica', 'investigating', 'next', 'day', 'perry', 'harry', 'witness', 'vehicle', 'body', 'dumped', 'lake', 'spotted', 'killers', 'perry', 'accidentally', 'shot', 'corpse', 'prevented', 'calling', 'police', 'returning', 'hotel', 'harry', 'receives', 'call', 'stating', 'harmony', 'committed', 'suicide', 'harmony', 'appears', 'reveals', 'mistaken', 'sister', 'jenna', 'arrived', 'l.a.', 'stole', 'harmony\\\\', 'credit', 'cards', 'kill', 'believing', 'harry', 'detective', 'harmony', 'asks', 'investigate', 'jenna\\\\', 'death', 'thinks', 'murdered', 'harmony', 'leaves', 'harry', 'discovers', 'lake', 'corpse', 'bathroom', 'well', 'planted', 'pistol', 'perry', 'dump', 'corpse', 'found', 'identified', 'veronica', 'dexter', 'pair', 'saw', 'party', 'perry', 'demands', 'harry', 'leave', 'l.a.', 'due', 'lake', 'killers', 'identifying', 'framing', 'however', 'harry', 'discovers', 'perry', 'hired', 'investigate', 'lake', 'harmony\\\\', 'late', 'sister', 'linking', 'cases', 'attending', 'party', 'harmony', 'working', 'trio', 'discover', 'harmony', 'told', 'sister', 'fictional', 'character', 'real', 'father', 'prompting', 'jenna', 'come', 'l.a..', 'perry', 'leaves', 'stakeout', 'another', 'case', 'harry', 'threatened', 'beaten', 'lake', 'killers', 'mr.', 'frying', 'pan', 'mustard', 'taking', 'harry', 'hospital', 'harmony', 'realizes', 'lake', 'killers', 'heading', 'perry\\\\', 'stakeout', 'prompting', 'rescue', 'harry', 'left', 'passed', 'harmony\\\\', 'car', 'pink-haired', 'girl', 'affiliated', 'killers', 'unknowingly', 'takes', 'harry', 'safehouse', 'harry', 'witnesses', 'mustard', 'murdering', 'harry', 'shoots', 'kills', 'mustard', 'anger', 'harmony', 'disappears', 'following', 'lead', 'harry', 'perry', 'investigate', 'private', 'health', 'clinic', 'owned', 'harlan', 'dexter', 'perry', 'realizes', 'veronica', 'dexter', 'incarcerated', 'harlan', 'impostor', 'could', 'drop', 'court', 'case', 'harlan', 'killed', 'daughter', 'crashed', 'body', 'lake', 'gaining', 'wife\\\\', 'inheritance', 'harry', 'perry', 'captured', 'dexter', 'reveals', 'plans', 'cremate', 'real', 'daughter\\\\', 'corpse', 'remove', 'remaining', 'evidence', 'harmony', 'steal', 'van', 'containing', 'coffin', 'harry', 'perry', 'escape', 'harmony', 'crashes', 'van', 'leaving', 'veronica\\\\', 'body', 'hanging', 'overpass', 'harmony', 'flees', 'concussed', 'fall', 'shootout', 'commences', 'leaves', 'harry', 'perry', 'shot', 'harry', 'tries', 'save', 'harmony', 'falls', 'overpass', 'grabbing', 'onto', 'veronica\\\\', 'corpse', 'narrowly', 'shooting', 'dexter', 'thugs', 'harry', 'finds', 'harmony', 'collapses', 'wounds', 'awaking', 'hospital', 'harry', 'finds', 'perry', 'harmony', 'fine', 'former', 'reveals', 'harmony\\\\', 'sister', 'murdered', 'committed', 'suicide', 'jenna', 'escaped', 'parental', 'incest', 'indiana', 'located', 'dexter', 'believing', 'real', 'father', 'find', 'sex', 'veronica\\\\', 'impostor', 'pink-haired', 'girl', 'since', 'looked', 'like', 'veronica', 'dexter', 'time', 'jenna', 'believed', 'dexter', 'incestuous', 'like', 'real', 'father', 'hiring', 'perry', 'investigate', 'committed', 'suicide', 'film', 'contains', 'epilogue', 'perry', 'confronts', 'harmony', 'jenna\\\\', 'father', 'film', 'closes', 'present-day', 'harry', 'giving', 'monologue', 'works', 'perry'], ['title', 'film', 'refers', 'duration', 'relationship', 'wall', 'street', 'arbitrageur', 'john', 'gray', 'divorced', 'soho', 'art', 'gallery', 'employee', 'elizabeth', 'mcgraw', 'two', 'meet', 'volatile', 'somewhat', 'kinky', 'sex', 'life', 'involving', 'variety', 'sexual', 'erotic', 'acts', 'film', 'details', 'sexual', 'downward', 'spiral', 'john', 'pushes', 'elizabeth', 'boundaries', 'toward', 'eventual', 'emotional', 'breakdown', 'often', 'manipulates', 'getting', 'wants', 'sex', 'sometimes', 'abuses'], [\"'diya\", 'intelligent', 'university', 'student', 'agree', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'spends', 'much', 'time', 'orphanage', 'coorg', 'helping', 'uncle', 'kids', 'living', 'story', 'begins', 'diya', 'travels', 'mumbai', 'take', 'exams', 'stays', 'father\\\\', 'friend', 'meets', 'lighthearted', 'son', 'arjun', 'views', 'love', 'completely', 'opposite', 'start', 'spending', 'time', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'arjun', 'however', 'unaware', 'love', 'whereas', 'diya', 'professes', 'love', 'misunderstandings', 'occur', 'arjun', 'ventures', 'orphanage', 'hopes', 'putting', 'smile', 'face', 'breaking', 'heart', 'realizes', 'true', 'feelings', 'diya', 'planning', 'marry', 'childhood', 'friend', 'ishaan', 'luckily', 'plan', \"\\\\'uncle\\\\\", 'made', 'get', 'arjun', 'realize', 'mistake', 'professing', 'love', 'diya', 'right', 'moment'], ['1953', 'joe', 'morelli', 'traveling', 'rural', 'sicily', 'offering', 'take', 'screen', 'tests', 'wannabe', 'actors', 'fee', 'claims', 'work', 'big', 'roman', 'film', 'studios', 'fraud', 'one', 'stops', 'meets', 'young', 'girl', 'beata', 'attaches', 'despite', 'protestation', 'relation', 'evolving', 'romantic', 'one', 'exposed', 'beaten', 'arrested', 'serving', 'term', 'comes', 'back', 'seek', 'beata', 'finds', 'disappointment', 'big'], [\"'due\", 'administrative', 'error', 'two', 'male', 'college', 'students', 'shy', 'intellectual', 'eddy', 'all-american', 'jock', 'stuart', 'end', 'female', 'roommate', 'university', 'thought', 'alex', 'man', 'thus', 'three', 'students', 'forced', 'live', 'university', 'move', 'alex', 'female', 'residence', 'hall', 'alex', 'falls', 'love', 'tries', 'unsuccessfully', 'seduce', 'eddy', 'stuart', 'love', 'alex', 'eddy', 'falls', 'love', 'stuart', 'trio', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'scare', 'anyone', 'tries', 'seduce', 'eventually', 'alex', 'stuart', 'eddy', 'agree', 'actual', 'threesome', 'seems', 'destroy', 'friendship', 'raises', 'possibility', 'alex', 'might', 'become', 'pregnant', 'threesome', 'start', 'drift', 'apart', 'three', 'weeks', 'later', 'semester', 'ends', 'alex', 'moves', 'apartment', 'next', 'year', 'eddy', 'gets', 'single', 'dorm', 'roommates', 'three', 'continue', 'drift', 'apart', 'eddy', 'eventually', 'finds', 'boyfriend', 'stuart', 'finds', 'happiness', 'monogamous', 'relationship', 'woman', 'alex', 'remains', 'single', 'drifted', 'apart', 'see', 'lunch', 'occasionally', 'seem', 'regret', 'friendship', 'college'], [\"'maggie\", 'carpenter', 'spirited', 'attractive', 'young', 'woman', 'number', 'unsuccessful', 'relationships', 'maggie', 'nervous', 'married', 'left', 'trail', 'fiances', 'seems', 'she\\\\', 'left', 'three', 'men', 'waiting', 'altar', 'wedding', 'day', 'receiving', 'tabloid', 'fame', 'dubious', 'nickname', 'runaway', 'bride', 'meanwhile', 'new', 'york', 'reporter', 'homer', 'eisenhower', 'graham', 'ike', 'writes', 'column', 'contains', 'several', 'factual', 'errors', 'supplied', 'one', 'maggie\\\\', 'jilted', 'exes', 'revenge', 'he\\\\', 'fired', 'verifying', 'source', 'decides', 'write', 'in-depth', 'article', 'maggie', 'bid', 'get', 'job', 'back', 'travels', 'hale', 'maryland', 'finds', 'living', 'family', 'fourth', 'attempt', 'become', 'married', 'fourth', 'groom-to-be', 'bob', 'kelly', 'football', 'coach', 'local', 'high', 'school', 'treats', 'maggie', 'like', 'one', 'players', 'sports', 'team', 'constantly', 'makes', 'references', 'maggie', 'focusing', 'goal-line', 'research', 'story', 'ike\\\\', 'realizations', 'forcing', 'maggie', 'face', 'fears', 'eventually', 'two', 'find', 'becoming', 'attracted', 'meantime', 'maggie', 'still', 'set', 'marry', 'bob', 'midst', 'wedding', 'rehearsal', 'bob', 'helps', 'walk', 'maggie', 'aisle', 'asks', 'ike', 'stand', 'place', 'groom', 'proves', 'mistake', 'ike', 'maggie', 'practice', 'kiss', 'right', 'front', 'bob', 'finally', 'admitting', 'feelings', 'one', 'another', 'result', 'bob', 'punches', 'ike', 'face', 'storming', 'church', 'soon', 'ike', 'maggie', 'agree', 'marry', 'since', 'wedding', 'already', 'set', 'take', 'place', 'day', 'wedding', 'maggie', 'gets', 'cold', 'feet', 'leaves', 'ike', 'standing', 'altar', 'rides', 'away', 'fedex', 'truck', 'ike', 'runs', \"can\\\\'t\", 'catch', 'later', 'see', 'ike', 'living', 'new', 'york', 'maggie', 'trying', 'discover', 'trying', 'different', 'types', 'eggs', 'putting', 'lighting', 'designs', 'sale', 'new', 'york', 'shows', 'unexpectedly', 'ike\\\\', 'apartment', 'one', 'night', 'finds', 'making', 'friends', 'cat', 'italics', 'maggie', 'explains', 'she\\\\', 'running', 'every', 'guy', 'engaged', 'engaged', 'idea', 'created', 'rather', 'real', 'her-', 'marrying', 'ike', 'simply', 'freaked', 'crowd-', 'turns', 'running', 'shoes', 'proposing', 'ike', 'two', 'married', 'private', 'ceremony', 'outside', 'hill', 'avoiding', 'big', 'ceremonies', 'drove', 'maggie', 'away', 'past', 'end', 'shown', 'riding', 'away', 'horseback', 'everyone', 'celebrates', 'fact', 'maggie', 'finally', 'got', 'married'], ['dysfunctional', 'sometimes', 'violent', 'romance', 'mathieu', 'middle-aged', 'wealthy', 'frenchman', 'young', 'impoverished', 'beautiful', 'flamenco', 'dancer', 'seville', 'conchita', 'played', 'carole', 'bouquet', 'angela', 'molina', 'two', 'actresses', 'appear', 'unpredictably', 'separate', 'scenes', 'differ', 'physically', 'temperamentally', 'well', 'film', 'flashback', 'told', 'mathieu', 'framing', 'non-flashback', 'story', 'elements', 'appear', 'start', 'end', 'film', 'movie', 'opens', 'mathieu', 'travelling', 'train', 'seville', 'paris', 'he\\\\', 'trying', 'distance', 'young', 'girlfriend', 'conchita', 'mathieu\\\\', 'train', 'ready', 'depart', 'finds', 'bruised', 'bandaged', 'conchita', 'pursuing', 'train', 'pours', 'bucket', 'water', 'head', 'believes', 'deters', 'sneaks', 'aboard', 'mathieu\\\\', 'fellow', 'compartment', 'passengers', 'witness', 'rude', 'act', 'include', 'mother', 'young', 'daughter', 'judge', 'coincidentally', 'friend', 'mathieu\\\\', 'cousin', 'psychologist', 'coincidentally', 'dwarf', 'inquire', 'motivation', 'act', 'explains', 'history', 'tumultuous', 'relationship', 'conchita', 'story', 'set', 'backdrop', 'terrorist', 'bombings', 'shootings', 'conchita', 'claims', 'looks', 'older', 'vows', 'remain', 'virgin', 'marriage', 'tantalizes', 'mathieu', 'sexual', 'promises', 'never', 'allows', 'satisfy', 'sexual', 'desire', 'one', 'point', 'goes', 'bed', 'wearing', 'appear', 'pair', 'tightly', 'laced', 'canvas', 'shorts', 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'apparently', 'reconciles', 'yet', 'train', 'reaches', 'destination', 'leaving', 'train', 'walk', 'arm', 'arm', 'enjoying', 'streets', 'madrid', 'later', 'mall', 'paris', 'loudspeakers', 'announce', 'strange', 'alliance', 'extremist', 'groups', 'intends', 'sow', 'chaos', 'confusion', 'society', 'terrorist', 'attacks', 'announcement', 'adds', 'several', 'right-wing', 'groups', 'plan', 'counterattack', 'couple', 'continues', 'walk', 'pass', 'seamstress', 'shop', 'window', 'mending', 'bloody', 'veil', 'begin', 'arguing', 'bomb', 'explodes', 'apparently', 'claiming', 'lives'], [\"'attorney\", 'harold', 'fine', 'set', 'marry', 'longtime', 'girlfriend', 'joyce', 'deep', 'second', 'thoughts', 'encounters', 'brother', 'hippie', 'living', 'venice', 'beach', 'falls', 'attractive', 'flower', 'power', 'hippie', 'girl', 'knack', 'making', 'pot', 'brownies', 'harold', 'ends', 'running', 'wedding', 'live', 'hippie', 'girl', 'attempts', 'find', 'well', 'aid', 'guru'], [\"'sherman\", 'klump', 'working', 'new', 'miracle', 'formula', 'time', 'fountain', 'youth', 'also', 'preparing', 'marry', 'fellow', 'scientist', 'girlfriend', 'denise', 'gaines', 'unfortunately', 'started', 'suffering', 'personality', 'lapses', 'threatening', 'alienate', 'bride-to-be', 'acts', 'like', 'obnoxious', 'hypersexed', 'buddy', 'love', 'first', 'film', 'particularly', 'unpleasant', 'incident', 'sherman', 'goes', 'lab', 'analyze', 'dna', 'locates', 'buddy', 'love\\\\', 'dna', 'abnormal', 'gene', 'decides', 'use', 'denise\\\\', 'genetic', 'research', 'methods', 'isolate', 'gene', 'permanently', 'extract', 'buddy', 'love\\\\', 'dna', 'assistant', 'jason', 'tries', 'stop', 'warning', 'might', 'damage', 'health', 'even', 'lose', 'intelligence', 'sherman', 'disregards', 'warning', 'alone', 'lab', 'late', 'night', 'extracts', 'buddy\\\\', 'dna', 'orphaned', 'dna', 'glowing', 'blob', 'jelly', 'combines', 'hair', 'basset', 'hound', 'named', 'buster', 'grows', 'spontaneously', 'adult', 'man', 'buddy', 'love', '봭ow', 'fully', 'autonomous', 'thanks', 'doggy', 'heritage', 'however', 'buddy', 'love', 'tendency', 'chase', 'cats', 'cars', 'meanwhile', 'sherman', 'inflicted', 'much', 'genetic', 'damage', 'removing', 'buddy', 'brain', 'cells', 'begin', 'dying', 'exponential', 'rate', 'meanwhile', 'cleetus', 'retired', 'job', 'construction', 'industry', 'takes', 'swig', 'sherman\\\\', 'new', 'formula', 'sherman', 'hid', 'garage', 'earlier', 'becomes', 'man', 'late', '20s', 'goes', 'club', 'ends', 'fight', 'older', 'man', 'named', 'willie', 'buddy', 'unsuccessful', 'deal', 'leanne', 'gillford', 'notices', 'fight', 'cleetus', 'turns', 'back', 'old', 'self', 'buddy', 'breaks', 'klump\\\\', 'house', 'steals', 'sherman\\\\', 'youth', 'formula', 'planning', 'sell', 'highest', 'bidder', 'adds', 'household', 'chemical', 'remainder', 'mixture', 'granny', 'catches', 'thinks', 'stripper', 'ordered', 'denise\\\\', 'bachelorette', 'party', 'granny', 'strips', 'tongue-kisses', 'buddy', 'causes', 'vomit', 'near', 'bushes', 'essentially', 'run', 'crying', 'sherman', 'administers', 'adulterated', 'potion', 'hamster', 'front', 'large', 'audience', 'hamster', 'petey', 'grows', 'enormous', 'size', 'dean', 'hides', 'petey', 'fur', 'coat', 'hamster', 'sees', 'female', 'hamster', 'named', 'molly', 'already', 'escaped', 'potion', 'petey', 'performs', 'lewd', 'act', 'dean', 'fiasco', 'deeply', 'traumatized', 'dean', 'fires', 'sherman', 'however', 'least', 'sherman\\\\', 'problems', 'brain', 'damage', 'reaching', 'critical', 'level', 'help', 'loyal', 'lab', 'assistant', 'jason', 'devises', 'strategy', 'restore', 'mind', 'plans', 'reintegrate', 'buddy', 'dna', 'reverting', 'back', 'jelly-like', 'matter', 'used', 'sucking', 'straw', 'sherman', 'concocts', 'new', 'stronger', 'youth', 'formula', 'interrupted', 'dean', 'richmond', 'demanding', 'know', 'sherman\\\\', 'playing', 'richmond', 'explains', 'buddy', 'love', 'selling', 'youth', 'formula', 'rival', 'company', 'believes', 'sherman', 'sherman', 'gets', 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'arrive', 'see', 'sherman', 'richmond', 'sherman', 'brain', 'becomes', 'seriously', 'damaged', 'sadly', 'tells', 'denise', 'longer', 'recognizes', 'smart', 'never', 'denise', 'starts', 'crying', 'one', 'tears', 'lands', 'buddy\\\\', 'dna', 'blob', 'causing', 'trickle', 'fountain', 'companions', 'begin', 'usher', 'away', 'denise', 'promising', 'take', 'care', 'sherman', 'turns', 'mumbles', 'something', 'pretty', 'water', 'see', 'fountain\\\\', 'water', 'glowing', 'bright', 'neon', 'blue', 'buddy', 'dead', 'dna', 'still', 'alive', 'water', 'cletus', 'force', 'sherman', 'drink', 'water', 'dna', 'disperses', 'rapidly', 'regains', 'mental', 'faculties', 'last', 'scene', 'sherman', 'denise', 'get', 'married'], ['film', 'focuses', 'three', 'beautiful', 'american', 'women', 'madrid', 'fall', 'love', 'film', 'starts', 'ingenue', 'susie', 'higgins', 'arrives', 'city', 'moves', 'old', 'friend', 'maggie', 'williams', 'roommate', 'fran', 'hobson', 'susie', 'experiences', 'culture', 'shock', 'informed', 'maggie', 'fran', 'rich', 'attractive', 'men', 'taken', 'rich', 'poor', 'proud', 'take', 'wealthy', 'american', 'women', 'becomes', 'clear', 'susie', 'nothing', 'like', 'roommates', 'use', 'gain', 'sexuality', 'maggie', 'instance', 'secretary', 'recently', 'ended', 'affair', 'love', 'boss', 'paul', 'barton', 'much', 'dismay', 'co-worker', 'pete', 'mccoy', 'newspaper', 'man', 'fran', 'meanwhile', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'flamenco', 'dancer', 'singer', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'attractive', 'spanish', 'doctor', 'dr.', 'andres', 'briones', 'one', 'hectic', 'days', 'immediately', 'falls', 'even', 'though', 'seem', 'interested', 'museo', 'del', 'prado', 'susie', 'catches', 'eye', 'wealthy', 'playboy', 'emilio', 'lacayo', 'homesick', 'susie', 'comforted', 'kind', 'words', 'emilio', 'dismisses', 'maggie', 'warnings', \"'corrupt\", 'heartless', 'man', 'formal', 'party', 'fran', 'delivers', 'musical', 'performance', 'susie', 'surprised', 'emilio', 'interest', 'another', 'girl', 'lack', 'attention', 'meanwhile', 'maggie', 'upset', 'dance', 'paul', 'interrupted', 'jealous', 'wife', 'jane', 'asks', 'pete', 'ride', 'home', 'expresses', 'discontent', 'plans', 'leave', 'madrid', 'paris', 'caused', 'dislike', 'paul', 'feeling', 'behaving', 'much', 'playboy', 'maggie', 'admits', 'thinks', 'could', 'great', 'newspaper', 'man', 'tried', 'next', 'morning', 'susie', 'attempts', 'take', 'revenge', 'emilio', 'behavior', 'devious', 'plan', 'fran', 'offers', 'aid', 'crosses', 'paths', 'dr.', 'briones', 'dismisses', 'friend', 'spend', 'romantic', 'afternoon', 'briones', 'criticizes', 'fran', 'mockery', 'career', 'though', 'rationalizes', 'claiming', 'one', 'serious', 'career', 'going', 'nowhere', 'hereafter', 'claims', 'briones', 'left', 'planning', 'returning', 'united', 'states', 'meanwhile', 'though', 'without', 'fran', 'help', 'susie', 'makes', 'emilio', 'believe', 'falling', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'hastely', 'accepts', 'rushes', 'proceedings', 'intention', 'scare', 'much', 'surprise', 'later', 'night', 'confronts', 'playboy', 'behavior', 'defends', 'claiming', 'fallen', 'office', 'personal', 'conversation', 'maggie', 'paul', 'maggie', 'discusses', 'pete', 'love', 'paul', 'expresses', 'dissatisfaction', 'current', 'life', 'leads', 'romantic', 'embracement', 'though', 'pete', 'walks', 'storms', 'night', 'paul', 'wakes', 'maggie', 'phone', 'call', 'tells', 'looking', 'pete', 'assignment', 'maggie', 'upset', 'paul', 'thinks', 'pete', 'would', 'night', 'throws', 'tantrum', 'blaming', 'thinking', \"'easy\", 'eventually', 'susie', 'comforts', 'informing', 'engagement', 'emilio', 'find', 'fran', 'left', 'house', 'worry', 'without', 'realizing', 'spending', 'final', 'days', 'madrid', 'joy', 'briones', 'considers', 'cancel', 'plane', 'stay', 'briones', 'madrid', 'helping', 'save', 'money', 'clinic', 'though', 'much', 'pride', 'ask', 'leave', 'fran', 'returns', 'home', 'saying', 'friends', 'briones', 'poor', 'support', 'meanwhile', 'susie', 'stood', 'emilio', 'afternoon', 'scheduled', 'meet', 'mother', 'decides', 'bring', 'mother', 'visit', 'shocked', 'mrs.', 'lacayo', 'idea', 'apologizes', 'son', 'behavior', 'explains', 'first', 'time', 'emilio', 'misled', 'girl', 'leaving', 'susie', 'heartbroken', 'back', 'home', 'maggie', 'upset', 'roommates', 'unhappiness', 'runs', 'formal', 'party', 'paul', 'though', 'upset', 'court', 'unaware', 'decision', 'made', 'serious', 'conversation', 'pete', 'maggie', 'leaves', 'ballroom', 'upset', 'confronted', 'jane', 'paul', 'mistress', 'maggie', 'defends', 'claiming', 'jane', 'lost', 'husband', 'due', 'lack', 'love', 'furthermore', 'expresses', 'pity', 'jane', 'slaps', 'leaves', 'turn', 'maggie', 'gets', 'drunk', 'allows', 'pete', 'take', 'home', 'kiss', 'passes', 'following', 'day', 'maggie', 'visits', 'office', 'inform', 'paul', 'return', 'new', 'york', 'fran', 'susie', 'paul', 'accepts', 'situation', 'even', 'arranges', 'meeting', 'emilio', 'make', 'realize', 'made', 'mistake', 'susie', 'final', 'evening', 'three', 'women', 'attend', 'yet', 'another', 'formal', 'party', 'paul', 'announces', 'shift', 'new', 'york', 'women', 'decide', 'stay', 'reunited', 'men', 'though', 'maggie', 'ends', 'paul', 'pete', 'called', 'paul', 'successor', 'madrid'], ['tells', 'series', 'stories', 'love', 'affairs', 'illicit', 'meetings', 'involving', 'prostitute', 'soldier', 'chambermaid', 'employer', 'son', 'married', 'woman', 'husband', 'young', 'girl', 'poet', 'actress', 'count', 'end', 'encounter', 'one', 'partners', 'forms', 'liaison', 'another', 'person'], ['set', 'coburn', 'university', 'movie', 'centers', 'around', 'felix', 'relationship', 'suzanne', 'designated', 'matt', 'grogan', 'kevin', 'heffernan', 'defense', 'trial', 'caught', 'breaking', 'campus', 'cafeteria', 'zach', 'tags', 'along', 'freaky', 'reaky', 'steals', 'show', 'film', 'shot', 'colgate', 'university'], [\"'retired\", 'school', 'teacher', 'divorcee', 'john', 'gustafson', 'former', 'repairman', 'widower', 'max', 'goldman', 'former', 'childhood', 'friends', 'longtime', 'next-door', 'neighbors', 'wabasha', 'minnesota', 'rivalry', 'began', 'decades', 'earlier', 'john', 'stolen', 'max\\\\', 'high', 'school', 'sweetheart', 'may', 'john', 'went', 'marry', 'two', 'children', 'daughter', 'melanie', 'son', 'brian', 'max', 'went', 'marry', 'woman', 'named', 'amy', 'son', 'jacob', 'despite', 'differences', 'men', 'lead', 'similar', 'boring', 'lonely', 'single', 'lives', 'share', 'mutual', 'love', 'minnesota', 'winter', 'pastime', 'ice', 'fishing', 'well', 'competing', 'arguing', 'insulting', 'pulling', 'cruel', 'practical', 'jokes', 'whenever', 'possible', 'subplot', 'film', 'involves', 'john\\\\', 'ongoing', 'issues', 'internal', 'revenue', 'service', 'owing', 'thousands', 'back', 'taxes', 'desperate', 'attempts', 'avoid', 'field', 'agent', 'elliot', 'snyder', 'vacant', 'house', 'across', 'street', 'moved', 'neither', 'max', 'john', 'know', 'new', 'neighbor', 'awakened', '1:30', 'sound', 'snowmobile', 'racing', 'street', 'see', 'beautiful', 'new', 'neighbor', 'college', 'professor', 'ariel', 'truax', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'talk', 'town', 'exuberant', 'lifestyle', 'bizarre', 'tactics', 'get', 'know', 'new', 'neighbors', 'mutual', 'lifelong', 'friend', 'chuck', 'owns', 'lakeside', 'bait', 'shop', 'advises', 'take', 'advantage', 'opportunity', 'john\\\\', '94-year', 'old', 'father', 'john', 'sr.', 'men', 'publicly', 'act', 'indifferent', 'prospect', 'thanksgiving', 'families', 'john', 'max', 'peer', 'longingly', 'windows', 'ariel\\\\', 'house', 'see', 'chuck', 'arrive', 'place', 'roses', 'chocolates', 'intrigued', 'men', 'speed', 'bait', 'shop', 'next', 'morning', 'find', 'details', 'chuck', 'says', 'sex', 'describes', 'ariel', 'like', 'young', 'encourages', 'john', 'max', 'ask', 'ariel', 'date', 'later', 'evening', 'max', 'beats', 'john', 'ariel\\\\', 'house', 'ice', 'fishing', 'next', 'day', 'john', 'goes', 'bait', 'shop', 'finding', 'closed', 'padlocked', 'learns', 'chuck', 'died', 'sleep', 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'decides', 'let', 'max', 'win', 'breaks', 'ariel', 'take', 'news', 'well', 'john', 'enters', 'depression', 'worsens', 'max', 'ariel', 'begin', 'spending', 'time', 'together', 'culminating', 'christmas', 'eve', 'daughter', 'melanie', 'comes', 'estranged', 'husband', 'mike', 'john', 'fond', 'arguing', 'mike', 'john', 'abruptly', 'leaves', 'heads', 'local', 'tavern', 'jacob', 'shows', 'gustafsons', 'wish', 'merry', 'christmas', 'melanie', 'asks', 'help', 'get', 'fathers', 'make', 'peace', 'christmas', 'jacob', 'demands', 'max', 'end', 'feud', 'make', 'peace', 'max', 'idea', 'john', 'depressed', 'ariel', 'max\\\\', 'half-hearted', 'peacemaking', 'efforts', 'prove', 'futile', 'john', 'questions', 'max\\\\', 'love', 'ariel', 'leaves', 'finally', 'realizing', 'john', 'loves', 'ariel', 'max', 'leaves', 'moments', 'later', 'finish', 'conversation', 'finds', 'john', 'snowdrift', 'suffering', 'massive', 'heart', 'attack', 'john', 'clinging', 'life', 'hospital', 'max', 'decides', 'call', 'feud', 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'walter', 'matthau', 'taking', 'bath', 'saying', 'directly', 'audience', 'knew', 'nude', 'scene', 'picture', 'would', 'asked', 'another', 'million'], [\"'the\", 'lifelong', 'feud', 'max', 'john', 'cooled', 'continue', 'call', 'moron', 'putz', 'affection', 'children', 'melanie', 'jacob', 'become', 'engaged', 'brief', 'relationship', 'meanwhile', 'john', 'enjoying', 'marriage', 'wife', 'ariel', 'occurred', 'end', 'first', 'film', 'spring', 'summer', 'fishing', 'season', 'also', 'full', 'swing', 'wabasha', 'minnesota', 'annual', 'quest', 'catch', 'catfish', 'hunter', 'lake\\\\', 'largest', 'catfish', 'consuming', 'fishing', 'community', 'however', 'local', 'bait', 'shop', 'closed', 'death', 'proprietor', 'chuck', 'first', 'film', 'new', 'arrival', 'wabasha', 'maria', 'ragetti', 'purchased', 'building', 'intent', 'converting', 'fancy', 'italian', 'restaurant', 'max', 'john', 'join', 'forces', 'try', 'sabotage', 'restaurant', 'succeed', 'point', 'enough', 'make', 'ariel', 'force', 'john', 'restaurant', 'apologize', 'maria', 'he\\\\', 'done', 'originally', 'john', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'encouraged', 'max', 'tell', 'ariel', 'results', 'john', 'moving', 'max', 'ariel', 'throws', 'house', 'john', 'eventually', 'breaks', 'goes', 'apologize', 'maria', 'realizing', 'max', 'lives', 'slovenly', 'lifestyle', 'home', 'things', 'awry', 'however', 'john', 'maria', 'trade', 'shots', 'grappa', 'conversation', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'happily', 'married', 'ariel', 'six', 'months', 'maria', 'mentions', 'marriage', 'antonio', 'ended', 'badly', 'began', 'eventually', 'john', 'drinks', 'much', 'passes', 'waking', 'next', 'morning', 'restaurant', 'leading', 'ariel', 'max', 'believe', 'two', 'slept', 'together', 'however', 'maria\\\\', 'mother', 'francesca', 'stops', 'confrontation', 'revealing', 'three', 'things', 'first', 'john\\\\', 'father', 'relationship', 'maria', 'interest', 'john', 'fact', 'infatuated', 'max', 'everyone\\\\', 'surprise', 'boat', 'one', 'day', 'max', 'finds', 'maria', 'lake', 'fishing', 'shared', 'interest', 'helps', 'begin', 'romance', 'two', 'however', 'maria', 'calls', 'thanks', 'francesca', 'reminding', 'five', 'failed', 'marriages', 'past', 'max', 'bewildered', 'disappointed', 'complicate', 'things', 'jacob', 'melanie\\\\', 'wedding', 'plans', 'causing', 'couple', 'stress', 'fathers\\\\', 'apparent', 'inability', 'plan', 'proper', 'wedding', 'john', 'decides', 'book', 'handsome', 'hans', 'wabasha\\\\', 'polka', 'king', 'wedding', 'melanie', 'finally', 'snaps', 'jacob', 'get', 'huge', 'argument', 'results', 'wedding', 'called', 'two', 'live', 'separately', 'upon', 'hearing', 'news', 'john', 'max', 'call', 'truce', 'reignite', 'feud', 'max', 'john', 'resort', 'childish', 'pranks', 'get', 'back', 'include', 'max', 'broadcasting', 'video', 'john', 'sitting', 'still', 'naked', 'statue', 'ariel', 'making', 'max', 'disconnecting', 'john\\\\', 'outboard', 'motor', 'john', 'cutting', 'max\\\\', 'fishing', 'net', 'boat', 'anchor', 'line', 'john\\\\', 'cat', 'slick', 'spending', 'night', 'inside', 'max\\\\', 'truck', 'clawing', 'authentic', 'imitation', 'leather', 'seats', 'leads', 'climax', 'feud', 'max', 'adopts', 'one-eyed', 'bulldog', 'named', 'lucky', 'chases', 'slick', 'john\\\\', 'house', 'messing', 'house', 'causing', 'statue', 'john', 'break', 'seeing', 'destruction', 'statue', 'ariel', 'moves', 'telling', 'john', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'coming', 'back', 'two', 'done', 'fighting', 'addition', 'max', 'another', 'date', 'scheduled', 'maria', 'mother', 'let', 'maria', 'heartbroken', 'five', 'times', 'past', 'marriages', 'fears', 'max', 'make', 'six', 'maria', 'show', 'date', 'max', 'tries', 'vain', 'get', 'contact', 'saddened', 'ariel', 'leaving', 'moving', 'melanie', 'john', 'goes', 'lake', 'fish', 'father', 'get', 'advice', 'happened', 'however', 'grandpa', 'died', 'couch', 'used', 'fish', 'funeral', 'ashes', 'scattered', 'lake', 'front', 'everyone', 'max', 'john', 'call', 'feud', 'bond', 'john\\\\', 'father', 'two', 'also', 'help', 'jacob', 'melanie', 'reunite', 'brief', 'estrangement', 'wedding', 'apparently', 'back', 'leaving', 'reconcile', 'ariel', 'john', 'convinces', 'max', 'try', 'maria', 'telling', 'park', 'stupid', 'pride', 'tell', 'really', 'feels', 'max', 'decides', 'visit', 'maria', 'ragetti\\\\', 'max', 'stops', 'see', 'maria', 'mother', 'refuses', 'let', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'give', 'comes', 'anyway', 'telling', 'francesca', 'refuses', 'leave', 'sees', 'maria', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'see', 'eventually', 'comes', 'comes', 'clean', 'telling', 'max', 'truth', 'many', 'times', 'she\\\\', 'actually', 'married', 'aware', 'one', 'marriage', 'man', 'named', 'antonio', 'could', 'implied', 'john', 'told', 'max', 'decides', 'explain', 'maria', 'he\\\\', 'like', 'men', 'knows', 'treat', 'lady', 'telling', 'truly', 'feels', 'two', 'rekindle', 'romance', 'much', 'like', 'first', 'film', 'wedding', 'take', 'place', 'end', 'way', 'wedding', 'however', 'max', 'john', 'see', 'fellow', 'fisherman', 'named', 'sven', 'come', 'contact', 'catfish', 'hunter', 'staggering', 'around', 'bewildered', 'unable', 'catch', 'max', 'convinces', 'john', 'take', 'one', 'try', 'catching', 'fish', 'considering', 'boat', 'nearby', 'john', 'agrees', 'two', 'set', 'catch', 'catfish', 'hunter', 'spite', 'damage', 'john', 'max\\\\', 'boat', 'earlier', 'film', 'two', 'manage', 'reel', 'large', 'catfish', 'boat', 'john', 'says', 'throw', 'back', 'max', 'thinks', 'he\\\\', 'nuts', 'john', 'reminds', 'father', 'trying', 'catch', 'catfish', 'hunter', 'twenty', 'years', 'two', 'lake', 'together', 'therefore', 'catfish', 'hunter', 'returned', 'lake', 'duo', 'rushes', 'church', 'wedding', 'turns', 'max\\\\', 'wedding', 'maria', 'max', 'maria', 'wed', 'drive', 'away', 'limousine', 'reception', 'held', 'maria\\\\', 'restaurant', 'also', 'serve', 'town\\\\', 'bait', 'shop', 'first', 'film', 'trick', 'played', 'newlyweds', 'limo', 'way', 'reception', 'max', 'maria', 'kissing', 'looked', 'see', 'lucky', 'looking', 'back', 'startled', 'first', 'realized', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'smelling', 'lucky', 'john', 'put', 'dog', 'front', 'seat', 'stink', 'limo', 'revenge', 'prank', 'max', 'pulled', 'dead', 'fish'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'finbar', 'barry', 'mcmullen', 'standing', 'grave', 'recently', 'deceased', 'father', 'along', 'mother', 'tells', 'she\\\\', 'returning', 'native', 'ireland', 'finbar', \"o\\\\'shaughnessy\", 'sweetheart', 'long', 'ago', 'tells', 'barry', 'gave', 'barry\\\\', 'father', 'best', 'years', 'life', 'she\\\\', 'going', 'start', 'living', 'life', 'way', 'man', 'really', 'loves', 'could', 'interpreted', 'disrespect', 'memory', 'family', 'patriarch', 'later', 'revealed', 'movie', 'alcoholic', 'abused', 'family', 'prior', 'death', 'fast', 'forward', 'five', 'years', 'cemetery', 'scene', 'barry\\\\', 'brother', 'jack', 'jack', 'mulcahy', 'purchased', 'parents\\\\', 'home', 'lives', 'wife', 'molly', 'pressing', 'jack', 'start', 'family', 'despite', 'reluctance', 'truth', 'jack', 'torn', 'love', 'molly', 'lust', 'ann', 'former', 'romantic', 'interest', 'barry\\\\', 'jack', 'begins', 'affair', 'ann', 'meanwhile', 'barry', 'youngest', 'brother', 'pat', 'ask', 'temporarily', 'move', 'jack', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'pat', 'barry', 'like', 'brother', 'torn', 'prolonged', 'adolescence', 'commitment', 'marriage', 'pat', 'plans', 'break', 'engagement', 'susan', 'becomes', 'depressed', 'breaks', 'citing', 'indecisiveness', 'relationship', 'problems', 'could', 'come', 'two', 'faiths', 'susan', 'jewish', 'pat', 'devout', 'catholic', 'barry', 'shows', 'interest', 'long-term', 'relationship', 'meets', 'audrey', 'woman', 'accuses', 'stealing', 'apartment', 'trying', 'rent', 'though', 'things', 'well', 'first', 'warm', 'one', 'another', 'start', 'relationship', 'molly', 'learns', 'jack\\\\', 'affair', 'finding', 'wrapped', 'condom', 'pants', 'cleaning', 'one', 'day', 'confronts', 'jack', 'refuses', 'discuss', 'brothers', 'also', 'try', 'intervene', 'avail', 'much', 'pleading', 'susan', 'decides', 'take', 'pat', 'back', 'almost', 'immediately', 'pat', 'decides', 'end', 'relationship', 'good', 'reason', 'leslie', 'girl-next-door', 'type', 'likes', 'work', 'father\\\\', 'car', '...', 'sharp', 'contrast', 'susan\\\\', 'materialistic', 'personality', 'leslie', 'offers', 'pat', 'nothing', 'simple', 'friendship', 'friendship', 'develops', 'something', 'little', 'decide', 'head', 'california', 'together', 'classic', 'car', 'leslie', 'eye', 'jack', 'knowing', 'make', 'choice', 'wife', 'mistress', 'finally', 'breaks', 'good', 'ann', 'despite', 'repeated', 'attempts', 'past', 'hurt', 'rejection', 'she\\\\', 'heard', 'many', 'times', 'jack', 'ann', 'tells', 'never', 'call', 'returns', 'home', 'determined', 'rebuild', 'wounded', 'marriage', 'paying', 'visit', 'father\\\\', 'grave', 'promising', 'better', 'husband', 'wife', 'father', 'pouring', 'bottle', 'irish', 'whiskey', 'grave', 'barry', 'decides', 'move', 'audrey', 'take', 'relationship', 'next', 'level', 'movie', 'ends', 'three', 'brothers', 'gathering', 'family', 'homestead', 'newfound', 'belief', 'love', 'desire', 'let', 'ghosts', 'past', 'stand', 'way'], ['captain', 'vinka', 'kovelenko', 'lands', 'russian', 'jet', 'west', 'german', 'territory', 'surprise', 'u.s.', 'armed', 'forces', 'take', 'prisoner', 'neither', 'mission', 'defecting', 'however', 'upset', 'personal', 'matter', 'back', 'home', 'high-ranking', 'american', 'officer', 'named', 'tarbell', 'cancels', 'furlough', 'captain', 'chuck', 'lockwood', 'eager', 'leave', 'london', 'visit', 'wealthy', 'fianc챕e', 'connie', 'colonel', 'wants', 'chuck', 'sell', 'soviet', 'aviatrix', 'everything', 'good', 'america', 'permanently', 'come', 'side', 'even', 'dangles', '100,000', 'bonus', 'vinka', 'pursued', 'former', 'lover', 'ivan', 'engineer', 'shows', 'interest', 'chuck', 'determined', 'sell', 'russian', 'virtues', 'influencing', 'describes', 'cold', 'unappealing', 'connie', 'makes', 'surprise', 'visit', 'vinka', 'strolls', 'chuck', 'room', 'wearing', 'little', 'else', 'pajama', 'top', 'military', 'medals', 'connie', 'getting', 'increasingly', 'angry', 'chuck', 'finds', 'well-off', 'financially', 'pretended', 'vinka', 'begins', 'dress', 'enticing', 'manner', 'one', 'night', 'russian', 'restaurant', 'comrades', 'come', 'kidnap', 'sleeping', 'potion', 'meant', 'chuck', 'ends', 'tarbell', 'drink', 'instead', 'connie', 'mistaken', 'vinka', 'cloak', 'room', 'taken', 'captive', 'time', 'russians', 'misunderstand', 'vinka', 'intentions', 'charge', 'treason', 'chuck', 'leads', 'daring', 'escape', 'air', 'end', 'falling', 'love', 'money', 'matter', 'much', 'vinka', 'connie', 'takes', '100,000'], [\"'benigno\", 'martin', 'marco', 'zuluaga', 'cross', 'paths', 'attend', 'concert', 'dance', 'eventually', 'meeting', 'private', 'clinic', 'benigno', 'works', 'personal', 'nurse', 'caregiver', 'alicia', 'beautiful', 'dance', 'student', 'lies', 'coma', 'benigno', 'become', 'obsessed', 'marco', 'journalist', 'travel', 'writer', 'clinic', 'visit', 'girlfriend', 'lydia', 'famous', 'matador', 'also', 'comatose', 'gored', 'bull', 'men', 'stand', 'vigil', 'women', 'story', 'unfolds', 'flashbacks', 'giving', 'details', 'two', 'relationships', 'marco', 'leaves', 'lydia', 'hospital', 'previous', 'lover', 'informs', 'reunited', 'month', 'lydia\\\\', 'accident', 'travels', 'jordan', 'write', 'tourist', 'guide', 'reads', 'newspaper', 'lydia', 'died', 'coma', 'meanwhile', 'alicia', 'discovered', 'pregnant', 'benigno', 'believes', 'relationship', 'comatose', 'alicia', 'mutual', 'love', 'affair', 'accused', 'raping', 'sent', 'prison', 'segovia', 'marco', 'returns', 'spain', 'begins', 'trying', 'help', 'benigno', 'finds', 'alicia', 'awakened', 'sometime', 'giving', 'birth', 'baby', 'stillborn', 'following', 'benigno\\\\', 'lawyer\\\\', 'urging', 'tell', 'benigno', 'unexpected', 'recovery', 'desperate', 'benigno', 'ingests', 'large', 'quantity', 'pills', 'try', 'escape', 'reunite', 'alicia', 'dies', 'overdose', 'meanwhile', 'alicia', 'begun', 'rehabilitation', 'recover', 'ability', 'walk', 'dance', 'film', 'ends', 'marco', 'sitting', 'two', 'rows', 'front', 'alicia', 'dance', 'concert', 'turning', 'around', 'smiling', 'moment', 'turning', 'back', 'around', 'screen', 'lists', 'marco', 'alicia', 'next', 'act'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'involves', 'group', 'western', 'expatriates', 'catching', 'wild', 'animals', 'east', 'africa', 'selling', 'zoos', 'led', 'sean', 'mercer', 'outset', 'little', 'wolf', 'aka', 'indian', 'injured', 'rhinoceros', 'chase', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'arusha', 'needs', 'blood', 'transfusion', 'none', 'team', 'provide', 'required', 'rare', 'blood', 'type', 'young', 'frenchman', 'charles', 'chips', 'maury', 'chips', 'hired', 'replacement', 'indian', 'international', 'group', 'tries', 'fill', 'animal', 'orders', 'season', 'wildlife', 'photographer', 'anna', 'maria', \"d\\\\'alessandro\", 'arrives', 'take', 'photos', 'animals', 'caught', 'mercer\\\\', 'men', 'zoo', 'buying', 'bulk', 'season\\\\', 'captures', 'first', 'mistaken', 'man', 'introduction', 'letter', 'signed', 'initials', 'soon', 'acquires', 'nickname', 'dallas', 'stay', 'dallas', 'also', 'becomes', 'known', 'mama', 'tembo', 'efforts', 'save', 'three', 'baby', 'elephants', 'culminating', 'chase', 'streets', 'arusha', 'also', 'develops', 'crush', 'mercer', 'romantic', 'subplots', 'characters', 'well'], ['set', '1930', 'film', 'opens', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'femme', 'fatale', 'mrs.', 'erlynne', 'finds', 'longer', 'welcomed', 'either', 'high-ranking', 'men', 'seduced', 'society', 'wives', 'betrayed', 'selling', 'jewelry', 'buys', 'passage', 'liner', 'bound', 'amalfi', 'italy', 'apparently', 'sets', 'sights', 'newlywed', 'robert', 'windemere', 'car', 'frequently', 'seen', 'parked', 'outside', 'villa', 'local', 'gossips', 'become', 'convinced', 'two', 'affair', 'robert', 'demure', 'wife', 'meg', 'remains', 'oblivious', 'stories', 'two', 'circulating', 'throughout', 'town', 'discovers', 'husband', 'check', 'register', 'numerous', 'stubs', 'indicating', 'payments', 'erlynne', 'suspects', 'worst', \"n't\", 'know', 'erlynne', 'actually', 'mother', 'extorting', 'payments', 'robert', 'return', 'keeping', 'secret', 'consoled', 'advice', \"'plain\", 'women', 'resort', 'crying', 'pretty', 'women', 'shopping', 'retaliation', 'believes', 'husband', 'transgression', 'meg', 'wears', 'revealing', 'gown', 'twenty-first', 'birthday', 'celebration', 'attended', 'erlynne', 'wearing', 'dress', 'company', 'lord', 'augustus', 'wealthy', 'twice-divorced', 'man', 'proposed', 'marriage', 'erlynne', 'complications', 'ensue', 'lord', 'darlington', 'professes', 'love', 'meg', 'implores', 'leave', 'supposedly', 'wayward', 'husband', 'invitation', 'accepts', 'erlynne', 'found', 'meg', 'farewell', 'note', 'robert', 'intercepts', 'darlington', 'yacht', 'two', 'trapped', 'augustus', 'darlington', 'robert', 'friends', 'arrive', 'night', 'drinking', 'robert', 'startled', 'see', 'fan', 'gave', 'meg', 'birthday', 'board', 'meg', 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'gerard', 'he\\\\', 'thinking', 'resigning', 'since', 'he\\\\', 'going', 'promoted', 'jacqueline', 'introduces', 'angela', 'lewis', 'works', 'art', 'department', 'tells', 'two', 'working', 'together', 'also', 'everyone', 'party', 'introduced', 'strang챕', 'wild', 'fashion', 'diva', 'who\\\\', 'chosen', 'new', 'face', 'lady', 'eloise', 'cosmetics', 'looking', 'jacqueline', 'marcus', 'bumps', 'angela', 'spots', 'jacqueline', 'introduces', 'angela', 'gerard', 'catch', 'attempts', 'woo', 'jacqueline', 'tells', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'date', 'co-workers', 'marcus', 'however', 'still', 'believes', 'made', 'exception', 'flirtatious', 'nature', 'towards', 'time', 'later', 'office', 'jacqueline', 'tells', 'marcus', 'work', 'together', 'marcus', 'suggests', 'place', 'dinner', 'jacqueline', 'agrees', 'marcus', 'also', 'finds', 'angela', 'gerard', 'going', 'night', 'couples', 'meet', 'evening', 'ironically', 'gerard', 'who\\\\', 'successful', 'women', 'marcus', 'ends', 'better', 'evening', 'angela', 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'british', 'agent', 'last', 'moment', 'sellinger', 'takes', 'place', 'agent', 'joins', 'mission', 'reasons', 'initially', 'unclear', 'slowly', 'reveals', 'wants', 'prove', 'flying', 'france', 'aircraft', 'hit', 'killing', 'rest', 'crew', 'sole', 'survivors', 'halloran', 'sellinger', 'work', 'together', 'especially', 'agent', 'injures', 'ankle', 'sellinger\\\\', 'mission', 'arrive', 'german', 'headquarters', 'lyon', 'posing', 'officer', 'photograph', 'important', 'document', 'lists', 'german', 'double-agents', 'british', 'intelligence', 'halloran', 'agrees', 'help', 'sellinger', 'making', 'contact', 'local', 'french', 'resistance', 'disguise', 'german', 'officers', 'steal', 'documents', 'troops', 'raise', 'alarm', 'pair', 'manage', 'escape', 'lengthy', 'car', 'chase', 'make', 'back', 'farm', 'received', 'assistance', 'however', 'betrayed', 'collaborator', 'forced', 'flee', 'pursued', 'hundreds', 'nazi', 'troops', 'halloran', 'sellinger', 'must', 'work', 'together', 'order', 'survive', 'london', 'sellinger\\\\', 'wife', 'finds', 'halloran', 'sellinger', 'together', 'come', 'back', 'home', 'husband', 'wounded', 'alive', 'going', 'visit', 'hospital', 'hanover', 'street', 'meets', 'lt.', 'halloran', 'last', 'time', 'embrace', 'kiss', 'tells', 'loves', 'enough', 'let', 'goes', 'see', 'husband', 'goes', 'hanover', 'street', 'love', 'story', 'begun'], [\"'justice\", 'young', 'woman', 'living', 'south', 'central', 'los', 'angeles', 'named', 'justice', 'late', 'mother', 'gave', 'birth', 'attending', 'law', 'school', 'shooting', 'death', 'boyfriend', 'markell', 'q-tip', 'justice', 'falls', 'deep', 'depression', 'spends', 'majority', 'time', 'house', 'inherited', 'grandmother', 'cat', 'white', 'boy', 'going', 'job', 'local', 'hair', 'salon', 'justice', 'talented', 'poet', 'reads', 'many', 'poems', 'throughout', 'course', 'film', 'characters', 'voice', 'justice', 'hair', 'salon', 'working', 'one', 'day', 'young', 'postal', 'clerk', 'named', 'lucky', 'comes', 'begins', 'flirting', 'rebuffs', 'advances', 'help', 'female', 'boss', 'two', 'women', 'pretend', 'lesbians', 'mock', 'lucky', 'relationship', 'lucky', 'also', 'tragedy', 'life', 'main', 'focus', 'caring', 'young', 'daughter', 'keisha', 'forcibly', 'remove', 'care', 'mother', 'crack', 'addict', 'using', 'drugs', 'sex', 'drug', 'dealer', 'leaving', 'child', 'unattended', 'apartment', 'lucky', 'dreams', 'professional', 'career', 'music', 'shows', 'considerable', 'promise', 'insists', 'cousin', 'true', 'talent', 'justice\\\\', 'friend', 'iesha', 'manages', 'talk', 'justice', 'taking', 'road', 'trip', 'oakland', 'iesha\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'chicago', 'lucky\\\\', 'co-worker', 'post', 'office', 'justice', 'warily', 'accepts', 'mainly', 'oakland', 'hair', 'show', 'car', 'dies', 'last', 'minute', 'unbeknownst', 'justice', 'lucky', 'chicago\\\\', 'co-worker', 'also', 'trip', 'sharing', 'postal', 'van', 'two', 'mutual', 'friends', 'initially', 'argue', 'course', 'film', 'soften', 'towards', 'discover', 'similarities', 'foursome', 'make', 'couple', 'detours', 'first', 'family', 'reunion', 'barbecue', 'see', 'signs', 'road', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'iesha', 'chicago\\\\', 'relationship', 'troubled', 'lesha', 'openly', 'flirts', 'men', 'barbecue', 'chicago', 'broods', 'watching', 'behavior', 'second', 'stop', 'beach', 'four', 'characters', 'contemplate', 'separate', 'situations', 'internal', 'monologues', 'next', 'stop', 'african', 'cultural', 'fair', 'lucky', 'justice', 'grow', 'closer', 'discuss', 'lives', 'leaving', 'fair', 'friction', 'chicago', 'iesha', 'explodes', 'drunken', 'iesha', 'informs', 'chicago', 'seeing', 'someone', 'side', 'physically', 'attacks', 'lucky', 'initially', 'decides', 'get', 'involved', 'fight', 'justice', 'defends', 'iesha', 'kicking', 'chicago', 'groin', 'chicago', 'turns', 'physical', 'brutality', 'justice', 'retaliation', 'lucky', 'justice', 'along', 'bleeding', 'shaken', 'iesha', 'leave', 'chicago', 'side', 'road', 'continue', 'journey', 'lucky', 'stops', 'postal', 'van', 'justice', 'goes', 'see', 'what\\\\', 'wrong', 'begins', 'opening', 'life', 'lucky', 'becomes', 'sympathetic', 'share', 'kiss', 'justice', 'walks', 'away', 'apparently', 'unsure', 'feelings', 'lucky', 'goes', 'back', 'share', 'another', 'kiss', 'now-threesome', 'arrive', 'oakland', 'met', 'news', 'lucky\\\\', 'cousin', 'working', 'recording', 'music', 'killed', 'lucky', 'blames', 'oakland', 'sooner', 'believing', 'could', 'prevented', 'shooting', 'town', 'turns', 'anger', 'justice', 'angrily', 'blaming', 'distracting', 'road', 'months', 'passed', 'meet', 'justice', 'back', 'hair', 'salon', 'moment', 'lucky', 'brings', 'daughter', 'keisha', 'lucky', 'remorseful', 'conduct', 'oakland', 'cruel', 'words', 'said', 'justice', 'asks', 'forgiveness', 'smiles', 'share', 'passionate', 'kiss', 'justice', 'smiles', 'coyly', 'turns', 'attention', 'keisha', 'fussing', 'hair', 'justice', 'lucky\\\\', 'eyes', 'meet', 'keisha\\\\', 'head', 'smile', 'connection', 'strong', 'ever'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'drunken', 'downtrodden', 'catholic', 'priest', 'stumbling', 'aimlessly', 'around', 'town', 'please', 'call', 'baby', 'performed', 'tom', 'waits', 'plays', 'telling', 'story', 'sympathetic', 'bartender', 'father', 'brian', 'finn', 'dedicated', 'calling', 'since', 'child', 'shares', 'duties', 'new', 'york', 'parish', 'older', 'priest', 'havel', 'rabbi', 'jacob', 'jake', 'schram', 'best', 'friends', 'brian', 'since', 'childhood', 'youngest', 'rabbi', 'conservative', 'synagogue', 'lack', 'effort', 'find', 'jewish', 'wife', 'often', 'results', 'mother', 'women', 'congregation', 'setting', 'blind', 'dates', 'much', 'dismay', 'two', 'men', 'show', 'close', 'bond', 'even', 'professions', 'two', 'planning', 'opening', 'jointly', 'sponsored', 'community', 'center', 'earlier', 'days', 'friendship', 'included', 'third', 'party', 'via', 'flashbacks', 'reminiscent', 'musings', 'anna', 'reilly', 'introduced', 'met', 'jake', 'brian', 'middle', 'school', 'beating', 'bully', 'picking', 'three', 'enjoyed', 'attending', 'ballgames', 'playing', 'sports', 'riding', 'subway', 'around', 'city', 'together', 'well', 'getting', 'typical', 'mischief', 'unfortunately', 'anna\\\\', 'father', 'got', 'new', 'job', 'resulted', 'reillys', 'moving', 'cross-country', 'california', 'years', 'later', 'anna', 'calls', 'old', 'friends', 'blue', 'friendship', 'rekindled', 'company', 'temporarily', 're-assigns', 'new', 'york', 'position', 'feelings', 'quickly', 'begin', 'run', 'deeper', 'anna', 'despite', 'workaholic', 'tendencies', 'vibrant', 'brian', 'jake', 'remembered', 'however', 'ironically', 'men\\\\', 'careers', 'prove', 'problematic', 'jake', 'start', 'sleeping', 'together', 'reluctant', 'involved', 'serious', 'relationship', 'jewish', 'fact', 'could', 'compromise', 'relationship', 'congregation', 'also', 'mother', 'religious', 'conflict', 'desire', 'spare', 'feelings', 'mutual', 'friend', 'relationship', 'kept', 'mostly', 'secret', 'resulting', 'humorous', 'harmful', 'complications', 'meanwhile', 'brian', 'involved', 'test', 'faith', 'struggles', 'feelings', 'anna', 'despite', 'vows', 'apart', 'praying', 'situation', 'discussing', 'havel', 'keeps', 'thoughts', 'mostly', 'brian', 'begins', 'misinterpreting', 'anna\\\\', 'words', 'actions', 'even', 'erotic', 'dream', 'begins', 'seriously', 'consider', 'quitting', 'priesthood', 'pursue', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'anna', 'tells', 'jake', 'wants', 'things', 'serious', 'respond', 'well', 'jake\\\\', 'mother', 'discovers', 'relationship', 'two', 'argument', 'religious', 'issues', 'complicating', 'romance', 'ends', 'two', 'parting', 'ways', 'frustration', 'anna', 'turns', 'brian', 'comfort', 'rushes', 'apartment', 'still', 'unaware', 'what\\\\', 'going', 'takes', 'tearful', 'ramblings', 'confession', 'feelings', 'kisses', 'admits', 'love', 'interrupts', 'first', 'assumes', 'guilt', 'based', 'vows', 'tells', 'love', 'jake', 'feeling', 'embarrassed', 'rejected', 'brian', 'raids', 'anna\\\\', 'liquor', 'cabinet', 'angrily', 'cutting', 'attempts', 're-assure', 'apologize', 'next', 'day', 'still', 'drunk', 'brian', 'stumbles', 'temple', 'interrupts', 'post-bar', 'mitzvah', 'gathering', 'resulting', 'confrontation', 'jake', 'ends', 'priest', 'punching', 'rabbi', 'leaves', 'stumbles', 'around', 'city', 'brings', 'movie', 'back', 'first', 'scene', 'bartender', 'community', 'center\\\\', 'grand', 'opening', 'approaches', 'along', 'last', 'days', 'anna\\\\', 'east', 'coast', 'assignment', 'relationships', 'begin', 'mend', 'discussion', 'two', 'men', 'prompts', 'jake', 'anna\\\\', 'office', 'building', 'brian', 'shouting', 'encouragement', 'runs', 'street', 'jake', 'manages', 'get', 'anna\\\\', 'attention', 'window', 'building', 'across', 'street', 'calls', 'explain', 'offer', 'set', 'things', 'right', 'surprise', 'brian', 'middle', 'karaoke', 'number', 'interfaith', 'center', 'looks', 'successful', 'start', 'anna', 'greets', 'rabbi', 'lewis', 'passes', 'asks', 'meetings', 'together', 'point', 'becomes', 'clear', 'taking', 'classes', 'convert', 'judaism', 'film', 'ends', 'happily', 'three', 'childhood', 'friends', 'posing', 'photo', 'together'], ['navy', 'submarine', 'uss', 'corsair', 'operating', 'north', 'atlantic', 'hunting', 'german', 'merchant', 'raiders', 'preying', 'allied', 'shipping', 'new', 'executive', 'officer', 'lt.', 'ward', 'stewart', 'transferred', 'back', 'submarines', 'commanding', 'boat', 'submarine', 'base', 'new', 'london', 'connecticut', 'asks', 'new', 'captain', 'lt.', 'cmdr', 'dewey', 'connors', 'weekend', 'leave', 'settle', 'affairs', 'taking', 'new', 'assignment', 'train', 'bound', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'stewart', 'accidentally', 'encounters', 'new', 'london', 'school', 'teacher', 'jean', 'hewlett', 'students', 'despite', 'initial', 'resistance', 'efforts', 'charms', 'fall', 'love', 'infatuation', 'boats', 'irritates', 'connors', 'two', 'become', 'friends', 'combat', 'action', 'ship', 'connors', 'injured', 'stewart', 'sinks', 'connors', 'unbeknownst', 'stewart', 'already', 'love', 'jean', 'delays', 'marrying', 'gains', 'promotion', 'commander', 'commensurate', 'pay', 'provided', 'could', 'properly', 'support', 'financially', 'view', 'tension', 'men', 'ensues', 'connors', 'discovers', 'woman', 'stewart', 'wooing', 'jean', 'film', 'culminates', 'commando', 'raid', 'corsair', 'island', 'supply', 'base', 'german', 'raiders'], [\"'michael\", 'cathy', 'young', 'couple', 'graduated', 'college', 'known', 'years', 'together', 'half', 'time', 'vacation', 'summer', 'greek', 'island', 'visit', 'nude', 'beach', 'crowded', 'young', 'tourists', 'hesitant', 'first', 'find', 'getting', 'caught', 'uninhibited', 'energy', 'surrounds', 'cathy', 'reads', 'book', 'sexual', 'techniques', 'ties', 'michael', 'bed', 'drips', 'candle', 'wax', 'chest', 'comments', 'everyone', 'thinks', 'she\\\\', 'goody', 'two-shoes', 'wants', 'little', 'adventure', 'michael', 'says', 'never', 'another', 'woman', 'keeps', 'noticing', 'lina', 'french', 'archaeologist', 'temporary', 'assignment', 'nearby', 'akrotiri', 'excavation', 'one', 'day', 'beach', 'without', 'cathy', 'gets', 'chance', 'talk', 'lina', 'ends', 'starting', 'affair', 'feels', 'guilty', 'cathy', 'immediately', 'notices', 'something', 'wrong', 'admits', 'done', 'insisting', 'still', 'loves', 'cathy', 'cathy', 'naturally', 'disturbed', 'tells', 'get', 'system', 'takes', 'permission', 'return', 'lina', 'cathy', 'goes', 'local', 'bar', 'intending', 'sleep', 'another', 'man', 'way', 'get', 'revenge', 'michael', 'cheating', 'end', 'chickens', 'getting', 'picked', 'amorous', 'local', 'boy', 'michael', 'comes', 'home', 'later', 'seeing', 'lina', 'cathy', 'says', 'wants', 'relationship', 'cathy', 'goes', 'lina\\\\', 'home', 'confront', 'lina', 'assures', 'cathy', 'intend', 'take', 'michael', 'away', 'seems', 'calm', 'cathy', 'somewhat', 'lina', 'cathy', 'end', 'spending', 'several', 'hours', 'together', 'getting', 'acquainted', 'find', 'fascinated', 'other\\\\', 'work', '봍ina\\\\', 'archeology', 'cathy\\\\', 'photography', 'michael', 'confused', 'learns', 'two', 'women', 'developing', 'friendship', 'quickly', 'recovers', 'three', 'spend', 'days', 'gradually', 'getting', 'closer', 'cathy', 'knows', 'michael', 'still', 'sleeping', 'lina', 'time', 'time', 'seems', 'accept', 'although', 'says', 'would', 'difficult', 'see', 'bed', 'together', 'nevertheless', 'tolerates', 'increasing', 'signs', 'affection', 'michael', 'lina', 'presence', 'tense', 'scene', 'one', 'evening', 'cathy', 'encourages', 'michael', 'kiss', 'lina', 'gives', 'lina', 'light', 'peck', 'cathy', 'says', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'convincing', 'gradually', 'turns', 'heat', 'watching', 'cathy', 'intently', 'reaction', 'kisses', 'cathy', 'checking', 'see', 'makes', 'lina', 'feel', 'three', 'end', 'spending', 'night', 'together', 'lina', 'moves', 'continue', 'enjoying', 'island', 'paradise', 'threesome', 'fantasy', 'seems', 'total', 'success', 'natural', 'complications', 'domestic', 'life', 'like', 'laundry', 'dishes', 'come', 'foreground', 'three', 'work', 'problems', 'cathy\\\\', 'mother', 'appears', 'surprise', 'visit', 'snapping', 'everyone', 'back', 'reality', 'cathy', 'tells', 'mother', 'she\\\\', 'never', 'happier', 'life', 'although', 'lina', 'claims', 'bad', 'relationships', 'prefers', 'screwing', 'three', 'actually', 'seem', 'falling', 'love', 'around', 'aside', 'lina\\\\', 'comment', 'prefers', 'screwing', 'sexually', 'charged', 'plot', 'underscored', 'number', 'instances', 'openly', 'sexual', 'comments', 'humor', 'example', 'cathy\\\\', 'mother', 'comes', 'visit', 'checking', 'hotel', 'island', 'desk', 'clerk', 'asks', 'woman', 'checking', 'many', 'douches', \"ma\\\\'am\", 'woman', 'looks', 'clerk', 'awkwardly', 'friend', 'explains', 'means', 'showers', 'finding', 'intense', 'relationship', 'uncertain', 'future', 'lina', 'begins', 'fear', 'getting', 'hurt', 'summer', 'ends', 'americans', 'return', 'home', 'tell', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'end', \"don\\\\'t\", 'details', 'avoid', 'getting', 'close', 'new', 'friends', 'lina', 'disappears', 'another', 'young', 'man', 'met', 'beach', 'cathy', 'michael', 'distraught', 'spend', 'several', 'days', 'searching', 'lina', 'eventually', 'conclude', \"won\\\\'t\", 'find', 'long', 'wants', 'remain', 'hidden', 'memories', 'lina', 'loom', 'everything', 'try', 'longer', 'enjoy', 'time', 'island', 'pack', 'return', 'home', 'even', 'though', 'three', 'weeks', 'remaining', 'prepaid', 'rental', 'lina', 'finds', 'fears', 'outweighed', 'feelings', 'americans', 'returns', 'reunite', 'discover', 'already', 'gone', 'races', 'airport', 'intercepts', 'board', 'plane', 'overjoyed', 'seeing', 'cathy', 'michael', 'return', 'spend', 'last', 'three', 'weeks', 'summer'], [\"'anna\", 'kalman', 'accomplished', 'london-based', 'actress', 'given', 'hope', 'finding', 'man', 'dreams', 'brother-in-law', 'meets', 'handsome', 'economist', 'philip', 'adams', 'fall', 'love', 'however', 'keeping', 'secret', 'opposed', 'married', 'man', 'pretends', 'single', 'philip', 'bachelor', 'pretends', 'married', 'learns', 'lie', 'anna', 'becomes', 'furious', 'works', 'plan', 'get', 'even', 'however', 'open', 'conversation', 'plan', 'get', 'married'], [\"'sylvia\", 'scarlett', 'father', 'henry', 'flee', 'france', 'one', 'step', 'ahead', 'police', 'henry', 'employed', 'bookkeeper', 'lace', 'factory', 'discovered', 'embezzler', 'channel', 'ferry', 'meet', 'gentleman', 'adventurer', 'jimmy', 'monkley', 'partners', 'con', 'games'], ['*richard', 'gere', 'vincent', 'eastman', '*sharon', 'stone', 'sally', 'eastman', '*lolita', 'davidovich', 'olivia', 'marshak', '*martin', 'landau', 'neal', '*david', 'selby', 'richard', 'quarry', '*jennifer', 'morrison', 'meaghan', 'eastman'], [\"'conservative\", 'lawyer', 'adam', 'calhorn', 'shaw', 'hopes', 'elected', 'office', 'like', 'father', 'father\\\\', 'father', 'engaged', 'sophistocated', 'society', 'lady', 'beth', 'hallson', 'arriving', 'nursery', 'complain', 'peach', 'trees', 'previously', 'purchased', 'adam', 'meets', 'energetic', 'eccentric', 'athena', 'mulvain', 'oldest', 'seven', 'sisters', 'family', 'anti-smoking', 'vegetarian', 'teetotallers', 'follow', 'astrology', 'numerology', 'athena', 'offers', 'give', 'advice', 'mulch', 'peach', 'trees', 'however', 'adam', 'uneasy', 'leaves', 'later', 'party', 'athena', 'arrives', 'mulches', 'adam\\\\', 'peach', 'trees', 'kisses', 'announces', 'intention', 'marry', 'also', 'decides', 'numerological', 'calculation', 'adam\\\\', 'friend', 'johnny', 'nyle', 'would', 'perfect', 'sister', 'minerva', 'training', 'mr.', 'universe', 'competition', 'perkins', 'bill', 'nichols', 'despite', 'bizarre', 'ways', 'family', 'although', 'adam', 'initially', 'tries', 'resist', 'athena', 'eventually', 'succumbs', 'charms', 'breaks', 'beth', 'looking', 'rosy', 'grandma', 'foresees', 'difficult', 'times', 'ahead', 'athena\\\\', 'sisters', 'advise', 'athena', 'break', 'adam', 'however', 'athena', 'chooses', 'push', 'ahead', 'relationship', 'knowing', 'love', 'change', 'stars', 'sisters', 'visit', 'adam\\\\', 'house', 'perform', 'makeover', 'removing', 'rugs', 'screens', 'installing', 'large', 'urns', 'fresh', 'flowers', 'adam\\\\', 'influential', 'family', 'friend', 'mr.', 'grenville', 'adam\\\\', 'law', 'firm', 'partner', 'mr.', 'griswalde', 'adam\\\\', 'campaign', 'manager', 'election', 'united', 'states', 'congress', 'mr.', 'tremaine', 'phone', 'adam\\\\', 'house', 'reach', 'athena', 'phone', 'curious', 'visit', 'adam\\\\', 'house', 'find', 'grandma', 'place', 'girls', 'adam', 'invites', 'athena', 'formal', 'reception', 'mr.', 'grenville\\\\', 'home', 'athena', 'first', 'charms', 'party', 'pleasant', 'nature', 'off-the-cuff', 'rendition', 'aria', 'donizetti', 'opera', 'however', 'loses', 'temper', 'beth', 'presents', 'athena', 'buffet', 'dinner', 'vegetables', 'stuffed', 'meat', 'difficulties', 'arise', 'adam', 'humiliates', 'perkins', 'grandpa', 'television', 'mr.', 'universe', 'final', 'grandpa', 'hoped', 'would', 'marry', 'athena', 'produce', 'perfect', 'children', 'adam', 'verbally', 'attacks', 'grandpa', 'hypocrisy', 'many', 'beliefs', 'threatens', 'adam', 'putting', 'hold', 'adam', 'gets', 'throwing', 'jiu', 'jitsu', 'throw', 'events', 'appearing', 'nationwide', 'television', 'adam', 'told', 'minders', 'political', 'career', 'embarrassing', 'belief', 'system', 'athena\\\\', 'people', 'would', 'alienate', 'voters', 'sympathies', 'whilst', 'opposed', 'beliefs', 'would', 'associate', 'adam', 'holding', 'beliefs', 'merely', 'despite', 'requisite', 'conflict', 'harmony', 'restored', 'main', 'players', 'gather', 'around', 'mulvain-style', 'feast'], [\"'in\", '1945', 'roger', 'halyard', 'stiff-upper-lipped', 'british', 'gentleman', 'lives', 'south', 'pacific', 'island', 'three', 'nubile', 'naive', 'daughters', 'violet', 'hester', 'gloria', 'hoping', 'shelter', 'girls', 'lascivious', 'advances', 'opposite', 'sex', 'halyard', 'thwarted', '1,500', 'marines', 'arrive', 'transform', 'island', 'aircraft', 'landing', 'base', 'despite', 'best', 'efforts', 'halyard', 'housekeeper', 'thelma', 'marine', 'colonel', 'reade', 'romance', 'blossoms', 'three', 'girls', 'trio', 'handsome', 'leathernecks'], ['winter', 'teheran', 'lateef', '17.', 'works', 'building', 'construction', 'site', 'managed', 'memar', 'site', 'foreman', 'lateef', 'job', 'serve', 'tea', 'prepare', 'food', 'workers', 'always', 'quarrelling', 'workers', 'come', 'parts', 'iran', 'workers', 'afghan', 'refugees', 'war-torn', 'afghanistan', 'identity', 'cards', 'employed', 'illegally', 'cheap', 'labor', 'labour', 'inspectors', 'show', 'afghan', 'workers', 'must', 'hide', 'story', 'starts', 'afghan', 'worker', 'najaf', 'falls', 'building', 'breaks', 'leg', 'taken', 'hospital', 'next', 'day', 'soltan', 'another', 'afghan', 'worker', 'brings', 'rahmat', 'najaf', 'son', 'around', 'years', 'old', 'replace', 'father', 'memar', 'soon', 'realizes', 'rahmat', 'fit', 'hard', 'work', 'decides', 'switch', 'jobs', 'rahmat', 'lateef', 'lateef', 'furious', 'threatens', 'rahmat', 'tries', 'sabotage', 'work', 'spies', 'one', 'day', 'looking', 'door', 'rahmat', 'works', 'totally', 'shocked', 'discover', 'rahmat', 'girl', 'watches', 'comb', 'hair', 'finds', 'strange', 'state', 'surrounded', 'unusual', 'sounds', 'attitude', 'changes', 'completely', 'becomes', 'protective', 'helpful', 'gradually', 'desperately', 'love', 'rahmat', 'rahmat', 'express', 'verbally', 'time', 'seems', 'respond', 'love', 'surprise', 'visit', 'labour', 'inspectors', 'find', 'face', 'face', 'rahmat', 'panics', 'runs', 'away', 'chase', 'city', 'streets', 'lateef', 'runs', 'struggling', 'inspectors', 'rahmat', 'flees', 'lateef', 'beaten', 'taken', 'police', 'station', 'memar', 'must', 'pay', 'fine', 'comply', 'law', 'lay', 'illegal', 'afghan', 'workers', 'lateef', \"n't\", 'bear', 'rahmat', 'absence', 'decides', 'locate', 'soltan', 'get', 'news', 'goes', 'village', 'afghans', 'live', 'walks', 'around', 'meets', 'enigmatic', 'cobbler', 'ends', 'courtyard', 'shrine', 'near', 'graveyard', 'afghan', 'families', 'gathered', 'local', 'milk', 'ceremony', 'inquires', 'soltan', 'gets', 'clues', 'among', 'afghans', 'courtyard', 'stands', 'rahmat', 'female', 'clothing', 'sees', 'lateef', 'stares', 'leaves', 'ceremony', 'lateef', 'aware', 'presence', 'next', 'day', 'road', 'finds', 'soltan', 'learns', 'rahmat', 'works', 'village', 'near', 'river', 'lateef', 'rushes', 'find', 'rahmat', 'pitiful', 'state', 'working', 'women', 'carrying', 'heavy', 'stones', 'river', 'distressed', 'wants', 'find', 'way', 'help', 'ordeal', 'gets', 'accumulated', 'wages', 'memar', 'hands', 'soltan', 'asking', 'pass', 'najaf', 'agree', 'meet', 'next', 'day', 'shrine', 'soltan', 'given', 'money', 'najaf', 'next', 'day', 'shrine', 'instead', 'soltan', 'najaf', 'shows', 'inform', 'lateef', 'soltan', 'gone', 'afghanistan', 'tells', 'lateef', 'soltan', 'came', 'offered', 'money', 'borrowed', 'someone', 'also', 'tells', 'lateef', 'refused', 'money', 'advised', 'soltan', 'keep', 'use', 'leave', 'immediately', 'afghanistan', 'life', 'death', 'issue', 'family', 'lateef', 'shocked', 'worried', 'lateef', 'becomes', 'even', 'worried', 'next', 'day', 'overhears', 'conversation', 'najaf', 'house', 'najaf', 'faced', 'family', 'problems', 'afghanistan', 'brother', 'killed', 'war', 'also', 'hears', 'rahmat', 'real', 'name', 'baran', 'lateef', 'goes', 'back', 'river', 'find', 'baran', 'exhausted', 'carrying', 'logs', 'river', 'atmosphere', 'reminiscent', 'war', 'field', 'powerless', 'hardship', 'going', 'lateef', 'returns', 'construction', 'site', 'state', 'depression', 'next', 'morning', 'najaf', 'crutches', 'construction', 'site', 'meet', 'memar', 'lateef', 'overhears', 'najaf', 'begging', 'memar', 'without', 'success', 'lend', 'money', 'lateef', 'makes', 'desperate', 'attempt', 'get', 'money', 'sells', 'valuable', 'thing', 'identity', 'card', 'brings', 'money', 'najaf', 'lateef', 'learns', 'thanks', 'money', 'najaf', 'family', 'return', 'afghanistan', 'lateef', 'overwhelmed', 'news', 'finds', 'refuge', 'shrine', 'state', 'anguish', 'despair', 'hears', 'around', 'sounds', 'heard', 'first', 'saw', 'baran', 'surrenders', 'fate', 'next', 'day', 'dreamlike', 'atmosphere', 'helping', 'najaf', 'load', 'truck', 'household', 'effects', 'lateef', 'serene', 'look', 'finally', 'face-to-face', 'baran', 'eye', 'contact', 'physical', 'proximity', 'exchange', 'feelings', 'love', 'baran', 'covers', 'walks', 'truck', 'shoe', 'gets', 'stuck', 'mud', 'lateef', 'gets', 'knees', 'takes', 'shoe', 'mud', 'hands', 'baran', 'wear', 'leave', 'truck', 'takes', 'baran', 'away', 'left', 'alone', 'empty', 'place', 'lateef', 'stares', 'footstep', 'mud', 'left', 'baran', 'shoe', 'smiles', 'rain', 'covers'], ['danny', 'reilly', 'self-obsessed', 'man', 'dumping', 'renee', 'weber', 'falls', 'love', 'corey', 'wells', 'renee', 'makes', 'mission', 'see', 'danny', 'never', 'falls', 'love', 'sets', 'attack', 'falls', 'corey', 'get', 'girl', 'danny', 'constantly', 'talking', 'roomie', 'tim', 'falls', 'love', 'corey'], ['dave', 'goodwin', 'sam', 'schecter', 'jeff', 'davis', 'best', 'friends', 'spent', 'almost', 'four', 'years', 'holden', 'university', 'scamming', 'way', 'college', 'part', 'get', 'away', 'graduate', 'schemes', 'foiled', 'ethan', 'dulles', 'campus', 'geek', 'witnessing', 'dave', 'cheating', 'exam', 'ethan', 'threatens', 'expose', 'trio', 'unless', 'try', 'hook', 'dream', 'girl', 'beautiful', 'angela', 'patton', 'things', 'wrong', 'angela', 'dave', 'fall', 'ethan', 'sabotages', 'dave', 'angela', 'relationship', 'telling', 'angela', 'dave', 'paid', 'take', 'dave', 'convinces', 'guys', 'help', 'get', 'revenage', 'ethan', 'sabotage', 'job', 'interview', 'place', 'copy', 'final', 'exam', 'backpack', 'make', 'look', 'like', 'cheating', 'end', 'guys', 'get', 'expelled', 'dave', 'angela', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'sam', 'ends', 'relationship', 'angela', 'roommate', 'reanna', 'cass'], [\"'taciturn\", 'partially', 'deaf', 'hanna', 'yugoslavian', 'native', 'working', 'factory', 'northern', 'ireland', 'forced', 'take', 'vacation', 'boss', 'tells', 'co-workers', 'offended', 'lack', 'socializing', 'overhearing', 'conversation', 'need', 'nurse', 'takes', 'job', 'private', 'nurse', 'burn', 'victim', 'josef', 'bedridden', 'offshore', 'oil', 'rig', 'fire', 'rig', 'severe', 'burns', 'temporarily', 'blinded', 'rig', 'operational', 'awaiting', 'investigation', 'people', 'remain', 'board', 'hanna', 'talks', 'little', 'especially', 'want', 'talk', 'despite', 'pain', 'josef', 'constantly', 'making', 'jokes', 'humorous', 'sexual', 'advances', 'hanna\\\\', 'care', 'includes', 'holding', 'urinal', 'washing', 'entire', 'body', 'get', 'closer', 'start', 'sharing', 'experiences', 'unbeknownst', 'listens', 'message', 'cell', 'phone', 'mysterious', 'woman', 'love', 'hanna', 'learns', 'colleague', 'josef', 'injured', 'trying', 'save', 'man', 'committed', 'suicide', 'intentionally', 'throwing', 'oil-rig', 'fire', 'tragic', 'connection', 'two', 'men', 'implied', 'tells', 'near-drowning', 'experience', 'swim', 'eventually', 'josef', 'confides', 'hanna', 'greatest', 'secret', 'guilt', 'tells', 'previous', 'life', 'former', 'yugoslavia', 'describes', 'detail', 'horrors', 'endured', 'balkan', 'wars', 'including', 'kidnapped', 'repeatedly', 'raped', 'tells', 'repeated', 'torture', 'lets', 'feel', 'scars', 'body', 'wounds', 'inflicted', 'josef', 'getting', 'better', 'hanna\\\\', 'initiative', 'air-lifted', 'oil', 'rig', 'taken', 'hospital', 'helicopter', 'lands', 'josef', 'wants', 'hanna', 'accompany', 'walks', 'away', 'without', 'word', 'however', 'leaves', 'behind', 'backpack', 'contains', 'enough', 'information', 'give', 'josef', 'chance', 'find', 'recovers', 'josef', 'travels', 'denmark', 'visit', 'counselor', 'hanna', 'seen', 'fleeing', 'war', 'seeking', 'learn', 'tracks', 'factory', 'northern', 'ireland', 'works', 'talk', 'first', 'keeps', 'distance', 'saying', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'thinks', 'one', 'day', 'could', 'drown', 'sorrow', 'tells', 'learn', 'swim', 'reciprocates', 'love', 'title', 'film', 'words', 'transmit', 'much', 'say', 'secret', 'world', 'character', 'hidden', 'carried', 'words'], ['film', 'set', 'london', 'june', '1911.', 'george', 'crowned', 'king', 'june', 'preceding', 'days', 'many', 'important', 'dignitaries', 'arrive', 'among', 'arriving', 'king', 'nicholas', 'carpathia', 'regent', 'prince', 'charles', 'british', 'government', 'realises', 'succession', 'carpathia', 'critical', 'rising', 'tension', 'europe', 'gain', 'favour', 'would', 'wise', 'find', 'necessary', 'pamper', 'royals', 'stay', 'london', 'thus', 'civil', 'servant', 'northbrook', 'detached', 'service', 'northbrook', 'decides', 'take', 'prince', 'regent', 'musical', 'performance', 'coconut', 'girl', 'interval', 'prince', 'regent', 'taken', 'backstage', 'meet', 'cast', 'particularly', 'uninterested', 'engaging', 'male', 'actors', 'extremely', 'interested', 'physical', 'charms', 'elsie', 'marina', 'one', 'performers', 'sends', 'formal', 'written', 'invitation', 'meet', 'embassy', 'supper', 'elsie', 'arrives', 'embassy', 'soon', 'joined', 'prince', 'regent', 'stiff', 'pompous', 'powerful', 'fool', 'expects', 'party', 'quickly', 'realises', 'prince', 'true', 'intentions', 'seduce', 'previously', 'persuaded', 'leave', 'early', 'northbrook', 'promised', 'provide', 'excuse', 'escape', 'elsie', 'love', 'prince', 'ideas', 'inept', 'romance', 'however', 'turns', 'back', 'take', 'phone', 'call', 'makes', 'clumsy', 'pass', 'accustomed', 'men', 'immediately', 'rebuffs', 'pointedly', 'explains', 'inept', 'romance', 'prince', 'changes', 'tactics', 'two', 'eventually', 'kiss', 'elsie', 'admits', 'may', 'falling', 'love', 'passes', 'many', 'drinks', 'encouraged', 'consume', 'prince', 'places', 'adjoining', 'bedroom', 'stay', 'night', 'following', 'day', 'elsie', 'overhears', 'conversation', 'concerning', 'young', 'nicolas', 'plotting', 'german', 'embassy', 'overthrow', 'father', 'promising', 'tell', 'elsie', 'meets', 'dowager', 'queen', 'prince', 'mother-in-law', 'decides', 'join', 'coronation', 'place', 'lady-in-waiting', 'ceremony', 'passes', 'elsie', 'refuses', 'tell', 'prince', 'regent', 'details', 'treasonous', 'plot', 'coronation', 'ball', 'persuades', 'nicholas', 'draw', 'contract', 'confesses', 'germans', 'intent', 'prince', 'agrees', 'general', 'election', 'prince', 'regent', 'impressed', 'realizes', 'fallen', 'love', 'elsie', 'morning', 'coronation', 'ball', 'elsie', 'irons', 'differences', 'father', 'son', 'honesty', 'sincerity', 'inspired', 'prince', 'finally', 'show', 'love', 'son', 'private', 'rather', 'affecting', 'public', 'next', 'day', 'carpathians', 'must', 'leave', 'return', 'home', 'prince', 'regent', 'planned', 'elsie', 'join', 'eighteen', 'months', 'time', 'regency', 'free', 'citizen', 'reminds', 'also', 'length', 'music-hall', 'contract', 'realize', 'much', 'happen', 'eighteen', 'months', 'say', 'goodbye', 'ending', 'ambiguous', 'left', 'viewer', 'decide', 'meet', 'months', 'time'], [\"'axel\", 'nordstrom', 'manages', 'glass-bottom', 'boat', 'tourist', 'operation', 'waters', 'santa', 'catalina', 'island', 'california', 'widowed', 'daughter', 'jennifer', 'nelson', 'occasionally', 'helps', 'donning', 'mermaid\\\\', 'costume', 'swimming', 'underneath', 'boat', 'passengers\\\\', 'amusement', 'one', 'day', 'jennifer', 'accidentally', 'meets', 'bruce', 'templeton', 'fishing', 'hook', 'snags', 'costume', 'reels', 'bottom', 'half', 'mermaid', 'costume', 'leaving', 'irate', 'jennifer', 'floating', 'water', 'without', 'pants', 'jennifer', 'later', 'discovers', 'bruce', 'main', 'manager', 'part-time', 'place', 'employment', 'aerospace', 'research', 'laboratory', 'mr.', 'templeton', 'later', 'sees', 'jennifer', 'work', 'recognizes', 'hidden', 'purpose', 'hires', 'new', 'full-time', 'assignment', 'biographer', 'write', 'life', 'story', 'hidden', 'purpose', 'make', 'attempt', 'win', 'jennifer\\\\', 'affections', 'problem', 'laboratory\\\\', 'security', 'chief', 'homer', 'cripps', 'concludes', 'jennifer', 'soviet', 'spy', 'prove', 'suspicions', 'jennifer', 'surveilled', 'learns', 'notion', 'jennifer', 'disproves', 'bumbling', 'cripps'], [\"'while\", 'royal', 'australian', 'navy', 'evacuates', 'salamaua', 'february', '1942established', 'mention', 'surrender', 'singapore', 'ahead', 'japanese', 'invasion', 'commander', 'frank', 'houghton', 'coerces', 'old', 'friend', 'american', 'beachcomber', 'walter', 'eckland', 'becoming', 'coast-watcher', 'allies', 'houghton', 'takes', 'eckland', 'uninterested', 'anything', 'fishing', 'drinking', 'deserted', 'matalava', 'island', 'watch', 'japanese', 'planes', 'houghton', 'rewards', 'eckland\\\\', 'sightings', 'directions', 'one', 'whisky', 'bottles', 'hidden', 'around', 'island', 'coast-watchers', 'islands', 'confirm', 'ensure', 'eckland', 'remains', 'duty', 'houghton\\\\', 'naval', 'vessel', 'accidentally', 'hits', 'boat', 'leaving', 'large', 'hole', 'hull', 'houghton', 'finds', 'replacement', 'watcher', 'eckland', 'retrieve', 'nearby', 'bundy', 'island', 'unexpectedly', 'finds', 'frenchwoman', 'catherine', 'freneau', 'seven', 'young', 'schoolgirls', 'care', 'stranded', 'informs', 'man', 'came', 'killed', 'air', 'raid', 'eckland', 'reluctantly', 'takes', 'back', 'matalava', 'way', 'evacuate', 'safely', 'first', 'houghton', 'promises', 'parachute', 'drop', 'supplies', 'much', 'enemy', 'activity', 'area', 'accomplish', 'safely', 'fastidious', 'freneau', 'slovenly', 'uncouth', 'eckland\\\\', 'personalities', 'clash', 'call', 'miss', 'goody', 'two', 'shoes', 'rude', 'foul-mouthed', 'drunken', 'filthy', 'beast', 'adjusts', 'girls', 'however', 'cares', 'mistakenly', 'believe', 'deadly', 'snakebite', 'freneau', 'learns', 'eckland', 'history', 'professor', 'fled', 'civilization', 'south', 'pacific', 'frustrated', 'spinster', 'undisciplined', 'self-indulgent', 'escapist', 'fall', 'love', 'arrange', 'married', 'military', 'chaplain', 'radio', 'japanese', 'airplane', 'interrupts', 'ceremony', 'since', 'detected', 'houghton', 'sends', 'american', 'submarine', 'pick', 'enemy', 'patrol', 'boat', 'shows', 'time', 'eckland', 'takes', 'boat', 'lure', 'japanese', 'vessel', 'beyond', 'reef', 'submarine', 'torpedo', 'boat', 'sunk', 'eckland', 'survives', 'submarine', 'safely', 'evacuates', 'everyone'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'stars', 'sheila', 'mccarthy', 'polly', 'worker', 'temporary', 'secretarial', 'agency', 'polly', 'serves', 'narrator', 'film', 'frequent', 'sequences', 'portraying', 'whimsical', 'fantasies', 'polly', 'lives', 'alone', 'seems', 'friends', 'enjoys', 'solitary', 'bicycle', 'rides', 'undertake', 'hobby', 'photography', 'despite', 'somewhat', 'clumsy', 'uneducated', 'socially', 'awkward', 'inclined', 'take', 'other\\\\', 'statements', 'literally', 'led', 'scarce', 'employment', 'opportunities', 'polly', 'placed', 'secretary', 'private', 'art', 'gallery', 'owned', 'gabrielle', 'ann-marie', 'macdonald', 'plays', 'mary', 'gabrielle\\\\', 'former', 'young', 'lover', 'also', 'painter', 'mary', 'returns', 'absence', 'gabrielle', 'rekindle', 'former', 'relationship', 'despite', 'gabrielle\\\\', 'misgivings', 'old', 'mary', 'young', 'polly', 'who\\\\', 'fallen', 'little', 'bit', 'love', 'gabrielle', 'inspired', 'submit', 'photographs', 'anonymously', 'gallery', 'crushed', 'gabrielle', 'dismisses', 'photos', 'hand', 'calls', 'simple', 'minded', 'polly', 'temporarily', 'quits', 'gallery', 'goes', 'depression', 'returns', 'gallery', 'revives', 'little', 'mary', 'notices', 'one', 'photos', 'mary', 'gabrielle', 'perpetrating', 'fraud', 'gabrielle', 'passing', 'mary\\\\', 'work', 'polly', 'finds', 'becomes', 'livid', 'tosses', 'cup', 'tea', 'gabrielle', 'believing', 'done', 'something', 'unforgivable', 'polly', 'retreats', 'flat', 'anguish', 'mary', 'gabrielle', 'later', 'visit', 'polly', 'flat', 'realize', 'discarded', 'photographs', 'polly', 'film', 'ends', 'gabrielle', 'polly', 'look', 'polly\\\\', 'photographs', 'short', 'fantasy', 'sequence', 'three', 'transported', 'together', 'idyllic', 'wooded', 'glen', 'metaphor', 'beautiful', 'world', 'supposedly', 'plain', 'unnoticed', 'people', 'like', 'polly', 'inhabit'], ['sabah', '40-year-old', 'single', 'immigrant', 'syria', 'living', 'toronto', 'family', 'responsible', 'mother', 'well-being', 'since', 'father', 'death', 'brother', 'majid', 'family', 'authority', 'figure', 'niece', 'souhaire', 'want', 'choosing', 'husband', 'marriage', 'rocky', 'insists', 'tradition', 'sabah', 'decides', 'start', 'swimming', 'activity', 'allowed', 'majid', 'city', 'swimming', 'pool', 'meets', 'stephen', \"'re\", 'attracted', 'muslim', 'sabah', 'hides', 'friendship', 'family', 'passage', 'time', 'relationship', 'gets', 'deep', 'one', 'point', 'share', 'kiss', 'sabah', 'niece', 'teaches', 'belly', 'dancing', 'sabah', 'enjoys', 'one', 'day', 'visiting', 'stephen', 'carpenter', 'workshop', 'decides', 'stay', 'overnight', 'informing', 'mother', \"n't\", 'back', 'night', 'dances', 'sex', 'next', 'day', 'returns', 'home', 'faces', 'mother', 'brother', 'sister', 'sister-in-law', 'niece', 'anxiously', 'waiting', 'hesitation', 'tells', 'truth', 'doings', 'last', 'months', 'majid', 'responds', 'announcing', 'sabah', 'longer', 'part', 'family', 'muslim', 'traditions', 'forbid', 'marriage', 'muslim', 'women', 'non-muslims', 'sabah', 'leaves', 'majid', 'decides', 'take', 'care', 'mother', 'stephen', 'workshop', 'sabah', 'met', 'mother', 'sister', 'sister-in-law', 'insist', 'speak', 'majid', 'majid', 'tells', 'money', 'father', 'left', 'run', 'eight', 'years', 'ago', 'supporting', 'family', 'eventually', 'agree', 'family', 'must', 'change', 'women', 'family', 'impressed', 'stephen', 'deep', 'blue', 'eyes', 'film', 'ends', 'feast', 'sabah', 'family', 'home', 'stephen', 'mingling', 'in-laws', 'everyone', 'good', 'time'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'skid', 'row', 'citizens', 'monterey', 'california', 'set', 'row', 'world', 'war', 'declining', 'fish', 'stocks', 'shutting', 'previously', 'rich', 'fishery', 'dependent', 'canning', 'industry', 'bums', 'hookers', 'lead', 'colorful', 'adventurous', 'lives', 'balmy', 'seaside', 'setting', 'doc', 'self-employed', 'marine', 'biologist', 'lives', 'dockside', 'warehouse', 'researches', 'octopi', 'suzy', 'desoto', 'girl', 'local', 'bordello', 'working', 'necessity', 'collection', 'linked', 'vignettes', 'describe', 'locals', 'life', 'cannery', 'row', 'depicted', 'impoverished', 'area', 'inhabited', 'motley', 'band', 'people', 'experienced', 'failures', 'somehow', 'found', 'niche', 'community', 'strangely', 'kindred', 'souls', 'doc', 'suzy', 'quite', 'fit', 'accepted', 'even', 'good', 'intentions', 'turn', 'bad', 'e.g.', 'mac', 'boys', 'gather', 'frogs', 'sell', 'give', 'surprise', 'party', 'doc', 'turns', 'brawl', 'breaking', 'doc', 'microscope', 'make', 'things', 'right', 'replacing', 'telescope', 'deeper', 'mystery', 'message', 'revolves', 'around', 'doc', 'stays', 'cannery', 'row', 'suzy', 'discovers', 'doc', 'professional', 'baseball', 'pitcher', 'quit', 'another', 'character', 'seer', 'spends', 'days', 'playing', 'horn', 'depends', 'gifts', 'mysteriously', 'appear', 'groceries', 'suzy', 'eventually', 'learns', 'seer', 'former', 'baseball', 'player', 'doc', 'injured', 'pitch', 'head', 'doc', 'takes', 'care', 'doc', 'suzy', 'ultimately', 'find', 'love'], [\"'newton\", 'davis', 'struggling', 'architect', 'building', 'dream', 'house', 'longtime', 'girlfriend', 'becky', 'crushed', 'refuses', 'marry', 'unable', 'bring', 'live', 'house', 'leaves', 'abandoned', 'debt', 'afford', 'time', 'later', 'newton', 'meets', 'waitress', 'named', 'gwen', 'hungarian', 'restaurant', 'believing', 'speak', 'english', 'spills', 'sob', 'story', 'becky', 'abandoned', 'house', 'restaurant', 'closes', 'newton', 'learns', 'merely', 'pretended', 'hungarian', 'spend', 'time', 'talking', 'end', 'spending', 'night', 'together', 'next', 'morning', 'gwen', 'finds', 'newton', 'left', 'middle', 'night', 'however', 'unintentionally', 'left', 'behind', 'drawing', 'house', 'he\\\\', 'built', 'becky', 'piqued', 'drawing', 'gwen', 'decides', 'take', 'bus', 'ride', 'see', 'house', 'charmed', 'decides', 'take', 'residence', 'empty', 'domicile', 'needing', 'groceries', 'gwen', 'goes', 'town\\\\', 'convenience', 'store', 'charges', 'groceries', 'newton', 'davis', 'account', 'questioned', 'gwen', 'becomes', 'clear', 'natural', 'liar', 'says', 'newton\\\\', 'wife', 'gwen', 'meets', 'becky', 'spins', 'lengthy', 'romantic', 'story', 'fell', 'love', 'impresses', 'becky', 'gwen', 'also', 'meets', 'newton\\\\', 'parents', 'heartbroken', 'newton', 'got', 'married', 'without', 'telling', 'gwen', 'also', 'manages', 'smooth', 'things', 'believably', 'charm', 'one', 'day', 'newton', 'travels', 'hometown', 'shocked', 'see', 'house', 'lived', 'finds', 'gwen', 'done', 'initially', 'furious', 'soon', 'sees', 'potential', 'gwen', 'starts', 'creating', 'sorts', 'opportunities', 'newton', 'mending', 'relationship', 'parents', 'helping', 'career', 'making', 'becky', 'jealous', 'newton', 'gwen', 'come', 'agreement', 'gwen', 'help', 'newton', 'get', 'becky', 'return', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'get', 'furniture', 'house', 'time', 'together', 'newton', 'begins', 'rely', 'gwen', 'beyond', 'agreement', 'gwen', 'starts', 'feel', 'attached', 'life', 'newton', 'also', 'revealed', 'gwen', 'became', 'compulsive', 'liar', 'order', 'escape', 'feels', 'inadequacy', 'changed', 'life', 'numerous', 'times', 'one', 'night', 'newton', 'arrives', 'home', 'realises', 'feelings', 'gwen', 'becoming', 'apparent', 'tells', 'laundry', 'even', 'ugly', 'jumper', 'turn-on', 'realising', 'might', 'divulged', 'little', 'fact', 'tells', 'tell', 'there\\\\', 'anything', 'thinks', 'wear', 'denies', 'clothing', 'reception', 'gwen', 'uses', 'two', 'homeless', 'people', 'ralph', 'mary', 'knew', 'budapest', 'cafe', 'pose', 'parents', 'successfully', 'enough', 'make', 'town', 'dobbs', 'mill', 'accept', 'position', 'gwen\\\\', 'life', 'film', 'culminates', 'reception', 'held', 'house', 'sub-plots', 'newton\\\\', 'career', 'family', 'affections', 'becky', 'brought', 'together', 'annoyed', 'becky', 'slutty', 'attitude', 'gwen', 'confronts', 'front', 'everyone', 'accusing', 'trying', 'win', 'newton', 'back', 'gwen', 'storms', 'house', 'tears', 'newton', 'follows', 'thinking', 'still', 'part', 'plan', 'outside', 'alone', 'newton', 'praises', 'gwen', 'brilliance', 'gwen', 'replies', 'wanted', 'marriage', 'work', 'feelings', 'apparent', 'newton', 'watches', 'confused', 'gwen', 'leaves', 'becky', 'takes', 'opportunity', 'make', 'move', 'newton', 'asks', 'whether', 'gwen\\\\', 'stories', 'real', 'newton', 'answers', 'true', 'revealing', 'lied', 'chases', 'gwen', 'newton', 'stops', 'gwen', 'board', 'bus', 'leave', 'town', 'although', 'resists', 'newton', 'follows', 'example', 'begins', 'telling', 'outlandish', 'romantic', 'story', 'something', 'supposedly', 'makes', 'gwen', 'decide', 'stay', 'film', 'ends', 'note', 'newton', 'gwen', 'happily', 'married', 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'reporter', 'warren', 'turns', 'inspire', 'tally', 'two', 'partners', 'begin', 'new', 'career', 'together', 'however', 'routine', 'assignment', 'philadelphia', 'prison', 'tally', 'cameraman', 'taken', 'hostage', 'prison', 'riot', 'forced', 'endure', 'hours', 'intense', 'violence', 'tally', 'covers', 'groundbreaking', 'story', 'within', 'walls', 'collapsing', 'prison', 'warren', 'looks', 'outside', 'guiding', 'first', 'national', 'broadcast', 'incredible', 'act', 'bravery', 'leads', 'tally', 'eagerly', 'anticipated', 'advancement', 'national', 'network', 'newscaster', 'position', 'continuation', 'dynamic', 'duo', 'rise', 'fame', 'shortly', 'disaster', 'strikes'], ['samson', 'shillitoe', 'poet', 'lives', 'greenwich', 'village', 'rhoda', 'waitress', 'stands', 'troubles', 'samson', 'find', 'inspiration', 'finish', 'latest', 'poem', 'becomes', 'belligerent', 'depressed', 'samson', 'continually', 'pursued', 'debt', 'collector', 'late', 'alimony', 'payments', 'previous', 'wife', 'samson', 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'upstate', 'another', 'doctor', 'sanitarium', 'dr.', 'menken', 'also', 'interested', 'samson', 'purpose', 'experimenting', 'new', 'surgical', 'technique', 'quell', 'violent', 'temper', 'persuades', 'rhoda', 'agree', 'surgery', 'dr.', 'west', 'two', 'colleagues', 'vehemently', 'oppose', 'procedure', 'close', 'lobotomy', 'safe', 'dr.', 'west', 'wife', 'lydia', 'frustrated', 'marriage', 'popular', 'guest', 'pop', 'psychiatric', 'methods', 'views', 'sees', 'little', 'eventually', 'runs', 'samson', 'sanitorium', 'samson', 'know', 'married', 'west', 'recalls', 'walked', 'women', 'club', 'lecture', 'usual', 'manner', 'samson', 'immediately', 'seduces', 'two', 'sex', 'therapeutic', 'bath', 'dr.', 'west', 'looking', 'samson', 'secretly', 'sees', 'tub', 'comes', 'time', 'clinic', 'senior', 'staff', 'vote', 'allowing', 'surgical', 'technique', 'performed', 'samson', 'dr.', 'west', 'seen', 'samson', 'wife', 'changes', 'vote', 'enabling', 'dr.', 'menken', 'ahead', 'lydia', 'finds', 'surgery', 'rushes', 'stop', 'arrives', 'completed', 'samson', 'awakes', 'surgery', 'first', 'voice', 'low', 'quiet', 'understood', 'dr.', 'menken', 'leans', 'listen', 'samson', 'throws', 'punch', 'lands', 'doctor', 'floor', 'operation', 'effect', 'samson', 'returns', 'new', 'york', 'rhoda', 'quickly', 'learns', 'arrival', 'rushes', 'rejoin', 'samson', 'finally', 'served', 'subpoena', 'must', 'pay', 'ex-wife', 'jail', 'rhoda', 'prevents', 'pummeling', 'civil', 'servant', 'lydia', 'appears', 'pays', 'amount', 'owed', 'lydia', 'informs', 'samson', 'leaving', 'dr.', 'west', 'hints', 'would', 'like', 'new', 'lover', 'samson', 'rhoda', 'protests', 'samson', 'invites', 'come', 'live', 'lydia', 'disgusted', 'idea', 'becomes', 'hysterical', 'rushes', 'presumably', 'never', 'speak', 'samson', 'rhoda', 'pleads', 'samson', 'goes', 'charging', 'street', 'informing', 'pregnant', 'accidentally', 'punches', 'movie', 'ends', 'fighting', 'angry', 'mob', 'indignant', 'spectators'], [\"'at\", 'middlebury', 'college', '1969', 'four', 'friends', 'elise', 'elliot', 'brenda', 'morelli', 'annie', 'macduggan', 'cynthia', 'swann', 'graduating', 'graduation', 'gifts', 'valedictorian', 'cynthia', 'presents', 'girls', 'matching', 'bulgari', 'pearl', 'necklaces', 'graduates', 'take', 'commemorative', 'picture', 'four', 'cynthia', 'makes', 'annie', 'brenda', 'elise', 'promise', 'always', 'throughout', 'remainder', 'lives', 'present', 'time', 'four', 'friends', 'eventually', 'lose', 'touch', 'one', 'another', 'evident', 'cynthia', 'tearfully', 'gazing', 'picture', 'four', 'graduation', 'day', 'wealthy', 'living', 'luxurious', 'penthouse', 'gives', 'maid', 'bulgari', 'pearl', 'necklace', 'mail', 'letters', 'later', 'walks', 'outside', 'balcony', 'penthouse', 'floor', 'length', 'fur', 'coat', 'cigarette', 'drink', 'commits', 'suicide', 'jumping', 'balcony', 'learning', 'tabloids', 'ex-husband', 'gil', 'married', 'much', 'younger', 'mistress', 'day', 'former', 'friends', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'much', 'better', 'brenda', 'divorced', 'left', 'younger', 'woman', 'depressed', 'struggling', 'financially', 'elise', 'whose', 'husband', 'also', 'left', 'younger', 'woman', 'aging', 'alcoholic', 'movie', 'actress', 'become', 'plastic-surgery', 'addict', 'keep', 'career', 'afloat', 'annie', 'meanwhile', 'separated', 'suffering', 'extreme', 'self-esteem', 'issues', 'going', 'therapy', 'husband', 'shortly', 'cynthia\\\\', 'funeral', 'three', 'remaining', 'friends', 'reunited', 'first', 'time', 'since', 'college', 'annie\\\\', 'husband', 'aaron', 'leaves', 'younger', 'therapist', 'asks', 'divorce', 'assuming', 'spending', 'night', 'together', 'would', 'reconcile', 'brenda', 'rather', 'unpleasant', 'encounter', 'clothing', 'store', 'morty', 'younger', 'rather', 'hateful', 'mistress', 'shelly', 'elise', 'finds', 'soon-to', 'ex-husband', 'bill', 'requesting', 'alimony', 'half', 'marital', 'assets', 'also', 'meeting', 'director', 'possible', 'leading', 'lady', 'movie', 'role', 'discovers', 'wanted', 'mother', 'leading', 'lady', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'three', 'friends', 'receive', 'letter', 'cynthia', 'mailed', 'suicide', 'three', 'read', 'letter', 'cynthia', 'feeling', 'taken', 'granted', 'husbands', 'women', 'decide', 'create', 'first', 'wives', 'club', 'aiming', 'get', 'revenge', 'exes', 'annie\\\\', 'lesbian', 'daughter', 'chris', 'also', 'gets', 'plan', 'asking', 'job', 'father\\\\', 'advertising', 'agency', 'supply', 'mother', 'inside', 'information', 'brenda', 'finds', 'uncle', 'carmine', 'mafia', 'connections', 'morty', 'guilty', 'income', 'tax', 'fraud', 'annie', 'makes', 'plan', 'revive', 'advertising', 'career', 'buy', 'aaron\\\\', 'partners', 'however', 'plan', 'moves', 'things', 'start', 'fall', 'apart', 'find', 'bill', 'checkered', 'past', 'nothing', 'use', 'brenda', 'elise', 'hurl', 'vicious', 'insults', 'women', 'drift', 'apart', 'annie', 'starts', 'thinking', 'closing', 'first', 'wives', 'club', 'friends', 'come', 'back', 'saying', 'want', 'see', 'end', 'bill', 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'criminal', 'work', 'impress', 'betty', 'ann', 'fitzgerald', 'efficiency', 'expert', 'butts', 'heads', 'briggs', 'old-fashioned', 'views', 'advice', 'usually', 'followed', 'however', 'secretly', 'relationship', 'boss', 'chris', 'magruder', 'constantly', 'reassures', 'free', 'pursue', 'relationship', 'public', 'finalizes', 'divorce', 'wife', 'attending', 'dinner', 'employees', 'fitzgerald', 'briggs', 'called', 'stage', 'magician', 'hypnotism', 'act', 'using', 'words', 'madagascar', 'constantinople', 'respectively', 'trigger', 'words', 'put', 'trance', 'two', 'given', 'suggestion', 'newlyweds', 'madly', 'love', 'reawakened', 'briggs', 'returns', 'home', 'evening', 'receives', 'call', 'magician', 'uses', 'brigg\\\\', 'trigger', 'word', 'put', 'back', 'trance', 'orders', 'steal', 'jewels', 'briggs', 'recollections', 'crimes', 'woken', 'determined', 'prove', 'solving', 'crimes', 'begins', 'investigate', 'fitzgerald', 'grounds', 'suspicious', 'behavior', 'sneaks', 'house', 'one', 'evening', 'witnesses', 'magruder', 'tell', 'reconciled', 'wife', 'divorce', 'leaves', 'fitzgerald', 'becomes', 'drunk', 'fit', 'depression', 'tries', 'jump', 'window', 'briggs', 'stops', 'spends', 'night', 'keeping', 'self', 'destructive', 'activity', 'eventually', 'investigations', 'begin', 'pick', 'evidence', 'points', 'briggs', 'leading', 'arrest', 'manages', 'escape', 'fitzgerald\\\\', 'place', 'grudgingly', 'hides', 'thinking', 'briggs', 'longer', 'available', 'magician', 'begins', 'call', 'fitzgerald', 'using', 'trigger', 'word', 'madagascar', 'put', 'hypnotic', 'state', 'resume', 'stealing', 'also', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'subliminal', 'suggestion', 'love', 'remained', 'fitzgerald', 'briggs', 'continue', 'act', 'part', 'newlyweds', 'hypnotized', 'leads', 'several', 'brigg\\\\', 'co-workers', 'recall', 'initial', 'hypnotism', 'realize', 'cause', 'robberies', 'free', 'briggs', 'trigger', 'word', 'upon', 'remembering', 'everything', 'rushes', 'site', 'still', 'hypnotized', 'fitzgerald', 'delivering', 'jewels', 'magician', 'briggs', 'discovered', 'held', 'gunpoint', 'however', 'deduces', 'small-time', 'criminal', 'like', 'magician', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'nerve', 'something', 'drastic', 'murder', 'magician', 'attempts', 'run', 'caught', 'police', 'shortly', 'back', 'work', 'briggs', 'attempts', 'convince', 'fitzgerald', 'loves', 'better', 'magruder', 'remains', 'unwilling', 'break', 'boss', 'leading', 'briggs', 'ask', 'going', 'madagascar', 'puts', 'hypnotic', 'loving', 'state', 'left', 'colleague', 'george', 'remarks', 'already', 'deprogrammed'], [\"'joe\", 'aspiring', 'actor', 'working', 'bus', 'boy', 'high-class', 'restaurant', 'longtime', 'girlfriend', 'mary', 'works', 'cosmetician', 'fashion', 'industry', 'largely', 'supports', 'steady', 'income', 'joe', 'concerned', 'expressing', 'getting', 'paying', 'job', 'unwilling', 'accept', 'roles', 'live', 'artistic', 'standard', 'mary', 'supports', 'joe', 'urges', 'accept', 'role', 'get', 'foot', 'door', 'meanwhile', 'co-worker', 'bob', 'lands', 'lucrative', 'role', 'soap', 'opera', 'bob', 'classically', 'trained', 'actor', 'willing', 'overlook', 'quality', 'material', 'money', 'also', 'fetish', 'natural', 'blonde', 'women', 'leading', 'date', 'sahara', 'naive', 'model', 'dump', 'discovering', 'hair', 'dyed', 'joe', 'swallows', 'artistic', 'pride', 'meets', 'agent', 'dee', 'dee', 'taylor', 'arranges', 'extra', 'madonna', 'video', 'mary', 'harassed', 'walks', 'work', 'day', 'begins', 'taking', 'self-defense', 'anger', 'management', 'class', 'advice', 'therapist', 'instructor', 'encourages', 'express', 'anger', 'finds', 'class', 'extremely', 'empowering', 'bob', 'successful', 'soap', 'opera', 'role', 'begins', 'relationship', 'costar', 'kelly', 'real', 'blonde', 'madonna', 'video', 'director', 'treats', 'joe', 'extras', 'like', 'cattle', 'joe', 'meets', 'madonna\\\\', 'body', 'double', 'tina', 'friendly', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'gets', 'fired', 'protesting', 'anti-semitic', 'statement', 'made', 'assistant', 'director', 'joe\\\\', 'firing', 'sparks', 'argument', 'joe', 'mary', 'pressure', 'joe\\\\', 'career', 'straining', 'relationship', 'sex', 'long', 'time', 'mary\\\\', 'instructor', 'doug', 'gives', 'ride', 'home', 'class', 'makes', 'pass', 'rebuffs', 'lies', 'cover', 'incident', 'joe', 'meanwhile', 'bob', 'suffers', 'erectile', 'dysfunction', 'unable', 'sex', 'kelly', 'mocks', 'inadequacy', 'leaves', 'dee', 'dee', 'takes', 'pity', 'joe', 'allows', 'audition', 'role', 'sexy', 'serial', 'killer', 'reads', 'lines', 'tina', 'begins', 'improvise', 'dialogue', 'impresses', 'producers', 'lands', 'role', 'tina', 'invites', 'drink', 'resists', 'advances', 'difficulty', 'mary', 'meets', 'therapist', 'tells', 'experience', 'self-defense', 'instructor', 'tells', 'must', 'become', 'comfortable', 'men', 'showing', 'attraction', 'begins', 'sharing', 'sexual', 'fantasies', 'storms', 'session', 'meanwhile', 'bob', 'negotiating', 'longtime', 'contract', 'soap', 'opera', 'kelly', 'continues', 'taunt', 'set', 'bob', 'threatens', 'quit', 'show', 'forces', 'producer', 'kill', 'kelly\\\\', 'character', 'bob', 'goes', 'back', 'dating', 'sahara', 'miserable', 'joe', 'breaks', 'big', 'news', 'role', 'mary', 'rejoice', 'mary', 'asks', 'wrong', 'feeling', 'angry', 'men', 'hit', 'joe', 'supports', 'threatens', 'beat', 'therapist', 'ever', 'sees', 'sex', 'first', 'time', 'months', 'drift', 'sleep', 'happy', 'satisfied', 'mary', 'wraps', 'hand', 'around', 'joe\\\\', 'finger', 'revealing', 'improvised', 'monologue', 'feelings'], [\"'roberta\", 'unfulfilled', 'suburban', 'housewife', 'living', 'fort', 'lee', 'new', 'jersey', 'fascinated', 'woman', 'knows', 'reading', 'messages', 'personals', 'section', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'tabloid', 'fascination', 'reaches', 'peak', 'one', 'headline', 'desperately', 'seeking', 'susan', 'proposes', 'rendezvous', 'battery', 'park', 'man', 'regularly', 'seeks', 'roberta', 'goes', 'battery', 'park', 'gets', 'glimpse', 'woman', 'madonna', 'series', 'events', 'involving', 'mistaken', 'identity', 'amnesia', 'farcical', 'elements', 'roberta', 'goes', 'voyeur', 'participant', 'alice', 'wonderland-style', 'plot', 'ostensibly', 'motivated', 'search', 'pair', 'stolen', 'egyptian', 'earrings'], [\"'gas\", 'station', 'attendant', 'clint', 'ramsey', 'works', 'martin', 'bormann\\\\', 'super', 'service', 'desert', 'finds', 'irresistible', 'series', 'women', 'word', 'super', 'given', 'names', 'beginning', 'married', 'hypersexual', 'demanding', 'jealous', 'superangel', 'constantly', 'harasses', 'work', 'orders', 'home', 'calls', 'clint', 'overhears', 'female', 'customer', 'superlorna', 'hitting', 'work', 'clint', 'finds', 'superangel\\\\', 'constant', 'accusations', 'arguing', 'turnoff', 'back', 'home', 'fight', 'rejects', 'aggressive', 'advances', 'neighbor', 'calls', 'police', 'clint', 'leaves', 'local', 'bar', 'bartender', 'scantily', 'clad', 'superhaji', 'haji', 'meanwhile', 'superangel', 'seduces', 'harry', 'sledge', 'charles', 'napier', 'cop', 'responded', 'police', 'call', 'impotent', 'unable', 'perform', 'repeatedly', 'taunts', 'insults', 'finally', 'results', 'killing', 'stomping', 'brutally', 'bathtub', 'throwing', 'radio', 'water', 'plugged', 'wall', 'socket', 'sledge', 'burns', 'house', 'tries', 'pin', 'murder', 'clint', 'clint', 'claims', 'pub', 'night', 'superhaji', 'revenge', 'refusing', 'confirm', 'alibi', 'clint', 'forced', 'flee', 'rush', 'escape', 'clint', 'hitchhikes', 'ride', 'man', 'girlfriend', 'supercherry', 'drive', 'supercherry', 'comes', 'puts', 'hand', 'breast', 'pulls', 'back', 'tries', 'give', 'handjob', 'pants', 'continues', 'resist', 'advances', 'driver', 'takes', 'offense', 'clint', 'rejecting', 'girlfriend', 'says', 'probably', 'wants', 'closer', 'contact', 'attempts', 'fails', 'seduce', 'asks', 'driver', 'let', 'get', 'driver', 'follows', 'beats', 'robs', 'clint', 'found', 'old', 'farmer', 'takes', 'farm', 'heal', 'injuries', 'clint', 'agrees', 'work', 'farmer', 'week', 'repay', 'farmer', 'younger', 'austrian', 'mail-order', 'bride', 'supersoul', 'hypersexual', 'energetically', 'satisfying', 'husband', 'comes', 'knocking', 'clint\\\\', 'door', 'night', 'immediately', 'pushes', 'bed', 'proceeds', 'mount', 'rape', 'manages', 'overpower', 'however', 'following', 'day', 'time', 'overpowering', 'jumping', 'behind', 'barn', 'looking', 'supersoul', 'farmer', 'finds', 'barn', 'chases', 'clint', 'away', 'punches', 'supersoul', 'fleeing', 'farm', 'clint', 'meets', 'motel', 'owner', 'deaf', 'daughter', 'supereula', 'convinces', 'take', 'ride', 'dune', 'buggy', 'sex', 'desert', 'caught', 'father', 'chased', 'town', 'clint', 'eventually', 'meets', 'supervixen', 'supervixen\\\\', 'oasis', 'roadside', 'diner', 'supervixen', 'friendly', 'giving', 'reincarnation', 'superangel', 'whose', 'ghost', 'appears', 'nude', 'scenes', 'comment', 'plot', 'atop', 'bedspring', 'balanced', 'mesa', 'clint', 'supervixen', 'fall', 'love', 'inseparable', 'although', 'common', 'nemesis', 'harry', 'sledge', 'arrives', 'scene', 'plots', 'ending', 'lives', 'happy', 'couple'], [\"'dewey\", 'hoople', 'runs', 'broken', 'tourist', 'trap', 'along', 'colorado', 'river', 'along', 'french', 'wife', 'babette', 'daughter', 'coral', 'business', 'bad', 'hoople', 'must', 'pay', 'local', 'alcoholic', 'entice', 'tourists', 'called', 'suckers', 'spend', 'time', 'money'], [\"'andy\", 'stitzer', 'eponymous', 'year-old', 'virgin', 'involuntarily', 'celibate', 'lives', 'alone', 'somewhat', 'childlike', 'collects', 'action', 'figures', 'plays', 'video', 'games', 'social', 'life', 'seems', 'consist', 'watching', 'survivor', 'elderly', 'neighbors', 'works', 'stockroom', 'electronics', 'store', 'called', 'smarttech', 'friend', 'drops', 'poker', 'game', 'andy\\\\', 'co-workers', 'david', 'cal', 'jay', 'reluctantly', 'invite', 'andy', 'join', 'game', 'conversation', 'turns', 'past', 'sexual', 'exploits', 'andy', 'desperately', 'makes', 'story', 'admits', 'virginity', 'compares', 'feel', 'woman\\\\', 'breast', 'bag', 'sand', 'feeling', 'sorry', 'group', 'resolves', 'help', 'andy', 'lose', 'virginity', 'throughout', 'next', 'several', 'days', 'gang', 'efforts', 'prove', 'unsuccessful', 'partly', 'three', 'men', 'give', 'andy', 'different', 'sometimes', 'contradictory', 'advice', 'take', 'chest', 'waxed', 'cal', 'advises', 'andy', 'simply', 'ask', 'questions', 'talking', 'women', 'makes', 'andy', 'seem', 'mysterious', 'advice', 'proves', 'helpful', 'beth', 'bookstore', 'clerk', 'takes', 'liking', 'andy', 'andy', 'starts', 'open', 'begins', 'form', 'true', 'friendships', 'co-workers', 'david', 'continues', 'obsess', 'ex-girlfriend', 'amy', 'meeting', 'unexpectedly', 'speed-dating', 'event', 'attended', 'group', 'emotional', 'breakdown', 'making', 'sale', 'subsequently', 'sent', 'home', 'store', 'manager', 'paula', 'promotes', 'andy', 'fill', 'jay', 'seeing', 'andy\\\\', 'continued', 'reluctance', 'approach', 'female', 'customers', 'attempts', 'force', 'issue', 'hiring', 'andy', 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'argument', 'obnoxious', 'customer', 'kevin', 'hart', 'jay', 'reveals', 'girlfriend', 'jill', 'broke', 'learning', 'cheating', 'andy', 'comforts', 'jay', 'says', 'sex', 'ruin', 'relationship', 'however', 'jill', 'later', 'decides', 'take', 'jay', 'back', 'andy', 'trish', 'relationship', 'grows', 'trish', 'suggests', 'andy', 'sell', 'collectible', 'action', 'figures', 'order', 'raise', 'enough', 'money', 'open', 'store', 'finally', 'reach', 'twentieth', 'date', 'andy', 'still', 'reluctant', 'resists', 'trish', 'upsetting', 'argument', 'ensues', 'andy', 'accuses', 'trish', 'pushing', 'changing', 'life', 'andy', 'leaves', 'nightclub', 'jay', 'celebrating', 'girlfriend', 'pregnancy', 'quickly', 'gets', 'drunk', 'running', 'beth', 'leaves', 'apartment', 'meanwhile', 'david', 'finally', 'relinquishes', 'celibacy', 'hooks', 'bernadette', 'trish', 'daughter', 'marla', 'convinces', 'make', 'andy', 'time', 'andy', 'sobered', 'witnessing', 'beth\\\\', 'methods', 'foreplay', 'starts', 'second', 'thoughts', 'andy', 'leaving', 'bathroom', 'finds', 'friends', 'waiting', 'outside', 'followed', 'warn', 'beth', 'encourage', 'back', 'trish', 'leave', 'together', 'andy', 'returns', 'apartment', 'finds', 'trish', 'waiting', 'attempts', 'apologize', 'trish', 'found', 'myriad', 'suspicious', 'belongings', 'apartment', 'thinks', 'andy', 'may', 'sort', 'sexual', 'deviant', 'andy', 'tries', 'convince', 'otherwise', 'declares', 'love', 'leaves', 'alarm', 'disgust', 'andy', 'chases', 'bike', 'eventually', 'runs', 'headlong', 'side', 'truck', 'trish', 'rushes', 'side', 'concern', 'finally', 'confesses', 'virgin', 'surprised', 'learn', 'reason', 'behind', 'strange', 'behavior', 'consider', 'important', 'kiss', 'later', 'andy', 'trish', 'married', 'lavish', 'ceremony', 'everyone', 'attendance', 'sidelong', 'mention', 'andy\\\\', 'action', 'figures', 'sold', 'approximately', 'half', 'million', 'dollars', 'afterwards', 'consummate', 'marriage', 'ending', 'andy\\\\', 'status', 'virgin', 'film', 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'portuguese', 'american', 'widow', 'lives', 'new', 'bedford', 'massachusetts', 'daughter', 'vicky', 'broke', 'british', 'card', 'counter', 'charles', 'charlie', 'beck', 'arrives', 'town', 'stay', 'mooch', 'wealthy', 'friends', 'gamble', 'local', 'casino', 'friends', 'daniel', 'vargas', 'wife', 'lois', 'vargas', 'one', 'night', 'dining', 'portuguese', 'restaurant', 'lois', 'charlie', 'sees', 'celia', 'singing', 'fado', 'haunting', 'portuguese', 'form', 'song', 'enchanted', 'approaches', 'rebuffed', 'charlie', 'later', 'finds', 'celia\\\\', 'address', 'phone', 'book', 'goes', 'house', 'encounters', 'vicky', 'met', 'casino', 'vicky', 'agrees', 'help', 'charlie', 'woo', 'mother', 'exchange', 'lessons', 'card', 'counting', 'proves', 'difficult', 'celia', 'still', 'longs', 'deceased', 'husband', 'dated', 'since', 'death'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'opens', 'nick', 'gardenia', 'out-of-luck', 'writer', 'use', 'friend\\\\', 'cabin', 'write', 'peace', 'quiet', 'california', 'mountains', 'interrupted', 'pair', 'bank', 'robbers', 'use', 'nick', 'rob', 'bank', 'carmel', 'modus', 'operandi', 'take', 'innocent', 'person', 'force', 'gunpoint', 'rob', 'banks', 'take', 'money', 'toss', 'moving', 'car', 'unfortunately', 'process', 'robbing', 'bank', 'nick', 'trips', 'line', 'ropes', 'bank', 'helped', 'looks', 'right', 'security', 'camera', 'long', 'robbery', 'picture', 'nick', 'comes', 'los', 'angeles', 'district', 'attorney', 'ira', 'parks', 'assistant', 'fred', 'brings', 'ira\\\\', 'attention', 'happens', 'parks\\\\', 'wife\\\\', 'ex-husband', 'recent', 'desire', 'become', 'attorney', 'general', 'california', 'ira', 'frustrated', 'upset', 'thinking', 'wife\\\\', 'ex-husband', 'bank', 'robber', 'haunt', 'campaign', 'meanwhile', 'ira\\\\', 'wife', 'glenda', 'lawyer', 'often', 'tries', 'rehabilitate', 'clients', 'giving', 'odd', 'jobs', 'around', 'house', 'including', 'chauffeur/butler', 'chester', 'long', 'day', 'court', 'glenda', 'comes', 'home', 'mixed', 'news', 'joy', 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'two', 'men', 'forced', 'rob', 'bank', 'time', 'party', 'governor', 'california', 'coming', 'house', 'however', 'glenda', 'deal', 'criminals', 'getting', 'actual', 'jobs', 'maid', 'foot', 'surgery', 'chester', 'getting', 'drunk', 'kitchen', 'party', 'takes', 'hilarious', 'turn', 'nick', 'coming', 'back', 'turn', 'ends', 'serving', 'dinner', 'governor', 'ira', 'glenda', 'fred', 'dinner', 'ultimately', 'ends', 'fistfight', 'jealous', 'ira', 'nick', 'fred', 'knocked', 'process', 'ultimately', 'nick', 'glenda', 'ira', 'aurora', 'dogs', 'robbers', 'end', 'glenda\\\\', 'favorite', 'judge\\\\', 'court', 'judge', 'overwhelmed', 'happenings', 'parks', 'household', 'police', 'bring', 'aurora', 'glenda\\\\', 'dogs', 'bank', 'robbers', 'kidnapped', 'nick', 'robbers', 'admit', 'nick\\\\', 'innocence', 'exchange', 'reduced', 'sentence', 'getting', 'caught', 'aurora', 'dogs', 'attempted', 'force', 'rob', 'bank', 'like', 'nick', 'said', 'done', 'nick', 'free', 'glenda', 'still', 'apparently', 'unresolved', 'feelings', 'decides', 'stay', 'ira', 'kisses', 'nick', 'good-bye', 'time', 'later', 'ira', 'glenda', 'decide', 'take', 'car', 'trip', 'forget', 'past', 'events', 'end', 'accident', 'trying', 'avoid', 'cow', 'road', 'ira', 'hurt', 'glenda', 'help', 'ends', 'place', 'around', 'cabin', 'lights', 'glenda', 'pounds', 'door', 'begging', 'help', 'door', 'opens', 'discovers', 'nick\\\\', 'cabin'], ['antonia', 'husband', 'massimo', 'killed', 'car', 'accident', 'accidentally', 'discovers', 'same-sex', 'affair', 'produce', 'wholesaler', 'named', 'michele', 'although', 'initially', 'devastated', 'news', 'hostile', 'toward', 'michele', 'soon', 'develops', 'friendship', 'massimo', 'circle', 'gay', 'transgender', 'straight', 'friends', 'among', 'turkish', 'immigrant', 'playwright', 'boutique', 'owner', 'gets', 'know', 'people', 'become', 'part', 'lives', 'new', 'relationships', 'dramatically', 'transform', 'antonia'], [\"'sameer\", 'hot-tempered', 'person', 'terrible', 'anger', 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'rani', 'carefully', 'deliberate', 'loves', 'disgusted', 'completely', 'hope', 'patience', 'sameer', 'decides', 'leave', 'goa', 'forever', 'leaving', 'sunny', 'arrives', 'taunts', 'got', 'close', 'rani', 'latter\\\\', 'mistakes', 'sameer', 'says', 'enough', 'dreaming', 'rani', 'wishes', 'sunny', 'happiness', 'leaves', 'sunny', 'however', 'tries', 'last', 'laugh', 'taunts', 'sameer', 'time', 'sameer', 'looses', 'temper', 'completely', 'rounds', 'sunny', 'chases', 'streets', 'right', 'crowd', 'cricket', 'stadium', 'india', 'pakistan', 'supposed', 'playing', 'friendly', 'match', 'deciding', 'one', 'last', 'try', 'enters', 'field', 'breaking', 'security', 'takes', 'mike', 'kapil', 'dev', 'guest', 'honour', 'uses', 'apologise', 'rani', 'parents', 'sincerely', 'past', 'mistakes', 'saying', 'confesses', 'love', 'aks', 'marry', 'front', 'whole', 'crowd', 'coupled', 'motivation', 'spectators', 'players', 'alike', 'rani', 'runs', 'field', 'embraces', 'thus', 'reuniting', 'end', 'sunny', 'arrives', 'reveals', 'actually', 'arun', 'sameer\\\\', 'childhood', 'friend', 'come', 'goa', 'getting', 'information', 'sameer\\\\', 'grandmother', 'gone', 'latter\\\\', 'house', 'first', 'thing', 'returning', 'america', 'cure', 'sameer\\\\', 'anger', 'management', 'issues', 'time', 'pretending', 'enemy', 'revealed', 'rani', 'parents', 'earlier', 'sameer', 'realises', 'reunited', 'old', 'friend', 'film', 'ends', 'arun', 'conducting', 'sameer', 'rani\\\\', 'marriage'], ['mrs.', 'malhotra', 'mother', 'twins', 'separated', 'birth', 'one', 'son', 'mrs.', 'malhotra', 'goes', 'shock', 'uses', 'wheelchair', 'resides', 'husband', 'son', 'quiet', 'mature', 'prem', 'one', 'twins', 'dad', 'return', 'india', 'together', 'mrs.', 'malhotra', 'get', 'prem', 'married', 'prem', 'future', 'fiance', 'outgoing', 'percocious', 'mala', 'daughter', 'mr.', 'sharma', 'prem', 'meets', 'twin', 'brother', 'outgoing', 'precocious', 'raja', 'looks', 'like', 'exactly', 'opposite', 'nature', 'series', 'comic', 'scenes', 'result', 'result', 'twins', 'getting', 'together', 'prem', 'loves', 'quiet', 'mature', 'roopa', 'rambha', 'girls', 'confused', 'change', 'perceive', 'respective', 'lovers', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'tiger', 'ratanlal', 'sworn', 'vengeance', 'malhotra', 'family', 'dad'], [\"'gene\", 'maxwell', 'grown', 'man', 'dumped', 'fiance', 'liz', 'wedding', 'writes', 'novel', 'titled', 'fear', 'knot', 'later', 'asks', 'move', 'father', 'basement', 'later', 'father', 'dies', 'heart', 'failure', 'film', 'official', 'selection', 'montr챕al', 'film', 'festival'], ['19-year', 'old', 'loong', 'charge', 'stall', 'selling', 'pirated', 'vcds', 'contrary', 'stereotype', 'social', 'standing', 'loong', 'incurable', 'romantic', 'unlikely', 'hobby', 'loves', 'read', 'write', 'poetry', 'quite', 'content', 'romeo', 'slums', 'loong', 'life', 'takes', 'sudden', 'turn', 'one', 'day', 'malay', 'schoolgirl', 'orked', 'arrives', 'stall', 'looking', 'films', 'starring', 'favorite', 'actor', 'takeshi', 'kaneshiro', 'love', 'blossoms', 'orked', 'loong', 'although', 'social', 'racial', 'pressures', 'stand', 'way', 'end', 'loong', 'involved', 'motor', 'vehicle', 'accident', 'orked', 'going', 'england', 'pursue', 'studies', 'clear', 'lived', 'died', 'sequel', 'gubra', 'shows', 'jason', 'really', 'die', 'credits', 'finish', 'rolling', 'however', 'orked', 'shown', 'wearing', 'wedding', 'ring', 'sleeping', 'beside', 'jason', 'also', 'wedding', 'ring', 'mukhsin', 'jason', 'adult', 'orked', 'shown', 'living', 'together', 'however', 'adult', 'orked', 'called', 'name', 'scene', 'young', 'orked'], ['new', 'york', 'city', 'food', 'writer', 'rachel', 'samstat', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'political', 'columnist', 'mark', 'forman', 'meet', 'mutual', 'friend', 'wedding', 'whirlwind', 'courtship', 'marry', 'despite', 'rachel', 'reservations', 'purchase', 'dilapidated', 'georgetown', 'townhouse', 'washington', 'ongoing', 'seemingly', 'never-ending', 'renovations', 'create', 'stress', 'relationship', 'rachel', 'overjoyed', 'discover', 'pregnant', 'determined', 'make', 'marriage', 'work', 'becomes', 'stay-at-home', 'mom', 'discovers', 'evidence', 'mark', 'extramarital', 'affair', 'socialite', 'thelma', 'rice', 'pregnancy', 'second', 'child', 'leaves', 'takes', 'daughter', 'annie', 'new', 'york', 'moves', 'father', 'tries', 'jump', 'start', 'career', 'mark', 'eventually', 'convinces', 'return', 'home', 'obvious', 'philandering', 'never', 'end', 'rachel', 'leaves', 'good'], [\"'in\", 'misty', 'mornings', 'saigon', 'young', 'girls', 'wake', 'pick', 'lotuses', 'flower', 'pond', 'later', 'sell', 'american', 'tourists', 'fellow', 'vietnamese', 'alike', 'pass', 'time', 'girls', 'sing', 'rich', 'folk', 'songs', 'touch', 'heart', 'poet', 'lives', 'old', 'temple', 'overlooking', 'pond', 'teacher', 'dao', 'suffered', 'leprosy', 'age', 'consequently', 'lost', 'fingers', 'girls', 'one', 'newcomer', 'named', 'kien', 'trucked', 'bustling', 'streets', 'saigon', 'sell', 'lotus', 'bundles', '5,000', '휃沼뱊g', 'vnd', 'roughly', 'cent', 'saigon', 'meet', 'different', 'aspects', 'inhabitants', 'woody', 'year', 'old', 'street', 'peddler', 'sells', 'cigarettes', 'chewing', 'gum', 'various', 'things', 'box', 'hangs', 'strap', 'shoulder', 'hai', 'cyclo', 'driver', 'hangs', 'buddies', 'near', 'grand', 'hotel', 'chance', 'meeting', 'hai', 'eventually', 'falls', 'love', 'lan', 'works', 'prostitute', 'big', 'hotels', 'even', 'seemingly', 'happy', 'receiving', 'every', 'american', 'dollars', 'clients', 'carries', 'silent', 'resentment', 'clients', 'tells', 'hai', \"won\\\\'t\", 'job', 'long', 'dreams', 'sleeping', 'air-conditioned', 'room', 'one', 'bother', 'lan', 'tries', 'embrace', 'capitalist', 'invasion', 're-inventing', 'though', 'resents', 'lifestyle', 'promises', 'one', 'day', 'live', 'like', 'hai', 'respects', 'sees', 'pain', 'winning', '200', 'usd', 'cyclo', 'race', 'treats', 'dream', 'lan', 'feels', 'guilty', 'rejects', 'hai\\\\', 'advances', 'feels', 'incapable', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 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'care-free', 'yet', 'observing', 'improvements', 'westernization', 'silent', 'resentment', 'woody', 'young', 'peddler', 'acts', 'country\\\\', 'future', 'na챦ve', 'innocent', 'easily', 'fooled', 'woody\\\\', 'story', 'ends', 'playing', 'soccer', 'friends', 'rain'], [\"'chimo\", 'nineteen-year-old', 'self-described', 'loser', 'lives', 'arab', 'ghetto', 'mother', 'post-9/11', 'marseille', 'unemployed', 'turns', 'opportunity', 'study', 'writers\\\\', 'school', 'teenagers', 'paris', 'despite', 'showing', 'real', 'promise', 'writer', 'instead', 'wastes', 'day', 'hanging', 'around', 'unemployed', 'aimless', 'losers', 'falls', 'lila', 'beautiful', 'blonde', 'sixteen-year-old', 'moved', 'neighborhood', 'eccentric', 'sexually', 'abusive', 'aunt', 'lila', 'self-styled', 'bad', 'girl', 'presents', 'overtly', 'sexual', 'person', 'begin', 'tentative', 'romance', 'lila', 'invites', 'look', 'skirt', 'rides', 'swing', 'meanwhile', 'mouloud', 'chimo\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'leader', 'band', 'friends', 'also', 'sets', 'sights', 'lila', 'begins', 'sexually', 'harass', 'lila', 'allowing', 'walk', 'streets', 'neighborhood', 'unmolested', 'chimo\\\\', 'disgust', 'mouloud\\\\', 'behaviour', 'towards', 'lila', 'creates', 'huge', 'rift', 'mouloud', 'resentful', 'chimo\\\\', 'changing', 'attitude', 'toward', 'lila\\\\', 'sexual', 'indifference', 'vents', 'aggressions', 'attacking', 'lila', 'aunt', 'home', 'raping', 'lila', 'chimo', 'broken', 'discovers', 'lila', 'fact', 'still', 'virgin', 'despite', 'stories', 'outrageous', 'sexual', 'adventures', 'confirmed', 'finding', 'scrapbook', 'showing', 'sources', 'titillating', 'fictional', 'stories', 'told', 'lila', 'taken', 'away', 'aunt', 'leaving', 'chimo', 'heartbroken', 'eventually', 'manages', 'convince', 'police', 'detective', 'let', 'telephone', 'lila', 'whereupon', 'simply', 'says', 'love', 'says', 'know', 'implied', 'end', 'plans', 'meet', 'lila', 'poland', 'summer', 'however', 'remembers', 'experiences', 'lila', 'writes', 'winning', 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'car', 'tia', 'survives', 'loses', 'memory', 'doctors', 'believe', 'tia', 'able', 'handle', 'return', 'memories', 'advise', 'tia\\\\', 'mother', 'move', 'daughter', 'place', 'nothing', 'reminds', 'past', 'jai', 'wants', 'look', 'tia', 'offers', 'take', 'tia', 'mother', 'south', 'africa', 'live', 'tia\\\\', 'mother', 'accepts', 'tia\\\\', 'sake', 'though', 'loathes', 'jai', 'taking', 'away', 'son-in-law', 'daughter\\\\', 'memories', 'tia', 'told', 'anshu', 'jai', 'anita\\\\', 'son', 'tia', 'told', 'anshu', 'loves', 'aunt', 'much', 'look', 'boy', \"won\\\\'t\", 'miss', 'mother', 'much', 'africa', 'tia\\\\', 'mother', 'realizes', 'tia\\\\', 'emerging', 'feelings', 'jai', 'warns', 'anything', 'inappropriate', 'jai', 'looks', 'tia', 'whenever', 'trying', 'get', 'close', 'keeps', 'distance', 'even', 'jai\\\\', 'father', 'tries', 'set', 'jai', 'refuses', '봢ven', 'though', 'loves', 'anything', 'else', 'finally', 'tia\\\\', 'mother', 'accepts', 'fact', 'daughter', 'love', 'jai', 'agrees', 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'barely', 'escapes', 'shinji', 'killed', 'unknown', 'agents', 'shogo', 'uses', 'public', 'video', 'phone', 'call', 'eve', 'tokimatsuri', 'popular', 'singer', 'host', 'show', 'expose', 'garland', 'public', 'show\\\\', 'broadcast', 'cut', 'shogo', 'shows', 'eve', 'bike', 'explains', 'capability', 'escapes', 'another', 'chase', 'agents', 'soon', 'discovers', 'also', 'transform', 'mecha', 'shogo', 'helps', 'tomomi', 'make', 'action', 'film', 'centered', 'around', 'mysterious', 'bike', 'yui', 'hide', 'garland', 'night', 'looking', 'film', 'locales', 'shogo', 'finds', 'secret', 'entrance', 'hidden', 'abandoned', 'city', 'battles', 'advanced', 'fighters', 'encounters', 'importantly', 'military', 'big', 'shot', 'named', 'b.d', 'b.d', 'nearly', 'defeated', 'informs', 'shogo', 'bahamut', 'supercomputer', 'controls', 'events', 'world', 'actually', 'living', 'spaceship', 'real', 'time', 'actually', '500', 'years', 'future', 'military', 'developing', 'new', 'weapons', 'underground', 'avoid', 'bahamut\\\\', 'detection', 'cleared', 'level', 'shogo', 'shows', 'mercy', 'leaves', 'returning', 'tomomi', 'yui', 'encounter', 'b.d.', 'shogo', 'suggests', 'tomomi\\\\', 'movie', 'sci', 'world', 'live', 'spaceship', 'manipulated', 'super', 'computer', 'behind', 'scenes', 'telling', 'it\\\\', 'idea', 'came', 'tomomi', 'agrees', 'mai', 'enters', 'room', 'discussion', 'saying', 'spotted', 'talent', 'scout', 'singing', 'back-up', 'pop-star', 'eve', 'however', 'days', 'later', 'shogo', 'yui', 'discuss', 'eve', 'never', 'showed', 'taping', 'music', 'video', 'mai', 'disappointed', 'shogo', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'yui', 'mentions', 'eve', 'never', 'live', 'concert', 'ever', 'see', 'sneaks', 'inside', 'eve\\\\', 'recording', 'studio', 'confirming', 'previous', 'suspicious', 'sparked', 'yui\\\\', 'comments', 'filming', 'discovers', 'eve', 'computer', 'program', 'anger', 'state', 'world', 'leaves', 'studio', 'eve', 'contacts', 'shogo', 'garland', 'revealing', 'a.i', 'program', 'within', 'bahamut', 'created', 'humans', 'keep', 'peace', 'reveals', 'shogo', '500', 'years', 'ago', 'earth', 'destroyed', 'war', 'two', 'super', 'powers', 'multiple', 'evacuation', 'ships', 'left', 'planet', 'point', 'intervening', 'time', 'two', 'ships', 'opposing', 'factions', 'made', 'contact', 'resulting', 'conflict', 'wiped', 'ships\\\\', 'populations', 'eve', 'reveals', 'seventh', 'iteration', 'line', 'programs', 'build', 'ship\\\\', 'computer', 'purpose', 'prevent', 'similar', 'battle', 'occurring', 'tokyo-ship', 'another', 'ship', 'soon', 'intercept', 'begs', 'shogo\\\\', 'help', 'saying', 'military', 'trying', 'deactivate', 'presumably', 'attack', 'enemy', 'spaceship', 'shogo', 'interrupts', 'asking', 'city', 'resembles', 'current', 'time', 'period', 'eve', 'responds', 'describing', 'late-twentieth', 'century', 'one', 'peaceful', 'time', 'periods', 'human', 'history', 'eve\\\\', 'transmission', 'suddenly', 'cut', 'reiterates', 'plea', 'shogo', 'prevent', 'deactivation', 'shogo', 'returns', 'yui', 'asking', 'lunch', 'lunch', 'asks', 'looks', 'serious', 'responds', 'asking', 'she\\\\', 'responds', 'surprise', 'tells', 'bluntly', 'wants', 'sleep', 'however', 'gets', 'annoyed', 'unromantic', 'he\\\\', 'leaves', 'chases', 'confused', 'he\\\\', 'acting', 'like', 'shogo', 'frustrated', 'confused', 'events', 'happened', 'recently', 'tells', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'he\\\\', 'supposed', 'breaks', 'later', 'two', 'retire', 'presumably', 'hotel', 'room', 'awkward', 'moment', 'yui', 'turns', 'shogo', 'suddenly', 'turns', 'eve\\\\', 'idol', 'avatar', 'appears', 'two', 'later', 'proceed', 'sex', 'backdrop', 'passionate', 'moment', 'shogo', 'reveals', 'recent', 'knowledge', 'world', 'learned', 'yui', 'believes', 'unconditionally', 'yui', 'shogo', 'wake', 'next', 'morning', 'newscast', 'suddenly', 'breaks', 'news', 'pseudo-japan', 'declared', 'war', 'impossible-to-disclose', 'foreign', 'country', 'following', 'two', 'orbital', 'attacks', 'national', 'oil', 'tankers', 'thus', 'coup', 'solidifies', 'control', 'populace', 'manipulating', 'public', 'lieu', 'eve', 'military', 'prepares', 'attack', 'second', 'spaceship', 'day', 'progresses', 'disturbing', 'broadcasts', 'shown', 'shogo\\\\', 'point', 'view', 'garage', 'television', 'shows', '1200', 'recent', 'military', 'enlistees', 'military', 'breaks', 'ship', 'computer\\\\', 'level', 'coup', 'begins', 'members', 'portion', 'military', 'b.d.\\\\', 'command', 'kill', 'top', 'military', 'staff', 'attack', 'pseudo-tokyo\\\\', 'police', 'station', 'take', 'diet', 'b.d', 'shown', 'conferring', 'leader', 'among', 'members', 'private', 'financial', 'sector', 'shadowy', 'man', 'implied', 'interests', 'defense/arms', 'market', 'well', 'mai\\\\', 'father', 'yui', 'shogo', 'mai', 'eating', 'agents', 'control', 'coup', 'kill', 'tomomi', 'steal', 'master', 'tapes', 'movie', 'making', 'yui\\\\', 'group', 'shocked', 'bloody', 'trashed', 'apartment', 'enter', 'room', 'grief-stricken', 'mai', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'father', 'return', 'home', 'world', 'change', 'worse', 'mai', 'agrees', 'following', 'scene', 'shows', 'mai', 'giving', 'goodbyes', 'tears', 'yui', 'shogo', 'goes', 'back', 'underground', 'city', 'rage', 'battles', 'military', 'failing', 'disable', 'main', 'computer', 'defeated', 'b.d', 'returns', 'shogo\\\\', 'earlier', 'mercy', 'sending', 'back', 'surface', 'badly', 'wounded', 'shogo', 'deserts', 'broken', 'garland', 'closing', 'scene', 'shows', 'walking', 'tokyo', 'battered', 'cut', 'leaving', 'trail', 'blood', 'droplets', 'shogo', 'living', 'underground', 'several', 'months', 'hiding', 'military', 'police', 'abandoned', 'cities', 'corridors', 'tokyo\\\\', 'surface', 'police', 'informed', 'shogo', 'person', 'murdered', 'tomomi', 'episode', 'shogo', 'teamed', 'motorcycle', 'gang', 'trash', 'reunites', 'yui', 'although', 'yui', 'shogo', 'obviously', 'still', 'love', 'yui', 'asks', 'shogo', 'never', 'returned', 'loft', 'shogo', 'apparently', 'contact', 'eve', 'still', 'releasing', 'music', 'videos', \"\\\\'pro-war\\\\\", 'encouraging', 'young', 'men', 'join', 'military', 'real', 'eve', 'however', 'survived', 'military\\\\', 'attempt', 'deactivating', 'running', 'independent', 'program', 'constantly', 'sending', 'messages', 'different', 'media', 'devices', 'try', 'make', 'contact', 'operator', 'namely', 'shogo', 'shogo', 'however', 'lost', 'garland', 'answer', 'call', 'motorcycle', 'gang', 'made', 'making', 'contact', 'eve', 'prime', 'mission', 'space', 'b.d.\\\\', 'military', 'still', 'fighting', 'losing', 'battle', 'second', 'human', 'spaceship', 'uses', 'octopus-like', 'penetrating', 'weapon', 'destroy', 'human', 'fleet', 'including', 'newest', 'strongest', 'battleship', 'fighting', 'goes', 'b.d', 'searches', 'shogo', 'well', \"\\\\'ghost\", 'eve\\\\', 'trying', 'locate', 'independent', 'program', 'located', 'b.d', 'believes', 'finds', 'shogo', 'able', 'track', 'eve', 'deactivate', 'properly', 'b.d', 'lures', 'shogo', 'another', 'garland', 'proto-type', 'weapon', 'planning', 'capture', 'however', 'help', 'gang', 'shogo', 'able', 'escape', 'trap', 'garland', 'intact', 'however', 'despite', 'getting', 'rid', 'tracking', 'device', 'shogo', 'unaware', 'second', 'tracking', 'device', 'machine', 'back', 'base', 'shogo', 'answers', 'eve\\\\', 'call', 'operator', 'eve', 'tells', 'able', 'isolate', 'independent', 'program', 'survive', 'military\\\\', 'attempt', 'erasing', 'reveals', 'however', 'military', 'closing', 'location', 'shogo', 'needs', 'come', 'reveals', 'located', 'right', 'middle', 'bahamut', 'central', 'computer', 'running', 'megazone', 'spaceship', 'gang', 'agree', 'eve', 'meanwhile', 'however', 'b.d', 'military', 'surround', 'base', 'realizing', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'ambushed', 'gang', 'split', 'one', 'group', 'defending', 'base', 'another', 'group', 'acting', 'decoy', 'third', 'shogo', 'heading', 'one', 'shafts', 'tokyo', 'leading', 'lower', 'floors', 'megazone', 'chase', 'many', 'gang', 'members', 'killed', 'badly', 'hurt', 'shogo', 'yui', 'gang', 'members', 'cindy', 'lightning', 'dumpi', 'garam', 'garam', 'dumpi', 'hurt', 'finally', 'reach', 'heart', 'megazone', 'lightning', 'stays', 'back', 'inside', 'shogo\\\\', 'garland', 'acting', 'decoy', 'cindy', 'shogo', 'yui', 'carry', 'bahamut', 'yui', 'however', 'badly', 'hurt', 'escape', 'reach', 'bahamut', 'cindy', 'stays', 'outside', 'waiting', 'others', 'shogo', 'escorts', 'injured', 'yui', 'eve\\\\', 'chamber', 'eve', 'identifies', 'shogo', 'opens', 'enter', 'yui', 'getting', 'worse', 'reach', 'inner', 'chamber', 'eve', 'assures', 'shogo', 'heal', 'yui', 'shogo', 'places', 'table', 'sealed', 'eve', 'proceeds', 'talk', 'shogo', 'asking', 'questions', 'scenery', 'around', 'changes', 'scenes', 'cafe', 'beach', 'observatory', 'field', 'park', 'first', 'shogo', 'angry', 'saying', 'came', 'talk', 'eve', 'watch', 'show', 'slowly', 'relaxing', 'thinking', 'maybe', 'she\\\\', 'testing', 'questioning', 'shogo', 'reveals', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'join', 'military', 'asked', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'agree', 'methods', 'sweep', 'away', 'little', 'things', 'sake', 'big', 'things', 'eve', 'asks', 'shogo', 'he\\\\', 'love', 'yui', 'first', 'responds', 'saying', 'like', 'goes', 'say', 'thought', 'always', 'wanted', 'near', 'protect', 'thinks', 'he\\\\', 'starting', 'love', 'eve', 'also', 'asks', 'thinks', 'means', 'adult', 'shogo', 'first', 'gets', 'angry', 'saying', 'adults', 'people', 'back-stab', 'horrible', 'things', 'wanted', 'adult', 'like', 'used', 'see', 'movies', 'kid', 'eve', 'return', 'tells', 'earth', 'destroyed', '500', 'years', 'ago', 'reveals', 'whole', 'story', 'tells', 'happened', 'u.n.', 'set', 'earth', 'preservation', 'laws', 'meant', 'evacuating', 'earth\\\\', 'population', '500', 'years', 'time', 'program', 'left', 'earth', 'adam', 'receive', 'eve\\\\', 'report', 'humans', 'megazone', 'determine', 'whether', 'allowed', 'back', 'earth', 'they\\\\', 'make', 'mistakes', 'past', 'eve', 'also', 'reveals', 'time', 'shes', 'awaiting', 'adam\\\\', 'response', 'explains', 'adam', 'program', 'activates', 'shogo', 'asks', 'eve', 'adam\\\\', 'decision', 'regarding', 'human', 'race', 'eve', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'due', 'military', 'crippling', 'authority', 'access', 'adam\\\\', 'information', 'shogo', 'replies', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'think', 'human', 'race', 'good', 'enough', 'warrant', 'continuing', 'least', 'able', 'meet', 'eve', 'thanks', 'friends', 'eve', 'tells', 'give', 'hope', 'end', 'whatever', 'shogo', 'leaves', 'inner', 'chamber', 'eve', 'disappears', 'activates', 'unknown', 'program', 'causing', 'room', 'shift', 'outside', 'bahamut', 'shogo', 'reunites', 'cindy', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'lightning', 'arrives', 'badly', 'damaged', 'garland', 'carrying', 'injured', 'dumpi', 'garam', 'b.d', 'arrives', 'garland', 'apparently', 'ready', 'capture', 'shogo', 'however', 'adam', 'activates', 'program', 'whole', 'megazone', 'starts', 'shift', 'tokyo', 'mass', 'evacuation', 'called', 'police', 'military', 'focusing', 'trying', 'get', 'many', 'people', 'shelters', 'escape', 'ships', 'seeing', 'b.d', 'tells', 'shogo', 'there\\\\', 'point', 'fighting', 'time', 'felt', 'right', 'wishes', 'shogo', 'friends', 'good', 'luck', 'enters', 'garland', 'leaves', 'saying', 'doubts', 'they\\\\', \"'ll\", 'meet', 'men', 'leave', 'megazone', 'garlands', 'disappear', 'space', 'adam', 'turns', 'earth\\\\', 'defense', 'weapon', 'whole', 'moon', 'dezlag', 'ship', 'gets', 'nearer', 'moon', 'it\\\\', 'enveloped', 'red', 'energy', 'slowly', 'torn', 'apart', 'megazone', 'looms', 'closer', 'hologram', 'appears', 'front', 'shogo', 'friends', 'saying', 'eve', 'final', 'defense', 'program', 'megazone', 'gets', 'closer', 'moon', 'outer', 'layer', 'ship', 'city', 'completely', 'destroyed', 'megazone', 'disintegrates', 'eve', 'sings', 'mournful', 'dirge', 'people', 'die', 'aboard', 'ship', 'megazone', 'completely', 'destroyed', 'bahamut', 'detaches', 'crumbling', 'ship', 'revealing', 'escape', 'pod', 'sorts', 'blasts', 'away', 'shogo', 'friends', 'comment', 'silent', 'likely', 'going', 'die', 'moment', 'however', 'door', 'opens', 'yui', 'steps', 'completely', 'healed', 'wounds', 'reunited', 'group', 'notice', 'light', 'coming', 'door', 'follow', 'reach', 'hole', 'ceiling', 'revealing', 'blue', 'sky', 'step', 'it\\\\', 'revealed', 'core', 'megazone', 'landed', 'earth', 'green', 'turns', 'rest', 'gang', 'injured', 'fighting', 'city', 'also', 'made', 'whole', 'gang', 'reunited', 'revived', 'earth', 'episode', 'ends', 'one', 'eve\\\\', 'songs', 'part', 'notable', 'abandoning', 'traditional', 'anime', 'style', 'realistic', 'looking', 'characters', 'addition', 'contains', 'explicit', 'scenes', 'violence', 'sex', 'predecessor', 'successors', 'part', 'iii', 'different', 'first', 'two', 'parts', 'several', 'notable', 'reasons', 'firstly', 'takes', 'place', 'earth', 'several', 'centuries', 'megazone', 'landed', 'shogo', 'yui', 'rest', 'survivors', 'none', 'original', 'characters', 'return', 'apart', 'eve', 'story', 'takes', 'place', 'primarily', 'city', 'eden', 'super', 'futuristic', 'enormous', 'city', 'first', 'last', 'city', 'built', 'earth', 'city', 'built', \"\\\\'the\", 'system\\\\', 'humans', 'live', 'time', 'system', 'decides', 'humans', 'nature', 'balance', 'human', 'race', 'released', 'renewed', 'earth', 'citizens', 'eden', 'wait', \"\\\\'day\", 'liberation\\\\', 'day', 'liberation', 'kept', 'fresh', 'people\\\\', 'minds', 'bishop', 'dai', 'supposedly', 'one', 'original', 'survivors', 'megazone', 'direct', 'link', 'system', 'eiji', 'takanaka', 'hacker', 'expert', 'virtual', 'gamer', 'hangs', 'virtual', 'arcade', 'psycholand', 'starts', 'working', 'ex\\\\', 'friends', 'play', 'orange\\\\', 'spacecraft', 'simulator', 'cyber', 'game', '_hard', 'on짱', 'actively', 'sent', 'updates', 'new', 'levels', 'orange', 'company', 'order', 'complete', 'network', 'independent', 'system', 'orange', 'uses', 'games', 'train', 'fighters', 'garland', 'combat', 'unconsciously', 'cause', 'eiji', 'starts', 'ryo', 'narahara', 'works', 'arcade', 'grow', 'closer', 'start', 'discussing', 'eiji', 'recruited', 'would', 'hire', 'ex-hacker', 'also', 'discuss', 'popular', 'singer', 'idol', 'eve', 'unlike', 'eve', 'first', 'episode', 'though', 'eden', 'known', 'virtual', 'idol', 'ryo', 'however', 'tells', 'eiji', 'believed', 'circulating', 'rumour', 'eve', 'fact', 'real', 'person', 'says', 'wishes', 'could', 'meet', 'ryo', 'also', 'wishes', 'become', 'idol', 'eiji', 'asks', 'access', 'codes', 'tells', 'elite', 'hacker', 'research', 'he\\\\', 'back', 'home', 'eiji', 'watches', 'video', 'message', \"shouldn\\\\'t\", 'things', 'like', 'any-more', 'comments', 'he\\\\', 'no-one', 'lecture', 'any-one', 'system', 'yacob', 'assigns', 'eiji', 'use', 'garland', 'catch', 'netjackers', 'training', 'mission', 'new', 'garland', 'though', 'outside', 'influence', 'netjacks', 'eiji\\\\', 'simulation', 'daring', 'break', 'program', 'eiji', 'unable', 'well', 'enough', 'impress', 'hacker', 'turns', 'high-ranking', 'member', 'orange', 'named', 'sion', 'seinji', 'takes', 'garland', 'home', 'customize', 'ryo', 'visits', 'eiji', 'discuss', 'sion', 'eiji', 'brings', 'subject', 'ryo', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'any-one', 'called', 'sion', 'eiji', 'mentions', 'sion', 'member', 'orange', 'well', 'nethacker', 'must', 'violent', 'ryo', 'jumps', 'sion\\\\', 'defense', 'saying', 'knows', 'he\\\\', 'sort', 'man', 'discuss', 'eiji\\\\', 'apartment', 'heats', 'room\\\\', 'controls', 'malfunction', 'explodes', 'eiji', 'ryo', 'escape', 'window', 'using', 'garland', 'sion', 'hacks', 'sends', 'garland', 'unit', 'including', 'eiji', 'orange', 'sends', 'hargun', 'units', 'including', 'sion', 'eiji', 'defeats', 'sion', 'reveals', 'testing', 'eiji', 'see', 'awaken', 'eve', 'company', 'forces', 'continue', 'battle', 'eiji', 'takes', 'garland', 'city', \"\\\\'zone\", 'directed', 'sion', 'finds', 'capsule', 'containing', 'human', 'eve', 'approaches', 'capsule', 'opens', 'eve', 'awakens', 'eve', 'smiles', 'eiji', 'tells', 'she\\\\', 'waiting', 'calling', 'operator', 'companies', 'continue', 'fighting', 'orange', 'broken', 'contact', 'wounded', 'sion', 'presuming', 'dead', 'it\\\\', 'linked', 'network', 'sion\\\\', 'team', 'able', 'breaks', 'learn', 'project', 'heaven', 'plan', 'set', 'system', 'launch', 'entire', 'city', 'eden', 'space', 'sion', 'decides', 'take', 'orange', 'leaders', 'want', 'crush', 'sion', 'pushes', 'disc', 'orange\\\\', 'computers', 'revealing', 'system\\\\', 'plans', 'project', 'heaven', 'leader', 'orange', 'horrified', 'agrees', 'pull', 'back', 'fighting', 'building', 'get', 'system\\\\', 'core', 'city', 'starts', 'shake', 'project', 'heaven', 'put', 'action', 'back', 'building', 'shows', 'orange', 'members', 'place', 'explosives', 'within', 'core', 'disable', 'sion', 'eiji', 'distract', 'core', 'however', 'yacob', 'tells', \"shouldn\\\\'t\", 'stopped', 'project', 'heaven', 'means', 'they\\\\', \"'ve\", 'doomed', 'eden', 'says', 'e=x', 'tower', 'crumbles', 'core', 'building', 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'people', 'regardless', 'it\\\\', 'right', 'wrong', 'eve', 'says', 'eiji\\\\', 'life-data', 'even', 'pure', 'dai\\\\', 'eiji', 'connects', 'system', 'misconceptions', 'humans', 'cleared', 'eiji', 'steps', 'forwards', 'though', 'dai', 'activates', 'shield', 'separating', 'eve', 'attacks', 'eiji', 'energy', 'eiji', 'accuses', 'dai', 'killing', 'shogo', 'pulls', 'data', 'disc', 'saying', 'shogo', 'lives', 'energy', 'surrounds', 'disc', 'eiji\\\\', 'hand', 'dai', 'ejected', 'seat', 'collapsing', 'tells', 'eiji', 'lived', 'far', 'long', 'asks', 'unplug', 'eiji', 'dai', 'ays', 'it\\\\', 'he\\\\', 'seeing', 'things', 'first', 'time', 'saying', 'he\\\\', 'slave', 'system', 'long', 'asks', 'eiji', 'found', 'data', 'disc', 'eiji', 'says', 'found', 'bahamut', 'dai', 'sighs', 'saying', 'bahamut', 'megazone', 'seem', 'nostalgic', 'he\\\\', 'forgotten', 'dies', 'last', 'words', 'vaguely', 'hinted', 'might', 'shogo.http', '//www.mahq.net/animation/megazone23/mz23right.htm', 'behind', 'eiji', 'hears', 'something', 'activate', 'turns', 'see', 'eve', 'standing', 'front', 'dai\\\\', 'seat', 'glass', 'tube', 'descended', 'around', 'thanks', 'eiji', 'helping', 'telling', 'system', 'programmed', 'release', 'humanity', 'eden', 'connects', 'shogo', 'supposed', 'wake', 'long', 'ago', 'tells', 'eiji', 'pilot', 'core', 'moon', 'destroy', 'adam', 'well', 'thus', 'freeing', 'humanity', 'artificial', 'computer', 'overlords', 'forever', 'kisses', 'eiji', 'glass', 'tube', 'continues', 'rise', 'sky', 'leaving', 'eden', 'free', 'afterward', 'eiji', 'returns', 'damaged', 'eden', 'reunite', 'ryo', 'waiting', 'city', 'crumbling', 'fighting', 'episode', 'ends', 'kissing'], [\"'uncouth\", 'tycoon', 'harry', 'brock', 'goes', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'brassy', 'mistress', 'emma', \"\\\\'billie\\\\\", 'dawn', 'crooked', 'lawyer', 'jim', 'devery', 'influence', 'politician', 'two', 'lawyer', 'also', 'presses', 'harry', 'marry', 'billie', 'grounds', 'wife', 'testify', 'husband', 'harry', 'becomes', 'disgusted', 'billie\\\\', 'ignorance', 'lack', 'manners', 'hires', 'tutor', 'journalist', 'paul', 'verrall', 'blossoming', 'paul\\\\', 'encouragement', 'billie', 'turns', 'much', 'smarter', 'anybody', 'knew', 'begins', 'thinking', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'meanwhile', 'devery', 'persuaded', 'harry', 'sign', 'many', 'assets', 'billie', 'hide', 'government', 'harry', 'needs', 'get', 'back', 'comes', 'conflict', 'billie\\\\', 'new-found', 'independence', 'paul', 'use', 'leverage', 'escape', 'harry\\\\', 'domination', 'promises', 'give', 'back', 'property', 'little', 'little', 'long', 'leaves', 'alone', 'billie', 'paul', 'marry'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'involves', 'john', 'ridgefield', 'wealthy', 'owner', 'aircraft', 'company', 'nigel', 'patrick', 'plays', 'test', 'pilot', 'tony', 'garthwaite', 'successful', 'fighter', 'pilot', 'second', 'world', 'war', 'employed', 'ridgefield', 'marrying', 'susan', 'ridgefield\\\\', 'daughter', 'tensions', 'father', 'daughter', 'accentuated', 'garthwaite\\\\', 'dangerous', 'job', 'test', 'flying', 'film', 'explores', 'company\\\\', 'hopes', 'new', 'jet', 'fighter', 'prometheus', 'problems', 'faced', 'then-new', 'jet', 'aircraft', 'encountering', 'speed', 'sound', 'so-called', 'sound', 'barrier', 'attempt', 'break', 'sound', 'barrier', 'garthwaite', 'crashes', 'killed', 'shocked', 'death', 'husband', 'father\\\\', 'single-minded', 'heartless', 'approach', 'dangers', 'test', 'pilots', 'face', 'susan', 'walks', 'father', 'goes', 'live', 'jess', 'wife', 'philip', 'peel', 'another', 'company', 'test', 'pilot', 'ridgefield', 'approaches', 'peel', 'challenge', 'piloting', 'test', 'aircraft', 'critical', 'moment', 'peel', 'reverses', 'flight', 'controls', 'allowing', 'plane', 'break', 'sound', 'barrier', 'accepting', 'father', 'cared', 'whose', 'lives', 'lost', 'tests', 'susan', 'changes', 'plan', 'moving', 'london', 'takes', 'young', 'son', 'back', 'home', 'sir', 'john'], ['may', 'woman', 'inherits', 'vast', 'fortune', 'rich', 'husband', 'drowns', 'scuba', 'diving', 'accident', 'caribbean', 'may', 'told', 'several', 'joking', 'lies', 'win', 'stanford-educated', 'extremely', 'successful', 'husband', 'mother', 'sister', 'less', 'pleased', 'find', 'especially', 'since', 'still', 'harbor', 'suspicions', 'motives', 'marrying', 'husband', 'knowing', 'seven', 'days', 'nonetheless', 'house', 'fortune', 'portion', 'family', 'fashion', 'company', 'depressed', 'alone', 'deeply', 'missing', 'husband', 'may', 'goes', 'binge', 'eating', 'drinking', 'smoking', 'watching', 'television', 'stealing', 'company', 'stores', 'culminating', 'drunken', 'car', 'ride', 'near-fatal', 'car', 'accident', 'may', 'finds', 'lying', 'ground', 'outside', 'car', 'thinks', 'unscathed', 'approaches', 'vehicle', 'sees', 'bloody', 'body', 'driver', 'seat', 'ken', 'wong', 'appears', 'scares', 'returning', 'body', 'reviving', 'although', 'barely', 'evaded', 'death', 'left', 'side', 'may', 'face', 'heavily', 'injured', 'later', 'hospital', 'removes', 'gauze', 'covering', 'left', 'eye', 'suddenly', 'realizes', 'see', 'ghosts', 'eye', 'soon', 'finds', 'constant', 'company', 'care', 'ghost', 'ken', 'claims', 'former', 'classmate', 'died', 'typhoon', 'sea', 'throughout', 'escapades', 'realm', 'supernatural', 'may', 'slowly', 'develops', 'connection', 'however', 'despite', 'ghosts', 'encountered', 'husband', 'never', 'appeared', 'deeply', 'wants', 'see', 'even', 'instant', 'ken', 'attempts', 'help', 'fulfill', 'wish', 'crosses', 'twilight', 'junction', 'reincarnated', 'though', 'initially', 'appears', 'succeed', 'spirit', 'husband', 'late', 'dog', 'whisky', 'appears', 'seemingly', 'close', 'ken', 'canine', 'knows', 'ken', 'ask', 'may', 'final', 'wish', 'hug', 'moves', 'pretend', 'husband', 'later', 'goes', 'check', 'restoration', 'husband', 'vintage', 'car', 'discovers', 'restorer', 'resembles', 'ken', 'turned', 'real', 'ken', 'really', 'die', '13.', 'finally', 'realize', 'ghost', 'side', 'actually', 'dead', 'husband', 'disguise', 'prevent', 'becoming', 'attached', 'urge', 'move', 'tries', 'several', 'ways', 'contact', 'moved', 'attempts', 'useless', 'ability', 'see', 'ghosts', 'also', 'disappeared', 'film', 'ends', 'hint', 'future', 'romance', 'may', 'ken'], [\"'james\", 'ballard', 'film', 'producer', 'wife', 'catherine', 'open', 'marriage', 'couple', 'engage', 'various', 'infidelities', 'unenthusiastic', 'sex', 'arousal', 'heightened', 'discussing', 'intimate', 'details', 'extramarital', 'sex', 'driving', 'home', 'work', 'late', 'one', 'night', 'ballard\\\\', 'car', 'collides', 'head-on', 'another', 'killing', 'male', 'passenger', 'trapped', 'fused', 'wreckage', 'driver', 'dr.', 'helen', 'remington', 'wife', 'killed', 'passenger', 'exposes', 'breast', 'ballard', 'pulls', 'shoulder', 'harness', 'seat', 'belt', 'recovering', 'ballard', 'meets', 'remington', 'well', 'man', 'named', 'vaughan', 'takes', 'keen', 'interest', 'brace', 'holding', 'ballard\\\\', 'shattered', 'leg', 'together', 'photographs', 'leaving', 'hospital', 'remington', 'ballard', 'begin', 'affair', 'one', 'primarily', 'fueled', 'shared', 'experience', 'car', 'crash', 'attempt', 'make', 'sense', 'aroused', 'car', 'wreck', 'see', 'one', 'vaughan\\\\', 'cult', 'meetings/performance', 'pieces', 'actual', 'recreation', 'car', 'crash', 'killed', 'james', 'dean', 'authentic', 'cars', 'stunt', 'drivers', 'transport', 'ministry', 'officials', 'break', 'event', 'ballard', 'flees', 'remington', 'vaughan', 'ballard', 'becomes', 'one', 'vaughan\\\\', 'followers', 'fetishise', 'car', 'accidents', 'obsessively', 'watching', 'car', 'safety', 'test', 'videos', 'photographing', 'traffic', 'accident', 'sites', 'ballard', 'drives', 'vaughan\\\\', 'lincoln', 'convertible', 'around', 'city', 'vaughan', 'picks', 'uses', 'street', 'prostitutes', 'later', 'ballard\\\\', 'wife', 'turn', 'ballard', 'dalliance', 'one', 'group', 'members', 'gabrielle', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'whose', 'legs', 'clad', 'restrictive', 'steel', 'braces', 'vulva-like', 'scar', 'back', 'one', 'thighs', 'used', 'substitute', 'vagina', 'ballard', 'film\\\\', 'sexual', 'couplings', 'cars', 'restricted', 'heterosexual', 'experiences', 'watching', 'videos', 'car', 'crashes', 'remington', 'becomes', 'extremely', 'aroused', 'gropes', 'crotches', 'ballard', 'gabrielle', 'suggesting', 'imminent', 'm챕nage', 'trois', 'fact', 'vaughan', 'ballard', 'eventually', 'turn', 'towards', 'homosexual', 'encounter', 'later', 'gabrielle', 'remington', 'lesbian', 'affair', 'though', 'vaughan', 'claims', 'first', 'interested', 'reshaping', 'human', 'body', 'modern', 'technology', 'fact', 'project', 'live', 'philosophy', 'car', 'crash', 'fertilising', 'rather', 'destructive', 'event', 'mediating', 'sexuality', 'died', 'intensity', 'that\\\\', 'impossible', 'form', 'film\\\\', 'climax', 'begins', 'vaughan\\\\', 'death', 'ends', 'ballard', 'involved', 'another', 'semi-deliberate', 'car', 'accident', 'one', 'involving', 'wife', 'fetish', 'car', 'crashes', 'ironically', 'enough', 'strengthening', 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'upon', 'torrent', 'media', 'frenzy', 'shocked', 'glenda', 'emerges', 'house', 'see', 'noise', 'spots', 'danny', 'running', 'street', 'crowd', 'hot', 'pursuit', 'trudy', 'upman', 'drop', 'news', 'helicopter', 'land', 'street', 'front', 'glenda', 'yard', 'stopping', 'danny', 'dead', 'tracks', 'trudy', 'reclaims', 'danny', 'amidst', 'explosion', 'camera', 'flashes', 'take', 'back', 'big', 'city', 'bask', 'new-found', 'fame', 'half-truths', 'become', 'uncovered', 'stark', 'light', 'media', 'exposure', 'glenda', 'rails', 'danny', 'whisked', 'away', 'much', 'older', 'hurt', 'deep', 'within', 'glenda', 'psyche', 'although', 'angry', 'deceived', 'danny', 'departure', 'brings', 'stark', 'realization', 'deceiving', 'well', 'finally', 'admits', 'life', 'dead', 'end', 'decides', 'time', 'change', 'meanwhile', 'unhappily', 'plugged', 'back', 'old', 'job', 'trudy', 'trying', 'capitalize', 'fame', 'deep', 'changes', 'within', 'danny', 'happened', 'clarence', 'make', 'city', 'life', 'unbearable', 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'entangled', 'parachute', 'wordlessly', 'embrace', 'kiss', 'movie', 'ends', 'danny', 'glenda', 'bathrobes', 'symbolically', 'float', 'upward', 'deck', 'chairs', 'talk', 'future', 'plans'], [\"'the\", 'first', 'segment', 'film', 'introduces', 'protagonists', 'woman', 'named', 'jin', 'man', 'named', 'chul', 'soo', 'movie', 'highlights', 'accidental', 'meeting', 'followed', 'subsequent', 'courting', 'despite', 'social', 'standings', 'kept', 'apart', 'kim', 'su-jin', '27-year-old', 'fashion', 'designer', 'spurned', 'lover', 'colleague', 'also', 'married', 'man', 'depressed', 'goes', 'convenience', 'store', 'bumps', 'tall', 'handsome', 'man', 'slight', 'misunderstanding', 'following', 'returns', 'home', 'receiving', 'father\\\\', 'forgiveness', 'decides', 'start', 'life', 'afresh', 'one', 'day', 'accompanying', 'father', 'head', 'construction', 'site', 'coincidentally', 'meets', 'man', 'earlier', 'bumped', 'convenience', 'store', 'choi', 'chul-soo', 'construction', 'site\\\\', 'foreman', 'aiming', 'become', 'architect', 'chul-soo', 'may', 'appear', 'like', 'rough', 'dirty', 'construction', 'worker', 'initially', 'exudes', 'sheer', 'masculinity', 'basic', 'physical', 'form', 'su-jin', 'instantly', 'takes', 'liking', 'chul-soo', 'refreshing', 'change', 'actively', 'courts', 'many', 'sweet', 'events', 'take', 'place', 'occurrence', 'courtship', 'eventually', 'leading', 'marriage', 'second', 'segment', 'follows', 'couple', 'settling', 'married', 'life', 'su-jin', 'learns', 'housewife', 'husband', 'cares', 'segment', 'progresses', 'however', 'su-jin', 'begins', 'display', 'forgetfulness', 'including', 'incident', 'fire', 'breaks', 'forgotten', 'stove', 'chul', 'soo', 'caught', 'fire', 'time', 'seriousness', 'incident', 'others', 'like', 'draw', 'seek', 'medical', 'help', 'third', 'segment', 'involves', 'revelation', 'alzheimer\\\\', 'disease', 'couple\\\\', 'consequent', 'response', 'jin', 'heavily', 'burdened', 'knowledge', 'forget', 'husband', 'hides', 'seeks', 'advice', 'doctor', 'despite', 'disease', 'make', 'commitment', 'stay', 'together', 'disease', 'progresses', 'trials', 'couple', 'increase', 'jin\\\\', 'consistent', 'loss', 'memory', 'fourth', 'segment', 'reveals', 'su-jin', 'final', 'stages', 'disease', 'grief', 'chul', 'soo', 'experiences', 'yet', 'remains', 'beside', 'despite', 'lost', 'memory', 'hiding', 'eyes', 'behind', 'sunglasses', 'visits', \"can\\\\'t\", 'see', 'tears', 'end', 'movie', 'finishes', 'chul', 'soo', 'replaying', 'first', 'time', 'met', 'convenience', 'store', 'friends', 'family', 'final', 'scene', 'su-jin', 'riding', 'beside', 'husband', 'car', 'sunset', 'finally', 'tell', 'love'], [\"'as\", 'clairvoyant', 'marina', 'awaits', 'signs', 'beyond', 'true', 'love', 'whoever', 'may', 'waiting', 'somewhere', 'new', 'york', 'butcher', 'leo', 'lemke', 'shows', 'tiny', 'north', 'carolina', 'island', 'okracoke', 'marina', 'lives', 'convinced', 'man', 'predestined', 'husband', 'wedding', 'marina', 'moves', 'leo\\\\', 'blue-collar', 'neighborhood', 'successfully', 'commiserates', 'eccentrics', 'withdrawn', 'teenager', 'eugene', 'frustrated', 'singer', 'stella', 'keefover', 'unlucky-in-love', 'actress', 'robyn', 'graves', 'analytical', 'psychiatrist', 'dr.', 'alex', 'tremor', 'frustrated', 'dress', 'shop', 'clerk', 'grace', 'marina', 'helpfully', 'tries', 'chart', 'destinies', 'new', 'friends', 'fails', 'notice', 'leo', 'falling', 'love', 'stella', 'though', 'many', 'traumatic', 'detours', 'along', 'way', 'marina\\\\', 'psychic', 'talents', 'positive', 'effects', 'least', 'one', 'characters', 'doc', 'tremor', 'falling', 'love', 'meetings', 'doc', 'tremor', 'begins', 'speak', 'plato\\\\', 'theory', 'love', 'notion', 'man', 'woman', 'split-apart', 'halves', 'one', 'whole', 'says', 'notion', 'it\\\\', 'corruption', 'plato\\\\', 'actual', 'theory', 'it\\\\', 'plato', 'nonetheless'], ['vinod', 'becomes', 'mentally', 'ill', 'girlfriend', 'anitha', 'lizy', 'dies', 'electric', 'short', 'circuiting', 'accident', 'rock', 'concert', 'vinod', 'admitted', 'institution', 'managed', 'dr.', 'ravindran', 'help', 'dr.', 'savithri', 'karthika', 'dr.', 'ravindran', 'daughter', 'dr.', 'unnikrishnan', 'vinod', 'slowly', 'regains', 'memory', 'mental', 'equilibrium', 'savithri', 'vinod', 'fall', 'love', 'dr.', 'ravindran', 'already', 'arranged', 'savithri', 'marriage', 'hari', 'mukesh', 'opposes', 'lovers', 'finds', 'savithri', 'vinod', 'adamant', 'dr.', 'ravindran', 'performs', 'surgery', 'vinod', 'puts', 'state', 'coma', 'dr.', 'unnikrishnan', 'feels', 'death', 'would', 'preferable', 'vegetative', 'life', 'kills', 'vinod', 'confronts', 'dr.', 'ravindran', 'confesses', 'euthanasia', 'savithri', 'overhears', 'conversation', 'loses', 'mental', 'equilibrium', 'admitted', 'institution', 'patient'], ['expand', 'section', 'annette', 'monard', 'street', 'aspiring', 'singer', 'falls', 'love', 'marries', 'jonathan', 'street', 'struggling', 'young', 'composer', 'jonathan', 'pushes', 'singing', 'career', 'soon', 'becomes', 'star', 'meanwhile', 'jonathan', 'unable', 'sell', 'music', 'finds', 'jealous', 'wife', 'success', 'concerned', 'relationship', 'annette', 'uses', 'influence', 'get', 'jonathan', 'work', 'turned', 'musical', 'comedy', 'achieves', 'retires', 'public', 'life', 'order', 'raise', 'family'], [\"'two\", 'witches', 'colonial', 'salem', 'jennifer', 'father', 'daniel', 'burned', 'stake', 'denounced', 'puritan', 'jonathan', 'wooley', 'ashes', 'buried', 'beneath', 'tree', 'imprison', 'evil', 'spirits', 'revenge', 'jennifer', 'curses', 'wooley', 'male', 'descendants', 'dooming', 'always', 'marry', 'wrong', 'woman', 'centuries', 'pass', 'generation', 'generation', 'wooley', 'men', 'played', 'march', 'marry', 'cruel', 'shrewish', 'women', 'finally', '1942', 'lightning', 'splits', 'tree', 'freeing', 'spirits', 'jennifer', 'daniel', 'discover', 'wallace', 'wooley', 'living', 'nearby', 'running', 'governor', 'eve', 'marrying', 'ambitious', 'spoiled', 'estelle', 'masterson', 'whose', 'father', 'happens', 'wooley\\\\', 'chief', 'political', 'backer', 'initially', 'jennifer', 'daniel', 'manifest', 'white', 'vertical', 'smoky', \"\\\\'trails\\\\\", 'occasionally', 'hiding', 'empty', 'bottles', 'alcohol', 'jennifer', 'persuades', 'father', 'create', 'human', 'body', 'torment', 'latest', 'wooley', 'needs', 'fire', 'perform', 'spell', 'burns', 'building', 'serves', 'dual', 'purposes', 'jennifer', 'uses', 'get', 'passing', 'wallace', 'rescue', 'flames', 'jennifer', 'tries', 'hard', 'seduce', 'wallace', 'without', 'magic', 'though', 'strongly', 'attracted', 'refuses', 'put', 'marriage', 'concocts', 'love', 'potion', 'scheme', 'goes', 'awry', 'painting', 'falls', 'wallace', 'revives', 'giving', 'drink', 'intended', 'jennifer\\\\', 'father', 'conjures', 'body', 'jennifer', 'crash', 'wedding', 'though', 'cross', 'purposes', 'daniel', 'hates', 'wooleys', 'tries', 'prevent', 'daughter', 'helping', 'one', 'attempts', 'interference', 'land', 'jail', 'drunk', 'remember', 'spell', 'turn', 'wallace', 'frog', 'meanwhile', 'estelle', 'finds', 'couple', 'embracing', 'wedding', 'called', 'outraged', 'father', 'promises', 'denounce', 'candidate', 'newspapers', 'wallace', 'finally', 'admits', 'loves', 'jennifer', 'elope', 'jennifer', 'works', 'overtime', 'witchcraft', 'rescue', 'new', 'husband\\\\', 'political', 'career', 'conjures', 'little', 'clouds', 'brainwashing', 'white', 'smoke', 'convince', 'every', 'voter', 'support', 'wallace', 'elected', 'landslide', 'even', 'opponent', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'vote', 'unanimous', 'vote', 'convinces', 'wallace', 'witch', 'disgust', 'daniel', 'strips', 'daughter', 'magical', 'powers', 'vows', 'return', 'tree', 'imprisoned', 'panic', 'jennifer', 'interrupts', 'wallace\\\\', 'victory', 'speech', 'imploring', 'help', 'escape', 'unfortunately', 'taxi', 'get', 'get', 'away', 'driven', 'father', 'takes', 'airborne', 'ride', 'back', 'tree', 'stroke', 'midnight', 'wallace', 'left', 'jennifer\\\\', 'lifeless', 'body', 'two', 'plumes', 'smoke', 'watch', 'return', 'tree', 'jennifer', 'asks', 'watch', 'wallace\\\\', 'torment', 'daniel', 'gloats', 'jennifer', 'reclaims', 'body', 'explaining', 'wallace', 'love', 'stronger', 'witchcraft', 'alertly', 'puts', 'top', 'back', 'bottle', 'liquor', 'father', 'hiding', 'keeping', 'drunk', 'powerless', 'movie', 'concludes', 'years', 'later', 'wallace', 'jennifer', 'children', 'housekeeper', 'enters', 'complain', 'youngest', 'daughter', 'enters', 'riding', 'broom'], ['plot', 'dealing', 'porky', 'fatal', 'blow', 'coming', 'gang', 'angel', 'beach', 'ready', 'new', 'challenge', 'high', 'school', 'drama', 'club', 'producing', 'shakespeare', 'festival', 'gang', 'participating', 'unfortunately', 'religious', 'leader', 'named', 'reverend', 'bubba', 'flavel', 'wants', 'halt', 'production', 'group', 'righteous', 'flock', 'maintain', 'shakespeare', 'indecent', 'profane', 'part', 'effort', 'keep', 'school-based', 'shakespeare', 'production', 'track', 'gang', 'angel', 'beach', 'seeks', 'help', 'seward', 'county', 'commissioner', 'gebhardt', 'initially', 'promises', 'gang', 'angel', 'beach', 'pull', 'strings', 'keep', 'angel', 'beach', 'high', 'shakespeare', 'festival', 'running', 'however', 'county', 'commissioners', 'shortly', 'standing', 're-election', 'vote', 'unanimously', 'shut', 'shakespeare', 'festival', 'gang', 'quickly', 'learns', 'commissioner', 'gebhardt', 'reneged', 'promises', 'angel', 'beach', 'gang', 'feared', 'allowing', 'shakespeare', 'festival', 'proceed', 'would', 'harm', 're-election', 'chances', 'local', 'klux', 'klan', 'chapter', 'joins', 'movement', 'shut', 'shakespeare', 'festival', 'members', 'object', 'native', 'american', 'playing', 'romeo', 'opposite', 'white', 'girl', 'juliet', 'reverend', 'flavel', 'previously', 'exposed', 'bigoted', 'nature', 'welcomes', 'klan\\\\', 'support', 'movement', 'angel', 'beach', 'gang', 'begins', 'plotting', 'retaliation', 'revenge', 'reverend', 'flavel', 'commissioner', 'gebhardt', 'rest', 'county', 'commissioners', 'klan', 'teens', 'discover', 'county', 'commissioners', 'seward', 'county', 'publicly', 'riding', 'political', 'wave', 'decency', 'morality', 'enjoy', 'secretly', 'watching', 'porno', 'movies', 'basement', 'courthouse', 'angel', 'beach', 'gang', 'takes', 'tape', 'recorder', 'microphone', 'basement', 'courthouse', 'county', 'commissioners', 'watching', 'porno', 'movies', 'aim', 'microphone', 'ventilator', 'window', 'record', 'politicos\\\\', 'loud', 'crude', 'commentary', 'events', 'porno', 'films', 'including', 'irreverent', 'mocking', 'reverend', 'flavel', 'success', 'shutting', 'angel', 'beach', 'high', 'shakespeare', 'festival', 'reverend', 'flavel', 'convenes', 'outdoor', 'revival', 'meeting', 'angel', 'beach', 'high', 'commemorate', 'success', 'county', 'commissioners', 'attend', 'stand', 'stage', 'reverend', 'flavel', 'retaliation', 'attack', 'attempt', 'klan', 'members', 'shave', 'head', 'group\\\\', 'seminole', 'friend', 'gang', 'lures', 'klan', 'members', 'school', 'gym', 'gang', 'along', 'gym-full', 'seminole', 'indians', 'persuade', 'klan', 'members', 'submit', 'heads', 'shaved', 'angel', 'beach', 'gang', 'seminole', 'indians', 'make', 'klan', 'members', 'strip', 'naked', 'march', 'reverend', 'flavel\\\\', 'revival', 'meeting', 'force', 'hapless', 'humiliated', 'klan', 'members', 'revival', 'meeting', 'sight', 'naked', 'men', 'shocks', 'crowd', 'typical', 'opportunistic', 'fashion', 'reverend', 'flavel', 'decries', 'naked', 'klan', 'members', 'spawn', 'satan', 'reverend', 'flavel\\\\', 'prognostications', 'gang', 'commandeers', 'public', 'address', 'system', 'plays', 'recording', 'county', 'commissioners\\\\', 'raucous', 'commentary', 'porno', 'movie', 'watched', 'basement', 'courthouse', 'days', 'comment', 'recording', 'reverend', 'flavel', 'donated', 'porno', 'film', 'county', 'commissioners', 'watching', 'ends', 'reverend', 'flavel\\\\', 'undoing', 'county', 'commissioners', 'stand', 'crowd', 'completely', 'discredited', 'disgraced', 'exposed', 'selfish', 'hypocrites', 'meanwhile', 'wendy', 'accepts', 'out-of-town', 'dinner', 'date', 'miami', 'commissioner', 'gebhardt', 'intends', 'seduce', 'however', 'rather', 'showing', 'normal', 'modest', 'clothing', 'wendy', 'shows', 'formal', 'restaurant', 'wearing', 'deliberately', 'showy', 'vulgar', 'outfit', 'breasts', 'artificially', 'padded', 'container', 'enormous', 'size', 'speaks', 'extremely', 'loud', 'voice', 'constantly', 'blurting', 'gebhardt\\\\', 'name', 'status', 'county', 'commissioner', 'seward', 'county', 'shortly', 'standing', 're-election', 'alleging', 'gebhardt', 'became', 'involved', 'brownie', 'gebhardt', 'wife\\\\', 'girl', 'scout', 'troop', 'pregnant', 'child', 'help', 'liquified', 'corn-and-pea', 'soup', 'concealed', 'container', 'padded', 'bust', 'wendy', 'pretends', 'throw', 'one', 'restaurant\\\\', 'decorative', 'fountains', 'horror', 'maitre', 'disgust', 'restaurant\\\\', 'upscale', 'patrons', 'pee-wee', 'snaps', 'picture', 'disgraced', 'commissioner', 'gebhardt', 'wendy', 'steve', 'depart', 'blaze', 'glory', 'back', 'revival', 'meeting', 'angel', 'beach', 'high', 'join', 'triumphant', 'celebration', 'defeat', 'persons', 'responsible', 'cancellation', 'shakespeare', 'festival', 'promptly', 'reinstated', 'film', 'contains', 'sub-plot', 'focusing', 'gym', 'teacher', 'everyone', 'loves', 'hate', 'beulah', 'balbricker', 'balbricker', 'allies', 'reverend', 'flavel', 'efforts', 'shut', 'shakespeare', 'festival', 'insinuated', 'romantic', 'feelings', 'towards', 'reverend', 'flavel', 'tommy', 'turner', 'still', 'seeking', 'revenge', 'balbricker', 'sentencing', 'run', 'laps', 'suspending', 'several', 'basketball', 'games', 'poking', 'oversized', 'condom', 'previous', 'movie', 'upon', 'observing', 'balbricker', 'goes', 'bathroom', 'uses', 'toilet', 'precisely', 'time', 'every', 'day', 'tommy', 'assistance', 'billy', 'tim', 'locate', 'pipes', 'school', 'particular', 'toilet', 'force', 'non-poisonous', 'rat', 'snake', 'pipe', 'snake', 'comes', 'toilet', 'balbricker', 'screams', 'terror', 'busts', 'door', 'waddles', 'bathroom', 'gym', 'pants', 'still', 'around', 'feet', 'still', 'screaming', 'terror', 'tommy', 'arrives', 'time', 'pick', 'rat', 'snake', 'gym', 'floor', 'offer', 'coach', 'brackett', 'release', 'snake', 'outside', 'suspecting', 'tommy', 'responsible', 'proof', 'balbricker', 'screams', 'name', 'top', 'lungs', 'reverend', 'flavel', 'balbricker', 'split', 'publicly', 'objects', 'klan\\\\', 'participation', 'forthcoming', 'revival', 'meeting', 'another', 'sub-plot', 'firm', 'focuses', 'pee', 'wee\\\\', 'attempt', 'exact', 'revenge', 'tommy', 'billy\\\\', 'cherry', 'forever', 'practical', 'joke', 'first', 'movie', 'pee', 'wee', 'abandoned', 'everglades', 'running', 'naked', 'along', 'deserted', 'road', 'pulled', 'officer', 'jarvis', 'partner', 'otherwise', 'lonely', 'uneventful', 'patrol', 'recanting', 'pleas', 'virgin', 'night', 'led', 'losing', 'virginity', 'wendy', 'williams', 'back', 'school', 'bus', 'following', 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'loves', 'art', 'studies', 'engineering', 'please', 'father', 'salim', 'traditional', 'conservative', 'feeling', 'indian-american', 'girls', 'westernized', 'make', 'good', 'wives', 'kris', 'meets', 'nina', 'girl', 'immediately', 'falls', 'surprised', 'find', 'indian', 'also', 'quite', 'involved', 'indian', 'culture', 'movie', 'revolves', 'around', 'making', 'mistakes', 'trying', 'best', 'win', 'nina', 'joining', 'indian', 'students', 'association', 'near', 'learning', 'perform', 'dandiya', 'raas', 'thus', 'kris', 'eventually', 'begins', 'enjoy', 'company', 'roommates', 'put', 'together', 'knowledge', 'skill', 'help', 'kris', 'impress', 'nina', 'various', 'ways', 'involving', 'indian', 'culture', 'eventually', 'comes', 'love', 'well', 'night', 'show', 'four', 'roommates', 'show', 'fight', 'scene', 'end', 'nina\\\\', 'friend', 'rakesh', 'kris', 'kris', 'wins', 'jagjit\\\\', 'father', 'sees', 'impressive', 'statues', 'made', 'function', 'proud', 'son', 'salim', 'eventually', 'finds', 'girl', 'likes', 'though', 'ajay', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'get', 'rid', 'african-american', 'roots', 'implied', 'found', 'new', 'friend', 'president', 'indian', 'association', 'dandiya', 'raas', 'whole', 'indian', 'association', 'function', 'goes', 'without', 'hitch'], ['always', 'vanilla', 'follows', 'life', 'chris', 'bradley', 'retired', 'u.s.', 'army', 'soldier', 'become', 'drifter', 'makes', 'money', 'various', 'means', 'pimping', 'guitar', 'playing', 'chris', 'returns', 'home', 'city', 'pittsburgh', 'visits', 'father', 'owns', 'operates', 'baby', 'food', 'factory', 'evening', 'drinking', 'local', 'bar', 'visiting', 'old', 'girlfriend', 'named', 'terri', 'terrific', 'mr.', 'bradley', 'wants', 'chris', 'abandon', 'bohmeian', 'lifestyle', 'agreed', 'upon', 'retired', 'military', 'return', 'family', 'business', 'chris', 'refuses', 'local', 'train', 'station', 'chris', 'meets', 'lynn', 'beautiful', 'young', 'woman', 'works', 'model', 'actress', 'local', 'commercials', 'chris', 'charms', 'way', 'lynn', 'life', 'moves', 'first', 'relationship', 'pleasant', 'escape', 'daily', 'life', 'lynn', 'starts', 'resent', 'supporting', 'freeloading', 'chris', 'motivates', 'getting', 'steady', 'job', 'lynn', 'learns', 'pregnant', 'decides', 'get', 'abortion', 'without', 'telling', 'chris', 'knowing', 'irresponsible', 'chris', 'lands', 'job', 'small', 'advertising', 'firm', 'given', 'account', 'advertise', 'enlistments', 'u.s.', 'army', 'quits', 'resentment', 'military', 'past', 'meanwhile', 'lynn', 'bring', 'abortion', 'abandons', 'chris', 'moves', 'high', 'school', 'boyfriend', 'agrees', 'marry', 'raise', 'baby', 'romance', 'lynn', 'ruined', 'lifestyle', 'destroyed', 'chris', 'swallows', 'pride', 'moves', 'back', 'father', 'still', 'unable', 'decide', 'life', 'believing', 'ultimately', 'must', 'accept', 'old', 'values', 'like', 'father', 'chris', 'encouragement', 'talk', 'dinner', 'howard', 'johnson', 'father', 'tells', 'chris', 'life', 'like', 'ice', 'cream', 'parlor', 'life', 'exotic', 'flavors', 'choose', 'always', 'vanilla', 'fall', 'back'], [\"'theresa\", 'osborne', 'former', 'reporter', 'works', 'researcher', 'chicago', 'tribune', 'trip', 'cape', 'cod', 'finds', 'mysterious', 'intriguing', 'love', 'letter', 'bottle', 'sand', 'addressed', 'garret', 'catherine', 'fascinated', 'comes', 'possession', 'two', 'letters', 'person', 'eventually', 'tracking', 'man', 'wrote', 'garret', 'blake', 'refurbished', 'boat', 'called', 'happenstence', 'wife', 'death', 'lives', 'quietly', 'outer', 'banks', 'north', 'carolina', 'father', 'jeb', 'theresa', 'garret', 'become', 'better', 'acquainted', 'reveal', 'knowledge', 'love', 'letters', 'along', 'literal', 'distance', 'live', 'hundreds', 'miles', 'apart', '봳here', 'another', 'problem', 'garret', 'quite', 'forgive', 'catherine', 'dying', 'leaving', 'theresa\\\\', 'career', 'flourishes', 'romantic', 'tale', 'messages', 'bottle', 'told', 'print', 'without', 'naming', 'names', 'garret', 'makes', 'trip', 'chicago', 'visit', 'theresa', 'young', 'son', 'new', 'love', 'grows', 'one', 'day', 'garret', 'finds', 'letters', 'drawer', 'theresa\\\\', 'apartment', 'garret', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'theresa', 'night', 'explanations', 'goes', 'home', 'year', 'later', 'jeb', 'tracks', 'theresa', 'informs', 'son', 'garret', 'died', 'sea', 'storm', 'attempting', 'rescue', 'someone', 'else', 'bottle', 'message', 'inside', 'found', 'boat', 'theresa', 'realizes', 'written', 'night', 'garrett\\\\', 'last', 'sailing', 'apologizes', 'catherine', 'says', 'theresa', 'found', 'new', 'love', 'love', 'must', 'fight'], ['plot', 'thanksgiving', 'day', '1983', 'student', 'marty', 'pascal', 'josh', 'hamilton', 'brings', 'fianc챕e', 'lesly', 'home', 'family\\\\', 'mclean', 'virginia', 'estate', 'meet', 'first', 'time', 'marty', 'obviously', 'nervous', 'hesitant', 'impending', 'introduction', 'future', 'wife', 'family', 'informed', 'bringing', 'guest', 'without', 'details', 'marty\\\\', 'family', 'prepares', 'arrival', 'impending', 'hurricane', 'marty\\\\', 'twin', 'sister', 'jacqueline', 'recently', 'released', 'psychiatric', 'hospital', 'ecstatic', 'arrival', 'informed', 'friend', 'accompanying', 'marty', 'becomes', 'distressed', 'course', 'night', 'shows', 'many', 'signs', 'suggest', 'suffers', 'bipolar', 'disorder', 'including', 'sudden', 'mood', 'swings', 'inability', 'cope', 'change', 'referred', 'jackie-o', 'family', 'jackie', 'long', 'obsession', 'former', 'first', 'lady', 'kennedy', 'assassination', 'adult', 'jackie-o', 'still', 'emulates', 'former', 'first', 'lady', 'style', 'dress', 'hairstyle', 'jackie-o', 'lives', 'mother', 'younger', 'brother', 'anthony', 'matriarch', 'family', 'mrs.', 'pascal', 'protective', 'jackie', 'mrs.', 'pascal', 'immediately', 'suspicious', 'guarded', 'future', 'daughter-in-law', 'lesly', 'meanwhile', 'lesly', 'initially', 'oblivious', 'tumultuous', 'nature', 'family', 'clear', 'marty', 'love', 'lesly\\\\', 'normalcy', 'engagement', 'way', 'break', 'family', 'mold', 'hurricane', 'outside', 'intensifies', 'marty', 'lesly', 'become', 'stranded', 'house', 'storm', 'lets', 'meeting', 'lesly', 'jackie-o', 'comes', 'close', 'melt-down', 'bathroom', 'sink', 'yet', 'suddenly', 'gains', 'composure', 'surprises', 'lesly', 'jackie', 'playfully', 'interrogates', 'lesly', 'love', 'life', 'marty', 'going', 'far', 'ask', 'graphic', 'details', 'sexual', 'escapades', 'jackie-o', 'informs', 'lesly', 'nearby', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'marty\\\\', 'shared', 'intense', 'affair', 'youth', 'hints', 'might', 'reunion', 'two', 'former', 'lovers', 'becomes', 'clear', 'marty\\\\', 'lover', 'fact', 'jackie-o', 'coerces', 'marty', 'playing', 'favorite', 'childhood', 'game', 're-enactment', 'jfk', 'assassination', 'game', 'led', 'first', 'sexual', 'encounter', '14.', 'jackie-o', 'marty', 'play', 'game', 'shot', 'runs', 'cradle', 'arms', 'begins', 'kiss', 'two', 'sex', 'lesly', 'walks', 'horrified', 'runs', 'back', 'upstairs', 'anthony', 'previously', 'tried', 'warn', 'marty', 'jackie\\\\', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'convinces', 'lesly', 'insecure', 'virgin', 'dying', 'brain', 'tumor', 'leading', 'short', 'awkward', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'morning', 'lesly', 'confronts', 'family', 'events', 'night', 'mrs.', 'pascal', 'coerces', 'anthony', 'tell', 'marty', 'slept', 'lesly', 'meanwhile', 'jackie-o', 'searches', 'house', 'gun', 'marty', 'ordered', 'hide', 'mother', 'finding', 'bathroom', 'flushes', 'marty\\\\', 'car', 'keys', 'toilet', 'returns', 'living', 'room', 'lesly', 'confronts', 'jackie-o', 'mental', 'illness', 'incestuous', 'relationship', 'lesly', 'runs', 'get', 'suitcases', 'marty', 'leave', 'jackie', 'pulls', 'gun', 'asks', 'marty', 'play', 'game', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'agreeing', 'let', 'leave', 'afterward', 'anthony', 'races', 'find', 'medication', 'marty', 'cautiously', 'plays', 'along', 'tears', 'jackie', 'shoots', 'kills', 'brother', 'lesly', 'runs', 'house', 'voice', 'jackie', 'explains', 'marty', 'buried', 'backyard', 'next', 'daddy'], [\"'in\", '1945', 'united', 'states', 'army', 'sgt', 'paul', 'sutton', 'returns', 'san', 'francisco', 'reunite', 'wife', 'betty', 'married', 'mdash', 'following', 'whirlwind', 'courtship', 'mdash', 'day', 'departed', 'pacific', 'war', 'left', 'emotional', 'scars', 'experiences', 'flashbacks', 'regular', 'basis', 'paul\\\\', 'reunion', 'betty', 'strained', 'especially', 'discovers', 'letters', 'wrote', 'set', 'aside', 'unopened', 'determined', 'make', 'marriage', 'however', 'hopes', 'establish', 'new', 'career', 'betty', 'insists', 'continue', 'sell', 'chocolates', 'door-to-door', 'sets', 'sacramento', 'route', 'meets', 'fellow', 'train', 'passenger', 'victoria', 'aragon', 'stanford', 'university', 'graduate', 'student', 'whose', 'mexican-american', 'family', 'owns', 'vineyard', 'napa', 'valley', 'learns', 'unmarried', 'woman', 'pregnant', 'professor', 'paul', 'offers', 'introduce', 'traditionalist', 'family', 'husband', 'victoria\\\\', 'father', 'infuriated', 'married', 'man', 'social', 'standing', 'without', 'permission', 'well', 'paul\\\\', 'initial', 'plan', 'quietly', 'slip', 'away', 'continue', 'journey', 'leaving', 'victoria\\\\', 'family', 'believe', 'abandoned', 'derailed', 'grandfather', 'pedro', 'encourages', 'stay', 'help', 'harvest', 'harvest', 'paul', 'grows', 'closer', 'family', 'learns', 'joys', 'come', 'tradition', 'roots', 'way', 'life', 'paul', 'victoria', 'try', 'ignore', 'growing', 'attraction', 'feelings', 'little', 'success', 'however', 'paul\\\\', 'honor', 'prompts', 'attempt', 'salvage', 'marriage', 'return', 'home', 'discovers', 'wife', 'involved', 'another', 'man', 'applied', 'annulment', 'happily', 'agrees', 'returns', 'aragon', 'estate', 'ask', 'victoria', 'marry', 'argument', 'angry', 'drunk', 'father', 'leads', 'disastrous', 'fire', 'destroys', 'vineyard', 'however', 'paul', 'remembers', 'one', 'plant', 'may', 'still', 'roots', 'intact', 'races', 'retrieve', 'bring', 'back', 'family', 'disaster', 'brought', 'victoria\\\\', 'father', 'realize', 'errors', 'paul', 'returns', 'accepts', 'telling', 'family', 'roots', 'family', 'sets', 'replant', 'rebuild', 'help', 'newest', 'member'], [\"'charlie\", 'english', 'tour', 'guide', 'takes', 'groups', 'americans', 'whirlwind', '18-day', 'sightseeing', 'tours', 'europe', 'among', 'various', 'clients', 'latest', 'trip', 'samantha', 'wants', 'affair', 'man', 'desires', 'pair', 'custom-made', 'italian', 'shoes', 'certain', 'cobbler', 'rome', 'vet', 'reliving', 'world', 'war', 'experiences'], ['juan', 'gallardo', 'village', 'boy', 'born', 'poverty', 'grows', 'become', 'one', 'greatest', 'matadors', 'spain', 'marries', 'friend', 'childhood', 'beautiful', 'virtuous', 'carmen', 'achieves', 'fame', 'fortune', 'finds', 'drawn', 'do챰a', 'sol', 'wealthy', 'seductive', 'widow', 'embark', 'torrid', 'affair', 'rather', 'sadomasochistic', 'overtones', 'juan', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'betrayal', 'carmen', 'tries', 'free', 'do챰a', 'sol', 'furious', 'rejected', 'exposes', 'affair', 'carmen', 'juan', 'mother', 'seemingly', 'destroying', 'marriage', 'growing', 'miserable', 'dissipated', 'juan', 'becomes', 'reckless', 'arena', 'eventually', 'killed', 'bullfight', 'manage', 'reconcile', 'carmen', 'moments', 'dies', 'also', 'subplot', 'involving', 'local', 'outlaw', 'whose', 'career', 'paralleled', 'juan', 'throughout', 'film', 'village', 'philosopher', 'juan', 'fatal', 'injury', 'bullring', 'comes', 'moments', 'outlaw', 'shot', 'police'], ['film', 'centers', 'life', 'tod', 'lubitch', 'born', 'improperly', 'functioning', 'immune', 'system', 'means', 'contact', 'unfiltered', 'air', 'may', 'kill', 'must', 'live', 'life', 'incubator-like', 'conditions', 'lives', 'parents', 'since', 'decided', 'move', 'texas', 'children', 'hospital', 'kept', 'boy', 'constricted', 'staying', 'room', 'life', 'eats', 'learns', 'reads', 'exercises', 'protected', 'outside', 'world', 'various', 'coverings', 'tod', 'grows', 'wishes', 'see', 'outside', 'world', 'meet', 'regular', 'people', 'age', 'enrolled', 'local', 'school', 'equipped', 'suitable', 'protective', 'clothing', 'similar', 'style', 'space', 'suit', 'falls', 'love', 'next', 'door', 'neighbor', 'gina', 'biggs', 'must', 'decide', 'following', 'heart', 'facing', 'near-certain', 'death', 'remaining', 'protective', 'bubble', 'forever', 'end', 'discussion', 'doctor', 'tells', 'built', 'immunities', 'may', 'possibly', 'enough', 'survive', 'real', 'world', 'steps', 'outside', 'house', 'unprotected', 'gina', 'ride', 'horse'], ['louis', 'wolheim', 'plays', 'boss', 'railroad', 'yard', 'miles', 'city', 'montana', 'film', 'opens', 'landslide', 'across', 'tracks', 'montana', 'repair', 'crew', 'dispatched', 'clear', 'tracks', 'several', 'hobos', 'lounging', 'nearby', 'put', 'work', 'helping', 'repair', 'crew', 'one', 'hobos', 'played', 'robert', 'armstrong', 'discovered', 'former', 'railroad', 'engineer', 'lost', 'job', 'due', 'insubordination', 'given', 'new', 'job', 'railroad', 'yard', 'boss', 'quickly', 'falls', 'love', 'boss', 'fianc챕e', 'played', 'jean', 'arthur', 'jealousy', 'grows', 'two', 'affections', 'arthur', 'attempting', 'win', 'marriage', 'things', 'come', 'head', 'fight', 'railroad', 'yard', 'two', 'wolheim', 'hit', 'train', 'injured', 'save', 'life', 'armstrong', 'must', 'transport', 'record', 'time', 'chicago', 'surgery'], [\"'slim\", 'farmer', 'southeastern', 'ohio', 'becomes', 'fascinated', 'crew', 'linemen', 'erecting', 'transmission', 'towers', 'across', 'uncle', 'aunt\\\\', 'property', 'asks', 'pop', 'job', 'openings', 'man', 'fired', 'however', 'red', 'pat', \"o\\\\'brien\", 'pop\\\\', 'best', 'lineman', 'takes', 'liking', 'slim', 'persuades', 'pop', 'give', 'chance', 'grunt', 'assistant', 'ground', 'sends', 'tools', 'parts', 'red', 'stumpy', 'another', 'grunt', 'teach', 'slim', 'needs', 'know', 'slim', 'wins', 'respect', 'red', 'pop', 'spots', 'cheating', 'poker', 'game', 'pitches', 'ensuing', 'brawl', 'slim', 'eventually', 'promoted', 'lineman', 'hungover', 'lineman', 'wyatt', 'ranstead', 'falls', 'killed', 'company', 'sends', 'vice', 'president', 'investigate', 'save', 'pop\\\\', 'job', 'red', 'deliberately', 'antagonizes', 'executive', 'fired', 'slim', 'gets', 'dismissed', 'loyalty', 'two', 'road', 'head', 'chicago', 'see', 'red\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'cally', 'nurse', 'three', 'set', 'good', 'time', 'slim', 'finds', 'falling', 'cally', 'red\\\\', 'money', 'runs', 'slim', 'head', 'new', 'mexico', 'work', 'red', 'knows', 'dislikes', 'one', 'fellow', 'linemen', 'wilcox', 'red', 'later', 'offered', 'job', 'foreman', 'another', 'camp', 'initially', 'turns', 'changes', 'mind', 'slim', 'offers', 'straw', 'boss', 'wilcox', 'hoping', 'promotion', 'tries', 'sabotage', 'red\\\\', 'rope', 'slim', 'stops', 'later', 'ground', 'wilcox', 'pulls', 'knife', 'stabs', 'slim', 'slim', 'recovering', 'hospital', 'cally', 'comes', 'nurse', 'slim', 'slim', 'admit', 'love', 'tell', 'red', 'going', 'marry', 'slim', 'offered', 'stable', 'safe', 'maintenance', 'work', 'cally', 'accepts', 'slim', 'however', 'refuses', 'give', 'dangerous', 'profession', 'pop', 'sends', 'red', 'goes', 'arrive', 'terrible', 'blizzard', 'called', 'substation', 'restore', 'power', 'even', 'though', 'hot', 'wires', 'around', 'red', 'another', 'man', 'fall', 'deaths', 'line', 'breaks', 'cally', 'joins', 'slim', 'tries', 'talk', 'line', 'work', 'slim', 'heads', 'back', 'snow', 'complete', 'job', 'cally', 'accepts', 'decision', 'telling', \"'ll\", 'waiting'], ['arrogant', 'wealthy', 'capitalist', 'named', 'raffaella', 'vacationing', 'yacht', 'mediterranean', 'sea', 'friends', '봲wimming', 'sunbathing', 'talking', 'incessantly', 'virtues', 'class', 'worthlessness', 'political', 'left', 'nonstop', 'political', 'monologue', 'infuriates', 'one', 'underclass', 'deckhands', 'yacht', 'gennarino', 'dedicated', 'communist', 'manages', 'restrain', 'opinions', 'avoid', 'upsetting', 'boss', 'losing', 'good', 'job', 'despite', 'humiliating', 'insults', 'gennarino', 'agrees', 'take', 'dinghy', 'late', 'evening', 'see', 'rest', 'friends', 'gone', 'ahead', 'without', 'way', 'outboard', 'motor', 'gives', 'leaving', 'stranded', 'middle', 'sea', 'land', 'sight', 'night', 'sea', 'gennarino', 'manages', 'get', 'motor', 'running', 'idea', 'get', 'land', 'eventually', 'spot', 'island', 'head', 'toward', 'destroying', 'dinghy', 'process', 'land', 'discover', 'one', 'island', 'except', 'effectively', 'shipwrecked', 'accustomed', 'everything', 'done', 'raffaella', 'begins', 'ordering', 'gennarino', 'final', 'straw', 'snaps', 'refusing', 'assist', 'longer', 'raffaella', 'reacts', 'string', 'insults', 'gives', 'good', 'gets', 'split', 'explore', 'island', 'much', 'better', 'suited', 'island', 'life', 'raffaella', 'gennarino', 'soon', 'catching', 'lobsters', 'cooking', 'gradually', 'roles', 'become', 'reversed', 'rely', 'food', 'gennarino', 'wants', 'slave', 'convinced', 'women', 'born', 'serve', 'men', 'even', 'forces', 'endure', 'indignity', 'washing', 'underwear', 'reacts', 'angry', 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['film', 'two', 'teenage', 'runaways', 'nicky', 'marotta', 'poor', 'family', 'pamela', 'pearl', 'rich', 'family', 'living', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'escaping', 'hospital', 'nicky', 'pamela', 'link', 'sympathetic', 'disc', 'jockey', 'johnny', 'laguardia', 'two', 'girls', 'form', 'underground', 'punk', 'rock', 'band', 'sleez', 'sisters', 'become', 'hit', 'city', 'disillusioned', 'youth', 'broadcasting', 'volatile', 'songs', 'speeches', 'laguardia', 'radio', 'station', 'climax', 'film', 'features', 'fans', 'sleez', 'sisters', 'congregating', 'streets', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'square', 'rooftop', 'concert'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'begins', 'john', 'wilmot', 'second', 'earl', 'rochester', 'delivering', 'prologue', 'main', 'themes', 'fondness', 'drink', 'sexual', 'proclivities', 'disdain', 'audience', 'king', 'charles', 'decides', 'summon', 'great', 'friend', 'earl', 'back', 'london', 'retracting', 'year-long', 'banishment', 'humiliating', 'three', 'month\\\\', 'exile', 'rochester', 'arrives', 'london', 'find', 'friends', 'bawdy', 'house', 'known', 'merry', 'gang', 'include', 'george', 'etherege', 'charles', 'sackville', 'street', 'rochester', 'comes', 'across', 'thief', 'alcock', 'whose', 'frankness', 'dishonesty', 'impresses', 'rochester', 'hires', 'alcock', 'gentleman', 'spot', 'merry', 'gang', 'introduce', 'newest', 'member', '18-year', 'old', 'billy', 'downs', 'rochester', 'warns', 'downs', 'young', 'man', 'die', 'company', 'rochester', 'invites', 'downs', 'attend', 'play', 'merry', 'gang', 'see', 'actress', 'elizabeth', 'barry', 'getting', 'booed', 'stage', 'refusing', 'participate', 'curtain', 'call', 'rochester', 'taken', 'barry', 'secures', 're-employment', 'theatre', 'company', 'initially', 'fired', 'rochester', 'invites', 'barry', 'meet', 'playhouse', 'next', 'day', 'coach', 'acting', 'hesitantly', 'accepts', 'barry\\\\', 'acting', 'improves', 'dramatically', 'delivers', 'brilliant', 'performance', 'next', 'production', 'king', 'approaches', 'barry', 'asking', 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'rochester\\\\', 'face', 'become', 'disfigured', 'syphillitic', 'gummata', 'hides', 'beneath', 'mask', 'charles', 'eventually', 'tracks', 'rochester', 'decides', 'worst', 'punishment', 'possible', 'simply', 'let', 'rochester', 'returns', 'wife', 'elizabeth', 'admitting', 'constantly', 'influence', 'drink', 'five', 'years', 'straight', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'despite', 'rochester\\\\', 'health', 'infidelities', 'elizabeth', 'continues', 'love', 'meanwhile', 'charles\\\\', 'unpopular', 'choice', 'heir', 'roman', 'catholic', 'brother', 'james', 'duke', 'york', 'led', 'showdown', 'parliament', 'introduces', 'exclusion', 'bill', 'deny', 'james', 'throne', 'rochester', 'makes', 'dramatic', 'entrance', 'parliament', 'wearing', 'silver', 'nose-piece', 'heavy', 'pancake', 'makeup', 'conceal', 'ravages', 'syphilis', 'hobbling', 'two', 'canes', 'makes', 'brief', 'effective', 'speech', 'rationally', 'eloquently', 'denouncing', 'bill', 'rochester', 'hobbles', 'subsequent', 'vote', 'kills', 'proposed', 'bill', 'goes', 'see', 'barry', 'reveals', 'daughter', 'together', 'ironically', 'named', 'elizabeth', 'like', 'wife', 'rejects', 'rochester', 'returns', 'home', 'deathbed', 'dies', 'aged', 'thirty-three', 'elizabeth', 'mother', 'priest', 'summoned', 'bring', 'god', 'want', 'rochester', 'die', 'atheist', 'alcock', 'dies', 'rochester', 'asks', 'priest', 'recite', 'isaiah', 'verse', 'also', 'asks', 'wife', 'retell', 'story', 'abducted', 'year', 'old', 'lady', 'fell', 'love', 'film', 'cuts', 'rochester\\\\', 'actual', 'death', 'death', 'scene', 'man', 'mode', 'play', 'written', 'friend', 'etheridge', 'final', 'irony', 'elizabeth', 'barry', 'playing', 'wife', 'stage', 'film', 'closes', 'opens', 'epilogue', 'rochester', 'slips', 'background', 'wavering', 'candlelight', 'sipping', 'drink', 'asking', 'repeatedly', 'growing', 'less', 'arrogant', 'vulnerable', 'utterance', 'like'], [\"'emperor\", 'tod', 'spengo', 'general', 'afir', 'side', 'takes', 'small', 'planet', 'edge', 'galaxy', 'populated', 'entirely', 'idiots', 'renames', 'orders', 'resources', 'planet', 'engaged', 'create', 'super', 'death', 'ray', 'laser', 'laser\\\\', 'purpose', 'destroy', 'earth', 'thus', 'making', 'spengo', 'greatest', 'planet', 'universe', 'spengo', 'looks', 'exactly', 'laser', 'would', 'strike', 'sees', 'marge', 'nelson', 'exercising', 'falls', 'love', 'using', 'magnobeam', 'kidnaps', 'marge', 'husband', 'dick', 'way', '20th-anniversary', 'weekend', 'hoping', 'make', 'marge', 'blows', 'earth', 'dick', 'marge', 'get', 'separated', 'spengo', 'marge', 'sent', 'lap', 'luxury', 'waited', 'small', 'people', 'fish', 'dog', 'heads', 'dick', 'thrown', 'dungeon', 'dungeon', 'however', 'dick', 'meets', 'rightful', 'king', 'spengo', 'raff', 'plans', 'hidden', 'pants', 'son', 'called', 'white', 'bird', 'desert', 'spengo', 'quickly', 'finds', 'advances', 'towards', 'marge', 'failing', 'tries', 'read', 'dick\\\\', 'mind', 'order', 'discover', 'secret', 'heart', 'following', 'dick\\\\', 'mind-probing', 'one', 'destroyers', 'sibor', 'change', 'heart', 'asked', 'execute', 'earthman', 'encouraging', 'dick', 'lose', 'woman', 'love', 'diminutive', 'destroyer', 'frees', 'dick', 'helps', 'break', 'chamber', 'despite', 'stupidity', 'captors', 'dick', 'soon', 'discovered', 'forced', 'garbage', 'chute', 'sewers', 'dark', 'inundated', 'tunnel', 'approached', 'cute-looking', 'mushroom-like', 'creature', 'lub-lub', 'dick', 'attempts', 'pet', 'lub-lub', 'immediately', 'reveals', 'true', 'carnivorous', 'nature', 'forcing', 'run', 'life', 'dick', 'manages', 'escape', 'sewers', 'steal', 'escape', 'pod', 'winds', 'crashing', 'miles', 'away', 'desert', 'meets', 'rightful', 'king\\\\', 'son', 'sirk', 'daughter', 'semage', 'well', 'followers', 'dressed', '6-foot-tall', 'birds', 'although', 'creatures', 'naturally', 'found', 'spengo', 'weapons', 'fight', 'emperor', 'destroyers', 'rocks', 'intelligence', 'number', 'stolen', 'weapons', 'including', 'light', 'grenades', 'completely', 'disintegrate', 'anyone', 'picks', 'one', 'first', 'rebels', \"don\\\\'t\", 'trust', 'dick', 'begin', 'torture', 'dick', 'reveals', 'shared', 'cell', 'raff', 'side', 'attitude', 'quickly', 'changes', 'dick', 'rises', 'rank', 'war', 'leader', 'using', 'little', 'resources', 'scrounge', 'devises', 'plan', 'sneak', 'back', 'spengo\\\\', 'palace', 'save', 'marge', 'even', 'inspires', 'raff\\\\', 'followers', 'rousing', 'speech', 'says', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'stupid', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'mean', \"can\\\\'t\", 'rule', 'planet', 'hey', 'come', 'earth', 'sometime', 'meantime', 'general', 'afir', 'appears', 'intelligent', 'person', 'among', 'spengo\\\\', 'forces', 'believes', 'dick', 'marge', 'key', 'ending', 'spengo\\\\', 'rule', 'hatches', 'plan', 'stop', 'megalomaniac', 'switches', 'love', 'serum', 'meant', 'marge', 'water', 'informs', 'intentions', 'search', 'dick', 'spengo', 'overhears', 'afir\\\\', 'plan', 'placed', 'barrel', 'laser', 'die', 'earth', 'destroyed', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 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'friends', 'buy', 'services', 'marisa', 'talk', 'cat', 'gets', 'trash', 'eats', 'potion', 'meows', 'attracts', 'cats', 'neighborhood', 'paul', 'sees', 'results', 'takes', 'diane', 'find', 'scientific', 'properties', 'analyzing', 'decide', 'use', 'human', 'test', 'subjects', 'diane', 'ends', 'attracting', 'italian', 'car', 'mogul', 'prince', 'england', 'ending', 'getting', 'makeover', 'process', 'paul', 'string', 'hookups', 'women', 'bars', 'supermarkets', 'cars', 'sorority', 'houses', 'paul', 'diane', 'realize', 'romantic', 'attraction', 'become', 'involved', 'eventually', 'paul', 'plans', 'proposal', 'diane', 'however', 'comes', 'house', 'fallen', 'arms', 'gary', 'originally', 'using', 'sex', 'since', 'she\\\\', 'influence', 'potion', 'paul', 'gathers', 'friends', 'tells', 'potion', 'causes', 'laugh', 'face', 'marisa', 'arrives', 'house', 'uses', 'potion', 'uses', 'paul', 'friends', 'proving', 'power', 'potion', 'time', 'diane', 'gary', 'getting', 'married', 'paul', 'goes', 'back', 'madame', 'ruth', 'gives', 'love', 'potion', 'purify', 'diane', 'paul\\\\', 'love', 'forever', 'paul', 'friends', 'coerce', 'matron', 'honor', 'diane\\\\', 'wedding', 'help', 'diane', 'ends', 'running', 'wedding', 'paul\\\\', 'arms'], ['asheville', 'grace', 'airport', 'car-rental', 'agent', 'living', 'mother', 'quits', 'job', 'embarks', 'long-delayed', 'quest', 'facing', 'legal', 'barriers', 'keep', 'finding', 'son', 'gave', 'adoption', 'teenager', 'across', 'state', 'kure', 'beach', 'mark', 'young', 'man', 'obsessed', 'saving', 'loggerhead', 'sea', 'turtles', 'meets', 'george', 'michael', 'kelly', 'friendly', 'motel', 'owner', 'secrets', 'offers', 'place', 'stay', 'center', 'state', 'small', 'town', 'eden', 'minister', 'wife', 'struggles', 'confront', 'conservative', 'husband', 'estrangement', 'son', 'film', 'also', 'stars', 'robin', 'weigert', 'ann', 'owens', 'pierce', 'valerie', 'watkins', 'trevor', 'gagnon', 'kelly', 'mizell', 'craig', 'walker', 'michael', 'esper', 'joanne', 'pankow', 'irish', 'singer-songwriter', 'composer', 'mark', 'geary', 'wrote', 'original', 'score', 'well', 'two', 'songs', 'film', 'music', 'singer/songwriter', 'patty', 'griffin', 'also', 'featured', 'prominently', 'sonablast', 'records', 'released', 'soundtrack', 'loggerheads', 'filmed', 'location', 'primarily', 'wilmington', 'north', 'carolina', 'may', '2004'], [\"'barry\", 'private', '101st', 'airborne', 'division', 'united', 'states', 'army', 'stationed', 'fort', 'campbell', 'kentucky', 'calpernia', 'works', 'showgirl', 'transgender', 'revue', 'nashville', 'tennessee', 'two', 'met', '1999.', 'barry\\\\', 'roommate', 'justin', 'fisher', 'brings', 'barry', 'club', 'performs', 'barry', 'calpernia', 'begin', 'seeing', 'regularly', 'fisher', 'begins', 'spreading', 'rumors', 'base', 'relationship', 'appeared', 'violation', 'military\\\\', \"don\\\\'t\", 'ask', \"don\\\\'t\", 'tell', 'policy', 'discussing', 'sexual', 'orientation', 'military', 'personnel', 'barry', 'faces', 'increasing', 'harassment', 'pressure', 'explode', 'violence', 'fourth', 'july', 'weekend', 'calpernia', 'performs', 'pageant', 'nashville', 'barry', 'beaten', 'death', 'sleep', 'baseball', 'bat', 'calvin', 'glover', 'goaded', 'fisher', 'committing', 'crime', 'film', 'ends', 'discussion', 'aftermath'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'mini-documentary', 'new', 'york', 'city\\\\', '1973', 'gay', 'pride', 'parade', 'rally', 'young', 'lesbian', 'unabashedly', 'declaring', 'gay', 'natural', 'thing', 'action', 'cuts', 'protagonist', 'david', 'going', 'ritual', 'released', 'vocation', 'monk', 'monastery', 'seen', 'public', 'school', 'teacher', 'english', 'literature', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'area', 'spends', 'time', 'driving', 'city', 'oldest', 'friend', 'schenectady', 'alan', 'gay', 'bar', 'one', 'evening', 'bar', 'david', 'singled', 'dance', 'mark', 'portrays', 'businessman', 'end', 'spending', 'night', 'together', 'first', 'seems', 'like', 'one-night', 'stand', 'david', 'says', 'he\\\\', 'like', 'see', 'mark', 'mark', 'agrees', 'long', 'pair', 'begin', 'monogamous', 'relationship', 'david', 'moves', 'mark', 'mark', 'wants', 'sex', 'men', 'relationship', 'starts', 'break', 'rejects', 'idea', 'modeling', 'gay', 'relationship', 'heterosexual', 'marriage', 'irritated', 'david', 'wants', 'keep', 'pushing', 'romantic', 'thing', 'mark', 'would', 'rather', 'understanding', 'either', 'sex', 'men', 'feel', 'like', 'ends', 'alienating', 'mark', 'refuses', 'say', 'love', 'david', 'playfully', 'wrestles', 'tells', 'say', '...', '...', 'good', 'measure', 'year', 'though', 'david', 'realizes', 'two', 'marking', 'time', 'two', 'fire', 'island', 'weekend', 'attempt', 'spice', 'relationship', 'although', 'david', 'tries', 'please', 'mark', 'entering', 'orgy', \"can\\\\'t\", 'fight', 'david', 'temporarily', 'moves', 'friend', 'alan', 'gives', 'david', 'objective', 'perspective', 'happened', 'later', 'encounter', 'mark', 'coney', 'island', 'david', 'finally', 'realizes', \"can\\\\'t\", 'reconciliation', 'mark', 'interested', 'sex', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'season', 'loneliness', 'david', 'meets', 'divorced', 'photographer', 'named', 'jason', '1973', 'gay', 'pride', 'rally', 'began', 'film', 'david', 'jason', 'jason\\\\', 'apartment', 'talk', 'jason', 'divorced', 'dad', 'meet', 'another', 'member', 'gay', 'community', 'one', 'living', 'heterosexual', 'life', 'prior', 'coming', 'still', 'socializes', 'ex-wife', 'goes', 'photo', 'shoots', 'parental', 'visit', 'toddler', 'son', 'jason', 'tells', 'ex-wife', 'seeing', 'someone', 'would', 'spending', 'upcoming', 'labor', 'day', 'holiday', 'appears', 'jason', 'david', 'found', 'someone', 'willing', 'pursue', 'romantic', 'committed', 'relationship', 'jason', 'takes', 'pictures', 'david', 'telling', 'things', 'say', 'cheese\\\\', 'film', 'ends', 'showing', 'two', 'men', 'together', 'splashing', 'naked', 'surf', 'cape', 'cod'], ['thomas', 'kresk', 'loser', \"n't\", 'good', 'job', 'tossed', 'home', 'wife', 'dumped', 'marriage', 'counselor', 'depressed', 'contemplating', 'suicide', 'yes', 'things', 'get', 'worse', 'criminal', 'named', 'avnet', 'stolen', 'three', 'priceless', 'coins', 'decided', 'blackmail', 'bollingsworth', 'billionaire', 'partner', 'crime', 'kresk', 'overhears', 'almost', 'gets', 'shot', '봞nd', 'avnet', 'ends', 'impaled', 'pair', 'barbers', 'scissors', 'kresk', 'considerably', 'nastier', 'situation', 'steals', 'gun', 'coins', 'things', 'take', 'sharp', 'turn', 'hires', 'hit', 'man', 'named', 'mikey', 'discovers', 'hit', 'man', 'seventeen', 'emotionally', 'traumatized', 'parents', 'suicide', 'kresk', 'falling', 'cop/playboy', 'model', 'sgt', 'meredith', 'kolko', 'nephew', 'scottie', 'swallowed', 'coins', 'kresk', 'head', 'deal', 'strange', 'sometimes', 'dangerous', 'people', 'around'], ['christine', 'maid', 'well-to-do', 'widow', 'daughter', 'sister', 'lea', 'hired', 'recommendation', 'christine', 'two', 'sisters', 'become', 'increasingly', 'alienated', 'employer', 'separated', 'barriers', 'classes', 'turn', 'christine', 'experiencing', 'much', 'jealousy', 'sister', 'interest', 'anyone', 'else', 'relationship', 'becomes', 'sexual', 'adding', 'tension', 'sisters', 'employer', 'tension', 'ultimately', 'leads', 'paranoia', 'repressed', 'rage', 'murder'], [\"'mirabelle\", 'buttersfield', 'transplanted', 'vermonter', 'aspiring', 'artist', 'saleswoman', 'evening', 'gloves', 'counter', 'saks', 'fifth', 'avenue', 'beverly', 'hills', 'quiet', 'orderly', 'existence', 'filled', 'mundane', 'serious', 'disrupted', 'sudden', 'appearance', 'two', 'disparate', 'men', 'jeremy', 'immature', 'awkward', 'socially', 'inept', 'penniless', 'twenty-something', 'graphic', 'designer', 'amplifier', 'manufacturer', 'aspiring', 'typographer', 'enters', 'mirabelle\\\\', 'life', 'first', 'mirabelle', 'aching', 'kind', 'meaningful', 'contact', 'someone', 'else', 'gives', 'chance', 'quickly', 'fizzles', 'half-hearted', 'date', 'followed', 'woefully', 'underwhelming', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'ray', 'porter', 'considerably', 'older', 'suave', 'well-dressed', 'wealthy', 'divorced', 'logician', 'ray', 'charms', 'mirabelle', 'course', 'dates', 'one', 'ends', 'house', 'mirabelle', 'offers', 'sex', 'next', 'morning', 'ray', 'tells', 'intend', 'relationship', 'serious', 'due', 'constant', 'traveling', 'l.a.', 'seattle', 'different', 'understandings', 'talk', 'ray', 'tells', 'psychiatrist', 'mirabelle', 'knows', 'going', 'see', 'people', 'mirabelle', 'tells', 'acquaintances', 'ray', 'wanted', 'see', 'mirabelle', 'ray', 'embark', 'lengthy', 'affair', 'time', 'jeremy', 'working', 'roadie', 'band', 'hot', 'tears', 'attempts', 'one', 'last', 'liaison', 'mirabelle', 'leaving', 'spurns', 'due', 'relationship', 'ray', 'tour', 'band\\\\', 'lead', 'singer', 'introduces', 'jeremy', 'world', 'self-improvement', 'better', 'relate', 'opposite', 'sex', 'mirabelle', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'devoted', 'ray', 'showers', 'expensive', 'gifts', 'instead', 'emotional', 'affection', 'mirabelle\\\\', 'depression', 'hits', 'hard', 'takes', 'doctor', 'cares', 'deepening', 'reliance', 'ray', 'spurred', 'invite', 'mirabelle', 'trip', 'new', 'york', 'ray', 'fitted', 'dress', 'shop', 'armani', 'business', 'trip', 'ray', 'dinner', 'old', 'friend', 'dinner', 'propositions', 'accepts', 'ray', 'immediately', 'confesses', 'return', 'l.a.', 'devastated', 'mirabelle', 'cuts', 'things', 'cancels', 'trip', 'new', 'york', 'decides', 'visit', 'vermont', 'basking', 'warmth', 'familiarity', 'home', 'ray', 'calls', 'apologizes', 'hurting', 'asks', 'come', 'new', 'york', 'accepts', 'attends', 'function', 'youngest', 'person', 'party', 'part', 'alone', 'place', 'return', 'hotel', 'room', 'ray', 'wants', 'intimate', 'mirabelle', 'ready', 'later', 'mirabelle', 'meets', 'jeremy', 'accident', 'way', 'art', 'gallery', 'showing', 'coworker', 'lisa', 'mistakes', 'ray', 'walk', 'together', 'jeremy', 'new', 'man', 'learned', 'time', 'away', 'evident', 'anyone', 'mirabelle', 'showing', 'mirabelle', 'goes', 'home', 'ray', 'lisa', 'goes', 'home', 'jeremy', 'thinking', 'he\\\\', 'ray', 'next', 'morning', 'ray', 'devastates', 'mirabelle', 'announcing', 'plans', 'looking', 'bigger', 'house', 'case', 'meets', 'someone', 'decides', 'kids', 'jeremy', 'calls', 'lisa', 'thinking', 'made', 'connection', 'quickly', 'finds', 'interest', 'anything', 'ray', 'porter', 'mirabelle', 'decides', 'stop', 'postponing', 'inevitable', 'breaks', 'things', 'ray', 'good', 'taking', 'time', 'grieve', 'loss', 'relationship', 'quits', 'job', 'saks', 'one', 'receptionist', 'art', 'gallery', 'jeremy', 'begins', 'pursue', 'time', 'correct', 'way', 'time', 'fall', 'love', 'one', 'another', 'eventually', 'make', 'love', 'mirabelle', 'receives', 'invitation', 'show', 'work', 'opening', 'ray', 'shows', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'interaction', 'noticeably', 'strained', 'search', 'shallow', 'things', 'chat', 'end', 'conversation', 'ray', 'apologizes', 'deeply', 'hurt', 'admits', 'love', 'shocked', 'touched', 'mirabelle', 'smiles', 'oncoming', 'tears', 'turns', 'walk', 'away', 'ray', 'watches', 'mirabelle', 'run', 'jeremy\\\\', 'loving', 'arms', 'remarks', 'feels', 'loss', 'although', 'purposefully', 'kept', 'mirabelle', 'arm\\\\', 'length', 'broke', 'would', 'hurt', 'inevitably'], ['roseland', 'older', 'lady', 'may', 'light', 'step', 'looks', 'memory', 'husband', 'ballroom', 'mirrors', 'stan', 'cheerful', 'older', 'man', 'steers', 'may', 'brandy', 'alexanders', 'away', 'past', 'pauline', 'middle-aged', 'widow', 'means', 'pay', 'services', 'younger', 'gigolo', 'russell', 'share', 'champagne', 'roseland', 'friends', 'dance', 'teacher', 'cleo', 'shy', 'divorcee', 'marilyn', 'marily', 'cleo', 'fail', 'break', 'russell', 'attachment', 'lifestyle', 'pauline', 'provides', 'rosa', 'former', 'schrafft', 'cook', 'wannabe', 'dance', 'superstar', 'makes', 'mission', 'win', 'peabody', 'prize', 'older', 'older', 'partner', 'arthur', 'desperate', 'marry', 'her.harris', 'art', 'lives', 'times', 'roseland', 'ballroom', 'washington', 'post', 'january', '1978'], ['opening', 'scene', 'single', 'shot', 'showing', 'family', 'dog', 'descending', 'hill', 'large', 'tree', 'foreground', 'distant', 'countryside', 'vanishing', 'rolling', 'fog', 'camera', 'pushes', 'imperceptibly', 'continuously', 'beginning', 'soundtrack', 'possibly', 'diegetic', 'sole', 'woman', 'sings', 'meanwhile', 'film', 'credits', 'scroll', 'superimposed', 'scene', 'family', 'dog', 'upon', 'reaching', 'area', 'front', 'hut', 'stop', 'moving', 'verdi', 'messa', 'requiem', 'fades', 'overlapping', 'brief', 'moment', 'woman', 'singing', 'foreground', 'tree', 'fully', 'disappears', 'scene', 'freezes', 'credits', 'continue', 'title', 'appears', 'scene', 'fades', 'black', 'requiem', 'continues', 'audible', 'transition', 'second', 'scene', 'russian', 'writer', 'andrei', 'gorchakov', 'travels', 'italy', 'research', 'life', '18th-century', 'russian', 'composer', 'pavel', 'sosnovsky', 'lived', 'committed', 'suicide', 'return', 'russia', 'comely', 'interpreter', 'travel', 'convent', 'middle', 'tuscan', 'countryside', 'look', 'frescoes', 'piero', 'della', 'francesca', 'back', 'hotel', 'andrei', 'feels', 'displaced', 'longs', 'back', 'russia', 'unnamed', 'circumstances', 'seem', 'get', 'way', 'interpreter', 'smitten', 'andrei', 'offended', 'sleep', 'claiming', 'better', 'boyfriend', 'waiting', 'andrei', 'meets', 'befriends', 'strange', 'mad', 'man', 'famous', 'village', 'insistence', 'trying', 'walk', 'across', 'drained', 'mineral', 'spring', 'pool', 'lit', 'candle', 'claims', 'finally', 'achieving', 'save', 'world', 'share', 'feeling', 'alienation', 'surroundings', 'madman', 'says', 'playing', 'beethoven', '9th', 'symphony', 'mathematics', 'wrong', '1+1', 'equal', 'bigger', 'illustrates', 'two', 'drops', 'olive', 'oil', 'andrei', 'later', 'learns', 'man', 'used', 'live', 'lunatic', 'asylum', 'post-fascist', 'state', 'closed', 'lives', 'street', 'also', 'learns', 'man', 'family', 'obsessed', 'keeping', 'inside', 'house', 'freed', 'local', 'police', 'order', 'save', 'end', 'world', 'abstract', 'dream-like', 'sequence', 'andrei', 'sees', 'madman', 'visions', 'wife', 'interpreter', 'madonna', 'one', 'andrei', 'seems', 'cut', 'research', 'short', 'plans', 'leave', 'russia', 'gets', 'call', 'interpreter', 'wishes', 'say', 'goodbye', 'tell', 'met', 'madman', 'rome', 'chance', 'wanted', 'andrei', 'walk', 'across', 'pool', 'interpreter', 'boyfriend', 'seems', 'equally', 'uninterested', 'appears', 'involved', 'dubious', 'business', 'affairs', 'andrei', 'goes', 'drained', 'pool', 'attempt', 'walk', 'one', 'side', 'pool', 'proves', 'difficult', 'imagines', 'remains', 'unclear', 'fumes', 'poor', 'heart', 'condition', 'impede', 'achieving', 'task', 'meanwhile', 'madman', 'giving', 'speech', 'city', 'need', 'mankind', 'true', 'brothers', 'sisters', 'stop', 'polluting', 'water', 'plays', 'beethoven', '9th', 'symphony', 'sets', 'fire', 'time', 'andrei', 'unsuccessful', 'crossing', 'pond', 'finally', 'achieves', 'dies', 'closing', 'sequence', 'close', 'andrei', 'sitting', 'dog', 'countryside', 'opening', 'scene', 'camera', 'slowly', 'pulls', 'hut', 'family', 'shown', 'inside', 'ruins', 'italian', 'church'], ['story', 'relationship', 'journalists', 'dan', 'hanson', 'lorie', 'bryer', 'twice', 'perspective', 'man', 'story', 'directed', 'ken', 'kwapis', 'woman', 'marisa', 'silver', 'time', 'kwapis', 'silver', 'engaged', 'married', 'soon', 'film', 'released', 'dan', 'lorie', 'rival', 'editorial', 'page', 'contributors', 'baltimore', 'sun', 'rivalry', 'conservative', 'dan', 'liberal', 'lorie', 'eventually', 'leads', 'series', 'present', 'opposing', 'views', 'various', 'topics', 'abortion', 'sexual', 'harassment', 'gay', 'rights', 'dan', 'lorie', 'get', 'know', 'discover', 'feelings'], ['story', 'takes', 'place', 'around', 'paris', 'france', '1931.', 'story', 'told', 'one', 'love', 'triangle', 'millers', 'ana챦s', 'nin', 'stable', 'relationship', 'hugo', 'longs', 'life', 'ana챦s', 'nin', 'first', 'meets', 'henry', 'miller', 'sees', 'rough', 'man', 'new', 'york', 'talent', 'literature', 'working', 'first', 'book', 'nin', 'sees', 'henry', 'wife', 'june', 'liberating', 'bohemian', 'lifestyle', 'drawn', 'nin', 'becomes', 'involved', 'couple', 'tormented', 'relationship', 'affair', 'henry', 'also', 'pursuing', 'june', 'ultimately', 'nin', 'helps', 'henry', 'publish', 'novel', 'tropic', 'cancer', 'catalyzes', 'millers', 'separation', 'returns', 'husband', 'hugo'], ['one', 'night', 'beverly', 'hills', 'ambulance', 'driver', 'frank', 'jessup', 'partner', 'bill', 'called', 'cliffside', 'estate', 'charles', 'catherine', 'tremayne', 'time', 'arrive', 'catherine', 'already', 'treated', 'gas', 'inhalation', 'police', 'believe', 'occurred', 'accidentally', 'wealthy', 'catherine', 'suspects', 'deliberate', 'leaving', 'house', 'frank', 'notices', 'catherine', 'beautiful', 'english', 'stepdaughter', 'diane', 'playing', 'melancholy', 'piano', 'piece', 'assures', 'stepmother', 'fine', 'diane', 'becomes', 'hysterical', 'frank', 'slaps', 'face', 'calm', 'confused', 'slaps', 'back', 'apologizes', 'later', 'getting', 'work', 'frank', 'goes', 'nearby', 'diner', 'unaware', 'diane', 'following', 'sports', 'car', 'diner', 'frank', 'tries', 'call', 'girl', 'friend', 'mary', 'wilton', 'hospital', 'receptionist', 'gets', 'answer', 'diane', 'comes', 'strikes', 'flirtatious', 'conversation', 'mary', 'finally', 'calls', 'frank', 'turns', 'dinner', 'invitation', 'claiming', 'tired', 'frank', 'takes', 'diane', 'dinner', 'tells', 'father', 'well-respected', 'novelist', 'finished', 'book', 'since', 'mother', 'death', 'war', 'diane', 'asks', 'frank', 'former', 'race', 'car', 'driver', 'dreams', 'owning', 'garage', 'mary', 'reveals', 'mary', 'saving', 'money', 'help', 'next', 'day', 'diane', 'invites', 'mary', 'lunch', 'pretending', 'wants', 'contribute', 'frank', 'garage', 'fund', 'lets', 'know', 'spent', 'evening', 'seeing', 'diane', 'tactics', 'mary', 'rejects', 'offer', 'admits', 'faith', 'frank', 'shaken', 'night', 'mary', 'frank', 'lies', 'date', 'diane', 'disgusted', 'mary', 'rejects', 'frank', 'goes', 'bill', 'longtime', 'admirer', 'later', 'diner', 'diane', 'finds', 'frank', 'chastises', 'speaking', 'mary', 'diane', 'suggests', 'drive', 'car', 'upcoming', 'race', 'however', 'frank', 'forgives', 'agrees', 'talk', 'idea', 'diane', 'convinces', 'parents', 'hire', 'chauffeur', 'kissing', 'moonlit', 'drive', 'persuades', 'frank', 'accept', 'job', 'soon', 'diane', 'informs', 'frank', 'talked', 'stepmother', 'investing', 'garage', 'presents', 'catherine', 'written', 'proposal', 'although', 'catherine', 'suspicious', 'diane', 'motives', 'tells', 'frank', 'consider', 'offer', 'catherine', 'calls', 'lawyer', 'arthur', 'vance', 'advice', 'learns', 'town', 'later', 'diane', 'meets', 'secretly', 'frank', 'tells', 'catherine', 'threw', 'proposal', 'trash', 'diane', 'also', 'confides', 'fear', 'catherine', 'find', 'romance', 'would', 'fire', 'lock', 'frank', 'tries', 'reassure', 'diane', 'catherine', 'power', 'diane', 'insists', 'catherine', 'take', 'anger', 'beloved', 'weak', 'father', 'defied', 'middle', 'night', 'diane', 'comes', 'frank', 'room', 'tells', 'catherine', 'tried', 'kill', 'turning', 'gas', 'fireplace', 'frank', 'refuses', 'believe', 'diane', 'story', 'orders', 'back', 'bed', 'next', 'day', 'frank', 'stops', 'mary', 'apartment', 'states', 'leaving', 'job', 'diane', 'making', 'date', 'mary', 'night', 'frank', 'returns', 'tremaynes', 'starts', 'pack', 'anticipated', 'move', 'diane', 'cries', 'begs', 'run', 'away', 'showing', 'packed', 'suitcase', 'admitting', 'loves', 'frank', 'agrees', 'stay', 'days', 'think', 'seriously', 'situation', 'following', 'day', 'frank', 'gone', 'catherine', 'prepares', 'drive', 'santa', 'barbara', 'leave', 'charles', 'asks', 'lift', 'catherine', 'puts', 'car', 'drive', 'steps', 'gas', 'vehicle', 'screeches', 'backward', 'cliff', 'catherine', 'charles', 'killed', 'crash', 'following', 'investigation', 'frank', 'diane', 'arrested', 'murder', 'diane', 'stands', 'inherit', 'catherine', 'wealth', 'suffered', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'however', 'incarcerated', 'prison', 'hospital', 'help', 'diane', 'vance', 'hires', 'fred', 'barrett', 'renowned', 'defense', 'lawyer', 'trial', 'start', 'fred', 'convinces', 'frank', 'diane', 'marry', 'propose', 'diane', 'suitcase', 'frank', 'room', 'planning', 'elope', 'trial', 'barrett', 'skillfully', 'deflates', 'expert', 'testimony', 'regarding', 'car', 'transmission', 'steering', 'mechanism', 'appears', 'tampered', 'paints', 'frank', 'diane', 'innocent', 'lovebirds', 'frank', 'diane', 'acquitted', 'back', 'estate', 'frank', 'tells', 'diane', 'divorcing', 'diane', 'finally', 'talks', 'jealousy', 'loneliness', 'felt', 'father', 'married', 'catherine', 'grief', 'suffered', 'upon', 'seeing', 'crushed', 'bodies', 'despite', 'diane', 'remorse', 'frank', 'insists', 'returning', 'mary', 'diane', 'bets', 'frank', 'sports', 'car', 'mary', 'take', 'back', 'frank', 'goes', 'mary', 'rejects', 'favor', 'bill', 'diane', 'meanwhile', 'visits', 'barrett', 'office', 'insists', 'confessing', 'murders', 'detailing', 'asked', 'unsuspecting', 'frank', 'explain', 'car', 'transmission', 'reminding', 'diane', 'double', 'jeopardy', 'rule', 'barrett', 'tears', 'confession', 'upon', 'returning', 'home', 'diane', 'finds', 'frank', 'packing', 'mexico', 'asks', 'frank', 'says', 'agrees', 'let', 'drive', 'bus', 'station', 'frank', 'gets', 'diane', 'shifts', 'reverse', 'jams', 'foot', 'gas', 'pedal', 'sends', 'car', 'cliff', 'killing'], ['kenosha', 'wisconsin', 'darcy', 'editor', 'high', 'school', 'paper', 'long-term', 'boyfriend', 'stan', 'final', 'year', 'high', 'school', 'already', 'accepted', 'good', 'colleges', 'darcy', 'goes', 'college', 'study', 'journalism', \"'ll\", 'trip', 'paris', 'mother', 'graduation', 'present', 'stan', 'caltech', 'study', 'architecture', 'help', 'darcy', 'best', 'friend', 'lila', 'sharon', 'brown', 'spend', 'weekend', 'together', 'sleep', 'together', 'darcy', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'announce', 'news', 'thanksgiving', 'neither', 'darcy', 'mother', 'donna', 'abandoned', 'husband', 'brought', 'darcy', 'alone', 'stan', 'catholic', 'parents', 'supportive', 'respectively', 'urge', 'young', 'couple', 'abortion', 'give', 'baby', 'adoption', 'darcy', 'plans', 'abortion', \"n't\", 'stan', 'relief', 'christmas', 'kids', 'announce', 'plans', 'keep', 'baby', 'causing', 'break', 'parents', 'rent', 'decrepit', 'apartment', 'get', 'married', 'cheers', 'friends', 'advice', 'guidance', 'counselor', 'darcy', 'drops', 'high', 'school', 'works', 'toward', 'ged', 'prom', 'interrupted', 'darcy', 'water', 'breaking', 'although', 'baby', 'thea', 'healthy', 'darcy', 'suffers', 'post-partum', 'depression', 'unable', 'even', 'hold', 'daughter', 'stan', 'struggles', 'pay', 'bills', 'part-time', 'job', 'salary', 'darcy', 'hears', 'intruder', 'picks', 'baby', 'protectively', 'break', 'depression', 'without', 'telling', 'darcy', 'stan', 'sacrifices', 'caltech', 'scholarship', 'married', 'housing', 'although', 'stan', 'takes', 'second', 'dead-end', 'job', 'bills', 'pile', 'couple', 'finally', 'moves', 'donna', 'alienates', 'stan', 'darcy', 'causes', 'stan', 'start', 'drinking', 'heavily', 'local', 'vixen', 'michaela', 'informs', 'darcy', 'scholarship', 'deception', 'enlists', 'stan', 'best', 'friend', 'chris', 'plan', 'ensure', 'take', 'scholarship', 'college', 'unfortunately', 'plan', 'entails', 'throwing', 'stan', 'annulling', 'marriage', 'stan', 'reconciles', 'parents', 'heartbroken', 'split', 'darcy', 'darcy', 'night', 'school', 'graduation', 'stan', 'arrives', 'inform', 'darcy', 'applied', 'scholarships', 'university', 'wisconsin', '밠adison', 'darcy', 'lets', 'slip', 'role', 'caltech', 'deception', 'chris', 'stan', 'chases', 'drives', 'away', 'darcy', 'realizes', 'mother', 'insecurities', 'influenced', 'much', 'returns', 'empty', 'school', 'looking', 'stan', 'reconcile', 'remarking', 'thea', 'early', 'curfew', 'allowed', 'date', 'turns'], ['1931', 'working-class', 'family', 'andersson', '횇dalen', 'taking', 'part', 'massive', 'sympathy', 'strike', 'workers', 'town', 'marma', 'harald', 'father', 'family', 'catches', 'fish', 'manages', 'support', 'family', 'maintaining', 'good', 'mood', 'kjell', 'oldest', 'son', 'works', 'office', 'local', 'sawmill', 'manager', 'taught', 'classical', 'music', 'impressionism', 'french', 'pronunciation', 'manager', 'wife', 'plays', 'jazz', 'band', 'friend', 'nisse', 'also', 'discusses', 'things', 'like', 'girls', 'erogenous', 'zones', 'hypnosis', 'spring', 'commences', 'manager', 'daughter', 'anna', 'comes', 'home', 'school', 'holiday', 'kjell', 'fall', 'love', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'child', 'sawmill', 'deliver', 'big', 'order', 'america', 'strikebreakers', 'called', 'towns', 'local', 'strikers', 'become', 'furious', 'police', 'called', 'protect', 'strikebreakers', 'still', 'attacked', 'angry', 'crowd', 'working', 'sandviken', 'wharf', 'outside', 'kramfors', 'thrown', 'water', 'others', 'beaten', 'bloody', 'harald', 'takes', 'care', 'injured', 'strikebreaker', 'confronted', 'group', 'angry', 'workers', 'tries', 'argue', 'calm', 'rely', 'discussion', 'instead', 'violence', 'agree', 'stance', 'turbulence', 'military', 'troops', 'arrive', 'ensure', 'safety', 'also', 'decided', 'county', 'administrative', 'board', 'strikebreakers', 'prohibited', 'working', 'information', \"n't\", 'reach', 'upset', 'locals', 'decide', 'march', 'locality', 'strikebreakers', 'staying', 'get', 'rid', 'military', 'troops', 'fail', 'persuading', 'participants', 'stop', 'open', 'fire', 'five', 'people', 'killed', 'five', 'injured', 'among', 'dead', 'harald', 'andersson', 'nisse', 'young', 'girl', 'bystander', 'around', 'time', 'anna', 'returns', 'stockholm', 'abortion', 'arranged', 'mother', 'kjell', 'told', 'abortion', 'anna', 'father', 'interprets', \"n't\", 'accepted', 'within', 'bourgeois', 'idyll', 'general', 'strike', 'proclaimed', 'kjell', 'occupied', 'strike', 'guard', 'meets', 'man', 'previously', 'argued', 'father', 'man', 'claims', 'father', \"n't\", 'innocent', 'since', 'helped', 'divide', 'workers', 'united', 'kjell', 'agree', 'instead', 'claiming', 'education', 'key', 'better', 'society', 'slowly', 'andersson', 'family', 'recover', 'loss', 'eventually', 'factories', 'open'], ['betty', 'zorg', 'passionate', 'lovers', 'live', 'shack', 'beach', 'works', 'handyman', 'odd', 'jobs', 'pay', 'bills', 'film', 'begins', 'dating', 'week', 'passionate', 'stage', 'relationship', 'portrayed', 'graphic', 'sex', 'scene', 'zorg', 'narrates', 'story', 'relationship', 'via', 'voiceover', 'describes', 'betty', '쐋ike', 'flower', 'translucent', 'antennae', 'mauve', 'plastic', 'heart', 'yearns', 'better', 'life', 'quit', 'last', 'job', 'waitress', 'sexually', 'harassed', 'boss', 'zorg', 'boss', 'asks', 'paint', '500', 'shacks', 'populate', 'beach', 'fact', 'keeps', 'betty', 'thinks', 'one', 'takes', 'project', 'enthusiasm', 'quickly', 'turns', 'anger', 'learns', 'actual', 'number', 'response', 'betty', 'covers', 'boss', 'car', 'pink', 'paint', 'nasty', 'fight', 'betty', 'accidentally', 'discovers', 'series', 'notebooks', 'contain', 'novel', 'zorg', 'wrote', 'years', 'ago', 'upon', 'reading', 'novel', 'realizes', 'true', 'worth', 'intelligent', 'writer', 'tries', 'convince', 'zorg', 'appalled', 'menial', 'work', 'zorg', 'subjected', 'non-chalant', 'attitude', 'toward', 'situation', 'zorg', 'tries', 'write', 'become', 'inspired', 'boss', 'demands', 'betty', 'leaves', 'zorg', 'late', 'work', 'relationship', 'betty', 'enraged', 'trashes', 'shack', 'unbeknownst', 'zorg', 'painting', 'betty', 'packs', 'things', 'finished', 'comes', 'back', 'shack', 'betty', 'burns', 'coerces', 'zorg', 'hitchhike', 'live', 'best', 'friend', 'city', 'betty', 'zorg', 'move', 'betty', 'friend', 'place', 'zorg', 'handywork', 'lieu', 'rent', 'couple', 'intimate', 'life', \"n't\", 'skip', 'beat', 'fueled', 'passionate', 'love', 'zorg', 'takes', 'upon', 'type', 'zorg', 'novel', 'try', 'get', 'published', 'zorg', 'tries', 'rekindle', 'imagination', 'start', 'writing', 'fails', 'worse', 'zorg', 'receives', 'rejection', 'letters', 'novel', 'fearing', 'might', 'ignite', 'betty', 'anger', 'hides', 'soon', 'betty', 'zorg', 'find', 'work', 'betty', 'friend', 'boyfriend', 'restaurant', 'well', 'betty', 'mistakes', 'order', 'customer', 'lashes', 'fighting', 'escalates', 'betty', 'rage', 'erupting', 'stabbing', 'customer', 'arm', 'fork', 'emotionally', 'overwhelmed', 'zorg', 'seizes', 'betty', 'scene', 'ends', 'crying', 'wall', 'arms', 'betty', 'discovers', 'rejection', 'letters', 'guise', 'doctors', 'appointment', 'takes', 'zorg', 'one', 'publisher', 'house', 'assaults', 'seized', 'zorg', 'betty', 'friend', 'boyfriend', 'mother', 'dies', 'zorg', 'betty', 'friend', 'accompany', 'friend', 'boyfriend', 'funeral', 'friend', 'boyfriend', 'comes', 'ownership', 'mother', 'piano', 'store', 'house', 'offers', 'betty', 'zorg', 'run', 'store', 'live', 'return', 'accept', 'get', 'place', 'zorg', 'continues', 'handyman', 'around', 'new', 'neighborhood', 'money', 'befriends', 'local', 'store', 'owner', 'bob', 'working', 'one', 'day', 'comes', 'across', 'white', 'stray', 'cat', 'takes', 'one', 'day', 'betty', 'zorg', 'bed', 'zorg', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'medication', 'betty', 'taking', 'betty', 'shrugs', 'nothing', 'zorg', 'tries', 'start', 'another', 'book', 'find', 'inspiration', 'everything', 'smooth', 'zorg', 'betty', 'betty', 'one', 'emotional', 'spells', 'runs', 'house', 'garments', 'chased', 'zorg', 'calms', 'despite', 'birth', 'control', 'pregnancy', 'test', 'yields', 'positive', 'zorg', 'betty', 'overjoyed', 'finding', 'zorg', 'buys', 'onesies', 'prospective', 'baby', 'betty', 'goes', 'doctor', 'confirm', 'pregnancy', 'zorg', 'comes', 'home', 'one', 'day', 'find', 'medical', 'paper', 'reads', 'negative', 'pregnancy', 'betty', 'nowhere', 'sight', 'gone', 'one', 'bouts', 'emotional', 'frenzy', 'zorg', 'comes', 'home', 'next', 'day', 'find', 'betty', 'distraught', 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'next', 'book', 'hearing', 'voice', 'betty', 'happy', 'together', 'participating', 'small', 'talk', 'used', 'betty', 'free', 'spirited', 'nature', 'devotion', 'zorg', 'develop', 'alarming', 'obsession', 'aggression', 'destructiveness', 'film', 'alternates', 'comic', 'tragic', 'modes'], [\"'wealthy\", 'heiress', 'joanna', 'stayton', 'accustomed', 'living', 'life', 'idle', 'rich', 'husband', 'grant', 'stayton', 'iii', 'yacht', 'gets', 'stuck', 'rural', 'hamlet', 'elk', 'cove', 'oregon', 'repairs', 'joanna', 'passes', 'time', 'hiring', 'carpenter', 'dean', 'proffitt', 'remodel', 'closet', 'dean', 'puts', 'joanna\\\\', 'demanding', 'attitude', 'refuse', 'pay', 'dislikes', 'type', 'wood', 'used', 'demands', 'payment', 'shoves', 'overboard', 'along', 'tools', 'night', 'joanna', 'falls', 'overboard', 'searching', 'wedding', 'ring', 'deck', 'develops', 'amnesia', 'rescued', 'garbage', 'scow', 'taken', 'local', 'hospital', 'grant', 'goes', 'get', 'seeing', 'mental', 'state', 'mistreatment', 'staff', 'denies', 'knowing', 'returns', 'yacht', 'bachelor', 'embark', 'spree', 'parties', 'younger', 'women', 'seeing', 'story', 'local', 'news', 'dean', 'widower', 'living', 'redneck', 'clutter', 'four', 'young', 'sons', 'decides', 'seek', 'revenge', 'remedy', 'domestic', 'problems', 'taking', 'advantage', 'situation', 'goes', 'hospital', 'tells', 'joanna', 'annie', 'wife', 'thirteen', 'years', 'mother', 'sons', 'convinces', 'staff', 'identity', 'revealing', 'small', 'birthmark', 'behind', 'saw', 'remodeling', 'wearing', 'revealing', 'swimsuit', 'unwillingly', 'convinced', 'goes', 'home', 'first', 'joanna', 'difficulty', 'dealing', 'dean\\\\', 'boys', 'heavy', 'load', 'chores', 'including', 'cooking', 'raw', 'food', 'laundry', 'tub', 'caring', 'pets', 'housekeeping', 'able', 'sleep', 'couch', 'soon', 'adapts', 'new', 'life', 'housewife', 'begins', 'fall', 'love', 'dean', 'children', 'dean', 'secretly', 'working', 'two', 'jobs', 'joanna', 'handles', 'boys\\\\', 'school', 'issues', 'family', 'issues', 'money', 'challenges', 'considerable', 'wisdom', 'grace', 'seeing', 'dean', 'struggle', 'uses', 'untapped', 'knowledge', 'things', 'like', 'seven', 'wonders', 'world', 'draw', 'plans', 'miniature', 'golf', 'course', 'based', 'shared', 'designs', 'although', 'dean', 'also', 'fallen', 'love', 'joanna', 'fails', 'come', 'clean', 'used', 'mom', 'fear', 'would', 'leave', 'even', 'tries', 'come', 'clean', 'discovers', 'pair', 'monogrammed', 'panties', 'former', 'life', 'cause', 'think', 'he\\\\', 'affair', 'friend', 'billy', 'pratt', 'says', 'belonged', 'girlfriend', 'get', 'dean', 'hook', 'meanwhile', 'giving', 'pressure', 'joanna\\\\', 'inquisitive', 'mother', 'edith', 'grant', 'reluctantly', 'returns', 'elk', 'cove', 'retrieve', 'wife', 'joanna\\\\', 'memory', 'returns', 'upon', 'seeing', 'shocked', 'hurt', 'realizes', 'dean', 'using', 'months', 'returns', 'grant', 'yacht', 'mother', 'dr.', 'korman', 'family\\\\', 'bumbling', 'psychiatrist', 'waiting', 'joanna', 'finds', 'old', 'life', 'stuffy', 'pretentious', 'one', 'evening', 'shots', 'tequila', 'crew', 'joanna', 'turns', 'andrew', 'loyal', 'butler', 'apologizes', 'poor', 'treatment', 'things', 'done', 'past', 'andrew', 'replies', 'surprised', 'pleased', 'apology', 'observes', 'unlike', 'people', 'joanna', 'given', 'opportunity', 'see', 'life', 'different', 'station', 'born', 'tell', 'must', 'merely', 'states', 'one', 'decide', 'use', 'new', 'perspective', 'realizing', 'happy', 'dean', 'kids', 'selfish', 'spoiled', 'former', 'life', 'commandeers', 'yacht', 'turns', 'back', 'towards', 'elk', 'cove', 'neurotic', 'selfish', 'grant', 'finds', 'delusions', 'grandeur', 'kick', 'accuses', 'wife', 'mutiny', 'admits', 'never', 'loved', 'commandeers', 'ship', 'meanwhile', 'dean', 'boys', 'get', 'joanna', 'back', 'help', 'billy\\\\', 'friend', 'coast', 'guard', 'catch', 'yacht', 'joanna', 'dean', 'jump', 'overboard', 'reunited', 'water', 'incensed', 'grant', 'actually', 'attempts', 'shoot', 'bow', 'arrow', 'accusing', 'mutiny', 'jumping', 'ship', 'unceremoniously', 'booted', 'side', 'water', 'andrew', 'promptly', 'gives', 'notice', 'quitting', 'safely', 'aboard', 'smaller', 'vessel', 'joanna', 'left', 'unofficially', 'divorced', 'grant', 'reveals', 'dean', 'yacht', 'money', 'actually', 'grant\\\\', 'hours', 'later', 'boys', 'making', 'christmas', 'lists', 'dean', 'asks', 'joanna', 'could', 'possibly', 'give', \"don\\\\'t\", 'already', 'joanna', 'looks', 'four', 'stepsons', 'smiles', 'replies', 'little', 'girl'], ['away', 'two', 'years', 'woman', 'named', 'mary', 'returns', 'home', 'attempts', 'reconcile', 'kenny', 'veech', 'former', 'romantic', 'interest', 'jealous', 'bitter', 'particularly', 'takes', 'veech', 'mortal', 'enemy', 'nightclub', 'owner', 'lew', 'lentz', 'veech', 'accomplice', 'gitlo', 'hatch', 'scheme', 'rob', 'kill', 'lentz', 'train', 'station', 'leaves', 'detroit', 'hide', 'corpse', 'make', 'mary', 'believe', 'chose', 'return', 'mary', 'manages', 'foil', 'veech', 'plans', 'remains', 'torn', 'two', 'men', 'seeking', 'vengeance', 'lentz', 'tries', 'pin', 'murder', 'veech', 'gitlo', 'barely', 'make', 'getaway', 'gitlo', 'lentz', 'end', 'killing', 'one', 'another', 'mary', 'finds', 'veech', 'recovering', 'gun', 'shot', 'wound', 'arm', 'suffered', 'making', 'gitlo', 'escape', 'movie', 'ends', 'point', 'presumption', 'lived', 'happily', 'ever-after'], [\"'calvin\", 'webber', 'brilliant', 'eccentric', 'caltech', 'nuclear', 'physicist', 'living', 'cold', 'war', 'extreme', 'fear', 'nuclear', 'holocaust', 'leads', 'build', 'enormous', 'self-sustaining', 'fallout', 'shelter', 'beneath', 'suburban', 'home', 'one', 'night', 'pregnant', 'wife', 'helen', 'entertaining', 'guests', 'family', 'friend', 'comes', 'inform', 'john', 'kennedy', 'nikita', 'khrushchev', 'getting', 'debate', 'family', 'turns', 'television', 'watch', 'horror', 'cuban', 'missile', 'crisis', 'begins', 'ask', 'guests', 'leave', 'head', 'shelter', 'meanwhile', 'pilot', 'problems', 'plane', 'ordered', 'eject', 'believing', 'jet', 'crash', 'pacific', 'ocean', 'webbers', 'descend', 'shelter', 'plane', 'veers', 'crashes', 'webber', 'home', 'leaving', 'friends', 'family', 'believe', 'family', 'died', 'family', 'seen', 'resulting', 'fireball', 'lock', 'shelter', 'believe', 'unthinkable', 'happened', 'sole', 'survivors', 'nuclear', 'war', 'locks', 'shelter', 'set', 'years', 'overridden', 'anyone', 'inside', 'outside', 'shelter', 'protection', 'according', 'calvin', 'webber', 'days', 'locks', 'engaged', 'mrs.', 'webber', 'goes', 'labor', 'gives', 'birth', 'baby', 'boy', 'name', 'adam', 'roughly', 'years', 'shelter', 'world', 'drastically', 'changes', 'webbers\\\\', 'life', 'remains', 'frozen', '1962.', 'adam', 'taught', 'several', 'languages', 'school', 'subjects', 'dance', 'boxing', 'many', 'things', 'family', 'passes', 'time', 'watching', 'black', 'white', 'films', 'kinescopes', 'television', 'programs', 'via', 'projector', 'rigged', 'look', 'like', 'television', 'adam', 'given', 'father\\\\', 'baseball', 'card', 'collection', 'shares', 'various', 'companies', 'present', 'timer', 'locks', 'releases', 'calvin', 'decides', 'check', 'surroundings', 'shelter', 'turned', 'ghetto', 'mistakes', 'post-apocalyptic', 'world', 'wants', 'wife', 'grown', 'son', 'stay', 'hiding', 'suffers', 'chest', 'pain', 'adam', 'na챦ve', 'well-educated', 'sent', 'supplies', 'help', 'thus', 'beginning', 'adventures', 'much', 'humor', 'film', 'derived', 'unaccustomed', 'lifestyle', 'present', 'believing', 'gay', 'means', 'happy', 'finding', 'awe', 'simple', 'things', 'present', 'early', 'meets', 'eve', 'vrustikoff', 'card', 'store', 'works', 'went', 'sell', 'father\\\\', 'classic', 'baseball', 'cards', 'stops', 'store', 'owner', 'ripping', 'adam', 'immediately', 'fired', 'adam', 'asks', 'eve', 'take', 'holiday', 'inn', 'exchange', 'baseball', 'card', 'worth', '4,000', 'next', 'morning', 'holiday', 'inn', 'eve', 'comes', 'give', 'back', 'card', 'adam', 'brief', 'conversation', 'eve', 'informs', 'adam', 'look', 'new', 'job', 'exchange', '1,000', 'week', 'adam', 'asks', 'eve', 'work', 'agrees', 'help', 'buy', 'supplies', 'search', 'non-mutant', 'wife', 'pasadena', 'meanwhile', 'adam', 'meets', 'eve\\\\', 'gay', 'housemate', 'best', 'friend', 'troy', 'offers', 'advice', 'commentary', 'adam', 'eve', 'fall', 'love', 'adam', 'continually', 'impresses', 'eve', 'troy', 'array', 'talents', 'including', 'energetic', 'swing', 'dance', 'garners', 'attention', 'eve\\\\', 'rival', 'sophie', 'starts', 'flirting', 'naive', 'adam', 'spurning', 'eve', 'goes', 'home', 'adam', 'returns', 'later', 'admitted', 'rejecting', 'sophie\\\\', 'advances', 'tells', 'eve', 'past', 'sheer', 'notion', 'story', 'scares', 'eve', 'thinking', 'sociopath', 'psychotic', 'delusional', 'contacts', 'mental', 'health', 'professionals', 'committed', 'arrive', 'eve\\\\', 'house', 'take', 'custody', 'escapes', 'adam', 'gone', 'troy', 'eve', 'find', 'millions', 'upon', 'millions', 'upon', 'millions', 'dollars', 'worth', 'stocks', 'lifestyle', 'find', 'living', 'seems', 'straight', '1960s', 'eventually', 'eve', 'finds', 'adam', 'two', 'make', 'adam', 'finally', 'introducing', 'eve', 'sheltered', 'parents', 'conclusion', 'film', 'calvin', 'helen', 'move', 'home', 'surface', 'son', 'constructed', 'wealth', 'acquired', 'stocks', 'father', 'gave', 'calvin', 'informed', 'catastrophe', 'went', 'seclusion', 'fact', 'plane', 'crash', 'fear', 'helen', 'would', 'incredibly', 'angry', 'husband', 'years', 'mistaken', 'confinement', 'film', 'ends', 'helen', 'peace', 'newfound', 'freedom', 'shelter', 'adam', 'eve', 'engaged', 'married', 'calvin', 'certain', 'commies', 'faked', 'collapse', 'soviet', 'union', 'starts', 'pacing', 'measurements', 'new', 'fallout', 'shelter'], ['mina', 'young', 'woman', 'become', 'reserved', 'aloof', 'world', 'result', 'chronic', 'illness', 'deformed', 'hand', 'film', 'quietly', 'portrays', 'unconventional', 'yet', 'endearing', 'relationship', 'mina', 'mother', 'mi-sook', 'well', 'mina', 'development', 'befriended', 'high-spirited', 'carefree', 'photographer', 'young-jae', 'moves', 'apartment', 'complex', 'cite', 'web'], ['plot', 'centers', 'around', 'jocelyn', 'bennett', 'intern', 'fictional', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'magazine', 'skirt', 'horribly', 'mistreated', 'overworked', 'underpaid', 'jocelyn', 'lives', 'skirt', 'spy', 'begins', 'hand', 'skirt', 'spreads', 'story', 'ideas', 'rival', 'glossy', 'vogue', 'skirt', 'magazine', 'finds', 'bind', 'desperate', 'apprehend', 'spy', 'save', 'name', 'skirt', 'jocelyn', 'makes', 'mission', 'along', 'way', 'meets', 'paul', 'rochester', 'british', 'art', 'director', 'skirt', 'much', 'common', 'finds', 'falling', 'love', 'one', 'thing', 'stands', 'way', 'paul', 'supermodel', 'girlfriend', 'resin', 'resin', 'dumps', 'paul', 'another', 'model', 'paul', 'jocelyn', 'get', 'engaged'], [\"'advertising\", 'executive', 'buddy', 'signed', 'airline', 'chicago', 'big', 'client', 'later', 'delayed', 'snow', 'storm', 'waiting', 'flight', 'los', 'angeles', 'airline', 'meets', 'greg', 'janello', 'opts', 'bumped', 'even', 'though', 'means', 'missing', 'outing', 'son', 'flight', 'resumes', 'boarding', 'buddy', 'trying', 'good', 'deed', 'gives', 'ticket', 'greg', 'get', 'home', 'sons', 'spending', 'night', 'fellow', 'stranded', 'passenger', 'mimi', 'discovers', 'via', 'television', 'news', 'greg\\\\', 'flight', 'crashed', 'buddy', 'conspired', 'friend', 'janice', 'guerrero', 'ticket', 'agent', 'night', 'put', 'greg', 'flight', 'using', 'boarding', 'pass', 'needs', 'name', 'removed', 'passenger', 'list', 'add', 'greg\\\\', 'name', 'meanwhile', 'greg\\\\', 'wife', 'abby', 'janello', 'woken', 'news', 'crash', 'many', 'hours', 'torn', 'hope', 'despair', 'clinging', 'belief', 'greg', 'would', 'still', 'arrive', 'later', 'flight', 'originally', 'registered', 'death', 'confirmed', 'beyond', 'doubt', 'back', 'l.a.', 'buddy\\\\', 'new', 'client', 'dictates', 'company', 'run', 'series', 'innocuous', 'ads', 'ameliorate', 'tragic', 'consequences', 'crash', 'buddy', 'feels', 'guilty', 'putting', 'greg', 'plane', 'drunkenly', 'acts', 'commercials', 'win', 'clio', 'award', 'going', 'insincere', 'stint', 'alcoholics', 'anonymous', 'buddy', 'arranges', 'meet', 'abby', 'two', 'young', 'sons', 'without', 'revealing', 'responsibility', 'husband\\\\', 'death', 'following', 'rental', 'site', 'buddy', 'catches', 'guard', 'hostile', 'dog', 'setting', 'unit', 'showing', 'abby', 'catches', 'fumbled', 'story', 'stopping', 'dog', 'ironically', 'also', 'called', 'buddy', 'gets', 'loose', 'although', 'still', 'chained', 'tears', 'buddy\\\\', 'clothes', 'sending', 'clothes', 'rewoven', 'two', 'talk', 'maintaining', 'secret', 'abby', 'divorced', 'widowed', 'buddy', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'really', 'know', 'greg', 'buddy', 'helps', 'abby', 'tip', 'commercial', 'office', 'building', 'jim', 'owner', 'put', 'bid', 'abby', 'masterful', 'job', 'selling', 'property', 'idea', 'offer', 'pay', 'commission', 'point', 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'butler', 'frixos', 'drifter', 'tried', 'vagrancy', 'begging', 'capital', 'crimes', 'hearing', 'however', 'woman', 'persuades', 'magistrates', 'pantomime', 'princess', 'polynesian', 'origin', 'named', 'caraboo', 'escaped', 'pirate', 'kidnappers', 'worralls', 'welcome', 'caraboo', 'back', 'home', 'lavishing', 'upon', 'deference', 'due', 'royal', 'member', 'society', 'sensation', 'caraboo', 'wins', 'linguist', 'prince', 'regent', 'even', 'frixos', 'irish', 'reporter', 'gutch', 'remains', 'skeptical', 'caraboo', 'origins'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'irish-catholic', 'fitzpatrick', 'brothers', 'mickey', 'francis', 'tribulations', 'love', 'family', 'betrayal', 'mickey', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'cab', 'driver', 'unhappy', 'act', 'infidelity', 'heather', 'ex-fianc챕e', 'francis', 'wall', 'street', 'stock', 'investor', 'unknown', 'wife', 'renee', 'affair', 'driving', 'cab', 'mickey', 'picks', 'hope', 'girl', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'impulsively', 'marries', 'week', 'causes', 'consternation', 'brother', 'largely', 'asked', 'best', 'man', 'wedding', 'mickey', 'moves', 'hope', 'later', 'becomes', 'disillusioned', 'aspects', 'lifestyle', 'including', 'frequent', 'power', 'cuts', 'ramshackle', 'apartment', 'francis', 'also', 'problems', 'marriage', 'concerned', 'unfair', 'heather', 'mistress', 'woman', 'mickey', 'left', 'continuing', 'stay', 'renee', 'renee\\\\', 'family', 'suggest', 'problem', 'may', 'gay', 'mickey', 'father', 'frank', 'confront', 'denies', 'gay', 'admits', 'unfaithful', 'meanwhile', 'francis\\\\', 'arrogance', 'leads', 'take', 'potshots', 'brother', 'apparent', 'lack', 'forward', 'progression', 'life', 'wife', 'francis', 'argues', 'heather', 'sexual', 'infidelity', 'much', 'older', 'man', 'referred', 'papa', 'one', 'day', 'mickey', 'picks', 'heather', 'cab', 'goes', 'apartment', 'retrieve', 'television', 'belonged', 'relationship', 'heather', 'responds', 'demanding', 'mickey\\\\', 'watch', 'purchased', 'gift', 'mickey', 'relents', 'implies', 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'impending', 'marriage', 'informs', 'francis', 'heather', 'prostitute', 'causes', 'francis', 'get', 'cold', 'feet', 'angers', 'heather', 'tells', 'mickey', 'thought', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'problem', 'prior', 'choice', 'employment', 'mickey', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'francis', 'may', 'right', 'know', 'meanwhile', 'hope', 'already', 'dropped', 'bomb', 'mickey', 'moving', 'paris', 'soon', 'visit', 'bar', 'hope', 'works', 'mickey', 'discovers', 'connie', 'one', 'hope\\\\', 'co-workers', 'claims', 'special', 'relationship', 'hope', 'marriage', 'later', 'hope', 'tells', 'mickey', 'unsure', 'come', 'paris', 'relationship', 'appears', 'break', 'due', 'francis\\\\', 'indecision', 'marriage', 'light', 'news', 'heather', 'prostitute', 'heather', 'decides', 'marry', 'papa', 'older', 'man', 'seeing', 'francis', 'threatens', 'tell', 'papa', 'heather', 'prostitute', 'heather', 'tells', 'francis', 'papa', 'best', 'customer', 'calls', 'renee', 'hopes', 'getting', 'back', 'together', 'already', 'another', 'relationship', 'scott', 'sherman', 'mutual', 'acquaintance', 'francis', 'made', 'fun', 'earlier', 'scene', 'final', 'scenes', 'film', 'mickey', 'francis', 'father', 'frank', 'prepare', 'fishing', 'mickey', 'decides', 'would', 'better', 'tried', 'one', 'last', 'talk', 'hope', 'leaves', 'america', 'father', 'arranged', 'surprise', 'guest', 'hope', 'movie', 'ends', 'hope', 'asking', 'drive', 'boat', 'frank', 'aware', 'women', 'rarely', 'allowed', 'board', 'says', 'soon'], ['juli찼n', 'torralba', 'former', 'film', 'stuntman', 'almeria', 'spain', 'several', 'colleagues', 'made', 'living', 'american', 'westerns', 'shot', 'spain', 'reduced', 'stunt', 'shows', 'minuscule', 'audiences', 'decaying', 'set', 'built', 'old', 'westerns', 'juli찼n', 'wrestles', 'dark', 'memories', 'death', 'son', 'also', 'stuntman', 'estrangement', 'daughter-in-law', 'laura', 'son', 'carlos', 'carlos', 'young', 'boy', 'becomes', 'intrigued', 'late', 'father', 'life', 'runs', 'away', 'join', 'juli찼n', 'band', 'has-beens', 'carlos', 'initiated', 'rambunctious', 'life', 'hard-drinking', 'faux', 'cowboys', 'laura', 'powerful', 'executive', 'looking', 'new', 'site', 'tourist', 'resort', 'learns', 'carlos', 'joined', 'hated', 'juli찼n', 'moves', 'destroy', 'even', 'remnant', 'juli찼n', 'once-proud', 'career', 'juli찼n', 'cowboys', 'decide', 'fight', 'back', 'way', 'know'], ['plot', 'grace', 'beasley', 'content', 'life', 'housewife', 'chicago', 'one', 'morning', 'grace', 'wins', 'tickets', 'concert', 'favorite', 'singer', 'victor', 'fox', 'grace', 'ecstatic', 'tells', 'husband', 'max', 'tells', 'leaving', 'grace', 'lunch', 'outspoken', 'daughter-in-law', 'maudey', 'learn', 'grace\\\\', 'son', 'andrew', 'also', 'walked', 'grace', 'attends', 'victor\\\\', 'concert', 'learn', 'victor', 'delayed', 'concert', 'rescheduled', 'heartbroken', 'grace', 'stops', 'grocery', 'store', 'hear', 'announces', 'victor', 'found', 'murdered', 'underground', 'parking', 'garage', 'crime', 'linked', 'cross', 'bow', 'killer', 'maudy', 'picks', 'grace', 'coincidence', 'visit', 'bar', 'victor', 'killed', 'bartender', 'shares', 'victor\\\\', 'last', 'words', 'life', 'lived', 'fear', 'much', 'fun', 'inspired', 'grace', 'decides', 'attend', 'victor\\\\', 'funeral', 'england', 'victor\\\\', 'home', 'town', 'grace', 'tea', 'victor\\\\', 'family', 'tell', 'victor\\\\', 'vale', 'dirk', 'simpson', 'spreading', 'lies', 'victor', 'lovers', 'grace', 'meets', 'dirk', 'reveals', 'victor', 'gay', 'teenager', 'whose', 'family', 'disowned', 'grace', 'dirk', 'develop', 'bond', 'based', 'experiences', 'plot', 'secretly', 'change', 'victor\\\\', 'burial', 'clothing', 'pink', 'robe', 'often', 'wore', 'grace', 'dirk', 'leave', 'chicago', 'track', 'cross', 'bow', 'killer', 'chicago', 'maudey', 'contributes', 'plot', 'handgun', 'quest', 'trio', 'encounters', 'group', 'homeless', 'people', 'also', 'friends', 'murdered', 'police', 'arrest', 'grace', 'maudey', 'dirk', 'parking', 'garage', 'suspicious', 'behavior', 'bailed', 'max', 'andrew', 'dirk', 'eventually', 'realizes', 'cross', 'bow', 'killer', 'targets', 'anyone', 'sings', 'grace', 'maudey', 'dirk', 'return', 'parking', 'garage', 'meet', 'killer', 'flee', 'trapped', 'bridge', 'dirk', 'wounded', 'killer\\\\', 'arrow', 'maudey', 'throws', 'cell', 'phone', 'killer', 'falls', 'death', 'hospital', 'grace', 'tells', 'max', 'longer', 'willing', 'base', 'marriage', 'unconditional', 'love', 'max', 'sure', 'change', 'respects', 'decision', 'end', 'lauded', 'sally', 'jesse', 'raphael\\\\', 'talk', 'show', 'tracked', 'killer', 'dirk', 'announces', 'turning', 'victor\\\\', 'home', 'halfway', 'house', 'gay', 'youths', 'maudey', 'reports', 'cell', 'phone', 'company', 'sponsor', 'new', 'line', 'phones', 'max', 'appears', 'audience', 'asks', 'grace', 'sing', 'celebrity', 'barry', 'manilow', 'walks', 'stage', 'joins', 'grace', 'song'], ['film', 'tells', 'story', 'friends', 'former', 'competitors', 'world', 'ballet', 'well', 'daughter/godchild', 'one', 'women', 'starting', 'career', 'ballet', 'deedee', 'left', 'ballet', 'school', 'becoming', 'pregnant', 'child', 'another', 'ballet', 'dancer', 'wayne', 'two', 'settled', 'raise', 'family', 'co-run', 'ballet', 'studio', 'suburbs', 'oklahoma', 'city', 'emma', 'stayed', 'eventually', 'became', 'prima', 'ballerina', 'american', 'ballet', 'company', 'company', 'finally', 'comes', 'back', 'town', 'two', 'reunite', 'reunion', 'stirs', 'old', 'memories', 'affects', 'present', 'deedee', 'daughter', 'emilia', 'invited', 'join', 'company', 'emma', 'request', 'emilia', 'starts', 'affair', 'big-name', 'russian', 'ballet', 'defector', 'ladies', 'man', 'yuri', 'emilia', 'brother', 'ethan', 'offered', 'two', 'ballet', 'scholarships', 'unsure', 'pursue', 'career', 'ballet', 'baseball', 'accepts', 'one', 'scholarship', 'also', 'old', 'male', 'friend', 'deedee', 'composer', 'conductor', 'named', 'rosie', 'getting', 'know', 'soon', 'two', 'affair', 'meanwhile', 'looks', 'emma', 'day', 'sun', 'coming', 'end', 'years', 'michael', 'asking', 'emma', 'marry', 'despite', 'marriage', 'looks', 'though', 'ready', 'accept', 'company', 'forcing', 'retire', 'decides', 'stay', 'wife', 'old', 'friends', 'deedee', 'eventually', 'enter', 'major', 'conflict', 'deedee', 'resents', 'emma', 'acts', 'foster', 'mother', 'emilia', 'even', 'though', 'abandoned', 'idea', 'family', 'life', 'pursing', 'career', 'ballet', 'emma', 'feels', 'deedee', 'jealous', 'success', 'emma', 'dancer', 'emilia', 'also', 'suffers', 'sees', 'yuri', 'carries', 'relationships', 'girls', 'eventually', 'misunderstandings', 'settled', 'emma', 'deedee', 'settling', 'differences', 'emilia', 'yuri', 'becoming', 'stable', 'couple', 'emilia', 'deciding', 'pursue', 'career', 'ballet'], ['nick', 'murder', 'iron', 'worker', 'married', 'years', 'kitty', 'works', 'seamstress', 'mother', 'nick', 'three', 'daughters', 'nick', 'loves', 'wife', 'head', 'turned', 'tula', 'sexy', 'lingerie', 'salesgirl', 'soon', \"'re\", 'passionate', 'affair', 'kitty', 'discovers', 'infidelity', 'becomes', 'enraged', 'kicks', 'forcing', 'decide', 'really', 'wants', 'life', 'important', 'along', 'way', 'many', 'characters', 'periodically', 'turn', 'favorite', 'songs', 'explain', 'amplify', 'emotions', 'lip-synching', 'along', 'original', 'recordings'], [\"'tom찼s\", 'returns', 'mexico', 'seven-year', 'trip', 'around', 'world', 'visit', 'friends', 'carlos', 'ana', 'couple', 'going', 'relationship', 'problems', 'ana', 'seduced', 'tom찼s', 'also', 'ex-boyfriend', 'causes', 'carlos', 'kick', 'tom찼s', 'home', 'although', 'instead', 'tom찼s', 'leaving', 'ana', 'leaves', 'moves', 'across', 'street', 'apartment', 'friends', 'miguel', 'andrea', 'another', 'couple', 'going', 'problems', 'situation', 'becomes', 'battle', 'sexes', 'miguel', 'kicked-out', 'cheating', 'andrea', 'sent', 'live', 'guys', 'across', 'street', 'mar챠a', 'friend', 'joins', 'girls', 'boycott', 'men', 'tomas', 'fling', 'andrea', 'gets', 'caught', 'act', 'seeing', 'emptiness', 'life', 'punctuated', 'making', 'scene', 'local', 'nightclub', 'tomas', 'declares', 'love', 'ana', 'apparently', 'committing', 'suicide', 'walking', 'elevator', 'shaft', 'region', 'dvd', 'version', 'several', 'alternate', 'final', 'scenes', 'explored', 'including', 'tomas', 'surviving', 'fall', 'emerging', 'full', 'body', 'cast'], ['three', 'girls', 'margo', 'kelly', 'cece', 'roommates', 'living', 'los', 'angeles', 'enjoying', 'vibrant', 'decadent', 'night', 'life', '1980s', 'los', 'angeles', 'margo', 'boring', 'job', 'telemarketing', 'cece', 'gets', 'fired', 'job', 'department', 'store', 'kelly', 'works', 'pet', 'store', 'good', 'selling', 'pets', 'mainly', 'thanks', 'looks', 'friday', 'night', 'girls', 'getting', 'ready', 'night', 'town', 'however', 'margo', 'cece', 'soon', 'discover', 'kelly', 'taken', 'margo', 'car', 'meet', 'infatuated', 'luckily', 'kelly', 'date', 'night', 'clifford', 'one', 'many', 'infatuated', 'customers', 'arrives', 'pick', 'margo', 'cece', 'hitch', 'ride', 'club', 'working.cliffs', 'reluctantly', 'tags', 'along', 'roller-coaster', 'ride', 'learns', 'girls', 'usually', 'spend', 'nights', 'meeting', 'rock', 'star', 'bruno', 'surviving', 'police', 'raid', 'getting', 'dumped', 'brad', 'taking', 'trip', 'ecstasy', 'escaping', 'crazed', 'fans', 'run-in', 'sexual', 'criminal', 'situations', 'group', 'gets'], [\"'the\", 'structure', 'film', 'consists', 'several', 'subplots', 'revolve', 'around', 'intertwined', 'cast', 'characters', 'film', 'begins', 'introducing', 'richard', 'john', 'hawkes', 'shoe', 'salesman', 'recently', 'separated', 'father', 'two', 'thrown', 'wife', 'pam', 'gets', 'apartment', 'share', 'children', 'peter', 'robby', 'meets', 'christine', 'emoticon', 'means', 'pooping', 'back', 'forth', 'forever', 'piques', 'interest', 'woman', 'end', 'suggests', 'real-life', 'meeting', 'two', 'richard\\\\', 'teenaged', 'neighbors', 'heather', 'rebecca', 'develop', 'playful', 'relationship', 'much', 'older', 'neighbor', 'andrew', 'works', 'shoe', 'store', 'richard', 'say', 'much', 'keeps', 'leaving', 'signs', 'window', 'would', 'result', 'relationship', 'heather', 'rebecca', 'ask', 'peter', 'practice', 'oral', 'sex', 'tell', 'two', 'better', 'says', 'exactly', 'daughter', 'neighbor', 'peeks', 'window', 'sees', 'happening', 'quickly', 'leaves', 'heather', 'rebecca', 'later', 'come', 'neighbor\\\\', 'house', 'intending', 'sex', 'practice', 'appears', 'afraid', 'sees', 'window', 'pretends', 'home', 'meanwhile', 'christine\\\\', 'work', 'rejected', 'contemporary', 'art', 'museum', 'later', 'accepted', 'curator', 'turns', 'woman', 'instant', 'messaging', 'brothers', 'plots', 'come', 'together', 'end', 'peter', 'developing', 'friendship', 'daughter', 'neighbor', 'introduced', 'hope', 'chest', 'christine', 'richard', 'displaying', 'show', 'mutual', 'acceptance', 'attraction', 'final', 'plot', 'device', 'robby', 'finding', 'noise', 'awoken', 'early', 'every', 'morning', 'early-rising', 'businessman', 'tapping', 'quarter', 'street', 'sign', 'pole', 'asked', 'stops', 'turns', 'around', 'saying', 'passing', 'time', 'gives', 'robby', 'quarter', 'bus', 'drives', 'away', 'robby', 'tries', 'sun', 'heightens', 'tap', 'time', 'literally', 'passing'], [\"'it\", 'tells', 'story', 'romance', 'young', 'drifter', 'named', 'strip', 'harrison', 'older', 'wealthy', 'woman', 'trish', 'rawlings'], [\"'during\", 'christmas', 'holiday', 'season', 'greenwich', 'village', 'witch', 'gillian', 'holroyd', 'free', 'spirit', 'penchant', 'going', 'barefoot', 'unlucky', 'love', 'restless', 'life', 'admires', 'afar', 'neighbor', 'publisher', 'shep', 'henderson', 'one', 'day', 'walks', 'gallery', 'primitive', 'art', 'use', 'telephone', 'learns', 'marry', 'old', 'college', 'enemy', 'merle', 'kittridge', 'takes', 'revenge', 'casting', 'love', 'spell', 'falling', 'must', 'eventually', 'make', 'stark', 'choice', 'witches', 'fall', 'love', 'lose', 'supernatural', 'powers', 'gillian\\\\', 'cat', 'familiar', 'pyewacket', 'becomes', 'agitated', 'leaves', 'decides', 'shep\\\\', 'favor', 'sidney', 'redlitch', 'author', 'best-selling', 'book', 'magic', 'mexico', 'arrives', 'shep\\\\', 'office', 'gillian', 'discovers', 'shep\\\\', 'interest', 'meeting', 'redlitch', 'researching', 'book', 'witches', 'new', 'york', 'acquires', 'inside', 'collaborator', 'gillian\\\\', 'warlock', 'brother', 'nicky', 'volunteers', 'services', 'exchange', 'portion', 'proceeds', 'gillian', 'uses', 'magic', 'make', 'shep', 'lose', 'interest', 'nicky', 'redlitch\\\\', 'book', 'confesses', 'identity', 'witch', 'shep', 'becomes', 'angry', 'believing', 'enchanted', 'spite', 'merle', 'two', 'quarrel', 'gillian', 'threatens', 'cast', 'various', 'spells', 'merle', 'finds', 'lost', 'powers', 'love', 'shep', 'meanwhile', 'finds', 'literally', 'leave', 'gillian', 'spell', 'escape', 'turns', 'another', 'witch', 'bianca', 'passe', 'breaks', 'spell', 'shep', 'confronts', 'gillian', 'leaves', 'heartbroken', 'tries', 'unsuccessfully', 'explain', 'merle', 'gillian', 'witch', 'months', 'later', 'shep', 'returns', 'discovers', 'gillian', 'lost', 'magic', 'powers', 'love', 'two', 'reconciled'], ['dr.', 'richard', 'talbot', 'unhappy', 'dull', 'routine', 'married', 'life', 'begins', 'affair', 'nightclub', 'singer', 'nora', 'prentiss', 'feeling', 'unable', 'ask', 'wife', 'divorce', 'fakes', 'death', 'substituting', 'dead', 'man', 'body', 'nora', 'move', 'san', 'francisco', 'new', 'york', 'nora', 'continues', 'singing', 'career', 'meanwhile', 'talbot', 'drinks', 'heavily', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'paranoid', 'reclusive', 'learns', 'death', 'investigation', 'fight', 'nora', 'nightclub', 'boss', 'talbot', 'crashes', 'car', 'face', 'badly', 'scarred', 'police', 'realizing', 'man', 'talbot', 'arrest', 'murder', 'guilty', 'suffering', 'caused', 'family', 'feeling', 'future', 'talbot', 'convinces', 'prentiss', 'keep', 'secret', 'allowing', 'convicted', 'executed'], ['set', 'drought-ridden', 'rural', 'town', 'west', 'depression', 'era', 'america', 'film', 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'named', 'jean', 'michel', 'girls', 'find', 'various', 'ways', 'ditch', 'jeremy', 'spend', 'time', 'cruising', 'around', 'city', 'mopeds', 'boys', 'absorbing', 'sights', 'sounds', 'paris', 'melanie', 'allyson', 'end', 'police', 'custody', 'along', 'jean', 'michel', 'trespassing', 'private', 'property', 'dismay', 'girls', 'hastily', 'forbidden', 'grandpa', 'edward', 'see', 'boys', 'challenge', 'french', 'foreign', 'minister', 'monsieur', 'beauvoir', 'banquet', 'manage', 'convince', 'accept', 'important', 'proposal', 'established', 'grandfather', 'concerning', 'clean', 'drinking', 'water', 'embassy', 'puts', 'melanie', 'allyson', 'back', 'grandpa', 'edward', 'good', 'graces', 'allows', 'see', 'jean', 'michel', 'ndash', 'even', 'allowing', 'four', 'attend', 'dance', 'together', 'first', 'kiss', 'finally', 'time', 'comes', 'girls', 'return', 'home', 'grandpa', 'edward', 'decides', 'take', 'much-needed', 'break', 'ambassadorial', 'duties', 'accompany', 'intention', 'spend', 'time', 'family', 'back', 'united', 'states'], [\"'tom\", 'gerry', 'jeffers', 'married', 'couple', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'luck', 'financially', 'pushing', 'marriage', 'end', 'another', 'deeper', 'problem', 'relationship', 'one', 'hinted', 'prologue', 'movie', 'opening', 'credits', 'roll', 'explained', 'near', 'movie\\\\', 'end', 'prologue', 'claudette', 'colbert', 'appears', 'bound', 'gagged', 'closet', 'second', 'later', 'wedding', 'dress', 'seen', 'maid', 'faints', 'every', 'disturbance', 'movie', 'reveals', 'much', 'later', 'colbert', 'playing', 'identical', 'twins', 'love', 'intended', 'groom', 'played', 'joel', 'mccrea', 'sister', 'bride', 'tied', 'attempt', 'steal', 'wedding', 'pantomime', 'cross-cut', 'action', 'showing', 'mccrea', 'hurriedly', 'changing', 'one', 'formal', 'suit', 'another', 'car', 'rushes', 'church', 'mccrea', 'also', 'playing', 'twins', 'sibling', 'likewise', 'love', 'tied', 'sister', 'trying', 'steal', 'wedding', 'end', 'result', 'two', 'siblings', 'original', 'bride', 'groom', 'married', 'two', 'love', 'two', 'remain', 'married', '1937', '1942', 'film', 'resumes', 'gerry', 'decides', 'tom', 'would', 'better', 'split', 'packs', 'bags', 'takes', 'money', 'offered', 'wienie', 'king', 'robert', 'dudley', 'strange', 'rich', 'little', 'man', 'thinking', 'renting', 'jeffers\\\\', 'apartment', 'boards', 'train', 'palm', 'beach', 'florida', 'plans', 'get', 'divorce', 'meet', 'wealthy', 'second', 'husband', 'help', 'tom', 'train', 'meets', 'eccentric', 'john', 'hackensacker', 'iii', 'one', 'richest', 'men', 'world', 'encounter', 'wild', 'drunken', 'millionaire', 'members', 'ale', 'quail', 'hunting', 'club', 'gerry', 'loses', 'luggage', 'making', 'clothing', 'scrounged', 'passengers', 'forced', 'accept', 'hackensacker\\\\', 'extravagant', 'charity', 'leave', 'train', 'shopping', 'spree', 'everything', 'lingerie', 'jewelry', 'ndash', 'hackensacker', 'minutely', 'noting', 'cost', 'everything', 'little', 'notebook', 'never', 'bothers', 'add', 'ndash', 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'identical', 'twins', 'ndash', 'fact', 'explains', 'opening', 'sequence', 'film', 'ndash', 'hackensacker', 'sister', 'elated', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'hackensacker', 'gerry\\\\', 'sister', 'princess', 'tom\\\\', 'brother', 'getting', 'married', 'film', 'ends', 'began', 'prologue', 'words', 'lived', 'happily', 'ever', '...', 'title', 'cards'], [\"'for\", 'several', 'years', 'tom', 'winters', 'estranged', 'wife', 'three', 'children', 'david', 'elizabeth', 'robert', 'film', 'begins', 'returns', 'home', 'europe', 'shortly', 'wife\\\\', 'death', 'children', 'want', 'stay', 'country', 'mother\\\\', 'wealthy', 'family', 'including', 'parents', 'sister', 'carolyn', 'tom', 'takes', 'washington', 'works', 'state', 'department', 'children', 'resent', 'father\\\\', 'presence', 'outdoor', 'concert', 'robert', 'runs', 'away', 'found', 'cinzia', 'zaccardi', 'daughter', 'famous', 'italian', 'conductor', 'running', 'away', 'enchanted', 'little', 'roberto', 'harmonica', 'brings', 'back', 'home', 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'confirmed', 'womanizer', 'cancels', 'date', 'fear', 'falling', 'love', 'proposing', 'evening', 'carolyn', 'arrives', 'boat', 'captain', 'alan', 'wilson', 'wife', 'alan', 'somewhat', 'drunk', 'jokes', 'cinzia\\\\', 'living', 'arrangement', 'tom', 'slaps', 'behind', 'serves', 'drinks', 'throws', 'drink', 'retaliation', 'tom', 'asks', 'alan', 'leave', 'boat', 'carolyn', 'takes', 'alan\\\\', 'side', 'tom', 'asks', 'three', 'guests', 'leave', 'david', 'cheers', 'cinzia', 'make', 'plans', 'fishing', 'tom', 'ruins', 'david\\\\', 'plans', 'inviting', 'cinzia', 'country', 'club', 'tom', 'reconciles', 'carolyn', 'agree', 'get', 'married', 'dances', 'cinzia', 'finally', 'realizes', 'love', 'learns', 'proposal', 'becomes', 'upset', 'runs', 'away', 'tom', 'catches', 'little', 'later', 'david', 'unhappily', 'finds', 'kissing', 'rowboat', 'children', \"don\\\\'t\", 'want', 'tom', 'marry', 'cinzia', 'david', 'calls', 'ugly', 'robert', 'rejects', 'mother', 'figure', 'elizabeth', 'wants', 'continue', 'sleeping', 'tom\\\\', 'bed', 'discouraged', 'cinzia', 'returns', 'home', 'tom', 'follows', 'gives', 'father', 'scolds', 'wedding', 'takes', 'place', 'houseboat', 'children', 'initially', 'refuse', 'participate', 'ceremony', 'begins', 'elizabeth', 'david', 'join', 'tom', 'cinzia', 'altar', 'robert', 'joins', 'playing', 'comes', 'bride', 'harmonica'], [\"'the\", 'party', 'animal', 'documentary-style', 'comedy', 'sex-starved', 'man', 'pondo', 'sinatra', '26-year-old', 'college', 'student', 'everyone', 'agrees', 'doomed', 'die', 'virgin', 'desperate', 'break', 'seems', 'cosmic', 'curse', 'tries', 'ever', 'bizarre', 'schemes', 'seduce', 'one', 'sexy', 'scantily-clad', 'women', 'seem', 'everywhere', 'taunting', 'enjoying', 'misery', 'despite', 'best', 'efforts', 'however', 'rejected', 'everywhere', 'even', 'local', 'cathouse', 'pondo', 'threatens', 'kill', 'studley', 'ladykilling', 'best', 'friend', 'tries', 'help', 'quest', 'get', 'little', 'studley\\\\', 'mentor', 'wise', 'old', 'janitor', 'named', 'elbow', 'attempts', 'include', 'cyrano', 'bergerac-type', 'seduction', 'whereby', 'studley', 'tells', 'pondo', 'say', 'girl', 'via', 'remote', 'microphone', 'sending', 'pondo', 'buy', 'elegant', 'new', 'clothes', 'taking', 'massive', 'quantities', 'drugs', 'girls', 'love', 'drugs', 'using', 'world\\\\', 'biggest', 'vibrater', 'moby-m5', 'one', 'dating', 'debacles', 'pondo', 'frightens', 'studley', 'shouting', 'sell', 'soul', 'piece', 'ass', 'nearby', 'goddess', 'ndash', 'mysterious', 'woman', 'observing', 'pondo\\\\', 'struggles', 'time', 'ndash', 'hears', 'cry', 'cryptically', 'acknowledges', 'time', 'afterward', 'pondo', 'accidentally', 'creates', 'chemical', 'compound', 'makes', 'irresistible', 'women', 'first', 'revels', 'new', 'party', 'animal', 'prowess', 'later', 'exhausted', 'terrified', 'takes', 'barricading', 'room', 'escape', 'mobs', 'horny', 'women', 'pursue', 'everywhere', 'greedy', 'confesses', 'despairingly', 'studley', 'like', 'king', 'midas', 'everything', 'touch', 'turns', 'poontang', 'later', 'creeps', 'full', 'fear', 'wash', 'clothes', 'killed', 'group', 'fat', 'middle-aged', 'women', 'jump', 'laundromat'], ['inniston', 'marc', 'hall', 'popular', 'sexuality', 'relatively', 'well-accepted', 'classmates', 'later', 'parents', 'decides', 'take', 'boyfriend', 'prom', 'date', 'finds', 'stepped', 'line', 'straight', 'fight', 'young', 'life', 'sends', 'ripples', 'though', 'canada', 'media', 'ordinary', 'teenager', 'becomes', 'icon', 'lgbt', 'rights', 'across', 'nation', 'discovers', 'battling', 'discrimination', 'date', 'whoever', 'wants', 'within', 'spotlight', 'nation', 'media', 'cast', 'center', 'struggle'], ['timmy', 'lea', 'brother-in-law', 'sidney', 'noggett', 'working', 'entertainment', 'officers', 'funfrall', 'typical', 'british', 'holiday', 'camp', 'staff', 'lazy', 'inefficient', 'preferring', 'laze', 'pool', 'rather', 'organise', 'activities', 'holiday', 'campers', 'new', 'owner', 'mr.', 'whitemonk', 'ex-prison', 'officer', 'takes', 'camp', 'determined', 'install', 'discipline', 'staff', 'verge', 'dismissing', 'timmy', 'sidney', 'however', 'sidney', 'suggestion', 'organising', 'beauty', 'contest', 'changes', 'mind', 'producer', 'michael', 'klinger', \"n't\", 'happy', 'script', 'noting', 'number', 'problems', 'felt', 'detracted', 'quality', 'set', 'series', 'apart', 'imitators.http', '//michaelklingerpapers.uwe.ac.uk/docs1/holiday', '20camp2.pdf'], ['mera', 'naam', 'joker', 'story', 'raju', 'whose', 'father', 'considered', 'best', 'circus', 'clown', 'ever', 'ever', 'since', 'died', 'accident', 'performance', 'raju', 'mother', 'repulsed', 'circus', 'luck', 'would', 'raju', 'natural', 'affinity', 'towards', 'circus', 'world', 'film', 'traces', 'raju', 'journey', 'childhood', 'day', 'last', 'performance', 'mera', 'naam', 'joker', 'divided', 'chapters', 'first', 'chapter', 'adolescent', 'raju', 'deals', 'infatuation', 'teacher', 'mary', 'gives', 'confidence', 'discovers', 'world', 'femininity', 'desire', 'course', 'older', 'attends', 'wedding', 'state', 'false', 'merriment', 'mary', 'lessons', 'nevertheless', \"n't\", 'lost', 'raju', 'comes', 'realise', 'born', 'make', 'world', 'laugh', 'despite', 'troubles', 'first', 'heartbreak', 'story', 'follows', 'adult', 'raju', 'found', 'work', 'gemini', 'circus', 'clown', 'dream', 'materialises', 'circus', 'owned', 'mahendra', 'singh', 'understood', 'raju', 'potential', 'gives', 'job', 'circus', 'hosts', 'visiting', 'group', 'artists', 'russia', 'falls', 'love', 'marina', 'lead', 'trapezist', 'despite', 'language', 'barrier', 'become', 'close', 'raju', 'half', 'hopes', 'might', 'live', 'together', 'faces', 'heartbreak', 'circus', 'ends', 'marina', 'returns', 'russia', 'chapter', 'raju', 'mother', 'dies', 'raju', 'performance', 'watching', 'son', 'perform', 'stunts', 'caused', 'father', 'death', 'final', 'chapter', 'raju', 'left', 'circus', 'wanders', 'around', 'aimlessly', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'meenu', 'orphaned', 'girl', 'ambitions', 'becoming', 'famous', 'actress', 'meenu', 'raju', 'set', 'association', 'start', 'small', 'circus', 'business', 'later', 'move', 'theatre', 'quite', 'successful', 'collaboration', 'ends', 'offered', 'role', 'film', 'leaves', 'realises', 'used', 'lust', 'success', 'raju', 'always', 'carries', 'clown', 'doll', 'belonged', 'father', 'every', 'time', 'fell', 'love', 'gifted', 'beloved', 'doll', 'see', 'come', 'back', 'doll', 'used', 'metaphor', 'raju', 'simplistic', 'heart', 'room', 'everyone', 'end', 'film', 'raju', 'manages', 'join', 'big', 'circus', 'touring', 'india', 'films', 'depicts', 'raju', 'final', 'act', 'raju', 'suffers', 'heart', 'attack', 'stage', 'audience', \"n't\", 'take', 'seriously', 'dies', 'anyone', 'realizes', 'leads', 'conclusion', 'raju', 'died', 'making', 'world', 'laugh'], [\"'after\", 'ten', 'years', 'marriage', 'new', 'york', 'millionaire', 'socialite', 'couple', 'brad', 'caroline', 'sexton', 'miserable', 'decided', 'call', 'quits', 'marital', 'problems', 'come', 'head', 'earlier', 'evening', 'brad', 'turns', '10th', 'anniversary', 'party', 'real', 'estate', 'development', 'pitch', 'theme', 'park', 'calls', 'holy', 'land', 'modeled', 'biblical', 'lore', 'pitch', 'turns', 'disastrous', 'one', 'display\\\\', 'special', 'effects', 'catches', 'guest\\\\', 'dress', 'fire', 'time', 'brad\\\\', 'accountant', 'bob', 'lachman', 'tricks', 'making', 'sextons\\\\', 'millions', 'disappear', 'pocket', 'mostly', 'mismanagement', 'filing', 'false', 'tax', 'returns', 'money', 'manipulation', 'caught', 'attention', 'internal', 'revenue', 'service', 'field', 'agent', 'frank', 'hall', 'demands', 'meet', 'bob', 'brad', 'following', 'morning', 'bring', 'obligations', 'date', '...', 'tune', '5,000,000', 'bob', 'arrives', 'office', 'early', 'following', 'morning', 'file', 'box', 'agenda', '...', 'leave', 'brad', 'arrives', 'though', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'get', 'time', 'manages', 'finally', 'evade', 'brad', '...', 'hall', 'shown', 'hearing', 'hint', 'bob', 'sextons', 'could', 'fleeing', 'hall', 'orders', 'freezing', 'assets', 'brad', 'unable', 'access', 'money', 'atm', 'caroline', 'credit', 'card', 'destroyed', 'table', 'she\\\\', 'lunch', 'friends', 'brad', 'informed', 'accounts', 'frozen', 'bank', 'teller', 'refuses', 'tell', 'gets', 'bob', 'phone', 'tells', 'cause', 'newfound', 'problems', 'he\\\\', 'headed', 'airport', 'irs', 'inspector', 'derek', 'lester', 'larry', 'miller', 'loves', 'job', 'joins', 'hall', 'serve', 'warrant', 'bring', 'sextons', 'brad', 'exits', 'bank', 'hall', 'lester', 'surround', 'bull', 'statue', 'wall', 'street', 'brad', 'takes', 'new', 'satellite', 'phone', 'answer', 'call', 'trigger-happy', 'lester', 'mistakes', 'gun', 'pulls', 'pistol', 'shooting', 'brad\\\\', 'hand', 'much', 'hall\\\\', 'chagrin', 'brad', 'flees', 'foot', 'steals', 'cab', 'happens', 'pick', 'caroline', 'sextons', 'get', 'away', 'hall', 'lester', 'nypd', 'leave', 'new', 'york', 'crash', 'cab', 'find', 'intercourse', 'pennsylvania', 'small', 'lancaster-area', 'community', 'old', 'order', 'amish', 'brad', 'drops', 'conversation', 'stealing', 'clothes', 'masquerade', 'jacob', 'emma', 'yoder', 'family\\\\', 'expected', 'cousins', 'missouri', 'samuel', 'levinia', 'along', 'sons', 'daughters', 'make', 'pair', 'home', 'pair', 'try', 'fit', 'brad', 'manages', 'adjust', 'well', 'prima', 'donna', 'caroline', 'deprived', 'cigarettes', 'creature', 'comforts', 'throws', 'various', 'childlike', 'tantrums', 'brad', 'alone', 'gradually', 'learn', 'fit', 'abilities', 'brad', 'knowledge', 'real', 'estate', 'values', 'helps', 'samuel\\\\', 'future', 'son-in-law', 'henner', 'buy', 'plot', 'land', 'caroline\\\\', 'knowledge', 'fashion', 'helps', 'conservative', 'ordnung', 'relax', 'colorless', 'dress', 'code', 'sextons', 'rediscover', 'fell', 'love', 'first', 'place', 'largely', 'efforts', 'helping', 'others', 'rather', 'samuel', 'levinia\\\\', 'daughter', 'rebecca', 'exchanging', 'vows', 'henner', 'ceremony', 'interrupted', 'police', 'drenched', 'hall', 'lester', 'crashed', 'stolen', 'cab', 'sextons', 'exposed', 'hauled', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'face', 'trial', 'brad\\\\', 'attorney', 'phil', 'kleinmann', 'michael', 'lerner', 'informs', 'found', 'bob', 'zurich', 'extradited', 'back', 'america', 'resisting', 'bob', 'hauled', 'courtroom', 'uniformed', 'officers', 'face', 'sextons', 'brad', 'thanks', 'bob', 'way', 'saving', 'marriage', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'forgive', 'decks', 'charges', 'sextons', 'dropped', 'brad', 'caroline', 'return', 'yoders', 'make', 'things', 'right', 'pleas', 'forgiveness', 'seem', 'fall', 'deaf', 'ears', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'turning', 'leave', 'samuel', 'informs', 'levinia', 'knew', 'whole', 'time', 'ruse', 'said', 'put', 'planting', 'season', 'needed', 'extra', 'help', 'brad', 'offers', 'give', 'watch', 'present', 'told', 'amish', 'accept', 'gifts', 'trades', 'proceeds', 'trade', 'watch', 'big', 'john', 'gargantuan', 'belgian', 'horse', 'brad', 'tamed', 'largely', 'dumb', 'luck', 'corn', 'brad', 'also', 'tells', 'sam', 'maybe', 'open', 'back', 'watch', 'watch', 'seems', 'risque', 'picture', 'amuses', 'movie', 'ends', 'brad', 'caroline', 'driving', '1954', 'ford', 'pickup', 'horse', 'trailer', 'hauling', 'big', 'john', 'it\\\\', 'revealed', 'sextons', 'traded', '1997', 'jaguar', 'truck', 'closing', 'credits', 'brad', 'contemplates', 'buying', 'pond', 'crashed', 'cab', 'caroline', 'reveals', 'pregnant', 'couple\\\\', 'first', 'child'], [\"'stanley\", 'ford', 'successful', 'happily', 'unmarried', 'cartoonist', 'enjoying', 'comforts', 'well-to-do', 'existence', 'urban', 'townhouse', 'including', 'services', 'loyal', 'attentive', 'valet', 'charles', 'firbank', 'stanley\\\\', 'comic', 'strip', 'bash', 'brannigan', 'secret-agent', 'thriller', 'characterized', 'high', 'level', 'realism', 'matter', 'outrageous', 'plot', 'may', 'seem', 'stanley', 'allow', 'brannigan', 'anything', 'physically', 'impossible', 'use', 'gadgets', \"don\\\\'t\", 'exist', 'hires', 'actors', 'sets', 'elaborate', 'enactments', 'storylines', 'playing', 'brannigan', 'charles', 'takes', 'photographs', 'stanley', 'use', 'models', 'attending', 'bachelor', 'party', 'friend', 'tobey', 'rawlins', 'stanley', 'becomes', 'drunk', 'proposes', 'beautiful', 'italian', 'girl', 'steps', 'large', 'cake', 'wearing', 'bikini', 'equally', 'drunken', 'judge', 'performs', 'impromptu', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'next', 'morning', 'stanley', 'wakes', 'girl', 'wife', 'lying', 'naked', 'bed', 'next', 'asks', 'lawyer', 'harold', 'lampson', 'arrange', 'divorce', 'lampson', 'informs', 'impossible', 'without', 'legal', 'justification', 'stanley\\\\', 'new', 'bride', 'cheerful', 'affectionate', 'sexy', 'speak', 'english', 'learn', 'language', 'spends', 'time', 'harold\\\\', 'manipulative', 'henpecking', 'wife', 'edna', 'speaks', 'italian', 'unfortunately', 'process', 'also', 'learns', 'edna\\\\', 'overbearing', 'ways', 'meanwhile', 'charles', 'policy', 'working', 'married', 'couples', 'takes', 'new', 'job', 'rawlins', 'jilted', 'bride', 'charles', 'replaced', 'mrs.', 'ford', 'stanley\\\\', 'bathroom', 'fills', 'beauty', 'products', 'lingerie', 'stanley', 'kept', 'awake', 'television', 'wife', 'watches', 'learn', 'english', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'high-calorie', 'italian', 'cuisine', 'causes', 'weight', 'balloon', 'informs', 'mother', 'come', 'rome', 'live', 'adjusting', 'new', 'marital', 'status', 'stanley', 'changes', 'bash', 'brannigan', 'cartoon', 'exploits', 'secret', 'agent', 'household', 'comedy', 'brannigans', 'drawing', 'real', 'life', 'strip', 'turns', 'bash', 'bumbling', 'idiot', 'wildly', 'successful', 'however', 'mrs.', 'ford', 'continues', 'intrude', 'stanley\\\\', 'lifestyle', 'increasingly', 'irritated', 'restrictions', 'married', 'life', 'stanley', 'calls', 'meeting', 'associates', 'all-male', 'health', 'club', 'edna', 'learns', 'meeting', 'telephones', 'mrs.', 'ford', 'arouses', 'suspicions', 'stanley\\\\', 'activities', 'mrs.', 'ford', 'sneaks', 'club', 'result', 'stanley', 'banned', 'club', 'violating', 'women', 'policy', 'feeling', 'need', 'vent', 'frustrations', 'stanley', 'concocts', 'plot', 'comic', 'strip', 'kill', 'brannigan\\\\', 'wife', 'drugging', 'goofballs', 'burying', 'goop', 'gloppitta-gloppitta', 'machine', 'construction', 'site', 'next', 'home', 'always', 'enacts', 'events', 'drawing', 'strip', 'drugging', 'wife', 'uses', 'department-store', 'mannequin', 'burial', 'mrs.', 'ford', 'sees', 'cartoon', 'describing', 'stanley\\\\', 'murder', 'plan', 'realizes', 'husband', 'want', 'leaves', 'without', 'trace', 'reading', 'cartoon', 'newspapers', 'police', 'conclude', 'stanley', 'actually', 'murdered', 'wife', 'stanley', 'arrested', 'charged', 'murder', 'cartoons', 'used', 'prosecution', 'evidence', 'subsequent', 'trial', 'trial', 'appears', 'headed', 'conviction', 'stanley', 'takes', 'defense', 'pleads', 'justifiable', 'homicide', 'appealing', 'all-male', 'jury\\\\', 'frustrations', 'regarding', 'wives', 'acquitted', 'stanley', 'finds', 'wife', 'bed', 'goes', 'home', 'come', 'appreciate', 'puts', 'wedding', 'ring', 'back', 'finger', 'reconciled', 'meanwhile', 'charles', 'meets', 'mrs.', 'ford\\\\', 'attractive', 'mother', 'like', 'charles', 'space', 'front', 'teeth', 'film', 'ends', 'charles', 'closes', 'door', 'room', 'front', 'camera', 'share', 'amorous', 'moment', 'alone', 'comic', 'strip', 'art', 'film', 'credited', 'mel', 'keefer', 'drew', 'strips', 'perry', 'mason', 'mac', 'divot', 'rick', \"o\\\\'shay\", 'alex', 'toth', 'teaser', 'comic', 'keefer\\\\', 'style', 'ran', 'hollywood', 'reporter', 'several', 'newspapers', 'ten', 'days', 'promote', 'film'], [\"'the\", 'script', 'garson', 'kanin', 'concerns', 'naive', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'gladys', 'glover', 'yearns', 'fame', 'strolling', 'central', 'park', 'meets', 'young', 'handsome', 'man', 'named', 'pete', 'sheppard', 'maker', 'documentaries', 'taking', 'brief', 'shots', 'people', 'park', 'films', 'gladys', 'feeding', 'pigeons', 'introduces', 'rapid', 'piece', 'exposition', 'learn', 'new', 'york', 'two', 'years', 'lost', 'job', 'model', 'girdles', 'hip', 'size', '3/4', 'larger', 'still', '1000', 'saved', 'learn', 'discouraged', 'gotten', 'nowhere', 'two', 'years', 'wants', 'make', 'name', 'clear', 'audience', 'pete', 'much', 'taken', 'gladys', 'gets', 'address', 'offering', 'drop', 'postcard', 'documentary', 'finished', 'see', 'really', 'says', 'give', 'right', 'arm', 'see', 'movies', \"don\\\\'t\", 'need', 'give', 'right', 'arm', 'says', 'lemmon', 'give', 'right', 'address', 'pete', 'encourages', 'gladys', 'follow', 'dreams', 'there\\\\', 'there\\\\', 'way', 'there\\\\', 'way', 'part', 'wandering', 'despondently', 'gladys\\\\', 'attention', 'caught', 'large', 'billboard', 'overlooking', 'columbus', 'circle', 'notice', 'space', 'rent', 'choice', 'location', 'inquire', 'horace', 'pfeiffer', '383', 'madison', 'avenue', 'fantasizes', 'name', 'billboard', 'gathering', 'nerve', 'goes', '383', 'madison', 'avenue', 'inquire', 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'proposition', 'that\\\\', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", \"isn\\\\'t\", 'asks', 'adams', 'gladys', 'says', 'way', 'looks', 'mr.', 'adams', 'two', 'sorts', 'people', 'people', 'anything', 'make', 'name', 'people', 'almost', 'anything', 'walks', 'saying', 'soon', 'signs', 'saying', 'average', 'american', 'girl', 'idea', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'well', \"don\\\\'t\", 'think', 'average', 'american', 'girl', '...', 'walks', 'arrives', 'home', 'find', 'nbsp', 'movie', 'projector', 'room', 'note', 'sheppard', 'telling', 'run', 'film', 'plays', 'complete', 'titles', 'synchronized', 'sound', 'entitled', 'goodbye', 'gladys', 'charmingly', 'self-deprecating', 'sheppard', 'confesses', 'loves', 'gladys', 'acknowledges', 'profile', 'good', 'looking', 'adams', 'says', 'goodbye', 'gladys\\\\', 'advertising', 'career', 'continues', 'finds', 'emptiness', 'frustrating', 'recalls', 'sheppard\\\\', 'frequent', 'questions', 'wants', 'crowd', 'instead', 'happy', 'part', 'crowd', 'find', 'sheppard', 'cage', 'zoo', 'making', 'documentary', 'showing', 'visitors', 'appear', 'animals', 'coaches', 'crowd', 'react', 'chimpanzee', 'jumps', 'around', 'cage', 'filming', 'crowd', 'throw', 'peanuts', 'suddenly', 'crowd\\\\', 'attention', 'distracted', 'sound', 'airplane', 'crowd', 'saying', 'oooh', 'turning', 'away', 'cage', 'puzzled', 'sheppard', 'looks', 'upward', 'see', 'plane', 'skywritten', 'message', 'pete', 'call', 'gladys', 'please', 'grins', 'film', 'cuts', 'gladys', 'pete', 'driving', 'car', 'discussing', 'plans', 'future', 'gladys', 'spots', 'empty', 'billboard', 'message', 'space', 'rent', 'apply', 'acme', 'realty', 'co.', 'looking', 'asks', 'pete', 'nothing', 'says', 'gladys', 'absolutely', 'nothing'], ['nicky', 'collini', 'fianc챕e', 'tacy', 'buy', 'large', 'trailer', 'home', 'save', 'money', 'would', 'otherwise', 'spent', 'house', 'also', 'able', 'travel', 'around', 'usa', 'civil', 'engineering', 'projects', 'nicky', 'employed', 'buy', 'powerful', 'car', 'tow', 'trailer', '1953', 'mercury', 'monterey', 'convertible', '125', 'flathead', 'engine', 'money', 'spent', 'starts', 'mount', 'honeymoon', 'trip', 'sierra', 'nevada', 'mountains', 'rapidly', 'becomes', 'catalogue', 'disasters', 'include', 'tacy', 'attempts', 'cook', 'dinner', 'moving', 'rocking', 'trailer', 'later', 'cliffhanging', 'ride', 'narrow', 'road', 'mountains', 'trailer', 'weighed', 'many', 'rock', 'specimens', 'canned', 'food', 'collected', 'arrive', 'home', 'tacy', 'aunt', 'uncle', 'relatives', 'neighbors', 'gathered', 'watching', 'nicky', 'accidentally', 'backs', 'trailer', 'hosts', 'porch', 'partly', 'destroying', 'well', 'prized', 'rose', 'bush', 'another', 'scene', 'turning', 'old', 'logging', 'road', 'tries', 'level', 'trailer', 'night', 'stuck', 'mud', 'rainstorm', 'relations', 'deteriorate', 'couple', 'finally', 'tacy', 'storms', 'huff', 'film', 'end', 'tearfully', 'reunited'], [\"'sixteen-year-old\", 'lynda', 'mansell', 'lives', 'small', 'english', 'seaside', 'town', 'early', '1950s', 'feisty', 'precocious', 'always', 'shocks', 'people', 'vulgar', 'saucy', 'tongue', 'also', 'naive', 'easily', 'taken', 'advantage', 'bored', 'conventional', 'jobs', 'town\\\\', 'dull', 'young', 'men', 'lynda', 'first', 'sexual', 'experience', 'dave', 'slept', 'one', 'father\\\\', 'middle-aged', 'friends', 'tom', 'bell', 'life', 'changes', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'father', 'somewhat', 'rigid', 'conventional', 'man', 'disowns', 'desperately', 'tries', 'seek', 'illegal', 'abortion', 'end', 'decides', 'become', 'mother', 'wish', 'sigh', 'lynda', 'makes', 'dead', 'mother', 'understood', 'protected', 'intolerant', 'father', 'beneath', 'cheeky', 'exterior', 'lynda', 'vulnerable', 'girl', 'seeks', 'love', 'place', 'life', 'lives', 'time', 'difficult', 'teenagers', 'like', 'way', 'movie', 'based', 'loosely', 'memoirs', 'british', 'madam', 'cynthia', 'payne', 'adolescent', 'filmed', 'worthing', 'bognor', 'regis'], ['compulsive', 'gambler', 'charlie', 'gordon', 'hiding', 'various', 'bookies', 'loan', 'sharks', 'cons', 'brother-in-law', 'widower', 'herb', 'sullivan', 'expenses-paid', 'luxury', 'holland', 'america', 'cruise', 'catch', 'charlie', 'reveal', 'herb', 'ship', 'left', 'port', 'required', 'work', 'dance', 'hosts', 'must', 'sleep', 'cramped', 'cabin', 'bowels', 'ship', 'ruled', 'tyrannical', 'control-freak', 'cruise', 'director', 'gil', 'godwin', 'best', 'despite', 'charlie', 'actually', 'able', 'dance', 'meets', 'lady', 'interest', 'one', 'luscious', 'heiress', 'liz', 'labreche', 'whose', 'wealth', 'attracts', 'charlie', 'every', 'bit', 'much', 'rest', 'lovely', 'widow', 'vivian', 'impression', 'herb', 'doctor', 'dancer', 'time', 'charlie', 'literally', 'drags', 'ship', 'owner', 'mrs.', 'carruthers', 'across', 'dance', 'floor', 'boys', \"n't\", 'sure', 'find', 'true', 'love', 'need', 'abandon', 'ship'], [\"'angie\", 'office', 'worker', 'lives', 'bensonhurst', 'section', 'brooklyn', 'new', 'york', 'dreams', 'better', 'life', 'learning', 'pregnant', 'boyfriend', 'vinnie', 'decides', 'baby', 'vinnie', 'husband', 'turns', 'entire', 'neighborhood', 'upside', 'starts', 'journey', 'self', 'discovery', 'including', 'love', 'affair', 'man', 'named', 'noel', 'meets', 'art', 'museum', 'even', 'best', 'friend', 'tina', 'trouble', 'understanding', 'angie'], ['anjali', 'younger', 'daughter', 'canadian', 'mother', 'indian', 'father', 'living', 'city', 'montreal', 'quebec', 'shares', 'healthy', 'relationship', 'parents', 'secret', 'hide', 'reveals', 'secret', 'elder', 'sister', 'aarti', 'secret', 'love', 'budding', 'musician', 'raja', 'raja', 'rich', 'man', 'deter', 'anjali', 'loving', 'aarti', 'assures', 'anjali', 'raja', 'convince', 'parents', 'true', 'love', 'unfortunately', 'fate', 'different', 'plans', 'aarti', 'passes', 'away', 'birth', 'twin', 'babies', 'circumstances', 'force', 'anjali', 'marry', 'aarti', 'husband', 'aditya', 'sahai', 'much', 'older', 'mature', 'aditya', 'anjali', 'migrates', 'new', 'delhi', 'aditya', 'business', 'tycoon', 'hardly', 'finds', 'time', 'sister-in-law', 'turned', 'wife', 'two', 'lovable', 'daughters', 'anjali', 'fulfills', 'every', 'role', 'asked', 'society', 'bridge', 'gap', 'aditya', 'finds', 'marriage', 'compatibility', 'compromise', 'source', 'solace', 'two', 'endearing', 'girls', 'amidst', 'one', 'day', 'raja', 'famous', 'fusion', 'singer', 'walks', 'back', 'life', 'suddenly', 'anjali', 'torn', 'begins', 'hanging', 'raja', 'aditya', 'returns', 'senses', 'change', 'decides', 'look', 'seeks', 'help', 'friends', 'flamboyant', 'couple', 'mdash', 'dil', 'pallavi', 'arora', 'revealing', 'anjali', 'know', 'raja', 'acknowledging', 'anjali', 'fault', 'aditya', 'gives', 'freedom', 'choose', 'raja', 'chooses', 'aditya', 'raja', 'duty', 'mother', 'also', 'realises', 'loves', 'aditya', 'raja', 'leaves', 'anjali', 'embarks', 'tour', 'husband'], [\"'william\", 'adamson', 'poor', 'naturalist', 'returns', 'home', 'victorian', 'england', 'spent', 'years', 'along', 'amazon', 'river', 'studying', 'kinds', 'animals', 'mainly', 'insects', 'william', 'penniless', 'lost', 'possessions', 'shipwreck', 'nevertheless', 'manages', 'befriend', 'sir', 'harald', 'alabaster', 'amateur', 'insect', 'collector', 'botanist', 'sir', 'harald', 'hires', 'william', 'catalog', 'specimen', 'collection', 'teach', 'younger', 'children', 'natural', 'sciences', 'assisting', 'governess', 'matty', 'becomes', 'enamored', 'sir', 'harald\\\\', 'daughter', 'eugenia', 'still', 'mourning', 'suicide', 'fiance', 'william', 'eugenia', 'quickly', 'fall', 'love', 'lust', 'decide', 'marry', 'ceremony', 'shown', 'concluding', 'marriage', 'bed', 'happy', 'couple', 'enthusiastic', 'sex', 'sir', 'harald', 'wife', 'lady', 'alabaster', 'eagerly', 'grant', 'approval', 'match', 'eugenia\\\\', 'older', 'brother', 'edgar', 'takes', 'intense', 'dislike', 'william', 'never', 'passing', 'opportunity', 'pick', 'fights', 'remind', 'humble', 'working', 'class', 'background', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'one', 'marriage', 'eugenia', 'produces', 'five', 'children', 'quick', 'succession', 'insists', 'naming', 'first', 'boy', 'edgar', 'brother', 'william', 'never', 'warms', 'children', 'instead', 'spending', 'time', 'studying', 'colony', 'red', 'ants', 'matty', 'various', 'children', 'house', 'writes', 'book', 'observations', 'quickly', 'accepted', 'publisher', 'one', 'day', 'hunting', 'excursion', 'william', 'summoned', 'back', 'house', 'servant', 'boy', 'claims', 'eugenia', 'wishes', 'speak', 'walks', 'bedroom', 'surprising', 'eugenia', 'edgar', 'engaging', 'incestuous', 'sex', 'eugenia', 'confesses', 'edgar', 'sex', 'years', 'fiance', 'committed', 'suicide', 'discovering', 'eugenia', 'also', 'tells', 'william', 'even', 'though', 'knew', 'wrong', 'sex', 'brother', 'quench', 'desire', 'william', 'tells', 'eugenia', 'leaving', 'children', 'convinced', 'fathered', 'edgar', 'case', 'however', 'promise', 'tell', 'sir', 'harald', 'real', 'reason', 'behind', 'departure', 'reasoning', 'truth', 'would', 'injure', 'old', 'man\\\\', 'health', 'william', 'provoked', 'matty', 'opens', 'become', 'quite', 'close', 'years', 'although', 'denies', 'sent', 'servant', 'william', 'admit', 'knew', 'incestuous', 'relationship', 'eugenia', 'edgar', 'servants', 'knew', 'well', 'william', 'tells', 'matty', 'desire', 'back', 'amazon', 'return', 'matty', 'reveals', 'booked', 'two', 'tickets', 'boat', 'departing', 'shortly', 'amazon', 'william', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'despite', 'attraction', 'matty', 'feel', 'rain', 'forest', 'suitable', 'place', 'woman', 'promises', 'help', 'work', 'reveals', 'loves', 'william', 'acquiesces', 'plan', 'movie', 'ends', 'william', 'matty', 'departing', 'coach', 'looking', 'window', 'empirical', 'world'], ['four', 'teenagers', 'late', '1950s', 'los', 'angeles', 'way', 'tijuana', 'mexico', 'dave', 'woody', 'spider', 'dave', 'brother', 'wendell', 'dave', 'spider', 'woody', 'lose', 'virginity', 'wendell', 'came', 'along', 'buy', 'fireworks', 'end', 'picking', 'woman', 'named', 'kathy', 'goes', 'wants', 'fast', 'divorce', 'husband', 'get', 'series', 'misadventures', 'south', 'border'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'begins', 'prison', 'inmate', 'luther', 'speaking', 'directly', 'camera', 'unseen', 'individual', 'telling', 'story', 'dizzy', 'gillespie', 'harrison', '18-year-old', 'high', 'school', 'senior', 'nerd', 'dizzy', 'friends', 'nora', 'kirk', 'glen', 'ref', 'name', 'http', '//www.mahalo.com/the-new-guy/|', 'title', 'mahalo|', 'date', '2012-04-02', 'school', 'librarian', 'would', 'eventually', 'break', 'dizzy', 'refuses', 'hand', 'weapon', 'dizzy\\\\', 'white', 'briefs', 'yanked', 'underneath', 'pants', 'placed', 'around', 'head', 'ref', 'name', 'http', '//www.screenit.com/movies/2002/the_new_guy.html|', 'title', 'screen', 'date', '2009-07-22', 'revealing', 'erect', 'penis', 'plain', 'sight', 'nearly', 'everyone', 'instead', 'covering', 'dizzy', 'misdiagnosed', 'tourette', 'syndrome', 'placed', 'medication', 'school', 'counselor', 'advises', 'father', 'spend', 'every', 'moment', 'possible', 'mall\\\\', 'food', 'court', 'heavily', 'medicated', 'dizzy', 'makes', 'fool', 'church', 'revival', 'gets', 'arrested', 'attempt', 'wipe', 'slate', 'clean', 'dizzy', 'gets', 'expelled', 'old', 'high', 'school', 'undergoes', 'makeover', 'help', 'prison', 'inmates', 'guards', 'action', 'intended', 'effect', 'head', 'cheerleader', 'danielle', 'welcomes', 'newcomer', 'school', 'reaching', 'state', 'championship', 'play', 'rocky', 'creek', 'dizzy\\\\', 'antics', 'sideline', 'cost', 'rocky', 'creek', 'game', 'although', 'barclay', 'recognizes', 'old', 'punching', 'bag', 'school', 'next', 'day', 'attempts', 'beat', 'dizzy', 'turn', 'attacked', 'entire', 'student', 'body', 'attack', 'connor', 'helps', 'barclay', 'ground', 'telling', 'wants', 'know', 'knows', 'homecoming', 'dance', 'dizzy\\\\', 'funk', 'band', 'supposed', 'play', 'crashed', 'students', 'rocky', 'creek', 'barclay', 'connor', 'joined', 'forces', 'set', 'trap', 'dizzy', 'play', 'embarrassing', 'video', 'librarian', 'incident', 'however', 'luther', 'inmates', 'arrive', 'save', 'dizzy', 'tie', 'two', 'bullies', 'nora', 'admits', 'longstanding', 'feelings', 'glen', 'dizzy', 'danielle', 'reconcile', 'luther', 'ends', 'film', 'man', 'talking', 'revealed', 'david', 'hasselhoff', 'uncensored', 'version', 'movie', 'dizzy', 'appears', 'child', 'divorce', 'miss', 'kiki', 'pierce', 'talks', 'dizzy\\\\', 'excessive', 'masturbation', 'becomes', 'stepmother', 'uncensored', 'version'], [\"'lily\", 'powers', 'works', 'father', 'speakeasy', 'prohibition', 'erie', 'pennsylvania', 'life', 'miserable', 'since', 'age', 'father', 'sleep', 'many', 'customers', 'man', 'trusts', 'cobbler', 'admires', 'friedrich', 'nietzsche', 'tells', 'start', 'afresh', 'new', 'city', 'use', 'men', 'get', 'wants', 'lily\\\\', 'father', 'killed', 'still', 'explosion', 'sheds', 'tears', 'african', 'american', 'co-worker/friend', 'chico', 'hop', 'freight', 'train', 'town', 'discovered', 'railroad', 'worker', 'threatens', 'thrown', 'jail', 'says', 'wait', '...', \"can\\\\'t\", 'talk', 'strongly', 'implied', 'sex', 'fadeout', 'get', 'change', 'mind', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'lily', 'gets', 'job', 'gotham', 'trust', 'even', 'though', 'office', 'experience', 'personnel', 'man', 'asks', 'lily', 'experience', 'lily', 'replies', 'plenty', 'entices', 'absent', 'boss\\\\', 'office', 'demonstrate', 'progress', 'sleeping', 'way', 'top', 'shown', 'recurring', 'visual', 'metaphor', 'movie', 'camera', 'panning', 'ever', 'upward', 'along', 'edifice', 'gotham', 'trust\\\\', 'skyscraper', 'accompanied', 'saxophone', 'wail', 'st.', 'louis', 'blues', 'second', 'conquest', 'jimmy', 'mccoy', 'jr.', 'recommends', 'promotion', 'next', 'victim', 'brody', 'lily', 'eventually', 'ensnares', 'ned', 'stevens', 'donald', 'cook', 'rising', 'young', 'executive', 'engaged', 'ann', 'carter', 'daughter', 'first', 'vice', 'president', 'j.r.', 'carter', 'schemes', 'ann', 'walk', 'two', 'locked', 'embrace', 'j.r.', 'attempts', 'get', 'lily', 'leave', 'ned', 'alone', 'soon', 'adds', 'older', 'man', 'list', 'admirers', 'j.r.', 'installs', 'lavish', 'apartment', 'chico', 'along', 'maid', 'however', 'ned', 'finds', 'future', 'father-in-law', 'first', 'shoots', 'older', 'man', 'courtland', 'trenholm', 'playboy', 'grandson', 'company\\\\', 'founder', 'elected', 'bank', 'president', 'deal', 'resulting', 'public', 'scandal', 'rebuffs', 'lily\\\\', 'attempt', 'extort', '15,000', 'firm', 'return', 'withholding', 'diary', 'press', 'offers', 'job', 'firm\\\\', 'paris', 'office', 'harm', 'maintain', 'appearance', 'victim', 'circumstance', 'little', 'choice', 'accept', 'time', 'later', 'courtland', 'goes', 'paris', 'business', 'surprised', 'impressed', 'find', 'still', 'working', 'also', 'promoted', 'head', 'travel', 'bureau', 'soon', 'falls', 'spell', 'marries', 'although', 'responsible', 'courtland', 'indicted', 'bank', 'fails', 'due', 'mismanagement', 'begs', 'lily', 'return', 'gifts', 'showered', 'finance', 'defense', 'lily', 'decides', 'keep', 'flee', 'europe', 'however', 'changes', 'mind', 'realizes', 'finally', 'found', 'man', 'love', 'returns', 'discovers', 'husband', 'shot', 'ride', 'hospital', 'attendant', 'assures', 'courtland', 'good', 'chance', 'survival', 'courtland', 'opens', 'eyes', 'sees', 'lily', 'smiles', 'movie', 'ends'], ['month', 'two', 'full', 'moons', 'austrian', 'petty', 'criminal', 'johnny', 'pichler', 'hired', 'carry', 'bag', 'cash', 'slovakian', 'border', 'deliver', 'gangster', 'johnny', 'arrives', 'late', 'battered', 'taxi', 'forced', 'car', 'behind', 'gangster', 'beautiful', 'unhappy', 'escort', 'shirley', 'bimbo', 'squirts', 'gangster', 'incapacitating', 'spray', 'kicks', 'car', 'races', 'away', 'johnny', 'cash', 'pair', 'makes', 'series', 'unsuccessful', 'attempts', 'sell', 'obviously', 'stolen', 'car', 'slovak', 'hotel', 'johnny', 'offers', 'buy', 'shirley', 'share', 'car', 'share', 'cash', 'refuses', 'returns', 'bar', 'gone', 'lonely', 'johnny', 'teams', 'ignaz', 'springer', 'east', 'german', 'con', 'man', 'trouble', 'adapting', 'post-communist', 'europe', 'claims', 'business', 'interests', 'ukraine', 'shoe', 'import-export', 'springer', 'introduces', 'johnny', 'couple', 'slovak', 'waitresses', 'disappears', 'selling', 'car', 'without', 'johnny', 'knowledge', 'johnny', 'hitchhikes', 'ukraine', 'looking', 'shirley', 'town', 'lviv', 'stamped', 'strip', 'photographs', 'guide', 'lviv', 'meets', 'taxi', 'driver', 'differs', 'shirley', 'hair', 'colour', 'jana', 'reveals', 'shirley', 'twin', 'sister', 'soon', 'become', 'lovers', 'jana', 'tells', 'shirley', 'real', 'name', 'dana', 'left', 'lviv', 'months', 'ago', 'bout', 'craziness', 'johnny', 'soon', 'discovers', 'jana', 'entirely', 'honest', 'city', 'hardly', 'welcoming', 'gang', 'force', 'buy', 'ordinary', 'brick', 'money', 'follows', 'jana', 'kiev', 'finally', 'odessa', 'black', 'sea', 'also', 'reunited', 'springer', 'movie', 'ends', 'ferry', 'blue', 'moon', 'rises', 'final', 'scene', 'explains', 'enigmatic', 'opening', 'scene', 'odessa', 'steps', 'dusl', 'sees', 'love', 'develops', 'johnny', 'jana', 'metaphor', 'relationship', 'east', 'west', 'inspiration', 'film', 'may', 'come', 'transatlantic', 'romantic', 'entanglement', 'american', 'visited', 'going', 'production.', 'ref', 'nameen', 'documentid=9345', 'chiari', 'valeria', \"'interview\", 'andrea', 'maria', 'dusl', 'cineuropa', 'retrieved', 'july', '2005'], [\"'sarah\", 'pierce', 'reluctant', 'housewife', 'mother', 'upper-middle', 'class', 'suburb', 'boston', 'married', 'richard', 'pierce', 'successful', 'yet', 'distant', 'husband', 'secretly', 'obsessed', 'internet', 'porn', 'star', 'sarah', 'refers', 'daughter', 'lucy', 'unknowable', 'little', 'person', 'feels', 'place', 'around', 'stepford', 'like', 'mothers', 'local', 'playground', 'brad', 'adamson', 'patrick', 'wilson', 'former', 'college', 'football', 'player', 'who\\\\', 'also', 'married', 'kathy', 'documentary', 'filmmaker', 'young', 'son', 'named', 'aaron', 'brad', 'depressed', 'frustrated', 'wife', 'breadwinner', 'stay-at-home', 'father', 'failed', 'bar', 'exam', 'twice', 'day', 'leaves', 'home', 'pretense', 'going', 'library', 'study', 'spends', 'time', 'watching', 'skateboarders', 'nearby', 'park', 'joins', 'policeman\\\\', 'touch', 'football', 'team', 'urging', 'friend', 'larry', 'hedges', 'disgraced', 'former', 'police', 'officer', 'sarah', 'brad', 'meet', 'school', 'playground', 'sarah', 'suggests', 'hug', 'surprise', 'watching', 'mothers', 'nearby', 'brad', 'kisses', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'two', 'attracted', 'course', 'several', 'visits', 'local', 'pool', 'sarah', 'brad', 'get', 'know', 'soon', 'begin', 'affair', 'meanwhile', 'ronald', 'ronnie', 'james', 'mcgorvey', 'served', 'prison', 'sentence', 'indecent', 'exposure', 'minor', 'moved', 'back', 'neighborhood', 'live', 'mother', 'larry', 'launches', 'harassment', 'campaign', 'ronnie', 'handing', 'posters', 'vandalizing', 'house', 'harassing', 'almost', 'assaulting', 'man', 'mother', 'ronnie\\\\', 'mother', 'tries', 'help', 'setting', 'ronnie', 'date', 'ends', 'badly', 'masturbating', 'date\\\\', 'car', 'outside', 'children\\\\', 'playground', 'brad', 'sarah', 'finally', 'see', 'football', 'game', 'asks', 'run', 'away', 'two', 'agree', 'meet', 'local', 'park', 'next', 'night', 'game', 'drunken', 'larry', 'goes', 'mcgorvey\\\\', 'house', 'harasses', 'using', 'megaphone', 'wake', 'entire', 'neighborhood', 'mrs.', 'mcgorvey', 'tries', 'stop', 'larry', 'pushes', 'heart', 'attack', 'later', 'dies', 'hospital', 'ronnie', 'devastated', 'losing', 'one', 'person', 'loved', 'evening', 'sarah', 'packs', 'bag', 'takes', 'lucy', 'playground', 'wait', 'brad', 'way', 'playground', 'brad', 'transfixed', 'young', 'skateboarders', 'dare', 'try', 'one', 'jump', 'short', 'stair', 'rail', 'brad', \"can\\\\'t\", 'resist', 'ends', 'injuring', 'sarah', 'unexpectedly', 'met', 'playground', 'ronnie', 'instead', 'tries', 'comfort', 'leaving', 'lucy', 'wander', 'frightens', 'sarah', 'finds', 'lucy', 'sarah', 'tearfully', 'embraces', 'daughter', 'goes', 'home', 'brad', 'taken', 'hospital', 'asks', 'police', 'officer', 'scene', 'call', 'wife', 'larry', 'comes', 'park', 'find', 'ronnie', 'apologize', 'harassing', 'noticing', 'blood', 'dripping', 'ronnie', 'horrified', 'discover', 'ronnie', 'castrated', 'panicked', 'larry', 'picks', 'ronnie', 'takes', 'hospital', 'arrive', 'kathy', 'meets', 'brad\\\\', 'ambulance', 'emergency', 'room', 'doors', 'film', 'ends', 'image', 'sarah', 'sleeping', 'alongside', 'lucy', 'home'], [\"'this\", 'film', 'focuses', 'claude', 'teenage', 'girl', 'lives', 'hell\\\\', 'kitchen', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'story', 'sexual', 'discovery', 'budding', 'lesbianism', 'claude\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'ellen', 'plan', 'start', 'band', 'ellen', 'subverted', 'ellen', 'begins', 'dating', 'mark', 'claude', 'discovers', 'luke', 'gay', 'musician', 'moved', 'apartment', 'building', 'stabbed', 'death', 'ellen', 'hints', 'fact', 'luke', 'killed', 'claude', 'keeps', 'mouth', 'shut', 'order', 'protect', 'claude', 'goes', 'gay', 'bar', 'meets', 'lucy', 'pink-haired', 'guitarist', 'playing', 'house', 'band', 'claude', 'goes', 'lucy\\\\', 'apartment', 'freaks', 'leaves', 'returning', 'apartment', 'find', 'ellen', 'waiting', 'fight', 'ends', 'claude', 'screaming', 'would', 'die', 'without', 'ellen', 'claude', 'goes', 'along', 'ellen', 'mark', 'one', 'dates', 'mark', 'gives', 'ellen', 'downers', 'make', 'violently', 'ill.', 'claude', 'accompanies', 'bathroom', 'watches', 'vomit', 'ellen', 'refers', 'claude', 'knight', 'shining', 'armor', 'mark', 'visibly', 'furious', 'manages', 'contain', 'claude', 'leaves', 'sees', 'lucy', 'freaks', 'leaves', 'sex', 'walking', 'home', 'mark', 'ambushes', 'claude', 'street', 'begins', 'threatening', 'claude', 'threatens', 'tell', 'police', 'mark\\\\', 'possible', 'involvement', 'luke\\\\', 'death', 'mark', 'says', 'she\\\\', 'ellen', 'got', 'right', 'fondles', 'claude\\\\', 'vulva', 'kisses', 'runs', 'claude', 'goes', 'home', 'find', 'ellen', 'waiting', 'claude', 'tells', 'need', 'tell', 'police', 'mark', 'ellen', 'says', 'would', 'jail', 'knew', 'involvement', 'claude', 'says', 'would', 'never', 'let', 'happen', 'claude', 'begins', 'making', 'ellen', 'tells', 'loves', 'ellen', 'reciprocate', 'leaves', 'next', 'day', 'claude', 'cleans', 'room', 'removing', 'trace', 'ellen', 'later', 'police', 'come', 'take', 'mark', 'away', 'questioning', 'ellen', 'tells', 'claude', 'hates', 'claude', 'says', 'knows', 'she\\\\', 'sorry', 'claude', 'starts', 'seeing', 'lucy'], ['spending', 'time', 'new', 'york', 'billy', 'hayes', 'returns', 'hometown', 'wants', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'ex-girlfriend', 'take', 'back', 'america', 'hopes', 'opening', 'gas', 'station', 'everything', \"n't\", 'going', 'billy', 'way', 'townspeople', \"n't\", 'happy', 'see', 'ex-girlfriend', 'engaged', 'pregnant', 'billy', 'runs', 'old', 'friends', 'planning', 'scam'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'features', 'scenes', 'laurer', 'waltman', 'taking', 'guided', 'tour', 'china', 'intercut', 'footage', 'pair', 'participating', 'explicit', 'anal', 'vaginal', 'oral', 'sex', 'acts', 'special', 'emphasis', 'anal', 'sex', 'scene', 'serves', 'climax', 'film', 'waltman', 'appears', 'influence', 'marijuana', 'much', 'film', 'something', 'later', 'admitted', 'interview'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'centers', 'experiences', 'several', 'teenagers', 'camp', 'ovation', 'summer', 'theatre', 'camp', 'campers', 'mishmash', 'youngsters', 'different', 'backgrounds', 'dealing', 'different', 'issues', 'feel', 'comfortable', 'performing', 'school', 'campers', 'reunite', 'prepare', 'board', 'buses', 'camp', 'ovation', 'shy', 'self-conscious', 'ellen', 'lucas', 'happily', 'greets', 'friends', 'recovering', 'embarrassing', 'situation', 'desperately', 'tried', 'land', 'prom', 'date', 'ended', 'asking', 'brother', 'nerdy', 'fritzi', 'wagner', 'attempts', 'befriend', 'icy', 'diva', 'jill', 'simmons', 'ends', 'toting', 'luggage', 'instead', 'returning', 'camper', 'jenna', 'malloran', 'laments', 'parents', 'forced', 'jaw', 'wired', 'shut', 'order', 'lose', 'weight', 'upon', 'arrival', 'camp', 'ovation', 'kids', 'settle', 'ellen', 'converses', 'friend', 'michael', 'flores', 'gay', 'teenager', 'violently', 'beaten', 'classmates', 'showing', 'junior', 'prom', 'drag', 'campers', 'struck', 'dumb', 'arrival', 'vlad', 'baumann', 'handsome', 'new', 'camper', 'staff', 'member', 'marvels', 'honest-to-god', 'straight', 'boy', 'camp', 'ovation', 'puts', 'new', 'play', 'musical', 'every', 'two', 'weeks', 'vlad', 'ellen', 'bond', 'rehearsal', 'one', 'day', 'flirt', 'bit', 'however', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'vlad', 'seduced', 'conceited', 'jill', 'later', 'makes', 'cruel', 'cracks', 'ellen', 'weight', 'inexperience', 'boys', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'vlad', 'comforts', 'ellen', 'two', 'begin', 'inch', 'towards', 'relationship', 'camp', 'enlists', 'guest', 'counselor', 'summer', 'composer', 'bert', 'hanley', 'whose', 'play', 'children\\\\', 'crusade', 'one-hit', 'wonder', 'many', 'years', 'ago', 'frustrated', 'lack', 'recent', 'success', 'grumpy', 'alcoholic', 'shows', 'two', 'days', 'late', 'camp', 'ovation', 'constantly', 'drinks', 'camp', 'grounds', 'irritated', 'vlad', 'idolizes', 'attempts', 'strike', 'conversation', 'jill', 'shares', 'cabin', 'fritzi', 'still', 'catering', 'every', 'whim', 'however', 'fritzi', 'caught', 'washing', 'jill\\\\', 'underwear', 'jill', 'expresses', 'disgust', 'fritzi', 'kicks', 'cabin', 'usually', 'meek', 'fritzi', 'becomes', 'filled', 'borderline', 'psychotic', 'rage', 'sabotages', 'jill\\\\', 'next', 'performance', 'company', 'putting', 'woolite', 'snapple', 'jill', 'vomits', 'musical', 'number', 'fritzi', 'shows', 'costume', 'takes', 'place', 'mid-song', 'reveals', 'talented', 'passionate', 'actress', 'michael', 'rooming', 'vlad', 'developed', 'crush', 'vlad', 'convinces', 'michael', 'invite', 'parents', 'next', 'play', 'although', 'father', 'incredibly', 'unsupportive', 'homosexuality', 'though', 'mother', 'tells', 'come', 'michael', 'notices', 'mid-performance', 'crushed', 'flees', 'stage', 'found', 'later', 'vlad', 'explains', 'share', 'problems', 'though', 'vlad', 'seemingly', 'normal', 'all-american', 'teenager', 'reveals', 'michael', 'suffers', 'acute', 'type', 'ocd', 'medicated', 'hanley', 'angered', 'hearing', 'vlad', 'play', 'one', 'songs', 'begins', 'tell', 'campers', 'theater', 'make', 'bitter', 'lonely', 'much', 'like', 'vlad', 'follows', 'drunken', 'hanley', 'back', 'room', 'berates', 'cruel', 'speech', 'hanley', 'throws', 'passes', 'vlad', 'finds', 'trove', 'music', 'hanley', 'written', 'years', 'released', 'rehearsal', 'camp\\\\', 'benefit', 'performance', 'vlad', 'campers', 'sing', 'century', 'plant', 'one', 'hanley\\\\', 'songs', 'hanley\\\\', 'heart', 'lifted', 'disposition', 'changes', 'shortly', 'benefit', 'michael', 'sleeps', 'dee', 'ellen\\\\', 'roommate', 'frustration', 'vlad', 'vlad', 'hears', 'immediately', 'asks', 'dee', 'true', 'vlad', 'dee', 'end', 'making', 'dee\\\\', 'bed', 'ellen', 'walks', 'runs', 'hurt', 'refuses', 'talk', 'vlad', 'night', 'benefit', 'concert', 'arrives', 'campers', 'starstruck', 'famed', 'composer', 'stephen', 'sondheim', 'attendance', 'dressing', 'room', 'atmosphere', 'tense', 'gets', 'even', 'awkward', 'vlad\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'julie', 'shows', 'see', 'meanwhile', 'another', 'act', 'revenge', 'fritzi', 'sabotoges', 'jill\\\\', 'makeup', 'causing', 'break', 'boils', 'jill', 'attacks', 'injuring', 'unfit', 'onstage', 'replace', 'bert', 'cuts', 'wires', 'jenna\\\\', 'mouth', 'allowing', 'sing', 'powerful', 'song', 'directed', 'parents', 'audience', 'telling', 'accept', 'benefit', 'hit', 'vlad', 'michael', 'ellen', 'still', 'arguing', 'vlad', 'michael', 'meet', 'lake', 'vlad', 'strips', 'gain', 'michael\\\\', 'attention', 'set', 'straight', 'michael', 'vlad', 'admits', 'attention', 'junkie', 'attempts', 'please', 'everyone', 'order', 'gain', 'good', 'favor', 'apologizes', 'michael', 'leading', 'ellen', 'arrives', 'vlad', 'explains', 'still', 'cares', 'girlfriend', 'julie', 'broken', 'another', 'apology', 'ellen', 'forgives', 'three', 'swimming', 'end', 'credits', 'entire', 'cast', 'elaborate', 'rendition', 'todd', 'rundgren\\\\', 'want', 'nail'], [\"'daniel\", 'miller', 'los', 'angeles', 'advertising', 'executive', 'dies', 'car', 'accident', 'birthday', 'sent', 'afterlife', 'arrives', 'judgment', 'city', 'purgatory-like', 'waiting', 'area', 'populated', 'recently-deceased', 'western', 'half', 'united', 'states', 'undergo', 'process', 'fear-based', 'life', 'earth', 'judged', 'daniel', 'rest', 'recently-deceased', 'offered', 'many', 'earth-like', 'amenities', 'activities', 'city', 'undergo', 'judgment', 'processes', '봣rom', 'all-you-can-eat', 'restaurants', 'bowling', 'alleys', 'comedy', 'clubs', 'defense', 'attorney', 'bob', 'diamond', 'explains', 'daniel', 'people', 'earth', 'use', 'little', 'brains', 'spend', 'lives', 'functioning', 'basis', 'fears', 'use', 'brain', \"don\\\\'t\", 'want', 'earth', 'believe', 'says', 'diamond', 'judgement', 'court', 'determines', 'daniel', 'conquered', 'fears', 'sent', 'next', 'phase', 'existence', 'able', 'use', 'brain', 'thus', 'able', 'experience', 'universe', 'offer', 'otherwise', 'soul', 'reincarnated', 'earth', 'live', 'another', 'life', 'another', 'attempt', 'moving', 'past', 'fears', 'process', 'may', 'advance', 'universe\\\\', 'proverbial', 'food', 'chain', 'daniel\\\\', 'judgment', 'process', 'presided', 'two', 'judges', 'diamond', 'argues', 'daniel', 'move', 'onto', 'next', 'phase', 'formidable', 'opponent', 'lena', 'foster', 'diamond', 'informs', 'daniel', 'known', 'dragon', 'lady', 'utilizes', 'video-like', 'footage', 'selected', 'days', 'defendants\\\\', 'lives', 'shown', 'judges', 'illustrate', 'case', 'procedure', 'daniel', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'julia', 'woman', 'lived', 'seemingly', 'perfect', 'life', 'courage', 'generosity', 'especially', 'compared', 'proceedings', 'well', 'daniel', 'foster', 'shows', 'series', 'episodes', 'daniel', 'overcome', 'fears', 'well', 'various', 'bad', 'decisions', 'mishaps', 'final', 'nail', 'coffin', 'seems', 'foster', 'last', 'day', 'arguments', 'plays', 'footage', 'previous', 'night', 'julia', 'declines', 'sleep', 'foster', 'believes', 'fear', 'lack', 'courage', 'ruled', 'daniel', 'return', 'earth', 'meanwhile', 'julia', 'judged', 'worthy', 'move', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'diamond', 'comforts', 'daniel', 'knowledge', 'court', 'infallible', 'foster', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'mean', 'she\\\\', 'right', 'daniel', 'remains', 'disappointed', 'daniel', 'finds', 'strapped', 'seat', 'tram', 'poised', 'return', 'earth', 'spots', 'julia', 'different', 'tram', 'spur-of-the-moment', 'impulse', 'unstraps', 'escapes', 'moving', 'tram', 'risks', 'electrocution', 'injury', 'get', 'julia', 'although', 'enter', 'tram', 'first', 'entire', 'event', 'monitored', 'diamond', 'convince', 'judges', 'last-minute', 'display', 'courage', 'earned', 'daniel', 'right', 'move', 'judges', 'agree', 'open', 'doors', 'julia', 'tram', 'allowing', 'daniel', 'reuniting', 'julia', 'allowing', 'move', 'next', 'phases', 'existence', 'together'], [\"'two\", 'young', 'progressive', 'indians', 'nikhil', 'nick', 'arora', 'ambar', 'malhotra', 'amby', 'left', 'india', 'live', 'lives', 'melbourne', 'australia', 'nick', 'fled', 'australia', 'become', 'architect', 'becoming', 'one', 'got', 'commission', 'design', 'restaurant', 'works', 'head', 'chef', 'restaurant', 'named', 'nick', 'time', 'job', 'allows', 'laid-back', 'lifestyle', 'get', 'late', 'morning', 'aspects', 'values', 'much', 'bangalore', 'ambar', 'shown', 'twelve', 'men', 'marriage', 'rejected', 'one', 'parents', 'suspected', 'want', 'get', 'married', 'however', 'denied', 'went', 'australia', 'one-year', 'foreign', 'exchange', 'program', 'decided', 'stay', 'become', 'surgeon', 'hearing', 'parents', 'cut', 'ties', 'pay', 'education', 'works', 'r.j.', 'local', 'radio', 'station', 'salaam', 'namaste', 'nick', 'supposed', 'interview', 'salaam', 'namaste', 'oversleeps', 'resulting', 'getting', 'insulted', 'ambar', 'air', 'boss', 'dheka', 'demands', 'radio', 'station', \"\\\\'kill\\\\\", 'nick', 'oversleeps', 'insulted', 'ambar', 'late', 'nick', 'gets', 'work', 'catering', 'one', 'ambar\\\\', 'friends', 'wedding', 'best', 'friend', 'rajeev', 'ron', 'mathur', 'falls', 'love', 'ambar\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'cathy', 'wedding', 'nick', 'also', 'feels', 'connection', 'ambar', 'although', 'idea', 'really', 'nick', 'tells', 'ambar', 'architect', 'lying', 'ron', 'cathy', 'marry', 'next', 'day', 'nick', 'ambar', 'discover', 'other\\\\', 'true', 'identities', 'nick', 'interview', 'salaam', 'namaste', 'states', 'publicly', 'loves', 'ambar', 'end', 'ron', 'cathy\\\\', 'house', 'two', 'fight', 'nick', 'persuades', 'ambar', 'move', 'together', 'fall', 'love', 'two', 'months', 'later', 'ambar', 'discovers', 'pregnant', 'nick', 'takes', 'get', 'abortion', 'later', 'tells', 'resulting', 'break', 'next', 'five', 'months', 'several', 'comical', 'disagreements', 'nick', 'finds', 'restaurant', 'buy', 'loan', 'approved', 'afford', 'downpayment', 'spent', 'money', 'house', 'live', 'ambar', 'results', 'another', 'argument', 'baby', 'kicks', 'first', 'time', 'nick', 'realizes', 'still', 'loves', 'ambar', 'ambar', 'asks', 'nick', 'take', 'blood', 'test', 'ambar', 'thalassemia', 'minor', 'nick', 'thalassemia', 'minor', 'baby', 'would', 'problem', 'nick', 'goes', 'hospital', 'blood', 'test', 'doctor', 'gives', 'sonography', 'hospital', 'nick', 'finds', 'ambar', 'bearing', 'twins', 'way', 'home', 'thinks', 'doctor', 'said', 'realizes', 'left', 'ambar', 'alone', 'whole', 'pregnancy', 'needed', 'goes', 'home', 'looks', 'sonography', 'realizes', 'still', 'loves', 'ambar', 'goes', 'buy', 'engagement', 'ring', 'sees', 'pregnant', 'ambar', 'trying', 'rings', 'friend', 'dev', 'nick', 'thinks', 'ambar', 'marrying', 'dev', 'devastated', 'goes', 'gets', 'drunk', 'takes', 'australian', 'girl', 'home', 'wakes', 'shocked', 'girl', 'stella', 'angry', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'anything', 'crying', 'ambar\\\\', 'name', 'night', 'nick', 'greatly', 'relieved', 'ambar', 'sees', 'bedroom', 'upset', 'tells', 'nick', 'she\\\\', 'moving', 'today', 'nick', 'discovers', 'ambar', 'trying', 'rings', 'dev\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'tina', 'desperately', 'searches', 'ambar', 'help', 'many', 'devoted', 'salaam', 'namaste', 'listeners', 'finds', 'apologizes', 'propose', 'ambar\\\\', 'water', 'breaks', 'rush', 'hospital', 'hospital', 'ron', 'cathy', 'who\\\\', 'giving', 'birth', 'well', 'nurse', 'turns', 'stella', 'tells', 'ambar', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'anything', 'night', 'love', 'ambar', 'finally', 'realizes', 'nick\\\\', 'true', 'love', 'meet', 'incompetent', 'obstetrician', 'dr.', 'vijay', 'kumar', 'mdggo', 'turns', 'comical', 'horrible', 'doctor', 'manages', 'deliver', 'children', 'ambar', 'gives', 'birth', 'twins', 'nick', 'proposes', 'joyously', 'agrees'], ['thirty-year-old', 'housewife', 'mi-heun', 'visited', 'woman', 'red', 'sweater', 'smirks', 'tells', 'mi-heun', 'husband', 'lover', 'words', 'take', 'away', 'shatter', 'mi-heun', 'life', 'knew', 'true', 'terror', 'unforgettable', 'christmas', 'evening', 'swept', 'away', 'peaceful', 'silent', 'town', 'butterfly', 'ville', 'mi-heun', 'family', 'begin', 'new', 'life', 'nothing', 'happened', 'however', 'aftermath', 'night', 'still', 'haunts', 'mi-heun', 'headaches', 'vexatiously', 'tries', 'vent', 'heartache', 'alone', 'nothing', 'seems', 'change', 'in-kyu', 'not-so-busy', 'country', 'town', 'doctor', 'enjoys', 'fishing', 'nearby', 'lake', 'rest', 'time', 'spent', 'fishing', 'girls', 'sex', 'doctor', 'beginning', 'enjoy', 'getting', 'comfortable', 'small', 'town', 'life징짝he', 'meets', 'mi-heun', 'sits', 'blankly', 'blazing', 'sun', 'rest', 'stop', 'sharp', 'voice', 'comes', 'like', 'alarm', 'awakes', 'refuses', 'body', 'might', 'time', 'falls', 'entire', 'body', 'soul', 'in-kyu', 'gives', 'mi-heun', 'overwhelming', 'answer', 'question', 'felt', 'like', 'end', 'ropes', 'falls', 'dangerous', 'game', 'sex', 'would', 'never', 'allow', 'love', 'unaware', 'starts', 'enjoy', 'lover', 'game', 'mi-heun', 'husband', 'wants', 'make', 'pond', 'outside', 'new', 'house', 'hyo-kyung', 'hopes', 'make', 'pond', 'raise', 'fish', 'live', 'happily', 'together', 'family', 'however', 'one', 'person', 'sharing', 'small', 'dream', 'lonely', 'pond', 'remains', 'mi-heun', 'walking', 'heavy', 'woods', 'found', 'outside', 'motel', 'town', 'become', 'husband', 'waits', 'wife', 'two', 'star-crossed', 'choose', 'path', 'return', 'end', 'never-ending', 'desires'], [\"'in\", 'early', '1950s', 'kalique', 'port', 'north', 'africa', 'man', 'escorted', 'angry', 'clamouring', 'crowd', 'platoon', 'soldiers', 'enter', 'fort', 'clear', 'executed', 'commander', 'orders', 'men', 'line', 'two', 'rows', 'gives', 'order', 'fire', 'shots', 'ring', 'scene', 'changes', 'ferry', 'ship', 'golden', 'fleece', 'docks', 'passengers', 'embark', 'two', 'days\\\\', 'journey', 'gibralter', 'amongst', 'crew', 'much', 'dismay', 'chief', 'officer', 'carlos', 'ricco', 'takes', 'cabin', 'clear', 'intention', 'getting', 'drunk', 'interrupted', 'elderly', 'gentleman', 'lawrence', 'st.', 'james', 'come', 'speak', 'nephew', 'captain', 'henry', 'st.', 'james', 'unspecified', 'urgent', 'matter', 'profoundly', 'shocked', 'learn', 'grief', 'encountered', 'ship', 'due', 'death', 'man', 'traveled', 'england', 'see', 'begs', 'ricco', 'explain', 'led', 'event', 'learns', 'nephew', 'henry', 'prosperous', 'owner', 'skipper', 'small', 'passenger', 'ship', 'captained', 'ferried', 'regularly', 'fro', 'gibraltar', 'kalique', 'port', 'north', 'africa', 'morocco', 'lives', 'lover', 'nita', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'young', 'hot-blooded', 'exotic', 'lady', 'years', 'younger', 'refers', 'jimmy', 'takes', 'every', 'night', 'expensive', 'fashionable', 'restaurants', 'night', 'clubs', 'lead', 'loud', 'wild', 'lifestyle', 'swim', 'sea', 'middle', 'night', 'gibralter', 'shares', 'life', 'maud', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'devoting', 'domesticated', 'wife', 'three', 'years', 'junior', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'living', 'respectable', 'sober', 'existence', 'going', 'bed', 'every', 'night', 'later', 'ten', \"o\\\\'clock\", 'cocoa', 'james', 'gives', 'nita', 'lingerie', 'gives', 'maud', 'vacuum', 'cleaner', 'delighted', 'found', 'perfect', 'existence', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'paradise', 'growing', 'perhaps', 'complacent', 'st.', 'james', 'makes', 'careless', 'mistake', 'leads', 'ricco', 'till', 'believing', 'nita', 'captain\\\\', 'wife', 'discovering', 'true', 'mrs.', 'james', 'living', 'gibralter', 'ricco', 'glad', 'assist', 'st.', 'james', 'maintaining', 'deception', 'soon', 'called', 'action', 'maud', 'flies', 'kalique', 'chance', 'meets', 'nita', 'st.', 'james', 'arranges', 'maud', 'arrested', 'nita', 'realise', 'married', 'man', 'convinces', 'maud', 'morocco', 'dangerous', 'place', 'never', 'return', 'years', 'pass', 'maud', 'twins', 'thrilled', 'two', 'boys', 'sent', 'school', 'england', 'maud', 'longer', 'enamoured', 'existence', 'wants', 'dance', 'drink', 'gin', 'hand', 'nita', 'wants', 'stay', 'home', 'cook', 'man', 'henry', 'dismayed', 'makes', 'every', 'effort', 'keep', 'everything', 'way', 'attempts', 'maintain', 'status', 'quo', 'result', 'women', 'taking', 'lovers', 'james', 'discovers', 'nico\\\\', 'infidelity', 'leaves', 'flat', 'continues', 'argument', 'lover', 'absalom', 'nita', 'shoots', 'kills', 'lover', 'spare', 'nita', 'captain', 'st.', 'james', 'claims', 'killer', 'execution', 'shown', 'firing', 'squad', 'swing', 'rifles', 'left', 'shoot', 'commanding', 'officer', 'st.', 'james', 'hands', 'money', 'walks', 'away'], ['cathy', 'timberlake', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'career', 'woman', 'meets', 'man', 'dreams', 'philip', 'shayne', 'unusual', 'way', 'rolls', 'royce', 'splashes', 'dress', 'mud', 'way', 'job', 'interview', 'wealthy', 'suave', 'philip', 'virginal', 'cathy', 'cross', 'purposes', 'wants', 'affair', 'holding', 'marriage', 'watching', 'sidelines', 'philip', 'conflicted', 'assistant', 'roger', 'guilt-ridden', 'seeing', 'therapist', 'helping', 'boss', 'numerous', 'conquests', 'cathy', 'cynical', 'friend', 'connie', 'emerson', 'knows', 'philip', 'philip', 'wines', 'dines', 'cathy', 'even', 'takes', 'see', 'new', 'york', 'yankees', 'play', 'watch', 'unusual', 'vantage', 'point', 'yankees', 'dugout', 'cathy', 'complaints', 'umpire', 'seated', 'alongside', 'mickey', 'mantle', 'roger', 'maris', 'yogi', 'berra', 'cause', 'ump', 'art', 'passarella', 'throw', 'game', 'philip', 'conscience', 'weighs', 'withdraws', 'invitation', 'bermuda', 'serves', 'make', 'cathy', 'succumb', 'agree', 'implicitly', 'consents', 'intimacy', 'conveniently', 'comes', 'possibly', 'psychosomatic', 'rash', 'much', 'embarrassment', 'frustration', 'bermuda', 'trip', 'repeated', 'due', 'cathy', 'determination', 'give', 'second', 'try', 'time', 'drinks', 'soothe', 'nerves', 'ends', 'tipsy', 'cathy', 'makes', 'complete', 'fool', 'eventually', 'falling', 'window', 'onto', 'awning', 'cathy', 'humiliation', 'rendered', 'complete', 'carried', 'pajamas', 'crowded', 'hotel', 'lobby', 'urging', 'roger', 'connie', 'convinced', 'philip', 'love', 'cathy', 'goes', 'date', 'sleazy', 'beasley', 'make', 'true', 'love', 'jealous', 'plan', 'succeeds', 'get', 'married', 'ironically', 'honeymoon', 'breaks', 'rash'], ['1984', 'kiev', 'schoolteacher', 'andrej', 'romanovich', 'evilenko', 'dismissed', 'position', 'attempting', 'molest', 'student', 'driven', 'psychopathic', 'urges', 'embittered', 'collapse', 'soviet', 'union', 'evilenko', 'begins', 'rape', 'kill', 'cannibalize', 'women', 'children', 'hinted', 'throughout', 'movie', 'evilenko', 'somehow', 'gained', 'power', 'psychically', 'influence', 'victims', 'accounts', 'lack', 'resistance', 'continuous', 'evasion', 'authorities', 'vadim', 'timurouvic', 'lesiev', 'magistrate', 'family', 'man', 'assigned', 'catch', 'serial', 'killer', 'years', 'evilenko', 'eludes', 'lesiev', 'psychiatrist', 'aron', 'richter', 'assigned', 'profile', 'killer', 'richter', 'eventually', 'finds', 'evilenko', 'little', 'girl', 'manages', 'break', 'evilenko', 'hypnotic', 'hold', 'killed', 'evilenko', 'retaliation', 'girl', 'appears', 'evilenko', 'run', 'train', 'escapes', 'alive', 'almost', 'eight', 'years', 'later', 'lesiev', 'finally', 'captures', 'evilenko', 'killed', 'people', 'mostly', 'children', 'young', 'women', 'may', '1992', 'evilenko', 'goes', 'court', 'february', '1994', 'finally', 'executed', 'execution', 'several', 'governments', 'expressed', 'interest', 'evilenko', 'psychic', 'abilities', 'asked', 'extradition', 'evilenko', 'alive', 'denied'], ['expand', 'section', 'three', 'women', 'three', 'men', 'singles', 'stressful', 'unhappy', 'lives', 'register', 'italian', 'course', 'danish', 'village', 'class', 'serves', 'way', 'bringing', 'various', 'residents', 'town', 'dealing', 'loss', 'pain', 'loneliness', 'interactions', 'people', 'teacher', 'suffers', 'heart', 'attack', 'class', 'ends', 'dying', 'six', 'classmates', 'hold', 'class', 'anyway', 'eventually', 'take', 'vacation', 'italy'], [\"'single\", 'mother', 'jean', 'moves', 'every', 'time', 'gets', 'heart', 'broken', 'another', 'guy', 'much', 'dismay', 'teenage', 'daughter', 'holly', 'holly', 'devises', 'plan', 'invent', 'secret', 'admirer', 'mother', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'happy', 'stop', 'moving', 'holly', 'overhears', 'friend', 'amy\\\\', 'uncle', 'ben', 'ordering', 'flowers', 'woman', 'decides', 'use', 'advice', 'women', 'following', 'ben\\\\', 'advice', 'sends', 'mother', 'orchids', 'gifts', 'love', 'notes', 'soon', 'communicating', 'mother', 'fictitious', 'admirer', 'via', 'internet', 'mother', 'becomes', 'interested', 'holly', 'find', 'photo', 'admirer', 'sends', 'one', 'real', 'ben', 'devises', 'reason', \"can\\\\'t\", 'meet', 'person', 'claiming', 'working', 'china', 'developing', 'online', 'romance', 'mother', 'fake', 'ben', 'preventing', 'mother', 'real', 'ben', 'meeting', 'person', 'finds', 'drawn', 'cute', 'artistic', 'boy', 'class', 'adam', 'ben', 'feldman', 'unwilling', 'get', 'close', 'anyone', 'due', 'history', 'uprooted', 'say', 'goodbye', 'often', 'charade', 'continues', 'holly', 'spends', 'time', 'ben', 'picking', 'brain', 'romance', 'tips', 'slowly', 'begins', 'see', 'qualities', 'ben', 'make', 'believe', 'mother\\\\', \"\\\\'perfect\", 'man.\\\\', 'unfortunately', 'way', 'mother', 'ever', 'meet', 'real', 'ben', 'without', 'holly\\\\', 'plan', 'exposed', 'holly', 'asks', 'help', 'adam', 'disguise', 'ben', 'telephone', 'break', 'jean', 'fails', 'revealed', 'harboring', 'feelings', 'holly', 'effect', 'telling', 'holly\\\\', 'mother', 'opposite', 'planned', 'next', 'day', 'school', 'adam', 'admits', 'feelings', 'holly', 'kissing', 'night', 'lenny', 'man', 'infatuated', 'jean', 'proposes', 'replies', \"\\\\'maybe\\\\\", 'holly', 'act', 'desperation', 'disguised', 'ben\\\\', 'secretary', 'arranges', 'meeting', 'ben', 'mom', 'next', 'day', 'holly', 'mistakenly', 'believes', 'ben', 'marrying', 'someone', 'else', 'disrupts', 'wedding', 'tell', 'ben', 'mother', 'noticing', 'bride', 'dear', 'friend', 'catering', 'wedding', 'angry', 'ben', 'follows', 'makes', 'tell', 'full', 'story', 'holly', 'goes', 'meeting', 'place', 'admits', 'whole', 'ruse', 'jean', 'seemed', 'take', 'badly', 'days', 'passed', 'holly', 'mom', 'maintained', 'cold', 'relationship', 'holly', 'got', 'insulted', 'interpretation', 'adam\\\\', 'drawing', 'princess', 'holly', 'holly', 'begs', 'jean', 'move', 'mother', 'humiliated', 'wants', 'stay', 'holly', 'tells', 'leave', 'holly', 'says', 'always', 'move', 'mom', 'mom', \"can\\\\'t\", 'argue', 'start', 'pack', 'adam', 'thought', 'last', 'time', 'went', 'holly\\\\', 'home', 'gave', 'holly\\\\', 'mom', 'drawing', 'commenting', 'drawing', 'another', 'side', 'turns', 'adam', 'telling', 'holly', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'always', 'touched', 'jean', 'logs', 'onto', 'internet', 'holly\\\\', 'screen', 'name', 'talks', 'adam', 'adam', 'thinking', 'it\\\\', 'holly', 'says', 'mom', 'setting', 'bad', 'example', 'getting', 'leaving', 'things', 'get', 'bad', 'jean', 'deeply', 'moved', 'decides', 'stay', 'finding', 'new', 'job', 'trying', 'rebuild', 'life', 'without', 'running', 'away', 'also', 'apologizes', 'daughter', 'told', 'look', 'side', 'drawing', 'making', 'holly', 'happy', 'meanwhile', 'ben', 'intrigued', 'holly', 'told', 'mother', 'holly\\\\', 'help', 'jean', 'ben', 'finally', 'meet', 'jean', 'finds', \"\\\\'perfect\", 'man\\\\', 'last', 'holly', 'also', 'seems', 'road', 'perfect', 'man', 'stability', 'life', 'finally', 'opens', 'admits', 'feelings', 'adam', 'end', 'adam', 'holly', 'going', 'first', 'school', 'dance', 'together'], ['fran챌ois', 'pignon', 'unassuming', 'divorced', 'man', 'teenaged', 'son', 'ignores', 'lives', 'quiet', 'unremarkable', 'life', 'learns', 'fired', 'job', 'accountant', 'rubber', 'factory', 'contemplates', 'suicide', 'new', 'neighbor', 'jean-pierre', 'belone', 'former', 'industrial', 'psychologist', 'dissuades', 'jumping', 'balcony', 'suggests', 'way', 'keep', 'position', 'belone', 'proposes', 'pignon', 'start', 'rumor', 'homosexual', 'inserting', 'image', 'sexually', 'provocative', 'snapshots', 'gay', 'couple', 'bar', 'anonymously', 'mailing', 'boss', 'mr.', 'kopel', 'factory', 'primary', 'product', 'condoms', 'gay', 'community', 'support', 'essential', 'kopel', 'keep', 'pignon', 'payroll', 'avoid', 'charges', 'anti-homosexual', 'bigotry', 'pignon', 'change', 'usual', 'mild', 'self-effacing', 'behavior', 'mannerisms', 'way', 'part', 'masquerade', 'supervisors', 'co-workers', 'begin', 'regard', 'new', 'light', 'seeing', 'exotic', 'rather', 'dull', 'life', 'becomes', 'unexpectedly', 'dramatically', 'better', 'f챕lix', 'santini', 'homophobic', 'co-worker', 'used', 'harass', 'warned', 'could', 'fired', 'discrimination', 'continues', 'belittle', 'pignon', 'begins', 'make', 'friendly', 'overtures', 'company', 'enters', 'float', 'local', 'gay', 'pride', 'parade', 'pignon', 'coerced', 'riding', 'divorced', 'wife', 'estranged', 'son', 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'ever'], [\"'chris\", 'cahill', 'young', 'athlete', 'competes', 'unsuccessfully', '1976', 'u.s.', 'olympic', 'trials', 'meets', 'experienced', 'track', 'field', 'competitor', 'tory', 'skinner', 'friendship', 'evolves', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'tory', 'gives', 'tips', 'chris', 'improve', 'trains', 'shot', '1980', 'olympic', 'team', 'pentathlon', 'coach', 'terry', 'tinghoff', 'insists', 'one', 'whose', 'advice', 'chris', 'follows', 'anger', 'jealousy', 'develop', 'chris', 'begins', 'heterosexual', 'relationship', 'denny', 'stites', 'swimmer'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'beheading', 'anne', 'boleyn', 'anne', 'lays', 'head', 'block', 'executioner', 'raises', 'axe', 'tries', 'persuade', 'let', 'live', 'executioner', 'revealed', 'kevin', 'decided', 'let', 'live', 'show', 'thanks', 'anne', 'begins', 'oral', 'sex', 'kevin', 'shown', 'day', 'dream', 'kevin', 'homework', 'boleyn', 'writing', 'diary', 'kevin', 'tells', 'story', 'wanted', 'lose', 'virginity', 'three', 'years', 'also', 'speaks', 'strong', 'friendship', 'perry', 'two', 'goes', 'newsagents', 'buy', 'pornographic', 'magazine', 'paying', 'change', 'arrival', 'police', 'officer', 'boys', 'begin', 'get', 'nervous', 'ending', 'throwing', 'change', 'shop', 'owner', 'snatching', 'magazine', 'making', 'sharp', 'exit', 'shop', 'whilst', 'walking', 'road', 'boys', 'spot', 'kevin\\\\', 'dad', 'ray', 'walking', 'toward', 'kevin', 'throws', 'magazine', 'perry', 'throws', 'back', 'continue', 'dispute', 'hold', 'magazine', 'ends', 'falling', 'onto', 'pavement', 'full', 'view', 'bid', 'cover', 'kevin', 'drops', 'floor', 'telling', 'dad', 'tired', 'need', 'sleep', 'resulting', 'perry', 'dropping', 'floor', 'pretending', 'sleep', 'cover', 'dropped', 'magazine', 'back', 'kevin\\\\', 'house', 'whilst', 'reading', 'magazine', 'boys', 'come', 'idea', 'ibiza', 'become', 'dj\\\\', 'get', 'guaranteed', 'sex', 'idea', 'stopped', 'kevin\\\\', 'parents', 'ray', 'sheila', 'saying', \"can\\\\'t\", 'due', 'kevin\\\\', 'bad', 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'factory', 'worker', 'though', 'upset', 'ben', 'quickly', 'makes', 'friends', 'mayor', 'nick', 'nicholson', 'town', 'cafe\\\\', 'proprietor/head', 'waitress', 'melvin', 'local', 'mechanic', 'tasked', 'repairing', 'ben\\\\', 'car', 'ben', 'soon', 'finds', 'clinic', 'work', 'much', 'laid-back', 'emergency', 'room', 'simple', 'cases', 'spots', 'eyes', 'fishing', 'hook', 'impalings', 'even', 'reading', 'mail', 'young', 'illiterate', 'couple', 'whose', 'baby', 'later', 'delivers', 'experience', 'also', 'humbles', 'ben', 'mistreats', 'case', 'mitral', 'valve', 'regurgitation', 'leading', 'late', 'cyanosis', 'child', 'town\\\\', 'curmudgeonly', 'doctor', 'aurelius', 'hogue', 'orders', 'ben', 'give', 'boy', 'coca-cola', 'dismissing', 'hogue\\\\', 'treatment', 'quackery', 'ben', 'calls', 'helicopter', 'transport', 'boy', 'another', 'facility', 'athens', 'georgia', 'see', 'heart', 'specialist', 'hogue', 'learns', 'boy', 'chewed', 'father\\\\', 'tobacco', 'explains', 'carbonic', 'acid', 'component', 'soda', 'would', 'relieve', 'stomach', 'ache', 'two', 'doctors', 'finally', 'bond', 'ben', 'saves', 'hogue', 'suffers', 'near-fatal', 'heart', 'attack', 'since', 'hogue', 'chomping', 'bit', 'retire', 'ben', 'urged', 'folksy', 'locals', 'stay', 'pay', '35,000', 'year', 'made', 'tempting', 'budding', 'romance', 'tomboyish', 'ambulance', 'driver', 'vialula', 'better', 'known', 'lou', 'single', 'mother', 'four-year', 'old', 'emma', 'product', 'relationship', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'living', 'new', 'york', 'process', 'ben', 'confides', 'grew', 'small', 'town', 'rural', 'indiana', 'parents', 'lived', 'died', \"can\\\\'t\", 'see', 'confined', 'small', 'town', 'ben', 'pardoned', 'community', 'service', 'saving', 'hogue', 'free', 'california', 'car', 'fixed', 'shows', 'signs', 'maturity', 'experience', 'grady', 'become', 'attached', 'patients', 'lou', 'also', 'pursued', 'hank', 'gordon', 'local', 'insurance', 'salesman', 'one', 'day', 'hank', 'waits', 'ben', 'mayor\\\\', 'lakeside', 'lodge', 'ben', 'staying', 'ben', 'expects', 'fight', 'hank', 'explains', 'though', \"can\\\\'t\", 'give', 'lou', 'ben', 'he\\\\', 'still', 'better', 'man', 'two', 'men', 'talk', 'ben', 'comes', 'realize', 'he\\\\', 'selfless', 'enough', 'life', 'lou', 'plans', 'see', 'anymore', 'putting', 'career', 'first', 'leaves', 'west', 'coast', 'ben\\\\', 'new', 'boss', 'dr.', 'halberstrom', 'george', 'hamilton', 'hires', 'interview', 'thanks', 'unexpected', 'letter', 'recommendation', 'hogue', 'ben', 'quickly', 'tires', 'superficiality', 'beverly', 'hills', 'he\\\\', 'surprised', 'mayor\\\\', 'daughter', 'nancy', 'lee', 'hank', 'fled', 'grady', 'come', 'california', 'hank', 'tells', 'ben', 'took', 'advice', 'man\\\\', 'got', 'ben', 'seeing', 'opportunity', 'true', 'happiness', 'returns', 'grady', 'hoping', 'patch', 'things', 'lou', 'takes', 'back'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'deals', 'mid-life', 'crises', 'two', 'main', 'protagonists', 'mark', 'robert', 'fictionalized', 'versions', 'film\\\\', 'director', 'producer/writer', 'two', 'friends', 'struggle', 'adult', 'career', 'relationship', 'problems', 'defiantly', 'clinging', 'geeky', 'science', 'fiction', 'pop', 'culture', 'youth', 'seeking', 'advice', 'greatest', 'hero', 'william', 'shatner', 'shatner', 'plays', 'campy', 'caricature', 'works', 'one-man', 'musical', 'version', 'julius', 'caesar', 'hopes', 'finally', 'taken', 'seriously', 'dramatist', 'musical', 'performer', 'hip-hop', 'artist', 'rated', 'joined', 'shatner', 'provides', 'concluding', 'musical', 'number', 'tears', 'caesar', 'pastiche', 'famous', 'lines', 'play', 'set', 'rap', 'rhythm', 'film\\\\', 'score', 'produced', 'scott', 'spock'], ['amiable', 'garage', 'mechanic', 'walters', 'meets', 'catherine', 'boyd', 'beautiful', 'princeton', 'university', 'mathematics', 'doctoral', 'candidate', 'comes', 'garage', 'accompanied', 'stiff', 'fussy', 'english', 'fianc챕', 'experimental', 'psychology', 'professor', 'james', 'moreland', 'immediate', 'connection', 'refuses', 'acknowledge', 'finding', 'watch', 'left', 'garage', 'travels', 'address', 'finds', 'face', 'face', 'albert', 'einstein', 'catherine', 'uncle', 'albert', 'portrayed', 'fun-loving', 'genius', 'along', 'mischievous', 'friends', 'fellow', 'scientists', 'nathan', 'liebknecht', 'kurt', 'g철del', 'boris', 'podolsky', 'sees', 'someone', 'would', 'better', 'suited', 'catherine', 'four', 'attempt', 'help', 'look', 'sound', 'like', 'scientist', 'time', 'trying', 'convince', 'catherine', 'life', 'mind', 'heart', 'well', 'intended', 'einstein', 'enduring', 'legacy', 'niece', 'realizes', \"'ll\", 'available', 'much', 'longer', 'catherine', 'eventually', 'sees', 'ruse', 'falls', 'anyway', 'last', 'image', 'movie', 'smiling', 'albert', 'einstein', 'using', 'small', 'telescope', 'spy', 'two', 'young', 'moonstruck', 'lovers', 'take', 'delight', 'company'], [\"'scott\", 'kate', 'happily', 'married', 'although', 'year', 'age', 'difference', 'scott', 'suffers', 'heart', 'attack', 'unable', 'make', 'love', 'commits', 'suicide', 'becomes', 'ghost', 'kate', 'see', 'speak', 'make', 'possible', 'scott', 'return', 'human', 'conjure', 'plan', 'young', 'man', 'drown', 'scott', 'take', 'body'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'commences', 'sunny', 'summer', 'day', 'yorkshire', 'tamsin', 'meets', 'mona', 'former', 'travels', 'horseback', 'chances', 'upon', 'mona', 'resting', 'grass', 'opposites', 'attract', 'girls', 'come', 'vastly', 'different', 'backgrounds', 'former', 'upper-middle-class', 'family', 'recently', 'suspended', 'boarding', 'school', 'bad', 'influence', 'nature', \"\\\\'influence\\\\\", 'never', 'disclosed', 'film', 'mona', 'hand', 'comes', 'dysfunctional', 'family', 'recently-released', 'prisoner', 'brother', 'phil', 'living', 'family', 'member', 'girls', 'seem', 'regard', 'lives', 'mundane', 'new', 'acquaintances', 'set', 'together', 'one', 'horseback', 'engineless', 'scooter', 'mona', 'arrives', 'home', 'finds', 'brother', 'pub', 'run', 'mother', 'pouring', 'alcohol', 'sink', 'undergone', 'extreme', 'religious', 'transformation', 'stint', 'prison', 'regards', 'activity', 'part', 'preparation', 'rally', 'christian', 'converts', 'night', 'mona', 'meets', 'lover', 'ricky', 'sex', 'car', 'breaks', 'mona', 'angrily', 'turns', 'ricky\\\\', 'offer', 'drive', 'home', 'next', 'day', 'mona', 'arrives', 'tamsin\\\\', 'order', 'escape', 'rally', 'organised', 'brother', 'girls', 'begin', 'bond', 'spend', 'day', 'drinking', 'smoking', 'talking', 'problems', 'face', 'lives', 'sharing', 'brings', 'light', 'several', 'tamsin\\\\', 'family', 'secrets', 'fact', 'tamsin\\\\', 'sister', 'sadie', 'died', 'result', 'anorexia', 'nervosa', 'next', 'day', 'tamsin', 'takes', 'mona', 'place', 'tamsin', 'claims', 'father', 'cheating', 'mother', 'secretary', 'tamsin', 'furious', 'states', 'secretary', 'blonde', 'big', 'breasts', 'also', 'secretary', 'smart', 'mona', 'smashes', 'window', 'tamsin\\\\', 'father\\\\', 'car', 'girls', 'flee', 'scene', 'mona', 'agrees', 'spend', 'night', 'tamsin\\\\', 'house', 'next', 'day', 'tamsin', 'purchases', 'engine', 'mona\\\\', 'scooter', 'drive', 'small', 'river', 'swim', 'girls', 'share', 'first', 'kiss', 'water', 'bikini-clad', 'two', 'return', 'tasmin\\\\', 'house', 'mona', 'tries', 'dresses', 'mona', 'tries', 'long', 'red', 'dress', 'tamsin', 'states', 'used', 'belong', 'sister', 'also', 'tells', 'mona', 'beautiful', 'mona', 'dances', 'wearing', 'one', 'dresses', 'yard', 'tamsin', 'plays', 'piece', 'cello', 'mona', 'falls', 'ground', 'end', 'song', 'tamsin', 'kisses', 'passionately', 'later', 'night', 'two', 'girls', 'sex', 'tamsin\\\\', 'bed', 'next', 'day', 'phil', 'finds', 'girls', 'sunbathing', 'tamsin', 'topless', 'cover', 'merely', 'gazes', 'invites', 'girls', 'rally', 'wants', 'erect', 'large', 'cross', 'hill', 'next', 'village', 'girls', 'join', 'born-again', 'christians', 'way', 'hill', 'tamsin', 'behaves', 'immediately', 'attracted', 'phil', 'course', 'rally', 'mona', 'tamsin', 'explore', 'sadie\\\\', 'room', 'find', 'bag', 'magic', 'mushrooms', 'hidden', 'inside', 'dollhouse', 'take', 'psychedelic', 'compounds', 'together', 'later', 'day', 'feeling', 'effects', 'mushrooms', 'mona', 'tamsin', 'dancehall', 'behave', 'intimately', 'disturbing', 'mostly', 'older', 'patrons', 'prompting', 'bouncer', 'kick', 'back', 'river', 'first', 'kissed', 'declare', 'eternal', 'love', 'solemnly', 'swearing', 'would', 'kill', 'one', 'leave', 'morning', 'tamsin', 'wakes', 'river', 'cold', 'shivering', 'girls', 'leave', 'breakfast', 'tamsin\\\\', 'house', 'phil', 'arrives', 'tamsin\\\\', 'house', 'searching', 'mona', 'whereupon', 'tamsin', 'pretends', 'seduce', 'reacts', 'attempts', 'kiss', 'laughs', 'insultingly', 'sparking', 'fury', 'violence', 'grabs', 'tamsin', 'neck', 'fit', 'anger', 'proceeds', 'lock', 'mona', 'room', 'forbidding', 'see', 'tamsin', 'mona', 'draws', 'picture', 'tamsin', 'wall', 'mona', 'fakes', 'suicide', 'phil', 'comes', 'rescue', 'whereupon', 'mona', 'mocks', 'phil\\\\', 'belief', 'devil', 'beats', 'something', 'phil', 'snaps', 'reverts', 'violent', 'behavior', 'kicking', 'born-again', 'christians', 'former', 'pub', 'mona', 'leaves', 'pub', 'determined', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'tamsin', 'however', 'arrives', 'tamsin\\\\', 'discovers', 'tamsin', 'return', 'boarding', 'school', 'mona', 'also', 'belatedly', 'uncovers', 'tamsin\\\\', 'deception', 'tamsin\\\\', 'sister', 'sadie', 'fact', 'alive', 'die', 'eating', 'disorder', 'lie', 'fed', 'mona', 'part', 'tamsin\\\\', 'idea', 'summer', 'fun', 'mona', 'feeling', 'disgusted', 'dejected', 'fact', 'she\\\\', 'used', 'summer', 'theatrics', 'leaves', 'girls\\\\', 'special', 'spot', 'river', 'tamsin', 'finds', 'tells', 'mona', 'clear', 'start', 'relationship', 'doomed', 'explaining', 'lied', 'sadie\\\\', 'death', 'tamsin', 'tells', 'mona', 'fantasist', 'god\\\\', 'sake', 'slip', 'water', 'fully', 'clothed', 're-enacting', 'earlier', 'kissing', 'scene', 'mona', 'uses', 'opportunity', 'fulfil', 'earlier', 'oath', 'attempting', 'drown', 'tamsin', 'ultimately', 'leaving', 'alive', 'going', 'instead'], ['adaa', 'kashmiri', 'woman', 'torn', 'army', 'officer', 'love', 'aman', 'jehadi', 'insurgent', 'brother', 'shakeel', 'yashpal', 'sharma', 'trouble', 'ensues', 'aman', 'superiors', 'come', 'know', 'involvement', 'sister', 'terrorist', 'implicate', 'accomplice', 'thus', 'adaa', 'begins', 'valiant', 'attempt', 'save', 'aman', 'perils', 'court-martial', 'shakeel', 'torn', 'family', 'happiness', 'safety', 'jehadi', 'cause.bollywood', 'film', 'review', 'yahaan'], ['film', 'begins', 'succession', 'real-life', 'film', 'directors', 'including', 'michael', 'curtiz', 'king', 'vidor', 'raoul', 'walsh', 'refusing', 'helm', 'new', 'warners', 'flick', 'mademoiselle', 'fifi', 'jack', 'carson', 'signed', 'star', 'frustrated', 'fictional', 'studio', 'head', 'arthur', 'trent', 'finally', 'decides', 'let', 'carson', 'direct', 'seeking', 'perfect', 'co-star', 'fellow', 'lead', 'frenemy', 'dennis', 'morgan', 'carson', 'finds', 'person', 'studio', 'commissary', 'waitress', 'judy', 'adams', 'judy', 'hollywood', 'three', 'months', 'without', 'even', 'one', 'audition', 'sneaks', 'way', 'carson', 'office', 'forces', 'give', 'chance', 'self-proclaimed', 'liar', 'carson', 'advises', 'pose', 'secret', 'bride', 'morgan', 'however', 'fall', 'judy', 'act', 'reveals', 'carson', 'liar', 'judy', 'know', 'following', 'angry', 'outburst', 'leaves', 'studio', 'felt', 'used', 'two', 'actors', 'entertainment', 'moving', 'carson', 'continues', 'search', 'romantic', 'interest', 'film', 'nobody', 'seems', 'willing', 'work', 'jane', 'wyman', 'offered', 'role', 'even', 'faints', 'dennis', 'suggests', 'carson', 'cast', 'unknown', 'outsiders', 'unaware', 'image', 'would', 'willing', 'work', 'judy', 'first', 'person', 'comes', 'mind', 'though', 'know', 'judy', 'become', 'disillusioned', 'hollywood', 'set', 'return', 'home', 'town', 'goerkes', 'corner', 'wisconsin', 'carson', 'morgan', 'want', 'one', 'discovered', 'judy', 'officially', 'separate', 'ways', 'convince', 'judy', 'return', 'warner', 'brothers', 'assume', 'role', 'help', 'danny', 'kaye', 'men', 'arrived', 'station', 'time', 'stop', 'judy', 'leaving', 'succeed', 'making', 'judy', 'believe', 'help', 'get', 'big', 'break', 'movies', 'carson', 'morgan', 'start', 'dressing', 'judy', 'film', 'star', 'order', 'impress', 'trent', 'head', 'casting', 'shop', 'joan', 'crawford', 'notices', 'judy', 'taken', 'advantage', 'condemns', 'men', 'leaving', 'carson', 'remembers', 'trent', 'likes', 'discover', 'talent', 'dresses', 'judy', 'number', 'different', 'guises', 'elevator', 'operator', 'cab', 'driver', 'dentist', 'assistant', 'hope', 'trent', 'see', 'appreciate', 'potential', 'insist', 'carson', 'cast', 'unknown', 'unfortunately', 'trent', 'keeps', 'seeing', 'pretty', 'blonde', 'goofy', 'smile', 'blinking', 'eyes', 'morgan', 'lost', 'hope', 'discourages', 'judy', 'becoming', 'actress', 'determined', 'big', 'break', 'explaining', 'hard', 'work', 'done', 'afford', 'acting', 'singing', 'lessons', 'well', 'moving', 'hollywood', 'time', 'men', 'fighting', 'discovering', 'judy', 'also', 'romantic', 'attention', 'carson', 'morgan', 'attempt', 'arrange', 'screen', 'test', 'judy', 'continue', 'schemes', 'order', 'impress', 'stopped', 'studio', 'edward', 'robinson', 'helps', 'sneak', 'studio', 'arrange', 'judy', 'perform', 'song', 'big', 'fat', 'lie', 'camera', 'directed', 'reluctant', 'ray', 'heindorf', 'screen', 'test', 'undergoes', 'technical', 'difficulties', 'startles', 'trent', 'seeing', 'results', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'cancellation', 'production', 'mademoiselle', 'fifi', 'final', 'attempt', 'carson', 'morgan', 'conspire', 'disguise', 'judy', 'famous', 'french', 'film', 'star', 'dark', 'hair', 'named', 'yvonne', 'amour', 'inaccurate', 'accent', 'trent', 'still', 'manages', 'recognize', 'despite', 'great', 'amount', 'media', 'coverage', \"'yvonne\", 'receiving', 'including', 'meeting', 'eleanor', 'parker', 'patricia', 'neal', 'performance', 'song', 'cafe', 'rendezvous', 'upset', 'backstage', 'shenanigans', 'forced', 'endure', 'judy', 'returns', 'home', 'goerkes', 'corner', 'wisconsin', 'marry', 'long-time', 'sweetheart', 'jeffrey', 'bushdinkle', 'carson', 'morgan', 'consider', 'stopping', 'judy', 'friend', 'grace', 'makes', 'realize', 'much', 'happier', 'fiance', 'small', 'town', 'uncertain', 'career', 'hollywood', 'step', 'back', 'judy', 'catches', 'promising', 'another', 'girl', 'career', 'pictures', 'confirming', 'doubt', 'used', 'actors', 'leaves', 'tears', 'coincidentally', 'shares', 'train', 'trent', 'fears', 'judy', 'making', 'another', 'attempt', 'impress', 'realizing', 'talent', 'trent', 'offers', 'judy', 'career', 'pictures', 'thinks', 'lying', 'well', 'rejects', 'nonetheless', 'trent', 'announces', 'film', 'back', 'production', 'judy', 'adams', 'contender', 'lead', 'role', 'carson', 'morgan', 'rush', 'goerkes', 'corner', 'share', 'news', 'judy', 'realize', 'interfere', 'wedding', 'decide', 'leave', 'let', 'judy', 'lead', 'small', 'town', 'life'], [\"'celeste\", 'talbert', 'longtime', 'star', 'popular', 'daytime', 'drama', 'sun', 'also', 'sets', 'targeted', 'costar', 'montana', 'moorehead', 'montana', 'connives', 'supplant', 'celeste', 'show\\\\', 'star', 'promising', 'sexual', 'favors', 'producer', 'david', 'seton', 'barnes', 'make', 'audience', 'hate', 'celeste\\\\', 'character', 'montana', 'david', 'come', 'last-minute', 'plot', 'change', 'accidentally', 'kill', 'young', 'destitute', 'deaf-mute', 'played', 'newly-cast', 'lori', 'craven', 'despite', 'strong', 'objections', 'head', 'writer', 'rose', 'schwartz', 'celeste', 'scene', 'plays', 'interrupted', 'celeste\\\\', 'recognition', 'lori', 'real-life', 'niece', 'network', 'honcho', 'edmund', 'edwards', 'sees', 'potential', 'relationship', 'makes', 'lori', 'regular', 'cast', 'member', 'celeste', 'tries', 'talk', 'niece', 'acting', 'career', 'montana', 'david', 'seek', 'unnerve', 'celeste', 'bringing', 'back', 'jeffrey', 'anderson', 'actor', 'fired', 'sun', 'also', 'sets', 'decades', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'celeste', 'gone', 'sour', 'bitter', 'reduced', 'performing', 'dinner', 'theater', 'uninterested', 'seniors', 'florida', 'jeffrey', 'relishes', 'chance', 'needle', 'celeste', 'outwardly', 'despising', 'jeffrey', 'perhaps', 'still', 'harboring', 'feelings', 'celeste', 'horrified', 'much-younger', 'lori', 'develop', 'close', 'friendship', 'dramatic', 'fashion', 'celeste', 'stops', 'scripted', 'onscreen', 'kiss', 'lori', 'jeffrey', 'revealing', 'lori', 'actually', 'daughter', 'jeffrey', 'camera', 'celeste', 'explains', 'responsible', 'getting', 'jeffrey', 'fired', 'pregnancy', 'passed', 'lori', 'niece', 'due', 'pressure', 'network', 'despite', 'renewed', 'interest', 'show', 'lori\\\\', 'burst', 'sudden', 'fame', 'due', 'storyline', 'three', 'actors', 'furious', 'demand', 'decision', 'made', 'network', 'actors', 'head', 'live', 'episode', 'read', 'lines', 'teleprompter', 'keep', 'secret', 'last', 'minute', 'written', 'revealed', 'lori\\\\', 'character', 'brain', 'fever', 'die', 'still', 'hoping', 'rid', 'celeste', 'montana', 'ad-libs', 'suggests', 'brain', 'transplant', 'save', 'character', 'celeste', 'immediately', 'plays', 'along', 'offering', 'brain', 'operation', 'touched', 'sacrifice', 'lori', 'asks', 'celeste', 'leave', 'show', 'softens', 'newfound', 'parents', 'montana', 'publicly', 'ruined', 'rose', 'help', 'vengeful', 'ariel', 'maloney', 'reveals', 'secret', 'montana', 'man', 'named', 'milton', 'moorehead', 'david', 'horrified', 'later', 'celeste', 'jeffrey', 'lori', 'win', 'soap', 'opera', 'awards', 'milton', 'performs', 'dinner', 'theater', 'jeffrey\\\\', 'former', 'venue'], ['film', 'begins', 'friends', \"l'auberge\", 'espagnole', 'saint', 'petersburg', 'wedding', 'wendy', 'brother', 'william', 'xavier', 'begins', 'reminisce', 'past', 'several', 'years', 'martine', 'split', 'martine', 'child', 'become', 'committed', 'environmental', 'activist', 'financial', 'reasons', 'xavier', 'becomes', 'writer', 'pulp', 'romantic', 'novels', 'ghostwriter', 'celebrities', \"n't\", 'write', 'biographies', 'martine', 'criticizes', 'pulp', 'novel', 'work', 'unrealistic', 'corny', 'xavier', 'feels', 'replies', 'earns', 'good', 'money', 'paris', 'xavier', 'brief', 'affair', 'kassia', 'sales', 'clerk', 'senegal', 'xavier', 'grandfather', 'asks', 'xavier', 'fianc챕e', 'asks', 'lesbian', 'friend', 'isabelle', 'pose', 'fianc챕e', 'paris', 'xavier', 'runs', 'wendy', 'become', 'accomplished', 'television', 'writer', 'currently', 'involved', 'unhealthy', 'relationship', 'later', 'show', 'assignment', 'takes', 'xavier', 'london', 'requested', 'work', 'wendy', 'job', 'xavier', 'given', 'chance', 'ghost', 'write', 'biography', 'celia', 'model', 'one', 'visits', 'xavier', 'celia', 'kiss', 'make', 'love', 'looking', 'boats', 'river', 'seine', 'time', 'xavier', 'wendy', 'attraction', 'becomes', 'physical', 'relationship', 'xavier', 'wendy', 'boyfriend', 'fight', 'throws', 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'all-night', 'diner', 'notices', 'three', 'girls', 'cammie', 'rachel', 'zoe', 'flaunting', 'hundreds', 'dollars', 'tips', 'earned', 'inquiring', 'finds', 'work', 'trendy', 'bar', 'named', 'coyote', 'ugly', 'finds', 'way', 'bar', 'convinces', 'bar', 'owner', 'lil', 'hire', 'lil', 'explains', 'violet', 'looks', 'like', 'kindergarten', 'teacher', 'average', 'patron', 'toddler', 'pants', 'kids', 'love', 'reluctantly', 'nicknamed', 'jersey', 'starting', 'job', 'quickly', 'discovers', 'must', 'learn', 'ropes', 'singing', 'dancing', 'performing', 'wild', 'acts', 'rowdy', 'crowd', 'one', 'night', 'patron', 'takes', 'picture', 'violet', 'middle', 'raunchy', 'move', 'water', 'pouring', 'picture', 'appears', 'paper', 'violet\\\\', 'father', 'happens', 'see', 'gets', 'angry', 'continues', 'pursue', 'dream', 'though', 'performs', 'open', 'mic', 'night', 'bowery', 'ballroom', 'coyotes', 'coyote', 'ugly', 'saloon', 'father', 'best', 'friend', 'kevin', 'moral', 'support', 'performance', 'goes', 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'jean-paul', 'name', 'engraved', 'makes', 'remember', 'another', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'night', 'audience', 'watching', 'ends', 'orgy', 'leanna', 'diana', 'monique', 'group', 'strange', 'men', 'dressed', 'black', 'jean-paul', 'watches', 'audience', 'joining', 'traci\\\\', 'presence', 'arouses', 'audience', 'members', 'finally', 'get', 'involved', 'remembering', 'traci', 'takes', 'necklace', 'meet', 'jean-paul', 'car', 'puts', 'gift', 'around', 'neck', 'traci', 'open', 'legs', 'reveal', 'wearing', 'panties'], ['blue', 'collar', 'johnnie', 'maher', 'emigrated', 'ireland', 'bronx', 'works', 'construction', 'worker', 'day', 'parties', 'friends', 'night', 'gathering', 'pub', 'owned', 'uncle', 'trump', 'drink', 'sing', 'someone', 'apartment', 'play', 'cards', 'snort', 'cocaine', 'also', 'suffers', 'nightmares', 'earlier', 'traumatic', 'experiences', 'although', 'girlfriend', 'explores', 'sexuality', 'dons', 'makeup', 'feather', 'boa', 'begins', 'spend', 'time', 'manhattan', 'gay', 'bars', 'catering', 'm/bisexual', 'lifestyles', 'meets', 'young', 'hustler', 'named', 'christian', 'two', 'become', 'romantically', 'involved', 'troubles', 'accumulate', 'loses', 'job', 'girlfriend', 'still', 'face', 'demons', 'earlier', 'child', 'abuse'], ['elizabeth', 'masterson', 'young', 'doctor', 'whose', 'work', 'whole', 'life', 'seriously', 'injured', 'car', 'accident', 'way', 'blind', 'date', 'three', 'months', 'later', 'david', 'abbott', 'landscape', 'architect', 'recovering', 'death', 'wife', 'moves', 'apartment', 'elizabeth', 'elizabeth', 'begins', 'appear', 'david', 'apartment', 'however', 'ghostly', 'properties', 'abilities', 'clear', 'something', 'normal', 'suddenly', 'appear', 'disappear', 'move', 'walls', 'takes', 'actions', 'meet', 'surprised', 'elizabeth', 'aware', 'yet', 'condition', 'part', 'david', 'one', 'see', 'elizabeth', 'leading', 'others', 'believe', 'hallucinating', 'talking', 'first', 'elizabeth', 'remember', 'anything', 'life', 'refuses', 'believe', 'dead', 'memories', 'come', 'back', 'gradually', 'together', 'assisted', 'zen-like', 'psychic', 'darryl', 'david', 'find', 'happened', 'connected', 'find', 'body', 'coma', 'hospital', 'david', 'discovers', 'accordance', 'living', 'soon', 'taken', 'life', 'support', 'reluctantly', 'tries', 'prevent', 'telling', 'elizabeth', 'sister', 'see', 'revealed', 'one', 'elizabeth', 'young', 'nieces', 'also', 'sense', 'presence', 'although', 'see', 'elizabeth', 'sister', 'thinks', 'lunatic', 'drives', 'away', 'david', 'decides', 'prevent', 'elizabeth', 'death', 'stealing', 'body', 'hospital', 'asks', 'j.j', 'friend', 'help', 'discovered', 'j.j', 'actually', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'elizabeth', 'sister', 'set', 'elizabeth', 'blind', 'date', 'david', 'night', 'accident', 'reason', 'david', 'one', 'see', 'elizabeth', 'blind', 'date', 'also', 'eventually', 'admits', 'loves', 'elizabeth', 'reason', \"n't\", 'want', 'die', 'stealing', 'elizabeth', 'body', 'eventually', 'discovered', 'hospital', 'body', 'guards', 'soon', 'find', 'pulling', 'david', 'away', 'elizabeth', 'body', 'realizes', 'pulled', 'breathing', 'tube', 'hand', 'gets', 'away', 'guards', 'kisses', 'elizabeth', 'body', 'miraculously', 'wakes', 'however', 'recovered', 'elizabeth', \"n't\", 'remember', 'anything', 'happened', 'coma', 'events', 'david', 'leaving', 'heartbroken', 'sometime', 'later', 'elizabeth', 'goes', 'roof', 'apartment', 'transformed', 'beautiful', 'landscaped', 'garden', 'sees', 'david', 'gotten', 'spare', 'key', 'kept', 'order', 'tend', 'garden', 'leave', 'asks', 'key', 'back', 'hands', 'touch', 'memory', 'events', 'coma', 'restored', 'kiss'], [\"'tom\", 'sullivan', 'blind', 'college', 'student', 'wants', 'normal', 'class', 'tom', 'hangs', 'friend', 'sly', 'treat', 'like', 'blind', 'person', 'fact', 'goes', 'way', 'challenge', 'tom', 'tom', 'likes', 'jogging', 'sly', 'leads', 'bicycle', 'sly', 'leads', 'past', 'obstacles', 'park', 'benches', 'shouting', 'bench', 'last', 'moment', 'tom', 'jump', 'campus', 'tom', 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'could', 'restore', 'sight', 'virgil', 'refuses', 'understand', 'virgil\\\\', 'reaction', 'amy', 'seeks', 'jennie', 'reveals', 'father', 'left', 'family', 'years', 'ago', 'putting', 'virgil', 'several', 'kinds', 'treatment', 'unsuccessful', 'attempt', 'restore', 'sight', 'waking', 'amy', 'one', 'morning', 'virgil', 'decides', 'give', 'operation', 'try', 'success', 'virgil', 'regains', 'sight', 'first', 'time', 'becomes', 'confused', 'disoriented', 'unable', 'perceive', 'light', 'distance', 'dr.', 'aaron', 'suggests', 'visit', 'phil', 'webster', 'visual', 'physiotherapist', 'webster', 'turn', 'suggests', 'virgil', 'needs', 'learn', 'everything', 'scratch', 'experience', 'virgil', 'amy', 'begin', 'living', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'virgil', 'finding', 'feet', 'new-found', 'sight', 'pair', 'begin', 'drifting', 'apart', 'virgil', 'finds', 'hard', 'decipher', 'look', 'amy\\\\', 'face', 'times', 'amy', 'finds', 'constantly', 'explain', 'basic', 'things', 'virgil', 'party', 'virgil', 'sees', 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'falls', 'love', 'connie', 'movie', 'femme', 'fatale', 'soon', 'manipulated', 'killing', 'good', 'husband', 'one', 'acts'], [\"'julie\", 'richman', 'valley', 'girl', 'seems', 'good', 'looks', 'popularity', 'handsome', 'valley', 'dude', 'boyfriend', 'tommy', 'michael', 'bowen', 'however', 'grown', 'tired', 'tommy\\\\', 'lack', 'respect', 'arrogance', 'towards', 'end', 'shopping', 'trip', 'friends', 'loryn', 'stacey', 'suzi', 'julie', 'runs', 'tommy', 'breaks', 'returning', 'i.d', 'bracelet', 'later', 'day', 'beach', 'julie', 'spies', 'handsome', 'young', 'man', 'two', 'trade', 'shy', 'glances', 'night', 'party', 'suzi\\\\', 'house', 'julie', 'locks', 'eyes', 'randy', 'hollywood', 'punk', 'crashed', 'party', 'friend', 'fred', 'hit', 'well', 'especially', 'julie', 'learns', 'randy', 'young', 'man', 'seen', 'beach', 'earlier', 'jealous', 'tommy', 'tried', 'bed', 'loryn', 'earlier', 'cronies', 'violently', 'expel', 'randy', 'fred', 'randy', 'eventually', 'returns', 'suzi\\\\', 'house', 'sneaks', 'inside', 'hides', 'bathroom', 'waiting', 'julie', 'cross', 'path', 'convinces', 'leave', 'party', 'julie', 'brings', 'reluctant', 'stacey', 'along', 'ride', 'randy', 'fred', 'valley', 'hollywood', 'randy\\\\', 'favorite', 'nightclub', 'julie', 'randy', 'find', 'attraction', 'growing', 'share', 'kiss', 'stacey', 'continually', 'rebuffs', 'fred\\\\', 'advances', 'julie\\\\', 'blossoming', 'romance', 'randy', 'disgusts', 'friends', 'randy', 'punk', 'valley', 'threaten', 'julie', 'loss', 'popularity', 'friendship', 'continues', 'date', 'randy', 'julie', 'goes', 'father', 'aging', '1960s', 'era', 'hippie', 'advice', 'mr.', 'richman', 'kindly', 'tells', 'follow', 'heart', 'reminding', 'inside', 'person', 'counts', 'despite', 'father\\\\', 'sage', 'advice', 'julie', 'caves', 'peer', 'pressure', 'reconciles', 'albeit', 'awkwardly', 'tommy', 'puts', 'i.d', 'bracelet', 'back', 'wrist', 'evening', 'julie', 'tearfully', 'dumps', 'randy', 'goes', 'visit', 'randy', 'realizing', 'julie', 'given', 'friends\\\\', 'wishes', 'curses', 'leaves', 'heartbroken', 'drunk', 'randy', 'later', 'arrives', 'nightclub', 'ends', 'arms', 'ex-girlfriend', 'samantha', 'heated', 'make-out', 'session', 'samantha', 'randy', 'feels', 'even', 'miserable', 'nearly', 'gets', 'fight', 'gang', 'low', 'riders', 'fred', 'saves', 'fred', 'chides', 'randy', 'moping', 'julie', 'tells', 'needs', 'fight', 'truly', 'wants', 'back', 'next', 'days', 'randy', 'flits', 'valley', 'trying', 'path', 'would', 'cross', 'julie\\\\', 'seems', 'covertly', 'glad', 'see', 'quite', 'shaken', 'catches', 'sleeping', 'front', 'lawn', 'outside', 'window', 'fred', 'devises', 'plan', 'dubs', 'simplicity', 'finest', 'one', 'reunite', 'randy', 'julie', 'achieve', 'grandest', 'form', 'retribution', 'tommy', 'girls', 'make', 'prom', 'decorations', 'stacey', 'loryn', 'chat', 'post-prom', 'plans', 'stacey', 'tells', 'loryn', 'tommy', 'made', 'reservation', 'valley', 'sheraton', 'hotel', 'unbeknownst', 'julie', 'night', 'valley', 'high', 'junior', 'prom', 'tommy', 'julie', 'ride', 'prom', 'rented', 'stretch', 'limousine', 'randy', 'fred', 'arrive', 'shortly', 'sneak', 'backstage', 'watching', 'valley', 'high', 'kids', 'dancing', 'music', 'josie', 'cotton', 'party', 'crashers', 'randy', 'soon', 'grows', 'tired', 'watching', 'demands', 'know', 'fred\\\\', 'plan', 'fred', 'says', 'nothing', 'though', 'two', 'vow', 'crush', 'fly', 'julie', 'tommy', 'backstage', 'waiting', 'introduced', 'king', 'queen', 'prom', 'randy', 'confronts', 'tommy', 'two', 'begin', 'brawl', 'prom', 'king', 'queen', 'announced', 'curtain', 'pulls', 'back', 'reveal', 'randy', 'beating', 'tommy', 'randy', 'knocks', 'tommy', 'escorts', 'thrilled', 'julie', 'stage', 'crowd', 'tommy', 'recovers', 'storms', 'crowd', 'towards', 'randy', 'julie', 'find', 'blocked', 'snack', 'table', 'tommy', 'demands', 'explanation', 'julie', 'answers', 'smashing', 'platter', 'guacamole', 'face', 'food', 'fight', 'starts', 'randy', 'julie', 'escape', 'take', 'tommy\\\\', 'rented', 'limousine', 'happy', 'couple', 'ride', 'night', 'valley', 'sheraton', 'julie', 'removes', 'tommy\\\\', 'i.d', 'bracelet', 'throws', 'window', 'scene', 'echoes', 'final', 'scene', 'film', 'graduate', 'pans', 'overview', 'valley', 'limo', 'turns', 'past', 'sherman', 'oaks', 'galleria', 'glowing', 'night', 'modern', 'english', 'song', 'melt', 'closes', 'film', 'subplot', 'involves', 'suzi', 'stepmother', 'beth', 'vying', 'attention', 'skip', 'david', 'ensor', 'grocery', 'delivery', 'boy', 'party', 'suzi', 'tells', 'beth', 'chaperoning', 'boy', 'likes', 'hopes', 'likes', 'beth', 'soon', 'notices', 'dark-haired', 'boy', 'finds', 'attracted', 'boy', 'turns', 'skip', 'boy', 'suzi', 'likes', 'skip', 'finds', 'attracted', 'beth', 'goes', 'way', 'see', 'without', 'suzi', 'finding', 'even', 'turns', 'invite', 'suzi', 'house', 'unsupervised', 'slumber', 'party', 'beth', 'date', 'one', 'day', 'skip', 'enters', 'suzi\\\\', 'house', 'apparently', 'looking', 'beth', 'goes', 'upstairs', 'hears', 'shower', 'running', 'beth\\\\', 'bedroom', 'finds', 'woman', 'shower', 'skip', 'woman', 'whose', 'face', 'shown', 'shown', 'making', 'love', 'time', 'see', 'another', 'woman', 'coming', 'home', 'going', 'upstairs', 'bedroom', 'door', 'opens', 'beth', 'enters', 'shown', 'suzi', 'woman', 'shower', 'bed', 'skip', 'end', 'film', 'skip', 'suzi', 'prom', 'together'], [\"'school\", 'teenagers', 'head', 'beach', 'well', 'millionaire', 'harvey', 'huntington', 'honeywagon', 'iii', 'comes', 'around', 'convinced', 'beachgoers', 'senselessly', 'obsessed', 'sex', 'mentality', 'primate', 'especially', 'honeywagon\\\\', 'wunderkind', 'pet', 'chimp', 'clyde', 'surf', 'drive', 'watusi', 'better', 'anyone', 'beach', 'teenagers', 'demoralized', 'discredited', 'honeywagon', 'plans', 'turn', 'bikini', 'beach', 'senior', 'citizens', 'retirement', 'home', 'meanwhile', 'foppish', 'british', 'rocker', 'drag', 'racer', 'peter', 'royce', 'bentley', 'better', 'known', 'potato', 'bug', 'taken', 'residence', 'bikini', 'beach', 'annoyed', 'frankie\\\\', 'reluctance', 'start', 'relationship', 'towards', 'marriage', 'dee', 'dee', 'becomes', 'receptive', 'potato', 'bug\\\\', 'advances', 'jealous', 'rage', 'frankie', 'challenges', 'potato', 'bug', 'drag', 'race', 'hopes', 'winning', 'dee', 'dee', 'back'], [\"'in\", 'mythical', 'european', 'city', 'leisure', 'married', 'couple', 'jack', 'elvira', 'ongoing', 'bet', 'regarding', 'seduce', 'comes', 'wake', 'swinging', 'night', 'couple', 'tourists', 'picked', 'via', 'newspaper', 'elvira', 'self-professed', 'sexual', 'snob', 'bet', 'seduce', 'newlywed', 'betsy', 'married', 'handsome', 'marine', 'biologist', 'eddie', 'fails', 'certain', 'midnight', 'jack', 'gets', 'seduce', 'eddie', 'jack', 'eddie', 'work', 'separately', 'betsy', 'comes', 'round', 'visit', 'new', 'friend', 'elvira', 'she\\\\', 'intrigued', 'elvira\\\\', 'open', 'admission', 'swinging', 'lifestyle', 'including', 'spouse-swapping', 'drugs', 'mike', 'telephone', 'repair', 'man', 'arrives', 'betsy', 'fascinated', 'shocked', 'elvira', 'seduces', 'right', 'eyes', 'also', 'admits', 'she\\\\', 'really', 'happy', 'especially', 'catching', 'eddie', 'masturbating', 'bathroom', 'says', 'elvira\\\\', 'actions', 'heart', 'still', 'catholic', 'schoolgirl', 'elvira', 'tells', 'story', 'jack', 'married', 'said', 'would', 'climb', 'aboard', 'porcupine', 'mind', 'two', 'couples', 'get', 'together', 'night', 'get', 'slightly', 'high', 'pot', 'pulling', 'trunk', 'costumes', 'decide', 'play', 'dress', 'jack', 'dons', 'sailor\\\\', 'uniform', 'betsy', 'wears', 'revealing', 'modeling', 'outfit', 'betsy\\\\', 'shock/tititalation', 'elvira\\\\', 'costume', 'based', 'nun\\\\', 'wimple', 'nothing', 'underneath', 'tease', 'eddie', 'putting', 'cowboy', 'outfit', 'night', 'progresses', 'two', 'wives', 'two', 'husbands', 'pair', 'wander', 'chat', 'course', 'conversations', 'naive', 'couple', 'admit', 'dissatisfaction', 'including', 'questioning', 'whether', 'ever', 'gotten', 'married', 'eddie', 'turns', 'betsy\\\\', 'brother\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'hint', 'eddie', 'maybe', 'closer', 'friends', 'although', 'eddie', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'seem', 'know', 'betsy', 'might', 'realize', 'betsy', 'meanwhile', 'lets', 'hair', 'even', 'little', 'worried', 'something', 'might', 'happen', 'elvira', 'also', 'gets', 'giddy', 'saying', 'word', 'fuck', 'first', 'time', 'downstairs', 'jack', 'remarks', 'eddie', 'elvira', 'married', 'commented', 'jack', 'hop', 'sack', 'porcupine', 'struck', 'fancy', 'elvira', 'betsy', 'end', 'upstairs', 'bedroom', 'jack', 'eddie', 'downstairs', 'den', 'quick', 'phone', 'call', 'swinging', 'couple', 'agree', 'midnight', 'deadline', 'late', 'night', 'progresses', 'introduce', 'perspective', 'seductees', 'amyl', 'nitrite', 'asking', 'time', 'interpret', 'respective', 'watches', 'either', 'slow', 'fast', 'depending', 'upon', 'desires', 'eddie', 'betsy', 'simultaneously', 'seduced', 'receiving', 'giving', 'oral', 'sex', 'betsy', 'even', 'penetrated', 'strap-on', 'eddie', 'penetrated', 'jack', 'brief', 'hallucination', 'person', 'making', 'love', 'betsy', 'cite', 'book', 'morning', 'jack', 'elvira', 'consider', 'score', 'pretty', 'much', 'even', 'betsy', 'eddie', 'confused', 'thinking', 'perhaps', 'normal', 'one', 'betsy', 'even', 'makes', 'remark', 'porcupines', 'mike', 'suddenly', 'arrives', 'visit', 'jack', 'elvira', 'getting', 'ready', 'm챕nage', 'trois', 'betsy', 'jack', 'invites', 'boasting', 'play', 'kinds', 'games', 'around', 'chance', 'remark', 'brings', 'fact', 'mike', 'eddie', 'enjoy', 'bowling', 'somewhat', 'jack', 'elvira\\\\', 'surprise', 'mike', 'leaves', 'play', 'eddie', 'betsy', 'suggests', 'get', 'together', 'soon', 'play', 'bingo'], ['early', '1900s', 'distinguished', 'philosopher', 'leopold', 'much', 'younger', 'fianc챕e', 'ariel', 'going', 'spend', 'weekend', 'country', 'leopold', 'cousin', 'adrian', 'crackpot', 'inventor', 'husband', 'andrew', 'also', 'guest', 'list', 'womanising', 'doctor', 'maxwell', 'latest', 'girlfriend', 'free-thinking', 'nurse', 'dulcy', 'course', 'weekend', 'old', 'romances', 'reignite', 'new', 'romances', 'develop', 'everyone', 'ends', 'sneaking', 'behind', 'everyone', 'else', 'backs'], ['melanie', 'parker', 'architect', 'divorced', 'single', 'mother', 'son', 'sammy', 'day', 'gets', 'bad', 'start', 'late', 'drop', 'sammy', 'school', 'due', 'forgetfulness', 'fellow', 'single', 'parent', 'jack', 'taylor', 'new', 'york', 'daily', 'news', 'reporter', 'whose', 'daughter', 'maggie', 'thrust', 'care', 'morning', 'ex-wife', 'children', 'arrive', 'seconds', 'late', 'school', 'field', 'trip', 'parents', 'forced', 'accept', 'top', 'hectically', 'busy', 'schedules', 'must', 'work', 'together', 'supervise', 'children', 'melanie', 'must', 'make', 'architectural', 'design', 'presentation', 'important', 'client', 'jack', 'find', 'source', 'scoop', 'new', 'york', 'mayor', 'mob', 'connections', 'sammy', 'causes', 'havoc', 'melanie', 'office', 'toy', 'cars', 'causing', 'trip', 'break', 'scale', 'model', 'display', 'frustration', 'melanie', 'takes', 'sammy', 'child', 'daycare', 'centre', 'comes', 'across', 'jack', 'trying', 'convince', 'maggie', 'stay', 'behave', 'create', 'impromptu', 'costumes', 'children', 'utilising', 'jack', 'imagination', 'melanie', 'resourcefulness', 'left', 'meeting', 'melanie', 'panics', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'sammy', 'regarding', 'children', 'drugs', 'phones', 'jack', 'desperation', 'ask', 'pick', 'kids', 'agrees', 'condition', 'take', '3:15', 'chases', 'potential', 'source', 'melanie', 'care', 'maggie', 'goes', 'missing', 'melanie', 'breaks', 'despair', 'police', 'station', 'files', 'missing', 'child', 'report', 'goes', 'mayoral', 'press', 'conference', 'find', 'jack', 'notified', 'police', 'maggie', 'found', 'makes', 'press', 'conference', 'time', 'confront', 'mayor', 'scoop', 'although', 'two', 'antagonistic', 'melanie', 'jack', 'work', 'together', 'get', 'sammy', 'maggie', 'soccer', 'game', 'melanie', 'insists', 'time', 'presentation', 'new', 'clients', 'despite', 'jack', 'protesting', 'make', 'late', 'game', 'melanie', 'begins', 'pitch', 'upon', 'seeing', 'sammy', 'high', 'spirits', 'realises', 'cares', 'son', 'job', 'bravely', 'insisting', 'must', 'leave', 'immediately', 'son', 'fully', 'expects', 'fired', 'yet', 'clients', 'impressed', 'game', 'melanie', 'meets', 'ex-husband', 'admits', 'lied', 'sammy', 'going', 'tour', 'drummer', 'bruce', 'springsteen', 'evening', 'jack', 'wants', 'reason', 'visit', 'melanie', 'apartment', 'takes', 'maggie', 'buy', 'goldfish', 'replace', 'ones', 'eaten', 'earlier', 'day', 'cat', 'melanie', 'apartment', 'children', 'watch', 'jack', 'melanie', 'share', 'awkward', 'first', 'kiss', 'melanie', 'goes', 'bathroom', 'freshen', 'returns', 'exhausted', 'jack', 'asleep', 'sofa', 'melanie', 'joins', 'fall', 'asleep', 'together'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', '1942', 'british', 'raj', 'time', 'indians', 'either', 'working', 'british', 'rallying', 'underground', 'meetings', 'protests', 'atmosphere', 'naren', 'singh', 'falls', 'love', 'rajeshwari', 'rajjo', 'pathak', 'romance', 'shown', 'developing', 'spite', 'political', 'social', 'unrest', 'time', 'naren\\\\', 'father', 'diwan', 'hari', 'singh', 'loyal', 'british', 'employee', 'rajjo\\\\', 'father', 'raghuvir', 'pathak', 'revolutionary', 'fighting', 'british', 'rule', 'naren', 'asks', 'raghuvir', 'rajjo\\\\', 'hand', 'marriage', 'raghuvir', 'gets', 'expectedly', 'livid', 'naren', 'declares', 'willing', 'sacrifice', 'everything', 'rajjo', 'thus', 'convinces', 'raghuvir', 'love', 'raghuvir', 'relents', 'tells', 'naren', 'talk', 'father', 'naren', 'hari', 'singh', 'angry', 'son', 'chosen', 'rajjo', 'daughter', 'revolutionary', 'pretends', 'anything', 'naren\\\\', 'happiness', 'hari', 'singh', 'tricks', 'naren', 'revealing', 'raghuvir\\\\', 'secret', 'location', 'leaks', 'information', 'british', 'authorities', 'soon', 'police', 'barge', 'raghuvir\\\\', 'location', 'try', 'kill', 'find', 'waiting', 'light', 'bomb', 'completely', 'killing', 'rajjo', 'time', 'realizes', 'happened', 'runs', 'away', 'taken', 'refuge', 'shubhankar', 'compatriot', 'raghuvir', 'learned', 'death', 'shubhankar\\\\', 'tutelage', 'rajjo', 'follows', 'father\\\\', 'path', 'meanwhile', 'naren', 'completely', 'angry', 'hari', 'singh', 'using', 'kill', 'raghuvir', 'driving', 'raijo', 'away', 'promising', 'make', 'raijo', 'help', 'cause', 'pledges', 'even', 'become', 'protester', 'revolutionary', 'even', 'means', 'going', 'father', 'naren', 'breaks', 'relationship', 'father', 'proves', 'point', 'standing', 'british', 'general', 'douglas', 'front', 'city', 'leaving', 'sentenced', 'hang', 'attempted', 'murder', 'realizing', 'naren', 'trying', 'rajjo', 'tells', 'shubhankar', 'light', 'naren\\\\', 'devotion', 'nation', 'cause', 'independence', 'shubhankar', 'saves', 'hanged', 'two', 'manage', 'finish', 'hari', 'singh', 'many', 'british', 'loyalists', 'help', 'major', 'bisht', 'turns', 'change', 'heart', 'tragically', 'seeing', 'revolutionary', 'daughter', 'chanda', 'die', 'british', 'loyalists\\\\', 'gunfire', 'ordered', 'general', 'douglas', 'loyalists', 'dead', 'shubankar', 'hangs', 'general', 'douglas', 'noose', 'intended', 'naren', 'trio', 'along', 'major', 'bisht', 'citizens', 'shown', 'end', 'salute', 'indian', 'flag', 'hoisted', 'shubhankar'], ['pilar', 'meek', 'housewife', 'living', 'toledo', 'gathers', 'belongings', 'one', 'night', 'flees', 'apartment', 'seven', 'year', 'old', 'son', 'juan', 'find', 'shelter', 'pilar', 'sister', 'ana', 'would', 'soon', 'marry', 'scottish', 'live-in', 'boyfriend', 'antonio', 'pilar', 'husband', 'tries', 'make', 'change', 'mind', 'tired', 'fearful', 'abusive', 'behavior', 'determined', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'pilar', 'sends', 'sister', 'retrieve', 'belongings', 'apartment', 'shared', 'estranged', 'husband', 'ana', 'discovers', 'medical', 'bills', 'sister', 'also', 'physically', 'abused', 'antonio', 'arrives', 'confrontation', 'antonio', 'still', 'loves', 'wife', 'control', 'temper', 'outburst', 'trying', 'bring', 'pilar', 'back', 'joins', 'anger', 'management', 'group', 'married', 'men', 'would', 'like', 'change', 'disruptive', 'behavior', 'towards', 'wives', 'male', 'therapist', 'listens', 'guides', 'gives', 'antonio', 'notebook', 'express', 'feelings', 'order', 'understand', 'control', 'anger', 'sister', 'encouragement', 'pilar', 'finds', 'job', 'gift', 'shop', 'church', 'touristic', 'attraction', 'ana', 'works', 'restoring', 'paintings', 'new', 'found', 'economical', 'independence', 'camaraderie', 'coworkers', 'awakens', 'pilar', 'dormant', 'interest', 'art', 'begins', 'study', 'order', 'become', 'tourist', 'guide', 'pilar', 'initially', 'fearful', 'antonio', 'brought', 'together', 'spite', 'ana', 'protestations', 'gloria', 'mother', 'invites', 'antonio', 'juan', 'birthday', 'celebration', 'pilar', 'still', 'much', 'love', 'antonio', 'spite', 'abusive', 'behavior', 'towards', 'juan', 'misses', 'father', 'pilar', 'begins', 'soften', 'attitude', 'towards', 'antonio', 'chance', 'talk', 'antonio', 'explains', 'wants', 'change', 'enrolled', 'group', 'therapy', 'also', 'deal', 'frustration', 'salesman', 'appliances', 'store', 'pilar', 'quickly', 'warms', 'antonio', 'courtship', 'begging', 'sneak', 'secret', 'meetings', 'romantic', 'encounters', 'ana', 'wedding', 'pilar', 'full', 'support', 'mother', 'brings', 'antonio', 'along', 'two', 'sisters', 'argument', 'pilar', 'tells', 'ana', 'coming', 'back', 'live', 'husband', 'first', 'pilar', 'antonio', 'happy', 'back', 'together', 'encouraged', 'wife', 'antonio', 'still', 'goes', 'anger', 'management', 'therapy', 'however', 'deal', 'frustration', 'low', 'paying', 'job', 'appliance', 'salesman', 'store', 'feels', 'threaten', 'pilar', 'economical', 'independence', 'since', 'still', 'working', 'gift', 'shop', 'pilar', 'applies', 'job', 'tourist', 'guide', 'museum', 'madrid', 'would', 'leave', 'toledo', 'antonio', 'wants', 'stay', 'put', 'fearing', 'would', 'difficult', 'find', 'better', 'job', 'madrid', 'pilar', 'efforts', 'convince', 'gets', 'job', 'move', 'madrid', 'would', 'beneficial', 'falls', 'deaf', 'ears', 'day', 'job', 'interview', 'coworker', 'waiting', 'outside', 'take', 'antonio', 'explodes', 'anger', 'mistreats', 'tears', 'clothes', 'locks', 'stark', 'naked', 'balcony', 'neighbors', 'see', 'abuse', 'humiliation', 'pilar', 'leaves', 'antonio', 'good', 'gets', 'job', 'wanted', 'begins', 'work', 'museum'], ['film', 'deals', 'sex', 'life', 'young', 'new', 'york', 'woman', 'kitty', 'boyfriend', 'stud', 'stud', 'brutal', 'oafish', 'kitty', 'enamoured', 'sexual', 'performances', 'sometimes', 'engage', 'light', 'sadomasochism', 'stud', 'belt-whipping', 'kitty', 'stud', 'later', 'posts', 'sign', 'bulletin', 'board', 'inviting', 'people', 'party', 'several', 'people', 'show', 'kitty', 'stud', 'apartment', 'engage', 'group', 'sex', 'stud', 'servicing', 'women'], [\"'yanko\", 'g처ral', 'ukrainian', 'peasant', 'swept', 'ashore', 'coast', 'cornwall', 'england', 'emigrant', 'ship', 'sinks', 'way', 'america', '1888.', 'bodies', 'fellow', 'passengers', 'wash', 'ashore', 'soon', 'buried', 'mass', 'grave', 'yanko', 'makes', 'way', 'swaffer', 'farm', 'dishevelled', 'appearance', 'frightens', 'family', 'amy', 'foster', 'however', 'frightened', 'stranger', 'amy', 'loner', 'visits', 'parents', 'mary', 'isaac', 'foster', 'every', 'sunday', 'despite', 'receiving', 'little', 'love', 'father', 'calls', 'queer', 'sort', 'collects', 'things', 'wash', 'ashore', 'blames', 'scandalous', 'marriage', '봎ary', 'already', 'pregnant', 'married', 'coming', 'days', 'amy', 'attends', 'yanko', '봶ashing', 'feeding', 'caring', 'regains', 'health', 'yanko', 'taken', 'away', 'townspeople', 'work', 'slave', 'labour', 'months', 'later', 'dr.', 'kennedy', 'mr.', 'swaffer', 'playing', 'chess', 'yanko', 'approaches', 'shows', 'men', 'series', 'brilliant', 'chess', 'moves', 'dr.', 'kennedy', 'soon', 'determines', 'man', 'fact', 'russian', 'gained', 'newfound', 'respect', 'stranger', 'swaffers', 'take', 'start', 'paying', 'labor', 'give', 'normal', 'working', 'hours', 'yanko', 'learns', 'doctor', 'miss', 'swaffer', 'eve', 'wedding', 'day', 'horse-riding', 'accident', 'broke', 'spine', 'doctor', 'also', 'reveals', 'lost', 'wife', 'son', 'typhus', 'many', 'lifetimes', 'ago', 'doctor\\\\', 'fatherly', 'affection', 'yanko', 'evident', 'meetings', 'yanko', 'learns', 'english', 'doctor', 'learns', 'chess', 'doctor', 'purchases', 'yanko', 'new', 'suit', 'clothes', 'gives', 'courage', 'visit', 'amy', 'ask', 'walks', 'mr.', 'swaffer', 'learns', 'yanko\\\\', 'interest', 'amy', 'tries', 'dissuade', 'romantic', 'involvement', 'amy\\\\', 'parents', 'also', 'urge', 'stay', 'away', '봦er', 'mother', 'warning', 'love', 'god\\\\', 'trick', 'upon', 'women', 'yanko', 'goes', 'church', 'encounters', 'hostility', 'congregation', 'bewilders', 'eyes', 'like', 'glass', 'later', 'tells', 'amy', 'finds', 'obelisk', 'memorial', 'ship\\\\', 'dead', 'learns', 'first', 'time', 'happened', 'fellow', 'passengers', 'escape', 'hate', 'amy', 'takes', 'yanko', 'secret', 'cave', 'filled', 'treasures', 'found', 'shore', 'calls', 'gifts', 'sea', 'yanko', 'amy', 'make', 'love', 'cave', 'soonafter', 'walking', 'alone', 'town', 'yanko', 'set', 'upon', 'amy\\\\', 'father', 'thuggish', 'friends', 'beaten', 'nearly', 'drowned', 'saved', 'amy', 'takes', 'care', 'coming', 'days', 'meanwhile', 'dr.', 'kennedy', 'little', 'sympathy', 'amy', 'considers', 'little', 'strange', 'slow', 'mind', 'chastising', 'father', 'thuggish', 'friends', 'miss', 'bates', 'arranges', 'preacher', 'come', 'marry', 'amy', 'yanko', 'amy\\\\', 'father', 'however', 'retains', 'hatred', 'amy', 'reveals', 'fact', 'child', 'father', 'saying', 'tear', 'bad', 'conceived', 'bad', 'made', 'someone', 'sets', 'fire', 'amy\\\\', 'cave', 'miss', 'bates', 'arranges', 'cottage', 'given', 'amy', 'yanko', 'soon', 'married', 'church', 'afterwards', 'make', 'love', 'cave', 'pool', 'yanko', 'saying', 'lucky', 'ones', 'later', 'year', 'son', 'delivered', 'doctor', 'amy', 'asks', 'yanko', 'show', 'child', 'sea', 'doctor', 'looks', 'approvingly', 'amy\\\\', 'new-found', 'happiness', 'however', 'soon', 'cut', 'short', 'towns', 'children', 'taunt', 'call', 'witch', 'yanko', 'learns', 'angry', 'shares', 'feelings', 'dr.', 'kennedy', 'tries', 'console', 'believing', 'leave', 'amy', 'found', 'home', 'cornwall', 'yanko\\\\', 'greater', 'concern', 'child', 'future', 'yanko', 'tells', 'doctor', 'want', 'like', '...', 'want', 'learning', 'great', 'men', 'want', 'love', 'mystery', 'universe', 'doctor', 'pledges', 'help', 'son', 'one', 'day', 'yanko', 'becomes', 'sick', 'fever', 'dr.', 'kennedy', 'arrives', 'treats', 'gives', 'amy', 'medicine', 'give', 'yanko', 'urges', 'stay', 'doctor', 'continues', 'rounds', 'unfortunately', 'yanko\\\\', 'condition', 'worsens', 'becomes', 'delirious', '봲eeing', 'vision', 'sinking', 'ship', 'unable', 'understand', 'he\\\\', 'saying', 'amy', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'yanko', 'loses', 'control', 'amy', 'flees', 'cottage', 'child', 'rainstorm', 'search', 'help', 'first', 'stop', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'mother', 'turns', 'away', 'road', 'stops', 'neighbor', 'pleads', 'help', 'also', 'rejected', 'finally', 'makes', 'swaffers\\\\', 'house', 'miss', 'swaffer', 'agrees', 'watch', 'baby', 'mr.', 'swaffer', 'accompanies', 'amy', 'back', 'cottage', 'meanwhile', 'dr.', 'kennedy', 'returns', 'cottage', 'discovers', 'yanko', 'lying', 'floor', 'near', 'death', 'shortly', 'amy', 'arrives', 'takes', 'dying', 'husband', 'arms', 'says', 'would', 'change', 'nothing', 'love', 'gold', 'lucky', 'ones', 'coming', 'weeks', 'dr.', 'kennedy', 'complains', 'miss', 'swaffer', 'amy', 'showing', 'appropriate', 'grief', 'deceased', 'husband', 'wonders', 'could', 'wipe', 'yanko\\\\', 'memory', 'mind', 'easily', 'miss', 'swaffer', 'points', 'doctor', 'wiped', 'memory', 'ghosts', 'dead', 'wife', 'son', 'soonafter', 'dr.', 'kennedy', 'visits', 'amy', 'apologizes', 'wronging', 'asks', 'forgiven', 'two', 'embrace', 'amy', 'declares', 'love', 'end', 'world', 'dr.', 'kennedy', 'concludes', 'story', 'miss', 'swaffer', 'saying', 'came', 'across', 'world', 'love', 'loved', 'amy', 'foster'], ['film', 'begins', 'geraldine', 'ejects', 'joe', 'bed', 'insists', 'streets', 'make', 'money', 'girlfriend', 'abortion', 'leads', 'joe', 'various', 'encounters', 'clients', 'including', 'artist', 'wishes', 'draw', 'joe', 'played', 'maurice', 'bradell', 'louis', 'waldon', 'gymnast', 'john', 'christian', 'scenes', 'filmed', 'streets', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'show', 'joe', 'spending', 'time', 'hustlers', 'one', 'played', 'real', 'life', 'brother', 'teaching', 'tricks', 'trade', 'new', 'hustler', 'played', 'barry', 'brown', 'film', 'includes', 'scene', 'joe', 'interacting', 'real', 'life', 'one-year-old', 'son', 'flesh', 'concludes', 'joe', 'bed', 'geraldine', 'smith', 'patti', \"d'arbanville\", 'women', 'strip', 'joe', 'begin', 'get', 'intimate', 'turn', 'joe', 'gets', 'bored', 'falls', 'asleep'], [\"'sarah\", 'nolan', '40-year-old', 'divorced', 'preschool', 'teacher', 'urged', 'family', 'date', 'although', 'show', 'photos', 'men', 'want', 'set', 'sarah', 'seem', 'interested', 'pursuing', 'relationships', 'jake', 'anderson', 'another', 'recent', 'divorcee', 'finds', 'similar', 'position', 'lawyer', 'charlie', 'wants', 'set', 'woman', 'named', 'sherry', 'however', 'jake', 'would', 'rather', 'focus', 'creating', 'handcrafted', 'boats', 'sarah\\\\', 'sister', 'carol', 'visits', 'discuss', 'bob', 'connor', 'parent', 'school', 'sarah', 'attracted', 'want', 'anything', 'complicated', 'carol', 'reveals', 'set', 'sarah', 'online', 'dating', 'site', 'using', 'picture', 'sarah\\\\', 'high', 'school', 'graduation', 'description', 'declares', 'voluptuous', 'dates', 'must', 'love', 'dogs', 'sarah', 'currently', 'caring', 'brother', 'michael\\\\', 'newfoundland_', 'sarah', 'proceeds', 'suffer', 'several', 'disastrous', 'dates', 'men', 'stop', 'crying', 'criminal', 'like', 'girls', 'barely', 'legal', 'jake', 'confronted', 'sherry', 'art', 'gallery', 'curious', 'call', 'jake', 'seem', 'interested', 'charlie', 'hands', 'printout', 'sarah\\\\', 'dating', 'profile', 'tells', 'jake', 'date', 'next', 'day', 'dog', 'park', 'date', 'proves', 'awkward', 'jake', 'shows', 'borrowed', 'terrier', 'offends', 'sarah', 'begins', 'analyze', 'profile', 'even', 'worse', 'reveals', 'dog', 'really', 'accuses', 'deceptive', 'points', 'requirement', 'must', 'love', 'dogs', 'must', 'dog', 'sarah', 'leaves', 'abruptly', 'agrees', 'see', 'sarah', 'jake', 'dinner', 'date', 'asks', 'husband', 'anymore', 'explains', 'stopped', 'loving', 'never', 'ready', 'children', 'sarah', 'acknowledges', 'ex-husband', 'woman', 'fifteen', 'years', 'younger', 'baby', 'way', 'date', 'progresses', 'back', 'sarah\\\\', 'house', 'discover', 'neither', 'condom', 'hastily', 'drive', 'around', 'finally', 'find', 'protection', 'neither', 'mood', 'jake', 'charlie', 'discussing', 'sarah', 'admits', 'intrigued', 'night', 'jake', 'tries', 'call', 'sarah', 'meanwhile', 'sarah', 'connected', 'bob', 'connor', 'checks', 'see', 'bob', 'home', 'discovers', 'june', 'one', 'co-workers', 'sarah', 'assumes', 'date', 'fleeing', 'scene', 'drops', 'phone', 'sarah', 'arrives', 'home', 'find', 'brother', 'michael', 'drunkenly', 'dealing', 'marital', 'problems', 'jake', 'taking', 'care', 'jake', 'takes', 'sarah', 'rowing', 'share', 'kiss', 'afterward', 'takes', 'michael', 'home', 'sarah', 'lights', 'candles', 'sets', 'mood', 'bob', 'shows', 'instead', 'jake', 'returns', 'phone', 'explains', 'june', 'involved', 'kisses', 'sarah', 'jake', 'gets', 'back', 'jake', 'leaves', 'upset', 'around', 'thanksgiving', 'sarah', 'calls', 'bob', 'hotel', 'sex', 'morning', 'bob', 'rude', 'sarah', 'drive', 'home', 'admits', 'actually', 'slept', 'june', 'sees', 'sarah', 'one-time', 'fling', 'meanwhile', 'jake', 'talked', 'taking', 'sherry', 'see', 'doctor', 'zhivago', 'sarah', 'notices', 'jake', 'leaving', 'theater', 'afterward', 'discussing', 'film', 'notices', 'sherry', 'realizes', 'two', 'date', 'sarah', 'flees', 'sherry', 'asks', 'jake', 'apartment', 'declines', 'instead', 'walks', 'home', 'jake', 'runs', 'man', 'named', 'bill', 'outside', 'coffee', 'shop', 'realizing', 'man', 'sarah\\\\', 'father', 'jake', 'confesses', 'heartbroken', 'bill', 'mentions', 'daughter', 'single', 'jake', 'declines', 'drinking', 'coffee', 'sarah', 'later', 'bill', 'quotes', 'something', 'jake', 'said', 'sarah', 'realizes', 'jake', 'talking', 'heads', 'jake\\\\', 'mother', 'teresa', 'lake', 'boat', 'jake', \"can\\\\'t\", 'hear', 'yelling', 'shore', 'convinces', 'girls', 'crew', 'team', 'take', 'eventually', 'dives', 'swims', 'boat', 'climbing', 'sarah', 'tells', 'jake', 'feels', 'kiss', 'later', 'telling', 'story', 'met', 'mention', 'unison', 'found', 'dog', 'park'], [\"'eve\", 'peabody', 'out-of-work', 'american', 'showgirl', 'arrives', 'paris', 'monte', 'carlo', 'rainstorm', 'clothes', 'back', 'tibor', 'czerny', 'hungarian', 'taxi', 'driver', 'takes', 'pity', 'drives', 'around', 'city\\\\', 'nightclubs', 'fruitless', 'attempt', 'get', 'job', 'buys', 'dinner', 'taxi', 'drivers\\\\', 'caf챕', 'offers', 'let', 'stay', 'overnight', 'apartment', 'however', 'eve', 'want', 'impose', 'tibor', 'besides', 'already', 'feeling', 'attracted', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'begin', 'relationship', 'impoverished', 'taxi', 'driver', 'stops', 'gas', 'slips', 'away', 'eve', 'finds', 'shelter', 'rain', 'stuffy', 'concert', 'hosted', 'socialite', 'stephanie', 'slips', 'group', 'handing', 'pawn', 'ticket', 'invitation', 'card', 'pawn', 'ticket', 'detected', 'stephanie', 'tries', 'unmask', 'impostor', 'eve', 'tries', 'slip', 'away', 'intercepted', 'marcel', 'thinks', 'she\\\\', 'simply', 'bored', 'recruits', 'game', 'bridge', 'side', 'room', 'two', 'players', 'madame', 'helene', 'flammarion', 'jacques', 'picot', 'wealthy', 'bachelor', 'ladies\\\\', 'man', 'eve', 'introduces', 'mrs.', 'czerny', 'eve', 'partners', 'jacques', 'playing', 'man', 'sitting', 'next', 'concert', 'hall', 'comes', 'helene\\\\', 'wealthy', 'husband', 'georges', 'flammarion', 'georges', 'seems', 'recognize', 'eve', 'wife', 'baron', 'czerny', 'chats', 'baroness', 'life', 'budapest', 'baroness', 'jacques', 'lose', 'thousand', 'francs', 'eve', 'money', 'pay', 'finds', 'ten', 'thousand', 'francs', 'somehow', 'appeared', 'purse', 'jacques', 'insists', 'seeing', 'back', 'hotel', 'georges', 'hears', 'slips', 'away', 'saying', 'forgot', 'gloves', 'eve', 'stunned', 'find', 'suite', 'reserved', 'ritz', 'baroness', 'czerny', 'meanwhile', 'tibor', 'worried', 'eve', 'searches', 'paris', 'invoking', 'memories', 'first', 'battle', 'marne', 'recruit', 'fellow', 'taxi', 'drivers', 'eve', 'awakes', 'next', 'morning', 'luggage', 'delivered', 'set', 'trunks', 'bearing', 'czerny', 'monogram', 'holding', 'complete', 'new', 'wardrobe', 'car', 'driver', 'waiting', 'outside', 'eve', 'mystified', 'rather', 'frightened', 'mysterious', 'benefactor', 'arrives', 'georges', 'proposition', 'saw', 'night', 'saw', 'something', 'else', 'wife', 'helene', 'infatuated', 'jacques', 'last', 'night', 'jacques', 'eyes', 'baroness', 'georges', 'loves', 'wife', 'wants', 'back', 'wants', 'eve', 'flirt', 'jacques', 'break', 'affair', 'helene', 'georges', 'pay', 'eve', 'nice', 'sum', 'succeeds', 'jacques', 'might', 'even', 'marry', 'gives', 'expense', 'account', 'fifty', 'thousand', 'francs', 'invites', 'flammarion', 'country', 'house', 'upcoming', 'week-end', 'house', 'party', 'eve', 'captivates', 'jacques', 'quite', 'thoroughly', 'flammarion', 'estate', 'jacques', 'one', 'taxi', 'drivers', 'spots', 'tibor', 'learns', 'gone', 'calling', 'baroness', 'czerny', 'estate', 'marcel', 'acting', 'helene', 'used', 'pawn', 'ticket', 'retrieve', 'suitcase', 'monte', 'carlo', 'group', 'picture', 'showgirls', 'one', 'looks', 'like', 'baroness', 'helene', 'expose', 'eve', 'front', 'guests', 'baron', 'tibor', 'czerny', 'announced', 'tibor', 'come', 'wife', 'later', 'private', 'tibor', 'professes', 'love', 'eve', 'eve', 'hints', 'similar', 'feelings', 'still', 'thinks', 'wants', 'financial', 'security', 'wealthy', 'husband', 'like', 'jacques', 'pretense', 'continues', 'following', 'morning', 'baron', 'baroness', 'long-distance', 'telephone', 'conversation', 'sick', 'child', 'budapest', 'tibor', 'reveals', 'true', 'identity', 'baroness', 'explain', 'czerny', 'barons', 'prone', 'fits', 'delusional', 'madness', 'jacques', 'presses', 'suit', 'offers', 'marry', 'baroness', 'leaves', 'husband', 'described', 'mentally', 'cruel', 'that\\\\', 'eve', 'thinks', 'wants', 'appears', 'french', 'court', 'get', 'sham', 'divorce', 'tibor', 'angry', 'accepts', 'payment', 'georges', 'along', 'however', 'court', 'tibor', 'pretends', 'insane', 'knowing', 'bar', 'divorce', 'french', 'law', 'jacques', 'still', 'wants', 'baroness', 'eve', 'tells', 'gently', 'never', 'marry', 'would', 'deprive', 'many', 'women', 'attentions', 'helene', 'cured', 'infatuation', 'leaves', 'arm-in-arm', 'georges', 'tibor', 'eve', 'marriage', 'bureau', 'much', 'surprise', 'judge', 'denied', 'divorce'], [\"'infuriated\", 'told', 'write', 'one', 'final', 'column', 'laid', 'newspaper', 'job', 'ann', 'mitchell', 'prints', 'letter', 'fictional', 'unemployed', 'john', 'doe', 'threatening', 'suicide', 'christmas', 'eve', 'protest', 'society\\\\', 'ills', 'note', 'causes', 'sensation', 'paper\\\\', 'competition', 'suspects', 'fraud', 'starts', 'investigate', 'newspaper', 'editor', 'rehires', 'mitchell', 'comes', 'scheme', 'hiding', 'fictional', 'nature', 'john', 'doe', 'exploiting', 'sensation', 'caused', 'fake', 'letter', 'boost', 'newspaper\\\\', 'sales', 'demands', 'bonus', 'equal', 'months\\\\', 'pay', 'reviewing', 'number', 'derelicts', 'shown', 'paper', 'claiming', 'penned', 'original', 'suicide', 'letter', 'mitchell', 'editor', 'henry', 'connell', 'hire', 'john', 'willoughby', 'former', 'baseball', 'player', 'tramp', 'need', 'money', 'repair', 'injured', 'arm', 'play', 'john', 'doe', 'mitchell', 'starts', 'pen', 'article', 'series', 'doe\\\\', 'name', 'elaborating', 'letter\\\\', 'ideas', 'society\\\\', 'disregard', 'people', 'need', 'willoughby', 'gets', 'new', 'suit', 'clothes', 'plush', 'hotel', 'suite', 'tramp', 'friend', 'launches', 'extended', 'diatribe', 'heelots', 'lots', 'heels', 'incessantly', 'focus', 'getting', 'money', 'others', 'willoughby', 'hired', 'give', 'radio', 'speeches', 'guided', 'mitchell', 'promised', '100', 'week', 'write', 'speeches', 'paid', 'newspaper\\\\', 'publisher', 'd.b', 'norton', 'edward', 'arnold', 'willoughby', 'turns', '5,000', 'bribe', 'admit', 'whole', 'thing', 'publicity', 'stunt', 'gives', 'mitchell\\\\', 'speech', 'dashes', 'countryside', 'colonel', 'ride', 'rails', 'playing', 'harmonica', 'ocarina', 'show', 'millsville', 'john', 'doe', 'recognized', 'diner', 'he\\\\', 'brought', 'city', 'hall', 'he\\\\', 'met', 'hanson', 'gives', 'five-minute', 'monologue', 'inspired', 'start', 'local', 'john', 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'indicated', 'original', 'john', 'doe', 'letter', 'intervention', 'mitchell', 'followers', 'john', 'doe', 'clubs', 'persuades', 'renege', 'threat', 'kill', 'point', 'movie', 'reference', 'jesus', 'christ', 'made', 'historical', 'john', 'doe', 'already', 'died', 'sake', 'humanity', 'film', 'ends', 'connell', 'turning', 'norton', 'saying', 'norton', 'people', 'try', 'lick'], ['gwen', 'cummings', 'borrows', 'limo', 'sister', 'wedding', 'ruining', 'reception', 'drunken', 'antics', 'crashes', 'limo', 'cell', 'phone', 'trying', 'find', 'cake', 'replace', 'one', 'destroyed', 'given', 'choice', 'jail', 'days', 'rehab', 'center', 'chooses', 'rehab', 'however', 'extremely', 'resistant', 'taking', 'part', 'treatment', 'programs', 'offer', 'refusing', 'admit', 'alcoholic', 'getting', 'know', 'patients', 'gwen', 'gradually', 'begins', 're-examine', 'life', 'see', 'fact', 'serious', 'problem', 'sincere', 'desire', 'get', 'well', 'complicates', 'relationship', 'long-time', 'live-in', 'boyfriend', 'jasper', 'befriends', 'andrea', '17-year-old', 'recovering', 'heroin', 'addict', 'occasionally', 'harms', 'patients', 'help', 'see', 'different', 'light', 'tries', 'get', 'sober', 'come', 'terms', 'alcoholism', 'path', 'recovery', 'easy', 'success', 'guaranteed', 'even', 'likely', 'willing', 'give', 'try'], ['corporate', 'conglomerate', 'called', 'ellison', 'group', 'acquired', 'four', 'breweries', 'experiencing', 'financial', 'trouble', 'enter', 'frank', 'macklin', 'young', 'manager', 'hired', 'ellison', 'help', 'reorganize', 'one', 'ailing', 'breweries', 'thing', 'though', 'brewery', 'major', 'employer', 'home', 'town', 'originally', 'old', 'friends', 'working', 'brewery', 'gave', 'cold', 'welcome', 'thought', 'would', 'unable', 'revitalize', 'brewery', 'frank', 'informed', 'brewery', 'drowning', 'red', 'ink', 'may', 'losing', 'jobs', 'soon', 'welcomed', 'open', 'arms', 'ramped', 'brewery\\\\', 'sales', 'production', 'brewery', 'improved', 'much', 'ellison', 'group', 'decided', 'sell', 'texas', 'oil', 'millionaire', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'first', 'thing', 'running', 'brewery', 'apparently', '봱unning', 'business', 'movie', 'shot', 'dubuque', 'iowa', 'dubuque', 'star', 'brewery', 'also', 'minor', 'scenes', 'shot', 'minneapolis', 'minnesota', 'movie', 'marks', 'first', 'film', 'feature', 'monster', 'trucks', 'bob', 'chandler\\\\', 'bigfoot', 'seen', 'throughout', 'movie', 'ray\\\\', 'pick-up', 'truck', 'everett', 'jasmer\\\\', 'usa-1', 'credited', 'thunderin\\\\', 'lightning', 'blue', 'truck', 'starting', 'line', 'script', 'broke', 'race', 'started', 'jasmer\\\\', 'daily', 'delivery', 'truck', 'used', 'rival', 'truck', 'bigfoot', 'known', 'silver', 'bullet', 'usa-1', 'bigfoot', 'look', 'like', 'monster', 'trucks', 'commonly', 'today', 'inch', 'tires', 'standard', 'monster', 'tire', 'bob', 'chandler', 'actually', 'seen', 'flagman', 'beginning', 'race', 'family', 'seen', 'throughout', 'picnic', 'sequances', 'dubuque', 'star', 'brewery', 'still', 'stands', 'today', 'location', 'renovated', 'private', 'bar', 'grill'], ['vasanth', 'engineer', 'comes', 'chennai', 'visit', 'grandfather', 'claims', 'ill.', 'arrives', 'hometown', 'finds', 'marriage', 'arranged', 'grandfather', \"n't\", 'really', 'ill.', 'escape', 'marriage', 'lies', 'saying', 'love', 'girl', 'grandfather', 'wants', 'see', 'girl', 'soon', 'possible', 'vasanth', 'returns', 'chennai', 'vasanth', 'falls', 'love', 'pretty', 'girl', 'named', 'narmada', 'first', 'sight', 'acts', 'blind', 'eventually', 'falls', 'date', 'narmadha', 'father', 'police', 'commissioner', 'gets', 'know', 'daughter', 'love', 'refuses', 'wanting', 'marry', 'daughter', 'blind', 'man', 'pair', 'decide', 'marry', 'register', 'office', 'without', 'consent', 'parents', 'proceedings', 'marriage', 'narmada', 'finds', 'vasanth', \"n't\", 'actually', 'blind', 'acted', 'like', 'one', 'win', 'heart', 'narmada', 'angered', 'leaves', 'registrar', 'office', 'forgives', 'apologizes', 'narmada', 'father', 'finally', 'agrees', 'marriage', 'two', 'get', 'engaged', 'light', 'engagement', 'vasanth', 'treats', 'friends', 'night', 'bar', 'get', 'drunk', 'vasanth', 'gets', 'involved', 'fight', 'hit', 'iron', 'rod', 'back', 'head', 'damaging', 'nerves', 'losing', 'eyesight', 'doctor', 'convinces', 'laser', 'treatments', 'get', 'eyesight', 'back', 'says', 'undergo', 'operation', 'wait', 'head', 'wound', 'heals', 'also', 'surgeon', 'fly', 'london', 'tells', 'rest', 'asks', 'vasanth', 'friend', 'saami', 'take', 'care', 'vasanth', 'discharged', 'hospital', 'asks', 'doctor', 'tell', 'anybody', 'blindness', 'leaves', 'one', 'day', 'narmada', 'father', 'suddenly', 'come', 'home', 'father', 'friend', 'narmadha', 'father', 'says', 'would', 'accepted', 'vasanth', 'blind', 'vasanth', 'friend', 'realise', 'know', 'vasanth', 'blind', 'vasanth', 'wants', 'tell', 'narmada', 'blind', 'gets', 'angry', 'mentions', 'blindness', 'tells', 'glad', 'pretending', 'blind', 'living', 'blind', 'person', 'would', 'extremely', 'hard', 'feeling', 'vasanth', \"n't\", 'tell', 'accident', 'one', 'day', 'crossing', 'road', 'vasanth', 'asks', 'girl', 'help', 'narmada', 'sees', 'misunderstands', 'thinking', 'cheating', 'sense', 'deja', 'hits', 'similar', 'first', 'meeting', 'vasanth', 'pretended', 'blind', 'narmadha', 'father', 'comes', 'know', 'decides', 'marry', 'narmada', 'another', 'boy', 'marriage', 'date', 'asks', 'break', 'says', 'wants', 'london', 'study', 'saami', 'comes', 'know', 'also', 'ophthalmologist', 'coming', 'london', 'vasanth', 'operation', 'flight', 'cancelled', 'vasanth', 'along', 'doctor', 'chennai', 'boards', 'flight', 'london', 'narmada', 'also', 'travelling', 'another', 'coincidence', 'occurs', 'air', 'hostess', 'girl', 'helped', 'vasanth', 'cross', 'road', 'earlier', 'tries', 'warn', 'air-hostess', 'saying', 'deceives', 'girls', 'pretending', 'blind', 'air', 'hostess', 'hand', 'manages', 'tell', 'narmada', 'truth', 'comes', 'know', 'vasanth', 'blindness', 'reconcile', 'movie', 'comes', 'end', 'vasanth', 'successful', 'operation', 'return', 'india', 'happily', 'get', 'married'], ['plot', 'zac', 'born', 'christmas', '1960.', 'request', 'mother', 'laurianne', 'bought', 'baby', 'carriage', 'age', 'father', 'gervais', 'made', 'return', 'telling', 'would', 'turn', 'fairy', 'zac', 'brags', 'gervais', 'classmates', 'adding', 'precious', 'years', 'favorite', 'describes', 'three', 'older', 'brothers', '쐌orons', 'raymond', '쐓worn', 'enemy', 'family\\\\', 'fifth', 'son', 'yvan', 'born', 'laurianne', 'lets', 'zac', 'push', 'yvan\\\\', 'stroller', 'around', 'block', 'christmas', '1967', 'gervais', 'comes', 'home', 'find', 'zac', 'wearing', 'mother\\\\', 'clothes', 'jewelry', 'talking', 'baby', 'yvan', 'mother', 'gervais', 'finds', 'favorite', 'patsy', 'cline', 'record', 'imported', 'collector\\\\', 'edition', 'featuring', 'song', '쏞razy', 'smashed', 'pieces', 'zac', 'confesses', 'accident', 'gervais', 'confides', 'wife', 'zac', 'changed', 'dresses', 'like', 'girl', 'laurianne', 'says', '쐅entle', 'overhearing', 'zac', 'prays', 'soft', 'laurianne', 'takes', 'see', 'tupperware', 'lady', 'convinces', 'laurianne', 'zac', 'gift', 'healing', 'people', '1975', 'zac', 'cousin', 'brigitte', 'boyfriend', 'paul', 'smoke', 'joint', 'together', 'shotgun', 'sparks', 'zac', 'sexual', 'attraction', 'paul', 'later', 'michelle', 'zac\\\\', 'friend', 'tries', 'kiss', 'zac', 'urges', 'stop', 'ruins', 'friendship', 'disappointed', 'learn', 'brigitte', 'new', 'italian', 'boyfriend', 'still', 'haunted', 'memory', 'paul', 'hoping', 'cure', 'asthma', 'zac', 'deliberately', 'runs', 'red', 'light', 'motorcycle', 'struck', 'car', 'hospitalized', 'zac', 'later', 'learns', 'brigitte', 'back', 'paul', 'toto', 'one', 'zac\\\\', 'classmates', 'makes', 'sexual', 'advance', 'toward', 'zac', 'begins', 'follow', 'zac', 'begins', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'michelle', 'one', 'day', 'two', 'park', 'notices', 'toto', 'watching', 'later', 'beats', 'toto', 'school', 'zac\\\\', 'relationship', 'michelle', 'causes', 'father', 'ease', 'however', 'gervais', 'sees', 'zac', 'toto', 'stepping', 'car', 'zac', 'adjusts', 'crotch', 'gervais', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'saying', 'wrong', 'gervais', 'tells', 'laurianne', 'homosexuality', 'learned', 'unnatural', 'determines', 'strip', 'zac', 'therapy', 'zac', 'tells', 'therapist', 'toto', 'masturbated', 'together', 'car', 'touch', 'therapist', 'says', 'zac', 'intentionally', 'albeit', 'subconsciously', 'father', 'would', 'catch', 'accept', 'zac\\\\', 'homosexuality', 'christmas', 'dinner', '1980', 'zac', 'michelle\\\\', 'relationship', 'become', 'closer', 'physical', 'christian', 'announces', 'engagement', 'raymond', 'moves', 'back', 'parents', 'constantly', 'borrowing', 'money', 'returning', 'lying', 'parents', 'staying', 'clean', 'outside', 'christian\\\\', 'wedding', 'reception', 'zac', 'paul', 'viewed', 'passer-by', 'mistakenly', 'believes', 'kissing', 'informs', 'another', 'guest', 'gervais', 'overhears', 'confronts', 'zac', 'zac', 'confesses', 'paul', 'giving', 'shotguns', 'gervais', 'believe', 'zac', 'yells', '쏽eah', 'something', 'happened', 'know', 'nothing', 'happened', 'earlier', 'would\\\\', \"'ve\", 'fucking', 'loved', 'something', 'sobbing', 'eavesdropping', 'michelle', 'runs', 'hiding', 'zac', 'flies', 'jerusalem', 'disgusted', 'gay', 'sexual', 'escapade', 'walks', 'desert', 'collapses', 'exhaustion', 'time', 'quebec', 'mother', 'awakens', 'splashing', 'water', 'face', 'zac', 'lies', 'desert', 'bedouin', 'found', 'zac', 'dripping', 'water', 'zac\\\\', 'face', 'takes', 'zac', 'care', 'zac', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'raymond', 'hospitalized', 'heroin', 'overdose', 'gervais', 'admits', 'partial', 'blame', 'raymond', 'zac\\\\', 'troubles', 'also', 'admits', 'inability', 'accept', 'zac\\\\', 'homosexuality', 'zac', 'makes', 'amends', 'michelle', 'raymond', 'dies', 'funeral', 'crazy', 'plays', 'brothers', 'say', 'goodbye', 'parents', 'seeming', 'surprised', 'receive', 'hug', 'gervais', 'zac', 'especially', 'emotional', 'end', 'movie', 'zac', 'narrates', \"don\\\\'t\", 'know', 'raymond\\\\', 'passing', 'time', 'heals', 'wounds', 'father', 'become', 'father', 'although', 'took', 'years', 'allow', 'home', 'lover', 'we\\\\', \"'ve\", 'never', 'mentioned', 'differences', 'since', 'patsy', 'cline.', '15879572'], [\"'janey\", 'vacation', 'brother', 'jim', 'mother', 'kate', 'father', 'beach', 'house', 'mahurangi', 'peninsula', 'new', 'zealand', 'kate', 'verge', 'divorce', 'sit', 'backyard', 'day', 'drinking', 'whiskey', 'leaving', 'young', 'children', 'amuse', 'fend', 'cady', 'local', 'boatie', 'affair', 'kate', 'catches', 'janey\\\\', 'pubescent', 'eye', 'response', 'wife\\\\', 'problems', 'alcohol', 'infidelity', 'turns', 'alcohol', 'neglecting', 'children', 'almost', 'much', 'wife', 'janey', 'sees', 'cady', 'photographing', 'kate', 'boat', 'persuades', 'take', 'pictures', 'well', 'like', 'mother', 'wants', 'something', 'else', 'leaving', 'little', 'jim', 'alone', 'beach', 'janey', 'leads', 'cady', 'high', 'woods', 'posing', 'takes', 'camera', 'tells', 'pose', 'adjusts', 'shirt', 'tells', 'strip', 'puts', 'camera', 'aside', 'starts', 'touching', 'kiss', 'head', 'tilts', 'back', 'screen', 'goes', 'black-and-white', 'next', 'scene', 'janey', 'lies', 'alone', 'woods', 'naked', 'next', 'seen', 'walking', 'back', 'woody', 'hillside', 'beach', 'distance', 'sees', 'brother\\\\', 'little', 'body', 'runs', 'length', 'beach', 'screaming', 'name', 'reaches', 'launches', 'frenzied', 'cpr', 'breathe', 'breathe', 'father', 'arrives', 'takes', 'cpr', 'janey', 'begs', 'make', 'breathe', 'says', 'trying', 'yells', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'eventually', 'realize', 'late', 'save', 'jim', 'save', 'family'], ['1997', 'sarah', 'huttinger', 'obituary', 'wedding', 'announcement', 'writer', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'travels', 'pasadena', 'sister', 'annie', 'wedding', 'accompanied', 'fianc챕', 'jeff', 'daly', 'pre-wedding', 'party', 'sarah', 'learns', 'grandmother', 'katharine', 'mother', 'jocelyn', 'ran', 'cabo', 'san', 'lucas', 'spend', 'time', 'prep', 'school', 'classmate', 'beau', 'burroughs', 'week', 'wedding', 'sarah', 'father', 'earl', 'jeff', 'points', 'sarah', 'parents', 'married', 'short', 'nine', 'months', 'birth', 'leading', 'wonder', 'beau', 'might', 'really', 'biological', 'father', 'sarah', 'also', 'discovers', 'grandmother', 'may', 'inspiration', 'mrs.', 'robinson', 'infamous', 'character', 'novel', 'graduate', 'wedding', 'determined', 'find', 'beau', 'mother', 'past', 'sarah', 'decides', 'fly', 'san', 'francisco', 'beau', 'highly', 'successful', 'wealthy', 'silicon', 'valley', 'internet', 'wizard', 'addressing', 'seminar', 'meets', 'admits', 'affair', 'assures', 'sarah', 'could', \"n't\", 'father', 'suffered', 'blunt', 'testicular', 'trauma', 'playing', 'high', 'school', 'soccer', 'game', 'result', 'sterile', 'two', 'drinks', 'following', 'morning', 'sarah', 'awakens', 'beau', 'bed', 'half', 'moon', 'bay', 'home', 'although', 'guilt-stricken', 'behavior', 'sarah', 'allows', 'beau', 'convince', 'date', 'charity', 'ball', 'meets', 'beau', 'son', 'blake', 'beau', 'explains', 'wife', 'wanted', 'biological', 'child', 'artificially', 'inseminated', 'become', 'pregnant', 'mollified', 'sarah', 'kisses', 'beau', 'caught', 'jeff', 'returned', 'california', 'find', 'following', 'ensuing', 'argument', 'jeff', 'leaves', 'dejected', 'sarah', 'returns', 'visit', 'katharine', 'flies', 'rage', 'learns', 'beau', 'slept', 'granddaughter', 'two', 'learn', 'annie', 'suffered', 'anxiety', 'attack', 'flying', 'honeymoon', 'wants', 'talk', 'sarah', 'sarah', 'tells', 'sister', 'relationship', 'three', 'generations', 'richelieu', 'women', 'beau', 'reassures', 'annie', 'truly', 'love', 'husband', 'scott', 'realizes', 'ready', 'marry', 'jeff', 'also', 'revealed', 'earl', 'one', 'caused', 'beau', 'testicular', 'trauma', 'accident', 'gives', 'beau', 'actual', 'nervousness', 'around', 'brings', 'katharine', 'great', 'joy', 'pleasure', 'son-in-law', 'earl', 'reveals', 'sarah', 'always', 'knew', 'jocelyn', 'beau', 'affair', 'despite', 'beau', 'fling', 'jocelyn', 'returned', 'earl', 'loved', 'someone', 'could', 'build', 'life', 'night', 'returned', 'sarah', 'conceived', 'explained', 'date', 'difference', 'birthday', 'parents', 'wedding', 'determined', 'win', 'jeff', 'back', 'sarah', 'returns', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'tells', 'fiance', 'feelings', 'reconcile', 'condition', 'ever', 'daughter', \"n't\", 'allowed', 'anywhere', 'near', 'beau', 'film', 'ends', 'sarah', 'jeff', 'wedding'], [\"'holly\", 'jackie', 'form', 'small', 'group', 'women\\\\', 'libbers', 'convince', 'candy', 'wealthy', 'socialite', 'incestous', 'relationship', 'brother', 'join', 'meetings', 'group', 'needs', 'candy\\\\', 'membership', 'bring', 'money', 'glamour', 'cause'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'delhi', 'university', 'hindu', 'college', 'story', 'three', 'students', 'kay', 'kay', 'menon', 'chitrangada', 'singh', 'shiney', 'ahuja', 'follows', 'lives', 'next', 'five', 'years', 'story', 'politics', 'love', 'ambition', 'shiney', 'ahuja\\\\', 'role', 'pining', 'lover', 'one', 'moment', 'political', 'fixer', 'wheeler-dealer', 'next', 'movie', 'deals', 'aspirations', 'three', 'protagonists', 'siddharth', 'vikram', 'geeta', 'siddharth', 'driven', 'revolutionary', 'dreams', 'bringing', 'revolution', 'state', 'bihar', 'end', 'caste-based', 'discrimination', 'bring', 'social', 'justice', 'change', 'society', 'better', 'vikram', 'son', 'gandhian', 'politician', 'grown', 'less', 'comfort', 'siddharth', 'geeta', 'wants', 'climb', 'social', 'ladder', 'matter', 'cost', 'geeta', 'portrayed', 'london', 'returned', 'south', 'indian', 'girl', 'love', 'firebrand', 'siddharth', 'led', 'sheltered', 'life', 'thus', 'far', 'yet', 'explore', 'terrain', 'indian', 'socio-political', 'landscape', 'finds', 'siddharth\\\\', 'naxalite', 'rhethoric', 'attractive', 'sure', 'whole-heartedly', 'subscribe', 'every', 'time', 'come', 'point', 'choice', 'siddharth', 'chooses', 'ideology', 'love', 'thus', 'breaking', 'heart', 'time', 'vikram', 'middle-class', 'boy', 'dreams', 'making', 'big', 'whatever', 'cost', 'particularly', 'afflicted', 'father\\\\', 'gandhian', 'ideas', 'irritated', 'frustrated', 'time', 'seeing', 'father\\\\', 'way', 'life', 'ineffective', 'bringing', 'change', 'movie', 'begins', 'three', 'protagonists', 'leaving', 'college', 'heading', 'towards', 'respective', 'goals', 'siddharth', 'leaves', 'bihar', 'bring', 'revolution', 'geeta', 'leaves', 'oxford', 'get', 'degree', 'vikram', 'sets', 'office', 'delhi', 'years', 'later', 'vikram', 'fixer', 'power', 'corridors', 'government', 'geeta', 'married', 'promising', 'ias', 'officer', 'ram', 'kapoor', 'geeta', 'says', 'siddharth', 'still', 'trying', 'foment', 'revolution', 'seems', 'mask', 'happiness', 'quite', 'unhappy', 'vikram', \"\\\\'made\", 'it\\\\', 'still', 'get', 'geeta', 'love', 'life', 'geeta', 'married', 'still', 'meets', 'siddharth', 'sly', 'cheating', 'husband', 'eventually', 'geeta', 'gets', 'divorce', 'husband', 'love', 'siddharth', 'even', 'though', 'want', 'hurt', 'husband\\\\', 'feelings', 'geeta', 'joins', 'siddharth', 'village', 'starts', 'teach', 'children', 'village', 'whilst', 'police', 'repeatedly', 'try', 'hunt', 'husband', 'siddharth', 'bears', 'child', 'siddharth', 'sends', 'london', 'parents', 'since', 'believes', 'deserves', 'grow', 'remote', 'village', 'eventually', 'police', 'round', 'entire', 'village', 'capturing', 'siddharth', 'geeta', 'intent', 'cause', 'unrest', 'brutally', 'assaulting', 'fabricating', 'story', 'villagers\\\\', 'riot', 'explain', 'injuries', 'geeta', 'soon', 'bailed', 'prison', 'influential', 'ex-husband', 'siddharth', 'run', 'shot', 'police', 'admitted', 'local', 'hospital', 'placed', 'arrest', 'geeta', 'believes', 'killed', 'vikram', 'consoling', 'geeta', 'taking', 'care', 'absences', 'ex-husband', 'siddharth', 'informed', 'siddharth', 'still', 'alive', 'vikram', 'travels', 'meet', 'siddharth', 'release', 'use', 'influential', 'contacts', 'however', 'accident', 'way', 'admitted', 'hospital', 'siddharth', 'night', 'local', 'naxalites', 'break', 'crude', 'hospital', 'free', 'siddharth', 'vikram', 'still', 'lays', 'next', 'morning', 'policemen', 'charge', 'guarding', 'siddharth', 'frustrated', 'accuse', 'vikram', 'conspiring', 'free', 'siddharth', 'beat', 'discovering', 'man', 'influence', 'resolve', 'kill', 'throw', 'away', 'body', 'make', 'unrecognisable', 'vikram', 'terrifed', 'attempts', 'escape', 'chased', 'however', 'policeman', 'finds', 'naxalites', 'emptied', 'revolver', 'beat', 'vikram', 'iron', 'rod', 'soon', 'police', 'chief', 'local', 'politician', 'come', 'looking', 'vikram', 'able', 'stop', 'policemen', 'killing', 'vikram', 'suffers', 'heavy', 'brain', 'damage', 'rendered', 'handicapped', 'siddharth', 'tells', 'geeta', 'intends', 'leave', 'geeta', 'refuses', 'accompany', 'siddharth', 'moved', 'beyond', 'simply', 'trying', 'foment', 'revolution', 'prepared', 'delay', 'feels', 'people', 'ready', 'spite', 'saying', 'otherwise', 'goes', 'london', 'studying', 'medicine', 'letter', 'siddharth', 'voices', 'anguish', 'disillusionment', 'idea', 'revolution', 'writes', 'saying', 'hope', 'mysteries', 'human', 'body', 'less', 'confusing', 'last', 'scenes', 'show', 'geeta', 'going', 'back', 'continue', 'working', 'village', 'taking', 'care', 'handicapped', 'vikram', 'longer', 'speak', 'movie', 'ends', 'vikram', 'written', 'love', 'geeta', 'rock', 'brick', 'sit', 'quiet', 'lake', 'watch', 'sunset'], ['robin', 'mcallister', 'family', 'win', 'lottery', 'end', 'moving', 'kansas', 'city', 'seattle', 'robin', 'attends', 'locksley', 'academy', 'wealthy', 'private', 'school', 'robin', 'comes', 'plan', 'help', 'one', 'friends', 'hurt', 'needs', 'money', 'operation', 'robbing', 'john', 'prince', 'sr.', 'head', 'wealthy', 'corporation', 'robin', 'becomes', 'friends', 'couple', 'misfits', 'school', 'named', 'scarlett', 'little', 'john', 'also', 'falls', 'girl', 'named', 'marian', 'helps', 'train', 'horses', 'robin', 'family', 'helping', 'friends', 'robin', 'becomes', 'enemy', 'john', 'prince', 'jr.', 'big', 'shot', 'rich', 'kid', 'school', 'friends', 'warner', 'gibson', 'also', 'sons', 'rich', 'parents', 'robin', 'goes', 'join', 'archery', 'team', 'allowed', 'john', 'prince', 'jr.', 'starts', 'team', 'friends', 'join', 'learn', 'robin', 'mcallister', 'outsmart', 'fbi', 'agent', 'walter', 'nottingham', 'help', 'take', 'richest', 'kids', 'school', 'rest', 'movie'], ['ravi', 'sent', 'tutor', 'rai', 'saheb', 'five', 'grandchildren', 'eldest', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'rama', 'father', 'nilesh', 'sanjeev', 'kumar', 'talented', 'musician', 'died', 'long', 'wife', 'death', 'children', 'sent', 'live', 'paternal', 'grandfather', 'children', 'driven', 'away', 'previous', 'tutors', 'turn', 'often', 'get', 'corporal', 'punishment', 'great-aunt', 'ravi', 'comes', 'children', 'play', 'tricks', 'gentle', 'manner', 'patient', 'methods', 'win', 'rama', 'fall', 'love', 'end', 'credits', 'indicate', 'wedding'], [\"'steven\", 'schoichet', 'recently', 'unemployed', \"ne\\\\'er-do-well\", 'difficulty', 'expressing', 'steven', 'finds', 'knack', 'ventriloquism', 'steven\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'fangora', 'fanny', 'gurkel', 'aspiring', 'punk', 'rock', 'singer', 'along', 'steven', 'looking', 'niche', 'eventually', 'fanny', 'takes', 'shine', 'klezmer', 'music', 'learns', 'opportunity', 'get', 'actual', 'gig', 'newfound', 'talent', 'steven', 'discovers', 'able', 'overcome', 'social', 'problems', 'dummy', 'decides', 'try', 'impressing', 'winning', 'heart', 'lorena', 'fanchetti'], ['poet', 'named', 'dan', 'falls', 'love', 'art', 'student', 'named', 'candy', 'gravitates', 'bohemian', 'lifestyle', 'love', 'heroin', 'hooked', 'much', 'one', 'another', 'drug', 'relationship', 'alternates', 'states', 'oblivion', 'self-destruction', 'despair', 'film', 'organized', 'three', 'acts', 'roughly', 'scenes', 'titled', 'heaven', 'earth', 'hell', 'heaven', 'sex', 'drugs', 'experienced', 'ecstatically', 'young', 'lovers', 'continuously', 'seek', 'money', 'buy', 'drugs', 'borrowing', 'candy\\\\', 'parents', 'casper', 'eccentric', 'university', 'professor', 'selling', 'things', 'stealing', 'even', 'prostituting', 'desperate', 'earth', 'married', 'confront', 'realities', 'addiction', 'family', 'life', 'money', 'candy', 'becomes', 'prostitute', 'dan', 'purchases', 'drugs', 'dan', 'steals', 'credit', 'card', 'gets', 'owner\\\\', 'pin', 'steals', 'money', 'owner\\\\', 'bank', 'funds', 'candy', 'mistakenly', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'despite', 'efforts', 'clean', 'baby', 'delivered', 'still', 'born', 'around', 'weeks', 'pregnancy', 'finally', 'stop', 'taking', 'drugs', 'huge', 'effort', 'going', 'agonizing', 'withdrawal', 'symptoms', 'process', 'despite', 'poor', 'living', 'conditions', 'constant', 'struggles', 'money', 'frequent', 'disputes', 'love', 'much', 'hell', 'experience', 'dissolution', 'relationship', 'recovery', 'dan', 'candy', 'choose', 'move', 'country', 'try', 'methadone', 'way', 'ease', 'normal', 'life', 'disastrous', 'sunday', 'lunch', 'candy', 'fights', 'parents', 'breaks', 'screams', 'leave', 'eventually', 'becomes', 'involved', 'one', 'neighbors', 'also', 'drug', 'user', 'relapses', 'previous', 'lifestyle', 'candy', 'complete', 'mental', 'breakdown', 'becomes', 'extremely', 'distant', 'toward', 'dan', 'returns', 'casper', 'find', 'died', 'drug', 'overdose', 'forcing', 'dan', 'reconsider', 'life', 'candy', 'recovers', 'clinic', 'dan', 'gets', 'clean', 'holds', 'job', 'dishwasher', 'candy', 'returns', 'dan', 'recognizes', 'relationship', 'based', 'heroin', 'two', 'longer', 'communicate', 'even', 'though', 'still', 'love', 'candy', 'decides', 'end', 'relationship', 'good', 'rather', 'risk', 'dragging', 'back', 'addiction.http', '//www.imdb.com/title/tt0424880/faq', '.2.1.5'], ['esha', 'malhotra', 'bright', 'spirited', 'girl', 'left', 'college', 'finds', 'note', 'past', 'student', 'school', 'coincides', 'feelings', 'love', 'calls', 'radio', 'station', 'requests', 'song', 'repeating', 'words', 'left', 'note', 'anonymous', 'man', 'calls', 'soon', 'stating', 'one', 'written', 'letter', 'would', 'like', 'meet', 'someday', 'since', 'seem', 'one', 'radio', 'announcer', 'bingo', 'sets', 'date', 'time', 'meeting', 'radio', 'station', 'day', 'comes', 'man', 'arrives', 'finds', 'letter', 'waiting', 'letter', 'state', 'name', 'address', 'post', 'box', 'number', 'requests', 'write', 'may', 'become', 'friends', 'correspondence', 'begins', 'man', 'turns', 'photographer', 'rahul', 'sharma', 'meet', 'exchange', 'numbers', 'tell', 'names', 'continue', 'write', 'fate', 'brings', 'two', 'together', 'esha', 'hires', 'rahul', 'photographer', 'campaign', 'esha', 'grandfather', 'wants', 'marry', 'arranges', 'meet', 'akshay', 'kapoor', 'flirt', 'womanizer', 'also', 'happens', 'rahul', 'best', 'friend', 'esha', 'fallen', 'love', 'pen', 'pal', 'want', 'marry', 'however', 'akshay', 'falling', 'esha', 'love', 'struck', 'rahul', 'arranges', 'meet', 'one', 'writes', 'letters', 'much', 'shock', 'though', 'finds', 'esha', 'beloved', 'friendship', 'akshay', 'deeply', 'love', 'esha', 'rahul', 'decides', 'forget', 'esha', 'unable', 'contact', 'anonymous', 'love', 'agrees', 'get', 'wed', 'akshay', 'rahul', 'leaves', 'vancouver', 'day', 'wedding', 'vowing', 'never', 'seen', 'four', 'years', 'later', 'mall', 'canada', 'rahul', 'meets', 'akshay', 'son', 'rahul', 'thinks', 'meet', 'esha', 'instead', 'meets', 'akshay', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'wife', 'akshay', 'explains', 'could', 'marry', 'esha', 'end', 'still', 'loves', 'mystery', 'writer', 'suddenly', 'group', 'workers', 'mall', 'carry', 'large', 'portrait', 'esha', 'right', 'front', 'akshay', 'rahul', 'standing', 'akshay', 'realizes', 'rahul', 'mystery', 'writer', 'esha', 'fell', 'love', 'urges', 'rahul', 'hurry', 'back', 'india', 'rahul', 'reunites', 'esha'], [\"'when\", 'shy', 'introspective', 'mary', 'arrives', 'new', 'student', 'all-girls', 'boarding', 'school', 'shares', 'dorm', 'room', 'paulie', 'victoria', 'contrast', 'timid', 'mary', 'outspoken', 'paulie', 'full', 'life', 'example', 'one', 'point', 'turns', 'quiet', 'afternoon', 'campus', 'music-blasting', 'dance', 'party', 'spikes', 'punch', 'effort', 'break', 'mary', 'shell', 'paulie', 'tori', 'involve', 'activities', 'running', 'morning', 'mary\\\\', 'roommates', 'learn', 'mother', 'recently', 'died', 'paulie', 'nicknames', 'mary', 'brave', 'mary', 'observes', 'intimacy', 'two', 'roommates', 'peering', 'window', 'night', 'sees', 'kissing', 'roof', 'notes', 'closeness', 'paulie', 'tori\\\\', 'relationship', 'first', 'thinks', 'practicing', 'kissing', 'order', 'prepare', 'kissing', 'males', 'realises', 'nature', 'romance', 'also', 'manifests', 'paulie', 'coming', 'torie\\\\', 'rescue', 'example', 'paulie', 'defends', 'victoria', 'frustrated', 'math', 'teacher', 'unintentionally', 'humiliates', 'understand', 'mathematical', 'equation', 'time', 'paulie', 'tori', 'become', 'comfortable', 'showing', 'affection', 'front', 'mary', 'progresses', 'quick', 'kiss', 'lips', 'front', 'two', 'sharing', 'bed', 'think', 'mary', 'sleeping', 'first', 'mary', 'shy', 'sharing', 'room', 'two', 'lovers', 'feels', 'like', 'intruder', 'days', 'finds', 'kissing', 'murmuring', 'comforting', 'familiar', 'three', 'running', 'one', 'day', 'paulie', 'comes', 'across', 'hurt', 'falcon', 'befriends', 'reading', 'falcons', 'trains', 'animal', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'caring', 'believes', 'something', 'untoward', 'happened', 'parents', 'paulie', 'tends', 'orphaned', 'falcon', 'mary', 'tori', 'meet', 'boys', 'nearby', 'boys\\\\', 'school', 'one', 'boys', 'jake', 'flirts', 'tori', 'asking', 'attending', 'brother\\\\', '18th', 'birthday', 'party', 'making', 'clear', 'interested', 'mary', 'tori', 'alone', 'tori', 'expresses', 'disgust', 'boy\\\\', 'interest', 'saying', 'liked', 'tits', 'mary', 'asks', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'party', 'tori', 'says', 'gross', 'guys', 'groping', 'thanks', 'rather', 'stay', 'home', 'math', 'one', 'morning', 'victoria\\\\', 'sister', 'allison', 'friends', 'rush', 'room', 'wake', 'older', 'girls', 'paulie', 'lying', 'tori\\\\', 'bed', 'naked', 'allison', 'girls', 'shocked', 'mary', 'pushes', 'tori\\\\', 'sister', 'room', 'closes', 'door', 'younger', 'girls', 'leave', 'tori', 'head', 'hands', 'decides', 'moment', 'end', 'whatever', 'intimate', 'relationship', 'paulie', 'claims', 'loves', 'tori', 'refuses', 'outright', 'saying', \"\\\\'no\", \"don\\\\'t\", 'know', 'allison', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'get', 'hysterical', 'tell', 'dad.\\\\', 'tori', 'angrily', 'tells', 'paulie', 'get', 'bed', 'paulie', 'tries', 'downplay', 'situation', 'tori', 'tells', 'understand', 'explaining', 'sister', 'tell', 'parents', 'confronted', 'allison', 'tori', 'tries', 'extinguish', 'sister\\\\', 'suspicions', 'telling', 'paulie', 'unrequited', 'crush', 'crawled', 'bed', 'sister', 'promises', 'fix', 'rumors', 'tori', 'tell', 'parents', 'anything', 'walks', 'away', 'conversation', 'victoria', 'collapses', 'tears', 'library', 'victoria', 'explains', 'mary', 'family', 'parents', 'sister', 'strongly', 'opposed', 'homosexuality', 'must', 'stop', 'relationship', 'prevent', 'rejection', 'mary', 'sympathizes', 'friends', 'feels', 'rejected', 'father', 'bother', 'show', 'father/daughter', 'dance', 'forest', 'night', 'tori', 'jake', 'sex', 'tree', 'mary', 'paulie', 'accidentally', 'witness', 'scene', 'run', 'back', 'room', 'tori', 'returns', 'tori', 'returns', 'room', 'paulie', 'asks', 'she\\\\', 'tori', 'says', 'friend', 'paulie', 'lashes', 'telling', 'saw', 'tori', 'jake', 'woods', 'poignant', 'moment', 'tori', 'tells', 'paulie', 'intimacy', 'shared', 'never', 'happen', 'would', 'always', 'love', 'paulie', 'degenerates', 'psychotic', 'behavior', 'tori\\\\', 'withdrawal', 'relationship', 'smashes', 'mirror', 'hurls', 'dish', 'cart', 'ground', 'begins', 'act', 'ways', 'rejection', 'letter', 'agency', 'handled', 'paulie\\\\', 'adoption', 'informs', 'birth', 'mother', 'denied', 'request', 'paulie', 'get', 'touch', 'sends', 'edge', 'meanwhile', 'victoria', 'creates', 'image', 'heterosexuality', 'friends', 'sister', 'dating', 'jake', 'hollander', 'luke', 'kirby', 'nearby', 'all-boys', 'school', 'avoiding', 'paulie', 'paulie', 'declares', 'duel', 'death', 'jake', 'jake', 'taking', 'seriously', 'ends', 'ground', 'paulie', 'brandishing', 'sword', 'demands', 'give', 'tori', 'refuses', 'stabs', 'leg', 'mary', 'rushes', 'stop', 'paulie', 'runs', 'mary', 'runs', 'victoria\\\\', 'soccer', 'match', 'headmistress', 'math', 'teacher', 'fellow', 'students', 'congregated', 'upon', 'reaching', 'group', 'mary', 'sees', 'paulie', 'sobbing', 'top', 'building', 'holding', 'falcon', 'whispering', 'rush', 'secret', 'house', 'reference', 'shakespeare', 'suicide', 'paulie', 'jumps', 'death', 'movie', 'ends', 'falcon', 'flying', 'background', 'expand', 'section', '*tori', 'paulie', 'lesbian', 'relationship', 'novel', 'paulie', 'personally', 'identify', 'female', 'lesbian', '*mouse', 'never', 'pretends', 'boy', 'film', '*the', 'theme', 'masculinity', 'underplayed', 'film', 'whereas', 'novel', 'paulie', 'wanting', 'masculine', 'mouse\\\\', 'need', 'man\\\\', 'freedom', 'prominent', 'major', 'theme', 'novel', 'paulie\\\\', 'crime', 'murder', 'entirely', 'absent', 'film', '*in', 'book', 'mary', 'described', 'many', 'times', 'spinal', 'malformation', 'affects', 'ability', 'walk', 'normally', 'gives', 'hunchbacked', 'appearance'], ['1894', 'poor', 'arrogant', 'brant', 'royle', 'returns', 'hometown', 'kingsmont', 'north', 'carolina', 'settle', 'recently', 'deceased', 'uncle', 'estate', 'years', 'driven', 'powerful', 'tobacco', 'plantation', 'owner', 'major', 'singleton', 'daring', 'fall', 'love', 'singleton', 'daughter', 'margaret', 'royle', 'stops', 'runaway', 'carriage', 'bearing', 'margaret', 'gives', 'cool', 'reception', 'ardor', 'remains', 'undiminished', 'one', 'glad', 'see', 'sonia', 'kovac', 'always', 'made', 'plain', 'loves', 'upon', 'inheriting', 'mother', 'house', 'prospered', 'turning', 'bordello', 'meanwhile', 'inventor', 'john', 'barton', 'unable', 'interest', 'major', 'singleton', 'financing', 'building', 'revolutionary', 'cigarette', 'rolling', 'machine', 'singleton', 'growers', 'cigar', 'men', 'barton', 'sees', 'hatred', 'singleton', 'royle', 'approaches', 'royle', 'dollars', 'name', 'royle', 'gets', 'money', 'barton', 'needs', 'sonia', 'making', 'partner', 'first', 'man', 'hires', 'chris', 'malley', 'medicine', 'showman', 'barton', 'invention', 'produces', 'cigarettes', 'fraction', 'cost', 'hand', 'rolling', 'royle', 'company', 'grows', 'leaps', 'bounds', 'one', 'one', 'royle', 'destroys', 'plantation', 'owners', 'singleton', 'left', 'finally', 'royle', 'shows', 'major', 'gained', 'control', 'singleton', 'company', 'bought', 'shares', 'singleton', 'selling', 'royle', 'offers', 'give', 'back', '...', 'wedding', 'present', 'singleton', 'discovers', 'margaret', 'willing', 'marry', 'royle', 'despite', 'loving', 'challenges', 'upstart', 'duel', 'royle', 'declines', 'singleton', 'shoots', 'slightly', 'wounds', 'unarmed', 'man', 'public', 'disgrace', 'loss', 'honor', 'leads', 'commit', 'suicide', 'margaret', 'marries', 'royle', 'honeymoon', 'abroad', 'chris', 'malley', 'royle', 'second', 'command', 'discovers', 'margaret', 'selling', 'millions', 'dollars', 'worth', 'stock', 'husband', 'gave', 'also', 'gave', 'barton', 'forced', 'company', 'royle', 'idea', 'leak', 'information', 'attorney', 'general', 'leading', 'monopoly', 'charges', 'royle', 'confronts', 'margaret', 'tells', 'scheming', 'planning', 'bring', 'ever', 'since', 'father', 'killed', 'realizing', 'late', 'alienated', 'true', 'friends', 'apologizes', 'sonia', 'leaves', 'town'], ['composer', 'roger', 'bond', 'orchestra', 'appearing', 'miami', 'vocalist', 'honey', 'hales', 'despite', 'warnings', 'accordionist', 'assistant', 'band', 'leader', 'fred', 'ayres', 'roger', 'attracted', 'beautiful', 'flirtatious', 'belinha', 'audience', 'leaves', 'bandstand', 'pursue', 'do챰a', 'elena', 'belinha', 'chaperone', 'informed', 'arranges', 'roger', 'band', 'fired', 'roger', 'pursues', 'belinha', 'brazil', 'organises', 'engagement', 'band', 'hotel', 'atlantico', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'unaware', 'hotel', 'owned', 'belinha', 'father', 'roger', 'persuades', 'belinha', 'allow', 'fly', 'private', 'plane', 'runs', 'trouble', 'inflight', 'forcing', 'landing', 'apparently', 'deserted', 'island', 'moonlight', 'falls', 'arms', 'admitting', 'already', 'engaged', 'rio', 'roger', 'informs', 'good', 'friend', 'julio', 'fallen', 'love', 'finds', 'belinha', 'engaged', 'julio', 'rehearsals', 'hotel', 'opening', 'fred', 'told', 'police', 'hotel', 'lacks', 'entertainment', 'license', 'roger', 'spots', 'plane', 'overhead', 'comes', 'idea', 'strapping', 'dancing', 'girls', 'planes', 'fred', 'leading', 'band', 'honey', 'julio', 'leading', 'planes', 'show', 'great', 'success', 'hotel', 'future', 'guaranteed', 'julio', 'gives', 'belinha', 'roger', 'fred', 'honey', 'celebrate.', 'ref', 'name', 'billman', 'first', 'fred', 'astaire', 'bio-bibliography', 'publisher', '1997', 'location', '0-313-29010-5', 'page', 'http', '//www.allmovie.com/work/flying-down-to-rio-17969'], ['couple', 'checks', 'suite', 'las', 'vegas', 'flashbacks', 'see', 'computer', 'whiz', 'verge', 'becoming', 'dot.com', 'millionaire', 'lap', 'dancer', 'club', 'depressed', 'withdrawing', 'work', 'missing', 'meetings', 'investors', 'wants', 'connection', 'offers', '10,000', 'spend', 'three', 'nights', 'vegas', 'accepts', 'conditions', 'four', 'hours', 'per', 'night', 'erotic', 'play', 'penetration', 'days', 'vegas', 'get', 'know', 'fun', 'meet', 'friend', 'casino', 'dealer', 'jerri', 'night', 'least', 'first', 'night', 'things', 'seem', 'get', 'complicated', 'three', 'days', 'stripper', 'makes', 'clear', 'money', 'man', 'spent', 'time', 'client', 'upset', 'feelings', \"n't\", 'mutual', 'rapes', 'makes', 'attempt', 'stop', 'masturbates', 'achieve', 'orgasm', 'next', 'day', 'returns', 'home', 'heartbroken', 'movie', 'ends', 'return', 'strip', 'club', 'see', 'woman', 'fell', 'love', 'greets', 'fondly', 'says', 'glad', 'see', 'movie', 'shown', 'non-linear', 'format', 'left', 'viewer', 'interpretation', 'event', 'occurred'], ['set', '1953', 'film', 'explores', 'budding', 'relationship', 'billy', 'joe', 'mcallister', 'bobbie', 'lee', 'hartley', 'despite', 'resistance', 'hartley', 'family', 'contend', 'young', 'date', 'one', 'night', 'jamboree', 'mcallister', 'gets', 'drunk', 'seems', 'nauseous', 'confused', 'entering', 'makeshift', 'whorehouse', 'behind', 'gathering', 'turns', 'inebriated', 'state', 'sex', 'another', 'man', 'later', 'revealed', 'sawmill', 'boss', 'dewey', 'barksdale', 'disappearing', 'days', 'returns', 'bid', 'enigmatic', 'goodbye', 'bobbie', 'lee', 'overcome', 'guilt', 'billy', 'joe', 'subsequently', 'kills', 'jumping', 'bridge', 'spanning', 'tallahatchie', 'river', 'film', 'final', 'scene', 'bobbie', 'lee', 'meets', 'dewey', 'bridge', 'leaving', 'town', 'guiltily', 'confesses', 'man', 'tells', 'barksdale', 'way', 'house', 'confess', 'father', 'town', 'already', 'suspects', 'carrying', 'billy', 'joe', 'baby', 'would', 'good', 'barksdale', 'confess', 'agreeing', 'girl', 'logic', 'barksdale', 'offers', 'bobbie', 'lee', 'ride', 'bus', 'station', 'courteously', 'accepts'], [\"'in\", 'four', 'elegant', 'brothels', 'called', 'flower', 'houses', 'fin-de-si챔cle', '19th-century', 'shanghai', 'several', 'affairs', 'described', 'action', 'involves', 'four', 'drunkards', 'takes', 'place', 'mostly', 'candlelight', 'giving', 'film', 'claustrophobic', 'feel', 'preparation', 'consumption', 'opium', 'tea', 'center', 'business', 'operations', 'introduced', 'main', 'characters', 'mainly', 'courtesans', 'known', 'crimson', 'pearl', 'emerald', 'jasmine', 'jade', 'crimson', 'belongs', 'huifang', 'brothel', 'pearl', 'jade', 'gongyang', 'brothel', 'emerald', 'lives', 'shangren', 'brothel', 'jasmine', 'works', 'east', 'hexing', 'brothel', 'relationship', 'wealthy', 'patrons', 'courtesans', 'semi-monogamous', 'frequently', 'lasting', 'many', 'years', 'courtesans', 'purchased', 'early', 'age', 'owners', 'brothels', 'otherwise', 'known', 'aunties', 'spite', 'trappings', 'luxury', 'wealth', 'surrounding', 'graceful', 'well-bred', 'courtesans', 'live', 'lives', 'slavery', 'although', 'references', 'courtesans', 'beaten', 'led', 'understand', 'frequent', 'beatings', 'girls', 'women', 'harsher', 'aunties', 'beatings', 'perceived', 'misbehaviour', 'common', 'oppressing', 'social', 'conventions', 'best', 'courtesans', 'known', 'flower', 'girls', 'hope', 'day', 'pay', 'debts', 'marry', 'better', 'social', 'status', 'silent', 'master', 'wang', 'leaves', 'courtesan', 'crimson', 'favor', 'jasmine', 'within', 'days', 'fire', 'flame', 'years', 'offers', 'settle', 'crimson\\\\', 'debts', 'wang', 'sees', 'repeated', 'connections', 'hardening', 'fronts', 'dependence', 'turns', 'reciprocal', 'crimson', 'master', 'wang', 'customer', 'must', 'sustain', 'money', 'feed', 'entire', 'family', 'emerald', 'worth', '100', 'dollars', 'child', 'master', 'luo', 'wants', 'redeem', 'value', 'prostitute', 'silver', 'phoenix', 'abused', 'drawing', 'mother', 'master', 'wang', 'drunken', 'rage', 'accumulation', 'lets', 'loose', 'finds', 'crimson', 'goes', 'foreign', 'contract', 'emerald', 'put', 'play', 'notary', 'comes', 'log', 'inventory', 'allegedly', 'wang', 'strikes', 'jasmine', 'attempts', 'commit', 'suicide', 'jade', 'tries', 'poison', 'customer', 'sworn', 'eternal', 'love', 'one', 'arranges', 'thereupon', 'marriage', 'crimson', 'master', 'wang', 'last', 'prepares', 'opium', 'pipe', 'quiet', 'blissfulness', 'together'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'phileine', 'actor', 'boyfriend', 'max', 'goes', 'new', 'york', 'improve', 'acting', 'skills', 'later', 'without', 'max', 'knowing', 'phileine', 'also', 'travels', 'new', 'york', 'discovers', 'rehearsing', 'pornographic', 'version', 'shakespeare\\\\', 'romeo', 'juliet'], ['lilies', 'set', 'quebec', 'prison', '1952.', 'jean', 'bilodeau', 'local', 'bishop', 'brought', 'prison', 'hear', 'confession', 'simon', 'doucet', 'dying', 'inmate', 'doucet', 'fact', 'different', 'revelation', 'bilodeau', 'enlisted', 'fellow', 'inmates', 'stage', 'play', 'set', '1912', 'bilodeau', 'doucet', 'childhood', 'friends', 'film', 'consists', 'play', 'within', 'film', 'presented', 'inmates', 'bilodeau', 'doucet', 'taking', 'place', 'within', 'prison', 'female', 'roles', 'portrayed', 'male', 'prisoners', 'young', 'bilodeau', 'simon', 'performed', 'younger', 'inmates', 'play', 'dramatizes', 'period', 'bilodeau', 'simon', 'childhood', 'roberval', 'quebec', 'coming', 'terms', 'homosexuality', 'simon', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'vallier', 'bilodeau', 'remains', 'repressed', 'tries', 'desperately', 'convince', 'simon', 'join', 'seminary', 'three', 'involved', 'school', 'play', 'dramatizing', 'martyrdom', 'saint', 'sebastian', 'simon', 'lead', 'role', 'st.', 'sebastian', 'play', 'homoerotic', 'undertones', 'contribute', 'bilodeau', 'sexual', 'awakening', 'involves', 'unrequited', 'love', 'simon', 'bilodeau', 'recognizes', 'nature', 'relationship', 'simon', 'vallier', 'confronts', 'one', 'afternoon', 'rehearsal', 'st.', 'sebastian', 'play', 'simon', 'vallier', 'attack', 'subdue', 'bilodeau', 'simon', 'engage', 'derisively', 'passionate', 'kiss', 'middle', 'kiss', 'vallier', 'mother', 'countess', 'tilly', 'enters', 'arena', 'forcing', 'simon', 'break', 'kiss', 'flee', 'vallier', 'mother', 'unperturbed', 'seen', 'vallier', 'escort', 'arrival', 'parisian', 'aristocrat', 'arriving', 'hot', 'air', 'balloon', 'simon', 'father', 'also', 'arrival', 'vallier', 'mother', 'unwittingly', 'reveals', 'saw', 'son', 'passionately', 'kissing', 'bilodeau', 'rage', 'mr.', 'doucet', 'finds', 'simon', 'brutally', 'beats', 'point', 'must', 'find', 'medical', 'attention', 'wounds', 'chooses', 'see', 'parisian', 'doctor', 'staying', 'hotel', 'town', 'meets', 'lydie-anne', 'young', 'parisian', 'baroness', 'beating', 'simon', 'renounces', 'love', 'vallier', 'appears', 'fall', 'love', 'lydie-ann', 'eventually', 'becoming', 'engaged', 'however', 'vallier', 'mother', 'encourages', 'vallier', 'attend', 'engagement', 'party', 'declare', 'love', 'simon', 'party', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'simon', 'never', 'stopped', 'loving', 'vallier', 'using', 'lydie-ann', 'pass', 'heterosexual', 'feelings', 'hurt', 'lydie-ann', 'reveals', 'vallier', 'mother', 'estranged', 'husband', 'living', 'happily', 'paris', 'new', 'wife', 'child', 'also', 'tells', 'came', 'roberval', 'recommendation', 'vallier', 'father', 'mentioned', 'structures', 'landscape', 'town', 'never', 'spoke', 'wife', 'child', 'left', 'behind', 'party', 'simon', 'vallier', 'meet', 'one', 'last', 'romantic', 'encounter', 'afterwards', 'vallier', 'mother', 'says', 'going', 'paris', 'invites', 'simon', 'vallier', 'see', 'instead', 'leads', 'place', 'woods', 'lies', 'shallow', 'grave', 'vallier', 'strangle', 'death', 'bilodeau', 'witnesses', 'murder', 'spurred', 'confess', 'love', 'simon', 'rejected', 'sets', 'fire', 'room', 'vallier', 'simon', 'staying', 'locks', 'door', 'escape', 'windows', 'way', 'ventilate', 'space', 'two', 'young', 'men', 'soon', 'overcome', 'smoke', 'heat', 'bilodeau', 'remorseful', 'returns', 'time', 'drag', 'simon', 'safety', 'leaves', 'vallier', 'room', 'bilodeau', 'falsely', 'tells', 'policemen', 'arrived', 'scene', 'vallier', 'already', 'dead', 'back', 'save', 'perishes', 'flames', 'play', 'reveals', 'vallier', 'murder', 'crime', 'simon', 'doucet', 'falsely', 'arrested', 'convicted', 'thus', 'play', 'designed', 'doucet', 'confession', 'sins', 'ploy', 'extract', 'confession', 'guilt', 'bilodeau', 'result', 'bilodeau', 'asks', 'doucet', 'kill', 'doucet', 'refuses'], [\"'fyodor\", 'ivanovich', 'doctor', 'lives', 'son', 'boris', 'daughter', 'irina', 'mother', 'nephew', 'mark', 'film', 'centers', 'boris\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'veronika', 'world', 'war', 'ii.the', 'character', 'veronica', 'represents', 'soviet', 'women', 'context', 'aftermath', 'aforementioned', 'war', 'call', 'war', 'sounds', 'country', 'responds', 'great', 'patriotic', 'fervor', 'boris', 'volunteers', 'defend', 'homeland', 'attackers', 'much', 'veronika\\\\', 'sadness', 'killed', 'swamp', 'saving', 'life', 'fellow', 'soldier', 'however', 'listed', 'missing', 'action', 'neither', 'veronika', 'family', 'learn', 'killed', 'german', 'blitzkrieg', 'begins', 'people', 'take', 'refuge', 'subway', 'system', 'underneath', 'city', 'one', 'attack', 'veronika\\\\', 'parents', 'refuse', 'leave', 'apartment', 'veronika', 'returns', 'finds', 'building', 'bombed', 'entire', 'apartment', 'gone', 'sign', 'parents', 'fyodor', 'ivanovich', 'invites', 'veronika', 'live', 'family', 'mark', 'pursuing', 'veronika', 'put', 'charge', 'keeping', 'company', 'lift', 'spirits', 'obviously', 'love', 'continually', 'rejects', 'waiting', 'boris', 'return', 'however', 'one', 'bombing', 'raid', 'veronika', 'refuses', 'shelter', 'left', 'alone', 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'betrayed', 'russia', 'family', 'well', 'taken', 'advantage', 'veronika', 'fyodor', 'ivanovich', 'confronts', 'mark', 'kicks', 'house', 'veronika', 'invited', 'stay', 'forgiven', 'family', 'betraying', 'boris', 'man', 'boris', 'died', 'trying', 'save', 'comes', 'search', 'boris\\\\', 'family', 'tell', 'news', 'veronika', 'finds', 'refuses', 'believe', 'saying', 'boris\\\\', 'friend', 'stepan', 'volunteered', 'boris', 'know', 'happened', 'end', 'war', 'soldiers', 'return', 'victory', 'parade', 'veronika', 'finds', 'stepan', 'learns', 'boris', 'indeed', 'dead', 'however', 'film', 'ends', 'hopeful', 'note', 'boris\\\\', 'friend', 'stepan', 'makes', 'speech', 'asserting', 'never', 'forget', 'died', 'war', 'peace', 'must', 'maintained'], ['aspiring', 'new', 'york', 'model', 'brier', 'falls', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'struggling', 'musician', 'luke', 'suddenly', 'cross', 'paths', 'subway', 'train', 'achieved', 'success', 'model', 'decides', 'move', 'l.a.', 'launch', 'acting', 'career', 'wanted', 'become', 'dancer', \"n't\", 'work', 'support', 'agent', 'sometimes', 'surrogate', 'mom', 'carrie', 'lands', 'spot', 'acting', 'class', 'befriends', 'another', 'would-be', 'actress', 'clea', 'town', 'brier', 'crosses', 'paths', 'luke', 'club', 'called', \"'the\", 'mint', 'two', 'girls', 'realize', 'actually', 'good', 'musician', 'decide', 'help', 'set', 'create', 'l.a.', 'style', 'hype', 'get', 'noticed', 'record', 'company', 'profile', 'rises', 'demands', 'budding', 'new', 'career', 'discover', 'price', 'fame', 'may', 'higher', 'anyone', 'expected'], ['hugh', 'carver', 'athletic', 'star', 'freshman', 'prescott', 'college', 'hazing', 'initiation', 'fraternity', 'brothers', 'meets', 'cynthia', 'day', 'popular', 'girl', 'loves', 'party', 'good', 'time', 'introduces', 'pleasures', 'illicit', 'drinking', 'dancing', 'illegal', 'roadhouses', 'necking', 'back', 'seats', 'cars', 'love-triangle', 'develops', 'day', 'carver', 'carver', 'roommate', 'carl', 'peters', 'also', 'likes', 'day', 'eventually', 'peters', 'gives', 'crush', 'day', 'reconciles', 'friendship', 'carver', 'carver', 'grades', 'athletic', 'performance', 'moral', 'character', 'begin', 'suffer', 'result', 'late', 'nights', 'wild', 'partying', 'visit', 'home', 'strict', 'father', 'tosses', 'house', 'tells', 'come', 'back', \"'made\", 'good', 'almost', 'arrested', 'roadhouse', 'raid', 'day', 'carver', 'escape', 'automobile', 'day', 'realizes', 'lifestyle', 'bad', 'carver', 'two', 'stop', 'seeing', 'carver', 'school', 'performance', 'improves', 'greatly', 'leads', 'teammates', 'victory', 'big', 'football', 'game', 'end', 'year', 'peters', 'tells', 'carver', 'day', 'still', 'loves', 'changed', 'becoming', 'less', 'wild', 'mature', 'day', 'carver', 'reunited', 'end'], ['claire', 'mathewson', 'husband', 'stephen', 'comes', 'back', 'unexpectedly', '1932', 'summer', 'olympics', 'supposed', 'compete', 'javelin', 'throw', 'discovers', 'train', 'tickets', 'romantic', 'venice', 'getaway', 'planned', 'lover', 'gerald', 'gerald', 'friend', 'bunny', 'lies', 'says', 'tickets', 'actually', 'gerald', 'wife', 'stephen', 'still', 'suspicious', 'gerald', 'must', 'find', 'fake', 'wife', 'venice', 'tries', 'hire', 'actress', 'chou-chou', 'since', 'boyfriend', 'jealous', 'man', 'gives', 'job', 'out-of-work', 'germaine', 'needs', '2000', 'franc', 'fee', 'keep', 'starving', 'first', 'gerald', 'thinks', 'demure', 'soon', 'convinces', 'pretend', 'glamorous', 'wife', 'two', 'couples', 'venice', 'bunny', 'attracted', 'germaine', 'decides', 'join', 'train', 'stephen', 'questions', 'gerald', 'germaine', 'met', 'arrive', 'venice', 'claire', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'stephen', 'gerald', 'seem', 'fascinated', 'germaine', 'claire', 'eventually', 'demands', 'gerald', 'send', 'germaine', 'away', 'immediately', 'orders', 'leave', 'next', 'day', 'meanwhile', 'drunken', 'bunny', 'climbs', 'ladder', 'germaine', 'bedroom', 'offers', 'take', 'away', 'turns', 'offer', 'falls', 'canal', 'way', 'apprehended', 'two', 'policemen', 'stephen', 'believes', 'hears', 'burglar', 'goes', 'room', 'investigate', 'two', 'caught', 'seemingly', 'compromising', 'position', 'gerald', 'claire', 'however', 'bunny', 'reappears', 'explains', 'really', 'happened', 'love', 'husband', 'rekindled', 'claire', 'breaks', 'affair', 'gerald', 'germaine', 'reveals', 'gerald', 'fact', 'chou-chou', 'decides', 'return', 'paris', 'gerald', 'catches', 'gondola', 'asks', 'marry'], [\"'eliot\", 'dependable', 'reliable', '봳hough', 'thoroughly', 'average', '봸oung', 'man', 'streak', 'bad', 'luck', 'seems', 'terminally', 'typecast', 'nice', 'guy', 'life', 'mimics', 'clich챕s', 'typical', 'romantic', 'comedies', 'high', 'school', 'stood', 'date', 'prom', 'night', 'ex-boyfriend', 'popular', 'kid', 'school', 'swept', 'feet', 'getting', 'drinks', 'college', 'next', 'serious', 'girlfriend', 'wooed', 'back', 'ex-boyfriend', 'pep', 'rally', 'announced', 'would', 'abandon', 'lacrosse', 'team', 'favor', 'attending', 'music', 'audition', 'juliard', 'later', 'business', 'school', 'thing', 'happens', 'then-girlfriend', 'intercepted', 'one', 'ex-boyfriends', 'puppy', 'lost', 'three', 'girlfriends', 'ex-boyfriends', 'made', 'eliot', 'defensive', 'proposition', 'abandoned', 'heart', 'broken', 'week', 'wedding', 'girlfriend', 'caroline', 'swann', 'discovers', 'long-lost', 'love', 'high', 'school', 'bradley', 'inseparable', 'eliot', 'tries', 'keep', 'composed', 'even', 'caroline\\\\', 'reassurances', 'convince', 'feelings', 'bradley', 'buried', 'though', 'makes', 'last-ditch', 'effort', 'convince', 'elope', 'refuses', 'eliot', 'starts', 'bracing', 'worst', 'bradley', 'drops', 'begins', 'trying', 'win', 'caroline\\\\', 'affections', 'frustration', 'eliot', 'chance', 'encounter', 'office', 'temp', 'cecil', 'shares', 'elevator', 'blurts', 'unfortunate', 'past', 'resigns', 'losing', 'caroline', 'bradley', 'cecil', 'offers', 'ray', 'hope', 'believe', 'baxters', 'thinks', 'predicament', 'avoidable', 'two', 'meet', 'later', 'night', 'small', 'club', 'cecil', 'likes', 'perform', 'original', 'songs', 'finish', 'conversation', 'cecil', 'states', 'theory', 'eliot', 'needs', 'take', 'risks', 'problems', 'began', 'high', 'school', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'ask', 'first', 'girlfriend', 'dance', 'crutches', 'provided', 'opportunity', 'ex-boyfriend', 'reignite', 'passion', 'eliot', 'decides', 'take', 'risks', 'though', 'unsure', 'due', 'reserved', 'habits', 'cecil', 'fight', 'boyfriend', 'later', 'night', 'eliot', 'offers', 'put', 'night', 'next', 'morning', 'caroline', 'wedding', 'planner', 'show', 'early', 'finalize', 'plans', 'cecil', 'wakes', 'eliot', 'rushes', 'get', 'ready', 'time', 'arrival', 'even', 'though', 'night', 'completely', 'innocent', 'panics', 'getting', 'ready', 'accidentally', 'puts', 'cecil\\\\', 'underwear', 'instead', 'accidental', 'spill', 'wedding', 'planner', 'spots', 'panties', 'eliot', 'completely', 'breaks', 'eliot\\\\', 'calm', 'meeting', 'eliot', 'makes', 'string', 'awkward', 'suggestions', 'ranging', 'asking', 'funk', 'music', 'theme', 'baja', 'cuisine', 'dinner', 'plans', 'caroline', 'visibly', 'upset', 'begins', 'doubt', 'relationship', 'almost', 'runs', 'hiding', 'cecil', 'times', 'though', 'eliot', 'manages', 'cover', 'meeting', 'wedding', 'planner', 'caroline', 'calls', 'wedding', 'eliot', 'stood', 'dinner', 'parents', 'goes', 'bar', 'friends', 'work', 'accidentally', 'runs', 'cecil\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'dan', 'bradley', 'current', 'girlfriend', 'though', 'awkward', 'first', 'dan', 'dismisses', 'conflict', 'realizes', 'eliot', 'baxter', 'cecil', 'mentioned', 'actually', 'thanks', 'letting', 'stay', 'house', 'fought', 'dan', 'bradley', 'insist', 'groups', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'chat', 'much', 'eliot\\\\', 'chagrin', 'dan', 'bradley', 'laugh', 'joke', 'eliot\\\\', 'friends', 'one', 'mentions', 'caroline', 'left', 'depressed', 'upset', 'eliot', 'leaves', 'contemplates', 'suicide', 'interrupted', 'friend', 'louis', 'gives', 'pep', 'talk', 'behalf', 'caroline', 'worried', 'louis\\\\', 'advice', 'buys', 'flowers', 'candies', 'plans', 'take', 'caroline', 'wherever', 'take', 'make', 'things', 'right', 'arrives', 'finds', 'bradley', 'already', 'caroline\\\\', 'apartment', 'swooning', 'caroline', 'upset', 'breaking', 'girlfriend', 'cancel', 'reservations', 'expensive', 'restaurant', 'instead', 'burger', 'place', 'bradley', 'knows', 'well', 'eliot', 'feels', 'awkward', 'bradley\\\\', 'personal', 'connections', 'owner', 'patrons', 'eliot\\\\', 'refined', 'tastes', 'clash', 'blue-collar', 'atmosphere', 'even', 'owner\\\\', 'help', 'eliot', 'continues', 'feel', 'out-of-place', 'eventually', 'calls', 'cecil', 'back', 'restaurant', 'confessing', 'feels', 'marriage', 'begins', 'next', 'day', 'eliot', 'arrives', 'work', 'find', 'cecil', 'temp', 'due', 'flu', 'going', 'around', 'office', 'proposes', 'drink', 'celebrate', 'mutual', 'misery', 'eliot', 'explains', 'phone', 'call', 'night', 'actually', 'got', 'better', 'somewhat', 'disastrous', 'dinner', 'bradley', 'caroline', 'demanded', 'dancing', 'accused', 'eliot', 'neither', 'spontaneous', 'romantic', 'stands', 'defends', 'actions', 'firmly', 'states', 'trying', 'best', 'change', 'end', 'speech', 'also', 'reveals', 'changed', 'mind', 'wants', 'dancing', 'convinced', 'try', 'even', 'harder', 'change', '봞nd', 'reminding', 'problems', 'began', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'ask', 'first', 'girlfriend', 'dance', 'chance', 'though', 'embarrassed', 'throws', 'caution', 'wind', 'accepts', 'lighthearted', 'dance-off', 'bradley', 'former', 'break-dancer', 'accident', 'bradley\\\\', 'final', 'move', 'spinning', 'windmill', 'bumps', 'eliot', 'face', 'knocking', 'floor', 'bloodying', 'nose', 'bradley', 'apologizes', 'reveals', 'everyone\\\\', 'surprise', 'leave', 'next', 'day', 'science', 'team', 'though', 'happy', 'cecil', 'saddened', 'news', 'like', 'eliot', 'always', 'seen', 'baxter', 'hoped', 'two', 'could', 'commiserate', 'together', 'eliot', 'asks', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'next', 'mentions', 'dan', 'new', 'job', 'cincinnati', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'probably', 'follow', 'resume', 'singing', 'caroline', 'eliot\\\\', 'wedding', 'bradley', 'crashes', 'ceremony', 'declares', 'love', 'caroline', 'split', 'second', 'eliot', 'started', 'objection', '봞nd', 'bradley', 'caroline', 'live', 'happily', 'ever', 'according', 'eliot', 'takes', 'immediately', 'catch', 'cecil', 'leaves', 'town', 'near-miss', 'finds', 'apartment', 'two', 'talk', 'moment', 'eliot', 'declares', 'love', 'sudden', 'appearance', 'one', 'cecil\\\\', 'old', 'boyfriends', 'interrupts', 'eliot', 'refusing', 'let', 'history', 'repeat', 'simply', 'chases', 'rather', 'let', 'get', 'started', 'another', 'speech', 'film', 'closes', 'pair', 'performing', 'club', 'first', 'date', 'cecil', 'singing', 'one', 'songs', 'eliot', 'playing', 'piano', 'back', 'mid-credits', 'scene', 'film', 'returns', 'eliot', 'catching', 'cecil', 'leave', 'dan', 'cincinnati', 'narration', 'begins', 'mirroring', 'narration', 'done', 'eliot', 'beginning', 'film', 'dan', 'revealing', 'baxter', 'well', 'describing', 'lament', 'losing', 'girl', 'leading', 'man'], ['former', 'acclaimed', 'dancer', 'young-sae', 'attempts', 'make', 'comeback', 'young-sae', 'brings', 'korea', 'jang', 'chae-rin', 'ethnic', 'korean', 'china', 'presumes', 'highly', 'talented', 'dancer', 'young-sae', 'surprise', 'soon', 'learns', 'chae-rin', 'inexperienced', 'dancer', 'older', 'sister', 'talented', 'dancer', 'three', 'months', 'dance', 'championship', 'young-sae', 'attempts', 'turn', 'chae-rin', 'world-class', 'dancer', '...'], [\"'on\", 'academic', 'scholarship', 'paul', 'tannek', 'fish', 'water', 'kid', 'upstate', 'new', 'york', 'arrives', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'fall', '1999', 'attending', 'college', 'nyu', 'paul', 'runs', 'repeated', 'complications', 'mishaps', 'usually', 'brought', 'roommates', 'three', 'spoiled', 'obnoxious', 'party', 'animals', 'paul', 'branded', 'loser', 'kicked', 'roommates', 'settles', 'room', 'veterinary', 'clinic', 'afterwards', 'almost', 'accident', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'dora', 'diamond', 'fellow', 'student', 'dating', 'unscrupulous', 'literature', 'professor', 'edward', 'alcott'], ['rusty', 'chorus', 'girl', 'working', 'nightclub', 'run', 'boyfriend', 'danny', 'mcguire', 'given', 'chance', 'stardom', 'wealthy', 'magazine', 'editor', 'john', 'coudair', 'years', 'earlier', 'love', 'grandmother', 'maribelle', 'hicks', 'offered', 'opportunity', 'highly-paid', 'cover', 'girl', 'rusty', 'would', 'faithfully', 'remain', 'nightclub', 'act', 'danny', 'would', 'ask', \"n't\", 'want', 'stand', 'way', 'picks', 'argument', 'send', 'packing', 'rusty', 'becomes', 'star', 'broadway', 'appearing', 'musical', 'produced', 'coudair', 'wealthy', 'friend', 'noel', 'wheaton', 'decides', 'get', 'married', 'wheaton', 'last', 'second', 'leaves', 'wedding', 'reunites', 'danny.new', 'york', 'times', 'review', 'summary'], ['sir', 'william', 'rutland', 'important', 'english', 'businessman', 'arrives', 'city', 'two', 'days', 'early', 'greeted', 'housing', 'shortage', 'caused', '1964', 'summer', 'olympics', 'tokyo', 'british', 'embassy', 'seeking', 'help', 'notices', 'announcement', 'available', 'apartment', 'decides', 'check', 'place', 'finds', 'residence', 'christine', 'easton', 'insists', 'would', 'improper', 'take', 'housemate', '봣or', 'forgot', 'advertise', 'naturally', 'preferred', 'woman', 'easton', 'eventually', 'lets', 'rutland', 'stay', '봦alf', 'persuaded', 'patriotic', 'duty', 'take', 'half', 'rutland', 'self-assured', 'pushiness', 'rutland', 'sublets', 'half', 'half', 'cramped', 'space', 'american', 'olympic', 'competitor', 'steve', 'davis', 'easton', 'less', 'thrilled', 'arrangement', 'put', 'already', 'spent', 'rutland', 'share', 'rent', 'rutland', 'sets', 'playing', 'matchmaker', 'two', 'young', 'people', 'spite', 'disparate', 'personalities', 'easton', 'engagement', 'boringly', 'dependable', 'british', 'diplomat', 'julius', 'haversack', 'davis', 'repeatedly', 'refuses', 'reveal', 'sport', 'competing', 'rutland', 'meddles', 'young', 'couple', 'romantic', 'troubles', 'matchmaking', 'even', 'strips', 'boxer', 'shorts', 't-shirt', 'pretend', 'competitor', 'talk', 'davis', 'event', 'race', 'walking', 'try', 'heal', 'breach', 'young', 'lovers'], [\"'georgia\", 'byrd', 'employee', 'cookware', 'department', 'kragen\\\\', 'department', 'store', 'new', 'orleans', 'shy', 'unassuming', 'woman', 'longs', 'cook', 'professionally', 'records', 'dreams', 'better', 'life', 'journal', 'labeled', 'possibilities', 'christmas', 'holiday', 'season', 'flirting', 'co-worker', 'sean', 'williams', 'bumps', 'head', 'cabinet', 'door', 'taken', 'store\\\\', 'health', 'center', 'cat', 'scan', 'told', 'company', 'physician', 'dr.', 'gupta', 'several', 'brain', 'tumors', 'resulting', 'rare', 'neurological', 'disorder', 'called', 'lampington\\\\', 'disease', 'since', 'hmo', 'plan', 'cover', 'exorbitant', 'cost', 'operation', 'georgia', 'resigns', 'fact', 'weeks', 'live', 'quits', 'job', 'liquidates', 'assets', 'sets', 'dream', 'vacation', 'deluxe', 'grandhotel', 'pupp', 'spa', 'city', 'karlovy', 'vary', 'czech', 'republic', 'free', 'inhibitions', 'determined', 'live', 'life', 'fullest', 'georgia', 'checks', 'presidential', 'suite', 'buys', 'designer', 'wardrobe', 'expensive', 'boutiques', 'makes', 'extensive', 'use', 'hotel\\\\', 'spa', 'facilities', 'attempts', 'snowboarding', 'base', 'jumping', 'dam', 'enjoys', 'succulent', 'meals', 'prepared', 'world-renowned', 'chef', 'didier', 'wins', 'small', 'fortune', 'playing', 'roulette', 'casino', 'impresses', 'hotel\\\\', 'staff', 'exception', 'cantankerous', 'guest', 'services', 'manager', 'miss', 'gunther', 'naive', 'manner', 'forthright', 'kindness', 'mingles', 'guests', 'including', 'matthew', 'kragen', 'self-help', 'guru', 'coincidentally', 'owner', 'store', 'works', 'assistant/mistress', 'ms.', 'burns', 'pandering', 'senator', 'dillings', 'home', 'state', 'louisiana', 'prominent', 'congressman', 'stewart', 'kragen', 'skeptical', 'georgia\\\\', 'origins', 'suspects', 'trying', 'sabotage', 'business', 'rest', 'charmed', 'free', 'spirit', 'kragen', 'bribes', 'miss', 'gunther', 'dig', 'information', 'georgia\\\\', 'background', 'finds', 'letter', 'georgia', 'written', 'providing', 'instructions', 'disposal', 'remains', 'death', 'miss', 'gunther', 'moved', 'letter', 'realizes', 'georgia\\\\', 'self-confidence', 'sunny', 'optimism', 'touched', 'everyone', 'met', 'since', 'arrival', 'confesses', 'georgia', 'found', 'letter', 'urges', 'return', 'home', 'spend', 'last', 'days', 'loves', 'georgia', 'takes', 'miss', 'gunther\\\\', 'advice', 'heads', 'airport', 'discover', 'avalanche', 'blocked', 'road', 'unbeknownst', 'sean', 'learned', 'diagnosis', 'ready', 'acknowledge', 'feelings', 'taxi', 'side', 'snowdrift', 'trying', 'reach', 'hotel', 'georgia', 'returns', 'hotel', 'sean', 'starts', 'across', 'snow', 'foot', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'party', 'evening', 'kragen', 'exposes', 'georgia', 'saleswoman', 'one', 'stores', 'georgia', 'tells', 'kragen', 'right', 'reveals', 'she\\\\', 'going', 'die', 'kragen\\\\', 'colleagues', 'disgusted', 'kragen\\\\', 'insensitivity', 'embrace', 'abandon', 'dejected', 'embarrassed', 'kragen', 'goes', 'upper', 'floor', 'hotel', 'sits', 'ledge', 'contemplating', 'suicide', 'georgia', 'tries', 'persuade', 'come', 'suggesting', 'nicer', 'less', 'driven', 'greedy', 'would', 'happier', 'person', 'sean', 'arrives', 'hotel', 'joins', 'georgia', 'kragen', 'ledge', 'lobby', 'miss', 'gunther', 'finds', 'fax', 'dr.', 'gupta', 'tells', 'georgia', 'misdiagnosed', 'due', 'x-rays', 'generated', 'broken', 'outdated', 'cat', 'scanner', 'miss', 'gunther', 'rushes', 'ledge', 'announce', 'good', 'news', 'georgia', 'sean', 'return', 'new', 'orleans', 'get', 'married', 'open', 'restaurant', 'visited', 'chef', 'didier', 'georgia\\\\', 'long-time', 'inspiration', 'emeril', 'lagasse'], [\"'while\", 'planning', 'family', 'reunion', 'pistol-packing', 'grandma', 'mabel', 'madea', 'simmons', 'must', 'contend', 'dramas', 'plate', 'including', 'runaway', 'placed', 'care', 'troubled', 'nieces', 'half-sisters', 'lisa', 'vanessa'], ['film', 'starts', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'fran챌oise', 'meeting', 'picasso', 'paris', 'nazi', 'occupation', 'city', 'picasso', 'complaining', 'people', 'broke', 'house', 'stole', 'linen', 'rather', 'paintings', 'shows', 'fran챌oise', 'beaten', 'father', 'telling', 'wants', 'painter', 'rather', 'lawyer', 'picasso', 'shown', 'often', 'caring', 'people', 'feelings', 'firing', 'driver', 'long', 'period', 'service', 'womanizer', 'saying', 'sleep', 'whomever', 'wants', 'film', 'seen', 'eyes', 'lover', 'fran챌oise', 'gilot', 'producers', 'unable', 'get', 'permission', 'show', 'works', 'picasso', 'film', 'film', 'picasso', 'personal', 'life', 'rather', 'works', 'show', 'paintings', 'famous', 'works', 'picasso', 'shown', 'painting', 'guernica', 'camera', 'sits', 'high', 'painting', 'work', 'slightly', 'visible', 'film', 'depicts', 'several', 'women', 'important', 'picasso', 'life', 'olga', 'khokhlova', 'dora', 'maar', 'marie-th챕r챔se', 'walter', 'jacqueline', 'roque'], ['cinta', 'popular', 'teenage', 'girl', 'living', 'comfortable', 'lifestyle', 'gifted', 'accomplished', 'surrounded', 'group', 'faithful', 'friends', 'caring', 'supportive', 'parents', 'story', 'begins', 'cinta', 'four', 'best', 'friends', 'crying', 'shoulders', 'alya', 'victim', 'domestic', 'abuse', 'father', 'cinta', 'recites', 'group', 'pledge', 'buku', 'curhat', 'diary', 'scrapbook', 'shared', 'girls', 'problem', 'one', 'going', 'shared', 'cinta', 'school', 'poet', 'honored', 'work', 'final', 'year', 'high', 'school', 'submits', 'beautiful', 'poem', 'yearly', 'poetry', 'contest', 'however', 'grand', 'prize', 'contest', 'awarded', 'boy', 'named', 'rangga', 'however', 'rangga', 'rather', 'going', 'podium', 'receive', 'prize', 'took', 'offence', 'retreated', 'hiding', 'spot', 'direct', 'contrast', 'cinta', 'rangga', 'name', 'rarely', 'heard', 'school', 'best', 'friend', 'school', 'janitor', 'rangga', 'lives', 'lower-middle-class', 'neighbourhood', 'father', 'yusrizal', 'whose', 'outspokenness', 'led', 'bomb', 'threats', 'pro-government', 'thugs', 'moreover', 'parents', 'divorced', 'father', 'disengagement', 'government', 'office', 'exposing', 'government', 'corruption', 'cinta', 'somewhat', 'jealous', 'rangga', 'unexpected', 'victory', 'careful', 'show', 'leads', 'cinta', 'search', 'rangga', 'request', 'interview', 'school', 'bulletin', 'however', 'rangga', 'immediately', 'detects', 'insincerity', 'cinta', 'congratulations', 'walks', 'away', 'leaving', 'cinta', 'irritated', 'perceived', 'arrogance', 'turns', 'rangga', 'never', 'entered', 'poem', 'contest', 'submitted', 'behalf', 'school', 'janitor', 'cinta', 'starts', 'finding', 'admiring', 'rangga', 'poetry', 'sees', 'shared', 'interest', 'classical', 'indonesian', 'literature', 'two', 'began', 'keep', 'touch', 'regularly', 'two', 'become', 'friends', 'although', 'friendship', 'coloured', 'quarrels', 'arguments', 'two', 'like', 'friendship', 'begins', 'evolve', 'romance', 'fear', 'pride', 'keep', 'either', 'cinta', 'rangga', 'admitting', 'secret', 'friendship', 'causes', 'dramatic', 'changes', 'cinta', 'behaviour', 'resulting', 'problems', 'cinta', 'group', 'girl', 'friends', 'rangga', 'beaten', 'born챕', 'popular', 'rich', 'boy', 'trying', 'enter', 'relationship', 'cinta', 'one', 'day', 'date', 'rangga', 'makes', 'cinta', 'ignore', 'desperate', 'phone', 'call', 'alya', 'produces', 'tragic', 'consequence', 'crisis', 'trust', 'among', 'five', 'friends', 'cinta', 'guilt', 'shame', 'causes', 'lash', 'rangga', 'jeopardise', 'friendship'], [\"'four\", 'good', 'friends', 'western', 'michigan', 'high', 'school', 'seniors', 'kevin', 'myers', 'confident', 'student', 'girlfriend', 'named', 'vicky', 'chris', 'ostreicher', 'chris', 'klein', 'member', 'high', 'school', 'lacrosse', 'team', 'jim', 'levenstein', 'awkward', 'sexually', 'na챦ve', 'character', 'whose', 'dad', 'attempts', 'offer', 'sexual', 'advice', 'including', 'purchasing', 'giving', 'pornography', 'paul', 'finch', 'cappuccino-drinking', 'sophisticate', 'make', 'pact', 'kevin\\\\', 'initiation', 'lose', 'virginity', 'high', 'school', 'graduation', 'dorky', 'classmate', 'chuck', 'sherman', 'chris', 'owen', 'claims', 'done', 'party', 'hosted', 'steve', 'stifler', 'ignorant', 'obnoxious', 'lacrosse', 'player', 'happens', 'close', 'friend', 'main', 'four', 'boys', 'vicky', 'later', 'accuses', 'kevin', 'sex', 'must', 'try', 'repair', 'relationship', 'upcoming', 'prom', 'night', 'four', 'plan', 'lose', 'virginity', 'eventually', 'succeeds', 'meanwhile', 'joins', 'jazz', 'choir', 'effort', 'lose', 'reputation', 'insensitive', 'jock', 'finds', 'girlfriend', 'soon', 'wins', 'attention', 'heather', 'girl', 'choir', 'however', 'runs', 'problems', 'heather', 'comes', 'learn', 'oz\\\\', 'reputation', 'subsequently', 'breaks', 'although', 'later', 'manages', 'regain', 'trust', 'later', 'leaves', 'lacrosse', 'championship', 'perform', 'duet', 'choir', 'competition', 'jim', 'meanwhile', 'attempts', 'pursue', 'nadia', 'exchange', 'student', 'czechoslovakia', 'asks', 'jim', 'help', 'study', 'upcoming', 'test', 'stifler', 'persuades', 'set', 'webcam', 'room', 'watch', 'together', 'plan', 'suffers', 'hiccup', 'though', 'nadia', 'discovers', 'jim\\\\', 'pornography', 'collection', 'sits', 'half-naked', 'bed', 'read', 'masturbate', 'jim', 'persuaded', 'return', 'room', 'joins', 'nadia', 'unaware', 'accidentally', 'sent', 'weblink', 'entire', 'school', 'directory', 'members', 'pop-punk', 'band', 'blink-182', 'nadia', 'preparing', 'sex', 'prematurely', 'ejaculates', 'twice', 'humiliating', 'live', 'front', 'entire', 'school', 'shortly', 'afterwards', 'nadia', 'leaves', 'school', 'goes', 'back', 'home', 'leaving', 'jim', 'completely', 'dateless', 'prom', 'likeliness', 'losing', 'virginity', 'high', 'school', 'sheer', 'desperation', 'jim', 'asks', 'band', 'camp', 'geek', 'michelle', 'flaherty', 'senior', 'prom', 'apparently', 'girl', 'school', 'see', 'happened', 'finch', 'meanwhile', 'pays', 'vicky\\\\', 'friend', 'jessica', '200', 'spread', 'rumors', 'around', 'school', 'sexual', 'prowess', 'hoping', 'increase', 'chances', 'success', 'unfortunately', 'runs', 'trouble', 'stifler', 'angry', 'girl', 'turned', 'prom', 'waiting', 'finch', 'ask', 'puts', 'laxative', 'finch\\\\', 'cappuccino', 'finch', 'paranoid', 'lack', 'cleanliness', 'school', 'restrooms', 'unable', 'home', 'use', 'toilet', 'usually', 'tricked', 'stifler', 'using', 'girls\\\\', 'restroom', 'afterward', 'emerges', 'many', 'fellow', 'students', 'humiliated', 'left', 'dateless', 'prom', 'everything', 'seems', 'hopeless', 'four', 'boys', 'vicky', 'asks', 'girl', 'chuck', 'sherman', 'claimed', 'bedded', 'first', 'time', 'proclaims', 'everyone', 'prom', 'sherman', 'sex', 'stifler\\\\', 'party', 'leaving', 'sherman', 'embarrassed', 'making', 'wet', 'revelation', 'takes', 'pressure', 'jim', 'kevin', 'finch', 'head', 'post-prom', 'party', 'new', 'hope', 'after-party', 'stifler\\\\', 'house', 'four', 'boys', 'fulfill', 'pledge', 'kevin', 'vicky', 'sex', 'upstairs', 'bedroom', 'vicky', 'breaks', 'kevin', 'afterwards', 'grounds', 'drift', 'apart', 'college', 'attending', 'university', 'michigan', 'cornell', 'university', 'tries', 'persuade', 'otherwise', 'quickly', 'realizes', 'distance', 'two', 'schools', 'much', 'burden', 'confesses', 'pact', 'heather', 'renounces', 'saying', 'together', 'makes', 'winner', 'reconcile', 'wind', 'making', 'love', 'together', 'dock', 'honoring', 'newfound', 'sensitivity', 'never', 'confesses', 'jim', 'michelle', 'sex', 'finds', 'actually', 'na챦ve', 'let', 'saw', 'nadia', 'incident', 'accepted', 'offer', 'date', 'knowing', 'sure', 'thing', 'makes', 'wear', 'two', 'condoms', 'combat', 'earlier', 'problem', 'nadia', 'jim', 'surprised', 'discover', 'michelle', 'behaves', 'unexpectedly', 'aggressively', 'bed', 'morning', 'wakes', 'find', 'gone', 'realizes', 'used', 'one-night', 'stand', 'jim', 'thinks', 'cool', 'dateless', 'finch', 'strays', 'downstairs', 'basement', 'recreation', 'room', 'meets', 'stifler\\\\', 'mom', 'aroused', 'precociousness', 'sex', 'pool', 'table', 'morning', 'stifler', 'enters', 'room', 'realizes', 'mom', 'sex', 'finch', 'faints', 'unable', 'believe', 'mom', 'shit-break', 'together', 'morning', 'prom', 'jim', 'kevin', 'finch', 'eat', 'breakfast', 'favorite', 'restaurant', 'fitting', 'nostalgic', 'name', 'dog', 'years', 'toast', 'next', 'step', 'film', 'ends', 'nadia', 'watching', 'jim', 'stripping', 'webcam', 'dad', 'walks', 'walks', 'starts', 'dancing', 'like', 'jim'], [\"'charlie\", 'brown', 'watching', 'football', 'game', 'television', 'spots', 'girl', 'stands', 'made', 'heart', 'melt', 'crushed', 'game', 'ends', 'feels', 'may', 'never', 'see', 'determined', 'lose', 'feels', 'true', 'love', 'enlists', 'linus', 'help', 'find', 'first', 'football', 'stadium', 'try', 'locate', 'sitting', 'charlie', 'remembers', 'sitting', 'next', 'tunnel', 'that\\\\', 'lucky', 'number', 'linus', 'sit', 'determined', 'sitting', 'recreate', 'shot', 'head', 'meanwhile', 'snoopy', 'woodstock', 'tagging', 'along', 'unbeknownst', 'charlie', 'linus', 'first', 'stadium', 'woodstock', 'tries', 'kick', 'catch', 'punted', 'football', 'avail', 'woodstock', 'gets', 'laugh', 'snoopy', 'gets', 'complicated', 'exercise', 'machine', 'turns', 'back', 'charlie', 'brown', 'linus', 'first', 'charlie', 'linus', 'try', 'asking', 'someone', 'ticket', 'booth', 'know', 'suggest', 'check', 'season', 'ticket', 'records', 'downtown', 'linus', 'asked', 'overly', 'nervous', 'charlie', 'ask', 'linus', 'given', 'list', 'names', 'addresses', 'phone', 'numbers', 'sitting', 'space', 'way', 'meanwhile', 'snoopy', 'woodstock', 'behind', 'snoopy', 'tries', 'help', 'woodstock', 'get', 'drink', 'water', 'drinking', 'fountain', 'ends', 'almost', 'drowning', 'charlie', 'linus', 'first', 'house', 'first', 'girl', 'young', 'pretty', 'linus', 'talking', 'due', 'charlie\\\\', 'drop-dead', 'nervousness', 'gets', 'thumbs-down', 'charlie', 'move', 'next', 'house', 'linus', 'almost', 'ditches', 'charlie', 'annoyance', 'next', 'house', 'little', 'city', 'meet', 'teenage', 'girl', 'rather', 'stunning', 'raspy', 'voice', 'soon', 'finds', 'charlie', 'likes', 'gets', 'rather', 'upset', 'kid', 'tells', 'get', 'lost', 'finally', 'make', 'way', 'property', 'called', 'happy', 'valley', 'farm', 'third', 'girl', 'lives', 'snoopy', 'woodstock', 'already', 'snoopy', 'major', 'problems', 'getting', 'across', 'rollers', 'intersection', 'main', 'driveway', 'woodstock', 'encounter', 'rather', 'mean', 'bobcat', 'chases', 'back', 'across', 'rollers', 'finally', 'meet', 'charlie', 'linus', 'charlie', 'dismisses', 'snoopy\\\\', 'attempts', 'warn', 'bobcat', 'linus', 'walk', 'past', 'cat', 'petting', '...', 'learn', 'linus', 'learns', 'phone', 'another', 'entrance', 'warned', 'bobcat', 'actually', 'sweet', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'strangers', 'much', 'finally', 'get', 'house', 'linus', 'encounters', 'correct', 'girl', 'completely', 'forgets', 'charlie', 'fallen', 'realizes', 'also', 'carries', 'security', 'blanket', 'realizes', 'feels', 'goes', 'leaving', 'charlie', 'behind', 'charlie', 'chased', 'yard', 'bobcat', 'decides', 'wait', 'completely', 'clueless', 'reality', 'meantime', 'snoopy', 'woodstock', 'manage', 'get', 'house', 'without', 'hitch', 'snoopy', 'scares', 'bobcat', 'tree', 'meanwhile', 'charlie', 'continues', 'wait', 'eventually', 'snoopy', 'woodstock', 'leave', \"don\\\\'t\", 'pay', 'attention', 'charlie', 'finally', 'linus', 'leaves', 'smitten', 'girl', 'completely', 'oblivious', 'charlie\\\\', 'protests', 'realizing', 'linus', 'stolen', 'girl', 'runs', 'screaming', 'disbelief', 'charlie', 'walking', 'home', 'appears', 'depressed', 'appears', 'also', 'somewhat', 'happy', 'floating', 'apparently', 'hoping', 'dream', 'gets', 'home', 'sleeps', 'rest', 'night', 'there\\\\', 'knock', 'door', 'next', 'morning', 'hoping', 'mary', 'turns', 'snoopy', 'asking', 'fed', 'ignores', 'walks', 'depressed', 'meets', 'linus', 'wall', 'discuss', 'previous', 'day', 'eventually', 'ends', 'linus', 'checks', 'watch', 'realizes', 'needs', 'leave', 'invited', 'barbecue', 'mary', 'jo\\\\', 'farm', 'charlie', 'stays', 'pulls', 'book', 'reads', 'couple', 'old', 'sayings', 'love', 'closes', 'book', 'sigh', 'decides', 'mary', 'never', 'meant'], ['year', '1931.', 'spain', 'politically', 'divided', 'republicans', 'traditionalists', 'verge', 'spanish', 'second', 'republic', 'fernando', 'young', 'soldier', 'deserts', 'duty', 'befriends', 'manolo', 'played', 'fernando', 'fern찼n', 'g처mez', 'old', 'man', 'large', 'house', 'country', 'fernando', 'meets', 'enchanted', 'manolo', 'four', 'daughters', 'meets', 'first', 'three', 'one', 'one', 'falls', 'love', 'sex', 'determining', 'marry', 'one', 'complication', 'arises', 'clara', 'played', 'miriam', 'd챠az-aroca', 'violeta', 'played', 'ariadna', 'gil', 'roc챠o', 'played', 'maribel', 'verd첬', 'heartbroken', 'time', 'father', 'girls', 'encourages', 'patience', 'daughters', 'beautiful', 'represents', 'different', 'aspect', 'feminine', 'sexuality', 'youngest', 'family', 'luz', 'played', 'pen챕lope', 'cruz', 'represents', 'na챦vet챕', 'fernando', 'pursuing', 'sisters', 'luz', 'gets', 'progressively', 'angry', 'jealous', 'eventually', 'fernando', 'realizes', 'best', 'one', 'four', 'marry'], ['plot', 'robin', 'turner', 'frustrated', 'hairdresser', 'hair', 'makeup', 'local', 'drag', 'shows', 'longs', 'get', 'stage', 'best', 'friend', 'liza', 'schizophrenic', 'institutionalized', 'decided', 'leave', 'facility', 'shows', 'robin\\\\', 'doorstep', 'lets', 'move', 'first', 'night', 'liza', 'delusional', 'episode', 'believes', 'bonecrusher', 'place', 'lying', 'top', 'robin', 'helps', 'push', 'bonecrusher', 'liza', 'tells', 'place', 'friend', 'zara', 'zara', 'protects', 'bonecrusher', 'tells', 'liza', 'one', 'born', 'dead', 'wants', 'take', 'live', 'place', 'forever', 'social', 'worker', 'visits', 'liza', 'review', 'liza\\\\', 'lengthy', 'list', 'medications', 'social', 'worker', 'stresses', 'would', 'dangerous', 'liza', 'become', 'pregnant', 'robin', 'comes', 'home', 'work', 'liza', 'excited', 'able', 'function', 'social', 'worker', 'robin', 'however', 'depressed', 'client', 'urged', 'adventurous', 'hairstyle', 'reacted', 'badly', 'robin', 'styled', 'like', 'elizabeth', 'taylor', 'cleopatra', 'robin', 'liza', 'meet', 'robin\\\\', 'friend', 'perry', 'liza\\\\', 'friend', 'institution', 'martin', 'martin', 'seems', 'suffer', 'form', 'paranoid', 'delusions', 'believing', 'eyes', 'turning', 'chinese', 'ranting', 'mao', 'zedong', 'perry', 'robin', 'discuss', 'costumes', 'upcoming', 'halloween', 'party', 'perry', 'decides', 'karen', 'black', 'flight', 'attendant', 'airport', '1975.', 'liza', 'suggests', 'robin', 'tallulah', 'bankhead', 'agrees', 'make', 'dress', 'robin', 'smash', 'halloween', 'party', 'winning', 'first', 'prize', 'costume', 'contest', 'offered', 'chance', 'perform', 'regularly', 'boss', 'hair', 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'pregnant', 'bills', 'piling', 'robin', 'leaves', 'canada', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'seeking', 'success', 'female', 'impersonator', 'way', 'first', 'gig', 'jackrabbit', 'club', 'meets', 'bob', 'cab', 'driver', 'formerly', 'talent', 'agent', 'agrees', 'allow', 'bob', 'represent', 'bob', 'regular', 'trick', 'gets', 'robin', 'tryout', 'gig', 'ziggy\\\\', 'cabaret', 'robin', 'performs', 'diamonds', 'girl\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'rapidly', 'changing', 'drag', 'personas', 'starting', 'carol', 'channing', 'transforming', 'marlene', 'dietrich', 'ethel', 'merman', 'ella', 'fitzgerald', 'pearl', 'bailey', 'bette', 'midler', 'concluding', 'carol', 'encore', 'performs', 'give', 'regards', 'broadway', 'judy', 'garland', 'robin', 'triumph', 'books', 'regular', 'slot', 'club', 'liza', 'enters', 'hospital', 'give', 'birth', 'tragically', 'baby', 'stillborn', 'goes', 'deep', 'depression', 'calling', 'robin', 'tell', 'stillbirth', 'believes', 'one', 'born', 'dead', 'robin', 'bob', 'drive', 'canada', 'retrieve', 'liza', 'moves', 'new', 'york', 'apartment', 'instructs', 'bob', 'get', 'dressed', 'show', 'jackrabbit', 'night', 'robin', 'performs', 'peggy', 'lee', 'liza', 'initially', 'completely', 'withdrawn', 'slowly', 'begins', 'respond', 'surroundings', 'following', 'number', 'still', 'depressed', 'liza', 'tells', 'robin', 'bonecrusher\\\\', 'she\\\\', 'domain', 'she\\\\', 'dead', 'robin', 'replies', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'dead', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'alive', 'sick', 'living', 'new', 'york', 'like', 'eight', 'million', 'people', 'robin', 'tells', 'liza', 'yes', 'she\\\\', 'crazy', 'make', 'crazy', 'work', 'film', 'ends', 'robin', 'recovering', 'liza', 'dancing', 'together'], [\"'doug\", 'ireland', 'concierge', 'bradbury', 'luxurious', 'hotel', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'beginning', 'decline', 'doug', 'well-connected', 'good', 'job', 'giving', 'personal', 'attention', 'guests', 'like', 'mr.', 'wegman', 'occasionally', 'pocketing', 'big', 'tip', 'doug\\\\', 'dream', 'open', 'hotel', 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'end', 'doug', 'andy', 'marry', 'gets', 'call', 'mr.', 'wegman', 'sent', 'doug\\\\', 'business', 'plan', 'members', 'hotel', 'staff', 'decided', 'put', 'million', 'doug', 'needs'], [\"'colour\", 'kubrick', 'begins', 'direct', 'homage', 'clockwork', 'orange', 'after-effects', 'one', 'alan', 'conway\\\\', 'minor', 'cons', 'two', 'thugs', 'sent', 'collect', 'bar', 'bill', 'conway', 'generated', 'impersonating', 'kubrick', 'conway', 'provided', 'address', 'elderly', 'couple', 'kubrick\\\\', 'home', 'address', 'conway', 'nowhere', 'seen', 'thugs', 'arrested', 'police', 'causing', 'ruckus', 'outside', 'house', 'following', 'events', 'audience', 'taken', 'several', 'conway\\\\', 'scams', 'including', 'tricking', 'fashion', 'designer', 'members', 'heavy', 'metal', 'band', 'popular', 'bar', 'owner', 'victims', 'deceived', 'giving', 'kubrick', 'sums', 'money', 'free', 'food', 'drinks', 'even', 'sexual', 'favours', 'conway', 'actually', 'knows', 'little', 'kubrick', 'movies', 'simply', 'puts', 'different', 'persona', 'mdash', 'reserved', 'english', 'gentleman', 'flamboyant', 'jewish', 'stereotype', 'mdash', 'victim', 'conway', 'deceives', 'everyone', 'meets', 'thinking', 'reclusive', 'director', 'except', 'rent', 'boy', 'bar', 'tests', 'conway', 'saying', 'favourite', 'kubrick', 'film', 'judgment', 'nuremberg', 'conway', 'begins', 'anecdote', 'directing', 'film', 'young', 'man', 'tells', 'judgment', 'nuremberg', 'directed', 'stanley', 'kramer', 'conway', 'walks', 'away', 'conway', 'also', 'run-in', 'frank', 'rich', 'journalist', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'meets', 'rich', 'wife', 'restaurant', 'confronts', 'article', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'ran', 'real', 'kubrick', 'personally', 'offended', 'paper', 'called', 'kubrick', 'recluse', 'wants', 'know', 'shaved', 'beard', 'chance', 'meeting', 'rich', 'instigates', 'kubrick', 'look', 'identity', 'man', 'met', 'one', 'biggest', 'scams', 'conway', 'promises', 'help', 'establish', 'lee', 'pratt', 'jim', 'davidson', 'performing', 'star', 'las', 'vegas', 'pratt', 'british', 'entertainer', 'seen', 'limited', 'success', 'flamboyant', 'dancer', 'stage', 'singer', 'pratt', 'described', 'low-rent', 'liberace', 'elvis', 'gleam', 'eye', 'ref', 'name', 'colour', 'kubrick', 'review', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'work', 'http', '//movies.nytimes.com/2007/03/23/movies/23kubr.html', 'accessdate', 'stephen', 'last2007-03-23', 'conway', 'makes', 'huge', 'promises', 'get', 'pratt', 'permanent', 'seat', 'spotlight', 'las', 'vegas', 'pratt', 'conway', 'pratt\\\\', 'manager', 'try', 'decide', 'conquer', 'america', 'conway', 'lives', 'life', 'luxury', 'pratt\\\\', 'bill', 'sleeps', 'high', 'class', 'hotel', 'consuming', 'vodka', 'cigarettes', 'pratt\\\\', 'manager', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'catches', 'conway', 'act', 'conway', 'thrown', 'pratt\\\\', 'life', 'pier', 'homage', 'barry', 'lyndon', 'rich', 'exposes', 'conway\\\\', 'lies', 'conway', 'sent', 'hospital', 'apparent', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'mdash', 'course', 'another', 'conway\\\\', 'elaborate', 'ruses', 'case', 'published', 'doctor', 'sent', 'rimini', 'clinic', 'centre', 'famous', 'celebrities', 'rehabilitation', 'conway', 'shown', 'living', 'good', 'life', 'movie', 'ends', 'relaxing', 'hot', 'tub', 'ray', 'noble', 'orchestra', 'bowlly', 'version', 'midnight', 'stars', 'playing', 'soundtrack', 'harking', 'back', 'finale', 'shining'], ['seth', 'sitcom', 'writer-producer', 'meets', 'chelsea', 'interior', 'decorator', 'best', 'friend', 'wedding', 'immediately', 'sexually', 'attracted', 'instantly', 'attracted', 'single-ness', 'ditch', 'wedding', 'dates', 'start', 'date', 'night', 'chelsea', 'changes', 'bridesmaid', 'dress', 'sexy', 'outfit', 'tells', 'one', 'rule', \"n't\", 'sex', 'guy', 'least', 'three', 'meals', 'together', 'seth', 'proceeds', 'speed', 'date', 'evening', 'ensuring', 'actually', 'eat', 'three', 'meals', 'end', 'showroom', 'chelsea', 'job', 'sex', 'four', 'poster', 'bed', 'chelsea', 'boss', 'interrupts', 'presumably', 'fires', 'chelsea', 'two', 'become', 'couple', 'appearing', 'happy', 'couple', 'years', 'postponing', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'chelsea', 'realizes', 'seth', 'wants', 'remain', 'single', 'together', 'becomes', 'quite', 'bitter', 'next', 'hour', 'movie', 'two', 'engage', 'behavior', 'makes', 'war', 'roses', 'look', 'like', 'child', 'play'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', '1950s', 'large', 'country', 'residence', 'family', 'servants', 'preparing', 'christmas', 'master', 'house', 'discovered', 'dead', 'bed', 'dagger', 'stuck', 'back', 'murderer', 'must', 'one', 'eight', 'women', 'house', 'time', 'course', 'investigations', 'tale', 'tell', 'secrets', 'hide', 'scene', 'opens', 'suzon', 'returning', 'school', 'christmas', 'break', 'finding', 'mother', 'gaby', 'younger', 'sister', 'catherine', 'wheelchair-bound', 'grandmother', 'mamy', 'living', 'room', 'action', 'film', 'takes', 'place', 'conversation', 'drifts', 'subject', 'patriarch', 'family', 'catherine', 'leads', 'first', 'song', 'film', 'papa', \"t\\\\'es\", 'plus', 'dans', 'coup', 'singing', 'wakes', 'suzon', 'catherine\\\\', 'aunt', 'augustine', 'picks', 'arguments', 'rest', 'family', 'two', 'servants', 'eventually', 'returning', 'upstairs', 'threatening', 'commit', 'suicide', 'mamy', 'jumps', 'wheelchair', 'trying', 'stop', 'haphazardly', 'explaining', 'ability', 'walk', 'christmas', 'miracle', 'augustine', 'eventually', 'calmed', 'sings', 'song', 'longing', 'message', 'personnel', 'maid', 'takes', 'tray', 'upstairs', 'finds', 'marcel\\\\', 'stabbed', 'body', 'screams', 'catherine', 'goes', 'see', 'happened', 'locks', 'door', 'others', 'finally', 'marcel\\\\', 'room', 'see', 'stabbed', 'back', 'catherine', 'tells', 'others', 'disturb', 'room', 'police', 'arrive', 're-lock', 'door', 'realizing', 'dogs', 'barked', 'night', 'seems', 'clear', 'murderer', 'one', 'women', 'house', 'attempting', 'call', 'authorities', 'find', 'phoneline', 'cut', 'person', 'police', 'station', 'however', 'women', 'distracted', 'announcement', 'someone', 'roaming', 'garden', 'reason', 'guard', 'dogs', 'chasing', 'person', 'turns', 'marcel\\\\', 'sister', 'pierrette', 'nightclub', 'singer', 'also', 'rumoured', 'streetwalker', 'allowed', 'house', 'due', 'gaby\\\\', 'dislike', 'questioned', 'claims', 'received', 'mysterious', 'phone', 'call', 'telling', 'brother', 'dead', 'also', 'sings', 'quoi', 'sert', 'vivre', 'libre', 'commenting', 'sexual', 'freedom', 'realized', 'house', 'dogs', 'bark', 'knew', 'immediately', 'room', 'belonged', 'brother', 'making', 'eighth', 'potential', 'killer', 'women', 'try', 'start', 'car', 'find', 'sabotaged', 'cutting', 'help', 'due', 'snowstorm', 'outside', 'hitchhike', 'town', 'weather', 'clears', 'women', 'spend', 'time', 'trying', 'find', 'murderer', 'amongst', 'discovered', 'suzon', 'fact', 'returned', 'night', 'tell', 'father', 'secret', 'pregnant', 'sings', 'song', 'catherine', 'mon', 'amour', 'mon', 'ami', 'lover', 'however', 'fact', 'abused', 'father', 'later', 'find', 'unknown', 'everyone', 'involved', 'excluding', 'gaby', 'suzon', 'child', 'actually', 'child', 'gaby\\\\', 'first', 'great', 'love', 'gaby', 'reveals', 'killed', 'long', 'conception', 'every', 'time', 'looks', 'suzon', 'reminded', 'love', 'suspicion', 'swings', 'madame', 'chanel', 'housekeeper', 'whose', 'actions', 'night', 'seem', 'suspicious', 'revealed', 'affair', 'pierrette', 'went', 'see', 'brother', 'night', 'ask', 'money', 'pay', 'debts', 'members', 'family', 'react', 'outrage', 'fact', 'lesbian', 'madame', 'chanel', 'retreats', 'kitchen', 'sings', 'pour', 'pas', 'vivre', 'seul', 'meantime', 'find', 'mamy', 'suzon\\\\', 'catherine\\\\', 'old', 'sick', 'grandmother', 'walk', 'also', 'possesses', 'valuable', 'shares', 'could', 'saved', 'marcel', 'bankruptcy', 'greed', 'lied', 'shares', 'stolen', 'someone', 'knew', 'hiding', 'spotlight', 'moves', 'louise', 'maid', 'found', 'marcel\\\\', 'mistress', 'declares', 'however', 'affection', 'gaby', 'also', 'expresses', 'disappointment', 'weakness', 'indecision', 'sings', 'pile', 'face', 'removes', 'symbols', 'servitude', 'maid\\\\', 'cap', 'apron', 'asserting', 'equal', 'women', 'gaby', 'sings', 'toi', 'jamais', 'marcel', 'saying', 'never', 'paid', 'enough', 'attention', 'men', 'revealed', 'affair', 'business', 'partner', 'man', 'affair', 'pierrette', 'two', 'women', 'get', 'fight', 'turns', 'make-out', 'session', 'living', 'room', 'floor', 'others', 'walk', 'eventually', 'madame', 'chanel', 'discovers', 'solution', 'mystery', 'silenced', 'gunshot', 'hit', 'goes', 'mute', 'fear', 'catherine', 'takes', 'lead', 'revealing', 'hidden', 'father\\\\', 'closet', 'seen', 'women', 'talk', 'marcel', 'night', 'explains', 'mystery', 'marcel', 'faked', 'death', 'help', 'see', 'really', 'going', 'house', 'claims', 'free', 'women\\\\', 'clutches', 'rushes', 'bedroom', 'see', 'shoot', 'head', 'absolute', 'despair', 'mamy', 'ends', 'film', 'song', 'pas', \"d\\\\'amour\", 'heureux'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', 'showing', 'adventures', 'boy', 'school', 'first', 'sexual', 'experience', 'brothel', 'boy', 'found', 'heart', 'murmur', 'bout', 'scarlet', 'fever', 'goes', 'mother', 'sanatorium', 'series', 'circumstances', 'lead', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'mother', 'jazz', 'music', 'charlie', 'parker', 'dizzy', 'gillespie', 'along', 'books', 'bataille', 'proust', 'camus', 'feature', 'prominently', 'film'], [\"'stella\", 'successful', '40-year-old', 'stock', 'broker', 'raising', 'son', 'living', 'marin', 'county', 'california', 'persuaded', 'new', 'york', 'friend', 'delilah', 'take', 'well-deserved', 'first-class', 'vacation', 'montego', 'bay', 'jamaica', 'soaks', 'beauty', 'island', 'encounters', 'strapping', 'young', 'islander', 'winston', 'shakespeare', 'years', 'younger', 'pursuits', 'turn', 'hot', 'steamy', 'romance', 'forces', 'stella', 'take', 'personal', 'inventory', 'life', 'try', 'find', 'balance', 'desire', 'love', 'companionship', 'responsibilities', 'mother', 'corporate', 'executive'], [\"'matt\", 'stifler', 'younger', 'brother', 'steve', 'stifler', 'eager', 'enter', 'family', 'business', 'making', 'porn', 'films', 'prove', 'older', 'brother', 'playing', 'prank', 'school', 'band', 'school\\\\', 'guidance', 'counselor', 'chuck', 'sherminator', 'sherman', 'attended', 'high', 'school', 'steve', 'decides', 'worthwhile', 'punishment', 'would', 'matt', 'attend', 'band', 'camp', 'upon', 'arrival', 'matt', 'extremely', 'disrespectful', 'rules', 'along', 'everyone', 'tall', 'oaks', 'even', 'gets', 'school\\\\', 'band', 'trouble', 'jim\\\\', 'dad', 'noah', 'levenstein', 'camp\\\\', 'macro', 'recommends', 'start', 'trying', 'fit', 'earn', 'band\\\\', 'trust', 'matt', 'conspires', 'room-mate', 'ernie', 'film', 'band', 'members', 'bid', 'called', \"\\\\'bandeez\", 'gone', 'wild\\\\', 'using', 'hidden', 'cameras', 'lunch', 'time', 'scuffle', 'matt', 'accepts', 'duel', 'rival', 'band', 'leader', 'brandon', 'wherein', 'performers', 'show', 'music', 'skills', 'brandon', 'playing', 'snare', 'drum', 'matt', 'playing', 'triangle', 'seems', 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'accidentally', 'sends', 'card', 'drunken', 'night', 'sister', 'alice', 'realize', 'however', 'husband', 'fact', 'send', 'original', 'valentine\\\\', 'day', 'card', 'husband\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'lawyer', 'partner', 'archie', 'alice\\\\', 'husband', 'mention', 'received', 'card', 'alice', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'cheating', 'another', 'woman', 'attempt', 'discover', 'truth', 'alice', 'calls', 'husband', 'pretends', 'another', 'woman', 'deep', 'sultry', 'voice', 'calls', 'anonymous', 'husband', 'agrees', 'meet', 'anonymous', 'alice', 'becomes', 'even', 'distraught', 'continues', 'try', 'win', 'husband', 'back', 'however', 'process', 'discovers', 'husband', 'sam', 'already', 'another', 'affair', 'woman', 'named', 'katya', 'knowingly', 'starting', 'second', 'affair', 'anonymous', 'breaking', 'fact', 'goes', 'visit', 'archie', 'sexy', 'outfit', 'planned', 'woo', 'sam', 'back', 'archie', 'kiss', 'assumes', 'extra-marital', 'affair', 'someone', 'sam', 'refuses', 'part', 'alice', 'decides', 'forge', 'ahead', 'affair', 'sam', 'anonymous', 'supposedly', 'extramarital', 'sex', 'removes', 'wedding', 'ring', 'finger', 'lips', 'afterwards', 'however', 'sam', 'declares', 'alice', 'nothing', 'compared', 'anonymous', 'never', 'truly', 'loved', 'alice', 'becomes', 'upset', 'flees', 'hotel', 'running', 'away', 'however', 'runs', 'katya', 'discovers', 'sam', 'cheating', 'wife', 'also', 'sam', 'win', 'big', 'court', 'case', 'next', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'precious', 'wine', 'scattered', 'throughout', 'neighborhood', 'clothes', 'thrown', 'street', 'well', 'katya', 'waiting', 'house', 'tell', 'alice', 'affair', 'revenge', 'katya', 'sees', 'alice', 'however', 'calls', 'anonymous', 'sam', 'realizes', 'alice', 'anonymous', 'alice', 'even', 'shows', 'sam', 'removed', 'ring', 'finger', 'prove', 'sam', 'attempt', 'plead', 'sam', 'alice', 'insists', 'divorce', 'katya', 'walks', 'sam', 'well', 'film', 'fast', 'forwards', 'litle', 'time', 'later', 'katya', 'took', 'story', 'well', 'anonymous', 'press', 'sam\\\\', 'reputation', 'upstanding', 'lawyer', 'ruined', 'furthermore', 'press', 'exposes', 'alice', 'fact', 'extramarital', 'affair', 'archie', 'previously', 'thought', 'realization', 'prompts', 'archie', 'attempt', 'tell', 'alice', 'feelings', 'see', 'past', 'friendship', 'archie', 'decides', 'get', 'alice', 'still', 'bristol', 'takes', 'job', 'japan', 'first', 'though', 'sends', 'goodbye', 'letter', 'alice', 'includes', 'p.s', 'hope', 'liked', 'radishes', 'finally', 'letting', 'know', 'original', 'valentine\\\\', 'day', 'card', 'sam', 'alice', 'chases', 'archie', 'finally', 'catches', 'series', 'debacles', 'train', 'station', 'including', 'actually', 'stop', 'train', 'kiss', 'declare', 'love', 'movie', 'ends', 'alice', 'lovingly', 'looks', 'man', 'really', 'thinks', 'perfect', 'woman', 'says', 'take', 'home', 'radish'], [\"'helmut\", 'karl', 'hoffman', 'two', 'brothers', 'grow', 'great', 'depression', 'weimar', 'republic', 'witness', 'coming', 'power', 'nsdap', 'establishment', 'third', 'reich', 'karl', 'unemployed', 'mechanic', 'enthusiastic', 'nazis', 'joins', 'hearing', 'ernst', 'r철hm', 'speak', 'nazi', 'party', 'rally', 'helmut', 'reluctant', 'thinks', 'nazis', 'simply', 'another', 'political', 'party', 'helmut', 'university', 'student', 'munich', 'eventually', 'talked', 'joining', 'reinhard', 'heydrich', 'helmut', 'commissioned', 'officer', 'right', 'hitler', 'comes', 'power', 'whereas', 'karl', 'already', 'member', 'year', 'karl', 'distressed', 'due', 'tensions', 'claims', 'trying', 'make', 'look', 'like', 'party', 'garbage', 'collector', 'entire', 'first', 'half', 'film', 'leads', 'night', 'long', 'knives', 'heydrich', 'quizzes', 'helmut', 'need', 'get', 'rid', 'leadership', 'helmut', 'replies', 'well', 'needs', 'revolutionaries', 'revolution', 'already', 'achieved', 'liquidation', 'leadership', 'old', 'enemies', 'shooting', 'ernst', 'r철hm', 'transpire', 'time', 'karl', 'arrested', 'sent', 'dachau', 'concentration', 'camp', 'using', 'connections', 'within', 'helmut', 'gets', 'karl', 'freed', 'heydrich', 'cautions', 'karl', 'better', 'behave', 'else', 'helmut', 'would', 'find', 'running', 'short', 'friends', 'film', 'moves', 'world', 'war', 'glazing', 'briefly', 'kristallnacht', 'focuses', 'helmut', 'becoming', 'involved', 'paperwork', 'holocaust', 'karl', 'meanwhile', 'becomes', 'anti-nazi', 'drafted', 'wehrmacht', 'actually', 'becomes', 'wehrmacht', 'officer', 'eastern', 'front', 'helmut', 'eventually', 'becomes', 'ss-oberf체hrer', 'extremely', 'disillusioned', 'nazi', 'party', 'end', 'film', 'karl', 'deserts', 'army', 'around', 'time', 'assassination', 'attempt', 'hitler', 'wanders', 'germany', 'observing', 'war', 'torn', 'rubble', 'german', 'cities', 'late', 'april', '1945', 'helmut', 'deserts', 'killed', 'patrol', 'trying', 'flee', 'berlin', 'film', 'ends', 'karl', 'lover', 'mitzie', 'standing', 'ruins', 'stuttgart', 'learning', 'parents', 'little', 'brother', 'hans', 'dead'], [\"'theater\", 'owner', 'womanizer', 'martin', 'cortland', 'enlists', 'aid', 'manager', 'robert', 'curtis', 'woo', 'dancer', 'sheila', 'winthrop', 'caught', 'long-suffering', 'wife', 'julia', 'hints', 'he\\\\', 'gone', 'far', 'time', 'increasingly', 'unbelievable', 'alibies', 'might', 'soon', 'judged', 'twelve', 'strange', 'men', 'robert', 'sheila', 'attracted', 'one', 'another', 'robert', 'caught', 'martin\\\\', 'continual', 'attempts', 'deceive', 'wife', 'sheila', 'doubts', 'robert\\\\', 'sincerity', 'captain', 'tom', 'barton', 'john', 'hubbard', 'old', 'friend', 'potential', 'suitor', 'invites', 'sheila', 'aunt', 'louise', 'visit', 'mother', 'army', 'base', 'coincidentally', 'curtis', 'drafted', 'army', 'posted', 'base', 'command', 'top', 'sergeant', 'quickly', 'befriends', 'fellow', 'draftees', 'swiv', 'blain', 'curtis', 'finds', 'imprisoned', 'guardhouse', 'encounters', 'visiting', 'sheila', 'quickly', 'spins', 'web', 'lies', 'attempt', 'impress', 'win', 'heart', 'borrows', 'captain\\\\', 'uniform', 'visits', 'introduced', 'captain', 'curtis', 'several', 'officers', 'including', 'barton', 'officer', 'whose', 'coat', 'wearing', 'sheila', 'takes', 'pity', 'allows', 'graceful', 'exit', 'return', 'guardhouse', 'finds', 'friends', 'also', 'confined', 'aiding', 'martin', 'appears', 'base', 'produce', 'show', 'enlisted', 'men', 'assigned', 'curtis', 'assistant', 'offers', 'martin', 'use', 'apartment', 'town', 'insists', 'sheila', 'included', 'partner', 'show', 'however', 'martin', 'pursuit', 'another', 'dancer', 'sonya', 'promised', 'lead', 'captain', 'barton', 'learns', 'transferred', 'panama', 'asks', 'sheila', 'marry', 'accompany', 'alarmed', 'curtis', 'races', 'apartment', 'retrieve', 'engraved', 'diamond', 'bracelet', 'martin', 'purchased', 'sheila', 'unknown', 'martin', 'arranged', 'bracelet', 're-engraved', 'sonya', 'martin', 'sends', 'sheila', 'town', 'bring', 'robert', 'back', 'he\\\\', 'declared', 'awol', 'apartment', 'robert', 'startled', 'find', 'sonya', 'staying', 'invitation', 'martin', 'sheila', 'arrives', 'mps', 'heels', 'helps', 'robert', 'escape', 'encounters', 'sonya', 'sees', 'name', 'engraved', 'bracelet', 'decides', 'marry', 'captain', 'barton', 'withdraws', 'show', 'martin\\\\', 'ever-suspicious', 'wife', 'arrives', 'sonya', 'forced', 'leave', 'show', 'well', 'canceled', 'want', 'leading', 'lady', 'curtis\\\\', 'friends', 'hold', 'demonstration', 'convince', 'sheila', 'return', 'show', 'curtis', 'arranges', 'genuine', 'justice', 'peace', 'participate', 'wedding', 'scene', 'resulting', 'actual', 'marriage', 'stage', 'martin', 'confesses', 'machinations', 'sheila', 'embraces', 'relief', 'calls', 'new', 'husband', 'guardhouse', 'jilted', 'captain', 'barton', 'generously', 'arranges', 'martin\\\\', 'release', 'honeymoon', 'film', 'ends', 'swiv', 'blain\\\\', 'inept', 'attempt', 'escape', 'guardhouse'], [\"'willard\", 'isenbaum', 'lonely', 'insurance', 'man', 'wild', 'sexual', 'fantasies', 'decides', 'propose', 'new', 'secretary', 'susie', 'known', 'day', 'never', 'spoken', 'spends', 'entire', 'morning', 'work', 'fantasizing', 'sex', 'attempts', 'approach', 'fail', 'female', 'boss', 'sends', 'investigate', 'claim', 'filed', 'painless', 'martha\\\\', 'aging', 'tattoo', 'artist', 'works', 'prison', 'martha', 'believes', 'ouija', 'board', 'message', 'saying', 'killed', 'wizard', 'tuesday', 'willard', 'tells', 'insurance', 'company', \"won\\\\'t\", 'pay', 'death', 'dies', 'heart', 'attack', 'stipulates', 'killer', 'must', 'take', 'care', 'duck', 'duo', 'spends', 'night', 'jail', 'duck', 'takes', 'willard', 'brothel', 'wild', 'night', 'partying', 'wind', 'desert', 'duck', 'dresses', 'willard', 'women\\\\', 'clothing', 'attempt', 'get', 'ride', 'several', 'encounters', 'old', 'prospector', 'dying', 'thirst', 'racist', 'police', 'officer', 'two', 'lesbians', 'short', 'mexican', 'man', 'finally', 'picked', 'trucker', 'back', 'apartment', 'willard', 'creates', 'makeshift', 'sex', 'object', 'duck', 'eats', 'shortly', 'willard', 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'shape', 'trying', 'desperate', 'means', 'losing', 'weight', 'mini', 'finally', 'sheds', 'pounds', 'fatso', 'finds', 'funds', 'running', 'low', 'earn', 'enough', 'finance', 'mini', 'weight-loss', 'programs', 'opens', 'boxing', 'gig', 'streets', 'allowing', 'on-lookers', 'punch', 'vent', 'pent-up', 'frustrations', 'next', 'enrolls', 'mini', 'expensive', 'weight-loss', 'program', 'proves', 'successful', 'mini', 'regains', 'former', 'slim', 'pretty', 'look', 'night', 'reunion', 'kurokawa', 'fatso', 'drops', 'mini', 'tokyo', 'tower', 'meets', 'former', 'beau', 'gazing', 'eyes', 'local', 'media', 'pair', 'interviewed', 'local', 'network', 'mini', 'notices', 'another', 'broadcast', 'featuring', 'fatso', 'street', 'boxing', 'gig', 'finally', 'realizes', 'much', 'fatso', 'sacrificed', 'moved', 'tears', 'turning', 'apologize', 'kurokawa', 'leaves', 'hastily', 'months', 'later', 'mini', 'publishes', 'bestseller', 'dieting', 'finds', 'slimmed-down', 'fatso', 'carrying', 'book', 'park', 'two', 'kiss', 'promising', 'never', 'leave'], ['cletus', 'compulsive', 'liar', 'employed', 'social', 'worker', 'tries', 'find', 'home', 'young', 'boy', 'named', 'jorge', 'falls', 'love', 'jorge', 'social', 'worker'], [\"'suzuki\", 'high', 'school', 'student', 'aspires', 'become', 'great', 'swimmer', 'however', 'person', 'school\\\\', 'swimming', 'team', 'soon', 'beautiful', 'new', 'swimming', 'teacher', 'starts', 'work', 'high', 'school', 'dozens', 'boys', 'decide', 'join', 'swimming', 'team', 'realize', 'teaches', 'synchronized', 'swimming', 'suzuki', 'four', 'boys', 'drop', 'teacher', 'soon', 'leaves', 'work', 'maternity', 'leave', 'time', 'team', 'hiatus', 'however', 'suzuki', 'watches', 'dolphin', 'show', 'decides', 'ask', 'dolphin', 'trainer', 'coach', 'dolphin', 'trainer', 'exploits', 'free', 'labour', 'intention', 'training', 'attempt', 'ditch', 'leaves', 'cash', 'practice', 'rhythm', 'using', 'dance', 'dance', 'revolution', 'runs', 'gas', 'returns', 'get', 'money', 'discovers', 'totally', 'synchronized', 'well', 'game', 'takes', 'back', 'continue', 'train', 'later', 'training', 'sea', 'tourist', 'video', 'camera', 'films', 'thinking', 'drowning', 'boys', 'appear', 'seeing', 'boys', 'quit', 'rejoin', 'taught', 'synchronized', 'swimming', 'five', 'boys', 'festival', 'pool', 'drained', 'water', 'used', 'fight', 'fire', 'neighboring', 'girls', 'school', 'allows', 'use', 'pool', 'performance', 'turns', 'great', 'success'], [\"'hilary\", \"o\\\\'neil\", 'pretty', 'outgoing', 'yet', 'cautious', 'young', 'woman', 'little', 'luck', 'work', 'love', 'recently', 'parting', 'ways', 'boyfriend', 'caught', 'cheating', 'hilary', 'finds', 'living', 'eccentric', 'mother', 'one', 'day', 'hilary', 'answers', 'newspaper', 'nurse', 'find', 'escorted', 'interview', 'starts', 'victor', 'geddes', 'well-educated', 'rich', 'shy', 'year-old', 'film', 'progresses', 'victor\\\\', 'health', 'worsens', 'progressively', 'due', 'leukemia', 'despite', 'father\\\\', 'protests', 'victor', 'hires', 'hilary', 'live-in', 'caretaker', 'undergoes', 'traumatic', 'course', 'chemotherapy', 'hillary', 'becomes', 'insecure', 'ability', 'care', 'victor', 'first', 'exposure', 'side', 'effects', 'chemotherapy', 'treatment', 'studies', 'leukemia', 'stocks', 'healthier', 'food', 'kitchen', 'finished', 'chemotherapy', 'suggests', 'take', 'vacation', 'coast', 'rent', 'house', 'begins', 'feel', 'she\\\\', 'longer', 'needed', 'care', 'fall', 'love', 'continue', 'living', 'coast', 'he\\\\', 'hiding', 'use', 'morphine', 'kill', 'pain', 'dinner', 'one', 'friends', 'made', 'victor', 'starts', 'acting', 'aggressively', 'irrationally', 'victor', 'collapses', 'helped', 'bed', 'searches', 'garbage', 'discovers', 'used', 'syringes', 'confronts', 'admits', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'finished', 'chemotherapy', 'explains', 'wants', 'quality', 'life', 'says', 'he\\\\', 'lying', 'calls', 'father', 'comes', 'take', 'home', 'wants', 'stay', 'one', 'last', 'party', 'hilary', 'victor', 'reconnect', 'party', 'tells', 'leaving', 'father', 'back', 'hospital', 'morning', 'speaking', 'victor\\\\', 'father', 'says', 'victor', 'wants', 'spend', 'one', 'night', 'alone', 'leaving', 'hilary', 'goes', 'back', 'house', 'rented', 'find', 'victor', 'packing', 'clothes', 'ready', 'run', 'away', 'father', 'hospital', 'hilary', 'confronts', 'running', 'away', 'victor', 'admits', 'he\\\\', 'afraid', 'hoping', 'confession', 'hilary', 'finally', 'tells', 'victor', 'loves', 'decide', 'back', 'hospital', 'fight', 'life', 'hilary', 'last', 'frame', 'movie', 'shows', 'victor', 'hilary', 'leaving', 'house', 'small', 'picture', 'gustav', 'klimt\\\\', 'adam', 'eve', 'window'], ['film', 'describes', 'year', 'life', 'emma', 'woodhouse', 'congenial', 'na챦ve', 'young', 'woman', 'thinks', 'romantic', 'matchmaker', 'small', 'community', 'early-19th-century', 'england', 'governess', 'miss', 'taylor', 'gets', 'married', 'goes', 'live', 'new', 'husband', 'weston', 'emma', 'proudly', 'takes', 'credit', 'brought', 'couple', 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'another', 'woman', 'turns', 'vain', 'socialite', 'competes', 'emma', 'status', 'community', 'next', 'months', 'various', 'gatherings', 'show', 'loves', 'among', 'emma', 'friends', 'emma', 'briefly', 'attracted', 'charming', 'gallant', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'frank', 'churchill', 'weston', 'son', 'comes', 'visit', 'london', 'emma', 'soon', 'decides', 'set', 'harriet', 'frank', 'churchill', 'revealed', 'secret', 'engagement', 'shy', 'pretty', 'woman', 'named', 'jane', 'fairfax', 'harriet', 'interest', 'frank', 'preferring', 'knightley', 'man', 'would', 'dance', 'party', 'knightley', 'danced', 'harriet', 'politeness', 'starting', 'fall', 'love', 'emma', 'conclusion', 'story', 'begins', 'emma', 'ridicules', 'poor', 'woman', 'named', 'miss', 'bates', 'picnic', 'mr.', 'knightley', 'angrily', 'scolds', 'emma', 'leaves', 'town', 'finds', 'thinking', 'away', \"n't\", 'realise', 'loves', 'harriet', 'expresses', 'interest', 'knightley', 'returns', 'emma', 'cross', 'paths', 'meadow', 'conversation', 'begins', 'awkwardly', 'ends', 'asking', 'marry', 'gladly', 'accepting', 'news', 'engagement', 'upsets', 'harriet', 'avoids', 'emma', 'returns', 'weeks', 'later', 'engaged', 'martin', 'film', 'ends', 'emma', 'knightley', 'wedding'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'opens', '10-year', 'college', 'reunion', 'reluctant', 'dex', 'decided', 'attend', 'company', 'married', 'friends', 'rick', 'maggie', 'college', 'days', 'dex', 'stud', 'campus', 'using', 'philosophy', 'aphrodisiac', 'bed', 'series', 'young', 'women', 'putting', 'first', 'successful', 'moves', 'student', 'bartender', 'finds', 'rick', 'maggie', 'talking', 'syd', 'syd', 'back', 'town', 'upcoming', 'opera', 'production', 'designer', 'also', 'staying', 'rick', 'maggie', 'remembers', 'dex', 'memory', 'little', 'fuzzy', 'dex', 'shares', 'house', 'three', 'slacker', 'buddies', 'spend', 'free', 'time', 'engaged', 'variously', 'playing', 'disc', 'golf', 'playing', 'poker', 'drinking', 'trading', 'quips', 'philosophy', 'pop', 'culture', 'one', 'group', 'dave', 'met', 'woman', 'group', 'decides', 'help', 'pursuit', 'teaching', 'approach', 'seduction', 'tao', 'steve', 'dex', 'relationship', 'problems', 'woman', 'affair', 'beth', 'started', 'give', 'signals', 'would', 'leave', 'husband', 'puts', 'dex', 'bind', 'views', 'nothing', 'friend', 'benefits', 'meanwhile', 'dex', 'becoming', 'intrigued', 'syd', 'must', 'carpool', 'motorcycle', 'breaks', 'dex', 'habitually', 'late', 'often', 'still', 'bathrobe', 'taking', 'long', 'hits', 'ever-present', 'bong', 'arrives', 'pick', 'syd', 'entirely', 'unreceptive', 'dex\\\\', 'overtures', 'major', 'obstacle', 'overcome', 'turns', 'syd', 'one', 'dex\\\\', 'college', 'conquests', 'fact', 'completely', 'forgotten', 'little', 'endear'], ['marc', 'inherited', 'house', 'late', 'aunt', 'c척te', \"d'azur\", 'takes', 'family', 'summer', 'holiday', 'leaving', 'home', 'paris', 'charly', 'never', 'girlfriend', 'thought', 'gay', 'parents', 'martin', 'gay', 'also', 'staying', 'b챕atrix', 'lover', 'mathieu', 'arrives', 'village', 'manages', 'sneak', 'opportunities', 'martin', 'goes', 'one', 'night', 'local', 'gay', 'cruising', 'area', 'old', 'fort', 'nearby', 'hillside', 'charly', 'follows', 'meets', 'didier', 'realising', \"n't\", 'gay', 'calls', 'didier', 'help', 'hot', 'water', 'stops', 'working', 'didier', 'meets', 'marc', 'realise', 'much', 'missed', 'marc', 'used', 'visit', 'area', 'youth', 'throughout', 'everyone', 'eats', 'lots', 'fruits', 'mer', 'especially', 'sea', 'violets', 'end', 'everyone', 'sings', 'song', 'called', \"'fruits\", 'mer', 'preferred', 'partner'], [\"'the\", 'flop', 'musical', 'funny', 'boy', 'opens', 'closes', 'afterward', 'leo', 'bloom', 'arrives', 'office', 'show\\\\', 'washed', 'producer', 'max', 'bialystock', 'max', 'hired', 'leo', 'bloom', 'accountant', 'studying', 'max\\\\', 'books', 'leo', 'inadvertently', 'inspires', 'max', 'gain', 'money', 'flop', 'hit', 'putting', 'show', 'certain', 'fail', 'box', 'office', 'collecting', 'excessive', 'amount', 'money', 'backers', 'cleverly', 'changing', 'accounts', 'leaving', '2,000,000', 'spend', 'first', 'leo', 'refuses', 'participate', 'max', 'change', 'books', 'attempts', 'coax', 'leo', 'scheme', 'leo', 'still', 'refuses', 'returns', 'old', 'accounting', 'firm', 'whitehall', 'marks', 'chastised', 'mr.', 'marks', 'leo', 'fantasizes', 'broadway', 'producer', 'realizing', 'wants', 'get', 'world', 'take', 'risk', 'leo', 'quits', 'job', 'max', 'forms', 'bialystock', 'bloom', 'max', 'leo', 'search', 'worst', 'play', 'ever', 'written', 'discover', 'springtime', 'hitler', 'written', 'ex-nazi', 'named', 'franz', 'liebkind', 'coerced', 'performing', 'adolf', 'hitler\\\\', 'favorite', 'tune', 'swearing', 'sacred', 'siegfried', 'oath', 'order', 'gain', 'liebkind\\\\', 'signature', 'broadway', 'rights', 'musical', 'solicit', 'flamboyant', 'gay', 'director', 'roger', 'bris', 'faithful', 'theatrical', 'companion', 'carmen', 'ghia', 'direct', 'choreograph', 'play', 'roger', 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'hitting', 'jake', 'hitting', 'killer', 'square', 'forehead', 'wait', 'help', 'arrive', 'jake', 'last', 'kisses', 'eddie', 'jake', 'packed', 'hospital', 'eddie', 'promises', 'wakes', 'eddie', 'sister', 'gloats', 'fallen', 'killer', 'eddie', 'realizes', 'still', 'alive', 'final', 'moment', 'killer', 'opens', 'eyes', 'bares', 'teeth', 'disclosing', 'still', 'eddie', 'artificial', 'eye', 'clenched', 'jaws'], [\"'all\", 'life', 'isabella', 'suffered', 'motion', 'sickness', 'illness', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'play', 'much', 'children', 'stayed', 'home', 'learned', 'cook', 'becoming', 'renowned', 'chef', 'adult', 'fell', 'love', 'toninho', 'opened', 'restaurant', 'together', 'isabella', 'stuck', 'kitchen', 'toninho', 'front', 'taking', 'credit', 'way', 'isabella', 'control', 'motion', 'sickness', 'control', 'motion', 'must', 'drive', 'take', 'stairs', 'instead', 'elevators', 'lead', 'dancing', 'must', 'top', 'sex', 'toninho', 'feels', 'emasculated', 'affair', 'neighbor', 'isabella', 'flees', 'brazil', 'san', 'francisco', 'friend', 'monica', 'african-american', 'transsexual', 'spent', 'early', 'years', 'isabella\\\\', 'fishing', 'community', 'salvador', 'despite', 'old', 'job', 'offers', 'number', 'restaurants', 'isabella', 'unable', 'find', 'job', 'takes', 'cooking', 'class', 'local', 'culinary', 'school', 'cliff', 'neighbor', 'local', 'television', 'producer', 'smells', 'cooking', 'follows', 'class', 'signs', 'host', 'live', 'cooking', 'show', 'passion', 'food', 'makes', 'monica', 'assistant', 'show', 'isabella', 'performs', 'sacrifice', 'yemanja', 'brazilian', 'sea', 'goddess', 'harden', 'heart', 'make', 'never', 'love', 'toninho', 'back', 'brazil', 'toninho\\\\', 'restaurant', 'foundering', 'without', 'isabella', 'toninho', 'curses', 'yemanja', 'fishermen', 'stop', 'catching', 'fish', 'figures', 'isabella', 'gone', 'monica', 'follows', 'san', 'francisco', 'spots', 'television', 'tracks', 'studio', 'group', 'local', 'street', 'musicians', 'toninho', 'sneaks', 'studio', 'onto', 'set', 'serenading', 'isabella', 'live', 'broadcast', 'cliff', 'hires', 'toninho', 'musicians', 'show', 'isabella\\\\', 'objections', 'isabella', 'pursues', 'relationship', 'cliff', 'toninho', 'continues', 'trying', 'win', 'back', 'network', 'executives', 'offer', 'syndicate', 'isabella\\\\', 'show', 'nationally', 'demanding', 'number', 'changes', 'including', 'firing', 'monica', 'restaurant', 'closed', 'toninho', 'apologizes', 'yemanja', 'tells', 'stay', 'business', 'isabella', 'quits', 'show', 'makes', 'another', 'attempt', 'win', 'back', 'isabella', 'isabella', 'goes', 'take', 'elevator', 'motion', 'sickness', 'slows', 'enough', 'allow', 'toninho', 'depart', 'isabella', 'also', 'quits', 'show', 'rather', 'accept', 'changes', 'demanded', 'network', 'isabella', 'love', 'still', 'gone', 'wanting', 'returned', 'tries', 'cook', 'another', 'sacrifice', 'yemanja', 'finds', 'cooking', 'talent', 'gone', 'undaunted', 'monica', 'substitutes', 'boxed', 'macaroni', 'cheese', 'isabella', 'makes', 'second', 'offering', 'nearly', 'drowns', 'vision', 'yemanja', 'rejects', 'new', 'offering', 'isabella', 'goes', 'collect', 'things', 'television', 'studio', 'toninho', 'sent', 'monica', 'shows', 'suggests', 'cook', 'something', 'together', 'cook', 'fish', 'return', 'village', 'waters', 'yemanja', 'returns', 'isabella\\\\', 'original', 'offering', 'along', 'love', 'toninho', 'film', 'closes', 'toninho', 'isabella', 'operating', 'new', 'restaurant', 'equal', 'partners', 'cliff', 'monica', 'couple'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'sue\\\\', 'father', 'kevin', 'walking', 'back', 'drunk', 'all-nighter', 'local', 'pub', 'sue', 'goes', 'fetch', 'rita', 'home', 'babysit', 'bob', 'michelle', 'better-off', 'couple', 'live', 'nicer', 'part', 'city', 'couple', 'returns', 'later', 'michelle', 'pays', 'girls', 'tells', 'bob', 'give', 'lift', 'home', 'bob', 'however', 'drives', 'way', 'place', 'sex', 'nonchalantly', 'agree', 'girls', 'plan', 'make', 'regular', 'thing', 'time', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'finished', 'it\\\\', 'a.m.', 'sue', 'sneaks', 'house', 'hoping', 'everyone', 'bed', 'however', 'father', 'waiting', 'living', 'room', 'holding', 'baseball', 'bat', 'threatening', 'wrap', 'round', 'neck', 'sue', 'parents', 'proceed', 'argue', 'she\\\\', 'home', 'late', 'sue\\\\', 'mother', 'taking', 'daughter\\\\', 'side', 'father', 'gives', 'goes', 'bed', 'sue\\\\', 'mother', 'asks', 'truth', 'sue', 'repeats', 'lie', 'mother\\\\', 'disappointment', 'sue', 'gets', 'job', 'local', 'taxi', 'firm', 'meets', 'aslam', 'pakistani', 'boy', 'drives', 'firm', 'another', 'driver', 'make', 'bet', 'get', 'bed', 'first', 'sue', 'rebuffs', 'school', 'bob', 'shows', 'rita', 'sue\\\\', 'p.e', 'tennis', 'class', 'take', 'jump', 'rita', 'manages', 'get', 'permission', 'teacher', 'use', 'toilet', 'sue', 'denied', 'told', 'get', 'back', 'class', 'takes', 'anger', 'another', 'student', 'bob', 'takes', 'rita', 'family', 'friend\\\\', 'house', 'watching', 'away', 'sex', 'later', 'michelle', 'finds', 'package', 'condoms', 'bob\\\\', 'pants', 'ironing', 'bob', 'tells', 'mates', 'blowing', 'like', 'balloons', 'pub', 'fun', 'michelle', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'get', 'argument', 'argument', 'comes', 'michelle', 'frigid', 'reluctant', 'sex', 'frustrating', 'bob', 'also', 'turns', 'bob', 'previously', 'affair', 'discovered', 'michelle', 'found', 'mistress\\\\', 'bracelet', 'bed', 'mistress', 'also', 'babysitter', 'michelle', 'goes', 'upstairs', 'get', 'ready', 'planned', 'night', 'rita', 'sue', 'babysitting', 'bob', 'warns', 'girls', 'michelle', 'ask', 'questions', 'try', 'trick', 'convince', 'michelle', 'bob', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'sleeping', 'either', 'night', 'bob', 'michelle', 'start', 'arguing', 'time', 'front', 'rita', 'sue', 'desperately', 'try', 'laugh', 'michelle', 'takes', 'anger', 'tells', 'stop', 'laughing', 'storms', 'bed', 'part', 'rita', 'sue', 'angrily', 'storm', 'home', 'they\\\\', 'expecting', 'bob', 'sex', 'night', 'michelle', 'decides', 'let', 'bob', 'sex', 'stop', 'going', 'women', 'goes', 'badly', 'next', 'day', 'school', 'trip', 'sue', 'gets', 'fight', 'classmate', 'calls', 'slag', 'later', 'rita', 'sue', 'skip', 'school', 'meet', 'bob', 'hoping', 'make', 'previous', 'night', 'bob', \"can\\\\'t\", 'get', 'erection', 'embarrassing', 'leaving', 'rita', 'sue', 'unsatisfied', 'takes', 'club', 'instead', 'michelle\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'mavis', 'happens', 'spots', 'bob', 'girls', 'bob', 'warns', 'panicked', 'girls', 'mavis', 'surely', 'tell', 'michelle', 'saw', 'together', 'next', 'morning', 'mavis', 'tells', 'michelle', 'saw', 'michelle', 'storms', 'rita\\\\', 'house', 'drags', 'mavis\\\\', 'car', 'takes', 'sue\\\\', 'flat', 'confront', 'bob', 'tow', 'michelle', 'bob', 'rita', 'sue', 'sue\\\\', 'parents', 'big', 'argument', 'front', 'neighbours', 'good', 'laugh', 'including', 'old', 'man', 'across', 'street', 'cheers', 'parents', 'michelle', 'blames', 'girls', 'slutty', 'sue', 'retorts', 'reason', 'bob', 'cheats', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'enough', 'sex', 'michelle', 'turns', 'bob', 'goes', 'home', 'ransacks', 'house', 'children', 'leave', 'taxi', 'never', 'return', 'next', 'day', 'sue', 'goes', 'rita\\\\', 'house', 'walk', 'school', 'together', 'rita', 'tells', 'longer', 'going', 'school', 'bob', 'asked', 'move', 'also', 'reveals', 'pregnant', 'bob\\\\', 'child', 'bob', 'arrives', 'take', 'away', 'enraged', 'sue', 'tells', 'get', 'lost', 'sue', 'dates', 'aslam', 'rebound', 'get', 'bob', 'rita', 'cinema', 'hideaway', 'start', 'kissing', 'sue\\\\', 'flat', 'aslam', 'meets', 'parents', 'father', 'comes', 'home', 'pub', 'drunk', 'shouts', 'racist', 'comments', 'aslam', 'sue', 'leave', 'months', 'later', 'sue', 'finds', 'rita', 'miscarried', 'visits', 'hospital', 'way', 'bob', 'approaches', 'sue', 'invites', 'another', 'escapade', 'sue', 'refuses', 'saying', 'she\\\\', 'staying', 'faithful', 'aslam', 'she\\\\', 'living', 'bob', 'drops', 'sue', 'house', 'aslam', 'attacks', 'sue', 'thinking', 'sex', 'bob', 'later', 'bob\\\\', 'house', 'rita', 'sex', 'bob', 'accidentally', 'says', 'sue\\\\', 'name', 'angry', 'rita', 'leaves', 'confront', 'sue', 'gets', 'finds', 'aslam', 'attacking', 'sue', 'defending', 'rita', 'kicks', 'knees', 'sue', 'kicks', 'groin', 'disabling', 'enough', 'sue', 'rita', 'escape', 'back', 'bob\\\\', 'house', 'rita', 'tends', 'sue\\\\', 'wounds', 'aslam', 'shows', 'bob\\\\', 'door', 'refuse', 'let', 'aslam', 'tries', 'find', 'way', 'break', 'trying', 'convince', 'sue', 'come', 'back', 'almost', 'gets', 'bay', 'doors', 'rita', 'runs', 'locks', 'tries', 'plead', 'sue', 'threatening', 'suicide', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'come', 'back', 'faking', 'pain', 'sue', 'starting', 'give', 'police', 'arrive', 'street', 'neighbor', 'called', 'aslam', 'runs', 'police', 'pursuit', 'bob', 'returns', 'home', 'rita', 'tells', 'letting', 'sue', 'move', 'upstairs', 'bob', 'goes', 'get', 'bath', 'goes', 'bedroom', 'finds', 'girls', 'naked', 'bed', 'dives', 'bed'], ['orphaned', 'unwanted', 'child', 'jane', 'eyre', 'lives', 'aunt', 'mrs.', 'reed', 'gateshead', 'hall', 'jane', 'aunt', 'glad', 'mrs.', 'reed', 'arranges', 'jane', 'sent', 'lowood', 'institution', 'charity', 'boarding', 'school', 'run', 'harsh', 'reverend', 'brocklehurst', 'based', 'mrs.', 'reed', 'told', 'brocklehurst', 'labels', 'jane', 'liar', 'front', 'inmates', 'stand', 'stool', 'rest', 'first', 'day', 'comforted', 'befriended', 'another', 'student', 'helen', 'burns', 'later', 'jane', 'protests', 'brocklehurst', 'orders', 'helen', 'naturally', 'curling', 'hair', 'cut', 'result', 'punished', 'made', 'walk', 'around', 'around', 'rain', 'dr.', 'rivers', 'john', 'sutton', 'sympathetic', 'physician', 'periodically', 'checks', 'students', 'brings', 'back', 'inside', 'late', 'helen', 'dies', 'night', 'ten', 'years', 'later', '1829', 'jane', 'turns', 'brocklehurst', 'offer', 'position', 'teacher', 'advertises', 'accepts', 'position', 'governess', 'young', 'girl', 'named', 'adele', 'first', 'arrives', 'thornfield', 'gloomy', 'isolated', 'mansion', 'initially', 'mistakes', 'mrs.', 'fairfax', 'employer', 'housekeeper', 'absent', 'master', 'jane', 'goes', 'walk', 'one', 'night', 'startle', 'horse', 'throwing', 'slightly', 'injuring', 'rider', 'employer', 'edward', 'rochester', 'back', 'thornfield', 'interviews', 'night', 'jane', 'awakened', 'strange', 'laughter', 'investigates', 'discovers', 'mr.', 'rochester', 'bed', 'curtains', 'fire', 'rouses', 'sleeping', 'man', 'together', 'put', 'fire', 'without', 'rousing', 'anyone', 'else', 'rochester', 'bids', 'wait', 'goes', 'another', 'wing', 'house', 'mysterious', 'seamstress', 'grace', 'poole', 'keeps', 'returns', 'tells', 'nothing', 'matter', 'control', 'next', 'morning', 'leaves', 'thornfield', 'winter', 'spring', 'returns', 'large', 'group', 'guests', 'jane', 'greatly', 'saddened', 'mrs.', 'fairfax', 'confides', 'everyone', 'expects', 'rochester', 'marry', 'blanche', 'ingram', 'however', 'rochester', 'informs', 'jane', 'conviction', 'miss', 'ingram', 'attracted', 'great', 'wealth', 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'funds', 'exhausted', 'returns', 'gateshead', 'finds', 'aunt', 'suffered', 'stroke', 'caused', 'worry', 'ruinous', 'behaviour', 'son', 'committed', 'suicide', 'reconciliation', 'mrs.', 'reed', 'dies', 'jane', 'pondering', 'hears', 'anguished', 'beloved', 'voice', 'thin', 'air', 'calling', 'name', 'travels', 'thornfield', 'finds', 'ruins', 'mrs.', 'fairfax', 'informs', 'lunatic', 'escaped', 'set', 'place', 'fire', 'fled', 'roof', 'rochester', 'tried', 'rescue', 'jumped', 'killed', 'blinded', 'burning', 'stairway', 'collapsed', 'underneath', 'impediments', 'joyfully', 'returns', 'narrates', 'son', 'born', 'vision', 'sufficiently', 'restored', 'see', 'child'], ['roger', 'willoughby', 'well-known', 'fishing', 'expert', 'works', 'abercrombie', 'fitch', 'co.', 'abigail', 'page', 'brash', 'flighty', 'public', 'relations', 'woman', 'page', 'determined', 'secure', 'willoughby', 'participation', 'prestigious', 'fishing', 'tournament', 'discover', 'willoughby', 'phony', 'mdash', 'never', 'fished', 'life', 'threatening', 'reveal', 'secret', 'abigail', 'forces', 'roger', 'fake', 'way', 'tournament', 'willoughby', 'proves', 'supremely', 'inept', 'fish', 'set', 'tent', 'run', 'even', 'board', 'motorboat', 'even', 'swim', 'demonstrates', 'toppling', 'plunging', 'straight', 'lakebed', 'time', 'ventures', 'fishing', 'vein', 'screwball', 'genre', 'dialog', 'fast', 'overlapping', 'humor', 'broad', 'slapstick', 'multiple', 'levels', 'deception', 'abound', 'decidedly', 'adversarial', 'relationship', 'constantly', 'teeters', 'edge', 'romance'], ['film', 'set', 'year', '1938', 'india', 'still', 'british', 'rule', 'child', 'marriage', 'common', 'practice', 'back', 'widows', 'diminished', 'position', 'society', 'expected', 'spend', 'lives', 'poverty', 'worship', 'god', 'widow', 're-marriages', 'legalized', 'colonial', 'laws', 'practice', 'largely', 'considered', 'taboo', 'chuyia', 'seven-year-old', 'girl', 'loses', 'husband', 'keeping', 'traditions', 'widowhood', 'dressed', 'coarse', 'white', 'sari', 'head', 'shaven', 'deposited', 'ashram', 'hindu', 'widows', 'spend', 'rest', 'life', 'renunciation', 'fourteen', 'women', 'live', 'small', 'dilapidated', 'two-story', 'house', 'sent', 'expiate', 'bad', 'karma', 'well', 'relieve', 'families', 'financial', 'emotional', 'burdens', 'ashram', 'ruled', 'madhumati', 'manorama', 'fat', 'pompous', 'lady', '70s', 'friend', 'pimp', 'gulabi', 'sprightly', 'hijra', 'keeps', 'madhumati', 'supplied', 'ganja', 'also', 'latest', 'gossip', 'two', 'also', 'side', 'business', 'gulabi', 'helps', 'madhumati', 'prostitute', 'kalyani', 'second-youngest', 'widows', 'taking', 'across', 'water', 'customers', 'kalyani', 'forced', 'prostitution', 'child', 'support', 'ashram', 'shakuntala', 'perhaps', 'enigmatic', 'widows', 'attractive', 'witty', 'sharp', 'also', 'one', 'widows', 'read', 'exudes', 'enough', 'anger', 'even', 'madhumati', 'leaves', 'alone', 'quiet', 'reserved', 'shakuntala', 'caught', 'hatred', 'widow', 'fear', 'sincere', 'dedicated', 'widow', 'shakuntala', 'devout', 'hindu', 'seeks', 'counsel', 'sadananda', 'gentle-looking', 'priest', 'late', 'forties', 'recites', 'scriptures', 'pilgrims', 'throng', 'ghats', 'holy', 'city', 'makes', 'shakuntala', 'aware', 'situation', 'eventually', 'giving', 'necessary', 'intellectual', 'input', 'separate', 'true', 'faith', 'hypocrisy', 'superstition', 'makes', 'widows', 'lives', 'misery', 'attached', 'chuyia', 'deprived', 'liberties', 'freedom', 'choices', 'young', 'age', 'sees', 'reflected', 'chuyia', 'strives', 'give', 'lacked', 'chuyia', 'convinced', 'stay', 'temporary', 'one', 'mother', 'come', 'take', 'away', 'thought', 'firmly', 'tucked', 'mind', 'widows', 'tolerating', 'certain', 'quantity', 'unconventional', 'behavior', 'young', 'girl', 'quickly', 'adapts', 'new', 'life', 'madhumati', 'sternly', 'initiates', 'widowhood', 'meanwhile', 'chuyia', 'befriends', 'beautiful', 'kalyani', 'younger', 'full', 'life', 'widows', 'ashram', 'witness', 'even', 'agent', 'kalyani', 'budding', 'romance', 'narayan', 'john', 'abraham', 'young', 'charming', 'upper-class', 'follower', 'mahatma', 'gandhi', 'gandhism', 'despite', 'initial', 'reluctance', 'kalyani', 'feels', 'attracted', 'young', 'man', 'eventually', 'buys', 'dream', 'marriage', 'fresh', 'life', 'calcutta', 'eventually', 'agrees', 'away', 'plan', 'disrupted', 'chuyia', 'innocence', 'inadvertently', 'blurts', 'secret', 'affair', 'narayan', 'massaging', 'madhumati', 'one', 'evening', 'enraged', 'losing', 'source', 'income', 'afraid', 'imminent', 'social', 'disgrace', 'madhumati', 'locks', 'kalyani', 'much', 'everyone', 'surprise', 'shakuntala', 'usually', 'god-fearing', 'widow', 'unlocks', 'door', 'hovel', 'lets', 'kalyani', 'meet', 'narayan', 'planned', 'rendezvous', 'ferries', 'across', 'river', 'take', 'home', 'journey', 'however', 'culminate', 'happy', 'ending', 'kalyani', 'hoped', 'recognizes', 'narayan', 'bungalow', 'one', 'former', 'clients', 'turns', 'narayan', 'son', 'one', 'men', 'slept', 'shock', 'realization', 'demands', 'turn', 'around', 'boat', 'take', 'back', 'confrontation', 'father', 'reveals', 'narayan', 'reason', 'kalyani', 'sudden', 'change', 'heart', 'disgusted', 'know', 'truth', 'decides', 'walk', 'father', 'join', 'mahatma', 'gandhi', 'arrives', 'ashram', 'take', 'kalyani', 'find', 'kalyani', 'drowned', 'grief', 'meanwhile', 'madhumati', 'sends', 'chuyia', 'away', 'gulabi', 'replacement', 'kalyani', 'waiting', 'client', 'shakuntala', 'finds', 'runs', 'prevent', 'worst', 'arrives', 'shore', 'time', 'chuyia', 'return', 'child', 'deeply', 'traumatized', 'barely', 'able', 'respond', 'cradling', 'chuyia', 'spends', 'night', 'sitting', 'shore', 'walking', 'town', 'chuyia', 'arms', 'hears', 'gandhi', 'train', 'station', 'ready', 'leave', 'town', 'intuitively', 'follows', 'crowd', 'receive', 'blessing', 'departure', 'train', 'departing', 'act', 'despair', 'shakuntala', 'runs', 'along', 'train', 'asking', 'people', 'take', 'chuyia', 'put', 'care', 'gandhi', 'spots', 'narayan', 'train', 'last', 'effort', 'gives', 'chuyia', 'train', 'departs', 'leaving', 'teary', 'eyed', 'shakuntala', 'behind', 'taking', 'chuyia', 'brighter', 'future'], [\"'this\", 'in-name-only', 'sequel', 'first', 'meatballs', 'summer', 'camp', 'movie', 'sets', 'camp', 'sasquatch', 'revolves', 'around', 'two', 'main', 'plots', 'owner', 'sasquatch', 'giddy', 'tries', 'keep', 'camp', 'open', 'hershey', 'owner', 'camp', 'patton', 'located', 'across', 'lake', 'wants', 'buy', 'entire', 'lake', 'area', 'camp', 'patton', 'giddy', 'suggests', 'settling', 'issue', 'traditional', 'end-of-the-summer', 'boxing', 'match', 'rights', 'lake', 'tough', 'inner', 'city', 'punk', 'named', 'flash', 'camp', 'sasquatch', 'community', 'service', 'counselor-in-training', 'flash', 'recruited', 'box', 'order', 'save', 'sasquatch', 'second', 'main', 'subplot', 'involves', 'cheryl', 'naive', 'teen', 'flash', 'sets', 'sights', 'cheryl\\\\', 'teenage', 'girl', 'co-campers', 'arrange', 'cheryl', 'see', 'man', 'naked', 'confesses', 'she\\\\', 'never', 'seen', 'pinky', 'also', 'movie', 'alien', 'also', 'staying', 'camp', 'summer'], [\"'steven\", 'carter', 'sixteen-year-old', 'middle-class', 'schoolboy', 'intelligent', 'good-looking', 'unathletic', 'introverted', 'bullied', 'school', 'misunderstood', 'home', 'confidant', 'neighbor', 'best', 'friend', 'linda', 'keeping', 'sexuality', 'hidden', 'everyone', 'else', 'cruises', 'public', 'toilets', 'surprised', 'find', 'school', 'jock', 'john', 'dixon', 'also', 'cruising', 'john', 'denies', 'gay', 'school', 'dance', 'steven', 'gains', 'friend', 'comforts', 'jessica', 'argument', 'boyfriend', 'also', 'bully', 'kevin', 'returns', 'home', 'john', 'follows', 'confides', 'sexuality', 'decide', 'start', 'relationship', 'word', 'around', 'school', 'spreads', 'someone', 'gay', 'school', 'john', 'fears', 'steven', 'telling', 'people', 'order', 'maintain', 'status', 'school', 'john', 'beats', 'steven', 'front', 'friends', 'steven', 'announces', 'front', 'assembly', 'gay', 'looks', 'john', 'support', 'end', 'john', 'apologizes', 'beating', 'says', 'loves', 'afraid', 'come', 'steven', 'breaks', 'wishing', 'happiness'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'singapore\\\\', 'chinatown', 'narrated', 'jen', 'fan', 'owner', 'successful', 'restaurant', 'signature', 'dish', 'chicken', 'rice', '-in', 'fact', 'rather', 'well', 'known', 'jen', 'three', 'sons', 'daniel', 'harry', 'gay', 'jen', 'determined', 'youngest', 'leo', 'way', 'enlists', 'help', 'friend', 'kim-chui', 'owns', 'nearby', 'restaurant', 'less', 'successful', 'jen', 'love', 'leo', 'become', 'life', 'pinning', 'hopes', 'grandchildren', 'kim-chui', 'hatch', 'plan', 'involves', 'bringing', 'sabine', 'female', 'french', 'exchange', 'student', 'stay', 'jen\\\\', 'house', 'sabine', 'arrives', 'leo', 'predictably', 'shows', 'little', 'interest', 'painfully', 'clear', 'except', 'jen', 'leo', 'love', 'best', 'friend', 'batman', 'sabine', 'laid-', 'back', 'mystical', 'outlook', 'family', 'warm', 'ultimately', 'helps', 'jen', 'come', 'terms', 'life', 'batman', 'suddenly', 'announces', 'leaving', 'singapore', 'jen', 'finally', 'realises', 'truth', 'leo\\\\', 'grief-stricken', 'face', 'strikes', 'fury', 'leaves', 'house', 'falls', 'stairs', 'chasing', 'injuring', 'ankle', 'time', 'later', 'jen', 'persuaded', 'sabine', 'attends', 'harry\\\\', 'birthday', 'party', 'meets', 'many', 'harry\\\\', 'gay', 'friends', 'finds', 'delightful', 'fun', 'another', 'obstacle', 'must', 'overcome', 'news', 'daniel\\\\', 'impending', 'gay', 'marriage', 'horrified', 'accept', 'film', 'ends', 'jen', 'finally', 'realising', 'wonderful', 'sons', 'despite', 'gay', 'may', 'also', 'consider', 'future', 'ever-loyal', 'kim-chui', 'left', 'open'], ['california', 'housewife', 'lucia', 'harper', 'attempts', 'cover', 'believes', 'daughter', 'geraldine', 'brooks', 'accidental', 'murder', 'undesirable', 'ex-lover', 'martin', 'donnelly', 'clean-shaven', 'smooth-talker', 'involved', 'organized', 'crime', 'tries', 'blackmail', 'lucia', 'threatening', 'take', 'bea', 'darby', 'correspondence', 'police', 'complications', 'arise', 'realizes', 'true', 'feelings', 'lucia', 'discovers', 'truth', 'donnelly', 'associate', 'nagel', 'initially', 'mysterious', 'figure', 'rows', 'colleague', 'murders', 'donnelly', 'dies', 'car', 'crash', 'corpse', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'normalcy', 'appears', 'return', 'lucia'], ['film', 'tells', 'two', 'parallel', 'stories', 'one', 'life', 'street', 'vendor', 'following', 'death', 'father', 'woman', 'meets', 'briefly', 'heads', 'trip', 'uncertain', 'duration', 'paris', 'lee', 'character', 'sells', 'watches', 'streets', 'taipei', 'sells', 'watch', 'chen', 'finds', 'overcome', 'desire', 'set', 'every', 'clock', 'sees', 'paris', 'time', 'jean-pierre', 'l챕aud', 'lead', 'actor', 'fran챌ois', 'truffaut', '400', 'blows', 'cameo', 'appearance', 'film'], ['movie', 'lesson', 'live', 'life', 'taking', 'lives', 'hari', 'aarthi', 'deaf', 'mute', 'meet', 'fall', 'love', 'get', 'married', 'child', 'bring', 'well', 'educated', 'gets', 'married', 'girl', 'similar', 'parents', 'help', 'hope', 'confidence', 'kindness', 'society', 'along', 'uncle', 'narayan', 'blind', 'tragedy', 'strikes', 'lives', 'well', 'lose', 'first', 'child', 'thanks', 'kanu', 'greed', 'never', 'give', 'hope', 'life', 'one', 'instance', 'entire', 'movie', 'think', 'ending', 'live', 'life', 'fight', 'succeed', 'bigger', 'scale', 'normal', 'person'], [\"'alex\", 'antoine', 'jeff', 'manu', 'friends', 'lives', 'achieved', 'professional', 'goals', 'therefore', 'seems', 'going', 'well', 'suddenly', 'death', 'father', 'wife', 'infidelity', 'daughter', 'wedding', 'affects', 'brings', 'closer', 'together', 'forced', 'confront', 'situations', 'beyond', 'control', 'share', 'feelings', 'support', 'question', 'true', 'meaning', 'lives', 'realise', 'relationship', 'women', 'heart', 'problems', 'conversations', 'conflicts'], [\"'the\", 'canfield', 'mckay', 'families', 'feuding', 'long', 'one', 'remembers', 'reason', 'feud', 'started', 'first', 'place', 'one', 'stormy', 'night', '1810', 'family', 'patriarch', 'john', 'mckay', 'falls', 'victim', 'feud', 'wife', 'mrs.', 'mckay', 'decides', 'son', 'willie', 'mckay', 'suffer', 'fate', 'relocates', 'new', 'york', 'live', 'sister', 'mother\\\\', 'death', 'raises', 'without', 'telling', 'feud', 'twenty-one', 'years', 'later', 'willie', 'receives', 'letter', 'informing', 'father\\\\', 'estate', 'name', 'aunt', 'tells', 'feud', 'decides', 'return', 'birthplace', 'anyway', 'claim', 'inheritance', 'train', 'ride', 'meets', 'girl', 'virginia', 'shy', 'first', 'arrive', 'invites', 'dinner', 'house', 'greeted', 'family', 'canfields', 'soon', 'canfield', 'paterfamilias', 'knows', 'young', 'mckay', 'town', 'he\\\\', 'coming', 'dinner', 'night', 'affirms', 'blood', 'feud', 'continue', 'decrees', 'mckay', 'must', 'die', 'canfield', 'house', 'sons', 'take', 'mean', 'anywhere', 'beyond', 'walls', 'house', 'willie', 'fair', 'game', 'father', 'refers', 'hospitality', 'fictionalized', 'version', 'southern', 'code', 'hospitality', 'meanwhile', 'mckay', 'oblivious', 'seriousness', 'situation', 'manages', 'dodge', 'bullets', 'without', 'really', 'meaning', 'mckay', 'estate', 'turns', 'perfectly', 'uninhabitable', 'soon', 'arriving', 'canfield', 'house', 'mckay', 'learns', 'canfields\\\\', 'house', 'kill', 'inside', 'parson', 'comes', 'visit', 'parson', 'prepares', 'leave', 'opening', 'door', 'finds', 'tremendous', 'downpour', 'rain', 'outside', 'canfield', 'patriarch', 'insists', 'parson', 'stay', 'house', 'night', 'mckay', 'invites', 'stay', 'night', 'also', 'next', 'morning', 'mckay', 'best', 'stay', 'inside', 'house', 'canfield', 'men', 'try', 'lure', 'father', 'catches', 'mckay', 'kissing', 'daughter', 'mckay', 'decides', 'longer', 'keep', 'trying', 'stay', 'house', 'leaves', 'putting', 'woman\\\\', 'dress', 'first', 'he\\\\', 'able', 'elude', 'canfield', 'men', 'way', 'mountain', 'waterfalls', 'willie', 'trips', 'falls', 'rapids', 'virginia', 'goes', 'rowboat', 'overcome', 'current', 'winds', 'approaching', 'edge', 'waterfall', 'resourceful', 'fearless', 'effort', 'mckay', 'swings', 'trapeze-like', 'rope', 'catching', 'hands', 'pulling', 'nearby', 'embankment', 'mid-fall', 'grows', 'dark', 'canfield', 'men', 'decide', 'kill', 'mckay', 'next', 'day', 'back', 'home', 'find', 'gun', 'cabinet', 'completely', 'empty', 'another', 'room', 'see', 'willie', 'virginia', 'embracing', 'bedclothes', 'assuming', 'fornication', 'elder', 'canfield', 'furiously', 'ignores', 'hospitality', 'rushes', 'room', 'gun', 'hand', 'clearer', 'view', 'reveals', 'parson', 'completing', 'nuptials', 'willie', 'virginia', 'realizing', 'wrong', 'violence', 'thanks', 'hanging', 'love', 'thy', 'neighbor', 'sampler', 'father', 'blesses', 'union', 'calls', 'feud', 'ordering', 'family', 'disarm', 'canfields', 'place', 'individual', 'pistols', 'desk', 'willie', 'surrenders', 'guns', 'took', 'gun', 'cabinet'], ['film', 'centres', 'around', 'character', 'rahul', 'seth', 'young', 'rich', 'indo-canadian', 'living', 'toronto', 'whose', 'widowed', 'mother', 'anxious', 'get', 'married', 'freak-accidental', 'death', 'caucasian', 'pop', 'singer', 'girlfriend', 'kimberly', 'furthermore', 'mother', 'proclaims', 'impending', 'wedding', 'daughter', 'twinky', 'bobby', 'take', 'place', 'rahul', 'found', 'bride', 'first', 'pressure', 'mounts', 'rahul', 'finds', 'twinky', 'must', 'get', 'married', 'preserve', 'family', 'reputation', 'pregnant', 'rahul', 'goes', 'bar', 'meets', 'sue', 'thinking', 'spanish', 'escort', 'hires', 'pose', 'fianc챕e', 'rahul', 'eventually', 'discovers', 'sue', 'actually', 'indian', 'despite', 'initial', 'anger', 'lie', 'two', 'grow', 'closer', '봡ue', 'small', 'part', 'confidence', 'boost', 'sue', 'gave', 'rahul', 'tormented', 'younger', 'brother', 'govind', 'incorrectly', 'believes', 'one', 'cares', 'welfare', '봞nd', 'eventually', 'consider', 'one', 'another', 'fit', 'match', 'pleased', 'mrs.', 'seth', 'agrees', 'sanction', 'twinky', 'wedding', 'rahul', 'sue', 'grow', 'intimate', 'later', 'share', 'stories', 'pasts', 'revealed', 'sue', 'offered', 'bride', 'well-meaning', 'dim-witted', 'prizefighter', 'known', 'killer', 'khalsa', 'offended', 'parents', 'would', 'even', 'consider', 'match', 'playing', 'mischief', 'revenge', 'mischief', 'fully', 'explained', 'liking', 'suggested', 'audacity', 'sue', 'quite', 'immune', 'social', 'norms', 'speaks', 'bluntly', 'particularly', 'rocky', 'rahul', 'driver', 'knows', 'famous', 'drag', 'queen', 'blossoming', 'romance', 'shaken', 'however', 'rahul', 'told', 'sue', 'escort', 'prostitute', 'well', 'drunken', 'friend', 'bobby', 'bachelor', 'party', 'sue', 'hurt', 'would', 'question', 'honesty', 'integrity', 'leaves', 'forced', 'confess', 'family', 'never', 'really', 'courted', 'sue', 'merely', 'bribed', 'act', 'part', 'fiancee', 'mother', 'forced', 'withdraw', 'sponsorship', 'twinky', 'wedding', 'due', 'promise', '봟ut', 'need', 'twinky', 'wedding', 'already', 'taken', 'place', 'well', 'planned', 'date', 'prodded', 'understanding', 'shakespeare-quoting', 'grandmother', 'rahul', 'goes', 'sue', 'professes', 'true', 'opinion', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'well', 'sue', 'initially', 'turns', 'found', 'later', 'driver', 'seat', 'limo', 'show', 'acceptance', 'proposal'], ['year', 'fantasizing', 'asking', 'worker', 'stanley', 'finally', 'asks', 'diana', 'evans', 'date', 'two', 'venture', 'first', 'date', 'stanley', 'hits', 'homeless', 'man', 'phil', 'car', 'events', 'follow', 'far', 'night', 'romance', 'stanley', 'planned', 'happening', 'stan', 'co-workers', 'including', 'friend', 'michael', 'monitoring', 'date', 'stan', 'diana', 'betting', 'far', 'stan', 'get', 'beautiful', 'diana'], [\"'in\", '1993', 'jerry', 'shepard', 'guide', 'antarctica', 'research', 'base', 'contract', 'national', 'science', 'foundation', 'ucla', 'professor', 'dr.', 'davis', 'mcclaren', 'arrives', 'base', 'presses', 'shepard', 'take', 'mount', 'melbourne', 'attempt', 'find', 'rare', 'meteorite', 'planet', 'mercury', 'shepard', 'intuition', 'tells', 'late', 'season', 'complete', 'treacherous', 'route', 'worried', 'snowmobiles', 'breaking', 'thinning', 'ice', 'falling', 'crevasse', 'shepard', 'tells', 'boss', 'mcclaren', 'way', 'get', 'mount', 'melbourne', 'dog', 'sled', 'shepard', 'mcclaren', 'make', 'mount', 'melbourne', 'immediately', 'called', 'back', 'base', 'camp', 'due', 'approaching', 'storm', 'mcclaren', 'begs', 'time', 'shepard', 'gives', 'half', 'day', 'mcclaren', 'finds', 'looking', 'two', 'head', 'back', 'sled', 'shepard', 'pauses', 'patch', 'one', 'dogs', 'whose', 'paw', 'bleeding', 'mcclaren', 'walking', 'around', 'get', 'better', 'radio', 'connection', 'base', 'slides', 'embankment', 'soft', 'ledge', 'gives', 'way', 'landing', 'bottom', 'cracks', 'thin', 'ice', 'mcclaren', 'ends', 'breaking', 'shepard', 'able', 'get', 'lead', 'dog', 'maya', 'take', 'rope', 'mcclaren', 'dog', 'team', 'pulls', 'water', 'battle', 'hypothermia', 'frostbite', 'near', 'whiteout', 'conditions', 'shepard', 'mcclaren', 'rely', 'dogs\\\\', 'stamina', 'keen', 'sense', 'direction', 'get', 'back', 'base', 'injured', 'people', 'immediately', 'evacuated', 'along', 'personnel', 'due', 'storm', 'expected', 'intensify', 'much', 'weight', 'plane', 'carry', 'people', 'dogs', 'human', 'team', 'medically', 'evacuates', 'shepard', 'mcclaren', 'plan', 'return', 'later', 'dogs', 'dogs', 'temporarily', 'left', 'behind', 'storm', 'worse', 'expected', 'harsh', 'weather', 'conditions', 'shortage', 'supplies', 'mcmurdo', 'station', 'soon', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'rescue', 'attempted', 'next', 'spring', 'back', 'home', 'shepard', 'guilt-ridden', 'leaving', 'dogs', 'stops', 'working', 'antarctic-conditions', 'guide', 'five', 'months', 'later', 'heart-to-heart', 'session', 'older', 'veteran', 'guide', 'shepard', 'decides', 'throw', 'rescuing', 'dogs', 'leaving', 'trip', 'shepard', 'patches', 'things', 'mcclaren', 'tells', 'intentions', 'rescue', 'dogs', 'mcclaren', 'learns', 'shepard', 'enough', 'money', 'pay', 'trip', 'tells', 'help', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'mcclaren', 'sees', 'drawing', 'dog', 'team', 'made', 'young', 'son', 'title', 'hero', '...', 'dogs', 'saved', 'daddy', 'mcclaren', 'realizes', 'magnitude', 'ingratitude', 'uses', 'remaining', 'balance', 'grant', 'money', 'finance', 'rescue', 'mission', 'four', 'days', 'dogs', 'left', 'base', 'camp', 'eventually', 'break', 'free', 'chains', 'except', 'old', 'jack', 'old', 'jack', 'who\\\\', 'old', 'others', 'journey', 'dies', 'base', 'camp', 'despite', 'encouragement', 'break', 'free', 'maya', 'dogs', 'begin', 'hunting', 'seals', 'sea', 'gulls', 'penguins', 'order', 'keep', 'starving', 'however', 'one', 'night', 'whilst', 'looking', 'southern', 'lights', 'one', 'dogs', 'dewey', 'falls', 'steep', 'slope', 'fatally', 'injured', 'dogs', 'show', 'affection', 'teammate', 'dewey', 'succumbs', 'injuries', 'dies', 'dogs', 'eventually', 'move', 'youngest', 'dog', 'max', 'stays', 'dewey', 'little', 'longer', 'separated', 'rest', 'max', 'finds', 'way', 'back', 'mcclaren', 'fell', 'ice', 'earlier', 'spots', 'dead', 'orca', 'eats', 'attacked', 'nearby', 'leopard', 'seal', 'fiercely', 'guards', 'meal', 'dogs', 'also', 'find', 'way', 'dead', 'orca', 'max', 'gets', 'leopard', 'seal\\\\', 'attention', 'rest', 'eat', 'leopard', 'seal', 'quickly', 'sees', 'what\\\\', 'happening', 'bites', 'maya', 'leg', 'nearly', 'kills', 'max', 'dogs', 'fiercely', 'chase', 'maya', 'manages', 'survive', 'leg', 'seriously', 'injured', 'rest', 'pack', 'continue', 'hunt', 'food', 'maya', 'refuses', 'food', 'brought', 'gives', 'pack', 'leadership', 'max', 'shown', 'bravery', 'leadership', 'compassion', 'dogs', 'manage', 'find', 'way', 'close', 'base', 'camp', 'shepard', 'rescue', 'team', 'arriving', 'shepard', 'five', 'dogs', 'happy', 'reunion', 'shepard', 'gets', 'ready', 'car', 'leave', 'max', 'refuses', 'max', 'leads', 'jerry', 'injured', 'maya', 'able', 'rescue', 'well', 'team', 'leaves', 'base', 'return', 'home', 'six', 'dogs', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'grave', 'old', 'jack', 'dewey'], ['janie', 'barlow', 'young', 'dancer', 'reduced', 'stripping', 'burlesque', 'show', 'arrested', 'indecent', 'exposure', 'bailed', 'millionaire', 'playboy', 'tod', 'newton', 'attracted', 'slumming', 'theatre', 'society', 'pals', 'tries', 'get', 'part', 'broadway', 'musical', 'tod', 'intercedes', 'director', 'patch', 'gallagher', 'get', 'job', \"'ll\", 'put', 'money', 'show', 'janie', 'given', 'part', 'chorus', 'even', 'though', 'needs', 'money', 'patch', 'resistant', 'sees', 'janie', 'dance', 'realizes', 'talent', 'hard', 'work', 'perseverance', 'janie', 'elevated', 'star', 'part', 'ndash', 'replacing', 'vivian', 'warner', 'ndash', 'tod', 'afraid', \"'ll\", 'lose', 'chance', 'gaining', 'affection', 'becomes', 'star', 'closes', 'show', 'janie', 'work', 'goes', 'away', 'patch', 'starts', 'rehearsals', 'using', 'money', 'janie', 'returns', 'finds', 'tod', 'deceived', 'manipulated', 'things', 'behind', 'scenes', 'dumps', 'joins', 'new', 'sweetheart', 'patch', 'put', 'show', 'smash', 'hit'], ['grayson', 'traveling', 'carnival', 'comes', 'munich', 'acts', 'include', 'high-dive', 'artist', 'frank', 'collini', 'silent', 'strongman', 'groppo', 'local', 'girl', 'named', 'willi', 'picks', 'pocket', 'joe', 'works', 'carny', 'ends', 'offered', 'job', 'joe', 'makes', 'romantic', 'advances', 'willi', 'tries', 'resist', \"n't\", 'collini', 'asks', 'would', 'like', 'become', 'part', 'act', 'involves', 'diving', 'flaming', 'tank', 'water', 'great', 'height', 'also', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'willi', 'first', 'night', 'part', 'show', 'magazine', 'photographer', 'bill', 'comes', 'take', 'picture', 'great', 'collinis', 'fame', 'grows', 'collini', 'gives', 'beating', 'joe', 'catching', 'willi', 'whereupon', 'plunges', 'death', 'rung', 'high-dive', 'ladder', 'breaks', 'willi', 'inherits', '5,000', 'joe', 'spends', 'night', 'next', 'morning', 'gone', 'money', 'eventually', 'gets', 'joe', 'confess', 'sawed', 'collini', 'rung', 'two', 'deliberately', 'causing', 'death', 'quarrel', 'strongman', 'groppo', 'comes', 'willi', 'rescue', 'kills', 'joe', 'led', 'away', 'police'], [\"'magnolia\", 'hawks', 'eighteen-year-old', 'family\\\\', 'show', 'boat', 'cotton', 'palace', 'travels', 'mississippi', 'river', 'putting', 'shows', 'meets', 'gaylord', 'ravenal', 'charming', 'gambler', 'falls', 'love', 'eventually', 'marries', 'together', 'baby', 'daughter', 'couple', 'leaves', 'boat', 'moves', 'chicago', 'live', 'gaylord\\\\', 'gambling', 'winnings', 'ten', 'years', 'experiences', 'especially', 'bad', 'losing', 'streak', 'leaves', 'magnolia', 'sense', 'guilt', 'ruining', 'life', 'losses', 'magnolia', 'forced', 'bring', 'young', 'daughter', 'alone', 'reunited', 'repentant', 'ravenal', 'twenty-three', 'years', 'parallel', 'plot', 'julie', 'laverne', 'forced', 'leave', 'boat', 'background', 'taking', 'steve', 'baker', 'julie', 'eventually', 'also', 'abandoned', 'husband', 'consequently', 'becomes', 'alcoholic', 'presumably', 'never', 'recovers', 'husband', 'steve', 'also', 'presumably', 'never', 'returns', 'julie', 'magnolia\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'days', 'show', 'boat', 'secretly', 'enables', 'become', 'success', 'stage', 'chicago', 'ravenal', 'abandoned', 'magnolia', 'film\\\\', 'significant', 'change', 'show', 'magnolia', 'ravenal', 'reunited', 'theatre', 'kim', 'daughter', 'appearing', 'first', 'broadway', 'starring', 'role', 'rather', 'back', 'show', 'boat', 'stage', 'production', 'film', 'versions', 'final', 'sequence', 'however', 'retain', 'reprises', 'songs', 'love', 'ol\\\\', 'man', 'river'], [\"'zazel\", 'title', 'character', 'world-famous', 'artist', 'commissioned', 'create', 'arousing', 'perfume', 'ever', 'course', 'devising', 'scent', 'zazel', 'variously', 'paints', 'pictures', 'views', 'photographs', 'wanders', 'among', 'flowers', 'garden', 'experience', 'inspiring', 'envision', 'powerful', 'sexual', 'fantasy', 'film', 'consists', 'nearly', 'dozen', 'individually', 'themed', 'sequences', 'reference', 'recreate', 'iconography', 'drawn', 'mythology', 'religion', 'literature', 'film', 'even', 'jungian', 'psychology', 'include', 'sirens', 'water', 'nymphs', 'mermaids', 'flowers', 'jungle', 'three', 'musketeers', 'classic', 'old', 'hollywood', 'movies', 'angels', 'demons', 'jungian', 'duality', 'male', 'female', 'sequence', 'features', 'imaginative', 'novel', 'treatment', 'sexual', 'activity', 'based', 'themes', 'well', 'several', 'visual/anatomical', 'puns', 'achieved', 'strategic', 'use', 'body', 'paint', 'fetishistic', 'costumes', 'accessories', 'trompe', \"l\\\\'oeil\", 'camera', 'placement', 'editing', 'trickery', 'notable', 'sasha', 'vinni', 'plays', 'zazel', 'also', 'narrates', 'film', 'never', 'heterosexual', 'intercourse', 'scenes', 'simply', 'masturbates', 'engages', 'lesbian', 'activities', 'female', 'performers', 'opening', 'sequence', 'sasha', 'vinni', 'emerges', 'pond', 'blue', 'siren', 'nude', 'body', 'painted', 'bright', 'blue', 'multiple', 'arms', 'appear', 'gesticulate', 'behind', 'like', 'avatar', 'hindu', 'god', 'vishnu', 'performs', 'cunnilingus', 'water', 'nymph', 'sasha', 'vinni', 'zazel', 'sits', 'desk', 'airbrushes', 'image', 'flower', 'visual', 'pun', 'created', 'petals', 'start', 'move', 'contract', 'reveal', 'artfully', 'painted', 'labial', 'folds', 'sasha', 'vinni', 'appears', 'assistant', 'male', 'lover/tattoo', 'artist', 'played', 'devin', 'deray', 'sasha', 'vinni', 'shaves', 'lene', 'hefner\\\\', 'crotch', 'spa', 'razor', 'rinses', 'urn', 'full', 'water', 'tattoo', 'artist', 'designs', 'colorful', 'flower', 'pattern', 'hefner\\\\', 'vulva', 'trio', 'engage', 'sex', 'jungle', 'sequence', 'sasha', 'vinni\\\\', 'nude', 'body', 'artfully', 'painted', 'tiger', 'stripes', 'writhes', 'crawls', 'tropical', 'vegetation', 'scene', 'ends', 'close-up', 'shot', 'woman', 'tiger\\\\', 'face', 'painted', 'buttocks', 'woman', 'rides', 'man\\\\', 'penis', 'creating', 'illusion', 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'sasha', 'vinni', 'appear', 'begins', 'gina', 'lamarca', 'seductress', 'wearing', 'ornate', 'white', 'pasties', 'breasts', 'matching', 'white', 'crotch', 'guard', 'gyrating', 'bed', 'fetish', 'accessories', 'soon', 'removed', 'male', 'partner', 'engage', 'various', 'sexual', 'activities', 'cross-cutting', 'man\\\\', 'final', 'ejaculation', 'belly', 'also', 'seen', 'performing', 'tumbling', 'dive', 'swimming', 'pool', 'holding', 'hands', 'resurfacing', 'embrace', 'cuddle', 'water', 'sasha', 'vinni', 'performs', 'sensuous', 'erotic', 'dance', 'one', 'half', 'face', 'body', 'painted', 'dressed', 'woman', 'skirt', 'half', 'made', 'mustachioed', 'man', 'wearing', 'suit', 'vinni', 'takes', 'turns', 'showing', 'female', 'male', 'side', 'camera', 'half', 'remains', 'hidden', 'shadow', 'view', 'sequence', 'concludes', 'outlandish-looking', 'woman', '봲haven-headed', 'except', 'teased-up', 'lemon', 'blonde', 'mohawk', 'spangled', 'clothespins', 'fastened', 'nipples', '봶ho', 'seen', 'fellating', 'ornate', 'glass', 'perfume', 'bottle', 'penultimate', 'sequence', 'film', 'sasha', 'vinni', 'nikie', 'st.', 'gilles', 'appear', 'mermaids', 'outfitted', 'tail', 'fins', 'dispense', 'mermaid', 'accessories', 'engage', 'lesbian', 'activities', 'blue', 'siren', 'sequence', 'cunnilingus', 'activity', 'filmed', 'underwater', 'diablo', \"d\\\\'inferno\", 'sequence', 'features', 'anna', 'romero', 'she-devil', 'fetishistic', 'red', 'latex', 'devil\\\\', 'costume', '봮utfitted', 'red', 'latex', 'horns', 'red', 'latex', 'ballet', 'boots', 'open-bottomed', 'red', 'latex', 'hot', 'pants', 'long', 'red', 'latex', 'forked', 'devil\\\\', 'tail', 'protruding', 'red', 'flared', 'dildo', 'attachment', 'embedded', 'rectum', 'sequence', 'lower', 'portion', 'screen', 'filled', 'digitally', 'superimposed', 'flames', 'atmospheric', 'effect', 'she-devil', 'sneaks', 'behind', 'zazel', 'sitting', 'table', 'airbrushing', 'design', 'she-devil', 'costume', 'decapitates', 'artist', 'scythe', 'she-devil', 'crawls', 'around', 'zazel\\\\', 'freshly', 'severed', 'head', 'placed', 'upon', 'table', 'she-devil', 'thrusts', 'vulva', 'zazel\\\\', 'face', 'scene', 'continues', 'she-devil', 'sex', 'gargoyle', 'demon', 'man', 'ends', 'vaginal/anal', 'double', 'penetration'], [\"'christopher\", 'atkins', 'plays', 'rick', 'monroe', 'jock', 'popular', 'guy', 'college', 'titusville', 'florida', 'outspoken', 'overconfident', 'lesley', 'ann', 'warren', 'plays', 'faye', 'hanlon', 'rick\\\\', 'speech', 'professor', 'prim', 'proper', 'end', 'final', 'report', 'class', 'rick', 'cracks', 'joke', 'faye', 'amused', 'decides', 'fail', 'make', 'take', 'course', 'faye', 'going', 'slump', 'marriage', 'whitney', 'rocket', 'scientist', 'lost', 'job', 'faye\\\\', 'free-spirited', 'sister', 'patsy', 'visiting', 'chicago', 'takes', 'strip', 'club', 'cheer', 'show', 'features', 'performer', 'called', 'ricky', 'rocket', 'none', 'faye\\\\', 'student', 'rick', 'notices', 'faye', 'crowd', 'gives', 'special', 'lap', 'dance', 'next', 'day', 'faye', 'rick', 'run', 'school', 'function', 'initially', 'rick', 'interested', 'convincing', 'faye', 'allow', 'another', 'chance', 'final', 'rebuffed', 'realizes', 'attracted', 'begins', 'flirting', 'faye', 'arranges', 'meet', 'patsy', 'near', 'hotel', 'discover', 'tricked', 'seeing', 'another', 'performance', 'ricky', 'rocket', 'patsy', 'must', 'return', 'home', 'day', 'early', 'turns', 'use', 'hotel', 'room', 'faye', 'calls', 'whitney', 'lies', 'patsy', 'staying', 'patsy\\\\', 'hotel', 'together', 'coincidentally', 'rick\\\\', 'mother', 'works', 'hotel', 'visiting', 'mother', 'rick', 'runs', 'faye', 'return', 'faye\\\\', 'room', 'sex', 'faye', 'must', 'leave', 'absence', 'rick', 'invites', 'girlfriend', 'slick', 'room', 'sex', 'faye', 'catches', 'shower', 'humiliated', 'flees', 'realizes', 'she\\\\', 'whitney', 'returning', 'home', 'unsuccessful', 'job', 'interview', 'discovers', 'patsy', 'gone', 'home', 'whitney', 'travels', 'hotel', 'catches', 'rick', 'he\\\\', 'exiting', 'whitney', 'kidnaps', 'rick', 'gunpoint', 'takes', 'rick', 'boat', 'small', 'dock', 'forces', 'strip', 'rick', 'sobbing', 'complies', 'whitney', 'threatens', 'rick', 'repeatedly', 'end', 'shoots', 'holes', 'boat', 'leaving', 'naked', 'rick', 'aboard', 'sinks', 'faye', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'whitney', 'waiting', 'apologizes', 'forgives', 'end', 'couple', 'talk', 'problems', 'resolve'], [\"'wyatt\", 'trips', 'student', 'twin', 'cities', 'college', 'minneapolis', 'minnesota', 'long-distance', 'relationship', 'high', 'school', 'girlfriend', 'kimberly', 'jasney', 'currently', 'student', 'university', 'memphis', 'trips', 'loves', 'kim', 'even', 'though', 'never', 'consummated', 'relationship', 'one', 'day', 'trips', 'calls', 'kim', 'roommate\\\\', 'reply', 'leads', 'believe', 'kim', 'cheating', 'guy', 'named', 'ricker', 'heartbroken', 'goes', 'strip', 'club', 'gets', 'drunk', 'becomes', 'acquainted', 'one', 'club\\\\', 'dancers', 'ivy', 'miller', 'suggests', 'trips', 'get', 'back', 'kim', 'sending', 'abusive', 'letter', 'topless', 'picture', 'ivy', 'trips', 'complies', 'sending', 'package', 'global', 'express', 'overnight', 'delivery', 'service', 'next', 'morning', 'trips', 'discovers', 'ricker', 'fact', 'kim\\\\', 'girlfriend\\\\', 'dog', 'kim', 'dogsit', 'regretting', 'mistake', 'realizes', 'hours', 'retrieve', 'package', 'gets', 'trips', 'ivy', 'global', 'express', 'office', 'chance', 'encounter', 'spiteful', 'classmate', 'trips\\\\', 'refuses', 'help', 'trips', 'tries', 'talk', 'deliveryman', 'giving', 'package', 'thinks', 'trips', 'spy', 'company', 'refuses', 'break', 'rules', 'trips', 'buys', 'air', 'ticket', 'memphis', 'co-passenger', 'turns', 'serial', 'killer', 'john', 'dwayne', 'beezly', 'takes', 'hostage', 'trips', 'escapes', 'runs', 'ivy', 'road', 'fearing', 'went', 'back', 'airport', 'fbi', 'would', 'question', 'would', 'make', 'memphis', 'time', 'begs', 'ivy', 'drive', 'way', 'happen', 'upon', 'global', 'express', 'delivery', 'truck', 'gas', 'station', 'trips', 'breaks', 'truck', 'locates', 'package', 'truck', 'unexpectedly', 'drives', 'ivy', 'gives', 'chase', 'despite', 'efforts', 'fail', 'retrieve', 'package', 'next', 'stop', 'des', 'moines', 'iowa', 'airport', 'officials', 'allow', 'trips', 'board', 'connecting', 'flight', 'decide', 'travel', 'st.', 'louis', 'missouri', 'board', 'another', 'connecting', 'flight', 'route', 'st.', 'louis', 'argument', 'leads', 'accident', 'ends', 'vehicle', 'falling', 'river', 'dinner', 'cowboy', 'diner', 'try', 'run', 'check', 'get', 'arrested', 'posting', 'bail', 'let', 'happen', 'upon', 'delivery', 'truck', 'outside', 'diner', 'deliveryman', 'dinner', 'trips', 'decides', 'empty', 'truck\\\\', 'gas', 'tank', 'order', 'stall', 'carelessly', 'flung', 'cigarette', 'butt', 'sets', 'fire', 'gas', 'causes', 'truck', 'explode', 'even', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'stop', 'deliveryman', 'drives', 'trips', 'ivy', 'steal', 'drunk\\\\', 'car', 'drive', 'kim\\\\', 'campus', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'ivy', 'trips', 'gives', 'chase', 'delivery', 'man', 'stops', 'time', 'meeting', 'kim', 'trips', 'suddenly', 'realizes', 'loves', 'ivy', 'kim', 'breaking', 'runs', 'another', 'guy', 'wearing', 'kind', 'locket', 'kim', 'gifted', 'long', 'back', 'trips', 'correctly', 'surmises', 'guy', 'none', 'ricker', 'kim', 'cheating', 'allows', 'delivery', 'man', 'deliver', 'package', 'confesses', 'love', 'ivy', 'kisses', 'passionately'], ['film', 'opens', 'moscow', 'airport', 'summer', '1963.', 'young', 'man', 'volodya', 'calls', 'young', 'woman', 'sees', 'singing', 'dancing', 'arriving', 'departing', 'waiting', 'arrivals', 'husband', 'lucky', 'someone', 'meet', 'get', 'married', \"'ll\", 'someone', 'well', 'happy', 'yes', 'never', 'happens', 'believe', 'happens', 'volodya', 'aspiring', 'writer', 'siberia', 'first', 'short', 'story', 'published', 'magazine', 'yunost', 'famous', 'author', 'voronin', 'invited', 'moscow', 'discuss', 'work', 'moscow', 'metro', 'volodya', 'unexpectedly', 'makes', 'friend', 'kolya', 'returning', 'home', 'hard', 'night', 'shift', 'volodya', 'wants', 'stay', 'old', 'friends', 'home', \"n't\", 'know', 'necessary', 'street', 'kolya', 'decided', 'help', 'find', 'unfortunately', 'dog', 'bites', 'volodya', 'near', 'clean', 'ponds', 'kolya', 'decided', 'help', 'new', 'friend', 'came', 'kolya', 'home', 'kolya', 'sews', 'volodya', 'trousers', 'introduces', 'kolya', 'large', 'family', 'volodya', 'recognised', 'old', 'moscow', 'friends', \"n't\", 'moscow', 'volodya', 'stays', 'kolya', 'volodya', 'goes', 'walk', 'last', 'alone', 'kolya', 'decided', 'sleep', 'came', 'old', 'friend', 'sasha', 'sasha', 'trouble', 'planning', 'marrying', 'fianc챕e', 'sveta', 'today', 'called', 'military', 'service', 'begs', 'kolya', 'help', 'kolya', 'helps', 'two', 'young', 'men', 'main', 'department', 'store', 'buy', 'suit', 'bridegroom', 'meet', 'volodya', 'friends', 'decided', 'buy', 'present', 'bride', 'music', 'shop', 'saleswoman', 'alyona', 'old', 'friend', 'kolya', '...'], ['san', 'francisco', 'man', 'teddy', 'pierce', 'amused', 'obsessed', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'whose', 'red', 'dress', 'goes', 'whooshing', 'head', 'gust', 'wind', 'crosses', 'grate', 'teddy', 'happily', 'married', 'didi', \"n't\", 'get', 'woman', 'mind', 'encouraged', 'friends', 'buddy', 'joe', 'michael', 'tries', 'ask', 'date', 'mistakenly', 'phones', 'ms.', 'milner', 'plain', 'ad-agency', 'employee', 'instead', 'teddy', 'ultimately', 'become', 'acquainted', 'woman', 'model', 'named', 'charlotte', 'begins', 'using', 'elaborate', 'ruses', 'see', 'socially', 'without', 'wife', 'finding', 'meanwhile', 'incurs', 'wrath', 'ms.', 'milner', 'stands', 'events', 'come', 'head', 'charlotte', 'high-rise', 'apartment', 'invites', 'teddy', 'bed', 'thrilled', 'airline', 'pilot', 'husband', 'suddenly', 'comes', 'home', 'teddy', 'ends', 'ledge', 'passersby', 'believe', 'potential', 'suicide', 'jump', 'sub', 'plot', 'film', 'concerns', 'teddy', 'friendship', 'three', 'friends', 'intimate', 'relationships', 'others', 'way', 'personal', 'decisions', 'intrigue', 'affect', 'teddy'], ['brown', 'sugar', 'film', 'follows', 'evolving', 'relationship', 'sidney', 'attractive', 'young', 'woman', 'appointed', 'editor-in-chief', 'hip-hop', 'magazine', 'xxl', 'dre', 'millennium', 'records', 'bound', 'together', 'since', 'early', 'childhood', 'news', 'dre', 'preparing', 'married', 'reese', 'successful', 'entertainment', 'attorney', 'sends', 'sidney', 'subconscious', 'tizzy', 'suddenly', \"n't\", 'seem', 'know', 'behave', 'around', 'dre', 'anymore', 'impulsive', 'kiss', 'eve', 'wedding', 'sends', 'fissures', 'doubt', 'cracking', 'every', 'direction', 'dre', 'gets', 'married', 'begins', 'settle', 'life', 'decision', 'sign', 'untalented', 'commercially', 'viable', 'rap', 'group', 'forces', 'dre', 'choose', 'love', 'true', 'hip', 'hop', 'job', 'subsequently', 'quits', 'job', 'start', 'record', 'company', 'focused', 'bringing', 'back', 'real', 'hip', 'hop', 'generation', 'fell', 'love', 'reese', 'however', 'understanding', 'thus', 'supportive', 'venture', 'additionally', 'sidney', 'draws', 'closer', 'dre', 'due', 'partnership', 'label', 'jealousy', 'develops', 'dre', 'sidney', 'friendship', 'sidney', 'also', 'begun', 'live', 'life', 'budding', 'relationship', 'kelby', 'receives', 'proposal', 'boyfriend', 'accepts', 'turmoil', 'ensues', 'dre', 'finds', 'reese', 'secret', 'liaisons', 'man', 'gym', 'dre', 'brings', 'sid', 'bust', 'act', 'leads', 'night', 'shared', 'passion', 'dre', 'sid', 'opens', 'sid', 'eyes', 'fact', 'prepared', 'get', 'married', 'kelby', 'calls', 'engagement', 'searching', 'dre', 'sees', 'reese', 'dre', 'parting', 'embrace', 'misconstrues', 'hot', 'waiting', 'cavi', 'first', 'single', 'play', 'angie', 'martinez', 'show', 'dre', 'hears', 'sid', 'talking', 'new', 'book', 'used', 'love', 'h.i.m', 'though', 'based', 'love', 'affair', 'hip', 'hop', 'really', 'chronicled', 'time', 'line', 'love', 'affair', 'dre', 'recognizes', 'rushes', 'station', 'confront', 'feelings', 'well', 'meanwhile', 'production', 'sid', 'cousin', 'francine', 'finally', 'asks', 'cavi', 'date', '...', 'something', 'trying', 'since', 'first', 'meeting', 'film', 'ends', 'cavi', 'song', 'playing', 'park', 'love', 'hip', 'hop', 'began', '...'], ['kelly', 'prostitute', 'shows', 'small', 'town', 'grantville', 'one', 'burg', 'long', 'string', 'quick', 'stops', 'run', 'chased', 'big', 'city', 'former', 'pimp', 'engages', 'quick', 'tryst', 'local', 'sheriff', 'griff', 'tells', 'stay', 'town', 'refers', 'cat-house', 'across', 'state', 'line', 'instead', 'decides', 'give', 'illicit', 'lifestyle', 'becoming', 'nurse', 'hospital', 'handicapped', 'children', 'griff', \"n't\", 'trust', 'reformed', 'prostitutes', 'however', 'continues', 'trying', 'run', 'town', 'kelly', 'falls', 'love', 'j.l', 'grant', 'wealthy', 'scion', 'town', 'founding', 'family', 'urbane', 'sophisticate', 'griff', 'best', 'friend', 'dream-like', 'courtship', 'even', 'kelly', 'admission', 'past', \"n't\", 'deter', 'grant', 'two', 'decide', 'marry', 'kelly', 'able', 'finally', 'convince', 'griff', 'truly', 'loves', 'grant', 'given', 'prostitution', 'good', 'agrees', 'best', 'man', 'shortly', 'wedding', 'kelly', 'arrives', 'grant', 'mansion', 'find', 'verge', 'molesting', 'small', 'girl', 'grinningly', 'tries', 'persuade', 'marry', 'arguing', 'deviant', 'one', 'understand', 'loves', 'kelly', 'strikes', 'phone', 'receiver', 'killing', 'instantly', 'jailed', 'heavy', 'interrogation', 'griff', 'must', 'convince', 'town', 'telling', 'truth', 'grant', 'death', 'kelly', 'tries', 'exonerate', 'one', 'disappointment', 'follows', 'another', 'enemies', 'old', 'new', 'parade', 'jailhouse', 'defame', 'despair', 'last', 'able', 'find', 'grant', 'victim', 'prove', 'innocence.', 'ref', 'namehttp', '//movies.nytimes.com/movie/34395/the-naked-kiss/overview', '|title2008-07-21', '|author10-29-1964', '|publisher=the', 'new', 'york', 'times'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'eve', 'world', 'war', 'roy', 'cronin', 'officer', 'british', 'military', 'seen', 'standing', 'nightscape', 'london', 'waterloo', 'bridge', 'reminiscing', 'earlier', 'period', 'life', 'paralleling', 'present', 'recalls', 'night', 'years', 'ago', 'outbreak', 'first', 'world', 'war', 'met', 'myra', 'lester', 'ballerina', 'love', 'life', 'hoped', 'make', 'wife', 'story', 'unrolls', 'flashback', 'roy', 'memories', 'reliving', 'night', 'events', 'followed', 'roy', 'myra', 'meet', 'waterloo', 'bridge', 'strike', 'immediate', 'rapport', 'one', 'parting', 'myra', 'invites', 'roy', 'attend', 'evening', 'ballet', 'performance', 'roy', 'already', 'enamored', 'sweet', 'demure', 'ballerina', 'cancels', 'dinner', 'appointment', 'fellow', 'officer', 'attend', 'ballet', 'show', 'end', 'roy', 'sends', 'note', 'myra', 'join', 'dinner', 'note', 'intercepted', 'directress', 'ballet', 'troupe', 'madame', 'olga', 'kirowa', 'forbids', 'myra', 'continuing', 'relationship', 'roy', 'progression', 'romance', 'meets', 'interference', 'madame', 'olga', 'fierce', 'overseer', 'dictatorial', 'power', 'professional', 'personal', 'lives', 'dancers', 'madame', 'olga', 'ultimately', 'learns', 'myra', 'disobedience', 'dismisses', 'ballet', 'troupe', 'myra', 'another', 'dancer', 'kitty', 'sided', 'friend', 'also', 'asked', 'leave', 'young', 'women', 'join', 'together', 'sharing', 'small', 'apartment', 'unable', 'find', 'legitimate', 'employment', 'face', 'dire', 'financial', 'situation', 'belatedly', 'myra', 'believed', 'kitty', 'working', 'stage', 'performer', 'learns', 'friend', 'working', 'prostitute', 'earn', 'living', 'roy', 'deployed', 'active', 'military', 'duty', 'assuring', 'myra', 'family', 'look', 'safeguard', 'welfare', 'away', 'subsequently', 'myra', 'roy', 'mother', 'lady', 'margaret', 'cronin', 'arrange', 'meet', 'teashop', 'first', 'introduction', 'pivotal', 'point', 'story', 'encounter', 'myra', 'finance', 'lady', 'cronin', 'prospective', 'mother-in-law', 'sets', 'motion', 'pivotal', 'events', 'shape', 'intertwined', 'fates', 'await', 'myra', 'roy', 'waiting', 'lady', 'cronin', 'arrival', 'myra', 'scans', 'newspaper', 'shocked', 'see', 'fianc챕', 'roy', 'listed', 'among', 'casualty', 'list', 'war', 'dead', 'dazed', 'almost', 'immobilized', 'grief', 'recovering', 'faint', 'much', 'wine', 'meeting', 'roy', 'mother', 'awkward', 'session', 'miscommunication', 'things', 'said', 'things', 'misapprehended', 'humble', 'background', 'myra', 'reticent', 'apprehensive', 'presence', 'duchess', 'aristocratic', 'yet', 'kindly', 'lady', 'cronin', 'reveal', 'knowledge', 'roy', 'reported', 'death', 'lady', 'cronin', 'gracefully', 'retreats', 'baffled', 'myra', 'behavior', 'proud', 'reach', 'roy', 'mother', 'help', 'heartbroken', 'myra', 'feeling', 'hopeless', 'subsequently', 'takes', 'prostitution', 'next', 'transpires', 'tragic', 'denouement', 'love', 'lost', 'found', 'lost', 'forever', 'frequenting', 'usual', 'haunt', 'railroad', 'station', 'offering', 'departing', 'arriving', 'soldiers', 'myra', 'confronted', 'phantom', 'sees', 'roy', 'man', 'long', 'thought', 'dead', 'reality', 'alive', 'well', 'reconciliation', 'occurs', 'roy', 'joyous', 'myra', 'bittersweet', 'life', 'leads', 'marked', 'reputation', 'feels', 'beyond', 'redemption', 'unworthy', 'roy', 'love', 'takes', 'life', 'wheels', 'truck', 'traversing', 'waterloo', 'bridge', 'location', 'love', 'affair', 'began', 'ultimately', 'comes', 'end'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'leo', 'openly', 'gay', 'man', 'celebrating', '30th', 'birthday', 'arrives', 'home', 'unhappy', 'find', 'surprise-party', 'organised', 'roommates', 'darren', 'angie', 'full', 'swing', 'leo', 'complicated', 'personal', 'history', 'guests', 'hides', 'bedroom', 'feeling', 'grumpy', 'old', 'movie', 'goes', 'extended', 'flashback', 'explains', 'history', 'turns', 'work', 'colleague', 'encouraged', 'leo', 'attend', 'weekly', 'men\\\\', 'group', 'run', 'new', 'age', 'type', 'goofball', 'keith', 'whose', 'wife', 'sybil', 'leo', 'meets', 'hunky', 'irishman', 'brendan', 'develops', 'crush', 'reluctantly', 'reveals', 'group', 'however', 'brendan', 'straight', 'lives', 'ex-girlfriend', 'sally', 'later', 'revealed', 'leo\\\\', 'high', 'school', 'sweetheart', 'series', \"\\\\'iron\", 'john\\\\', 'group', 'exercises', 'leads', 'brendan', 'leo', 'develop', 'friendship', 'bond', 'becomes', 'clear', 'brendan\\\\', 'curiosity', 'towards', 'leo', 'starts', 'grow', 'sexual', 'escalade', 'men\\\\', 'group', 'one', 'groupsmen', 'become', 'jealous', 'leo\\\\', 'friendship', 'brendan', 'leo', 'brendan', 'fights', 'lad', 'leo', 'friendship', 'soon', 'become', 'brendan', 'appears', 'unexpectedly', 'late', 'one', 'night', 'leo\\\\', 'door', 'sleeps', 'become', 'something', 'couple', 'consternation', 'one', 'man', 'men\\\\', 'group', 'though', 'encourages', 'another', 'terry', 'con', \"o\\\\'neill\", 'explore', 'sexuality', 'meanwhile', 'flamboyant', 'darren', 'met', 'real', 'estate', 'agent', 'jeremy', 'gets', 'kick', 'sex', 'houses', 'sale', 'given', 'keys', 'however', 'interested', 'couply', 'things', 'despite', 'darren\\\\', 'attempts', 'eventually', 'leads', 'sex', 'handcuffs', 'blindfolds', 'bedroom', 'house', 'sally', 'market', 'unexpectedly', 'returns', 'home', 'jeremy', 'abandons', 'darren', 'dumps', 'leo', 'gets', 'close', 'sally', 'ends', 'kissing', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'leaves', 'panic', 'ends', 'telling', 'brendan', 'happened', 'goes', 'ballistic', 'still', 'feelings', 'sally', 'leo', 'finds', 'quandary', 'decides', 'confess', 'sally', 'one', 'seeing', 'brendan', 'inadvertently', 'brendan', 'leaves', 'brendan', 'face', 'sally', 'film', 'returns', 'party', 'brendan', 'terry', 'get', 'argument', 'leo', 'take', 'outside', 'brendan', 'punches', 'terry', 'nose', 'crumples', 'brendan', 'asks', 'drink', 'thus', 'brendan', 'starts', 'dating', 'leo\\\\', 'work', 'colleague', 'angie', 'get', 'together', 'jeremy', 'darren', 'make', 'leo', 'sleeps', 'sally'], ['1913', 'sentimental', 'parisian', 'prostitute', 'offers', 'freely', 'handsome', 'soldier', 'resembles', 'true', 'love', 'seeking', 'take', 'advantage', 'opportunities', 'lovemaking', 'soldier', 'seduces', 'lonely', 'housemaid', 'goes', 'make', 'conquests', 'returning', 'home', 'despondent', 'maid', 'allows', 'employer', 'son', 'make', 'love', 'encouraged', 'experience', 'young', 'gentleman', 'consummates', 'desire', 'married', 'woman', 'refreshed', 'love', 'session', 'married', 'woman', 'makes', 'bold', 'overtures', 'stuffy', 'husband', 'later', 'takes', 'midinette', 'mistress', 'ambitious', 'young', 'woman', 'forsakes', 'author', 'hopes', 'write', 'play', 'instead', 'pursues', 'established', 'actress', 'affair', 'years', 'little', 'success', 'however', 'actress', 'finds', 'satisfaction', 'young', 'men', 'brief', 'affair', 'count', 'young', 'officer', 'following', 'encounter', 'count', 'embarks', 'night', 'wild', 'revelry', 'morning', 'finds', 'flat', 'sentimental', 'prostitute', 'time', 'collects', 'fee', 'services', 'cycle', 'love', 'complete'], [\"'pat\", 'pemberton', 'brilliant', 'athlete', 'except', 'domineering', 'fianc챕', 'around', 'ladies', 'golf', 'championship', 'reach', 'gets', 'flustered', 'presence', 'final', 'holes', 'wants', 'get', 'married', 'forget', 'whole', 'thing', 'give', 'easily', 'enlists', 'help', 'mike', 'conovan', 'slightly', 'shady', 'sports', 'promoter', 'together', 'face', 'mobsters', 'jealous', 'boxer', 'growing', 'mutual', 'attraction'], [\"'sex\", 'love', 'lies', 'bed-hopping', 'mistaken', 'identities', 'abound', 'pop', 'musical-comedy', 'set', 'madrid', 'gorgeous', 'paula', 'breaks', 'boyfriend', 'pedro', 'order', 'continue', 'affair', 'javier', 'immature', 'javier', 'however', 'unwilling', 'break', 'current', 'girlfriend', 'sonia', 'confess', 'affair', 'pedro', 'happens', 'best', 'friend'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'chronicling', 'dinapoli', 'siblings', 'antoinette', 'domenico', 'frank', 'jr.', 'growing', 'whenever', 'young', 'dom', 'became', 'upset', 'something', 'one', 'thing', 'mother', 'comfort', 'feed', 'nursing', 'crying', 'middle', 'night', 'baby', 'giving', 'cannoli', 'urinated', 'baby', 'brother', 'he\\\\', 'changed', 'dom', 'grew', 'love', 'food', 'trait', 'shared', 'equally', 'obese', 'cousin', 'salvatore', 'sal', 'suddenly', 'dies', 'young', 'age', 'entire', 'family', 'grieves', 'prompts', 'antoinette', 'urge', 'dom', 'visit', 'diet', 'doctor', 'sal', 'supposed', 'visit', 'copy', 'cousin\\\\', 'unhealthy', 'eating', 'habits', 'drive', 'early', 'grave', 'well', 'dom', 'reluctant', 'agrees', 'begins', 'realize', 'signs', 'obesity', 'ruining', 'health', 'examination', 'dom', 'heartbroken', 'given', 'new', 'diet', 'plan', 'sees', 'long', 'list', 'things', 'longer', 'eat', 'always', 'loved', 'diets', 'fail', 'dom\\\\', 'eating', 'habits', 'begin', 'drive', 'sister', 'crazy', 'enlists', 'chubby', 'checkers', 'support', 'group', 'meanwhile', 'dom', 'meets', 'lydia', 'owns', 'town', 'antique', 'shop', 'quickly', 'falls', 'love', 'realize', 'lot', 'common', 'self-conscious', 'weight', 'fears', 'rejection', \"can\\\\'t\", 'bring', 'ask', 'depressed', 'dom', 'seeks', 'comfort', 'chubby', 'checkers', 'sonny', 'oscar', 'turn', 'little', 'help', 'reminiscing', 'favorite', 'desserts', 'dishes', 'drives', 'pig-out', 'party', 'kitchen', 'help', 'brother', 'antoinette', 'frankie', 'bring', 'dom', 'lydia', 'together', 'two', 'begin', 'dating', 'dating', 'lydia', 'dom', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'realize', 'eating', 'less', 'less', 'shocked', 'discover', 'loosely', 'clothes', 'fit', 'matter', 'weeks', 'finally', 'dom', 'decides', 'propose', 'lydia', 'drops', 'apartment', 'finds', 'gone', 'sign', 'worries', 'much', 'ends', 'eating', 'chinese', 'takeout', 'food', 'supposed', 'pick', 'family', 'party', 'point', 'frankie', 'antoinette', 'finally', 'begin', 'think', 'dom', 'crazy', 'dom', 'begins', 'think', 'well', 'fit', 'self-loathing', 'blames', 'mother', 'constantly', 'feeding', 'realizes', 'thought', 'best', 'love', 'way', 'siblings', 'need', 'accept', 'dom', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'lydia', 'hospital', 'boston', 'visiting', 'younger', 'brother', 'admitted', 'accidentally', 'chopping', 'finger', 'dom', 'flies', 'help', 'lydia', 'care', 'injured', 'sibling', 'two', 'take', 'walk', 'hospital', 'watch', 'newborn', 'babies', 'nursery', 'dom', 'whispers', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'lydia\\\\', 'ear', 'replies', 'yes', 'film', 'ends', 'photo', 'montage', 'now-married', 'dom', 'lydia', 'newborn', 'babies', 'photo', 'showing', 'lydia', 'holding', 'new', 'baby', 'previous', 'child', 'grows'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'takes', 'place', 'period', 'six', 'days', 'footage', 'fictional', 'pop', 'group', 'dessert', 'opening', 'movie', 'closing', 'credits', 'tokyo', 'may', '27th', 'teenage', 'schoolgirls', 'commit', 'mass', 'suicide', 'throwing', 'front', 'oncoming', 'train', 'shortly', 'hospital', 'two', 'nurses', 'commit', 'suicide', 'jumping', 'window', 'locations', 'rolls', 'flesh', 'found', 'missing', 'skin', 'matching', 'removed', 'flesh', 'corpses', 'three', 'detectives', 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'call', 'boy', 'warned', 'second', 'suicide', 'wave', 'point', 'upon', 'conversations', 'conclusion', 'kuroda', 'shoots', 'meanwhile', 'kiyoko', 'caught', 'group', 'led', 'costumed', 'man', 'named', 'genesis', 'whose', 'hideout', 'small', 'subterranean', 'bowling', 'alley', 'resides', 'four', 'glam-rock', 'cohorts', 'capture', 'genesis', 'performs', 'song', 'stomping', 'death', 'dogs', 'cats', 'bound', 'white', 'sacks', 'genesis\\\\', 'lair', 'kiyoko', 'e-mails', 'authorities', 'information', 'whereabouts', 'police', 'arrest', 'genesis', 'assumed', 'suicide', 'club', 'caught', 'june', 'mitsuko', 'goes', 'boyfriend\\\\', 'home', 'return', 'helmet', 'notices', 'dessert', 'posters', 'wall', 'recognizes', 'pattern', 'soon', 'boy', 'earlier', 'calls', 'tell', 'suicide', 'club', 'invite', 'secret', 'concert', 'june', 'mitsuko', 'sneaks', 'backstage', 'area', 'wanders', 'onto', 'stage', 'sees', 'group', 'children', 'audience', 'ask', 'series', 'questions', 'mitsuko', 'impresses', 'children', 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'boris', 'daniloff', 'becomes', 'interested', 'andrea', 'hearing', 'play', 'violin', 'time', 'progresses', 'olga', 'andrea', 'grow', 'closer', 'olga', 'tells', 'brother', 'andrea', 'talent', 'asks', 'meet', 'andrea', 'london', 'although', 'andrea', 'cares', 'deeply', 'sisters', 'knows', 'chance', 'start', 'career', 'leaves', 'olga', 'without', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'women', 'later', 'sends', 'letter', 'along', 'portrait', 'painted', 'olga', 'thanking', 'saving', 'life', 'sisters', 'travel', 'london', 'attend', 'andrea', 'first', 'public', 'performance'], ['sisters', 'kay', 'barbara', 'latimer', 'working', 'car', 'hops', 'texas', 'drive-in', 'restaurant', 'aunt', 'susan', 'cook', 'notified', 'expected', 'inheritance', '55,000', '4,000', 'taxes', 'fees', 'determined', 'marry', 'millionaire', 'kay', 'talks', 'barbara', 'susan', 'spending', 'money', 'trip', 'miami', 'hopes', 'hook', 'rich', 'man', 'resort', 'barbara', 'posing', 'kay', 'secretary', 'susan', 'maid', 'three', 'women', 'check', 'flamingo', 'hotel', 'make', 'acquaintance', 'jack', \"o'hara\", 'bartender', 'pontificates', 'hatred', 'fortune', 'hunters', 'jack', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'enamored', 'susan', 'believes', 'kay', 'level', 'promises', 'steer', 'away', 'gold', 'diggers', 'kay', 'finagles', 'invitation', 'party', 'hosted', 'rich', 'jeffrey', 'bolton', 'also', 'meets', 'phil', 'mcneil', 'heir', 'renowned', 'mcneil', 'mines', 'boyhood', 'friends', 'jeff', 'phil', 'begin', 'fierce', 'rivalry', 'kay', 'make', 'mind', 'two', 'handsome', 'men', 'notice', 'barbara', 'fallen', 'love', 'jeff', 'end', 'three', 'weeks', 'women', 'trouble', 'need', '150', 'pay', 'hotel', 'bill', 'susan', 'borrows', 'money', 'jack', 'proposed', 'realizing', 'needs', 'get', 'one', 'men', 'propose', 'evening', 'kay', 'brings', 'barbara', 'along', 'dance', 'keep', 'one', 'occupied', 'kay', 'gets', 'barbara', 'dance', 'jeff', 'talks', 'phil', 'fallen', 'love', 'phil', 'admits', 'broke', 'mcneil', 'mines', 'profitable', 'least', 'five', 'years', 'kay', 'confesses', 'came', 'miami', 'find', 'rich', 'spouse', 'pair', 'reluctantly', 'agree', 'pursue', 'partners', 'phil', 'tells', 'jeff', 'kay', 'loves', 'accepts', 'jeff', 'proposal', 'women', 'packing', 'leave', 'jeff', 'father', 'island', 'however', 'jack', 'overhears', 'talking', 'scheme', 'threatens', 'tell', 'jeff', 'locking', 'jack', 'bathroom', 'women', 'leave', 'island', 'meet', 'william', 'jeff', 'businessman', 'father', 'desperate', 'see', 'kay', 'phil', 'goes', 'island', 'volunteers', 'jeff', 'best', 'man', 'woman', 'also', 'stunned', 'arrival', 'jack', 'threatens', 'tell', 'determines', 'kay', 'really', 'love', 'jeff', 'night', 'party', 'jeff', 'throwing', 'kay', 'barbara', 'encourages', 'jeff', 'accept', 'challenging', 'job', 'south', 'america', 'escape', 'father', 'shadow', 'phil', 'admits', 'kay', 'loves', 'phil', 'trying', 'persuade', 'kay', 'belong', 'together', 'matter', 'jeff', 'enters', 'room', 'phil', 'kay', 'explain', 'going', 'get', 'married', 'jeff', 'acknowledges', 'loved', 'barbara', 'along', 'marry', 'soon', 'ends', 'well', 'susan', 'jack', 'also', 'come', 'romantic', 'conclusion', 'three', 'couples', 'begin', 'lives', 'together'], [\"'upon\", 'release', 'prison', 'hong', 'jong-du', 'goes', 'looking', 'relatives', 'seoul', 'brothers', 'moved', 'neither', 'mother', 'aware', 'jong-du', 'back', 'streets', 'serving', 'three-year', 'prison', 'term', 'hit-and-run', 'accident', 'older', 'brother', 'committed', 'quickly', 'discovers', 'absence', 'family', 'moved', 'without', 'telling', 'oblivious', 'society', 'rules', 'jong-du', 'ends', 'police', 'custody', 'non-payment', 'restaurant', 'bill', 'bailed', 'brother', 'reunited', 'estranged', 'family', 'reluctantly', 'take', 'back', 'slightly', 'retarded', 'incurable', 'social', 'misfit', 'jong-du', 'hired', 'delivery', 'boy', 'neighborhood', 'chinese', 'restaurant', 'recommendation', 'older', 'brother', 'awkward', 'attempt', 'reconciliation', 'jong-du', 'seeks', 'family', 'man', 'killed', 'hit-and-run', 'accident', 'finds', 'man', 'son', 'sang-shik', 'process', 'moving', 'apartment', 'sang-shik', 'leaving', 'cerebral', 'palsy-stricken', 'sister', 'gong-ju', 'behind', 'cared', 'neighbors', 'uses', 'disability', 'pension', 'supplement', 'lifestyle', 'family', 'horrified', 'jong-du', 'intrusion', 'told', 'leave', 'become', 'intrigued', 'gong-ju', 'jong-du', 'decides', 'woo', 'sending', 'flowers', 'spying', 'gong-ju', 'apartment', 'discovers', 'house', 'keys', 'hidden', 'later', 'lets', 'time', 'knows', 'alone', 'trying', 'reassure', 'pacify', 'startled', 'gong-ju', 'loses', 'control', 'starts', 'impose', 'helpless', 'young', 'woman', 'stopping', 'faints', 'classic', 'jong-', 'fashion', 'impulsively', 'leaves', 'phone', 'number', 'room', 'departs', 'gong-ju', 'would', 'know', 'find', 'fired', 'delivery', 'job', 'crashing', 'scooter', 'jong-du', 'given', 'opportunity', 'work', 'brother', 'auto', 'repair', 'shop', 'also', 'sleeps', 'night', 'couple', 'days', 'later', 'surprise', 'delight', 'gong-ju', 'calls', 'middle', 'night', 'number', 'secret', 'encounters', 'outings', 'several', 'times', 'nearly', 'discovered', 'jong-du', 'brother', 'neighbors', 'two', 'misfits', 'become', 'inseparable', 'uninhibited', 'wanting', 'share', 'feelings', 'jong-du', 'gong-ju', 'tells', 'frightened', 'shadow', 'tree', 'outside', 'window', 'reflects', 'picture', 'hanging', 'room', 'protective', 'yet', 'comforting', 'manner', 'jong-du', 'promises', 'gong-ju', 'longer', 'afraid', 'make', 'shadows', 'disappear', 'magic', 'adventures', 'outside', 'apartment', 'couple', 'faced', 'harsh', 'reality', 'discriminating', 'society', 'comforted', 'innocent', 'sanctity', 'shared', 'love', 'jong-du', 'naively', 'brings', 'gong-ju', 'mother', 'birthday', 'celebration', 'tempers', 'flare', 'last', 'thing', 'jong-du', 'older', 'brother', 'wants', 'socializing', 'family', 'member', 'hit', 'run', 'victim', 'wanting', 'feel', 'treated', 'like', 'woman', 'gong', 'invites', 'jong', 'back', 'apartment', 'make', 'love', 'brother', 'arrives', 'surprise', 'visit', 'chaos', 'erupts', 'jong', 'arrested', 'charged', 'raping', 'helpless', 'handicapped', 'woman', 'gong', 'family', 'makes', 'sure', 'one', 'hears', 'side', 'story', 'one', 'final', 'burst', 'passion', 'jong', 'escapes', 'police', 'rushes', 'gong', 'apartment', 'couple', 'manages', 'reaffirm', 'love', 'jong', 'fulfills', 'promise', 'making', 'shadows', 'disappear', 'climbing', 'tree', 'adjacent', 'apartment', 'cutting', 'branches', 'falling', 'hauled', 'prison'], [\"'evie\", 'harris', 'washed-up', 'alcoholic', 'aging', 'c-list', 'actress', 'star', 'kinetoscope', 'stage', 'television', 'film', 'works', 'special', 'christmas', 'evie', 'vaudeville-era', 'appearances', 'promoting', \"\\\\'dr\", 'vim\\\\', 'miracle', 'elixir', 'court', 'celebrities', 'kill', 'tabitha', 'lives', 'tackily', 'out-of-style', 'bungalow', 'coco', 'homely', 'lonely', 'doormat', 'spinster', 'carries', 'torch', 'handsome', 'young', 'doctor', 'performed', 'abortion', 'years', 'ago', 'evie\\\\', 'life', 'turned', 'upside-down', 'arrival', 'new', 'roommate', 'varla', 'simonds', 'voracious', 'starry-eyed', 'daughter', 'evie\\\\', 'rival', 'late', 'actress', 'marla', 'simonds', 'evie', 'acts', 'competitive', 'around', 'varla', 'especially', 'recognizes', 'growing', 'chemistry', 'young', 'up-and-comer', 'sweet', 'handsome', 'microscopically', 'endowed', 'son', 'ambulance', 'chasing', 'lawyer', 'stevie', 'varla', 'snags', 'plum', 'starring', 'role', 'commercials', 'bizzy', 'gal', 'dinners', 'tensions', 'jealousies', 'amongst', 'three', 'women', 'reach', 'boiling', 'point', 'treachery', 'soon', 'rears', 'ugly', 'head'], [\"'guy\", 'stone', 'blissfully', 'closeted', 'picking', 'tricks', 'one-night-stands', 'capturing', 'country\\\\', 'heart', 'america\\\\', 'eligible', 'bachelor', 'however', 'guy\\\\', 'carefully', 'managed', 'fa챌ade', 'collapses', 'comes', 'lead', 's.r.o', 'studio\\\\', 'version', 'ben-hur', 'things', 'turn', 'sour', 'film', 'idol', 'fellow', 'actor', 'freddie', 'stevens', 'decides', 'steal', 'lead', 'ben-hur', 'guy', 'taking', 'picture', 'guy', 'exiting', 'gay', 'bar', 'freddie', 'plans', 'guy', 'world', 'ruin', 'career', 'jerry', 'guy\\\\', 'repressed', 'lesbian', 'ball-bustingly', 'ambitious', 'agent', 'connives', 'cover', 'impending', 'outing', 'ensure', 'guy', 'role', 'ben-hur', 'marrying', 'client', 'great', 'fanfare', 'studio', 'head\\\\', 'secretary', 'sally', 'happens', 'also', 'slavishly', 'devoted', 'guy', 'stone', 'fan', 'however', 'sally', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'aware', 'marriage', 'sham', 'avoid', 'adoring', 'new', 'bride', 'much', 'possible', 'guy', 'jerry', 'sign', 'onto', 'next', 'available', 'film', 'turns', \"\\\\'blood\", 'mine\\\\', 'disastrously', 'arch', 'pro-union', 'film', 'corrupt', 'goings', 'coal', 'mine', 'studio', 'head', 'fear', 'red-baiting', 'going', 'hollywood', 'time', 'decides', 'true', 'hollywood', 'stereotype', 'rather', 'stop', 'production', 'film', 'instead', 'water', 'pro-union', 'content', 'wherever', 'possible', 'young', 'idealistic', 'terribly', 'handsome', 'writer', 'novel', 'film', 'based', 'rick', 'foster', 'quickly', 'gets', 'roped', 'convoluting', 'plot', 'already-bad', 'adaptation', 'heartfelt', 'book', 'largely', 'chance', 'meeting', 'film\\\\', 'star', 'guy', 'attraction', 'two', 'men', 'feel', 'one', 'another', 'instantaneous', 'propels', 'rest', 'plot', 'forward'], ['high', 'school', 'student', 'brad', 'unrequited', 'crush', 'classmate', 'named', 'brooke', 'years', 'asks', 'come', 'one', 'night', 'tutor', 'ends', 'wanting', 'sex', 'wants', 'safe', 'sex', 'condom', 'use', 'trojan', 'title', 'obvious', 'pun', 'trojan', 'quest', 'buy', 'condoms', 'runs', 'sorts', 'trouble', 'dad', 'jaguar', 'gets', 'stolen', 'wrecked', 'run-in', 'crazy', 'bus', 'driver', 'held', 'hostage', 'pursued', 'school', 'janitor', 'accuses', 'tagging', 'odd', 'pair', 'hispanic', 'siblings', 'think', 'david', 'hasselhoff', 'brooke', 'dog', 'brooke', 'jealous', 'boyfriend', 'kyle', 'homeless', 'man', 'wants', 'two', 'dollars', 'nearly', 'arrested', 'finally', 'receiving', 'condom', 'police', 'officer', 'releases', 'realizes', 'perfect', 'girl', 'along', 'best', 'friend', 'leah', 'feelings', 'long', 'time', 'unbeknownst', 'brad', 'finally', 'brad', 'realizes', 'feelings', 'leah', 'also', 'discovering', 'brooke', 'great', 'thought', 'finds', 'wants', 'one', 'night', 'stand', 'instead', 'relationship', 'brad', 'runs', 'find', 'leah', 'admits', 'feelings', 'kissing', 'moonlight', 'end', 'credits', 'brad', 'parents', 'shocked', 'sight', 'left', 'car', 'tow', 'truck', 'driver', 'brings', 'back'], ['story', 'sees', 'brother', 'sister', 'tom', 'ellen', 'bowen', 'stars', 'show', 'every', 'night', 'seven', 'broadway', 'success', 'persuaded', 'take', 'show', 'london', 'capitalising', 'imminent', 'royal', 'wedding', 'ship', 'ellen', 'meets', 'quickly', 'falls', 'love', 'impoverished', 'socially', 'well', 'connected', 'aristocrat', 'lord', 'john', 'brindale', 'whilst', 'casting', 'show', 'london', 'tom', 'falls', 'love', 'newly', 'engaged', 'dancer', 'anne', 'ashmond', 'tom', 'assists', 'anne', 'reconcile', 'estranged', 'parents', 'also', 'asks', 'agent', 'locate', 'anne', 'supposed', 'fiancee', 'chicago', 'discover', 'married', 'carried', 'away', 'emotion', 'wedding', 'two', 'couples', 'decide', 'also', 'married', 'day'], [\"'catherine\", 'discovers', 'husband', 'bernard', 'cheating', 'decides', 'pay', 'parisian', 'prostitute', 'nathalie', 'affair', 'husband', 'report', 'back'], [\"'viola\", 'hastings', 'high', 'school', 'soccer', 'player', 'cornwall', 'cut', 'girls\\\\', 'soccer', 'team', 'request', 'join', 'boys', 'team', 'refused', 'misogynistic', 'coach', 'finds', 'way', 'play', 'cornwall\\\\', 'rival', 'illyria', 'viola\\\\', 'twin', 'brother', 'sebastian', 'james', 'kirk', 'supposed', 'enter', 'illyria', 'new', 'student', 'since', 'instead', 'going', 'contest', 'london', 'fledgling', 'band', 'sebastian', 'asks', 'viola', 'cover', 'telling', 'school', 'sick', 'parents', 'thinks', 'staying', 'viola', 'instead', 'decides', 'pass', 'sebastian', 'join', 'boys\\\\', 'soccer', 'team', 'illyria', 'hopes', 'beat', 'cornwall', 'team', 'humiliate', 'cocky', 'sexist', 'goalie', 'ex-boyfriend', 'justin', 'robert', 'hoffman', 'plays', 'rival', 'team', 'help', 'stylist', 'friend', 'paul', 'girlfriends', 'viola', 'becomes', 'quirky', 'sebastian', 'illyria', 'viola\\\\', 'roommate', 'duke', 'orsino', 'good-looking', 'striker', 'soccer', 'team', 'tryouts', 'see', 'viola', 'assigned', 'second', 'string', 'much', 'dismay', 'meanwhile', 'sebastian\\\\', 'lab', 'partner', 'olivia', 'develops', 'crush', 'frustrates', 'duke', 'likes', 'olivia', 'exchange', 'sebastian\\\\', 'help', 'getting', 'olivia\\\\', 'attention', 'duke', 'agrees', 'put', 'extra', 'soccer', 'practice', 'time', 'coach', 'dinklage', 'eventually', 'moves', 'sebastian', 'first', 'string', 'delighted', '쏶ebastian', 'reminded', 'message', 'mother', 'junior', 'league', 'carnival', 'siblings', 'promised', 'attend', 'due', 'fact', 'duke', 'mother', 'also', 'part', 'junior', 'league', 'must', 'well', '쏶ebastian', 'forced', 'switch', 'sebastian', 'whole', 'time', 'trying', 'avoid', 'mother', 'monique', 'sebastian\\\\', 'ex-girlfriend', 'discovered', 'impersonating', 'brother', 'viola', 'trying', 'run', 'around', 'brother', 'jobs', 'carnival', 'duke', 'misses', 'chance', 'olivia', 'shift', 'kissing', 'booth', 'disappointed', 'replacement', 'turns', '쏶ebastian', 'sister', 'viola', 'duke', 'viola', 'meet', 'first', 'time', 'exchange', 'kiss', 'kissing', 'booth', 'interrupted', 'viola', 'ex-boyfriend', 'justin', 'duke', 'justin', 'get', 'fight', 'decide', 'finish', 'battle', 'soccer', 'field', 'duke', 'realizes', 'might', 'crushing', 'olivia', 'viola', 'well', 'olivia', 'goes', 'date', 'duke', 'make', 'sebastian', 'jealous', 'remaining', 'far', 'interested', 'duke', 'encouraged', 'viola', 'decides', 'directly', 'sebastian', 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'playing', 'anyway', 'sternly', 'informing', 'cornwall', 'coach', 'illyria', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'discriminate', 'based', 'gender', 'calls', 'coach', 'sexist', 'ways', 'illyria', 'wins', 'game', 'penalty', 'kick', 'viola', 'scores', 'goal', 'past', 'justin', 'everyone', 'illyria', 'celebrates', 'victory', 'cornwall', 'except', 'duke', 'hurt', 'viola\\\\', 'deception', 'invites', 'duke', 'debutante', 'ball', 'meet', 'garden', 'head', 'debutante', 'ball', 'introduced', 'come', 'stage', 'kiss', 'end', 'film', 'viola', 'duke', 'shown', 'playing', 'soccer', 'team', 'illyria', 'year', 'later', 'first', 'string', 'seen', 'laughing', 'practice', 'film', 'ends'], [\"'three\", 'prisoners', 'escape', 'chain', 'gang', 'two', 'wayne', 'harry', 'run', 'away', 'happy', 'texas', 'pose', 'gay', 'organizers', 'beauty', 'pageant', 'put', 'show', 'small', 'girls', 'town', 'hiding', 'law', 'waiting', 'opportunity', 'rob', 'local', 'bank', 'scheme', 'complicated', 'fact', 'local', 'sheriff', 'gay', 'believing', 'wayne', 'harry', 'also', 'gay', 'attracted', 'harry'], ['song-writer', 'alex', 'burke', 'enters', 'lives', 'musical', 'tuttle', 'family', 'three', 'daughters', 'falls', 'family', 'lives', 'fictional', 'town', 'strafford', 'connecticut', 'alex', 'personality', 'match', 'laurie', 'tuttle', 'alex', 'seemingly', 'made', 'soon', 'engaged', 'friend', 'alex', 'barney', 'sloan', 'comes', 'tuttle', 'home', 'help', 'musical', 'arrangements', 'complications', 'arise', 'bleak', 'outlook', 'life', 'could', \"n't\", 'contradictory', 'alex', 'laurie', 'falls', 'love', 'meanwhile', 'laurie', 'two', 'sisters', 'fran', 'amy', 'marry', 'despite', 'still', 'feelings', 'alex', 'although', 'family', 'welcomes', 'barney', 'lives', 'feeling', 'genuine', 'self-worth', 'escapes', 'even', 'laurie', 'marry', 'barney', 'black', 'cloud', 'perpetually', 'hanging', 'head', 'decides', 'one', 'evening', 'kill', 'feeling', 'laurie', 'would', 'better', 'alex', 'better', 'provider', 'barney', 'drives', 'oncoming', 'traffic', 'snowstorm', 'windshield', 'wipers', 'barney', 'lives', 'new', 'found', 'affirmation', 'life', 'finally', 'writes', 'song', 'working', 'finding', 'self-esteem', 'arms', 'laurie', 'character', 'self-destructive', 'barney', 'sloan', 'originally', 'written', 'die', 'end', 'film', 'sloan', 'drives', 'on-coming', 'traffic', 'snow-storm', 'sinatra', 'whose', 'characters', 'two', 'previous', 'films', 'eternity', 'suddenly', 'perished', 'end', 'thought', 'sloan', 'live', 'find', 'happiness', 'sinatra', 'growing', 'influence', 'hollywood', 'enough', 'ending', 're-written', 'accommodate', 'wishes'], ['professor', 'vidyashankar', 'pandey', 'gets', 'employed', 'lecturer', 'college', 'relocates', 'bombay', 'family', 'wife', 'young', 'son', 'surya', 'move', 'chawl', 'south', 'bombay', 'vidyashankar', 'notices', 'area', 'community', 'controlled', 'notorious', 'gangster', 'raja', 'men', 'want', 'impact', 'upon', 'young', 'son', 'wife', 'unfortunately', 'surya', 'impressed', 'raja', 'treats', 'like', 'hero', 'surya', 'saves', 'life', 'another', 'occasion', 'refuses', 'identify', 'raja', 'killer', 'police', 'line-up', 'raja', 'takes', 'liking', 'surya', 'treats', 'like', 'close', 'friend', 'years', 'surya', 'grown', 'despite', 'parents', 'objections', 'still', 'hangs', 'around', 'raja', 'men', 'things', 'take', 'unexpected', 'turn', 'make', 'surya', 'regret', 'saving', 'raja', 'life', 'identifying', 'police', 'line-up..'], ['kiran', 'child', 'violent', 'father', 'born', 'grew', 'way', 'known', 'father', 'unlawful', 'habits', 'kiran', 'visits', 'one', 'police', 'inspector', 'son', 'suraj', 'fall', 'love', 'kiran', 'father', 'finds', 'child', 'love', 'honest', 'police', 'officers', 'son', 'assigned', 'find', 'gets', 'shocked', 'decided', 'give', 'away', 'unlawful', 'activities', 'daughter', 'future', 'however', 'goons', 'liking', 'succeeds', 'killing', 'honest', 'police', 'officer', 'framing', 'kiran', 'father', 'suraj', 'joins', 'police', 'department', 'gets', 'things', 'done', 'manner'], ['jailed', 'juvenile', 'killing', 'abusive', 'father', 'responsible', 'mother', 'suicide', 'prithvi', 'unable', 'stand', 'atrocity', 'meets', 'maggie', 'pinto', 'chance', 'meetings', 'fall', 'love', 'maggie', 'takes', 'prithvi', 'meet', 'parents', 'reject', 'learning', 'past', 'maggie', 'prithvi', 'persist', 'maggie', 'mother', 'stella', 'pinto', 'calls', 'police', 'prithvi', 'jailed', 'guruji', 'comes', 'prithvi', 'aid', 'bails', 'prithvi', 'maggie', 'continue', 'meet', 'stella', 'finds', 'intervenes', 'sends', 'rogues', 'attack', 'prithvi', 'maggie', 'wounded', 'affects', 'everyone', 'close', 'crux', 'story'], ['arthur', 'bach', 'still', 'rich', 'still', 'drinks', 'much', 'linda', 'happily', 'married', 'one', 'thing', 'missing', 'life', 'child', 'seeking', 'revenge', 'billionaire', 'bert', 'johnson', 'stephen', 'elliott', 'father', 'susan', 'johnson', 'wealthy', 'woman', 'arthur', 'jilted', 'altar', 'takes', 'control', 'arthur', 'inheritance', 'leaving', 'arthur', 'broke', 'homeless', 'susan', 'wants', 'back', 'willing', 'break', 'arthur', 'marriage', 'takes', 'arthur', 'tries', 'sober', 'rise', 'occasion', 'find', 'job', 'knowing', 'financial', 'plight', 'could', 'ruin', 'chance', 'linda', 'adopting', 'baby', 'linda', 'assures', 'representative', 'adoption', 'agency', 'despite', 'drinking', 'arthur', 'would', 'make', 'good', 'father', 'elaborate', 'scheme', 'arthur', 'plots', 'get', 'even', 'johnsons', 'get', 'money', 'back', 'end', 'able', 'get', 'money', 'back', 'adopt', 'child', 'linda', 'discovers', 'pregnant'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'closely', 'follows', 'original', 'israeli', 'film', 'eskimo', 'limon', 'revolves', 'around', 'protagonist', 'gary', 'typical', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'friends', 'rick', 'slick', 'ladies\\\\', 'man', 'david', 'belushi-esque', 'comic', 'relief', 'plot', 'involves', 'numerous', 'attempts', 'sex', 'usually', 'successful', 'rick', 'david', 'never', 'gary', 'early', 'film', 'three', 'boys', 'pick', 'three', 'girls', 'promise', 'cocaine', 'gary\\\\', 'house', 'gets', 'stuck', 'homely', 'overweight', 'millie', 'friend', 'two', 'attractive', 'girls', 'party', 'intrupted', 'gary\\\\', 'parents', 'return', 'home', 'pandemonium', 'ensues', 'later', 'film', 'love', 'triangle', 'develops', 'gary', 'rick', 'karen', 'young', 'transfer', 'student', 'school', 'virgin', 'rick', 'becomes', 'determined', 'deflower', 'one', 'day', 'gary', 'delivers', 'pizza', 'carmela', 'sexy', 'latina', 'woman', 'whose', 'sailor', 'boyfriend', 'never', 'home', 'tells', 'wants', 'pizza', 'afraid', 'follow', 'goes', 'away', 'convinces', 'friends', 'along', 'drop', 'home', 'using', 'pretext', 'nearby', 'pizza', 'delivery', 'decided', 'bring', 'extra', 'pizzas', 'lets', 'puts', 'music', 'performs', 'sexy', 'dance', 'routine', 'delight', 'boys', 'promptly', 'fornicates', 'rick', 'david', 'boyfriend', 'paco', 'returns', 'home', 'gary', 'turn', 'prompting', 'flee', 'eventually', 'rick', 'gets', 'karen', 'pregnant', 'sex', 'leaves', 'gary', 'decides', 'help', 'karen', 'pay', 'abortion', 'selling', 'possessions', 'borrowing', 'money', 'boss', 'abortion', 'gary', 'karen', 'spend', 'remainder', 'weekend', 'alone', 'together', 'gary\\\\', 'grandmother\\\\', 'house', 'whilst', 'nursing', 'back', 'health', 'gary', 'tells', 'karen', 'sincerely', 'loves', 'karen', 'appears', 'reciprocal', 'share', 'tender', 'kiss', 'later', 'karen', 'invites', 'gary', '18th', 'birthday', 'party', 'following', 'week', 'gary', 'scrapes', 'dollars', 'buys', 'karen', 'gold', 'locket', 'birthday', 'however', 'gary', 'arrives', 'party', 'dreams', 'lasting', 'romance', 'karen', 'shattered', 'sees', 'karen', 'making', 'rick', 'despite', 'rick', 'put', 'karen', 'apparently', 'decided', 'take', 'back', 'gary', 'angrily', 'leaves', 'party', 'without', 'saying', 'word', 'either', 'taking', 'karen\\\\', 'gift', 'film', 'ends', 'end', 'credits', 'rolling', 'close-up', 'tears', 'streaming', 'gary\\\\', 'face', 'drives', 'home', 'alone', 'emotionally', 'broken', 'defeated'], [\"'ayre\", 'mac', 'macgillvary', 'virginal', 'young', 'woman', 'graduating', 'exclusive', 'british', 'boarding', 'school', 'determined', 'find', 'right', 'man', 'first', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'wherever', 'might', 'world', 'rich', 'enough', 'venture', 'forth', 'alone', 'brings', 'along', 'friend', 'catalina', 'family', 'chauffeur', 'cotton', 'ayre', 'first', 'travels', 'arab', 'country', 'meets', 'ideal', 'lover', 'sheik', 'offers', 'deflower', 'falls', 'asleep', 'almost', 'immediately', 'giving', 'sheik', 'ayre', 'goes', 'spain', 'meets', 'toreador', 'angel', 'manages', 'stay', 'awake', 'unfortunately', 'succeeded', 'quest', 'angel', 'gored', 'bull-fighting', 'injury', 'leaves', 'angel', 'unable', 'perform', 'bedroom', 'ayre', 'makes', 'mission', 'life', 'see', 'recovery', 'along', 'way', 'learns', 'fight', 'bull', 'way', 'getting', 'despondent', 'lover', 'motivated', 'stop', 'moping', 'eventually', 'successful', 'aiding', 'angel', 'full', 'recovery', 'film', 'ends', 'wedding'], [\"'the\", 'martial', 'arts', 'comedy', 'anna', 'kung', 'land', 'centers', 'young', 'woman', 'dreams', 'becoming', 'movie', 'star', 'father', 'monk', 'shaolin', 'temple', 'defected', 'japan', 'representing', 'temple', 'martial', 'arts', 'tournament', 'met', 'japanese', 'woman', 'later', 'bore', 'anna', 'starts', 'martial', 'school', 'japan', 'although', 'dreams', 'reconciled', 'former', 'mates', 'school', 'invited', 'part', 'martial', 'arts', 'tournament', 'sends', 'daughter', 'representative', 'believes', 'might', 'give', 'opportunity', 'get', 'big', 'break', 'happen', 'becomes', 'focused', 'beating', 'opposition', 'tournament', 'also', 'becomes', 'embroiled', 'marketing', 'executive', 'becomes', 'first', 'love'], ['divya', 'mischievous', 'naughty', 'girl', 'conservative', 'family', 'father', 'government', 'servant', 'strict', 'conduct', 'one', 'day', 'finds', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'parents', 'much', 'looking', 'forward', 'unwilling', 'get', 'married', 'deliberately', 'comes', 'home', 'late', 'day', 'groom', 'family', 'meet', 'reject', 'surprise', 'groom', 'chandrakumar', 'mohan', 'family', 'patiently', 'waiting', 'meet', 'divya', 'talks', 'arrogantly', 'chandrakumar', 'attempt', 'make', 'dislike', 'ends', 'liking', 'agrees', 'marriage', 'divya', 'succumbs', 'family', 'pressure', 'marries', 'chandrakumar', 'post', 'marriage', 'chandrakumar', 'takes', 'divya', 'new', 'delhi', 'unable', 'come', 'terms', 'marriage', 'divya', 'snubs', 'well-meaning', 'husband', 'every', 'given', 'instance', 'culminates', 'asking', 'divorce', 'chandrakumar', 'asks', 'wants', 'wedding', 'gift', 'shocked', 'chandrakumar', 'probes', 'reason', 'flashback', 'unfolds', 'love', 'another', 'man', 'college', 'days', 'met', 'man', 'manohar', 'karthik', 'along', 'gang', 'beat', 'son', 'm.p', 'robs', 'money', 'considers', 'gang', 'theft', 'reports', 'police', 'later', 'finds', 'theft', 'done', 'm.p', 'son', 'run', 'car', 'poor', 'girl', 'arrange', 'money', 'girl', 'treatment', 'knowing', 'feels', 'guilty', 'framing', 'bails', 'police', 'station', 'manohar', 'falls', 'tries', 'win', 'love', 'divya', 'initially', 'rejects', 'falls', 'love', 'due', 'course', 'manohar', 'member', 'revolutionary', 'troop', 'plans', 'illegal', 'rally', 'divya', \"n't\", 'approve', 'participation', 'unlawful', 'activities', 'persuades', 'attend', 'rally', 'manohar', 'urges', 'marry', 'next', 'day', 'day', 'marriage', 'manohar', 'suspect', 'falsely', 'charged', 'participating', 'previous', 'day', 'rally', 'arrested', 'taken', 'away', 'police', 'attempts', 'escape', 'runs', 'marriage', 'register', 'office', 'divya', 'waiting', 'following', 'chase', 'policeman', 'accidentally', 'shoots', 'manohar', 'dies', 'footsteps', 'registrar', 'office', 'chandrakumar', 'ready', 'forget', 'past', 'live', 'divya', 'accept', 'another', 'man', 'life', 'file', 'divorce', 'per', 'law', 'since', 'newly', 'married', 'get', 'one', 'year', 'marriage', 'divya', 'forced', 'live', 'chandrakumar', 'slowly', 'gets', 'starts', 'liking', 'chandrakumar', 'ignores', 'completely', 'since', 'year', 'gone', \"n't\", 'want', 'get', 'used', 'chandrakumar', 'attacked', 'company', 'labourers', 'suspended', 'union', 'leader', 'divya', 'struggles', 'save', 'life', 'discharge', 'hospital', 'renders', 'services', 'wife', 'chandrakumar', 'however', 'neglects', 'hurts', 'divya', 'finally', 'comes', 'understand', 'love', 'tries', 'reveal', 'wearing', 'anklets', 'gifted', 'marriage', 'irritated', 'amateur', 'acts', 'asks', 'leave', 'parent', 'home', 'even', 'books', 'tickets', 'travel', 'divya', 'leaves', 'house', \"n't\", 'share', 'feelings', 'depart', 'chandrakumar', 'gives', 'divorce', 'papers', 'asked', 'gift', 'divya', 'bursts', 'finally', 'admits', 'loves', 'would', 'wait', 'till', 'realizes', 'leaves', 'chandrakumar', 'finally', 'coming', 'terms', 'repressed', 'feelings', 'gets', 'train', 'return', 'home', 'happily'], ['plot', 'story', 'two', 'women', 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'responds', 'cries', 'time', 'movies', 'books', 'sad', 'stories', 'etc', 'obviously', 'enjoying', 'others\\\\', 'company', 'amanda', 'worried', 'relationship', 'become', 'complicated', 'tries', 'keep', 'graham', 'arm\\\\', 'length', 'meanwhile', 'iris', 'enjoying', 'stay', 'amanda\\\\', 'house', 'meets', 'ethan\\\\', 'friend', 'miles', 'comes', 'girlfriend', 'maggie', 'amanda\\\\', 'house', 'later', 'finds', 'old', 'man', 'arthur', 'abbott', 'standing', 'lost', 'corner', 'escorts', 'home', 'learns', 'script', 'writer', 'golden', 'age', 'hollywood', 'two', 'become', 'fast', 'friends', 'arthur', 'notes', 'iris\\\\', 'behavior', 'toward', 'jasper', 'match', 'strong', 'personality', 'suggests', 'movies', 'watch', 'include', 'strong', 'female', 'characters', 'hopes', 'acquire', 'calls', 'gumption', 'iris', 'finds', 'screenwriters\\\\', 'guild', 'wants', 'throw', 'grand', 'celebration', 'arthur\\\\', 'honor', 'reluctant', 'several', 'reasons', 'chief', 'among', 'walk', 'without', 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'shocked', 'find', 'jasper', 'iris', 'touched', 'first', 'asks', 'still', 'engaged', 'responds', 'finally', 'breaks', 'good', 'meanwhile', 'maggie', 'tries', 'vain', 'convince', 'miles', 'forgive', 'realizes', 'maggie', 'never', 'meant', 'never', 'trust', 'anymore', 'breaks', 'rushes', 'attend', 'arthur', 'award', 'ceremony', 'iris', 'arthur', 'arrive', 'ceremony', 'surprised', 'find', 'hall', 'filled', 'people', 'standing', 'applauding', 'achievements', 'plus', 'song', 'miles', 'wrote', 'especially', 'arthur', 'moment', 'gives', 'confidence', 'walk', 'onto', 'stage', 'unassisted', 'miles', 'arrives', 'asks', 'iris', 'date', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'iris', 'responds', 'back', 'london', 'however', 'miles', 'says', 'never', 'london', 'iris', 'responds', 'would', 'love', 'spend', 'evening', 'miles', 'meanwhile', 'graham', 'confesses', 'love', 'amanda', 'night', 'scheduled', 'depart', 'l.a.', 'amanda', 'despairs', 'stays', 'l.a.', 'london', 'long', 'distance', 'relationship', 'never', 'work', 'insists', 'end', 'way', 'airport', 'cries', 'first', 'time', 'since', 'fifteen', 'years', 'age', 'realises', 'feelings', 'graham', 'powerful', 'fears', 'returns', 'house', 'find', 'graham', 'crying', 'amanda', 'tells', 'decided', 'stay', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'hug', 'knowing', 'beginning', 'movie', 'ends', 'graham', 'place', 'iris', 'miles', 'amanda', 'graham', 'daughters', 'enjoying', 'new', 'year', 'laughing', 'dancing'], ['andre', 'shame', 'private', 'detective', 'formerly', 'lapd', 'left', 'force', 'failing', 'crack', 'case', 'drug', 'lord', 'ernesto', 'mendoza', 'investigation', 'mendoza', 'case', 'personal', 'one', 'shame', 'ex-girlfriend', 'angela', 'caught', 'middle', 'love', 'triangle', 'two', 'men', 'years', 'later', 'sonny', 'rothmiller', 'shame', 'ex-colleague', 'working', 'dea', 'tells', 'mendoza', 'case', 're-opened', 'though', 'doubts', 'shame', 'decides', 'case', 'intriguing', 'pass', 'tells', 'sonny', 'count', 'situation', 'gets', 'rather', 'complicated', 'shame', 'old', 'flame', 'angela', 'resurfaces', 'life', 'also', 'realizes', 'allegiances', \"n't\", 'seem', 'surface', 'tagline', 'armed', 'dangerously', 'funny'], ['rahul', 'young', 'man', 'dreams', 'working', 'call', 'center', 'executive', 'bpo', 'mumbai', 'silently', 'loves', 'neha', 'smart', 'young', 'woman', 'made', 'ranks', 'short', 'time', 'due', 'relationship', 'boss', 'ranjeet', '30s', 'ranjeet', 'married', 'shikha', 'six-year-old', 'daughter', 'shikha', 'well', 'educated', 'trained', 'dancer', 'ranjeet', 'shikha', 'decided', 'stay', 'back', 'home', 'take', 'care', 'house', 'child', 'eight-year', 'marriage', 'turned', 'loveless', 'bitter', 'neglected', 'indifferent', 'husband', 'bogged', 'family', 'chores', 'shikha', 'attracted', 'maverick', 'akash', 'akash', 'struggling', 'theater', 'artist', 'separated', 'wife', 'akash', 'shikha', 'relationship', 'starts', 'friendship', 'almost', 'blossoms', 'romantically', 'shikha', 'feels', 'guilty', 'cross', 'limits', 'fervently', 'guarded', 'years', 'amol', '70-year-old', 'man', 'returned', 'india', 'years', 'spend', 'last', 'years', 'first', 'love', 'shivani', 'also', 'shikha', 'former', 'dance', 'teacher', 'shikha', 'sister', 'neha', 'roommate', 'shruti', 'works', 'radio', 'mirchi', 'producer', 'desperate', 'get', 'married', 'meets', 'monty', 'matrimonial', 'site', 'unimpressed', 'straightforward', 'socially', 'inept', 'monty', 'monty', 'likes', 'ready', 'marry', 'declines', 'finds', 'ogling', 'however', 'dreamy-eyed', 'rishi', 'boss', 'hooks', 'rishi', 'relationship', 'blossoms', 'rahul', 'novel', 'strategy', 'rise', 'ladder', 'success', 'provides', 'flat', 'superiors', 'office', 'safely', 'bring', 'mistresses', 'girlfriends', 'prostitutes', 'return', 'recommendation', 'promotion', 'ranjeet', 'also', 'uses', 'flat', 'meet', 'neha', 'amidst', 'one', 'escapades', 'rahul', 'flat', 'neha', 'asks', 'ranjeet', 'future', 'leads', 'argument', 'insults', 'leaves', 'indignant', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'rahul', 'finds', 'lying', 'unconscious', 'saves', 'brings', 'back', 'house', 'brings', 'closer', 'shruti', 'heartbroken', 'discovers', 'rishi', 'gay', 'leaves', 'job', 'gets', 'new', 'one', 'meets', 'monty', 'slowly', 'become', 'friends', 'meanwhile', 'shruti', 'comes', 'know', 'ranjeet', 'neha', 'ranjeet', 'panics', 'confesses', 'shikha', 'two-year', 'affair', 'neha', 'already', 'guilt-stricken', 'shikha', 'hold', 'longer', 'tells', 'emotional', 'relationship', 'akash', 'ranjeet', 'shocked', 'angry', 'decides', 'leave', 'wife', 'shivani', 'dies', 'amol', 'regrets', 'decision', 'leave', 'shivani', 'years', 'back', 'stressing', 'importance', 'love', 'shikha', 'shruti', 'shruti', 'realizes', 'loves', 'monty', 'tells', 'wedding', 'meanwhile', 'akash', 'decides', 'leave', 'country', 'asks', 'shikha', 'join', 'hand', 'rahul', 'disillusioned', 'way', 'metro', 'treated', 'decides', 'resign', 'leave', 'city', 'neha', 'realizes', 'rahul', 'really', 'loves', 'follows', 'station', 'ranjeet', 'returns', 'shikha', 'leave', 'station', 'see', 'akash', 'neha', 'chases', 'rahul', 'monty', 'chases', 'shruti', 'shikha', 'comes', 'station', 'accompany', 'akash', 'wishes', 'good', 'luck', 'tells', 'miss', 'credits', 'roll', 'shown', 'akash', 'still', 'roaming', 'streets', 'mumbai', 'shikha', 'ranjeet', 'happier', 'marriage', 'rahul', 'living', 'happily', 'neha', 'shruti', 'monty', 'also', 'happily', 'married', 'kid'], ['arav', 'ambitious', 'young', 'indian', 'whose', 'dream', 'design', 'cars', 'travels', 'united', 'states', 'seeking', 'greener', 'pastures', 'meets', 'beautiful', 'anna', 'anna', 'instantly', 'goes', 'head', 'heels', 'arav', 'arav', 'remains', 'focused', 'career', 'time', 'mellows', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'moreover', 'arav', 'ambitions', 'upswing', 'chairman', 'bmw', 'company', 'u.s.', 'gives', 'job', 'designer', 'coincidentally', 'bmw', 'chairman', 'happens', 'anna', 'grandfather', 'announces', 'impending', 'nuptials', 'arav', 'anna'], [\"'rafi\", 'recently', 'divorced', '37-year-old', 'career', 'woman', 'manhattan', 'becomes', 'romantically', 'involved', 'david', 'talented', '23-year-old', 'jewish', 'painter', 'upper', 'west', 'side', 'rafi', 'shares', 'secrets', 'therapist', 'lisa', 'unbeknownst', 'rafi', 'david\\\\', 'mother', 'lisa', 'supportive', 'rafi\\\\', 'relationship', 'younger', 'man', 'discovers', 'connection', 'finds', 'faced', 'ethical', 'moral', 'dilemma', 'counseling', 'david\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'also', 'reality', 'feels', 'differently', 'relationship', 'knows', 'son', 'involved', 'lisa', 'consults', 'therapist', 'decide', 'best', 'interest', 'patient', 'rafi', 'lisa', 'continue', 'treatment', 'long', 'relationship', 'remains', 'fling', 'appears', 'however', 'lisa', 'soon', 'realizes', 'relationship', 'serious', 'tells', 'rafi', 'david\\\\', 'mother', 'feeling', 'embarrassed', 'betrayed', 'rafi', 'ends', 'treatment', 'lisa', 'differences', 'causing', 'problems', 'rafi', 'david', 'break', 'couple', 'weeks', 'later', 'david', 'enjoying', 'night', 'town', 'best', 'friend', 'gets', 'drunk', 'ends', 'sleeping', 'sue', 'rafi\\\\', 'friend', 'work', 'day', 'bumping', 'supermarket', 'going', 'back', 'david\\\\', 'place', 'david', 'rafi', 'start', 'seeing', 'also', 'try', 'make', 'relationship', 'stronger', 'going', 'friday', 'night', 'dinner', 'david\\\\', 'family', 'rift', 'rafi', 'lisa', 'patched', 'although', 'rafi', 'brings', 'possibility', 'david', 'children', 'lisa', 'reacts', 'strongly', 'days', 'later', 'rafi', 'discovers', 'david', 'slept', 'sue', 'david', 'rafi', 'fight', 'sulking', 'time', 'david', 'goes', 'seek', 'lisa\\\\', 'help', 'mother', 'therapist', 'advises', 'keep', 'relationship', 'rafi', 'lisa', 'able', 'understand', 'david\\\\', 'career', 'artist', 'david', 'goes', 'back', 'rafi', 'apologize', 'offer', 'give', 'child', 'wants', 'rafi', 'realizes', 'deep', 'david\\\\', 'love', 'must', 'make', 'sacrifice', 'ultimately', 'realize', 'love', 'enough', 'keep', 'relationship', 'going', 'break', 'year', 'later', 'david', 'friend', 'leaving', 'restaurant', 'mdash', 'first', 'restaurant', 'rafi', 'proper', 'date', 'going', 'back', 'retrieve', 'forgotten', 'hat', 'spots', 'rafi', 'see', 'gets', 'hat', 'rushes', 'door', 'hides', 'defrosts', 'glass', 'bit', 'watch', 'turns', 'around', 'sees', 'share', 'smile', 'parting'], [\"'saving\", 'face', 'follows', 'wilhelmina', 'young', 'chinese', 'american', 'surgeon', 'deals', 'unwed', 'mother\\\\', 'pregnancy', 'obligations', 'dancer', 'girlfriend', 'vivian', 'wil', 'struggles', 'allocating', 'time', 'mother', 'shunned', 'chinese', 'american', 'community', 'flushing', 'pregnant', 'unwed', 'thus', 'come', 'live', 'wil', 'upon', 'vivian\\\\', 'wishes', 'presents', 'vivian', 'mother', 'friend', 'meet', 'time', 'gao', 'must', 'decide', 'whether', 'demands', 'father\\\\', 'reputation', 'demands', 'heart', 'important', 'soon', 'realizes', 'must', 'marry', 'man', 'named', 'cho', 'regain', 'father\\\\', 'face', 'embarrassment', 'family', 'wil', 'finds', 'mother', 'love', 'someone', 'else', 'rushes', 'break', 'wedding', 'time', 'wil', 'loses', 'vivian', 'afraid', 'publicly', 'vivian', 'leaves', 'paris', 'three', 'months', 'vivian\\\\', 'wil\\\\', 'mothers', 'reunite', 'two', 'party', 'vivian', 'wil', 'end', 'kissing', 'front', 'everyone', 'center', 'dance', 'floor'], [\"'in\", 'chicago', 'darius', 'lovehall', 'poet', 'giving', 'reading', 'sanctuary', 'upscale', 'nightclub', 'presenting', 'jazz', 'poetry', 'bohemian', 'clientele', 'shortly', 'set', 'meets', 'nina', 'mosley', 'gifted', 'photographer', 'recently', 'lost', 'job', 'exchange', 'small', 'talk', 'darius', 'makes', 'interest', 'clear', 'retitles', 'love', 'poem', 'blues', 'nina', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'sparked', 'darius', 'invites', 'back', 'place', 'persistently', 'ask', 'sex', 'first', 'date', 'neither', 'darius', 'nina', 'sure', 'next', 'promising', 'start', 'nina', 'gotten', 'relationship', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'sure', 'still', 'cares', 'old', 'boyfriend', 'time', 'darius\\\\', 'friends', 'read', 'riot', 'act', 'wanting', 'give', 'freedom', 'early', 'game', 'relation', 'everything', 'else', 'change'], [\"'the\", 'bow', 'set', 'entirely', 'rotting', '40-foot', 'boat', 'anchored', 'coast', 'korea', 'old', 'man', 'maintains', 'fishing', 'platform', 'tourists', 'help', 'beautiful', '16-year-old', 'girl', 'appears', 'mute', 'visitors', 'boat', 'chat', 'rumors', 'brought', 'six', 'years', 'old', 'parents', 'looking', 'plans', 'marry', '17th', 'birthday', 'stories', 'sound', 'farfetched', 'idea', 'old', 'man', 'also', 'fortune', 'teller', 'turn', 'basically', 'true', 'everything', 'kidnap', 'victim/daughter/girlfriend/fianc챕e', 'old', 'man', 'fends', 'fishermen', 'try', 'cop', 'feel', 'shooting', 'arrows', 'girl', 'smiles', 'predicts', 'fortune', 'shooting', 'three', 'arrows', 'buddha', 'image', 'side', 'boat', 'girl', 'swings', 'dangerously', 'front', 'girl', 'whispers', 'ear', 'whispers', 'persons', 'ear', 'fortune', 'she\\\\', 'bad', 'archer', 'either', 'capable', 'protecting', 'he\\\\', 'wielding', 'bow', 'weapon', 'old', 'man', 'converts', 'musical', 'instrument', 'plays', 'like', 'violin', 'old', 'man\\\\', 'arrangements', 'start', 'come', 'apart', 'boat', 'visited', 'fishing', 'party', 'includes', 'sweet-natured', 'student', 'falls', 'love', 'girl', 'first', 'sight', 'profoundly', 'concerned', 'situation', 'falls', 'old', 'man', 'starts', 'fear', 'marriage', 'day', 'carefully', 'marked', 'calendar', 'may', 'never', 'come', 'pass', 'student', 'comes', 'take', 'away', 'parents', 'searching', 'still', 'old', 'man', 'tries', 'prevent', 'leaving', 'shooting', 'arrows', 'stands', 'front', 'tries', 'commit', 'suicide', 'returns', 'marries', 'liberate', 'chicken', 'part', 'ceremony', 'leave', 'boat', 'consummate', 'marriage', 'student', 'releases', 'cock', 'hits', 'hen', 'later', 'releases', 'old', 'man', 'starts', 'play', 'bow', 'girl', 'falls', 'asleep', 'shoots', 'arrow', 'sky', 'jumps', 'ocean', 'boat', 'returns', 'student', 'girl', 'acts', 'though', 'someone', 'sex', 'suddenly', 'arrow', 'shot', 'earlier', 'strikes', 'legs', 'plank', 'orgasm', 'bleeds', 'leave', 'old', 'boat', 'starts', 'following', 'waves', 'sink', 'message', 'comes', 'onscreen', 'end', 'note', 'strength', 'beautiful', 'sound', 'like', 'tautness', 'bow', 'want', 'live', 'like', 'day', 'die'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'two', 'world', 'war', 'u.s.', 'army', 'buddies', 'one', 'broadway', 'entertainer', 'bob', 'wallace', 'would-be', 'entertainer', 'phil', 'davis', 'begins', 'christmas', 'eve', '1944', 'somewhere', 'europe', 'forward', 'area', 'capt', 'wallace', 'giving', 'show', 'troops', '151st', 'division', 'help', 'pvt', 'davis', 'mood', 'somber', 'word', 'come', 'beloved', 'commanding', 'officer', 'major', 'general', 'thomas', 'waverly', 'relieved', 'command', 'arrives', 'end', 'show', 'delivers', 'emotional', 'farewell', 'men', 'give', 'rousing', 'send-off', 'enemy', 'artillery', 'barrage', 'ensues', 'davis', 'saves', 'wallace\\\\', 'life', 'carrying', 'way', 'toppling', 'wall', 'wounding', 'arm', 'slightly', 'process', 'using', 'wounded', 'arm', 'telling', 'bob', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'expect', 'special', 'obligation', 'phil', 'convinces', 'bob', 'join', 'forces', 'entertainment', 'duo', 'war', 'phil', 'using', 'wound', 'get', 'bob', 'wants', 'becomes', 'running', 'gag', 'throughout', 'movie', 'war', 'pair', 'make', 'big', 'nightclubs', 'radio', 'broadway', 'becoming', 'successful', 'producers', 'eventually', 'mount', 'newest', 'hit', 'musical', 'entitled', 'playing', 'around', 'phil', 'increasingly', 'concerned', 'pal', 'bob', 'met', 'woman', 'settle', 'several', 'clumsy', 'attempts', 'set', 'showgirls', 'fail', 'mid-december', 'two', 'years', 'broadway', 'show', 'miami', 'performing', 'florida', 'theatre', 'receive', 'letter', 'freckle-faced', 'haynes', 'dog-faced', 'boy', 'mess', 'sergeant', 'they\\\\', 'acquanted', 'back', 'war', 'asking', 'audition', 'two', 'sisters', 'club', 'audition', 'act', 'phil', 'notices', 'bob', 'smitten', 'betty', 'phil', 'eyes', 'sister', 'judy', 'following', 'number', 'girls', 'join', 'bob', 'phil', 'table', 'believing', 'may', 'found', 'right', 'girl', 'bob', 'phil', 'brings', 'judy', 'dance', 'floor', 'bob', 'betty', 'get', 'know', 'better', 'phil', 'judy', 'hit', 'judy', 'tells', 'phil', 'sister', 'headed', 'columbia', 'inn', 'pine', 'tree', 'vermont', 'booked', 'perform', 'holidays', 'back', 'table', 'betty', 'reveals', 'bob', 'judy', 'brother', 'sent', 'letter', 'two', 'get', 'brittle', 'argument', 'prospects', 'romance', 'seem', 'doubtful', 'girls\\\\', 'corrupt', 'landlord', 'claims', 'sisters', 'burned', '200', 'rug', 'trying', 'arrested', 'phil', 'hears', 'news', 'helps', 'escape', 'window', 'giving', 'girls', 'sleeping-room', 'accommodations', 'aboard', 'train', 'vermont', 'give', 'girls', 'time', 'make', 'train', 'phil', 'convinces', 'bob', 'girls\\\\', 'forgotten', 'costumes', 'lip-sync', 'sisters', 'record', 'boys', 'arrive', 'train', 'two', 'hours', 'later', 'girls', 'bob', 'appreciation', 'giving', 'sleeping', 'accommodations', 'phil', 'uses', 'arm', 'convince', 'bob', 'travel', 'girls', 'vermont', 'holidays', 'everybody', 'arrives', 'put', 'show', 'pine', 'tree', 'ski', 'lodge', 'there\\\\', 'flake', 'sight', 'weather', 'unseasonably', 'warm', 'chances', 'falling', 'appear', 'dim', 'boys', 'discover', 'inn', 'run', 'former', 'commanding', 'officer', 'gen.', 'waverly', 'invested', 'savings', 'pension', 'lodge', 'it\\\\', 'danger', 'failing', 'lack', 'snow', 'consequent', 'lack', 'patrons', 'deciding', 'help', 'bring', 'business', 'inn', 'wallace', 'davis', 'bring', 'entire', 'cast', 'crew', 'new', 'musical', 'playing', 'around', 'add', 'betty', 'judy', 'time', 'bob', 'betty\\\\', 'relationship', 'starts', 'bloom', 'begin', 'spend', 'good', 'deal', 'time', 'together', 'meanwhile', 'bob', 'discovers', 'general\\\\', 'rejected', 'attempt', 'rejoining', 'army', 'decides', 'prove', 'general', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'forgotten', 'bob', 'calls', 'harrison', 'johnny', 'grant', 'old', 'army', 'buddy', 'host', 'successful', 'variety', 'show', 'bob', 'tells', 'wants', 'make', 'televised', 'pitch', 'men', 'formerly', 'command', 'general', 'asking', 'come', 'inn', 'christmas', 'eve', 'surprise', 'response', 'harrison', 'suggests', 'put', 'show', 'national', 'television', 'playing', 'whole', 'schmaltz', 'angle', 'situation', 'generating', 'lots', 'free', 'advertising', 'wallace', 'davis', 'process', 'bob', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'nosy', 'housekeeper', 'emma', 'allen', 'listening', 'phone', 'conversation', 'extension', 'heard', 'whole', 'schmaltz', 'suggestion', 'hanging', 'bob', 'rejects', 'idea', 'mistakenly', 'believing', 'beloved', 'boss', 'presented', 'pitiable', 'figure', 'primetime', 'coast', 'coast', 'broadcast', 'emma', 'reveals', 'heard', 'shocked', 'betty', 'originally', 'loath', 'believe', 'bob', 'would', 'pull', 'stunt', 'gain', 'mistakenly', 'comes', 'believe', 'would', 'indeed', 'stoop', 'depths', 'misunderstanding', 'causes', 'now-disillusioned', 'betty', 'grow', 'suddenly', 'frigid', 'equally-baffled', 'bob', 'unaware', 'real', 'reason', 'sudden', 'change', 'behavior', 'judy', 'becomes', 'convinced', 'betty', 'ever-protective', 'little', 'sister', 'never', 'take', 'serious', 'relationship', 'judy', 'engaged', 'married', 'pressures', 'extremely', 'reluctant', 'phil', 'announce', 'phony', 'engagement', 'plan', 'backfires', 'betty', 'abruptly', 'departs', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'received', 'job', 'offer', 'distraught', 'phil', 'judy', 'reveal', 'bob', 'engagement', 'announcement', 'phony', 'bob', 'still', 'unaware', 'real', 'reason', 'behind', 'betty\\\\', 'annoyance', 'heads', 'new', 'york', 'explain', 'bob', 'goes', 'see', 'betty\\\\', 'new', 'act', 'reveals', 'truth', 'engagement', 'called', 'away', 'harrison', 'find', 'really', 'bothering', 'meanwhile', 'back', 'inn', 'phil', 'fakes', 'injury', 'distract', 'gen.', 'waverly', \"won\\\\'t\", 'see', 'broadcast', 'bob\\\\', 'announcement', 'broadcast', 'bob', 'proceeds', 'ask', 'veterans', '151st', 'division', 'come', 'pine', 'tree', 'vermont', 'christmas', 'eve', 'betty', 'backstage', 'greenroom', 'performances', 'catches', 'bob\\\\', 'pitch', 'television', 'set', 'realizes', 'mistaken', 'set', 'right', 'returns', 'pine', 'tree', 'time', 'show', 'christmas', 'eve', 'emma', 'convinces', 'gen.', 'waverly', 'suits', 'sent', 'cleaners', 'suggests', 'wear', 'old', 'uniform', 'opening', 'show', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'agrees', 'general', 'enters', 'lodge', 'show', 'take', 'place', 'greeted', 'former', 'division', 'sing', 'rousing', 'chorus', 'old', 'man', 'song', 'ends', 'notified', 'snow', 'finally', 'falling', 'finale', 'bob', 'betty', 'declare', 'love', 'one', 'another', 'phil', 'judy', 'background', 'set', 'removed', 'show', 'snow', 'falling', 'everyone', 'raises', 'glass', 'toasts', 'may', 'days', 'merry', 'bright', 'may', 'christmases', 'white'], [\"'iris\", 'king', 'working-class', 'mother', 'widow', 'connecticut', 'job', 'large', 'commercial', 'bakery', 'still', 'getting', 'death', 'husband', 'lives', 'paycheck', 'paycheck', 'raises', 'two', 'children', 'kelly', 'richard', 'also', 'visiting', 'times', 'unemployed', 'sister', 'sharon', 'sharon\\\\', 'abusive', 'husband', 'joe', 'iris', 'family', 'live', 'high', 'crime', 'area', 'eventually', 'kelly', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'adds', 'fuel', 'family', 'fires', 'one', 'bright', 'spots', 'life', 'blossoming', 'friendship', 'stanley', 'cox', 'nice', 'guy', 'first', 'meets', 'comes', 'aid', 'purse', 'stolen', 'street', 'thug', 'public', 'bus', 'stanley', 'works', 'bakery\\\\', 'staff', 'cafeteria', 'comforts', 'roughed', 'thug', 'friendship', 'develops', 'iris', 'starts', 'noticing', 'odd', 'things', 'stanley', 'retrieving', 'pair', 'repaired', 'shoes', 'without', 'claim', 'stub', 'asked', 'sign', 'name', 'instead', 'jumps', 'counter', 'grabs', 'shoes', 'hurries', 'shop', 'iris', 'notices', 'behavior', 'revealed', 'sign', 'name', 'drive', 'rides', 'bicycle', 'still', 'lives', 'elderly', 'father', 'slowly', 'dawns', 'iris', 'stanley', 'illiterate', 'iris', 'asks', 'stanley', 'pain', 'medication', 'cafeteria', 'lunch', 'line', 'stanley', 'offers', 'every', 'small', 'bottle', 'never', 'requested', 'one', 'midst', 'encounter', 'manager', 'storms', 'yelling', '2000', 'worth', 'supposedly', 'stolen', 'food', 'supplies', 'however', 'stanley', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'clue', 'shipping', 'orders', 'waved', 'face', 'iris', 'hears', 'exchange', 'threatening', 'manager', 'innocently', 'tells', 'boss', 'stanley', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'culprit', \"can\\\\'t\", 'read', 'write', 'next', 'day', 'stanley', 'gets', 'fired', 'illiteracy', 'makes', 'safety', 'threat', 'others', 'even', 'though', 'good', 'cook', 'makes', 'great', 'soups', 'stanley\\\\', 'loss', 'job', 'troubling', 'move', 'put', 'elderly', 'father', 'shabby', 'boarding', 'home', 'live', 'garage', 'taking', 'odd', 'jobs', 'toilet', 'attendant', 'day', 'laborer', 'father', 'ill', 'never', 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'nurse', 'told', 'iris', 'perfectly', 'normal', 'hormones', 'mixed', 'child', 'iris', 'continues', 'moment', 'little', 'girl', 'little', 'girl', 'hug', 'mini-crisis', 'stanley', 'arrives', 'another', 'reading', 'lesson', 'dull', 'unprepared', 'iris', 'short', 'fuse', 'finding', 'watched', 'sports', 'television', 'instead', 'homework', 'tells', 'waste', 'time', 'sex', 'life', 'nil', 'she\\\\', 'angry', 'high', 'school', 'classmate', 'commented', 'could', 'hardly', 'recognize', 'stanley', 'gets', 'tells', 'iris', 'quit', 'ironing', 'let', 'take', 'iris', 'rests', 'stanley', 'continues', 'ironing', 'rest', 'reading', 'iris', 'mentions', 'become', 'friends', 'moves', 'forward', 'man', 'lots', 'questions', 'health', 'issues', 'blood', 'tests', 'background', 'information', 'enough', 'time', 'get', 'know', 'well', 'fine', 'stanley', 'next', 'disaster', 'happens', 'saturday', 'afternoon', 'stanley', 'attempts', 'meet', 'iris', 'corner', 'washington', 'post', 'streets', 'short', 'walk', 'using', 'map', 'take', 'minutes', 'stanley', 'starts', 'gets', 'confused', 'fully', 'navigate', 'map', 'street', 'signs', 'asks', 'taxi', 'driver', 'gives', 'stanley', 'directions', 'using', 'street', 'names', 'children', 'playing', 'street', 'hours', 'later', 'sun', 'gone', 'finally', 'reaches', 'intended', 'corner', 'iris', 'frantic', 'stanley', 'frustrated', 'embarrassed', 'marches', 'navigate', 'churches', 'tall', 'buildings', 'landmarks', 'stanley\\\\', 'sees', 'he\\\\', 'trapped', 'reading', 'disability', 'stanley', 'goes', 'concert', 'park', 'iris', 'richard', 'see', 'aloofness', 'let', 'iris', 'ready', 'quit', 'feels', 'made', 'mistake', 'decides', 'track', 'stanley', 'garage', 'home', 'wants', 'school', 'restart', 'sees', 'complex', 'machine', 'mechanical', 'design', 'talent', 'built', 'large', 'quiet', 'efficient', 'cake-cooling', 'machine', 'appears', 'good', 'would', 'found', 'commercial', 'bakeries', 'engineers', 'tool', 'dye', 'company', 'interest', 'stanely', 'iris', 'learns', 'stanley', 'built', 'midnight', 'prison', 'men', 'paint', 'draw', 'hobbies', 'personal', 'prison', 'stanley', 'restarts', 'reading', 'iris', 'pulls', 'pair', 'reading', 'glasses', 'reveals', 'needing', 'works', 'short', 'order', 'cook', 'reads', 'orders', 'started', 'writing', 'short', 'sentences', 'board', 'wearing', 'threadbare', 'jacket', 'iris', 'offers', 'better', 'one', 'belonged', 'husband', 'putting', 'stanley', 'tells', 'iris', 'new', 'man\\\\', 'stanley', 'tells', 'interest', 'iris', 'kelly', 'gives', 'birth', 'daughter', 'stanley', 'add', 'comfort', 'support', 'kelly', 'wants', 'name', 'baby', 'mom', 'settle', 'middle', 'name', 'estelle', 'iris', 'shown', 'walking', 'street', 'two', 'bags', 'groceries', 'enters', 'home', 'smell', 'clatter', 'someone', 'cooking', 'kitchen', 'stanley', 'tells', 'wash', 'hands', 'sit', 'meal', 'prepared', 'turkey', 'trimmings', 'everyone', 'decides', 'white', 'dark', 'wing', 'leg', 'baby', 'coos', 'food', 'big', 'hit', 'iris', 'smiles', 'says', 'good', 'stanley', 'comes', 'later', 'learns', 'iris', 'longer', 'goes', 'grave', 'health', 'problems', 'remission', 'kelly', 'shows', 'work', 'cart', 'pusher', 'blurts', 'quit', 'school', 'iris', 'replies', \"don\\\\'t\", 'know', 'line', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'going', 'anywhere', 'evening', 'richard', 'sees', 'someone', 'walking', 'outside', 'cool', 'night', 'air', 'iris', 'goes', 'barks', 'fellow', 'turns', 'stanley', 'gets', 'come', 'discuss', 'problems', 'he\\\\', 'offered', 'job', 'detroit', 'accepted', 'taking', 'first', 'though', 'tell', 'iris', 'truly', 'grateful', 'back', 'iris', 'shows', 'letter', 'never', 'mailed', 'stained', 'gravy', 'ketchup', 'stanley', 'reads', 'perfectly', 'iris', 'public', 'library', 'stanley', 'reads', 'loud', 'engine', 'electrical', 'systems', 'compost', 'piles', 'rotted', 'manure', 'bible', 'let', 'light', 'light', 'librarian', 'tells', 'library', 'stanley', 'replies', 'yes', 'lady', 'know', 'it\\\\', 'library', 'it\\\\', 'library', 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'learns', 'studio', 'decided', 'give', 'husband', 'enough', 'funds', 'film', 'movie', 'black', 'white', 'big', 'stars', 'film', 'decides', 'audition', 'role', 'butterfly', 'without', 'telling', 'husband', 'studio', 'know', 'therefore', 'give', 'budget', 'needs', 'make', 'film', 'wants', 'gets', 'part', 'wonderful', 'course', 'film', 'lucy', 'dell', 'begins', 'become', 'concerned', 'yoko', 'steal', 'husbands', 'affections', 'though', 'never', 'develop', 'feelings', 'yoko', 'viewing', 'film\\\\', 'negatives', 'colors', 'reversed', 'figures', 'duplicity', 'thinking', 'steal', 'credit', 'get', 'artistic', 'praise', 'deserves', 'becomes', 'furious', 'retaliate', 'decides', 'proposition', 'yoko', 'greatly', 'distressed', 'flees', 'paul', 'entertains', 'idea', 'divorce', 'sees', 'betrayed', 'wife', 'reunion', 'premiere', 'cold', 'paul', 'believing', 'expose', 'identity', 'betraying', 'lucy', 'believing', 'paul', 'trying', 'sleep', 'yoko', 'original', 'plan', 'end', 'premiere', 'reveal', 'yoko\\\\', 'true', 'identity', 'astound', 'hollywood', 'practically', 'guarantee', 'oscar', 'instead', 'trusted', 'friend', 'kazumi', 'gives', 'present', 'fan', 'owned', 'popular', 'geisha', 'fan', 'inscribed', 'saying', 'one', 'husband', 'even', 'takes', 'geisha', 'makeup', 'appears', 'tells', 'everyone', 'yoko', 'went', 'convent', 'longer', 'performing', 'keeps', 'identity', 'secret', 'husband', 'reconcile', 'informs', 'lucy', 'knew', 'yoko'], [\"'michael\", 'lucas', 'plays', 'marcus', 'von', 'halpern', 'head', 'new', 'york', 'fashion', 'empire', 'enlists', 'help', 'valentine', 'moore', 'played', 'gus', 'mattox', 'von', 'halpern', 'wants', 'moore', 'world-renown', 'photographer', 'player', 'seduce', 'sebastian', 'lacroix', 'new', 'lover', 'von', 'halpern\\\\', 'ex-boyfriend', 'tom', 'mercedes', 'kent', 'larson', 'moore', 'agrees', 'one', 'condition', 'gets', 'night', 'von', 'halpern', 'reward', 'lacroix', 'receives', 'call', 'modeling', 'agent', 'informing', 'he\\\\', 'booked', 'photo-shoot', 'moore', 'boyfriend', 'mercedes', 'warns', 'lacroix', 'moore\\\\', 'reputation', 'advises', 'moore', 'trustworthy', 'segues', 'first', 'sex', 'scene', 'film', 'lacroix', 'mercedes', 'topping', 'flip-flop', 'encounter', 'following', 'scene', 'mercedes', 'seduced', 'employee', 'matt', 'cody', 'engage', 'sexual', 'activity', 'conference', 'table', 'boardroom', 'cleaning', 'guy', 'shows', 'joins', 'meanwhile', 'moore', 'sets', 'photography', 'session', 'lacroix', 'engages', 'another', 'model', 'seduce', 'lacroix', 'lacroix', 'later', 'guilt-ridden', 'cody', 'meets', 'von', 'halpern', 'wants', 'solicit', 'information', 'cody\\\\', 'boss', 'von', 'halpern\\\\', 'ex-boyfriend', 'mercedes', 'another', 'sex', 'scene', 'ensues', 'von', 'halpern\\\\', 'current', 'boyfriend', 'bobby', 'discovers', 'von', 'halpern\\\\', 'infidelity', 'seduces', 'moore', 'get', 'even', 'since', 'von', 'halpern', 'reneged', 'payment', 'moore', 'form', 'night', 'together', 'moore', 'responds', 'favorably', 'bobby\\\\', 'advances', 'cameo', 'appearances', 'occur', 'final', 'scene', 'set', 'opening', 'night', 'moore\\\\', 'new', 'gallery', 'exhibit', 'additional', 'plot', 'twist', 'main', 'character', 'murdered', 'end'], ['colin', 'arrives', 'hope', 'vermont', 'patriotic', 'town', 'northeastern', 'united', 'states', 'fall', 'time', 'checks', 'hotel', 'showing', 'clear', 'signs', 'emotional', 'distress', 'hotel', 'manager', 'joanie', 'sees', 'state', 'calls', 'friend', 'mandy', 'soothe', 'take', 'mind', 'troubles', 'colin', 'mandy', 'eventually', 'fall', 'love', 'colin', 'seeming', 'finally', 'get', 'loss', 'fianc챕e', 'vera', 'suddenly', 'vera', 'shows', 'hope', 'tries', 'get', 'colin', 'back', 'colin', 'longer', 'interested', 'vera', 'give', 'later', 'colin', 'visits', 'vera', 'hotel', 'room', 'changes', 'underwear', 'fire', 'alarm', 'set', 'mandy', 'sees', 'two', 'together', 'assumes', 'colin', 'took', 'back', 'colin', 'promises', 'never', 'talk', 'mandy', 'gets', 'passport', 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'women', 'avoids', 'work', 'continues', 'strain', 'relations', 'ex-wife', 'drunkenly', 'attends', 'formal', 'party', 'dressed', 'genie\\\\', 'costume', 'zach\\\\', 'affairs', 'include', 'one', 'volatile', 'woman', 'named', 'molly', 'deliberately', 'leaves', 'hooked', 'long', 'skin-treatment', 'electro-therapy', 'machine', 'gives', 'body', 'quivering', 'spasms', 'head', 'toe', 'also', 'one-night', 'stand', 'remarkably', 'muscular', 'female', 'bodybuilder', 'named', 'lonnie', 'telling', 'sex', 'feels', 'like', 'mrs.', 'arnold', 'schwarzenegger', 'perhaps', 'memorable', 'scene', 'shot', 'total', 'darkness', 'zach', 'wearing', 'luminous', 'condom', 'prepares', 'sex', 'yet', 'another', 'woman', 'met', 'amy', 'boyfriend', 'returns', 'similarly', 'equipped', 'two', 'men', 'engage', 'frantic', 'fight', 'glow-in-the-dark', 'attire', 'bouncing', 'crazily', 'across', 'room', 'disrupting', 'ex-wife\\\\', 'wedding', 'day', 'finally', 'dawns', 'zach', 'control', 'drinking', 'habit', 'become', 'sobers', 'begins', 'write', 'wins', 'back', 'alex\\\\', 'love', 'film', 'ends'], ['duncan', 'fletcher', 'average', 'teenager', 'search', 'date', 'school', 'spring', 'dance', 'mall', 'friends', 'meets', 'girl', 'named', 'hallie', 'happens', 'daughter', 'president', 'united', 'states', 'george', 'richmond', 'duncan', 'realizing', 'asks', 'school', 'dance', 'accepts', 'gives', 'address', 'replies', 'telling', 'pick', '7:00.', 'night', 'duncan', 'father', 'declines', 'request', 'borrow', 'company', 'car', 'red', 'bmw', 'duncan', 'takes', 'company', 'car', 'anyway', 'goes', 'hallie', 'pick', 'end', 'white', 'house', 'realize', 'president', 'daughter', 'first', 'believes', 'hallie', 'playing', 'joke', 'enters', 'hallie', 'duncan', 'meet', 'father', 'duncan', 'informed', 'limitations', 'secret', 'service', 'entire', 'time', 'hallie', 'says', 'going', 'dinner', 'movie', 'movie', 'theater', 'sneak', 'away', 'secret', 'service', 'hallie', 'duncan', 'movie', 'get', 'away', 'pretending', 'make', 'store', 'called', 'f/x', 'get', 'new', 'clothes', 'duncan', 'uses', 'father', 'credit', 'card', 'spends', '730.16', 'shopping', 'duncan', 'lets', 'hallie', 'drive', 'encounter', 'many', 'obstacles', 'throughout', 'night', 'duncan', 'father', 'car', 'getting', 'stolen', 'confrontations', 'dance', 'club', 'tavern', 'vice', 'president', 'sleazy', 'son', 'reid', 'bosshardt', 'fight', 'defending', 'local', 'bully', 'hallie', 'duncan', 'fathers', 'looking', 'throughout', 'city', 'end', 'arrested', 'traffic', 'violation', 'traffic', 'cop', 'fails', 'recognize', 'president', 'duncan', 'hallie', 'manage', 'come', 'home', 'safe', 'unhappy', 'realize', 'first', 'kiss', 'much', 'like', 'end', 'film', 'even', 'though', 'never', 'make', 'dance', 'duncan', 'satisfied', 'outcome', 'date', 'dad', 'gets', 'mad', 'whole', 'thing', 'grounds', 'calms', 'decides', 'father-son', 'things', 'learns', 'duncan', 'credit', 'card', 'accidentally', 'crashes', 'car', 'result', 'president', 'richmond', 'comes', 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'game', 'jack', 'borrows', '65,000', 'dealt', 'straight', 'flush', 'lose', 'gambler\\\\', 'higher', 'straight', 'flush', 'tommy', 'however', 'promises', 'erase', 'debt', 'spend', 'weekend', 'singer\\\\', 'fianc챕e', 'getting', 'korman', 'agree', 'sex', 'desperate', 'couple', 'agree', 'jack', 'tries', 'desperately', 'get', 'betsy', 'back', 'discovers', 'tommy', 'taken', 'hawaii', 'family', 'connections', 'gambler', 'also', 'friend', 'mahi', 'mahi', 'keep', 'jack', 'far', 'possible', 'betsy', 'jack', 'discovers', 'goes', 'tommy\\\\', 'house', 'he\\\\', 'attacked', 'tommy', 'arrested', 'dr.', 'molar', 'bail', 'jail', 'mahi', 'mahi', 'meets', 'outside', 'admits', 'korman', 'left', 'betsy', 'forcing', 'marry', 'mahi', 'races', 'jack', 'airport', 'betsy', 'decides', 'wedding', 'escapes', 'tommy', 'meanwhile', 'changing', 'many', 'planes', 'finding', 'stuck', 'san', 'jose', 'jack', 'tries', 'frantically', 'find', 'flight', 'vegas', 'finally', 'finds', 'group', 'depart', 'vegas', 'much', 'surprise', 'finds', 'mid-flight', 'utah', 'chapter', 'flying', 'elvises', 'skydiving', 'team', 'elvis', 'impersonators', 'jack', 'realizes', 'skydive', '3,000', 'feet', 'order', 'get', 'betsy', 'jack', 'eventually', 'able', 'overcome', 'fear', 'lands', 'spots', 'betsy', 'ruins', 'tommy\\\\', 'plans', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'jack', 'betsy', 'getting', 'married', 'small', 'las', 'vegas', 'chapel', 'flying', 'elvises', 'guests', 'jack', 'still', 'white', 'illuminated', 'jumpsuit', 'betsy', 'stolen', 'showgirl', 'outfit'], [\"'hungama\", 'revolves', 'around', 'four', 'primary', 'characters', 'anjali', 'nandu', 'mr.', 'tiwari', 'jeetu', 'lives', 'big', 'city', 'become', 'intertwined', 'following', 'series', 'mishaps', 'misunderstandings', 'anjali', 'run', 'away', 'small', 'village', 'get', 'job', 'big', 'city', 'hopes', 'make', 'enough', 'money', 'pay', 'debts', 'family', 'owes', 'landlord', 'otherwise', 'anjali', 'marry', 'landlord\\\\', 'son', 'raja', 'describes', 'first', 'class', 'idiot', 'arrives', 'city', 'way', 'find', 'cheap', 'lodging', 'pretending', 'married', 'total', 'stranger', 'nandu', 'aspiring', 'musician', 'arrangement', 'thought', 'local', 'milkman', 'fixer', 'bholu', 'anjali', 'nandu', 'initially', \"don\\\\'t\", 'get', 'along', 'must', 'make', 'retain', 'low-rent', 'accommodation', 'meanwhile', 'electronics', 'salesman', 'named', 'jeetu', 'struggling', 'find', 'loan', 'start', 'business', 'wealthy', 'dad', 'refuses', 'loan', 'single', 'penny', 'quite', 'frustrated', 'discusses', 'situation', 'equally', 'penniless', 'friend', 'anil', 'confides', 'best', 'way', 'access', 'funds', 'marry', 'i.e', 'marry', 'someone\\\\', 'rich', 'daughter', 'precisely', 'plans', 'seducing', 'daughter', 'local', 'bigwig', 'named', 'kachara', 'seth', 'plans', 'make', 'appear', 'rich', 'expects', 'married', 'father-in-law', 'able', 'nothing', 'upon', 'discovering', 'new', 'son-in-law', 'actually', 'poor', 'accept', 'anil', 'family', 'as-is', 'acting', 'meant', 'simply', 'sarcastic', 'comment', 'father', 'getting', 'money', 'stealing', 'someone', 'else', 'instead', 'begging', 'father', 'jeetu', 'takes', 'matter', 'ends', 'stealing', 'chunk', 'cash', 'parent\\\\', 'safe', 'proceeds', 'fulfill', 'dream', 'opening', 'electronics', 'business', 'local', 'mall', 'meanwhile', 'millionaire', 'businessman', 'radeshyam', 'tiwari', 'lives', 'village', 'wife', 'retains', 'mannerisms', 'villager', 'despite', 'untold', 'riches', 'decides', 'spend', 'weeks', 'city', 'wife', 'afraid', 'becoming', 'estranged', 'london-educated', 'children', 'return', 'home', 'stint', 'city', 'observing', 'ways', 'city', 'folk', 'seems', 'like', 'good', 'idea', 'mr.', 'tiwari', 'owns', 'large', 'villa', 'city', 'never', 'lived', 'leaving', 'occupied', 'servant', 'named', 'pandu', 'unbeknownst', 'tiwari', 'anil', 'living', 'villa', 'past', 'couple', 'weeks', 'struck', 'deal', 'pandu', 'plan', 'involves', 'pretending', 'tiwari\\\\', 'son', 'asking', 'kachara', 'seth', 'daughter\\\\', 'hand', 'marriage', 'plan', 'working', 'perfection', 'far', 'money-', 'status-conscious', 'kachara', 'seth', 'visited', 'villa', 'become', 'impressed', 'anil', 'decided', 'betroth', 'daughter', 'someone', 'believes', 'tiwari\\\\', 'real', 'son', 'however', 'plan', 'fall', 'apart', 'final', 'hurdle', 'news', 'tiwari', 'unexpectedly', 'arriving', 'town', 'tomorrow', 'fearful', 'employment', 'pandu', 'begs', 'anil', 'make', 'excuse', 'kachara', 'seth', 'leave', 'villa', 'find', 'temporary', 'shelter', 'elsewhere', 'tiwari', 'come', 'gone', 'anjali', 'gets', 'news', 'tiwari\\\\', 'arrival', 'friend', 'pays', 'visit', 'villa', 'hope', 'landing', 'job', 'turns', 'interview', 'tiwari\\\\', 'wife', 'like', 'husband\\\\', 'bubbling', 'behavior', 'towards', 'young', 'attractive', 'anjali', 'slams', 'door', 'face', 'desperate', 'job', 'decides', 'wait', 'outside', 'door', 'hope', 'seeing', 'tiwari', 'steps', 'outside', 'point', 'jeetu', 'shows', 'villa', 'fix', 'stereo', 'shop', 'sold', 'tiwari', 'day', 'sees', 'anjali', 'door', 'mistakes', 'daughter', 'tiwari', 'words', 'anil', 'back', 'mind', 'instinctively', 'starts', 'wooing', 'anjali', 'unable', 'land', 'job', 'tiwaris', 'anjali', 'later', 'bumps', 'jeetu', 'replies', 'help', 'wanted', 'newspaper', 'work', 'jeetu\\\\', 'new', 'store', 'jeetu', 'perplexed', 'super-rich', 'mr.', 'tiwari\\\\', 'daughter', 'would', 'want', 'work', 'mediocre', 'job', 'agrees', 'hire', 'without', 'inquiring', 'deeply', 'realizing', 'golden', 'opportunity', 'arrangement', 'offers', 'able', 'woo', 'daily', 'anjali', 'realizing', 'jeetu\\\\', 'mistake', 'correct', 'realizing', 'may', 'land', 'job', 'jeetu', 'finds', 'poor', 'village', 'girl', 'nandu', 'meantime', 'begun', 'fall', 'love', 'anjali', 'living', 'however', 'jeetu', 'beginning', 'spend', 'considerable', 'amount', 'time', 'anjali', 'outside', 'work', 'simply', 'matter', 'time', 'nandu', 'jeetu', 'cross', 'paths', 'result', 'immediate', 'highly', 'public', 'verbal', 'altercation', 'anjali', 'able', 'avoid', 'jeetu', 'discovering', 'fact', 'knows', 'nandu', 'shares', 'room', 'every', 'day', 'work', 'jeetu', 'drops', 'anjali', 'tiwari', 'villa', 'mistakenly', 'believing', 'lives', 'tiwari\\\\', 'daughter', 'soon', 'drives', 'anjali', 'turns', 'away', 'front', 'door', 'hastily', 'makes', 'way', 'tiwaris', 'spot', 'turns', 'mrs.', 'tiwari', 'also', 'happens', 'named', 'anjali', 'leads', 'much', 'confusion', 'misunderstanding', 'jeetu', 'anjali', 'mr.', 'tiwari', 'mrs.', 'tiwari', 'jeetu', 'often', 'showing', 'mr.', 'tiwari\\\\', 'villa', 'asking', 'mr.', 'tiwari', 'anjali', 'mrs.', 'tiwari', 'often', 'spotting', 'real', 'anjali', 'outside', 'villa', 'jeetu', 'drops', 'work', 'soon', 'tiwaris', 'become', 'convinced', 'affair', 'younger', 'counterparts', 'results', 'several', 'acrimonious', 'arguments', 'much', 'tantrum', 'throwing', 'elderly', 'couple', 'make', 'matters', 'even', 'complicated', 'anjali', 'receives', 'letter', 'home', 'informing', 'prospective', 'groom', 'raja', 'coming', 'city', 'see', 'raja', 'arrives', 'next', 'day', 'intercepted', 'nandu', 'train', 'station', 'teams', 'bholu', 'formulate', 'plan', 'scare', 'simpleton', 'raja', 'away', 'city', 'get', 'touch', 'anjali', 'meantime', 'kachara', 'seth', 'visited', 'villa', 'several', 'occasions', 'upon', 'finding', 'tiwaris', 'pandu', 'anil', 'missing', 'become', 'agitated', 'honor', 'daughter', 'balance', 'mr.', 'tiwari', 'tries', 'explain', 'son', 'city', 'even', 'son', 'cam', 'london', 'without', 'knowledge', 'would', 'never', 'ever', 'marry', 'daughter', 'low-class', 'person', 'like', 'kachara', 'tensions', 'soon', 'boil', 'mr.', 'tiwari', 'kachara', 'seth', 'mr.', 'tiwari', 'jeetu', 'perceived', 'dalliances', 'wife', 'kachara', 'seth', 'mr.', 'tiwari', 'missing', 'son', 'anil', 'jeetu', 'mr.', 'tiwari', 'anjali\\\\', 'hand', 'marriage', 'nandu\\\\', 'landlord\\\\', 'wife', 'fallen', 'nandu', 'eloping', 'major', 'characters', 'start', 'chasing', 'end', 'warehouse', 'big', 'melee', 'follows', 'end', 'jeetu', 'nandu', 'confront', 'anjali', 'profess', 'love', 'forcing', 'choose', 'seemingly', 'cornered', 'difficult', 'choice', 'anjali', 'proceeds', 'write', 'jeetu', 'nandu\\\\', 'name', 'several', 'chits', 'folds', 'asks', 'jeetu', 'pick', 'one', 'whoever\\\\', 'name', 'shows', 'promises', 'marry', 'jeetu', 'reluctant', 'convinced', 'love', 'picks', 'chit', 'nandu\\\\', 'name', 'shows', 'anjila', 'walks', 'sunset', 'nandu', 'disappointed', 'jeetu', 'collapses', 'floor', 'despair', 'opens', 'chits', 'nandu\\\\', 'name', 'anjali', 'fallen', 'love', 'nandu', 'along', 'way', 'ruse', 'chits', 'way', 'make', 'rejecting', 'jeetu', 'palatable'], [\"'stewart\", 'mcbain', 'successful', 'self-made', 'demolitions', 'expert', 'blows', 'buildings', 'living', 'midst', 'one', 'project', 'group', 'protesters', 'stops', 'last', 'building', 'lot', 'dutch', 'house', 'demolished', 'mcbain', 'appears', 'dismiss', 'protests', 'made', 'look', 'foolish', 'returning', 'home', 'three', 'college-aged', 'children', 'daphne', 'chloe', 'jimmy', 'ridicule', 'appearing', 'camera', 'feeling', 'children', 'spoiled', 'soft', 'mcbain', 'kicks', 'house', 'giving', '750', 'drops', 'dutch', 'house', 'live', 'house', 'dilapidated', 'verge', 'collapse', 'order', 'finance', 'new', 'lives', 'children', 'take', 'housemates', 'include', 'fashion', 'designer', 'named', 'lionel', 'homeless', 'magician', 'shitty', 'stockbroker', 'tom', 'sheryl', 'amateur', 'occultist', 'chloe', 'commissioned', 'finish', 'calendar', 'insurance', 'company', 'lionel', 'complete', 'designs', 'fashion', 'show', 'chloe', 'uses', 'roommates', 'calendar', 'lionel', 'ends', 'using', 'model', 'show', 'story', 'told', 'backdrop', 'stockmarket', 'crash', 'brings', 'mcbain', 'ruin', 'desperately', 'attempts', 'stave', 'hostile', 'takeover', 'demolition', 'company', 'fails', 'loses', 'home', 'becomes', 'destitute', 'ultimately', 'children', 'take', 'starts', 'see', 'world', 'entirely', 'different', 'light'], [\"'wayne\", 'dobie', 'meek', 'chicago', 'police', 'department', 'crime', 'scene', 'photographer', 'spent', 'years', 'job', 'without', 'ever', 'drawing', 'gun', 'colleagues', 'jokingly', 'call', 'mad', 'dog', 'mad', 'dog', 'saves', 'life', 'mob', 'boss', 'frank', 'milo', 'hold-up', 'convenience', 'store', 'milo', 'offers', 'mad', 'dog', 'gift', 'return', 'one', 'week', 'personal', 'services', 'glory', 'young', 'woman', 'works', 'bartender', 'milo\\\\', 'club', 'mad', 'dog', 'learns', 'glory', 'trying', 'pay', 'personal', 'debt', 'wants', 'nothing', 'milo', 'beyond', 'awkward', 'start', 'fall', 'love', 'mad', 'dog', 'wants', 'move', 'apartment', 'milo', 'intention', 'losing', 'glory', 'permanently', 'milo', 'says', 'mad', 'dog', 'pay', '40,000', 'give', 'glory', 'freedom', 'sends', 'one', 'thugs', 'back', 'threat', 'mad', 'dog\\\\', 'partner', 'mike', 'fights', 'thug', 'mad', 'dog\\\\', 'behalf', 'mad', 'dog', 'best', 'get', 'money', 'falls', 'short', '12,500', 'knowing', 'mike', 'longer', 'fight', 'battles', 'works', 'courage', 'fight', 'glory', 'ends', 'fighting', 'milo', 'street', 'fed', 'milo', 'washes', 'hands', 'mad', 'dog', 'lets', 'glory', 'strings', 'attached'], [\"'redl\", 'ambitious', 'military', 'officer', 'pre-world', 'war', 'austria', 'whose', 'career', 'path', 'set', 'early', 'redl\\\\', 'mother', 'wants', 'restore', 'family\\\\', 'past', 'glory', 'son', 'redl', 'soon', 'wins', 'favor', 'everywhere', 'talent', 'drive', 'loyalty', 'empire\\\\', 'ideal', 'tolerance', 'devotion', 'crown', 'military', 'school', 'he\\\\', 'forced', 'inform', 'kubinyi', 'student', 'who\\\\', 'source', 'practical', 'joke', 'though', 'beats', 'judas', 'soon', 'realizes', 'rise', 'ranks', 'must', 'overcome', 'peasant', 'background', 'hide', 'homosexuality', 'ingratiating', 'superiors', 'kubinyi', 'hungarian', 'nobleman', 'together', 'two', 'slowly', 'climb', 'ladder', 'career-officers', 'kubinyi', 'slowly', 'falls', 'prey', 'national', 'aspirations', 'hapsburg-free', 'hungary', 'redl', 'remains', 'faithful', 'benefactor', 'raison', \"d\\\\'etre\", 'redl', 'feverishly', 'defends', 'king', 'country', 'working', 'uncover', 'various', 'nationalistic', 'movements', 'threaten', 'empire\\\\', 'solidarity', 'time', 'becomes', 'chief', 'military', 'intelligence', 'austro-hungarian', 'empire', 'superiors', 'find', 'perfect', 'servant', 'redl', 'loyalty', 'crown', 'steadfast', 'parvenus', 'around', 'aging', 'emperor', 'sense', 'redl', 'worst', 'enemy', 'nationalism', 'one', 'many', 'diseases', 'gnawing', 'away', 'empire', 'self-interest', 'greed', 'nobles-in-waiting', 'prove', 'even', 'greater', 'danger', 'head', 'counter-intelligence', 'redl', 'soon', 'sniffs', 'bloody', 'dagger', 'austrian', 'hungarian', 'aristocrats', 'planning', 'coup', \"d\\\\'et찼t\", 'help', 'tsarist', 'russia', 'waiting', 'catch', 'guilty', 'conspirators', 'redl', 'caught', 'instead', 'though', 'professes', 'hate', 'politics', 'politicians', 'redl', 'also', \"can\\\\'t\", 'avoid', 'leader', 'redl', 'supposedly', 'spying', 'among', 'officer', 'corps', 'draws', 'list', \"can\\\\'t\", 'exposed', 'traitorous', 'activities', 'tells', 'redl', 'must', 'find', 'double', 'ukrainian', 'hidden', 'homosexuality', 'becomes', 'known', 'court', 'put', 'compromising', 'position', 'public', 'disgrace', 'discharge', 'service', 'take', \"\\\\'more\", 'honorable\\\\', 'position', 'scapegoat', 'colonel', 'redl', 'conspired', 'russians', 'disloyalty', 'disloyalty', 'emperor', 'empire', '-to', 'new-found', 'father', 'family', 'cruel', 'choice', 'redl', 'forced', 'make', 'certain', 'exposed', 'redl', 'surrenders', 'fate', 'quoting', 'wife', 'montaigne', 'it\\\\', 'sin', 'involved', 'it\\\\', 'sin', 'remain', 'involved', 'put', 'house', 'arrest', 'commits', 'suicide', 'pistol'], [\"'michael\", '17-year-old', 'growing', 'communist', 'east', 'germany', '1970s', 'spends', 'time', 'friends', 'listening', 'banned', 'pop', 'music', 'partying', 'trying', 'win', 'heart', 'miriam', 'dating', 'west', 'berlin', 'boy', 'course', 'movie', 'best', 'friend', 'mario', 'falls', 'existentialist', 'gets', 'kicked', 'school', 'subsequently', 'discovers', 'going', 'father', 'closing', 'movie', 'upsets', 'micha\\\\', 'thus', 'far', 'idealistic', 'life', 'mario', 'sells', 'ideals', 'signing', 'military', 'service', 'support', 'girlfriend', 'child', 'furthermore', 'young', 'blonde', 'friend', 'wuschel', 'shot', 'gdr', 'guard', 'survives', 'thanks', 'rolling', 'stones', 'double', 'album', 'exile', 'mainstreet', 'bullet', 'lodged', 'young', 'boy', 'devastated', 'however', 'prominently', 'displaying', 'importance', 'pop', 'music', 'lives', 'later', 'gets', 'new', 'copy', 'using', 'west-german', 'mark', 'gets', 'miriam\\\\', 'ex-boyfriend', 'latter', 'causes', 'crash', 'bike', 'film', 'ends', 'crowd', 'east', 'berliners', 'advancing', 'berlin', 'wall', 'entry/exit', 'gate', 'singing', 'letter', 'dynamo', 'led', 'michael', 'wuschel', 'jump', 'balcony', 'perched', 'seemingly', 'move', 'western', 'side'], ['six', 'months', 'events', 'romancing', 'stone', 'joan', 'wilder', 'trouble', 'writing', 'next', 'romantic', 'novel', 'living', 'jack', 'colton', 'boat', 'angelina', 'currently', 'docked', 'south', 'france', 'port', 'refuses', 'discuss', 'marriage', 'later', 'afternoon', 'book', 'signing', 'engagement', 'held', 'publisher', 'gloria', 'joan', 'meets', 'charming', 'arab', 'ruler', 'named', 'omar', 'managed', 'persuade', 'world', 'firm', 'fair', 'ruler', 'kadir', 'omar', 'offers', 'joan', 'opportunity', 'live', 'like', 'queen', 'palace', 'writes', 'fluff', 'piece', 'however', 'soon', 'joan', 'leaves', 'omar', 'jack', 'runs', 'ralph', 'ralph', 'comical', 'swindler', 'jack', 'past', 'recently', 'prison', 'plans', 'killing', 'jack', 'abandoning', 'authorities', 'colombia', 'stopped', 'arab', 'named', 'tarak', 'tells', 'jack', 'omar', 'true', 'intentions', 'includes', 'fact', 'greatest', 'treasure', 'jewel', 'nile', 'possession', 'ralph', 'immediately', 'interested', 'prospect', 'agrees', 'help', 'find', 'jewel', 'jack', 'however', 'less', 'convinced', 'seconds', 'later', 'angelina', 'explodes', 'sabotaged', 'omar', 'orders', 'agrees', 'team', 'ralph', 'tarak', 'order', 'track', 'lost', 'jewel', 'omar', 'kingdom', 'stay', 'palace', 'joan', 'discovers', 'omar', 'brutal', 'dictator', 'imprisons', 'agrees', 'finish', 'fluff', 'piece', 'introduce', 'world', 'enlightened', 'ruler', 'unite', 'arab', 'world', 'palace', 'jail', 'meets', 'holy', 'man', 'al-julhara', 'fact', 'jewel', 'nile', 'realizing', 'one', 'stop', 'omar', 'joan', 'offers', 'take', 'al-julhara', 'kadir', 'pair', 'escape', 'palace', 'help', 'jack', 'able', 'flee', 'omar', 'army', 'desert', 'ralph', 'provides', 'much', 'film', 'comic', 'relief', 'left', 'fend', 'desert', 'thus', 'joins', 'rebel', 'sufi', 'tribe', 'led', 'tarak', 'sworn', 'protect', 'jewel', 'fulfill', 'destiny', 'jack', 'battle', 'joan', 'hand', 'son', 'nubian', 'mountain', 'african', 'tribe', 'chief', 'joan', 'breaks', 'news', 'jack', 'jewel', 'fact', 'al-julhara', 'true', 'spiritual', 'leader', 'arab', 'people', 'omar', 'plans', 'using', 'british', 'rock', 'roll', 'technician', 'smoke', 'mirrors', 'special', 'effects', 'upcoming', 'festival', 'planned', 'omar', 'convince', 'arab', 'world', 'fact', 'prophet', 'unite', 'arab', 'world', 'rule', 'jack', 'joan', 'al-julhara', 'decide', 'crash', 'festival', 'kadir', 'unmask', 'omar', 'fraud', 'however', 'captured', 'omar', 'sets', 'elaborate', 'fiendish', 'trap', 'savage', 'secret', 'joan', 'popular', 'novel', 'jack', 'joan', 'suspended', 'deep', 'pit', 'ropes', 'holding', 'jack', 'soaked', 'goat', 'blood', 'rapidly', 'chewed', 'away', 'rats', 'joan', 'slowly', 'dissolved', 'drops', 'acid', 'al-julhara', 'however', 'simply', 'locked', 'stocks', 'omar', 'leaves', 'fate', 'found', 'later', 'inadvertently', 'saved', 'ralph', 'along', 'tarak', 'sufi', 'followers', 'come', 'rescue', 'al-julhara', 'omar', 'takes', 'center', 'stage', 'address', 'arab', 'people', 'jack', 'joan', 'disrupt', 'ceremony', 'tarak', 'sufi', 'battle', 'omar', 'guards', 'fire', 'breaks', 'part', 'omar', 'platform', 'apparatus', 'crashes', 'stage', 'engulfing', 'flames', 'jack', 'joan', 'separated', 'chaos', 'omar', 'corners', 'top', 'burning', 'scaffolding', 'surrounding', 'stage', 'help', 'ralph', 'jack', 'rides', 'crane', 'top', 'scaffolding', 'knocks', 'omar', 'side', 'flames', 'kill', 'joan', 'omar', 'killed', 'al-julhara', 'rises', 'real', 'spiritual', 'leader', 'jack', 'joan', 'finally', 'married', 'al-julhara', 'following', 'day', 'genuinely', 'happy', 'jack', 'joan', 'ralph', 'laments', 'sadly', 'nothing', 'show', 'efforts', 'acknowledged', 'true', 'sufi', 'tarak', 'signified', 'presented', 'priceless', 'jeweled', 'dagger', 'ralph', 'genuinely', 'touched', 'happily', 'accepts', 'gift', 'film', 'ends', 'jack', 'joan', 'sailing', 'nile', 'al-julhara', 'people', 'along', 'ralph', 'tarak', 'sufi', 'gloria', 'wave', 'goodbye', 'river', 'dock'], ['charles', 'lodge', 'freewheeling', 'film', 'director', 'lives', 'car', 'trailer', 'interrupts', 'well-ordered', 'life', 'margit', 'agnew', 'convinces', 'younger', 'sister', 'irene', 'become', 'actress', 'however', 'margit', 'determined', 'irene', 'marry', 'fianc챕', 'four', 'years', 'pliable', 'waldo', 'john', 'beal', 'fed', 'waldo', 'easy-going', 'nature', 'irene', 'decides', 'infatuated', 'charles', 'charles', 'pretends', 'return', 'feelings', 'stay', 'close', 'margit', 'agrees', 'give', 'irene', 'margit', 'let', 'paint', 'portrait', 'however', 'irene', 'comes', 'unexpectedly', 'trailer', 'margit', 'believing', 'lied', 'giving', 'irene', 'angrily', 'destroys', 'painting', 'arrested', 'charles', 'arranges', 'wedding', 'planning', 'marry', 'margit', 'circumstances', 'push', 'marrying', 'irene', 'ceremony', 'charles', 'margit', 'finally', 'admit', 'really', 'love', 'waldo', 'arrives', 'punch', 'charles', 'take', 'back', 'fianc챕e'], [\"'judd\", 'plays', 'ruby', 'title', 'character', 'narrator', 'film', 'film', 'begins', 'leaving', 'tennessee', 'landing', 'panama', 'city', 'florida', 'summer', 'resort', 'town', 'visited', 'child', 'although', 'arrives', 'fall', 'beginning', 'off-season', 'gets', 'job', 'chambers', 'beach', 'emporium', 'souvenir', 'store', 'run', 'mrs.', 'chambers', 'overcoming', 'owner\\\\', 'initial', 'rejection', 'employment', 'application', 'telling', \"'ve\", 'done', 'retail', 'work', 'real', 'cheap', 'course', 'year', 'keeps', 'journal', 'contemplates', 'career', 'ups', 'downs', 'love', 'life', 'past', 'future', 'film', 'character', 'study', 'proceeding', 'leisurely', 'pace', 'ruby\\\\', 'introspective', 'comments', 'interspersed', 'routine', 'scenes', 'souvenir', 'store', 'conversations', 'friend', 'rochelle', 'men', 'dates'], ['lanie', 'kerrigan', 'successful', 'reporter', 'seattle', 'television', 'station', 'interviews', 'self-proclaimed', 'prophet', 'jack', 'find', 'really', 'predict', 'football', 'scores', 'instead', 'prophet', 'jack', 'predicts', 'football', 'score', 'would', 'hail', 'next', 'day', 'also', 'would', 'die', 'seven', 'days', 'meaning', 'following', 'thursday', 'first', 'two', 'prophecies', 'turn', 'correct', 'kerrigan', 'panics', 'meets', 'jack', 'asking', 'another', 'prophecy', 'prove', 'wrong', 'would', 'imply', 'uncertainty', 'death', 'jack', 'tells', 'relatively', 'significant', 'earthquake', 'san', 'francisco', '9:06', 'hopes', 'wrong', 'also', 'becomes', 'reality', 'lanie', 'becomes', 'sure', 'upcoming', 'death', 'forced', 'reevaluate', 'life', 'remainder', 'storyline', 'runs', 'week', 'prophecy', 'revolves', 'around', 'attempts', 'introspection', 'seeks', 'consolation', 'famous', 'baseball', 'player', 'boyfriend', 'cal', 'cooper', 'family', 'finds', 'little', 'lifelong', 'ambition', 'appearing', 'network', 'television', 'begins', 'look', 'like', 'distant', 'dream', 'desperation', 'commits', 'professional', 'blunders', 'ends', 'finding', 'support', 'unlikely', 'source', 'archenemy', 'cameraman', 'pete', 'scanlon', 'casual', 'sex', 'introduces', 'new', 'approach', 'life', 'pete', 'tells', 'live', 'every', 'moment', 'life', 'whatever', 'always', 'wanted', 'lanie', 'implements', 'pete', 'advice', 'moves', 'pete', 'day', 'introduces', 'son', 'tommy', 'lives', 'mother', 'separated', 'pete', 'spend', 'whole', 'day', 'together', 'tommy', 'night', 'sleep', 'together', 'second', 'time', 'next', 'day', 'lanie', 'receives', 'opportunity', 'job', 'always', 'dreamed', 'new', 'york', 'asks', 'pete', 'come', 'declines', 'tells', 'appetite', 'success', 'fame', 'never', 'end', 'lanie', 'sadly', 'leaves', 'new', 'york', 'pete', 'meets', 'jack', 'tells', 'wrong', 'lanie', 'got', 'job', 'jack', 'foretold', 'would', 'get', 'jack', 'explains', 'right', 'lanie', 'never', 'able', 'get', 'job', \"'ll\", 'die', 'begins', 'gives', 'prophecy', 'death', 'famous', 'former', 'baseball', 'player', 'plane', 'crash', 'pete', 'receives', 'news', 'death', 'baseball', 'player', 'foretold', 'jack', 'tries', 'call', 'lanie', 'warn', 'reach', 'also', 'flies', 'new', 'york', 'lanie', 'unconcerned', 'jack', 'prophecy', 'interviews', 'idol', 'famous', 'media', 'personality', 'deborah', 'connors', 'receives', 'huge', 'television', 'ratings', 'lanie', 'offered', 'better', 'opportunity', 'declines', 'knows', 'worthwhile', 'life', '봲he', 'goes', 'pete', 'seattle', 'outside', 'street', 'police', 'officer', 'gets', 'conflict', 'man', 'shoots', 'bullet', 'air', 'pete', 'tries', 'warn', 'lanie', 'across', 'street', 'shot', 'crossfire', 'luckily', 'lanie', 'survives', 'pete', 'tells', 'hospital', 'loved', 'since', 'first', 'time', 'saw', 'lanie', 'says', 'loves', 'later', 'pete', 'lanie', 'tommy', 'watch', 'cal', 'baseball', 'game', 'lanie', 'says', 'one', 'part', 'died', '봳he', 'part', \"n't\", 'know', 'live', 'life'], ['movie', 'tells', 'womanizing', 'performing', 'magician', 'woo', 'ji-hoon', 'one', 'day', 'discovers', 'hidden', 'camera', 'film', 'internet', 'shows', 'sex', 'one', 'former', 'girlfriends', 'koo', 'hee-won', 'motel', 'ji-hoon', 'first', 'tracks', 'hee-won', 'working', 'teacher', 'local', 'school', 'decide', 'instead', 'going', 'police', 'better', 'trying', 'track', 'film', 'makers', 'get', 'film', 'taken', 'offline', 'without', 'making', 'fuss', 'since', 'careers', 'could', 'suffer', 'ji-hoon', 'hee-won', 'start', 'spending', 'evenings', 'going', 'motels', 'visited', 'going', 'slowly', 'rediscover', 'feelings'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'aging', 'director', 'named', 'bergman', 'conjures', 'imagination', 'central', 'character', 'marianne', 'period', 'days', 'secluded', 'f책r철', 'refuge', 'baltic', 'sea', 'interviews', 'compose', 'story', 'life-changing', 'affair', 'happily', 'married', 'markus', 'orchestra', 'conductor', 'young', 'daughter', 'isabelle', 'suddenly', 'falls', 'love', 'best', 'friend', 'david', 'extended', 'interlude', 'paris', 'must', 'deal', 'ramifications', 'style', 'film', 'cerebral', 'abstract', 'ambiguous', 'main', 'potential', 'audience', 'viewers', 'familiar', 'previous', 'decades', 'work', 'bergman', 'ullmann', 'may', 'appreciate', 'meditative', 'capstone', 'careers', 'lives', 'together'], ['katya', 'morgan', 'rich', 'pampered', 'heiress', 'spends', 'days', 'shopping', 'partying', 'chasing', 'guys', '...', 'disinherited', 'family', 'fortune', 'father', 'money', 'name', 'job', 'skills', 'katya', 'takes', 'job', 'maid', 'plush', 'swank', 'royal', 'palmetto', 'hotel', 'scottsdale', 'arizona', 'falls', 'alex', 'sheridan', 'general', 'manager', 'hotel', 'works', 'katya', 'learns', 'getting', \"n't\", 'want', 'sometimes', 'best', 'reward'], ['1947', 'united', 'states', 'congressional', 'committee', 'includes', 'prim', 'phoebe', 'frost', 'iowa', 'arrives', 'post-world', 'war', 'berlin', 'visit', 'american', 'troops', 'stationed', 'phoebe', 'hears', 'rumors', 'cabaret', 'torch', 'singer', 'erika', 'von', 'schl체tow', 'suspected', 'former', 'mistress', 'either', 'hermann', 'g철ring', 'joseph', 'goebbels', 'protected', 'unidentified', 'american', 'officer', 'enlists', 'captain', 'john', 'pringle', 'assist', 'investigation', 'unaware', 'erika', 'current', 'lover', 'seeing', 'erika', 'adolf', 'hitler', 'newsreel', 'filmed', 'war', 'phoebe', 'asks', 'john', 'take', 'army', 'headquarters', 'retrieve', 'singer', 'official', 'file', 'order', 'distract', 'john', 'woos', 'phoebe', 'initially', 'resists', 'romantic', 'advances', 'eventually', 'succumbs', 'charms', 'colonel', 'rufus', 'plummer', 'advises', 'john', 'aware', 'relationship', 'erika', 'orders', 'continue', 'seeing', 'hope', 'lead', 'another', 'ex-lovers', 'ex-gestapo', 'agent', 'hans', 'otto', 'birgel', 'believed', 'hiding', 'american', 'occupation', 'zone', 'meanwhile', 'erika', 'phoebe', 'arrested', 'raid', 'designed', 'catch', 'germans', 'without', 'proper', 'identification', 'papers', 'lorelei', 'club', 'erika', 'performs', 'police', 'station', 'erika', 'claims', 'phoebe', 'cousin', 'order', 'secure', 'release', 'phoebe', 'grateful', 'erika', 'intercession', 'behalf', 'goes', 'apartment', 'erika', 'confesses', 'john', 'lover', 'arrives', 'humiliated', 'phoebe', 'leaves', 'colonel', 'plummer', 'attempts', 'reconcile', 'phoebe', 'john', 'john', 'targeted', 'birgel', 'lorelei', 'birgel', 'killed', 'american', 'soldiers', 'shoot', 'first', 'erika', 'arrested', 'sentenced', 'serve', 'time', 'labor', 'camp', 'phoebe', 'john', 'reunited'], [\"'michael\", 'ryan', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'receives', 'anonymous', 'love', 'letter', 'michael', 'obsessed', 'deborah', 'ann', 'fimple', 'class', 'beauty', 'best', 'friend', 'roger', 'convinces', 'letter', 'however', 'totally', 'oblivious', 'friend', 'toni', 'williams', 'love', 'michael', 'writes', 'deborah', 'ann', 'anonymous', 'love', 'letter', 'return', 'asks', 'toni', 'give', 'toni', 'realizes', 'letter', 'poorly', 'written', 'unromantic', 'rewrites', 'elizabeth', 'fimple', 'deborah', 'ann\\\\', 'mother', 'discovers', 'letter', 'jealous', 'police', 'officer', 'husband', 'lou', 'fimple', 'sees', 'reading', 'steals', 'letter', 'believes', 'wife', 'affair', 'suspects', 'neighbor', 'george', 'ryan', 'george', 'also', 'mistakenly', 'reads', 'letter', 'lou\\\\', 'wife', 'night', 'school', 'teacher', 'somehow', 'ends', 'book', 'george', 'asks', 'assumes', 'wants', 'affair', 'despite', 'fact', 'wife', 'friends', 'meanwhile', 'lou', 'shows', 'letter', 'george\\\\', 'wife', 'connie', 'proposes', 'expose', 'adulterers', 'receiving', 'response', 'deborah', 'ann', 'michael', 'writes', 'second', 'letter', 'toni', 'rewrites', 'michael', 'experiences', 'series', 'wacky', 'adventures', 'friends', 'throughout', 'summer', 'toni', 'arranges', 'meeting', 'two', 'tells', 'deborah', 'ann', 'wrote', 'love', 'letters', 'finally', 'agrees', 'real', 'date', 'almost', 'caught', 'debbie\\\\', 'jock', 'college', 'quasi', 'boyfriend', 'steve', 'toni', 'intervenes', 'pretending', 'seduce', 'later', 'ditches', 'short', 'michael', 'realizes', 'deb', 'snobby', 'shallow', 'like', 'expected', 'break', 'birthday', 'party', 'realizes', \"can\\\\'t\", 'sleep', 'intends', 'birthday', 'present', 'eventually', 'lou', 'connie', 'control', 'bridge', 'party', 'lou', 'assaults', 'george', 'connie', 'breaks', 'front', 'friends', 'lou', 'confronts', 'wife', 'letter', 'deborah', 'ann', 'overhears', 'reading', 'words', 'tearfully', 'accosts', 'father', 'reading', 'private', 'mail', 'debbie', 'runs', 'rooms', 'cries', 'sets', 'parents', 'make', 'misunderstanding', 'letters', 'michael', 'also', 'blasts', 'parents', 'reading', 'letter', 'invading', 'privacy', 'fall', 'semester', 'start', 'michael', 'realizes', 'toni', 'wrote', 'original', 'love', 'letter', 'races', 'home', 'told', 'left', 'study', 'abroad', 'program', 'aboard', 'ship', 'keep', 'away', 'full', 'year', 'michael', 'rushes', 'dockyard', 'brief', 'scuffle', 'steve', 'screaming', 'love', 'toni', 'shouting', 'love', 'ship', 'continues', 'sail', 'away', 'dives', 'water', 'reach', 'ship', 'toni', 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'declared', 'legally', 'dead', 'marry', 'bianca', 'turns', 'however', 'ellen', 'merely', 'shipwrecked', 'deserted', 'island', 'rescued', 'returns', 'home', 'learns', 'nick', 'left', 'honeymoon', 'second', 'wife', 'ellen', 'tracks', 'honeymoon', 'night', 'loss', 'break', 'news', 'bianca', 'keeps', 'putting', 'unpleasant', 'business', 'meanwhile', 'bianca', 'becomes', 'frustrated', 'nick\\\\', 'odd', 'behavior', 'calls', 'psychiatrist', 'dr.', 'kohlmar', 'pedro', 'cordoba', 'complications', 'ensue', 'insurance', 'adjuster', 'mentions', 'nick', 'rumor', 'ellen', 'alone', 'island', 'company', 'stephen', 'burkett', 'called', 'adam', 'eve', 'nick', 'confronts', 'ellen', 'recruits', 'mousy', 'shoe', 'salesman', 'pretend', 'stephen', 'nick', 'already', 'tracked', 'real', 'appallingly', 'virile', 'handsome', 'stephen', 'nick', 'tries', 'explain', 'situation', 'bianca', 'dr.', 'kohlmar', 'believe', '...', 'arrested', 'charge', 'bigamy', 'court', 'judge', 'bryson', 'judge', 'ellen', 'declared', 'legally', 'dead', 'also', 'married', 'nick', 'bianca', 'annuls', 'second', 'marriage', 'time', 'ellen', 'longer', 'sure', 'nick\\\\', 'feelings', 'stephen', 'asks', 'marry', 'return', 'island', 'still', 'loves', 'nick', 'end', 'nick', 'ellen', 'reconciled'], [\"'ellen\", 'wagstaff', 'arden', 'mother', 'two', 'young', 'children', 'believed', 'lost', 'sea', 'following', 'airplane', 'accident', 'husband', 'nick', 'arden', 'one', 'survivors', 'five', 'years', 'searching', 'decides', 'move', 'life', 'declared', 'legally', 'dead', 'marry', 'bianca', 'day', 'however', 'ellen', 'alive', 'rescued', 'returns', 'home', 'particular', 'day', 'first', 'crestfallen', 'relieved', 'discover', 'mother-in-law', 'grace', 'husband\\\\', 'honeymoon', 'started', 'yet', 'nick', 'confronted', 'ellen', 'eventually', 'clears', 'things', 'bianca', 'learns', 'entire', 'time', 'ellen', 'stranded', 'island', 'another', 'man', 'handsome', 'athletic', 'stephen', 'burkett', 'called', 'adam', 'eve'], ['psychologist', 'saul', 'benjamin', 'takes', 'patient', 'temporarily', 'favor', 'colleague', 'friend', 'otto', 'jaffe', 'infatuated', 'doctor', 'dies', 'chloe', 'allen', 'comes', 'see', 'dr.', 'benjamin', 'immediately', 'smitten', 'doctor-patient', 'relationship', 'violated', 'dr.', 'benjamin', 'romantic', 'impulses', 'toward', 'chloe', 'intense', 'jealousy', 'anyone', 'comes', 'near', 'including', 'ted', 'caruso', 'arrogant', 'broadway', 'actor', 'become', 'involved', 'psychiatrist', 'wife', 'also', 'carrying', 'affair', 'jac', 'applezweig', 'artist', 'ghost', 'dr.', 'sigmund', 'freud', 'father', 'modern', 'psychology', 'visits', 'dr.', 'benjamin', 'time', 'time', 'dispense', 'warnings', 'wisdom', 'benjamin', 'work', 'begins', 'suffer', 'abandons', 'patients', 'like', 'mrs.', 'mondragon', 'finding', 'tedious', 'treats', 'dementia', 'another', 'marvin', 'zuckerman', 'designing', 'peculiar', 'handmade', 'hat', 'wear', 'board', 'inquiry', 'calls', 'dr.', 'benjamin', 'consider', 'revoking', 'license', 'end', 'admits', 'feelings', 'chloe', 'concludes', 'prefers', 'true', 'love', 'treating', 'sick'], [\"'bake\", 'baker', 'sherry', 'former', 'dance', 'partners', 'separated', 'baker', 'navy', 'sherry', 'working', 'dance', 'hostess', 'san', 'francisco', 'ballroom', 'paradise', 'bake', 'visits', 'ballroom', 'navy', 'buddy', 'bilge', 'period', 'liberty', 'reuniting', 'sherry', 'bilge', 'initially', 'attracted', 'sherry\\\\', 'sister', 'connie', 'connie', 'begins', 'talk', 'marriage', 'bilge', 'quickly', 'diverts', 'attention', 'towards', 'friend', 'sherry\\\\', 'iris', 'divorced', 'socialite', 'sailors', 'return', 'sea', 'connie', 'seeks', 'raise', 'money', 'salvage', 'deceased', 'sea-captain', 'father\\\\', 'sailing', 'ship', 'boys', 'return', 'san', 'francisco', 'bake', 'attempts', 'get', 'sherry', 'job', 'broadway', 'show', 'fails', 'amidst', 'flurry', 'mistaken', 'identities', 'misunderstandings', 'redeems', 'staging', 'benefit', 'show', 'raises', 'final', 'seven', 'hundred', 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'one', 'dresses', 'looking', 'hotel', 'emily', 'sees', 'two', 'locals', 'animalistic', 'sex', 'unnerves', 'returns', 'hotel', 'finds', 'dress', 'claudia', 'left', 'upon', 'going', 'back', 'downstairs', 'introduced', 'claudia', 'friend', 'business', 'associate', 'wealthy', 'man', 'named', 'james', 'wheeler', 'two', 'accompanied', 'bodyguards', 'dinner', 'revealed', 'wheeler', 'actually', 'bought', 'dress', 'claudia', 'time', 'ago', 'informs', 'wheeler', 'taken', 'time', 'find', 'information', 'calling', 'mother', 'discovered', 'always', 'wanted', 'children', 'likes', 'roast', 'beef', 'mashed', 'potatoes', 'creamed', 'carrots', 'emily', 'finds', 'intrigued', 'quiet', 'asks', 'seemingly', 'personal', 'questions', 'without', 'pushy', 'rude', 'following', 'dinner', 'attend', 'street', 'carnival', 'emily', 'leaves', 'masked', 'man', 'looks', 'like', 'wheeler', 'tries', 'seduce', 'next', 'morning', 'emily', 'awakens', 'room', 'find', 'wheeler', 'silently', 'watching', 'brought', 'bouquet', 'orchids', 'wheeler', 'tells', 'man', 'made', 'advances', 'way', 'apologizing', 'offense', 'might', 'caused', 'asks', 'allow', 'show', 'city', 'sights', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'ultimately', 'consents', 'afternoon', 'attend', 'beach', 'club', 'married', 'couple', 'noticed', 'restaurant', 'night', 'military', 'personnel', 'party', 'try', 'make', 'advances', 'wife', 'wheeler', 'fights', 'emily', 'couple', 'forced', 'flee', 'limousine', 'revealed', 'couple', 'marital', 'problems', 'brought', 'wife', 'infidelity', 'obviously', 'wants', 'patch', 'things', 'recalcitrant', 'husband', 'wheeler', 'encourages', 'two', 'make', 'love', 'ultimately', 'emily', 'disturbed', 'actions', 'wheeler', 'asks', 'never', 'felt', 'carnal', 'couple', \"n't\", 'respond', 'emily', 'wheeler', 'visit', 'hotel', 'firm', 'wants', 'buy', 'emily', 'tells', 'wheeler', 'fears', 'would', 'disappear', 'touched', 'tells', 'try', 'see', 'happens', 'emily', 'hugs', 'gently', 'pulls', 'away', 'telling', \"n't\", 'like', 'touched', 'married', 'couple', 'gave', 'wheeler', 'necklace', 'token', 'gratitude', 'bringing', 'back', 'together', 'gives', 'emily', 'gift', 'possibly', 'knows', 'hurt', 'feelings', 'pulling', 'away', 'night', 'emily', 'dresses', 'carnival', 'festivities', 'propositioned', 'man', 'mask', 'offers', 'key', 'room', 'initially', 'refuses', 'offer', 'encouraged', 'wheeler', 'accept', 'realizes', 'wheeler', 'incapable', 'acting', 'upon', 'emotions', 'tries', 'experience', 'passion', 'people', 'emily', 'ultimately', 'agrees', 'stranger', 'proposal', 'sleeps', 'wheeler', 'seem', 'saddened', 'act', 'next', 'day', 'claudia', 'arrives', 'back', 'rio', 'hotel', 'owner', 'meeting', 'set', 'airport', 'emily', 'humiliated', 'discover', 'man', 'attorney', 'named', 'jerome', 'none', 'stranger', 'slept', 'night', 'uses', 'intimidate', 'emily', 'get', 'better', 'deal', 'client', 'emily', 'pulls', 'claudia', 'aside', 'boss', 'thrilled', 'discovers', 'truth', 'uses', 'information', 'drop', 'thinly', 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'advises', 'course', 'action', 'claudia', 'deterred', 'paperwork', 'signed', 'claudia', 'arranges', 'huge', 'party', 'commemorate', 'event', 'emily', 'spots', 'wheeler', 'crowd', 'asks', 'bought', 'hotel', 'answer', 'swept', 'away', 'crowd', 'next', 'morning', 'claudia', 'invites', 'young', 'surfer', 'room', 'asks', 'emily', 'stay', 'since', 'able', 'speak', 'portuguese', 'wants', 'help', 'translate', 'surfer', 'says', 'emily', 'clearly', 'uncomfortable', 'idea', 'agrees', 'things', 'get', 'heated', 'three', 'nearly', 'end', 'sleeping', 'together', 'moment', 'broken', 'angry', 'wheeler', 'interrupts', 'proceedings', 'emily', 'emotional', 'breaking', 'point', 'actions', 'accuses', 'wheeler', 'intentionally', 'setting', 'people', 'disappoint', 'throwing', 'aside', 'responds', 'never', 'sets', 'anybody', 'disappoint', 'accord', 'walks', 'away', 'screams', 'always', 'alone', 'later', 'day', 'package', 'delivered', 'emily', 'room', 'upon', 'opening', 'discovers', 'wheeler', 'signed', 'old', 'hotel', 'deed', 'meaning', 'deal', 'chinese', 'salvaged', 'emily', 'goes', 'hotel', 'finds', 'wheeler', 'looking', 'ocean', 'confesses', 'loves', 'leaves', \"n't\", 'respond', 'later', 'night', 'emily', 'returns', 'room', 'find', 'wheeler', 'waiting', 'reveals', 'child', 'hardly', 'spoke', 'years', 'father', 'abandoned', 'teachers', 'thought', 'retarded', 'never', 'said', 'anything', 'class', 'tells', 'dropped', 'school', 'young', 'age', 'worked', 'bone', 'still', 'teenager', 'entered', 'real', 'estate', 'business', 'purchasing', 'run-down', 'house', 'terrible', 'neighborhood', 'fixing', 'began', 'accumulate', 'wealth', 'women', 'began', 'drawn', 'started', 'playing', 'games', 'keep', 'things', 'interesting', 'tells', 'games', 'became', 'way', 'life', 'doubts', 'would', 'able', 'quit', 'even', 'wanted', 'emily', 'pushes', 'wheeler', 'reach', 'offering', 'heart', 'body', 'makes', 'effort', 'simply', 'touch', 'though', 'first', 'resists', 'reaches', 'desperately', 'holds', 'thinks', 'going', 'walk', 'two', 'embrace', 'passionately', 'make', 'love', 'final', 'scene', 'film', 'shows', 'wheeler', 'emily', 'driving', 'away', 'motorcycle', 'happy', 'together'], ['past', 'ten', 'years', 'baltimore', 'industrialist', 'wendell', 'armbruster', 'spending', 'month', 'august', 'grand', 'hotel', 'excelsior', 'ischia', 'allegedly', 'soak', 'therapeutic', 'mud', 'baths', 'resort', 'island', 'known', 'killed', 'automobile', 'accident', 'straitlaced', 'son', 'wendell', 'jr.', 'journeys', 'italy', 'claim', 'father', 'body', 'upon', 'arrival', 'discovers', 'father', 'alone', 'fiat', 'driving', 'british', 'mistress', 'whose', 'daughter', 'free-spirited', 'london', 'shop', 'girl', 'pamela', 'piggott', 'also', 'scene', 'though', 'clearly', 'knew', 'parents', 'clandestine', 'romance', 'beforehand', 'complications', 'arise', 'trotta', 'family', 'whose', 'vineyard', 'damaged', 'elder', 'armbruster', 'car', 'drove', 'steal', 'bodies', 'morgue', 'hold', 'two', 'million', 'lire', 'ransom', 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'new', 'mother', 'unhappy', 'boring', 'husband', 'martin', 'brother', 'david', 'seeks', 'adam', 'advice', 'seduce', 'repressed', 'girlfriend', 'find', 'nearly', 'succumbing', 'adam', 'charms', 'several', 'scenes', 'repeated', 'numerous', 'times', 'time', 'seen', 'point-of-view', 'different', 'character'], ['story', 'focuses', 'jane', 'marks', 'adult', 'daughters', 'michelle', 'elizabeth', 'pre-teen', 'adopted', 'african', 'american', 'daughter', 'annie', 'allows', 'personal', 'insecurities', 'affect', 'life', 'jane', 'longing', 'look', 'younger', 'thinner', 'opts', 'liposuction', 'near', 'tragic', 'results', 'michelle', 'artistic', 'talents', 'fail', 'produce', 'income', 'family', 'much', 'dismay', 'husband', 'bill', 'takes', 'job', 'one-hour', 'photo', 'developer', 'finds', 'falling', 'attention', 'teenaged', 'co-worker', 'jordan', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'elizabeth', 'bestows', 'upon', 'stray', 'dogs', 'affection', 'finds', 'difficult', 'offer', 'boyfriend', 'paul', 'questions', 'appeal', 'rejected', 'role', 'based', 'looks', 'seeks', 'reassurance', 'film', 'heartthrob', 'kevin', 'mccabe', 'overweight', 'annie', 'tries', 'fit', 'better', 'white', 'adopted', 'family', 'hair', 'straightened', 'black', 'big', 'sister', 'volunteer', 'lorraine', 'jane', 'hopes', 'put', 'young', 'girl', 'touch', 'heritage'], [\"'captain\", 'dan', 'tracey', 'two', 'lieutenants', 'ordered', 'investigate', 'trouble', 'resort', 'planet', 'clitoris', 'pleasure', 'world', 'filled', 'shopping', 'gambling', 'according', 'articles', 'venus', 'convention', 'women', 'allowed', 'variety', 'problems', 'occurring', 'planet', 'notably', 'several', 'important', 'pieces', 'girlinium', 'stolen', 'empress', 'nueva', 'gabor', 'girlinium', 'explained', 'empress', 'rare', 'gem', 'found', 'caverns', 'fourth', 'moon', 'girlina', 'distant', 'planet', 'used', 'empress', 'help', 'planet', 'maintain', 'delicate', 'orbit', 'surrounding', 'sun', 'stolen', 'pieces', 'must', 'found', 'planet', 'fall', 'ruin', 'evidenced', 'increasingly', 'violent', 'earthquakes', 'captain', 'men', 'order', 'remain', 'undercover', 'become', 'women', 'via', 'sex', 'reversal', 'pills', 'pose', 'showgirls', 'earth', 'performing', 'mid-twentieth', 'century', 'lounge', 'act', 'empress\\\\', 'annual', 'off-world', 'slumber', 'party', 'investigating', 'crime', 'synopsis', 'vegas', 'space'], [\"'on\", 'd-day', 'mixed', 'group', 'forced', 'labourers', 'held', 'german', 'forces', 'take', 'shelter', 'bombardment', 'inside', 'german', 'bunker', 'entombed', 'entrances', 'blocked', 'shelling', 'damage', 'coincidence', 'bunker', 'store', 'house', 'enough', 'food', 'wine', 'last', 'years', 'trapped', 'years', 'film', 'analyzes', 'deal', 'underground', 'prison', 'relationships', 'death'], ['set', 'summer', '1976', 'movie', 'follows', 'adventures', 'drew', 'tate', 'shy', '16-year-old', 'upstate', 'new', 'york', 'family', 'spend', 'two', 'weeks', 'affluent', 'relatives', 'martha', 'vineyard', 'drew', 'parents', 'kenny', 'brenda', 'worry', 'son', 'emotionally', 'disturbed', 'favorite', 'companion', 'doll', 'names', 'iago', 'engages', 'animated', 'conversations', 'also', 'fear', 'fire', 'accidentally', 'set', 'family', 'garage', 'foreshadows', 'future', 'arsonist', 'martha', 'vineyard', 'drew', 'thrown', 'affluent', 'party-loving', 'black', 'society', 'congregates', 'beach', 'known', 'inkwell', 'visit', 'also', 'occasion', 'bitter', 'family', 'strife', 'drew', 'aunt', 'francis', 'husband', 'spencer', 'conservatives', 'whose', 'walls', 'plastered', 'pictures', 'republican', 'dignitaries', 'barry', 'goldwater', 'ronald', 'reagan', 'kenny', 'former', 'black', 'panther', 'spencer', 'argue', 'furiously', 'racial', 'issues', 'inkwell', 'follows', 'drew', 'bumbling', 'pursuit', 'insufferably', 'snooty', 'lauren', 'also', 'befriends', 'heather', 'young', 'woman', 'whose', 'husband', 'harold', 'faithless', 'louse', 'movie', 'comes', 'end', 'fourth', 'july', 'bicentennial', 'fireworks', 'end', 'symbolizing', 'america', '200th', 'birthday', 'drew', 'finally', 'losing', 'virginity', 'heather'], ['set', '1990s', 'pittsburgh', 'montel', 'clyde', 'friends', 'could', \"n't\", 'less', 'alike', 'introverted', 'photographer', 'montel', 'wants', 'meet', 'one', 'right', 'girl', 'settle', 'build', 'family', 'clyde', 'flamboyant', 'womanizer', 'good', 'time', 'party', 'meet', 'adina', 'sexy', 'golddigger', 'seeking', 'wealthy', 'husband', 'robotic', 'determination', 'shy', 'law', 'clerk', 'friend', 'brandy', 'couples', 'pair', 'predictable', 'combinations', 'brief', 'encounter', 'clyde', 'adina', 'quickly', 'implodes', 'discovers', 'clyde', 'success', 'act', 'porsche', 'borrowed', 'relationship', 'montel', 'brandy', 'blooms', 'true', 'romance', 'eventually', 'decide', 'move', 'together', 'motivating', 'clyde', 'adina', 'reunite', 'selfish', 'scheme', 'break', 'best', 'friends', 'using', 'whatever', 'treacherous', 'means', 'employ'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'lighthearted', 'story', 'four', 'teenage', 'girlfriends', 'various', 'temperaments', 'escape', 'parents', 'days', '1963', 'adventure', 'myrtle', 'beach', 'south', 'carolina', 'big', 'spring', 'festival', 'promises', 'dance', 'contest', 'beer', 'blasts', 'lots', 'cute', 'boys', 'phoebe', 'cates', 'engaged', 'rich', 'square', 'young', 'man', 'bridget', 'fonda', 'fancies', 'hollywood', 'sexpot', 'page', 'hannah', 'wears', 'glasses', 'prim', 'proper', 'senator\\\\', 'daughter', 'annabeth', 'gish', 'recently', 'lost', 'weight', 'always', 'called', 'pudge', 'suffers', 'low', 'self-esteem', 'trip', 'spurred', 'upcoming', 'marriage', 'carson', 'busy', 'weekend', 'myrtle', 'beach', 'four', 'find', 'romance', 'dance', 'storm', 'make', 'serious', 'life', 'decisions', 'story', 'chronicles', 'last', 'good-bye', 'girlhood', 'entree', 'womanhood', 'focuses', 'girls\\\\', 'moral', 'quandaries', 'budding', 'sexualities'], ['set', 'london', 'early', 'nineties', 'film', 'portrays', 'bitter-sweet', 'lifestyles', 'young', 'gay', 'couple', 'fiery', 'open', 'relationship', 'mark', 'acerbic', 'drag', 'queen', 'sharp', 'tongue', 'finds', 'difficult', 'accept', 'much', 'better-looking', 'partner', 'highly-promiscuous', 'lifestyle', 'non-stop', 'clubbing', 'cruising', 'worse', 'still', 'mark', 'hiv', 'positive', 'partner', 'negative', 'struggling', 'come', 'terms', 'mark', 'deteriorating', 'condition', 'nowadays', 'mark', 'prefers', 'stay', 'home', 'performing', 'working', 'panel', 'embroidery', 'aids', 'quilt', 'memorial', 'project', 'simon', 'however', 'prefers', 'turn', 'blind', 'eye', 'situation', 'continues', 'cruise', 'london', 'gay', 'bars', 'night', 'looking', 'action', 'mark', 'dies', 'early', 'story', 'simon', 'becomes', 'focus', 'story', 'buries', 'feelings', 'continues', 'torrid', 'sex', 'life', 'first', 'seems', 'totally', 'unaffected', 'lover', 'death', 'mark', 'comes', 'back', 'haunt', 'life', 'suddenly', 'gets', 'lot', 'complex', 'especially', 'one', 'see', 'turns', 'mark', 'actually', 'come', 'back', 'help', 'partner', 'accept', 'true', 'feelings', 'encourage', 'reassess', 'reckless', 'lifestyle', 'lifestyle', 'sure', 'never', 'bring', 'happiness', 'seeks', 'eventually', 'mark', 'gets', 'simon', 'breaks', 'weeps', 'first', 'time', 'mark', 'work', 'done', 'leave', 'one-time', 'lover', 'move', 'life'], ['ambassador-designate', 'saudi', 'arabia', 'ogden', 'mears', 'sails', 'back', 'america', 'touring', 'world', 'meets', 'natasha', 'russian', 'countess', 'hong', 'kong', 'sneaks', 'aboard', 'escape', 'forced', 'prostitution', 'passport', 'forced', 'stay', 'cabin', 'voyage', 'ogden', 'dislikes', 'situation', 'married', 'man', 'although', 'partially', 'separated', 'worries', 'might', 'affect', 'career', 'found', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'let', 'stay', 'figure', 'way', 'get', 'ship', 'arranged', 'marry', 'aged', 'valet', 'hudson', 'although', 'formality', 'hudson', 'wishes', 'consummate', 'relationship', 'wish', 'share', 'natasha', 'avoids', 'docking', 'port', 'jumps', 'ship', 'swims', 'ashore', 'ogden', 'wife', 'joins', 'cruise', 'missed', 'ogden', 'lawyer', 'friend', 'harvey', 'helped', 'arrange', 'marriage', 'meets', 'natasha', 'tells', 'immigration', 'officers', 'accepted', 'hudson', 'wife', 'ogden', 'wife', 'confronts', 'natasha', 'speaking', 'rather', 'roughly', 'life', 'led', 'asks', 'wife', 'would', 'done', 'well', 'circumstances', 'film', 'ends', 'ogden', 'natasha', 'meeting', 'hotel', 'cabaret', 'begin', 'dancing', 'since', 'left', 'cruise', 'wife', 'behind', 'charlie', 'chaplin', 'makes', 'two', 'brief', 'appearances', 'ship', 'steward'], [\"'in\", '1925', 'sydney', 'caddie', 'leaves', 'adulterous', 'brutish', 'husband', 'takes', 'two', 'children', 'ann', 'terry', 'forced', 'work', 'barmaid', 'pub', 'struggles', 'survive', 'brief', 'affair', 'ted', 'ends', 'badly', 'falls', 'love', 'greek', 'immigrant', 'peter', 'peter', 'return', 'greece', 'face', 'family', 'obligations', 'caddie', 'runs', 'money', 'goes', 'work', 'barmaid', 'peter', 'sends', 'letters', 'greece', 'caddie', 'evade', 'police', 'works', 'bookie', 'peter', 'asks', 'come', 'athens', 'decides', 'stay', 'cite', 'news'], [\"'carolyn\", 'mcduffy', 'effort', 'help', 'sorority', 'sisters', 'win', 'coveted', 'award', 'eluded', 'past', 'years', 'joins', 'training', 'handicapped', 'young', 'adults', 'challenged', 'games', 'carolyn', 'linked', 'pumpkin', 'romanoff', 'horrified', 'mostly', 'never', 'environment', 'pumpkin', 'kind', 'towards', 'soon', 'finds', 'falling', 'love', 'genuine', 'unlike', 'sorority', 'sisters', 'led', 'julie', 'thurber', 'boyfriend', 'kent', 'woodlands', 'samuel', 'ball', 'carolyn', 'experiences', 'backlash', 'disdain', 'relationship', 'friends', 'family', 'including', 'pumpkin\\\\', 'mother', 'judy', 'despite', 'fact', 'carolyn\\\\', 'love', 'inspired', 'pumpkin', 'get', 'wheelchair', 'become', 'best', 'athlete', 'team', 'judy', 'later', 'walks', 'son\\\\', 'room', 'discovers', 'carolyn', 'pumpkin', 'sexually', 'involved', 'pumpkin\\\\', 'mother', 'accuses', 'raping', 'son', 'says', 'idea', 'done', 'calls', 'carolyn\\\\', 'school', 'carolyn', 'kicked', 'school', 'sorority', 'carolyn', 'drinks', 'medicine', 'cabinet', 'attempt', 'overdose', 'commit', 'suicide', 'suffers', 'ill', 'effect', 'finding', 'merely', 'drank', 'saline', 'solution', 'contact', 'lens', 'cleaning', 'bottle', 'pepto', 'bismol', 'since', 'kent', 'carolyn', 'perfect', 'couple', 'would', 'ensure', 'sorority', 'wins', 'award', 'strings', 'pulled', 'carolyn', 'let', 'back', 'school', 'well', 'sorority', 'kent', 'takes', 'back', 'sorority\\\\', 'ball', 'pumpkin', 'friends', 'crash', 'party', 'pumpkin', 'dance', 'woman', 'loves', 'kent', \"won\\\\'t\", 'stand', 'punches', 'pumpkin', 'repeatedly', 'girls', 'hold', 'carolyn', 'keep', 'pumpkin\\\\', 'friends', 'bay', 'kent', 'turns', 'back', 'pumpkin', 'gathers', 'wits', 'charging', 'tackling', 'kent', 'knocking', 'unconscious', 'seconds', 'kent', 'gets', 'looks', 'around', 'runs', 'crying', 'carolyn', 'tries', 'take', 'pumpkin', 'inside', 'dance', 'julie', 'sorority', 'sisters', \"won\\\\'t\", 'let', 'carolyn', 'pushes', 'way', 'pumpkin', 'dance', 'alone', 'soon', 'others', 'start', 'see', 'love', 'join', 'dance', 'floor', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'dancing', 'kent', 'shown', 'driving', 'erratically', 'sobbing', 'hysterically', 'swerves', 'avoid', 'truck', 'plunges', 'cliff', 'car', 'exploding', 'midair', 'crashing', 'bottom', 'carolyn', 'goes', 'hospital', 'check', 'kent', 'finds', 'paraplegic', 'though', 'burned', 'explosion', 'blames', 'carolyn', 'problems', 'left', 'distraught', 'quits', 'school', 'sorority', 'swears', 'pumpkin', 'forever', 'sorority', 'stops', 'helping', 'team', 'rival', 'sorority', 'wins', 'award', 'carolyn', 'enrolls', 'public', 'university', 'opens', 'peers', 'encourage', 'wants', 'sorority', 'sisters', 'change', 'heart', 'show', 'olympic', 'event', 'kent', 'coach', 'pumpkin\\\\', 'team', 'become', 'motivator', 'humble', 'person', 'pumpkin', 'races', 'rival', 'bully', 'berates', 'pumpkin', 'every', 'chance', 'given', 'pumpkin', 'motivated', 'kent', 'telling', 'win', 'carolyn', 'saying', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'lose', 'he\\\\', 'running', 'sees', 'carolyn', 'stands', 'gets', 'sudden', 'boost', 'energy', 'pumpkin', 'wins', 'race', 'finish', 'line', 'congratulated', 'sorority', 'sisters', 'mother', 'kent', 'carolyn', 'comes', 'see', 'pumpkin', 'mother', 'hugging', 'endears', 'carolyn', 'finally', 'accepting', 'son\\\\', 'progress', 'man', 'carolyn', 'pumpkin', 'walk', 'together', 'asks', 'name', 'call', 'real', 'name', 'jesse', 'replies', 'pumpkin', 'fine'], ['sophomore', 'connelly', 'meets', 'girl', 'dreams', 'freshman', 'imogen', 'true', 'love', 'abounds', 'two', 'engage', 'whirlwind', 'courtship', 'pick', 'song', 'based', 'records', 'parents', 'eat', 'cake', 'together', 'even', 'make', 'love', 'imogen', 'fear', 'lost', 'youth', 'causes', 'push', 'away', 'separate', 'ways', 'imogen', 'cheats', 'party', 'attempts', 'rebound', 'relationship', 'determined', 'forget', 'imogen', 'goes', 'desperate', 'measures', 'including', 'suicide', 'shampoo', 'problems', 'career', 'end', 'imogen', 'finds', 'hears', 'attempted', 'suicide', 'brings', 'book', 'cover', 'illustrated', 'featuring', 'two', 'two', 'reconcile', 'differences', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'showing', 'love', 'obtained', 'story', 'told', 'points', 'view', 'imogen'], [\"'jane\", 'brighton', 'high', 'school', 'math', 'whiz', 'obsessed', 'j.d', 'mcqueen', 'teen', 'music', 'sensation', 'whose', 'parents', 'sent', 'back', 'public', 'high', 'school', 'improve', 'declining', 'grades', 'j.d', 'risks', 'missing', 'critical', 'summer', 'tour', 'could', 'ruin', 'musical', 'career', 'get', 'help', 'math', 'builds', 'relationship', 'jane'], ['boeun', 'ordinary', '15-year-old', 'high', 'school', 'girl', 'worries', 'grades', 'crush', 'school', 'baseball', 'team', 'ace', 'jungwoo', 'one', 'day', 'boeun', 'grandfather', 'orders', 'marry', 'sangmin', 'pact', 'made', 'sangmin', 'grandfather', 'korean', 'war', 'despite', 'grandchildren', 'opposition', 'forced', 'marry', 'boeun', 'grandfather', 'strong', 'influence', 'however', 'later', 'story', 'revealed', 'sangmin', 'actually', 'loves', 'boeun', 'boeun', 'undercover', 'married', 'life', 'begins', 'pretends', \"n't\", 'husband', 'starts', 'dating', 'jungwoo', 'boeun', 'believes', 'manage', 'men', 'live', 'double', 'life', 'everything', 'goes', 'smoothly', 'sangmin', 'visits', 'boeun', 'school', 'student', 'teacher', 'relationship', 'begins', 'grow', 'soon', 'later', 'accident', 'boeun', 'family', 'comes', 'know', 'jungwoo', 'talking', 'mother', 'boeun', 'finally', 'realizes', 'loves', 'sangmin', 'school', 'festival', 'breaks', 'jungwoo', 'tells', 'feelings', 'sangmin', 'front', 'whole', 'school'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'concerns', 'tribulations', 'martin', 'blind', 'photographer', 'series', 'flashbacks', 'martin', 'shown', 'child', 'distrustful', 'mother', 'describes', 'garden', 'outside', 'bedroom', 'window', 'tells', 'someone', 'raking', 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'love-hate', 'relationship', 'despite', 'openness', 'angry', 'efforts', 'gone', 'waste', 'asked', 'return', 'key', 'martin\\\\', 'house', 'throws', 'sink', 'finally', 'martin', 'asks', 'andy', 'describe', 'one', 'last', 'photo', 'one', 'kept', 'locked', 'away', 'years', 'andy', 'knowing', 'nothing', 'significance', 'photo', 'garden', 'martin\\\\', 'childhood', 'taken', 'moments', 'mother', 'described', 'fateful', 'day', 'andy\\\\', 'detailed', 'description', 'includes', 'iconic', 'man', 'raking', 'leaves', 'martin\\\\', 'mother', 'told', 'rejected', 'years', 'revelation', 'provides', 'martin', 'proof', 'much-needed', 'emotional', 'release'], [\"'caroline\", 'young', 'woman', 'working', 'waitress', 'always', 'unlucky', 'love', 'adam', 'shy', 'busboy', 'saves', 'caroline', 'two', 'men', 'try', 'rape', 'way', 'home', 'one', 'night', 'gets', 'know', 'become', 'close', 'finds', 'past', 'attackers', 'come', 'adam', 'revenge', 'end', 'stabbing', 'relationship', 'progresses', 'caroline', 'discovers', 'adam', 'heart', 'defect', 'though', 'claims', 'baboon', 'heart', 'birthday', 'goes', 'hockey', 'game', 'caroline', 'catches', 'hockey', 'puck', 'shot', 'crowd', 'way', 'home', 'falls', 'asleep', 'passes', 'away', 'age'], [\"'policeman\", 'charlie', 'lang', 'kind', 'generous', 'man', 'loves', 'job', 'queens', 'borough', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'lives', 'wife', 'muriel', 'works', 'hairdressing', 'salon', 'unlike', 'charlie', 'selfish', 'greedy', 'materialistic', 'constantly', 'complaining', 'situation', 'life', 'waitress', 'yvonne', 'biasi', 'bankrupt', 'husband', 'eddie', 'could', 'yet', 'afford', 'divorce', 'emptied', 'joint', 'checking', 'account', 'spent', 'money', 'without', 'permission', 'also', 'leaving', 'credit', 'card', 'debt', '12,000', 'charlie', 'meets', 'yvonne', 'waits', 'diner', 'works', 'since', 'charlie', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'enough', 'money', 'pay', 'tip', 'promises', 'give', 'either', 'double', 'tip', 'half', 'prospective', 'lottery', 'winnings', 'next', 'day', 'wins', 'million', 'lottery', 'next', 'day', 'keeps', 'promise', 'despite', 'protests', 'wife', 'yvonne', 'become', 'stars', 'almost', 'immediately', 'yvonne', 'buys', 'diner', 'working', 'sets', 'table', 'charlie\\\\', 'name', 'people', 'afford', 'food', 'eat', 'free', 'another', 'development', 'charlie', 'becomes', 'hero', 'foiling', 'attempted', 'robbery', 'grocery', 'store', 'gets', 'wounded', 'process', 'forcing', 'take', 'leave', 'police', 'force', 'gathering', 'chartered', 'boat', 'lottery', 'winners', 'members', 'high', 'society', 'muriel', 'gets', 'know', 'newly', 'rich', 'jack', 'gross', 'flirts', 'develops', 'strong', 'liking', 'mutual', 'meanwhile', 'charlie', 'yvonne', 'spend', 'lot', 'time', 'together', 'one', 'occasion', 'paying', 'train', 'journeys', 'passengers', 'subway', 'another', 'treating', 'children', 'neighbourhood', 'day', 'yankee', 'stadium', 'media', 'report', 'muriel', 'gets', 'fed', 'charlie\\\\', 'constant', 'donations', 'overall', 'simplicity', 'throws', 'apartment', 'asking', 'divorce', 'evening', 'yvonne', 'leaves', 'apartment', 'husband', 'shows', 'threatens', 'stay', 'gets', '50,000', 'quite', 'innocently', 'charlie', 'yvonne', 'run', 'plaza', 'hotel', 'unintentionally', 'end', 'spending', 'night', 'together', 'divorce', 'proceedings', 'muriel', 'charlie', 'muriel', 'demands', 'money', 'charlie', 'charlie', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'mind', 'giving', 'share', 'money', 'muriel', 'also', 'wants', 'money', 'gave', 'yvonne', 'charlie\\\\', 'steadfast', 'unwillingness', 'causes', 'muriel', 'take', 'case', 'court', 'jury', 'decides', 'favor', 'yvonne', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'costing', 'charlie', 'money', 'runs', 'court', 'tears', 'tries', 'keep', 'away', 'cop', 'hopelessly', 'love', 'waitress', 'finds', 'diner', 'tells', 'money', 'means', 'nothing', 'declare', 'love', 'ruminating', 'future', 'diner', 'considering', 'possible', 'move', 'buffalo', 'gracious', 'enough', 'provide', 'hungry', 'poor', 'customer', 'soup', 'eats', 'special', 'table', 'poor', 'customer', 'none', 'disguised', 'angel', 'dupree', 'takes', 'photos', 'couple', 'next', 'day\\\\', 'newspapers', 'publicly', 'eulogises', 'willingness', 'feed', 'hungry', 'poor', 'man', 'even', 'darkest', 'hour', 'charlie', 'yvonne', 'moving', 'town', 'citizens', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'doubt', 'touched', 'generosity', 'couple', 'send', 'cop', 'waitress', 'thousands', 'letters', 'tips', 'totaling', '600,000', 'enough', 'help', 'pay', 'debts', 'muriel', 'gets', 'remarried', 'new', 'husband', 'jack', 'gross', 'flees', 'country', 'money', 'checking', 'account', 'revealing', 'con', 'man', 'option', 'move', 'mother', 'bronx', 'back', 'old', 'manicure', 'job', 'eddie', 'biasi', 'divorced', 'yvonne', 'ends', 'becoming', 'taxi', 'driver', 'charlie', 'happily', 'returns', 'police', 'force', 'yvonne', 'reclaims', 'diner', 'film\\\\', 'end', 'charlie', 'yvonne', 'get', 'married', 'begin', 'honeymoon', 'taking', 'central', 'park', 'hot', 'air', 'balloon', 'bears', 'new', 'york', 'post', 'headline', 'cop', 'weds', 'waitress', 'closing', 'credits', 'roll'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'concerns', 'devon', 'miles', 'teen', 'graduated', 'high', 'school', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'upon', 'graduating', 'devon', 'heads', 'atlanta', 'georgia', 'attend', 'fictitious', 'atlanta', 'university', 'historically', 'black', 'college', 'takes', 'enormous', 'pride', 'marching', 'band', 'devon', 'personally', 'invited', 'attend', 'full', 'scholarship', 'dr.', 'lee', 'head', 'band', 'prodigious', 'talents', 'band', 'separates', 'competitors', 'requiring', 'members', 'read', 'music', 'focusing', 'various', 'styles', 'music', 'rather', 'music', 'currently', 'popular', 'radio', 'dedication', 'teamwork', 'emphasized', 'one', 'band', 'one', 'sound', 'concept', 'band', 'preseason', 'similar', 'athletic', 'team\\\\', 'induction', 'physically', 'mentally', 'difficult', 'challenges', 'recruits', 'push', 'past', 'previously', 'thought', 'limits', 'end', 'preseason', 'musicians', 'audition', 'spots', 'field', 'devon', 'freshman', 'make', 'highest', 'level', 'player', 'going', 'rigorous', 'process', 'devon', 'also', 'finds', 'time', 'romance', 'upperclassman', 'dancer', 'laila', 'college', 'life', 'starts', 'well', 'devon', 'girl', 'spot', 'field', 'things', 'begin', 'sour', 'sean', 'devon\\\\', 'percussion', 'leader', 'begins', 'grow', 'weary', 'devon\\\\', 'cocky', 'attitude', 'sean', 'later', 'challenges', 'devon', 'take', 'solo', 'first', 'game', 'believing', 'freshman', 'panic', 'embarrassed', 'front', 'everyone', 'sean', 'shocked', 'devon', 'takes', 'solo', 'subsequently', 'humiliated', 'sets', 'tension', 'drumline', 'exacerbated', 'dr.', 'lee', 'told', 'president', 'wagner', 'school\\\\', 'president', 'change', 'focus', 'music', 'entertainment', 'lose', 'funding', 'lee', 'want', 'give', 'devon', 'playing', 'time', 'feels', 'devon\\\\', 'attitude', 'respect', 'lacking', 'situation', 'deteriorates', 'revealed', 'devon', 'read', 'music', 'devon', 'demoted', 'dr.', 'lee', 'learns', 'later', 'put', 'back', 'wagner', 'pressures', 'dr.', 'lee', 'however', 'inflaming', 'melee', 'visiting', 'band', 'homecoming', 'game', 'devon', 'plays', 'opposing', 'band', 'member\\\\', 'drum', 'devon', 'finally', 'kicked', 'band', 'dr.', 'lee', 'fight', 'also', 'harms', 'relationship', 'laila', 'embarrassed', 'introduce', 'parents', 'attended', 'game', 'thought', 'devon', 'hoodlum', 'devon', 'contacts', 'rival', 'school', 'morris', 'brown', 'college', 'discuss', 'playing', 'band', 'next', 'season', 'mr.', 'wade', 'brown\\\\', 'band', 'leader', 'says', 'devon', 'need', 'know', 'read', 'music', 'likely', 'get', 'full', 'scholarship', 'good', 'position', 'drumline', 'wade', 'wants', 'know', 'dr.', 'lee', 'planning', 'bet', 'big', 'southern', 'classic', 'devon', 'realizes', 'heart', 'honor', 'still', 'band', 'rejects', 'scholarship', 'offer', 'rival', 'band', 'returns', 'though', 'devon', 'still', 'playing', 'band', 'give', 'drumming', 'sent', 'cassette', 'tapes', 'estranged', 'father', 'gets', 'ideas', 'new', 'drum', 'arrangements', 'sean', 'final', 'confrontation', 'clears', 'air', 'begin', 'work', 'together', 'two', 'present', 'idea', 'entrance', 'cadence', 'dr.', 'lee', 'decides', 'used', 'classic', 'devon', 'helps', 'drumline', 'prepare', 'patches', 'relationship', 'laila', 'lee', 'also', 'tells', 'devon', 'guarantee', 'full', 'return', 'band', 'next', 'year', 'classic', 'bands', 'shown', 'performing', 'mixture', 'popular', 'songs', 'morris', 'brown\\\\', 'band', 'even', 'gets', 'rapper', 'petey', 'pablo', 'perform', 'routine', 'fazed', 'performs', 'mix', 'retro', 'current', 'sounds', 'tie', 'results', 'morris', 'brown', 'drumlines', 'face', 'dr.', 'lee', 'tells', 'devon', 'play', 'face-off', 'showing', 'faith', 'devon\\\\', 'improved', 'character', 'thanks', 'hard', 'work', 'done', 'getting', 'band', 'ready', 'classic', 'morris', 'brown', 'goes', 'first', 'responds', 'morris', 'brown\\\\', 'second', 'cadence', 'includes', 'snares', 'moving', 'forward', 'playing', 'drums', 'throwing', 'sticks', 'line', 'manages', 'hold', 'composure', 'face', 'insult', 'play', 'cadence', 'middle', 'throw', 'sticks', 'mimicking', 'morris', 'brown', 'actions', 'entire', 'line', 'pulls', 'another', 'set', 'sticks', 'continues', 'playing', 'end', 'routine', 'faces', 'morris', 'brown', 'drumline', 'instead', 'playing', 'drums', 'line', 'drop', 'sticks', 'onto', 'drumline\\\\', 'drums', 'judges', 'award', 'win'], ['bill', 'woolloomooloo', 'larrikin', 'vows', 'abandon', 'life', 'gambling', 'drinking', 'spell', 'gaol', 'following', 'raid', 'two', 'game', 'falls', 'love', 'doreen', 'works', 'pickle', 'factory', 'faces', 'competition', 'sophisticated', 'rival', 'stor', 'coot', 'bill', 'doreen', 'argue', 'eventually', 'reunited', 'get', 'married', 'bill', 'gives', 'drinking', 'hanging', 'mate', 'ginger', 'mick', 'becomes', 'family', 'man', 'gets', 'offer', 'uncle', 'manage', 'orchard', 'country', 'doreen', 'settle', 'baby'], [\"'jennifer\", '17-year-old', 'mall', 'rat', 'punk-goth', 'girl', 'takes', 'shine', '49-year-old', 'manager', 'los', 'angeles', 'clothing', 'store', 'randall', 'harris', 'also', 'notices', 'unlikely', 'move', 'gives', 'job', 'stockroom', 'clerk', 'finds', 'way', 'front', 'store', 'begins', 'interact', 'sell', 'clothes', 'customers', 'two', 'strike', 'unlikely', 'friendship', 'realize', 'neither', 'close', 'friends', 'talk', 'nickname', 'randall', 'helps', 'jennifer', 'get', 'apartment', 'advance', 'salary', 'buys', 'dress', 'work', \"can\\\\'t\", 'getting', 'tattoo', 'cemetery', 'lie', 'graves', 'feel', 'energy', 'deceased', 'something', 'regularly', 'one', 'point', 'jennifer', 'reveals', 'randall', 'engages', 'self', 'harm', 'randall', 'collapses', 'street', 'taking', 'walk', 'jennifer', 'discovers', 'terminal', 'disease', 'leukemia', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'long', 'live', 'collecting', 'personal', 'belongings', 'home', 'discovers', 'address', 'ex-wife', 'unable', 'contact', 'phone', 'drives', 'albuquerque', 'new', 'mexico', 'find', 'died', 'six', 'months', 'earlier', 'car', 'accident', 'meets', 'woman\\\\', 'son', 'randy', 'deeply', 'cynical', 'young', 'man', 'told', 'father', 'died', 'born', 'jennifer', 'convinces', 'come', 'back', 'l.a.', 'randall', 'dies', 'jennifer', 'brief', 'time', 'get', 'know', 'one', 'another', 'friendship', 'randall', 'inspires', 'seek', 'friendly', 'relationship', 'mother', 'father', 'stepfather', 'randall\\\\', 'final', 'days', 'jennifer', 'organizes', 'dinner', 'son', 'jennifer\\\\', 'family', 'come', 'together', 'celebrate', 'life'], ['story', 'begins', 'frankie', 'going', 'tahiti', 'naval', 'reserve', 'duty', 'cavorting', 'local', 'girls', 'frankie', 'realizes', 'dee', 'dee', 'might', 'disloyal', 'frankie', 'seeks', 'help', 'witch', 'doctor', 'witch', 'doctor', 'sends', 'sea', 'beauty', 'cassandra', 'lure', 'ricky', 'advertising', 'exec', 'away', 'dee', 'dee', 'upon', 'cassandra', 'arrival', 'beach', 'turns', 'upside', 'surfers', 'fall', 'executive', 'wants', 'make', 'model', 'eric', 'von', 'zipper', 'motorcycle', 'gang', 'add', 'trouble'], [\"'jesse\", 'reilly', 'released', 'prison', 'married', 'hope', 'shortly', 'wedding', 'involved', 'bank', 'robbery', 'friends', 'buzz', 'thomas', 'teddy', 'pollack', 'billy', 'phillips', 'escalates', 'hostage', 'crisis', 'fbi', 'called', 'exchange', 'fire', 'men', 'shot', 'hope', 'jesse', 'rescued', 'john', 'coleman', 'helicopter', 'last', 'scene', 'jesse', 'hope', 'shown', 'raising', 'son'], [\"'young\", 'd.a', 'louie', 'jeffries', 'hit', 'car', 'dies', '1964', 'manages', 'slip', 'pearly', 'gates', 'instantly', 'reborn', '1987', 'years', 'later', 'widow', 'corinne', 'still', 'misses', 'ignoring', 'frustrated', 'devotion', 'best', 'friend', 'phillip', 'train', 'pretty', 'much', 'raised', 'daughter', 'miranda', 'miranda', 'student', 'yale', 'university', 'meets', 'alex', 'finch', 'works', 'library', 'graduate', 'graduation', 'alex', 'schemes', 'way', 'office', 'newspaper', 'editor', 'ben', 'bradlee', 'time', 'meets', 'phillip', 'journalist', 'bradlee\\\\', 'newspaper', 'phillip', 'brings', 'alex', 'meet', 'jeffries', 'family', 'alex', 'quickly', 'realizes', 'fact', 'corinne\\\\', 'dead', 'husband', 'reborn', 'memories', 'life', 'louie', 'return', 'alex', 'begins', 'romantic', 'involvement', 'louie\\\\', 'daughter', 'miranda', 'instead', 'louie', 'spurns', 'daughter\\\\', 'advances', 'begins', 'romancing', 'widow', 'corinne', 'frustrating', 'phillip\\\\', 'attempts', 'court', 'corinne', 'resulting', 'number', 'comic', 'mixups', 'soon', 'however', 'alex/louie', 'realizes', 'phillip', 'corinne', 'together', 'arranges', 'things', 'realize', 'love', 'get', 'way', 'alex/louie', 'bursts', 'courtroom', 'accusing', 'judge', 'accepting', 'bribe', 'tells', 'camera', 'pictures', 'judge', 'alex', 'falls', 'stairs', 'hits', 'head', 'ends', 'hospital', 'unconscious', 'alex', 'administered', 'special', 'injecton', 'received', 'pearly', 'gates', 'years', 'previous', 'make', 'forget', 'past', 'life', 'louie', 'wakes', 'tells', 'miranda', 'last', 'thing', 'remembers', 'kissing', 'corner', 'refrigerator', 'happily', 'resumes', 'romantic', 'interest', 'miranda', 'gladly', 'accepts', 'never', 'informed', 'identity', 'anyone', 'newspaper', 'headlines', 'show', 'judge', 'charged', 'accepting', 'bribe', 'alex', 'accepts', 'job', 'offer', 'reporter', 'miranda\\\\', 'relationship', 'continues', 'phillip', 'corinne\\\\', 'full', 'knowledge', 'approval', 'although', 'neither', 'forgotten', 'louie', 'lives', 'alex'], [\"'erotic\", 'ghost', 'story', 'revolves', 'around', 'three', 'fairies', 'attained', 'human', 'form', 'upon', 'helping', 'hapless', 'scholar', 'trio', 'begin', 'lustful', 'thoughts', 'soon', 'leads', 'many', 'erotic', 'romps', 'eventual', 'discovery', 'dangerous', 'demon'], ['henry', 'hart', 'successful', 'gay', 'artist', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'returns', 'rural', 'hometown', 'montana', 'care', 'ailing', 'grandfather', 'henry', 'welcomed', 'back', 'townsfolk', 'aware', 'sexuality', 'highly', 'accepting', 'even', 'supportive', 'towards', 'however', 'months', 'stays', 'town', 'henry', 'forced', 'confront', 'unresolved', 'feelings', 'high', 'school', 'friend', 'dean', 'stewart', 'simultaneously', 'beginning', 'fall', 'love', 'pike', 'dexter', 'shy', 'native', 'american', 'owner', 'town', 'general', 'store'], [\"'molly\", 'carl', 'preparing', 'wedding', 'day', 'hawaii', 'carl\\\\', 'friend', 'neil', 'interrupts', 'say', 'randolph', 'dupree', 'got', 'lost', 'drive', 'together', 'pick', 'dupree', 'appeared', 'hitched', 'ride', 'light', 'plane', 'landing', 'wrong', 'island', 'day', 'wedding', 'molly\\\\', 'father', 'also', 'ceo', 'company', 'carl', 'works', 'makes', 'toast', 'humorous', 'remarks', 'carl\\\\', 'expense', 'foreshadowing', 'conflict', 'two', 'later', 'pre-celebration', 'bar', 'carl', 'neglects', 'dupree', 'molly', 'perform', 'drinking', 'tradition', 'carl', 'dupree', 'later', 'make', 'beach', 'dupree', 'apologizes', 'laughing', 'molly\\\\', 'father\\\\', 'jokes', 'tells', 'carl', 'carlness', 'carl', 'molly', 'get', 'married', 'carl', 'returns', 'work', 'molly\\\\', 'father\\\\', 'thompson', 'land', 'development', 'surprised', 'find', 'mr.', 'thompson', 'promoted', 'charge', 'design', 'proposed', 'though', 'altered', 'somewhat', 'mr.', 'thompson', 'makes', 'absurd', 'requests', 'proceed', 'get', 'worse', 'starting', 'thompson\\\\', 'drastic', 'reimagining', 'carl\\\\', 'new', 'architecture', 'project', 'requesting', 'carl', 'take', 'thompson', 'name', 'instead', 'carl', 'get', 'vasectomy', 'prevent', 'childbearing', 'later', 'returning', 'home', 'celebrate', 'promotion', 'molly', 'carl', 'stops', 'bar', 'finds', 'neil', 'dupree', 'neil', 'leaves', 'due', 'wife\\\\', 'curfew', 'dupree', 'reveals', 'fired', 'apparently', 'clearance', 'attend', 'wedding', 'subsequently', 'falling', 'behind', 'rent', 'evicted', 'losing', 'car', 'also', 'company\\\\', 'carl', 'takes', 'dupree', 'home', 'asking', 'molly', 'stay', 'little', 'gets', 'back', 'feet', 'molly', 'polite', 'though', 'clearly', 'frustrated', 'disruptive', 'messy', 'molly', 'sets', 'dupree', 'woman', 'work', 'primary', 'school', 'mormon', 'librarian', 'dupree', 'agrees', 'though', 'molly', 'shocked', 'find', 'together', 'opens', 'front', 'door', 'coming', 'home', 'dinner', 'romantic', 'candles', 'burn', 'front', 'living', 'room', 'dupree', 'evicted', 'meanwhile', 'carl', 'continually', 'stressed', 'work', 'though', 'molly', 'find', 'time', 'dinner', 'way', 'back', 'find', 'dupree', 'sitting', 'bench', 'heavy', 'rain', 'belongings', 'molly', 'insists', 'take', 'back', 'carl', 'makes', 'known', 'dupree', 'must', 'behave', 'time', 'next', 'day', 'dupree', 'makes', 'amends', 'refurbishing', 'living', 'room', 'carl\\\\', 'thank-you', 'letters', 'well', 'making', 'friends', 'kids', 'block', 'carl', 'asks', 'dupree', 'career', 'day', 'molly\\\\', 'work', 'got', 'tied', 'work', 'night', 'dupree', 'cooks', 'large', 'dinner', 'molly', 'though', 'carl', 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'thompson\\\\', 'office', 'dupree', 'distracts', 'paco', 'security', 'guard', 'whilst', 'carl', 'marches', 'father-in-law\\\\', 'office', 'confronts', 'two', 'finally', 'reach', 'understanding', 'thompson', 'admits', 'agenda', 'insulting', 'carl', 'dupree', 'carl', 'return', 'house', 'carl', 'molly', 'reunite', 'carl', 'apologizing', 'agree', 'work', 'dupree', 'becomes', 'author', 'motivational', 'speaker', 'paco', 'side', 'number', 'two', 'end', 'credits', 'lance', 'armstrong', 'shown', 'lying', 'grass', 'reading', 'dupree\\\\', 'book', 'repeating', 'word', 'lance-ness', 'different', 'pronunciations'], ['restaurant', 'owner', 'dylan', 'ramsey', 'head-over-heels', 'love', 'new', 'neighbor', 'french', 'cellist', 'named', 'lila', 'desperate', 'attempt', 'garner', 'affections', 'kidnaps', 'beloved', 'pet', 'dog', 'offers', 'help', 'find', 'phantom', 'dog', 'hunt', 'wrench', 'thrown', 'plans', 'however', 'dog', 'swallows', 'best', 'friend', 'diamond', 'ring', 'things', 'get', 'worse', 'dylan', 'lila', 'ex-fiancee', 'rene', 'arrives', 'win', 'back'], [\"'wealthy\", 'american', 'jervis', 'pendleton', 'iii', 'chance', 'encounter', 'french', 'orphanage', 'cheerful', '18-year-old', 'resident', 'julie', 'andre', 'anonymously', 'pays', 'education', 'new', 'england', 'college', 'writes', 'letters', 'mysterious', 'benefactor', 'regularly', 'never', 'writes', 'back', 'nickname', 'daddy', 'long', 'legs', 'taken', 'description', 'given', 'andre', 'fellow', 'orphans', 'see', 'shadow', 'leaves', 'building', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'visits', 'school', 'still', 'concealing', 'identity', 'despite', 'large', 'age', 'difference', 'soon', 'fall', 'love'], ['diya', 'aur', 'toofan', 'tells', 'story', 'gaz', 'absent-minded', 'doctor', 'fears', 'commitment', 'death', 'wife', 'falls', 'gymnastic', 'trampoline', 'breaks', 'leg', 'hospital', 'husband', 'gaz', 'accidentally', 'gives', 'wrong', 'medicine', 'kills', 'tragedy', 'gaz', 'forbids', 'daughter', 'asha', 'ever', 'marry', 'however', 'fate', 'plans', 'store', 'asha', 'new', 'neighbor', 'amar', 'instantly', 'stricken', 'beauty', 'amar', 'world', 'renowned', 'engineer', 'based', 'real-life', 'engineer', 'amarin', 'koushni', 'uncovered', 'great', 'scandal', 'india', 'revealing', 'indian', 'manufacturing', 'companies', 'money', 'invested', 'india', 'black', 'market', 'time', 'diya', 'aur', 'toofan', 'release', 'sensitive', 'subject', 'filmmakers', 'much', 'shy', 'make', 'movie', 'would', 'directly', 'attack', 'india', 'greatest', 'moneymakers'], ['plot', 'early', 'film', 'family\\\\', 'association', 'martin', 'harris', 'prominent', 'figure', 'early', 'latter', 'day', 'saint', 'movement', 'established', 'carefully', 'woven', 'throughout', 'film', 'events', 'tie', 'actual', 'history', 'church', 'harris\\\\', 'mortgage', 'farm', 'publication', 'book', 'mormon', 'film', 'harris', 'recommends', 'smith', 'boys', 'hired', 'help', 'steeds', 'smith', 'boys', 'prove', 'hard', 'workers', 'eschewed', 'town', 'members', 'apparently', 'put', 'smith\\\\', 'claims', 'seeing', 'vision', 'claim', 'someday', 'receive', 'gold', 'bible', 'steeds\\\\', 'oldest', 'son', 'joshua', 'quickly', 'swayed', 'towns', 'people\\\\', 'attitudes', 'encourages', 'father', 'fire', 'smith', 'boys', 'time', 'courting', 'wealthy', 'merchant\\\\', 'daughter', 'lydia', 'mcbride', 'soon', 'joshua\\\\', 'friendship', 'town\\\\', \"ne\\\\'er-do-well\\\\\", 'increases', 'falling', 'father', 'leaves', 'home', 'finds', 'work', 'town\\\\', 'port', 'quickly', 'adopts', 'habits', 'friends', 'becomes', 'drunkard', 'however', 'still', 'tries', 'court', 'mcbride', 'though', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'difficult', 'father', 'disapproves', 'steed', 'however', 'steeds\\\\', 'younger', 'son', 'nathan', 'believes', 'joseph\\\\', 'story', 'heard', 'directly', 'meets', 'mcbride', 'trying', 'contact', 'brother', 'joshua', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'court', 'knowing', 'brother\\\\', 'affection', 'clear', 'early-on', 'easy', 'relationship', 'similar', 'interests', 'eventually', 'benjamin', 'steed', 'ends', 'employment', 'smith', 'boys', 'believing', 'association', 'detrimental', 'family\\\\', 'reputation', 'joshua', 'friends', 'learn', 'smith', 'receive', 'gold', 'bible', 'set', 'plan', 'ambush', 'steal', 'gold', 'lydia', 'learns', 'plan', 'warns', 'steed', 'family', 'turn', 'warn', 'smith', 'family', 'arrive', 'smith', 'home', 'joseph', 'learning', 'attack', 'benjamin', 'nathan', 'head', 'town', 'find', 'joshua', 'finding', 'usual', 'haunt', 'local', 'bar', 'benjamin', 'confronts', 'joshua', 'standoffish', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'deny', 'friends', 'attacked', 'smith', 'fight', 'breaks', 'benjamin', 'son', 'though', 'serious', 'injuries', 'inflicted', 'confrontation', 'results', 'joshua', 'fleeing', 'town', 'becoming', 'outlaw', 'eventually', 'settling', 'missouri', 'joshua', 'gone', 'nathan', 'lydia\\\\', 'relationship', 'grows', 'strengthens', 'order', 'receive', 'permission', 'marry', 'nathan', 'lydia', 'must', 'attend', 'private', 'school', 'boston', 'year', 'nathan', 'uses', 'time', 'purchase', 'land', 'build', 'home', 'however', 'also', 'becomes', 'staunch', 'follower', 'smith', 'infuriates', 'mcbride\\\\', 'father', 'demands', 'break', 'engagement', 'flees', 'school', 'completing', 'requisite', 'year', 'edge', 'frontier', 'joshua', 'learns', 'brother\\\\', 'engagement', 'lydia', 'still', 'holds', 'torch', 'returns', 'palmyra', 'confronts', 'nathan', 'squabble', 'lydia', 'declares', 'loves', 'nathan', 'would', 'never', 'return', 'joshua', 'flees', 'town\\\\', 'law', 'enforcement', 'warrant', 'arrest', 'lydia', 'confronts', 'nathan', 'asking', 'loves', 'new', 'gospel', 'unable', 'deny', 'either', 'breaks', 'nathan', 'writes', 'letter', 'lydia', 'trying', 'win', 'back', 'delivering', 'copy', 'book', 'mormon', 'father', 'however', 'finds', 'receives', 'discards', 'trash', 'benjamin', 'suspicious', 'smith', 'religion', 'however', 'entire', 'household', 'intrigued', 'smith', 'try', 'learn', 'benjamin', 'forbidden', 'mention', 'name', 'religion', 'smith', 'founded', 'household', 'confrontation', 'nathan', 'one', 'day', 'reconsiders', 'decision', 'agrees', 'allow', 'family', 'investigate', 'smith\\\\', 'church', 'need', 'nathan', 'takes', 'sisters', 'mother', 'one', 'smith\\\\', 'meetings', 'distant', 'area', 'subsequently', 'baptized', 'gone', 'lydia', 'discovers', 'nathan\\\\', 'discarded', 'letter', 'book', 'defying', 'parents', 'visits', 'nathan\\\\', 'in-construction', 'home', 'studies', 'book', 'mormon', 'gift', 'nathan', 'returns', 'finds', 'acceptance', 'proposal'], ['lawrence', \"'rip\", 'smith', 'disappointed', 'inaccuracies', 'polling', 'results', 'searches', 'community', 'middle', 'united', 'states', 'give', 'perfect', 'results', 'used', 'polling', 'finally', 'finds', 'town', 'citizens', 'opinions', 'perfectly', 'mirror', 'american', 'people', 'whole', 'sets', 'undercover', 'operation', 'time', 'gets', 'involved', 'town', 'inhabitants', 'eventually', 'true', 'nature', 'operation', 'revealed', 'town', 'transforms', 'almost', 'overnight', 'citizens', 'aware', 'special', 'status', 'begin', 'giving', 'outlandish', 'polling', 'answers', 'instead', 'sensible', 'ones', 'gave', 'past', 'town', 'reputation', 'ruined', 'together', 'smith', 'plan', 'smith', 'however', 'decides', 'save', 'town'], ['expand', 'section', 'norman', 'waters', 'carpenter', 'told', 'angel', 'named', 'zach', 'rebuild', 'noah', 'ark', 'days', 'prepare', 'great', 'flood'], [\"'in\", 'april', '1975', 'civil', 'war', 'breaks', 'beirut', 'partitioned', 'along', 'muslim-christian', 'line', 'divided', 'east', 'west', 'beirut', 'tarek', 'high', 'school', 'making', 'super', 'movies', 'friend', 'omar', 'first', 'war', 'lark', 'school', 'closed', 'violence', 'fascinating', 'getting', 'west', 'east', 'game', 'mother', 'wants', 'leave', 'father', 'refuses', 'tarek', 'spends', 'time', 'may', 'christian', 'orphaned', 'living', 'building', 'accident', 'tarek', 'goes', 'infamous', 'brothel', 'war-torn', 'olive', 'quarter', 'meeting', 'legendary', 'madam', 'oum', 'walid', 'takes', 'omar', 'may', 'family', 'tensions', 'rise', 'comes', 'age', 'war', 'moves', 'inexorably', 'adventure', 'tragedy'], [\"'spanning\", 'nearly', 'years', 'early', '1940s', '1960s', 'plot', 'focuses', 'susan', 'traherne', 'englishwoman', 'irreparably', 'changed', 'experiences', 'fighter', 'french', 'resistance', 'world', 'war', 'one-night', 'stand', 'british', 'intelligence', 'agent', 'war', 'ends', 'susan', 'returns', 'england', 'becomes', 'determined', 'make', 'life', 'achieving', 'wishes', 'post-war', 'world', 'time', 'away', 'finds', 'trivial', 'inadequate', 'acting', 'complete', 'disregard', 'everybody', 'around'], ['kenny', 'dantley', 'car-loving', 'southern', 'california', 'high', 'school', 'senior', 'project', 'shop', 'class', 'kenny', 'helps', 'build', 'customized', 'chevrolet', 'corvette', 'stingray', 'right-hand-drive', 'shortly', 'new', 'set', 'wheels', 'unveiled', 'car', 'stolen', 'streets', 'van', 'nuys', 'kenny', 'immediately', 'sets', 'trail', 'thieves', 'takes', 'las', 'vegas', 'way', 'meets', 'vanessa', 'self-described', 'prostitute-in-training', 'kenny', 'finds', 'work', 'vegas', 'gas', 'station', 'one', 'day', 'spots', 'car', 'follows', 'local', 'garage', 'run-in', 'garage', 'owner', 'wayne', 'lowry', 'rescued', 'vanessa', 'lowry', 'contacts', 'kenny', 'high', 'school', 'teacher', 'mcgrath', 'mcgrath', 'comes', 'las', 'vegas', 'conversation', 'mcgrath', 'kenny', 'crushed', 'learn', 'admired', 'teacher', 'arranged', 'theft', 'corvette', 'help', 'financial', 'trouble', 'mcgrath', 'suggests', 'kenny', 'work', 'lowry', 'kenny', 'agrees', 'make', 'good', 'money', 'secretly', 'plans', 'steal', 'corvette', 'back', 'lowry', 'eventually', 'kenny', 'completes', 'plans', 'steals', 'car', 'back', 'saves', 'vanessa', 'life', 'prostitution', 'wins', 'wild', 'car', 'chase', 'returns', 'triumph', 'corvette', 'vanessa', 'old', 'high', 'school'], ['mickael', 'poor', 'working', 'class', 'family', 'father', 'g챕rard', 'taxi', 'cab', 'driver', 'lost', 'license', 'job', 'result', 'police', 'roadblock', 'targeting', 'drivers', 'influence', 'mother', 'annie', 'works', 'cleaning', 'woman', 'high', 'school', 'gym', 'tough', 'time', 'financially', 'great', 'student', 'mickael', 'excels', 'judo', 'life', 'focused', 'sport', 'girlfriend', 'vanessa', 'one', 'mickael', 'teammates', 'cl챕ment', 'wealthy', 'family', 'father', 'louis', 'steiner', 'uses', 'wheelchair', 'mother', 'mathilde', 'woman', 'world', 'society', 'louis', 'decides', 'sponsor', 'judo', 'team', 'buys', 'outfits', 'asks', 'mickael', 'work', 'clement', 'perfect', 'technique', 'prepare', 'judo', 'team', 'french', 'championship', 'mickael', 'cl챕ment', 'relate', 'well', 'mickael', 'winning', 'player', 'cl챕ment', 'smarter', 'understands', 'intrinsic', 'rules', 'game', 'better', 'incident', 'occurs', 'forces', 'mickael', 'take', 'position', 'wounded', 'team', 'mate', 'must', 'lose', 'eight', 'kilos', 'qualify', 'championship', 'team', 'struggle', 'lose', 'weight', 'places', 'stress', 'mickael', 'family', 'teammates', 'mickael', 'vanessa', 'include', 'cl챕ment', 'camaraderie', 'situation', 'evolves', 'm챕nage', 'trois', 'three', 'group', 'sex', 'hours', 'gym', 'controversially', 'two', 'male', 'stars', 'show', 'genitals', 'vanessa', 'reacts', 'though', 'greatest', 'physical', 'feeling', 'ever', 'cl챕ment', 'smitten', 'mickael', 'troubling', 'doubts', 'three', 'decide', 'try', 'hotel', 'room', 'mickael', 'conflicted', 'join', 'two', 'listening', 'cavorting', 'bathtub', 'feeling', 'inferior', 'smarter', 'wealthier', 'cl챕ment', 'judo', 'side', 'team', 'plays', 'championship', 'mickael', 'delicate', 'sense', 'self', 'worth', 'restored', 'moment', 'manner', 'trio', 'teenagers', 'resolve', 'antics', 'closes', 'film'], ['movie', 'takes', 'place', 'late', '1920s', 'berlin', 'opens', 'paul', 'questioned', 'police', 'note', 'written', 'scene', 'fades', 'movie', 'shows', 'happened', 'paul', 'shy', 'virgin', 'tired', 'alone', 'heartbroken', 'friends', 'openly', 'gay', 'boy', 'guenther', 'paul', 'staying', 'guenther', 'parents', 'country', 'home', 'along', 'sister', 'hilde', 'weekend', 'paul', 'madly', 'love', 'hilde', 'although', 'interest', 'committing', 'relationship', 'guenther', 'invites', 'people', 'night', 'party', 'filled', 'alcohol', 'music', 'sex', 'one', 'last', 'parties', 'since', 'paul', 'guenther', 'made', 'suicide', 'pact', 'guenther', 'sister', 'hilde', 'clearly', 'feelings', 'boy', 'complicates', 'brother-sister', 'relationship', 'guenther', 'paul', 'hilde', 'series', 'couplings', 'conversation', 'partying', 'proceeding', 'parents', 'apartment', 'city', 'drama', 'ends', 'gun', 'shots', 'question', 'actually', 'happened', 'film', 'based', 'true', 'story', 'so-called', 'steglitz', 'student', 'tragedy'], ['plot', 'julia', 'jones', 'obese', 'woman', 'dreams', 'marrying', 'napoleon', 'dynamite', 'even', 'dreams', 'rejected', 'writing', 'diary', 'thinks', 'never', 'find', 'true', 'love', 'julia', 'goes', 'outside', 'dances', 'impress', 'men', 'streets', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'obesity', 'gets', 'best', 'later', 'julia', 'goes', 'work', 'dad\\\\', 'greek', 'diner', 'dad', 'frank', 'suggests', 'gets', 'married', 'someone', 'heritage', 'julia', 'half', 'greek', 'half', 'indian', 'half', 'japanese', 'suggests', 'nicky', 'ugly', 'greasy', 'man', 'meets', 'british', 'grant', 'fockyerdoder', 'forms', 'instant', 'attraction', 'frank', 'yells', 'julia', 'get', 'order', 'turns', 'respond', 'hits', 'grant', 'head', 'coffee', 'pot', 'she\\\\', 'holding', 'knocking', 'floor', 'turns', 'around', 'find', 'table', 'suddenly', 'empty', 'figures', 'ran', 'away', 'julia', 'needs', 'help', 'goes', 'see', 'love', 'therapist', 'hitch', 'hitch', 'rejects', 'first', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'help', 'julia', 'explains', 'man', 'diner', 'thinks', 'impossible', 'fall', 'love', 'hitch', 'takes', 'garage', 'gets', 'pimped', 'slim', 'attractive', 'woman', 'earns', 'spot', 'reality', 'television', 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'frodo', 'gandalf', 'others', 'try', 'pawn', 'ring', 'gandalf', 'pleading', 'ring', 'could', 'destroy', 'evil', 'ignoring', 'frodo', 'accepts', 'offer', 'hobbits', 'turn', 'repeatedly', 'kick', 'gandalf', 'precious', 'run', 'get', 'wine', 'coolers', '...', 'hookers', 'it\\\\', 'grant\\\\', 'turn', 'take', 'julia', 'family', 'meet', 'parents', 'meeting', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'well', 'either', 'roz', 'grant\\\\', 'mother', 'informs', 'everyone', 'grant', 'lost', 'virginity', 'gay', 'housekeeper', 'eduardo', 'frank', 'secretly', 'brings', 'nicky', 'along', 'telling', 'julia', 'choice', 'marry', 'julia', 'runs', 'devastated', 'later', 'frank', 'one-on-one', 'basketball', 'game', 'grant\\\\', 'father', 'bernie', 'things', 'get', 'bad', 'frank', 'gets', 'huge', 'taste', 'bernie\\\\', 'chest', 'hair', 'next', 'day', 'julia', 'grant', 'wedding', 'planner', 'named', 'jell-o', 'massive', 'butt', 'jell-o', 'suggests', 'taco', 'butt', 'want', 'something', 'little', 'fancier', 'first', 'offended', 'grant', 'tells', 'julia', 'already', 'taken', 'care', 'things', 'listed', 'wedding', 'jell-o', 'tells', 'wanted', 'see', 'booked', 'entertainment', 'dancing', 'dance', 'moves', 'backs', 'towards', 'massive', 'rear', 'crushes', 'julia', 'finally', 'gets', 'chance', 'meet', 'andy', 'grant\\\\', 'best', 'man', 'swimming', 'pool', 'course', 'julia', 'assumes', 'andy', 'man', 'really', 'woman', 'lot', 'attractive', 'julia', 'julia', 'even', 'horrified', 'finds', 'two', 'engaged', 'three', 'weeks', 'ago', 'andy', 'helps', 'julia', 'shop', 'wedding', 'dress', 'dress', 'store', 'julia', 'hits', 'head', 'power', 'box', 'finds', 'read', 'people\\\\', 'thoughts', 'julia', 'finds', 'reading', 'andy\\\\', 'mind', 'still', 'feelings', 'grant', 'plans', 'split', 'two', 'julia', 'andy', 'fight', 'kill', 'bill-style', 'julia', 'grows', 'depressed', 'fearing', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'always', 'lonely', 'fat', 'girl', 'goes', 'back', 'hitch', 'tells', 'andy', 'hitch', 'reckons', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'stand', 'chance', 'andy', 'mdash', 'everything', 'fine', 'end', 'julia', 'grows', 'confident', 'figures', 'make', 'wedding', 'rehearsal', 'dad\\\\', 'diner', 'one', 'day', 'wedding', 'andy', 'shows', 'accuses', 'grant', 'using', 'julia', 'get', 'grant', 'ignores', 'big', 'day', 'arrived', 'unfortunately', 'julia', 'wakes', 'big', 'pimple', 'face', 'eventually', 'pops', 'blowing', 'back', 'room', 'knocking', 'wall', 'late', 'wedding', 'meanwhile', 'andy', 'finally', 'tells', 'grant', 'feels', 'julia', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'deserve', 'wants', 'marry', 'grant', 'steps', 'says', 'wants', 'julia', 'andy', 'ignores', 'kisses', 'grant', 'pushes', 'andy', 'sees', 'julia', 'caught', 'act', 'runs', 'away', 'days', 'later', 'julia', 'goes', 'back', 'apartment', 'surrounded', 'balloons', 'gifts', 'letters', 'grant', 'forgive', 'grant', 'agrees', 'marry', 'nicky', 'altar', 'nicky', 'julia', 'regretting', 'flashbacks', 'grant', 'frank', 'realizing', 'julia', 'unhappy', 'stops', 'wedding', 'tells', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'nicky', 'grant', 'one', 'frank', 'shows', 'julia', 'magazine', 'picture', 'grant', 'message', 'says', 'meet', 'rooftop', 'apartment', 'building', 'epic', 'journey', 'throwing', 'andy', 'stairway', 'bashing', 'someone', 'head', 'baseball', 'bat', 'get', 'bike', 'gets', 'find', 'missed', 'grant', 'leans', 'hands', 'railings', 'causing', 'snap', 'falls', 'right', 'grant\\\\', 'arms', 'emotional', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'get', 'married', 'hitch', 'officiating', 'andy', 'nicky', 'meet', 'wedding', 'fall', 'love', 'meanwhile', 'grant', 'julia', 'leave', 'horse', 'carriage', 'julia', 'also', 'gets', 'present', 'mother-in-law', 'vaginal', 'thermometer', 'apparently', 'family', 'generations', 'regarded', 'good', 'luck', 'it\\\\', 'washed', 'film', 'ends', 'grant', 'julia', 'attending', 'honeymoon', 'kong', 'island', 'see', 'woman', 'anne', 'tied', 'two', 'pieces', 'wood', 'king', 'kong', 'comes', 'rips', 'dress', 'leaving', 'clad', 'leopard', 'print', 'bikini', 'kong', 'gropes', 'says', 'like', 'hairy', 'guys', 'kong', 'roars', 'flattens'], ['claudia', 'larson', 'single', 'mom', 'fired', 'job', 'art', 'restorer', 'due', 'budget', 'cuts', 'flies', 'spend', 'thanksgiving', 'home', 'parents', 'adele', 'henry', 'larson', 'child', 'kitt', 'decides', 'stay', 'home', 'spend', 'holiday', 'boyfriend', 'kitt', 'informs', 'claudia', 'intends', 'sex', 'boyfriend', 'family', 'gathering', 'also', 'includes', 'claudia', 'resentful', 'conservative', 'sister', 'joanne', 'larson', 'wedman', 'stuffy', 'banker', 'husband', 'walter', 'two', 'spoiled', 'children', 'also', 'claudia', 'gay', 'brother', 'tommy', 'new', 'friend', 'leo', 'fish', 'along', 'eccentric', 'aunt', 'glady', 'tommy', 'long', 'term', 'relationship', 'another', 'man', 'jack', 'claudia', \"n't\", 'understand', 'new', 'guy', 'side', 'turns', 'leo', 'come', 'along', 'holidays', 'introduced', 'claudia', 'tommy', 'turns', 'married', 'jack', 'hectic', 'argument-filled', 'thanksgiving', 'claudia', 'boards', 'plane', 'home', 'leo', 'goes'], ['george', 'dupler', 'man', 'nearing', 'middle', 'age', 'demoted', 'temper', 'tantrum', 'reduced', 'working', 'midnight-shift', 'manager', 'all-night', 'pharmacy/convenience', 'store', 'george', 'advises', 'adult', 'son', 'freddie', 'stop', 'affair', 'older', 'married', 'woman', 'leads', 'trouble', 'george', 'finally', 'meets', 'woman', 'cheryl', 'gibbons', 'untalented', 'singer-songwriter', 'married', 'volatile', 'firefighter', 'begins', 'show', 'interest', 'next', 'thing', 'george', 'knows', 'announced', 'freddie', 'family', 'dinner', 'table', 'cheryl', 'father', 'become', 'romantically', 'involved', 'george', 'ends', 'moving', 'house', 'taking', 'loft', 'trying', 'begin', 'new', 'life', 'inventor'], ['start', 'movie', 'young', 'handsome', 'kan흲', 's흲zabur흲', 'admitted', 'shinsengumi', 'elite', 'samurai', 'police', 'group', 'led', 'kond흲', 'isami', 'seeks', 'defend', 'shogunate', 'reformist', 'forces', 'skilled', 'swordsman', 'appearance', 'makes', 'many', 'others', 'group', 'students', 'superiors', 'attracted', 'creating', 'tension', 'within', 'group', 'people', 'vying', 'kan흲', 'affections'], [\"'peter\", 'sanderson', 'workaholic', 'tax', 'attorney', 'corresponding', 'online', 'friend', 'known', 'lawyer-girl', 'first', 'blind', 'date', 'peter', 'learns', 'lawyer-girl', 'charlene', 'morton', 'wrongfully', 'convicted', 'bank', 'robber', 'claiming', 'innocence', 'wants', 'peter\\\\', 'help', 'getting', 'charges', 'dropped', 'peter', 'also', 'must', 'deal', 'virginia', 'arness', 'eccentric', 'english', 'billionaire', 'bring', 'business', 'firm', 'well', 'competitive', 'colleagues', 'bosses', 'neighbor', 'mrs.', 'kline', 'happens', 'sister', 'one', 'senior', 'partners', 'nosy', 'bigot', 'peter', 'attempts', 'juggle', 'issues', 'well', 'reconcile', 'ex-wife', 'children'], [\"'todd\", 'armstrong', 'craig', 'gamble', 'california', 'college', 'undergraduates', 'unsuccessfully', 'date', 'co-eds', 'linda', 'hughes', 'barbara', 'norris', 'arrogant', 'handsome', 'athletic', 'classmate', 'freddie', 'problems', 'chooses', 'fight', 'women', 'chasing', 'president', 'ski', 'club', 'freddie', 'organizes', 'midterm', 'vacation', 'trip', 'ski', 'country', 'idaho', 'although', 'know', 'nothing', 'skiing', 'todd', 'craig', 'follow', 'linda', 'barbara', 'bus', 'trip', 'try', 'learn', 'secret', 'freddie\\\\', 'technique', 'rustic', 'ski', 'resort', 'todd', 'craig', 'pose', 'frumpy', 'non-threatening', 'young', 'english', 'women', 'jane', 'nora', 'terrible', 'accents', 'interrupted', 'mysterious', 'ice-skating', 'yodeling', 'polar', 'bear', 'toying', 'psychologically-imbalanced', 'lederhosen-clad', 'lodge', 'manager', 'mr.', 'pevney', 'observe', 'girls', 'group', 'close', 'learn', 'succeed', 'women', 'figure', 'gone', 'wrong', 'make', 'linda', 'jealous', 'todd', 'attracts', 'attention', 'gorgeous', 'curvy', 'swedish', 'ski', 'instructor', 'nita', 'he\\\\', 'dressed', 'freddie', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'craig', 'craig', 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'abruptly', 'ends', 'spring', 'break', 'follows', 'behind', 'bus', 'todd', 'linda', 'craig', 'barbara', 'arrive', 'rest', 'group', 'pevney', 'todd\\\\', 'parents\\\\', 'beachfront', 'house', 'two', 'couples', 'share', 'true', 'feelings', 'boys', 'surprise', 'girls', 'ruse', 'delusional', 'freddie', 'swims', 'pacific', 'ocean', 'convinced', 'catch', 'beloved', 'brunette-wigged', 'nora', 'swam', 'ahead', 'somewhere', 'near', 'guam'], ['milou', 'mother', 'dies', 'unrest', 'strikes', 'sweeping', 'country', 'events', 'interfere', 'plans', 'funeral', 'disrupt', 'family', 'stranded', 'truck', 'driver', 'film', 'combines', 'elements', 'social', 'interpersonal', 'commentary', 'farce'], [\"'roland\", 'getting', 'married', 'slim', 'scoffs', 'idea', 'marriage', 'furious', 'roland', 'disappearing', 'story', 'reminisces', 'back', 'mike\\\\', 'portrayed', 'youth', 'sean', 'nelson', 'first', 'encounters', 'roland', 'slim', 'first', 'real', 'crush', 'girl', 'named', 'alicia', 'three', 'young', 'men\\\\', 'misadventures', 'teenagers', 'shy', 'awkward', 'mike', 'sticks', 'like', 'sore', 'thumb', 'first', 'day', 'quickly', 'befriended', 'slim', 'roland', 'dare', 'slim', 'roland', 'mike', 'runs', 'grabs', 'alicia\\\\', 'butt', 'leading', 'big', 'fight', 'big', 'brother', 'stacey', 'violent', 'gang', 'member', 'thoroughly', 'beat', 'mike', 'earns', 'stacey\\\\', 'private', 'respect', 'fighting', 'back', 'like', 'man', 'meanwhile', 'present', 'day', 'mike', 'slim', 'find', 'roland', 'wedding', 'get', 'call', 'tanya', 'saying', 'drunk', 'get', 'house', 'pick', 'take', 'back', 'wedding', 'marry', 'bride', 'lisa', 'two', 'hours', 'ceremony', 'begins', 'back', 'old', 'school', 'times', 'first', 'dance', 'year', 'store', 'gets', 'held', 'stacey', 'recognizes', 'boys', 'offers', 'ride', 'dance', 'boys', 'almost', 'get', 'arrested', 'two', 'cops', 'due', 'stacey\\\\', 'broken', 'taillight', 'mike\\\\', 'quick', 'thinking', 'prevents', 'one', 'cops', 'finding', 'stacey\\\\', 'gun', 'let', 'impressed', 'stacey', 'begins', 'new', 'friendship', 'mike', 'apologizing', 'prior', 'run', 'explained', 'protecting', 'sister', 'seeing', 'much', 'mike', 'likes', 'gives', 'advice', 'win', 'heart', 'get', 'back', 'dance', 'almost', 'mike', 'gets', 'dance', 'alicia', 'end', 'dance', 'gets', 'number', 'present', 'day', 'reminiscing', 'roland', 'gets', 'sick', 'throws', 'slim', 'mike', 'hour', 'left', 'wedding', 'get', 'cleaned', 'take', 'clothes', 'cleaners', 'mike', 'returning', 'back', 'memories', 'juniors', 'high', 'school', 'thinking', 'sex', 'ways', 'get', 'making', 'lot', 'bets', 'mike', 'hiding', 'still', 'present', 'shyness', 'veil', 'confidence', 'reconnects', 'romantically', 'alicia', 'it\\\\', 'revealed', 'present', 'time', 'high', 'school', 'alicia', 'mike', 'went', 'separate', 'ways', 'good', 'boys', 'finally', 'make', 'ceremony', 'roland', 'apologize', 'furious', 'lisa', 'leaving', 'worried', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'ceremony', 'begins', 'mike', 'sees', 'alicia', 'childhood', 'crush', 'finally', 'roland', 'lisa', 'get', 'married', 'mike', 'tells', 'last', 'childhood', 'memory', 'homecoming', 'dance', 'school', 'boys', 'wood'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starring', 'emma', 'thompson', 'title', 'role', 'focuses', 'unusual', 'relationship', 'author', 'lytton', 'strachey', 'played', 'jonathan', 'pryce', 'well', 'members', 'bloomsbury', 'group', 'film', 'divided', 'chapters', 'lytton', 'carrington', '1915', 'great', 'war', 'lytton', 'strachey', 'travelling', 'country', 'staying', 'vanessa', 'bell\\\\', 'house', 'meets', 'carrington', 'first', 'time', 'confuses', 'boy', 'hide', 'disappointment', 'lytton', 'due', 'face', 'hearing', 'military', 'due', 'open', 'opposition', 'war', 'taking', 'hike', 'countryside', 'tries', 'kiss', 'carrington', 'refuses', 'early', 'morning', 'walks', 'bedroom', 'intent', 'cutting', 'beard', 'stops', 'last', 'minute', 'contemplation', 'sleeping', 'falls', 'love', 'gertler', '1916', '918', 'mark', 'gertler', 'tries', 'sex', 'carrington', 'refuses', 'since', 'thinks', 'interested', 'sexually', 'gertler', 'turns', 'lytton', 'aid', 'wooing', 'trying', 'help', 'falls', 'deeply', 'love', 'although', 'fully', 'requite', 'feelings', 'trip', 'wales', 'proposes', 'live', 'together', 'acting', 'carrington', 'searches', 'house', 'finds', 'refurbishes', 'mill', 'house', 'tidmarsh', 'gertler', 'finds', 'carrington', 'lytton', 'moving', 'together', 'attacks', 'couple', 'partridge', '1918', '921', 'carrington', 'later', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'ralph', 'partdrige', 'come', 'back', 'war', 'first', 'dinner', 'together', 'ralph', 'expresses', 'rather', 'one-sided', 'point', 'views', 'contrary', 'lytton\\\\', 'nevertheless', 'rugged', 'man', 'appeals', 'lytton', 'goes', 'vacation', 'italy', 'ralph', 'made', 'clear', 'intent', 'marrying', 'carrington', 'leaving', 'altogether', 'bolivia', 'run', 'sheep', 'farm', 'knowing', 'ralph', 'longer', 'lytton', 'move', 'mill', 'house', 'marries', 'ralph', 'honeymoon', 'meet', 'lytton', 'venice', 'ralph', 'introduces', 'friend', 'gerald', 'brenan', 'lytton', 'carrington', 'brenan', 'planning', 'leave', 'spain', 'order', 'improve', 'education', 'takes', 'liking', 'carrington', 'mutual', 'lytton', 'successful', 'publication', 'eminent', 'victorians', 'manages', 'become', 'man', 'means', 'war', 'ends', 'brenan', '1921', '923', 'although', 'tries', 'loyal', 'friend', 'ralph', 'gerald', 'carrington', 'carry', 'affair', 'skulk', 'avoid', 'caught', 'gerald', 'leaves', 'spain', 'insisting', 'carrington', 'run', 'refuses', 'continue', 'relationship', 'get', 'caught', 'ralph', 'lytton', 'manages', 'avoid', 'break-up', 'secretly', 'aids', 'couple', 'continue', 'affair', 'ends', 'ham', 'spray', 'house', '1924', '931', 'lytton', 'buys', 'ham', 'spray', 'carrington', 'ralph', 'move', 'ralph', 'relationship', 'frances', 'marshall', 'lytton', 'relationship', 'roger', 'younger', 'man', 'oxford', 'carrington', 'carrying', 'affair', 'beacus', 'strapping', 'seaman', 'little', 'say', 'keeps', 'trying', 'change', 'carrington', 'fit', 'fantasies', 'later', 'admits', 'attracted', 'sexually', 'carrington', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'beacus', 'abortion', 'lytton', 'takes', 'apartment', 'london', 'intends', 'live', 'roger', 'becomes', 'clear', 'relationship', 'shall', 'long-lived', 'lytton', '1931', '932', 'roger', 'lytton', 'break', 'tea', 'party', 'lytton', 'suddenly', 'becomes', 'ill', 'carrington', 'initially', 'optimistic', 'afterwards', 'becomes', 'evident', 'recover', 'carrington', 'tries', 'commit', 'suicide', 'locking', 'garage', 'car', 'motor', 'running', 'rescued', 'ralph', 'lytton', 'finally', 'dies', 'surrounded', 'ralph', 'carrington', 'gerald', 'states', 'dying', 'think', 'much', 'carrington', 'utterly', 'depressed', 'manages', 'keep', 'spirits', 'convinces', 'ralph', 'needs', 'alone', 'left', 'burns', 'lytton\\\\', 'personal', 'possessions', 'takes', 'gun', 'finally', 'manages', 'kill'], ['snowy', 'love', 'fall', 'spring', 'starts', '1912', 'emperor', 'taisho', 'begins', 'short', 'reign', 'japan', 'upper', 'classes', 'mimicking', 'tastes', 'manners', 'europe', 'aristos', 'among', 'two', 'children', 'kiyoaki', 'matsugae', 'satoko', 'ayakura', 'even', 'child', 'satoko', 'romantic', 'aspirations', 'friendship', 'kiyoaki', 'however', 'father', 'wary', 'womanizing', 'ways', 'kiyoaki', 'father', 'fears', 'daughter', 'involvement', 'instructs', 'tutor', 'tadeshina', 'ensure', 'girl', 'heart', 'broken', 'decade', 'later', 'kiyoaki', 'finishing', 'high', 'school', 'beautiful', 'eligible', 'satoko', 'still', 'stuck', 'childhood', 'sweetheart', 'avoid', 'kiyoaki', 'playfully', 'considers', 'setting', 'uptight', 'school', 'friend', 'shigekuni', 'honda', 'writes', 'lurid', 'confession', 'frequent', 'trips', 'tokyo', 'entertainment', 'quarter', 'posts', 'letter', 'satoko', 'shigekuni', 'stop', 'evening', 'kiyoaki', 'second', 'thoughts', 'requests', 'letter', 'destroyed', 'decadent', 'adventures', 'fabrications'], ['fun-loving', 'bobby', 'mail', 'clerk', 'big', 'firm', 'trump', 'card', 'best', 'friend', 'waymon', 'african-american', 'almost', 'partner', 'firm', 'make', 'deal', 'waymon', 'try', 'move', 'bobby', 'trainee', 'broker', 'program', 'help', 'meet', 'natalie', 'girl', 'dreams', 'one', 'problem', 'everyone', 'change'], ['rose', 'morgan', 'shy', 'plain', 'middle-aged', 'english', 'literature', 'professor', 'columbia', 'university', 'shares', 'home', 'vain', 'overbearing', 'mother', 'hannah', 'attractive', 'sister', 'claire', 'starts', 'preparations', 'second', 'wedding', 'alex', 'used', 'date', 'rose', 'begins', 'feel', 'loveless', 'life', 'empty', 'gregory', 'larkin', 'columbia', 'mathematics', 'teacher', 'feels', 'sex', 'complicates', 'matters', 'men', 'women', 'since', 'seems', 'lose', 'rational', 'perspective', 'soon', 'aroused', 'last', 'girlfriend', 'dumps', 'one', 'last', 'night', 'stand', 'gets', 'married', 'based', 'suggestion', 'sex-phone', 'service', 'decides', 'look', 'relationship', 'based', 'intellectual', 'rather', 'physical', 'places', 'newspaper', 'claire', 'reads', 'answers', 'behalf', 'rose', 'gregory', 'intrigued', 'claire', 'tells', 'rose', 'teaches', 'english', 'literature', 'columbia', 'drops', 'rose', 'lecture', 'chaste', 'love', 'literature', 'missing', 'entirely', 'point', 'making', 'series', 'mishaps', 'begin', 'dating', 'impressed', 'wit', 'knowledge', 'seems', 'fascinated', 'quirks', 'mannerisms', 'usually', 'drive', 'people', 'crazy', 'also', 'fascinated', 'dashing', 'math', 'professor', 'even', 'helps', 'improve', 'teaching', 'techniques', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'condition', 'largely', 'platonic', 'rare', 'sex', 'needs', 'prospect', 'spending', 'rest', 'life', 'lonely', 'spinster', 'living', 'mother', 'seems', 'far', 'worse', 'marriage', 'conditions', 'rose', 'accepts', 'rose', 'attraction', 'gregory', 'grows', 'one', 'night', 'attempts', 'seduce', 'much', 'annoyance', 'hoped', 'given', 'idea', 'sex', 'though', 'admits', 'initially', 'raised', 'possibility', 'abruptly', 'breaks', 'attempt', 'physical', 'intimacy', 'finds', 'becoming', 'truly', 'aroused', 'fears', 'change', 'safe', 'comfortable', 'feelings', 'feels', 'towards', 'rose', 'gregory', 'departs', 'lengthy', 'lecture', 'tour', 'rose', 'embarks', 'crash', 'course', 'self-improvement', 'diets', 'exercises', 'changes', 'hairstyle', 'learns', 'use', 'makeup', 'outfits', 'updated', 'wardrobe', 'husband', 'returns', 'finds', 'different', 'woman', 'waiting', 'startled', 'express', 'feelings', 'admits', 'made', 'mistake', 'accepting', 'passionless', 'marriage', 'leaves', 'rose', 'realizes', 'everyone', 'including', 'behaving', 'differently', 'towards', 'improved-self', 'though', 'always', 'liking', 'gregory', 'rose', 'realize', 'mutual', 'love', 'hindered', 'rose', 'appearance', 'gregory', 'unusual', 'theories', 'marriage', 'sex', 'finally', 'recognize', 'deep', 'affection'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', 'germany', '1943.', 'allied', 'bombing', 'raid', 'maria', 'marries', 'soldier', 'hermann', 'braun', 'half', 'day', 'whole', 'night', 'together', 'hermann', 'returns', 'front', 'postwar', 'maria', 'told', 'hermann', 'killed', 'maria', 'starts', 'work', 'hostess', 'bar', 'frequented', 'american', 'soldiers', 'relationship', 'african-american', 'soldier', 'bill', 'supports', 'gives', 'nylon', 'stockings', 'cigarettes', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'bill', 'hermann', 'killed', 'returns', 'home', 'discover', 'maria', 'bill', 'undressing', 'fight', 'hermann', 'bill', 'ensues', 'hermann', 'seems', 'danger', 'maria', 'unintentionally', 'kills', 'bill', 'striking', 'head', 'full', 'bottle', 'maria', 'tried', 'military', 'tribune', 'expresses', 'love', 'bill', 'hermann', 'hermann', 'struck', 'maria\\\\', 'devotion', 'takes', 'blame', 'killing', 'imprisoned', 'maria', 'likely', 'aborts', 'pregnancy', 'asks', 'doctor', 'promise', 'maintain', 'grave', 'train', 'home', 'maria', 'catches', 'eye', 'wealthy', 'industrialist', 'karl', 'oswald', 'oswald', 'older', 'man', 'offers', 'position', 'assistant', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'maria', 'becomes', 'mistress', 'maintain', 'upper', 'hand', 'maria', 'visits', 'hermann', 'tells', 'development', 'promising', 'life', 'start', 'soon', 'released', 'maria', 'becomes', 'wealthy', 'buys', 'house', 'oswald', 'visits', 'hermann', 'offers', 'make', 'maria', 'heirs', 'wealth', 'hermann', 'deserts', 'maria', 'release', 'neither', 'man', 'tells', 'maria', 'agreement', 'release', 'hermann', 'emigrates', 'canada', 'sends', 'maria', 'red', 'rose', 'month', 'remind', 'still', 'loves', 'following', 'oswald\\\\', 'death', 'hermann', 'returns', 'germany', 'maria', 'oswald\\\\', 'read', 'executor', 'senkenberg', 'maria', 'hears', 'oswald\\\\', 'agreement', 'hermann', 'distressed', 'maria', 'lights', 'cigarette', 'dies', 'gas', 'explodes', 'left', 'gas', 'knob', 'turned', 'lighting', 'previous', 'cigarette'], ['life', 'nick', 'keller', 'hardly', 'called', 'well', 'sorted', 'stumbles', 'one', 'temporary', 'employment', 'next', 'serious', 'problems', 'heinrich', 'rich', 'influential', 'stepfather', 'well', 'brother', 'viktor', 'nick', 'latest', 'temporary', 'job', 'cleaner', 'psychiatric', 'clinic', 'prevents', 'notorious', 'barefooted', 'patient', 'leila', 'committing', 'suicide', 'leila', 'story', 'also', 'complex', 'first', 'nineteen', 'years', 'life', 'confined', 'home', 'mother', 'hospitalized', 'clinic', 'death', 'mother', 'desperate', 'leave', 'however', 'mentally', 'leila', 'still', 'child', 'example', 'everything', 'told', 'takes', 'literally', 'dislikes', 'physical', 'contact', 'strangers', 'unexpected', 'consequence', 'nick', 'act', 'leila', 'follows', 'saviour', 'secretly', 'nightdress', 'barefooted', 'appears', 'front', 'door', 'night-time', 'leila', 'constantly', 'refuses', 'back', 'clinic', 'nick', 'road', 'trip', 'together', 'order', 'attend', 'brother', 'wedding', 'nick', 'ex-girlfriend', 'trip', 'relationship', 'two', 'deepens', 'significantly', 'however', 'serious', 'disputes', 'family', 'nick', 'tries', 'hospitalize', 'leila', 'thereby', 'confess', 'fallen', 'love', 'leila', 'nick', 'arrested', 'attempted', 'kidnapping', 'leila', 'brought', 'back', 'clinic', 'nick', 'pretends', 'mental', 'problems', 'clinic', 'leila', 'leila', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'doctor', 'admit', 'last', 'scene', 'shows', 'together', 'shopping', 'supermarket', 'months', 'later', 'released', 'clinic'], ['story', 'based', 'jakarta', 'indonesia', 'revolves', 'around', 'three', 'main', 'characters', 'memey', 'andien', 'sakti', 'struggle', 'maintain', 'facade', 'perfection', 'front', 'arisan', 'friends', 'arisan', 'meeting', 'fraternity', 'upscale', 'female', 'socialites', 'jakarta', 'meet', 'regularly', 'share', 'gossip', 'draw', 'lots', 'see', 'takes', 'home', 'money', 'contribute', 'main', 'character', 'meimei', 'interior', 'designer', 'business', 'husband', 'left', 'actress', 'also', 'finds', 'get', 'pregnant', 'finally', 'finds', 'new', 'love', 'interest', 'nino', 'turns', 'nino', 'interested', 'best', 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'topless', 'jennifer', 'told', 'father', 'cover', 'bare', 'breasts', 'refuses', 'dragging', 'father', 'nikki\\\\', 'help', 'water', 'play', 'matthew', 'join', 'feeling', 'uncomfortable', 'partial', 'nudity', 'displayed', 'jennifer', 'nikki', 'women', 'beach', 'dropping', 'girls', 'brazilian', 'wedding', 'men', 'visit', 'local', 'pub', 'search', 'dates', 'victor', 'pairs', 'local', 'cigar-smoking', 'divorc챕e', 'matthew', 'winds', 'brazilian', 'wedding', 'runs', 'amorous', 'jennifer', 'watching', 'festivities', 'together', 'matthew', 'jennifer', 'start', 'feel', 'chemistry', 'develop', 'eventually', 'share', 'passionate', 'kiss', 'much', 'chagrin', 'nikki', 'inadvertently', 'sees', 'what\\\\', 'going', 'father', 'best', 'friend', 'matthew', 'jennifer', 'make', 'love', 'secluded', 'spot', 'beach', 'begins', 'secret', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'jennifer', 'later', 'tearfully', 'confesses', 'victor', 'affair', 'older', 'man', 'reveal', 'naturally', 'victor', 'becomes', 'furious', 'sets', 'hunt', 'mystery', 'man', 'expecting', 'matthew', 'help', 'unaware', 'course', 'matthew', 'culprit', 'whole', 'time', 'matthew', 'reluctant', 'help', 'victor', 'quest', 'goes', 'anyway', 'benefit', 'friendship', 'meantime', 'matthew', 'tries', 'talk', 'jennifer', 'ending', 'fantasy', 'relationship', 'determined', 'never', 'give', 'eventually', 'matthew', 'discloses', 'friend', 'one', 'jennifer', 'affair', 'victor', 'caused', 'couple', 'brawls', 'targeting', 'innocent', 'men', 'however', 'victor', 'angry', 'matthew', 'expects', 'soon', 'discovered', 'victor', 'affair', 'matthew\\\\', 'wife', 'karen', 'truth', 'comes', 'light', 'jennifer', 'tries', 'commit', 'suicide', 'overdose', 'birth', 'control', 'pills', 'survives', 'incident', 'brings', 'closer', 'together', 'although', 'men', 'constantly', 'bicker', 'other\\\\', 'sexual', 'misconduct', 'karen', 'matthew', 'decide', 'work', 'marital', 'problems', 'jennifer', 'begins', 'dating', 'young', 'male', 'nurse', 'met', 'recuperating', 'hospital', 'victor', 'remarries', 'estranged', 'wife', 'closing', 'credits', 'begin', 'roll', 'matthew', 'voice-over', 'narration', 'states', 'final', 'line', 'summation', 'live', 'help', 'get', 'young', 'twice'], [\"'shante\", 'smith', 'woman', 'gives', 'advice', 'keep', 'man', 'check', 'ideals', 'challenged', 'man', 'attorney', 'named', 'keith', 'fenton', 'threatens', 'stray', 'smith', 'well', 'educated', 'woman', 'feels', 'comes', 'men', 'tricks', 'knows', 'end', 'shante', 'boyfriend', 'keith', 'led', 'friend', 'tony', 'thinks', 'knows', 'tricks', 'women', 'play', 'shant챕\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'keith', 'caught', 'red-handed', 'stepping', 'co-worker', 'shant챕', 'institutes', 'ten', 'day', 'plan', 'get', 'man', 'line.2001', 'plot', 'summary', 'two', 'play', 'game', 'internet', 'movie', 'database', 'august', '2010', 'http', '//www.imdb.com/title/tt0269341/plotsummary', 'battle', 'soon', 'begins.though', 'conclusion', 'movie', 'shante', 'keith', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'insinuated', 'sequel', 'three', 'play', 'game', 'separated'], [\"'vartan\", 'malt', 'editor', 'tabloid', 'called', 'national', 'mirror', 'specializes', 'unlikely', 'stories', 'celebrities', 'frankly', 'unbelievable', 'tales', 'ordinary', 'folkspersons', 'malt', 'gets', 'word', 'woman', 'supposedly', 'harboring', 'angel', 'small', 'town', 'iowa', 'figures', 'might', 'mirror\\\\', 'alley', 'sends', 'three', 'people', 'get', 'story', 'frank', 'quinlan', 'reporter', 'whose', 'career', 'hit', 'skids', 'huey', 'driscoll', 'photographer', 'verge', 'losing', 'job', 'dorothy', 'winters', 'self-styled', 'angel', 'expert', 'arrive', 'roaming', 'house', 'pansy', 'milbank', 'informs', 'indeed', 'angel', 'tenant', 'introduces', 'michael', 'michael', 'wings', 'like', 'angel', 'resemblance', 'ends', 'michael', 'loves', 'cigarettes', 'sugar', 'uncontrollable', 'belly', 'laugh', 'tends', 'use', 'large', 'number', 'non-angelic', 'phrases', 'care', 'much', 'personal', 'hygiene', 'smells', 'like', 'cookies', 'michael', 'informs', 'visitors', 'angel', 'allowed', 'take', 'certain', 'number', 'vacations', 'earth', 'midst', 'one', 'said', 'last', 'vacation', 'allowed', 'decided', 'make', 'pansy', 'unexpectedly', 'dies', 'frank', 'huey', 'stumble', 'upon', 'great', 'story', 'idea', 'michael', 'wants', 'fun', 'take', 'chicago', 'really', 'kick', 'heels', 'michael', 'reveals', 'plan', 'beginning', 'rest', 'film', 'deals', 'experiences', 'frank', 'huey', 'dorothy', 'sparky', 'michael', 'driving', 'chicago', 'trip', 'slowly', 'revealed', 'michael\\\\', 'mission', 'earth', 'get', 'frank', 'dorothy', 'together', 'despite', 'bad', 'experiences', 'love', 'sparky', 'hit', 'truck', 'killed', 'michael', 'brings', 'back', 'life', 'process', 'uses', 'allotment', 'miracles', 'begins', 'weaken', 'group', 'reaches', 'chicago', 'time', 'michael', 'see', 'sears', 'tower', 'disappearing', 'frank', 'dorothy', 'separate', 'ways', 'michael', 'returns', 'one', 'time', 'successfully', 'gets', 'frank', 'dorothy', 'back', 'together', 'good'], [\"'luciano\", 'pavarotti', 'plays', 'italian', 'opera', 'singer', 'name', 'giorgio', 'fini', 'loses', 'voice', 'america', 'treated', 'female', 'throat', 'specialist', 'played', 'kathryn', 'harrold', 'falls', 'love'], ['high', 'school', 'sweethearts', 'frank', 'beardsley', 'helen', 'white', 'reunited', 'frank', 'family', 'move', 'back', 'hometown', 'new', 'london', 'connecticut', 'unexpectedly', 'encountering', 'restaurant', 'separate', 'dates', 'pair', 'run', '30-year', 'class', 'reunion', 'instantly', 'rekindling', 'old', 'sparks', 'two', 'quickly', 'decide', 'marry', 'private', 'ceremony', 'quite', 'cognizant', 'fact', 'frank', 'already', 'eight', 'children', 'first', 'marriage', 'helen', 'ten', 'first', 'marriage', 'family', 'moves', 'new', 'home', 'property', 'lighthouse', 'frank', 'helen', 'shared', 'first', 'kiss', 'joined', 'north', 'children', 'numerous', 'pets', 'frank', 'housekeeper', 'mrs.', 'munion', 'soon', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'coast', 'guard', 'admiral', 'frank', 'regimented', 'view', 'things', 'done', 'whereas', 'helen', 'artist', 'free-spirited', 'lackadaisical', 'attitude', 'respective', 'children', 'product', 'parents', 'views', 'shocked', 'news', 'parents', 'quickie', 'wedding', \"n't\", 'get', 'along', 'well', 'first', 'even', 'turning', 'planned', 'lighthouse', 'renovation', 'project', 'all-out', 'paint', 'fight', 'however', 'frank', 'oldest', 'son', 'william', 'calls', 'meeting', 'among', 'kids', 'explains', 'better', 'rid', 'new', 'situation', 'joining', 'forces', 'make', 'parents', 'respective', 'philosophical', 'differences', 'apparent', 'effectively', 'cause', 'start', 'fighting', 'time', 'kids', 'gradually', 'begin', 'bond', 'taking', 'part', 'activities', 'attending', 'siblings', 'soccer', 'games', 'helping', 'william', 'campaign', 'class', 'president', 'short', 'time', 'later', 'frank', 'helen', 'attend', 'formal', 'coast', 'guard', 'dinner', 'frank', 'superior', 'commandant', 'sherman', 'officially', 'offers', 'frank', 'opportunity', 'successor', 'however', 'citing', 'obligation', 'coast', 'guard', 'academy', 'new', 'family', 'frank', 'respectfully', 'declines', 'offer', 'meanwhile', 'older', 'kids', 'throw', 'all-out', 'party', 'quickly', 'grows', 'control', 'couple', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'place', 'total', 'chaos', 'frank', 'furious', 'helen', 'takes', 'laid-back', 'approach', 'angers', 'frank', 'causes', 'worst', 'fight', 'yet', 'realizing', 'happy', 'parents', 'together', 'kids', 'begin', 'sense', 'maybe', 'pushed', 'things', 'far', 'next', 'day', 'frank', 'informs', 'helen', 'decided', 'take', 'position', 'commandant', 'pair', 'schedule', 'family', 'meeting', 'inform', 'kids', 'new', 'development', 'return', 'school', 'jubilant', 'defended', 'younger', 'siblings', 'bullies', 'news', 'william', 'class', 'election', 'frank', 'quickly', 'deflates', 'mood', 'telling', 'kids', 'decision', 'accept', 'new', 'position', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'torn', 'parents', 'apart', 'kids', 'set', 'undoing', 'mistakes', 'even', 'enlisting', 'helen', 'aid', 'efforts', 'together', 'older', 'kids', 'launch', 'family', 'boat', 'effort', 'catch', 'frank', 'convinced', 'helen', 'longer', 'wants', 'sees', 'turn', 'lighthouse', 'spotlight', 'successfully', 'reunited', 'pair', 'tie', 'knot', 'time', 'rest', 'family', 'involved'], ['jewish', 'doctor', 'daniel', 'hirsh', 'young', 'woman', 'alex', 'greville', 'involved', 'love', 'triangle', 'contemporary', 'sculptor', 'bob', 'elkin', 'hirsh', 'greville', 'aware', 'elkin', 'seeing', 'know', 'one', 'another', 'mutual', 'friends', 'despite', 'willing', 'put', 'situation', 'fear', 'losing', 'elkin', 'switches', 'freely', 'greville', 'relationship', 'bound', 'growing', 'disillusionment', 'life', 'failed', 'marriage', 'uneasy', 'childhood', 'hirsh', 'represents', 'escape', 'repressed', 'nature', 'jewish', 'upbringing', 'realise', 'lack', 'permanence', 'situation', 'elkin', 'decides', 'leave', 'country', 'come', 'face', 'face', 'despite', 'opposed', 'situations', 'come', 'realize', 'time', 'move'], [\"'max\", 'alpha-male', 'commitment-phobic', 'sports', 'broadcaster', 'jay', 'jason', 'lee', 'neurotic', 'novelist', 'best', 'friends', 'since', 'childhood', 'jay', 'sets', 'max', 'editor', 'samantha', 'although', 'share', 'interests', 'engaged', 'within', 'two', 'weeks', 'still', 'max', 'confronted', 'fact', 'sam', 'last', 'woman', 'sleep', 'proposes', 'test', 'jay', 'hit', 'sam', 'shows', 'interest', 'max', 'confident', 'enough', 'loyalty', 'ahead', 'marriage', 'though', 'jay', 'hits', 'sam', 'end', 'falling', 'love'], ['centuries', 'countess', 'collected', 'stable', 'young', 'men', 'women', 'accompany', 'journey', 'eternal', 'night-and', 'youth', 'immortal', 'required', 'drink', 'blood', 'young', 'male', 'virgin', 'three', 'times', 'halloween', 'year', 'order', 'keep', 'youthful', 'appearance', 'task', 'finds', 'extremely', 'difficult', 'since', 'attractive', 'young', 'male', 'virgins', 'almost', 'impossible', 'find', '1980s', 'particularly', 'hedonistic', 'cities', 'e.g', 'case', 'los', 'angeles', 'meanwhile', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'mark', 'kendall', 'wants', 'sex', 'put', 'girlfriend', 'robin', 'pierce', 'one', 'night', 'mark', 'best', 'friends', 'jamie', 'russ', 'singles', 'bar', 'hollywood', 'mark', 'meets', 'countess', 'goes', 'back', 'mansion', 'seduces', 'passes', 'bites', 'thigh', 'wakes', 'pretends', 'sex', 'tells', 'mark', 'realize', 'really', 'means', 'next', 'days', 'begins', 'showing', 'strange', 'behavior', 'strange', 'dreams', 'avoiding', 'direct', 'sunlight', 'even', 'drinking', 'blood', 'countess', 'gets', 'second', 'bite', 'robin', 'notices', 'mark', 'odd', 'behavior', 'confronts', 'countess', 'dance-off', 'high', 'school', 'halloween', 'dance', 'appears', 'robin', 'back', 'mark', 'temporary', 'countess', 'kidnaps', 'robin', 'order', 'lure', 'mark', 'mansion', 'final', 'bite', 'deadline', 'expires', 'robin', 'jamie', 'russ', 'stop', 'eventually', 'order', 'save', 'mark', 'countess', 'clutches', 'robin', 'sex', 'coffin', 'chased', 'countess', 'minions', 'thereby', 'taking', 'mark', 'virginity', 'bringing', 'back', 'normal', 'renders', 'useless', 'countess', 'drink', 'virgin', 'blood', 'defeated', 'countess', 'begins', 'grow', 'old', 'decrepit', 'eyes', 'countess', 'assistant', 'sebastian', 'tells', 'worry', 'virgins', 'world', 'despite', 'fact', 'countess', 'doubts', 'find', 'another', 'virgin', 'movie', 'ends', 'mark', 'robin', 'continuing', 'sex', 'coffin'], ['story', 'concerns', 'kay', 'hilliard', 'former', 'nightclub', 'singer', 'discovers', 'husband', 'steven', 'affair', 'showgirl', 'crystal', 'allen', 'kay', 'last', 'find', 'among', 'circle', 'gossiping', 'girlfriends', 'kay', 'travels', 'reno', 'divorce', 'steve', 'marries', 'crystal', 'kay', 'finds', 'crystal', \"n't\", 'true', 'steve', 'starts', 'fighting', 'win', 'ex-husband', 'back'], ['overworked', 'air-traffic', 'controller', 'jack', 'chester', 'takes', 'wife', 'sandy', 'children', 'jennifer', 'bobby', 'laurie', 'summer', 'vacation', 'atlanta', 'area', 'fictitious', 'citrus', 'cove', 'florida', 'constantly', 'beset', 'never-ending', 'barrage', 'problems', 'first', 'move', 'wrong', 'house', 'mistake', 'jack', 'receives', 'leg', 'injury', 'prevents', 'able', 'spend', 'time', 'family', 'family', 'ends', 'fairly', 'decrepit', 'shack', 'public', 'beach', 'florida', 'constant', 'stream', 'vacationers', 'tromping', 'jack', 'locks', 'horns', 'pompous', 'local', 'sailing', 'champion', 'pellet', 'owner', 'dubious', 'piece', 'real', 'estate', 'evicted', 'early', 'jack', 'proposes', 'wager', 'win', 'year', 'regatta', 'must', 'allow', 'chesters', 'stay', 'rent-free', 'trouble', 'jack', \"n't\", 'sailed', 'many', 'years', \"n't\", 'even', 'boat', 'scully', 'local', 'saloon', 'keeper', 'pirate', 'mentality', 'befriends', 'jack', 'volunteers', 'help', 'counts', 'bored', 'chesters', 'come', 'life', 'helping', 'jack', 'make', 'new', 'vessel', 'seaworthy', 'motley', 'crew', 'first', 'glance', 'match', 'anybody', 'else', 'race', 'strong', 'breeze', 'large', 'pair', 'pants', 'enable', 'jack', 'enjoy', 'victory', 'sea'], [\"'in\", '1995', 'chris', 'brander', 'obese', 'curly-haired', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'lisp', 'braces', 'gentle', 'giant', 'demeanor', 'attends', 'graduation', 'party', 'best', 'friend', 'jamie', 'palamino', 'secretly', 'crush', 'plans', 'confess', 'feelings', 'writing', 'jamie\\\\', 'yearbook', 'chris', 'tries', 'return', 'jamie\\\\', 'yearbook', 'taken', 'despicable', 'ex-boyfriend', 'tim', 'tim', 'reads', 'chris\\\\', 'confession', 'aloud', 'party', 'wherein', 'chris', 'publicly', 'humiliated', 'demoralized', 'jamie', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'reciprocate', 'feelings', 'chris', 'receives', 'kiss', 'cheek', 'jamie', 'told', 'like', 'brother', 'sister', 'mob', 'partygoers', 'burst', 'house', 'jamie', 'admonishes', 'making', 'fun', 'chris', 'chris', 'leaves', 'bicycle', 'tearfully', 'vows', 'leave', 'town', 'never', 'return', 'order', 'achieve', 'greater', 'success', 'classmates', 'ten', 'years', 'later', 'chris', 'lost', 'weight', 'handsome', 'highly', 'successful', 'los', 'angeles', 'record', 'producer', 'also', 'womanizer', 'prior', 'christmas', 'chris\\\\', 'boss', 'orders', 'chris', 'accompany', 'emerging', 'self-obsessed', 'pop', 'singer', 'called', 'samantha', 'james', 'paris', 'wants', 'chris', 'ensure', 'samantha', 'signs', 'chris', 'sees', 'difficulties', 'follows', 'orders', 'trip', 'paris', 'samantha', 'sets', 'private', 'jet', 'fire', 'using', 'aluminum', 'foil', 'plane\\\\', 'microwave', 'oven', 'necessitates', 'emergency', 'landing', 'new', 'jersey', 'near', 'chris\\\\', 'hometown', 'chris', 'takes', 'singer', 'mother\\\\', 'house', 'place', 'spend', 'night', 're-engages', 'teenage', 'past', 'including', 'unresolved', 'feelings', 'jamie', 'local', 'bar', 'chris', 'encounters', 'old', 'classmates', 'including', 'tim', 'balding', 'fat', 'heavy', 'drinker', 'jamie', 'also', 'appears', 'working', 'bartender', 'support', 'graduate', 'school', 'chris', 'plans', 'impress', 'seduce', 'jamie', 'however', 'number', 'unexpected', 'problems', 'including', 'growing', 'realization', 'jamie\\\\', 'friendship', 'important', 'hamper', 'chris\\\\', 'plan', 'chris', 'bonds', 'jamie', 'several', 'occasions', 'friendly', 'ice', 'skating', 'day', 'date', 'chris', 'taken', 'away', 'ambulance', 'injured', 'game', 'hockey', 'jamie', 'reunited', 'dusty', 'dinkleman', 'chris', 'klein', 'paramedic', 'former', 'high', 'school', 'nerd', 'also', 'love', 'prior', 'date', 'chris', 'left', 'younger', 'brother', 'mike', 'spend', 'time', 'samantha', 'samantha', 'eventually', 'pushes', 'mike', 'bathroom', 'wall', 'find', 'chris\\\\', 'location', 'following', 'initial', 'resistance', 'samantha', 'knowing', 'mike\\\\', 'strong', 'feelings', 'towards', 'passionately', 'kisses', 'resulting', 'brother\\\\', 'disclosure', 'samantha', 'consequently', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'towards', 'jamie', 'believing', 'old', 'classmates', 'relationship', 'angry', 'rage', 'samantha', 'destroys', 'jamie\\\\', 'family\\\\', 'christmas', 'decorations', 'embarrassed', 'samantha\\\\', 'actions', 'chris', 'returns', 'home', 'visited', 'jamie', 'jamie', 'reveals', 'mad', 'chris', 'plans', 'spend', 'night', 'due', 'chris\\\\', 'continuing', 'lack', 'assertion', 'two', 'end', 'falling', 'asleep', 'romance', 'ensues', 'day', 'samantha\\\\', 'vandalism', 'jamie', 'speaks', 'darla', 'married', 'clark', 'night', 'fear', 'chris', 'lack', 'affection', 'might', 'mean', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'jamie', 'admits', 'whilst', 'two', 'friends', 'tried', 'put', 'chris', 'show', 'chris', 'interested', 'relationship', 'meanwhile', 'chris', 'attends', 'clark\\\\', 'workplace', 'dental', 'surgery', 'talk', 'clark', 'revealing', 'timing', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'right', 'shared', 'history', 'hinders', 'willingness', 'sex', 'chris', 'explains', 'feels', 'like', 'high', 'school', 'later', 'chris', 'clark', 'catch', 'dusty', 'singing', 'sexy', 'nurse', 'kissing', 'dusty', 'reveals', 'chris', 'clark', 'plans', 'sex', 'jamie', 'wants', 'humiliate', 'way', 'felt', 'used', 'humiliate', 'chris', 'tries', 'warn', 'jamie', 'dusty', 'children\\\\', 'christmas', 'pageant', 'instead', 'ends', 'attacking', 'dusty', 'ruining', 'play', 'jamie', 'refuses', 'listen', 'chris', 'tries', 'tell', 'nurse', 'leaving', 'chris', 'angry', 'disappointed', 'jamie', 'family', 'chris', 'consequently', 'gets', 'drunk', 'enters', 'bar', 'jamie', 'works', 'proceeding', 'blame', 'keeping', 'friend', 'zone', 'also', 'exclaims', 'jamie', 'never', 'amount', 'anything', 'meaningful', 'jamie', 'punches', 'chris', 'tossed', 'bar', 'request', 'upon', 'returning', 'chris', 'realizes', 'jamie', 'one', 'true', 'love', 'interest', 'returns', 'new', 'jersey', 'hoping', 'finally', 'chris', 'declares', 'true', 'love', 'jamie', 'house', 'two', 'kiss', 'outside', 'view', 'neighborhood', 'kids'], ['giving', 'guest', 'lecture', 'criminal', 'psychology', 'local', 'university', 'dr.', 'helen', 'hudson', 'respected', 'field', 'expert', 'serial', 'killers', 'cornered', 'lavatory', 'one', 'previous', 'subjects', 'daryll', 'lee', 'cullum', 'kills', 'police', 'officer', 'brutally', 'attacks', 'helen', 'becomes', 'severely', 'agoraphobic', 'result', 'sealing', 'inside', 'expensive', 'hi-tech', 'apartment', 'conducting', 'entire', 'life', 'behind', 'computer', 'screen', 'assisted', 'friend', 'andy', 'new', 'series', 'murders', 'spread', 'fear', 'panic', 'across', 'home', 'city', 'san', 'francisco', 'detective', 'm.j.', 'monahan', 'partner', 'reuben', 'goetz', 'solicit', 'helen', 'expertise', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'helen', 'soon', 'finds', 'drawn', 'warped', 'perpetrator', 'game', 'wits', 'murders', 'continue', 'helen', 'realizes', 'elusive', 'assailant', 'draws', 'inspiration', 'notorious', 'serial', 'killers', 'including', 'albert', 'desalvo', 'hillside', 'strangler', 'david', 'berkowitz', 'peter', 'k체rten', 'ted', 'bundy', 'edmund', 'kemper', 'jeffrey', 'dahmer', 'murderer', 'begins', 'contacting', 'even', 'stalking', 'helen', 'm.j.', 'realize', 'enlist', 'aid', 'cullum', 'tells', 'knows', 'killer', 'helen', 'soon', 'realizes', 'copycat', 'killer', 'following', 'list', 'serial', 'killers', 'order', 'presented', 'university', 'night', 'attack', 'two', 'work', 'figure', 'strike', 'next', 'andy', 'killed', 'manner', 'reminiscent', 'jeffrey', 'dahmer', 'm.j.', 'deduces', 'killer', 'identity', 'peter', 'foley', 'leading', 'failed', 'attempt', 'catch', 'foley', 'house', 'm.j.', 'discovers', 'kidnapped', 'helen', 'taken', 'back', 'scene', 'daryll', 'lee', 'attempt', 'killing', 'restroom', 'lecture', 'hall', 'gets', 'm.j.', 'finds', 'helen', 'bound', 'gagged', 'manner', 'cullum', 'ambushed', 'shot', 'foley', 'rendering', 'unconscious', 'foley', 'prepares', 'kill', 'm.j.', 'helen', 'desperately', 'attempts', 'save', 'ruining', 'foley', 'carefully', 'replicated', 'crime', 'scene', 'way', 'attempting', 'hang', 'foley', 'panics', 'cuts', 'helen', 'helen', 'able', 'get', 'away', 'escape', 'building', 'roof', 'agoraphobia', 'kicks', 'helen', 'finds', 'cornered', 'accepting', 'fate', 'turns', 'face', 'foley', 'however', 'kill', 'm.j.', 'shoots', 'brachial', 'nerve', 'giving', 'one', 'last', 'chance', 'surrender', 'pulls', 'gun', 'back', 'however', 'shoots', 'dead', 'time', 'later', 'daryll', 'lee', 'writes', 'letter', 'another', 'serial', 'killer', 'instructing', 'kill', 'helen', 'revealing', 'aiding', 'foley', 'along'], ['robert', 'cole', 'hollywood', 'film', 'editor', 'right', 'middle', 'cutting', 'new', 'science', 'fiction', 'film', 'george', 'kennedy', 'relationship', 'patient', 'bank', 'executive', 'mary', 'harvard', 'caught', 'undying', 'devotion', 'endless', 'agony', 'selfish', 'robert', 'bit', 'self-involved', 'neurotic', \"n't\", 'quite', 'decide', 'relationship', 'meant', 'mainly', 'sure', 'one', 'someone', 'else', 'robert', 'breaks', 'relationship', 'find', 'modern', 'romance', \"n't\", 'easy', 'seems', 'people', 'love', 'might', 'ones', 'constantly', 'hurt', 'mary', 'end', 'driving', 'cabin', 'idyllwild', 'california', 'intense', 'jealousy', 'causes', 'robert', 'alternately', 'accuse', 'annoy', 'mary', 'propose', 'marriage'], [\"'an\", 'expatriate', 'american', 'doctor', 'london', 'allows', 'lighten', 'freewheeling', 'younger', 'sister', 'mysterious', 'man', 'enter', 'life', 'inhibitions', 'released', 'beautiful', 'doctor', 'learns', 'freedom', 'price'], ['hoops', 'mccann', 'recent', 'high', 'school', 'graduate', 'failed', 'get', 'basketball', 'scholarship', 'disappointing', 'parents', 'hoops', 'hopes', 'admitted', 'rhode', 'island', 'school', 'design', 'must', 'write', 'illustrate', 'love', 'story', 'application', 'joins', 'friend', 'george', 'calamari', 'george', 'sister', 'squid', 'spend', 'summer', 'island', 'nantucket', 'massachusetts', 'route', 'pick', 'young', 'rock', 'singer', 'named', 'cassandra', 'eldridge', 'chased', 'motorcycle', 'gang', 'time', 'island', 'hoops', 'george', 'along', 'george', 'island', 'friends', 'stork', 'twins', 'ack-ack', 'raymond', 'must', 'help', 'cassandra', 'save', 'grandfather', 'house', 'greedy', 'beckersted', 'family', 'along', 'way', 'hoops', 'must', 'find', 'way', 'write', 'cartoon', 'love', 'story'], ['young', 'orthodox', 'jew', '1911', 'south', 'wales', 'tries', 'make', 'living', 'peddling', 'fabrics', 'door', 'door', 'south', 'wales', 'valleys', 'decides', 'must', 'hide', 'ethnicity', 'one', 'sales', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'demure', 'young', 'gentile', 'woman', 'nia', 'roberts', 'strong-willed', 'father', 'william', 'thomas', 'jew-hating', 'anti-semitic', 'brother', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'learn', 'ethnic', 'background', 'anti-jewish', 'pogrom', 'breaks', 'two', 'forced', 'flee', 'become', 'separated'], ['dr.', 'stephen', 'fleming', 'british', 'cabinet', 'minister', 'lives', 'pleasant', 'life', 'wife', 'ingrid', 'young', 'daughter', 'sally', 'older', 'son', 'martyn', 'rising', 'journalist', 'party', 'stephen', 'meets', 'young', 'half-french', 'woman', 'named', 'anna', 'barton', 'introduces', 'close', 'friend', 'martyn', 'immediately', 'apparent', 'however', 'stephen', 'anna', 'intensely', 'attracted', 'martyn', 'visits', 'parents', 'london', 'brings', 'anna', 'revealing', 'romantically', 'involved', 'sexual', 'tension', 'stephen', 'anna', 'clear', 'though', 'significant', 'others', 'oblivious', 'despite', 'relationship', 'martyn', 'anna', 'arranges', 'tryst', 'stephen', 'apartment', 'stephen', 'obsession', 'anna', 'deepens', 'international', 'summit', 'adjourns', 'brussels', 'travels', 'paris', 'meet', 'instead', 'going', 'home', 'martyn', 'still', 'sleeping', 'paris', 'hotel', 'room', 'stephen', 'anna', 'sex', 'open', 'doorway', 'broad', 'daylight', 'afterwards', 'stephen', 'checks', 'hotel', 'across', 'street', 'anna', 'martyn', 'spying', 'couple', 'window', 'eventually', 'stephen', 'infatuation', 'anna', 'reaches', 'point', 'desires', 'permanently', 'even', 'risk', 'destroying', 'relationship', 'son', 'anna', 'dissuades', 'stephen', 'reassuring', 'long', 'martyn', 'always', 'access', 'visit', 'anna', 'apartment', 'stephen', 'finds', 'another', 'man', 'named', 'peter', 'already', 'arrived', 'peter', 'nbsp', 'unaware', 'stephen', 'affair', 'anna', 'nbsp', 'tells', 'former', 'lovers', 'jealous', 'stephen', 'initially', 'assumes', 'anna', 'cheating', 'peter', 'leaves', 'confronts', 'presence', 'anna', 'denies', 'carrying', 'peter', 'describes', 'detail', 'death', 'brother', 'committed', 'suicide', 'expressing', 'incestuous', 'desire', 'recounts', 'compulsively', 'slept', 'peter', 'order', 'grieve', 'brother', 'death', 'witnessed', 'stephen', 'placated', 'explanation', 'couple', 'engage', 'passionate', 'sex', 'flemings', 'travel', 'country', 'estate', 'celebrate', 'ingrid', 'birthday', 'meal', 'martyn', 'announces', 'engagement', 'anna', 'visibly', 'disturbs', 'stephen', 'night', 'stephen', 'receives', 'oral', 'sex', 'anna', 'sally', 'nbsp', 'fetching', 'glass', 'water', 'nbsp', 'catches', 'outside', 'anna', 'room', 'soon', 'anxious', 'stephen', 'lies', 'sally', 'saw', 'telling', 'merely', 'trying', 'console', 'anna', 'upcoming', 'marriage', 'later', 'flemings', 'awkward', 'lunch', 'anna', 'mother', 'notices', 'awkward', 'behavior', 'anna', 'stephen', 'correctly', 'deduces', 'affair', 'car', 'ride', 'stephen', 'warns', 'put', 'end', 'stephen', 'initially', 'complies', 'calls', 'anna', 'end', 'relationship', 'tries', 'confess', 'misdeeds', 'martyn', 'ingrid', 'shies', 'away', 'times', 'however', 'stephen', 'succumbs', 'temptation', 'anonymously', 'phones', 'anna', 'apartment', 'mails', 'keys', 'renovated', 'flat', 'meet', 'anna', 'visits', 'home', 'tells', 'stephen', 'could', \"n't\", 'marry', 'martyn', 'without', 'flat', 'appointed', 'time', 'begin', 'another', 'raucous', 'tryst', 'martyn', 'nbsp', 'guided', 'flat', 'chance', 'nbsp', 'finds', 'bed', 'together', 'stunned', 'falls', 'stairway', 'railing', 'plunges', 'death', 'devastated', 'stephen', 'clutches', 'martyn', 'body', 'anna', 'silently', 'leaves', 'scene', 'stephen', 'affair', 'exposed', 'becomes', 'subject', 'media', 'frenzy', 'mob', 'reporters', 'convening', 'outside', 'house', 'inside', 'anguished', 'ingrid', 'reacts', 'day', 'events', 'questioning', 'whether', 'ever', 'love', 'strongly', 'suggested', 'marriage', 'ends', 'stephen', 'publicly', 'disgraced', 'also', 'forced', 'resign', 'cabinet', 'position', 'meets', 'anna', 'mother', 'hotel', 'finds', 'anna', 'staying', 'say', 'nothing', 'meet', 'last', 'time', 'stephen', 'withdraws', 'old', 'life', 'retires', 'unknown', 'location', 'europe', 'narration', 'reveals', 'anna', 'child', 'peter', 'flat', 'photo', 'anna', 'martyn', 'nbsp', 'blown', 'life', 'size', 'nbsp', 'hangs', 'wall', 'stares', 'anna', 'frozen', 'image', 'still', 'gripped', 'obsession'], [\"'set\", 'danish', 'all-boys', 'boarding', 'school', 'one', 'boys', 'develops', 'special', 'relationship', 'headmaster\\\\', 'young', 'son', 'kim', 'beginning', 'film', 'headmaster', 'trying', 'get', 'funding', 'new', 'gym', 'school', 'boarding', 'school', 'likely', 'christian', 'one', 'school', 'prayer', 'teachers', 'keep', 'referring', 'good', 'christian', 'morals', 'another', 'plotline', 'troubled', 'student', 'expelled', 'displaying', 'pornographic', 'posters', 'students', 'decide', 'protest', 'walking-out', 'classes', 'boy', 'eventually', 'allowed', 'return', 'school', 'may', 'graduate', 'year-end', 'graduation', 'ceremony', 'boys', 'present', 'entire', 'school', 'families', 'short', 'film', 'made', 'based', 'commandment', 'love', 'thy', 'neighbor'], [\"'the\", 'evening', 'july', 'las', 'vegas', 'hank', 'frannie', 'break', 'celebrating', 'fifth', 'anniversary', 'due', 'hank\\\\', 'insensitivity', 'frannie\\\\', 'yearning', 'adventure', 'excitement', 'spend', 'night', 'idealized', 'partner', '봍eila', 'nubile', 'beautiful', 'circus', 'girl', 'hank', 'ray', 'dark', 'handsome', 'musician', 'frannie', 'nights', 'passion', 'hank', 'breaks', 'tracks', 'frannie', 'lover\\\\', 'apartment', 'abducts', 'returning', 'home', 'refuses', 'walks', 'away', 'saying', 'time', 'definitely', 'goodbye', 'forever', 'hank', 'follows', 'airport', 'leave', 'dream', 'trip', 'bora', 'bora', 'ray', 'hank', 'sings', 'prove', 'willing', 'romantic', 'boards', 'plane', 'saying', 'late', 'hank', 'distraught', 'goes', 'home', 'burn', 'clothes', 'frannie', 'returns', 'realising', 'made', 'mistake'], [\"'walter\", 'koontz', 'highly', 'decorated', 'local', 'hero', 'officer', 'new', 'york', 'police', 'department', 'lives', 'downtown', 'apartment', 'complex', 'despite', 'locale', 'rampant', 'run', 'drag', 'queens', 'building', 'tends', 'keep', 'still', 'live', 'life', 'lavished', 'lovely', 'women', 'dancing', 'dining', 'one', 'night', 'hears', 'gunshots', 'upstairs', 'ascending', 'help', 'suffers', 'stroke', 'awakens', 'right', 'side', 'body', 'paralyzed', 'resulting', 'poor', 'speech', 'posture', 'giving', 'unrecoverable', 'limp', 'requiring', 'use', 'cane', 'get', 'around', 'suffers', 'massive', 'blow', 'ego', 'walter', 'becomes', 'ashamed', 'seen', 'public', 'fashion', 'rusty', 'one', 'walter\\\\', 'drag', 'queen', 'neighbors', 'two', 'at-odds', 'constantly', 'due', 'differing', 'lifestyles', 'rusty', 'desire', 'undergo', 'transsexual', 'operation', 'lacks', 'money', 'walter', 'comes', 'rusty', 'use', 'musical', 'talents', 'voice', 'lessons', 'overcome', 'impediment', 'pair', 'first', 'argumentative', 'uncomfortable', 'begin', 'become', 'friends', 'walter', 'begins', 'gain', 'confidence', 'make', 'strides', 'return', 'normal', 'life', 'however', 'friendship', 'marred', 'rusty', 'shows', 'walter', 'stash', 'money', 'hidden', 'body', 'dress', 'making', 'mannequin', 'enough', 'pay', 'operation', 'walter', 'inquires', 'rusty', 'got', 'money', 'rusty', 'says', 'stole', 'drug', 'pusher', 'also', 'responsible', 'attack', 'night', 'walter', 'stroke', 'outraged', 'walter', 'rusty', 'part', 'ways', 'angrily', 'one', 'night', 'returning', 'drag', 'beauty', 'contest', 'called', 'flawless', 'rusty', 'accosted', 'criminals', 'crept', 'apartment', 'find', 'stolen', 'money', 'walter', 'hears', 'commotion', 'runs', 'save', 'rusty\\\\', 'life', 'rusty', 'locks', 'bedroom', 'walter', 'comes', 'criminals', 'turn', 'attention', 'prompting', 'rusty', 'return', 'favor', 'fight', 'walter', 'shot', 'criminals', 'pair', 'able', 'subdue', 'boarding', 'ambulance', 'walter', 'rusty', 'gives', 'paramedics', 'stolen', 'cash', 'ensure', 'walter', 'okay', 'pair', 'rekindle', 'friendship', 'setting', 'personal', 'differences', 'aside'], ['set', 'private', 'mental', 'institution', 'tells', 'trainee', 'occupational', 'therapist', 'vincent', 'bruce', 'becomes', 'dangerously', 'obsessed', 'seductive', 'able', 'schizophrenic', 'patient', 'lilith', 'arthur', 'engineering', 'suicide', 'another', 'patient', 'jealousy', 'crush', 'lilith', 'bruce', 'presents', 'psychiatric', 'help', 'superiors', 'chestnut', 'lodge', 'would', 'permit', 'filming', 'location', 'scenes', 'done', 'vacant', 'mansion', 'rented', 'production', 'company', 'centur', 'productions', 'north', 'shore', 'long', 'island', 'location', 'shooting', 'maryland', 'done', 'private', 'home', 'rockville', 'well', 'downtown', 'area', 'plus', 'scenes', 'great', 'falls', 'maryland', 'virginia', 'sides', 'potomac', 'river', 'well', 'staged', 'carnival', 'scene', 'barnssville', 'maryland', 'robert', 'rossen', 'last', 'film', 'died'], [\"'taking\", 'place', 'southern', 'united', 'states', 'early', '1900s', 'mid-1930s', 'movie', 'tells', 'life', 'poor', 'african', 'american', 'woman', 'celie', 'harris', 'whose', 'abuse', 'begins', 'young', 'time', 'fourteen', 'already', 'two', 'children', 'father', 'takes', 'away', 'childbirth', 'forces', 'young', 'celie', 'marry', 'wealthy', 'young', 'local', 'widower', 'albert', 'johnson', 'known', 'mister', 'treats', 'like', 'slave', 'albert', 'makes', 'clean', 'disorderly', 'household', 'take', 'care', 'unruly', 'children', 'albert', 'beats', 'often', 'intimidating', 'celie', 'submission', 'near', 'silence', 'celie\\\\', 'sister', 'nettie', 'comes', 'live', 'brief', 'period', 'happiness', 'sisters', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'nettie', 'begins', 'teach', 'celie', 'read', 'short-lived', 'however', 'nettie', 'refuses', 'albert\\\\', 'predatory', 'affections', 'often', 'kicks', 'run', 'albert', 'nettie', 'promises', 'write', 'celie', 'albert\\\\', 'old', 'flame', 'jazz', 'singer', 'shug', 'avery', 'albert', 'carried', 'torch', 'many', 'years', 'comes', 'live', 'celie', 'delirious', 'sickness', 'shug', 'initially', 'regards', 'celie', 'ugly', 'first', 'meeting', 'despite', 'eventually', 'become', 'close', 'friends', 'shug', 'helps', 'celie', 'raise', 'self-confidence', 'shug', 'celie', 'also', 'enter', 'affair', 'cite', 'news', 'celie', 'also', 'finds', 'strength', 'sofia', 'marries', 'albert\\\\', 'son', 'harpo', 'sofia', 'also', 'suffered', 'abuse', 'men', 'family', 'unlike', 'celie', 'refuses', 'tolerate', 'high-spiritedness', 'proves', 'downfall', 'however', 'rude', 'remark', 'town', 'mayor\\\\', 'wife', 'retaliatory', 'punch', 'mayor', 'ends', 'sofia', 'beaten', 'jailed', 'nettie', 'meanwhile', 'living', 'missionaries', 'africa', 'writing', 'celie', 'often', 'unbeknownst', 'albert', 'confiscates', 'nettie\\\\', 'letters', 'telling', 'celie', 'never', 'hear', 'sister', 'visit', 'shug', 'new', 'husband', 'grady', 'celie', 'shug', 'discover', 'many', 'years\\\\', 'worth', 'nettie\\\\', 'correspondence', 'reconnecting', 'sister', 'assurance', 'still', 'alive', 'helps', 'give', 'celie', 'strength', 'stand', 'albert', 'almost', 'slits', 'throat', 'shaving', 'stopped', 'shug', 'family', 'dinner', 'sofia', 'shown', 'prematurely', 'aged', 'permanently', 'disfigured', 'due', 'severe', 'beatings', 'received', 'jail', 'demoralized', 'almost', 'catatonic', 'state', 'time', 'celie', 'finally', 'asserts', 'excoriating', 'albert', 'father', 'shug', 'informs', 'albert', 'grady', 'leaving', 'celie', 'harpo\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'squeak', 'coming', 'despite', 'albert\\\\', 'attempts', 'verbally', 'abuse', 'celie', 'submission', 'stands', 'mentioning', 'kept', 'nettie', 'away', 'nettie', 'one', 'really', 'loved', 'leaves', 'permanently', 'tells', 'right', 'thing', 'everything', 'wrong', 'seeing', 'celie', 'stand', 'sofia', 'returns', 'normal', 'self', 'laughing', 'hysterically', 'dumbfounded', 'embarrassed', 'albert', 'also', 'encourages', 'celie', 'follow', 'footsteps', 'celie', 'holds', 'knife', 'albert\\\\', 'throat', 'tennessee', 'celie', 'opens', 'haberdashery', 'selling', 'one', 'size', 'fits', 'slacks', 'upon', 'death', 'father', 'learns', 'fact', 'stepfather', 'inherited', 'house', 'shop', 'real', 'father', 'opens', 'second', 'slack', 'shop', 'next', 'home', 'named', 'miss', 'celie\\\\', 'pants', 'harpo', 'sofia', 'reconcile', 'meanwhile', 'albert', 'feeling', 'effects', 'celie\\\\', 'words', 'fields', 'home', 'languish', 'almost', 'nonexistence', 'slips', 'alcohol-fueled', 'idleness', 'spending', 'time', 'harpo\\\\', 'speakeasy', 'one', 'point', 'father', 'seen', 'suggesting', 'find', 'new', 'wife', 'albert', 'casually', 'grabs', 'father', 'arm', 'turns', 'property', 'years', 'guilt', 'finally', 'catch', 'knowledge', 'horrible', 'person', 'life', 'especially', 'celie', 'sudden', 'act', 'kindness', 'unknown', 'albert', 'takes', 'money', 'saved', 'years', 'goes', 'immigration', 'office', 'arranges', 'family', 'reunion', 'nettie', 'celie', 'children', 'adam', 'olivia', 'raised', 'africa', 'also', 'reunited', 'albert', 'looks', 'distance', 'shug', 'smiles', 'finally', 'right', 'thing', 'nettie', 'celie', 'play', 'childhood', 'clapping', 'game', 'sun', 'sets'], ['film', 'tells', 'story', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'anand', 'deeply', 'love', 'girl', 'named', 'maya', 'intentionally', 'thrown', 'swimming', 'pool', 'fiance', 'sake', 'getting', 'back', 'pranks', 'apparently', 'drowned', 'maya', 'death', 'anand', 'life', 'completely', 'shattered', 'becomes', 'insane', 'brought', 'sir', 'richard', 'mental', 'sanatorium', 'brother', 'requests', 'doctors', 'admit', 'immediately', 'however', 'insist', 'evaluating', 'mental', 'condition', 'taking', 'decision', 'asked', 'questions', 'anand', 'show', 'signs', 'insanity', 'doctors', 'conclude', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'decline', 'admit', 'hospital', 'anand', 'spots', 'housefly', 'table', 'first', 'tries', 'capture', 'palm', 'evades', 'anand', 'elder', 'brother', 'arguing', 'doctors', 'admit', 'anand', 'suddenly', 'becomes', 'violent', 'picking', 'club', 'using', 'hit', 'everything', 'fly', 'lands', 'finally', 'manages', 'kill', 'fly', 'convinces', 'doctors', 'indeed', 'insane', 'finally', 'agree', 'admit', 'anand', 'admitted', 'sir', 'richard', 'mental', 'sanatorium', 'tries', 'makes', 'friends', 'inmates', 'one', 'claims', 'bought', 'taj', 'mahal', 'another', 'claims', 'tree', 'growing', 'sweets', 'sets', 'scene', 'entry', 'chief', 'doctor', 'dr.', 'khurana', 'khurana', 'livid', 'nurse', 'come', 'operation', 'theatre', 'even', 'though', 'forbidden', 'yells', 'matron', 'refuses', 'accept', 'explanation', 'action', 'nurse', 'mental', 'asylum', 'also', 'two', 'main', 'doctors', 'dr.', 'sunil', 'dr.', 'tanvi', 'khurana', 'dr.', 'khurana', 'daughter', 'sunil', 'turns', 'anand', 'close', 'childhood', 'friend', 'anand', 'makes', 'commotion', 'every', 'day', 'behaves', 'like', 'child', 'upsets', 'tanvi', 'almost', 'removes', 'anand', 'asylum', 'one', 'day', 'finds', 'past', 'feels', 'bad', 'apologizes', 'starts', 'spending', 'time', 'soon', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'falls', 'love', 'tanvi', 'starts', 'help', 'cure', 'one', 'day', 'completely', 'cured', 'normal', 'remembers', 'everything', 'anand', 'decides', 'leave', 'asylum', 'soon', 'tanvi', 'finds', 'runs', 'anand', 'expresses', 'love', 'surprised', 'appreciates', 'love', 'decides', 'stay', 'falls', 'love', 'tanvi', 'happy', 'other.but', 'problem', 'tanvi', 'engaged', 'someone', 'name', 'karan', 'tanvi', 'father', 'dr.', 'khurana', 'finds', 'love', 'anand', 'angered', 'tells', 'tanvi', 'forget', 'anand', 'leave', 'tanvi', 'refuses', 'continues', 'love', 'anand', 'time', 'karan', 'comes', 'back', 'india', 'first', 'karan', 'unaware', 'tanvi', 'anand', 'love', 'karan', 'finds', 'tells', 'tanvi', 'live', 'anand', 'meanwhile', 'asylum', 'anand', 'explodes', 'violent', 'rage', 'dr.', 'khurana', 'results', 'lobotomized', 'khurana', 'sunil', 'tanvi', 'arrive', 'asylum', 'order', 'smuggle', 'anand', 'tanvi', 'run', 'away', 'together', 'late', 'sunil', 'finds', 'anand', 'lobotomized', 'realising', 'anand', 'much', 'better', 'dead', 'sunil', 'kills', 'neurologically', 'disabled', 'friend', 'suffocating', 'pillow', 'concluding', 'scene', 'shown', 'tanvi', 'patient', 'asylum', 'become', 'insane', 'mentally', 'unbalanced', 'due', 'shock', 'anand', 'death', 'tanvi', 'shown', 'wearing', 'patient', 'number', 'shirt', 'anand', 'wearing', 'mentally', 'ill'], ['plot', 'man', 'riding', 'bicycle', 'paris', 'arrives', 'shop', 'perfume', 'store', 'peering', 'store', 'sniffing', 'immediately', 'becomes', 'scared', 'runs', 'away', 'shouts', 'panic', 'runs', 'gendarme', 'assistance', 'gendarme', 'agrees', 'help', 'man', 'predicament', 'looks', 'shop', 'revealed', 'pepe', 'pew', 'smelly', 'skunk', 'inside', 'store', 'smelling', 'various', 'types', 'perfumes', 'singing', 'french', 'gendarme', 'looks', 'horrified', 'speaks', 'french', 'accent', 'terrible', 'odor', 'implied', 'brownish', 'fumes', 'emanating', 'pepe', 'pew\\\\', 'tail', 'runs', 'away', 'quickly', 'perfume', 'store', 'owner', 'cries', 'bankrupt', 'notices', 'black', 'female', 'cat', 'rubbing', 'legs', 'saying', 'mew', 'purr', 'shop', 'owner', 'picks', 'feline', 'flings', 'store', 'ordering', 'remove', 'skunk', 'polecat', 'pole', 'premises', 'avec', 'part', 'running', 'gag', 'female', 'black', 'cat', 'believed', 'pepe', 'femme', 'skunk', 'fatale', 'bottle', 'white', 'dye', 'spills', 'desk', 'runs', 'head', 'back', 'tail', 'cat', 'pepe', 'pew', 'immediately', 'sees', 'mistakes', 'skunk', 'female', 'cat', 'smells', 'pepe\\\\', 'odor', 'immediately', 'tries', 'run', 'away', 'chased', 'pepe', 'attempts', 'wiggle', 'free', 'pepe', 'tells', 'things', 'love', 'sight', 'first', 'make', 'beautiful', 'music', 'together', 'pepe', 'tries', 'kiss', 'breaks', 'free', 'climbs', 'sink', 'attempt', 'wash', 'stripe', 'smell', 'unsuccessful', 'runs', 'window', 'tries', 'open', 'stuck', 'finally', 'takes', 'refuge', 'inside', 'locked', 'glass', 'cabinet', 'much', 'pepe\\\\', 'chagrin', 'pepe', 'first', 'tries', 'lure', 'sweetly', 'demands', 'come', 'cabinet', 'refuses', 'indicating', 'due', 'odor', 'pepe', 'pew', 'signals', 'female', 'cat', 'angrily', 'agrees', 'pepe', 'pew', 'becomes', 'saddened', 'finally', 'realizes', 'stupidity', 'pulls', 'gun', 'holds', 'head', 'walks', 'sight', 'fires', 'weapon', 'presumably', 'killing', 'scene', 'edited', 'many', 'years', 'later', 'restored', 'panicked', 'female', 'cat', 'rushes', 'save', 'run', 'directly', 'pepe\\\\', 'arms', 'says', 'missed', 'fortunately', 'begins', 'attempting', 'kiss', 'chase', 'continues', 'pepe', 'finds', 'windowsill', 'says', 'trying', 'prove', 'love', 'committing', 'suicide', 'save', 'pepe', 'grabs', 'slips', 'arms', 'pepe', 'calls', 'vive', \"l\\\\'amour\", 'die', 'together', 'steps', 'window', 'ledge', 'female', 'cat', 'falls', 'barrel', 'water', 'rainspout', 'pepe', 'lands', 'blue', 'paint', 'pepe', 'climbs', 'blue', 'sees', 'ragged-looking', 'sneezing', 'wet', 'cat', 'beside', 'white', 'skunk-like', 'stripe', 'washed', 'recognize', 'asks', 'seen', 'beautiful', 'young', 'lady', 'skunk', 'wanders', 'find', 'calls', 'lady', 'skunk', 'soaked', 'black', 'cat', 'watches', 'muscular', 'blue', 'form', 'walking', 'away', 'heart', 'begins', 'pound', 'pepe', 'goes', 'back', 'perfume', 'shop', 'look', 'female', 'skunk', 'hears', 'door', 'shut', 'lock', 'behind', 'turns', 'sees', 'drenched', 'female', 'cat', 'leering', 'begins', 'panic', 'realizing', 'victim', 'love', 'drops', 'key', 'lock', 'neckline', 'startled', 'pepe', 'says', 'runs', 'away', 'pepe', 'runs', 'fast', 'female', 'cat', 'follows', 'using', 'pepe\\\\', 'familiar', 'hopping', 'pace', 'short', 'ends', 'pepe', 'telling', 'audience', 'know', 'possible', 'attractive', 'continuing', 'run', 'feline'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'young', 'woman', 'tearfully', 'leaving', 'son', 'live', 'grandmother', 'promises', 'come', 'back', 'boy', 'several', 'years', 'later', '1753', 'venice', 'casanova', 'notorious', 'success', 'promiscuity', 'women', 'adventures', 'represented', 'puppet', 'theatres', 'around', 'city', 'doge', 'ruler', 'city', 'sympathetic', 'casanova', 'lenient', 'avoid', 'trouble', 'church', 'warns', 'casanova', 'must', 'soon', 'marry', 'exiled', 'city.the', 'actual', 'doge', 'time', 'plot', 'takes', 'place', 'francesco', 'loredan', 'casanova', 'falling', 'love', 'francesca', 'writes', 'illegal', 'feminist', 'books', 'name', 'man', 'bernardo', 'guardi', 'argues', 'women\\\\', 'rights', 'dr.', 'giordano', 'padua', 'mother', 'pushes', 'marry', 'paprizzio', 'rich', 'man', 'genoa', 'never', 'seen', 'paprizzio', 'arrives', 'venice', 'casanova', 'lies', 'says', 'hotel', 'booked', 'closed', 'persuades', 'stay', 'house', 'casanova', 'also', 'lies', 'says', 'nom', 'plume', 'bernardo', 'guardi', 'paprizzio', 'preparing', 'visit', 'francesca', 'stays', 'casanova\\\\', 'house', 'casanova', 'visits', 'francesca', 'pretending', 'paprizzio', 'venetian', 'carnival', 'casanova', 'confesses', 'true', 'identity', 'francesca', 'makes', 'angry', 'casanova', 'arrested', 'venetian', 'inquisition', 'crimes', 'sexual', 'morality', 'debauchery', 'heresy', 'fornication', 'novice', 'saves', 'francesca', 'pretending', 'bernardo', 'guardi', 'impresses', 'much', 'trial', 'francesca', 'reveals', 'fact', 'bernardo', 'guardi', 'sentenced', 'death', 'casanova', 'francesca', 'hanged', 'piazza', 'san', 'marco', 'saved', 'announcement', 'pope', 'gave', 'amnesty', 'prisoners', 'executed', 'day', 'pope\\\\', 'birthday', 'later', 'discovered', 'cardinal', 'gave', 'announcement', 'actually', 'impostor', 'happens', 'casanova\\\\', 'stepfather', 'wedded', 'long-lost', 'mother', 'came', 'back', 'promised', 'casanova', 'child', 'escape', 'paprizzio\\\\', 'boat', 'francesca\\\\', 'brother', 'giovanni', 'stays', 'behind', 'continue', 'casanova\\\\', 'legendary', 'womanizing'], ['muskaan', 'orphan', 'girl', 'living', 'farm', 'run', 'overly-protective', 'older', 'brother', 'vishal', 'arbaaz', 'khan', \"'chachu\", 'muskaan', 'childhood', 'friend', 'ujaala', 'carrying', 'torch', 'brooding', 'vishal', 'since', 'childhood', \"n't\", 'give', 'time', 'day', 'later', 'muskaan', 'decides', 'wants', 'university', 'mumbai', 'persuade', 'brother', 'let', 'big', 'city', 'suraj', 'underachieving', 'student', 'get', 'along', 'stepmother', 'estranged', 'father', 'falls', 'love', 'muskaan', 'attempts', 'messing', 'muskaan', 'trying', 'get', 'attention', 'suraj', 'finally', 'succeeds', 'muskaan', 'falls', 'love', 'one', 'day', 'vishal', 'comes', 'visit', 'muskaan', 'mistakenly', 'considered', 'boyfriend', 'suraj', 'group', 'friends', 'consequently', 'try', 'fight', 'vishal', 'instead', 'get', 'beat', 'vishal', 'like', 'suraj', 'terms', 'conditions', 'future', 'brother-in-law', 'strenuous', 'physically', 'thinks', 'suraj', 'neither', 'competent', 'man', 'taken', 'seriously', 'decides', 'bring', 'muskaan', 'back', 'farm', 'sensing', 'suraj', 'bad', 'influence', 'studies', 'suraj', 'pursues', 'starts', 'working', 'farm', 'stable', 'boy', 'chance', 'meeting', \"'chachu\", 'saves', 'chachu', 'life', 'vishal', 'decides', 'give', 'suraj', 'another', 'chance', 'puts', 'test', 'however', 'rejected', 'vishal', 'wants', 'muskaan', 'marry', 'brother', 'thakur', 'vijay', 'singh', 'knowing', 'thakur', 'vijay', 'singh', 'merely', 'extract', 'vengeance', 'thakur', 'family', 'previous', 'humiliation', 'family', 'received', 'suraj', 'must', 'prevent', 'happening', 'must', 'also', 'able', 'win', 'vishal', 'heart', 'really', 'interested', 'marrying', 'muskaan'], ['lisa', 'business', 'executive', 'gotten', 'used', 'alone', \"n't\", 'like', 'much', 'abandoned', 'birth', 'parents', 'spent', 'childhood', 'raised', 'stanley', 'foster', 'father', 'never', 'really', 'loves', 'lisa', 'adopted', 'mother', 'died', 'one', 'day', 'lisa', 'gets', 'word', 'stanley', 'died', 'alone', 'apartment', 'attempting', 'feed', 'dead', 'pet', 'fish', 'breaks', 'cries', 'uncontrollably', 'later', 'day', 'lisa', 'gets', 'unexpected', 'delivery', 'flowers', 'secret', 'admirer', 'puzzled', 'lisa', 'presses', 'delivery', 'man', 'information', 'might', 'sent', 'flowers', 'confesses', 'sent', 'lewis', 'runs', 'flower', 'shop', 'often', 'takes', 'long', 'walks', 'neighborhood', 'trying', 'lose', 'memories', 'deceased', 'wife', 'child', 'saw', 'lisa', 'crying', 'window', 'hoped', 'roses', 'would', 'cheer', 'long', 'lisa', 'lewis', 'begin', 'dating', 'emotional', 'issues', 'resolve', 'story', 'happy', 'ending'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'name', 'implies', 'centers', 'gurneal', 'neal', 'ahluwalia', 'nikkita', 'nikki', 'bakshi', 'two', 'canadians', 'punjabi', 'descent', 'born', 'raised', 'british', 'columbia', 'neal', 'nikki', 'different', 'many', 'ways', 'getting', 'married', 'neal', 'wants', 'spend', 'days', 'vacation', 'women', 'way', 'meets', 'nikki', 'club', 'neal', 'date', 'kristi', 'unfortunately', 'nikki', 'gets', 'drunk', 'starts', 'dancing', 'neal', 'leaves', 'date', 'takes', 'nikki', 'hotel', 'watches', 't.v', 'nikki', 'falls', 'asleep', 'next', 'morning', 'nikki', 'thinks', 'neal', 'raped', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'uses', 'blackmail', 'time', 'nikki', 'also', 'interrupts', 'romantic', 'meetings', 'women', 'time', 'time', 'including', 'one', 'time', 'nikki', 'interrupts', 'neal', 'sex', 'another', 'woman', 'neal', 'tells', 'nikki', 'truth', 'canada', 'woman', 'gets', 'mad', 'dumps', 'neal', 'nikki', 'takes', 'neal', 'resort', 'town', 'whistler', 'promising', 'make', 'meet', 'girls', 'reality', 'ex-boyfriend', 'trish', 'current', 'girlfriend', 'amanda', 'wants', 'make', 'jealous', 'neal', 'comes', 'know', 'initially', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'agree', 'finally', 'agrees', 'successful', 'making', 'trish', 'jealous', 'tells', 'nikki', 'wants', 'back', 'dumps', 'later', 'spend', 'night', 'together', 'camp', 'site', 'unable', 'express', 'love', 'neal', 'returns', 'since', 'time', 'wedding', 'later', 'finds', 'girl', 'engaged', 'sweety', 'nikki\\\\', 'cousin', 'engagement', 'ceremony', 'nikki', 'approaching', 'stop', 'engagement', 'revealed', 'nikki\\\\', 'cousin', 'exchanged', 'vows', 'internet', 'true', 'love', 'happy', 'singh', 'sweety', 'proceeds', 'run', 'away', 'happy', 'neal', 'proposes', 'nikki', 'marry'], ['joni', 'works', 'film/reel', 'delivery', 'man', 'jakarta', 'one', 'day', 'waiting', 'next', 'pick-up', 'joni', 'meets', 'charming', 'girl', 'going', 'catch', 'film', 'boyfriend', 'otto', 'girl', 'would', 'reveal', 'name', 'joni', 'successfully', 'delivers', 'reels', 'time', 'however', 'things', 'turn', 'well', 'day', 'joni', 'faces', 'obstacles', 'city', 'notorious', 'traffic', 'various', 'people', 'may', 'disrupt', 'task'], ['expand', 'section', 'new', 'york', 'hottest', 'night', 'club', 'disc', 'jockey', 'darrell', 'lover', 'sherise', 'come', 'home', 'sex', 'undressing', 'darrell', 'apartment', 'darrell', 'daughter', 'manages', 'trick', 'sherise', 'thinking', 'pamela', 'life', 'says', \"n't\", 'know', 'pamela', 'sherise', 'leaves', 'darrell', 'daughter', 'says', 'teasing', 'drive', 'sherise', 'away', 'darrell', 'asked', 'party', 'darrell', 'agrees', 'soon', 'party', 'gets', 'started', 'darrell', 'sees', 'people', 'car', 'ready', 'pull', 'trigger', 'darrell', 'saves', 'mob', 'boss', 'life', 'rewarded', 'bravery', 'responsibility', 'watching', 'beautiful', 'daughter', 'dolly', 'dolly', 'starts', 'introducing', 'darrell', 'yoga', 'classes', 'takes', 'spa', 'last', 'restaurant', 'meet', 'friends', 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'chad', 'says', 'wants', 'earrings', 'ever', 'since', 'carat', 'ring', 'proposed', 'darrell', 'dolly', 'share', 'another', 'kiss', 'carry', 'dancing'], ['sam', 'bell', 'wife', 'lucy', 'married', 'couple', 'struggling', 'baby', 'tried', 'everything', 'think', 'improve', 'chances', 'conceiving', 'time', 'sam', 'begins', 'find', 'job', 'increasingly', 'unfulfilling', 'resolves', 'write', 'screenplay', 'begins', 'suffer', 'writer', 'block', 'idea', 'dawns', 'upon', 'write', 'predicament', 'something', 'lucy', 'objects', 'strongly', 'uses', 'diary', 'entries', 'help', 'achieve', 'authenticity', 'film', 'success', 'lucy', 'finds', 'film', 'shocked', 'leaves', 'sam', 'eventually', 'reconcile', 'end', 'story', 'still', 'trying', 'baby', 'second', 'time', 'hugh', 'laurie', 'joely', 'richardson', 'starred', 'movie', 'together', 'first', 'time', '101', 'dalmatians'], ['young', 'handsome', 'sergio', 'works', 'night', 'shift', 'trash', 'collector', 'lisbon', 'uninterested', 'pretty', 'female', 'co-worker', 'fatima', 'displays', 'avid', 'interest', 'instead', 'sergio', 'roams', 'city', 'eventually', 'sergio', 'becomes', 'fascinated', 'sleek', 'motorcycle', 'arrogant', 'owner', 'young', 'man', 'totally', 'indifferent', 'sergio', 'sergio', 'surfacing', 'desires', 'unleash', 'darkest', 'impulses', 'sending', 'dangerous', 'path', 'violence', 'depravity', 'degradation'], [\"'dane\", 'clark', 'plays', 'danny', 'hawkins', 'son', 'murderer', 'hanged', 'crimes', 'haunted', 'father\\\\', 'past', 'young', 'man', 'tormented', 'young', 'people', 'small', 'southern', 'town', 'lives', 'hawkins\\\\', 'friend', 'gilly', 'johnson', 'girl', 'quickly', 'falling', 'love', 'hawkins', 'kills', 'bully', 'self-defense', 'fears', 'fate', 'father', 'dead', 'body', 'found', 'sheriff', 'clem', 'otis', 'starts', 'closing', 'danny', 'becomes', 'crazed', 'jumps', 'ferris', 'wheel', 'nearly', 'strangles', 'harmless', 'mute', 'found', 'hawkins\\\\', 'pocket', 'knife', 'near', 'body', 'hiding', 'swamps', 'hawkins', 'visits', 'grandma', 'tells', 'truth', 'father\\\\', 'crime', 'hawkins', 'realizes', 'he\\\\', 'tainted', 'bad', 'blood', 'turns', 'police'], [\"'jerilee\", 'randall', 'innocent', 'schoolgirl', 'living', 'san', 'fernando', 'valley', 'area', 'california', 'dreams', 'becoming', 'famous', 'screenwriter', 'shortly', 'winning', 'trophy', 'creative', 'writing', 'meets', 'son', 'famous', 'screenwriter', 'walter', 'thornton', 'party', 'goes', 'home', 'along', 'friends', 'late', 'evening', 'pool', 'party', 'one', 'jerilee\\\\', 'friends', 'beats', 'slaps', 'sexually', 'assaults', 'garden', 'hose', 'nozzle', 'walter', 'arrives', 'assault', 'taken', 'place', 'saves', 'attacks', 'friendship', 'love', 'affair', 'develops', 'soon', 'marry', 'despite', 'disapproval', 'jerilee\\\\', 'mother', 'marriage', 'begins', 'fall', 'apart', 'rewrites', 'one', 'scripts', 'told', 'improved', 'greatly', 'divorce', 'inevitable', 'walter', 'scorns', 'jerilee', 'argument', 'accuses', 'enjoying', 'raped', 'years', 'ago', 'divorce', 'jerilee', 'several', 'love', 'affairs', 'trying', 'get', 'screenplay', 'produced', 'uses', 'sexual', 'charms', 'pave', 'way', 'recognition', 'revenge', 'thrown', 'end', 'good', 'measure', 'jerilee', 'finally', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'sequence', 'sees', 'callous', 'people', 'past', 'appear', 'faces', 'keys', 'typewriter', 'film', 'ends', 'jerilee', 'finally', 'successful', 'winning', 'prestigious', 'award', 'screenplay', 'film', 'titled', 'hold-outs', 'live', 'awards', 'telecast', 'admits', 'ex-husband', 'walter', 'thornton', 'never', 'learned', 'meaning', 'self-respect', 'jerilee', 'refuses', 'accept', 'award', 'walks', 'auditorium', 'newfound', 'dignity'], ['post-world', 'war', 'feel-good', 'movie', 'happened', 'brooklyn', 'revolves', 'around', 'characters', 'realizing', 'dreams', 'escaping', 'working-class', 'drudgery', 'sinatra\\\\', 'case', 'become', 'singer/musician', 'rather', 'shipping', 'clerk', 'lawford\\\\', 'case', 'break', 'extreme', 'shyness', 'gain', 'wife', 'career', 'songwriter', 'grayson\\\\', 'case', 'break', 'schoolteaching', 'job', 'star', 'opera', 'film\\\\', 'tagline', 'happy', 'songs', 'happy', 'stars', 'happy', 'romance', 'lawford', 'dances', 'singing', 'song', 'performance', 'particularly', 'well', 'received', 'critics', 'public', 'outshining', 'future', 'fellow', 'rat', 'pack', 'member', 'sinatra'], [\"'this\", 'story', 'karan', 'tanya', 'karan', 'love', 'tanya', 'shy', 'tell', 'one', 'day', 'tanya', 'witnesses', 'murder', 'scientist', 'evil', 'twin', 'brother', 'underworld', 'mehboob', 'result', 'forced', 'flee', 'country', 'save', 'life', 'scientist', 'stored', 'secret', 'code', 'stuffed', 'toy', 'sought', 'mehboob', 'able', 'hide', 'toy', 'tanya\\\\', 'car', 'killed', 'unawares', 'tanya', 'leaves', 'toy', 'home', 'fleeing', 'country', 'toy', 'later', 'picked', 'karan', 'aware', 'tanya\\\\', 'predicament', 'three', 'years', 'later', 'still', 'love', 'tanya', 'depressed', 'sudden', 'complete', 'disappearance', 'karan', 'stumbles', 'across', 'old', 'schoolmates', 'cafe', 'discovers', 'living', 'dubai', 'time', 'karan', 'coaxes', 'friend', 'murugan', 'help', 'track', 'tanya', 'dubai', 'enlist', 'aid', 'local', 'hustler', 'bounty', 'hunter', 'rocky', 'rocky', 'travels', 'dubai', 'friend', 'babloo', 'already', 'tracked', 'tanya', 'morphed', 'famous', 'singer/performer', 'named', 'natasha', 'rocky', 'babloo', 'stake', 'natasha\\\\', 'villa', 'make', 'sure', 'right', 'track', 'soon', 'rocky', 'spots', 'natasha', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'natasha', 'surveillance', 'karan', 'murugan', 'arrive', 'dubai', 'airport', 'india', 'faced', 'potential', 'competitor', 'woo', 'natasha', 'rocky', 'attempts', 'eliminate', 'karan', 'picture', 'tanya', 'informs', 'karan', 'girl', 'knew', 'three', 'years', 'ago', 'apparently', 'married', 'twice', 'since', 'coming', 'husbands', 'died', 'one', 'one', 'three', 'pairs', 'twins', 'also', 'dating', 'underworld', 'karan', 'heartbroken', 'hear', 'decides', 'back', 'mumbai', 'board', 'flight', 'last', 'moment', 'spots', 'picture', 'tanya', 'club', 'advertisement', 'printed', 'across', 'airport', 'taxi', 'overjoyed', 'assumes', 'rocky', 'made', 'mistake', 'ended', 'tracking', 'someone', 'else', 'named', 'tanya', 'aware', 'rocky', 'fact', 'trying', 'deceive', 'things', 'get', 'complicated', 'rocky', 'contend', 'karan', 'two', 'guys', 'already', 'life', 'trying', 'catch', 'natasha', 'web', 'deceit', 'local', 'plumber', 'sanju', 'malvani', 'currying', 'favor', 'natasha', 'pretending', 'paraplegic', 'crutches', 'every', 'time', 'natasha', 'meets', 'someone', 'likes', 'sanju', 'eliminates', 'competitor', 'using', 'unique', 'trick', 'edits', 'prints', 'fake', 'newspaper', 'featuring', 'article', 'showing', 'person', 'crook', 'comes', 'natasha', 'shares', 'news', 'acting', 'shocked', 'tanya\\\\', 'physically', 'disabled', 'live-in', 'friend', 'tommy', 'also', 'soft', 'spot', 'heard', 'death', 'tanya\\\\', 'disabled', 'brother', 'year', 'ago', 'tommy', 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'wants', 'happy', 'even', 'rocky', 'much', 'murugan\\\\', 'frustration', 'tries', 'leave', 'scence', 'pretending', 'murugan', 'flight', 'catch', 'natasha/tanya', 'convinces', 'karan', 'stay', 'one', 'night', 'dubai', 'come', 'dinner', 'later', 'day', 'next', 'sequence', 'movie', 'karan', 'rocky', 'shown', 'staging', 'elaborate', 'dance', 'sequences', 'club', 'order', 'impress', 'natsha/tanya', 'sanju', 'shows', 'later', 'party', 'pulls', 'natasha', 'aside', 'reveal', 'latest', 'newspaper', 'creation', 'showing', 'rocky', 'international', 'crook', 'fraudster', 'wanted', 'many', 'crime', 'agencies', 'world', 'rocky', 'overhears', 'conversation', 'natasha', 'occupied', 'elsewhere', 'chases', 'sanju', 'outside', 'club', 'parking', 'lot', 'sanju', 'fearing', 'life', 'drops', 'pretense', 'crippled', 'throws', 'crutches', 'ground', 'runs', 'dear', 'life', 'later', 'rocky', 'sanju', 'tommy', 'seen', 'sitting', 'bar', 'nearby', 'exposing', 'fraudsters', 'drink', 'together', 'cursing', 'luck', 'emergence', 'karan', 'new', 'love', 'natasha\\\\', 'life', 'movie', 'ends', 'slap-stick', 'sequence', 'mehboob', 'shows', 'looking', 'natasha/tanya', 'whole', 'gang', 'thugs', 'karan', 'rocky', 'tommy', 'sanju', 'rescue', 'kidnapped', 'natasha', 'bizarre', 'shoot-out', 'sequence', 'middle', 'desert', 'featuring', 'motorbikes', 'go-carts'], ['mujer', 'hermano', 'could', 'considered', 'category', 'films', 'critic', 'alissa', 'quart', 'calls', \"'hyperlink\", 'movies', 'multiple', 'stories', 'take', 'place', 'affecting', 'ways', 'characters', 'unaware', 'using', 'radically', 'different', 'aesthetic', 'cinematic', 'techniques', 'define', 'mise', 'sc챔ne', 'storyline'], ['film', 'begins', '5-year-old', 'danny', 'military', 'father', 'visiting', 'family', 'friend', 'house', 'thanksgiving', 'grace', 'goes', 'labor', 'danny', 'father', 'asks', 'unwrap', 'umbilical', 'cord', 'baby', 'successful', 'birth', 'danny', 'decides', 'baby', 'girl', 'born', 'anna', 'meant', 'forever', 'states', 'marry', 'twenty', 'years', 'later', 'danny', 'moves', 'back', 'hometown', 'father', 'dies', 'homeless', 'jobless', 'danny', 'finds', 'cheap', 'apartment', 'owned', 'bakery', 'shop', 'couple', 'offer', 'little', 'jobs', 'delivering', 'cakes', 'first', 'delivery', 'danny', 'gets', 'lost', 'stops', 'grace', 'directions', 'nina', 'anna', 'blind', 'sister', 'opens', 'door', 'danny', 'sees', 'anna', 'first', 'time', 'anna', 'nina', 'family', 'order', 'cake', 'bakery', 'danny', 'immediately', 'leaves', 'deliver', 'hoping', 'see', 'anna', 'crashes', 'bike', 'car', 'right', 'outside', 'home', 'going', 'unconscious', 'awakes', 'grace', 'house', 'meet', 'anna', 'entire', 'family', 'billy', 'brother', 'billy', 'mentally-distraught', 'wife', 'irene', 'jane', 'adams', 'father', 'richard', 'sister', 'karen', 'boyfriend', 'eric', 'invited', 'stay', 'dinner', 'given', 'news', 'anna', 'recent', 'engagement', 'eric', 'danny', 'later', 'gets', 'job', 'tiler/mosaic', 'artist', 'local', 'museum', 'danny', 'soon', 'confesses', 'love', 'anna', 'asking', 'run', 'away', 'marry', 'anna', 'rejects', 'kindly', 'rides', 'away', 'danny', 'chasing', 'bookstore', 'danny', 'tells', 'eric', 'love', 'anna', 'grace', 'remains', 'ill', 'bed', 'nurse', 'anna', 'later', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'love', 'nina', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'rushes', 'danny', 'home', 'two', 'sleep', 'together', 'billy', 'house', 'irene', 'screams', 'billy', 'points', 'gun', 'believes', 'affair', 'quickly', 'shoots', 'billy', 'hitting', 'foot', 'laughs', 'tumbles', 'pain', 'nina', 'jesus', 'informal', 'elopement', 'night', 'returning', 'home', 'tell', 'mother', 'gleefully', 'grace', 'passes', 'away', 'richard', 'arms', 'anna', 'leaves', 'danny', 'apartment', 'tell', 'mother', 'relationship', 'danny', 'find', 'died', 'grace', 'funeral', 'anna', 'says', 'already', 'told', 'eric', 'affair', 'danny', 'tells', 'anna', 'leaving', 'couple', 'days', 'says', 'goodbye', 'night', 'eric', 'announces', 'anna', 'going', 'paris', 'get', 'married', 'next', 'day', 'nina', 'tells', 'anna', 'loves', 'danny', 'eric', 'advises', 'danny', 'train', 'station', 'anna', 'chases', 'danny', 'begs', 'take', 'danny', 'says', \"n't\", 'last', 'holds', 'regular', 'coin', 'says', 'lands', 'heads', 'may', 'without', 'looking', 'claims', 'heads', 'two', 'kiss'], [\"'shah\", 'jahan', 'known', 'prince', 'khurram', 'years', 'old', 'khurram', 'emperor', 'jahangir', 'favourite', 'son', 'jahangir', 'wanted', 'future', 'emperor', 'india', 'wife', 'noor', 'jahan', 'well', 'aware', 'fact', 'noor', 'jahan', 'earlier', 'married', 'first', 'husband', 'died', 'jahangir', 'married', 'ladli', 'begum', 'noor', 'jahan', 'daughter', 'first', 'marriage', 'noor', 'jahan', 'shrewd', 'lady', 'wanted', 'best', 'daughter', 'wanted', 'get', 'ladli', 'begum', 'married', 'prince', 'khurram', 'become', 'empress', 'mughal', 'dynasty', 'khurram', 'passion', 'hunting', 'one', 'day', 'hunting', 'jungle', 'met', 'arjumand', 'bano', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'khurram', 'gets', 'attracted', 'arjumand', 'bano', 'innocence', 'beauty', 'arjumand', 'got', 'impressed', 'khurram', 'great', 'personality', 'arjumand', 'bano', 'asaf', 'khan', 'daughter', 'empress', 'noor', 'jahan', 'brother', 'khurram', 'bano', 'meet', 'meena', 'bazaar', 'finally', 'declared', 'love', 'ladli', 'begum', 'comes', 'know', 'love', 'keeps', 'wooing', 'prince', 'khurram', 'noor', 'jahan', 'sees', 'love', 'hindrance', 'plans', 'making', 'daughter', 'future', 'empress', 'india', 'succeeds', 'turning', 'emperor', 'jahangir', 'son', 'khurram', 'noor', 'jahan', 'sends', 'secret', 'lover', 'warrior', 'mahabat', 'khan', 'fight', 'khurram', 'get', 'arjumand', 'bano', 'killed', 'therefore', 'war', 'takes', 'place', 'forces', 'also', 'sent', 'emperor', 'jahangir', 'khurram', 'khurram', 'meet', 'jahangir', 'declares', 'arjumand', 'bano', 'superior', 'mughal', 'dynasty', 'turn', 'relations', 'even', 'bitter', 'father', 'son', 'arjumand', 'bano', 'peace-loving', 'person', 'agreed', 'forget', 'khurram', 'ask', 'marry', 'kandahari', 'begum', 'iranian', 'princess', 'chosen', 'emperor', 'jahangir', 'khurram', 'khurram', 'due', 'arjumand', 'insistence', 'got', 'married', 'kandahari', 'begum', 'hand', 'ladli', 'begum', 'got', 'married', 'khurram', 'brother', 'emperor', 'jahangir', 'died', 'khurram', 'became', 'prince', 'shah', 'jahan', 'became', 'ruler', 'mughal', 'dynasty', 'finally', 'get', 'married', 'love', 'life', 'arjumand', 'bano', 'became', 'mumtaz', 'mahal', 'onwards', 'lived', 'happily', 'long', 'enough', 'unfortunate', 'event', 'took', 'place', 'khurram', 'leave', 'war', 'aarjumand', 'pregnant', 'goes', 'used', 'accompany', 'shah', 'jahan', 'battles', 'khurram', 'tries', 'return', 'back', 'camp', 'battle', 'takes', 'long', 'time', 'reach', 'forgets', 'way', 'mumtaz', 'mahal', 'dies', 'giving', 'birth', 'nineteenth', 'child', 'last', 'breath', 'mumtaz', 'mahal', 'asked', 'shah', 'jahan', 'construct', 'tomb', 'beautiful', 'mausoleum', 'would', 'beautiful', 'could', 'express', 'love', 'everyone', 'would', 'visit', 'mausoleum', 'mumtaz', 'death', 'greatest', 'tragedy', 'shah', 'jahan', 'becomes', 'completely', 'reformed', 'person', 'starts', 'fulfill', 'wife', 'last', 'wish', 'makes', 'taj', 'mahal', 'beautiful', 'mumtaz', 'mahal', 'went', 'become', 'seventh', 'wonder', 'world', 'future', 'sons', 'daughter', 'grow', 'sons', 'greed', 'father', 'powers', 'keep', 'room', 'easily', 'see', 'taj', 'mahal', 'sees', 'sons', 'fighting', 'become', 'emperors', 'india', 'mughal', 'dynasty', 'everywhere', 'around', 'violence', 'warfare', 'beheading', 'slaves', 'even', 'brothers', 'big', 'deal', 'anyone', 'end', 'movie', 'khurram', 'dies', 'looking', 'taj', 'mahal', 'taj', 'mahal', 'took', 'astonishing', 'years', 'made', 'show', 'shah', 'jahan', 'biggest', 'lover', 'times', 'death', 'body', 'laid', 'next', 'love', 'hence', 'resulting', 'culmination', 'love', 'death.plot', 'review'], ['neil', 'klugman', 'highly', 'intelligent', 'working', 'class', 'army', 'veteran', 'graduate', 'rutgers', 'university', 'earns', 'living', 'library', 'clerk', 'falls', 'love', 'brenda', 'patimkin', 'wealthy', 'student', 'radcliffe', 'college', 'home', 'summer', 'face', 'obstacles', 'brenda', 'family', 'due', 'differences', 'class', 'assimilation', 'american', 'mainstream', 'imposing', 'conflicts', 'include', 'morality', 'propriety', 'differences', 'related', 'premarital', 'sex', 'possibilities', 'ill-timed', 'pregnancies'], ['plot', 'film', 'opens', 'francie', 'gidget', 'lawrence', 'jeff', 'moondoggie', 'matthews', 'surfboards', 'water', 'gidget', 'overjoyed', 'jeff', 'vacation', 'college', 'leads', 'opening', 'credits', 'shows', 'montage', 'two', 'together', 'breakfast', 'one', 'morning', 'gidget\\\\', 'father', 'russ', 'announces', 'going', 'vacation', 'hawaii', 'gidget', 'unlike', 'girls', 'hates', 'surprises', 'wishes', 'told', 'sooner', 'could', 'delayed', 'trip', 'gidget', 'refuses', 'runs', 'door', 'gidget\\\\', 'mother', 'dorothy', 'explains', 'husband', 'jeff', 'matters', 'gidget', 'russ', 'dorothy', 'decide', 'cancel', 'gidget\\\\', 'room', 'reservation', 'keep', 'one', 'two', 'second', 'honeymoon', 'gidget', 'stay', 'home', 'jeff', 'meanwhile', 'gidget', 'goes', 'beach', 'tells', 'moondoggie', 'going', 'hawaii', 'jeff', 'thinks', 'it\\\\', 'great', 'says', 'gidget', 'surprised', 'response', 'thinks', 'relationship', 'means', 'nothing', 'jeff', 'returns', 'pin', 'runs', 'leaving', 'upset', 'confused', 'frustrated', 'moondoggie', 'beach', 'also', 'decides', 'hawaii', 'forget', 'jeff', 'lawrence', 'family', 'packs', 'flies', 'hawaii', 'plane', 'gidget', 'meets', 'abby', 'stewart', 'whose', 'family', 'staying', 'hotel', 'gidget\\\\', 'parents', 'abby\\\\', 'parents', 'monty', 'mitzi', 'talking', 'front', 'plane', 'learn', 'eddie', 'horner', 'popular', 'dancer', 'performing', 'theater', '뱑estaurant', 'next', 'hotel', 'also', 'meet', 'three', 'men', 'named', 'judge', 'larry', 'wally', 'abby', 'enjoys', 'fact', 'hotel', 'gidget', 'barely', 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'abby', 'thinks', 'jeff', 'likes', 'abby', 'decides', 'start', 'rumor', 'gidget', 'saying', 'she\\\\', 'slept', 'eddie', 'people', 'rationalizing', 'half', 'true', 'gidget', 'said', 'gave', 'completely', 'moondoggie', 'person', 'abby', 'tells', 'mom', 'mitzi', 'goes', 'tells', 'gidget\\\\', 'mother', 'dorothy', 'dorothy', 'refuses', 'believe', 'says', 'thinks', 'abby', 'started', 'rumor', 'get', 'argument', 'dorothy', 'tells', 'russ', 'question', 'gidget', 'denies', 'even', 'thought', 'leaves', 'parents', 'especially', 'father', 'angry', 'frustrated', 'dorothy', 'russ', 'get', 'fight', 'russ', 'leaves', 'goes', 'bar', 'meanwhile', 'monty', 'mitzi', 'also', 'get', 'fight', 'monty', 'thinks', 'mitzi', 'kept', 'mouth', 'shut', 'results', 'mitzi', 'going', 'bar', 'bar', 'mitzi', 'russ', 'talk', 'realize', 'see', 'eye', 'eye', 'things', 'drink', 'meanwhile', 'monty', 'dorothy', 'talk', 'hotel', 'room', 'downstairs', 'another', 'bar', 'hotel', 'talking', 'russ', 'mitzi', 'decide', 'mauhana', 'room', 'leave', 'dorothy', 'monty', 'also', 'mauhana', 'room', 'another', 'route', 'witnessed', 'clerk', 'desk', 'meanwhile', 'luau', 'abby', 'center', 'attention', 'happy', 'primarily', 'gidget', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'eddie', 'goes', 'take', 'walk', 'bumps', 'gidget', 'tells', 'rumor', 'going', 'around', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'anyone', 'else', 'heard', 'eddie', 'pulls', 'aside', 'tells', 'gidget', 'he\\\\', 'fallen', 'love', 'gidget', 'tells', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'she\\\\', 'sorry', 'agree', 'friends', 'gidget', 'goes', 'walk', 'beach', 'beach', 'gidget', 'pictures', 'promiscuous', 'pregnant', 'back', 'luau', 'abby', 'jeff', 'talking', 'abby', 'tells', 'rumor', 'gidget', 'sleeps', 'around', 'jeff', \"can\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'abby', 'admits', 'it\\\\', 'lie', 'one', 'affair', 'jeff', 'asks', 'gidget', 'told', 'abby', 'replies', 'gidget', 'told', 'plane', 'girl', 'would', 'fall', 'guy', 'called', 'moondoggie', 'beyond', 'jeff', 'realizes', 'much', 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'recalls', 'initially', 'love', 'su-in', 'rejects', 'throughout', 'summer', 'three', 'remain', 'friends', 'ji-hwan', 'gyeong-heui', 'develop', 'feelings', 'reluctant', 'admit', 'ji-hwan', 'recalls', 'complex', 'relationship', 'three', 'cheol-hyeon', 'cite', 'web'], [\"'tom찼s\", 'tom찼s', 'young', 'yuppie', 'playboy', 'publicist', 'silvia', 'victim', 'one', 'adventures', 'tries', 'get', 'back', 'typing', 'positive', 'aids', 'test', 'tom찼s', 'trying', 'end', 'life', 'meets', 'clarissa', 'flight', 'attendant', 'also', 'trying', 'kill', 'finding', 'fiance', 'affair'], [\"'in\", '1936', 'jack', 'mcgurn', 'motion', 'picture', 'projectionist', 'involved', 'campaign', 'harassment', 'non-union', 'theaters', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'one', 'attack', 'turns', 'fatal', 'one', 'fellow', 'union', 'thugs', 'starts', 'fire', 'mcgurn\\\\', 'boss', 'knowing', 'feelings', 'guilt', 'would', 'likely', 'cause', 'jack', 'police', 'urges', 'leave', 'area', 'jack', 'moves', 'los', 'angeles', 'brother', 'gerry', 'lives', 'jack\\\\', 'role', 'sweatshop', 'lawyer', 'strains', 'already-rocky', 'relationship', 'gerry', 'willing', 'job', 'barely', 'keeping', 'family', 'afloat', 'great', 'depression', 'taking', 'name', 'mcgann', 'jack', 'finds', 'job', 'projectionist', 'movie', 'theater', 'run', 'japanese-american', 'family', 'falls', 'love', 'lily', 'japanese', 'boss\\\\', 'daughter', 'forbidden', 'see', 'one', 'another', 'issei', 'parents', 'banned', 'marrying', 'california', 'law', 'couple', 'elopes', 'seattle', 'marry', 'daughter', 'mini', 'world', 'war', 'breaks', 'lily', 'daughter', 'caught', 'japanese-american', 'internment', 'rounded', 'sent', 'manzanar', 'jack', 'away', 'trip', 'drafted', 'united', 'states', 'army', 'chance', 'help', 'family', 'prepare', 'imprisonment', 'finally', 'visiting', 'camp', 'arranges', 'private', 'meeting', 'wife\\\\', 'father', 'telling', 'gone', 'awol', 'wants', 'stay', 'whatever', 'family', 'belongs', 'older', 'man', 'counsels', 'return', 'army', 'says', 'believes', 'jack', 'truly', 'love', 'wife', 'worthy', 'husband', 'returning', 'ready', 'face', 'punishment', 'desertion', 'met', 'fbi', 'agents', 'identified', 'mcgann', 'mcgurn', 'wanted', 'part', 'arson', 'years', 'story', 'told', 'flashback', 'lily', 'tells', 'pre-adolescent', 'mini', 'father', 'life', 'barely', 'remembers', 'two', 'walking', 'rural', 'train', 'station', 'train', 'arrives', 'reunite', 'jack', 'served', 'time', 'prison', 'finally', 'returning', 'family'], [\"'after\", 'two', 'strip', 'club', 'workers', 'disappear', 'found', 'dead', 'later', 'team', 'reporters', 'unearth', 'mysterious', 'tape', 'shows', 'women', 'followed', 'later', 'murdered', 'camera', 'man', 'investigating', 'cases', 'reporters', 'team', 'become', 'targeted', 'murderer', 'chilling', 'tapes', 'sent', 'team', 'joined', 'host', 'hit', 'television', 'show', 'american', 'crime', 'assists', 'journey', 'uncover', 'true', 'murderer', 'man', 'already', 'sent', 'jail', 'killings', 'disbelieving', 'sheriff', 'ignoring', 'case', 'reporters', 'must', 'solve', 'crime', 'killed'], [\"'hillary\", 'kramer', 'successful', 'perfume', 'magnate', 'awakes', 'one', 'morning', 'find', 'accountant', 'robbed', 'blind', 'left', 'south', 'america', 'going', 'remaining', 'assets', 'finds', 'boxer', 'purchased', 'tax', 'write', 'decides', 'take', 'eddie', 'kid', 'natural', 'scanlon', 'much', 'home', 'giving', 'driving', 'lessons', 'ring', 'use', 'key', 'riches', 'eddie', 'thinks', 'get', 'killed', 'resists', 'eventually', 'hillary', 'wears', 'eddie', 'gets', 'funding', 'first', 'fights', 'awry', 'either', 'hillary\\\\', 'lack', 'knowledge', 'boxing', 'eddie\\\\', 'out-of-shape', 'condition', 'hillary', 'eddie', 'continue', 'sparring', 'thanks', 'different', 'personalities', 'time', 'develop', 'increasingly', 'personal', 'relationship', 'ultimately', 'leads', 'decide', 'really', 'want'], [\"'jerri\", 'blank', '46-year-old', 'former', 'high', 'school', 'dropout', 'self-described', 'junkie', 'whore', 'released', 'prison', 'returns', 'childhood', 'home', 'discovers', 'mother', 'died', 'father', 'guy', 'remarried', 'hateful', 'sara', 'blank', 'arrogant', 'half-brother', 'derrick', 'joseph', 'cross', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'father', 'stress-induced', 'coma', 'taking', 'suggestion', 'family', 'doctor', 'literally', 'jerri', 'decides', 'pick', 'life', 'back', 'left', 'beginning', 'high', 'school', 'freshman', 'flatpoint', 'high', 'jerri', 'joins', 'chuck', 'noblet\\\\', 'science', 'fair', 'team', 'fig', 'neutrons', 'along', 'new', 'friends', 'megawatti', 'sucarnaputri', 'tammi', 'littlenut', 'noblet', 'pleased', 'learn', 'principal', 'onyx', 'blackman', 'hired', 'ringer', 'team', 'roger', 'beekman', 'ensure', 'flatpoint', 'wins', 'noblet', 'creates', 'second', 'team', 'struggles', 'fit', 'make', 'teammates', 'proud', 'jerri', 'discovers', 'though', 'faces', 'may', 'changed', 'hassles', 'high', 'school'], [\"'one\", 'week', 'vaginoplasty', 'sabrina', \"\\\\'bree\\\\\", 'osbourne', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'toby', 'wilkins', '17-year-old', 'jailed', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'asks', 'stanley', 'schupak', 'claiming', 'son', 'bree', 'previously', 'unaware', 'son', 'wants', 'break', 'past', 'renounce', 'however', 'bree\\\\', 'therapist', 'refuses', 'permission', 'operation', 'face', 'past', 'bree', 'flies', 'los', 'angeles', 'new', 'york', 'bail', 'toby', 'jail', 'toby', 'small-time', 'drug', 'user', 'male', 'hustler', 'mother', 'committed', 'suicide', 'raised', 'stepfather', 'want', 'see', 'bree', 'pretends', 'christian', 'missionary', 'persuades', 'toby', 'ride', 'back', 'west', 'coast', 'secretly', 'planning', 'leave', 'stepfather\\\\', 'along', 'way', 'arrive', 'fictional', 'town', 'callicoon', 'kentucky', 'cite', 'web', 'turns', 'toby\\\\', 'stepfather', 'molested', 'child', 'plan', 'fails', 'toby', 'bree', 'continue', 'los', 'angeles', 'together', 'also', 'stop', 'house', 'group', 'transsexuals', 'hosting', 'gender', 'pride', 'gathering', 'trip', 'bree', 'urinate', 'toby', 'accidentally', 'discovers', 'bree', 'transsexual', 'open-minded', 'angry', 'bree', 'told', 'car', 'money', 'stolen', 'peyote', 'shaman', 'hitchhiker', 'toby', 'makes', 'money', 'prostituting', 'truck', 'driver', 'bree', 'pretends', 'got', 'money', 'selling', 'drugs', 'taken', 'along', 'use', 'get', 'ride', 'kindly', 'rancher', 'calvin', 'many', 'goats', 'graham', 'greene', 'bree\\\\', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'phoenix', 'arizona', 'find', 'conservative', 'self-centred', 'mother', 'elizabeth', 'jewish', 'father', 'murray', 'rebellious', 'sarcastic', 'sister', 'sydney', 'elizabeth', 'disapproves', 'bree\\\\', 'transsexuality', 'excited', 'find', 'grandson', 'kind', 'toby', 'invites', 'stay', 'live', 'toby', 'likes', 'luxury', 'kindness', 'hesitates', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'disrespectful', 'bree', 'realizing', 'feelings', 'bree', 'proposes', 'sex', 'saying', 'marry', 'wants', 'bree', 'realizes', 'must', 'tell', 'toby', 'truth', 'real', 'father', 'toby', 'angry', 'bree', 'disclosed', 'earlier', 'overnight', 'steals', 'money', 'house', 'disappears', 'bree', 'returns', 'l.a.', 'completely', 'successful', 'surgery', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'happy', 'feels', 'messed', 'toby', 'therapist', 'visits', 'recovery', 'bree', 'cries', 'shoulder', 'months', 'later', 'toby', 'bleached', 'hair', 'become', 'actor', 'gay', 'pornography', 'films', 'l.a.', 'bree', 'vibrant', 'happy', 'enjoying', 'job', 'waitress', 'restaurant', 'formerly', 'washing-up', 'film', 'ends', 'toby', 'showing', 'bree\\\\', 'door', 'two', 'reconciled'], ['young', 'man', 'juvenal', 'apparently', 'able', 'cure', 'sick', 'laying-on', 'hands', 'mysterious', 'stigmata', 'appear', 'time', 'time', 'flesh', 'former', 'evangelist', 'bill', 'hill', 'tired', 'selling', 'mobile', 'homes', 'living', 'persuades', 'friend', 'lynn', 'faulkner', 'befriend', 'innocent', 'ex-monk', 'encourage', 'aim', 'big-time', 'matters', 'become', 'complicated', 'young', 'couple', 'falls', 'love', 'even', 'complicated', 'fundamentalist', 'august', 'murray', 'takes', 'exception', 'relationship'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'begins', '1942', 'time', 'europe', 'going', 'one', 'worst', 'moments', 'world', 'war', 'germans', 'throughout', 'europe', 'gestapo', 'instrument', 'eliminate', 'people', 'working', 'resistance', 'young', 'resistance', 'worker', 'medical', 'student', 'eli큄ka', 'brink', 'arrest', 'given', 'new', 'identity', 'papers', 'sent', 'country', 'marry', 'sawmill', 'worker', 'hospital', 'recovering', 'near-fatal', 'accident', 'must', 'learn', 'function', 'man', 'wife', 'confront', 'difficulties', 'german', 'occupation', 'village', 'thug', 'worst', 'brutal', 'red', 'army', 'liberators'], ['story', 'involves', 'unusual', 'love', 'triangle', 'straight', 'gigolo', 'lesbian', 'best', 'friend', 'former', 'lover', 'attractive', 'bisexual', 'woman', 'lynch', 'desperate', 'win', 'fenn', 'back', 'baldwin', 'volunteers', 'break', 'fenn', 'heart', 'convince', 'heterosexual', 'relationships', 'inferior', 'lesbian', 'ones', 'hope', 'disaster', 'cause', 'return', 'lynch', 'neither', 'counts', 'baldwin', 'feelings', 'fenn', 'expects', 'discover', 'trick'], [\"'carlos\", '21-year', 'old', 'finds', 'married', 'camila', '18-year', 'old', 'girlfriend', 'dating', 'five', 'years', 'discovering', 'pregnant', 'carlos', 'decides', 'pursue', 'married', 'life', 'since', 'thinks', 'people', 'marry', 'every', 'day', 'thus', 'everything', 'work', 'fine', 'gets', 'job', 'support', 'new', 'family', 'realize', 'seriousness', 'decisions', 'discovers', 'new', 'boss', 'affair', 'secretary', 'lucy', 'monica', 'attractive', 'new', 'co-worker', 'attempting', 'seduce', 'complicate', 'things', 'even', 'camila\\\\', 'father', 'approve', 'decision', 'carlos', 'made', 'carlos', 'struggles', 'defend', 'father-in-law', 'peer-pressure', 'unfaithful', 'wife', 'title', 'film', 'derives', 'carlos\\\\', 'co-workers', 'theory', '-in', 'mexico\\\\', 'demographics-', 'every', 'man', 'entitled', 'seven', 'women', 'homosexual'], ['film', 'set', 'goa', '1986', '1994.', 'nikhil', 'kapoor', 'state', 'round', 'swimming', 'champion', 'father', 'navin', 'kapoor', 'raised', 'son', 'sports', 'man', 'dream', 'never', 'achieved', 'elder', 'sister', 'anamika', 'teaches', 'primary', 'school', 'loves', 'dearly', 'mother', 'anita', 'rosario', 'kapoor', 'adores', 'inherited', 'artistic', 'side', 'personality', 'nikhil', 'diagnosed', 'hiv', 'life', 'falls', 'apart', 'removed', 'swimming', 'team', 'parents', 'throw', 'house', 'one', 'day', 'arrested', 'hiv', 'positive', 'kept', 'forced', 'isolation', 'law', 'goa', 'public', 'health', 'act', 'allowed', 'government', 'isolate', 'hiv', 'positive', 'people', 'parents', 'desert', 'friends', 'move', 'away', 'two', 'people', 'stand', 'sister', 'anamika', 'friend', 'nigel', 'despite', 'facing', 'threats', 'community', 'anamika', 'nigel', 'able', 'secure', 'release', 'help', 'lawyer', 'nikhil', 'unable', 'find', 'job', 'first', 'becomes', 'music', 'teacher', 'anamika', 'nigel', 'start', 'aids', 'assistance', 'organization', 'called', 'positive', 'people', 'nikhil', 'develops', 'aids', 'reconciled', 'mother', 'finally', 'father', 'nikhil', 'death', 'parents', 'begin', 'treat', 'nigel', 'like', 'son'], ['jonas', 'nightengale', 'faith', 'healer', 'loosely', 'based', 'televangelist', 'peter', 'popoff', 'makes', 'living', 'traveling', 'across', 'america', 'holding', 'revival', 'meetings', 'conducting', \"'miracles\", 'helped', 'friend', 'manager', 'jane', 'entourage', 'fellow', 'con', 'artists', 'one', 'trucks', 'breaks', 'rustwater', 'kansas', 'town', 'suffering', 'drought', 'desperate', 'need', 'rain', 'save', 'crops', 'waiting', 'spare', 'parts', 'jonas', 'decides', 'hold', 'revival', 'meetings', 'outside', 'town', 'local', 'sheriff', 'braverman', 'skeptical', 'tries', 'prevent', 'townspeople', 'conned', 'however', 'boyd', 'disabled', 'boy', 'believes', 'jonas', 'could', 'make', 'walk', 'events', 'follow', 'make', 'jonas', 're-examine', 'faith', 'doubts'], ['plot', 'paul', 'wrecking', 'crewe', 'former', 'nfl', 'player', 'disgraced', 'shaving', 'points', 'big', 'game', 'gets', 'argument', 'rich', 'girlfriend', 'lena', 'regarding', 'failure', 'locks', 'closet', 'gets', 'drunk', 'goes', 'joyriding', 'bentley', 'continental', 'san', 'diego', 'completely', 'wrecking', 'car', 'disabling', 'several', 'police', 'cruisers', 'process', 'gets', 'arrested', 'convicted', 'grand', 'theft', 'auto', 'driving', 'intoxicated', 'sentenced', 'three', 'years', 'allenville', 'penitentiary', 'texas', 'prison', 'warden', 'hazen', 'asks', 'crewe', 'help', 'prison', 'guards\\\\', 'football', 'team', 'crewe', 'threat', 'extra', 'five', 'years', 'prison', 'falsified', 'accusation', 'attacking', 'captain', 'knauer', 'decides', 'help', 'informs', 'hazen', 'team', 'needs', 'tune-up', 'game', 'hazen', 'decides', 'crewe', 'help', 'fellow', 'inmate', 'caretaker', 'make', 'team', 'inmates', 'play', 'tune-up', 'game', 'starts', 'poorly', 'organized', 'team', 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'years', 'alternates', 'among', 'throughout', 'film', '1923', 'renowned', 'author', 'woolf', 'begun', 'writing', 'book', 'mrs', 'dalloway', 'home', 'town', 'richmond', 'outside', 'london', '1951', 'troubled', 'los', 'angeles', 'housewife', 'laura', 'brown', 'escapes', 'life', 'conventional', 'housewife', 'reading', 'mrs', 'dalloway', '2001', 'new', 'yorker', 'clarissa', 'vaughan', 'embodiment', 'title', 'character', 'mrs', 'dalloway', 'spends', 'day', 'preparing', 'party', 'hosting', 'honor', 'former', 'lover', 'friend', 'richard', 'poet', 'author', 'living', 'aids', 'receive', 'award', 'career', 'achievement', 'richard', 'tells', 'clarissa', 'stayed', 'alive', 'sake', 'award', 'meaningless', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'get', 'sooner', 'brink', 'death', 'tells', 'believes', 'would', 'award', 'regardless', 'illness', 'richard', 'often', 'refers', 'clarissa', 'mrs.', 'dalloway', 'due', 'distracting', 'life', 'self', 'way', 'woolf', 'character', 'virginia', 'experienced', 'several', 'nervous', 'breakdowns', 'suffers', 'bipolar', 'disorder', 'feels', 'trapped', 'home', 'intimidated', 'servants', 'constantly', 'eye', 'husband', 'leonard', 'begun', 'publishing', 'business', 'hogarth', 'press', 'home', 'stay', 'close', 'woolf', 'welcomes', 'dreads', 'afternoon', 'visit', 'sister', 'vanessa', 'children', 'departure', 'virginia', 'flees', 'railway', 'station', 'awaiting', 'train', 'central', 'london', 'leonard', 'arrives', 'bring', 'home', 'tells', 'lives', 'constant', 'fear', 'take', 'life', 'says', 'fears', 'also', 'argues', 'live', 'right', 'decide', 'much', 'pregnant', 'second', 'child', 'laura', 'spends', 'days', 'tract', 'home', 'young', 'son', 'richie', 'married', 'husband', 'dan', 'soon', 'world', 'war', 'surface', 'living', 'american', 'dream', 'deeply', 'unhappy', 'richie', 'make', 'cake', 'dan\\\\', 'birthday', 'disaster', 'neighbour', 'kitty', 'drops', 'ask', 'feed', 'dog', 'she\\\\', 'hospital', 'procedure', 'kitty', 'pretends', 'upbeat', 'laura', 'senses', 'fear', 'boldly', 'kisses', 'lips', 'kitty', 'accepts', 'kiss', 'without', 'comment', 'women', 'ignore', 'hidden', 'meaning', 'might', 'laura', 'richie', 'successfully', 'make', 'another', 'cake', 'clean', 'takes', 'richie', 'stay', 'mrs.', 'latch', 'terrified', 'left', 'without', 'insists', 'back', 'instead', 'running', 'errands', 'checks', 'hotel', 'intends', 'commit', 'suicide', 'laura', 'removes', 'several', 'bottles', 'pills', 'woolf\\\\', 'novel', 'purse', 'begins', 'read', 'mrs', 'dalloway', 'drifts', 'sleep', 'dreams', 'hotel', 'room', 'flooded', 'awakening', 'change', 'heart', 'caresses', 'belly', 'picks', 'richie', 'return', 'home', 'celebrate', 'dan\\\\', 'birthday', 'clarissa', 'appears', 'equally', 'worried', 'richard', 'depression', 'party', 'planning', 'although', 'clarissa', 'lesbian', 'living', 'sally', 'lester', 'years', 'richard', 'lovers', 'college', 'days', 'spent', 'better', 'part', 'life', 'gay', 'relationships', 'including', 'one', 'louis', 'waters', 'left', 'years', 'ago', 'returns', 'festivities', 'clarissa\\\\', 'daughter', 'julia', 'comes', 'home', 'help', 'prepare', 'richard', 'taken', 'sorts', 'pills', 'tells', 'clarissa', 'beautiful', 'thing', 'ever', 'life', 'throws', 'window', 'death', 'later', 'night', 'laura', 'richard\\\\', 'mother', 'arrives', 'clarissa\\\\', 'apartment', 'clear', 'laura\\\\', 'abandonment', 'family', 'profound', 'trauma', 'richard', 'laura', 'reveals', 'better', 'decision', 'leave', 'family', 'birth', 'daughter', 'rather', 'commit', 'suicide', 'led', 'independent', 'happier', 'life', 'librarian', 'canada', 'apologize', 'hurt', 'caused', 'family', 'suggests', 'it\\\\', 'possible', 'feel', 'regret', 'something', 'choice', 'acknowledges', 'one', 'forgive', 'offers', 'explanation', 'life', 'death', 'chose', 'life', 'julia', 'spontaneously', 'hugs', 'looks', 'stunned', 'surprised', 'moved', 'demonstration', 'compassion'], ['film', 'follows', 'exploits', 'film', 'actor', 'jack', 'noah', 'filming', 'small', 'fictional', 'south', 'american', 'country', 'parador', 'paradorian', 'president', 'life', 'suddenly', 'dies', 'heart', 'attack', 'wanting', 'lose', 'position', 'power', 'president', 'right-hand', 'man', 'roberto', 'strausmann', 'forces', 'jack', 'take', \"'role\", 'lifetime', 'dead', 'president', 'two', 'men', 'look', 'much', 'alike', 'jack', 'accepts', 'eventually', 'winning', 'people', 'even', 'dead', 'president', 'mistress', 'madonna', 'however', 'paradise', 'proves', 'boring', 'jack', 'needs', 'find', 'way', 'get', 'keeping', 'roberto', 'loop', 'movie', 'attempts', 'generate', 'suspense', 'establishing', 'jack', 'noah', 'physical', 'jeopardy', 'long', 'remains', 'parador', 'however', 'film', 'told', 'flashback', 'opening', 'scene', 'establishing', 'jack', 'returned', 'new', 'york', 'city'], ['set', 'around', 'pont', 'neuf', 'paris', 'oldest', 'bridge', 'closed', 'repairs', 'les', 'amants', 'pont-neuf', 'depicts', 'love', 'story', 'two', 'young', 'vagrants', 'alex', 'mich챔le', 'alex', 'street', 'performer', 'addicted', 'alcohol', 'sedatives', 'mich챔le', 'painter', 'driven', 'life', 'streets', 'failed', 'relationship', 'disease', 'slowly', 'destroying', 'sight', 'film', 'portrays', 'harsh', 'existence', 'living', 'bridge', 'hans', 'older', 'vagrant', 'vision', 'deteriorates', 'mich챔le', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'dependent', 'alex', 'possible', 'treatment', 'becomes', 'available', 'mich챔le', 'family', 'use', 'street', 'posters', 'radio', 'appeals', 'trace', 'fearing', 'leave', 'receives', 'treatment', 'alex', 'tries', 'keep', 'mich챔le', 'becoming', 'aware', 'family', 'attempts', 'find', 'streets', 'skies', 'waterways', 'paris', 'used', 'backdrop', 'story', 'series', 'set-pieces', 'set', 'french', 'bicentennial', 'celebrations', '1989'], [\"'john\", 'henry', 'jack', 'armstrong', 'financially', 'successful', 'upwardly', 'mobile', 'executive', 'biotechnology', 'firm', 'following', 'suicide', 'colleague', 'dr.', 'herman', 'schiller', 'falsely', 'accused', 'securities', 'fraud', 'superior', 'leland', 'powell', 'armstrong\\\\', 'assets', 'frozen', 'finds', 'unable', 'maintain', 'quality', 'life', 'order', 'make', 'ends', 'meet', 'becomes', 'sperm', 'donor', 'initially', 'acquiescing', 'desires', 'former', 'fianc챕e', 'fatima', 'goodrich', 'come', 'lesbian', 'child', 'although', 'still', 'unresolved', 'bitterness', 'tension', 'armstrong', 'goodrich\\\\', 'prior', 'relationship', 'girlfriend', 'alex', 'guerrero', 'offer', 'substantial', 'sum', 'money', 'impregnate', 'leads', 'goodrich', 'goading', 'armstrong', 'establishing', 'business', 'groups', 'lesbians', 'come', 'house', 'pay', '10,000', 'sex', 'order', 'become', 'pregnant', 'one', 'women', 'armstrong', 'impregnates', 'daughter', 'mafia', 'boss', 'angelo', 'bonasera', 'armstrong\\\\', 'employers', 'learn', 'impregnation', 'business', 'use', 'campaign', 'sully', 'image', 'order', 'deflect', 'attention', 'criminal', 'business', 'activities', 'conflict', 'also', 'depicted', 'turbulent', 'relationship', 'armstrong\\\\', 'mother', 'dependent', 'diabetic', 'father', 'film\\\\', 'climax', 'armstrong\\\\', 'situation', 'portrayed', 'cause', 'c챕l챔bre', 'protests', 'held', 'support', 'news', 'media', 'interviewing', 'people', 'street', 'respect', 'sexual', 'activities', 'armstrong', 'called', 'committee', 'united', 'states', 'senate', 'investigating', 'alleged', 'securities', 'fraud', 'services', 'lesbians', 'relationship', 'bonasera', 'crime', 'family', 'raised', 'armstrong\\\\', 'situation', 'compared', 'cutaway', 'scenes', 'direct', 'reference', 'dialogue', 'plight', 'frank', 'wills', 'security', 'guard', 'discovered', 'break-in', 'led', 'watergate', 'scandal', 'brought', 'president', 'nixon', 'eventually', 'wins', 'case', 'seen', 'nineteen', 'children', 'helped', 'lesbian', 'acquaintances', 'make', 'end', 'end', 'film', 'armstrong', 'goodrich', 'come', 'terms', 'lingering', 'feelings', 'one', 'another', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'share', 'guerrero', 'begin', 'three-way', 'polyamorous', 'relationship', 'armstrong', 'apparently', 'maintains', 'friendship', 'eighteen', 'women', 'became', 'pregnant'], ['top', 'hollywood', 'talent', 'agent', 'jack', 'giamoro', 'seems', 'successful', 'career', 'lot', 'money', 'nice', 'car', 'beautiful', 'wife', 'etc', 'however', 'pursuing', 'success', 'somehow', 'lost', 'neglected', 'marriage', 'decides', 'take', 'journal', 'writing', 'class', 'self-searching', 'jack', 'seemingly', 'perfect', 'world', 'starts', 'unravel', 'learns', 'wife', 'nina', 'cheating', 'important', 'client', 'things', 'get', 'worse', 'barbi', 'ambitious', 'journalist', 'steals', 'jack', 'journal', 'contains', 'secrets', 'could', 'ruin', 'personally', 'professionally', 'jack', 'forced', 'fight', 'everything', 'worked', 'hard', 'achieve', 'attains', 'self-insight', 'looking', 'ironically', 'realizing', 'life', 'work', 'begins', 'focus', 'important', 'life'], ['playing', 'bar', 'st.', 'louis', 'jazz', 'pianist', 'jigger', 'pine', 'meets', 'aspiring', 'clarinetist', 'nickie', 'haroyen', 'tries', 'convince', 'put', 'together', 'jazz', 'band', 'drunk', 'patron', 'starts', 'fight', 'nickie', 'jigger', 'thrown', 'jail', 'jigger', 'drummer', 'bassist', 'hear', 'prisoner', 'singing', 'blues', 'song', 'inspired', 'set', 'new', 'orleans', 'hope', 'learn', 'perfect', 'authentic', 'bluesy', 'sound', 'meet', 'fast-talking', 'trumpet', 'player', 'leo', 'wife', 'character', 'talented', 'singer', 'together', 'quintet', 'rides', 'rails', 'honing', 'technique', 'dive', 'bars', 'across', 'country', 'one', 'day', 'sheltering', 'boxcar', 'meet', 'mysterious', 'stranger', 'named', 'del', 'first', 'robs', 'impressed', 'camaraderie', 'offers', 'job', 'new', 'jersey', 'roadhouse', 'called', 'jungle', 'group', 'discovers', 'roadhouse', 'actually', 'owned', 'del', 'former', 'partners', 'crime', 'aspiring', 'singer', 'kay', 'accomplice', 'sam', 'crippled', 'sidekick', 'brad', 'del', 'escaped', 'jail', 'retrieve', 'share', 'robbery', 'three', 'committed', 'kay', 'tells', 'spent', 'money', 'decides', 'take', 'jungle', 'transform', 'illegal', 'gambling', 'club', 'kay', 'tries', 'rekindle', 'past', 'romance', 'del', 'rejects', 'turns', 'attention', 'leo', 'although', 'band', 'happy', 'playing', 'brand', 'jazz', 'night', 'club', 'character', 'worried', 'leo', 'kay', 'jigger', 'reveals', 'leo', 'character', 'pregnant', 'decides', 'give', 'kay', 'soon', 'sets', 'sights', 'jigger', 'secretly', 'love', 'sam', 'tries', 'get', 'alert', 'police', 'del', 'whereabouts', 'tells', 'del', 'sam', 'killed', 'del', 'henchmen', 'del', 'orders', 'leave', 'jungle', 'convinces', 'jigger', 'quit', 'band', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'join', 'commercial', 'mainstream', 'jazz', 'band', 'although', 'successful', 'jigger', 'unhappy', 'new', 'life', 'feeling', 'playing', 'authentic', 'jazz', 'kay', 'finally', 'grows', 'bored', 'life', 'jigger', 'leaves', 'tells', 'quitting', 'band', 'descends', 'alcoholism', 'mental', 'breakdown', 'friends', 'find', 'help', 'nurse', 'back', 'health', 'hiding', 'fact', 'character', 'baby', 'died', 'return', 'jungle', 'jigger', 'begins', 'playing', 'kay', 'shows', 'without', 'money', 'looking', 'help', 'del', 'violent', 'quarrel', 'ensuing', 'struggle', 'kay', 'shoots', 'kills', 'jigger', 'decides', 'protect', 'kay', 'help', 'escape', 'police', 'brad', 'hears', 'plans', 'realizes', 'kay', 'leaving', 'forever', 'drives', 'away', 'violent', 'storm', 'deliberately', 'wrecking', 'car', 'killed', 'band', 'resolves', 'leave', 'jungle', 'behind', 'return', 'life', 'road', 'playing', 'preferred', 'version', 'jazz'], [\"'this\", 'bestselling', 'coming', 'age', 'novel', 'michael', 'chiang', 'semi-fictionalized', 'autobiography', 'reminiscence', 'lost', 'youth', 'boyhood'], [\"'harold\", 'meadows', 'works', 'tailor\\\\', 'apprentice', 'uncle', 'fictional', 'small', 'town', 'little', 'bend', 'california', 'shy', 'around', 'women', 'stutters', 'barely', 'speak', 'though', 'shyness', 'makes', 'completely', 'clueless', 'art', 'courting', 'impressing', 'ladies', 'harold', 'writes', 'preposterous', 'book', 'young', 'men', 'entitled', 'secret', 'making', 'love', 'detailing', 'naively', 'believes', 'good', 'advice', 'woo', 'different', 'types', 'young', 'women', 'vampire', 'flapper', 'takes', 'publisher', 'los', 'angeles', 'train', 'day', 'rich', 'young', 'socialite', 'named', 'mary', 'buckingham', 'automobile', 'break', 'little', 'bend', 'boards', 'train', 'dogs', 'allowed', 'aboard', 'hides', 'pekinese', 'shawl', 'pet', 'jumps', 'train', 'pulls', 'away', 'harold', 'rescues', 'dog', 'helps', 'mary', 'hide', 'conductor', 'sees', 'manuscript', 'starts', 'telling', 'book', 'overcoming', 'stuttering', 'enthusiasm', 'become', 'absorbed', 'neither', 'realizes', 'train', 'reached', 'destination', 'everyone', 'else', 'departed', 'upon', 'returning', 'home', 'mary', 'rejects', 'latest', 'string', 'proposals', 'marriage', 'persistent', 'suitor', 'ronald', 'devore', 'car', 'repaired', 'mary', 'intentionally', 'detours', 'little', 'bend', 'repeatedly', 'hoping', 'meet', 'harold', 'one', 'trip', 'ronald', 'also', 'along', 'ride', 'unwanted', 'attentions', 'yet', 'another', 'unsuccessful', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'cause', 'flustered', 'mary', 'accidentally', 'swerve', 'road', 'get', 'car', 'stuck', 'near', 'outskirts', 'little', 'bend', 'ronald', 'walks', 'back', 'town', 'tow', 'mary', 'serendipitously', 'runs', 'harold', 'relaxing', 'rowboat', 'nearby', 'stream', 'harold', 'tells', 'mary', 'going', 'see', 'publisher', 'roger', 'thornby', 'days', 'deliver', 'new', 'chapter', 'book', 'plans', 'write', 'agree', 'meet', 'afterward', 'meanwhile', 'back', 'town', 'ronald', 'unexpectedly', 'runs', 'middle-aged', 'woman', 'asks', 'finally', 'going', 'take', 'home', 'introduce', 'family', 'stalls', 'rides', 'away', 'tow-vehicle', 'mr.', 'thornby\\\\', 'professional', 'readers', 'find', 'harold\\\\', 'book', 'hilariously', 'absurd', 'informs', 'harold', 'rejected', 'without', 'royalty', 'money', 'harold', 'figures', 'ask', 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'upon', 'realizing', 'royalty', 'money', 'means', 'could', 'probably', 'propose', 'mary', 'elation', 'short-lived', 'however', 'sees', 'newspaper', 'story', 'announcing', 'mary', 'ronald\\\\', 'wedding', 'scheduled', 'day', 'family\\\\', 'estate', 'thinking', 'lost', 'harold', 'gives', 'however', 'chance', 'woman', 'ronald', 'met', 'town', 'days', 'earlier', 'walks', 'seeing', 'story', 'tearfully', 'exclaims', 'ronald\\\\', 'wife', 'proof', 'shows', 'harold', 'photo', 'locket', 'couple\\\\', 'wedding', 'portrait', 'engraved', 'words', 'wife', 'ronald', 'given', 'two', 'years', 'earlier', 'harold', 'takes', 'locket', 'races', 'stop', 'wedding', 'frenzied', 'headlong-dash', 'trip', 'involving', 'bootleggers', 'car', 'chases', 'multiple', 'changes', 'vehicle', 'countryside', 'along', 'crowded', 'streets', 'culver', 'city', 'los', 'angeles', 'eventually', 'arriving', 'buckingham', 'estate', 'moments', 'spare', 'harold', 'bursts', 'minister', 'conclude', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'stop', 'stuttering', 'long', 'enough', 'expose', 'ronald\\\\', 'intended', 'bigamy', 'harold', 'whisks', 'mary', 'shoulder', 'carries', 'alone', 'tells', 'ronald', 'shows', 'locket', 'proof', 'mary', 'visibly', 'relieved', \"won\\\\'t\", 'marry', 'ronald', 'immensely', 'grateful', 'harold\\\\', 'heroic', 'dash', 'save', 'scandal', 'quickly', 'forgives', 'harold\\\\', 'previous', 'deceptions', 'sees', 'truly', 'care', 'along', 'gets', 'harold', 'propose', 'accepts'], [\"'when\", 'fella\\\\', 'father', 'dies', 'continues', 'live', 'wicked', 'stepmother', 'emily', 'two', 'sons', 'maximilian', 'rupert', 'robert', 'hutton', 'stepfamily', 'takes', 'family', 'mansion', 'fella', 'reduced', 'living', 'unfinished', 'room', 'end', 'long', 'hallway', 'essence', 'become', 'butler', 'catering', 'every', 'whim', 'fella', 'dreams', 'nightly', 'father', 'trying', 'relay', 'message', 'hidden', 'fortune', 'always', 'awakens', 'learns', 'hiding', 'place', 'stepfamily', 'knows', 'secret', 'fortune', 'great', 'lengths', 'try', 'discover', 'whereabouts', 'pretend', 'befriend', 'order', 'wrangle', 'fortune', 'away', 'found', 'princess', 'charming', 'grand', 'duchy', 'morovia', 'town', 'stepmother', 'decides', 'throw', 'lavish', 'ball', 'order', 'get', 'marry', 'one', 'sons', 'fella', 'allowed', 'ball', 'fairy', 'godfather', 'tells', 'remain', 'people', 'much', 'longer', 'blossom', 'person', 'evening', 'ball', 'fella', 'turned', 'handsome', 'prince', 'sent', 'ball', 'limousine', 'count', 'basie', 'playing', 'ball', 'fella', 'makes', 'grand', 'entrance', 'young', 'man', 'quickly', 'gains', 'attention', 'princess', 'night', 'cut', 'short', 'midnight', 'strikes', 'fella', 'flees', 'losing', 'shoe', 'along', 'way', 'back', 'home', 'one', 'fella\\\\', 'stepbrothers', 'realizes', 'fella', 'supposed', 'prince', 'wind', 'struggle', 'tree', 'process', 'discovering', 'fella\\\\', 'father\\\\', 'fortune', 'hidden', 'fella', 'gives', 'money', 'stepfamily', 'telling', 'never', 'needed', 'money', 'happy', 'wanted', 'family', 'shamed', 'stepmother', 'orders', 'sons', 'return', 'money', 'fella', 'princess', 'arrives', 'fella\\\\', 'lost', 'shoe', 'fella', 'explains', 'could', 'never', 'together', 'person', 'people', 'tells', 'underneath', 'fancy', 'clothes', 'people'], [\"'pierre\", 'idealistic', 'twenty-year-old', 'man', 'leaves', 'home', 'remote', 'district', 'pyrenees', 'travel', 'paris', 'hoping', 'break', 'away', 'restrictive', 'provincial', 'life', 'arriving', 'french', 'capital', 'turns', 'person', 'knows', 'city', 'evelyne', 'middle', 'aged', 'nurse', 'briefly', 'met', 'working', 'stretcher-bearer', 'lourdes', 'vague', 'distracted', 'preoccupied', 'paralyzed', 'mother', 'lives', 'nevertheless', 'manages', 'get', 'pierre', 'job', 'hospital', 'orderly', 'finds', 'somewhere', 'stay', 'order', 'fulfill', 'childhood', 'dream', 'buys', 'book', 'become', 'actor', 'colleague', 'work', 'said', 'takes', 'dinner', 'two', 'middle-aged', 'men', 'gay', 'cellist', 'dimitri', 'said', 'lover', 'intellectual', 'television', 'personality', 'romain', 'fascinated', 'pierre', 'insists', 'interest', 'platonic', 'pierre', 'disgusted', 'evening', 'romain', 'gives', 'ride', 'home', 'stops', 'park', 'pick', 'point', 'hustlers', 'walks', 'huff', 'refusing', 'get', 'back', 'romain\\\\', 'car', 'evelyne', 'takes', 'pierre', 'expensive', 'restaurant', 'make', 'earlier', 'indifference', 'return', 'house', 'spend', 'night', 'together', 'offers', 'free', 'accommodation', 'moves', 'start', 'affair', 'pierre', 'begins', 'attend', 'acting', 'classes', 'shows', 'little', 'talent', 'prepare', 'hamlet', 'recites', 'role', 'feelings', 'even', 'forgets', 'lines', 'humiliated', 'flees', 'abandonment', 'tentative', 'ambition', 'become', 'actor', 'relationship', 'evelyne', 'also', 'comes', 'abrupt', 'end', 'feels', 'really', 'love', 'breaks', 'away', 'leaves', 'money', 'pierre', 'feels', 'insulted', 'returns', 'money', 'leaves', 'place', 'offered', 'goes', 'absent', 'work', 'pleading', 'illness', 'eventually', 'loses', 'job', 'homeless', 'forced', 'sleep', 'streets', 'falls', 'victim', 'thieves', 'steal', 'belongings', 'broke', 'homeless', 'pierre', 'returns', 'park', 'romain', 'took', 'sees', 'pierre', 'offer', 'sexual', 'favors', 'refused', 'romain', 'takes', 'trip', 'spain', 'seville', 'older', 'man', 'takes', 'someone', 'else', 'lover', 'pierre', 'returns', 'paris', 'job', 'home', 'pierre', 'adopt', 'prostitution', 'way', 'make', 'money', 'makes', 'rules', 'clear', 'prospective', 'male', 'clients', \"don\\\\'t\", 'kiss', \"don\\\\'t\", 'suck', \"don\\\\'t\", 'get', 'fucked', 'despite', 'initial', 'aversion', 'sex', 'men', 'pierre', 'manages', 'make', 'success', 'new', 'career', 'police', 'crackdown', 'streetwalkers', 'meets', 'ingrid', 'another', 'prostitute', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'ingrid', 'whose', 'dream', 'become', 'singer', 'arrested', 'night', 'jail', 'spend', 'idyllic', 'day', 'together', 'make', 'love', 'liaison', 'discovered', 'pimp', 'gang', 'beats', 'rapes', 'pierre', 'forcing', 'ingrid', 'watch', 'pierre', 'leaves', 'paris', 'joins', 'paratroops', 'voices', 'interviewing', 'officer', 'desire', 'revenge', 'also', 'leap', 'void', 'involved', 'parachuting', 'night', 'visit', 'home', 'tells', 'brother', 'hate', 'city', 'ready', 'release', 'service', 'leave', 'paris', 'open', 'future', 'pierre', 'stops', 'beach', 'takes', 'clothes', 'wanders', 'sea'], [\"'montpellier\", 'december', '1976.', 'funeral', 'bertrand', 'morane', 'genevieve', 'observes', 'mourners', 'women', 'involved', 'following', 'told', 'flashback', 'morane', 'man', 'early', 'middle-age', 'works', 'laboratory', 'testing', 'aerodynamics', 'aircraft', 'pursues', 'women', 'compulsive', 'casual', 'manner', 'without', 'showing', 'signs', 'capacity', 'commitment', 'goes', 'extraordinary', 'lengths', 'locate', 'woman', 'seen', 'discover', 'briefly', 'visiting', 'france', 'lives', 'montreal', 'bertrand', 'becomes', 'friendly', 'h챕l챔ne', 'runs', 'lingerie', 'shop', 'confesses', 'attracted', 'younger', 'men', 'forty-one', 'become', 'involved', 'men', 'older', 'thirty', 'affair', 'delphine', 'wife', 'doctor', 'gains', 'arousal', 'threat', 'discovery', 'imprisoned', 'attempted', 'murder', 'husband', 'recollects', 'childhood', 'relationship', 'distant', 'mother', 'remembering', 'legs', 'shots', 'reminiscent', 'frequent', 'leg', 'shots', 'women', 'film', 'pretends', 'child', 'need', 'baby', 'sitting', 'order', 'lure', 'young', 'woman', 'apartment', 'discovers', 'doll', 'put', 'bed', 'place', 'baby', 'asks', 'replies', 'it\\\\', 'number', 'casual', 'encounters', 'bertrand', 'contracts', 'gonorrhea', 'discovered', 'early', 'stage', 'unable', 'recollect', 'names', 'six', 'women', 'slept', 'previous', 'twelve', 'days', 'eventually', 'begins', 'autobiography', 'typist', 'find', 'content', 'much', 'continue', 'completed', 'submitted', 'four', 'leading', 'publishers', 'paris', 'member', 'editorial', 'staff', 'one', 'genevieve', 'stands', 'work', 'objections', 'colleagues', 'rejecting', 'title', 'book', 'suggests', 'man', 'loved', 'women', 'finds', 'ideal', 'bertrand', 'meets', 'v챕ra', 'significant', 'old', 'flame', 'book', 'proof', 'stage', 'insists', 'withdrawing', 'book', 'publication', 'neglected', 'mention', 'genevieve', 'though', 'persuades', 'make', 'v챕ra', 'subject', 'second', 'book', 'needs', 'like', 'says', 'genevieve', 'fallen', 'love', 'spite', 'recognizing', 'personality', 'flaws', 'hit', 'car', 'rushing', 'follow', 'two', 'women', 'attractive', 'legs', 'admitted', 'hospital', 'forbidden', 'move', 'sees', 'nurses', 'doorway', 'attracted', 'legs', 'accidentally', 'severs', 'drip', 'falls', 'bed', 'dies', 'funeral', 'genevieve', 'speculates', 'women\\\\', 'relationship', 'bertrand', 'speak', 'reflects', 'knows', 'ending'], ['small', 'town', 'rolling', 'fields', 'endless', 'skies', 'isolated', 'year', 'old', 'mason', 'mullich', 'lives', 'world', 'families', 'exist', 'fragmented', 'silence', 'love', 'seems', 'gone', 'missing', 'mason', 'meets', 'danny', 'sensitive', 'troubled', 'girl', 'tender', 'bond', 'soon', 'tested', 'fatal', 'accident', 'series', 'complications', 'takes', 'mason', 'away', 'something', \"n't\"], ['jill', 'banford', 'ellen', 'march', 'struggle', 'support', 'raising', 'chickens', 'isolated', 'farm', 'rural', 'canada', 'dependent', 'jill', 'tends', 'household', 'chores', 'finances', 'self-sufficient', 'ellen', 'deals', 'heavier', 'work', 'chopping', 'wood', 'repairing', 'fences', 'stalking', 'fox', 'keeps', 'raiding', 'coops', 'although', 'hesitant', 'killing', 'jill', 'seems', 'content', 'secluded', 'existence', 'frustrated', 'ellen', 'less', 'enchanted', 'solitude', 'dead', 'winter', 'merchant', 'seaman', 'paul', 'grenfel', 'arrives', 'search', 'grandfather', 'now-deceased', 'former', 'owner', 'farm', 'nowhere', 'else', 'leave', 'persuades', 'women', 'allow', 'stay', 'exchange', 'helping', 'work', 'tension', 'among', 'three', 'slowly', 'escalates', 'attentions', 'ellen', 'arouse', 'jill', 'resentment', 'jealousy', 'eventually', 'paul', 'tracks', 'kills', 'fox', 'departure', 'makes', 'love', 'ellen', 'asks', 'leave', 'confesses', 'would', 'feel', 'guilty', 'abandoning', 'jill', 'paul', 'returns', 'ship', 'women', 'resume', 'regular', 'routine', 'paul', 'returns', 'unexpectedly', 'two', 'chopping', 'dying', 'oak', 'offers', 'complete', 'job', 'warns', 'jill', 'move', 'away', 'tree', 'potential', 'path', 'falls', 'refuses', 'listen', 'killed', 'crashes', 'ellen', 'sells', 'farm', 'paul', 'set', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'together'], [\"'in\", 'april', '1967', '18-year-old', 'susanna', 'kaysen', 'voluntarily', 'checks', 'claymoore', 'hospital', 'taking', 'overdose', 'aspirin', 'denies', 'accusation', 'many', 'attempting', 'commit', 'suicide', 'claiming', 'trying', 'make', 'shit', 'stop', 'nurses', 'therapists', 'surprised', 'susanna', 'acknowledges', 'actually', 'want', 'college', 'would', 'like', 'become', 'writer', 'befriends', 'fellow', 'patients', 'polly', 'torch', 'clark', 'georgina', 'tuskin', 'daisy', 'randone', 'janet', 'webber', 'cynthia', 'crowley', 'forms', 'small', 'troupe', 'troubled', 'women', 'ward', 'susanna', 'particularly', 'enchanted', 'lisa', 'rowe', 'diagnosed', 'sociopath', 'lisa', 'returns', 'ward', 'running', 'away', 'notices', 'old', 'best', 'friend\\\\', 'place', 'taken', 'susanna', 'demands', 'know', 'happened', 'best', 'friend', 'eventually', 'realizing', 'committed', 'suicide', 'eventually', 'lisa', 'befriends', 'susanna', 'two', 'start', 'causing', 'trouble', 'lisa', 'encourages', 'susanna', 'stop', 'taking', 'medications', 'and/or', 'trade', 'others', 'generally', 'resist', 'influences', 'therapy', 'visit', 'outside', 'ward', 'nearby', 'ice', 'cream', 'shop', 'susanna', 'confronted', 'mother\\\\', 'friend', 'angry', 'wife', 'susanna\\\\', 'old', 'english', 'teacher', 'affair', 'daughter', 'woman', 'harshly', 'berates', 'susanna', 'lisa', 'intervenes', 'verbal', 'assault', 'horrifying', 'older', 'woman', 'result', 'lisa', 'loses', 'outside', 'privileges', 'susanna\\\\', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'tobias', 'toby', 'jacobs', 'comes', 'visit', 'toby', 'reveals', 'drafted', 'invites', 'run', 'away', 'canada', 'tries', 'convince', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'crazy', 'girls', 'asylum', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'really', 'friends', 'susanna', 'refuses', 'shown', 'polly', 'observes', 'couple', 'speak', 'outside', 'night', 'awakens', 'screaming', 'nurses', 'remove', 'place', 'solitary', 'confinement', 'calm', 'continues', 'sobbing', 'horrified', 'burn', 'scars', 'body', 'face', 'cheer', 'susanna', 'steals', 'guitar', 'music', 'room', 'sits', 'outside', 'polly\\\\', 'room', 'lisa', 'singing', 'downtown', 'petula', 'clark', 'male', 'orderly', 'notices', 'susanna', 'seduces', 'keep', 'reporting', 'incident', 'afterwards', 'two', 'girls', 'fall', 'asleep', 'outside', 'polly\\\\', 'room', 'morning', 'valerie', 'owens', 'sees', 'two', 'exclaims', 'sick', 'antics', 'referring', 'therapists', 'next', 'morning', 'susanna', 'called', 'therapist\\\\', 'office', 'analyzed', 'susanna', 'meets', 'head', 'psychiatrist', 'dr.', 'sonia', 'wick', 'attempts', 'shut', 'nasty', 'attitude', 'response', 'wick', 'decides', 'take', 'susanna', 'patient', 'diagnosed', 'borderline', 'personality', 'disorder', 'lisa', 'also', 'taken', 'see', 'doctor', 'return', 'susanna', 'falls', 'depression', 'frustrated', 'susanna\\\\', 'noncompliance', 'valerie', 'throws', 'cold', 'bath', 'wake', 'susanna', 'attacks', 'verbally', 'lisa', 'returns', 'susanna', 'break', 'claymoore', 'hitching', 'ride', 'spend', 'night', 'house', 'recently', 'released', 'daisy', 'lisa', 'antagonizes', 'usual', 'fashion', 'accuses', 'daisy', 'incestuous', 'relationship', 'father', 'mocks', 'continuing', 'cut', 'daisy', 'hangs', 'next', 'morning', 'unfazed', 'suicide', 'lisa', 'searches', 'pocket', 'takes', 'whatever', 'cash', 'find', 'nonchalantly', 'leaves', 'house', 'mortified', 'susanna', 'stays', 'behind', 'phone', 'ambulance', 'subsequently', 'return', 'hospital', 'susanna', 'also', 'adopts', 'daisy\\\\', 'cat', 'ruby', 'next', 'weeks', 'begins', 'cooperate', 'doctors', 'responds', 'therapy', 'expressing', 'feelings', 'writing', 'painting', 'soon', 'scheduled', 'released', 'point', 'lisa', 'caught', 'returned', 'police', 'upon', 'learning', 'susanna\\\\', 'pending', 'release', 'lisa', 'targets', 'susanna', 'ridicule', 'emotional', 'abuse', 'last', 'night', 'claymoore', 'susanna', 'awakens', 'discover', 'lisa', 'maze', 'corridors', 'beneath', 'ward', 'reading', 'susanna\\\\', 'diary', 'georgina', 'polly', 'including', 'private', 'thoughts', 'comments', 'made', 'residents', 'girls', 'turn', 'susanna', 'lisa', 'particularly', 'vicious', 'ensuing', 'dispute', 'lisa', 'threatens', 'stab', 'large', 'hypodermic', 'needle', 'georgina\\\\', 'words', 'disarm', 'susanna', 'confronts', 'lisa', 'telling', 'keeps', 'coming', 'back', 'hospital', 'nowhere', 'else', 'already', 'dead', 'defeated', 'lisa', 'cries', 'anguish', 'susanna', 'ignores', 'goes', 'back', 'room', 'susanna', 'released', 'next', 'day', 'leaves', 'visits', 'lisa', 'talks', 'telling', 'get', 'must', 'come', 'see', 'susanna', 'leaves', 'says', 'goodbye', 'friends', 'giving', 'polly', 'adopted', 'cat', 'ruby', 'reconciling', 'georgina', 'end', 'film', 'susanna', 'states', '1970s', 'friends', 'released'], ['moonlight', 'bay', 'centers', 'character', 'marjorie', 'winfield', 'tomboy', 'played', 'doris', 'day', 'winfield', 'family', 'moves', 'new', 'house', 'small', 'town', 'indiana', 'daughter', 'marjorie', 'begins', 'romance', 'boy', 'next', 'door', 'william', 'sherman', 'played', 'gordon', 'macrae', 'marjorie', 'learn', 'dance', 'behave', 'like', 'proper', 'young', 'lady', 'unfortunately', 'mr.', 'winfield', \"n't\", 'approve', 'william', 'unconventional', 'ideas', 'marriage', 'money', 'causes', 'course', 'true', 'love', 'run', 'less', 'smoothly', 'could', 'desired', 'everything', 'resolved', 'time', 'happy', 'ending'], [\"'jim\", 'dodge', 'self-proclaimed', 'people', 'person', 'dreamer', 'perceived', 'lazy', 'good', 'nothing', 'fired', 'numerous', 'low-paying', 'jobs', 'jim', 'given', 'choice', 'father', 'bud', 'dodge', 'either', 'land', 'job', 'local', 'target', 'put', 'bus', 'st.', 'louis', 'jim', 'hired', 'night', 'cleanup', 'boy', 'target', 'first', 'shift', 'new', 'job', 'jim', 'locked', 'alone', 'store', 'boss', 'good', 'news', 'encounters', 'josie', 'mcclellan', 'stereotypical', 'spoiled', 'rich', 'girl', 'someone', 'known', 'life', 'school', 'worlds', 'apart', 'josie', 'spent', 'past', 'several', 'hours', 'asleep', 'dressing', 'room', 'backing', 'shoplifting', 'merchandise', 'half-hearted', 'attempt', 'run', 'away', 'abusive', 'father', 'roger', 'roy', 'mcclellan', 'josie', 'jim', 'begin', 'connect', 'realising', 'different', 'josie', 'convinces', 'jim', 'run', 'away', 'begin', 'form', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'proceed', 'enjoy', 'freedom', 'store', 'size', 'however', 'things', 'become', 'complicated', 'two', 'incompetent', 'crooks', 'nestor', 'pyle', 'gil', 'kinney', 'break', 'store', 'hold', 'two', 'hostage'], ['light', 'silvery', 'moon', 'relates', 'adventures', 'winfield', 'family', 'small', 'town', 'indiana', 'daughter', 'marjorie', 'winfield', 'boyfriend', 'william', 'sherman', 'returns', 'army', 'wwi', 'bill', 'marjorie', 'on-again', 'off-again', 'romance', 'provides', 'backdrop', 'family', 'crises', 'caused', 'mainly', 'son', 'wesley', 'wild', 'imagination'], ['zora', 'matthews', 'whose', 'mother', 'sarah', 'conceived', 'aid', 'anonymous', 'sperm', 'donor', 'discovers', 'father', 'white', 'man', 'named', 'hal', 'jackson', 'comes', 'major', 'shock', 'sarah', 'explicitly', 'requested', 'black', 'donor', 'top', 'jackson', 'obnoxious', 'sleazy', 'car', 'salesman', 'film', 'revolves', 'around', 'zora', 'mother', 'rocky', 'relationship', 'jackson', 'jackson', 'eventually', 'comes', 'feelings', 'supposed', 'daughter', 'mother'], [\"'bobby\", 'keller', 'slacker', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'running', 'short', 'cut', 'backyard', 'neighborhood', 'one', 'night', 'collides', 'lainie', 'diamond', 'bobby', 'recently', 'obsessing', 'collision', 'elderly', 'professor', 'coleman', 'ettinger', 'performing', 'meditation', 'exercise', 'yard', 'wife', 'gena', 'theorizing', 'wife', 'enter', 'meditative', 'alpha', 'state', 'together', 'voluntarily', 'able', 'live', 'together', 'forever', 'however', 'ettingers', 'verge', 'completing', 'meditation', 'experiment', 'teenagers\\\\', 'collision', 'renders', 'teens', 'unconscious', 'enacting', 'type', 'body', 'switch', 'four', 'characters', 'bobby', 'wakes', 'bedroom', 'find', 'best', 'friend', 'dinger', 'parents', 'asking', 'he\\\\', 'okay', 'bobby', 'idea', 'people', 'actually', 'coleman', 'trapped', 'bobby', 'keller\\\\', 'body', 'coleman', 'leaves', 'house', 'find', 'wife', 'returns', 'find', 'make', 'sense', 'situation', 'return', 'bobby\\\\', 'home', 'coleman', 'plays', 'role', 'bobby', 'family', 'friend', 'wanting', 'sleep', 'see', 'alpha', 'state', 'attains', 'dreams', 'give', 'clue', 'gone', 'wrong', 'experiment', 'dream', 'coleman', 'greeted', 'real', 'bobby', 'appears', 'trapped', 'dream', 'partially', 'generated', 'coleman\\\\', 'subconscious', 'coleman', 'discovers', 'gena', 'skeptical', 'husband\\\\', 'dream', 'state', 'theory', 'beginning', 'also', 'trapped', 'dream', 'unable', 'communicate', 'part', 'mind', 'transferred', 'lainie\\\\', 'body', 'bobby', 'informs', 'coleman', 'little', 'time', 'prevent', 'what\\\\', 'left', 'wife', 'forgetting', 'becoming', 'lost', 'dream', 'forever', 'bobby', 'claims', 'know', 'secret', 'switch', 'back', 'yet', 'reluctant', 'help', 'coleman', 'finding', 'dream-world', 'inhabits', 'satisfying', 'physical', 'world', 'existed', 'troubled', 'teen', 'coleman', 'realizes', 'days', 'overcome', 'generation', 'gaps', 'high-school', 'bullies', 'lainie\\\\', 'violent', 'unstable', 'boyfriend', 'joel', 'lainie\\\\', 'bitter', 'manipulative', 'single', 'mother', 'order', 'improve', 'bobby\\\\', 'grades', 'love-life', 'relationships', 'family', 'friends', 'connect', 'lainie', 'enough', 'convince', 'recreate', 'meditation', 'experiment', 'might', 'save', 'beloved', 'wife'], [\"'emily\", 'hope', 'stages', 'kidnapping', 'get', 'attention', 'father', 'puts', 'trunk', 'car', 'tapes', 'legs', 'mouth', 'handcuffs', 'hands', 'calls', 'police', 'come', 'rescue', 'unexpectedly', 'car', 'thief', 'named', 'vincent', 'roche', 'steals', 'car', 'suddenly', 'emily', 'finds', 'actually', 'kidnapped', 'kidnapper', 'know', 'christopher', 'walken', 'shows', 'emily', 'uncle', 'ray', 'jack', 'thompson', 'emily', 'father', 'harry', 'connick', 'jr.', 'greg', 'vincent', 'car-stealing', 'partner'], ['plot', 'story', 'starts', 'regular', 'lives', 'three', 'friends', 'dave', 'barry', 'watson', 'adam', 'doofer', 'head', 'social', 'committee', 'frat', 'house', 'called', 'kok', 'kok', 'known', 'throwing', 'heavy', 'parties', 'socially', 'discriminating', 'members', 'sorority', 'dog', 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'identity', 'revealed', 'koks', 'dogs', 'reveal', 'indeed', 'innocent', 'stealing', 'money', 'perpetrator', 'punished', 'dogs', 'finally', 'get', 'revenge', 'tri-pi', 'well', 'boys', 'get', 'reinstated', 'kok', 'dave', 'makes', 'things', 'leah', 'dave', 'daisy', 'kok', 'try', 'make', 'better', 'men', 'adam', 'instated', 'president', 'many', 'kok', 'guys', 'dating', 'dog', 'girls', 'cruel', 'tri-pi', 'still', 'floating', 'ocean', 'raft', 'put', 'dog', 'kicked', 'kok', 'cruise.http', '//themoviespoiler.com/spoilers/sororityboys.html'], [\"'the\", 'staff', 'customers', 'cafe', 'get', 'extra', 'jolt', 'coffee', 'commitment-shy', 'man', 'public', 'fight', 'angry', 'ex-girlfriend', 'instigating', 'series', 'revelations', 'eavesdropping', 'couples', 'nearby', 'unusual', 'relationships', 'filled', 'eccentric', 'personal', 'conversations', 'confrontational', 'arguments', 'imaginary', 'visions', 'connections', 'various', 'characters'], [\"'north\", 'dakota', 'farmgirl', 'esther', 'victoria', 'blodgett', 'yearns', 'become', 'hollywood', 'actress', 'although', 'aunt', 'father', 'discourage', 'thoughts', 'esther\\\\', 'grandmother', 'gives', 'savings', 'follow', 'dream', 'esther', 'goes', 'hollywood', 'tries', 'land', 'job', 'extra', 'many', 'others', 'idea', 'casting', 'agency', 'stopped', 'accepting', 'applications', 'esther', 'told', 'chances', 'becoming', 'star', 'one', '100,000.', 'befriends', 'new', 'resident', 'boarding', 'house', 'assistant', 'director', 'danny', 'mcguire', 'work', 'danny', 'esther', 'concert', 'take', 'minds', 'troubles', 'esther', 'first', 'encounter', 'norman', 'maine', 'actor', 'admires', 'greatly', 'norman', 'major', 'star', 'years', 'alcoholism', 'sent', 'career', 'downward', 'spiral', 'danny', 'gets', 'esther', 'one-time', 'waitressing', 'job', 'fancy', 'hollywood', 'party', 'serving', 'hors', '쇕뱔vre', 'catches', 'norman\\\\', 'eye', 'gets', 'longtime', 'producer', 'good', 'friend', 'oliver', 'niles', 'give', 'screen', 'test', 'impressed', 'oliver', 'gives', 'new', 'name', 'contract', 'practices', 'lines', 'first', 'tiny', 'role', 'however', 'studio', 'trouble', 'finding', 'female', 'lead', 'norman\\\\', 'current', 'film', 'entitled', 'enchanted', 'hour', 'norman', 'persuades', 'oliver', 'cast', 'esther', 'film', 'makes', 'overnight', 'success', 'even', 'viewers', 'continue', 'lose', 'interest', 'norman', 'norman', 'proposes', 'vicki', 'accepts', 'promises', 'give', 'drinking', 'elope', 'without', 'publicity', 'much', 'press', 'agent', 'matt', 'libby\\\\', 'disgust', 'enjoy', 'trailer-camping', 'honeymoon', 'mountains', 'return', 'vicki\\\\', 'popularity', 'continues', 'skyrocket', 'norman', 'realizes', 'career', 'despite', 'oliver\\\\', 'attempts', 'help', 'norman', 'stays', 'sober', 'frustration', 'situation', 'finally', 'pushes', 'edge', 'starts', 'drinking', 'vicki', 'wins', 'industry\\\\', 'top', 'award', 'interrupts', 'acceptance', 'speech', 'drunkenly', 'demanding', 'three', 'awards', 'worst', 'acting', 'year', 'stay', 'sanatorium', 'seems', 'cure', 'norman\\\\', 'increasingly', 'disruptive', 'alcoholism', 'chance', 'encounter', 'libby', 'gives', 'press', 'agent', 'opportunity', 'vent', 'long-concealed', 'contempt', 'dislike', 'norman', 'norman', 'resumes', 'drinking', 'esther', 'decides', 'give', 'career', 'order', 'devote', 'rehabilitation', 'norman', 'overhears', 'discussing', 'plan', 'oliver', 'drowns', 'pacific', 'ocean', 'shattered', 'vicki', 'decides', 'quit', 'home', 'soon', 'afterward', 'grandmother', 'shows', 'convinces', 'resume', 'acting', 'premiere', 'next', 'film', 'grauman\\\\', 'chinese', 'theatre', 'vicki', 'asked', 'say', 'words', 'microphone', 'many', 'fans', 'listening', 'across', 'world', 'announces', 'hello', 'everybody', 'mrs.', 'norman', 'maine'], [\"'esther\", 'hoffman', 'aspiring', 'female', 'singer/songwriter', 'meets', 'john', 'norman', 'howard', 'famous', 'successful', 'self-destructive', 'male', 'singer/songwriter', 'series', 'coincidental', 'meetings', 'finally', 'start', 'dating', 'believing', 'talent', 'john', 'gives', 'helping', 'hand', 'career', 'begins', 'eclipse', 'writer', 'director', 'frank', 'pierson', 'new', 'west', 'magazine', 'article', 'battles', 'barbra', 'jon', 'summarized', 'way', 'actress', 'little', 'woman', 'actor', 'little', 'less', 'man', '...', 'woman', 'story', 'ambitious', 'become', 'star', 'necessary', 'make', 'happier', 'richer', 'could', 'give', 'away', 'better', 'worse', 'person', 'stardom', 'little', 'woman', 'man', 'career', 'defense', 'self-destructive', 'part', 'led', 'outrageous', 'bursts', 'drunkenness', 'drugs', 'love', 'affairs', 'fights', 'adventures', 'made', 'legend', 'career', 'also', 'gives', 'sense', 'without', 'lost', 'confused', 'demons', 'eat', 'alive', 'that\\\\', 'little', 'less', 'man', 'success', 'galls', 'wins', 'tragedy', 'love', 'enough', 'keep', 'alive', 'man', 'lost', 'measures', 'manhood', 'cite', 'quote', 'conclusion', 'measured', 'theme', 'takes', 'life', 'mistaken', 'belief', 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'deeply', 'hidden', 'sees', 'devoted', 'girlfriend', 'gets', 'postcard', 'girlfriend', 'ending', 'relationship', 'attraction', 'intensifies', 'although', 'never', 'reveals', 'poignant', 'three', 'stories', 'romance', 'aside', 'story', 'also', 'takes', 'quick', 'jab', 'maddening', 'scene', 'urban', 'development', 'shanghai'], [\"'wealthy\", 'restauranteur', 'harvey', 'howard', 'self-made', 'man', 'widower', 'owner', 'harvey', 'howard', 'smokehouses', 'decides', 'back', 'college', 'age', 'earn', 'bachelors', 'degree', 'faces', 'opposition', 'grown', 'snobbish', 'children', 'well', 'generation', 'gap', 'much-younger', 'fellow', 'students', 'first', 'day', 'school', 'finds', 'convincing', 'older', 'students', 'faculty', 'admin', 'personnel', 'humorous', 'task', 'enrolls', 'receives', 'freshman', 'rooming', 'front', 'determination', 'another', 'freshman', 'assigned', 'quad', 'rooming', 'arrangement', 'sets', 'standard', 'upcoming', 'years', 'dealing', 'student', 'press', 'dorm', 'adviser', 'making', 'first', 'toast', 'sauerkraut', 'juice', 'seal', 'bond', 'complete', 'four', 'years', 'together', 'president\\\\', 'welcoming', 'speech', 'sets', 'tone', 'effort', 'facing', 'freshman', 'class', 'harvey', 'convince', 'physical', 'coach', 'takes', 'compete', 'ten', 'plus', 'one', 'pull', 'ups', 'cheers', 'fellow', 'younger', 'frosh', 'collapse', 'face', 'upon', 'finishing', 'set', 'another', 'frosh', 'challenge', 'bonfire', 'must', 'exceed', 'height', 'prior', 'years', 'harvey', 'meets', 'french', 'professor', 'helen', 'gauthier', 'removing', 'supporting', 'wooden', 'chair', 'porch', 'bonfire\\\\', 'total', 'height', 'comes', 'foot', 'short', 'harvey', 'climbs', 'summit', 'deposits', 'three-foot', 'chair', 'brave', 'daunting', 'achievement', 'two', 'brilliant', 'roommates', 'jock', 'gil', 'sparrow', 'fabian', 'academic', 'rigors', 'always', 'fuel', 'comedy', 'camaraderie', 'science', 'professor', 'thayer', 'haphazard', 'suffers', 'numerous', 'comedic', 'moments', 'chemicals', 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'europeans', 'notices', 'yakata', 'rice', 'given', 'miners', 'guesses', 'correctly', 'miners', 'poisoned', 'rice', 'order', 'get', 'rid', 'yakata', 'knowing', 'exact', 'vengence', 'john', 'tells', 'yakata', 'happened', 'yakata', 'wipe', 'miners', 'despite', 'intents', 'two', 'find', 'falling', 'forbidden', 'love', 'john', 'eager', 'marry', 'selima', 'despite', 'longhouse', 'allowing', 'john', 'tells', 'henry', 'plans', 'marry', 'lock', 'selima', 'selima', 'agrees', 'marry', 'longhouse', 'part', 'ways', 'bullard', 'threatens', 'send', 'trial', 'death', 'european', 'miners', 'makes', 'deal', 'john', 'john', 'give', 'selima', 'britain', 'year\\\\', 'vacation', 'meet', 'bullard\\\\', 'daughter', 'cecilia', 'another', 'local', 'british', 'official', 'neville', 'shipperly', 'boorish', 'drunk', 'man', 'despises', 'locals', 'jealous', 'john', 'planned', 'win', 'cecilia', 'year', 'later', 'john', 'seen', 'marrying', 'cecilia', 'still', 'struggles', 'get', 'past', 'sleeping', 'dictionary', 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'interested', 'auditioning', 'wanting', 'eliminate', 'competition', 'sharpay', 'investigates', 'new', 'girl', 'arranges', 'scholastic', 'decathlon', 'captain', 'taylor', 'mckessie', 'find', 'gabriella\\\\', 'past', 'academic', 'achievements', 'basketball', 'practice', 'troy', 'trouble', 'focusing', 'thoughts', 'gabriella', 'idea', 'might', 'enjoy', 'singing', 'gabriella', 'troy', 'musical', 'auditions', 'sharpay', 'twin', 'brother', 'ryan', 'perform', 'shy', 'audition', 'gabriella', 'finally', 'summons', 'courage', 'step', 'forward', 'troy', 'offers', 'sing', 'ms.', 'darbus', 'tells', 'late', 'ms.', 'darbus', 'apparently', 'leaves', 'kelsi', 'nielson', 'composer', 'musical', 'trips', 'drops', 'things', 'troy', 'gabriella', 'rush', 'help', 'sing', 'together', 'kelsi', 'plays', 'piano', \"'ve\", 'looking', 'ms.', 'darbus', 'overhears', 'gives', 'callback', 'audition', 'callback', 'list', 'posted', 'sharpay', 'furious', 'learn', 'competition', 'lead', 'musical', 'rest', 'wildcats', 'shocked', 'troy', 'gabriella', 'auditioned', 'musical', 'students', 'confess', 'secret', 'passions', 'talents', 'alarming', 'taylor', 'troy\\\\', 'friend', 'chad', 'danforth', 'since', 'gabriella', 'agreed', 'join', 'scholastic', 'decathlon', 'team', 'taylor', 'chad', 'want', 'teammates', 'focus', 'upcoming', 'competitions', 'rather', 'musical', 'help', 'troy', 'gabriella', 'return', 'normal', 'chad', 'basketball', 'team', 'trick', 'troy', 'saying', 'gabriella', 'important', 'watches', 'wi-fi', 'link', 'scholastic', 'decathlon', 'team', 'set', 'gabriella', 'hurt', 'refuses', 'talk', 'troy', 'decides', 'audition', 'musical', 'chad', 'taylor', 'feel', 'guilty', 'ruining', 'troy', 'gabriella\\\\', 'relationship', 'decide', 'tell', 'truth', 'chad', 'basketball', 'team', 'tell', 'troy', 'offer', 'support', 'callbacks', 'troy', 'goes', 'gabriella\\\\', 'house', 'make', 'intimidated', 'overhearing', 'gabriella', 'troy', 'practicing', 'sharpay', 'convinces', 'ms.', 'darbus', 'change', 'callback', 'time', 'coincide', 'basketball', 'championship', 'scholastic', 'decathlon', 'gabriella', 'troy', 'participate', 'kelsi', 'overhears', 'conversation', 'basketball', 'team', 'decathlon', 'team', 'work', 'together', 'come', 'plan', 'day', 'competitions', 'taylor', 'gabriella', 'use', 'school\\\\', 'computers', 'cause', 'series', 'mishaps', 'delay', 'big', 'game', 'decathlon', 'competitions', 'delayed', 'troy', 'gabriella', 'rush', 'auditorium', 'sharpay', 'ryan', 'finish', 'performing', 'song', 'confident', 'plan', 'worked', 'troy', 'gabriella', 'audition', 'ms.', 'darbus', 'gives', 'troy', 'gabriella', 'lead', 'roles', 'making', 'sharpay', 'ryan', 'understudies', 'troy', 'gabriella', 'win', 'respective', 'competitions', 'film', 'ends', 'entire', 'school', 'gathers', 'gym', 'celebrate', 'short', 'scene', 'credits', 'show', 'zeke', 'pacing', 'alone', 'gym', 'sharpay', 'comes', 'running', 'declaring', 'cookies', 'rejected', 'earlier', 'genius', 'hugs', 'says', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'make', 'creme', 'brulee'], ['expand', 'section', 'movie', 'deals', 'story', 'afrikaner', 'poet', 'anna', 'malan', 'american', 'journalist', 'langston', 'whitfield', 'sent', 'south', 'africa', 'report', 'south', 'african', 'truth', 'reconciliation', 'commission', 'hearings'], ['story', 'gal', 'lost', 'reputation', 'never', 'missed', 'tira', 'shimmies', 'sings', 'sideshow', 'big', 'bill', 'barton\\\\', 'wonder', 'show', 'current', 'boyfriend', 'pickpocket', 'slick', 'relieves', 'distracted', 'audience', 'valuables', 'big', 'bill', 'edward', 'arnold', 'one', 'customers', 'arranges', 'private', 'rendezvous', 'shows', 'collection', 'jewelry', 'many', 'admirers', 'however', 'jealous', 'slick', 'barges', 'hits', 'bottle', 'mistakenly', 'thinking', 'killed', 'man', 'slick', 'flees', 'caught', 'jailed', 'fearing', 'slick', 'implicate', 'tira', 'asks', 'big', 'bill', 'loan', 'retain', 'lawyer', 'bennie', 'pinkowitz', 'agrees', 'condition', 'lion', 'taming', 'act', 'includes', 'putting', 'head', 'mouth', 'one', 'beasts', 'promising', 'get', 'big', 'show', 'tira\\\\', 'fame', 'takes', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'wealthy', 'kirk', 'lawrence', 'smitten', 'despite', 'engaged', 'snobbish', 'socialite', 'alice', 'hatton', 'showers', 'expensive', 'gifts', 'kirk\\\\', 'friend', 'even', 'richer', 'cousin', 'jack', 'clayton', 'goes', 'see', 'tira', 'ask', 'leave', 'kirk', 'fianc챕e', 'alone', 'ends', 'falling', 'tira', 'jack', 'romance', 'leads', 'wedding', 'engagement', 'tira', 'tells', 'big', 'bill', 'quitting', 'get', 'married', 'unwilling', 'lose', 'prize', 'act', 'slick', 'recently', 'released', 'prison', 'sneak', 'tira\\\\', 'penthouse', 'suite', 'jack', 'finds', 'robe', 'result', 'jack', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'jilted', 'tira', 'sues', 'jack', 'breach', 'promise', 'defense', 'tries', 'use', 'past', 'relationships', 'discredit', 'judge', 'allows', 'cross', 'examine', 'witnesses', 'wins', 'judge', 'jury', 'also', 'jack', 'jack', 'agrees', 'give', 'big', 'settlement', 'cheque', 'goes', 'see', 'tira', 'tears', 'cheque', 'two', 'reconcile'], ['alvin', 'johnson', 'extremely', 'intelligent', 'nerd', 'consideration', 'general', 'motors', 'scholarship', 'skilled', 'designing', 'engines', 'however', 'always', 'dreamed', 'hanging', 'popular', 'kids', 'especially', 'paris', 'morgan', 'beautiful', 'popular', 'cheerleader', 'dating', 'nba', 'star', 'dru', 'hilton', 'paris', 'crashes', 'mother', 'expensive', 'suv', 'argument', 'dru', 'alvin', 'agrees', 'repair', 'car', 'return', 'two', 'weeks', 'dating', 'alvin', 'uses', 'money', 'saved', 'project', 'jeopardizing', 'scholarship', 'missteps', 'alvin', 'begins', 'integrate', 'popular', 'crowd', 'paris', 'grow', 'closer', 'shares', 'secret', 'love', 'music', 'alvin', 'misinterprets', 'feelings', 'stages', 'break-up', 'end', 'two', 'weeks', 'alvin', 'continues', 'grow', 'popularity', 'alienating', 'former', 'nerd', 'friends', 'dating', 'paris', 'friends', 'end', 'year', 'senior', 'ditch', 'day', 'dru', 'returns', 'leaves', 'finds', 'paris', 'dating', 'alvin', 'attempt', 'get', 'back', 'paris', 'exposes', 'deal', 'alvin', 'whole', 'school', 'returning', 'mediocrity', 'alvin', 'father', 'agrees', 'pay', 'part', 'explaining', 'alvin', 'supported', 'sudden', 'transformation', 'wanted', 'experiences', 'high', 'school', 'basketball', 'game', 'alvin', 'stands', 'nerd', 'friends', 'former', 'jocks', 'paris', 'follows', 'stopped', 'dru', 'paris', 'blows', 'alvin', 'kiss'], ['lewd', 'old', 'lady', 'claiming', 'mother', 'goose', 'put', 'trial', 'obscenity', 'evidence', 'presented', 'collection', 'pornographic', 'animated', 'shorts', 'little', 'red', 'riding', 'hood', 'jack', 'jack', 'beanstalk', 'fame', 'cinderella', 'snow', 'white', 'among', 'notable', 'participants', 'becomes', 'fairy', 'tale', 'orgy'], ['chris', 'sexy', 'teenager', 'appears', 'mostly', 'bare-breasted', 'french', 'riviera', 'crush', 'romain', 'mother', 'lover', 'reaction', 'inability', 'attract', 'attention', 'experiments', 'risque', 'affairs'], ['inexperienced', 'young', 'actress', 'invited', 'play', 'role', 'film', 'based', 'dostoyevsky', \"'the\", 'possessed', 'film', 'director', 'czech', 'immigrant', 'paris', 'takes', 'life', 'short', 'time', 'unable', 'draw', 'line', 'acting', 'reality', 'winds', 'playing', 'real-life', 'role', 'posing', 'dead', 'wife', 'another', 'czech', 'immigrant', 'manipulated', 'filmmaker', 'committing', 'political', 'assassination'], [\"'nicole\", 'maris', 'chase', 'hammond', 'live', 'next', 'door', 'nicole', 'lives', 'divorced', 'mother', 'chase\\\\', 'mother', 'died', 'cancer', 'making', 'two', 'teens', 'living', 'single', 'parents', 'however', 'worlds', 'apart', 'nicole', 'latest', 'fashions', 'chase', 'latest', 'protest', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'miss', 'pep', 'rally', 'basketball', 'game', 'scheming', 'socialite', 'friends', 'usually', 'found', 'dark', 'coffee', 'room', 'friends', \"don\\\\'t\", 'care', 'wear', 'nicole', 'wants', 'dream', 'date', 'star', 'basketball', 'player', 'right', 'certain', 'going', 'together', 'falls', 'love', 'cheerleader', 'meanwhile', 'chase\\\\', 'non-conformist', 'girlfriend', 'dulcie', 'dumps', 'another', 'man', 'something', 'common', 'nicole', 'chase', 'reluctantly', 'join', 'forces', 'navigate', 'land', 'mines', 'high', 'school', 'love', 'scheme', 'date', 'attract', 'interest', 'jealousy', 'respective', 'romantic', 'prey', 'works', 'right', 'get', 'person', 'wanted', 'midst', 'planning', 'gala', 'centennial', 'celebration', 'nicole', 'chase', 'find', 'one', 'always', 'wanted', 'closer', 'ever', 'realized', 'finally', 'dump', 'original', 'dates', 'fall', 'love', 'still', 'one', 'big', 'twist', 'could', 'ruin', 'relationship', 'forever', 'end', 'celebration', 'ends', 'back', 'home', 'find', 'parents', 'fallen', 'love', 'move', 'together', 'would', 'make', 'step-siblings', 'however', 'movie', 'ends', 'feeling', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'going', 'let', 'fact', 'stop', 'relationship'], ['josh', 'dinah', 'barkley', 'husband-and-wife', 'musical', 'comedy', 'team', 'peak', 'careers', 'finishing', 'new', 'show', 'dinah', 'meets', 'serious', 'french', 'playwright', 'jacques', 'pierre', 'barredout', 'suggests', 'dinah', 'take', 'dramatic', 'acting', 'dinah', 'tries', 'keep', 'suggestion', 'secret', 'josh', 'finally', 'discovers', 'dinah', 'hiding', 'script', 'jacques', 'new', 'show', 'couple', 'splits', 'good', 'friend', 'acerbic', 'composer', 'ezra', 'miller', 'tries', 'trick', 'back', 'together', 'fails', 'josh', 'secretly', 'watches', 'dinah', 'rehearsals', 'barredout', 'new', 'play', 'sees', 'struggling', 'calls', 'pretends', 'frenchman', 'giving', 'notes', 'help', 'understand', 'part', 'young', 'sara', 'bernhardt', 'result', 'dinah', 'gives', 'brilliant', 'performance', 'show', 'accidentally', 'learns', 'late-night', 'mentor', 'josh', 'barredout', 'rushes', 'josh', 'apartment', 'two', 'reconcile'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'starts', 'young-hee', 'spoonfed', 'attendants', 'sat', 'father\\\\', 'limousine', 'school', 'scene', 'showed', 'choi', 'entering', 'class', 'disguised', 'new', 'student', 'choi', 'sat', 'beside', 'girl', 'acted', 'blatantly', 'introduced', 'transfer', 'student', 'girl\\\\', 'help', 'choi', 'identified', 'exceptional', 'students', 'rebel', 'studious', 'student', 'choi', 'left', 'classroom', 'shortly', 'class', 'started', 'students', 'ran', 'back', 'seats', 'principal', 'introduced', 'new', 'teacher', 'shocked', 'choi', 'disguised', 'transfer', 'student', 'earlier', 'new', 'teacher', 'young-hee', 'late', 'class', 'high-handedly', 'sat', 'seat', 'without', 'greeting', 'teacher', 'choi', 'reprimanded', 'bad', 'manners', 'young-hee', 'rebelled', 'walked', 'classroom', 'choi', 'brought', 'staff', 'room', 'call', 'parents', 'young-hee', 'continued', 'rebel', 'choi', 'called', 'father', 'shocked', 'young-hee\\\\', 'father', 'president', 'south', 'korea', 'choi', 'extremely', 'shocked', 'told', 'president', 'call', 'back', 'twenty', 'five', 'minutes', 'without', 'ado', 'hiccupping', 'always', 'she\\\\', 'nervous', 'president', 'later', 'came', 'visit', 'school', 'campus', 'students', 'looking', 'window', 'waved', 'towards', 'president', 'stepped', 'limousine', 'hiccup', 'number', 'president', 'entered', 'staffroom', 'searched', 'choi', 'choi', 'introduced', 'told', 'president', 'daughter\\\\', 'unruly', 'behaviour', 'punishment', 'educating', 'daughter', 'properly', 'choi', 'ordered', 'president', 'write', 'romance', 'poem', 'written', 'goguryeo-era', 'king', 'hanja', 'hundred', 'times', 'homework', 'handed', 'following', 'day', 'choi', 'ran', 'storeroom', 'tried', 'pull', 'together', 'fainted', 'president', 'headed', 'school', 'next', 'day', 'shortly', 'finished', '100th', 'poem', 'strong', 'gust', 'wind', 'blew', 'papers', 'limousine', 'president', 'stopped', 'search', 'papars', 'vain', 'officer', 'suggested', 'sending', 'men', 'find', 'papers', 'could', 'flown', 'valley', 'president', 'said', 'would', 'rewrite', 'poem', 'possible', 'finish', 'short', 'time', 'span', 'president', 'called', 'choi', 'apologise', 'dismissed', 'lie', 'told', 'tell', 'straight', 'point', 'hung', 'back', 'office', 'president', 'searched', 'choi\\\\', 'biography', 'found', 'taught', 'six', 'months', 'school', '1999', 'onwards', 'next', 'day', 'president', 'invited', 'choi', 'lunch', 'choi', 'appeared', 'rather', 'tensed', 'waited', 'president', 'lunch', 'served', 'president\\\\', 'henchman', 'president', 'arrived', 'ate', 'president', 'handed', 'work', 'choi', 'choi', 'marked', 'work', 'drawing', 'whirl', 'wrote', 'excellent', 'work', 'first', 'page', 'choi', 'later', 'confessed', 'president', 'made', 'mistake', 'one', 'words', 'short', 'argument', 'followed', 'stated', 'positions', 'president', 'called', 'education', 'minister', 'confirmed', 'mistake', 'lunch', 'president', 'took', 'stroll', 'choi', 'garden', 'choi', 'brought', 'subject', 'playing', 'piano', 'shortended', 'choi', 'also', 'suggested', 'president', 'wear', 'checkered', 'tie', 'jeans', 'left', 'night', 'choi', 'taking', 'bus', 'home', 'president', 'came', 'stalk', 'bus', 'driver', 'stopped', 'two', 'motorcades', 'rode', 'front', 'forcing', 'stop', 'bus', 'bus', 'driver', 'shocked', 'saw', 'president', 'boarding', 'bus', 'passengers', 'bus', 'treated', 'ride', 'president\\\\', 'limousines', 'designated', 'destinations', 'choi', 'president', 'would', 'sit', 'bus', 'president', 'confessed', 'daughter', 'young', 'hee', 'last', 'smiled', 'six', 'years', 'old', 'wished', 'see', 'smile', 'choi', 'suggested', 'treating', 'surprise', 'party', 'stand', 'chance', 'achieve', 'result', 'one', 'night', 'president', 'decided', 'date', 'choi', 'several', 'limousines', 'arrived', 'hostel', 'headed', 'bar', 'bar', 'choi', 'asked', 'president', 'tried', 'moving', 'around', 'without', 'bodyguards', 'chatting', 'shin', 'choi\\\\', 'roommate', 'appeared', 'shin', 'dressed', 'army\\\\', 'uniform', 'president', 'surprised', 'realise', 'shin', 'girl', 'took', 'cap', 'shin', 'shook', 'hands', 'president', 'enthusiastically', 'told', 'would', 'back', 'best', 'clothes', 'choi', 'later', 'revealed', 'shin', 'transsexual', 'president', 'choi', 'waited', 'opportunity', 'slip', 'ran', 'streets', 'musical', 'concert', 'escape', 'bodyguards', 'looking', 'finally', 'came', 'tavern', 'hide', 'claimed', 'refugees', 'escaping', 'men', 'looking', 'bodyguards', 'came', 'tavern', 'ordered', 'innkeepers', 'allow', 'search', 'president', 'innkeeper\\\\', 'wife', 'stated', 'president', 'visited', 'thirty', 'years', 'ago', 'turned', 'away', 'bodyguards', 'bodyguards', 'confronting', 'innkeeper\\\\', 'wife', 'innkeeper', 'directed', 'president', 'choi', 'hide', 'underground', 'compartment', 'couple', 'kiss', 'innkeeper', 'opened', 'compartment', 'hiccup', 'president', 'choi', 'later', 'went', 'flat', 'kissed', 'reporter', 'took', 'photo', 'later', 'became', 'national', 'controversy', 'president\\\\', 'popularity', 'vote', 'fell', 'choi', 'frowned', 'upon', 'colleagues', 'scene', 'showed', 'young', 'hee', 'teased', 'three', 'classmates', 'smoking', 'cigarette', 'one', 'day', 'president', 'choi', 'met', 'school', 'campus', 'president', 'playing', 'piano', 'choi', 'entered', 'talked', 'romance', 'poem', 'choi', 'instructed', 'president', 'write', 'earlier', 'choi', 'continued', 'president', 'compose', 'new', 'poem', 'using', 'name', 'president', 'suggesting', 'meanings', 'characters', 'first', 'two', 'names', 'choi', 'talk', 'third', 'character', 'name', 'choi', 'gave', 'punch', 'stomach', 'blurted', 'wohhk', 'show', 'ended', 'choi', 'holding', 'hands', 'president', 'couple', 'walked', 'president\\\\', 'office'], [\"'the\", 'earl', 'countess', 'rhyall', 'facing', 'financial', 'troubles', 'therefore', 'forced', 'permit', 'guided', 'tours', 'stately', 'home', 'suave', 'somewhat', 'obnoxious', 'american', 'oil', 'tycoon', 'charles', 'delacro', 'barges', 'lady', 'manor\\\\', 'private', 'quarters', 'either', 'deliberately', 'mistake', 'introduces', 'explaining', 'family', 'name', 'originally', 'delacroix', 'grandfather', 'tired', 'americans', 'pronouncing', 'name', 'delacro\\\\', 'attentions', 'countess', 'turn', 'head', 'rather', 'behave', 'jealously', 'earl', 'invites', 'american', 'come', 'visit', 'along', 'equally', 'grating', 'ex-girlfriend', 'lord', 'rhyall\\\\', 'american', 'heiress', 'hattie', 'durant', 'love', 'triangle', 'soon', 'develops', 'kicking', 'tale', 'love', 'jealousy', 'strong', 'emotions', 'eventually', 'leads', 'gentlemen', 'duel', 'pistols'], ['sapna', 'brought', 'three', 'doting', 'eccentric', 'uncles', 'uncle', 'hindu', 'religious', 'fanatic', 'uncle', 'former', 'wrestler', 'fitness', 'makes', 'sapna', 'intense', 'workout', 'routines', 'daily', 'uncle', 'fashion', 'western', 'music', 'uncles', 'wish', 'marry', 'differences', 'clash', 'want', 'boy', 'interests', 'sapna', 'tired', 'dancing', 'uncle', 'tunes', 'life', 'wishes', 'take', 'group', 'trip', 'europe', 'however', 'expresses', 'wishes', 'nanny', 'mary', 'uncles', 'fire', 'nanny', 'giving', 'sapna', 'foolish', 'ideas', 'however', 'mary', 'works', 'another', 'family', 'tells', 'sapna', 'plight', 'shares', 'sapna', 'photo', 'raja', 'pleased', 'photo', 'determined', 'make', 'bride', 'meanwhile', 'sapna', 'looks', 'last', 'resort', 'tries', 'run', 'away', 'uncle', 'catches', 'volunteers', 'take', 'airport', 'travels', 'europe', 'raja', 'creates', 'nothing', 'trouble', 'circumstances', 'separate', 'rest', 'tour', 'group', 'raja', 'saves', 'sapna', 'life', 'fall', 'love', 'wish', 'marry', 'return', 'india', 'raja', 'must', 'first', 'impress', 'three', 'uncles', 'series', 'comic', 'events', 'raja', 'wins', 'hearts', 'sapna', 'happily', 'marry', 'end'], ['set', 'rural', 'west', 'country', 'victorian', 'england', 'story', 'features', 'bathsheba', 'everdene', 'beautiful', 'headstrong', 'independently', 'minded', 'woman', 'inherits', 'uncle', 'farm', 'decides', 'manage', 'engenders', 'disapproval', 'local', 'farming', 'community', 'hires', 'former', 'neighbor', 'gabriel', 'oak', 'shepherd', 'rejected', 'suitor', 'gabriel', 'lost', 'flock', 'sheep', 'one', 'dogs', 'drove', 'steep', 'cliff', 'ignoring', 'gabriel', 'love', 'bathsheba', 'impulsively', 'sends', 'valentine', 'william', 'boldwood', 'nearby', 'gentleman', 'farmer', 'misinterprets', 'capriciousness', 'proposes', 'bathsheba', 'promises', 'consider', 'offer', 'instead', 'however', 'becomes', 'enamored', 'frank', 'troy', 'dashing', 'cavalry', 'officer', 'unaware', 'troy', 'refused', 'marry', 'young', 'fanny', 'robin', 'maidservant', 'pregnant', 'child', 'embarrassed', 'going', 'wrong', 'church', 'wedding', 'day', 'bathsheba', 'foolishly', 'becomes', 'wife', 'troy', 'gambled', 'away', 'bathsheba', 'money', 'created', 'disharmony', 'among', 'farmhands', 'discovers', 'fanny', 'died', 'childbirth', 'filled', 'remorse', 'swears', 'never', 'loved', 'bathsheba', 'walks', 'disappears', 'ocean', 'bathsheba', 'promises', 'marry', 'boldwood', 'troy', 'declared', 'legally', 'dead', 'troy', 'appears', 'engagement', 'party', 'nearly', 'deranged', 'boldwood', 'kills', 'shortly', 'boldwood', 'sent', 'prison', 'gabriel', 'tells', 'bathsheba', 'planning', 'emigrate', 'america', 'realizing', 'much', 'always', 'needed', 'quiet', 'strength', 'unselfish', 'devotion', 'bathsheba', 'persuades', 'gabriel', 'remain', 'weatherbury', 'husband'], ['castproduction', 'notesoctober', '2009', 'lana', 'turner', 'citation', 'needed|dateparish', 'citation', 'considered', 'part', 'maggie', 'role', 'went', 'taylor', 'production', 'began', 'march', '1958', 'march', 'taylor', 'contracted', 'virus', 'kept', 'shoot', 'march', 'canceled', 'plans', 'fly', 'husband', 'mike', 'todd', 'new', 'york', 'honored', 'following', 'day', 'new', 'york', 'friars', 'club', 'plane', 'crashed', 'passengers', 'killed', 'beset', 'grief', 'taylor', 'remained', 'film', 'april', '1958', 'time', 'returned', 'set', 'much', 'thinner', 'weaker', 'condition.parish', '329', 'infobox', 'film', 'despite', 'film', 'highly', 'acclaimed', 'though', 'win', 'academy', 'awards', 'received', 'several', 'nominations', 'including', 'best', 'picture', 'best', 'actor', 'best', 'actress', 'best', 'director', 'film', 'also', 'received', 'nominations', 'best', 'cinematography', 'color', 'best', 'writing', 'screenplay', 'based', 'material', 'another', 'medium', 'burl', 'ives', 'nominated', 'oscar', 'best', 'supporting', 'actor', 'year', 'role', 'epic', 'western', 'big', 'country', 'cat', 'may', 'controversial', 'academy', 'voters', 'film', 'oscars', 'best', 'picture', 'award', 'went', 'gigi', 'year'], [\"'johnny\", 'depp', 'rob', 'morrow', 'star', 'jack', 'ben', 'respectively', 'teen', 'buddies', 'sexual', 'prowl', 'beautiful', 'wealthy', 'girls', 'posh', 'miami', 'resort', 'weekend', 'guests', 'also', 'prowl', 'maestro', 'hector', 'elizondo', 'skilled', 'jewel', 'thief', 'pursuing', 'diamond', 'necklace', 'society', 'woman', 'amanda', 'rawlings', 'accidentally', 'run', 'afoul', 'maestro', 'ben', 'jack', 'suddenly', 'hands', 'full', 'private', 'resort', 'third', 'series', 'comic', 'teen', 'sex', 'romps', 'producer', 'ben', 'efraim', 'word', 'private', 'title'], ['seventeen-year-old', 'susan', 'turner', 'develops', 'crush', 'richard', 'nugent', 'sophisticated', 'bachelor', 'gives', 'lecture', 'art', 'high', 'school', 'susan', 'uncle', 'psychiatrist', 'believes', 'richard', 'innocent', 'bystander', 'manages', 'persuade', 'play', 'along', 'susan', 'infatuation', 'ends', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'efforts', 'shake', 'fail', 'throws', 'charade', 'hoping', 'susan', 'older', 'sister', 'margaret', 'put', 'end', 'affair', 'film', 'ends', 'nugent', 'margaret', 'falling', 'love', 'susan', 'returning', 'happily', 'high', 'school', 'sweetheart', 'jerry'], [\"'following\", 'memorial', 'service', 'investigative', 'reporter', 'joe', 'strombel', 'strombel\\\\', 'spirit', 'finds', 'barge', 'death', 'several', 'others', 'including', 'young', 'woman', 'believes', 'poisoned', 'employer', 'peter', 'lyman', 'woman', 'tells', 'strombel', 'thinks', 'lyman', 'handsome', 'british', 'aristocrat', 'political', 'ambitions', 'may', 'tarot', 'card', 'killer', 'notorious', 'serial', 'killer', 'prostitutes', 'killed', 'stumbled', 'onto', 'secret', 'tarot', 'card', 'killer', 'left', 'card', 'murder', 'victim\\\\', 'body', 'sondra', 'pransky', 'beautiful', 'somewhat', 'awkward', 'american', 'college', 'journalism', 'student', 'vacation', 'london', 'pransky', 'attends', 'performance', 'given', 'magician', 'sid', 'waterman', 'aka', 'great', 'splendini', 'agrees', 'participate', 'stage', 'booth', 'known', 'dematerializer', 'pransky', 'encounters', 'strombel\\\\', 'ghost', 'ghost', 'escaped', 'grim', 'reaper', 'impart', 'suspicions', 'lyman', 'journalist', 'investigate', 'story.the', 'scene', 'influenced', 'one', 'federico', 'fellini', 'nights', 'cabiria', 'stage', 'musician', 'exposed', 'fraud', 'performs', 'actual', 'magic', 'sondra', 'decides', 'infiltrate', 'lyman\\\\', 'privileged', 'world', 'find', 'truly', 'dreaded', 'criminal', 'enlisting', 'sid', 'process', 'taking', 'advantage', 'powers', 'deception', 'sondra', 'catches', 'lyman\\\\', 'attention', 'pretending', 'drown', 'near', 'exclusive', 'club\\\\', 'swimming', 'pool', 'rescues', 'introduces', 'jade', 'spence', 'daughter', 'wealthy', 'oil', 'family', 'palm', 'beach', 'sid', 'poses', 'father', 'jade', 'begins', 'dating', 'lyman', 'sondra', 'convinced', 'lyman', 'murderer', 'sid', 'finds', 'hard', 'believe', 'film', 'progresses', 'however', 'sondra', 'falls', 'love', 'lyman', 'begins', 'trust', 'meanwhile', 'sid', 'becomes', 'less', 'sanguine', 'lyman', 'notices', 'inconsistencies', 'especially', 'sondra', 'find', 'tarot', 'deck', 'hidden', 'french', 'horn', 'peter\\\\', 'vault', 'climate-controlled', 'music', 'room', 'containing', 'expensive', 'antique', 'musical', 'instruments', 'sid', 'finally', 'prevails', 'upon', 'sondra', 'write', 'news', 'story', 'implicating', 'lyman', 'newspaper', 'editor', 'refuses', 'story', 'sondra\\\\', 'lack', 'proof', 'throughout', 'investigations', 'sid', 'sondra', 'relationship', 'turns', 'friendly', 'paternal', 'also', 'antagonistic', '봣ueled', 'largely', 'sondra\\\\', 'annoyance', 'smooth', 'jade', 'spence', 'charade', 'compromised', 'sid\\\\', 'obnoxious', 'attempts', 'act', 'part', 'nouveau', 'riche', 'oil', 'baron', 'soon', 'police', 'arrest', 'real', 'tarot', 'card', 'killer', 'sondra', 'relieved', 'suspicions', 'naught', 'reveals', 'real', 'name', 'deception', 'sid', 'practiced', 'lyman', 'surprisingly', 'gracious', 'tells', 'sondra', 'desires', 'keep', 'seeing', 'plan', 'spend', 'weekend', 'lyman\\\\', 'isolated', 'country', 'estate', 'later', 'sid', 'suggests', 'lyman', 'used', 'tarot', 'card', 'murders', 'cover', 'murder', 'committed', 'sondra', 'lyman', 'vacation', 'country', 'sid', 'continues', 'investigate', 'theory', 'finds', 'lyman', 'frequent', 'prostitute', 'betty', 'gibson', 'later', 'killed', 'apparently', 'tarot', 'card', 'killer', 'gibson', 'described', 'baby-faced', 'blonde', 'lyman', 'convinced', 'dye', 'hair', 'presumably', 'match', 'profile', 'tarot', 'victims', 'sid', 'calls', 'sondra', 'findings', 'waves', 'unbeknownst', 'lyman', 'ominously', 'listening', 'another', 'extension', 'sid', 'breaks', 'lyman\\\\', 'vault', 'time', 'finding', 'mysterious', 'key', 'turns', 'betty', 'gibson\\\\', 'flat', 'meanwhile', 'rowboat', 'lyman\\\\', 'lake', 'lyman', 'confesses', 'sondra', 'killed', 'gibson', 'stop', 'blackmailing', 'used', 'tarot', 'card', 'pattern', 'allay', 'suspicion', 'strombel', 'told', 'sid', 'lyman', 'comments', 'irony', 'first', 'met', 'sondra', 'saving', 'drowning', 'really', 'would', 'drown', 'would', 'kill', 'sid', 'later', 'one', 'would', 'connect', 'obscure', 'stage', 'magician\\\\', 'death', 'clumsy', 'journalism', 'student', 'scene', 'intercut', 'shots', 'sid', 'driving', 'madly', 'lyman', 'estate', 'rescue', 'sondra', 'shot', 'interrupted', 'off-camera', 'crash', 'confession', 'lyman', 'throws', 'sondra', 'lake', 'watches', 'calls', 'police', 'report', 'drowning', 'death', 'question', 'tells', 'sondra', 'terrible', 'swimmer', 'almost', 'drowned', 'first', 'day', 'pool', 'suddenly', 'sondra', 'enters', 'soaking', 'wet', 'smiling', 'cheerfully', 'informs', 'lyman', 'police', 'drowning', 'act', 'get', 'attention', 'actually', 'good', 'swimmer', 'back', 'newspaper', 'offices', 'editor', 'previously', 'rejected', 'sondra\\\\', 'article', 'congratulates', 'sondra', 'brilliant', 'piece', 'investigative', 'journalism', 'start', 'promising', 'career', 'sondra', 'seems', 'flattered', 'says', 'must', 'also', 'credit', 'joe', 'strombel', 'late', 'sid', 'waterman', 'splendini', 'passenger', 'reaper\\\\', 'ship', 'performing', 'fellow', 'spirits', 'magical', 'gags', 'comedy', 'routines', 'life'], ['famous', 'painter', 'named', 'claude', 'zoret', 'falls', 'love', 'one', 'models', 'michael', 'time', 'two', 'live', 'happily', 'partners', 'zoret', 'considerably', 'older', 'michael', 'age', 'michael', 'begins', 'drift', 'although', 'zoret', 'completely', 'blind', 'bankrupt', 'countess', 'comes', 'zoret', 'portrait', 'made', 'real', 'intent', 'seducing', 'swindling', 'money', 'finds', 'michael', 'receptive', 'advances', 'lead', 'two', 'quickly', 'become', 'couple', 'immediately', 'begins', 'using', 'michael', 'steal', 'zoret', 'zoret', 'discovers', 'going', 'crushed', 'work', 'suffers', 'terribly', 'michael', 'sells', 'painting', 'zoret', 'made', 'gave', 'gift', 'steals', 'sells', 'sketches', 'zoret', 'made', 'time', 'algiers', 'first', 'fell', 'love', 'zoret', 'begins', 'work', 'masterpiece', 'large-scale', 'painting', 'man', 'lying', 'beach', 'using', 'algiers', 'background', 'depicting', 'man', 'lost', 'everything', 'one', 'character', 'put', 'first', 'sight', 'work', 'completing', 'painting', 'zoret', 'falls', 'ill.', 'charles', 'switt', 'sits', 'beside', 'zoret', 'deathbed', 'switt', 'always', 'loved', 'zoret', 'stayed', 'throughout', 'never', 'criticizing', 'michael', 'fear', 'hurting', 'unrequited', 'love', 'switt', 'sends', 'message', 'michael', 'telling', 'zoret', 'dying', 'come', 'countess', 'prevents', 'getting', 'zoret\\\\', 'last', 'words', 'also', 'serve', 'prologue', 'film', 'die', 'peace', 'seen', 'true', 'love'], [\"'magazine\", 'publisher', 'van', 'stanhope', 'wife', 'linda', 'celebrating', 'third', 'wedding', 'anniversary', 'much', 'love', 'van', 'gives', 'linda', 'diamond', 'bracelet', 'however', 'van\\\\', 'secretary', 'beautiful', 'helen', 'whitey', 'wilson', 'thought', 'van\\\\', 'mother', 'temptation', 'van', 'linda', 'refuses', 'listen', 'friends', 'van\\\\', 'mother', 'trusts', 'van', 'truth', 'reason', 'world', 'trust', 'relationship', 'whitey', 'strictly', 'business', 'meanwhile', 'whitey\\\\', 'beau', 'dave', 'uncomfortable', 'relationship', 'van', 'calls', 'one', 'night', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'dinner', 'ask', 'whitey', 'help', 'finish', 'work', 'party', 'dave', 'asks', 'whitey', 'marry', 'whitey', 'refuses', 'buries', 'work', 'van', 'secretive', 'buy', 'underwood\\\\', 'weekly', 'fear', 'rival', 'buy', 'instead', 'whitey', 'permitted', 'know', 'providing', 'still', 'conflict', 'van', 'wife', 'van', 'returns', 'business', 'meeting', 'underwood', 'tells', 'linda', 'club', 'day', 'linda', 'discovers', 'club', 'rather', 'whitey', 'merely', 'helping', 'prepare', 'discussion', 'underwood', 'skating', 'party', 'linda', 'sick', 'skate', 'hears', 'one', 'wives', 'van', 'whitey', 'likely', 'affair', 'van', 'whitey', 'skate', 'linda', 'van', 'get', 'car', 'fight', 'linda', 'requests', 'van', 'whitey', 'moved', 'another', 'employer', 'van', 'refuses', 'linda', 'ignores', 'rest', 'evening', 'calls', 'back', 'make', 'van', 'plans', 'trip', 'linda', 'learns', 'underwood', 'conference', 'havana', 'changes', 'plans', \"won\\\\'t\", 'permit', 'linda', 'accompany', 'works', 'whitey', 'learns', 'important', 'information', 'regarding', 'rival', 'paper', 'results', 'van', 'bringing', 'havana', 'close', 'deal', 'celebrating', 'successful', 'closing', 'deal', 'develop', 'drunken', 'attraction', 'consummate', 'attraction', 'linda', 'calls', 'whitey', 'answers', 'phone', 'assumes', 'affair', 'van', 'returns', 'new', 'york', 'linda', 'ignoring', 'entirely', 'asking', 'divorce', 'lonely', 'asks', 'whitey', 'accompany', 'bermuda', 'friend', 'fallen', 'love', 'van', 'agrees', 'realizing', 'van', 'never', 'love', 'much', 'loves', 'linda', 'visits', 'boat', 'linda', 'planned', 'take', 'europe', 'whitey', 'tells', 'back', 'van', 'telling', 'would', 'fool', 'let', 'resistance', 'linda', 'meets', 'office', 'make', 'whitey', 'met', 'dave', 'make', 'well'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'follows', 'portrait', 'photographer', 'jung-won', 'developing', 'romance', 'parking', 'agent', 'da-rim', 'however', 'romance', 'never', 'gets', 'chance', 'develop', 'intimacy', 'jung-won', 'soon', 'finds', 'suffering', 'unnamed', 'illness', 'come', 'terms', 'impending', 'death', 'sets', 'continue', 'living', 'usual', 'going', 'friends', 'spending', 'time', 'family', 'small', 'town', 'lived', 'decades', 'japanese', 'remake', 'directed', 'shunichi', 'nagasaki', 'female', 'character', 'teacher'], ['veronica', 'fisher', 'enters', 'oberkugen', 'music', 'shop', 'looking', 'work', 'although', 'otto', 'oberkugen', 'reluctant', 'take', 'staff', 'wins', 'job', 'persuading', 'wealthy', 'matron', 'singing', 'musical', 'expertise', 'buy', 'harp', 'almost', 'oberkugen', 'list', 'price', 'neither', 'andrew', 'larkin', 'shop', 'senior', 'salesman', 'suspects', 'anonymous', 'pen', 'pal', 'bicker', 'constantly', 'work', 'although', 'becoming', 'increasingly', 'attracted'], [\"'ali\", 'young', 'moroccan', 'gastarbeiter', 'late', 'thirties', 'emmi', '60-year-old', 'widowed', 'cleaning', 'woman', 'meet', 'emmi', 'ducks', 'inside', 'bar', 'driven', 'rain', 'drawn', 'exotic', 'arabic', 'music', 'asfouryeh', 'sabah', 'woman', 'bar', 'suggests', 'ali', 'ask', 'emmi', 'dance', 'accepts', 'strange', 'unlikely', 'friendship', 'develops', 'romance', 'finally', 'decide', 'marry', 'follows', 'bitter', 'noxious', 'reaction', 'relationship', 'gossipy', 'neighbors', 'treat', 'contempt', 'complaining', 'tenement', 'building', 'become', 'filthy', 'emmi', 'shunned', 'coworkers', 'ali', 'faces', 'discrimination', 'every', 'turn', 'emmi', 'tells', 'son-in-law', 'eugen', 'daughter', 'krista', 'love', 'ali', 'eugen', 'thinks', 'screwy', 'landlord\\\\', 'son', 'arrives', 'point', 'sub-letting', 'emmi\\\\', 'tenancy', 'agreement', 'ali', 'must', 'leave', 'within', 'day', 'claims', 'ali', 'planning', 'marry', 'alleviate', 'little', 'difficulty', 'later', 'though', 'ali', 'thinks', 'excellent', 'idea', 'emmi', 'whose', 'first', 'husband', 'polish', 'worker', 'married', 'hitler-loving', 'father\\\\', 'wishes', 'invites', 'three', 'married', 'children', 'meet', 'husband', 'openly', 'reject', 'one', 'sons', 'smashes', 'set', 'anger', 'son', 'declares', 'must', 'lost', 'sanity', 'daughter', 'son-in-law', 'leave', 'pigsty', 'immediately', 'emmi', 'ali', 'take', 'long', 'vacation', 'together', 'escape', 'discrimination', 'return', 'suddenly', 'face', 'prospect', 'social', 'acceptance', 'longing', 'old', 'friends\\\\', 'respect', 'emmi', 'neglects', 'ali', 'comment', 'muscles', 'shows', 'object', 'remark', 'clean', 'says', 'mood', 'swings', 'must', 'foreigner', 'mentality', 'adopting', 'xenophobic', 'attitudes', 'friends', 'order', 'fit', 'emmi', 'would', 'cook', 'ali', 'couscous', 'wanted', 'eat', 'german', 'food', 'generally', 'become', 'german', 'would', 'fit', 'turns', 'bartender', 'barbara', 'used', 'cook', 'begins', 'affair', 'emmi', 'grows', 'desperate', 'relationship', 'deteriorates', 'visits', 'work', 'pretends', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'workmates', 'make', 'fun', 'age', 'seems', 'relationship', 'beyond', 'repair', 'emmi', 'goes', 'back', 'bar', 'meet', 'ali', 'dance', 'agree', 'thing', 'important', 'together', 'must', 'nice', 'moment', 'ali', 'collapses', 'emmi\\\\', 'arms', 'burst', 'stomach', 'ulcer', 'emmi', 'visits', 'ali', 'hospital', 'doctor', 'tells', 'illness', 'common', 'among', 'migrants', 'stress', 'face', 'every', 'day', 'life', 'due', 'prejudice', 'doctor', 'adds', 'ali', 'surgery', 'remove', 'ulcer', 'probably', 'back', 'months', 'another', 'ulcer', 'emmi', 'declares', 'everything', 'power', 'reduce', 'stress'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'spring', 'documents', 'eads\\\\', 'life', 'following', 'winter', 'eads', 'falls', 'love', 'lola', 'male-to-female', 'transgender', 'woman', 'spends', 'remaining', 'warm', 'days', 'company', 'chosen', 'family', 'maxwell', 'cas', 'rest', 'summer', 'mother', 'father', 'drive', 'ten', 'hours', 'visit', 'robert', 'still', 'daughter', 'eyes', 'later', 'year', 'eads', 'makes', 'last', 'appearance', 'southern', 'comfort', 'conference', 'atlanta', 'georgia', 'prominent', 'citation', 'needed', 'transgender', 'gathering', 'already', 'feeling', 'ill', 'addresses', 'crowd', '500', 'takes', 'lola', 'prom', 'never', 'shortly', 'conference', 'eads', 'dies', 'nursing', 'home', 'chosen', 'family', 'eads\\\\', 'death', 'ashes', 'spread', 'across', 'family', 'farm', 'around', 'lone', 'christmas', 'tree', 'symbolize', 'robert\\\\', 'many', 'changes', 'blossomings', 'life', 'eads\\\\', 'friends', 'tom', 'debbie', 'king', 'also', 'appear', 'film', 'saved', 'eads\\\\', 'life', 'collapsed', 'pool', 'blood', 'staying', 'initially', 'sought', 'treatment', 'eads', 'unable', 'locate', 'doctor', 'willing', 'treat', 'transsexual', 'man', 'robert\\\\', 'lifelong', 'struggle', 'outer', 'appearance', 'match', 'inner', 'self', 'salient', 'theme', 'movie', 'persons', 'portrayed', 'movie', 'wrestle', 'themes', 'rejection', 'others', 'rejection', 'self', 'feeling', 'ostracized', 'humanity', 'ultimately', 'crafting', 'lives', 'personal', 'support', 'systems'], [\"'the\", 'core', 'plot', 'begins', 'kidnapping', 'patrick', 'son', 'wealthy', 'industrialist', 'sexual', 'romantic', 'engtanglements', 'push', 'drama', 'forward', 'film\\\\', 'climax', 'gudrun', 'delivers', 'soliloquy', 'importance', 'personal', 'life', 'revolution', 'puts', 'particular', 'emphasis', 'breaking', 'heterosexual', 'possessive', 'sexual', 'norms', 'urging', 'comrades', 'join', 'homosexual', 'intifada', 'pressure', 'gudrun\\\\', 'controlling', 'personality', 'causes', 'group', 'break', 'urban', 'guerrillas', 'escape', 'night', 'd챕nouement', 'characters', 'visited', 'time', 'later', 'several', 'found', 'happiness', 'homosexual', 'relationships', 'established', 'revolutionary', 'activities', 'che', 'become', 'terrorist', 'trainer', 'middle', 'east', 'patrick', 'escapes', 'clyde', 'embark', 'spree', 'bank', 'robberies', 'action', 'reminiscent', 'patty', 'hearst\\\\', 'actions', 'sla', 'gudrun', 'holger', 'settle', 'child', 'named', 'ulrike', 'gudrun', 'believes', 'could', 'embody', 'next', 'generation', 'red', 'army', 'faction'], ['steph', 'broker', 'living', 'paris', 'wants', 'divorce', 'wife', 'patricia', 'marry', 'another', 'woman', 'charlotte', 'however', 'patricia', 'living', 'among', 'venezuelan', 'amazonas', 'indians', 'past', 'years', 'steph', 'travels', 'indian', 'village', 'meet', 'ask', 'sign', 'divorce', 'papers', 'meet', 'patricia', 'tells', 'steph', 'teenage', 'son', 'mimi-siku', 'raised', 'amazonas', 'indian', 'patricia', 'tells', 'steph', 'sign', 'divorce', 'papers', 'unless', 'steph', 'takes', 'mimi-siku', 'visit', 'paris', 'agrees', 'paris', 'mimi-siku', 'meets', 'children', 'steph', 'colleague', 'richard', 'falls', 'love', 'daughter', 'sophie'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'follows', 'flavia', 'married', 'high', 'school', 'teacher', 'encounters', 'free-spirited', 'female', 'singer-songwriter', 'yip', 'tian', 'yuan', 'strikes', 'relationship', 'younger', 'girl', 'flavia', 'lesbian', 'never', 'act', 'like', 'one', 'brought', 'society', 'homosexuality', 'accepted', 'flavia', 'teenager', 'fell', 'love', 'girl', 'class', 'relationship', 'forced', 'end', 'discovered', 'parents', 'flavia', 'heartbroken', 'eventually', 'married', 'competent', 'caring', 'businessman', 'graduated', 'university', '30s', 'married', 'child', 'meets', 'yip', 'beautiful', 'singer-songwriter', 'flavia', 'deeply', 'attracted', 'carefree', 'personality', 'bright', 'spirit', 'falls', 'love', 'yip', 'way', 'fell', 'first', 'love', 'high', 'school', 'slowly', 'dares', 'break', 'worried', 'consequences', 'equally', 'finding', 'true', 'self'], ['middle', 'aged', 'writer', 'pornographic', 'novels', 'scott', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'sixteen', 'year', 'old', 'school', 'girl', 'whilst', 'living', 'london', 'scott', 'refused', 'permanent', 'visa', 'remain', 'britain', 'couple', 'get', 'married', 'move', 'america', 'state', 'law', 'lola', 'must', 'school', 'tensions', 'arise', 'lola', 'wants', 'engage', 'sixteen-year-old', 'pastimes', 'scott', 'struggles', 'complete', 'novels', 'order', 'earn', 'living'], [\"'the\", 'cool', 'crazy', 'tells', 'story', 'ben', 'saul', 'reform', 'school', 'graduate', 'transferred', 'kansas', 'city', 'high', 'school', 'ben\\\\', 'clowning', 'class', 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'visits', 'girlfriend', 'marianne', 'frenhofer', 'inspired', 'commence', 'work', 'painting', 'long', 'ago', 'abandoned', 'belle', 'noiseuse', '봴sing', 'marianne', 'model', 'film', 'painstakingly', 'explores', 'frenhofer', 'creative', 'rebirth', 'uses', 'lengthy', 'real-time', 'takes', 'artist', 'hand', 'working', 'paper', 'canvas'], ['story', 'kamini', 'rahul', 'born', 'dehra', 'dun', 'temperamental', 'ambitious', 'kamna', 'changes', 'name', 'kamini', 'ranawat', 'hires', 'babu', 'manager', 'becomes', 'one', 'sought-after', 'heroines', 'bollywood', 'publicity', 'stunt', 'change', 'image', 'item', 'queen', 'also', 'get', 'attention', 'filmmaker', 'karan', 'johar', 'says', 'love', 'man', 'named', 'rahul', 'london', 'man', 'saying', 'rahul', 'khanna', 'poses', 'childhood', 'sweetheart', 'future', 'husband', 'kamini', 'play', 'along', 'otherwise', 'get', 'film', 'deal', 'looking', 'karan', 'johar', 'results', 'dilemma', 'rahul', 'reveals', 'loved', 'back', 'kamna', 'choose', 'career', 'rahul', 'story', 'gia', 'shiven', 'gia', 'bakshi', 'lives', 'dad', 'col.', 'bakshi', 'love', 'shiven', 'dungarpur', 'get', 'married', 'shortly', 'shiven', 'starts', 'get', 'cold', 'feet', 'thanks', 'misleading', 'words', 'marriage', 'friend', 'juggy', 'decides', 'disappear', 'life', 'leaving', 'col.', 'bakshi', 'alternative', 'arrange', 'gia', 'marriage', 'rohit', 'chhada', 'story', 'seema', 'vinay', 'anjali', 'gia', 'sister', 'seema', 'lives', 'britain', 'married', 'vinay', 'malhotra', 'years', 'two', 'children', 'vinay', 'sees', 'life', 'boring', 'dull', 'woman', 'named', 'anjali', 'comes', 'life', 'two', 'start', 'meet', 'affair', 'starts', 'preparing', 'travel', 'india', 'gia', 'marriage', 'seema', 'finds', 'vinay', 'affair', 'leaving', 'heartbroken', 'story', 'ashutosh', 'tehzeeb', 'ashutosh', 'raina', 'john', 'abraham', 'hindu', 'falls', 'love', 'gets', 'married', 'tehzeeb', 'hussain', 'muslim', 'much', 'chagrin', 'father', 'anything', 'tehzeeb', 'news', 'reporter', 'traveling', 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'death', 'mother', 'zhao', 'insists', 'upon', 'following', 'tradition', 'carrying', 'coffin', 'back', 'remote', 'village', 'foot', 'husband', 'spirit', 'remember', 'way', 'home', 'narrator', 'son', 'recounts', 'story', 'parents', 'courtship', 'famous', 'gained', 'status', 'legend', 'village', 'bleak', 'black', 'white', 'turns', 'vivid', 'colors', 'story', 'shifts', 'past', 'father', 'luo', 'changyu', 'came', 'village', 'teacher', 'immediately', 'zhao', 'became', 'infatuated', 'thus', 'began', 'courtship', 'consisted', 'mostly', 'exchange', 'looks', 'glances', 'two', 'unfortunately', 'courtship', 'interrupted', 'luo', 'summoned', 'government', 'return', 'city', 'zhao', 'heart', 'broken', 'insisted', 'waiting', 'snow', 'fell', 'ill', 'villagers', 'thought', 'would', 'die', 'however', 'upon', 'hearing', 'news', 'illness', 'teacher', 'able', 'sneak', 'back', 'village', 'zhao', 'tears', 'welcomed', 'sight', 'beloved', 'still', 'love', 'would', 'consummated', 'years', 'teacher', 'kept', 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'one', 'day', 'married', 'final', 'scene'], [\"'pete\", 'seltzer', 'introduced', 'tillie', 'schlaine', 'party', 'friends', 'gertrude', 'bert', 'hosts', 'attempting', 'fix', 'pete', 'confirmed', 'bachelor', 'eccentric', 'habits', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'odd', 'motivational', 'research', 'san', 'francisco', 'firm', 'plays', 'ragtime', 'piano', 'makes', 'bad', 'puns', 'periodically', 'pops', 'tillie\\\\', 'life', 'going', 'days', 'without', 'calling', 'showing', 'spontaneously', 'door', 'finally', 'make', 'love', 'learns', 'tillie', 'virgin', 'appears', 'pete', 'might', 'still', 'seeing', 'women', 'gets', 'promotion', 'work', 'tillie', 'announces', 'it\\\\', 'time', 'get', 'married', 'buy', 'house', 'baby', 'boy', 'pete\\\\', 'affairs', 'however', 'apparently', 'continue', 'tillie', 'even', 'needing', 'discourage', 'one', 'young', 'lovers', 'lunch', 'years', 'one', 'day', '9-year-old', 'son', 'robbie', 'stricken', 'fatal', 'illness', 'pete', 'tries', 'shield', 'boy', 'keeping', 'tillie', 'calls', 'world', 'nonsense', 'inevitable', 'death', 'destroys', 'tillie\\\\', 'religious', 'faith', 'ruptures', 'marriage', 'tillie', 'abstains', 'sex', 'pete', 'turns', 'drink', 'takes', 'apartment', 'tillie\\\\', 'depression', 'alleviated', 'bit', 'friendship', 'jimmy', 'gay', 'willing', 'marry', 'would', 'make', 'tillie', 'happy', 'bert', 'makes', 'pass', 'tillie', 'well', 'jimmy', 'conspire', 'make', 'gert', 'reveal', 'true', 'age', 'long', 'last', 'result', 'public', 'brawl', 'two', 'women', 'tillie', 'ends', 'sanitarium', 'life', 'come', 'standstill', 'pete', 'turns', 'one', 'day', 'sees', 'way', 'son\\\\', 'death', 'affects', 'years', 'hiding', 'tillie', 'pete', 'leave', 'side', 'side'], [\"'paul\", 'prentice', 'karl', 'foyle', 'close', 'friends', 'prep', 'school', 'days', 'paul', 'used', 'defend', 'karl', 'violent', 'attacks', 'classmates', 'ridiculed', 'karl', 'effeminate', 'years', 'later', 'reunited', 'literally', 'accident', 'paul', 'motorcycle', 'drives', 'courier', 'runs', 'cab', 'karl', 'riding', 'paul', 'initially', 'surprised', 'discover', 'karl', 'become', 'kim', 'asks', 'get', 're-acquainted', 'first', 'date', 'goes', 'badly', 'kim', 'assumes', 'it\\\\', 'paul', 'nervous', 'seen', 'public', 'paul', 'brings', 'flowers', 'workplace', 'date', 'works', 'better', 'end', 'back', 'paul\\\\', 'place', 'listening', 'music', 'two', 'continue', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'prentice', 'teaching', 'kim', 'ride', 'motorcycle', 'next', 'dinner', 'date', 'kim\\\\', 'place', 'disastrous', 'paul', 'struggling', 'understand', 'transgender', 'issues', 'drinks', 'much', 'ends', 'courtyard', 'outside', 'kim\\\\', 'apartment', 'exposing', 'penis', 'ranting', 'police', 'arrive', 'arrest', 'indecent', 'exposure', 'kim', 'places', 'hand', 'one', 'officers', 'arrests', 'interfering', 'officer', 'police', 'van', 'one', 'officers', 'makes', 'crude', 'remarks', 'kim', 'places', 'hand', 'skirt', 'prentice', 'intervenes', 'beaten', 'officer', 'police', 'station', 'paul', 'charged', 'assaulting', 'officer', 'kim', 'witness', 'terrified', 'trouble', 'intimidated', 'police', 'keeping', 'silent', 'flees', 'sister\\\\', 'home', 'paul\\\\', 'trial', 'assault', 'charges', 'kim', 'able', 'gather', 'courage', 'testify', 'paul', 'still', 'convicted', 'receives', 'token', 'fine', 'reporter', 'courthouse', 'tries', 'buy', 'kim', 'prentice\\\\', 'story', 'refuse', 'return', 'kim\\\\', 'place', 'paul', 'surprised', 'delighted', 'discover', 'kim', 'sexually', 'well', 'emotionally', 'compatible', 'make', 'love', 'paul', 'desperate', 'money', 'following', 'repossession', 'motorcycle', 'sells', 'kim\\\\', 'story', 'london', 'tabloid', 'story', 'splashed', 'papers', 'kim', 'thinks', 'she\\\\', 'going', 'sacked', 'greeting', 'card', 'company', 'instead', 'boss', 'stands', 'behind', 'film', 'draws', 'close', 'it\\\\', 'revealed', 'kim', 'paul', 'living', 'together', 'kim\\\\', 'idea', 'paul', 'sell', 'story'], ['picture', 'follows', 'life', 'pippa', 'mcgee', 'takes', 'giant', 'step', 'involves', 'growing', 'becoming', 'responsible', 'discovering', 'true', 'love', 'freelance', 'travel', 'writer', 'pippa', 'comes', 'home', 'friend', 'wedding', 'finds', 'running', 'father', 'wedding', 'magazine', 'recovers', 'heart', 'attack', 'pippa', 'run', 'magazine', 'wedding', 'bells', 'also', 'save', 'chopping', 'block', 'wedding', 'bells', 'future', 'risk', 'hungry', 'vultures', 'wait', 'take', 'father', 'media', 'conglomerate', 'pippa', 'straight-laced', 'father', 'never', 'truly', 'gotten', 'along', 'since', 'mother', 'died', 'complicate', 'things', 'pippa', 'becomes', 'involved', 'love', 'triangle', 'father', 'right-hand', 'man', 'ian', 'free-spirited', 'photographer', 'hemingway', 'jones', 'everything', 'completed', 'cast', 'token', 'friends', 'lulu', 'jane', 'rachel', 'provide', 'pippa', 'moral', 'support', 'needs', 'get', 'job', 'done', 'love', 'life', 'job', 'editor'], [\"'charlie\", 'barkin', 'german', 'shepherd/collie', 'mix', 'welcomes', 'friend', 'itchy', 'itchiford', 'dachshund', 'heaven', 'latter', 'choked', 'death', 'chicken', 'drumstick', 'however', 'itchy', 'embraces', 'paradise', 'charlie', 'reveals', 'grown', 'bored', 'since', 'death', 'wishes', 'return', 'earth', 'carface', 'charlie\\\\', 'old', 'enemy', 'pit', 'bull/bulldog', 'mix', 'also', 'heaven', 'steals', 'gabriel\\\\', 'horn', 'however', 'upon', 'leaving', 'heaven', 'falling', 'swirl', 'cloud', 'carface', 'loses', 'horn', 'sucked', 'airplane\\\\', 'jet', 'turbines', 'dog', 'angels', 'alerted', 'horn\\\\', 'theft', 'annabelle', 'head', 'angel', 'meaning', 'pearly', 'gates', 'open', 'deceased', 'dogs', 'using', 'smooth', 'talk', 'persuasion', 'annabelle', 'sends', 'charlie', 'itchy', 'san', 'francisco', 'california', 'locate', 'retrieve', 'horn', 'gives', 'miracle', 'use', 'upon', 'arrival', 'city', 'two', 'dogs', 'discover', 'ghosts', 'unable', 'interact', 'physical', 'world', 'seen', 'two', 'bar', 'dogs', 'charlie', 'falls', 'love', 'pretty', 'irish', 'setter', 'named', 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'remain', 'heaven', 'charlie', 'returns', 'earth', 'meeting', 'david', 'sasha', 'david\\\\', 'family', 'home', 'david', 'reunited', 'family', 'learning', 'stepmother\\\\', 'love', 'calls', 'mom', 'david', 'asks', 'keep', 'charlie', 'sasha', 'sasha', 'asks', 'charlie', 'came', 'back', 'charlie', 'tells', 'came', 'back', 'husband', 'much', 'sasha\\\\', 'delight', 'kiss', 'david', 'works', 'magic', 'presents', 'charlie', 'sasha', 'dog', 'bowls', 'names', 'charlie', 'sasha', 'passionately', 'kiss', 'join', 'david', 'family', 'couple'], [\"'the\", 'city', 'athens', 'war', 'terrifying', 'gigantic', 'moussaka', 'accidentally', 'produced', 'ordinary', 'serving', 'hit', 'ray', 'alien', 'space', 'ship'], [\"'danny\", \"o\\\\'neill\", 'fred', 'astaire', 'hank', 'taylor', 'burgess', 'meredith', 'friends', 'rival', 'trumpeters', 'perennials', 'college', 'band', 'managed', 'prolong', 'college', 'career', 'failing', 'seven', 'years', 'row', 'performance', 'ellen', 'miller', 'paulette', 'goddard', 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'number', 'show', 'shaw', 'says', 'really', 'grown', 'something', 'special', 'instead', 'like', 'perpetual', 'sophomore', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'going', 'get', 'married', 'danny', 'head', 'heels', 'music', 'starts', 'successfully', 'dance-conducts', 'composition', 'secure', 'ellen\\\\', 'affections'], ['although', 'aspiring', 'actresses', 'nozomi', 'rana', 'share', 'tokyo', 'apartment', 'owned', 'talent', 'management', 'agency', \"'re\", 'world', 'apart', 'nozomi', 'soft-spoken', 'country', 'girl', 'sado', 'island', 'prides', 'demure', 'city', 'girl', 'rana', 'grew', 'rough', 'area', 'tokyo', 'worldly', 'experienced', 'jaded', 'whilst', 'apartment', 'learn', 'auditioned', 'part', 'highly', 'anticipated', 'film', 'called', 'yakuza', 'wives', 'phone', 'call', 'morning', 'reveal', 'wins', 'role', 'decide', 'stay', 'phone', 'call', 'conversation', 'two', 'actresses', 'turns', 'sour', 'bringing', 'hidden', 'resentment', 'surface', 'pushes', 'committing', 'series', 'violent', 'acts', 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'longtime', 'boyfriend', 'lawyer', 'carl', 'davis', 'christmas', 'morning', 'timmy', 'discovers', 'train', 'set', 'outside', 'apartment', 'door', 'assumes', 'mother', 'got', 'connie', 'realizes', 'must', 'come', 'finds', 'almost-broke', 'steve', 'central', 'park', 'gives', 'tie', 'offers', 'reimburse', 'expensive', 'present', 'refuses', 'money', 'saying', 'wants', 'encourage', 'timmy', 'optimism', 'connie', 'reveals', 'marrying', 'carl', 'new', 'year', 'day', 'steve', 'lets', 'know', 'thinks', 'decision', 'mistake', 'annoyed', 'connie', 'goes', 'home', 'later', 'steve', 'arrested', 'suspicion', 'theft', 'pair', 'stolen', 'salt', 'pepper', 'shakers', 'park', 'bum', 'given', 'gift', 'carl', 'best', 'secure', 'client', 'freedom', 'succeeds', 'annoying', 'police', 'lieutenant', 'connie', 'explains', 'steve', 'bum', 'discomfort', 'carl', 'amusement', 'lieutenant', 'steve', 'released', 'timmy', 'invites', 'steve', 'christmas', 'dinner', 'meal', 'uneasy', 'affair', 'connie', 'former', 'in-laws', 'watching', 'two', 'rivals', 'affections', 'end', 'steve', 'stands', 'announces', 'love', 'connie', 'marry', 'tells', 'leave', 'next', 'day', 'timmy', 'takes', 'train', 'set', 'back', 'crowley', 'get', 'money', 'back', 'steve', 'eventually', 'ends', 'tearfully', 'telling', 'story', 'owner', 'mr.', 'crowley', 'timmy', 'returns', 'home', 'connie', 'carl', 'drive', 'steve', 'hotel', 'give', 'money', 'connie', 'asks', 'carl', 'see', 'steve', 'lawyer', 'realizes', 'chance', 'gives', 'connie', 'sees', 'steve', 'insists', 'stop', 'grieving', 'dead', 'husband', 'storms', 'however', 'finally', 'accepts', 'loves', 'steve', 'takes', 'timmy', 'boards', 'train', 'steve', 'taking', 'california', 'embraces'], [\"'the\", 'first', 'half', 'film', 'shot', 'black', 'white', 'relates', 'story', 'frustrated', 'love', 'affair', 'involving', 'young', 'parisian', 'scriptwriter', 'struggling', 'create', 'project', 'love', 'halfway', 'film', 'taken', 'back', 'period', 'two', 'years', 'past', 'section', 'shot', 'saturated', 'colours', 'employing', 'digital', 'video', 'involves', 'meeting', 'mysterious', 'young', 'woman', 'fails', 'connect', 'young', 'writer'], ['northanger', 'abbey', 'story', 'young', 'woman', 'catherine', 'morland', 'invited', 'bath', 'family', 'friends', 'allens', 'waters', 'bath', 'help', 'mr.', 'allen', 'gout', 'catherine', 'quite', 'sheltered', 'life', 'escaping', 'reading', 'gothic', 'novels', 'delighted', 'bath', 'mrs.', 'allen', 'introduces', 'catherine', 'thorpe', 'family', 'including', 'older', 'girl', 'isabella', 'befriends', 'catherine', 'girls', 'bonded', 'love', 'similar', 'novels', 'brothers', 'arrive', 'james', 'falls', 'love', 'isabella', 'hardened', 'flirt', 'likewise', 'john', 'goes', 'catherine', 'like', 'john', 'half', 'much', 'john', 'likes', 'catherine', 'love', 'however', 'quirky', 'young', 'minister', 'henry', 'tilney', 'met', 'dance', 'catherine', 'befriends', 'henry', 'sister', 'eleanor', 'goes', 'many', 'outing', 'two', 'siblings', 'brother', 'frederick', 'comes', 'bath', 'isabella', 'learned', 'james', 'poor', 'begins', 'flirt', 'frederick', 'tilney', 'eleanor', 'invites', 'catherine', 'stay', 'tilney', 'home', 'northanger', 'abbey', 'catherine', 'accepts', 'pleasure', 'though', 'imagines', 'abbey', 'rather', 'like', 'gloomy', 'castles', 'books', 'catherine', 'first', 'welcomed', 'general', 'tilney', 'bragged', 'john', 'thorpe', 'catherine', 'heiress', 'realizes', 'catherine', 'rich', 'however', 'sends', 'packing', 'back', 'home', 'catherine', 'unhappy', 'missing', 'henry', 'disillusioned', 'precious', 'gothic', 'novels', 'henry', 'appears', 'proposes', 'however', 'story', 'ends', 'happily'], ['chicken', 'rice', 'war', 'loosely', 'based', 'william', 'shakespeare', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'movie', 'montagues', 'capulets', 'represented', 'families', 'wong', 'chan', 'families', 'run', 'chicken', 'rice', 'stalls', 'side', 'side', 'market', 'something', 'authorities', 'say', 'impossible', 'since', 'allowed', 'underlying', 'conflict', 'secret', 'family', 'recipes', 'kept', 'secret', 'generations', 'apart', 'nobody', 'really', 'knows', 'fight', 'audrey', 'chan', 'beautiful', 'vain', 'spoilt', 'girl', 'popular', 'girl', 'school', 'fenson', 'wong', 'insecure', 'young', 'man', 'stutter', 'course', 'madly', 'love', 'audrey', 'common', 'interest', 'shakespeare', 'version', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'setting', 'school', 'fenson', 'gets', 'chance', 'replace', 'audrey', 'beautiful', 'dim', 'boyfriend', 'romeo', 'starts', 'seriously', 'dreaming', 'capturing', 'audrey', 'heart'], [\"'one\", 'day', 'radio', 'dong-hyun', 'receives', 'anonymous', 'package', 'containing', 'velvet', 'underground', 'record', 'dong-hyun', 'hopes', 'record', 'sent', 'former', 'lover', 'decides', 'play', 'song', 'pale', 'blue', 'eyes', 'record', 'time', 'home', 'shopping', 'telemarketer', 'su-heon', 'listens', 'radio', 'program', 'driving', 'car', 'next', 'day', 'su-heon', 'makes', 'request', 'internet', 'dong-hyun', 'play', 'song', 'dong-hyun', 'contacts', 'su-heon', 'hoping', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'someone', 'knows', '...'], [\"'after\", 'dumped', 'boyfriend', '100', 'day', 'anniversary', 'ha-young', 'meets', 'college', 'guy', 'named', 'hyung-joon', 'kicks', 'accidentally', 'hits', 'face', 'causes', 'scratch', 'lexus', 'demands', 'pay', '3000', 'spot', 'escapes', 'leaving', 'wallet', 'behind', 'hyung-joon', 'stalks', 'demanding', 'money', 'pay', 'car', 'since', 'poor', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'hyung-joon', 'writes', 'enslavement', 'agreement', 'ha-young', 'order', 'pay', 'damage', 'car', 'ha-young', 'thrown', 'nightmarish', 'slave', 'life', '100', 'days', 'running', 'errands', 'i.e', 'cleaning', 'house', 'carrying', 'shopping', 'cleaning', 'car', 'accident', 'finds', 'damage', 'hyung-joon\\\\', 'car', 'that\\\\', 'takes', 'revenge', 'however', 'knows', 'hyung-joon', 'shows', 'house', 'new', 'tutor', 'takes', 'advantage', 'soon', 'ha-young', 'finds', 'falling', 'head', 'heels', 'hyung-joon', 'happens', 'drops', 'life', 'needs', 'original', 'korean', 'title', 'literally', 'translated', 'love', 'asshole', 'roughly', 'love', 'no-manners'], [\"'in\", 'city', 'dalian', 'old', 'laid-off', 'factory', 'worker', 'seeks', 'marry', 'obese', 'divorced', 'middle-aged', 'woman', 'hopes', 'bring', 'warmth', 'comfort', 'life', 'sets', 'desperately', 'find', 'way', 'make', 'money', 'rich', 'wedding', 'promised', 'present', 'hapless', 'man', 'friend', 'decide', 'renovate', 'broken', 'bus', 'top', 'hill', 'popular', 'romantic', 'couples', 'turns', 'bus', 'small', 'dwelling', 'names', 'happy', 'times', 'hotel', 'rent', 'willing', 'couples', 'visiting', 'hill', 'brags', 'newly', 'opened', 'hotel', 'much', 'money', 'making', 'finds', 'entrusted', 'care', 'woman\\\\', 'emaciated', 'blind', 'stepdaughter', 'ying', 'unwanted', 'house', 'willing', 'expose', 'scheme', 'ruin', 'attempt', 'get', 'married', 'man', 'enlists', 'help', 'retired', 'co-workers', 'agree', 'make', 'lonely', 'girl', 'happy', 'new', 'job', 'masseuse', 'hotel', 'story', 'unfolds', 'touching', 'friendship', 'childless', 'man', 'dejected', 'orphaned', 'girl', 'care', 'develops', 'leading', 'moving', 'surprising', 'conclusion'], ['expand', 'section', 'understand', 'film', 'need', 'understand', 'book', 'book', 'fowles', 'starts', 'tell', 'story', 'french', 'lieutenant', 'likely', 'refugee', 'french', 'revolution', 'lands', 'english', 'village', 'equally', 'mysterious', 'available', 'woman', 'happens', 'live', 'first', 'chapter', 'begins', 'conventionally', 'enough', 'followed', 'linear', 'fashion', 'second', 'hero', 'heroine', 'happen', 'take', 'walk', 'wood', 'day', 'fail', 'happen', 'meet', 'however', 'chapter', 'fowles', 'starts', 'explaining', 'creates', 'characters', 'mind', 'acquire', 'autonomy', 'inside', 'mind', 'point', 'write', 'novel', 'goes', 'add', 'still', 'retains', 'control', 'takes', 'control', 'chapter', 'retelling', 'walk', 'wood', 'except', 'two', 'happen', 'meet', 'chapter', 'reverts', 'extending', 'version', 'started', 'chapter', 'chapter', 'builds', 'chapter', 'end', 'along', 'chapter', 'retells', 'preceding', 'chapter', 'different', 'ending', 'however', 'storyline', 'remains', 'moving', 'along', 'different', 'parallel', 'versions', 'toward', 'ending', 'choice', 'wed', 'live', 'happily', 'ever', 'separate', 'way', 'transposing', 'duality', 'screen', 'posed', 'enormous', 'challenge', 'continuity', 'story', 'reisz', 'solved', 'relegating', 'male', 'female', 'lead', 'love', 'affair', 'happy', 'ending', '1800s', 'scenes', 'shooting', 'sad', 'ending', 'casting', 'two', 'leads', '1980s', 'actors', 'living', 'offscreen', 'life', 'village', 'crawling', 'pubs', 'engage', 'love', 'affair', 'end', '1800s', 'duo', 'marry', 'final', 'scene', 'alternate', 'final', 'scene', 'presents', '1980s', 'cast', 'party', 'ends', 'male', 'lead', 'waiting', 'parking', 'lot', 'elope', 'female', 'lead', 'fails', 'join', 'viewers', 'read', 'liked', 'novel', 'tended', 'leave', 'cinema', 'delighted', 'reisz', 'ingenuity', 'non-readers', 'tended', 'feel', 'frustrated', 'getting', 'two', 'stories', 'price', 'one', 'readers', 'novel', 'felt', 'frustration', 'feeling', 'intrusion', 'reality', 'novel', 'novelist', 'showing', 'writing', 'skills', 'readers', 'expecting', 'hundred', 'pages', 'escape', 'new', 'corner', 'universe', 'fantasy'], [\"'harold\", 'mcmurphy', 'beverly', 'hills', 'tour', 'bus', 'driver', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'amanda', 'clark', 'up-and-coming', 'actress', 'falls', 'unfortunately', 'mistakes', 'famous', 'screenwriter', 'order', 'romance', 'allows', 'believe'], [\"'stewart\", 'stew', 'smith', 'robert_williams_', 'ace', 'reporter', 'post', 'assigned', 'get', 'story', 'latest', 'escapade', 'playboy', 'michael', 'schuyler', 'breach', 'promise', 'suit', 'chorus', 'girl', 'gloria', 'golden', 'paid', 'drop', 'unlike', 'rival', 'daily', 'tribune', 'reporter', 'bingy', 'baker', 'turns', 'bribe', 'dexter', 'grayson', 'schuylers\\\\', 'lawyer', 'write', 'anything', 'pretend', 'swayed', 'pleas', 'anne', 'michael\\\\', 'sister', 'brazenly', 'calls', 'editor', 'scoop', 'appalling', 'schuylers', 'stew', 'returns', 'house', 'return', 'copy', 'conrad', 'taken', 'schuylers\\\\', 'library', 'butler', 'smythe', 'tries', 'make', 'leave', 'anne', 'sees', 'stew', 'surprises', 'anne', 'presenting', 'michael\\\\', 'love', 'letters', 'gloria', 'intended', 'use', 'extort', 'money', 'schuylers', 'anne', 'offers', 'stew', '5,000', 'check', 'refuses', 'asks', 'reported', 'suit', 'love', 'notes', 'stew', 'explains', 'one', 'news', 'blackmail', 'later', 'tells', 'writing', 'play', 'intrigued', 'anne', 'wonders', 'turn', 'gentleman', 'invites', 'party', 'house', 'fall', 'love', 'soon', 'elope', 'horrifying', 'anne\\\\', 'widowed', 'mother', 'mrs.', 'schuyler', 'imperious', 'dowager', 'looks', 'stew\\\\', 'lower', 'class', 'background', 'michael', 'takes', 'stride', 'telling', 'stew', 'he\\\\', 'bad', 'everyone', 'thinks', 'wedding', 'scooped', 'rival', 'daily', 'tribune', 'enraging', 'editor', 'conroy', 'even', 'upset', 'stew\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'gallagher', 'sob', 'sister', 'columnist', 'secretly', 'pining', 'conroy', 'taunts', 'stew', 'bird', 'gilded', 'cage', 'despite', 'bravado', 'stew', 'upset', 'implication', 'longer', 'man', 'vowing', 'live', 'anne\\\\', 'money', 'however', 'cajoles', 'moving', 'mansion', 'starts', 'make', 'buying', 'garters', 'hiring', 'valet', 'dawson', 'schuylers', 'hold', 'reception', 'spanish', 'ambassador', 'gallagher', 'substitutes', 'society', 'reporter', 'chats', 'stew', 'anne', 'surprised', 'learn', 'husband\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'actually', 'lovely', 'young', 'woman', 'treats', 'gallagher', 'icily', 'bingy', 'tells', 'stew', 'tribune', 'give', 'column', 'signs', 'anne', 'schuyler\\\\', 'husband', 'insulted', 'stew', 'punches', 'bingy', 'calls', 'cinderella', 'man', 'next', 'morning', 'mrs.', 'schuyler', 'aghast', 'find', 'stew\\\\', 'brawl', 'made', 'front', 'page', 'wrestling', 'play', 'stew', 'invites', 'gallagher', 'another', 'friend', 'hank', 'joe\\\\', 'arrive', 'joe', 'several', 'bar', 'patrons', 'tow', 'even', 'bingy', 'shows', 'apologize', 'raucous', 'party', 'ensues', 'meanwhile', 'stew', 'gallagher', 'ponder', 'play', 'deciding', 'base', 'stew\\\\', 'marriage', 'anne', 'mrs.', 'schuyler', 'grayson', 'return', 'party', 'full', 'swing', 'stew', 'apologizes', 'letting', 'party', 'get', 'control', 'protests', 'invite', 'friends', 'house', 'anne', 'replies', 'house', 'stew', 'returns', 'gallagher', 'apartment', 'along', 'way', 'gives', 'homeless', 'man', 'expensive', 'garters', 'grayson', 'stops', 'say', 'anne', 'pay', 'alimony', 'whereupon', 'stew', 'punches', 'stew', 'tells', 'gallagher', 'play', 'could', 'end', 'protagonist', 'divorcing', 'rich', 'wife', 'marrying', 'woman', 'always', 'loved', 'without', 'ever', 'realizing', 'overwhelmed', 'gallagher', 'hugs'], [\"'the\", 'lives', 'inhabitants', 'callej처n', 'los', 'milagros', 'downtown', 'mexico', 'city', 'closely', 'knitted', 'threads', 'rug', 'fifty-something', 'owns', 'small', 'cantina', 'men', 'spend', 'afternoons', 'playing', 'domino', 'he\\\\', 'tired', 'longtime', 'marriage', 'eusebia', 'recently', 'discovered', 'new', 'feelings', 'inside', 'heart', 'matter', 'feelings', 'aimed', 'young', 'lady', 'young', 'clerk', 'one', 'characters', 'says', 'it\\\\', 'platonic', 'love', 'ru\\\\', 'son', 'chava', 'like', 'sees', 'almost', 'kills', 'father\\\\', 'lover', 'running', 'away', 'ru\\\\', 'anger', 'chava', 'escapes', 'usa', 'friend', 'abel', 'deeply', 'love', 'beautiful', 'alma', 'daughter', 'do챰a', 'cata', 'tarot', 'reader', 'bad', 'luck', 'love', 'susanita', 'ugly', 'landlady', 'looking', 'love', 'guicho', 'ru\\\\', 'cynical', 'employee', 'maru', 'fidel', 'do챰a', 'flor', 'zacarias', 'mean', 'jose', 'luis', 'complete', 'cast', 'characters', 'complex', 'portrait', 'lives'], ['castle', 'wealthy', 'couple', 'frank', 'wolff', 'watch', 'blue', 'movie', 'adult', 'son', 'played', 'paolo', 'turco', 'later', 'evening', 'local', 'carnival', 'spot', 'woman', 'appears', 'one', 'performers', 'film', 'decide', 'take', 'home', 'although', 'subsequent', 'viewing', 'film', 'calls', 'woman', 'identity', 'question', 'house', 'guest', 'quickly', 'succeeds', 'seducing', 'various', 'members', 'family', 'resulting', 'revelation', 'certain', 'facts', 'fears', 'desires'], ['working-class', 'district', 'paris', 'albert', 'impecunious', 'street', 'singer', 'lives', 'attic', 'room', 'meets', 'beautiful', 'romanian', 'girl', 'pola', 'falls', 'love', 'one', 'since', 'best', 'friend', 'louis', 'gangster', 'fred', 'also', 'spell', 'one', 'evening', 'pola', 'dares', 'return', 'home', 'fred', 'stolen', 'key', 'feel', 'safe', 'spends', 'night', 'albert', 'reluctantly', 'remaining', 'gentleman', 'sleeps', 'floor', 'leaves', 'bed', 'pola', 'soon', 'decide', 'get', 'married', 'fate', 'prevents', '횋mile', 'thief', 'deposits', 'albert', 'bag', 'full', 'stolen', 'goods', 'discovered', 'police', 'albert', 'sent', 'prison', 'pola', 'finds', 'consolation', 'louis', 'later', '횋mile', 'caught', 'turn', 'admits', 'albert', 'accomplice', 'earns', 'albert', 'freedom', 'fred', 'got', 'back', 'together', 'pola', 'fallen', 'louis', 'jealous', 'fury', 'albert', 'return', 'fred', 'decides', 'provoke', 'knife', 'fight', 'louis', 'rushes', 'albert', 'rescue', 'two', 'comrades', 're-united', 'friendship', 'clouded', 'realisation', 'love', 'pola', 'finally', 'albert', 'decides', 'give', 'pola', 'louis'], ['film', 'opens', 'mexico', 'home', 'upper-class', 'antiques', 'salesman', 'named', 'carlos', 'montero', 'wife', 'rosario', 'whose', 'son', 'carlos', 'carlitos', 'accused', 'stealing', 'principal', 'school', 'carlitos', 'scolded', 'harshly', 'father', 'comes', 'home', 'locked', 'room', 'carlitos', 'runs', 'away', 'found', 'engineer', 'named', 'julio', 'mistral', 'works', 'forest', 'julio', 'returns', 'boy', 'parents', 'carlos', 'grateful', 'julio', 'becomes', 'great', 'friends', 'montero', 'family', 'private', 'asks', 'rosario', 'really', 'married', 'harsh', 'mannered', 'older', 'man', 'one', 'day', 'rosario', 'carlitos', 'pay', 'visit', 'julio', 'forest', 'carlos', 'spends', 'day', 'town', 'business', 'carlitos', 'enjoys', 'immensely', 'fishing', 'trout', 'rosario', 'julio', 'converse', 'privately', 'julio', 'notes', 'unhappy', 'rosario', 'reveals', 'unhappy', 'married', 'carlos', 'money', 'young', 'julio', 'sympathizes', 'plight', 'woman', 'never', 'truly', 'loved', 'fall', 'love', 'rosario', 'julio', 'begin', 'affair', 'julio', 'tries', 'convince', 'run', 'away', 'brazil', 'eventually', 'agrees', 'decides', 'wait', 'carlos', 'suffers', 'severe', 'heart', 'attack', 'carlos', 'ultimately', 'lives', 'rosario', 'refuses', 'julio', 'unable', 'separate', 'carlitos', 'father', 'grown', 'close', 'since', 'illness', 'film', 'skips', 'years', 'future', 'carlos', 'younger', 'brother', 'miguel', 'graduated', 'medical', 'school', 'one', 'day', 'news', 'arrives', 'julio', 'mistral', 'died', 'decided', 'money', 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'tropics', 'research', 'film', 'ends', 'rosario', 'placing', 'picture', 'julio', 'mantelpiece'], ['harrison', 'struggling', 'freelance', 'writer', 'becomes', 'unwilling', 'babysitter', 'precocious', 'little', 'six-year-old', 'girl', 'jenny', 'mother', 'melissa', 'one', 'harrison', 'former', 'girlfriends', \"n't\", 'seen', 'time', 'asks', 'babysit', 'melissa', 'needs', 'town', 'several', 'weeks', 'harrison', 'originally', 'unenthusiastic', 'arrangement', 'soon', 'develops', 'tenderness', 'jenny', 'little', 'jenny', 'decides', 'harrison', 'needs', 'steady', 'girlfriend', 'plays', 'matchmaker', 'harrison', 'holly', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'frequently', 'visits', 'coffee', 'shop', 'harrison', 'jenny..', 'harrison', 'later', 'writes', 'stories', 'jenny', 'mr.', 'dodo', '봦er', 'favorite', 'stuffed', 'animal', 'jenny', 'secretly', 'gets', 'holly', 'transcribe', 'books', 'submit', 'publisher', 'eventually', 'harrison', 'discovers', 'jenny', 'father', 'finally', 'near', 'end', 'harrison', 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'ray', 'wants', 'marry', 'asks', 'father', 'permission', 'papa', 'martelli', 'forbids', 'saying', 'family', 'eldest', 'daughters', 'must', 'married', 'youngest', 'ray', 'tries', 'speed', 'process', 'sends', 'two', 'eligible', 'bachelors', 'america', 'pretense', 'business', 'quickly', 'introduced', 'two', 'sisters', 'maria', 'nina', 'makes', 'mistake', 'buying', 'anton\\\\', 'artwork', 'order', 'make', 'poor', 'count', 'feel', 'worthy', 'proposing', 'maria', 'backfires', 'maria', 'furious', 'ray', 'apologizes', 'kiss', 'suddenly', 'realizing', 'involved', 'wrong', 'sister', 'ray', 'fix', 'party', 'papa', 'martelli', 'rushed', 'saying', 'ray', 'engaged', 'daughter', 'nina', 'upsets', 'mike', 'much', 'decides', 'leave', 'ray', 'hurriedly', 'urges', 'mike', 'stay', 'fight', 'girl', 'loves', 'takes', 'everything', 'finally', 'works', 'ray', 'finds', 'job', 'anton', 'involves', 'traveling', 'bombay', 'long', 'period', 'time', 'meanwhile', 'persuades', 'maria', 'he\\\\', 'sincere', 'next', 'thing', 'know', 'papa', 'martelli', 'planning', 'four', 'weddings'], ['italian', 'commedia', \"dell'arte\", 'troupe', 'arrives', 'small', 'peruvian', 'town', '18th', 'century', 'chief', 'aristocrat', 'town', 'viceroy', 'acquired', 'fabulous', 'golden', 'coach', 'europe', 'planning', 'give', 'mistress', 'falls', 'love', 'camilla', 'leading', 'actress', 'troupe', 'gives', 'instead', 'camilla', 'enjoying', 'high', 'life', 'viceroy', 'mistress', 'also', 'loved', 'leader', 'troupe', 'local', 'star', 'toreador', 'viceroy', 'ministers', 'shocked', 'profligacy', 'threaten', 'depose', 'camilla', 'eventually', 'solves', 'problem', 'donating', 'coach', 'bishop', 'lima', 'camilla', 'returns', 'theatre', 'troupe', 'film', 'ends', 'celebration', 'theatre', 'superiority', 'life'], [\"'sir\", 'alfred', 'carter', 'world-famous', 'symphony', 'conductor', 'returns', 'visit', 'native', 'england', 'discovers', 'rich', 'boring', 'brother-in-law', 'august', 'henshler', 'misunderstood', 'alfred\\\\', 'casual', 'instruction', 'watch', 'much', 'younger', 'wife', 'daphne', 'away', 'instead', 'hired', 'detective', 'named', 'sweeney', 'follow', 'alfred', 'livid', 'ineptly', 'attempts', 'destroy', 'evidence', 'detective\\\\', 'report', 'eventually', 'despite', 'efforts', 'learns', 'content', 'report', 'directly', 'sweeney', 'gone', 'wife', 'spied', 'late', 'night', 'going', 'hotel', 'room', 'alfred\\\\', 'secretary', 'anthony', 'windborn', 'man', 'closer', 'age', 'stayed', 'thirty-eight', 'minutes', 'distressed', 'news', 'alfred', 'quarrels', 'daphne', 'proceeding', 'concert', 'conducts', 'three', 'distinct', 'pieces', 'romantic-era', 'music', 'envisioning', 'revenge', 'scenarios', 'appropriate', 'one', 'complicated', 'perfect', 'crime', 'scenario', 'murders', 'wife', 'frames', 'windborn', 'nobly', 'accepting', 'situation', 'giving', 'daphne', 'generous', 'check', 'blessing', 'prelude', 'wagner\\\\', 'tannh채user', 'game', 'russian', 'roulette', 'blubbering', 'windborn', 'ends', 'carter\\\\', 'suicide', 'tchaikovsky\\\\', 'francesca', 'rimini', 'concert', 'alfred', 'tries', 'stage', 'fantasy', 'murdering', 'wife', 'thwarted', 'ineptness', 'making', 'mess', 'apartment', 'process', 'daphne', 'returns', 'home', 'realizes', 'really', 'loves', 'learns', 'innocent', 'sweeney\\\\', 'charges', 'gone', 'windborn\\\\', 'room', 'search', 'sister', 'barbara', 'august\\\\', 'wife', 'affair', 'windborn', 'became', 'trapped', 'saw', 'sweeney', 'spying', 'room', 'alfred', 'begs', 'daphne\\\\', 'forgiveness', 'irrational', 'behavior', 'gladly', 'gives', 'ascribing', 'creative', 'temperament', 'great', 'artist.tcm', 'full', 'synopsis', 'ref', 'nameavg', 'sql=1:51839~t0', 'plot', 'synopsis'], ['lonely', 'young', 'man', 'mario', 'meets', 'lonely', 'young', 'woman', 'natalia', 'mario', 'lonely', 'social', 'reasons', 'stranger', 'newcomer', 'town', 'natalia', 'lonely', 'always', 'lived', 'isolation', 'even', 'heart', 'city', 'loneliness', 'intensified', 'love', 'man', 'may', 'ever', 'return', 'continues', 'occupy', 'heart', 'exclusion', 'possible', 'relationship', 'turning', 'dostoevsky', 'story', 'film', 'visconti', 'eliminated', 'first-person', 'narration', 'made', 'natalia', 'less', 'innocent', 'times', 'something', 'hysteric', 'tease', 'part', 'mario', 'rejects', 'obvious', 'offers', 'romantic', 'attention', 'women', 'story', 'holding', 'fruitless', 'obsession', 'mario', 'thanks', 'young', 'woman', 'moment', 'happiness', 'brought', 'however', 'left', 'alone', 'end', 'film', 'befriending', 'stray', 'dog', 'met', 'beginning', 'back', 'square', 'one', 'put', 'energy', 'pursuing', 'fantasy', 'obsession', 'rather', 'prospect', 'real', 'love'], [\"'disappointed\", 'marriage', 'lover', 'woman', 'love', 'prostitute', 'harumi', 'drifts', 'city', 'remote', 'japanese', 'outpost', 'manchuria', 'work', 'comfort', 'house', 'brothel', 'sino-japanese', 'war', 'commanding', 'adjutant', 'takes', 'immediate', 'liking', 'new', 'girl', 'first', 'fascinated', 'comes', 'love', 'mimaki', 'officer\\\\', 'aide', 'first', 'haughty', 'indifferent', 'girl', 'enrages', 'drawn', 'together', 'eventually', 'abused', 'manipulated', 'adjutant', 'grows', 'hate', 'officer', 'seeks', 'solace', 'mimaki\\\\', 'arms', 'carry', 'clandestine', 'affair', 'dangerous', 'breech', 'code', 'tragedy', 'strikes', 'chinese', 'attack', 'outpost', 'mimaki', 'severely', 'wounded', 'trench', 'harumi', 'runs', 'captured', 'enemy', 'unconscious', 'chinese', 'dress', 'wounds', 'given', 'opportunity', 'withdraw', 'japanese', 'soldier', 'bound', 'code', 'captured', 'harumi\\\\', 'intervention', 'prevents', 'killing', 'custody', 'japanese', 'harumi', 'sent', 'back', 'brothel', 'mimaki', 'court-martialed', 'executed', 'disgrace', 'another', 'attack', 'outpost', 'escapes', 'harumi\\\\', 'aid', 'instead', 'fleeing', 'intends', 'blow', 'clear', 'battalion\\\\', 'honor', 'leaps', 'body', 'die', 'together'], ['three', 'wealthy', 'savvy', 'high', 'school', 'seniors', 'stream', 'hodsell', 'smart', 'down-to-earth', 'strawberry', 'blonde', 'sassy', 'jenny', 'simon', 'masks', 'intelligence', 'behind', 'guise', 'fishnet', 'stockings', 'soulful', 'nell', 'kellner', 'attend', 'prestigious', 'expensive', 'halton', 'school', 'manhattan', 'everything', 'brains', 'beauty', 'money', 'popularity', 'powerful', 'parents', 'boyfriends', 'like', 'chad', 'garage', 'band', 'musician', 'henry', 'rockefeller', 'lipschitz', 'still', 'unfulfilled', 'losing', 'virginity', 'without', 'obtaining', 'sexual', 'satisfaction', 'stream', 'confused', 'well', 'unfulfilled', 'studies', 'problem', 'self-help', 'books', 'women', 'magazines', 'comically', 'misinformed', 'advice', 'peers', 'judy', 'hodsell', 'stream', 'distracted', 'ex-hippie', 'mom', 'dick', 'hodsell', 'yuppie', 'father', 'new', 'young', 'girlfriend', 'mimi', 'mr.', 'jennings', 'feel-good', 'career', 'counselor'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'opens', 'animated', 'telling', 'tom찼s', 'fuentes\\\\', 'life', 'always', 'surrounded', 'women', 'current', 'life', 'representative', 'olivero', 'sanchez', 'marketing', 'group', 'los', 'angeles', 'busy', 'travelling', 'visit', 'three', 'girlfriends', 'give', 'gift', 'cici', 'cocktail', 'waitress', 'miami', 'enjoys', 'center', 'attention', 'patricia', 'sofia', 'ordonez', 'coronado', 'del', 'pescador', 'debutante', 'new', 'york\\\\', 'high', 'society', 'tired', 'mother\\\\', 'endless', 'attempts', 'marry', 'lorena', 'morales', 'lawyer', 'chicago', 'loves', 'tomas', 'makes', 'feel', 'sexy', 'fallen', 'given', 'affectionate', 'nickname', 'papi', 'love', 'triangle', 'sorts', 'affects', 'tom찼s\\\\', 'work', 'life', 'causing', 'pass', 'presentation', 'doctor', 'learns', 'love', 'triangle', 'tells', 'tom찼s', 'choose', 'one', 'woman', 'prescribes', 'tranquilizers', 'advises', 'driving', 'alcohol', 'women', 'strange', 'coincidence', 'three', 'girlfriends', 'los', 'angeles', 'hearing', 'horoscopes', 'read', 'walter', 'mercado', 'univision\\\\', 'primer', 'impacto', 'fortune', 'teller', 'unfortunately', 'arrive', 'gets', 'home', 'doctor\\\\', 'end', 'surprising', 'instead', 'fighting', 'three', 'agree', 'leave', 'quit', 'tomas', 'cold', 'turkey', 'revenge', 'cheating', 'absence', 'tom찼s', 'arrives', 'home', 'takes', 'tranquilizers', 'alcohol', 'girls', 'second', 'thoughts', 'leaving', 'return', 'confront', 'tom찼s', 'directly', 'first', 'lorena', 'patricia', 'finally', 'cici', 'causing', 'tom찼s', 'overdose', 'alcohol', 'tranquilizers', 'pass', 'mary', 'tom찼s\\\\', 'secretary', 'calls', 'hoping', 'better', 'outside', 'tomas\\\\', 'house', 'fbi', 'agent', 'carmen', 'rivera', 'waiting', 'followed', 'cici', 'los', 'angeles', 'part', 'investigation', 'fala', 'cici\\\\', 'business', 'partner', 'cici', 'boyfriend', 'ricky', 'favor', 'taking', 'car', 'sold', 'online', 'buyer', 'los', 'angeles', 'ricky', 'involved', 'whittaker', 'counterfeit', 'ring', 'agent', 'rivera', 'investigating', 'girls', 'spot', 'panicking', 'tomas', 'think', 'l.a.', 'woman', 'called', 'probably', 'cell', 'phone', 'scared', 'agent', 'rivera\\\\', 'firearm', 'girls', 'decide', 'take', 'tom찼s', 'house', 'wait', 'wakes', 'decide', 'girl', 'wants', 'load', 'bags', 'ricky\\\\', 'car', 'short', 'chase', 'decide', 'stay', 'marriott', 'hotel', 'instead', 'motel', 'unfortunately', 'patricia\\\\', 'credit', 'cards', 'canceled', 'mother', 'however', 'lorena', 'saving', 'grace', 'miss', 'latina', 'american', 'beauty', 'pageant', 'held', 'hotel', 'miss', 'puerto', 'rico\\\\', 'flight', 'delayed', 'lorena', 'bears', 'resemblance', 'real', 'beauty', 'contestant', 'takes', 'place', 'cici', 'passes', 'patricia', 'staff', 'moving', 'bags', 'miss', 'puerto', 'rico\\\\', 'room', 'bag', 'falls', 'cart', 'onto', 'luggage', 'room', 'floor', 'hotel', 'room', 'three', 'girls', 'dinner', 'empty', 'three', 'bottles', 'champagne', 'share', 'life', 'stories', 'dream', 'end', 'tom찼s', 'feel', 'bad', 'leaving', 'two', 'behind', 'next', 'morning', 'lorena', 'meet', 'judges', 'cici', 'deliver', 'ricky\\\\', 'car', 'man', 'named', 'rodrigo', 'apparently', 'bought', 'leave', 'tom찼s', 'absence', 'he\\\\', 'taken', 'agent', 'rivera', 'followed', 'hotel', 'turns', 'rodrigo', 'interested', 'car', 'bag', 'supposed', 'trunk', 'upon', 'returning', 'hotel', 'rodrigo\\\\', 'associate', 'victor', 'freddy', 'rodriguez', 'girls', 'discover', 'tom찼s', 'missing', 'note', 'reads', 'want', 'papi', 'back', 'bring', 'money', 'quixote', 'puppet', 'l.a.', 'latin', 'festival', 'cops', 'patricia', 'knocks', 'victor', 'lamp', 'cici', 'calls', 'fala', 'miami', 'answers', 'car', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'get', 'left', 'note', 'says', 'interrupted', 'costas', 'delgado', 'director', 'pageant', 'looking', 'lorena', 'needs', 'meet', 'judges', 'immediately', 'patricia', 'finds', 'extra', 'bag', 'filled', 'money', 'luggage', 'room', 'cici', 'gets', 'map', 'festival', 'victor', 'comes', 'calls', 'rodrigo', 'plan', 'catch', 'girls', 'festival', 'miss', 'mexico', 'interviewed', 'lorena', 'unbuttons', 'blouse', 'slightly', 'show', 'cleavage', 'costas', 'helps', 'sash', 'lorena\\\\', 'interview', 'patricia', 'cici', 'arrive', 'real', 'miss', 'puerto', 'rico', 'outs', 'lorena', 'impostor', 'cici', 'trips', 'allowing', 'three', 'escape', 'outside', 'tom찼s', 'wakes', 'agent', 'rivera\\\\', 'car', 'agent', 'rivera', 'tells', 'intends', 'use', 'girls', 'order', 'detain', 'victor', 'rodrigo', 'follow', 'girls', 'festival', 'leave', 'ricky\\\\', 'car', 'way', 'girls\\\\', 'car', 'breaks', 'completely', 'steal', 'harley-davidson', 'motorcycle', 'patricia', 'knows', 'drive', 'promising', 'owner', 'bring', 'right', 'back', 'lose', 'map', 'agent', 'rivera', 'another', 'chase', 'upon', 'arrival', 'girls', 'see', 'puppet', 'behind', 'stage', 'running', 'crowd', 'avoid', 'cops', 'patricia', 'loses', 'one', 'colored', 'contact', 'lenses', 'since', 'looks', 'much', 'better', 'without', 'money', 'simply', 'takes', 'one', 'victor', 'rodrigo', 'spot', 'girls', 'run', 'stage', 'sheila', 'performing', 'dance', 'singer', 'christina', 'vidal\\\\', 'song', 'dejar챕', 'regardless', 'mixed', 'dance', 'backgrounds', 'victor', 'rodrigo', 'get', 'closer', 'stage', 'causing', 'girls', 'run', 'mid-performance', 'run', 'puppet', 'carmen', 'fbi', 'agents', 'surround', 'apprehend', 'victor', 'rodrigo', 'tom찼s', 'reunited', 'three', 'girlfriends', 'apologizes', 'deception', 'unable', 'choose', 'girls', 'however', 'found', 'inner', 'strengths', 'choose', 'leave', 'instead', 'tom찼s', 'decides', 'take', 'agent', 'carmen\\\\', 'advice', 'spend', 'time', 'alone', '...', 'taking', 'dinner', 'returning', 'festival', 'crowds', 'girls', 'invited', 'return', 'stage', 'dance', 'christina', 'vidal\\\\', 'song', 'it\\\\', 'nothing', 'movie\\\\', 'timeline', 'advances', 'five', 'months', 'later', 'girls', 'kept', 'touch', 'patricia', 'moved', 'apartment', 'dog', 'fifi', 'gotten', 'job', 'art', 'gallery', 'cici', 'entertainer', 'cruise', 'liner', 'business', 'partner', 'fala', 'lorena', 'still', 'lawyer', 'working', 'pro-bono', 'puts', 'time', 'good', 'use', 'becomes', 'self-proclaimed', 'queen', 'tango', 'fifi', 'hears', 'horoscope', 'advises', 'outside', 'door', 'love', 'waiting', 'movie', 'ends', 'fifi', 'finding', 'puppy', 'chulo'], ['miss', 'lucy', 'honeychurch', 'english', 'hamlet', 'surrey', 'holiday', 'italy', 'much', 'older', 'cousin', 'chaperone', 'charlotte', 'bartlett', 'charlotte', 'conventionally', 'english', 'extremely', 'restrictive', 'personality', 'tends', 'get', 'way', 'expressing', 'emotions', 'manipulate', 'others', 'lucy', 'brought', 'upper', 'class', 'loving', 'easygoing', 'household', 'fewer', 'inhibitions', 'creates', 'strong', 'tension', 'charlotte', 'contrast', 'free-thinking', 'free-spirited', 'backdrop', 'italy', 'small', 'pensione', 'lucy', 'meets', 'people', 'reverend', 'beebe', 'two', 'miss', 'alans', 'author', 'miss', 'eleanor', 'lavish', 'well', 'aging', 'mr.', 'emerson', 'handsome', 'philosophical', 'son', 'george', 'becomes', 'friends', 'charlotte', 'men', 'although', 'also', 'english', 'represent', 'forward-thinking', 'ideals', 'turn-of-the-century', 'seeking', 'leave', 'behind', 'repression', 'caution', 'norm', 'victorian', 'times', 'first', 'two', 'emerson', 'men', 'seem', 'strange', 'unfamiliar', 'lucy', 'charlotte', 'men', 'seem', 'unaware', 'finer', 'upper', 'class', 'victorian', 'manners', 'offer', 'lucy', 'charlotte', 'room', 'view', 'gentlemen', 'already', 'slept', 'charlotte', 'fusses', 'must', 'give', 'appear', 'overbearingly', 'rude', 'lucy', 'begins', 'journey', 'maturity', 'finds', 'drawn', 'george', 'due', 'mysterious', 'thinking', 'readily', 'expressed', 'emotions', 'number', 'people', 'residing', 'pensione', 'take', 'carriage', 'ride', 'country', 'mischievous', 'italian', 'driver', 'gets', 'back', 'charlotte', 'misdirecting', 'unchaperoned', 'lucy', 'george', 'barley', 'field', 'admires', 'view', 'george', 'suddenly', 'embraces', 'passionately', 'kisses', 'lucy', 'approaches', 'charlotte', 'followed', 'lucy', 'witnesses', 'act', 'quickly', 'stops', 'intimacy', 'george', 'unreserved', 'passion', 'shocks', 'lucy', 'also', 'lights', 'secret', 'desire', 'romance', 'heart', 'charlotte', 'suggests', 'george', 'kissing', 'act', 'rake', 'charlotte', 'makes', 'reference', 'heartbreak', 'youth', 'occurred', 'way', 'behaved', 'accordingly', 'disgust', 'anger', 'toward', 'george', 'charlotte', 'uses', 'guilt', 'coerce', 'lucy', 'secrecy', 'save', 'reputations', 'young', 'lady', 'chaperone', 'mostly', 'benefit', 'normally', 'young', 'man', 'kissed', 'young', 'lady', 'engagement', 'announced', 'preserve', 'reputation', 'charlotte', 'considers', 'george', 'undesirable', 'influence', 'upon', 'returning', 'england', 'lucy', 'tells', 'mother', 'nothing', 'due', 'charlotte', 'influence', 'pretends', 'forget', 'incident', 'accepts', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'uptight', 'respectable', 'wealthy', 'man', 'named', 'cecil', 'vyse', 'however', 'soon', 'learns', 'george', 'father', 'moved', 'small', 'village', 'neighbors', 'due', 'letter', 'cecil', 'vyse', 'inviting', 'reside', 'empty', 'cottage', 'appearance', 'george', 'soon', 'disrupts', 'lucy', 'plans', 'causes', 'suppressed', 'feelings', 'resurface', 'complicated', 'supposed', 'need', 'secrecy', 'lucy', 'consistently', 'refuses', 'george', 'attempts', 'woo', 'charlotte', 'admonitions', 'confused', 'lucy', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'cecil', 'due', 'george', 'influence', 'plans', 'travel', 'two', 'miss', 'alans', 'time', 'escape', 'nearness', 'george', 'george', 'also', 'decided', 'must', 'move', 'peace', 'mind', 'makes', 'arrangements', 'lucy', 'stops', 'reverend', 'beebe', 'confronted', 'george', 'father', 'leave', 'town', 'lucy', 'runs', 'road', 'catches', 'mother', 'carriage', 'reveals', 'truth', 'feelings', 'end', 'see', 'george', 'lucy', 'honeymooning', 'italian', 'pensione', 'met', 'room', 'view'], ['episodic', 'story', 'set', 's찾o', 'paulo', 'notorious', 'prison', 'carandiru', 'one', 'latin', 'america', 'largest', 'violent', 'prison', 'systems', 'dr.', 'drauzio', 'varella', 'arrives', 'prison', 'volunteer', 'test', 'prisoners', 'deadly', 'hiv', 'infection', 'seeing', 'disease', 'overcrowding', 'rampant', 'circulation', 'drugs', 'doctor', 'realizes', 'much', 'prison', 'controlled', 'inmates', 'decorate', 'cells', 'established', 'pecking', 'order', 'strong', 'inhabit', 'messy', 'individual', 'suites', 'weak', 'jammed', 'together', 'many', 'sixteen', 'sharing', 'convert', 'cell', 'several', 'narratives', 'develop', 'film', 'attempted', 'murder', 'peixeira', 'solitary', 'confinement', 'chico', 'romance', 'lady', 'way', 'dr.', 'varella', 'establishes', 'routine', 'comes', 'see', 'prisoners', 'survivors', 'movie', 'ends', 'violent', 'prison', 'riot', 'historically', 'took', 'place', 'october', '1992.', 'repression', 'riot', 'became', 'known', 'carandiru', 'massacre'], ['group', 'childhood', 'friends', 'sleepover', 'bachelorette', 'party', 'jamie', 'conversations', 'evolve', 'topic', 'relationships', 'men', 'sex', 'related', 'fantasies', 'group', 'includes', 'two', 'sisters', 'rachel', 'jill', 'remains', 'emotional', 'tension', 'hostess', 'evening', 'bisexual', 'georgina', 'pestered', 'possessive', 'live-in', 'lover', 'chris', 'declines', 'join', 'party', 'staying', 'bedroom'], [\"'geek\", 'hlynur', 'approaching', 'grand', 'old', 'age', 'still', 'lives', 'mother', 'divorced', 'alcoholic', 'father', 'downloads', 'cyberporn', 'wanders', 'around', 'reykjav챠k', 'half-heartedly', 'searching', 'job', 'spending', 'lots', 'time', 'kaffibarinn', 'central', 'reykjav챠k', 'bar', 'happens', 'owned', 'writer/director', 'baltasar', 'korm찼kur', 'soundtrack', 'composer', 'damon', 'albarn', 'long-standing', 'icelandophile', 'cramped', 'dark', 'oddly', 'furnished', 'house', 'hlynur', 'mother', 'live', 'features', 'bath', 'transfigures', 'sofa', 'hlynur', 'steps', 'naked', 'middle', 'lounge', 'mother', 'watching', 'hlynur\\\\', 'isolated', 'world', 'small', 'metaphor', 'home', 'country', 'going', 'along', 'rather', 'blissfully', 'ignorant', 'greater', 'joys', 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'plenty', 'excess', 'iota', 'effort', 'sees', 'real', 'future', 'rather', 'entire', 'life', 'supported', 'icelandic', 'welfare', 'state', 'it\\\\', 'great', 'system', 'says', 'asked', 'hlynur', 'responds', 'nothing', 'pushed', 'kind', 'nothing', 'replies', 'way', 'nothing', 'kind', 'nothing', 'even', 'death', 'serious', 'topic', 'hlynur', 'intoxicating', 'out-all-night', 'weekends', 'inspire', 'weekend', 'drop', 'dead', 'says', 'lighting', 'lucky', 'atop', 'snow-capped', 'mountain', 'lies', 'snow', 'gradually', 'covers', 'plans', 'scuppered', 'rainfall', 'melting', 'would-be', 'tomb', 'mixed', 'thoughts', 'include', 'musings', 'suicide', 'worst', 'thing', 'aids', 'method', 'suicide', 'takes', 'long', 'die', 'hand', 'hlynur\\\\', 'fantasy', 'life', 'alive', 'passion', 'glimpses', 'subconscious', 'show', 'deeply', 'conflicted', 'sense', 'self', 'flashbacks', 'alcoholic', 'father', 'mix', 'sexual', 'fantasies', 'lovely', 'lola', 'quickly', 'reveal', 'mom\\\\', 'bed', 'quick', 'trip', 'suburbs', 'dinner', 'extended', 'family', 'hlynur', 'comically', 'disturbed', 'mundane', 'family', 'ritual', 'imagines', 'bloodbath', 'scene', 'killing', 'everyone', 'close', 'range', 'shotgun', 'brought', 'back', 'reality', 'hlynur\\\\', 'blank', 'slate', 'effortless', 'personality', 'come', 'back', 'fore', 'thinking', 'nice', 'couch', 'explains', 'previously', 'slaughtered', 'family', 'hlynur\\\\', 'confusion', 'whole', 'situation', 'expressed', 'rather', 'profound', 'imaginative', 'musings', '...', 'mother', 'lesbian', 'father', 'boozer', 'offspring', 'lesbian', 'boozer', 'it\\\\', 'like', 'two', 'birds', 'different', 'species', 'lesbian', 'bird', 'boozer', 'bird', 'boozer', 'wetland', 'bird', 'he\\\\', 'rather', 'heavy', '...', 'needs', 'good', 'run-up', 'get', 'ground', 'fly', 'long', 'time', 'good', 'stamina', 'several', 'weeks', 'may', 'pass', 'gets', 'back', 'ground', 'lies', 'low', 'goes', 'defensive', 'especially', 'first', 'days', 'landing', 'lesbian', 'unlike', 'boozer', '...', 'lesbian', 'relative', 'newcomer', 'icelandic', 'nature', 'thought', 'migrated', 'denmark', 'britain', 'contact', 'male', 'bird', 'conception', 'recent', 'years', 'witnessed', 'cases', 'male', 'birds', '...', 'unable', 'fly', 'offspring', 'boozer', 'lesbian', 'hlynur', '...', 'unusually', 'slow', 'developer', \"can\\\\'t\", 'fly', '...', 'remains', 'mother', 'first', 'years', 'hlynur', 'defensive', 'nature', 'harmless', 'film', 'progresses', 'hlynur', 'comes', 'terms', 'mother', 'love', 'lola', 'feelings', 'inadequacy', 'announcement', 'lola', 'pregnant', 'pushes', 'brink', 'making', 'living', 'roof', 'next', 'impossible', 'three', 'lot', 'acting', 'flippant', 'commentary', 'hlynur', 'begins', 'see', 'life', 'little', 'differently', 'infant', 'arrival', 'also', 'symbolically', 'coincides', 'neatly', 'hlynur', 'homecoming', 'world', 'outside', 'bedroom', 'newfound', 'contentedness', 'strong', 'possibility', 'father', 'lola', 'child', 'secret', 'lola', 'hlynur', 'hinted', 'closing', 'scenes', 'happy', 'household', 'composed', 'mother', 'son', 'lola', 'lola', 'baby', 'calls', 'papa'], [\"'during\", 'trip', 'windswept', 'beach', 'maurice', 'hall', '11-year-old', 'schoolboy', 'receives', 'instructions', 'sacred', 'mysteries', 'sex', 'teacher', 'wants', 'explain', 'fatherless', 'boy', 'changes', 'would', 'experience', 'puberty', 'years', 'later', '1909', 'maurice', 'attending', 'cambridge', 'strikes', 'friendship', 'two', 'fellow', 'students', 'aristocratic', 'lord', 'risley', 'rich', 'handsome', 'clive', 'durham', 'durham', 'falls', 'love', 'friend', 'surprises', 'maurice', 'confessing', 'feelings', 'first', 'maurice', 'react', 'favorably', 'revelation', 'soon', 'however', 'realizes', 'reciprocates', 'friend\\\\', 'feelings', 'two', 'friends', 'embark', 'love', 'affair', 'clive\\\\', 'insistence', 'relationship', 'remains', 'platonic', 'durham\\\\', 'opinion', 'would', 'diminish', 'clive', 'member', 'upper', 'class', 'promising', 'future', 'ahead', 'want', 'tarnish', 'future', 'close', 'relationship', 'continues', 'maurice', 'expelled', 'cambridge', 'begins', 'new', 'career', 'stockbroker', 'london', 'two', 'friends', 'keep', 'feelings', 'secret', 'frightened', 'lord', 'risley', 'arrested', 'sentenced', 'six', 'months', 'hard', 'labor', 'soliciting', 'sex', 'soldier', 'clive', 'afraid', 'exposed', 'homosexual', 'breaks', 'maurice', 'return', 'trip', 'greece', 'clive', 'pressure', 'widowed', 'mother', 'marries', 'naive', 'rich', 'girl', 'named', 'anne', 'settles', 'placid', 'domesticity', 'heartbroken', 'maurice', 'looks', 'help', 'family', 'physician', 'barry', 'dismisses', 'maurice\\\\', 'doubts', 'rubbish', 'maurice', 'turns', 'lasker-jones', 'tries', 'cure', 'homosexual', 'longings', 'hypnosis', 'visits', 'clive\\\\', 'estate', 'pendersleigh', 'maurice', 'attracts', 'attention', 'alec', 'scudder', 'under-gamekeeper', 'due', 'emigrate', 'family', 'argentina', 'maurice', 'fails', 'notice', 'scudder\\\\', 'interest', 'initially', 'treats', 'contempt', 'discourage', 'scudder', 'spies', 'maurice', 'night', 'simcox', 'butler', 'pendersleigh', 'suspecting', 'true', 'nature', 'maurice', 'clive\\\\', 'past', 'relationship', 'gave', 'clues', 'scudder', 'rainy', 'night', 'scudder', 'boldly', 'climbs', 'ladder', 'enters', 'maurice\\\\', 'bedroom', 'open', 'window', 'scudder', 'kisses', 'maurice', 'completely', 'taken', 'surprise', 'resist', 'advances', 'first', 'night', 'together', 'maurice', 'receiving', 'letter', 'scudder', 'proposing', 'meet', 'pendersleigh\\\\', 'boathouse', 'believes', 'scudder', 'blackmailing', 'maurice', 'returns', 'lasker-jones', 'warns', 'maurice', 'england', 'country', 'always', 'disinclined', 'accept', 'human', 'nature', 'maurice', 'fails', 'appear', 'boathouse', 'scudder', 'travels', 'london', 'find', 'maurice', 'scudder', 'meet', 'british', 'museum', 'blackmail', 'misunderstanding', 'resolved', 'maurice', 'begins', 'call', 'scudder', 'first', 'name', 'alec', 'hotel', 'room', 'however', 'prospects', 'long-term', 'relationship', 'seem', 'dim', 'alec', 'leaving', 'argentina', 'maurice', 'decides', 'give', 'alec', 'sendoff', 'taken', 'aback', 'find', 'alec', 'port', 'maurice', 'goes', 'pendersleigh', 'talks', 'clive', 'telling', 'alec', 'clive', 'hoping', 'maurice', 'would', 'marry', 'bewildered', 'hearing', 'transpired', 'two', 'friends', 'depart', 'maurice', 'goes', 'boathouse', 'looking', 'alec', 'waiting', 'scudder', 'tells', 'sent', 'telegram', 'maurice', 'stating', 'come', 'boathouse', 'alec', 'left', 'family', 'plans', 'emigrate', 'stay', 'maurice', 'telling', \"shan\\\\'t\", 'never', 'parted'], ['concert', 'pianist', 'henry', 'orient', 'trying', 'affair', 'married', 'woman', 'stella', 'dunnworthy', 'two', 'teenage', 'private-school', 'girls', 'valerie', 'boyd', 'marian', 'gilbert', 'stalk', 'write', 'fantasies', 'diary', 'orient', 'paranoia', 'leads', 'believe', 'two', 'girls', 'seem', 'pop', 'everywhere', 'goes', 'spies', 'sent', 'husband', 'would-be', 'mistress', 'val', 'mother', 'isabel', 'boyd', 'finds', 'diary', 'suspects', 'henry', 'acted', 'inappropriately', 'daughter', 'contacts', 'orient', 'end', 'affair', 'val', 'finds', 'dad'], ['karuthamma', 'daughter', 'ambitious', 'hindu', 'fisherman', 'chembankunju', 'love', 'young', 'muslim', 'fish', 'trader', 'pareekutty', 'madhu', 'chembankunju', 'aim', 'life', 'boat', 'net', 'pareekutty', 'finances', 'chembankunju', 'realise', 'dream', 'condition', 'hauled', 'boat', 'sold', 'karuthamma', 'mother', 'chakki', 'comes', 'know', 'love', 'affair', 'daughter', 'pareekutty', 'belongs', 'another', 'religion', 'reminds', 'daughter', 'life', 'lead', 'within', 'boundaries', 'strict', 'social', 'tradition', 'warns', 'keep', 'away', 'relationship', 'fisherfolks', 'believe', 'fisherwoman', 'lead', 'life', 'within', 'boundaries', 'strict', 'social', 'traditions', 'affair', 'marriage', 'person', 'another', 'religion', 'subject', 'entire', 'community', 'wrath', 'sea', 'karuthamma', 'sacrifices', 'love', 'pareekutty', 'marries', 'palani', 'orphan', 'discovered', 'chembankunju', 'course', 'one', 'fishing', 'expeditions', 'following', 'marriage', 'karuthamma', 'accompanies', 'husband', 'village', 'despite', 'mother', 'sudden', 'illness', 'father', 'requests', 'stay', 'fury', 'chembankunju', 'disowns', 'acquiring', 'boat', 'net', 'subsequently', 'adding', 'one', 'chembankunju', 'becomes', 'greedy', 'heartless', 'dishonesty', 'drives', 'pareekutty', 'bankruptcy', 'death', 'wife', 'chembankunju', 'marries', 'pappikunju', 'widow', 'man', 'bought', 'first', 'boat', 'panchami', 'chembankunju', 'younger', 'daughter', 'leaves', 'home', 'join', 'karuthama', 'arrival', 'step', 'mother', 'chembankunju', 'savings', 'manipulated', 'second', 'wife', 'setbacks', 'life', 'turns', 'chembankunju', 'mad', 'meanwhile', 'karuthamma', 'endeavoured', 'good', 'wife', 'mother', 'scandal', 'old', 'love', 'pareekutty', 'spreads', 'village', 'palani', 'friends', 'ostracize', 'refuse', 'take', 'fishing', 'stroke', 'fate', 'karuthamma', 'pareekutty', 'meet', 'one', 'night', 'old', 'love', 'awakened', 'palani', 'sea', 'alone', 'baiting', 'shark', 'caught', 'huge', 'whirlpool', 'swallowed', 'sea', 'next', 'morning', 'karuthamma', 'parekutty', 'also', 'found', 'dead', 'hand', 'hand', 'washed', 'ashore', 'distance', 'lies', 'baited', 'dead', 'shark'], ['robert', 'donat', 'stars', 'idealistic', 'newly-qualified', 'scottish', 'doctor', 'andrew', 'manson', 'dedicated', 'treating', 'welsh', 'miners', 'suffering', 'tuberculosis', 'initially', 'full', 'lofty', 'scientific', 'goals', 'though', 'purpose', 'erodes', 'later', 'moves', 'london', 'treat', 'rich', 'hypochondriacs', 'rosalind', 'russell', 'stars', 'christine', 'wife', 'tries', 'set', 'back', 'original', 'path', 'ralph', 'richardson', 'plays', 'manson', 'best', 'friend', 'dr.', 'philip', 'denny', 'rex', 'harrison', 'appears', 'one', 'first', 'screen', 'roles', 'freddie', 'hampton'], ['midsummer', 'night', '1894', 'northern', 'sweden', 'complex', 'structures', 'class', 'bind', 'man', 'woman', 'miss', 'julie', 'inexperienced', 'imperious', 'daughter', 'manor', 'deigns', 'dance', 'servants', 'party', 'also', 'drawn', 'jean', 'footman', 'traveled', 'speaks', 'well', \"n't\", 'kowtow', 'engaged', 'christine', 'servant', 'sleeps', 'jean', 'miss', 'julie', 'talk', 'night', 'kitchen', 'part', 'night', 'power', 'struggle', 'part', 'baring', 'souls', 'dawn', 'want', 'break', 'chains', 'class', 'leave', 'sweden', 'together', 'christine', 'wakes', 'goes', 'church', 'jean', 'miss', 'julie', 'decisions', 'make', 'cite', 'web'], [\"'roommates\", 'pals', 'john', 'roth', 'josh', 'hamilton', 'moe', 'curley', 'start', 'adult', 'internet', 'site', 'named', 'interconx', 'jordan', 'nash', 'one', 'stars', 'john', 'recently', 'gone', 'disastrous', 'break-up', 'fianc챕', 'obsessed', 'woman', 'named', 'angel', 'lives', 'life', 'hour', 'webcam', 'handful', 'people', 'whose', 'lives', 'revolve', 'around', 'internet', 'relationships', 'adult', 'web', 'site', 'become', 'entangled', 'person', 'comedy/drama'], ['sadie', 'mckee', 'works', 'serving', 'maid', 'household', 'mother', 'cook', 'admired', 'son', 'employer', 'lawyer', 'michael', 'alderson', 'however', 'michael', 'talks', 'badly', 'boyfriend', 'tommy', 'wallace', 'family', 'dinner', 'sadie', 'openly', 'denounces', 'employers', 'snobby', 'insensitive', 'sadie', 'flees', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'tommy', 'fired', 'job', 'alderson', 'factory', 'alleged', 'cheating', 'nearly', 'broke', 'sadie', 'tommy', 'befriended', 'new', 'york', 'opal', 'hardened', 'club', 'performer', 'takes', 'boardinghouse', 'next', 'morning', 'sadie', 'leaves', 'boardinghouse', 'look', 'job', 'makes', 'plans', 'tommy', 'meet', 'marriage', 'license', 'bureau', 'noon', 'soon', 'leaves', 'however', 'neighbor', 'dolly', 'merrick', 'hears', 'tommy', 'singing', 'bathroom', 'seduces', 'joining', 'traveling', 'club', 'act', 'leaving', 'town', 'morning', 'heartbroken', 'embittered', 'tommy', 'desertion', 'sadie', 'struggles', 'find', 'reputable', 'employment', 'eventually', 'joins', 'opal', 'dancer', 'nightclub', 'ten', 'days', 'later', 'jack', 'brennan', 'jovial', 'rich', 'alcoholic', 'helps', 'sadie', 'handle', 'abusive', 'customer', 'demands', 'sit', 'table', 'sharing', 'friend', '봎ichael', 'alderson', 'still', 'angry', 'michael', 'sadie', 'ignores', 'speech', 'leave', 'intoxicated', 'companion', 'alone', 'goes', 'home', 'brennan', 'evening', 'soon', 'sadie', 'marries', 'adoring', 'brennan', 'enjoying', 'newfound', 'wealth', 'best', 'handle', 'constant', 'drunkenness', 'one', 'afternoon', 'sadie', 'following', 'tommy', 'crooning', 'career', 'goes', 'see', 'performing', 'dolly', 'apollo', 'theater', 'thrilled', 'loving', 'looks', 'throws', 'number', 'however', 'sadie', 'returns', 'home', 'evening', 'learns', 'michael', 'family', 'physician', 'unless', 'brennan', 'stops', 'drinking', 'die', 'within', 'six', 'months', 'sobered', 'diagnosis', 'sadie', 'sacrifices', 'chance', 'reunite', 'tommy', 'rallying', 'servants', 'side', 'imprisons', 'husband', 'house', 'forces', 'quit', 'drinking', 'later', 'sadie', 'goes', 'michael', 'recovered', 'brennan', 'club', 'used', 'dance', 'startled', 'see', 'dolly', 'performing', 'without', 'tommy', 'confronts', 'dolly', 'finds', 'tommy', 'dumped', 'new', 'orleans', 'sadie', 'confesses', 'brennan', 'love', 'another', 'man', 'wants', 'divorce', 'understanding', 'brennan', 'grants', 'sadie', 'request', 'michael', 'anxious', 'win', 'forgiveness', 'undertakes', 'find', 'tommy', 'michael', 'eventually', 'locates', 'tommy', 'city', 'deduces', 'suffering', 'tuberculosis', 'aided', 'michael', 'tommy', 'admitted', 'hospital', 'time', 'sadie', 'allowed', 'see', 'tommy', 'condition', 'suddenly', 'worsened', 'dies', 'telling', 'michael', 'helped', 'four', 'months', 'later', 'michael', 'celebrates', 'birthday', 'sadie', 'mother', 'looks', 'sadie', 'forgiving', 'eyes', 'making', 'birthday', 'wish'], ['may', '1485', 'two', 'devil', 'envoys', 'gilles', 'dominique', 'arrive', 'castle', 'baron', 'hugues', 'night', 'celebration', 'daughter', 'engagement', 'baron', 'daughter', 'anne', 'set', 'marry', 'renaud', 'warlord', 'prefers', 'talking', 'battle', 'reciting', 'love', 'poems', 'disguised', 'traveling', 'minstrels', 'gilles', 'dominique', 'enter', 'castle', 'use', 'powers', 'enticement', 'ruin', 'upcoming', 'nuptials', 'gilles', 'seduces', 'innocent', 'anne', 'baron', 'renaud', 'become', 'bewitched', 'dominique', 'gilles', 'accidentally', 'falls', 'love', 'anne', 'devil', 'arrives', 'ensure', 'true', 'happiness', 'destroyed', 'gilles', 'anne', 'caught', 'together', 'room', 'gilles', 'thrown', 'dungeon', 'anne', 'renaud', 'engagement', 'called', 'baron', 'renaud', 'realize', 'love', 'dominique', 'duel', 'death', 'renaud', 'killed', 'following', 'devil', 'orders', 'dominique', 'leaves', 'castle', 'entices', 'baron', 'follow', 'suit', 'intrigued', 'anne', 'unusual', 'purity', 'faith', 'love', 'devil', 'decides', 'wants', 'anne', 'making', 'deal', 'devil', 'anne', 'agrees', 'return', 'devil', 'releasing', 'gilles', 'chains', 'gilles', 'free', 'devil', 'strips', 'gilles', 'memory', 'gilles', 'walks', 'leaving', 'anne', 'devil', 'gilles', 'gone', 'anne', 'reveals', 'lied', 'could', 'never', 'love', 'devil', 'returning', 'fountain', 'gilles', 'first', 'pronounced', 'love', 'anne', 'gilles', 'reunite', 'power', 'love', 'gilles', 'recovers', 'memory', 'finding', 'two', 'love', 'devil', 'changes', 'statues', 'finds', 'even', 'underneath', 'stone', 'hearts', 'continue', 'beat'], ['film', 'stars', 'jesse', 'bradford', 'johnny', 'young', 'man', 'dreams', 'becoming', 'stock', 'car', 'racer', 'loses', 'money', 'possessions', 'las', 'vegas', 'drifts', 'world', 'hustling', 'hope', 'making', 'enough', 'money', 'travel', 'charlotte', 'north', 'carolina', 'join', 'car', 'racing', 'industry', 'meets', 'eric', 'gay', 'hustler', 'finds', 'falling', 'johnny', 'jonathan', 'taylor', 'thomas', 'also', 'stars', 'steve', 'bisexual', 'hustler', 'daryl', 'hannah', 'plays', 'veronica', 'former', 'showgirl', 'prostitute', 'served', 'surrogate', 'mother', 'figure', 'eric', 'since', 'mother', 'died', 'veronica', 'thing', 'eric', 'remind', 'mother', 'silver', 'dollar', 'gave', 'carries', 'good', 'luck', 'eric', 'falls', 'deeply', 'love', 'johnny', 'saddened', 'love', 'remain', 'unrequited', 'eric', 'finds', 'johnny', 'virgin', 'really', 'wants', 'sex', 'woman', 'eric', 'asks', 'veronica', 'sex', 'johnny', 'guidance', 'eric', 'tips', 'steve', 'johnny', 'slowly', 'becomes', 'good', 'hustler', 'steve', 'asks', 'johnny', 'join', 'entertaining', 'gay', 'clients', 'potentially', 'large', 'payment', 'johnny', 'refuses', 'eric', 'birthday', 'much', 'annoyance', 'steve', 'really', 'needs', 'money', 'clients', 'pay', 'steve', 'johnny', 'arrive', 'eric', 'remains', 'sombre', 'johnny', 'questions', 'argue', 'eric', 'finally', 'confesses', 'love', 'johnny', 'johnny', 'tells', 'eric', 'really', 'cares', 'eric', 'eric', 'best', 'friend', 'ever', 'asks', 'eric', 'move', 'charlotte', 'delighted', 'find', 'johnny', 'really', 'cares', 'eric', 'agrees', 'j.t.', 'sociopathic', 'drug', 'dealer', 'tosses', 'johnny', 'package', 'running', 'police', 'contains', 'crack', 'cocaine', 'cash', 'steve', 'finds', 'place', 'steals', 'j.t', 'shows', 'looking', 'missing', 'j.t', 'holds', 'johnny', 'hostage', 'eric', 'looks', 'steven', 'steven', 'refuses', 'return', 'cash', 'drugs', 'eric', 'heads', 'veronica', 'place', 'steals', 'gun', 'belonging', 'police', 'officer', 'boyfriend', 'heads', 'home', 'j.t', 'playing', 'william', 'tell', 'johnny', 'shooting', 'tomato', 'soup', 'head', 'eric', 'comes', 'thinks', 'johnny', 'shot', 'gets', 'gun', 'battle', 'j.t.', 'killing', 'johnny', 'eric', 'flee', 'eric', 'realizes', 'shot', 'eric', 'dies', 'johnny', 'arms', 'giving', 'johnny', 'lucky', 'silver', 'dollar', 'bus', 'station', 'johnny', 'puts', 'dollar', 'slot', 'machine', 'hits', 'jackpot', 'buys', 'bus', 'ticket', 'leaves', 'town', 'year', 'later', 'veronica', 'working', 'cocktail', 'waitress', 'glances', 'television', 'sees', 'johnny', 'member', 'pit', 'crew', 'taken', 'step', 'toward', 'realizing', 'dream'], [\"'romain\", 'gay', '31-year-old', 'fashion', 'photographer', 'finds', 'terminally', 'ill', 'three', 'months', 'live', 'rejects', 'treatment', 'metastasized', 'tumor', 'might', 'offer', 'slim', 'chance', 'survival', 'romain', 'exhibits', 'selfish', 'recklessness', 'behavior', 'realizes', 'good', 'looks', 'give', 'certain', 'amount', 'leeway', 'tests', 'forbearance', 'people', 'care', 'chases', 'away', 'lover', 'sasha', 'delights', 'antagonizing', 'sister', 'person', 'confides', 'illness', 'grandmother', 'laura'], [\"'as\", 'yearly', 'vacation', 'six', 'neighbors', 'gilberts', 'masons', 'weavers', 'approaches', 'kitty', 'weaver', 'larry', 'gilbert', 'find', 'frustrated', 'routine', 'spouses', 'kept', 'away', 'vacation', 'kitty', 'larry', 'find', 'alone', 'acapulco', 'masons', 'bedridden', 'illness', 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'death', 'sarah', 'jack', 'grief-stricken', 'goes', 'alcoholic', 'bender', 'leaving', 'daughter', 'taken', 'care', 'parents', 'sarah', 'mother', 'decide', 'take', 'drastic', 'action', 'return', 'baby', 'jack', 'whilst', 'asleep', 'leaving', 'take', 'care', 'although', 'struggles', 'initially', 'eventually', 'begins', 'dote', 'child', 'names', 'sarah', 'despite', 'nevertheless', 'finds', 'increasingly', 'difficult', 'juggle', 'bringing', 'baby', 'high-powered', 'job', 'though', 'sets', 'child', 'grandparents', 'lend', 'hand', 'along', 'william', 'needs', 'help', 'amy', 'american', 'waitress', 'meets', 'restaurant', 'takes', 'shine', 'sarah', 'takes', 'role', 'nanny', 'moving', 'jack', 'one', 'meeting', 'although', 'clashing', 'william', 'grandparents', 'especially', 'jack', 'mother', 'margaret', 'jack', 'amy', 'gradually', 'grow', 'closer', 'jack', 'boss', 'also', 'taken', 'interest'], ['best', 'friends', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'one', 'straight', 'woman', 'abbie', 'gay', 'man', 'robert', 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'nightmare', 'mess', 'almost', 'every', 'step', 'way', 'tripping', 'splashing', 'blueberries', 'dropping', 'courtney', 'cell', 'phone', 'one', 'full', 'yogurt', 'cups', 'employees', 'think', 'stuck-up', \"n't\", 'believe', 'job', 'soon', 'start', 'working', 'jobs', 'better', 'someone', 'steals', 'money', 'businesses', 'bank', 'account', 'girls', 'come', 'plan', 'save', 'dairy', 'jobs', 'working', 'one', 'believes', 'taylor', 'changed', 'nature', 'asks', 'courtney', 'use', 'party', 'money', 'pay', 'employees', 'paychecks', 'else', 'leave', 'callum', 'dairy', 'taylor', 'courtney', 'meeting', 'othe', 'employes', 'taylor', 'tricks', 'courtney', 'leaving', 'get', 'cell', 'phone', 'says', 'get', 'money', 'still', 'one', 'believes', 'without', 'consulting', 'courtney', 'taylor', 'uses', 'party', 'money', 'employees', 'thus', 'causing', 'big', 'fight', 'two', 'courtney', 'ignores', 'taylor', 'every', 'possible', 'way', 'fight', 'work', 'courtney', 'putting', 'numbers', 'expiry', 'dates', 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'all-out', 'fight', 'opponent', 'hears', 'mabel', 'voice', 'knocked', 'reilly', 'confesses', 'cain', 'one', 'leaked', 'story', 'cain', 'second', 'dodo', 'accidentally', 'throws', 'towel', 'ring', 'making', 'cain', 'loser', 'technical', 'knockout', 'since', 'mabel', 'bet', 'boxer', 'newly', 'reunited', 'couple', 'tidy', 'nest', 'egg', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'together'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', '1963', 'liberal-minded', 'lydia', '14-year-old', 'son', 'sam', 'lydia\\\\', 'father', 'running', 'governor', 'north', 'carolina', 'want', 'lydia', 'sam', 'way', 'two', 'banished', 'north', 'carolina', 'arriving', 'wyoming', 'lydia', 'wants', 'good', 'time', 'sam', 'never', 'allowed', 'call', 'mom', 'sam', 'soon', 'finds', 'one', 'two', 'students', 'grovant', 'high', 'school', 'read', 'one', 'maurey', 'girl', 'age', 'sam', 'wants', 'learn', 'sex', 'consequent', 'mutual', 'discoveries', 'maurey', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'maurey', 'decides', 'abortion', 'distant', 'hospital', 'accident', 'runs', 'mother', 'baseball', 'coach', 'also', 'intent', 'maurey', 'moves', 'lydia\\\\', 'sam\\\\', 'house', 'since', 'father', 'banishes', 'house', 'meanwhile', 'hank', 'elkrunner', 'blackfoot', 'falls', 'feckless', 'lydia', 'dictatorial', 'dad', 'keeps', 'tabs', 'afar', 'end', 'maurey', 'decides', 'abortion', 'keeps', 'baby', 'little', 'girl', 'named', 'shannon', 'threatened', 'financially', 'cut', 'unless', 'breaks', 'hank', 'lets', 'sam', 'military', 'school', 'lydia', 'decides', 'stay', 'hank', 'takes', 'job', 'local', 'diner', 'addition', 'hank', 'sells', 'trailer', 'moves', 'sam', 'lydia', 'along', 'maurey', 'shannon', 'decide', 'permanently', 'move', 'film', 'ends', 'sam', 'finishing', 'flashback', 'story', 'shannon', 'nearby', 'throughout', 'movie', 'sam', 'many', 'dream', 'fantasies', 'star', 'drew', 'barrymore', 'subject', 'fantasies'], [\"'eun-jin\", 'separated', 'older', 'sister', 'yu-jin', 'kids', 'orphanage', 'growing', 'eun-jin', 'became', 'gangster', 'adopted', 'nickname', 'mantis', 'upon', 'discovering', 'yu-jin', 'cancer', 'eun-jin', 'demanded', 'doctors', 'perform', 'operation', 'however', 'refused', 'dying', 'yu-jin', 'wished', 'sister', 'would', 'marry', 'soon', 'eun-jin', 'went', 'blind', 'date', 'advice', 'underling', 'romeo', 'invited', 'stylist', 'design', 'appropriate', 'makeup', 'eun-jin', 'however', 'date', 'disaster', 'romeo', 'sent', 'find', 'someone', 'else', 'suitable', 'later', 'eun-jin', 'smashing', 'car', 'retaliation', 'two', 'men', 'man', 'ran', 'protect', 'accidentally', 'hit', 'head', 'eun-jin', 'man', 'kang', 'soo-il', 'simple', 'kind-hearted', 'man', 'seemed', 'perfect', 'eun-jin', 'later', 'married', 'yu-jin', 'spoke', 'eun-jin', 'desire', 'children', 'eun-jin', 'set', 'get', 'pregnant', 'forced', 'husband', 'several', 'occasions', 'sexual', 'intercourse', 'eun-jin', 'meal', 'group', 'approached', 'man', 'rival', 'gang', 'white', 'sharks', 'stabbed', 'head', 'barely', 'missing', 'eyes', 'afterwards', 'meeting', 'eun-jin', 'white', 'sharks', 'showdown', 'arranged', 'eun-jin', 'nanman', 'eun-jin', 'nanman', 'fought', 'fiercely', 'seemed', 'nanman', 'upper', 'hand', 'stabbing', 'eun-jin', 'stomach', 'however', 'went', 'finish', 'moved', 'way', 'nanman', 'fell', 'cliff', 'however', 'nanman', 'managed', 'climb', 'back', 'tries', 'strangle', 'eun-jin', 'eun-jin', 'found', 'way', 'escape', 'stomps', 'nanman\\\\', 'groin', 'soo-il', 'eventually', 'found', 'eun-jin', 'fact', 'gangster', 'wanted', 'give', 'eun-jin', 'discovered', 'pregnant', 'told', 'yu-jin', 'later', 'yu-jin', 'died', 'cancer', 'front', 'eun-jin', 'telling', 'eun-jin', 'baby', 'needs', 'father', 'later', 'romeo', 'died', 'arms', 'sherry', 'stabbed', 'five', 'street', 'punks', 'friend', 'andy', 'mistakenly', 'believed', 'nanman', 'white', 'sharks', 'killed', 'romeo', 'set', 'take', 'revenge', 'upon', 'arriving', 'white', 'sharks\\\\', 'warehouse', 'andy', 'rest', 'group', 'discovered', 'heavily', 'outnumbered', 'pregnant', 'eun-jin', 'went', 'fight', 'gangsters', 'suffered', 'miscarriage', 'suffering', 'vicious', 'attack', 'nanman', 'eun-jin', 'told', 'nanman', 'stop', 'kicking', 'belly', 'pregnant', 'nanman', 'revealed', 'become', 'eunuch', 'earlier', 'showdown', 'eun-jin', 'nanman', 'stab', 'eun-jin', 'boss', 'turns', 'pleads', 'white', 'shark', 'spare', 'life', 'exchange', 'documents', 'soo-il', 'found', 'eun-jin', 'pregnant', 'hospital', 'takes', 'revenge', 'nanman', 'dowsing', 'kerosene', 'light', 'soo-il', 'restrained', 'nanman', 'foolishly', 'ignites', 'along', 'men', 'attempting', 'light', 'cigarette', 'film', 'ends', 'soo-il', 'leader', 'alongside', 'eun-jin', 'starting', 'showdown', 'another', 'gang', 'leader'], ['bong-soo', 'working', 'manager', 'small', 'bank', 'apartment', 'complex', 'three', 'years', 'three', 'years', 'years', 'count', 'school', 'days', 'bong-soo', 'never', 'late', 'however', 'purposely', 'decides', 'skip', 'work', 'one', 'day', 'one', 'reason', 'inside', 'subway', 'train', 'suddenly', 'stopped', 'way', 'work', 'everyone', 'around', 'reaches', 'cell', 'phones', 'call', 'someone', 'moment', 'realized', 'single', 'person', 'call', 'know', 'inside', 'educational', 'center', 'across', 'street', 'bank', 'works', '27-year-old', 'woman', 'won-ju', 'looking', 'nourishing', 'small', 'love', 'bong-soo', 'won-ju', 'run', 'every', 'day', 'ramen', 'restaurant', 'bank', 'bus', 'station', 'kinds', 'trivial', 'incidents', 'occur', 'bong-soo', 'still', 'truly', 'recognize', 'won-ju', 'presence', 'one', 'day', 'looking', 'bank', 'cctv', 'tapes', 'bong-soo', 'discovers', 'someone', 'pitifully', 'calling', 'name', 'small', 'closed-circuit', 'camera', 'even', 'record', 'sound'], [\"'jimmie\", 'shannon', 'wants', 'bachelor', 'forever', 'wild', 'free', 'never', 'tied', 'eventually', 'though', 'proposes', 'anne', 'girlfriend', 'three', 'years', 'romantic', 'restaurant', 'town', 'spoils', 'special', 'moment', 'crude', 'approach', 'anne', 'going', 'greece', 'assignment', 'jimmie', 'discovers', 'grandfather', 'james', 'shannon', 'left', 'family', 'business', 'assets', '100', 'million', 'jimmie', 'married', '6:05', 'p.m.', '30th', 'birthday', 'happens', 'next', 'day', 'friend', 'marco', 'priest', 'waiting', 'wings', 'grandfather\\\\', 'two', 'friends', 'colleagues', 'must', 'find', 'bride', 'next', 'hours', 'proposes', 'anne', 'able', 'see', 'right', 'facade', 'leaves', 'greece', 'helicopter', 'jimmie', 'unable', 'simply', 'turn', 'money', 'due', 'lives', 'would', 'ruined', 'family', 'business', 'failed', 'selects', 'many', 'ex-girlfriends', 'ask', 'first', 'stacey', 'loud', 'stockmarket', 'player', 'who\\\\', 'engaged', 'already', 'second', 'zoe', 'clingy', 'window', 'dresser', 'jimmie', 'goes', 'see', 'runs', 'anne', 'turns', 'returns', 'see', 'zoe', 'set', 'mannequin', 'fire', 'effigy', 'soon', 'list', 'depleted', 'one', 'accepts', 'money', 'grubbing', 'socialite', 'buckley', 'wants', 'money', 'family\\\\', 'business', 'however', 'turns', 'proposal', 'finding', 'children', 'five', 'years', 'spend', 'one', 'night', 'apart', 'month', 'need', 'married', 'ten', 'years', 'desperate', 'marco', 'places', 'newspaper', 'disastrous', 'consequences', 'anne', 'greece', 'returned', 'home', 'went', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'natalie', 'sister', 'misses', 'jimmie', 'goes', 'back', 'city', 'meanwhile', 'everyone', 'else', 'scrambles', 'help', 'jimmie', 'save', 'family', 'business', 'jimmie', 'realizes', 'effect', 'marriage', 'rowboat', 'priest', 'kindly', 'priest', 'reveals', 'took', 'priesthood', 'beloved', 'wife', 'died', 'proud', 'married', 'produce', 'wonderful', 'family', 'process', 'realizing', 'truly', 'loves', 'anne', 'ready', 'take', 'next', 'step', 'jimmie', 'decides', 'rest', 'church', 'awakens', 'find', 'hundreds', 'brides', 'waiting', 'trying', 'settle', 'women', 'marco', 'lies', 'says', 'jimmie', 'money', 'angers', 'try', 'rip', 'two', 'shreds', 'marco', 'reveals', 'anne', 'way', 'back', 'jimmie', 'goes', 'station', 'ordering', 'cake', 'way', 'makes', 'chased', 'hundreds', 'brides', 'taxi', 'drops', 'searches', 'anne', 'train', 'discovered', 'newspaper', 'front', 'page', 'declaring', 'would', 'marry', 'man', '100', 'million', 'jimmie\\\\', 'picture', 'front', 'soon', 'make', 'prepare', 'wedding', 'one', 'brides', 'thrown', 'wedding', 'dress', 'stairs', 'anne', 'puts', 'bathroom', 'opens', 'door', 'see', 'hundreds', 'brides', 'run', 'past', 'jimmie', 'runs', 'street', 'climbs', 'fire', 'escape', 'shouts', 'anne', 'would-be', 'brides', 'hot', 'pursuit', 'priest', 'conducts', 'service', 'police', 'loudspeaker', 'inside', 'police', 'car', 'brides', 'attack', 'car', 'anne', 'convinces', 'happy', 'let', 'day'], ['american', 'reporter', 'sara', 'scott', 'working', 'europe', 'world', 'war', 'begins', 'affair', 'british', 'reporter', 'named', 'mark', 'trevor', 'sara', 'conflicted', 'whether', 'marry', 'rich', 'boss', 'charming', 'young', 'reporter', 'affair', 'finally', 'chooses', 'mark', 'find', 'married', 'son', 'two', 'separate', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'decide', 'stay', 'together', 'work', 'problems', 'war', 'ends', 'mark', 'trevor', 'killed', 'accident', 'sending', 'sara', 'mourning', 'boss', 'months', 'convinces', 'come', 'back', 'united', 'states', 'work', 'goes', 'visits', 'old', 'lover', 'mark', 'hometown', 'ends', 'living', 'ex-lover', 'wife', 'child'], [\"'mun-su\", 'young-ju', 'classmates', 'private', 'english', 'class', 'mun-su', 'frequently', 'chases', 'women', 'working', 'shoe', 'shop', 'however', 'young-ju', 'unreciprocated', 'interest', 'eventually', 'became', 'friends', 'frequently', 'sit', 'together', 'class', 'one', 'day', 'young-ju', 'boasts', 'pig', 'grandparents\\\\', 'farm', 'recognize', 'english', 'alphabet', 'class', 'decide', 'visit', 'pig', 'discover', 'eaten', 'day', 'young-ju', 'tries', 'train', 'piglet', 'recognize', 'alphabet', 'efforts', 'discovered', 'mun-su', 'helps', 'however', 'pig', 'escapes', 'recaptured', 'class', 'young-ju\\\\', 'family', 'party', 'night', 'returning', 'bus', 'young-ju', 'catches', 'mun-su', 'showing', 'photo', 'woman', 'mistakenly', 'believes', 'girlfriend', 'depressed', 'young-ju', 'skips', 'classes', 'teacher', 'australian', 'woman', 'tries', 'convince', 'come', 'back', 'young-ju', 'attends', 'farewell', 'party', 'class', 'mun-su', 'absent', 'afterwards', 'meets', 'mun-su\\\\', 'mother', 'looking', 'discovers', 'mother', 'meet', 'girl', 'photo', 'girl', 'known', 'victoria', 'mun-young', 'speaks', 'korean', 'needs', 'young-ju', 'translate', 'mun-su\\\\', 'mother', 'wearing', 'hanbok', 'talks', 'young', 'thinks', 'victoria', 'rival', 'purposefully', 'translates', 'incorrectly', 'says', 'looked', 'beautiful', 'photo', 'victoria', 'astonished', 'young-ju', 'tells', 'victoria', 'everybody', 'hates', 'korean', 'victoria', 'asks', 'tell', 'mun-su\\\\', 'mother', 'came', 'good', 'intentions', 'leaves', 'mun-su', 'arrives', 'find', 'mother', 'weeping', 'young-ju', 'hides', 'victoria', 'checked', 'hotel', 'young-ju', 'stops', 'car', 'admits', 'lied', 'victoria', 'hugs', 'mun-su', 'mother', 'young-ju', 'boards', 'train', 'mun-su', 'leaves', 'family', 'follow', 'tries', 'hide', 'loudly', 'confesses', 'victoria', 'girlfriend', 'long-lost', 'sister', 'new', 'york', 'mun-su', 'finds', 'young-ju', 'kiss', 'entire', 'train', 'cheers', 'marry', 'baby'], [\"'ben\", 'aspiring', 'artist', 'develops', 'insomnia', 'painful', 'breakup', 'girlfriend', 'suzy', 'take', 'mind', 'suzy', 'occupy', 'extra', 'waking', 'hours', 'recently', 'gained', 'ben', 'begins', 'working', 'local', 'sainsbury\\\\', 'supermarket', 'meets', 'colourful', 'co-workers', 'among', 'colleague', 'sharon', 'soon', 'develops', 'mutual', 'crush', 'personal', 'means', 'escape', 'boredom', 'inherent', 'night', 'shift', 'ben', 'lets', 'imagination', 'run', 'wild', 'particular', 'imagines', 'stop', 'time', 'walk', 'around', 'world', 'frozen', 'like', 'pause', 'film', 'imagines', 'female', 'patrons', 'supermarket', 'stopped', 'time', 'allowing', 'undress', 'draw', 'finally', 'ability', 'stop', 'time', 'becomes', 'real', 'series', 'flashbacks', 'occur', 'progression', 'plot', 'accompanied', 'ben\\\\', 'narration', 'examination', 'effect', 'situation', 'upon', 'explains', 'always', 'impressed', 'beauty', 'female', 'body', 'young', 'boy', 'witnessed', 'swedish', 'boarder', 'walk', 'naked', 'shower', 'room', 'another', 'flashback', 'young', 'ben', 'best', 'friend', 'sean', 'higgins', 'share', 'sean\\\\', 'discovery', 'parents\\\\', 'adult', 'magazines', 'sean', 'pays', 'neighbourhood', 'girl', 'fifty', 'pence', 'show', 'neighbourhood', 'boys', 'vulva', 'ben\\\\', 'boss', 'jenkins', 'recruits', 'staff', 'weekend', 'football', 'game', 'embarrassing', 'defeat', 'ben', 'freezes', 'time', 'time', 'discovers', 'alone', 'sees', 'mysterious', 'stranger', 'able', 'move', 'inside', 'frozen', 'world', 'ben\\\\', 'boss', 'throws', 'party', 'honour', 'birthday', 'consolation', 'defeat', 'sharon', 'asks', 'ben', 'date', 'eagerly', 'nervously', 'agrees', 'ben', 'encounters', 'ex-girlfriend', 'suzy', 'implores', 'try', 'relationship', 'ben', 'refuses', 'advance', 'kisses', 'sharon', 'witnesses', 'afar', 'sharon', 'angrily', 'leaves', 'party', 'ben', 'realizes', 'sharon', 'seen', 'kiss', 'freezes', 'time', 'spending', 'several', 'days', 'frozen', 'ben', 'concludes', 'although', 'stop', 'time', 'reverse', 'correct', 'mistake', 'eventually', 'seeks', 'explain', 'sharon', 'apartment', 'confrontation', 'similar', 'film-opening', 'breakup', 'occurs', 'sharon', 'henceforth', 'show', 'work', 'supermarket', 'practical', 'joke', 'colleagues', 'barry', 'matt', 'phone', 'ben', 'matt', 'poses', 'art', 'gallery', 'owner', 'interested', 'displaying', 'ben\\\\', 'drawings', 'schedules', 'appointment', 'ben', 'present', 'ben', 'arrives', 'agreed', 'reaction', 'owner', 'quickly', 'reveals', 'prank', 'however', 'gallery', 'owner', 'nonetheless', 'interested', 'ben\\\\', 'work', 'decides', 'exhibit', 'ben\\\\', 'drawings', 'sharon', 'receives', 'invitation', 'exhibition', 'visits', 'moved', 'pieces', 'depict', 'happily', 'greets', 'ben', 'congratulating', 'success', 'finale', 'occurs', 'ben', 'shares', 'ability', 'stop', 'time', 'two', 'step', 'outside', 'time-frozen', 'snowfall'], [\"'seo\", 'in-woo', 'unexpectedly', 'falls', 'love', 'tae-hee', 'student', 'university', 'asks', 'borrow', 'umbrella', 'rainstorm', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'in-woo', 'start', 'dating', 'couple', 'weeks', 'tae-hee', 'dies', 'suddenly', 'car', 'crash', 'years', 'later', 'in-woo', 'married', 'another', 'woman', 'daughter', 'working', 'highschool', 'teacher', 'starts', 'notice', 'similarities', 'new', 'student', 'hyunbin', 'taehee', 'inwoo', 'struggles', 'concept', 'falling', 'love', 'student', 'get', 'bullied', 'students', 'school', 'homosexual', 'overcome', 'fears', 'realization', 'hyunbin', 'taehee', 'reincarnated', 'soulmates', 'movie', 'ends', 'shot', 'couple', 'new', 'zealand', 'jumping', 'bridge', 'hand', 'hand', 'unclear', 'whether', 'mean', 'end', 'lives', 'together', 'reincarnated'], ['cleanup', 'emory', 'leeson', 'advertising', 'executive', 'experiences', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'designs', 'series', 'truthful', 'advertisements', 'blunt', 'bawdy', 'use', 'boss', 'drucker\\\\', 'firm', 'one', 'colleagues', 'stephen', 'bachman', 'checks', 'psychiatric', 'hospital', 'emory', 'goes', 'group', 'therapy', 'care', 'dr.', 'liz', 'baylor', 'meets', 'voluntary', 'patients', 'lovely', 'vulnerable', 'kathy', 'burgess', 'also', 'george', 'speak', 'one', 'word', 'hello', 'mistake', 'emory\\\\', 'advertisements', 'get', 'printed', 'new', 'campaign', 'turns', 'tremendous', 'success', 'campaigns', 'like', 'jaguar', 'men', 'who\\\\', 'like', 'hand-jobs', 'beautiful', 'women', 'hardly', 'know', 'volvo', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'boxy', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'good', 'drucker', 'grabs', 'credit', 'ads', 'assigns', 'stephen', 'rest', 'employees', 'design', 'similar', 'new', 'campaigns', 'featuring', 'so-called', 'honesty', 'advertising', 'nothing', 'works', 'emory', 'approached', 'sanitarium', 'creating', 'new', 'ads', 'insists', 'fellow', 'mental', 'patients', 'also', 'involved', 'suitably', 'rewarded', 'work', 'transforming', 'sanitarium', 'branch', 'advertising', 'industry', 'come', 'wild', 'advertising', 'slogans', 'like', 'one', 'greek', 'travel', 'agency', 'goes', 'forget', 'paris', 'french', 'annoying', 'come', 'greece', 'we\\\\', \"'re\", 'nicer', 'another', 'one', 'called', 'come', 'bahamas', 'island\\\\', 'national', 'tourism', 'board', 'new', 'horror', 'movie', 'called', 'freak', 'campaign', 'states', \"won\\\\'t\", 'scare', 'fuck', 'life', 'patients', 'experience', 'happiness', 'needed', 'improve', 'various', 'illnesses', 'evil', 'drucker', 'doctor', 'charge', 'hospital', 'get', 'greedy', 'try', 'separate', 'team', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'work', 'dr.', 'baylor', 'defies', 'boss', 'emory', 'negotiates', 'get', 'new', 'automobiles', 'patients', 'also', 'manages', 'track', 'long', 'absent', 'brother', 'kathy', 'fallen', 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'unsatisfied', 'housewives', 'even', 'lesbian', 'love', 'tryst', 'main', 'eye', 'successful', 'police', 'woman', 'elizabeth', 'radlett', 'none', 'timmy', 'sexual', 'advances', 'proposes', 'result', 'much', 'family', 'upset', 'unaware', 'timmy', 'usual', 'run', 'luck', 'affect', 'outcome'], [\"'each\", 'little', 'life', 'apart', 'tedious', 'jobs', 'meeting', 'caf챕', 'sean', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'met', 'girlfriend', 'three', 'weeks', 'beginning', 'wonder', 'still', 'lives', 'apartment', 'vincent', 'womanizer', 'makes', 'rule', 'never', 'seeing', 'girl', 'three', 'times', 'lenny', 'thinks', 'every', 'woman', 'sees', 'porn', 'actress', \"can\\\\'t\", 'even', 'pluck', 'courage', 'talk', 'workmate', 'wants', 'ask', 'date', 'jody', \"can\\\\'t\", 'force', 'tell', 'three', 'fired', 'job', 'still', 'shows', 'shift', 'every', 'night', 'talk', 'jody', 'tries', 'convince', 'sean', 'home', 'early', 'see', 'madeline', 'despite', 'making', 'far', 'train', 'station', 'sean', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'home', 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'sean', 'photobooth', 'pictures', 'taken', 'disagree', 'keep', 'flat', 'final', 'picture', 'photobooth', 'kissing', 'final', 'scene', 'takes', 'place', 'tunnel', 'radio', 'car', 'playing', \"\\\\'these\", 'dreams\\\\', 'heart', 'gail', 'reaches', 'stereo', 'changes', 'station', 'playing', 'sunday', 'shining', 'noticeably', 'upbeat', 'song', 'radio', 'acts', 'metaphor', 'mood', 'group', 'time', 'much', 'optimistic'], [\"'quiet\", 'intelligent', 'solemn', 'recently', 'dumped', 'girlfriend', 'graduate', 'student', 'lee', 'weon-san', 'takes', 'job', 'literary', 'magazine', 'ostensibly', 'supplement', 'income', 'really', 'get', 'close', 'editor', 'reason', 'single', 'editor', 'unaware', 'lee', 'takes', 'shine', 'makes', 'personal', 'assistant', 'likes', 'around', 'person', 'feels', 'comfortable', 'means', 'often', 'takes', 'advantage', 'lee', 'passive', 'nature', 'making', 'run', 'errands', 'town', 'fiercely', 'independent', 'lee', 'however', 'works', 'without', 'complaint', 'started', 'new', 'relationship', 'part-time', 'photographer/part-time', 'vet', 'park', 'seong-yeon', 'takes', 'full-time', 'job', 'magazine', 'however', 'lee', 'pleads', 'get', 'involved', 'editor', 'plea', 'goes', 'unheeded', 'sets', 'lee', 'thinking', 'vengeance', 'film', 'really', 'starts', 'veer', 'conventional', 'path'], ['1856', 'townsend', 'harris', 'sent', 'president', 'pierce', 'serve', 'first', 'u.s.', 'consul-general', 'japan', 'following', 'treaty', 'written', 'commodore', 'matthew', 'perry', 'accompanied', 'translator-secretary', 'huesken', 'comes', 'ashore', 'town', 'shimoda', 'specified', 'treaty', 'location', 'american', 'consulate', 'however', 'japanese', 'governor', 'refuses', 'accept', 'credentials', 'denying', 'official', 'status', 'due', 'conflict', 'interpretations', 'treaty', 'terms', 'harris', 'believes', 'consul', 'shall', 'present', 'whenever', 'either', 'country', 'requires', 'japanese', 'believe', 'terms', 'permit', 'consul', 'countries', 'require', 'governor', 'holds', 'interpretation', 'largely', 'objections', 'threats', 'treaty', 'forced', 'upon', 'harris', 'permitted', 'remain', 'shimoda', 'private', 'citizen', 'recognition', 'official', 'status', 'provided', 'use', 'abandoned', 'home', 'adjacent', 'town', 'cemetery', 'governor', 'explains', 'two', 'years', 'following', 'perry', 'visit', 'various', 'natural', 'disasters', 'taken', 'place', 'japanese', 'believed', 'warnings', 'gods', 'avoid', 'foreign', 'influences', 'weeks', 'follow', 'harris', 'target', 'distrust', 'hostility', 'extent', 'tamura', 'orders', 'townspeople', 'even', 'sell', 'food', 'japan', 'wanted', 'country', 'opened', 'many', 'others', 'feared', 'corruption', 'foreign', 'influences', 'invasion', 'barbarians', 'lands', 'reason', 'harris', 'permitted', 'leave', 'shimoda', 'closer', 'capitol', 'edo', '100', 'miles', 'away', 'part', 'harris', 'best', 'cooperate', 'governor', 'even', 'obeying', 'orders', 'take', 'american', 'flag', 'raised', 'mark', 'location', 'consulate', 'cooperation', 'noted', 'several', 'months', 'harris', 'eventually', 'invited', 'dine', 'governor', 'dinner', 'following', 'tamura', 'sends', 'geisha', 'named', 'okichi', 'take', 'care', 'harris', 'needs', 'relationship', 'harris', 'okochi', 'grows', 'closer', 'intimate', 'helps', 'understand', 'japanese', 'culture', 'harris', 'makes', 'number', 'blunders', 'one', 'leads', 'cholera', 'epidemic', 'destruction', 'town', 'however', 'disaster', 'comes', 'harris', 'opportunity', 'edo', 'must', 'convince', 'shogunate', 'open', 'country', 'facing', 'greatest', 'crisis'], ['protagonist', 'alfredo', 'l처pez', 'exasperated', 'encyclopedia', 'salesman', 'montoya', 'publishing', 'house', 'lives', 'faithful', 'wife', 'carmen', '1973', 'spain', 'carmen', 'alfredo', 'offered', 'montoya', 'publishing', 'house', 'create', 'pornographic', 'films', 'imported', 'scandinavian', 'countries', 'pretence', 'audiovisual', 'encyclopedia', 'human', 'reproduction', 'unknowingly', 'carmen', 'becomes', 'adult', 'film', 'star', 'northern', 'european', 'countries', 'though', 'well-paid', 'films', 'meantime', 'alfredo', 'carmen', 'trying', 'child', 'carmen', 'discovers', 'alfredo', 'sperm', 'count', 'zero', 'inspired', 'become', 'film-maker', 'alfredo', 'writes', 'ingmar', 'bergman-inspired', 'feature', 'film', 'titled', 'torremolinos', '73.', 'boss', 'offers', 'fund', 'filming', 'alfredo', 'director', 'carmen', 'female', 'star', 'carmen', 'suggestion', 'alfredo', 'boss', 'changes', 'final', 'scene', 'carmen', 'sex', 'male', 'co-star', 'get', 'pregnant', 'alfredo', 'eventually', 'accepts', 'film', 'ends', 'couple', 'daughter', 'alfredo', 'beginning', 'new', 'career', 'wedding', 'film', 'director'], ['two', 'college', 'students', 'sam', 'thea', 'meet', 'coles', 'animator', 'party', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'leads', 'passionate', 'awkward', 'night', 'together', 'form', 'unstable', 'friendship', 'continue', 'push', 'sexual', 'boundaries', 'soon', 'friendships', 'tested', 'sam', 'coles', 'romance', 'thea', 'increasing', 'reckless', 'behavior', 'inevitably', 'relationships', 'dissolve', 'due', 'fear', 'resentment', 'mistrust', 'sides', 'eight', 'years', 'later', 'reunite', 'coles', 'animator', 'high-profile', 'agency', 'lives', 'girlfriend', 'five', 'years', 'claire', 'thea', 'former', 'wild-child', 'happily', 'married', 'miles', 'shares', 'ownership', 'successful', 'flourishing', 'restaurant', 'sam', 'returned', 'manhattan', 'london', 'breaking', 'engagement', 'upon', 'reconnecting', 'three', 'drawn', 'back', 'old', 'complicated', 'dynamic', 'soon', 'forced', 'confront', 'true', 'meaning', 'commitment', 'love', 'something', 'avoided', 'young', 'adults'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'graffiti-covered', 'wall', 'encolpio', 'martin', 'potter', 'lamenting', 'loss', 'lover', 'gitone', 'max', 'born', 'ascilto', 'vowing', 'win', 'back', 'learns', 'thermae', 'ascilto', 'sold', 'gitone', 'actor', 'vernacchio', 'theatre', 'discovers', 'vernacchio', 'gitone', 'performing', 'lewd', 'play', 'based', 'emperor\\\\', 'miracle', 'slave\\\\', 'hand', 'axed', 'replaced', 'gold', 'one', 'encolpio', 'storms', 'stage', 'reclaims', 'gitone', 'return', 'encolpio\\\\', 'home', 'insula', 'felicles', 'roman', 'tenement', 'building', 'walk', 'vast', 'roman', 'brothel', 'known', 'lupanare', 'observing', 'numerous', 'sensual', 'scenes', 'fall', 'asleep', 'making', 'love', 'encolpio\\\\', 'place', 'ascilto', 'sneaks', 'room', 'waking', 'encolpio', 'whiplash', 'since', 'share', 'tenement', 'room', 'encolpio', 'proposes', 'divide', 'property', 'separate', 'ascilto', 'mockingly', 'suggests', 'split', 'gitone', 'half', 'encolpio', 'driven', 'suicidal', 'despair', 'however', 'gitone', 'decides', 'leave', 'ascilto', 'moment', 'earthquake', 'destroys', 'tenement', 'encolpio', 'meets', 'poet', 'eumolpus', 'art', 'museum', 'elderly', 'poet', 'blames', 'current', 'corruption', 'mania', 'money', 'invites', 'young', 'friend', 'banquet', 'held', 'villa', 'trimalchio', 'wealthy', 'freeman', 'wife', 'fortunata', 'eumolpus\\\\', 'declamation', 'poetry', 'met', 'catcalls', 'thrown', 'food', 'fortunata', 'performs', 'frantic', 'dance', 'bored', 'trimalchio', 'turns', 'attention', 'two', 'young', 'boys', 'scandalized', 'fortunata', 'berates', 'husband', 'attacks', 'covered', 'gizzards', 'gravy', 'fancying', 'poet', 'trimalchio', 'recites', 'one', 'finer', 'poems', 'whereupon', 'eumolpo', 'accuses', 'stealing', 'verses', 'lucretius', 'enraged', 'trimalchio', 'orders', 'poet', 'tortured', 'slaves', 'villa\\\\', 'huge', 'kitchen', 'furnace', 'guests', 'invited', 'visit', 'trimalchio\\\\', 'tomb', 'enacts', 'death', 'ostentatious', 'ceremony', 'story', 'matron', 'ephesus', 'recounted', 'first', 'stories', 'within', 'story', 'film.bondanella', '260', 'encolpio', 'finally', 'leaves', 'villa', 'helping', 'limping', 'beaten', 'eumolpo', 'drink', 'water', 'pool', 'tilled', 'field', 'return', 'kindness', 'eumolpo', 'bequeaths', 'spirit', 'poetry', 'young', 'friend', 'encolpio', 'gitone', 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'garden', 'delights', 'prostitutes', 'said', 'effect', 'cure', 'impotence', 'treatment', 'gentle', 'whipping', 'buttocks', 'fails', 'miserably', 'second', 'stories', 'within', 'story', 'film', 'owner', 'garden', 'delights', 'narrates', 'tale', 'enotea', 'encolpio', 'rejected', 'advances', 'sorcerer', 'curses', 'beautiful', 'young', 'woman', 'must', 'spend', 'days', 'kindling', 'fires', 'village\\\\', 'hearths', 'genitalia', 'inspired', 'encolpio', 'ascilto', 'hire', 'boatman', 'take', 'enotea\\\\', 'home', 'greeted', 'old', 'woman', 'drink', 'potion', 'encolpio', 'falls', 'spell', 'sexual', 'prowess', 'restored', 'enotea', 'form', 'earth', 'mother', 'figure', 'sorceress', 'ascilto', 'murdered', 'field', 'boatman', 'encolpio', 'decides', 'join', 'eumolpo\\\\', 'ship', 'bound', 'north', 'africa', 'eumolpo', 'died', 'meantime', 'leaving', 'heirs', 'willing', 'eat', 'corpse', 'encolpio', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'stomach', 'last', 'bitter', 'mockery', 'nonetheless', 'invited', 'captain', 'board', 'ship', 'voice-over', 'encolpio', 'explains', 'set', 'sail', 'captain', 'crew', 'words', 'end', 'mid-sentence', 'however', 'distant', 'island', 'appears', 'horizon', 'film', 'abruptly', 'cuts', 'frescoes', 'film\\\\', 'characters', 'crumbling', 'wall'], ['seo-hyun', 'ordinary', 'housewife', 'late', 'thirties', 'ten', 'year-old', 'son', 'successful', 'architect', 'husband', 'seo-hyun', 'life', 'series', 'banal', 'routines', 'well', 'provided', 'upper', 'class', 'comforts', 'sheltered', 'life', 'suddenly', 'threatened', 'appearance', 'u-in', 'much', 'younger', 'sister', 'attractive', 'new', 'fiance', 'u-in', 'approaches', 'seo-hyun', 'attraction', 'evolves', 'passionate', 'affair', 'seo-hyun', 'aware', 'falling', 'younger', 'man', 'destroy', 'family', 'help', 'new', 'feelings', 'stirring', 'within', '...'], [\"'as\", 'aging', 'widower', 'begins', 'suffering', 'heart', 'trouble', 'greedy', 'heirs', 'hope', 'speed', 'way', 'hiring', 'seductive', 'nurse', 'get', 'pulse', 'racing', 'plan', 'eventually', 'backfires', 'young', 'beauty', 'begins', 'fall', 'love', 'old', 'man'], [\"'sang-hyeon\", 'bus', 'driver', 'lives', 'daydreams', 'recording', 'radio', 'shows', 'people', 'ride', 'bus', 'falls', 'love', 'kyeong-woo', 'blind', 'woman', 'moved', 'neighbourhood', 'pretends', 'someone', 'else'], ['ben', 'holmes', \"'blurb\", 'writer', 'responsible', 'writing', 'short', 'introductions', 'sleeves', 'hardcover', 'books', 'way', 'savannah', 'georgia', 'wedding', 'bridget', 'already', 'nervous', 'flying', 'nerves', \"n't\", 'helped', 'seated', 'next', 'sarah', 'free', '뱒pirit', 'person', 'seems', 'get', 'nerves', 'takeoff', 'bird', 'flies', 'one', 'engines', 'causing', 'flameout', 'afraid', 'fly', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'travel', 'sarah', 'also', 'needs', 'get', 'savannah', 'within', 'days', 'course', 'trip', 'things', 'seem', 'keep', 'happening', 'prevent', 'getting', 'destination', 'wrong', 'car', 'train', 'getting', 'caught', 'various', 'thunderstorms', 'however', 'ben', 'impressed', 'sarah', 'easy', 'spirit', 'starts', 'feel', 'connection', 'get', 'closer', 'destination', 'ben', 'starts', 'wonder', 'making', 'right', 'choice', 'getting', 'married', 'bridget', 'let', 'fate', 'take', 'sarah', 'secret'], ['pablo', 'quintero', 'homosexual', 'film', 'director', 'whose', 'latest', 'work', 'released', 'party', 'premiere', 'meets', 'antonio', 'beautiful', 'young', 'man', 'obsessed', 'end', 'evening', 'home', 'together', 'antonio', 'experiences', 'anal', 'sex', 'first', 'time', 'pablo', 'considers', 'happening', 'lusty', 'episode', 'still', 'love', 'long-time', 'lover', 'juan', 'young', 'man', 'misunderstands', 'intentions', 'reveals', 'possessive', 'behaviour', 'lover', 'parallel', 'told', 'dramatic', 'story', 'pablo', 'sister', 'tina', 'struggling', 'actress', 'boy', 'changed', 'sex', 'build', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'father', 'eventually', 'left', 'another', 'woman', 'hates', 'men', 'much', 'rumoured', 'might', 'lesbian', 'also', 'must', 'care', 'niece', 'ada', 'whose', 'mother', 'home', 'loves', 'like', 'daughter', 'thrills', 'begin', 'jealous', 'antonio', 'tries', 'rape', 'juan', 'ends', 'throwing', 'cliff', 'confronting', 'antonio', 'death', 'devastated', 'pablo', 'accident', 'causes', 'loss', 'memory', 'police', 'suspect', 'tina', 'pablo', 'murder', 'sympathetic', 'doctor', 'keeps', 'bay', 'tina', 'decides', 'reveal', 'pablo', 'transsexual', 'announces', 'found', 'lover', 'pablo', 'finds', 'late', 'actually', 'antonio', 'antonio', 'holds', 'tina', 'ada', 'hostage', 'order', 'demand', 'hour', 'alone', 'pablo', 'stunned', 'limping', 'pablo', 'agrees', 'experiences', 'tender', 'moments', 'antonio', 'antonio', 'suddenly', 'kills'], [\"'zack\", 'elliot', 'successful', 'young', 'doctor', 'los', 'angeles', 'area', 'married', 'claire', 'equally', 'successful', 'television', 'network', 'executive', 'early', '1980s', 'married', 'eight', 'years', 'generally', 'happy', 'relationship', 'sharing', 'common', 'love', 'gilbert', 'sullivan', 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'jun-ho', 'spend', 'much', 'time', 'together', 'illness', 'relapses', 'dies'], [\"'young\", 'french', 'cello', 'student', 'ariane', 'chavasse', 'eavesdrops', 'conversation', 'father', 'widowed', 'private', 'detective', 'claude', 'chavasse', 'client', 'monsieur', 'learning', 'wife\\\\', 'daily', 'trysts', 'american', 'business', 'magnate', 'frank', 'flannagan', 'monsieur', 'announces', 'shoot', 'flannagan', 'later', 'day', 'claude', 'nonchalant', 'regretting', 'business', 'lose', 'ariane', 'get', 'police', 'intervene', 'decides', 'warn', 'ariane', 'time', 'monsieur', 'breaks', 'flannagan\\\\', 'hotel', 'suite', 'finds', 'flannagan', 'ariane', 'wife', 'flannagan', 'intrigued', 'mysterious', 'girl', 'refuses', 'give', 'information', 'even', 'name', 'resorts', 'calling', 'thin', 'girl', 'romantic', 'history', 'pretends', 'femme', 'fatale', 'interest', 'soon', 'falls', 'love', 'considerably', 'older', 'man', 'agrees', 'meet', 'next', 'afternoon', 'orchestral', 'practice', 'evenings', 'comes', 'mixed', 'feelings', 'ends', 'becoming', 'lover', 'evening', 'plane', 'leaves', 'father', 'tried', 'unsuccessfully', 'protect', 'knowing', 'tawdry', 'domestic-surveillance', 'details', 'files', 'notices', 'change', 'mood', 'idea', 'proceeds', 'one', 'cases', 'year', 'flannagan', 'returns', 'paris', 'two', 'meet', 'chance', 'opera', 'start', 'seeing', 'time', 'persists', 'questioning', 'makes', 'long', 'list', 'prior', 'imaginary', 'lovers', 'based', 'father\\\\', 'files', 'flannagan', 'gradually', 'goes', 'amused', 'tormented', 'possible', 'comparisons', 'unsure', 'whether', 'real', 'encounters', 'still-apologetic', 'monsieur', 'latter', 'recommends', 'claude', 'chavasse', 'thus', 'flannagan', 'hires', 'ariane\\\\', 'father', 'investigate', 'take', 'chavasse', 'long', 'realize', 'mystery', 'woman', 'ariane', 'informs', 'client', 'daughter', 'fabricated', 'love', 'life', 'tells', 'flannagan', 'little', 'fish', 'throw', 'back', 'since', 'serious', 'wants', 'avoid', 'serious', 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'hamilton', 'job', 'entire', 'department', 'outsourced', 'reluctantly', 'travels', 'india', 'train', 'replacement', 'arriving', 'india', 'experiences', 'culture', 'shock', 'confused', 'everything', 'catching', 'train', 'hiring', 'taxi', 'team', 'quirky', 'indian', 'call', 'center', 'workers', 'mdash', 'including', 'friendly', 'motivated', 'replacement', 'puro', 'charming', 'outspoken', 'asha', 'mdash', 'todd', 'soon', 'realizes', 'lot', 'learn', 'india', 'also', 'one', 'day', 'calls', 'ex-girlfriend', 'find', 'another', 'man', 'todd', 'depressed', 'long', 'discovers', 'outsourced', 'may', 'best', 'thing', 'ever', 'happened', 'todd\\\\', 'assigned', 'objective', 'reduce', 'time', 'needed', 'complete', 'average', 'call', 'minutes', 'six', 'team', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'achieve', 'boss', \"won\\\\'t\", 'let', 'home', 'another', 'call', 'center', 'administrator', 'happens', 'meet', 'mumbai', 'tells', 'it\\\\', 'hopeless', 'suggests', 'instead', 'fighting', 'todd', 'relax', 'flow', 'life', 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'bound', 'run', 'one', 'day', 'chang-sik', 'mi-young', 'walking', 'around', 'distractedly', 'end', 'head-on', 'collision', 'chang-sik', 'coins', 'spill', 'hands', 'scatter', 'ground', 'precious', 'coins', 'chases', 'every', 'single', 'one', 'ends', 'cents', 'short', 'viciously', 'turns', 'mi-young', 'refuses', 'give', 'cents', 'become', 'sworn', 'enemies', 'incident', 'come', 'across', 'chance', 'lifetime', 'chance', 'witness', 'hit-and-run', 'involving', 'old', 'man', 'hwang', 'together', 'next', 'day', 'amazement', 'see', 'banner', 'advertising', 'million', 'reward', 'eyewitnesses', 'course', 'person', 'eagerly', 'offers', 'witness', 'ends', 'getting', 'tangled', 'something', \"n't\", 'bargained', 'for징짝', 'two', 'slackers', 'gotten'], [\"'francesca\", 'cunningham', 'suicidal', 'silent', 'mental', 'patient', 'care', 'dr.', 'larsen', 'via', 'hypnosis', 'larsen', 'leads', 'describe', 'life', 'history', 'investigate', 'events', 'brought', 'attempt', 'suicide', 'film', 'largely', 'consists', 'series', 'flashbacks', 'francesca', 'talks', 'life', 'removing', 'successive', '쐖eils', 'recover', 'memories', 'second', 'cousin', 'guardian', 'nicholas', 'crippled', 'musician', 'interested', 'nicholas', 'though', 'bitter', 'man', 'faintly', 'jealous', 'talent', 'misogynistic', 'relationship', 'mother', 'divine', 'music', 'teacher', 'encourages', 'excel', 'also', 'avoid', 'emotional', 'entanglements', 'royal', 'college', 'music', 'peter', 'hugh', 'mcdermott', 'american', 'studying', 'london', 'becomes', 'romantically', 'interested', 'although', 'initially', 'unresponsive', 'francesca', 'peter', 'become', 'engaged', 'yet', 'reached', 'majority', 'nicholas', 'withholds', 'consent', 'insists', 'leave', 'paris', 'morning', 'completes', 'education', 'begins', 'career', 'continent', 'years', 'pass', 'nicholas', 'francesca', 'return', 'britain', 'invited', 'perform', 'royal', 'albert', 'hall', 'discovers', 'peter', 'married', 'someone', 'else', 'artist', 'maxwell', 'leyden', 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'years', 'ago', 'park', 'living', 'life', 'without', 'meaning', 'despite', 'married', 'baby', 'boy', 'one', 'day', 'ran', 'old', 'school', 'friend', 'song', 'man-su', 'chance', 'spent', 'next', 'weeks', 'partying', 'every', 'night', 'wife', 'chagrin', 'soon', 'man-su', 'approached', 'place', 'work', 'asking', 'could', 'use', 'one', 'rooms', 'teach', 'ballroom', 'dance', 'openly', 'admitting', 'gigolo', 'park', 'vocally', 'turned', 'co-worker', 'ended', 'giving', 'man-su', 'permission', 'classes', 'proved', 'great', 'success', 'man-su', 'asked', 'park', 'would', 'want', 'help', 'teach', 'classes', 'initially', 'park', 'refused', 'wanting', 'part', 'world', 'eventually', 'agreed', 'take', 'single', 'lesson', 'man-su', 'upon', 'taking', 'first', 'step', 'jive', 'park', 'instantly', 'fell', 'love', 'dance', 'next', 'days', 'park', 'assisted', 'man-su', 'lessons', 'day', 'took', 'additional', 'ones', 'night', 'entire', 'life', 'obsessed', 'dance', 'however', 'happiness', 'came', 'end', 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'program', 'producer', 'young-soo', 'attempts', 'urge', 'rich', 'friend', 'jae-hoon', 'finance', 'independent', 'film', 'currently', 'directing', 'young-soo', 'visits', 'jae-hoon', 'gallery', 'soo-jung', 'tagging', 'along', 'jae-hoon', 'finds', 'attracted', 'soo-jung', 'asks', 'become', 'lover', 'soo-jung', 'somewhat', 'reluctantly', 'accepts', 'offer', 'condition', 'drink', 'tug-of-war', 'reveals', 'soo-jung', 'still', 'virgin', 'impresses', 'jae-hoon', 'well', 'escalates', 'frustration', 'meanwhile', 'young-soo', 'also', 'expresses', 'feelings', 'soo-jung', 'soo-jung', 'decide', 'whether', 'surrender', 'virginty', 'jae-hoon', 'anxiously', 'awaits', 'hotel', 'room'], ['lovely', 'week', 'lives', 'people', 'elderly', 'woman', 'rents', 'coffee', 'shop', 'gruff', 'theater', 'owner', 'newlywed', 'couple', 'crushed', 'debt', 'desperate', 'work', 'down-on-his-luck', 'salesman', 'hides', 'fact', 'sells', 'trinkets', 'subway', 'wife', 'bill', 'collector', 'fed', 'job', 'offered', 'spot', 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'years', 'earlier', 'young', 'student', 'baseball', 'uniform', 'moved', 'neighborhood', 'day', 'slowly', 'fallen', 'love', 'afar', 'never', 'found', 'opportunity', 'talk', 'night', 'came', 'alone', 'bar', 'works', 'shocked', 'see', 'start', 'crying', 'three', 'drinks', 'passes', 'without', 'much', 'choice', 'takes', 'nearby', 'hotel', 'looks', 'seeing', 'sleep', 'peacefully', 'wants', 'stay', 'together', 'long', 'wakes', 'words', 'wants', 'say', 'get', 'stuck', 'throat', 'tell', 'he\\\\', 'well-behaved', 'drunk', 'frustrated', 'embarrassed', 'leaves', 'goes', 'back', 'home', 'decides', 'send', 'postcard', 'five', 'favorite', 'radio', 'programs', '...', 'although', 'chi-sung', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'yi-yeon', 'radio', 'incident', 'provides', 'opportunity', 'one', 'radio', 'station', 'sends', 'free', 'mobile', 'phone', 'gift', '...', 'chi-sung', 'recently', 'lost', 'stops', 'home', 'give', 'another', 'radio', 'station', 'sends', 'free', 'movie', 'tickets', 'takes', 'along', 'theater', 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'refugee', 'status', 'rejected', 'ordered', 'return', 'hal', 'father', 'try', 'valiantly', 'think', 'way', 'keep', 'come', 'empty', 'handed', 'finally', 'hal', 'decides', 'loves', 'randa', 'offers', 'run', 'away', 'law', 'tells', 'plan', 'father', 'initially', 'disapproves', 'seeing', 'much', 'love', 'allows', 'also', 'tell', 'randa', 'father', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'hal', 'promises', 'take', 'care', 'father', 'agrees', 'realising', 'randa', 'deported', 'unless', 'leaves', 'randa', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'leave', 'father', 'ultimately', 'agrees', 'leave', 'night', 'randa', 'deportation', 'stopping', 'hotel', 'room', 'make', 'love', 'tenderly', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'hal', 'awakes', 'randa', 'gone', 'leaves', 'note', 'explaining', 'leave', 'father', 'get', 'father', 'trouble', 'returns', 'late', 'sees', 'randa', 'father', 'bus', 'deportation', 'eventually', 'decides', 'overseas', 'look', 'uses', 'money', 'mother', 'left', 'buy', 'plane', 'ticket', 'series', 'ends', 'hal', 'unsure', 'happen', 'search', 'love'], [\"'penelope\", 'wilhern', 'young', 'woman', 'wealthy', 'family', 'qualities', 'make', 'excellent', 'match', 'well-bred', 'man', 'status', 'however', 'sets', 'apart', 'pig-face', 'disorder', 'generations', 'ago', 'embittered', 'witch', 'placed', 'curse', 'wilhern', 'family', 'son', 'affair', 'daughter', 'one', 'wilhern', 'servants', 'talked', 'marrying', 'disapproving', 'family', 'abandoned', 'married', 'someone', 'status', 'distraught', 'pregnant', 'servant', 'girl', 'threw', 'cliff', 'furious', 'witch', 'cursed', 'wilherns', 'next', 'daughter', 'born', 'affluent', 'family', 'would', 'face', 'pig', 'five', 'generations', 'wilherns', 'lucky', 'enough', 'produce', 'sons', 'penelope', 'born', 'stricken', 'curse', 'said', 'curse', 'lifted', \"\\\\'one\", 'own\\\\', 'learns', 'love', 'parents', 'interpret', 'meaning', 'penelope', 'must', 'marry', 'man', 'noble', 'birth', 'rumours', 'spread', 'existence', 'baby', 'face', 'pig', 'tabloid', 'reporter', 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'max', 'unethical', 'aggressive', 'hard-working', 'london-based', 'investment', 'trader', 'following', 'uncle\\\\', 'death', 'max', 'sole', 'beneficiary', 'french', 'property', 'travels', 'provence', 'prepare', 'quick', 'sale', 'shortly', 'arriving', 'knocks', 'local', 'cafe', 'owner', 'named', 'fanny', 'chenal', 'bicycle', 'result', 'careless', 'driving', 'subsequently', 'discovers', 'latest', 'city', 'financial', 'stunt', 'landed', 'hot', 'water', 'government', 'firm\\\\', 'directors', 'necessitating', 'return', 'london', 'assist', 'planned', 'sale', 'property', 'max', 'hurriedly', 'snaps', 'photos', 'process', 'falls', 'empty', 'swimming', 'pool', 'unable', 'escape', 'fanny', 'chenal', 'driving', 'spotting', 'rental', 'car', 'appears', 'turns', 'water', 'supply', 'retaliation', 'delay', 'causes', 'max', 'miss', 'flight', 'failed', 'report', 'directors', 'person', 'suspended', 'work', 'trading', 'activities', 'one', 'week', 'henry\\\\', 'estate', 'max', 'must', 'deal', 'gruff', 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'max', 'choice', 'money', 'life', 'must', 'either', 'choose', 'discharge', 'settlement', 'includes', 'lot', 'zeros', 'accept', 'offer', 'partnership', 'trading', 'firm', 'would', 'made', 'life', 'max', 'chooses', 'money', 'cleverly', 'invalidates', 'estate\\\\', 'contract', 'sale', 'forging', 'letter', 'henry', 'confirming', 'christie', 'daughter', 'also', 'valid', 'claim', 'property', 'puts', 'london', 'residence', 'sale', 'returns', 'provence', 'entering', 'relationship', 'fanny', 'christie', 'also', 'returns', 'francis', 'jointly', 'run', 'vineyard', 'trying', 'reconcile', 'vastly', 'different', 'philosophies', 'wine', 'production', 'meanwhile', 'max', 'able', 'focus', 'entire', 'attention', 'fanny'], [\"'rebecca\", 'struggling', 'photographer', 'finds', 'model', 'boyfriend', 'richard', 'bed', 'another', 'woman', 'also', 'destroys', 'camera', 'equipment', 'life', 'falls', 'apart', 'alternates', 'desire', 'revenge', 'upon', 'sexual', 'promiscuity', 'abandonment', 'hope', 'love', 'best', 'friends', 'michelle', 'carrie', 'try', 'set', 'dates', 'include', 'one', 'freakish', 'magician', 'guillermo', 'd챠az', 'another', 'man', 'gives', 'ecstasy', 'fetish', 'fish', 'attempts', 'make', 'richard', 'jealous', 'taking', 'director', 'reminiscent', 'woody', 'allen', 'runway', 'show', 'ends', 'vomiting', 'breasts', 'front', 'everyone', 'ultimately', 'rebecca', 'realizes', 'focus', 'energy', 'someone', 'truly', 'loves', 'turns', 'john', 'nerdy', 'caring', 'best', 'male', 'friend', 'supportive', 'entire', 'ordeal'], ['group', 'friends', 'celebrate', 'summer', 'small', 'island', 'stockholm', 'archipelago', 'plan', 'eat', 'crayfish', 'drink', 'snaps', 'quintessentially', 'swedish', 'tradition', 'already', 'house', 'island', 'rest', 'group', 'arrives', 'boat', 'experience', 'great', 'difficulties', 'trying', 'come', 'ashore', 'neighbor', 'island', 'eccentric', 'hollywood-obsessed', 'hot-tempered', 'hermit', \"n't\", 'make', 'situation', 'better'], [\"'rand\", 'computer', 'animator', 'created', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'creature', 'designed', 'interact', 'children', 'teach', 'responsibility', 'prototype', 'forced', 'practice', 'school', 'rand', 'encounters', 'sarah', 'teacher', 'inexplicably', 'drawn', 'favorite', 'bar', 'one', 'fateful', 'evening', 'sparks', 'fly', 'fundamental', 'differences', 'approaches', 'love', 'relationships', 'slow', 'halt'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'mich챔le\\\\', 'first', 'journal', 'entry', 'years', 'old', 'ruined', 'life', 'one', 'many', 'journal', 'entry', 'titles', 'flashed', 'every', 'particular', 'scene', 'film', 'mich챔le', 'recently', 'broken', 'boyfriend', 'meets', 'friends', 'caf챕', 'meets', 'charming', 'veterinarian', 'fran챌ois', 'though', 'mich챔le', 'promising', 'modeling', 'career', 'feels', 'something', 'someone', 'missing', 'life', 'fran챌ois', 'quickly', 'fills', 'void', 'mich챔le', 'feels', 'partially', 'whole', 'first', 'claims', 'catholic', 'dissatisfied', 'results', 'praying', 'worshipping', 'recommendation', 'begins', 'follow', 'buddhism', 'meditation', 'use', 'elaborate', 'costume', 'jewelry', 'eventually', 'discovers', 'fran챌ois', 'jewish', 'however', 'practice', 'faith', 'throughout', 'film', 'immerses', 'judaism', 'following', 'traditions', 'sabbath', 'fran챌ois', 'breaks', 'telling', 'touch', 'sickens', 'accusing', 'lying', 'engages', 'several', 'affairs', 'fails', 'ever', 'marry', 'attempts', 'date', 'men', 'create', 'true', 'connections', 'finally', 'wedding', 'friend', 'val챕rie', 'francois', 'broken', 'yet', 'another', 'woman', 'claims', 'desire', 'movie', 'ends', 'famous', 'line', '...', 'continued', 'leaving', 'viewers', 'curious', 'future'], [\"'ted\", 'scott', 'band', 'pianist', 'whose', 'publicity', 'manager', 'decides', 'good', 'press', 'band', 'adopt', 'foreign', 'refugee', 'band', 'goes', 'ellis', 'island', 'meet', 'girl', 'soon', 'discovers', 'refugee', \"isn\\\\'t\", '10-year-old', 'child', 'young', 'woman', 'karen', 'benson', 'surprise', 'comes', 'right', 'band', 'travel', 'sun', 'valley', 'idaho', 'christmas', 'gig', 'ski', 'slopes', 'ted', 'soon', 'falls', 'karen\\\\', 'inventive', 'schemes', 'win', 'heart', 'new', 'sponsor', 'much', 'chagrin', 'girlfriend', 'vivian', 'dawn', 'soloist', 'band', 'vivian', 'promptly', 'quits', 'band', 'jealousy', 'karen', 'stages', 'elaborate', 'ice', 'show', 'substitute', 'particular', 'note', 'chattanooga', 'choo', 'choo', 'song', 'dance', 'scene', 'dorothy', 'dandridge', 'nicholas', 'brothers', 'scene', 'begins', 'practice', 'studio', 'glenn', 'miller', 'orchestra', 'practicing', 'chattanooga', 'choo', 'choo', 'scene', 'includes', 'two', 'choruses', 'song', 'sung', 'tex', 'beneke', 'musical', 'exchange', 'modernaires', 'scene', 'transition', 'incorporates', 'introduction', 'integration', 'practice', 'studio', 'actors', 'dandridge', 'nicholas', 'brothers', 'begin', 'singing', 'dancing', 'railway', 'station', 'set', 'sun', 'valley', 'serenade', 'first', 'two', 'movies', 'featuring', 'glenn', 'miller', 'orchestra', 'besides', 'chattanooga', 'choo', 'choo', 'glenn', 'miller', 'tunes', 'film', 'moonlight', 'serenade', 'happened', 'sun', 'valley', 'know', 'mood', 'instrumental', 'version', 'last', 'recorded', 'glenn', 'miller', 'orchestra', 'well', 'version', 'vocals', 'john', 'payne', 'pat', 'friday', 'recordings', 'would', 'remain', 'unused', 'unissued', 'last', 'heard', 'movie', 'however', 'orchestral', 'version', 'minute', 'twenty', 'seconds', 'length', 'closing', 'skating', 'sequence', 'sonja', 'henie', 'last', 'would', 'also', 'appear', '1942', 'follow-up', 'movie', 'orchestra', 'wives', 'performed', 'glenn', 'miller', 'orchestra', 'vocals', 'ray', 'eberle', 'pat', 'friday', 'future', 'olympic', 'gold', 'medalist', 'gretchen', 'fraser', 'skiing', 'stand-in', 'sonja', 'henie', 'fraser', 'member', 'olympic', 'team', '1940', '1948'], ['zarak', 'khan', 'son', 'chief', 'caught', 'embracing', 'one', 'father', 'wives', 'salma', 'zarak', 'father', 'sentenced', 'torture', 'death', 'saved', 'imam', 'exiled', 'zarak', 'becomes', 'bandit', 'chief', 'enemy', 'british', 'empire'], [\"'david\", 'well-known', 'artist', 'blocked', 'decides', 'take', 'job', 'waiter', 'try', 'find', 'inspiration', 'friend', 'roommate', 'shannon', 'pre-op', 'male-to-female', 'transsexual', 'stumbles', 'across', 'main', 'st.', 'diner', 'owned', 'matt', 'violet', 'looking', 'waiter', 'david', 'gets', 'hired', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'close', 'couple', 'although', \"don\\\\'t\", 'know', 'standing', 'art', 'community', 'surprised', 'learn', 'he\\\\', 'gay', 'david\\\\', 'friend', 'kryla', 'columnist', 'winnipeg', 'tribune', 'tracks', 'david', 'diner', 'wishes', 'annoyed', 'david', 'demands', 'write', 'diner', 'column', 'diner\\\\', 'business', 'picks', 'considerably', 'shannon', 'whose', 'sex', 'reassignment', 'surgery', 'repeatedly', 'delayed', 'hiv-positive', 'status', 'begins', 'become', 'ill.', 'david', 'painting', 'installed', 'kryla', 'gets', 'photo', 'paper', 'matt', 'violet', 'see', 'photo', 'realize', 'he\\\\', 'famous', 'david', 'matt', 'start', 'hanging', 'matt', 'tried', 'hand', 'drawing', 'comic', 'books', 'pesters', 'david', 'show', 'paintings', 'david', 'resists', 'matt', 'confesses', 'fallen', 'love', 'another', 'man', 'college', 'although', \"hadn\\\\'t\", 'acted', 'david', 'finding', 'drawn', 'matt', 'paints', 'nude', 'tells', 'matt', 'there\\\\', 'painting', 'needs', 'see', 'matt', 'comes', 'david\\\\', 'place', 'sees', 'painting', 'becomes', 'aroused', 'two', 'begin', 'affair', 'david', 'paints', 'two', 'portraits', 'matt', 'still', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'actually', 'pose', 'kryla', 'shannon', 'hail', 'best', 'work', 'entreat', 'exhibit', 'matt', 'nervous', 'violet', 'would', 'react', 'makes', 'promise', 'also', 'tells', 'loves', 'keep', 'relationship', 'secret', 'though', 'especially', 'face', 'vehement', 'disapproval', 'kryla', 'expresses', 'david', 'idea', 'sleeping', 'married', 'man', 'kryla', 'soon', 'discovers', 'affair', 'walks', 'david', 'matt', 'sex', 'panicked', 'matt', 'tells', 'david', 'lied', 'loving', 'flees', 'aftermath', 'affair', 'shannon', 'convinces', 'david', 'break', 'promise', 'exhibit', 'paintings', 'title', 'straightman', 'matt', 'learns', 'show', 'confronts', 'david', 'first', 'threatening', 'destroy', 'paintings', 'offering', 'sexually', 'david', 'contemptuously', 'dismisses', 'matt', 'tells', 'violet', 'paintings', 'affair', 'admits', 'love', 'david', 'demands', 'divorce', 'shannon', 'grown', 'progressively', 'ill', 'decides', 'take', 'life', 'dies', 'david', 'runs', 'kryla', 'bar', 'bitter', 'fight', 'violet', 'attends', 'opening', 'merely', 'tells', 'david', 'paintings', 'good', 'she\\\\', 'leaving', 'matt', 'arrives', 'refuses', 'give', 'another', 'chance', 'opening', 'matt', 'approaches', 'david', 'also', 'rebuffs', 'film\\\\', 'end', 'violet', 'sells', 'main', 'st.', 'diner', 'matt', 'left', 'town', 'david', 'also', 'decided', 'leave', 'kryla', 'reconcile'], ['set', 'late', '15th', 'century', 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'accused', 'imprisoned', 'choseon', 'secretly', 'releases', 'jangsaeng', 'telling', 'forget', 'gong-gil', 'leave', 'palace', 'jangsaeng', 'ignores', 'advice', 'returns', 'walk', 'tightrope', 'across', 'palace', 'rooftops', 'time', 'openly', 'loudly', 'mocking', 'king', 'king', 'shoots', 'arrows', 'gong-gil', 'tries', 'vain', 'stop', 'jangsaeng', 'falls', 'caught', 'eyes', 'seared', 'burning', 'iron', 'punishment', 'thrown', 'prison', 'gong-gil', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'life', 'saved', 'palace', 'doctors', 'king', 'jangsaeng', 'walk', 'tightrope', 'blind', 'jangsaeng', 'tells', 'story', 'gong-gil', 'trials', 'tribulations', 'balancing', 'rope', 'gong-gil', 'runs', 'join', 'gong-gil', 'asks', 'jangsaeng', 'would', 'like', 'return', 'next', 'life', 'jangsaeng', 'replies', 'would', 'still', 'choose', 'clown', 'gong-gil', 'answers', 'would', 'return', 'nothing', 'else', 'clown', 'throughout', 'film', 'tyranny', 'king', 'corruption', 'courts', 'revealed', 'end', 'popular', 'uprising', 'resulting', 'attack', 'palace', 'people', 'storm', 'court', 'jangsaeng', 'gong-gil', 'jump', 'rope', 'together', 'jangsaeng', 'tosses', 'away', 'fan', 'last', 'scene', 'happy', 'one', 'jangsaeng', 'gong-gil', 'appear', 'reunited', 'clowning', 'troupe', 'including', 'friend', 'died', 'earlier', 'hunting', 'incident', 'whole', 'company', 'jokes', 'sings', 'dances', 'walk', 'away', 'cheerfully', 'distance', 'cite', 'news', 'cite', 'news'], [\"'jim\", 'lucky', 'moore', 'allan', 'jones', 'insurance', 'salesman', 'comes', 'novel', 'policy', 'friend', 'steve', \"\\\\'love\", 'insurance', 'policy\\\\', 'pay', '1-million', 'steve', 'marry', 'fianc챕e', 'cynthia', 'upcoming', 'marriage', 'jeopardized', 'steve\\\\', 'ex-girlfriend', 'mickey', 'cynthia\\\\', 'disapproving', 'aunt', 'kitty', 'policy', 'underwritten', 'nightclub', 'owner', 'roscoe', 'sends', 'two', 'enforcers', 'abbott', 'costello', 'ensure', 'wedding', 'occurs', 'planned', 'everyone', 'involved', 'situation', 'winds', 'sailing', 'flying', 'san', 'marcos', 'another', 'complication', 'arises', 'lucky', 'falls', 'cynthia', 'lucky', 'winds', 'marrying', 'cynthia', 'roscoe', 'pay', '1-million', 'steve', 'ends', 'marrying', 'mickey'], ['film', 'features', 'interviews', 'sex', 'reassignment', 'surgeon', 'dr.', 'leo', 'wollman', 'various', 'transsexuals', 'interviews', 're-enactments', 'dramatizations', 'interviewees', 'experiences', 'one', 'woman', \"n't\", 'wait', 'long', 'enough', 'surgery', 'took', 'man', 'home', 'new', 'vagina', 'started', 'bleed', \"n't\", 'given', 'enough', 'time', 'heal', 'surgery', 'film', 'released', 'dvd', '2006'], ['ottar', 'thor', 'star', 'player', 'icelandic', 'football', 'team', 'well', 'liked', 'player', 'causes', 'stir', 'admits', 'gay', 'team', 'mates', 'goes', 'journey', 'discover', 'soon', 'finds', 'bench', 'team', 'matches', 'decides', 'call', 'quits', 'joins', 'small', 'amateur', 'team', 'mainly', 'made', 'men', 'like', 'gay', 'guys', 'trying', 'play', 'soccer', 'straight', 'world', 'director', 'happens', 'ottar', 'thor', 'dad', 'tries', 'everything', 'power', 'persuade', 'ottar', 'come', 'back', 'play', 'team', 'catch', 'needs', 'get', 'back', 'closet', 'playing', 'pro', 'football', 'struggle', 'father', 'son', 'starts', 'ottar', 'thor', 'also', 'son', 'teenager', 'coping', 'well', 'attention', 'dad', 'getting', 'wrong', 'reasons', 'ottar', 'thor', 'finally', 'gives', 'father', 'returns', 'condition', 'plays', 'one', 'match', 'gay', 'team', 'father', 'accepts', 'condition', 'realising', 'match', 'take', 'place', 'gay', 'pride', 'day'], [\"'catherine\", 'duo', 'relationship', 'begins', 'satirical', 'inversion', 'hollywood', 'romantic', 'comedy', 'paradigm', 'comes', 'abrupt', 'anglican', 'halt', 'half', 'couple', 'leaves', 'study', 'oxford', 'university', 'left', 'behind', 'like', 'many', 'zealots', 'duo', 'finds', 'somewhat', 'psychotic', 'comfort', 'shipping', 'everything', 'owns', 'somewhere', 'point', 'point', 'however', 'parcels', 'course', 'get', 'lost', 'travis', 'finds', 'duo', 'floor', 'apartment', 'stripped', 'tenet', 'perhaps', 'desperate', 'travis', 'band', 'well-meaning', 'compatriots', 'try', 'best', 'pick', 'sad', 'silly', 'pieces', 'self-possessed', 'friend', 'eventually', 'lead', 'duo', 'back', 'path', 'essentially', 'sane', 'unfortunately', 'inevitably', 'duo', 'retrieves', 'measure', 'direction', 'catherine', 'returns', 'tossing', 'back', 'uncompromising', 'melancholy', 'somehow', 'though', 'homecoming', 'also', 'carries', 'illuminations', 'exactly', 'love', 'means', 'least', 'one', 'member', 'seemingly', 'wayward', 'generation'], [\"'art\", 'dodge', 'former', 'artist', 'struggling', 'make', 'ends', 'meet', 'art', 'gallery', 'ignoring', 'bills', 'delaying', 'pay', 'assistant', 'gloria', 'artist', 'manny', 'survive', 'reading', 'obituaries', 'trying', 'convince', 'widows', 'deceased', 'purchased', 'painting', 'shortly', 'dying', 'things', 'take', 'ugly', 'turn', 'art', 'trying', 'scam', 'mobster', 'gene', 'whose', 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'liz', 'gene', 'listening', 'outside', '-and', 'unbeknownst', 'anyone', 'also', 'betty', 'phone', 'gene', 'enters', 'study', 'confronts', 'lonely', 'art', 'threatens', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'marry', 'betty', 'tells', 'art', 'even', 'want', 'irrelevant', 'thing', 'matters', 'betty\\\\', 'happiness', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'betty', 'shaken', 'gene\\\\', 'selfless', 'devotion', 'calls', 'wedding', 'falls', 'gene\\\\', 'arms', 'acknowledging', 'still', 'love', 'gene', 'betty', 'elope', 'general', 'confusion', 'liz', 'sees', 'dog', 'wanting', 'play', 'art', 'realizes', 'art', 'bart', 'person', 'bart', 'see', 'liz', 'telling', 'fake', 'excuse', 'back', 'italy', 'adding', 'he\\\\', 'worthy', 'month', 'later', 'art\\\\', 'gallery', 'experienced', 'dramatic', 'turnaround', 'successful', 'inauguration', 'work', 'art', 'notices', 'liz', 'still', 'feeling', 'sure', 'really', 'art', 'manages', 'convince', 'one', 'feelings', 'movie', 'ends', 'two', 'happily', 'walking', 'street', 'hand', 'hand'], [\"'soyo\", 'quiet', 'conscientious', 'sixth', 'form', 'student', 'although', 'enjoy', 'school', 'attends', 'dutifully', 'without', 'word', 'complaint', 'one', 'day', 'discovers', 'inline', 'skating', 'complete', 'beginner', 'practices', 'first', 'hidden', 'corner', 'park', 'meets', 'group', 'wild', 'skaters', 'immediately', 'one', 'skater', 'mogi', 'catches', 'eye', 'adventurous', 'jumps', 'breathtaking', 'loops', 'defy', 'laws', 'gravity', 'mogi', 'without', 'doubt', 'star', 'group', 'stunts', 'style', 'cool', 'way', 'executes', 'even', 'daring', 'figures', 'unrivalled', 'mogi', 'girlfriend', 'hanjoo', 'invites', 'soyo', 'join', 'team', 'accepts', 'enthusiastically.', 'ref', 'name2006', 'programme', 'tae-poong-tae-yang|urlberlinale', 'sooner', 'become', 'member', 'skaters', 'life', 'changes', 'completely', 'loneliness', 'soyo', 'sometimes', 'felt', 'simply', 'disappears', 'quiet', 'existence', 'soon', 'makes', 'enormous', 'progress', 'skater', 'soyo', 'life', 'becomes', 'faster', 'exciting', 'mogi', 'hanjoo', 'turn', 'kind', 'friends', 'always', 'dreamed', 'team', 'busy', 'preparing', 'world', 'championships', 'mogi', 'take', 'part', 'disaster', 'strikes', 'film', 'crew', 'mogi', 'working', 'commercial', 'shoot', 'particularly', 'condescending', 'allows', 'goaded', 'performing', 'particularly', 'dangerous', 'jump', 'ends', 'bad', 'accident', 'whole', 'team', 'completely', 'absorbed', 'trying', 'scrape', 'money', 'together', 'pay', 'looming', 'debts', 'mogi', 'appears', 'lost', 'interest', 'skating', 'soyo', 'faith', 'new', 'friends', 'dwindles', 'once-successful', 'team', 'threatens', 'fall', 'apart'], ['colorful', 'family', 'small', 'texas', 'town', 'must', 'come', 'grips', 'accidental', 'death', 'elderly', 'family', 'matriarch', 'clandestine', 'meeting', 'seedy', 'motel', 'room', 'much', 'younger', 'married', 'neighbor', 'woman', 'family', 'must', 'deal', 'demons', 'preparing', 'could', 'embarrassing', 'funeral'], [\"'bergman\", 'plays', 'karin', 'displaced', 'lithuanian', 'italy', 'escapes', 'internment', 'camp', 'marrying', 'italian', 'pow', 'fisherman', 'met', 'camp', 'side', 'barbed', 'wire', 'soon', 'discovers', 'home', 'island', 'stromboli', 'harsh', 'barren', 'people', 'traditional', 'conservative', 'act', 'hostility', 'towards', 'strange', 'foreign', 'woman', 'karin', 'speaks', 'little', 'italian', 'adding', 'difficulties', 'karin', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'despondent', 'eventually', 'wants', 'escape', 'volcano', 'island', 'film', 'also', 'features', 'documentary-like', 'segments', 'fishing', 'actual', 'evacuation', 'town', 'eruption', 'volcano', 'villagers', 'played', 'actual', 'people', 'island', 'typical', 'neo-realism'], ['angry', 'young', 'man', 'thambi', 'velu', 'thondaiman', 'fights', 'types', 'evils', 'society', 'runs', 'sankara', 'pandian', 'local', 'rowdy', 'brings', 'violence', 'city', 'thambi', 'determined', 'vanquish', 'sankara', 'pandian', 'activities', 'society', 'fearless', 'attitude', 'brings', 'fear', 'face', 'sanakara', 'pandian', 'gang', 'meanwhile', 'comes', 'across', 'pretty', 'girl', 'named', 'archana', 'originally', 'mistakes', 'gangster', 'seen', 'fighting', 'rowdies', 'falls', 'love', 'later', 'realizing', 'true', 'nature', 'thambi', 'thwarts', 'sankara', 'pandian', 'terrorizing', 'plans', 'help', 'close', 'associates', 'moment', 'flashback', 'unravels', 'sankara', 'pandian', 'gang', 'kills', 'thambi', 'family', 'thambi', 'identifies', 'killer', 'youth', 'murderer', 'sanakara', 'pandian', 'brother', 'saravana', 'pandian', 'shankara', 'pandian', 'tries', 'bring', 'terror', 'among', 'people', 'political', 'reasons', 'thambi', 'tries', 'prevent', 'disaster', 'later', 'thambi', 'succeeds', 'changing', 'shankara', 'pandian', 'heart', 'however', 'saravana', 'pandian', 'kill', 'coming', 'prison', 'rest', 'film', 'exciting', 'encounters', 'movie', 'ends', 'titillating', 'climax', 'positive', 'note', 'everyone'], [\"'tripp\", '35-year-old', 'man', 'still', 'living', 'parents', 'sue', 'baltimore', 'maryland', 'tripp\\\\', 'best', 'friends', 'demo', 'nerdy', 'ace', 'also', 'still', 'living', 'parents\\\\', 'homes', 'seem', 'proud', 'sue', 'happy', 'fascinated', 'friends', 'whose', 'adult', 'son', 'recently', 'moved', 'away', 'home', 'reveal', 'hired', 'expert', 'arrange', 'matter', 'expert', 'paula', 'theorises', 'men', 'continue', 'live', 'home', 'low', 'self-esteem', 'approach', 'establish', 'relationship', 'man', 'build', 'confidence', 'transfer', 'attachment', 'parents', 'step-by-step', 'process', 'deceitful', 'avoiding', 'physical', 'intimacy', 'allows', 'subject', 'fall', 'love', 'pretending', 'like', 'likes', 'allowing', 'help', 'crisis', 'obtaining', 'approval', 'friends', 'giving', 'opportunity', 'teach', 'something', 'moves', 'become', 'independent', 'tripp', 'soon', 'discovered', 'fit', 'paula\\\\', 'previous', 'profiles', 'normal', 'social', 'skills', 'problems', 'self-esteem', 'commit', 'long', 'term', 'relationships', 'uses', 'living', 'parents', 'dumping', 'mechanism', 'awkward', 'encounter', 'parents', 'paula', 'thwarts', 'attempt', 'dump', 'stays', 'night', 'developing', 'real', 'feelings', 'tripp', 'find', 'sailing', 'unfamiliar', 'waters', 'confide', 'friends', 'paula\\\\', 'vocation', 'exasperates', 'terminally-hip', 'roommate', 'kit', 'believes', 'paula\\\\', 'breakup', 'live-at-home', 'man', 'unhealthy', 'motivation', 'behind', 'job', 'given', 'whole', 'life', 'paula', 'hand', 'shocked', 'true', 'reason', 'tripp\\\\', 'situation', 'revealed', 'life', 'essentially', 'collapsed', 'woman', 'engaged', 'suddenly', 'died', 'leaving', 'emotionally', 'devastated', 'family', 'source', 'solace', 'ever', 'since', 'read', 'mark', 'wrong', 'entrepreneurial', 'ace', 'discovers', 'going', 'blackmails', 'paula', 'date', 'kit', 'although', 'kit', 'attracted', 'slacker', 'demo', 'ace', 'wind', 'bonding', 'problem', 'fall', 'love', 'ace', 'spills', 'beans', 'demo', 'turn', 'ultimately', 'reveals', 'tripp', 'leading', 'film\\\\', 'crisis', 'tripp', 'confronts', 'parents', 'paula', 'split', 'bitterness', 'guilt', 'tripp', 'moves', 'possibly', 'never', 'speak', 'parents', 'trust', 'woman', 'wracked', 'guilt', 'paula', 'refunds', 'sue\\\\', 'money', \"can\\\\'t\", 'escape', 'scathingly', 'dressed', 'kit', 'essentially', 'arrogant', 'con', 'artist', 'awkward', 'confrontation', 'tripp', 'manages', 'forgive', 'parents', 'despite', 'understanding', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'upfront', 'still', \"can\\\\'t\", 'forgive', 'paula', 'manipulations', 'tripp\\\\', 'parents', 'friends', 'devise', 'plan', 'reconcile', 'two', 'lovers', 'tie', 'gag', 'tripp', 'lock', 'paula', 'together', 'room', 'contrite', 'paula', 'pours', 'heart', 'end', 'seems', 'falling', 'love', 'moving', 'one\\\\', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'part', 'following', 'nature\\\\', 'course', 'movie', 'ends', 'sue', 'empty', 'nest', 'happily', 'singing', 'hit', 'road', 'jack', 'tripp', 'sailing', 'away', 'paula', 'newly-purchased', 'boat'], ['annie', 'mcgairy', 'eighteen-year', 'old', 'brooklynite', 'moved', 'mid-west', 'marry', 'carl', 'brown', 'law', 'student', 'couple', 'must', 'overcome', 'many', 'obstacles', 'including', 'disapproval', 'parents', 'knew', 'emigrating', 'america', 'ireland', 'along', 'financial', 'problems', 'annie', 'sexual', 'insecurities', 'problems', 'compounded', 'annie', 'discovers', 'pregnant', 'heated', 'argument', 'two', 'annie', 'leaves', 'carl', 'return', 'brooklyn', 'live', 'mother', 'tell', 'carl', 'pregnant', 'however', 'due', 'fact', 'want', 'burden', 'working', 'education', 'ultimately', 'annie', 'realizes', 'family', 'together', 'eventually', 'carl', 'forgives', 'leaving', 'believes', 'child', 'deserves', 'happiness', 'couple', 'embrace', 'train', 'station', 'end', 'vow', 'stay', 'together'], [\"'in\", '19th', 'century', 'macao', 'mr.', 'clay', 'wealthy', 'merchant', 'end', 'life', 'constant', 'companion', 'bookkeeper', 'polish-jewish', 'emigrant', 'named', 'levinsky', 'one', 'evening', 'levinsky', 'mentions', 'apocryphal', 'story', 'rich', 'old', 'man', 'offers', 'sailor', 'five', 'guineas', 'impregnate', 'wife', 'clay', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'making', 'legendary', 'tale', 'come', 'true', 'levinsky', 'dispatched', 'find', 'sailor', 'young', 'woman', 'play', 'part', 'clay', 'wife', 'levinsky', 'approaches', 'virginie', 'daughter', 'clay', 'one-time', 'business', 'partner', 'clay', 'ruthless', 'dealings', 'drove', 'virginie', 'father', 'bankruptcy', 'suicide', 'eager', 'participate', 'action', 'get', 'revenge', 'destitute', 'sailor', 'young', 'englishman', 'named', 'paul', 'discovered', 'street', 'recruited', 'virginie', 'paul', 'find', 'emotional', 'bond', 'brief', 'union', 'separate', 'ways', 'virginie', 'exorcised', 'bitterness', 'clay', 'paul', 'disappears', 'macao', 'teeming', 'streets', 'levinsky', 'goes', 'inform', 'clay', 'took', 'place', 'discovers', 'old', 'merchant', 'died.cowie', 'peter', '쏷he', 'cinema', 'orson', 'welles.', '978', 'a.s.', 'barnes'], [\"'rolling\", 'stone', 'reporter', 'adam', 'lawrence', 'sent', 'new', 'york', 'los', 'angeles', 'write', 'article', 'businessman', 'arrested', 'drug', 'dealing', 'stay', 'l.a.', 'adam', 'sees', 'chance', 'collect', 'material', 'another', 'story', 'fitness', 'clubs', 'singles', 'bars', \"\\\\'80s\", 'visits', 'sport', 'connection', 'popular', 'gym', 'meets', 'workout', 'instructor', 'jessie', 'wilson', 'asks', 'interview', 'previous', 'bad', 'experience', 'press', 'competitive', 'swimmer', 'jessie', 'declines', 'adam', 'joins', 'fitness', 'club', 'soon', 'coaxes', 'club', 'members', 'tell', 'gym', 'impact', 'love', 'lives', 'fun-loving', 'linda', 'sally', 'candid', 'experiences', 'opposite', 'sex', 'although', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'agree', 'part', 'story', 'romance', 'ultimately', 'develop', 'jessie', 'adam', 'resulting', 'moral', 'dilemma', 'journalist', 'lost', 'objective', 'point', 'view', 'jessie', 'comes', 'trust', 'less', 'cynical', 'adam', 'makes', 'concerted', 'effort', 'show', 'jessie', 'journalists', 'cheap', 'sensation', 'writes', 'in-depth', 'fair-minded', 'analysis', 'fitness', 'clubs', 'singles', 'meeting', 'scene', 'deemed', 'unacceptable', 'boss', 'rolling', 'stone\\\\', 'editor', 'chief', 'mark', 'roth', 'adam\\\\', 'article', 'turned', 'others', 'editing', 'using', 'material', 'supplied', 'colleague', 'frankie', 'photographer', 'finds', 'jessie\\\\', 'long-ago', 'appearance', 'magazine', 'embarrassing', 'details', 'romance', 'adam', 'travels', 'another', 'assignment', 'unaware', 'changes', 'made', 'story', 'late', 'stop', 'devastating', 'impact', 'jessie', 'well', 'others', 'like', 'sally', 'linda', 'described', 'used', 'piece', 'equipment', 'gym', 'adam', 'tries', 'explain', 'jessie', 'whole', 'situation', \"can\\\\'t\", 'meanwhile', 'must', 'attend', 'trial', 'he\\\\', 'supposed', 'testify', 'reporter', 'using', 'rights', 'granted', 'first', 'amendment', 'decides', 'comply', 'judge', 'orders', 'adam', 'hand', 'tapes', 'businessman\\\\', 'interview', 'adam', 'jailed', 'contempt', 'court', 'jessie', 'see', 'adam', 'man', 'word', 'believes', 'write', 'article', 'way', 'appeared', 'rolling', 'stone'], ['seems', 'figured', 'day', 'runs', 'surf', 'school', 'night', 'lies', 'next', 'beautiful', 'girlfriend', 'chloe', 'however', 'mates', 'arrive', 'london', 'unannounced', 'releases', 'tensions', 'long', 'simmering', 'surface', 'chloe', 'seemingly', 'perfect', 'relationship', 'friends', 'especially', 'drug-dealer', 'dean', 'intent', 'causing', 'mischief', 'sucking', 'back', 'old', 'habits', 'chloe', 'hoped', 'long', 'gone'], ['client', 'albert', 'osborne', 'makes', 'pass', 'susan', 'applegate', 'quits', 'job', 'scalp', 'massager', 'revigorous', 'system', 'decides', 'leave', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'return', 'home', 'stevenson', 'iowa', 'upon', 'arriving', 'train', 'station', 'discovers', 'enough', 'money', 'cover', 'child', 'fare', 'disguises', 'twelve-year-old', 'girl', 'named', 'su-su', 'suspicious', 'conductor', 'catches', 'smoking', 'su-su', 'takes', 'refuge', 'compartment', 'major', 'philip', 'kirby', 'believing', 'frightened', 'child', 'agrees', 'let', 'stay', 'reach', 'stop', 'train', 'detained', 'flooding', 'tracks', 'philip', 'fianc챕e', 'pamela', 'hill', 'father', 'commanding', 'officer', 'military', 'academy', 'teaches', 'drive', 'meet', 'pamela', 'boards', 'train', 'finds', 'su-su', 'sleeping', 'lower', 'berth', 'compartment', 'imagining', 'worst', 'accuses', 'philip', 'unfaithful', 'reports', 'alleged', 'infidelity', 'father', 'indignant', 'still', 'feeling', 'protective', 'su-su', 'philip', 'insists', 'bringing', 'school', 'parents', 'retrieve', 'hills', 'meeting', 'su-su', 'person', 'believing', 'years', 'old', 'agree', 'let', 'stay', 'pamela', 'teenaged', 'sister', 'lucy', 'immediately', 'sees', 'susan', 'disguise', 'promises', 'keep', 'secret', 'susan', 'help', 'sabotage', 'pamela', 'efforts', 'keep', 'philip', 'academy', 'instead', 'allowing', 'fulfill', 'wish', 'assigned', 'active', 'duty', 'pretending', 'pamela', 'susan', 'calls', 'one', 'pamela', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'connections', 'arranges', 'philip', 'status', 'changed', 'susan', 'becomes', 'popular', 'young', 'students', 'especially', 'cadet', 'clifford', 'osborne', 'unaware', 'son', 'client', 'prompted', 'quit', 'job', 'elder', 'osborne', 'visits', 'school', 'recognizes', 'susan', 'reveals', 'identity', 'pamela', 'threatens', 'expose', 'philip', 'create', 'public', 'scandal', 'unless', 'susan', 'leaves', 'immediately', 'susan', 'returns', 'home', 'continues', 'fantasize', 'philip', 'much', 'dismay', 'fianc챕', 'duffy', 'philip', 'stops', 'visit', 'way', 'california', 'report', 'active', 'duty', 'pretends', 'mother', 'philip', 'leaves', 'without', 'learning', 'truth', 'discovering', 'pamela', 'married', 'someone', 'else', 'susan', 'rushes', 'train', 'station', 'confesses', 'deception', 'philip', 'decide', 'marry', 'nevada', 'route', 'army', 'base'], ['frank', 'allen', 'professional', 'speaker', 'lectures', 'time', 'management', 'lives', 'example', 'perfectly', 'maximizing', 'efficiency', 'scheduling', 'planning', 'life', 'minute', 'one', 'day', 'wife', 'susan', 'decides', 'set', 'alarm', 'clock', 'back', 'minutes', 'hopes', 'giving', 'husband', 'extra', 'ten', 'minutes', 'time', 'morning', 'accomplishes', 'exact', 'opposite', 'missing', 'ferry', 'arriving', 'late', 'lecture', 'time', 'management', 'frank', 'experiences', 'day', 'driving', 'home', 'sees', 'pregnant', 'woman', 'need', 'help', 'getting', 'hospital', 'decides', 'offer', 'stranger', 'lift', 'hospital', 'frank', 'asked', 'fill', 'paper', 'work', 'thinking', 'much', 'situation', 'puts', 'information', 'nurses', 'hospital', 'misunderstand', 'assume', 'father', 'following', 'morning', 'frank', 'arrives', 'home', 'nurse', 'hospital', 'calls', 'attempting', 'reach', 'wife', 'answers', 'phone', 'nurse', 'trying', 'contact', 'thought', 'father', 'leads', 'susan', 'believe', 'frank', 'baby', 'presupposes', 'cheating', 'leading', 'double', 'life', 'frank', 'arrives', 'home', 'unable', 'clear', 'misunderstanding', 'susan', 'throws', 'house', 'susan', 'refuses', 'speak', 'allows', 'see', 'daughter', 'school', 'attempt', 'prove', 'honesty', 'wife', 'demonstrating', 'baby', 'frank', 'sees', 'doctor', 'paternity', 'test', 'also', 'receives', 'news', 'never', 'able', 'reproduce', 'begin', 'since', 'klinefelter', 'syndrome', 'days', 'later', 'stranger', 'brings', 'baby', 'allens', 'house', 'hopes', 'thanking', 'kindness', 'find', 'wife', 'home', 'stranger', 'introduces', 'baby', 'susan', 'clears', 'misunderstanding', 'damage', 'done', 'since', 'frank', 'knows', 'child', 'really', 'tides', 'change', 'dramatically', 'frank', 'realizes', 'one', 'relationship', 'faithful', 'goes', 'withdrawal', 'tries', 'comprehend', 'daughter', 'could', 'wrong', 'life', 'turned', 'believed', 'always', 'stayed', 'straight', 'narrow', 'giving', 'life-changing', 'speech', 'living', 'whim', 'time', 'management', 'lecture', 'decides', 'live', 'life', 'based', 'chance', 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'business', 'worm', 'farmer', 'eureka', 'california', 'bus', 'station', 'accidentally', 'meets', 'carol', 'bell', 'woman', 'unsure', 'engagement', 'imminent', 'marriage', 'man', 'confused', 'feelings', 'towards', 'set', 'trip', 'middle', 'america', 'traveling', 'think', 'things', 'locate', 'three', 'old', 'war', 'buddies', 'involve', 'scheme', 'raise', 'worms'], [\"'in\", '1947', 'movie\\\\', 'narrator', 'stingo', 'relocates', 'brooklyn', 'order', 'write', 'novel', 'befriended', 'sophie', 'zawistowski', 'polish', 'immigrant', 'lover', 'nathan', 'landau', 'one', 'evening', 'stingo', 'learns', 'sophie', 'married', 'husband', 'father', 'killed', 'german', 'work', 'camp', 'interned', 'auschwitz', 'concentration', 'camp', 'nathan', 'constantly', 'jealous', 'one', 'violent', 'mood', 'swings', 'convinces', 'sophie', 'unfaithful', 'abuses', 'harasses', 'flashback', 'showing', 'nathan', 'rescuing', 'sophie', 'near', 'death', 'anemia', 'shortly', 'immigration', 'u.s.', 'sophie', 'eventually', 'reveals', 'father', 'nazi', 'sympathizer', 'sophie', 'lover', 'j처zef', 'lived', 'half-sister', 'wanda', 'leader', 'resistance', 'wanda', 'tried', 'convince', 'sophie', 'translate', 'stolen', 'gestapo', 'documents', 'sophie', 'declined', 'fearing', 'might', 'endanger', 'children', 'two', 'weeks', 'later', 'j처zef', 'murdered', 'gestapo', 'sophie', 'arrested', 'sent', 'auschwitz', 'children', 'nathan', 'tells', 'sophie', 'stingo', 'research', 'pharmaceutical', 'company', 'groundbreaking', 'win', 'nobel', 'prize', 'meeting', 'nathan\\\\', 'physician', 'brother', 'stingo', 'learns', 'nathan', 'mentally', 'ill', 'schools', 'nathan', 'attended', 'expensive', 'funny', 'farms', 'nathan', 'discharges', 'firearm', 'telephone', 'violent', 'rage', 'sophie', 'stingo', 'flee', 'hotel', 'reveals', 'tragic', 'choice', 'forced', 'make', 'auschwitz', 'upon', 'arrival', 'forced', 'choose', 'one', 'two', 'children', 'would', 'gassed', 'would', 'proceed', 'labor', 'camp', 'avoid', 'children', 'killed', 'chose', 'son', 'jan', 'sent', 'children\\\\', 'camp', 'daughter', 'eva', 'sent', 'death', 'crematorium', 'two', 'sophie', 'stingo', 'make', 'love', 'stingo', 'sleeping', 'sophie', 'tormented', 'memory', 'returns', 'nathan', 'sophie', 'nathan', 'commit', 'suicide', 'taking', 'cyanide', 'stingo', 'recites', 'poem', 'ample', 'make', 'bed', 'emily', 'dickinson', '봳he', 'american', 'poet', 'sophie', 'fond', 'reading', 'stingo', 'moves', 'away', 'brooklyn', 'small', 'farm', 'father', 'recently', 'inherited', 'southern', 'virginia', 'finish', 'writing', 'novel'], [\"'all\", 'anna', 'tells', 'story', 'anna', 'single', 'woman', 'seeks', 'maintain', 'active', 'sex', 'life', 'staying', 'clear', 'emotional', 'involvement', 'jilted', 'love', 'life', 'johan', 'relationship', 'frank', 'refuses', 'let', 'move', 'johan', 'shows', 'five', 'years', 'absence', 'starts', 'wondering', 'much', 'longer', 'maintain', 'emotional', 'independence', 'wants', 'sex', 'loses', 'telephone', 'number', 'contact', 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'close', 'due', 'budget', 'cuts', 'molly', 'left', 'charge', 'neurotypical', 'older', 'brother', 'buck', 'mckay', 'advertising', 'executive', 'perennial', 'bachelor', 'molly', 'verbalizes', 'little', 'obsessed', 'lining', 'shoes', 'neat', 'rows', 'throws', 'buck\\\\', 'life', 'tailspin', 'runs', 'nurses', 'barges', 'meeting', 'buck\\\\', 'agency', 'naked', 'molly\\\\', 'neurologist', 'susan', 'brookes', 'suggests', 'experimental', 'surgery', 'genetically', 'modified', 'brain', 'cells', 'implanted', 'molly\\\\', 'brain', 'buck', 'initially', 'balks', 'suggestion', 'finally', 'consents', 'surgery', 'molly', 'makes', 'gradual', 'miraculous', 'recovery', 'speaking', 'fluidly', 'interacting', 'others', 'normal', 'way', 'buck', 'begins', 'taking', 'molly', 'social', 'events', 'like', 'production', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'baseball', 'game', 'expensive', 'dinners', 'however', 'months', 'molly\\\\', 'brain', 'begins', 'reject', 'transplanted', 'cells', 'begins', 'regress', 'former', 'state', 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'landlord'], ['film', 'deals', 'myriad', 'complications', 'arising', 'venla', 'desire', 'child', 'longtime', 'boyfriend', 'antero', 'reluctant', 'fearing', 'fatherhood', 'imperil', 'last', 'chance', 'succeed', 'speed', 'skating', 'career', 'seeing', 'friend', 'fatherhood', 'antero', 'extreme', 'things', 'avoid', 'getting', 'velna', 'pregnant', 'begins', 'equally', 'devious', 'attempts', 'conceive', 'venla', 'seeks', 'help', 'bisexual', 'co-worker', 'fertility', 'clinic', 'relationship', 'two', 'begins', 'blossom', 'amongst', 'many', 'setbacks'], ['film', 'deals', 'young', 'farmer', 'son', 'named', 'billy', 'appreciate', 'terrestrial', 'life', 'instead', 'wishes', 'explore', 'outer', 'space', 'story', 'develops', 'billy', 'struggles', 'homosexuality', 'changing', 'relationships', 'around', 'him.black', 'magic', 'new', 'zealand', 'film', 'news', 'ways', 'saying', 'fabulous'], ['peter', 'peters', 'american', 'ballet', 'dancer', 'billed', \"'petrov\", 'dances', 'ballet', 'company', 'paris', 'owned', 'bumbling', 'jeffrey', 'baird', 'peters', 'secretly', 'wants', 'blend', 'classical', 'ballet', 'modern', 'jazz', 'dancing', 'sees', 'photo', 'famous', 'tapdancer', 'linda', 'keene', 'falls', 'love', 'contrives', 'meet', 'less', 'impressed', 'meet', 'liner', 'travelling', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'linda', 'warms', 'petrov', 'unknown', 'plot', 'launched', 'publicity', 'stunt', \"'proving\", \"'re\", 'actually', 'married', 'outraged', 'linda', 'becomes', 'engaged', 'bumbling', 'jim', 'montgomery', 'much', 'chagrin', 'peter', 'arthur', 'miller', 'manager', 'secretly', 'launches', 'fake', 'publicity', 'peters', 'keene', 'unable', 'scotch', 'rumour', 'decide', 'actually', 'marry', 'immediately', 'divorce', 'linda', 'soon', 'begins', 'fall', 'love', 'husband', 'evaporates', 'discovers', 'another', 'woman', 'leaves', 'explain', 'new', 'show', 'accompanied', 'girls', 'masked', 'face', 'happily', 'joins', 'stage'], [\"'ronald\", 'miller', 'typical', 'high', 'school', 'nerd', 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'julia', 'seton', 'learns', 'rich', 'meets', 'sister', 'linda', 'father', 'dissolute', 'brother', 'ned', 'johnny', 'discusses', 'possibilities', 'humble', 'friends', 'professor', 'mrs.', 'potter', 'struggles', 'decide', 'whether', 'quit', 'work', 'whether', 'marry', 'great', 'woman', 'behind', 'every', 'successful', 'man', 'julia', 'free', 'spirited', 'soul-mate', 'linda'], [\"'fontaine\", 'khaled', 'london', 'wife', 'wealthy', 'boring', 'businessman', 'spends', 'money', 'nightclub', 'hobo', 'partying', 'hires', 'manager', 'tony', 'run', 'club', 'understood', 'job', 'security', 'dependent', 'satisfying', 'nymphomaniac', 'demands', 'tony', 'loses', 'interest', 'fontaine', 'turns', 'attention', 'young', 'stepdaughter', 'uses', 'get', 'back', 'fontaine', 'cheating', 'father', 'fontaine', 'dumps', 'tony', 'end', 'film', 'divorced', 'husband', 'adultery', 'film', 'featured', 'famous', 'pool', 'orgy', 'scene', 'supposed', 'set', 'paris', 'actually', 'filmed', 'health', 'club', 'covent', 'garden', 'one', 'scene', 'collins', 'shown', 'naked', 'swing', 'film', 'banned', 'cut', 'many', 'countries'], [\"'fontaine\", 'khaled', 'owner', 'trendy', 'disco', 'facing', 'financial', 'problems', 'time', 'also', 'deal', 'various', 'men', 'life', 'well', 'mafia', 'plot', 'film', 'differs', 'slightly', 'novel', 'particularly', 'ending'], [\"'an\", 'oil', 'prospector', 'henry', 'hank', 'dowling', 'raised', 'free-spirited', 'daughter', 'alice', 'bingo', 'dowling', 'jungle', 'south', 'america', 'asks', 'friend', 'ben', 'murchison', 'come', 'work', 'oil', 'wells', 'paid', 'ben', 'arrives', 'howard', 'presley', 'however', 'hank', 'killed', 'oil', 'worker', 'designs', 'bingo', 'inherited', 'father\\\\', 'company', 'wealth', 'ben', 'appointed', 'guardian', 'calls', 'howard', 'uncles', 'though', 'related', 'sassy', 'without', 'refinement', 'hitting', 'anyone', 'disagrees', 'uncles', 'decide', 'wild', 'bingo', 'move', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'learn', 'proper', 'deportment', 'enter', 'society', 'aboard', 'ocean', 'liner', 'meets', 'young', 'good-looking', 'well-educated', 'charmer', 'andy', 'mcallister', 'robert', 'montgomery', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'bingo', 'andy', 'sing', 'songs', 'new', 'york', 'andy', 'continues', 'seeing', 'wealthy', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'however', 'afraid', 'people', 'might', 'think', 'tells', 'marry', 'live', 'money', 'complicate', 'situation', 'bingo\\\\', 'uncle', 'ben', 'discourages', 'relationship', 'even', 'offers', 'andy', 'money', 'leave', 'andy', 'turns', 'marjory', 'irate', 'bingo', 'loses', 'temper', 'shoots', 'shoulder', 'make', 'immediately', 'shooting', 'forgive', 'changing', 'mind', 'leaving', 'andy', 'decides', 'bingo', 'woman', 'wants', 'marry'], [\"'whipsnade\", 'struggling', 'keep', 'step', 'ahead', 'foreclosure', 'clearly', 'paying', 'performers', 'including', 'bergen', 'mccarthy', 'try', 'coax', 'money', 'mccarthy\\\\', 'case', 'steal', 'outright', 'whipsnade\\\\', 'co-ed', 'daughter', 'pays', 'visit', 'falls', 'love', 'bergen', 'sees', 'financial', 'mess', 'father', 'decides', 'marry', 'tiresome', 'young', 'millionaire', 'whipsnade', 'initially', 'approves', 'marriage', 'sure', 'penniless', 'bergen', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'win', 'sets', 'pair', 'adrift', 'hot-air', 'balloon', 'however', 'whipsnade', 'creates', 'scene', 'engagement', 'party', 'father', 'daughter', 'escape', 'together', 'chariot', 'bergen', 'mccarthy', 'pursuit', 'fields', 'running', 'feud', 'charlie', 'mccarthy', 'movie', 'contains', 'number', 'exchanges'], [\"'when\", 'shy', 'larry', 'hubbard', 'greeting', 'card', 'writer', 'finds', 'girlfriend', 'bed', 'another', 'man', 'forced', 'begin', 'new', 'life', 'single', 'going', 'period', 'terrible', 'luck', 'women', 'meets', 'tries', 'court', 'iris', 'however', 'interested', 'pit', 'despair', 'hubbard', 'writes', 'book', 'titled', 'guide', 'lonely', 'guy', 'rampantly', 'successful', 'catapults', 'entirely', 'different', 'experience', 'life', 'becomes', 'rich', 'famous', 'even', 'relationship', 'iris', 'begin', 'new', 'basis'], [\"'things\", 'tell', 'looking', 'consists', 'five', 'stories', 'vignettes', 'tied', 'together', 'loosely', 'envision', 'complexity', 'incomplete', 'communications', 'life', 'family', 'love', 'glimpse', 'lives', 'five', 'women', 'facing', 'problems', 'loneliness', 'dissatisfaction', 'longing', 'desire', 'rodrigo', 'garcia', 'first-time', 'directing', 'assembled', 'film', 'loaded', 'cast', 'actresses', 'tell', 'everything', 'need', 'know', 'body', 'language', 'facial', 'expressions', 'individual', 'stories', 'show', '쐔hings', 'tell', 'looking', 'film\\\\', 'prologue', 'kathy', 'police', 'detective', 'partner', 'investigating', 'apparent', 'suicide', 'unknown', 'woman', 'dr.', 'keener', 'middle-aged', 'doctor', 'attempts', 'care', 'aging', 'mother', 'coping', 'loneliness', 'avoids', 'intimacy', 'also', 'longs', 'see', 'frustration', 'anticipation', 'waits', 'phone', 'calls', 'male', 'colleagues', 'dr.', 'keener', 'decides', 'seek', 'comfort', 'escape', 'christine', 'reads', 'tarot', 'cards', 'christine', 'partner', 'lilly', 'critically', 'ill', 'unnamed', 'disease', 'possibly', 'cancer', 'rebecca', 'successful', 'bank', 'manager', 'who\\\\', 'big', 'regrets', 'three-year', 'involvement', 'robert', 'keeps', 'secret', 'wife', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'rebecca', 'visits', 'dr.', 'keener', 'get', 'abortion', 'fling', 'walter', 'co-worker', 'rose', 'single', 'mother', 'writing', 'children', 'books', 'develops', 'sweet', 'crush', 'new', 'dwarf', 'neighbor', 'catches', 'rose', 'spying', 'rose', 'later', 'experiences', 'shock', 'learning', 'son\\\\', 'extensive', 'sexual', 'activity', 'kathy\\\\', 'sister', 'carol', 'faber', 'lovely', 'blind', 'woman', 'active', 'social', 'life', 'kathy', 'attracted', 'medical', 'examiner', 'suicide', 'case', 'story', 'ends', 'taking', 'date', 'epilogue', 'dr.', 'keener', 'drops', 'bar', 'meets', 'male', 'character', 'walter', 'previous', 'stories', 'carmen', 'non-speaking', 'role', 'woman', 'appears', 'four', 'scenes', 'four', 'different', 'stories', 'walking', 'beside', 'rebecca', 'grocery', 'store', 'rose', 'shopping', 'christine\\\\', 'balcony', 'fourth', 'postmortem', 'examination', 'detective', 'kathy', 'alongside', 'kathy\\\\', 'sam', 'presumably', 'carmen', 'also', 'robert\\\\', 'wife', 'visited', 'san', 'francisco', 'understood', 'carol\\\\', 'imaginative', 'story', 'towards', 'end', 'film', 'carol', 'good', 'detective', 'storytelling', 'imagination', 'could', 'qualify', 'good', 'writer', 'according', 'sister', 'kathy', 'another', 'conclusion', 'involves', 'robert', 'taken', 'detective', 'job', 'carol', 'according', 'one', 'carol\\\\', 'lines', 'loose', 'conclusion', 'based', 'film\\\\', 'whole', 'plot', 'hyperlink', 'cinema'], ['movie', 'begins', 'engagement', 'saravana', 'sister', 'house', 'full', 'joy', 'laughter', 'awaiting', 'return', 'saravana', 'college', 'however', 'saravana', 'returns', 'family', 'members', 'shocked', 'brought', 'home', 'distraught', 'frightened', 'girl', 'introduces', 'friend', 'sadhana', 'marriage', 'preparations', 'continue', 'everyone', 'wondering', 'mysterious', 'girl', 'saravana', 'uncle', 'however', 'control', 'emotions', 'wants', 'daughter', 'marry', 'saravana', 'afraid', 'sadhana', 'spoil', 'eventually', 'saravana', 'uncle', 'confronts', 'sadhana', 'saravana', 'gets', 'upset', 'argument', 'ensues', 'later', 'saravana', 'sadhana', 'restaurant', 'eat', 'gang', 'comes', 'saravana', 'chases', 'beats', 'realising', 'left', 'sadhana', 'behind', 'saravana', 'returns', 'restaurant', 'however', 'sadhana', 'frightened', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'sadhana', 'rescued', 'brother', 'assistant', 'finally', 'saravana', 'father', 'forces', 'tell', 'going', 'flashback', 'begins', 'saravana', 'krishna', 'five', 'star', 'close', 'friends', 'one', 'day', 'saravana', 'sees', 'krishna', 'sister', 'sadhana', 'video', 'recording', 'immediately', 'falls', 'love', 'moment', 'studying', 'london', 'learning', 'would', 'going', 'home', 'holidays', 'follows', 'krishna', 'home', 'holidays', 'attempt', 'woo', 'arrives', 'village', 'saravana', 'greeted', 'krishna', 'elder', 'brother', 'soundarapandi', 'soundarapandi', 'wife', 'treats', 'saravana', 'like', 'brother', 'dotes', 'eventually', 'saravana', 'told', 'caste', 'clashes', 'occurring', 'village', 'soon', 'sadhana', 'arrives', 'saravana', 'tries', 'hard', 'impress', 'faces', 'many', 'difficulties', 'strangely', 'tell', 'love', 'devotion', 'however', 'family', 'members', 'eventually', 'become', 'aware', 'love', 'approve', 'sadhana', 'takes', 'saravana', 'temple', 'visit', 'without', 'anyone', 'knowledge', 'rival', 'group', 'attacked', 'sadhana', 'brother', 'gang', 'rival', 'holds', 'sadhana', 'hostage', 'threatens', 'kill', 'swift', 'action', 'bravery', 'skill', 'saravana', 'knocks', 'rival', 'group', 'member', 'incident', 'soundarapandi', 'tells', 'saravana', 'things', 'violent', 'village', 'explains', 'masters', 'degree', 'holder', 'prestigious', 'university', 'wife', 'also', 'masters', 'degree', 'holder', 'unfortunately', 'due', 'nature', 'villages', 'rivalry', 'deadly', 'fatal', 'ultimately', 'says', 'even', 'though', 'villages', 'violent', 'remain', 'noble', 'person', 'high', 'ideals', 'temple', 'festival', 'soundarapandi', 'carries', 'plate', 'saree', 'saravana', 'bought', 'sadhana', 'coming', 'village', 'wants', 'seek', 'blessings', 'goddess', 'amman', 'marriage', 'however', 'sadhana', 'unaware', 'trouble', 'ensues', 'rival', 'gang', 'kill', 'rest', 'sadhana', 'family', 'forcing', 'saravana', 'sadhana', 'flee', 'village', 'soundarapandi', 'last', 'wish', 'saravana', 'take', 'care', 'sadhana', 'marry', 'story', 'shifts', 'back', 'saravana', 'household', 'saravana', 'plans', 'send', 'sadhana', 'london', 'enemy', 'able', 'find', 'family', 'approve', 'know', 'love', 'sadhana', 'also', 'fallen', 'love', 'family', 'however', 'agrees', 'leave', 'thinks', 'feelings', 'soundarapandi', 'assistant', 'managed', 'escape', 'village', 'gives', 'sadhana', 'green', 'saree', 'saying', 'supposed', 'brother', 'gift', 'day', 'sadhana', 'supposed', 'leave', 'london', 'wears', 'green', 'saree', 'airport', 'meets', 'saravana', 'college', 'mate', 'girl', 'tells', 'sadhana', 'saravana', 'devotion', 'also', 'tells', 'green', 'saree', 'bought', 'saravana', 'much', 'deliberation', 'endure', 'torture', 'visitng', 'many', 'shops', 'find', 'perfect', 'saree', 'sadhana', 'surprised', 'realises', 'leave', 'saravana', 'leaves', 'airport', 'manages', 'find', 'saravana', 'fighting', 'villains', 'end', 'embrace', 'movie', 'ends'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'opens', 'circa', '1980', 'abandoned', 'chateau', 'swiss', 'alps', 'prestigious', 'boarding', 'school', \"l\\\\'hirondelle\", 'internationally', 'famous', 'film', 'siren', 'lili', 'travels', 'private', 'meeting', 'elderly', 'hortense', 'boutin', 'lili', 'knows', 'paying', 'money', 'behalf', 'one', 'school\\\\', 'students', 'family', 'adopted', 'student\\\\', 'illegitimate', 'child', 'lili', 'child', 'grown', 'story', 'flashes', 'back', '1960', 'introducing', 'schoolgirls', 'pagan', 'trelowney', 'brooke', 'adams', 'judy', 'hale', 'maxine', 'pascal', 'misadventure', 'romance', 'finds', 'entangled', 'man', 'pagan', 'prince', 'abdullah', 'sydon', 'anthony', 'higgins', 'judy', 'banker', 'nick', 'cliffe', 'maxine', 'ice', 'hockey', 'player', 'pierre', 'boursal', 'three', 'romances', 'come', 'naught', 'one', 'three', 'falls', 'pregnant', 'knowing', 'means', 'ruin', 'unwed', 'mother', 'three', 'make', 'pact', 'protect', 'identity', 'three', 'present', 'local', 'doctor', 'geneste', 'deciding', 'reveal', 'pregnant', 'last', 'possible', 'moment', 'agrees', 'assist', 'child', 'adopted', 'clue', 'offered', 'remark', 'doctor', 'finally', 'discovers', 'identity', 'mother-to-be', 'three', 'one', 'least', 'suspected', 'child', 'elizabeth', 'lace', 'born', 'november', '1960.', 'mother\\\\', 'birth', 'name', 'recorded', 'lucinda', 'lace', 'attempt', 'school\\\\', 'headmaster', 'monsieur', 'chardin', 'expel', 'girls', 'thwarted', 'unearth', 'photographs', 'homosexual', 'tryst', 'school\\\\', 'chauffer', 'paul', 'blackmail', 'chardin', 'allowing', 'stay', 'graduating', 'honors', 'child', 'placed', 'foster', 'family', 'behalf', 'maxine\\\\', 'aunt', 'hortense', 'boutin', 'agrees', 'pay', 'money', 'felix', 'angelina', 'dersaad', 'french', 'couple', 'consent', 'raise', 'child', 'three', 'women', 'though', 'initially', 'promise', 'retrieve', 'child', 'three', 'girls', 'verge', 'success', 'respective', 'careers', 'receive', 'report', 'child', 'killed', 'previously', 'suppressed', 'resentment', 'jealousy', 'shame', 'erupts', 'feud', 'three', 'separate', 'ways', 'fact', 'lili', 'survived', 'transforms', 'soft-core', 'porn', 'actress', 'street-walker', 'finally', 'film', 'sex', 'symbol', 'ambition', 'extraordinary', 'drive', 'comes', 'desire', 'find', 'woman', 'abandoned', 'punish', 'years', 'suffering', 'first', 'labour', 'camp', 'streets', 'paris', 'lili', 'endured', 'employing', 'private', 'investigator', 'lili', 'tracks', 'payments', 'adopted', 'parents', 'hortense', 'finds', 'three', 'school', 'friends', 'pact', 'knows', 'one', 'mother', 'pagan', 'trelowney', 'lady', 'swann', 'british', 'aristocrat', 'wife', 'famous', 'cancer', 'researcher', 'devotes', 'time', 'raising', 'money', 'charitable', 'foundation', 'judy', 'hale', 'become', 'respected', 'journalist', 'war', 'correspondent', 'publisher', 'lace', 'magazine', 'maxine', 'pascal', 'countess', 'chazalle', 'french', 'socialite', 'rebuilt', 'husband\\\\', 'estate', 'slowly', 'deliberately', 'lili', 'inveigles', 'lives', 'three', 'women', 'promising', 'reneging', 'exclusive', 'interview', 'judy', 're-launch', 'magazine', 'offering', 'threatening', 'take', 'away', 'pagan', 'charity', 'premiere', 'new', 'film', 'raise', 'money', 'research', 'seducing', 'maxine\\\\', 'son', 'intending', 'estrange', 'mother', 'lili\\\\', 'intention', 'reveal', 'mother', 'ruin', 'three', 'conclusion', 'first', 'part', 'two', 'parts', 'mini-series', 'lili', 'assembles', 'three', 'former', 'friends', 'challenges', 'mini-series\\\\', 'famous', 'line', 'one', 'bitches', 'mother', 'second', 'part', 'mini-series', 'driven', 'largely', 'flashbacks', 'three', 'women\\\\', 'young', 'adulthood', 'charting', 'respective', 'career', 'successes', 'returning', 'occasionally', 'present', 'three', 'company', 'woman', 'claims', 'abandoned', 'daughter', 'scenes', 'lili\\\\', 'childhood', 'also', 'seen', 'conclusion', 'second', 'part', 'lili', 'urges', 'expose', 'real', 'mother', 'remain', 'silent', 'infuriated', 'distant', 'reluctant', 'responses', 'lili', 'orders', 'leave', 'keeps', 'promises', 'made', 'first', 'part', 'mini-series', 'lili', 'presents', 'irrefutable', 'evidence', 'birth', 'date', 'doctor\\\\', 'name', 'details', 'women', 'thought', 'secret', 'later', 'pagan', 'judy', 'maxine', 'drinks', 'hotel', 'bar', 'discussing', 'matter', 'ironically', 'however', 'lili\\\\', 'revelation', 'ultimately', 'helps', 'repair', 'estranged', 'friendship', 'decide', 'first', 'time', 'lili\\\\', 'mother', 'final', 'scene', 'mini-series', 'lili', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'hotel', 'manager', 'telling', 'mother', 'wants', 'see', 'shocked', 'lili', 'gathers', 'courage', 'rushes', 'foyer', 'suite', 'sits', 'staircase', 'waits', 'mother', 'enter', 'moment', 'later', 'judy', 'hale', 'comes', 'room', 'tense', 'moment', 'silence', 'beckons', 'lili', 'come', 'closer', 'lili', 'slowly', 'rises', 'stairs', 'walks', 'toward', 'judy', 'two', 'embrace'], [\"'in\", 'soviet', 'union', 'american', 'reporter', 'mckinley', 'mac', 'thompson', 'secretly', 'writes', 'unflattering', 'stories', 'attributed', 'comrade', 'newspaper', 'identity', 'discovered', 'valet', 'vanya', 'blackmails', 'mac', 'promising', 'get', 'daughter', 'streetcar', 'conductor', 'named', 'theodore', 'country', 'theodore', 'agrees', 'sham', 'marriage', 'spread', 'message', 'benefits', 'communism', 'rest', 'world', 'however', 'commissar', 'vasiliev', 'determined', 'unmask', 'arrest', 'comrade'], [\"'socially\", 'inept', 'garbageman', 'simon', 'grim', 'befriended', 'henry', 'fool', 'witty', 'rogue', 'untalented', 'novelist', 'henry', 'opens', 'world', 'literature', 'simon', 'inspired', 'write', 'great', 'american', 'poem', 'simon', 'struggles', 'get', 'work', 'recognized', 'often', 'dismissed', 'pornographic', 'tat', 'henry', 'continues', 'push', 'inspire', 'simon', 'getting', 'poem', 'published', 'henry', 'carries', 'around', 'bundle', 'notebooks', 'refers', 'confession', 'work', 'details', 'aspects', 'mysterious', 'past', 'one', 'day', 'hopes', 'publish', 'world', 'ready', 'henry\\\\', 'hedonistic', 'antics', 'cause', 'manner', 'turns', 'lives', 'simon\\\\', 'family', 'least', 'impregnating', 'fay', 'grim', 'simon', 'begins', 'ascent', 'dizzying', 'heights', 'nobel', 'prize-winning', 'poet', 'henry', 'sinks', 'life', 'drinking', 'low-life', 'bars', 'attempts', 'fame', 'result', 'rejection', 'even', 'simon\\\\', 'publisher', 'employed', 'henry', 'friends', 'part', 'ways', 'lose', 'touch', 'henry', 'criminal', 'past', 'catches', 'needs', 'simon', 'help', 'fleeing', 'country'], [\"'this\", 'film', 'zach', 'baker', 'quest', 'back', 'past', 'experiences', 'women', 'perfect', 'date', 'lifelong', 'friend', 'abbey', 'abbey', 'would', 'thirteenth', 'women', 'gone', 'hopes', 'lucky', 'story', 'revolves', 'around', 'zach', 'asking', 'woman', 'wrong', 'relationship', 'make', 'mistakes', 'abbey', 'recurring', 'gag', 'involves', 'zach', 'throwing', 'objects', 'representing', 'past', 'affairs', 'lake', 'course', 'film', 'zach', 'makes', 'changes', 'appearance', 'demeanor', 'trying', 'emulate', 'advice', 'gets', 'past', 'girl', 'friends', '봫ost', 'contradictory', 'much', 'soul-searching', 'zach', 'decides', 'ask', 'abbey', 'marry', 'proposal', 'turns', 'order', 'move', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'pursue', 'dream', 'artist', 'end', 'zach', 'comes', 'realize', 'life', 'mid-west', 'bad', 'gains', 'new', 'appreciation', 'family', 'friends'], [\"'civilian\", 'scientist', 'jason', 'eldridge', 'runs', 'magnetic', 'analyzer', 'computing', 'synchrotron', 'vacuum-tube', 'computer', 'aboard', 'uss', 'elmira', 'friend', 'ferguson', 'howard', 'realize', 'using', 'macs', 'record', 'roulette', 'table\\\\', 'spins', 'time', 'computer', 'predict', 'future', 'results', 'howard', 'ltjg', 'beauregard', 'gilliam', 'check', 'venice', 'casino\\\\', 'hotel', 'dressed', 'civilians', 'eldridge', 'defying', 'admiral', 'fitch\\\\', 'order', 'naval', 'officers', 'shore', 'avoid', 'casino', 'wear', 'uniforms', 'plan', 'use', 'signal', 'lamps', 'communicate', 'confederate', 'manning', 'macs', 'elmira', 'hotel', 'dedicated', 'bachelor', 'howard', 'meets', 'romances', 'julie', 'fitch', 'admiral\\\\', 'daughter', 'eldridge', 'reunites', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'heiress', 'pam', 'dunstan', 'venice', 'marry', 'another', 'man', 'betting', 'system', 'effective', 'three', 'men', 'accumulate', 'hundreds', 'thousands', 'dollars', 'casino', 'chips', 'money', 'gives', 'eldridge', 'confidence', 'propose', 'dunstan', 'however', 'admiral', 'fitch', 'sees', 'investigates', 'signals', 'soon', 'navy', 'american', 'soviet', 'consulates', 'venice', 'city', 'authorities', 'alert', 'revolution', 'gamblers', 'get', 'signalman', 'burford', 'taylor', 'finds', 'signal', 'lamp', 'drunk', 'detain', 'taylor', 'escapes', 'reports', 'admiral', 'julie', 'fitch', 'tells', 'father', 'howard', 'got', 'marry', 'save', 'court-martial', 'soviets', 'accuse', 'navy', 'using', 'macs', 'steal', 'casino', 'avoid', 'international', 'incident', 'howard', 'agrees', 'intentionally', 'lose', 'last', 'bet', 'riot', 'breaks', 'soviets', 'americans', 'italians', 'casino', 'chips', 'movie', 'ends', 'newlyweds', 'howard', 'fitch', 'celebrating', 'honeymoon', 'hotel'], [\"'syd\", 'chris', 'evans', 'awakens', 'latest', 'long', 'series', 'drug-', 'booze-fueled', 'benders', 'received', 'phone', 'call', 'friend', 'informing', 'ex-girlfriend', 'london', 'moving', 'away', 'california', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'days', 'going-away', 'party', 'thrown', 'evening', 'although', 'invited', 'bash', 'syd', 'decides', 'attend', 'anyway', 'bringing', 'along', 'bateman', 'smartly', 'dressed', 'banker', 'delivers', 'cocaine', 'syd', 'favor', 'mutual', 'dealer', 'arriving', 'party', 'condominium', 'belonging', 'parents', 'club', 'girl', 'rebecca', 'enigmatic', 'bateman', 'syd', 'install', 'bathroom', 'snort', 'line', 'line', 'coke', 'guzzling', 'tequila', 'attempting', 'discuss', 'philosophical', 'matters', 'regarding', 'love', 'sex', 'women', 'pain', 'course', 'night', 'massive', 'pile', 'blow', 'bateman', 'schools', 'desperately', 'self-involved', 'syd', 'see', 'errors', 'ways', 'private', 'party-within-a-party', 'soon', 'joined', 'maya', 'mallory', 'feign', 'sympathy', 'syd', 'grab', 'free', 'blow', 'syd', 'learns', 'london', 'arrived', 'bateman', 'challenges', 'talk', 'heated', 'confrontation', 'middle', 'party', 'syd', 'london', 'decide', 'leave', 'talk', 'somewhere', 'private', 'leaving', 'fight', 'ensues', 'syd', 'bateman', 'fight', 'male', 'guests', 'barely', 'making', 'party', 'little', 'make', 'syd\\\\', 'car', 'sex', 'later', 'london\\\\', 'apartment', 'last', 'scene', 'airport', 'syd', 'says', 'love', 'although', 'impresses', 'london', 'deeply', 'still', 'leaves'], ['fleeing', 'abusive', 'stepfather', 'nola', 'travels', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'searching', 'biological', 'father', 'spends', 'first', 'night', 'sleeping', 'central', 'park', 'luck', 'changes', 'hired', 'owner', 'small', 'diner', 'ends', 'staying', 'frycook/law', 'school', 'student', 'ben', 'real', 'owner', 'diner', 'ben', 'landlady', 'margaret', 'hires', 'nola', 'assistant', 'escort', 'service', 'things', 'well', 'escort', 'service', 'niles', 'billionaire', 'client', 'margaret', 'service', 'bad', 'session', 'niles', 'likes', 'receive', 'rough', 'physical', 'activity', 'men', 'cross-dressing', 'women', 'point', 'wendy', 'one', 'niles', 'favorites', 'went', 'little', 'far', 'sent', 'niles', 'rage', 'niles', 'demands', 'margaret', 'rough', 'wendy', 'else', 'done', 'along', 'inducing', 'police', 'investigate', 'escort', 'service', 'nola', 'attempts', 'help', 'making', 'wendy', 'look', 'battered', 'bruised', 'documenting', 'photos', 'sending', 'country', 'niles', 'calm', 'niles', 'informants', 'spot', 'wendy', 'longer', 'wearing', 'bruise', 'makeup', 'trying', 'flee', 'niles', 'responds', 'arranging', 'subpeona', 'margaret', 'appear', 'grand', 'jury', 'calling', 'nola', 'directly', 'threatening', 'revealing', 'detailed', 'information', 'upbringing', 'events', 'lead', 'nola', 'closer', 'finding', 'real', 'father', 'without', 'help', 'journalist', 'need', 'story', 'escort', 'services'], [\"'jennifer\", 'burrows', 'ryan', 'walker', 'meet', 'teenagers', 'aboard', 'airplane', 'quickly', 'find', 'different', 'views', 'life', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'ryan', 'mascot', 'high', 'school', 'jennifer', 'elected', 'homecoming', 'queen', 'halftime', 'ceremony', 'two', 'schools', 'ryan', 'chased', 'rival', 'mascots', 'loses', 'mascot', 'head', 'find', 'run', 'jennifer\\\\', 'ceremonial', 'car', 'jennifer', 'later', 'finds', 'ryan', 'tries', 'console', 'costume', 'two', 'realizing', 'different', 'get', 'along', 'friends', 'part', 'ways', 'year', 'later', 'ryan', 'jennifer', 'students', 'berkeley', 'ryan', 'steady', 'structured', 'relationship', 'high', 'school', 'sweetheart', 'betty', 'jennifer', 'wild', 'spontaneous', 'sex-crazed', 'relationship', 'musician', 'ryan', 'meets', 'roommate', 'hunter', 'uses', 'deception', 'lies', 'way', 'meet', 'women', 'jennifer', 'moves', 'best', 'friend', 'amy', 'breakup', 'musician', 'boyfriend', 'jennifer', 'ryan', 'encounter', 'circumstance', 'ryan', 'one', 'point', 'even', 'dating', 'amy', 'reciprocating', 'feelings', 'amy', 'jennifer', 'breakup', 'ryan', 'friendship', 'blossoms', 'two', 'slowly', 'start', 'enjoying', 'other\\\\', 'company', 'jennifer', 'latin', 'major', 'witty', 'literary', 'independent', 'free-spirit', 'ryan', 'majors', 'structural', 'engineering', 'deliberate', 'serious', 'requires', 'planning', 'life', 'take', 'walks', 'console', 'break-ups', 'gradually', 'become', 'best', 'friends', 'jennifer', 'even', 'talks', 'ryan', 'dating', 'starts', 'seeing', 'girl', 'named', 'megan', 'one', 'night', 'cynical', 'mood', 'towards', 'love', 'jennifer', 'breaks', 'ryan', 'tries', 'console', 'equal', 'surprise', 'two', 'make', 'love', 'afraid', 'commitment', 'jennifer\\\\', 'response', 'run', 'away', 'continued', 'intimacy', 'remain', 'friends', 'ryan', 'hurt', 'response', 'sleeping', 'together', 'mistake', 'realizing', 'loves', 'jennifer', 'breaks', 'megan', 'withdraws', 'studies', 'months', 'pass', 'jennifer', 'graduates', 'readies', 'travel', 'italy', 'seeing', 'ryan', 'time', 'encounters', 'hilltop', 'overseeing', 'golden', 'gate', 'bridge', 'ryan', 'confesses', 'feelings', 'towards', 'two', 'try', 'absolve', 'tension', 'realizing', 'feel', 'ryan', 'leaves', 'thoughts', 'wishes', 'well', 'italy', 'shuttle', 'airport', 'jennifer', 'passes', 'hilltop', 'two', 'used', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'realize', 'indeed', 'loves', 'ryan', 'immediately', 'races', 'back', 'apartment', 'finds', 'amy', 'frantically', 'getting', 'dressed', 'greet', 'hunter', 'steve', 'point', 'confidently', 'strolls', 'amy\\\\', 'bedroom', 'tells', 'jennifer', 'ryan', 'heading', 'back', 'plane', 'los', 'angeles', 'waiting', 'departure', 'ryan', 'hears', 'jennifer', 'confess', 'love', 'latin', 'brief', 'convincing', 'feeling', 'wrath', 'flight', 'attendant', 'two', 'rekindle', 'romance', 'first', 'met', 'airplane'], ['lili', 'pouty', 'voluptuous', '14-year-old', 'caravan', 'camping', 'family', 'biarritz', 'self-aware', 'holds', 'caf챕', 'conversation', 'concert', 'pianist', 'meets', 'wild', 'streak', 'testing', 'powers', 'men', 'finding', \"n't\", 'always', 'control', 'moods', 'actions', 'impatient', 'virgin', 'sets', 'brother', 'disco', 'latching', 'onto', 'aging', 'playboy', 'hot', 'cold', 'ambivalent', 'losing', 'virginity', 'night', 'willing', 'next', 'determined', 'third', 'playboy', 'mix', 'depression', 'misogyny', 'ends', 'unconsummated', 'affair', 'lili', 'hunt', 'elsewhere'], ['american', 'newspaper', 'publisher', 'hiram', 'dunn', 'daughter', 'susan', 'visit', 'england', 'intending', 'stay', 'week', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'army', 'officer', 'sir', 'john', 'ashwood', 'honeymoon', 'cut', 'short', 'world', 'war', 'breaks', 'john', 'goes', 'war', 'france', 'sees', 'bride', 'killed', 'action', 'near', 'end', 'war', 'meantime', 'lady', 'susan', 'gives', 'birth', 'son', 'also', 'named', 'john', 'never', 'knew', 'father', 'susan', 'john', 'continue', 'live', 'family', 'manor', 'house', 'lady', 'jean', 'sir', 'john', 'mother', 'dies', 'decide', 'sell', 'manor', 'return', 'america', 'young', 'john', 'love', 'betsy', 'kenney', 'daughter', 'tenant', 'farmers', 'estate', 'decide', 'stay', 'world', 'war', 'begins', 'john', 'eton', 'sandhurst', 'joins', 'father', 'regiment', 'betsy', 'becomes', 'wren', 'susan', 'becomes', 'nurse', 'john', 'badly', 'wounded', 'dieppe', 'raid', 'brought', 'hospital', 'susan', 'nursing', 'sister', 'american', 'troops', 'march', 'london', 'susan', 'gazes', 'proudly', 'john', 'slips', 'quietly', 'away', 'scene', 'movie', 'approximating', 'early', \"'30s\", 'shows', 'adolescent', 'german', 'boys', 'part', 'exchange', 'program', 'visiting', 'english', 'family', 'country', 'estate', 'insinuating', 'part', 'early', 'nazi', 'invasion', 'plans', 'movie', 'boys', 'let', 'slip', 'conversation', 'contemplating', 'estate', 'large', 'lawns', 'would', 'ideal', 'troop', 'gliders', 'land', 'starring', 'irene', 'dunne', 'alan', 'marshal', 'roddy', 'mcdowall', 'frank', 'morgan', 'van', 'johnson', 'aubrey', 'smith', 'gladys', 'cooper', 'peter', 'lawford', 'dame', 'may', 'whitty', 'elizabeth', 'taylor', 'norma', 'varden', 'victor', 'lafata', 'film', 'nominated', 'academy', 'award', 'best', 'cinematography', 'black', 'white'], ['film', 'stars', 'summer', 'phoenix', 'title', 'character', 'role', 'young', 'jewish', 'woman', 'living', 'london', 'sister', 'marry', 'young', 'jewish', 'man', 'breaking', 'ideas', 'traditionally', 'orthodox', 'family', 'suzie', 'falls', 'love', 'darren', 'happens', 'jewish', 'fears', 'introducing', 'family', 'opposition', 'marrying', 'outside', 'one', 'faith', \"'british\", 'jews', 'need', 'laugh', 'telegraph', 'march', '2004'], ['luis', 'met', 'julia', 'staying', 'hotel', 'family', 'holiday', 'two', 'met', 'connection', 'instant', 'spent', 'summer', 'together', 'laughing', 'playing', 'wishing', 'would', 'never', 'end', 'finally', 'time', 'julia', 'return', 'native', 'new', 'zealand', 'two', 'made', 'promise', 'meet', 'back', 'fountain', 'time', 'every', 'year', 'year', 'luis', 'waited', 'julia', 'years', 'later', 'luis', 'finally', 'decides', 'time', 'put', 'destiny', 'test', 'dragging', 'along', 'best', 'friend', 'eduardo', 'board', 'plane', 'new', 'zealand', 'determined', 'find', 'julia', 'win', 'back', 'tagline', 'best', 'friends', '...', 'one', 'girl', 'changed', 'everything'], ['small', 'quebec', 'community', 'end', '19th', 'century', 'due', 'father', 'financial', 'hardships', 'donalda', 'laloge', 'forced', 'marry', 'village', 'miser', 's챕raphin', 'poudrier', 'leave', 'behind', 'young', 'man', 'truly', 'loves', 'beloved', 'alexis', 'returns', 'working', 'lumber', 'camps', 'unaware', 'events', 'donalda', 'extremely', 'unhappy', 'living', 's챕raphin', 'anything', 'save', 'money', 'includes', 'giving', 'donalda', 'children', 'letting', 'eat', 'enough', 'donalda', 'becomes', 'sick', 'pneumonia-like', 'illness', 'alexis', 'returns', 'death', 'donalda', 'funeral', 's챕raphin', 'realizes', 'house', 'fire', 'panics', 'runs', 'house', 'trying', 'save', 'money', 'dies', 'alexis', 'pulls', 'burning', 'house', 'villagers', 'pry', 'open', 's챕raphin', 'hands', 'money', 'symbolises', 'died', 'money', 'cared'], ['axel', 'dumped', 'girlfriend', 'doro', 'needs', 'find', 'new', 'place', 'live', 'meets', 'walter', 'transvestite', 'teaches', 'straight', 'men', 'gay', 'men', 'think', 'walter', 'talks', 'axel', 'joining', 'friends', 'gay', 'party', 'afterwards', 'tries', 'convince', 'axel', 'move', 'party', 'axel', 'decides', 'instead', 'move', 'walter', 'best', 'friend', 'norbert', 'whose', 'boyfriend', 'left', 'later', 'axel', 'doro', 'apartment', 'norbert', 'tries', 'seduce', 'axel', 'browse', 'old', 'photos', 'norbert', 'shed', 'clothes', 'doro', 'shows', 'door', 'axel', 'hastily', 'hides', 'norbert', 'doro', 'explains', 'axel', 'expecting', 'child', 'wants', 'give', 'relationship', 'second', 'chance', 'amused', 'discover', 'naked', 'man', 'wardrobe', 'axel', 'manages', 'convince', 'nothing', 'happened', 'excited', 'fatherhood', 'eager', 'return', 'doro', 'axel', 'forgets', 'new', 'friendship', 'norbert', 'soon', 'axel', 'discovers', 'downside', 'pregnancy', 'longer', 'finds', 'doro', 'sexy', 'despite', 'engagement', 'decides', 'stray', 'encounters', 'elke', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'trying', 'find', 'place', 'sex', 'axel', 'bumps', 'norbert', 'first', 'norbert', 'angry', 'left', 'without', 'word', 'axel', 'claims', 'doro', 'upset', 'axel', 'convinces', 'norbert', 'lend', 'apartment', 'tryst', 'elke', 'days', 'later', 'norbert', 'apartment', 'elke', 'gives', 'axel', 'mind-altering', 'drug', 'leaves', 'sitting', 'naked', 'table', 'meanwhile', 'doro', 'learned', 'axel', 'went', 'norbert', 'apartment', 'thinks', 'axel', 'going', 'sex', 'norbert', 'confronts', 'norbert', 'apartment', 'upon', 'entering', 'sees', 'axel', 'naked', 'unable', 'speak', 'starts', 'labor', 'bathroom', 'norbert', 'finds', 'elke', 'norbert', 'not-so-gay', 'boyfriend', 'playing', 'tub', 'norbert', 'drives', 'hospital', 'attempts', 'explain', 'everything', 'way', 'doro', 'forgives', 'norbert', 'become', 'friends', 'relationship', 'axel', 'question'], ['love', 'modern', 'retelling', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'story', 'set', 'bronx', '1990s', 'cappamezzas', 'bronx-born', 'sicilians', 'local', 'catering', 'business', 'develop', 'bitter', 'rivalry', 'pretentious', 'malacicis', 'recent', 'immigrants', 'florence', 'owners', 'fine', 'italian', 'restaurant', 'cappamezzas', 'son', 'rosario', 'falls', 'love', 'malacicis', 'daughter', 'gina', 'replaces', 'obese', 'star', 'neighborhood', 'church', 'staging', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'rivalry', 'intensifies', 'rosario', 'deflowers', 'gina', 'fight', 'parents', 'movie', 'filmed', 'greentree', 'country', 'club', 'new', 'rochelle', 'many', 'scenes', 'shot', 'city', 'island', 'bronx', 'new', 'york'], ['darryl', 'witherspoon', 'college', 'economics', 'student', 'advantages', 'wealthy', 'arch-nemesis', 'scott', 'thorpe', 'best', 'friend', 'tim', 'laflour', 'got', 'hockey', 'scholarship', 'darryl', 'broke', 'donates', 'four', 'pints', 'blood', 'one', 'day', 'four', 'vials', 'sperm', 'one', 'day', 'darryl', 'big', 'break', 'come', 'enters', 'competition', 'winner', 'gets', 'high-paying', 'wall', 'street', 'job', 'scott', 'enters', 'competition', 'seems', 'darryl', 'break', 'gone', 'drain', 'takes', 'high-paying', 'experiment', 'test', 'drug', 'enhances', 'five', 'senses', 'darryl', 'uses', 'advantage', 'impresses', 'competition', 'supervisor', 'mr.', 'tyson', 'even', 'joins', 'hockey', 'team', 'goalie', 'taking', 'extra', 'dose', 'one', 'night', 'experiences', 'side', 'effects', 'experiment', 'supervisor', 'dr.', 'thomas', 'wheedon', 'tells', 'darryl', 'four', 'senses', 'work', 'time', 'drug', 'leaves', 'body', 'darryl', 'struggles', 'tim', 'thinks', 'friend', 'heroin', 'gets', 'worried', 'darryl', 'luck', 'starts', 'going', 'drain', 'loses', 'hockey', 'game', 'sense', 'sight', 'lost', 'also', 'mistakenly', 'confesses', 'love', 'girlfriend', 'father', 'thinks', 'girlfriend', 'sense', 'sight', 'lost', 'father', 'turns', 'mr.', 'tyson', 'also', 'acts', 'clumsily', 'basketball', 'game', 'invited', 'see', 'client', 'needs', 'impressed', 'order', 'darryl', 'score', 'points', 'smythe-bates', 'guys', 'luckily', 'client', 'thinks', 'darryl', 'funny', 'signs', 'contract', 'company', 'story', 'progresses', 'darryl', 'asks', 'friend', 'tim', 'help', 'study', 'next', 'day', 'interview', 'exact', 'moment', 'scott', 'studies', 'test', 'aid', 'rich', 'father', 'employees', 'scott', 'shown', 'answer', 'question', 'correctly', 'know', 'reason', 'behind', 'ignores', 'question', 'next', 'day', 'drug', 'leaves', 'darryl', 'system', 'five', 'senses', 'operate', 'normally', 'interview', 'comes', 'darryl', 'scott', 'scott', 'asked', 'question', 'asked', 'last', 'night', 'answers', 'correctly', 'asked', 'reason', 'know', 'darryl', 'steps', 'gives', 'correct', 'reason', 'scores', 'position', 'junior', 'analyst', 'smythe-bates', 'speech', 'confesses', 'cheated', 'taking', 'experimental', 'drug', 'meeting', 'called', 'decide', 'fate', 'mr.', 'tyson', 'tells', 'started', 'mail', 'room', 'darryl', 'serves', 'one', 'year', 'duty', 'mail', 'room', 'score', 'position', 'junior', 'analyst', 'story', 'skips', 'year', 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'evening', 'together', 'visiting', 'football', 'match', 'arcade', 'end', 'night', 'luce', 'walks', 'rachel', 'back', 'flat', 'goodbye', 'grows', 'awkward', 'tension', 'rachel', 'leans', 'forward', 'kiss', 'luce', 'withdraws', 'last', 'moment', 'leaves', 'next', 'days', 'rachel', 'continues', 'deny', 'growing', 'attraction', 'luce', 'effort', 'remain', 'loyal', 'heck', 'part', 'luce', 'wish', 'break', 'committed', 'couple', 'unable', 'deny', 'feeling', 'rachel', 'eventually', 'confronts', 'luce', 'directly', 'flower', 'shop', 'tells', 'luce', 'romance', 'happen', 'leaves', 'abruptly', 'returns', 'seconds', 'later', 'kiss', 'luce', 'back', 'luce', 'shop', 'foreplay', 'gets', 'interrupted', 'heck', 'stopped', 'pick', 'flowers', 'rachel', 'tells', 'luce', 'sensed', 'distance', 'growing', 'rachel', 'partially', 'blames', 'hearing', 'rachel', 'runs', 'later', 'sorrowfully', 'agreeing', 'luce', \"n't\", 'betray', 'heck', 'meantime', 'heck', 'reaches', 'breaking', 'point', 'job', 'finally', 'quits', 'returns', 'home', 'drunk', 'rachel', 'rashly', 'confesses', 'without', 'saying', 'love', 'heck', 'feigning', 'sleep', 'later', 'calls', 'coop', 'support', 'coop', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'luce', 'figuring', 'rachel', 'fell', 'love', 'luce', 'decides', 'near', 'rachel', 'without', 'hard', 'makes', 'plans', 'extended', 'trip', 'country', 'leaving', 'care', 'shop', 'mother', 'rachel', 'heck', 'celebrating', 'birthday', 'parents', 'tells', 'luce', 'trip', 'heck', 'figures', 'luce', 'rachel', 'fell', 'love', 'noticing', 'reaction', 'news', 'heck', 'want', 'second', 'choice', 'live', 'lie', 'leaves', 'confesses', 'parents', 'love', 'woman', 'help', 'rachel', 'tracks', 'luce', 'takes', 'taxi', 'airport', 'getting', 'stuck', 'traffic', 'luce', 'brushing', 'phone', 'seems', 'lost', 'however', 'rachel', 'realizes', 'luce', 'traffic', 'jam', 'uses', 'lessons', 'luce', 'taught', 'yelling', 'loudly', 'call', 'two', 'women', 'reunite', 'kiss', 'middle', 'crowded', 'london', 'street', 'post', 'credits', 'coda', 'see', 'characters', 'time', 'later', 'heck', 'plane', 'unknown', 'destination', 'set', 'write', 'travel', 'book', 'sits', 'next', 'young', 'woman', 'hour', 'flight', 'obvious', 'immediate', 'attraction', 'young', 'boyfriend', 'playing', 'playground', 'coop', 'seen', 'holding', 'baby', 'luce', 'rachel', 'still', 'happy', 'together'], ['film', 'set', '1940s', 'moving', '1960s', 'revolves', 'around', 'emotional', 'story', 'thulasi', 'returning', 'village', 'become', 'dance', 'teacher', 'bring', 'forget', 'vishwa', 'man', 'love', 'two', 'decades', 'memories', 'vishwa', 'haunt', 'constantly', 'upon', 'chance', 'meeting', 'discovers', 'struggling', 'love', 'haunted', 'memory', 'thulasi', 'cousin', 'figure', 'unable', 'control', 'obsession', 'cousin', 'hide', 'resentment', 'thulasi', 'feelings', 'vishwa', 'thulasi', 'comes', 'sundarapuri', 'guardians', 'grandma', 'uncle', 'pass', 'away', 'work', 'teacher', 'dance', 'school', 'sundarapuri', 'vishwa', 'zamindar', 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'carefully', 'dissecting', 'bodies', 'small', 'animal', 'trying', 'avoid', 'disfiguring', 'sandra', 'working', 'flower', 'shop', 'learned', 'opening', 'chauffer', 'funeral', 'home', 'asks', 'mr.', 'wallis', 'mortician', 'job', 'hires', 'funeral', 'home', 'janitor', 'jan', 'believes', 'like', 'sandra', 'dead', 'bodies', 'still', 'soul', 'driving', 'hearse', 'body', 'coffin', 'back', 'carwash', 'sandra', 'looks', 'body', 'finds', 'shining', 'light', 'believing', 'body', 'soul', 'alive', 'somewhere', 'mr.', 'wallis', 'apprentices', 'sandra', 'embalming', 'starts', 'studying', 'mortuary', 'science', 'college', 'meets', 'med', 'student', 'named', 'matt', 'also', 'must', 'study', 'corpses', 'major', 'matt', 'sandra', 'begin', 'date', 'matt', 'intrigued', 'sandra', 'death', 'fascination', 'occasionally', 'would', 'spend', 'night', 'together', 'matt', 'basement', 'apartment', 'sandra', 'would', 'leave', 'late', 'night', 'visits', 'mortuary', 'celebrate', 'dead', 'bodies', 'young', 'men', 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'freeman', 'lives', 'comfortable', 'leisurely', 'lifestyle', 'london', 'thanks', 'substantial', 'royalties', 'left', 'successful', 'christmas', 'song', 'father', 'composed', 'need', 'work', 'spends', 'free', 'time', 'watching', 'television', 'reading', 'pop', 'culture', 'will\\\\', 'friends', 'christine', 'john', 'ask', 'godfather', 'second', 'child', 'bluntly', 'refuses', 'insisting', 'really', 'shallow', 'attempt', 'avoid', 'spending', 'time', 'couple', 'meets', 'angie', 'single', 'mother', 'two', 'share', 'brief', 'relationship', 'will\\\\', 'surprise', 'actually', 'ends', 'amicably', 'afterward', 'comes', 'idea', 'attending', 'single-parents', 'group', 'called', 'spat', 'meet', 'potential', 'female', 'partners', 'part', 'ploy', 'claims', 'two-year-old', 'son', 'named', 'ned', 'plan', 'succeeds', 'meets', 'suzie', 'will\\\\', 'pursuit', 'court', 'suzie', 'takes', 'one', 'group\\\\', 'functions', 'picnic', 'meets', 'marcus', '12-year-old', 'son', 'suzie\\\\', 'friend', 'fiona', 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'shoes', 'stolen', 'bullies', 'causing', 'fight', 'among', 'marcus', 'fiona', 'school', 'marcus', 'develops', 'crush', 'grunge', 'girl', 'named', 'ellie', 'popularity', 'steadily', 'improves', 'begins', 'relationship', 'single', 'mother', 'named', 'rachel', 'lets', 'rachel', 'believe', 'marcus', 'son', 'order', 'appear', 'interesting', 'later', 'attempt', 'honest', 'reveals', 'marcus', 'really', 'son', 'lie', 'backfires', 'relationship', 'ends', 'one', 'day', 'marcus', 'comes', 'home', 'school', 'find', 'mother', 'crying', 'living', 'room', 'marcus', 'attempts', 'unburden', 'unreceptive', 'still', 'upset', 'breakup', 'rachel', 'tells', 'marcus', \"can\\\\'t\", 'help', 'two', 'fight', 'marcus', 'decides', 'way', 'help', 'mother', 'sing', 'school', 'variety', 'show', 'act', 'ellie', 'deems', 'social', 'suicide', 'warning', 'children', 'crucify', 'continues', 'superficial', 'existence', 'realises', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'fulfill', 'way', 'crashes', 'spat', 'meeting', 'implores', 'fiona', 'attempt', 'suicide', 'assures', 'plans', 'immediate', 'future', 'also', 'tells', 'marcus', 'decided', 'sing', 'school', 'show', 'day', 'fiona', 'rush', 'school', 'stop', 'marcus', 'committing', 'social', 'suicide', 'finds', 'rachel', 'school', 'audience', 'watching', 'son', 'show', 'makes', 'way', 'backstage', 'stop', 'marcus', 'singing', 'marcus', 'unswayed', 'believes', 'singing', 'make', 'mother', 'happy', 'marcus', 'proceeds', 'sing', 'shrill', 'out-of-tune', 'rendition', 'killing', 'softly', 'song', 'student', 'body', 'taunts', 'suddenly', 'appears', 'onstage', 'guitar', 'accompany', 'marcus', 'rest', 'song', 'will\\\\', 'assistance', 'school', 'children', 'accept', 'marcus\\\\', 'performance', 'giving', 'mild', 'applause', 'end', 'seeing', 'continues', 'unnecessary', 'solo', 'take', 'negative', 'attention', 'marcus', 'following', 'christmas', 'hosts', 'celebration', 'place', 'marcus', 'rachel', 'rachel\\\\', 'son', 'ali', 'fiona', 'ellie', 'present', 'idea', 'marrying', 'rachel', 'brought', 'marcus', 'seems', 'unenthusiastic', 'believing', 'couples', 'future', 'without', 'backup', 'relationships'], [\"'having\", 'escaped', 'bolshevik', 'revolution', 'russia', 'countess', 'sofia', 'belinskya', 'working', 'taxi', 'dancer', 'seedy', 'shanghai', 'bar', 'support', 'family', 'white', '챕migr챕s', 'including', 'daughter', 'katya', 'mother-in-law', 'olga', 'sister-in-law', 'grushenka', 'aunt', 'uncle', 'marriage', 'princess', 'vera', 'prince', 'peter', 'despite', 'fact', 'employment', 'scarce', 'meager', 'income', 'family\\\\', 'source', 'revenue', 'sofia\\\\', 'once-aristocratic', 'relatives', 'scorn', 'choice', 'profession', 'insist', 'keep', 'secret', 'child', 'sofia', 'eventually', 'meets', 'todd', 'jackson', 'former', 'official', 'u.s.', 'state', 'department', 'recently', 'lost', 'wife', 'children', 'separate', 'terrorist', 'bombings', 'bombing', 'killed', 'child', 'also', 'left', 'blind', 'using', 'substantial', 'winnings', 'well-placed', 'bet', 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'older', 'brother', 'duke', 'senior', 'frederick', 'allows', 'exiled', 'duke\\\\', 'daughter', 'rosalind', 'however', 'stay', 'closest', 'friend', 'daughter', 'celia', 'orlando', 'forced', 'flee', 'home', 'due', 'oppression', 'brother', 'oliver', 'comes', 'frederick\\\\', 'duchy', 'enters', 'wrestling', 'tournament', 'leaving', 'duchy', 'orlando', 'encounters', 'rosalind', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'frederick', 'becomes', 'angry', 'banishes', 'rosalind', 'celia', 'decides', 'accompany', 'along', 'jester', 'touchstone', 'rosalind', 'celia', 'disguise', 'ganymede', 'boy', 'aliena', 'respectively', 'venture', 'forest', 'arden', 'eventually', 'encounter', 'exiled', 'duke', 'orlando', 'deeply', 'love', 'posts', 'love', 'poems', 'trees', 'praise', 'rosalind', 'orlando', 'comes', 'across', 'ganymede', 'tells', 'teach', 'orlando', 'cure', 'love', 'pretending', 'rosalind', 'time', 'phoebe', 'shepherdess', 'falls', 'love', 'ganymede', 'though', 'continually', 'rejects', 'sylvius', 'shepherd', 'love', 'phoebe', 'complicates', 'matter', 'meanwhile', 'touchstone', 'attempts', 'marry', 'simple', 'farmgirl', 'audrey', 'stopped', 'jaques', 'lord', 'lives', 'exiled', 'duke', 'orlando', 'rescues', 'oliver', 'lioness', 'forest', 'causing', 'oliver', 'repent', 're-embrace', 'brother', 'ganymede', 'orlando', 'phoebe', 'silvius', 'brought', 'together', 'sort', 'marries', 'ganymede', 'proposes', 'orlando', 'promise', 'marry', 'rosalind', 'phoebe', 'promise', 'marry', 'silvius', 'marry', 'ganymede', 'next', 'day', 'rosalind', 'reveals', 'orlando', 'rosalind', 'oliver', 'celia', 'silvius', 'phoebe', 'touchstone', 'audrey', 'married', 'learn', 'frederick', 'also', 'repented', 'decided', 'reinstate', 'brother', 'duke'], ['katharine', 'throws', 'party', 'halloween', 'psychic', 'called', 'arnita', 'predicts', 'one', 'three', 'couples', 'present', 'party', 'break', 'end', 'year', 'guests', \"n't\", 'take', 'seriously', 'arnita', \"n't\", 'tell', 'see', 'fourth', 'couple', 'party', 'long', 'dead', 'mae', 'edward', 'days', 'katharine', 'grows', 'increasingly', 'jealous', 'lover', 'rick', 'flirting', 'neighbor', 'sandra', 'sandra', 'married', 'paul', 'marta', 'billy', 'rock', 'musicians', 'live', 'building', 'katharine'], ['free-spirited', 'alice', 'develops', 'crush', 'stranger', 'train', 'station', 'offers', 'best', 'friend', 'hana', 'stranger\\\\', 'half', 'brother', 'masashi', 'hana', 'declines', 'soon', 'develops', 'feelings', 'masashi', 'beginning', 'stalk', 'ride', 'train', 'throughout', 'winter', 'spring', 'hana', 'alice', 'enter', 'high', 'school', 'hana', 'joins', 'story', 'telling', 'club', 'learning', 'masashi', 'also', 'member', 'still', 'fostering', 'feelings', 'masashi', 'follows', 'secretly', 'witnesses', 'crashing', 'garage', 'door', 'falling', 'ground', 'unconscious', 'awoken', 'hana', 'lies', 'masashi', 'admits', 'blow', 'head', 'give', 'masashi', 'case', 'amnesia', 'also', 'forgotten', 'hana', 'girlfriend', 'hana', 'masashi', 'begin', 'date', 'though', 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'scholarship-winning', 'quarterback', 'favorite', 'son', 'heteronormative', 'argumentative', 'father', 'dorian', 'starts', 'therapy', 'resorts', 'confession', 'church', 'therapist', 'church', 'politely', 'avoid', 'offering', 'real', 'help', 'dorian', 'first', 'intimate', 'encounter', 'local', 'gay', 'youth', 'dorian', 'goes', 'back', 'nick', 'first', 'reluctant', 'accept', 'brother', 'sexuality', 'nick', 'attempts', 'teach', 'dorian', 'fight', 'arranges', 'spend', 'night', 'prostitute', 'order', 'make', 'become', 'straight', 'efforts', 'dorian', 'gains', 'concussion', 'lesson', 'dancing', 'respectively', 'much', 'soul-searching', 'dorian', 'comes', 'father', 'kicked', 'house', 'surreal', 'argument', 'whether', 'dorian', 'gay', 'dad', 'preoccupied', 'else', 'may', 'know', 'dorian', 'defective', 'nature', 'although', 'nick', 'confesses', 'knows', 'anticlimatic', 'scene', 'resolves', 'dorian', 'packing', 'bags', 'dorian', 'moves', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'city', 'adores', 'dorian', 'expresses', 'kinds', 'angst', 'life', 'style', 'defending', 'true', 'nature', 'father', 'christmas', 'holidays', 'returning', 'new', 'york', 'dorian', 'experiences', 'series', 'encounters', 'darker', 'side', 'homosexuality', 'dorian', 'finds', 'boyfriend', 'gets', 'dumped', 'two', 'months', 'reason', 'given', 'dorian', 'develops', 'deep', 'depression', 'finally', 'despair', 'gives', 'coincidental', 'nicky', 'visiting', 'dorian', 'city', 'nicky', 'reluctantly', 'joins', 'dorian', 'friends', 'dorian', 'favorite', 'local', 'gay', 'bar', 'dorian', 'pleads', 'friend', 'flaunt', 'newly', 'found', 'popularity', 'nicky', 'reunites', 'obsequious', 'football', 'friends', '봲tealing', 'dorian', 'thunder', 'dorian', 'learns', 'exboyfriend', 'dumped', 'another', 'close', 'friend', 'after-discussion', 'evening', 'revolves', 'around', 'nick', 'defending', 'sexuality', 'dorian', 'face', 'nick', 'football', 'friends', 'gay', 'dorian', 'defending', 'sexuality', 'brother', 'later', 'night', 'dorian', 'awakes', 'nicky', 'crying', 'learn', 'nick', 'cut', 'football', 'team', 'stripped', 'scholarship', 'middle', 'discussion', 'learn', 'father', 'died', 'heart', 'attack', 'funeral', 'dorian', 'mother', 'finally', 'freed', 'overbearing', 'influence', 'dorians', 'father', 'tells', 'dorian', 'regrets', 'stopping', 'father', 'angry'], ['plot', 'jazmin', 'biltmore', 'smart-mouthed', 'frustrated', 'plus-sized', 'aspiring', 'fashion', 'designer', 'department', 'store', 'employee', 'obsessed', 'weight', 'jazmin', 'always', 'overweight', 'unlike', 'skinny', 'popular', 'cousin', 'mia', 'jazmin', 'wins', 'trip', 'palm', 'springs', 'weekend', 'posh', 'five-star', 'resort', 'best', 'friend', 'stacy', 'find', 'first', 'day', 'spa', 'embarrassing', 'hotel', 'robes', \"don\\\\'t\", 'fit', 'massage', 'table', 'quite', 'small', 'curvaceous', 'figures', 'leave', 'frustration', 'join', 'mia', 'ogling', 'nigerian', 'man', 'swimming', 'pool', 'introduces', 'tunde', 'jazmin', 'enraptured', 'distracted', 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'wilbur', 'turned', 'camera', 'velma\\\\', 'outburst', 'broadcast', 'air', 'causing', 'dismissed', 'corny', 'collins', 'show', 'set', 'explodes', 'celebration', 'tracy', 'link', 'cement', 'love', 'kiss'], [\"'max\", 'fleming', 'grad', 'student', 'developed', 'powerful', 'cloning', 'machine', 'egotistical', 'dr.', 'jonas', 'steals', 'credit', 'leaves', 'student', 'toil', 'obscurity', 'one', 'day', 'max', 'meets', 'kate', 'carson', 'young', 'attractive', 'magazine', 'reporter', 'story', 'cloning', 'research', 'university', 'interview', 'kate', 'accidentally', 'cuts', 'drops', 'blood', 'get', 'one', 'cloning', 'samples', 'later', 'night', 'max', 'runs', 'test', 'machine', 'surprise', 'ends', 'replicant', 'kate', 'names', 'repli-kate', 'repli-kate', 'fully', 'adult', 'knows', 'absolutely', 'nothing', 'max', 'roommate', 'henry', 'thus', 'set', 'educate', 'male', 'perspective', 'want', 'turn', 'perfect', 'woman', 'beer-drinking', 'sport-loving', 'sexually', 'aggressive', 'girl', 'dreams', 'however', 'max', 'contemplates', 'resulting', 'woman', 'realizes', 'girl', 'dream', 'kate', 'along', 'repli-kate', 'meanwhile', 'dr.', 'jonas', 'learns', 'existence', 'repli-kate', 'captures', 'original', 'kate', 'decides', 'present', 'results', 'human', 'cloning', 'front', 'scientists', 'world', 'aim', 'advertising', 'cloning', 'machine', 'fortunately', 'max', 'henry', 'get', 'wind', 'plan', 'set', 'rescue', 'mission', 'using', 'newly', 'created', 'repli-jonas', 'pair', 'able', 'create', 'enough', 'confusion', 'save', 'kate', 'repli-kate', 'end', 'jonas', 'repli-jonas', 'sent', 'cloning', 'research', 'lab', 'test', 'subjects', 'max', 'inherits', 'university\\\\', 'cloning', 'lab', 'cloning', 'chamber', 'brings', 'great', 'fame', 'money', 'max', 'kate', 'fall', 'love', 'henry', 'repli-kate', 'ultimately', 'repli-jonas', 'manages', 'escape', 'felix', 'asks', 'max', 'replies', 'repli-jonas', 'dumb', 'anywhere', 'last', 'image', 'repli-jonas', 'new', 'president', 'discourse', 'word', \"\\\\'penis\\\\\"], ['film', 'dr.', 'siddharth', 'sinha', 'son', 'dr.', 'akash', 'sinha', 'work', 'hospital', 'founded', 'siddharth', 'siddharth', 'wishes', 'run', 'state', 'art', 'hospital', 'work', 'profession', 'means', 'dedicates', 'time', 'patients', 'soon', 'enough', 'dr.', 'neha', 'mathur', 'walks', 'akash', 'life', 'eventually', 'fall', 'love', 'eventually', 'siddharth', 'dies', 'akash', 'sets', 'fulfill', 'father', 'dream', 'arrival', 'sonia', 'kapoor', 'changes', 'everything', 'neha', 'akash', 'sonia', 'rich', 'arrogant', 'schizophrenic', 'woman', 'used', 'things', 'way', 'long', 'wants', 'akash', 'decides', 'since', 'akash', 'man', 'latch', 'literally', \"'buying\", 'love', 'financial', 'agreement', 'agreement', 'states', 'marrying', 'soniya', 'father', 'gulshan', 'kapoor', 'help', 'finance', 'hospital', 'project', 'fate', 'would', 'siddharh', 'sinha', 'expires', 'attempt', 'bring', 'child', 'injure', 'accident', 'hospital', 'last', 'wish', 'hospital', 'properly', 'completed', 'akash', 'burdened', 'increasing', 'debts', 'purchase', 'equipment', 'hospital', 'arrange', 'funds', 'broken', 'heart', 'agrees', 'marry', 'sonia', 'order', 'set', 'hospital', 'thus', 'fulfilling', 'father', 'final', 'wish', 'neha', 'understands', 'agrees', 'break', 'akash', 'offers', 'continue', 'working', 'hospital', 'professional', 'dedicated', 'person', 'marriage', 'sonia', 'starts', 'suspecting', 'akash', 'affair', 'neha', 'starts', 'annoying', 'stand', 'neha', 'still', 'working', 'hospital', 'keeps', 'coming', 'kinds', 'reasons', 'get', 'neha', 'one', 'quest', 'involved', 'fatal', 'accident', 'serious', 'damage', 'brain', 'akash', 'operate', 'moment', 'dilemma', 'curing', 'sonia', 'would', 'mean', 'facing', 'problems', 'decides', 'doctor', 'doctor', 'never', 'discriminate', 'patients', 'job', 'simply', 'save', 'lives', 'akash', 'operated', 'sonia', 'fully', 'recovered', 'sonia', 'comes', 'know', 'operated', 'akash', 'even', 'created', 'kinds', 'problems', 'wisdom', 'dawns', 'sonia', 'asks', 'akash', 'pardon', 'gives', 'divorce', 'walks', 'life', 'freeing', 'marry', 'settle', 'neha'], [\"'lisbon\", 'story', 'partially', 'sequel', 'wenders\\\\', '1982', 'film', 'state', 'things', 'fictitious', 'movie', 'director', 'previous', 'film', 'friedrich', 'munro', 'reappears', 'played', 'patrick', 'bauchau', 'lisbon', 'story', 'friedrich', 'moved', 'lisbon', 'portugal', 'principal', 'character', 'philip', 'winter', 'sound', 'engineer', 'receives', 'postcard', 'invitation', 'friedrich', 'come', 'lisbon', 'record', 'sounds', 'capital', 'city', 'forthcoming', 'film', 'arriving', 'however', 'director', 'nowhere', 'found', 'though', 'leaves', 'cryptic', 'messages', 'sets', 'motion', 'mysterious', 'quest', 'sound', 'engineer', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'meet', 'director', 'end', 'movie', 'materialises', 'disturbed', 'commercialization', 'images', 'set', 'capture', 'terms', 'unseen', 'image', 'city', 'one', 'devoid', 'subjective', 'view', 'also', 'pretending', 'whole', 'history', 'cinema', 'never', 'happened', 'semi-non-fictional', 'aspect', 'plot', 'appearance', 'internationally', 'famous', 'portuguese', 'folk', 'music', 'group', 'madredeus', 'manoel', 'oliveira', 'time', 'already', 'oldest', 'living', 'active', 'film', 'director', 'world'], [\"'marisa\", 'paredes', 'leocadia', 'macias', 'woman', 'writing', '쐏ink', 'romance', 'novels', 'alias', 'amanda', 'gris', 'popular', 'across', 'spain', 'unlike', 'romantic', 'novels', 'love', 'life', 'troubled', 'leo', 'less', 'happy', 'relationship', 'husband', 'paco', 'military', 'officer', 'stationed', 'brussels', 'later', 'bosnia', 'distant', 'physically', 'emotionally', 'film', 'starts', 'leo', 'writes', 'feeling', 'lost', 'lover', 'feeling', 'leo', 'compares', 'pain', 'uncomfortable', 'pair', 'boots', \"can\\\\'t\", 'take', 'leo', 'begins', 'change', 'direction', 'writing', 'wanting', 'focus', 'darker', 'themes', 'pain', 'loss', 'longer', 'write', 'amanda', 'gris', 'novels', 'whose', 'publishers', 'demand', 'sentimental', 'happy-endings', 'least', 'contract', 'begins', 're-evaluate', 'life', 'relationship', 'husband', 'supposed', 'best', 'friend', 'betty', 'crab-faced', 'sister', 'rosa', 'bickering', 'elderly', 'mother', 'also', 'meets', 'angel', 'newspaper', 'editor', 'quickly', 'falls', 'leo', 'writing', 'signed', 'contract', 'newspaper', 'pa챠s', 'editor', 'realises', 'instead', 'pink', 'novel', 'leo', 'written', 'something', 'different', 'leo', 'confesses', 'forgot', 'writing', 'pink', 'novels', 'sentimental', 'situation', 'led', 'write', 'black', 'novel', 'young', 'mother', 'whose', 'daughter', 'kills', 'husband', 'tried', 'rape', 'corpse', 'dead', 'man', 'hidden', 'refrigerator', 'leo', 'went', 'apartment', 'sister', 'rosa', 'mother', 'live', 'leo', 'sees', 'comical', 'scene', 'went', 'best', 'friend', 'betty', 'lives', 'paco', 'husband', 'makes', 'phone', 'call', 'talking', 'situation', 'bosnia', 'herzegovina', 'wars', 'writing', 'night', 'leo', 'received', 'phone', 'call', 'paco', 'tells', 'permission', 'see', 'hours', 'hearing', 'leo\\\\', 'humor', 'changed', 'suddenly', 'starts', 'preparing', 'visit', 'paco', 'arrives', 'leo', 'sees', 'husband\\\\', 'behavior', 'strange', 'tries', 'avoid', 'finally', 'tells', 'actually', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'hours', 'leave', 'said', 'fact', 'two', 'hours', 'hearing', 'leo', 'got', 'really', 'angry', 'sad', 'sadness', 'bigger', 'paco', 'leaves', 'mission', 'telling', 'there\\\\', 'way', 'save', 'relationship', 'drowned', 'intense', 'pain', 'heart', 'leo', 'took', 'overdose', 'tranquimazil', 'fell', 'asleep', 'bedroom', 'three', 'days', 'later', 'hears', 'voice', 'mother', 'proposes', 'almagro', 'little', 'village', 'spend', 'weeks', 'still', 'possessed', 'unbearable', 'pain', 'started', 'walking', 'alone', 'street', 'surprised', 'doctor\\\\', 'strike', 'angel', 'saw', 'decided', 'take', 'home', 'telling', 'angel', 'sentimental', 'troubles', 'betty', 'friend', 'decides', 'tell', 'new', 'lover', 'paco', 'traumatic', 'revelation', 'leo', 'suspecting', 'finally', 'leo', 'decides', 'almagro', 'mother', 'tries', 'recover', 'happened', 'something', 'partially', 'got', 'village', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'editor', 'tells', 'film', 'based', 'unpublished', 'black', 'novel', 'shot', 'fact', 'made', 'return', 'madrid', 'meets', 'angel', 'starts', 'falling', 'love', 'seeing', 'artistic', 'representation', 'starring', 'joaqu챠n', 'cort챕s', 'returns', 'home', 'leo', 'receives', 'visit', 'dancer', 'confesses', 'stole', 'papers', 'unpublished', 'novel', 'give', 'film', 'director', 'starting', 'feel', 'recovered', 'sentimental', 'crisis', 'goes', 'angel\\\\', 'home', 'confirms', 'love', 'him..'], ['dew', 'young', 'computer', 'programmer', 'meets', 'ton', 'chiang', 'mai', 'distant', 'cousin', 'funeral', 'immediately', 'become', 'attracted', 'start', 'date', 'phone', 'back', 'bangkok', 'valentine', 'day', 'dew', 'refuses', 'accompany', 'best', 'friend', 'ked', 'blind', 'date', 'anxiously', 'waiting', 'ton', 'phone', 'call', 'consequence', 'breaks', 'dew', 'heart', 'friend', 'murdered', 'blind', 'date', 'dew', 'immediately', 'leaves', 'chiang', 'mai', 'finds', 'comfort', 'ton', 'two', 'start', 'serious', 'relationship', 'marry', 'soon', 'however', 'new-found', 'happiness', 'cut', 'short', 'ton', 'dies', 'brain', 'tumor', 'dew', 'left', 'alone', 'leaving', 'bangkok', 'receives', 'mysterious', 'letter', 'seemingly', 'dead', 'husband', 'turns', 'ton', 'written', 'series', 'letters', 'prior', 'death', 'arranged', 'sent', 'death', 'widow', 'letters', 'help', 'dew', 'grief', 'finally', 'able', 'live', 'without', 'love', 'life', 'continues', 'live', 'chiang', 'mai', 'son', 'born', 'death', 'father'], [\"'ben\", 'stone', 'laid-back', 'sardonic', 'lives', 'funds', 'received', 'compensation', 'injury', 'sporadically', 'works', 'mr.', 'skin-like', 'website', 'roommates', 'smoking', 'marijuana', 'going', 'theme', 'parks', 'knott\\\\', 'berry', 'farm', 'alison', 'scott', 'career-minded', 'woman', 'given', 'on-air', 'role', 'living', 'pool', 'house', 'sister', 'debbie\\\\', 'family', 'celebrating', 'promotion', 'alison', 'meets', 'ben', 'local', 'nightclub', 'night', 'drinking', 'end', 'sex', 'due', 'misunderstanding', 'use', 'protection', 'alison', 'uses', 'phrase', 'already', 'encourage', 'ben', 'put', 'condom', 'misinterprets', 'mean', 'dispense', 'without', 'even', 'using', 'one', 'following', 'morning', 'quickly', 'learn', 'breakfast', 'little', 'common', 'separate', 'ways', 'leaves', 'ben', 'visibly', 'upset', 'eight', 'weeks', 'later', 'alison', 'experiences', 'morning', 'sickness', 'interview', 'james', 'franco', 'discovers', 'pregnant', 'contacts', 'ben', 'first', 'time', 'since', 'one-night', 'stand', 'tell', 'although', 'insensitive', 'first', 'ben', 'says', 'support', 'alison', 'still', 'unsure', 'parent', 'father', 'excited', 'alison\\\\', 'mother', 'tries', 'persuade', 'daughter', 'abortion', 'alison', 'decides', 'keep', 'child', 'later', 'alison', 'ben', 'decide', 'give', 'relationship', 'chance', 'couple\\\\', 'efforts', 'include', 'ben', 'making', 'awkward', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'empty', 'ring', 'box', 'promising', 'get', 'one', 'someday', 'alison', 'thinks', 'early', 'think', 'marriage', 'concerned', 'hiding', 'pregnancy', 'boss', 'asked', 'firm', 'tight', 'cameras', 'somewhat', 'promising', 'beginning', 'tensions', 'surface', 'relationship', 'alison', 'increasingly', 'worried', 'ben\\\\', 'lack', 'responsibility', 'commitment', 'doubts', 'longevity', 'relationship', 'thoughts', 'due', 'sister\\\\', 'unhappy', 'marriage', 'debbie\\\\', 'husband', 'pete', 'works', 'talent', 'scout', 'rock', 'bands', 'leaves', 'odd', 'hours', 'night', 'makes', 'suspect', 'affair', 'upon', 'investigating', 'learns', 'actually', 'part', 'fantasy', 'baseball', 'draft', 'explains', 'participates', 'free', 'debbie\\\\', 'controlling', 'manner', 'results', 'separation', 'ben', 'expresses', 'amusement', 'pete\\\\', 'deception', 'leads', 'heated', 'argument', 'alison', 'drive', 'doctor', 'angered', 'ejects', 'car', 'abandons', 'middle', 'nowhere', 'leading', 'breakup', 'ben', 'pete', 'decide', 'road', 'trip', 'las', 'vegas', 'heavy', 'influence', 'psychedelic', 'mushrooms', 'realize', 'loss', 'decide', 'take', 'responsibility', 'relationships', 'simultaneously', 'debbie', 'drags', 'timid', 'alison', 'partying', 'refused', 'admission', 'nightclub', 'apologetic', 'bouncer', 'craig', 'robinson', 'account', 'debbie\\\\', 'age', 'alison\\\\', 'pregnancy', 'leading', 'debbie\\\\', 'tearful', 'laments', 'life', 'desire', 'pete', 'back', 'reconcile', 'daughter\\\\', 'birthday', 'party', 'ben', 'tries', 'work', 'things', 'alison', 'still', 'reluctant', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'alison\\\\', 'boss', 'finds', 'pregnancy', 'sees', 'opportunity', 'boost', 'ratings', 'female', 'viewers', 'alison', 'interview', 'pregnant', 'celebrities', 'talk', 'father', 'ben', 'decides', 'take', 'responsibility', 'goes', 'great', 'effort', 'change', 'ways', 'including', 'moving', 'friends\\\\', 'house', 'getting', 'office', 'job', 'web', 'designer', 'apartment', 'baby\\\\', 'room', 'also', 'starts', 'reading', 'pregnancy', 'books', 'purchased', 'early', 'alison', 'goes', 'labor', 'able', 'contact', 'doctor', 'calls', 'ben', 'debbie', 'pete', 'town', 'trip', 'ben', 'discovers', 'gynecologist', 'seeing', 'town', 'despite', 'assured', 'never', 'took', 'vacations', 'ben', 'calls', 'leaves', 'assertive', 'voicemail', 'threatening', 'murder', 'labor', 'alison', 'apologizes', 'doubting', 'ben\\\\', 'commitment', 'admits', 'never', 'thought', 'man', 'got', 'pregnant', 'would', 'right', 'one', 'debbie', 'pete', 'arrive', 'hospital', 'ben', 'adamantly', 'refuses', 'allow', 'alison\\\\', 'side', 'insisting', 'place', 'debbie', 'furious', 'impressed', 'ben', 'took', 'charge', 'situation', 'begins', 'change', 'formerly', 'negative', 'opinion', 'couple', 'welcomes', 'birth', 'baby', 'girl', 'settle', 'happily', 'together', 'new', 'apartment', 'los', 'angeles'], [\"'henry\", 'roth', 'obsessive-compulsive', 'somewhat', 'misanthropic', 'writer', 'children\\\\', 'books', 'illustrator', 'friend', 'rudy', 'dies', 'fabulously', 'successful', 'collaboration', 'series', 'children\\\\', 'books', 'marty', 'beaver', 'henry', 'contract', 'produce', 'another', 'marty', 'book', 'christmas', 'sales', 'publisher', 'arthur', 'planck', 'assigns', 'penniless', 'lovelorn', 'illustrator', 'lucy', 'reilly', 'work', 'henry', 'she\\\\', 'sought', 'ex-boyfriend', 'jeremy', 'dumped', 'two', 'years', 'ago', 'shows', 'apologetic', 'dedicated', 'new', 'book', 'henry', 'house', 'shore', 'work', 'love', 'bloom', 'amid', 'rocks', 'henry', 'bump', 'lucy\\\\', 'road', 'jeremy', 'rudy\\\\', 'voice', 'grave', 'gives', 'henry', 'counsel'], ['starting', 'childhood', 'attempts', 'illustration', 'young', 'jerome', 'pursues', 'true', 'obsession', 'art', 'school', 'jerome', 'enrolls', 'strathmore', 'urban', 'college', 'roommates', 'include', 'aspiring', 'film', 'maker', 'vince', 'closeted-gay', 'fashion', 'major', 'matthew', 'jerome', 'looks', 'love', 'amongst', 'coeds', 'turned', 'falling', 'love', 'art', 'model', 'audrey', 'art', 'classes', 'forms', 'friendship', 'perennial', 'loser', 'bardo', 'guides', 'college', 'scene', 'introduces', 'failed', 'artist', 'jimmy', 'belligerent', 'drunk', 'jerome', 'learns', 'art', 'world', 'really', 'works', 'finds', 'must', 'adapt', 'vision', 'reality', 'confronts', 'community', 'wracked', 'serial', 'killer', 'strathmore', 'strangler', 'confounded', 'police', 'jerome', 'slowly', 'loses', 'idealism', 'art', 'school', 'finds', 'competition', 'strange', 'newcomer', 'jonah', 'audrey', 'affection', 'artistic', 'recognition', 'wild', 'attempt', 'win', 'prestigious', 'art', 'competition', 'jerome', 'asks', 'gets', 'jimmy', 'paintings', 'strangler', 'victims', 'jerome', 'leaves', 'lit', 'cigarette', 'jimmy', 'apartment', 'accident', 'setting', 'fire', 'burning', 'apartment', 'jimmy', 'police', 'arrest', 'jerome', 'strangler', 'audrey', 'realizes', 'true', 'love', 'jerome', 'stupid', 'love', 'jonah', 'jerome', 'sent', 'prison', 'jerome', 'paintings', 'especially', 'one', 'audrey', 'become', 'prized', 'collectors', 'vince', 'scores', 'huge', 'hit', 'documentary', 'strangler', 'called', 'roommate', 'murderer', 'prison', 'jerome', 'continues', 'paint', 'sells', 'works', 'high', 'prices', 'caring', 'people', 'think', 'killer', 'audrey', 'still', 'love', 'end', 'audrey', 'jerome', 'share', 'kiss', 'protective', 'glass'], ['post-independent', 'india', 'teacher', 'violet', 'stoneham', 'lives', 'quiet', 'uneventful', 'life', 'chowringhee', 'lane', 'film', 'shot', 'almost', 'namesake', 'address', '26.', 'chowringee', 'road', 'beautiful', 'view', 'indian', 'museum', 'maidan', 'along', 'landmarks', 'like', 'eden', 'gardens', 'high', 'court', 'governor', 'house', 'shahid', 'minaar', 'fort', 'william', 'calcutta', 'kolkata', 'alone', 'marriage', 'niece', 'joy', 'life', 'teaching', 'shakespeare', 'despite', 'lack', 'interest', 'students', 'former', 'student', 'nandita', 'pays', 'visit', 'author-boyfriend', 'samaresh', 'violet', 'delighted', 'particularly', 'samaresh', 'decides', 'would', 'like', 'work', 'novel', 'apartment', \"n't\", 'realize', 'samaresh', 'nandita', 'merely', 'want', 'use', 'apartment', 't챗te-횪-t챗tes', 'away', 'work', 'time', 'grows', 'fond', 'begins', 'look', 'upon', 'friends', 'old', 'friends', 'die', 'away', \"n't\", 'appreciated', 'job', 'friends', 'people', 'make', 'laugh', 'eventually', 'samaresh', 'nandita', 'get', 'married', 'move', 'lives', 'violet', 'wants', 'meet', 'christmas', 'day', 'bake', 'cake', 'party', 'organized', 'home', 'however', 'think', 'would', 'fish', 'water', 'invited', 'lie', 'town', 'christmas', 'violet', 'comes', 'way', 'drop', 'cake', 'christmas', 'day', 'finally', 'sees', 'deceived', 'walks', 'home', 'lonely', 'life', 'slowly'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'follows', 'diverse', 'group', 'mostly', 'middle-class', 'los', 'angelenos', 'emotional', 'ups', 'downs', 'flawed', 'yet', 'human', 'lives', 'loosely', 'connected', 'restaurant', 'first', 'story', 'mamie', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'work', 'would-be', 'young', 'filmmaker', 'order', 'locate', 'grown', 'son', 'secretly', 'gave', 'adoption', 'becoming', 'pregnant', 'stepbrother', 'charley', 'ndash', 'later', 'revealed', 'gay', 'ndash', 'years', 'earlier', 'second', 'story', 'arc', 'stepbrother', 'domestic', 'partner', 'gil', 'deciding', 'whether', 'confront', 'friends', 'lesbian', 'couple', 'regarding', 'paternity', 'son', 'third', 'young', 'man', 'otis', 'involved', 'band', 'trying', 'keep', 'father', 'frank', 'tom', 'arnold', 'learning', 'gay', 'also', 'dealing', 'seemingly', 'gold-digging', 'woman', 'jude', 'inserts', 'lives'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'separated', 'four', 'stories', 'first', 'story', 'involves', 'andr챕', 'takes', '16-year', 'old', 'cousin', 'beach', 'perform', 'fellatio', 'tune', 'waves', 'incoming', 'tide', 'second', 'story', 'titled', 'th챕r챕se', 'philosophe', 'involves', 'teenage', 'country', 'girl', 'intermingles', 'sexual', 'desires', 'imagination', 'dedication', 'christ', 'locked', 'room', 'third', 'story', 'features', 'elizabeth', 'b찼thory', 'countess', 'murders', 'young', 'girls', 'order', 'gain', 'eternal', 'youth', 'bathing', 'blood', 'final', 'story', 'involves', 'daughter', 'pope', 'alexander', 'lucrezia', 'borgia', 'sex', 'male', 'relatives'], [\"'in\", 'june', '1983', 'dutchess', 'county', 'new', 'york', 'sebastian', 'cole', 'joins', 'mother', 'stepfather', 'sister', 'dinner', 'hank', 'sebastian\\\\', 'stepfather', 'drops', 'bomb', 'announces', 'sex', 'change', 'operation', 'sebastian\\\\', 'sister', 'jessica', 'leaves', 'immediately', 'california', 'mother', 'joan', 'takes', 'back', 'england', 'eight', 'months', 'later', 'sebastian', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'knocking', 'hank\\\\', 'door', 'hank', 'takes', 'sebastian', 'supports', 'next', 'months', 'high', 'school', 'sebastian\\\\', 'adventures', 'mostly', 'self-destructive'], [\"'max\", 'mirecourt', 'frustrated', 'writer', 'goes', 'tunisia', 'search', 'inspiration', 'next', 'novel', 'meets', 'local', 'girl', 'named', 'alwina', 'whose', 'personality', 'intrigues', 'max', 'greatly', 'invents', 'character', 'based', 'newest', 'novel', 'relation', 'alwina', 'serves', 'dual', 'purpose', 'also', 'angers', 'wife', 'lucie', 'flirting', 'maharaja', 'datane', 'back', 'paris', 'alwina', 'taken', 'max\\\\', 'wing', 'taught', 'manners', 'social', 'graces', 'high', 'society', 'princess', 'whisked', 'away', 'paris', 'max', 'pretends', 'princess', 'tam', 'tam', 'far', 'away', 'india', 'lucie', 'enraged', 'attention', 'alwina', 'receives', 'friend', 'sees', 'alwina', 'dance', 'provocatively', 'sailor\\\\', 'bar', 'calls', 'upon', 'maharaja', 'craft', 'plan', 'destroy', 'husband\\\\', 'relation', 'princess', 'maharaja', 'throws', 'grand', 'party', 'inviting', 'upper', 'crust', 'parisian', 'society', 'alwina', 'unable', 'resist', 'exotic', 'music', 'promptly', 'joins', 'large', 'staged', 'dance', 'number', 'embarrassing', 'max', '봴ntil', 'realizes', 'entire', 'audience', 'feet', 'applauding', 'alwina', 'lucie', 'furious', 'lucie', 'max', 'forgive', 'end', 'fall', 'love', 'alwina', 'returns', 'tunisia', 'frustrating', 'realization', 'maharaja', 'puts', 'windows', 'face', 'west', 'others', 'east', 'ultimately', 'however', 'entire', 'european', 'affair', 'revealed', 'little', 'enactment', 'max\\\\', 'novel', 'progress', 'alwina', 'never', 'europe', 'primary', 'events', 'film', 'simply', 'staging', 'max', 'imagined', 'alwina', 'given', 'max\\\\', 'tunisian', 'estate', 'max\\\\', 'new', 'novel', 'success', 'title', 'new', 'work', 'civilisation', 'asked', 'alwina', 'back', 'europe', 'max', 'states', 'better', 'film', 'closes', 'scene', 'alwina', 'dar', 'back', 'tunisia', 'newborn', 'child', 'farm', 'animals', 'strewn', 'max\\\\', 'mansion', 'final', 'shot', 'donkey', 'eats', 'title', 'page', 'civilisation', 'max\\\\', 'floor'], [\"'in\", '1890s', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'biff', 'grimes', 'falls', 'love', 'society', 'girl', 'strawberry', 'blonde', 'virginia', 'brush', 'however', 'biff\\\\', 'enterprising', 'pal', 'hugo', 'barnstead', 'wins', 'virginia\\\\', 'affections', 'biff', 'ends', 'marrying', 'virginia\\\\', 'less', 'glamorous', 'best', 'friend', 'amy', 'lind', 'biff', 'eventually', 'realizes', 'right', 'one', 'time', 'multiple', 'image'], ['expand', 'section', 'following', 'plot', 'opera', 'carmen', 'story', 'follows', 'wild', 'gypsy\\\\', 'adventures', 'siren', 'bandit', 'carmen', 'lures', 'innocent', 'soldier', 'ruin', 'getting', 'expelled', 'army', 'turns', 'banditry', 'killing', 'carmen\\\\', 'husband', 'others', 'makes', 'unhappy', 'ending', 'innocent', 'repenting', 'sins', 'dying'], ['1995', 'hollywood', 'novice', 'screenwriter', 'robert', 'sandrich', 'written', 'autobiographical', 'script', 'inspired', 'lover', 'death', 'aids-related', 'cerebral', 'tuberculosis', 'impresses', 'studio', 'executive', 'jeffrey', 'tishop', 'wife', 'elaine', 'commercial', 'reasons', 'jeffrey', 'willing', 'greenlight', 'project', 'robert', 'changes', 'protagonist', 'maurice', 'maggie', 'shifts', 'focus', 'plot', 'gay', 'straight', 'people', 'robert', 'initially', 'refuses', 'compromise', 'principles', 'jeffrey', 'threatens', 'make', 'film', 'without', 'participation', 'decides', 'accept', 'million', 'paycheck', 'offered', 'make', 'requested', 'edits', 'jeffrey', 'elaine', 'find', 'attracted', 'robert', 'becomes', 'frequent', 'guest', 'malibu', 'home', 'soon', 'drifts', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'manipulative', 'producer', 'connection', 'elaine', 'feels', 'grieving', 'young', 'man', 'emotional', 'cerebral', 'physical', 'discovering', 'robert', 'addicted', 'internet', 'chat', 'rooms', 'tracks', 'online', 'engages', 'conversation', 'posing', 'gay', 'man', 'using', 'information', 'revealed', 'person', 'somehow', 'manages', 'convince', 'communicating', 'dead', 'lover', 'complications', 'ensue', 'robert', 'reveals', 'affair', 'boss', 'forcing', 'elaine', 'face', 'truth', 'seemingly', 'perfect', 'marriage', 'prompting', 'confrontation', 'leads', 'tragedy'], ['kathy', 'seemingly', 'happily', 'married', 'peter', 'relationship', 'grown', 'routine', 'help', 'wonder', 'would', 'happen', 'ever', 'got', 'together', 'high', 'school', 'sweetheart', 'tom', 'never', 'slept', 'married', 'prevents', 'acting', 'asks', 'friend', 'emily', 'look', 'tom', 'goes', 'denver', 'sleep', 'tell', 'kathy', 'like', 'emily', 'tells', 'kathy', 'tom', 'awesome', 'sex', 'night', 'friendship', 'suffers', 'kathy', 'marriage', 'things', 'become', 'even', 'complicated', 'emily', 'learns', 'pregnant', 'uncertain', 'tom', 'boyfriend', 'elliot', 'father'], ['beginning', 'west', 'germany', '1982', '18-year', 'old', 'school', 'boy', 'helmut', 'falls', 'love', 'fellow', 'pupil', 'britta', 'starts', 'working', 'peace', 'movement', 'get', 'know', 'britta', 'britta', 'however', 'suddenly', 'moves', 'san', 'francisco', 'live', 'father', 'whilst', 'finds', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'helmut', 'studies', 'literature', 'politics', 'home', 'town', 'relationship', 'another', 'girl', 'former', 'school', 'studying', 'medicine', 'university', 'break', 'affair', 'room', 'mate', 'helmut', 'begins', 'lot', 'short', 'affairs', 'different', 'women', 'still', 'searches', 'first', 'girl', 'years', 'later', '1989', 'berlin', 'wall', 'falls', 'cold', 'war', 'ends', 'helmut', 'lying', 'girlfriend', 'bed', 'old', 'school', 'friend', 'm체cke', 'calls', 'saw', 'britta', 'berlin', 'helmut', 'hurries', 'berlin', 'finds', 'britta', 'changed', 'become', 'arrogant', 'm체cke', 'tells', 'afterwards', 'affair', 'britta', 'britta', 'lot', 'affairs', 'worried', 'helmut', 'begins', 'lot', 'new', 'affairs', 'parents', 'get', 'divorced', 'time', '1998', 'helmut', 'settles', 'girl', 'wants', 'baby', 'helmut', 'travels', 'one', 'time', 'berlin', 'meet', 'britta', 'one', 'last', 'time'], ['chinese', 'woman', 'named', 'failan', 'comes', 'korea', 'death', 'parents', 'search', 'remaining', 'family', 'finding', 'immigrated', 'canada', 'arranges', 'fake', 'marriage', 'obtain', 'work', 'permit', 'order', 'stay', 'country', 'though', 'tricked', 'pressured', 'toward', 'working', 'prostitute', 'failan', 'escapes', 'situation', 'work', 'old', 'woman', 'laundromat', 'tragically', \"n't\", 'long', 'failan', 'becomes', 'fatally', 'ill.', 'meanwhile', 'legal', 'husband', 'low-level', 'gangster', 'deals', 'troubles', 'dreams', 'returning', 'hometown', 'fishing', 'boat', 'situation', 'seems', 'hopeless', 'feuds', 'gangland', 'associates', 'drinks', 'excessively', 'later', 'decides', 'take', 'blame', 'murder', 'boss', 'promises', 'handsome', 'reward', 'one', 'day', 'receives', 'notification', 'police', 'regarding', 'death', 'wife', 'never', 'met', 'follows', 'inspires', 'reassess', 'deplorable', 'life', '...', 'goes', 'visit', 'wife', 'body', 'hospital', 'discovered', 'many', 'things', 'wife', 'trually', 'love', 'situation', \"n't\", 'allow', 'meet', 'touched', 'feeling', 'wants', 'start', 'another', 'life', 'back', 'village', 'easy', 'made', 'promise', 'boss', 'says', 'sorry', 'boss', 'going', 'boss', 'finally', 'kill', 'end'], [\"'amy\", 'post', '20-a-trick', 'hooker', 'mobile', 'alabama', 'one', 'night', 'entertains', 'elmore', 'pratt', 'ex-boxer', 'fired', 'job', 'car', 'wash.', 'pay', 'services', 'rendered', 'pratt', 'punches', 'plainclothes', 'police', 'officer', 'prostitute', 'hit', 'road', 'together', 'intending', 'head', 'california', 'bickering', 'along', 'way'], ['antoine', 'successful', 'french', 'civil', 'engineer', 'travels', 'tangiers', 'supervise', 'construction', 'buildings', 'large', 'media', 'center', 'real', 'motivation', 'however', 'seek', 'first', 'love', 'thirty', 'years', 'c챕cile', 'discovered', 'c챕cile', 'lives', 'tangiers', 'begins', 'anonymously', 'sending', 'roses', 'every', 'day', 'radio', 'station', 'hosts', 'french-arabic', 'program', 'uninterested', 'secret', 'admirer', 'c챕cile', 'married', 'man', 'shortly', 'ending', 'relationship', 'antoine', 'divorce', 'later', 'currently', 'married', 'younger', 'man', 'nathan', 'moroccan', 'jewish', 'physician', 'antoine', 'literally', 'counted', 'days', 'since', 'last', 'saw', 'c챕cile', 'spent', 'years', 'tracking', 'come', 'morocco', 'expressly', 'make', 'fall', 'back', 'love', 'never', 'married', 'obsession', 'win', 'c챕cile', 'heart', 'recruits', 'help', 'nabila', 'moroccan', 'assistant', 'investigate', 'possibility', 'using', 'witchcraft', 'antoine', 'c챕cile', 'eventually', 'cross', 'paths', 'supermarket', 'antoine', 'walks', 'plate', 'glass', 'window', 'injuring', 'nose', 'nathan', 'c챕cile', 'rushes', 'administer', 'first', 'aid', 'around', 'time', 'antoine', 'arrives', 'tangier', 'c챕cile', 'nathan', 'son', 'sami', 'lives', 'paris', 'arrives', 'visit', 'live-in', 'girlfriend', 'nadia', 'sa챦d', '9-year-old', 'son', 'another', 'man', 'sami', 'often', 'leaves', 'alone', 'order', 'visit', 'moroccan', 'boyfriend', 'bilal', 'briefly', 'lived', 'paris', 'looking', 'villa', 'absent', 'owners', 'bilal', 'less', 'accepts', 'sami', 'ambivalence', 'restart', 'affair', 'nadia', 'meanwhile', 'hopes', 'reconnect', 'identical', 'twin', 'sister', 'a챦cha', 'conservative', 'observant', 'muslim', 'works', 'mcdonald', 'aicha', 'reluctant', 'see', 'many', 'efforts', 'nadia', 'manages', 'brief', 'glimpse', 'sister', 'afar', 'nadia', 'addiction', 'prescriptions', 'pills', 'exposed', 'nathan', 'sami', 'decides', 'time', 'return', 'paris', 'c챕cile', 'cold', 'formal', 'buried', 'youthful', 'dreams', 'coping', 'life', 'state', 'mild', 'exasperation', 'marriage', 'less', 'blissful', 'nathan', 'whose', 'career', 'stalled', 'several', 'affairs', 'eventually', 'c챕cile', 'encouraged', 'rachel', 'friend', 'coworker', 'accepts', 'antoine', 'advances', 'initially', 'proposing', 'brief', 'fling', 'rather', 'preference', 'grow', 'old', 'together', 'make', 'love', 'antoine', 'closer', 'reaching', 'goal', 'losing', 'hope', 'however', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'antoine', 'involved', 'serious', 'accident', 'trapped', 'collapse', 'construction', 'site', 'works', 'hospitalized', 'coma', 'c챕cile', 'visits', 'constantly', 'hospital', 'c챕cile', 'nathan', 'separate', 'moves', 'casablanca', 'accepting', 'new', 'job', 'suggested', 'started', 'relationship', 'a챦cha', 'bilal', 'ambivalent', 'accepting', 'samis', 'offer', 'visit', 'paris', 'months', 'later', 'one', 'c챕cile', 'hospital', 'visits', 'antoine', 'wakes', 'coma', 'hands', 'join'], ['nico', 'dani', 'two', '17-year-old', 'friends', 'spending', 'summer', 'together', 'dani', 'parent', 'beach', 'house', 'parents', 'away', 'traveling', 'aim', 'meet', 'girls', 'lose', 'virginity', 'meantime', 'practice', 'mutual', 'masturbation', 'sexual', 'practices', 'meet', 'pair', 'cousins', 'berta', 'elena', 'nico', 'much', 'interested', 'elena', 'dani', 'berta', 'nico', 'sex', 'elena', 'making', 'dani', 'jealous', 'dani', 'realizes', 'love', 'nico', 'tells', 'causing', 'argument', 'dani', 'goes', 'get', 'drunk', 'meets', 'gay', 'writer', 'friend', 'father', 'dinner', 'sailing', 'dani', 'proposes', 'two', 'sex', 'runs', 'away', 'returns', 'home', 'nico', 'friends', 'reconcile', 'end', 'summer'], ['1970s', 'establishment', 'diplomat', 'relation', 'people', 'republic', 'china', 'united', 'states', 'zhou', 'jun', 'daughter', 'retired', 'kuomintang', 'general', 'zhou', 'zhenwu', 'lives', 'america', 'visits', 'mainland', 'china', 'sightseeing', 'mount', 'meets', 'geng', 'hua', 'young', 'man', 'preparing', 'college', 'entrance', 'exams', 'fall', 'love', 'geng', 'father', 'cpc', 'officer', 'political', 'investigation', 'gang', 'four', 'junior', 'geng', 'accompanying', 'unwell', 'mother', 'mountain', 'rehabilitation', 'due', 'frequent', 'contacts', 'zhou', 'geng', 'summoned', 'interrogation', 'zhou', 'returns', 'states', 'regrets', 'fall', 'gang', 'four', 'zhou', 'still', 'keeping', 'feelings', 'geng', 'heart', 'visited', 'mountain', 'geng', 'postgraduate', 'student', 'tsinghua', 'university', 'happens', 'come', 'mount', 'academic', 'colloquium', 'fortunately', 'two', 'reunite', 'decide', 'marry', 'geng', 'hua', 'asks', 'father', 'geng', 'feng', 'agreement', 'shows', 'photo', 'miss', 'zhou', 'family', 'senior', 'geng', 'recognizes', 'girl', 'father', 'zhou', 'zhenwu', 'classmate', 'back', 'whampoa', 'military', 'academy', 'followed', 'different', 'political', 'parties', 'became', 'rivals', 'battlefield', 'chinese', 'civil', 'war', 'thus', 'immediately', 'rejects', 'marriage', 'difficulties', 'two', 'seniors', 'intention', 'reunification', 'china', 'meet', 'mount', 'hostility', 'thawed', 'become', 'relatives', 'marriage', 'junior', 'zhou', 'geng', 'finally', 'get', 'together'], [\"'nominated\", 'two', '2003', 'independent', 'spirit', 'awards', 'hailed', 'roger', 'ebert', 'breakthrough', 'asian', 'american', 'filmmakers', 'charlotte', 'sometimes', 'mysterious', 'erotic', 'romance', 'exploring', 'kinds', 'love', 'names', 'clear', 'arrangements', 'michael', 'idemoto', 'stars', 'michael', 'reclusive', 'auto', 'mechanic', 'captivated', 'enigmatic', 'drifter', 'eugenia', 'yuan', 'co-stars', 'michael', 'tenant', 'best', 'friend', 'despite', 'live-in', 'boyfriend', 'may', 'hold', 'key', 'michael', 'heart', 'women', 'michael', 'life', 'meet', 'face', 'face', 'michael', 'forced', 'choose', 'daring', 'tryst', 'alluring', 'stranger', 'habitual', 'comfort', 'bittersweet', 'obsession'], ['young', 'journalist', 'david', 'katz', 'writes', 'hip-hop', 'magazine', 'called', 'mic', 'check', 'starts', 'following', 'music', 'mogul', 'around', 'part', 'story', 'time', 'incorrectly', 'starts', 'think', 'part', 'world', 'leads', 'writing', 'article', 'gossip', 'newspaper', 'starts', 'rivalry', 'producer', 'famous', 'rapper'], [\"'jude\", 'young', 'shipyard', 'worker', 'liverpool', 'enlists', 'merchant', 'navy', 'jumps', 'ship', 'new', 'jersey', 'hoping', 'find', 'american', 'g.i', 'father', 'never', 'met', 'girl', 'helter', 'skelter', 'meanwhile', 'lucy', 'carrigan', 'worries', 'boyfriend', 'daniel', 'headed', 'service', 'vietnam', 'war', 'dayton', 'ohio', 'prudence', 'pines', 'fellow', 'female', 'cheerleader', 'jude', 'meets', 'father', 'janitor', 'princeton', 'university', 'befriends', 'lucy\\\\', 'brother', 'privileged', 'rebellious', 'student', 'max', 'joe', 'anderson', 'lucy', 'receives', 'letter', 'daniel', 'max', 'brings', 'jude', 'home', 'thanksgiving', 'jude', 'becomes', 'attracted', 'lucy', 'max', 'drops', 'school', 'jude', 'move', 'bohemian', 'enclave', 'greenwich', 'village', 'living', 'aspiring', 'singer', 'sadie', 'meanwhile', 'younger', 'brother', 'killed', '1967', 'detroit', 'riot', 'let', 'jojo', 'seen', 'leaving', 'home', 'arriving', 'bus', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'jojo', 'auditions', 'sadie\\\\', 'band', 'max', 'becomes', 'taxi', 'driver', 'jude', 'finds', 'work', 'freelance', 'artist', 'soon', 'joined', 'prudence', 'hitchhiked', 'new', 'york', 'left', 'abusive', 'boyfriend', 'daniel', 'killed', 'vietnam', 'lucy', 'decides', 'visit', 'max', 'new', 'york', 'starting', 'college', 'jude', 'fall', 'love', 'max', 'drafted', 'army', 'want', 'prudence', 'attracted', 'sadie', 'becomes', 'depressed', 'sadie', 'jojo', 'begin', 'relationship', 'prudence', 'locks', 'closet', 'coaxed', 'closet', 'friends', 'disappears', 'wandering', 'peace', 'rally', 'paco', 'leader', 'students', 'democratic', 'republic', 'speaker', 'book', 'function', 'existential', 'drug', 'guru', 'doctor', 'robert', 'jude', 'lucy', 'jojo', 'sadie', 'max', 'drink', 'punch', 'laced', 'lsd', 'embark', 'doctor', 'robert', 'beyond', 'bus', 'end', 'stranded', 'outside', 'compound', 'psychonaut', 'dr.', 'frank', 'geary', 'come', 'across', 'strange', 'circus', 'led', 'mr.', 'kite', 'reunited', 'prudence', 'become', 'circus', 'performer', 'benefit', 'kite', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'sadie', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'manager\\\\', 'demand', 'drop', 'backing', 'band', 'leading', 'bitter', 'breakup', 'musical', 'split', 'jojo', 'max', 'deployed', 'vietnam', 'leading', 'lucy', 'become', 'increasingly', 'involved', 'anti-war', 'movement', 'especially', 'sdr', 'jude', 'remains', 'comparatively', 'apolitical', 'devoted', 'lucy', 'jude', 'dislikes', 'increasing', 'amount', 'time', 'lucy', 'spends', 'sdr', 'suspects', 'paco', 'attempting', 'seduce', 'lucy', 'puts', 'strain', 'relationship', 'affects', 'jude\\\\', 'art', 'finally', 'jude', 'storms', 'sdr', 'office', 'points', 'hypocrisy', 'group\\\\', 'actions', 'revolution', 'leading', 'argument', 'lucy', 'leaves', 'jude', 'follows', 'lucy', 'anti-war', 'demonstration', 'columbia', 'university', 'police', 'start', 'arrest', 'protestors', 'jude', 'tries', 'help', 'lucy', 'beaten', 'police', 'arrested', 'helter', 'skelter', 'united', 'states', 'illegally', 'unable', 'legally', 'prove', 'son', 'american', 'citizen', 'jude', 'deported', 'back', 'england', 'returns', 'old', 'job', 'liverpool', 'shipyards', 'day', 'life', 'jojo', 'continues', 'music', 'playing', 'solo', 'guitar', 'bars', 'tour', 'sadie', 'drowns', 'sorrow', 'loneliness', 'alcohol', 'max', 'wounded', 'vietnam', 'sent', 'home', 'psychologically', 'scarred', 'dependent', 'morphine', 'lucy', 'continues', 'activities', 'sdr', 'finds', 'caught', 'paco', 'leads', 'movement', 'deeper', 'deeper', 'violence', 'finally', 'leaves', 'discovers', 'paco', 'making', 'bombs', 'surrounded', 'constant', 'reminders', 'jude', 'shared', 'blackbird', 'one', 'paco\\\\', 'homemade', 'bombs', 'explodes', 'killing', 'confederates', 'destroying', 'sdr', 'offices', 'reading', 'news', 'local', 'newspaper', 'jude', 'thinks', 'lucy', 'dead', 'upon', 'learning', 'max', 'alive', 'arranges', 'return', 'new', 'york', 'legally', 'jojo', 'sadie', 'reconciled', 'put', 'rooftop', 'concert', 'prudence', 'member', 'band', \"don\\\\'t\", 'let', 'max', 'brings', 'jude', 'rooftop', 'police', 'arrive', 'break', 'concert', 'lucy', 'street', 'get', 'barricade', 'jude', 'manages', 'remain', 'roof', 'sings', 'need', 'love', 'police', 'allow', 'band', 'accompany', 'max', 'draws', 'jude\\\\', 'attention', 'opposite', 'rooftop', 'lucy', 'standing', 'looking', 'lucy', 'jude', 'gaze', 'smilingly', 'across', 'opposite', 'rooftops', 'performance', 'concludes'], ['magdalena', '15th', 'birthday', 'approaches', 'working-class', 'family', 'prepares', 'important', 'quincea챰era', 'lavish', 'coming-of-age', 'celebration', 'help', 'expenses', 'magdalena', 'forced', 'wear', 'hand-me-down', 'party', 'dress', 'abandon', 'dream', 'arriving', 'hummer', 'limousine', 'father', 'discovers', 'pregnant', 'refuses', 'believe', 'incredible', 'truth', 'mdash', 'still', 'virgin', 'mdash', 'magdalena', 'moves', 'elderly', 'uncle', 'tomas', 'black', 'sheep', 'cousin', 'carlos', 'newfound', 'family', 'soon', 'put', 'test', 'unexpected', 'crisis', 'threatens', 'tear', 'apart', 'magdalena', 'learns', 'truly', 'means', 'come', 'age'], ['film', 'tells', 'story', 'prem', 'earns', 'livelihood', 'performing', 'weddings', 'functions', 'prem', 'love', 'nisha', 'fate', 'something', 'else', 'store', 'nisha', 'walks', 'prem', 'since', 'needs', 'money', 'cure', 'ailing', 'brother', 'suffering', 'cancer', 'way', 'raise', 'funds', 'nisha', 'sees', 'marrying', 'wealthy', 'nri', 'nisha', 'deserts', 'prem', 'wedding', 'day', 'prem', 'heartbroken', 'priya', 'comes', 'stay', 'cousin', 'mona', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'mona', 'prem', 'neighbor', 'slowly', 'prem', 'starts', 'getting', 'attracted', 'priya', 'priya', 'gets', 'engaged', 'rahul', 'later', 'told', 'guy', 'nisha', 'supposed', 'marry', 'priya', 'crossroads', 'since', 'also', 'fallen', 'love', 'prem', 'stage', 'nisha', 'also', 'returns', 'prem', 'plane', 'agra', 'prem', 'sings', 'love', 'song', 'priya', 'realizes', 'prem', 'priya', 'end', 'together', 'rahul', 'nisha', 'end', 'together'], [\"'21-year-old\", 'annie', 'braddock', 'graduated', 'montclair', 'state', 'university', 'annie', 'idea', 'wants', 'sitting', 'park', 'annie', 'sees', 'young', 'boy', 'uniform', 'almost', 'getting', 'run', 'annie', 'saves', 'boy\\\\', 'mother', 'mrs.', 'alexandra', 'introduces', 'annie', 'mrs.', 'mistakes', 'words', 'nanny', 'hires', 'look', 'young', 'son', 'grayer', 'annie', 'lies', 'mother', 'taking', 'job', 'bank', 'reality', 'moves', 'nanny', 'grayer', 'boy', 'saved', 'life', 'incredibly', 'privileged', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'thought', 'would', 'life', 'complicated', 'falls', 'harvard', 'hottie', 'chris', 'evans', 'lives', 'building', 'annie', 'begins', 'notice', 'grayer', 'neglected', 'mrs.', 'mr.', 'committing', 'subtly', 'obvious', 'adultery', 'treating', 'like', 'proper', 'wife', 'things', 'turn', 'worse', 'gets', 'fired', 'rage', 'looks', 'finds', \"\\\\'nanny\", 'cam\\\\', 'house', 'records', 'feelings', 'toward', 'accidentally', 'shown', 'meeting', 'east-side', 'wives', 'show', 'sympathy', 'toward', 'nannies', 'view', 'confrontation', 'annie', 'regarding', 'negligent', 'ways', 'parents', 'toward', 'children', 'nannies', 'months', 'later', 'however', 'harvard', 'hottie', 'meets', 'annie', 'park', 'gives', 'letter', 'received', 'mrs.', 'writes', 'left', 'mr.', 'living', 'humble', 'life', 'spends', 'lot', 'time', 'grayer', 'leads', 'happier', 'ending', 'annie', 'walks', 'harvard', 'hottie'], ['cleanup', 'song', 'hye', 'kyo\\\\', 'debut', 'movie', 'girl', 'heartwarming', 'story', 'true', 'love', 'happiness', 'film', 'starts', 'modern', 'day', 'korea', 'see', 'kim', 'return', 'hometown', 'ten', 'years', 'attend', 'reunion', 'high', 'school', 'friends', 'sadly', 'strolls', 'hears', 'female', 'voice', 'head', 'calling', 'name', 'next', 'scene', 'shows', 'ho\\\\', 'three', 'friends', 'celebrating', 'talking', 'doubt', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'attend', 'reunion', 'apparently', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'gotten', 'girl', 'said', 'day', 'reunion', 'death', 'anniversary', 'girl', 'named', 'su-eun', 'everyone\\\\', 'surprise', 'enters', 'warmly', 'greets', 'friends', 'celebrating', 'four', 'friends', 'lighthouse', 'ho\\\\', 'friend', 'shouts', 'bae', 'su-eun', 'friend\\\\', 'brain', 'small', 'filled', 'endless', 'thoughts', 'please', 'let', 'friend', 'becomes', 'emotional', 'starts', 'cry', 'next', 'scene', 'flashback', 'wherein', 'younger', 'rescued', 'drowning', 'pretty', 'girl', 'beeper', 'got', 'lost', 'process', 'rescuing', 'walked', 'away', 'wakes', 'thinks', 'friends', 'saved', 'drowning', 'next', 'scene', 'leads', 'music', 'class', 'classmates', 'asked', 'sing', 'chorus', 'sang', 'normally', 'like', 'students', 'distracted', 'classmate', 'bae', 'su-eun', 'started', 'staring', 'suddenly', 'became', 'conscious', 'curious', 'time', 'su-eun', 'prettiest', 'girl', 'high', 'school', 'show', 'interest', 'ordinary-looking', 'su-eun', 'notices', 'expression', 'ho\\\\', 'face', 'quickly', 'looks', 'away', 'ho\\\\', 'classmate', 'friend', 'sits', 'front', 'sighs', 'says', 'concentrate', 'studies', 'told', 'su-eun', 'always', 'stares', 'class', 'shrugged', 'thought', 'su-eun', 'may', 'actually', 'interested', 'su-eun', 'pass', 'hallway', 'walk', 'past', 'got', 'other\\\\', 'way', 'repeatedly', 'tried', 'several', 'methods', 'could', 'easily', 'pass', 'often', 'resulted', 'blocking', 'su-eun\\\\', 'way', 'vice', 'versa', 'finally', 'held', 'su-eun\\\\', 'shoulders', 'passed', 'small', 'space', 'su-eun\\\\', 'right', 'walk', 'away', 'su-eun', 'called', 'asked', 'buy', 'croquette', 'naturally', 'surprised', 'knew', 'su-eun', 'ate', 'together', 'people', 'might', 'think', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'going', 'would', 'hard', 'especially', 'su-eun', 'many', 'suitors', 'school', 'end', 'still', 'bought', 'two', 'croquettes', 'students', 'noticed', 'immediately', 'assumed', 'two', 'dating', 'word', 'spread', 'fast', 'soon', 'captain', 'judo', 'club', 'eyes', 'set', 'su-eun', 'sought', 'threatened', 'beat', 'immediately', 'said', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'seeing', 'su-eun', 'chance', 'su-eun', 'passed', 'captain', 'asked', 'seeing', 'quickly', 'replied', 'indeed', 'going', 'captain', 'got', 'really', 'mad', 'threw', 'floor', 'ho\\\\', 'friends', 'arrived', 'rescue', 'immediately', 'escaped', 'su-eun', 'stayed', 'boardwalk', 'lighthouse', 'stood', 'two', 'spoke', 'wherein', 'su-eun', 'hinted', 'saved', 'really', 'really', 'slow', 'minded', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'comprehend', 'trying', 'say', 'su-eun', 'asked', 'get', 'beeper', 'lost', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'understand', 'got', 'irritated', 'called', 'dummy', 'later', 'watched', 'sun', 'set', 'together', 'walked', 'su-eun', 'home', 'wrote', 'beeper', 'number', 'piece', 'fruit', 'afraid', 'parents', 'especially', 'strict', 'scary', 'father', 'would', 'find', 'although', 'beeper', 'lost', 'could', 'still', 'receive', 'leave', 'messages', 'system', 'night', 'su-eun', 'confessed', 'feelings', 'next', 'day', 'called', 'class', 'grandfather', 'supposedly', 'collapsed', 'quickly', 'went', 'grandfather\\\\', 'home', 'found', 'alive', 'looked', 'normal', 'turns', 'faked', 'stroke', 'could', 'share', 'story', 'first', 'love', 'chance', 'su-eun', 'arrived', 'bringing', 'ho\\\\', 'bag', 'although', 'reluctant', 'first', 'ho\\\\', 'grandfather', 'shared', 'story', 'complete', 'stranger', 'young', 'ho\\\\', 'grandfather', 'joined', 'army', 'assigned', 'different', 'region', 'korea', 'separated', 'first', 'love', 'soon-im', 'left', 'necklace', 'remember', 'years', 'passed', 'soon', 'became', 'undertaker', 'asked', 'prepare', 'funeral', 'turned', 'dead', 'man', 'soon-im\\\\', 'husband', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'even', 'say', 'word', 'soon', 'married', 'another', 'woman', 'ho\\\\', 'grandmother', 'realizes', 'loves', 'su-eun', 'wishes', 'destiny', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'suffer', 'fate', 'grandfather', 'using', 'payphone', 'left', 'message', 'su-eun\\\\', 'beeper', 'said', 'wished', 'could', 'destiny', 'completely', 'unaware', 'behind', 'replied', 'day', 'su-eun', 'officially', 'became', 'couple', 'ho\\\\', 'friends', 'proposed', 'outing', 'overnight', 'stay', 'fog', 'island', 'su-eun', 'arrived', 'together', 'pier', 'finds', 'friends', 'tricked', 'su-eun', 'would', 'time', 'alone', 'made', 'lies', 'cover', 'smart', 'knew', 'two', 'alone', 'first', 'su-eun', 'seemed', 'mad', 'bought', 'two', 'tickets', 'fog', 'island', 'island', 'love', 'deepened', 'even', 'one', 'night', 'first', 'kiss', 'things', 'going', 'well', 'one', 'day', 'su-eun', 'fainted', 'body', 'started', 'weaken', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'tried', 'live', 'life', 'normally', 'visited', 'every', 'day', 'thought', 'simple', 'anemia', 'turned', 'leukemia', 'eun', 'going', 'die', 'even', 'doctors', 'try', 'operate', 'one', 'last', 'wish', 'back', 'fog', 'island', 'love', 'bloomed', 'another', 'woman', 'also', 'last', 'wish', 'died', '봖oon-im', 'wished', 'reunited', 'first', 'love', 'ho\\\\', 'grandfather', 'even', 'prepared', 'funeral', 'reunited', 'first', 'love', 'woman', 'loved', 'years', 'one', 'day', 'visited', 'hospital', 'su-eun', 'expressed', 'last', 'wish', 'could', 'say', 'anything', 'else', 'brought', 'two', 'ferry', 'tickets', 'fog', 'island', 'day', 'departure', 'typhoon', 'struck', 'trips', 'cancelled', 'desperately', 'tried', 'convince', 'authorities', 'let', 'travel', 'avail', 'arguing', 'management', 'su-eun', 'felt', 'even', 'weaker', 'knew', 'already', 'time', 'said', 'last', 'words', 'wished', 'mind', 'apologizing', 'storm', 'collapsed', 'died', 'ten', 'years', 'later', 'returned', 'fog', 'island', 'found', 'su-eun\\\\', 'bag', 'lost', 'found', 'section', 'inside', 'bag', 'diary', 'updated', 'every', 'day', 'one', 'entry', 'written', 'trip', 'fog', 'island', 'seems', 'su-eun', 'planted', 'seeds', 'hill', 'visit', 'promised', 'seeds', 'became', 'flowers', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'come', 'back', 'island', 'year', 'year', 'year', 'hill', 'covered', 'flowers', 'gift', 'quickly', 'went', 'hill', 'overjoyed', 'see', 'covered', 'purple', 'flowers', 'felt', 'bae', 'su-eun\\\\', 'presence', 'around', 'memories', 'first', 'true', 'love', 'filled', 'heart'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'starts', 'introductions', 'people', 'small', 'town', 'usa', 'among', 'huge', 'breasted', 'evangelical', 'radio', 'preacher', 'eufaula', 'roop', 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'correspondent', 'school', 'lies', 'bed', 'forces', 'numerous', 'sexual', 'positions', 'lets', 'lamar', 'anal', 'sex', 'gives', 'suddenly', 'enthusiastic', 'lamar', 'stops', 'continuing', 'positions', 'lamar', 'spots', 'fellow', 'employees', 'peeping', 'window', 'breaks', 'open', 'door', 'beats', 'junkyard', 'sal', 'fires', 'peepers', 'lamar', 'perverts', 'lamar', 'goes', 'bar', 'lavonia', 'masks', 'mexican', 'stripper', 'lola', 'langusta', 'drugs', 'drink', 'motel', 'room', 'lavonia', 'rapes', 'unconscious', 'lamar', 'mdash', 'first', 'triggering', 'erection', 'via', 'oral', 'sex', 'finally', 'vaginal', 'sex', 'using', 'sock', 'protection', 'frees', 'test', 'changed', 'ways', 'runs', 'away', 'back', 'home', 'lavonia', 'sex', 'truck', 'driver', 'checks', 'clock', 'smiling', 'lamar', 'returns', 'fight', 'ensues', 'lavonia', 'helps', 'lamar', 'burning', 'truck', 'driver\\\\', 'scrotum', 'light', 'bulb', 'lamar', 'takes', 'lavonia', 'dentist/marriage', 'counselor', 'asa', 'lavender', 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'lies', 'inside', 'water', 'filled', 'bathtub', 'robe', 'wearing', 'eufaula', 'roop', 'stands', 'baptizes', 'suddenly', 'takes', 'robe', 'sits', 'rapes', 'preaching', 'listeners', 'salvation', 'lamar', 'heads', 'home', 'punches', 'truck', 'driver', 'vaginal', 'sex', 'lavonia', 'eufaula', 'roop', 'leans', 'back', 'chair', 'moans', 'teenager', 'rhett', 'climbs', 'desk', 'takes', 'bathtub', 'narrator', 'heads', 'home', 'teenager', 'rhett', 'son', 'anal', 'sex', 'narrator\\\\', 'huge', 'breasted', 'younger', 'austrian', 'wife', 'supersoul'], ['fading', 'family-owned', 'automobile', 'manufacturer', 'owners', 'pin', 'hopes', 'return', 'profitability', 'new', 'model', 'named', 'great-granddaughter', 'firm', 'founder', 'aging', 'loren', 'hardeman', 'sr.', 'remains', 'titular', 'head', 'detroit', 'automotive', 'conglomerate', 'grandson', 'loren', 'hardeman', 'iii', 'runs', 'company', 'president', 'diversified', 'fields', 'concerned', 'auto', 'division', 'lucrative', 'might', 'even', 'need', 'eliminated', 'young', 'auto', 'racer', 'angelo', 'perino', 'secretly', 'commissioned', 'develop', 'ground-breaking', 'fuel-efficient', 'car', 'juggles', 'romantic', 'relationships', 'british', 'royal', 'lady', 'bobby', 'ayres', 'young', 'betsy', 'turn', 'inherit', 'fortune', 'including', 'new', 'car', 'great-grandfather', 'naming', 'honor', 'loren', 'hardeman', 'iii', 'bitterly', 'despises', 'hardeman', 'sr.', 'carried', 'affair', 'loren', 'mother', 'older', 'hardeman', 'man', 'used', 'neither', 'ready', 'step', 'aside', 'forever'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'opens', 'start', 'delphine\\\\', 'summer', 'vacation', 'delphine', 'suffered', 'breakup', 'relationship', 'travel', 'companion', 'ditched', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'accompany', 'greece', 'instead', 'left', 'without', 'plans', 'time', 'paris', 'emptying', 'summer', 'another', 'friend', 'invites', 'delphine', 'join', 'beach', 'party', 'weekend', 'finds', 'she\\\\', 'one', 'amongst', 'group', 'single', 'quickly', 'returns', 'paris', 'family', 'pressures', 'spend', 'holidays', 'ireland', 'resists', 'travels', 'alone', 'alps', 'put', 'hordes', 'vacationers', 'turns', 'around', 'traveling', 'restlessly', 'theme', 'movie', 'becomes', 'clear', 'delphine', 'incapable', 'playing', 'dumb', 'singles', 'games', 'lead', 'one-night', 'stands', 'meets', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'flirts', 'two', 'young', 'men', 'flees', 'anger', 'recoils', 'pre-packaged', 'lines', 'guys', 'meets', 'bars', 'trains', 'simply', 'engage', 'kind', 'mindless', 'double-talk', 'longer', 'beneath', 'boredom', 'genuine', 'anger', 'roles', 'single', 'women', 'sometimes', 'expected', 'play', 'http', '//rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article', 'aid=/19861024/reviews/610240305', 'biarritz', 'eavesdrops', 'conversation', 'jules', 'verne\\\\', 'novel', 'rayon', 'vert', 'according', 'verne', 'one', 'sees', 'rare', 'green', 'flash', 'sunset', 'thoughts', 'others', 'revealed', 'magic', 'biarritz', 'train', 'station', 'meets', 'young', 'man', 'travelling', 'saint-jean-de-luz', 'goes', 'together', 'observe', 'rayon', 'vert'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'depicts', 'sexual', 'competition', 'among', 'three', 'roommates', 'aggressive', 'womanizing', 'drummer', 'tolen', 'ray', 'brooks', 'shy', 'paranoid', 'schoolteacher', 'colin', 'neutral', 'artist', 'tom', 'young', 'woman', 'town', 'nancy', 'enters', 'london', 'world'], [\"'after\", 'getting', 'dumped', 'girlfriend', 'tiffani', 'von', 'der', 'sloot', 'university', 'arizona', 'student', 'caleb', 'peterson', 'commiserates', 'roommate', 'kyle', 'notes', 'trouble', 'getting', 'men', 'wants', 'could', 'get', 'woman', 'he\\\\', 'gay', 'later', 'party', 'gwen', 'anderson', 'dumps', 'boyfriend', 'comes', 'caleb', 'sees', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'meets', 'marc', 'everhard', 'kyle', 'infatuated', 'marc', 'meanwhile', 'sees', 'caleb', 'instantly', 'attracted', 'kyle', 'comes', 'crazy', 'scheme', 'tells', 'gwen', 'caleb', 'gay', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'set', 'marc', 'kyle', 'figures', 'caleb', 'use', 'marc', 'get', 'gwen', 'kyle', 'uses', 'caleb', 'get', 'marc', 'also', 'tiffani', 'lives', 'next', 'door', 'gwen', 'marc', 'seeing', 'caleb', 'date', 'marc', 'would', 'make', 'crazy', 'caleb', 'marc', 'date', 'back', 'marc\\\\', 'place', 'watch', 'movie', 'marc', 'tries', 'put', 'moves', 'caleb', 'who\\\\', 'unresponsive', 'suddenly', 'gwen', 'who\\\\', 'stuck', 'friend\\\\', 'house', 'bored', 'calls', 'talks', 'caleb', 'relaxing', 'seducing', 'verbally', 'marc', 'takes', 'advantage', 'performing', 'oral', 'sex', 'gwen', 'hangs', 'come', 'home', 'marc', 'masturbates', 'next', 'caleb', 'caleb', 'feeling', 'confused', 'insecure', 'leaves', 'passes', 'gwen', 'way', 'home', 'seduces', 'time', 'physically', 'caleb', 'goes', 'home', 'goes', 'bed', 'next', 'morning', 'marc', 'calls', 'caleb', 'leaves', 'message', 'kyle', 'overhears', 'realizes', 'marc', 'caleb', 'sex', 'kyle', 'storms', 'room', 'marc', 'calls', 'back', 'call', 'caleb', 'goes', 'kyle', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'invited', 'gwen', 'marc', 'dinner', 'clear', 'everything', 'caleb', 'also', 'tells', 'kyle', 'knows', 'kyle', 'feelings', 'caleb', 'gay', 'he\\\\', 'love', 'kyle', 'gwen', 'marc', 'come', 'dinner', 'caleb', 'chagrined', 'see', 'kyle\\\\', 'invited', 'caleb\\\\', 'family', 'well', 'kyle', 'convinces', 'gwen', 'pretend', 'caleb\\\\', 'date', 'marc', 'pretend', 'dinner', 'going', 'well', 'little', 'awkwardly', 'tiffani', 'inexplicably', 'crashes', 'party', 'gwen', 'takes', 'upon', 'caleb', 'parents', 'parents', 'take', 'quite', 'well', 'everyone', 'ends', 'bizarre', 'group', 'hug', 'caleb\\\\', 'family', 'tiffani', 'leave', 'gwen', 'verbally', 'attacks', 'kyle', 'thinking', 'he\\\\', 'trying', 'steal', 'marc', 'caleb', 'caleb', 'convinces', 'marc', 'talk', 'kyle', 'gwen', 'figures', 'entire', 'scheme', 'thinks', 'sweetest', 'thing', 'anyone\\\\', 'ever', 'done', 'light', 'lengths', 'caleb', 'went', 'sleep', 'marc', 'goes', 'talk', 'kyle', 'tells', 'kyle', 'loved', 'along', 'post-credits', 'scene', 'marc', 'kyle', 'finally', 'get', 'together'], ['audrey', 'tautou', 'plays', 'shop', 'assistant', 'ir챔ne', 'way', 'work', 'takes', 'seat', 'paris', 'metro', 'opposite', 'older', 'woman', 'tries', 'interview', 'marketing', 'survey', 'hearing', 'ir챔ne', 'birthdate', 'march', '1977', 'woman', 'reads', 'horoscope', 'today', \"'ll\", 'meet', 'true', 'love', 'must', 'patient', 'leaves', 'metro', 'young', 'man', 'sitting', 'alongside', 'tells', 'older', 'woman', 'born', 'day', 'asks', 'read', 'rest', 'horoscope', 'film', 'traces', 'range', 'characters', 'diverse', 'ages', 'ethnicities', 'social', 'status', 'whose', 'daily', 'lives', 'intersect', 'ir챔ne', 'faudel', 'variety', 'ways', 'come', 'together', 'end', 'day', 'seemingly', 'trivial', 'events', '봲uch', 'throwing', 'stones', 'shoe', 'theft', 'coffeemaker', 'pigeon', 'consumption', 'macaroon', '봡etermine', 'decisions', 'lives', 'many', 'characters'], [\"'ryan\", 'bit', 'geek', 'eyes', 'school', 'sex', 'bomb', 'ashley', 'induces', 'cringing', 'neighbor', 'best', 'friend', 'maggie', 'cute', 'intellectual', 'girl', 'popular', 'jock', 'chris', 'eye', 'maggie', 'offers', 'help', 'ryan', 'win', 'ashley', 'ryan', 'help', 'chris', 'maggie', 'begins', 'two-headed', 'variation', 'cyrano', 'bergerac', 'ryan', 'composes', 'soulful', 'e-mails', 'chris', 'chris', 'advises', 'ryan', 'treat', 'ashley', 'like', 'dirt', 'seems', 'way', 'get', 'attention', 'first', 'neither', 'finds', 'easy', 'change', 'ways', 'chris', 'comes', 'strong', 'ryan', 'nervous', 'jerk', 'start', 'succeed', 'ryan', 'begins', 'see', 'maggie', 'new', 'light', 'wonders', 'he\\\\', 'pursuing', 'right', 'girl', 'realizes', 'ashley', 'meant', 'tries', 'convince', 'maggie', 'chris\\\\', 'affection', 'maggie', 'reluctant', 'take', 'back', 'first', 'realizes', 'ryan', 'change', 'heart'], [\"'jo챘lle\", 'beautiful', 'executive', 'advertisement', 'company', 'vagina', 'infected', 'mysterious', 'malice', 'begins', 'talk', 'lead', 'indecent', 'sexual', 'acts', 'soon', 'revealed', 'problems', 'root', 'hardships', 'adolescent', 'finale', 'sex', 'husband', 'eric', 'jean-loup', 'philippe', 'passes', '쐇nfection', 'penis', 'one', 'day', 'angry', 'parking', 'ticket', 'jo챘lle', 'tempted', 'blonde', 'girl', 'street', 'follows', 'music', 'shop', 'caresses', 'vulva', 'acts', 'indifferently', 'jo챘lle', 'folds', '100', 'french', 'franc', 'banknote', 'starts', 'rub', 'girl\\\\', 'clitoris', 'attempts', 'insert', 'money', 'blonde\\\\', 'vagina', 'two', 'interrupted', 'following', 'day', 'office', 'performs', 'fellatio', 'astonished', 'office', 'boy', 'home', 'end', 'solemn', 'boring', 'dinner', 'family', 'friends', 'masturbates', 'sofa', 'presence', 'eric', 'upset', 'also', 'aroused', 'sex', 'bedroom', 'however', 'jo챘lle', 'satisfied', 'masturbates', 'bathroom', 'fantasy', 'bunch', 'men', 'ejaculating', 'windows', 'car', 'inside', 'masturbating', 'returns', 'bathroom', 'vagina', 'starts', 'talk', 'next', 'day', 'vagina', 'begins', 'rule', 'life', 'tells', 'adult', 'film', 'theatre', 'goes', 'cinema', 'men', 'amuse', 'motion', 'picture', 'depicting', 'man', 'cutting', 'girl\\\\', 'bodice', 'knife', 'raping', 'jo챘lle', 'takes', 'two', 'men', 'restroom', 'sex', 'returns', 'home', 'vagina', 'tells', 'eric', 'done', 'cinema', 'next', 'evening', 'eric', 'invites', 'friend', 'martine', 'psychiatrist', 'presented', 'jo챘lle', 'veterinarian', 'martine', 'adding', 'sarcastically', 'interest', 'pussies', 'home', 'deal', 'case', 'jo챘lle', 'martine', 'seems', 'much', 'interested', 'eric', 'jo챘lle', 'vagina', 'takes', '쐒evenge', '쐄orcing', 'first', 'sex', 'eric', 'jo챘lle', 'following', 'day', 'martine', 'holds', 'press', 'meeting', 'makes', 'jo챘lle', 'case', 'public', 'jo챘lle', 'eric', 'find', 'solution', 'else', 'going', 'jo챘lle', 'deserted', 'family', 'house', 'outside', 'paris', 'sleazy', 'reporter', 'richard', 'knows', 'jo챘lle', 'ultimate', 'sanctuary', 'house', 'aunt', 'barbara', 'artist', 'fond', 'sex', 'two', 'threesomes', 'young', 'male', 'female', 'model', 'makes', 'deal', 'sell', 'jo챘lle', 'interview', 'back', 'jo챘lle', 'house', 'jo챘lle', 'vagina', 'talks', 'eric', 'jo챘lle\\\\', 'sexual', 'experiences', 'adolescent', 'happen', 'real', 'reasons', 'behind', 'affliction', 'young', 'jo챘lle', 'molested', 'stepfather', 'leaves', 'advances', 'mother', 'enters', 'room', 'shoots', 'stepfather', 'dead', 'pistol', 'jo챘lle', 'seen', 'seducing', 'young', 'tennis', 'partner', 'performs', 'fellatio', 'comes', 'early', 'sends', 'away', 'deflower', 'nose', 'pinocchio', 'marionette', 'seduces', 'sex', '쐗ell-endowed', 'teacher', 'classroom', 'help', 'girlfriend', 'even', 'sex', 'priest', 'church', 'confession', 'richard', 'breaks', 'jo챘lle', 'house', 'night', 'leaving', 'choice', 'taking', '쐒efuge', 'aunt', 'house', 'barbara', 'informs', 'richard', 'phone', 'arranges', 'interview', 'jo챘lle', 'vagina', 'seems', 'end', 'happily', 'couple', 'sex', 'jo챘lle', 'vagina', 'stops', 'talking', 'however', 'eric', 'penis', '쐇nfected'], [\"'charlie\", 'tuttle', 'partner', 'successful', 'law', 'firm', 'whitfield', 'morris', 'boss', 'mdash', 'future', 'father-in-law', 'mdash', 'sends', 'paradise', 'bluff', 'nevada', 'request', 'continuance', 'mail-fraud', 'case', 'involving', 'distant', 'relative', 'believed', 'guilty', 'likely', 'adjudged', 'guilty', 'timing', 'trip', 'conflicts', 'charlie\\\\', 'bachelor', 'party', 'charlie', 'drives', 'california', 'paradise', 'bluff', 'unexpectedly', 'greeted', 'best', 'man', 'actor', 'richard', 'rjetti', 'determined', 'show', 'friend', 'great', 'time', 'prior', 'wedding', 'celebration', 'charlie', 'knocked', 'barfight', 'later', 'prescribed', 'painkillers', 'resulting', 'pain', 'next', 'day', 'mdash', 'day', 'court', 'appearance', 'mdash', 'richard', 'checks', 'friend', 'finds', 'charlie', 'taken', 'pills', 'bottle', 'charlie', 'winds', 'shape', 'appear', 'court', 'day', 'legal', 'counsel', 'con-artist', 'benny', 'gibbs', 'richard', 'impersonates', 'charlie', 'case', 'unexpectedly', 'goes', 'trial', 'richard', 'charlie', 'must', 'continue', 'charade', 'prison', 'perpetrating', 'conspiring', 'perpetrate', 'fraud', 'upon', 'court', 'charlie', 'coaches', 'richard', 'use', 'rules', 'evidence', 'masquerading', 'richard\\\\', 'assistant', 'surreptitiously', 'using', 'flash', 'cards', 'tell', 'richard', 'basis', 'objection', 'use', 'charlie', 'eventually', 'loses', 'screams', 'judge', 'trying', 'overrule', 'charlie', 'richard', 'disobeys', 'charlie', 'takes', 'defense', 'broader', 'direction', 'charlie', 'banned', 'reentering', 'courthouse', 'later', 'richard', 'charlie', 'devise', 'communication', 'system', 'involving', 'baby', 'monitor', 'morse-code', 'sounding', 'charlie\\\\', 'vehicle\\\\', 'horn', 'heard', 'open', 'window', 'instruct', 'richard', 'type', 'objection', 'use', 'meanwhile', 'charlie', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'attractive', 'waitress', 'causes', 'charlie', 'rethink', 'impending', 'wedding', 'shrill', 'self-absorbed', 'fianc챕e', 'richard', 'becomes', 'involved', 'prosecutor', 'ultimately', 'finds', 'due', 'process', 'client'], ['film', 'follows', 'two', 'young', 'friends', 'kiran', 'hindu', 'delilah', 'catholic', 'first', 'meeting', 'young', 'children', 'young', 'adulthood', 'realize', 'love', 'first', 'kiran', 'asked', 'write', 'love', 'letters', 'delilah', 'rajan', 'teenage', 'boy', 'also', 'long-standing', 'crush', 'delilah', 'kiran', 'allows', 'express', 'love', 'delilah', 'without', 'ostracized', 'family', 'friends', 'culture', 'eventually', 'delilah', 'discovers', 'truth', 'behind', 'letters', 'poetry', 'admits', 'mutual', 'love', 'kiran', 'begins', 'delicate', 'love', 'affair', 'despite', 'social', 'taboos', 'homosexuality', 'blossoming', 'love', 'affair', 'dampened', 'severely', 'rajan', 'discovers', 'kiran', 'delilah', 'stealing', 'moment', 'intimacy', 'jungle', 'proceeds', 'inform', 'amma', 'delilah', 'mother', 'witnessed', 'amma', 'confronts', 'delilah', 'reveals', 'love', 'kiran', 'response', 'amma', 'arranged', 'delilah', 'marriage', 'suitor', 'recently', 'visited', 'intent', 'seeking', 'bride', 'delilah', 'reluctantly', 'consents', 'marriage'], [\"'mr\", 'jones', 'man', 'suffering', 'bipolar', 'disorder', 'disease', 'affords', 'periods', 'intense', 'emotional', 'pleasure', 'expansiveness', 'also', 'results', 'periods', 'suicidal', 'depression', 'libbie', 'doctor', 'psychiatric', 'hospital', 'takes', 'interest', 'condition', 'also'], [\"'in\", 'twist', 'departing', 'standard', 'superhero', 'formula', 'white', 'dragon', 'narcissist', 'forever', 'worried', 'good', 'looks', 'even', 'she\\\\', 'fighting', 'feather', 'blind', 'assassin', 'nicknamed', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'propensity', 'using', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'calling', 'card', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'first', 'challenged', 'white', 'dragon', 'elderly', 'woman', 'proficient', 'skills', 'martial', 'arts', 'almost', 'match', 'quite', 'enough', 'thinking', 'fatally', 'wounded', 'white', 'dragon', 'transfers', 'kung-fu', 'knowledge', 'empty', 'shell', 'black', 'phoenix', 'turning', 'young', 'woman', 'prettiest', 'martial', 'arts', 'expert', 'around', 'downside', 'extraordinary', 'powers', 'fully', 'understand', 'bad', 'acne', 'manages', 'prevent', 'noble', 'deeds', 'like', 'robbing', 'rich', 'giving', 'poor', 'phoenix', 'reluctant', 'take', 'new', 'role', 'first', 'soon', 'becomes', 'interested', 'tracking', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'learns', 'love', 'interest', 'second', 'prince', 'tian', 'yang', 'might', 'become', 'next', 'target', 'using', 'flute-playing', 'bait', 'white', 'dragon', 'finally', 'faces', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'attempt', 'defeat', 'carry', 'assassination', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'proves', 'good', 'new', 'white', 'dragon', 'however', 'white', 'dragon', 'tries', 'exploit', 'weak', 'points', 'ends', 'injured', 'dependent', 'feathers', 'nurse', 'back', 'health', 'heated', 'battle', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'plays', 'nurse', 'white', 'dragon', 'seeks', 'find', 'true', 'weak', 'point', 'stop', 'finds', 'instead', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'fallen', 'love', 'growing', 'well', 'leg', 'healed', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'found', 'letter', 'second', 'prince', 'tian', 'yang', 'read', 'town\\\\', 'doctor', 'letter', 'made', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'thinking', 'black', 'phoenix', 'already', 'boyfriend', 'namely', 'second', 'prince', 'tian', 'yang', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'confronted', 'phoenix', 'black', 'ended', 'struggling', 'accidentally', 'girl', 'stabbed', 'flute', 'back', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'gave', 'moment', 'sight', 'ran', 'away', 'third', 'prince', 'brother', 'second', 'prince', 'apparently', 'hired', 'chicken', 'feathers', 'kill', 'brother', 'revealed', 'last', 'scene'], [\"'it\\\\\", 'ten', 'years', 'birth', 'dane', 'meghann', 'meggie', \"o\\\\'neill\", 'forced', 'run', 'drogheda', 'basically', 'since', 'brothers', 'went', 'fight', 'world', 'war', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'two', 'year', 'drought', 'struck', 'area', 'one', 'day', 'meggie\\\\', 'estranged', 'husband', 'luke', 'arrived', 'drogheda', 'begs', 'forgiveness', 'meggie', 'lonely', 'need', 'man', 'run', 'ranch', 'father', 'children', 'reluctantly', 'takes', 'luke', 'back', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'father', 'ralph', 'bricassart', 'using', 'church', 'rome', 'jewish', 'war', 'refugees', 'ralph', 'uses', 'mary', 'carson\\\\', 'estate', 'money', 'send', 'young', 'orphan', 'america', 'church', 'punishes', 'forcing', 'return', 'drogheda', 'guard', 'church\\\\', 'bequeathed', 'property', 'convince', 'australian', 'government', 'accept', 'refugees', 'father', 'ralph', 'arrives', 'australia', 'unannounced', 'luke', 'pleased', 'see', 'luke', 'demands', 'meggie', 'move', 'immediately', 'ramshackle', 'cabin', 'farm', 'purchased', 'get', 'meggie', 'away', 'ralph', 'meggie', 'resists', 'luke', 'strikes', 'causing', 'miscarry', 'meggie', 'decides', 'never', 'return', 'luke', 'luke', 'declares', 'returned', 'dane', 'thinks', 'son', 'meggie', 'takes', 'luke', 'court', 'custody', 'dane', 'judge', 'protestant', 'biased', 'dane\\\\', 'desire', 'priest', 'awards', 'custody', 'luke', 'meggie', 'refusing', 'ruin', 'ralph', 'announcing', 'dane', 'luke\\\\', 'son', 'rains', 'finally', 'come', 'ralph', 'meggie', 'best', 'round', 'animals', 'flood', 'comes', 'unable', 'make', 'back', 'drogheda', 'downpour', 'two', 'find', 'refuge', 'small', 'cabin', 'night', 'romance', 'ensues', 'meggie\\\\', 'mother', 'fee', 'last-ditch', 'attempt', 'reclaim', 'dane', 'confronts', 'luke', 'truth-dane', 'son', 'son', 'father', 'ralph', 'luke', 'swears', 'never', 'reveal', 'fact', 'fear', 'losing', 'meggie', 'children', 'ralph', 'forever', 'luke', 'confronts', 'ralph', 'starts', 'fight', 'declaring', 'ralph', 'beat', 'dane', 'ralph', 'defeats', 'luke', 'torn', 'bleeding', 'returns', 'dane', 'meggie'], [\"'servais\", 'mont', 'photographer', 'meets', 'nadine', 'chevalier', 'earns', 'money', 'starring', 'cheap', 'soft-core', 'movies', 'trying', 'help', 'borrows', 'money', 'loan', 'sharks', 'finance', 'theatrical', 'production', 'richard', 'iii', 'gives', 'nadine', 'part', 'nadine', 'torn', 'servais', 'falling', 'love', 'husband', 'jacques', 'moral', 'obligations'], ['relative', 'newcomer', 'town', 'dr.', 'mumford', 'seems', 'charming', 'skillful', 'neighbors', 'patients', 'unique', 'frank', 'approach', 'psychotherapy', 'soon', 'attracts', 'patients', 'away', 'two', 'therapists', 'david', 'paymer', 'jane', 'adams', 'already', 'working', 'area', 'soon', 'treating', 'variety', 'conditions', 'ranging', 'one', 'man', 'attachment', 'dime-store', 'erotic', 'novels', 'unhappy', 'woman', 'compulsive', 'shopping', 'mumford', 'befriends', 'billionaire', 'computer', 'mogul', 'jason', 'lee', 'cafe', 'waitress', 'attempts', 'play', 'matchmaker', 'also', 'begins', 'fall', 'patient', 'suffers', 'chronic', 'fatigue', 'syndrome', 'together', 'attorney', 'patient', 'mumford', 'rejected', 'narcissism', 'rival', 'therapists', 'conspire', 'find', 'skeletons', 'mumford', 'closet', 'hoping', 'destroy', 'reputation', 'indeed', 'skeletons', 'galore', 'confidante', 'mumford', 'soon', 'finds'], [\"'bradley\", 'brinkman', 'steve', 'levitt', 'nerd', 'hard', 'time', 'working', 'computer', 'programmer', 'girlfriend', 'dumps', 'aerobics', 'instructor', \"can\\\\'t\", 'get', 'along', 'work', 'crowd', 'find', 'love', 'strikes', 'deal', 'dr.', 'serves', 'devil', 'gets', 'hunk', 'always', 'wanted', 'able', 'get', 'woman', 'wants', 'price', 'becomes', 'servant', 'devil', 'spreads', 'evil', 'terror', 'death', 'throughout', 'eternity', 'voluptuous', 'devil\\\\', 'agent', \"o\\\\'brien\", 'gives', 'bradley', 'trial', 'offer', 'gets', 'live', 'hunk', 'golden', 'stud', 'perfect', 'tanned', 'body', 'eat', 'lot', 'without', 'gaining', 'weight', 'drink', 'without', 'getting', 'drunk', 'cavity', 'proof', 'teeth', 'etc.', 'labor', 'day', 'finalize', 'deal', 'bradley/', 'hunk', 'seeks', 'help', 'psychiatrist', 'dr.', 'sunny', 'graves', 'try', 'save', 'old', 'soul', 'body', 'bradley/', 'hunk', 'rescues', 'host', 'garrison', 'gaylord', 'it\\\\', 'caught', 'film', 'director', 'hunk', 'becomes', 'celebrity', 'everything', 'ever', 'dreamed', 'soon', 'grows', 'tired', 'fame', 'learns', 'deals', 'come', 'price', 'famous', 'actually', 'glamorous', 'great', 'fantasy', 'seemed', 'bradley/', 'hunk', 'afraid', 'going', 'back', 'bradley', 'may', 'lose', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'unbeknownst', 'girlfriend', 'also', 'deal', 'devil', 'trouble', 'bradley/', 'hunk', 'deal'], [\"'nazar\", 'saratbabu', 'two', 'rich', 'powerful', 'rivals', 'village.nazar', 'daughter', 'supriya', 'saratbabu', 'son', 'kalyan', 'study', 'college', 'engage', 'fights', 'bets', 'kalyan', 'gang', 'attempts', 'enter', 'girls', 'hostel', 'succeeds', 'atlast', 'wins', 'bet', 'supriya', 'slowly', 'love', 'blossoms', 'petty', 'things', 'reach', 'village', 'separated', 'railway', 'station', 'parents', 'vacation', 'ends', 'kalyan', 'reaches', 'station', 'get', 'back', 'college', 'supriya', 'turnup', 'kalyan', 'learns', 'marriage', 'fixed', 'gets', 'train', 'reach', 'supriya', 'house', 'thrashed', 'nazar', 'men', 'meanwhile', 'marriage', 'postponed', 'due', 'grandmother', 'death', 'using', 'advantage', 'kalyan', 'supriya', 'elope', 'brother', 'men', 'involve', 'fight', 'kalyan', 'end', 'saratbabu', 'saves', 'nazar', 'drowned', 'abyss', 'suddenly', 'everyone', 'realizes', 'mistake', 'unite', 'lovers'], ['experiment', 'muthyala', 'subbayya', 'portrays', 'kalyan', 'careless', 'spoiled', 'brat', 'rich', 'man', 'muddu', 'krishnayya', '.producer', 'narjaladasaradhi', 'kalyan', 'every', 'weakness', 'rich', 'careless', 'youth', 'baburao', 'helps', 'activities', 'kalyan', 'friend/employee', 'bhaskar', 'attend', 'function', 'kalyan', 'spots', 'sirisha', 'singing', 'stage', 'impressed', 'beauty', 'tries', 'woo', \"n't\", 'succeed', 'sametime', 'bhaskar', 'impressed', 'expresses', 'love', 'rejected', 'sirisha', 'disheartened', 'bhaskar', 'tries', 'commit', 'suicide', 'saved', 'sirisha', 'accepts', 'love', 'leaves', 'see', 'mother', 'seek', 'blessings', 'marriage', 'mother', 'plans', 'something', 'else', 'tries', 'marry', 'cousin', 'achyuth', 'sirisha', 'writes', 'letter', 'bhaksar', 'take', 'away', 'save', 'marriage', 'kalyan', 'shocked', 'knows', 'bhaskar', 'trying', 'marry', 'sirisha', 'rejected', 'offer', 'agrees', 'bring', 'kalyan', 'manages', 'bring', 'sirisha', 'bhaskar', 'house', 'bhaskar', 'parents', 'oppose', 'marriage', 'insulting', 'sirisha', 'kalyan', 'loses', 'temper', 'hits', 'bhaskar', 'father', 'adding', 'fuel', 'fire', 'disheartened', 'sirisha', 'leaves', 'house', 'saved', 'kalyan', 'taken', 'house', 'father', 'krishnayya', 'servant', 'mallikharjun', 'rao', 'suspect', 'relationship', 'suspiscion', 'spreads', 'kalyan', 'friends', 'circle', 'sirisha', 'accuses', 'kalyan', 'rumours', 'brings', 'change', 'kalyan', 'attitude', 'towards', 'woman', 'life', 'decides', 'marry', 'sirisha', 'asks', 'father', 'help', 'regard', 'father', 'insults', 'leaves', 'house', 'returns', 'mother', 'kalyan', 'learning', 'father', 'mistake', 'reaches', 'sirisha', 'house', 'discouraged', 'cousin', 'mother', 'goes', 'hungerstrike', 'till', 'accepts', 'love', 'end', 'krishnayya', 'apologises', 'mistake', 'unites', 'lovers'], [\"'in\", '1959', 'frank', 'eva', 'reilly', 'way', 'hospital', 'eva', 'labor', 'first', 'child', 'driving', 'harrison', 'julia', 'milo', 'penny', 'presented', 'passengers', 'bus', 'bus', 'driver', 'focused', 'car', 'left', 'man', 'touching', 'woman\\\\', 'exposed', 'leg', 'loses', 'control', 'bus', 'crashes', 'overpass', 'killing', 'four', 'characters', 'one', 'unfinished', 'business', 'life', 'instead', 'going', 'heaven', 'find', 'ghosts', 'tied', 'newborn', 'thomas', 'reilly', 'born', 'vehicle', 'moment', 'four', 'passengers', 'lost', 'lives', 'thomas', 'able', 'see', 'ghosts', 'act', 'guides', 'guardian', 'spirits', 'however', 'people', 'show', 'concern', 'thomas\\\\', 'imaginary', 'friends', 'decide', 'hide', 'avoid', 'trouble', 'thomas', 'devastated', 'twenty-five', 'years', 'later', 'finally', 'learning', 'supposed', 'use', 'internment', 'earth', 'resolve', 'remaining', 'issues', 'make', 'visible', 'thomas', 'cold', 'distant', 'businessman', 'problems', 'girlfriend', 'anne', 'though', 'reluctant', 'first', 'eventually', 'agrees', 'help', 'fulfill', 'final', 'tasks', 'succeed', 'tying', 'decades-old', 'loose', 'ends', 'individually', 'brought', 'heaven', 'bus', 'driver', 'hal', 'milo', 'petty', 'thief', 'regrets', 'decision', 'made', 'right', 'death', 'steal', 'back', 'valuable', 'stamps', 'family', 'heirloom', 'child', 'possesses', 'thomas', 'complete', 'task', 'stealing', 'stamps', 'back', 'former', 'boss', 'still', 'returns', 'stamps', 'anonymously', 'overjoyed', 'owner', 'harrison', 'would-be', 'singer', 'talented', 'severe', 'stage', 'fright', 'died', 'shortly', 'giving', 'audition', 'unable', 'perform', 'encouragement', 'thomas', 'others', 'works', 'nerve', 'sing', 'national', 'anthem', 'king', 'concert', 'thomas', 'sneaks', 'stage', 'harrison', 'big', 'hit', 'soon', 'performance', 'police', 'detain', 'thomas', 'nevertheless', 'satisfied', 'harrison\\\\', 'final', 'act', 'success', 'penny', 'single', 'mother', 'spending', 'time', 'thomas', 'trying', 'discover', 'fates', 'three', 'children', 'death', 'earlier', 'day', 'group', 'gone', 'penny\\\\', 'old', 'neighborhood', 'look', 'clues', 'found', 'penny\\\\', 'old', 'neighbor', 'still', 'took', 'care', 'neighborhood', 'cats', 'told', 'penny\\\\', 'daughters', 'adopted', 'good', 'family', 'sacramento', 'lost', 'track', 'billy', 'entered', 'foster', 'care', 'system', 'thomas', 'julia', 'penny', 'rush', 'police', 'parking', 'lot', 'thomas', 'post-performance', 'arrest', 'eager', 'continue', 'search', 'penny\\\\', 'son', 'however', 'exit', 'thomas', 'hits', 'another', 'car', 'turns', 'car', 'driven', 'police', 'officer', 'thomas', 'constant', 'run-ins', 'throughout', 'movie', 'officer', 'traveling', 'wife', 'baby', 'daughter', 'officer', 'thomas', 'argue', 'accident', 'little', 'daughter', 'begins', 'cry', 'police', 'officer', 'attempts', 'soothe', 'daughter', 'singing', 'song', 'penny', 'recognizes', 'one', 'made', 'sing', 'children', 'song', 'used', 'son', 'billy\\\\', 'favorite', 'penny', 'convinced', 'son', 'thomas', 'asks', 'officer', 'ever', 'adopted', 'first', 'name', 'billy', 'thomas', 'tries', 'explain', 'mother', 'billy\\\\', 'mother', 'hospital', 'together', 'night', 'billy\\\\', 'mother', 'died', 'attempting', 'convince', 'officer', 'connection', 'thomas', 'tells', 'billy', 'sisters', 'billy\\\\', 'old', 'next-door', 'neighbor', 'billy', 'remembers', 'youth', 'billy', 'admits', 'spent', 'last', 'twenty', 'years', 'trying', 'find', 'able', 'get', 'access', 'sealed', 'records', 'excited', 'discover', 'young', 'officer', 'son', 'penny', 'possesses', 'thomas', 'give', 'hug', 'tells', 'loves', 'billy', 'disoriented', 'fully', 'convinced', 'thomas\\\\', 'story', 'part', 'billy', 'issuing', 'threat', 'check', 'story', 'penny\\\\', 'work', 'done', 'finally', 'julia', 'way', 'tell', 'ex-boyfriend', 'loved', 'intended', 'accept', 'proposal', 'marriage', 'bus', 'crashed', 'thomas', 'takes', 'last-known', 'location', 'man', 'trying', 'outrun', 'ghost', 'bus', 'come', 'takes', 'control', 'arrive', 'writes', 'letter', 'give', 'fianc챕e', 'cover', 'found', 'however', 'thomas', 'knocks', 'door', 'man', 'lives', 'reveals', 'boyfriend', 'died', 'seven', 'years', 'ago', 'lonely', 'man', 'worn', 'life', 'thomas', 'julia', 'stunned', 'unfairness', 'realizes', 'coming', 'meant', 'show', 'thomas', \"shouldn\\\\'t\", 'squander', 'relationship', 'anne', 'makes', 'promise', 'hal', 'pleased', 'explanation', 'julia', 'thomas', 'get', 'ready', 'say', 'good-byes', 'julia', 'wistful', 'like', 'ghosts', 'helped', 'watch', 'child', 'said', 'years', 'old', 'simply', 'wished', 'could', 'give', 'big', 'hug', 'hearing', 'hal', 'looks', 'sky', 'meaning', 'god', 'suddenly', 'julia', 'becomes', 'solid', 'able', 'hug', 'thomas', 'bus', 'driver', 'says', \"\\\\'thank\", 'you\\\\', 'god', 'takes', 'julia', 'away', 'thomas', 'julia', 'wave', 'good-bye', 'one', 'another', 'thomas', 'meets', 'anne', 'gardens', 'explains', 'four', 'people', 'loved', 'much', 'left', 'life', 'left', 'devastated', 'goes', 'explain', 'afraid', 'love', 'anyone', 'tells', 'feelings', 'reconcile', 'kiss'], ['widower', 'doug', 'simpson', 'radio', 'producer', 'california', 'lives', 'two', 'daughters', 'katie', 'bonnie', 'oldest', 'daughter', 'turns', 'suggests', 'father', 'time', 'start', 'looking', 'grown-up', 'last', 'years', 'katie', 'wearing', 'dowdy', 'clothes', 'braces', 'thick', 'glasses', 'hanging', 'around', 'richard', 'next-door', 'neighbor', 'long-time', 'boyfriend', 'doug', 'leaves', 'business', 'trip', 'katie', 'transforms', 'along', 'help', 'doug', 'fianc챕e', 'janet', 'pearson', 'knockout', 'beauty', 'doug', 'returns', 'shocked', 'find', 'boys', 'every', 'walk', 'life', 'interested', 'dating', 'katie', 'janet', 'suggests', 'doug', 'needs', 'psychiatric', 'help', 'obsession', 'katie', 'boyfriends', 'reaches', 'extreme', 'limits', 'throughout', 'latter', 'half', 'film', 'katie', 'maintains', 'three', 'boyfriends', 'two', 'eventually', 'stops', 'dating', 'end', 'film', 'katie', 'takes', 'class', 'trip', 'europe', 'reunites', 'richard', 'point', 'bonnie', 'younger', 'tomboy', 'sister', 'begins', 'dating', 'spree'], ['young', 'crown', 'prince', 'karl', 'heinrich', 'heir', 'kingdom', 'karlsburg', 'brought', 'live', 'stern', 'uncle', 'king', 'karl', 'vii', 'king', 'immediately', 'dismisses', 'boy', 'nanny', 'without', 'telling', 'youngster', 'avoid', 'emotional', 'farewell', 'fortunately', 'dr.', 'friedrich', 'j체ttner', 'new', 'tutor', 'proves', 'sympathetic', 'become', 'lifelong', 'friends', 'nonetheless', 'despite', 'commoners', 'belief', 'must', 'wonderful', 'boy', 'grows', 'lonely', 'without', 'playmates', 'age', 'upon', 'passing', 'high', 'school', 'examination', '1901', 'young', 'prince', 'delighted', 'learn', 'j체ttner', 'sent', 'heidelberg', 'continue', 'education', 'arrive', 'karl', 'servant', 'appalled', 'rooms', 'provided', 'prince', 'j체ttner', 'inn', 'ruder', 'ruder', 'niece', 'kathi', 'stoutly', 'defends', 'centuries-old', 'family', 'business', 'karl', 'entranced', 'decides', 'stay', 'quickly', 'made', 'member', 'corps', 'saxonia', 'student', 'society', 'later', 'day', 'karl', 'tries', 'kiss', 'kathi', 'learn', 'engaged', 'family', 'approves', 'fiance', 'sure', 'eventually', 'confesses', 'karl', 'despite', 'vast', 'social', 'gulf', 'fallen', 'love', 'karl', 'feels', 'swears', 'let', 'nothing', 'separate', 'takes', 'boating', 'rower', 'johann', 'kellermann', 'turns', 'back', 'give', 'privacy', 'karl', 'jokingly', 'tells', 'king', 'make', 'kellermann', 'majordomo', 'j체ttner', 'receives', 'letter', 'king', 'ordering', 'inform', 'karl', 'selected', 'princess', 'marry', 'j체ttner', 'bring', 'destroy', 'friend', 'happiness', 'day', 'however', 'prime', 'minister', 'von', 'haugk', 'arrives', 'news', 'king', 'seriously', 'ill', 'karl', 'must', 'home', 'take', 'reins', 'government', 'karl', 'sees', 'uncle', 'told', 'matrimonial', 'plans', 'karl', 'still', 'reeling', 'shock', 'old', 'king', 'dies', 'followed', 'j체ttner', 'later', 'von', 'haugk', 'presses', 'new', 'monarch', 'marriage', 'anguished', 'karl', 'signs', 'document', 'wedding', 'kellermann', 'shows', 'take', 'job', 'karl', 'offered', 'karl', 'asks', 'kathi', 'learns', 'still', 'waiting', 'goes', 'see', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'last', 'scene', 'karl', 'shown', 'riding', 'streets', 'carriage', 'bride', 'one', 'onlooker', 'remarks', 'must', 'wonderful', 'king', 'unaware', 'karl', 'misery'], [\"'thomas\", 'smithers', 'made', 'fortune', 'metalwork', 'hires', 'meneer', 'chrome', 'famous', 'garden', 'designer', 'create', 'extravagant', 'garden', 'imaginable', 'wild', 'property', 'however', 'chrome', 'already', 'employed', 'fitzmaurice', 'cousin', 'smithers\\\\', 'wife', 'juliana', 'purpose', 'bankrupting', 'smithers', 'fitzmaurice\\\\', 'purpose', 'take', 'back', 'juliana', 'lover', 'becomes', 'attracted', 'chrome', 'falling', 'love', 'anna', 'smithers\\\\', 'mysterious', 'daughter', 'anna', 'however', 'contemptuous', 'chrome', 'parents', 'subject', 'numerous', 'treatments', 'thinking', 'mentally', 'unstable', 'wishing', 'cure', 'treatments', 'cause', 'chrome', 'pity', 'outbursting', 'doctor', 'one', 'point', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'sick', 'she\\\\', 'heal', 'garden', 'grows', 'increasingly', 'complex', 'smithers', 'approaches', 'bankruptcy', 'fitzmaurice', 'realizes', 'chrome\\\\', 'affection', 'anna', 'making', 'liability', 'first', 'threatens', 'reveal', 'chrome\\\\', 'true', 'identity', 'smithers', 'plots', 'kill', 'poisoning', 'fitzmaurice\\\\', 'plan', 'backfires', 'however', 'falls', 'victim', 'poison', 'juliana', 'abandons', 'adulterous', 'intentions', 'husband', 'remains', 'unaware', 'turns', 'support', 'smithers', 'bankrupt', 'garden', 'project', 'obsession', 'chrome', 'revealed', 'real', 'chrome\\\\', 'assistant', 'goes', 'sea', 'anna', 'throws', 'away', 'book', 'poetry'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'one', 'really', 'quite', 'simple', 'made', 'complicated', 'eliminating', 'little', 'details', 'relationships', 'sort', 'movie', 'draws', 'close', 'neha', 'half-witted', 'brother', 'cousin', 'mickey', 'live', 'unknown', 'reason', 'grandmother', 'nagma', 'mansion', 'lahore', 'zarro', 'yet', 'another', 'grandchild', 'based', 'arrives', 'holiday', 'celebrate', 'basant', 'promptly', 'becomes', 'target', 'mickey\\\\', 'ardent', 'love', 'sardar', 'omer', 'daraz', 'khan\\\\', 'lecherous', 'yearnings', 'simultaneously', 'meanwhile', 'lachhi', 'village', 'girl', 'love', 'yawar', 'jogi', 'shaan', 'enamored', 'yawar', 'comes', 'stay', 'uncle', 'gardener', 'mansion', 'zarro', 'fall', 'love', 'watch', 'three-hour', 'movie', 'wish', 'find', 'ends', 'importantly', 'whether', 'villainous', 'sardar', 'gets', 'away', 'villainy.with', 'hardly', 'plot', 'boast', 'film', 'required', 'extremely', 'strong', 'script', 'order', 'win', 'audience\\\\', 'interest', 'instead', 'amazing', 'senseless', 'banter', 'ridiculous', 'dialogues', 'stars', 'indulge', 'better', 'part', 'movie', 'void', 'humour', 'fail', 'amuse', 'witty', 'dialogue', 'comes', 'mind', 'gay', 'offers', 'sardar', 'omer', 'saying', 'homeopathic', 'know', 'value', \"won\\\\'t\", 'harmful', 'either', 'one', 'two', 'quick', 'repartees', 'climax', 'scene', 'zarro', 'kidnapped', 'allies', 'trying', 'rescue', 'rare', 'moments', 'one', 'exposed', 'wit'], ['city', 'boy', 'bakhtu', 'goes', 'live', 'uncle', 'back', 'village', 'sees', 'billo', 'uncle', 'older', 'daughter', 'falls', 'love', 'terrorised', 'stepmother', 'stepsisters', 'billo', 'servant', 'home', 'bakhtu', 'declares', 'love', 'going', 'well', 'bahar', 'seen', 'bakhtu', 'wants', 'daughter', 'nargis', 'married', 'hand', 'nargis', 'going', 'wait', 'dear', 'mummy', 'attempts', 'win', 'sizzling', 'dance', 'number', 'rain', 'fails', 'miserably.things', 'come', 'boiling', 'point', 'couple', 'confronted', 'bahar', 'situation', 'ill-handled', 'bakhtu', 'insults', 'aunt', 'calling', 'churail', 'thrown', 'house', 'bahar', 'want', 'insulted', 'home', 'quickly', 'makes', 'arrangements', 'billo', 'marry', 'local', 'chaudry', 'end', 'bakhtu', 'billo', 'find', 'true', 'love'], ['story', 'young', 'indian', 'sikh', 'girl', 'preety', 'played', 'zara', 'sheikh', 'goes', 'historical', 'city', 'lahore', 'pakistan', 'pilgrimage', 'father', 'falls', 'love', 'pakistani', 'boy', 'named', 'ali', 'shaan', 'banker', 'also', 'dad', 'friend', 'son', 'pilgrimage', 'goes', 'back', 'country', 'ali', 'realises', 'lost', 'goes', 'delighted', 'see', 'preety', 'friend', 'also', 'indian', 'army', 'able', 'bear', 'preety', 'falling', 'love', 'pakistani', 'wants', 'marry', 'sends', 'forces', 'two', 'lovers', 'claiming', 'spying', 'pakistan', 'couple', 'flees', 'days', 'hide', 'seek', 'ali', 'finally', 'able', 'destroy', 'army', 'cars', 'following', 'last', 'scene', 'lovers', 'arrive', 'pakistan-india', 'border', 'see', 'pakistani', 'flag', 'emotions', 'filled', 'joy', 'relief'], ['two', 'people', 'living', 'boston', 'unlucky', 'love', 'nurse', 'whose', 'activist', 'boyfriend', 'walked', 'relationship', 'help', 'native', 'american', 'tribe', 'fight', 'land', 'development', 'deal', 'plumber', 'struggling', 'pay', 'family', 'obligations', 'pursuing', 'career', 'marine', 'biologist', 'deal', 'personal', 'professional', 'problems', 'stumble', 'relationships', 'continually', 'crossing', 'one', 'another', 'paths', 'without', 'ever', 'truly', 'meeting', 'realizing', 'perfect', 'one', 'another', 'time', 'time', 'one', 'almost', 'catches', 'eye', 'circumstances', 'intervene', 'finally', 'series', 'ups', 'downs', 'budding', 'relationships', 'others', 'crash', 'burn', 'time', 'chance', 'meeting', 'mbta', 'train', 'heading', 'wonderland', 'station', 'outskirts', 'boston'], ['j.c', 'wiatt', 'driven', 'manhattan', 'career', 'woman', 'whose', 'fast-paced', 'lifestyle', 'leaves', 'time', 'romance', 'relaxation', 'though', 'derives', 'pleasure', 'frantic', 'schedule', 'demanding', 'job', 'works', 'management', 'consultant', 'lives', 'investment', 'banker', 'whose', 'job', 'lifestyle', 'likewise', 'hectic', 'life', 'thrown', 'turmoil', 'inherits', 'toddler', 'elizabeth', 'deceased', 'cousin', \"hadn\\\\'t\", 'seen', 'since', '1954.', 'soon', 'caring', 'child', 'occupies', 'much', 'time', 'business', 'career', 'begins', 'suffer', 'culminating', 'loss', 'boyfriend', 'job', 'wiatt', 'tries', 'give', 'elizabeth', 'adoption', 'finds', 'grown', 'attached', 'child', 'forcing', 'reevaluation', 'priorities', 'moves', 'house', 'country', 'vermont', 'purchasing', 'home', 'without', 'first', 'seen', 'person', 'inspected', 'finds', 'riddled', 'problems', 'suffering', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'brink', 'financial', 'collapse', 'sees', 'opportunity', 'sell', 'baby', 'food', 'applesauce', 'concocted', 'elizabeth', 'made', 'fresh', 'ingredients', 'amid', 'clamor', 'new', 'products', 'develops', 'relationship', 'local', 'veterinarian', 'jeff', 'cooper', 'first', 'annoyed', 'opposed', 'jeff\\\\', 'overtures', 'focused', 'fast', 'possible', 'return', 'new', 'york', 'finding', 'buyer', 'house', 'proves', 'almost', 'impossible', 'rough', 'start', 'succeeds', 'selling', 'gourmet', 'baby', 'food', 'soon', 'business', 'booming', 'finally', 'old', 'boss', 'client', 'take', 'notice', 'offer', 'buy', 'company', 'millions', 'take', 'product', 'nationwide', 'give', 'back', 'career', 'high-prestige', 'lifestyle', 'brink', 'accepting', 'decides', 'grow', 'enterprise', 'without', 'sacrifice', 'personal', 'life', 'returns', 'vermont', 'arms', 'new', 'lover', 'adopted', 'daughter'], [\"'an\", 'older', 'man', 'played', 'paul', 'dooley', 'tries', 'romancing', 'younger', 'woman', 'played', 'marta', 'heflin', 'part', 'travelling', 'band', 'bohemian', 'musicians', 'perform', 'gigs', 'outdoor', 'arenas', 'around', 'country', 'joins', 'road', 'tries', 'fit', 'communal', 'lifestyle', 'film', 'features', 'multiple', 'musical', 'numbers'], ['may', 'hiding', 'old', 'motel', 'southwest', 'old', 'flame', 'childhood', 'friend', 'eddie', 'shows', 'threatens', 'metaphorically', 'times', 'literally', 'drag', 'back', 'life', 'fled', 'film', 'focuses', 'couple', 'fluctuating', 'past', 'present', 'relationships'], ['dave', 'randall', 'jaded', 'womanizing', 'reality', 'dating', 'producer', 'runs', 'old', 'college', 'crush', 'kelly', 'soon', 'realizes', 'bar-hopping', 'bed-hopping', 'ways', 'leaving', 'unfulfilled', 'dave', 'kelly', 'woman', 'ever', 'loved', 're-train', 'become', 'nice', 'guy', 'used'], ['vishva', 'prashanth', 'spends', 'time', 'hanging', 'charlie', 'avoid', 'mother', 'ambika', 'always', 'quarrels', 'dad', 'find', 'peace', 'plays', 'tricks', 'others', 'among', 'victims', 'jothi', 'story', 'moves', 'london', 'prasanth', 'visits', 'princess', 'diana', 'grave', 'leaves', 'beautiful', 'poem', 'behind', 'time', 'isha', 'visits', 'grave', 'leaves', 'note', 'reading', 'poem', 'begins', 'warm', 'relationship', 'isha', 'koppikar', 'prashanth', 'without', 'seeing'], [\"'rival\", 'london-based', 'american', 'newspaper', 'correspondents', 'michael', 'anthony', 'barnabas', 'pells', 'flip', 'coin', 'determine', 'cover', 'two', 'boring', 'assignments', 'mike', 'gets', 'story', 'millionairess', 'sally', 'parker\\\\', 'wedding', 'fortune-seeking', 'prince', 'igor', 'barney', 'takes', 'interview', 'aviator', 'baron', 'otto', 'spandermann', 'wife', 'hilda', 'way', 'wedding', 'mike', 'sees', 'sally', 'running', 'church', 'follows', 'hoping', 'get', 'story', 'hotel', 'mike', 'runs', 'suspicious', 'barney', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'tell', 'happened', 'sneaks', 'sally\\\\', 'hotel', 'room', 'telling', 'admired', 'years', 'suggests', 'help', 'get', 'away', 'gigolo', 'prince', 'comes', 'hotel', 'mike', 'slugs', 'prince', 'recognizes', 'reporter', 'sally', 'decide', 'run', 'away', 'using', 'baron', 'baroness\\\\', 'flying', 'suits', 'disguises', 'barney', 'chases', 'airport', 'late', 'fly', 'away', 'though', 'neither', 'pilot', 'crash', 'land', 'france', 'find', 'munitions', 'map', 'bouquet', 'flowers', 'intended', 'baroness', 'realize', 'aviators', 'spies', 'though', 'mike', 'sent', 'secret', 'cablegram', 'sally', 'editor', 'berger', 'new', 'york', 'even', 'excited', 'spy', 'story', 'paris', 'getting', 'money', 'paper', 'mike', 'sally', 'found', 'barney', 'spotted', 'baron', 'baroness', 'flee', 'barney', 'comes', 'along', 'mike', 'pushes', 'back', 'truck', 'steal', 'convinces', 'sally', 'barney', 'lowlife', 'reporter', 'nightfall', 'arrive', 'palace', 'fontainebleau', 'sneak', 'spend', 'night', 'evening', 'realize', 'love', 'mike', 'tries', 'tell', 'reporter', \"can\\\\'t\", 'next', 'morning', 'barney', 'finds', 'sally', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'accuses', 'mike', 'reporter', 'soon', 'however', 'ashamed', 'mike', 'gives', 'newspaper', 'byline', 'realizes', 'done', 'apologizes', 'tells', 'loves', 'sends', 'away', 'barney', 'arrives', 'says', 'give', 'greatest', 'story', 'career', 'make', 'headlines', 'short', 'time', 'later', 'traveling', 'train', 'nice', 'sally', 'realizes', 'still', 'loves', 'mike', 'wants', 'baron', 'baroness', 'come', 'compartment', 'guns', 'demand', 'sally', 'give', 'map', 'search', 'sally', 'find', 'leave', 'pushing', 'barney', 'train', 'barney', 'catches', 'mike', 'cafe', 'paris', 'tells', 'happened', 'mike', 'decides', 'nice', 'save', 'sally', 'nice', 'mike', 'lovingly', 'reunited', 'sally', 'hotel', 'train', 'station', 'station', 'baroness', 'switches', 'clothes', 'sally', 'ladies', 'room', 'goes', 'mike', 'posing', 'sally', 'baron', 'finds', 'sally', 'takes', 'restaurant', 'tries', 'contact', 'police', 'two', 'policemen', 'arrive', 'believe', 'baron\\\\', 'story', 'stole', 'plane', 'baron', 'kidnaps', 'sally', 'policemen', 'takes', 'chateau', 'baroness', 'mike', 'bound', 'gagged', 'held', 'captive', 'followed', 'mike', 'baroness', 'thinking', 'sally', 'barney', 'also', 'arrives', 'barney', 'first', 'laughs', 'mike', 'realizes', 'actually', 'trouble', 'frees', 'using', 'various', 'ruses', 'mike', 'sally', 'policemen', 'eventually', 'overwhelm', 'baron', 'baroness', 'sally', 'mike', 'leaving', 'barney', 'tied-up', 'mike', 'change', 'heart', 'returns', 'finding', 'barney', 'trying', 'get', 'story', 'first', 'using', 'chateau', 'phone', 'cable', 'editor', 'finally', 'agree', 'file', 'joint', 'byline', 'sally', 'mike', 'agree', 'soon', 'married'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'revolves', 'around', 'romance', 'moammar', 'rana', 'young', 'pakistani', 'living', 'west', 'unidentified', 'yearnings', 'eastern', 'culture', 'sana'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'third', 'director', 'castellani\\\\', 'young', 'love', 'trilogy', 'first', 'two', 'sotto', 'sole', 'roma', 'primavera', '...', 'story', 'concerns', 'romance', 'carmela', 'antonio', 'ardor', 'one-sided', 'first', 'carmela', 'determined', 'young', 'woman', 'willing', 'scale', 'conquer', 'obstacle', 'pursuing', 'heart\\\\', 'desire', 'he\\\\', 'hooked', 'antonio', 'scurries', 'job', 'job', 'prove', 'financial', 'viability', 'faced', 'hostility', 'parents', 'carmela', 'antonio', 'symbolically', 'shed', 'responsibilities', 'others', 'climactic', 'act', 'stark-naked', 'bravado'], ['circumstances', 'made', 'shaka', 'career', 'criminal', 'plague', 'empties', 'town', 'inhabitants', 'takes', 'opportunity', 'burgle', 'house', 'finds', 'nothing', 'except', 'shanti', 'widowed', 'daughter-in-law', 'left', 'die', 'cruel', 'relatives', 'shaka', 'nurses', 'back', 'health', 'relatives', 'return', 'pleased', 'find', 'alive', 'even', 'less', 'pleased', 'discover', 'someone', 'tried', 'rob', 'shanti', 'gets', 'blame', 'beating', 'shaka', 'saves', 'worse', 'hands', 'brother-in-law', 'pair', 'flee', 'set', 'home', 'shaka', 'house', 'much', 'displeasure', 'respectable', 'neighbours', 'ready', 'think', 'worst', 'shanti', 'relatives', 'dismayed', 'lawyer', 'arrives', 'announce', 'shanti', 'left', 'legacy', 'hatch', 'plot', 'get', 'back', 'meanwhile', 'shaka', 'rehabilitation', 'proceeding', 'much', 'chagrin', 'former', 'criminal', 'associates', 'fire', 'redemption', 'death', 'handcuffs', 'others', 'fate', 'store'], ['jai', 'veeru', 'good', 'friends', 'also', 'partners', 'crime', 'thus', 'friendship', 'named', 'jodi', 'first', 'gain', 'confidence', 'people', 'later', 'con', 'soon', 'run', 'bombay', 'encounter', 'local', 'bhai', 'end', 'brawl', 'younger', 'brother', 'accident', 'kill', 'night', 'club', 'run', 'jai', 'veeru', 'meet', 'vikram', 'jeet', 'nri', 'way', 'work', 'manager', 'goa', 'rai', 'bahadur', 'wealthy', 'businessman', 'owns', 'beer', 'factory', 'jai', 'pretends', 'vikram', 'jeet', 'veeru', 'move', 'rai', 'bahadur', 'house', 'intending', 'be-friend', 'rob', 'however', 'fall', 'love', 'rai', 'bahadur', 'daughters', 'series', 'hilarious', 'scenes', 'save', 'family', 'sir', 'john.in', 'end', 'jai', 'stealing', 'money', 'rai', 'release', 'veeru', 'sir', 'john', 'entire', 'rai', 'clan', 'watching', 'news', 'find', 'jai', 'veeru', 'claim', 'con', 'men', 'deceive', 'people', 'end', 'rai', 'lets', 'jai', 'money', 'save', 'veeru', 'goes', 'well', 'marry', 'daughters', 'rai'], ['tamanna', 'sahni', 'dedicated', 'staff', 'member', 'top', 'advertising', 'agency', 'ideas', 'designs', 'mainly', 'contributed', 'success', 'agency', 'leaves', 'college', 'reunion', 'meets', 'college', 'sweetheart', 'rohit', 'manchanda', 'rekindle', 'love', 'share', 'intimate', 'moments', 'together', 'eventually', 'rohit', 'leaves', 'tamanna', 'settles', 'back', 'normal', 'daily', 'routine', 'sister', 'tanya', 'accident', 'decides', 'give', 'blood', 'replace', 'blood', 'used', 'save', 'tanya', 'however', 'doctor', 'dr.', 'raisingh', 'tells', 'tested', 'positive', 'hiv', 'tamanna', 'world', 'turns', 'upside', 'desperately', 'tries', 'get', 'contact', 'rohit', 'vain', 'situation', 'soon', 'spread', 'around', 'office', 'loses', 'job', 'angered', 'unfair', 'dismissal', 'searches', 'lawyer', 'fight', 'case', 'eventually', 'tarun', 'anand', 'agrees', 'represent'], ['love', 'first', 'sight', 'unemployed', 'ashish', 'khanna', 'rani', 'bhalla', 'cold', 'drink', 'stall', 'rani', 'introduces', 'ashish', 'businessman', 'dad', 'tau', 'mom', 'unanimously', 'frown', 'upon', 'alliance', 'ashish', 'promises', 'get', 'job', 'save', 'enough', 'money', 'buy', 'flat', 'etc..', 'ashish', 'get', 'small', 'job', 'izzat', 'papads', 'also', 'starts', 'selling', 'steroids', 'back', 'van', 'gets', 'noticed', 'ad-firm', 'owner', 'gets', 'hired', 'soon', 'luxuries', 'always', 'dreamed', 'bhallas', 'come', 'know', 'decide', 'welcome', 'son-law', 'lavish', 'engagement', 'party', 'takes', 'place', 'ashish', 'finds', 'cancer', 'begins', 'create', 'misunderstandings', 'rani', 'tries', 'becoming', 'alcoholic', 'considered', 'normal', 'bhalla', 'family', 'confesses', 'rani', 'loved', 'sania', 'model', 'ad-agency', 'welcomed', 'rani', 'truthful', 'honest', 'rani', 'notices', 'put', 'sania', 'photos', 'apartment', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'ashish', 'knows', 'sania', 'marry', 'flirt', 'assigned', 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'intimate', 'moments', 'together', 'nikhil', 'tries', 'help', 'reva', 'things', 'get', 'better', 'gets', 'first', 'film', 'offer', 'however', 'reva', 'refuses', 'help', 'wants', 'make', 'nikhil', 'become', 'huge', 'star', 'eventually', 'gets', 'first', 'offer', 'choreograph', 'director', 'wanted', 'approach', 'nikhil', 'eventually', 'drift', 'apart', 'break', 'reva', 'finally', 'gets', 'genuine', 'offer', 'choreography', 'anuj', 'really', 'likes', 'style', 'work', 'reva', 'become', 'huge', 'star', 'soon', 'given', 'offer', 'work', 'nikhil', 'rest', 'film', 'focuses', 'whether', 'nikhil', 'reva', 'put', 'differences', 'aside', 'get', 'back', 'together'], [\"'in\", 'san', 'francisco', 'private', 'investigator', 'sam', 'spade', 'partner', 'miles', 'archer', 'walter', 'long', 'approached', 'ruth', 'wonderly', 'follow', 'man', 'floyd', 'thursby', 'allegedly', 'ran', 'younger', 'sister', 'two', 'accept', 'assignment', 'money', 'good', 'even', 'though', 'disbelieve', 'story', 'late', 'night', 'police', 'detective', 'tom', 'polhaus', 'informs', 'spade', 'archer', 'shot', 'killed', 'tailing', 'thursby', 'spade', 'turns', 'opportunity', 'examine', 'body', 'scene', 'he\\\\', 'leaving', 'brief', 'conversation', 'chinese', 'man', 'loitering', 'doorway', 'later', 'polhaus', 'superior', 'lt.', 'dundy', 'visit', 'spade', 'apartment', 'thursby', 'killed', 'want', 'know', 'spade\\\\', 'last', 'hours', 'mdash', 'suspect', 'killing', 'thursby', 'avenge', 'death', 'partner', 'real', 'evidence', 'spade', 'leave', 'next', 'day', 'spade', 'calls', 'ruth', 'wonderly', 'attempt', 'find', 'real', 'reasons', 'hiring', 'uses', 'several', 'different', 'ploys', 'keep', 'spade', 'case', 'spite', 'two', 'murders', 'spade', 'sees', 'despite', 'gets', 'little', 'information', 'thursby', 'accomplice', 'longer', 'trusted', 'feels', 'she\\\\', 'danger', 'mdash', \"won\\\\'t\", 'tell', 'spade', 'thursby', 'trying', 'pull', 'frustrated', 'spade', 'begins', 'leave', 'thinks', 'better', 'takes', '500', 'wonderly', 'supposedly', 'last', 'money', 'goes', 'office', 'spade', 'tells', 'secretary', 'effie', 'archer\\\\', 'name', 'removed', 'door', 'receives', 'visit', 'dr.', 'joel', 'cairo', 'offers', 'spade', '5,000', 'retrieve', 'enamel', 'figurine', 'black', 'bird', 'trying', 'recover', 'rightful', 'owner', 'knowing', 'anything', 'statuette', 'spade', 'plays', 'along', 'overpowering', 'cairo', 'pulls', 'gun', 'attempts', 'frisk', 'search', 'office', 'nevertheless', 'agrees', 'try', 'recover', 'statuette', 'night', 'apartment', 'spade', 'questions', 'wonderly', 'cairo', 'black', 'bird', 'nervous', 'cairo\\\\', 'offer', 'afraid', 'losing', 'spade\\\\', 'help', 'begins', 'attempt', 'seduce', 'interrupted', 'dundy', 'polhaus', 'arrive', 'spade', 'keeps', 'outside', 'door', 'question', 'relationship', 'archer\\\\', 'wife', 'iva', 'spade', 'affair', 'leave', 'wonderly', 'screams', 'rush', 'find', 'holding', 'gun', 'cairo', 'spade', 'laughs', 'incident', 'preposterous', 'story', 'nonetheless', 'gets', 'police', 'leave', 'cairo', 'tow', 'allowing', 'spade', 'wonderly', 'continue', 'interrogation', 'next', 'morning', 'wonderly', 'sleeps', 'bed', 'spade', 'lifts', 'key', 'thoroughly', 'searches', 'apartment', 'finding', 'nothing', 'returning', 'place', 'spade', 'gets', 'visit', 'iva', 'archer', 'spade', 'tries', 'get', 'rid', 'sees', 'wonderly', 'bedroom', 'doorway', 'leaves', 'huff', 'threatening', 'tell', 'everything', 'knows', 'lt.', 'dundy', 'spade', 'receives', 'note', 'casper', 'gutman', 'dudley', 'digges', 'inviting', 'come', 'talk', 'black', 'bird', 'drinks', 'cigars', 'spade', 'learns', 'history', 'value', 'statuette', 'encrusted', 'precious', 'jewels', 'covered', 'enamel', 'gutman', 'mastermind', 'behind', 'attempt', 'steal', 'bird', 'spade', 'lies', 'gutman', 'right', 'price', 'deliver', 'figurine', 'couple', 'days', 'make', 'deal', 'gutman', 'seals', '1000', 'bill', 'cairo', 'shows', 'tells', 'gutman', 'privately', 'spade', 'falcon', 'captain', 'jacoby', 'whose', 'ship', 'paloma', 'arrives', 'hong', 'kong', 'night', 'gutman', 'slips', 'spade', 'mickey', 'celebratory', 'drink', 'retrieves', '1000', 'later', 'night', 'spade', 'arrives', 'back', 'office', 'finds', 'effie', 'asleep', 'behind', 'desk', 'suddenly', 'man', 'staggers', 'collapses', 'floor', 'dies', 'mdash', 'it\\\\', 'captain', 'jacoby', 'suitcase', 'carrying', 'precious', 'black', 'bird', 'spade', 'checks', 'bag', 'baggage', 'check', 'sends', 'ticket', 'mail', 'called', 'see', 'district', 'attorney', 'iva\\\\', 'telling', 'police', 'spade', 'stonewalls', 'given', 'hours', 'wrap', 'case', 'bring', 'real', 'killers', 'wonderly', 'lures', 'spade', 'apartment', 'cairo', 'gutman', 'waiting', 'guns', 'knowing', 'spade', 'falcon', 'gutman', 'gives', 'ten', '1000', 'bills', 'envelope', 'spade', 'insists', 'also', 'fall', 'guy', 'give', 'police', 'account', 'murders', 'suggests', 'gutman\\\\', 'gunman', 'wilmer', 'cook', 'patsy', 'gutman', 'rejects', 'idea', 'spade', 'puts', 'forward', 'cairo', 'candidate', 'cairo', 'counters', 'spade\\\\', 'paid', 'bring', 'forward', 'bird', 'settle', 'wait', 'morning', 'spade', 'says', 'produce', 'wonderly', 'leaves', 'make', 'coffee', 'sandwiches', 'gutman', 'accuses', 'stealing', 'one', 'bills', 'envelope', 'prompting', 'spade', 'strip', 'finds', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'bill', 'accuses', 'gutman', 'palming', 'gutman', 'admits', 'upper', 'hand', 'spade', 'tells', 'gutman', 'wilmer', 'fall', 'guy', 'cairo', 'gutman', 'discuss', 'whispered', 'conference', 'goaded', 'spade', 'wilmer', 'pulls', 'gun', 'spade', 'knocks', 'mdash', 'gutman', 'cairo', 'agree', 'spade\\\\', 'proposal', 'spade', 'calls', 'effie', 'asks', 'pick', 'suitcase', 'falcon', 'morning', 'bring', 'gutman', 'explains', 'wilmer', 'killed', 'thursby', 'jacoby', 'bag', 'shows', 'wilmer', 'escapes', 'window', 'conspirators', 'frantically', 'opening', 'examining', 'black', 'bird', 'soon', 'determine', 'fake', 'mdash', 'they\\\\', \"'ve\", 'duped', 'previous', 'owner', 'mdash', 'gutman', 'cairo', 'decide', 'make', 'another', 'attempt', 'steal', 'leave', 'gutman', 'takes', 'back', '10,000', 'spade', 'gunpoint', 'spade', 'immediately', 'calls', 'detective', 'polhaus', 'tells', 'pick', 'gutman', 'cairo', 'wilmer', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'provide', 'wilmer\\\\', 'guns', 'evidence', 'confronting', 'wonderly', 'spade', 'accuses', 'killing', 'archer', 'throw', 'suspicion', 'thursby', 'get', 'way', 'admits', 'spade', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'going', 'turn', 'murder', 'despite', 'love', 'dundy', 'polhaus', 'show', 'reveal', 'wilmer', 'murdered', 'gutman', 'cairo', 'apprehended', 'spade', 'gives', 'wilmer\\\\', 'guns', 'tells', 'wonderly', 'killed', 'archer', 'take', 'away', 'learn', 'newspaper', 'article', 'spade', 'caused', 'sensation', 'wonderly\\\\', 'trial', 'produced', 'lee', 'gow', 'chinese', 'merchant', 'eye-witness', 'archer', 'killing', 'positively', 'identified', 'miss', 'wonderly', 'murderess', 'spade', 'goes', 'visit', 'wonderly', 'prison', 'tell', 'he\\\\', 'made', 'chief', 'investigator', 'district', 'attorney\\\\', 'office', 'spade', 'asks', 'prison', 'matron', 'treat', 'wonderly', 'well', 'give', 'whatever', 'wants', 'matron', 'asks', 'pay', 'special', 'treatment', 'spade', 'tells', 'send', 'bill', 'd.a.\\\\', 'office', \"'ll\"], ['holger', 'brandt', 'famous', 'virtuoso', 'violinist', 'meets', 'anita', 'hoffman', 'daughter', 'piano', 'instructor', 'trip', 'home', 'impressed', 'anita', 'talent', 'invites', 'accompany', 'next', 'tour', 'begin', 'touring', 'together', 'passionate', 'relationship', 'ensues', 'holger', 'wife', 'margit', 'asks', 'divorce', 'knowing', 'much', 'holger', 'misses', 'daughter', 'ann', 'marie', 'son', 'eric', 'torn', 'guilt', 'breaking', 'family', 'anita', 'decides', 'pursue', 'career', 'leaves', 'holger', 'holger', 'returns', 'home', 'see', 'children', 'first', 'travels', 'ann', 'marie', 'school', 'runs', 'across', 'street', 'greet', 'hit', 'car', 'front', 'eyes', 'takes', 'injured', 'ann', 'marie', 'back', 'home', 'confronts', 'angry', 'son', 'attempt', 'explain', 'infidelity', 'holger', 'relief', 'doctor', 'informs', 'ann', 'marie', 'survive', 'eventually', 'recover', 'injuries', 'margit', 'forgives', 'holger', 'welcomes', 'back', 'family'], ['teams', 'across', 'germany', 'descend', 'quiet', 'camping', 'ground', 'week', 'training', 'leading', 'final', 'rowing', 'competition', 'plot', 'follows', 'members', 'rsc', 'rowing', 'club', 'southern', 'germany', 'train', 'regatta', 'boys', 'excited', 'prospects', 'camping', 'female', 'rowing', 'team', 'berlin', 'however', 'stroke', 'fate', 'berlin', 'girls', 'team', 'cancels', 'replaced', 'queerschlag', 'gay', 'youth', 'rowing', 'team', 'boys', 'proud', 'camp', 'full', 'potential', 'amidst', 'sometimes', 'tense', 'interactions', 'members', 'team', 'queerschlag', 'tobi', 'forced', 'confront', 'long-time', 'feelings', 'friend', 'team-mate', 'achim', 'already', 'romantically', 'involved', 'girlfriend', 'sandra', 'spurned', 'achim', 'tobi', 'devastated', 'partly', 'consoled', 'new', 'friendship', 'queerschlag', 'member', 'leo', 'tension', 'members', 'two', 'teams', 'culminates', 'scene', 'set', 'backdrop', 'summer', 'storm', 'leo', 'confronts', 'tobi', 'homosexuality', 'front', 'fellow', 'team-mates', 'tobi', 'denies', 'gay', 'attempt', 'defend', 'one', 'team-mates', 'tells', 'tobi', 'girlfriend', 'anke', 'tell', 'rest', 'team-mates', 'anke', 'person', 'tobi', 'confided', 'secret', 'remains', 'silent', 'ultimately', 'tobi', 'comes', 'fellow', 'team-mates', 'rowing', 'team', 'seem', 'accept', 'tobi', 'matter', 'compete', 'queerschlag', 'final', 'regatta'], [\"'skin\", 'bone', 'episodic', 'account', 'three', 'los', 'angeles-area', 'hustlers', 'harry', 'billy', 'dean', 'ghislaine', 'pimp', 'ghislaine', 'constantly', 'drives', 'streets', 'los', 'angeles', 'arranging', 'client', 'appointments', 'relies', 'harry', 'experienced', 'member', 'stable', 'train', 'new', 'recruits', 'including', 'billy', 'dean', 'harry', 'services', 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'notion', 'job', 'acting', 'following', 'training', 'first', 'successful', 'trick', 'dean', 'humiliated', 'two', 'women', 'force', 'start', 'stop', 'masturbating', 'seemingly', 'random', 'dean', 'performs', 'nude', 'cleaner', 'client', 'learns', 'client', 'ex-marine', 'paralyzed', 'combat', 'still', 'longs', 'boy', 'fell', 'love', 'killed', 'client', 'still', 'able', 'achieve', 'erection', 'dean', 'sex', 'harry', 'appointment', 'regular', 'uniform', 'fetishist', 'called', 'general', 'usually', 'harry', 'beats', 'unknown', 'harry', 'client', 'arranged', 'something', 'different', 'ghislaine', 'showing', 'harry', 'picture', 'closely', 'resembles', 'harry', 'general', 'orders', 'harry', 'strip', 'harry', 'hesitates', 'general', 'attacks', 'behind', 'binds', 'hands', 'tape', 'rapes', 'harry', 'asks', 'acting', 'agent', 'set', 'interview', 'another', 'casting', 'director', 'lets', 'man', 'fuck', 'later', 'dean\\\\', 'place', 'harry', 'finds', 'dean', 'sitting', 'alone', 'burning', 'cigarette', 'dean', 'tells', 'harry', 'ran', 'away', 'home', 'father', 'arrested', 'age', 'stealing', 'candy', 'bar', 'dean', 'put', 'cell', 'several', 'men', 'took', 'turns', 'raping', 'allowing', 'used', 'casting', 'director', 'harry', 'gets', 'small', 'role', 'cop', 'film', 'previously', 'rejected', 'on-set', 'impresses', 'producers', 'offer', 'part', 'series', 'ghislaine', 'sends', 'harry', 'local', 'morgue', '2,500', 'bribe', 'attendant', 'harry', 'sees', 'billy\\\\', 'body', 'realizes', 'ghislaine', 'acquiring', 'client', 'confronts', 'ghislaine', 'accusing', 'arranging', 'billy\\\\', 'murder', 'tells', 'wants', 'quit', 'take', 'dean', 'ghislaine', 'agrees', 'harry', 'dean', 'perform', 'one', 'final', 'scene', 'scene', 'cop/prisoner', 'scenario', 'begins', 'cop', 'beating', 'prisoner', 'prisoner', 'overpowering', 'cop', 'binding', 'beating', 'finally', 'shooting', 'harry', 'plays', 'cop', 'dean', 'prisoner', 'bound', 'gagged', 'harry', 'sees', 'ghislaine', 'switching', 'gun', 'another', 'gun', 'fails', 'convey', 'danger', 'dean', 'ghislaine', 'client', 'watch', 'client', 'tapes', 'scene', 'dean', 'pulls', 'trigger', 'kills', 'harry', 'harry', 'meets', 'lovely', 'girl', 'asks', 'feels', 'dead', 'six', 'months', 'later', 'dean', 'living', 'streets', 'ghislaine', 'finds', 'convinces', 'return', 'work'], [\"'four\", 'college', 'co-eds', 'head', 'south', 'spring', 'break', 'trek', 'fort', 'lauderdale', 'florida', 'seeking', 'fun', 'sun', 'carole', 'taking', 'separate', 'vacation', 'steady', 'boyfriend', 'winds', 'hot', 'contender', 'hot', 'bod', 'contest', 'jennie', 'doubly', 'lucky', 'courted', 'rich', 'classical', 'pianist', 'devil-may-care', 'rocker', 'sandra', 'looking', 'mr.', 'right', 'finally', 'satisfy', 'laurie', 'dreams', 'night', 'unbridled', 'passion', 'real', 'he-man'], ['rebecca', 'film', 'actress', 'make', 'stage', 'debut', 'lincoln', 'center', 'husband', 'tom', 'gave', 'lucrative', 'job', 'advertising', 'take', 'care', 'young', 'daughter', 'occasionally', 'tom', 'rebecca', 'sex', 'year', 'meet', 'therapist', 'dr.', 'beekman', 'tom', 'rebecca', 'best', 'friends', 'brother', 'tobey', 'sportswriter', 'girlfriend', 'elaine', 'elaine', 'dating', 'tobey', 'seven', 'years', 'begun', 'feel', 'ticking', 'biological', 'clock', 'tom', 'rebecca', 'face', 'extramarital', 'temptations', 'tom', 'responds', 'personal', 'crisis', 'stems', 'decision', 'choose', 'kids', 'career', 'watching', 'pornography', 'affair', 'divorced', 'mother', 'son', 'school', 'rebecca', 'pursued', 'set', 'young', 'costar', 'jasper', 'would', 'like', 'able', 'claim', 'bedded', 'famous', 'actress'], ['seema', 'child', 'widowed', 'mohan', 'adopted', 'mohan', 'boss', 'sardar', 'ranjit', 'singh', 'heir', 'estate', 'daughter', 'jamuna', 'eloped', 'much', 'poor', 'peasant', 'gopal', 'well', 'ranjit', 'get', 'well', 'step-brother', 'shankar', 'jamuna', 'manages', 'placate', 'dad', 'goes', 'house', 'find', 'flames', 'gopal', 'burned', 'death', 'son', 'sunder', 'missing', 'years', 'later', 'seema', 'grown', 'meets', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'pyarelal', 'ooty', 'meets', 'year', 'later', 'time', 'introduces', 'jhatpat', 'singh', 'man', 'supposedly', 'engaged', 'childhood', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'meets', 'real', 'jhatpat', 'singh', 'changes', 'mind', 'fake', 'jhatpat', 'singh', 'alias', 'pyarelal', 'get', 'meet', 'time', 'claims', 'sunil', 'gets', 'employed', 'ranjit', 'estate', 'manager', 're-kindle', 'romance', '...', 'one', 'two', 'films', 'music', 'director', 'rahul', 'dev', 'burman', 'plays', 'role', 'film', 'apart', 'giving', 'music', 'film', 'bhoot', 'bungla'], ['casim', 'khan', 'glaswegian', 'pakistani', 'origin', 'devout', 'muslim', 'parents', 'tariq', 'sadia', 'arranged', 'marry', 'first', 'cousin', 'jasmine', 'casim', 'less', 'happy', 'arrangement', 'casim', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'roisin', 'irish', 'catholic', 'working', 'part-time', 'music', 'teacher', 'sister', 'catholic', 'school', 'roisin', 'books', 'short', 'holiday', 'break', 'seeing', 'advert', 'travel', 'agent', 'shop', 'window', 'holiday', 'casim', 'tells', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'family', 'planning', 'decide', 'whether', 'love', 'strong', 'enough', 'endure', 'without', 'support', 'respective', 'communities', 'time', 'casim', 'younger', 'sister', 'tahara', 'struggles', 'find', 'bullying', 'scottish', 'schoolmates', 'pakistani', 'relatives', 'rukhsana', 'casim', 'older', 'sister', 'loses', 'fianc챕', 'casim', 'new', 'relationship', 'brings', 'dishonour', 'family', 'roisin', 'loses', 'job', 'catholic', 'school', 'direction', 'accept', 'relationship', 'since', 'married', 'ndash', 'though', 'separated', 'ndash', 'woman', 'casim', 'living', 'together', 'roisin', 'finally', 'moved', 'hierarchy', 'non-denominational', 'school', 'casim', 'confronts', 'family', 'begging', 'respect', 'choice', 'returning', 'tahara', 'leaves', 'study', 'journalism', 'university', 'edinburgh', 'parents'], ['frank', 'keane', 'grieving', 'baker', 'near', 'catatonic', 'state', 'happens', 'upon', 'car', 'accident', 'loquacious', 'insightful', 'victim', 'steve', 'mills', 'way', 'appointment', 'pasadena', 'years-ago', 'acquaintance', 'asks', 'frank', 'place', 'dance', 'class', 'frank', 'goes', 'find', 'steve', 'friend', 'story', 'moves', 'back', 'forth', 'among', 'steve', 'childhood', 'accident', 'scene', 'aftermath', 'frank', 'first', 'lindy', 'hop', 'frank', 'initially', 'little', 'success', 'finding', 'steve', 'friend', 'uncomfortable', 'environment', 'many', 'people', 'result', 'depression', 'however', 'drawn', 'shy', 'student', 'merdith', 'cautioned', 'talking', 'students', 'partnered', 'randall', 'randall', 'star', 'pupil', 'class', 'obnoxious', 'bully', 'takes', 'instant', 'dislike', 'frank', 'tries', 'intimidate', 'frank', 'talked', 'continuing', 'attend', 'class', 'friends', 'grief', 'therapy', 'soon', 'join', 'class', 'time', 'goes', 'also', 'learnt', 'throughout', 'film', 'frank', 'wife', 'committed', 'suicide', 'suffered', 'depression', 'result', 'guilt', 'able', 'see', 'something', 'wrong', 'late', 'class', 'progresses', 'frank', 'found', 'natural', 'talent', 'dance', 'surpasses', 'randall', 'jealously', 'slashes', 'tires', 'attempts', 'scare', 'baker', 'frank', 'ignores', 'attack', 'advice', 'others', 'forms', 'friendship', 'merdith', 'learnt', 'randall', 'step', 'sister', 'rather', 'abused', 'girlfriend', 'initially', 'believed', 'meredith', 'defends', 'step', 'brother', 'behaviour', 'explaining', 'stems', 'fact', 'father', 'violent', 'man', 'physically', 'abusive', 'randall', 'overly', 'protective', 'merdith', 'result', 'frank', 'eventualy', 'scatters', 'wife', 'ashes', 'act', 'unwilling', 'perform', 'past', 'also', 'puts', 'life', 'back', 'together', 'also', 'tracks', 'steve', 'childhood', 'friend', 'inform', 'steve', 'passing', 'initially', 'ignorant', 'steve', 'identity', 'later', 'shocked', 'death', 'heartened', 'tried', 'keep', 'promise', 'forgotten', 'years', 'ago'], ['film', 'begins', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'shakthi', 'leaving', 'house', 'one', 'morning', 'job', 'interview', 'spots', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'jothika', 'aka', 'walking', 'street', 'attracted', 'distracted', 'begins', 'follow', 'process', 'accidentally', 'misses', 'bus', 'mugged', 'film', 'pauses', 'point', 'voice', 'begins', 'tell', 'viewer', 'examine', 'shakthi', 'life', 'impacted', 'missing', 'bus', 'catching', 'bus', 'shakthi', 'makes', 'bus', 'gets', 'job', 'interview', 'time', 'gets', 'job', 'bank', 'manager', 'beautiful', 'young', 'colleague', 'priya', 'simran', 'falls', 'love', 'catch', 'shakthi', 'still', 'love', 'woman', 'alternate', 'self', 'loves', 'try', 'may', 'something', 'keeps', 'preventing', 'getting', 'thing', 'turns', 'alternate', 'self', 'well', 'life', 'miserable', \"n't\", 'get', 'girl', 'loves', 'shakthi', 'missed', 'bus', 'arrives', 'late', 'interview', 'thrown', 'way', 'home', 'passes', 'junkyard', 'spots', 'old', 'friend', 'vivek', 'gives', 'job', 'mechanic', 'life', 'goes', 'next', 'day', 'crossing', 'street', 'spots', 'girl', 'day', 'begins', 'follow', 'able', 'get', 'attention', 'begin', 'relationship', 'one', 'day', 'uncle', 'comes', 'visit', 'revealed', 'love', 'wants', 'marry', 'due', 'misconceptions', 'shakthi', 'separate', 'end', 'priya', 'expresses', 'love', 'shakthi', 'climax', 'scene', 'cliched', 'shakthi', 'reciprocating', 'love', 'priya', 'meets', 'accident', 'moment', 'shakthi', 'also', 'grievously', 'hurt', 'freak', 'accident', 'tries', 'patch', 'shakthi', 'alternate', 'self', 'admitted', 'hospital', 'film', 'ends', 'priya', 'wailing', 'death', 'shakthi', 'catching', 'glimpse', 'shakthi', 'patching', 'hospital'], [\"'jessica\", 'drummond', 'comforted', 'executor', 'husband\\\\', 'estate', 'lawyer', 'frank', 'everett', 'who\\\\', 'family', 'friend', 'years', 'later', 'shows', 'interest', 'dating', 'jess', 'mother', 'worn', 'black', 'decades', 'since', 'husband', 'passed', 'would', 'love', 'daughter', 'follow', 'example', 'jess', 'two', 'young', 'boys', 'kim', 'fourteen', 'keith', 'who\\\\', 'twelve', 'school', 'leaving', 'newly', 'widowed', 'mother', 'home', 'alone', 'deal', 'loneliness', 'tries', 'reconnect', 'old', 'gang', 'husband', 'socialized', 'alive', 'finds', 'remind', 'much', 'she\\\\', 'even', 'accosted', 'one', 'george', 'van', 'orman', 'brings', 'home', 'one', 'night', 'fortunately', 'real', 'friend', 'gina', 'abbott', 'runs', 'stays', 'night', 'accosted', 'gina', 'husband', 'cary', 'invite', 'jess', 'spend', 'week\\\\', 'vacation', 'lake', 'tahoe', 'jess', 'finds', 'lost', 'somewhere', 'slopes', 'broken', 'ski', 'meets', 'major', 'scott', 'landis', 'helps', 'back', 'abbott\\\\', 'lodge', 'introduces', 'scott', 'evening', 'socializing', 'spends', 'night', 'downstairs', 'sofa', 'week', 'jess', 'scott', 'get', 'know', 'better', 'spurns', 'advances', 'given', 'conservative', 'upbringing', 'accuses', 'spoiling', 'good', 'time', 'directs', 'leave', 'without', 'appropriate', 'goodbye', 'discussion', 'future', 'back', 'lake', 'forest', 'outside', 'chicago', 'jess', 'finds', 'alone', 'except', 'longtime', 'housekeeper', 'cook', 'anna', 'frank', 'comes', 'call', 'invited', 'join', 'dinner', 'however', 'phone', 'rings', 'it\\\\', 'gina', 'tells', 'jess', 'cary', 'club', 'they\\\\', \"'ve\", 'spotted', 'major', 'landis', 'jess', 'asks', 'frank', 'instead', 'eating', 'home', 'goes', 'get', 'dressed', 'club', 'jess', 'initiates', 'bumping', 'scott', 'finds', 'he\\\\', 'stationed', 'chicago', 'gets', 'orders', 'overseas', 'could', 'come', 'time', 'another', 'day', 'scott', 'asks', 'jess', 'meet', 'apartment', 'going', 'dinner', 'finally', 'minutes', 'movie', 'idea', 'got', 'name', 'friend', 'jess\\\\', 'mother', 'stella', 'thompson', 'sees', 'jess', 'enter', 'major\\\\', 'apartment', 'later', 'evidently', 'spreads', 'gossip', 'course', 'becomes', 'subject', 'discussion', 'among', 'jess\\\\', 'social', 'friends', 'including', 'riette', 'van', 'orman', 'lecherous', 'george\\\\', 'wife', 'eventually', 'children', 'fact', 'upon', 'returning', 'holidays', 'kim', 'keith', 'learn', 'mother\\\\', 'affairs', 'van', 'orman\\\\', 'daughter', 'gretchen\\\\', 'party', 'priceless', 'scene', 'jess\\\\', 'mother', 'confronts', 'scott', 'christmas', 'eve', 'everyone', 'including', 'frank', 'abbotts', 'busy', 'trimming', 'tree', 'however', 'jess\\\\', 'relationship', 'scott', 'could', 'best', 'described', 'platonic', 'though', 'jess', 'begun', 'return', 'scott\\\\', 'affections', 'initially', 'spite', 'rumor', 'mill', 'later', 'confronts', 'head-on', 'person', 'ms.', 'van', 'orman'], ['bike', 'accident', 'sweet', 'nerdy', '15-year', 'old', 'louise', 'miller', 'knocks', 'door', 'strange', 'looking', 'house', 'hoping', 'use', 'phone', 'instead', 'finds', 'strange', 'welcoming', 'woman', 'seer', 'madame', 'serena', 'stunned', 'realize', 'louise', 'reincarnated', 'witch', 'old', 'friend', 'serena', 'louise', '16th', 'birthday', 'magical', 'powers', 'return', 'powerful', 'amulet', 'lost', 'former', 'life', 'louise', 'power', 'make', 'dreams', 'come', 'true', 'casts', 'popularity', 'spell', 'win', 'hottest', 'guy', 'school', 'brad', 'without', 'earning', 'love', 'louise', 'becomes', 'popular', 'girl', 'school', 'getting', 'back', 'harassing', 'english', 'teacher', 'mr.', 'weaver', 'cheerleaders', 'never', 'respected', 'popularity', 'spell', 'gets', 'hand', 'realizing', 'believing', 'true', 'magic', 'louise', 'gives', 'power', 'make', 'happy', 'ending'], ['film', 'concerns', 'female', 'factory', 'worker', 'calabria', 'falls', 'ill', 'job', 'prescribed', 'stay', 'mountain', 'retreat', 'goes', 'despite', 'husband', 'wishes', 'leaving', 'behind', 'thankless', 'work', 'shift', 'frustrating', 'in-laws', 'also', 'three', 'children', 'film', 'addresses', 'issues', 'health', 'care', 'system', 'labor', 'conditions', 'spousal', 'satisfaction', 'class', 'struggle'], [\"'julia\", 'mann', 'kevin', 'vallick', 'insomniac', 'writers', 'fall', 'love', 'romance', 'thrown', 'loop', 'writing', 'speeches', 'rival', 'candidates', 'new', 'mexico', 'election', 'julia', 'working', 'democratic', 'candidate', 'kevin', 'republican', 'candidate', 'also', 'complicating', 'matters', 'kevin\\\\', 'ex-wife', 'also', 'republican', 'campaign', 'trail', 'mr.', 'flack', 'jacket', 'television', 'reporter', 'bagdad', 'bob', 'freed', 'julia\\\\', 'estranged', 'fiance', 'wants', 'back'], [\"'there\", 'three', 'main', 'characters', 'woman', 'named', 'guzal', 'two', 'young', 'men', 'one', 'black', 'haired', 'blond', 'episode', 'guzal', 'married', 'one', 'men', 'one', 'secret', 'lover', 'also', 'old', 'man', 'witnesses', 'affair', 'time', 'informs', 'husband'], ['film', 'tells', 'parallel', 'love', 'stories', 'mother', 'daughter', 'story', 'mother', 'told', 'partially', 'flashbacks', 'movie', 'starts', 'present', 'day', 'daughter', 'ji-hye', 'cleaning-up', 'around', 'house', 'comes', 'across', 'box', 'full', 'old', 'letters', 'diary', 'detail', 'story', 'mother', 'joo-hee', 'periodically', 'movie', 'ji-hye', 'reads', 'one', 'letters', 'starts', 'flashback', 'scene', 'story', 'mother', 'told', 'flashbacks', 'intertwined', 'ji-hye', 'story', 'falls', 'fellow', 'student', 'sang-min', 'involved', 'school', 'theater', 'movie', 'tells', 'story', 'relationships', 'mother', 'joo-hee', 'visits', 'countryside', 'student', 'one', 'summer', 'meets', 'joon-ha', 'together', 'explore', 'countryside', 'playing', 'near', 'river', 'always', 'remember', 'special', 'place', 'storm', 'starts', 'take', 'shelter', 'together', 'tree', 'joo-hee', 'twists', 'ankle', 'rendered', 'helpless', 'joon-ha', 'carries', 'back', 'struggle', 'home', 'confronted', 'angry', 'parents', 'separate', 'joo-hee', 'gives', 'necklace', 'keeps', 'close', 'precious', 'reminder', 'time', 'together', 'unfortunately', 'often', 'happens', 'affairs', 'heart', 'third', 'party', 'prevents', 'deepening', 'relationship', 'joo-hee', 'promised', 'parents', 'bride', 'tae-soo', 'joon-ha', 'friend', 'tae-soo', 'noble', 'friend', 'finds', 'joo-hee', 'joon-ha', 'attraction', 'helps', 'two', 'communicate', 'secretly', 'letting', 'use', 'name', 'place', 'joon-ha', 'letters', 'tae-soo', 'father', 'finds', 'however', 'beats', 'tae-soo', 'tae-soo', 'tries', 'unsuccessfully', 'commit', 'suicide', 'two', 'friends', 'together', 'meanwhile', 'present', 'ji-hye', 'falls', 'sang-min', 'friend', 'soo-kyeong', 'also', 'interested', 'seems', 'notice', 'sweet', 'scene', 'take', 'shelter', 'rain', 'together', 'tree', 'uses', 'coat', 'cover', 'escorts', 'needs', 'moment', 'magical', 'anywhere', 'feels', 'help', 'due', 'generous', 'nature', 'feelings', 'part', 'back', 'past', 'joon-ha', 'guilt-ridden', 'friend', 'attempted', 'suicide', 'joo-hee', 'guilt', 'determined', 'prevent', 'hurt', 'joon-ha', 'joins', 'army', 'goes', 'vietnam', 'loses', 'eyesight', 'tries', 'retrieve', 'necklace', 'joo-hee', 'given', 'returns', 'korea', 'meets', 'joo-hee', 'trying', 'hide', 'blindness', 'convinces', 'married', 'hope', 'move', 'life', 'though', 'heart', 'broken', 'relationship', 'continue', 'move', 'eventually', 'marries', 'tae-soo', 'joon-ha', 'kind', 'friend', 'married', 'several', 'years', 'young', 'daughter', 'joo-hee', 'approached', 'friends', 'joon-ha', 'relate', 'joon-ha', 'last', 'wish', 'ashes', 'scattered', 'joo-hee', 'river', 'reservoir', 'first', 'met', 'finds', 'joon-ha', \"n't\", 'married', 'later', 'tae-soo', 'joo-hee', 'married', 'told', 'son', 'also', 'heart-break', 'much', 'cries', 'present', 'ji-hye', 'story', 'unfolds', 'sang-min', 'reveals', 'true', 'feelings', 'ji-hye', 'feelings', 'mirror', 'also', 'revealed', 'taking', 'shelter', 'together', 'storm', 'accident', 'purposely', 'left', 'umbrella', 'behind', 'shop', 'could', 'join', 'tree', 'ji-hye', 'pensively', 'reveals', 'mother', 'story', 'tears', 'stream', 'face', 'silently', 'lifts', 'necklace', 'around', 'neck', 'places', 'around', 'necklace', 'ji-hye', 'mother', 'joo-hee', 'given', 'joon-ha', 'met', 'circle', 'completed', 'joo-hee', 'daughter', 'joon-ha', 'son', 'fallen', 'love'], ['believe', 'love', 'death', 'eve', '19th', 'birthday', 'mizuki', \"n't\", 'lot', 'celebrate', 'mother', 'recently', 'committed', 'suicide', 'stepfamily', 'bothers', 'boyfriend', 'cheating', 'best', 'friend', 'betrayed', 'hurt', 'disillusioned', 'mizuki', 'runs', 'everything', 'drawn', 'unknown', 'force', 'dilapidated', 'estate', 'deep', 'within', 'house', 'mizuki', 'discovers', 'mysterious', 'adam', 'playing', 'hauntingly', 'familiar', 'melody', 'guitar', 'melancholy', 'full', 'secrets', 'seems', 'adam', 'house', 'strange', 'irresistible', 'link', 'mizuki', 'mizuki', 'boyfriend', 'couple', 'well-meaning', 'schoolchildren', 'uncover', 'secret', 'happened', 'years', 'ago', 'free', 'mizuki', 'last', 'quarter', 'moon', 'falls'], ['1987', 'adam', 'shy', 'cynical', 'goth', 'kid', 'encounters', 'steve', 'attractive', 'dazzle', 'dancer', 'performing', 'danceteria', 'one', 'night', 'two', 'flirt', 'back', 'adam', 'apartment', 'sex', 'steve', 'offering', 'adam', 'latter', 'first', 'hit', 'cocaine', 'unbeknownst', 'steve', 'cocaine', 'cut', 'baby', 'laxative', 'resulting', 'steve', 'losing', 'control', 'bowels', 'explosively', 'defecating', 'adam', 'apartment', 'humiliated', 'steve', 'flees', 'seventeen', 'years', 'later', 'adam', 'jaded', 'ex-substance', 'addict', 'working', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'tour', 'guide', 'steve', 'become', 'successful', 'psychiatrist', 'sheer', 'coincidence', 'two', 'meet', 'adam', 'accidentally', 'stabs', 'dog', 'steve', 'dabbled', 'veterinary', 'medicine', 'treats', 'animal', 'hospital', 'adam', 'steve', 'fail', 'recognize', 'previous', 'meeting', 'adam', 'steve', 'strike', 'fast', 'friendship', 'begin', 'dating', 'eventually', 'falling', 'love', 'steve', 'introduces', 'adam', 'latently', 'religious', 'parents', 'adam', 'introduces', 'steve', 'disaster-prone', 'family', 'rhonda', 'michael', 'adam', 'steve', 'respective', 'best', 'friends', '봞re', 'initially', 'wary', 'friend', 'openly', 'hostile', 'toward', 'one', 'another', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'begin', 'dating', 'steve', 'feelings', 'adam', 'grow', 'eventually', 'confides', 'michael', 'rhonda', 'plans', 'propose', 'marriage', 'adam', 'brooklyn', 'bridge', 'however', 'right', 'steve', 'prepares', 'propose', 'adam', 'adam', 'absentmindedly', 'muses', 'entire', 'litany', 'substance', 'abuse', 'relationship', 'problems', 'sparked', 'disastrous', 'affair', 'incontinent', 'dazzle', 'dancer', 'back', '1987.', 'instant', 'steve', 'realizes', 'adam', 'horrified', 'revelation', 'feeling', 'responsible', 'adam', 'problems', 'steve', 'abruptly', 'breaks', 'adam', 'adam', 'falls', 'despair', 'rhonda', 'wheedles', 'truth', 'steve', 'past', 'michael', 'michael', 'reveal', 'adam', 'adam', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'steve', 'apologetic', 'still', 'upset', 'scared', 'feelings', 'responsibility', 'adam', 'problem-filled', 'life', 'adam', 'still', 'upset', 'prepared', 'give', 'relationship', 'steve', 'apologizes', 'humbly', 'professes', 'love', 'adam', 'adam', 'softens', 'accepts', 'steve', 'moves', 'forward', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'film', 'ends', 'two', 'marrying', 'outdoor', 'ceremony', 'friends', 'family', 'attendance'], ['film', 'revolves', 'around', '16-year-old', 'girl', 'mayil', 'filled', 'ambitions', 'becoming', 'teacher', 'attractive', 'intelligent', 'woman', 'living', 'small', 'society', 'experiences', 'ripe', 'love', 'sees', 'new', 'veterinarian', 'come', 'visit', 'many', 'impressed', 'charming', 'young', 'fellow', 'entered', 'village', 'seems', 'wealthy', 'prosperous', 'man', 'soon', 'develops', 'relationship', 'mayil', 'mayil', 'deeply', 'love', 'sacrifices', 'opportunity', 'study', 'teaching', 'college', 'course', 'spend', 'time', 'intentions', 'pure', 'dumps', 'mayil', 'consummating', 'relationship', 'mayil', 'mother', 'also', 'passes', 'away', 'leaving', 'distant', 'cousin', 'chappani', 'support', 'chappani', 'village', 'bumpkin', 'taken', 'advantage', 'isolated', 'society', 'secretly', 'love', 'mayil', 'jealous', 'upset', 'vet', 'another', 'important', 'character', 'village', 'roughie', 'parattai', 'also', 'eye', 'mayil', 'mayil', 'lives', 'chooses', 'man', 'forms', 'rest', 'story', 'theme', 'emotive', 'story', 'show', 'vulnerable', 'women', 'love', 'story', 'conveys', 'strong', 'themes', 'depicts', 'issue', 'faced', 'many', 'young', 'women', 'world'], [\"'charlie\", 'sheen', 'plays', 'ryan', 'turner', 'hotshot', 'broker', 'living', 'upscale', 'life', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'shallow', 'girlfriend', 'cindy', 'styne', 'one', 'morning', 'playing', 'golf', 'owner', 'one', 'biggest', 'newspaper', 'publishers', 'new', 'york', 'tells', 'ryan', 'huge', 'merger', 'company', 'simpson', 'inc.', 'large', 'drug', 'corporation', 'ryan', 'ecstatic', 'could', 'big', 'break', 'calls', 'clients', 'informs', 'huge', 'deal', 'going', 'happen', 'place', 'large', 'amounts', 'money', 'merger', 'however', 'next', 'day', 'simpson', 'reveals', 'going', 'merger', 'ryan', 'loses', 'much', 'clients\\\\', 'money', 'light', 'news', 'storms', 'simpson\\\\', 'office', 'simpson', 'tells', 'ryan', 'personally', 'screwed', 'ryan', 'sleeping', 'wife', 'ryan', 'near', 'bankrupt', 'sells', 'possessions', 'moves', 'girlfriend', 'cindy', 'devastated', 'ryan', 'tries', 'get', 'another', 'job', 'another', 'brokerage', 'license', 'revoked', 'devastated', 'loafs', 'around', 'cindy', 'tells', 'leaving', 'brazil', 'another', 'man', 'cindy', 'working', 'small', 'newspaper', 'advice', 'columnist', 'ryan', 'since', \"can\\\\'t\", 'get', 'another', 'job', 'anywhere', 'else', 'lies', 'editor', 'page', 'hensen', 'takes', 'column', 'inexperienced', 'caring', 'giving', 'solid', 'advice', 'ryan', 'poorly', 'first', 'page', 'wants', 'get', 'rid', 'cindy', 'however', 'ryan', 'makes', 'real', 'effort', 'begins', 'giving', 'good', 'advice', 'people', 'writing', 'column', 'turns', 'huge', 'hit', 'page\\\\', 'newspaper', 'begins', 'sell', 'across', 'city', 'many', 'people', 'want', 'interview', 'cindy', 'ryan', 'either', 'tells', 'give', 'interviews', 'sends', 'door', 'however', 'ryan', 'begins', 'develop', 'feelings', 'page', 'feelings', 'turn', 'mutual', 'however', 'things', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'well', 'cindy', 'comes', 'back', 'town', 'simpson', 'wants', 'cindy\\\\', 'column', 'paper', 'interested', 'buying', 'ryan', 'page', 'caught', 'bed', 'reveal', 'everything', 'cindy', 'however', 'cindy', 'blackmails', 'moves', 'simpson\\\\', 'company', 'ryan', 'uses', 'brokerage', 'skills', 'make', 'money', 'combination', 'cindy', 'simpson', 'course', 'cindy', 'ruins', 'whole', 'transaction', 'incapable', 'compassionate', 'advice', 'ryan', 'offering', 'stead', 'soon', 'simpson\\\\', 'stock', 'plummets', 'ryan', 'page', 'engaged', 'ryan', 'since', 'become', 'successful', 'columnist', 'right'], ['paul', 'minor', 'bureaucrat', 'east', 'berlin', 'lives', 'wife', 'son', 'modern', 'high-rise', 'apartment', 'building', 'well', 'educated', 'professionally', 'ambitious', 'generally', 'bored', 'life', 'relate', 'unsophisticated', 'wife', 'repeatedly', 'unfaithful', 'even', 'bringing', 'men', 'home', 'apartment', 'paul', 'away', 'paula', 'grocery', 'store', 'cashier', 'single', 'mother', 'two', 'lives', 'run-down', 'prewar', 'building', 'directly', 'across', 'paul', 'modern', 'high-rise', 'thrown', 'philandering', 'live-in', 'lover', 'seeking', 'happiness', 'tedious', 'life', 'paul', 'paula', 'meet', 'nightclub', 'instantly', 'connect', 'paula', 'falls', 'love', 'paul', 'pursues', 'passionately', 'desires', 'reluctant', 'endanger', 'career', 'marriage', 'one', 'paula', 'children', 'killed', 'accident', 'paul', 'realizes', 'paula', 'important', 'career', 'marriage', 'crushed', 'loss', 'rejects', 'seeking', 'security', 'seriously', 'contemplates', 'marriage', 'older', 'successful', 'dull', 'businessman', 'paul', 'must', 'great', 'lengths', 'win', 'paula', 'back', 'ultimately', 'succeeds', 'move', 'together', 'dies', 'giving', 'birth', 'child'], ['story', 'revolves', 'around', 'bharathi', 'worker', 'rich', 'thevar', 'zamindar', 'vijayakumar', 'comes', 'lower', 'caste', 'falls', 'love', 'rich', 'zamindar', 'daughter', 'kannamma', 'kannamma', 'feels', 'way', 'however', 'differing', 'castes', 'become', 'barrier', 'kannamma', 'marriage', 'fixed', 'wealthy', 'man', 'bharathi', \"n't\", 'courage', 'express', 'disapproval', 'start', 'relationship', 'kannamma', 'allegiance', 'zamindar', 'along', 'fear', 'caste', 'system', 'make', 'unwilling', 'stop', 'marriage', 'bharathi', 'sister', 'however', 'also', 'falls', 'love', 'rich', 'young', 'man', 'neighbouring', 'town', 'differing', 'circumstances', 'hinder', 'forming', 'relationship', 'end', 'kannamma', 'commits', 'suicides', 'bharathi', 'jumps', 'funeral', 'pyre', 'kills', 'reference', 'past', 'hindu', 'practice', 'sati'], [\"'spoiled\", 'playboy', 'bob', 'merrick\\\\', 'reckless', 'behavior', 'causes', 'lose', 'control', 'speed', 'boat', 'rescuers', 'send', 'nearest', 'resuscitator', 'located', 'dr.', 'phillips\\\\', 'house', 'across', 'lake', 'resuscitator', 'used', 'elsewhere', 'dr.', 'phillips', 'suffers', 'heart', 'attack', 'dies', 'merrick', 'ends', 'patient', 'dr.', 'phillips\\\\', 'clinic', 'doctors', 'nurses', 'resent', 'fact', 'merrick', 'inadvertently', 'caused', 'dr.', 'phillips\\\\', 'death', 'helen', 'phillips', 'dr.', 'phillips\\\\', 'young', 'widow', 'receives', 'flood', 'calls', 'letters', 'visitors', 'offering', 'pay', 'back', 'loans', 'dr.', 'phillips', 'refused', 'accept', 'life', 'many', 'claimed', 'refused', 'saying', 'already', 'used', 'edward', 'randolph', 'famous', 'artist', 'dr.', 'phillips\\\\', 'close', 'friend', 'explains', 'helen', 'phrase', 'means', 'helps', 'understand', 'husband', 'left', 'little', 'money', 'even', 'though', 'successful', 'practice', 'merrick', 'discovers', 'everyone', 'dislikes', 'runs', 'clinic', 'collapses', 'front', 'helen\\\\', 'car', 'ends', 'back', 'hospital', 'learns', 'true', 'identity', 'discharge', 'merrick', 'leaves', 'party', 'drunk', 'running', 'road', 'merrick', 'ends', 'home', 'edward', 'randolph', 'recognizes', 'randolph', 'explains', 'secret', 'belief', 'powered', 'art', 'dr.', 'phillips\\\\', 'success', 'merrick', 'decides', 'try', 'new', 'philosophy', 'first', 'attempt', 'causes', 'helen', 'step', 'path', 'car', 'trying', 'run', 'away', 'merrick\\\\', 'advances', 'blinded', 'accident', 'merrick', 'soberly', 'commits', 'becoming', 'doctor', 'trying', 'fulfill', 'dr.', 'phillips\\\\', 'legacy', 'also', 'fallen', 'love', 'helen', 'secretly', 'helps', 'adjust', 'blindness', 'guise', 'simply', 'poor', 'medical', 'student', 'robby', 'merrick', 'secretly', 'arranges', 'helen', 'travel', 'europe', 'consult', 'best', 'eye', 'surgeons', 'world', 'extensive', 'tests', 'surgeons', 'tell', 'helen', 'hope', 'recovery', 'right', 'robby', 'shows', 'hotel', 'provide', 'emotional', 'support', 'eventually', 'confesses', 'merrick', 'helen', 'already', 'guessed', 'merrick', 'asks', 'helen', 'marry', 'later', 'night', 'helen', 'realizes', 'burden', 'runs', 'away', 'disappears', 'many', 'years', 'pass', 'merrick', 'dedicated', 'successful', 'brain', 'surgeon', 'secretly', 'continues', 'philanthropic', 'acts', 'searches', 'helen', 'one', 'evening', 'randolph', 'arrives', 'news', 'helen', 'sick', 'possibly', 'dying', 'small', 'southwest', 'hospital', 'leave', 'immediately', 'clinic', 'merrick', 'arrives', 'find', 'helen', 'needs', 'complex', 'brain', 'surgery', 'save', 'life', 'capable', 'surgeon', 'clinic', 'merrick', 'performs', 'operation', 'long', 'night', 'waiting', 'results', 'helen', 'awakens', 'discovers', 'see'], [\"'christopher\", 'leslie', 'couple', 'mid', 'late', '20s', 'no-strings-attached', 'sex', 'regular', 'basis', 'another', 'get-together', 'debate', 'argue', 'meaning', 'immature', 'christopher', 'sees', 'women', 'sex', 'objects', 'leslie', 'troubled', 'christopher', 'express', 'love', 'anyone', 'freddy', 'jay', 'pair', 'college', 'guys', 'sex', 'argue', 'jay', 'refusing', 'admit', 'gay', 'freddy', 'tells', 'teenage', 'years', 'hiding', 'homosexuality', 'fear', 'shunned', 'tells', 'jay', 'even', 'honest', 'others', 'sexual', 'orientation', 'honest', 'kristy', 'sam', 'teenage', 'couple', 'sex', 'first', 'time', 'kristy\\\\', 'bedroom', 'small', 'talk', 'sam', 'hide', 'kristy\\\\', 'mother', 'janet', 'shows', 'talk', 'sex', 'kristy', 'nikki', 'kat', 'two', 'college', 'roommates', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'nikki', 'allows', 'kat', 'perform', 'oral', 'sex', 'insists', 'lesbian', 'kat', 'denying', 'admits', 'comfortable', 'hiding', 'fact', 'sexual', 'orientation', 'trudy', 'gene', 'middle-aged', 'inter-racial', 'couple', 'sex', 'nature', 'park', 'walk', 'back', 'talk', 'first', 'met', 'orgy', 'sexual', 'revolution', '1970s', 'children', 'seem', 'understand', 'active', 'sexual', 'lifestyle', 'neil', 'bob', '30-something', 'gay', 'couple', 'sex', 'neil\\\\', 'apartment', 'drive', 'bob\\\\', 'house', 'discuss', 'roles', 'relationship', 'dominate', 'one', 'since', 'different', 'backgrounds', 'careers', 'neil', 'lead', 'singer', 'punk', 'band', 'bob', 'high', 'school', 'football', 'coach', 'david', 'jordi', 'ex-couple', 'met', 'cheap', 'motel', 'sex', 'david', 'defends', 'infidelity', 'womanizing', 'person', 'jordi', 'troubled', 'woman', 'seem', 'let', 'despite', 'knowledge', 'unapologetic', 'cheating', 'marco', 'alanna', 'two', 'strangers', 'sex', 'meeting', 'nightclub', 'afterwords', 'arrive', 'marco\\\\', 'loft', 'learn', 'marco', 'soon', 'disturbed', 'dull-witted', 'alanna\\\\', 'admission', 'high-priced', 'escort', 'love', 'sex', 'strangers', 'money'], [\"'white\", 'widow', 'bea', 'pullman', 'daughter', 'jessie', 'take', 'black', 'housekeeper', 'delilah', 'johnson', 'daughter', 'light-complexioned', 'peola', 'exchanging', 'room', 'board', 'work', 'even', 'though', 'bea', 'struggling', 'make', 'ends', 'meet', 'delilah', 'peola', 'quickly', 'become', 'like', 'family', 'jessie', 'bea', 'particularly', 'enjoy', 'delilah\\\\', 'pancakes', 'made', 'special', 'family', 'recipe', 'five', 'years', 'later', 'jessie', 'peola', 'prove', 'challenging', 'children', 'raise', 'jessie', 'demanding', 'particularly', 'studious', 'relying', 'instead', 'charm', 'first', 'person', 'call', 'peola', 'black', 'hurtful', 'way', 'making', 'clear', 'childhood', 'idyll', 'doomed', 'peola', 'tell', 'classmates', 'school', 'colored', 'humiliated', 'mother', 'shows', 'one', 'day', 'revealing', 'secret', 'bea', 'finds', 'difficult', 'make', 'living', 'selling', 'pancake', 'syrup', 'using', 'wiles', 'get', 'store', 'busy', 'atlantic', 'city', 'boardwalk', 'refurbished', 'practically', 'nothing', 'opens', 'pancake', 'restaurant', 'boardwalk', 'later', 'suggestion', 'passerby', 'elmer', 'smith', 'sets', 'even', 'successful', 'pancake', 'flour', 'corporation', 'marketing', 'delilah', 'aunt', 'jemima-like', 'figure', 'gives', 'delilah', 'interest', 'business', 'delilah', 'continues', 'act', 'bea\\\\', 'housekeeper', 'result', 'bea', 'becomes', 'wealthy', 'business', 'woman', 'well', 'story', 'advances', 'ten', 'years', 'eighteen-year-old', 'jessie', 'home', 'college', 'vacation', 'falls', 'love', 'mother\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'stephen', 'archer', 'unaware', 'first', 'affections', 'meanwhile', 'peola', 'ashamed', 'african-american', 'heritage', 'attempts', 'pass', 'white', 'breaking', 'delilah\\\\', 'heart', 'peola', 'runs', 'away', 'negro', 'college', 'takes', 'job', 'cashier', 'white', 'store', 'mother', 'bea', 'track', 'humiliated', 'identified', 'black', 'ultimately', 'tells', 'mother', 'going', 'away', 'never', 'return', 'pass', 'white', 'woman', 'without', 'fear', 'delilah', 'show', 'delilah', 'literally', 'heartbroken', 'melodramatic', 'scene', 'takes', 'bed', 'dies', 'murmuring', 'peola\\\\', 'name', 'forgiving', 'black', 'servants', 'glimpsed', 'singing', 'spiritual', 'passes', 'bea', 'holding', 'hand', 'end', 'delilah\\\\', 'last', 'wish', 'large', 'grand', 'funeral', 'complete', 'marching', 'band', 'horse-drawn', 'hearse', 'processional', 'begins', 'remorseful', 'crying', 'peola', 'appears', 'begging', 'mother', 'forgive', 'peola', 'returns', 'negro', 'college', 'presumably', 'abandons', 'efforts', 'pass', 'white', 'film', 'ends', 'bea', 'breaking', 'engagement', 'stephen', 'situation', 'jessie', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'hurt', 'feelings', 'although', 'bea', 'promises', 'come', 'find', 'jessie', 'forgotten', 'movie', 'ends', 'bea', 'embracing', 'jessie', 'remembering', 'jessie\\\\', 'insistent', 'demands', 'toy', 'duck', 'back', 'toddler'], [\"'in\", '1947', 'lora', 'meredith', 'struggling', 'white', 'widow', 'aspirations', 'becoming', 'famous', 'broadway', 'actress', 'loses', 'track', 'young', 'daughter', 'susie', 'beach', 'requests', 'help', 'stranger', 'named', 'steve', 'archer', 'help', 'find', 'girl', 'susie', 'found', 'looked', 'annie', 'johnson', 'black', 'divorcee', 'daughter', 'sarah', 'jane', 'susie\\\\', 'age', 'unlike', 'mother', 'light-skinned', 'pass', 'white', 'fierce', 'zeal', 'fervor', 'return', 'kindness', 'lora', 'takes', 'annie', 'temporarily', 'despite', 'fact', 'lora', 'afford', 'nanny', 'annie', 'persuades', 'lora', 'let', 'stay', 'take', 'care', 'susie', 'lora', 'pursue', 'acting', 'career', 'struggles', 'along', 'way', 'meredith', 'becomes', 'successful', 'star', 'stage', 'comedies', 'alan', 'loomis', 'agent', 'david', 'edwards', 'chief', 'playwright', 'although', 'lora', 'begun', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'steve', 'archer', 'stranger', 'met', 'beach', 'courtship', 'falls', 'apart', 'rejects', 'ambition', 'star', 'lora\\\\', 'tight', 'focus', 'career', 'also', 'prevents', 'spending', 'time', 'daughter', 'sees', 'annie', 'mother', 'annie', 'sarah', 'jane', 'struggles', 'light-skinned', 'sarah', 'jane', 'constant', 'state', 'turmoil', 'identity', 'steadfastly', 'wants', 'pass', 'white', 'sarah', 'jane\\\\', 'anger', 'black', 'translates', 'animosity', 'towards', 'long-suffering', 'mother', 'eleven', 'years', 'later', '1958', 'lora', 'highly', 'regarded', 'broadway', 'star', 'living', 'luxurious', 'home', 'new', 'york', 'annie', 'continues', 'live', 'serving', 'nanny', 'housekeeper', 'confidant', 'best', 'friend', 'rejecting', 'david\\\\', 'latest', 'script', 'lora', 'takes', 'role', 'dramatic', 'play', 'show\\\\', 'after-party', 'meets', 'steve', 'seen', 'decade', 'two', 'slowly', 'begin', 'rekindling', 'relationship', 'steve', 'reintroduced', 'annie', 'now-teenaged', 'susie', 'sarah', 'jane', 'lora', 'signed', 'star', 'italian', 'motion', 'picture', 'leaves', 'steve', 'watch', 'susie', 'teenager', 'develops', 'unrequited', 'crush', 'mother\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'adolescence', 'stopped', 'sarah', 'jane', 'attempting', 'pass', 'white', 'begins', 'dating', 'white', 'boy', 'severely', 'beats', 'learning', 'mother', 'black', 'time', 'later', 'sarah', 'jane', 'passes', 'white', 'order', 'get', 'job', 'performing', 'seedy', 'nightclub', 'lies', 'annie', 'tells', 'working', 'library', 'annie', 'learns', 'truth', 'appears', 'claim', 'daughter', 'sarah', 'jane', 'fired', 'subsequent', 'dismissal', 'mother\\\\', 'care', 'begins', 'taking', 'physical', 'mental', 'toll', 'annie', 'lora', 'returns', 'trip', 'italy', 'find', 'sarah', 'jane', 'run', 'away', 'home', 'steve', 'hire', 'detective', 'find', 'detective', 'locates', 'sarah', 'jane', 'california', 'living', 'white', 'woman', 'assumed', 'name', 'working', 'chorus', 'girl', 'annie', 'becoming', 'weaker', 'depressed', 'day', 'flies', 'california', 'see', 'daughter', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'say', 'goodbye', 'annie', 'bedridden', 'upon', 'return', 'new', 'york', 'lora', 'susie', 'look', 'issue', 'susie\\\\', 'crush', 'steve', 'becomes', 'serious', 'issue', 'susie', 'learns', 'steve', 'lora', 'married', 'lora', 'learns', 'annie', 'susie\\\\', 'crush', 'fianc챕', 'confrontation', 'mother', 'susie', 'decides', 'away', 'school', 'denver', 'colorado', 'forget', 'steve', 'long', 'susie', 'leaves', 'however', 'gravely', 'ill', 'annie', 'passes', 'away', 'presumably', 'broken', 'heart', 'accordance', 'last', 'wishes', 'annie', 'given', 'lavish', 'funeral', 'large', 'church', 'complete', 'gospel', 'choir', 'parade-like', 'procession', 'horse-drawn', 'hearse', 'procession', 'begins', 'however', 'remorseful', 'sarah', 'jane', 'tears', 'crowd', 'mourners', 'throws', 'upon', 'mother\\\\', 'casket', 'begging', 'forgiveness', 'lora', 'takes', 'sarah', 'jane', 'limousine', 'join', 'susie', 'steve', 'procession', 'slowly', 'travels', 'city'], ['pyare', 'blind', 'mohan', 'deaf', 'meet', 'severe', 'accident', 'friends', 'seem', 'happy', 'disability', 'crave', 'love', 'girl', 'love', 'eventually', 'come', 'across', 'two', 'sisters', 'preeti', 'piya', 'men', 'fall', 'love', 'begin', 'dream', 'life', 'unfortunately', 'girls', 'opposite', 'feeling', 'see', 'friends', 'ask', 'reason', \"n't\", 'love', 'learn', 'disabilities', 'burdened', 'disabilities', 'girls', 'leave', 'bangkok', 'show', 'plane', 'nervous', 'passenger', 'called', 'tony', 'actually', 'feels', 'aircraft', 'crash', 'due', 'turbulence', 'begins', 'make', 'confession', 'priest', 'escape', 'india', 'actually', 'underworld', 'faked', 'death', 'priest', 'seated', 'next', 'preeti', 'piya', 'turbulence', 'clears', 'tony', 'feels', 'insecure', 'telling', 'priest', 'intention', 'soon', 'plane', 'fine', 'tony', 'scared', 'priest', 'may', 'reveal', 'true', 'identity', 'kills', 'priest', 'bangkok', 'airport', 'blame', 'falls', 'preeti', 'piya', 'charged', 'murder', 'imprisoned', 'bangkok', 'jail', 'pyare', 'mohan', 'hear', 'arrest', 'quickly', 'bangkok', 'save', 'soon', 'escape', 'girls', 'tony', 'men', 'well', 'police', 'daring', 'scenes', 'tony', 'becomes', 'impatient', 'brother', 'tiny', 'kills', 'hearing', 'taken', 'bangkok', 'pyare', 'mohan', 'preeti', 'piya', 'hide', 'police', 'tony', 'tony', 'finds', 'attempt', 'escape', 'heads', 'hitting', 'bottles', 'pyare', 'mohan', 'baseball', 'bat', 'tony', 'hopes', 'kill', 'girls', 'unsuccessful', 'pyare', 'mohan', 'protect', 'bottes', 'run', 'pyare', 'mohan', 'faint', 'tony', 'grabs', 'girls', 'starts', 'trying', 'hit', 'bat', 'pyare', 'becomes', 'conscience', 'uses', 'watch', 'awaken', 'find', 'mohan', 'two', 'find', 'tony', 'start', 'beating', 'strike', 'last', 'blow', 'bullet', 'shot', 'police', 'arrived', 'tiny', 'still', 'alive', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'time', 'told', 'police', 'everything', 'brother', 'plans', 'tony', 'arrested', 'healing', 'pyare', 'mohan', 'airport', 'return', 'home', 'india', 'run', 'preeti', 'piya', 'tell', 'love', 'want', 'marry'], [\"'ben\", 'jordan', 'wife', 'katie', 'married', 'fifteen', 'years', 'two', 'children', 'erin', 'josh', 'nice', 'home', 'comfortable', 'life', 'happy', 'marriage', 'however', 'turns', 'sham', 'performance', 'deliver', 'daily', 'benefit', 'children', 'behind', 'scenes', 'stand', 'anymore', 'sending', 'kids', 'summer', 'camp', 'ben', 'katie', 'commence', 'trial', 'separation', 'try', 'remember', 'caused', 'fall', 'love', 'first', 'place'], [\"'dan\", 'burns', 'newspaper', 'advice', 'columnist', 'widower', 'controlling', 'father', 'children', 'jane', 'cara', 'lilly', 'new', 'jersey', 'suburbs', 'column', 'contention', 'syndicated', 'nationally', 'family', 'takes', 'trip', 'rhode', 'island', 'home', 'parents', 'visit', 'family', '봧ncluding', 'new', 'york', 'city-based', 'brother', 'mitch', 'personal', 'trainer', '봣or', 'annual', 'family', 'get', 'together', 'cara', 'want', 'want', 'leave', 'boyfriend', 'marty', 'claims', 'fallen', 'love', 'three', 'days', 'dan', 'insists', 'possible', 'fall', 'love', 'three', 'days', 'makes', 'morning', 'arrival', 'dan\\\\', 'mother', 'encourages', 'town', 'bit', 'give', 'daughters', 'space', 'dan', 'visits', 'bookstore', 'customer', 'named', 'marie', 'mistakes', 'employee', 'dan', 'marie', 'obvious', 'connection', 'continue', 'talk', 'breakfast', 'marie', 'agrees', 'meet', 'dan', 'leaving', 'tells', 'dan', 'boyfriend', 'dan', 'returns', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'happily', 'announces', 'met', 'someone', 'new', 'find', 'marie', 'boyfriend', 'dan\\\\', 'brother', 'mitch', 'dan', 'marie', 'spend', 'majority', 'time', 'trying', 'deny', 'attraction', 'dan', 'even', 'agrees', 'date', 'ruthie', 'draper', 'childhood', 'friend', 'dan', 'mitch\\\\', 'comes', 'visit', 'surgeon', 'cara\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'shows', 'despite', 'long', 'journey', 'sent', 'home', 'dan', 'cara', 'chases', 'car', 'cries', 'calls', 'murderer', 'love', 'dan', 'marty', 'sight', 'family', 'talent', 'show', 'dan', 'plays', 'guitar', 'mitch', 'sings', 'pete', 'townshend\\\\', 'let', 'love', 'open', 'door', 'mitch', 'forgets', 'words', 'dan', 'steps', 'serenading', 'marie', 'front', 'brother', 'marie', 'unable', 'continue', 'deny', 'feelings', 'dan', 'breaks', 'mitch', 'makes', 'distraught', 'leaving', 'town', 'calls', 'dan', 'meet', 'bowling', 'alley', 'spending', 'time', 'bowling', 'marie', 'dan', 'end', 'kissing', 'point', 'dan\\\\', 'family', 'shows', 'bowling', 'alley', 'surprised', 'infuriated', 'dan', 'betrayal', 'mitch', 'punches', 'dan', 'face', 'marie', 'runs', 'short', 'time', 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'arenas', 'film', 'arenas', 'openly', 'gay', 'born', 'oriente', '1943', 'raised', 'single', 'mother', 'parents', 'soon', 'move', 'entire', 'family', 'holgu챠n', 'moving', 'havana', 'sixties', 'continue', 'studies', 'reinaldo', 'begins', 'explore', 'ambitions', 'well', 'sexuality', 'receiving', 'honorary', 'mention', 'writing', 'contest', 'arenas', 'offered', 'chance', 'publish', 'first', 'work', 'work', 'friendships', 'openly', 'gay', 'men', 'arenas', 'manages', 'find', 'political', 'climate', 'cuba', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'dangerous', 'early', 'seventies', 'arenas', 'arrested', 'allegedly', 'sexually', 'assaulting', 'minors', 'publishing', 'abroad', 'without', 'official', 'consent', 'next', 'decade', 'arenas', 'prison', 'attempting', 'failing', 'leave', 'country', 'several', 'times', '1980', 'arenas', 'finally', 'leaves', 'cuba', 'starting', 'new', 'life', 'close', 'friend', 'lover', 'lazaro', 'gomez', 'carriles', 'years', 'later', 'arenas', 'diagnosed', 'aids', 'spending', 'several', 'years', 'suffering', 'dies', '1990', 'help', 'lazaro'], [\"'f챕lix\", 'young', 'gay', 'man', 'arab', 'descent', 'living', 'dieppe', 'currently', 'unemployed', 'hiv', 'positive', 'cleaning', 'apartment', 'recent', 'deceased', 'mother', 'discovers', 'father', 'never', 'knew', 'living', 'marseilles', 'f챕lix', 'decides', 'hitchhike', 'south', 'meet', 'promising', 'see', 'lover', 'daniel', 'five', 'days', 'later', 'carrying', 'small', 'bag', 'hiv', 'medication', 'rainbow', 'kite', 'f챕lix', 'takes', 'road', 'witnesses', 'racist', 'attack', 'beaten', 'one', 'assailants', 'unable', 'however', 'bring', 'report', 'police', 'later', 'f챕lix', 'encounters', 'series', 'people', 'form', 'alternative', 'family', 'young', 'gay', 'man', 'studying', 'art', 'f챕lix', 'teaches', 'draw', 'lone', 'old', 'widow', 'shelters', 'house', 'handsome', 'railroad', 'worker', 'brief', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'mother', 'three', 'children', 'three', 'different', 'fathers', 'kind', 'middle', 'aged', 'fisherman', 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'shulamith', 'ends', 'nearly', 'coming', 'blows', 'protester', 'fight', 'caught', 'local', 'news', 'crew', 'group\\\\', 'message', 'misconstrued', 'violent', 'homophobic', 'meat', 'also', 'reveals', 'website', 'considered', 'center', 'activism', 'received', 'hits', 'anyone', 'besides', 'attempts', 'meeting', 'courtney\\\\', 'home', 'personal', 'conflicts', 'come', 'head', 'anna', 'believes', 'sadie', 'going', 'leave', 'courtney', 'sadie', 'remains', 'dependent', 'partner', 'meat', 'shulamith', 'announce', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'giving', 'group', 'sadie', 'stays', 'behind', 'courtney', 'aggie', 'comforts', 'anna', 'heartbroken', 'sadie\\\\', 'rejection', 'loss', 'end', 'partying', 'together', 'one-night', 'stand', 'morning', 'aggie', 'prepared', 'breakfast', 'procured', 'flower', 'anna', 'considers', 'friend', 'sadie', 'arrives', 'talk', 'happened', 'night', 'anna', 'tries', 'explain', 'night', 'aggie', 'meant', 'nothing', 'overhears', 'deeply', 'hurt', 'sadie', 'leaves', 'anna', 'finds', 'truly', 'alone', 'attempt', 'fix', 'things', 'anna', 'formulates', 'master', 'plan', 'get', 'national', 'attention', 'meat', 'shulamith', 'like', 'idea', 'insist', 'must', 'make', 'things', 'right', 'aggie', 'anna', 'apologizes', 'aggie', 'forgives', 'four', 'carry', 'plan', 'without', 'sadie', 'anna', 'attends', 'sister\\\\', 'wedding', 'bringing', 'joy', 'family', 'leaves', 'early', 'execute', 'part', 'plan', 'sneaking', 'studio', 'popular', 'talk', 'show', 'aggie', 'meat', 'courtney', 'appearing', 'show', 'argue', 'appropriateness', 'celebration', 'anniversary', 'construction', 'washington', 'monument', 'feels', 'distraction', 'real', 'issues', 'host', 'requests', 'live', 'shot', 'monument', 'feeds', 'footage', 'expert', 'help', 'one', 'shulamith\\\\', 'lovers', 'calvin', 'meat\\\\', 'prowess', 'sculpture', 'giant', 'phallus', 'erected', 'atop', 'washington', 'monument', 'blown', 'explosives', 'back', 'studio', 'anna', 'pulls', 'fire', 'alarm', 'group', 'escapes', 'getaway', 'car', 'waiting', 'anna', 'surprised', 'see', 'sadie', 'finally', 'broken', 'courtney', 'sadie', 'apologizes', 'behavior', 'two', 'agree', 'friends', 'kiss', 'text', 'epilogue', 'revealed', 'shulamith', 'calvin', 'volunteered', 'take', 'fall', 'explosion', 'received', 'reduced', 'sentence', 'one', 'hurt', 'aggie', 'started', 'hormone', 'therapy', 'started', 'new', 'feminist', 'group', 'men', 'got', 'girlfriend', 'meat\\\\', 'sculpture', 'appearing', 'launched', 'art', 'career', 'courtney', 'took', 'talk', 'show', 'host', 'marcy', 'dinner', 'fleeing', 'building', 'together', 'marcy', 'subsequently', 'left', 'husband', 'move', 'courtney', 'anna', 'sadie', 'remain', 'together', 'anna', 'attends', 'college', 'created', 'group', 'focused', 'positive', 'body', 'image', 'called', 'itty', 'bitty', 'titty', 'committee'], ['sarah', 'michelle', 'gellar', 'stars', 'brett', 'eisenberg', 'ambitious', 'yet', 'unconfident', 'young', 'new', 'york', 'assistant', 'book', 'editor', 'living', 'literary', 'hotbed', 'manhattan', 'upper', 'east', 'side', 'struggling', 'become', 'full-fledged', 'editor', 'task', 'made', 'harder', 'mentor', 'boss', 'fired', 'replaced', 'faye', 'falkner', 'brett', 'meets', 'notorious', 'much', 'older', 'publishing', 'playboy', 'archie', 'knox', 'spending', 'time', 'realises', 'unhappy', 'immature', 'boyfriend', 'jed', 'breaks', 'relationship', 'order', 'pursue', 'one', 'archie', 'archie', 'revealed', 'several', 'issues', 'alcoholic', 'although', 'almost', 'three', 'years', 'sober', 'suffering', 'diabetes', 'estranged', 'daughter', 'age-gap', 'brett', 'made', 'clear', 'different', 'lifestyles', 'lack', 'understanding', 'use', 'blackberry', 'brett', 'taking', 'candy', 'shop', 'although', 'affect', 'relationship', 'beginning', 'brett', 'appreciates', 'advice', 'confidence', 'gives', 'stand', 'boss', 'soon', 'begins', 'resent', 'patronizing', 'attitude', 'eventually', 'begins', 'drinking', 'sleeps', 'another', 'woman', 'order', 'break', 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'time', 'happy', 'grow', 'end', 'film', 'finds', 'brett', 'finally', 'confident', 'finally', 'wears', 'pair', 'leather', 'pants', 'previously', 'scared', 'wear', 'editing', 'work', 'decisive', 'way', 'using', 'pen', 'instead', 'pencil', 'seen', 'throughout', 'film'], ['story', 'examines', 'adult', 'lives', 'two', 'onetime', 'teen', 'lovers', 'ken', 'sylvia', 'different', 'social', 'strata', 'ken', 'self-supporting', 'working', 'lifeguard', 'pine', 'island', 'exclusive', 'maine', 'resort', 'sylvia', 'nouveau', 'riche', 'family', 'stayed', 'guests', 'owners', 'one', 'summer', 'years', 'college', 'went', 'marry', 'different', 'people', 'ndash', 'transpires', 'entirely', 'wrong', 'people', 'ken', 'wife', 'helen', 'turns', 'frigid', 'shuts', 'romantically', 'sylvia', 'husband', 'bart', 'becomes', 'alcoholic', 'gradually', 'costing', 'family', 'fortune', 'ken', 'buries', 'research', 'chemist', 'job', 'finds', 'college', 'sylvia', 'devotes', 'first', 'charity', 'work', 'motherhood', 'saving', 'grace', 'marriage', 'children', 'sylvia', 'son', 'johnny', 'ken', 'daughter', 'molly', 'ken', 'sylvia', 'meet', 'pine', 'island', 'twenty', 'years', 'ken', 'wealthy', 'chemistry', 'work', 'bart', 'turned', 'family', 'mansion', 'inn', 'failing', 'johnny', 'molly', 'meet', 'fall', 'love', 'ken', 'sylvia', 'begin', 'cheat', 'spouses', 'ken', 'sylvia', 'eventually', 'leave', 'spouses', 'marry', 'bart', 'ends', 'taken', 'sanatorium', 'treatment', 'alcoholism', 'johnny', 'molly', 'visit', 'requesting', 'permission', 'marry', 'molly', 'pregnant'], [\"'set\", 'new', 'york', 'city', '1949', 'story', 'follows', 'holocaust', 'survivor', 'herman', 'broder', 'throughout', 'war', 'survived', 'hidden', 'hayloft', 'taken', 'care', 'gentile', 'polish', 'servant', 'yadwiga', 'later', 'takes', 'wife', 'america', 'meanwhile', 'passionate', 'affair', 'another', 'holocaust', 'survivor', 'masha', 'yadwiga', 'poses', 'traveling', 'book-salesman', 'despite', 'fact', 'ghost', 'writer', 'corrupt', 'rabbi', 'wanders', 'new', 'york', 'constant', 'paranoia', 'perpetual', 'desperation', 'made', 'complicated', 'first', 'wife', 'poland', 'tamara', 'thought', 'killed', 'holocaust', 'along', 'two', 'children', 'comes', 'new', 'york'], ['princess', 'daisy', 'tells', 'story', 'young', 'girl', 'sent', 'england', 'live', 'father', 'prince', 'valenski', 'mother', 'death', 'car', 'crash', 'unfortunately', 'daisy', 'immediately', 'separated', 'twin', 'sister', 'dani', 'retarded', 'child', 'accepted', 'father', 'daisy', 'turns', 'father', 'dies', 'plane', 'accident', 'girl', 'forced', 'take', 'care', 'life', 'especially', 'half-brother', 'starts', 'seeing', 'sister'], ['set', 'auckland', 'new', 'zealand', 'film', 'centres', 'around', 'four', 'samoan', 'boys', 'ladies', 'man', 'michael', 'party', 'boy', 'sefa', 'good', 'boy', 'albert', 'weird', 'stanley', 'although', 'mid', '20s', 'early', '30s', 'reputation', 'behaving', 'immaturely', 'special', 'occasions', 'family', 'weddings', 'four', 'particular', 'incidents', 'local', 'minister', 'samoan', 'church', 'rules', 'four', 'banned', 'wedding', 'michael', 'brother', 'sione', 'hard', 'news', 'boys', 'especially', 'since', 'michael', 'supposed', 'best', 'man', 'however', 'albert', 'comes', 'solution', 'bring', 'date', 'wedding', 'proposes', 'minister', 'girl', 'wedding', 'would', 'force', 'men', 'best', 'behaviour', 'minister', 'allows', 'requires', 'boys', 'must', 'serious', 'relationship', 'dates', 'eugene', 'forcibly', 'block', 'boys', 'think', 'easy', 'plan', 'soon', 'realise', 'finding', 'girlfriend', \"n't\", 'easy', 'looks', 'especially', 'since', 'wedding', 'one', 'month', 'away'], ['yolanda', 'cabaret', 'singer', 'brings', 'heroin', 'lover', 'drops', 'dead', 'taking', 'singer', 'knows', 'trouble', 'desperate', 'escape', 'police', 'recalls', 'visit', 'nuns', 'local', 'convent', 'claimed', 'admirers', 'mother', 'superior', 'fan', 'yolanda', 'promised', 'provide', 'help', 'required', 'yolanda', 'arrives', 'convent', 'mother', 'superior', 'rapturously', 'greets', 'mission', 'order', 'called', 'humbled', 'redeemers', 'offer', 'shelter', 'redemption', 'fallen', 'women', 'bustling', 'prostitutes', 'drug', 'addicts', 'murderers', 'days', 'long', 'gone', 'yolanda', 'guest', 'convent', 'therefore', 'arrival', 'interpreted', 'divine', 'blessing', 'critical', 'moment', 'convent', 'disrepair', 'order', 'facing', 'serious', 'financial', 'hardships', 'prime', 'financial', 'supporter', 'vain', 'greedy', 'marquise', 'decided', 'discontinue', 'convent', 'annuity', 'pretense', 'economizing', 'feels', 'less', 'affinity', 'sisters', 'recently', 'deceased', 'husband', 'set', 'fund', 'gratitude', 'convent', 'taken', 'wayward', 'daughter', 'virginia', 'subsequently', 'became', 'nun', 'ran', 'africa', 'eaten', 'cannibals', 'religious', 'order', 'humiliated', 'redeemers', 'headless', 'since', 'mother', 'general', 'dying', 'lost', 'midst', 'huge', 'deserted', 'crumbling', 'convent', 'live', 'six', 'religious', 'members', 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'general', 'highest', 'authority', 'order', 'announces', 'dissolution', 'convent', 'sister', 'damned', 'decides', 'return', 'native', 'village', 'leaves', 'tiger', 'sister', 'snake', 'priest', 'love', 'want', 'start', 'family', 'tiger', 'son', 'sister', 'rat', 'yolanda', 'live', 'marquise', 'sister', 'manure', 'left', 'console', 'mother', 'superior', 'terrible', 'heartbreak', 'yolanda', 'desertion', 'caused'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'narrated', 'protagonist', 'puck', 'begins', 'monologue', 'describing', 'basic', 'reasoning', 'underlying', 'philosophy', 'well', 'movie\\\\', 'general', 'interpretation', 'anarchism', 'walks', 'commune', 'lives', 'events', 'daily', 'life', 'presented', 'members', 'commune', 'include', 'johnny', 'red', \"\\\\'60s\", 'radical', 'constantly', 'refers', 'sweden', 'ideal', 'society', 'gin', 'red\\\\', 'hippie', 'girlfriend', 'karla', 'bisexual', 'issues', 'misandry', 'sweeny', 'promiscuous', 'worked', 'local', 'record', 'store', 'double', 'unintelligent', 'good', 'hearted', 'commune', 'member', 'puck\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'trolls', 'ragtag', 'group', 'crunchy', 'types', 'lived', 'tents', 'backyard', 'house', 'home', 'schooled', 'dozen', 'children', 'commune', 'referred', 'sam', 'funded', 'collective', 'anarchist', 'bookstore', 'members', 'take', 'turns', 'operating', 'front', 'desk', 'throughout', 'movie', 'group', 'referred', 'family', 'way', 'life', 'described', 'peaceful', 'happy', 'day', 'johnny', 'black', 'mysterious', 'militant', 'nihilist', 'forceful', 'personality', 'appears', 'johnny', 'black', 'shares', 'much', 'rebellious', 'philosophy', 'family', 'shows', 'however', 'disrespects', 'sees', 'narrow', 'minded', 'shortsighted', 'protest', 'tactics', 'johnny', 'red', 'espouses', 'however', 'politically', 'weak', 'within', 'framework', 'family', 'black', 'challenge', 'red\\\\', 'authority', 'time', 'frustrated', 'unhappy', 'social', 'life', 'lack', 'direction', 'puck', 'seeks', 'girlfriend', 'eventually', 'meets', 'young', 'woman', 'night', 'club', 'jody', 'learns', 'young', 'republican', 'college', 'student', 'however', 'new', 'observations', 'jody\\\\', 'political', 'beliefs', 'academic', 'success', 'causes', 'greater', 'internal', 'conflict', 'personal', 'embarrassment', 'puck', 'decides', 'temporarily', 'leave', 'family', 'ventures', 'find', 'new', 'job', 'home', 'still', 'unhappy', 'directionless', 'puck', 'opts', 'return', 'family', 'time', 'transpired', 'puck\\\\', 'absence', 'black\\\\', 'influence', 'family', 'steadily', 'grown', 'encouraging', 'group', 'forge', 'alliances', 'like-minded', 'organizations', 'time', 'black', 'undergoes', 'militant', 'shift', 'personality', 'meeting', 'planned', 'protest', 'demonstration', 'petrochemical', 'plant', 'black', 'denounces', 'peaceful', 'non-violent', 'approach', 'attendants', 'support', 'presents', 'two', 'tools', 'used', 'attack', 'plant', 'semtex', 'anarchist', 'cookbook', 'johnny', 'red', 'describes', 'book', 'relic', 'past', '...', 'taught', 'make', 'bombs', 'make', 'drugs', '...', 'meant', 'something', 'also', 'accurately', 'mentions', 'author', 'william', 'powell', 'disavowed', 'book', 'continues', 'commenting', 'book\\\\', 'problem', 'problem', 'kind', 'people', 'look', 'answers', 'days', 'afterward', 'johnny', 'black', 'discovers', 'red\\\\', 'private', 'journal', 'admits', 'sexually', 'attracted', 'young', 'boys', 'places', 'open', 'gin', 'discover', 'reading', 'passage', 'red', 'admits', 'pedophilia', 'dumps', 'following', 'red\\\\', 'personality', 'becomes', 'anxious', 'submissive', 'black', 'one', 'day', 'carrying', 'science', 'kits', 'puck', 'double', 'sweeney', 'approached', 'police', 'officer', 'randomly', 'stops', 'requests', 'inspect', 'contents', 'complying', 'receive', 'ride', 'officer', 'sam', 'explaining', 'run', 'house', 'fact', 'orphanage', 'kits', 'intended', 'officer', 'decides', 'visit', 'building', 'enters', 'discover', 'karla', 'midst', 'using', 'cocaine', 'johnny', 'black', 'entire', 'group', 'except', 'johnny', 'red', 'promptly', 'arrested', 'brought', 'trial', 'presiding', 'judge', 'ironically', 'spurned', 'former', 'lover', 'karla', 'flop', 'house', 'sam', 'shut', 'city', 'johnny', 'black', 'receives', 'time', 'medium', 'security', 'prison', 'possibility', 'parole', 'four', 'months', 'sweeney', 'double', 'receive', '250', 'hours', 'community', 'service', 'karla', 'aside', 'insulted', 'judge', 'made', 'receive', 'mandatory', 'psychiatric', 'evaluation', 'puck', 'placed', 'house', 'arrest', '180', 'days', 'forced', 'move', 'parent\\\\', 'home', 'city', 'plano', 'texas', 'puck', 'chafes', 'suburban', 'life', 'comes', 'accept', 'jody\\\\', 'encouragement', 'johnny', 'black', 'paroled', 'four', 'months', 'black', 'appears', 'puck\\\\', 'apartment', 'easily', 'convinces', 'puck', 'remove', 'ankle', 'bracelet', 'tracks', 'rejoin', 'family', 'puck', 'soon', 'discovers', 'karla', 'sweeney', 'double', 'suffering', 'drug', 'addiction', 'relocated', 'new', 'squat', 'name', 'son', 'sam', 'next', 'stage', 'johnny', 'black\\\\', 'strategy', 'movement', 'creation', 'coalition', 'organizations', 'agree', 'facet', 'goals', 'however', 'include', 'extremist', 'conservative', 'groups', 'neo-nazis', 'militia', 'men', 'black', 'offers', 'anarchist', 'cookbook', 'instructional', 'booklet', 'groups', 'pledge', 'offer', 'various', 'arms', 'explosives', 'plans', 'joint', 'mission', 'attack', 'local', 'university', 'puck', 'attempts', 'leave', 'organization', 'constant', 'surveillance', 'commits', 'remaining', 'group', 'watch', 'double', 'feels', 'responsible', 'situation', 'eventually', 'ends', 'tragedy', 'double', 'overdoses', 'diazepam', 'puck', 'finally', 'resolves', 'escape', 'group', 'prevent', 'mission', 'convinces', 'sober', 'sweeney', 'johnny', 'red', 'help', 'together', 'devise', 'plan', 'intoxicate', 'extremist', 'group', 'members', 'pancakes', 'laced', 'drugs', 'double', 'overdosed', 'entire', 'organization', 'unconscious', 'surviving', 'members', 'family', 'split', 'alone', 'puck', 'decides', 'group', 'awakens', 'he\\\\', 'immediate', 'danger', 'decides', 'report', 'organization', 'cooperate', 'fully', 'fbi', 'receives', 'reward', '200,000', 'immediately', 'afterward', 'puck', 'considers', 'options', 'realizing', 'money', 'time', 'commit', 'future', 'decides', 'take', 'jody\\\\', 'advice', 'return', 'college', 'alone', 'begins', 'hitchhike', 'california', 'join', 'jody', 'interns', 'ronald', 'reagan', 'presidential', 'library', 'receiving', 'ride', 'truck', 'driver', 'puck', 'asked', 'name', 'internal', 'thinking', 'decides', 'accept', 'legal', 'name', 'chosen', 'name', 'together', 'peter', 'puck', 'final', 'monologue', 'puck', 'meditates', 'new', 'perspective', 'life', 'personal', 'philosophy', 'renounces', 'concept', 'freedom', 'without', 'responsibility', 'contrasts', 'idealistic', 'opening-sequence', 'monologue'], ['natalie', 'academically-focused', 'student', 'intent', 'going', 'duke', 'university', 'tennis', 'scholarship', 'natalie', 'several', 'classmates', 'frequents', 'outdoors', 'party', 'place', 'called', 'brick', 'bonds', 'rafael', 'new', 'transfer', 'student', 'meanwhile', 'chemistry', 'natalie', 'paired', 'keith', 'carefree', 'boy', 'rebellious', 'view', 'life', 'natalie', 'asks', 'keith', 'help', 'lab', 'report', 'drives', 'school', 'trespass', 'office', 'building', 'bringing', 'easygoing', 'lifestyle', 'even', 'though', 'rafael', 'becomes', 'natalie', 'boyfriend', 'keith', 'persistently', 'asks', 'natalie', 'though', 'insisting', 'friends', 'gradually', 'keith', 'natalie', 'come', 'closer', 'natalie', 'goes', \"'non-dates\", 'keith', 'continued', 'interaction', 'keith', 'starts', 'make', 'rafael', 'jealous', 'one', 'night', 'keith', 'natalie', 'argument', 'boy', 'named', 'billy', 'turn', 'relationship', 'billy', 'made', 'clear', 'keith', 'kindness', 'towards', 'billy', 'causes', 'natalie', 'think', 'keith', 'softy', 'driving', 'natalie', 'tells', 'keith', 'turn', 'dirt', 'road', 'cliff', 'overlooking', 'brick', 'happens', 'keith', 'favorite', 'spot', 'talk', 'eventually', 'share', 'kiss', 'next', 'day', 'natalie', 'keith', 'cliff', 'discuss', 'future', 'dreams', 'lying', 'talking', 'back', 'truck', 'natalie', 'notices', 'truck', 'moving', 'panics', 'gets', 'screaming', 'keith', 'jump', 'safety', 'keith', 'however', 'remains', 'lying', 'relaxed', 'rambling', 'rolling', 'keith', 'swiftly', 'moves', 'driver', 'seat', 'hits', 'brakes', 'natalie', 'furious', 'keith', 'asks', 'wanted', 'kill', 'natalie', 'gets', 'home', 'still', 'wearing', 'keith', 'jacket', 'finds', 'antidepressants', 'pocket', 'worried', 'natalie', 'wants', 'speak', 'keith', 'medication', 'come', 'school', 'natalie', 'fails', 'get', 'address', 'school', 'office', 'remembers', 'keith', 'saying', 'lived', 'old', 'white', 'house', 'big', 'porch', 'decides', 'visit', 'arrives', 'realizes', 'keith', 'lied', 'residence', 'two', 'weeks', 'later', 'keith', 'appears', 'natalie', 'irritated', 'lies', 'decides', 'find', 'real', 'address', 'breaking', 'locker', 'suspended', 'school', 'result', 'natalie', 'visits', 'house', 'keith', 'refuses', 'see', 'natalie', 'hides', 'back', 'yellow', 'truck', 'later', 'night', 'keith', 'comes', 'house', 'drives', 'clifftop', 'natalie', 'expresses', 'love', 'end', 'making', 'love', 'back', 'keith', 'truck', 'natalie', 'finally', 'loses', 'virginity', 'keith', 'keith', 'drives', 'natalie', 'home', 'natalie', 'excited', 'begin', 'relationship', 'keith', 'says', 'forget', 'happened', 'leaving', 'natalie', 'heartbroken', 'natalie', 'tennis', 'rankings', 'drop', 'verge', 'losing', 'scholarship', 'also', 'dumps', 'rafael', 'road', 'natalie', 'sees', 'revealed', 'keith', 'counselor', 'natalie', 'informed', 'billy', 'died', 'cancer', 'billy', 'keith', 'received', 'chemotherapy', 'treatment', 'together', 'natalie', 'finally', 'realizes', 'keith', 'dying', 'cancer', 'one', 'night', 'keith', 'appears', 'house', 'natalie', 'leads', 'keith', 'airport', 'follow', 'dreams', 'keith', 'finally', 'expresses', 'true', 'feelings', 'natalie', 'natalie', 'tells', 'keith', 'wants', 'despite', 'future', 'holds', 'kiss', 'embrace', 'film', 'cuts', 'natalie', 'graduates', 'keith', 'presumably', 'died', 'natalie', 'adopted', 'many', 'keith', 'old', 'habits', 'become', 'grease', 'monkey', 'drives', 'keith', 'truck', 'afterwards', 'natalie', 'drives', 'keith', 'truck', 'london', 'ontario', 'attend', 'annual', 'truck', 'festival', 'keith', 'dream'], [\"'ben\", 'quick', 'hitches', 'ride', 'frenchman\\\\', 'bend', 'mississippi', 'two', 'young', 'women', 'convertible', 'clara', 'varner', 'sister-in-law', 'eula', 'clara\\\\', 'father', 'varner', 'domineering', 'owner', 'town', 'sees', 'brash', 'newcomer', 'younger', 'version', 'ruthless', 'ambitious', 'qualities', 'will\\\\', 'opinion', 'lacking', 'son', 'jody', 'also', 'disappointed', 'choice', 'daughter', 'clara', 'schoolteacher', 'clara\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'alan', 'stewart', 'genteel', 'southern', 'blue', 'blood', 'mama\\\\', 'boy', 'kind', 'son-in-law', 'wants', 'schemes', 'push', 'daughter', 'ben', 'together', 'try', 'bring', 'fresh', 'virile', 'blood', 'family', 'unimpressed', 'crude', 'magnetic', 'upstart', 'ben', 'first', 'attracted', 'wealth', 'offers', 'eventually', 'comes', 'see', 'something', 'clara', 'beyond', 'meanwhile', 'minnie', 'littlejohn', 'widower', 'will\\\\', 'longtime', 'mistress', 'dissatisfied', 'situation', 'wants', 'married', 'strained', 'relationships', 'come', 'boil', 'long', 'hot', 'summer', 'jody', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'alarmed', 'sees', 'position', 'family', 'undermined', 'hires', 'ben', 'clerk', 'general', 'store', 'invites', 'live', 'family', 'mansion', 'jody', 'finds', 'ben', 'alone', 'pulls', 'gun', 'tells', 'body', 'found', 'downstream', 'ben', 'talks', 'way', 'telling', 'jody', 'buried', 'civil', 'war-era', 'treasure', 'found', 'property', 'gave', 'payment', 'seal', 'bargain', 'clara', 'two', 'men', 'find', 'bag', 'coins', 'jody', 'elated', 'thinking', 'might', 'finally', 'get', 'father\\\\', 'thumb', 'buys', 'land', 'ben', 'late', 'night', 'finds', 'son', 'still', 'digging', 'examining', 'one', 'coins', 'notices', 'minted', '1910.', 'jody', 'crushed', 'later', 'finding', 'father', 'alone', 'barn', 'jody', 'bolts', 'entrance', 'sets', 'barn', 'fire', 'lets', 'incident', 'brings', 'reconciliation', 'meanwhile', 'fire', 'causes', 'trouble', 'ben', 'people', 'learned', 'barn-burning', 'father', 'townspeople', 'assume', 'culprit', 'start', 'toward', 'rope', 'lynching', 'clara', 'drives', 'rescues', 'later', 'claims', 'responsibility', 'accidentally', 'starting', 'fire', 'smell', 'fire', 'brings', 'back', 'bad', 'memories', 'ben', 'tells', 'clara', 'age', 'ten', 'sound', 'warning', 'father', 'set', 'another', 'fire', 'thankful', 'saved', 'life', 'volunteers', 'leave', 'town', 'good', 'clara', 'plans', 'much', 'father\\\\', 'delight'], ['naseeruddin', 'shah', 'hero', 'hiralal', 'hyderabadi', 'auto-driver', 'meets', 'upcoming', 'bollywood', 'starlet', 'roopa', 'becomes', 'tour', 'guide', 'soon', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'work', 'takes', 'roopa', 'back', 'bombay', 'hero', 'pining', 'lover', 'follows', 'encounter', 'family', 'members', 'clearly', 'disapprove', 'roopa', 'family', 'tells', 'reject', 'hero', 'love', 'move', 'career', 'buckling', 'family', 'pressure', 'roopa', 'compelled', 'give', 'love', 'causes', 'hero', 'fall', 'depression', 'attempt', 'suicide', 'saved', 'time', 'rani', 'sitara', 'devi', 'show', 'lady', 'arranges', 'die', 'like', 'great', 'lover', 'supposedly', 'greatest', 'show', 'earth', 'directed', 'fortunately', 'hero', 'saved', 'nick', 'time', 'roopa', 'arrives', 'rush', 'last', 'minute', 'confess', 'love'], ['eddie', 'hopper', 'construction', 'contractor', 'long', 'island', 'new', 'york', 'two', 'grown', 'daughters', 'one', 'betsy', 'married', 'money', 'tight', 'hopper', 'household', 'eddie', 'much', 'distress', 'wife', 'lola', 'decides', 'important', 'throw', 'lavish', 'wedding', 'impress', 'well-off', 'family', 'man', 'betsy', 'marry', 'everyone', 'family', 'throwing', 'advice', 'eddie', 'way', 'even', 'ghost', 'father', 'new', 'house', 'eddie', 'building', 'adding', 'financial', 'emotional', 'woes', 'desperation', 'turns', 'crooked', 'brother-in-law', 'oscar', 'ends', 'getting', 'eddie', 'involved', 'loan', 'sharks', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'stevie', 'dee', 'sent', 'keep', 'eye', 'eddie', 'instead', 'turns', 'gaze', 'connie', 'hopper', 'police', 'officer', 'daughter', 'father', 'bride'], ['unrest', 'upper', 'class', 'marshwood', 'house', 'nigel', 'earl', 'marshwood', 'engaged', 'film', 'actress', 'miranda', 'frayle', 'however', 'disapprovals', 'run', 'riot', 'due', 'fact', 'nigel', 'would', 'marrying', 'class', 'nigel', 'brings', 'miranda', 'home', 'marshwood', 'estate', 'meet', 'family', 'lady', 'marshwood', 'maid', 'moxie', 'reveals', 'miranda', 'sister', 'devise', 'charade', 'moxie', 'may', 'meet', 'sister', 'equal', 'however', 'miranda', 'lies', 'past', 'moxie', 'finds', 'harder', 'harder', 'hide', 'identity', 'meanwhile', 'miranda', 'ex-boyfriend', 'fellow', 'film', 'star', 'lucas', 'arrives', 'wanting', 'miranda', 'back'], [\"'the\", 'protagonist', 'gustav', 'von', 'aschenbach', 'travels', 'venice', 'health', 'reasons', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'stunning', 'beauty', 'adolescent', 'polish', 'boy', 'named', 'tadzio', 'staying', 'family', 'grand', 'h척tel', 'des', 'bains', 'lido', 'aschenbach', 'character', 'aschenbach', 'novella', 'author', 'visconti', 'changed', 'profession', 'composer', 'playing', 'role', 'aschenbach\\\\', 'music', 'film', 'music', 'gustav', 'mahler', 'particular', 'moving', 'adagietto', 'fifth', 'symphony', 'opens', 'closes', 'film', 'sections', 'third', 'symphony', 'apart', 'change', 'film', 'relatively', 'faithful', 'book', 'added', 'scenes', 'aschenbach', 'musician', 'friend', 'debate', 'degraded', 'aesthetics', 'music', 'direct', 'parallels', 'life', 'works', 'mahler', 'especially', 'aschenbach', 'played', 'extract', 'work', 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'find', 'ensues', 'one', 'must', 'watch', 'film', 'suffice', 'say', 'enough', 'happens', 'movie', 'seem', 'like', 'long', 'television', 'play', 'short', 'serial', 'developments', 'take', 'place', 'totally', 'unnecessary', 'one', 'left', 'wondering', 'incorporated', 'begin', 'except', 'perhaps', 'give', 'required', 'footage', 'film', 'instance', 'sole', 'reason', 'anchal', 'presence', 'seems', 'excuse', 'choreograph', 'two', 'glamorous', 'songs', 'twin', 'sister', 'since', 'could', \"n't\", 'possibly', 'depicted', 'widow', 'presence', 'villain', 'grenwich', 'also', 'appears', 'superfluous', 'arrives', 'disappears', 'without', 'making', 'difference', 'plot', 'fact', 'simply', 'much', 'happening', 'one', 'aspect', 'detracts', 'film', 'concepts', 'introduced', 'largely', 'unacceptable', 'nisha', 'could', 'well', 'played', 'role', \"'the\", 'woman', 'without', 'resort', 'drinking', 'smoking', 'sleeping', 'hero', 'matter', 'kidnapping', 'brief', 'may', 'lasted', 'similarly', 'justifiable', 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'anything', 'particularly', 'spectacular', 'whole', 'one', 'feels', 'basic', 'fault', 'fahim', 'burney', 'direction', 'lies', 'treatment', 'film', 'bold', 'television', 'play', 'otherwise', 'film', 'packaged', 'well', 'one', 'time', 'ashal', 'nisha', 'shown', 'speaking', 'stage', 'without', 'mikes', 'quite', 'meticulous', 'details', 'logical', 'sequencing', 'events', 'maybe', \"'ll\", 'wiser', 'next', 'time', 'round'], ['film', 'story', 'begins', 'bleak', 'working', 'class', 'milieu', 'stockholm', 'harry', 'monika', 'dead', 'end', 'jobs', 'meet', 'harry', 'easygoing', 'monika', 'adventurous', 'fall', 'love', 'monika', 'gets', 'trouble', 'home', 'harry', 'steals', 'father', 'boat', 'monika', 'spend', 'idyllic', 'summer', 'stockholm', 'archipelago', 'end', 'summer', 'forces', 'return', 'home', 'clear', 'monika', 'pregnant', 'harry', 'happily', 'accepts', 'responsibility', 'settles', 'monika', 'child', 'gets', 'real', 'job', 'studies', 'provide', 'family', 'monika', 'however', 'unsatisfied', 'role', 'homemaker', 'yearns', 'excitement', 'adventure', 'desire', 'finally', 'leads', 'astray', 'harry', 'left', 'behind', 'child'], ['movie', 'affair', 'stuntman', 'student', 'pursues', 'courses', 'arts', 'sculpture', 'case', 'persons', 'two', 'different', 'thoughts', 'two', 'extremes', 'coming', 'together', 'risk', 'bhaskar', 'stuntman', 'films', 'comes', 'across', 'cinthya', 'sandhya', 'college', 'student', 'couple', 'meetings', 'help', 'get', 'acquainted', 'baskar', 'comes', 'know', 'difficulties', 'stuntmen', 'face', 'everyday', 'work', 'life', 'daily', 'risk', 'understands', 'cinthya', 'care', 'affection', 'makes', 'baskar', 'develop', 'love', 'towards', 'however', 'coming', 'know', 'interested', 'reciprocating', 'love', 'wants', 'leave', 'life', 'missing', 'company', 'cinthya', 'calls', 'urges', 'continue', 'friendship', 'wanting', 'miss', 'company', 'cinthya', 'promises', 'marry', 'baskar', 'case', 'develops', 'love', 'towards', 'future', 'would', 'part', 'friends', 'sometime', 'baskar', 'happy-go-lucky', 'youngster', 'tries', 'means', 'impress', 'cinthya', 'however', 'malar', 'cinthya', 'mother', 'coming', 'know', 'relationship', 'opposes', 'meanwhile', 'loses', 'husband', 'jayachandran', 'fire', 'rescue', 'personnel', 'dousing', 'major', 'blaze', 'immediately', 'decides', 'get', 'daughter', 'married', 'even', 'arranges', 'wedding', 'rest', 'interesting', 'turn', 'events', 'answer', 'question', 'whether', 'baskar', 'cinthya', 'reunite'], [\"'set\", 'july', '1912', 'traveling', 'salesman', 'professor', 'harold', 'hill', 'robert', 'preston', 'arrives', 'fictional', 'location', 'river', 'city', 'iowa', 'intrigued', 'challenge', 'swindling', 'famously', 'stubborn', 'natives', 'iowa', 'masquerading', 'traveling', 'band', 'instructor', 'professor', 'hill', 'plans', 'con', 'citizens', 'river', 'city', 'paying', 'create', 'boys\\\\', 'marching', 'band', 'including', 'instruments', 'uniforms', 'music', 'instruction', 'collected', 'money', 'instruments', 'uniforms', 'arrived', 'hop', 'next', 'train', 'town', 'leaving', 'without', 'money', 'band', 'help', 'associate', 'marcellus', 'washburn', 'living', 'river', 'city', 'one', 'knows', 'hill\\\\', 'real', 'name', 'gregory', 'professor', 'hill', 'incites', 'mass', 'concern', 'among', 'parents', 'river', 'city', 'young', 'boys', 'seduced', 'world', 'sin', 'vice', 'new', 'pool', 'table', 'town', 'convinces', 'boys\\\\', 'marching', 'band', 'way', 'keep', 'boys', 'town', 'pure', 'trouble', 'begins', 'collecting', 'money', 'hill', 'anticipates', 'marian', 'town\\\\', 'librarian', 'piano', 'instructor', 'attempt', 'discredit', 'sets', 'seduce', 'silence', 'also', 'opposition', 'hill', 'town\\\\', 'mayor', 'shinn', 'owner', 'billiard', 'parlor', 'new', 'pool', 'table', 'installed', 'orders', 'school', 'board', 'portrayed', 'barbershop', 'quartet', 'buffalo', 'bills', 'obtain', 'hill\\\\', 'credentials', 'attempt', 'hill', 'avoids', 'questions', 'teaching', 'sing', 'barbershop', 'quartet', 'via', 'sustained', 'talking', 'thereafter', 'easily', 'tricked', 'hill', 'breaking', 'song', 'whenever', 'ask', 'credentials', 'meanwhile', 'hill', 'attempts', 'win', 'heart', 'marian', 'librarian', 'extreme', 'distrust', 'men', 'charms', 'little', 'effect', 'upon', 'marian', 'despite', 'winning', 'admiration', 'mother', 'attempts', 'draw', 'unhappy', 'younger', 'brother', 'winthrop', 'marian', 'discovers', 'indiana', 'journal', 'education', 'hill\\\\', 'claim', 'gary', 'conservatory', 'gold', 'medal', 'class', \"\\\\'05\", 'lie', 'attempts', 'present', 'evidence', 'mayor', 'shinn', 'expose', 'hill', 'fraud', 'momentarily', 'interrupted', 'arrival', 'wells', 'fargo', 'wagon', 'winthrop', 'years', 'moody', 'withdrawal', 'joins', 'townspeople', 'speaks', 'effusively', 'marian', 'due', 'excitement', 'receiving', 'cornet', 'marian', 'begins', 'fall', 'love', 'hill', 'subsequently', 'hides', 'evidence', 'uncovered', 'mayor', 'shinn', 'hill', 'tells', 'boys', 'learn', 'play', 'via', 'think', 'system', 'simply', 'think', 'tune', 'know', 'play', 'without', 'ever', 'touching', 'instruments', 'meanwhile', 'marian', 'falling', 'love', 'harold', 'counterpart', 'buffalo', 'bills', 'sing', 'lida', 'rose/will', 'ever', 'tell', 'hill\\\\', 'con', 'nearly', 'complete', 'collect', 'rest', 'instrument', 'uniform', 'money', 'disappear', 'meeting', 'marian', 'footbridge', 'first', 'time', 'ever', 'man', 'learns', 'knew', 'deception', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'tell', 'love', 'leave', 'town', 'charlie', 'cowell', 'disgruntled', 'anvil', 'salesman', 'run', 'brighton', 'illinois', 'hill', 'conned', 'townspeople', 'comes', 'river', 'city', 'exposes', 'hill', 'plans', 'sought', 'angry', 'mob', 'pressed', 'leave', 'town', 'marcellus', 'marian', 'hill', 'realizes', 'love', 'marian', \"can\\\\'t\", 'leave', 'river', 'city', 'till', 'captured', 'mob', 'brought', 'town', 'meeting', 'tarred', 'feathered', 'marian', 'defends', 'hill', 'townspeople', 'reminded', 'brought', 'many', 'together', 'presence', 'elect', 'tarred', 'feathered', 'mayor', 'shinn', 'response', 'reminds', 'townspeople', 'standing', 'like', 'cote', 'shropshire', 'sheep', 'much', 'money', 'hill', 'taken', 'instruments', 'uniforms', 'technical', 'instruction', 'books', 'promise', 'creating', 'boys\\\\', 'band', 'loudly', 'demands', 'know', 'where\\\\', 'band', 'hill', 'saved', 'town\\\\', 'boys', 'learned', 'play', 'bach\\\\', 'minuet', 'instruments', 'although', 'technical', 'expertise', 'leaves', 'much', 'desired', 'boys\\\\', 'parents', 'enthralled', 'hill', 'remains', 'river', 'city', 'marian', 'conduct', 'full', 'time', 'boys\\\\', 'band', 'eventually', 'becomes', 'properly', 'trained', 'equipped', 'better', 'quality', 'instruments', 'uniforms'], ['ajith', 'red', 'orphan', 'since', 'grown', 'local', 'madurai', 'naturally', 'possesses', 'heart', 'gold', 'bashing', 'bad', 'guys', 'spends', 'time', 'forcing', 'schools', 'accept', 'students', 'without', 'donations', 'taking', 'care', 'orphans', 'cheeni', 'biggest', 'enemy', 'red', 'falls', 'gayatri', 'daughter', 'friend', 'confidante', 'narayanan', 'helps', 'without', 'knowledge', 'likes', 'wants', 'give', 'life', 'violence', 'meanwhile', 'reporter', 'ananda', 'vikatan', 'begins', 'serialise', 'red', 'story', 'name', 'aadi', 'becomes', 'quite', 'rage', 'among', 'readers'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'revolves', 'around', 'chinna', 'village', 'youth', 'receives', 'sympathy', 'hunchback', 'lauded', 'selfless', 'service', 'others', 'covers', 'handicap', 'humor', 'unmindful', 'looks', 'chinna', 'goes', 'around', 'looking', 'suitable', 'bride', 'help', 'friend', 'brushing', 'aside', 'many', 'insult', 'hurled', 'carries', 'contrast', 'karthik', 'violent', 'college', 'student', 'loves', 'classmate', 'priya', 'meets', 'chinna', 'assures', 'would', 'get', 'married', 'man', 'dreams', 'however', 'killed', 'fracas', 'involving', 'gangster', 'meanwhile', 'hunchback', 'surya', 'comes', 'across', 'orphaned', 'poor', 'blind', 'girl', 'shenbagam', 'wins', 'heart', 'helping', 'thanks', 'efforts', 'gains', 'vision', 'results', 'tussle', 'chinna', 'karthik', 'shenbagam', 'belongs', 'however', 'fearing', 'looks', 'hunchback', 'chinna', 'decides', 'give', 'way', 'fate', 'things', 'store', '...'], ['main', 'character', 'sethu', 'vikram', 'rough', 'macho', 'college', 'student', 'also', 'chairman', 'college', 'uses', 'violence', 'way', 'deal', 'people', 'lives', 'brother', 'judge', 'sister-in-law', 'person', 'seems', 'understand', 'properly', 'sethu', 'staple', 'diet', 'yes-sir', 'friends', 'surrounding', 'comes', 'across', 'timid', 'girl', 'abitha', 'daughter', 'poor', 'temple', 'priest', 'starts', 'woo', 'wonderfully', 'constructed', 'sequence', 'events', 'leads', 'rescue', 'elder', 'sister', 'accidentally', 'enters', 'brothel', 'girl', 'falls', 'love', 'sethu', 'becomes', 'victim', 'brothel-goons', 'ends', 'mental', 'institution', 'brain', 'damage', 'sethu', 'memory', 'past', 'unusual', 'behaviour', 'starts', 'recollect', 'memories', 'one', 'point', 'completely', 'back', 'normal', 'self', 'attempt', 'escape', 'climbs', 'gates', 'unfortuntely', 'fails', 'ends', 'serious', 'injuries', 'whilst', 'sleeping', 'injury', 'abitha', 'makes', 'surprise', 'visit', 'however', 'sethu', 'asleep', 'leaves', 'woeful', 'memory', 'leave', 'institution', 'wakes', 'realises', 'come', 'see', 'calls', 'leaves', 'unable', 'hear', 'persistent', 'meet', 'makes', 'another', 'attempt', 'leave', 'institution', 'time', 'successful', 'arrives', 'house', 'presented', 'love', 'unfortuately', 'dead', 'realises', 'killed', 'distraught', 'saw', 'walks', 'point', 'met', 'mental', 'institution', 'wardens', 'came', 'chasing', 'ending', 'shows', 'leaving', 'nothing', 'live', 'true', 'love', 'death'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'begins', 'three', 'children', 'horse', 'young', 'versions', 'dudley', 'do-right', 'nell', 'fenwick', 'snidely', 'whiplash', 'horse', 'three', 'talk', 'aspirations', 'dudley', 'believes', 'destined', 'royal', 'canadian', 'mountie', 'nell', 'wishes', 'see', 'world', 'snidely', 'however', 'wishes', 'bad', 'guy', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'three', 'fulfilled', 'supposed', 'destinies', 'dudley', 'mountie', 'snidely', 'become', 'infamous', 'bank', 'robber', 'snidely', 'gang', 'rob', 'bank', 'money', 'gold', 'snidely', 'tricks', 'entire', 'gang', 'believing', 'fled', 'bulk', 'cash', 'sudan', 'going', 'wild', 'goose', 'chase', 'snidely', 'subsequently', 'salts', 'stolen', 'gold', 'spreads', 'lakes', 'dudley', 'catches', 'act', 'snidely', 'fools', 'thinking', 'vampire', 'hunting', 'uses', 'similar', 'tactic', 'scare', 'horse', 'long', 'nell', 'returns', 'world', 'tour', 'reunites', 'dudley', 'two', 'attend', 'festival', 'nearby', 'kumquat', 'tribe', 'meanwhile', 'prospector', 'kim', 'darling', 'poorest', 'man', 'semi-happy', 'valley', 'stumbles', 'across', 'gold', 'river', 'made', 'media', 'sensation', 'snidely', 'subsequent', 'gold', 'rush', 'boosts', 'snidely\\\\', 'popularity', 'quickly', 'takes', 'control', 'town', 'renaming', 'whiplash', 'city', 'eventually', 'snidely\\\\', 'men', 'return', 'sudan', 'kill', 'deceit', 'snidely', 'convinces', 'otherwise', 'offering', 'lives', 'luxury', 'new', 'town', 'dudley', 'becomes', 'convinced', 'snidely', 'something', 'confronts', 'snidely', 'laughs', 'snatches', 'nell', 'snidely', 'sends', 'second', 'command', 'homer', 'assassinate', 'dudley', 'bomb', 'dudley', 'absent', 'bomb', 'goes', 'nell\\\\', 'father', 'inspector', 'fenwick', 'discovers', 'discharges', 'dudley', 'mounties', 'dudley', 'falls', 'depression', 'wanders', 'across', 'town', 'runs', 'drunken', 'darling', 'offers', 'shelter', 'underground', 'cave', 'woods', 'darling', 'tells', 'dudley', 'snidely\\\\', 'plans', 'newfound', 'popularity', 'takes', 'see', 'gala', 'ball', 'snidely\\\\', 'honor', 'dudley', 'comically', 'attempts', 'take', 'nell', 'back', 'snidely', 'loses', 'pathetically', 'darling', 'decides', 'put', 'dudley', 'training', 'make', 'formidable', 'opponent', 'basically', 'involved', 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'reappears', 'helps', 'dudley', 'sabotage', 'snidely\\\\', 'tanks', 'making', 'snidely', 'homer', 'accidentally', 'shoot', 'cavalry', 'mounties', 'appears', 'arrests', 'snidely', 'men', 'darling', 'also', 'arrives', 'wife', 'reunited', 'dudley', 'revealing', 'called', 'cavalry', 'inspector', 'fenwick', 'reinstates', 'dudley', 'mounties', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'dudley', 'nell', 'living', 'together', 'dudley\\\\', 'rebuilt', 'house', 'share', 'kiss', 'film', 'closes'], [\"'10-year-old\", 'gabe', 'meets', '11-year-old', 'rosemary', 'telesco', 'girl', 'he\\\\', 'known', 'since', 'kindergarten', 'partnered', 'sparring', 'karate', 'class', 'suddenly', 'notices', 'girl', 'another', 'face', 'gabe\\\\', 'elation', 'begin', 'spending', 'time', 'together', 'completely', 'enamored', 'life', 'discovers', 'rosemary', 'soon', 'leaving', 'camp', 'six', 'weeks', \"won\\\\'t\", 'back', 'summer\\\\', 'end', 'lives', 'loving', 'upper-class', 'parents', 'edge', 'central', 'park', 'rosemary\\\\', 'parents', 'take', 'gabe', 'hear', 'jazz', 'pianist', 'carlyle', 'young', 'twosome', 'finally', 'hold', 'hands', 'show', 'rosemary\\\\', 'parents', 'tell', 'say', 'goodnight', 'parents', 'get', 'milk', 'parents', 'leave', 'rosemary', 'starts', 'talking', 'gabe', 'interrupts', 'kissing', 'telescos\\\\', 'life', 'contrast', 'gabe\\\\', 'lives', 'soon-to-be-divorcing', 'parents', 'declared', 'awkward', 'truce', 'waiting', 'divorce', 'finalized', 'relationship', 'progresses', 'gabe', 'begins', 'question', 'happening', 'falling', 'love', 'rosemary', 'things', 'seem', 'going', 'perfectly', 'gabe\\\\', 'world', 'suddenly', 'turned', 'upside', 'remaining', 'time', 'running', 'gabe', 'tries', 'move', 'closer', 'rosemary', 'drives', 'away', 'desperate', 'move', 'win', 'rosemary', 'back', 'gabe', 'tests', 'yellow', 'belt', 'fractures', 'hand', 'painful', 'attempt', 'break', 'board', 'crushed', 'love', 'really', 'learns', 'father', 'parents\\\\', 'marriage', 'fell', 'apart', 'things', 'left', 'unsaid', 'realizing', 'time', 'gabe', 'goes', 'find', 'rosemary', 'interrupts', 'wedding', 'reception', 'attending', 'declares', 'love', 'taken', 'aback', 'rosemary', 'replies', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'think', 'mature', 'enough', 'ready', 'love', 'really', 'happy', 'see', 'gabe', 'asks', 'dance', 'gabe', 'agrees', 'dance', 'gabe', 'muses', 'rosemary', 'different', 'paths', 'like', 'two', 'ships', 'passed', 'sheep', 'meadow', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'parents', 'laughing', 'honeymoon', 'experiences', 'gabe', 'pleased', 'surprised', 'father', 'says', 'cleared', 'old', 'stuff', 'parents', 'appear', 'reconciled', 'happily', 'dinner', 'movie', 'ends', 'gabe', 'narrating', 'summarizes', 'rosemary', 'meant', '...', 'never', 'gon', 'get', 'another', 'first', 'love', 'one', 'always', 'gon'], ['film', 'spanning', 'years', 'centers', 'two', 'chinese', 'mainlanders', 'migrate', 'hong', 'kong', 'make', 'living', 'end', 'falling', 'love', 'leon', 'lai', 'plays', 'naive', 'northerner', 'xiao-jun', 'maggie', 'cheung', 'plays', 'opportunist/entrepreneur', 'cantonese', 'speaking', 'guangzhou', 'qiao', 'takes', 'advantage', 'mainlanders', 'like', 'financial', 'gains', 'loneliness', 'living', 'big', 'city', 'inevitably', 'brings', 'two', 'passionate', 'love', 'affair', 'different', 'ambitions', 'mean', 'unable', 'together', 'eventually', 'xiao-jun', 'marries', 'fiance', 'hong', 'kong', 'qiao', 'winds', 'relationship', 'mob', 'boss', 'named', 'pao', 'qiao', 'also', 'becomes', 'successful', 'entrepreneur', 'achieving', 'hong', 'kong', 'dream', 'despite', 'seemingly', 'separate', 'lives', 'however', 'still', 'love', 'one', 'final', 'tryst', 'room', 'used', 'share', 'burdened', 'guilt', 'love', 'qiao', 'xiao-jun', 'confesses', 'wife', 'faithful', 'leaves', 'hong', 'kong', 'becomes', 'cook', 'united', 'states', 'pao', 'chased', 'hong', 'kong', 'police', 'escapes', 'qiao', 'illegal', 'immigrants', 'almost', 'years', 'xiao-jun', 'qiao', 'meet', 'lonely', 'immigrants', 'already', 'freed', 'burden', 'lovers', 'xiao-jun', 'wife', 'left', 'behind', 'hong', 'kong', 'pao', 'killed', 'robbery', 'film', 'ends', 'xiao-jun', 'qiao', 'recognizing', 'front', 'shop', 'display', 'playing', 'teresa', 'teng', 'video', 'news', 'singer', 'death', 'thailand', 'broke', 'filmed', 'hong', 'kong', 'new', 'york', 'city'], [\"'set\", 'china', '1980s', '1990s', 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'ming', 'young', 'orphan', 'tangshan', 'earthquake', 'leaves', 'study', 'home', 'renowned', 'botanist', 'secretive', 'man', 'commanding', 'father', 'lives', 'island', 'transformed', 'luxurious', 'garden', 'anxious', 'share', 'solitary', 'life', 'daughter', 'welcomes', 'joy', 'arrival', 'female', 'student', 'soon', 'friendship', 'develops', 'sensual', 'forbidden', 'attraction', 'incapable', 'separating', 'ming', 'create', 'dangerous', 'arrangement', 'able', 'continue', 'spending', 'lives', 'together', 'ming', 'marries', 'an\\\\', 'brother', 'pla', 'soldier', 'bring', 'wife', 'however', 'ming\\\\', 'relationship', 'discovered', 'botanist', 'gets', 'heart', 'attack', 'finds', 'dies', 'tells', 'police', 'daughter', 'daughter-in-law\\\\', 'homosexuality', 'disease', 'killed', 'thus', 'ming', 'sentenced', 'death', 'court', 'executed'], ['nandha', 'movie', 'young', 'man', 'juvenile', 'jail', 'coming', 'back', 'society', 'family', 'left', 'many', 'years', 'ago', 'battle', 'love', 'life', 'misfit', 'tries', 'fight', 'fit', 'usual', 'social', 'circus', 'fight', 'earn', 'mother', 'love', 'fight', 'live', 'second', 'chance', 'given', 'surya', 'plays', 'key', 'role', 'sent', 'rehabilitation', 'center', 'murdering', 'father', 'boy', 'returns', 'home', 'mother', 'deaf', 'mute', 'sister', 'still', 'state', 'shock', 'happened', 'family', 'decides', 'get', 'new', 'life', 'trying', 'give', 'college', 'education', 'record', 'ex-convict', 'finds', 'difficult', 'get', 'seat', 'college', 'meets', 'raj', 'kiran', 'disciplinarian', 'college', 'principal', 'runs', 'college', 'iron', 'hand', 'raj', 'kiran', 'develops', 'soft', 'corner', 'surya', 'guides', 'like', 'son', 'laila', 'tamil', 'exile', 'srilanka', 'meets', 'surya', 'fall', 'love', 'seeing', 'laila', 'without', 'smile', 'make-up', 'quite', 'different', 'sometimes', 'depressing', 'meanwhile', 'villain', 'saravanan', 'asks', 'raj', 'kiran', 'also', 'helps', 'sri', 'lankan', 'students', 'college', 'lot', 'aid', 'anti-social', 'element', 'raj', 'kiran', 'refuses', 'outright', 'raj', 'kiran', 'son-in-law', 'agrees', 'help', 'saravanan', 'meanwhile', 'raj', 'kiran', 'falls', 'sick', 'gets', 'admitted', 'hospital', 'surya', 'stays', 'around', 'look', 'raj', 'kiran', 'mentor', 'guide', 'fearing', 'done', 'might', 'light', 'son-in-law', 'pulls', 'oxygen', 'tube', 'raj', 'kiran', 'hospital', 'surya', 'around', 'blames', 'surya', 'murdering', 'father-in-law', 'surya', 'deal', 'pain', 'losing', 'man', 'gave', 'second', 'chance', 'live', 'also', 'struggles', 'fray', 'convicted', 'murder', 'chooses', 'kill', 'raj', 'kiran', 'son-in-law', 'court', 'campus', 'case', 'dismissed', 'due', 'lack', 'evidence', 'finally', 'acquitted', 'eyewitnesses', 'murder', 'acquitted', 'raj', 'kiran', 'son-in-law', 'murder', 'returns', 'home', 'paranoid', 'mother', 'still', 'believes', 'son', 'still', 'murder', 'instincts', 'waits', 'home', 'feed', 'meal', 'poisoned', 'finds', 'food', 'poisoned', 'eats', 'continues', 'satisfaction', 'fed', 'mother', 'dies', 'mother', 'lap', 'sister', 'laila', 'come', 'see', 'happened', 'realise', 'mother', 'son', 'dead'], ['fico', 'fellove', 'owner', 'tropico', 'swank', 'nightclub', 'late', '1950s', 'havana', 'fico', 'lives', 'family', 'music', 'harsh', 'realities', 'dictator', 'batista', 'regime', 'threaten', 'destroy', 'brother', 'ricardo', 'becomes', 'communist', 'brother', 'luis', 'joins', 'democratic', 'opposition', 'father', 'federico', 'well-respected', 'university', 'professor', 'believes', 'batista', 'replaced', 'constitutional', 'means', 'ricardo', 'arrested', 'anti-regime', 'activities', 'threatened', 'execution', 'fico', 'calls', 'upon', 'old', 'prep', 'school', 'friend', 'police', 'captain', 'help', 'due', 'intercession', 'captain', 'castel', 'ricardo', 'released', 'jail', 'although', 'fico', 'suggests', 'ricardo', 'miami', 'new', 'york', 'ricardo', 'refuses', 'instead', 'joins', 'communist', 'rebel', 'band', 'headed', 'che', 'guevara', 'addition', 'political', 'intrigue', 'fico', 'also', 'approached', 'meyer', 'lansky', 'high-ranking', 'member', 'new', 'york', 'genovese', 'crime', 'family', 'wishes', 'open', 'gambling', 'room', 'tropico', 'fico', 'however', 'intends', 'club', 'remain', 'place', 'music', 'turns', 'offer', 'bomb', 'later', 'explodes', 'club', 'killing', 'club', 'star', 'entertainer', 'fico', 'assumes', 'lansky', 'behind', 'however', 'increasingly', 'unsettled', 'climate', 'certain', 'luis', 'meanwhile', 'becomes', 'connected', 'plot', 'seize', 'presidential', 'palace', 'kill', 'batista', 'restore', 'democracy', 'cuba', 'plot', 'fails', 'attackers', 'killed', 'luis', 'escapes', 'killed', 'later', 'batista', 'secret', 'police', 'urging', 'mother', 'fico', 'tries', 'cheer', 'luis', 'distraught', 'widow', 'aurora', 'fico', 'aurora', 'begin', 'relationship', 'fall', 'love', 'events', 'intervene', 'communists', 'seize', 'power', 'batista', 'flees', 'country', 'fidel', 'castro', 'declares', 'elections', 'che', 'guevara', 'oversees', 'arrests', 'summary', 'execution', 'thought', 'supported', 'batista', 'regime', 'among', 'arrested', 'captain', 'castel', 'fico', 'seeks', 'brother', 'ricardo', 'high-ranking', 'officer', 'new', 'regime', 'help', 'despite', 'castel', 'saved', 'life', 'ricardo', 'nothing', 'prevent', 'castel', 'execution', 'ricardo', 'otherwise', 'distanced', 'family', 'later', 'visits', 'uncle', 'donoso', 'tobacco', 'farmer', 'cigar', 'maker', 'donoso', 'feels', 'castro', 'may', 'power', '쐔he', 'land', 'endures', 'says', 'farm', 'would', 'one', 'day', 'pass', 'ricardo', 'ricardo', 'however', 'announces', 'reason', 'visit', 'appropriate', 'farm', 'state', 'fit', 'anger', 'donoso', 'heart', 'attack', 'dies', 'ricardo', 'overcome', 'grief', 'attends', 'funeral', 'shortly', 'commits', 'suicide', 'revolution', 'also', 'effects', 'fico', 'club', 'musician', 'union', 'controlled', 'castro', 'declared', 'saxophone', 'imperialist', 'instrument', 'forbids', 'use', 'club', 'eventually', 'shut', 'flimsy', 'pretext', 'chance', 'meeting', 'castro', 'aurora', 'declared', 'revolutionary', 'widow', 'year', 'begins', 'work', 'state', 'causes', 'fico', 'aurora', 'break', 'apart', 'seeing', 'family', 'torn', 'apart', 'decimated', 'revolution', 'fico', 'parents', 'beg', 'leave', 'cuba', 'build', 'new', 'family', 'reluctantly', 'fico', 'prepares', 'leave', 'procuring', 'exit', 'visas', 'aurora', 'last', 'chance', 'convince', 'leave', 'fico', 'barges', 'reception', 'revolutionary', 'leaders', 'soviet', 'bloc', 'ambassadors', 'aurora', 'refuses', 'last', 'toast', 'free', 'democratic', 'cuba', 'fico', 'leaves', 'reception', 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'finds', 'missed', 'promotion', 'opportunity', 'work', 'bad', 'tempered', 'disapproving', 'boss', 'strothers', 'catches', 'wife', 'couple', 'days', 'christmas', 'affair', 'strothers', 'increasingly', 'bad', 'mood', 'raymond', 'attends', 'last', 'day', 'work', 'christmas', 'offers', 'lock', 'bank', 'christmas', 'party', 'struck', 'rashness', 'desire', 'live', 'fantasy', 'dance', 'samba', 'famous', 'samba', 'dancer', 'raymond', 'grabs', 'several', 'bin', 'bags', 'full', 'cash', 'departs', 'airport', 'realising', 'left', 'passport', 'home', 'directs', 'taxi', 'home', 'collecting', 'passport', 'roughly', 'counts', 'money', 'placing', 'suitable', 'bag', 'departing', 'airport', 'pays', 'first', 'class', 'ticket', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'expecting', 'great', 'christmas', 'forget', 'troubles', 'back', 'home', 'touching', 'rio', 'calls', 'cab', 'take', 'nice', 'hotel', 'cab', 'driver', 'paulo', 'takes', 'fairly', 'run', 'hotel', 'raymond', 'insists', 'needs', 'much', 'nicer', 'hotel', 'beach', 'paulo', 'insists', 'raymond', 'would', 'able', 'afford', 'hotel', 'suddenly', 'changes', 'heart', 'raymond', 'shows', 'large', 'wad', 'cash', 'paulo', 'immediately', 'befriends', 'raymond', 'eyes', 'greedily', 'cash', 'owes', 'biggest', 'mafia', 'leader', 'rio', 'money', 'insists', 'prepared', 'take', 'raymond', 'wherever', 'needs', 'whatever', 'needs', 'done', 'done', 'therefore', 'paulo', 'takes', 'raymond', 'nicest', 'hotel', 'rio', 'raymond', 'trips', 'commotion', 'door', 'hotel', 'dropping', 'bag', 'spreading', 'cash', 'floor', 'hastily', 'shuffles', 'away', 'hotel', 'clerks', 'immediately', 'show', 'presidential', 'suite', 'hotel', 'welcomes', 'hotel', 'day', 'shopping', 'generous', 'spending', 'raymond', 'reveals', 'paulo', 'originally', 'come', 'rio', 'look', 'famous', 'samba', 'dancer', 'orlinda', 'paulo', 'calls', 'middle', 'night', 'tell', 'raymond', 'found', 'orlinda', 'dropping', 'raymond', 'samba', 'club', 'orlinda', 'performing', 'samba', 'dance', 'paulo', 'sneaks', 'back', 'hotel', 'steal', 'raymond\\\\', 'money', 'safe', 'caught', 'guard', 'thrown', 'hotel', 'meanwhile', 'raymond', 'confesses', 'orlinda', 'mesmerised', 'dancing', 'learnt', 'moves', 'videos', 'dance', 'together', 'show', 'ends', 'paulo', 'insists', 'driving', 'back', 'hotel', 'paulo', 'secretly', 'tells', 'orlinda', 'safe', 'suddenly', 'doubles', 'interest', 'raymond', 'follows', 'back', 'hotel', 'raymond', 'shows', 'suite', 'stays', 'talk', 'samba', 'passionate', 'night', 'raymond', 'wakes', 'next', 'morning', 'good', 'mood', 'orders', 'breakfast', 'two', 'notices', 'safe', 'wide', 'open', 'completely', 'cleared', 'contents', 'raymond', 'escapes', 'hotel', 'reprimand', 'bill', 'escapes', 'paulo', 'try', 'find', 'orlinda', 'believing', 'kidnapped', 'along', 'money', 'realising', 'christmas', 'eve', 'paulo', 'realises', 'orlinda', 'would', 'midnight', 'mass', 'takes', 'raymond', 'raymond', 'meets', 'orlinda', 'confesses', 'stealing', 'money', 'telling', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'appears', 'owes', 'money', 'mafia', 'leader', 'bichero', 'well', 'upon', 'leaving', 'mass', 'raymond', 'sees', 'bichero', 'handing', 'cash', 'bag', 'looks', 'familiar', 'raymond', 'rushes', 'car', 'try', 'get', 'money', 'back', 'realising', 'he\\\\', 'tries', 'run', 'away', 'avail', 'bichero', 'brings', 'hideout', 'interrogates', 'raymond', 'finally', 'giving', 'command', 'one', 'henchmen', 'execute', 'raymond', 'raymond', 'struggles', 'lets', 'slip', 'counts', 'money', 'job', 'bichero', 'orders', 'raymond', 'locked', 'safe', 'count', 'masses', 'money', 'locked', 'christmas', 'day', 'orlinda', 'visits', 'raymond', 'give', 'christmas', 'present', 'raymond', 'still', 'angry', 'fact', 'ended', 'situation', 'tells', 'wished', 'money', 'small', 'portion', 'owned', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'matter', 'took', 'tells', 'raymond', 'he\\\\', 'common', 'crook', 'leaving', 'safe', 'ordered', 'tells', 'raymond', 'give', 'hope', 'raymond', 'collects', 'large', 'portion', 'money', 'claims', 'orlinda', 'meets', 'paulo', 'takes', 'taxi', 'ties', 'rope', 'pull', 'away', 'bars', 'raymond\\\\', 'prison', 'dragging', 'away', 'bars', 'raymond', 'manages', 'escape', 'several', 'bags', 'money', 'bichero', 'realises', 'he\\\\', 'escaped', 'sets', 'henchman', 'reaching', 'bottom', 'air', 'vent', 'henchman', 'grabs', 'raymond', 'causing', 'knock', 'controls', 'far', 'switching', 'money', 'safe', 'spread', 'city', 'henchman', 'releases', 'raymond', 'pursue', 'money', 'rest', 'city', 'also', 'goes', 'money', 'flying', 'everywhere', 'leaving', 'bichero', 'nothing', 'raymond', 'decides', 'return', 'money', 'bank', 'still', 'enough', 'time', 'get', 'back', 'england', 'return', 'money', 'vaults', 'without', 'anybody', 'noticing', 'gone', 'quickly', 'buys', 'ticket', 'back', 'london', 'hires', 'taxi', 'driver', 'rush', 'back', 'bank', 'however', 'arrives', 'police', 'building', 'rush', 'explain', 'police', 'inspector', 'discovers', 'christmas', 'period', 'somebody', 'tunnelled', 'vault', 'swiped', 'remainder', 'money', 'confused', 'relieved', 'raymond', 'leaves', 'bank', 'intends', 'return', 'rio', 'catching', 'taxi', 'couple', 'leave', 'recognises', 'wife', 'strothers', 'evidently', 'returned', 'holiday', 'tenerife', 'tells', 'wife', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'leave', 'address', 'he\\\\', 'living', 'rio', 'send', 'divorce', 'papers', 'resigns', 'job', 'goes', 'back', 'rio', 'next', 'see', 'living', 'orlinda', 'paulo', 'years', 'later', 'two', 'babies', 'bichero', 'servant'], ['kailash', 'pati', 'widower', 'lives', 'retired', 'life', 'spending', 'time', 'complaining', 'ways', 'new', 'generation', 'save', 'son', 'getting', 'spoiled', 'decides', 'get', 'married', 'endeavour', 'meets', 'westernized', 'girls', 'disappointed', 'decides', 'would', 'get', 'son', 'married', 'girl', 'speak', 'english', 'traditional', 'ways', 'son', 'ramesh', 'hand', 'love', 'well-educated', 'girl', 'dr.', 'ramola', 'sharma', 'torn', 'father', 'love', 'ramesh', 'goes', 'lalaji', 'father', 'friend', 'help', 'lalaji', 'suggests', 'trick', 'kailash', 'nath', 'portraying', 'ramola', 'daughter', 'village', 'pundit', 'trio', 'succeed', 'tricking', 'kailashpati', 'believe', 'ramola', 'indeed', 'innocent', 'girl', 'know', 'english', 'married', 'starts', 'storm', 'events', 'live', 'lie'], ['single', 'eventful', 'night', 'lives', 'crew', 'los', 'angeles-based', 'trans-pacific', 'stewardesses', 'leading', 'character', 'killed', '30-story', 'suicide', 'leap', 'others', 'simply', 'party', 'using', 'drugs', 'engaging', 'various', 'sexual', 'encounters', 'one', 'girls', 'befriends', 'beds', 'returning', 'vietnam', 'combat', 'soldier'], ['man', 'runs', 'alibi', 'agency', 'service', 'adulterous', 'husbands', 'wives', 'provides', 'airtight', 'alibis', 'runs', 'trouble', 'latest', 'client', 'order', 'remedy', 'problem', 'rely', 'enticing', 'woman', 'assistant/partner', 'plot', 'thickens', 'switches', 'identities', 'one', 'clients', 'weekend', 'client', 'girlfriend', 'dies', 'accident', 'police', 'assassin', 'jealous', 'ex-boyfriend', 'run', 'discovers', 'need', 'ingenuity', 'muster', 'survive'], ['opening', 'wedding', 'two', 'young', 'communists', 'officiated', 'functionary', 'poster', 'mao-tse', 'tung', 'bride', 'suddenly', 'spears', 'man', 'escapes', 'chased', 'police', 'end', \"'cataratte\", '10-years', 'old', 'action', 'b-movie', 'projected', 'open', 'air', 'cinema', 'honor', 'bruno', 'bonomo', 'cockeyed', 'film', 'producer', 'trash', 'movies', 'starring', 'wife', 'paola', '1970s', 'also', 'two', 'young', 'sons', 'loved', 'wife', 'hommage', 'young', 'woman', 'presents', 'script', 'movie', 'wants', 'direct', 'help', 'slated', 'start', 'project', 'celebrating', 'return', 'voyage', 'columbus', 'discovery', 'america', 'bruno', 'stunned', 'director', 'franco', 'caspio', 'quits', 'low', 'budget', 'suddenly', 'bruno', 'projects', 'financing', 'leverage', 'added', 'many', 'troubles', 'bruno', 'wife', 'asks', 'separation', 'even', 'though', 'two', 'sons', 'wants', 'pursue', 'artistic', 'options', 'bruno', 'reads', 'offered', 'script', 'realizes', 'thinly', 'disguised', 'account', 'silvio', 'berlusconi', 'italian', 'media', 'magnate', 'promoted', 'political', 'career', 'stations', 'knowing', 'could', 'draw', 'political', 'legal', 'heat', 'mention', 'difficulty', 'finding', 'funding', 'young', 'woman', 'convinces', 'bruno', 'start', 'production', 'caiman', 'film', 'shows', 'secret', 'money', 'slush', 'funds', 'swiss', 'bank', 'accounts', 'start', 'caimano', 'career', 'big', 'building', 'developer', 'hopes', 'film', 'influence', 'voters', 'elections', 'slated', '2006.', 'starting', 'fall', 'love', 'writer', 'bruno', 'meets', 'lesbian', 'partner', 'son', \"'made\", \"'journey\", 'netherlands', 'production', 'film', 'rife', 'problems', 'including', 'defection', 'main', 'actor', 'marco', 'pulici', 'plot', 'caiman', 'also', 'deals', 'domestic', 'issues', 'bonomo', 'paola', 'final', 'separation', 'compromises', 'made', 'two', 'sons', 'despite', 'growing', 'evidence', 'film', 'never', 'completed', 'bonomo', 'decides', 'shoot', 'last', 'scene', 'shows', 'political', 'nucleus', 'behind', 'film', 'silvio', 'berlusconi', 'enters', 'tribunal', 'room', 'hear', 'ruling', 'sentences', 'seven', 'years', 'jail', 'notwithstanding', 'sentence', 'berlusconi/moretti', 'exits', 'tribunal', 'crowd', 'throws', 'debris', 'judges', 'including', 'molotov', 'cocktail', 'whole', 'crude', 'scene', 'allusion', 'berlusconi', 'judiciary', 'controversies', 'also', 'powerful', 'ability', 'communicate', 'led', 'italian', 'people', 'support', 'anyway', 'despite', 'controversial', 'past'], ['three', 'young', 'hipster', 'men', 'share', 'apartment', 'bangkok', 'chasing', 'women', 'unaware', 'woman'], ['1900', 'lumberman', 'jim', 'fallon', 'greedily', 'eyes', 'big', 'trees', 'virgin', 'region', 'northern', 'california', 'land', 'already', 'settled', 'among', 'others', 'religious', 'group', 'led', 'elder', 'bixby', 'charles', 'meredith', 'jim', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'bixby', 'daughter', 'alicia', 'though', 'change', 'plan', 'cheat', 'homesteaders', 'jim', 'right-hand', 'man', 'yukon', 'burns', 'finds', 'changes', 'sides', 'leads', 'locals', 'resisting', 'jim', 'elder', 'bixby', 'killed', 'big', 'sequoia', 'tree', 'chopped', 'jim', 'men', 'accidentally', 'falls', 'cabin', 'jim', 'desperate', 'attempt', 'rescue', 'alicia', 'father', 'saves', 'convicted', 'murder', 'meanwhile', 'timber', 'rival', 'cleve', 'gregg', 'appears', 'scene', 'making', 'three-way', 'fight', 'gregg', 'partner', 'frenchy', 'lecroix', 'john', 'archer', 'try', 'assassinate', 'jim', 'end', 'killing', 'yukon', 'instead', 'jim', 'dramatic', 'change', 'heart', 'leads', 'settlers', 'defeating', 'gregg', 'frenchy', 'afterwards', 'jim', 'marries', 'alicia', 'settles'], ['spoiled', 'pompous', 'self-involved', 'henry', 'graham', 'big', 'problem', 'run', 'entire', 'inheritance', 'completely', 'unequipped', 'provide', 'childhood', 'guardian', 'uncle', 'harry', 'refuses', 'give', 'dime', 'henry', 'unwilling', 'exercise', 'solution', 'think', '봲uicide', '봡evises', 'plan', 'help', 'imaginative', 'butler', 'harold', 'obtain', 'money', 'old-fashioned', 'way', 'marry', 'loan', 'uncle', 'harry', 'tide', 'henry', 'six', 'weeks', 'find', 'rich', 'bride', 'repay', 'money', 'otherwise', 'must', 'forfeit', 'property', 'uncle', 'desperation', 'sets', 'henry', 'attempts', 'meet', 'suitable', 'mate', 'fail', 'days', 'remaining', 'deadline', 'henry', 'bumps', 'clumsy', 'painfully', 'shy', 'heiress', 'henrietta', 'lowell', 'answer', 'prayers', 'henrietta', 'suspicious', 'lawyer', 'problem', 'henry', 'distaste', 'marriage', 'considers', 'latter', 'temporary', 'inconvenience', 'however', 'since', 'plans', 'away', 'new', 'wife', 'soon', 'possible', 'murder', 'never', 'far', 'mind', 'henry', 'takes', 'charge', 'wife', 'life', 'reorganizes', 'household', 'staff', 'taking', 'advantage', 'timidity', 'naivete', 'henrietta', 'completely', 'disorganized', 'welcomes', 'henry', 'guidance', 'botany', 'professor', 'henrietta', 'discovers', 'new', 'species', 'tree', 'fern', 'names', 'loves', 'henry', 'invites', 'join', 'canoe', 'trip', 'remote', 'area', 'henry', 'sees', 'opportunity', 'rid', 'henrietta', 'forever', 'knowing', 'swim', 'plan', 'works', 'perfectly', 'canoe', 'overturns', 'henrietta', 'swept', 'away', 'river', 'soon', 'henry', 'swims', 'safety', 'first', 'thing', 'finds', 'tree', 'fern', 'type', 'henrietta', 'named', 'moment', 'comes', 'realization', 'fallen', 'love', 'victim', 'quickly', 'rescues', 'henrietta', 'resigns', 'unexpected', 'fate', 'happily', 'married', 'man'], [\"'after\", 'foiling', 'purse', 'snatcher', 'tries', 'steal', 'jenny', 'johnson', 'purse', 'subway', 'matt', 'becomes', 'jenny\\\\', 'hero', 'starts', 'dating', 'shy', 'stranger', 'several', 'dates', 'jenny', 'displays', 'increasingly', 'neurotic', 'aggressive', 'behavior', 'becoming', 'demanding', 'ultimately', 'injuring', 'matt', 'destroying', 'bed', 'first', 'time', 'sex', 'soon', 'jenny', 'reveals', 'fact', 'voluptuous', 'blonde', 'superheroine', 'g-girl', 'accidentally', 'received', 'powers', 'flight', 'super-human', 'strength', 'speed', 'invulnerability', 'super', 'breath', 'heat', 'vision', 'super', 'senses', 'exposed', 'radiation', 'crashed', 'meteorite', 'teenager', 'jenny', 'starts', 'become', 'controlling', 'reveals', 'powers', 'matt', 'starts', 'lose', 'mind', 'hannah', 'matt\\\\', 'co-worker', 'secret', 'crush', 'matt', 'hannah\\\\', 'friendship', 'develops', 'becoming', 'aggravated', 'jenny\\\\', 'escalating', 'jealousy', 'matt', 'ends', 'relationship', 'enraged', 'jenny', 'vows', 'make', 'matt', 'regret', 'decision', 'using', 'superpowers', 'publicly', 'embarrass', 'throwing', 'car', 'space', 'eventually', 'causing', 'lose', 'job', 'strips', 'naked', 'important', 'meeting', 'professor', 'bedlam', 'jenny\\\\', 'former', 'friend', 'g-girl\\\\', 'arch-nemesis', 'contacts', 'matt', 'order', 'enlist', 'aid', 'defeating', 'matt', 'refuses', 'makes', 'plans', 'leave', 'city', 'contacted', 'hannah', 'confessing', 'feelings', 'one', 'another', 'end', 'bed', 'jenny', 'discovers', 'bed', 'next', 'day', 'enraged', 'jealous', 'attacks', 'pair', 'great', 'white', 'shark', 'angered', 'matt', 'contacts', 'professor', 'bedlam', 'agrees', 'help', 'defeat', 'long', 'bedlam', 'retires', 'supervillain', 'instructs', 'matt', 'lure', 'jenny', 'meeting', 'exposed', 'another', 'meteorite', 'draw', 'away', 'powers', 'leaving', 'mere', 'mortal', 'matt', 'agrees', 'meets', 'jenny', 'candlelit', 'dinner', 'apartment', 'pretense', 'wanting', 'resume', 'relationship', 'hannah', 'arrives', 'see', 'jenny', 'sitting', 'matt\\\\', 'lap', 'two', 'women', 'fight', 'struggle', 'jenny\\\\', 'superhero', 'identity', 'revealed', 'hannah', 'bedlam\\\\', 'trap', 'sprung', 'energy', 'gave', 'jenny', 'powers', 'drained', 'back', 'meteorite', 'incapacitating', 'jenny', 'professor', 'bedlam', 'appears', 'reveals', 'intention', 'keeping', 'promise', 'retire', 'villainy', 'fact', 'plans', 'take', 'powers', 'matt', 'fight', 'jenny', 'crawls', 'charged', 'meteorite', 'attempting', 'regain', 'powers', 'hannah', 'intervenes', 'jenny', 'grabs', 'meteorite', 'explodes', 'burst', 'power', 'hannah', 'jenny', 'catapulted', 'roof', 'apparently', 'deaths', 'jenny', 'appears', 'within', 'seconds', 'powers', 'restored', 'threatening', 'even', 'mayhem', 'unexpected', 'reappearance', 'hannah', 'also', 'exposed', 'meteorite\\\\', 'energies', 'possesses', 'powers', 'g-girl', 'saves', 'matt', 'second', 'fight', 'hannah', 'jenny', 'full-on', 'super-brawl', 'destroying', 'part', 'neighboring', 'properties', 'finally', 'matt', 'reasons', 'cease', 'fighting', 'tells', 'jenny', 'professor', 'bedlam', 'true', 'love', 'jenny', 'agrees', 'embraces', 'former', 'nemesis', 'next', 'morning', 'matt', 'hannah', 'meet', 'professor', 'bedlam', 'jenny', 'cries', 'help', 'heard', 'afar', 'jenny', 'hannah', 'become', 'partners', 'crime-fighting', 'take', 'tackle', 'emergency', 'matt', 'barry', 'left', 'holding', 'girlfriends\\\\', 'purses', 'clothes', 'leave', 'beer', 'together'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'stars', 'pascale', 'bussi챔res', 'camille', 'baker', 'university', 'literature', 'professor', 'religious', 'college', 'struggling', 'tenure-track', 'career', 'troubled', 'relationship', 'fellow', 'professor', 'martin', 'carnival', 'subsequently', 'comes', 'town', 'camille', 'confused', 'unexpected', 'lesbian', 'attraction', 'petra', 'sexy', 'free-spirited', 'circus', 'performer', 'cast', 'also', 'includes', 'mckellar', 'clare', 'coulter', 'tracy', 'wright', 'tom', 'melissis'], [\"'lucia\", 'lane', 'british', 'author', 'researching', 'bollywood', 'film', 'industry', 'falls', 'love', 'affair', 'vikram', 'famous', 'bollywood', 'actor', 'plot', 'complicated', 'fact', 'vikram', 'married', 'friend', 'hari', 'also', 'love', 'lucia'], [\"'grant\", 'fiona', 'retired', 'married', 'couple', 'living', 'rural', 'brant', 'county', 'ontario', 'fiona', 'begins', 'lose', 'memory', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'suffers', 'alzheimer\\\\', 'disease', 'throughout', 'film', 'grant\\\\', 'reflections', 'marriage', 'woven', 'reflections', 'infidelities', 'influence', 'eventual', 'decisions', 'regarding', 'fiona\\\\', 'happiness', 'feels', 'becoming', 'risk', 'fiona', 'decides', 'check', 'nursing', 'home', 'one', 'rules', 'patient', 'visitors', 'first', 'days', 'order', 'adjust', 'wary', 'policy', 'grant', 'agrees', 'anyway', 'insistence', 'wife', 'loves', 'drive', 'home', 'fiona', 'acknowledges', 'grant\\\\', 'past', 'infidelity', 'university', 'professor', 'despite', 'awkward', 'situation', 'couple', 'makes', 'love', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'separating', 'day', 'period', 'ends', 'grant', 'goes', 'visit', 'wife', 'find', 'forgotten', 'turned', 'affections', 'aubrey', 'mute', 'man', 'wheelchair', 'become', 'coping', 'partner', 'facility', 'seeing', 'wife', 'grow', 'closer', 'aubrey', 'grant', 'becomes', 'unhappy', 'voyeur', 'visiting', 'wife', 'nursing', 'home', 'time', 'goes', 'fiona', 'still', 'remember', 'grant', 'even', 'wonders', 'whether', 'fiona\\\\', 'dementia', 'act', 'punish', 'past', 'indiscretions', 'time', 'aubrey\\\\', 'wife', 'removes', 'home', 'due', 'financial', 'difficulties', 'causes', 'fiona', 'sink', 'deep', 'depression', 'physical', 'wellbeing', 'also', 'appearing', 'deteriorate', 'grant', 'touched', 'visits', 'aubrey', 'wife', 'marian', 'effort', 'allow', 'fiona', 'see', 'aubrey', 'would', 'rather', 'see', 'wife', 'happy', 'another', 'man', 'miserable', 'alone', 'marian', 'initially', 'refuses', 'meeting', 'leads', 'tentative', 'relationship', 'grant', 'time', 'passes', 'grant', 'continues', 'visit', 'fiona', 'marian', 'eventually', 'moves', 'home', 'succeeds', 'taking', 'aubrey', 'back', 'visit', 'wife', 'moment', 'alone', 'brings', 'aubrey', 'fiona\\\\', 'room', 'fiona', 'temporarily', 'remembers', 'love', 'film', 'closes', 'embrace'], ['1998', 'film', 'directed', 'paul', 'mcguigan', 'dramatises', 'three', 'stories', 'book', 'granton', 'star', 'cause', 'comedy', 'boab', 'bad', 'day', 'indeed', 'parents', 'throw', 'indulge', 'sado-masochism', 'sacked', 'job', 'dumped', 'girlfriend', 'dropped', 'football', 'team', 'elements', 'franz', 'kafka', 'metamorphosis', 'one', 'characters', 'pitiless', 'profane', 'god', 'transforms', 'fly', 'punishment', 'wasting', 'life', 'soft', 'touch', 'kevin', 'mckidd', 'plays', 'cuckolded', 'husband', 'gary', 'mccormack', 'larry', 'ruthless', 'upstairs', 'neighbour', 'steals', 'electricity', 'wife', 'played', 'michelle', 'gomez', 'acid', 'house', 'acid', 'trip', 'bolt', 'lightning', 'result', 'amiable', 'schemie', 'coco', 'brice', 'exchanging', 'bodies', 'baby', 'middle', 'class', 'couple', 'three', 'sections', 'independent', 'linked', 'setting', 'reappearance', 'incidental', 'characters', 'particular', 'maurice', 'ro챘ves', 'appears', 'variously', 'inebriated', 'wedding', 'guest', 'figure', 'dream', 'pub', 'patron', 'three', 'parts', 'symbolise', 'human', 'manifestation', 'god', 'film', 'offended', 'elements', 'tabloid', 'press', 'depiction', 'cynical', 'jaded', 'foul-mouthed', 'god', 'english-speaking', 'countries', 'screened', 'subtitles', 'heavy', 'edinburgh', 'accents'], ['expand', 'section', 'joe', 'comes', 'goes', 'college', 'finds', 'one-third', 'love', 'triangle', 'two', 'guys', 'one', 'gay', 'straight', 'issues'], ['lee', 'leander', 'arrested', 'christmas', 'holidays', 'trying', 'shoplift', 'bracelet', 'new', 'york', 'jewelry', 'shop', 'assistant', 'district', 'attorney', 'john', 'sargeant', 'assigned', 'prosecute', 'trial', 'begins', 'christmas', 'rather', 'face', 'jury', 'filled', 'holiday', 'spirit', 'trial', 'postponed', 'generously', 'posts', 'bail', 'spend', 'christmas', 'jail', 'discovering', 'lee', 'fellow', 'hoosier', 'offers', 'drop', 'way', 'visit', 'mother', 'cousin', 'willie', 'aunt', 'emma', 'elizabeth', 'patterson', 'road', 'trip', 'get', 'lost', 'pennsylvania', 'end', 'crashing', 'fence', 'spending', 'night', 'field', 'next', 'morning', 'arrested', 'farmer', 'taken', 'unfriendly', 'justice', 'peace', 'lee', 'starts', 'fire', 'wastebasket', 'distraction', 'pair', 'flee', 'lee', 'mother', 'gives', 'cold', 'reception', 'john', 'decides', 'take', 'lee', 'home', 'warmly', 'received', 'even', 'though', 'john', 'tells', 'mother', 'lee', 'past', 'holiday', 'john', 'lee', 'fall', 'love', 'mother', 'private', 'talk', 'leaves', 'telling', 'hard', 'john', 'work', 'life', 'reach', 'present', 'position', 'lee', 'agrees', 'give', 'jeopardize', 'career', 'way', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'via', 'canada', 'john', 'offers', 'lee', 'chance', 'escape', 'turns', 'opportunity', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'lee', 'put', 'trial', 'pleads', 'guilty', 'realizes', 'john', 'could', 'get', 'trouble', 'attempting', 'throw', 'case', 'led', 'away', 'john', 'proposes', 'tells', 'still', 'feels', 'way', 'gets', 'marry'], ['plot', '1821', 'napoleon', 'bonaparte', 'six', 'years', 'exile', 'isle', 'st.', 'helena', 'plan', 'escape', 'switching', 'places', 'lowly', 'french', 'deckhand', 'eugene', 'lenormand', 'napoleon', 'make', 'way', 'paris', 'time', 'eugene', 'announce', 'switch', 'allowing', 'napoleon', 'reclaim', 'throne', 'however', 'plan', 'quickly', 'goes', 'awry', 'ship', 'napoleon', 'serving', 'abruptly', 'changes', 'itinerary', 'docks', 'belgium', 'instead', 'france', 'make', 'way', 'france', 'land', 'finally', 'met', 'french', 'border', 'loyal', 'agent', 'sgt', 'bommell', 'formerly', 'french', 'imperial', 'guard', 'bommell', 'gives', 'name', 'another', 'agent', 'paris', 'trust', 'lt.', 'truchaut', 'arriving', 'paris', 'napoleon', 'surprised', 'find', 'truchaut', 'recently', 'died', 'passing', 'old', 'comrade', 'lieutenant', 'napoleon', 'accepts', 'hospitality', 'truchaut\\\\', 'widow', 'nicole', 'everyone', 'calls', 'pumpkin', 'makes', 'acquaintance', 'lodger', 'dr.', 'lambert', 'adopted', 'young', 'son', 'gerard', 'crucial', 'flaw', 'plan', 'reveals', 'back', 'st.', 'helena', 'eugene', 'decides', 'likes', 'living', 'relative', 'luxury', 'napoleon\\\\', 'exile', 'refuses', 'reveal', 'switch', 'napoleon\\\\', 'french', 'entourage', 'find', 'unexpectedly', 'powerless', 'eugene', 'stuffs', 'face', 'sweets', 'dictates', 'bawdy', 'version', 'napoleon\\\\', 'official', 'memoirs', 'even', 'manages', 'convince', 'british', 'captors', 'true', 'napoleon', 'news', 'st.', 'helena', 'napoleon', 'drawn', 'pumpkin\\\\', 'life', 'fruit-selling', 'business', 'brink', 'failure', 'applies', 'talents', 'planning', 'organization', 'business', 'becomes', 'prosperous', 'affection', 'develops', 'napoleon', 'pumpkin', 'dr.', 'lambert', 'designs', 'pumpkin', 'jealously', 'searches', 'kind', 'dirt', 'eugene', 'going', 'bedroom', 'lambert', 'shocked', 'find', 'small', 'cameo', 'portrait', 'napoleon\\\\', 'young', 'son', 'realizes', 'eugene', 'really', 'st.', 'helena', 'eugene', 'abruptly', 'drops', 'dead', 'kind', 'stomach', 'complaint', 'quickly', 'realizing', 'dead', 'man', 'island', 'napoleon', 'british', 'garrison', 'commander', 'lays', 'options', 'either', 'announce', 'fraud', 'commit', 'heinous', 'punishment', 'else', 'maintain', 'dead', 'emperor', 'everything', 'well', 'napoleon\\\\', 'death', 'announced', 'throughout', 'france', 'real', 'napoleon', 'abruptly', 'remembers', 'original', 'plan', 'announces', 'pumpkin', 'time', 'take', 'rightful', 'place', 'french', 'throne', 'fury', 'pumpkin', 'horrified', 'dismisses', 'delusional', 'lunatic', 'pleading', 'loves', 'eugene', 'hates', 'napoleon', 'loyalist', 'agent', 'paris', 'vouch', 'identity', 'napoleon', 'finds', 'emperor', 'without', 'army', 'friend', 'reduced', 'going', 'dr.', 'lambert', 'realizes', 'stole', 'portrait', 'demanding', 'back', 'demands', 'told', 'lambert', 'retorts', 'show', 'revenge', 'beaten', 'pumpkin\\\\', 'affections', 'lambert', 'lures', 'napoleon', 'onto', 'grounds', 'sanitorium', 'seems', 'every', 'patient', 'dressed', 'napoleon', 'pretending', 'lambert', 'withdraws', 'expecting', 'real', 'napoleon', 'rounded', 'attendants', 'shaken', 'napoleon', 'escapes', 'grounds', 'climbing', 'wall', 'suffering', 'nasty', 'cut', 'hand', 'chevaux', 'frise', 'top', 'lambert', 'drops', 'cameo', 'sewer', 'grate', 'emotionally', 'physically', 'exhausted', 'napoleon', 'returns', 'home', 'pumpkin\\\\', 'house', 'lovingly', 'tends', 'wounds', 'whispers', 'ear', 'napoleon', 'gerard', 'looking', 'pictorial', 'account', 'napoleon\\\\', 'life', 'magic', 'lantern', 'napoleon', 'tells', 'story', 'really', 'happened', 'seems', 'gerard', 'one', 'else', 'believes', 'napoleon\\\\', 'story', 'deciding', 'happiest', 'living', 'simple', 'life', 'pumpkin', 'napoleon', 'destroys', 'mementos', 'former', 'life', 'except', 'old', 'imperial', 'guard', 'uniform', 'leaves', 'local', 'military', 'post', 'gift', 'sgt', 'bommell', 'message', 'eugene', 'lenormand', 'moved', 'after-note', 'states', 'napoleon', 'bonaparte', 'lived', 'rest', 'life', 'paris', 'buried', 'next', 'pumpkin', 'eugene', 'lenormand\\\\', 'body', 'brought', 'back', 'paris', 'interred', 'napoleon\\\\', 'tomb'], ['ashok', 'julie', 'friends', 'ever', 'since', 'childhood', \"n't\", 'share', 'love', 'interest', 'ashok', 'falls', 'love', 'nandini', 'rich', 'girl', 'marries', 'although', 'julie', 'closeness', 'ashok', 'initially', 'irritates', 'nandini', 'subsequently', 'accepts', 'julie', 'falls', 'love', 'guy', 'called', 'michael', \"d'souza\", 'cricketer', 'hoping', 'place', 'indian', 'cricket', 'team', 'ashok', 'happens', 'main', 'opponent', 'ashok', 'gets', 'selected', 'michael', 'father', 'strikes', 'deal', 'ashok', 'marriage', 'son', 'julie', 'take', 'place', 'ashok', 'steps', 'let', 'michael', 'substitute', 'ashok', 'cut', 'friendship', 'julie', 'doesnt', 'interfere', 'michaels', 'julies', 'way', 'ashok', 'agrees', 'michael', 'learns', 'end', 'restores', 'severed', 'ties', 'ashok', 'movie', 'ends', 'upon', 'happy', 'note'], ['dying', 'man', 'finds', 'horses', 'blondes', 'mob', 'may', 'end', 'life', 'faster', 'cancer', 'joe', 'regular', 'guy', 'runs', 'flower', 'shop', 'never', 'much', 'way', 'good', 'luck', 'things', 'seem', 'grim', 'joe', 'diagnosed', 'brain', 'tumor', 'bit', 'good', 'fortune', 'appears', 'horizon', 'wins', 'jackpot', 'race', 'track', 'however', 'hush', 'exotic', 'dancer', 'fallen', 'deeply', 'debt', 'gang', 'thugs', 'steals', 'joe', 'newly', 'fortune', 'pay', 'joe', 'gets', 'money', 'back', 'explaining', 'gangsters', 'happened', 'mistake', 'syndicate', 'kingpin', \"'ve\", 'heard', 'never', 'met', 'gangsters', 'discover', 'joe', 'florist', 'career', 'criminal', 'find', 'situation', 'less', 'amusing'], ['adhi', 'fun', 'loving', 'city', 'man', 'ganga', 'cheerful', 'village', 'belle', 'wants', 'graduation', 'engineering', 'marriage', 'two', 'fixed', 'elders', 'pair', 'resents', 'collude', 'find', 'ways', 'stop', 'doom', 'see', 'later', 'realise', 'interested', 'one', 'another', 'late', 'enmity', 'arisen', 'families', 'resolve', 'issue', 'works', 'rest', 'story', 'aditya', 'ganga', 'two', 'youngsters', 'moved', 'chennai', 'small', 'village', 'parents', 'meet', 'arrange', 'married', 'aditya', 'life', 'young', 'urban', 'exciting', 'girls', 'parties', 'bikes', 'songs', 'cars', 'discos', 'movies', 'infrequently', 'studying', 'enthused', 'idea', 'married', 'village', 'belle', 'ganga', 'ranked', 'second', 'class', 'xii', 'examinations', 'admitted', 'engineering', 'college', 'wants', 'continue', 'education', 'equally', 'uninterested', 'idea', 'marriage', 'series', 'unsuccessful', 'attempts', 'break', 'engagement', 'aditya', 'ganga', 'reconcile', 'marriage', 'misunderstanding', 'day', 'wedding', 'turns', 'fight', 'families', 'wedding', 'called', 'feud', 'begun', 'back', 'chennai', 'ganga', 'stays', 'lawyer', 'uncle', 'aditya', 'ganga', 'return', 'respective', 'lives', 'continue', 'bump', 'aditya', 'mistakenly', 'lands', 'ganga', 'uncle', 'house', 'ganga', 'uncle', 'thinks', 'aditya', 'intern', 'aditya', 'ganga', 'find', 'attracted', 'love', 'blossoms', 'pair', 'turn', 'efforts', 'towards', 'convincing', 'respective', 'families', 'set', 'aside', 'differences', 'allowing', 'lovers', 'joined', 'marriage', 'finally', 'achieved', 'without', 'series', 'intricate', 'twists', 'turns', 'related', 'hilarity'], [\"'while\", 'novel', 'told', 'third-person', 'narrator', 'strict', 'chronological', 'order', 'film', 'uses', 'voice-over', 'narration', 'story', 'framed', 'questioning', 'mildred', 'police', 'discover', 'body', 'second', 'husband', 'monte', 'beragon', 'film', 'noir', 'fashion', 'opens', 'beragon', 'shot', 'murmurs', 'name', 'mildred', 'collapses', 'dies', 'police', 'led', 'believe', 'murderer', 'restaurant', 'owner', 'mildred', 'pierce\\\\', 'first', 'husband', 'bert', 'pierce', 'interrogation', 'confesses', 'crime', 'relates', 'life', 'story', 'flashback', 'see', 'housewife', 'mildred', 'married', 'newly', 'unemployed', 'pierce', 'bert', 'time', 'real', 'estate', 'partner', 'wally', 'fay', 'propositioned', 'mildred', 'learning', 'bert', 'divorce', 'divorce', 'mildred', 'obtained', 'custody', 'two', 'daughters', '16-year-old', 'veda', 'bratty', 'social', 'climber', 'aspiring', 'pianist', '10-year-old', 'kay', 'tomboy', 'mildred\\\\', 'principal', 'goal', 'provide', 'eldest', 'daughter', 'veda', 'longs', 'possessions', 'family', 'afford', 'mildred', 'needs', 'job', 'best', 'find', 'waitress', 'fact', 'hides', 'veda', 'one', 'day', 'veda', 'gives', 'maid', 'lottie', 'mildred\\\\', 'waitress', 'uniform', 'thinking', 'nothing', 'mildred', 'admits', 'employment', 'waitress', 'infuriating', 'veda', 'thinks', 'lowly', 'kay', 'contracts', 'pneumonia', 'dies', 'bury', 'grief', 'mildred', 'throws', 'opening', 'new', 'restaurant', 'coast', 'help', 'new', 'friend', 'former', 'supervisor', 'ida', 'mildred\\\\', 'new', 'restaurant', 'success', 'wally', 'fay', 'helps', 'mildred', 'buy', 'property', 'expands', 'chain', 'mildred\\\\', 'throughout', 'southern', 'california', 'mildred', 'continues', 'smother', 'veda', 'affection', 'worldly', 'goods', 'veda', 'nonetheless', 'appalled', 'mildred\\\\', 'common', 'background', 'choice', 'profession', 'becoming', 'preoccupied', 'materialistic', 'possessions', 'mildred', 'goes', 'far', 'entering', 'loveless', 'marriage', 'formerly', 'wealthy', 'monte', 'beragon', 'order', 'improve', 'social', 'standing', 'gain', 'daughter\\\\', 'approval', 'beragon', 'lives', 'life', 'playboy', 'supported', 'financially', 'mildred', 'much', 'mildred\\\\', 'dismay', 'potential', 'ruin', 'mildred', 'ends', 'losing', 'business', 'thanks', 'monte\\\\', 'manipulation', 'veda\\\\', 'greed', 'veda', 'takes', 'scheming', 'monte', 'showdown', 'ensues', 'beach', 'house', 'film', 'began', 'discover', 'really', 'happened', 'veda', 'furious', 'monte\\\\', 'unwillingness', 'marry', 'one', 'shoots', 'mildred', 'cover', 'daughter', 'veda', 'led', 'jail', 'mildred', 'leaves', 'police', 'station', 'bert', 'waiting'], ['story', 'set', '1967', 'yasothon', 'province', 'thailand', 'yam', 'hard-working', 'humble', 'kind', 'farmer', 'kind', 'except', 'comes', 'attentions', 'joei', 'homely', 'maid', 'soy', 'girlfriend', 'yam', 'cousin', 'tong', 'yam', 'tends', 'stray', 'injured', 'animals', 'kinds', 'never', 'nice', 'things', 'say', 'joei', 'despite', 'persists', 'flirting', 'yam', 'making', 'unwanted', 'physical', 'advances', 'meanwhile', 'soy', 'tong', 'cuddle', 'kiss', 'hug', 'every', 'opportunity', 'soy', 'aunt', 'haughty', 'village', 'moneylender', 'dok', 'toh', 'disapproves', 'soy', 'seeing', 'tong', 'dok', 'toh', 'believes', 'low', 'class', 'niece', 'orders', 'soy', 'joei', 'stay', 'away', 'yam', 'tong', 'social-climbing', 'dok', 'toh', 'additionally', 'arranges', 'soy', 'meet', 'handsome', 'yet', 'dull', 'son', 'local', 'sheriff', 'pair', 'slow-witted', 'henchmen', 'help', 'enforce', 'dok', 'toh', 'orders', 'joei', 'soy', 'never', 'see', 'yam', 'tong', 'however', 'night', 'village', 'temple', 'fair', 'tong', 'soy', 'yam', 'joei', 'sneak', 'away', 'couple', 'finds', 'place', 'spend', 'night', 'together', 'tong', 'soy', 'stay', 'night', 'talking', 'true', 'feelings', 'one', 'another', 'joei', 'takes', 'sexual', 'advantage', 'yam', 'dok', 'toh', 'finds', 'joei', 'soy', 'misadventures', 'arranges', 'send', 'away', 'bangkok', 'soy', 'attend', 'trade', 'school', 'learning', 'english', 'language', 'secretarial', 'skills', 'joei', 'learn', 'seamstress', 'hairdresser', 'money', 'earned', 'bangkok', 'joei', 'transforms', 'creating', 'new', 'wardrobe', 'undergoing', 'beauty', 'treatments', 'including', 'skin', 'lightened', 'prominent', 'mole', 'removed', 'teeth', 'straightened', 'whitened', 'joei', 'absence', 'yam', 'begins', 'long', 'discovering', 'place', 'heart', 'soy', 'joei', 'write', 'letters', 'men', 'hear', 'nothing', 'return', 'turns', 'dok', 'toh', 'bribed', 'postman', 'deliver', 'letters', 'addressed', 'yam', 'tong', 'turn', 'dumps', 'letters', 'river', 'joei', 'soy', 'determine', 'letters', \"n't\", 'getting', 'write', 'abbot', 'local', 'buddhist', 'temple', 'ask', 'deliver', 'letters', 'yam', 'tong', 'yam', 'tong', 'meanwhile', 'strike', 'head', 'bangkok', 'try', 'find', 'girls', 'neither', 'ever', 'city', 'realize', 'big', 'capital', 'discouraged', 'lack', 'success', 'return', 'home', 'efforts', 'monk', 'finally', 'hear', 'soy', 'joei', 'girls', 'return', 'yasothon', 'songkran', 'soy', 'reunited', 'tong', 'yam', 'heartbroken', 'see', 'joei', 'bus', 'fact', 'bus', 'drastically', 'changed', 'appearance', 'yam', 'recognize', 'showed', 'interest', 'joei', 'approached', 'engagement', 'soy', 'sheriff', 'son', 'still', 'though', 'tong', 'falls', 'despair', 'starts', 'drinking', 'becomes', 'hopeless', 'alcoholic', 'day', 'engagement', 'ceremony', 'tong', 'father', 'shows', 'shotgun', 'disrupt', 'proceedings', 'points', 'soy', 'love', 'sheriff', 'son', 'demands', 'tong', 'allowed', 'marry', 'soy', 'yam', 'comes', 'around', 'sees', 'joei', 'woman', 'even', 'changed', 'outside'], [\"'tilo\", 'immigrant', 'india', 'shopkeeper', 'unusually', 'strong', 'clairvoyant', 'chosen', 'mistress', 'spices', 'spices', 'gives', 'customers', 'help', 'satisfy', 'certain', 'needs', 'desires', 'sandalwood', 'dispel', 'painful', 'memories', 'black', 'cumin', 'seed', 'protect', 'evil', 'eye', 'young', 'girl', 'tilo', 'initiated', 'one', 'several', 'young', 'mistresses', 'spices', 'first', 'mother', 'warns', 'girls', 'certain', 'rules', 'must', 'follow', 'face', 'dire', 'consequences', 'instructed', 'never', 'leave', 'respective', 'stores', 'around', 'world', 'physically', 'touch', 'skin', 'people', 'meet', 'use', 'great', 'incomprehensible', 'strength', 'power', 'spices', 'ends', 'tilo', 'ends', 'san', 'francisco', 'bay', 'area', 'store', 'called', 'spice', 'bazaar', 'tilo\\\\', 'customers', 'include', 'haroun', 'cab', 'driver', 'grandfather', 'dealing', 'american-born', 'granddaughter', 'geeta', 'kwesi', 'man', 'trying', 'impress', 'girlfriend', 'jagjit', 'teenager', 'trying', 'fit', 'school', 'life', 'takes', 'turn', 'one', 'day', 'handsome', 'man', 'motorcycle', 'crashes', 'outside', 'store', 'tilo', 'tends', 'injuries', 'trying', 'ignore', 'strong', 'mutual', 'romantic', 'attraction', 'life', 'changes', 'touches', 'begin', 'fall', 'deeply', 'love', 'man', 'doug', 'american', 'architect', 'spices', 'angry', 'jealous', 'things', 'soon', 'start', 'sour', 'relationships', 'customers', 'haroun', 'gets', 'accident', 'geeta\\\\', 'family', 'situation', 'improve', 'jagjit', 'falls', 'wrong', 'crowd', 'school', 'kwesi\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'breaks', 'doug', 'comes', 'meet', 'night', 'sadly', 'tells', 'mother', 'died', 'tilo', 'recognizes', 'source', 'misfortunes', 'breaking', 'rules', 'first', 'mother', 'comes', 'vision', 'chastises', 'vows', 'return', 'india', 'posts', 'notice', 'closing', 'sale', 'goes', 'help', 'customers', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'tells', 'spices', 'spend', 'one', 'night', 'doug', 'give', 'totally', 'closes', 'store', 'goes', 'doug', 'night', 'sweet', 'night', 'romantic', 'love-making', 'leaves', 'note', 'must', 'leave', 'return', 'always', 'truly', 'deeply', 'love', 'goes', 'back', 'store', 'sets', 'spices', 'fire', 'center', 'flames', 'sign', 'eternal', 'servitude', 'spices', 'doug', 'comes', 'searching', 'finds', 'store', 'devastated', 'tilo', 'burned', 'still', 'alive', 'barely', 'conscious', 'sign', 'fire', 'earthquake', 'see', 'vision', 'first', 'mother', 'sitting', 'beach', 'telling', 'demonstrated', 'willingness', 'give', 'everything', 'spices', 'everything', 'desires', 'spices', 'never', 'desert', 'doug', 'agrees', 'help', 'rebuild', 'store', 'happily', 'reunites'], ['leung', 'plays', 'jennifer', 'spoiled-rotten', 'daughter', 'millionaire', 'jennifer', 'father', 'realizes', 'spending', 'way', 'much', 'money', 'hires', 'kit', 'pretend', 'filipino', 'chauffeur', 'chaperone', 'jennifer', 'father', 'decides', 'going', 'teach', 'value', 'money', 'hard-work', 'pretends', 'ill', 'leaving', 'money', 'pamela', 'business', 'partner', 'pamela', 'kicks', 'jennifer', 'street', 'live', 'kit/mario', 'two', 'learn', 'live', 'together', 'work', 'hard', 'get', 'back', 'top'], ['dsp', 'clarify', 'shiv', 'kumar', 'played', 'sunil', 'dutt', 'returns', 'home', 'wife', 'sheetal', 'young', 'daughter', 'announces', 'transferred', 'bombay', 'shiv', 'kumar', 'two', 'brothers', 'vijay', 'ravi', 'live', 'mumbai', 'intelligent', 'capable', 'guys', 'spend', 'time', 'loafing', 'city', 'swindling', 'unsuspecting', 'people', 'resuming', 'work', 'mumbai', 'however', 'mystery', 'man', 'tries', 'assassinate', 'shiv', 'kumar', 'shiv', 'survives', 'times', 'vijay', 'ravi', 'team', 'chacha', 'renu', 'similar', 'swindler', 'pair', 'vijay', 'meets', 'sunita', 'yet', 'another', 'fraudster', 'one', 'adventures', 'one', 'tricks', 'eventually', 'backfires', 'lands', 'vijay', 'ravi', 'jail', 'shiv', 'bails', 'reads', 'riot', 'act', 'home', 'two', 'attempts', 'life', 'vijay', 'ravi', 'advise', 'find', 'different', 'line', 'work', 'arguing', 'profession', 'unpredictable', 'dangerous', 'unsuitable', 'family', 'man', 'shiv', 'stands', 'firm', 'citing', 'undying', 'patriotic', 'commitment', 'corps', 'country', 'film', 'introduces', 'shakaal', 'shakaal', 'international', 'crimelord', 'operates', 'remote', 'island', 'outside', 'india', 'shakaal', 'sadistic', 'villain', 'rejoices', 'pain', 'enemies', 'traitors', 'shiv', 'kumar', 'gets', 'progressively', 'closer', 'root', 'crimes', 'city', 'shakaal', 'shiv', 'kumar', 'brought', 'compliments', 'shiv', 'wits', 'valour', 'offers', 'come', 'side', 'true', 'form', 'shiv', 'kumar', 'firmly', 'refuses', 'offer', 'shakaal', 'tries', 'kill', 'shiv', 'breaks', 'loose', 'tries', 'escape', 'island', 'shakaal', 'unleashes', 'wild', 'dogs', 'upon', 'shiv', 'eventually', 'shoots', 'dead', 'upon', 'beach', 'vijay', 'ravi', 'sheetal', 'lament', 'tragic', 'loss', 'mysterious', 'man', 'tried', 'kill', 'shiv', 'shows', 'sheetal', 'angrily', 'identifies', 'man', 'introduces', 'rakesh', 'marksman', 'former', 'circus', 'performer', 'used', 'shoot', 'targets', 'blindfolded', 'recruited', 'shakaal', 'assassinate', 'shiv', 'kumar', 'keeping', 'rakesh', 'wife', 'hostage', 'rakesh', 'deliberately', 'missed', 'shiv', 'two', 'previous', 'instances', 'hoping', 'would', 'buy', 'time', 'rescue', 'wife', 'realizing', 'angry', 'shakaal', 'killed', 'wife', 'rakesh', 'sought', 'ravi', 'vijay', 'could', 'work', 'together', 'bring', 'shakaal', 'trio', 'seek', 'aid', 'homeless', 'cripple', 'abdul', 'abdul', 'beggar', 'also', 'man-who-knows-the-city', 'abdul', 'help', 'trio', 'manage', 'find', 'destroy', 'shakaal', 'contraband', 'hideouts', 'city', 'enraged', 'shakaal', 'kidnaps', 'sheetal', 'brought', 'island', 'vijay', 'ravi', 'rakesh', 'fume', 'knowing', 'sheetal', 'almost', 'certainly', 'killed', 'clue', 'location', 'shakaal', 'island', 'point', 'jagmohan', 'another', 'shakaal', 'aides', 'mercilessly', 'crippled', 'offers', 'help', 'group', 'gain', 'entry', 'shakaal', 'hideout', 'posing', 'musical', 'troupe', 'vijay', 'ravi', 'enter', 'island', 'perform', 'shakaal', 'shakaal', 'however', 'reveals', 'jagmohan', 'deliberately', 'sent', 'trap', 'jagmohan', 'fracture', 'lie', 'cover', 'blown', 'secured', 'elaborate', 'chase-action', 'sequence', 'three', 'brave', 'men', 'escape', 'avoid', 'booby', 'traps', 'henchmen', 'capture', 'shakaal', 'ultimately', 'end', 'finally', 'island', 'blown', 'heroes', 'escape', 'via', 'helicopter', 'safety'], [\"'edith\", 'alice', 'breezy', 'breezerman', 'teenage', 'woman', 'wakes', 'stranger\\\\', 'bed', 'gets', 'dressed', 'fails', 'brush', 'teeth', 'lack', 'tooth', 'paste', 'walks', 'door', 'guitar', 'catches', 'ride', 'valley', 'another', 'stranger', 'starts', 'drive', 'wrong', 'direction', 'talks', 'giving', 'last', 'hitchiker', 'something', 'yell', 'escapes', 'car', 'stops', 'another', 'car', 'backing', 'front', 'frank', 'harmon', 'introduced', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'girl', 'met', 'last', 'night', 'never', 'wants', 'see', 'gets', 'car', 'drive', 'work', 'breezy', 'jumps', 'car', 'asking', 'ride', 'valley', 'breezy', 'talks', 'time', 'stranger', 'bed', 'last', 'night', 'car', 'morning', 'stops', 'says', 'he\\\\', 'going', 'hollywood', 'valley', 'says', 'that\\\\', 'fine', 'tells', 'stop', 'sees', 'stray', 'dog', 'laying', 'side', 'road', 'frank', 'says', 'dog', 'beyond', 'help', 'runs', 'away', 'crying', 'carries', 'dog', 'back', 'car', 'starts', 'move', 'sees', 'breezy\\\\', 'guitar', 'car', 'makes', 'job', 'realtor', 'makes', 'call', 'betty', 'woman', 'going', 'lunch', 'stop', 'look', 'house', 'says', 'would', 'happy', 'tells', 'getting', 'married', 'another', 'man', 'would', 'interested', 'buying', 'house', 'sit', 'lunch', 'tells', 'sad', 'lose', 'said', 'sad', 'losing', 'makes', 'back', 'home', 'breezy', 'waiting', 'said', 'guitar', 'seems', 'annoyed', 'presence', 'persistant', 'keeping', 'conversation', 'going', 'asks', 'food', 'says', 'breezy', 'get', 'job', 'admits', 'ex-wife', 'lives', 'alimony', 'check', 'without', 'working', 'asks', 'use', 'shower', 'starts', 'undress', 'front', 'leaves', 'take', 'shower', 'alone', 'comes', 'talk', 'wearing', 'towel', 'says', 'try', 'games', 'someone', 'else', 'leaves', 'guitar', 'saying', \"'ve\", 'never', 'woke', 'morning', 'someone', 'sorry', 'bet', 'frank', 'spends', 'next', 'day', 'work', 'thinking', 'breezy', 'dinner', 'betty', 'new', 'fiancee', 'tries', 'discourage', 'buying', 'house', 'betty', 'looked', 'betty', 'asks', 'leave', 'frustration', 'breezy', 'shows', 'home', 'middle', 'night', 'claiming', 'neice', 'takes', 'gives', 'apple', 'eat', 'relents', 'take', 'see', 'ocean', 'first', 'time', 'starts', 'feel', 'attraction', 'toward', 'carries', 'asleep', 'back', 'house', 'removing', 'boots', 'sleep', 'admits', 'loves', 'asks', 'would', 'like', 'loved', 'back', 'says', 'thought', 'frank', 'sad', 'breezy', 'gone', 'morning', 'breezy', 'spends', 'time', 'friends', 'coffee', 'shop', 'frank', 'plays', 'golf', 'friend', 'bob', 'bob', 'tells', 'wife', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'excite', 'anymore', 'afraid', 'alone', 'frank', 'drives', 'home', 'breezy', 'waiting', 'says', 'must', 'bring', 'papers', 'betty', 'new', 'husband\\\\', 'new', 'home', 'leave', 'honeymoon', 'admits', 'sad', 'left', 'last', 'night', 'without', 'saying', 'goodbye', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'mind', 'waited', 'home', 'come', 'back', 'says', '10:00', 'comes', 'back', 'much', 'later', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'betty', 'breezy', 'still', 'waiting', 'asks', 'make', 'love', 'frank', 'tells', 'breezy', 'spending', 'day', 'together', 'it\\\\', 'surprise', 'breezy', 'says', 'parents', 'died', 'young', 'pennsylvania', 'came', 'california', 'alone', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'frank', 'takes', 'see', 'dog', 'side', 'road', 'made', 'full', 'recovery', 'breezy', 'admits', 'love', 'frank', 'day', 'dies', 'frank', 'buys', 'new', 'clothes', 'plays', 'dog', 'always', 'reminded', 'much', 'older', 'breezy', 'dinner', 'run', 'ex-wife', 'makes', 'glad', 'she\\\\', 'life', 'frank', 'admits', 'feelings', 'spend', 'day', 'ocean', 'frank', 'runs', 'friend', 'bob', 'wife', 'movies', 'feels', 'self', 'consious', 'young', 'woman', 'around', 'friend', 'frank', 'feels', 'good', 'life', 'bob', 'makes', 'feel', 'bad', 'dating', 'young', 'woman', 'see', 'gym', 'frank', 'watches', 'breezy', 'young', 'friends', 'feels', 'distant', 'starts', 'pull', 'away', 'makes', 'dinner', 'relationship', 'breaks', 'says', \"can\\\\'t\", 'cope', 'pressure', 'large', 'age', 'difference', 'breezy', 'says', 'keep', 'dog', \"can\\\\'t\", 'afford', 'take', 'care', \"don\\\\'t\", 'teach', 'dog', 'roll', 'play', 'dead', 'alluding', 'image', 'frank\\\\', 'life', 'frank', 'starts', 'feel', 'lonliness', 'learns', 'betty', 'car', 'accident', 'killed', 'new', 'husband', 'seeks', 'breezy', 'says', 'relationship', 'last', 'year', 'breezy', 'reminds', 'year', 'long', 'time', 'life', 'meant', 'lived'], [\"'david\", 'thewlis', 'plays', 'eccentric', 'english', 'pianist', 'composer', 'mr.', 'kinsky', 'lives', 'old', 'charming', 'villa', 'rome', 'thandie', 'newton', 'plays', 'housemaid', 'shandurai', 'african', 'refugee', 'whose', 'husband', 'political', 'prisoner', '쐔he', 'black', 'continent', 'kinsky', 'falls', 'love', 'shandurai', 'sends', 'gifts', 'regularly', 'often', 'mad', 'presented', 'ring', 'dares', 'express', 'love', 'feels', 'refuses', 'angrily', 'asks', 'make', 'love', 'shouts', '쏥et', 'husband', 'jail', 'kinsky', 'first', 'time', 'realizes', 'shandurai', 'married', 'despite', 'still', 'immensely', 'loves', 'order', 'help', 'selling', 'precious', 'things', 'home', 'memories', 'past', 'shandurai', 'becomes', 'muse', 'inspiration', 'present', 'finally', 'sell', '쐃ssence', 'piano', 'completely', 'giving', 'love', 'young', 'woman', 'although', 'return', 'one', 'scene', 'african', 'priest', 'asks', 'give', 'concerts', 'public', 'kinsky', 'answers', 'good', 'enough.', 'everything', 'else', 'suggest', 'artist', 'also', 'person', 'fact', 'even', 'shandurai', 'reveal', 'last', 'scenes', 'film', 'movie', 'goes', 'shandurai', 'feelings', 'comes', 'husband', 'going', 'love', 'loyalty', 'whereas', 'mr.', 'kinsky', 'quite', 'conversely', 'second', 'love', 'growing', 'feels', 'loves', 'music', 'piano', 'finally', 'completely', 'seduced', 'end', 'choose', 'love', 'englishman', 'loyalty', 'husband', 'seems', 'film', 'ends', 'right', 'moment', 'choice', 'happened', 'thus', 'viewer', 'stuck', 'good', 'moment', 'agony', 'shandurai', 'stays', 'aware', 'decision', 'goes', 'expense', 'happiness'], ['harold', 'horne', 'ambitious', 'shoe', 'salesman', 'honolulu', 'unknowingly', 'meets', 'boss', 'secretary', 'tells', 'millionaire', 'leather', 'tycoon', 'rest', 'film', 'spends', 'hiding', 'true', 'circumstances', 'store', 'later', 'stowaway', 'board', 'ship', 'trying', 'deliver', 'letter', 'becomes', 'trapped', 'mailbag', 'taken', 'ship', 'falls', 'delivery', 'van', 'onto', 'window', 'cleaner', 'cradle', 'hoisted', 'upwards', 'escaping', 'bag', 'finds', 'dangling', 'high', 'street', 'several', 'thwarted', 'attempts', 'get', 'inside', 'building', 'climbs', 'top', 'slip', 'unaware', 'foot', 'caught', 'end', 'rope', 'rescues', 'inches', 'ground'], [\"'rachel\", 'wilcox', 'uncontrollable', 'year-old', 'latest', 'car', 'crash', 'rachel', 'broken', 'final', 'rule', 'mother', 'lilly\\\\', 'san', 'francisco', 'home', 'lilly', 'hauls', 'daughter', 'one', 'place', 'sworn', 'would', 'never', 'return', 'mother\\\\', 'house', 'idaho', 'matriarch', 'georgia', 'randall', 'lives', 'life', 'number', 'unbreakable', 'rules', 'god', 'comes', 'first', 'hard', 'work', 'comes', 'close', 'second', 'wants', 'anyone', 'shares', 'home', 'make', 'anyone', 'takes', 'lord\\\\', 'name', 'vain', 'wash', 'mouths', 'bar', 'soap', 'saddled', 'raising', 'young', 'woman', 'require', 'patient', 'breath', 'takes', 'understand', 'rachel\\\\', 'fury', 'georgia', 'arranges', 'job', 'rachel', 'office', 'girl', 'dr.', 'simon', 'ward', 'local', 'veterinarian', 'also', 'unofficially', 'treats', 'people', 'two', 'nephews', 'sam', 'ethan', 'often', 'georgia\\\\', 'house', 'simon', 'show', 'interest', 'rachel', 'women', 'thinks', 'gay', 'however', 'simon\\\\', 'sister', 'paula', 'reveals', 'still', 'mourning', 'death', 'wife', 'son', 'killed', 'car', 'crash', 'refuses', 'sex', 'rachel', 'even', 'tries', 'seduce', 'feels', 'passion', 'lilly', 'dated', 'past', 'rachel', 'performs', 'oral', 'sex', 'harlan', 'wilson', 'yet', 'married', 'still', 'virgin', 'lds', 'religion', 'backed', 'reluctant', 'rachel', 'confesses', 'lds', 'girlfriend', 'shocked', 'team', 'lds', 'girls', 'starts', 'spying', 'harlan', 'make', 'sure', 'sex', 'short', 'chase', 'using', 'harlan\\\\', 'truck', 'rachel', 'explains', 'happened', 'back', 'summer', 'fun', 'agree', 'rachel', 'goes', 'home', 'rachel', 'threatens', 'saying', 'anything', 'harlan', 'talk', 'harlan', 'yell', 'harlan', 'call', 'name', 'throw', 'stuff', 'anything', 'else', 'find', 'boyfriends', 'fuck', 'stupid', 'trying', 'make', 'point', 'simon', 'survival', 'rachel', 'bluntly', 'says', 'stepfather', 'arnold', 'sex', 'time', 'turned', '14.', 'seeing', 'effect', 'revelation', 'rachel', 'tries', 'convince', 'lied', 'however', 'simon', 'already', 'told', 'georgia', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'georgia', 'turn', 'tells', 'lilly', 'first', 'thinks', 'rachel', 'lying', 'lilly', 'comes', 'believe', 'daughter', 'however', 'begins', 'drink', 'heavily', 'asks', 'arnold', 'divorce', 'arnold', 'arrives', 'georgia', 'tells', 'leave', 'allow', 'house', 'finally', 'attempts', 'force', 'property', 'hitting', 'baseball', 'bat', 'still', 'refuses', 'leave', 'forces', 'using', 'bat', 'threaten', 'sports', 'car', 'order', 'put', 'bar', 'soap', 'mouth', 'takes', 'god\\\\', 'name', 'vain', 'rachel', 'sees', 'lilly', 'accept', 'truth', 'lies', 'saying', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'anything', 'sexual', 'arnold', 'motel', 'arnold', 'staying', 'rachel', 'tells', 'video', 'tape', 'sex', '14.', 'arnold', 'seems', 'worried', 'convinces', 'viewers', 'guilt', 'rachel', 'demands', 'million', 'keep', 'lilly', 'happy', 'admits', 'lied', 'lilly', 'want', 'upset', 'anymore', 'way', 'back', 'san', 'francisco', 'arnold', 'tells', 'lilly', 'giving', 'rachel', 'new', 'red', 'ferrari', 'hearing', 'lilly', 'quickly', 'recalls', 'rachael\\\\', 'earlier', 'claim', 'bought', 'ford', 'mustang', 'keep', 'silence', 'demands', 'let', 'car', 'lilly', 'jumps', 'car', 'starts', 'walking', 'back', 'town', 'arnold', 'angrily', 'admits', 'sex', 'rachel', 'claims', 'seduced', 'lilly\\\\', 'heavy', 'drinking', 'drove', 'finally', 'saying', 'rachel', 'enjoyed', 'fending', 'attack', 'enraged', 'lilly', 'arnold', 'drives', 'daring', 'take', 'court', 'end', 'georgia', 'along', 'simon', 'rachel', 'harlan', 'catch', 'lilly', 'harlan\\\\', 'pick-up', 'truck', 'tearful', 'rachel', 'makes', 'behavior', 'harlan', 'also', 'mentions', 'georgia', 'love', 'rachel', 'plans', 'marry', 'returns', 'two-year', 'mission'], ['siva', 'investigative', 'scribe', 'shares', 'live-in', 'relationship', 'rich', 'bratty', 'madhu', 'hot-headed', 'run-ins', 'even', 'hotter', 'patch-ups', 'things', 'come', 'head', 'madhu', 'starts', 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'finds', 'love', 'find', 'went', 'wrong', 'another', 'flashback', 'occurs', 'shaam', 'remembers', 'pooja', 'pooja', 'fun-loving', 'tomboy', 'best', 'friends', 'shaam', 'treated', 'she\\\\', 'one', 'guys', 'shaam', 'realizes', 'he\\\\', 'love', 'priya', 'pooja', 'realizes', 'she\\\\', 'love', 'shaam', 'shaam', 'pooja', 'decides', 'reveal', 'love', 'ones', 'love', 'pooja', 'learns', 'shaam', 'love', 'priya', 'kept', 'love', 'secret', 'priya', 'finds', 'shaam\\\\', 'love', 'rejects', 'love', 'cultural', 'innocent', 'girl', 'last', 'taken', 'back', 'present', 'day', 'wedding', 'everyone', 'meets', 'pooja', 'arrives', 'pooja', 'longer', 'girl', 'knew', 'pooja', 'finally', 'reveal', 'love', 'shaam', 'shaam', 'finally', 'realize', 'he\\\\', 'supposed'], ['1941', 'one', 'year', 'italy', 'joined', 'germany', 'allies', 'world', 'war', 'small', 'group', 'misfit', 'italian', 'soldiers', 'sent', 'small', 'greek', 'island', 'aegean', 'sea', 'four', 'months', 'lookout', 'duty', 'soldiers', 'include', 'lieutenant', 'likes', 'art', 'macho', 'sergeant', 'farmer', 'accompanied', 'beloved', 'donkey', 'silvana', 'quirky', 'people', 'good', 'soldiers', 'cross', 'section', 'average', 'independent', 'men', 'soldiers', 'anticipate', 'attack', 'outside', 'island', 'take', 'sorts', 'inept', 'precautions', 'find', 'small', 'town', 'people', 'see', 'bombing', 'horizon', 'realize', 'ship', 'would', 'pick', 'destroyed', 'mysteriously', 'people', 'reappear', 'village', 'villagers', 'say', 'hid', 'germans', 'taken', 'men', 'decided', 'accommodate', 'italians', \"n't\", 'long', 'everyone', 'sunny', 'nature', 'appears', 'italian', 'soldiers', 'absorbed', 'life', 'heat', 'landscape', 'idyllic', 'island', 'local', 'orthodox', 'priest', 'asks', 'lieutenant', 'sunday', 'painter', 'restore', 'murals', 'church', 'two', 'soldiers', 'brothers', 'befriend', 'lovely', 'young', 'woman', 'shepherdess', 'sergeant', 'takes', 'folk', 'dancing', 'shyest', 'soldiers', 'falls', 'profoundly', 'love', 'island', 'single', 'overworked', 'prostitute', 'named', 'vassilissa', 'old', 'age', 'three', 'men', 'reunited', 'island', 'close', 'film', 'mediterraneo', 'march', '1992.', 'review/film', 'festival', 'roundelay', 'love', 'isle', 'wartime'], [\"'set\", 'german', 'occupation', 'paris', 'second', 'world', 'war', 'tells', 'story', 'lucas', 'steiner', 'jewish', 'theatre', 'director', 'gentile', 'wife', 'marion', 'steiner', 'struggles', 'keep', 'concealed', 'nazis', 'theatre', 'cellar', 'performs', 'former', 'job', 'director', 'actress'], ['michael', 'live-in', 'girlfriend', 'jenna', 'appear', 'enjoying', 'perfect', 'relationship', 'jenna', 'pregnant', 'prior', 'opening', 'film', 'parents', 'pressuring', 'pair', 'get', 'married', 'jenna', 'claims', 'michael', 'work', 'pressures', 'dissertation', 'rendered', 'inopportune', 'time', 'marriage', 'real', 'reason', 'unbeknownst', 'anyone', 'michael', 'feels', 'trapped', 'scared', 'although', 'considers', 'jenna', 'ideal', 'companion', 'michael', 'harbors', 'second', 'thoughts', 'upon', 'chance', 'encounter', 'wedding', 'michael', 'meets', 'kim', 'confides', 'relationship', 'kim', 'guesses', 'break', 'jenna', 'becomes', 'flirtatious', 'michael', 'intrigued', 'kim', 'youthfulness', 'openness', 'spirit', 'succumb', 'temptation', 'two', 'part', 'ways', 'kim', 'telling', 'michael', 'attends', 'school', 'usually', 'hangs', 'michael', 'eventually', 'seeks', 'memorial', 'union', 'tells', 'kim', 'area', 'client', 'meeting', 'kim', 'senses', 'interest', 'michael', 'drives', 'home', 'invites', 'party', 'michael', 'accepts', 'back', 'office', 'michael', 'constructs', 'excuse', 'away', 'jenna', 'night', 'party', 'asks', 'chris', 'friend', 'co-worker', 'cover', 'case', 'jenna', 'calls', 'chris', 'suspects', 'michael', 'met', 'another', 'woman', 'wishes', 'avoid', 'becoming', 'involved', 'chris', 'left', 'wife', 'knows', 'first', 'hand', 'painful', 'breakup', 'michael', 'denies', 'existence', 'another', 'woman', 'merely', 'says', \"'be\", 'old', 'college', 'friend', 'party', 'kim', '봶ho', 'michael', 'says', 'makes', \"'feel\", 'ten', 'years', 'younger', '봳he', 'two', 'kiss', 'several', 'times', 'preceding', 'kim', 'inviting', 'michael', 'dorm', 'night', 'guilt', 'cheating', 'jenna', 'prevails', 'temptation', 'however', 'refuses', 'unfortunately', 'michael', 'izzy', 'father', 'dies', 'night', 'several', 'friends', 'acquaintances', 'including', 'jenna', 'chris', 'izzy', 'home', 'condolences', 'jenna', 'realizes', 'michael', 'claimed', 'chris', 'jenna', 'confronts', 'chris', 'chris', 'refuses', 'answer', 'questions', 'fuels', 'jenna', 'suspicions', 'michael', 'indeed', 'gone', 'astray', 'michael', 'arrives', 'home', 'night', 'jenna', 'becomes', 'confrontational', 'michael', 'first', 'denies', 'kim', 'eventually', 'admits', 'seen', 'another', 'woman', 'although', 'points', \"n't\", 'sleep', 'outing', 'meant', 'nothing', 'jenna', 'yells', 'kicks', 'house', 'alone', 'depressed', 'desperate', 'michael', 'receives', 'call', 'kim', 'kim', 'apologizes', 'demanding', 'earlier', 'asks', 'come', 'conversation', 'michael', 'agrees', 'upon', 'arrival', 'pair', 'immediately', 'engage', 'sexual', 'intercourse', 'next', 'morning', 'michael', 'tries', 'sneaking', 'away', 'without', 'waking', 'kim', 'notices', 'gets', 'door', 'left', 'keys', 'behind', 'upon', 'return', 'kim', 'demands', 'know', \"n't\", 'said', 'goodbye', 'michael', 'tells', 'simply', 'want', 'wake', 'work', 'early', 'kim', 'takes', 'missing', 'keys', 'pocket', 'returns', 'michael', 'promises', 'call', 'work', 'michael', 'plans', 'leaving', 'early', 'seek', 'jenna', 'way', 'kim', 'visits', 'office', 'unannounced', 'wanting', 'give', 'mix', 'michael', 'confides', 'still', 'loves', 'jenna', 'fact', 'pregnant', 'baby', 'apologizes', 'kim', 'telling', 'jenna', 'pregnancy', 'leaves', 'search', 'jenna', 'michael', 'pulls', 'jenna', 'parents', 'home', 'jenna', 'father', 'stephen', 'gives', 'stern', 'lecture', 'commitment', 'adulthood', 'offers', 'advice', 'winning', 'jenna', 'forgiveness', 'stephen', 'urges', 'michael', 'completely', 'honest', 'never', 'stop', 'trying', 'equipped', 'wisdom', 'michael', 'goes', 'jenna', 'room', 'verge', 'reconciliation', 'jenna', 'asks', 'telling', 'truth', 'sex', 'kim', 'michael', 'says', 'telling', 'truth', 'result', 'stephen', 'advice', 'confesses', 'went', 'back', 'later', 'night', 'even', 'though', 'michael', 'claims', 'honest', 'jenna', 'becomes', 'inconsolable', 'storms', 'house', 'back', 'apartment', 'michael', 'follows', 'back', 'finds', 'locked', 'stakes', 'front', 'porch', 'jenna', 'agrees', 'talk', 'day', 'night', 'wet', 'dry', 'michael', 'remains', 'front', 'door', 'many', 'neighbors', 'taking', 'notice', 'even', 'providing', 'beverages', 'stephen', 'even', 'proceeds', 'drive', 'car', 'notices', 'michael', 'sees', 'proud', 'smile', 'develops', 'face', 'drives', 'acknowledging', 'michael', 'taken', 'advice', 'seriously', 'slowly', 'surely', 'begins', 'relent', 'first', 'tossing', 'blanket', 'cold', 'evening', 'dropping', 'sandwich', 'next', 'day', 'evening', 'would', 'third', 'night', 'porch', 'jenna', 'breaks', 'silence', 'speaks', 'michael', 'closed', 'door', 'laments', 'mourning', 'loss', 'relationship', 'like', 'loss', 'someone', 'life', 'later', 'evening', 'jenna', 'opens', 'door', 'michael', 'goes', 'inside'], ['film', 'melodrama', 'woon-gyu', 'character', 'breaks', 'girlfriend', 'becomes', 'vagabond', 'girlfriend', 'marries', 'another', 'man', 'returns', 'discovers', 'married', 'leaves'], [\"'jewel\", 'thief', 'jack', 'rhodes', 'a.k.a', 'jack', 'diamonds', 'masterminding', 'heist', 'million', 'worth', 'uncut', 'gems', 'also', 'eye', 'lovely', 'gillian', 'bromley', 'becomes', 'part', 'gang', 'forming', 'pull', 'daring', 'robbery', 'chief', 'inspector', 'cyril', 'willis', 'scotland', 'yard', 'however', 'blackmailing', 'gillian', 'threatening', 'prosecution', 'another', 'theft', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'cooperate', 'helping', 'bag', 'elusive', 'rhodes', 'last', 'jewel', 'crown', 'chief', 'inspector', 'formally', 'retires', 'duty'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'franz', 'sommer', 'newlywed', 'wife', 'helene', 'mary', 'johnson', 'going', 'hard', 'times', 'sommer', 'without', 'steady', 'employment', 'partly', 'due', 'honest-to-a-fault', 'nature', 'helene', 'takes', 'job', 'selling', 'cigars', 'cigarettes', 'restaurant', 'patron', 'advances', 'helene', 'ignores', 'sommer\\\\', 'warning', 'leave', 'alone', 'sommer', 'pushes', 'away', 'falls', 'hits', 'head', 'dying', 'days', 'later', 'sommer', 'arrested', 'sentenced', 'three', 'years', 'prison', 'sommer', 'kept', 'large', 'cell', 'four', 'people', 'one', 'steinau', 'soon', 'acquitted', 'promises', 'sommer', 'help', 'wife', 'he\\\\', 'incarcerated', 'giving', 'better', 'job', 'business', 'offering', 'friendship', 'work', 'get', 'sommer', 'much', 'remainder', 'film', 'men\\\\', 'sexual', 'frustration', 'separated', 'women', 'focus', 'scenes', 'making', 'nude', 'sculptures', 'breadcrumbs', 'water', 'fighting', 'woman\\\\', 'handkerchief', 'smuggled', 'visitation', 'time', 'strong', 'homoerotic', 'undercurrent', 'throughout', 'though', 'hinted', 'fifth', 'act', 'brings', 'changes', 'helene', 'sommer\\\\', 'stories', 'helene', 'delirious', 'sommer\\\\', 'absence', 'goes', 'steinau', 'one', 'night', 'madly', 'trying', 'gain', 'entrance', 'prison', 'sleeps', 'meanwhile', 'sommer\\\\', 'relationship', 'fellow', 'inmate', 'alfred', 'marquis', 'begins', 'move', 'subtext', 'foreground', 'prison', 'church', 'service', 'sommer', 'marquis', 'sit', 'next', 'preacher', 'tells', 'yield', 'temptation', 'marquis', 'writing', 'franz', 'alfred', 'cover', 'bible', 'shows', 'sommer', 'respond', 'night', 'sommer', 'seeing', 'marquis', 'completely', 'absorbed', 'thought', 'asks', 'thinking', 'marquis', 'asks', 'nonresponse', 'means', 'hates', 'holds', 'hand', 'sommer', 'takes', 'begins', 'moving', 'marquis\\\\', 'bed', 'scene', 'fades', 'exterior', 'night', 'shot', 'prison', 'next', 'day', 'helene', 'arranges', 'warden', 'private', 'visit', 'sommer', 'intends', 'tell', 'steinau', 'sommer', 'say', 'anything', 'short', 'meeting', 'awkward', 'distant', 'later', 'steinau', 'makes', 'presentation', 'calling', 'penal', 'system', 'reform', 'representative', 'unswayed', 'steinau', 'asks', 'helene', 'divorce', 'sommer', 'marry', 'refuses', 'marquis', 'released', 'sommer', 'shortly', 'marquis', 'briefly', 'seen', 'river', 'another', 'man', 'happily', 'commenting', 'sommer', 'got', 'today', 'man', 'cynically', 'responds', 'could', 'make', 'good', 'deal', 'money', 'sommer', 'rich', 'marquis', 'takes', 'offense', 'walks', 'away', 'though', 'spelled', 'suggestion', 'one', 'could', 'use', 'paragraph', '175', 'blackmail', 'sommer', 'way', 'used', 'paul', 'k철rner', 'different', 'others', 'sommer', 'goes', 'home', 'wife', 'happy', 'see', 'happy', 'free', 'confesses', 'longer', 'loves', 'helene', 'thinks', 'found', 'steinau', 'mentions', 'knows', 'nothing', 'point', 'knock', 'door', 'helene', 'opens', 'find', 'marquis', 'bouquet', 'flowers', 'come', 'see', 'sommer', 'helene', 'figures', 'sommer', 'even', 'depressed', 'sends', 'away', 'leaves', 'flowers', 'newelpost', 'hallway', 'offering', 'apologies', 'helene', 'sees', 'going', 'back', 'inside', 'sees', 'sommer', 'eying', 'gas', 'valve', 'heater', 'tells', 'living', 'urges', 'leave', 'turns', 'gas', 'together', 'die'], ['plot', 'movie', 'begins', 'kate', 'discussing', 'mother', 'lori\\\\', 'series', 'bad', 'relationships', 'always', 'causes', 'family', 'move', 'new', 'town', 'mother', 'move', 'new', 'town', 'kate', 'gets', 'job', 'waitress', 'work', 'sees', 'popular', 'local', 'boy', 'john', 'tucker', 'dates', 'three', 'different', 'girls', 'carrie', 'chronic', 'overachiever', 'heather', 'ashanti', 'sassy', 'aggressive', 'head', 'cheerleader', 'beth', 'promiscuous', 'vegan', 'activist', 'kate', 'learns', 'co-worker', 'dates', 'girls', 'different', 'cliques', 'school', 'never', 'interact', 'convinces', 'girls', 'dates', 'keep', 'relationships', 'secret', 'one', 'day', 'gym', 'class', 'kate', 'carrie', 'heather', 'beth', 'end', 'team', 'volleyball', 'game', 'game', 'carrie', 'brags', 'john', 'tucker', 'girls', 'learn', 'scheme', 'carrie', 'heather', 'beth', 'begin', 'fighting', 'kate', 'tries', 'break', 'fight', 'land', 'detention', 'later', 'kate', 'enlisted', 'help', 'retaliation', 'john', 'tucker', 'meantime', 'kate', 'becomes', 'friends', 'john\\\\', 'brother', 'scott', 'better', 'known', 'tucker', 'girls\\\\', 'initial', 'attempts', 'undo', 'john', 'backfire', 'john', 'manages', 'use', 'advantage', 'breaks', 'three', 'girls', 'agree', 'breaking', 'heart', 'ideal', 'revenge', 'enlist', 'kate', 'heartbreaker', 'kate', 'joins', 'cheerleading', 'team', 'order', 'get', 'john\\\\', 'attention', 'girls', 'give', 'advice', 'act', 'around', 'john', 'spy', 'dates', 'using', 'surveillance', 'equipment', 'kate', 'john', 'series', 'dates', 'first', 'bonfire', 'beach', 'kate', 'unprepared', 'john', 'asks', 'take', 'home', 'beth', 'intervenes', 'teach', 'kiss', 'however', 'john', 'arrives', 'forcing', 'beth', 'hide', 'back', 'land', 'rover', 'house', 'kate', 'manages', 'buy', 'beth', 'time', 'escape', 'kissing', 'john', 'beth\\\\', 'skirt', 'ruined', 'process', 'next', 'date', 'romantic', 'boat', 'ride', 'kate', 'john', 'good', 'time', 'together', 'beth', 'later', 'notices', 'kate', 'starting', 'fall', 'john', 'counteract', 'carrie', 'tapes', 'john', 'bragging', 'friends', 'locker', 'room', 'saying', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'scoring', 'baskets', 'away', 'game', 'shows', 'tape', 'kate', 'order', 'get', 'snap', 'girls', 'try', 'another', 'plan', 'embarrass', 'john', 'tucker', 'hotel', 'night', 'away', 'game', 'kate', 'seduces', 'john', 'video-chat', 'tells', 'put', 'woman\\\\', 'thong', 'climb', 'room', 'accidentally', 'climbs', 'teacher\\\\', 'room', 'becomes', 'laughingstock', 'school', 'john', 'uses', 'advantage', 'starting', 'fashion', 'trend', 'meanwhile', 'kate\\\\', 'mother', 'scott', 'discover', 'plan', 'lament', 'change', 'kate\\\\', 'behavior', 'afterward', 'kate', 'tells', 'john', 'heard', 'said', 'locker', 'room', 'john', 'makes', 'amends', 'giving', 'watch', 'asking', 'girlfriend', 'kate', 'tells', 'heather', 'carrie', 'beth', 'wants', 'plan', 'whether', 'dating', 'plotting', 'destroy', 'john', 'tucker', 'still', 'john\\\\', 'birthday', 'party', 'tape', 'girls', 'made', 'john\\\\', 'destruction', 'played', 'kate', 'reveals', 'entire', 'plot', 'heather', 'beth', 'carrie', 'defend', 'guest', 'throws', 'drink', 'kate', 'still', 'john', 'tucker', 'unfazed', 'party', 'devolves', 'cake', 'fight', 'days', 'later', 'john', 'kate', 'agree', 'friends', 'john', 'resolves', 'honest', 'telling', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'girlfriend', 'scott', 'happy', 'kate', 'confessed', 'becomes', 'lab', 'partner', 'hinted', 'two', 'begin', 'dating', 'kate', 'good', 'friends', 'beth', 'carrie', 'heather', 'kate', 'finishes', 'saying', 'girl', 'made', 'john', 'tucker', 'fall', 'love', 'well', 'she\\\\', 'legend', 'credits', 'kate', 'warns', 'viewers', 'home', 'wanting', 'try', 'destroying', 'man', 'consequences', 'camera', 'pans', 'several', 'male', 'teachers', 'bending', 'grab', 'papers', 'wearing', 'thongs'], ['tom', 'stansfield', 'researcher', 'publishing', 'company', 'works', 'tyrannical', 'jack', 'taylor', 'tom', 'crush', 'boss', 'daughter', 'lisa', 'taylor', 'completely', 'controlled', 'overprotective', 'father', 'reveals', 'tom', 'father', 'making', 'house-sit', 'night', 'party', 'wants', 'attend', 'tom', 'convinces', 'stand', 'father', 'attend', 'party', 'anyway', 'lisa', 'asks', 'come', 'house', 'night', 'leading', 'tom', 'think', 'invited', 'party', 'reality', 'wants', 'fill', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'comedy', 'errors', 'ensues', 'including', 'return', 'lisa', 'older', 'brother', 'red', 'run', 'drug', 'dealers', 'red', 'dumps', 'drugs', 'toilet', 'instead', 'returns', 'bag', 'flour', 'drug', 'dealer', 'one', 'tom', 'tasks', 'guard', 'owl', 'o-j', 'lives', 'open', 'cage', 'bird', 'drinks', 'toilet', 'polluted', 'drugs', 'flies', 'away', 'jack', 'taylor', 'ex-secretary', 'audrey', 'goes', 'house', 'try', 'earn', 'job', 'back', 'fighting', 'boyfriend', 'stays', 'house', 'lisa', 'returns', 'home', 'finding', 'boyfriend', 'hans', 'cheating', 'tom', 'hides', 'everything', 'happened', 'spends', 'time', 'thinking', 'homosexual', 'clarifies', 'heterosexual', 'starts', 'like', 'audrey', 'friend', 'thinks', 'breast', 'cancer', 'asks', 'tom', 'feel', 'breasts', 'lisa', 'walks', 'disgusted', 'situation', 't.j.', 'drug', 'dealer', 'finds', 'fake', 'drugs', 'threatens', 'kill', 'tom', \"n't\", 'return', 'money', 't.j.', 'tries', 'open', 'safe', 'steal', 'money', 'however', 'tom', 'gives', 'sleeping', 'pills', 'mixed', 'alcohol', 'sends', 'coma', 'think', 't.j.', 'dead', 'audrey', 'friends', 'bury', 'later', 't.j.', 'escapes', 'grave', 'threatens', 'kill', 'lisa', 'red', 'help', 'tom', 'rescues', 'lisa', 'falls', 'love', 'goes', 'get', 'father', 'way', 'back', 'owl', 'gets', 'car', 'making', 'tom', 'lose', 'control', 'car', 'crash', 'house', 'find', 'police', 'officers', 'house', 'looking', 't.j.', 'ends', 'getting', 'arrested', 'jack', 'taylor', 'enraged', 'damages', 'done', 'house', 'throws', 'tom', 'next', 'day', 'jack', 'taylor', 'hears', 'son', 'explaining', 'lisa', 'stand', 'father', 'goes', 'back', 'tom', 'jack', 'realizes', 'mistakes', 'gives', 'tom', 'promotion'], ['webster', 'mcgee', 'computer', 'programmer', 'abruptly', 'quits', 'job', 'adopts', 'life', 'crime', 'jewel', 'thief', 'houston', 'texas', 'first', 'job', 'robs', 'rich', 'businessman', 'henderling', 'stealing', 'money', 'also', 'files', 'information', 'could', 'destroy', 'henderling', 'career', 'mcgee', 'uses', 'blackmail', 'instead', 'money', 'asks', 'introduction', 'high', 'society', 'aiming', 'find', 'way', 'rob', 'rich', 'houses', 'soon', 'meets', 'laura', 'society', 'function', 'hosted', 'henderling', 'falls', 'love', 'mcgee', 'helps', 'burglarize', 'several', 'friends', 'henderling', 'insurance', 'investigator', 'dave', 'reilly', 'intent', 'identifying', 'webster', 'jewel', 'thief', 'course', 'investigation', 'reilly', 'mcgee', 'develop', 'sort', 'friendship', 'reilly', 'must', 'decide', 'whether', 'loyal', 'job', 'new', 'friend'], ['pushpa', 'sold', 'brothel', 'calcutta', 'village-uncle', 'nepali', 'babu', 'audition', 'brothel', 'anand', 'babu', 'businessman', 'seeking', 'love', 'attracted', 'singing', 'anand', 'babu', 'unhappily', 'married', 'lonely', 'becomes', 'regular', 'exclusive', 'customer', 'love', 'blossoms', 'later', 'widowed', 'man', 'family', 'village', 'moves', 'close', 'pushpa', 'place', 'new', 'neighbour', 'son', 'nandu', \"n't\", 'get', 'love', 'home', 'father', 'works', 'time', 'stepmother', \"n't\", 'care', 'pushpa', 'starts', 'treating', 'nandu', 'son', 'gets', 'know', 'village', 'nandu', 'suffers', 'fever', 'treatment', 'secretly', 'financed', 'anand', 'babu', 'pushpa', 'recommendation', 'story', 'revolves', 'around', 'pushpa', 'great', 'love', 'anand', 'babu', 'nandu', 'story', 'details', 'circumstances', 'stop', 'pushpa', 'meeting', 'people', 'society', 'prejudges', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'nandu', 'grows', 'become', 'government', 'engineer', 'posted', 'town', 'nandu', 'meets', 'anand', 'babu', 'takes', 'meet', 'pushpa', 'end', 'nandu', 'takes', 'pushpa', 'home', 'like', 'son', 'reunited', 'long', 'lost', 'mother.amar', 'prem', 'synopsis'], [\"'four\", 'friends', 'annoyed', 'almost', 'everyone', 'else', 'know', 'sex', 'agree', 'help', 'lose', 'virginity', 'end', 'summer', 'opportunities', 'foiled', 'inexperience', 'bad', 'planning', 'michael', 'sensible', 'boy', 'foursome', 'really', 'wants', 'stay', 'long-time', 'girlfriend', 'take', 'relationship', 'intimate', 'level', 'putting', 'six', 'months', 'grows', 'impatient', 'splits', 'seek', 'fortune', 'elsewhere', 'imdb'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'focuses', 'protagonist', 'shivaji', 'rao', 'happens', 'ambitious', 'cameraman', 'working', 'along', 'friend', 'topi', 'job', 'rao', 'records', 'conversation', 'chief', 'minister', 'balraj', 'chauhan', 'takes', 'indifferent', 'stand', 'riots', 'triggered', 'fight', 'college', 'students', 'bus', 'drivers', 'lose', 'voter', 'base', 'due', 'police', 'inaction', 'loss', 'life', 'damage', 'property', 'explain', 'actions', 'chauhan', 'later', 'agrees', 'live', 'interview', 'shivaji', 'course', 'rao', 'raises', 'issues', 'airs', 'chief', 'minister\\\\', 'stand', 'caught', 'tape', 'response', 'shivaji\\\\', 'allegations', 'mismanagement', 'government', 'chauhan', 'redirects', 'question', 'instead', 'talking', 'difficult', 'job', 'due', 'red', 'tape', 'bureaucracy', 'challenges', 'shivaji', 'day', 'experience', 'problems', 'shivaji', 'reluctantly', 'accepts', 'challenge', 'prove', 'chuhan', 'wrong', 'educated', 'vigilant', 'shivaji', 'takes', 'care', 'issues', 'affect', 'populace', 'everyday', 'giving', 'slum', 'rightful', 'apartments', 'getting', 'jobs', 'unemployed', 'suspending', 'inefficient', 'corrupt', 'government', 'officers', 'assisted', 'secretary', 'bansal', 'serves', 'side', 'kick', 'last', 'act', 'day', 'rao', 'gets', 'chauhan', 'arrested', 'root', 'cause', 'corruption', 'later', 'chauhan', 'bails', 'passes', 'ordinance', 'nullify', 'orders', 'passed', 'shivaji', 'taking', 'shivaji\\\\', 'success', 'insult', 'chauhan', 'sends', 'hitmen', 'get', 'killed', 'destroys', 'house', 'false', 'grounds', 'meanwhile', 'shivaji', 'falls', 'love', 'manjali', 'naive', 'carefree', 'villager', 'rao', 'asks', 'father', 'hand', 'marriage', 'refuses', 'grounds', 'rao', 'employed', 'government', 'tenure', 'one-day', 'starts', 'preparing', 'indian', 'civil', 'service', 'examination', 'win', 'manjaris', 'hand', 'marriage', 'however', 'bansal', 'shows', 'tells', 'shivaji\\\\', 'popularity', 'rocketed', 'sky-high', 'people', 'want', 'become', 'next', 'state', 'reluctant', 'first', 'chauhan\\\\', 'henchmen', 'vandalize', 'premises', 'intimidate', 'people', 'show', 'support', 'thronging', 'place', 'huge', 'numbers', 'agrees', 'take', 'part', 'elections', 'ensuing', 'state', 'elections', 'wins', 'vast', 'majority', 'manjali', 'father', 'angered', 'shivaji\\\\', 'decision', 'refuses', 'let', 'daughter', 'marry', 'chauhan', 'political', 'allies', 'desert', 'causing', 'defeat', 'becoming', 'chief', 'minister', 'shivaji', 'brings', 'lots', 'improvements', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'idol', 'people', 'eyes', 'however', 'growing', 'popularity', 'threatened', 'continuously', 'chauhan', 'uses', 'henchmen', 'kill', 'least', 'tarnish', 'image', 'public', 'hero', 'shivaji', 'promptly', 'answers', 'digging', 'accusations', 'chauhan', 'allies', 'however', 'causes', 'reunion', 'chauhan', 'allies', 'failed', 'attempt', 'shivaji\\\\', 'life', 'hiring', 'assassin', 'bomb', 'detonated', 'home', 'killing', 'parents', 'final', 'attempt', 'chauhan', 'orders', 'p.a', 'destroy', 'law', 'order', 'cause', 'bomb', 'explosions', 'various', 'parts', 'city', 'priest', 'able', 'overhear', 'men', 'planning', 'detonate', 'bombs', 'immediately', 'notifies', 'shivaji\\\\', 'office', 'via', 'complaint', 'box', 'department', 'chauhan\\\\', 'p.a', 'arrested', 'tactical', 'inquiry', 'shivaji', 'secretary', 'discloses', 'location', 'bombs', 'bomb', 'squad', 'able', 'defuse', 'bombs', '4th', 'one', 'explodes', 'could', 'reach', 'chauhan', 'however', 'uses', 'success', 'shivaji', 'blaming', 'young', 'bomb', 'seeing', 'way', 'shivaji', 'summons', 'chauhan', 'secretariat', 'creates', 'situation', 'would', 'seem', 'chauhan', 'shoot', 'shivaji', 'failed', 'shivaji', 'takes', 'gun', 'pointing', 'arm', 'shoots', 'hands', 'gun', 'chauhan', 'getting', 'know', 'shivaji', 'set', 'trap', 'enraged', 'chauhan', 'attempts', 'shoot', 'shivaji', 'shot', 'misses', 'security', 'guards', 'shoot', 'chauhan', 'killing', 'shivaji', 'secretly', 'tells', 'bansal', 'truth', 'says', 'finally', 'turned', 'politician', 'bansal', 'believes', 'chauhan', 'deserved', 'death', 'saying', 'instituted', 'politics', 'long', 'time', 'corruption', 'evil', 'good', 'manjali\\\\', 'father', 'also', 'comes', 'realize', 'shivaji', 'fact', 'great', 'man', 'sees', 'duty', 'everything', 'else', 'allows', 'manjali', 'marry', 'end', 'city', 'develops', 'governance', 'shivaji', 'rao', 'colleagues', 'complaint', 'box', 'people', 'supposed', 'fill', 'complaints', 'information', 'various', 'threats', 'anonymously', 'shown', 'empty', 'signifying', 'reasons', 'afraid', 'taken', 'care'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'released', '2001', 'set', '1996', 'real', 'team', 'competed', 'national', 'championships', 'thailand', 'two', 'main', 'characters', 'mon', 'jung', 'play', 'two', 'gay', 'transvestites', 'constantly', 'overlooked', 'volleyball', 'coaches', 'appearance', 'however', 'local', 'team', 'changes', 'coaches', 'new', 'coach', 'holds', 'tryouts', 'new', 'team', 'mon', 'jung', 'selected', 'old', 'players', 'resign', 'leaving', 'new', 'coach', 'coach', 'bee', 'sticky', 'predicament', 'mon', 'jung', 'forced', 'enlist', 'help', 'gay', 'transsexual', 'friends', 'used', 'play', 'volleyball', 'university', 'new', 'players', 'include', 'wit', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'told', 'fianc챕e', 'gay', 'pia', 'transsexual', 'dancer', 'nong', 'gay', 'army', 'conscript', 'competition', 'begins', 'one', 'player', 'team', 'gay', 'transsexual', 'appearance', 'court', 'many', 'match', 'officials', 'intend', 'ban', 'team', 'soon', 'dubbed', 'iron', 'ladies', 'tournament', 'however', 'seeing', 'much', 'team', 'liked', 'crowd', 'soon', 'changes', 'many', 'opinions', 'end', 'credits', 'film', 'real', 'iron', 'ladies', 'shown', 'time', 'making', 'film'], ['rachel', 'beautiful', 'young', 'artist', 'murdered', 'secluded', 'lakefront', 'house', 'group', 'soulless', 'killers', 'brother', 'travis', 'vows', 'punish', 'killers', 'one', 'one', 'even', 'costs', 'soul', 'guided', 'sister', 'ghostly', 'voice', 'commands', 'take', 'brutal', 'revenge', 'travis', 'hunts', 'killers', 'punishes', 'gruesome', 'fashion', 'travis', 'conscience', 'catches', 'sister', 'voice', 'circumstances', 'push', 'much', 'horrible', 'circumstances', 'already'], ['brilliant', 'research', 'psychiatrist', 'dr.', 'paul', 'venner', 'driven', 'budapest', 'another', 'researcher', 'taken', 'false', 'credit', 'venner', 'work', 'going', 'london', 'dr.', 'venner', 'offered', 'job', 'scottish', 'sanitarium', 'continue', 'research', 'dementia', 'precox', 'disease', 'father', 'suffered', 'mary', 'murray', 'young', 'pretty', 'doctor', 'becomes', 'laboratory', 'assistant', 'fall', 'love', 'though', 'plans', 'china', 'engage', 'medical', 'missionary', 'work', 'year', 'time', 'paul', 'convinces', 'remain', 'two', 'become', 'betrothed', 'fire', 'breaks', 'lab', 'mary', 'tragically', 'dies', 'effort', 'salvage', 'paul', 'valuable', 'records', 'deeply', 'distressed', 'doctor', 'turns', 'several', 'posts', 'prestigious', 'universities', 'order', 'realize', 'mary', 'dream', 'helping', 'sick', 'china', 'working', 'title', 'film', 'winged', 'victory', 'changed', 'learned', 'moss', 'hart', 'writing', 'play', 'title', 'hart', 'winged', 'victory', 'filmed', '1944'], ['kevin', 'matthews', 'becomes', 'new', 'pupil', 'ralph', 'waldo', 'emerson', 'high', 'school', 'rejected', 'trendy', 'key', 'club', 'instead', 'joins', 'science', 'club', 'accidentally', 'discovers', 'number', 'vials', 'behind', 'hidden', 'panel', 'lab', 'drinking', 'contents', 'develops', 'psychokinetic', 'powers', 'amuses', 'hitting', 'little', 'girls', 'dresses', 'humiliating', 'key', 'club', 'jocks', 'becoming', 'popular', 'process', 'key', 'club', 'plots', 'cruel', 'revenge'], ['vivacious', 'lady', 'story', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'young', 'botany', 'professor', 'named', 'peter', 'morgan', 'jr.', 'nightclub', 'singer', 'named', 'francey', 'film', 'also', 'comedic', 'elements', 'including', 'repeatedly', 'frustrated', 'attempts', 'newlywed', 'couple', 'find', 'moment', 'alone', 'story', 'begins', 'peter', 'sent', 'manhattan', 'retrieve', 'playboy', 'cousin', 'keith', 'james', 'ellison', 'immediately', 'falls', 'love', 'francey', 'whirlwind', 'one-day', 'courtship', 'peter', 'francey', 'get', 'married', 'keith', 'return', 'morgan', 'family', 'home', 'peter', 'teaches', 'university', 'run', 'father', 'peter', 'morgan', 'sr.', 'mr.', 'morgan', 'known', 'proud', 'overbearing', 'man', 'peter', 'afraid', 'tell', 'marriage', 'arrive', 'mr.', 'morgan', 'peter', 'high-society', 'fianc챕e', 'helen', 'initially', 'take', 'francey', 'another', 'keith', 'girlfriends', 'peter', 'decides', 'approach', 'father', 'news', 'francey', 'stays', 'women-only', 'hotel', 'peter', 'keith', 'introduce', 'new', 'botany', 'student', 'peter', 'mentions', 'francey', 'father', 'twice', 'occasions', 'mr.', 'morgan', 'interrupts', 'ignores', 'son', 'peter', 'becomes', 'insistent', 'apparently', 'ailing', 'mother', 'flare-up', 'heart', 'condition', 'making', 'conversation', 'impossible', 'third', 'attempt', 'peter', 'decides', 'announce', 'marriage', 'parents', 'university', 'student-faculty', 'prom', 'keith', 'brings', 'francey', 'prom', 'guest', 'francey', 'still', 'posing', 'student', 'develops', 'friendly', 'rapore', 'mrs.', 'morgan', 'gets', 'nasty', 'brawl', 'helen', 'francey', 'accidentally', 'punches', 'peter', 'father', 'peter', 'says', 'nothing', 'prom', 'blurts', 'news', 'father', 'mr.', 'morgan', 'give', 'important', 'speech', 'resulting', 'another', 'argument', 'another', 'flare-up', 'mrs.', 'morgan', 'heart', 'condition', 'prevents', 'mrs.', 'morgan', 'learning', 'francey', 'accidentally', 'finds', 'francey', 'conversation', 'francey', 'apartment', 'mrs.', 'morgan', 'accepts', 'news', 'happily', 'admits', 'francey', 'pretends', 'heart', 'trouble', 'time', 'husband', 'gets', 'argument', 'mr.', 'morgan', 'demands', 'francey', 'leave', 'peter', 'threatening', 'fire', \"n't\", 'francey', 'agrees', 'leave', 'incident', 'releases', 'thirty', 'years', 'marital', 'frustration', 'mrs.', 'morgan', 'also', 'decides', 'leave', 'husband', 'francey', 'tells', 'peter', 'leave', 'unless', 'change', 'father', 'mind', 'train', 'departs', 'peter', 'solution', 'threaten', 'family', 'disgrace', 'getting', 'drunk', 'otherwise', 'misbehaving', 'father', 'relents', 'even', 'costs', 'job', 'peter', 'passes', 'reach', 'train', 'departs', 'francey', 'mrs.', 'morgan', 'aboard', 'mr.', 'morgan', 'finally', 'yielded', 'combined', 'pressure', 'son', 'wife', 'stops', 'train', 'driving', 'ahead', 'peter', 'parking', 'car', 'track', 'marriages', 'saved', 'peter', 'francey', 'finally', 'honeymoon', 'train'], ['ida', 'teeter', 'shy', 'entomologist', 'wide', 'variety', 'insects', 'home', 'caused', 'recent', 'girlfriend', 'break', '쐇nformed', 'fellow', 'entomologist', 'max', 'grubb', 'obsession', 'job', 'reason', 'lady', 'friends', 'constantly', 'breaking', 'ida', 'crestfallen', 'although', 'introduced', 'beautiful', 'strange', 'girl', 'named', 'misty', 'falls', 'sits', 'sketch', 'pad', 'drawing', 'pixies', 'lobby', 'mcnaughton', 'museum', 'natural', 'history', 'ida', 'max', 'work', 'instantly', 'ida', 'enamored', 'chance', 'although', 'max', 'gives', 'warning', '쐀abes', 'bugs', 'simultaneously', 'mysterious', 'package', 'arrives', 'ida', 'apartment', 'door', 'revealed', 'contain', 'large', 'unidentifiable', 'mantis-like', 'insect', 'landlady', 'lana', 'beasley', 'concerned', '쐏ets', 'ida', 'effect', 'may', 'laid', 'upon', 'seven-year-old', 'granddaughter', 'betty', 'dubbed', '쏷he', 'ladybug', 'continuous', 'habit', 'wearing', 'ladybug', 'costume', 'ladybug', 'looks', 'ida', 'heroine', 'influence', 'much', 'beasley', 'dismay', 'ida', 'promises', 'keep', 'insects', 'check', 'later', 'night', 'examines', 'new', 'insect', 'fondly', 'names', '쏮ick', 'informs', 'max', 'via', 'telephone', 'creature', '쏮ick', 'escapes', 'plastic', 'tank', 'shortly', 'ida', 'leaves', 'next', 'day', 'ida', 'walks', 'misty', 'asks', 'dinner', 'misty', 'accepts', 'two', 'women', 'date', 'night', 'chinese', 'restaurant', 'misty', 'embarrassedly', 'states', 'thinks', 'ida', 'attractive', 'misty', 'asks', 'whether', 'two', 'watch', 'movie', '쏷exas', 'pixies', 'ida', 'dvd', 'player', 'ida', 'accepts', 'date', 'although', 'concerned', 'misty', 'would', 'think', 'large', 'collection', 'bugs', 'meantime', 'mick', 'escapes', 'attacks', 'beasley', 'pet', 'dog', 'dragging', 'one', 'ida', 'bedroom', 'pillows', 'consumes', 'animal', 'later', 'posters', 'advertising', 'lost', 'dog', 'misty', 'introduced', 'betty', 'apartment', 'though', 'ida', 'keeps', 'away', 'bedroom', 'insects', 'hidden', 'proceed', 'enjoying', 'bourbon', 'watching', '쏷exas', 'pixies', 'movie', 'together', 'two', 'get', 'closer', 'moment', 'interrupted', 'max', 'curious', 'date', 'ida', 'returns', 'find', 'misty', 'asleep', 'couch', 'proceeds', 'bedroom', 'returns', 'pillow', 'give', 'misty', 'suddenly', 'wakes', 'drunken', 'slumber', 'still', 'drunk', 'drive', 'ida', 'allows', 'misty', 'stay', 'gratitude', 'misty', 'returns', 'favor', 'stripping', 'shirt', 'seducing', 'ida', 'mick', 'proboscis', 'reaches', 'misty', 'nips', 'ear', 'misty', 'dismisses', 'next', 'morning', 'ida', 'awakens', 'find', 'misty', 'discovered', 'secret', 'bug', 'stash', 'great', 'interest', 'bugs', 'also', 'discovers', 'misty', 'ida', 'favorite', 'professor', 'malcolm', 'wolf', 'daughter', 'two', 'search', 'escaped', 'mick', 'later', 'misty', 'feels', 'pain', 'right', 'ear', 'finds', 'small', 'sample', 'foreign', 'saliva', 'soon', 'becomes', 'weak', 'stay', 'ida', 'turns', 'max', 'drawings', 'creature', 'misty', 'max', 'take', 'matter', 'seriously', 'even', 'makes', 'derisive', 'jokes', 'ida', 'new', 'relationship', 'comes', 'home', 'finds', 'misty', 'moving', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'although', 'misty', 'begins', 'displaying', 'unusual', 'tendencies', 'appetite', 'straying', 'bugs', 'beasley', 'encounters', 'mick', 'runs', 'past', 'complain', 'finds', 'ida', 'misty', 'locked', 'extremely', 'passionate', 'kiss', 'leaves', 'keeping', 'hidden', 'ever-interested', 'granddaughter', 'misty', 'later', 'comes', 'across', 'pillow', 'mick', 'laundry', 'excursion', 'discovers', 'strange', 'urges', 'lie', 'next', 'insect', 'invades', 'much', 'chewed', 'saliva-doused', 'ear', 'proboscis', 'ida', 'receives', 'almost', 'apologetic', 'letter', 'mysterious', 'source', 'tells', 'insect', 'could', 'dangerous', 'home', 'pulled', 'loving', 'kiss', 'misty', 'right', 'front', 'beasley', 'betty', 'disgusted', 'beasley', 'berates', 'two', 'women', 'even', 'suggesting', 'ida', 'sexually', 'attracted', 'granddaughter', 'well', 'beasley', 'gives', 'ida', 'misty', 'two', 'weeks', 'move', 'reduced', 'one', 'week', 'betty', 'asks', '쐓ome', 'skin', 'ida', 'ida', 'horrified', 'misty', 'strange', 'behavior', 'abrupt', 'crude', 'remarks', 'enraged', 'misty', 'loses', 'temper', 'yells', 'ida', 'much', 'done', 'suddenly', 'passes', 'misty', 'awakens', 'explains', 'storybook-style', 'dream', 'fairy', 'resting', 'upon', 'lily', 'pad', 'encountered', '쐀eautiful', 'giant', 'bug', 'landed', 'forced', 'proboscis', 'navel', 'drawing', 'blood', 'inserting', '쐆is', 'juices', 'max', 'calls', 'ida', 'come', 'lab', 'leaves', 'ida', 'notices', 'misty', 'placed', 'pillow', 'legs', 'arrives', 'max', 'delivers', 'information', '쏝razil', 'homey', 'insect', 'finds', 'humorous', 'impossible', 'insect', 'known', 'inhabit', 'nests', 'birds', 'small', 'animals', 'behaves', 'like', 'parasite', 'inserting', 'proboscis', 'drinking', 'animal', 'blood', 'time', 'invading', 'host', 'reproductive', 'dna', 'making', 'hosts', 'carry', 'insect', 'young', 'max', 'finds', 'funny', 'ida', 'horrified', 'learn', 'misty', 'may', 'bitten', 'insect', 'meanwhile', 'insect', 'mick', 'inseminates', 'misty', 'sexual', 'meeting', 'beasley', 'staples', 'eviction', 'notice', 'ida', 'apartment', 'door', 'encounters', 'misty', 'meets', 'beasley', 'criticisms', 'crude', 'offensive', 'remarks', 'beasley', 'revolted', 'calling', 'misty', 'monster', 'misty', 'thereupon', 'morphs', 'two', 'insectoid', 'eyes', 'multiple', 'tendrils', 'terrified', 'beasley', 'falls', 'stairway', 'death', 'ida', 'arrives', 'home', 'witness', 'medics', 'hauling', 'away', 'corpse', 'lana', 'beasley', 'gurney', 'betty', 'crying', 'misty', 'makes', 'light', 'situation', 'much', 'ida', 'repulsion', 'ida', 'calls', 'max', 'apartment', 'finds', 'misty', 'bathtub', 'later', 'reveals', 'location', 'hidden', 'predatory', 'insect', 'pillow', 'ida', 'convinced', 'insect', 'indeed', 'infected', 'misty', 'reveals', 'secret', 'father', 'professor', 'malcolm', 'wolf', 'sent', 'insect', 'ida', 'would', 'bite', 'make', 'repulsive', 'misty', 'long', 'love', 'ida', 'misty', 'undergoes', 'metamorphosis', 'bug-human', 'monster', 'responding', 'ida', 'screams', 'max', 'breaks', 'apartment', 'encountered', 'killed', 'monstrous', 'misty', 'mick', 'scurries', 'terrified', 'ida', 'lying', 'floor', 'inserts', 'proboscis', 'left', 'ear', 'beginning', 'insemination', 'process', 'time', 'later', 'ida', 'misty', 'sitting', 'living', 'room', 'couch', 'large', 'pregnant', 'abdomens', 'joking', 'condition', 'insect', 'mick', 'continues', 'inseminate', 'left', 'right', 'ears', 'respectively'], [\"'too\", 'insecure', 'approach', 'girl', 'dreams', 'danny', 'jack', 'ryder', 'takes', 'job', 'local', 'movie', 'house', 'works', 'learn', 'first', 'day', 'last', 'initial', 'efforts', 'woo', 'fail', 'resorts', 'drastic', 'measures', 'enlisting', 'help', 'chief', 'projectionist', 'man', 'longer', 'knows', 'difference', 'real', 'film', 'worlds'], ['karel', 'novak', 'incredibly', 'na챦ve', 'czech', 'immigrant', 'arrives', 'new', 'york', 'must', '200', 'sent', 'back', 'novak', 'escapes', 'ship', 'rescued', 'dock', 'workers', 'lost', 'money', 'wanders', 'streets', 'awe', 'eats', 'food', 'left', 'chorus', 'girls', 'sylvia', 'dennis', 'questions', 'refuses', 'money', 'wants', 'job', 'two', 'women', 'suggest', 'institution', 'sylvia', 'brother', 'frank', 'missed', 'two', 'days', 'school', 'sylvia', 'says', 'sylvia', 'gives', 'karel', 'blankets', 'sleep', 'roof', 'explains', 'depression', 'frank', 'shares', 'job', 'selling', 'newspapers', 'karel', 'takes', 'school', 'karel', 'admit', 'fished', 'river', 'get', 'back', 'asks', 'police', 'officer', 'murphy', 'someone', 'could', 'get', 'trouble', 'helping', 'someone', \"n't\", 'know', 'illegal', 'alien', 'karel', 'shows', 'sylvia', 'taxi', 'says', 'show', 'closed', 'glad', 'head', 'house', 'friend', 'karel', 'comes', 'home', 'early', 'strike', 'helps', 'sylvia', 'washing', 'hopes', 'marry', 'rich', 'man', 'kisses', 'two', 'women', 'ask', 'landlady', 'novak', 'living', 'sylvia', 'apartment', 'sylvia', 'goes', 'court', 'frank', 'judge', 'says', 'asks', 'novak', 'explains', 'situation', 'innocent', 'judge', 'says', 'sylvia', 'must', 'give', 'frank', 'institution', 'married', 'frank', 'packs', 'karel', 'walks', 'sylvia', 'cries', 'karel', 'goes', 'murphy', 'asks', 'get', 'married', 'murphy', 'says', 'needs', 'maybe', 'naturalization', 'papers', 'karel', 'goes', 'attorney', 'halsey', 'pander', 'asks', 'promises', 'make', 'citizen', 'right', 'away', 'karel', 'goes', 'back', 'drive', 'taxi', 'even', 'though', 'gets', 'beat', 'strike', 'sylvia', 'tells', 'karel', 'frank', 'leaving', 'karel', 'asks', 'marry', 'sylvia', 'says', 'changes', 'mind', 'man', 'comes', 'take', 'frank', 'karel', 'tells', 'sylvia', 'country', 'illegally', 'expects', 'made', 'citizen', 'karel', 'arrested', 'pander', 'turning', 'money', 'murphy', 'intervenes', 'police', 'sergeant', 'makes', 'calls', 'arrange', 'marriage', 'license', 'hire', 'minister', 'murphy', 'arrests', 'pander', 'speeding', 'calls', 'immigration', 'karel', 'vaccinated', 'police', 'station', 'sylvia', 'married'], [\"'it\", 'follows', 'days', 'lives', 'harringtons', 'war', 'husband', 'wife', 'fight', 'son', 'daughter', 'path', 'music', 'teacher', 'comes', 'things', 'begin', 'change', 'things', 'start', 'threaten', 'peace'], ['vicky', 'aspiring', 'singer', 'devoted', 'true', 'love', 'anjali', 'gets', 'big', 'offer', 'music', 'company', 'canada', 'accepts', 'canada', 'meets', 'owner', 'company', 'natasha', 'natasha', 'helps', 'vicky', 'become', 'star', 'however', 'vicky', 'unaware', 'natasha', 'hidden', 'motives', 'natasha', 'knew', 'vicky', 'college', 'harboured', 'deep', 'infatuation', 'natasha', 'father', 'warned', 'love', 'vicky', 'never', 'vicky', 'loved', 'anjali', 'refused', 'listen', 'natasha', 'father', 'died', 'car', 'accident', 'natasha', 'one', 'else', 'love', 'put', 'love', 'devotion', 'vicky', 'ever', 'since', 'natasha', 'invites', 'vicky', 'home', 'birthday', 'things', 'heat', 'vicky', 'natasha', 'spend', 'passionate', 'night', 'together', 'vicky', 'horrified', 'done', 'goes', 'back', 'india', 'natasha', 'accompanies', 'uncomfortable', 'vicky', 'tells', 'natasha', 'one', 'night', 'together', 'mistake', 'loves', 'anjali', 'natasha', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'vicky', 'rushes', 'hospital', 'time', 'vicky', 'proposes', 'anajali', 'accepts', 'natasha', 'discovers', 'vicky', 'anjali', 'engaged', 'engagement', 'party', 'natasha', 'mad', 'jealousy', 'starts', 'dancing', 'barefoot', 'broken', 'glass', 'faints', 'vicky', 'later', 'tells', 'stay', 'away', 'natasha', 'hires', 'hitmen', 'plant', 'bomb', 'vicky', 'car', 'vicky', 'realizes', 'natasha', 'obsession', 'become', 'dangerous', 'overwhelmed', 'guilt', 'confesses', 'truth', 'anjali', 'although', 'hurt', 'angry', 'punished', 'enough', 'anjali', 'insists', 'meeting', 'natasha', 'two', 'women', 'meet', 'anjali', 'gently', 'explains', 'vicky', 'always', 'loved', 'never', 'natasha', 'natasha', 'threatens', 'anjali', 'saying', 'length', 'vicky', 'even', 'kill', 'anjali', 'admits', 'kill', 'others', 'would', 'kill', 'anjali', 'returns', 'vicky', 'natasha', 'calls', 'couple', 'home', 'two', 'arrive', 'see', 'natasha', 'sitting', 'chair', 'apologizing', 'hurting', 'suddenly', 'notice', 'gun', 'natasha', 'hand', 'blood', 'head', 'killed', 'two', 'arrived', 'vicky', 'finds', 'note', 'written', 'saying', 'sacrificing', 'life', 'proved', 'always', 'love', 'film', 'ends', 'natasha', 'funeral', 'anjali', 'vicky', 'arms'], ['cheeni', 'kum', 'focuses', 'buddhadev', 'gupta', 'buddhadev', '64-year', 'old', 'chef', 'owner', 'london', 'top', 'indian', 'restaurant', 'spice', 'lives', '85-year', 'old', 'mother', 'friend', 'confidante', '9-year', 'old', 'neighbour', 'sexy', 'buddhadev', 'gupta', 'arrogant', 'ego-centric', 'pompous', 'man', 'singular', 'passion', 'life', '봠ooking', 'confirmed', 'bachelor', 'never', 'love', '34-year', 'old', 'nina', 'verma', 'tabu', 'walks', 'restaurant', 'life', 'nina', 'beautiful', 'charming', 'indian', 'woman', 'cool', 'calm', 'quiet', 'always', 'smiling', 'independent', 'strong', 'willed', 'two', 'extreme', 'age', 'character', 'attitude', 'meet', 'odds', 'fall', 'love', 'decide', 'get', 'married', 'like', 'indian', 'man', 'buddhadev', 'respectfully', 'comes', 'ask', 'nina', 'father', 'omprakash', 'verma', 'true', 'gandhian', 'living', 'delhi', 'hand', 'main', 'problem', 'fact', 'omprakash', 'years', 'younger', 'buddhadev'], [\"'this\", 'story', 'young', 'woman', 'living', 'paris', 'particularly', 'bastille', 'neighborhood', 'lost', 'cat', 'pursuit', 'cat', 'film', 'allows', 'spectator', 'discover', 'contrasts', 'district', 'evolving', 'typical', 'parisian', 'district', 'modern', 'young', 'district', 'contrast', 'inhabitants', 'among', 'nice', 'simpleton', 'old', 'women', 'bored', 'fact', 'story', 'village', 'large', 'city', 'c챕dric', 'klapisch', 'shows', 'behaviour', 'one', 'individual', 'inside', 'group', 'p챕ril', 'jeune', 'riens', 'tout', 'time', 'succeeded', 'joining', 'together', 'actors', 'theatre', 'actors', 'residents', 'district', 'creating', 'credible', 'atmosphere', 'probably', 'reason', 'success', 'film', 'outside', 'france'], [\"'suraj\", 'simple', 'village', 'bumpkin', 'sings', 'songs', 'ganga', 'maiyya', 'comes', 'mumbai', 'benaras', 'earn', 'degree', 'college', 'gets', 'smitten', 'light-eyed', 'beauty', 'pooja', 'dilly-dallying', 'duo', 'express', 'love', 'suraj', 'big', 'dreams', 'wants', 'emulate', 'mentor', 'naved', 'ali', 'shrewd', 'media', 'baron', 'one', 'day', 'heroic', 'deed', 'apna', 'gaon', 'chora', 'saves', 'life', 'fatally', 'wounded', 'man', 'suraj', 'impresses', 'naved', 'ali', 'flattered', 'naved', 'sends', 'raunchy', 'colleague', 'lara', 'rope', 'suraj', 'start', 'new', 'channel', 'slowly', 'callow', 'youth', 'becomes', 'clever', 'businessman', 'lara', 'begins', 'take', 'pooja', 'place', 'pooja', 'tries', 'convince', 'suraj', 'futility', 'vain', 'suraj', 'determined', 'carve', 'place', 'higher', 'echelons', 'society', 'soon', 'everything', 'ever', 'wanted', 'dreamed', 'swanky', 'bungalow', 'sleek', 'cars', 'etc', 'lost', 'innocence', 'one', 'day', 'suraj', 'realizes', 'dastardly', 'motives', 'naved', 'ali', 'used', 'pawn', 'power', 'game', 'rest', 'movie', 'suraj', 'gets', 'redemption', 'pain', 'caused', 'loved', 'ones'], ['ajay', 'wannabe', 'kabbadi', 'champion', 'son', 'deputy', 'commissioner', 'police', 'vijay', 'varma', 'vijay', 'fond', 'son', 'constantly', 'chiding', 'lack', 'interest', 'studies', 'love', 'kabaddi', 'mother', 'vasundhara', 'geetha', 'hand', 'dotes', 'younger', 'sister', 'aasha', 'typical', 'sharp', 'inquisitive', 'schoolgirl', 'constantly', 'getting', 'ajay', 'trouble', 'father', 'nevertheless', 'still', 'adores', 'kurnool', 'ruthless', 'factionalist', 'leader', 'obul', 'reddy', 'obsessed', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'swapna', 'would', 'anything', 'marry', 'obul', 'reddy', 'kills', 'swapna', 'elder', 'brother', 'rejects', 'offer', 'marry', 'swapna', 'swapna', 'younger', 'brother', 'also', 'gets', 'killed', 'obul', 'reddy', 'tries', 'avenge', 'brother', 'murder', 'swapna', 'father', 'dasaradha', 'rami', 'reddy', 'chandra', 'mohan', 'meek', 'person', 'gets', 'horrified', 'obul', 'reddy', 'acts', 'asks', 'swapna', 'away', 'place', 'lead', 'peaceful', 'life', 'uncle', 'place', 'usa', 'giving', 'necessary', 'certificates', 'money', 'obul', 'reddy', 'catches', 'starts', 'fleeing', 'coincidence', 'swapna', 'gets', 'one', 'lorries', 'owned', 'juncture', 'ajay-', 'kurnool', 'play', 'kabaddi', 'tournament-', 'rescues', 'swapna', 'hands', 'obul', 'reddy', 'takes', 'hyderabad', 'ajay', 'takes', 'swapna', 'house', 'hides', 'room', 'unknown', 'family', 'ajay', 'help', 'friends', 'arranges', 'passport', 'visa', 'flight', 'tickets', 'swapna', 'usa', 'meanwhile', 'obul', 'reddy', 'brother', 'happens', 'home', 'minister', 'ask', 'vijay', 'search', 'swapna', 'apparent', 'kidnapper', 'vijay', 'finds', 'son', 'crime', 'ajay', 'swapna', 'run', 'away', 'hide', 'charminar', 'swapna', 'fallen', 'love', 'ajay', 'accepted', 'ajay', 'mother', 'sister', 'reluctant', 'usa', 'ajay', 'however', 'adamant', 'sending', 'usa', 'along', 'friends', 'get', 'swapna', 'airport', 'time', 'flight', 'kabaddi', 'match', 'punjab', 'final', 'national', 'league', 'vijay', 'enraged', 'son', 'wanted', 'criminal', 'yet', 'playing', 'kabaddi', 'match', 'goes', 'stadium', 'arrest', 'ajay', 'ajay', 'fallen', 'love', 'swapna', 'begins', 'miss', 'spot', 'stadium', 'match', 'ajay', 'lack', 'focus', 'game', 'replaced', 'best', 'seeing', 'swapna', 'winning', 'andhra', 'pradesh', 'championship', 'winning', 'championship', 'ajay', 'arrested', 'father', 'stopped', 'obul', 'reddy', 'wants', 'fight', 'ajay', 'incited', 'swapna', 'prove', 'worth', 'fight', 'obul', 'reddy', 'accidentally', 'falls', 'floodlight', 'killing', 'movie', 'ends', 'ajay', 'swapna', 'finally', 'united'], ['1903', 'american', 'seaman', 'henry', 'adams', 'stranded', 'penniless', 'england', 'gets', 'caught', 'unusual', 'wager', 'two', 'wealthy', 'eccentric', 'brothers', 'oliver', 'roderick', 'montpelier', 'persuade', 'bank', 'england', 'issue', 'one', 'million', 'pound', 'banknote', 'present', 'adams', 'envelope', 'reason', 'oliver', 'believes', 'mere', 'existence', 'note', 'enable', 'possessor', 'obtain', 'whatever', 'needs', 'roderick', 'contends', 'would', 'actually', 'spent', 'use', 'adams', 'gets', 'shock', 'discovering', 'much', 'note', 'worth', 'tries', 'return', 'brothers', 'told', 'left', 'month', 'finds', 'letter', 'envelope', 'explaining', 'wager', 'promising', 'job', 'avoid', 'spending', 'note', 'month', 'first', 'everything', 'goes', 'oliver', 'predicted', 'adams', 'mistaken', 'eccentric', 'millionaire', 'trouble', 'getting', 'food', 'clothes', 'hotel', 'suite', 'credit', 'showing', 'note', 'story', 'note', 'reported', 'newspapers', 'adams', 'welcomed', 'exclusive', 'social', 'circles', 'meeting', 'american', 'ambassador', 'english', 'aristocracy', 'becomes', 'friendly', 'portia', 'lansdowne', 'niece', 'duchess', 'cromarty', 'fellow', 'american', 'lloyd', 'hastings', 'asks', 'back', 'business', 'venture', 'hastings', 'tells', 'adams', 'put', 'money', 'mere', 'association', 'allow', 'hastings', 'raise', 'money', 'needs', 'start', 'gold', 'mine', 'selling', 'shares', 'trouble', 'arises', 'duke', 'frognal', 'unceremoniously', 'evicted', 'suite', 'adams', 'occupies', 'hides', 'note', 'joke', 'adams', 'unable', 'produce', 'note', 'panic', 'breaks', 'amongst', 'shareholders', 'adams', 'creditors', 'fortunately', 'straightened', 'end', 'adams', 'able', 'return', 'note', 'montpelier', 'brothers', 'end', 'month'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'revolves', 'around', 'bill', 'overweight', 'middle-aged', 'man', 'dissatisfied', 'life', 'works', 'father-in-law', 'mr.', 'jacoby\\\\', 'bank', 'meaningless', 'made-up', 'job', 'in-laws', \"don\\\\'t\", 'take', 'seriously', 'especially', 'brother-in-law', 'jacoby', 'pillar', 'community', 'considering', 'mayoral', 'run', 'bill', 'jess', 'wife', 'live', 'house', 'provided', 'father', 'lead', 'comfortable', 'lifestyle', 'bill', 'trying', 'purchase', 'doughnut', 'franchise', 'whitmans', 'friendly', 'married', 'couple', 'franchise', 'business', 'bill\\\\', 'interest', 'purchasing', 'franchise', 'attempt', 'wean', 'wife', 'jacoby\\\\', 'finances', 'public', 'donation', 'ceremony', 'sponsored', 'in-laws', 'bill', 'first', 'meets', 'kid', 'spunky', 'easygoing', 'teenager', 'running', 'school', 'principal', 'hallway', 'principal', 'suggests', 'school', 'mentoring', 'program', 'sees', 'wife', 'talking', 'chip', 'johnson', 'local', 'pompous', 'newscaster', 'bill', 'begins', 'get', 'mildly', 'suspicious', 'also', 'begins', 'mentor', 'kid', 'hunting', 'trip', 'in-laws', 'pupils', 'places', 'hidden', 'camera', 'jess\\\\', 'bedroom', 'learns', 'wife', 'affair', 'chip', 'rage', 'shows', 'camera', 'two', 'argue', 'causing', 'jess', 'seek', 'chip', 'tell', 'tape', 'bill', 'ends', 'beating', 'online', 'video', 'tape', 'later', 'circulates', 'bank', 'furthering', 'bill', 'jess\\\\', 'embarrassment', 'particularly', 'concerning', 'jess\\\\', 'offensive', 'comments', 'chip', 'bill', 'sex', 'life', 'penis', 'size', 'jess', 'fears', 'video', 'could', 'ruin', 'father\\\\', 'mayoral', 'bid', 'tries', 'conceal', 'news', 'affair', 'video', 'bill', 'becomes', 'well', 'known', 'chip\\\\', 'deranged', 'fan', 'random', 'people', 'frequently', 'yelling', 'apologize', 'throughout', 'film', 'reference', 'punching', 'chip', 'asking', 'chip', 'apologize', 'air', 'bill', 'moves', 'sargeant', 'successful', 'younger', 'brother', 'sargeant\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'paul', 'encourages', 'bill', 'take', 'swimming', 'former', 'pastime', 'bill\\\\', 'starts', 'helps', 'clear', 'mind', 'continues', 'mentoring', 'kid', 'sees', 'best', 'bill', 'kid', 'devises', 'plan', 'win', 'back', 'bill\\\\', 'wife', 'introducing', 'lingerie', 'salesgirl', 'lucy', 'makes', 'appear', 'lucy', 'bill', 'romantically', 'involved', 'plot', 'make', 'jess', 'jealous', 'meanwhile', 'bill', 'still', 'trying', 'get', 'doughnut', 'franchise', 'jess', 'required', 'co-partner', 'bill', 'kid', 'lucy', 'act', 'bill\\\\', 'wife', 'bill', 'slowly', 'begins', 'get', 'hand', 'life', 'cutting', 'addiction', 'sweets', 'losing', 'weight', 'swimming', 'daily', 'mentoring', 'kid', 'trying', 'win', 'back', 'jess', 'family', 'dinner', 'bill', 'volunteers', 'buy', 'fireworks', \"\\\\'club\", 'picnic\\\\', 'father-in-law', 'intends', 'announce', 'running', 'mayor', 'party', 'kid', 'lucy', 'friend', 'bill', 'attends', 'picnic', 'golf', 'course', 'picnic', 'bill', 'gets', 'close', 'wife', 'chip', 'chip', 'promptly', 'security', 'throw', 'bill', 'picnic', 'whitmans', 'witness', 'bill', 'tells', 'kid', 'meet', 'back', 'entrance', 'driving', 'car', 'back', 'golf', 'course', 'gets', 'car', 'accident', 'causing', 'fireworks', 'explode', 'early', 'kid', 'comes', 'golfing', 'cart', 'takes', 'bill', 'hospital', 'jess', 'shows', 'tells', 'husband', 'she\\\\', 'aware', 'attempt', 'purchase', 'franchise', 'end', 'discussing', 'marriage', 'bill', 'reveals', 'unhappiness', 'dislike', 'dependence', 'father\\\\', 'money', 'concludes', 'lives', 'suck', 'making', 'vague', 'decisions', 'bill', 'goes', 'home', 'stares', 'mirror', 'seeing', 'life', 'become', 'cuts', 'hair', 'changes', 'wardrobe', 'later', 'visits', 'jacoby', 'office', 'hands', 'resignation', 'pointing', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'fit', 'belong', 'company', 'father-in-law', 'understands', 'accepts', 'resignation', 'jacoby', 'commends', 'bill', 'attacking', 'chip', 'explains', 'would\\\\', \"'ve\", 'done', 'situation', 'despite', 'daughter\\\\', 'attempt', 'conceal', 'news', 'it\\\\', 'implied', 'jacoby', 'knew', 'long', 'possibly', 'online', 'video', 'circulated', 'around', 'bank', 'bill', 'meets', 'whitmans', 'surprised', 'see', 'jess', 'clearing', 'misunderstanding', 'jess', 'convinces', 'whitmans', 'let', 'couple', 'buy', 'franchise', 'private', 'conversation', 'bill', 'confesses', 'going', 'call', 'deal', 'change', 'heart', 'lets', 'purchase', 'allowing', 'jess', 'keep', 'business', 'reconcile', 'differences', 'agree', 'separate', 'ways', 'putting', 'house', 'sale', 'film', 'ends', 'bill', 'coming', 'kid\\\\', 'school', 'say', 'goodbye', 'he\\\\', 'excited', 'start', 'new', 'unknown', 'chapter', 'life', 'says', 'goodbye', 'promise', 'keep', 'touch', 'tells', 'kid', 'look', 'locker', 'locker', 'explodes', 'fireworks', 'much', 'kid\\\\', 'delight'], ['sundar', 'gopal', 'radha', 'friends', 'since', 'childhood', 'grow', 'adults', 'sundar', 'develops', 'obsessive', 'romantic', 'attraction', 'radha', 'prefers', 'gopal', 'also', 'love', 'yet', 'sundar', 'confided', 'feelings', 'radha', 'gopal', 'decides', 'sacrifice', 'love', 'friend', 'sake', 'radha', 'systematically', 'resists', 'sundar', 'overtures', 'avail', 'woman', 'world', 'matching', 'sundar', 'great', 'love', 'radha', 'unswerving', 'devotion', 'friendship', 'gopal', 'eventually', 'sundar', 'enlists', 'indian', 'air', 'force', 'assigned', 'military', 'mission', 'kashmir', 'leaving', 'extracts', 'promise', 'gopal', 'trusts', 'implicitly', 'never', 'let', 'man', 'come', 'radha', 'away', 'subsequently', 'sundar', 'airplane', 'shot', 'kashmir', 'listed', 'mia', 'presumed', 'dead', 'news', 'saddens', 'radha', 'gopal', 'nonetheless', 'free', 'profess', 'love', 'one', 'another', 'among', 'expressions', 'love', 'gopal', 'writes', 'unsigned', 'prem', 'patra', 'touches', 'particularly', 'hides', 'away', 'begin', 'taking', 'steps', 'married', 'sundar', 'returns', 'safe', 'sound', 'self-effacing', 'gopal', 'sacrifices', 'stepping', 'back', 'shadows', 'watching', 'reborn', 'sundar', 'resumes', 'wooing', 'radha', 'inevitably', 'two', 'marry', 'couple', 'returns', 'extended', 'european', 'honeymoon', 'sundar', 'deliriously', 'happy', 'life', 'dream', 'realised', 'radha', 'resolved', 'faithful', 'husband', 'put', 'gopal', 'mind', 'privately', 'asks', 'stay', 'away', 'sundar', 'torture', 'presence', 'causes', 'sundar', 'devotion', 'gopal', 'however', 'constantly', 'tries', 'draw', 'life', 'much', 'radha', 'chagrin', 'perfection', 'marital', 'bliss', 'however', 'shattered', 'sundar', 'accidentally', 'discovers', 'unsigned', 'love', 'letter', 'gopal', 'written', 'radha', 'sundar', 'thunderstruck', 'assumes', 'radha', 'unfaithful', 'producing', 'pistol', 'demands', 'divulge', 'name', 'supposed', 'lover', 'threatens', 'kill', 'man', 'refuses', 'days', 'follow', 'sundar', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'discovering', 'identity', 'letter', 'author', 'return', 'normalcy', 'radha', 'life', 'becomes', 'miserable', 'lived', 'incessant', 'drama', 'sundar', 'jealousy', 'threats', 'anger', 'fixation', 'letter', 'eventually', 'unable', 'bear', 'wretchedness', 'existence', 'sundar', 'radha', 'flees', 'gopal', 'help', 'sundar', 'takes', 'route', 'unaware', 'radha', 'gone', 'gopal', 'house', 'matters', 'come', 'head', 'overwrought', 'gopal', 'admits', 'authorship', 'infamous', 'letter', 'radha', 'admission', 'almost', 'destroys', 'friend', 'gopal', 'perceiving', 'exit', 'impasse', 'three', 'arrived', 'kills', 'sundar', 'pistol', 'radha', 'sundar', 'finally', 'reunited', 'mourning'], ['zachary', \"'zach\", 'amberville', 'former', 'fighter', 'pilot', 'successful', 'businessman', 'falls', 'love', 'employee', 'nina', 'stern', 'even', 'though', 'fall', 'love', 'nina', 'prefers', 'career', 'marriage', 'broken', 'hearted', 'zach', 'leaves', 'manhattan', 'london', 'falls', 'love', 'aristocratic', 'ballerina', 'hon', 'lily', 'davina', 'adamsfield', 'failed', 'audition', 'agrees', 'marry', 'zach', 'follows', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'nina', 'learns', 'gets', 'upset', 'lily', 'meanwhile', 'settles', 'house', 'wife', 'gives', 'birth', 'zachary', 'child', 'worried', 'ballet', 'career', 'nothing', 'hobby', 'acts', 'behaving', 'spoiled', 'rich', 'wife', 'even', 'nicknamed', \"'the\", 'ice', 'queen', 'lack', 'interest', 'raising', 'children', 'comes', 'notice', 'zach', 'feels', 'discipline', 'key', 'factor', 'raising', 'kid', 'oldest', 'son', 'toby', 'eight', 'years', 'old', 'diagnosed', 'retinitis', 'pigmentosa', 'meaning', 'blind', 'one', 'day', 'formal', 'party', 'zachary', 'runs', 'younger', 'brother', 'cutter', 'charismatic', 'immature', 'past', 'contact', 'family', 'unless', 'needed', 'money', 'surprise', 'zachary', 'immediately', 'wary', 'cutter', 'arrival', 'town', 'cutter', 'meanwhile', 'falls', 'lily', 'engage', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'months', 'later', 'lily', 'gives', 'birth', 'cutter', 'baby', 'new', 'york', '1960.', 'zachary', 'lily', 'grown', 'apart', 'encouraging', 'zachary', 'get', 'back', 'touch', 'nina', 'nina', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'reconcile', 'though', 'soon', 'falls', 'charms', 'agrees', 'work', 'condition', 'baby', 'elsewhere', 'cutter', 'impregnated', 'lily', 'pushing', 'abortion', 'lily', 'offers', 'divorce', 'zachary', 'cutter', 'leaves', 'trip', 'san', 'francisco', 'letter', 'lily', 'claims', 'scout', 'location', 'better', 'live', 'though', 'actually', 'becomes', 'intimate', 'woman', 'named', 'daphne', 'lily', 'feels', 'betrayed', 'schemes', 'way', 'back', 'zachary', 'live', 'claiming', 'pregnant', 'child', 'zachary', 'believes', 'abandons', 'nina', 'start', 'another', 'life', 'lily', 'san', 'francisco', 'cutter', 'starts', 'working', 'broker', 'seduces', 'boss', 'daughter', 'candice', 'alexander', 'beautiful', 'shy', 'woman', 'father', 'jonas', 'opposed', 'relationship', 'feeling', 'cutter', 'interested', 'candice', 'comes', 'money', 'hires', 'private', 'detective', 'collect', 'evidence', 'cutter', 'loyalty', 'daughter', 'instead', 'cutter', 'assures', 'prominent', 'part', 'life', 'causing', 'horse', 'accident', 'leaves', 'candice', 'crippled', 'marries', 'afterwards', 'manipulates', 'jonas', 'financially', 'supporting', 'meanwhile', 'lily', 'gives', 'birth', 'son', 'names', 'justin', 'ten', 'years', 'later', 'zachary', 'magazine', 'company', 'grows', 'empire', 'saddens', 'one', 'loyal', 'workers', 'pavka', 'meyer', 'daughter', 'maxime', \"'maxi\", 'years', 'old', 'gets', 'expelled', 'strict', 'all-girl', 'school', 'due', 'skipping', 'school', 'gamble', 'friend', 'india', 'west', 'rebellious', 'behavior', 'consequently', 'starts', 'work', 'photographer', 'father', 'company', 'department', 'rocco', 'cipriani', 'immediately', 'falls', 'love', 'soon', 'sex', 'cutter', 'resumes', 'unfaithful', 'behavior', 'escapade', 'candice', 'sister', 'nanette', 'alice', 'chambers', 'continues', 'affair', 'lily', 'nanette', 'colleague', 'booker', 'witness', 'nanette', 'wait', 'long', 'informing', 'sister', 'cutter', 'cheating', 'behavior', 'causing', 'candice', 'get', 'drunk', 'confront', 'cutter', 'dismisses', 'claims', 'states', 'nanette', 'lied', 'jealousy', 'actually', 'visiting', 'nanette', 'hit', 'nanette', 'takes', 'revenge', 'sending', 'candice', 'pictures', 'lily', 'cutter', 'sex', 'candice', 'heartbroken', 'commits', 'suicide', 'jumping', 'hotel', 'room', 'photos', 'sent', 'zachary', 'aware', 'wife', 'brother', 'betrayal', 'instead', 'leaving', 'wife', 'zachary', 'threatens', 'take', 'children', 'murder', 'cutter', 'ever', 'meets', 'brother', 'another', 'sub-plot', 'lily', 'meets', 'nina', 'claims', 'trick', 'zachary', 'reconciling', 'leaving', 'nina', 'believe', 'zachary', 'want'], ['elgar', 'enders', 'man', 'lives', 'parents', 'wealth', 'buys', 'inner-city', 'tenement', 'transitional', 'neighborhood', '1970', 'park', 'slope', 'brooklyn', 'planning', 'evict', 'occupants', 'construct', 'luxury', 'home', 'however', 'ventures', 'tenement', 'gradually', 'grows', 'fond', 'low-income', 'black', 'residents', 'dwell', 'enders', 'decides', 'remain', 'landlord', 'help', 'fix', 'apartment', 'building', 'rebels', 'wasp', 'upbringing', 'parents', 'dismay', 'romances', 'two', 'black', 'women', 'lanie', 'fanny', 'elgar', 'falls', 'lanie', 'dancer', 'local', 'black', 'club', 'lanie', 'beautiful', 'black', 'woman', 'mother', 'irish', 'descent', 'father', 'african', 'descent', 'thus', 'light', 'skin', 'features', 'experienced', 'colorism', 'relationship', 'strained', 'elgar', 'affair', 'one', 'tenants', 'fanny', 'gets', 'pregnant', 'consequently', 'boyfriend', 'copee', 'black', 'activist', 'identity', 'crisis', 'enraged', 'finds', 'pregnancy', 'tries', 'kill', 'elgar', 'axe', 'ultimately', 'stops', 'enders', 'family', 'shaken', 'stirred', 'son', 'decisions', 'behavior', 'reluctantly', 'accepts', 'ultimately', 'fanny', 'disowns', 'illegitimate', 'caucasian', 'looking', 'child', 'gives', 'elgar', 'story', 'ends', 'elgar', 'taking', 'custody', 'love', 'child', 'mending', 'relationship', 'girlfriend', 'lanie', 'moving'], ['ajay', 'joins', 'college', 'shimla', 'education', 'meets', 'vikram', 'nisha', 'two', 'slackers', 'college', 'love', 'playing', 'pranks', 'ajay', 'way', 'different', 'easy', 'target', 'initial', 'hiccups', 'ajay', 'becomes', 'friends', 'soon', 'trio', 'playing', 'pranks', 'unsuspecting', 'people', 'one', 'day', 'spot', 'stingy', 'seth', 'send', 'fake', 'typewritten', 'extortion', 'note', 'hoping', 'relieve', 'money', 'however', 'next', 'day', 'find', 'newspaper', 'man', 'dead', 'based', 'circumstances', 'realize', 'might', 'end', 'prime', 'suspects', 'case', 'decide', 'destroy', 'incriminating', 'typewriter', 'find', 'missing', 'also', 'realize', 'stranger', 'stalking', 'ajay', 'nisha', 'decide', 'tell', 'police', 'truth', 'whether', 'believe', 'even', 'tell', 'truth', 'horrified', 'find', 'vikram', 'dead', 'meet', 'inspector', 'bhupendra', 'singh', 'investigating', 'case', 'inspector', 'sceptical', 'gives', 'one', 'chance', 'prove', 'innocence', 'vikram', 'personal', 'belongings', 'find', 'club', 'singer', 'named', 'sherie', 'anticipating', 'sherie', 'may', 'know', 'vikram', 'killed', 'meet', 'sherie', 'dressing', 'room', 'performance', 'find', 'dead', 'duo', 'realize', 'sherie', 'involved', 'shady', 'deals', 'vikram', 'partner', 'trying', 'find', 'information', 'learn', 'sherie', 'acted', 'middleman', 'dreaded', 'criminal', 'named', 'black', 'cobra', 'people', 'paid', 'learning', 'black', 'cobra', 'extortionist', 'dead', 'man', 'also', 'payroll', 'blocks', 'suddenly', 'start', 'falling', 'places', 'ajay', 'nisha', 'deduce', 'seth', 'thought', 'note', 'black', 'cobra', 'confronted', 'seth', 'thought', 'black', 'cobra', 'became', 'greedy', 'threatened', 'expose', 'following', 'killed', 'latter', 'black', 'cobra', 'thought', 'vikram', 'sherie', 'extorting', 'people', 'name', 'behind', 'back', 'killed', 'also', 'stole', 'typewriter', 'frame', 'ajay', 'nisha', 'becomes', 'clear', 'person', 'following', 'either', 'black', 'cobra', 'henchman', 'though', 'concrete', 'information', 'black', 'cobra', 'find', 'information', 'secretly', 'hidden', 'sherie', 'might', 'unmask', 'black', 'cobra', 'stranger', 'confronts', 'duo', 'overpower', 'escape', 'inform', 'inspector', 'findings', 'inspector', 'calls', 'meet', 'abandoned', 'place', 'give', 'incriminating', 'evidence', 'astonishment', 'inspector', 'burns', 'shocks', 'telling', 'none', 'black', 'cobra', 'suddenly', 'duo', 'realize', 'played', 'right', 'hands', 'black', 'cobra', 'coolly', 'goes', 'declare', 'since', 'know', 'pretty', 'much', 'everything', 'kill', 'pin', 'blame', 'killings', 'denies', 'sent', 'man', 'behind', 'pull', 'trigger', 'stranger', 'makes', 'entry', 'fight', 'black', 'cobra', 'put', 'behind', 'bars', 'bewildered', 'ajay', 'nisha', 'stranger', 'reveals', 'charlie', 'undercover', 'police', 'officer', 'working', 'murder', 'cases', 'tells', 'suspected', 'vikram', 'sherie', 'running', 'extortion', 'racket', 'much', 'first', 'murder', 'already', 'knew', 'prank', 'unsure', 'killer', 'identity', 'stole', 'typewriter', 'cobra', 'killed', 'vikram', 'sherie', 'keep', 'secret', 'intact', 'knew', 'cobra', 'behind', 'used', 'duo', 'track', 'cobra', 'reassures', 'ajay', 'nisha', 'even', 'though', 'black', 'cobra', 'destroyed', 'proof', 'proof', 'duo', 'either', 'tells', 'duo', 'collect', 'typewriter', 'next', 'day', 'duo', 'oblige', 'vowing', 'never', 'play', 'pranks'], ['plot', 'film', 'frame', 'story', 'unkempt', 'girl', 'willie', 'starr', 'tells', 'story', 'dead', 'sister', 'alva', 'tom', 'boy', 'meets', 'railroad', 'tracks', 'middle', 'school', 'day', 'willie', 'wearing', 'alva\\\\', 'clothes', 'jewelry', 'tom', 'sit', 'railroad', 'track', 'willie', 'tells', 'alva\\\\', 'story', 'viewer', 'sees', 'flashback', 'willie\\\\', 'story', 'opens', 'owen', 'legate', 'arrives', 'small', 'town', 'dodson', 'comes', 'upon', 'starr', 'boarding', 'house', 'loud', 'party', 'progress', 'person', 'somehow', 'engaged', 'revelry', 'willie', 'owen', 'befriends', 'willie', 'although', 'reluctant', 'answer', 'whether', 'works', 'railroad', 'willie', 'introduces', 'owen', 'mother', 'rents', 'room', 'owen', 'explains', 'party', 'birthday', 'introductory', 'scene', 'makes', 'clear', 'alva', 'main', 'attraction', 'house', 'mama', 'gives', 'change', 'older', 'man', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'paid', 'beer', 'holding', 'hand', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'anxiously', 'waiting', 'alva', 'show', 'party', 'mama', 'apologizing', 'alva\\\\', 'absence', 'meanwhile', 'alva', 'making', 'another', 'man', 'sydney', 'behind', 'house', 'owen', 'watches', 'transaction', 'mama', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'well', 'car', 'full', 'men', 'driven', 'house', 'yelling', 'want', 'alva', 'want', 'alva', 'willie', 'becomes', 'angry', 'lindsey', 'tate', 'ringleader', 'men', 'threatens', 'call', 'mama', 'lindsey', 'replies', 'tell', 'mama', 'alva', \"ain\\\\'t\", 'we\\\\', \"'ll\", 'take', 'instead', 'alva', 'finally', 'arrives', 'party', 'many', 'men', 'greet', 'try', 'get', 'attention', 'dance', 'even', 'mama\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'j.j.', 'alva', 'kisses', 'dark', 'birthday', 'cake', 'brought', 'time', 'blow', 'candles', 'mama', 'grows', 'upset', 'age', 'unable', 'make', 'wish', 'alva', 'enlisted', 'blow', 'candles', 'make', 'wish', 'much', 'delight', 'men', 'party', 'seems', 'fitting', 'since', 'party', 'alva', 'mama', 'willie', 'takes', 'owen', 'kitchen', 'food', 'party', 'breaking', 'alva', 'makes', 'pretense', 'needing', 'ice', 'cool', 'order', 'kitchen', 'meet', 'stranger', 'launches', 'fanciful', 'story', 'sydney', 'taking', 'dancing', 'peabody', 'hotel', 'memphis', 'willie', 'entranced', 'owen', 'skeptical', 'since', 'story', 'seems', 'told', 'multiple', 'choice', 'format', 'alva', 'angered', 'returns', 'sydney', 'launches', 'new', 'fantasy', 'riding', 'train', 'hummingbird', 'express', 'new', 'orleans', 'owen', 'stated', 'first', 'many', 'statements', 'alva', 'alluding', 'mardi', 'gras', 'generally', 'getting', 'dodson', 'way', 'owen', 'sees', 'sydney', 'kiss', 'alva', 'room', 'sees', 'watching', 'goes', 'inside', 'willie', 'alva', 'seem', 'curious', 'little', 'unnerved', 'man', 'staying', 'papa\\\\', 'room', 'empty', 'since', 'father', 'left', 'way', 'stairs', 'alva', 'pretends', 'looking', 'willie', 'order', 'make', 'excuse', 'owen\\\\', 'room', 'sheepishly', 'alva', 'admits', 'she\\\\', 'never', 'peabody', 'asserts', 'feeling', 'like', 'good', 'owen', 'disagrees', 'says', 'know', 'cat', 'fell', 'asleep', 'sun', 'dreamt', 'man', 'fell', 'asleep', 'sun', 'dreamt', 'cat', 'woke', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'whether', 'man', 'cat', 'alva', 'shrugs', 'begins', 'talk', 'owen', 'propositions', 'though', 'included', 'room', 'alva', 'angrily', 'leaves', 'goes', 'room', 'cry', 'mama', 'enters', 'girls\\\\', 'room', 'tells', 'alva', 'date', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'next', 'night', 'mama', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'got', 'dissatisfied', 'moved', 'right', 'nobody', 'conductor', 'afford', 'pay', 'big', 'old', 'north', 'room', 'clear', 'mama', 'deliberately', 'uses', 'alva', 'attract', 'men', 'boarding', 'house', 'alva', 'escapes', 'reverie', 'getting', 'away', 'dodson', 'attending', 'masked', 'ball', 'mardi', 'gras', 'also', 'mentions', 'above-ground', 'graves', 'new', 'orleans', 'saying', 'worst', 'part', 'buried', 'underground', 'would', 'able', 'breathe', 'first', 'reference', 'alva\\\\', 'lung', 'problems', 'also', 'symbol', 'suffocation', 'feels', 'small', 'town', 'mother\\\\', 'control', 'next', 'day', 'willie', 'skipping', 'vacation', 'bible', 'school', 'sees', 'owen', 'way', 'work', 'owen', 'confronts', 'lindsey', 'tate', 'harassing', 'willie', 'alva', 'owen', 'shoves', 'strawberry', 'ice', 'cream', 'tate\\\\', 'face', 'heads', 'work', 'owen', 'work', 'railroad', 'come', 'town', 'lay', 'several', 'railroad', 'employees', 'due', 'cutbacks', 'made', 'necessary', 'depression', 'next', 'evening', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'waiting', 'alva', 'get', 'ready', 'date', 'avoiding', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'buys', 'alva', 'expensive', 'gold', 'bracelet', 'alva', 'explains', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'giving', 'gifts', 'wife', 'tells', 'wife', 'invalid', 'stays', 'nursing', 'home', 'outside', 'baton', 'rouge', 'makes', 'excuse', 'get', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'inside', 'leads', 'owen', 'garden', 'show', 'father\\\\', 'red-headed', 'scarecrow', 'garden', 'alva', 'says', 'father', 'left', 'family', 'find', 'greener', 'pastures', 'alva', 'believes', 'father', 'come', 'back', 'it\\\\', 'obvious', 'hoping', 'vain', 'owen', 'confronts', 'alva', 'arrangement', 'mama', 'alva', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'face', \"won\\\\'t\", 'admit', 'makes', 'angry', 'insinuating', 'prostitute', 'anger', 'runs', 'back', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'tells', 'accept', 'bracelet', 'invites', 'everyone', 'house', 'skinny-dipping', 'mr.', 'johnson', \"won\\\\'t\", 'mama', 'j.j.', 'guests', 'join', 'alva', 'water', 'j.j.', 'manages', 'get', 'alva', 'alone', 'comes', 'refuses', 'j.j.', 'tells', 'alva', 'owen', 'spotter', 'come', 'lay', 'town', 'alva', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'runs', 'owen\\\\', 'room', 'dripping', 'wet', 'anyway', 'confront', 'two', 'end', 'spending', 'night', 'together', 'wake', 'boarders', 'received', 'pink', 'slips', 'railroad', 'company', 'since', 'town', 'work', 'mama', 'arranged', 'family', 'accompany', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'memphis', 'take', 'care', 'it\\\\', 'understood', 'seeing', 'lot', 'alva', 'memphis', 'meanwhile', 'owen', 'buys', 'alva', 'ticket', 'new', 'orleans', 'way', 'house', 'give', 'alva', 'good', 'news', 'overhears', 'mama', 'telling', 'friend', 'memphis', 'arrangement', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'knowing', 'owen', 'spent', 'night', 'alva', 'mama', 'plays', 'fact', 'alva', 'wild', 'memphis', 'owen', 'hurt', 'yells', 'alva', 'alva\\\\', 'pleas', 'listen', 'mama', 'owen', 'leaves', 'new', 'orleans', 'alva', 'left', 'alone', 'mama', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'mama', 'j.j.', 'alva', 'mr.', 'johnson', 'celebrate', 'new', 'arrangement', 'hurt', 'anger', 'alva', 'gets', 'drunk', 'begins', 'openly', 'confront', 'j.j.', 'constant', 'pursuit', 'gets', 'admit', 'front', 'mama', 'he\\\\', 'rather', 'alva', 'mama', 'alva', 'marries', 'j.j.', 'night', 'spite', 'steals', 'money', 'marriage', 'license', 'next', 'morning', 'runs', 'away', 'new', 'orleans', 'j.j.', 'still', 'asleep', 'finally', 'free', 'dodson', 'mama', 'alva', 'tours', 'new', 'orleans', 'film', 'contains', 'several', 'scenes', 'new', 'orleans', 'landmarks', 'including', 'bourbon', 'street', 'jackson', 'square', 'lake', 'pontchartrain', 'alva', 'eventually', 'finds', 'owen', 'new', 'orleans', 'happy', 'together', 'misses', 'sister', 'willie', 'however', 'sends', 'willie', 'postcard', 'inviting', 'join', 'owen', 'alva', 'new', 'orleans', 'one', 'day', 'alva', 'owen', 'come', 'home', 'find', 'mama', 'house', 'alva', 'terrified', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'told', 'owen', 'marriage', 'j.j.', 'mama', 'takes', 'control', 'situation', 'tells', 'alva', 'get', 'coat', 'owen', 'stands', 'mama', 'reveals', 'owen', 'alva', 'married', 'j.j.', 'owen', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'sees', 'look', 'alva\\\\', 'face', 'alva', 'runs', 'rain', 'crying', 'film', 'cuts', 'back', 'willie', 'tom', 'railroad', 'tracks', 'willie', 'explains', 'alva', 'died', 'lung', 'affection', 'alluded', 'earlier', 'film'], [\"'raj\", 'malhotra', 'govinda', 'detective', 'goes', 'european', 'trip', 'help', 'friend', 'sanjay', 'khanna', 'prove', 'wife', 'extramarital', 'affair', 'khanna', 'wife', 'anjali', 'think', 'counterpart', 'cheating', 'relationship', 'want', 'proof', 'easily', 'file', 'divorce', 'stop', 'living', 'house', 'believe', 'spouse', 'gone', 'europe', 'boyfriend/girlfriend', 'anjali', 'sends', 'friend', 'shares', 'name', 'trip', 'get', 'information', 'regarding', 'husband', 'mix-up', 'different', 'identities', 'raju', 'anjali', 'fall', 'love', 'eventually', 'solve', 'misunderstandings', 'movie', 'inspired', '1948', 'musical', 'romantic', 'comedy', 'film', 'romance', 'high', 'seas'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'narrated', 'flashback', 'jake', 'briggs', 'young', 'aspiring', 'playwright', 'culminating', 'production', 'one', 'plays', 'off-broadway', 'agent', 'carl', 'fisher', 'play', 'flop', 'least', 'part', 'lead', 'parts', 'given', 'two', 'actors', 'dana', 'coles', 'jason', 'brett', 'right', 'roles', 'along', 'journey', 'jake', 'reviews', 'relationships', 'girlfriend', 'joanne', 'best', 'friend', 'chris', 'mother', 'shirley', 'mostly', 'absentee', 'father', 'roman', 'film', 'ends', 'jake', 'joanne', 'going', 'separate', 'ways', 'mostly', 'competing', 'career', 'goals', 'jake', 'hoping', 'write', 'plays', 'greater', 'success'], ['set', '1947', 'partition', 'india', 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'truck', 'driver', 'tara', 'singh', 'jatt', 'sikh', 'falls', 'love', 'muslim', 'girl', 'sakina', 'belonging', 'aristocratic', 'family', 'story', 'begins', 'sikhs', 'hindus', 'attacked', 'muslims', 'pakistan', 'trying', 'migrate', 'india', 'train', 'response', 'killing', 'muslims', 'going', 'pakistan', 'india', 'get', 'revenge', 'sikhs', 'hindus', 'react', 'thing', 'hindu-muslim', 'riots', 'erupted', 'soon', 'partition', 'tara', 'saves', 'sakina', 'murderous', 'mob', 'chasing', 'failed', 'get', 'onto', 'train', 'pushed', 'lost', 'crowd', 'mob', 'want', 'rape', 'murder', 'tara', 'singh', 'defends', 'sakina', 'disguises', 'sikh', 'protect', 'driving', 'back', 'tara', 'house', 'story', 'major', 'flashback', 'showing', 'relationship', 'tara', 'sakina', 'incident', 'knew', 'tara', 'lorry', 'driver', 'real', 'ambition', 'become', 'singer', 'girls', 'college', 'friends', 'sakina', 'fool', 'tara', 'thinking', 'got', 'spot', 'annual', 'music', 'show', 'return', 'favor', 'tara', 'performs', 'badly', 'music', 'teacher', 'portrayed', 'sakina', 'friend', 'gives', 'tablets', 'help', 'prove', 'singing', 'skills', 'soon', 'shown', 'sakina', 'real', 'music', 'teacher', 'saddens', 'performing', 'music', 'show', 'sakina', 'announces', 'act', 'instead', 'giving', 'tara', 'chance', 'sing', 'despite', 'seniors', 'college', 'subsequently', 'back', 'present', 'sakina', 'starts', 'living', 'tara', 'house', 'respect', 'culminates', 'love', 'sakina', 'tara', 'singh', 'get', 'married', 'become', 'parents', 'baby', 'boy', 'life', 'seems', 'like', 'bed', 'roses', 'sakina', 'sees', 'old', 'newspaper', 'photograph', 'father', 'believes', 'killed', 'riots', 'partition', 'father', 'mayor', 'lahore', 'sakina', 'calls', 'pakistani', 'embassy', 'delhi', 'arranges', 'fly', 'lahore', 'however', 'tara', 'son', 'supposed', 'accompany', 'lahore', 'told', 'last', 'minute', 'visa', 'formalities', 'completed', 'compels', 'stay', 'india', 'stop', 'tara', 'son', 'accompanied', 'friend', 'enter', 'pakistan', 'illegally', 'border', 'find', 'sakina', 'getting', 'married', 'reach', 'marriage', 'start', 'reunite', 'seeing', 'sakina', 'husband-to-be', 'attacks', 'tara', 'instead', 'injured', 'large', 'fight', 'break', 'priest', 'stops', 'end', 'harming', 'sakina', 'father', 'career', 'politics', 'ashraf', 'ali', 'agrees', 'marriage', 'two', 'conditions', 'live', 'pakistan', 'tara', 'adopt', 'islam', 'conditions', 'accepted', 'tara', 'public', 'next', 'day', 'ashraf', 'ali', 'plans', 'makes', 'tara', 'insult', 'country', 'make', 'believe', 'true', 'pakistani', 'enrages', 'makes', 'kill', 'mob', 'hired', 'ashraf', 'kill', 'tara', 'sakina', 'son', 'friend', 'manage', 'escape', 'long', 'period', 'turmoil', 'catch', 'cotton', 'mill', 'train', 'ticket', 'india', 'ashraf', 'ali', 'finds', 'takes', 'men', 'stop', 'ensuing', 'fight', 'sakina', 'gets', 'shot', 'father', 'hospital', 'sakina', 'lapsed', 'coma', 'makes', 'ashraf', 'ali', 'realize', 'mistake', 'sakina', 'gains', 'consciousness', 'nightmare', 'movie', 'ends', 'ashraf', 'ali', 'accepting', 'tara', 'son-in-law', 'return', 'india'], ['ankahee', 'begins', 'sheena', 'arriving', 'home', 'elder', 'enters', 'home', 'mother', 'nandita', 'tells', 'father', 'shekhar', 'sent', 'letter', 'wants', 'meet', 'dying', 'illness', 'sheena', 'refuses', 'meet', 'father', 'abandoned', 'mother', 'sixteen', 'years', 'sheena', 'six', 'years', 'age', 'mother', 'persuades', 'meet', 'finally', 'agrees', 'pay', 'father', 'visit', 'sees', 'bad', 'situation', 'careful', 'nursing', 'unable', 'express', 'feelings', 'shekhar', 'lends', 'daughter', 'diary', 'wrote', 'incidents', 'led', 'break-off', 'henceforth', 'story', 'dr.', 'shekhar', 'unspools', 'sixteen', 'years', 'back', 'world', 'shekhar', 'nandita', 'little', 'daughter', 'nearer', 'perfection', 'much', 'one', 'could', 'suspect', 'complacent', 'heart', 'lying', 'seed', 'betrayal', 'shekhar', 'life', 'takes', 'u-turn', 'meets', 'actress', 'former', 'beauty', 'queen', 'kavya', 'krishna', 'hospital', 'wrist', 'slit', 'slowly', 'two', 'fall', 'continue', 'meet', 'even', 'wrist', 'cured', 'shekhar', 'friend', 'dr.', 'kunal', 'mehta', 'confronts', 'stay', 'away', 'woman', 'feels', 'constant', 'interaction', 'cause', 'damage', 'shekhar', 'marital', 'life', 'week', 'later', 'shekhar', 'goes', 'goa', 'press', 'conference', 'kavya', 'follows', 'tells', 'choice', 'break', 'feeling', 'loneliness', 'something', 'brews', 'two', 'shekhar', 'goes', 'back', 'home', 'mumbai', 'soon', 'enough', 'nandita', 'notices', 'shekhar', 'uncomfortable', 'surroundings', 'tries', 'help', 'starts', 'yelling', 'giving', 'much', 'importance', 'life', 'problems', 'take', 'place', 'shekhar', 'misses', 'daughter', 'annual', 'school', 'function', 'decides', 'confront', 'kavya', 'asks', 'end', 'relationship', 'kavya', 'leaves', 'stone', 'unturned', 'goes', 'visits', 'office', 'hospital', 'tears', 'asks', 'forget', 'said', 'yesterday', 'explains', 'feel', 'happy', 'shekhar', 'hugs', 'explains', 'much', 'loves', 'back', 'back', 'home', 'nandita', 'tells', 'shekhar', 'journalist', 'mid-day', 'newspaper', 'called', 'wanted', 'speak', 'ignoring', 'call', 'next', 'day', 'shekhar', 'discovers', 'relationship', 'kavya', 'printed', 'newspaper', 'become', 'talk', 'town', 'kunal', 'wife', 'shilpa', 'spots', 'nandita', 'restaurant', 'shows', 'newspaper', 'leaving', 'complete', 'shock', 'later', 'shekhar', 'arrives', 'home', 'nandita', 'confront', 'affair', 'confrontation', 'ends', 'nandita', 'giving', 'slap', 'face', 'next', 'day', 'shekhar', 'finds', 'nandita', 'sitting', 'office', 'apologizes', 'happened', 'previous', 'night', 'tells', 'wants', 'fix', 'broken', 'anything', 'save', 'marriage', 'breaking', 'later', 'visits', 'kavya', 'house', 'confront', 'asks', 'let', 'family', 'live', 'peace', 'shekhar', 'informed', 'nandita', 'visit', 'kavya', 'loses', 'temper', 'decides', 'leave', 'house', 'telling', 'nandita', 'regrets', 'marriage', 'next', 'day', 'sheena', 'parents', 'called', 'school', 'pick', 'sick', 'principal', 'tells', 'upset', 'recent', 'change', 'sheena', 'behavior', 'school', 'sheena', 'tells', 'father', 'classmates', 'picking', 'affair', 'star', 'denies', 'asks', 'whether', 'true', 'later', 'day', 'kavya', 'manager', 'asks', 'stop', 'making', 'personal', 'life', 'public', 'reputation', 'ruined', 'kavya', 'gets', 'angry', 'blaming', 'nandita', 'happened', 'fires', 'manager', 'thinking', 'working', 'asks', 'shekhar', 'make', 'choice', 'nandita', 'would', \"n't\", 'mind', 'risking', 'life', 'keep', 'man', 'exclusively', 'torn', 'two', 'women', 'shekhar', 'decides', 'split', 'wife', 'daughter', 'chooses', 'kavya', 'family', 'knowing', 'would', 'regret', 'choice', 'forever', 'shekhar', 'gets', 'call', 'nandita', 'telling', 'pay', 'daughter', 'visit', 'sick', 'kavya', 'refuses', 'let', 'tells', 'nandita', 'plan', 'take', 'back', 'shekhar', 'gets', 'furious', 'yells', 'saying', 'mad', 'lonely', 'mentally', 'ill.', 'kavya', 'hurt', 'grabs', 'gun', 'shoots', 'shekhar', 'goes', 'back', 'nandita', 'asking', 'forgiveness', 'turns', 'reading', 'sheena', 'goes', 'back', 'father', 'hugs', 'apologizes', 'saying', 'feels', 'hurt', 'good', 'father', 'accepts', 'apology', 'next', 'day', 'wakes', 'find', 'father', 'died', 'sheena', 'cries', 'mother', 'asking', 'forgive', 'finally', 'agrees', 'forgive'], ['murali', 'friends', 'village', 'attend', 'friend', 'marriage', 'ceremony', 'reach', 'begin', 'fun', 'join', 'festivities', 'murali', 'also', 'meets', 'shailu', 'captivated', 'attitude', 'beauty', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'murali', 'soon', 'finds', 'married', 'police', 'officer', 'murali', 'puts', 'brave', 'face', 'ceremony', 'hopes', 'something', 'someone', 'able', 'stop', 'ceremony', 'everything', 'stop', 'marriage', 'even', 'tries', 'convince', 'shailu', 'parents', 'finally', 'movie', 'ends', 'approval', 'venktramayya', 'marriage'], ['raj', 'kumar', 'goes', 'holiday', 'khandala', 'stays', 'uncle', 'dhanunjay', 'comes', 'across', 'rani', 'falls', 'however', 'ends', 'teasing', 'begins', 'despise', 'determined', 'avoid', \"n't\", 'leave', 'alone', 'raj', 'kumar', 'saves', 'rani', 'thugs', 'impressed', 'heroism', 'spending', 'time', 'together', 'begins', 'like', 'eventually', 'love', 'unfortunately', 'uncle', 'made', 'plans', 'reveals', 'past', 'hero', 'parents', 'family', 'mentions', 'challenge', 'made', 'in-laws', 'get', 'hero', 'married', 'daughter', 'complying', 'hero', 'informs', 'heroine', 'relationship', 'needs', 'end', 'going', 'uncle', 'village', 'uncle', 'daughter', 'joy', 'sees', 'none', 'rani', 'rest', 'movie', 'revolves', 'around', 'plot', 'woven', 'uncle', 'gain', 'heroine', 'hand', 're-uniting', 'uncle', 'family', 'done', 'fun', 'comical', 'way'], [\"'at\", 'wellman', 'college', 'thousands', 'hamsters', 'overrunning', 'entire', 'campus', 'causing', 'general', 'chaos', 'due', 'massively', 'obese', 'yet', 'loving', 'kind-hearted', 'professor', 'sherman', 'klump', 'accidentally', 'released', 'grazing', 'switch', 'opens', 'hamster\\\\', 'cages', 'meanwhile', 'sherman', 'constructed', 'experimental', 'formula', 'reconstructs', 'dna', 'obese', 'person', 'way', 'allow', 'lose', 'weight', 'easily', 'class', 'sherman', 'meets', 'instantly', 'falls', 'love', 'carla', 'purty', 'chemistry', 'graduate', 'student', 'big', 'fan', 'work', 'dinner', 'obese', 'impolite', 'family', 'sherman', 'asks', 'carla', 'date', 'accepts', 'much', 'sherman\\\\', 'pleasant', 'surprise', 'date', 'begins', 'well', 'carla', 'showing', 'admiration', 'sherman\\\\', 'work', 'club\\\\', 'wicked', 'comic', 'reggie', 'warrington', 'heckles', 'obesity', 'sherman', 'becomes', 'depressed', 'nightmare', 'becomes', 'giant', 'wrecks', 'city', 'single', 'fart', 'accidentally', 'lit', 'fire', 'tests', 'serum', 'loses', '250', 'pounds', 'seconds', 'overwhelmed', 'goes', 'buys', 'many', 'normal', 'size', 'clothing', 'celebration', 'calling', 'buddy', 'love', 'invites', 'carla', 'date', 'club', 'reggie', 'present', 'buddy', 'takes', 'revenge', 'heckles', 'mercilessly', 'buddy', 'develops', 'personality', 'high', 'testosterone', 'levels', 'causes', 'overly', 'assertive', 'confident', 'stuffs', 'grand', 'piano', 'next', 'morning', 'dean', 'richmond', 'set', 'meeting', 'harlan', 'hartley', 'ritz', 'sherman', 'describe', 'serum', 'sherman', 'arrives', 'ritz', 'buddy', 'carla', 'dean', 'spots', 'carla', 'asks', 'buddy', 'take', 'sherman\\\\', 'place', 'takes', 'credit', 'work', 'hartley', 'hartley', 'dean', 'impressed', 'work', 'dean', 'invites', 'alumni', 'ball', 'meanwhile', 'buddy', 'picks', 'three', 'beautiful', 'women', 'invites', 'back', 'place', 'night', 'falling', 'carla', 'richmond', 'gleefully', 'telling', 'sherman', 'buddy', 'taking', 'place', 'alumni', 'ball', 'sherman', 'enough', 'alter', 'ego', 'destroys', 'serum', 'samples', 'unfortunately', 'buddy', 'planned', 'hidden', 'sample', 'one', 'sherman\\\\', 'diet', 'shake', 'cans', 'sherman', 'drinks', 'causing', 'transform', 'buddy', 'sherman\\\\', 'young', 'assistant', 'jason', 'tries', 'stop', 'going', 'ball', 'buddy', 'knocks', 'departs', 'ball', 'buddy', 'demonstrates', 'effects', 'serum', 'audience', 'jason', 'arrives', 'time', 'found', 'buddy\\\\', 'testosterone', 'levels', 'lethally', 'high', '60,000', 'two', 'get', 'brief', 'fist', 'fight', 'sherman', 'begins', 'fight', 'buddy', 'within', 'sherman', 'eventually', 'transforms', 'regular', 'self', 'admits', 'alumni', 'misdeeds', 'buddy', 'thought', 'everybody', 'else', 'wanted', 'accept', 'leaves', 'carla', 'stops', 'asks', 'lied', 'says', 'believe', 'would', 'accept', 'says', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'matter', 'overweight', 'film', 'ends', 'sherman', 'carla', 'dancing', 'hartley', 'giving', 'grant', 'sherman', 'brilliant', 'scientist', 'gentleman'], ['bertrand', 'timid', 'student', 'disapproves', 'still', 'admires', 'lack', 'self-consciousness', 'rude-but-efficient', 'manners', 'suzanne', 'one', 'friend', 'guillaume', 'conquests'], ['fr챕d챕ric', 'young', 'successful', 'lawyer', 'happily', 'married', 'h챕l챔ne', 'english', 'teacher', 'father', 'one', 'child', 'another', 'way', 'still', 'something', 'eats', 'away', 'going', 'day', 'fr챕d챕ric', 'begins', 'ponder', 'times', 'married', 'free', 'woman', 'wanted', 'could', 'feel', 'deep', 'satisfaction', 'anticipation', 'chased', 'one', 'point', 'film', 'elaborate', 'fantasy', 'possesses', 'magical', 'amulet', 'causes', 'women', 'bow', 'thoughts', 'distress', 'fr챕d챕ric', 'though', 'sees', 'ideas', 'reflection', 'true', 'love', 'wife', 'one', 'day', 'old', 'friend', 'shows', 'suddenly', 'fr챕d챕ric', 'office', 'chlo챕', 'zouzou', 'girlfriend', 'old', 'friend', 'woman', 'caused', 'friend', 'great', 'deal', 'grief', 'first', 'believes', 'wants', 'something', 'time', 'tries', 'series', 'jobs', 'attempt', 'type', 'solidity', 'life', 'two', 'begin', 'spending', 'afternoons', 'together', 'talking', 'many', 'things', 'fr챕d챕ric', 'finds', 'unable', 'talk', 'wife', 'eventually', 'chlo챕', 'confesses', 'desire', 'marriage', 'would', 'like', 'child', 'wants', 'child', 'minor', 'state', 'mental', 'anguish', 'fr챕d챕ric', 'ponders', 'paths', 'staying', 'wife', 'loves', 'greatly', 'going', 'woman', 'feels', 'strange', 'deep', 'passion', 'moments', 'seems', 'fr챕d챕ric', 'consummate', 'feelings', 'chlo챕', 'flees', 'back', 'wife', 'leaving', 'chlo챕', 'sprawled', 'bed', 'waiting', 'shown', 'happens', 'chlo챕', 'upon', 'fr챕d챕ric', 'return', 'h챕l챔ne', 'tears', 'spill', 'show', 'something', 'definite', 'yet', 'altogether', 'dire', 'changed', 'two'], [\"'this\", 'film', 'melodrama', 'yun', 'bong-choon', 'stars', 'violinist', 'love', 'dancer', 'played', 'jeon', 'choon-woo', 'relationship', 'ruined', 'interference', 'rich', 'man', 'played', 'lee', 'bok-bun'], ['film', 'melodrama', 'concerning', 'spoiled', 'son', 'played', 'jeon', 'taek-yi', 'father', 'scolds', 'excessive', 'drinking', 'sells', 'family', 'cow', 'money', 'leave', 'seoul', 'finding', 'life', 'difficult', 'seoul', 'returns', 'family', 'begging', 'forgiveness'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'melodrama', 'concerning', 'young', 'woman', 'played', 'yun', 'bong-choon', 'abused', 'stepmother', 'half-sister', 'stepmother', 'expels', 'home', 'stabs', 'stepmother'], [\"'set\", 'contemporary', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'shortbus', 'revolves', 'around', 'sofia', 'lin', 'married', 'handsome', 'dimwitted', 'rob', 'works', 'couples', 'counselor/sex', 'therapist', 'although', 'never', 'achieved', 'orgasm', 'comes', 'contact', 'couple', 'former', 'child', 'star', 'jamie', 'former', 'prostitute', 'james', 'paul', 'dawson', 'film\\\\', 'lead', 'character', 'outset', 'james', 'suggests', 'boyfriend', 'open', 'relationship', 'sex', 'others', 'first', 'consultation', 'sofia', 'snaps', 'slaps', 'jamie', 'apologetically', 'reveals', 'pre-orgasmic', 'status', 'couple', 'suggests', 'attend', 'weekly', 'social/artistic/sexual', 'salon', 'brooklyn', 'called', 'shortbus', 'hosted', 'drag', 'performance', 'artist', 'justin', 'bond', 'sofia', 'slowly', 'opens', 'new', 'experiences', 'includes', 'friendship', 'dominatrix', 'goes', 'name', 'severin', 'played', 'lindsay', 'beamish', 'sofia\\\\', 'inability', 'achieve', 'orgasm', 'begins', 'cause', 'conflict', 'rob', 'turn', 'begins', 'attending', 'shortbus', 'sofia', 'james', 'jamie', 'meet', 'young', 'ex-model', 'aspiring', 'singer', 'named', 'ceth', 'three', 'begin', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'meanwhile', 'james', 'jamie\\\\', 'life', 'closely', 'watched', 'across-the-street', 'stalker', 'neighbor', 'caleb', 'caleb', 'fears', 'inclusion', 'ceth', 'james', 'jamie\\\\', 'relationship', 'might', 'break', 'thus', 'destroy', 'ability', 'live', 'vicariously', 'attends', 'shortbus', 'confronts', 'ceth', 'sofia', 'begins', 'daily', 'spa', 'sensory', 'deprivation', 'tank', 'meet', 'severin', 'two', 'begin', 'intense', 'conversations', 'severin', 'begins', 'help', 'sofia', 'loosen', 'sexually', 'sofia', 'helps', 'severin', 'achieve', 'deeper', 'human', 'connection', 'experienced', 'one', 'evening', 'shortbus', 'severin', 'discusses', 'sofia', 'idea', 'giving', 'sex', 'work', 'pursue', 'dream', 'artist', 'two', 'unplanned', 'sexual', 'experience', 'sofia', 'left', 'unsatisfied', 'throughout', 'film', 'james', 'seen', 'making', 'film', 'relationship', 'turns', 'suicide', 'note', 'attempts', 'take', 'life', 'rescued', 'caleb', 'calls', 'help', 'embarrassed', 'wait', 'james', 'help', 'arrive', 'writes', 'phone', 'number', 'email', 'address', 'james\\\\', 'face', 'unconscious', 'james', 'wakes', 'hospital', 'calls', 'caleb', 'james', 'goes', 'caleb\\\\', 'home', 'consoled', 'contact', 'jamie', 'ceth', 'neither', 'understand', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'call', 'come', 'home', 'follows', 'interlocking', 'trio', 'scenes', 'showing', 'connections', 'characters\\\\', 'emotional', 'problems', 'sexual', 'lives', 'caleb\\\\', 'house', 'james', 'sex', 'james', 'allows', 'caleb', 'penetrate', 'something', 'never', 'allowed', 'anyone', 'afterward', 'dramatic', 'revelation', 'james', 'seen', 'window', 'caleb\\\\', 'apartment', 'jamie', 'realizes', 'moment', 'james', 'alive', 'okay', 'rob', 'severin', 'paid', 'encounter', 'rob', 'asks', 'beaten', 'something', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'ask', 'sofia', 'progresses', 'severin', 'loses', 'control', 'rob', 'tries', 'comfort', 'sofia', 'seems', 'dream', 'struggling', 'overgrown', 'wild', 'forested', 'area', 'gentle', 'seashore', 'tries', 'achieve', 'orgasm', 'failing', 'screams', 'real', 'world', 'lights', 'across', 'city', 'seemingly', 'caused', 'simultaneous', 'collective', 'frustration', 'characters', 'film', 'ends', 'song', 'justin', 'bond', 'shortbus', 'blackout', 'sofia', 'arrives', 'finds', 'rob', 'severin', 'acknowledging', 'sits', 'james', 'jamie', 'also', 'arrive', 'followed', 'ceth', 'caleb', 'justin\\\\', 'song', 'starts', 'wistful', 'note', 'progresses', 'becomes', 'energetic', 'positive', 'thanks', 'arrival', 'hungry', 'march', 'band', 'mirrored', 'actions', 'emotions', 'actors', 'jamie', 'james', 'make', 'floor', 'ceth', 'caleb', 'start', 'hit', 'rob', 'seems', 'find', 'friend', 'severin', 'progresses', 'nervous', 'anxiety', 'happy', 'elation', 'upon', 'arrival', 'band', 'sofia', 'engages', 'threesome', 'couple', 'seen', 'several', 'times', 'appear', 'meet', 'prerequisite', 'beginning', 'experiment', 'sexually', 'finally', 'achieves', 'orgasm', 'blackout', 'affecting', 'new', 'york', 'ends', 'film'], [\"'deepika\", 'arrogant', 'rich', 'girl', 'medical', 'college', 'student', 'dictates', 'terms', 'college', 'sister', 'local', 'kasi', 'feared', 'students', 'professors', 'even', 'dean', 'college', 'enter', 'aarya', 'final', 'year', 'student', 'comes', 'chennai', 'medical', 'college', 'coimbatore', 'soft-spoken', 'aarya', 'runs', 'deepika', 'develop', 'cold', 'shoulders', 'fit', 'rage', 'kidnaps', 'aarya\\\\', 'sister', 'aarya', 'faces', 'challenges', 'daringly', 'however', 'soon', 'falls', 'love', 'ready', 'marry', 'sister', 'ruffian', 'remaining', 'story', 'tells', 'brother', 'sister', 'put', 'pressure', 'aarya', 'become', 'rowdy', 'aarya\\\\', 'status', 'equal', 'enough', 'kasi\\\\', 'status', 'aarya', 'marry', 'kasi\\\\', 'sister', 'deepika', 'meanwhile', 'snake', 'babu', 'elected', 'area', 'councillor', 'encounters', 'dr.', 'aarya', 'one', 'deepika', 'main', 'source', 'comic', 'relief', 'film'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'takes', 'place', 'beginning', 'summer', 'follows', 'three', 'girls', 'summer', 'change', 'lives', 'story', 'told', 'keira', 'st.', 'george', 'girl', 'trying', 'decide', 'life', 'constantly', 'throws', 'away', 'college', 'letter', 'without', 'reading', 'father', 'always', 'retrieves', 'annoying', 'two', 'best', 'friends', 'glory', 'lorraine', 'beautiful', 'somewhat', 'bitchy', 'girl', 'obsessed', 'marriage', 'lisa', 'macdougall', 'awkward', 'born-again', 'religious', 'girl', 'obsessed', 'sex', 'glory', 'constantly', 'babysits', 'keith', 'clark', 'wife', 'works', 'night', 'shift', 'times', 'week', 'keith', '32-year-old', 'husband', 'father', 'loves', 'ride', 'motorcycle', 'gamble', 'friends', 'smoke', 'lot', 'pot', 'one', 'afternoon', 'keira', 'talks', 'gordon', 'gruber', 'bit', 'slow', 'somewhat', 'mentally', 'disabled', 'trying', 'get', 'information', 'keith', 'taken', 'gruber', 'wing', 'gruber', 'tells', 'keira', 'pot', 'growing', 'keith\\\\', 'backyard', 'night', 'keira', 'lisa', 'decide', 'take', 'keith\\\\', 'pot', 'leaving', 'hear', 'sounds', 'like', 'keith', 'wife', 'sex', 'sex', 'crazed', 'lisa', 'decides', 'take', 'closer', 'look', 'kiera', 'joins', 'two', 'discover', 'keith', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'wife', 'he\\\\', 'glory', 'later', 'night', 'glory', 'arrives', 'bonfire', 'much', 'giggling', 'teasing', 'keira', 'lisa', 'tell', 'glory', 'seeing', 'keith', 'glory', 'defends', 'actions', 'saying', 'loves', 'keith', 'loves', 'next', 'day', 'keira', 'works', 'food', 'stand', 'glory', 'tells', 'keith', 'relationship', 'wheels', 'begin', 'turn', 'keira\\\\', 'head', 'debating', 'decides', 'keith\\\\', 'answers', 'door', 'keira', 'tells', 'she\\\\', 'friend', 'glory\\\\', 'thinks', 'wants', 'buy', 'pot', 'tells', 'babysit', 'convinces', 'let', 'makes', 'clear', 'wants', 'sleep', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'married', 'she\\\\', 'half', 'age', 'obvious', 'attracted', 'leads', 'keith', 'bedroom', 'next', 'day', 'lisa', 'arrives', 'stand', 'tell', 'keira', 'she\\\\', 'going', 'sleep', 'keith', 'clark', 'keira', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'tells', 'lisa', 'she\\\\', 'supposed', 'religious', 'wait', 'she\\\\', 'married', 'hurt', 'glory', 'according', 'lisa', 'since', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'baptized', 'yet', 'it\\\\', 'okay', 'concerned', 'marries', 'virgin', 'husband', 'satisfying', 'heeding', 'keira\\\\', 'repeated', 'warnings', 'lisa', 'continues', 'plan', 'takes', 'keith\\\\', 'house', 'arrives', 'keith', 'garden', 'awkward', 'conversation', 'lisa', 'makes', 'abundantly', 'clear', 'wants', 'babysit', 'glory', 'arrives', 'angry', 'lisa', 'hostile', 'others', 'keith', 'goes', 'inside', 'tend', 'crying', 'daughter', 'glory', 'takes', 'opportunity', 'yell', 'lisa', 'eventually', 'glory', 'tells', 'keith', 'unable', 'babysit', 'mother', 'needs', 'meeting', 'tries', 'get', 'reconsider', 'lisa', 'promptly', 'proclaims', 'babysit', 'glory', 'tries', 'stop', 'finally', 'keith', 'left', 'agree', 'babysitting', 'lisa', 'calls', 'keira', 'tell', 'she\\\\', 'keith\\\\', 'house', 'keira', 'begs', 'follow', 'plan', 'angers', 'lisa', 'wanted', 'keira', 'come', 'support', 'keith', 'arrives', 'home', 'eventually', 'hangs', 'keith', 'arrives', 'home', 'lisa', 'quickly', 'jumps', 'attempt', 'sex', 'lisa', 'even', 'says', 'it\\\\', 'okay', 'glory', 'keith', 'obviously', 'weirded', 'keeps', 'coming', 'excuses', 'eventually', 'agrees', 'help', 'lisa', 'lose', 'virginity', 'keira', 'glory', 'arrive', 'outside', 'glory', 'obviously', 'angry', 'decide', 'look', 'bedroom', 'window', 'keith', 'lisa', 'trying', 'sex', 'though', 'awkward', 'outside', 'keira', 'admits', 'glory', 'also', 'slept', 'keith', 'glory', 'punches', 'making', 'nose', 'bleed', 'glory', 'even', 'furious', 'eventually', 'storms', 'house', 'bedroom', 'argument', 'ensues', 'girls', 'eventually', 'three', 'leave', 'glory', 'refuses', 'talk', 'best', 'friends', 'giving', 'finger', 'rides', 'back', 'forth', 'past', 'bike', 'rides', 'keith\\\\', 'house', 'trying', 'work', 'things', 'keith', 'tells', 'would', 'best', 'stop', 'seeing', 'heartbroken', 'professing', 'loves', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'budge', 'stance', 'glory', 'understandably', 'hurt', 'refuses', 'get', 'next', 'morning', 'answering', 'keira\\\\', 'call', 'mother\\\\', 'threat', 'joins', 'lisa', 'keira', 'keira\\\\', 'bedroom', 'tells', 'glory', 'plan', 'keira', 'lisa', 'decided', 'since', 'three', 'girls', 'want', 'keith', 'share', 'using', 'calendar', 'keira', 'explains', 'sue', 'keith\\\\', 'wife', 'working', 'four', 'night', 'shifts', 'girl', 'could', 'night', 'could', 'hang', 'night', 'explaining', 'plan', 'keith', 'balks', 'proposal', 'keira', 'threatens', 'fact', 'people', 'somehow', 'find', 'considered', 'pervert', 'pothead', 'molests', 'young', 'girls', 'backed', 'corner', 'keith', 'agrees', 'night', 'night', 'sessions', 'girls', 'take', 'toll', 'keith', 'seem', 'stay', 'awake', 'anymore', 'performance', 'problems', 'upset', 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'iron', 'donny', 'arrives', 'scene', 'following', 'gruber', 'took', 'tire', 'iron', 'five', 'teens', 'take', 'jasmine', 'unconscious', 'bleeding', 'keith', 'back', 'home', 'debate', 'whether', 'call', '911', 'keira', 'hangs', 'phone', 'keith', 'awakes', 'gruber', 'admits', 'girls', 'keith', 'tricked', 'making', 'extremely', 'mad', 'keith', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'care', 'telling', 'he\\\\', 'sick', 'meanwhile', 'colleague', 'hospital', 'tells', 'sue', 'hang', 'call', '911', 'house', 'sue', 'leaves', 'investigate', 'back', 'keith\\\\', 'things', 'get', 'crazy', 'glory', 'professes', 'love', 'keith', 'keith', 'rejects', 'telling', 'crazy', 'think', 'would', 'leave', 'tells', 'she\\\\', 'pregnant', 'shocking', 'everyone', 'teens', 'begin', 'disperse', 'many', 'curfews', 'donny', 'drives', 'glory', 'gruber', 'lisa', 'home', 'glory', 'sits', 'crying', 'donny', 'cares', 'holds', 'comforts', 'keith\\\\', 'wife', 'returns', 'home', 'shocked', 'mess', 'husband\\\\', 'injury', 'keith', 'lies', 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'egg', 'berrys', 'decide', 'open', 'hotel', 'near', 'prep', 'school', 'john', 'franny', 'frank', 'attend', 'call', 'hotel', 'new', 'hampshire', 'john', 'loses', 'virginity', 'hotel', 'waitress', 'frank', 'comes', 'franny', 'john', 'franny', 'raped', 'big', 'man', 'campus', 'chip', 'dove', 'buddies', 'rescued', 'junior', 'jones', 'black', 'members', 'school', 'football', 'team', 'john', 'confesses', 'love', 'franny', 'family', 'dog', 'sorrow', 'dies', 'frank', 'stuffed', 'sorrow', 'reappearance', 'christmas', 'causes', 'berry', 'grandfather', 'iowa', 'bob', 'suffer', 'fatal', 'heart', 'attack', 'letter', 'arrives', 'austria', 'freud', 'inviting', 'berrys', 'move', 'vienna', 'run', 'freud', 'gasthaus', 'family', 'flies', 'europe', 'tragically', 'plane', 'carrying', 'mrs.', 'berry', 'egg', 'explodes', 'killing', 'vienna', 'family', 'moves', 'gasthaus', 'renames', 'hotel', 'new', 'hampshire', 'upper', 'floor', 'houses', 'prostitutes', 'basement', 'occupied', 'radicals', 'various', 'political', 'stripes', 'assisting', 'freud', 'gone', 'blind', 'susie', 'bear', 'young', 'lesbian', 'lives', 'life', 'almost', 'completely', 'bear', 'costume', 'one', 'radicals', 'ernst', 'resembles', 'chipper', 'dove', 'franny', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'susie', 'john', 'love', 'franny', 'try', 'keep', 'away', 'susie', 'initially', 'successful', 'seducing', 'franny', 'soon', 'ends', 'ernst', 'lilly', 'dwarf', 'begins', 'writing', 'novel', 'called', 'trying', 'grow', 'one', 'radicals', 'miss', 'miscarriage', 'grows', 'fond', 'family', 'especially', 'lilly', 'invites', 'john', 'flat', 'sleeps', 'warns', 'get', 'family', 'vienna', 'trouble', 'another', 'radicals', 'murders', 'back', 'hotel', 'john', 'rest', 'family', 'caught', 'radicals', 'plan', 'blow', 'vienna', 'state', 'opera', 'car', 'bomb', 'blind', 'freud', 'spare', 'family', 'volunteers', 'drive', 'one', 'radicals', 'leaves', 'berrys', 'attack', 'remaining', 'radicals', 'freud', 'detonates', 'bomb', 'right', 'outside', 'hotel', 'ernst', 'killed', 'win', 'blinded', 'explosion', 'hailed', 'heroes', 'austrians', 'berry', 'family', 'decides', 'return', 'home', 'lilly', 'novel', 'published', 'interest', 'berry', 'story', 'leads', 'biopic', 'written', 'lilly', 'starring', 'franny', 'berrys', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'john', 'susie', 'run', 'chipper', 'dove', 'streets', 'lure', 'hotel', 'suite', 'take', 'revenge', 'upon', 'including', 'apparently', 'susie', 'sodomize', 'bear', 'costume', 'franny', 'calls', 'meanwhile', 'john', 'love', 'franny', 'abated', 'finally', 'calls', 'room', 'hopes', 'getting', 'sex', 'almost', 'day', 'franny', 'hollywood', 'career', 'beginning', 'take', 'frank', 'acting', 'agent', 'junior', 'jones', 'back', 'picture', 'lilly', 'writing', 'career', 'stalled', 'second', 'novel', 'well', 'received', 'depressed', 'suffering', 'writer', 'block', 'takes', 'life', 'film', 'draws', 'close', 'john', 'staying', 'father', 'latest', 'hotel', 'new', 'hampshire', 'stands', 'empty', 'susie', 'comes', 'stay', 'john', 'become', 'involved', 'win', 'heartily', 'approves', 'puts', 'every', 'hotel', 'needs', 'bear'], ['storyline', 'film', 'follows', 'several', 'women', 'volunteer', 'canteen', 'must', 'adhere', 'strict', 'rules', 'conduct', 'important', 'job', 'provide', 'friendly', 'companionship', 'dance', 'partners', 'men', 'soon', 'sent', 'combat', 'romantic', 'fraternization', 'allowed', 'one', 'volunteer', 'confesses', 'becoming', 'involved', 'canteen', 'order', 'discovered', 'one', 'hollywood', 'stars', 'attendance', 'ultimately', 'finds', 'falling', 'love', 'one', 'soldiers', 'star', 'appearances', 'range', 'momentary', 'cameos', 'johnny', 'weissmuller', 'seen', 'working', 'canteen', 'kitchen', 'substantial', 'roles', 'katharine', 'hepburn', 'helps', 'advance', 'plot', 'cameos', 'filmed', 'studio', 'number', 'spots', 'benny', 'goodman', 'example', 'filmed', 'new', 'york', 'city'], [\"'kammo\", 'lives', 'wealthy', 'lifestyle', 'widowed', 'multi-millionaire', 'dad', 'girhdarilal', 'would', 'like', 'get', 'married', 'someone', 'wealth', 'dismay', 'chooses', 'marry', 'pilot', 'named', 'sumankumar', 'known', 'womanize', 'greed', 'disapproves', 'runs', 'away', 'advertises', 'safe', 'return', 'offers', 'pay', 'rs.1.25', 'lakh', 'finder', 'four', 'days', 'later', 'kammo', 'returns', 'anymore', 'humble', 'sober', 'respectful', 'fully', 'appreciative', 'girdharilal', 'agrees', 'marriage', 'sumankumar', 'marriage', 'man', 'named', 'sagar', 'approaches', 'mdash', 'visit', 'change', 'lives', 'forever'], ['brought', 'poverty', 'hotel', 'manicurist', 'regi', 'allen', 'wants', 'marry', 'rich', 'husband', 'new', 'client', 'wheelchair-using', 'hotel', 'guest', 'allen', 'macklyn', 'immediately', 'attracted', 'becomes', 'confidant', 'despite', 'obvious', 'wealth', 'regi', 'view', 'potential', 'husband', 'qualms', 'telling', 'goal', 'life', 'exiting', 'penthouse', 'suite', 'encounters', 'man', 'playing', 'hop-scotch', 'hallway', 'declines', 'invitation', 'join', 'makes', 'appointment', 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'avoid', 'laughing', 'fiancee', 'hearing', 'however', 'backfires', 'vivian', 'discovers', 'call', 'came', 'new', 'york', 'tries', 'reconnect', 'hires', 'private', 'investigators', 'find', 'going', 'course', 'stay', 'together', 'ted', 'regi', 'fall', 'love', 'last', 'night', 'boat', 'returns', 'admit', 'mutual', 'love', 'regi', 'ends', 'relationship', 'insisting', 'ted', 'would', 'resent', 'given', 'chance', 'wealthy', 'marry', 'early', 'next', 'morning', 'ted', 'leaves', 'without', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'vivian', 'nasty', 'confrontation', 'regi', 'hotel', 'regi', 'leaves', 'ted', 'shows', 'vivian', 'makes', 'clear', 'knows', 'happened', 'still', 'willing', 'marriage', 'ted', 'however', 'asks', 'released', 'engagement', 'meanwhile', 'regi', 'goes', 'regular', 'appointment', 'allen', 'suite', 'breaks', 'tears', 'allen', 'intended', 'propose', 'secretly', 'puts', 'away', 'engagement', 'ring', 'confesses', 'fallen', 'love', 'despite', 'ted', 'finds', 'agrees', 'marry', 'bus', 'regi', 'ted', 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'upon', 'seeing', 'jai', 'omi', 'hide', 'quickly', 'siddharth', 'sees', 'neha', 'first', 'time', 'love', 'story', 'begins', 'two', 'friends', 'find', 'decide', 'put', 'end', 'relationship', 'revenge', 'embarrassment', 'inflicted', 'upon', 'girl', 'initially', 'succeed', 'separating', 'siddharth', 'neha', 'later', 'repent', 'find', 'siddharth', 'lost', 'interest', 'work', 'study', 'also', 'likely', 'end', 'life', 'finally', 'decide', 'reunite', 'accordingly', 'neha', 'grandmother', 'also', 'accommodated', 'plan', 'staging', 'fake', 'kidnapping', 'siddharth', 'could', 'prove', 'saving', 'neha', 'kidnappers', 'parallel', 'plot', 'runs', 'omi', 'jomo', 'siddharth', 'lallan', 'miyan', 'lallan', 'miyan', 'local', 'shopkeeper', 'sells', 'cigarettes', 'omi', 'jomo', 'credit', 'students', 'staying', 'far', 'away', 'family', 'spend', 'money', 'things', \"n't\", 'clear', 'debts', 'lallan', 'miyan', 'tires', 'follow-up', 'get', 'dues', 'spate', 'kidnapping', 'started', 'delhi', 'one', 'fine', 'day', 'omi', 'friends', 'along', 'neha', 'grandmother', 'plan', 'stage', 'fake', 'kidnapping', 'get', 'married', 'unfortunately', 'kidnapped', 'real', 'gang', 'duo', 'leave', 'lurch', 'latter', 'part', 'story', 'revolves', 'clear', 'confusion', 'fact', 'kidnapped', 'real', 'thugs', 'rescued'], ['plumber', 'keld', 'bored', 'job', 'life', 'rie', 'keld\\\\', 'wife', 'tries', 'interest', 'vacation', 'dance', 'classes', 'last-ditch', 'attempt', 'fails', 'rie', 'tired', 'keld\\\\', 'apathy', 'divorces', 'keld', 'continues', 'downward', 'spiral', 'ignoring', 'customers', 'closing', 'business', 'indefinitely', 'keld', 'sells', 'rie\\\\', 'furniture', 'lives', 'empty', 'apartment', 'food', 'fridge', 'runs', 'keld', 'starts', 'eating', 'every', 'night', 'chinese', 'restaurant', 'across', 'street', 'apartment', 'pipes', 'restaurant', 'explode', 'keld', 'agrees', 'fix', 'exchange', 'meals', 'month', 'owner', 'restaurant', 'feng', 'offers', 'keld', 'dkk', '24,000', 'marry', 'sister', 'ling', 'get', 'visa', 'keld', 'initially', 'refuses', 'faced', 'divorce', 'settlement', 'keld', 'goes', 'back', 'feng', 'asks', 'dkk', '8,000', 'feng', 'agrees', 'lavish', 'wedding', 'ling', 'moves', 'keld\\\\', 'apartment', 'set', 'fool', 'immigration', 'service', 'ling', 'keld', 'learn', 'live', 'despite', 'language', 'barrier', 'keld', 'freely', 'tells', 'wife', 'son', 'marriage', 'purely', 'pro', 'forma', 'keld', 'concerned', 'ling\\\\', 'health', 'feng', 'assures', 'she\\\\', 'perfectly', 'fine', 'ling\\\\', 'influence', 'gradually', 'lifts', 'keld', 'apathy', 'rie', 'attempts', 'reconcile', 'keld', 'fails', 'rie', 'threatens', 'call', 'cops', 'keld', 'ling\\\\', 'marriage', 'unless', 'gets', 'money', 'immediately', 'keld', 'goes', 'feng', 'get', 'money', 'feng', 'says', 'wedding', 'cost', 'much', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'cash', 'angry', 'keld', 'storms', 'home', 'fight', 'ling', 'despite', 'neither', 'able', 'understand', 'keld', 'goes', 'feng\\\\', 'restaurant', 'looking', 'ling', 'fellow', 'patron', 'feng\\\\', 'restaurant', 'advises', 'keld', 'love', 'must', 'professed', 'feng', 'comes', 'money', 'keld', 'pays', 'rie', 'crushes', 'hope', 'reconciliation', 'love', 'ling', 'bringing', 'lunch', 'ling', 'overhears', 'keld', 'practicing', 'saying', 'love', 'chinese', 'evening', 'washing', 'dishes', 'ling', 'waits', 'keld', 'get', 'nerve', 'say', 'ling', 'collapses', 'keld', 'takes', 'hospital', 'it\\\\', 'late', 'feng', 'confesses', 'knew', 'ling', 'genetic', 'heart', 'defect', 'reason', 'wanted', 'live', 'denmark', 'ling', 'cremated', 'keld', 'flies', 'china', 'scatter', 'ashes', 'ancestral', 'river'], [\"'two\", 'young', 'men', 'white', 'shirts', 'riding', 'streets', 'nacogdoches', 'texas', 'bicycles', 'hit', 'old', 'pickup', 'truck', 'old', 'man', 'driving', 'takes', 'stunned', 'young', 'men', 'home', 'house', 'check', 'see', 'hurt', 'house', 'two', 'sons', 'mdash', 'elliot', 'eugene', 'buddles', 'mdash', 'strike', 'conversation', 'two', 'young', 'men', 'turn', 'selling', 'pesticides', 'one', 'men', 'new', 'jersey', 'mdash', 'nate', 'harris', 'mdash', 'paradise', 'valley', 'idaho', 'nate', 'idaho', 'starts', 'talking', 'family', 'produces', 'pictures', 'soon', 'elliot', 'sees', 'photo', 'natalie', 'decides', 'must', 'meet', 'morning', 'elliot', 'convinces', 'eugene', 'drive', 'idaho', 'eugene', 'asks', 'far', 'elliot', 'tells', 'two', 'three', 'hours', 'tops', 'knowing', 'much', 'get', 'paradise', 'valley', 'look', 'harris', 'family', 'local', 'phone', 'book', 'elliot', 'decides', 'going', 'pretend', 'exchange', 'students', 'eastern', 'europe', 'coming', 'summer', 'cancelled', 'elliot', 'eugene', 'end', 'called', 'gustav', 'gayzah', 'respectively', 'brothers', 'hungary', 'family', 'welcomes', 'lives', 'natalie', 'away', 'thursday', 'natalie', 'come', 'home', 'elliot', 'even', 'struck', 'natalie', 'gets', 'two', 'brothers', 'involved', 'friends', 'eugene', 'falls', 'cindy', 'rae', 'stoddard', 'cindy', 'wants', 'date', 'paul', 'hamilton', 'paul', 'asked', 'cindy', 'could', 'find', 'way', 'ask', 'cindy\\\\', 'roommate', 'pam', 'paul', 'arranges', 'double-date', 'two', 'roommates', 'brother', 'doogie', 'paul', 'admits', 'cindy', 'feelings', 'pam', 'cindy', 'arranges', 'leave', 'restaurant', 'doogie', 'paul', 'pam', 'get', 'know', 'paul', 'pam', \"don\\\\'t\", 'hit', 'cindy', 'doogie', 'elliot', 'spending', 'time', 'natalie', 'eugene', 'wants', 'date', 'cindy', 'convinces', 'pam', 'teach', 'become', 'type', 'person', 'cindy', 'would', 'like', 'conversation', 'elliot', 'eugene', 'admits', 'feelings', 'pam', 'elliot', 'thinking', 'telling', 'natalie', 'really', 'however', 'pam', 'overhears', 'wrong', 'part', 'conversation', 'thinks', 'eugene', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'cindy', 'manages', 'convince', 'doogie', 'take', 'large', 'valuable', 'ring', 'safety-deposit', 'box', 'taking', 'ring', 'cindy', 'paul', 'comes', 'doogie', 'throws', 'ring', 'back', 'parked', 'pickup', 'truck', 'truck', 'happens', 'eugene\\\\', 'drive', 'paul', 'retrieve', 'ring', 'doogie', 'find', 'truck', 'parked', 'drives', 'elliott', 'eugene', 'able', 'follow', 'truck', 'closely', 'enough', 'hide', 'close', 'paul', 'giving', 'cindy', 'ring', 'paul', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'looking', 'cindy', 'switches', 'ring', 'fake', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'police', 'arrive', 'called', 'cindy', 'elliot', 'eugene', 'reveal', 'explain', 'cindy', 'put', 'real', 'ring', 'purse', 'police', 'search', 'purse', 'find', 'real', 'ring', 'paul', 'cindy', 'elliot', 'eugene', 'taken', 'custody', 'wait', 'police', 'station', 'things', 'sorted', 'harris', 'family', 'comes', 'police', 'station', 'retrieve', 'elliot', 'eugene', 'cindy', 'custody', 'passes', 'says', 'looks', 'like', 'who\\\\', 'appears', 'time', 'elliot', 'decides', 'must', 'reveal', 'really', 'elliot', 'eugene', 'remain', 'town', 'trial', 'turns', 'cindy', 'works', 'insurance', 'company', 'holding', 'policy', 'ring', 'details', 'fake', 'ring', 'made', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'matter', 'brother', 'got', 'get', 'actual', 'ring', 'planning', 'switching', 'ring', 'found', 'fake', 'hamilton', 'brothers', 'would', 'arrested', 'fraud', 'would', 'actual', 'ring', 'paul', 'convicted', 'stealing', 'ring', 'received', 'sentence', 'six', 'months', 'probation', 'cindy', 'convicted', 'receiving', 'stolen', 'property', 'received', 'sentence', 'two', 'years', 'prison', 'elliot', 'eugene', 'decide', 'find', 'work', 'stay', 'town', 'natalie', 'pam', 'also', 'decide', 'forgive', 'respective', 'brothers', 'continue', 'relationships'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'centers', 'around', 'three', 'attractive', 'women', 'many', 'guy', 'troubles', 'decide', 'play', 'prank', 'random', 'man', 'goal', 'seduce', 'man', 'catching', 'whole', 'sequence', 'tape', 'ultimately', 'humiliating', 'footage', 'plan', 'runs', 'snags', 'man', 'choose', 'prank', 'knows', 'trying', 'man', 'sex', 'vivica', 'fox', 'carmen', 'electra\\\\', 'characters', 'video', 'tape', 'intercourse\\\\', 'change', 'tapes', 'goes', 'date', 'stacey', 'dash\\\\', 'character', 'fall', 'love', 'finding', 'lot', 'common', 'look', 'good', 'together', 'end', 'admit', 'everything', 'five', 'minutes', 'begging', 'disturbing', 'couple', 'eating', 'dinner', 'think', 'hidden', 'camera', 'show', 'decide', 'forgive', 'start', 'clean', 'honest'], ['expand', 'section', 'rosie', 'scriptwriter', 'show', 'falls', 'younger', 'man', 'adam', 'daughter', 'izzie', 'falls', 'love', 'first', 'time', 'meanwhile', 'narrator', 'mother', 'nature', 'discusses', 'fates', 'rosie'], ['laura', 'reynolds', 'free-spirited', 'unwed', 'single', 'mother', 'living', 'young', 'son', 'danny', 'isolated', 'california', 'beach', 'house', 'makes', 'modest', 'living', 'artist', 'home-schools', 'son', 'concern', 'compelled', 'follow', 'detrimental', 'conventional', 'social', 'norms', 'regular', 'school', 'danny', 'gotten', 'trouble', 'law', 'two', 'minor', 'incidents', 'mother', 'eyes', 'innocent', 'expressions', 'natural', 'curiosity', 'conscience', 'rather', 'delinquency', 'third', 'incident', 'judge', 'orders', 'send', 'boy', 'episcopal', 'boarding', 'school', 'dr.', 'edward', 'hewitt', 'headmaster', 'wife', 'claire', 'teaches', 'initial', 'interview', 'momentary', 'immediate', 'attraction', 'laura', 'edward', 'quickly', 'turns', 'tension', 'brought', 'greatly', 'differing', 'world', 'views', 'laura', 'dislike', 'religion', 'finally', 'storms', 'attempts', 'flee', 'area', 'son', 'quickly', 'picked', 'police', 'take', 'danny', 'school', 'initially', 'trouble', 'fitting', 'mother', 'home', 'schooling', 'left', 'far', 'advance', 'boys', 'age', 'several', 'subjects', 'standard', 'course', 'instruction', 'edward', 'school', 'leaves', 'restless', 'bored', 'claire', 'suggestion', 'edward', 'visits', 'laura', 'learn', 'danny', 'upbringing', 'laura', 'unconventional', 'morals', 'initially', 'disturb', 'edward', 'conflict', 'religious', 'training', 'visiting', 'several', 'times', 'finds', 'wants', 'much', 'get', 'mind', 'two', 'begin', 'passionate', 'extramarital', 'affair', 'first', 'edward', 'struggles', 'feelings', 'guilt', 'laura', 'urges', 'accept', 'rightness', 'love', 'meanwhile', 'danny', 'flourishes', 'edward', 'relaxes', 'school', 'rules', 'allows', 'boy', 'choose', 'advanced', 'classes', 'love', 'affair', 'eventually', 'exposed', 'remark', 'made', 'edward', 'presence', 'claire', 'jealous', 'former', 'lover', 'laura', 'first', 'claire', 'distraught', 'later', 'quietly', 'discuss', 'light', 'lives', 'diverged', 'idealistic', 'religious', 'fervor', 'first', 'years', 'marriage', 'says', 'still', 'loves', 'end', 'affair', 'decide', 'separate', 'resigns', 'position', 'school', 'decides', 'travel', 'school', 'year', 'laura', 'tells', 'danny', 'move', 'away', 'put', 'roots', 'school', 'wants', 'stay', 'moment', 'pain', 'realizes', 'need', 'free', 'agrees', 'edward', 'way', 'town', 'stops', 'place', 'silent', 'farewell', 'boy', 'beach', 'high', 'bluff', 'looking'], ['natalie', 'allows', 'classmate', 'jeff', 'ran', 'away', 'home', 'fight', 'stepfather', 'stay', 'place', 'father', 'away', 'business', 'trip', 'natalie', 'soon', 'starts', 'dating', 'jeff', 'friend', 'james', 'casey', 'faithful', 'thinks', 'best', 'friend', 'polly', 'falls', 'love', 'baseball', 'player', 'zoo', 'knudsen'], [\"'ruby\", 'weaver', 'weary', 'long', 'history', 'failed', 'relationships', 'men', 'meets', 'sam', 'deed', 'park', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'ruby', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'sam\\\\', 'past', 'obsession', 'chrystie', 'delancey', 'causal', 'effect', 'pressure', 'finally', 'explains', 'really', 'year', '2470', 'calls', 'back', 'traveler', 'ruby', 'initially', 'ignores', 'story', 'considering', 'yet', 'another', 'case', 'male', 'nerdy', 'weirdness', 'sam\\\\', 'persistence', 'apparent', 'conviction', 'growing', 'agitation', 'begins', 'wonder', 'finally', 'takes', 'see', 'therapist', 'ruby', 'becomes', 'worried', 'sam\\\\', 'sanity', 'reveals', 'everything', 'done', 'deliberate', 'attempt', 'change', 'life'], [\"'vadinho\", 'flor\\\\', 'irresponsible', 'husband', 'drops', 'dead', 'dancing', 'street', 'carnival', 'party', 'flor', 'expresses', 'remorse', 'death', 'flor\\\\', 'friends', 'family', 'see', 'vadinho\\\\', 'death', 'chance', 'flor', 'find', 'happiness', 'misery', 'brought', 'upon', 'vadinho\\\\', 'spendthrift', 'ways', 'near', 'total', 'lack', 'respectability', 'roughly', 'first', 'half', 'dona', 'flor', 'recounts', 'flor\\\\', 'marriage', 'vadinho', 'extended', 'flashback', 'made', 'clear', 'vadinho', 'great', 'lover', 'admired', 'wife\\\\', 'respectability', 'enjoyed', 'protracted', 'foreplay', 'begged', 'continue', 'might', 'paint', 'house', 'leave', 'savings', 'alone', 'changed', 'inhibited', 'girl', 'wife', 'experienced', 'carnal', 'joy', 'regularly', 'second', 'half', 'dona', 'flor', 'involves', 'flor\\\\', 'meeting', 'respectable', 'extraordinarily', 'dull', 'pharmacist', 'teodoro', 'courtship', 'marriage', 'flor\\\\', 'friends', 'consider', 'teodoro', 'exact', 'opposite', 'vadinho', 'teodoro', 'belongs', 'superior', 'circles', 'within', 'bahia\\\\', 'society', 'dresses', 'elegantly', 'treats', 'flor', 'like', 'lady', 'flor\\\\', 'friends', 'know', 'teodoro', 'also', 'opposite', 'vadinho', 'one', 'respect', 'bed', 'teodoro', 'lacking', 'vadinho', 'accomplished', 'anniversary', 'vadinho\\\\', 'death', 'vadinho', 'reappears', 'flor', 'nude', 'explains', 'called', 'share', 'bed', 'flor', 'see', 'hear', 'nude', 'spirit', 'vadinho', 'protests', 'remarried', 'pledged', 'faithful', 'teodoro', 'vadinho', 'laughs', 'teodoro\\\\', 'pathetic', 'attempts', 'love-making', 'night', 'flor', 'gives', 'lives', 'happily', 'husbands', 'shot', 'toward', 'end', 'film', 'shows', 'teodoro', 'lying', 'bed', 'next', 'flor', 'kisses', 'cheek', 'camera', 'pans', 'left', 'show', 'vadinho', 'flor\\\\', 'side', 'kisses', 'cheek'], ['harry', 'mckenzie', 'works', 'factory', 'day', 'comes', 'home', 'comfortable', 'marriage', 'night', 'lacks', 'excitement', 'passion', '50th', 'birthday', 'wife', 'kate', 'blithely', 'tells', 'favorite', 'corner', 'tavern', 'good', 'time', 'attractive', 'barmaid', 'audrey', 'minelli', 'captures', 'interest', 'harry', 'falls', 'long', 'shocks', 'kate', 'requesting', 'divorce', 'horrifies', 'daughters', 'particularly', 'sunny', 'difficult', 'marriage', 'helen', 'wed.', 'kate', 'goes', 'difficult', 'period', 'adjustment', 'eventually', 'lands', 'job', 'beauty', 'salon', 'changes', 'appearance', 'tries', 'adopt', 'new', 'outlook', 'life', 'time', 'harry', 'brings', 'audrey', 'daughter', 'helen', 'wedding', 'old', 'wounds', 'open', 'continue', 'keep', 'family', 'members', 'apart'], ['twenty', 'years', 'ago', 'angar', 'chand', 'lived', 'wealthy', 'lifestyle', 'small', 'town', 'india', 'along', 'wife', 'parvati', 'four', 'sons', 'balram', 'kishan', 'shakti', 'arbaaz', 'khan', 'jai', 'since', 'balram', 'marriageable', 'age', 'arranges', 'marriage', 'daughter', 'laxmi', 'devi', 'lakshmi', 'decides', 'oppose', 'marriage', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'laxmi', 'devi', 'sons', 'surajbhan', 'pratap', 'forcibly', 'remove', 'sister', 'accidentally', 'kill', 'parvati', 'subsequently', 'get', 'sister', 'married', 'kashinath', 'enraged', 'angar', 'hacks', 'laxmi', 'husband', 'death', 'arrested', 'sentenced', 'years', 'prison', 'returns', 'makes', 'clear', 'women', 'permitted', 'house', 'posting', 'sign', 'front', 'gate', 'forbids', 'sons', 'ever', 'marry', 'movie', 'beginning', 'angarchand', 'sons', 'prevent', 'anjali', 'marriage', 'laxmi', 'granddaughter', 'jai', 'humiliates', 'anjali', 'returns', 'uday', 'pratap', 'law', 'college', 'failed', 'engagement', 'laxmi', 'convinces', 'anjali', 'trick', 'jai', 'falling', 'love', 'cause', 'rift', 'family', 'jai', 'meets', 'anjali', 'openly', 'admits', 'attracted', 'jai', 'first', 'rejects', 'decides', 'teach', 'family', 'lesson', 'feign', 'love', 'subsequently', 'anjali', 'admits', 'wanted', 'come', 'close', 'jai', 'extract', 'vengeance', 'well', 'jai', 'admitting', 'agenda', 'separate', 'ways', 'find', 'indeed', 'love', 'order', 'get', 'wed', 'jai', 'must', 'first', 'convince', 'elder', 'brothers', 'get', 'married', 'albeit', 'vain', 'none', 'even', 'want', 'consider', 'option', 'lucky', 'jai', 'friend', 'finds', 'kishan', 'seemingly', 'celibate', 'bhagwan', 'hanuman', 'devotee', 'leading', 'dual', 'life', 'murari', 'married', 'woman', 'gopi', 'gangapur', 'years', 'two', 'children', 'son', 'daughter', 'angar', 'finds', 'kicks', 'kishan', 'jai', 'house', 'jai', 'supports', 'kishan', 'marriage', 'marriage', 'finalized', 'anjali', 'son', 'advocate', 'laxmi', 'jai', 'anjali', 'acknowledge', 'love', 'family', 'pratap', 'surajbhan', 'approach', 'angar', 'help', 'stop', 'jai', 'disrupting', 'marriage', 'one', 'hand', 'laxmi', 'tells', 'jai', 'marry', 'anjali', 'setting', 'confrontations', 'estranged', 'sons', 'father', 'jai', 'kishan', 'wife', 'gopi', 'lucky', 'sneak', 'wedding', 'festival', 'help', 'anjali', 'uncle', 'veeru', 'jai', 'dressed', 'bridegroom', 'successfully', 'completes', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'laxmi', 'recognizes', 'jai', 'disguise', 'confronts', 'angar', 'cut', 'son', 'throat', 'jai', 'tells', 'father', \"n't\", 'wedding', 'without', 'approval', 'balram', 'oldest', 'brothers', 'finally', 'tells', 'jai', 'place', 'wedding', 'necklace', 'anjali', 'neck', 'finalizes', 'wedding', 'necklace', 'grabbed', 'jai', 'hands', 'race', 'goes', 'throughout', 'wedding', 'hall', 'chasing', 'jai', 'stop', 'end', 'jai', 'succeeds', 'marriage', 'completed', 'anjali', 'asks', 'grandmother', 'stop', 'feud', 'families', 'jai', 'asks', 'father', 'forgiveness', 'angar', 'leaves', 'wedding', 'contemplates', 'sons', 'actions', 'way', 'home', 'brothers', 'two', 'wives', 'arrive', 'gate', 'angar', 'looks', 'sons', 'takes', 'sign', 'gate', 'finally', 'welcomes', 'women', 'back', 'family'], ['young', 'man', 'believes', 'girlfriend', 'cheating', 'ex-boyfriend', 'decides', 'follow', 'rival', 'paris', 'twenty-year-old', 'fran챌ois', 'love', 'fiercely', 'independent', '25-year-old', 'anne', 'one', 'morning', 'anne', 'airline-pilot', 'christian', 'visits', 'tell', 'return', 'wife', 'fran챌ois', 'happens', 'see', 'two', 'leave', 'anne', 'building', 'together', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'idea', 'cheating', 'strolls', 'aimlessly', 'streets', 'paris', 'catches', 'sight', 'christian', 'caf챕', 'another', 'woman', 'leave', 'jump', 'bus', 'fran챌ois', 'decides', 'follow', '15-year-old', 'girl', 'never', 'met', 'lucie', 'figures', 'playfully', 'joins', 'amateur', 'espionage', 'throughout', 'day', 'stories', 'explanations', 'christian', 'action', 'become', 'increasingly', 'complex', 'outlandish', 'eventually', 'lose', 'track', 'christian', 'taxi', 'leave', 'promising', 'write', 'ever', 'found', 'christian', 'really', 'fran챌ois', 'returns', 'anne', 'discovers', 'seemed', 'christian', 'blonde', 'woman', 'later', 'night', 'fran챌ois', 'goes', 'lucie', 'flat', 'seemingly', 'put', 'postcard', 'mail', 'box', 'spots', 'lucie', 'embracing', 'young', 'man', 'obviously', 'returning', 'date', 'leaves', 'although', 'stopping', 'drop', 'postcard', 'mailbox'], [\"'sabine\", 'student', 'art', 'history', 'growing', 'tired', 'part', 'mistress', 'painter', 'family', 'man', 'simon', 'meets', 'edmond', 'beautiful', 'young', 'rich', 'free', 'declares', 'going', 'marry'], ['blanche', 'freshly', 'installed', 'cergy-pontoise', 'trendy', 'new', 'town', 'near', 'paris', 'new', 'apartment', 'new', 'job', 'one', 'one', 'meets', 'l챕a', 'swimming', 'pool', 'soon', 'meets', 'acquaintance', 'l챕a', 'alexandre', 'approaches', 'somewhat', 'awkwardly', 'movie', 'follows', 'time-honored', 'plot', 'exchange', 'relationships', 'blanche', 'lea', 'switch', 'boyfriends', 'name', \"l'ami\", 'mon', 'amie', 'would', 'literally', 'mean', 'friend', 'friend', 'perhaps', 'boyfriend', 'girlfriend', 'ami', 'meaning', 'friend', 'boyfriend', 'case', 'amie', 'female', 'word', 'ami', 'general', 'intended', 'meanings'], [\"'sunder\", 'comes', 'village', 'big', 'city', 'naive', 'easily', 'influenced', 'illiterate', 'attempts', 'influence', 'girls', 'mocked', 'ignored', 'made', 'fun', 'roommates', 'one', 'day', 'befriends', 'nri', 'payal', 'khurana', 'thinks', 'disabled', 'dumb', 'feels', 'sorry', 'decides', 'assist', 'get', 'voice', 'back', 'takes', 'dr.', 'puri', 'unable', 'find', 'solution', 'sunder', 'thrilled', 'attention', 'getting', 'payal', 'decides', 'continue', 'pull', 'wool', 'eyes', 'knows', 'love', 'feels', 'sorry', 'handicap', 'soon', 'returning', 'overseas', 'little', 'know', 'payal', 'beginning', 'fall', 'love', 'arranging', 'meet', 'aunt', 'mrs.', 'chaudhary', 'mom', 'dad', 'end', 'keep', 'true', 'word', 'sunder', 'cuts', 'tongue'], ['plot', 'chori', 'chori', 'similar', 'hollywood', 'movie', 'housesitter', 'khushi', 'careless', 'worker', 'always', 'conning', 'boss', 'making', 'excuses', 'duty', 'meets', 'ranbir', 'malhotra', 'learns', 'home', 'plans', 'build', 'love', 'dream', 'unfulfilled', 'dispelled', 'job', 'locates', 'bungalow', 'moves', 'informing', 'everyone', 'ranbir', 'fianc챕e', 'meets', 'ranbir', 'family', 'pooja', 'ranbir', 'love', 'ranbir', 'returns', 'first', 'outraged', 'khushi', 'intrusion', 'life', 'decides', 'play', 'along', 'make', 'pooja', 'jealous', 'fall', 'love', 'khushi', 'ranbir', 'end', 'falling', 'love', 'however', 'khushi', 'close', 'encounter', 'reality', 'ranbir', 'old', 'commitments', 'hold', 'back', 'long', 'time', 'finally', 'listen', 'hearts'], ['psychological', 'portrait', 'relationships', 'sexual', 'desire', 'diana', 'husband', 'julian', 'decide', 'try', 'swinging', 'another', 'couple', 'first', 'time', 'invite', 'alex', 'timo', 'house', 'weekend-long', 'experiment', 'alex', 'timo', 'confident', 'swingers', 'especially', 'gorgeous', 'alex', 'whose', 'ravishing', 'sexiness', 'intimidates', 'quiet', 'diana', 'timo', 'seems', 'strangely', 'uninterested', 'night', 'falls', 'sexual', 'exploration', 'begins', 'discover', 'seems', 'diana', 'may', 'quiet', 'strength', 'knows'], [\"'magali\", 'forty-something', 'winemaker', 'widow', 'loves', 'work', 'feels', 'lonely', 'friends', 'rosine', 'isabelle', 'want', 'secretly', 'find', 'husband', 'magali'], ['one', 'valentine', 'evening', 'group', 'single', 'dateless', 'friends', 'get', 'together', 'play', 'trivial', 'pursuit', 'brett', 'friend', 'host', 'melbourne', 'landed', 'job', 'presenter', 'gossip', 'show', 'brash', 'self-confident', 'tash', 'science', 'journalist', 'national', 'newspaper', 'studious', 'intense', 'self-conscious', 'nothing', 'common', 'naturally', 'get', 'together', 'year', 'later', 'brett', 'career', 'going', 'well', 'possibility', 'job', 'new', 'york', 'popularity', 'gone', 'head', 'tash', 'still', 'trying', 'write', 'serious', 'scientific', 'articles', 'paper', 'interested', 'gossip', 'sex', 'struggling', 'prevent', 'articles', 'buried', 'page', '12.', 'relationship', 'rocks', 'night', 'valentine', 'boat', 'trip', 'sydney', 'harbour', 'argument', 'ensues', 'brett', 'decides', 'enough', 'tash', 'tells', 'wish', 'could', 'could', 'see', 'feel', 'wish', 'could', 'could', 'show', 'idiot', \"'ve\", 'become', 'night', 'full', 'moon', 'fate', 'decides', 'lend', 'hand', 'wake', 'find', 'body', 'month', 'pretending', 'ensues', 'learn', 'really', 'like', 'person', 'shoes', 'tash', 'try', 'keep', 'brett', 'high-profile', 'career', 'track', 'brett', 'bored', 'tash', 'job', 'ends', 'trying', 'make', 'science', 'sexy', 'learns', 'appreciate', 'together', 'make', 'enforced', 'predicament', 'work'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', 'courtroom', 'janaki', 'fighting', 'divorce', 'pandian', 'offers', 'various', 'reasons', 'wanting', 'divorce', 'married', 'pandian', 'wishes', 'rich', 'father', 'vishwanathan', 'iyer', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'able', 'come', 'terms', 'living', 'pandian\\\\', 'small', 'house', 'without', 'amenities', 'pandian', 'assistant', 'dance', 'director', 'modest', 'income', 'able', 'spend', 'much', 'time', 'family', 'accumulates', 'janaki', 'decides', 'apply', 'divorce', 'granted', 'court', 'orders', 'pandian', 'meet', 'daughter', 'barathi', 'week', 'solace', 'daughter', 'however', 'loves', 'lot', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'arrangement', 'basha', 'friend', 'works', 'hotel', 'chef', 'advises', 'pandian', 'steal', 'daughter', 'janaki', 'pandian', 'goes', 'trying', 'friend', 'suggests', 'discovered', 'meet', 'pandian', 'finds', 'vishwanathan', 'iyer', 'advertised', 'woman', 'look', 'granddaughter', 'joseph', 'makeup', 'man', 'films', 'conversation', 'pandian', 'gets', 'idea', 'playing', 'old', 'woman', 'child', 'ex-wife', 'without', 'knowing', 'joseph', 'agrees', 'plan', 'transformation', 'done', 'pandian', \"\\\\'avvai\", 'shanmugi\\\\', 'dignified', 'elderly', 'woman', 'hired', 'take', 'care', 'little', 'girl', 'rathna', 'girl', 'love', 'pandian', 'constantly', 'rebuffed', 'basha', 'takes', 'role', 'mute', 'iyer', 'cook', 'admitted', 'vishwanathan', 'iyer', 'house', 'recommendation', 'avvai', 'shanmugi', 'however', 'basha', 'caught', 'later', 'namaz', 'thereby', 'shattering', 'lies', 'mute', 'iyer', 'hilarious', 'circumstances', 'follow', 'slowly', 'avvai', 'shanmugi', 'manages', 'convince', 'household', 'sincerity', 'much', 'janaki\\\\', 'widowed', 'father', 'begins', 'develop', 'liking', 'avvai', 'fact', 'proposes', 'around', 'time', 'mudaliyar', 'house-owner', 'place', 'pandian', 'lives', 'happens', 'bump', 'avvai', 'shanmugi', 'happens', 'many', 'times', 'mudaliyar', 'begins', 'develop', 'liking', 'meanwhile', 'pandian', 'slowly', 'begins', 'realize', 'janaki', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'totally', 'forgotten', 'avvai', 'rebuffs', 'vishwanathan\\\\', 'proposals', 'saying', \"\\\\'her\\\\\", 'husband', 'alive', 'adding', 'chaos', 'tells', 'vishwanathan', 'joseph', \"\\\\'her\\\\\", 'husband', 'pandian', 'tells', 'sethurama', 'vishwanathan\\\\', 'secretary', 'mudaliyar', 'avvai\\\\', 'husband', 'much', 'confusion', 'resolved', 'last', 'avvai', 'shanmugi', 'convinces', 'vishwanathan', 'janaki\\\\', 'right', 'place', 'husband', 'janaki\\\\', 'father', 'goes', 'talk', 'estranged', 'son-in-law', 'avvai', 'shanmugi', 'reveals', \"\\\\'her\\\\\", 'true', 'self', 'pandian', 'basha', 'seen', 'janaki', 'misunderstands', 'scene', 'believes', 'avvai', 'immoral', 'woman', 'janaki', 'goes', 'pandian\\\\', 'house', 'reclaim', 'upon', 'seeing', 'rathna', 'waiting', 'avvai\\\\', 'clothes', 'lying', 'around', 'thinks', 'husband', 'promiscuous', 'janaki', 'leaves', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'avvai', 'shanmugi', 'stops', 'avvai', 'reveals', 'identity', 'pandian', 'janaki', 'pandian', 'reconcile'], [\"'four\", 'episodes', 'relationship', 'two', 'young', 'women', 'reinette', 'country', 'girl', 'mirabelle', 'parisian', 'city', 'girl', 'country', 'girl', 'first', 'entitled', '쁔he', 'blue', 'hour', 'recounts', 'meeting', 'second', 'centers', 'caf챕', 'waiter', 'difficult', 'man', '쁶ith', 'attitude.', 'third', 'interact', 'discuss', 'different', 'views', 'society', '쁬argins', 'beggars', 'thieves', 'swindlers', 'fourth', 'bet', 'reinette', 'art', 'student', 'mirabelle', 'succeed', 'selling', 'one', 'reinette', 'paintings', 'art', 'dealer', 'reinette', 'pretends', 'mute', 'mirabelle', 'effects', 'know', 'talking'], ['denizen', 'faraway', 'planet', 'occupied', 'highly', 'evolved', 'males', 'ordered', 'find', 'female', 'human', 'impregnate', 'bring', 'baby', 'back', 'planet', 'visitor', 'earth', 'assumes', 'name', 'harold', 'anderson', 'eventually', 'meets', 'susan', 'recovering', 'alcoholic', 'must', 'marry', 'try', 'mate', 'greg', 'kinnear', 'plays', 'harold', 'sleazy', 'conniving', 'co-worker', 'bank', 'john', 'goodman', 'co-stars', 'faa', 'worker', 'obsessed', 'finding', 'alien'], ['jeetu', 'constantly', 'getting', 'father', 'trouble', 'inability', 'properly', 'manage', 'money', 'plunging', 'debt', 'jeetu', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'fiance', 'pooja', 'decides', 'commit', 'suicide', 'throwing', 'sea', 'jeetu', 'believes', 'killing', 'something', 'right', 'father', 'use', 'money', 'life', 'insurance', 'pay', 'debts', 'unfortunately', 'planned', 'jeetu', 'found', 'tangled', 'nets', 'pair', 'fishermen', 'gundya', 'bandya', 'gundya', 'owes', 'money', 'gujarati', 'businessman', 'prabhat', 'singh', 'chauhan', 'reads', 'note', 'found', 'jeetu', 'pocket', 'makes', 'think', 'jeetu', 'rich', 'rather', 'debt', 'two', 'fishermen', 'hatch', 'scheme', 'offer', 'jeetu', 'prabhat', 'exchange', 'money', 'gundya', 'owes', 'jeetu', 'want', 'reveal', 'much', 'therefore', 'pretends', 'deaf', 'mute', 'hilarious', 'row', 'sequences', 'follow', 'pretense', 'gets', 'fishermen', 'comical', 'situations', 'soon', 'revealed', 'prabhat', 'niece', 'shruti', 'also', 'happens', 'mute', 'deaf', 'brother', 'mangal', 'wants', 'get', 'married', 'everything', 'seems', 'okay', 'marriage', 'arranged', 'however', 'groom', 'family', 'breaks', 'marriage', 'humiliating', 'shruti', 'angering', 'mangal', 'one', 'night', 'jeetu', 'gets', 'drunk', 'begins', 'sing', 'caught', 'shruti', 'cousin', 'meenakshi', 'hear', 'promise', 'keep', 'secret', 'return', 'must', 'something', 'shruti', 'greedy', 'bridegroom', 'interested', 'marrying', 'shruti', 'wealth', 'jeetu', 'must', 'pretend', 'lover', 'break', 'marriage', 'ruins', 'shruti', 'life', 'meenakshi', 'finds', 'jeetu', 'debt', 'thinks', 'anything', 'money', 'unfortunately', 'jeetu', 'involved', 'car', 'crash', 'prabhat', 'time', 'carrying', 'lot', 'money', 'meenakshi', 'tells', 'police', 'suspicions', 'beat', 'jeetu', 'mercilessly', 'views', 'change', 'however', 'prabhat', 'announces', 'jeetu', 'one', 'saved', 'took', 'hospital', 'meantime', 'bandya', 'returned', 'jeetu', 'village', 'suitcase', 'full', 'money', 'tells', 'jeetu', 'pooja', 'married', 'pooja', 'believes', 'jeet', 'widow', 'though', 'two', 'never', 'got', 'married', 'time', 'shruti', 'confesses', 'love', 'jeet', 'mangal', 'finds', 'romance', 'practically', 'forces', 'jeetu', 'marry', 'shruti', 'free', 'debt', 'agrees', 'marry', 'shruti', 'fallen', 'love', 'family', 'learns', 'intrude', 'marriage', 'wanting', 'come', 'home', 'marry', 'pooja', 'instead', 'however', 'pooja', 'learns', 'shruti', 'mute', 'change', 'heart', 'tells', 'jeetu', 'marry', 'shruti', 'jeetu', 'shruti', 'get', 'married', 'live', 'happily', 'ever'], ['raja', 'kunal', 'poor', 'family', 'raja', 'dad', 'violent', 'alcoholic', 'spends', 'family', 'income', 'alcohol', 'raja', 'family', 'struggles', 'work', 'hard', 'everyday', 'raja', 'mom', 'requests', 'move', 'mumbai', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'raja', 'approves', 'mom', 'request', 'moves', 'mumbai', 'attend', 'ramachandra', 'college', 'movie', 'starts', 'train', 'station', 'new', 'year', 'day', 'raja', 'talks', 'person', 'well-wishing', 'due', 'insistence', 'raja', 'goes', 'flash', 'back', 'years', 'ago', 'reaches', 'mumbai', 'plans', 'get', 'admitted', 'prestigious', 'ramachandra', 'college', 'gains', 'admission', 'mba', 'program', 'ramachandra', 'college', 'mumbai', 'help', 'college', 'chairman', 'ramachandra', \"n't\", 'realize', 'first', 'thought', 'managed', 'get', 'seat', 'due', 'abilities', 'raja', 'meets', 'roja', 'internet', 'brief', 'introduction', 'raja', 'roja', 'started', 'loving', 'yet', 'see', 'thus', 'sent', 'pictures', 'e-mail', 'roja', 'checks', 'e-mail', 'sees', 'raja', 'photo', 'raja', 'enters', 'net', 'cafe', 'roja', 'meet', 'initially', 'shocked', 'seeing', 'roja', 'told', 'america', 'raja', 'told', 'london', 'although', 'india', 'studying', 'college', 'next', 'day', 'raja', 'meets', 'roja', 'train', 'station', 'usually', 'comes', 'board', 'train', 'surprised', 'speechless', 'saw', 'however', 'things', 'take', 'turn', 'bad', 'unable', 'express', 'feelings', 'due', 'fated', 'accidents', 'raja', 'wanted', 'see', 'roja', 'really', 'likes', 'asking', 'wear', 'rose', 'head', 'walks', 'towards', 'train', 'station', 'rose', 'drops', 'unaware', 'raja', 'believes', 'roja', 'really', \"n't\", 'like', 'ramachandra', 'meets', 'tells', 'practical', 'suggests', 'raja', 'write', 'love', 'letter', 'raja', \"n't\", 'know', 'write', 'one', 'ramachandra', 'helps', 'even', 'daughter', 'roja', 'helps', 'write', 'letter', 'raja', 'unaware', 'raja', 'father', 'writing', 'next', 'day', 'raja', 'meets', 'train', 'station', 'gives', 'books', 'love', 'letter', 'inside', 'knowing', 'gave', 'books', 'skims', 'books', 'accidentally', 'causing', 'love', 'letter', 'fly', 'away', 'however', 'roja', 'write', 'love', 'letter', 'returns', 'books', 'long-lost', 'friend', 'raja', 'meets', 'train', 'station', 'raja', 'writes', 'address', 'first', 'page', 'book', 'tears', 'give', 'friend', 'unfortunately', \"n't\", 'aware', 'roja', 'wrote', 'love-letter', 'right', 'behind', 'feels', 'disappointed', \"n't\", 'show', 'interest', 'roja', 'causing', 'think', \"n't\", 'like', 'ramachandra', 'comes', 'rescue', 'asks', 'raja', 'write', 'another', 'love', 'letter', 'give', 'next', 'day', 'happens', 'valentine', 'day', 'raja', 'comes', 'express', 'love', 'roja', 'finds', 'roja', 'daughter', 'ramachandra', 'decided', 'marry', 'daughter', 'rajesh', 'gupta', 'smart', 'wealthy', 'man', 'roja', 'makes', 'last', 'attempt', 'find', 'raja', 'likes', 'sends', 'e-mail', 'stating', 'loves', 'hand', 'raja', \"n't\", 'want', 'hurt', 'feelings', 'beloved', 'guide', 'teacher', 'respects', 'father', 'thus', 'sends', 'e-mail', 'stating', 'unable', 'return', 'feelings', 'roja', 'roja', 'unwillingly', 'accepts', 'wedding', 'knew', 'hope', 'raja', 'fall', 'love', 'raja', 'leaves', 'wedding', 'hall', 'plans', 'leave', 'back', 'hometown', 'night', 'goes', 'back', 'beginning', 'story', 'coincidentally', 'ramachandra', 'overhears', 'conversation', 'raja', 'friends', 'realizes', 'love', 'daughter', 'goes', 'train', 'station', 'stop', 'raja', 'asking', 'return', 'propose', 'daughter', 'raja', 'ramachandra', 'reach', 'wedding', 'hall', 'time', 'stop', 'wedding', 'taking', 'place', 'raja', 'roja', 'married', 'valentine', 'day', 'movie', 'ends', 'happy', 'ending'], ['vasu', 'final', 'year', 'college', 'student', 'happy', 'lucky', 'forced', 'contest', 'elections', 'college', 'persuaded', 'friends', 'however', 'incurs', 'wrath', 'local', 'mla', 'varadharajan', 'whose', 'son', 'studying', 'college', 'contests', 'elections', 'course', 'events', 'mla', 'gang', 'attacks', 'vasu', 'friends', 'vasu', 'father', 'vijayakumar', 'tea', 'shop', 'owner', 'advises', 'students', 'take', 'plunge', 'politics', 'teach', 'bad', 'apples', 'like', 'varadharajan', 'lesson', 'taking', 'cue', 'words', 'vasu', 'indeed', 'take', 'plunge', 'politics', 'backing', 'college', 'students', 'even', 'files', 'nomination', 'assembly', 'election', 'kumbakonam', 'constituency', 'varadharajan', 'naturally', 'annoyed', 'angry', 'presumptuousness', 'vasu', 'tells', 'back', 'elections', 'relentless', 'vasu', 'goes', 'ahead', 'plans', 'rest', 'sequence', 'events', 'vasu', 'wins', 'admiration', 'masses', 'succeeds', 'getting', 'elected', 'mla', 'unfortunately', 'varadharajan', 'unable', 'digest', 'defeat', 'plays', 'trick', 'burns', 'primary', 'school', 'vasu', 'blamed', 'death', 'innocent', 'children', 'gets', 'sentenced', 'seven', 'years', 'rigorous', 'imprisonment', 'serving', 'term', 'vasu', 'comes', 'prison', 'take', 'revenge', 'varadharajan', 'happy', 'ending', 'ajith', 'holding', 'hands', 'lover', 'trisha'], [\"'after\", 'fleeing', 'west', 'germany', 'following', 'prison', 'break', 'involved', 'fatal', 'shooting', 'correctional', 'officer', 'desperate', 'fast-moving', 'fugitive', 'raf', 'members', 'speed', 'across', 'border', 'fast', 'get', 'offer', 'state', 'security', 'officer', 'erwin', 'hull', 'remain', 'gdr', 'stasi', 'shown', 'somewhat', 'reluctant', 'take', 'marxist-leninists', 'espouse', 'militant', 'individualistic', 'view', 'republic\\\\', 'soviet-inspired', 'ideology', 'ultimately', 'gdr', 'officials', 'apparently', 'consider', 'important', 'keep', 'fellow', 'travelers', 'safe', 'prosecute', 'vigilantism', 'murder', 'stasi', 'leaders', 'thus', 'eventually', 'offer', 'create', 'new', 'identities', 'vogt', 'rest', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'east', 'two', 'women', 'friederike', 'adebach', 'vogt', 'accept', 'offer', 'men', 'refuse', 'grounds', 'wanting', 'retire', 'battle', 'imperialist', 'system', 'armed', 'force', 'later', 'seen', 'killed', 'next', 'attack', 'hull\\\\', 'relationship', 'rita', 'case', 'officer', 'friend', 'adviser', 'meanwhile', 'occupies', 'large', 'place', 'film', 'platonic', 'though', 'film', 'proceeds', 'detail', 'rita\\\\', 'new', 'life', 'rehearsed', 'fictitious', 'legend', 'backstory', 'becomes', 'new', 'truth', 'assumedly', 'english', 'translation', 'legend', 'rita', 'comes', 'legend', 'constructed', 'rita', 'given', 'job', 'volkseigener', 'betrieb', 'clothing', 'factory', 'appalls', 'colleagues', 'unlike', 'example', 'rita', 'takes', 'socialist', 'solidarity', 'collections', 'projects', 'third', 'world', 'countries', 'seriously', 'type', 'genuine', 'leftist', 'idealism', 'dismissed', 'na챦ve', 'troublesome', 'soviet-style', 'state', 'unpopular', 'rita\\\\', 'horrendously', 'depressed', 'co-worker', 'tatjana', 'fellow', 'outcast', 'displays', 'desperation', 'towards', 'state', 'socialism', 'rita', 'harbored', 'towards', 'capitalism', 'develop', 'mutual', 'friendship', 'bonds', 'closely', 'even', 'sees', 'experimenting', 'intimacy', 'television', 'announcement', 'west', 'germany', 'stops', 'rita', 'short', 'birthday', 'party', 'one', 'night', 'west', 'german', 'authorities', 'continue', 'broadcast', 'wanted', 'fugitive', 'co-worker', 'recognizes', 'broadcast', 'next', 'day', 'threatens', 'tell', 'response', 'stasi', 'promptly', 'remove', 'workplace', 'legend', 'allowing', 'brief', 'painful', 'separation', 'tatjana', 'next', 'residence', 'workplace', 'legend', 'number', 'children\\\\', 'day', 'care', 'center', 'vacation', 'baltic', 'sea', 'gets', 'know', 'falls', 'love', 'student', 'jochen', 'despite', 'cautiousness', 'becomes', 'ever', 'difficult', 'maintain', 'fa챌ade', 'hide', 'past', 'shortly', 'decision', 'travel', 'soviet', 'union', 'reveals', 'tale', 'suddenly', 'noticing', 'choir', 'performing', 'rita', 'sees', 'friederike', 'adebach', 'amongst', 'choir\\\\', 'participants', 'suffering', 'new', 'identity', 'she\\\\', 'taken', 'bears', 'resignation', 'resignation', 'sadness', 'seen', 'faces', 'gdr', 'nationals', 'film', 'way', 'friederike', 'seen', 'become', 'one', 'rita', 'friederike\\\\', 'reunion', 'sullen', 'part', 'unceremoniously', 'throughout', 'privations', 'gdr', 'shown', 'drab', 'grey', 'dull', 'wooden', 'viewer', 'rita', 'noticeably', 'smiling', 'joyous', 'extreme', 'contrast', 'every', 'person', 'around', 'rita', 'gdr', 'romantic', 'happy', 'aura', 'lacking', 'angry', 'expressions', 'attitude', 'towards', 'capitalism', 'beginning', 'film', 'radical', 'left', 'romanticism', 'also', 'part', 'reason', 'displays', 'profound', 'disappointment', 'end', 'film', 'die', 'wende', 'occurs', 'one', 'except', 'ever', 'seemed', 'hope', 'socialism', 'experiment', '1989/90', 'gdr', 'collapses', 'secret-service', 'powers', 'disbanded', 'gdr', 'stasi\\\\', 'weapons', 'confiscated', 'erwin', 'hull', 'informs', 'rita', 'longer', 'protect', 'tatjana', 'arrested', 'people\\\\', 'police', 'harboring', 'terrorist', 'rapidly', 'question', 'time', 'rita\\\\', 'true', 'legend', 'exposed', 'rita', 'furious', 'people', 'promised', 'help', 'sees', 'way', 'given', 'terrorism', 'borders', 'tries', 'attempted', 'stealth', 'move', 'speed', 'across', 'backwoods', 'border', 'checkpoint', 'motorbike', 'east', 'german', 'guard', 'pierces', 'several', 'automatic', 'rifle', 'bullets', 'thereby', 'completing', 'betrayal', 'rita', 'hoped', 'would', 'never', 'come', 'rita', 'comrades', 'shown', 'failed', 'revolutionary', 'communist', 'mission', 'injustice', 'also', 'self-proclaimed', 'communist', 'states', 'eastern', 'europe', 'ultimately', 'disregard', 'human', 'rights', 'leftist', 'radicals', 'claim', 'system', 'capitalism', 'last', 'moment', 'film', 'flashes', 'line', 'text', 'that\\\\', 'exactly', 'less'], ['plot', 'new', 'york', 'firefighter', 'patrick', 'sullivan', 'idea', 'seemingly', 'idyllic', 'life', 'smoke', 'especially', 'unwitting', 'second-hand', 'recipient', 'advice', 'famed', 'love', 'expert', 'radio', 'host', 'dr.', 'emma', 'lloyd', 'one', 'day', 'happy-go-lucky', 'guy', 'looking', 'forward', 'life', 'soon-to-be-bride', 'fianc챕e', 'sophia', 'seeking', 'couples', 'counseling', 'radio', 'dr.', 'lloyd', 'lloyd', 'questions', 'sophia', 'concept', 'romantic', 'love', 'advises', 'break', 'engagement', 'swiftly', 'patrick', 'upset', 'hears', 'emma', 'married', 'allows', 'young', 'neighbour', 'indian', 'computer', 'whiz-kid', 'hack', 'public', 'records', 'create', 'fake', 'marriage', 'emma', 'wants', 'force', 'confrontation', 'emma', 'told', 'marry', 'perfect-gentleman', 'fianc챕', 'richard', 'already', 'married', 'choice', 'confront', 'patrick', 'stringing', 'along', 'lie', 'upon', 'lie', 'finds', 'attracted', 'makes', 'play', 'romantically', 'proceeds', 'inject', 'life', 'causes', 'lie', 'beloved', 'fianc챕', 'emma', 'drawn', 'immense', 'charisma', 'tries', 'ignore', 'emma', 'needs', 'patrick', 'help', 'desperately', 'sign', 'annulment', 'papers', 'marry', 'richard', 'patrick', 'delays', 'process', 'long', 'enough', 'get', 'enough', 'time', 'spend', 'emma', 'one', 'point', 'patrick', 'acts', 'fianc챕', 'richard', 'emma', 'deny', 'pretence', 'people', 'watching', 'tasting', 'wedding', 'cake', 'unknown', 'emma', 'one', 'ladies', 'happens', 'wife', 'man', 'richard', 'business', 'particular', 'man', 'decides', 'stop', 'deals', 'richard', 'planning', 'tell', 'banquet', 'richard', 'emma', 'attending', 'lady', 'meets', 'emma', 'banquet', 'tells', 'emma', 'wants', 'save', 'richard', 'business', 'dilemma', 'lady', 'believes', 'patrick', 'richard', 'happens', 'patrick', 'arrives', 'banquet', 'knowing', 'else', 'emma', 'continues', 'pretend', 'patrick', 'fianc챕', 'richard', 'richard', 'brother', 'carl', 'matters', 'get', 'worse', 'patrick', 'emma', 'invited', 'dinner', 'richard', 'business', 'partner', 'wife', 'funny', 'side', 'patrick', 'charms', 'businessman', 'much', 'decides', 'change', 'decision', 'continue', 'business', 'richard', 'later', 'emma', 'patrick', 'dinner', 'businessman', 'patrick', 'takes', 'surprise', 'visit', 'special', 'event', 'patrick', 'stays', 'indian', 'family', 'quite', 'close', 'support', 'encourage', 'difficult', 'times', 'hindu', 'sacred', 'thread', 'ceremony', 'rite-of-passage', 'ritual', 'patrick', 'takes', 'emma', 'businessman', 'family', 'computer', 'whiz-kid', 'one', 'getting', 'initiated', 'emma', 'guests', 'really', 'good', 'time', 'sees', 'whole', 'new', 'side', 'patrick', 'repulsive', 'far', 'slight', 'spark', 'attraction', 'emma', 'flees', 'scene', 'anything', 'else', 'happen', 'patrick', 'continues', 'pursue', 'later', 'even', 'comes', 'visit', 'radio', 'studio', 'confrontation', 'board', 'lift', 'continuing', 'argument', 'suddenly', 'patrick', 'asks', 'occupants', 'lift', 'leave', 'seeing', 'fireman', 'badge', 'locks', 'lift', 'proceeds', 'kiss', 'emma', 'quite', 'passionate', 'time', 'knowing', 'viewed', 'security', 'staff', 'camera', 'top', 'lift', 'soon', 'emma', 'deny', 'attraction', 'patrick', 'anymore', 'decides', 'call', 'wedding', 'goes', 'patrick', 'lodgings', 'make', 'love', 'night', 'next', 'morning', 'finds', 'patrick', 'keeping', 'tabs', 'stalking', 'patrick', 'confesses', 'initially', 'wanted', 'teach', 'lesson', 'love', 'fell', 'hurt', 'using', 'goes', 'back', 'honourable', 'richard', 'still', 'loves', 'says', 'wants', 'marry', 'richard', 'tells', 'patrick', 'leave', 'emma', 'alone', 'patrick', 'also', 'decides', 'let', 'emma', 'point', 'feels', 'always', 'question', 'resolve', 'honesty', 'patrick', 'emma', 'miserable', 'separate', 'lives', 'one', 'day', 'wedding', 'patrick', 'calls', 'radio', 'station', 'tells', 'loves', 'answer', 'confides', 'father', 'asks', 'advice', 'tells', 'decision', 'next', 'day', 'emma', 'guests', 'arrive', 'early', 'church', 'getting', 'ready', 'wedding', 'richard', 'tells', 'wants', 'happy', 'decides', 'let', 'marry', 'man', 'fallen', 'love', 'richard', 'also', 'heard', 'radio', 'show', 'night', 'recognized', 'patrick', 'telling', 'emma', 'love', 'richard', 'walks', 'away', 'emma', 'activates', 'sprinkler', 'system', 'burning', 'paper', 'sprinklers', 'drench', 'guests', 'leave', 'church', 'dry', 'time', 'emma', 'father', 'calls', 'fire', 'department', 'patrick', 'works', 'asks', 'come', 'church', 'patrick', 'arrives', 'get', 'married', 'live', 'happily', 'ever', 'final', 'scene', 'shifts', 'year', 'later', 'shown', 'emma', 'pregnant', 'patrick', 'still', 'much', 'love', 'movie', 'ends', 'tamil', 'song', 'swasame', 'movie', 'thenali', 'background.jane', 'beal', 'phd', 'accidental', 'husband', 'http', '//thepoetryplace.wordpress.com/2010/03/06/the-accidental-husband/'], ['sweeney', 'playwright', 'career', 'decline', 'spends', 'much', 'time', 'wheedling', 'money', 'beer', 'artistic', 'friend', 'moriarty', 'one', 'highlights', 'weekly', 'sex', 'ex-wife', 'georgia', 'unhappy', 'marriage', 'successful', 'construction', 'contractor', 'georgia', 'husband', 'inexplicably', 'wants', 'tear', 'mother-in-law', 'house', 'georgia', 'works', 'oppose', 'trades', 'sexual', 'favors', 'influence', 'mayoral', 'candidate', 'burton', 'sweeney', 'escapades', 'end', 'fake', 'kidnapping', 'scam', 'gets', 'attention', 'two', 'inept', 'police', 'officers', 'played', 'john', 'candy', 'lawrence', 'dane', 'two', 'end', 'dressed', 'garbage', 'men', 'chase', 'scene', 'finale', 'everything', 'winds', 'happy', 'ending'], ['reema', 'sen', 'showers', 'love', 'affection', 'bharath', 'neighbor', 'since', 'childhood', 'bharath', 'happens', 'son', 'rich', 'business', 'tycoon', 'girish', 'karnad', 'loses', 'mother', 'young', 'age', 'reema', 'treats', 'bharath', 'younger', 'brother', 'spends', 'time', 'him.meanwhile', 'vishal', 'income', 'tax', 'officer', 'turns', 'girish', 'karnad', 'house', 'raid', 'happens', 'meet', 'reema', 'eventually', 'fall', 'love', 'series', 'incidents', 'gets', 'wed', 'locked', 'settle', 'goa', 'trouble', 'begins', 'bharath', 'reaches', 'goa', 'search', 'reema', 'manages', 'kidnap', 'reema', 'bring', 'chennai', 'reasons', 'bharath', 'obsession', 'possessiveness', 'towards', 'reema', 'unfolds', 'movie', 'progresses', 'vishal', 'comes', 'back', 'goa', 'finds', 'house', 'deserted', 'next', 'door', 'neighbor', 'tells', 'reema', 'eloped', 'bharat', 'begins', 'track', 'finds', 'duo', 'left', 'chennai', 'vishal', 'reaches', 'chennai', 'unable', 'tell', 'parents', 'real', 'plight', 'help', 'vivek', 'colleague', 'tries', 'trace', 'chance', 'look', 'video', 'marriage', 'throws', 'light', 'bharat', 'hatred', 'towards', 'vishal', 'vishal', 'convinced', 'reema', 'confronts', 'bharat', 'father', 'help', 'finally', 'traces', 'location', 'bharat', 'hideout', 'reema', 'hand', 'pleads', 'bharat', 'release', 'explains', 'wife', 'see', 'son', 'kid', 'brother', 'plea', 'falls', 'deaf', 'ears', 'racy', 'climax', 'high', 'seas', 'three', 'protagonists', 'fight', 'reema', 'hits', 'bharat', 'boat', 'oars', 'plunges', 'sea', 'unconscious', 'condition', 'taking', 'along', 'reema', 'vishal', 'comes', 'nick', 'time', 'saves', 'even', 'though', 'killed', 'filled', 'remorse'], [\"'in\", 'build-up', 'normandy', 'landings', 'thousands', 'american', 'troops', 'descend', 'upon', 'england', 'near', 'small', 'lancashire', 'town', 'large', 'army', 'base', 'established', 'soon', 'houses', 'rambunctious', 'yanks', 'known', 'english', 'leave', 'town', 'arizona', 'man', 'sergeant', 'first', 'class', 'matt', 'dyson', 'encounters', 'jean', 'moreton', 'cinema', 'fianc챕e', 'british', 'soldier', 'fighting', 'overseas', 'initially', 'rebuffs', 'advances', 'quite', 'persistent', 'doubts', 'relationship', 'fianc챕', 'anyway', 'handsome', 'brash', 'american', 'sergeant', 'stark', 'contrast', 'restrained', 'englishmen', 'known', 'soon', 'keeping', 'company', 'matt', 'though', 'largely', 'platonic', 'first', 'part', 'helen', 'bit', 'worldly', 'affairs', 'captain', 'john', 'comes', 'estate', 'often', 'relationship', 'develops', 'married', 'husband', 'away', 'sea', 'wife', 'thousands', 'miles', 'distant', 'eventually', 'kind-hearted', 'matt', 'dyson', 'accepted', 'moreton', 'family', 'though', 'engaged', 'english', 'lad', 'welcome', 'visits', 'often', 'brings', 'hard-to-find', 'foods', 'normally', 'wartime', 'rationing', 'presents', 'news', 'ken\\\\', 'death', 'action', 'arrives', 'jean\\\\', 'mother', 'condemns', 'relationship', 'kind', 'betrayal', 'helen', 'john', 'travel', 'welsh', 'seaside', 'resort', 'make', 'love', 'almost', 'immediately', 'americans', 'ship', 'troop', 'train', 'southern', 'england', 'prepare', 'd-day', 'mad', 'scene', 'many', 'townswomen', 'pregnant', 'liaisons', 'men', 'may', 'never', 'see', 'scramble', 'catch', 'one', 'last', 'glimpse', 'american', 'boyfriends', 'train', 'leaves', 'town', 'matt', 'shouts', 'train', 'return'], [\"'jeab\", 'young', 'man', 'working', 'bangkok', 'receives', 'word', 'best', 'friend', 'childhood', 'noi-naa', 'married', 'driving', 'back', 'hometown', 'memories', 'friendship', 'come', 'flooding', 'back', 'story', 'told', 'flashback', 'jeab', 'noi-naa', 'live', 'small', 'city', 'thailand', 'fathers', 'rival', 'barbers', 'shops', 'situated', 'next', 'sweet', 'shop', 'separate', 'jeab\\\\', 'father', 'favors', 'efficiency', 'uses', 'electric', 'trimmer', 'noi-naa\\\\', 'father', 'meanwhile', 'contemplative', 'artistic', 'approach', 'uses', 'scissors', 'jeab', 'notes', 'results', 'methods', 'seem', 'school', 'holiday', 'ended', 'jeab', 'notorious', 'oversleeping', 'day', 'misses', 'school', 'bus', 'must', 'driven', 'part', 'way', 'father', 'motorcycle', 'taking', 'shortcut', 'jeab', 'father', 'able', 'catch', 'bus', 'time', 'bus', 'boys', 'introduced', 'ringleader', 'overweight', 'bully', 'named', 'jack', 'bus', 'children', 'talk', 'going', 'school', 'boys', 'decide', 'play', 'chinese', 'fantasy', 'characters', 'girls', 'plan', 'play', 'house', 'jeab', 'must', 'cross', 'busy', 'street', 'play', 'boys', 'fears', 'getting', 'hit', 'car', 'stays', 'play', 'girls', 'makes', 'target', 'much', 'taunting', 'jack', 'boys', 'one', 'day', 'jack', 'friends', 'playing', 'soccer', 'rival', 'neighborhood', 'gang', 'one', 'player', 'short', 'jeab', 'happens', 'hanging', 'around', 'he\\\\', 'asked', 'join', 'game', 'proving', 'abilities', 'earns', 'trust', 'jack\\\\', 'gang', 'passes', 'various', 'tests', 'order', 'join', 'one', 'thing', 'must', 'sever', 'ties', 'noi-naa', 'jeab', 'quite', 'literally', 'cutting', 'rubber-band', 'jump', 'rope', 'noi-naa', 'skilled', 'playing', 'moment', 'noi-naa', 'refuses', 'talk', 'jeab', 'one', 'day', 'jeab', 'gets', 'word', 'noi-naa', 'moving', 'away', 'course', 'day', 'leave', 'jeab', 'oversleeps', 'misses', 'chance', 'say', 'final', 'goodbye', 'noi-naa', 'jeab', 'gets', 'jack', 'friends', 'commandeer', 'delivery', 'motorcycle', 'pursue', 'noi-naa', 'family', 'moving', 'truck', 'motorcycle', 'breaks', 'truck', 'rolls', 'sight', 'jeab', 'never', 'see', 'noi-naa', '...', 'wedding'], ['inspired', \"l'astr챕e\", '17th', 'century', 'major', 'work', 'honor챕', \"d'urf챕\", 'shepherd', 'c챕ladon', 'madly', 'love', 'beautiful', 'astr챕e', 'flees', 'convinced', 'infidelity', 'story', 'set', 'fifth-century', 'druidic', 'gaul', 'filmed', 'auvergne', 'les', 'gorges', 'sioulle', 'may', '2006'], ['film', 'starts', 'daksh', 'mittal', 'charming', 'continually', 'drunk', 'millionaire', 'one', 'day', 'sees', 'girl', 'jiya', 'street', 'falls', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'jiya', 'working', 'strip', 'dancer', 'mentally', 'handicapped', 'brother', 'daksh', 'jiya', 'spend', 'time', 'fall', 'love', 'daksh', 'however', 'supposed', 'marry', 'anahita', 'madhwani', 'order', 'inherit', 'million-dollar', 'trust', 'help', 'daksh', 'turns', 'butler', 'john', 'uncle', 'john', 'uncle', 'wanted', 'daksh', 'end', 'marrying', 'jiya', 'however', 'john', 'gets', 'ill', 'gets', 'admitted', 'hospital', 'engagement', 'party', 'daksh', 'anahita', 'taking', 'place', 'john', 'uncle', 'manages', 'convince', 'jiya', 'party', 'daksh', 'jiya', 'dance', 'meanwhile', 'john', 'uncle', 'dying', 'hospital', 'daksh', 'decides', 'honour', 'john', 'uncle', 'memory', 'goes', 'propose', 'jiya', 'accepts', 'final', 'clash', 'family', 'daksh', 'allowed', 'marry', 'live', 'happily', 'ever'], [\"'javier\", 'bardem', 'benito', 'gonz찼lez', 'flamboyant', 'construction', 'worker', 'melilla', 'dream', 'build', 'tallest', 'building', 'ever', 'region', 'ambitions', 'extravagance', 'personal', 'conflicts', 'pummeled', 'dreams', 'ground', 'determined', 'satisfy', 'ambitions', 'benito', 'waltzed', 'life', 'excess', 'fetishes', 'deceptions', 'would', 'ultimately', 'send', 'life', 'spiraling', 'film', 'makes', 'direct', 'symbolic', 'references', 'work', 'spanish', 'surrealist', 'painter', 'salvador', 'dal챠'], ['raghu', 'studying', 'australia', 'goes', 'new', 'zealand', 'friend', 'runs', 'malavika', 'start', 'petty', 'fights', 'end', 'falling', 'love', 'circumstances', 'force', 'separate', 'without', 'exchanging', 'information', 'back', 'home', 'ajith', 'makes', 'friends', 'karan', 'chances', 'upon', 'family', 'photograph', 'surprisingly', 'includes', 'mother', 'far', 'knew', 'relations', 'questioning', 'mother', 'reveals', 'part', 'large', 'family', 'sent', 'family', 'deciding', 'wed', 'someone', 'choice', 'ajith', 'travels', 'village', 'karan', 'friend', 'soon', 'endears', 'members', 'family', 'turns', 'malavika', 'daughter', 'one', 'brothers', 'learns', 'karan', 'wishes', 'marry', 'decides', 'bow', 'karan', 'knowing', 'romance', 'wishes', 'get', 'together', 'family', 'elders', 'agree', 'ajith', 'marrying', 'malavika', 'refuse', 'let', 'alliance', 'learning', 'ajith', 'srividya', 'son', 'ajith', 'agrees', 'sacrifice', 'love', 'since', 'want', 'wed', 'malavika', 'cause', 'even', 'friction', 'already', 'fractured', 'family', 'ajith', 'eventually', 'reunites', 'separated', 'family', 'weds', 'malavika', 'forms', 'crux', 'film'], ['leila', 'reza', 'modern', 'iranian', 'couple', 'content', 'recent', 'marriage', 'however', 'leila', 'learns', 'unable', 'conceive', 'reza', 'mother', 'insists', 'son', 'must', 'children', 'despite', 'reza', 'insistence', 'want', 'children', 'suggests', 'get', 'second', 'wife', 'adamantly', 'refuses', 'idea', 'mother', 'champions', 'leila', 'gets', 'caught', 'two', 'worlds', 'elated', 'spending', 'time', 'reza', 'one', 'moment', 'torn', 'apart', 'nagging', 'mother', 'next'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'set', 'boys\\\\', 'grammar', 'school', 'sheffield', '1983.', 'crowther', 'posner', 'dakin', 'timms', 'akthar', 'lockwood', 'scripps', 'rudge', 'recently', 'obtained', 'school\\\\', 'highest', 'ever', 'a-level', 'scores', 'hoping', 'enter', 'oxford', 'cambridge', 'taking', 'seventh-term', 'entrance', 'exam', 'history', 'general', 'studies', 'teacher', 'known', 'staff', 'boys', 'alike', 'nickname', 'hector', 'favourite', 'works', 'alongside', 'deputy', 'head', 'regular', 'history', 'teacher', 'mrs.', 'lintott', 'headmaster', 'felix', 'hires', 'energetic', 'young', 'contract', 'teacher', 'named', 'irwin', 'assist', 'hector', 'mrs', 'lintott', 'preparing', 'boys', 'oxbridge', 'entrance', 'exams', 'irwin\\\\', 'style', 'utterly', 'different', 'hector\\\\', 'mrs.', 'lintott\\\\', 'older', 'teachers', 'emphasise', 'cultural', 'factual', 'knowledges', 'quest', 'truth', 'irwin', 'urges', 'boys', 'put', 'spin', 'historical', 'analysis', 'value', 'originality', 'objective', 'truth', 'plot', 'progresses', 'learn', 'hector', 'habitually', 'offers', 'students', 'rides', 'home', 'motorcycle', 'surreptitiously', 'fondles', 'passengers', 'boys', 'come', 'mutual', 'understanding', 'subject', 'mildly', 'annoyed', 'laugh', 'teacher\\\\', 'advances', 'less', 'willingly', 'continue', 'take', 'turns', 'riding', 'home', 'back', 'bike', 'practice', 'eventually', 'lands', 'hector', 'trouble', 'reported', 'headmaster', 'lollipop', 'lady', 'witnesses', 'action', 'headmaster', 'insists', 'hector', 'retire', 'early', 'also', 'hector', 'irwin', 'share', 'class', 'group', 'engages', 'tense', 'discussions', 'best', 'analyse', 'holocaust', 'part', 'general', 'studies', 'class', 'acts', 'scenes', 'romantic', 'films', 'literature', 'posner', 'samuel', 'barnett', 'sings', 'love', 'song', 'rodgers', 'hart\\\\', 'bewitched', 'bothered', 'bewildered', 'pointedly', 'directs', 'towards', 'dakin', 'later', 'seeks', 'irwin', 'discuss', 'attraction', 'dakin', 'dakin', 'characterises', 'aspiring', 'lecher', 'currently', 'pursuing', 'affair', 'headmaster\\\\', 'secretary', 'fiona', 'displeased', 'posner\\\\', 'attention', 'finds', 'interested', 'irwin', 'gradually', 'dakin\\\\', 'quest', 'impress', 'irwin', 'intellectual', 'level', 'evolves', 'flirtatious', 'potentially', 'sexual', 'pursuit', 'young', 'teacher', 'posner', 'friend', 'scripps', 'even', 'hector', 'note', 'visibly', 'attracted', 'dakin', 'interviews', 'boys', 'receive', 'replies', 'post', 'seems', 'gained', 'oxbridge', 'places', 'except', 'group\\\\', 'gauche', 'sportsman', 'rudge', 'mrs', 'lintott', 'questions', 'turns', 'rudge', 'already', 'told', 'interview', 'place', 'due', 'family', 'connection', 'college', 'dakin', 'approaches', 'irwin', 'classroom', 'celebrations', 'reveals', 'found', 'record', 'irwin\\\\', 'attendance', 'corpus', 'oxford', 'college', 'claimed', 'alma', 'mater', 'irwin', 'confesses', 'lied', 'past', 'dakin', 'thank', 'invites', 'irwin', 'give', 'blowjob', 'make', 'appointment', 'drink', 'sunday', 'dakin', 'tells', 'irwin', 'seen', 'two', 'sides', 'irwin', 'reckless', 'challenging', 'intellectual', 'whilst', 'teaching', 'uptight', 'cautious', 'personality', 'real', 'life', '봞nd', 'reconcile', 'dakin', 'proceeds', 'headmaster\\\\', 'office', 'threatening', 'reveal', 'felix\\\\', 'sexual', 'harassment', 'fiona', 'forces', 'reinstate', 'hector', 'boys', 'prepare', 'leave', 'grammar', 'school', 'end', 'term', 'hector', 'agrees', 'give', 'dakin', 'ride', 'home', 'motorbike', 'old', 'times\\\\', 'sake', 'however', 'leave', 'headmaster', 'runs', 'stops', 'saying', 'hector', 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'lockwood', 'entered', 'army', 'died', 'result', 'friendly', 'fire', 'age', 'serving', 'york', 'lancaster', 'regiment', 'rudge', 'become', 'builder', 'scripps', 'journalist', 'irwin', 'stops', 'teaching', 'becomes', 'maker', 'history', 'documentaries', 'finally', 'posner', 'reveals', 'become', 'teacher', 'followed', 'hector\\\\', 'footsteps', 'similar', 'ambivalence', 'angst', 'though', 'without', 'touching', 'boys', 'always', 'struggle', 'maybe', 'that\\\\', 'good', 'teacher', 'film', 'ends', 'collection', 'moments', 'involving', 'hector', 'leading', 'moment', 'photograph', 'entire', 'class', 'taken', 'fountains', 'abbey', 'scene', 'earlier', 'film', 'photo', 'spans', 'entire', 'screen', 'closing', 'credits', 'played', 'photo'], [\"'set\", 'delhi', '1962', 'lala', 'jagannath', 'seth', 'karam', 'chand', 'two', 'wealthy', 'businessmen', 'bidding', 'front', 'plot', 'government', 'auction', 'one', 'westernized', 'wears', 'black-rimmed', 'spectacles', 'traditional', 'turban', 'linen', 'adamant', 'getting', 'front', 'plot', 'land', 'lala', 'jagannath', 'raises', 'price', 'higher', 'higher', 'seth', 'karam', 'chand', 'irks', 'even', 'raising', 'price', 'paltry', '1000', 'rupees', 'made', 'worse', 'fact', 'seth', 'karam', 'chand', 'raises', 'finger', 'leaving', 'auctioneer', 'crowd', 'interpret', 'meaning', 'lala', 'jagannath', 'winds', 'front', 'plot', 'last', 'moment', 'seth', 'karam', 'chand', 'comes', 'quotes', 'insane', 'price', 'back', 'plot', 'leaving', 'rest', 'think', 'something', 'gone', 'wrong', 'back', 'home', 'seth', 'karam', 'chand', 'informs', 'wife', 'decision', 'two', 'banter', 'talking', 'style', 'daughter', 'sulekha', 'different', 'sentiments', 'though', 'exactly', 'bothered', 'pride', 'ego', 'says', 'house', 'hidden', 'lala', 'jagannath\\\\', 'one', 'willing', 'let', 'thing', 'happen', 'seth', 'karam', 'chand', 'hires', 'architect', 'rakesh', 'citation', 'slowly', 'surely', 'rakesh', 'sulekha', 'start', 'fall', 'love', 'there\\\\', 'catch', 'one', 'rakesh', 'madan', 'know', 'rakesh', 'actually', 'lala', 'jagannath\\\\', 'son', 'even', 'conceals', 'truth', 'everyone', 'leading', 'hilarious', 'side-splitting', 'scenes', 'rakesh', 'tries', 'keep', 'parents', 'away', 'sulekha\\\\', 'antics', 'include', 'pretending', 'attack', 'making', 'sides', 'believe', 'he\\\\', 'scolding', 'little', 'help', 'sidekick', 'meanwhile', 'ranjit', 'rakesh\\\\', 'colleague', 'jenny', 'fall', 'love', 'well', 'ranjit', 'leaves', 'kashmir', 'rakesh', 'starts', 'make', 'plans', 'houses', 'add', 'woes', 'father', 'insists', 'design', 'house', 'seth', 'karam', 'chand', 'already', 'hired', 'still', 'willing', 'allow', 'truth', 'revealed', 'tries', 'keep', 'designs', 'away', 'side', 'avail', 'father', 'sees', 'design', 'insists', 'seth', 'karam', 'chand', 'already', 'decided', 'one', 'fed', 'enemity', 'rakesh', 'eventually', 'decides', 'make', 'houses', 'love', 'affair', 'sulekha', 'continues', 'sing', 'wonderful', 'duets', 'like', 'tere', 'ghar', 'samne', 'dekho', 'rootha', 'karo', 'sulekha', 'goes', 'shimla', 'rakesh', 'follows', 'behind', 'singing', 'kahan', 'yeh', 'bata', 'finally', 'deciding', 'enough', 'enough', 'rakesh', 'decides', 'reveal', 'truth', 'sulekha', 'gets', 'angry', 'thankfully', 'parents', \"don\\\\'t\", 'come', 'know', 'refuses', 'work', 'demands', 'know', 'drops', 'bombshell', 'tells', 'indeed', 'lala', 'jagannath\\\\', 'son', 'feeling', 'betrayed', 'starts', 'avoid', 'ronny\\\\', 'birthday', 'party', 'undaunted', 'rakesh', 'sings', 'song', 'easily', 'wooed', 'back', 'however', 'lala', 'jagannath', 'seth', 'karamchand', 'find', 'marriage', 'eyes', 'impossible', 'enemity', 'barrier', 'children\\\\', 'love', 'however', 'hard', 'rakesh', 'sulekha', 'try', 'barrier', 'impenetrable', 'even', 'rakesh', 'finally', 'manages', 'convince', 'relent', 'embracing', 'taking', 'yes', 'rakesh', 'sulekha', 'hug', 'overjoyed', 'get', 'married', 'inauguration', 'two', 'houses', 'rakesh', 'built'], ['thiru', 'works', 'henchman', 'annachi', 'annachi', 'adores', 'sees', 'bravery', 'extraordinary', 'fighting', 'abilities', 'one', 'day', 'thiru', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'charu', 'local', 'ngo', 'fights', 'injustice', 'quarrel', 'ensues', 'soon', 'realize', 'meeting', 'heart', 'soon', 'start', 'admire', 'charu', 'works', 'towards', 'transforming', 'thiru', 'emotionless', 'henchman', 'lovable', 'kind-hearted', 'guy', 'result', 'gang', 'members', 'abandon', 'incorrigible', 'life', 'gun', 'culture', 'take', 'sales', 'roadside', 'hoping', 'lead', 'socially', 'respectable', 'life', 'charu', 'sees', 'changed', 'personality', 'thiru', 'decides', 'marry', 'consent', 'father', 'hopes', 'shatters', 'seeing', 'thiru', 'clumped', 'away', 'police', 'van', 'brothel', 'gives', 'plans', 'become', 'thiru', 'life', 'partner', 'notwithstanding', 'failure', 'charu', 'father', 'commits', 'suicide', 'charu', 'blames', 'thiru', 'ruining', 'life', 'father', 'death', 'thiru', 'goes', 'back', 'annachi', 'charu', 'decided', 'wed', 'relative', 'meanwhile', 'annachi', 'son', 'falls', 'love', 'charu', 'wants', 'marry', 'annachi', 'deputes', 'thiru', 'bring', 'charu', 'thiru', 'devices', 'plans', 'attempt', 'thwart', 'annachi', 'nefarious', 'plans', 'save', 'charu', 'thiru', 'saves', 'charu', 'annachi', 'ultimately', 're-unite', 'forms', 'remaining', 'part', 'story'], ['expand', 'section', 'parker', 'ballantine', 'theatrical', 'critic', 'busily', 'praising', 'disparaging', 'shows', 'broadway', 'wife', 'angela', 'feeling', 'useless', 'restless', 'writes', 'play', 'mother', 'sisters', 'angela', \"n't\", 'believe', 'parker', 'review', 'work', 'since', 'look', 'prejudiced', 'favorably', 'hurt', 'feelings', 'knocks', 'parker', 'read', \"n't\", 'impressed', 'major', 'producer', 'however', 'decides', 'back', 'handsome', 'dion', 'kapakos', 'directs', 'play', 'tries', 'strike', 'romantic', 'interest', 'playwright', 'angela', 'continues', 'resist', 'getting', 'fed', 'parker', 'negativity', 'hour', 'play', 'first', 'out-of-town', 'tryout', 'boston', 'conflicted', 'parker', 'goes', 'see', 'ex-wife', 'ivy', 'gets', 'little', 'tipsy', 'decides', 'opening', 'writes', 'negative', 'review', 'trouble', 'gets', 'worse', 'gets', 'home', 'http', '//www.allmovie.com/work/critics-choice-81937'], [\"'warm\", 'water', 'red', 'bridge', 'focuses', 'troubles', 'japanese', 'everyman', 'finds', 'new', 'life', 'unusual', 'woman', 'small', 'fishing', 'village', 'imamura\\\\', 'last', 'film', 'contains', 'considerable', 'commentary', 'search', 'happiness', 'romantic', 'comedy', 'tells', 'story', 'salary', 'man', 'laid', 'job', 'architectural', 'firm', 'tokyo', 'undergoing', 'marital', 'difficulties', 'old', 'friend', 'dies', 'travels', 'small', 'fishing', 'town', 'himi', 'toyama', 'prefecture', 'find', 'treasure', 'old', 'man', 'hidden', 'house', 'decades', 'find', 'expects', 'takes', 'job', 'local', 'fishermen', 'becomes', 'romantically', 'involved', 'woman', 'exaggerated', 'proclivity', 'towards', 'female', 'ejaculation'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'eve', 'victory', 'cuban', 'revolution', 'january', '1959.', 'christmas', 'eve', '1958', 'aboard', 'boat', 'miami', 'havana', 'roberta', 'duran', 'enlists', 'aid', 'jack', 'weil', 'smuggling', 'u.s.', 'army', 'signal', 'corps', 'radios', 'destined', 'cuban', 'revolutionary', 'forces', 'hills', 'jack', 'weil', 'agrees', 'romantically', 'interested', 'ms.', 'duran', 'rendezvous', 'payoff', 'roberta', 'reveals', 'married', 'dashing', 'weil\\\\', 'hopes', 'weil', 'meets', 'cuban', 'journalist', 'acquaintance', 'night', 'town', 'run', 'roberta', 'duran', 'husband', 'dr.', 'arturo', 'duran', 'dr.', 'duran', 'leader', 'revolutionary', 'movement', 'roberta', 'points', 'weil', 'dr.', 'duran', 'invites', 'weil', 'join', 'dinner', 'asks', 'weil', 'aid', 'cause', 'weil', 'turns', 'even', 'duran', 'outlines', 'desperate', 'situation', 'confronting', 'cuban', 'majority', 'next', 'morning', 'night', 'debauchery', 'weil', 'night', 'arrests', 'revolutionaries', 'secret', 'police', 'weil', 'reads', 'newspaper', 'account', 'dr.', 'duran\\\\', 'arrest', 'death', 'shock', 'continues', 'planned', 'poker', 'game', 'meets', 'head', 'secret', 'police', 'learns', 'roberta', 'also', 'arrested', 'held', 'also', 'tortured', 'weil', 'uses', 'debt', 'one', 'players', 'owes', 'obtain', 'roberta\\\\', 'release', 'shock', 'husband\\\\', 'death', 'experience', 'jail', 'agrees', 'let', 'shelter', 'apartment', 'afternoon', 'disappears', 'realizing', 'love', 'roberta', 'encouraged', 'old', 'gambling', 'friend', 'weil', 'drives', 'interior', 'cuba', 'find', 'dr.', 'duran\\\\', 'old', 'estate', 'persuades', 'return', 'havana', 'leave', 'cuba', 'asks', 'explains', 'lump', 'arm', 'contains', 'diamond', 'sewn', 'arm', 'youth', 'insurance', 'matter', 'happens', 'life', 'one', 'always', 'diamond', 'makes', 'arrangements', 'leave', 'cuba', 'via', 'boat', 'return', 'apartment', 'assaulted', 'two', 'cubans', 'inform', 'arturo', 'demands', 'get', 'roberta', 'country', 'amazement', 'dr.', 'duran', 'still', 'alive', 'wrestles', 'pretends', 'roberta', 'nothing', 'amiss', 'uses', 'time', 'thus', 'bought', 'confirm', 'story', 'cia', 'agent', 'marion', 'chigwell', 'whose', 'acquaintance', 'made', 'obtains', 'information', 'threatening', 'blow', 'agent\\\\', 'cover', 'gourmet', 'magazine', 'writer', 'uses', 'also', 'make', 'deal', 'regarding', 'dr.', 'duran', 'pretending', 'work', 'cia', 'weil', 'goes', 'see', 'dr.', 'duran', 'held', 'chief', 'secret', 'police', 'tells', 'chief', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'new', 'plans', 'duran', 'wants', 'released', 'payoff', '50,000', 'orders', 'chief', 'duran', 'cleaned', 'dressed', 'taken', 'house', 'weil', 'goes', 'doctor', 'jeweler', 'sell', 'diamond', 'raise', 'cash', 'dr.', 'duran\\\\', 'release', 'back', 'apartment', 'informs', 'roberta', 'decided', 'make', 'life', 'husband', 'still', 'alive', 'shock', 'leaves', 'find', 'husband', 'meanwhile', 'weil', 'blown', 'big', 'game', 'high', 'rollers', 'angling', 'since', 'day', 'arrived', 'havana', 'casino', 'manager', 'joe', 'volpi', 'forgives', 'knowing', 'made', 'rescuing', 'roberta', 'priority', 'night', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', '1959', 'insurrection', 'revolutionary', 'forces', 'upperclass', 'government', 'secret', 'police', 'leave', 'lavish', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'parties', 'make', 'mad', 'dash', 'ports', 'airport', 'leave', 'country', 'people', 'pour', 'streets', 'celebrating', 'victory', 'trashing', 'casinos', 'dancing', 'streets', 'weil', 'joe', 'agree', 'new', 'day', 'time', 'next', 'morning', 'weil', 'restaurant', 'preparing', 'depart', 'sees', 'marion', 'informs', 'working', 'new', 'book', 'cuisine', 'indochina', 'long', 'roberta', 'shows', 'wish', 'farewell', 'discovers', 'seeing', 'bandage', 'arm', 'cost', 'save', 'husband', 'hug', 'goodbye', 'remains', 'revolution', 'changed', 'four', 'years', 'later', '1963', 'jack', 'drives', 'florida', 'keys', 'gazes', 'across', 'sea', 'toward', 'havana', 'hoping', 'see', 'boat', 'might', 'bring', 'roberta', 'board', 'knows', 'ferry', 'longer', 'running', 'however', 'every', 'year', 'hopes', 'someday', 'see', 'roberta', 'also', 'realizes', 'changes', 'cuba', 'echoed', 'changes', '1960s', 'happening', 'america', 'it\\\\', 'new', 'decade'], ['daisy', 'kenyon', 'manhattan', 'commercial', 'artist', 'affair', 'arrogant', 'overbearing', 'successful', 'lawyer', 'named', 'dan', \"o'mara\", 'married', 'two', 'children', 'breaks', 'date', 'daisy', 'one', 'night', 'goes', 'widowed', 'war', 'veteran', 'named', 'peter', 'lapham', \"o'mara\", 'wife', 'lucille', 'fight', 'constantly', 'job', 'upbringing', 'two', 'daughters', 'cheating', 'night', 'dan', 'turns', 'new', 'york', 'stork', 'club', 'wife', 'oldest', 'daughter', 'daisy', 'peter', 'waiting', 'seated', 'leave', 'immediately', 'end', 'date', 'peter', 'announces', 'loves', 'daisy', 'leaves', 'peter', 'stands', 'next', 'date', 'comes', 'unannounced', 'proposes', 'daisy', 'realizes', 'still', 'love', 'late', 'wife', 'brief', 'hesitant', 'courtship', 'daisy', 'marries', 'peter', 'although', 'still', 'love', 'dan', 'daisy', 'supports', 'peter', 'post-war', 'career', 'peter', 'moody', 'sometimes', 'quiet', 'withholding', 'sometimes', 'wildly', 'exuberant', 'peter', 'knows', 'dan', 'used', 'daisy', 'life', 'daisy', 'feels', 'like', 'gotten', 'dan', 'dan', 'wife', 'finally', 'fed', 'cheating', 'wants', 'divorce', 'using', 'full', 'custody', 'children', 'leverage', 'hurt', 'dan', 'dan', 'asks', 'peter', 'daisy', 'allow', 'reveal', 'full', 'details', 'former', 'relationship', 'daisy', 'divorce', 'proceedings', 'peter', 'states', \"n't\", 'stand', 'daisy', 'way', 'first', 'met', 'needed', \"n't\", 'anymore', 'leaves', 'trial', 'begins', 'dan', 'see', 'much', 'hurting', 'daisy', 'stops', 'proceedings', 'asks', 'peter', 'sign', 'divorce', 'papers', 'even', 'though', 'daisy', 'request', 'daisy', 'goes', 'away', 'think', 'gets', 'car', 'accident', 'dan', 'peter', 'waiting', 'cottage', 'asks', 'dan', 'leave', 'daisy', 'realizes', 'longer', 'loves', 'dan', 'remains', 'peter'], [\"'monty\", 'james', 'respected', 'hard-working', 'mechanic', 'three', 'daughters', 'china', 'lauryn', 'sierra', 'dreams', 'owning', 'shop', 'someday', 'monty\\\\', 'children', 'cared', 'maternal', 'grandmother', 'many', 'years', 'however', 'realizes', 'dying', 'lung', 'cancer', 'dies', 'within', 'weeks', 'jennifer', 'disrupts', 'tranquility', 'service', 'demands', 'daughters', 'live', 'jennifer', 'later', 'tells', 'monty', 'suing', 'custody', 'strapped', 'cash', 'hoping', 'make', 'dream', 'reality', 'monty', 'accepts', 'help', 'maya', 'employment', 'agency', 'worker', 'maya', 'recommends', 'monty', 'driver', 'julia', 'rossmore', 'attorney', 'atlanta', 'julia', 'friends', 'brenda', 'cynthia', 'set', 'julia', 'blind', 'date', 'byron', 'craig', 'robinson', 'loud', 'obnoxious', 'monty', 'julia', 'meet', 'uptight', 'pushy', 'insists', 'everything', 'done', 'schedule', 'monty', 'also', 'finds', 'eldest', 'daughter', 'accidentally', 'started', 'fire', 'home', 'social', 'services', 'notified', 'children', 'sent', 'live', 'mother', 'boyfriend', 'joe', 'julia', 'sitting', 'car', 'goes', 'hospital', 'demand', 'monty', 'take', 'home', 'sees', 'social', 'services', 'sending', 'children', 'live', 'jennifer', 'monty', 'returns', 'day', 'job', 'mechanic', 'finds', 'owner', 'willie', 'injured', 'robbery', 'attempt', 'willie', 'offers', 'sell', 'shop', 'monty', '10,000', 'deposit', 'monty', 'later', 'goes', 'julia', 'help', 'refuses', 'leaving', 'monty', 'defend', 'however', 'court', 'case', 'julia', 'walks', 'defends', 'next', 'evening', 'monty', 'goes', 'see', 'julia', 'astonished', 'see', 'monty', 'provided', 'daughters', 'entire', 'lives', 'julia', 'finishes', 'monty', 'case', 'preparation', 'monty', 'walks', 'julia', 'office', 'car', 'monty', 'discovers', '32nd', 'birthday', 'takes', 'favorite', 'jazz', 'club', 'eventually', 'julia', 'dances', 'monty', 'traveling', 'home', 'julia', 'kisses', 'monty', 'asks', 'spend', 'night', 'monty', 'willing', 'julia', 'drunk', 'vomits', 'julia', 'changes', 'mind', 'tells', 'monty', 'home', 'next', 'weeks', 'julia', 'begins', 'feel', 'confused', 'monty', 'decent', 'guy', 'successful', 'woman', 'trying', 'find', 'successful', 'man', 'goes', 'see', 'monty', 'daughters', 'one', 'julia', 'girlfriends', 'confronts', 'reminding', 'julia', 'conscious', 'decisions', 'impact', 'career', 'monty', 'overhears', 'julia', 'friend', 'hurt', 'child', 'custody', 'hearing', 'date', 'arrives', 'julia', 'arrives', 'asks', 'judge', 'award', 'custody', 'monty', 'since', 'would', 'best', 'interest', 'children', 'jennifer', 'lawyer', 'says', 'monty', 'irresponsible', 'due', 'earlier', 'conviction', 'statutory', 'rape', 'julia', 'feels', 'betrayed', 'hear', 'information', 'monty', 'earlier', 'consequently', 'leaves', 'courtroom', 'refuses', 'see', 'monty', 'julia', 'tells', 'monty', 'custody', 'awarded', 'jennifer', 'monty', 'returns', 'home', 'distraught', 'early', 'one', 'morning', 'hears', 'knock', 'door', 'daughters', 'come', 'tell', 'physically', 'abused', 'neighbors', 'know', 'joe', 'thug', 'intimidated', 'testify', 'drug', 'activities', 'monty', 'hugs', 'daughters', 'puts', 'bed', 'monty', 'gets', 'car', 'drive', 'coincidentally', 'jennifer', 'joe', 'car', 'intersecting', 'road', 'monty\\\\', 'chevy', 'monte', 'carlo', 'crashes', 'jennifer', 'joe\\\\', 'chrysler', '300c', 'monty', 'goes', 'car', 'begins', 'beat', 'joe', 'senseless', 'meanwhile', 'neighbors', 'arrive', 'intersection', 'see', 'happening', 'joe', 'thugs', 'attack', 'monty', 'neighbors', 'hold', 'back', 'car', 'collision', 'aftermath', 'make', 'local', 'news', 'monty', 'identified', 'high-school', 'basketball', 'star', 'falsely', 'accused', 'rape', 'julia', 'realizes', 'misjudged', 'monty', 'joe', 'jennifer', 'neighbors', 'court', 'joe', 'jennifer', 'trial', 'police', 'arrived', 'scene', 'found', 'large', 'stash', 'drugs', 'trunk', 'joe', 'car', 'compound', 'judge', 'states', \"won\\\\'t\", 'face', 'trial', 'witnesses', 'entire', 'neighborhood', 'stands', 'court', 'causing', 'jail', 'monty', 'stands', 'judge', 'next', 'julia', 'arrives', 'time', 'julia', 'asks', 'moment', 'client', 'apologizes', 'monty', 'hearing', 'side', 'story', 'julia', 'asks', 'monty', 'accept', 'help', 'monty', 'agrees', 'long', 'get', 'custody', 'children', 'julia', 'defends', 'monty', 'court', 'battery', 'charges', 'judge', 'asks', 'witnesses', 'none', 'neighbors', 'recall', 'seeing', 'monty', 'hit', 'joe', 'monty', 'released', 'police', 'custody', 'monty', 'julia', 'return', 'auto', 'shop', 'met', 'entire', 'neighborhood', 'celebrate', 'find', 'auto', 'shop', 'longer', 'belongs', 'willie', 'named', 'monty'], ['plot', 'movie', 'begins', 'voice', 'shirley', 'lyner', 'shown', 'babysitting', 'service', 'cabin', 'middle-aged', 'men', 'teenage', 'girls', 'flash', 'back', 'takes', 'shirley', 'picked', 'michael', 'beltran', 'babysitting', 'job', 'finished', 'dine', 'together', 'flirt', 'michael', 'frustrated', 'wife', 'shirley', 'finds', 'guys', 'age', 'immature', 'shirley', 'friends', 'school', 'melissa', 'brenda', 'michael', 'wife', 'gail', 'meet', 'michael', 'friend', 'jerry', 'business', 'offer', 'michael', 'gail', 'frustrated', 'michael', 'wants', 'take', 'michael', 'gets', 'curious', 'abandoned', 'train', 'yard', 'behind', 'restaurant', 'gail', 'shows', 'interest', 'michael', 'driving', 'shirley', 'home', 'night', 'stop', 'train', 'yard', 'explore', 'eventually', 'sharing', 'kiss', 'sex', 'michael', 'pays', 'shirley', 'extra', 'melissa', 'discovers', 'truth', 'babysitting', 'outings', 'shirley', 'michael', 'tells', 'jerry', 'michael', 'asks', 'shirley', 'friends', '쐀abysit', 'melissa', 'volunteers', 'shirley', 'asks', 'money', 'cut', 'melissa', 'agrees', 'convince', 'brenda', 'take', 'babysitting', 'job', 'well', 'girls', 'set', 'working', 'business', 'going', 'far', 'business', 'cards', 'printed', 'michael', 'learns', 'shirley', 'babysitting', 'others', 'besides', 'makes', 'uncomfortable', 'problem', 'arises', 'brenda', 'invites', 'rough', 'aggressive', 'younger', 'stepsister', 'nadine', 'group', 'without', 'checking', 'shirley', 'soon', 'starts', 'competing', 'business', 'behind', 'shirley', 'back', 'shirley', 'starts', 'lose', 'customers', 'shirley', 'confronts', 'brenda', 'brenda', 'agrees', 'search', 'nadine', 'room', 'reports', 'back', 'found', 'nothing', 'michael', \"'on\", 'watch', 'shirley', 'melissa', 'search', 'nadine', 'locker', 'find', 'nothing', 'trash', 'school', 'hide', 'true', 'motive', 'melissa', 'presents', 'shirley', 'fake', 'permission', 'slips', 'trip', 'jerry', 'cabin', 'weekend', 'girls', 'going', 'make-believe', 'school', 'trip', 'men', '쐀usiness', 'retreat', 'michael', 'uncomfortable', 'shirley', 'guys', 'party', 'jerry', 'supplied', 'drugs', 'party', 'attempts', 'rape', 'brenda', 'brenda', 'wants', 'quit', 'shirley', 'agrees', 'melissa', 'worried', 'brenda', 'talk', 'melissa', 'several', 'customers', 'attack', 'threaten', 'brenda', 'brother', 'shirley', 'gets', 'angry', 'melissa', 'michael', 'wife', 'confronts', 'distance', 'lying', 'job', 'situation', 'michael', 'finally', 'voices', 'frustrations', 'marriage', 'gail', 'responds', 'michael', 'tries', 'encourage', 'shirley', 'run', 'away', 'shirley', 'reminds', 'business', 'cheating', 'tries', 'unsuccessfully', 'contact', 'brenda', 'hears', 'nadine', 'babysitting', 'without', 'knowledge', 'calls', 'melissa', 'jerry', 'confront', 'shirley', 'discovers', 'father', 'nadine', 'movie', 'ends', 'another', 'voiceover', 'shirley', 'across', 'street', 'michael', 'house', 'shirley', 'sees', 'michael', 'interacting', 'family'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'takes', 'perspective', 'john', 'lyshitski', 'spent', 'life', 'prison', 'serving', 'three', 'different', 'sentences', 'three', 'trials', 'judge', 'nelson', 'biederman', 'iii', 'seemed', 'show', 'mercy', 'passing', 'indiscriminately', 'harsh', 'sentences', 'released', 'third', 'sentence', 'john', 'decides', 'take', 'revenge', 'biederman', 'trying', 'determine', 'biederman', 'would', 'presiding', 'next', 'case', 'discovers', 'died', 'three', 'days', 'prior', 'release', 'turns', 'attention', 'judge\\\\', 'brash', 'son', 'nelson', 'biederman', 'dedication', 'ceremony', 'nelson', 'iii', 'john', 'sneaks', 'nelson\\\\', 'bmw', 'steals', 'change', 'spits', 'coffee', 'exhausts', 'emergency', 'inhaler', 'ceremony', 'nelson', 'yells', 'attorney', 'clearly', 'upset', 'ordeal', 'demanding', 'leave', 'fresca', 'ready', 'upon', 'arrival', 'drives', 'road', 'finding', 'inhaler', 'empty', 'immediately', 'panics', 'hyperventilates', 'stops', 'pharmacy', 'scrambles', 'shelves', 'desperately', 'seeking', 'kind', 'replacement', 'inhaler', 'lost', 'pharmacy', 'owners', 'think', 'he\\\\', 'another', 'junkie', 'seeking', 'kind', 'fix', 'finding', 'using', 'inhaler', 'hides', 'behind', 'counter', 'holds', 'inhaler', 'storeowner', 'however', 'mistakes', 'inhaler', 'tiny', 'pistol', 'leads', 'owners', 'call', 'police', 'nelson', 'ends', 'arrested', 'turning', 'idea', 'stepping', 'serving', 'time', 'demands', 'biederman', 'foundation', 'whatever', 'released', 'board', 'contemplates', 'moment', 'considering', 'asking', 'governor', 'get', 'nelson', 'however', 'soon', 'realize', 'opportunity', 'get', 'rid', 'conspire', 'get', 'poor', 'defense', 'trial', 'since', 'sick', 'tired', 'stubborn', 'attitude', 'severely', 'inadequate', 'legal', 'representation', 'nelson', 'found', 'guilty', 'sentenced', 'three', 'five', 'years', 'rossmore', 'state', 'penitentiary', 'john', 'satisfied', 'nelson', 'going', 'prison', 'however', 'john', 'decides', 'join', 'prison', 'intentionally', 'selling', 'marijuana', 'undercover', 'police', 'officers', 'sentencing', 'pleads', 'guilty', 'judge', 'nelson', 'asks', 'sentence', 'prison', 'negotiating', 'judge', 'bribing', 'guards', 'ends', 'nelson', 'cellmate', 'pretends', 'friend', 'attempt', 'give', 'wrong', 'advice', 'surviving', 'life', 'prison', 'jail', 'john', 'consistently', 'gives', 'bad', 'advice', 'informs', 'people', 'within', 'prison', 'including', 'lynard', 'excessively', 'violent', 'leader', 'white', 'kingdom', 'white-supremacy', 'ring', 'within', 'penitentiary', 'somehow', 'nelson', 'gets', 'numerous', 'array', 'jams', 'help', 'john', 'soon', 'meets', 'gang', 'leader', 'barry', 'hulking', 'burly', 'gay', 'fellow', 'basically', 'rushes', 'nelson', 'relationship', 'despite', 'fearsome', 'appearance', 'barry', 'heart', 'true', 'romantic', 'beating', 'within', 'massive', 'hairy', 'torso', 'likes', 'smooth', 'jazz', 'plies', 'potential', 'romantic', 'partners', 'finest', 'toilet-made', 'merlot', 'transformed', 'prison', 'cell', 'candle-lit', 'rose-bedecked', 'passion', 'parlor', 'nelson', 'first', 'submits', 'partner', 'fear', 'although', 'clearly', 'kind', 'romantic', 'interest', 'becomes', 'quite', 'fond', 'barry', 'nelson', 'reaches', 'one-year', 'parole', 'hearing', 'relatively', 'unscathed', 'actually', 'top', 'dog', 'prison', 'however', 'john', 'allow', 'target', 'escape', 'prison', 'easily', 'drugs', 'nelson', 'writes', 'white', 'power', 'forehead', 'swastika', 'side', 'neck', 'leads', 'parole', 'board', 'deciding', 'nelson', 'needs', 'time', 'rehabilitated', 'infuriated', 'nelson', 'brings', 'john', 'act', 'john', 'confesses', 'putting', 'nelson', 'jail', 'two', 'get', 'embroiled', 'fight', 'john', 'regrets', 'bunking', 'nelson', 'realizes', 'nelson', 'nothing', 'lose', 'murder', 'john', 'target', 'ensuing', 'brawl', 'guards', 'set', 'death', 'match', 'two', 'however', 'john', 'nelson', 'secretly', 'conspire', 'inject', 'coma-inducing', 'drug', 'guards', 'prisoners', 'believe', 'dead', 'bury', 'pair', 'outside', 'graveyard', 'nelson', 'uses', 'barry\\\\', 'love', 'advantage', 'gives', 'recently', 'released', 'sweetheart', 'access', 'funds', 'bribe', 'mortician', 'avoid', 'autopsy', 'barry', 'later', 'digs', 'two', 'freeing', 'one', 'year', 'later', 'barry', 'nelson', 'become', 'life', 'partners', 'set', 'winery', 'called', 'baby', 'duck', 'winery', 'critic', 'fail', 'wine', 'john', 'shows', 'forces', 'critic', 'give', 'good', 'review', 'nelson', 'barry', 'john', 'end', 'film', 'taking', 'drive', 'listening', 'move', 'technotronic', 'end', 'credits', 'barry', 'sings', 'song', 'called', 'shower', 'repeatedly', 'sings', 'wan', 'take', 'shower'], ['gorgeous', 'actress', 'named', 'didi', 'become', 'famous', 'commercials', 'involving', 'bubble', 'baths', 'acting', 'fed', 'situation', 'winds', 'running', 'away', 'oregon', 'encounters', 'middle-aged', 'married', 'man', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'extremely', 'anxious', 'explore', 'acquaintance'], ['nancy', '19-year-old', 'daughter', 'frank', 'elaine', 'benson', 'wants', 'marry', 'david', '20-year-old', 'son', 'oliver', 'poe', 'bride', \"n't\", 'know', 'parents', 'get', 'divorce', 'poe', 'music', 'promoter', 'hunch', 'something', 'amiss', \"n't\", 'want', 'kids', 'get', 'married', 'wedding', 'exposes', 'bensons', 'secret', 'nancy', 'david', 'decide', 'marriage', \"n't\", 'necessary', 'live', 'together', 'instead', 'travel', 'around', 'country', 'rock', 'band', 'heed', 'advice', 'wisdom', 'hindu', 'mystic', 'called', 'baba', 'zeba', 'frank', 'elaine', 'seeing', 'people', 'involved', 'divorcee', 'lois', 'grey', 'developing', 'interest', 'phil', 'fletcher', 'also', 'recently', 'divorced', 'poe', 'meanwhile', 'continues', 'see', 'mistress', 'laverne', 'baker', 'one', 'day', 'nancy', 'finds', 'pregnant', 'baba', 'zeba', 'persuades', 'put', 'baby', 'adoption', 'frank', 'elaine', 'conspire', 'behind', 'daughter', 'back', 'adopt', 'grandchild', 'complications', 'arise', 'resulting', 'frank', 'trying', 'bribe', 'guru', 'even', 'disguising', 'one', 'baba', 'zeba', 'robed', 'followers', 'end', 'ends', 'well', 'everybody', 'bensons', 'getting', 'back', 'together', 'poe', 'proposing', 'laverne'], [\"'sandusky\", 'ohio', '1984', 'eric', 'hunter', 'eurythmics-obsessed', 'musically', 'driven', 'teenager', 'coming', 'terms', 'sexual', 'identity', 'eric', 'best', 'friend', 'maggie', 'accept', 'summer', 'jobs', 'food', 'service', 'local', 'amusement', 'park', 'befriend', 'lesbian', 'manager', 'angie', 'gay', 'college', 'student', 'named', 'rod', 'sparks', 'fly', 'two', 'boys', 'even', 'maggie', 'waits', 'patiently', 'wings', 'eric\\\\', 'affections', 'eric', 'rod', 'eventually', 'date', 'rod', 'promptly', 'heads', 'back', 'ohio', 'state', 'encounter', 'leaves', 'eric', 'mixed', 'feelings', 'sure', 'sexuality', 'beginning', 'senior', 'year', 'high', 'school', 'eric', 'starts', 'change', 'appearance', 'letting', 'maggie', 'dye', 'top', 'half', 'hair', 'blonde', 'wearing', 'effeminate', 'clothes', 'raises', 'eyebrows', 'loving', 'parents', 'eric', 'learns', 'mom', 'going', 'get', 'job', 'help', 'send', 'study', 'music', 'new', 'york', 'party', 'maggie', 'several', 'guys', 'school', 'call', 'eric', 'gay', 'slurs', 'cause', 'leave', 'later', 'night', 'eric', 'ventures', 'local', 'gay', 'disco', 'universal', 'hopping', 'joint', 'run', 'none', 'old', 'boss', 'angie', 'tells', 'worry', 'everyone', 'else', 'thinks', 'dances', 'guy', 'takes', 'car', 'guy', 'gives', 'eric', 'rim', 'job', 'leaves', 'shortly', 'afterwards', 'stung', 'meaningless', 'sexual', 'experience', 'calls', 'rod', 'first', 'seems', 'happy', 'hear', 'tells', 'eric', 'probably', \"shouldn\\\\'t\", 'call', 'anymore', 'eric', 'goes', 'maggie\\\\', 'house', 'finally', 'tells', 'gay', 'maggie', 'seem', 'surprised', 'since', 'suspected', 'eric\\\\', 'relationship', 'rod', 'comforts', 'nevertheless', 'eric', 'starts', 'visiting', 'bar', 'frequently', 'feels', 'accepted', 'angie', 'close', 'circle', 'friends', 'waiting', 'meet', 'maggie', 'one', 'night', 'eric', 'clicks', 'local', 'college', 'student', 'named', 'jonathan', 'maggie', 'finally', 'comes', 'club', 'heckled', 'angie\\\\', 'friends', 'eric\\\\', 'fag', 'hag', 'leaves', 'follows', 'maggie', 'really', 'upset', 'eric', 'previously', 'leading', 'eric', 'goes', 'back', 'club', 'find', 'jonathan', 'discover', 'already', 'gone', 'goes', 'ohio', 'state', 'dorms', 'hopes', 'finding', 'decides', 'find', 'rod', 'instead', 'back', 'rod\\\\', 'room', 'end', 'sex', 'first', 'time', 'eric', 'shown', 'uncomfortable', 'leaves', 'rod', 'falls', 'asleep', 'eric', 'goes', 'home', 'ambushed', 'mother', 'bonnie', 'recent', 'behavior', 'appearance', 'says', 'people', 'getting', 'wrong', 'idea', 'eric', 'leaves', 'goes', 'see', 'angie', 'house', 'angie', 'explains', 'eric', 'it\\\\', 'difficult', 'accept', 'really', 'give', 'time', 'reconciles', 'maggie', 'order', 'normal', 'heterosexual', 'relationship', 'quickly', 'realizes', 'mistake', 'sleeping', 'together', 'crestfallen', 'rejection', 'willingness', 'toy', 'affections', 'maggie', 'ends', 'friendship', 'leaves', 'eric\\\\', 'mother', 'confronts', 'pair', 'matches', 'found', 'clothes', 'bar', 'quickly', 'denies', 'ever', 'going', 'universal', 'leaves', 'eric', 'finally', 'comes', 'home', 'finds', 'mother', 'playing', 'piano', 'comes', 'feeling', 'weight', 'lifted', 'shoulders', 'film', 'ends', 'eric', 'going', 'back', 'bar', 'angie', 'begins', 'sing'], [\"'pari\", 'student', 'literature', 'university', 'tehran', 'confident', 'yet', 'angry', 'girl', 'projecting', 'inner', 'struggle', 'outwards', 'aggression', 'towards', 'tutor', 'fianc챕', 'brother', 'verge', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'mental', 'suicide', 'old', 'sufi', 'book', 'name', 'solook', 'helps', 'take', 'journey', 'find', 'discover', 'really', 'brother', 'helps', 'accomplish', 'goal'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'centers', 'around', 'suburban', 'housewife', 'beverly', 'boyer', 'husband', 'successful', 'obstetrician', 'devoted', 'family', 'man', 'gerald', 'beverly', 'offered', 'opportunity', 'star', 'television', 'commercial', 'advertising', 'soap', 'shaky', 'start', 'gets', 'contract', '80,000', 'per', 'year', 'appear', 'weekly', 'commercials', 'soon', 'studio', 'places', 'greater', 'greater', 'demands', 'unlikely', 'star', 'gerald', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'fact', 'out-earning', 'relationship', 'slowly', 'deteriorates', 'decides', 'return', 'housewife'], ['grant', 'austen', 'head', 'austen', 'plastics', 'yearns', 'retirement', 'scofield', 'industries', 'far', 'largest', 'customer', 'threatens', 'take', 'business', 'elsewhere', 'austen', 'considers', 'selling', 'company', 'hires', 'consulting', 'firm', 'finds', 'interested', 'potential', 'buyer', 'notorious', 'cash', 'mccall', 'cash', 'meets', 'austen', 'daughter', 'lory', 'owns', 'part', 'company', 'austen', 'conceals', 'problem', 'scofield', 'industries', 'afterwards', 'cash', 'speaks', 'lory', 'privately', 'talks', 'previous', 'summer', 'first', 'met', 'became', 'instantly', 'attracted', 'however', 'lory', 'showed', 'cabin', 'later', 'summer', 'night', 'cash', 'ready', 'serious', 'relationship', 'turned', 'mortified', 'rejection', 'fled', 'upon', 'thought', 'cash', 'realized', 'made', 'mistake', 'really', 'interested', 'company', 'overpays', 'austen', 'plastics', 'talk', 'deal', 'finalized', 'cash', 'assistant', 'gil', 'clark', 'henry', 'jones', 'discovers', 'austen', 'plastics', 'holds', 'patents', 'essential', 'scofield', 'industries', 'alarmed', 'boss', 'retired', 'army', 'general', 'danvers', 'tries', 'buy', 'austen', 'plastics', 'cash', 'decides', 'could', 'run', 'scofield', 'profitably', 'starts', 'buying', 'controlling', 'interest', 'second', 'company', 'middle', 'dealmaking', 'cash', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'lory', 'accepts', 'however', 'assistant', 'manager', 'hotel', 'cash', 'resides', 'maude', 'kennard', 'wants', 'cash', 'tricks', 'lory', 'believing', 'cash', 'girlfriend', 'meanwhile', 'one', 'austen', 'business', 'acquaintances', 'convinces', 'cash', 'swindled', 'paid', 'much', 'less', 'company', 'worth', 'prompting', 'austen', 'decide', 'court', 'eventually', 'everything', 'cleared', 'cash', 'lory', 'reconcile'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'august', '1990', 'day', 'final', 'show', 'blond', 'ambition', 'tour', 'nice', 'madonna', 'cleans', 'hotel', 'room', 'voice-over', 'explains', 'emotional', 'rest', 'group', 'end', 'tour', 'already', 'grieved', 'says', 'hit', 'later', 'hopes', 'safe', 'place', 'happens', 'flashback', 'april', '1990', 'tour', 'kick', 'japan', 'everything', 'mess', 'sound', 'problems', 'madonna', 'realize', 'tour', 'rainy', 'season', 'japan', 'cold', 'wet', 'madonna', 'dancers', 'scrap', 'costumes', 'warmer', 'attire', 'voice-over', 'madonna', 'confesses', 'thing', 'keeping', 'slashing', 'wrists', 'thought', 'returning', 'north', 'america', 'performing', 'show', 'meant', 'america', 'madonna', 'meets', 'families', 'dancers', 'one', 'dancer', 'oliver', 'sees', 'father', 'first', 'time', 'several', 'years', 'madonna', 'talks', 'father', 'silvio', 'tony', 'ciccone', 'phone', 'though', 'insists', 'get', 'tickets', 'reluctant', 'impose', 'blond', 'ambition', 'tour', 'stops', 'los', 'angeles', 'sound', 'problems', 'abound', 'despite', 'reassurances', 'madonna', 'focuses', 'technical', 'problems', 'yells', 'manager', 'freddy', 'demann', 'allowing', 'many', 'people', 'music', 'industry', 'appeared', 'bored', 'performance', 'front', 'rows', 'though', 'then-boyfriend', 'warren', 'beatty', 'tries', 'console', 'distracted', 'cameras', 'walks', 'away', 'laughing', 'madonna', 'parties', 'several', 'celebrities', 'including', 'dick', 'tracy', 'co-stars', 'pacino', 'mandy', 'patinkin', 'olivia', 'newton-john', 'kevin', 'costner', 'offends', 'madonna', 'calling', 'show', 'neat', 'madonna', 'pretends', 'gag', 'leaves', 'despite', 'lively', 'atmosphere', 'beatty', 'still', 'seems', 'bothered', 'cameras\\\\', 'presence', 'stay', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'madonna', 'attends', 'premiere', 'dick', 'tracy', 'beatty', 'co-starred', 'another', 'voice-over', 'describes', 'dream', 'night', 'mikhail', 'gorbachev', 'came', 'show', 'thought', 'jealous', 'beatty', 'would', 'met', 'first', 'declares', 'good', 'dream', 'final', 'night', 'show', 'toronto', 'madonna', 'informed', 'plainclothes', 'officers', 'prepared', 'arrest', 'performs', 'simulated', 'masturbation', 'scene', 'end', 'like', 'virgin', 'madonna', 'refuses', 'change', 'show', 'stating', 'last', 'time', 'tour', 'sean', 'penn', 'jail', 'guess', 'it\\\\', 'turn', 'freddy', 'demann', 'bets', 'threat', 'arrest', 'make', 'madonna', 'one', 'takes', 'bet', 'according', 'news', 'report', 'toronto', 'police', 'decide', 'arrest', 'singer', 'claiming', 'threats', 'made', 'blond', 'ambition', 'tour', 'goes', 'madonna\\\\', 'hometown', 'detroit', 'voice-over', 'madonna', 'expresses', 'difficulty', 'going', 'back', 'home', 'especially', 'since', 'fame', 'seems', 'change', 'one\\\\', 'loved', 'ones', 'end', 'holiday', 'madonna', 'calls', 'father', 'stage', 'sings', 'happy', 'birthday', 'backstage', 'tony', 'wife', 'joan', 'compliment', 'madonna', 'show', 'though', 'tony', 'expresses', 'displeasure', 'burlesque', 'aspects', 'madonna', 'christopher', 'wait', 'older', 'brother', 'martin', 'show', 'discuss', 'substance', 'abuse', 'problems', 'time', 'martin', 'arrives', 'christopher', 'left', 'madonna', 'gone', 'bed', 'madonna', 'reunites', 'childhood', 'idol', 'moira', 'mcfarland-messana', 'moira', 'gives', 'madonna', 'painting', 'made', 'entitled', 'madonna', 'child', 'asks', 'madonna', 'godmother', 'unborn', 'child', 'leaving', 'detroit', 'madonna', 'visits', 'mother\\\\', 'grave', 'promise', 'try', 'plays', 'background', 'first', 'time', 'visited', 'mother\\\\', 'grave', 'since', 'little', 'girl', 'madonna', 'lies', 'beside', 'mother\\\\', 'grave', 'christopher', 'watches', 'madonna', 'whispers', 'going', 'fit', 'right', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'going', 'bury', 'sideways', 'tour', 'continues', 'madonna\\\\', 'throat', 'problems', 'worsen', 'beatty', 'becomes', 'fed', 'cameras', 'throat', 'examination', 'madonna\\\\', 'hotel', 'room', 'beatty', 'chastises', 'documentary', 'telling', 'atmosphere', 'driving', 'everyone', 'insane', 'madonna', 'ignores', 'beatty', 'declines', 'rest', 'examination', 'done', 'camera', 'beatty', 'starts', 'laughing', 'saying', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'live', 'off-camera', 'much', 'less', 'talk', '...', 'point', 'existing', 'off-camera', 'due', 'madonna\\\\', 'throat', 'problems', 'cancels', 'shows', 'new', 'york', 'madonna\\\\', 'doctor', 'instructs', 'talk', 'finds', 'isolated', 'apartment', 'assistant', 'melissa', 'contact', 'outside', 'world', 'everything', 'seems', 'fall', 'apart', 'loses', 'contact', 'dancers', 'star', 'reports', 'madonna', 'dumped', 'beatty', 'one', 'dancers', 'oliver', 'crumes', 'dancers', 'torment', 'madonna', 'chastises', 'sharon', 'make-up', 'artist', 'drugged', 'sodomized', 'partying', 'prayer', 'circle', 'final', 'show', 'new', 'york', 'madonna', 'attempts', 'pull', 'everyone', 'back', 'together', 'third', 'leg', 'tour', 'kicks', 'europe', 'everyone', 'better', 'spirits', 'madonna', 'dancers', 'visit', 'chanel', 'paris', 'fool', 'around', 'melissa\\\\', 'birthday', 'party', 'imitate', 'madonna\\\\', '1984', 'like', 'virgin', 'music', 'video', 'tour', 'nears', 'italy', 'pope', 'attempts', 'banned', 'forcing', 'madonna', 'cancel', 'one', 'show', 'sandra', 'bernhard', 'appears', 'cheer', 'madonna', 'sandra', 'asks', 'would', 'really', 'blow', 'away', 'could', 'meet', 'madonna', 'replies', 'guy', 'who\\\\', 'pedro', 'almod처var\\\\', 'films', 'antonio', 'banderas', 'almod처var', 'throws', 'party', 'madrid', 'invites', 'future', 'evita', 'co-stars', 'madonna', 'spends', 'week', 'thinking', 'ways', 'seduce', 'banderas', 'turns', 'married', 'ending', 'madonna\\\\', 'two-year', 'crush', 'madonna', 'works', 'hotel', 'room', 'voice-overs', 'family', 'friends', 'co-workers', 'describe', 'star', 'though', 'happier', 'last', 'tour', 'sandra', 'bernhard', 'think', 'takes', 'enough', 'time', 'enjoy', 'successes', 'others', 'describe', 'unflattering', 'terms', 'luis', 'camacho', 'says', 'feel', 'like', 'she\\\\', 'little', 'girl', 'lost', 'storm', 'sometimes', 'know', 'there\\\\', 'whole', 'whirlwind', 'things', 'going', 'around', 'sometimes', 'gets', 'caught', 'tour', 'winds', 'group', 'plays', 'game', 'truth', 'dare', 'madonna', 'asked', 'love', 'life', 'whole', 'life', 'biggest', 'love', 'madonna', 'replies', 'without', 'hesitation', 'sean', 'sean', 'madonna', 'invites', 'dancers', 'one-by-one', 'join', 'bed', 'imparts', 'words', 'wisdom', 'show\\\\', 'closing', 'act', 'keep', 'together', 'plays', 'montage', 'madonna', 'saying', 'good-bye', 'dancers', 'shown', 'film', 'ends', 'clip', 'madonna', 'telling', 'director', 'alek', 'keshishian', 'away', 'cut', 'alek', 'cut', 'goddamnit'], ['brooks', 'wilson', 'busy', 'man', 'juggling', 'work', 'commercial', 'artist', 'marriage', 'selma', 'two', 'young', 'children', 'also', 'girlfriend', 'side', 'named', 'grace', 'wants', 'commit', 'brooks', 'trying', 'hard', 'land', 'elusive', 'account', 'lepridon', 'seeming', 'harder', 'achieve', 'thought', 'one', 'evening', 'attend', 'party', 'grand', 'connecticut', 'home', 'feeling', 'life', 'falling', 'apart', 'brooks', 'seduces', 'flirty', 'nelly', 'wife', 'associate', 'david', 'doyle', 'children', 'playhouse', 'outside', 'main', 'house', 'indiscretions', 'caught', 'closed-circuit', 'television', 'selma', 'devastated', 'brooks', 'fall', 'fist-fight', 'commotion', 'dies', 'harried', 'brooks', 'tells', 'selma', 'finally', 'landed', 'lepridon', 'account', 'smacks', 'handbag', 'stare', 'silence', 'seeing', 'marriage', 'honestly', 'first', 'time'], ['alice', 'bonnard', '14-year', 'old', 'girl', 'attending', 'boarding', 'school', 'france', 'comes', 'home', 'summer', 'flashes', 'back', 'time', 'school', 'frequently', 'masturbated', 'boredom', 'father', 'hires', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'jim', 'alice', 'immediately', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'alice', 'graphic', 'sexual', 'fantasy', 'jim', 'tied', 'ground', 'barbed', 'wire', 'trying', 'insert', 'earthworm', 'vagina', 'earthworm', 'fit', 'jim', 'tears', 'small', 'pieces', 'puts', 'alice', 'pubic', 'hair', 'begins', 'dating', 'halfway', 'summer', 'taken', 'carnival', 'middle-aged', 'man', 'exposes', 'ride', 'arrives', 'home', 'sees', 'father', 'penis', 'exposes', 'jim', 'two', 'masturbate', 'front', 'alice', 'chagrin', 'discovers', 'father', 'affair', 'jim', 'tries', 'pressuring', 'sex', 'shot', 'killed', 'trap', 'alice', 'father', 'set', 'garden', 'keep', 'intruders'], ['jackie', 'mullens', 'dreams', 'becoming', 'singing', 'star', 'cousin', 'angus', 'thinks', 'takes', 'successful', 'manager', 'spot', 'hip', 'club', 'town', 'fails', 'win', 'jackie', 'paying', 'gigs', 'angus', 'enters', 'major', 'talent', 'competition', 'held', 'new', 'year', 'eve', 'jackie', 'wins', 'career', 'assured', '25,000', 'grand', 'prize', 'help', 'keep', 'family', 'pub', 'open'], ['film', 'set', 'contemporary', 'paris', 'tells', 'story', 'three', 'characters', 'maxime', 'st챕phane', 'camille', 'caught', 'love', 'triangle', 'violinist', 'rising', 'fame', 'camille', 'begins', 'casual', 'relationship', 'maxime', 'owns', 'workshop', 'manufactures', 'repairs', 'violins', 'camille', 'arrives', 'workshop', 'violin', 'repaired', 'instantly', 'attracted', 'enigmatic', 'introverted', 'stephane', 'maxime', 'partner', 'friend', 'seems', 'share', 'attraction', 'incapable', 'expressing', 'emotion', 'convinced', 'break', 'cold', 'exterior', 'camille', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'soon', 'three', 'set', 'tragic', 'collision', 'course'], ['flashbacks', 'connie', 'doyle', 'early', 'life', 'given', 'give', 'idea', 'mindset', 'meets', 'womanizer', 'steve', 'decunzo', 'moves', 'winds', 'pregnant', 'informs', 'fact', 'kicks', 'denying', 'responsibility', 'destitute', 'connie', 'nowhere', 'trying', 'find', 'shelter', 'gets', 'inadvertently', 'swept', 'aboard', 'train', 'grand', 'central', 'terminal', 'ticket', 'money', 'buy', 'one', 'connie', 'rescued', 'hugh', 'winterbourne', 'taken', 'private', 'compartment', 'meets', 'wife', 'patricia', 'also', 'pregnant', 'train', 'crashes', 'connie', 'mistaken', 'patricia', 'wearing', 'patricia', 'wedding', 'band', 'patricia', 'hugh', 'names', 'engraved', 'inside', 'wakes', 'hospital', 'longer', 'pregnant', 'learns', 'patricia', 'hugh', 'died', 'crash', 'seeing', 'wrong', 'name', 'wristband', 'child', 'connie', 'thinks', 'hospital', 'messed', 'sees', 'wedding', 'band', 'still', 'finger', 'realizes', 'happened', 'tries', 'explain', 'situation', 'prevented', 'nurses', 'believe', 'hysterical', 'eventually', 'meets', 'hugh', 'mother', 'grace', 'bad', 'heart', 'afraid', 'making', 'ill', 'nowhere', 'else', 'connie', 'believes', 'best', 'thing', 'baby', 'accept', 'woman', 'offer', 'grace', 'home', 'winterbourne', 'house', 'connie', 'meets', 'bill', 'hugh', 'identical', 'twin', 'brother', 'initial', 'shock', 'wears', 'nervously', 'begins', 'new', 'life', 'life', 'one', 'never', 'expected', 'part', 'world', 'different', 'finds', 'difficult', 'adjust', 'high', 'society', 'position', 'required', 'shoulder', 'bill', 'bit', 'wary', 'connie', 'questions', 'identity', 'believing', 'family', 'money', 'investigates', 'things', 'learning', 'real', 'identity', 'spend', 'day', 'walking', 'around', 'boston', 'begin', 'bond', 'later', 'night', 'perhaps', 'growing', 'feelings', 'bill', 'prepares', 'expose', 'connie', 'learns', 'grace', 'plans', 'change', 'include', 'connie', 'baby', 'hughie', 'changes', 'mind', 'connie', 'becomes', 'upset', 'begs', 'grace', 'include', 'hughie', 'connie', 'protests', 'make', 'grace', 'want', 'include', 'even', 'afterward', 'drunk', 'paco', 'demands', 'bill', 'connie', 'dance', 'tango', 'end', 'sharing', 'several', 'kisses', 'connie', 'bonds', 'grace', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'taking', 'advantage', 'kindness', 'decides', 'leave', 'hughie', 'bill', 'discovers', 'packing', 'attempts', 'convince', 'stay', 'including', 'proposing', 'tells', 'think', 'overnight', 'give', 'answer', 'next', 'day', 'connie', 'decides', 'run', 'away', 'anyway', 'paco', 'family', 'chauffeur', 'follows', 'train', 'station', 'tells', 'shady', 'past', 'makes', 'realize', 'baby', 'valuable', 'grace', 'grace', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'grace', 'heart', 'attack', 'absence', 'decides', 'let', 'things', 'marry', 'bill', 'patricia', 'winterbourne', 'steve', 'discovers', 'connie', 'good', 'fortune', 'tries', 'blackmail', 'confusion', 'ensues', 'steve', 'shot', 'bill', 'connie', 'flee', 'scene', 'think', 'one', 'one', 'shot', 'steve', 'bill', 'reveals', 'knows', 'connie', 'true', 'identity', 'loves', 'anyway', 'believe', 'home', 'free', 'wedding', 'day', 'priest', 'tells', 'bill', 'connie', 'grace', 'confessing', 'murder', 'hurry', 'side', 'confess', 'murder', 'shocked', 'police', 'tell', 'already', 'murderer', 'custody', 'woman', 'steve', 'started', 'seeing', 'dumping', 'connie', 'like', 'connie', 'steve', 'gotten', 'pregnant', 'abandoned', 'police', 'came', 'question', 'check', 'connie', 'written', 'steve', 'connie', 'confesses', 'whole', 'story', 'grace', 'says', \"'ll\", 'get', 'adding', 'like', 'grandchildren', 'wedding', 'goes', 'ahead', 'planned', 'bill', 'presents', 'connie', 'wedding', 'ring', 'names', 'engraved', 'inside', 'like', 'real', 'patricia', 'ring'], [\"'jake\", 'stein', 'year-old', 'lives', 'sick', 'mother', 'grandfather', 'brooklyn', 'wants', 'nothing', 'writer', 'mother', 'health', 'takes', 'turn', 'worse', 'jack', 'sent', 'miami', 'live', 'father', '쏾owie', 'small-time', '쐆andicapper', 'gives', 'horse', 'racing', 'tips', 'living', 'much', 'parent', 'zowie', 'shirked', 'fatherly', 'responsibilities', 'son', 'life', 'nonetheless', 'jack', 'excited', 'prospects', 'bonding', 'dad', 'sunny', 'miami', 'jack', 'quickly', 'befriends', 'mark', 'local', 'rich', 'kid', 'whose', 'excess', 'drug', 'use', 'helps', 'get', 'pressures', 'teenage', 'life', 'southern', 'florida', 'crowd', 'cares', 'much', 'money', 'parents', 'make', 'coming', 'pool', 'party', 'course', 'whether', 'getting', 'laid', 'jack', 'tries', 'navigate', 'waters', 'new', 'home', '봶hile', 'trying', 'connect', 'eccentric', 'father', 'meets', 'marina', 'famous', 'model', 'town', 'photo', 'shoot', 'two', 'quickly', 'bond', 'jack', 'reminds', 'marina', 'younger', 'brother', 'died', 'motorcycle', 'accident', 'jack', 'get', 'fact', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'interested', 'things', 'seem', 'going', 'right', 'goes', 'terribly', 'wrong', 'jack', 'must', 'figure', 'become', 'man', 'ever', 'going', 'finish', 'writing', 'memoir'], [\"'new\", 'england', 'schoolteacher', 'nancy', 'willows', 'leaves', 'school', 'fiancee', 'david', 'parker', 'william', 'leslie', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'career', 'lyricist', 'neighbours', 'across', 'hall', 'easy', 'going', 'singer', 'named', 'jerry', 'dennis', 'hot', 'headed', 'songwriter', 'roommate', 'marty', 'adams', 'incapable', 'writing', 'acceptable', 'lyrics', 'songs'], [\"'nita\", 'holloway', 'woman', 'romantically', 'involved', 'veteran', 'actor', 'preston', 'mitch', 'mitchell', 'tries', 'persuade', 'come', 'retirement', 'appear', 'broadway', 'play', 'father', 'character', 'played', 'new', 'teen', 'idol', 'tony', 'manza', 'connecticut', 'farm', 'next-door', 'neighbor', 'bill', 'tremayne', 'asks', 'borrow', 'mitch\\\\', 'car', 'goes', 'party', 'meets', 'secretary', 'janet', 'blake', 'trying', 'escape', 'clutches', 'drunken', 'boss', 'dentist', 'bill', 'offers', 'ride', 'home', 'rainstorm', 'little', 'attentive', 'liking', 'soaked', 'skin', 'janet', 'ends', 'knocking', 'mitch\\\\', 'door', 'permits', 'spend', 'night', 'dress', 'dries', 'nita', 'arrives', 'morning', 'mistakenly', 'concludes', 'affair', 'taking', 'place', 'soon', 'others', 'assume', 'mitch', 'puts', 'train', 'also', 'offers', 'janet', 'job', 'secretary', 'train', 'leaves', 'stumbles', 'injuring', 'back', 'bill', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'worried', 'first', 'mitch', 'obviously', 'old', 'janet', 'comes', 'realize', 'indeed', 'falling', 'mitch', 'little', 'every', 'day', 'scheduled', 'ride', 'mitch\\\\', 'star', 'horse', 'equine', 'contest', 'bill', 'jealously', 'decides', 'ride', 'another', 'entry', 'instead', 'mitch', 'must', 'compete', 'bad', 'back', 'although', 'feels', 'great', 'affection', 'toward', 'mitch', 'ultimately', 'realizes', 'bill', 'janet', 'meant', 'happily', 'goes', 'back', 'nita', 'last', 'seen', 'stage', 'new', 'broadway', 'play'], [\"'corporal\", 'paul', 'hodges', 'long', 'period', 'isolated', 'arctic', 'base', 'wins', 'lottery', 'gets', 'paris', 'france', 'three', 'weeks', 'leave', 'psychiatrist', 'leutenent', 'vicky', 'loren', 'control'], ['filming', 'location', 'race', 'track', 'womanizing', 'bit', 'actor', 'spencer', 'holden', 'lives', 'life', 'one', 'scam', 'another', 'overhears', 'couple', 'inept', 'thugs', 'named', 'binky', 'turnip', 'dope', 'race', 'horse', 'supposed', 'undetectable', 'super', 'stimulant', 'thugs', 'find', 'spence', 'overheard', 'anything', 'catch', \"n't\", 'authorities', 'information', 'spence', 'however', 'enlists', 'help', 'best', 'friend', 'drive-in', 'carhop', 'aspiring', 'restaurateur', 'dennis', 'powell', 'bet', 'race', 'horse', 'make', 'guaranteed', 'money', 'spence', 'dennis', 'end', 'outrun', 'thugs', 'manage', 'put', 'bullet', 'holes', 'spence', 'car', 'also', 'police', 'find', 'spence', 'bullet', 'riddled', 'car', 'race', 'horse', 'sorry', 'sue', 'ends', 'dying', 'drugs', 'throw', 'mix', 'antique', 'player', 'piano', 'dennis', 'comes', 'possession', 'sympathetic', 'naive', 'auction', 'house', 'employee', 'ellen', 'frankenthaler', 'attracted', 'dennis', 'exotically', 'beautiful', 'claudia', 'pazzo', 'interested', 'buying', 'piano', 'spence', \"n't\", 'resist', 'spence', 'dennis', 'may', 'trouble', 'could', 'imagined'], [\"'in\", 'teen', 'romance', 'young', 'neglected', 'english', 'boy', 'runs', 'away', 'becomes', 'friends', 'french', 'girl', 'flight', 'together', 'idyllic', 'marsh', 'location', 'france', 'become', 'lovers', 'set', 'housekeeping', 'baby', 'play', 'responsible', 'adults', 'discovering', 'along', 'way', 'many', 'troubles', 'involved', 'ultimately', 'becoming', 'separated', 'police', 'responding', 'missing', 'persons', 'report', 'main', '1974', 'sequel', 'paul', 'michelle', 'young', 'family', 'reunited', 'cope', 'new', 'love', 'interest', 'girl', 'difficulties', 'work', 'college', 'trying', 'maintain', 'family'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'hiraman', 'rustic', 'villager', 'remote', 'village', 'araria', 'drives', 'bullock', 'cart', 'earn', 'livelihood', 'story', 'begins', 'hiraman', 'taking', 'two', 'consecutive', 'vows', 'based', 'difficult', 'situations', 'undergo', 'meets', 'nautanki', 'dancer', 'hirabai', 'story', 'soon', 'transforms', 'story', 'friendship', 'bullock', 'cart', 'driver', 'urban', 'nautanki', 'dancer', 'movie', 'finally', 'ends', 'hiraman', 'taking', 'third', 'vow', 'hiraman', 'bullock', 'cart', 'driver', 'conservative', 'traditional', 'values', 'smuggling', 'illegal', 'goods', 'bullock', 'cart', 'close', 'escape', 'police', 'hiraman', 'takes', 'vow', 'never', 'carry', 'illegal', 'goods', 'cart', 'transporting', 'bamboo', 'timber', 'trader', 'bullock', 'cart', 'beaten', 'two', 'men', 'horses', 'upset', 'bamboos', 'hiraman', 'cart', 'incident', 'hiraman', 'takes', 'another', 'vow', 'never', 'carry', 'bamboo', 'cart', 'one', 'night', 'hiraman', 'asked', 'carry', 'hirabai', 'nautanki', 'dancer', 'passenger', 'miles', 'distance', 'village', 'fair', 'travel', 'together', 'hiraman', 'sings', 'pass', 'time', 'tells', 'story', 'legend', 'mahua', 'journey', 'progresses', 'hirabai', 'mesmerized', 'hiraman', 'innocence', 'simple', 'philosophy', 'life', 'hiraman', 'return', 'sees', 'angel', 'purity', 'reach', 'village', 'fair', 'hiraman', 'joins', 'band', 'bullock', 'cart', 'drivers', 'hirabai', 'joins', 'nautanki', 'company', 'hirabai', 'asks', 'hiraman', 'stay', 'village', 'fair', 'days', 'see', 'dance', 'hirabai', 'arranges', 'free', 'passes', 'hiraman', 'friends', 'see', 'nautanki', 'every', 'night', 'long', 'village', 'fair', 'runs', 'hiraman', 'attends', 'nautanki', 'becomes', 'aware', 'people', 'see', 'prostitute', 'disturbs', 'tries', 'shield', 'protect', 'society', 'bond', 'two', 'grows', 'stronger', 'days', 'pass', 'fair', 'gets', 'involved', 'fights', 'local', 'people', 'speak', 'badly', 'profession', 'hirabai', 'tries', 'make', 'understand', 'harsh', 'reality', 'life', 'hiraman', 'asks', 'leave', 'profession', 'start', 'living', 'respectable', 'life', 'hirabai', 'refuses', 'leave', 'acting', 'career', 'depressed', 'hiraman', 'leaves', 'village', 'fair', 'returns', 'village', 'mean', 'time', 'hirabai', 'understands', 'hiraman', 'unselfish', 'love', 'hirabai', 'meets', 'hiraman', 'reveals', 'past', 'secret', 'already', 'sold', 'longer', 'virgin', 'beauty', 'hirabai', 'returns', 'hometown', 'seeing', 'hirabai', 'going', 'away', 'life', 'hiraman', 'takes', 'third', 'vow', 'never', 'carry', 'nautanki', 'company', 'dancer', 'cart'], ['present', 'siblings', 'michael', 'carolyn', 'arrive', 'iowa', 'farmhouse', 'francesca', 'johnson', 'recently-deceased', 'mother', 'see', 'settlement', 'mother', 'estate', 'contents', 'safe', 'deposit', 'box', 'baffled', 'discover', 'mother', 'left', 'specific', 'instructions', 'body', 'cremated', 'ashes', 'thrown', 'nearby', 'roseman', 'covered', 'bridge', 'accordance', 'burial', 'arrangements', 'known', 'parents', 'michael', 'initially', 'refuses', 'comply', 'carolyn', 'discovers', 'set', 'photos', 'mother', 'letter', 'manages', 'convince', 'michael', 'set', 'aside', 'initial', 'reaction', 'read', 'documents', 'discovered', 'alone', 'series', 'letters', 'man', 'named', 'robert', 'kincaid', 'addressed', 'mother', 'revealing', 'affair', '1965.', 'siblings', 'find', 'way', 'chest', 'mother', 'left', 'letter', 'series', 'diaries', 'mementos', 'discover', 'mother', 'italian', 'war', 'bride', 'four-day', 'affair', 'robert', 'kincaid', 'photographer', 'come', 'madison', 'county', 'iowa', 'shoot', 'photographic', 'essay', 'national', 'geographic', 'covered', 'bridges', 'area', 'cite', 'web', 'affair', 'took', 'place', 'husband', 'children', 'away', 'illinois', 'state', 'fair', 'story', 'diaries', 'also', 'reveals', 'impact', 'affair', 'francesca', 'robert', 'lives', 'since', 'almost', 'elope', 'stops', 'last', 'minute', 'consideration', 'bigger', 'picture', 'includes', 'consequences', 'lives', 'children', 'husband', 'finds', 'meaning', 'true', 'calling', 'artist', 'story', 'also', 'deep', 'consequences', 'lives', 'michael', 'carolyn', 'facing', 'marital', 'issues', 'mother', 'story', 'helps', 'find', 'sense', 'direction', 'lives', 'end', 'johnson', 'siblings', 'agree', 'mother', 'request'], ['plot', 'film', 'set', 'japan', 'showa', 'era', 'tells', 'story', 'chiyo', 'sakamoto', 'poor', 'young', 'japanese', 'girl', 'sold', 'along', 'older', 'sister', 'satsu', 'life', 'servitude', 'parents', 'nine', 'years', 'old', 'chiyo', 'taken', 'proprietress', 'geisha', 'house', 'mother', 'satsu', 'rejected', 'sold', 'another', 'house', 'pleasure', 'district', 'hanamachi', 'okiya', 'meets', 'another', 'young', 'girl', 'named', 'pumpkin', 'girls', 'sent', 'geisha', 'school', 'chiyo', 'dishonors', 'okiya', 'attempting', 'run', 'away', 'sister', 'instead', 'training', 'become', 'geisha', 'given', 'manual', 'labor', 'pay', 'debt', 'purchase', 'chiyo', 'also', 'numerous', 'unpleasant', 'run-ins', 'okiya\\\\', 'senior', 'geisha', 'hatsumomo', 'chiyo', 'escapes', 'run', 'away', 'sister', 'falls', 'rooftop', 'trying', 'escape', 'attracts', 'attention', 'several', 'people', 'mother', 'found', 'chiyo\\\\', 'attempt', 'stops', 'attempts', 'training', 'chiyo', 'become', 'geisha', 'mother', 'discusses', 'debts', 'chiyo', 'amassed', 'explains', 'satsu', 'ran', 'away', 'night', 'without', 'waiting', 'chiyo', 'chiyo', 'never', 'sees', 'satsu', 'mother', 'tells', 'forget', 'ever', 'sister', 'explaining', \"\\\\'we\", 'family', 'now.\\\\', 'mother', 'places', 'package', 'stomach', 'contains', 'letter', 'reporting', 'death', 'mother', 'weeks', 'father', 'chiyo', 'feels', 'sink', 'lower', 'escapades', 'caused', 'taken', 'geisha', 'training', 'worked', 'slave', 'pay', 'debts', 'one', 'day', 'crying', 'street', 'young', 'chiyo', 'noticed', 'chairman', 'geisha', 'companions', 'buys', 'iced', 'sorbet', 'gives', 'handkerchief', 'money', 'inspired', 'act', 'kindness', 'chiyo', 'resolves', 'become', 'geisha', 'may', 'one', 'day', 'become', 'part', 'chairman', 'life', 'spends', 'money', 'food', 'prayer', 'wishing', 'see', 'chiyo', 'young', 'woman', 'taken', 'wing', 'mameha', 'one', 'kyoto\\\\', 'successful', 'geisha', 'mameha\\\\', 'tutelage', 'chiyo', 'becomes', 'maiko', 'takes', 'name', 'sayuri', 'famous', 'geisha', 'gion', 'kyoto', 'hatsumomo', 'becomes', 'sayuri\\\\', 'rival', 'seeks', 'destroy', 'work', 'geisha', 'sayuri', 'reunites', 'chairman', 'longs', 'catch', 'attention', 'instead', 'lead', 'chairman\\\\', 'friend', 'business', 'partner', 'nobu', 'falls', 'fast', 'sayuri', 'grows', 'popularity', 'hatsumomo', 'spreads', 'lies', 'rumors', 'ruin', 'sayuri\\\\', 'reputation', 'meanwhile', 'mameha', 'starts', 'bidding', 'war', 'sayuri\\\\', 'mizuage', 'make', 'full', 'geisha', 'sayuri', 'gets', 'named', 'lead', 'dancer', 'spring', 'dances', 'dances', 'wonderfully', 'catches', 'attention', 'bidders', 'including', 'baron', 'invites', 'sayuri', 'house', 'party', 'gives', 'kimono', 'finds', 'beautiful', 'believes', 'deserves', 'look', 'forcefully', 'strips', 'party', 'mameha', 'hears', 'happened', 'believes', 'baron', 'took', 'sayuri\\\\', 'virginity', 'claims', 'sayuri\\\\', 'bids', 'may', 'come', 'found', 'worthless', 'sayuri', 'cries', 'tells', 'mameha', 'nothing', 'happened', 'worthless', 'night', 'bid', 'finally', 'placed', 'elderly', 'doctor', 'known', 'doctor', 'crab', '15,000', 'yen', '봳he', 'highest', 'mizuage', 'bid', 'history', 'mother', 'chooses', 'adopt', 'sayuri', 'heiress', 'okiya', 'title', 'pumpkin', 'hatsumomo', 'longing', 'mameha', 'tells', 'sayuri', 'later', 'bid', 'two', 'people', 'dr.', 'crab', 'baron', 'mameha', 'let', 'dr.', 'crab', 'feelings', 'baron', 'despite', 'bid', 'even', 'higher', 'returning', 'home', 'sayuri', 'finds', 'hatsumomo', 'room', 'found', 'chairman\\\\', 'handkerchief', 'attempts', 'burn', 'unsuccessfully', 'sayuri', 'hatsumomo', 'fight', 'accidentally', 'start', 'fire', 'finally', 'breaking', 'point', 'hatsumomo', 'purposely', 'begins', 'burn', 'rest', 'house', 'leaves', 'knowing', 'reached', 'bottom', 'sayuri\\\\', 'prosperous', 'life', 'cut', 'short', 'outbreak', 'world', 'war', 'safety', 'sayuri', 'mameha', 'ensured', 'chairman', 'must', 'endure', 'life', 'hard', 'labor', 'sayuri', 'mameha', 'separated', 'sayuri', 'going', 'hills', 'work', 'kimono', 'maker', 'war', 'sayuri', 'reunited', 'mameha', 'become', 'geisha', 'impress', 'american', 'colonel', 'going', 'business', 'nobu', 'chairman', 'sayuri', 'meets', 'back', 'pumpkin', 'risqu챕', 'flirty', 'escort/prostitute', 'goes', 'trip', 'nobu', 'chairman', 'pumpkin', 'americans', 'amami', 'islands', 'colonel', 'attempts', 'hire', 'sayuri', 'services', 'rejected', 'nobu', 'saw', 'incident', 'confronts', 'sayuri', 'finally', 'confessing', 'feelings', 'wants', 'danna', 'sayuri', 'distraught', 'devises', 'plan', 'humiliate', 'colonel', 'front', 'nobu', 'arranges', 'pumpkin', 'bring', 'nobu', 'abandoned', 'theater', 'predetermined', 'time', 'stumble', 'upon', 'sayuri', 'colonel', 'making', 'love', 'secret', 'resentment', 'sayuri', 'adopted', 'mother', 'pumpkin', 'brings', 'chairman', 'instead', 'claiming', 'sayuri', 'know', 'feels', 'sayuri', 'believes', 'chairman', 'lost', 'forever', 'days', 'later', 'sayuri', 'discards', 'chairman\\\\', 'handkerchief', 'throwing', 'cliff', 'sea', 'later', 'receives', 'call', 'teahouse', 'waiting', 'sayuri', 'expects', 'nobu', 'arrive', 'instead', 'chairman', 'comes', 'finally', 'reveals', 'knows', 'chiyo', 'saying', \"don\\\\'t\", 'afraid', 'look', 'chiyo', 'tells', 'responsible', 'sending', 'mameha', 'could', 'fulfill', 'dreams', 'becoming', 'geisha', 'sayuri', 'finally', 'reveals', 'love', 'chairman', 'harbouring', 'fifteen', 'years', 'film', 'ends', 'loving', 'embrace', 'kiss', 'stroll', 'beautiful', 'japanese', 'garden', 'waterfalls', 'rocks'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'malayalam', 'made', 'indian', 'film', 'maker', 'kumaran', 'akashagopuram', 'set', 'among', 'indian', 'immigrant', 'community', 'london', 'tells', 'story', 'albert', 'samson', 'middle-aged', 'architect', 'clawed', 'way', 'prominence', 'single-minded', 'focus', 'job', 'however', 'hardened', 'prevented', 'wife', 'alice', 'meaningful', 'family', 'life', 'costs', 'samson\\\\', 'ambition', 'also', 'symbolized', 'assistant', 'abraham', 'thomas', 'samson\\\\', 'former', 'employer', 'treated', 'badly', 'reach', 'top', 'thomas', 'dying', 'wants', 'son', 'alex', 'independence', 'firm', 'samson', 'however', 'fears', 'eclipsed', 'younger', 'generation', 'architects', 'refuses', 'allow', 'alex', 'either', 'design', 'original', 'houses', 'leave', 'firm', 'strike', 'tense', 'situation', 'enter', 'hilda', 'varghese', 'vivacious', 'young', 'woman', 'idolized', 'samson', 'ten', 'years', 'ago', 'early', 'stages', 'career', 'built', 'large', 'church', 'hometown', 'climbed', 'top', 'tower', 'dedication', 'ceremony', 'time', 'samson', 'promised', 'kingdom', 'hilda', 'girl', 'twelve', 'hilda', 'earnestly', 'believes', 'word', 'come', 'collect', 'kingdom', 'samson', 'struggles', 'destructive', 'consequences', 'pursuit', 'glory', 'growing', 'fear', 'lost', 'creative', 'powers', 'mysterious', 'hilda', 'helps', 'gain', 'glimpse', 'former', 'self'], ['flamboyant', 'window', 'dresser', 'hollywood', 'montrose', 'promoted', 'head', 'prince', 'company', 'visual', 'display', 'department', 'takes', 'new', 'assistant', 'jason', 'williamson', 'times', 'past', 'prince', 'william', 'prince', 'kingdom', 'hauptmann-koenig', 'one', 'thousand', 'years', 'ago', 'lost', 'beloved', 'jessie', 'evil', 'sorcerer', 'turned', 'wooden', 'icon', 'known', 'enchanted', 'peasant', 'girl', 'tribute', 'hauptmann-koenig', 'enchanted', 'peasant', 'girl', 'sent', 'prince', 'company', 'window', 'display', 'jason', 'awakens', 'jessie', 'two', 'get', 'reacquainted', 'millennium', 'things', 'catch', 'evil', 'sorcerer', 'reincarnated', 'count', 'gunther', 'spretzle', 'arrives', 'scene', 'take', 'jessie', 'hop', 'flight', 'bermuda', 'jason', 'one', 'stop'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'romance', 'upper', 'middle', 'class', 'jewish', 'girl', 'named', 'jill', 'rosen', 'bound', 'sarah', 'lawrence', 'college', 'blue-collar', 'italian', 'boy', 'nicknamed', 'sheik', 'late', '1966', 'new', 'jersey', 'aspires', 'follow', 'frank', 'sinatra\\\\', 'footsteps', 'movie', 'follows', 'high', 'school', 'experiences', 'romance', 'jill\\\\', 'success', 'high', 'school', 'acting', 'productions', 'jill\\\\', 'rebuffing', 'sheik\\\\', 'sexual', 'advances', 'sheik\\\\', 'one-night', 'stand', 'sexually', 'active', 'friend', 'jill\\\\', 'subsequent', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'friend', 'eventually', 'sheik', 'expelled', 'school', 'attempted', 'robbery', 'subsequent', 'pursuit', 'local', 'police', 'sheik', 'goes', 'miami', 'florida', 'jill', 'subsequently', 'leaves', 'first', 'year', 'sarah', 'lawrence', 'fall', '1967.', 'one', 'point', 'first', 'year', 'jill', 'visits', 'sheik', 'florida', 'although', 'sees', 'clearly', 'little', 'going', 'chooses', 'sex', 'first', 'time', 'moments', 'undress', 'conversation', 'turns', 'odd', 'nickname', 'explained', 'jill', 'dated', 'high', 'school', 'sheik', 'brand', 'condoms', 'explains', 'like', 'trojans', 'time', 'jill', 'returns', 'college', 'sheik', 'arrives', 'work', 'find', 'unceremoniously', 'replaced', 'real', 'singer', 'albeit', 'one', 'great', 'talent', 'humiliation', 'makes', 'sheik', 'self-aware', 'almost', 'non-existent', 'opportunities', 'career', 'success', 'response', 'steals', 'car', 'makes', 'long', 'drive', 'miami', 'new', 'york', 'propelled', 'romantic', 'notion', 'reuniting', 'jill', 'jill\\\\', 'initial', 'college', 'experience', 'easy', 'happy', 'met', 'acting', 'social', 'success', 'high', 'school', 'yet', 'act', 'consummating', 'desire', 'sheik', 'led', 'realize', 'love', 'sex', 'moved', 'past', 'point', 'romantic', 'sexual', 'wonder', 'left', 'seeing', 'inhabit', 'different', 'social', 'worlds', 'sheik', 'arrives', 'sarah', 'lawrence', 'first', 'find', 'jill', 'violently', 'trashes', 'room', 'waits', 'return', 'declares', 'love', 'tells', 'plainly', 'love', 'sheik', 'briefly', 'resists', 'response', 'moment', 'quiet', 'dignity', 'accepts', 'exchange', 'ends', 'moment', 'gentleness', 'kindness', 'jill', 'reaches', 'sheik', 'asks', 'favor', 'sense', 'take', 'college', 'dance', 'otherwise', 'unable', 'find', 'date', 'movie', 'ends', 'dance', 'final', 'scene', 'also', 'registers', 'quick', 'change', 'pace', 'popular', 'culture', 'mid-1960s', 'midst', 'dance', 'either', 'jill', 'sheik', 'makes', 'request', 'rock', 'band', 'performing', 'band', 'incongruously', 'perform', 'strangers', 'night', 'sinatra', 'hit', 'key', 'part', 'soundtrack', 'high', 'school', 'romance', 'film', 'ends', 'looking', 'other\\\\', 'eyes', 'slow-dancing'], ['amitabha', 'roy', 'calcutta', 'based', 'scriptwriter', 'driving', 'around', 'country', 'collect', 'material', 'film', 'vehicle', 'breaks', 'small', 'town', 'tea', 'planter', 'bimal', 'gupta', 'offers', 'hospitality', 'night', 'amitabha', 'forced', 'accept', 'offer', 'alternative', 'gupta', 'house', 'introduced', 'wife', 'karuna', 'amitabha', 'shocked', 'find', 'girl', 'loved', 'let', 'unaware', 'past', 'relationship', 'gupta', 'entertains', 'amitabha', 'comes', 'across', 'simple', 'man', 'none', 'physical', 'intellectual', 'charms', 'roy', 'amitabha', 'manages', 'steal', 'moments', 'alone', 'karuna', 'conveys', 'love', 'asks', 'leave', 'husband', 'karuna', 'hides', 'feelings', 'unable', 'regain', 'old', 'intimacy', 'remembers', 'betrayal', 'last', 'time', 'saw', 'forced', 'uncle', 'approve', 'relationship', 'wanted', 'send', 'away', 'came', 'even', 'though', 'roy', 'poor', 'student', 'made', 'mind', 'accept', 'situation', 'confront', 'family', 'disapproval', 'roy', 'however', 'proved', 'coward', 'successful', 'man', 'amitabha', 'asks', 'karuna', 'leave', 'husband', 'karuna', 'however', 'says', 'little', 'encourage', 'next', 'morning', 'amitabha', 'decides', 'take', 'train', 'instead', 'waiting', 'vehicle', 'repaired', 'writes', 'note', 'karuna', 'requesting', 'meet', 'railway', 'station', 'still', 'cared', 'amitabha', 'waits', 'karuna', 'station', 'karuna', 'arrive', 'snub', 'going', 'back', 'husband'], ['jonathan', 'breech', 'father', 'drinks', 'death', 'night', 'gram', 'cocaine', 'another', 'man', 'girlfriend', 'already', 'stolen', 'convertible', 'goes', 'older', 'brother', 'mikey', 'house', 'five', 'morning', 'get', 'father', 'ashes', 'urn', 'back', 'seat', 'goes', 'suicidal', 'drive', 'waking', 'hospital', 'given', 'choice', 'prison', 'stolen', 'car', 'mental', 'institution', 'chooses', 'latter', 'room', 'small', 'near', 'barren', 'wednesdays', 'visiting', 'days', 'brother', 'come', 'recreation', 'room', 'cards', 'velcro-tipped', 'throwing', 'darts', 'since', 'inpatient', 'forced', 'wear', 'pajamas', 'per', 'health', 'board', 'rules', 'three', 'group', 'therapy', 'sessions', 'week', 'dr.', 'figure', 'meets', 'rachel', 'toby', 'jonathan', 'jackson', 'nick', 'leslie', 'voices', 'romantic', 'interest', 'rachel', 'leaves', 'first', 'session', 'early', 'rachel', 'follows', 'slap', 'treating', 'patronisingly', 'begin', 'play', 'boxing', 'stop', 'accidentally', 'hits', 'mouth', 'hard', 'draws', 'blood', 'jonathan', 'goes', 'restroom', 'take', 'care', 'bloody', 'lip', 'rachel', 'follows', 'shows', 'attraction', 'blood', 'smearing', 'throat', 'chest', 'jonathan', 'unsettled', 'intrigued', 'befriends', 'toby', 'seems', 'also', 'crush', 'rachel', 'one-on-one', 'therapy', 'sessions', 'dr.', 'figure', 'sarcastic', 'ask', 'patients', 'take', 'pledge', 'kill', 'new', 'year', 'eve', 'jonathon', 'friendship', 'toby', 'starts', 'gel', 'sneak', 'pub', 'together', 'night', 'returning', 'room', 'jonathan', 'surprised', 'discover', 'rachel', 'waiting', 'lying', 'top', 'rachel', 'pulls', 'razor', 'hidden', 'cigarette', 'box', 'cuts', 'arm', 'seems', 'intensify', 'sexual', 'excitement', 'blood', 'drips', 'onto', 'jonathan', 'neck', 'puts', 'stop', 'things', 'following', 'days', 'jonathan', 'therapy', 'sessions', 'dr.', 'figure', 'continues', 'flirt', 'rachel', 'showing', 'sincere', 'interest', 'one', 'night', 'toby', 'hot-wired', 'car', 'jonathan', 'learns', 'toby', 'caused', 'death', 'brother', 'car', 'accident', 'bowling', 'night', 'jonathan', 'gets', 'conflict', 'nearly', 'turns', 'violent', 'dr.', 'figure', 'helps', 'see', 'reckless', 'well-being', 'perhaps', 'glad', 'made', 'alive', 'romantic', 'triangle', 'comes', 'sharper', 'focus', 'toby', 'reads', 'new', 'poem', 'wrote', 'rachel', 'flirts', 'timidly', 'later', 'jonathan', 'rachel', 'chat', 'room', 'learns', 'rachel', 'mother', 'death', 'bond', 'deepens', 'friends', 'sneak', 'hospital', 'host', 'big', 'new', 'year', 'eve', 'party', 'rachel', 'father', 'house', 'toby', 'watches', 'jonathan', 'rachel', 'energy', 'dance', 'together', 'realizes', \"n't\", 'chance', 'rachel', 'soon', 'jonathan', 'rachel', 'seen', 'going', 'upstairs', 'another', 'part', 'house', 'toby', 'opening', 'garage', 'jonathan', 'tries', 'kiss', 'rachel', \"n't\", 'kiss', 'back', 'count', 'new', 'year', 'begins', 'rachel', 'starts', 'kiss', 'back', 'toby', 'gets', 'ready', 'car', 'done', 'pledge', 'stroke', 'midnight', 'toby', 'drives', 'cliff', 'killing', 'next', 'day', 'rachel', 'father', 'pulls', 'hospital', 'jonathan', 'miserable', 'worried', 'therapy', 'session', 'asks', 'dr.', 'figure', 'happen', 'rachel', 'dr.', 'figure', 'responds', 'jonathan', 'needs', 'decide', 'value', 'life', 'jonathan', 'steals', 'bike', 'get', 'hospital', 'dr.', 'figure', 'tells', 'guard', 'allow', 'leave', 'jonathan', 'goes', 'rachel', 'dad', 'house', 'cliffs', 'finds', 'looking', 'edge', 'jonathan', 'tells', 'rachel', 'loves', 'thinks', 'could', 'still', 'together', 'year', 'walk', 'away', 'together'], ['young', 'woman', 'waits', 'rain', 'ornate', 'gazebo', 'lotus', 'pond', 'carries', 'photo', 'man', 'waiting', 'man', 'whose', 'name', 'dum', 'another', 'gunman', 'named', 'mahesuan', 'dressed', 'black', 'wearing', 'cowboy', 'hat', 'dum', 'enters', 'house', 'fires', 'pistol', 'bullet', 'ricochets', 'around', 'burrows', 'man\\\\', 'forehead', 'red', 'title', 'card', 'flashes', 'says', 'catch', 'we\\\\', \"'ll\", 'play', 'shot', 'replayed', 'slow', 'motion', 'showing', 'bullet', 'bouncing', 'items', 'rube', 'goldberg', 'fashion', 'dum', 'rushes', 'galloping', 'horse', 'across', 'plain', 'however', 'time', 'reaches', 'gazebo', 'woman', 'whose', 'name', 'rumpoey', 'gone', 'returned', 'home', 'engaged', 'police', 'captain', 'kumjorn', 'marriage', 'arranged', 'father', 'provincial', 'governor', 'mahesuan', 'bitter', 'status', 'sidekick', 'dum', 'best', 'gunman', 'outlaw', 'gang', 'headed', 'brutal', 'fai', 'dum', 'came', 'along', 'eager', 'settle', 'score', 'mahesuan', 'goes', 'looking', 'dum', 'finds', 'playing', 'harmonica', 'mahesuan', 'knocks', 'dum\\\\', 'hand', 'baits', 'gunfight', 'quick-drawing', 'dum', 'fires', 'first', 'mahesuan', 'injured', 'however', 'dead', 'snake', 'drops', 'overhanging', 'tree', 'branch', 'onto', 'mahesuan\\\\', 'cowboy', 'hat', 'dum', 'killed', 'venomous', 'snake', 'saving', 'mahesuan\\\\', 'life', 'dum', 'thinks', 'back', 'childhood', 'years', 'ago', 'second', 'world', 'war', 'rumpoey', 'father', 'left', 'city', 'stay', 'dum\\\\', 'father\\\\', 'small', 'farm', 'rural', 'thailand', 'rumpoey', 'demanding', 'girl', 'smashes', 'bamboo', 'flute', 'dum', 'playing', 'demands', 'take', 'boat', 'ride', 'lotus', 'pond', 'visit', 'gazebo', 'sala', 'thai', 'language', 'called', 'sala', 'awaiting', 'maiden', 'dum', 'says', 'woodcutter', 'built', 'await', 'wealthy', 'family\\\\', 'daughter', 'fallen', 'love', 'however', 'maiden', 'prevented', 'meeting', 'woodcutter', 'hanged', 'rumpoey', 'touched', 'story', 'way', 'home', 'collide', 'boat', 'carrying', 'three', 'boys', 'taunt', 'rumpoey', 'dum', 'defends', 'rumpoey', 'struck', 'oar', 'boat', 'overturns', 'rescues', 'rumpoey', 'late', 'coming', 'home', 'punished', 'father', 'lashes', 'boy\\\\', 'back', 'rattan', 'cane', 'rumpoey', 'feeling', 'sorry', 'getting', 'dum', 'trouble', 'buys', 'harmonica', 'replace', 'flute', 'broke', 'shifting', 'back', 'present', 'time', 'dum', 'mahesuan', 'ride', 'old', 'buddhist', 'temple', 'swear', 'blood', 'oath', 'front', 'buddha', 'statue', 'meanwhile', 'captain', 'kumjorn', 'eager', 'bring', 'law', 'order', 'wild', 'west', 'suphanburi', 'province', 'attack', 'fai\\\\', 'hide-out', 'police', 'forces', 'seem', 'gaining', 'upper', 'hand', 'dum', 'mahesuan', 'arrive', 'cliff', 'overlooking', 'battle', 'use', 'rocket-propelled', 'grenade', 'launchers', 'decimate', 'police', 'kumjorn', 'captured', 'dum', 'ordered', 'fai', 'execute', 'kumjorn', 'pleads', 'dum', 'tell', 'fianc챕e', 'fate', 'pulls', 'framed', 'photo', 'beloved', 'dum', 'stunned', 'see', 'photo', 'rumpoey', 'mahesuan', 'enters', 'find', 'kumjorn', 'gone', 'dum', 'knife', 'chest', 'dum\\\\', 'wound', 'treated', 'thinks', 'back', 'one', 'year', 'ago', 'university', 'student', 'bangkok', 'became', 're-acquainted', 'rumpoey', 'dum', 'pleads', 'leave', 'alone', 'reasoning', 'different', 'social', 'classes', 'fated', 'never', 'together', 'later', 'rumpoey', 'attacked', 'gang', 'male', 'students', 'boys', 'childhood', 'boat', 'accident', 'dum', 'comes', 'rescue', 'ends', 'expelled', 'rumpoey', 'finds', 'dum', 'walking', 'offers', 'give', 'ride', 'car', 'instructs', 'driver', 'take', 'nearby', 'beach', 'dum', 'rumpoey', 'confide', 'love', 'agree', 'meet', 'year', 'later', 'sala', 'awaiting', 'maiden', 'however', 'dum', 'arrives', 'home', 'finds', 'father', 'murdered', 'takes', 'father\\\\', 'rifle', 'tracks', 'killers', 'shoots', 'one', 'bullet', 'left', 'turns', 'gun', 'stopped', 'fai', 'ridden', 'horsemen', 'fai', 'recognizes', 'rifle', 'saying', 'given', 'dum\\\\', 'father', 'years', 'fai', 'hands', 'dum', 'pistol', 'tells', 'finish', 'job', 'killing', 'men', 'murdered', 'father', 'dum', 'outlaw', 'shifting', 'back', 'present', 'night', 'rumpoey\\\\', 'wedding', 'kumjorn', 'tries', 'hang', 'stopped', 'maid', 'fai', 'meanwhile', 'plans', 'attack', 'governor\\\\', 'mansion', 'mahesuan', 'suspecting', 'dum', 'intentionally', 'let', 'kumjorn', 'free', 'betrays', 'dum', 'gun', 'battle', 'ensues', 'dum', 'escapes', 'dum', 'dressed', 'white', 'suit', 'appears', 'wedding', 'warns', 'kumjorn', 'fai\\\\', 'plans', 'attack', 'kumjorn', 'however', 'wants', 'shoot', 'man', 'knows', 'black', 'tiger', 'rival', 'rumpoey\\\\', 'affection', 'fai\\\\', 'men', 'attack', 'mahesuan', 'breaks', 'mansion', 'discovers', 'rumpoey', 'knocks', 'unconscious', 'mahesuan', 'carrying', 'rumpoey', 'away', 'meets', 'dum', 'demands', 'rematch', 'gunfight', 'raindrop', 'drips', 'hole', 'brim', 'mahesuan\\\\', 'hat', 'dum', 'fires', 'bullet', 'rips', 'mahesuan\\\\', 'teeth', 'dum', 'next', 'confronted', 'kumjorn', 'reaches', 'pocket', 'kumjorn', 'believing', 'reaching', 'gun', 'shoots', 'dum', 'dum', 'reaching', 'photograph', 'rumpoey', 'kumjorn', 'carried', 'dum', 'lies', 'dying', 'rain', 'rumpoey', 'sobbing', 'dum\\\\', 'words', 'earlier', 'narrated', 'life', 'suffering', 'punctuated', 'never-ending', 'search', 'happy', 'moments'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'concerns', 'relationships', 'men', 'women', 'brothers', 'mothers', 'fathers', 'friends', 'central', 'idea', 'film', 'one', 'brother', 'discovers', 'ebay', 'replica', 'lounge', 'chair', 'used', 'father', 'long', 'ago', 'resulting', 'road', 'trip', 'pick', 'deliver', 'chair', 'birthday', 'present', 'father', 'takes', 'interesting', 'twists', 'goes'], [\"'thymian\", 'henning', 'innocent', 'naive', 'daughter', 'pharmacist', 'robert', 'henning', 'puzzled', 'housekeeper', 'elisabeth', 'leaves', 'suddenly', 'day', 'thymian\\\\', 'confirmation', 'turns', 'father', 'got', 'elisabeth', 'pregnant', 'elisabeth\\\\', 'body', 'brought', 'pharmacy', 'later', 'day', 'apparent', 'suicide', 'drowning', 'upsetting', 'thymian', 'thymian\\\\', 'father\\\\', 'assistant', 'meinert', 'promises', 'explain', 'late', 'night', 'instead', 'takes', 'advantage', 'gives', 'birth', 'illegitimate', 'child', 'cite', 'book', 'though', 'thymian', 'refuses', 'name', 'baby\\\\', 'father', 'relatives', 'find', 'diary', 'decide', 'best', 'solution', 'marry', 'meinert', 'refuses', 'love', 'give', 'baby', 'midwife', 'send', 'strict', 'reformatory', 'wayward', 'girls', 'run', 'tyrannical', 'woman', 'tall', 'bald', 'assistant', 'meanwhile', 'thymian\\\\', 'friend', 'count', 'osdorff', 'cast', 'left', 'penniless', 'rich', 'uncle', 'also', 'count', 'osdorff', 'proves', 'unsuccessful', 'every', 'school', 'trade', 'thymian', 'begs', 'friend', 'persuade', 'father', 'take', 'back', 'thymian\\\\', 'father', 'married', 'new', 'housekeeper', 'meta', 'meta', 'wants', 'rivals', 'rebelling', 'reformatory\\\\', 'rigid', 'discipline', 'thymian', 'friend', 'erika', 'escape', 'osdorff\\\\', 'help', 'thymian', 'goes', 'see', 'baby', 'told', 'child', 'died', 'despondently', 'wandering', 'streets', 're-unites', 'erika', 'working', 'small', 'upper-class', 'brothel', 'skills', 'thymian', 'also', 'becomes', 'prostitute', 'chance', 'thymian', 'runs', 'father', 'meta', 'meinert', 'nightclub', 'father', 'shocked', 'realizes', 'become', 'meta', 'meinhert', 'take', 'away', 'three', 'years', 'later', 'father', 'dies', 'expectation', 'inheriting', 'large', 'amount', 'money', 'decides', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'others', 'suggest', 'obtain', 'new', 'identity', 'marrying', 'osdorff', 'thinking', 'agrees', 'lawyer\\\\', 'office', 'meinhert', 'buys', 'thymian\\\\', 'interest', 'pharmacy', 'making', 'rich', 'however', 'learns', 'meinhert', 'throwing', 'widow', 'two', 'children', 'street', 'thymian', 'gives', 'meta', 'money', 'young', 'half-sister', 'suffer', 'fate', 'osdorff', 'counting', 'money', 'rebuild', 'life', 'throws', 'window', 'death', 'tells', 'done', 'uncle', 'grief-stricken', 'decides', 'make', 'amends', 'taking', 'care', 'thymian', 'introduces', 'cousin', 'niece', 'countess', 'osdorff', 'strange', 'twist', 'fate', 'invited', 'become', 'director', 'reformatory', 'held', 'old', 'friend', 'brought', 'directors', 'especially', 'difficult', 'case', 'thymian', 'denounces', 'school', 'blessings', 'takes', 'away', 'count', 'osdorff', 'last', 'word', 'leaving', 'little', 'love', 'no-one', 'would', 'lost', 'world'], ['story', 'told', 'episodes', 'memories', 'woman', 'holiday', 'switzerland', 'waiting', 'banker', 'husband', 'arrive', 'work', 'nine', 'years', 'since', 'holiday', 'nine', 'years', 'since', 'last', 'talked', 'man', 'love', 'movie', 'goes', 'past', 'tells', 'love', 'mary', 'steven', 'mary', 'loves', 'steven', 'refuses', 'marry', 'believing', 'marriage', 'love', 'would', 'stifling', 'steven', 'tells', 'two', 'people', 'love', 'want', \"'belong\", 'mary', 'insists', 'wants', \"'belong\", 'runs', 'away', 'steven', 'tells', 'life', 'would', 'failure', 'marries', 'howard', 'gives', 'affection', 'stability', 'security', 'meet', 'nine', 'years', 'later', 'new', 'year', 'eve', 'steven', 'his-then', 'girlfriend', 'mary', 'howard', 'howard', 'dryly', 'pretends', 'recognize', 'steven', \"'so\", 'enemy', 'would', \"n't\", 'know', 'observed', 'steven', 'later', 'pursues', 'mary', 'almost', 'persuades', 'change', 'mind', 'leave', 'howard', 'howard', 'accepts', 'wife', 'socialising', 'steven', 'notices', 'forgotten', 'tickets', 'theatre', 'lie', 'inquires', 'evening', 'dramatic', 'scene', 'steven', 'tells', 'howard', 'mary', 'love', 'howard', 'step', 'aside', 'mary', 'asks', 'leave', 'talk', 'things', 'howard', 'mary', 'sends', 'steven', 'letter', 'steven', 'goes', 'residence', 'demands', 'see', 'mary', 'sees', 'howard', 'first', 'tells', 'knows', 'understands', 'mary', 'steven', 'despite', 'love', 'hardly', 'knows', 'mary', 'howard', 'understands', 'marriage', 'one', 'love', 'one', 'affection', 'mutual', 'freedom', 'howard', 'confident', 'marriage', 'love', 'partners', \"'belong\", 'mary', 'wants', 'needed', 'mary', 'steven', 'stay', 'away', 'mary', 'later', 'confirms', 'howard', 'said', 'runs', 'away', 'steven', 'dissuade', 'nine', 'years', 'later', 'mary', 'steven', 'meet', 'separately', 'holiday', 'alps', 'howard', 'late', 'due', 'banking', 'work', 'steven', 'half', 'day', 'returning', 'london', 'work', 'take', 'boat', 'cable', 'car', 'picnic', 'high', 'mountain', 'talk', 'lives', 'steven', 'reveals', 'two', 'children', 'wife', 'mary', 'asks', 'happy', 'seems', 'happier', 'mixed', 'expressions', 'tell', 'regrets', 'wishes', 'wife', 'place', 'come', 'mountains', 'howard', 'back', 'happens', 'see', 'disembarking', 'boat', 'together', 'goes', 'couple', 'suite', 'notices', 'porter', 'taking', 'steven', 'suitcase', 'adjoining', 'room', 'filled', 'suspicion', 'pride', 'hurt', 'watches', 'mary', 'wave', 'goodbye', 'enthusiastically', 'steven', 'without', 'noticing', 'husband', 'return', 'storms', 'mary', 'turns', 'eyes', 'glistening', 'files', 'divorce', 'mary', 'tries', 'contact', 'steven', 'divorce', 'lawyer', 'happens', 'tell', 'steven', 'wife', 'goes', 'see', 'steven', 'train', 'steven', 'family', 'life', 'plunged', 'havoc', 'mary', 'decides', 'must', 'see', 'steven', 'meeting', 'last', 'time', 'tells', 'divorce', 'stopped', 'could', 'back', 'wife', 'lead', 'happy', 'life', 'goes', 'see', 'howard', 'asking', 'stop', 'divorce', 'telling', 'nothing', 'happened', 'swiss', 'hotel', 'innocent', 'adjoining', 'room', 'steven', 'howard', 'tells', 'divorce', 'expected', 'love', 'marriage', 'affection', 'loyalty', 'instead', 'given', \"'love\", 'dog', 'kindness', 'beggar', 'loyalty', 'bad', 'servant', 'yelling', 'mary', 'get', 'loses', 'temper', 'breaks', 'vase', 'calms', 'retracts', 'said', 'realizes', 'mary', 'gone', 'left', 'handbag', 'mary', 'runs', 'house', 'walked', 'london', 'underground', 'station', 'trance', 'standing', 'platform', 'incoming', 'train', 'heading', 'west', 'london', 'dazedly', 'contemplates', 'tracks', 'train', 'approaches', 'draws', 'dangerously', 'close', 'platform', 'edge', 'leap', 'something', 'catches', 'round', 'waist', 'howard', 'come', 'holds', 'shakes', 'couple', 'reconcile', 'platform'], ['soldier', 'joe', 'allen', '48-hour', 'leave', 'meets', 'alice', 'mayberry', 'pennsylvania', 'station', 'trips', 'duffel', 'bag', 'breaks', 'heel', 'one', 'shoes', 'although', 'hours', 'joe', 'gets', 'shoe-repair', 'shop', 'owner', 'open', 'store', 'proprietor', 'repairs', 'shoe', 'alice', 'asks', 'joe', 'going', 'says', 'leave', 'definite', 'destination', 'new', 'york', 'asks', 'accompany', 'way', 'home', 'points', 'landmarks', 'along', 'way', 'including', 'central', 'park', 'metropolitan', 'museum', 'art', 'asks', 'whether', 'busy', 'evening', 'says', 'however', 'persists', 'chasing', 'bus', 'riding', 'street', 'relents', 'promising', 'meet', 'clock', 'astor', 'hotel', 'although', 'roommate', 'chastises', 'alice', 'picking', 'soldier', 'alice', 'keeps', 'date', 'joe', 'arriving', 'late', 'two', 'dinner', 'missed', 'last', 'bus', 'home', 'accept', 'ride', 'milk', 'man', 'milk', 'man\\\\', 'truck', 'flat', 'tire', 'passengers', 'visit', 'lunch', 'room', 'call', 'assistance', 'drunk', 'strikes', 'milk', 'man', 'blackening', 'eye', 'company\\\\', 'road', 'repairman', 'changed', 'truck\\\\', 'tire', 'alice', 'joe', 'spend', 'night', 'delivering', 'milk', 'benefactor\\\\', 'customers', 'later', 'enjoy', 'hospitality', 'milk', 'man', 'wife', 'serves', 'early-morning', 'dinner', 'although', 'become', 'separated', 'subway', 'trying', 'frantically', 'find', 'one', 'another', 'reunite', 'returning', 'place', 'met', 'first', 'date', 'clock', 'astor', 'hotel', 'fallen', 'love', 'joe', 'asks', 'alice', 'marry', 'consents', 'however', 'must', 'run', 'maze', 'red', 'tape', 'nearly', 'prevents', 'perseverance', 'win', 'bureaucrats', 'upon', 'success', 'failure', 'depends', 'however', 'alice', 'finds', 'ceremony', 'ugly', 'repeat', 'vows', 'church', 'feels', 'truly', 'married', 'shortly', 'young', 'couple', 'weds', 'joe\\\\', 'leave', 'ends', 'returns', 'war'], [\"'alim\", 'young', 'gay', 'man', 'born', 'kenya', 'raised', 'toronto', 'moved', 'london', 'get', 'away', 'conservative', 'upbringing', 'faces', 'hardships', 'coming', 'mother', 'nuru', 'well', 'hardships', 'relationship', 'boyfriend', 'giles', 'alim', 'imaginary', 'friend', 'supposedly', 'cary', 'grant', 'gives', 'alim', 'advice', 'alim', 'trouble', 'unfortunately', 'advice', 'often', 'seems', 'make', 'trouble'], ['semi-retired', 'mexican-american', 'chef', 'martin', 'naranjo', 'shares', 'suburban', 'los', 'angeles', 'home', 'three', 'adult', 'daughters', 'although', 'lost', 'senses', 'smell', 'taste', 'since', 'wife', 'death', 'still', 'cooks', 'elaborate', 'multi-course', 'meals', 'family', 'friends', 'women', 'humor', 'father', 'old-fashioned', 'ways', 'searching', 'fulfillment', 'outside', 'family', 'circle', 'leticia', 'oldest', 'conservative', 'three', 'repressed', 'high', 'school', 'chemistry', 'teacher', 'abandoned', 'catholicism', 'become', 'born-again', 'christian', 'middle', 'daughter', 'carmen', 'shares', 'father', 'passion', 'food', 'stifled', 'dream', 'owning', 'restaurant', 'favor', 'pursuing', 'stable', 'career', 'business', 'analyst', 'maribel', 'youngest', 'hip', 'slightly', 'rebellious', 'frequently', 'present', 'naranjo', 'home', 'newly', 'divorced', 'family', 'friend', 'yolanda', 'young', 'daughter', 'april', 'visiting', 'mother', 'hortensia', 'set', 'sights', 'martin', 'determined', 'make', 'next', 'husband', 'unaware', 'attention', 'focused', 'someone', 'else', 'maribel', 'drawn', 'handsome', 'brazilian', 'student', 'andy', 'co-worker', 'rejects', 'briefly', 'date', 'invites', 'home', 'dinner', 'blithely', 'announces', 'moving', 'much', 'father', 'consternation', 'andy', 'shock', 'since', 'never', 'discussed', 'elevating', 'somewhat', 'casual', 'relationship', 'next', 'level', 'long', 'rearranging', 'small', 'apartment', 'unintentionally', 'making', 'increasingly', 'uncomfortable', 'imposes', 'life', 'meanwhile', 'leticia', 'finds', 'attracted', 'orlando', 'castillo', 'coaches', 'baseball', 'school', 'begins', 'receive', 'passionate', 'love', 'letters', 'believes', 'unaware', 'actually', 'written', 'students', 'carmen', 'offered', 'high-profile', 'job', 'barcelona', 'half-heartedly', 'agrees', 'accept', 'although', 'soon', 'father', 'drives', 'airport', 'returns', 'home', 'determined', 'follow', 'father', 'footsteps', 'open', 'restaurant', 'leticia', 'orlando', 'elope', 'maribel', 'andy', 'break', 'reunite', 'martin', 'marries', 'yolanda', 'everyone', 'gathers', 'family', 'meal', 'carmen', 'new', 'restaurant'], [\"'in\", 'post-world', 'war', 'germany', 'french', 'army', 'captain', 'henri', 'rochard', 'given', 'task', 'recruiting', 'highly-skilled', 'lens', 'maker', 'schindler', 'assigned', 'american', 'lieutenant', 'catherine', 'gates', 'chauffeur', 'much', 'mutual', 'discomfort', 'available', 'transportation', 'motorcycle', 'due', 'army', 'regulations', 'cathy', 'allowed', 'drive', 'henri', 'ride', 'sidecar', 'several', 'mishaps', 'constantly-quarreling', 'couple', 'arrive', 'destination', 'bad', 'nauheim', 'hotel', 'bothered', 'back', 'pain', 'cathy', 'warily', 'accepts', 'henri\\\\', 'offer', 'back', 'rub', 'falls', 'asleep', 'tries', 'leave', 'room', 'discovers', 'door', 'handle', 'fallen', 'trapping', 'inside', 'spends', 'uncomfortable', 'night', 'chair', 'morning', 'cathy', 'refuses', 'believe', 'story', 'unknown', 'innkeeper\\\\', 'wife', 'replaced', 'knob', 'tries', 'demonstrate', 'door', 'open', 'eventually', 'innkeeper\\\\', 'wife', 'comes', 'room', 'explains', 'everything', 'cathy', 'henri', 'falls', 'ledge', 'later', 'henri', 'goes', 'undercover', 'search', 'schindler', 'working', 'black', 'market', 'refuses', 'let', 'cathy', 'help', 'tells', 'sees', 'pretend', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'black', 'market', 'raided', 'authorities', 'rounded', 'rest', 'asks', 'cathy', 'vouch', 'identity', 'obeys', 'earlier', 'orders', 'reveal', 'knows', 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'american', 'living', 'comes', 'abrupt', 'end', 'finances', 'failing', 'spending', '100,000', 'mai', 'ling', 'max', 'discovers', 'also', 'terminal', 'cancer', 'mai', 'ling', 'supports', 'helps', 'prepare', 'death', 'comes', 'last', 'explore', 'spiritual', 'side', 'make', 'peace', 'harmed', 'max', 'dies', 'mai', 'ling', 'resumes', 'life', 'nun'], [\"'tony\", 'manetta', 'single', 'father', 'widower', 'raising', '11-year-old', 'son', 'ally', 'owning', 'operating', 'small', 'miami', 'beach', 'hotel', 'called', 'garden', 'eden', 'debt', 'given', 'hours', 'bank', 'raise', 'little', '5,000', 'else', 'lose', 'hotel', 'tony', 'desperation', 'tells', 'older', 'brother', 'mario', 'needs', 'loan', 'ally\\\\', 'sake', 'lying', 'boy', 'ill.', 'mario', 'wife', 'sophie', 'promptly', 'fly', 'new', 'york', 'florida', 'find', 'truth', 'tony', 'bum', 'mario\\\\', 'eyes', 'puts', 'time', 'money', 'fanciful', 'schemes', 'rather', 'honest', 'work', 'willing', 'stake', 'tony', 'funds', 'begin', 'sensible', 'small', 'business', 'five-and-ten', 'store', 'tony', 'also', 'set', 'eloise', 'rogers', 'widow', 'acquaintance', 'sophie\\\\', 'seen', 'appropriate', 'companion', 'tony', 'current', 'girlfriend', 'shirl', 'surprise', 'tony', 'impressed', 'eloise', 'son', 'ally', 'takes', 'immediate', 'liking', 'mario', 'offends', 'prying', 'questions', 'husband\\\\', 'finances', 'causing', 'tony', 'confess', 'that\\\\', 'reason', 'introduced', 'eloise', 'reveals', 'tony', 'lost', 'husband', 'son', 'appreciates', 'notion', 'someone', 'needs', 'old', 'pal', 'jerry', 'marks', 'wealthy', 'promoter', 'invites', 'tony', 'party', 'pretending', 'prosperous', 'tony', 'explains', 'idea', 'buy', 'piece', 'land', 'florida', 'open', 'second', 'disneyland', 'jerry', 'seems', 'interested', 'partner', 'takes', 'tony', 'dog-racing', 'track', 'tony', 'uses', '500', 'earned', 'selling', 'car', 'match', 'jerry\\\\', 'large', 'bet', 'dog', 'wins', 'jerry', 'coaxes', 'letting', 'ride', 'next', 'race', 'dog', 'called', 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'place', 'pournami', 'elder', 'daughter', 'family', 'goes', 'missing', 'rumors', 'eloping', 'rampant', 'among', 'villagers', 'much', 'father', 'chagrin', 'pournami', 'younger', 'sister', 'chandrakala', 'never', 'learnt', 'dance', 'father', 'refused', 'teach', 'chandrakala', 'stepmother', 'rules', 'house', 'iron', 'fist', 'rented', 'extra', 'room', 'house', 'earn', 'extra', 'money', 'take', 'room', 'shiva', 'keshava', 'western-style', 'dance', 'instructor', 'film', 'follows', 'chandrakala', 'shiva', 'growing', 'relationship', 'navigate', 'family', 'connections', 'lecherous', 'zamindar', 'prepare', 'next', 'pournami', 'dance', 'ritual'], ['pod', 'country', 'boy', 'moves', 'bangkok', 'despite', 'grandmother', 'warning', \"'ll\", 'grow', 'tail', 'finds', 'small', 'house', 'live', 'takes', 'job', 'sardine', 'cannery', 'getting', 'rides', 'work', 'back', 'motorcycle', 'taxi', 'rider', 'made', 'zombie', 'one', 'day', 'rained', 'motorcycle', 'helmets', \"n't\", 'wearing', 'one', 'one', 'hot', 'day', 'assembly', 'line', 'cannery', 'malfunctions', 'confusion', 'pod', 'chops', 'index', 'finger', 'ends', 'trucked', 'away', 'local', 'grocery', 'store', 'searches', 'everyday', 'buying', 'sardines', 'eventually', 'sees', 'jumping', 'around', 'opens', 'find', 'finger', 'attaches', 'simply', 'pressing', 'place', 'something', 'feel', 'right', 'must', 'someone', 'else', 'finger', 'lunch', 'break', 'recognises', 'finger', 'co-worker', 'getting', 'ready', 'pick', 'nose', 'wrests', 'finger', 'away', 'gives', 'man', 'finger', 'return', 'nose-picker', 'named', 'yod', 'two', 'become', 'friends', 'wishing', 'lose', 'fingers', 'pod', 'quits', 'factory', 'becomes', 'security', 'guard', 'job', 'office', 'meets', 'jin', 'maid', 'nose', 'perpetually', 'buried', 'mysterious', 'white', 'book', 'written', 'foreign', 'language', 'dreams', 'someday', 'understanding', 'book', 'literally', 'landed', 'feet', 'one', 'day', 'still', 'living', 'countryside', 'since', 'trying', 'decipher', 'meaning', 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'plastic', 'mountain', 'finds', 'confesses', 'love', 'kisses', 'overwhelming', 'doubts', 'future', 'six', 'months', 'later', 'mountain', 'picnic', 'lovebirds', 'girl', 'teddy', 'bear', 'marry', 'jin', 'running', 'plastic', 'company', 'ground', 'successful', 'business', 'woman', 'married', 'pod', 'expecting', 'child', 'long', 'list', 'reincarnated', 'animals', 'pod', 'believes', 'child', 'actually', 'grandmother'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'follows', 'girl', 'named', 'jessica', 'attempt', 'get', 'ramsey', 'college', 'fictional', 'college', 'pennsylvania', 'marlon', 'boy', 'tries', 'get', 'ramsey', 'pursue', 'jessica', 'love', 'film', 'starred', 'anthony', 'edwards', 'admissions', 'counselor', 'ramsey', 'corey', 'parker', 'marlon', 'lara', 'flynn', 'boyle', 'jessica'], ['aathi', 'meera', 'fall', 'love', 'usual', 'playful', 'tiffs', 'visit', 'friend', 'village', 'marriage', 'two', 'help', 'friend', 'stand', 'father', 'wed', 'sweetheart', 'instead', 'girl', 'father', 'fixed', 'marriage', 'things', 'aathi', 'father', 'arranges', 'marriage', 'big', 'confusion', 'aathi', 'meera', 'together'], [\"'it\\\\\", 'party', 'chronicles', 'two-day', 'party', 'hosted', 'nick', 'stark', 'diagnosed', 'progressive', 'multifocal', 'leukoencephalopathy', 'fall', 'state', 'mental', 'lapse', 'lasting', 'months', 'death', 'decides', 'instead', 'host', 'party', 'family', 'friends', 'end', 'commit', 'suicide', 'taking', 'seconal', \"won\\\\'t\", 'leave', 'nick', 'asks', 'estranged', 'lover', 'brandon', 'theis', 'shortly', 'revealing', 'results', 'last', 'blood', 'test', 'hiv', \"don\\\\'t\", 'want', 'die', 'alone', 'spite', 'brandon\\\\', 'protestations', 'two', 'soon', 'find', 'love', 'shared', 'many', 'years', 'ruins', 'one', 'year', 'breakup', 'nick', 'confronted', 'ravaged', 'immune', 'system', 'scan', 'lab', 'values', 'along', 'worsening', 'forgetfulness', 'clinches', 'diagnosis', 'progressive', 'multifocal', 'leukoencephalopathy', 'condition', 'seen', 'claim', 'friends', 'one', 'vows', 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'aires', 'mario', 'su찼rez', 'middle-aged', 'theatre', 'director', 'left', 'holed', 'apartment', 'licking', 'wounds', 'girlfriend', 'laura', 'leaves', 'seeking', 'distraction', 'throws', 'next', 'project', 'musical', 'tango', 'one', 'evening', 'meeting', 'backers', 'introduced', 'beautiful', 'young', 'woman', 'elena', 'girlfriend', 'chief', 'investor', 'angelo', 'shady', 'businessman', 'underworld', 'connections', 'angelo', 'asks', 'mario', 'audition', 'elena', 'immediately', 'captivated', 'eventually', 'takes', 'chorus', 'gives', 'leading', 'role', 'affair', 'develops', 'possessive', 'angelo', 'followed', 'threatens', 'dire', 'consequences', 'leaves', 'mirroring', 'mario', 'feelings', 'actions', 'towards', 'laura', 'elena', 'entered', 'life', 'investors', 'unhappy', 'mario', 'dance', 'sequences', \"n't\", 'like', 'routine', 'criticises', 'violent', 'military', 'repression', 'torture', 'past', 'angelo', 'given', 'small', 'part', 'takes', 'seriously', 'lines', 'fact', 'fiction', 'begin', 'blur', 'scene', 'musical', 'showing', 'immigrants', 'newly', 'arrived', 'argentina', 'two', 'men', 'fight', 'character', 'played', 'elena', 'stabbed', 'slowly', 'realise', 'death', 'real'], [\"'marjorie\", 'morgenstern', 'begins', 'film', 'student', 'hunter', 'college', 'girlfriend', 'eligible', 'young', 'man', 'attends', 'family\\\\', 'synagogue', 'parents', 'happy', 'choice', 'mate', 'one', 'evening', 'flirt', 'front', 'morgenstern', 'cooperative', 'apartment', 'mother', 'rose', 'morgenstern', 'tells', 'father', 'arnold', 'hopes', 'two', 'kids', 'marry', 'marjorie', 'breaks', 'boy', 'though', 'summer', 'attends', 'summer', 'camp', 'adirondacks', 'camp', 'counselor', 'one', 'night', 'marjorie', 'friend', 'marsha', 'zelenko', 'sneak', 'across', 'borscht', 'belt', 'resort', 'adults', 'called', 'south', 'wind', 'caught', 'resort', 'owner', 'maxwell', 'greech', 'going', 'get', 'trouble', 'resort', 'social', 'director', 'noel', 'airman', 'vouches', 'guest', 'begins', 'work', 'resort', 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'investment', 'airman\\\\', 'play', 'panned', 'critics', 'crucified', 'someone', 'explains', 'marjorie', 'relationship', 'unable', 'survive', 'airman\\\\', 'incredible', 'failure', 'final', 'scene', 'marjorie', 'back', 'south', 'wind', 'greech', 'notes', 'she\\\\', 'done', 'growing', 'final', 'shot', 'see', 'board', 'bus', 'sit', 'unclear', 'heading', 'see', 'look', 'rearview', 'mirror', 'see', 'wronkin', 'back', 'bus', 'smiles', 'though', 'film', 'ends', 'suggestion', 'embark', 'relationship', 'wronkin', 'hoping', 'beginning'], ['group', 'high', 'school', 'seniors', 'decide', 'create', 'secret', 'society', 'fun', 'cruising', 'around', 'campus', 'pulling', 'pranks', 'poker', 'parties', 'abandoned', 'boiler', 'room', 'however', 'circle', 'decides', 'escalate', 'things', 'cheating', 'exam', 'get', 'mr.', 'spencer', 'runcie', 'convinced', 'cheated', 'prove', 'circle', 'friends', 'every', 'student', 'got', 'sent', 'honor', 'committee', 'someone', 'name', 'one', 'name', 'frazier', 'expelled', 'although', 'runcie', 'say', 'rat', 'circle', 'suspects', 'nerdy', 'faulkner', 'roommate', 'fellow', 'circle', 'member', 'alex', 'helping', 'faulkner', 'impress', 'girl', 'tess', 'love', 'letters', 'assures', 'fellow', 'circle', 'members', 'faulkner', 'rat', 'however', 'one', 'circle', 'members', 'convinced', 'faulker', 'rat', 'faulkner', 'found', 'river', 'dies', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'alex', 'convinced', 'murdered', 'someone', 'circle', 'suspicions', 'rejected', 'administration', 'police', 'get', 'involved', 'one', 'circle', 'member', 'jetson', 'harlow', 'arrested', 'later', 'released', 'circle', 'learns', 'smitty', 'rat', 'decide', 'kidnap', 'smitty', 'force', 'confess', 'murder', 'smitty', 'confesses', 'dressed', 'lady', 'type', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'runcie', 'smitty', 'killed', 'faulkner', 'convinced', 'faulkner', 'knew', 'rat', 'told', 'runcie', 'fact', 'runcie', 'wounded', 'fight', 'smitty', 'police', 'arrive', 'time', 'arrest', 'smitty', 'take', 'runcie', 'hospital', 'able', 'avoid', 'expelled', 'cheating', 'remaining', 'circle', 'friends', 'graduate'], [\"'lifelong\", 'friends', 'deco', 'naldinho', 'share', 'ownership', 'old', 'rusting', 'boat', 'salvador', 'brazil', 'strong', 'bond', 'exists', 'two', 'men', 'transcending', 'racial', 'differences', 'woman', 'come', 'naldinho', 'tells', 'deco', 'deco', 'concurs', 'women', 'world', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'come', 'bond', 'tested', 'men', 'meet', 'karina', 'dancer', 'prostitute', 'karina', 'needs', 'ride', 'offers', 'two', 'men', 'services', 'exchange', 'transport', 'boat', 'little', 'cash', 'emotional', 'entanglements', 'result', 'karina\\\\', 'deal', 'stronger', 'trio', 'expected', 'deco', 'naldinho', 'develop', 'desire', 'possess', 'karina', 'karina\\\\', 'desires', 'subtle', 'though', 'clear', 'feels', 'sisterly', 'affection', 'sexual', 'attraction', 'toward', 'two', 'men'], [\"'priscilla\", 'married', 'artist', 'called', 'leon', 'however', 'leon', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'showing', 'much', 'interest', 'wife', 'hatches', 'plot', 'win', 'back', 'affections', 'ollie', 'plays', 'butler', 'stan', 'arrives', 'door', 'sell', 'paint', 'fight', 'ollie', 'priscilla', 'employs', 'stan', 'make', 'love', 'ensure', 'leon', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'ollie', 'wash', 'dress', 'stan', 'make', 'look', 'presentable', 'enough', 'fool', 'leon', 'dinner', 'party', 'night', 'priscilla', 'admits', 'leon', 'done', 'pulls', 'gun', 'teach', \"\\\\'home-wrecker\\\\\", 'lesson', 'leon', 'corners', 'stan', 'admits', 'he\\\\', 'acting', 'make', 'priscilla', 'think', 'he\\\\', 'really', 'jealous', 'ollie', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'realise', 'chases', 'stan', 'house', 'rifle', 'ollie', 'returns', 'looking', 'shaken', 'police', 'officer', 'follows', 'says', 'nearly', 'blew', 'brains', 'leon', 'priscilla', 'hug'], [\"'while\", 'playing', 'game', 'seven', 'minutes', 'heaven', 'party', '1985', '12-year-old', 'charles', 'chuck', 'logan', 'refuses', 'sex', 'goth', 'girl', 'named', 'anisha', 'retaliation', 'anisha', 'places', 'curse', 'chuck', 'every', 'single', 'woman', 'sleeps', 'break', 'marry', 'next', 'man', 'asks', 'present', 'chuck', 'thirties', 'runs', 'dental', 'practice', 'building', 'best', 'friend', 'stu\\\\', 'plastic', 'surgery', 'business', 'chuck', 'finds', 'unable', 'tell', 'girlfriend', 'carol', 'loves', 'breaks', 'sex', 'beach', 'wedding', 'chuck', 'becomes', 'enamored', 'cam', 'wexler', 'sometimes', 'clumsy', 'friendly', 'marine', 'biologist', 'chuck', 'asks', 'cam', 'date', 'gently', 'refuses', 'working', 'penguin', 'habitat', 'cam', 'accidentally', 'slips', 'chips', 'tooth', 'visits', 'chuck', 'fixed', 'asks', 'instead', 'paying', 'though', 'initially', 'reluctant', 'cam', 'agrees', 'meanwhile', 'stu', 'notices', 'pattern', 'girls', 'getting', 'married', 'soon', 'chuck', 'sex', 'stu', 'eventually', 'convinces', 'chuck', 'embrace', 'influx', 'women', 'learned', 'pattern', 'visit', 'practice', 'arguing', 'there\\\\', 'nothing', 'better', 'lots', 'guilt-free', 'sex', 'however', 'called', 'guilt-free', 'sex', 'numerous', 'women', 'chuck', 'decides', 'wants', 'serious', 'relationship', 'cam', 'however', 'sex', 'stu', 'informs', 'women', 'chuck', 'slept', 'got', 'married', 'including', 'carol', 'worried', 'thing', 'happen', 'cam', 'chuck', 'begins', 'avoid', 'stu', 'convinces', 'chuck', 'test', 'curse', 'sex', 'obese', 'woman', 'see', 'marries', 'afterward', 'chuck', 'asks', 'stu', 'ask', 'woman', 'see', 'results', 'marriage', 'chuck', 'concludes', 'curse', 'fake', 'sex', 'cam', 'afterward', 'however', 'stu', 'confesses', 'pretended', 'ask', 'woman', 'chuck', 'discovers', 'indeed', 'got', 'married', 'another', 'man', 'chuck', 'believes', 'cam', 'wants', 'howard', 'authored', 'book', 'penguins', 'chuck', 'attempts', 'track', 'anisha', 'married', 'child', 'anisha', 'tells', 'chuck', 'curse', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'meant', 'real', 'still', 'convinced', 'cam', 'hang', 'chuck', 'tries', 'desperately', 'get', 'cam\\\\', 'attention', 'asks', 'marry', 'attempts', 'though', 'cause', 'cam', 'become', 'convinced', 'he\\\\', 'stalking', 'breaks', 'deciding', 'let', 'fate', 'take', 'course', 'chuck', 'puts', 'cam', 'touch', 'howard', 'two', 'seem', 'connect', 'instantly', 'stu', 'convinces', 'chuck', 'chase', 'cam', 'headed', 'antarctica', 'howard', 'chuck', 'finds', 'cam', 'reveals', 'howard', 'already', 'married', 'someone', 'else', 'she\\\\', 'leaving', 'week', 'chuck', 'hands', 'cam', 'ring', 'box', 'containing', 'pebble', 'reference', 'penguin', 'mating', 'ritual', 'male', 'penguin', 'finds', 'stone', 'brings', 'female', 'penguin', 'wants', 'anisha', 'shown', 'pulling', 'pin', 'voodoo', 'doll', 'curse', 'finally', 'broken', 'year', 'later', 'chuck', 'cam', 'antarctica', 'together', 'surrounded', 'penguins'], ['selleck', 'plays', 'phil', 'blackwood', 'american', 'mystery', 'novelist', 'comes', 'across', 'dazzling', 'romanian', 'murder', 'suspect', 'named', 'nina', 'arraigned', 'courtroom', 'visiting', 'instantly', 'falling', 'blackwood', 'poses', 'roman', 'catholic', 'priest', 'order', 'meet', 'held', 'pending', 'continued', 'arraignment', 'help', 'friend', 'sam', 'blackwood', 'invents', 'alibi', 'nina', 'secure', 'release', 'nina', 'takes', 'residence', 'blackwood', 'serving', 'inspiration', 'novel', 'decide', 'fate', 'sam', 'careers', 'writing', 'publishing', 'evading', 'operatives', 'communist', 'romania', 'climax', 'film', 'takes', 'place', 'funeral', 'grimaldi', 'jovial', 'memorial', 'service', 'many', 'clowns', 'gather', 'celebrate', 'life', 'joseph', 'grimaldi', 'although', 'porizkova', 'best-known', 'film', 'appearance', 'role', 'nina', 'alibi', 'earned', '1990', 'golden', 'raspberry', 'nomination', 'worst', 'actress'], ['following', 'wedding', 'young', 'jenny', 'piper', 'arthur', 'fitton', 'rowdy', 'reception', 'held', 'local', 'pub', 'newlyweds', 'subjected', 'much', 'well-meaning', 'vulgar', 'ribaldry', 'couple', 'returns', 'fitton', 'home', 'spend', 'first', 'night', 'together', 'leaving', 'honeymoon', 'majorca', 'followed', 'wedding', 'guests', 'keep', 'party', 'going', 'early', 'morning', 'worse', 'yet', 'youngsters', 'finally', 'permitted', 'retire', 'bed', 'collapses', 'result', 'practical', 'joke', 'next', 'day', 'discover', 'travel', 'agent', 'sold', 'tickets', 'majorca', 'absconded', 'money', 'stranded', 'rainy', 'england', 'days', 'pass', 'weeks', 'crowded', 'fitton', 'home', 'marriage', 'remains', 'unconsummated', 'strain', 'couple', 'steadily', 'worsens', 'arthur', 'working', 'nights', 'cinema', 'projectionist', 'jenny', 'spending', 'days', 'behind', 'record', 'counter', 'knowing', 'turn', 'arthur', 'visits', 'marriage', 'counsellor', 'even', 'disastrous', 'effect', 'interview', 'overheard', 'gossipy', 'charwoman', 'young', 'couple', 'unfulfilled', 'marriage', 'becomes', 'major', 'topic', 'public', 'gossip', 'arthur', 'becomes', 'butt', 'scornful', 'jokes', 'boss', 'mr.', 'thompson', 'volunteers', 'satisfy', 'jenny', 'marital', 'needs', 'enraged', 'arthur', 'strikes', 'boss', 'returns', 'home', 'berate', 'jenny', 'disclosing', 'secret', 'result', 'quarrel', 'mutual', 'inhibitions', 'dispelled', 'make', 'love', 'first', 'time', 'find', 'a.b.t.a', 'bond', 'returned', 'holiday', 'money', 'following', 'day', 'arthur', 'encouraged', 'mother', 'ask', 'father', 'financial', 'assistance', 'payment', 'house', 'jenny', 'money', 'gladly', 'granted', 'jenny', 'arthur', 'leave', 'belated', 'honeymoon'], [\"'joe\", 'macgonaughgill', 'lucy', 'ackerman', 'roommates', 'best', 'friends', 'living', 'small', 'manhattan', 'apartment', 'lucy', 'turning', 'thirty', 'love', 'life', 'embarrassingly', 'dull', 'joe', 'hand', 'infatuated', 'attractive', 'neighbor', 'jane', 'lucy', 'decides', 'form', 'death', 'pact', 'joe', 'like', 'they\\\\', 'back', 'college', 'find', 'true', 'love', 'time', 'lucy', 'turns', 'thirty', 'jump', 'brooklyn', 'bridge', 'jane', 'comes', 'artwork', 'show', 'joe\\\\', 'joe', 'finally', 'gathers', 'courage', 'ask', 'lucy', 'begins', 'dating', 'bwick', 'elias', 'weirdo', 'artist', 'paints', 'body', 'parts', 'joe', 'soon', 'realizes', 'jane', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'thought', 'ought', 'bwick', 'also', 'turns', 'joe', 'lucy', 'point', 'joe', 'lucy', 'realize', 'perfect'], ['way', 'chennai', 'bala', 'srikanth', 'bag', 'certificates', 'get', 'stolen', 'train', 'look', 'endears', 'petty', 'shop', 'owner', 'sundaram', 'provides', 'accommodation', 'along', 'bachelors', 'top', 'portion', 'house', 'malar', 'stays', 'opposite', 'house', 'bachelors', 'crazy', 'scared', 'handsome', 'generous', 'bala', 'try', 'woo', 'hatch', 'plot', 'frame', 'malar', 'two', 'brothers', 'beat', 'black', 'blue', 'three', 'strangers', 'claim', 'true', 'friends', 'hyderabad', 'save', 'unconscious', 'bala', 'true', 'identity', 'bala', 'told', 'flashback', 'friends', 'rich', 'son', 'industrialist', 'malar', 'saves', 'bala', 'accident', 'soon', 'love', 'brothers', 'take', 'back', 'chennai', 'sister', 'already', 'eloped', 'someone', 'brothers', 'want', 'commit', 'mistake', 'make', 'promise', 'marry', 'someone', 'choice', 'another', 'secret', 'nobody', 'knows', 'malar', 'suffering', 'brain', 'disease', 'die', 'soon', 'bala', 'comes', 'stay', 'opposite', 'house', 'see', 'make', 'happy', 'till', 'end'], [\"'buster\", 'sidewalk', 'tintype', 'portrait', 'photographer', 'develops', 'crush', 'sally', 'secretary', 'works', 'mgm', 'newsreels', 'near', 'purchases', 'old', 'film', 'camera', 'emptying', 'bank', 'account', 'attempts', 'get', 'job', 'one', 'mgm\\\\', 'filmers', 'harold', 'harold', 'goodwin', 'mgm', 'cameraman', 'designs', 'sally', 'mocks', 'ambition', 'sally', 'however', 'encourages', 'buster', 'suggests', 'film', 'anything', 'everything', 'buster\\\\', 'first', 'attempts', 'show', 'total', 'lack', 'experience', 'double', 'exposes', 'exposes', 'much', 'footage', 'rest', 'simply', 'good', 'despite', 'setback', 'sally', 'agrees', 'buster', 'sunday', 'date', 'cancels', 'city', 'plunge', 'buster', 'gets', 'involved', 'numerous', 'mishaps', 'later', 'harold', 'offers', 'sally', 'ride', 'home', 'buster', 'sit', 'rumble', 'seat', 'gets', 'drenched', 'rain', 'next', 'day', 'sally', 'gives', 'hot', 'tip', 'received', 'something', 'big', 'going', 'happen', 'chinatown', 'rush', 'get', 'accidentally', 'runs', 'organ', 'grinder', 'falls', 'apparently', 'kills', 'monkey', 'nearby', 'cop', 'makes', 'buster', 'pay', 'monkey', 'take', 'body', 'monkey', 'turns', 'dazed', 'joins', 'buster', 'venture', 'chinatown', 'buster', 'films', 'outbreak', 'tong', 'war', 'narrowly', 'escaping', 'death', 'several', 'occasions', 'end', 'rescued', 'tong', 'members', 'timely', 'arrival', 'police', 'led', 'cop', 'unintentional', 'victim', 'several', 'buster\\\\', 'antics', 'last', 'days', 'cop', 'tries', 'committed', 'mental', 'hospital', 'buster', 'makes', 'escape', 'camera', 'intact', 'returning', 'mgm', 'buster', 'newsreel', 'company\\\\', 'boss', 'dismayed', 'find', 'apparently', 'forgot', 'load', 'film', 'camera', 'sally', 'finds', 'trouble', 'giving', 'buster', 'tip', 'buster', 'offers', 'make', 'amends', 'leaving', 'mgm', 'alone', 'buster', 'returns', 'old', 'job', 'give', 'filming', 'setting', 'record', 'boat', 'race', 'discovers', 'tong', 'footage', 'mischievous', 'monkey', 'switched', 'reels', 'sally', 'harold', 'speeding', 'along', 'one', 'boats', 'harold', 'makes', 'sharp', 'turn', 'two', 'thrown', 'river', 'harold', 'saves', 'sally', 'trapped', 'circling', 'boat', 'buster', 'jumps', 'rescues', 'buster', 'rushes', 'drug', 'store', 'get', 'medical', 'supplies', 'revive', 'harold', 'returns', 'takes', 'credit', 'rescue', 'two', 'leaving', 'broken-hearted', 'buster', 'behind', 'buster', 'decides', 'send', 'tong', 'footage', 'mgm', 'free', 'charge', 'boss', 'decides', 'screen', 'harold', 'sally', 'laughs', 'thrilled', 'sees', 'calling', 'best', 'camerawork', 'seen', 'years', 'also', 'see', 'footage', 'buster\\\\', 'rescue', 'sally', 'boss', 'sends', 'sally', 'get', 'buster', 'tells', 'great', 'reception', 'buster', 'assumes', 'ticker-tape', 'parade', 'honor', 'whereas', 'really', 'charles', 'lindbergh'], ['santosh', 'playful', 'young', 'nri', 'london', 'returns', 'india', 'attend', 'cousin', 'lali', 'wedding', 'meets', 'one', 'lalita', 'friends', 'siri', 'came', 'countryside', 'attend', 'marriage', 'though', 'initially', 'clash', 'series', 'misadventures', 'fall', 'love', 'santosh', 'however', 'supposed', 'marry', 'spoiled', 'daughter', 'uncle', 'friend', 'siri', 'goes', 'back', 'home', 'santosh', 'follows', 'win', 'however', 'siri', 'over-protecting', 'brother', 'krishna', 'less', 'happy', 'promises', 'santosh', 'give', 'blessings', 'wedding', 'santosh', 'manages', 'produce', 'harvest', 'santosh', 'accepts', 'challenge', 'starts', 'learning', 'farming', 'however', 'son', 'friend', 'krishna', 'secretly', 'love', 'siri', 'father', 'asks', 'krishna', 'siri', 'hand', 'marriage', 'son', 'krishna', \"n't\", 'give', 'consent', 'brooding', 'jealousy', 'wannabe-fianc챕', 'kidnaps', 'siri', 'santosh', 'wins', 'farming', 'challenge', 'santosh', 'chases', 'kidnapers', 'kills', 'wannabe-fianc챕', 'siri', 'brother', 'srihari', 'take', 'blame', 'murder', 'jail', 'couple', 'gets', 'married', 'srihari', 'gets', 'released', 'jail', 'movie', 'ends', 'rejoining', 'family', 'members'], [\"'following\", 'death', 'manu', 'car', 'accident', 'film', 'relates', 'interwoven', 'stories', 'several', 'people', 'become', 'indirectly', 'connected', 'events', 'aftermath', 'crash'], [\"'the\", 'small', 'maritime', 'island', 'town', 'wilby', 'preparing', 'annual', 'fair', 'scandal', 'threatens', 'rock', 'foundation', 'local', 'newspaper', 'publish', 'details', 'names', 'men', 'caught', 'police', 'raid', 'wilby', 'watch', 'one', 'remaining', 'undeveloped', 'area', 'island', 'citation', 'needed', 'scandal', 'force', 'characters', 'reevaluate', 'lives', 'come', 'terms', 'secrets', 'lies', 'citation', 'needed'], ['young', 'woman', 'named', 'elaine', 'husband', 'david', 'walker', 'meet', 'lonely', 'fifteen', 'year-old', 'chet', 'becker', 'ice-cream', 'shop', 'time', 'couple', 'becomes', 'friendly', 'chet', 'develops', 'crush', 'elaine', 'culminates', 'one', 'night', 'stand', 'elaine', 'later', 'confesses', 'infidelity', 'david', 'marriage', 'destroyed', 'affair', 'movie', 'also', 'represented', 'debut', 'bryce', 'dallas', 'howard'], ['heart', 'canadian', 'wilderness', 'sultry', 'sexually', 'assertive', 'vixen', 'becomes', 'quickly', 'bored', 'husband', 'tom', 'wilderness', 'guide/pilot', 'leaves', 'mountains', 'hypersexual', 'vixen', 'vents', 'frustration', 'attempting', 'seduce', 'anyone', 'within', 'reach', 'including', 'couple', 'husband', 'bring', 'home', 'clients', 'mountie', 'eventually', 'brother', 'witnessing', 'vixen', 'exploits', 'throughout', 'film', 'ends', 'veering', 'political', 'satire', 'vixen', 'racism', 'creeping', 'threat', 'communism', 'discussed', 'length', 'among', 'characters', 'film', 'draws', 'end', 'end', 'film', 'husband', 'brings', 'another', 'couple', 'home', 'vixen', 'smiles', 'apparently', 'planning', 'seduce'], [\"'jim\", 'perennially', 'gloomy', 'year-old', 'aspiring', 'novelist', 'goshen', 'indiana', 'moved', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'hopes', 'finding', 'success', 'writing', 'two', 'years', 'barely', 'making', 'living', 'dog', 'walker', 'defeatedly', 'decides', 'move', 'back', 'home', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'goshen', 'jim\\\\', 'year-old', 'brother', 'tim', 'recently', 'divorced', 'father', 'two', 'young', 'girls', 'whose', 'business', 'recently', 'failed', 'tim', 'moved', 'back', 'parents\\\\', 'home', 'works', 'ladder', 'factory', 'that\\\\', 'owned', 'operated', 'pessimistic', 'father', 'overly', 'cheerful', 'mother', 'sally', 'jim', 'interest', 'family', 'business', 'resists', 'pressure', 'start', 'working', 'jim', 'meets', 'anika', 'nurse', 'bar', 'end', 'sex', 'hospital', 'bed', 'though', 'jim', 'finishes', 'embarrassingly', 'early', 'argument', 'two', 'brothers', 'whose', 'life', 'pathetic', 'far', 'tim', 'previously', 'made', 'repeated', 'unsuccessful', 'attempts', 'commit', 'suicide', 'drives', 'car', 'tree', 'hopes', 'ending', 'life', 'gravely', 'injured', 'hospitalized', 'jim', 'finally', 'gives', 'don\\\\', 'pressure', 'work', 'factory', 'taking', 'tim\\\\', 'duties', 'also', 'takes', 'tim\\\\', 'job', 'coach', 'girls', 'basketball', 'team', 'team', 'scored', 'single', 'point', 'last', 'games', 'includes', 'tim\\\\', 'daughters', 'visiting', 'tim', 'hospital', 'jim', 'runs', 'anika', 'works', 'another', 'department', 'arrange', 'date', 'arriving', 'collect', 'discovers', 'single', 'mother', 'relationship', 'progresses', 'however', 'anika', 'sympathetic', 'jim\\\\', 'problems', 'decides', 'stand', 'encouragement', 'even', 'tries', 'convince', 'it\\\\', 'best', 'interest', 'around', 'ladder', 'factory', 'jim', 'encounters', 'uncle', 'stacy', 'prefers', 'called', 'evil', 'jim', 'seeks', 'advice', 'evil', 'premature', 'ejaculation', 'become', 'friends', 'sort', 'evil', 'offers', 'jim', 'recreational', 'drugs', 'asks', 'jim', 'open', 'checking', 'account', 'pay', 'things', 'mail', 'evil', 'gives', 'jim', '4,000', 'saying', 'saved-up', 'birthday', 'christmas', 'presents', 'jim\\\\', 'mother', 'sally', 'arrested', 'dea', 'officers', 'allegedly', 'shipping', 'illegal', 'drugs', 'store\\\\', 'fedex', 'account', 'transpires', 'evil', 'drug', 'dealer', 'jim', 'persuade', 'confess', 'evil', 'points', 'jim', 'implicated', 'tries', 'report', 'evil', 'opened', 'account', 'evil\\\\', 'cash', 'test', 'positive', 'drug', 'use', 'eternal', 'optimist', 'sally', 'finds', 'happiness', 'new', 'surroundings', 'makes', 'friends', 'fellow', 'prisoners', 'eventually', 'released', 'bail', 'despite', 'working', 'job', 'hates', 'feeling', 'responsible', 'mother\\\\', 'imprisonment', 'jim', 'slowly', 'allows', 'monumental', 'depression', 'dismantled', 'anika', 'finds', 'believing', 'life', 'worth', 'living', 'jim', 'invites', 'anika', 'son', 'move', 'new', 'orleans', 'jim', 'vacillates', 'offended', 'seems', 'cards', 'jim', 'finally', 'decides', 'leave', 'town', 'new', 'orleans', 'leaving', 'note', 'parents', 'promising', 'take', 'love', 'granted', 'revealing', 'evil', 'drug', 'dealer', 'anika', 'shows', 'bus', 'station', 'say', 'good-bye', 'seems', 'jim', 'miss', 'opportunity', 'reconcile', 'jim', 'departs', 'bus', 'anika', 'drives', 'home', 'son', 'jim', 'seen', 'running', 'luggage', 'hand'], [\"'phillip\", 'left', 'high', 'school', 'make', 'fortune', 'returns', 'midwest', 'hometown', 'cuba', 'reputation', 'made', 'southern', 'california', 'movie', 'industry', 'karen', 'black', 'plays', 'phillip\\\\', 'mom', 'natasha', 'gregson', 'wagner', 'plays', 'phillip\\\\', 'special', 'needs', 'sister', 'sarah', 'ruth', 'film', 'opens', 'two', 'locals', 'highway', 'vests', 'marked', 'animal', 'control', 'pick', 'dog', 'carcass', 'main', 'road', 'phillip', 'arrives', 'back', 'taxi', 'town\\\\', 'theater', 'boarded', 'ten', 'years', 'foster\\\\', 'freeze', 'still', 'open', 'business', 'everyone', 'including', 'local', 'police', 'officer', 'seems', 'remember', 'phillip', 'dorothy', 'high', 'school', 'cheerleader', 'object', 'phillip\\\\', 'romantic', 'desire', 'engaged', 'suicide', 'gesture', 'one', 'point', 'film\\\\', 'script', 'begins', 'film', 'starts', 'dorothy', 'on-and-off', 'romance', 'curtis', 'lasky', 'lasky', 'another', 'former', 'high', 'school', 'bully', 'run', 'tow', 'car', 'service', 'fantasize', 'opening', 'appliance', 'dealership', 'dorothy', 'two', 'high', 'school', 'friends', 'operate', 'hair', 'salon', 'blessed', 'william', 'runs', 'cigar', 'store', 'town', 'cuba', 'everybody', 'small', 'town', 'knows', 'everyone', 'else\\\\', 'personal', 'life', 'small', 'town', 'stereotypes', 'propagated', 'incest', 'people', 'recite', 'scripture', 'memory', 'drawls', 'chew', 'tobacco', 'brawl', 'often', 'alcoholic'], ['aravindhan', 'chandru', 'krishnamurthy', 'value', 'friendship', 'everything', 'else', 'even', 'family', 'reason', 'chandru', 'resists', 'advances', 'aravindan', 'sister', 'amutha', 'trio', 'take', 'painter', 'job', 'mansion', 'aravindan', 'falls', 'love', 'padmini', 'lives', 'padmini', 'jealous', 'cousin', 'abhirami', 'makes', 'believe', 'overtures', 'reciprocated', 'truth', 'revealed', 'padmini', 'rejects', 'outright', 'chandru', 'stands', 'friend', 'speaks', 'ill', 'makes', 'swear', 'separate', 'friends', 'marriage', 'aravindan', 'realises', 'hand', 'abhinaya', 'behind', 'mishaps', 'padmini', 'realises', 'chandru', 'innocent', 'marriage', 'chandru', 'amutha', 'arranged', 'cousin', 'aravindan', 'love', 'amutha', 'young', 'age', 'tries', 'separate', 'pair', 'makes', 'chandru', 'believe', 'padmini', 'trying', 'kill', 'amutha', 'padmini', 'angry', 'chandru', 'last', 'aravindan', 'tells', 'truth', 'small', 'ages', 'chandru', 'mentally', 'challenged', 'brother', 'unknowingly', 'killed', 'aravindan', 'cousin', 'aravindan', 'records', 'makes', 'heard', 'chandru', 'chandru', 'aravindan', 'ways', 'aravindan', 'tries', 'convince', 'chandru', 'falls', 'top', 'mountain', 'chandru', 'believes', 'aravindan', 'dead', 'feels', 'much', 'years', 'later', 'comes', 'meet', 'aravindan', 'family', 'find', 'aravindan', 'dead', 'end', 'coma', 'cousin', 'torturing', 'family', 'lot', 'comes', 'know', 'chandru', 'comeback', 'goes', 'starts', 'beat', 'hearing', 'beloved', 'friend', 'chandru', 'cry', 'pain', 'aravindan', 'gets', 'memory', 'back', 'aravindan', 'beats', 'cousin', 'rejoin', 'live', 'happily', 'movie', 'breakthrough', 'vijay', 'career', 'actually', 'real', 'first', 'cast', 'among', 'heroines', 'jyothika', 'suvalakshmi', 'later', 'came', 'hands', 'devayani', 'vijayalakshmi', 'respectively'], [\"'alicia\", 'apparently', 'conservative', 'girl', 'marry', 'life', 'takes', 'unexpected', 'route', 'party', 'wedding', 'meets', 'stripper', 'hired', 'ana', 'jealous', 'friend', 'alicia', 'boyfriend', 'upset', 'special', 'day', 'surprising', 'everyone', 'alicia', 'still', 'decides', 'follow', 'guy', 'rivalry', 'among', 'ana', 'alicia', 'thus', 'transformed', 'strong', 'friendship', 'show', 'independent', 'women'], ['summer', 'pozzi', 'chicago-based', 'flight', 'attendant', 'unnamed', 'airline', 'mentally', 'preparing', 'quit', 'job', 'marry', 'jim', 'soon-to-be', 'airline', 'pilot', 'boyfriend', 'layover', 'gets', 'phone', 'call', 'asking', 'transfer', 'san', 'francisco', 'jim', 'tells', 'refused', 'take', 'final', 'exam', 'pilot', 'unable', 'lives', 'many', 'passengers', 'shoulders', 'shaken', 'disappointed', 'summer', 'decides', 'ahead', 'transfer', 'promises', 'fall', 'another', 'man', 'quickly', 'san', 'francisco', 'moves', 'small', 'apartment', 'three', 'flight', 'attendants', 'one', 'supposed', 'moving', 'portia', 'posh', 'insecure', 'british', 'girl', 'undergoing', 'eternal', 'makeover', 'kate', 'bitchy', 'ever', 'since', 'summer', 'reprimanded', 'previous', 'flight', 'lucas', 'summer', 'immediately', 'one-night', 'stand', 'layover', 'later', 'meets', 'julian', 'captain', 'dreams', 'immediately', 'love', 'based', 'hong', 'kong', 'meeting', 'every', 'week', 'new', 'york', 'poses', 'challenge', 'come', 'end', 'suddenly', 'realizes', 'actions', 'cost', 'one', 'friends', 'job', 'maybe', 'even', 'someone', 'else', 'life', 'sees', 'julian', 'anything', 'perfect', 'man', 'appeared'], [\"'in\", '1950s', 'dorothy', 'nelson', 'joins', 'united', 'states', 'navy', 'meets', 'friends', 'dorothy', 'code', 'name', 'group', 'gay', 'lesbian', 'sailors', 'nelson', 'meets', 'billy', 'takes', 'interracial', 'nightclub', 'tolerates', 'gay', 'people', 'however', 'ncis', 'raids', 'nightclub', 'nelson', 'among', 'servicemembers', 'receive', 'section', 'discharge', 'sexual', 'perversion', 'returning', 'homer', 'tries', 'restart', 'life', 'public', 'school', 'teacher', 'section', 'discharge', 'prevents', 'getting', 'job', 'homosexuality', 'becomes', 'public', 'knowledge', 'mother', 'expels', 'house', 'forcing', 'seek', 'shelter', 'family', 'friend\\\\', 'grocery', 'store', 'however', 'townspeople', 'disapprove', 'arrangement', 'nelson', 'becomes', 'homeless', 'independent-minded', 'woman', 'named', 'janet', 'local', 'diner', 'defends', 'verbal', 'harassment', 'advises', 'nelson', 'bohemian', 'greenwich', 'village', 'place', 'might', 'free', 'second', 'story', 'flashes', 'forward', 'town', 'homer', '1970s', 'towards', 'end', 'vietnam', 'war', 'closeted', 'gay', 'high', 'school', 'french', 'language', 'teacher', 'mr.', 'roberts', 'steven', 'weber', 'student', 'named', 'tobias', 'nicknamed', 'toby', 'verge', 'coming', 'closet', 'suspects', 'wishes', 'confide', 'roberts', 'must', 'keep', 'homosexuality', 'secret', 'fear', 'losing', 'job', 'live-in', 'boyfriend', 'pressures', 'set', 'good', 'example', 'students', 'illustrating', 'importance', 'tolerance', 'justice', 'tobias', 'visits', 'prostitute', 'advice', 'swimming', 'coach', 'idea', 'help', 'become', 'man', 'rather', 'instead', 'gives', 'good', 'advice', 'tobias', 'sexually', 'assaulted', 'bullies', 'discovered', 'roberts', 'roberts', 'comes', 'students', 'lectures', 'evils', 'bias-motivated', 'hatred', 'tobias', 'graduates', 'high', 'school', 'leaves', 'homer', 'attend', 'college', 'big', 'city', 'final', 'short', 'story', 'takes', 'place', 'present', 'day', 'father', 'townspeople', 'come', 'terms', 'fact', 'two', 'men', 'getting', 'married', 'commitment', 'ceremony', 'held', 'town', 'father', 'planning', 'lead', 'protest', 'march', 'wedding', 'son', 'amos', 'nervous', 'getting', 'married', 'going', 'cultural', 'stereotype', 'gay', 'men', 'film', 'ends', 'positive', 'note', 'father', 'son', 'reconciling', 'wedding', 'taking', 'place', 'scheduled'], ['1840', 'girl', 'named', 'amiran', 'kidnapped', 'home', 'faizabad', 'dilawar', 'khan', 'sent', 'jail', 'based', 'upon', 'evidence', 'presented', 'amiran', 'father', 'take', 'revenge', 'kidnaps', 'amiran', 'sells', 'brothel', 'lucknow', 'run', 'khannum', 'jaan', 'bua', 'hussaini', 'maulvi', 'sahib', 'adopt', 'amiran', 'treat', 'daughter', 'company', 'khurshid', 'bismillah', 'one', 'courtesan', 'sons', 'gauhar', 'mirza', 'amiran', 'learns', 'art', 'courtesan', 'tawaif', 'girl', 'turns', 'elegant', 'poetic', 'beauty', 'name', 'umrao', 'jaan', 'umrao', 'beauty', 'poetry', 'enough', 'catch', 'eye', 'nawab', 'sultan', 'two', 'begin', 'passionate', 'romance', 'father', 'hears', 'relationship', 'disowns', 'nawab', 'sultan', 'life', 'wealth', 'property', 'penniless', 'nawab', 'goes', 'stay', 'house', 'uncle', 'judge', 'ghari', 'sort', 'umrao', 'left', 'desolate', 'without', 'prays', 'every', 'day', 'return', 'nawab', 'absence', 'umrao', 'catches', 'eye', 'faiz', 'ali', 'though', 'rejects', 'romantic', 'advances', 'determinedly', 'pursues', 'eventually', 'asks', 'accompany', 'home', 'daulatabad', 'umrao', 'accepts', 'learns', 'traveling', 'ghari', 'along', 'way', 'whole', 'party', 'arrested', 'confrontation', 'faiz', 'ali', 'men', 'group', 'state', 'soldiers', 'faiz', 'ali', 'revealed', 'dacoit', 'soldiers', 'pursued', 'years', 'nawab', 'sultan', 'hears', 'umrao', 'faiz', 'ali', 'ghari', 'goes', 'meet', 'faiz', 'ali', 'prison', 'faiz', 'ali', 'realizes', 'umrao', 'accompanied', 'could', 'meet', 'nawab', 'manipulates', 'information', 'concerning', 'time', 'umrao', 'implies', 'nawab', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'nawab', 'confronts', 'umrao', 'feeling', 'betrayed', 'shuns', 'sends', 'back', 'lucknow', 'heartbroken', 'umrao', 'returns', 'old', 'life', 'fate', 'plans', 'drunken', 'state', 'childhood', 'friend', 'gauhar', 'mirza', 'always', 'love', 'becomes', 'frustrated', 'rejecting', 'advances', 'rapes', 'soon', 'british', 'attack', 'city', 'forced', 'leave', 'lucknow', 'refugees', 'separate', 'decides', 'faizabad', 'childhood', 'home', 'learns', 'father', 'long', 'dead', 'meets', 'mother', 'brother', 'refuse', 'accept', 'profession', 'umrao', 'rejected', 'family', 'lover', 'leaves', 'return', 'lucknow', 'fate', 'plays', 'another', 'joke', 'way', 'city', 'encounters', 'dilawar', 'khan', 'man', 'kidnapped', 'sold', 'brothel', 'child', 'poor', 'wretched', 'homeless', 'injured', 'man', 'begs', 'money', 'recognizing', 'gives', 'gold', 'bangles', 'implied', 'forgives', 'ostracized', 'forgiven', 'destroyed', 'life', 'umrao', 'lives', 'rest', 'days', 'lucknow', 'poetry', 'ill', 'fate'], ['jimmy', 'shannon', 'partner', 'financial', 'brokerage', 'firm', 'brink', 'financial', 'ruin', 'presented', 'grandfather', 'according', 'bequeathed', 'seven', 'million', 'dollars', 'condition', 'marry', '7:00', 'p.m.', '27th', 'birthday', 'happens', 'day', 'shannon', 'help', 'partner', 'lawyer', 'must', 'find', 'bride'], [\"'as\", 'christmas', 'season', 'approaches', 'ian', 'invited', 'father', 'richie', 'join', 'skiing', 'holiday', 'park', 'city', 'utah', 'ian', 'convinces', 'several', 'friends', 'come', 'along', 'jon', 'brings', 'along', 'german', 'girlfriend', 'carla', 'competition', 'german', 'ski', 'instructor', 'hans', 'another', 'friend', 'david', 'gay', 'wants', 'lose', 'virginity', 'keaton', 'discovers', 'sister', 'jane', 'pregnant', 'plans', 'tell', 'man', 'might', 'father', 'keaton', 'also', 'issues', 'friend', 'lisa', 'wants', 'relationship', 'become', 'romantic'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'mysterious', 'gypsy-like', 'musician', 'leading', 'crowds', 'waterloo', 'station', 'london', 'dance', 'title', 'song', 'station', 'two', 'strangers', 'rikki', 'thukral', 'alvira', 'khan', 'wait', 'respective', 'friends', 'arriving', 'train', 'rikki', 'fun-loving', 'punjabi', 'bhatinda', 'lives', 'southall', 'alvira', 'sexy', 'elite', 'class', 'pakistani', 'lahore', 'assimilated', 'british', 'culture', 'two', 'share', 'table', 'caf챕', 'together', 'kill', 'time', 'talk', 'met', 'partners-to-be', 'rikki', 'says', 'met', 'fianc챕', 'anaida', 'raza', 'h척tel', 'ritz', 'paris', 'night', 'diana', 'princess', 'wales', 'dodi', 'al-fayed', 'left', 'hotel', 'take', 'last', 'journey', 'together', 'rikki', 'explains', 'two', 'lovers', 'die', 'another', 'two', 'born', 'fell', 'love', 'anaida', 'night', 'alvira', 'says', 'met', 'fianc챕', 'dashing', 'lawyer', 'steve', 'singh', 'madame', 'tussauds', 'london', 'saved', 'death', 'falling', 'superman', 'wax', 'model', 'encounter', 'changed', 'life', 'smitten', 'lawyer', 'also', 'helped', 'sue', 'madame', 'tussauds', 'substantial', 'damages', 'rikki', 'alvira', 'talk', 'begin', 'enjoy', 'other\\\\', 'company', 'different', 'backgrounds', 'cease', 'matter', 'exchange', 'numbers', 'meet', 'partners', 'however', 'revealed', 'gone', 'meet', 'respective', 'partners', 'rikki', 'fact', 'train', 'station', 'meet', 'business', 'partner', 'alvira', 'meeting', 'relatives', 'leave', 'station', 'separately', 'realize', 'love', 'believe', 'love', 'unrequited', 'two', 'get', 'touch', 'alvira', 'calls', 'rikki', 'pretending', 'wrong', 'number', 'decide', 'meet', 'disco', 'dance', 'competition', 'try', 'maintain', 'engaged', 'desperation', 'rikki', 'hires', 'laila', 'prostitute', 'pose', 'anaida', 'alvira', 'asks', 'satvinder', 'pretend', 'steve', 'four', 'meet', 'club', 'take', 'part', 'dance', 'competition', 'throwing', 'insults', 'rikki', 'laila', 'emerge', 'winners', 'alvira', 'jealous', 'storms', 'tears', 'satvinder', 'goes', 'rikki\\\\', 'flat', 'tells', 'fallen', 'love', 'laila', 'also', 'tells', 'alvira', 'engaged', 'rikki', 'realising', 'happened', 'goes', 'see', 'alvira', 'first', 'moping', 'bed', 'later', 'tries', 'convince', 'cousin', 'marry', 'rikki', 'calls', 'neighbor\\\\', 'window', 'film', 'ends', 'mysterious', 'gypsy', 'musician', 'showing', 'rikki', 'alvira', 'invented', 'stories', 'non-existent', 'lovers', 'taking', 'inspiration', 'alvira\\\\', 'newspaper', 'rikki\\\\', 'comic', 'book'], ['rajveer', 'singh', 'immense', 'passion', 'stock', 'car', 'racing', 'dreams', 'making', 'big', 'racecourse', 'discovered', 'manager', 'harry', 'meets', 'radhika', 'shekar', 'rai', 'banerjee', 'instantly', 'falls', 'joins', 'speeding', 'saddles', 'failing', 'race', 'team', 'transforms', 'rajveer', 'singh', 'race', 'car', 'driver', 'wins', 'first', 'race', 'keeps', 'winning', 'making', 'quite', 'wealthy', 'started', 'innocent', 'love', 'blossoms', 'serious', 'relationship', 'months', 'pass', 'radhika', 'great', 'pianist', 'majoring', 'music', 'columbia', 'university', 'whereas', 'rajveer', 'degree', 'education', 'background', 'lack', 'education', 'planning', 'earns', 'disapproval', 'radhika', 'father', 'subho', 'shekar', 'rai', 'banerjee', 'radhika', 'leaves', 'father', 'marries', 'forgets', 'degree', 'takes', 'job', 'wealthy', 'housewife', 'radhika', 'shekar', 'rai', 'banerjee', 'turns', 'shona', 'family', 'complete', 'birth', 'two', 'beautiful', 'children', 'priya', 'aka', 'princess', 'ranveer', 'aka', 'champ', 'luck', 'follows', 'soon', 'proclaimed', 'number', 'one', 'race', 'car', 'driver', 'usa', 'tragedy', 'strikes', 'involved', 'deliberate', 'accident', 'whilst', 'racing', 'hospitalized', 'months', 'gets', 'heads', 'straight', 'track', 'race', 'soon', 'learns', 'scared', 'going', 'fast', \"n't\", 'want', 'crash', 'get', 'hurt', 'every', 'race', 'joins', 'ends', 'last', 'place', 'manager', 'fires', 'finds', 'someone', 'else', 'tells', 'harry', \"n't\", 'need', 'find', 'manager', 'easily', 'year', 'gone', 'neither', 'shona', 'jobs', 'try', 'best', 'find', 'work', 'one', 'hire', \"n't\", 'degrees', 'shona', 'unable', 'pay', 'loans', 'bills', 'everything', 'house', 'sold', 'princess', 'champ', 'worry', \"'re\", 'becoming', 'poor', 'says', \"'re\", 'actually', 'reality', 'show', \"n't\", 'worry', 'happy', '2,000', 'left', 'family', 'leave', 'big', 'house', 'find', 'less', 'expensive', 'one', 'move', 'one-bedroom', 'apartment', 'children', 'become', 'worried', 'shona', 'tell', 'part', 'game', 'kids', 'believe', 'still', 'favorite', 'school', 'parents', 'try', 'find', 'jobs', 'days', 'later', 'shona', 'gets', 'job', 'piano', 'player', 'becomes', 'taxi', 'driver', 'one', 'night', 'shona', 'start', 'arguing', 'princess', 'overhears', 'learns', 'actually', 'trouble', 'money', 'plans', 'save', 'money', 'champ', 'use', 'lunch', 'kids', \"n't\", 'eat', 'champ', 'gets', 'starved', 'takes', 'food', 'garbage', 'without', 'sister', 'knowing', 'eats', 'outside', 'school', 'bench', 'keeps', 'eating', 'garbage', 'princess', 'keeps', 'saving', 'money', 'princess', 'makes', 'champ', 'promise', 'tell', 'parents', 'knowing', \"'ll\", 'get', 'mad', 'gets', 'customer', 'needs', 'get', 'airport', 'soon', 'takes', 'chance', 'test', 'racing', 'skills', 'starts', 'great', 'gets', 'flashback', 'accident', 'learns', 'could', 'probably', 'never', 'race', 'scared', 'getting', 'hurt', 'champ', 'gets', 'piece', 'glass', 'inside', 'stomach', 'eating', 'something', 'shona', 'princess', 'run', 'hospital', 'princess', 'tells', 'parents', 'plan', 'made', 'champ', 'follow', 'doctor', 'tell', 'shona', 'need', '65,000', 'couple', 'idea', 'going', 'get', 'money', 'two', 'days', 'get', 'decides', 'enter', 'race', 'son', 'sake', 'meets', 'old', 'nemesis', 'starts', 'remembering', 'flashbacks', \"n't\", 'stop', 'wins', 'apparently', 'killing', 'nemesis', 'pushing', 'track', 'end', 'family', 'living', 'happy', 'fun', 'life'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'follows', 'story', 'two', 'italian', 'immigrant', 'couples', 'living', 'state', 'rio', 'grande', 'sul', 'early', '20th', 'century', 'teresa', 'angelo', 'pierina', 'massimo', 'couples', 'struggle', 'survival', 'new', 'country', 'unexpected', 'love', 'massimo', 'teresa', 'emerges', 'fight', 'family', 'cultural', 'traditions', 'head', 'new', 'destiny', 'leaving', 'partners', 'behind', 'quatrilho', 'name', 'card', 'game', 'player', 'betray', 'partner', 'order', 'win', 'also', 'reference', 'portuguese', 'language', 'word', 'quatro', 'means', 'four', 'film', 'also', 'advertised', 'qu4trilho'], ['geetanjali', 'a.k.a', 'geeta', 'goes', 'kanyakumari', 'trip', 'finds', 'poem', 'diary', 'left', 'beach', 'signs', 'anklet', 'falls', 'ocean', 'guy', 'jumps', 'water', 'front', 'eyes', 'one', 'sees', 'resurfacing', 'however', 'geeta', 'see', 'jumped', 'ocean', 'dreams', 'incident', 'frequently', 'idea', 'guy', 'jumped', 'died', 'friends', 'ask', 'forget', 'ajay', 'spoiled', 'brat', 'son', 'local', 'avataram', 'likes', 'flirt', 'beautiful', 'girls', 'wants', 'girlfriends', 'one', 'day', 'sees', 'geeta', 'proposes', 'refuses', 'threatens', 'jump', 'top', 'college', 'building', 'weak-minded', 'girl', 'geeta', 'accepts', 'proposal', 'thought', 'guy', 'already', 'died', \"n't\", 'want', 'someone', 'get', 'hurt', 'starts', 'dating', 'arya', 'happy-go-lucky', 'guy', 'enjoys', 'life', 'friends', 'kids', 'first', 'day', 'college', 'sees', 'geeta', 'confessing', 'love', 'ajay', 'top', 'college', 'building', 'threatening', 'charmed', 'beauty', 'arya', 'falls', 'love', 'proposes', 'actually', 'rejects', 'proposal', 'saying', 'already', 'committed', 'ajay', 'one', 'day', 'avataram', 'arranges', 'party', 'house', 'turns', 'ajay', 'introduces', 'geeta', 'father', 'persuades', 'fix', 'marriage', 'ajay', 'father', 'initially', 'pretended', 'accept', 'son', 'marriage', 'geeta', 'turns', 'tables', 'upside', 'introducing', 'another', 'girl', 'lalasa', 'announces', 'son', 'going', 'marry', 'lalasa', 'threatens', 'son', 'marry', 'anyone', 'except', 'lalasa', 'embarrassed', 'situation', 'helpless', 'ajay', 'sits', 'starts', 'get', 'frustrated', 'arya', 'loves', 'geeta', 'much', 'never', 'hesitated', 'help', 'decides', 'bring', 'ajay', 'geeta', 'helps', 'elope', 'way', 'followed', 'avataram', 'henchmen', 'three', 'youngsters', 'find', 'train', 'get', 'get', 'train', 'night', 'shocked', 'see', 'leader', 'avataram', 'henchmen', 'forces', 'geeta', 'come', 'defying', 'boss', 'order', 'hand', 'ajay', 'remains', 'helpless', 'arya', 'bravely', 'fights', 'men', 'finally', 'defeats', 'rescuing', 'ajay', 'geeta', 'walk', 'nearby', 'town', 'arya', 'hometown', 'tired', 'three', 'bed', 'next', 'morning', 'wake', 'realize', 'ajay', 'missing', 'arya', 'tries', 'convince', 'geeta', 'ajay', 'left', 'win', 'father', 'leaves', 'private', 'time', 'arya', 'geeta', 'grow', 'close', 'geetha', 'starts', 'liking', 'arya', 'tries', 'reveal', 'ajay', 'father', 'return', 'avataram', 'agrees', 'get', 'ajay', 'married', 'geeta', 'day', 'wedding', 'geeta', 'finds', 'arya', 'guy', 'dove', 'sea', 'anklet', 'realizes', 'came', 'life', 'much', 'ajay', 'realizes', 'ajay', 'blackmailed', 'loving', 'arya', 'wanted', 'see', 'happy', 'geeta', 'also', 'realizes', 'arya', 'truly', 'loves', 'ajay', 'acting', 'impulse', 'wanting', 'could', \"n't\", 'leaves', 'wedding', 'hall', 'tears', 'confesses', 'love', 'arya'], [\"'shiner\", 'explores', 'three', 'relationships', 'form', 'abuse', 'involved', 'savored', 'central', 'story', 'involves', 'tony', 'danny', 'two', 'friends', 'whose', 'relationship', 'changes', 'danny', 'discovers', 'becomes', 'sexually', 'satisfied', 'tony', 'physically', 'abuses', 'another', 'storyline', 'involves', 'tim', 'work', 'boxer', 'stalked', 'bob', 'shy', 'loner', 'still', 'lives', 'home', 'mother', 'third', 'reg', 'linda', 'discover', 'sex', 'life', 'improves', 'hit', 'act'], [\"'charles\", 'todd', 'chuck', 'levine', 'lawrence', 'arthur', 'larry', 'valentine', 'adam', 'sandler', 'kevin', 'james', 'two', 'veteran', 'fdny', 'fire', 'fighters', 'chuck', 'bachelor', 'womanizer', 'larry', 'widower', 'tries', 'raise', 'two', 'children', 'routine', 'sweep', 'burned', 'building', 'segment', 'floor', 'collapses', 'chuck', 'almost', 'dies', 'larry', 'eventually', 'rescues', 'chuck', 'shielding', 'falling', 'debris', 'larry', 'awaken', 'hospital', 'later', 'chuck', 'vows', 'repay', 'debt', 'way', 'possible', 'incident', 'prompts', 'larry', 'realize', 'fact', 'death', 'come', 'moment', 'difficulties', 'naming', 'children', 'primary', 'beneficiaries', 'life', 'insurance', 'policy', 'one', 'ways', 'suggested', 'get', 'married', 'inspired', 'newspaper', 'article', 'domestic', 'partnerships', 'larry', 'asks', 'chuck', 'enter', 'civil', 'union', 'although', 'first', 'chuck', 'declines', 'reminded', 'debt', 'larry', 'finally', 'agrees', 'chuck', 'larry', 'become', 'domestic', 'partners', 'chuck', 'becomes', 'larry\\\\', 'primary', 'beneficiary', 'event', 'death', 'soon', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'investigators', 'arrive', 'inquire', 'partnership', 'suspecting', 'fraud', 'chuck', 'larry', 'decide', 'enlist', 'help', 'lawyer', 'alex', 'mcdonough', 'suggests', 'get', 'married', 'chuck', 'larry', 'marry', 'canada', 'move', 'together', 'gay', 'benefit', 'costume', 'party', 'partygoers', 'confronted', 'homophobic', 'protestors', 'whose', 'leader', 'minister', 'calls', 'chuck', 'faggot', 'chuck', 'punches', 'causing', 'event', 'published', 'newspaper', 'apparent', 'homosexuality', 'marriage', 'revealed', 'pair', 'come', 'fire', 'chuck', 'larry', 'heckled', 'fellow', 'fdny', 'firefighters', 'refuse', 'work', 'even', 'play', 'basketball', 'alongside', 'couple', 'ally', 'fred', 'duncan', 'angry', 'intimidating', 'firefighter', 'comes', 'surprised', 'chuck', 'larry\\\\', 'effeminate', 'son', 'eric', 'harassed', 'school', 'homophobic', 'bully', 'surprises', 'everybody', 'easily', 'winning', 'fight', 'ordeal', 'previously', 'homophobic', 'pair', 'come', 'understand', 'like', 'persecuted', 'become', 'accepting', 'homosexuality', 'chuck', 'becomes', 'romantically', 'interested', 'alex', 'two', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'finds', 'unable', 'get', 'close', 'thinks', 'gay', 'meanwhile', 'city', 'agent', 'clinton', 'fitzer', 'arrives', 'investigate', 'couple', 'strain', 'larry', 'chuck', 'leads', 'verbal', 'fight', 'also', 'working', 'different', 'shifts', 'although', 'petition', 'chuck', 'larry', 'thrown', 'firehouse', 'prompts', 'larry', 'confront', 'crew', 'personal', 'embarrassments', 'job', 'chuck', 'larry', 'helped', 'overcome', 'call', 'goes', 'call', 'larry', 'even', 'goes', 'far', 'say', 'fire', 'hope', 'big', 'one', 'faggot', 'who\\\\', 'saving', 'sorry', 'asses', 'thanks', 'another', 'shift', 'larry\\\\', 'shift', 'chuck', 'larry', 'reconcile', 'differences', 'marriage', 'soon', 'comes', 'fire', 'numerous', 'women', 'provide', 'testimonies', 'slept', 'chuck', 'recent', 'past', 'couple', 'called', 'court', 'defend', 'marriage', 'charges', 'fraud', 'defended', 'alex', 'fellow', 'firefighters', 'arrive', 'support', 'realize', 'chuck', 'larry', 'done', 'years', 'treating', 'chuck', 'larry', 'fitzer', 'interrogates', 'men', 'testify', 'genuinely', 'love', 'final', 'demand', 'fitzer', 'asks', 'pair', 'kiss', 'prove', 'relationship', 'physical', 'interrupted', 'captain', 'phineas', 'tucker', 'finally', 'reveals', 'marriage', 'sham', 'straight', 'tucker', 'attempts', 'save', 'chuck', 'larry', 'claiming', 'would', 'arrested', 'well', 'since', 'knew', 'fakery', 'failed', 'report', 'prompts', 'firefighters', 'claim', 'role', 'wedding', 'show', 'solidarity', 'unfortunately', 'revelations', 'chuck', 'larry', 'firefighters', 'sent', 'jail', 'quickly', 'released', 'negotiating', 'deal', 'provide', 'photos', 'aids', 'research', 'benefit', 'calendar', 'deal', 'including', 'pleading', 'guilty', 'fraud', 'would', 'reduce', 'charges', 'misdemeanor', 'two', 'months', 'later', 'duncan', 'alex\\\\', 'brother', 'kevin', 'married', 'canada', 'chapel', 'chuck', 'larry', 'wedding', 'party', 'larry', 'finally', 'moves', 'death', 'wife', 'talks', 'new', 'woman', 'alex', 'tentatively', 'agrees', 'dance', 'chuck', 'film', 'ends', 'lance', 'bass', 'sings', 'little', 'eric', 'tap-dances'], ['times', 'harvey', 'milk', 'documents', 'political', 'career', 'harvey', 'milk', 'san', 'francisco', 'first', 'openly', 'gay', 'supervisor', 'film', 'documents', 'milk', 'rise', 'neighborhood', 'activist', 'symbol', 'gay', 'political', 'achievement', 'assassination', 'november', '1978', 'san', 'francisco', 'city', 'hall', 'dan', 'white', 'trial', 'aftermath'], [\"'uday\", 'criminal', 'takes', 'upon', 'get', 'kindhearted', 'sister', 'sanjana', 'married', 'unsuccessful', 'since', 'one', 'wants', 'associated', 'crime', 'family', 'dr.', 'ghunghroo', 'also', 'trying', 'get', 'nephew', 'rajiv', 'married', 'due', 'condition', '봳he', 'alliance', 'must', 'purely', 'decent', 'family', 'also', 'unsuccessful', 'rajiv', 'jumps', 'burning', 'building', 'save', 'sanjana', 'smitten', 'uday', 'majnu', 'uday\\\\', 'brother', 'hatch', 'plan', 'alliance', 'dr.', 'ghunghroo', 'plan', 'works', 'dr.', 'ghunghroo', 'confirms', 'alliance', 'thinking', 'uday', 'decent', 'man', 'later', 'told', 'uday', 'majnu', 'mobsters', 'quickly', 'takes', 'family', 'flees', 'sun', 'city', 'south', 'africa', 'escape', 'however', 'majnu', 'sanjana', 'come', 'sun', 'city', 'well', 'rajiv', 'meets', 'sanjana', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'dr.', 'ghunghroo', 'reconciles', 'uday', 'majnu', 'finally', 'agrees', 'alliance', 'uday', 'majnu', 'invite', 'powerful', 'underworld', 'rdx', 'engagement', 'party', 'girl', 'named', 'ishika', 'arrives', 'claiming', 'rajiv\\\\', 'childhood', 'betrothed', 'ishika', 'actually', 'friend', 'dr.', 'ghunghroo', 'asked', 'come', 'try', 'break', 'engagement', 'ishika', 'manages', 'leaving', 'rajiv', 'sanjana', 'heartbroken', 'dr.', 'ghunghroo', 'reveals', 'rajiv\\\\', 'mother', 'married', 'crime', 'family', 'harassed', 'tortured', 'thus', 'telling', 'dr.', 'ghunghroo', 'raise', 'rajiv', 'away', 'crime', 'born', 'dr.', 'ghunghroo', 'decides', 'agree', 'marriage', 'uday', 'majnu', 'give', 'life', 'crime', 'rajiv', 'sanjana', 'reawakening', 'uday\\\\', 'love', 'acting', 'encouraging', 'majnu', 'pursue', 'love', 'painting', 'things', 'keeping', 'busy', 'uday', 'majnu', 'time', 'crime', 'anymore', 'rajiv\\\\', 'actions', 'anger', 'rdx\\\\', 'son', 'lucky', 'attempts', 'shoot', 'rajiv', 'sanjana', 'gets', 'hold', 'gun', 'fires', 'shot', 'hits', 'lucky', 'causing', 'unconscious', 'rdx', 'informed', 'son\\\\', 'death', 'comes', 'attend', 'cremation', 'however', 'lucky', 'still', 'alive', 'escapes', 'trying', 'show', 'father', 'he\\\\', 'actually', 'alive', 'rdx', 'sets', 'pile', 'wood', 'fire', 'believing', 'cremating', 'son\\\\', 'body', 'however', 'lucky', 'hiding', 'wood', 'jumps', 'upon', 'realizing', 'wood', 'fire', 'truth', 'revealed', 'rdx', 'rajiv', 'ghunghroo', 'wife', 'ishika', 'uday', 'majnu', 'sanjana', 'captured', 'rdx', 'brought', 'cabin', 'set', 'next', 'cliff', 'frightened', 'group', 'forced', 'play', 'hot', 'potato', 'globe', '봟ut', 'one', 'ends', 'globe', 'must', 'jump', 'cliff', 'rajiv', 'refuses', 'pass', 'globe', 'sanjana', 'lucky', 'angrily', 'yanks', 'hands', 'music', 'stops', 'son', 'globe', 'rdx', 'figures', 'way', 'maintain', 'image', 'killing', 'everyone', 'several', 'government', 'brokers', 'sneak', 'cut', 'footings', 'cabin', 'causing', 'house', 'start', 'falling', 'cliff', 'everyone', 'trapped', 'inside', 'however', 'cabin', 'suspended', 'one', 'column', 'hilarious', 'chaos', 'ensues', 'group', 'tries', 'balance', 'cabin', 'together', 'keep', 'falling', 'cliff', 'rajiv', 'finds', 'rope', 'group', 'uses', 'get', 'back', 'onto', 'stable', 'ground', 'everyone\\\\', 'shock', 'floor', 'broke', 'lucky', 'hanging', 'edge', 'cabin', 'rajiv', 'trying', 'rescue', 'sanjana', 'reveal', 'truth', 'everyone', 'one', 'shooted', 'lucky', 'rajiv', 'blamed', 'sanjana', \"won\\\\'t\", 'get', 'trouble', 'rajiv', 'rescued', 'lucky', 'cabin', 'standing', 'fell', 'cliff', 'sanjana', 'kept', 'crying', 'thinking', 'dead', 'however', 'rajiv', 'survived', 'event', 'reunited', 'sanjana', 'family', 'lucky', 'rdx', 'grateful', 'rajiv', 'saving', 'lives', 'rdx', 'gives', 'life', 'crime', 'allowing', 'rajiv', 'sanjana', 'finally', 'get', 'married'], ['dharmayya', 'naidu', 'underworld', 'kingpin', 'lost', 'wife', 'uneducated', 'hence', 'wants', 'felicitate', 'education', 'seema', 'area', 'constructing', 'schools', 'realizes', 'quarry', 'owns', 'good', 'quality', 'granite', 'deposits', 'sambashiva', 'naidu', 'son', 'dharmayya', 'naidu', 'prakash', 'son-in-law', 'dharmayya', 'naidu', 'pasupathy', 'plays', 'game', 'way', 'dharmayya', 'naidu', 'forced', 'give', 'granite', 'quarry', 'dowry', 'prakash', 'family', 'due', 'dharmayya', 'naidu', 'daughter', 'commits', 'suicide', 'samba', 'comes', 'know', 'reason', 'behind', 'sister', 'suicide', 'occupies', 'quarry', 'kills', 'brothers', 'prakash', 'prakash', 'kills', 'everybody', 'house', 'samba', 'retaliation', 'samba', 'nemesis', 'prakash', 'take', 'shelter', 'kanchi', 'guwhati', 'respectively', 'police', 'ban', 'entering', 'year', 'samba', 'settles', 'saree', 'manufacturer', 'trader', 'kanchi', 'rest', 'story', 'returns', 'seema', 'takes', 'vengeance', 'prakash', 'starts', 'serving', 'educational', 'field'], ['paul', 'childlike', 'artist', 'becomes', 'upset', 'godson', 'family', 'moves', 'oregon', 'japan', 'paul', 'tries', 'compensate', 'feeling', 'loss', 'visits', 'neighborhood', 'playground', 'paul', 'best', 'friend', 'russell', 'anthony', 'clark', 'tries', 'warn', 'people', 'might', 'think', 'see', 'hanging', 'around', 'kids', 'paul', \"n't\", 'quite', 'see', 'way', 'russell', 'predicted', 'soon', 'maggie', 'somewhat', 'bigoted', 'local', 'mom', 'launches', 'crusade', 'naive', 'paul', 'army', 'furious', 'parents', 'tow'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'day', 'nearing', 'end', 'rachel', 'daughter', 'first', 'family', 'shown', 'working', 'nursing', 'home', 'phil', 'father', 'shown', 'driving', 'people', 'around', 'minicab', 'penny', 'rachel\\\\', 'mother', 'shown', 'working', 'cashier', 'safeway', 'store', 'alongside', 'maureen', 'mother', 'second', 'family', 'penny', 'leaves', 'work', 'cycles', 'home', 'find', 'eighteen-year-old', 'son', 'rory', 'fight', 'local', 'boy', 'taking', 'football', 'rory', 'lazy', 'obese', 'ill-mannered', 'teenager', 'stays', 'home', 'day', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'work', 'complications', 'rory\\\\', 'obesity', 'arise', 'altercation', 'gang', 'youths', 'playing', 'piggy', 'middle', 'ultimately', 'runs', 'breath', 'begins', 'hyperventilate', 'hospitalised', 'suffering', 'heart', 'attack', 'second', 'family', 'consists', 'maureen', 'another', 'cashier', 'safeway', 'daughter', 'donna', 'waitress', 'cafe', 'brief', 'storyline', 'involves', 'dispute', 'donna\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'jason', 'donna', 'finds', 'pregnant', 'despite', 'pill', 'leads', 'heated', 'argument', 'three', 'characters', 'third', 'family', 'consists', 'ron', 'minicab', 'driver', 'along', 'phil', 'unemployed', 'teenage', 'daughter', 'samantha', 'wife', 'carol', 'unemployed', 'alcoholic', 'always', 'shown', 'intoxicated', 'film', 'one', 'single', 'storyline', 'several', 'leading', 'climax', 'rory', 'suffers', 'heart', 'attack', 'leading', 'relationship', 'crisis', 'first', 'family'], [\"'it\", 'story', 'developing', 'relationship', 'older', 'middle-class', 'american', 'woman', 'mary', 'horton', 'lives', 'handsome', 'developmentally', 'impaired', 'year', 'old', 'gardener', 'tim', 'melville', 'hires', 'tim', 'lives', 'sister', 'dawnie', 'year', 'older', 'parents', 'ron', 'emily', 'dawnie', 'marries', 'boyfriend', 'mick', 'harrington', 'david', 'foster', 'dawnie', 'mick', 'make', 'clear', 'dislike', 'mary', 'oppose', 'relationship', 'tim', 'state', 'reason', 'feeling', 'way', 'emily', 'dies', 'tim', 'marries', 'mary', 'ron', 'dies'], ['nate', 'cooper', 'get', 'together', 'women', 'also', 'forget', 'first', 'crush', 'tall', 'attractive', 'blonde', 'cristabel', 'abbott', 'time', 'elementary', 'school', 'nate', 'sets', 'beaches', 'california', 'meets', 'geeky', 'best', 'friend', 'arno', 'whose', 'mother', 'unnatural', 'amount', 'information', 'cristabel', 'perhaps', 'unusual', 'relationship', 'son', 'cristabel', 'jogs', 'beach', 'every', 'day', 'many', 'suitors', 'trying', 'catch', 'eye', 'including', 'albino', 'stalker', 'still', 'single', 'reason', 'cristabel', 'still', 'best', 'friends', 'short', 'unattractive', 'brunette', 'girl', 'nate', 'also', 'knew', 'elementary', 'school', 'june', 'phigg', 'nate', 'reintroduces', 'cristabel', 'hit', 'however', 'cristabel', 'refuses', 'date', 'nate', 'unless', 'june', 'date', 'well', 'nate', 'sets', 'find', 'boyfriend', 'june', 'guys', 'recoil', 'sight', 'one', 'day', 'santa', 'monica', 'pier', 'johann', 'wulrich', 'attractive', 'dentist', 'works', 'part-time', 'model', 'appears', 'lives', 'seems', 'want', 'makeover', 'june', 'apparently', 'sees', 'inner', 'beauty', 'however', 'nate', 'believes', 'johann', 'threat', 'shot', 'cristabel', 'since', 'johann', 'almost', 'perfect', 'eventually', 'june', 'dating', 'johann', 'cristabel', 'finally', 'begins', 'dating', 'nate', 'per', 'original', 'plan', 'next', 'weeks', 'nate', 'june', 'become', 'friends', 'emerges', 'cocoon', 'face', 'appearance', 'transforming', 'attractive', 'woman', 'whose', 'beauty', 'begins', 'compare', 'cristabel', 'nate', 'slowly', 'realizes', 'june', 'may', 'girl', 'dreams', 'nate', 'tells', 'cristabel', 'happy', 'june', 'nate', 'tries', 'find', 'june', 'finds', 'telling', 'feels'], ['somebody', 'empties', 'bank', 'accounts', 'many', 'people', 'including', 'babu', 'anna', 'underworld', 'via', 'internet', 'theft', 'police', 'clueless', 'robber', 'anna', 'wants', 'revenge', 'another', 'story', 'jai', 'malhotra', 'lives', 'best', 'friend', 'sonia', 'meets', 'neha', 'mehra', 'falls', 'love', 'instantly', 'first', 'neha', 'rejects', 'jai', 'later', 'falls', 'one', 'day', 'jai', 'sees', 'neha', 'breakdown', 'getting', 'phone', 'call', 'tells', 'dead', 'father', 'owed', 'money', 'babu', 'anna', 'gang', 'repay', 'amount', 'became', 'part', 'gang', 'criminals', 'responsible', 'internet', 'thefts', 'death', 'gang', 'pursuing', 'neha', 'recover', 'money', 'jai', 'spots', 'rich', 'man', 'named', 'vikram', 'singh', 'decides', 'steal', 'money', 'however', 'vikram', 'catches', 'jai', 'learning', 'whole', 'story', 'vikram', 'reveals', 'also', 'part', 'gang', 'agrees', 'help', 'jai', 'return', 'jai', 'take', 'blame', 'thefts', 'jai', 'agrees', 'gives', 'money', 'neha', 'turns', 'jai', 'presented', 'trial', 'anna', 'sent', 'men', 'kill', 'jai', 'bid', 'fails', 'jai', 'runs', 'neha', 'apartment', 'find', 'neha', 'vikram', 'waiting', 'horrified', 'learn', 'indeed', 'stole', 'money', 'neha', 'love', 'ruse', 'con', 'take', 'fall', 'jai', 'escapes', 'apartment', 'shot', 'police', 'officer', 'train', 'even', 'though', 'body', \"n't\", 'found', 'presumed', 'dead', 'one', 'month', 'later', 'neha', 'vikram', 'start', 'getting', 'anonymous', 'phone', 'calls', 'neha', 'believes', 'calls', 'jai', 'still', 'alive', 'jai', 'much', 'alive', 'bent', 'getting', 'revenge', 'neha', 'vikram', 'jai', 'makes', 'life', 'miserable', 'vikram', 'neha', 'tricks', 'way', 'anna', 'gets', 'whiff', 'affair', 'end', 'anna', 'holds', 'three', 'hostage', 'demands', 'money', 'jai', 'cleverly', 'deflects', 'anna', 'forces', 'vikram', 'transfer', 'anna', 'money', 'back', 'account', 'catching', 'unawares', 'jai', 'vikram', 'finish', 'anna', 'gang', 'melee', 'vikram', 'jai', 'cornered', 'shootout', 'vikram', 'neha', 'mock', 'jai', 'coolly', 'executes', 'neha', 'shooting', 'head', 'fit', 'fury', 'vikram', 'guns', 'jai', 'jai', 'mocks', 'vikram', 'dies', 'later', 'news', 'reveals', 'somebody', 'made', 'hefty', 'generous', 'donation', 'relief', 'fund', 'vikram', 'shown', 'heading', 'somewhere', 'boat', 'end'], ['tale', 'begins', 'architect', 'harold', 'berger', 'arrives', 'india', 'meet', 'maharahaja', 'chandra', 'build', 'schools', 'hospitals', 'route', 'maharahaja', 'palace', 'berger', 'meets', 'dancer', 'named', 'seetha', 'saves', 'tiger', 'seetha', 'whose', 'father', 'european', 'promised', 'maharahaja', 'architect', 'begin', 'fall', 'love', 'predictably', 'leads', 'buildup', 'tension', 'chandra', 'berger', 'helped', 'along', 'scheming', 'palace', 'courtiers', 'film', 'also', 'filled', 'action', 'highlight', 'seetha', 'first', 'ritual', 'dance', 'end', 'tiger', 'seetha', 'berger', 'imprisoned', 'escape', 'desert', 'berger', 'sister', 'husband', 'also', 'architect', 'works', 'berger', 'arrive', 'eschnapur', 'chandra', 'informs', 'plans', 'changed', 'wants', 'tomb', 'built'], [\"'in\", 'early', '1960s', 'bobby', 'fantana', 'young', 'greaser-type', 'rebel', 'challenges', 'joe', 'barnes', 'game', 'chicken', 'making', 'pass', 'girlfriend', 'emily', 'bobby', 'wins', 'race', 'easily', 'joe', 'dives', 'car', 'bobby', 'unable', 'get', 'car', 'time', 'due', 'bracelet', 'getting', 'caught', 'gearshift', 'dies', 'car', 'plummets', 'cliff', 'fiery', 'wreck', 'bobby', 'awakens', 'find', 'surreal', 'trip', 'aboard', 'speeding', 'train', 'vessel', 'train', 'stops', 'station', 'housing', 'huge', 'escalator', 'going', 'bright', 'white', 'light', 'one', 'attendants', 'refers', 'uptown', 'bobby', 'denied', 'entry', 'new', 'spirit', 'guide', 'rafferty', 'appears', 'explains', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'considered', 'ready', 'yet', 'needs', 'carry', 'assignment', 'order', 'earn', 'ticket', 'uptown', 'many', 'years', 'limbo', 'bobby', 'finally', 'given', 'assignment', 'return', 'earth', 'act', 'guardian', 'angel', 'friend', 'nerdy', 'lenny', 'barnes', 'promising', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'constantly', 'picked', 'school', 'particularly', 'school', 'bullies', 'fred', 'gallo', 'stephen', 'gregory', 'bill', 'mcintyre', 'however', 'bobby', 'instructed', 'allowed', 'reveal', 'lenny', 'nobody', 'else', 'bobby', 'helps', 'lenny', 'giving', 'makeover', 'assisting', 'dealing', 'fred', 'bill', 'helping', 'win', 'affection', 'hottest', 'girl', 'school', 'sharon', 'however', 'bobby', 'eventually', 'realizes', 'new', 'lifestyle', 'lenny', 'leading', 'noble', 'causes', 'rebel', 'everyone', 'including', 'parents', 'bobby', 'soon', 'realizes', 'lenny\\\\', 'mother', 'emily', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'married', 'joe', 'man', 'died', 'racing', 'bobby', 'breaks', 'uptown', 'rules', 'reveals', 'emily', 'confess', 'love', 'emily', 'informs', 'actually', 'lenny\\\\', 'father', 'scene', 'reminiscent', 'opening', 'sequence', 'lenny', 'challenged', 'chicken', 'race', 'local', 'quarry', 'fred', 'sharon\\\\', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'told', 'rafferty', 'lenny', 'die', 'bobby', 'earlier', 'bobby', 'offers', 'trade', 'chance', 'move', 'uptown', 'save', 'lenny\\\\', 'life', 'much', 'like', 'bobby\\\\', 'car', 'race', 'race', 'ends', 'lenny', 'bobby', 'flying', 'edge', 'cliff', 'car', 'exploding', 'fiery', 'wreck', 'however', 'bobby', 'prevents', 'lenny', 'dying', 'climb', 'cliff', 'together', 'bobby', 'helps', 'lenny', 'see', 'error', 'ways', 'lenny', 'reunites', 'long-time', 'friend', 'melissa', 'love', 'side', 'even', 'nerdy', 'years', 'bobby', 'offers', 'rafferty', 'fulfill', 'end', 'bargain', 'accepting', 'ride', 'downtown', 'rafferty', 'explains', 'happening', 'bobby', 'incredulously', 'asks', 'made', 'deal', 'trade', 'soul', 'lenny\\\\', 'second', 'chance', 'life', 'rafferty', 'explains', 'bobby', 'learned', 'love', 'value', 'someone', 'one', 'earned', 'ticket', 'uptown', 'lenny', 'girlfriend', 'watch', 'bobby', 'rafferty', 'fly', 'sky', 'motorbike', 'movie', 'ends', 'bobby', 'going', 'escalator', 'uptown'], ['lannie', 'wakes', 'dreaming', 'nude', 'women', 'floating', 'space', 'wonders', 'aloud', 'sexuality', 'inexperience', 'mom', 'brings', 'boys', 'tells', 'new', 'man', 'mr.', 'kennedy', 'thinks', 'likes', 'shy', 'say', 'anything', 'mark', 'radner', 'hangs', 'friends', 'jeff', 'kevin', 'kevin', 'talks', 'encounters', 'debbie', 'meanwhile', 'jeff', 'gets', 'teased', 'getting', 'laid', 'mark', 'reveals', 'maid', 'stealing', 'told', 'parents', 'wants', 'blackmail', 'meets', 'outside', 'garden', 'brings', 'upstairs', 'orders', 'take', 'clothes', 'starts', 'servicing', 'friends', 'sex', 'debbie', 'goes', 'topless', 'cheryl', 'self-conscious', 'lannie', 'follows', 'three', 'talks', 'sex', 'boys', 'cheryl', 'talks', 'losing', 'virginity', 'babysitting', 'calling', 'bill', 'nervous', 'giving', 'oral', 'sex', 'first', 'made', 'comfortable', 'mark', 'mom', 'mrs.', 'radner', 'shows', 'boyfriend', 'angry', 'driving', 'fast', 'soon', 'gets', 'comes', 'worried', 'son', 'home', 'reassures', 'mark', 'sex', 'fountain', 'mark', 'secretly', 'watches', 'mrs.', 'waters', 'mr.', 'kennedy', 'next', 'pool', 'girls', 'instead', 'going', 'outside', 'planned', 'lannie', 'jeff', 'debbie', 'kevin', 'meet', '쐏icnic', 'inside', 'house', 'jeff', 'takes', 'lannie', 'kitchen', 'getting', 'signal', 'kevin', 'lannie', 'dress', 'gets', 'wet', 'teases', 'jeff', 'removes', 'dress', 'jeff', 'gets', 'overwhelmed', 'ejaculates', 'debbie', 'teases', 'kevin', 'sex', 'lannie', 'goes', 'home', 'masturbates', 'jeff', 'scene', 'cuts', 'back', 'forth', 'lannie', 'touching', 'imagined', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'outside', 'picnic', 'table', 'mark', 'calls', 'kevin', 'invites', 'debbie', 'kevin', 'girlfriend', 'home', 'debbie', 'shows', 'mark', 'orders', 'undress', 'lie', 'bed', 'close', 'eyes', 'gets', 'wendy', 'louis', 'wendy', 'performs', 'cunnilingus', 'debbie', 'mark', 'tells', 'open', 'eyes', 'mark', 'sex', 'wendy', 'debbie', 'louis', 'switch', 'partners', 'excited', 'encounter', 'debbie', 'calls', 'lannie', 'tells', 'ditching', 'kevin', '붴\\\\x80쏿', 'boy', '앪\\\\x80봣or', 'man', 'like', 'mark', 'lannie', 'decides', 'knows', 'gets', 'hot', 'hangs', 'looks', 'friend', 'cheryl', 'lying', 'beside'], [\"'in\", '1750', 'david', 'garrick', 'famous', 'english', 'actor', 'announces', 'onstage', 'invited', 'paris', 'work', 'prestigious', 'com챕die-fran챌aise', 'person', 'audience', 'jeers', 'want', 'teach', 'act', 'word', 'reaches', 'paris', 'story', 'become', 'garbled', 'remark', 'attributed', 'garrick', 'outraged', 'french', 'actors', 'led', 'president', 'picard', 'decide', 'humiliate', 'garrick', 'take', 'inn', 'staying', 'playwright', 'beaumarchais', 'devises', 'plot', 'intended', 'frighten', 'garrick', 'returning', 'england', 'garrick', 'however', 'warned', 'jean', 'cabot', 'admirer', 'works', 'com챕die-fran챌aise', 'prompter', 'plays', 'along', 'ignoring', 'misgivings', 'servant', 'tubby', 'complication', 'arises', 'germaine', 'dupont', 'countess', 'corbe', 'arrives', 'inn', 'soon', 'garrick', 'believes', 'one', 'actresses', 'actually', 'fleeing', 'marriage', 'arranged', 'father', 'falls', 'love', 'garrick', 'plays', 'along', 'meanwhile', 'french', 'try', 'discomfort', 'englishman', 'sword', 'fight', 'shootout', 'husband', 'wife\\\\', 'lover', 'mad', 'waiter', 'end', 'violent', 'blacksmith', 'overhearing', 'blacksmith', 'remind', 'hit', 'anvil', 'garrick\\\\', 'head', 'hammer', 'garrick', 'disguises', 'blacksmith', 'pretending', 'drunk', 'tells', 'aghast', 'french', 'actors', 'struck', 'killed', 'intended', 'victim', 'reveals', 'identity', 'relieved', 'picard', 'apologizes', 'begs', 'join', 'paris', 'garrick', 'graciously', 'accepts', 'leave', 'however', 'criticizes', 'germaine', 'bad', 'acting', 'infuriating', 'premiere', 'paris', 'playing', 'juan', 'garrick', 'learns', 'germaine', 'member', 'company', 'realizing', 'telling', 'truth', 'actually', 'loves', 'distraught', 'perform', 'fortunately', 'jean', 'cabot', 'informs', 'ran', 'germaine', 'explained', 'whole', 'thing', 'forgives', 'audience'], ['reporter', 'jean', 'christy', 'works', 'newspaper', 'danger', 'thrown', 'away', 'young', 'owner', 'pat', 'buckley', 'buckley', 'falling-out', 'editor-in-chief', 'robert', 'lansford', 'meanwhile', 'lansford', 'hopes', 'gain', 'tycoon', 'john', 'dillingwell', 'business', 'firm', 'uses', 'position', 'buckley', 'paper', 'drum', 'good', 'press', 'dillingwell', 'process', 'discovers', 'dillingwell', 'granddaughter', 'lorri', 'buckley', 'fianc챕e', 'lansford', 'decides', 'try', 'charm', 'lorri', 'christy', 'makes', 'play', 'buckley', 'end', 'lansford', 'ends', 'lorri', 'jean'], ['set', 'four', 'years', 'events', 'first', 'movie', 'revealed', 'allen', 'bauer', 'wife', 'madison', 'living', 'deserted', 'island', 'hideaway', 'allen', 'becomes', 'bored', 'island', 'admits', 'misses', 'life', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'older', 'brother', 'freddie', 'madison', 'aware', 'allen', 'sadness', 'supernatural', 'hydrokinetic', 'ability', 'view', 'images', 'communicate', 'simply', 'running', 'index', 'finger', 'circular', 'motion', 'liquid', 'water', 'shows', 'allen', 'things', 'going', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'freddie', 'realizing', 'family', 'business', 'bauer', 'produce', 'trouble', 'since', 'left', 'freddie', 'alone', 'allen', 'tells', 'madison', 'time', 'return', 'new', 'york', 'help', 'save', 'family', 'business', 'upon', 'returning', 'move', 'new', 'home', 'meet', 'new', 'neighbor', 'mrs.', 'needler', 'madison', 'meets', 'new', 'friend', 'fern', 'hooten', 'later', 'story', 'madison', 'agenda', 'save', 'dolphin', 'friend', 'salty', 'held', 'captivity', 'dr.', 'otto', 'benus', 'research', 'trying', 'best', 'hide', 'madison', 'secret', 'allen', 'madison', 'best', 'loving', 'romantic', 'married', 'couple', 'growing', 'much', 'emotionally', 'romantically', 'closer', 'one', 'another', 'surface', 'adventure'], ['newspaper', 'reporter', 'pete', 'works', 'paris', 'orphanage', 'charming', 'way', 'children', 'music', 'enables', 'find', 'homes', 'even', 'troubled', 'kids', 'one', 'afternoon', 'mr.', 'mrs.', 'godfrey', 'american', 'couple', 'come', 'orphanage', 'adopt', 'bobby', 'boy', 'saw', 'one', 'ads', 'pete', 'ran', 'newspaper', 'bobby', 'misbehaves', 'pete', 'discovers', 'mr.', 'godfrey', 'plays', 'boston', 'symphony', 'orchestra', 'quickly', 'produces', 'young', 'blind', 'opera', 'wunderkind', 'theresa', 'sings', 'way', 'godfreys', 'hearts', 'later', 'night', 'pete', 'dreams', 'fiance', 'left', 'behind', 'america', 'visited', 'emmadel', 'appears', 'hologram', 'atop', 'record', 'player', 'scolds', 'leaving', 'altar', 'talks', 'children', 'might', 'filled', 'regret', 'pete', 'arranges', 'adopt', 'bobby', 'little', 'sister', 'suzi', 'bring', 'boston', \"'ll\", 'marry', 'emmadel', 'american', 'authorities', 'inform', 'must', 'marry', 'within', 'five', 'days', 'adoption', 'void', 'pete', 'takes', 'children', 'emmadel', 'house', 'bonds', 'bobby', 'suzi', 'pete', 'discovers', 'emmadel', 'engaged', 'kids', 'stay', 'loud', 'parents', 'drunken', 'father', 'james', 'barton', 'pete', 'tries', 'everything', 'win', 'emmadel', 'back', 'helps', 'secure', 'lease', 'new', 'house', 'via', 'fiance', 'company', 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'winnifred', 'feel', 'comfortable', 'winnifred', 'newfound', 'confidence', 'bubbles', 'wedding', 'rehearsal', 'emmadel', 'erupt', 'brawl', 'front', 'lawn', 'winnifred', 'concedes', 'fight', 'emmadel', 'declares', 'proud', 'fisherman', 'daughter', 'wedding', 'day', 'arrives', 'news', 'reporters', 'line', 'outdoor', 'chapel', 'proclaiming', 'cinderella', 'story', 'decade', 'escorts', 'emma', 'aisle', 'jones', 'tells', 'pete', 'kidnapped', 'children', 'ran', 'would', \"n't\", 'sent', 'back', 'france', 'emmadel', 'begins', 'second', 'thoughts', 'pete', 'shows', 'precisely', 'wrong', 'moment', 'handcuffed', 'policeman', 'crying', 'kids', 'tow', 'although', 'wilbur', 'offers', 'marry', 'emma', 'adopt', 'children', 'bobby', 'suzi', 'cling', 'sobbing', 'pete', 'national', 'television', 'wilbur', 'abandons', 'wedding', 'forces', 'reluctant', 'emma', 'protesting', 'pete', 'marry', 'pete', 'emmadel', 'bobby', 'suzi', 'jones', 'ride', 'honeymoon', 'together'], ['ryan', 'dunne', 'local', 'baseball', 'prospect', 'gets', 'opportunity', 'play', 'cape', 'cod', 'baseball', 'league', 'chatham', 'athletics', 'dunne', 'born', 'raised', 'chatham', 'massachusetts', 'dreams', 'playing', 'major', 'leagues', 'helps', 'dad', 'landscaping', 'business', 'takes', 'care', 'veteran', 'field', 'chatham', 'play', 'ryan', 'falls', 'love', 'tenley', 'parrish', 'whose', 'family', 'vacations', 'cape', 'shore', 'road', 'chatham', 'ryan', 'distracted', 'tenley', 'feels', 'lot', 'pressure', 'scouts', 'family', 'parish', 'family', 'friends', 'then-philadelphia', 'phillies', 'players', 'mike', 'lieberthal', 'doug', 'glanville', 'pat', 'burrell', 'along', 'outfielder', 'ken', 'griffey', 'jr.', 'make', 'appearances', 'end', 'film', 'notable', 'cameos', 'movie', 'include', 'kevin', 'youkilis', 'curt', 'gowdy', 'hank', 'aaron', 'carlton', 'fisk'], [\"'after\", 'zia', 'commits', 'suicide', 'cutting', 'wrists', 'finds', 'afterlife', 'limbo', 'much', 'former', 'reality', 'slightly', 'worse', 'color', 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'lights', 'eugene\\\\', 'car', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'come', 'upon', 'man', 'lying', 'middle', 'dark', 'road', 'must', 'veer', 'road', 'wrecking', 'car', 'avoid', 'hitting', 'discover', 'man', 'kneller', 'eccentric', 'commune', 'leader', 'sorts', 'fallen', 'asleep', 'looking', 'dog', 'invites', 'back', 'camp', 'rest', 'night', 'quickly', 'discover', 'minor', 'miracles', 'happen', 'time', 'objects', 'change', 'color', 'people', 'objects', 'float', 'miracles', 'initiated', 'campers', 'wish', 'care', 'group', 'stays', 'camp', 'longer', 'intended', 'zia', 'begins', 'obsess', 'miracles', 'inability', 'perform', 'contrasting', 'mikal\\\\', 'obsession', 'people', 'charge', 'reveals', 'nature', 'mistake', 'accidentally', 'overdosed', 'heroin', 'intention', 'killing', 'thus', 'commit', 'suicide', 'eugene', 'meets', 'young', 'woman', 'nanuk', 'romances', 'mikal', 'zia', 'discuss', 'plans', 'leave', 'kneller\\\\', 'camp', 'resume', 'searches', 'another', 'camper', 'yan', 'john', 'hawkes', 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'eventually', 'committing', 'suicide', 'follow', 'king', 'afterlife', 'king', 'starts', 'ritual', 'perform', 'miracle', 'taking', 'life', 'view', 'camp', 'dies', 'kneller', 'seen', 'cryptically', 'speaking', 'device', 'calling', 'backup', 'initially', 'crowd', 'notices', 'believe', 'angels', 'parachuting', 'however', 'land', 'vans', 'cars', 'pull', 'revealed', 'angels', 'fact', 'pic', 'crowd', 'dispersed', 'messiah', 'desiree', 'taken', 'away', 'mikal', 'leaves', 'calling', 'back', 'zia', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'back', 'five', 'minutes', 'sits', 'small', 'stool', 'waiting', 'till', 'dark', 'eugene', 'lady', 'friend', 'pull', 'car', 'group', 'heads', 'train', 'station', 'eugene', 'reveals', 'kneller', 'undercover', 'agent', 'pic', 'camp', 'shut', 'also', 'explains', 'mikal\\\\', 'story', 'true', 'pic', 'sending', 'back', 'life', 'eugene', 'nanuk', 'depart', 'small', 'train', 'car', 'leaving', 'zia', 'keys', 'car', 'zia', 'returns', 'car', 'obviously', 'deep', 'thought', 'mikal', 'lights', 'cigarette', 'releases', 'burning', 'match', 'floats', 'towards', 'another', 'one', 'floating', 'sky', 'sent', 'mikal', 'earlier', 'kneller\\\\', 'camp', 'two', 'forming', 'two', \"\\\\'stars\\\\\", 'night', 'sky', 'zia', 'finally', 'performed', 'miracle', 'leaves', 'stopped', 'railroad', 'crossing', 'drops', 'cassette', 'black', 'hole', 'seat', 'train', 'passes', 'revealed', 'zia', 'gone', 'hole', 'film', 'cuts', 'large', 'warehouse', 'filled', 'halls', 'boxes', 'kneller', 'seen', 'picking', 'zia\\\\', 'file', 'box', 'placing', 'inside', 'breast', 'pocket', 'commenting', 'fortunate', 'know', 'people', 'high', 'places', 'film', 'cuts', 'back', 'zia', 'wakes', 'hospital', 'bed', 'turns', 'head', 'noting', 'parents', 'outside', 'door', 'talking', 'doctors', 'looks', 'person', 'bed', 'next', 'sees', 'mikal', 'look', 'smile'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', 'quote', 'nothing', 'ever', 'truly', 'fully', 'understood', 'even', 'simple', 'idea', 'even', 'bickford', 'shmeckler', 'lonely', 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'immediately', 'revelation', 'accidentally', 'cuts', 'part', 'gilbert\\\\', 'ear', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'make', 'incident', 'invites', 'gilbert', 'house', 'lunch', 'next', 'day', 'gilbert', 'meets', 'jo\\\\', 'self-centered', 'mother', 'valdine', 'stroke-suffering', 'father', 'walter', 'lunch', 'gilbert', 'start', 'dating', 'fall', 'love', 'gilbert', 'eventually', 'sex', 'first', 'time', 'gilbert', 'prepares', 'propose', 'receives', 'call', 'detective', 'searching', 'gilbert\\\\', 'long-lost', 'mother', 'apparently', 'detective', 'come', 'news', 'gilbert\\\\', 'mother', 'really', 'valdine', 'wingfield', 'shocks', 'everyone', 'leaves', 'wingfield', 'home', 'gilbert', 'stays', 'news', 'spreads', 'sex', 'siblings', 'months', 'later', 'surprise', 'comes', 'wingfield', 'doorstep', 'form', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'leon', 'pitofsky', 'claims', 'valdine', 'walter\\\\', 'son', 'presents', 'birth', 'certificate', 'proof', 'valdine', 'walter', 'feel', 'better', 'moments', 'angrily', 'lashing', 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'dig\\\\', 'plane', 'ultimately', 'gilbert', 'able', 'stop', 'josephine', 'marrying', 'mitchelson', 'police', 'arrive', 'marriage', 'scene', 'inform', 'gilbert', 'died', 'car', 'accident', 'actually', 'act', 'sabotage', 'leon', 'unknown', 'everyone', 'gilbert', 'driving', 'car', 'time', 'accident', 'one', 'mitchelson\\\\', 'goons', 'taken', 'car', 'gilbert', 'ashes', 'walter', 'makes', 'good', 'recovery', 'reveals', 'josephine', 'valdine', 'conspired', 'destroy', 'relationship', 'force', 'josephine', 'marrying', 'mitchelson', 'also', 'news', 'valdine', 'gilbert\\\\', 'mother', 'fed', 'detective', 'mitchelson', 'josephine', 'defies', 'valdine', 'first', 'time', 'proves', 'much', 'valdine', 'handle', 'valdine', 'stroke', 'falls', 'unconscious', 'attacking', 'leon', 'also', 'participated', 'interrupting', 'wedding', 'thinking', 'gilbert', 'dead', 'josephine', 'goes', 'back', 'roof', 'animal', 'shelter', 'used', 'hang', 'disperse', 'gilbert\\\\', 'ashes', 'give', 'one', 'gun', 'salute', 'gilbert', 'used', 'give', 'dogs', 'put', 'sleep', 'gilbert', 'begun', 'working', 'old', 'job', 'sees', 'mistakenly', 'believes', 'wants', 'commit', 'suicide', 'finally', 'reunited', 'roof', 'animal', 'shelter', 'catalyst', 'coming', 'together', 'months', 'later', 'gilbert', 'josephine', 'married', 'walter', 'valdine', 'leon', 'dig', 'many', 'people', 'attend', 'walter', 'feet', 'valdine', 'wheelchair', 'stroke', 'also', 'surprise', 'wedding', 'present', 'gilbert\\\\', 'mother', 'agent', 'turns', 'tells', 'gilbert', 'truly', 'found', 'mother', 'ironic', 'twist', 'gilbert\\\\', 'mother', 'turns', 'suzanne', 'somers', 'famous', 'actress/sex', 'symbol', 'gilbert', 'used', 'fantasize', 'masturbating', 'alternative', 'ending', 'dvd', 'includes', 'extended', 'ending', 'gilly', 'discovers', 'mother\\\\', 'identity', 'cut', 'roof', 'vet', 'office', 'gilly', 'got', 'vet', 'says', 'lonely', 'people', 'kiss', 'live', 'happily', 'ever'], ['newland', 'archer', 'affluent', 'lawyer', '1870s', 'new', 'york', 'engaged', 'may', 'welland', 'beautiful', 'conventional', 'socialite', 'newland', 'begins', 'question', 'life', 'planned', 'arrival', 'may', 'cousin', 'exotic', 'sophisticated', 'countess', 'ellen', 'olenska', 'ellen', 'passionate', 'lover', 'seeking', 'divorce', 'abusive', 'husband', 'polish', 'count', 'made', 'social', 'outcast', 'greatly', 'displeases', 'family', 'afraid', 'scandal', 'newland', 'grows', 'love', 'care', 'deeply', 'ellen', 'convinced', 'press', 'divorce', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'disillusioned', 'society', 'belongs', 'idea', 'entering', 'passionless', 'marriage', 'may', 'question', 'point', 'whether', 'follow', 'society', 'dictates', 'heart'], ['sanjana', 'exceptionally', 'clumsy', 'woman', 'lives', 'paris', 'uncle', 'marry', 'love', 'rahul', 'rahul', 'india', 'business', 'trip', 'sanjana', 'insists', 'going', 'even', 'though', 'intense', 'fear', 'flying', 'plane', 'ready', 'take', 'sanjana', 'fear', 'gets', 'best', 'creates', 'havoc', 'plane', 'managing', 'get', 'aircraft', 'safely', 'days', 'later', 'rahul', 'daily', 'phone', 'call', 'sanjana', 'blurts', 'fallen', 'love', 'nisha', 'intends', 'come', 'back', 'paris', 'marry', 'sanjana', 'sanjana', 'decides', 'fly', 'india', 'get', 'rahul', 'back', 'whatever', 'cost', 'including', 'overcoming', 'fear', 'flying', 'plane', 'take', 'passenger', 'named', 'shekhar', 'sits', 'next', 'realizes', 'sanjana', 'scared', 'flying', 'diverts', 'attention', 'provoking', 'flight', 'sanjana', 'accidentally', 'spills', 'drink', 'shekhar', 'realizes', 'hiding', 'something', 'shekhar', 'goes', 'toilet', 'inside', 'pulls', 'plant', 'wrapped', 'cloth', 'pocket', 'unwraps', 'cloth', 'covering', 'plant', 'revealing', 'diamond', 'necklace', 'stolen', 'paris', 'returning', 'seat', 'slips', 'necklace', 'one', 'sanjana', 'bags', 'order', 'sneak', 'customs', 'chaotic', 'journey', 'plane', 'lands', 'india', 'sanjana', 'bags', 'however', 'eventually', 'stolen', 'shekhar', 'decides', 'stay', 'way', 'staying', 'close', 'necklace', 'meanwhile', 'police', 'inspector', 'khan', 'shekhar', 'stealing', 'necklace', 'shekhar', 'sanjana', 'end', 'shekhar', 'native', 'village', 'participate', 'festivities', 'surrounding', 'wedding', 'shekhar', 'sister', 'shekhar', 'falls', 'love', 'sanjana', 'tell', 'meanwhile', 'sanjana', 'finds', 'shekhar', 'wanted', 'earn', 'money', 'surgery', 'nephew', 'needs', 'heart', 'transplant', 'tells', 'diamond', 'necklace', 'along', 'shekhar', 'promises', 'help', 'sanjana', 'find', 'rahul', 'rahul', 'gone', 'palam', 'beach', 'nisha', 'sanjana', 'still', 'love', 'rahul', 'determined', 'separate', 'shekhar', 'palam', 'beach', 'find', 'rahul', 'nisha', 'shekhar', 'pretends', 'sanjana', 'boyfriend', 'make', 'rahul', 'jealous', 'careful', 'reveal', 'true', 'feelings', 'sanjana', 'unfortunately', 'opts', 'another', 'plot', 'acting', 'rich', 'heiress', 'makes', 'rahul', 'rethink', 'relationship', 'shekhar', 'sanjana', 'invited', 'nisha', 'birthday', 'party', 'announces', 'rahul', 'engaged', 'sanjana', 'shocked', 'moment', 'realizes', 'fallen', 'brooding', 'intense', 'shekhar', 'however', 'tell', 'knowing', 'loves', 'well', 'one', 'day', 'inspector', 'khan', 'finds', 'sanjana', 'tells', 'shekhar', 'stolen', 'necklace', 'wants', 'back', 'without', 'arrest', 'theft', 'sanjana', 'knowing', 'important', 'necklace', 'shekhar', 'gives', 'back', 'inspector', 'khan', 'tells', 'boss', 'paris', 'get', 'francs', 'convert', 'rupees', 'give', 'shekhar', 'tells', 'shekhar', 'sold', 'necklace', 'decided', 'return', 'france', 'sanjana', 'leaves', 'inspector', 'khan', 'tells', 'shekhar', 'sanjana', 'rushes', 'airport', 'tell', 'sanjana', 'love', 'manages', 'stop', 'flight', 'taking', 'shekhar', 'tells', 'sanjana', 'loves', 'tearfully', 'confesses', 'loves', 'two', 'embrace', 'plane', 'front', 'cheering', 'passengers'], [\"'george\", 'hotsy', 'hamilton', 'eligible', 'naive', 'vegetarian', 'heir', 'meat-packing', 'fortune', 'returns', 'home', 'connecticut', 'luxury', 'cruise', 'ship', 'accompanied', 'marty', 'kennedy', 'valet', 'guardian', 'best', 'friend', 'spending', 'three', 'years', 'together', 'scientific', 'expedition', 'belgian', 'congo', 'looking', 'rare', 'snake', 'onboard', 'woman-shy', 'george', 'attracts', 'lot', 'attention', 'opposite', 'sex', 'despite', 'consummate', 'milque-toast', 'one', \"can\\\\'t\", 'avoid', 'jean', 'harris', 'beautiful', 'con', 'artist', 'travelling', 'equally', 'larcenous', 'father', 'colonel', 'patrick', 'henry', 'handsome', 'harry', 'harris', 'partner-in-crime', 'gerald', 'three', 'con', 'artists', 'fleece', 'george', 'small', 'fortune', 'even', 'best', 'laid', 'plans', 'astray', 'first', 'jean', 'falls', 'hard', 'george', 'shields', 'card', 'sharp', 'father', 'marty', 'discovers', 'truth', 'father', 'tells', 'george', 'dumps', 'furious', 'scorned', 're-enters', 'life', 'masquerading', 'posh', 'countess', 'louise', 'cousin', 'jacques', 'duc', 'montaigne', 'actually', 'frenchie', 'another', 'con', 'man', 'who\\\\', 'swindling', 'rich', 'folks', 'connecticut', 'jean', 'determined', 'get', 'back', 'george', 'sets', 'seduce', 'george\\\\', 'domineering', 'father', 'throws', 'party', 'honor', 'visiting', 'french', 'royalty', 'george', 'completely', 'taken', 'jean\\\\', 'masquerade', 'soon', 'hapless', 'victim', 'confused', 'bothered', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'way', 'end', 'twists', 'turns', 'deceptions', 'lies', 'true', 'love', 'wins', 'out.tcm', 'full', 'synopsis', 'ref', 'nameavg', 'sql=1:5728', 'plot', 'synopsis', 'imdb', 'plot'], ['molly', 'thatcher', 'stockbroker', 'languishing', 'company', 'run', 'sexist', 'bullard', 'bear', 'company', 'poorly', 'fire', 'somebody', 'molly', 'obvious', 'choice', 'avoid', 'charges', 'sex', 'discrimination', 'assigns', 'seemingly', 'impossible', 'task', 'unloading', 'shares', 'obscure', 'company', 'called', 'universal', 'widgets', 'figuring', 'fails', 'excuse', 'dismiss', 'molly', 'meets', 'henry', 'tyroon', 'aggressive', 'wheeler', 'dealer', 'dresses', 'talks', 'acts', 'like', 'stereotypical', 'texas', 'millionaire', 'interested', 'universal', 'widgets', 'decides', 'help', 'order', 'get', 'closer', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'molly', 'watches', 'henry', 'make', 'complicated', 'business', 'deals', 'often', 'partnership', 'texan', 'cronies', 'jay', 'ray', 'ray', 'jay', 'j.r.', 'one', 'deal', 'venture', 'dealing', 'modern', 'art', 'aid', 'stanislas', 'cynical', 'avant-garde', 'painter', 'molly', 'henry', 'trouble', 'figuring', 'universal', 'widgets', 'reason', 'existence', 'factory', 'burned', 'around', 'time', 'civil', 'war', 'manufactures', 'nothing', 'provides', 'service', 'corporation', 'paper', '...', 'whose', 'sole', 'asset', 'huge', 'block', 'shares', 'bought', 'long', 'long', 'ago', 'ridiculously', 'cheap', 'pays', 'hefty', 'regular', 'dividends', 'complacent', 'shareholders', 'henry', 'makes', 'attempt', 'take', 'control', 'undervalued', 'company', 'questionable', 'methods', 'over-enthusiastic', 'government', 'regulator', 'hector', 'vanson', 'takes', 'court', 'complications', 'arise', 'jay', 'ray', 'ray', 'jay', 'j.r.', 'get', 'molly', 'fired', 'spend', 'time', 'henry', 'thinks', 'henry', 'responsible', 'case', 'dismissed', 'determined', 'shares', 'hands', 'people', 'general', 'public', 'texans', 'bought', 'texas', 'trio', 'confess', 'got', 'molly', 'fired', 'henry', 'make'], ['akhil', 'owns', 'call-cab', 'service', 'falls', 'love', 'doctor', 'siri', 'valli', 'soon', 'siri', 'valli', 'falls', 'love', 'akhil', 'well', 'hi-tech', 'robber', 'called', 'sonu', 'steals', 'money', 'big', 'way', 'sonu', 'used', 'work', 'siri', 'valli', 'father', 'adopts', 'sister', 'family', 'fall', 'bad', 'times', 'incidentally', 'akhil', 'sonu', 'enemies', 'sonu', 'realizes', 'siri', 'valli', 'deep', 'love', 'arch', 'enemy', 'akhil', 'asks', 'put', 'end', 'relationship', 'never', 'see', 'siri', 'valli', 'goes', 'akhil', 'house', 'find', 'sonu', 'enemies', 'akhil', 'reveals', 'flash', 'back', 'akhil', 'sasha', 'sonu', 'meet', 'mumbai', 'needy', 'days', 'unemployed', 'graduates', 'soon', 'become', 'friends', 'struggle', 'find', 'work', 'sasha', 'sonu', 'sister', 'sasha', 'suddenly', 'develops', 'pains', 'stomach', 'needs', 'appendix', 'operation', 'sonu', 'akhil', \"n't\", 'enough', 'money', 'days', 'forced', 'steal', 'money', 'decide', 'rob', 'money', 'make', 'living', 'sasha', 'loves', 'akhil', 'akhil', 'feelings', 'treats', 'like', 'friend', 'akhil', 'sasha', 'sonu', 'given', 'one', 'task', 'rob', 'diamonds', 'one', 'robbery', 'settled', 'life', 'late', 'night', 'biker', 'club', 'sasha', 'says', 'openly', 'kill', 'akhil', 'love', 'stubborn', 'sasha', 'decides', 'stay', 'biker', 'club', 'late', 'meanwhile', 'hears', 'men', 'talking', 'finds', 'men', 'told', 'rob', 'diamonds', 'goons', 'plan', 'kill', 'akhil', 'sonu', 'sasha', 'right', 'succeed', 'robbery', 'sasha', 'overhears', 'goons', 'chase', 'sasha', 'kill', 'make', 'believe', 'committed', 'suicide', 'sonu', 'hates', 'akhil', 'akhil', 'could', \"n't\", 'love', 'sasha', 'sonu', 'hates', 'akhil', 'still', 'neither', 'sonu', 'akhil', 'know', 'sasha', 'killed', 'goons', 'several', 'incidents', 'find', 'really', 'behind', 'sasha', 'murder', 'mama', 'mama', 'kidnaps', 'siri', 'valli', 'ransom', 'tells', 'akhil', 'sonu', 'rob', 'diamonds', 'supposed', 'rob', 'mumbai', 'successfully', 'rob', 'diamonds', 'blowing', 'underneath', 'truck', 'carrying', 'diamonds', 'falling', 'sea', 'akhil', 'goes', 'ocean', 'gets', 'diamonds', 'police', 'start', 'chasing', 'sonu', 'akhil', 'motorboats', 'one', 'police', 'shoots', 'sonu', 'falls', 'ocean', 'still', 'akhil', 'stop', 'heads', 'mama', 'place', 'akhil', 'gets', 'hold', 'sonu', 'faked', 'death', 'sonu', 'rushes', 'get', 'sister', 'clutches', 'bad', 'guys', 'akhil', 'sonu', 'manages', 'kill', 'everyone', 'keep', 'diamonds'], ['25-year-old', 'gypsy', 'vale', '18-year-old', 'clive', 'webb', 'two', 'goths', 'living', 'sandusky', 'ohio', 'gypsy', 'parents', 'ray', 'john', 'doe', 'velvet', 'band', 'together', 'gypsy', 'aspires', 'famous', 'singer', 'like', 'idol', 'stevie', 'nicks', 'hesitant', 'disappearance', 'mother', 'leave', 'father', 'alone', 'sandusky', 'pursue', 'dreams', 'checking', 'updates', 'stevie', 'nicks', 'fansite', 'clive', 'discovers', 'night', 'thousand', 'stevies', 'event', 'new', 'york', 'long', 'heated', 'discussion', 'gypsy', 'reveals', 'mother', \"n't\", 'disappear', 'die', 'left', 'follow', 'dream', 'becoming', 'famous', 'singer', 'despite', 'clive', 'finally', 'convinces', 'gypsy', 'new', 'york', 'along', 'way', 'gypsy', 'clive', 'encounter', 'diverse', 'host', 'characters', 'obstacles', 'miss', 'auditions', 'night', 'thousand', 'stevies', 'gypsy', 'learns', 'mother', 'committed', 'suicide', 'four', 'years', 'earlier', 'sympathetic', 'mistress', 'ceremonies', 'also', 'mother', 'best', 'friend', 'new', 'york', 'allows', 'gypsy', 'perform', 'song', 'wrote', 'mother', 'end', 'show', 'end', 'gypsy', 'stays', 'new', 'york', 'pursue', 'musical', 'aspirations', 'like', 'mother', 'clive', 'returns', 'sandusky', 'finish', 'high', 'school', 'plans', 'come', 'back', 'new', 'york', 'graduates'], ['clifford', 'southey', 'clerk', 'brokerage', 'firm', 'promoted', 'lieutenant', 'colonel', 'war', 'subordinate', 'officer', 'captain', 'brett', 'aimsley', 'partner', 'southey', 'firm', 'popular', 'charismatic', 'capt', 'aimsley', 'everything', 'col.', 'southey', 'aspires', 'unfortunately', 'money', 'aimsley', 'weakness', 'achilles', 'heel', 'profligacy', 'sees', 'removed', 'southey', 'command', 'time', 'war', 'aimsley', 'comfortable', 'exile', 'tahiti', 'rudely', 'interrupted', 'arrival', 'old', 'adversary', 'director', 'hotel', 'chain', 'looking', 'expand', 'burgeoning', 'south', 'seas', 'market'], ['gabriel', 'noone', 'popular', 'gay', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'radio', 'show', 'host', 'dealing', 'separation', 'partner', 'jess', 'noone', 'given', 'memoir', 'written', 'teenager', 'pete', 'logand', 'chronicles', 'many', 'years', 'sexual', 'abuse', 'suffered', 'hands', 'parents', 'friends', 'diagnosed', 'aids', 'youth', 'adopted', 'donna', 'logand', 'social', 'worker', 'handled', 'case', 'noone', 'begins', 'telephone', 'relationship', 'boy', 'donna', 'pete', 'become', 'increasingly', 'close', 'form', 'father-son', 'relationship', 'much', 'dismay', 'jess', 'especially', 'speaks', 'donna', 'suspects', 'boy', 'person', 'noone', 'personal', 'secretary', 'anna', 'adds', 'fuel', 'fire', 'discussing', 'research', 'people', 'fabricate', 'stories', 'attention', 'love', 'determined', 'prove', 'boy', 'exists', 'story', 'true', 'noone', 'decides', 'pay', 'surprise', 'visit', 'hometown', 'rural', 'wisconsin', 'noone', 'discovers', 'return', 'address', 'peter', 'correspondence', 'actually', 'mail', 'drop', 'soon', 'eating', 'local', 'diner', 'overhears', 'another', 'patron', 'recognizes', 'voice', 'donna', 'stunned', 'learn', 'blind', 'uses', 'guide', 'dog', 'noone', 'follows', 'home', 'donna', 'senses', 'followed', 'invites', 'home', 'talks', 'openly', 'peter', 'says', 'currently', 'hospital', 'undergoing', 'tests', 'assures', 'visit', 'boy', 'following', 'day', 'suddenly', 'becomes', 'angry', 'tells', 'allow', 'meet', 'son', 'increasingly', 'suspicious', 'noone', 'contacts', 'hospitals', 'madison', 'site', 'nearest', 'facilities', 'none', 'boy', 'registered', 'patient', 'gabriel', 'paranoia', 'boy', 'existence', 'grows', 'hoping', 'find', 'proof', 'existence', 'breaks', 'donna', 'home', 'police', 'officer', 'arrests', 'breaking', 'entering', 'mistakenly', 'believing', 'one', 'boy', 'abusers', 'attacks', 'stun', 'baton', 'taking', 'station', 'noone', 'convinces', 'police', 'meant', 'harm', 'released', 'find', 'donna', 'waiting', 'news', 'pete', 'died', 'staying', 'milwaukee', 'hospital', 'one', 'madison', 'distressed', 'noone', \"n't\", 'believe', 'donna', 'collapses', 'middle', 'road', 'tries', 'hold', 'path', 'oncoming', 'truck', 'moves', 'everything', 'home', 'disappears', 'police', 'question', 'noone', 'convinced', 'boy', 'figment', 'deranged', 'woman', 'imagination', 'response', 'phone', 'call', 'donna', 'gabriel', 'goes', 'motel', 'staying', 'finds', 'pete', 'stuffed', 'rabbit', 'videotape', 'blanket', 'plays', 'video', 'child', 'seems', 'pete', 'could', 'anyone', 'phone', 'rings', 'caller', 'claims', 'boy', 'waiting', 'mother', 'airport', 'gabriel', 'asks', 'questions', 'finding', 'mother', 'lied', 'death', 'caller', 'ends', 'conversation', 'gabriel', 'asks', 'happened', 'donna', 'past', 'became', 'blind', 'final', 'moments', 'conversation', 'pete', 'voice', 'changes', 'sound', 'womanly', 'conversation', 'cut', 'gabriel', 'returns', 'manhattan', 'uses', 'experience', 'create', 'night', 'listener', 'new', 'radio', 'story', 'final', 'scene', 'donna', 'searching', 'new', 'home', 'coastal', 'town', 'telling', 'realtor', 'needs', 'sick', 'child', 'lost', 'leg', 'released', 'next', 'day', 'drastically', 'changed', 'appearance', 'longer', 'guide', 'dog', 'dark', 'glasses', 'revealing', 'blindness', 'also', 'act'], ['nelsonville', 'ohio', '1956', 'relationship', 'introverted', 'clumsy', 'jonathan', 'bellah', 'nonconformist', 'extroverted', 'gene', 'harbrough', 'begins', 'develop', 'jonathan', 'main', 'objective', 'win', 'sexy', 'marilyn', 'mccauley', 'spite', 'shyness', 'gene', 'love-life', 'maintain', 'girlfriend', 'bunny', 'miller', 'mdash', 'well', 'counseling', 'jonathan', 'attract', 'women', 'gene', 'also', 'defend', 'class', 'bully', 'kenny', 'trying', 'work', 'borderline', 'relationship', 'widowed', 'father', 'zero', 'tolerances', 'often', 'wild', 'escapades', 'also', 'scenes', 'shot', 'canal', 'winchester', 'baltimore', 'carroll', 'lithopolis', 'ohio'], [\"'melinda\", 'howard', 'entertainer', 'traveling', 'england', 'pay', 'surprise', 'visit', 'mother', 'broadway', 'singer', 'jessica', 'howard', 'lives', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'melinda', 'believes', 'mother', 'lives', 'mansion', 'however', 'jessica\\\\', 'alcoholism', 'reduced', 'singing', 'greenwich', 'village', 'saloon', 'mansion', 'actually', 'belongs', 'adolph', 'hubbell', 'wife', 'hubbells\\\\', 'butler', 'lefty', 'mack', 'fianc챕e', 'gloria', 'davis', 'maid', 'down-on-their', 'luck', 'vaudeville', 'team', 'good', 'friends', 'jessica', 'forwarding', 'letters', 'melinda', 'lefty', 'pretends', 'jessica', 'rented', 'house', 'hubbells', 'tour', 'disappointed', 'melinda', 'discloses', 'money', 'offers', 'one', 'servants\\\\', 'rooms', 'night', 'lefty', 'promises', 'melinda', 'mother', 'return', 'home', 'soon', 'informs', 'jessica', 'daughter\\\\', 'arrival', 'suggests', 'come', 'house', 'next', 'night', 'hubbells', 'giving', 'party', 'attended', 'many', 'broadway', 'performers', 'meanwhile', 'adolph', 'discovered', 'melinda\\\\', 'presence', 'lefty', 'explains', 'situation', 'agrees', 'keep', 'jessica\\\\', 'secret', 'party', 'melinda', 'awaits', 'mother\\\\', 'arrival', 'waiting', 'sees', 'one', 'party', 'guests', 'brought', 'along', 'tom', 'farnham', 'boat', 'melinda', 'made', 'pass', 'also', 'kept', 'profession', 'secret', 'boat', 'party', 'entertains', 'crowd', 'song', 'dance', 'male', 'lead', 'george', 'ferndel\\\\', 'newest', 'production', 'lullaby', 'broadway', 'ferndel', 'broadway', 'producer', 'tries', 'persuade', 'adolphe', 'invest', 'latest', 'show', 'something', 'adolph', 'refuses', 'unless', 'able', 'help', 'cast', 'production', 'jessica', 'fails', 'appear', 'party', 'hospitalized', 'delirium', 'tremens', 'lefty', 'explains', 'melinda', 'jessica\\\\', 'show', 'popular', 'leave', 'leads', 'melinda', 'vow', 'wait', 'attempt', 'cheer', 'melinda', 'lefty', 'suggests', 'adolph', 'take', 'dinner', 'present', 'ferndel', 'potential', 'new', 'star', 'show', 'ferndel', 'impressed', 'melinda\\\\', 'performance', 'reward', 'adolph', 'decides', 'buy', 'melinda', 'fur', 'coat', 'tom', 'happens', 'see', 'fur', 'shop', 'adolphe', 'keep', 'secret', 'fur', 'arrives', 'house', 'gloria', 'horrified', 'believes', 'adolphe\\\\', 'intentions', 'far', 'fatherly', 'melinda', 'upset', 'insinuations', 'insists', 'returning', 'coat', 'informs', 'lefty', 'gloria', 'parts', 'musical', 'coat', 'returned', 'however', 'mrs.', 'hubbell', 'finds', 'believes', 'surprise', 'wears', 'night', 'charity', 'ball', 'melinda', 'sees', 'candidly', 'remarks', 'tom', 'coat', 'originally', 'meant', 'tom', 'misinterprets', 'statements', 'two', 'quarrel', 'bitterly', 'although', 'jessica', 'released', 'hospital', 'fears', 'melinda\\\\', 'reaction', 'present', 'state', 'refuses', 'meet', 'right', 'show', 'opens', 'mrs.', 'hubbell', 'learns', 'truth', 'fur', 'names', 'melinda', 'divorce', 'suit', 'mr.', 'hubbell', 'tom', 'offers', 'forgive', 'shocked', 'melinda', 'realizes', 'thought', 'romantically', 'involved', 'adolph', 'shortly', 'afterward', 'aggressive', 'reporter', 'recognizes', 'jessica\\\\', 'picture', 'tells', 'melinda', 'truth', 'mother', 'completely', 'shattered', 'melinda', 'decides', 'return', 'england', 'begs', 'lefty', 'pay', 'ticket', 'gloria', 'lefty', 'meet', 'melinda', 'ship', 'escort', 'stateroom', 'jessica', 'waiting', 'mother', 'daughter', 'tearfully', 'reunited', 'lefty', 'informs', 'mrs.', 'hubbell', 'knows', 'nothing', 'melinda', 'adolph', 'leave', 'together', 'theater', 'opening', 'night', 'success', 'tom', 'melinda', 'free', 'pursue', 'romance.http', '//www.tcm.com/tcmdb/title.jsp', 'stid=82175'], [\"'ghani\", 'orphan', 'raised', 'delhi', 'new', 'khan', 'also', 'hyderabad', 'turns', 'khan', 'henchman', 'committing', 'crimes', 'boss', 'wants', 'one', 'day', 'refuses', 'kill', 'woman', 'reason', 'behind', 'decision', 'leads', 'sub', 'plot', 'khan', 'plans', 'eliminate', 'ghani', 'betrayal', 'plan', 'unsuccessful', 'leaves', 'hero', 'mere', 'wound', 'girl', 'indu', 'gets', 'killed', 'combat', 'next', 'episode', 'opens', 'hyderabad', 'pawan', 'kalyan', 'christens', 'balu', 'name', 'dead', 'lover', 'used', 'call', 'mission', 'eliminate', 'local', 'mafia', 'head', 'nayudamma', 'control', 'land'], [\"'harry\", 'wolper', 'nobel', 'prize', 'laureate', 'biology', 'obsessed', 'possibility', 'clone', 'beloved', 'late', 'wife', 'lucy', 'helped', 'student', 'boris', 'lafkin', 'eccentric', 'egg-donor', 'girl', 'meli', 'dr.', 'wolper', 'finally', 'succeeds', 'cloning', 'process', 'events', 'leading', 'achievement', 'create', 'strong', 'bonds', 'meli', 'also', 'boris', 'schoolmate', 'barbara', 'end', 'harry', 'realizes', 'love', 'meli', 'interrupts', 'cloning', 'process', 'dropping', 'last', 'cells', 'lucy', 'sea'], ['appleyard', 'college', 'girls', 'private', 'school', 'near', 'town', 'woodend', 'victoria', 'australia', 'students', 'dressing', 'morning', 'st.', 'valentine', 'day', '1900.', 'miranda', 'irma', 'marion', 'rosamund', 'waifish', 'sara', 'outsider', 'edith', 'read', 'poetry', 'valentine', 'day', 'cards', 'group', 'prepares', 'picnic', 'local', 'geological', 'formation', 'known', 'hanging', 'rock', 'accompanied', 'mathematics', 'mistress', 'miss', 'greta', 'mccraw', 'young', 'beautiful', 'mademoiselle', 'poitiers', 'authority', 'stern', 'headmistress', 'mrs.', 'appleyard', 'rachel', 'roberts', 'jittery', 'teacher', 'miss', 'lumley', 'advises', 'sara', 'allowed', 'attend', 'driven', 'buggy', 'operator', 'ben', 'hussey', 'party', 'pass', 'arrive', 'rock', 'mid-afternoon', 'meal', 'mr.', 'hussey', 'notes', 'watch', 'stopped', 'stroke', 'twelve', 'watch', 'miss', 'mcgraw', 'permission', 'mlle', 'poitiers', 'miranda', 'marion', 'irma', 'decide', 'explore', 'hanging', 'rock', 'take', 'measurements', 'edith', 'allowed', 'follow', 'group', 'observed', 'several', 'minutes', 'later', 'young', 'englishman', 'michael', 'fitzhubert', 'lunching', 'rock', 'uncle', 'colonel', 'fitzhubert', 'aunt', 'mrs.', 'fitzhubert', 'valet', 'albert', 'top', 'hanging', 'rock', 'group', 'lies', 'ground', 'apparently', 'dazed', 'sun', 'miss', 'mccraw', 'still', 'base', 'rock', 'stares', 'miranda', 'marion', 'irma', 'awake', 'move', 'dream', 'recess', 'rock', 'face', 'edith', 'screams', 'flees', 'rock', 'distraught', 'hysterical', 'party', 'eventually', 'returns', 'college', 'mlle', 'poitiers', 'explains', 'mrs.', 'appleyard', 'miss', 'mcgraw', 'left', 'behind', 'sara', 'notes', 'absence', 'miranda', 'mr.', 'hussy', 'explains', 'mrs.', 'appleyard', 'miranda', 'irma', 'marion', 'miss', 'mcgraw', 'went', 'missing', 'search', 'party', 'led', 'sgt', 'bumpher', 'constable', 'jones', 'local', 'police', 'finds', 'nothing', 'although', 'edith', 'reveals', 'witnessed', 'miss', 'mcgraw', 'climbing', 'rock', 'without', 'skirt', 'michael', 'fitzhubert', 'questioned', 'reveals', 'watched', 'schoolgirls', 'provide', 'clues', 'whereabouts', 'michael', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'finding', 'miranda', 'albert', 'conducts', 'another', 'search', 'hanging', 'rock', 'despite', 'albert', 'protests', 'michael', 'decides', 'remain', 'overnight', 'begins', 'climbing', 'next', 'day', 'leaving', 'trail', 'paper', 'albert', 'follows', 'markers', 'finds', 'nearly', 'delirious', 'michael', 'leaving', 'buggy', 'local', 'doctor', 'michael', 'passes', 'albert', 'fragment', 'lace', 'dress', 'albert', 'returns', 'hanging', 'rock', 'discovers', 'irma', 'unconscious', 'alive', 'residents', 'woodend', 'become', 'restless', 'news', 'discovery', 'spreads', 'fitzhubert', 'home', 'irma', 'treated', 'dehydration', 'exposure', 'tells', 'police', 'mlle', 'poitiers', 'memory', 'happened', 'servant', 'notes', 'irma', 'corset', 'missing', 'advised', 'mrs.', 'fitzhubert', 'important', 'michael', 'befriends', 'recovered', 'irma', 'alienates', 'demands', 'know', 'happened', 'rock', 'mrs.', 'appleyard', 'advises', 'miss', 'lumley', 'several', 'parents', 'withdrawn', 'children', 'school', 'leaving', 'europe', 'irma', 'visits', 'classmates', 'final', 'time', 'become', 'hysterical', 'demand', 'know', 'happened', 'missing', 'friends', 'mlle', 'poitiers', 'intervenes', 'irma', 'flees', 'also', 'notices', 'sara', 'strapped', 'wall', 'mrs.', 'appleyard', 'correct', 'posture', 'night', 'miss', 'lumley', 'gives', 'notice', 'drunken', 'mrs.', 'appleyard', 'resigning', 'mrs.', 'appleyard', 'tells', 'sara', 'guardian', 'paid', 'tuition', 'sara', 'must', 'return', 'orphanage', 'next', 'day', 'mrs.', 'appleyard', 'lies', 'mademoiselle', 'poitiers', 'claims', 'sara', 'guardian', 'collected', 'early', 'morning', 'next', 'day', 'sara', 'body', 'found', 'greenhouse', 'mr.', 'whitehead', 'school', 'gardener', 'believing', 'sara', 'committed', 'suicide', 'leaping', 'bedroom', 'window', 'whitehead', 'confronts', 'mrs.', 'appleyard', 'calm', 'full', 'mourning', 'dress', 'possessions', 'packed', 'michael', 'tells', 'albert', 'decided', 'travel', 'north', 'albert', 'revealing', 'dream', 'lost', 'sister', 'sara', 'visited', 'flashback', 'picnic', 'scene', 'sgt', 'bumpher', 'states', 'voice', 'body', 'mrs.', 'appleyard', 'found', 'base', 'hanging', 'rock', 'search', 'missing', 'school', 'girls', 'mistress', 'continued', 'sporadically', 'several', 'years', 'without', 'success'], [\"'john\", 'finley', 'horton', 'white', 'american', 'journalist', 'artificially', 'darkens', 'skin', 'passes', 'black', 'man', 'deep', 'south', 'new', 'orleans', 'atlanta', 'encounters', 'great', 'deal', 'racism', 'white', 'black', 'peoples'], [\"'thirumalai\", 'two-wheeler', 'mechanic', 'lives', 'pudupet', 'three', 'close', 'friends', 'would', 'anything', 'raghuvaran', 'artist', 'comes', 'stay', 'near', 'tirumalai', 'mechanic', 'shop', 'wife', 'nagalakshmi', 'thirumalai', 'happens', 'meet', 'swetha', 'new', 'year', 'day', 'appears', 'front', 'sudden', 'happens', 'greet', 'saying', '쁄veryone', 'fine', 'day', 'things', 'start', 'shine', 'thirumalai', 'life', 'falls', 'love', 'swetha', 'thinks', 'good', 'things', 'started', 'happen', 'life', 'greeted', 'swetha', 'first', 'ignores', 'soon', 'understands', 'nature', 'reciprocates', 'meanwhile', 'swetha', 'father', 'business', 'tycoon', 'owns', 'six', 'satellite', 'channels', 'hates', 'idea', 'mechanic', 'son-in-law', 'seeks', 'help', 'local', 'thug', 'arasu', 'whose', 'job', 'kill', 'people', 'huge', 'money', 'arasu', 'plots', 'attempt', 'kill', 'thirumalai', 'thirumalai', 'succeed', 'winning', 'girl', 'caught', 'plot', 'forms', 'rest', 'story'], ['dignified', 'impoverished', 'aristocrat', 'prince', 'amerigo', 'whose', 'illustrious', 'italian', 'family', 'occupies', 'decaying', 'palazzo', 'ugolini', 'florence', 'engaged', 'socialite', 'maggie', 'verver', 'shares', 'extremely', 'close', 'relationship', 'millionaire', 'father', 'adam', 'retired', 'widowed', 'tycoon', 'living', 'england', 'intends', 'finance', 'construction', 'museum', 'house', 'invaluable', 'collection', 'art', 'antiquities', 'american', 'city', 'prior', 'engagement', 'unbeknownst', 'fianc챕e', 'amerigo', 'long', 'passionate', 'affair', 'charlotte', 'stant', 'attended', 'school', 'maggie', 'two', 'separated', 'lack', 'funds', 'charlotte', 'still', 'love', 'receives', 'invitation', 'wedding', 'seizes', 'opportunity', 'reunite', 'days', 'ceremony', 'amerigo', 'charlotte', 'wander', 'antique', 'store', 'search', 'wedding', 'gift', 'couple', 'proprietor', 'a.r', 'jarvis', 'shows', 'ancient', 'bowl', 'carved', 'single', 'piece', 'crystal', 'embroidered', 'gold', 'asserts', 'flawless', 'charlotte', 'indecisive', 'buying', 'jarvis', 'offers', 'set', 'aside', 'make', 'mind', 'despite', 'knowing', 'amerigo', 'charlotte', 'history', 'maggie', 'meddlesome', 'aunt', 'fanny', 'suggests', 'young', 'woman', 'adam', 'would', 'perfect', 'match', 'two', 'eventually', 'wed', 'much', 'delight', 'maggie', 'concerned', 'father', 'loneliness', 'two', 'couples', 'find', 'lives', 'closely', 'interlocked', 'although', 'fact', 'maggie', 'adam', 'spend', 'much', 'time', 'together', 'irritates', 'spouses', 'find', 'weekend', 'party', 'country', 'without', 'mates', 'charlotte', 'amerigo', 'rekindle', 'affair', 'fanny', 'becomes', 'aware', 'illicit', 'romance', 'wanting', 'protect', 'niece', 'hurt', 'says', 'nothing', 'time', 'passes', 'however', 'maggie', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'amount', 'time', 'husband', 'stepmother', 'spend', 'together', 'search', 'unusual', 'gift', 'father', 'seemingly', 'everything', 'maggie', 'chances', 'wander', 'jarvis', 'shop', 'shows', 'bowl', 'set', 'aside', 'charlotte', 'years', 'ago', 'maggie', 'agrees', 'buy', '짙300', 'asks', 'delivered', 'home', 'jarvis', 'discovers', 'barely', 'discernible', 'crack', 'piece', 'decides', 'bring', 'maggie', 'reveal', 'defect', 'offer', '짙150', 'instead', 'waiting', 'drawing', 'room', 'recognizes', 'amerigo', 'charlotte', 'photographs', 'table', 'innocently', 'reveals', 'couple', 'originally', 'considered', 'purchasing', 'bowl', 'three', 'days', 'wedding', 'maggie', 'always', 'believed', 'first', 'time', 'husband', 'friend', 'met', 'object', 'suddenly', 'becomes', 'symbol', 'adultery', 'rather', 'beautiful', 'work', 'art', 'fanny', 'intentionally', 'drops', 'floor', 'hoping', 'niece', 'dispose', 'pieces', 'maggie', 'willing', 'forget', 'represents', 'everyone', 'avoids', 'publicly', 'discussing', 'one', 'privately', 'knows', 'two', 'marriages', 'find', 'possible', 'jeopardy'], ['expand', 'section', 'group', 'men', 'two', 'female', 'stenographers', 'scientifically', 'investigate', 'sex', 'discussion', 'various', 'aspects'], [\"'aspiring\", 'actress', 'louise', 'mauban', 'attends', 'paris', 'school', 'drama', 'working', 'dreary', 'factory', 'job', 'fellow', 'students', 'begin', 'suspect', 'stories', 'luxurious', 'life', 'wealthy', 'handsome', 'boyfriend', 'marquis', 'andre', \"d\\\\'abbencourt\", 'alan', 'marshal', 'fantasies', 'weaves', 'relieve', 'humdrum', 'life', 'one', 'nana', 'maliciously', 'invites', 'louise', 'birthday', 'party', 'arranged', 'andre', 'attend', 'however', 'plan', 'backfires', 'andre', 'enchanted', 'louise', 'lie', 'turns', 'truth', 'showers', 'gifts', 'takes', 'every', 'night', 'andre', 'eventually', 'becomes', 'enamored', 'another', 'woman', 'breaks', 'louise', 'letter', 'louise\\\\', 'friends', 'show', 'tells', 'take', 'pick', 'fabulous', 'clothes', 'andre', 'given', 'however', 'late-arriving', 'nana', 'shows', 'letter', 'gift', 'nana\\\\', 'heart', 'softened', 'rival', 'become', 'friends', 'meanwhile', 'madame', 'therese', 'charlot', 'aging', 'star', 'teacher', 'school', 'upset', 'learn', 'monsieur', 'pasquel', 'sr.', 'get', 'leading', 'role', 'new', 'play', 'joan', 'arc', 'longer', 'young', 'enough', 'bitterness', 'lashes', 'louise', 'late', 'class', 'informs', 'louise', 'demand', 'expulsion', 'louise', 'follows', 'charlot\\\\', 'surprise', 'thanks', 'louise', 'explains', 'believes', 'great', 'star', 'must', 'suffer', 'madame', 'charlot', 'suffered', 'early', 'career', 'next', 'day', 'louise', 'defiantly', 'returns', 'class', 'madame', 'charlot', 'announces', 'accepted', 'another', 'mature', 'role', 'play', 'recommended', 'louise', 'lead', 'louise', 'gets', 'part', 'great', 'success', 'opening', 'night', 'receiving', 'standing', 'ovation'], [\"'luster\", 'takes', 'place', 'weekend', 'los', 'angeles', 'jackson', 'wakes', 'aftermath', 'orgy', 'heads', 'job', 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'billy', 'calls', 'jackson', 'record', 'store', 'jackson', 'picks', 'takes', 'home', 'billy', 'explains', 'ex-lover', 'sexually', 'tortured', 'leaving', 'billy', 'sleep', 'jackson', 'gives', 'poems', 'sonny', 'thinks', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'great', 'changes', 'sex', 'subjects', 'female', 'jed', 'returns', 'jackson\\\\', 'place', 'crawls', 'bed', 'next', 'billy', 'jackson', 'goes', 'back', 'work', 'derek', 'waiting', 'derek', 'professes', 'love', 'jackson', 'explains', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'feel', 'kiss', 'anyway', 'jackson', 'drives', 'derek', 'home', 'alyssa', 'takes', 'photos', 'jed', 'gallery', 'lands', 'showing', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'billy', 'wakes', 'next', 'jed', 'engages', 'sexual', 'torture', 'sonny', 'decides', 'must', 'meet', 'jackson\\\\', 'inspiration', 'sends', 'private', 'investigator', 'get', 'p.i', 'finds', 'billy', 'brings', 'sonny', 'sonny', 'tortured', 'billy', 'previously', 'billy', 'tells', 'sonny', 'tortured', 'someone', 'morning', 'realized', 'hated', 'wants', 'enslave', 'sonny', 'sam', 'visits', 'mother', 'surprises', 'news', 'he\\\\', 'paid', 'mortgage', 'jackson', 'returns', 'home', 'finds', 'jed', 'handcuffed', 'shower', 'sam', 'jackson', 'jed', 'bar', 'crawl', 'city', 'jackson', 'runs', 'sonny', 'billy', 'restroom', 'one', 'bar', 'beats', 'billy', 'jed', 'sonny', 'gets', 'turned', 'jackson', 'leaves', 'bar', 'sam', 'jed', 'arguing', 'sam\\\\', 'unrequited', 'love', 'someone', 'sam', 'drops', 'jackson', 'jed', 'jackson\\\\', 'gives', 'jed', 'videotape', 'give', 'jackson', 'jed', 'goes', 'inside', 'jackson', 'make', 'love', 'jackson', 'takes', 'jed', 'airport', 'flight', 'back', 'iowa', 'jed', 'tells', 'tape', 'jackson', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'alyssa', 'girlfriend', 'sandra', 'tell', 'sam', 'killed', 'tape', 'sam', 'says', 'he\\\\', 'love', 'jackson', 'knows', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'never', 'able', 'jackson', 'way', 'wants', 'lot', 'pain', 'distraught', 'jackson', 'runs', 'way', 'derek\\\\', 'place', 'tape', 'even', 'ends', 'derek', 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'offer', 'goes', 'boxing', 'competitions', 'raise', 'money', 'geeta', 'condition', 'deteriorates', 'point', 'johnny', 'needs', 'lakhs', 'overnight', 'owner', 'boxing', 'fights', 'makes', 'deal', 'johnny', 'must', 'fight', 'two', 'professional', 'martial', 'artists', 'get', 'lakhs', 'overnight', 'rest', 'defeats'], [\"'devadas\", 'typical', 'poor', 'student', 'bhanumati', 'rich', 'nri', 'girl', 'whose', 'father', 'senator', 'new', 'york', 'fall', 'love', 'girl', 'comes', 'india', 'learn', 'classical', 'carnatic', 'music', 'coming', 'know', 'love', 'bhanu', 'father', 'katamraju', 'hatches', 'plan', 'separate', 'promises', 'get', 'married', 'takes', 'daughter', 'grand', 'mother', 'back', 'usa', 'rest', 'story', 'street-smart', 'lover', 'boy', 'makes', 'usa', 'succeeds', 'attaining', 'girl'], ['jade', 'feisty', 'year', 'old', 'chinese-canadian', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'lives', 'home', 'traditional', 'chinese', 'family', 'strict', 'father', 'dutiful', 'mother', 'sweet', 'younger', 'sister', 'pearl', 'older', 'brother', 'winston', 'disowned', 'fate', 'jade', 'eager', 'share', 'sake', 'spare', 'family', 'pain', 'family', 'tries', 'put', 'perfect', 'public', 'persona', 'costs', 'maintain', 'dignity', 'well', 'uphold', 'traditional', 'chinese', 'values', 'one', 'primary', 'part', 'persona', 'prosperity', 'jade', 'father', 'hopes', 'true', 'financial', 'prosperity', 'become', 'reality', 'penny', 'stocks', 'jade', 'meanwhile', 'tries', 'achieve', 'happy', 'medium', 'giving', 'parent', 'wishes', 'fulfilling', 'needs', 'desires', 'double', 'happiness', 'therefore', 'although', 'manages', 'land', 'bit', 'parts', 'camera', 'jade', 'spends', 'time', 'working', 'shop', 'owned', 'family', 'friend', 'performing', 'duties', 'respectful', 'daughter', 'suffering', 'arranged', 'dates', 'prosperous', 'young', 'chinese', 'men', 'adept', 'cultural', 'chameleon', 'though', 'also', 'leads', 'double', 'life', 'hanging', 'best', 'friend', 'lisa', 'father', 'childhood', 'friend', 'arrives', 'visit', 'however', 'jade', 'must', 'juggle', 'competing', 'identities', 'even', 'carefully', 'usual', 'lest', 'choice', 'professions', 'boyfriends', 'shame', 'father', 'instability', 'jade', 'parents', \"n't\", 'understand', 'widely', 'publicize', 'jade', 'aspirations', 'actress', 'main', 'want', 'jade', 'date', 'marry', 'nice', 'chinese', 'boy', 'goal', 'jade', 'extended', 'family', 'also', 'strives', 'always', 'trying', 'introduce', 'chinese', 'boys', 'initially', 'believe', 'boy', 'andrew', 'jade', 'even', 'agrees', 'jade', 'beyond', 'wanting', 'actress', 'wishes', 'family', 'western', 'sensibilities', 'attracted', 'slightly', 'awkward', 'persistent', 'caucasian', 'english', 'graduate', 'student', 'named', 'mark', 'jade', 'figure', 'please', 'family', 'would', 'approve', 'dating', 'caucasian', 'true', 'older', 'brother', 'already', 'picture', 'reason', 'naturally', 'something', 'got', 'give', 'sooner', 'later', 'facade', 'perfect', 'chinese', 'daughter', 'soon', 'begins', 'slip'], ['film', 'opens', '1991', 'funeral', 'world', 'war', 'veteran', 'man', 'daughter', 'marie', 'delivers', 'eulogy', 'church', 'full', 'veterans', 'knew', 'loved', 'father', 'mother', 'ethel', 'ann', 'sitting', 'church', 'porch', 'smoking', 'nursing', 'hangover', 'ethel', 'ann', 'begins', 'acting', 'strangely', 'friend', 'jack', 'seems', 'understand', 'quickly', 'emerges', 'lot', 'marie', 'know', 'mother', 'past', 'true', 'story', 'love', 'life', 'movie', 'flips', 'time', 'mother', 'young', 'lively', 'optimistic', 'love', 'young', 'farmer', 'teddy', 'gordon', 'goes', 'war', 'best', 'friends', 'jack', 'gregory', 'smith', 'chuck', 'make', 'back', 'alive', 'plot', 'lines', 'intertwine', 'story', 'young', 'ulsterman', 'belfast', 'jimmy', 'finds', 'ring', 'wreckage', 'crashed', 'b-17', 'determined', 'return', 'woman', 'owned', 'inadvertently', 'caught', 'cross-border', 'troubles', 'jimmy', 'flees', 'belfast', 'travelling', 'michigan', 'give', 'ethel', 'ring', 'ethel', 'reveals', 'wall', 'covered', 'souvenirs', 'teddy', 'jack', 'chuck', 'boarded', '1944.', 'marie', 'shocked', 'furious', 'learn', 'mother', 'loved', 'chuck', 'teddy', 'memory', 'ethel', 'travels', 'belfast', 'jimmy', 'holds', 'hand', 'dying', 'british', 'soldier', 'caught', 'car-bomb', 'attack', 'quinlan', 'tells', 'ethel', 'hill', 'teddy', 'died', 'teddy', 'dying', 'words', 'freed', 'ethel', 'promise', 'love', 'forever', 'joining', 'ethel', 'belfast', 'jack', 'admits', 'always', 'loved', 'begin', 'romance'], [\"'frustrated\", 'fact', 'give', 'wife', 'priscilla', 'orgasm', 'jack', 'moves', 'house', 'starts', 'relationship', 'kristen', 'student', 'unfulfilled', 'priscilla', 'forms', 'unlikely', 'partnership', 'wayne', 'businessman', 'twice', 'age'], ['groom', 'four', 'groomsmen', 'wrestle', 'issues', 'fatherhood', 'homosexuality', 'honesty', 'growing', 'week', 'leading', 'wedding', 'paulie', 'self-supporting', 'writer', 'making', 'plans', 'marriage', 'sue', 'girlfriend', '5th', 'month', 'pregnancy', 'real-life', 'burns\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'supermodel', 'christy', 'turlington', 'also', 'five', 'months', 'pregnant', 'married', 'june', '2003.', 'christy', 'inspired', 'burns', 're-work', 'manuscript', 'movie', \"hadn\\\\'t\", 'worked', 'many', 'months', 'paulie', 'strongly', 'advised', 'older', 'brother', 'jimbo', 'wedding', 'jimbo', 'runs', 'struggling', 'business', 'envious', 'paulie', 'partly', 'childless', 'marriage', 'unraveling', 't.c', 'left', 'neighborhood', 'without', 'explanation', 'eight', 'years', 'earlier', 'returns', 'wedding', 'apparently', 'leaving', 't.c', 'stolen', 'tom', 'seaver', 'baseball', 'card', 'paulie\\\\', 'cousin', 'mike', 'mike', 'still', 'harbors', 'resentment', 'loss', 'immediately', 'starts', 'fight', 't.c', 'later', 't.c', 'hesitantly', 'reveals', 'abruptly', 'left', 'neighborhood', 'he\\\\', 'gay', 'stole', 'mike\\\\', 'card', 'even', 'though', 'best', 'friends', 'hated', 'constant', 'gay', 'bashing', 'neighborhood', 'bar', 'owned', 'dez', 'married', 'two', 'children', 'content', 'functional', 'member', 'gang', 'continually', 'trying', 'get', 'band', 'back', 'together', 'even', 'pushed', 'sons', 'learning', 'guitar', 'seen', 'riding', 'become', 'better', 'jessica', 'capshaw', 'small', 'role', 'film', 'stepfather', 'steven', 'spielberg', 'directed', 'edward', 'burns', 'saving', 'private', 'ryan'], [\"'charles\", 'richardson', 'civil', 'servant', 'early', '30s', 'working', 'department', 'development', 'salt', 'lake', 'city', 'utah', 'impetuous', 'romantic', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'laura', 'conley', 'filing', 'department', 'office', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'laura', 'married', 'woman', 'moved', 'husband', 'log', 'home', 'salesman', 'disillusioned', 'marriage', 'wants', 'find', 'charles', 'gathers', 'courage', 'asks', 'soon', 'moves', 'seems', 'happy', 'starts', 'second', 'thoughts', 'according', 'laura', 'loves', 'much', 'exalted', 'view', 'hate', 'think', 'great', 'must', 'something', 'wrong', 'laura', 'leaves', 'charles', 'goes', 'back', 'husband', 'sam', 'recently', 'unemployed', 'jacket', 'salesman', 'moves', 'charles', 'tries', 'grapple', 'loss', 'laura', 'charles\\\\', 'mother', 'meanwhile', 'eccentric', 'suicidal', 'thoughts', 'charles', 'begins', 'make', 'efforts', 'win', 'laura', 'back', 'charles', 'finds', 'secretary', 'betty', 'laura', 'left', 'living', 'apartment', 'roommate'], [\"'wyatt\", 'dusty', 'chandler', 'one', 'hottest', 'performers', 'country', 'music', 'dusty', 'feels', 'elaborate', 'stage', 'show', 'overwhelming', 'music', 'suspicion', 'confirmed', 'one', 'night', 'purposely', 'forgets', 'several', 'bars', 'chart-topping', 'hit', 'fans', \"don\\\\'t\", 'even', 'notice', 'disillusioned', 'dusty', 'walks', 'concert', 'without', 'telling', 'manager', 'lula', 'person', 'tells', 'best', 'buddy', 'drummer', 'earl', 'he\\\\', 'taking', 'walk', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'say', 'he\\\\', 'going', 'long', 'shaving', 'beard', 'cutting', 'ponytail', 'dusty', 'heads', 'small', 'farm', 'town', 'grew', 'visiting', 'wise', 'old', 'grandmother', 'ending', 'ranch', 'tucker', 'family', 'nobody', 'recognizes', 'stays', 'ranch', 'paying', 'room', 'board', 'taking', 'roping', 'lessons', 'earning', 'respect', 'owner', 'ernest', 'falling', 'love', 'ernest\\\\', 'daughter', 'harley', 'woman', 'determined', 'save', 'struggling', 'spread', 'victory', 'las', 'vegas', 'rodeo', 'dusty', 'learns', 'lula', 'secretly', 'replaced', 'onstage', 'boyfriend', 'buddy', 'jackson', 'dressed', 'like', 'dusty', 'lip-syncing', 'recording', 'dusty', 'returns', 'stage', 'demands', 'stage', 'shows', 'toned', 'without', 'smoke', 'elaborate', 'light', 'show', 'grown', 'weary', 'first', 'appearance', 'vacation', 'las', 'vegas', 'time', 'rodeo', 'harley', 'tucker', 'competing', 'writes', 'special', 'love', 'song', 'arranges', 'family', 'front', 'row', 'seats', 'concert', 'true', 'wishes', 'show', 'without', 'hoopla', 'sits', 'edge', 'stage', 'playing', 'singing', 'cross', 'heart', 'wins', 'harley\\\\', 'love'], [\"'the\", 'full', 'story', 'reveals', 'fun', 'love', 'lust', 'behind', 'every', 'single', 'man\\\\', 'first', 'night', 'dreams.raja', 'young', 'newly', 'married', 'boy', 'full', 'zeal', 'cheers', 'first', 'night', 'sexy', 'wife', 'shreya', 'shreya', 'village', 'girl', 'brought', 'customs', 'traditions', 'typical', 'village', 'taught', 'first', 'night', 'allow', 'husband', 'touch', 'start', 'sexual', 'intercourse', 'strictly', 'one\\\\', 'clock', 'midnight.by', 'time', 'raja', 'first', 'enters', 'first', 'night', 'hall', 'thief', 'bhramanandam', 'enters', 'hides', 'couples', 'luxourious', 'jasmine', 'arranged', 'double', 'cot.bhramanandam', 'planned', 'hefty', 'hunt', 'enters', 'marriage', 'house.and', 'lying', 'cot', 'safely', 'bhramanandam', 'also', 'anticipates', 'like', 'raja', 'shreya', 'main', 'difference', 'former', 'eyeing', 'money', 'later', 'love-making.after', '10pm', 'night', 'shreya', 'enters', 'pure', 'white', 'half', 'sareewith', 'milk', 'vessel', 'tumbler.after', 'formalities', 'shreya', 'begins', 'make', 'love', 'talks', 'husband.bhramanandam', 'unaware', 'timings', 'first', 'night', 'waits', 'hardly', 'switch', 'light.but', 'aim', 'bhramanandam', 'far', 'like', 'one', 'raja', 'too.raja', 'belief', 'traditions', 'tries', 'flirt', 'even', 'seduce', 'shreya', 'shreya', 'enjoys', 'party', 'without', 'touching', 'often', 'reminding', 'one\\\\', 'clock', '.by', 'hearing', 'bhramanandam', 'rose', 'anger', 'scolds', 'within', 'himself.meanwhile', 'nearing', '12.30', 'current', 'gets', 'switched', 'raja', 'finds', 'time', 'give', 'best', 'efforts', 'sexual', 'intercourse.but', 'raja', 'shreya', 'suddenly', 'strips', 'mood', 'song', 'arises', 'song', 'finished', 'bhramanandam', 'gets', 'house', 'hefty', 'money', 'jewels.suddenly', 'bhramanandam', 'hears', 'sound', 'please', 'dont', 'touch', 'finally', 'realises', 'still', 'custody', 'cot', 'new', 'couples', 'nicely', 'slept', 'dream.finally', 'three', 'inches', 'one\\\\', 'clock', 'ticker', 'starts', 'feeling', 'happy', 'raja', 'starts', 'remove', 'kurtha', 'top', 'bhramanandam', 'getting', 'excited', 'pinches', 'shreya', 'convinces', 'raja', '1.30', 'start', 'according', 'tradition', 'related', 'kamadeva', 'practice.also', 'stating', 'lord', 'kamadeva', 'always', 'gives', 'blessings', 'couples', 'worshipping', 'minutes', 'intercourse.by', 'time', 'bhramanandam\\\\', 'mind', 'started', 'pessimistic', 'slowly', 'sleeps', 'unconsciously.raja', 'however', 'time', 'wants', 'shreya', 'elaborate', 'popular', 'beliefs', 'sex', 'tradition', 'types', 'sex', 'practices', 'enquires', 'anger', 'enjoy', 'bedroom.but', 'shreya', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'gets', 'angry', 'remains', 'calm', 'worships', 'lord', 'kamadeva', 'give', 'eternal', 'blessings.raja', 'also', 'threatens', 'shreya', 'masturbate', 'lonely', 'never', 'satisfy', 'emotions', 'night.shreya', 'tells', 'another', 'man', 'inside', 'room', 'cope', 'him.raja', 'rages', 'shreya', 'quells', 'show', 'him.by', 'time', 'poor', 'bhramanandam', 'wakes', 'waked', 'without', 'conscious.shreya', 'says', 'donga', 'takkari', 'donga', 'get', 'come', 'infront', 'us.bhramanandam', 'stands', 'seeing', 'bhramanandam', 'real', 'thief\\\\', 'attire', 'newly', 'wedded', 'gets', 'shocked.after', 'realising', 'caught', 'couples', 'bhramanandam', 'tells', 'lord', 'kamadeva', 'announces', 'come', 'initiate', 'first', 'night', 'process', 'without', 'fight', 'couples', 'advises', 'gives', 'tips', 'lead', 'happy', 'peaceful', 'sexual', 'life.after', 'bhramanandam', 'vanished', 'without', 'grapping', 'belongings', 'finally', 'shreya', 'allows', 'raja', 'begin', 'happiness', 'usual', 'like', 'every', 'south', 'indian', 'movies', 'light', 'gets', 'switches', 'couples', 'begin', 'hug', 'ends', 'happiness'], ['pavani', 'independent', 'woman', 'aims', 'pursue', 'higher', 'studies', 'usa', 'breaks', 'fianc챕', 'ritesh', 'son', 'millionaire', 'pavani', 'classmate', 'ritesh', 'intelligent', 'eligible', 'bachelor', 'college', 'son', 'wealthy', 'father', 'ritesh', 'irresponsible', 'unstable', 'vulnerable', 'draws', 'hostility', 'jealousy', 'enmity', 'college', 'mates', 'like', 'sayeed', 'ravi', 'varma', 'secretly', 'interested', 'pavani', 'threatening', 'lifestyle', 'ritesh', 'makes', 'pavani', 'dump', 'celebrating', 'upcoming', 'departure', 'usa', 'friends', 'pavani', 'meets', 'naveen', 'friends', 'naveen', 'also', 'celebrating', 'getting', 'visa', 'study', 'usa', 'incidentally', 'get', 'admitted', 'university', 'naveen', 'friends', 'culture', 'shock', 'troubles', 'faced', 'university', 'earn', 'living', 'part-time', 'jobs', 'example', 'naveen', 'friends', 'tangle', 'mishaps', 'women', 'cars', 'indian', 'restaurant', 'owner', 'pachadlla', 'paramanandam', 'sayeed', 'also', 'student', 'university', 'aware', 'pavani', 'strained', 'relationship', 'ritesh', 'sayeed', 'tries', 'mess', 'pavani', 'ritesh', 'life', 'satisfy', 'ego', 'avenge', 'ritesh', 'informing', 'pavani', 'relationship', 'naveen', 'naveen', 'pavani', 'get', 'closer', 'sayeed', 'gets', 'ritesh', 'usa', 'student', 'visa', 'sabotage', 'relationship', 'hand', 'ritesh', 'dad', 'tries', 'woo', 'pavani', 'property', 'inherited', 'ritesh', 'upon', 'marriage', 'pavani', 'rejects', 'ritesh', 'dad', 'offer', 'ritesh', 'becomes', 'hostile', 'towards', 'pavani', 'believes', 'used', 'cheated', 'even', 'though', 'innocent', 'ritesh', 'dad', 'advises', 'get', 'mess', 'woman', 'like', 'pavani', 'concerned', 'ritesh', 'welfare', 'concerned', 'short-term', 'gains', 'lucky', 'born', 'wealthy', 'family', 'get', 'good', 'education', 'settle', 'dad', 'inherited', 'property', 'ritesh', 'ignores', 'dad', 'advice', 'rest', 'plot', 'depicts', 'situations', 'deal', 'ritesh', 'agony', 'learning', 'victim', 'sayeed', 'scheme', 'subsequently', 'ritesh', 'loses', 'mind', 'becomes', 'psychopath', 'kills', 'sayeed', 'university', 'campus', 'attacks', 'pavani', 'naveen', 'hiding', 'car', 'return', 'dinner', 'ritesh', 'shoots', 'naveen', 'neck', 'cops', 'way', 'ambulance', 'rescue', 'naveen', 'pavani', 'shooting', 'ritesh', 'death', 'film', 'highlights', 'situations', 'lead', 'victims', 'like', 'ritesh', 'dig', 'grave', 'getting', 'bad', 'company'], [\"'karthik\", 'challenges', 'level', 'headed', 'industrialist', 'bhanumati', 'would', 'marry', 'either', 'daughters', 'take', 'revenge', 'insulting', 'interview', 'get', 'job', 'company', 'meghana', 'falls', 'young', 'man', 'one', 'accidental', 'kiss', 'gives', 'younger', 'one', 'gagana', 'follows', 'suit', 'karthik', 'grip', 'bhanumati', 'daughter', 'competiting', 'bhanumati', 'nephew', 'whose', 'father', 'encourages', 'chase', 'cousins', 'marry', 'either', 'inherit', 'property', 'revealed', 'flashback', 'bhanumati', 'leaves', 'husband', 'suman', 'karthik', 'nephew', 'responsible', 'son-in-law', 'sets', 'mom-in-law', 'right', 'eliminates', 'villains', 'game', 'story'], ['hazari', 'prasad', 'miser', 'dreams', 'finding', 'rich', 'young', 'woman', 'son', 'raja', 'marry', 'however', 'raja', 'spendthrift', 'interested', 'spending', 'father', 'money', 'wild', 'parties', 'one', 'day', 'raja', 'walking', 'college', 'passing', 'jeep', 'douses', 'mud', 'rude', 'response', 'beautiful', 'madhu', 'driving', 'enrages', 'raja', 'tricks', 'madhu', 'thinking', 'blind', 'mocks', 'truth', 'revealed', 'two', 'quickly', 'become', 'enemies', 'play', 'different', 'pranks', 'raja', 'causes', 'madhu', 'trip', 'dance', 'rehearsal', 'forces', 'fight', 'school', 'champion', 'boxer', 'shakti', 'meanwhile', 'hazari', 'looking', 'bride', 'large', 'dowry', 'raja', 'find', 'involvement', 'waste', 'paper', 'business', 'makes', 'son', 'less', 'stellar', 'marriage', 'prospect', 'visiting', 'lavish', 'hotel', 'hazari', 'accidentally', 'runs', 'rich', 'man', 'mr.', 'mehra', 'one', 'daughter', 'hazari', 'hires', 'actors', 'pretend', 'staff', 'gives', 'beggars', 'large', 'quantities', 'counterfeit', 'money', 'masquerade', 'wealthy', 'industrialist', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'friends', 'mr.', 'mehra', 'two', 'agree', 'marry', 'children', 'however', 'raja', 'meets', 'prospective', 'bride', 'turns', 'madhu', 'two', 'refuse', 'consider', 'possibility', 'marriage', 'madhu', 'takes', 'dislike', 'raja', 'far', 'weekend', 'school', 'retreat', 'falsely', 'accuses', 'raja', 'trying', 'rape', 'raja', 'furious', 'reputation', 'ruined', 'reprimands', 'dishonesty', 'thoughtlessness', 'pointing', 'many', 'men', 'would', 'take', 'revenge', 'different', 'madhu', 'instantly', 'falls', 'love', 'raja', 'kisses', 'front', 'entire', 'class', 'two', 'enjoy', 'idyllic', 'holiday', 'return', 'city', 'engagement', 'party', 'mr.', 'mehra', 'discovers', 'hazari', 'true', 'financial', 'circumstances', 'furious', 'insults', 'strikes', 'hazari', 'immediately', 'takes', 'offense', 'raja', 'madhu', 'forbidden', 'parents', 'see', 'nevertheless', 'two', 'continue', 'secretly', 'see', 'mr.', 'mehra', 'discovers', 'arranges', 'thugs', 'beat', 'raja', 'also', 'decides', 'send', 'madhu', 'away', 'able', 'contact', 'raja', 'raja', 'sneaks', 'madhu', 'house', 'two', 'married', 'spot', 'mr.', 'mehra', 'banishes', 'madhu', 'house', 'declaring', 'dead', 'hazari', 'also', 'disowns', 'raja', 'discovers', 'married', 'daughter', 'greatest', 'enemy', 'couple', 'moves', 'small', 'shack', 'raja', 'finds', 'work', 'construction', 'worker', 'despite', 'poverty', 'couple', 'happy', 'raja', 'hurt', 'construction', 'site', 'madhu', 'goes', 'beg', 'father', 'money', 'pay', 'emergency', 'operation', 'hazari', 'agrees', 'divorces', 'removes', 'wedding', 'necklace', 'despair', 'madhu', 'returns', 'father', 'house', 'seeing', 'distress', 'forgives', 'orders', 'never', 'see', 'raja', 'raja', 'recovers', 'hazari', 'tells', 'madhu', 'returned', 'father', 'never', 'visited', 'hospital', 'believing', 'madhu', 'deserted', 'return', 'life', 'luxury', 'raja', 'also', 'returns', 'parents', 'later', 'discovers', 'mother', 'madhu', 'come', 'see', 'hospital', 'father', 'blackmail', 'rushes', 'stop', 'taking', 'plane', 'london', 'arrives', 'takes', 'luckily', 'madhu', 'take', 'plane', 'two', 'manage', 'reconcile', 'parents'], ['plot', 'roderick', 'blank', 'young', 'man', 'great', 'job', 'executive', \"'swallows\", 'high', 'end', 'fast', 'food', 'restaurant', 'chain', 'beautiful', 'fianc챕e', 'fiona', 'wormwood', 'day', 'bachelor', 'party', 'e-mailed', 'list', 'women', 'slept', 'strangely', 'list', '101', 'names', 'fianc챕e', 'number', '29.', 'assumes', 'list', 'prank', 'courtesy', 'best', 'friends', 'zack', 'lester', 'meets', 'number', 'carlotta', 'valdez', 'stripper', 'bachelor', 'party', 'sleeping', 'carlotta', 'realizes', 'list', 'includes', 'sexual', 'encounters', 'past', 'present', 'future', 'roderick', 'cancels', 'upcoming', 'wedding', 'begins', 'bed', 'people', 'list', 'including', 'centrefold', 'leprosy', 'ridden', 'grandmother', 'swallows', 'drive-thru', 'girl', 'flight', 'attendant', 'reality', 'lesbian', 'power', 'couple', 'self-help', 'guru', 'although', 'makes', 'connection', 'women', 'unable', 'settle', 'crossed', 'names', 'list', 'friends', 'become', 'concerned', 'mental', 'well', 'convince', 'bury', 'list', 'falls', 'lester', 'charming', 'quirky', 'veterinarian', 'learn', 'return', 'feelings', 'untimely', 'death', 'digs', 'list', 'continues', 'mission', 'throughout', 'female', 'vigilante', 'nicknamed', 'death', 'nell', 'taking', 'revenge', 'men', 'committed', 'sexual', 'crimes', 'death', 'nell', 'seduces', 'men', 'uses', 'various', 'techniques', 'induce', 'permanent', 'coma', 'leaving', 'behind', 'line', 'feminist', 'poetry', 'spray', 'painted', 'wall', 'roderick', 'learns', 'list', 'generated', 'quantum-mechanical', 'computer', 'called', 'oracle', 'agency', 'charge', 'oracle', 'also', 'trying', 'track', 'death', 'nell', 'roderick', 'precarious', 'mental', 'state', 'compromised', 'learns', 'last', 'name', 'list', 'gillian', 'raisx', 'fact', 'notorious', 'death', 'nell', 'twenty', 'names', 'left', 'list', 'decides', 'abandon', 'altogether', 'takes', 'various', 'hobbies', 'keep', 'giving', 'temptation', 'accident', 'bike', 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'whole', 'ordeal', 'unsure', 'still', 'conviction', 'continue', 'roderick', 'gillian', 'agree', 'take', 'sedatives', 'together', 'spending', 'night', 'together', 'take', 'pills', 'fall', 'bed', \"'the\", 'end', 'spray', 'painted', 'wall', 'behind', 'epilogue', 'reveals', 'roderick', 'gillian', 'survived', 'pills', '봳hey', 'married', 'child', 'death', 'nell', 'comatose', 'victims', 'revived', 'brief', 'scene', 'agency', 'suggests', 'roderick', 'gillian', 'union', 'fated'], ['incomplete', 'beginning', 'summer', 'holiday', 'somewhat', 'na챦ve', 'trainee', 'teacher', 'daniel', 'buys', 'ring', 'stall', 'run', 'neighbor', 'aspiring', 'artist', 'street', 'vendor', 'juli', 'ring', 'bears', 'mayan', 'sun', 'symbol', 'according', 'juli', 'power', 'lead', 'woman', 'dreams', 'recognise', 'similar', 'sun', 'symbol', 'juli', 'ring', 'counterpart', 'love', 'invites', 'daniel', 'party', 'evening', 'hoping', 'meet', 'curious', 'daniel', 'goes', 'party', 'meets', 'melek', 'young', 'turkish', 'woman', 'wearing', 't-shirt', 'imprinted', 'sun', 'symbol', 'convinced', 'woman', 'dreams', 'daniel', 'talks', 'melek', 'passing', 'looking', 'place', 'spend', 'night', 'spending', 'evening', 'together', 'seeing', 'sights', 'hamburg', 'daniel', 'invites', 'spend', 'night', 'apartment', 'daniel', 'melek', 'leave', 'party', 'juli', 'arrives', 'sees', 'leave', 'together', 'disappointment', 'decides', 'leave', 'town', 'next', 'day', 'goes', 'autobahn', 'hitch', 'ride', 'predetermined', 'destination', 'fate', 'would', 'daniel', 'first', 'car', 'stop', 'way', 'back', 'airport', 'dropped', 'melek', 'decided', 'drive', 'istanbul', 'search', 'melek', 'told', 'bridge', 'bosporus', 'certain', 'time', 'days', 'later', 'although', 'know', 'daniel', 'takes', 'juli', 'stoner', 'roommate', 'rusty', 'old', 'car', 'beginning', 'long', 'exciting', 'trip', 'across', 'scorching', 'hot', 'southeastern', 'europe'], [\"'in\", '1980s', 'europe', 'flamboyant', 'gay', '16-year-old', 'chance', 'marquis', 'shows', 'international', 'high', 'school', 'top', 'hat', 'tails', 'immediately', 'attracting', 'attention', 'queer-hating', 'resident', 'bully', 'among', 'others', 'involvement', 'school', 'newspaper', 'meets', 'introverted', 'photographer', 'mysterious', 'briefcase', 'practicing', 'tennis', 'befriends', 'catty', 'fashionista', 'act', 'wingmen', 'new', 'high', 'school', 'also', 'meets', 'jock-next-door', 'forms', 'tentative', 'friendship', 'despite', 'jock\\\\', 'cacophonous', 'group', 'friends', 'film', 'follows', 'chance', 'year', 'high', 'school', 'attendant', 'drama', 'successes', 'hijinks', '봧ncluding', 'sneaking', 'drag', 'bar', 'chance', 'begins', 'explore', 'true', 'self', 'themes', 'underscored', 'throughout', 'film', 'include', 'facing', 'one\\\\', 'fears', 'one', 'grows', 'adulthood', 'barriers', 'people', 'put', 'order', 'cope', 'life', 'chance', 'claims', 'strong', 'nonchalant', 'attitude', 'photos', 'drag', 'show', 'school', 'chance', 'must', 'face', 'preachings', 'staying', 'true', 'oneself'], [\"'demetrius\", 'octavius', 'roman', 'countrymen', 'sold', 'slavery', 'paying', 'taxes', 'emperor', 'caligula\\\\', 'reign', 'demetrius', 'purchased', 'emperor', 'taught', 'good', 'slave', 'argus', 'octavius', 'claimed', 'sadistic', 'commander', 'commander', 'wants', 'bound', 'demetrius', 'refused', 'octavius', 'sneaks', 'guards', 'asleep', 'frees', 'demetrius'], [\"'uma\", 'lives', 'city', 'buenos', 'aires', 'friend', 'roberto', 'happens', 'homosexual', 'works', 'flight', 'attendant', 'job', 'lets', 'travel', 'around', 'world', 'live', 'independent', 'life', 'without', 'commitments', 'dream', 'fulfill', 'mother', 'since', \"can\\\\'t\", 'find', 'perfect', 'man', 'thanks', 'job', 'decides', 'look', 'sperm', 'donor', 'different', 'parts', 'world', 'looking', 'child\\\\', 'father', \"can\\\\'t\", 'found', 'anywhere', 'sperm', 'banks', 'desperate', 'tired', 'able', 'complete', 'goal', 'decides', 'look', 'perfect', 'man', 'requirements', 'wants', 'father', 'leave', 'pregnant', 'luc챠a', 'uma\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'divorced', 'daughter', 'called', 'violeta', 'always', 'willing', 'give', 'uma', 'hand', 'whatever', 'needs', 'manages', 'travel', 'agency', 'guide', 'called', 'nico', 'works', 'luc챠a\\\\', 'future', 'husband', 'nico', 'everyone', 'woman', 'wants', 'handsome', 'intelligent', 'good', 'person', 'loves', 'kids', 'characteristics', 'make', 'uma', 'choose', 'donor', 'complication', 'asking', 'luc챠a', 'borrow', 'boyfriend', 'accomplish', 'dream', 'uma', 'convinces', 'luc챠a', 'agrees', 'tells', 'nico', 'thinking', 'agrees', 'well', 'considering', 'simple', 'donation', 'person', 'would', 'later', 'follow', 'lives', 'simple', 'transaction', 'bring', 'problems', 'uma', 'gets', 'pregnant', 'feelings', 'one', 'waiting', 'appear', 'transforming', 'lives', 'characters'], [\"'british\", 'newlywed', 'regina', 'lambert', 'lives', 'paris', 'husband', 'charlie', 'returns', 'home', 'following', 'short', 'vacation', 'determined', 'divorce', 'charlie', 'discover', 'apartment', 'stripped', 'bare', 'husband', 'murdered', 'regina', 'soon', 'reunited', 'mysterious', 'stranger', 'met', 'holiday', 'helps', 'piece', 'together', 'truth', 'deceased', 'charlie', 'deal', 'three', 'menacing', 'people', 'following'], ['young', 'man', 'recruited', 'illicit', 'love', 'triangle', 'watch', 'much', 'older', 'man', 'sexual', 'liaison', 'ends', 'witnessing', 'turns', 'murder', 'next', 'day', 'young', 'man', 'opera', 'diva', 'mother', 'played', 'dianne', 'wiest', 'informs', 'estranged', 'father', 'paris', 'previous', 'night', 'murdered', 'seeking', 'help', 'psychiatrist', 'young', 'man', 'comes', 'across', 'eccentric', 'actress', 'come', 'totally', 'unhinged', 'death', 'psychiatrist', 'infamous', 'docteur', 'rey', 'first', 'mistaking', 'doctor', 'young', 'man', 'embarks', 'madcap', 'mystery', 'reminiscent', 'agatha', 'christie', 'novel', 'paris', 'backdrop'], [\"'billu\", 'son', 'mudaliar', 'vijayakumar', 'mudaliar', 'much', 'loved', 'respected', 'people', 'locality', 'billu', 'almost', 'like', 'foster', 'son', 'every', 'person', 'locality', 'billu', 'takes', 'instant', 'liking', 'susi', 'moment', 'sets', 'eyes', 'railway', 'station', 'susi', 'arrived', 'bangalore', 'chennai', 'set', 'stay', 'sait', 'place', 'sait', 'worked', 'susi', 'father', 'chidambaram', 'dreaded', 'thug', 'earlier', 'changed', 'ways', 'retains', 'respect', 'towards', 'nevertheless', 'susi', 'craving', 'love', 'concern', 'since', 'young', 'gets', 'impressed', 'bonding', 'royapuram', 'residents', 'share', 'godman', 'predicts', 'susi', 'one', 'billu', 'taken', 'aback', 'dreads', 'father', 'great', 'extent', 'fears', 'things', 'topsy-turvy', 'relationship', 'blossoms', 'love', 'soon', 'realizes', 'camouflage', 'feelings', 'towards', 'billu', 'enjoys', 'company', 'billu', 'friend', 'unexpected', 'occurs', 'susi', 'acts', 'peculiar', 'long', 'lost', 'friend', 'meets', 'restaurant', 'denies', 'knowing', 'despite', 'friend', 'revathi', 'attempts', 'talk', 'feeling', 'insulted', 'revathi', 'walks', 'away', 'much', 'dismay', 'confusion', 'billu', 'friends', 'susi', 'gets', 'emotionally', 'high-strung', 'leaves', 'restaurant', 'jiffy', 'susi', 'juncture', 'comes', 'truth', 'billu', 'affected', 'condition', 'called', '쁯ost', 'traumatic', 'event', 'disorder', 'accident', 'susi', 'forgotten', 'events', 'happened', 'span', 'three', 'years', 'billu', 'takes', 'doctor', 'learns', 'condition', 'cured', 'get', 'cured', 'susi', 'position', 'remember', 'whatever', 'happened', 'whoever', 'met', 'chennai-billu', 'included', 'disheartens', 'susi', 'major', 'extent', 'persuades', 'billu', 'promise', 'would', 'never', 'leave', 'even', 'forget', 'due', 'condition', 'billu', 'promises', 'would', 'never', 'leave', 'come', 'whatever', 'may', 'billu', 'conversation', 'chidambaram', 'infuriates', 'latter', 'immediately', 'arrives', 'chennai', 'goon', 'men', 'set', 'leave', 'bangalore', 'daughter', 'residents', 'rise', 'occasion', 'flock', 'chidambaram', 'deciding', 'play', 'safe', 'chidambaram', 'agrees', 'engagement', 'billu', 'susi', 'cunningly', 'thrashes', 'billu', 'making', 'arrive', 'place', 'far', 'locality', 'outskirts', 'helpless', 'susi', 'travels', 'along', 'father', 'escorted', 'men', 'bangalore', 'billu', 'meets', 'susi', 'residence', 'gets', 'nothing', 'less', 'shocked', 'cured', 'fails', 'recognize', 'billu', 'given', 'word', 'beloved', 'would', 'never', 'leave', 'one', 'relent', 'tries', 'relentlessly', 'convince', 'happens', 'susi', 'forms', 'rest', 'story'], ['story', 'set', 'suburb', 'madurai', 'suryan', 'chandran', 'twins', 'suryan', 'elder', 'two', 'soft', 'spoken', 'guy', 'works', 'local', 'lending', 'library', 'falls', 'love', 'manimekala', 'daughter', 'namasivayam', 'local', 'politician-don', 'mla', 'chandran', 'younger', 'one', 'works', 'mortuary', 'assistant', 'local', 'government', 'hospital', 'one', 'among', 'namasivayam', 'bad', 'guys', 'charge', 'election', 'campaign', 'chandran', 'romantically', 'linked', 'local', 'girl', 'tamizhselvi', 'sandhya', 'namasivayam', 'comes', 'know', 'daughter', 'love', 'affair', 'suryan', 'orders', 'killers', 'kill', 'suryan', 'accidentally', 'attack', 'chandran', 'succeeds', 'escaping'], [\"'set\", 'roaring', 'twenties', 'story', 'centers', 'nanette', 'carter', 'westchester', 'socialite', 'show', 'business', 'aspirations', 'offers', 'invest', '25,000', 'broadway', 'show', 'boyfriend', 'producer', 'larry', 'blair', 'casts', 'starring', 'role', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'realize', 'larry', 'two-timing', 'ingenue', 'beatrice', 'darcy', 'envisions', 'lead', 'accepts', 'nanette\\\\', 'offer', 'imposes', 'upon', 'wealthy', 'penny-pinching', 'uncle', 'maxwell', 'bloomhaus', 'lend', 'money', 'he\\\\', 'willing', 'one', 'condition', 'next', 'hours', 'niece', 'must', 'answer', 'every', 'question', 'she\\\\', 'asked', 'comic', 'complications', 'ensue', 'cast', 'arrives', 'nanette\\\\', 'estate', 'rehearse', 'composer', 'pianist', 'jimmy', 'smith', 'romantic', 'designs', 'girl', 'falls', 'victim', 'bet', 'she\\\\', 'made', 'uncle', 'nanette', 'wins', 'discover', 'uncle', 'max', 'lost', 'money', 'stock', 'market', 'crash', 'person', 'still', 'solvent', 'attorney', 'william', 'early', 'nanette\\\\', 'assistant', 'pauline', 'hastings', 'sets', 'charm', 'backing', 'show'], ['film', 'told', 'stories', 'two', 'women', 'nana', 'grandmother', 'daisy', 'granddaughter', 'daisy', 'tells', 'nana', 'romance', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'ethan', 'problems', 'school', 'jewish', 'nana', 'tells', 'story', 'young', 'life', 'sent', 'ghetto', 'concentration', 'camp', 'love', 'boy', 'strong', 'love', 'questionable', 'lets', 'friends', 'judge', 'outside', 'inside', 'turns', 'like', 'every', 'girl', 'breaks', 'daisy', 'sad', 'goes', 'sees', 'nana', 'takes', 'anger', 'runs', 'away', 'tries', 'kill', 'end', 'tries', 'see', 'looks', 'long', 'time', 'walks', 'away', 'friends', 'stands', 'sad', 'crying', 'realizing', 'maybe', 'meant', 'walks', 'away', 'happy'], ['thirty-year-old', 'javier', 'surgeon', 'free', 'time', 'works', 'disc', 'jockey', 'decides', 'marry', 'move', 'united', 'states', 'girlfriend', 'mar챠a', 'make', 'plans', 'wed', 'mar챠a', 'first', 'move', 'make', 'contacts', 'new', 'home', 'javier', 'packs', 'argentina', 'prepares', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'states', 'way', 'airport', 'receives', 'call', 'mar챠a', 'telling', 'confused', 'seeing', 'someone', 'else', 'home', 'job', 'girlfriend', 'javier', 'moves', 'parents', 'starts', 'seeing', 'therapist', \"n't\", 'work', 'avoid', 'loneliness', 'buys', 'great', 'dane', 'puppy', 'tries', 'meet', 'new', 'girls', 'gets', 'tired', 'dog', 'meets', 'julia', 'finds', 'apartment', 'gets', 'job', 'plastic', 'surgery', 'clinic', 'however', 'mar챠a', 'calls', 'telling', 'coming', 'back', 'argentina', 'needs', 'wants', 'sure', 'back', 'together', 'javier', 'forgive', 'needs', 'make', 'decision', 'julia', 'also', 'waits', 'answer', 'javier', \"n't\", 'person', 'happened'], ['movie', 'revolves', 'around', 'never-reached-his-potential', 'piano', 'player', 'remy', 'struggles', 'first', 'failing', 'marriage', '...', 'wife', 'untimely', 'demise', 'finally', 'infatuation', '14-year', 'old', 'step', 'daughter', 'developed', 'patrick', 'dewaere', 'character', 'remy', 'never', 'catch', 'break', 'struggles', 'cash', 'lack', 'motivation', 'dogs', 'constantly', 'role', 'stepfather', 'budding', 'woman', 'another', 'obstacle', 'faces', 'downtrodden', 'path', 'ariel', 'besse', 'plays', '14-year', 'old', 'girl', 'maurice', 'ronet', 'man', 'town', 'also', 'lost', 'focus'], ['former', 'college', 'classmates', 'martha', 'dobie', 'karen', 'wright', 'open', 'private', 'school', 'girls', 'new', 'england', 'martha', 'aunt', 'lily', 'aging', 'actress', 'lives', 'two', 'teaches', 'elocution', 'two', 'years', 'engagement', 'joe', 'cardin', 'reputable', 'ob/gyn', 'karen', 'finally', 'agrees', 'set', 'wedding', 'date', 'joe', 'related', 'wealthy', 'amelia', 'tilford', 'whose', 'granddaughter', 'mary', 'student', 'school', 'mary', 'spoiled', 'conniving', 'child', 'often', 'bullies', 'classmates', 'particularly', 'rosalie', 'wells', 'blackmails', 'discovers', 'stealing', 'another', 'student', 'bracelet', 'mary', 'caught', 'lie', 'karen', 'punishes', 'refusing', 'let', 'attend', 'weekend', 'boat', 'races', 'furious', 'young', 'girl', 'exacts', 'revenge', 'inventing', 'story', 'martha', 'karen', 'involved', 'lesbian', 'relationship', 'tale', 'based', 'fragments', 'quarrel', 'mary', 'roommates', 'accidentally', 'overheard', 'tells', 'grandmother', 'observed', 'two', 'women', 'kissing', 'woman', 'immediately', 'informs', 'parents', 'rapidly', 'withdraw', 'daughters', 'school', 'leaving', 'karen', 'martha', 'mystified', 'sudden', 'exodus', 'one', 'father', 'finally', 'explains', 'happening', 'karen', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'mrs.', 'tilford', 'together', 'joe', 'martha', 'mary', 'repeats', 'story', 'coerces', 'rosalie', 'corroborating', 'lie', 'two', 'women', 'sue', 'mrs.', 'tilford', 'libel', 'slander', 'lose', 'case', 'story', 'circulated', 'local', 'media', 'reputation', 'two', 'teachers', 'destroyed', 'joe', 'keeps', 'contact', 'offers', 'take', 'away', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'however', 'trust', 'karen', 'shaken', 'asks', 'rumors', 'true', 'ensuing', 'quarrel', 'karen', 'ends', 'engagement', 'claiming', 'needs', 'time', 'think', 'everything', 'martha', 'learns', 'break-up', 'confesses', 'always', 'felt', 'friendship', 'karen', 'upon', 'hearing', 'false', 'accusation', 'finally', 'realized', 'extent', 'hitherto-repressed', 'feelings', 'upon', 'new', 'acknowledgment', 'feelings', 'breaks', 'blaming', 'ruining', 'women', 'lives', 'rosalie', 'mother', 'discovers', 'cache', 'stolen', 'items', 'including', 'bracelet', 'mary', 'used', 'blackmail', 'among', 'daughter', 'belongings', 'two', 'girls', 'questioned', 'mrs.', 'tilford', 'learns', 'story', 'fabrication', 'visits', 'two', 'teachers', 'apologizes', 'actions', 'assures', 'court', 'case', 'reopened', 'cleared', 'charges', 'well-compensated', 'trouble', 'caused', 'feeling', 'damage', 'lives', 'undone', 'karen', 'refuses', 'accept', 'apology', 'afterwards', 'briefly', 'talks', 'martha', 'future', 'suggests', 'going', 'somewhere', 'far', 'away', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'together', 'martha', 'tells', 'karen', 'would', 'rather', 'talk', 'morning', 'karen', 'leaves', 'house', 'take', 'walk', 'absence', 'martha', 'hangs', 'funeral', 'karen', 'walks', 'away', 'alone', 'joe', 'watches', 'distance'], ['night', 'watchman', 'checks', 'sailor', 'rowed', 'dock', 'seaman', 'stops', 'bothering', 'obviously', 'wealthy', 'young', 'woman', 'walks', 'end', 'pier', 'apparently', 'waiting', 'someone', 'sailor', 'begins', 'recounting', 'story', 'film', 'segues', 'one', 'long', 'continuous', 'flashback', 'joe', 'greek', 'adams', 'gambler', 'grifter', 'couple', 'problems', 'first', 'treacherous', 'partner', 'zepp', 'paul', 'stewart', 'received', 'draft', 'notices', 'join', 'army', 'world', 'war', 'fortunately', 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'addressed', 'bascopolous', 'written', 'greek', 'curious', 'contents', 'takes', 'greek', 'orthodox', 'priest', 'translation', 'turns', 'bascopolous\\\\', 'mother', 'greece', 'wrote', 'tell', 'son', 'german', 'paratroopers', 'invading', 'village', 'describes', 'every', 'greek', 'man', 'valiantly', 'fought', 'death', 'defending', 'country\\\\', 'honor', 'moved', 'joe', 'spends', 'several', 'hours', 'park', 'bench', 'examining', 'life', 'charity', 'ball', 'joe\\\\', 'men', 'use', 'false', 'bottoms', 'cashboxes', 'steal', 'money', 'joe', 'change', 'heart', 'tells', 'right-hand', 'man', 'crunk', 'money', 'going', 'war', 'relief', 'zepp', 'overhears', 'says', 'forces', 'gunpoint', 'collect', 'loot', 'dorothy', 'accidentally', 'catches', 'act', 'thinks', 'joe', 'willing', 'participant', 'protect', 'forced', 'knock', 'zepp', 'briefly', 'looks', 'away', 'joe', 'attacks', 'kills', 'getting', 'shot', 'joe', 'escapes', 'window', 'leaving', 'behind', 'trail', 'blood', 'seems', 'everyone', 'joe', 'heel', 'sends', 'money', 'back', 'dorothy', 'way', 'trusted', 'friend', 'swede', 'loads', 'ship', 'war', 'relief', 'supplies', 'later', 'dorothy', 'stricken', 'policeman', 'informs', 'bascopolous', 'dead', 'sees', 'photograph', 'dead', 'man', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'joe', 'name', 'ship', 'bascopolous', 'worked', 'mentioned', 'knows', 'find', 'rushes', 'dock', 'ship', 'departing', 'europe', 'begs', 'joe', 'take', 'brushes', 'turns', 'away', 'hide', 'anguish', 'ship', 'torpedoed', 'sunk', 'return', 'trip', 'dorothy', 'visits', 'dock', 'night', 'stubbornly', 'waiting', 'joe', 'return', 'movie', 'returns', 'opening', 'scene', 'swede', 'rows', 'dinghy', 'one', 'foggy', 'evening', 'tells', 'dorothy\\\\', 'story', 'new', 'night', 'watchman', 'hoping', 'would', 'present', 'arranged', 'joe', 'meet', 'joe', 'shows', 'end', 'pier', 'wants', 'town', 'celebrate', 'last', 'night', 'port', 'rather', 'going', 'back', 'ship', 'thinking', 'quickly', 'guard', 'tells', \"can\\\\'t\", 'leave', 'dinghy', 'tied', 'joe', 'swede', 'argue', 'move', 'watchman', 'settles', 'flipping', 'crooked', 'two-headed', 'coin', 'ensuring', 'joe', 'loses', 'walks', 'end', 'dock', 'dorothy', 'sees', 'rushes', 'arms'], [\"'carter\", 'webb', 'young', 'soft-core', 'porn', 'writer', 'living', 'los', 'angeles', 'whose', 'young', 'starlet', 'girlfriend', 'sofia', 'breaks', 'carter', 'pleads', 'stay', 'leaves', 'carter', 'goes', 'mother\\\\', 'home', 'order', 'reclaim', 'item', 'sees', 'mother', 'crying', 'living', 'room', 'explains', 'mentally', 'unstable', 'mother', 'phyllis', 'claims', 'dying', 'though', 'doctor', 'find', 'anything', 'fatal', 'carter\\\\', 'mother', 'tells', 'leaving', 'michigan', 'take', 'care', 'phyllis', 'carter', 'offers', 'take', 'mother\\\\', 'place', 'caregiver', 'grandmother', 'explaining', 'wanted', 'get', 'life', 'currently', 'living', 'write', 'biographical', 'story', 'working', 'past', 'eleven', 'years', 'though', 'mother', 'objects', 'decision', 'ignores', 'flies', 'michigan', 'meanwhile', 'paige', 'lucy', 'hardwicke', 'live', 'across', 'street', 'phyllis', 'returning', 'school', 'lucy\\\\', 'mother', 'sarah', 'calls', 'lucy', 'kitchen', 'hesitantly', 'tells', 'lucy', 'found', 'lump', 'breast', 'possible', 'sign', 'breast', 'cancer', 'see', 'doctor', 'coming', 'days', 'lucy', 'shocked', 'wants', 'come', 'mother', 'receives', 'results', 'sarah', 'quickly', 'refuses', 'outside', 'carter', 'finally', 'arrives', 'knocks', 'door', 'cheerful', 'remark', 'phyllis', 'obviously', 'forgetting', 'grandson', 'slams', 'door', 'quick', 'negotiation', 'lets', 'inside', 'phyllis', 'reveals', 'starving', 'past', 'three', 'weeks', 'carter', 'sees', 'food', 'home', 'gone', 'stale', 'brief', 'phone', 'calls', 'mother', 'boss', 'carter', 'begins', 'clean', 'grandmother\\\\', 'home', 'carter', 'takes', 'trash', 'lucy', 'smoking', 'roof', 'watches', 'drops', 'trash', 'lucy', 'begins', 'snicker', 'hearing', 'laughter', 'carter', 'turns', 'toward', 'hides', 'shadow', 'roof', 'sarah', 'hears', 'noise', 'comes', 'outside', 'dog', 'bozo', 'warmly', 'introduces', 'carter', 'brief', 'talk', 'lucy\\\\', 'friends', 'arrive', 'loudly', 'road', 'sarah', 'goes', 'back', 'inside', 'lucy', 'carter', 'meet', 'asks', 'carter', 'tell', 'parents', 'smokes', 'agrees', 'takes', 'cigarette', 'leaves', 'next', 'morning', 'sarah', 'arrives', 'carter\\\\', 'doorstep', 'bringing', 'cookies', 'offering', 'walk', 'walk', 'around', 'neighborhood', 'talking', 'lives', 'carter', 'eventually', 'mentions', 'sofia', 'wondering', 'love', 'carter', 'thinks', 'relationship', 'decides', 'really', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'true', 'love', 'explains', 'written', 'love', 'letters', 'sofia', 'pouring', 'affection', 'epistles', 'carter', 'believes', 'letters', 'contain', 'best', 'work', 'sarah', 'returns', 'home', 'sees', 'carter', 'heartbroken', 'needs', 'someone', 'take', 'mind', 'sofia', 'asks', 'lucy', 'ask', 'carter', 'date', 'lucy', 'bitterly', 'refuses', 'calling', 'lame', 'ask', 'someone', 'across', 'street', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'even', 'know', 'sarah\\\\', 'husband', 'agrees', 'sarah', 'abruptly', 'leaves', 'room', 'frustrated', 'goes', 'bathroom', 'filling', 'small', 'cup', 'medicine', 'subdue', 'pain', 'husband', 'follows', 'trying', 'assuage', 'situation', 'insisting', 'lucy', 'apologize', 'ask', 'carter', 'date', 'next', 'day', 'carter', 'decides', 'run', 'running', 'flashbacks', 'memorable', 'times', 'sofia', 'meeting', 'first', 'kiss', 'finally', 'leads', 'breakup', 'utters', 'word', 'goodbye', 'carter', 'runs', 'tree', 'passes', 'wakes', 'sees', 'lucy', 'standing', 'gives', 'ride', 'home', 'asks', 'carter', 'tells', 'ask', 'parents', 'would', 'allow', 'take', 'school', 'night', 'normally', 'would', 'lucy', 'confused', 'agrees', 'goes', 'back', 'inside', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'sarah', 'invites', 'carter', 'another', 'walk', 'time', 'leads', 'small', 'patch', 'forest', 'admits', 'husband', 'affair', 'love', 'least', 'way', 'carter', 'loved', 'sofia', 'hug', 'leave', 'run', 'errands', 'together', 'share', 'awkward', 'moment', 'something', 'say', 'carter', 'begins', 'declaration', 'sarah\\\\', 'husband', 'mind', 'sarah', 'smiles', 'dismisses', 'say', 'eventually', 'two', 'deepen', 'friendship', 'later', 'tells', 'sick', 'hug', 'carter', 'also', 'goes', 'movies', 'lucy', 'paige', 'finds', 'sofia', 'dating', 'colin', 'farrell', 'afterward', 'lucy', 'brings', 'carter', 'football', 'field', 'curious', 'typical', 'high', 'school', 'experience', 'confesses', 'sort', 'dating', 'high', 'school', 'quarterback', 'gabe', 'arrogant', 'cocky', 'kissed', 'yet', 'also', 'talk', 'gabe\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'eric', 'seems', 'opposite', 'gabe', 'soft', 'shy', 'also', 'confesses', 'knows', 'father', 'affair', 'believes', 'mother', 'know', 'claims', 'upset', 'mother', 'father', 'mother', 'cold', 'interested', 'image', 'truth', 'lucy', 'later', 'finds', 'gabe', 'could', 'wait', 'lucy', 'hooked', 'best', 'friend', 'convinces', 'carter', 'come', 'party', 'older', 'mysterious', 'party', 'gabe', 'tries', 'fight', 'carter', 'eric', 'steps', 'saying', 'gabe', 'one', 'screwed', 'party', 'carter', 'lucy', 'share', 'kiss', 'sarah', 'sees', 'tells', 'carter', 'leave', 'lucy', 'alone', 'never', 'speak', 'afterwards', 'slips', 'letter', 'lucy', 'goes', 'see', 'carter', 'tells', 'guy', 'thought', 'would', 'realize', 'would', 'know', 'sarah', 'gets', 'cancer', 'treatments', 'revealed', 'everything', 'right', 'sarah', 'lucy', 'talk', 'start', 'heal', 'relationship', 'lucy', 'drives', 'home', 'hospital', 'stops', 'see', 'eric', 'realizes', 'guy', 'carter', 'referring', 'sarah', 'finally', 'reads', 'carter\\\\', 'letter', 'though', 'similar', 'love', 'letter', 'winds', 'thank', 'note', 'carter', 'comes', 'downstairs', 'find', 'grandmother', 'died', 'immediately', 'call', 'hospital', 'instead', 'goes', 'outside', 'air', 'meets', 'sarah', 'apologizes', 'able', 'end', 'friendship', 'good', 'terms', 'story', 'closes', 'carter', 'back', 'diner', 'sofia', 'broke', 'writing', 'presumably', 'script', 'grandmother', 'talks', 'waitress', 'seems', 'getting', 'life', 'without', 'sofia'], ['lily', 'krenshka', 'arrested', 'soliciting', 'drinks', 'told', 'leave', 'town', 'photographer', 'max', 'west', 'offers', 'pay', 'swimsuit', 'poses', 'also', 'learns', 'art', 'photography', 'sets', 'new', 'york', 'start', 'new', 'career', 'changing', 'name', 'lila', 'crane', 'chance', 'meeting', 'reporter', 'russ', 'bassett', 'leads', 'introduction', 'nightclub', 'owner', 'les', 'bauer', 'lets', 'lily', 'take', 'pictures', 'club', 'newspaper', 'columnist', 'pays', 'candid', 'shots', 'important', 'guests', 'including', 'gangster', 'horace', 'sutherland', 'mistress', 'high-society', 'maven', 'mrs.', 'payton', 'grange', 'permits', 'rare', 'photo', 'taken', 'lily', 'exclusive', 'makes', 'name', 'photographer', 'becomes', 'well-known', 'well-paid', 'even', 'resisting', 'russ', 'offer', 'find', 'steady', 'respectable', 'job', 'employer', 'busy', 'brings', 'max', 'assistant', 'lily', 'gets', 'caught', 'feud', 'sutherland', 'rival', 'crime', 'boss', 'ends', 'incriminating', 'picture', 'tries', 'sell', '25,000', 'ends', 'kidnapped', 'held', 'captive', 'warehouse', 'russ', 'one', 'chance', 'rescue', 'fresh', 'start'], [\"'nancy\", 'a.k.a', 'dr.', 'love', 'radio', 'talk', 'show', 'host', 'unskilled', 'practicing', 'preaches', 'eventually', 'meets', 'mickey', 'romeo', 'women', 'whose', 'wildly', 'varied', 'experiences', 'stories', 'make', 'people', 'assume', 'compulsive', 'liar', 'mickey', 'also', 'gets', 'know', 'eve', 'former', 'prostitute', 'owns', 'bar', 'bearing', 'name', 'bar', 'particular', 'popular', 'people', 'looking', 'one', 'night', 'stands', 'three', 'lead', 'lonely', 'unfulfilling', 'lives', 'los', 'angeles', 'never', 'met', 'experiences', 'become', 'intertwined', 'complicate', 'number', 'lives'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'somerset', 'maugham', 'minor', 'character', 'drifting', 'lives', 'major', 'players', 'opens', 'party', 'held', 'following', 'world', 'war', '1919', 'country', 'club', 'chicago', 'illinois', 'elliott', 'templeton', 'expatriate', 'returned', 'united', 'states', 'first', 'time', 'since', 'war', 'visit', 'sister', 'edith', 'bradley', 'niece', 'isabel', 'engaged', 'married', 'larry', 'darrell', 'elliott', 'strongly', 'disapproves', 'rejecting', 'inclusion', 'social', 'stratum', 'working', 'common', 'world', 'larry', 'traumatized', 'death', 'comrade', 'sacrificed', 'last', 'day', 'war', 'save', 'larry', 'announces', 'plans', 'loaf', 'small', 'inheritance', '3,000', 'year', 'refuses', 'job', 'offer', 'father', 'friend', 'gray', 'millionaire', 'hopelessly', 'love', 'isabel', 'larry', 'isabel', 'agree', 'postpone', 'marriage', 'paris', 'try', 'clear', 'muddled', 'thoughts', 'meanwhile', 'larry', 'childhood', 'friend', 'sophie', 'nelson', 'settles', 'happy', 'marriage', 'bob', 'macdonald', 'lose', 'baby', 'tragic', 'car', 'accident', 'paris', 'larry', 'immerses', 'bohemian', 'life', 'year', 'isabel', 'visits', 'larry', 'asks', 'marry', 'immediately', 'isabel', 'understand', 'search', 'meaning', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'returns', 'chicago', 'carry', 'scheme', 'seduce', 'larry', 'trick', 'making', 'honest', 'woman', 'marries', 'gray', 'provide', 'elite', 'social', 'family', 'life', 'craves', 'meanwhile', 'larry', 'works', 'coal', 'mine', 'france', 'defrocked', 'priest', 'kosti', 'urges', 'travel', 'india', 'learn', 'mystic', 'larry', 'studies', 'monastery', 'himalayas', 'tutelage', 'holy', 'man', 'makes', 'lone', 'pilgrimage', 'mountaintop', 'finds', 'enlightenment', 'holy', 'man', 'tells', 'larry', 'return', 'world', 'share', 'knows', 'life', 'back', 'paris', 'maugham', 'meets', 'elliott', 'chance', 'learns', 'isabel', 'family', 'living', 'elliott', 'financially', 'ruined', 'stock', 'market', 'crash', '1929.', 'gray', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'suffers', 'terrible', 'headaches', 'elliott', 'sold', 'short', 'crash', 'made', 'killing', 'market', 'maugham', 'arranges', 'lunch', 'elliott', 'household', 'meet', 'old', 'friend', 'turns', 'larry', 'larry', 'able', 'help', 'gray', 'using', 'indian', 'form', 'hypnotic', 'suggestion', 'later', 'disreputable', 'nightclub', 'encounter', 'sophie', 'drunkard', 'larry', 'reforms', 'arranges', 'marry', 'sophie', 'tells', 'isabel', 'still', 'love', 'ploys', 'prove', 'larry', 'sophie\\\\', 'reform', 'temporary', 'successfully', 'tempts', 'sophie', 'back', 'drinking', 'sophie', 'disappears', 'sophie', 'murdered', 'death', 'reunites', 'larry', 'maugham', 'police', 'investigation', 'maugham', 'larry', 'visit', 'elliott', 'deathbed', 'south', 'france', 'larry', 'gives', 'elliott', 'peace', 'mind', 'deliberately', 'excluded', 'important', 'soiree', 'hosted', 'princess', 'row', 'american', 'midwesterner', 'like', 'elliott', 'larry', 'persuades', 'miss', 'keith', 'social', 'secretary', 'allow', 'use', 'blank', 'invitation', 'counterfeit', 'one', 'elliott', 'isabel', 'inherits', 'uncle\\\\', 'fortune', 'use', 'underwrite', 'gray\\\\', 'attempt', 'rebuild', 'father\\\\', 'bankrupt', 'brokerage', 'larry', 'refuses', 'reconcile', 'isabel', 'deducing', 'caused', 'sophie\\\\', 'return', 'drinking', 'ultimately', 'murder', 'instead', 'decides', 'work', 'way', 'back', 'america', 'aboard', 'tramp', 'steamer', 'maugham', 'tries', 'console', 'isabel', 'knowledge', 'larry', 'happy', 'found', 'quality', 'true', 'goodness'], ['malliswari', 'heiress', 'raja', 'mirjapur', 'deceased', 'father', 'wrote', 'would', 'inherit', 'property', 'worth', '750', 'crores', 'becomes', 'major', 'age', '21.', 'entire', 'property', 'care-taking', 'bhavani', 'shankara', 'wants', 'inherit', 'entire', 'property', 'killing', 'hatches', 'plans', 'eliminate', 'malliswari', 'sent', 'vizag', 'relative', 'place', 'normal', 'girl', 'live', 'anonymity', 'prasad', 'works', 'bank', 'accountant', 'andhra', 'bank', 'vizag', 'bachelor', 'desperately', 'seeking', 'marriage', 'alliance', 'past', 'seven', 'years', 'would', 'looking', 'every', 'unmarried', 'girl', 'dreams', 'eyes', 'call', \"'pellikaani\", 'prasad', 'would', 'get', 'instantly', 'irritated', 'accidentally', 'meets', 'malliswari', 'falls', 'deeply', 'love', 'malliswari', 'traced', 'goons', 'vizag', 'start', 'running', 'prasad', 'escorts', 'drops', 'safely', 'hyderabad', 'rest', 'story', 'describes', 'happens', 'next', 'eventual', 'conclusion', 'plot'], ['venu', 'orphan', 'contractor', 'vizag', 'port', 'anu', 'student', 'classical', 'singing', 'sruthi', 'anu', 'friend', 'anu', 'makes', 'attempt', 'elope', 'boyfriend', 'arun', 'arun', 'son', 'business', 'tycoon', 'sends', 'police', 'across', 'nab', 'anu', 'police', 'nab', 'arun', 'venu', 'rescues', 'anu', 'anu', 'father', 'disassociates', 'daughter', 'venu', 'takes', 'anu', 'place', 'gives', 'assurance', 'venu', 'finds', 'arun', 'gets', 'anu', 'married', 'tells', 'son', 'venu', 'anu', 'affair', 'live', 'together', 'house', 'arun', 'gets', 'suspicious', 'anu', 'character', 'leaves', 'marriage', 'venue', 'immediately', 'marriage', 'anu', 'back', 'venu', 'place', 'venu', 'mission', 'locating', 'arun', 'convince', 'come', 'back', 'anu', 'anu', 'venu', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'get', 'closer', 'venu', 'never', 'takes', 'advantage', 'treats', 'anu', 'like', 'good', 'friend', 'anu', 'pines', 'arun', 'comes', 'know', 'arun', 'getting', 'married', 'minister', 'daughter', 'venu', 'goes', 'engagement', 'venue', 'tries', 'stop', 'arun', 'getting', 'engaged', 'anu', 'comes', 'slaps', 'arun', 'saying', 'marriage', 'goes', 'singing', 'competition', 'venu', 'accompanying', 'wins', 'competition', 'well', 'father', 'love', 'arun', 'meanwhile', 'tries', 'kill', 'venu', 'accidentally', 'gets', 'electric', 'shock', 'gets', 'paralysed', 'life', 'seeks', 'revenge', 'sruthi', 'falls', 'venu', 'anu', 'goes', 'back', 'father', 'house', 'unmarried', 'thinks', 'relationship', 'venu', 'realises', 'loves', 'venu', 'venu', 'reveals', 'among', 'friends', 'loves', 'anu', 'never', 'tell', 'sruthi', 'overhears', 'anu', 'venu', 'feelings', 'decides', 'sacrifice', 'love', 'venu', 'parents', 'decide', 'get', 'married', 'venu', 'sruthi', 'refuses', 'get', 'married', 'venu', 'tells', 'everything', 'sruthi', 'mother', 'gets', 'angry', 'asks', 'anu', 'arrange', 'daughter', 'venu', 'wedding', 'anu', 'gets', 'heartbroken', 'thinks', 'better', 'everyone', 'sruthi', 'goes', 'venu', 'tells', 'anu', 'loves', 'anu', 'kidnapped', 'goons', 'venu', 'goes', 'save', 'anu', 'big', 'fight', 'able', 'defeat', 'save', 'anu', 'anu', 'stabbed', 'sruthi', 'comes', 'takes', 'anu', 'hospital', 'venu', 'comes', 'hospital', 'later', 'anu', 'asks', 'doctors', 'allow', 'meet', 'venu', 'treating', 'anu', 'venu', 'confess', 'love', 'anu', 'successfully', 'operated', 'finally', 'united', 'venu', 'everyone', 'including', 'sruthi', 'mother', 'wishes'], [\"'joe\", 'scheffer', 'recently', 'divorced', 'single', 'parent', 'talented', 'audio/visual', 'specialist', 'starke', 'pharmeceuticals', 'place', 'employment', 'one', 'day', 'joe', 'pulls', 'parking', 'lot', 'work', 'find', 'co-worker', 'mark', 'mckinney', 'parking', 'spot', 'reserved', 'worked', 'company', 'years', 'however', 'mckinney', 'worked', 'years', 'joe', 'confronts', 'mckinney', 'mckinney', 'assaults', 'front', 'young', 'daughter', 'natalie', 'joe', 'falls', 'state', 'depression', 'meg', 'harper', 'wellness', 'coordinator', 'starke', 'accidentally', 'ignites', 'fuse', 'fit', 'frustration', 'asks', 'joe', 'want', 'joe', 'suddenly', 'stirred', 'action', 'question', 'decides', 'wants', 'rematch', 'reclaim', 'dignity', 'self-respect', 'felt', 'mckinney', 'took', 'issuing', 'challenge', 'mckinney', 'joe', 'begins', 'find', 'becoming', 'popular', 'around', 'office', 'bravery', 'meg', 'natalie', 'however', 'feel', 'fighting', 'mckinney', 'solve', 'anything', 'attempt', 'tell', 'joe', 'much', 'avail', 'joe', 'seeks', 'aid', 'movie', 'star-turned-martial', 'arts', 'instructor', 'named', 'chuck', 'scarett', 'teach', 'defend', 'things', 'seem', 'finally', 'going', 'right', 'joe', 'begun', 'see', 'meg', 'even', 'given', 'promotion', 'work', 'hoping', 'meg', 'realizes', 'jeremy', 'colleague', 'works', 'closely', 'company', 'gave', 'joe', 'non-existing', 'position', 'office', 'prevent', 'suing', 'company', 'resigns', 'fear', 'might', 'one', 'day', 'demote', 'even', 'fire', 'joe', 'meg', 'tries', 'persuade', 'joe', 'fight', 'mckinney', 'finally', 'gives', 'ultimatum', 'call', 'fight', 'mckinney', 'relationship', 'day', 'fight', 'joe', 'makes', 'way', 'school', 'brawl', 'take', 'place', 'however', 'finally', 'realizes', 'would', 'immature', 'fight', 'worth', 'price', 'would', 'pay', 'joe', 'tells', 'mckinney', 'co-workers', 'fight', 'mckinney', 'offers', 'apology', 'joe', 'accepts', 'joe', 'goes', 'makes', 'meg', 'understanding', 'reasoning'], ['chaudhary', 'shambhunath', 'considers', 'accumulation', 'wealth', 'important', 'education', 'condones', 'sister', 'inattention', 'school', 'consequently', 'grows', 'anpadh', 'finds', 'married', 'bibliophile', 'problems', 'really', 'begin', 'unable', 'read', 'poetry', 'husband', 'loves', 'rotten', 'cook', 'becomes', 'despised', 'husband', 'in-laws', 'circumstances', 'conspire', 'leave', 'homeless', 'widowed', 'pregnant', 'narrowly', 'escaping', 'attentions', 'panderer', 'falls', 'amongst', 'friends', 'birth', 'daughter', 'starts', 'long', 'road', 'redemption', 'entertaining', 'plea', 'education', 'general', 'education', 'girls', 'particular'], ['wealthy', 'jaishankar', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'aarti', 'successfully', 'woos', 'agrees', 'meet', 'dad', 'discuss', 'marriage', 'way', 'ironically', 'runs', 'killing', 'instantly', 'guilt-ridden', 'attempts', 'make', 'amends', 'look', 'aarti', 'brother', 'pappu', 'sister', 'mala', 'conceals', 'fact', 'responsible', 'father', 'death', 'things', 'get', 'worse', 'aarti', 'discovers', 'truth', 'also', 'witnesses', 'getting', 'intimate', 'cabaret', 'dancer', 'rita', 'jaishankar', 'first', 'disowned', 'father', 'family', 'find', 'sired', 'son', 'rita', 'subsequently', 'arrested', 'police', 'killing', 'rita'], [\"'prithvi\", 'shashank', 'shashank', 'leaders', 'two', 'warring', 'students', 'groups', 'hyderabad', 'college', 'fond', 'rugby', 'union', 'game', 'sort', 'things', 'playing', 'rugby', 'prove', 'superiority', 'one', 'fine', 'day', 'local', 'mafia', 'leader', 'bhikshu', 'yadav', 'gets', 'court', 'notice', 'purchased', 'land', 'college', 'legal', 'heirs', 'groups', 'prithvi', 'sashank', 'unite', 'together', 'forgetting', 'differences', 'fight', 'united', 'cause', 'winning', 'back', 'land', 'college', 'getting', 'affected', 'assaults', 'students', 'bhikshu', 'yadav', 'throws', 'challenge', 'defeat', 'team', 'game', 'rugby', 'union', 'win', 'back', 'land', 'college', 'rest', 'story', 'prithvi', 'leads', 'team', 'victory'], ['min', 'illegal', 'burmese', 'immigrant', 'living', 'thailand', 'contracted', 'mysterious', 'rash', 'girlfriend', 'roong', 'older', 'woman', 'orn', 'take', 'see', 'doctor', 'doctor', 'unable', 'anything', 'min', 'forbidden', 'speak', 'since', 'might', 'reveal', 'burmese', 'nonetheless', 'customary', 'thai', 'hospitals', 'medicine', 'prescribed', 'orn', 'satisfied', 'however', 'stops', 'buy', 'supplies', 'goes', 'husband', 'office', 'concocts', 'lotion', 'made', 'store-bought', 'creams', 'chopped', 'vegetables', 'instructs', 'roong', 'slather', 'min', 'roong', 'works', 'factory', 'painting', 'ceramic', 'figurines', 'painstaking', 'work', 'want', 'work', 'worked', 'overtime', 'day', 'feigns', 'illness', 'takes', 'min', 'drives', 'countryside', 'plan', 'picnic', 'forest', 'min', 'make', 'love', 'orn', 'meanwhile', 'longing', 'love', 'steals', 'husband', 'motorcycle', 'goes', 'jungle', 'meet', 'tommy', 'worker', 'factory', 'sex', 'roadside', 'interrupted', 'motorcycle', 'stolen', 'tommy', 'chases', 'thief', 'disappears', 'unsatisfied', 'orn', 'wanders', 'deeper', 'woods', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'min', 'roong', 'finished', 'making', 'love', 'roong', 'leads', 'orn', 'stream', 'rub', 'lotion', 'min', 'dry', 'lay', 'river', 'bank'], ['keng', 'soldier', 'assigned', 'post', 'small', 'city', 'rural', 'thailand', 'troops', 'main', 'duties', 'seems', 'investigate', 'mysterious', 'slaying', 'cattle', 'local', 'farms', 'field', 'one', 'day', 'keng', 'meets', 'tong', 'later', 'keng', 'sees', 'tong', 'riding', 'truck', 'town', 'two', 'men', 'made', 'connection', 'embark', 'romance', 'taking', 'trips', 'countryside', 'one', 'night', 'country', 'boy', 'wanders', 'dark', 'film', 'narrative', 'abruptly', 'shifts', 'different', 'story', 'soldier', 'sent', 'alone', 'woods', 'find', 'lost', 'villager', 'woods', 'soldier', 'encounters', 'spirit', 'tiger', 'shaman', 'taunts', 'bedevils', 'soldier', 'causing', 'run', 'woods', 'become', 'lost', 'isolated'], [\"'it\", 'story', 'reclusive', 'writer', 'sanjeev', 'kumar', 'finds', 'young', 'woman', 'thrown', 'speeding', 'car', 'hands', 'tied', 'mouth', 'gagged', 'uncle', 'secretary', 'take', 'unconscious', 'girl', 'home', 'wakes', 'next', 'morning', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'remember', 'anything', 'life', 'insists', 'writer\\\\', 'wife', 'uncle', 'convinces', 'writer', 'humor', 'girl', 'regains', 'memory', 'meantime', 'shows', 'crazy', 'fun', 'part', 'life', 'calls', 'anamika', 'means', 'girl', 'without', 'name', 'falling', 'love', 'sees', 'clues', 'past', 'raise', 'questions', 'married', 'woman', 'named', 'archana', 'prostitute', 'named', 'kanchan', 'unexpectedly', 'come', 'life', 'leaves', 'sees', 'party', 'refuses', 'recognize', 'movie\\\\', 'mystery', 'deepens', 'writer', 'finds', 'woman', 'actually'], ['victoria', 'layton', 'suburban', 'housewife', 'dissatisfied', 'marriage', 'fears', 'sex', 'appeal', 'fading', 'husband', 'patrick', \"o'neal\", 'works', 'press', 'agent', 'client', 'movie', 'star', 'known', 'international', 'sex', 'symbol', 'upon', 'hearing', 'movie', 'star', 'indulges', 'services', 'prostitutes', 'victoria', 'decides', 'pose', 'surreptitiously', 'one', 'order', 'prove', 'still', 'sexually', 'attractive'], ['prosperous', 'alec', 'walker', 'puts', 'loveless', 'marriage', 'maida', 'meets', 'widow', 'julie', 'eden', 'fall', 'love', 'asks', 'wife', 'divorce', 'refuses', 'goes', 'tell', 'married', 'solely', 'social', 'position', 'wealth', \"n't\", 'give', 'skillful', 'liar', 'alec', 'parents', 'convinced', 'julie', 'destroy', 'marriage', 'julie', 'breaks', 'alec', 'since', 'see', 'future', 'christmas', 'eve', 'distraught', 'alec', 'gets', 'drunk', 'falls', 'asleep', 'hotel', 'room', 'front', 'open', 'window', 'catches', 'pneumonia', 'hospital', 'dr.', 'muller', 'tells', 'julie', 'alec', 'father', 'patient', 'likely', 'recover', 'live', 'julie', 'lies', 'alec', 'telling', 'maida', 'let', 'maida', 'shows', 'tries', 'see', 'alec', 'julie', 'blocks', 'one', 'else', 'room', 'maida', 'freely', 'admits', 'gave', 'man', 'really', 'loved', 'alec', 'position', 'father', 'wealth', 'however', 'alec', 'parents', 'enter', 'behind', 'overhear', 'cold-blooded', 'admission', 'maida', 'plotting', 'exposed', 'path', 'alec', 'julie', 'happiness', 'clear'], ['peter', 'infatuated', 'childhood', 'friend', 'next-door', 'neighbor', 'erica', 'based', 'advice', 'grandfather', 'peter', 'decides', 'camp', 'erica', 'lawn', 'realizes', 'loves', 'summer-long', 'wait', 'frequently', 'comments', 'neighborhood'], [\"'zhan\", 'zhao', 'court', 'officer', 'learns', 'plot', 'assassinate', 'judge', 'bao', 'holiday', 'meets', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'bai', 'turns', 'woman', 'zhan', 'zhao', 'tries', 'recruit', 'bai', 'help', 'stop', 'assassination', 'judge', 'bao'], [\"'after\", 'spending', 'years', 'jail', 'killing', 'one', 'opponents', 'chat', 'chai', 'dressing', 'room', 'mong', 'washed', 'muay', 'thai', 'kickboxer', 'returns', 'thailand', 'look', 'old', 'girlfriend', 'pim', 'upon', 'arrival', 'bangkok', 'finds', 'died', 'year', 'old', 'daughter', 'finds', 'orphanage', 'meet', 'daughter', 'starts', 'relationship', 'sister', 'mioko', 'nun', 'runs', 'orphanage', 'past', 'comes', 'back', 'haunt', 'forced', 'fight', 'current', 'champion', 'wants', 'avenge', 'chai', 'get', 'banned', 'bangkok', 'mong', 'dies', 'final', 'fight'], ['abhiram', 'manager', 'agency', 'despises', 'women', 'feels', 'women', 'traitors', 'abhiram', 'uncle', 'chairman', 'agency', 'appoints', 'harika', 'assistant', 'manager', 'though', 'abhiram', 'like', 'girl', 'joining', 'company', 'live', 'appointment', 'made', 'uncle', 'starts', 'mistreating', 'harika', 'vexed', 'abhiram', 'acts', 'submits', 'resignation', 'uncle', 'narrates', 'abhiram', 'past', 'harika', 'abhi', 'born', 'golden', 'spoon', 'raised', 'grandfather', 'parents', 'died', 'soon', 'abhi', 'birth', 'abhi', 'falls', 'love', 'maheswari', 'niece', 'employee', 'chandra', 'mohan', 'abhi', 'grandfather', 'company', 'alarmed', 'maheshwari', 'uncle', 'takes', 'away', 'home', 'town', 'arranges', 'engagement', 'another', 'man', 'abhi', 'travels', 'way', 'venue', 'takes', 'maheswari', 'away', 'returning', 'meet', 'accident', 'days', 'abhi', 'comes', 'coma', 'told', 'maheswari', 'marry', 'guy', 'shocked', 'news', 'abhi', 'develops', 'hatred', 'towards', 'women', 'narrating', 'flashback', 'abhi', 'uncle', 'promotes', 'harika', 'manager', 'demotes', 'abhi', 'post', 'assistant', 'manager', 'although', 'abhi', 'resents', 'travels', 'paris', 'harika', 'business', 'venture', 'falls', 'love', 'problems', 'soon', 'arise', 'return', 'harika', 'arranged', 'marry', 'another', 'man', 'however', 'abhi', 'realizes', 'true', 'feelings', 'last', 'end', 'together'], [\"'in\", 'final', 'year', 'world', 'war', 'units', 'army', 'foothills', 'alps', 'france', 'italy', 'trying', 'dislodge', 'unit', 'german', 'soldiers', 'supply', 'post', 'middle', 'small', 'village', '1st', 'lt.', 'sam', 'loggins', 'charge', 'reconnaissance', 'unit', 'lost', 'radioman', 'truckload', 'fresh', 'young', 'soldiers', 'arrive', 'one', 'corporal', 'britt', 'harris', 'admits', 'radio', 'training', 'experience', '봈arris', 'immediately', 'appointed', 'unit\\\\', 'radioman', 'loggins', 'harris', 'reveals', 'lady\\\\', 'man', 'schemer', 'acquiring', 'girlfriends', 'food', 'luxury', 'items', 'corporal', 'lindsay', 'charge', 'unit\\\\', 'paperwork', 'logistics', 'reveals', 'harris\\\\', 'story', 'loggins', 'harris', 'son', 'wealthy', 'textile', 'mill', 'owner', 'new', 'jersey', 'order', 'avoid', 'criminal', 'charges', 'trying', 'bribe', 'member', 'local', 'draft', 'board', 'car', 'harris', 'volunteered', 'combat', 'duty', 'europe', 'harris', 'show', 'bravery', 'rescuing', 'group', 'men', 'trapped', 'minefield', 'attacking', 'german', 'bunker', 'single-handed', 'loggins', 'still', 'reservations', 'man', 'colonel', 'grants', 'loggins', 'unit', 'leave', 'seaside', 'town', 'nice', 'walking', 'quay', 'loggins', 'attracted', 'monique', 'blair', 'dinner', 'explains', 'born', 'america', 'lived', 'france', 'since', 'small', 'child', 'she\\\\', 'unwilling', 'loggins', 'loggins', 'ask', 'meet', 'cafe', 'next', 'week', '8pm', 'next', 'week', 'loggins', 'waits', 'cafe', 'monique', 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'punches', 'loggins', 'goes', 'find', 'monique', 'turns', 'tried', 'drown', 'fisherman', 'fished', 'water', 'still', 'alive', 'loggins', 'tries', 'talk', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'talk', 'back', 'army', 'base', 'loggins', 'harris', 'prepare', 'mission', 'loggins', 'says', 'going', 'kill', 'harris', 'harris', 'responds', 'essentially', \"don\\\\'t\", 'kill', 'first', 'eye', 'suspiciously', 'cautiously', 'however', 'loggins', 'clarifies', 'plans', 'kill', 'loggins', 'future', '봞fter', 'mission', 'perhaps', 'war', 'mission', 'encounter', 'kill', 'german', 'soldier', 'together', 'duo', 'establishes', 'church', 'tower', 'calls', 'reports', 'observations', 'especially', 'hidden', 'section', 'village', 'contains', 'enormous', 'german', 'ammo', 'dump', 'loggins', 'sends', 'order', 'back', 'base', 'begin', 'bombardment', 'ammo', 'dump', 'certainly', 'destroy', 'village', 'leave', 'tower', 'soon', 'discovered', 'german', 'patrol', 'harris', 'shot', 'dead', 'germans', 'loggins', 'pinned', 'german', 'officers', 'panicking', 'thought', 'american', 'soldiers', 'village', 'order', 'immediate', 'evacuation', 'hearing', 'loggins', 'grabs', 'radio', 'orders', 'artillery', 'begin', 'firing', 'right', 'shells', 'fall', 'village', 'ammo', 'dump', 'everything', 'blows', 'movie', 'ends', 'loggins', 'relating', 'found', 'rubble', 'still', 'alive', 'troops', 'brought', 'hospital', 'right', 'arm', 'amputated', 'gotten', 'two', 'letters', 'monique', 'one', 'says', 'learned', 'harris', 'killed', 'also', 'tells', 'loggins', 'mother', 'died', 'loggins', 'finally', 'released', 'hospital', 'many', 'months', 'decides', 'nice', 'visit', 'monique', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'returning', 'states', 'finds', 'heading', 'school', 'war', 'orphans', 'invites', 'loggins', 'come', 'one', 'classrooms', 'tribute', 'loggins', 'american', 'soldiers', 'fought', 'free', 'france', 'children', 'sing', 'song', 'appreciation', 'singing', 'monique', 'loggis', 'look', 'earnestly', 'romance', 'bloom'], ['story', 'conniving', 'countess', 'coming', 'gay', 'sculptor', 'claude', 'zoret', 'bisexual', 'model', 'lover', 'mika챘l', 'ultimately', 'leading', 'zoret', 'death', 'raging', 'storm', 'base', 'statue', 'mika챘l', 'mythological', 'icarus'], [\"'rome\", 'march', '2003.', 'attilio', 'giovanni', 'comical', 'talented', 'literature', 'professor', 'divorced', 'father', 'two', 'teenage', 'girls', 'hopelessly', 'love', 'vittoria', 'writer', 'subject', 'recurring', 'dream', 'featuring', 'surreal', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'poetry', 'verses', 'background', 'attilio\\\\', 'strenuous', 'courtship', 'unsuccessful', 'yet', 'lose', 'hope', 'despite', 'fact', 'vittoria', 'obviously', 'share', 'feelings', 'vittoria', 'leaves', 'iraq', 'write', 'biography', 'poet', 'fuad', 'close', 'friend', 'attilio', 'returning', 'country', 'years', 'exile', 'france', 'vittoria', 'wounded', 'iraq', 'war', 'attilio', 'manages', 'reach', 'baghdad', 'intention', 'saving', 'life', 'finds', 'vittoria', 'iraqi', 'hospital', 'lying', 'coma', 'like', 'thousands', 'iraqis', 'danger', 'dying', 'lack', 'medicine', 'fuad', 'directs', 'attilio', 'old', 'iraqi', 'pharmacist', 'suggests', 'ancient', 'treatments', 'keep', 'alive', 'attilio', 'locates', 'scuba', 'gear', 'even', 'weapon', 'mass', 'destruction', 'attilio', 'runs', 'risk', 'going', 'italian', 'red', 'cross', 'iraq', 'obtains', 'medical', 'supplies', 'posing', 'doctor', 'brings', 'medicines', 'back', 'baghdad', 'medical', 'supplies', 'enable', 'vittoria', 'make', 'complete', 'recovery', 'attilio', 'goes', 'fuad\\\\', 'house', 'tell', 'triumph', 'adversity', 'finds', 'fuad', 'hanged', 'fuad', 'earlier', 'short', 'soliloquy', 'eyes', 'longer', '...', 'attilio', 'picked', 'frantically', 'trying', 'make', 'glycerine', 'mixture', 'save', 'vittoria', 'vittoria', 'emerges', 'coma', 'attilio', 'captured', 'u.s.', 'military', 'mistaken', 'iraqi', 'insurgent', 'final', 'scenes', 'revealed', 'vittoria', 'attilio\\\\', 'wife', 'obviously', 'separated', 'story', 'perhaps', 'tumultuous', 'over-abundant', 'energy', 'insane', 'diversions', 'several', 'times', 'see', 'attilio', 'awkward', 'visits', 'vittoria', 'children', 'obviously', 'still', 'hopelessly', 'love', 'final', 'scene', 'film', 'even', 'though', 'attilio', \"won\\\\'t\", 'admit', 'wonderful', 'stranger', 'saved', 'vittoria', 'suddenly', 'recognizes', 'familiar', 'way', 'brushing', 'cheek', 'manner', 'stranger', 'touched', 'lying', 'unconscious', 'hospital', 'way', 'necklace', 'dangling', 'neck', 'touches', 'face'], ['accidentally', 'meeting', 'mridula', 'arun', 'fall', 'love', 'young', 'couple', 'come', 'affluent', 'families', 'test', 'whether', 'suited', 'long', 'term', 'relationship', 'decide', 'live', 'together', 'one', 'day', 'however', 'months', 'relationship', 'arun', 'mridhula', 'get', 'accident', 'passes', 'away', 'devastated', 'mridula', 'unable', 'get', 'loss', 'long', 'starts', 'seeing', 'arun', 'strange', 'visions', 'everywhere', 'goes', 'family', 'eventually', 'decide', 'relocating', 'another', 'country', 'might', 'help', 'mridula', 'move', 'send', 'arrives', 'meets', 'mano', 'young', 'man', 'attracted', 'knows', 'parents', 'expect', 'mano', \"n't\", 'move', 'marry', 'runs', 'away', 'runs', 'away', 'meets', 'person', 'looks', 'exactly', 'like', 'arun', 'follows', 'finds', 'lives', 'works', 'whenever', 'tries', 'talk', 'denies', 'relationship', 'says', \"n't\", 'know', 'however', 'later', 'finds', 'father', 'arun', 'sent', 'away', 'helped', 'arun', 'sister', 'marriage', 'threatened', 'let', 'downhill', 'arun', 'moves', 'hopes', 'forget', 'mridhula', \"n't\", 'meets', 'realises', 'dad', 'finds', 'arun', 'still', 'alive', 'tries', 'kill', \"n't\", 'work', 'finally', 'dad', 'realises', 'mistake', 'arun', 'mridula', 'reunite'], [\"'luke\", 'restless', 'reckless', 'drifter', 'jon', 'relatively', 'timid', 'pessimistic', 'movie', 'critic', 'gay', 'hiv', 'positive', 'unconventional', 'meeting', 'luke', 'kills', 'homophobic', 'police', 'officer', 'road', 'trip', 'motto', 'fuck', 'everything'], ['jackie', 'dorsey', 'daughter', 'olympic', 'gold', 'medalists', 'doug', 'dorsey', 'kate', 'moseley', 'original', 'film', 'also', 'enters', 'figure', 'skating', 'field', 'ambitions', 'winning', 'olympic', 'gold', 'however', 'serious', 'injury', 'derails', 'ambition', 'months', 'training', 'jackie', 'finally', 'ready', 'skate', 'trouble', 'keeping', 'rigorous', 'demands', 'singles', 'skating', 'parents', 'send', 'vacation', 'l.a.', 'meets', 'surfer', 'boy/in-line', 'skater', 'alex', 'harrison', 'sparks', 'fly', 'two', 'alex', 'discovers', 'jackie', 'rejects', 'meantime', 'jackie', 'realizes', 'considering', 'circumstances', 'pairs', 'skating', 'give', 'better', 'chance', 'olympic', 'gold', 'many', 'unsuccessful', 'interviews', 'prospective', 'partners', 'becomes', 'frustrated', 'alex', 'harrison', 'sees', 'jackie', 'discussing', 'search', 'partner', 'shows', 'interview', 'even', 'though', 'alex', 'experience', 'trained', 'short', 'time', 'shows', 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'heart', 'someone', 'thinks', 'alex', 'person', 'actually', 'heidi', 'hearing', 'jackie', 'confession', 'love', 'heidi', 'locks', 'door', 'jackie', 'takes', 'alex', 'discovers', 'heidi', 'done', 'goes', 'heidi', 'tells', 'leaves', 'returns', 'leaves', 'anyway', 'jackie', 'refuses', 'talk', 'alex', 'right', 'program', 'begins', 'alex', 'tells', 'jackie', 'love', 'long', 'program', 'flawless', 'includes', 'move', 'never', 'done', 'final', 'shot', 'alex', 'jackie', 'seen', 'kissing'], [\"'two\", 'best', 'friends', 'ravi', 'paul', 'vacation', 'india', 'attend', 'night', 'eye-opening', 'gay', 'sex', 'party', 'surprised', 'openness', 'hosts', 'aggressiveness', 'guests', 'boys', 'fall', 'steadily', 'growing', 'indian', 'gay', 'culture', 'ravi', 'especially', 'bitten', 'hard', 'falls', 'good', 'looking', 'deeply', 'closeted', 'mani', 'caste', 'economics', 'customs', 'allow', 'two', 'love', 'birds', 'happy', 'ending', 'forces', 'tradition', 'homophobia', 'keep', 'apart', 'fueled', 'flirting', 'erotic', 'performances', 'open', 'sex', 'emotionally', 'revealing', 'film', 'growing', 'indian', 'gay', 'community', 'camera', 'lingers', 'hot', 'bodies', 'indian', 'men', 'never', 'shirks', 'giving', 'gay', 'men', 'sexuality', 'seldom', 'seen', 'part', 'world', 'sridhar', 'rangayan', 'uses', 'traditional', 'experimental', 'film', 'techniques', 'build', 'story', 'love', 'compassion', 'truth', 'society', 'beginning', 'accept', 'gay', 'people', 'source', 'tla', 'videos', 'http', '//www.tlavideo.com/details/product_details.cfm', 'id2', 'snfalse'], [\"'cunda\", 'lives', 'deep', 'brazilian', 'rainforest', 'intent', 'making', 'enough', 'money', 'marry', 'widow', 'village', 'however', 'trade', 'capturing', 'snakes', 'scientists', 'pays', 'little', 'money', 'he\\\\', 'direct', 'competition', 'suitors', 'one', 'day', 'cunda', 'bitten', 'snake', 'crawls', 'river', 'recover', 'going', 'agonizing', 'recovery', 'hallucination', 'four', 'chimpanzees', 'sitting', 'river', 'recovered', 'returns', 'home', 'finds', 'four', 'chimpanzees', 'waiting', 'efforts', 'shoo', 'away', 'fail', 'knowing', 'chimpanzees', 'native', 'brazil', 'decides', 'kind', 'supernatural', 'gift', 'believing', 'decides', 'take', 'city', 'sell', 'journey', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'easy', 'start', 'discovers', \"can\\\\'t\", 'tie', 'rope', 'drag', 'way', 'coax', 'stumble', 'gold-panning', 'camp', 'cunda', 'forced', 'work', 'order', 'pay', 'old', 'debt', 'one', 'monkeys', 'taken', 'payment', 'cunda', 'must', 'figure', 'retrieve', 'monkey', 'escape', 'later', 'monkeys', 'adults', 'village', 'kidnapped', 'mercenaries', 'cunda', 'monkeys', 'escape', 'along', 'village', 'woman', 'refuses', 'leave', 'side', 'arriving', 'small', 'town', 'confusing', 'sequence', 'results', 'one', 'monkeys', 'disappearing', 'cunda', 'becoming', 'servant', 'local', 'rich', 'woman', 'taken', 'upon', 'take', 'care', 'monkeys', 'cunda', 'solve', 'two', 'problems', 'deal', 'fact', 'village', 'woman\\\\', 'attraction', 'plus', 'growing', 'fondness', 'monkeys'], [\"'srikrishna\", 'siddharth', 'grows', 'watching', 'films', 'playing', 'theatre', 'father', 'works', 'movie-projectionist', 'village', 'satya', 'harassed', 'vicky', 'munna', 'son', 'politician', 'wants', 'marry', 'satya', 'escapes', 'home', 'srikrishna', 'falls', 'love', 'first', 'time', 'meets', 'goons', 'police', 'chase', 'satya', 'srikrishna', 'protects', 'drops', 'house', 'politician', 'wins', 'vicky', 'confidence', 'plays', 'one', 'sided', 'game', 'end', 'police', 'working', 'vicky', 'turn', 'arrest', 'vicky', 'parents', 'satya', 'srikrishna', 'get', 'married'], [\"'subrahmanyam\", 'youngest', 'son', 'family', 'careless', 'guy', 'always', 'going', 'around', 'girls', 'enjoying', 'father', 'always', 'scolds', 'brother', 'boxer', 'jaanu', 'dote', 'meanwhile', 'falls', 'love', 'lovely', 'keeps', 'telling', 'lies', 'rich', 'jaanu', 'middle', 'truly', 'loves', 'subrahmanyam', 'gives', 'everything', 'asks', 'thinking', 'lovely', '.the', 'incidents', 'led', 'subrahmanyam', 'change', 'way', 'realised', 'true', 'love', 'jaanu', 'final', 'twist', 'becoming', 'boxing', 'champion', 'real', 'plot', 'seen'], ['balu', 'youngest', 'son', 'family', 'careless', 'guy', 'father', 'always', 'scolds', 'uncles', 'mother', 'dote', 'brothers', 'bunch', 'friends', 'played', 'ali', 'venu', 'madhav', 'hangs', 'around', 'one', 'occasion', 'balu', 'father', 'angry', 'balu', 'leaves', 'house', 'left', 'alone', 'chances', 'see', 'anu', 'road', 'kids', 'falls', 'returned', 'usa', 'spend', 'time', 'grandfather', 'anu', 'impressed', 'balu', 'saves', 'kid', 'life', 'motorway', 'tries', 'get', 'autograph', 'fails', 'balu', 'leaves', 'ooty', 'studies', 'accidentally', 'meets', 'anu', 'way', 'taxi', 'breaks', 'anu', 'gives', 'balu', 'lift', 'leaves', 'driver', 'help', 'taxi', 'driver', 'way', 'anu', 'car', 'slips', 'valley', 'due', 'rash', 'lorry', 'driver', 'balu', 'makes', 'effort', 'save', 'anu', 'rescues', 'safer', 'ground', 'trying', 'save', 'anu', 'balu', 'slips', 'valley', 'anu', 'depressed', 'balu', 'sacrificed', 'save', 'searches', 'loses', 'hope', 'balu', 'saved', 'truck', 'driver', 'admitted', 'hospital', 'return', 'anu', 'meets', 'balu', 'house', 'express', 'gratitude', 'balu', 'thinks', 'proposing', 'love', 'warned', 'sister', 'balu', 'develops', 'friendship', 'anu', 'never', 'dares', 'express', 'love', 'vasuki', 'gets', 'married', 'leaves', 'time', 'anu', 'gets', 'admission', 'harvard', 'university', 'leave', 'remain', 'silent', 'reach', 'airport', 'anu', 'leaves', 'realizes', 'would', 'miss', 'agree', 'meet', 'realizing', 'goals'], ['chakram', 'foreign', 'returnee', 'dream', 'building', 'hospital', 'pulivendula', 'love', 'colleague', 'lakshmi', 'studied', 'abroad', 'leaves', 'half-way', 'realizes', 'struck', 'cancer', 'wanting', 'tell', 'moves', 'hyderabad', 'stays', 'place', 'called', '쁓ahara', 'colony', 'tries', 'solve', 'people', 'problem', 'colony', 'seeing', 'another', 'girl', 'also', 'named', 'lakshmi', 'falls', 'love', 'chakram', 'rest', 'heart-rending', 'saga', 'cancer-struck', 'patient', 'love', 'station'], ['east', 'side', 'kids', 'rescue', 'sylvia', 'clutches', 'abusive', 'stepfather', 'morley', 'knocked', 'cold', 'mugs', 'broken', 'leg', 'chair', 'idea', 'danger', 'getting', 'kids', 'take', 'sylvia', 'clubhouse', 'hide', 'morley', 'killed', 'racketeer', 'mcgaffey', 'stealing', 'money', 'mcgaffey', 'spots', 'broken', 'leg', 'takes', 'uses', \"'incriminating\", 'evidence', 'extort', 'east', 'side', 'kids', 'working', 'danny', 'favor', 'sylvia', 'runs', 'back', 'apartment', 'gather', 'clothes', 'however', 'caught', 'police', 'officer', 'arrests', 'suspicion', 'murder', 'mcgaffey', 'forces', 'mugs', 'break', 'silk', 'warehouse', 'exchange', 'chair', 'leg', 'used', 'knock', 'morley', 'cold', 'helping', 'sylvia', 'fingerprints', 'could', 'point', 'police', 'direction', 'murder'], [\"'ellen\", 'professor', 'french', 'literature', 'wellesley', 'college', 'boston', 'brenda', 'stay-at-home', 'wife', 'savannah', 'georgia', 'sue', 'factory', 'worker', 'qu챕bec', 'canada', 'feel', 'lonely', 'ignored', 'middle-aged', 'men', 'back', 'home', 'travel', 'haiti', 'enjoy', 'holiday', 'sun', 'surf', 'sex', 'attractive', 'local', 'teenagers', 'financially', 'generous'], [\"'everything\", 'going', 'fine', 'hot', 'young', 'year', 'old', 'jeana', 'newscaster', 'boyfriend', 'accidentally', 'revealed', 'jeana', 'still', 'virgin', 'despite', 'mid', '20s', 'jeana', 'completely', 'humiliated', 'adding', 'insult', 'injury', 'fact', 'revelation', 'virginity', 'made', 'target', 'every', 'oversexed', 'man', 'immediate', 'area', 'determined', 'make', 'real', 'woman', 'noting', 'dejectedly', 'ever', 'since', 'revealed', 'virgin', 'everyman', 'looks', 'wants', 'date', 'optimistic', 'romantic', 'ideals', 'shattered', 'ultimately', 'salvage', 'relationship', 'newscaster', 'boyfriend', 'end', 'finally', 'find', 'man', 'photographer', 'decent', 'enough', 'man', 'finally', 'loses', 'virginity'], ['neelakanta', 'naidu', 'big', 'factionist', 'loyal', 'confidant', 'called', 'narasimha', 'fro', 'imis', 'willing', 'give', 'life', 'sake', 'master', 'gap', 'many', 'years', 'neelakanta', 'naidu', 'wife', 'gives', 'birth', 'baby', 'daughter', 'earlier', 'babies', 'born', 'neelakanta', 'naidu', 'died', 'due', 'unknown', 'reason', 'priests', 'advise', 'neelakanta', 'name', 'daughter', \"'gangotri\", 'also', 'warn', 'neelakanta', 'kid', \"'jalagandam\", 'hence', 'ask', 'neelakanta', 'take', 'gangotri', 'holy', 'place', 'gangotri', 'himalayas', \"'abhyangana\", 'snanam', 'next', 'years', 'years', 'gangotri', 'would', 'free', 'dangers', 'nobody', 'could', 'entertain', 'kid', 'gangotri', 'simhadri', 'son', 'narasimha', 'makes', 'smile', 'entertaining', 'song', 'simhadri', 'becomes', 'servant', 'cum', 'friend', 'gangotri', 'grow', 'together', 'mean', 'time', 'mother', 'simhadri', 'sacrifices', 'life', 'save', 'neelakantam', 'gangotri', 'attains', 'puberty', 'gangotri', 'aunt', 'restricts', 'simhadri', 'meeting', 'gangotri', 'gangotri', 'simhadri', 'realize', 'fell', 'love', 'simhadri', 'comes', 'gangotri', 'place', 'clandestinely', 'meet', 'caught', 'red-handed', 'neelakantam', 'neelakantam', 'beats', 'simhadri', 'meantime', 'narasimha', 'comes', 'spot', 'interferes', 'causes', 'rift', 'neelakantam', 'trusted', 'lieutenant', 'narasimha', 'neelakantam', 'misinformed', 'narasimha', 'intentions', 'hence', 'bombs', 'house', 'narasimha', 'simhadri', 'away', 'time', 'simhadri', 'comes', 'know', 'neelakantam', 'responsible', 'bombing', 'comes', 'neelakantam', 'house', 'challenges', 'would', 'marry', 'gangotri', '365', 'days', 'simhadri', 'reaches', 'gangotri', 'waits', 'ladylove', 'come', 'place', 'final', 'sacred', 'bath', 'rest', 'film', 'simhadri', 'gangotri', 'unite', 'together'], ['boy', 'obsessed', 'football', 'finds', 'life', 'changing', 'dramatically', 'adds', 'little', 'samba', 'danny', 'plays', 'football', 'team', 'all-boys', 'catholic', 'school', 'attends', 'belfast', 'danny', 'three', 'best', 'friends', 'also', 'play', 'team', 'different', 'ambitions', 'lives', 'mickey', 'wants', 'fashion', 'designer', 'get', 'rich', 'date', 'supermodels', 'gary', 'wants', 'become', 'magician', 'get', 'rich', 'meet', 'beautiful', 'women', 'spike', 'likes', 'beat', 'people', 'wants', 'become', 'mercenary', 'living', 'danny', 'dreams', 'making', 'football', 'life', 'players', 'danny', 'admires', 'south', 'americans', 'pele', 'carlos', 'riga', 'feels', 'special', 'rhythm', 'flexibility', 'wanting', 'add', 'qualities', 'game', 'danny', 'idea', \"'ll\", 'take', 'samba', 'lessons', 'hope', 'dancing', 'like', 'south', 'american', 'help', 'play', 'like', 'south', 'american', 'surprise', 'friends', 'danny', 'turns', 'pretty', 'good', 'latin', 'dancer', 'finds', 'smitten', 'student', 'dance', 'class', 'lucy', 'however', 'lucy', 'happens', 'boyfriend', 'fierce', 'competitor', 'one', 'danny', 'rival', 'teams'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'madhumati', 'madhu', 'siddartha', 'roy', 'siddhu', 'born', 'madhu\\\\', 'family', 'based', 'konaseema', 'andhra', 'pradesh', 'sidhu\\\\', 'family', 'kolkota', 'babies', 'madhu', 'siddhu', 'meet', 'shopping', 'complex', 'madhu', 'father', 'love', 'dearly', 'madhu\\\\', 'father', 'wants', 'marry', 'son-in-law', 'stay', 'daughter', 'leave', 'however', 'groom', 'elopes', 'girlfriend', 'apologizing', 'madhu', 'want', 'ruin', 'another', 'girl\\\\', 'life', 'siddhu', 'receives', 'visa', 'higher', 'studies', 'canada', 'takes', 'drive', 'airport', 'car', 'accident', 'incidentally', 'receives', 'madhu\\\\', 'blood', 'madhu\\\\', 'convinces', 'father', 'higher', 'studies', 'bothered', 'marriage', 'sidhu', 'make', 'canada', 'joins', 'college', 'madhu', 'incidentally', 'meet', 'temple', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'also', 'helping', 'madhu\\\\', 'friend', 'shanti', 'siddu\\\\', 'friend', 'babu', 'sivaji_', 'love', 'shanti\\\\', 'father', 'big', 'goon', 'madhu', 'siddhu', 'ensure', 'shanti', 'babu', 'reveal', 'love', 'shanti\\\\', 'father', 'get', 'trouble', 'one', 'day', 'madhu', 'studying', 'exams', 'siddhu', 'happens', 'come', 'madhu\\\\', 'sari', 'moves', 'breeze', 'revealing', 'navel', 'siddhu', 'ogles', 'madhu', 'accuses', 'siddhu', 'ogling', 'siddhu', 'denies', 'argument', 'breaks', 'leading', 'accusing', 'hiding', 'feelings', 'end', 'friendship', 'summer', 'holidays', 'shanti\\\\', 'dad', 'finds', 'babu', 'madhu', 'siddhu', 'meet', 'sake', 'friend\\\\', 'love', 'course', 'getting', 'babu', 'shati', 'together', 'realize', 'love', 'movie', 'ends', 'happily', 'duo', 'married', 'happily', 'squabbling'], ['godavari', 'film', 'ram', 'seetha', 'river', 'cruise', 'brings', 'together', 'semi-urban', 'love', 'story', 'set', 'scenic', 'backdrop', 'godavari', 'river', 'aboard', 'houseboat', 'also', 'called', '쏥odavari', 'story', 'ram', 'seetha', 'decide', 'take', 'break', 'disappointing', 'lives', 'city', 'leave', 'behind', 'personal', 'professional', 'problems', 'decide', 'take', 'cruise', 'river', 'godavari', 'rajamundry', 'badrachalam', 'meet', 'aboard', 'cruise', 'liner', 'starts', 'story', 'involving', 'friendship', 'adventure', 'eventually', 'love', 'story', 'also', 'reflects', 'characteristic', 'culture', 'godavari', 'region', 'also', 'several', 'sub', 'stories', 'involving', 'characters', 'house', 'boat', 'ram', 'idealistic', 'man', 'wishes', 'make', 'career', 'politics', 'even', 'though', 'actually', 'software', 'engineer', 'degree', 'usa', 'lives', 'grandmother', 'middle', 'class', 'colony', 'love', 'cousin', 'raji', 'hopes', 'marry', 'someday', 'however', 'raji', 'declines', 'ram', 'proposal', 'insecure', 'professional', 'financial', 'future', 'heartbroken', 'realistic', 'ram', 'forced', 'join', 'family', 'river', 'journey', 'badrachalam', 'raji', 'due', 'get', 'married', 'another', 'man', 'ravi', 'ravi', 'unlike', 'ram', 'rich', 'guy', 'also', 'ips', 'recruit', 'seetha', 'runs', 'unsuccessful', 'clothing', 'boutique', 'parents', 'want', 'forget', 'business', 'tell', 'get', 'married', 'instead', 'seetha', 'enthusiastic', 'idea', 'however', 'circumstances', 'force', 'reluctantly', 'agree', 'parents', 'unfortunately', 'marriage', 'alliance', 'work', 'subsequently', 'choses', 'take', 'break', 'everything', 'going', 'godavari', 'river', 'journey', 'ram', 'sita', 'fall', 'love', 'forms', 'rest', 'story', 'animated', 'dog', 'parrot', 'also', 'significant', 'roles', 'movie', 'treasure', 'hunt', 'scenes', 'fun', 'watch'], [\"'shep\", 'kate', 'run', 'farm', 'daughters', 'martha', 'jane', 'beth', 'also', 'live', 'farm', 'well', 'farmhand', 'named', 'fred', 'film', 'starts', 'fred', 'ridicules', 'three', 'daughters', 'peeping', 'parents', 'sex', 'return', 'three', 'daughters', 'join', 'carry', 'parents', 'notice', 'commotion', 'think', 'daughters', 'want', 'toy', 'alas', 'daughters', 'push', 'bed', 'proceed', 'mount', 'gang', 'rape', 'includes', 'subjecting', 'facesitting', 'done', 'martha', 'spits', 'ejaculation', 'face', 'warn', 'tell', 'parents', 'stress', 'point', 'beth', 'whips', 'bottom', 'flyswatter', 'jane', 'scratches', 'painfully', 'pee', 'start', 'gang', 'raping', 'point', 'three', 'escaped', 'convicts', 'walk', 'see', 'convicts', 'continue', 'parents\\\\', 'house', 'stop', 'mid-intercourse', 'one', 'convicts', 'rapes', 'kate', 'another', 'makes', 'shep', 'watch', 'third', 'goes', 'back', 'get', 'daughters', 'first', 'two', 'convicts', 'knock', 'shep', 'gang', 'rape', 'kate', 'together', 'daughters', 'walk', 'house', 'see', 'parents', 'tied', 'naked', 'gagged', 'remove', 'gag', 'shep', 'tells', 'run', 'away', 'outside', 'stumble', 'convict', 'sent', 'bring', 'earlier', 'three', 'convicts', 'rape', 'three', 'daughters', 'front', 'nude', 'parents', 'twisted', 'game', 'simon', 'says', 'returning', 'fred', 'steals', 'convicts\\\\', 'sole', 'shotgun', 'fred', 'holds', 'convicts', 'gunpoint', 'family', 'telling', 'pay', 'daughters', 'earlier', 'convicts', \"don\\\\'t\", 'take', 'seriously', 'fatally', 'shoots', 'one', 'turning', 'back', 'family', 'fred', 'orders', 'daughters\\\\', 'mother', 'kate', 'give', 'fellatio', 'interested', 'punish', 'family', 'making', 'engage', 'incest', 'fred', 'orders', 'martha', 'give', 'likewise', 'fellatio', 'father', 'shep', 'fred', 'makes', 'three', 'daughters', 'sex', 'mother', 'kate', 'orders', 'remaining', 'convicts', 'urinate', 'women', 'fred', 'shep', 'able', 'get', 'hold', 'shotgun', 'kill', 'fred', 'entire', 'plot', 'fast', 'forwarded', 'reverse', 'chronology', 'revealed', 'daydream', 'fred', 'urinated', 'farmer\\\\', 'daughters', 'finished', 'gang-raping', 'film', 'ends', 'splash', 'water', 'clean'], ['four', 'friends', 'receive', 'phone', 'calls', 'meet', 'fifth', 'friend', 'lunch', 'restaurant', 'popular', 'hot', 'pot', 'chain', 'bangkok', 'friends', 'pom', 'reporter', 'women', 'magazine', 'nim', 'sexual', 'dysfunction', 'telephone-hotline', 'counselor', 'fai', 'stingy', 'owner', 'beauty', 'salon', 'pat', 'fiancee', 'retired', 'japanese', 'man', 'called', 'restaurant', 'pang', 'announces', 'planning', 'marry', 'kong', 'boyfriend', 'three', 'months', 'four', 'friends', 'surprised', 'news', 'think', 'maybe', 'sudden', 'kong', 'joins', 'five', 'women', 'meal', 'well-groomed', 'appearance', 'met', 'approval', 'kong', 'starts', 'offering', 'tips', 'cook', 'meal', 'presents', 'pair', 'earrings', 'picked', 'pom', 'birthday', 'eyebrows', 'raised', 'four', 'women', 'later', 'meet', 'fyne', 'beauty', 'salon', 'voice', 'suspicions', 'kong', 'might', 'gay', 'metrosexual', 'male', 'pom', 'reveals', 'spotted', 'kong', 'earlier', 'male', 'model', 'beauty', 'pageant', 'covering', 'saw', 'embracing', 'another', 'man', 'backstage', 'confirm', 'belief', 'need', 'advice', 'pat', 'arranges', 'meeting', 'brother', 'bee', 'flight', 'attendant', 'thai', 'airways', 'international', 'bee', 'puts', 'together', 'checklist', 'includes', 'various', 'physical', 'attributes', 'well', 'biological', 'sociological', 'backgrounds', 'could', 'indicate', 'whether', 'man', 'gay', 'series', 'comic', 'scenarios', 'occur', 'four', 'women', 'investigate', 'kong', 'watch', 'telltale', 'signs'], ['plot', 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'fanny', 'price', 'whose', 'mother', 'mrs', 'price', 'married', 'relatively', 'poor', 'man', 'love', 'whose', 'father', 'afford', 'support', 'large', 'family', 'age', 'fanny', 'summoned', 'live', 'wealthy', 'relatives', 'bertram', 'family', 'sir', 'thomas', 'lady', 'bertram', 'four', 'children', 'tom', 'maria', 'bertram', 'edmund', 'julia', 'fanny\\\\', 'maternal', 'aunt', 'mrs', 'norris', 'mansfield', 'park', 'fanny\\\\', 'arrival', 'less', 'welcoming', 'made', 'clear', 'treated', 'differently', 'cousins', 'mrs.', 'norris', 'treats', 'like', 'servant', 'relative', 'separation', 'family', 'begins', 'overwhelm', 'told', 'expected', 'stay', 'mansfield', 'forever', 'fanny', 'distressed', 'young', 'cousin', 'edmund', 'bertram', 'behaves', 'kindly', 'two', 'develop', 'friendship', 'grows', 'years', 'progress', 'fanny', 'eighteen', 'uncle', 'sir', 'thomas', 'travels', 'antigua', 'deal', 'problems', 'concerning', 'slaves', 'abolitionists', 'making', 'inroads', 'freeing', 'slaves', 'bertram', 'family', 'feeling', 'financial', 'effects', 'sir', 'thomas', 'departs', 'taking', 'eldest', 'son', 'tom', 'sir', 'thomas\\\\', 'absence', 'bertram', 'family', 'life', 'disrupted', 'arrival', 'henry', 'mary', 'crawford', 'relatives', 'local', 'clergyman', 'mary', 'henry', 'worldly', 'cynical', 'beautiful', 'nbsp', 'looking', 'amusement', 'edmund', 'instantly', 'smitten', 'mary', 'devotes', 'time', 'attention', 'ignoring', 'hurting', 'fanny', 'maria', 'julia', 'bertram', 'vie', 'henry', 'crawford\\\\', 'affections', 'even', 'though', 'maria', 'already', 'engaged', 'rich', 'stupid', 'mr.', 'rushworth', 'mr.', 'crawford', 'shamelessly', 'flirtatious', 'maria', 'tom', 'returns', 'antigua', 'arriving', 'drunk', 'bringing', 'friend', 'mr.', 'yates', 'yates', 'tom', 'convince', 'bertrams', 'crawfords', 'stage', 'risque', 'play', 'lovers\\\\', 'vows', 'play', 'pretext', 'allows', 'young', 'people', 'openly', 'flirt', 'edmund', 'initially', 'vocally', 'play', 'soon', 'changes', 'mind', 'offered', 'part', 'allows', 'act', 'love', 'scenes', 'mary', 'crawford', 'things', 'seem', 'getting', 'control', 'maria', 'openly', 'flirting', 'henry', 'crawford', 'front', 'bumbling', 'fiance', 'rushworth', 'sir', 'thomas', 'arrives', 'home', 'furious', 'immediately', 'stops', 'play', 'maria', 'rushes', 'marriage', 'rushworth', 'nbsp', 'love', 'respect', 'whose', 'money', 'house', 'london', 'wants', 'nbsp', 'leaves', 'brighton', 'taking', 'julia', 'henry', 'crawford', 'deprived', 'maria', 'decides', 'pursue', 'fanny', 'means', 'amuse', 'however', 'fanny\\\\', 'gentle', 'kind', 'nature', 'captures', 'fancy', 'mr.', 'crawford', 'finds', 'emotionally', 'attached', 'behaviour', 'towards', 'bertram', 'girls', 'fanny', 'disgusted', 'distrusts', 'henry', 'believe', 'declarations', 'love', 'even', 'henry', 'asks', 'sir', 'thomas', 'fanny\\\\', 'hand', 'marriage', 'urged', 'accept', 'advantageous', 'offer', 'fanny', 'surprises', 'disappoints', 'bertrams', 'refuses', 'angry', 'perplexed', 'refusal', 'sir', 'thomas', 'gives', 'fanny', 'ultimatum', 'nbsp', 'accept', 'henry\\\\', 'proposal', 'marriage', 'sent', 'back', 'relatively', 'poor', 'family', 'experience', 'difference', 'comfort', 'fanny', 'looks', 'edmund', 'support', 'indifference', 'forces', 'choose', 'latter', 'home', 'reunited', 'younger', 'sister', 'susie', 'corresponding', 'since', 'arrived', 'mansfield', 'several', 'days', 'return', 'henry', 'crawford', 'pays', 'visit', 'trying', 'convince', 'fanny', 'affections', 'genuine', 'intentions', 'true', 'although', 'looks', 'favorably', 'fanny', 'continues', 'cling', 'feelings', 'edmund', 'still', 'rejects', 'crawford', 'letter', 'edmund', 'arrives', 'discloses', 'hopes', 'marrying', 'mary', 'crawford', 'nbsp', 'writes', 'mary', 'woman', 'see', 'wife', 'nbsp', 'fanny', 'seriously', 'consider', 'henry', 'crawford\\\\', 'offer', 'finally', 'concedes', 'accepts', 'proposal', 'however', 'fanny', 'realizes', 'trust', 'crawford', 'takes', 'back', 'acceptance', 'next', 'day', 'henry', 'furious', 'storms', 'away', 'next', 'day', 'edmund', 'arrives', 'fetch', 'fanny', 'take', 'back', 'mansfield', 'help', 'tend', 'tom', 'fallen', 'ill', 'near', 'death', 'carriage', 'ride', 'edmund', 'confesses', 'missed', 'fanny', 'edmund', 'hesitates', 'elaborate', 'attachment', 'mary', 'crawford', 'return', 'mansfield', 'park', 'crawfords', 'bertram', 'sisters', 'arrive', 'now-married', 'maria', 'rebukes', 'henry', 'trifling', 'affections', 'pursuing', 'fanny', 'henry', 'gains', 'pity', 'maria', 'learns', 'fanny\\\\', 'decision', 'marry', 'together', 'succumb', 'lust', 'indiscretion', 'discovered', 'fanny', 'accidentally', 'walks', 'runs', 'edmund', 'fanny\\\\', 'inability', 'tell', 'affair', 'leads', 'edmund', 'investigate', 'witness', 'sister\\\\', 'adultery', 'edmund', 'returns', 'comfort', 'fanny', 'caught', 'moment', 'nearly', 'kisses', 'remembers', 'pulls', 'away', 'news', 'scandal', 'spreads', 'rapidly', 'mary', 'crawford', 'quickly', 'devises', 'plan', 'stifle', 'repercussions', 'miss', 'crawford', 'suggests', 'maria\\\\', 'divorce', 'maria', 'would', 'marry', 'henry', 'edmund', 'would', 'marry', 'mary', 'together', 'might', 're-introduce', 'henry', 'maria', 'back', 'society', 'fanny', 'questions', 'mary', 'clergyman', 'could', 'afford', 'lavish', 'parties', 'mary', 'shocks', 'everyone', 'stating', 'tom', 'dies', 'edmund', 'heir', 'family\\\\', 'fortune', 'mary', 'lays', 'blame', 'fanny', 'reasoning', 'married', 'henry', 'would', 'tempted', 'maria', 'edmund', 'appalled', 'tells', 'mary', 'cheerfully', 'condemning', 'tom', 'death', 'whilst', 'plans', 'spend', 'money', 'sends', 'chill', 'heart', 'betrayed', 'true', 'nature', 'bertram', 'family', 'mary', 'shamed', 'leaves', 'room', 'edmund', 'ultimately', 'declares', 'love', 'fanny', 'eventually', 'marry', 'sir', 'thomas', 'gives', 'plantation', 'antigua', 'invests', 'instead', 'tobacco', 'tom', 'recovers', 'illness', 'julia', 'receives', 'love', 'letter', 'tom\\\\', 'friend', 'mr.', 'yates', 'fanny', 'also', 'mentions', 'sister', 'susie', 'joined', 'bertram', 'household', 'whilst', 'maria', 'henry', 'refused', 'marry', 'crabby', 'mrs.', 'norris', 'forced', 'keep', 'company', 'taking', 'residence', 'small', 'cottage', 'removed', 'mansfield', 'park', 'crawford', 'siblings', 'found', 'respectable', 'partners', 'agree', 'particular', 'lifestyle'], ['karthik', 'rich', 'architect', 'ooty', 'falls', 'love', 'padhu', 'padmavathi', 'takes', 'sweet', 'time', 'accept', 'karthik', 'love', 'padmavathi', 'cute', 'cousin', 'sister', 'bhanu', 'bhanu', 'encourages', 'love', 'gives', 'courage', 'padhu', 'padhu', 'reveals', 'love', 'father', 'rama', 'chandraiah', 'resists', 'asks', 'marry', 'guy', 'chosen', 'padhu', 'flees', 'home', 'marries', 'karthik', 'padmavathi', 'eager', 'get', 'back', 'parents', 'get', 'blessings', 'karthik', 'padmavathi', 'migrate', 'new', 'zealand', 'give', 'birth', 'kid', 'named', 'lucky', 'padhu', 'dies', 'accident', 'rama', 'chandraiah', 'big', 'joint', 'family', 'family', 'members', 'opine', 'inviting', 'karthik', 'kid', 'marriage', 'happened', 'place', 'would', 'give', 'opportunity', 'get', 'closer', 'look', 'lucky', 'karthik', 'visits', 'rama', 'chandraiah', 'place', 'gets', 'mixed', 'responses', 'different', 'people', 'house', 'rama', 'chandraiah', \"n't\", 'like', 'karthik', 'others', 'like', 'period', 'time', 'karthik', 'impresses', 'back', 'new', 'zealand', 'rama', 'chandraiah', 'expresses', 'repentance', 'whatever', 'happened', 'says', 'accepting', 'karthik', 'son-in-law', 'bhanu', 'fallen', 'love', 'karthik', 'meets', 'karthik', 'widower', 'still', 'feelings', 'time', 'pawan', 'childhood', 'friend', 'bhanu', 'deeply', 'love', 'karthik', 'returns', 'new', 'zealand', 'bhanu', 'along', 'pawan', 'visits', 'karthik', 'period', 'bhanu', 'gets', 'closer', 'karthik', 'karthik', 'realizes', 'intentions', 'bhanu', 'fixes', 'pawan', 'fianc챕e', 'bhanu', 'get', 'married', 'pawan', 'bhanu', 'loves', 'karthik', 'karthik', 'hesitates', 'repeat', 'history', 'marrying', 'girl', 'wishes', 'family', 'karthik', 'leave', 'good', 'son', 'rama', 'chandraiah', 'stops', 'leaving', 'pleads', 'marry', 'bhanu', 'also', 'pawan', 'comes', 'pleads', 'karthik', 'marry', 'bhanu', 'tell', 'bhanu', 'happy', 'marriage', 'film', 'happy', 'ending', 'karthik', 'bhanu', 'marrying'], [\"'kum\", 'long', 'time', 'hong-kong', 'prostitute', 'gets', 'locked', 'cash', 'machine', 'vestibule', 'would', 'thief', 'tells', 'stories', 'life', 'prostitute', 'come', 'today'], ['19th', 'century', 'zamindar', 'insults', 'goddess', 'durga', 'stealing', 'idol', 'temple', 'state', 'intoxication', 'enraged', 'goddess', 'kills', 'casts', 'curse', 'heirs', 'going', 'take', 'one', 'family', 'member', 'every', 'years', 'sacrifice', 'curse', 'said', 'one', 'male', 'heir', 'dies', 'accidentally', 'end', 'every', 'years', 'present', 'year', 'denotes', 'end', 'another', 'years', 'turn', 'murari', 'one', 'day', 'murari', 'travels', 'native', 'village', 'mother', 'meets', 'vasundhara', 'vasundhara', 'family', 'related', 'murari', 'family', 'mother', 'separated', 'due', 'family', 'feuds', 'fall', 'love', 'families', 'make', 'formal', 'arrangements', 'marriage', 'however', 'grandmother', 'sabari', 'returning', 'pilgrimage', 'accept', 'marriage', 'getting', 'informed', 'murari', 'curse', 'later', 'reveals', 'dark', 'secret', 'kept', 'wraps', 'curse', 'stopped', 'ritual', 'performed', 'murari', 'murari', 'decides', 'bring', 'vasundhara', 'back', 'marry', 'performing', 'rituals', 'instead', 'stabbed', 'relative', 'seeing', 'vasundhara', 'loses', 'consciousness', 'murari', 'immense', 'pain', 'manages', 'take', 'vasundhara', 'back', 'temple', 'performs', 'rituals', 'however', 'rituals', 'end', 'succumbs', 'wounds', 'seeing', 'sabari', 'drowns', 'sacrifice', 'give', 'back', 'murari', 'life', 'murari', 'revives', 'marries', 'vasundhara', 'end'], ['film', 'similar', 'ways', 'seth', 'michael', 'donsky', '1996', 'film', 'twisted', 'made', 'prior', 'tierney', 'film', 'like', 'donsky', 'film', 'plot', 'oliver', 'twist', 'updated', 'present', 'day', 'moved', 'london', 'poor', 'house', 'onto', 'streets', 'toronto', 'addition', 'tale', 'told', 'oliver', 'point', 'view', 'rather', 'dodge', 'prosaically', 'beautiful', 'oliver', 'falls', 'hands', 'down-and-out', 'young', 'men', 'dodge', 'takes', 'oliver', 'wing', 'instructs', 'unforgiving', 'arts', 'drug', 'abuse', 'prostitution', 'oliver', 'develops', 'crush', 'dodge', 'views', 'boyfriend', 'complicating', 'friendship', 'dodge', 'reciprocate', 'feelings', 'reacts', 'angrily', 'oliver', 'kisses', 'signs', 'affection', 'oliver', 'innocence', 'dissolves', 'young', 'men', 'confront', 'demons', 'ultimately', 'dodge', 'finds', 'escape', 'past', 'dodge', 'found', 'abusive', 'brother', 'around', 'time', 'young', 'mens', 'care', 'taker', 'commits', 'suicide', 'sending', 'dodge', 'violent', 'rage', 'films', 'conclusion'], ['julie', 'johnson', 'bored', 'new', 'jersey', 'housewife', 'unhappy', 'life', 'decides', 'take', 'computer', 'class', 'local', 'college', 'husband', 'finds', 'unsupportive', 'verbally', 'abusive', 'decides', 'enough', 'enough', 'couple', 'separate', 'inspired', 'friend', 'claire', 'leaves', 'husband', 'nowhere', 'moves', 'julie', 'son', 'daughter', 'living', 'together', 'julie', 'claire', 'develop', 'relationship', 'friendship', 'problems', 'arise', 'julie', 'immersed', 'studies', 'makes', 'new', 'scholarly', 'cultured', 'friends', 'claire', \"n't\", 'mesh', 'well'], ['story', 'similar', 'earlier', 'hudson-day', 'pillow', 'talk', 'revolving', 'around', 'mistaken', 'identity', 'man', 'trying', 'seduce', 'woman', 'hates', 'real', 'identity', 'feigning', 'lack', 'experience', 'women', 'new', 'york', 'advertising', 'agency', 'jerry', 'webster', 'madison', 'avenue', 'executive', 'achieved', 'success', 'hard', 'work', 'intelligence', 'wining', 'dining', 'clients', 'even', 'setting', 'dates', 'attractive', 'girls', 'jerry', 'equal', 'sworn', 'enemy', 'rival', 'agency', 'carol', 'templeton', 'although', 'never', 'met', 'carol', 'disgusted', 'jerry', 'unethical', 'tactics', 'reports', 'council', 'jerry', 'avoids', 'trouble', 'usual', 'aplomb', 'sending', 'comely', 'chorus', 'girl', 'rebel', 'davis', 'seduce', 'council', 'members', 'jerry', 'promises', 'rebel', 'spot', 'commercials', 'shoots', 'featuring', '쏺ip', 'non-existent', 'product', 'commercials', 'accidentally', 'broadcast', 'thanks', 'perplexed', 'company', 'president', 'pete', 'ramsey', 'jerry', 'needs', 'come', 'product', 'quickly', 'bribes', 'chemist', 'dr.', 'linus', 'tyler', 'come', '쏺ip', 'could', 'marketed', 'jerry', 'pretends', 'inventor', 'carol', 'attempting', 'steal', 'account', 'wining', 'dining', 'golfing', 'frolicking', 'beach', 'carol', 'learns', 'truth', 'appalled', 'reports', 'advertising', 'council', 'time', 'promoting', 'product', \"n't\", 'exist', 'jerry', 'however', 'arrives', 'hearing', 'vip', 'mint-flavored', 'candy', 'dr.', 'tyler', 'created', 'provides', 'free', 'sample', 'everyone', 'including', 'carol', '쏺ip', 'turns', 'intoxicating', 'candy', 'effect', 'triple', 'martini', 'extreme', 'effects', 'lead', 'one-night', 'stand', 'carol', 'bitter', 'rival', 'jerry', 'complete', 'marriage', 'license', 'carol', 'marriage', 'annulled', 'jerry', 'convinces', 'liquor', 'industry', 'give', 'carol', 'quarter', 'advertising', 'jerry', 'leaves', 'new', 'york', 'work', 'company', 'california', 'branch', 'called', 'back', 'nine', 'months', 'later', 'remarry', 'carol', 'hospital', 'maternity', 'ward', 'gives', 'birth', 'child'], ['series', 'murders', 'los', 'angeles', 'gay', 'community', 'heterosexual', 'police', 'sgt', 'benson', 'assigned', 'undercover', 'half', 'gay', 'couple', 'officer', 'kerwin', 'records', 'clerk', 'everyone', 'department', 'knows', 'gay', 'although', 'thinks', 'closeted', 'pair', 'discover', 'earlier', 'murder', 'learn', 'victims', 'appeared', 'gay', 'magazine', 'received', 'call', 'hoarse-voiced', 'man', 'asking', 'model', 'turn', 'dead', 'soon', 'benson', 'models', 'magazine', 'approached', 'hoarse-voiced', 'man', 'another', 'model', 'turns', 'dead', 'man', 'cleared', 'suspect', 'benson', 'grows', 'close', 'jill', 'photographer', 'shoot', 'plans', 'weekend', 'getaway', 'kerwin', 'suspects', 'murders', 'superiors', 'put', 'jealousy', 'kerwin', 'uncovers', 'evidence', 'implicating', 'jill', 'police', 'move', 'apprehend', 'discover', 'corpse', 'death', 'unknown', 'benson', 'arrives', 'rendezvous', 'jill', 'kerwin', 'races', 'aid', 'jill', 'killer', 'closeted', 'man', 'jill', 'one', 'victims', 'blackmailing', 'admits', 'benson', 'killed', 'jill', 'two', 'men', 'insists', 'jill', 'killed', 'partner', 'crime', 'realizing', 'kerwin', 'outside', 'killer', 'fires', 'kerwin', 'returns', 'fire', 'kerwin', 'wounded', 'man', 'killed'], ['greg', 'nearing', 'end', 'high', 'school', 'days', 'graduation', 'slowly', 'approaches', 'also', 'anxiously', 'awaiting', 'prom', 'hopes', 'going', 'cinny', 'school', 'local', 'beauty', 'along', 'wants', 'greg', 'also', 'avid', 'daydreamer', 'daydreams', 'everything', 'great', 'lover', 'great', 'student', 'since', 'graduate', 'mother', 'teacher', 'encourage', 'apply', 'college', 'finally', 'realizes', 'asking', 'help', 'college', 'applications', 'great', 'way', 'get', 'good', 'cinny', 'slowly', 'start', 'friendship', 'greg', 'wants', 'blossom', 'romance', 'begins', 'lie', 'things', 'things', 'smoothly', 'believable', 'fall', 'apart', 'one', 'day', 'afterward', 'greg', 'realizes', 'needs', 'stop', 'daydreaming', 'focus'], [\"'unlucky\", 'plumber', 'athanasius', 'borshchov', 'friend', 'fedulov', 'spend', 'day', 'night', 'avoiding', 'work', 'finding', 'opportunities', 'drink', 'afonya', 'takes', 'kickbacks', 'clients', 'often', 'trouble', 'local', 'committee', 'behaviour', 'afonya', 'meets', 'plasterer', 'kolya', 'pub', 'gets', 'drunk', 'comes', 'home', 'girlfriend', 'sees', 'state', 'he\\\\', 'leaves', 'next', 'morning', \"can\\\\'t\", 'even', 'remember', 'yesterday\\\\', 'drinking', 'companion', 'things', 'continue', 'downhill', 'afonya', 'student', 'interns', 'vocational', 'school', 'allocated', 'plumbers', 'master', 'zhek', 'vostryakovo', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'allocate', 'fearing', 'teach', 'well', 'afonya', 'begs', 'trainees', 'gets', 'two', 'worked', 'one', 'day', 'seen', 'attitude', 'working', 'methods', 'trainees', 'refuse', 'work', 'anymore', 'next', 'day', 'kolya', 'arrives', 'live', 'afonya\\\\', 'thrown', 'house', 'wife', 'dance', 'afonya', 'meets', 'young', 'nurse', 'katya', 'snegireva', 'knows', 'brother', 'used', 'play', 'afonya\\\\', 'volleyball', 'team', 'afonya', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'pay', 'much', 'attention', 'he\\\\', 'interested', 'older', 'women', 'already', 'eye', 'one', 'dance', 'however', 'romantic', 'walk', 'older', 'woman', 'dance', 'begins', 'afonya', 'challenged', 'fight', 'hooligan', 'he\\\\', 'quarrelled', 'dance', 'hooligan\\\\', 'friends', 'join', 'finish', 'unequal', 'fight', 'katya', 'worries', 'afonya\\\\', 'safety', 'calls', 'militia', 'bring', 'anfonya', 'committee\\\\', 'attention', 'regular', 'work', 'call', 'borshchov', 'meets', 'helen', 'falls', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'starts', 'finding', 'excuse', 'work', 'flat', 'even', 'fooling', 'tenant', 'astronomer', 'swapping', 'new', 'finnish', 'sink', 'old', 'one', 'install', 'finnish', 'sink', 'helen\\\\', 'home', 'gift', 'dreams', 'athos', 'sees', 'family', 'idyll', 'wife', 'helen', 'perfect', 'children', 'katya', 'snegireva', 'head', 'heels', 'afonya', 'keeps', 'engineering', 'new', 'meetings', 'stops', 'nothing', 'attract', 'attention', 'athanasius', 'someone', 'called', 'thought', '...', 'afonya', 'completely', 'oblivious', 'feelings', 'meanwhile', 'afonya\\\\', 'run', 'militia', 'catches', 'persistent', 'drunkenness', 'truancy', 'fighting', 'afonya', 'threatened', 'sacked', 'meeting', 'local', 'committee', 'addition', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'restore', 'finnish', 'sink', 'he\\\\', 'definitely', 'going', 'fired', 'afonya', 'takes', 'porcelain', 'sink', 'flowers', 'helen', 'swap', 'finnish', 'sink', 'meets', 'helen', 'coming', 'home', 'company', 'makes', 'feelings', 'quite', 'clear', 'life', 'among', 'fashionable', 'wealthy', 'men', 'afonya', 'plumber', 'afonya', 'depressed', 'goes', 'restaurant', 'fedulov', 'tries', 'escape', 'drunkenness', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'help', 'drunken', 'state', 'goes', 'katya', 'snegireva\\\\', 'home', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'wakes', 'next', 'morning', 'katya', 'tells', 'she\\\\', 'due', 'move', 'africa', 'work', 'wonders', 'cancel', 'afonya', 'afonya', 'decides', 'back', 'village', 'aunt', 'frosya', 'brought', 'village', 'meets', 'childhood', 'friend', 'concertina', 'joyous', 'moment', 'sends', 'city', 'telegram', 'resigning', 'job', 'giving', 'apartment', 'learn', 'aunt', 'frosya', 'died', 'two', 'years', 'ago', 'afonya\\\\', 'depression', 'increases', 'lost', 'everything', 'nowhere', 'neighbour', 'uncle', 'yegor', 'gives', 'athos', 'aunt', 'frosya\\\\', 'legacy', 'savings', 'account', 'name', 'deeds', 'house', 'letters', 'she\\\\', 'sent', 'pretending', 'afonya', 'neighbours', 'guilt', 'ignored', 'increases', 'gloom', 'athanasius', 'goes', 'post', 'office', 'tries', 'call', 'katya', 'snegireva', 'memorable', 'phone', 'number', '50-50-2', 'says', 'rug-rug', 'two', 'answer', 'comes', 'back', 'katya', 'left', 'finally', 'frustrated', 'goes', 'airport', 'care', 'he\\\\', 'going', 'happen', 'things', 'gotten', 'bad', 'local', 'militia', 'man', 'convinced', 'afonya', 'man', 'passport', 'photograph', 'grim', 'gotten', 'since', 'taken', 'finally', 'athanasius', 'heading', 'an-2', 'aircraft', 'familiar', 'girlish', 'voice', 'calls', 'it\\\\', 'katya', 'suitcase', 'hand', 'athanasius', 'someone', 'called', 'thought', '...'], ['eve', 'bachelor', 'party', 'jeremy', 'learns', 'fianc챕e', 'kerri', 'wants', 'call', 'wedding', 'without', 'providing', 'reason', 'tries', 'determine', 'caused', 'sudden', 'decision', 'unmarried', 'couple', 'return', 'new', 'jersey', 'sort', 'relationship', 'jeremy', 'gets', 'home', 'hangs', 'gil', 'biscuit', 'old', 'friends', 'made', 'hobby', 'breaking', 'people', 'homes', 'rearranging', 'objects', 'freak', 'homeowners', 'activities', 'begun', 'unnerve', 'one', 'unfortunate', 'homeowner', 'particular', 'mr.', 'victim', 'jeremy', 'gil', 'biscuit', 'local', 'bar', 'drinks', 'talk', 'women', 'jeremy', 'aborted', 'wedding', 'meanwhile', 'kerri', 'best', 'friend', 'marty', 'lesbian', 'bar', 'marty', 'tells', 'pregnant', 'next', 'morning', 'jeremy', 'friend', 'vegas', 'shane', 'comes', 'visit', 'biscuit', 'gil', 'throw', 'another', 'bachelor', 'party', 'bachelor', 'party', 'goes', 'awry', 'stripper', 'biscuit', 'hired', 'arrives', 'revealed', 'transvestite', 'tells', 'jeremy', 'saw', 'kerri', 'lesbian', 'bar', 'night', 'everyone', 'thinks', 'lesbian', 'relationship', 'marty', 'gil', 'biscuit', 'take', 'jeremy', 'shane', 'mess', 'house', 'mr.', 'victim', 'become', 'paranoid', 'shoots', 'wildly', 'grazing', 'jeremy', 'ear', 'faced', 'mortality', 'jeremy', 'others', 'drive', 'kerri', 'talk', 'tells', 'took', 'granted', 'jeremy', 'tells', 'would', 'anything', 'back', 'gil', 'walks', 'telling', 'marty', 'beating', 'biscuit', 'front', 'lawn', 'biscuit', 'thinking', 'marty', 'kerri', 'gay', 'asked', 'marty', 'could', 'manager', 'fight', 'men', 'learn', 'marty', 'pregnant', 'gil', 'father', 'kerri', 'jeremy', 'give', 'gil', 'marty', 'plane', 'tickets', 'honeymoon', 'florida', 'new', 'couple', 'alone', 'time', 'kerri', 'jeremy', 'hold', 'hands', 'hinting', 'toward', 'possible', 'reconciliation'], ['story', 'revolves', 'around', 'two', 'men', 'victorian', 'england', 'john', 'worthing', 'algernon', 'moncrieff', 'whenever', 'jack', 'travels', 'london', 'hertfordshire', 'estate', 'says', 'going', 'see', 'wayward', 'brother', 'ernest', 'london', 'keeps', 'privacy', 'calling', 'ernest', 'tactic', 'especially', 'important', 'beloved', 'gwendolen', 'declares', 'could', 'love', 'man', 'named', 'ernest', 'cousin', 'algy', 'one', 'person', 'knows', 'jack', 'secret', 'one', 'day', 'travels', 'estate', 'announcing', 'jack', 'attractive', 'ward', 'cecily', 'infamous', 'ernest', 'cecily', 'enamoured', 'name', 'upon', 'jack', 'return', 'home', 'gwendolen', 'unexpected', 'arrival', 'becomes', 'clear', 'many', 'ernests'], [\"'frankie\", 'young', 'italian', 'american', 'man', 'living', 'family', 'bronx', 'new', 'york', 'works', 'pizza', 'parlor', 'inspired', 'likes', 'pacino', 'robert', 'niro', 'wants', 'actor', 'catching', 'fiancee', 'cheating', 'brother', 'frankie', 'decides', 'time', 'come', 'move', 'pursue', 'dream', 'starts', 'checking', 'classifieds', 'roommate', 'ads', 'finds', 'gwm', 'classified-speak', 'stands', 'gay', 'white', 'male', 'frankie', 'friend', 'joey', 'interpret', 'guy', 'money', 'gwm', 'question', 'warren', 'actor', 'who\\\\', 'recently', 'broken', 'director', 'boyfriend', 'frankie', 'warren', 'initial', 'misgivings', 'frankie', 'warren\\\\', 'gay', 'warren', 'frankie\\\\', 'guido', 'stereotypical', 'italian', 'warren', 'lets', 'frankie', 'move', 'warren\\\\', 'dakota', 'returns', 'offers', 'warren', 'part', 'new', 'play', 'warren', 'initially', 'accepts', 'injured', 'attempted', 'gay', 'bashing', 'withdraw', 'frankie', 'replaces', 'part', 'involves', 'same-sex', 'kiss', 'makes', 'nervous', 'premiere', 'frankie', 'gives', 'good', 'performance', 'audience', 'includes', 'family', 'come', 'understand', 'accept', 'decision', 'become', 'actor'], [\"'it\", 'christmas', '1911', 'arthur', 'winslow', 'retired', 'london', 'banker', 'making', 'final', 'preparations', 'dinner', 'seal', 'engagement', 'daughter', 'catherine', 'outspoken', 'supporter', 'controversial', 'cause', 'women\\\\', 'suffrage', 'captain', 'john', 'watherstone', 'family', 'guests', 'toasting', 'upcoming', 'marriage', 'arthur', 'discovers', 'youngest', 'son', 'ronnie', '13-year', 'old', 'cadet', 'royal', 'naval', 'college', 'osbourne', 'unexpectedly', 'home', 'ronnie', 'accused', 'theft', 'postal', 'order', 'internal', 'enquiry', 'conducted', 'without', 'notice', 'family', 'without', 'benefit', 'representation', 'finds', 'guilty', 'mr.', 'winslow', 'requested', 'withdraw', 'son', 'college', 'ronnie', 'proclaims', 'innocence', 'father', 'believes', '봢nough', 'demands', 'apology', 'college', 'college', 'refuses', 'reinstate', 'ronnie', 'arthur', 'decides', 'take', 'matter', 'court', 'help', 'daughter', 'desmond', 'curry', 'solicitor', 'friend', 'family', 'mr.', 'winslow', 'decides', 'hire', 'highly', 'sought', 'barrister', 'england', 'time', 'sir', 'robert', 'morton', 'known', 'also', 'shrewd', 'opposition', 'member', 'parliament', 'government', 'unwilling', 'allow', 'case', 'proceed', 'naval', 'college', 'representative', 'admiralty', 'crown', 'british', 'law', 'presumes', 'infallible', 'question', 'judgment', 'legally', 'questioned', 'permission', 'attorney', 'general', 'however', 'heated', 'debates', 'house', 'commons', 'government', 'yields', 'case', 'come', 'court', 'catherine', 'expected', 'sir', 'robert', 'decline', 'case', 'best', 'treat', 'political', 'tool', 'instead', 'coolly', 'matter-of-fact', 'persuaded', 'ronnie\\\\', 'innocence', 'responses', 'questioning', 'presence', 'family', 'catherine', 'left-wing', 'suffragette', 'enthusiastic', 'morton', 'considers', 'cold', 'heartless', 'catherine', 'also', 'disturbed', 'sir', 'robert\\\\', 'establishment', 'views', 'conservative', 'opponent', 'women', 'suffrage', 'always', 'speaks', 'right', 'observes', 'father', 'though', 'admires', 'legal', 'skills', 'morton', 'part', 'obviously', 'quite', 'taken', 'catherine', 'moment', 'meets', 'offices', 'later', 'stares', 'arrives', 'house', 'commons', 'watches', 'proceedings', 'ladies\\\\', 'gallery', 'meantime', 'case', 'creates', 'media', 'hysteria', 'puts', 'heavy', 'toll', 'winslow', 'family', 'funds', 'rapidly', 'depleted', 'order', 'cover', 'legal', 'expenses', 'mr.', 'winslow\\\\', 'physical', 'health', 'deteriorates', 'strain', 'happiness', 'winslows\\\\', 'home', 'destroyed', 'arthur\\\\', 'wife', 'grace', 'begins', 'wonder', 'real', 'issue', 'justice', 'father\\\\', 'stubborn', 'foolish', 'pride', 'forced', 'make', 'economical', 'sacrifices', 'grace', 'winslow', 'unwilling', 'take', 'drastic', 'measure', 'dismissing', 'violet', 'family', 'maid', 'twenty', 'years', 'eldest', 'son', 'dickie', 'winslow', 'leave', 'oxford', 'due', 'lack', 'money', 'destroying', 'chance', 'career', 'civil', 'service', 'instead', 'compelled', 'find', 'employment', 'father', 'bank', 'catherine\\\\', 'marriage', 'settlement', 'also', 'gone', 'fianc챕', 'john', 'watherstone', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'face', 'opposition', 'father', 'forcing', 'consider', 'sincere', 'well-intentioned', 'offer', 'marriage', 'desmond', 'love', 'sir', 'robert', 'also', 'declined', 'appointment', 'lord', 'chief', 'justice', 'rather', 'drop', 'case', 'least', 'affected', 'ronnie', 'happily', 'transferred', 'new', 'school', 'trial', 'sir', 'robert', 'able', 'discredit', 'much', 'supposed', 'evidence', 'admiralty', 'certainly', 'embarrassed', 'presumably', 'longer', 'confident', 'ronnie\\\\', 'guilt', 'abruptly', 'withdraws', 'charges', 'proclaiming', 'boy', 'entirely', 'innocent', 'resounding', 'victory', 'arrives', 'single', 'member', 'winslow', 'family', 'present', 'court', 'violet', 'maid', 'tells', 'mr.', 'winslow', 'catherine', 'happened', 'court', 'shortly', 'sir', 'robert', 'appears', 'winslows', 'home', 'share', 'good', 'news', 'film', 'ends', 'suggestion', 'romance', 'may', 'yet', 'blossom', 'sir', 'robert', 'catherine', 'acknowledges', 'misjudged', 'along'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'opens', 'angela', 'arden', 'kneeling', 'front', 'twin', 'sister', 'barbara\\\\', 'grave', 'angela', 'lounge', 'singer', 'attempting', 'resuscitate', 'floundering', 'career', 'became', 'obsolete', 'around', 'time', 'barbara', 'committed', 'suicide', 'she\\\\', 'unhappily', 'married', 'movie-director', 'husband', 'sol', 'sussman', 'two', 'children', 'together', 'ndash', 'lance', 'gay', 'emotionally', 'disturbed', 'edith', 'daddy\\\\', 'girl', 'openly', 'contemptuous', 'mother', 'also', 'living', 'house', 'snoopy', 'maid', 'bootsie', 'infatuated', 'sol', 'bored', 'unhappy', 'angela', 'begins', 'cheating', 'husband', 'tony', 'parker', 'tennis', 'playing', 'lothario', 'failed', 'actor', 'reputed', 'well', 'endowed', 'sol', 'finds', 'hiring', 'private', 'detective', 'follow', 'angela', 'around', 'confronts', 'refuses', 'divorce', 'instead', 'gives', 'life', 'prison', 'cancel', 'angela\\\\', 'credit', 'cards', 'forbids', 'performing', 'engagement', 'new', 'york', 'destroying', 'contract', 'chance', 'sign', 'feeling', 'trapped', 'eager', 'get', 'hands', 'husband\\\\', 'money', 'angela', 'poisons', 'ever-constipated', 'sol', 'arsenic-laced', 'suppository', 'despite', 'fact', 'angela', 'receives', 'virtually', 'nothing', 'sol\\\\', 'children', 'along', 'bootsie', 'begin', 'suspect', 'angela\\\\', 'involvement', 'suspicious', 'circumstances', 'sol\\\\', 'death', 'bring', 'old', 'questions', 'angela\\\\', 'sister\\\\', 'death', 'light', 'edith', 'ndash', 'later', 'lance', 'ndash', 'hatch', 'plot', 'get', 'confess', 'meanwhile', 'tony', 'successfully', 'seduces', 'children', 'taking', 'unusual', 'interest', 'details', 'surrounding', 'aunt', 'barbara\\\\', 'death', 'bootsie', 'found', 'dead', 'children', 'eventually', 'get', 'angela', 'confess', 'crimes', 'lacing', 'evening', 'coffee', 'lsd', 'bender', 'angela', 'reveals', 'poisoned', 'sol', 'angela', 'really', 'barbara', 'flashback', 'barbara', 'reveals', 'angela\\\\', 'career', 'flourish', 'fell', 'apart', 'culminating', 'arrest', 'jewelry', 'theft', 'serving', 'sentence', 'barbara', 'arrived', 'angela\\\\', 'mansion', 'greeted', 'scorn', 'ridicule', 'immensely', 'egotistical', 'angela', 'watching', 'physical', 'emotional', 'abuse', 'angela', 'doled', 'sol', 'children', 'barbara', 'devised', 'plan', 'poison', 'sister', 'take', 'life', 'family', 'importantly', 'career', 'children', 'watch', 'confusion', 'barbara', 'announces', 'killed', 'angela', 'turn', 'tape', 'tony', 'edith', 'lance', 'fight', 'one', 'run', 'away', 'respectfully', 'refuses', 'meanwhile', 'masked', 'assailaint', 'pops', 'tries', 'dispatch', 'barbara', 'scuffle', 'barbara', 'pulls', 'assailant\\\\', 'mask', 'revealing', 'sol', 'underneath', 'primary', 'players', 'room', 'sol', 'reveals', 'bootsie', 'faked', 'death', 'escape', 'outstanding', 'mob', 'debts', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'pay', 'back', 'forced', 'kill', 'bootsie', 'protect', 'secret', 'tony', 'reveals', 'really', 'fbi', 'agent', 'who\\\\', 'heading', 'case', 'investigation', 'angela\\\\', 'murder', 'arresting', 'sol', 'children', 'finally', 'understanding', 'barbara\\\\', 'motives', 'desperation', 'hug', 'barbara', 'tony', 'says', 'destroy', 'evidence', 'protect', 'eventual', 'prison', 'stint', 'trip', 'gas', 'chamber', 'barbara', 'tells', 'walks', 'waiting', 'police', 'escort', 'outside', 'finally', 'finally', 'gain', 'freedom', 'living', 'sister\\\\', 'shadow'], [\"'felicity\", 'robinson', 'sheltered', 'teen', 'surrenders', 'blossoming', 'body', 'world', 'bold', 'sexual', 'adventure', 'forbidden', 'pleasures', 'all-girl', 'school', 'countryside', 'wanton', 'hungers', 'exotic', 'underground', 'hong', 'kong', 'starts', 'lesbian', 'experiences', 'catholic', 'ladies', 'college', 'travels', 'hong', 'kong', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'miles', 'sexual', 'adventures'], ['anu', 'london', 'based', 'nri', 'living', 'india', 'broken', 'boyfriend', 'danny', 'come', 'back', 'london', 'part', 'stepsister', 'shirani', 'marriage', 'new', 'york-based', 'gujarati', 'businessman', 'kunal', 'shah', 'also', 'danny', 'best', 'friend', 'plan', 'get', 'back', 'danny', 'make', 'jealous', 'anu', 'convinces', 'colleague', 'aman', 'accompany', 'wedding', 'new', 'beau', 'incidentally', 'shirani', 'also', 'involved', 'danny', 'earlier', 'resulted', 'heartbreak', 'everyone', 'learns', 'danny', 'womanizing', 'ways', 'anupam', 'kher', 'lilette', 'dubey', 'play', 'guardians', 'two', 'sisters', 'anu', 'shirani', 'time', 'passes', 'aman', 'finds', 'anu', 'fascinating', 'later', 'develops', 'fondness', 'two', 'anu', 'aman', 'relationship', 'undergoes', 'change', 'course', 'incidents', 'forms', 'crux', 'story', 'turns', 'danny', 'used', 'kunal', 'get', 'shirani', 'believes', 'still', 'together', 'shirani', 'keeps', 'trying', 'tell', 'danny', 'loves', 'kunal', 'anu', 'reacts', 'aman', 'unfriendly', 'way', 'later', 'form', 'friendship', 'time', 'turns', 'love', 'anu', 'finds', 'danny', 'relationship', 'shirani', 'breaks', 'knowing', 'everyone', 'knew', \"n't\", 'tell', 'tells', 'aman', 'away', 'kunal', 'convinces', 'stay', 'sake', 'truth', 'revealed', 'everyone', 'believe', 'anu', 'loves', 'aman', 'anu', 'parents', 'convince', 'aman', 'late', 'already', 'left', 'shirani', 'tells', 'kunal', 'danny', 'heartbroken', 'chases', 'danny', 'away', 'chasing', 'danny', 'finds', 'aman', 'going', 'away', 'convinces', 'aman', 'ask', 'anu', 'love', 'agrees', 'makes', 'kunal', 'realize', 'shirani', 'also', 'meant', 'together', 'marry', 'shirani', 'anu', 'ends', 'marrying', 'aman', 'kunal', 'accepts', 'shirani', 'happily', 'knowing', 'truth'], [\"'with\", 'four', 'days', 'bar', 'exam', 'utterly', 'unprepared', 'law', 'intern', 'rick', 'robinson', 'given', 'rare', 'opportunity', 'score', 'points', 'boss', 'maxwell', 'mcallister', 'without', 'thinking', 'commits', 'favor', 'afford', 'rick', 'soon', 'finds', 'stuck', 'grueling', 'cross', 'country', 'road', 'trip', 'driving', 'rundown', 'u-haul', 'truck', 'carrying', 'boss\\\\', 'worldly', 'possessions', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'left', 'charge', 'mr.', 'mcallister\\\\', 'bratty', 'hollywood-bound', 'niece', 'michelle', 'out-of-control', 'pet', 'pig', 'trip', 'miami', 'los', 'angeles', 'meets', 'several', 'snags', 'truck', 'breaks', 'backwoods', 'road', 'deep', 'south', 'rick\\\\', 'clothes', 'burned', 'hillbilly', 'family', 'providing', 'refuge', 'night', 'later', 'another', 'breakdown', 'results', 'rick', 'knocked', 'unconscious', 'rescued', 'peculiar', 'hitchhiker', 'called', 'orlie', 'finds', 'motel', 'room', 'michelle', 'orlie', 'asks', 'accompany', 'rick', 'michelle', 'accepted', 'rick', 'believes', 'owes', 'favor', 'rescue', 'michelle', 'takes', 'shine', 'orlie', 'proceed', 'fun', 'rick\\\\', 'expense', 'orlie', 'forces', 'rick', 'unusual', 'encounter', 'fast', 'food', 'restaurant', 'lavatory', 'rick', 'decides', 'leave', 'behind', 'michelle', 'grow', 'closer', 'one', 'another', 'following', 'stop', 'texas', 'beach', 'rick', 'permits', 'michelle', 'drive', 'despite', 'insurance', 'liability', 'due', 'fatigue', 'wakes', 'find', 'michelle', 'taken', 'wichita', 'kansas', 'rick\\\\', 'home', 'consequently', 'rick', 'forced', 'painful', 'confrontation', 'mentally', 'ill', 'father', 'experience', 'michelle', 'apologizes', 'grow', 'even', 'closer', 'michelle', 'relates', 'life', 'growing', 'pair', 'travel', 'colorado', 'truck', 'runs', 'gas', 'semi', 'orlie', 'traveling', 'passenger', 'comes', 'aid', 'following', 'stop', 'small', 'town', 'truck', 'stolen', 'men', 'working', 'local', 'crime', 'boss', 'lady', 'lady', 'forces', 'rick', 'orlie', 'fight', 'cage', 'match', 'returns', 'truck', 'impressed', 'show', 'put', 'crossing', 'utah', 'orlie', 'spots', 'landscape', 'matches', 'drawing', 'notebook', 'believes', 'switched', 'bodies', 'past', 'moment', 'near', 'death', 'believes', 'person', 'occupying', 'body', 'arrive', 'switch', 'take', 'place', 'orlie', 'leaves', 'rick', 'michelle', 'telling', 'keep', 'going', 'window', 'rick', 'safely', 'arrive', 'back', 'miami', 'bar', 'exam', 'narrows', 'rejects', 'michelle\\\\', 'assertions', 'something', 'special', 'rick', 'drives', 'straight', 'los', 'angeles', 'arriving', 'malibu', 'mr.', 'mcallister', 'waiting', 'beachside', 'property', 'states', 'rick', 'arrived', 'late', 'appear', 'overtly', 'concerned', 'realizing', 'must', 'hurry', 'fly', 'back', 'miami', 'rick', 'rushes', 'taxi', 'mcallister', 'arranged', 'leaving', 'michelle', 'asleep', 'truck', 'airport', 'security', 'checkpoint', 'rick', 'realizes', 'making', 'terrible', 'mistake', 'observes', 'polaroid', 'photos', 'michelle', 'snapped', 'throughout', 'trip', 'knowing', 'meant', 'michelle', 'scrambles', 'airport', 'returns', 'malibu', 'finding', 'mr.', 'mcallister', 'rick', 'confesses', 'feelings', 'michelle', 'mcallister', 'heard', 'similar', 'sentiments', 'michelle', 'regarding', 'rick', 'thanks', 'returning', 'asks', 'take', 'care', 'mcallister', 'adds', 'law', 'firm', 'opening', 'los', 'angeles', 'branch', 'movie', 'ends', 'rick', 'reunites', 'michelle', 'beach', 'man', 'approaches', 'orlie', 'back', 'utah'], ['poor', 'farmer', 'named', 'chea', 'returns', 'home', 'family', 'going', 'school', 'several', 'years', 'befriends', 'sou', 'later', 'inherits', 'father', 'wealth', 'high-ranking', 'status', 'upon', 'finishing', 'school', 'returning', 'home', 'chea', 'soon', 'falls', 'love', 'neighbour', 'orn', 'happiness', 'shattered', 'ill', 'father', 'passes', 'away', 'landowner', 'demands', 'cow', 'overdue', 'rent', 'chea', 'pleas', 'landowner', 'give', 'days', 'goes', 'ask', 'old', 'friend', 'sou', 'financial', 'help', 'upon', 'arrival', 'sou', 'residence', 'chea', 'quickly', 'discovers', 'sou', 'recently', 'inherited', 'status', 'caused', 'ignore', 'pretend', \"n't\", 'know', 'chea', 'peasant', 'background', 'chea', 'turned', 'returns', 'home', 'predicament', 'chea', 'younger', 'brother', 'soon', 'begin', 'selling', 'noodles', 'order', 'make', 'enough', 'cash', 'family', 'luck', 'cut', 'short', 'realizes', 'competition', 'another', 'noodle', 'seller', 'making', 'many', 'light', 'comedic', 'incidents', 'debt', 'cleared', 'chea', 'asks', 'mother', 'ask', 'orn', 'hand', 'marriage', 'soon', 'arranged', 'chea', 'become', 'engaged', 'families', 'begin', 'raise', 'money', 'wedding', 'chea', 'continuing', 'sell', 'noodles', 'selling', 'silk', 'cloths', 'mother', 'one', 'day', 'mother', 'stopped', 'sou', 'instantly', 'falls', 'love', 'decides', 'buy', 'every', 'piece', 'silk', 'cloth', 'sou', 'also', 'sends', 'henchmen', 'mother', 'find', 'live', 'case', 'may', 'need', 'purchase', 'silk', 'henchmen', 'reports', 'back', 'chea', 'engaged', 'sou', 'arranges', 'plan', 'get', 'rid', 'chea', 'order', 'sou', 'promptly', 'visits', 'chea', 'apparently', 'apologizes', 'happened', 'earlier', 'tells', 'chea', 'help', 'fund', 'wedding', 'chea', 'mother', 'requests', 'would', 'need', 'honeycomb', 'wedding', 'chea', 'sou', 'set', 'find', 'one', 'eventually', 'locate', 'one', 'high', 'tree', 'eventually', 'fasten', 'rope', 'climb', 'chea', 'goes', 'first', 'reaches', 'top', 'tree', 'sou', 'betrays', 'men', 'cut', 'rope', 'preventing', 'chea', 'getting', 'sou', 'leaves', 'chea', 'die', 'returns', 'saying', 'chea', 'fallen', 'death', 'wishes', 'sou', 'would', 'marry', 'chea', 'remembers', 'lessons', 'learned', 'mentor', 'tricks', 'bear', 'bringing', 'tree', 'secretly', 'enters', 'sou', 'orn', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'disguise', 'singer', 'orn', 'still', 'devastated', 'chea', 'apparent', 'death', 'decides', 'lock', 'room', 'commit', 'suicide', 'suicide', 'thwarted', 'chea', 'begins', 'sing', 'recognizes', 'voice', 'unlocks', 'door', 'embraces', 'chea', 'sou', 'disrupts', 'reunion', 'chea', 'sent', 'forest', 'executed', 'forces', 'marry', 'chea', 'younger', 'brother', 'quickly', 'gathers', 'force', 'villagers', 'promptly', 'save', 'chea', 'execution', 'chea', 'along', 'villagers', 'storm', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'sou', 'killed', 'ensuing', 'chaos', 'sou', 'father', 'realizing', 'happened', 'restores', 'order', 'justice', 'chea', 'finally', 'reunited', 'last'], [\"'wallace\", 'wilder', 'foudroyant', 'brothers', 'pyrokinetics', 'ever', 'since', 'childhood', 'tragedy', 'accidentally', 'killed', 'bum', 'sleeping', 'friend\\\\', 'secret', 'clubhouse', 'they\\\\', \"'ve\", 'kept', 'firestarting', 'abilities', 'secret', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'grown', 'estranged', 'wallace', 'wants', 'debut', 'talents', 'david', 'letterman', 'show', 'wilder', 'dull', 'job', 'minuscule', 'kwik', 'foto', 'booth', 'dying', 'mall', 'volunteer', 'fireman', 'wallace', 'brings', 'carnival', 'wilder\\\\', 'florida', 'hometown', 'tension', 'brothers', 'wilder\\\\', 'oversexed', 'wife', 'vida', 'explodes', 'unable', 'convince', 'wilder', 'forgo', 'bingo-calling', 'first', 'day', 'freedom', 'year', 'house', 'arrest', 'inadvertent', 'arson', 'vida', 'goes', 'wally', 'share', 'kiss', 'miniature', 'golf', 'course', 'bursts', 'flames', 'passion', 'returning', 'home', 'fire', 'unit', 'extinguished', 'flames', 'golf', 'course', 'wilder', 'discovers', 'vida', 'wally', 'make', 'love', 'roof', 'house', 'trailer', 'wally', 'wilder', 'fight', 'wally', 'setting', 'trailer', 'ablaze', 'three', 'jailed', 'wally', 'vida', 'bailed', 'wally\\\\', 'friend', 'carnival', 'partner', 'rex', 'deep', 'slump', 'wilder', 'goes', 'back', 'kwik', 'foto', 'vida', 'stays', 'firehouse', 'wally', 'goads', 'fighting', 'vida', 'climactic', 'fight', 'sets', 'half', 'carnival\\\\', 'rides', 'ablaze', 'denouement', 'shows', 'vida', 'wilder', 'watching', 'wallace', 'successful', 'letterman', 'reappearance', 'napalm'], ['1942', 'britain', 'trying', 'hard', 'keep', 'malta', 'invasion', 'seems', 'imminent', 'italians', 'germans', 'regularly', 'bombing', 'airfields', 'towns', 'regardless', 'raf', 'fight', 'survive', 'odds', 'using', 'fighter', 'aircraft', 'available', 'flight', 'lt.', 'peter', 'ross', 'archaeologist', 'posted', 'egypt', 'stranded', 'malta', 'due', 'air', 'attacks', 'asked', 'join', 'raf', 'squadron', 'air', 'reconnaissance', 'pilot', 'meets', 'maria', 'lovely', 'maltese', 'girl', 'working', 'raf', 'operations', 'room', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'spend', 'romantic', 'hours', 'neolithic', 'temples', 'mnajdra', '칡a치ar', 'qim', 'island', 'meantime', 'situation', 'becomes', 'desperate', 'many', 'civilians', 'buried', 'daily', 'rubble', 'famine', 'threatening', 'survival', 'relief', 'convoys', 'become', 'easy', 'prey', 'numerous', 'attacks', 'air', 'peter', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'maria', 'although', 'realise', 'wartime', 'favourable', 'love', 'affairs', 'mother', 'suggests', 'nevertheless', 'young', 'couple', 'remain', 'hopeful', 'future', 'meantime', 'maria', 'brother', 'nigel', 'stock', 'arrested', 'trying', 'infiltrate', 'island', 'italy', 'obviously', 'spying', 'mission', 'expected', 'executed', 'plotline', 'involving', 'character', 'giuseppe', 'gonzar', 'parallels', 'real', 'story', 'carmelo', 'borg', 'pisani', 'maria', 'mother', 'lives', 'double', 'drama', 'island', 'relies', 'last', 'ships', 'convoy', 'supplies', 'scene', 'heroic', 'tanker', 'ohio', 'arriving', 'half', 'sunk', 'valletta', 'harbour', 'apex', 'glory', 'defenders', 'island', 'malta', 'collectively', 'receives', 'george', 'cross', 'britain', 'king', 'george', 'raf', 'holds', 'along', 'royal', 'navy', 'submarines', 'eventually', 'able', 'take', 'offensive', 'targeting', 'enemy', 'shipping', 'way', 'rommel', 'libya', 'many', 'air', 'raids', 'take', 'place', 'either', 'defend', 'island', 'spitfires', 'number', 'attack', 'aircraft', 'including', 'bristol', 'beaufighter', 'fighter-bombers', 'bristol', 'beaufort', 'fairey', 'swordfish', 'torpedo', 'bombers', 'succeed', 'sinking', 'italian', 'tankers', 'warships', 'comes', 'moment', 'important', 'enemy', 'convoy', 'way', 'libya', 'cover', 'poor', 'visibility', 'peter', 'commanding', 'officer', 'needs', 'desperately', 'locate', 'target', 'orders', 'find', 'cost', 'peter', 'flying', 'spitfire', 'finally', 'finds', 'stay', 'close', 'keep', 'contact', 'attacked', 'six', 'messerschmitt', '109fs', 'peter', 'stays', 'calm', 'escape', 'fate', 'shot', 'killed', 'maria', 'operations', 'room', 'listens', 'helplessly', 'radio', 'transmissions', 'later', 'next', 'day', 'maria', 'sits', 'beach', 'thinking', 'beloved', 'peter'], [\"'winthrop\", 'putnam', 'assistant', 'secretary', 'assistant', 'undersecretary', 'state', 'formerly', 'assistant', 'assistant', 'secretary', 'assistant', 'undersecretary', 'state', 'sends', 'invitation', 'ethel', 'barrymore', 'represent', 'american', 'theatre', 'art', 'exposition', 'paris', 'instead', 'invitation', 'received', 'accepted', 'ethel', 'dynamite', 'jackson', 'all-american', 'broadway', 'chorus', 'girl', 'ethel', 'winthrop', 'meet', 'way', 'paris', 'fall', 'love', 'however', 'winthrop', 'engaged', 'marcia', 'sherman', 'daughter', 'boss', 'secretary', 'robert', 'sherman', 'misunderstanding', 'winthrop', 'ethel', 'ultimately', 'end', 'together'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'set', 'bangor', 'maine', 'based', 'verow\\\\', 'experiences', 'maine', 'joe', 'year', 'old', 'high', 'school', 'senior', 'lives', 'single', 'mother', 'older', 'sister', 'teresa', 'works', 'convenience', 'store', 'live', 'notorious', 'estate', 'called', 'capehart', 'projects', 'joe', 'dreams', 'moving', 'away', 'town', 'attending', 'arts', 'school', 'joe', 'attracted', 'men', 'crush', 'friend', 'andrew', 'football', 'player', 'high', 'school', 'upon', 'encouragement', 'joe\\\\', 'friend', 'kris', 'andrew\\\\', 'friend', 'mandy', 'explore', 'mutual', 'attraction', 'fall', 'love', 'kris', 'mandy', 'also', 'experiment', 'sex', 'together', 'one', 'first', 'sexual', 'encounters', 'andrew', 'joe', 'also', 'admits', 'andrew', 'gang-raped', 'three', 'older', 'men', 'witnessing', 'older', 'friend', 'tim', 'raped', 'men', 'warehouse', 'works', 'meanwhile', 'joe', 'determined', 'leave', 'town', 'pursue', 'arts', 'design', 'studies', 'college', 'rhode', 'island', 'particularly', 'sister', 'leaves', 'los', 'angeles', 'robbed', 'convenience', 'store', 'working', 'years', 'arrange', 'airline', 'ticket', 'joe', 'fling', 'french', 'language', 'teacher', 'bathroom', 'blackmails', 'get', 'good', 'grades', 'get', 'crucial', 'recommendation', 'needs', 'passport', 'arts', 'school', 'joe', 'also', 'befriends', 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'sparks', 'fly', 'jew', 'muslim', 'fall', 'love', 'new', 'york', 'david', 'host', 'sex', 'happiness', 'becomes', 'smitten', 'voluptuous', 'layla', 'mysterious', 'sensual', 'dancer', 'turns', 'refugee', 'david\\\\', 'reckless', 'pursuit', 'layla', 'sets', 'unveiling', 'similarities', 'contrasts', 'ancient', 'cultures', 'lust', 'grows', 'love', 'discovers', 'stunning', 'layla', 'sensitive', 'intelligent', 'war', 'survivor', 'rich', 'culture', 'echoes', 'families', 'dead', 'set', 'unlikely', 'romance', 'faced', 'deportation', 'layla', 'must', 'choose', 'david', 'dr.', 'ahmad', 'david', 'layla', 'follow', 'hearts', 'blast', 'centuries', 'religious', 'animosity', 'film', 'inspired', 'true', 'story', 'muslim-jewish', 'couple', 'alwand', 'jaff', 'husband', 'david', 'ruby', 'cameo', 'roles', 'film'], [\"'kate\", 'struggling', 'advertising', 'business', 'new', 'york', 'move', 'forward', 'despite', 'talent', 'boss', 'mr.', 'mercer', 'passes', 'promotion', 'stable', 'enough', 'co-worker', 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'ex-girlfriend', 'first', 'nick', 'bit', 'lost', 'figures', 'finally', 'plays', 'along', 'week', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'kate', 'admits', 'mercer', 'cover-up', 'stating', 'dressing', 'job', 'wanted', 'repeating', 'line', 'mercer', 'used', 'earlier', 'regarding', 'instability', 'mercer', 'pays', 'visit', 'kate\\\\', 'office', 'tells', 'she\\\\', 'quitting', 'mercer', 'counters', 'admitting', 'exaggerated', 'past', 'one', 'point', 'life', 'suggests', 'take', 'days', 'massachusetts', 'patch', 'things', 'nick', 'kate', 'walks', 'nick', 'recording', 'wedding', 'rebuffs', 'attempts', 'patch', 'things', 'humiliates', 'front', 'soon-to-be-married', 'couple', 'nick', 'front', 'boss', 'earlier', 'satisfied', 'playing', 'field', 'leveled', 'invites', 'wedding', 'reception', 'guest', 'make', 'kate', 'accepts'], [\"'wendy\", 'billie', 'ann', 'seniors', 'alternative', 'private', 'school', 'spend', 'time', 'fellow', 'students', 'jonah', 'price', 'robert', 'six', 'friends', 'since', 'elementary', 'school', 'friendship', 'become', 'six-person', 'monogamous', 'relationship', 'swap', 'sex', 'partners', 'week', 'loyalty', 'group', 'one', 'person', 'school', 'orientation', 'wendy', 'meets', 'sean', 'new', 'senior', 'moved', 'chicago', 'finds', 'inner', 'geek', 'quickly', 'recognizes', 'kindred', 'spirit', 'soon', 'friendship', 'becomes', 'romantic', 'wendy', 'torn', 'genuine', 'affection', 'desire', 'sean', 'commitment', 'belief', 'group', 'wendy', 'starts', 'test', 'boundaries', 'vow', 'friends', 'billie', 'realizes', 'going', 'fight', 'keep', 'best', 'friend', \"shouldn\\\\'t\", 'problem', 'since', 'teens', 'collected', 'box', 'full', 'mementos', 'sexual', 'experience', 'wendy', 'tries', 'leave', 'billie', 'destroy', 'reputation', 'relationship', 'heartbeat', 'wendy', 'trying', 'decide', 'sean', 'friends', 'wendy\\\\', 'younger', 'brother', 'nathan', 'meets', 'sean\\\\', 'mother', 'helen', 'waiting', 'long', 'three', 'weeks', 'start', 'new', 'job', 'nathan', 'develops', 'huge', 'crush', 'uses', 'considerable', 'cooking', 'skills', 'try', 'woo', 'wendy', 'spends', 'another', 'saturday', 'night', 'group', 'unable', 'cheat', 'sean', 'hesitation', 'billie', 'needs', 'accuse', 'best', 'friend', 'girls', 'fight', 'wendy', 'takes', 'frustration', 'random', 'couple', 'keep', 'making', 'front', 'house', 'ryan', 'hearing', 'wendy', 'group', 'tries', 'friends', 'wendy', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'ryan', 'become', 'subservient', 'wet', 'dishrag', 'girlfriend', 'sean', 'wendy', 'try', 'normal', 'couple', 'group', 'quickly', 'tests', 'relationship', 'billie', 'puts', 'box', 'memorabilia', 'sean\\\\', 'locker', 'wendy', 'claims', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'scared', 'knows', 'sean', 'loves', 'maybe', 'sees', 'photos', 'document', 'lifetime', 'sexual', 'experimentation', 'fed', 'offers', 'ultimatum', 'wendy', 'burn', 'box', 'leave', 'group', 'normal', 'girl', 'break', 'wendy', 'gone', 'one', 'ultimatum', 'another', 'wendy', 'sees', 'billie', 'tortured', 'alone', 'students', 'wants', 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'come', 'start', 'roughing', 'customers', 'get', 'abusive', 'daughter', 'suddenly', 'elaborately', 'coifed', 'tastefully', 'dressed', 'woman', 'shows', 'rescues', 'young', 'woman', 'father', 'harm', 'iron', 'pussy', 'disappears', 'bushes', 're-emerges', 'slight', 'shaven-headed', 'man', 'gets', 'back', 'motorcycle', 'taxi', 'heads', 'bangkok', 'along', 'way', 'motorcycle', 'driver', 'pew', 'relates', 'memories', 'day', 'iron', 'pussy', 'met', 'pew', 'crazed', 'drug', 'overdose', 'taken', 'young', 'woman', 'hostage', 'iron', 'pussy', 'came', 'scene', 'rescued', 'young', 'woman', 'pew', 'two', 'couple', 'ever', 'since', 'iron', 'pussy', 'arrives', 'job', 'clerk', '7-eleven', 'bangkok', 'unfailingly', 'courteous', 'professional', 'greets', 'man', 'believes', 'another', 'customer', 'shop', 'pay', 'phone', 'bill', 'iron', 'pussy', 'scans', 'bill', 'message', 'comes', 'computer', 'screen', 'hello', 'iron', 'pussy', 'secret', 'message', 'prime', 'minister', 'seems', 'there\\\\', 'job', 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'embark', 'quirky', 'relationship'], [\"'the\", 'publicity', 'lorna', 'exclaimed', 'without', 'artistic', 'surrender', 'without', 'compromise', 'without', 'question', 'apology', 'important', 'motion', 'picture', 'produced', 'lorna', 'woman', 'much', 'one', 'man', 'lorna', 'sexually', 'unsatisfied', 'young', 'wife', 'married', 'jim', 'works', 'salt', 'mine', 'spends', 'evenings', 'studying', 'become', 'cpa', 'lorna', 'goes', 'nude', 'swim', 'river', 'raped', 'escaped', 'convict', 'frustrated', 'sexuality', 'awakened', 'begins', 'inviting', 'stranger', 'home', 'jim', 'work', 'meanwhile', 'jim\\\\', 'co-workers', 'tease', 'wife\\\\', 'beauty', 'infidelity', 'one', 'day', 'jim', 'returns', 'home', 'early', 'discovers', 'lorna\\\\', 'unfaithfulness'], [\"'chris\", 'mckinley', 'recent', 'college', 'graduate', 'backpacking', 'europe', 'trying', 'enjoy', 'gain', 'much', 'last', 'days', 'starts', 'new', 'career', 'back', 'united', 'states', 'reaches', 'pamplona', 'along', 'two', 'friends', 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'kills', 'dev', 'upon', 'receiving', 'news', 'durga', 'becomes', 'depressed', 'dr.', 'prasad', 'performed', 'surgery', 'takes', 'adopted', 'daughter', 'part', 'plan', 'help', 'recover', 'takes', 'switzerland', 'meets', 'sanjay', 'falls', 'love', 'grieving', 'dead', 'friend', 'recognizes', 'durga', 'also', 'lonely', 'persistence', 'kindness', 'durga', 'finally', 'accepts', 'sanjay', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'unknown', 'durga', 'first', 'love', 'sanjay', 'dead', 'friend', 'man', 'day', 'engagement', 'sanjay', 'told', 'dev', 'alive', 'reclusive', 'hospital', 'coma', 'months', 'sanjay', 'reunited', 'dev', 'return', 'house', 'time', 'engagement', 'celebrations', 'dev', 'shocked', 'discover', 'sanjay', 'fiancee', 'durga', \"n't\", 'tell', 'anyone', 'sanjay', 'introduces', 'dev', 'durga', 'formally', 'dev', 'say', 'anything', 'chance', 'durga', 'overhears', 'dev', 'speak', 'immediately', 'recognizes', 'voice', 'later', 'durga', 'confronts', 'wanting', 'sure', 'whether', 'dev', 'lover', 'rohit', 'denies', 'repeatedly', 'durga', 'concended', 'calls', 'dr.', 'prasad', 'met', 'dev', 'durga', 'underwent', 'surgery', 'doctor', 'tells', 'dev', 'lover', 'later', 'turns', 'doctor', 'following', 'dev', 'instructions', 'lie', 'durga', 'finally', 'accepts', 'question', 'dev', 'anymore', 'one', 'night', 'lights', 'sanjay', 'home', 'durga', 'dev', 'accidentally', 'bump', 'dark', 'durga', 'hand', 'goes', 'feel', 'dev', 'face', 'feels', 'familiar', 'dev', 'flees', 'durga', 'decides', 're-create', 'bust', 'lover', 'memory', 'alone', 'durga', 'shapes', 'clay', 'bust', 'blindfolded', 'completed', 'looks', 'realizes', 'dev', 'lover', 'dev', 'confronts', 'asking', 'whether', 'would', 'right', 'destroy', 'sanjay', 'happiness', 'durga', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'leave', 'sanjay', 'decide', 'keep', 'secret', 'day', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'sanjay', 'publicly', 'confronts', 'pair', 'apparently', 'anger', 'accuses', 'dev', 'trying', 'steal', 'durga', 'away', 'dev', 'quietly', 'accepts', 'accusation', 'however', 'durga', 'remain', 'silent', 'speaks', 'lover', 'explaining', 'truth', 'past', 'revealed', 'sanjay', 'angry', 'behaviour', 'ruse', 'make', 'reveal', 'truth', 'gladly', 'steps', 'aside', 'reunite', 'lovers', 'sharing', 'happiness'], ['april', 'shower', 'begins', 'group', 'people', 'gathered', 'wedding', 'shower', 'april', 'first', 'seems', 'normal', 'gathering', 'occasion', 'time', 'goes', 'secrets', 'stories', 'begin', 'revealed', 'alex', 'chef', 'maid', 'honor', 'april', 'wedding', 'ultimately', 'reveals', 'true', 'feelings', 'ends', 'taking', 'effect', 'everybody', 'shower'], ['story', 'set', 'great', 'depression', 'specifically', 'around', 'time', '1933', 'long', 'beach', 'earthquake', 'camilla', 'fiery', 'beautiful', 'mexican', 'caf챕', 'waitress', 'aspires', 'one', 'day', 'current', 'standing', 'society', 'wishes', 'marrying', 'wealthy', 'man', 'united', 'states', 'plan', 'thrown', 'disarray', 'meets', 'italian-american', 'arturo', 'bandini', 'farrell', 'character', 'portrayed', 'struggling', 'writer', 'comes', 'los', 'angeles', 'bunker', 'hill', 'area', 'start', 'writing', 'career'], ['group', 'parents', 'fourth-grade', 'students', 'addresses', 'school', 'deal', 'sex', 'education', 'sexuality', 'still', 'unresolved', 'issue', 'many', 'parents', 'sexo', 'con', 'amor', 'story', 'three', 'couples', 'ambushed', 'erotic', 'passions', 'profess', 'undying', 'love', 'partners', 'hopping', 'enthusiastically', 'merry-go-round', 'physical', 'relations', 'one', 'another', 'leading', 'sometimes', 'tragic', 'sometimes', 'hilarious', 'effects'], [\"'danny\", 'muldoon', '38-year-old', 'chicago', 'policeman', 'still', 'lives', 'overbearing', 'irish', 'mother', 'rose', 'muldoon', 'lonely', 'bachelor', 'danny', 'falls', 'love', 'theresa', 'luna', 'introverted', 'lonely', 'girl', 'works', 'father\\\\', 'funeral', 'home', 'cosmetician', 'first', 'date', 'takes', 'comiskey', 'park', 'picnic', 'field', 'courtship', 'eventually', 'becomes', 'difficult', 'rose', 'begins', 'feel', 'threatened', 'theresa', 'trying', 'steal', 'son', 'away', 'fact', 'theresa', 'irish', 'exacerbates', 'situation', 'danny\\\\', 'brother', 'patrick', 'tries', 'convince', 'danny', 'remain', 'unmarried', 'danny', 'rose', 'move', 'florida', 'danny', 'take', 'care', 'salvatore', 'sal', 'buonarte', 'one', 'danny\\\\', 'married', 'friends', 'fellow', 'police', 'officers', 'tries', 'tell', 'danny', 'better', 'settle', 'yet', 'danny', 'begins', 'feel', 'guilty', 'relationship', 'theresa', 'especially', 'towards', 'mother', 'leads', 'interrupting', 'dates', 'theresa', 'check', 'mother', 'theresa', 'finally', 'introduced', 'rose', 'fancy', 'dinner', 'rose', 'immediately', 'begins', 'put', 'theresa', 'stands', 'rose', 'complains', 'danny', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'stand', 'theresa', 'leaves', 'danny', 'scolds', 'mother', 'cruel', 'theresa', 'saying', 'way', 'telling', 'like', 'really', 'attempts', 'hurt', 'people', 'reminds', 'lost', '450,000', 'account', 'late', 'father\\\\', 'company', 'calling', 'bosses', 'racial', 'slurs', 'danny', 'tells', 'rose', 'propose', 'theresa', 'whether', 'approves', 'night', 'danny', 'apologizes', 'theresa', 'proposes', 'bucket', 'chicago', 'fire', 'truck', 'says', 'yes', 'two', 'set', 'married', 'however', 'even', 'though', 'rose', 'finally', 'approve', 'theresa', 'night', 'wedding', 'danny', 'calls', 'check', 'mother', 'front', 'theresa', 'angered', 'fact', 'might', 'never', 'alone', 'theresa', 'walks', 'wedding', 'danny', 'theresa', 'fail', 'show', 'thus', 'two', \"don\\\\'t\", 'marry', 'weeks', 'later', 'danny\\\\', 'friends', 'question', 'happened', 'make', 'get', 'married', 'danny', 'avoids', 'answer', 'friend', 'family', 'doyle', 'passes', 'away', 'alone', 'wife', 'children', 'danny', 'realizes', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'end', 'way', 'realizes', \"can\\\\'t\", 'let', 'theresa', 'finally', 'day', 'danny', 'rose', 'scheduled', 'move', 'florida', 'danny', 'tells', 'rose', \"can\\\\'t\", 'let', 'theresa', 'leaving', 'behind', 'he\\\\', 'leaving', 'behind', 'best', 'thing', 'ever', 'happened', 'reluctant', 'first', 'rose', 'finally', 'agrees', 'danny\\\\', 'plan', 'goes', 'florida', 'without', 'instructing', 'son', 'get', 'married', 'family', 'happy', 'danny', 'goes', 'luna\\\\', 'funeral', 'home', 'look', 'theresa', 'however', 'father', 'tells', 'left', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'train', 'danny', 'contacts', 'railroad', 'station', 'manager', 'agrees', 'stop', 'train', 'suburban', 'station', 'outside', 'city', 'danny', 'apologizes', 'theresa', 'proclaims', 'love', 'tells', 'move', 'new', 'york', 'join', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'police', 'department', 'guilt', 'mother', 'two', 're-board', 'train', 'new', 'york', 'live', 'rest', 'lives', 'together', 'throughout', 'film', 'muldoons\\\\', 'greek', 'neighbor', 'nick', 'acropolis', 'encourages', 'danny', 'pursue', 'theresa', 'attempts', 'woo', 'rose', 'rose', 'salty', 'towards', 'beginning', 'gradually', 'softens', 'stance', 'regarding', 'danny\\\\', 'relationship', 'theresa', 'ultimately', 'warms', 'nick'], ['movie', 'set', 'yazidi', 'kurdish', 'village', 'armenia', 'still', 'suffering', 'economically', 'soviet', 'collapse', 'hamo', 'kurdish', 'widower', 'three', 'sons', 'visits', 'wife', 'grave', 'everyday', 'graveyard', 'meets', 'nina', 'widow', 'works', 'local', 'bar', 'named', 'vodka', 'lemon', 'close', 'penniless', 'yet', 'start', 'unexpected', 'relationship', 'revitalizes'], ['anchor', 'setting', 'american', 'west', 'late', '19th', 'century', 'gang', 'bank', 'robbers', 'led', 'graham', 'dorsey', 'rob', 'small-town', 'bank', 'graham', 'second', 'thoughts', 'he\\\\', 'nightmare', 'gang', 'wiped', 'robbery', 'attempt', 'worse', 'graham\\\\', 'horse', 'broke', 'gang', 'members', 'get', 'another', 'try', 'ranch', 'widow', 'amanda', 'starbuck', 'amanda', 'suspicious', 'men', 'denies', 'horse', 'graham', 'checks', 'barn', 'finds', 'horse', 'still', 'afraid', 'disaster', 'lies', 'men', 'agrees', 'wait', 'three', 'hours', 'ranch', 'return', 'turns', 'another', 'reason', 'wanting', 'stay', 'behind', 'though', 'wants', 'force', 'mrs.', 'starbuck', 'amanda', 'resists', 'rather', 'inventively', 'simply', 'lies', 'still', 'fully', 'clothed', 'frustrates', 'graham', 'decides', 'ruse', 'pretends', 'impotent', 'hoping', 'play', 'amanda\\\\', 'sympathy', 'deception', 'works', 'make', 'love', 'three', 'times', 'time', 'passes', 'graham', 'amanda', 'long', 'thoughtful', 'discussion', 'talking', 'past', 'lives', 'well', 'hopes', 'ambitions', 'even', 'dance', 'amanda\\\\', 'music', 'box', 'graham', 'wearing', 'mr.', 'starbuck\\\\', 'old', 'tuxedo', 'neighbor', 'boy', 'stops', 'tell', 'amanda', 'attempted', 'bank', 'robbery', 'bank', 'robbers', 'graham\\\\', 'gang', 'caught', 'going', 'hanged', 'town', 'afternoon', 'thinks', 'graham', 'ride', 'help', 'graham', 'thinks', 'way', 'able', 'stay', 'get', 'away', 'gang', 'much', 'coercing', 'decides', 'play', 'along', 'rides', 'intending', 'long', 'nap', 'shattered', 'posse', 'rides', 'sight', 'spotting', 'graham', 'giving', 'chase', 'graham', 'eludes', 'comes', 'upon', 'traveling', 'dentist', 'exchanges', 'clothes', 'gunpoint', 'steals', 'horse', 'wagon', 'unfortunate', 'dr.', 'finger', 'taken', 'graham', 'shot', 'dead', 'posse', 'recognizing', 'starbuck\\\\', 'horse', 'tux', 'bring', 'body', 'back', 'starbuck', 'ranch', 'amanda', 'seeing', 'thinks', 'graham\\\\', 'body', 'faints', 'graham', 'get', 'away', 'clean', 'turns', 'dr.', 'finger', 'quack', 'first', 'person', 'graham', 'encounters', 'escape', 'one', 'dr.', 'finger\\\\', 'dissatisfied', 'customers', 'put', 'prison', 'year-long', 'sentence', 'dr.', 'finger\\\\', 'crimes', 'first', 'amanda', 'ostracized', 'townspeople', 'impassioned', 'speech', 'proclaiming', 'true', 'love', 'remarkable', 'trick', 'townspeople', 'forgive', 'see', 'remarkable', 'story', 'graham', 'amanda', 'story', 'forms', 'basis', 'legend', 'one', 'spawns', 'popular', 'book', 'dime', 'novels', 'stage', 'play', 'even', 'popular', 'song', 'legend', 'graham', 'amanda', 'becomes', 'bigger', 'reality', 'two', 'book', 'worldwide', 'best', 'seller', 'makes', 'amanda', 'wealthy', 'woman', 'graham', 'reads', 'book', 'prison', 'amused', 'distortions', 'graham', 'described', 'southern', 'handsome', 'fact', 'none', 'serving', 'time', 'eager', 'renew', 'relationship', 'amanda', 'disguised', 'graham', 'takes', 'one', 'amanda\\\\', 'guided', 'tours', 'ranch', 'stays', 'behind', 'intending', 'reveal', 'amanda', 'recognize', 'becomes', 'frightened', 'graham', 'shows', 'something', 'that\\\\', 'book', 'amanda', 'believes', 'instead', 'joy', 'amanda', 'confused', 'worried', 'word', 'got', 'graham', 'alive', 'legend', 'graham', 'amanda', 'would', 'done', 'even', 'graham\\\\', 'suggestion', 'live', 'incognito', 'good', 'amanda', 'live', 'another', 'man', 'legend', 'would', 'still', 'destroyed', 'encounter', 'ends', 'amanda', 'pointing', 'gun', 'graham', '...', 'last', 'second', 'decides', 'shoot', 'graham', 'heartbroken', 'lost', 'amanda', 'secret', 'real', 'identity', 'lost', 'good', 'tries', 'forget', 'happened', 'reminders', 'everywhere', 'hears', 'song', 'local', 'saloon', 'walks', 'stage', 'production', 'noon', 'till', 'three', 'worse', 'people', 'knew', 'slightly', 'laugh', 'says', 'graham', 'since', 'looks', 'nothing', 'like', 'description', 'book', 'end', 'arrested', 'put', 'insane', 'asylum', 'meets', 'people', 'believe', 'fellow', 'inmates', 'seems', 'relieved'], ['thanksgiving', 'break', 'roommate', 'away', 'campus', 'pretty', 'boy', 'andrew', 'sleeps', 'shayna', 'roommate', 'joe', 'dream', 'girl', 'shayna', 'starts', 'relationship', 'joe', 'attempting', 'make', 'andrew', 'jealous', 'causes', 'rift', 'boys', 'friendship'], [\"'trembling\", 'g-d', 'interviews', 'follows', 'several', 'gay', 'lesbian', 'orthodox', 'jews', 'many', 'seen', 'silhouette', 'also', 'interviews', 'several', 'rabbis', 'psychologists', 'regarding', 'views', 'homosexuality', 'orthodox', 'judaism', 'film', 'repeatedly', 'returns', 'several', 'characters', 'david', 'observant', 'orthodox', 'jewish', 'doctor', 'los', 'angeles', 'spent', 'decade', 'trying', 'reconcile', 'homosexuality', 'judaism', 'tried', 'numerous', 'forms', 'treatment', 'eating', 'figs', 'praying', 'wearing', 'rubber', 'band', 'wrist', 'flick', 'whenever', 'thinks', 'men', 'avail.', 'ref', 'name1353371', 'trembling', 'g-d', 'hollywoodreporter.com', 'retrieved', 'february', '2007.', 'course', 'film', 'david', 'decides', 'visit', 'chabad', 'rabbi', 'first', 'came', 'out.tremblingbeforeg-d.com', 'who\\\\', 'retrieved', 'march', '2007.', 'israel', '58-year-old', 'new', 'yorker', 'decided', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'gay', 'orthodox', 'turned', 'back', 'religion', 'though', 'family', 'forced', 'electroshock', 'therapy', 'try', 'cure', 'tour', 'guide', 'around', 'haredi', 'neighborhoods', 'new', 'york', 'film', 'follows', 'gives', 'tour', 'psychoanalyzes', 'decides', '25th', 'anniversary', 'life', 'partner', 'call', '98-year-old', 'father', 'rabbi', 'seen', 'twenty', 'years.', 'ref', 'namehttp', '//www.calendarlive.com/movies/reviews/cl-movie000013084feb20,0,2776571.story|date', 'dashbot', 'michelle', 'another', 'new', 'yorker', 'forties', 'believed', 'hasidic', 'lesbian', 'world', 'consequence', 'allowed', 'pressured', 'marriage', 'however', 'got', 'divorced', 'subsequently', 'ostracized', 'family', 'community', 'discovered', 'homosexual', 'film', 'shows', 'visiting', 'old', 'neighborhood', 'orthodox', 'fair.armstrong', 'rod', 'reel', 'review', 'trembling', 'g-d', 'reel.com', 'retrieved', 'february', '2007.', 'rabbi', 'steven', 'greenberg', 'one', 'founding', 'members', 'jerusalem', 'open', 'house', 'gay', 'rights', 'organization', 'israel', 'provides', 'support', 'gay', 'orthodox', 'jews', 'families', 'sometimes', 'called', 'world', 'first', 'openly', 'gay', 'orthodox', 'rabbi', 'cite', 'web', 'discusses', 'parents\\\\', 'reactions', 'children', 'coming', 'well', 'traditional', 'interpretations', 'prohibitions', 'homosexual', 'acts', 'torah', 'shlomo', 'ashkenazy', 'gay', 'psychotherapist', 'run', 'confidential', 'support', 'group', 'orthodox', 'gay', 'men', 'nearly', 'years.', 'ref', 'name432', 'trembling', 'g-d', 'slant', 'magazine', 'retrieved', 'february', '2007.', 'mark', 'english', 'son', 'haredi', 'rabbi', 'coming', 'expelled', 'seven', 'yeshivas', 'homosexual', 'activity', 'becoming', 'drag', 'queen', 'dying', 'aids-related', 'illness', 'visits', 'several', 'yeshivas', 'religious', 'sites', 'throughout', 'film.french', 'philip', 'trembling', 'g-d', 'observer', 'retrieved', 'february', '2007.', 'remains', 'upbeat', 'one', 'point', 'saying', 'jew', 'nice', 'present', 'receive', 'malka', 'leah', 'two', 'observant', 'orthodox', 'lesbians', 'together', 'ten', 'years', 'destroyed', 'malka\\\\', 'relationship', 'family', 'speak', 'frankly', 'lives', 'film', 'discuss', 'fears', 'may', 'end', 'heaven', 'together', 'shown', 'preparing', 'shabbat', 'leah', 'gives', 'advice', 'married', 'hasidic', 'lesbian', 'terrified', 'husband', 'find', 'take', 'away', 'children.burke', 'brian', 'trembling', 'g-d', 'dvdverdict.com', 'retrieved', 'february', '2007.', 'film', 'follows', 'attends', 'first', 'gay', 'pride', 'parade', 'offended', 'anti-orthodox', 'sentiment', 'speakers'], [\"'molly\", 'mora', 'invites', 'divorced', 'parents', 'wedding', 'reception', 'see', 'first', 'time', 'years', 'shouting', 'match', 'two', 'ensues', 'following', 'spark', 'rekindled', 'wedding', 'reception', 'next', 'days', 'fall', 'love', 'run', 'together', 'thereby', 'upsetting', 'newlyweds\\\\', 'honeymoon', 'respective', 'spouses', 'scandal', 'made', 'public', 'would', 'controversial', 'usual', 'since', 'bride\\\\', 'husband', 'hopes', 'stand', 'election', 'congress', 'searching', 'parents', 'getting', 'know', 'joey', 'donna', 'mother\\\\', 'number', 'one', 'paparazzi', 'nicknamed', 'cockroach', 'hires', 'help', 'find', 'molly', 'decides', 'parents', 'deserve', 'chance', 'together', 'gives', 'honeymoon', 'hawaii', 'keith', 'objects', 'decision', 'revealed', 'slept', 'stepmother', 'knowing', 'marriage', 'mistake', 'molly', 'runs', 'joey', 'parents', 'run', 'hawaii'], [\"'alex\", 'married', 'junior', 'leaguer', 'penchant', 'interesting', 'shoes', 'junior', 'league', 'chapter\\\\', 'annual', 'project', 'volunteer', 'hope', 'house', 'aids', 'hospice', 'recently', 'opened', 'home', 'town', 'azalea', 'springs', 'texas', 'alex', 'league', 'friends', 'including', 'friend', 'sloan', 'tour', 'hope', 'house', 'alex', 'runs', 'best', 'friend', 'spencer', 'whose', 'lover', 'bruce', 'resident', 'grace', 'friend', 'high', 'school', 'recently', 'moved', 'back', 'azalea', 'springs', 'work', 'hope', 'house', 'nurse', 'night', 'town\\\\', 'annual', 'azalea', 'ball', 'drunken', 'spencer', 'tells', 'society', 'matron', 'homosexuality', 'caused', 'drinking', 'local', 'water', 'equally', 'drunken', 'sloan', 'overhears', 'spreads', 'story', 'panic', 'ensues', 'local', 'newspaper', 'printing', 'story', 'commissioning', 'testing', 'water', 'supply', 'mark', 'son', 'publisher', 'objects', 'father', 'mark', 'struggling', 'homosexuality', 'attending', 'meetings', 'ex-gay', 'group', 'local', 'church', 'he\\\\', 'limited', 'mitigate', 'story', 'resultant', 'damage', 'leader', 'ex-gay', 'group', 'brother', 'daniel', 'announces', 'plans', 'protest', 'closing', 'hope', 'house', 'alex', 'grace', 'renew', 'friendship', 'grace', 'comes', 'lesbian', 'grace', 'returned', 'azalea', 'springs', 'husband', 'found', 'affair', 'another', 'woman', 'prison', 'assaulting', 'grace', 'ex-gay', 'meeting', 'mark', 'meets', 'tomas', 'painter', 'mark', 'hires', 'tomas', 're-paint', 'dining', 'room', 'junior', 'league', 'decides', 'continue', 'volunteering', 'hope', 'house', 'alex', 'who\\\\', 'resigned', 'league', 'goes', 'work', 'full', 'time', 'hospice', 'husband', 'robert\\\\', 'objections', 'alex', 'develops', 'curiosity', 'possible', 'lesbianism', 'rents', 'number', 'classic', 'lesbian-themed', 'films', 'desert', 'hearts', 'lianna', 'personal', 'best', 'heavenly', 'creatures', 'bar', 'girls', 'claire', 'moon', 'incredibly', 'true', 'adventure', 'two', 'girls', 'love', 'unnamed', 'presumably', 'pornographic', 'video', 'inexplicably', 'godfather', 'part', 'iii', 'hope', 'house', 'alex', 'gives', 'growing', 'attraction', 'grace', 'kiss', 'passionately', 'supply', 'room', 'sloan', 'catches', 'spreads', 'story', 'town', 'tomas', 'paints', 'mark\\\\', 'dining', 'room', 'dinner', 'date', 'mark', 'learns', 'tomas', 'stumbled', 'ex-gay', 'meeting', 'mistake', 'dinner', 'tomas\\\\', 'studio', 'tomas', 'shows', 'mark', 'paintings', 'make', 'love', 'reaction', 'immediate', 'hostile', 'alex', 'suffering', 'indignities', 'great', 'small', 'everything', 'breakup', 'marriage', 'closing', 'credit', 'account', 'local', 'fried', 'pie', 'shop', 'following', 'mark', 'gains', 'courage', 'break', 'woman', 'he\\\\', 'dating', 'beard', 'come', 'father', 'demands', 'father', 'drop', 'story', 'water', 'supply', 'stop', 'negative', 'coverage', 'hope', 'house', 'mark', 'tomas', 'alex', 'grace', 'dancing', 'big-city', 'gay', 'club', 'see', 'ray', 'ray', 'son', 'alex\\\\', 'family', 'housekeeper', 'performing', 'drag', 'queen', 'called', 'obsession', 'ray', 'ray', 'leads', 'mark', 'tomas', 'leather', 'bar', 'catch', 'ex-gay', 'leader', 'brother', 'daniel', 'full', 'leather', 'gear', 'meanwhile', 'alex', 'grace', 'hotel', 'room', 'make', 'love', 'first', 'time', 'back', 'azalea', 'springs', 'spencer\\\\', 'lover', 'bruce', 'dies', 'aids-related', 'complications', 'funeral', 'alex\\\\', 'father', 'comforts', 'mother', 'still', 'upset', 'alex\\\\', 'lesbianism', 'shows', 'still', 'loves', 'daughter'], ['palin', 'plays', 'francis', 'ashby', 'senior', 'oxford', 'professor', 'holiday', 'swiss', 'alps', '1861.', 'meets', 'american', 'caroline', 'hartley', '18-year', 'old', 'ward', 'elinor', 'ashby', 'drawn', 'particularly', 'elinor', 'rather', 'surprised', 'arrive', 'oxford', 'rent', 'house', 'women', 'allowed', 'college', 'fellows', 'allowed', 'marry', 'puts', 'embarrassing', 'situation', 'ashby', 'rival', 'post', 'college', 'president', 'oliver', 'syme', 'takes', 'full', 'advantage', 'try', 'discredit', 'ashby'], ['span', 'couple', 'years', 'william', 'churchill', 'somehow', 'become', 'fully-grown', 'eighteen', 'years', 'old', 'played', 'charles', 'solomon', 'would', 'take', 'role', 'next', 'two', 'parts', 'series', 'william', 'last', 'name', 'changed', 'adams', 'turns', 'william', 'parents', 'involved', 'coven', 'set', 'kill', 'baby', 'william', 'order', 'bring', 'satan', 'earth', 'bear', 'see', 'happen', 'took', 'william', 'ran', 'william', 'realize', 'power', 'deal', 'witch-temptress-neighbor', 'name', 'dolores', 'jones', 'delores', 'however', 'actually', 'elizabeth', 'churchill', 'evil', 'witch', 'first', 'film', 'whipped', 'spell', 'turns', 'voluptuous', 'middle-aged', 'neighbor'], [\"'in\", 'new', 'york', 'bill', 'struggles', 'decide', 'whether', 'future', 'emily', 'attempting', 'restrain', 'walter', 'angry', 'husband', 'woman', 'thinks', 'might', 'love', 'berlin', 'dwight', 'similar', 'experience', 'lover', 'events', 'befall', 'miho', 'tokyo', 'take', 'dramatic', 'turn'], [\"'burke\", 'sage', 'play', 'brothers', 'bill', 'dennis', 'reunite', 'anarchist', 'father', 'escapes', 'hospital', 'bill', 'angry', 'double-crossed', 'robbery', 'girlfriend', 'promises', 'break', 'heart', 'next', 'woman', 'meets', 'dennis', 'fresh', 'college', 'somewhat', 'naive', 'world', 'dennis', 'set', 'finding', 'father', 'bill', 'broke', 'set', 'find', 'motorcycle', 'breaks', 'near', 'diner', 'middle', 'nowhere', 'meet', 'beautiful', 'kate', 'mysterious', 'elina', 'short-tempered', 'martin', 'decide', 'stay', 'days', 'gradually', 'become', 'entangled', 'local', 'life'], [\"'dek\", 'proposes', 'girlfriend', 'shirley', 'jimmy', 'great', 'love', 'life', 'father', 'daughter', 'sees', 'returns', 'attempt', 'win', 'back', 'heart', 'however', 'deserting', 'friends', 'scotland', 'unsuccessful', 'robbery', 'clowns', 'friends', 'turn', 'come', 'midlands', 'try', 'track', 'though', 'end', 'shirley', 'refuses', 'jimmy', 'professes', 'love', 'dek', 'daughter', 'marlene', 'refuses', 'anything', 'jimmy', 'ready', 'accept', 'dek', 'father', 'figure'], ['19th', 'century', 'london', 'young', 'polly', 'peachum', 'falls', 'famous', 'womanizing', 'criminal', 'macheath', 'decide', 'get', 'married', 'family', 'disapproval', 'father', 'macheath', 'arrested'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'opens', 'judge', 'begging', 'audience', 'help', 'resolving', 'terrible', 'dilemma', 'action', 'moves', 'courtroom', 'vivian', 'hamilton', 'trial', 'shooting', 'death', 'sister\\\\', 'lover', 'story', 'unfolds', 'flashback', 'various', 'characters', 'called', 'testify', 'conjoined', 'twins', 'dorothy', 'vivian', 'hamilton', 'successful', 'vaudeville', 'singing', 'act', 'manager', 'hinkley', 'thinks', 'publicity', 'stunt', 'reinvigorate', 'career', 'pays', 'stunt', 'shooter', 'andre', 'pariseau', 'fake', 'romance', 'one', 'twins', 'vivian', 'brunette', 'dislikes', 'andre', 'wants', 'nothing', 'scheme', 'dorothy', 'blonde', 'quips', 'old', 'turn', 'chance', 'love', 'agrees', 'serve', 'andre\\\\', 'love', 'interest', 'ploy', 'works', 'girls', 'singing', 'standing', 'room', 'crowds', 'dorothy', 'actually', 'falls', 'love', 'scheming', 'andre', 'though', 'secretly', 'involved', 'shooting-act', 'partner', 'renee', 'andre', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'couple', 'unable', 'obtain', 'marriage', 'license', 'due', 'allegations', 'marriage', 'would', 'constitute', 'bigamy', 'desperate', 'dorothy', 'convinces', 'vivian', 'seek', 'separation', 'surgery', 'even', 'risk', 'lives', 'pursue', 'dreams', 'love', 'doctors', 'however', 'inform', 'women', 'surgery', 'impossible', 'doctors', 'stress', 'physical', 'reason', 'dorothy', 'marry', 'consulting', 'blind', 'minister', 'dorothy', 'andre', 'able', 'obtain', 'marriage', 'license', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'performed', 'on-stage', 'audience', 'dignitaries', 'including', 'mayor', 'next', 'day', 'andre', 'leaves', 'dorothy', 'claiming', 'could', 'adjust', 'life', 'husband', 'conjoined', 'twin', 'vivian', 'knows', 'differently', 'seen', 'andre', 'renee', 'kissing', 'passionately', 'suspicions', 'andre', 'confirmed', 'vivian', 'outraged', 'sister', 'mistreated', 'andre\\\\', 'shooting', 'performance', 'vivian', 'seizes', 'one', 'andre\\\\', 'guns', 'shoots', 'dead', 'horrified', 'audience', 'film', 'returns', 'judge', 'decide', 'dispose', 'case', 'justice', 'andre', 'requires', 'murderer', 'vivian', 'executed', 'would', 'cost', 'life', 'innocent', 'dorothy', 'film', 'ends', 'plea', 'viewer', 'resolve', 'dilemma'], ['recently', 'widowed', 'anxious', 'escape', 'clutches', 'oppressively', 'meddlesome', 'in-laws', 'free-spirited', 'lilia', 'herriton', 'travels', 'hillside', 'tuscan', 'town', 'monteriano', 'young', 'friend', 'caroline', 'abbott', 'falls', 'love', 'countryside', 'gino', 'carella', 'handsome', 'man', 'considerably', 'younger', 'much', 'less', 'wealthy', 'decides', 'stay', 'appalled', 'behaviour', 'concerned', 'future', 'granddaughter', 'irma', 'strait-laced', 'mother-in-law', 'dispatches', 'son', 'philip', 'italy', 'convince', 'return', 'home', 'time', 'arrives', 'lilia', 'gino', 'wed.', 'caroline', 'return', 'home', 'unable', 'forgive', 'putting', 'end', 'see', 'clearly', 'unsuitable', 'marriage', 'lilia', 'startled', 'discover', 'desire', 'independence', 'odds', 'gino', 'need', 'unquestioned', 'head', 'household', 'shocked', 'becomes', 'physically', 'abusive', 'order', 'clarify', 'position', 'relationship', 'becomes', 'less', 'volatile', 'lilia', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'dies', 'childbirth', 'leaving', 'grieving', 'husband', 'infant', 'son', 'raise', 'help', 'aging', 'mother', 'word', 'lilia', 'death', 'reaches', 'england', 'caroline', 'decides', 'return', 'italy', 'save', 'boy', 'surely', 'difficult', 'life', 'wanting', 'outdone', 'considered', 'less', 'moral', 'less', 'concerned', 'caroline', 'child', 'welfare', 'lilia', 'mother-in-law', 'sends', 'philip', 'priggish', 'spinster', 'sister', 'harriet', 'monteriano', 'obtain', 'custody', 'infant', 'bring', 'back', 'sawston', 'receive', 'perceives', 'proper', 'upbringing', 'education', 'everything', 'journey', 'especially', 'heat', 'uncomfortable', 'accommodations', 'difficulty', 'communicating', 'locals', 'distresses', 'repressed', 'xenophobic', 'harriet', 'philip', 'caroline', 'begin', 'find', 'attracted', 'everything', 'tuscan', 'appealed', 'lilia', 'philip', 'caroline', 'also', 'begin', 'sympathise', 'gino', 'loving', 'relationship', 'son', 'though', 'philip', 'says', \"'understands\", 'everyone', 'vacilates', 'even', 'broach', 'subject', 'getting', 'custody', 'boy', 'gino', 'philip', \"n't\", 'seem', 'settle', 'right', 'thing', 'caroline', 'reminds', 'harriet', 'left', 'take', 'matters', 'hands', 'makes', 'decision', 'leads', 'tragic', 'consequences', 'contrast', 'novel', 'film', 'adds', 'positive', 'ending', 'changes', 'story', 'hinting', 'love', 'caroline', 'philip', 'may', 'possible'], [\"'lisette\", 'linares', 'young', 'mother', 'three', 'children', 'married', 'chino', 'bicycle', 'messenger', 'although', 'always', 'reliable', 'breadwinner', 'family', 'chino', 'affair', 'neighborhood', 'tramp', 'magdalena', 'one', 'summer', 'evening', 'blackout', 'sweeps', 'neighborhood', 'chino', 'finds', 'jail', 'arrested', 'looting', 'faced', 'reality', 'keeping', 'family', 'together', 'main', 'breadwinner', 'jail', 'lisette', 'encouragement', 'transexual', 'sister', 'alexis', 'decides', 'give', 'dream', 'becoming', 'print', 'model', 'chance', 'happens', 'right', 'place', 'right', 'time', 'lisette', 'lands', 'job', 'personal', 'assistant', 'major', 'record', 'label', 'producer', 'trying', 'sign', 'major', 'latin', 'music', 'group'], ['carola', 'german', 'woman', 'living', 'switzerland', 'holiday', 'boyfriend', 'kenya', 'falls', 'love', 'maasai', 'warrior', 'lemalian', 'visiting', 'dressed', 'clothing', 'area', 'airport', 'way', 'home', 'decides', 'stay', 'turns', 'lemalian', 'gone', 'home', 'village', 'samburu', 'district', 'carola', 'travels', 'area', 'stays', 'house', 'another', 'european', 'woman', 'lemalian', 'hears', 'stay', 'comes', 'meet', 'eventually', 'start', 'living', 'together', 'travels', 'switzerland', 'sell', 'shop', 'promising', 'lemalian', 'come', 'back', 'marry', 'daughter', 'carola', 'buys', 'car', 'starts', 'shop', 'lose', 'money', 'shop', 'lemalian', 'gives', 'much', 'credit', 'friends', 'neighbors', 'pay', 'bribes', 'mini-chief', 'lemalian', 'argues', 'problem', 'money', 'switzerland', 'mini-chief', 'demands', 'carola', 'hires', 'teenage', 'nephew', 'shop', 'assistant', 'accept', 'although', 'need', 'work', 'hard', 'time', 'drinking', 'beer', 'working', 'fires', 'later', 'returns', 'attacks', 'local', 'judge', 'rules', 'pay', 'two', 'goats', 'firing', 'boy', 'family', 'pay', 'five', 'goats', 'compensate', 'attack', 'carola', 'frustrated', 'female', 'circumcision', 'practised', 'village', 'wants', 'stop', 'long', 'tradition', 'easily', 'changed', 'carola', 'helps', 'sick', 'woman', 'lemalian', 'refuses', 'assist', 'woman', 'supposedly', 'bewitched', 'lemalian', 'want', 'carola', 'friendly', 'men', 'even', 'serves', 'customer', 'friendly', 'way', 'jealous', 'suspicious', 'carola', 'boyfriend', 'even', 'wants', 'kill', 'man', 'suspects', 'carola', 'wants', 'return', 'switzerland', 'taking', 'daughter', 'hesitation', 'lemalian', 'signs', 'form', 'giving', 'carola', 'consent', 'take', 'girl', 'kenya', 'although', 'suspects', 'return', 'kenya'], [\"'dorm\", 'daze', 'unfolds', 'semester-at-sea-type', 'cruise', 'caribbean', 'class', 'billingsly', 'university', 'trying', 'put', 'play', 'win', 'contest', 'sexy', 'scheming', 'gerri', 'stoner', 'pete', 'competing', 'scholarship', 'newmar', 'trying', 'sex', 'christian', 'girlfriend', 'rusty', 'trying', 'sex', 'anything', 'creepy', 'dante', 'runs', 'around', 'planning', 'sorts', 'nefarious', 'schemes', 'meanwhile', 'priceless', 'stolen', 'jewel', 'loose', 'boat', 'everyone'], [\"'jan\", 'boy', 'growing', '1930s', 'siam', 'wealthy', 'dysfunctional', 'family', 'sex', 'huge', 'impact', 'everyone\\\\', 'lives', 'jan', 'dara', 'viewed', 'father', 'khun', 'luang', 'cursed', 'since', 'mother', 'died', 'giving', 'birth', 'abusive', 'luang', 'womanizer', 'sex', 'many', 'women', 'front', 'portrait', 'late', 'wife', 'younger', 'sister', 'jan\\\\', 'mother', 'aunt', 'waad', 'brought', 'care', 'jan.', 'luang', 'sexual', 'relations', 'causes', 'young', 'jan', 'jealous', 'since', 'developed', 'feelings', 'waad', 'waad', 'luang', 'daughter', 'kaew', 'apple', 'luang\\\\', 'eye', 'beginning', 'teaches', 'hate', 'bastard', 'jan', 'waad', 'return', 'treats', 'jan', 'like', 'son', 'despises', 'kaew', 'later', 'another', 'khun', 'luang\\\\', 'women', 'sophisticated', 'nymphomaniac', 'boonlueang', 'moves', 'guesthouse', 'estate', 'teaches', 'jan', 'first', 'lessons', 'ways', 'love', 'jan', 'framed', 'rape', 'kaew', 'relations', 'son', 'one', 'family\\\\', 'maids', 'jan', 'ends', 'punished', 'kaew\\\\', 'transgressions', 'later', 'emerges', 'kaew', 'pregnant', 'seed', 'father', 'smooth', 'damage', 'family\\\\', 'reputation', 'jan', 'asked', 'return', 'family', 'estate', 'forced', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'half-sister', 'kaew', 'long', 'promised', 'deed', 'estate', 'views', 'form', 'vindication', 'father', 'abuse', 'endured', 'childhood', 'kaew', 'gives', 'birth', 'luang\\\\', 'child', 'curses', 'emerged', 'womb', 'child', 'displays', 'classic', 'dysmorphic', 'features', 'found', 'genetic', 'mutations', 'trisomy', 'commonly', 'known', 'down\\\\', 'syndrome', 'kaew', 'meanwhile', 'enters', 'lesbian', 'relationship', 'boonlueang', 'jan', 'discovers', 'demands', 'kaew', 'give', 'child', 'forces', 'upon', 'repeatedly', 'kaew', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'jan\\\\', 'child', 'refuses', 'baby', 'carrying', 'boonlueang\\\\', 'assistance', 'performs', 'bloody', 'self-administered', 'abortion', 'jan', 'subsequently', 'finds', 'repeating', 'libidinous', 'patterns', 'father', 'going', 'far', 'sex', 'maid', 'father\\\\', 'sitting', 'room', 'front', 'portrait', 'mother', 'jan', 'wonders', \"can\\\\'t\", 'escape', 'cycle', 'sexual', 'abuse', 'started', 'father', 'revealed', 'jan', 'product', 'gang', 'rape', 'mother'], [\"'jennie\", 'jones', 'hails', 'countryside', 'decides', 'travel', 'big', 'city', 'continually', 'befriended', 'wrong', 'crowd', 'finds', 'luck', 'ultimately', 'contemplating', 'demise'], [\"'in\", 'prague', 'pivonka', 'unmarried', 'man', 'buys', 'pornography', 'local', 'newsagent', 'kula', 'returns', 'home', 'postwoman', 'mrs', 'malkov찼', 'gives', 'letter', 'reads', 'sunday', 'cut-out', 'letters', 'secret', 'rolls', 'pieces', 'bread', 'little', 'balls', 'carries', 'satchel', 'pivonka', 'asks', 'neighbour', 'mrs', 'loubalov찼', 'slaughter', 'chicken', 'using', 'leftover', 'feathers', 'papier-m창ch챕', 'made', 'pornography', 'constructs', 'chicken', 'head', 'fabricates', 'wings', 'made', 'umbrellas', 'meanwhile', 'police', 'captain', 'beltinsky', 'buys', 'rolling', 'pins', 'pan', 'lids', 'shop', 'sells', 'pivonka\\\\', 'umbrellas', 'using', 'items', 'plus', 'stolen', 'pieces', 'fur', 'sharp', 'things', 'beltinsky', 'constructs', 'unusual', 'objects', 'workshop', 'wife', 'newsreader', 'named', 'beltinska', 'feels', 'neglected', 'buys', 'live', 'carp', 'unaware', 'kula', 'love', 'image', 'constructed', 'machine', 'rigged', 'stroke', 'masturbate', 'television', 'pivonka', 'loubalov찼', 'construct', 'life-size', 'effigies', 'sunday', 'pivonka', 'drives', 'country', 'effigy', 'loubalov찼', 'takes', 'effigy', 'abandoned', 'crypt', 'containing', 'closet', 'chair', 'candles', 'basin', 'water', 'loubalov찼', 'emerges', 'closet', 'whips', 'straw', 'effigy', 'animated', 'reacts', 'pivonka', 'dresses', 'chicken', 'outfit', 'struts', 'around', 'similarly', 'animated', 'effigy', 'eventually', 'crushing', 'boulder', 'loubalov찼', 'drowns', 'basin', 'home', 'malkov찼', 'shoves', 'unfeasible', 'number', 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'chinese-american', 'immigrants', 'allowed', 'bring', 'wives', 'families', 'united', 'states', 'due', 'chinese', 'exclusion', 'act', 'decades', 'immigrant', 'men', 'seen', 'families', 'left', 'back', 'china', 'ben', 'son', 'one', 'immigrants', 'finished', 'serving', 'u.s.', 'army', 'world', 'war', 'due', 'g.i', 'bill', 'citation', 'needed', 'allowed', 'bring', 'bride', 'back', 'china', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'mei', 'bride', 'besides', 'attracted', 'ben', 'also', 'wants', 'see', 'father', 'u.s.', 'emigrated', 'states', 'born', 'one', 'first', 'couples', 'child-bearing', 'age', 'within', 'chinatown', 'ben', 'mei', 'deal', 'expectations', 'entire', 'chinatown', 'community', 'well', 'father', 'pressures', 'ben', 'render', 'impotent', 'confusion', 'seeming', 'lack', 'interest', 'mei', 'succumbs', 'attentions', 'song', 'affair', 'creates', 'complications', 'marriage', 'reputations', 'fathers', 'close-knit', 'bachelor', 'society', 'new', 'york\\\\', 'chinatown'], ['damnation', 'tells', 'story', 'karrer', 'depressed', 'man', 'love', 'married', 'torch', 'singer', 'local', 'bar', 'titanik', 'singer', 'broke', 'affair', 'dreams', 'becoming', 'famous', 'karrer', 'offered', 'smuggling', 'work', 'willarsky', 'bartender', 'titanik', 'karrer', 'offers', 'job', 'singer', 'husband', 'sebastyen', 'gets', 'way', 'things', \"n't\", 'karrer', 'plans', 'betrayals', 'follow', 'karrer', 'despairs'], [\"'this\", 'folktale', 'story', 'set', 'village', 'roopa', 'lives', 'father', 'village', 'priest', 'young', 'child', 'roopa\\\\', 'right', 'cheek', 'burned', 'pot', 'oil', 'leaving', 'part', 'face', 'disfigured', 'henceforth', 'roopa', 'keeps', 'right', 'cheek', 'hidden', 'cover', 'sari', 'despite', 'terrible', 'accident', 'roopa', 'remains', 'religious', 'goes', 'village', 'hindu', 'temple', 'daily', 'singing', 'hymns', 'devotional', 'songs', 'protagonist', 'rajeev', 'dashing', 'engineer', 'arrives', 'village', 'oversee', 'construction', 'major', 'dam', 'suffers', 'fear', 'ugliness', 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'times', 'square', 'manhattan', 'attempts', 'kill', 'jumping', 'window', \"can\\\\'t\", 'get', 'window', 'open', 'ends', 'pulling', 'muscle', 'back', 'limping', 'back', 'street', 'tries', 'get', 'drunk', 'dance', 'bar', 'ends', 'hurting', 'neck', 'throws', 'shot', 'finally', 'stands', 'bridge', 'contemplating', 'jumping', 'river', 'meanwhile', 'pig-sty', 'upper', 'west', 'side', 'apartment', 'divorced', 'sportswriter', 'oscar', 'madison', 'hot', 'sticky', 'evening', 'oscar', 'buddies', 'speed', 'roy', 'vinnie', 'murray', 'cop', 'playing', 'poker', 'discussing', 'friend', 'felix', 'ungar', 'unusually', 'late', 'game', 'murray\\\\', 'wife', 'calls', 'tells', 'felix', 'missing', 'oscar', 'calls', 'felix\\\\', 'wife', 'says', 'felix', 'split', 'discussing', 'worried', 'felix', 'might', 'try', 'commit', 'suicide', 'felix', 'arrives', 'knowing', 'friends', 'already', 'know', 'wife', 'kicked', 'house', 'felix', 'eventually', 'breaks', 'crying', 'friends', 'try', 'console', 'oscar', 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'oscar', 'convinces', 'felix', 'lighten', 'join', 'double-date', 'two', 'english', 'girls', 'live', 'building', 'ndash', 'pigeon', 'sisters', 'cecily', 'gwendolyn', 'actually', 'coo', 'laugh', 'date', 'commences', 'oscar', 'tries', 'get', 'felix', 'loosen', 'leaving', 'alone', 'living', 'room', 'two', 'attractive', 'somewhat', 'frisky', 'sisters', 'instead', 'winds', 'talking', 'frances', 'breaks', 'weeping', 'oscar', 'returns', 'kitchen', 'pigeon', 'sisters', 'one', 'divorcee', 'widowed', 'sobbing', 'uncontrollably', 'felix', 'oscar', 'cheers', 'invite', 'boys', 'upstairs', 'wild', 'night', 'instead', 'felix', 'realizes', 'still', 'attached', 'wife', 'refuses', 'opting', 'wash', 'hair', 'instead', 'oscar', 'joins', 'sisters', 'apartment', 'winds', 'spending', 'night', 'telling', 'felix', 'furious', 'felix\\\\', 'ruining', 'date', 'oscar', 'resorts', 'giving', 'felix', 'silent', 'treatment', 'torturing', 'messing', 'apartment', 'much', 'possible', 'felix', 'retaliates', 'driving', 'oscar', 'insane', 'endless', 'cleaning', 'neurotic', 'behavior', 'eventually', 'tension', 'explodes', 'argument', 'results', 'oscar', 'demanding', 'felix', 'move', 'felix', 'complies', 'leaves', 'oscar', 'major-league', 'guilt', 'trip', 'abandoned', 'still-in-need', 'friend', 'feeling', 'awful', 'throwing', 'felix', 'knowing', 'gone', 'oscar', 'assembles', 'poker', 'buddies', 'search', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'felix', 'murray\\\\', 'nypd', 'police', 'car', 'he\\\\', 'supposed', 'use', 'searching', 'hours', 'return', 'oscar\\\\', 'apartment', 'find', 'felix', 'moved', 'pigeon', 'sisters', 'oscar', 'felix', 'apologize', 'realize', 'bit', 'rubbed', 'better', 'person', 'oscar', 'tells', 'friends', 'clean', 'mess', 'poker', 'game', 'ending', 'film'], ['art', 'student', 'perry', 'befriends', 'elderly', 'homeless', 'man', 'named', 'bruce', 'nugent', 'roger', 'robinson', 'turns', 'important', 'figure', 'harlem', 'renaissance', 'recalling', 'friendships', 'important', 'harlem', 'renaissance', 'figures', 'langston', 'hughes', 'aaron', 'douglas', 'wallace', 'thurman', 'zora', 'neale', 'hurston', 'bruce', 'chronicles', 'challenges', 'faced', 'young', 'black', 'gay', 'writer', '1920s', 'perry', 'discovers', 'challenges', 'homophobia', 'racism', 'faces', 'early', '21st', 'century', 'closely', 'parallel', 'bruce'], ['paul', 'matt', 'three', 'best', 'friends', 'decide', 'holiday', 'together', 'paul', 'brings', 'lover', 'ben', 'five-year', 'relationship', 'unstable', 'owing', 'paul', 'continued', 'moodiness', 'death', 'brother', 'mark', 'matt', 'brings', 'owen', 'wants', 'lifelong', 'relationship', 'whose', 'boisterous', 'personality', \"n't\", 'suit', 'brings', 'adam', '20-year', 'old', 'one-night', 'stand', 'mark', 'lover', 'also', 'comes', 'along', 'sense', 'closure'], ['eddie', 'crane', 'young', 'composer', 'struggling', 'tune', 'written', 'girlfriend', 'dixie', 'donegan', 'provides', 'words', 'almost', 'accident', 'song', 'published', 'great', 'success', 'years', 'later', 'married', 'successful', 'songwriters', 'hit', 'broadway', 'show', 'behind', 'dixie', 'realises', 'eddie', 'spending', 'time', 'rich', 'new', 'york', 'society', 'composing', 'divorce', 'quickly', 'realise', 'still', 'love', \"n't\", 'without', 'remarry', 'write', 'successful', 'songs', 'eddie', 'goes', 'south', 'america', 'ostensibly', 'get', 'inspiration', 'write', 'symphony', 'dixie', 'seeks', 'divorce', 'canny', 'judge', 'refuses', 'grant', 'eddie', 'returns', 'realise', 'despite', \"'re\", 'still', 'love'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'told', 'native', 'american', 'elderly', 'man', 'native', 'american', 'boy', 'wants', 'give', 'dancing', 'leave', 'reservation', 'bus', 'story', 'tells', 'native', 'american', 'man', 'named', 'charlie', 'silvercloud', 'iii', 'thinks', 'hit', 'milk', 'truck', '25th', 'birthday', 'like', 'father', 'grandfather', 'due', 'curse', 'birthday', 'two', 'weeks', 'away', 'charlie', 'checklist', 'things', 'wants', 'two', 'weeks', 'long', 'live', 'way', 'anything', 'extreme', 'list', 'somewhat', 'practical', 'bucket', 'lists', 'checklist', 'includes', 'canceling', 'cellphone', 'contract', 'watering', 'plants', 'returning', 'library', 'books', 'mother', 'tries', 'prevent', 'curse', 'killing', 'mapping', 'milk', 'truck', 'route', 'trying', 'stop', 'charlie', 'going', 'outside', 'certain', 'times', 'case', 'might', 'killed', 'earlier', 'expected', 'looking', 'casket', 'buy', 'assumed', 'death', 'meets', 'bessie', 'smith', 'looking', 'casket', 'mother', 'bessie', 'owns', 'dog', 'named', 'roadkill', 'able', 'play', 'dead', 'convincingly', 'crowds', 'gather', 'plays', 'dead', 'bessie', 'charlie', 'start', 'seeing', 'charlie', 'decide', 'continue', 'relationship', 'impending', 'death', 'things', 'become', 'complicated', 'charlie', 'finds', 'bessie', 'stalked', 'man', 'drives', 'milk', 'truck', 'local', 'dairy'], ['man', 'named', 'manuel', 'pineda', 'ill', 'six', 'months', 'live', 'one', 'thing', 'left', 'life', 'wants', 'find', 'corazon', 'beloved', 'family', 'problems', 'son', 'rod', 'still', 'mourning', 'wife', 'death', 'rod', 'son', 'kyle', 'recently', 'dumped', 'wife', 'peggy', 'manuel', 'starts', 'search', 'corazon', 'somewhere', 'ilocos', 'rod', 'kyle', 'pick', 'ilocos', 'way', 'home', 'car', 'breaks', 'manuel', 'takes', 'opportunity', 'tell', 'ilocos', 'manuel', 'past', 'revealed', 'extensive', 'flashback', 'youth', 'manuel', 'best', 'friends', 'include', 'fellow', 'teen', 'named', 'domingo', 'two', 'lasses', 'named', 'corazon', 'refer', 'cora', 'azon', 'manuel', 'falls', 'love', 'lively', 'cheery', 'azon', 'knowing', 'cora', 'secret', 'crush', 'unfortunate', 'news', 'arrives', 'azon', 'tells', 'manuel', 'mother', 'wants', 'move', 'far', 'away', 'azon', 'asks', 'manuel', 'come', 'manuel', 'declines', 'spending', 'night', 'together', 'azon', 'gives', 'manuel', 'piece', 'pendant', 'tells', 'pendant', 'returns', 'necklace', 'meant', 'together', 'manuel', 'wakes', 'azon', 'gone', 'long', 'second', 'world', 'war', 'erupts', 'philippines', 'manuel', 'domingo', 'join', 'army', 'azon', 'tries', 'find', 'way', 'say', 'goodbye', 'manuel', 'unable', 'reach', 'however', 'manages', 'meet', 'domingo', 'explains', 'situation', 'azon', 'gives', 'domingo', 'address', 'tells', 'tell', 'manuel', 'find', 'war', 'domingo', 'manuel', 'captured', 'enemy', 'walks', 'death', 'march', 'domingo', 'wounded', 'badly', \"n't\", 'walk', 'domingo', 'gives', 'manuel', 'azon', 'address', 'forces', 'leave', 'manuel', 'reluctantly', 'follows', 'eventually', 'survives', 'war', 'reunited', 'cora', 'hospital', 'nurse', 'waiting', 'recover', 'foot', 'injury', 'manuel', 'sees', 'cora', 'cares', 'deeply', 'ended', 'making', 'love', 'cora', 'soon', 'pregnant', 'marries', 'manuel', 'cora', 'gives', 'birth', 'decides', 'leave', 'manuel', 'seeing', 'still', 'love', 'azon', 'leaves', 'gives', 'half', 'picture', 'saying', 'two', 'halves', 'reunited', 'means', 'meant', 'together', 'much', 'like', 'azon', 'stated', 'pendant', 'present', 'manuel', 'son', 'grandson', 'reluctantly', 'decides', 'help', 'even', 'concluding', 'woman', 'broke', 'family', 'searching', 'revealed', 'along', 'manuel', 'looking', 'cora', 'realized', 'really', 'loved', 'left', 'story', 'ends', 'manuel', 'corazon', 'dance', 'night', 'blue', 'moon', 'wish', 'stated', 'still', 'married', 'manuel', 'passes', 'time', 'later'], ['aman', 'impoverished', 'lame', 'orphan', 'befriended', 'wealthy', 'akash', 'verma', 'childhood', 'akash', 'parents', 'adopt', 'aman', 'give', 'family', 'name', 'akash', 'aman', 'grow', 'brothers', 'akash', 'womaniser', 'aman', 'takes', 'writing', 'poems', 'pen', 'name', 'sagar', 'poems', 'get', 'published', 'aman', 'becomes', 'popular', 'one', 'fans', 'young', 'woman', 'name', 'pooja', 'saxena', 'corresponds', 'sagar', 'akash', 'meets', 'pooja', 'falls', 'head', 'heels', 'love', 'aman', 'comes', 'know', 'asks', 'akash', 'pose', 'sagar', 'pooja', 'akash', 'fall', 'love', 'heartbroken', 'aman', 'looks', 'knows', 'although', 'women', 'may', 'like', 'poetry', 'never', 'come', 'openly', 'love', 'see', 'handicap', 'akash', 'discovers', 'aman', 'loves', 'pooja', 'actually', 'sagar', 'string', 'events', 'triggered', 'pankaj', 'udhas', 'show', 'akash', 'confronts', 'aman', 'aman', 'submits', 'loves', 'pooja', 'pooja', 'witnesses', 'encounter', 'becomes', 'upset', 'akash', 'aman', 'akash', 'convinces', 'pooja', 'eventually', 'ends', 'accepting', 'aman'], ['story', 'woven', 'around', 'aimless', 'youth', 'ankush', 'ramdev', 'scrapes', 'living', 'acting', 'witness', 'delhi', 'marriage', 'registrar', 'bureau', 'girl', 'megha', 'run', 'away', 'home', 'nainital', 'get', 'married', 'love', 'raj', 'fate', 'intervenes', 'raj', 'show', 'marriage', 'registrar', 'office', 'dejected', 'megha', 'forced', 'rely', 'ankush', 'generosity', 'ankush', 'helps', 'megha', 'getting', 'job', 'local', 'old', 'age', 'home', 'security', 'roof', 'head', 'time', 'passes', 'megha', 'begins', 'realize', 'potential', 'educated', 'girl', 'earlier', 'dedicated', 'life', 'boyfriend', 'relationship', 'thinking', 'nothing', 'realizes', 'wrong', 'finally', 'comes', 'tells', 'ankush', 'glad', 'raj', 'stood', 'marriage', 'bureau', 'else', 'would', 'never', 'known', 'really', 'time', 'ankush', 'realizes', 'meagre', 'amount', 'earns', 'day', 'enough', 'still', 'repay', 'loan', 'taken', 'meghas', 'sake', 'starts', 'working', 'bank', 'representative', 'opens', 'bank', 'accounts', 'commission', 'slowly', 'starts', 'increasing', 'number', 'hours', 'working', 'new', 'job', 'reduces', 'spent', 'marriage', 'registrar', 'office', 'day', 'comes', 'able', 'repay', 'loan', 'taken', 'megha', 'learning', 'megha', 'reprimands', 'much', 'girl', 'stranger', 'ankush', 'earning', 'times', 'much', 'respectable', 'job', 'future', 'ankush', 'believes', 'changed', 'megha', 'faith', 'life', 'progresses', 'well', 'ankush', 'soon', 'gets', 'offer', 'join', 'bank', 'area', 'supervisor', 'fantastic', 'salary', 'ankush', 'hesitates', 'fluent', 'english', 'pre-requisite', 'megha', 'inspires', 'ankush', 'giving', 'confidence', 'realize', 'needed', 'opportunity', 'life', 'succeed', 'relationship', 'develops', 'megha', 'ankush', 'megha', 'decides', 'leave', 'past', 'raj', 'behind', 'embrace', 'future', 'ankush', 'side', 'everything', 'seems', 'falling', 'place', 'ankush', 'raj', 'returns', 'persistent', 'search', 'megha', 'ankush', 'new', 'found', 'happiness', 'crumbles', 'ankush', 'tries', 'force', 'raj', 'return', 'nainital', 'tries', 'wits', 'energy', 'succeed', 'even', 'shows', 'raj', 'death', 'certificate', 'megha', 'return', 'raj', 'complete', 'faith', 'love', 'megha', 'one', 'day', 'ankush', 'friend', 'shows', 'raj', 'whereabouts', 'megha', 'day', 'megha', 'ankush', 'planned', 'get', 'married', 'seeing', 'raj', 'mirror', 'gets', 'angry', 'asks', 'leave', 'raj', 'agrees', 'also', 'insists', 'listen', 'happened', 'coming', 'delhi', 'nainital', 'preyed', 'plot', 'rdx', 'train', 'somehow', 'escapes', 'plot', 'megha', 'realizes', 'raj', 'intentional', 'situation', 'raj', 'trapped', 'megha', 'talks', 'ankush', 'tells', 'live', 'without', 'raj', 'finally', 'ankush', 'realizes', 'friend', 'end', 'ankush', 'becomes', 'witness', 'wedding', 'raj', 'megha', 'asks', 'regular', 'fees', 'severing', 'connection', 'megha', 'raj', 'love', 'story'], [\"'adopting\", 'serio-comic', 'visual', 'associations', 'celebrated', 'gombrowicz\\\\', 'novel', 'film', 'unfolds', 'largely', 'athens', 'expatriate', 'american', 'businessman', 'struggles', 'find', 'coherence', 'radical', 'pursuit', 'happiness', 'alec', 'fenton', 'happily', 'married', 'man', 'two', 'children', 'nonetheless', 'maintaining', 'torrid', 'affair', 'colleague', 'katherine', 'start', 'film', 'impelled', 'signs', 'clearly', 'decipherable', 'abruptly', 'ends', 'liaison', 'voluntarily', 'confessing', 'existence', 'wife', 'marjorie', 'accidentally', 'runs', 'katherine', 'six', 'months', 'later', 'family', 'skiing', 'vacation', 'abroad', 'decides', 'leave', 'wife', 'children', 'return', 'america', 'fated', 'lover', 'learning', 'katherine', 'meeting', 'accident', 'product', 'design', 'abandons', 'second', 'time', 'rushes', 'back', 'athens', 'try', 'salvage', 'family', 'relations', 'return', 'however', 'discovers', 'marjorie', 'works', 'embassy', 'taken', 'greek', 'political', 'activist', 'andreas', 'survivor', 'sponsored', 'years', 'greek', 'military', 'dictatorship', 'urban', 'chaos', 'athens', 'becomes', 'catalyst', 'struggles', 'american', 'expatriates', 'greek', 'hosts', 'strange', 'meeting', 'psychological', 'thriller', 'comic', 'fable', 'without', 'moral'], [\"'zerophilia\", 'fictional', 'condition', 'affects', 'unknown', 'number', 'people', 'extra', 'chromosome', 'following', 'first', 'full', 'sexual', 'experience', 'zerophiliacs', 'begin', 'change', 'gender', 'experiencing', 'orgasm', 'luke', 'young', 'man', 'somewhat', 'insecure', 'masculinity', 'begins', 'exhibit', 'zerophilia', 'following', 'encounter', 'woman', 'meets', 'michelle', 'experiences', 'partial', 'transformations', 'together', 'confides', 'best', 'friend', 'keenan', 'partial', 'transformations', 'turn', 'contacts', 'dr.', 'sydney', 'catchadourian', 'dr.', 'catchadourian', 'persuades', 'luke', 'full', 'transformation', 'luke', 'masturbating', 'becoming', 'female', 'subsequently', 'calling', 'luca', 'luca', 'difficulty', 'achieving', 'orgasm', 'change', 'back', 'even', 'coaching', 'keenan\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'janine', 'however', 'visit', 'michelle\\\\', 'attractive', 'brother', 'max', 'flirts', 'luke\\\\', 'cousin', 'enables', 'get', 'sufficiently', 'aroused', 'complete', 'transformation', 'back', 'luke', 'luke', 'threatened', 'gender', 'transformation', 'arousal', 'attractive', 'male', 'questions', 'sexual', 'identity', 'raises', 'seeks', 'help', 'sydney', 'tells', 'zerophiliac', 'become', 'a-morphic', 'stop', 'changing', 'gender', 'sex', 'another', 'zerophiliac', '...', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'discovers', 'afterward', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'telling', 'full', 'truth', 'a-morphic', 'zerophiliac', 'still', 'change', 'sex', 'another', 'zerophiliac', 'dr.', 'catchadourian', 'using', 'luke', 'change', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'leaving', 'luca', 'woman', 'process', 'comic', 'tensions', 'arise', 'luke\\\\', 'efforts', 'keep', 'michelle', 'distance', 'max\\\\', 'defensiveness', 'sister', 'luca\\\\', 'half-hearted', 'resistance', 'max\\\\', 'affections', 'luke\\\\', 'confused', 'aggression', 'toward', 'max', 'michelle', 'discovers', 'luke', 'sex', 'dr.', 'catchadourian', 'feels', 'betrayed', 'hoping', 'find', 'michelle', 'luca', 'seeks', 'max', 'profess', 'deep', 'affection', 'michelle', 'remorse', 'betraying', 'max', 'touched', 'apology', 'reveals', 'actually', 'michelle', 'also', 'zerophiliac', 'make', 'love', 'repeatedly', 'changing', 'gender', 'time', 'destined', 'live', 'happily', 'alternately', 'luca', 'max', 'luke', 'michelle'], [\"'various\", 'events', 'involve', 'dating', 'agency', 'run', 'sid', 'bliss', 'longtime', 'girlfriend', 'sophie', 'plummett', 'wedded', 'bliss', 'agency', 'purports', 'bring', 'together', 'lonely', 'hearts', 'using', 'computer-matching', 'technology', 'couples', 'actually', 'paired', 'random', 'sophie', 'bliss', 'consistently', 'avoids', 'marrying', 'sophie', 'enthusiastically', 'pursuing', 'esme', 'crowfoot', 'seamstress', 'client', 'consistently', 'rejects', 'advances', 'percival', 'snooper', 'becomes', 'client', 'find', 'wife', 'business', 'reasons', 'confirmed', 'bachelor', 'he\\\\', 'inept', 'job', 'marriage', 'counselor', 'due', 'lack', 'personal', 'experience', 'james', 'bedsop', 'charles', 'hawtrey', 'private', 'detective', 'sophie', 'hires', 'spy', 'sid\\\\', 'after-hours', 'activities', 'supposedly', 'vets', 'female', 'clients', 'including', 'esme', 'timid', 'bertrum', 'muffet', 'winds', 'model', 'sally', 'martin', 'agency', 'muddles', 'directions', 'blind', 'date', 'client', 'terry', 'philpotts', 'suffers', 'several', 'failures', 'dealings', 'agency', 'including', 'disastrous', 'meeting', 'prim', 'sheltered', 'jenny', 'grubb', 'jenny', 'moves', 'sally', 'undergoes', 'makeover', 'becomes', 'model', 'terry', 'later', 'finds', 'romance', 'new', 'jenny', 'percival\\\\', 'association', 'sophie', 'provokes', 'jealous', 'housekeeper', 'dowdy', 'miss', 'dempsey', 'reveal', 'seductive', 'side', 'esme\\\\', 'estranged', 'lover', 'volatile', 'wrestler', 'gripper', 'burke', 'returns', 'cause', 'havoc', 'mistaken-identity', 'case', 'peter', 'butterworth', 'appears', '1-minute', 'cameo', 'bluebeard-esque', 'character', 'jokingly', 'referred', 'dr.', 'crippen', 'approaches', 'sid', 'bliss', 'order', 'find', 'third', 'wife', 'first', 'wife', 'died', 'eating', 'poisoned', 'mushrooms', 'second', 'suffered', 'fractured', 'skull', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'eat', 'mushrooms'], ['hester', 'street', 'tells', 'story', 'jewish', 'immigrants', 'come', 'lower', 'east', 'side', 'new', 'york', 'city', '1896', 'europe', 'live', 'hester', 'street', 'manhattan', 'yankl', 'first', 'comes', 'u.s.', 'quickly', 'assimilates', 'american', 'culture', 'becomes', 'jake', 'also', 'begins', 'affair', 'mamie', 'dancer', 'wife', 'gitl', 'arrives', 'later', 'son', 'yossele', 'difficulty', 'assimilating', 'tension', 'arises', 'marriage', 'jake', 'continually', 'upbraids', 'abuses', 'gitl', 'despite', 'efforts', 'assimilate', 'additionally', 'jake', 'continues', 'see', 'mamie', 'gitl', 'later', 'discovers', 'mrs.', 'kavarksy', 'neighbor', 'eventually', 'jake', 'gitl', 'divorce', 'however', 'turn', 'gitl', 'takes', 'mamie', 'money', 'marries', 'bernstein', 'faithful', 'traditionalist', 'end', 'film', 'sartorially', 'lingually', 'assimilated-walking', 'street', 'bernstein', 'yossele', 'speaking', 'english', 'showing', 'hair', 'liberated', 'jake', 'turn', 'married', 'mamie', 'film', 'noteworthy', 'detailed', 'reconstruction', 'jewish', 'immigrant', 'life', 'new', 'york', 'turn', 'century', '봫uch', 'dialogue', 'delivered', 'yiddish', 'english', 'subtitles', '봞nd', 'part', 'wave', 'films', 'released', 'late', '1960s', '1970s', 'began', 'explicitly', 'deal', 'complexities', 'american', 'jewish', 'identity', 'addition', 'carol', 'kane', 'lead', 'character', 'posed', 'still-provocative', 'synthesis', 'discovers', 'self-assertion', 'behalf', 'right', 'maintain', 'traditional', 'identity', 'aggressively', 'modern', 'setting'], ['movie', 'starts', 'college', 'boy', 'ganesh', 'pawan', 'kalyan', 'following', 'girl', 'sandhya', 'past', 'four', 'years', 'trying', 'express', 'love', 'many', 'times', 'sandhya', 'warned', 'ganesh', 'follow', 'often', 'ganesh', 'also', 'tried', 'take', 'help', 'sandhya', 'friend', 'fails', 'one', 'day', 'ganesh', 'birthday', 'tried', 'express', 'love', 'sandhya', 'caught', 'father', 'police', 'officer', 'put', 'station', 'later', 'ganesh', 'father', 'take', 'bail', 'ganesh', 'father', 'sandhya', 'father', 'ask', 'accept', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'sandhya', 'father', 'rejects', 'try', 'take', 'daughter', 'vishakapatnam', 'sister', 'house', 'later', 'changed', 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'oblivious', 'marc', 'falls', 'relationship', 'david', 'aspiring', 'musician', 'lives', 'boyfriend', 'across', 'alley', 'marc\\\\', 'apartment', 'david\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'throws', 'david', 'moves', 'marc', 'robert', 'trying', 'get', 'marc', 'becomes', 'interested', 'man', 'works', 'local', 'card', 'gift', 'shop', 'taking', 'marc\\\\', 'advice', 'make', 'grand', 'gesture', 'sends', 'cynthia', 'gift', 'secret', 'admirer', 'zola', 'turns', 'gesture', 'marc', 'humiliated', 'marc', 'robert', 'discover', 'david', 'supports', 'hustler', 'marc', 'breaks', 'throws', 'robert', 'makes', 'grand', 'gesture', 'marc', 'singing', 'song', 'he\\\\', 'written', 'marc', 'respond', 'cynthia', 'whose', 'attempts', 'get', 'tina', 'brown', 'become', 'increasingly', 'bizarre', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'returns', 'parents\\\\', 'home', 'long', 'island', 'end', 'marc', 'robert', 'visit', 'cynthia', 'long', 'island', 'free', 'drama', 'relationship', 'david', 'marc', 'realizes', 'feelings', 'robert', 'cynthia', 'gets', 'call', 'tina', 'brown\\\\', 'assistant', 'setting', 'meeting', 'following', 'day'], ['yadagiri', 'handicapped', 'mafia', 'leader', 'hyderabad', 'rich', 'business', 'man', 'bhagyamati', 'daughter', 'yadagiri', 'bobby', 'son', 'story', 'film', 'deals', 'happens', 'two', 'kids', 'fall', 'love', 'bobby', 'meets', 'bhagyamati', 'club', 'falls', 'love', 'later', 'find', 'put', 'fathers', 'arch', 'rivals', 'bhagyamati', 'mother', 'killed', 'accident', 'involving', 'fathers', 'knowing', 'bobby', 'bhagyamati', 'elope', 'due', 'unavoidable', 'circumstances', 'come', 'back', 'injured', 'bomb', 'blast', 'fathers', 'apologize', 'make', 'end', 'bobby', 'bhagyamati', 'married'], ['plot', 'carrie', 'meeber', 'jennifer', 'jones', 'leaves', 'family', 'small', 'rural', 'town', 'heads', 'chicago', 'train', 'chicago', 'charles', 'drouet', 'approaches', 'although', 'carrie', 'reluctant', 'speak', 'salesman', 'persists', 'two', 'chat', 'reach', 'chicago', 'carrie', 'gets', 'south', 'chicago', 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'friendly', 'first', 'meeting', 'david', 'soon', 'discovers', 'mild-mannered', 'shop', 'teacher', 'old', 'enemy', 'fang', 'following', 'fire', 'drill', 'david', 'meets', 'old', 'friend', 'ulf', 'firefighter', 'meeting', 'ulf', 'alan', 'gerry', 'bar', 'david', 'learns', 'ross', 'got', 'juvenile', 'hall', 'ross\\\\', 'parent\\\\', 'skipped', 'town', 'eventually', 'led', 'growing', 'orphanage', 'ross', 'learns', 'david', 'reembarks', 'old', 'routine', 'revenge', 'putting', 'juvenile', 'hall', 'ross', 'drops', 'mild-mannered', 'attitude', 'begins', 'taking', 'charge', 'classroom', 'home', 'twist', 'irony', 'david\\\\', 'son', 'begins', 'bullying', 'old', 'bully\\\\', 'son', 'although', 'discussion', 'ben', 'become', 'fast', 'friends', 'ross', 'begins', 'intimidate', 'david', 'becomes', 'paranoid', 'begins', 'freaking', 'another', 'teacher', 'named', 'clark', 'thinks', 'crack', 'david', 'gets', 'last', 'straw', 'ross', 'humiliates', 'front', 'victoria', 'prom', 'david', 'brings', 'ross\\\\', 'actions', 'principal', 'kokelar', 'recent', 'pranking', 'david', 'told', 'principal', 'kokelar', 'ross', 'teacher', 'longer', 'david', 'even', 'states', 'gotten', 'complaints', 'clark', 'david', 'david', \"can\\\\'t\", 'straighten', 'act', 'get', 'another', 'teacher', 'cover', 'remainder', 'school', 'semester', 'comment', 'david', 'could', 'make', 'town', 'hero', 'later', 'night', 'david', 'decides', 'end', 'game', 'cat-and-mouse', 'school', 'hours', 'david', 'flees', 'hiding', 'place', 'used', 'child', 'cave', 'ross', 'chases', 'onto', 'waterfall', 'tells', 'david', 'always', 'thought', 'friend', 'enraged', 'ross', 'attacks', 'david', 'hits', 'piece', 'driftwood', 'causing', 'ross', 'fall', 'river', 'fearing', 'killed', 'enemy', 'david', 'tries', 'turn', 'police', 'find', 'cops', 'ulf', 'drives', 'david', 'home', 'tries', 'find', 'ross\\\\', 'body', 'talk', 'art', 'david', 'attempts', 'sleep', 'discover', 'ross', 'alive', 'well', 'two', 'men', 'fight', 'kirby', 'ben', 'come', 'reveal', 'they\\\\', \"'ve\", 'made', 'encourage', 'fathers', 'ross', 'reveals', 'stole', 'moon', 'rock', 'wanted', 'astronaut', 'also', 'shown', 'recent', 'fight', 'ross\\\\', 'fang', 'chipped', 'nothing', 'left', 'hastings', 'david', 'begins', 'pack', 'move', 'new', 'york', 'victoria', 'return', 'green', 'eggs', 'ham', 'school', 'library', 'ross', 'arrives', 'goodbye', 'present', 'david', 'ross', 'gives', 'evel', 'knievel', 'action', 'figure', 'identical', 'one', 'david', 'child', 'ross', 'threw', 'river', 'david', 'tells', 'visit', 'whenever', 'changed', 'family', 'leaves', 'ross', 'hooks', 'mobile', 'home', 'truck', 'follows', 'david', 'telling', 'family', 'invited', 'come', 'new', 'york'], ['mccord', 'hanging', 'favourite', 'restaurant', 'meets', 'attractive', 'young', 'woman', 'ellie', 'looking', 'ride', 'city', 'mojave', 'desert', 'mother', 'julie', 'lives', 'discovers', 'romance', 'free-spirited', 'julie', 'despite', 'nearby', 'presence', 'boyfriend', 'boyd', 'seems', 'likely', 'berserk', 'moment', 'strange', 'events', 'follow', 'find', 'explanation', 'desert', 'car', 'develops', 'flat', 'tire', 'opens', 'trunk', 'discovers', 'apparent', 'dead', 'body', 'heads', 'gas', 'station', 'repairs', 'following', 'near', 'run-in', 'highway', 'patrolman', 'interrupted', 'attempted', 'robbery', 'confusion', 'created', 'gun-happy', 'gas', 'station', 'worker', 'allows', 'escape', 'unhurt', 'back', 'home', 'visited', 'ellie', 'followed', 'julie', 'unknown', 'point', 'car', 'stolen', 'outside', 'notice', 'boyd', 'flee', 'nearby', 'motel', 'leaves', 'search', 'car', 'boyd', 'arrives', 'motel', 'taking', 'women', 'back', 'mojave', 'locking', 'shed', 'actor', 'buddy', 'sal', 'mount', 'rescue', 'mission', 'knocked', 'boyd', 'kaiser', 'still', 'alive', 'arrives', 'back', 'mojave', 'unseen', 'boyd', 'drives', 'sal', 'julie', 'ellie', 'car', 'atop', 'truck', 'intending', 'tipping', 'car', 'passengers', 'edge', 'quarry', 'eventually', 'escape', 'uninjured', 'boyd', 'plummets', 'doom', 'signaled', 'ostentatious', 'explosion', 'ellie', 'returns', 'los', 'angeles', 'sal', 'remains', 'night', 'least', 'julie'], [\"'will\", 'keane', 'successful', 'forty-eight', 'year', 'old', 'restauranteur', 'womanizer', 'subject', 'recent', 'new', 'york', 'magazine', 'cover', 'story', 'charlotte', 'fielding', 'free-spirited', 'twenty-two', 'year', 'old', 'woman', 'brought', 'will\\\\', 'upscale', 'restaurant', 'grandmother', 'friends', 'celebrate', 'birthday', 'notices', 'immediately', 'grandmother', 'old', 'friend', 'introduces', 'admires', 'hats', 'made', 'occasion', 'surprised', 'learn', 'charlotte', 'daughter', 'one', 'old', 'girlfriends', 'next', 'day', 'calls', 'asks', 'charlotte', 'make', 'hat', 'date', 'upcoming', 'benefit', 'dinner', 'days', 'later', 'delivers', 'hat', 'apartment', 'stood', 'date', 'invites', 'accompany', 'formal', 'benefit', 'dance', 'get', 'know', 'later', 'end', 'back', 'apartment', 'make', 'love', 'next', 'morning', 'breakfast', 'terrace', 'explains', 'relationship', 'future', 'acknowledges', 'revealing', 'dying', 'heart', 'condition', 'later', 'tells', 'friend', 'john', 'volpe', 'interest', 'charlotte', 'next', 'day', 'calls', 'charlotte', 'together', 'talk', 'age', 'difference', 'illness', 'walk', 'beautiful', 'fall', 'foliage', 'central', 'park', 'charlotte', 'recites', 'lines', 'poem', 'world', 'hold', 'thee', 'close', 'enough', 'thy', 'winds', 'thy', 'wide', 'grey', 'skies', 'thy', 'mists', 'roll', 'rise', 'god\\\\', 'world', 'edna', 'st.', 'vincent', 'millay', 'meanwhile', 'another', 'room', 'meets', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'two', 'end', 'roof', 'sex', 'later', 'charlotte', 'suspects', 'unfaithful', 'denying', 'acknowledges', 'actions', 'charlotte', 'breaks', 'relationship', 'deeply', 'affected', 'breakup', 'meanwhile', 'receives', 'letter', 'lisa', 'tyler', 'illegitimate', 'daughter', 'he\\\\', 'never', 'met', 'goes', 'museum', 'works', 'recognizes', 'old', 'photo', 'unable', 'approach', 'nights', 'later', 'arrives', 'home', 'lisa', 'waiting', 'lobby', 'talk', 'first', 'time', 'pregnant', 'become', 'sentimental', 'parenthood', 'wanting', 'meet', 'father', 'tells', 'dream', 'she\\\\', 'he\\\\', 'trying', 'find', 'years', 'order', 'say', 'sorry', 'abandoning', 'says', 'quietly', 'yes', 'next', 'day', 'walking', 'central', 'park', 'steps', 'fence', 'onto', 'path', 'leaving', 'behind', 'children', 'playing', 'beneath', 'tree', 'night', 'charlotte', 'returns', 'apartment', 'finds', 'asleep', 'chair', 'angry', 'first', 'tells', 'leave', 'apologizes', 'pleads', 'given', 'another', 'chance', 'let', 'love', 'cries', 'holds', 'arms', 'later', 'night', 'make', 'love', 'morning', 'charlotte', 'recites', 'lines', 'poem', 'stars', 'soft', 'flowers', 'near', 'hills', 'webs', 'shadow', 'slowly', 'spun', 'separate', 'leaf', 'single', 'blade', '봞ll', 'blend', 'one', 'midnight', 'dorothy', 'parker', 'hands', 'separate', 'charlotte', 'taken', 'operating', 'room', 'friends', 'lisa', 'charlotte\\\\', 'grandmother', 'wait', 'long', 'hours', 'surgery', 'outside', 'hospital', 'seagulls', 'fly', 'snowy', 'skies', 'city', 'finally', 'specialist', 'emerges', 'surgery', 'approaches', 'clear', 'expression', 'could', 'save', 'back', 'apartment', 'finds', 'charlotte\\\\', 'christmas', 'gift', 'lying', 'floor', 'small', 'box', 'hat', 'stem', 'designed', 'opening', 'box', 'finds', 'watch', 'took', 'first', 'date', 'stands', 'window', 'weeping', 'holding', 'box', 'closely', 'breast', 'following', 'summer', 'small', 'boat', 'central', 'park', 'lake', 'holding', 'newborn', 'grandson', 'arms', 'daughter', 'lisa', 'looks', 'loving', 'smile', 'notices', 'swan', 'reflection', 'water', 'young', 'woman', 'walking', 'bow', 'bridge', 'father', 'daughter', 'grandson', 'drift', 'peacefully', 'lake'], [\"'narrated\", 'friend', 'david', 'world', 'time', 'enough', 'story', 'mark', 'joey', 'mark', 'hiv-positive', 'art', 'student', 'creates', 'temporary', 'sculptures', 'topics', 'including', 'aids', 'abortion', 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'model', 'however', 'mark', 'begins', 'work', 'full-size', 'cathedral', 'local', 'open', 'field', 'joey', 'learns', 'identity', 'birth', 'parents', 'also', 'learns', 'died', 'visits', 'gravesite', 'says', 'things', 'would', 'told', 'alive', 'mark', 'experiences', 'vision', 'father', 'tells', 'he\\\\', 'making', 'mistake', 'home', 'mark', 'feverishly', 'climbs', 'scaffolding', 'falls', 'ground', 'joey', 'discovers', 'later', 'together', 'scaffolds', 'surviving', 'bits', 'mark\\\\', 'sculptures', 'things', 'joey\\\\', 'gathered', 'build', 'cathedral'], [\"'for\", 'years', 'zack', 'bradley', 'working', 'local', 'super', 'club', 'box-boy', 'living', 'grandmother', 'spends', 'free', 'time', 'co-workers', 'lon', 'neilson', 'iqbal', 'raji', 'russell', 'porpis-gunders', 'despite', 'slacker', 'like', 'ways', 'actually', 'fairly', 'kind-hearted', 'popular', 'supportive', 'coworker', 'vince', 'downey', 'earns', 'employee', 'month', 'title', '17th', 'time', 'row', 'vince', 'egotistical', 'rude', 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'scanning', 'vince', 'denies', 'allegations', 'under-ringing', 'store\\\\', 'assistant', 'manager', 'completed', 'audit', 'tills', 'used', 'competition', 'proved', 'surveillance', 'video', 'right', 'vince', 'giving', 'customers', 'free', 'things', 'time', 'costing', 'store', 'thousands', 'dollars', 'security', 'tape', 'footage', 'shown', 'register', 'receipt', 'totals', 'proved', 'cost', 'store', 'money', 'vince', 'fired', 'required', 'wear', 'police', 'tracking', 'device', 'lieu', 'jail', 'time', 'zack', 'ends', 'winning', 'competition', 'second', 'points', 'well', 'love', 'amy', 'six', 'weeks', 'following', 'vince\\\\', 'termination', 'super', 'club', 'probation', 'working', 'rival', 'store', 'maxi-mart', 'jorge', 'finally', 'learned', 'assert', 'gives', 'vince', 'poor', 'treatment', 'given', 'vince', 'though', 'nonetheless', 'willing', 'give', 'vince', 'ride', 'bus', 'stop', 'knowing', 'would', 'put', 'vince', 'outside', 'range', 'probation', 'leg-tracker'], ['adam', 'san', 'francisco-based', 'artist', 'works', 'cab', 'driver', 'side', 'hard', 'time', 'committing', 'girlfriend', 'nina', 'wants', 'take', 'relationship', 'next', 'level', \"n't\", 'really', 'gotten', 'ex-girlfriend', 'kate', 'left', 'another', 'woman', 'reluctant', 'move', 'forward', 'nina', 'still', 'hanging', 'idea', 'one', 'day', 'kate', 'come', 'back', 'feeling', 'neglected', 'nina', 'breaks', 'adam', 'starts', 'seeing', 'kevin', 'womanizing', 'bartender', 'also', 'adam', 'best', 'friend', 'meanwhile', 'rebecca', 'new', 'girl', 'town', 'gets', 'job', 'kevin', 'bar', 'begins', 'affair', 'anne', 'woman', 'kate', 'left', 'adam', 'tired', 'infidelities', 'kate', 'breaks', 'anne', 'returns', 'adam', 'however', 'soon', 'realises', 'love', 'anymore', 'breaks', 'good', 'rebecca', 'soon', 'tires', 'anne', 'breaks', 'affair', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'adam', 'finally', 'attempting', 'move', 'kate', 'date', 'nina', 'kevin', 'fling', 'turns', 'something', 'deeper', 'finds', 'pregnant', 'event', 'strains', 'adam', 'friendship', 'kevin', 'threatens', 'ruin', 'budding', 'relationship', 'rebecca', 'chance', 'begin'], ['richmond', 'virginia', 'asa', 'lavinia', 'timberlake', 'gave', 'two', 'daughters', 'male', 'names', 'roy', 'stanley', 'movie', 'opens', 'young', 'women', 'adults', 'asa', 'timberlake', 'recently', 'lost', 'piece', 'tobacco', 'company', 'former', 'partner', 'william', 'fitzroy', 'wife', 'brother', 'roy', 'successful', 'interior', 'decorator', 'married', 'dr.', 'peter', 'kingsmill', 'stanley', 'timberlake', 'engaged', 'attorney', 'craig', 'fleming', 'night', 'wedding', 'stanley', 'runs', 'sister', 'husband', 'peter', 'roy', 'divorces', 'peter', 'stanley', 'marry', 'move', 'baltimore', 'roy', 'encounters', 'fleming', 'time', 'begin', 'dating', 'hires', 'parry', 'clay', 'ernest', 'anderson', 'work', 'law', 'office', 'young', 'man', 'attends', 'law', 'school', 'clay', 'son', 'timberlake', 'parents', 'family', 'maid', 'minerva', 'clay', 'william', 'fitzroy', 'lavinia', 'brother', 'asa', 'former', 'partner', 'tobacco', 'business', 'dotes', 'niece', 'stanley', 'gives', 'expensive', 'presents', 'says', 'retain', 'fleming', 'attorney', 'agrees', 'stop', 'representing', 'poor', 'clients', 'fleming', 'refuses', 'roy', 'timberlake', 'impressed', 'decides', 'accept', 'marriage', 'baltimore', 'stanley', 'peter', 'marriage', 'suffers', 'heavy', 'drinking', 'excessive', 'spending', 'peter', 'commits', 'suicide', 'shaken', 'stanley', 'returns', 'home', 'town', 'roy', 'recovers', 'stanley', 'decides', 'win', 'back', 'fleming', 'discussing', 'late', 'husband', 'life', 'insurance', 'fleming', 'office', 'stanley', 'invites', 'join', 'later', 'dinner', 'fails', 'come', 'restaurant', 'becomes', 'drunk', 'driving', 'home', 'hits', 'kills', 'child', 'witnesses', 'recognize', 'stanley', 'car', 'police', 'question', 'stanley', 'insists', 'loaned', 'car', 'parry', 'clay', 'night', 'accident', 'minerva', 'clay', 'tells', 'roy', 'son', 'home', 'evening', 'stanley', 'refuses', 'admit', 'responsibility', 'although', 'roy', 'arranges', 'see', 'clay', 'jail', 'later', 'fleming', 'tells', 'already', 'questioned', 'bartender', 'restaurant', 'knows', 'stanley', 'left', 'drunk', 'fleming', 'plans', 'take', 'stanley', 'district', 'attorney', 'escapes', 'uncle', 'house', 'pleads', 'help', 'discovered', 'six', 'months', 'live', 'fitzroy', 'distraught', 'anything', 'police', 'arrive', 'fitzroy', 'house', 'stanley', 'leaves', 'trying', 'escape', 'crashes', 'car', 'killed'], [\"'deepika\", \"can\\\\'t\", 'bear', 'control', 'imposed', 'life', 'mother', 'home', 'secretary', 'order', 'make', 'mother', 'angry', 'uploads', 'hot', 'pictures', 'send', 'via', 'e-mail', 'fictitious', 'name', 't.mahesh', 'turns', 'really', 't.mahesh', 'college', 'mate', 'circumstances', 'make', 'run', 'times', 'irritates', 'mayilravanan', 'policeman', 'wants', 'marry', 'deepika', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'try', 'separate', 'making', 'alliance', \"deepika\\\\'mom\", 'finally', 'problems', 'solved', 'two', 'lovers', 'get', 'united'], [\"'sathya\", 'casanova', 'character', 'pursues', 'shradha', 'arya', 'woman', 'around', 'sets', 'sights', 'haritha', 'manages', 'woo', 'loves', 'whole', 'heartedly', 'favor', 'one', 'moment', 'falls', 'haritha', 'time', 'comes', 'know', 'real', 'character', 'ends', 'relationship', 'story', 'changes', 'earns', 'love', 'back'], ['film', 'opens', 'rotary', 'club', 'function', 'honor', 'recently', 'retired', 'justice', 'jyotin', 'chatterjee', 'judge', 'served', 'profession', 'life', 'honor', 'spotless', 'integrity', 'retire', 'recognizes', 'void', 'life', 'wife', 'remarks', 'reporters', 'neither', 'knows', 'would', 'retires', 'retired', 'life', 'easy', 'aging', 'judge', 'younger', 'generation', 'bolder', 'quicker', 'time', 'invited', 'guest', 'honor', 'many', 'functions', 'finds', 'stump', 'speech', 'venerable', 'time-tested', 'legal', 'profession', 'falls', 'flat', 'youngsters', 'wish', 'know', 'law', 'relax', 'grip', 'issues', 'judge', 'admits', 'love', 'makes', 'world', 'round', 'urges', 'youngsters', 'enjoy', 'youth', 'responsibly', 'judge', 'also', 'agrees', 'suggestion', 'family', 'visits', 'joggers', 'park', 'get', 'exercise', 'finds', 'park', 'moves', 'pace', 'younger', 'regulars', 'much', 'quickly', 'wonders', 'ever', 'catch', 'around', 'time', 'meets', 'jenny', 'suratwala', 'joggers', 'park', 'jenny', 'young', 'vivacious', 'freelance', 'model', 'event', 'planner', 'one', 'speeches', 'made', 'impression', 'young', 'mind', 'wishes', 'learn', 'become', 'friends', 'friendship', 'deepens', 'discover', 'new', 'world', 'jenny', 'learns', 'judge', 'vast', 'experiences', 'judge', 'uses', 'perspectives', 'enter', 'appreciate', 'younger', 'generation', 'jenny', 'brings', 'element', 'need', 'faced', 'legal', 'problem', 'around', 'ownership', 'late', 'father', 'apartment', 'judge', 'helps', 'fight', 'win', 'case', 'friendship', 'deepens', 'judge', 'taken', 'exhilarating', 'views', 'wishes', 'see', 'pines', 'apart', 'around', 'time', 'jenny', 'younger', 'male', 'colleagues', 'perturbed', 'relationship', 'thwarts', 'pursuing', 'jenny', 'socially', 'acceptable', 'conspicuous', 'age', 'difference', 'resolve', 'find', 'way', 'end', 'settle', 'stalking', 'couple', 'taking', 'pictures', 'intimate', 'moments', 'one', 'occasion', 'jenny', 'discovers', 'taking', 'pictures', 'angrily', 'berates', 'destroys', 'pictures', 'jenny', 'finally', 'admits', 'love', 'judge', 'meanwhile', 'judge', 'faced', 'family', 'problem', 'son', 'caught', 'affair', 'daughter', 'exposes', 'incident', 'asks', 'judge', 'vanguard', 'honor', 'deliver', 'judgement', 'judge', 'strongly', 'reprimands', 'son', 'orders', 'end', 'affair', 'seek', 'forgiveness', 'family', 'family', 'honor', 'comes', 'first', 'jenny', 'upcoming', 'birthday', 'one', 'friends', 'planning', 'party', 'invites', 'judge', 'attend', 'party', 'openly', 'profess', 'love', 'truly', 'meant', 'speeches', 'must', 'act', 'accordingly', 'express', 'feelings', 'without', 'fear', 'remorse', 'day', 'party', 'strange', 'man', 'shows', 'judge', 'house', 'tariq', 'ahmed', 'editor', 'publisher', 'local', 'tabloid', 'jenny', 'jealous', 'colleagues', 'brought', 'photos', 'tabloid', 'tariq', 'intercepted', 'time', 'avoid', 'publication', 'turns', 'tariq', 'owes', 'debt', 'gratitude', 'judge', 'helped', 'difficult', 'case', 'several', 'years', 'ago', 'turns', 'photos', 'judge', 'daughter', 'daughter', 'confronts', 'judge', 'incident', 'also', 'involves', 'family', 'honor', 'judge', 'compelled', 'end', 'relationship', 'jenny', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'judge', 'runs', 'jenny', 'airport', 'jenny', 'married', 'child', 'greet', 'warmly', 'jenny', 'introduces', 'husband', 'fondly', 'remember', 'previous', 'association', 'film', 'ends'], ['crown', 'prince', 'rudolf', 'austria', 'clashes', 'father', 'emperor', 'franz', 'joseph', 'austria', 'implementing', 'progressive', 'policies', 'country', 'ava', 'gardner', 'plays', 'mother', 'empress', 'elisabeth', 'rudolf', 'soon', 'feels', 'man', 'born', 'wrong', 'time', 'country', 'realize', 'need', 'social', 'reform', 'prince', 'wales', 'later', 'become', 'britain', 'king', 'edward', 'vii', 'provides', 'comic', 'relief', 'rudolf', 'finds', 'refuge', 'loveless', 'marriage', 'princess', 'st챕phanie', 'taking', 'mistress', 'baroness', 'maria', 'vetsera', 'untimely', 'demise', 'mayerling', 'imperial', 'family', 'hunting', 'lodge', 'cloaked', 'mystery', 'film', 'ending', 'suggests', 'two', 'lovers', 'made', 'suicide', 'pact', 'decided', 'could', 'live', 'world', 'without', 'love', 'prospects', 'peace'], [\"'an\", 'impulsive', 'act', 'bestiality', 'distant', 'past', 'haunts', 'amy', 'otherwise', 'seemingly', 'ordinary', 'young', 'woman', 'bright', 'future', 'nice-guy', 'fianc챕', 'fianc챕', 'suggested', 'couple', 'completely', 'honest', 'tell', 'everything', 'amy', 'finally', 'relents', 'encouraged', 'tell', 'truth', 'co-worker', 'mother', 'reveals', 'secret', 'home', 'parents', 'misfit', 'brother', 'hell', 'breaks', 'loose', 'everyone', 'learns', 'amy', 'performed', 'oral', 'sex', 'dog', 'life', 'falls', 'apart', 'fianc챕', 'dumps', 'disgust', 'parents', 'disown', 'begin', 'dating', 'new', 'man', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'dark', 'secret', 'mother', 'dies', 'amy', 'makes', 'father', 'decides', 'never', 'tell', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'disgusting', 'repulsive', 'behavior', 'preferring', 'let', 'sleeping', 'dogs', 'lie'], ['camera', 'slowly', 'zooms', 'young', 'woman', 'masturbating', 'porn', 'tape', 'gets', 'abruptly', 'goes', 'club', 'looking', 'sex', 'leila', 'learned', 'power', 'men', 'sex', 'feels', 'part', 'still', 'untouched', 'holding', 'back', 'despite', 'assertiveness', 'choose', 'partner', 'night', 'corraled', 'david', 'bathroom', 'girlfriend', 'calls', 'door', 'leaves', 'keeps', 'eye', 'david', 'picks', 'shy', 'guy', 'sex', 'fence', 'outside', 'david', 'watches', 'car', 'girlfriend', 'makes', 'love', 'leila', 'complete', 'control', 'encounter', 'david', 'remains', 'completely', 'passive', 'next', 'sees', 'walking', 'street', 'follows', 'smiles', 'speak', 'breaks', 'run', 'leading', 'playground', 'crouch', 'inside', 'small', 'tunnel', 'watch', 'begins', 'touch', 'time', 'leaves', 'leila', 'visits', 'parents', 'learns', 'mother', 'leaving', 'father', 'selling', 'childhood', 'home', 'father', 'devastated', 'staying', 'stoned', 'pot', 'refusing', 'anything', 'mother', 'clears', 'house', 'leila', 'best', 'friend', 'victoria', 'getting', 'ready', 'married', 'confesses', 'sex', 'old', 'boyfriend', 'recently', 'despite', 'insistence', 'loves', 'fiance', 'ready', 'settle', 'leila', 'sceptical', 'supportive', 'victoria', 'laughs', 'turns', 'vcr', 'discovers', 'porn', 'tape', 'leila', 'watching', 'leila', 'tells', 'nothing', 'david', 'leila', 'sees', 'david', 'finally', 'speak', 'takes', 'home', 'make', 'love', 'asks', 'leila', 'real', 'date', 'giving', 'number', 'leaves', 'finally', 'begin', 'real', 'romance', 'meets', 'father', 'physically', 'fragile', 'funny', 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'girlfriend', 'soon', 'tells', 'leave', 'knowing', \"n't\", 'really', 'wants', 'leila', 'picks', 'shy', 'guy', 'strikes', 'anger', 'unable', 'follow', 'peremptory', 'commands', 'throws', 'apartment', 'leila', 'spends', 'time', 'parents', 'separate', 'ways', 'gets', 'ready', 'wedding', 'rides', 'bicycle', 'ceremony', 'david', 'sees', 'follows', 'truck', 'waits', 'outside', 'synagogue', 'approaches', 'everyone', 'floods', 'onto', 'sidewalk', 'following', 'wedding', 'victoria', 'grabs', 'leila', 'hand', 'calls', 'david', 'ask', 'coming', 'reception', 'david', 'watches', 'leila', 'dance', 'old', 'man', 'runs', 'away', 'approaches', 'time', 'follows', 'way', 'home', 'way', 'inside', 'telling', \"n't\", 'leave'], [\"'joseph\", 'svenden', 'middle-aged', 'schoolteacher', 'lives', 'farm', 'dying', 'mother', 'simple', 'life', 'excitements', 'even', 'long-time', 'relationship', 'widow', 'however', '17-year', 'old', 'beauty', 'enrolls', 'class', 'life', 'takes', 'unexpected', 'turn', 'boards', 'horse', 'barn', 'seduces', 'carry', 'furtive', 'relationship', 'leaves', 'torn', 'passion', 'knowing', 'something', 'wrong', 'indescretion', 'starts', 'inevitable', 'scandal', 'many', 'different', 'reactions', 'ensue.carried', 'away', 'imdb'], ['iliac', 'young', 'masseur', 'went', 'home', 'pampanga', 'find', 'bedridden', 'father', 'dead', 'iliac', 'assists', 'preparation', 'father', 'burial', 'including', 'dressing', 'dead', 'father', 'inside', 'morgue'], ['charlie', 'cockney', 'sailor', 'comes', 'home', 'long', 'voyage', 'find', 'house', 'razed', 'wife', 'maggie', 'missing', 'actually', 'maggie', 'living', 'bus', 'driver', 'bert', 'new', 'baby', 'parentage', 'doubt', 'charlie', 'friends', 'tell', 'find', 'maggie', 'charlie', 'known', 'bad', 'temper', 'finally', 'charlie', 'meets', 'maggie', 'fierce', 'row', 'bert', 'reconciled'], ['date', 'december', '1941', 'simple', 'folks', 'quiet', 'town', 'san', 'nicolas', 'unaware', 'war', 'nearing', 'upon', 'inya', 'lovely', 'young', 'lady', 'married', 'childhood', 'sweetheart', 'edilberto', \"'re\", 'excited', 'starting', 'new', 'family', 'ignacio', 'basa', 'inya', 'best', 'friend', 'transgender', 'woman', 'love', 'handsome', 'edilberto', 'years', 'ignacio', 'falls', 'ichiru', 'hamaguchi', 'japanese', 'army', 'official', 'returns', 'affection', 'becomes', 'torn', 'fulfilling', 'duty', 'country', 'love', 'ignacio', 'arrival', 'japanese', 'throws', 'town', 'chaos', 'days', 'japanese', 'air', 'raid', 'pearl', 'harbor', 'hawaii', 'december', 'marked', 'start', 'war', 'meanwhile', 'december', 'japanese', 'air', 'bombings', 'included', 'manila', 'baguio', 'davao', 'iba', 'clark', 'fields', 'signalled', 'japanese', 'invasion', 'philippines', 'edilberto', 'inya', 'ignacio', \"n't\", 'ones', 'war', 'change', 'forever', 'traitorous', 'japanese', 'interpreter', 'maura', 'strong-willed', 'tiyang', 'mabel', 'tough', 'guy', 'anton', 'pure', 'hearted', 'julia', 'also', 'get', 'caught', 'winds', 'war', 'find', 'things', 'never', 'thought', '...', 'hope', 'living', 'dying', 'another', 'day', 'starting', 'december', '1941', 'guerrilla', 'leader', 'captain', 'ediberto', 'manalang', 'named', 'commander', 'berto', 'supported', 'local', 'guerrilla', 'forces', 'town', 'san', 'nicolas', 'fall', 'philippines', 'meanwhile', 'battles', 'japanese', 'usaffe', 'troops', 'ends', 'battle', 'bataan', '1942', 'bataan', 'death', 'march', 'begins', 'april', '1942', '76,000', 'surrendered', 'filipino', 'american', 'troops', 'became', 'prisoners', 'war', 'japanese', 'hands', 'defeated', 'troops', 'forced', 'march', 'bataan', 'tarlac', 'years', 'later', 'local', 'guerrilla', 'forces', 'led', 'captain', 'inya', 'marasingan', 'manalang', 'replaced', 'commander', 'berto', '1943', 'administration', 'president', 'jose', 'laurel', 'second', 'philippine', 'republic', 'japan', 'achieved', 'victories', 'battles', 'town', 'local', 'filipino', 'troops', 'military', 'officers', 'philippine', 'commonweatlh', 'army', 'philippine', 'constabulary', 'units', 'including', 'local', 'recognized', 'guerrillas', 'fought', 'side', 'side', 'japanese', 'forces', 'philippines', '1942', '1945', 'main-battles', 'japanese', 'conflicts', 'counter-insurgencies', 'allied', 'liberation', 'philippines', '1942', '1945.', 'liberation', 'country', 'allies', 'combined', 'filipino', 'american', 'soldiers', '1944', '1945', 'helpful', 'recognized', 'guerrillas', 'defeat', 'japanese', 'occupation', 'troops', 'ends', 'world', 'war'], [\"'this\", 'story', 'follows', 'journey', 'naive', 'lino', 'searches', 'missing', 'wife', 'mary', 'grace', 'italy', 'comes', 'across', 'jenny', 'imposing', 'figure', 'filipino', 'community', 'migrant', 'workers', 'whose', 'dreams', 'grandeur', 'clouded', 'need', 'personal', 'relationships', 'desperate', 'quest', 'game', 'survival', 'two', 'find', 'refuge', 'affirmation', 'started', 'mentor', 'prot챕g챕', 'relationship', 'lino', 'jenny', 'partnership', 'evolves', 'beautifully', 'self-consuming', 'love', 'affair', 'put', 'test', 'reality', 'bites', 'land', 'changes', 'everything', 'end', 'matters', 'lino', 'finds', 'wife', 'found', 'alas', 'matters', 'jenny', 'sacrifices', 'love', 'learned', 'give', 'order', 'live'], [\"'udhayakumar\", 'vasanthi', 'collegemates', 'fall', 'love', 'soon', 'comes', 'know', 'engaged', 'married', 'moves', 'chennai', 'finds', 'job', 'reporter', 'magazine', 'tries', 'fight', 'social', 'change', 'process', 'unknowingly', 'gets', 'know', 'group', 'unsavoury', 'characters', 'promise', 'help', 'goals', 'frame', 'one', 'day', 'udhaya', 'arrested', 'crime', 'involving', 'terrorist', 'plot', 'responsible', 'movie', 'udayakumar', 'fights', 'prove', 'innocence', 'get', 'behind', 'bars'], ['sarathy', 'vijay', 'shines', 'every', 'fact', 'life', 'role', 'model', 'every', 'youngster', 'predicted', 'astrologer', 'also', 'predicted', 'life', 'end', '27.', 'without', 'knowing', 'sarathy', 'enjoys', 'life', 'suji', 'close', 'friend', 'photojournalist', 'adores', 'sarathy', 'attitude', 'tricks', 'suji', 'saying', 'loves', 'plays', 'emotions', 'incidents', 'follow', 'accord', 'astrologer', 'prediction', 'forms', 'rest', 'story.the', 'power', 'positive', 'thinking', 'power', 'spoken', 'word', 'dramatically', 'portrayed', 'sarathy', 'character'], [\"'iyarkai\", 'familiar', 'love', 'triangle', 'plays', 'unfamiliar', 'surroundings', 'revolves', 'around', 'girl', 'two', 'men', 'love', 'placing', 'happenings', 'port', 'town', 'rameswaram', 'director', 'manages', 'give', 'proceedings', 'fresh', 'feeling', 'marudhu', 'orphan', 'sailor', 'lands', 'rameswaram', 'decides', 'give', 'sailing', 'life', 'settle', 'develops', 'liking', 'nancy', 'sells', 'fruits', 'items', 'sailors', 'ships', 'arrived', 'port', 'nancy', 'still', 'holds', 'candle', 'captain', 'ship', 'docked', 'three', 'years', 'ago', 'captain', 'promised', 'would', 'return', 'year', 'three', 'years', 'later', 'nancy', 'still', 'given', 'hope', 'dilemma', 'whether', 'choose', 'captain', 'marudhu', 'finally', 'selects', 'former', 'leaving', 'mixed', 'feelings', 'joy', 'sorrow', 'director', 's.p.jananathan', 'story/', 'dialogue', 'screenplay', 's.p.jananathan', 'cinematography', 'n.k', 'ekambaram', 'music', 'vidyasagar', '*producer', 'a.e.gunasekaran'], ['padayappa', 'engineer', 'visits', 'hometown', 'attend', 'sister', 'wedding', 'sister', 'engaged', 'son', 'maternal', 'uncle', 'happy', 'occasion', 'padayappa', 'father', 'foster', 'brother', 'demands', 'share', 'family', 'property', 'however', 'standing', 'true', 'words', 'family', 'property', 'divided', 'padayappa', 'father', 'gives', 'entire', 'property', 'family', 'forced', 'leave', 'home', 'unable', 'bear', 'shock', 'father', 'suddenly', 'dies', 'sister', 'wedding', 'cancelled', 'groom', 'chose', 'marry', 'someone', 'offering', 'greater', 'dowry', 'married', 'uncle', 'daughter', 'also', 'nilambiri', 'spoiled', 'daughter', 'maternal', 'uncle', 'love', 'meanwhile', 'padayappa', 'finds', 'hill', 'owns', 'made', 'granite', 'digs', 'becomes', 'famous', 'ciy', 'city', 'uses', 'money', 'service', 'poor', 'family', 'able', 'settle', 'sister', 'gets', 'married', 'engineer', 'padayappa', 'hired', 'padayappa', 'maintains', 'father', 'position', 'village', 'padayappa', 'love', 'vasundhara', 'nilambari', 'servant', 'nilambari', 'finds', 'goes', 'crazy', 'parents', 'beg', 'padayappa', 'widowed', 'mother', 'allow', 'nilambari', 'marry', 'padayappa', 'padayappa', 'obeys', 'mother', 'orders', 'get', 'married', 'however', 'padayappa', 'mother', 'becomes', 'wise', 'tells', 'brother', 'front', 'entire', 'village', 'giving', 'proposal', 'marriage', 'vasundhara', 'mother', 'instead', 'brother', 'letting', 'brother', 'forget', 'humiliation', 'put', 'padayappa', 'father', 'died', 'nilambari', 'dad', 'commits', 'suicide', 'humiliation', 'nilambari', 'tries', 'kill', 'vasundhara', 'successful', 'wedding', 'nilambari', 'retreats', 'room', 'brother', 'house', 'padayappa', 'mind', 'years', 'however', 'brother', 'finally', 'wakes', 'plans', 'revenge', 'padayappa', 'father', 'two', 'adult', 'daughters', 'nilambari', 'brother', 'also', 'son', 'chandru', 'prakash', 'studies', 'college', 'padayappa', 'elder', 'daughter', 'told', 'nilambari', 'make', 'padayappa', 'daughter', 'fall', 'love', 'time', 'padayappa', 'plans', 'get', 'eldest', 'daughter', 'married', 'sister', 'son', 'tradition', 'village', 'groom', 'bride', 'asked', 'forced', 'marry', 'nilambari', 'plan', 'make', 'padayappa', 'daughter', 'say', \"n't\", 'wish', 'get', 'married', 'groom', 'parents', 'want', 'marry', 'love', 'someone', 'else', 'process', 'get', 'padayappa', 'humiliated', 'plan', 'works', 'padayappa', 'retaliates', 'makes', 'daughter', 'lover', 'confess', 'really', 'fell', 'love', 'even', 'though', 'told', 'act', 'padayappa', 'decides', 'take', 'house', 'marriage', 'nilambari', 'brother', 'chasing', 'behind', 'chase', 'sees', 'nilambari', 'brother', 'killed', 'car', 'accident', 'dramatic', 'fight', 'scene', 'marriage', 'takes', 'place', 'nilambari', 'reaches', 'temple', 'marriage', 'conducted', 'anger', 'tries', 'kill', 'padayappa', 'padayappa', 'succeeds', 'saving', 'life', 'preventing', 'bull', 'attacking', 'dodging', 'bullets', 'fired', 'gun', 'rather', 'live', 'humiliation', 'knowing', 'unsuccessful', 'avenging', 'father', 'death', 'life', 'saved', 'enemy', 'nilambari', 'commits', 'suicide'], ['expand', 'section', 'sophia', 'loren', 'plays', 'poor', 'greek', 'sponge', 'diver', 'accidentally', 'finds', 'ancient', 'greek', 'statue', 'boy', 'riding', 'dolphin', 'bottom', 'aegean', 'sea', 'efforts', 'sell', 'highest', 'bidder', 'lead', 'two', 'competing', 'individuals', 'alan', 'ladd', 'honest', 'archaeologist', 'academic', 'bankroll', 'clifton', 'webb', 'wealthy', 'unscrupulous', 'art', 'collector', 'ladd', 'committed', 'seeing', 'statue', 'handed', 'rightful', 'greek', 'authorities', 'webb', 'seeks', 'outwit', 'add', 'treasure', 'private', 'collection', 'loren', 'throws', 'parmalee', 'ends', 'romantically', 'involved', 'ladd', 'predictable', 'complications', 'round'], ['dhanush', 'belongs', 'lower-middle-class', 'family', 'irresponsible', 'untrustworthy', 'chaya', 'singh', 'telugu', 'traditional', 'family', 'ambitious', 'career-oriented', 'girl', 'dhanush', 'chaya', 'singh', 'meet', 'one', 'day', 'dhanush', 'follows', 'two', 'wheeler', 'bugged', 'fails', 'notice', 'vehicle', 'ahead', 'though', 'cautions', 'ends', 'accident', 'dhanush', 'admits', 'hospital', 'chaya', 'singh', 'holds', 'responsible', 'accident', 'loggerheads', 'bicker', 'constantly', 'dhanush', 'leaves', 'chennai', 'order', 'prove', 'dad', 'constantly', 'criticising', 'irresponsibility', 'meanwhile', 'chaya', 'singh', 'gets', 'job', 'chennai', 'moves', 'apartment', 'complex', 'dhanush', 'rest', 'story', 'follows', 'dhanush', 'progress', 'deals', 'relationship', 'dhanush', 'chaya', 'singh', 'whether', 'attitude', 'changed', 'chaya', 'singh', 'falls', 'love', 'dhanush', 'reason', 'acts', 'hate', 'middle', 'something', 'happens', 'end', 'loving', 'dhanush', 'got', 'back', 'together', 'family'], ['anchor', 'seventeen-year-old', 'izzy', 'daniels', 'star', 'boxer', 'son', 'golden-glove', 'champion', 'eight', 'year', 'old', 'sister', 'karin', 'crazy', 'double', 'dutch', 'izzy', 'asked', 'take', 'karin', 'friends', 'double', 'dutch', 'competition', 'mary', 'team', 'entering', 'izzy', 'often', 'seen', 'double', 'dutch', 'always', 'bothering', 'competition', 'acts', 'character', 'standing', 'cheering', 'along', 'everyone', 'else', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'mother\\\\', 'death', 'izzy', 'complicated', 'relationship', 'neighbor', 'mary', 'always', 'bother', 'whenever', 'see', 'mary', 'member', 'jump', 'team', 'joy', 'jumpers', 'place', 'fourth', 'tournament', 'make', 'city', 'finals', 'yolanda', 'fourth', 'member', 'team', 'decides', 'quit', 'join', 'rival', 'team', 'dutch', 'dragons', 'face', 'prospect', 'forfeiting', 'tournament', 'izzy', 'learning', 'yolanda\\\\', 'departure', 'quips', 'finally', 'figure', 'double', 'dutch', 'lame', 'mary', 'challenges', 'izzy', 'speed', 'jump', 'much', 'better', 'expect', 'ask', 'join', 'team', 'refuses', 'friends', 'might', 'think', 'members', 'joy', 'jumpers', 'keisha', 'shauna', 'ask', 'fill', 'find', 'permanent', 'replacement', 'finally', 'relents', 'conditions', 'practice', 'school', 'dad\\\\', 'boxing', 'gym', 'one\\\\', 'going', 'watch', 'meanwhile', 'izzy', 'boxing', 'match', 'rodney', 'tyler', 'bully', 'determining', 'win', 'golden', 'gloves', 'goes', 'best', 'boxer', 'izzy', 'beats', 'rodney', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'accept', 'claims', 'got', 'lucky', 'pushes', 'izzy', 'rematch', 'izzy', 'says', 'walks', 'gym', 'izzy', 'improves', 'tremendously', 'double', 'dutch', 'begins', 'love', 'sport', 'tells', 'joy', 'jumpers', 'he\\\\', 'like', 'team', 'permanently', 'happily', 'agree', 'izzy', 'mary', 'begin', 'get', 'along', 'better', 'eventually', 'fall', 'love', 'one', 'night', 'mary', 'kisses', 'izzy', 'showing', 'true', 'feelings', 'next', 'day', 'rodney', 'finds', 'izzy', 'jumping', 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'without', 'izzy', 'feel', 'like', 'giving', 'izzy', 'walks', 'asks', 'really', 'gon', 'start', 'without', 'apologizes', 'mary', 'jokes', 'around', 'smiles', 'hands', 'uniform', 'change', 'name', 'hot', 'chili', 'steppers', 'forgiven', 'tournament', 'begins', 'get', 'first', 'compulsory', 'second', 'speed', 'ties', 'dutch', 'dragons', 'freestyle', 'determine', 'blew', 'stage', '.the', 'hot', 'chili', 'steppers', 'get', 'first', 'state', 'championship', 'performance', 'izzy', 'notices', 'rodney', 'crowd', 'asks', 'truce', 'accepts', 'izzy', 'finally', 'respect', 'dad', 'kenneth', 'mary\\\\', 'love', 'narrator', 'story', 'rodney', 'works', 'one', 'gym', 'teachers', 'teaching', 'boxing', 'young', 'kids', 'often', 'tells', 'izzy\\\\', 'story', 'inspiration', 'also', 'states', 'kids', 'izzy', 'mary', 'couple', 'film', 'closes', 'izzy', 'teaching', 'dad', 'jump', 'rope', 'help', 'little', 'sister', 'mary', 'girls', 'end', 'credits', 'celebrate', 'winning', 'tournament', 'website', 'viewed', 'url'], [\"'max\", 'young', 'lesbian', 'student', 'chicago', 'gone', 'ten', 'months', 'without', 'sex', 'roommate', 'college', 'professor', 'kia', 'coffee', 'shop', 'run', 'ely', 'hippieish', 'woman', 'long', 'braided', 'hair', 'max', 'initially', 'dismisses', 'max', 'ely', 'end', 'going', 'movie', 'together', 'movie', 'return', 'ely\\\\', 'place', 'flirtatious', 'conversation', 'kiss', 'suddenly', 'call', 'comes', 'ely\\\\', 'partner', 'kate', 'ely', 'long-distance', 'relationship', 'two', 'years', 'puts', 'bit', 'damper', 'things', 'ely', 'decides', 'cut', 'hair', 'ending', 'short', 'butch', 'style', 'runs', 'max', 'bookstore', 'max', 'almost', 'recognize', 'kia\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'evy', 'returns', 'home', 'ex-boyfriend', 'junior', 'evy\\\\', 'mother', 'confronts', 'saying', 'junior', 'told', 'spotted', 'evy', 'gay', 'bar', 'evy\\\\', 'mother', 'kicks', 'evy', 'flees', 'kia\\\\', 'place', 'max', 'invites', 'live', 'ely', 'roommate', 'daria', 'throw', 'dinner', 'party', 'spirited', 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'calls', 'helen', 'ends', 'walk', 'way', 'sister', 'snow', 'rain', 'catches', 'pneumonia', 'dies', 'marion', 'petitions', 'gets', 'full', 'custody', 'vickie', 'charles', 'returns', 'home', 'america', 'years', 'later', 'straightened', 'published', 'book', 'stopped', 'boozing', 'charles', 'returns', 'paris', 'hoping', 'reform', 'persuade', 'marion', 'give', 'vickie', 'back', 'marion', 'refuses', 'still', 'feeling', 'resentful', 'towards', 'charles', 'fallen', 'helen', 'instead', 'seeing', 'charles', 'vickie', 'belong', 'together', 'claude', 'steps', 'tells', 'marion', 'punishing', 'charles', 'realizing', 'marion', 'loved', 'painful', 'tell', 'claude', 'could', 'love', 'charles', 'punished', 'marion', 'goes', 'caf챕', 'dhingo', 'look', 'charles', 'tells', 'helen', 'would', 'wanted', 'alone', 'outside', 'cafe', 'claude', 'vickie', 'child', 'runs', 'charles', 'charles', 'child', 'walk', 'together', 'movie', 'ends'], ['movie', 'star', 'laurel', 'stevens', 'made', 'new', 'film', 'called', 'kidnapped', 'bride', 'gives', 'brainstorm', 'couple', 'small-time', 'crooks', 'mike', 'dandy', 'kidnap', 'laurel', 'take', 'malibu', 'beachfront', 'hideout', 'agent', 'barney', 'studio', 'chief', 'martin', \"n't\", 'figure', 'laurel', 'no-show', 'premiere', 'gossip', 'columnist', 'daisy', 'parker', 'dying', 'know', 'decision', 'made', 'avoid', 'scandal', 'costs', 'report', 'laurel', 'missing', 'police', 'mike', 'dandy', 'want', '50,000', 'ransom', 'laurel', 'insulted', 'feeling', 'worth', 'times', 'laurel', 'also', 'fears', 'thing', 'could', 'hurt', 'career', 'looking', 'like', 'publicity', 'stunt', 'los', 'angeles', 'police', 'sergeant', 'mcbride', 'sent', 'mike', 'prison', 'comes', 'malibu', 'routine', 'check', 'laurel', 'alters', 'appearance', 'pretends', 'mike', 'girl', 'studio', 'finally', 'goes', 'cops', 'also', 'offers', '100,000', 'reward', 'ransom', 'money', 'taken', 'airport', 'not-too-bright', 'dandy', 'job', 'mcbride', 'notices', 'portrait', 'laurel', 'studio', 'suddenly', 'realizes', 'seen', 'laurel', 'begun', 'fall', 'mike', 'real', 'time', 'mcbride', 'shows', 'laurel', 'knocks', 'cold', 'mike', 'steal', 'cop', 'car', 'race', 'airport', 'get', 'nabbed', 'cops', 'dim', 'dandy', 'picked', 'wrong', 'suitcase', 'crime', 'arrest', 'particularly', 'since', 'laurel', 'mike', 'love'], [\"'although\", 'detail', 'differences', 'stage', 'movie', 'versions', 'plot', 'essentially', 'based', 'activities', 'new', 'york', 'petty', 'criminals', 'professional', 'gamblers', 'late', '1940s', 'gambler', 'nathan', 'detroit', 'pressure', 'sides', 'organize', 'unlicensed', 'crap', 'game', 'police', 'led', 'lieutenant', 'brannigan', 'robert', 'keith', 'putting', 'heat', 'places', 'nathan', 'usually', 'holds', 'games', 'refuse', 'entry', 'due', 'brannigan\\\\', 'intimidating', 'pressure', 'owner', 'biltmore', 'garage', 'agree', 'host', 'game', 'provided', 'nathan', 'pays', '1000', 'cash', 'advance', 'garage', 'owner', 'even', 'accept', 'marker', 'iou', 'insists', 'money', 'adding', 'nathan\\\\', 'problems', 'fianc챕e', 'miss', 'adelaide', 'nightclub', 'singer', 'wants', 'bring', 'end', '14-year', 'engagement', 'actually', 'tie', 'knot', 'also', 'wants', 'straight', 'organizing', 'illegal', 'gambling', 'thing', 'he\\\\', 'good', 'trying', 'obtain', 'money', 'garage', 'nathan', 'meets', 'old', 'acquaintance', 'sky', 'masterson', 'gambler', 'willing', 'bet', 'virtually', 'anything', 'high', 'amounts', 'nathan', 'proposes', '1000', 'bet', 'sky', 'must', 'take', 'girl', 'nathan\\\\', 'choosing', 'dinner', 'havana', 'cuba', 'bet', 'seems', 'impossible', 'sky', 'win', 'nathan', 'nominates', 'sergeant', 'sarah', 'brown', 'straight-walking', 'sister', 'save', 'soul', 'mission', 'opposes', 'gambling', 'sarah', 'problems', 'charge', 'broadway', 'branch', 'mission', 'time', 'drunks', 'gamblers', 'come', 'confess', 'reform', 'approach', 'sarah', 'sky', 'pretends', 'gambler', 'wants', 'change', 'sarah', 'sees', 'expensively', 'dressed', 'suspicious', 'it\\\\', 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'nathan', 'tells', 'big', 'jule', 'money', 'play', 'harry', 'horse', 'says', 'big', 'jule', \"can\\\\'t\", 'play', 'without', 'cheating', 'make', 'pass', 'save', 'soul', 'sky', 'overhears', 'phrasing', 'inspires', 'make', 'bold', 'bet', 'roll', 'dice', 'loses', 'give', 'gamblers', '1000', 'wins', 'attend', 'prayer', 'meeting', 'mission', 'mission', 'near', 'closing', 'suddenly', 'gamblers', 'come', 'parading', 'taking', 'room', 'sky', 'roll', 'grudgingly', 'confess', 'sins', 'though', 'show', 'little', 'sign', 'repentance', 'well', '...', 'always', 'bad', 'guy', 'even', 'bad', 'gambler', 'would', 'like', 'good', 'guy', 'good', 'gambler', 'thank', 'even', 'big', 'jule', 'declares', 'used', 'bad', 'kid', 'ever', 'since', \"'ve\", 'gone', 'straight', 'prove', 'record', 'mdash', 'arrests', 'convictions', 'nicely-nicely', 'johnson', 'however', 'recalling', 'dream', 'night', 'seems', 'authentic', 'connection', 'mission\\\\', 'aim', 'satisfies', 'everyone', 'nathan', 'tells', 'sarah', 'sky', 'denied', 'winning', 'cuba', 'bet', 'knows', 'hurries', 'order', 'make', 'ends', 'double', 'wedding', 'middle', 'times', 'square', 'sky', 'marrying', 'sarah', 'nathan', 'marrying', 'adelaide', 'given', 'away', 'lieutenant', 'brannigan', 'arvide', 'abernathy', 'performs', 'dual', 'ceremony', 'nicely-nicely', 'joined', 'save', 'soul', 'mission', 'general', 'matilda', 'cartwright', 'sweet', 'film', 'closes', 'two', 'newlywed', 'couples', 'escorted', 'wedding', 'respective', 'love', 'nests', 'inside', 'police', 'cars', 'lights', 'festively', 'flashing', 'sirens', 'blaring'], [\"'martin\", 'freeman', 'plays', 'frustrated', 'producer', 'chris', 'self-opinionated', 'wannabe', 'screenwriter', 'forced', 'leave', 'unreliable', 'flatmate', 'bob', 'played', 'velibor', 'topic', 'charge', 'showing', 'series', 'estate', 'agents', 'around', 'house', 'trying', 'sell', 'worried', 'bob\\\\', 'habit', 'spending', 'day', 'working', 'basement', 'playing', 'loud', 'music', 'chris', 'asks', 'friend', 'listen', 'door', 'bell', 'show', 'anyone', 'comes', 'calling', 'inside', 'bob', 'promises', 'exactly', 'let', 'course', 'day', 'whilst', 'chris', 'struggles', 'cope', 'loathsome', 'colleague', 'played', 'richard', 'harrington', 'back', 'house', 'soon', 'clear', 'bob', 'taking', 'promise', 'chris', 'rather', 'literally', 'bob', 'indeed', 'allowed', 'anyone', 'inside', 'including', 'couple', 'archetypal', 'movie-style', 'gangsters', 'incompetent', 'young', 'brit', 'played', 'danny', 'dyer', 'incontinent', 'american', 'played', 'corey', 'johnson', 'evening', 'chris', 'surprised', 'return', 'home', 'find', 'flatmate', 'four', 'estate', 'agents', 'two', 'jehovah\\\\', 'witnesses', 'terrified', 'children\\\\', 'entertainer', 'held', 'hostage', 'couple', 'characters', 'straight', 'british', 'gangster', 'film'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'follows', 'several', 'attendees', 'annual', 'white', 'party', 'miami', 'florida', 'major', 'subjects', 'tone', 'year-old', 'dallas', 'texas', 'tone', 'attended', 'several', 'previous', 'circuit', 'parties', 'gotten', 'trouble', 'control', 'recreational', 'drug', 'usage', 'stated', 'goal', 'become', 'biology', 'teacher', 'despite', 'enough', 'college', 'credits', 'senior', 'major', 'roommate', 'scott', 'concerned', 'drug', 'use', 'delivered', 'ultimatum', 'fucks', 'white', 'party', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'thrown', 'house', 'roommates\\\\', 'lives', 'brandon', 'year-old', 'ucla', 'student', 'who\\\\', 'never', 'circuit', 'party', 'he\\\\', 'friend', 'tone\\\\', 'travel', 'party', 'together', 'brandon', 'firm', 'decision', 'use', 'drugs', 'party', 'worries', 'ostracized', 'party', 'decision', '*floridians', 'jon', 'jason', 'tod', 'jon', 'years', 'old', 'jason', 'early', '20s', 'todd', 'mid-30s', 'two', 'half', 'years', 'believes', 'he\\\\', 'living', 'adolescence', 'closeted', 'young', 'gay', 'person', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'jon', 'todd', 'dating', 'two', 'years', 'dated', 'tod', 'jason', 'dated', 'initially', 'tension', 'jason', 'jon', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'best', 'friends', 'reason', 'jon', 'agreed', 'attend', 'todd', 'promised', 'jon', 'would', 'focus', 'todd\\\\', 'attention', 'brandon', 'loses', 'track', 'tone', 'who\\\\', 'unconcerned', 'seeks', 'circuit', 'friends', 'brandon', 'meets', 'greg', 'boyfriend', 'jeff', 'friends', 'shop', 'party', 'outfits', 'greg', 'group', 'think', 'brandon', 'cool', 'brandon', 'initially', 'thinks', 'greg', 'typical', 'shallow', 'circuit', 'type', 'gets', 'know', 'better', 'realizes', 'greg', 'deeper', 'first', 'thought', 'jon', 'todd', 'tell', 'traumatic', 'experience', 'illegal', 'party', 'drug', 'ghb', 'previous', 'party', 'taking', 'normal', 'dose', 'stopped', 'breathing', 'within', 'minutes', 'hospitalized', 'respirators', 'several', 'days', 'tone', 'staying', 'sober', 'fun', 'meets', 'friend', 'matt', 'feeds', 'ghb', 'rationalizing', 'he\\\\', 'one', 'dosing', 'tone', 'matt', 'control', 'monitor', 'usage', 'jon', 'catches', 'todd', 'fucking', 'around', 'another', 'man', 'breaks', 'spot', 'despite', 'observed', 'jon', 'todd\\\\', 'bad', 'reactions', 'ghb', 'jason', 'decides', 'take', 'ends', 'passed', 'jon', 'todd', 'take', 'care', 'brandon', 'stays', 'true', 'decision', 'stay', 'drugs', 'fears', 'ostracism', 'prove', 'unfounded', 'following', 'return', 'home', 'jon', 'todd', 'longer', 'speak', 'several', 'months', 'party', 'brandon', 'met', 'boyfriend', 'brought', 'home', 'meet', 'mother', 'tone', 'continued', 'party', 'drugs', 'suffered', 'mild', 'stroke', 'age', '22.', 'scott', 'nursed', 'back', 'health', 'tone', 'entered', 'rehab', 'center', 'release', 'date', 'film', 'remained', 'clean', 'sober'], [\"'christine\", 'chris', 'ramsey', 'lies', 'bed', 'narrating', 'trashy', 'romance', 'novel', 'roommate', 'cherryvale', 'academy', 'girls', 'betsy', 'meanwhile', 'three', 'students', 'nearby', 'freemount', 'academy', 'men', 'including', 'jim', 'green', 'overweight', 'slobbish', 'friend', 'bubba', 'sneak', 'cherryvale', 'peek', 'girls', 'jordan', 'leigh-jenson', 'showering', 'time', 'sees', 'boys', 'peering', 'enlists', 'chris', 'betsy\\\\', 'help', 'drive', 'away', 'three', 'boys', 'fall', 'side', 'building', 'response', 'disturbed', 'roommates', 'light', 'bag', 'feces', 'fire', 'put', 'front', 'jordan\\\\', 'door', 'week', 'later', 'co-ed', 'dance', 'chris', 'reveals', 'jim', 'boyfriend', 'couple', 'dancing', 'chris', 'tells', 'jim', 'she\\\\', 'decided', 'wants', 'surrender', 'virginity', 'speech', 'headmistress', 'miss', 'dutchbok', 'band', 'plays', 'slow', 'song', 'jordan', 'dances', 'alone', 'conspires', 'chris', 'bubba', 'sporting', 'erection', 'miss', 'dutchbok\\\\', 'speech', 'sneaks', 'headmistress\\\\', 'office', 'betsy', 'drink', 'sex', 'however', 'two', 'caught', 'act', 'headmistress', 'friends', 'following', 'day', 'morning', 'aerobics', 'chris', 'books', 'hotel', 'jim', 'another', 'period', 'time', 'students', 'two', 'schools', 'horseriding', 'together', 'jordan', 'trots', 'past', 'chris', 'jim', 'talking', 'flashes', 'breasts', 'jim', 'revenge', 'betsy', 'steals', 'jordan\\\\', 'shirt', 'forcing', 'latter', 'horseride', 'nude', 'front', 'headmistress', 'alumni', 'weekend', 'jim', 'goes', 'buy', 'condoms', 'distracted', 'pharmacist', 'ends', 'buying', 'dental', 'hygiene', 'products', 'chris', 'goes', 'buy', 'protection', 'distracted', 'eventually', 'seen', 'miss', 'dutchbok', 'time', 'arcade', 'jim', 'forced', 'speak', 'romantically', 'phone', 'chris', 'friends', 'jordan', 'swears', 'greater', 'revenge', 'following', 'day', 'jim', 'bubba', 'another', 'friend', 'dress', 'women', 'order', 'sneak', 'girls', 'shower', 'room', 'jim', 'caught', 'jordan', 'arouses', 'cold', 'bottle', 'forces', 'give', 'massage', 'meanwhile', 'bubba', 'meets', 'betsy', 'tryst', 'leaves', 'demands', 'bubba', 'exiting', 'building', 'ledge', 'witnesses', 'jim', 'massaging', 'jordan', 'startled', 'betsy', 'falls', 'ledge', 'meanwhile', 'betsy', 'catches', 'jim', 'tells', 'chris', 'leading', 'two', 'breaking', 'several', 'weeks', 'unsuccessfully', 'trying', 'get', 'chris', 'back', 'parent', 'visitation', 'day', 'jim', 'asks', 'help', 'father', 'betsy', 'tell', 'chris', 'take', 'jim', 'back', 'chris', 'jim', 'leave', 'hotel', 'failing', 'sex', 'night', 'chris', 'finds', 'hotel', 'kitschy', 'sex', 'beach', 'morning', 'meanwhile', 'jordan\\\\', 'father', 'sex', 'new', 'stepmother', 'chauffeur', 'chauncey', 'listens', 'long', 'afterwards', 'miss', 'dutchbok', 'mistaken', 'chauncey', 'mr.', 'leigh-jenson', 'sex', 'back', 'leigh-jenson\\\\', 'car', 'bubba', 'betsy', 'looking', 'another', 'tryst', 'climb', 'front', 'seat', 'turn', 'loudspeakers', 'ensuring', 'sounds', 'couples', 'coitus', 'carried', 'far', 'wide', 'upon', 'realizing', 'bubba', 'done', 'miss', 'dutchbok', 'lunges', 'eventually', 'resulting', 'car', 'going', 'pool', 'afterwards', 'bubba', 'begins', 'hitting', 'jordan', 'eventually', 'leading', 'jordan', 'paying', 'midnight', 'visit', 'betsy', 'catches', 'together', 'apoplectic', 'film', 'ends', 'graduation', 'day', 'graduating', 'girls', 'moon', 'camera'], ['sathyam', 'nice', 'guy', 'knack', 'getting', 'misunderstood', 'two', 'people', 'cares', 'father', 'ankita', 'girl', 'love', 'father', \"n't\", 'get', 'along', 'sathyam', 'leaves', 'home', 'starts', 'living', 'friends', 'sensitive', 'man', 'talented', 'writer', 'sathyam', 'ghost-writes', 'popular', 'film', 'lyricist', 'wants', 'prove', 'lyricist', 'expressing', 'love', 'ankita', 'meantime', 'flamboyant', 'classmate', 'ankita', 'proposes', 'movie', 'witnesses', 'turn', 'events', 'involves', 'ankita', 'father', 'happens', 'good', 'friend', 'sathyam', 'sathyam', 'overcomes', 'obstacles', 'finally', 'succeeds', 'courting', 'ankita', 'forms', 'rest', 'story'], ['arun', 'prajapati', 'trying', 'successful', 'anchor', 'success', 'always', 'eluded', 'blames', 'god', 'lack', 'success', 'arun', 'head', 'heels', 'love', 'aaliya', 'khanna', 'anchor', 'well-known', 'star', 'working', 'channel', 'never', 'able', 'express', 'love', 'rocky', 'appointed', 'anchor', 'channel', 'arun', 'starts', 'believing', 'rocky', 'win', 'aaliya', 'later', 'arun', 'sacked', 'channel', 'nobody', 'blame', 'god', 'later', 'meets', 'person', 'argument', 'ensues', 'two', 'end', 'god', 'decides', 'give', 'arun', 'power', 'things', 'ten', 'days', 'wherein', 'arun', 'may', 'prove', 'better', 'operator', 'universe', 'arun', 'uses', 'power', 'put', 'rocky', 'uneasy', 'spot', 'win', 'aaliya', 'heart', 'god', 'scolds', 'making', 'things', 'better', 'arun', 'starts', 'listening', 'people', 'prayers', 'later', 'realizes', 'considering', 'person', 'wishes', 'individually', 'would', 'time-consuming', 'save', 'time', 'effort', 'grants', 'everybody', 'wishes', 'including', 'wish', 'criminals', 'free', 'rocky', 'wish', 'aaliya', 'marries', 'later', 'asks', 'god', 'everything', 'happening', 'towards', 'god', 'explains', 'fault', 'everyone', 'blame', 'arun', 'feels', 'bad', 'god', 'forgives', 'starts', 'life', 'game', 'show', 'tricks', 'rocky', 'lying', 'loving', 'aaliya', 'khanna', 'aaliya', 'turns', 'arun', 'wins', 'heart', 'aaliya'], [\"'on\", 'wedding', 'day', 'john', 'paul', 'steckler', 'vii', 'tracked', 'navy', 'officers', 'misplaced', 'navy', 'destroyer-escort', 'uss', 'kornblatt', 'following', 'world', 'war', 'charged', 'finding', 'series', 'comedic', 'capers', 'told', 'flashbacks', 'viewer', 'follows', 'along', 'pursuit'], ['nammal', 'another', 'campus', 'movie', 'kamal', 'niram', 'different', 'time', 'kamal', 'introduces', 'new', 'faces', 'siddharth', 'jishnu', 'kamal', 'provides', 'glimpses', 'new', 'campus', 'adenvture', 'movie', 'debutants', 'snehalatha', 'takes', 'charge', 'principal', 'college', 'shyam', 'sivan', 'heroes', 'shyam', 'sivan', 'fun', 'filled', 'characters', 'well', 'naughty', 'aparna', 'teased', 'ragged', 'duo', 'happens', 'daughter', 'principal', 'friend', 'aparna', 'complaints', 'snehalatha', 'takes', 'action', 'shyam', 'shivan', 'soon', 'surpurise', 'discovers', 'shyam', 'shivan', 'orphans', 'hardworking', 'guardian', 'priest', 'real', 'twist', 'story', 'happens', 'snehalatha', 'finds', 'one', 'son', 'suhasini', 'done', 'splendid', 'job', 'backed', 'strong', 'character', 'music', 'mohan', 'sitara', 'script', 'kalavoor', 'ravi', 'kumar'], ['vasanth', 'son', 'wealthy', 'gajapathy', 'hates', 'love', 'love', 'marriage', 'vasanth', 'lives', 'fun-filled', 'enjoyable', 'life', 'meets', 'girl', 'rushing', 'save', 'baby', 'fall', 'railway', 'track', 'girl', 'also', 'rushed', 'reason', 'develops', 'attraction', 'girl', 'meets', 'college', 'knows', 'name', 'heena', 'tamil', 'speaking', 'bengali', 'girl', 'meanwhile', 'trap', 'set', 'gajapathy', 'kill', 'explosion', 'public', 'gathering', 'heena', 'education', 'trip', 'chennai', 'searches', 'books', 'book', 'shop', 'since', 'book', 'available', 'day', 'come', 'shop', 'leaving', 'shop', 'sound', 'comes', 'bag', 'funnily', 'mentions', 'bomb', 'explosion', 'destroy', 'shop-keeper', 'laughs', 'fun.but', 'sound', 'actually', 'sound', 'watch', 'alarm', 'kept', 'inside', 'heena', 'comes', 'shop', 'public', 'meeting', 'conducted', 'planned', 'terrorists', 'bomb', 'explodes', 'gajapathy', 'escapes', 'wounds', 'injuries', 'shop-keeper', 'immediately', 'points', 'heena', 'terrorist', 'keeping', 'mind', 'bomb', 'mentioned', 'last', 'visit', 'also', 'circumstantial', 'evidences', 'hence', 'police', 'gajapathy', 'men', 'search', 'heena', 'escapes', 'meanwhile', 'vasanth', 'dashes', 'one', 'terrorist', 'accidentally', 'finds', 'bombs', 'bags', 'immediately', 'chases', 'terrorist', 'kills', 'self', 'poisoning', 'caught', 'police', 'heena', 'hides', 'house', 'happened', 'house', 'vasanth', 'vasanth', 'finds', 'backyard', 'takes', 'room', 'heena', 'resists', 'charge', 'claims', 'innocent', 'vasanth', 'assures', 'believes', 'duty', 'send', 'back', 'kolkata', 'vasanth', 'helps', 'keeping', 'room', 'without', 'knowledge', 'parents', 'develop', 'attraction', 'vasanth', 'keen', 'send', 'home', 'heena', 'finds', 'son', 'man', 'charged', 'killing', 'attempt', 'vasanth', 'takes', 'railway', 'station', 'sends', 'native', 'vasanth', 'lies', 'parents', 'leaves', 'kolkata', 'along', 'friend', 'find', 'love', 'hope', 'finding', 'knowing', 'name', 'alone', 'searches', 'many', 'colleges', 'finally', 'finds', 'happy', 'see', 'takes', 'home', 'introduces', 'mother', 'brother', 'left', 'arrival.actually', 'brother', 'master', 'mind', 'plot', 'killing', 'gajapathy', 'known', 'family', 'comes', 'know', 'arrival', 'vasanth', 'plans', 'kill', 'without', 'knowing', 'actually', 'saved', 'sister', 'vasanth', 'heena', 'become', 'intimate', 'disliked', 'mother', 'urges', 'keep', 'away', 'disappoints', 'heena', 'vasanth', 'expresses', 'love', 'heena', 'finds', 'real', 'identity', 'brother', 'fears', 'might', 'kill', 'vasanth', 'pretends', 'reject', 'vasanth', 'hurt', 'rejection', 'back', 'hoping', 'win', 'love', 'one', 'day', 'heena', 'informs', 'gajapathy', 'incidents', 'makes', 'come', 'kolkata', 'take', 'away', 'son', 'gajapathy', 'insists', 'vasanth', 'come', 'unwillingly', 'accepts', 'heena', 'brother', 'comes', 'know', 'vasanth', 'gajapathy', 'chases', 'kill', 'heena', 'struggles', 'save', 'vasanth', 'co-operate', 'wants', 'accept', 'heena', 'finally', 'confesses', 'love', 'tells', 'reason', 'behaviour', 'brother', 'true', 'identity', 'intentions', 'shatters', 'heena', 'mother', 'unites', 'asks', 'leave', 'place', 'get', 'running', 'train', 'nick', 'time', 'heena', 'brother', 'catches', 'arrested', 'police', 'vasanth', 'heena', 'united', 'finally'], ['aftermath', 'world', 'war', 'inge', 'altenberg', 'orphan', 'sn책sa', 'norway', 'arrives', 'america', 'cold', 'reception', 'parents', 'immigrant', 'farmer', 'olaf', 'torvik', 'remain', 'norway', 'met', 'dialogue', 'reveals', 'four', 'worked', 'agreement', 'allowed', 'emigrate', 'america', 'purpose', 'marrying', 'olaf', 'minnesota', 'farming', 'village', 'audubon', 'intended', 'husband', 'lives', 'horrified', 'learn', 'german', 'immigrant', 'papers', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'accidentally', 'obtained', 'membership', 'papers', 'american', 'socialist', 'party', 'scandalized', 'town', 'lutheran', 'minister', 'county', 'clerk', 'refuse', 'marry', 'events', 'lead', 'openly', 'cohabit', 'find', 'ostracized', 'entire', 'town', 'forced', 'harvest', 'crop', 'completely', 'hand', 'alone', 'particular', 'harvest', 'season', 'brings', 'work', 'love', 'well'], ['miguel', 'young', 'man', 'quezon', 'province', 'leaves', 'philippines', 'u.s.', 'seven', 'years', 'returns', 'home', 'family', 'discovers', 'sex', 'change', 'operation', 'michelle', 'father', 'stunned', 'development', 'hostile', 'reactions', 'erupt', 'declares', 'stay', 'family', 'accepts', 'also', 'caused', 'crisis', 'old', 'friend', 'going', 'get', 'married', 'without', 'ever', 'admitting', 'gay', 'michelle', 'bravery', 'makes', 'think'], [\"'abandoned\", 'american', 'lover', 'poor', 'gay', 'teenager', 'mountains', 'forced', 'support', 'family', 'entering', 'underground', 'urban', 'world', 'male', 'strippers', 'prostitution', 'illegal', 'drugs', 'sexual', 'exploitation', 'slavery', 'well', 'police', 'oppression', 'corruption', 'murder', 'real', 'friend', 'successful', 'selal', 'bahagia'], ['story', 'revolves', 'selya', 'rosanna', 'roces', 'schoolteacher', 'wants', 'commitment', 'relationship', 'bobby', 'gardo', 'versoza', 'ends', 'sexual', 'affairs', 'bobby', 'leaves', 'need', 'needed', 'commitment', 'selya', 'ends', 'little', 'town', 'meets', 'piling', 'eva', 'darren', 'schoolteacher', 'well', 'meets', 'dave', 'ricky', 'davao', 'gay', 'man', 'lives', 'homophobic', 'town', 'filled', 'vicious', 'criticism', 'gossip', 'selya', 'begins', 'think', 'things', \"n't\", 'seem', 'well', 'predicament', 'dave', 'relationship', 'unwanted', 'unprovided', 'sex', 'selya', 'deeply', 'wants', 'relationship', 'walks', 'dave', 'proposes', 'selya', 'decides', 'back', 'bobby', 'end', 'find', 'self', 'pregnant', 'regretting', 'decision', 'getting', 'back', 'bobby', 'selya', 'comes', 'back', 'dave', 'decides', 'raise', 'child', 'bobby', 'becomes', 'happy', 'decision', 'upon', 'sexless', 'marriage', 'living', 'civil', 'union', 'without', 'bobby', 'selya', 'realizes', 'worth', 'woman', 'end', 'bobby', 'comes', 'back', 'take', 'selya', 'child', 'faces', 'irony', 'dares', 'show', 'woman', 'also', 'true', 'human'], ['curtains', 'open', 'viewers', 'find', 'caught', 'within', 'nightmare', 'strongly', 'contrasts', 'dreaminess', 'sequences', 'come', 'young', 'girl', 'birthday', 'party', 'cruelly', 'interrupted', 'josh', 'loss', 'custody', 'wakes', 'fright', 'squeezes', 'hand', 'husband', 'comfort', 'early', 'theme', 'claire', 'identified', 'transcendence', 'love', 'beyond', 'social', \"'norms\", 'audience', 'briefly', 'walked', 'pair', 'daily', 'routine', 'one', 'exception', 'emerges', 'couple', 'lain', 'following', 'night', 'appearance', 'claire', 'unexpected', 'miracles', 'tiny', 'thing', 'inside', 'iridescent', 'ear', 'corn', 'story', 'progresses', 'claire', 'grows', 'shape', 'young', 'woman', 'enchants', 'onlookers', 'beauty', 'readings', 'fantastic', 'poetry', 'various', 'languages', 'richard', 'particularly', 'entranced', 'gives', 'copy', 'shelley', 'work', 'token', 'claire', 'discovers', 'miraculous', 'healing', 'powers', 'proceeding', 'dive', 'cliff', 'attempt', 'win', 'affection', 'exemplifying', 'nontraditional', 'family', '-two', 'men', 'lovingly', 'raising', 'child', 'moon', '-the', 'film', 'celebrates', 'diversity', 'family', 'also', 'addresses', 'grief', 'losing', 'loved', 'one'], [\"'km\", 'features', 'dozen', 'characters', 'including', 'silvia', '35-year-old', 'struggling', 'actress', 'pedro', 'carlos', 'fuentes', 'young', 'aspiring', 'film', 'director', 'whose', 'sister', 'friend', 'silvia\\\\', 'tatiana', 'insecure', 'prostitute', 'sergio', 'young', 'businessman', 'amor', 'young', 'woman', 'engaged', 'mario', 'mario', 'bartender', 'bar', 'near', 'kilometre', 'zero', 'dreams', 'opening', 'photography', 'shop', 'miguel', 'jes첬s', 'cabrero', 'gigolo', 'marga', 'bored', 'older', 'wife', 'left', 'madrid', 'husband', 'business', 'meetings', 'benjamin', 'student', 'miguel\\\\', 'gay', 'roommate', 'bruno', 'gay', 'flamenco', 'dancer', 'roma', 'amor\\\\', 'sister', 'crush', 'mario', 'gerardo', 'established', 'director', 'casting', 'musical', 'policia', 'police', 'officer', 'maximo', 'another', 'gay', 'man', 'pedro', 'arranges', 'meet', 'silvia', 'kilometre', 'zero', 'stay', 'madrid', 'ends', 'mistaking', 'tatiana', 'tatiana', 'meet', 'new', 'client', 'sergio', 'ends', 'meeting', 'maximo', 'instead', 'maximo', 'meet', 'bruno', 'he\\\\', 'met', 'cruising', 'internet', 'bruno', 'ends', 'meeting', 'benjamin', 'who\\\\', 'leave', 'apartment', 'miguel', 'meet', 'client', 'marga', 'silvia', 'sees', 'gerard', 'car', 'throws', 'front', 'catch', 'attention', 'meanwhile', 'amor', 'walks', 'mario', 'work', 'bar', 'goes', 'shopping', 'watch', 'fitting', 'wedding', 'dress', 'tatiana', 'takes', 'pedro', 'apartment', 'filthy', 'gives', 'blow', 'job', 'realizes', 'he\\\\', 'client', 'breaks', 'crying', 'struck', 'emotion', 'begins', 'framing', 'camera\\\\', 'viewfinder', 'calm', 'tatiana', 'takes', 'sleeping', 'pill', 'awakens', 'pedro', 'cleaning', 'apartment', 'persuades', 'believe', 'worth', 'buying', 'new', 'outfit', 'convincing', 'charge', '50,000', 'pesetas', 'instead', '5,000', 'miguel', 'takes', 'marga', 'apartment', 'appointment', 'afterwards', 'sees', 'wallet', 'finds', 'photograph', 'inside', 'photo', 'wallet', 'it\\\\', 'picture', 'son', 'she\\\\', 'abandoned', 'years', 'horrified', 'leaves', 'ends', 'mario\\\\', 'bar', 'benjamin', 'takes', 'bruno', 'back', 'apartment', 'well', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'bruno', 'realizes', 'benjamin', 'lied', 'computer', 'date', 'plans', 'leave', 'confess', 'they\\\\', \"'ve\", 'fallen', 'love', 'benjamin', 'runs', 'bar', 'buy', 'bottle', 'champagne', 'marga', 'sees', 'it\\\\', 'benjamin\\\\', 'wallet', 'she\\\\', 'seen', 'earlier', 'benjamin', 'miguel', 'son', 'gerard', 'takes', 'silvia', 'bar', 'tend', 'injuries', 'works', 'convince', 'cast', 'new', 'musical', 'alternately', 'recites', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'threatens', 'make', 'trouble', 'accident', 'gerard', 'mocks', 'reciting', 'shakespeare', 'audition', 'musical', 'threatens', 'back', 'physically', 'begins', 'stalk', 'silvia', 'sings', 'maybe', 'time', 'cabaret', 'gerard', 'finds', 'performance', 'revelatory', 'maximo', 'sergio', 'also', 'end', 'bar', 'maximo', 'teases', 'flirts', 'outrageously', 'sexually', 'repressed', 'sergio', 'including', 'fondling', 'leg', 'table', 'sergio', 'ends', 'restroom', 'erection', 'maximo', 'gives', 'neckrub', 'spontaneous', 'orgasm', 'maximo', 'reassures', 'sergio', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'mean', 'he\\\\', 'gay', 'horny', 'amor', 'gets', 'robbed', 'three', 'times', 'day', 'including', 'dragged', 'street', 'man', 'car', 'snatches', 'purse', 'reports', 'crimes', 'policia', 'gets', 'leave', 'sees', 'skirt', 'badly', 'torn', 'fixes', 'stapler', 'notices', 'watch', 'explains', 'gift', 'girlfriend', 'he\\\\', 'met', 'twelve', 'whose', 'name', 'never', 'learned', 'amor', 'tells', 'name', 'amor', 'girl', 'two', 'love', 'ever', 'since', 'without', 'knowing', 'end', 'bar', 'policia', 'tells', 'mario', 'amor', 'going', 'marry', 'newly', 'sophisticated-looking', 'tatiana', 'enters', 'bar', 'nerve', 'fails', 'dashes', 'pedro', 'catches', 'builds', 'confidence', 're-enter', 'bar', 'maximo', 'calling', 'sergio\\\\', 'guardian', 'angel', 'arranges', 'sergio', 'tatiana', 'tatiana', 'confides', 'pedro', 'asked', '40,000', 'pesetas', 'instead', '50,000', 'says', 'needs', 'lessons', 'agree', 'live', 'together', 'three', 'months', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'madrid', 'tatiana', 'sergio', 'prepare', 'leave', 'sergio', 'wants', 'say', 'goodbye', 'maximo', 'maximo', 'vanished', 'appears', 'sitting', 'roof', 'ledge', 'overlooking', 'benjamin', 'bruno', 'bruno', 'dances', 'benjamin', 'suggesting', 'maximo', 'guardian', 'angel', 'well', 'miguel', 'finds', 'marga', 'bar', 'relieved', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'committed', 'incest', 'marga', 'arranges', 'spend', 'week', 'longer', 'marga', 'also', 'gives', 'mario', '2,000,000', 'pesetas', 'needs', 'open', 'photo', 'store', 'mario', 'discovers', 'birthday', 'present', 'watch', 'roma', 'slipped', 'pocket', 'several', 'hours', 'earlier', 'kisses', 'somewhat', 'hesitantly', 'tells', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'wait'], [\"'the\", 'rich', 'mrs.', 'tuttle', 'upset', 'daughter', 'barbara', 'engaged', 'man', 'beneath', 'social', 'stature', 'norman', 'phiffier', 'phiffier', 'dog', 'walker', 'awkward', 'socially', 'physically', 'mrs.', 'tuttle', 'despises', 'phiffier', 'arranges', 'get', 'job', 'one', 'stores', 'directs', 'store', 'manager', 'quimby', 'assign', 'phiffier', 'series', 'impossible', 'outrageous', 'tasks', 'hoping', 'become', 'frustrated', 'quit', 'proving', 'daughter', 'worthless', 'instead', 'becomes', 'driven', 'determined', 'quimby', 'realizing', 'he\\\\', 'man', 'character', 'barbara', 'keeping', 'millionaire', 'status', 'sole', 'heir', 'tuttle', 'department', 'store', 'fortune', 'secret', 'phiffier', 'knowing', 'proud', 'person', 'refuses', 'marry', 'afford', 'buy', 'home', 'identity', 'heiress', 'revealed', 'phiffier', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'quits', 'returning', 'previous', 'job', 'dog', 'walker', 'phiffier', 'way', 'prove', 'worth', 'mrs.', 'tuttle', 'accepts', 'family'], [\"'maxi\", '12-year-old', 'effeminate', 'gay', 'boy', 'lives', 'slums', 'father', 'brothers', 'petty', 'thieves', 'story', 'primarily', 'revolves', 'around', 'conflict', 'love', 'handsome', 'young', 'police', 'officer', 'victor', 'family\\\\', 'illegal', 'livelihood', 'neo-realist', 'orientation', 'film', 'tale', 'lost', 'innocence', 'redemption', 'amidst', 'poverty', 'manila\\\\', 'slums', 'maxi', 'behaves', 'like', 'girl', 'wearing', 'clips', 'hair', 'bangles', 'wrists', 'even', 'wearing', 'lipstick', 'teased', 'neighbors', 'former', 'school', 'friends', 'sexuality', 'however', 'fully', 'accepted', 'two', 'brothers', 'father', 'one', 'night', 'accosted', 'two', 'men', 'attempt', 'molest', 'saved', 'appearance', 'victor', 'victor', 'girlfriend', 'sexuality', 'never', 'revealed', 'rebuffs', 'maxi\\\\', 'advances', 'affectionately', 'stoking', 'maxi\\\\', 'head', 'even', 'boy', 'steals', 'kiss', 'maxi\\\\', 'father', 'killed', 'victor\\\\', 'boss', 'maxi', 'resists', 'victor\\\\', 'attempts', 'renew', 'friendship', 'closing', 'scene', 'shows', 'maxi', 'walking', 'past', 'victor', 'parked', 'roadside', 'maxi\\\\', 'way', 'school', 'ignores', 'victor', 'passes', 'hesitates', 'momentarily', 'crosses', 'road', 'goes', 'way', 'last', 'scene', 'homage', 'final', 'scene', 'third', 'man'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'john', 'regaining', 'consciousness', 'restroom', 'stall', 'red', 'party', 'stares', 'mirror', 'flashes', 'back', 'small-town', 'cop', 'illinois', 'moved', 'los', 'angeles', 'hoping', 'find', 'welcoming', 'environment', 'temporarily', 'moves', 'cousin', 'tad', 'living', 'suddenly', 'ex-boyfriend', 'gill', 'tad\\\\', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'julian', 'tad', 'filmmaker', 'shooting', 'documentary', 'circuit', 'parties', 'julian', 'djs', 'parties', 'gill', 'takes', 'john', 'party', 'hollywood', 'hills', 'meets', 'hector', 'hustler', 'battling', 'mounting', 'insecurities', 'looks', 'age', 'john', 'hector', 'forge', 'friendship', 'hector', 'introduces', 'john', 'world', 'circuit', 'parties', 'illicit', 'drugs', 'one', 'tad\\\\', 'subjects', 'bobby', 'exotic', 'dancer', 'model', 'performs', 'circuit', 'parties', 'bobby', 'hiv-positive', 'asymptomatic', 'tad', 'records', 'bobby\\\\', 'performance', 'club', 'also', 'performing', 'club', 'comedian', 'nina', 'coincidentally', 'friend', 'john\\\\', 'living', 'car', 'john', 'invites', 'cat', 'stay', 'new', 'trailer', 'tad', 'shows', 'footage', 'bobby', 'gino', 'investor', 'secure', 'funding', 'finish', 'film', 'gino', 'involved', 'number', 'business', 'ventures', 'including', 'running', 'circuit', 'parties', 'wife', 'louise', 'nancy', 'allen', 'distributing', 'drugs', 'buying', 'viatical', 'settlements', 'including', 'bobby\\\\', 'gino', 'offers', 'tad', 'half', 'money', 'needs', 'viewing', 'footage', 'gino', 'angrily', 'confronts', 'bobby', 'remarks', 'gino', 'gambled', 'buying', 'insurance', 'policy', 'lost', 'john', 'follows', 'hector', 'deeper', 'circuit', 'scene', 'using', 'variety', 'drugs', 'including', 'special', 'ghb', 'cocaine', 'crystal', 'meth', 'suffering', 'body', 'dysmorphia', 'despite', 'terrific', 'physical', 'shape', 'anabolic', 'steroids', 'gill', 'grown', 'tired', 'tad', 'julian', 'living', 'gives', 'deadline', 'moving', 'initially', 'agrees', 'let', 'stay', 'white', 'party', 'julian', 'earn', 'rent', 'money', 'tad', 'finish', 'film', 'decides', 'wants', 'sooner', 'desperate', 'tad', 'returns', 'gino', 'financing', 'gino', 'refuses', 'louise', 'growing', 'disgusted', 'gino', 'later', 'secretly', 'gives', 'tad', 'money', 'gino', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'bobby', 'plans', 'kill', 'offers', 'pay', 'hector', 'sleep', 'bobby', 'slip', 'bobby', 'poisoned', 'drugs', 'john', 'begins', 'working', 'security', 'gino\\\\', 'parties', 'one', 'party', 'red', 'party', 'john', 'runs', 'drag', 'queen', 'remembers', 'small', 'town', 'days', 'reminder', 'past', 'nearly', 'sends', 'john', 'edge', 'leading', 'drug', 'binge', 'lands', 'stall', 'floor', 'gill', 'nina', 'realize', 'john', 'trouble', 'able', 'help', 'john', 'goes', 'far', 'prostitute', 'joining', 'hector', 'scene', 'sex', 'client', 'watches', 'john', 'disgusted', 'argues', 'hector', 'refuses', 'take', 'cut', 'fee', 'eventually', 'nina', 'moves', 'john', 'drug-induced', 'rage', 'attacks', 'cat', 'john', 'tries', 'seduce', 'gill', 'refuses', 'heavy', 'partying', 'drug', 'abuse', 'john', 'reduces', 'partying', 'drug', 'use', 'goes', 'gill', 'job', 'landscaping', 'business', 'gill', 'also', 'pursue', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'john', 'stopped', 'steroid', 'use', \"can\\\\'t\", 'perform', 'sexually', 'body', 'feels', 'soft', 'returns', 'hector', 'juice', 'weekend', 'annual', 'palm', 'springs', 'white', 'party', 'gino', 'provided', 'hector', 'become', 'terrified', 'losing', 'youth', 'looks', 'poisoned', 'drugs', 'tad', 'going', 'party', 'record', 'last', 'footage', 'needs', 'complete', 'documentary', 'including', 'bobby\\\\', 'farewell', 'performance', 'julian', 'djing', 'john', 'going', 'supervise', 'security', 'hector', 'travel', 'limousine', 'reconcile', 'giving', 'john', 'headphones', 'listen', 'song', 'hector', 'confesses', 'loves', 'gino', 'louise', 'also', 'party', 'amidst', 'chaos', 'louise', 'leaves', 'bobby\\\\', 'farewell', 'performance', 'hector', 'goes', 'room', 'sex', 'night', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'spent', 'bobby', 'says', 'hector', 'saved', 'life', 'tonight', 'hector', 'replies', 'you\\\\', \"'ll\", 'ever', 'know', 'ingests', 'poisoned', 'drugs', 'dies', '30th', 'birthday', 'next', 'morning', 'bobby', 'discovers', 'hector', 'dead', 'john', 'way', 'find', 'hector', 'runs', 'gino', 'outside', 'room', 'says', 'sorry', 'bobby\\\\', 'death', 'trails', 'bobby', 'walks', 'room', 'john', 'looks', 'sees', 'hector\\\\', 'body', 'realizes', 'gino', 'involved', 'starts', 'attacks', 'shattered', 'grief', 'runs', 'weeping', 'six', 'months', 'later', 'john', 'gill', 'nina', 'tad', 'bobby', 'louise', 'others', 'gather', 'premiere', 'tad\\\\', 'documentary'], [\"'ajith\", 'paranoid', 'getting', 'married', 'jyothika', 'arrives', 'place', 'begins', 'compel', 'get', 'married', 'reason', 'ajith', 'pouring', 'love', 'someone', 'else', 'thinking', 'jyothika', 'cover', 'darkness', 'jyothika', 'confesses', 'love', 'ajith', 'thinking', 'priyanka', 'trivedi', 'speaking', 'ajith', 'begins', 'love', 'suddenly', 'villain', 'pops', 'nowhere', 'causes', 'death', 'priyanka', 'finally', 'dilly', 'dallying', 'long', 'time', 'story', 'ends', 'coming', 'together', 'lead', 'pair', 'ajith', 'jyothika'], ['surya', 'brought', 'army', 'barracks', 'ooty', 'ever', 'since', 'mother', 'handed', 'baby', 'brigadier', 'tells', 'officer', 'reason', 'action', 'audience', 'allowed', 'hear', 'point', 'surya', 'grows', 'patriotic', 'youth', 'best', 'soldier', 'class', 'falls', 'love', 'indu', 'daughter', 'army', 'officer', 'indu', 'parents', 'accept', 'choice', 'husband', 'soon', 'father', 'dies', 'bomb', 'blast', 'mother', 'loses', 'life', 'seeing', 'husband', 'body', 'wishing', 'lose', 'husband', 'war', 'indu', 'asks', 'surya', 'choose', 'army'], ['ganesh', 'product', 'mudaliar-gounder', 'intercaste', 'marriage', 'loses', 'several', 'prospective', 'brides', 'due', 'spends', 'time', 'dreaming', 'marriage', 'busride', 'chingleput', 'take', 'promotion', 'bank', 'manager', 'involved', 'accident', 'scene', 'shifts', 'three', 'months', 'later', 'finally', 'shows', 'chingleput', 'nandini', 'living', 'house', 'opposite', 'showers', 'affection', 'giving', 'coffee', 'providing', 'hot', 'water', 'etc', 'parents', 'visits', 'talk', 'marriage', 'rejects', 'revealing', 'real', 'reason', 'behind', 'attachment', 'ganesh', 'tells', 'ill-fated', 'love', 'affair', 'army', 'officer', 'subramani', 'eager', 'send', 'way', 'nandini', 'sends', 'letter', 'ganesh', 'name', 'ganesh', 'home', 'accepting', 'latest', 'girl', 'picked', 'ganesh', 'returns', 'home', 'find', 'arrangements', 'wedding', 'full', 'swing', 'coincidentally', 'girl', 'turns', 'someone', 'dreamed', 'marrying', 'pre-nandini', 'days'], ['kamali', 'devayani', 'lives', 'sister', 'brother-in-law', 'ooty', 'searching', 'job', 'madras', 'purse', 'stolen', 'fears', 'lost', 'university', 'certificates', 'surya', 'works', 'jaipur', 'finds', 'purse', 'sends', 'back', 'love', 'develops', 'letters', 'phone', 'calls', 'agree', 'love', 'without', 'meeting', 'surya', 'eventually', 'moves', 'madras', 'work', 'however', 'kamali', 'brother-in-law', 'pressuring', 'marry', 'suitable', 'man', 'surya', 'boss', 'keeps', 'trying', 'seduce', 'eventually', 'kamali', 'surya', 'unite', 'run', 'coincidences'], [\"'christopher\", 'pride', 'wants', 'marry', 'girlfriend', 'dr.', 'elizabeth', 'acord', 'however', 'involved', 'patients', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'think', 'would', 'able', 'leave', 'live', 'paris', 'year', 'pride', 'decides', 'solve', 'patients\\\\', 'problems', 'finding', 'merely', 'despondent', 'relationships', 'bad', 'therefore', 'decides', 'date', 'women', 'without', 'acord\\\\', 'knowledge', 'give', 'back', 'self-esteem', 'less', 'dependent', 'doctor', 'film', 'comes', 'climax', 'women', 'including', 'psychiatrist', 'assemble', 'party', 'pride', 'present', 'quickly', 'switches', 'one', 'character', 'next', 'depending', 'woman', 'present'], ['plot', 'timothy', 'dildo/dunph', 'dunphy', 'high', 'school', 'senior', 'living', 'pawtucket', 'rhode', 'island', '1974.', 'hangs', 'group', 'friends', 'mainly', 'smoke', 'marijuana', 'water', 'tower', 'overlooking', 'town', 'friend', 'drugs', 'delaney', 'suggests', 'going', 'local', 'bar', 'called', 'edge', 'sexually', 'promiscuous', 'classmate', 'known', 'bunny', 'cote', 'known', 'frequent', 'accepting', 'idea', 'dunph', 'friends', 'head', 'back', 'house', 'pick', 'bong', 'dunph', 'tries', 'get', 'wheelchair-using', 'younger', 'brother', 'jackie', 'smuggle', 'house', 'slowed', 'dunph\\\\', 'father', 'pat', 'insists', 'come', 'inside', 'greet', 'poker-playing', 'friends', 'exchanging', 'pleasantries', 'jackie', 'shows', 'bong', 'wrapped', 'dunph\\\\', 'jacket', 'bong', 'falls', 'floor', 'pat', 'picks', 'asking', 'jackie', 'tries', 'fool', 'saying', 'horn', '...', 'music', 'horn', 'pat\\\\', 'friend', 'joey', 'asks', 'dunph', 'demonstrate', 'playing', 'abilities', 'dunph', 'tries', 'blows', 'air', 'pat', 'heard', 'enough', 'lets', 'leave', 'pat\\\\', 'friends', 'know', 'device', 'choose', 'inform', 'dunph', 'friends', 'edge', 'dunph', 'friends', 'get', 'car', 'drive', 'big', 'cloud', 'marijuana', 'smoke', 'fogging', 'passenger', 'compartment', 'unable', 'see', 'going', 'dunph', 'rear-ends', 'back', 'marked', 'police', 'car', 'occupant', 'inside', 'kaveech', 'one', 'pat\\\\', 'poker-playing', 'friends', 'influence', 'local', 'judge', 'manages', 'negotiate', 'plea', 'keep', 'dunph', 'reform', 'school', 'shipped', 'cornwall', 'academy', 'connecticut', 'boys\\\\', 'boarding', 'school', 'segregated', 'all-girls', 'school', 'nearby', 'name', 'condition', 'parole', 'dunph', 'must', 'finish', 'senior', 'year', 'graduate', 'cornwall', 'spend', 'year', 'jail', 'though', 'dunph', 'makes', 'sincere', 'effort', 'stay', 'trouble', 'quickly', 'catches', 'first', 'incident', 'jack', 'wheeler', 'preppy', 'blonde', 'student', 'comes', 'obviously', 'privileged', 'life', 'introduces', 'dunph', 'billy', 'middle', 'eastern', 'exchange', 'student', 'best', 'reefer', 'campus', 'trio', 'fashions', 'bong', '55-gallon', 'drum', 'hidden', 'large', 'bush', 'smokes', 'half', 'bag', 'marijuana', 'dunph', 'later', 'learns', 'billy', 'routinely', 'misses', 'classes', 'gets', 'away', 'father', 'promises', 'donate', 'large', 'amount', 'money', 'school', 'condition', 'billy', 'graduates', 'take', 'long', 'dunphy', 'incur', 'wrath', 'funderburk', 'rigid', 'dorm', 'master', 'dean', 'bill', 'mort', 'receives', 'letter', 'simply', 'addressed', 'school', 'meant', 'dunph\\\\', 'eyes', 'letter', 'drugs', 'delaney', 'revealing', 'dunph\\\\', 'hatred', 'school', 'funderburk', 'routinely', 'assigns', 'work', 'hours', 'students', 'misbehave', 'eventually', 'dunph', 'accumulates', 'work', 'hours', 'class', 'days', 'dunph', 'also', 'manages', 'make', 'friends', 'jane', 'weston', 'wheeler', 'calls', 'hands', 'coolest', 'girl', 'school', 'pair', 'eventually', 'develop', 'relationship', 'friendship', 'romance', 'relationship', 'brought', 'screeching', 'halt', 'one', 'day', 'second', 'part', 'earlier', 'incident', 'dunph\\\\', 'room', 'shared', 'boy', 'named', 'irving', 'raided', 'funderburk', 'wheeler\\\\', 'room', 'also', 'raided', 'incident', 'bringing', 'dunph\\\\', 'jane\\\\', 'relationship', 'stop', 'occurs', 'dunph', 'jane', 'billy', 'jizz', 'wheeler', 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'called', 'dean\\\\', 'office', 'surprised', 'learn', 'punishment', 'probation', 'work', 'hours', 'dunph', 'eventually', 'puts', 'everything', 'together', 'learns', 'funderburk', 'gave', 'even', 'worse', 'deal', 'worked', 'jane', 'expelled', 'school', 'funderburk\\\\', 'actions', 'also', 'reversed', 'acceptance', 'brown', 'university', 'following', 'year', 'long', 'dunph', 'learns', 'wheeler', 'accepted', 'yale', 'university', 'letter', 'recommendation', 'funderburk', 'knowing', 'wheeler', 'caught', 'marijuana', 'first', 'raid', 'dunph', 'concludes', 'wheeler', 'made', 'deal', 'funderburk', 'inform', 'everyone', 'jane', 'expelled', 'wheeler', 'denies', 'dunph', 'threatens', 'throw', 'wheeler', 'roof', 'smoking', 'marijuana', 'one', 'evening', 'dunph', 'reveals', 'knowledge', 'situation', 'life\\\\', 'gon', 'suck', 'anyway', 'dunph', 'says', 'visibly', 'defeated', 'weak', 'wheeler', 'dunph', 'later', 'makes', 'way', 'dean\\\\', 'office', 'brown', 'university', 'tells', 'dean', 'one', 'responsible', 'jane\\\\', 'expulsion', 'cornwall', 'innocent', 'wrongdoing', 'convinces', 'dean', 'jane\\\\', 'innocence', 'dean', 'uses', 'influence', 'review', 'board', 'overturn', 'decision', 'revoke', 'jane\\\\', 'admission', 'movie', 'ends', 'dunph', 'graduating', 'even', 'publicly', 'defying', 'funderburk', 'refusing', 'shake', 'hand', 'customary', 'graduation', 'father', 'jackie', 'coming', 'school', 'pick', 'dunph', 'given', 'acceptance', 'letter', 'rhode', 'island', 'junior', 'college', 'father', 'dunph', 'also', 'reveals', 'intention', 'transfer', 'senior', 'college', '...', 'people', 'sleep', 'shit'], [\"'set\", 'lively', 'village', 'modern', 'day', 'punjab', 'dil', 'apna', 'punjabi', 'family', 'spanning', 'four', 'generations', 'living', 'one', 'roof', 'headed', 'sardar', 'hardam', 'singh', 'grandson', 'kanwal', 'man', 'heart', 'spends', 'time', 'friends', 'village', 'musical', 'troupe', 'kanwal', 'meets', 'college', 'friend', 'ladi', 'relative', 'faujan\\\\', 'home', 'falls', 'love', 'faujan', 'makes', 'love', 'match', 'seem', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'respective', 'families', 'however', 'ladi\\\\', 'family', 'meet', 'discouraged', 'due', 'unambitious', 'approach', 'lack', 'employment', 'talent', 'scout', 'hears', 'singing', 'kanwal', 'decides', 'make', 'success', 'prove', 'meets', 'host', 'lisa', 'lisa', 'drawn', 'towards', 'kanwal\\\\', 'charm', 'simplicity', 'soon', 'begins', 'feelings', 'kanwal', 'kanwal', 'choose', 'fame', 'fortune', 'lisa', 'returning', 'roots', 'punjab', 'first', 'love', 'ladi'], ['two', 'music', 'directors', 'bharathi', 'kannan', 'used', 'friends', 'composed', 'music', 'together', 'kannan', 'fight', 'director', 'movie', 'bharathi', 'feels', 'embarrassed', 'decided', 'split', 'kannan', 'compose', 'music', 'film', 'offers', 'kannan', 'chance', 'reconcile', 'movie', 'kannan', 'rejects', 'instead', 'gives', 'details', 'fallout', 'newspaper', 'bharathi', 'ends', 'losing', 'movie', 'deal', 'war', 'begins', 'music', 'directors', 'hate', \"n't\", 'even', 'stand', 'hear', 'name', 'bharathi', 'successful', 'kannan', 'basically', 'unknown', 'drinks', 'away', 'sorrows', 'kannan', 'daughter', 'janaki', 'lives', 'grandparents', 'mother', 'bangalore', 'father', 'kannan', 'still', 'struggling', 'friend', 'chennai', 'janaki', 'goes', 'college', 'tour', 'stays', 'hotel', 'coincidentally', 'place', 'krishna', 'staying', 'falls', 'love', 'tries', 'woo', 'however', 'ignores', 'even', 'pretends', 'deaf', 'mute', 'invites', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'end', 'four', 'days', 'janaki', 'tour', 'bus', 'leaves', 'college', 'leaves', 'behind', 'late', 'ends', 'catching', 'public', 'bus', 'home', 'krishna', 'sees', 'gets', 'bus', 'tries', 'impress', 'even', 'though', 'attracted', 'slightly', 'annoyed', 'ends', 'getting', 'bus', 'getting', 'lift', 'drunk', 'guy', \"n't\", 'control', 'car', 'stops', 'car', 'tells', 'drive', 'krishna', 'comes', 'agrees', 'drive', 'car', 'put', 'drunk', 'guy', 'back', 'seat', 'bond', 'journey', 'janaki', 'tells', 'krishna', 'starving', 'krishna', 'convinces', 'shop', 'owner', 'reopen', 'shop', 'telling', 'janaki', 'wife', 'pregnant', 'soon', 'realise', 'drunk', 'guy', 'became', 'sober', 'drives', 'away', 'leaving', 'stranded', 'janaki', 'pretends', 'heavily', 'pregnant', 'stuffing', 'krishna', 'jumper', 'clothes', 'manages', 'stop', 'another', 'bus', 'journey', 'learn', 'father', 'shocked', 'krishna', 'takes', 'janaki', 'back', 'college', 'leaves', 'janaki', 'follows', 'admit', 'feeling', 'one', 'another', 'get', 'together', 'krishna', 'return', 'chennai', 'mother', 'breaks', 'leg', 'hospital', 'promises', 'janaki', 'speak', 'father', 'marriage', 'janaki', 'one', 'condition', 'says', 'disapprove', 'elope', 'krishna', 'without', 'parents', 'consent', 'krishna', 'agrees', 'goes', 'see', 'mother', 'doctor', 'really', 'bad', 'memory', 'provides', 'comic', 'relief', 'along', 'assistant', 'tells', 'krishna', 'mother', 'send', 'nurse', 'home', 'help', 'happening', 'bharathi', 'fallout', 'prominent', 'music', 'director', 'kannan', 'recruited', 'anger', 'bharathi', 'kannan', 'music', 'movie', 'becomes', 'extremely', 'successful', 'becomes', 'overnight', 'sensation', 'mdash', 'gaining', 'fame', 'flooded', 'offers', 'bharathi', 'severely', 'affected', 'fallout', 'loses', 'prominence', 'offers', 'angers', 'bharathi', 'hate', 'kannan', 'increases', 'seeing', 'krishna', 'tells', 'janaki', 'must', 'separate', 'comes', 'new', 'idea', 'somehow', 'make', 'kannan', 'like', 'janaki', 'make', 'bharathi', 'like', 'per', 'plan', 'krishna', 'goes', 'kannan', 'house', 'driver', 'telling', 'parents', 'went', 'bombay', 'pursue', 'studies', 'janaki', 'pretends', 'nurse', 'family', 'doctor', 'sent', 'tells', 'parents', 'extra', 'class', 'college', 'krishna', 'assumes', 'name', 'driver', 'pandi', 'janaki', 'assumes', 'name', 'nurse', 'kalyani', 'smooth', 'doctor', 'known', 'families', 'sees', 'houses', 'becomes', 'confused', 'providing', 'comic', 'relief', 'due', 'severe', 'bad', 'memory', 'able', 'persuade', 'everyone', 'confused', 'doctor', 'gets', 'extremely', 'confused', 'believes', 'separate', 'people', 'look', 'alike', 'janaki', 'impresses', 'bharathi', 'wife', 'krishna', 'kannan', 'house', 'problems', 'arise', 'krishna', 'kicked', 'kannan', 'house', 'takes', 'blame', 'kannan', 'father-in-law', 'accidentally', 'blabs', 'media', 'kannan', 'drinking', 'janaki', 'kicked', 'stands', 'bharathi', 'tells', 'ironic', 'named', 'bharathiyaar', 'fought', 'women', 'rights', \"n't\", 'allow', 'wife', 'singer', 'sing', 'public', 'marriage', 'bharathi', 'soon', 'realises', 'mistake', 'invites', 'janaki', 'back', 'krishna', 'however', 'struggle', 'much', 'gain', 'back', 'kannan', 'trust', 'kannan', 'drunken', 'fight', 'famous', 'director', 'introduced', 'angers', 'director', 'mdash', 'refuses', 'see', 'kannan', 'leading', 'bad', 'image', 'kannan', 'media', 'krishna', 'follows', 'director', 'day', 'night', 'even', 'stays', 'rain', 'night', 'allowed', 'speak', 'director', 'convinces', 'forgive', 'kannan', 'kannan', 'realised', 'krishna', 'helped', 'despite', 'anger', 'invites', 'back', 'house', 'krishna', 'janaki', 'tell', 'kannan', 'bharathi', 'respectively', 'love', 'parents', 'lover', 'parents', 'convince', 'speak', 'parents', 'lovers', 'families', 'arrive', 'beach', 'house', 'shocked', 'find', 'krishna', 'janaki', 'really', 'fooled', 'kannan', 'storms', 'bharathi', 'accepts', 'reunion', 'kannan', 'wife', 'tells', 'arrange', 'wedding', 'kannan', 'come', 'would', \"n't\", 'miss', 'daughter', 'wedding', 'kannan', 'turn', 'janaki', 'krishna', 'turn', 'house', 'devastated', 'got', 'married', 'without', 'consent', 'feels', 'one', 'respects', 'krishna', 'tells', 'married', \"n't\", 'approves', 'krishna', 'claims', 'wait', 'remain', 'lovers', 'kannan', 'gives', 'consent', 'krishna', 'drives', 'away', 'comes', 'sudden', 'halt', 'kannan', 'family', 'also', 'arrived', 'car', 'blocked', 'path', 'kannan', 'tells', 'fathers', 'object', \"n't\", 'expect', 'krishna', 'tells', 'better', 'marry', 'janaki', 'else', 'janaki', 'brings', 'bharathi', 'krishna', 'brings', 'kannan', 'old', 'friends', 'reunite', 'embrace', 'final', 'scene', 'doctor', 'arrives', 'informs', 'bharathi', 'kannan', 'driver', 'pandi', 'actually', 'krishna', 'nurse', 'kalyani', 'actually', 'janaki', 'men', 'act', 'surprised', 'inform', 'already', 'know'], ['basic', 'story', 'movie', 'involves', 'laila', 'suriya', 'falling', 'love', '3rd', 'character', 'gets', 'entangled', 'plot', 'laila', 'compelled', 'family', 'marry', 'heart-broken', 'suriya', 'leaves', 'alone', 'find', 'man', 'married', 'total', 'crook', 'trying', 'prove', 'laila', 'suriya', 'always', 'ends', 'situations', 'looks', 'like', 'crook', 'infuriated', 'disgusted', 'laila', 'yells', 'suriya', 'telling', 'back', 'suriya', 'officially', 'leaves', 'alone', 'sneha', 'gets', 'weaved', 'plot', 'ends', 'falling', 'suriya', 'charm', 'fastidious', 'behaviour', 'end', 'great', 'times', 'together', 'laila', 'comes', 'back', 'heart-broken', 'finding', 'husband', 'wants', 'nothing', 'going', 'marry', 'someone', 'else', 'upon', 'seeing', 'suriya', 'becomes', 'greatly', 'disturbed', 'helps', 'laila', 'ways', 'end', 'laila', 'moving', 'back', 'hometown', 'train', 'station', 'asks', 'suriya', 'hand', 'marriage', 'find', 'interested', 'states', 'love', \"n't\", 'like', 'tape-recorder', 'play', 'comes', 'tells', 'interested', 'sneha', 'wait', 'life', 'sees', 'leaving', 'train', 'station', 'sneha', 'runs', 'smile', 'walk', 'sun', 'set'], ['shiva', 'mechanic', 'daredevil', 'known', 'attempting', 'daring', 'acts', 'sake', 'bet', 'one', 'bet', 'takes', 'delhi', 'meets', 'woman', 'asks', 'deliver', 'letter', 'younger', 'sister', 'younger', 'sister', 'thilothama', 'set', 'engaged', 'ranjan', 'man', 'father', 'choice', \"n't\", 'stop', 'shiva', 'falling', 'love', 'better', 'sense', 'thilothama', 'finds', 'falling', 'shiva'], ['grewal', 'business', 'tycoon', 'media', 'industry', 'punjabi', 'settled', 'vancouver', 'canada', 'wife', 'daughter', 'simar', 'elder', 'daughter', 'three', 'years', 'old', 'brought', 'canada', 'birthplace', 'punjab', 'living', 'luxurious', 'life', 'canada', 'daughters', 'highly', 'influenced', 'local', 'culture', 'grewal', 'family', 'returns', 'punjab', 'many', 'years', 'attend', 'college', 'function', 'grewal', 'meets', 'inder', 'happens', 'grewal', 'childhood', 'friend', 'son', 'grewal', 'asks', 'inder', 'take', 'simar', 'around', 'show', 'beauty', 'punjab', 'sightseeing', 'inder', 'makes', 'simar', 'realize', 'loving', 'good-natured', 'punjabis', 'beautifully', 'blended', 'culture', 'though', 'simar', 'impressed', 'mother', 'comfortable', 'country', 'lifestyle', 'inder', 'simar', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'families', 'decide', 'get', 'married', 'however', 'engagement', 'inder', 'realizes', 'simar', 'family', 'expects', 'inder', 'settle', 'canada', 'marriage', 'inder', 'refuse', 'leave', 'punjab', 'annoyed', 'inder', 'grewal', 'family', 'returns', 'canada', 'time', 'passes', 'soon', 'inder', 'parents', 'seeing', 'pain', 'without', 'simar', 'insist', 'canada', 'get', 'lost', 'love', 'back', 'inder', 'leaves', 'determined', 'get', 'simar', 'back'], ['jeanne', 'tournier', 'lives', 'husband', 'henri', 'child', 'mansion', 'near', 'dijon', 'emotionally', 'remote', 'husband', 'busy', 'newspaper', 'owner', 'little', 'time', 'wife', 'except', 'chooses', 'place', 'demands', 'upon', 'often', 'sleep', 'separate', 'rooms', 'jeanne', 'escapes', 'paris', 'regularly', 'spend', 'time', 'chic', 'friend', 'maggy', 'polo-playing', 'raoul', 'maggy', 'friend', 'jeanne', 'lover', 'jeanne', 'constant', 'talk', 'maggy', 'raoul', 'leads', 'henri', 'demanding', 'jeanne', 'invite', 'dinner', 'stay', 'overnight', 'guests', 'jeanne', 'car', 'breaks', 'day', 'dinner', 'party', 'accepts', 'lift', 'younger', 'man', 'bernard', 'asks', 'drive', 'home', 'time', 'get', 'back', 'maggy', 'raoul', 'already', 'arrived', 'mansion', 'transpires', 'bernard', 'archaeologist', 'son', 'friend', 'jeanne', 'husband', 'added', 'guest', 'list', 'jeanne', 'spurns', 'raoul', 'advances', 'claiming', 'dangerous', 'spends', 'time', 'small', 'boat', 'river', 'attentive', 'bernard', 'clandestinely', 'spend', 'night', 'together', 'morning', 'surprise', 'everyone', 'jeanne', 'leaves', 'bernard', 'new', 'life'], [\"'the\", 'action', 'takes', 'place', 'moscow', '1976.', 'anatoly', 'yefremovich', 'novoseltsev', 'clumsy', 'single', 'father', 'two', 'sons', 'works', 'statistical', 'bureau', 'boss', 'strict', 'unmarried', 'woman', 'ludmila', 'prokofievna', 'kalugina', 'nicknamed', 'frump', 'subordinates', 'self-confidence', 'problems', 'hidden', 'behind', 'gloomy', 'humorless', 'demeanor', 'plain', 'old-fashioned', 'look', 'novoseltsev', 'colleagues', 'consider', 'smart', 'experienced', 'worker', 'dreams', 'promotion', 'raise', 'would', 'help', 'provide', 'children', 'timid', 'talk', 'boss', 'former', 'classmate', 'old', 'friend', 'yuri', 'grigorievich', 'samokhvalov', 'recently', 'appointed', 'assistant', 'manager', 'institution', 'suggests', 'appointing', 'novoseltsev', 'head', 'light', 'industry', 'department', 'kalugina', 'rejects', 'believing', 'novoseltsev', 'good', 'enough', 'position', 'following', 'samokhvalov\\\\', 'advice', 'novoseltsev', 'unwillingly', 'tries', 'flirt', 'frump', 'party', 'samokhvalov\\\\', 'apartment', 'order', 'get', 'contact', 'feeling', 'extremely', 'uneasy', 'tries', 'vain', 'make', 'conversation', 'talks', 'random', 'things', 'picking', 'berries', 'mushrooms', 'reads', 'poetry', 'shows', 'singing', 'dancing', 'abilities', 'kalugina', 'gets', 'annoyed', 'severely', 'criticizes', 'attempts', 'impress', 'eventually', 'novoseltsev', 'becomes', 'frustrated', 'flares', 'tells', 'kalugina', 'right', 'face', 'considers', 'dry', 'inhuman', 'heartless', 'next', 'morning', 'embarrassed', 'novoseltsev', 'comes', 'office', 'apologize', 'kalugina', 'starts', 'reprimanding', 'suddenly', 'bursts', 'tears', 'revealing', 'yesterday', 'accusations', 'hurt', 'novoseltsev', 'impressed', 'touched', 'discovering', 'delicate', 'side', 'boss\\\\', 'personality', 'heart-to-heart', 'conversation', 'ludmila', 'tells', 'lonely', 'joyless', 'life', 'start', 'getting', 'closer', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'transforms', 'instance', 'kalugina', 'thrown', 'protective', 'mask', 'hard-hearted', 'woman', 'becomes', 'aware', 'femininity', 'surprises', 'everyone', 'new', 'elegant', 'clothes', 'charming', 'look', 'relationship', 'anatoly', 'ludmila', 'evolves', 'full', 'comical', 'situations', 'repartees', 'time', 'drama', 'unfolds', 'olga', 'ryzhova', 'yuri', 'samokhvalov', 'dating', 'many', 'years', 'ago', 'university', 'families', 'olga\\\\', 'romantic', 'feelings', 'revived', 'meeting', 'samokhvalov', 'office', 'however', 'treats', 'like', 'friend', 'begins', 'write', 'love', 'letters', 'passes', 'verochka', 'energetic', 'overly', 'curious', 'secretary', 'accidentally', 'finds', 'one', 'letters', 'samokhvalov\\\\', 'desk', 'reads', 'tells', 'colleague', 'thus', 'whole', 'staff', 'bureau', 'starts', 'gossiping', 'olga\\\\', 'immoral', 'behavior', 'moreover', 'samokhvalov', 'tired', 'wave', 'love', 'letters', 'tells', 'situation', 'meddlesome', 'shura', 'local', 'labor', 'union', 'committee', 'activist', 'biggest', 'talebearer', 'office', 'gives', 'letters', 'asks', 'sort', 'problem', 'session', 'committee', 'kalugina', 'learns', 'reproaches', 'samokhvalov', 'convinces', 'solve', 'problem', 'individually', 'novoseltsev', 'ryzhova\\\\', 'good', 'friend', 'also', 'learns', 'samokhvalov\\\\', 'actions', 'gets', 'angry', 'slaps', 'face', 'front', 'kalugina', 'samokhvalov', 'promises', 'hit', 'back', 'another', 'way', 'hence', 'gets', 'know', 'kalugina', 'novoseltsev', 'begun', 'love', 'affair', 'discloses', 'novoseltsev\\\\', 'initial', 'plan', 'kalugina', 'shocked', 'wants', 'give', 'novoseltsev', 'calls', 'office', 'tells', 'decision', 'appoint', 'head', 'light', 'industry', 'department', 'end', 'relationship', 'knows', 'started', 'courting', 'merely', 'purpose', 'get', 'appointment', 'novoseltsev', 'feels', 'ashamed', 'admits', 'indeed', 'started', 'purely', 'mercenary', 'reasons', 'insists', 'come', 'love', 'kalugina', 'brushes', 'turn', 'rejects', 'appointment', 'tenders', 'resignation', 'kalugina', 'refuses', 'dismiss', 'novoseltsev', 'spite', 'fiery', 'argument', 'results', 'noisy', 'scuffle', 'right', 'office', 'everything', 'ends', 'novoseltsev', 'trying', 'escape', 'furious', 'ludmila', 'runs', 'building', 'jumps', 'back', 'seat', 'car', 'follows', 'showers', 'blows', 'curses', 'upon', 'novoseltsev', 'manages', 'soothe', 'seen', 'hugging', 'kissing', 'car', 'goes', 'road', 'subtitle', 'suggests', 'already', 'months', 'three', 'boys', 'novoseltsev\\\\', 'family', 'i.e', 'anatoly', 'ludmila', 'later', 'son', 'ryzhova', 'broken-hearted', 'humiliated', 'asks', 'samokhvalov', 'return', 'letters', 'gets', 'back', 'normal', 'life', 'gallery', 'image', 'freindlich', 'office', 'rom1.jpg|alisa', 'freindlich', 'ludmila', 'frump', 'kalugina', 'image', 'office', 'rom', 'nemol', 'basilashvili.jpg|svetlana', 'nemolyayeva', 'olga', 'ryzhova', 'oleg', 'basilashvili', 'yuri', 'samokhvalov', 'image', 'office', 'rom', 'dismissing', 'n.jpg|kalugina', 'refuses', 'dismiss', 'novoseltsev', '/gallery'], ['venakteswarlu', 'alias', 'venky', 'comes', 'house', 'murthy', 'recommendation', 'father', 'sekhar', 'chandra', 'mohan', 'childhood', 'friend', 'murthy', 'nandini', 'alias', 'nandu', 'daughter', 'murthy', 'venky', 'enters', 'place', 'nandu', 'get', 'engaged', 'software', 'professional', 'usa', 'helps', 'family', 'getting', 'engagement', 'done', 'smoothly', 'murthy', 'helps', 'venky', 'secure', 'handsome', 'job', 'relationship', 'venky', 'nandu', 'starts', 'hatred', 'turns', 'friendship', 'nandu', 'expresses', 'venky', 'love', 'venky', 'want', 'spoil', 'relationship', 'parents', 'decides', 'run', 'house', 'nandu', 'murthy', 'gets', 'venky', 'back', 'railway', 'station', 'thought', 'venky', 'like', 'job', 'given', 'marriage', 'time', 'venky', 'takes', 'onus', 'running', 'show', 'marriage', 'demure', 'nandu', 'shattered', 'mood', 'lover', 'acting', 'like', 'broker', 'marriage', 'venky', 'sacrifice', 'silent', 'love', 'nandu', 'stranger', 'marries', 'nandu', 'help', 'parents'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'follows', 'man\\\\', 'search', 'perfection', 'world', 'life', 'rarely', 'measures', 'idealized', 'images', 'constantly', 'bombard', 'freeman', 'plays', 'gary', 'shaller', 'gained', 'commercial', 'success', 'previous', 'years', 'keyboard', 'player', 'fictional', 'band', 'one', 'dull', 'relationship', 'working', 'former', 'band', 'mate', 'paul', 'played', 'simon', 'pegg', 'writing', 'recording', 'commercial', 'jingles', 'gary', 'eventually', 'discovers', 'lucid', 'dreams', 'glamorous', 'woman', 'named', 'anna', 'played', 'pen챕lope', 'cruz', 'deeply', 'infatuated', 'aims', 'learn', 'lucid', 'dreaming', 'buying', 'books', 'even', 'attending', 'classes', 'taught', 'eccentric', 'lucid-dreaming', 'enthusiast', 'mel', 'gary', 'eventually', 'discovers', 'girl', 'dreams', 'fact', 'exist', 'paul', 'arranges', 'gary', 'meet', 'proves', 'disappointing', 'fails', 'live', 'expectations', 'gary', 'built', 'dreams', 'eventually', 'continues', 'dream', 'even', 'soundproofs', 'apartment', 'makes', 'efforts', 'able', 'sleep', 'longer', 'remain', 'anna', 'longer', 'periods', 'time', 'eventually', 'feeling', 'though', 'betraying', 'girlfriend', 'dora', 'played', 'gwyneth', 'paltrow', 'attempts', 'back'], ['old', 'joy', 'tells', 'story', 'two', 'friends', 'kurt', 'mark', 'reunite', 'weekend', 'camping', 'trip', 'cascade', 'mountain', 'range', 'bagby', 'hot', 'springs', 'east', 'portland', 'oregon', 'film', 'story', 'friendship', 'loss', 'alienation', 'mark', 'weekend', 'outing', 'offers', 'respite', 'pressure', 'imminent', 'fatherhood', 'kurt', 'another', 'chapter', 'life', 'lived', 'edge', 'maturity', 'poverty', 'tagging', 'along', 'ride', 'lucy', 'mark', 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'dog', 'process', 'working', 'sister-in-law', 'apartment', 'couple', 'theatre', 'niece', 'performing', 'production', 'b챕r챕nice', 'accompanied', 'driver', 'bruno', 'castella', 'temporary', 'bodyguard', 'franck', 'sees', 'clara', 'actress', 'meanwhile', 'learn', 'franck', 'bruno', 'conversation', 'former', 'police', 'officer', 'working', 'tirelessly', 'partner', 'towards', 'bringing', 'seemingly', 'untouchable', 'criminal', 'investigation', 'abruptly', 'ended', 'franck', 'finally', 'suffered', 'enough', 'corruption', 'quit', 'force', 'partner', 'respected', 'never', 'spoke', 'word', 'franck', 'sends', 'bruno', 'bar', 'buy', 'cigarettes', 'barmaid', 'manie', 'remembers', 'sex', 'bruno', 'bruno', 'regrets', 'remember', 'b챕r챕nice', 'clara', 'goes', 'bar', 'friends', 'including', 'antoine', 'valerie', 'conversation', 'reveals', 'afraid', 'never', 'working', 'forty', 'years', 'old', 'bruno', 'whose', 'fiance', 'internship', 'united', 'states', 'spends', 'night', 'manie', 'turns', 'sells', 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'friend', 'redesign', 'front', 'factory', 'truly', 'likes', 'things', 'franck', 'contract', 'finished', 'bruno', 'reveals', 'corrupt', 'politician', 'tried', 'send', 'prison', 'finally', 'caught', 'former', 'partner', 'bruno', 'says', 'thinks', 'partner', 'right', 'stay', 'force', 'leads', 'franck', 'drive', 'manie', 'apartment', 'reconciliation', 'window', 'sees', 'reach', 'door', 'lobby', 'hesitates', 'finally', 'drives', 'away', 'clara', 'lands', 'lead', 'part', 'hedda', 'gabler', 'invites', 'castella', 'opening', 'agitated', 'seeing', 'empty', 'chair', 'night', 'clara', 'overjoyed', 'see', 'audience', 'takes', 'final', 'bow'], ['amar', 'shah', 'accidental', 'death', 'india', 'canada-based', 'shah', 'industries', 'verge', 'collapse', 'pia', 'amar', 'fiance', 'devastated', 'girdhari', 'dad', 'become', 'numb', 'shock', 'amar', 'sister', 'grandmother', 'mourning', 'attempt', 'live', 'day', 'day', 'months', 'amar', 'death', 'young', 'man', 'shekhar', 'malhotra', 'enters', 'lives', 'shah', 'family', 'introduces', 'offers', 're-build', 'restore', 'shah', 'industries', 'without', 'compensation', 'given', 'chance', 'goes', 'uphill', 'task', 'making', 'company', 'viable', 'gradually', 'shekhar', 'heals', 'gaping', 'wound', 'left', 'shah', 'family', 'amar', 'death', 'come', 'accept', 'one', 'family', 'also', 'shekhar', 'falls', 'love', 'pia', 'people', \"n't\", 'know', 'mdash', 'except', 'bosco', 'shekhar', 'friend', 'canada', 'mdash', 'shekhar', 'jeep', 'accidentally', 'hit', 'amar', 'causing', 'death', 'ridden', 'guilt', 'shekhar', 'come', 'canada', 'confess', 'crime', 'ask', 'forgiveness', 'family', 'abhigyan', 'wealthy', 'canadian', 'industrialist', 'meets', 'pia', 'realizes', 'right', 'woman', 'abhi', 'considering', 'proposing', 'pia', 'helping', 'rebuild', 'shah', 'industries', 'golden', 'past', 'pia', 'fallen', 'love', 'shekhar', 'eventually', 'conflict', 'arises', 'pia', 'shekhar', 'regarding', 'proposition', 'made', 'abhi', 'take', 'shah', 'industries', 'shekhar', 'realizes', 'pia', 'need', 'help', 'decides', 'back', 'india', 'pia', 'stops', 'shekhar', 'boards', 'flight', 'confesses', 'feelings', 'shekhar', 'denies', 'feelings', 'boards', 'plane', 'devastated', 'pia', 'goes', 'home', 'gets', 'engaged', 'abhi', 'airport', 'arrives', 'inspector', \"d'mello\", 'came', 'india', 'search', 'person', 'killed', 'amar', 'arrests', 'shekhar', 'wait', 'bosco', 'pub', 'board', 'next', 'flight', 'india', 'shekhar', 'calls', 'pia', 'tells', 'much', 'loves', 'unveils', 'hit', 'fiance', 'came', 'canada', 'confess', 'drunk', 'shekhar', 'meets', 'accident', 'amar', 'family', 'make', 'pia', 'realise', 'much', 'shekhar', 'done', 'family', 'like', 'amar', 'abhi', 'tells', 'pia', 'back', 'shekhar', 'true', 'love', \"d'mello\", 'hospital', 'everyone', 'understands', 'family', 'needs', 'shekhar', 'simply', 'cancels', 'case', 'leaves', 'movie', 'ends', 'shekhar', 'recovering', 'love', 'birds', 'united.http', '//www.imdb.com/title/tt0290326/synopsis'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'revolves', 'around', 'billionaire', 'jean-marc', 'clement', 'learns', 'satirized', 'off-broadway', 'revue', 'going', 'theatre', 'sees', 'amanda', 'dell', 'rehearsing', 'cole', 'porter', 'song', 'heart', 'belongs', 'daddy', 'accident', 'director', 'thinks', 'actor', 'suitable', 'play', 'revue', 'clement', 'takes', 'part', 'order', 'see', 'amanda', 'plays', 'along', 'mistaken', 'identity', 'going', 'name', 'alexander', 'dumas', 'frankie', 'vaughan', 'appears', 'singer', 'revue', 'milton', 'berle', 'gene', 'kelly', 'bing', 'crosby', 'appear', 'cameo', 'roles', 'trying', 'teach', 'clement', 'deliver', 'jokes', 'dance', 'sing', 'respectively', 'tony', 'randall', 'supporting', 'role', 'portrays', 'clement\\\\', 'conflicted', 'flunky'], ['joey', 'davis', 'unemployed', 'former', 'child', 'star', 'supports', 'hustler', 'los', 'angeles', 'joey', 'uses', 'sex', 'get', 'landlady', 'reduce', 'rent', 'seduces', 'sally', 'todd', 'former', 'hollywood', 'starlet', 'sally', 'tries', 'help', 'joey', 'revive', 'career', 'status', 'mediocre', 'ex-actress', 'proves', 'quite', 'useless', 'sally', 'psychotic', 'daughter', 'jessica', 'complicates', 'relationship', 'sally', 'cynical', 'emotionally-numb', 'joey'], ['nina', 'ivanova', 'russian', 'dancer', 'becomes', 'separated', 'group', 'sent', 'entertain', 'troops', 'found', 'taken', 'hideout', 'partisan', 'group', 'led', 'vladimir', 'operating', 'behind', 'german', 'lines', 'near', 'city', 'tula', 'first', 'veteran', 'guerrillas', 'know', 'make', 'youngster', 'olga', 'astonished', 'know', 'fight', 'cook', 'mend', 'clean', 'men', 'however', 'entranced', 'beauty', 'german', 'soldier', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'lair', 'captured', 'vladimir', 'ready', 'execute', 'hand', 'answering', 'questions', 'transparent', 'lies', 'nina', 'aghast', 'thought', 'highly', 'educated', 'semyon', 'persuades', 'vladimir', 'give', 'prisoner', 'fair', 'trial', 'next', 'day', 'night', 'german', 'tries', 'escape', 'forcing', 'nina', 'shoot', 'act', 'gains', 'group', 'acceptance', 'next', 'time', 'guerrillas', 'carry', 'attack', 'vladimir', 'takes', 'along', 'lay', 'explosives', 'railroad', 'track', 'blow', 'german', 'ammunition', 'train', 'hiding', 'german', 'patrol', 'vladimir', 'nina', 'embrace', 'kiss', 'though', 'fallen', 'love', 'understand', 'ruthlessness', 'explains', 'war', 'engineer', 'proud', 'helped', 'build', 'dam', 'provide', 'electricity', 'destroy', 'keep', 'hands', 'germans', 'vladimir', 'send', 'message', 'headquarters', 'decides', 'woman', 'would', 'less', 'likely', 'suspected', 'chooses', 'veteran', 'yelena', 'woman', 'group', 'skilled', 'sniper', 'yelena', 'loves', 'vladimir', 'killed', 'germans', 'forcing', 'vladimir', 'try', 'time', 'sending', 'nina', 'however', 'softens', 'enough', 'send', 'along', 'teenage', 'mitya', 'get', 'rendezvous', 'vladimir', 'village', 'message', 'long', 'hoped', 'first', 'russian', 'counterattack', 'begin', 'next', 'day', 'german', 'officer', 'unexpectedly', 'confiscates', 'house', 'vladimir', 'hiding', 'mitya', 'spits', 'german', 'face', 'discover', 'guerrilla', 'leader', 'taken', 'away', 'questioned', 'nina', 'begs', 'vladimir', 'something', 'risk', 'endangering', 'part', 'next', 'day', 'operations', 'mitya', 'refuses', 'betray', 'comrades', 'publicly', 'hanged', 'nina', 'watches', 'helplessly', 'crowd', 'vladimir', 'put', 'charge', 'local', 'partisans', 'ordered', 'attack', 'retreat', 'draw', 'away', 'german', 'reserve', 'force', 'thus', 'russian', 'spearhead', 'breaks', 'nothing', 'path', 'one', 'one', 'vladimir', 'men', 'die', 'bravely', 'last', 'scene', 'vladimir', 'nina', 'resist', 'enemy', 'tank', 'approaches', 'fills', 'screen', 'blows', 'front'], [\"'in\", '1934', 'chicago', 'sheet-music', 'salesman', 'arthur', 'parker', 'hard', 'time', 'business', 'home', 'wife', 'joan', 'business', 'failing', 'joan', 'amorous', 'enough', 'arthur', 'refuses', 'give', 'money', 'inherited', 'father', 'start', 'business', 'arthur\\\\', 'dream', 'live', 'world', 'like', 'songs', 'tries', 'sell', 'refused', 'bank', 'loan', 'although', 'fantasizes', 'gets', 'song', 'dance', 'routine', 'yes', 'yes', 'travels', 'arthur', 'meets', 'shy', 'beautiful', 'plain', 'school', 'teacher', 'eileen', 'arthur', 'expresses', 'instant', 'attraction', 'lip-synching', 'song', 'ever', 'see', 'dream', 'walking', 'eileen', 'converted', 'brighter', 'version', 'dances', 'convinces', 'loves', 'embark', 'short', 'affair', 'arthur', 'leaves', 'returns', 'joan', 'desperate', 'keep', 'agrees', 'give', 'money', 'wanted', 'arthur', 'denies', 'affair', 'though', 'joan', 'sure', 'lying', 'singing', 'it\\\\', 'sin', 'tell', 'lie', 'eileen', 'optimistic', 'affair', 'arthur', 'imagining', 'leading', 'class', 'love', 'good', 'anything', 'ails', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'fired', 'nowhere', 'taken', 'stylish', 'pimp', 'tom', 'eileen', 'attracted', 'tom\\\\', 'badness', 'fantasizes', 'singing', 'let\\\\', 'misbehave', 'attraction', 'ends', 'however', 'quite', 'clear', 'tom', 'means', 'business', 'arranges', 'abortion', 'arthur', 'meets', 'eileen', 'lulu', '봲he', 'prostitute', 'adopted', 'aggressive', 'manner', 'resume', 'romance', 'eileen', 'leaves', 'tom', 'sordid', 'life', 'impulsively', 'arthur', 'convinces', 'run', 'away', 'together', 'failed', 'sell', 'business', 'arthur', 'eileen', 'break', 'store', 'one', 'night', 'trash', 'smashing', 'phonograph', 'records', 'supplement', 'income', 'eileen', 'keeps', 'prostituting', 'spite', 'arthur\\\\', 'objections', 'blind', 'girl', 'raped', 'killed', 'accordion-playing', 'hobo', 'arthur', 'gave', 'ride', 'earlier', 'film', 'innocent', 'arthur', 'captured', 'convicted', 'crime', 'gallows', 'recites', 'lyrics', 'song', 'pennies', 'heaven', 'trying', 'tell', 'audience', 'take', 'life', 'granted', 'one', 'final', 'fantasy', 'arthur', 'eileen', 'wind', 'dream-happy', 'ending', 'set', 'glory', 'love', 'arthur', 'saying', 'we\\\\', \"'ve\", 'worked', 'hard', 'happy', 'ending'], ['bella', 'tells', 'story', 'nina', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'waitress', 'co-worker', 'jos챕', 'cook', 'kitchen', 'mexican', 'restaurant', 'manhattan', 'getting', 'ready', 'noon', 'rush', 'nina', 'arrives', 'late', 'second', 'day', 'row', 'manny', 'restaurant', 'owner', 'jose', 'brother', 'fires', 'nina', 'leaves', 'jos챕', 'follows', 'outside', 'tells', 'pregnant', 'says', 'ready', 'baby', 'seriously', 'considering', 'abortion', 'takes', 'parents', 'house', 'tells', 'years', 'ago', 'driving', 'car', 'accidentally', 'hit', 'killed', 'little', 'girl', 'sentenced', 'four', 'years', 'prison', 'released', 'tried', 'unsuccessfully', 'multiple', 'times', 'get', 'touch', 'girl', 'mother', 'jos챕', 'nina', 'dinner', 'parents', 'house', 'nina', 'finds', 'manny', 'adopted', 'jos챕', 'parents', 'tell', 'nina', 'always', 'welcome', 'stay', 'house', 'jos챕', 'takes', 'nina', 'beach', 'near', 'house', 'nina', 'tells', 'jos챕', 'father', 'death', 'twelve', 'caused', 'mother', 'severe', 'emotional', 'pain', 'since', 'nina', 'siblings', 'spent', 'childhood', 'taking', 'care', 'emotionally', 'crippled', 'mother', 'tells', 'jos챕', 'fortunate', 'loving', 'family', 'next', 'day', 'way', 'nina', 'says', 'needs', 'friend', 'abortion', 'clinic', 'jos챕', 'walks', 'back', 'restaurant', 'reconciles', 'manny', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'jos챕', 'playing', 'beach', 'young', 'girl', 'bella', 'nina', 'daughter', 'jos챕', 'adopted', 'daughter', 'nina', 'pulls', 'taxi', 'meets', 'bella', 'first', 'time', 'two', 'exchange', 'gifts', 'movie', 'ends', 'nina', 'bella', 'jos챕', 'walk', 'beach', 'together', 'cite', 'web'], [\"'professor\", 'harold', 'hill', 'con', 'artist', 'makes', 'living', 'selling', 'instruments', 'uniforms', 'aspiring', 'musicians', 'fails', 'teach', 'delivered', 'sets', 'sights', 'naive', 'citizens', 'river', 'city', 'iowa', 'latest', 'targets', 'hill', 'sitting', 'train', 'first', 'scene', 'playing', 'cards', 'listening', 'passengers', 'train', 'talk', 'cons', 'getting', 'river', 'city', 'anvil', 'salesman', 'named', 'charlie', 'realizes', 'fails', 'catch', 'hill', 'gets', 'train', 'charlie', 'yells', 'window', 'train', \"won\\\\'t\", 'forget', 'face', 'hill', 'train', 'travels', 'hill', 'stepping', 'fresh', 'soil', 'iowa', 'hill', 'walks', 'two', 'men', 'city', 'ladder', 'asking', 'hotel', 'anywhere', 'hill', 'moves', 'find', 'hotel', 'meets', 'former', 'sidekick', 'marcellus', 'washburn', 'living', 'rural', 'town', 'manages', 'hotel', 'hill', 'tells', 'marcellus', 'new', 'pitch', 'music', 'professor', 'marcellus', 'warns', 'hill', \"won\\\\'t\", 'able', 'sell', 'stubborn', 'iowans', 'instruments', 'partly', 'town\\\\', 'current', 'music', 'teacher', 'marian', 'also', 'happens', 'librarian', 'harold', 'tells', 'marcellus', 'plans', 'get', 'marian', 'off-balanced', 'tell', 'town', 'going', 'save', 'horrible', 'trouble', 'marcellus', 'tells', 'hill', 'town', 'trouble', 'harold', 'replies', 'make', 'harold', 'finds', 'perfect', 'way', 'also', 'convinces', 'residents', 'hope', 'saving', 'sons', 'corruption', 'local', 'pool', 'hall', 'allow', 'create', 'marching', 'band', 'help', 'develop', 'musical', 'talents', 'marian', 'happens', 'walk', 'pool', 'hall', 'going', 'marcellus', 'points', 'harold', 'harold', 'abruptly', 'leaves', 'follows', 'marian', 'attempts', 'flirt', 'marian', 'cuts', 'short', 'walks', 'house', 'continue', 'piano', 'lesson', 'pupil', 'amaryllis', 'mother', 'mrs.', 'paroo', 'scolds', 'late', 'says', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'remember', 'library', 'open', 'late', 'summer', 'marian', 'tells', 'mother', 'harold', 'following', 'marian', 'thinks', 'horrid', 'mother', 'opposes', 'marian\\\\', 'younger', 'brother', 'winthrop', 'runs', 'house', 'dog', 'shadow', 'amaryllis', 'walks', 'asking', 'would', 'like', 'come', 'party', 'hosting', 'winthrop', 'declines', 'refuses', 'say', 'name', 'lisp', 'mother', 'makes', 'say', 'causing', 'amaryllis', 'giggle', 'winthrop', 'get', 'upset', 'run', 'amaryllis', 'feels', 'bad', 'confesses', 'feelings', 'winthrop', 'marian', 'marian', 'smiles', 'tells', 'play', 'crosshand', 'piece', 'amaryllis', 'smiles', 'next', 'day', 'town', 'hall', 'mayor', 'citizens', 'practicing', 'flag', 'exercises', 'led', 'mayor\\\\', 'wife', 'eulalie', 'harold', 'walks', 'talking', 'troubled', 'river', 'city', 'front', 'mayor', 'mayor', 'instantly', 'despises', 'harold', 'sends', 'four', 'feuding', 'brothers', 'get', 'credentials', 'exist', 'harold', 'stands', 'entrance', 'hall', 'gathering', 'five', 'dollars', 'boys\\\\', 'mothers', 'want', 'sign', 'band', 'tommy', 'local', 'bad', 'boy', 'falls', 'stairs', 'trying', 'get', 'away', 'mayor', 'mayor', 'catches', 'scolds', 'hanging', 'around', 'daughter', 'zaneeta', 'harold', 'takes', 'tommy', 'wing', 'gives', 'money', 'take', 'mayor\\\\', 'daughter', 'ice', 'cream', 'unbeknownst', 'zaneeta', 'mayor\\\\', 'daughter', 'walking', 'town', 'hall', 'hopes', 'flirt', 'marian', 'stopped', 'four', 'feuding', 'brothers', 'ask', 'hill\\\\', 'credentials', 'hill', 'pulls', 'ice', 'cream', 'parlor', 'sing', 'turning', 'buffalo', 'bills', 'quartet', 'quartet', 'way', 'hill', 'continues', 'pursue', 'marian', 'harold', 'catches', 'confidentially', 'tells', 'degree', 'gary', 'conservatory', 'music', 'class', \"\\\\'05\", 'marian', 'finds', 'dubious', 'cuts', 'harold', 'abruptly', 'leaves', 'back', 'hotel', 'harold', 'confides', 'marcellus', 'plan', 'buy', 'instruments', 'uniforms', 'instruction', 'booklets', 'well', 'supposedly', 'take', 'three', 'weeks', 'instead', 'planned', 'ten', 'days', 'marcellus', 'debates', 'harold', \"can\\\\'t\", 'teach', 'boys', 'play', 'since', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'even', 'know', 'one', 'note', 'harold', 'tells', 'marcellus', 'created', 'revolutionary', 'system', 'use', 'play', 'music', 'calling', 'think', 'system', 'need', 'think', 'note', 'play', 'marcellus', 'still', 'warns', 'harold', 'three', 'weeks', 'fourth', 'july', 'social', 'town', 'want', 'hear', 'music', 'harold', 'says', 'uniforms', 'arrive', 'town', 'forget', 'band', 'long', 'enough', 'skip', 'town', 'money', 'parents', 'marcellus', 'harold', 'talk', 'marian', 'harold', 'walks', 'hat', 'shop', 'mayor\\\\', 'wife', 'gang', 'women', 'gathered', 'trying', 'hats', 'women', 'pull', 'shop', 'asking', 'opinion', 'hats', 'gossiping', 'attempts', 'get', 'eulalie', 'unbalanced', 'makes', 'head', 'women\\\\', 'dance', 'committee', 'women', 'begin', 'gossip', 'marian', 'harold', 'brings', 'tell', 'harold', 'shun', 'marian', 'due', 'relationship', 'man', 'left', 'library', 'town', 'contents', 'marian', 'suspicious', 'harold\\\\', 'claim', 'degree', 'gary', 'conservatory', 'music', 'class', \"\\\\'05\", 'begins', 'investigate', 'interrupted', 'harold', 'walks', 'asks', 'date', 'marian', 'gets', 'angry', 'forces', 'leave', 'library', 'harold', 'attempts', 'sell', 'winthrop', 'cornet', 'stops', 'house', 'speaks', 'mrs.', 'paroo', 'cornet', 'successfully', 'cons', 'buying', 'instrument', 'winthrop', 'eavesdropping', 'deal', 'treehouse', 'window', 'falls', 'harold', 'saves', 'making', 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'americans', 'snobbishly', 'wealthy', 'upsets', 'maggie', 'end', 'joe', 'sells', 'car', 'matador', 'maggie', 'reconciled'], [\"'emily\", 'jacks', 'jackson', 'spent', 'childhood', 'america', 'lives', 'works', 'london', 'british', 'vogue', 'shares', 'apartment', 'gay', 'friend', 'peter', 'simon', 'screenwriter', 'afraid', 'disappointed', 'serious', 'relationship', 'jacks', 'prefers', 'spend', 'free', 'time', 'friends', 'sleep', 'ex-boyfriend', 'james', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'love', 'peter', 'never', 'relationship', 'spends', 'much', 'time', 'dreams', 'result', 'fall', 'love', 'real', 'person', 'gets', 'complicated', 'entrance', 'paolo', 'photography', 'assistant', 'one', 'photographers', 'vogue', 'film', 'develops', 'come', 'realize', 'mistakes', 'eventually', 'reach', 'happy', 'endings'], [\"'billy\", 'collier', 'sean', 'hayes', 'aspiring', 'photographer', 'los', 'angeles', 'little', 'artistic', 'success', 'much', 'romantic', 'frustration', 'comes', 'idea', 'recreating', 'iconic', 'screen', 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'video', 'store', 'girlfriend', 'denise', 'appears', 'commercial', 'show', 'celebration', 'next', 'day', 'neil', 'meets', 'denise', 'restaurant', 'goes', 'table', 'gets', 'waiter', 'spill', 'glass', 'water', 'watch', 'overreact', 'amused', 'prank', 'tells', 'needs', 'get', 'life', 'together', 'instead', 'watching', 'movies', 'playing', 'immature', 'games', 'casually', 'breaks', 'telling', 'enough', 'like', 'katharine', 'ross', 'butch', 'cassidy', 'sundance', 'kid', 'back', 'store', 'neil', 'watching', 'film', 'friend/employee', 'jonathan', 'femme', 'fatale', 'violet', 'makes', 'entrance', 'turning', 'head', 'violet', 'identification', 'credit', 'card', 'rental', 'deposit', 'persuades', 'take', 'cash', 'puts', 'envelope', 'antique', 'cash', 'register', 'returns', 'surreptitiously', 'steals', 'back', 'deposit', 'making', 'think', 'lost', 'says', 'take', 'dinner', 'make', 'date', 'violet', 'arrives', 'first', 'pretends', 'already', 'gotten', 'really', 'drunk', 'neil', 'try', 'take', 'advantage', 'situation', 'reveals', 'joke', 'proceed', 'dinner', 'urging', 'media', 'giant', 'store', 'corporate', 'competitor', 'hide', 'closet', 'employees', 'lock', 'night', 'switch', 'bunch', 'dvds', 'wrong', 'cases', 'knock', 'displays', 'fleeing', 'next', 'day', 'spy', 'media', 'giant', 'see', 'employee', 'talking', 'police', 'officer', 'later', 'police', 'detectives', 'drop', 'gumshoe', 'video', 'question', 'neil', 'media', 'giant', 'break-in', 'completely', 'scared', 'violet', 'appears', 'cops', 'begin', 'laughing', 'hysterically', 'ruse', 'flummoxed', 'neil', 'secretly', 'trails', 'violet', 'back', 'house', 'end', 'bed', 'another', 'day', 'neil', 'leaving', 'meet', 'violet', 'park', 'runs', 'friends', 'beg', 'come', 'along', 'meet', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'violet', 'feeds', 'another', 'party\\\\', 'picnic', 'meal', 'leaves', 'answer', 'neil', 'tries', 'make', 'next', 'date', 'quieter', 'watching', 'basketball', 'game', 'bored', 'violet', 'want', 'stay', 'night', 'later', 'goes', 'see', 'band', 'play', 'jonathan\\\\', 'bar', 'spies', 'flirting', 'musician', 'jealous', 'stages', 'rock', 'guitar', 'scene', 'next', 'date', 'sex', 'reveals', 'staged', 'club', 'scene', 'tells', 'musicians', 'dated', 'including', 'bald', 'polish', 'avant', 'garde', 'musician', 'stalks', 'city', 'city', 'paranoid', 'neil', 'imagines', 'every', 'bald', 'white', 'guy', 'sees', 'stalker', 'violet', 'stages', 'scene', 'tied', 'chair', 'bald', 'giant', 'turns', 'friend', 'denis', 'frustrated', 'violet\\\\', 'tomfoolery', 'neil', 'breaks', 'neil', 'runs', 'denise', 'realizes', 'treated', 'somewhat', 'like', 'violet', 'treated', 'misses', 'violet', 'excitement', 'created', 'calls', 'tells', 'come', 'workplace', 'tricks', 'stealing', 'money', 'job', 'illegal', 'casino', 'thinking', 'another', 'one', 'fake', 'scenes', 'shot', 'chased', 'neil', 'exhilarated', 'crime', 'violet', 'takes', 'money', 'lets', 'know', 'used', 'neil', 'distraught', 'another', 'breakup', 'violet', 'returns', 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'james', 'display', 'romantic', 'interest', 'miranda', 'drawn', 'james', 'spite', 'moody', 'temperament', 'miranda', 'pursues', 'james', 'end', 'getting', 'married', 'soon', 'realize', 'marriage', 'takes', 'work', 'james', 'leaves', 'miranda', 'behind', 'make', 'album', 'always', 'wanted', 'realizes', 'left', 'heart', 'film', 'open', 'ending', 'led', 'believe', 'stays', 'james'], ['journalist', 'mistakes', 'woman', 'prostitute', 'tries', 'interview', 'job', 'falls', 'love'], ['libby', 'meredith', 'husband', 'roger', 'move', 'new', 'york', 'small', 'house', 'backwoods', 'tennessee', 'neighbor', 'cade', 'helpful', 'libby', 'especially', 'intellectual', 'husband', 'busy', 'writing', 'book', 'paying', 'little', 'attention', 'comes', 'like', 'country', 'life', 'finds', 'attracted', 'rural', 'sensibilities', 'though', 'married', 'ann', 'libby', 'start', 'middle-aged', 'affair', 'libby', 'daughter', 'ellen', 'arrives', 'asking', 'help', 'raising', 'son', 'attends', 'harvard', 'soon', 'enough', 'son', 'finds', 'affair', 'assaults', 'libby', 'leading', 'drastic', 'consequences'], ['jeanne', 'milliner', 'courted', 'aristocrats', 'first', 'affair', 'ren챕', 'young', 'writer', 'count', 'barry', 'marries', 'count', 'order', 'become', 'louis', 'mistress'], ['receiving', 'well-earned', 'certification', 'sheltered', 'boarding', 'school', 'carla', 'tate', 'ambitious', 'mildly', 'mentally', 'challenged', 'autistic', 'young', 'woman', 'returns', 'home', 'over-protective', 'mother', 'elizabeth', 'elizabeth', 'seems', 'act', 'embarrassed', 'daughter', 'disability', 'family', 'discussions', 'elizabeth', 'adopts', 'uneasy', 'attitude', 'wisdom-hard-won', 'father', 'radley', 'dentist', 'carla', 'ambition', 'seek', 'independence', 'family', 'earning', 'diploma', 'trade', 'school', 'carla', 'meets', 'another', 'mentally', 'challenged', 'student', 'daniel', 'mcmann', 'become', 'friends', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'envying', 'danny', 'freedom', 'carla', 'convinces', 'parents', 'capable', 'living', 'moves', 'apartment', 'time', 'carla', 'danny', 'become', 'sexually', 'active', 'together', 'danny', 'independence', 'financially', 'compromised', 'wealthy', 'emotionally', 'detached', 'father', 'abruptly', 'stops', 'sending', 'subsistence', 'money', 'danny', 'begins', 'realize', 'independence', 'enjoyed', 'comes', 'staggering', 'cost', 'danny', 'gets', 'drunk', 'seeks', 'solace', 'insight', 'landlord', 'friend', 'ernie', 'christmas', 'holiday', 'party', 'nervous', 'personal', 'lot', 'daniel', 'drinks', 'much', 'build', 'courage', 'declare', 'love', 'carla', 'also', 'telling', 'everyone', 'first', 'time', 'making', 'love', 'humiliated', 'carla', 'bursts', 'tears', 'screaming', 'everyone', 'stop', 'laughing', 'although', 'daniel', 'intend', 'embarrass', 'carla', 'nonetheless', 'refuses', 'see', 'time', 'carla', 'realizes', 'still', 'loves', 'danny', 'wants', 'see', 'despite', 'mother', 'advising', 'otherwise', 'sister', 'wedding', 'danny', 'surprises', 'carla', 'showing', 'church', 'asking', 'carla', 'marry', 'scene', 'mimicking', 'graduate', 'couple', 'favorite', 'movie', 'everyone', 'supports', 'wishes', 'except', 'elizabeth', 'unsure', 'danny', 'take', 'care', 'let', 'alone', 'carla', 'becomes', 'angry', 'telling', 'mother', 'sick', 'dominance', 'doubt', 'also', 'sick', 'treating', 'like', 'embarrassment', 'carla', 'father', 'sisters', 'support', 'decision', 'wedding', 'planned', 'first', 'elizabeth', 'determined', 'attend', 'radley', 'admonishes', 'saying', 'walk', 'carla', 'aisle', 'finally', 'relents', 'outside', 'church', 'danny', 'surprises', 'carla', 'marching', 'band', 'playing', 'song', 'music', 'man', 'chauffeured', 'away', 'honeymoon', 'ernie', 'prized', 'mustang'], ['sir', 'william', 'mainwaring-brown', 'british', 'government', 'minister', 'puts', 'forward', 'bill', 'battle', 'filth', 'however', \"n't\", 'stop', 'affair', 'miss', 'parkyn', 'wendy', 'opponents', 'bill', 'mainly', 'hippies', 'led', 'johnny', 'kidnap', 'minister', 'best', 'friend', 'co-founder', 'bill', 'barry', 'ovis', 'way', 'church', 'marry', 'fiancee', 'jean', 'later', 'following', 'tip', 'johnny', 'police', 'raid', 'hippies', 'flat', 'intention', 'discredit', 'barry', 'ovis', 'making', 'appear', 'involved', 'orgy', 'therefore', 'remove', 'credibility', 'law', 'order', 'bill', 'might', 'thankfully', 'escapes', 'police', 'discover', 'dashes', 'back', 'sir', 'william', 'flat', 'followed', 'damina', 'one', 'hippies', 'meanwhile', 'minister', 'also', 'trying', 'use', 'flat', 'carry', 'affairs', 'wendy', 'miss', 'parkyn', 'minister', 'barry', 'jean', 'try', 'keep', 'truth', 'inspector', 'ruff', 'wilfred', 'potts', 'birdie', 'try', 'deal', 'hippies', 'utmost', 'discredit', 'mainwaring-brown', 'ovis', 'naturally', 'causes', 'end', 'trouble'], [\"'twilight\", 'dancers', 'offers', 'disturbing', 'yet', 'humorous', 'look', 'country\\\\', 'social', 'realities', 'eyes', 'three', 'macho', 'dancers', 'male', 'strippers', 'one', 'dwight', 'young', 'peak', 'trade', 'loses', 'girl', 'loves', 'politician\\\\', 'son', 'there\\\\', 'alfred', 'past', 'prime', 'kicked', 'club', 'finally', 'there\\\\', 'bert', 'long', 'since', 'given', 'dancing', 'bodyguard-driver', 'corrupt', 'businesswoman', 'bert\\\\', 'boss', 'madame', 'loca', 'manipulates', 'events', 'push', 'three', 'dancers', 'fight', 'survival', 'finally', 'confront', 'issues', 'love', 'friendship', 'betrayal', 'adding', 'conflicts', 'deaf-mute', 'wife', 'refuses', 'back', 'macho', 'dancer', 'husband', 'director', 'keeps', 'promising', 'stardom', 'male', 'dancer', 'named', 'michael', 'transvestite', 'performer', 'fakes', 'virgin', 'well', 'tyrannical', 'mayor', 'cross-dresses', 'birthday', 'party', 'union', 'leader', 'gets', 'shot', 'assassin', 'broad', 'daylight', 'club\\\\', 'manager', 'taurus', 'always', 'says', 'serve', 'carnal', 'desires', 'men', 'show', 'twilight', 'dancers', 'third', 'movie', 'director', 'mel', 'chionglo', 'philippine\\\\', 'macho', 'dancer', 'industry'], ['harry', 'went', 'manila', 'friend', 'james', 'exact', 'vengeance', 'abusive', 'father', 'used', 'pimp', 'killed', 'mother', 'ended', 'working', 'macho', 'dancer', 'gay', 'club', 'became', 'involved', 'gay', 'writer', 'hooker', 'set', 'look', 'father', 'avenge', 'mother', 'death', 'found', 'dying', 'aids', 'shack', 'squatter', 'area', 'told', 'mother', 'alive', 'looked', 'mother', 'got', 'reunited', 'taught', 'forgive', 'father', 'father', 'eventually', 'dies'], ['james', 'mitchell', 'plays', 'paul', 'wyler', 'successful', 'sculptor', 'best', 'known', 'sculpting', 'nude', 'young', 'girls', 'encounters', 'old', 'flame', 'sarah', 'smitten', 'beautiful', 'daughter', 'laura', 'asks', 'sarah', 'pose', 'sarah', 'married', 'still', 'jealous', 'fact', 'former', 'lover', 'attracted', 'daughter', 'tells', 'paul', 'laura', 'interested', 'even', 'though', 'actually', 'quite', 'enthusiastic', 'alternative', 'live', 'posing', 'sarah', 'takes', 'photos', 'laura', 'posing', 'nude', 'gives', 'paul', 'sculpt', 'laura', 'fire', 'art', 'exhibit', 'though', 'paul', 'goes', 'blind', 'complete', 'sculpture', 'end', 'laura', 'going', 'say', 'goodbye', 'paul', 'allows', 'finish', 'work', 'feeling', 'body', 'sculpting', 'feeling', 'leads', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'two', 'next', 'morning', 'laura', 'mother', 'comes', 'take', 'away'], ['robin', 'shea', 'mischief-causing', 'temptress', 'rock-star', 'wannabe', 'anything', 'escape', 'confines', 'new', 'mexico', 'prison', 'meets', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'billy', 'moran', 'manual', 'labor', 'prison', 'brief', 'tryst', 'within', 'minutes', 'met', 'persuades', 'billy', 'marry', 'billy', 'responsible', 'serious', 'demeanor', 'sharp', 'contrast', 'robin', 'wild-child', 'nature', \"n't\", 'want', 'relationship', 'interested', 'furthering', 'musical', 'career', 'way', 'politician', 'james', 'tiernan', 'previously', 'picked', 'robin', 'jailbreak', 'drove', 'back', 'prison', 'risks', 'chances', 'elected', 'governor', 'ability', 'use', 'robin', 'poster', 'child', 'successful', 'prison', 'reform', 'meantime', 'robin', 'tries', 'teach', 'billy', 'properly', 'relate', 'women', 'tries', 'teach', 'wife', 'mother', 'effect', 'learn', 'become', 'better', 'human', 'beings'], ['social', 'outcasts', 'mary', 'marshall', 'sgt', 'zachary', 'morgan', 'meet', 'seated', 'across', 'train', 'bound', 'pine', 'hill', 'zach', 'victim', 'shell', 'shock', 'therefore', 'prisoner', 'mind', 'granted', 'ten-day', 'leave', 'military', 'hospital', 'try', 'readjust', 'daily', 'life', 'mary', 'given', 'special', 'eight-day', 'furlough', 'prison', 'spend', 'christmas', 'holiday', 'aunt', 'uncle', 'pine', 'hill', 'harbors', 'secret', 'consequently', 'mary', 'lies', 'zach', 'traveling', 'saleslady', 'way', 'spend', 'holidays', 'family', 'zach', 'tells', 'mary', 'going', 'visit', 'sister', 'pine', 'hill', 'train', 'pulls', 'station', 'two', 'exchange', 'names', 'mary', 'goes', 'marshall', 'home', 'reunited', 'uncle', 'henry', 'aunt', 'sarah', 'cousin', 'barbara', 'zach', 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'course', 'dr.', 'says', \"n't\", 'give', 'refund', '5,000', 'anyone', 'quits', 'disobeys', 'orders', 'given', 'classmates', 'even', 'warn', 'roger', 'dr.', 'destroy', 'progress', 'fast', 'like', 'done', 'one', 'former', 'students', 'participating', 'roger', 'begins', 'develop', 'sense', 'personal', 'pride', 'finally', 'asks', 'amanda', 'date', 'uses', 'tricks', 'learned', 'course', 'wanting', 'prove', 'still', 'got', 'edge', 'dr.', 'starts', 'competing', 'roger', 'amanda', 'approaches', 'false', 'story', 'successful', 'child-loving', 'surgeon', 'whose', 'wife', 'died', 'amanda', 'voluntary', 'caretaker', 'animals', 'immediately', 'attracted', 'starts', 'dating', 'roger', 'begins', 'see', 'happening', 'decides', 'take', 'action', 'get', 'amanda', 'back', 'although', 'actions', 'futile', 'competitive', 'tennis', 'match', 'roger', 'humiliates', 'dr.', 'enlists', 'talents', 'roger', 'classmates', 'break', 'amanda', 'apartment', 'paint', 'graffiti', 'walls', 'could', 'frame', 'roger', 'stalker', 'roger', 'uses', 'authority', 'meter', 'reader', 'impound', 'dr.', 'car', 'retaliation', 'dr.', 'gets', 'roger', 'fired', 'job', 'roger', 'learns', 'dr.', 'plans', 'amanda', 'depressed', 'former', 'student', 'lonnie', 'also', 'humiliated', 'dr.', 'led', 'girlfriend', 'away', 'shows', 'roger', 'fascicle', 'full', 'evidence', 'dr.', 'fraud', 'uses', 'multiple', 'identities', 'false', 'stories', 'attract', 'distract', 'victims', 'learning', 'dr.', 'invited', 'amanda', 'miami', 'roger', 'determined', 'stop', 'heads', 'airport', 'dr.', 'tells', 'winner', 'grants', 'two', 'tickets', 'one', 'one', 'amanda', 'however', 'roger', 'first', \"n't\", 'know', 'dr.', 'sent', 'wrong', 'gate', 'realizing', 'tricked', 'dr.', 'roger', 'heads', 'right', 'gate', 'boards', 'plane', 'miami', 'last', 'moment', 'aid', 'lonnie', 'classmates', 'finally', 'exposes', 'dr.', 'duplicity', 'revealed', 'dr.', \"n't\", 'doctor', 'surgeon', 'wife', 'still', 'alive', 'amanda', 'finally', 'realizes', 'wrong', 'returns', 'roger', 'meeting', 'roger', 'time', 'dr.', 'grants', 'diploma', 'successfully', 'passing', 'course', 'first', 'diploma', 'ever', 'issued', 'also', 'invites', 'roger', 'attend', 'one', 'future', 'courses', 'guest', 'roger', 'refuses', 'film', 'closes', 'summary', 'happened', 'characters', 'film', 'events'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'portrays', 'lives', 'shy', 'conjoined', 'twins', 'blake', 'francis', 'falls', 'take', 'residence', 'rundown', 'hotel', 'hopefully', 'reunite', 'estranged', 'birth', 'mother', 'secluding', 'outside', 'world', 'find', 'gateway', 'outside', 'world', 'eccentric', 'young', 'prostitute', 'named', 'penny', 'agree', 'attend', 'halloween', 'party', 'penny', 'pretend', 'wearing', 'siamese', 'twins', 'costume', 'rest', 'movie', 'involves', 'brothers', 'dealing', 'francis\\\\', 'health', 'problems', 'changing', 'relationship', 'brothers', 'blake\\\\', 'budding', 'relationship', 'penny', 'ultimately', 'francis\\\\', 'health', 'deteriorates', 'far', 'twins', 'separated', 'francis', 'sick', 'survive', 'dies', 'blake', 'survives', 'must', 'begin', 'life', 'apart', 'twin', 'penny', 'visits', 'two', 'start', 'relationship'], [\"'oh-sung\", 'doctor', 'hospice', 'facility', 'emotionally', 'scarred', 'experience', 'losing', 'parents', 'child', 'one', 'night', 'meets', 'young-ju', 'make-up', 'artist', 'diagnosed', 'terminal', 'stomach', 'cancer', 'despite', 'little', 'time', 'together', 'two', 'start', 'develop', 'feelings'], [\"'finding\", 'north', 'tells', 'story', 'rhonda', 'bank', 'teller', 'who\\\\', 'depressed', 'upon', 'turning', 'travis', 'gay', 'man', 'who\\\\', 'recently', 'lost', 'lover', 'aids', 'grown', 'suicidal', 'travis', 'receives', 'audio', 'tape', 'recorded', 'lover', 'bobby', 'death', 'sends', 'scavenger', 'hunt', 'sorts', 'bobby\\\\', 'home', 'town', 'texas', 'series', 'mishaps', 'rhonda', 'ends', 'accompanying', 'journey', 'together', 'follow', 'bobby\\\\', 'instructions', 'best', 'collecting', 'items', 'represent', 'bobby\\\\', 'past', 'despite', 'many', 'changes', 'town', 'years', 'since', 'bobby', 'left', 'ultimately', 'end', 'gravesite', 'bobby\\\\', 'parents', 'prepared', 'decades', 'earlier', 'bury', 'collected', 'items', 'bobby\\\\', 'instruction', 'together', 'start', 'try', 'finding', 'north'], [\"'gray\", 'baldwin', 'family', 'oriented', 'quiet', 'bachelorette', 'lives', 'close-knit', 'life', 'brother', 'sam', 'lifestyle', 'generally', 'co-dependent', 'involving', 'living', 'together', 'going', 'dance', 'classes', 'together', 'etc', 'gray', 'sam\\\\', 'relationship', 'never', 'thought', 'strange', 'dinner', 'party', 'guest', 'mistakes', 'siblings', 'couple', 'gray', 'sam', 'decide', 'venture', 'outside', 'one', 'another', 'discussing', 'single', 'lifestyles', 'hook', 'significant', 'conversation', 'continues', 'park', 'gray', 'meets', 'possible', 'girlfriend', 'sam', 'charlie', 'kelsey', 'gray', 'introduces', 'charlie', 'sam', 'instantly', 'bond', 'agreeing', 'see', 'gray\\\\', 'surprise', 'charlie', 'sam', 'become', 'engaged', 'two', 'days', 'meeting', 'charlie', 'sam', 'insist', 'love', 'one', 'another', 'las', 'vegas', 'following', 'morning', 'elope', 'inviting', 'gray', 'along', 'gray', 'little', 'hesitant', 'agrees', 'charlie', 'says', 'mini', 'bachelorette', 'party', 'gray', 'agrees', 'three', 'make', 'way', 'vegas', 'vegas', 'gray', 'takes', 'charlie', 'hen', 'night', 'many', 'drinks', 'two', 'share', 'drunken', 'kiss', 'next', 'morning', 'charlie', 'remember', 'anything', 'gray', 'slept', 'whole', 'night', 'due', 'bond', 'felt', 'charlie', 'realisation', 'gray', 'comes', 'conclusion', 'attracted', 'women', 'falling', 'love', 'sister-in-law', 'events', 'occurred', 'vegas', 'begin', 'beautiful', 'journey', 'self-discovery', 'testing', 'relationship', 'two', 'close', 'siblings', 'finding', 'happiness', 'lonely', 'manhattan'], ['charlie', 'reader', '35-year-old', 'theatrical', 'agent', 'new', 'york', 'living', 'seemingly', 'idyllic', 'life', 'bachelor', 'numerous', 'women', 'among', 'poppy', 'helen', 'jessica', 'come', 'cleaning', 'cooking', 'charlie', 'best', 'friend', 'since', 'kindergarten', 'joe', 'mccall', 'wife', 'named', 'ethel', 'children', 'indianapolis', 'comes', 'new', 'york', 'stay', 'charlie', 'apartment', 'claiming', 'excitement', 'gone', '11-year', 'marriage', 'wants', 'leave', 'wife', 'joe', 'envies', 'amazed', 'charlie', 'parade', 'girlfriends', 'charlie', 'professes', 'admiration', 'joe', 'married', 'life', 'family', 'audition', 'charlie', 'meets', 'singer-actress', 'julie', 'gillis', 'life', 'planned', 'tight', 'schedule', 'determined', 'marry', 'retire', 'performing', 'life', 'child-rearing', '22.', 'although', 'first', 'wards', 'charlie', 'advances', 'comes', 'see', 'ideal', 'man', 'plans', 'julie', 'demands', 'charlie', 'stop', 'seeing', 'women', 'charlie', 'balks', 'begins', 'fall', 'love', 'joe', 'starts', 'keeping', 'company', 'sylvia', 'crewes', 'sophisticated', 'classical', 'musician', 'typically', 'neglected', 'lover', 'charlie', 'sylvia', 'approaching', 'desires', 'marriage', 'much', 'younger', 'julie', 'one', 'day', 'annoyed', 'julie', 'possibly', 'jealous', 'joe', 'attentions', 'charlie', 'blurts', 'proposal', 'marriage', 'sylvia', 'thrilled', 'discover', 'morning', 'engagement', 'party', 'proposed', 'julie', 'well', 'joe', 'confesses', 'love', 'sylvia', 'asks', 'marry', 'turns', 'knowing', 'loves', 'wife', 'children', 'sylvia', 'reminds', 'joe', 'girls', 'turn', 'wives', 'marry', 'wants', 'things', 'ethel', 'way', 'sylvia', 'runs', 'charming', 'stranger', 'near', 'elevator', 'clearly', 'wants', 'get', 'know', 'much', 'better', 'joe', 'packs', 'returns', 'indiana', 'wife', 'charlie', 'girlfriends', 'also', 'moved', 'lives', 'leaves', 'europe', 'year', 'charlie', 'returns', 'time', 'see', 'sylvia', 'marrying', 'new', 'man', 'life', 'flips', 'bridal', 'bouquet', 'julie', 'also', 'wedding', 'charlie', 'tosses', 'flowers', 'asks', 'marry', 'agrees', 'kiss'], ['watching', 'documentary', 'suffering', 'women', 'forced', 'prostitution', 'japanese', 'occupation', 'philippines', 'markova', 'decides', 'tell', 'painful', 'story', 'reporter', 'loren', 'legarda', 'escaping', 'torment', 'growing', 'abusive', 'older', 'brother', 'friends', 'found', 'suffering', 'hands', 'japanese', 'soldiers', 'forced', 'sex', 'work', 'survive', 'even', 'war', 'markova', 'struggle', 'continued'], ['unaware', 'co-worker', 'sexuality', 'annie', 'tries', 'seduce', 'ron', 'learning', 'pregnant', 'moves', 'despite', 'discovery', 'gay', 'living', 'boyfriend', 'nick', 'together', 'trio', 'navigates', 'way', 'minefield', 'romantic', 'difficulties', 'discovering', 'true', 'meaning', 'love'], [\"'still\", 'life', 'set', 'fengjie', 'city', 'upstream', 'massive', 'three', 'gorges', 'dam', 'marked', 'flooding', 'city', 'undergoes', 'process', 'self-deconstruction', 'dying', 'town', 'comes', 'han', 'sanming', 'coal-miner', 'province', 'shanxi', 'returned', 'search', 'wife', 'ran', 'away', 'sixteen', 'years', 'ago', 'upon', 'arriving', 'asks', 'local', 'motorcyclist', 'drive', 'former', 'address', 'granite', 'street', 'driver', 'takes', 'river', 'bank', 'revealing', 'entire', 'neighborhood', 'flooded', 'since', 'building', 'dam', 'failed', 'attempt', 'obtain', 'wife\\\\', 'information', 'local', 'municipal', 'office', 'han', 'sanming', 'settles', 'local', 'hotel', 'sanming\\\\', 'next', 'stop', 'rickety', 'boat', 'owned', 'wife\\\\', 'elder', 'brother', 'brother', 'informs', 'sanming', 'wife', 'daughter', 'work', 'downriver', 'yichang', 'remains', 'city', 'eventually', 'return', 'sanming', 'befriends', 'local', 'teen', 'brother', 'mark', 'helps', 'get', 'job', 'demolition', 'crew', 'together', 'two', 'spend', 'days', 'tearing', 'buildings', 'film', 'cuts', 'second', 'story', 'arrival', 'shen', 'hong', 'nurse', 'shen', 'hong\\\\', 'husband', 'guo', 'bing', 'left', 'home', 'shanxi', 'two', 'years', 'earlier', 'made', 'token', 'attempts', 'keep', 'contact', 'eventually', 'enlists', 'help', 'one', 'husband\\\\', 'friends', 'wang', 'dongming', 'lets', 'stay', 'home', 'two', 'seek', 'guo', 'bin', 'shen', 'hong', 'discovers', 'guo', 'bin', 'become', 'fairly', 'successful', 'businessman', 'fengjie', 'dongming', 'refuses', 'answer', 'whether', 'guo', 'bin', 'another', 'girl', 'side', 'though', 'shen', 'hong', 'later', 'finds', 'husband', 'indeed', 'affair', 'wealthy', 'investor', 'guo', 'bin', 'shen', 'hong', 'last', 'meet', 'simply', 'walks', 'away', 'husband', 'pursues', 'tells', 'fallen', 'love', 'someone', 'else', 'wishes', 'divorce', 'asks', 'fallen', 'love', 'responds', 'really', 'matter', 'film', 'cuts', 'back', 'sanming', 'final', 'third', 'working', 'demolishing', 'buildings', 'sometime', 'brother', 'mark', 'fatally', 'injured', 'collapse', 'wall', 'perhaps', 'murdered', 'job', 'contracted', 'guo', 'bin', 'gather', 'gang', 'youths', 'intimidate', 'inhabitants', 'rival', 'piece', 'real', 'estate', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'brother-in-law', 'calls', 'informing', 'wife', 'missy', 'returned', 'sanming', 'missy', 'meet', 'sanming', 'asks', 'left', 'answers', 'young', 'know', 'tells', 'daughter', 'works', 'south', 'works', 'boat-owner', 'essentially', 'indentured', 'servant', 'due', 'brothers', 'debt', 'sanming', 'attempts', 'take', 'ex-wife', 'informed', 'pay', '30,000', 'rmb', 'cover', 'debt', 'promises', 'makes', 'decision', 'head', 'back', 'shanxi', 'work', 'mines', 'new', 'friends', 'coworkers', 'announce', 'following', 'sanming', 'reminds', 'intensely', 'dangerous', 'nature', 'work', 'film', 'ends', 'sanming', 'prepares', 'depart', 'man', 'walking', 'across', 'tight-rope', 'appears', 'background', '...'], [\"'sandy\", 'brooks', 'desperate', 'get', 'pregnant', 'husband', 'jeff', 'television', 'script', 'writer', 'stressed', 'make', 'love', 'attempt', 'sea', 'change', 'pleasure', 'cruise', 'meet', 'another', 'couple', 'claire', 'king', 'banner'], [\"'in\", '1890', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'excited', 'widowed', 'brassy', 'dolly', 'levi', 'town', 'dolly', 'makes', 'living', 'matchmaking', 'numerous', 'sidelines', 'currently', 'seeking', 'wife', 'grumpy', 'horace', 'vandergelder', 'well-known', 'half-a-millionaire', 'becomes', 'clear', 'dolly', 'intends', 'marry', 'horace', 'dolly', 'travels', 'yonkers', 'new', 'york', 'visit', 'horace', 'ambrose', 'kemper', 'young', 'artist', 'wants', 'marry', 'horace\\\\', 'weepy', 'niece', 'ermengarde', 'horace', 'opposes', 'ambrose\\\\', 'vocation', 'guarantee', 'steady', 'living', 'horace', 'owner', 'vandergelder\\\\', 'hay', 'feed', 'explains', 'two', 'clerks', 'cornelius', 'hackl', 'barnaby', 'tucker', 'going', 'get', 'married', 'takes', 'woman', 'cheerfully', 'household', 'chores', 'plans', 'travel', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'propose', 'irene', 'molloy', 'owns', 'hat', 'shop', 'dolly', 'arrives', 'yonkers', 'sends', 'horace', 'ahead', 'city', 'leaving', 'tells', 'cornelius', 'barnaby', 'mind', 'store', 'cornelius', 'decides', 'barnaby', 'need', 'get', 'yonkers', 'dolly', 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'barnaby', 'still', 'pretending', 'rich', 'take', 'ladies', 'dinner', 'harmonia', 'gardens', 'make', 'humiliation', 'teaches', 'cornelius', 'barnaby', 'dance', 'since', 'always', 'dancing', 'establishments', 'clerks', 'ladies', 'watch', 'fourteenth', 'street', 'association', 'parade', 'together', 'alone', 'dolly', 'asks', 'first', 'husband', 'ephram\\\\', 'permission', 'marry', 'horace', 'requesting', 'sign', 'resolves', 'move', 'life', 'meeting', 'old', 'friend', 'gussie', 'granger', 'float', 'parade', 'dolly', 'catches', 'annoyed', 'vandergelder', 'marching', 'parade', 'tells', 'heiress', 'ernestina', 'simple', 'would', 'perfect', 'asks', 'meet', 'harmonia', 'gardens', 'evening', 'cornelius', 'determined', 'get', 'kiss', 'night', 'since', 'clerks', 'money', 'hire', 'carriage', 'tell', 'girls', 'walking', 'restaurant', 'shows', 'they\\\\', \"'ve\", 'got', 'elegance', 'quiet', 'flat', 'dolly', 'prepares', 'evening', 'harmonia', 'gardens', 'restaurant', 'rudolph', 'head', 'waiter', 'whips', 'crew', 'shape', 'dolly', 'levi\\\\', 'return', 'horace', 'arrives', 'meet', 'date', 'really', 'dolly\\\\', 'friend', 'gussie', 'turns', 'rich', 'elegant', 'dolly', 'implied', 'soon', 'leaves', 'bored', 'horace', 'dolly', 'planned', 'cornelius', 'barnaby', 'dates', 'arrive', 'unaware', 'horace', 'also', 'restaurant', 'dolly', 'makes', 'triumphant', 'return', 'harmonia', 'gardens', 'greeted', 'style', 'staff', 'hello', 'dolly', 'sits', 'now-empty', 'seat', 'horace\\\\', 'table', 'proceeds', 'tell', 'matter', 'says', 'marry', 'fearful', 'caught', 'cornelius', 'confesses', 'ladies', 'barnaby', 'money', 'irene', 'knew', 'pretending', 'along', 'offers', 'pay', 'meal', 'realizes', 'left', 'handbag', 'money', 'home', 'four', 'try', 'sneak', 'polka', 'contest', 'horace', 'recognizes', 'also', 'spots', 'ermengarde', 'ambrose', 'ensuing', 'confrontation', 'vandergelder', 'fires', 'cornelius', 'barnaby', 'forced', 'flee', 'riot', 'breaks', 'cornelius', 'professes', 'love', 'irene', 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'wants', 'one', 'day', 'club', 'flatmate', 'paula', 'pop', 'singer', 'whose', 'music', 'helps', 'promote', 'accompanying', 'personal', 'appearance', 'gay', 'club', 'blackpool', 'matt', 'meets', 'craig', 'unemployed', 'youth', 'makes', 'ends', 'meet', 'backroom', 'bareknuckles', 'fighter', 'back', 'craig\\\\', 'place', 'sex', 'it\\\\', 'craig\\\\', 'first', 'time', 'freaks', 'matt', 'leaves', 'card', 'takes', 'craig', 'wins', 'next', 'fight', 'fight', 'promoter', 'plans', 'put', 'opponent', 'craig', 'labels', 'maniac', 'rather', 'fight', 'craig', 'goes', 'london', 'finds', 'matt', 'matt', 'invites', 'stay', 'paula\\\\', 'pleased', 'also', 'pleased', 'kelvin', 'matt\\\\', 'boss', 'wants', 'matt', 'help', 'put', 'new', 'pop', 'group', 'zkc', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'distracted', 'matt', 'agrees', 'put', 'final', 'touches', 'zkc\\\\', 'music', 'video', 'exchange', 'opportunity', 'run', 'kelvin\\\\', 'club', 're-opens', 'meanwhile', 'friend', 'matt\\\\', 'offers', 'craig', 'staff', 'job', 'club', 'unfortunately', 'first', 'night', 'gets', 'fight', 'one', 'patrons', 'calls', 'matt', 'ditches', 'video', 'editing', 'session', 'retrieve', 'craig', 'kelvin', 'livid', 'invites', 'craig', 'party', 'house', 'anyway', 'invitation', 'pretext', 'however', 'break', 'matt', 'craig', 'kelvin', 'offers', 'craig', 'job', 'market', 'research', 'keep', 'away', 'matt', 'several', 'weeks', 'also', 'aims', 'jamie', 'member', 'zkc', 'craig', 'drunken', 'one-night', 'stand', 'night', 'leaves', 'job', 'craig', 'away', 'matt', 'learns', 'fling', 'jamie', 'paula', 'also', 'acts', 'keep', 'apart', 'refusing', 'give', 'matt', 'messages', 'craig', 'craig', 'returns', 'london', 'night', 'music', 'awards', 'show', 'paula', 'zkc', 'scheduled', 'perform', 'matt', 'confronts', 'craig', 'forgives', 'calm', 'paula', 'who\\\\', 'terrified', 'performing', 'live', 'jamie', 'kelvin', 'tells', 'craig', \"won\\\\'t\", 'needed', 'longer', 'market', 'research', 'jamie', 'matt', 'previous', 'fling', 'well', 'high', 'cocaine', 'start', 'making', 'craig', 'catches', 'storms', 'matt', 'catches', 'craig', 'asks', 'leave', 'right', 'matt', 'hesitates', 'craig', 'leaves', 'craig', 'returns', 'blackpool', 'agrees', 'take', 'fight', 'matt', 'preparing', 'club', 'opening', 'decides', 'blackpool', 'kelvin', 'fires', 'club', 'record', 'company', 'matt', 'meets', 'craig\\\\', 'brother', 'tony', 'figures', 'nature', 'relationship', 'tony', 'wants', 'craig', 'happy', 'helps', 'matt', 'find', 'finally', 'tracking', 'fight', 'craig', 'loses', 'badly', 'he\\\\', 'bet', 'money', 'made', 'london', 'makes', 'big', 'payday', 'matt', 'craig', 'decide', 'give', 'another'], ['taking', 'place', 'shortly', 'end', 'first', 'film', 'nana', 'focuses', 'komatsu', 'nana', 'love', 'life', 'romance', 'develops', 'hachi', 'trapnest', 'bassist', 'takumi', 'well', 'black', 'stones', 'guitarist', 'nobu', 'meanwhile', 'nana', 'works', 'hard', 'band', 'trying', 'find', 'happiness', 'girls', 'struggle', 'life', 'try', 'keep', 'friendship', 'falling', 'apart', 'information', 'story', 'nana'], ['sir', 'philip', 'ashlow', 'neglected', 'wife', 'lady', 'ashlow', 'best', 'friend', 'henry', 'brittingham-brett', 'shipwrecked', 'desert', 'island', 'potential', 'm챕nage', 'trois', 'two', 'men', 'compete', 'lady', 'attention', 'interrupted', 'unexpected', 'arrival', 'fourth', 'inhabitant', 'island'], ['shy', 'videographer', 'uninspired', 'artist', 'working', 'waitress', 'meet', 'internet', 'spark', 'relationship', 'fed', 'usual', 'dating', 'game', 'two', 'decide', 'communicate', 'verbally', 'artistic', 'means', 'see', 'make', 'work'], [\"'sheryl\", 'hoover', 'overworked', 'mother', 'two', 'children', 'lives', 'albuquerque', 'new', 'mexico', 'brother', 'frank', 'gay', 'scholar', 'french', 'author', 'marcel', 'proust', 'temporarily', 'living', 'home', 'family', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'husband', 'richard', 'striving', 'build', 'career', 'motivational', 'speaker', 'life', 'coach', 'dwayne', 'sheryl\\\\', 'son', 'previous', 'marriage', 'unhappy', 'sixteen', 'year', 'old', 'taken', 'vow', 'silence', 'accomplish', 'dream', 'getting', 'air', 'force', 'academy', 'order', 'become', 'test', 'pilot', 'richard\\\\', 'foul-mouthed', 'father', 'edwin', 'world', 'war', 'veteran', 'recently', 'evicted', 'retirement', 'home', 'using', 'heroin', 'lives', 'family', 'close', 'seven-year-old', 'granddaughter', 'olive', 'olive', 'learns', 'qualified', 'little', 'miss', 'sunshine', 'beauty', 'contest', 'held', 'redondo', 'beach', 'california', 'two', 'days', 'ecstatic', 'however', 'money', 'tight', 'due', 'various', 'logistical', 'issues', 'way', 'make', 'trip', 'entire', 'household', 'goes', 'despite', 'richard', 'dwayne', 'frank', 'particular', 'wanting', 'band', 'together', 'support', 'olive', 'embark', 'upon', '800-mile', 'road', 'trip', 'antiquated', 'yellow', 'volkswagen', 'microbus', 'family', 'tensions', 'play', 'journey', 'amidst', 'aging', 'van\\\\', 'increasingly', 'troublesome', 'mechanical', 'problems', 'van\\\\', 'clutch', 'breaks', 'early', 'trip', 'family', 'discovers', 'must', 'push', 'van', 'reaches', 'miles', 'per', 'hour', 'run', 'jump', 'later', 'horn', 'starts', 'honking', 'unceasingly', 'resulting', 'family', 'getting', 'pulled', 'throughout', 'road', 'trip', 'family', 'suffers', 'numerous', 'personal', 'setbacks', 'discover', 'need', 'other\\\\', 'support', 'richard', 'loses', 'important', 'contract', 'would', 'jump-started', 'motivational', 'business', 'saved', 'family', 'financial', 'ruin', 'frank', 'encounters', 'ex-boyfriend', 'leaving', 'frank\\\\', 'chief', 'academic', 'rival', 'precipitated', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'edwin', 'dies', 'apparent', 'heroin', 'overdose', 'order', 'reach', 'destination', 'time', 'family', 'smuggles', 'body', 'hospital', 'planning', 'make', 'funeral', 'arrangements', 'pageant', 'final', 'stretch', 'trip', 'dwayne', 'discovers', 'color', 'blind', 'therefore', 'never', 'get', 'pilot\\\\', 'license', 'prompts', 'break', 'silence', 'refusing', 'continue', 'trip', 'revealing', 'anger', 'disdain', 'family', 'storms', 'van', 'tears', 'calmed', 'hug', 'olive', 'returns', 'family', 'apologizing', 'things', 'yelled', 'frantic', 'race', 'clock', 'olive', 'almost', 'refused', 'entrance', 'pageant', 'arriving', 'hotel', 'four', 'minutes', 'late', 'gets', 'ready', 'family', 'observes', 'competitors', 'slender', 'sexualized', 'little', 'girls', 'highly', 'styled', 'hair', 'heavily', 'made-up', 'faces', 'spray', 'tans', 'adult-like', 'sexy', 'swimsuits', 'glamorous', 'evening', 'wear', 'performing', 'highly', 'elaborate', 'dance', 'musical', 'gymnastic', 'routines', 'great', 'panache', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'olive', 'league', 'olive\\\\', 'turn', 'perform', 'talent', 'portion', 'pageant', 'draws', 'near', 'richard', 'dwayne', 'recognize', 'olive', 'certain', 'humiliated', 'wanting', 'spare', 'feelings', 'run', 'dressing', 'room', 'prevent', 'performing', 'sheryl', 'however', 'insists', 'let', 'olive', 'olive', 'olive', 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'hopeless', 'romantic', 'prospects', 'mindy', 'misdirected', 'charms', 'appear', 'cause', 'aging', 'security', 'guard', 'lose', 'job', 'local', 'butcher', 'win', 'lottery', 'guard', 'butcher', 'mother', 'stories', 'intersect', 'bound', 'together', 'mindy', 'attempts', 'magical', 'intervention', 'kevin', 'yee', 'plays', 'raymond', 'lee', 'young', 'boy', 'loses', 'turtle', 'mindy', 'tries', 'help', 'find', 'animal', 'using', 'magic'], ['young', 'man', 'named', 'abel', 'narrowly', 'escapes', 'caracas', 'venezuela', 'overtaken', 'rebels', 'decides', 'seek', 'revenge', 'father', 'former', 'minister', 'war', 'killed', 'getting', 'supplies', 'takes', 'canoe', 'far', 'shore', 'nearly', 'killed', 'leopard', 'saved', 'native', 'indian-like', 'people', 'decides', 'prove', 'bravery', 'moving', 'sees', 'chief', 'runi', 'telling', 'story', 'indians', 'impressed', 'kill', 'runi\\\\', 'son', 'kua-ko', 'lived', 'missionaries', 'caracas', 'speaks', 'english', 'tells', 'abel', 'runi', 'agreed', 'long', 'harm', 'harm', 'abel', 'agrees', 'befriends', 'kua-ko', 'tells', 'bird', 'woman', 'killed', 'older', 'brother', 'tribe', 'allowed', 'nearby', 'forest', 'abel', 'ignores', 'warning', 'ventures', 'forest', 'sees', 'young', 'woman', 'however', 'quickly', 'disappears', 'returns', 'indians', 'kua-ko', 'tells', 'runi', 'wishes', 'abel', 'use', 'gun', 'kill', 'girl', 'returns', 'forest', 'decides', 'warn', 'girl', 'instead', 'sees', 'bitten', 'coral', 'snake', 'girl', 'takes', 'abel', 'home', 'tends', 'wound', 'upon', 'waking', 'meets', 'girl\\\\', 'grandfather', 'nuflo', 'tells', 'name', 'rima', 'next', 'day', 'leg', 'wounded', 'snake', 'abel', 'meets', 'rima', 'begin', 'talk', 'rima', 'takes', 'liking', 'nuflo', 'warns', 'leave', 'leg', 'heals', 'abel', 'soon', 'able', 'walk', 'without', 'cane', 'rima', 'therefore', 'begins', 'showing', 'forest', 'abel', 'tells', 'come', 'like', 'well', 'rima', 'confused', 'goes', 'speak', 'dead', 'mother\\\\', 'spirit', 'decides', 'return', 'came', 'ask', 'village', 'elder', 'strange', 'new', 'feelings', 'abel', 'later', 'abel', 'rima', 'travel', 'edge', 'forest', 'shows', 'riolama', 'remembers', 'village', 'despite', 'nuflo\\\\', 'initial', 'reluctance', 'take', 'rima', 'forces', 'show', 'way', 'threatening', 'soul', 'abel', 'decides', 'time', 'return', 'indians', 'tells', 'runi', 'rima', 'saved', 'neither', 'kua-ko', 'believe', 'quickly', 'realizes', 'kua-ko', 'killed', 'brother', 'placed', 'blame', 'rima', 'tied', 'bravery', 'test', 'kua-ko', 'indians', 'make', 'ready', 'enter', 'forest', 'kill', 'rima', 'abel', 'escapes', 'warns', 'nuflo', 'rima', 'together', 'escape', 'riolama', 'nuflo', 'tells', 'abel', 'return', 'village', 'caused', 'massacre', 'managed', 'help', 'rima', 'mother', 'promised', 'take', 'care', 'rima', 'ashamed', 'part', 'massacre', 'rima', 'overhears', 'curses', 'nuflo', 'rushes', 'riolama', 'faints', 'heat', 'abel', 'follows', 'takes', 'safety', 'awakens', 'abel', 'tells', 'come', 'love', 'rima', 'also', 'come', 'decipher', 'strange', 'feelings', 'recognizing', 'love', 'rima', 'steals', 'away', 'abel', 'asleep', 'back', 'nuflo', 'apologize', 'finds', 'indians', 'burnt', 'home', 'nearly', 'dead', 'asks', 'forgiveness', 'last', 'words', 'nuflo', 'tries', 'warn', 'indians', 'quickly', 'discovers', 'races', 'forest', 'escape', 'kua-ko', 'burns', 'great', 'tree', 'hidden', 'meanwhile', 'abel', 'awakens', 'realizes', 'rima', 'done', 'quickly', 'follows', 'finds', 'kua-ko', 'teases', 'killed', 'two', 'fight', 'stream', 'abel', 'manages', 'drown', 'kua-ko', 'abel', 'remembers', 'flower', 'rima', 'told', 'disappears', 'one', 'place', 'blossoms', 'another', 'close', 'finds', 'flower', 'far', 'rima', 'extends', 'hand', 'takes', 'begin', 'life', 'forest', 'together'], [\"'on\", 'ocean', 'liner', 'passenger', 'recognizes', 'famed', 'ballet', 'creator', 'charles', 'coudray', 'asks', 'politely', 'one', 'works', 'never', 'performed', 'since', 'debut', 'coudray', 'remains', 'silent', 'fan', 'leaves', 'alone', 'thoughts', 'leading', 'flashback', 'ballerina', 'paula', 'woodward', 'auditions', 'coudray', 'coudray', 'impressed', 'paula', 'collapses', 'carried', 'stage', 'doctor', 'informs', 'aunt', 'lydia', 'heart', 'condition', 'force', 'give', 'dancing', 'time', 'later', 'paula', 'attends', 'performance', 'coudray\\\\', 'latest', 'ballet', 'everyone', 'else', 'left', 'goes', 'stage', 'starts', 'dancing', 'however', 'alone', 'coudray', 'watching', 'dissatisfied', 'certain', 'aspects', 'work', 'seen', 'paula\\\\', 'impromptu', 'performance', 'believes', 'help', 'fix', 'defects', 'first', 'paula', 'declines', 'invitation', 'dance', 'studio', 'home', 'eventually', 'agrees', 'paula', 'lives', 'coudray\\\\', 'high', 'expectations', 'exhausts', 'process', 'coudray', 'tenderly', 'kisses', 'goes', 'change', 'slips', 'away', 'returns', 'home', 'lydia', 'news', 'done', 'way', 'upstairs', 'dies', 'last', 'words', 'lament', 'promised', 'coudray', 'would', 'always', 'story', 'shifts', 'second', 'passenger', 'referred', 'mademoiselle', 'chance', 'remark', 'passerby', 'governess', 'triggers', 'flashback', 'governess', 'french', 'tutor', 'thomas', 'clayton', 'campbell', 'jr.', 'bored', 'eleven-year-old', 'american', 'boy', 'left', 'charge', 'hotel', 'absent', 'parents', 'one', 'day', 'another', 'boy', 'dares', 'visit', 'mrs.', 'hazel', 'pennicott', 'lives', 'next', 'door', 'reputed', 'witch', 'wishes', 'man', 'tells', 'wrap', 'red', 'ribbon', 'around', 'finger', 'recite', 'name', 'warns', 'spell', 'last', 'midnight', 'incantation', 'works', 'transformed', 'young', 'man', 'new', 'form', 'goes', 'find', 'mademoiselle', 'surprised', 'find', 'longer', 'despises', 'mademoiselle', 'romantic', 'poetry', 'kept', 'reciting', 'embark', 'whirlwind', 'romance', 'warns', 'hours', 'away', 'however', 'promise', 'see', 'train', 'station', 'next', 'day', 'flees', 'clock', 'strikes', 'midnight', 'keeps', 'word', 'young', 'boy', 'mademoiselle', 'quits', 'job', 'remain', 'rome', 'waiting', 'lover', 'show', 'bumps', 'mrs.', 'pennicott', 'spills', 'contents', 'old', 'woman\\\\', 'purse', 'mademoiselle', 'gathers', 'various', 'items', 'mrs.', 'pennicott', 'thanks', 'leaves', 'picks', 'overlooked', 'red', 'ribbon', 'film', 'shifts', 'back', 'ship', 'mademoiselle', 'knitting', 'deck', 'chair', 'red', 'ribbon', 'blows', 'away', 'goes', 'retrieve', 'encounters', 'handsome', 'young', 'man', 'informs', 'saw', 'train', 'departed', 'station', 'camera', 'moves', 'pierre', 'narval', 'leaning', 'rail', 'gazing', 'ocean', 'paris', 'narval', 'saves', 'suicidal', 'nina', 'burkhardt', 'jumps', 'bridge', 'seine', 'river', 'goes', 'visit', 'hospital', 'finds', 'still', 'depressed', 'gives', 'address', 'asks', 'come', 'see', 'tells', 'great', 'trapeze', 'artist', 'however', 'best', 'enough', 'kept', 'trying', 'dangerous', 'tricks', 'two', 'years', 'ago', 'partner', 'killed', 'result', 'nobody', 'would', 'work', 'nina', 'demonstrated', 'fear', 'dying', 'asks', 'new', 'partner', 'agrees', 'starts', 'training', 'despite', 'friends\\\\', 'warning', 'obsession', 'kill', 'narval', 'learns', 'nina\\\\', 'dark', 'secret', 'husband', 'imprisoned', 'nazis', 'concentration', 'camp', 'world', 'war', 'released', 'sensing', 'planning', 'escape', 'written', 'letter', 'begging', 'wait', 'allies', 'would', 'liberate', 'soon', 'enough', 'however', 'entrusted', 'letter', 'man', 'betrayed', 'husband', 'executed', 'last', 'act', 'ready', 'audition', 'important', 'american', 'insists', 'perform', 'climax', 'leap', 'death', 'without', 'safety', 'net', 'would', 'live', 'audience', 'trick', 'narval', 'makes', 'decision', 'walk', 'away', 'leaving', 'circus', 'behind', 'back', 'aboard', 'ship', 'narval', 'joined', 'loving', 'nina'], ['lucky', 'coffee', 'shop', 'well', 'known', 'egg', 'tarts', 'tea', 'waiter', 'sui', 'named', 'prince', 'egg', 'tart', 'attracts', 'lots', 'girls', 'loves', 'candy', 'friends', 'nam', 'fok', 'love', 'problems', 'time', 'coffee', 'shop', 'may', 'collapse', 'since', 'landlord', 'increasing', 'rent', 'tremendously', 'let', 'see', 'lucky', 'guys', 'shop', 'revert', 'situation', '...'], [\"'daniel\", 'chang', 'twenty-something', 'second-generation', 'chinese-american', 'living', 'home', 'san', 'francisco', 'widowed', 'mother', 'speak', 'broken', 'english', 'grandmother', 'speak', 'english', 'ever', 'since', 'father', 'died', 'fulfilled', 'patriarchal', 'duty', 'first', 'son', 'managing', 'family', 'business', 'looking', 'mother', 'gay', 'avoids', 'second', 'major', 'responsibility', 'carrying', 'family', 'line', 'heterosexual', 'marriage', 'reproduction', 'respect', 'mother\\\\', 'values', 'tries', 'keep', 'puts', 'home', 'life', 'homo', 'life', 'separate', 'directly', 'telling', 'mother', 'gay', 'unwittingly', 'found', 'tense', 'hilarious', 'situation', 'mother', 'continually', 'pressures', 'marry', 'women', 'choosing', 'luckily', 'daniel\\\\', 'female', 'friend', 'michelle', 'graciously', 'rescues', 'constant', 'onslaught', 'potential', 'dates', 'pretending', 'steady', 'girlfriend', 'deflects', 'need', 'come', 'mother', 'besides', 'extra', 'money', 'mrs.', 'chang', 'makes', 'playing', 'mahjong', 'also', 'rents', 'basement', 'illegally', 'daniel', 'relates', 'quite', 'happy', 'leave', 'previous', 'female', 'tenant', 'alone', 'daniel', 'expects', 'mother', 'replace', 'previous', 'tenant', 'another', 'woman', 'astounded', 'new', 'tenant', 'turns', 'robert', 'young', 'attractive', 'white', 'man', 'indiana', 'daniel', 'immediately', 'crush', 'following', 'plumbing', 'mishap', 'floods', 'basement', 'raw', 'sewage', 'mrs.', 'chang', 'apologetically', 'moves', 'robert', 'bedroom', '봁aniel\\\\', 'room', 'even', 'though', 'reality', 'merged', 'daniel\\\\', 'deepest', 'fantasies', 'bows', 'paranoia', 'mother', 'find', 'gay', 'decides', 'sleep', 'living', 'room', 'sofa', 'mrs.', 'chang', 'eventually', 'kicks', 'daniel', 'couch', 'watch', 'late-night', 'programs', 'forced', 'share', 'bed', 'robert', 'daniel', 'manages', 'prudish', 'nights', 'eventually', 'two', 'become', 'lovers', 'daniel\\\\', 'fear', 'caught', 'making', 'man', 'constantly', 'gets', 'relationship', 'robert', 'daniel', 'begins', 'wish', 'basement', 'repairs', 'would', 'finish', 'soon', 'could', 'move', 'lovemaking', 'safer', 'area', 'however', 'one', 'day', 'mrs.', 'chang', 'grandma', 'return', 'home', 'earlier', 'expected', 'right', 'middle', 'one', 'daniel', 'robert\\\\', 'trysts', 'grandma', 'walks', 'copulation', 'offer', 'mooncakes', 'one', 'english', 'words', 'knows', 'sheepishly', 'leaves', 'mooncakes', 'nightstand', 'exits', 'giving', 'enough', 'time', 'roll', 'apart', 'opposite', 'sides', 'bed', 'mrs.', 'chang', 'walks', 'daniel', 'quickly', 'chastizes', 'knocking', 'makes', 'excuse', 'napping', 'mrs.', 'chang', 'seem', 'notice', 'robert', 'naked', 'bluntly', 'tells', 'robert', 'move', 'belongings', 'back', 'basement', 'night', 'basement', 'repaired', 'daniel', 'imagines', 'finally', 'spend', 'time', 'robert', 'away', 'mother\\\\', 'prying', 'eyes', 'next', 'day', 'san', 'francisco', 'building', 'inspector', 'stops', 'daniel', 'suspects', 'mother', 'called', 'inspector', 'gives', 'chang\\\\', 'list', 'expensive', 'home', 'improvements', 'would', 'needed', 'legally', 'rent', 'room', 'mrs.', 'chang', 'jumps', 'chance', 'arguing', 'daniel', 'choice', 'make', 'robert', 'move', 'argument', 'echoes', 'basement', 'robert', 'hears', 'daniel', 'give', 'without', 'much', 'fight', 'heartbroken', 'robert', 'moves', 'away', 'friend\\\\', 'place', 'pasadena', 'daniel', 'reaches', 'breaking', 'point', 'miserable', 'determined', 'alone', 'forever', 'comes', 'mother', 'next', 'time', 'starts', 'talking', 'available', 'young', 'women', 'time', 'direct', 'asserts', 'wants', 'robert', 'mrs.', 'chang', 'reacts', 'angrily', 'lecturing', 'daniel', 'native', 'tongue', 'storming', 'away', 'confusion', 'disappointment', 'fear', 'losing', 'daniel', 'turns', 'woman', 'knows', 'gay', 'son', 'robert\\\\', 'mother', 'robert\\\\', 'mother', 'asks', 'mrs.', 'chang', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'bad', 'another', 'son', 'clever', 'way', 'getting', 'around', 'cultural', 'taboo', 'same-sex', 'love', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'mrs.', 'chang', 'calls', 'daniel', 'back', 'home', 'meet', 'another', 'potential', 'date', 'daniel', 'flips', 'races', 'back', 'home', 'stand', 'mother', 'last', 'time', 'opens', 'door', 'bellowing', 'mother', 'almost', 'chokes', 'surprise', 'robert', 'walks', 'toward', 'instead', 'mrs.', 'chang', 'invited', 'robert', 'part', 'family'], ['emtan', 'runs', 'provision', 'shop', 'village', 'son', 'krishna', 'student', 'poultry', 'science', 'helps', 'shop', 'strict', 'father', 'emtan', 'always', 'son', 'back', 'strict', 'ways', 'dealing', 'son', 'leaves', 'uncomfortable', 'scene', 'house', 'vadivelu', 'solace', 'house', 'krishna', 'meets', 'childhood', 'crush', 'janani', 'daughter', 'uncle', 'families', 'loggerheads', 'death', 'family', 'brings', 'together', 'unfortunately', 'krishna', 'janani', 'caught', 'kissing', 'leaves', 'split', 'family', 'emtan', 'drives', 'son', 'janani', 'also', 'walks', 'away', 'finally', 'krishna', 'succeeds', 'making', 'wonderful', 'career', 'reuniting', 'family', 'end', 'family', 'reunited', 'couple', 'wait', 'first', 'child'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'begins', 'jack', 'baker', 'jamie', 'gillis', 'telling', 'jokes', 'watch', 'porn', 'talk', 'women', 'fantasize', 'lives', 'would', 'better', 'pimps', 'women', 'working', 'discuss', 'opening', 'escort', 'service', 'featuring', 'new', 'wave', 'bitches', 'would', 'become', 'aroused', 'hear', 'new', 'wave', 'music', 'fall', 'asleep', 'static', 'much', 'remainder', 'film', 'depicts', 'two', 'men', 'dreaming', 'different', 'sexual', 'encounters', 'women', 'become', 'sexually', 'receptive', 'listening', 'new', 'wave'], [\"'on\", 'sunny', 'early', 'autumn', 'day', 'affluent', 'suburb', 'connecticut', 'ned', 'merrill', 'seemingly', 'successful', 'appealing', 'popular', 'middle-aged', 'advertising', 'executive', 'clad', 'swimming', 'trunks', 'runs', 'forest', 'walks', 'woods', 'backyard', 'old', 'friends', 'sitting', 'swimming', 'pool', 'chats', 'sudden', 'idea', 'tells', 'friends', 'intends', 'swim', 'home', 'across', 'county', 'dropping', 'friends\\\\', 'swimming', 'pools', 'form', 'consecutive', 'chain', 'leading', 'back', 'house', 'dives', 'pool', 'emerges', 'end', 'starts', 'journey', 'first', 'ned', 'gets', 'warm', 'welcomes', 'meets', 'old', 'friends', 'mostly', 'upper', 'middle-class', 'well-to-do', 'people', 'homes', 'upscale', 'outer', 'suburbs', 'however', 'hints', 'ned', 'away', 'two', 'years', 'brushes', 'questions', 'stop', 'brings', 'face', 'face', 'aspect', 'life', 'first', 'one', 'youth', 'anything', 'possible', 'last', 'one', 'exposes', 'current', 'collapse', 'family', 'life', 'everything', 'seems', 'lost', 'day', 'wears', 'ned', 'sees', 'closer', 'recently', 'welcomes', 'begin', 'sour', 'ned\\\\', 'proud', 'boasts', 'wife', 'daughters', 'home', 'met', 'strong', 'mixed', 'feelings', 'jeers', 'suspicion', 'even', 'anger', 'especially', 'women', 'one', 'backyard', 'ned', 'meets', '20-year-old', 'girl', 'years', 'ago', 'babysat', 'daughters', 'leaves', 'first', 'thrilled', 'owing', 'unspoken', 'crush', 'early', 'teens', 'ned', 'rather', 'clumsily', 'tries', 'woo', 'kiss', 'flees', 'carries', 'swim', 'dropping', 'pools', 'sundry', 'friends', 'slowly', 'unfolds', 'life', 'somehow', 'gone', 'quite', 'wrong', 'crashes', 'party', 'one', 'pool', 'put', 'first', 'ned', 'thrown', 'outburst', 'spotting', 'hot', 'dog', 'wagon', 'bought', 'daughters', 'recently', 'sold', 'white', 'elephant', 'sale', 'shows', 'backyard', 'pool', 'shirley', 'abbott', 'stage', 'actress', 'he\\\\', 'affair', 'several', 'years', 'earlier', 'still', 'feeling', 'bitter', 'hurt', 'ned', 'tries', 'rekindle', 'things', 'poolside', 'meeting', 'ends', 'badly', 'day', 'ends', 'ned', 'winds', 'crowded', 'public', 'swimming', 'pool', 'shamed', 'local', 'shopkeepers', 'still', 'owes', 'money', 'unpaid', 'grocery', 'restaurant', 'tabs', 'comment', 'wife\\\\', 'overall', 'snobbish', 'attitude', 'out-of-control', 'daughters\\\\', 'recent', 'troubles', 'law', 'angrily', 'flees', 'sun', 'goes', 'shivering', 'ned', 'last', 'staggers', 'rocky', 'hill', 'shoves', 'open', 'rusted', 'gate', 'walks', 'overgrown', 'garden', 'unkempt', 'tennis', 'court', 'thunderstorm', 'begins', 'ned', 'knocks', 'front', 'door', 'locked', 'dark', 'empty', 'house', 'breaks', 'front', 'stoop', 'cries'], ['aging', 'ailing', 'one-time', 'celebrated', 'author', 'leonard', 'schiller', 'forgotten', 'readers', 'literary', 'colleagues', 'critics', 'decade', 'struggled', 'complete', 'knows', 'final', 'novel', 'brash', 'ambitious', 'brown', 'university', 'graduate', 'student', 'heather', 'wolfe', 'approaches', 'request', 'access', 'thoughts', 'recollections', 'master', 'thesis', 'hopes', 'reintroduce', 'public', 'work', 'initially', 'refuses', 'cooperate', 'young', 'woman', 'relentless', 'finally', 'agrees', 'weekly', 'meetings', 'slowly', 'begins', 'open', 'reluctantly', 'recalls', 'past', 'slightly', 'suspicious', 'heather', 'motives', 'leonard', 'daughter', 'ariel', 'former', 'professional', 'dancer', 'supports', 'teaching', 'yoga', 'pilates', 'rapidly', 'approaching', 'forty', 'ariel', 'stopped', 'using', 'birth', 'control', 'boyfriend', 'victor', 'without', 'telling', 'determination', 'baby', 'learns', 'plan', 'ends', 'relationship', 'coincidentally', 'time', 'ariel', 'former', 'lover', 'casey', 'davis', 'returns', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'five-year', 'absence', 'ariel', 'reached', 'impasse', 'relationship', 'refusal', 'child', 'begin', 'see', 'quick', 'let', 'know', 'position', \"n't\", 'changed', 'film', 'focuses', 'four', 'individuals', 'evolution', 'thrust', 'comfort', 'zones', 'arenas', 'force', 'examine', 'lives', 'decide', 'much', 'willing', 'compromise', 'sacrifice', 'desires', 'order', 'accommodate', 'demands', 'others'], ['ganesh', 'middle-class', 'family', 'makes', 'several', 'bids', 'obtain', 'employment', 'goes', 'vain', 'due', 'poor', 'language', 'skills', 'inadequate', 'educational', 'qualifications', 'friends', 'settle', 'life', 'continues', 'struggle', 'finding', 'employment', 'ganesh', 'two', 'faithful', 'friends', 'vasu', 'srikanth', 'seenu', 'sunil', 'father', 'teacher', 'always', 'critical', 'irresponsible', 'person', 'added', 'list', 'woes', 'juncture', 'ganesh', 'catches', 'glimpse', 'woman', 'named', 'keerthi', 'immediately', 'falls', 'love', 'learns', 'works', 'software', 'solutions', 'firm', 'luckily', 'ganesh', 'finally', 'secures', 'employment', 'firm', 'keerthi', 'eventually', 'turns', 'short-tempered', 'young', 'woman', 'business', 'trip', 'ganesh', 'accompanies', 'along', 'two', 'colleagues', 'jeeva', 'australia', 'reveals', 'feelings', 'love', 'immediately', 'turns', 'saying', 'comes', 'orthodox', 'family', 'marriage', 'already', 'arranged', 'cousin', 'depressed', 'ganesh', 'returns', 'india', 'thereafter', 'unable', 'see', 'son', 'depression', 'father', 'decides', 'meet', 'keerthi', 'abuses', 'recommending', 'son', 'love', 'accidentally', 'slaps', 'ganesh', 'father', 'later', 'night', 'ganesh', 'father', 'dies', 'heart', 'attack', 'order', 'help', 'change', 'ganesh', 'mood', 'vasu', 'manages', 'persuade', 'come', 'along', 'family', 'house', 'country', 'coincidentally', 'train', 'journey', 'keerthi', 'revealed', 'fiancee', 'vasu', 'however', 'grandfather', 'thoughts', 'getting', 'married', 'earlier', 'put', 'aside', 'vasu', 'keerthi', 'leave', 'house', 'identity', 'causes', 'heartburn', 'grandfather', 'passing', 'days', 'parents', 'keerthi', 'vasu', 'decide', 'get', 'married', 'appease', 'grandfather', 'several', 'turns', 'events', 'keerthi', 'realizes', 'love', 'ganesh', 'instead', 'ganesh', 'asks', 'forget', 'midnight', 'meeting', 'believes', 'would', 'create', 'problems', 'happy', 'family', 'vasu', 'overhears', 'conversation', 'wedding', 'vasu', 'tries', 'force', 'ganesh', 'keerthi', 'confess', 'relationship', 'everyone', 'present', 'hesitate', 'vasu', 'stops', 'marriage', 'lying', 'elders', 'secret', 'wife', 'hyderabad', 'vasu', 'comes', 'fire', 'relatives', 'ganesh', 'tells', 'truth', 'driven', 'house', 'joined', 'grandmother', 'house', 'agrees', 'accompany', 'reminds', 'ganesh', 'late', 'father', 'time', 'rest', 'ganesh', 'keerthi', 'family', 'comes', 'stay', 'ganesh', 'days', 'vasu', 'grandfather', 'refuses', 'enter', 'house', 'telling', 'ganesh', 'still', 'angry', 'needs', 'time', 'change', 'somehow', 'movie', 'ends', 'ganesh', 'keerthi', 'became', 'happy', 'couple', 'live', 'together', 'happily'], [\"'chhoti\", 'baat', 'romantic', 'comedy', 'painfully', 'shy', 'young', 'man', 'arun', 'pradeep', 'lacks', 'self-confidence', 'fails', 'stand', 'convictions', 'process', 'letting', 'sundry', 'walk', 'one', 'fine', 'day', 'comes', 'across', 'prabha', 'narayan', 'bus', 'stop', 'route', 'work', 'it\\\\', 'love', 'first', 'sight', '...', 'arun', 'lacking', 'enough', 'courage', 'unsure', 'feelings', 'reciprocated', 'pines', 'afar', 'follows', 'around', 'safe', 'distance', 'prabha', 'fully', 'aware', 'affections', 'secretly', 'relishes', 'discomfort', 'waiting', 'make', 'first', 'move', 'arun', 'hopelessly', 'stuck', 'comes', 'suave', 'brash', 'nagesh', 'shastri', 'colleague', 'prabha\\\\', 'emerges', 'serious', 'rival', 'attention', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'help', 'appears', 'miles', 'ahead', 'arun', 'race', 'arun', 'he\\\\', 'gregarious', 'arun', 'shy', 'he\\\\', 'confident', 'boastful', 'arun', 'besieged', 'self-doubt', 'he\\\\', 'smooth', 'arun', 'awkward', 'he\\\\', 'street', 'smart', 'arun\\\\', 'na챦ve', 'he\\\\', 'assertive', 'arun', 'timid', 'plus', 'owns', 'scooter', 'ensures', 'opportunities', 'offer', 'prabha', 'ride', 'arun', 'look', 'gullible', 'arun', 'trying', 'match', 'nagesh', 'motorbike', 'conned', 'buying', 'dud', 'embarrassing', 'front', 'prabha', 'seeks', 'salvation', 'astrology', 'tarot', 'cards', 'dubious', 'godmen', 'land', 'egg', 'face', 'desperation', 'finally', 'turns', 'colonel', 'julius', 'nagendranath', 'wilfred', 'singh', 'khandala', 'made', 'mission', 'assist', 'love', 'find', 'true', 'destiny', 'colonel', 'singh', 'agrees', 'help', 'arun', 'thus', 'begins', 'turnaround', 'singh', 'begins', 'mould', 'arun', 'mature', 'confident', 'young', 'man', 'meticulously', 'designed', 'lesson', 'plans', 'peppered', 'philosophy', 'hands', 'training', 'born-again', 'arun', 'returns', 'bombay', 'distinguished', 'swagger', 'brimming', 'newly', 'discovered', 'self-esteem', 'ready', 'take', 'world', 'win', 'prabha'], [\"'odile\", 'business', 'executive', 'married', 'weak', 'furtive', 'claude', 'past', 'odile', 'close', 'successful', 'businessman', 'nicolas', 'married', 'kids', 'returning', 'paris', 'eight-year', 'absence', 'looking', 'new', 'bigger', 'apartment', 'estate', 'agent', 'marc', 'younger', 'sister', 'camille', 'completed', 'doctoral', 'thesis', 'history', 'paris', 'tour', 'guide', 'simon', 'regular', 'camille\\\\', 'tours', 'he\\\\', 'attracted', 'although', 'claims', 'researching', 'historical', 'radio', 'dramas', 'camille', 'fallen', 'marc', 'begin', 'affair', 'nicolas', 'also', 'looking', 'apartment', 'since', 'hopes', 'eventually', 'family', 'join', 'paris', 'original', 'feature', 'musical', 'characters', 'break', 'songs', 'sung', 'original', 'artists', 'i.e', 'depending', 'circumstances', 'female', 'character', 'may', 'sudden', 'start', 'singing', 'male', 'voice', 'vice', 'versa', 'judicious', 'choice', 'songs', 'variety', 'styles', 'make', 'funny', 'surprises', 'considering', 'complete', 'voluntary', 'absence', 'transitions', 'talking', 'singing', 'film\\\\', 'debt', 'dennis', 'potter', 'acknowledged', 'dedication', 'opening', 'credits'], ['deeply', 'religious', 'april', 'epner', '39-year-old', 'brooklyn', 'elementary', 'school', 'teacher', 'finds', 'life', 'derailed', 'series', 'events', 'control', 'husband', 'ben', 'abruptly', 'leaves', 'abrasive', 'adoptive', 'mother', 'trudy', 'passes', 'away', 'following', 'day', 'shortly', 'contacted', 'alan', 'representative', 'bernice', 'graves', 'flamboyant', 'host', 'local', 'talk', 'show', 'introduces', 'biological', 'mother', 'although', 'intrigued', 'bernice', 'claim', 'fathered', 'steve', 'mcqueen', 'april', 'initially', 'resists', 'efforts', 'forge', 'relationship', 'time', 'finds', 'attracted', 'frank', 'divorced', 'father', 'one', 'students', 'two', 'get', 'know', 'via', 'lengthy', 'telephone', 'conversations', 'first', 'date', 'escorts', 'party', 'bernice', 'apartment', 'complications', 'arise', 'april', 'discovers', 'pregnant', 'result', 'quick', 'clumsy', 'coupling', 'ben', 'kitchen', 'floor', 'left', 'april', 'longed', 'child', 'life', 'delighted', 'news', 'confused', 'upset', 'ben', 'sudden', 'return', 'frank', 'hasty', 'departure', 'bernice', 'insistent', 'attempts', 'create', 'bond', 'helping', 'situation', 'discovery', 'bernice', 'voluntarily', 'put', 'adoption', 'full', 'year', 'birth', 'three', 'days', 'later', 'urging', 'parents', 'according', 'scenario', 'initially', 'presented', 'april', 'miscarries', 'brother', 'freddy', 'tries', 'counsel', 'ultimately', 'must', 'rely', 'deep-rooted', 'faith', 'deal', 'betrayals', 'suffered', 'hands', 'trusted', 'god', 'worships', 'well'], [\"'when\", 'porn', 'star', 'roxy', 'doujor', 'denied', 'entrance', 'afterlife', 'given', 'one', 'last', 'chance', 'help', 'poor', 'soul', 'earth', 'finds', 'rudy', 'gerner', 'working', 'summer', 'river', 'resort', 'roxy', 'given', 'task', 'helping', 'rudy', 'lose', 'virginity', 'order', 'allowed', 'afterlife'], ['plot', 'kingdom', 'frell', 'baby', 'ella', 'given', 'gift', 'obedience', 'obnoxious', 'misguided', 'fairy', 'godmother', 'lucinda', 'turns', 'curse', 'making', 'ella', 'anything', 'told', 'matter', 'terrible', 'physically', 'impossible', 'years', 'later', 'ella\\\\', 'mother', 'dies', 'instructing', 'ella', 'tell', 'one', 'curse', 'even', 'father', 'eventually', 'ella\\\\', 'father', 'need', 'money', 'remarries', 'wealthy', 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'eat', 'rescued', 'prince', 'charmont', 'accompanies', 'wedding', 'land', 'giants', 'ella', 'hopes', 'find', 'lucinda', 'make', 'way', 'prince', 'ella', 'begin', 'fall', 'love', 'pass', 'plantation', 'giants', 'working', 'slaves', 'ella', 'tries', 'open', 'char\\\\', 'eyes', 'cruelty', 'new', 'laws', 'oppressing', 'elves', 'giants', 'ella', 'forced', 'perform', 'rendition', 'queen\\\\', 'somebody', 'love', 'performed', 'freddie', 'mercury', 'char', 'suggests', 'ella', 'come', 'palace', 'visit', 'hall', 'records', 'track', 'lucinda', 'faster', 'palace', 'charmont\\\\', 'uncle', 'sir', 'edgar', 'ella\\\\', 'gift', 'called', 'attention', 'talking', 'snake', 'heston', 'voiced', 'spying', 'prince', 'edgar', 'offers', 'char\\\\', 'hand', 'marriage', 'ella\\\\', 'stepsisters', 'explain', 'everything', 'told', 'edgar', 'knows', 'prince', 'charmont', 'intends', 'propose', 'marriage', 'ella', 'orders', 'stab', 'death', 'tell', 'anyone', 'plan', 'sir', 'edgar', 'also', 'reveals', 'murdered', 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'ella', 'marry', 'agrees', 'movie', 'ends', 'wedding', 'musical', 'number'], ['urbania', 'follows', 'charlie', 'sleepless', 'night', 'unsuccessful', 'bout', 'masturbation', 'sound', 'upstairs', 'neighbors', 'sex', 'prowls', 'streets', 'looking', 'man', 'saw', 'several', 'months', 'earlier', 'implication', 'one', 'night', 'stand', 'man', 'cheating', 'boyfriend', 'chris', 'reinforced', 'several', 'phone', 'calls', 'charlie', 'places', 'leaving', 'messages', 'chris', 'answering', 'machine', 'walking', 'momentary', 'flashes', 'akin', 'hallucinations', 'waking', 'dreams', 'man', 'mouth', 'bottle', 'breaking', 'man', 'blood-stained', 'shirt', 'series', 'encounters', 'meets', 'man', 'looking', 'name', 'dean', 'makes', 'sense', 'either', 'trick', 'charlie', 'charlie', 'would', 'trick', 'dean', 'unabashedly', 'racist', 'sexist', 'homophobic', 'nevertheless', 'charlie', 'pretending', 'straight', 'buys', 'dean', 'drinks', 'smokes', 'joint', 'dean', 'takes', 'charlie', 'gay', 'cruising', 'area', 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'kneeling', 'makeshift', 'memorial', 'near', 'chris', 'killed', 'walks', 'home', 'one', 'hallucinatory', 'flash', 'sees', 'street', 'cradling', 'dying', 'chris', 'kisses', 'chris', 'goodbye', 'passes', 'turns', 'back', 'chris', 'gone', 'charlie', 'makes', 'home', 'finally', 'able', 'sleep', 'charlie', 'presents', 'aspects', 'story', 'form', 'urban', 'legends', 'film', 'references', 'number', 'urban', 'legends', 'characters', 'describe', \"'re\", 'depicted', 'presenting', 'random', 'people', 'experiencing'], ['superstar', 'singer', 'film', 'involved', 'car', 'accident', 'rural', 'remote', 'mountain', 'forests', 'northern', 'thailand', 'rescued', 'hill', 'tribe', 'people', 'amnesia', \"n't\", 'remember', 'paparazza', 'named', 'jaa', 'followed', 'film', 'accident', 'film', 'jaa', 'enemies', 'thinks', 'someone', 'might', 'loved', 'past', 'life', 'brought', 'back', 'legendary', 'fireflies'], ['raghava', 'hot-blooded', 'restless', 'youth', 'tolerate', 'injustice', 'done', 'society', 'process', 'picks', 'fight', 'local', 'mafia', 'leader', 'ankineedu', 'ankineedu', 'stabs', 'sirisha', 'ladylove', 'raghava', 'death', 'also', 'issues', 'ultimatum', 'raghava', 'parents', 'leave', 'city', 'hours', 'vexed', 'parents', 'ask', 'raghava', 'accompany', 'agrees', 'listen', 'words', 'take', 'raghava', 'mantralayam', 'relatives', 'place', 'make', 'become', 'devotee', 'lord', 'raghavendra', 'swamy', 'entire', 'episode', 'comes', 'flashback', 'raghava', 'pretty', 'sister-in-law', 'called', 'maha', 'lakshmi', 'mantralayam', 'raghava', 'becomes', 'saint-like-man', 'even', 'respond', 'goons', 'humiliate', 'maha', 'lakshmi', 'bother', 'retaliate', 'even', 'goons', 'strip', 'maha', 'lakshmi', 'cloths', 'public', 'parents', 'raghava', 'forcibly', 'restricted', 'helping', 'nature', 'raghava', 'ask', 'raghava', 'get', 'rid', 'maala', 'back', 'society', 'serve', 'people', 'rest', 'story', 'raghava', 'retaliates', 'puts', 'end', 'lives', 'villain', 'gang'], [\"'in\", '1943', 'wren', 'raf', 'pilot', 'meet', 'auction', 'rohan', 'family', 'heirlooms', 'sold', 'last', 'rohan', 'male', 'line', 'killed', 'dunkirk', 'raf', 'pilot', 'inadvertently', 'casts', 'aspersions', 'rohan', 'family', 'wren', 'reveals', 'last', 'male', 'rohan', 'fact', 'brother', 'raf', 'man', 'apologises', 'reveals', 'family', 'connected', 'rohans', 'way', 'arrange', 'meet', 'lunch', 'auction', 'following', 'day', 'back', 'regency', 'period', 'new', 'teacher', 'arrives', 'miss', 'patchett\\\\', 'school', 'young', 'ladies', 'bath', 'hesther', 'whose', 'family', 'manchester', 'fallen', 'hard', 'times', 'done', 'favor', 'miss', 'patchett', 'however', 'resents', 'living', 'charity', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'comes', 'friction', 'clarissa', 'minor', 'heiress', 'pupil', 'school', 'time', 'clarissa', 'hesther', 'patch', 'differences', 'become', 'friends', 'soon', 'hesther', 'runs', 'away', 'barbary', 'penniless', 'ensign', 'miss', 'patchett', 'forbids', 'disgraced', 'name', 'hesther', 'mentioned', 'school', 'result', 'clarissa', 'loyalty', 'friend', 'leaves', 'school', 'london', 'clarissa\\\\', 'godmother', 'arranges', 'meet', 'eponymous', 'man', 'grey', 'lord', 'rohan', 'notorious', 'rake', 'misanthrope', 'duelist', 'huge', 'fortune', 'marries', 'though', 'neither', 'love', 'please', 'godmother', 'gain', 'heir', 'rohan', 'line', 'live', 'separate', 'lives', 'clarissa', 'sees', 'advertisement', 'production', 'othello', 'saint', 'albans', 'featuring', 'mrs', 'barbary', 'rightly', 'takes', 'hesther', 'married', 'name', 'way', 'coach', 'waylaid', 'mysterious', 'man', 'hitches', 'ride', 'albans', 'turns', 'rokeby', 'actor', 'playing', 'othello', 'hesther', 'invited', 'supper', 'play', 'clarissa', 'tells', 'ensign', 'barbary', 'died', 'arms', 'time', 'past', 'leaving', 'penniless', 'clarissa', 'promises', 'get', 'position', 'son\\\\', 'governess', 'though', 'lord', 'rohan', 'refuses', 'grant', 'position', 'allow', 'hesther', 'stay', 'clarissa\\\\', 'companion', 'shortly', 'afterwards', 'rohan', 'hesther', 'together', 'reveals', 'knows', 'deceived', 'clarissa', 'hesther', 'fact', 'left', 'dissolute', 'husband', 'soon', 'marrying', 'fact', 'died', 'fleet', 'prison', 'ruthless', 'ambition', 'rohan', 'admires', 'two', 'begin', 'affair', 'attending', 'horse-racing', 'epsom', 'downs', 'clarissa', 'rokeby', 'meet', 'fall', 'love', 'hesther', 'gets', 'rohan', 'give', 'rokeby', 'job', 'country', 'estate', 'draw', 'rokeby', 'clarissa', 'away', 'london', 'though', 'rokeby', 'warns', 'hesther', 'knows', 'trying', 'ploy', 'succeeds', 'later', 'rokeby', 'clarissa', 'return', 'london', 'separately', 'attempt', 'elope', 'together', 'recover', 'estates', 'jamaica', 'rohan', 'stops', 'duel', 'rokeby', 'ensues', 'vauxhall', 'gardens', 'broken', 'prince', 'regent', 'mrs', 'fitzherbert', 'convinces', 'rokeby', 'embark', 'alone', 'wait', 'rohan', 'convinced', 'separation', 'clarissa', 'pursues', 'port', 'say', 'farewell', 'staying', 'rain', 'watching', 'ship', 'sail', 'away', 'catches', 'fever', 'worse', 'still', 'taken', 'back', 'lord', 'rohan\\\\', 'london', 'house', 'place', 'safety', 'rokeby', 'promised', 'fever', 'necessarily', 'fatal', 'hesther', 'putting', 'clarissa', 'drugged', 'sleep', 'opening', 'windows', 'dousing', 'fire', 'room', 'ensures', 'proves', 'clearing', 'way', 'marry', 'rohan', 'shortly', 'funeral', 'hesther', 'manages', 'get', 'rohan', 'offer', 'marriage', 'clarissa\\\\', 'page', 'boy', 'toby', 'reveals', 'hesther\\\\', 'murder', 'rohan', 'though', 'love', 'wife', 'still', 'wife', 'rohan', 'beats', 'hesther', 'death', 'family', 'motto', 'goes', 'dishonours', 'dies', 'back', '1943', 'revealed', 'raf', 'man', 'descendent', 'rokeby', 'miss', 'rohan', 'arrive', 'late', 'buy', 'item', 'looking', 'purchase', 'auction', 'mind', 'found', 'fallen', 'love', 'rush', 'london', 'bus', 'love-affair', 'seeming', 'better-fated', 'ancestors'], ['sid', 'plays', 'short', 'thirtyish', 'finds', 'playing', 'music', 'trisha', 'marriage', 'vivek', 'delhi', 'however', 'witnesses', 'fight', 'sense', 'responsibility', 'duty', 'towards', 'parents', 'groom', 'runs', 'away', 'six', 'months', 'later', 'meets', 'competition', 'mumbai', 'lost', 'yet', 'know', \"'re\", 'relationship', 'three', 'years', 'passed', 'trisha', 'thinks', 'ready', 'marriage', 'gets', 'knee', 'propose', 'sid', 'sid', 'suffering', 'typical', 'commitment', 'phobia', 'loss', 'reasonable', 'answer', 'bid', 'lose', 'sid', 'finds', 'engaged', 'along', 'engagement', 'comes', 'new', 'set', 'problems', 'shopping', 'furniture', 'home', 'engagement', 'rings', 'importantly', 'facing', 'father', 'bride', 'father', 'one', 'problem', 'sid', \"n't\", 'future', 'earns', 'lot', 'less', 'trisha', \"n't\", 'seem', 'responsible', 'enough', 'altercation', 'sid', 'trisha', 'father', 'couple', 'break', 'vivek', 'trisha', 'ex-husband-to-be', 'waiting', 'wings', 'help', 'broken', 'heart', 'mend', 'sid', 'hand', 'finds', 'wooed', 'item', 'girl', 'tanya', 'star', \"'baby\", 'girl', 'vol', 'video', 'amusing', 'run-ins', 'attempt', 'just-friends', 'sad-song', 'sid', 'finally', 'realises', 'thanks', 'mother', 'commitment', 'phobia', 'result', 'childhood', 'scar', 'father', 'abandoned', 'sid', 'mother', 'sid', 'young', 'mother', 'reassures', 'nothing', 'like', 'father', 'would', 'make', 'great', 'husband', 'late', 'trisha', 'already', 'agreed', 'marry', 'vivek', 'leads', 'trisha', 'dear', 'friend', 'anjali', 'reminds', 'dracula', 'always', 'attacks', 'making', 'trisha', 'unhappy', 'helps', 'crash', 'trisha', 'wedding', 'party', 'climax', 'builds', 'sid', 'job', 'involves', 'convincing', 'trisha', 'hang-ups', 'abated', 'also', 'avoid', 'deadly', 'confrontation', 'trisha', 'father'], ['young', 'couples', 'experiment', 'anonymous', 'group', 'sex', 'way', 'revitalize', 'troubled', 'relationships', 'experience', 'forced', 'rethink', 'rudiments', 'successful', 'relationship', 'sex', 'love', 'communication', 'one', 'couple', 'james', 'heather', 'lost', 'spark', 'relationship', 'cold', 'distance', 'grown', 'intimate', 'moments', 'feel', 'forced', 'heather', 'take-charge', 'problem', 'solver', 'sometimes', 'gets', 'carried', 'away', 'good', 'james', 'meanwhile', 'recently', 'discovered', 'easily', 'manipulated', 'another', 'couple', 'ellis', 'renee', 'fear', 'beginning', 'end', 'relationship', 'renee', 'thoughtful', 'honest', 'recently', 'found', 'feeling', 'slightly', 'isolated', 'bored', 'ellis', 'puts', 'brash', 'macho', 'front', 'disguise', 'insecurity', 'couples', 'seek', 'therapy', 'dr.', 'wellbridge', 'offers', 'experimental', 'treatment', 'rekindle', 'cooling', 'relationship', 'doctor', 'orders', 'couples', 'embark', 'partner', 'swap', 'leaves', 'thrilled', 'others', 'thwarted', 'truth', 'relationships', 'revealed', 'four'], ['gay', 'deceivers', 'follows', 'danny', 'elliot', 'two', 'friends', 'try', 'get', 'draft', 'pretending', 'gay', \"'re\", 'placed', 'surveillance', 'army', 'keep', 'pretense', 'move', 'gay', 'apartment', 'building', 'try', 'blend', 'residents', 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'follows', 'takes', 'seat', 'behind', 'susan', 'touches', 'breasts', 'plays', 'disturbed', 'fianc챕', 'leaves', 'auditorium', 'warn', 'manager', 'gone', 'susan', 'kisses', 'mike', 'shows', 'amused', 'mike', 'pleased', 'relieved', 'nevertheless', 'questioned', 'police', 'however', 'susan', 'fianc챕', 'leave', 'without', 'pressing', 'charges', 'police', 'let', 'police', 'blames', 'manager', 'admitting', 'minor', 'x-rated', 'film', 'promises', 'severe', 'talk', 'cashier', 'gives', 'two', 'officers', 'drink', 'settles', 'matters', 'fianc챕', 'follows', 'mike', 'take', 'revenge', 'mike', 'tells', 'police', 'officer', 'questions', 'fianc챕', 'alleged', 'importunity', 'subsequently', 'mike', 'discovers', 'susan', 'cheating', 'fianc챕', 'older', 'man', 'mike', 'teacher', 'works', 'swimming', 'instructor', 'teenage', 'girls', 'baths', 'touches', 'inappropriately', 'mike', 'jealous', 'smashes', 'fire', 'alarm', 'cutting', 'hand', 'receiving', 'first', 'wages', 'mike', 'goes', 'club', 'susan', 'told', 'would', 'fianc챕', 'become', 'member', 'enter', 'considering', 'susan', 'fianc챕', 'leave', 'quickly', 'hides', 'toilet', 'hangs', 'around', 'erotic', 'district', 'eating', 'hotdogs', 'finds', 'front', 'strip', 'club', 'topless', 'cardboard', 'cut-out', 'girl', 'may', 'may', 'susan', 'uncomfortable', 'susan', 'exposing', 'like', 'steals', 'hides', 'room', 'brothel', 'welcomed', 'prostitute', 'leg', 'cast', 'offers', 'services', 'discount', 'mike', 'declines', 'complains', 'already', 'provided', 'time', 'drink', 'emotions', 'leaves', 'anyway', 'underground', 'confronts', 'susan', 'picture', 'neither', 'confirms', 'denies', 'returns', 'baths', 'nobody', 'around', 'night', 'swims', 'nakedly', 'picture', 'later', 'park', 'mike', 'joins', 'teacher', 'running', 'race', 'puts', 'pieces', 'broken', 'bottle', 'car', 'tyres', 'puncturing', 'susan', 'drives', 'discovers', 'mike', 'hits', 'losing', 'diamond', 'engagement', 'ring', 'snow', 'mike', 'helps', 'collect', 'snow', 'diamond', 'might', 'fallen', 'take', 'plastic', 'bags', 'baths', 'melt', 'since', 'rooms', 'locked', 'pool', 'area', 'wall', 'sockets', 'mike', 'connects', 'wires', 'lowered', 'ceiling', 'lamp', 'electric', 'kettle', 'melt', 'ice', 'kettle', 'bottom', 'dry', 'pool', 'meanwhile', 'coach', 'arrives', 'upset', 'punctured', 'tyres', 'susan', 'tells', 'indifferently', 'lost', 'car', 'keys', 'borrowed', 'leaves', 'angrily', 'mike', 'finds', 'diamond', 'susan', 'phone', 'fianc챕', 'lies', 'naked', 'dry', 'pool', 'diamond', 'tongue', 'undresses', 'gives', 'diamond', 'leave', 'reconsiders', 'lies', 'next', 'mike', 'mike', 'says', 'sorry', 'susan', 'says', 'matter', 'meanwhile', 'attendant', 'arrived', 'unaware', 'presence', 'mike', 'susan', 'fills', 'pool', 'water', 'opening', 'valve', 'susan', 'leave', 'mike', 'wants', 'stay', 'rage', 'swings', 'large', 'ceiling', 'lamp', 'severely', 'injuring', 'falls', 'unconscious', 'tin', 'red', 'paint', 'knocked', 'swinging', 'lamp', 'mixing', 'susan', 'blood', 'mike', 'embraces', 'dying', 'susan', 'underwater', 'still', 'nude'], ['do-gooder', 'deepak', 'rai', 'comes', 'across', 'stolen', 'purse', 'contains', 'education', 'certificates', 'belonging', 'woman', 'named', 'aarthi', 'mails', 'start', 'correspondence', 'even', 'though', 'never', 'seen', 'feel', 'attraction', 'aarthi', 'sister', 'brother-in-law', 'nirmal', 'encouraging', 'certain', 'extent', 'nirmal', 'would', 'prefer', 'aarthi', 'marry', 'prem', 'wife', 'wants', 'aarthi', 'choose', 'life', 'partner', 'aarthi', 'starts', 'journey', 'locate', 'meet', 'deepak', 'aarthi', 'find', 'someone', 'never', 'seen', 'spoken', 'know', 'whereabouts', 'big', 'city', 'like', 'delhi', 'neha', 'deepak', 'boss', 'plans', 'deepak', 'involve', 'aarthi'], ['kobbarikayala', 'subba', 'rayudu', 'self', 'made', 'millionaire', 'attining', 'high', 'status', 'forgets', 'people', 'helped', 'initially', 'spends', 'life', 'counting', 'successes', 'chance', 'meeting', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'son', 'siva', 'former', 'friend', 'ravulapalem', 'rambhadraiah', 'daughter', 'leads', 'falling', 'love', 'subba', 'rao', 'invites', 'friend', 'wife', 'annapoornamma', 'mansion', 'insults', 'reminding', 'lower', 'status', 'society', 'rest', 'movie', 'annapoornamma-', 'challenges', 'subba', 'rao', 'would', 'one', 'day', 'come', 'house', 'begging', 'help', 'gets', 'done', 'main', 'lead', 'taken', 'son', 'babji', 'help', 'others'], ['life', 'shy', '21-year-old', 'tim', 'maitland', 'always', 'smooth', 'sailing', 'mum', 'jean', 'cafeteria', 'worker', 'day', 'hits', 'comedy', 'club', 'circuit', 'night', 'dad', 'john', 'busy', 'trying', 'recapture', 'fifteen', 'minutes', 'fame', 'country', 'western', 'singer', 'back', '1975.', 'feisty', 'beautiful', 'jill', 'emma', 'booth', 'walks', 'tim', 'life', 'things', 'seem', 'looking', 'unfortunately', 'another', 'woman', 'tim', 'life', 'one', 'stand', 'perfect', 'romance', '...', 'mother'], ['lola', 'takes', 'place', 'atlantic', 'coastal', 'city', 'nantes', 'france', 'young', 'man', 'roland', 'cassard', 'letting', 'life', 'waste', 'away', 'chance', 'encounter', 'lola', 'woman', 'used', 'know', 'teenager', 'world', 'war', 'cabaret', 'dancer', 'though', 'roland', 'quite', 'smitten', 'lola', 'preoccupied', 'former', 'lover', 'michel', 'abandoned', 'seven-year-old', 'son', 'years', 'also', 'vying', 'lola', 'heart', 'american', 'sailor', 'frankie', 'whose', 'affection', 'lola', 'return', 'struggling', 'work', 'roland', 'gets', 'involved', 'diamond-smuggling', 'plot', 'local', 'barber', 'c챕cile', 'young', 'teenage', 'girl', 'crosses', 'paths', 'roland', 'life', 'many', 'ways', 'mirrors', 'lola', 'whose', 'actual', 'name', 'also', 'c챕cile', 'end', 'michel', 'returns', 'nantes', 'lola', 'apparently', 'successful', 'hoping', 'marry', 'leaving', 'another', 'job', 'marseille', 'roland', 'also', 'leaving', 'town', 'paths', 'cross'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'contemporaneous', 'beijing', 'begins', 'bookseller', 'zhao', 'xiaoshuai', 'following', 'ex-lover', 'hong', 'home', 'obviously', 'unhappy', 'one-sided', 'break-up', 'tracks', 'fast-walking', 'hong', 'bus', 'later', 'bicycle', 'reaches', 'flat', 'goes', 'apartment', 'zhao', 'gets', 'junk', 'peddler', 'another', 'peddler', 'call', 'name', 'declare', 'undying', 'love', 'high-rise', 'flats', 'next', 'day', 'temperamental', 'hong', 'becomes', 'impressed', 'enough', 'xiaoshuai\\\\', 'efforts', 'take', 'apartment', 'quickie', 'tryst', 'interrupted', 'another', 'man', 'downstairs', 'reciting', 'nonsensical', 'poetry', 'loudhailer', 'apparently', 'person', 'hired', 'peddler', 'xiaoshuai', 'hired', 'day', 'xiaoshuai', 'tries', 'unsuccessfully', 'get', 'man', 'stop', 'huff', 'angered', 'hong', 'leaves', 'apartment', 'xiaoshuai', 'baffled', 'blowing', 'hot', 'cold', 'scene', 'shifts', 'time', 'later', 'waiting', 'public', 'bicycle', 'stand', 'xiaoshuai', 'gets', 'beaten', 'nightclub', 'owner', 'liu', 'delong', 'hired', 'thugs', 'warn', 'never', 'attach', 'hong', 'concussed', 'xiaoshuai', 'sent', 'hospital', 'well-mannered', 'middle-aged', 'stranger', 'mr.', 'zhang', 'claims', 'xiaoshuai', 'accidentally', 'wrecked', 'brand-new', 'laptop', 'act', 'beaten', 'angry', 'xiaoshuai', 'refuses', 'compensate', 'insisting', 'zhang', 'finds', 'liu', 'delong', 'main', 'culprit', 'payment', 'bothersome', 'zhang', 'keeps', 'finding', 'xiaoshuai', 'laptop', 'compensation', 'xiaoshuai', 'finally', 'relents', 'two', 'decide', 'get', 'liu\\\\', 'nightclub', 'get', 'zhang\\\\', 'compensation', 'however', 'xiaoshuai', 'unable', 'contain', 'launches', 'reckless', 'physical', 'attack', 'liu', 'lands', 'police', 'station', 'seven', 'days', 'xiaoshuai', 'released', 'reprimand', 'police', 'chief', 'time', 'later', 'zhang', 'interrupts', 'xiaoshuai', 'tryst', 'hong', 'inform', 'liu', 'agreed', 'somewhat', 'belatedly', 'pay', 'apologize', 'next', 'scene', 'shows', 'zhang', 'xiaoshuai', 'waiting', 'karaoke', 'restaurant', 'liu', 'make', 'indemnity', 'end', 'entanglements', 'one', 'another', 'zhang', 'happy', 'two', 'talk', 'xiaoshuai', 'reveals', 'drinks', 'come', 'really', 'make', 'intent', 'sever', 'liu\\\\', 'right', 'hand', 'xiaoshuai', 'compensates', 'zhang', 'new', 'laptop', 'tells', 'leave', 'get', 'implicated', 'crime', 'zhang', 'realizing', 'import', 'matter', 'leaves', 'immediately', 'starts', 'looking', 'mobile', 'phone', 'call', 'unsuspecting', 'liu', 'stop', 'tragedy', 'zhang', 'grabs', 'nearby', 'passer-by\\\\', 'mobile', 'set', 'fails', 'contact', 'liu', 'xiaoshuai', 'realizing', 'zhang', 'wreck', 'revenge', 'mission', 'convinces', 'passers-by', 'zhang', 'mad', 'relative', 'drags', 'back', 'restaurant', 'back', 'restaurant', 'zhang', 'realizes', 'must', 'act', 'quickly', 'grab', 'restaurant', 'customers\\\\', 'attention', 'overturns', 'table', 'mayhem', 'chagrin', 'everyone', 'restaurant', 'convinced', 'xiaoshuai', 'liu', 'simply', 'stark', 'mad', 'restaurant', 'owner', 'gets', 'zhang', 'tied', 'gagged', 'upstairs', 'leaves', 'irate', 'chef', 'attacks', 'zhang', 'molesting', 'fellow', 'waitress', 'fancies', 'downstairs', 'xiaoshuai', 'waits', 'liu', 'liu', 'turns', 'pays', 'amicably', 'xiaoshuai', 'launch', 'attack', 'wall-mounted', 'loudspeaker', 'table', 'collapses', 'injures', 'liu', 'badly', 'frantic', 'restaurant', 'owner', 'customers', 'bring', 'liu', 'nearest', 'hospital', 'xiaoshuai', 'finds', 'quite', 'bemused', 'revenge', 'plans', 'turned', 'nought', 'xiaoshuai', 'returns', 'upstairs', 'release', 'gagged', 'zhang', 'finds', 'curious', 'scene', 'zhang', 'gone', 'completely', 'berserk', 'wreaking', 'havoc', 'going', 'chef', 'cleaver', 'xiaoshuai', 'tries', 'desperately', 'calm', 'zhang', 'manages', 'see', 'zhang', 'wreck', 'new', 'laptop', 'like', 'xiaoshuai', 'zhang', 'detained', 'police', 'station', 'seven', 'days', 'given', 'light', 'reprimand', 'station-master', 'advises', 'speak', 'nicely', 'everyone', 'something', 'work', 'ending', 'requested', 'state', 'censors', 'xiaoshuai', 'gets', 'someone', 'pick', 'zhang', 'van', 'zhang\\\\', 'seven-day', 'detainment', 'period', 'xiaoshuai', 'apologizes', 'well-phrased', 'letter', 'troubles', 'caused', 'promises', 'curb', 'violent', 'temper', 'pays', 'zhang', 'new', 'laptop'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'revolves', 'around', 'three', 'married', 'couples', 'take', 'vacations', 'together', 'seasons', 'pattern', 'established', 'nick', 'leaves', 'wife', 'years', 'anne', 'much', 'younger', 'woman', 'ginny', 'proceeds', 'bring', 'ginny', 'usual', 'vacation', 'trips', 'causing', 'two', 'couples', 'uncomfortable', 'feeling', 'betrayed', 'good', 'friend', 'anne'], [\"'richard\", 'cooper', 'happily', 'married', 'man', 'professionally', 'successful', 'perfectly', 'content', 'home', 'life', 'suburban', 'new', 'york', 'lovely', 'wife', 'brenda', 'teacher', 'two', 'young', 'children', 'one', 'problem', 'marriage', 'sex', 'life', 'stagnated', 'leaving', 'richard', 'frustrated', 'sex-starved', 'one', 'point', 'brenda', 'accuses', 'richard', 'down-low', 'dull', 'days', 'office', 'occasionally', 'fantasizes', 'women', 'never', 'acts', 'upon', 'impulses', 'encounter', 'attractive', 'old', 'friend', 'nikki', 'suddenly', 'casts', 'doubt', 'typically', 'resilient', 'self-control', 'first', 'claims', 'want', 'friend', 'begins', 'show', 'consistently', 'manhattan', 'financial', 'office', 'talk', 'lunch', 'causes', 'boss', 'secretaries', 'peers', 'view', 'varying', 'degrees', 'contempt', 'nikki', 'begins', 'deliberately', 'seduce', 'richard', 'know', 'better', 'judgment', 'flies', 'town', 'one', 'day', 'errand', 'beaten', 'boyfriend', 'returns', 'late', 'make', 'sales', 'presentation', 'important', 'business', 'meeting', 'causing', 'loss', 'lucrative', 'contract', 'later', 'fianc챕', 'move', 'los', 'angeles', 'nikki', 'asks', 'richard', 'come', 'apartment', 'later', 'say', 'proper', 'goodbye', 'gets', 'nikki\\\\', 'apartment', 'finds', 'underwear', 'bathroom', 'moments', 'seems', 'richard', 'consummate', 'attraction', 'nikki', 'realizes', 'grave', 'loss', 'wife', 'children', 'would', 'walks', 'nikki', 'richard', 'returns', 'home', 'surprising', 'wife', 'first', 'time', 'film', 'begin', 'rebuild', 'genuine', 'rapport', 'possible', 'promise', 'good', 'things', 'come'], ['short', 'opens', 'brief', 'live', 'action', 'segment', 'featuring', 'david', 'rubinoff', 'orchestra', 'badly', 'hung-over', 'sun', 'slowly', 'rises', 'betty', 'boop', 'farm', 'betty', 'farm', 'sanctuary', 'birds', 'sanctuary', 'soon', 'threatened', 'arrival', 'tom', 'kat', 'social', 'club', 'group', 'hungry', 'cats', 'looking', 'easy', 'meal', 'chase', 'helpless', 'chick', 'back', 'betty', 'farm', 'alerts', 'betty', 'danger', 'cats', 'initially', 'wreak', 'destruction', 'farm', 'easily', 'overpower', 'betty', 'sickly', 'rooster', 'finds', 'happening', 'quickly', 'turns', 'fighter', 'pummels', 'cats', 'birds', 'join', 'beating', 'chase', 'away', 'hapless', 'cats', 'rooster', 'defeats', 'cat', 'leader', 'betty', 'declares', 'winner'], ['story', 'follows', 'relationship', 'walt', 'gay', 'store', 'clerk', 'two', 'younger', 'mexican', 'boys', 'johnny', 'roberto', 'pepper', 'walt', 'female', 'friend', 'convince', 'come', 'dinner', 'johnny', 'pepper', 'return', 'cheap', 'hotel', 'another', 'friend', 'locked', 'walt', 'makes', 'first', 'pass', 'johnny', 'offering', 'sleep', 'johnny', 'refuses', 'runs', 'hotel', 'room', 'leaving', 'pepper', 'locked', 'nowhere', 'spend', 'night', 'walt', 'settling', 'second', 'best', 'walt', 'lies', 'next', 'pepper', 'allows', 'top', 'sex', 'however', 'give', 'trying', 'win', 'johnny', 'film', 'progresses', 'always', 'clearly', 'defined', 'relationships', 'unbalanced', 'age', 'language', 'race', 'sexuality', 'money'], [\"'evelyn\", 'couch', 'timid', 'unhappy', 'housewife', 'forties', 'meets', 'elderly', 'ninny', 'threadgoode', 'birmingham', 'alabama', 'nursing', 'home', 'ninny', 'several', 'encounters', 'evelyn', 'tells', 'story', 'now-abandoned', 'town', 'whistle', 'stop', 'alabama', 'people', 'lived', 'film\\\\', 'subplot', 'concerns', 'evelyn\\\\', 'dissatisfaction', 'marriage', 'life', 'growing', 'confidence', 'developing', 'friendship', 'ninny', 'narrative', 'switches', 'several', 'times', 'ninny\\\\', 'story', 'set', 'world', 'war', 'world', 'war', 'evelyn\\\\', 'life', '1980s', 'birmingham', 'ninny\\\\', 'story', 'begins', 'tomboy', 'imogene', 'idgie', 'threadgoode', 'youngest', 'threadgoode', 'children', 'ninny', 'describes', 'sister-in-law', 'idgie\\\\', 'close', 'relationship', 'charming', 'older', 'brother', 'buddy', 'cut', 'short', 'hit', 'train', 'killed', 'devastated', 'idgie', 'recedes', 'formal', 'society', 'much', 'childhood', 'adolescence', 'buddy\\\\', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'straitlaced', 'ruth', 'jamison', 'intervenes', 'request', 'concerned', 'threadgoode', 'family', 'idgie', 'initially', 'resists', 'ruth\\\\', 'attempts', 'friendship', 'gradually', 'allows', 'deep', 'attachment', 'develop', 'ruth', 'leaves', 'whistle', 'stop', 'marry', 'frank', 'bennett', 'moves', 'valdosta', 'georgia', 'idgie', 'upset', 'losing', 'friend', 'struggles', 'forget', 'time', 'visits', 'ruth', 'pregnant', 'suffering', 'physical', 'abuse', 'frank', 'frank\\\\', 'wishes', 'ruth', 'returns', 'whistle', 'stop', 'idgie', 'child', 'named', 'buddy', 'jr.', 'born', 'papa', 'threadgoode', 'gives', 'idgie', 'money', 'start', 'business', 'care', 'ruth', 'buddy', 'jr.', 'ruth', 'idgie', 'open', 'whistle', 'stop', 'cafe', 'employing', 'cook', 'sipsey', 'son', 'big', 'george', 'makes', 'barbecue', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'popular', 'patrons', 'frank', 'bennett', 'eventually', 'returns', 'whistle', 'stop', 'attempt', 'kidnap', 'buddy', 'jr.', 'thwarted', 'unseen', 'assailant', 'frank', 'goes', 'missing', 'truck', 'later', 'found', 'bottom', 'nearby', 'lake', 'idgie', 'immediately', 'suspect', 'publicly', 'threatened', 'violence', 'beating', 'ruth', 'arrested', 'along', 'big', 'george', 'frank\\\\', 'murder', 'local', 'sheriff', 'offers', 'release', 'pin', 'crime', 'solely', 'big', 'george', 'idgie', 'refuses', 'sacrifice', 'friend', 'subsequent', 'trial', 'local', 'minister', 'lies', 'providing', 'idgie', 'big', 'george', 'alibi', 'time', 'frank\\\\', 'disappearance', 'taking', 'account', 'frank\\\\', 'reputation', 'getting', 'drunk', 'judge', 'rules', 'death', 'accident', 'idgie', 'big', 'george', 'cleared', 'charges', 'trial', 'ruth', 'develops', 'cancer', 'dies', 'following', 'death', 'caf챕', 'closes', 'time', 'many', 'whistle', 'stop', 'residents', 'eventually', 'move', 'away', 'bringing', 'ninny', 'end', 'story', 'revelation', 'really', 'happened', 'frank', 'sipsey', 'killed', 'frank', 'trying', 'stop', 'kidnapping', 'buddy', 'jr.', 'big', 'george', 'barbecued', 'frank\\\\', 'body', 'served', 'georgia', 'sheriff', 'searching', 'frank', 'evelyn', 'discovers', 'ninny\\\\', 'temporary', 'stay', 'nursing', 'home', 'ninny\\\\', 'house', 'condemned', 'torn', 'evelyn', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'ninny', 'offers', 'room', 'home', 'ninny', 'accepts', 'two', 'friends', 'walk', 'away', 'ninny\\\\', 'former', 'home', 'pass', 'ruth\\\\', 'grave', 'freshly', 'adorned', 'jar', 'honey', 'honeycomb', 'card', 'reads', 'always', 'love', 'bee', 'charmer', 'ruth\\\\', 'old', 'nickname', 'idgie'], ['srikanth', 'sriram', 'best', 'friends', 'srikanth', 'son', 'radhika', 'raghuvaran', 'interested', 'anything', 'academics', 'falls', 'love', 'bhumika', 'also', 'eventually', 'happens', 'reside', 'opposite', 'house', 'loud-mouthed', 'sub-inspector', 'mom', 'rekha', 'responsibilities', 'brother', 'get', 'sisters', 'married', 'sriram', 'leaves', 'libya', 'job', 'received', 'srikanth', 'parents', 'leaves', 'tells', 'srikanth', 'bhoomika', 'love', 'asks', 'srikanth', 'look', 'lover', 'back', 'srikanth', 'swallows', 'love', 'secret', 'sake', 'friendship', 'meanwhile', 'rekha', 'arranges', 'bhumika', 'get', 'married', 'vijay', 'adhiraj', 'wealth', 'juncture', 'bhumika', 'srikanth', 'lie', 'already', 'married', 'leave', 'parents', 'srikanth', 'starts', 'earning', 'support', 'bhumika', 'finishing', 'job', 'assignment', 'sriram', 'returns', 'give', 'yet', 'another', 'family', 'responsibility', 'excuse', 'apologizes', 'able', 'marry', 'bhumika', 'tight', 'corner', 'marry', 'somebody', 'else', 'sake', 'sister', 'marriage.http', '//www.hindu.com/thehindu/fr/2002/03/01/stories/2002030101000201.htmhttp', '//popcorn.oneindia.in/movie-synopsis/3676/roja-kootam.html'], [\"'john\", 'griff', 'griffith', 'average', 'college', 'student', 'active', 'fraternity', 'lives', 'frat', 'house', 'bunk', 'bed', 'room', 'shares', 'best', 'friend', 'todd', 'bently', 'doogie', 'pledge', 'stewy', 'another', 'fraternity', 'brothers', 'pete', 'bradley', 'moved', 'frat', 'house', 'house', 'shares', 'students', 'griff', 'pete', 'secret', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'griff\\\\', 'close-knit', 'fraternity', 'life', 'puts', 'strain', 'griff', 'satisfied', 'arrangement', 'pete', 'pete', 'wants', 'date', 'romantic', 'couple', 'one', 'night', 'gets', 'griff', 'agree', 'date', 'griff', 'annoyed', 'discover', 'pete', 'tricked', 'meeting', 'gay', 'coffeehouse', 'runs', 'sam', 'loud', 'proud', 'activist', 'passing', 'flyers', 'community', 'action', 'patrol', 'help', 'prevent', 'gay', 'bashing', 'juxtaposition', 'closeted', 'gay', 'people', 'heightens', 'drama', 'serves', 'comic', 'relief', 'time', 'date', 'ends', 'griff', 'telling', 'pete', 'wants', 'part', 'lifestyle', 'displayed', 'coffeehouse\\\\', 'clientele', 'leave', 'separate', 'anger', 'pete', 'walking', 'dark', 'alley', 'griff', 'getting', 'jeep', 'griff', 'notices', 'black', 'truck', 'going', 'alley', 'pete', 'next', 'day', 'griff', 'fraternity', 'brothers', 'amazed', 'find', 'pete', 'viciously', 'attacked', 'comatose', 'local', 'hospital', 'griff', 'obviously', 'shocked', 'disoriented', 'others', 'concerned', 'negative', 'impact', 'upcoming', 'rush', 'week', 'gay', 'member', 'fraternity', 'special', 'house', 'meeting', 'buchanan', 'head', 'house', 'tells', 'others', 'criminal', 'investigation', 'pete\\\\', 'attack', 'response', 'fraternity', 'brothers', 'anything', 'sympathetic', 'pete', 'griff', 'todd', 'hospital', 'see', 'pete', 'questioned', 'detective', 'horne', 'investigating', 'attack', 'griff', 'silent', 'pete', 'night', 'would', 'outing', 'time', 'deep', 'love', 'pete', 'apparent', 'moments', 'breaks', 'silently', 'stall', 'men\\\\', 'room', 'tragic', 'situation', 'completely', 'changes', 'griff', 'drifts', 'along', 'daze', 'ignoring', 'friends', 'classwork', 'fraternity', 'responsibilities', 'goes', 'coffeehouse', 'hospital', 'place', 'pete', 'attacked', 'pete\\\\', 'home', 'coffeehouse', 'sees', 'denetra', 'african-american', 'fellow', 'student', 'need', 'talk', 'sympathetic', 'listener', 'motivates', 'become', 'friends', 'griff\\\\', 'continued', 'preoccupation', 'pete', 'causes', 'forget', 'needs', 'rush', 'party', 'make', 'sure', 'house', 'well-stocked', 'alcohol', 'contact', 'sorority', 'invite', 'party', 'emotional', 'confrontation', 'head', 'house', 'griff', 'todd', 'decide', 'take', 'time', 'troubled', 'friend', 'drive', 'mountains', 'night', 'next', 'morning', 'griff', 'admits', 'todd', 'never', 'sure', 'anything', 'love', 'pete', 'voices', 'disgust', 'way', 'treated', 'pete', 'attacked', 'failure', 'give', 'important', 'information', 'police', 'another', 'way', 'betrayed', 'pete', 'todd', 'right', 'police', 'station', 'griff', 'tell', 'detective', 'horne', 'pete', 'attacked', 'saw', 'black', 'truck', 'going', 'alley', 'griff', 'todd', 'get', 'back', 'frat', 'house', 'see', 'doogie\\\\', 'friend', 'smitty', 'black', 'truck', 'griff', 'realizes', 'truck', 'followed', 'pete', 'todd', 'remembers', 'doogie', 'stewy', 'smitty', 'night', 'pete', 'attacked', 'pete\\\\', 'attackers', 'stewy', 'admits', 'attack', 'griff', 'confronts', 'doogie', 'game', 'room', 'surprised', 'denetra', 'walks', 'frat', 'house', 'police', 'escort', 'doogie', 'stewy', 'handcuffs', 'nothing', 'left', 'griff', 'move', 'fraternity', 'house', 'pete\\\\', 'place', 'griff', 'called', 'pete', 'comes', 'coma', 'alone', 'pete', 'griff', 'promises', 'happened', 'never', 'happen', 'tells', 'pete', 'needs', 'help', 'figuring', 'things', 'make', 'life', 'together', 'pete', 'fully', 'recovered', 'griff', 'double-date', 'todd', 'heather', 'football', 'game', 'couples', 'appear', 'detached', 'fraternity', 'group', 'barbecuing', 'near', 'stadium', 'denetra', 'drives', 'date', 'loretta', 'heather', 'knows', 'english', 'class', 'game', 'together', 'final', 'scene', 'follows', 'course', 'credits', 'pete', 'shown', 'reading', 'bed', 'griff', 'playfully', 'joining', 'pete\\\\', 'dream', 'becomes', 'reality'], [\"'one\", 'narrative', 'follows', 'miss', 'monde', '1984/miss', 'canada', 'wins', 'contest', 'virgin', 'prize', 'marriage', 'milk', 'industry', 'tycoon', 'however', 'following', 'degrading', 'puritanical', 'introduction', 'intercourse', 'vents', 'intention', 'leave', 'mother-in-law', 'point', 'nearly', 'killed', 'family', 'bodyguard', 'takes', 'away', 'humiliates', 'finally', 'packs', 'trunk', 'bound', 'paris', 'finds', 'eiffel', 'tower', 'absently', 'meets', 'intercourse', 'latin', 'singer', 'macho', 'sexual', 'act', 'interrupted', 'touring', 'nuns', 'frighten', 'lovers', 'penis', 'captivus', 'post-coital', 'shocked', 'state', 'adopted', 'artist', 'community', 'led', 'otto', 'muehl', 'finds', 'affectionate', 'care', 'commune', 'practices', 'liberating', 'sessions', 'member', 'assistance', 'others', 'goes', 'birth', 'experience', 'cries', 'urinates', 'defecates', 'like', 'baby', 'others', 'cleaning', 'pampering', 'later', 'seen', 'acting', 'obscene', 'advertisement', 'naked', 'covered', 'liquid', 'chocolate', 'second', 'narrative', 'involves', 'woman', 'anna', 'planeta', 'piloting', 'candy-filled', 'boat', 'river', 'large', 'papier-mache', 'head', 'karl', 'marx', 'prow', 'picks', 'hitchhiking', 'sailor', 'potemkin', 'though', 'warns', 'falls', 'love', 'kill', 'ignores', 'many', 'suggestions', 'leave', 'relationship', 'evolves', 'eventually', 'state', 'love', 'making', 'stabs', 'death', 'nidus', 'sugar', 'also', 'seduces', 'children', 'world', 'sweets', 'revolution', 'eventually', 'apprehended', 'arrested', 'police', 'lay', 'plastic', 'sacks', 'containing', 'children\\\\', 'bodies', 'riverside', 'implying', 'killed', 'planeta', 'film', 'ends', 'children', 'unseen', 'others', 'reborn', 'plastic', 'cocoons'], ['ang챔le', 'year', 'old', 'beautician', 'works', 'title', 'establishment', 'paris', 'orphan', 'age', 'eight', 'father', 'killed', 'mother', 'suspected', 'infidelity', 'killed', 'infidelity', 'proved', 'untrue', 'picks', 'men', 'short', 'sex', 'flings', 'longer', 'believes', 'love', 'hurt', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'jacques', 'occasionally', 'contacts', 'loneliness', 'never', 'available', 'time', 'unkempt', 'younger', 'man', 'antoine', 'sees', 'cafe', 'dumped', 'latest', 'fling', 'falls', 'love', 'stands', 'outside', 'beauty', 'shop', 'watch', 'ang챔le', 'follows', 'caf챕', 'declares', 'love', 'lost', 'words', 'immediately', 'return', 'feelings', 'antoine', 'also', 'reveals', 'despite', 'feelings', 'engaged', 'feels', 'drifting', 'away', 'fianc챕e', 'however', 'despite', 'refusal', 'believe', 'love', 'ang챔le', 'gradually', 'falls', 'antoine', 'venus', 'beauty', 'institute', 'run', 'nadine', 'ang챔le', 'co-workers', 'include', 'samantha', 'string', 'dates', 'gives', 'ang챔le', 'descriptions', 'marie', 'youngest', 'still', 'learning', 'ropes', 'co-workers', 'love', 'lives', 'contrast', 'ang챔le', 'marie', 'client', 'aging', 'pilot', 'burnt', 'face', 'reconstructed', 'late', 'wife', 'skin', 'pilot', 'wants', 'marie', 'come', 'house', 'eventually', 'watched', 'ang챔le', 'antoine', 'ang챔le', 'concerned', 'marie', 'na챦ve', 'pilot', 'invited', 'house', 'seduce', 'marie', 'pilot', 'begin', 'make', 'love', 'ang챔le', 'antoine', 'start', 'kissing', 'christmas', 'approaching', 'ang챔le', 'goes', 'aunts', 'poitiers', 'antoine', 'revealed', 'sculptor', 'commissioned', 'altarpiece', 'cathedral', 'goes', 'cathedral', 'see', 'artwork', 'changes', 'mind', 'old', 'friend', 'recognizes', 'returning', 'paris', 'ang챔le', 'goes', 'hospital', 'visit', 'samantha', 'tried', 'commit', 'suicide', 'loneliness', 'christmas', 'samantha', 'reveals', 'nadine', 'starting', 'new', 'store', 'found', 'new', 'girl', 'temporarily', 'replace', 'samantha', 'however', 'new', 'girl', 'evelyne', 'turns', 'disaster', 'wanting', 'arrange', 'products', 'colour', 'rather', 'function', 'eventually', 'quits', 'meanwhile', 'antoine', 'fianc챕e', 'followed', 'seen', 'leave', 'store', 'ang챔le', 'goes', 'store', 'client', 'confides', 'ang챔le', 'fianc챕', 'seeing', 'someone', 'else', 'thinks', 'still', 'loves', 'later', 'antoine', 'takes', 'ang챔le', 'shopping', 'antoine', 'fianc챕e', 'comes', 'store', 'ang챔le', 'sees', 'together', 'thinks', 'antoine', 'betrayed', 'phones', 'antoine', 'tell', 'call', 'relationship', 'make', 'amends', 'ang챔le', 'left', 'close', 'store', 'new', 'year', 'eve', 'antoine', 'comes', 'store', 'present', 'new', 'dress', 'antoine', 'fianc챕e', 'sees', 'comes', 'store', 'gun', 'fires', 'succeeds', 'hitting', 'lights', 'sparks', 'fly', 'antoine', 'ang챔le', 'kiss'], ['nelly', 'married', 'jer척me', 'man', 'stopped', 'working', 'searching', 'work', 'nelly', 'part-time', 'job', 'printing', 'shop', 'fallen', 'six', 'months', 'behind', 'rent', 'apartment', 'lives', 'husband', 'talking', 'jacquelline', 'coffee', 'shop', 'meets', 'pierre', 'arnaud', 'wealthy', 'retired', 'businessman', 'determining', 'nelly', 'encumbered', 'debt', 'arnaud', 'spontaneously', 'decides', 'give', 'nelly', '30,000', 'francs', 'gift', 'nelly', 'reluctantly', 'accepts', 'pays', 'overdue', 'rent', 'moves', 'apartment', 'nelly', 'agrees', 'type', 'arnaud', 'memoirs', 'arnaud', 'insists', 'repay', 'money', 'already', 'gave', 'pay', 'work', 'nelly', 'thus', 'learns', 'arnaud', 'life', 'judge', 'french', 'colony', 'later', 'businessman', 'nelly', 'affair', 'arnaud', 'editor', 'arnaud', 'feels', 'little', 'jealous'], [\"'norbit\", 'albert', 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'continues', 'church', 'beating', 'latimores', 'norbit', 'reveals', 'deion', 'gotten', 'rich', 'divorce', 'settlements', 'marries', 'women', 'money', 'proves', 'presenting', 'deion\\\\', 'ex-wives', 'children', 'person', 'deion', 'flees', 'latimores', 'angered', 'plans', 'ruined', 'forever', 'attack', 'norbit', 'brothers', 'prepare', 'kill', 'norbit', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'stopped', 'townspeople', 'taken', 'arms', 'defend', 'norbit', 'get', 'revenge', 'latimores', 'ensuing', 'battle', 'rasputia', 'fights', 'way', 'crowd', 'she\\\\', 'kill', 'norbit', 'spade', 'mr.', 'wong', 'comes', 'harpoons', 'butt', 'rasputia', 'brothers', 'chased', 'town', 'mob', 'never', 'seen', 'heard', 'norbit', 'kate', 'buy', 'orphanage', 'get', 'married', 'tree', 'got', 'married', 'kids', 'rasputia', 'brothers', 'escape', 'mexico', 'open', 'nipplopolis', 'club', 'rasputia', 'becomes', 'popular', 'lucrative', 'stripper'], ['feeling', 'repeatedly', 'humiliated', 'unwanted', 'mother', 'brother', 'eight-year-old', 'naani', 'goes', 'scientist', 'turns', 'year', 'old', 'man', 'adult', 'works', 'toy', 'company', 'pursued', 'priya', 'daughter', 'superior', 'gets', 'married', 'child', 'mother', 'devayani', 'starts', 'looking', 'lodges', 'complaint', 'police', 'station', 'son', 'missing', 'naani', 'learns', 'mother', 'love', 'asks', 'scientist', 'turn', 'back', 'child', 'scientist', 'reverse', 'process', 'work', 'ends', 'eight-year-old', 'mother', 'day', 'adult', 'priya', 'husband', 'night'], ['hammond', 'family', 'cursed', 'since', 'crusades', 'family', 'members', 'dying', 'committing', 'suicide', 'mysterious', 'circumstances', 'two', 'people', 'including', 'oliver', 'hammond', 'john', 'howard', 'attacked', 'unknown', 'creature', 'robert', 'curtis', 'james', 'ellison', 'sidekick', 'christy', 'dispatched', 'investigate', 'although', 'local', 'townspeople', 'convinced', 'attacks', 'result', 'curse', 'upon', 'hammond', 'family', 'curtis', 'believes', 'able', 'find', 'scientific', 'explanation', 'attacks', 'curtis', 'investigation', 'hammond', 'household', 'reveals', 'number', 'unusual', 'circumstances', 'including', 'slamming', 'doors', 'clanking', 'chains', 'recently-entered', 'secret', 'room', 'supposedly', 'locked', 'years', 'statue', 'strange', 'dog-like', 'creature', 'hammond', 'family', 'crypt', 'investigation', 'one', 'initial', 'victims', 'attack', 'dies', 'case', 'sent', 'english', 'jury', 'judgement', 'upon', 'hearing', 'testimony', 'members', 'hammond', 'family', 'associates', 'jury', 'rules', 'victim', 'died', 'hand', 'unknown', 'person', 'creature', 'unknown', 'species', 'ruling', 'curtis', 'decides', 'look', 'evidence', 'upon', 'body', 'victim', 'finds', 'hair', 'later', 'identifies', 'wolf', 'hair', 'disappears', 'mysteriously', 'soon', 'analyzes', 'monster', 'attacks', 'end', 'movie', 'time', 'kidnapping', 'helga', 'hammond', 'heather', 'angel', 'curtis', 'police', 'chase', 'monster', 'finally', 'shot', 'transforms', 'human', 'discover', 'actually', 'oliver', 'hammond', 'afterwards', 'dr.', 'jeff', 'colbert', 'friend', 'hammonds', 'reveals', 'afflicted', 'lycanthropy', 'generations', 'werewolves', 'attempting', 'cure', 'disease'], [\"'richard\", 'daninsky', 'descendant', 'waldemar', 'daninsky', 'inherits', 'castle', 'may', 'hidden', 'treasure', 'takes', 'reality', 'show', 'crew', 'along', 'document', 'search', 'vampire', 'elizabeth', 'bathory', 'gets', 'richard', 'daninsky', 'remove', 'silver', 'dagger', 'body', 'waldemar', 'daninsky', 'causing', 'revive', 'rampage', 'werewolf'], ['plot', 'robert', 'bridgestone', 'divorced', 'father', 'takes', 'son', 'richie', 'family', 'mountain', 'cabin', 'movie', 'opens', 'see', 'car', 'winding', 'hills', 'zoom', 'unpleasant', 'looking', 'werewolf', 'running', 'around', 'woods', 'along', 'side', 'road', 'finally', 'snarling', 'camera', 'branches', 'two', 'arrive', 'cabin', 'unpack', 'robert', 'suggests', 'eat', 'town', 'taking', 'late', 'night', 'walk', 'woods', 'needless', 'say', 'werewolf', 'watching', 'waiting', 'moment', 'strike', 'father', 'son', 'stroll', 'around', 'dark', 'woods', 'sure', 'enough', 'werewolf', 'jumps', 'attacks', 'richie', 'dad', 'rushes', 'rescue', 'violent', 'fight', 'follows', 'ending', 'werewolf', 'tripping', 'falling', 'cliff', '...', 'biting', 'robert', 'richie', 'looks', 'see', 'monster', 'impaled', 'wooden', 'fence', 'bottom', 'ravine', 'changed', 'back', 'human', 'form', 'sheriff', 'concludes', 'crazy', 'drifter', 'attacked', 'two', 'satisfied', 'leave', 'despite', 'disturbing', 'fact', 'absolutely', 'identification', 'made', 'man', 'richie', 'insists', 'werewolf', 'attacked', 'father', 'sheriff', 'amused', 'childish', 'imagination', 'robert', 'takes', 'richie', 'home', 'mother', 'sandy', 'immediately', 'treated', 'excited', 'richie', 'recounting', 'dad', 'brave', 'fight', 'werewolf', 'well', 'former', 'husband', 'clear', 'interest', 'reuniting', 'appears', 'interest', 'adamant', 'robert', 'talk', 'richie', 'psychiatrist', 'agrees', 'reluctantly', 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'killed', 'previous', 'month', 'later', 'stream', 'richie', 'hears', 'something', 'coming', 'brush', 'looks', 'see', 'father', 'hideous', 'werewolf', 'apparently', 'resurrected', 'dead', 'runs', 'screaming', 'dark', 'woods', 'werewolf', 'hot', 'pursuit', 'richie', 'crosses', 'mountain', 'road', 'werewolf', 'gets', 'halfway', 'across', 'car', 'headlights', 'illuminate', 'wolfman', 'screams', 'gestures', 'wildly', 'car', 'goes', 'embankment', 'suddenly', 'repair', 'truck', 'travelling', 'lane', 'picks', 'creature', 'headlights', 'driver', 'swerves', 'hits', 'hillside', 'opposite', 'side', 'road', 'werewolf', 'runs', 'crash', 'driver', 'still', 'alive', 'viciously', 'attacked', 'dismembered', 'vicious', 'monster', 'richie', 'witnesses', 'continues', 'flight', 'dark', 'night', 'finally', 'finding', 'camper', 'belonging', 'two', 'newlyweds', 'tells', 'story', 'although', \"n't\", 'ready', 'believe', 'werewolves', 'see', 'boy', 'distressed', 'man', 'agrees', 'take', 'richie', 'home', 'upon', 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'witnesses', 'werewolf', 'transformation', 'back', 'father', 'sheriff', 'visits', 'seconds', 'transformation', 'complete', 'report', 'killings', 'previous', 'night', 'apparently', 'convinced', 'must', 'connection', 'horrible', 'attack', 'repairman', 'newlyweds', 'drive', 'home', 'richie', 'questions', 'father', 'actions', 'previous', 'evening', 'robert', 'dismisses', 'everything', 'clearly', 'irritable', 'bothered', 'memory', 'blackout', 'richie', 'jumps', 'hurriedly', 'car', 'upon', 'arriving', 'mother', 'house', 'telling', 'scared', 'alone', 'father', 'father', 'monster', 'sandy', 'asks', 'robert', 'dinner', 'japanese', 'steakhouse', 'dinner', 'tells', 'robert', 'richie', 'said', 'agreed', 'another', 'visit', 'richie', 'psychiatrist', 'order', 'psychiatrist', 'tells', 'robert', 'believes', 'richie', 'genuine', 'belief', 'robert', 'werewolf', 'type', 'fantasies', 'quite', 'powerful', 'children', 'suggested', 'time', 'family', 'weekend', 'planned', 'includes', 'richie', 'mother', 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'cabin', 'cabin', 'settle', 'evening', 'well', 'sandy', 'starts', 'talk', 'robert', 'gentle', 'voice', 'confessing', 'really', 'missed', 'perhaps', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'full', 'moon', 'rises', 'robert', 'turns', 'back', 'silently', 'walking', 'away', 'shed', 'finds', 'richie', 'digging', 'bag', 'seen', 'father', 'burying', 'last', 'visit', 'robert', 'grabs', 'richie', 'clearly', 'first', 'stages', 'transformation', 'begs', 'richie', 'lock', 'shed', 'richie', 'finishes', 'mother', 'sees', 'hears', 'noises', 'shed', 'asks', 'richie', 'tells', 'dad', 'whereupon', 'scolds', 'richie', 'tries', 'open', 'shed', 'richie', 'screams', 'clawed', 'hand', 'bursts', 'hole', 'shed', 'door', 'richie', 'mom', 'run', 'car', 'escaping', 'werewolf', 'emerges', 'screaming', 'snarling', 'shed', 'town', 'tell', 'sheriff', 'attack', 'upon', 'returning', 'cabin', 'find', 'creature', 'gone', 'sheriff', 'leaves', 'men', 'stand', 'guard', 'night', 'later', 'evening', 'sandy', 'sleeps', 'chair', 'fire', 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'behind', 'richie', 'mom', 'screaming', 'cornered', 'werewolf', 'attacks', 'richie', 'biting', 'arm', 'hail', 'gunfire', 'distracts', 'bullets', 'kill', 'frantically', 'tries', 'seek', 'way', 'crowd', 'stumbles', 'falls', 'backwards', 'onto', 'broken', 'stake', 'held', 'hippies', 'makeshift', 'cross', 'ground', 'pierces', 'heart', 'horrified', 'richie', 'sandy', 'watch', 'werewolf', 'transforms', 'back', 'robert', 'last', 'thing', 'see', 'sandy', 'examining', 'son', 'bite', 'mark', 'look', 'dawning', 'horror', 'face', '...'], ['destricted', 'described', 'seven', 'short', 'art-house', 'porn', 'films', \"'impaled\", 'director', 'larry', 'clark', 'shows', 'casting', 'porn', 'film', 'insecure', 'women', 'often', 'displayed', 'instead', 'insecure', 'young', 'men', \"'balkan\", 'erotic', 'epic', 'director', 'marina', 'abramovic', 'erotic', 'comedy', 'myths', 'balkan', 'around', 'sexual', 'organs', \"'house\", 'call', 'vintage', 'sex', 'scene', 'comes', 'closest', 'pornography', \"'sync\", 'exists', 'fast', 'cuts', 'different', 'porn', 'films', 'plays', 'two', 'minutes', \"'hoist\", 'mostly', 'art', 'film', \"'death\", 'valley', 'opens', 'beautiful', 'shot', 'continues', '8-minute', 'masturbation', 'scene', \"'we\", 'fuck', 'alone', 'doll', 'main', 'character'], ['john', 'lewis', 'poorly', 'paid', 'professionally', 'frustrated', 'welsh', 'librarian', 'occasional', 'drama', 'critic', 'whose', 'affections', 'fluctuate', 'glamorous', 'liz', 'long-suffering', 'wife', 'jean', 'better', 'paid', 'job', 'becomes', 'vacant', 'lewis', 'reluctant', 'apply', 'persuaded', 'jean', 'meets', 'obviously', 'attractive', 'elizabeth', 'gruffydd-williams', 'designer', 'local', 'amdram', 'company', 'wife', 'local', 'councillor', 'liz', 'offers', 'intercede', 'husband', 'getting', 'lewis', 'job', 'makes', 'clear', 'attracted', 'lewis', 'easily', 'seduced', 'affair', 'although', 'couple', 'never', 'consummates', 'attraction', 'persuaded', 'liz', 'leave', 'theatre', 'new', 'production', 'early', 'lewis', 'submits', 'bogus', 'review', 'local', 'newspaper', 'learns', 'next', 'morning', 'theatre', 'burned', 'shortly', 'play', 'commenced', 'jean', 'thus', 'learns', 'affair', 'retaliates', 'encouraging', 'old', 'flame', 'probert', 'self-important', 'literary', 'character', 'dramatist', 'lewis', 'also', 'loses', 'friendship', 'colleague', 'best', 'friend', 'ieuan', 'jenkins', 'role', 'play', 'lewis', 'offered', 'better', 'paid', 'job', 'realises', 'liz', 'use', 'control', 'lets', 'finally', 'realising', 'price', 'paid', 'breaks', 'affair', 'takes', 'job', 'mobile', 'librarian', 'hope', 'keep', 'away', 'predatory', 'women', 'jean', 'sure', 'resist', 'tags', 'along', 'keep', 'eye'], [\"'when\", 'young', 'glaswegian', 'cook', 'nina', 'shah', 'returns', 'home', 'father\\\\', 'funeral', 'three', 'estranged', 'years', 'london', 'england', 'begins', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'lisa', 'old', 'childhood', 'friend', 'owns', 'half', 'late', 'father\\\\', 'indian', 'restaurant', 'new', 'taj', 'together', 'seek', 'save', 'restaurant', 'winning', 'national', 'best', 'west', 'curry', 'competition', 'third', 'time', 'nina\\\\', 'mother', 'suman', 'brother', 'kary', 'however', 'want', 'sell', 'place', 'fellow', 'restaurateur', 'raj', 'whose', 'chef', 'son', 'sanjay', 'left', 'altar', 'nina', 'lending', 'young', 'women', 'moral', 'support', 'nina\\\\', 'flamboyant', 'gay', 'friend', 'bobbi', 'nina\\\\', 'younger', 'sister', 'priya'], [\"'ferguson\", 'plays', 'crawford', 'mackenzie', 'scottish', 'hairdresser', 'filmed', 'part', 'fly-on-the-wall', 'documentary', 'invited', 'world', 'hairdresser', 'international', 'federation', 'annual', 'contest', 'documentary', 'team', 'follows', 'crawford', 'l.a.', 'discovers', 'invitation', 'member', 'audience', 'rather', 'competitor', 'eventually', 'weasels', 'way', 'contest', 'produces', 'greatest', 'creation', 'career'], [\"'main\", 'cast', 'wikitable', 'actor', 'role', 'yoshikazu', 'kotani||', 'kairo', 'aoi', 'atsumi', 'kanno', 'sora', 'amakami', 'yuuki', 'kawakubo', 'ichiy흲', 'mizuki', 'kazunori', 'tani', 'riku', 'hanazono', 'main', 'story', 'adapted', 'manga', 'sh흲jo', 'manga', 'artist', 'kaim', 'tachibana', 'manga', 'also', 'entitled', 'boys', 'love'], [\"'desert\", 'hearts', 'set', '1959.', 'vivian', 'bell', 'english', 'professor', 'columbia', 'university', 'travels', 'nevada', 'establish', 'six-week', 'residency', 'obtain', 'divorce', 'stays', 'guest', 'house', 'women', 'waiting', 'divorces', 'finalized', 'owned', 'frances', 'parker', 'vivian', 'meets', 'cay', 'rivvers', 'free-spirited', 'sculptor', 'frances', 'surrogate', 'mother', 'cay', 'works', 'casino', 'change', 'operator', 'reno', 'ending', 'relationship', 'darrell', 'boss', 'put', 'allowed', 'self', 'attracted', 'attraction', 'vivian', 'arrives', 'cay', 'notices', 'tightly', 'controlled', 'elegant', 'vivian', 'turn', 'taken', 'aback', 'cay\\\\', 'boldness', 'lack', 'concern', 'others', 'think', 'cay', 'reveals', 'relationships', 'women', 'past', 'frances', 'notices', 'vivian', 'becoming', 'bigger', 'part', 'cay\\\\', 'life', 'resents', 'afraid', 'cay', 'leave', 'alone', 'everyone', 'attends', 'engagement', 'party', 'cay\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'silver', 'cay', 'drives', 'drunken', 'vivian', 'lake', 'tahoe', 'afterwards', 'kisses', 'vivian', 'returns', 'passionately', 'surprised', 'response', 'begs', 'cay', 'take', 'home', 'return', 'ranch', 'early', 'morning', 'frances', 'vivian\\\\', 'bags', 'packed', 'taxi', 'waiting', 'furious', 'seduced', 'cay', 'cay', 'leaves', 'ranch', 'immediately', 'vivian', 'endures', 'rest', 'stay', 'hotel', 'casino', 'days', 'apart', 'cay', 'vivian', 'clearly', 'confused', 'hurt', 'cay', 'goes', 'visit', 'vivian', 'hotel', 'overcomes', 'vivian\\\\', 'resistance', 'making', 'love', 'another', 'woman', 'begin', 'affair', 'vivian\\\\', 'impending', 'finalization', 'divorce', 'must', 'sort', 'future', 'relationship', 'vivian', 'afraid', 'people', 'think', 'cay', 'unsure', 'would', 'ever', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'frances', 'cay', 'brought', 'together', 'cay', 'admits', 'frances', 'vivian', 'reached', 'put', 'string', 'lights', 'around', 'heart', 'vivian', 'train', 'station', 'take', 'back', 'convinces', 'cay', 'discuss', 'coming', 'next', 'station'], [\"'matt\", 'grabowski', 'passive', 'closeted', 'gay', 'man', 'works', 'loan', 'officer', 'bank', 'awakes', 'one', 'morning', 'find', 'roommate', 'moved', 'stealing', 'furniture', 'he\\\\', 'assigned', 'loan', 'application', 'mister', 'pickwick', 'important', 'client', 'pressured', 'approve', 'despite', 'client', 'really', 'qualifying', 'he\\\\', 'forced', 'take', 'client', 'stripper', 'bar', 'uncomfortable', 'time', 'he\\\\', 'gay', 'bashed', 'way', 'home', 'incidents', 'inspire', 'matt', 'sign', 'butch', 'camp', 'learn', 'stand', 'butch', 'camp', 'run', 'samantha', 'rottweiler', 'teutonic', 'lesbian', 'puts', 'campers', 'regimen', 'physical', 'training', 'self-defense', 'instruction', 'verbal', 'abuse', 'designed', 'toughen', 'rottweiller', 'characterizes', 'straights', 'enemy', 'theory', 'know', 'thy', 'enemy', 'requires', 'campers', 'learn', 'straight', 'lingo', 'rottweiler', 'sends', 'campers', 'assignments', 'straight', 'world', 'like', 'making', 'hang', 'straight', 'bars', 'one', 'assignment', 'matt', 'meets', 'hairdresser', 'janet', 'cockswell', 'boyfriend', 'rod', 'becomes', 'friends', 'janet', 'rod', 'initially', 'somewhat', 'resentful', 'eventually', 'warms', 'three', 'hang', 'matt', 'finds', 'developing', 'crush', 'rod', 'janet', 'realizing', 'matt', 'gay', 'sets', 'sights', 'janet', 'gets', 'salon', 'false', 'pretense', 'fight', 'rod', 'seduces', 'rod', 'finds', 'janet', 'argue', 'dialog', 'implying', 'rod', 'might', 'gay', 'day', 'two', 'later', 'rod', 'runs', 'matt', 'confronts', 'start', 'talk', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'suddenly', 'confronted', 'armed', 'robber', 'inexplicably', 'forces', 'strip', 'running', 'shaken', 'guys', 'matt\\\\', 'place', 'drinks', 'talk', 'rod', 'noticing', 'matt', 'bruised', 'sore', 'offers', 'back', 'rub', 'massage', 'becomes', 'sensual', 'rod', 'becomes', 'ill.', 'suddenly', 'janet', 'shows', 'rod', 'hides', 'janet', 'tries', 'seduce', 'matt', 'matt', 'comes', 'instead', 'leaves', 'matt', 'agrees', 'remain', 'friends', 'rod', 'blaming', 'alcohol', 'also', 'leaves', 'work', 'matt', 'refuses', 'approve', 'questionable', 'loan', 'bank', 'manager', 'fires', 'depressed', 'avoids', 'rod', 'janet', 'weeks', 'meanwhile', 'rod', 'breaks', 'janet', 'comes', 'one', 'friends', 'drops', 'rod', 'sneaks', 'matt\\\\', 'apartment', 'rod', 'wants', 'matt', 'matt', 'worried', 'heart', 'broken', 'rod', 'leaves', 'situation', 'unresolved', 'matt\\\\', 'preparing', 'butch', 'camp', 'final', 'exam', 'trying', 'get', 'hold', 'rod', 'decide', 'whether', 'help', 'old', 'bank', 'sting', 'operation', 'mister', 'pickwick', 'way', 'exam', 'stumbles', 'across', 'old', 'manager', 'cross-dressed', 'beaten', 'basher', 'attacked', 'matt', 'using', 'learned', 'butch', 'camp', 'matt', 'defeats', 'basher', 'rod', 'hearing', 'matt\\\\', 'actions', 'tracks', 'reconcile', 'romantic', 'dinner', 'dance', 'together', 'restaurant', 'back', 'matt\\\\', 'place', 'make', 'love', 'matt', 'helps', 'old', 'bank', 'execute', 'sting', 'boss', 'grateful', 'help', 'rescue', 'hires', 'back', 'promotion', 'back', 'work', 'matt', 'spots', 'butch', 'camp', 'flyer', 'co-worker\\\\', 'desk', 'smiles', 'encouragingly', 'butch', 'camp', 'matt', 'graduates', 'awarded', 'medal', 'honor', 'removing', 'basher', 'streets', 'film', 'closes', 'butch', 'camp', 'graduates', 'marching', 'chicago\\\\', 'annual', 'gay', 'pride', 'parade'], ['50-year-old', 'business', 'man', 'l챕opold', 'arrives', 'home', '20-year-old', 'franz', 'met', 'franz', 'quite', 'sure', 'agreed', 'come', 'home', 'l챕opold', 'supposed', 'meeting', 'fianc챕e', 'anna', 'accepts', 'drinks', 'l챕opold', 'begin', 'get', 'know', 'franz', 'tells', 'l챕opold', 'sure', 'whether', 'loves', 'anna', 'really', 'enjoy', 'sex', 'finding', 'pleasure', 'books', 'theatre', 'life', 'general', 'l챕opold', 'asks', 'ever', 'slept', 'man', 'franz', 'says', 'describes', 'dream', 'man', 'comes', 'bedroom', 'overcoat', 'sex', 'l챕opold', 'says', 'although', 'lived', 'woman', 'seven', 'years', 'always', 'found', 'sex', 'men', 'exciting', 'kiss', 'l챕opold', 'tells', 'franz', 'get', 'undressed', 'bed', 'appears', 'beside', 'bed', 'overcoat', 'ready', 're-enact', 'franz\\\\', 'dream', 'six', 'months', 'later', 'franz', 'living', 'happily', 'l챕opold', 'stays', 'home', 'l챕opold', 'goes', 'business', 'trips', 'l챕opold', 'returns', 'franz', 'tends', 'every', 'need', 'become', 'passive', 'l챕opold', 'become', 'domineering', 'two', 'men', 'spend', 'great', 'deal', 'time', 'arguing', 'franz', 'worries', 'l챕opold', 'leaving', 'still', 'satisfying', 'physical', 'relationship', 'one', 'night', 'melancholy', 'l챕opold', 'confesses', 'believes', 'driven', 'one', 'customers', 'commit', 'suicide', 'franz', 'unsure', 'comfort', 'l챕opold', 'seduces', 'perform', 'role-play', 'first', 'night', 'together', 'time', 'roles', 'reversed', 'franz', 'l챕opold', 'still', 'enjoying', 'sex', 'together', 'animosity', 'growing', 'franz', 'threatens', 'leave', 'l챕opold', 'away', 'business', 'franz', 'bored', 'depressed', 'finds', 'gun', 'imagines', 'shooting', 'one', 'day', 'ex-fianc챕e', 'anna', 'visits', 'sees', 'unhappy', 'tells', 'still', 'loves', 'wants', 'kiss', 'franz', 'acts', 'man', 'overcoat', 'sequence', 'franz', 'anna', 'sleeping', 'together', 'l챕opold\\\\', 'apartment', 'two', 'days', 'convinced', 'leave', 'happily', 'talks', 'children', 'together', 'although', 'still', 'loves', 'l챕opold', 'franz', 'agrees', 'leave', 'l챕opold', 'returns', 'work', 'early', 'finds', 'packing', 'anna', 'tells', 'franz', 'leaving', 'l챕opold', 'laughs', 'tells', 'franz', 'get', 'coffee', 'l챕opold\\\\', 'ex-girlfriend', 'v챕ra', 'arrives', 'l챕opold', 'introduces', 'explaining', 'male-to-female', 'transsexual', 'v챕ra', 'still', 'love', 'l챕opold', 'tells', 'v챕ra', 'used', 'like', 'tied', 'franz', 'likes', 'franz', 'angry', 'humiliated', 'older', 'man', 'says', 'leaving', 'anna', 'wants', 'stay', 'l챕opold', 'wants', 'fun', 'together', 'l챕opold', 'starts', 'ordering', 'two', 'women', 'excited', 'start', 'getting', 'whatever', 'wants', 'franz', 'disgusted', 'l챕opold', 'tells', 'although', 'need', 'franz', 'franz', 'needs', 'l챕opold', 'women', 'bedroom', 'franz', 'goes', 'join', 'changes', 'mind', 'fantasises', 'murdering', 'l챕opold', 'bedroom', 'v챕ra', 'realises', 'others', 'need', 'leaves', 'finds', 'franz', 'lying', 'floor', 'crying', 'tells', 'l챕opold\\\\', 'creature', 'stopped', 'desiring', 'sex', 'change', 'operation', 'worked', 'l챕opold', 'eventually', 'left', 'v챕ra', 'franz', 'tells', 'still', 'beautiful', 'despite', 'fact', 'love', 'l챕opold', 'suggests', 'get', 'together', 'franz', 'tells', 'late', 'taken', 'poison', 'dying', 'says', 'l챕opold\\\\', 'creature', 'franz', 'dies', 'v챕ra', 'tells', 'l챕opold', 'seems', 'unconcerned', 'anna', 'shocked', 'upset', 'lose', 'father', 'future', 'children', 'l챕opold', 'tells', 'get', 'back', 'bed', 'l챕opold', 'asks', 'v챕ra', 'join', 'bed', 'telling', 'although', 'need', 'needs'], ['sanjay', 'malhotra', 'living', 'mumbai', 'friend', 'ria', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'childhood', 'friend', 'anjali', 'sharma', 'shocks', 'news', 'getting', 'married', 'unfortunately', 'sanjay', 'loved', 'anjali', 'years', 'jealous', 'frustrated', 'sanjay', 'makes', 'way', 'anjali', 'one', 'intention', 'stop', 'marriage', 'sanjay', 'goes', 'anjali', 'home', 'soon', 'meets', 'groom-', 'rohit', 'khanna', 'sanjay', 'begins', 'scheme', 'organises', 'bachelor', 'party', 'rohit', 'men', 'family', 'rohit', 'ends', 'completely', 'drunk', 'picks', 'fact', 'sanjay', 'stop', 'marriage', 'vows', 'make', 'sure', 'sanjay', 'fails', 'sanjay', 'desperation', 'gets', 'ria', 'come', 'pose', 'girlfriend', 'makes', 'anjali', 'jealous', 'eventually', 'ria', 'leaves', 'giving', 'hint', 'sanjay', 'loves', 'anjali', 'giving', 'sanjay', 'leaves', 'mumbai', 'stop', 'wedding', 'meanwhile', 'anjali', 'says', 'rohit', 'relationship', 'must', 'built', 'truth', 'confesses', 'always', 'loved', 'sanjay', 'rohit', 'stops', 'sanjay', 'leaving', 'eventually', 'marries', 'anjali'], [\"'peter\", 'ibbetson', 'orphan', 'raised', 'uncle', 'colonel', 'ibbetson', 'colonel', 'insults', 'dead', 'mother', 'peter', 'attacks', 'ordered', 'house', 'young', 'man', 'runs', 'childhood', 'sweetheart', 'mimsi', 'romantic', 'feelings', 'rekindled', 'unfortunately', 'mimsi', 'married', 'carry', 'love', 'affair', 'dreams', 'dream-affair', 'continues', 'years', 'even', 'peter', 'kills', 'husband', 'duke', 'towers', 'gets', 'life', 'prison', 'sentence'], [\"'in\", 'film', 'solo', 'down-on-his-luck', 'writer', 'encouraged', 'psychiatrist', 'get', 'dog', 'solo', 'meets', 'love', 'interest', 'assumes', 'dog', 'owner', 'meeting', 'dog', 'play', 'park', 'dog', 'problems', 'stand', 'way'], ['expand', 'section', 'happily', 'ever', 'dissects', 'viability', 'fidelity', 'via', 'story', 'three', 'buddies', 'tumultuous', 'relationships', 'opposite', 'sex', 'film', 'opens', 'central', 'characters', 'vincent', 'gabrielle', 'capriciously', 'flirting', 'bar', 'vincent', 'appears', 'win', 'affection', 'gabrielle', 'many', 'potential', 'courters', 'entire', 'exercise', 'ruse', 'actually', 'married', 'child', 'rest', 'film', 'explores', 'nature', 'romance', 'marriage', 'happiness', 'expectations', 'life', 'love', 'sex', 'interrelate', 'ultimately', 'one', 'feel', 'fulfilled'], [\"'three\", 'young', 'girls', 'jisook', 'misun', 'eunkyoung', 'take', 'trip', 'mountainous', 'kangwon', 'province', 'south', 'korea', 'meet', 'young', 'policeman', 'shows', 'around', 'meal', 'get', 'drunk', 'together', 'jisook', 'ends', 'spending', 'night', 'policeman', 'married', 'jisook', 'returns', 'another', 'day', 'see', 'end', 'falling-over', 'drunk', 'jisook', 'broken', 'another', 'married', 'man', 'lonely', 'unhappy', 'current', 'situation', 'second', 'half', 'film', 'follows', 'situation', 'sangwon', 'married', 'man', 'jisook', 'broken', 'typically', 'symmetrical', 'fashion', 'repeat', 'scene', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'train', 'sangwon', 'also', 'visits', 'kangwon', 'province', 'friend', 'paths', 'two', 'characters', 'cross', 'without', 'ever', 'meeting', 'encountering', 'couple', 'involved', 'murder', 'investigation'], ['plot', 'revolves', 'loosely', 'around', 'two', 'old', 'friends', 'lee', 'mun-ho', 'university', 'art', 'teacher', 'kim', 'hyeon-gon', 'kim', 'tae-woo', 'graduate', 'american', 'film', 'school', 'recently', 'returned', 'home', 'country', 'dinner', 'restaurant', 'kim', 'convinces', 'lee', 'arrange', 'meeting', 'kim', 'old', 'girlfriend', 'park', 'seon-hwa', 'unbeknownst', 'kim', 'however', 'lee', 'become', 'involved', 'relationship', 'kim', 'departure', 'united', 'states', 'three', 'meet', 'night', 'drinking', 'past', 'tensions', 'attractions', 'reemerge', 'end', 'self-centered', 'men', 'abandon', 'park', 'years', 'ago'], ['film', 'set', 'middle', 'eastern', 'country', 'whose', 'absolute', 'ruler', 'abdullah', 'lives', 'life', 'great', 'luxury', 'surrounded', 'lovely', 'women', 'ronnie', 'beautiful', 'english', 'model', 'arrives', 'abdullah', 'falls', 'offers', 'great', 'riches', 'resists', 'advances', 'interested', 'ahmed', 'officer', 'king', 'army', 'going', 'abdullah', 'unaware', 'growing', 'discontent', 'among', 'subjects', 'threatens', 'overthrow'], ['lam', 'daughter', 'shipping', 'magnate', 'meets', 'warm-hearted', 'mr.', 'worm', 'street', 'one', 'day', 'mr.', 'worm', 'mongol', 'runs', 'lost-and-found', 'company', 'lam', 'enlists', 'help', 'trace', 'missing', 'friend', 'ted', 'scottish', 'sailor', 'former', 'colleague', 'mysteriously', 'disappeared', 'months', 'ago', 'lam', 'ted', 'formed', 'intimate', 'friendship', 'working', 'together', 'lam', 'finds', 'thinking', 'disappearance', 'sheer', 'luck', 'mr.', 'worm', 'traces', 'ted', 'whereabouts', 'latter', 'returning', 'home', 'scotland', 'run', 'motel', 'recently', 'deceased', 'grandfather', 'undergoing', 'treatment', 'leukemia', 'lam', 'helps', 'mr.', 'worm', 'solve', 'near-impossible', 'cases', 'lost-and-found', 'company', 'two', 'develop', 'close', 'bond', 'condition', 'deteriorates', 'lam', 'decides', 'pay', 'visit', 'kilda', 'scotland', 'settle', 'unfinished', 'business', 'ted', 'scotland', 'relationship', 'ted', 'almost', 'rekindles', 'end', 'day', 'finds', 'missing', 'worm', 'ted'], ['marcos', 'comes', 'madrid', 'live', 'aunt', 'uncle', 'work', 'restaurant', 'dreams', 'opening', 'restaurant', 'one', 'day', 'finding', 'love', 'love', 'finds', 'daniel', 'struggling', 'young', 'actor', 'two', 'quickly', 'fall', 'torrid', 'relationship', 'marcos', 'moves', 'daniel', 'love', 'symbolized', 'poster', 'boy', 'george', 'marcos', 'gives', 'daniel', 'commemorate', 'first', 'kissed', 'one', 'night', 'couple', 'karaoke', 'bar', 'sing', 'duet', 'marcos', 'injured', 'falling', 'disco', 'ball', 'awakens', 'next', 'day', 'longer', 'love', 'daniel', 'even', 'seemingly', 'become', 'straight', 'although', 'tries', 'short', 'time', 'maintain', 'relationship', 'daniel', 'eventually', 'moves', 'back', 'family', 'meets', 'marisol', 'dominican', 'immigrant', 'fall', 'love', 'desperate', 'win', 'marcos', 'back', 'daniel', 'hatches', 'crazy', 'scheme', \"'ll\", 'dress', 'woman', 'win', 'marcos', 'away', 'marisol', 'plan', 'inevitably', 'backfires', 'daniel', 'humiliated', 'film', 'ends', 'several', 'years', 'future', 'marcos', 'daniel', 'run', 'airport', 'catch', 'marcos', 'opened', 'restaurant', 'marisol', 'married', 'several', 'children', 'daniel', 'become', 'movie', 'star', 'also', 'gotten', 'happy', 'romantic', 'ending', 'pointing', 'new', 'love', 'boy', 'george'], [\"'in\", '1914', 'group', 'british', 'soldiers', 'preparing', 'leave', 'fight', 'great', 'war', 'france', 'led', 'captain', 'chris', 'baldry', 'appears', 'one', 'final', 'farewell', 'party', 'thrown', 'wife', 'kitty', 'yet', 'throughout', 'seems', 'withdrawn', 'distant', 'story', 'moves', '1916', 'kitty', 'companion', 'jenny', 'baldry', 'living', 'england', 'jenny', 'concerned', 'heard', 'nothing', 'chris\\\\', 'regiment', 'kitty', 'dismisses', 'fears', 'concerned', 'rising', 'prices', 'commodities', 'wartime', 'britain', 'quiet', 'war', 'shattered', 'unexpected', 'visit', 'margaret', 'grey', 'former', 'acquaintance', 'chris', 'baldry', 'written', 'hospital', 'bed', 'ill', 'brought', 'back', 'england', 'say', 'kitty', 'refuses', 'believe', 'visitor', 'thrown', 'consults', 'telegram', 'carefully', 'realises', 'genuine', 'husband', 'fact', 'london', 'hospital', 'visit', 'see', 'treated', 'shell-shock', 'contracted', 'western', 'front', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'remember', 'wife', 'kitty', 'instead', 'shouts', 'wants', 'see', 'margaret', 'grey', 'humiliated', 'wife', 'departs', 'entirely', 'convinced', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'shamming', 'illness', 'days', 'captain', 'baldry', 'returns', 'home', 'house', 'seems', 'alien', 'former', 'friends', 'strangers', 'despite', 'efforts', 'reach', 'amused', 'simple', 'pursuits', 'walking', 'staring', 'river', 'shows', 'little', 'interest', 'wife', 'kitty', 'sleep', 'separate', 'rooms', 'sends', 'maragaret', 'family', 'car', 'sent', 'pick', 'comes', 'visit', 'several', 'times', 'recall', 'past', 'together', 'love', 'despite', 'opposition', 'parents', 'working-class', 'roots', 'following', 'quarrel', 'forcibly', 'parted', 'ended', 'marrying', 'people', 'kitty', 'hurt', 'furious', 'shows', 'interest', 'plain', 'margaret', 'expert', 'matters', 'doctor', 'anderson', 'summoned', 'examines', 'patient', 'advises', 'allow', 'chris', 'margaret', 'see', 'something', 'agreed', 'reluctant', 'kitty', 'margaret\\\\', 'understanding', 'husband', 'relationship', 'blossoms', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'attachment', 'one', 'childlike', 'nature', 'kitty', 'desperately', 'wants', 'cured', 'return', 'authoritative', 'pre-war', 'man', 'known', 'anderson', 'less', 'keen', 'cure', 'captain', 'noting', 'happy', 'carelessly', 'happy', 'like', 'child', 'return', 'present', 'horrors', 'war', 'memory', 'young', 'son', 'lost', 'illness', 'would', 'cruel', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'even', 'remember', 'child', 'finally', 'resolve', 'tell', 'child', 'seeing', 'spur', 'cure', 'kitty', 'watches', 'window', 'margaret', 'tells', 'body', 'demeanor', 'changes', 'visibly', 'starts', 'striding', 'towards', 'house', 'looking', 'cousin', 'jenny', 'remarks', 'every', 'inch', 'soldier', 'realizing', 'husband', 'come', 'back', 'even', 'though', 'likely', 'sent', 'back', 'war', 'kitty', 'smiles'], ['involves', 'voice-actor', 'dong-gun', 'whose', 'blind', 'girlfriend', 'hae-ju', 'suddenly', 'receives', 'surgery', 'regain', 'eyesight', 'lied', 'hae-ju', 'appearance', 'beastly', 'dong-gun', 'chooses', 'undergo', 'extreme', 'measures', 'change', 'appearance', 'promising', 'hae-ju', 'return', 'soon', 'work', 'project', 'hawaii', 'meanwhile', 'hae-ju', 'bumps', 'joon-ha', '봁ong-gun', 'high', 'school', 'friend', 'whose', 'appearance', 'dong-gun', 'described', 'hae-ju', '봞nd', 'mistakes', 'dong-gun', 'hilarity', 'ensues', 'dong-gun', 'finds', 'struggling', 'hold', 'onto', 'love', 'woman', 'loves'], [\"'jin-woo\", 'firefighter', 'buys', 'ring', 'girlfriend', 'name', 'soo-jung', 'works', 'station', 'news', 'translator', 'deaf', 'waiting', 'propose', 'rationale', 'given', 'dangerous', 'job', 'likes', 'idea', 'think', 'hesitate', 'jumping', 'danger', 'hand', 'waiting', 'perfect', 'opportunity', 'setting', 'popping', 'question', 'suk-hyun', 'tells', 'unemployed', 'boyfriend', 'ha-seok', 'needs', 'stable', 'guy', 'good', 'job', 'ha-seok', 'goes', 'finds', 'job', 'helping', 'couples', 'break', 'ju-young', 'mother', 'busy', 'spend', 'time', 'young', 'son', 'hee-chan', 'illness', 'confines', 'hospital', 'bed', 'mother', 'son', 'begin', 'communicate', 'soo-eun', 'deaf', 'girl', 'works', 'costumed', 'character', 'mascot', 'theme', 'park', 'meets', 'young', 'artist', 'quickly', 'begins', 'develop', 'feelings', 'yet', 'refuses', 'take', 'mask', 'front', 'scar'], [\"'paula\", 'tessier', '40-year-old', 'interior', 'designer', 'past', 'five', 'years', 'mistress', 'roger', 'demarest', 'philandering', 'business', 'executive', 'refuses', 'stop', 'seeing', 'women', 'paula', 'meets', 'philip', '25-year-old', 'son', 'one', 'wealthy', 'clients', 'falls', 'love', 'insists', 'age', 'difference', 'matter', 'paula', 'resists', 'young', 'man\\\\', 'advances', 'finally', 'succumbs', 'roger', 'initiates', 'yet', 'another', 'affair', 'one', 'young', 'maisies', 'initially', 'happy', 'philip', 'friends', 'business', 'associates', 'disapprove', 'may-december', 'romance'], ['story', 'takes', 'place', 'backdrop', 'glorious', 'french', 'riviera', 'marlene', 'dietrich', 'plays', 'woman', 'lot', 'class', 'money', 'satisfy', 'taste', 'best', 'things', 'life', 'dazzled', 'count', 'della', 'fiabe', 'also', 'trying', 'recuperate', 'debts', 'gambling', 'tables', 'famous', 'casino', 'attract', 'woman', 'thinks', 'meal', 'ticket', 'poor', 'italian', 'noble', 'man', 'enlists', 'help', 'people', 'owes', 'money', 'film\\\\', 'famous', 'scene', 'comes', 'toward', 'end', 'marlene', 'dietrich', 'sings', 'back', 'home', 'indiana', 'seedy', 'bistro', 'enjoyment', 'homer', 'hinckley', 'feels', 'man', 'make', 'rich'], ['plot', 'movie', 'begins', 'three', 'stooges', 'style', 'gag', 'involving', 'paintball', 'slater', 'zack', 'screech', 'movie\\\\', 'mood', 'interrupted', 'zack', 'returns', 'home', 'discovers', 'father', 'disapproves', 'zack\\\\', 'upcoming', 'wedding', 'kelly', 'thus', 'fund', 'ceremony', 'zack', 'tells', 'mother', 'melanie', 'father', \"won\\\\'t\", 'support', 'pull', 'kind', 'wedding', '1,200', 'melanie', 'gives', 'zack', 'two', 'free', 'passes', 'stay', 'stardust', 'hotel', 'las', 'vegas', 'time', 'next', 'day', 'kelly', 'slater', 'screech', 'lisa', 'arrive', 'zack\\\\', 'house', 'begin', 'packing', 'cars', 'trip', 'las', 'vegas', 'girls', 'one', 'vehicle', 'guys', 'zack', 'makes', 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'support', 'zack', 'kelly\\\\', 'marriage', 'days', 'later', 'wedding', 'held', 'park', 'near', 'stardust', 'hotel', 'lisa', 'maid', 'honor', 'screech', 'zack\\\\', 'best', 'man', 'wedding', 'march', 'begins', 'kelly', 'escorted', 'aisle', 'father', 'frank', 'kapowski', 'ceremony', 'begins', 'jessie', 'spano', 'suddenly', 'bursts', 'saying', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'miss', 'wedding', 'world', 'making', 'gang', 'bayside', 'complete', 'montage', 'shows', 'zack', 'kelly\\\\', 'up\\\\', 'downs', 'saved', 'bell', '9th', 'grade', 'college', 'years', 'zack', 'kelly', 'recite', 'vows', 'minister', 'pronounces', 'man', 'wife', 'ceremony', 'zack', 'kelly', 'congratulated', 'one', 'one', 'gang', 'well', 'mike', 'rogers', 'alex', 'tabor', 'even', 'richard', 'belding', 'kelly', 'gets', 'tearful', 'congrats', 'jessie', 'slater', 'gives', 'toast', 'assembled', 'include', 'kurt', 'carla', 'kelly\\\\', 'parents', 'frank', 'carol', 'congratulate', 'melanie', 'derek', 'congratulate', 'zack', 'evening', 'lisa', 'kurt', 'say', 'goodbye', 'zack', 'kelly', 'packing', 'stuff', 'limo', 'take', 'honeymoon', 'screech', 'gives', 'tearful', 'goodbye', 'slater', 'carla', 'slater', 'says', 'it\\\\', 'end', 'era', 'kelly', 'throws', 'bouquet', 'screech', 'catches', 'diana', 'suddenly', 'appears', 'chases', 'screech', 'away', 'zack', 'kelly', 'take', 'limo', 'screen', 'fades', 'credits'], [\"'mujhe\", 'kucch', 'kehna', 'hai', 'focuses', 'karan', 'teenager', 'though', 'fails', 'studies', 'performs', 'excellent', 'music', 'friends', 'father', 'krishna', 'believes', 'give', 'music', 'focus', 'studies', 'karan', 'proves', 'wrong', 'gets', 'removed', 'house', 'wandering', 'streets', 'notices', 'young', 'pooja', 'playing', 'little', 'children', 'approach', 'leaves', 'starts', 'see', 'everywhere', 'completely', 'falls', 'love', 'looks', 'day', 'night', 'sign', 'pooja', 'loses', 'hope', 'goes', 'different', 'city', 'uncle', 'car', 'breaks', 'hitches', 'ride', 'stranger', 'shocked', 'find', 'driver', 'dream', 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['story', 'revolves', 'around', 'university', 'students', 'roommates', 'mia', 'alice', 'experiencing', 'various', 'upheavals', 'mia', 'alice', 'moved', 'trendy', 'apartment', 'desperate', 'need', 'housemate', 'danni', 'mia', 'girlfriend', 'keen', 'move', 'mia', 'fears', 'commitment', 'mia', 'obsessed', 'favourite', 'lecturer', 'becomes', 'embroiled', 'war', 'paperwork', 'university', 'administration', 'attempts', 'pursue', 'new', 'department', 'hampered', 'efforts', 'transfer', 'current', 'supervisor', 'add', 'woes', 'breaks', 'girlfriend', 'danni', 'danni', 'pursuing', 'another', 'love', 'interest', 'part', 'get', 'back', 'mia', 'alice', 'habitual', 'perfectionist', 'four', 'years', 'late', 'thesis', \"'doris\", 'day', 'feminist', 'warrior', 'looking', 'perfect', 'man', \"n't\", 'find', 'anyone', 'fits', 'strict', 'criteria', 'frustrated', 'falls', 'unsuitable', 'male', 'possible', '...', 'ari', 'classics', 'student', 'part', 'time', 'gigolo', 'however', 'object', 'desire', 'shy', 'medical', 'student', 'michael', 'day', 'ends', 'party', 'begins', 'events', 'begin', 'unscramble', 'unexpected', 'ways', 'omnia', 'vincit', 'amor', '...', 'love', 'conquers'], [\"'the\", 'three', 'intercut', 'stories', 'comprise', 'poison', 'hero', 'seven-year-old', 'richie', 'shoots', 'father', 'flies', 'away', 'story', 'told', 'style', 'episode', 'tabloid', 'television', 'news', 'magazine', 'horror', 'told', 'style', 'psychotropic', 'horror', 'film', 'mid-1960s', 'horror', 'scientist', 'isolates', 'elixir', 'human', 'sexuality', 'drinking', 'transformed', 'hideous', 'murdering', 'leper', 'homo', 'story', 'prisoner', 'john', 'broom', 'finds', 'attracted', 'another', 'prisoner', 'jack', 'bolton', 'known', 'seen', 'humiliated', 'youth', 'juvenile', 'facility', 'adaptation', 'part', 'genet\\\\', 'miracle', 'rose'], ['clare', 'lipkin', 'recent', 'widow', 'dealing', 'everything', 'houseguest', 'lisabeth', 'lisabeth', 'libidinous', 'family', 'problems', 'also', 'haunted', 'ghost', 'recently', 'deceased', 'husband', 'lisabeth', 'houseboy', 'juan', 'clare', 'chauffeur', 'frank', 'make', 'bet', 'seduce', 'employer', 'first', 'bisexual', 'frank', 'puts', 'cash', 'wager', 'wins', 'wants', 'juan', 'sleep', 'juan', 'wins', 'bet', 'claims', 'lost', 'sex', 'frank', 'anyway'], ['1947', 'singer', '횋dith', 'piaf', 'boxer', 'marcel', 'cerdan', 'peak', 'respective', 'careers', 'encounter', 'gives', 'birth', 'passionate', 'love', 'affair', 'lasting', 'two', 'years', 'cut', 'short', 'cerdan', 'death', 'air', 'crash'], ['troy', 'duke', 'attended', 'dozens', 'funerals', 'friends', 'died', 'aids', 'many', 'unable', 'afford', 'prohibitively', 'expensive', 'drugs', 'needed', 'stay', 'alive', 'funds', 'running', 'low', 'troy', 'duke', 'decide', 'stage', 'series', 'robberies', 'stealing', 'supplies', 'life-saving', 'drugs', 'heists', 'successful', \"'re\", 'soon', 'able', 'begin', 'distributing', 'medications', 'throughout', 'community'], ['movie', 'revolves', 'around', 'eun', 'sook', 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'new', 'suitor', 'get', 'married', 'soon', 'possible', 'biological', 'clock', 'keeps', 'ticking', 'away', 'sang-hoon', 'awkward', 'man', 'enters', 'life', 'attracted', 'shy', 'demeanor', 'hyeon-jeong', 'develops', 'feelings', 'makes', 'conscious', 'decision', 'marry', 'min-seok', 'decides', 'made', 'mistake', 'wants', 'get', 'back', 'together'], [\"'treasure\", 'lee', 'learns', 'biological', 'mother', 'brownie', 'incarcerated', 'adult', 'prison', 'purposely', 'gets', 'trouble', 'order', 'transferred', 'juvenile', 'facility', 'adult', 'women\\\\', 'facility', 'order', 'meet', 'new', 'prison', 'reunites', 'old', 'friend', 'shadow', 'meets', 'new', 'inmates', 'leisha', 'aspiring', 'rapper', 'doodle', 'religious', 'homophobic', 'woman', 'involved', 'male', 'correctional', 'officer', 'treasure', 'asks', 'brownie', 'leisha', 'responds', 'getting', \"ain\\\\'t\", 'brownie', 'later', 'shadow', 'points', 'brownie', 'basketball', 'court', 'brownie', 'knocks', 'player', 'injuring', 'demands', 'another', 'person', 'take', 'place', 'treasure', 'volunteers', 'position', 'back', 'cells', 'treasure', 'approaches', 'brownie', 'around', 'prison', 'family', 'pulls', 'photo', 'woman', 'says', 'brownie', 'mother', 'reason', 'prison', 'brownie\\\\', 'daughters', 'protest', 'photograph', 'brownie', 'brownie', 'asks', 'daughters', 'leave', 'yells', 'treasure', 'stating', 'fault', 'jail', 'treasure', 'playing', 'cards', 'leisha', 'shadow', 'begins', 'flirting', 'inmate', 'named', 'sugar', 'kit', 'brownie\\\\', 'main', 'daughter', 'chides', 'woman', 'meeting', 'chapel', 'usual', 'sexual', 'relations', 'fight', 'breaks', 'treasure', 'kit', 'results', 'placed', 'solitary', 'confinement', 'confined', 'brownie', 'speaks', 'wall', 'telling', 'treasure', 'meet', 'released', 'back', 'general', 'population', 'brownie', 'meets', 'treasure', 'alone', 'states', 'know', 'taken', 'away', 'birth', 'admits', 'failed', 'treasure', 'cries', 'shoulder', 'treasure', 'becomes', 'part', 'brownie\\\\', 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'correctional', 'officer', 'approaches', 'two', 'demands', 'read', 'file', 'file', 'reveals', 'brownie', 'treasure\\\\', 'mother', 'instead', 'woman', 'killed', 'treasure\\\\', 'mother', 'warden', 'meeting', 'treasure', 'office', 'says', 'sympathizes', 'offers', 'transfer', 'treasure', 'admit', 'brownie', 'male', 'correctional', 'officer', 'working', 'together', 'bring', 'drugs', 'inmates'], ['anjooran', 'four', 'sons', 'balaraman', 'swaminathan', 'innocent', 'premachandran', 'ramabhadran', 'mukesh', 'severe', 'enmity', 'anappara', 'family', 'past', 'decades', 'anjooran', 'never', 'fails', 'chance', 'belittle', 'anappara', 'achama', 'anjooran', 'sons', 'also', 'bitter', 'hatred', 'women', 'entry', 'women', 'prohibited', 'house', 'three', 'elder', 'brothers', 'ventured', 'business', 'ramabhadran', 'law', 'student', 'college', 'along', 'friend', 'mayin', 'kutty', 'tries', 'ways', 'humiliate', 'malu', 'kanaka', 'grand', 'daughter', 'anappara', 'achama', 'also', 'classmate', 'malu', 'gets', 'engaged', 'state', 'minister', 'minister', 'withdraws', 'relation', 'anjooran', 'intervenes', 'threatens', 'political', 'consequences', 'anappara', 'achamma', 'hatches', 'plan', 'divide', 'anjooran', 'family', 'advises', 'malu', 'act', 'love', 'ramabhadran', 'makes', 'turn', 'father', 'per', 'advise', 'grand', 'mother', 'expresses', 'feelings', 'ramabhadran', 'encouragement', 'mayin', 'kutty', 'ramabhadran', 'acts', 'love', 'time', 'develops', 'liking', 'meantime', 'ramabhadran', 'mayin', 'kutty', 'find', 'swaminathan', 'already', 'married', 'kochammini', 'dance', 'teacher', 'also', 'two', 'kids', 'swaminathan', 'promises', 'ramabhadran', 'help', 'uniting', 'malu', 'upon', 'knowing', 'marriage', 'anjooran', 'brutally', 'beats', 'swaminathan', 'throws', 'swaminathan', 'ramabhadran', 'house', 'ever', 'anappara', 'achamma', 'shocked', 'know', 'malu', 'really', 'love', 'ramabhadran', 'along', 'sons', 'decides', 'get', 'married', 'dr.', 'balakrishnan', 'son', 'advocate', 'sends', 'sons', 'anjooran', 'asking', 'offer', 'security', 'marriage', 'ceremony', 'stop', 'ramabhadran', 'marrying', 'malu', 'anjooran', 'agrees', 'time', 'also', 'approaches', 'ramabhadran', 'informing', 'willing', 'get', 'malu', 'married', 'reality', 'planning', 'get', 'anjooran', 'ramabhadran', 'fight', 'day', 'marriage', 'ramabhadran', 'swaminathan', 'mayin', 'kutty', 'kochammini', 'dupes', 'enters', 'marriage', 'hall', 'also', 'successfully', 'escapes', 'clutches', 'goons', 'ramabhadran', 'enters', 'podium', 'refuses', 'marry', 'malu', 'saying', 'needs', 'father', 'permisiion', 'also', 'makes', 'anjooran', 'realizes', 'wicked', 'plan', 'achamma', 'separate', 'father', 'anjooran', 'agrees', 'marriage', 'blesses', 'couple', 'takes', 'house', 'throws', 'away', 'board', 'denied', 'entry', 'women', 'house'], ['trappist', 'monk', 'boris', 'androvski', 'feels', 'enormous', 'pressure', 'keep', 'vows', 'monk', 'flees', 'monastery', 'yet', 'one', 'knows', 'secret', 'recipe', 'monastery', 'famous', 'liqueur', 'recipe', 'passed', 'one', 'generation', 'monks', 'another', 'meanwhile', 'heiress', 'domini', 'enfilden', 'newly', 'freed', 'prison', 'caring', 'deceased', 'father', 'also', 'seeks', 'frisson', 'north', 'african', 'desert', 'nurture', 'soul', 'androvski', 'domini', 'meet', 'fall', 'love', 'married', 'local', 'priest', 'newlyweds', 'whisked', 'scorching', 'desert', 'trip', 'local', 'sand', 'diviner', 'forecast', 'come', 'bad', 'end', 'domini', 'totally', 'unaware', 'androvski', 'past', 'monk', 'lost', 'patrol', 'french', 'legionnaires', 'finds', 'way', 'camp', 'one', 'number', 'recognizes', 'liqueur', 'served', 'truth', 'comes', 'guilt-ridden', 'boris', 'decides', 'return', 'monastery', 'parting', 'wife'], [\"'cheryl\", 'young', 'african', 'american', 'lesbian', 'works', 'video', 'rental', 'store', 'philadelphia', 'friend', 'tamara', 'earn', 'extra', 'money', 'making', 'professional', 'home', 'videos', 'people', 'cheryl', 'becomes', 'interested', 'films', '1930s', '40s', 'feature', 'black', 'actresses', 'notices', 'actresses', 'often', 'credited', 'watches', 'film', 'called', 'plantation', 'memories', 'black', 'actress', 'credited', 'simply', 'watermelon', 'woman', 'cheryl', 'decides', 'make', 'documentary', 'watermelon', 'woman', 'find', 'life', 'tamara', 'tries', 'set', 'cheryl', 'friend', 'yvette', 'cheryl', 'interested', 'cheryl', 'meets', 'white', 'woman', 'store', 'called', 'diana', 'tamara\\\\', 'annoyance', 'flirts', 'cheryl', 'cheryl', 'starts', 'interviewing', 'members', 'public', 'asking', 'heard', 'watermelon', 'woman', 'interviews', 'mother', 'remember', 'name', 'recognises', 'photograph', 'tells', 'cheryl', 'used', 'hear', 'watermelon', 'woman', 'singing', 'clubs', 'philadelphia', 'tamara\\\\', 'mother', 'tells', 'cheryl', 'get', 'contact', 'lee', 'edwards', 'nbsp', 'man', 'done', 'lot', 'research', 'black', 'films', 'cheryl', 'tamara', 'see', 'lee', 'tells', '1920s', '30s', 'black', 'culture', 'philadelphia', 'explains', 'days', 'black', 'women', 'usually', 'played', 'domestic', 'servants', 'cheryl', 'meets', 'mother\\\\', 'friend', 'shirley', 'turns', 'lesbian', 'shirley', 'tells', 'watermelon', 'woman\\\\', 'name', 'fae', 'richards', 'lesbian', 'used', 'sing', 'clubs', 'stone', 'butches', 'says', 'fae', 'always', 'martha', 'page', 'white', 'director', 'plantation', 'memories', 'martha', 'mean', 'ugly', 'woman', 'cheryl', 'tamara', 'get', 'caught', 'ordering', 'video', 'tapes', 'diana\\\\', 'name', 'diana', 'takes', 'tapes', 'tells', 'cheryl', 'come', 'home', 'collect', 'cheryl', 'goes', 'diana\\\\', 'house', 'stays', 'dinner', 'watches', 'tapes', 'telling', 'project', 'sex', 'cheryl', 'decides', 'although', 'diana', 'usual', 'type', 'woman', 'likes', 'cheryl', 'meets', 'cultural', 'critic', 'camille', 'paglia', 'tells', 'mammy', 'archetype', 'saying', 'represented', 'goddess', 'figure', 'cheryl', 'goes', 'clit', 'archive', 'lesbian', 'material', 'finds', 'photographs', 'fae', 'richards', 'including', 'one', 'given', 'fae', 'june', 'walker', 'diana\\\\', 'help', 'cheryl', 'manages', 'contact', 'martha', 'page\\\\', 'sister', 'denies', 'martha', 'lesbian', 'cheryl', 'diana', 'grow', 'closer', 'tamara', 'makes', 'clear', 'dislikes', 'diana', 'disapproves', 'relationship', 'accuses', 'cheryl', 'wanting', 'white', 'diana', 'fetish', 'black', 'people', 'cheryl', 'telephones', 'june', 'walker', 'learning', 'fae\\\\', 'partner', 'years', 'arrange', 'meet', 'june', 'taken', 'hospital', 'leaves', 'letter', 'cheryl', 'instead', 'letter', 'says', 'angry', 'martha', 'page', 'martha', 'nothing', 'fae\\\\', 'life', 'urges', 'cheryl', 'tell', 'history', 'separated', 'diana', 'fallen', 'tamara', 'cheryl', 'finishes', 'project', 'never', 'managing', 'make', 'contact', 'june'], [\"'parthiban\", 'srikanth', 'recent', 'college', 'grad', 'still', 'young', 'undeterred', 'pressures', 'real', 'world', 'hold', 'one', 'job', 'long', 'period', 'time', 'falls', 'love', 'girl', 'sneha', 'sees', 'bus', 'loitering', 'friends', 'finds', 'tastes', 'matches', 'perfectly', 'parents', 'fed', 'ways', 'force', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'parthiban', 'surprised', 'learn', 'girl', 'set', 'one', 'fell', 'love', 'unfortunately', 'realizes', 'sathya', 'sneha', 'girl', 'married', 'different', 'woman', 'actually', 'loves', 'free-spirited', 'long-lost', 'twin', 'janani', 'sneha', 'begins', 'hate', 'wife', 'demure', 'quiet', 'avoids', 'rebukes', 'kind', 'actions', 'words', 'miscommunication', 'clever', 'trick', 'reveals', 'fallen', 'love', 'wife'], ['film', 'begins', 'martha', 'alston', 'wedding', 'gown', 'incarcerated', 'mexican', 'prison', 'investigators', 'call', 'mrs.', 'crawford', 'listen', 'explain', 'committed', 'murder', 'wedding', 'day', 'time', 'ago', 'younger', 'sister', 'wedding', 'martha', 'pestered', 'family', \"'ll\", 'get', 'married', 'work', 'rejects', 'date', 'younger', 'co-worker', 'walter', 'disappointed', 'dull', 'valentine', 'day', 'blind', 'date', 'martha', 'goes', 'home', 'sulk', 'front', 'inundated', 'romantic', 'imagery', 'prompted', 'get', 'house', 'martha', 'goes', 'bar', 'drops', 'quarter', 'front', 'jukebox', 'bends', 'get', 'man', 'shows', 'selects', 'song', 'martha', 'would', 'chosen', 'man', 'whitman', 'crawford', 'instantly', 'hit', 'back', 'house', 'sex', 'whitman', 'says', 'poet', 'investor', 'reads', 'martha', 'one', 'poems', 'martha', 'introduces', 'whitman', 'family', 'impresses', 'time', 'martha', 'meets', 'whitman', 'mother', 'martha', 'become', 'convinced', 'whitman', 'mr.', 'right', 'whitman', 'ex-girlfriend', 'inga', 'accomplice', 'bob', 'harass', 'martha', 'inga', 'refuses', 'believe', 'martha', 'dumped', 'whitman', 'whitman', 'refuses', 'believe', 'either', 'begins', 'stalking', 'martha', 'trying', 'woo', 'back', 'increasingly', 'ridiculous', 'ways', 'whitman', 'even', 'buys', 'martha', 'private', 'investigator', 'abducts', 'martha', 'mexico', 'marry', 'walter', 'shows', 'rescue', 'martha', 'wedding', 'trips', 'gun', 'falls', 'martha', 'hand', 'shoots', 'whitman', 'arrested', 'investigators', 'conclude', 'murdered', 'whitman', 'walter', 'springs', 'jail', 'explains', 'inga', 'shot', 'whitman', 'walter', 'martha', 'ride', 'horse', 'west', 'towards', 'sunset', 'title', 'cards', 'scene', 'explain', 'eventually', 'turned', 'north', 'towards', 'american', 'border', 'inga', 'bob', 'get', 'married', 'open', 'pet', 'store', 'albuquerque', 'whitman', 'continues', 'search', 'love'], [\"'barcelona\", 'scenario', 'eleven', 'entwined', 'stories', 'sharing', 'characters', 'movie', 'deals', 'variety', 'intimate', 'relationships', 'portraying', 'characters', 'experience', 'intense', 'emotions', 'materialised', 'caresses', 'connections', 'explored', 'include', 'several', 'different', 'family', 'romantic', 'relationships', 'across', 'different', 'genders', 'ages', 'generations', 'recurring', 'theme', 'irony', 'difficult', 'communication', 'even', 'close', 'contact', 'partial', 'expression', 'instincts', 'vs.', 'emotions', 'physical', 'communication', 'play', 'part'], [\"'appu\", 'taxi', 'driver', 'mumbai', 'still', 'haunted', 'suicide', 'sister', 'sold', 'brothel', 'still', 'trying', 'find', 'culprit', 'meets', 'geetha', 'chased', 'eunuch', 'maharani', 'also', 'responsible', 'death', 'sister', 'maharani', 'madame', 'kingpin', 'flesh', 'trade', 'mumbai', 'maharani', 'wants', 'beautiful', 'geetha', 'flesh', 'trade', 'appu', 'fights', 'saves', 'geetha', 'maharani', 'friend', 'vignesh', 'lover', 'kaveri', 'die', 'saving', 'appu', 'geetha'], ['sanjay', 'nithi', 'best', 'friends', 'right', 'childhood', 'days', 'neighbours', 'grown', 'together', 'attend', 'college', 'spend', 'every', 'minute', 'waking', 'hours', 'together', 'admirers', 'college', 'sneha', 'wooing', 'sanjay', 'praveen', 'revealing', 'love', 'nithi', 'nithi', 'week', 'long', 'trip', 'bangalore', 'along', 'prodding', 'housemaid', 'makes', 'sanjay', 'realise', 'much', 'misses', 'nithi', 'love', 'respect', 'friendship', 'makes', 'hide', 'feelings', 'meanwhile', 'nithi', 'accepts', 'praveen', 'proposal', 'things', 'quickly', 'move', 'towards', 'marriage', 'things', 'come', 'together', 'nithi', 'realises', 'stay', 'without', 'sanjay', 'time', 'reveals', 'loves'], ['shivan', 'aspiring', 'designer', 'hopes', 'crash', 'lands', 'responsibility', 'looking', 'mother', 'younger', 'brothers', 'father', 'sudden', 'death', 'since', 'father', 'dies', 'service', 'shivan', 'forced', 'take', 'father', 'job', 'fire', 'service', 'man', 'meets', 'thavamani', 'beautiful', 'rustic', 'posting', 'village', 'fall', 'love', 'girl', 'father', 'whole', 'village', 'lovers', 'lovers', 'fight', 'odds', 'win', 'form', 'rest', 'love', 'story'], ['thamizh', 'leads', 'happy', 'life', 'mother', 'manorama', 'sister-in-law', 'brother', 'livingston', 'working', 'kuwait', 'thamizh', 'dreams', 'joining', 'meenakshi', 'simran', 'tenant', 'thamizh', 'fall', 'love', 'goons', 'periyavar', 'injure', 'thamizh', 'niece', 'stops', 'periyavar', 'car', 'road', 'questions', 'beats', 'one', 'periayavar', 'goons', 'insulted', 'makes', 'periyavar', 'target', 'though', 'tries', 'withdraw', 'violence', 'forced', 'join', 'forces', 'rathnam', 'periyavar', 'sworn', 'enemy', 'eventually', 'defeats'], [\"'it\\\\\", 'christmas', 'eve', 'john', 'asleep', 'los', 'angeles', 'park', 'awakens', 'someone', 'stealing', 'shoes', 'keeps', 'money', 'chases', 'thief', \"can\\\\'t\", 'catch', 'john', 'angered', 'lucky', 'sneakers', 'he\\\\', 'trying', 'accumulate', 'enough', 'money', 'overnight', 'stay', 'fancy', 'hotel', 'celebrate', 'birthday', 'also', 'christmas', 'time', 'john', 'puts', 'money', 'together', 'either', 'turning', 'trick', 'robbing', 'house', 'one', 'regular', 'dates', 'stealing', 'potential', 'clients', 'it\\\\', 'taken', 'either', 'robbery', 'payback', 'drug', 'deal', 'burned', 'dealer', 'meanwhile', 'donner', 'fellow', 'hustler', 'who\\\\', 'new', 'streets', 'fallen', 'john', 'tries', 'convince', 'john', 'branson', 'missouri', 'donner', 'relative', 'runs', 'theme', 'park', 'get', 'jobs', 'john', 'initially', 'resistant', 'idea', 'particularly', 'bad', 'experiences', 'agrees', 'john', 'donner', 'enough', 'money', 'two', 'bus', 'tickets', 'branson', 'john', 'takes', 'one', 'last', 'date', 'earn', 'money', 'expenses', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'motel', 'however', 'john\\\\', 'date', 'turns', 'violent', 'beating', 'john', 'unmercifully', 'donner', 'goes', 'search', 'john', 'finds', 'motel', 'donner', 'drags', 'john\\\\', 'lifeless', 'body', 'bathroom', 'bed', 'tearfully', 'confesses', 'he\\\\', 'one', 'stole', 'john\\\\', 'sneakers', 'money', 'desperate', 'attempt', 'persuade', 'john', 'leave', 'town', 'next', 'morning', 'donner', 'dons', 'john\\\\', 'lucky', 'sneakers', 'boards', 'bus', 'branson'], ['plot', 'film', 'begins', 'narration', 'jenny', 'thomas', 'scenes', 'blonde', 'girl', 'dancing', 'grows', 'explains', 'two', 'important', 'things', 'life', 'dancing', 'faith', 'mother', 'always', 'pushing', 'well', 'father', 'would', 'stand', 'finish', 'line', 'urge', 'person', 'closest', 'father', 'comes', 'several', 'times', 'film', 'mother', 'continues', 'push', 'excel', 'dance', 'jenny', 'decides', 'pursue', 'dance', 'education', 'nyu', 'mother', 'begins', 'pulling', 'back', 'jenny', 'expecting', 'scholarship', 'pay', 'education', 'despite', 'help', 'lobbying', 'dance', 'instructor', 'mr.', 'rigg', 'scholarship', 'selection', 'committee', 'picks', 'another', 'dancer', 'jenny', 'makes', 'goal', 'get', 'scholarship', 'spring', 'semester', 'going', 'work', 'hard', 'semester', 'meantime', 'jenny', 'wondering', 'going', 'pay', 'education', 'apartment', 'roommate', 'desiree', 'porter', 'suggests', 'jenny', 'get', 'job', 'nearby', 'cafe', 'desiree', 'works', 'filling', 'application', 'jenny', 'sitting', 'close', 'enough', 'hear', 'conversation', 'nearby', 'table', 'young', 'man', 'trying', 'telephone', 'number', 'young', 'woman', 'talking', 'jenny', 'notices', 'ctr', 'ring', 'finger', 'young', 'woman', 'writes', 'phone', 'number', 'leaves', 'jenny', 'says', 'he\\\\', 'first', 'mormon', 'she\\\\', 'met', 'new', 'york', 'comes', 'table', 'tells', 'could', 'tell', 'ring', 'introduces', 'paul', 'taylor', 'invites', 'attend', 'local', 'ward', 'finds', 'she\\\\', 'utah', 'says', 'he\\\\', 'already', 'dated', 'utah', 'goal', 'gets', 'married', 'date', 'woman', 'states', 'paul', 'california', 'film', 'student', 'nyu', 'thinks', 'filming', 'jenny', 'quest', 'dance', 'scholarship', 'would', 'make', 'excellent', 'film', 'project', 'says', \"won\\\\'t\", 'twenty-four', 'hours', 'per', 'day', 'times', 'places', 'agree', 'see', 'one', 'first', 'filming', 'sessions', 'practicing', 'dance', 'purpose', 'film', 'paul', 'asks', 'goal', 'begin', 'talking', 'filming', 'find', 'goals', 'life', 'overall', 'jenny', 'never', 'get', 'dance', 'practice', 'filming', 'session', 'one', 'jenny\\\\', 'classes', 'nyu', 'sits', 'next', 'another', 'young', 'woman', 'class', 'jenny', 'explains', 'book', 'store', 'book', 'class', 'jenny', 'would', 'like', 'occasionally', 'borrow', 'woman\\\\', 'book', 'book', 'store', 'get', 'book', 'stock', 'woman', 'offers', 'study', 'together', 'they\\\\', 'better', 'class', 'jenny', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'buy', 'book', 'jenny', 'offers', 'pay', 'half', 'book', 'woman', 'refuses', 'introduce', 'woman', 'named', 'keisha', 'class', 'instructor', 'enters', 'room', 'introduces', 'professor', 'schultz', 'class', 'philosophy', '101.', 'invites', 'anyone', 'may', 'wrong', 'class', 'leave', 'point', 'one', 'man', 'explains', 'class', 'studying', 'well-known', 'philosophers', 'instead', 'learning', 'students', 'think', 'first', 'example', 'professor', 'offers', 'someone', 'class', 'prove', 'god', 'exists', 'sees', 'jenny\\\\', 'reaction', 'question', 'invites', 'keisha', 'two', 'young', 'men', 'front', 'class', 'make', 'attempt', 'one', 'minute', 'jenny', 'first', 'begins', 'somewhat', 'timidly', 'professor', 'challenges', 'statements', 'class', 'breaks', 'laughter', 'say', \"don\\\\'t\", 'laugh', \"won\\\\'t\", 'think', 'it\\\\', 'funny', 'defending', 'beliefs', 'jenny', 'goes', 'also', 'see', 'brief', 'segment', 'one', 'young', 'men', 'presentation', 'keisha', 'last', 'turn', 'makes', 'confident', 'presentation', 'case', 'including', 'universal', 'morals', 'prime', 'mover', 'theory', 'professor', 'congratulates', 'well-presented', 'case', 'puts', 'bill', 'pocket', 'writes', 'like', 'keisha', 'blackboard', 'one', 'students', 'objects', 'getting', 'made', 'best', 'argument', 'professor', 'says', 'keisha', 'knows', 'keisha', 'says', 'belief', 'god', 'matter', 'faith', 'way', 'designed', 'class', 'keisha', 'says', 'jenny', 'hallway', 'lot', 'people', 'going', 'lose', 'faith', 'class', 'later', 'jenny', 'cafe', 'jenny\\\\', 'roommate', 'sings', 'stage', 'right', 'young', 'man', 'acoustic', 'guitar', 'sings', 'song', 'jenny', 'really', 'likes', 'jenny', 'later', 'asks', 'desiree', 'says', 'name', 'david', 'schrader', 'drug', 'addict', 'walking', 'around', 'new', 'york', 'jenny', 'sees', 'paul', 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'better', 'need', 'bathroom', 'studying', 'keisha', 'asks', 'jenny', 'jenny', 'says', 'she\\\\', 'utah', 'keisha', 'laughs', 'asks', 'it\\\\', 'like', 'outnumbered', 'keisha', 'says', 'she\\\\', 'studied', 'mormons', 'cult', 'jenny', 'seems', 'shocked', 'keisha', 'stops', 'begins', 'apologize', 'friends', '...', 'jenny', 'says', 'mormon', 'berates', 'keisha', 'said', 'philosophy', 'class', 'tearing', 'faith', 'tearing', 'mine', 'keisha', 'asks', 'jenny', 'leave', 'later', 'film', 'jenny', 'comes', 'back', 'apologize', 'keisha', 'told', 'earlier', 'keisha', 'apologizes', 'jenny', 'said', 'offers', 'read', 'book', 'jenny', 'picks', 'church', 'various', 'smaller', 'scenes', 'apparent', 'keisha', 'jenny', 'become', 'friends', 'jenny', 'david', 'several', 'dates', 'paul', 'continues', 'film', 'jenny\\\\', 'classes', 'dance', 'practices', 'leaving', 'christmas', 'break', 'paul', 'tells', 'jenny', 'he\\\\', 'also', 'going', 'utah', 'break', 'arrange', 'meet', 'ski', 'resort', 'find', 'paul', 'snowborder', 'jenny', 'skier', 'spend', 'day', 'together', 'talk', 'ski', 'lodge', 'dinner', 'jenny\\\\', 'house', 'family', 'parents', 'get', 'opportunity', 'get', 'know', 'paul', 'dinner', 'jenny', 'gets', 'telephone', 'call', 'david', 'talks', 'quite', 'dinner', 'jenny', 'paul', 'freezer', 'garage', 'put', 'away', 'ice', 'cream', 'things', 'paul', 'kissed', 'jenny', 'jenny', 'rebuffed', 'distancing', 'relationship', 'jenny\\\\', 'parents', 'concerned', 'dating', 'david', 'someone', 'faith', 'would', 'prefer', 'reconsider', 'paul', 'jenny\\\\', 'mother', 'told', 'thought', 'jenny', 'jenny\\\\', 'father', 'waited', 'jenny', 'asked', 'thought', 'dvd', 'commentary', 'directory', 'points', 'jenny\\\\', 'mother\\\\', 'attitude', 'toward', 'david', 'softens', 'shows', 'house', 'next', 'day', 'gives', 'jenny', 'necklace', 'four', 'utah', 'jazz', 'tickets', 'jenny\\\\', 'parents', 'returning', 'new', 'york', 'first', 'scene', 'jenny', 'sitting', 'classroom', 'professor', 'shultz', 'comes', 'introduces', 'says', 'class', 'philosophy', '102', 'invites', 'anyone', 'wrong', 'class', 'leave', 'man', 'left', 'philosophy', '101', 'class', 'gets', 'leaves', 'professor', 'shultz\\\\', 'first', 'question', 'class', 'jenny', 'would', 'ever', 'marry', 'someone', 'outside', 'faith', 'replies', \"don\\\\'t\", 'know', 'jenny', 'continues', 'date', 'david', 'mr.', 'rigg', 'notices', 'missing', 'classes', 'practices', 'dancing', 'ability', 'suffering', 'tells', 'needs', 'decide', 'serious', 'scholarship', 'jenny', 'decides', 'work', 'extra', 'hard', 'make', 'sure', 'get', 'scholarship', 'one', 'practices', 'class', 'severely', 'sprains', 'ankle', 'told', 'must', 'stay', 'feet', 'much', 'possible', \"won\\\\'t\", 'able', 'return', 'dancing', 'scholarship', 'committee', 'made', 'choice', 'spring', 'semester', 'dance', 'scholarship', 'limited', 'mobility', 'jenny', 'david', 'spend', 'time', 'alone', 'jenny\\\\', 'apartment', 'one', 'times', 'david', 'jenny', 'jenny\\\\', 'apartment', 'david', 'answers', 'door', 'paul', 'flowers', 'jenny', 'david', 'walking', 'away', 'outside', 'building', 'paul', 'catches', 'punches', 'face', 'paul', 'walks', 'away', 'find', 'nearly', 'happened', 'jenny', 'goes', 'keisha\\\\', 'apartment', 'talk', 'keisha', 'keisha', 'talking', 'jenny', 'door', 'reluctant', 'let', 'jenny', 'soon', 'opens', 'door', 'sees', 'jenny', 'keisha', 'changes', 'mind', 'keisha', 'introducers', 'young', 'son', 'spencer', 'asleep', 'living', 'room', 'keisha', 'concern', 'jenny', 'going', 'reconcile', 'god', 'keisha', 'took', 'pregnancy', 'boyfriend', 'leaving', 'realized', 'needed', 'knows', 'faith', 'jenny\\\\', 'agree', 'issue', 'jenny', 'knows', 'right', 'thing', 'david', 'started', 'writing', 'song', 'jenny', 'gave', 'jenny', 'christmas', 'break', 'finished', 'song', 'gave', 'rest', 'jenny', 'already', 'decided', 'needed', 'break', 'david', 'interrupts', 'saying', 'knows', 'break', 'recognized', 'life-goals', 'far', 'apart', 'jenny', 'apologizes', 'weak', 'david', 'thanks', 'stopping', 'went', 'far', 'even', 'though', 'chemistry', 'must', 'say', 'goodbye', '...', 'we\\\\', \"'ll\", 'say', 'goodbye', 'later', 'vocal', 'music', 'played', 'images', 'scholarship', 'performances', 'jenny', 'contemplating', 'jenny', 'talking', 'bishop', 'jenny', 'expects', 'leaving', 'nyu', 'next', 'semester', \"won\\\\'t\", 'get', 'scholarship', 'tells', 'mr.', 'rigg', 'miss', 'responds', 'that\\\\', 'sweet', 'ms.', 'thomas', \"won\\\\'t\", 'miss', 'least', 'got', 'scholarship', 'video', 'presentation', 'brilliant', 'video', 'presentation', 'submitted', 'lieu', 'dancing', 'showed', 'progress', 'made', 'semester', 'convinced', 'committee', 'deserved', 'scholarship', 'walks', 'outside', 'building', 'paul', 'waiting', 'put', 'film', 'together', 'delivered', 'glad', 'got', 'jenny', 'scholarship', 'good', 'news', 'months', 'you\\\\', \"'ll\", 'qualify', 'new', 'york', 'residency', \"don\\\\'t\", \"\\\\'new\", 'york\\\\', 'yet', 'walk', 'filming', 'new', 'york', 'many', 'children', 'replies', 'including'], ['eve', 'tozer', 'society', 'heiress', 'flapper', 'living', 'high-life', '1920s', 'istanbul', 'needs', 'find', 'father', 'officially', 'declared', 'dead', 'risk', 'losing', 'inheritance', 'scheming', 'business', 'partner', 'bentik', 'hires', 'wwi', 'ace-pilot', 'patrick', \"o'malley\", 'planes', 'locate', 'father', \"o'malley\", 'eager', 'take', 'job', 'needs', 'leave', 'town', 'rather', 'urgently', 'however', 'eve', 'also', 'accomplished', 'pilot', 'determined', 'accompany', 'aircraft', 'causes', 'first', 'many', 'arguments', 'istanbul', 'china', 'journey', 'two', 'biplanes', 'six', 'countries', 'leads', 'finally', 'find', 'eccentric', 'bradley', 'tozer', 'china', 'helping', 'small', 'village', 'defend', 'local', 'warlord', \"o'malley\", 'eve', 'help', 'win', 'final', 'battle', 'however', 'one', 'remaining', 'plane', 'damaged', 'process', 'leaving', 'immediate', 'future', 'actions', 'uncertain'], ['abby', 'morrison', 'lived', 'sheltered', 'life', 'imaginary', 'boyfriend', 'since', 'five', 'never', 'parents', 'real', 'friends', 'however', 'artist', 'passion', 'paint', 'usually', 'make', 'paintings', 'agrees', 'tutor', 'roommate', 'cynical', 'cousin', 'quinn', 'finds', 'attracted', 'felt', 'jealous', 'boyfriend', \"n't\", 'know', 'reality', 'however', 'abby', 'ignores', 'attraction', 'order', 'focus', 'abby', 'parents', 'invite', 'quinn', 'thanksgiving', 'day', 'mother', 'mentions', 'abby', 'imaginary', 'friend', 'makes', 'quinn', 'think', 'made', 'obstacle', 'relationship', 'stopped', 'talking', 'meeting', 'gradually', 'became', 'miserable', 'abby', 'also', 'realized', 'get', 'rid', 'face', 'reality', 'asks', 'leave', 'good', 'first', 'time', 'joins', 'parents', 'weird', 'work', 'quinn', 'seeking', 'advice', 'roommate', 'cousin', 'searches', 'abby', 'looking', 'club', 'took', 'finds', 'portrait', 'painted', 'abby', 'notices', 'image', 'background', 'abby', 'rink', 'finds', 'kisses'], [\"'robert\", 'talbot', 'american', 'millionaire', 'arrives', 'early', 'annual', 'vacation', 'luxurious', 'italian', 'villa', 'long-time', 'girlfriend', 'lisa', 'given', 'waiting', 'pop', 'question', 'decided', 'marry', 'another', 'man', 'meanwhile', 'sneaky', 'major', 'domo', 'maurice', 'secretly', 'misappropriates', 'villa', 'hotel', 'talbot', 'away', 'current', 'guests', 'hotel', 'group', 'young', 'american', 'girls', 'trying', 'fend', 'gang', 'oversexed', 'boys', 'led', 'tony'], ['movie', 'tells', 'story', 'elizabeth', 'john', 'married', 'couple', 'separated', 'john', 'goes', 'fight', 'world', 'war', 'elizabeth', 'receives', 'notice', 'john', 'death', 'marries', 'another', 'man', 'john', 'however', 'still', 'alive', 'later', 'returns', 'disfigured', 'war', 'undergone', 'plastic', 'surgery', 'making', 'almost', 'unrecognizable', 'also', 'adopted', 'daughter', 'finds', 'son', 'elizabeth', 'faced', 'dilemma', 'whether', 'reveal', 'true', 'identity'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'concerned', 'six', 'teenagers', 'four', 'gay', 'men', 'two', 'traditional', 'lesbian', 'couple', 'plot', 'spliced', 'segments', 'material', 'occasional', 'tangents', 'central', 'plot', 'mainly', 'follows', 'linear', 'structure', 'araki', 'constructed', 'film', 'parts', 'described', 'opening', 'titles', 'film', 'details', 'lives', 'romances', 'six', 'characters', 'ultimately', 'culminating', 'climax', 'epilogue-like', 'reaction', 'five', 'characters', 'film', 'ends', 'blue', 'font', 'credits', 'appear'], ['17-year-old', 'jane', 'broadbent', 'comes', 'london', 'live', 'wealthy', 'father', 'jimmy', 'broadbent', 'stepmother', 'sheila', 'feels', 'compelled', 'social', 'aspirations', 'introduce', 'society', 'jane', 'bored', 'debutante', 'balls', 'attends', 'young', 'men', 'introduced', 'becomes', 'interested', 'drummer', 'named', 'david', 'parkson', 'reputation', 'leading', 'young', 'women', 'astray', 'complicate', 'matters', 'david', 'fenner', 'relentlessly', 'pursues', 'jane', 'even', 'though', 'openly', 'detests', 'turns', 'parkson', 'reputation', 'undeserved', 'sheila', 'convinced', 'otherwise', 'tries', 'keep', 'away', 'jane', 'sheila', 'garrulous', 'friend', 'mabel', 'interferes', 'sheila', 'attempts', 'separate', 'two', 'order', 'secure', 'david', 'fenner', 'daughter', 'clarissa', 'fortunately', 'jane', 'david', 'sheila', 'plans', 'fail', 'miserably', 'two', 'young', 'people', 'fall', 'love', 'david', 'parkson', 'proposes', 'jane', 'also', 'inherits', 'italian', 'title', 'nobility', 'satisfying', 'sheila', 'concerns', 'jane', 'social', 'status'], ['movie', 'begins', 'small', 'village', 'tirunelveli', 'district', 'upper', 'caste', 'men', 'hold', 'chariot', 'festival', 'antony', 'along', 'friends', 'pull', 'chariot', 'slum', 'naturally', 'incur', 'wrath', 'local', 'leader', 'annachi', 'meanwhile', 'daughter', 'rajeswari', 'falls', 'love', 'daas', 'sister', 'monica', 'elopes', 'marry', 'lower', 'caste', 'boy', 'guna', 'classmate', 'daas', 'coming', 'know', 'annachi', 'sends', 'men', 'bump', 'couple', 'eventually', 'annachi', 'set', 'couple', 'ablaze', 'front', 'daas', 'angry', 'rajeswari', 'order', 'teach', 'father', 'lesson', 'elopes', 'daas', 'vows', 'get', 'married', 'couple', 'seeks', 'refuge', 'house', 'nasser', 'madurai', 'promises', 'get', 'married', 'however', 'coming', 'know', 'hideout', 'annachi', 'men', 'reach', 'madurai', 'foil', 'plans', 'nasser', 'father', 'vappa', 'promises', 'get', 'united', 'enters', 'sadiq', 'nasser', 'brother', 'plans', 'let', 'loose', 'terror', 'madurai', 'town', 'name', 'jehad', 'daas', 'emerges', 'triumphant', 'troubles', 'marries', 'rajeswari', 'forms', 'rest', 'story'], ['story', 'revolves', 'around', 'two', 'parisian', 'girls', 'nathalie', 'stripper', 'bar', 'sandrine', 'bartender', 'conspire', 'climb', 'social', 'ladder', 'paris', 'start', 'living', 'together', 'girls', 'get', 'fired', 'jobs', 'club', 'owner', 'offers', 'sandrine', 'choice', 'sex', 'paying', 'client', 'sacked', 'nathalie', 'finishing', 'shift', 'defends', 'dissuades', 'sandrine', 'accepting', 'offer', 'girls', 'fired', 'sandrine', 'falling', 'behind', 'rent', 'sure', 'landlord', 'kick', 'especially', 'since', 'unemployed', 'nathalie', 'offers', 'share', 'apartment', 'sandrine', 'girls', 'decide', 'climb', 'corporate', 'ladder', 'exploiting', 'sex', 'appeal', 'manage', 'get', 'jobs', 'secretaries', 'banking', 'corporation', 'nathalie', 'sent', 'sandrine', 'sent', 'human', 'resource', 'department', 'aim', 'seduce', 'bosses', 'get', 'promoted', 'sandrine', 'accomplishes', 'second', 'command', 'monsieur', 'delacroix', 'becoming', 'secretary', 'much', 'ambiguity', 'surrounds', 'nathalie', 'point', 'film', 'meet', 'christophe', 'ceo', 'son', 'future', 'heir', 'banking', 'corporation', 'handsome', 'final', 'target', 'girls', 'seduce', 'reputation', 'devastating', 'gone', 'many', 'women', 'christophe', 'ruthless', 'seemingly', 'emotionless', 'yet', 'capability', 'seduce', 'woman', 'make', 'fall', 'madly', 'love', 'resulted', 'previous', 'romances', 'ending', 'suicide', 'yet', 'sandrine', 'still', 'determined', 'conquer', 'even', 'receiving', 'warning', 'nathalie', 'time', 'sandrine', 'absenteeism', 'reduced', 'attention', 'towards', 'delacroix', 'convinces', 'nathalie', 'transferred', 'office', 'assistant', 'secretary', 'sandrine', 'since', 'feels', 'overworked', 'result', 'threesome', 'evening', 'office', 'christophe', 'sister', 'interrupt', 'covertly', 'disciplined', 'delacroix', 'retain', 'job', 'title', 'continue', 'work', 'company', 'officially', 'paper', 'fired', 'situation', 'christophe', 'takes', 'nathalie', 'sandrine', 'private', 'restaurant', 'revealed', 'nathalie', 'christophe', 'secret', 'lover', 'time', 'girls', 'working', 'bank', 'flaunting', 'wealth', 'christophe', 'reveals', 'plan', 'marry', 'sandrine', 'formal', 'wedding', 'convince', 'dying', 'father', 'reformed', 'man', 'thus', 'gain', 'complete', 'control', 'corporation', 'sandrine', 'divorce', 'healthy', 'settlement', 'nathalie', 'enraged', 'situation', 'resist', 'hope', 'christophe', 'loves', 'even', 'obeying', 'command', 'sandrine', 'toilets', 'start', 'making', 'love', 'awaiting', 'christophe', 'turning', 'threesome', 'later', 'sandrine', 'invited', 'christophe', 'chateau', 'evening', 'dinner', 'sister', 'incestual', 'threesome', 'evening', 'interrupted', 'nathalie', 'still', 'believes', 'blindly', 'christophe', 'loves', 'deep', 'rejected', 'stone', 'thrown', 'head', 'christophe', 'nathalie', 'succumbs', 'madness', 'wedding', 'carried', 'later', 'date', 'wedding', 'night', 'sandrine', 'christophe', 'walk', 'together', 'ch창teau', 'general', 'orgy', 'ensues', 'carried', 'guards', 'upon', 'hearing', 'news', 'christophe', 'father', 'died', 'left', 'entire', 'corporation', 'carried', 'cellars', 'gang', 'raped', 'bunch', 'guests', 'whilst', 'christophe', 'sister', 'engage', 'sexual', 'intercourse', 'later', 'evening', 'events', 'settled', 'sandrine', 'thrown', 'front', 'main', 'door', 'told', 'christophe', 'divorce', 'may', 'take', 'several', 'weeks', 'nathalie', 'appears', 'jerry', 'full', 'petrol', 'pours', 'holds', 'lighter', 'air', 'christophe', 'dismisses', 'shot', 'several', 'times', 'nathalie', 'rage', 'jailed', 'sandrine', 'becomes', 'heir', 'corporation', 'years', 'later', 'sandrine', 'entering', 'limousine', 'streets', 'paris', 'recognises', 'nathalie', 'since', 'married', 'jail', 'guard', 'child', 'nathalie', 'sandrine', 'walk', 'kiss', 'cheek'], ['karthikeyan', 'photographer-cum-editor', 'working', 'indian', 'express', 'chitra', 'bank', 'employee', 'reside', 'navi', 'mumbai', 'karthik', 'meets', 'chitra', 'opening', 'bank', 'account', 'returning', 'home', 'karthik', 'meets', 'train', 'offers', 'seat', 'chitra', 'want', 'accept', 'train', 'strike', 'invites', 'travel', 'auto', 'reduce', 'expenses', 'declines', 'chitra', 'hesitated', 'travel', 'train', 'karthik', 'became', 'angry', 'explained', 'talked', 'area', 'says', 'never', 'talk', 'anymore', 'days', 'chitra', 'volunteerily', 'talks', 'karthik', 'return', 'accompanies', 'police', 'station', 'get', 'back', 'snatched', 'handbag', 'karthik', 'invites', 'chitra', 'home', 'meet', 'parents', 'karthik', 'parents', 'like', 'chitra', 'become', 'friends', 'karthik', 'mother', 'requests', 'chitra', 'tell', 'karthik', 'get', 'married', 'conveys', 'parent', 'wish', 'karthik', 'explains', 'wife', 'died', 'train', 'accident', 'karthik', 'learns', 'chitra', 'husband', 'srikanth', 'died', 'train', 'accident', 'chitra', 'adopted', 'boy', 'shiva', 'per', 'husband', 'wish', 'karthik', 'parents', 'want', 'get', 'married', 'shiva', 'moves', 'close', 'karthik', 'family', 'chitra', 'tries', 'prevent', 'relations', 'karthik', 'karthik', 'father', 'understands', 'karthik', 'interest', 'towards', 'chitra', 'asks', 'marry', 'karthik', 'refuses', 'avoids', 'karthik', 'karthik', 'understood', 'intention', 'stayed', 'away', 'chitra', 'meanwhile', 'gets', 'confused', 'regarding', 'second', 'marriage', 'due', 'trouble', 'given', 'neighbour', 'husband', 'shiva', 'passion', 'karthik', 'chitra', 'neighbour', 'attempts', 'rape', 'manages', 'escape', 'karthik', 'heard', 'attacks', 'man', 'misbehaving', 'makes', 'vacate', 'mumbai', 'chitra', 'decides', 'marry', 'karthik', 'son', 'plans', 'meet', 'station', 'express', 'decision', 'returning', 'home', 'meets', 'mother-in-law', 'one', 'time', 'opposed', 'marriage', 'son', 'srikanth', 'chitra', 'mother-in-law', 'requests', 'come', 'live', 'alone', 'husband', 'death', 'chitra', 'leaves', 'mother-in-law', 'dared', 'meet', 'karthik', 'leaves', 'without', 'informing', 'karthik', 'family', 'much', 'disappointed', 'months', 'chitra', 'panics', 'seeing', 'news', 'bomb', 'blast', 'mumbai', 'indian', 'express', 'verifies', 'karthik', 'safety', 'karthik', 'leaves', 'coonoor', 'official', 'assignment', 'meets', 'chitra', 'mother-in-law', 'chitra', 'introduces', 'tells', 'karthik', 'wife', 'death', 'train', 'accident', 'son', 'died', 'hearing', 'chitra', 'mother-in-law', 'invites', 'karthik', 'lunch', 'next', 'day', 'delights', 'shiva', 'shiva', 'eagerly', 'waits', 'karthik', 'leaves', 'school', 'well', 'stuck', 'traffic', 'jam', 'long', 'time', 'meanwhile', 'chitra', 'explains', 'decision', 'marry', 'later', 'changed', 'mother-in-law', 'requested', 'live', 'karthik', 'leaves', 'without', 'meeting', 'shiva', 'catch', 'train', 'disappoints', 'shiva', 'chitra', 'tried', 'console', 'blames', 'keep', 'promise', 'chitra', 'karthik', 'parents', 'live', 'together', 'chitra', 'mother-in-law', 'hears', 'understood', 'meaning', 'realised', 'mistake', 'made', 'catches', 'karthik', 'station', 'requests', 'marry', 'chitra', 'karthik', 'chitra', 'leave', 'mumbai', 'get', 'married', 'delights', 'karthik', 'parents'], ['city', 'southern', 'india', 'traditional', 'rivalry', 'always', 'existed', 'students', 'pachaiyappas', 'loyola', 'colleges', 'respectively', 'karthik', 'poor', 'orphan', 'studies', 'pachaiyappa', 'college', 'lives', 'rented', 'room', 'travels', 'bus', 'hangs', 'number', 'friends', 'captain', 'football', 'team', 'also', 'good', 'poet', 'daydreams', 'dream', 'girl', 'arun', 'hand', 'comes', 'rich', 'wealthy', 'family', 'studies', 'loyola', 'college', 'drives', 'car', 'hangs', 'number', 'friends', 'also', 'captain', 'football', 'team', 'nasty', 'inter', 'college', 'riot', 'arun', 'saves', 'karthik', 'life', 'return', 'karthik', 'lets', 'arun', 'win', 'soccer', 'game', 'thinks', 'arun', \"n't\", 'take', 'losses', 'easily', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'show', 'good', 'example', 'friendship', 'others', 'college', 'road', 'divya', 'new', 'girl', 'town', 'causes', 'barbers', 'shave', 'clients', 'head', 'flowers', 'cry', 'walking', 'etc', 'fall', 'love', 'neither', 'realize', 'love', 'woman', 'realize', 'friendship', 'strained.the', 'end', 'movie', 'shows', 'divya', 'walking', 'away', 'injured', 'fight', 'save', 'rogues.it', 'implied', 'divya', 'decides', 'see', 'arun', 'karthik', 'best', 'friends', 'deny', 'either', 'love'], ['student', 'learning', 'disability', 'hires', 'self-centered', 'teacher', 'make', 'smart', 'enough', 'win', 'heart', 'prettiest', 'girl', 'school', 'whatever', 'mike', 'lacks', 'brains', 'makes', 'heart', 'eyes', 'beautiful', 'classmate', 'may', 'well', 'exist', 'desperate', 'capture', 'attention', 'comely', 'somewhat', 'shallow', 'dream', 'girl', 'mike', 'enlists', 'help', 'universally', 'disliked', 'teacher', 'goldwyn', 'increase', 'may', 'finally', 'form', 'blip', 'hannah', 'romantic', 'radar'], [\"'raja\", 'babu', 'govinda', 'poor', 'orphan', 'adopted', 'wealthy', 'village', 'couple', 'typical', 'country', 'bumpkin', 'good-hearted', 'lacking', 'urban', 'manners', 'falls', 'madhu', 'sees', 'photograph', 'studio', 'chases', 'bike', 'decorated', 'plastic', 'flowers', 'sidekick', 'played', 'shakti', 'kapoor', 'taken', 'smart', 'appearance', 'impressive', 'talks', 'reciprocates', 'love', 'walks', 'villagers', 'watching', 'learns', 'match', 'urbane', 'well-educated', 'self', 'particularly', 'humilitating', 'father', 'happened', 'front', 'villagers', 'respected', 'highly', 'movies', 'takes', 'several', 'twists', 'typical', 'bollywoodesque', 'happy', 'ending', 'villains', 'nabbed', 'police', 'beaten', 'black', 'blue', 'hero', 'boy', 'gets', 'girl', 'parents', 'reunited', 'son'], [\"'unni\", 'kesavan', 'indira', 'childhood', 'friends', 'indira', 'goes', 'father', 'doctor', 'comes', 'back', 'many', 'years', 'family', 'house', 'meets', 'unni', 'shocked', 'see', 'rebel', 'tries', 'help', 'supporting', 'giving', 'new', 'lease', 'life', 'slowly', 'love', 'blossoms', 'two', 'indira', 'become', 'light', 'unni', 'life', 'motivates', 'turn', 'responsible', 'fate', 'plays', 'dirty', 'indira', 'terminally', 'ill', 'goes', 'back', 'treatment'], [\"'to\", 'trumpeter', 'hyun-woo', 'life', 'seems', 'remain', 'forever', 'locked', 'winter', 'desperation', 'hyunwoo', 'signs', 'position', 'teaching', 'children', 'wind', 'ensemble', 'small', 'junior', 'high', 'school', 'distant', 'dogye', 'village', 'worn-out', 'instruments', 'tarnished', 'trophies', 'frayed', 'certificates', 'testify', 'poor', 'conditions', 'ragtag', 'group', 'leads', 'hyun-woo', 'together', 'students', 'take', 'seemingly', 'impossible', 'challenge'], ['film', 'begins', 'seenu', 'runs', 'advertising', 'agency', 'hyderabad', 'setting', 'journey', 'distributing', 'wedding', 'invitations', 'forthcoming', 'wedding', 'along', 'way', 'encounters', 'various', 'individuals', 'past', 'bring', 'back', 'memories', 'three', 'women', 'impact', 'love', 'life', 'first', 'seenu', 'goes', 'village', 'andhra', 'pradesh', 'spent', 'childhood', 'remembers', 'antics', 'done', 'childhood', 'school', 'first', 'love', 'vimala', 'mallika', 'finishing', 'school', 'vimala', 'got', 'married', 'never', 'met', 'seenu', 'present', 'day', 'seenu', 'invites', 'everyone', 'village', 'wedding', 'including', 'friends', 'old', 'school', 'master', 'vimala', 'husband', 'three', 'children', 'seenu', 'goes', 'village', 'kerala', 'moved', 'father', 'sriram', 'postmaster', 'transferred', 'college', 'education', 'constantly', 'bullied', 'students', 'know', 'malayalam', 'eventually', 'managed', 'become', 'friends', 'fellow', 'student', 'satyam', 'sunil', 'whose', 'mother', 'tongue', 'also', 'telugu', 'satyam', 'served', 'translator', 'seenu', 'soon', 'fell', 'love', 'lathika', 'malayali', 'girl', 'lathika', 'reciprocated', 'feelings', 'soon', 'relationship', 'becomes', 'intimate', 'however', 'lathika', 'family', 'came', 'know', 'drove', 'seenu', 'family', 'village', 'got', 'married', 'local', 'youth', 'also', 'crush', 'present', 'day', 'seenu', 'reunites', 'satyam', 'kerala', 'invites', 'wedding', 'arrive', 'lathika', 'house', 'invite', 'seenu', 'becomes', 'upset', 'see', 'former', 'love', 'become', 'widow', 'thrown', 'village', 'kerala', 'seenu', 'parents', 'moved', 'hyderabad', 'seenu', 'got', 'lathika', 'became', 'emotional', 'wreck', 'started', 'smoke', 'drink', 'remained', 'emotional', 'wreck', 'met', 'divya', 'worked', 'advertisement', 'agency', 'headed', 'one', 'prakash', 'divya', 'fact', 'secured', 'job', 'seenu', 'saw', 'friend', 'bhagavan', 'distributing', 'pamphlets', 'passengers', 'bus', 'seeking', 'job', 'opportunities', 'hoping', 'one', 'may', 'help', 'finding', 'job', 'soon', 'seenu', 'divya', 'became', 'close', 'friends', 'divya', 'instilled', 'confidence', 'unearthed', 'hidden', 'talents', 'taught', 'lesson', 'one', 'ahead', 'life', 'without', 'looking', 'back', 'soon', 'divya', 'revealed', 'widowed', 'mother', 'paralytic', 'patient', 'worked', 'take', 'care', 'mother', 'divya', 'mother', 'died', 'seenu', 'fallen', 'love', 'divya', 'proposed', 'rejected', 'saying', 'happy', 'good', 'friend', 'finally', 'seenu', 'decided', 'get', 'married', 'girl', 'parents', 'choice', 'sandhya', 'kanika', 'distributing', 'invitations', 'present', 'day', 'everyone', 'invited', 'including', 'vimala', 'lathika', 'divya', 'attend', 'wedding', 'film', 'ends', 'seenu', 'reflecting', 'life', 'journey', 'audience'], [\"'while\", 'visiting', 'northern', 'english', 'city', 'barbara', 'aspiring', 'hollywood', 'actress', 'fling', 'town', 'undertaker', 'richard', 'also', 'writes', 'obituaries', 'local', 'paper', 'written', 'one', 'unsuccessful', 'novel', 'uzi', 'suicide', 'barbara', 'returns', 'home', 'works', 'waitress', 'japanese', 'restaurant', 'brags', 'handsome', 'writer', 'met', 'away', 'unfortunately', 'richard', 'follows', 'hollywood'], ['caesar', 'hard', 'time', 'dividing', 'time', 'band', 'rich', 'girlfriend', 'buffer', 'whose', 'father', 'hates', 'buffer', 'father', 'calls', 'caesar', 'make', 'bet', 'caesar', 'gets', 'make', '100,000', 'within', 'six', 'months', 'buffer', 'banished', 'life'], ['gowri', 'motorcycle', 'mechanic', 'living', 'dhoolpet', 'area', 'hyderabad', 'swetha', 'college', 'student', 'daughter', 'media', 'baron', 'chandra', 'sekhar', 'gowri', 'swetha', 'fall', 'love', 'disapproval', 'chandra', 'sekhar', 'seeks', 'help', 'mafia', 'leader', 'sarkar', 'separate', 'gowri', 'swetha', 'rest', 'story', 'gowri', 'overcomes', 'swetha', 'father', 'sarkar', 'gain', 'swetha', 'hand', 'marriage'], [\"'georgia\", 'greek', 'american', 'tour', 'guide', 'leading', 'tour', 'around', 'greece', 'assorted', 'group', 'misfit', 'tourists', 'would', 'rather', 'buy', 't-shirt', 'learn', 'history', 'culture', 'clash', 'personalities', 'cultures', 'everything', 'seems', 'wrong', 'one', 'day', 'older', 'traveller', 'named', 'irv', 'gideon', 'shows', 'fun', 'take', 'good', 'look', 'last', 'person', 'would', 'ever', 'expect', 'find', 'love', 'greek', 'bus', 'driver', 'cite', 'web', 'echo', 'bridge', 'entertainment', 'retrieved', 'may', '2008'], [\"'yaji\", 'kita', 'two', 'men', 'live', 'edo', 'deeply', 'love', 'yaji', 'married', 'woman', 'kita', 'actor', 'addicted', 'various', 'drugs', 'one', 'day', 'receive', 'advertisement', 'grand', 'shrine', 'ise', 'decide', 'set', 'pilgrimage', 'hoping', 'cure', 'kita', 'drug', 'addiction', 'set', 'modern', 'motorcycle', 'forced', 'turn', 'back', 'walk', 't흲kaid흲', 'road', 'ise', 'encountering', 'various', 'characters', 'obstacles', 'along', 'way'], [\"'in\", '1937', 'london', 'music', 'critic', 'composer', 'roderick', 'rick', 'fitzgerald', 'sister', 'pamela', 'fall', 'love', 'windward', 'house', 'abandoned', 'seaside', 'house', 'holiday', 'england\\\\', 'rocky', 'coast', 'purchase', 'unusually', 'low', 'price', 'commander', 'beech', 'rick', 'pamela', 'meet', 'beech', '20-year-old', 'granddaughter', 'stella', 'meredith', 'lives', 'grandfather', 'nearby', 'town', 'biddlecombe', 'stella', 'deeply', 'upset', 'sale', 'attachment', 'house', 'despite', 'mother', 'died', 'commander', 'forbidden', 'stella', 'enter', 'house', 'however', 'gains', 'access', 'windward', 'house', 'rick', 'become', 'infatuated', 'fitzgeralds\\\\', 'initial', 'enchantment', 'house', 'diminishes', 'unlock', 'artist\\\\', 'studio', 'feel', 'inexplicable', 'chill', 'dawn', 'rick', 'hears', 'eerie', 'sobs', 'unseen', 'woman', 'phenomenon', 'pamela', 'investigated', 'whilst', 'awaiting', 'brother\\\\', 'return', 'irish', 'housekeeper', 'lizzie', 'flynn', 'superstitious', 'lizzie', 'notices', 'peculiar', 'draft', 'stairs', 'rick', 'pamela', 'must', 'face', 'obvious', 'windward', 'house', 'haunted', 'stella', 'comes', 'windward', 'dinner', 'senses', 'spirit', 'rather', 'fearing', 'associates', 'calming', 'presence', 'mother', 'also', 'strong', 'scent', 'mimosa', 'mother\\\\', 'favorite', 'perfume', 'suddenly', 'dashes', 'towards', 'cliff', 'mother', 'mary', 'fell', 'death', 'seventeen', 'years', 'earlier', 'rick', 'catches', 'reaches', 'edge', 'stella', 'professes', 'recollection', 'near-fatal', 'incident', 'fitzgeralds', 'town', 'physician', 'dr.', 'scott', 'investigate', 'learn', 'stella\\\\', 'father', 'painter', 'affair', 'model', 'spanish', 'gypsy', 'named', 'carmel', 'stella\\\\', 'mother', 'mary', 'meredith', 'accounts', 'beautiful', 'virtuous', 'woman', 'found', 'took', 'carmel', 'paris', 'leaving', 'subsequently', 'carmel', 'returned', 'england', 'stole', 'infant', 'stella', 'windward', 'confrontation', 'flung', 'mary', 'meredith', 'cliff', 'death', 'shortly', 'afterward', 'carmel', 'became', 'ill', 'died', 'rick', 'tries', 'dissuade', 'stella', 'dangerous', 'attraction', 'windward', 'staging', 's챕ance', 'convey', 'message', 'mother', 'wants', 'stay', 'away', 'however', 'ghost', 'takes', 'communicating', 'guarding', 'stella', 'stella', 'becomes', 'possessed', 'spirit', 'begins', 'muttering', 'spanish', 'distressed', 'stella\\\\', 'renewed', 'involvement', 'windward', 'beech', 'sends', 'stella', 'sanitorium', 'run', 'miss', 'holloway', 'mary\\\\', 'friend', 'confidante', 'fitzgeralds', 'visit', 'question', 'holloway', 'unaware', 'stella', 'confined', 'holloway', 'explains', 'mary\\\\', 'death', 'took', 'care', 'carmel', 'contracted', 'pneumonia', 'eventually', 'died', 'looking', 'records', 'previous', 'village', 'physician', 'dr.', 'scott', 'discovers', 'holloway', 'may', 'hastened', 'carmel\\\\', 'death', 'doctor', 'called', 'away', 'care', 'ailing', 'beech', 'tells', 'stella', 'sanitorium', 'rick', 'pam', 'scott', 'telephone', 'miss', 'holloway', 'inform', 'way', 'holloway', 'deceives', 'stella', 'saying', 'fitzgeralds', 'invited', 'live', 'stella', 'happily', 'takes', 'train', 'home', 'deranged', 'holloway', 'tells', 'would-be', 'rescuers', 'stella', 'way', 'windward', 'house', 'stella', 'finds', 'grandfather', 'studio', 'begs', 'stella', 'last', 'strength', 'get', 'remains', 'side', 'ghost', 'manifests', 'commander', 'succumbs', 'heart', 'attack', 'stella', 'welcomes', 'ghost', 'believing', 'mother', 'apparition', 'frightens', 'flees', 'towards', 'cliff', 'rick', 'dr.', 'scott', 'get', 'time', 'pull', 'stella', 'crumbling', 'cliff', 'safety', 'back', 'inside', 'group', 'drawn', 'physician\\\\', 'journal', 'friendly', 'spirit', 'turned', 'certain', 'page', 'discover', 'carmel', 'gave', 'birth', 'child', 'truth', 'becomes', 'clear', 'carmel', 'stella\\\\', 'mother', 'stella\\\\', 'realization', 'true', 'parentage', 'frees', 'carmel\\\\', 'spirit', 'leave', 'windward', 'something', 'evil', 'though', 'remained', 'sending', 'everyone', 'away', 'rick', 'confronts', 'spirit', 'mary', 'meredith', 'telling', 'longer', 'afraid', 'power', 'anymore', 'defeated', 'mary\\\\', 'spirit', 'departs'], ['expand', 'section', 'bruce', 'pritchard', '24-year-old', 'working-class', 'man', 'amateur', 'soccer', 'player', 'passion', 'life', 'changes', 'suddenly', 'finds', 'struck', 'incurable', 'degenerative', 'disease', 'confined', 'rest', 'life', 'wheelchair', 'makes', 'self-imposed', 'exile', 'church-run', 'home', 'disabled', 'believing', 'best', 'immediate', 'family', 'forget', 'way', 'bitterness', 'fate', 'dislike', 'rules', 'regulations', 'place', 'serve', 'make', 'withdrawn', 'angry', 'enforced', 'imprisonment', 'gets', 'know', 'fellow', 'patient', 'jill', 'mathews', '31-year-old', 'woman', 'wealthy', 'family', 'also', 'confined', 'wheelchair', 'polio', 'bruce', 'begins', 'harbor', 'romantic', 'affections', 'jill', 'make', 'feelings', 'known', 'letter', 'leaves', 'institution', 'return', 'home', 'marry', 'long-time', 'fianc챕', 'geoffrey', 'jill', 'quickly', 'realizes', 'relationship', 'half-hearted', 'geoffrey', 'part', 'breaking', 'engagement', 'returns', 'institution', 'gradually', 'able', 'get', 'bruce', 'shell', 'cynicism', 'lack', 'respect', 'authority', 'bringing', 'back', 'life', 'existence', 'process', 'two', 'begin', 'fall', 'love', 'admit', 'feelings', 'consummating', 'relationship', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'physically', 'dangerous', 'jill', 'dies', 'day', 'couple', 'makes', 'love', 'first', 'time'], ['surendra', 'honest', 'hot-blooded', 'cop', 'archana', 'daughter', 'police', 'commissioner', 'meet', 'accidentally', 'relationship', 'blossoms', 'love', 'archana', 'father', 'bihar', 'origin', 'parents', 'settle', 'match', 'surendra', 'archana', 'get', 'engaged', 'surendra', 'expresses', 'reservations', 'due', 'archana', 'overhearing', 'father', 'conversation', 'long', 'estranged', 'sister', 'subject', 'archana', 'sinha', 'marrying', 'surendra', 'takes', 'blame', 'destroyed', 'relationship', 'archana', 'goes', 'back', 'bihar', 'wed', 'cousin', 'sinha', 'rest', 'story', 'surendra', 'goes', 'bihar', 'wins', 'archana', 'back'], [\"'marina\", 'adan', 'mim챠', 'ignacio', 'met', 'high', 'school', 'marina', 'fell', 'love', 'ignacio', 'graduation', 'pulled', 'pool', 'gave', 'mouth-to-mouth', 'resuscitation', 'interpreted', 'kiss', 'graduation', 'well', 'adan', 'prank', 'gone', 'awry', 'broke', 'mimi\\\\', 'ankle', 'resulted', 'missing', 'one', 'shot', 'appear', 'famous', 'soap', 'opera', 'twelve', 'years', 'later', 'marina', 'sculptor', 'unable', 'finish', 'latest', 'piece', 'adan', 'recovering', 'alcoholic', 'junkie', 'sex', 'addict', 'mimi', 'works', 'kids', 'show', 'playing', 'part', 'bumblebee', 'ignacio', 'risk', 'annalist', 'insurance', 'company', 'obsessed', 'death', 'girlfriend', 'years', 'attend', 'high', 'school', 'reunion', 'party', 'different', 'reasons', 'marina', 'wants', 'find', 'ignacio', 'feels', 'something', 'adan', 'wants', 'rekindle', 'old', 'relationship', 'chule', 'mimi', 'forced', 'attend', 'overbearing', 'mother', 'eve', 'big', 'audition', 'ignacio', 'goes', 'see', 'mimi', 'cousin', 'course', 'reunion', 'adan', 'heat', 'passion', 'accidentally', 'pushes', 'mimi', 'roof', 'breaking', 'ankle', 'losing', 'cellphone', 'process', 'subsequently', 'found', 'mimi', 'swears', 'revenge', 'upon', 'adan', 'ignacio', 'marina', 'meet', 'ignacio', 'reveals', 'never', 'liked', 'point', 'marina', 'struck', 'car', 'spot', 'ignacio\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'later', 'hospital', 'marina', 'agrees', 'help', 'ignacio', 'find', 'driver', 'agrees', 'date', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'mimi', 'lost', 'important', 'audition', 'given', 'accepted', 'life', 'mother', 'forces', 'producer', 'give', 'audition', 'interrupted', 'adan', 'girlfriend\\\\', 'niece', 'immediately', 'catches', 'producers', 'eye', 'cast', 'instead', 'mimi', 'mimi', 'proceeds', 'wreak', 'vengeance', 'upon', 'adan', 'taking', 'point', 'consuming', 'heroin', 'alcohol', 'meanwhile', 'ignacio', 'finds', 'truck', 'driver', 'proceeds', 'talk', 'feels', 'hatred', 'towards', 'trucker', 'first', 'soon', 'feeling', 'turn', 'pity', 'listens', 'story', 'finally', 'obtained', 'closure', 'death', 'wife', 'realizes', 'loves', 'marina', 'goes', 'see', 'kissing', 'notices', 'burns', 'hands', 'asks', 'responds', 'graduation', 'friends', 'making', 'bonfire', 'near', 'pool', 'arm', 'caught', 'fire', 'went', 'arm', 'water', 'put', 'flames', 'marina', 'gets', 'upset', 'thought', 'ignacio', 'saved', 'loved', 'marina', 'storms', 'looking', 'adan', 'find', 'drunk', 'school', 'trying', 'stop', 'mimi', 'killing', 'ignacio', 'appears', 'adan', 'ignacio', 'fight', 'leaves', 'ignacio', 'unconscious', 'pool', 'marina', 'wanting', 'lose', 'ignacio', 'jumps', 'pool', 'rescues'], ['magda', 'manager', 'posh', 'resort', 'hotel', 'madrid', 'site', 'mass', 'same-sex', 'marriage', 'ceremony', 'one', 'grooms', 'magda', 'son', 'miguel', 'marry', 'boyfriend', 'son', 'ofelia', 'nuria', 'sex', 'addict', 'also', 'way', 'attend', 'ceremony', 'son', 'narciso', 'marrying', 'boyfriend', 'hugo', 'whose', 'parents', 'helena', 'hector', 'less', 'enthusiastic', 'meanwhile', 'actress', 'reyes', 'attending', 'watch', 'son', 'rafa', 'raul', 'jiminez', 'marry', 'boyfriend', 'jonas', 'son', 'gardener', 'jacinto'], ['julie', 'eldest', 'daughter', 'morris', 'anglo-indian', 'engine-driver', 'usha', 'close', 'friend', 'orthodox', 'hindu', 'warrier', 'family', 'usha', 'residence', 'meets', 'brother', 'sasi', 'studying', 'different', 'place', 'julie', 'soon', 'falls', 'love', 'sasi', 'even', 'usha', 'aware', 'relationship', 'gets', 'cozy', 'julie', 'gets', 'pregnant', 'alcoholic', 'father', 'morris', 'soon', 'dies', 'julie', 'taken', 'remote', 'place', 'mother', 'aunt', 'lives', 'gives', 'birth', 'boy', 'julie', 'mother', 'feels', 'england', 'true', 'motherland', 'decided', 'migrate', 'united', 'kingdom', 'soon', 'julie', 'confesses', 'every', 'thing', 'usha', 'also', 'meets', 'sasi', 'ready', 'accept', 'sasi', 'orthodox', 'mother', 'rejects', 'outright', 'sasi', 'father', 'mr.', 'warrier', 'questions', 'sasi', 'confesses', 'role', 'ruining', 'julie', 'life', 'mr.', 'warrier', 'helps', 'julie', 'family', 'packing', 'invites', 'home', 'small', 'farewell', 'introduces', 'wife', 'also', 'daughter', 'usha', 'usha', 'comes', 'small', 'baby', 'arms', 'julie', 'recognizes', 'kid', 'mr.', 'warrier', 'says', 'family', 'hesitations', 'accepting', 'julie', 'daughter-in-law', 'encourages', 'rest', 'morris', 'family', 'stay', 'back', 'india'], ['expand', 'section', 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'songwriter', 'stephen', 'foster', 'wrote', 'song', 'jeanie', 'light', 'brown', 'hair', 'title', 'taken'], [\"'christine\", 'radcliffe', 'runs', 'stairs', 'college', 'concert', 'hall', 'rain', 'hall', 'filled', 'rapt', 'students', 'eyes', 'fill', 'tears', 'recognizes', 'cellist', 'stage', 'karel', 'novak', 'spent', 'war', 'trapped', 'neutral', 'sweden', 'performance', 'novak', 'mobbed', 'well-wishers', 'student', 'reporter', 'questions', 'favorite', 'composers', 'novak', 'lists', 'famous', 'ones', 'adds', 'course', 'hollenius', 'novak', 'returns', 'dressing', 'room', 'christine', 'enters', 'eyes', 'meet', 'mirror', 'couple', 'embraces', 'christine', 'cries', 'thought', 'dead', 'saw', 'kill', 'you.', 'karel', 'christine', 'return', 'apartment', 'karel', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'rare', 'artwork', 'display', 'fur', 'coat', 'hanging', 'closet', 'christine', 'told', 'karel', 'living', 'precarious', 'existence', 'pianist', 'conflicts', 'evidence', 'apartment', 'marry', 'composer', 'alexander', 'hollenius', 'makes', 'dramatic', 'entrance', 'wedding', 'reception', 'evident', 'jealous', 'stress', 'leads', 'break', 'wine', 'glass', 'without', 'deliberate', 'intent', 'hollenius', 'soon', 'gives', 'novak', 'manuscript', 'score', 'new', 'cello', 'concerto', 'novak', 'agrees', 'perform', 'premiere', 'becomes', 'apparent', 'christine', 'cellist', 'orchestra', 'bertram', 'gribble', 'john', 'abbott', 'tutored', 'solo', 'part', 'hollenius', 'suspecting', 'sabotage', 'husband\\\\', 'career', 'unsuccessfully', 'attempts', 'bribe', 'gribble', 'co-operating', 'friction', 'develops', 'novak', 'hollenius', 'composer', 'angrily', 'breaks', 'dress', 'rehearsal', 'grounds', 'novak\\\\', 'temperamental', 'behavior', 'evening', 'premiere', 'christine', 'visits', 'hollenius', 'threatens', 'tell', 'novak', 'love', 'affair', 'distraught', 'christine', 'shoots', 'dead', 'another', 'conductor', 'neilsen', 'takes', 'place', 'absent', 'hollenius', 'performance', 'great', 'success', 'well-wishers', 'wait', 'christine', 'confesses', 'everything', 'husband', 'leave', 'concert', 'hall', 'together'], ['ramesh', 'daily', 'routine', 'involves', 'driving', 'along', 'friends', 'seducing', 'young', 'women', 'ditching', 'them.he', 'targets', 'suvarna', 'middle', 'class', 'girl', 'comes', 'village', 'education', 'suvarna', 'accompanied', 'cousin', 'prasad', 'babu', 'wants', 'marry', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'finds', 'suvarna', 'ramesh', 'car', 'warns', 'suvarna', 'gets', 'attracted', 'towards', 'ramesh', 'one', 'fine', 'day', 'ramesh', 'ditches', 'later', 'suvarna', 'knows', 'ramesh', 'met', 'accident', 'unable', 'walk', 'spending', 'time', 'wheelchair', 'uses', 'ramesh', 'cousin', 'finds', 'place', 'home', 'treats', 'nurse', 'meanwhile', 'ramesh', 'mother', 'uncle', 'plan', 'get', 'married', 'uncle', 'daughter', 'suvarna', 'teases', 'ramesh', 'every', 'possible', 'manner', 'making', 'realize', 'mistake', 'helplessness', 'ramesh', 'realizes', 'mistakes', 'decides', 'marry', 'suvarna', 'talks', 'father', 'father', 'suvarna', 'marries', 'ramesh', 'discovers', 'ramesh', 'lost', 'potency', 'following', 'advice', 'doctor', 'intentionally', 'hurts', 'ramesh', 'ego', 'leaves', 'house', 'hurt', 'ramesh', 'decides', 'prove', 'standing', 'legs', 'drives', 'house', 'forces', 'end', 'suvarna', 'happy', 'ramesh', 'got', 'back', 'legs', 'changed', 'ramesh', 'lives', 'happily', 'her.http', '//www.idlebrain.com/celeb/starhomes/chiranjeevi/filmography.html'], ['eileen', 'tyler', '22-year-old', 'albany', 'times', 'union', 'music', 'critic', 'suffering', 'breakup', 'russ', 'rich', 'albany', 'family', 'comes', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'visit', 'brother', 'adam', 'airline', 'pilot', 'eileen', 'confides', 'brother', 'thinks', 'may', '22-year-old', 'virgin', 'left', 'world', 'adam', 'assures', 'sex', 'men', 'look', 'insists', \"n't\", 'slept', 'around', 'course', 'adam', 'lying', 'hot', 'pursuit', 'tryst', 'occasional', 'girlfriend', 'mona', 'however', 'adam', 'date', 'mona', 'series', 'job', 'related', 'interruptions', 'meanwhile', 'eileen', 'decides', 'see', 'fun', 'new', 'york', 'seems', 'find', 'perfect', 'candidate', 'mike', 'man', 'meets', 'bus', 'things', 'get', 'complicated', 'russ', 'pops', 'proposal', 'mistaken', 'assumption'], [\"'john\", 'cleves', 'businessman', 'office', 'new', 'york', 'home', 'new', 'jersey', 'one', 'day', 'week', 'wednesday', 'spends', 'night', 'city', 'lying', 'wife', 'dorothy', 'town', 'business', 'actually', 'seeing', 'ellen', 'mistress', 'business', 'client', 'cass', 'henderson', 'comes', 'town', 'unable', 'find', 'hotel', 'room', 'night', 'cleves\\\\', 'new', 'secretary', 'knows', 'executive', 'suite', 'boss', 'maintains', 'town', 'cass', 'sent', 'night', 'meets', 'ellen', 'mistakenly', 'assumes', 'certain', 'kind', 'lady', 'hired', 'cleve', 'entertain', 'secretary', 'compounds', 'error', 'telling', 'dorothy', 'apartment', 'goes', 'discovers', 'ellen', 'cass', 'assuming', 'young', 'couple', 'women', 'take', 'liking', 'dorothy', 'invites', 'spend', 'evening', 'town', 'john', 'dorothy', 'eventually', 'catches', 'husband', 'leaves', 'ellen', 'invites', 'use', 'apartment', 'john', 'goes', 'tries', 'win', 'wife\\\\', 'love', 'back', 'tells', 'husband', 'come', 'visit', 'wednesday'], [\"'chicago\", 'examiner', 'reporter', 'hildy', 'johnson', 'quit', 'job', 'order', 'marry', 'peggy', 'grant', 'start', 'new', 'career', 'shortly', 'prior', 'scheduled', 'execution', 'convicted', 'revolutionary', 'earl', 'williams', 'escapes', 'death', 'row', 'cook', 'county', 'jail', 'secretes', 'rolltop', 'desk', 'criminal', 'court', 'building', 'press', 'room', 'reality', 'earl', 'impoverished', 'bumbling', 'leftist', 'penchant', 'stuffing', 'fortune', 'cookies', 'messages', 'demanding', 'release', 'sacco', 'vanzetti', 'yellow', 'press', 'chicago', 'painted', 'dangerous', 'threat', 'moscow', 'result', 'city\\\\', 'citizens', 'anxious', 'see', 'put', 'death', 'mollie', 'malloy', 'condemned', 'man\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'self-described', 'whore', 'division', 'street', 'reveals', 'hiding', 'place', 'hildy', 'unable', 'resist', 'lure', 'could', 'biggest', 'scoop', 'soon-to-be-over', 'career', 'journalism', 'ruthless', 'egomaniacal', 'managing', 'editor', 'walter', 'burns', 'desperate', 'keep', 'hildy', 'job', 'encourages', 'stay', 'cover', 'story', 'earl', 'danger', 'discovered', 'mollie', 'creates', 'distraction', 'leaping', 'third-floor', 'window', 'survive', 'injuries', 'earl', 'caught', 'hildy', 'walter', 'arrested', 'aiding', 'abetting', 'fugitive', 'released', 'discover', 'mayor', 'sheriff', 'colluded', 'keep', 'secret', 'last-minute', 'pardon', 'earl', 'governor', 'walter', 'grudgingly', 'accepts', 'fact', 'losing', 'ace', 'reporter', 'presents', 'watch', 'token', 'appreciation', 'hildy', 'peggy', 'set', 'get', 'married', 'walter', 'telegraphs', 'next', 'railway', 'station', 'alert', 'fact', 'man', 'stole', 'watch', 'inbound', 'train', 'apprehended', 'police'], ['unbearable', 'lightness', 'introduces', 'czech', 'brain', 'surgeon', 'tomas', 'lothario', 'successful', 'medical', 'doctor', 'communist', 'czechoslovakia', 'lover', 'sabina', 'equally', 'care-free', 'artist', 'one', 'day', 'tomas', 'leaves', 'prague', 'operate', 'man', 'spa', 'town', 'meets', 'waitress', 'tereza', 'dreams', 'escaping', 'small', 'town', 'life', 'follows', 'prague', 'cohabits', 'complicating', 'tomas', 'extra-domestic', 'sexual', 'affairs', 'tomas', 'asks', 'sabina', 'help', 'tereza', 'find', 'work', 'photographer', 'tereza', 'fascinated', 'jealous', 'grasps', 'sabina', 'tomas', 'lovers', 'distress', 'polyamory', 'interrupted', 'soviet', 'army', 'tanks', 'invading', 'czechoslovakia', 'amidst', 'confusion', 'tereza', 'photographs', 'soviet', 'invasion', 'hands', 'rolls', 'film', 'foreigners', 'smuggle', 'west', 'facing', 'stultifying', 'reality', 'replaced', 'prague', 'spring', 'tomas', 'sabina', 'tereza', 'flee', 'czechoslovakia', 'switzerland', 'first', 'sabina', 'hesitant', 'tomas', 'tereza', 'geneva', 'sabina', 'meets', 'franz', 'married', 'university', 'professor', 'begin', 'love', 'affair', 'time', 'decides', 'abandon', 'wife', 'family', 'hearing', 'declaration', 'sabina', 'abandons', 'franz', 'feeling', 'would', 'emotionally', 'weigh', 'meanwhile', 'tereza', 'tomas', 'attempt', 'adapt', 'switzerland', 'whose', 'people', 'tereza', 'finds', 'inhospitable', 'discovers', 'tomas', 'continues', 'womanizing', 'leaves', 'switzerland', 'returns', 'czechoslovakia', 'upset', 'leaving', 'tomas', 'follows', 'tereza', 'czechoslovakia', 'passport', 'confiscated', 'locking', 'in-country', 'nevertheless', 'return', 'elates', 'tereza', 're-united', 'prague', 'tomas', 'tries', 'recovering', 'old', 'brain', 'surgeon', 'hospital', 'job', 'soviet-backed', 'r챕gime', 'consider', 'politically', 'incorrect', 'prevent', 're-employment', 'invasion', 'tomas', 'wrote', 'article', 'comparing', 'soviets', 'oedipus', 'rex', 'noting', 'oedipus', 'plucked', 'eyes', 'upon', 'understanding', 'crime', 'autocracy', 'could', 'see', 'everything', 'crimes', 'r챕gime', 'demands', 'signature', 'letter', 'repudiating', 'article', 'tomas', 'refuses', 'black-listed', 'practicing', 'medicine', 'works', 'window', 'washer', 'continues', 'womanizing', 'working', 'waitress', 'tereza', 'meets', 'engineer', 'propositions', 'aware', 'tomas', 'infidelity', 'enters', 'one-time', 'unpleasant', 'sexual', 'liaison', 'engineer', 'remorseful', 'fears', 'engineer', 'might', 'secret', 'agent', 'r챕gime', 'might', 'blackmail', 'tomas', 'contemplates', 'suicide', 'tomas', 'thwarts', 'stressed', 'insubstantial', 'city', 'life', 'tereza', 'convinces', 'tomas', 'leave', 'prague', 'country', 'village', 'old', 'patient', 'tomas', 'welcomes', 'village', 'live', 'farm', 'idyll', 'far', 'political', 'intrigues', 'prague', 'contrast', 'sabina', 'gone', 'continues', 'detached', 'bohemian', 'style', 'life', 'later', 'sabina', 'shocked', 'letter', 'telling', 'deaths', 'tereza', 'tomas', 'road', 'accident', 'returning', 'celebrating', 'another', 'town', 'lightness', 'longer', 'unbearable', 'tereza', 'tomas', 'deeply', 'happy', 'drove', 'toward', 'death'], [\"'audry\", 'expected', 'remain', 'high-school', 'boyfriend', 'become', 'successful', 'fashion', 'model', 'instead', 'becomes', 'interested', 'man', 'mystery', 'man', 'least', 'one', 'manslaughter', 'past', 'many', 'characters', 'speculate', 'many', 'people', 'might', 'killed', 'stories', 'past', 'taller', 'every', 'time', 'told', 'genius', 'mechanic', 'uncomfortable', 'relationships', 'learn', 'adapt', 'interest', 'woman', 'supposedly', 'beyond', 'reach', 'learn', 'trust', 'instincts', 'fight', 'win', 'back'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'sissy', 'hankshaw', 'woman', 'born', 'mutation', 'giving', 'enormously', 'large', 'thumbs', 'film', 'transgressive', 'romp', 'covering', 'topics', 'homosexuality', 'free', 'love', 'drug', 'use', 'political', 'rebellion', 'animal', 'rights', 'body', 'odor', 'religions', 'sissy', 'makes', 'thumbs', 'becoming', 'hitchhiker', 'travels', 'take', 'new', 'york', 'becomes', 'model', 'transvestite', 'feminine', 'hygiene', 'products', 'mogul', 'introduces', 'man', 'marry', 'staid', 'mohawk', 'named', 'julian', 'gitche', 'later', 'travels', 'encounters', 'among', 'many', 'others', 'sexually', 'open', 'cowgirl', 'named', 'bonanza', 'jellybean', 'itinerant', 'escapee', 'japanese', 'internment', 'camps', 'happily', 'mislabeled', 'chink'], ['kim', 'mun-hee', 'year', 'old', 'divorced', 'woman', 'eventually', 'engages', 'affair', 'year', 'old', 'seo-hyun', 'considers', 'kim', 'first', 'love', 'however', 'according', 'korean', 'law', 'comes', 'sex', 'full', 'age', 'kim', 'arrested', 'spend', 'days', 'prison', 'seduction', 'minors', 'set', 'free', 'sentenced', 'hours', 'community', 'service', 'released', 'press', 'seo-hyun', 'wait', 'outside', 'prison', 'mun-hee', 'seo-hyun', 'rent', 'room', 'stay', 'time', 'spend', 'almost', 'time', 'sex', 'mun-hee', 'slowly', 'starts', 'understand', 'kind', 'relationship', \"n't\", 'work', 'forever', 'wants', 'split', 'seo-hyun', 'boy', 'insists', 'really', 'loves', \"n't\", 'let', 'two', 'find', 'shelter', 'home', 'friend', 'mun-hee', 'jane', 'cast', 'seo', 'jung', 'shim', 'ji-ho', 'yun-hong'], ['visitors', 'new', 'york', 'hannah', 'warren', 'manhattan', 'workaholic', 'flies', 'los', 'angeles', 'retrieve', 'teenaged', 'daughter', 'jenny', 'leaves', 'home', 'live', 'successful', 'screenwriter', 'father', 'bill', 'bickering', 'divorced', 'couple', 'forced', 'decide', 'living', 'arrangements', 'best', 'girl', 'visitors', 'london', 'diana', 'barrie', 'british', 'actress', 'first-time', 'nominee', 'academy', 'award', 'best', 'actress', 'honour', 'could', 'jumpstart', 'faltering', 'career', 'although', 'knows', \"n't\", 'chance', 'winning', 'deep', 'denial', 'true', 'nature', 'marriage', 'convenience', 'sidney', 'cochran', 'once-closeted', 'antique', 'dealer', 'become', 'increasingly', 'indiscreet', 'sexual', 'preference', 'prepares', 'moment', 'spotlight', 'mood', 'fluctuates', 'hope', 'panic', 'despair', 'visitors', 'philadelphia', 'conservative', 'middle-aged', 'businessman', 'marvin', 'michaels', 'awakens', 'discover', 'prostitute', 'named', 'bunny', 'unexpected', 'gift', 'brother', 'harry', 'unconscious', 'bed', 'wife', 'millie', 'way', 'suite', 'must', 'find', 'way', 'conceal', 'traces', 'uncharacteristic', 'indiscretion', 'visitors', 'chicago', 'dr.', 'chauncey', 'gump', 'wife', 'lola', 'dr.', 'willis', 'panama', 'wife', 'bettina', 'taking', 'much-needed', 'vacation', 'together', 'things', 'begin', 'unravel', 'quickly', 'everything', 'seems', 'wrong', 'two', 'men', 'decide', 'settle', 'differences', 'engaging', 'competitive', 'mixed', 'doubles', 'tennis', 'match'], ['three', 'single', 'men', 'gather', 'local', 'restaurant', 'every', 'sunday', 'discuss', 'sex', 'lives', 'however', 'one', 'falls', 'beautiful', 'mia', 'weekly', 'ritual', 'becomes', 'something', 'trial', 'strong', 'friendships', 'put', 'risk'], ['judith', 'moore', 'thought', 'perfect', 'marriage', 'husband', 'studying', 'doctors', 'puts', 'studies', 'hold', 'find', 'job', 'support', 'husband', 'promptly', 'leaves', 'judith', 'another', 'doctor', 'depressed', 'holes', 'apartment', 'middle-aged', 'pat', 'francato', 'serves', 'building', 'superintendent', 'elevator', 'operator', 'lonely', 'beset', 'gambling', 'problems', 'moment', 'judith', 'pat', 'make', 'connection', 'unfortunately', 'wishes', 'pursue', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'judith', 'sees', 'friendship', 'friend', 'liz', 'bailey', 'sings', 'nightclub', 'makes', 'attempts', 'improve', 'judith', 'love', 'life', 'well', 'time', 'judith', 'loneliness', 'becomes', 'overwhelming', 'misses', 'pat', 'sweet', 'person', 'good', 'listener', 'late', 'found', 'someone', 'else'], ['raj', 'jaiswal', 'host', 'talk', 'show', 'british', 'raj', 'notorious', 'womanizer', 'promises', 'every', 'woman', 'flirts', 'marry', 'however', 'secretly', 'sworn', 'stay', 'bachelor', 'forever', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'mysterious', 'woman', 'shivani', 'dutt', 'balcony', 'claims', 'apartment', 'actually', 'raj', 'instantly', 'smitten', 'however', 'turns', 'one', 'see', 'touch', 'everyone', 'else', 'seems', 'talks', 'slowly', 'going', 'mental', 'friends', 'tell', 'raj', 'let', 'raj', 'refuses', 'fallen', 'love', 'ghost', 'woman', 'finds', 'shivani', 'actually', 'lying', 'hospital', 'coma', 'life', 'support', 'cut', 'raj', 'decides', 'save', 'brings', 'comatose', 'body', 'apartment', 'look', 'shivani', 'doctor', 'wants', 'kill', 'witnessed', 'illegal', 'operation', 'kidney', 'removed', 'doctor', 'wants', 'save', 'shivani', 'finally', 'admits', 'fallen', 'love', 'raj', 'inspector', 'smith', 'trail', 'finally', 'finds', 'happened', 'shivani', 'body', 'also', 'discovers', 'doctor', 'organ', 'trafficking', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'shivani', 'awakens', 'coma', \"n't\", 'remember', 'raj', 'time', 'spent', 'ghost', 'raj', 'disappointed', 'leaves', 'hospital', 'decides', 'get', 'know', 'anew', 'finds', 'restaurant', 'introduces'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'tells', 'story', 'french', 'opera', 'singer', 'chef', 'living', 'georgia', 'opens', 'restaurant', 'also', 'shows', 'life', 'georgia', 'beginning', 'century', 'including', 'short', 'period', 'independence', 'bolshevik', 'occupation', 'georgia', 'chef', 'refuses', 'emigrate', 'endures', 'brutalities', 'new', 'regime'], [\"'gary\", 'starke', 'new', 'york', 'ticket', 'scalper', 'old', 'traditional', 'style', 'scalping', 'works', 'street', 'known', 'walk', 'opposed', 'plethora', 'modern-day', 'ticket', 'brokers', 'ply', 'internet', 'sales', 'yet', 'girlfriend', 'linda', 'gets', 'enough', 'lifestyle', 'leaves', 'decides', 'mend', 'ways', 'make', 'one', 'last', 'big', 'score', 'something', 'help', 'win', 'linda', 'back', 'straighten', 'life', 'finds', 'chance', 'epiphanic', 'moment', 'opportunity', 'scalp', 'large', 'stack', 'tickets', 'see', 'hottest', 'show', 'town', 'pope', 'yankee', 'stadium'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'raja', 'always', 'lived', 'jungle', 'mother', 'grandpa', 'rani', 'daughter', 'minister', 'comforts', 'life', 'come', 'together', 'fall', 'story'], ['nagesh', 'nambiar', 'best', 'friends', 'since', 'college', 'children', 'jaiganesh', 'vasudevan', 'jaiganesh', 'family', 'members', 'christians', 'malaysia', 'vasudevan', 'hindu', 'jaiganesh', 'son', 'lawrence', 'malaysia', 'vasudevan', 'daughter', 'nandhini', 'anju', 'aravind', 'robert', 'jaiganesh', 'brother', 'janaki', 'malaysia', 'vasudevan', 'sister', 'fall', 'love', 'families', 'wishes', 'elope', 'ever', 'since', 'two', 'families', 'hate', 'years', 'later', 'nandhini', 'lawrence', 'fall', 'love', 'afraid', 'families', 'opposition', 'raja', 'comes', 'village', 'announces', 'son', 'robert', 'jananaki', 'wants', 'reconcile', 'feuding', 'families', 'friend', 'gopi', 'raja', 'stays', 'house', 'loud', 'frightful', 'velingiri', 'gradually', 'endears', 'families', 'later', 'grandmothers', 'suggest', 'marriage', 'avoid', 'situation', 'gopi', 'suggests', 'raja', 'tell', 'married', 'raja', 'decides', 'way', 'thus', 'lying', 'married', 'hindu-christian', 'like', 'nirmala', 'mary', 'several', 'days', 'later', 'nirmala', 'mary', 'arrives', 'raja', 'confused', 'figment', 'imagination', 'several', 'encounters', 'nirmala', 'mary', 'comes', 'clean', 'raja', 'telling', 'child', 'robert', 'janaki', 'confronts', 'raja', 'asking', 'wants', 'unite', 'two', 'families', 'thus', 'ensues', 'flashback', 'raja', 'explains', 'came', 'village', 'living', 'city', 'raja', 'lived', 'next', 'ladies', 'hostel', 'nandhini', 'resident', 'friends', 'trying', 'find', 'good', 'song', 'competition', 'raja', 'indirectly', 'helps', 'falls', 'love', 'however', 'treats', 'good', 'friend', 'raja', 'confess', 'love', 'nandhini', 'instead', 'tells', 'raja', 'love', 'lawrence', 'hearing', 'plan', 'marry', 'without', 'parents', 'consent', 'due', 'robert-janaki', 'problem', 'raja', 'volunteers', 'unite', 'families', 'marry', 'blessings', 'families', 'raja', 'nirmala', 'carry', 'mission', 'seen', 'helping', 'lovers', 'ways', 'marrying', 'anju', 'aravind', 'father', 'learns', 'love', 'news', 'spreads', 'quickly', 'like', 'wildfire', 'families', 'think', 'run', 'away', 'want', 'kill', 'members', 'family', 'meanwhile', 'raja', 'reconciled', 'grandparents', 'two', 'families', 'uncles', 'lovers', 'main', 'concern', 'end', 'manages', 'unite', 'lovers', 'families', 'logical', 'manner', 'marriage', 'truth', 'raja', 'appearance', 'revealed', 'later', 'families', 'ask', 'marry', 'nirmala', 'make', 'member', 'family', 'however', 'refuses', 'telling', 'loved', 'girl', 'want', 'think', 'anyone', 'else', 'use', 'dmy', 'dates'], ['cara-ethyl', 'eccentric', 'sheltered', 'girl', 'eve', 'eighteenth', 'birthday', 'desperately', 'dreams', 'exciting', 'life', 'left', 'blind', 'clueless', 'mother', 'pest', 'brother', 'imaginary', 'friends', 'changed', 'pizza', 'man', 'matt', 'firenze', 'comes', 'door', 'soon', 'cara-ethyl', 'persuades', 'matt', 'allow', 'deliveries', 'night', 'progresses', 'cara-ethyl', 'matt', 'impart', 'wisdom', 'learn', 'forced', 'evaluate', 'lives'], ['mother', 'tells', 'daughter', 'real', 'life', 'fairy', 'tale', 'princess', 'charming', 'sleeping', 'beauty', 'heather', 'love', 'girlfriend', 'cindy', 'one', 'day', 'cindy', 'wakes', 'breaks', 'heather', 'saying', 'wants', 'real', 'prince', 'heather', 'works', 'make', 'artist', 'rolling', 'headstones', 'funeral', 'home', 'los', 'angeles', 'making', 'dead', 'rock-stars', 'look', 'good', 'next', 'album', 'covers', 'one', 'day', 'working', 'body', 'musician', 'sno', 'blo', 'co-worker', 'vince', 'brings', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'funeral', 'home', 'cindy', 'moving', 'back', 'los', 'angeles', 'wants', 'friends', 'heather', 'sno', 'blo', 'buried', 'members', 'band', 'photo', 'shoot', 'grave', 'side', 'heather', 'makeup', 'photographer\\\\', 'assistant', 'clea', 'flirts', 'heather', 'gives', 'telephone', 'number', 'heather', 'think', 'cindy', 'cindy', 'arrives', 'vince', 'tries', 'persuade', 'remaining', 'members', 'band', 'let', 'manager', 'vince', 'ruins', 'opportunity', 'gets', 'angry', 'tells', 'heather', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'staying', 'heather', 'gets', 'home', 'finds', 'cindy', 'sleeping', 'bed', 'kisses', 'cindy', 'wake', 'asks', 'kind', 'response', 'cindy', 'tells', 'heather', 'kiss', 'wants', 'expect', 'anything', 'back', 'heather', 'tells', 'cindy', 'get', 'bed', 'telephones', 'clea', 'later', 'heather', 'practices', 'makeup', 'techniques', 'clea', 'kiss', 'end', 'narrator', 'joined', 'clea', 'finish', 'telling', 'story', 'daughter'], ['circular', 'story', 'told', 'flashback', 'eternal', 'repetition', 'interrupted', 'death', 'form', 'relentlessly', 'linear', 'railway', 'engine', 'film', 'opens', 'railway', 'crossing', 'man', 'kill', 'wife', 'narrative', 'spins', 'past', 'via', 'song', 'central', 'story', 'unhappy', 'love', 'affair', 'kasturi', 'harijan', 'daughter', 'railway', 'level-crossing', 'guard', 'dukhia', 'pratap', 'brahmin', 'son', 'grocer', 'mohan', 'first', 'rumour', 'mob', 'violence', 'deployed', 'lethal', 'effect', 'order', 'maintain', \"'traditional\", 'oppressive', 'morality', 'later', 'main', 'protagonists', 'conform', 'marry', 'selected', 'partners', 'rumour', 'maliciousness', 'intervene', 'trigger', 'renewed', 'violence', 'on-rushing', 'train', 'fate', 'stops', 'strife'], [\"'the\", 'lion', 'winter', 'set', 'christmas', '1183', 'king', 'henry', 'ii\\\\', 'ch창teau', 'primary', 'residence', 'chinon', 'anjou', 'within', 'angevin', 'empire', 'medieval', 'france', 'henry', 'wants', 'youngest', 'son', 'prince', 'john', 'inherit', 'throne', 'estranged', 'wife', 'queen', 'eleanor', 'aquitaine', 'favours', 'oldest', 'surviving', 'son', 'prince', 'richard', 'lionheart', 'heir', 'meanwhile', 'king', 'philip', 'france', 'son', 'successor', 'louis', 'vii', 'france', 'eleanor\\\\', 'ex-husband', 'given', 'half-sister', 'alais', 'currently', 'henry\\\\', 'mistress', 'future', 'heir', 'demands', 'either', 'wedding', 'return', 'dowry', 'ruse', 'henry', 'agrees', 'give', 'alais', 'richard', 'make', 'heir-apparent', 'makes', 'side', 'deal', 'eleanor', 'freedom', 'return', 'aquitaine', 'given', 'john', 'deal', 'revealed', 'wedding', 'richard', 'refuses', 'ceremony', 'believed', 'henry\\\\', 'intentions', 'john', 'direction', 'middle', 'brother', 'prince', 'geoffrey', 'duke', 'brittany', 'plots', 'philip', 'make', 'war', 'england', 'henry', 'phillip', 'meet', 'discuss', 'terms', 'henry', 'soon', 'learns', 'phillip', 'plotting', 'john', 'geoffrey', 'richard', 'lovers', 'henry', 'dismisses', 'three', 'sons', 'unsuitable', 'locks', 'dungeon', 'makes', 'plans', 'travel', 'rome', 'annulment', 'new', 'sons', 'alais', 'says', 'never', 'able', 'release', 'sons', 'prison', 'threat', 'future', 'children', 'henry', 'sees', 'right', 'condemns', 'death', 'bring', 'kill', 'instead', 'letting', 'escape', 'eleanor', 'back', 'hoping', 'future', 'eleanor', 'going', 'back', 'barge', 'prison', 'laughing', 'henry', 'leaves', 'although', 'background', 'eventual', 'destinies', 'characters', 'historically', 'accurate', 'lion', 'winter', 'fictional', 'none', 'dialogue', 'action', 'historical', 'although', 'christmas', 'court', 'caen', '1182', 'christmas', 'court', 'chinon', '1183.', 'reality', 'henry', 'many', 'mistresses', 'many', 'illegitimate', 'children', 'rosamund', 'mentioned', 'film', 'mistress', 'died', 'article', 'revolt', '1173', '174', 'describes', 'historical', 'events', 'leading', 'play\\\\', 'events', 'matter', 'historical', 'record', 'richard', 'lionheart', 'succeeded', 'henry', 'followed', 'john'], [\"'carnegie\", 'mellon', 'english', 'professor', 'lawrence', 'wetherhold', 'middle-aged', 'widower', 'bitter', 'arrogant', 'work', 'uninterested', 'students', 'alienated', 'two', 'children', 'adopted', \"ne\\\\'er-do-well\", 'brother', 'chuck', 'arrives', 'borrow', 'money', 'stays', 'tries', 'unwind', 'lawrence\\\\', 'lonely', 'overachieving', 'teenage', 'daughter', 'vanessa', 'wetherhold', 'meanwhile', 'lawrence', 'suffers', 'trauma-induced', 'seizure', 'falling', 'top', 'fence', 'attempt', 'retrieve', 'briefcase', 'inside', 'impounded', 'car', 'emergency', 'room', 'treated', 'dr.', 'janet', 'hartigan', 'former', 'student', 'remember', 'janet', 'tells', 'lawrence', 'seizure', 'allowed', 'drive', 'six', 'months', 'returns', 'home', 'hospital', 'chuck', 'still', 'offers', 'drive', 'return', 'letting', 'move', 'lawrence', 'goes', 'hospital', 'follow-up', 'another', 'doctor', 'tells', 'janet', 'student', 'meets', 'janet', 'outside', 'hospital', 'leaving', 'since', 'chuck', 'failed', 'show', 'offers', 'take', 'home', 'arrive', 'asks', 'janet', 'join', 'face-to-face', 'conversation', 'agrees', 'fulfilling', 'old', 'student', 'crush', 'professor', 'vanessa', 'pleased', 'confronting', 'janet', 'lawrence\\\\', 'fragility', 'dinner', 'lawrence', 'monopolizes', 'conversation', 'janet', 'walks', 'lawrence', 'fakes', 'visit', 'emergency', 'room', 'see', 'janet', 'two', 'reconcile', 'second', 'date', 'get', 'back', 'janet\\\\', 'place', 'sex', 'spending', 'night', 'janet', 'turned', 'lawrence\\\\', 'neediness', 'worries', 'fact', 'still', 'distraught', 'wife\\\\', 'death', 'get', 'rid', 'feigns', 'called', 'hospital', 'return', 'subsequent', 'calls', 'another', 'night', 'midst', 'contentious', 'family', 'christmas', 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'english', 'department', 'janet', 'upset', 'lawrence\\\\', 'self-absorption', 'breaks', 'without', 'telling', 'news', 'back', 'pittsburgh', 'lawrence', 'confronted', 'james', 'chuck', 'point', 'apparent', 'lack', 'interest', 'children\\\\', 'lives', 'encouraged', 'chuck', 'lawrence', 'goes', 'hospital', 'reconcile', 'janet', 'reveals', 'pregnancy', 'meanwhile', 'dropped', 'bid', 'become', 'department', 'head', 'become', 'involved', 'parent', 'professor', 'end', 'credits', 'lawrence', 'janet', 'cradle', 'twin', 'babies', 'one', 'boy', 'one', 'girl'], ['badri', 'agency', 'director', 'whose', 'parents', 'settled', 'usa', 'love', 'called', 'vennela', 'close', 'family', 'friend', 'badri', 'family', 'parents', 'want', 'two', 'tie', 'knot', 'badri', 'vennela', 'whiling', 'away', 'time', 'vennela', 'finish', 'grads', 'yet', 'one', 'romantic', 'evenings', 'vennela', 'tells', 'badri', 'loves', 'much', 'time', 'find', 'sincerity', 'badri', 'love', 'challenges', 'girl', 'earth', 'would', 'probably', 'love', 'badri', 'gets', 'carried', 'away', 'arguments', 'takes', 'challenge', 'immediately', 'vennela', 'shows', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'coming', 'temple', 'asks', 'approach', 'girl', 'vennela', 'goes', 'spend', 'time', 'badri', 'parents', 'badri', 'gets', 'info', 'new', 'girl', 'time', 'finds', 'name', 'sarayu', 'pampered-yet-docile', 'sister', 'nanda', 'tries', 'able', 'corner', 'sarayu', 'extent', 'expresses', 'love', 'puts', 'forward', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'badri', 'gives', 'response', 'meantime', 'vennela', 'back', 'see', 'chemistry', 'sarayu', 'badri', 'starts', 'regretting', 'bet', 'badri', 'badri', 'torn', 'nanda', 'excessively', 'fond', 'sister', 'sarayu', 'guns', 'blood', 'badri', 'knows', 'badri', 'vennela', 'destined', 'marriage', 'head', 'simple', 'looking', 'yet', 'extremely', 'gripping', 'climax', 'heart-touching', 'performance', 'store'], [\"'dyan\", 'cannon', 'plays', 'madie', 'levrington', 'wealthy', 'woman', 'also', 'neurotic', 'committed', 'new', 'york', 'mental', 'institution', 'husband', 'benjamin', 'order', 'keep', 'divorcing', 'taking', 'money', 'manages', 'escape', 'process', 'hitches', 'ride', 'livestock', 'truck', 'truck', 'driven', 'charles', 'callahan', 'played', 'robert', 'blake', 'realizing', 'truck', 'hears', 'radio', 'escape', 'substantial', 'reward', 'return', 'gets', 'attention', 'debt', 'repo', 'man', 'repossess', 'truck', 'behind', 'back', 'meets', 'people', 'get', 'madie', 'gets', 'part', 'reward', 'money', 'woman', 'leads', 'time', 'also', 'slowly', 'falling', 'love', 'even', 'teaches', 'drive', 'truck', 'eventually', 'finds', 'money', 'given', 'wonders', 'got', 'reluctantly', 'explains', 'trying', 'explain', 'took', 'unwillingly', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'ends', 'getting', 'truck', 'driving', 'without', 'winds', 'hitching', 'ride', 'back', 'motorcycle', 'older', 'man', 'finally', 'find', 'truck', 'forced', 'get', 'bike', 'jump', 'onto', 'back', 'truck', 'still', 'moving', 'thus', 'putting', 'shoes', 'beginning', 'drives', 'truck', 'way', 'back', 'home', 'husband', 'party', 'backyard', 'despite', 'pleas', 'stop', 'truck', 'everything', 'fine', 'probably', 'memorable', 'scene', 'film', 'proceeds', 'wreak', 'havoc', 'party', 'running', 'everything', 'way', 'putting', 'icing', 'cake', 'putting', 'hammer', 'ramming', 'truck', 'house', \"won\\\\'t\", 'getting', 'truck', 'benjamin', 'tries', 'choke', 'death', 'callahan', 'jumps', 'trailer', 'floors', 'canvas', 'fingers', 'driver', 'truck', 'callahan', 'get', 'away', 'running', 'one', 'time', 'repo', 'man', 'simply', 'concedes', 'truck'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'narrated', 'agathe', 'boulaye', 'artist', 'obsessed', 'nightclub', 'singer', 'calls', 'girl', 'one', 'night', 'girl', 'takes', 'artist', 'hotel', 'lives', 'make', 'love', 'girl', 'usually', 'sleep', 'women', 'tells', 'artist', 'one', 'night', 'begin', 'seeing', 'girl', 'continues', 'see', 'men', 'artist', 'long', 'term', 'lover', 'sav챔', 'accepts', 'artist\\\\', 'obsession', 'artist', 'draws', 'paints', 'girl', 'gradually', 'grows', 'frustrated', 'work', 'notices', 'man', 'watching', 'girl', 'man', 'behaves', 'aggressively', 'possessively', 'towards', 'girl', 'starts', 'following', 'artist', 'sends', 'threatening', 'letters', 'girl', 'telling', 'get', 'rid', 'artist', 'girl', 'refuses', 'man', 'follows', 'artist', 'tries', 'attack', 'artist', 'asks', 'advice', 'sav챔', 'gives', 'gun', 'artist', 'find', 'girl', 'discovers', 'gone', 'away', 'man', 'turns', 'owner', 'nightclub', 'girl', 'sings', 'man', 'girl', 'return', 'artist', 'gives', 'girl', 'gun', 'artist', 'gets', 'beaten', 'man', 'friend', 'later', 'goes', 'meet', 'girl', 'hotel', 'finds', 'man', 'naked', 'asleep', 'leaves', 'next', 'day', 'returns', 'tells', 'girl', 'leaving', 'artist', 'puts', 'energy', 'painting', 'one', 'day', 'goes', 'back', 'hotel', 'climbs', 'stairs', 'hears', 'gunshots', 'finds', 'man', 'dead', 'girl', 'gunshot', 'wound', 'side'], [\"'pablo\", 'struggling', 'poet', 'living', 'hiv', 'buenos', 'aires', 'course', 'year', 'deals', 'issues', 'relating', 'health', 'family', 'search', 'love', 'developing', 'involvement', 'leather', 'fetishism', 'year', 'culminates', 'publication', 'diary', 'form', 'novel', 'a챰o', 'sin', 'amor'], [\"'lucy\", 'fowler', 'construction', 'firm', 'employee', 'habit', 'drinking', 'weekends', 'one-night-stand', 'come', 'early', 'morning', 'waking', 'leaving', 'quickly', 'checking', 'paying', 'motel', 'room', 'grandmother', 'finds', 'father', 'shy', 'man', 'nothing', 'say', 'back', 'town', 'eventually', 'goes', 'new', 'church', 'visit', 'local', 'bar', 'called', 'forge', 'runs', 'woman', 'slept', 'father', 'brawl', 'begins', 'rescued', 'cal', 'percell', 'new', 'guy', 'town', 'attends', 'church', 'father', 'sunday', 'morning', 'beaten', 'face', 'carting', 'around', 'jukebox', 'bought', 'bar', 'beer', 'cal', 'gives', 'invitation', 'ask', 'kisses', 'sober', 'still', 'demons', 'confront'], ['film', 'man', 'ashok', 'vijay', 'helps', 'lovers', 'understands', 'psychology', 'women', 'knows', 'catch', 'heart', 'whenever', 'man', 'wants', 'girl', 'fall', 'love', 'ashok', 'makes', 'occur', 'however', 'advises', 'friends', 'tell', 'love', 'immediately', 'past', 'incidents', 'even', 'lead', 'death', 'ashok', 'falls', 'love', 'girl', 'never', 'tells', 'love', 'friend', 'starts', 'love', 'ashok', 'aware', 'ashok', 'ends', 'helping', 'friend', 'making', 'love', 'succeed', 'without', 'knowing', 'friend', 'girlfriend', 'crush', 'ashok', 'realizes', 'girl', 'richa', 'register', 'marriage', 'near', 'end', 'movie', 'bursts', 'tears', 'friends', 'looking', 'movie', 'ends', 'ashok', 'marrying', 'richa', 'helper', 'couples', 'forever'], ['jeevanandhan', 'vijay', 'meets', 'mini', 'book', 'shop', 'eyes', 'meet', 'leading', 'sparks', 'love', 'hearts', 'mini', 'loving', 'mother', 'three', 'brothers', 'james', 'thomas', 'stephen', 'apple', 'eye', 'mini', 'hesitant', 'reciprocate', 'love', 'jeeva', 'steadily', 'makes', 'inroad', 'heart', 'love', 'affair', 'incensing', 'family', 'members', 'give', 'thrashing', 'time', 'meets', 'jeeva', 'parents', 'impression', 'son', 'pursuing', 'mba', 'studies', 'father', 'receives', 'sos', 'jeeva', 'injured', 'one', 'beatings', 'father', 'chandrasekhar', 'stunned', 'developments', 'jeeva', 'mother', 'also', 'shocked', 'jeeva', 'refuses', 'part', 'company', 'mini', 'father', 'arrives', 'henchmen', 'take', 'back', 'christian', 'family', 'wants', 'jeeva', 'dead', 'developments', 'till', 'juncture', 'might', 'found', 'expression', 'earlier', 'movies', 'events', 'treated', 'mature', 'head', 'along', 'comic', 'element', 'charlie', 'dhamu', 'friends', 'hero', 'realising', 'lovers', 'existence', 'danger', 'kesavan', 'suggests', 'find', 'refuge', 'father', 'fishermen', 'hamlet', 'couple', 'elope', 'followed', 'brothers', 'manivannan', 'refuses', 'give', 'away', 'brothers', 'swear', 'bloodshed', 'registrar', 'wedding', 'quickly', 'arranged', 'eve', 'wedding', 'lovers', 'learn', 'unlimited', 'love', 'affection', 'care', 'respective', 'family', 'members', 'decide', 'hurt', 'sentiments', 'agree', 'part', 'company', 'fisherfolk', 'leader', 'shocked', 'first', 'decision', 'later', 'understands', 'feelings', 'sends', 'back', 'safely', 'appreciable', 'twist', 'movie', 'jeeva', 'mini', 'back', 'respective', 'homes', 'excitement', 'relief', 'families', 'however', 'mothers', 'realize', 'heartbroken', 'couple', 'without', 'reunite'], ['campsite', 'belgian', 'coast', 'everybody', 'wants', 'live', 'complete', 'freedom', 'forget', 'obligations', 'everyday', 'life', 'jan', 'bucquoy', 'delegate', 'ministry', 'culture', 'must', 'bring', 'culture', 'nearer', 'working', 'class', 'presents', 'things', 'like', 'bertolt', 'brecht', 'play', 'mother', 'courage', 'children', 'interview', 'famous', 'writer', 'pierre', 'mertens', 'vacationers', 'caravan', 'park', 'interested', 'low-brow', 'distractions', 'like', 'soccer', 'boxing', 'matches', 'beauty', 'contests', 'well', 'sexual', 'adventures', 'temporary', 'romances'], ['plot', 'randy', '20-year-old', 'convict', 'taken', 'cell', 'greeted', 'new', 'cellmate', 'jake', 'veteran', 'prisoner', 'serving', 'life', 'sentence', 'randy', 'explains', 'serving', 'years', 'spray', 'painting', 'neighbor\\\\', 'mercedes-benz', 'next', 'morning', 'jake', 'begins', 'telling', 'randy', 'story', 'worst', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'ever', 'story', 'terrifies', 'randy', 'begins', 'realize', 'jake\\\\', 'motive', 'may', 'friendship', 'conversation', 'turns', 'toward', 'jake', 'feels', 'homosexuality', 'state', 'mind', 'breakfast', 'bell', 'rings', 'story', 'interrupted', 'much', 'randy\\\\', 'relief', 'jake', 'seems', 'drop', 'topic', 'return', 'friendly', 'demeanor', 'however', 'randy', 'quickly', 'brought', 'back', 'horrible', 'reality', 'situation', 'jake', 'forces', 'wear', 'shirt', 'feminine', 'style', 'hold', 'hand', 'lunch', 'several', 'months', 'later', 'randy\\\\', 'mother', 'visits', 'prison', 'randy', 'lies', 'says', 'cell', 'mate', 'getting', 'along', 'well', 'brief', 'visit', 'highlights', 'randy\\\\', 'isolation', 'mother', 'powerless', 'anything', 'help', 'upon', 'returning', 'cell', 'randy', 'starts', 'writing', 'mother', 'letter', 'jake', 'tells', 'mother', 'give', 'eventually', 'stop', 'visiting', 'disappointed', 'randy', 'randy', 'protests', 'jake', 'tries', 'explain', 'trying', 'make', 'easier', 'abandons', 'jake', 'admits', 'longer', 'writes', 'mother', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'write', 'back', 'back', 'cell', 'randy', 'tells', 'jake', 'likes', 'way', 'jake', 'forces', 'jake', 'visibly', 'flustered', 'intrigued', 'randy\\\\', 'admission', 'however', 'jake', 'recovers', 'quickly', 'viciously', 'beats', 'randy', 'jake', 'chastises', 'younger', 'man', 'playing', 'games', 'trying', 'make', 'feel', 'like', 'fag', 'moments', 'later', 'jake', 'prods', 'bruised', 'bloody', 'randy', 'tell', 'worst', 'fuck', 'randy', 'tells', 'jake', 'first', 'sexual', 'experience', 'drunk', 'tijuana', 'strip', 'club', 'paid', 'stripper', 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'alluding', 'perhaps', 'even', 'brutal', 'sexual', 'slavery', 'among', 'inmates', 'tied', 'jake', 'sincerely', 'tells', 'randy', 'friend', 'jake', 'tells', 'randy', 'back', 'bed', 'think', 'things', 'finally', 'released', 'jake', 'tells', 'nearly', 'tearful', 'randy', 'mother', 'stopped', 'writing', 'back', 'died', 'one', 'told', 'prison', 'authorities', 'refused', 'let', 'mother\\\\', 'funeral', 'jake', 'tells', 'randy', 'make', 'sure', 'gets', 'see', 'mother\\\\', 'funeral', 'important', 'able', 'say', 'goodbye'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'begins', 'thunderstorm', 'house', 'shown', 'opening', 'shot', 'named', 'prairie', 'blossom', 'clearly', 'fake', 'lends', 'comedic', 'value', 'caller', 'willene', 'cassidy', 'pays', 'visit', 'house', 'owner', 'mrs.', 'gert', 'hammond', 'drunk', 'insists', 'make', 'presentable', 'answers', 'door', 'takes', 'long', 'time', 'makes', 'bad', 'job', 'putting', 'makeup', 'effort', 'get', 'alcohol', 'system', 'makes', 'vomit', 'putting', 'fingers', 'throat', 'finally', 'retrieved', 'wig', 'toilet', 'fell', 'vomiting', 'ready', 'greet', 'visitor', 'willene', 'shocked', 'dishevelled', 'appearance', 'mrs.', 'hammond', 'insist', 'giving', 'bath', 'willene', 'explains', 'husband', 'famous', 'country', 'music', 'star', 'simon', 'cassidy', 'whose', 'music', 'heard', 'radio', 'later', 'scene', 'terrible', 'course', 'bath', 'willene', 'unintentionally', 'masturbates', 'mrs.', 'hammond', 'also', 'revealed', 'mr.', 'hammond', 'died', 'son', 'longer', 'exists', 'night', 'goes', 'visitors', 'appear', 'shelter', 'storm', 'among', 'chandler', 'widower', 'incredibly', 'wealthy', 'sarah', 'lou', 'phillips', 'house', 'phillips', 'owns', 'largest', 'girdle', 'factory', 'united', 'states', 'popularity', 'american', 'women', 'without', 'one', 'chandler', 'relates', 'story', 'wife\\\\', 'death', 'burned', 'death', 'cocktail', 'party', 'freak', 'accident', 'girdle', 'caught', 'fire', 'caused', 'burning', 'rubber', 'envelop', 'head', 'finally', 'fell', 'dead', 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'prostitute', 'despite', 'hirsute', 'bing', 'drunk', 'say', 'next', 'morning', 'awakens', 'pleasant', 'feeling', 'masturbated', 'though', 'horror', 'act', 'carried', 'medusa', 'severe', 'crush', 'soon', 'realises', 'feelings', 'reciprocated', 'becomes', 'enraged', 'indeed', 'men', 'however', 'subsequent', 'mistreatment', 'female', 'circus-worker', 'causes', 'feelings', 'spread', 'women', 'well', 'way', 'calm', 'medusa', 'giving', 'bananas', 'toydy', 'watched', 'bond', 'willene', 'sex', 'decides', 'lie', 'bond', 'order', 'sex', 'toydy', 'says', 'crate', 'bananas', 'give', 'bond', 'sex', 'bond', 'considers', 'carefully', 'homosexual', 'encounter', 'agrees', 'strength', 'willene', 'use', 'bananas', 'escape', 'murderous', 'primate', 'discovering', 'deception', 'bond', 'takes', 'stride', 'tells', 'willene', 'broken', 'sometime', 'jokes', 'things', \"don\\\\'t\", 'work', 'always', 'try', 'husband', 'meanwhile', 'toydy', 'gained', 'key', 'locked', 'door', 'earlier', 'opens', 'roo', 'discover', 'prairie', 'blossom\\\\', 'terrible', 'secret', 'morning', 'fate', 'roo', 'toydy', 'unknown', 'others', 'chandler', 'sash', 'leave', 'together', 'bond', 'willene', 'though', 'bond', 'tells', 'likes', 'sleep', 'around', 'much', 'really', 'settle', 'bing', 'married', 'medusa', 'though', 'reason', 'wore', 'wedding', 'dress', 'mrs.', 'hammond', 'alone', 'jar', 'containing', 'husband', 'proposes', 'toast', 'love', 'pours', 'mr.', 'hammond\\\\', 'drink', 'jar.mitternachtskino', 'thundercrack'], ['film', 'shown', 'eyes', 'federico', 'photographer', 'italy.', 'ref', 'name', 'http', '//www.variety.com/review/ve1117929170.html', 'categoryid1', 'new', 'day', 'old', 'sana', 'a|accessdate', 'young', '|first', '2005-12-25|work', 'reeds', 'elsevier', 'inc', 'tariq', 'however', 'city', 'one', 'night', 'catches', 'sight', 'woman', 'believes', 'bilquis', 'falls', 'love', 'woman', 'turns', 'nagsh', 'artist', 'named', 'ines', 'tariq', 'ends', 'choose', 'two', 'cite', 'web'], [\"'sombat\", 'taxicab', 'driver', 'bangkok', 'loner', 'seeks', 'companionship', 'melodramatic', 'soap', 'operas', 'old-time', 'thai', 'pop', 'ballads', 'favorite', 'radio', 'station', 'he\\\\', 'picky', 'fares', 'takes', 'passengers', 'pick', 'invariably', 'complain', 'golden', 'oldies', 'radio', 'show', 'he\\\\', 'listening', 'co-workers', 'actually', 'notice', 'he\\\\', 'source', 'amusement', 'luddite', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'even', 'mobile', 'phone', 'follows', 'routine', 'driving', 'cab', 'night', 'sleeping', 'day', 'small', 'apartment', 'eats', 'food', 'stall', 'orders', 'meal', 'day', 'sometimes', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'visit', 'ballroom', 'big', 'band', 'music', 'played', 'dancing', 'always', 'sits', 'sips', 'coke', 'also', 'writes', 'letters', 'radio', 'station', 'hoping', 'one', 'night', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'hear', 'letter', 'read', 'air', 'part', 'evenings', 'work', 'parks', 'cab', 'queue', 'outside', 'massage', 'parlor', 'one', 'night', 'picks', 'four', 'masseuses', 'getting', 'work', 'three', 'tease', 'listening', 'old', 'radio', 'station', 'fourth', 'nual', 'sits', 'quietly', 'catches', 'sombat\\\\', 'attention', 'next', 'night', 'nual', 'rides', 'sombat', 'becomes', 'regular', 'fare', 'pair', 'begin', 'friendship', 'homely', 'middle-aged', 'sombat', 'thinks', 'beautiful', 'young', 'nual', 'actually', 'lot', 'alike', 'one', 'letters', 'radio', 'station', 'writes', 'relationship', 'points', 'takes', 'people', 'destinations', 'never', 'gets', 'anywhere', 'nual', 'job', 'takes', 'men', 'destinations', 'never', 'needs', 'she\\\\', 'stuck', 'working', 'send', 'money', 'home', 'family', 'rural', 'provinces', 'nual', 'pushed', 'pimp', 'become', 'mistress', 'gangster', 'sombat', 'remains', 'loyal', 'friend', 'continues', 'ferry', 'home', 'night', 'story', 'starts', 'take', 'strange', 'turn', 'sombat', 'held', 'police', 'questioning', 'misses', 'appointment', 'pick-up', 'time', 'nual', 'sombat', 'dark', 'past', 'he\\\\', 'never', 'let', 'grows', 'distant', 'nual', 'pushes', 'closer', 'gangster'], ['expand', 'section', 'small', 'minnesota', 'town', 'seventy-eight', 'bachelor', 'farmers', 'advertise', 'companionship', 'leading', 'response', 'far', 'outstripping', 'expectations'], ['clergyman', 'travels', 'spain', 'join', 'loyalist', 'side', 'spanish', 'civil', 'war', 'finds', 'attracted', 'beautiful', 'entertainer'], [\"'moon\", 'young', 'misfit', 'ability', 'talk', 'bugs', 'moon', 'always', 'perceived', 'misfit', 'spoke', 'baby', 'talk', 'long', 'crush', 'boy', 'named', 'hyland', 'works', 'store', 'owned', 'father', 'across', 'street', 'house', 'unknown', 'moon', 'hyland', 'serious', 'problem', 'body', 'contact', 'people', 'moon', 'also', 'meets', 'coochie', 'endearing', 'ladybug', 'speaks', 'becomes', 'part', 'daily', 'life', 'advising', 'moon', 'meets', 'band', 'kids', 'also', 'abilities', 'including', 'telekinetic', 'twins', 'high', 'jumping', 'teen', 'fortune', 'teller', 'boy', 'x-ray', 'vision', 'semi-pervert', 'leading', 'misfits', 'woman', 'named', 'auntie', 'looks', 'early', 'mid', '20s', 'actual', 'age', '70.', 'auntie', 'wants', 'moon', 'hyland', 'join', 'band', 'misfits', 'moon\\\\', 'abilities', 'hyland\\\\', 'ability', 'dodge', 'people\\\\', 'attacks', 'i.e', 'superspeed'], ['romantic', 'triangle', 'turns', 'fantasy', 'reality', 'comedy', 'hong', 'kong', 'fung', 'yip', 'wan', 'pair', 'young', 'cartoonists', 'hired', 'comic', 'book', 'publisher', 'help', 'write', 'draw', 'new', 'superhero', 'comic', 'fung', 'yip', 'wan', 'become', 'seriously', 'infatuated', 'mandy', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'works', 'office', 'friends', 'become', 'rivals', 'affections', 'characters', 'become', 'increasingly', 'contentious', 'time', 'superheroes', 'they\\\\', \"'ve\", 'created', 'come', 'life', 'begin', 'settling', 'differences', 'using', 'fighting', 'skills', 'nicholas', 'tse', 'also', 'appears', 'dual', 'role', 'two', 'rival', 'comic', 'book', 'heroes', 'comic', 'king', 'pokes', 'fun', 'several', 'trademarks', 'comic', 'industry', 'including', 'marketing', 'packaging', 'comics', 'familiar', 'industry', 'enjoy', 'in-joke', 'references'], [\"'englishman\", 'a.j', 'fothergill', 'recruited', 'colonel', 'forrester', 'spy', 'russia', 'british', 'government', 'speak', 'language', 'fluently', 'peter', 'ouranoff', 'infiltrates', 'revolutionary', 'group', 'led', 'axelstein', 'radicals', 'try', 'blow', 'general', 'gregor', 'vladinoff', 'herbert', 'lomas', 'father', 'alexandra', 'attempt', 'fails', 'would-be', 'assassin', 'shot', 'manages', 'reach', 'peter\\\\', 'apartment', 'dies', 'inadvertent', 'involvement', 'peter', 'sent', 'siberia', 'world', 'war', 'makes', 'alexandra', 'widow', 'brings', 'bolsheviks', 'power', 'freeing', 'peter', 'axelstein', 'russian', 'civil', 'war', 'breaks', 'alexandra', 'arrested', 'aristocrat', 'peter', 'assigned', 'now-commissar', 'axelstein', 'take', 'petrograd', 'stand', 'trial', 'however', 'peter', 'instead', 'takes', 'safety', 'white', 'army', 'relief', 'short-lived', 'red', 'army', 'defeats', 'white', 'next', 'day', 'alexandra', 'taken', 'captive', 'peter', 'steals', 'commission', 'commissar', 'prisons', 'drunk', 'uses', 'document', 'free', 'two', 'deeply', 'love', 'flee', 'forest', 'later', 'catch', 'train', 'railway', 'station', 'countess', 'identified', 'one', 'communist', 'official', 'another', 'poushkoff', 'overly', 'sensitive', 'young', 'man', 'entranced', 'alexandra\\\\', 'beauty', 'insisting', 'identity', 'verified', 'arranges', 'take', 'fothergill', 'samara', 'along', 'way', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'poushkoff', 'becomes', 'overwrought', 'drinking', 'much', 'brandy', 'dinner', 'aboard', 'train', 'allows', 'couple', 'escape', 'stop', 'committing', 'suicide', 'provide', 'diversion', 'lovers', 'board', 'barge', 'traveling', 'volga', 'river', 'alexandra', 'becomes', 'seriously', 'ill.', 'peter', 'goes', 'doctor', 'arrested', 'whites', 'papers', 'meanwhile', 'red', 'cross', 'doctor', 'finds', 'alexandra', 'takes', 'treatment', 'executed', 'peter', 'makes', 'break', 'catches', 'red', 'cross', 'train', 'transporting', 'alexandra', 'russia'], ['one', 'morning', 'snow', 'puts', 'slippers', 'pulls', 'left', 'foot', 'sees', 'engagement', 'ring', 'toe', 'corresponds', 'ring', 'finger', 'kit', 'asks', 'marry', 'week', 'wedding', 'day', 'snow', 'gets', 'accident', 'dies', 'sympathetic', 'angel-in-training', 'named', 'michael', 'wears', 'bright', 'orange', 'shirt', 'brings', 'back', 'life', 'gives', 'three', 'days', 'wedding', 'day', 'leave', 'kit', 'kit', 'falls', 'asleep', 'watching', 'snow', 'whispers', 'ear', 'love', 'much', 'want', 'forever', 'must', 'leave', 'tomorrow', 'night', 'couple', 'hours', 'later', 'kit', 'wakes', 'tells', 'strangest', 'dream', 'spoke', 'husky', 'sexy', 'voice', 'said', 'somewhere', 'promises', \"'ll\", 'matter', 'next', 'day', 'kit', 'needs', 'bank', 'switch', 'money', 'wedding', 'way', 'snow', 'hit', 'head', 'ball', 'kit', 'pretends', 'get', 'angry', 'kids', 'playing', 'soccer', 'join', 'kids', 'buying', 'popsicles', 'later', 'kit', 'looks', 'watch', 'realizes', \"n't\", 'switch', 'money', 'runs', 'bank', 'telling', 'snow', 'home', 'wait', 'kit', 'arrives', 'home', 'get', 'married', 'planned', 'michael', 'minister', 'michael', 'declares', 'husband', 'wife', 'kiss', 'done', 'weddings', 'snow', 'collapses', 'kiss', 'dies', 'kit', 'arms', 'tear', 'rolling', 'michael', 'cheek', 'snow', 'finally', 'dies', 'deal', 'done', 'staying', 'alive', 'long', 'enough', 'get', 'married', 'within', 'three-day', 'time', 'limit', 'next', 'scene', 'kit', 'standing', 'dock', 'snow', 'would', 'hang', 'fishing', 'scattering', 'red', 'powder', 'water', 'later', 'revealed', 'snow', 'cremated'], ['film', 'opens', 'carla', 'bennett', 'lou', 'waiting', 'front', 'new', 'york', 'building', 'boyfriends', 'live', 'conversing', 'find', 'blake', 'allen', 'duplicitous', 'boyfriend', 'first', 'minutes', 'film', 'blake', 'revealed', 'narcissistic', 'actor', 'dating', 'side', 'claiming', 'visit', 'ill', 'mother', 'days', 'women', 'wait', 'blake', 'inside', 'loft', 'confront', 'together', 'remainder', 'film', 'takes', 'place', 'inside', 'loft', 'blake', 'tries', 'talk', 'way', 'trouble', 'end', 'girls', 'reveal', 'unfaithful', 'carla', 'blake', 'sex', 'lou', 'suggestion', 'threesome', 'rejected', 'mother', 'dies', 'end', 'film', 'carla', 'comforts'], ['marcy', 'tizzard', 'assistant', 'senator', 'john', 'mcglory', 'boston', 'massachusetts', 'attempt', 'court', 'irish-american', 'vote', 'tough', 'reelection', 'battle', 'bumbling', 'senator', 'chief', 'staff', 'nick', 'sends', 'marcy', 'ireland', 'find', 'mcglory', 'relatives', 'ancestors', 'marcy', 'arrives', 'fictional', 'village', 'ballinagra', 'preparing', 'annual', 'matchmaking', 'festival', 'attracts', 'attention', 'two', 'rival', 'professional', 'matchmakers', 'dermot', 'millie', 'well', 'roguish', 'bartender', 'sean', 'locals', 'tolerate', 'genealogical', 'search', 'trying', 'match', 'various', 'bachelors', 'sean', 'tries', 'woo', 'marcy', 'despite', 'resistance', 'boorish', 'manners', 'begun', 'romance', 'return', 'home', 'sean', 'house', 'one', 'afternoon', 'find', 'estranged', 'wife', 'moira', 'waiting', 'marcy', 'leaves', 'sean', 'upset', 'disclose', 'marriage', 'mcglory', 'nick', 'arrive', 'ballinagra', 'although', 'marcy', 'unable', 'locate', 'mcglory', 'relatives', 'mcglory', 'discovers', 'sean', 'wife', 'maiden', 'name', 'kennedy', 'brings', 'back', 'boston', 'fianc챕e', 'time', 'election', 'wins', 'small', 'margin', 'victory', 'party', 'mcglory', 'father', 'reveals', 'privately', 'marcy', 'family', 'hungarian', 'irish', 'family', 'name', 'changed', 'ellis', 'island', 'immigrated', 'settled', 'boston', 'large', 'irish', 'population', 'never', 'told', 'son', 'true', 'lineage', 'sean', 'follows', 'marcy', 'boston', 'reconcile'], [\"'rico\", 'suave', 'ultimate', 'ladies\\\\', 'man', 'bayside', 'market', 'works', 'constantly', 'grilled', 'four', 'quirky', 'friends', 'suave', 'tips', 'soon', 'find', 'rico', 'problem', 'gets', 'intimate', 'girl', 'entire', 'body', 'freezes', 'rico', 'miserable', 'effort', 'help', 'friend', 'f-poor', 'enlist', 'services', 'venus', 'marte', 'sexy', 'con', 'artist', 'convinced', 'rico', 'potential', 'goldmine', 'exploit', 'venus', 'agrees', 'take', 'job', 'sparks', 'fly', 'venus', 'tries', 'snare', 'rico', 'finds', 'genuinely', 'falling', 'caught', 'dilemma', 'way', 'rut', 'venus', 'rico', 'regain', 'old', 'charm', 'suave'], [\"'in\", '2005', 'daisy', 'elderly', 'woman', 'deathbed', 'new', 'orleans', 'hospital', 'daisy', 'asks', 'daughter', 'caroline', 'read', 'aloud', 'diary', 'benjamin', 'button', 'begins', 'introduction', 'note', 'written', 'april', '1985.', '1918', 'mr.', 'gateau', 'blind', 'new', 'orleans', 'clockmaker', 'loses', 'son', 'battlefields', 'france', 'world', 'war', 'way', 'deal', 'grief', 'gateau', 'builds', 'large', 'clock', 'new', 'orleans', 'train', 'station', 'fixes', 'time', 'goes', 'reverse', 'asked', 'gateau', 'states', 'maybe', 'time', 'reverse', 'men', 'lost', 'war', '봧ncluding', 'son', '봫ight', 'come', 'home', 'evening', 'november', '1918', 'boy', 'born', 'appearance', 'physical', 'maladies', 'elderly', 'man', 'baby\\\\', 'mother', 'dies', 'shortly', 'giving', 'birth', 'father', 'thomas', 'button', 'abandons', 'infant', 'porch', 'nursing', 'home', 'queenie', 'mr.', 'tizzy', 'weathers', 'work', 'nursing', 'home', 'find', 'baby', 'queenie', 'decides', 'care', '1925', 'queenie', '7-year', 'old', 'benjamin', 'attend', 'church', 'physically', 'appears', '77.', 'learning', 'walk', 'ben', 'declares', 'moment', 'miracle', 'written', 'diary', 'priest', 'sudden', 'fatal', 'heart', 'attack', 'november', '1930', '12-year-old', 'benjamin', 'exchanged', 'wheelchair', 'crutches', 'befriends', 'six-year-old', 'daisy', 'whose', 'grandmother', 'lives', 'nursing', 'home', 'benjamin\\\\', 'body', 'grows', 'younger', 'accepts', 'work', 'tugboat', 'benjamin', 'also', 'meets', 'thomas', 'button', 'reveal', 'benjamin\\\\', 'father', '1936', 'benjamin', 'leaves', 'new', 'orleans', 'tugboat', 'crew', 'long-term', 'work', 'engagement', 'eventually', 'finds', 'murmansk', 'starts', 'affair', 'elizabeth', 'abbott', 'wife', 'british', 'trade', 'minister', '1941', 'tugboat', 'crew', 'still', 'russia', 'japan', 'attacks', 'u.s.', 'pearl', 'harbor', 'thrusting', 'america', 'world', 'war', 'mike', 'captain', 'volunteers', 'boat', 'ship', 'u.s.', 'navy', 'crew', 'assigned', 'scrap', 'collection', 'duty', 'patrol', 'tugboat', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'sunken', 'u.s.', 'transport', 'bodies', 'hundreds', 'american', 'troops', 'surveying', 'carnage', 'german', 'submarine', 'surfaces', 'knowing', 'duty', 'mike', 'steers', 'tugboat', 'full', 'speed', 'towards', 'sub', 'german', 'gunner', 'fires', 'tugboat', 'killing', 'crew', 'including', 'mike', 'tugboat', 'rams', 'submarine', 'causing', 'explode', 'sinking', 'vessels', 'next', 'day', 'benjamin', 'one', 'crew', 'member', 'picked', 'ships', 'u.s.', 'navy', 'may', '1945', 'benjamin', 'returns', 'new', 'orleans', 'learns', '21-year-old', 'daisy', 'become', 'successful', 'ballet', 'dancer', 'benjamin', 'crosses', 'paths', 'thomas', 'button', 'terminally', 'ill', 'reveals', 'benjamin\\\\', 'father', 'thomas', 'wills', 'benjamin', 'possessions', 'dies', 'daisy\\\\', 'dance', 'career', 'ended', 'paris', '1957', 'hit', 'taxi', 'cab', 'breaks', 'leg', 'benjamin', 'goes', 'see', 'daisy', 'amazed', 'youthful', 'appearance', 'frustrated', 'injuries', 'tells', 'stay', 'life', '1962', 'daisy', 'returns', 'new', 'orleans', 'reunites', 'benjamin', 'comparable', 'physical', 'age', 'fall', 'love', 'move', 'together', 'daisy', 'gives', 'birth', 'girl', 'caroline', '1968', 'benjamin\\\\', '49.', 'believing', 'father', 'daughter', 'due', 'reverse', 'aging', 'benjamin', 'sells', 'belongings', 'leaves', 'proceeds', 'daisy', 'caroline', 'begins', 'traveling', 'world', '1970', 'really', 'early', '50s', 'appearing', 'early', '30s', 'including', 'going', 'india', 'motorcycle', 'work', 'finally', 'benjamin', 'ends', 'travels', '1981', 'age', '63.', 'appearing', 'benjamin', 'comes', 'back', 'daisy', 'year', 'married', 'daisy', 'introduces', 'husband', 'daughter', 'family', 'friend', 'daisy', 'visits', 'benjamin', 'hotel', 'share', 'passion', 'daisy', 'admits', 'right', 'leave', 'could', 'coped', 'otherwise', 'saying', 'goodnight', 'benjamin', 'watches', 'daisy', 'leave', 'taxi', 'window', '1991', 'widowed', 'daisy', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'social', 'workers', 'found', 'benjamin', 'apparently', 'years', 'old', 'arrives', 'explain', 'he\\\\', 'living', 'condemned', 'building', 'recently', 'taken', 'hospital', 'failing', 'health', 'contacted', 'found', 'name', 'diary', 'bewildered', 'social', 'workers', 'also', 'say', 'he\\\\', 'displaying', 'early', 'signs', 'dementia', 'daisy', 'moves', 'nursing', 'home', 'benjamin', 'grew', 'takes', 'care', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'younger', 'physically', 'becomes', 'infant', 'daisy', 'says', 'caroline', '2002', 'gateau\\\\', 'clock', 'moved', 'storage', 'replaced', 'digital', 'screen', 'clock', '2003', 'benjamin', 'dies', 'daisy\\\\', 'arms', 'remembering', 'benjamin\\\\', 'story', 'told', 'daisy', 'dies', 'new', 'orleans', 'hospital', 'bed', 'hurricane', 'katrina', 'approaches', 'scene', 'fades', 'storage', 'room', 'gateau\\\\', 'clock', 'contained', 'film', 'ends', 'clock', 'still', 'running', 'backwards', 'room', 'contained', 'begins', 'flood'], [\"'jennifer\", 'travels', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'plans', 'study', 'boyfriend', 'vincent', 'samuel', 'pang', 'arrives', 'airport', 'two', 'friends', 'cow', 'bull', 'pick', 'comprehending', 'security', 'officer', 'pang', 'shouts', 'welcoming', 'japanese', 'phrases', 'hopes', 'getting', 'inside', 'illegally', 'parking', 'car', 'no-parking', 'zone', 'pang', 'rushes', 'friends', 'escort', 'jennifer', 'airport', 'arriving', 'apartment', 'pang', 'introduces', 'jennifer', 'room', 'warns', 'careful', 'using', 'fridge', 'run', 'gas', 'constantly', 'leaking', 'voice', 'muffled', 'passing', 'train', 'pang', 'leaves', 'letting', 'jennifer', 'know', 'may', 'stamp', 'floor', 'needs', 'anything', 'lives', 'downstairs', 'next', 'day', 'jennifer', 'wakes', 'pang', 'show', 'take', 'train', 'meet', 'vincent', 'pang', 'jokes', 'train', 'station', 'like', 'labyrinth', 'dangerous', 'girl', 'like', 'insists', 'driving', 'train', 'station', 'waiting', 'jennifer', 'change', 'comments', 'women', 'cha', 'meaning', 'trouble', 'pang', 'ridicules', 'jennifer', 'knowing', 'english', 'waiting', 'train', 'station', 'sees', 'vincent', 'peggy', 'anxiously', 'jennifer', 'attempts', 'hide', 'vincent', 'caught', 'could', 'walk', 'vincent', 'expect', 'see', 'jennifer', 'train', 'station', 'would', 'boston', 'see', 'baseball', 'game', 'girlfriend', 'vincent', 'felt', 'childish', 'jennifer', 'childish', 'travel', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'send', 'box', 'dolls', 'hong', 'kong', 'infuriated', 'jennifer', 'walks', 'back', 'car', 'throws', 'box', 'dolls', 'street', 'later', 'night', 'pang', 'answers', 'call', 'made', 'vincent', 'jennifer', 'would', 'answer', 'told', 'jennifer', 'meet', 'lunch', 'silver', 'palace', 'restaurant', 'next', 'day', 'coincidentally', 'pang', 'works', 'busboy', 'restaurant', 'overhears', 'conversations', 'saving', 'enough', 'money', 'jennifer', 'meant', 'study', 'new', 'york', 'means', 'vincent', 'vincent', 'tells', 'jennifer', 'explore', 'city', 'meet', 'new', 'people', 'follow', 'everywhere', 'tells', 'finds', 'leaving', 'boston', 'tomorrow', 'depressed', 'jennifer', 'goes', 'home', 'makes', 'pot', 'tea', 'fridge', 'closed', 'properly', 'pang', 'smells', 'gas', 'upstairs', 'investigates', 'finds', 'passed', 'jennifer', 'takes', 'downstairs', 'someone', 'call', 'fire', 'department', 'seeing', 'jennifer', 'lovesick', 'vincent', 'pang', 'takes', 'walk', 'next', 'day', 'jennifer', 'goes', 'restaurant', 'chinatown', 'eats', 'egg', 'sandwich', 'pang', 'walks', 'sees', 'jennifer', 'disregards', 'eye-contact', 'turns', 'aside', 'pang', 'sit', 'jennifer', 'friend', 'another', 'table', 'call', 'pang', 'greets', 'moves', 'toward', 'jennifer\\\\', 'table', 'tries', 'piece', 'jennifer\\\\', 'egg', 'sandwich', 'calls', 'staff', 'member', 'order', 'extra', 'plates', 'food', 'extra', 'charge', 'pang', 'helps', 'jennifer', 'build', 'bookcase', 'decorate', 'room', 'tells', 'found', 'part-time', 'job', 'babysitter', 'pay', 'rent', 'would', 'need', 'second', 'job', 'tuition', 'expenses', 'finds', 'grandfather\\\\', 'watch', 'strap', 'worn', 'unsure', 'enough', 'money', 'watchstrap', 'let', 'alone', 'broadway', 'show', 'pang', 'goes', 'buy', 'tickets', 'next', 'morning', 'knowing', 'jennifer', 'busy', 'chance', 'tell', 'tickets', 'show', 'tried', 'sell', 'tickets', 'claiming', 'bull', 'asked', 'jennifer', 'climbed', 'bus', 'help', 'pang', 'guard', 'would', 'late', 'babysitting', 'job', 'pang', 'insisted', 'driving', 'stripped', 'car', 'rebuilt', 'would', 'hold', 'onto', 'broken', 'door', 'concerned', 'pang', 'runs', 'asks', 'anxious', 'asks', 'pang', 'accompany', 'pang', 'spent', 'money', 'asks', 'cow', 'bull', 'give', 'money', 'gamble', 'bull', 'reluctant', 'give', 'wants', 'save', 'new', 'restaurant', 'bull', 'pays', 'gangs', '400.00', 'week', 'still', 'enough', 'keeping', 'destroying', 'property', 'tony', 'one', 'mrs.', 'sherwood\\\\', 'boyfriends', 'wants', 'hire', 'jennifer', 'waitress', 'restaurant', 'pang', 'suspicious', 'owner', 'offers', 'try', 'restaurant', 'jennifer', 'assures', 'necessary', 'would', 'love', 'visit', 'pang', 'declines', 'work', 'mind', 'later', 'visits', 'jennifer', 'led', 'expensive', 'restaurant', 'called', 'big', 'panda', 'unable', 'read', 'english', 'menu', 'waiter', 'order', 'simple', 'menu', 'waiter', 'takes', 'advantage', 'position', 'charges', 'highest-priced', 'items', 'onto', 'bill', 'babysitting', 'anna', 'tony', 'visits', 'jennifer', 'walks', 'garden', 'mrs.', 'sherwood', 'recently', 'came', 'home', 'sees', 'tony', 'flirting', 'jennifer', 'calls', 'leave', 'immediately', 'heard', 'jennifer', 'losing', 'babysitting', 'job', 'pang', 'friends', 'big', 'panda', 'restaurant', 'beat', 'owner', 'spend', 'morning', 'trying', 'sell', 'dolls', 'money', 'walking', 'past', 'vendor', 'jennifer', 'sees', 'watchband', 'likes', 'unfortunately', 'budget', 'park', 'sees', 'vincent', 'peggy', 'wants', 'flee', 'asks', 'pang', 'looks', 'better', 'peggy', 'pang', 'care', 'others', 'looked', 'others', 'looked', 'long', 'kept', 'dignity', 'told', 'jennifer', 'dream', 'open', 'restaurant', 'pier', 'beach', 'name', 'samuel', 'pang', 'next', 'morning', 'samuel', 'pang', 'wrote', 'mirror', '봳hree', 'commandments', 'five', 'goals', 'one', 'goal', 'want', 'case', 'pang', 'going', 'cha', 'jennifer', 'pang', 'holding', 'party', 'invites', 'jennifer', 'tell', 'birthday', 'vincent', 'heard', 'party', 'talked', 'jennifer', 'entire', 'night', 'conversation', 'became', 'awkward', 'mentioned', 'broke', 'peggy', 'pang', 'serving', 'guests', 'leaves', 'think', 'chance', 'jennifer', 'went', 'drinking', 'gambling', 'bull', 'asks', 'money', 'pay', 'gangs', 'frustrated', 'pang', 'gathered', 'group', 'friends', 'drove', 'search', 'gang', 'beat', 'jennifer', 'wanders', 'pang\\\\', 'room', 'sees', 'mirror', 'written', 'words', 'wrote', 'name', 'age', 'birthday', 'english', 'feeling', 'lonely', 'walks', 'across', 'park', 'sees', 'anna', 'school', 'mrs.', 'sherwood', 'sees', 'invites', 'move', 'anna', 'long', 'island', 'pang', 'comes', 'back', 'apartment', 'next', 'morning', 'finds', 'room', 'jennifer\\\\', 'graduation', 'certificate', 'congratulate', 'buys', 'watchband', 'gift', 'old', 'man', 'accept', 'offer', 'pang', 'sold', 'car', 'watchband', 'excited', 'see', 'jennifer', 'gift', 'runs', 'apartment', 'see', 'vincent', 'helping', 'jennifer', 'move', 'furniture', 'car', 'gives', 'number', 'exchange', 'gifts', 'pang', 'runs', 'leaves', 'unable', 'catch', 'walks', 'beach', 'opens', 'gift', 'finds', 'grandfather\\\\', 'watch', 'time', 'afterwards', 'meet', 'pier', 'restaurant', 'named', 'sampan'], ['gwyn', 'marcus', 'always', 'wanted', 'marriage', 'like', 'parents', 'accepted', 'proposal', 'boyfriend', 'matt', 'misgivings', 'future', 'together', 'fear', 'commitment', 'grows', 'learns', 'various', 'affairs', 'family', 'sister', 'leslie', 'getting', 'married', 'brother', 'jordan', 'already', 'married', 'mother', 'growing', 'concerned', 'gwyn', 'last', 'single', 'person', 'family', 'thinks', 'marriage', 'must', 'search', 'balance', 'career', 'marriage', 'family'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'tells', 'highly-fictionalized', 'story', 'latter', 'years', 'earl', 'long', 'flamboyant', 'governor', 'louisiana', 'brother', 'assassinated', 'governor', 'u.s.', 'senator', 'huey', 'long', 'uncle', 'longtime', 'u.s.', 'senator', 'russell', 'long', 'according', 'novel', 'film', 'earl', 'long', 'allegedly', 'fell', 'love', 'young', 'stripper', 'named', 'blaze', 'starr'], [\"'anupama\", 'kaul', 'woman', 'whose', 'sister', 'lives', 'new', 'york', 'one', 'day', 'gets', 'call', 'sister', 'talking', 'phone', 'sister', 'killed', '9/11', 'attacks', 'anupama', 'devastated', 'years', 'later', 'anu', 'happily', 'engaged', 'arpit', 'oberoi', 'arpit', 'leaves', 'america', 'business', 'reasons', 'anu', 'wooed', 'man', 'named', 'aman', 'played', 'john', 'abraham', 'arpit', 'comes', 'back', 'america', 'anu', 'tells', 'love', 'aman', \"can\\\\'t\", 'marry', 'arpit', 'arpit', 'starts', 'asking', 'questions', 'aman', 'live', 'answer', 'questions', 'there\\\\', 'evidence', 'support', 'answers', 'leads', 'arpit', 'ask', 'even', 'exist', 'truth', 'aman', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'exist', 'figment', 'anupama\\\\', 'imagination', 'friends', 'family', 'try', 'explain', 'aman', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'exist', 'anupama', 'refuses', 'listen', 'suddenly', 'aman', 'comes', 'everyone', 'see', 'anupama\\\\', 'aman\\\\', 'wedding', 'day', 'aman', 'confesses', 'really', 'arpit', 'got', 'plastic', 'surgery', 'way', 'face', 'looks', 'exactly', 'like', 'aman\\\\', 'arpit', 'got', 'drawings', 'anupama\\\\', 'sketchbook', 'anupama', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'still', 'believes', 'truly', 'aman', 'anupama\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'asks', 'show', 'proof', 'anupama', 'shows', 'pictures', 'aman', 'movies', 'arpit', 'still', 'america', 'without', 'even', 'taking', 'second', 'glance', 'pictures', 'friend', 'shows', 'pictures', 'sees', 'aman', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'part', 'imagination', 'arpit', 'anupama', 'soon', 'get', 'married'], ['five', 'years', 'since', 'left', 'winona', 'hometown', 'hilda', 'crane', 'divorced', 'twice', 'acquired', 'quite', 'dubious', 'reputation', 'returns', 'new', 'york', 'scolding', 'mother', 'hopes', 'hilda', 'good', 'sense', 'marry', 'successful', 'builder', 'russell', 'burns', 'finally', 'settle', 'former', 'professor', 'lover', 'jacques', 'delisle', 'still', 'holding', 'grudge', 'hilda', 'left', 'athlete', 'although', \"n't\", 'love', 'russell', 'resists', 'resents', 'jacques', 'aggressive', 'romantic', 'advances', 'accepts', 'proposal', 'marriage', 'russell', 'intends', 'build', 'new', 'house', 'warned', 'friend', 'russell', 'possessive', 'mother', 'including', 'way', 'feigning', 'heart', 'condition', 'hilda', 'declines', '50,000', 'bribe', 'mrs.', 'burns', 'leave', 'town', 'leaves', 'old', 'woman', 'slumped', 'chair', 'proceeds', 'church', 'wedding', 'mrs.', 'burns', 'pretending', 'time', 'however', 'died', 'months', 'later', 'still', 'living', 'mother-in-law', 'house', 'hilda', 'begun', 'drink', 'russell', 'becomes', 'indifferent', 'morose', 'day', 'comes', 'hilda', 'mother', 'castigates', 'take', 'hilda', 'swallows', 'bottle', 'sleeping', 'pills', 'intent', 'committing', 'suicide', 'survives', 'cheered', 'russell', 'promise', 'restore', 'love', 'start', 'building', 'new', 'house'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'describes', 'love', 'triangle', 'initiated', 'lady', 'maria', 'barker', 'comfortable', 'neglected', 'wife', 'sir', 'frederich', 'barker', 'top-level', 'british', 'diplomat', 'pre-world-war-ii', 'era', 'maria', 'faced', 'possibility', 'divorce', 'frederick', 'learns', 'affair', 'realizes', 'spent', 'enough', 'time', 'cancels', 'business', 'plans', 'take', 'much-needed', 'vacation', 'although', 'frederick', 'provides', 'well', 'maria', 'appears', 'love', 'neglecting', 'favor', 'pursuing', 'busy', 'diplomatic', 'career', 'one', 'day', 'geneva', 'important', 'business', 'secretly', 'flies', 'paris', 'visit', 'grand', 'duchess', 'operates', 'high-class', 'escort', 'business', 'chance', 'maria', 'happens', 'meet', 'anthony', 'halton', 'charming', 'man', 'lived', 'india', 'several', 'years', 'although', 'maria', 'insists', 'affair', 'remain', 'anonymous', 'attracted', 'brief', 'tryst', 'calls', 'angel', 'intending', 'simple', 'fling', 'tries', 'end', 'relationship', 'leaving', 'without', 'saying', 'good-bye', 'however', 'fallen', 'love', 'begins', 'searching', 'maria', 'manages', 'avoid', 'seen', 'halton', 'horse', 'race', 'halton', 'happens', 'meet', 'frederick', 'social', 'gathering', 'two', 'makes', 'plans', 'halton', 'lunch', 'frederick', 'maria', 'unable', 'avoid', 'halton', 'longer', 'maria', 'pretends', 'recognise', 'arrives', 'moment', 'maria', 'halton', 'alone', 'together', 'makes', 'clear', 'interest', 'continuing', 'relationship', 'considers', 'presence', 'threat', 'marriage', 'reputation', 'still', 'love', 'offers', 'meet', 'paris', 'following', 'week', 'refuses', 'meanwhile', 'tickets', 'arrived', 'vacation', 'vienna', 'frederick', 'promised', 'maria', 'however', 'breaks', 'promise', 'opportunity', 'arises', 'geneva', 'work', 'frederick\\\\', 'mistreatment', 'maria', 'emphasized', 'decision', 'geneva', 'despite', 'maria\\\\', 'obvious', 'enthusiasm', 'vacation', 'fact', 'geneva', 'trip', 'originally', 'assigned', 'one', 'frederick\\\\', 'capable', 'assistants', 'disappointed', 'setback', 'maria', 'changes', 'mind', 'meeting', 'halton', 'asks', 'frederick', 'drop', 'paris', 'way', 'geneva', 'shopping', 'frederick', 'agrees', 'plan', 'despite', 'fact', 'discovered', 'affair', 'however', 'instead', 'continuing', 'geneva', 'goes', 'grand', 'duchess\\\\', 'salon', 'investigate', 'last-ditch', 'attempt', 'save', 'marriage', 'maria', 'confronts', 'frederick', 'salon', 'makes', 'clear', 'needs', 'attention', 'claims', 'angel', 'another', 'woman', 'adjoining', 'room', 'asks', 'believe', 'without', 'looking', 'room', 'hope', 'save', 'reputation', 'accepting', 'word', 'spend', 'time', 'future', 'plan', 'fails', 'frederick', 'enters', 'room', 'empty', 'proposes', 'better', 'solution', 'finally', 'understanding', 'taken', 'maria', 'granted', 'humbly', 'offers', 'cancel', 'business', 'trip', 'meet', 'train', 'station', 'vienna', 'allowing', 'decide', 'whether', 'stay', 'together', 'leaves', 'salon', 'immediately', 'catches', 'walk', 'together', 'begin', 'vacation'], ['harry', 'moulton', 'pulham', 'jr.', 'conservative', 'middle-aged', 'boston', 'businessman', 'set', 'precise', 'daily', 'routine', 'proper', 'wife', 'kay', 'settled', 'comfortable', 'passionless', 'relationship', 'however', 'always', 'way', 'harry', 'saddled', 'task', 'organizing', 'twenty-five-year', 'college', 'reunion', 'triggers', 'flashback', 'time', 'twenty', 'years', 'earlier', 'end', 'world', 'war', 'harvard', 'classmate', 'friend', 'bill', 'king', 'gets', 'job', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'advertising', 'company', 'falls', 'love', 'vivacious', 'independent', 'coworker', 'oddly', 'named', 'marvin', 'miles', 'however', 'though', 'love', 'bring', 'fit', 'traditional', 'idea', 'wife', 'role', 'imagine', 'living', 'anywhere', 'hidebound', 'boston', 'break', 'relationship', 'harry', 'falls', 'love', 'marries', 'woman', 'social', 'set', 'attitudes', 'assumptions', 'someone', 'approved', 'father', 'mother', 'marvin', 'arranges', 'meet', 'harry', 'years', 'sparks', 'harry', 'tempted', 'affair', 'realize', 'would', 'foolish', 'one', 'thing', 'changes', 'though', 'harry', 'becomes', 'profoundly', 'dissatisfied', 'dull', 'routine', 'begs', 'wife', 'away', 'immediately', 'rekindle', 'love', 'first', 'dismisses', 'idea', 'impractical', 'vaguely', 'improper', 'changes', 'mind', 'agrees', 'making', 'happy..'], [\"'woody\", 'deane', 'nell', 'bedworth', 'neighbors', 'former', 'childhood', 'friends', 'high', 'school', 'otherwise', 'completely', 'different', 'woody', 'popular', 'varsity', 'football', 'player', 'nell', 'nerdy', 'literature-loving', 'girl', 'loathe', 'constantly', 'dispute', 'one', 'day', 'class', 'goes', 'school', 'trip', 'museum', 'forced', 'work', 'together', 'assignment', 'quickly', 'begin', 'arguing', 'front', 'statue', 'ancient', 'aztec', 'god', 'tezcatlipoca', 'cite', 'web', 'argue', 'statue', 'casts', 'spell', 'upon', 'causing', 'wake', 'other\\\\', 'bodies', 'next', 'morning', 'arrive', 'school', 'immediately', 'blame', 'body', 'swap', 'agree', 'pretend', 'person', 'find', 'way', 'switch', 'back', 'first', 'seem', 'succeed', 'quickly', 'return', 'arguing', 'feel', 'misrepresenting', 'opposite', 'body', 'nell', 'answering', 'question', 'oddly', 'surprising', 'teacher', 'following', 'day', 'nell', 'arrives', 'school', 'wearing', 'chinos', 'oxford', 'cotton', 'button-down', 'making', 'woody\\\\', 'appearance', 'look', 'dorky', 'frustrates', 'woody', 'even', 'frustrated', 'hears', 'nell', 'failed', 'woody\\\\', 'football', 'practice', 'previous', 'day', 'payback', 'woody', 'dresses', 'inappropriate', 'provocative', 'clothing', 'following', 'day', 'school', 'nell', 'retaliation', 'breaks', 'breanna', 'woody\\\\', 'girlfriend', 'much', 'disappointment', 'woody', 'humiliation', 'competition', 'continues', 'woody', 'drives', 'biker', 'boy', 'nicky', 'makes', 'nell', 'think', 'going', 'lose', 'virginity', 'however', 'woody', 'decides', 'gay', 'leaves', 'nicky', 'removing', 'clothing', 'following', 'day', 'rumors', 'spread', 'around', 'school', 'nicky', 'night', 'nell', 'nell', 'finds', 'gets', 'upset', 'woody', 'finds', 'nell', 'admits', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'actually', 'lose', 'nell\\\\', 'virginity', 'everyone', 'simply', 'spreading', 'nicky\\\\', 'lies', 'however', 'nell', 'still', 'let', 'woody', 'decides', 'confront', 'nicky', 'turns', 'woody', \"can\\\\'t\", 'fight', 'nell', 'runs', 'punches', 'face', 'nell', 'woody', 'reach', 'truce', 'realize', 'statue', 'tezcatlipoca', 'museum', 'something', 'body', 'swap', 'head', 'museum', 'even', 'confronting', 'statue', 'fail', 'return', 'original', 'bodies', 'realize', 'going', 'help', 'two', 'important', 'upcoming', 'events', 'nell', 'must', 'learn', 'play', 'football', 'woody\\\\', 'homecoming', 'game', 'woody', 'must', 'learn', 'poetry', 'literature', 'nell\\\\', 'yale', 'interview', 'later', 'night', 'nell', 'getting', 'drunk', 'party', 'woody', 'stuck', 'slumber', 'party', 'listening', 'gossip', 'woody', 'surrounded', 'nailpolish', 'pajamas', 'slippers', 'spending', 'much', 'time', 'together', 'nell', 'woody', 'become', 'fond', 'start', 'understand', 'better', 'night', 'interview', 'game', 'agree', 'homecoming', 'dance', 'together', 'date', 'day', 'interview', 'match', 'woody', 'goes', 'yale', 'interview', 'first', 'messes', 'things', 'asked', 'leave', 'starts', 'talk', 'poetry', 'rap', 'impresses', 'astonishes', 'interviewer', 'goes', 'match', 'watches', 'nell', 'run', 'winning', 'touchdown', 'closing', 'seconds', 'college', 'recruiter', 'witnesses', 'good', 'performance', 'wants', 'talk', 'later', 'game', 'congratulate', 'successes', 'shortly', 'spell', 'lifts', 'return', 'original', 'bodies', 'scene', 'finishes', 'woody', 'kissed', 'breanna', 'nell', 'going', 'home', 'upset', 'following', 'day', 'woody', 'tries', 'talk', 'nell', 'stopped', 'mother', 'sees', 'woody\\\\', 'family', 'uneducated', 'nell', 'receives', 'letter', 'yale', 'informing', 'accepted', 'yale', 'meaning', 'interview', 'successful', 'however', 'still', 'upset', 'woody', 'decided', 'homecoming', 'dance', 'meanwhile', 'nell\\\\', 'father', 'talk', 'porch', 'woody', 'confesses', 'truly', 'likes', 'father', 'surprises', 'dress', 'shoes', 'dance', 'dance', 'woody', 'sees', 'nell', 'leave', 'school', 'together', 'share', 'kiss', 'front', 'houses', 'following', 'day', 'nell', 'tells', 'mother', 'taking', 'year\\\\', 'sabbatical', 'attending', 'yale', 'hops', 'woody\\\\', 'car', 'drive', 'together'], ['film', 'tells', 'marguerite', 'gautier', 'born', 'lower', 'class', 'family', 'time', 'becomes', 'well', 'known', 'dame', 'camille', 'living', 'high', 'society', 'paris', 'camille', 'finances', 'covered', 'wealthy', 'baron', 'varville', 'many', 'years', 'making', 'money', 'looks', 'camille', 'falls', 'love', 'armand', 'robert', 'taylor', 'handsome', 'young', 'man', 'armand', 'attracted', 'camille', 'prepared', 'give', 'baron', 'armand', 'however', 'armand', 'father', 'begs', 'camille', 'turn', 'away', 'son', 'knowing', 'past', 'ruin', 'future', 'paris', 'realizing', 'painful', 'wisdom', 'advice', 'camille', 'rejects', 'armand', 'continues', 'pursue', 'even', 'camille', 'contracts', 'serious', 'case', 'tuberculosis', 'film', 'ends', 'camille', 'tragic', 'death', 'arms', 'suitor', 'armand', 'much', 'changed', 'course', 'film'], ['solange', 'depressed', 'stopped', 'smiling', 'eats', 'little', 'says', 'less', 'fainting', 'fits', 'husband', 'raoul', 'seeks', 'save', 'enlisting', 'st챕phane', 'stranger', 'lover', 'although', 'listens', 'mozart', 'every', 'pocket', 'book', 'arranged', 'alphabetical', 'order', 'st챕phane', 'fails', 'cheer', 'solange', 'knits', 'housework', 'everyone', 'including', 'neighbor', 'vegetable', 'vendor', 'agrees', 'needs', 'child', 'yet', 'fails', 'get', 'pregnant', 'either', 'lover', 'three', 'take', 'job', 'running', 'kids', 'summer', 'camp', 'meet', 'christian', 'precocious', '13-year-old', 'son', 'local', 'factory', 'manager', 'christian', 'restores', 'solange', 'laughter'], ['film', 'follows', 'arjun', 'hindu', 'man', 'played', 'morea', 'khusboo', 'muslim', 'woman', 'played', 'basu', 'fathers', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'marriage', 'ceremony', 'arjun', 'comes', 'across', 'khusboo', 'falls', 'love', 'however', 'decides', 'hide', 'feelings', 'family', 'differences', 'religion', 'arjun', 'confess', 'love', 'khusboo', 'arjun', 'father', 'sudden', 'kidney', 'failure', 'admitted', 'hospital', 'khusboo', 'parents', 'arrange', 'marriage', 'unaware', 'arjun', 'love', 'obeys', 'finally', 'prods', 'desperate', 'arjun', 'admit', 'love', 'khusboo', 'second', 'time', 'musters', 'courage', 'express', 'feelings', 'khusboo', 'father', 'fake', 'heart', 'attack', 'order', 'free', 'man', 'supposed', 'wed', 'father', 'fakes', 'heart', 'attack', 'rush', 'hospital', 'hospital', 'khushboo', 'father', 'arjuns', 'father', 'approve', 'kids', 'undeniable', 'love'], [\"'it\", 'year', '1981', 'famous', 'writer', 'antonio', 'albajara', 'arrives', 'gij처n', 'hometown', 'stockholm', 'received', 'nobel', 'prize', 'literature', 'forty', 'years', 'albajara', 'professor', 'medieval', 'literature', 'university', 'berkeley', 'california', 'alternated', 'teaching', 'literary', 'production', 'given', 'worldwide', 'fame', 'gij처n', 'antonio', 'reunited', 'elena', 'first', 'great', 'love', 'forced', 'exile', '1937', 'civil', 'war', 'however', 'visit', 'definitive', 'serious', 'deadly', 'disease', 'affects', 'writer'], ['may', '1959', 'town', 'cape', 'anne', 'maine', 'foul-up', 'eastern', 'portland', 'railroad', 'results', 'death', '300', 'lobsters', 'shipped', 'jane', 'osgood', 'gets', 'lawyer', 'friend', 'george', 'denham', 'pay', 'damages', 'customer', 'marshall', 'town', 'country', 'club', 'refuses', 'future', 'orders', 'office', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'harry', 'foster', 'malone', 'learns', 'osgood', 'lawsuit', 'due', 'budget', 'cuts', 'malone', 'instated', 'station', 'agent', 'marshall', 'town', 'receive', 'lobsters', 'malone', 'sends', 'employees', 'crawford', 'sloan', 'wilbur', 'peterson', 'cape', 'anne', 'deal', 'situation', 'two', 'attorneys', 'offer', '700', 'jane', 'turns', 'loss', 'business', 'reputation', 'jane', 'wins', 'court', 'appeals', 'case', 'state', 'supreme', 'court', 'augusta', 'maine', 'george', 'files', 'writ', 'execution', 'force', 'payment', 'take', 'possession', 'train', 'old', 'lieu', 'payment', 'jane', 'interviewed', 'local', 'newspaper', 'reporter', 'matilda', 'runyon', 'calls', 'daily', 'mirror', 'new', 'york', 'top', 'reporter', 'larry', 'hall', 'steve', 'forrest', 'sent', 'cape', 'anne', 'story', 'television', 'stations', 'also', 'want', 'interview', 'jane', 'malone', 'retaliates', 'charging', 'jane', 'rent', 'siding', 'train', 'sitting', 'jane', 'appears', 'abc', 'nbc', 'cbs', 'fearful', 'bad', 'publicity', 'malone', 'finally', 'gives', 'cancels', 'rent', 'gives', 'jane', 'train', 'meanwhile', 'george', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'jealous', 'sees', 'larry', 'attracted', 'jane', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'back', 'cape', 'anne', 'town', 'meeting', 'jane', 'learns', 'malone', 'ordered', 'trains', 'bypass', 'town', 'given', 'jane', 'hours', 'remove', 'old', '97.', 'jane', 'runs', 'away', 'george', 'scolds', 'townspeople', 'turning', 'realizing', 'old', 'way', 'deliver', 'lobsters', 'jane', 'george', 'persuade', 'everybody', 'fill', 'train', 'tender', 'coal', 'homes', 'george', 'recruits', 'uncle', 'otis', 'retired', 'engineer', 'engineer', 'train', 'old', 'sets', 'jane', 'children', 'george', 'lobsters', 'board', 'malone', 'everything', 'possible', 'delay', 'jane', 'becomes', 'upset', 'roundabout', 'route', 'malone', 'forcing', 'take', 'eventually', 'coal', 'runs', 'stopping', 'old', 'blocking', 'traffic', 'malone', 'arrives', 'helicopter', 'jane', 'scolds', 'underhanded', 'actions', 'malone', 'finally', 'agrees', 'jane', 'demands', 'jane', 'george', 'tell', 'come', 'along', 'cause', 'trouble', 'finally', 'shows', 'good', 'side', 'helping', 'shovel', 'coal', 'larry', 'photographer', 'marshall', 'town', 'train', 'arrives', 'george', 'kisses', 'jane', 'front', 'larry', 'agrees', 'marry', 'george', 'wedding', 'george', 'sworn', 'new', 'first', 'selectman', 'badly', 'needed', 'fire', 'engine', 'pulls', 'town', 'present', 'malone'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'centers', 'around', 'yoga', 'master', 'singh', 'wants', 'search', 'indian', 'beauty', 'way', 'meets', 'tally', 'beautiful', 'female', 'gangster', 'head', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'indian', 'beauty', 'good', 'husband', 'tally', 'tried', 'best', 'make', 'singh', 'bad', 'person', 'meantime', 'uncle', 'panic', 'two', 'nephews', 'arrive', 'india', 'tour', 'meet', 'con', 'man', 'tea', 'met', 'indian', 'man', 'selling', 'mysterious', 'water', 'indian', 'man', 'sprays', 'liquid', 'onto', 'panic\\\\', 'nephews', 'causes', 'amnesia', 'panic', 'goes', 'hotel', 'meets', 'illusion', 'indian', 'beauty', 'saves', 'drowning', 'hotel\\\\', 'pool', 'become', 'lovers', 'short', 'panic', 'hypnotised', 'awakes', 'continues', 'search', 'illusion', 'meanwhile', 'singh', 'manages', 'become', 'bad', 'person', 'tally\\\\', 'dismay', 'tally', 'fallen', 'love', 'tries', 'best', 'make', 'good', 'person', 'attempt', 'succeeds', 'tally', 'singh', 'drink', 'bottle', 'mysterious', 'water', 'causes', 'amnesia', 'however', 'two', 'become', 'best', 'friends', 'panic', 'hand', 'poisoned', 'two-headed', 'snake', 'caused', 'able', 'perform', 'impressive', 'yoga', 'asanas', 'indian', 'beauty', 'fallen', 'love', 'panic', 'wishes', 'marry', 'fateful', 'day', 'father', 'indian', 'beauty', 'declares', 'contest', 'marrying', 'daughter', 'best', 'yoga', 'master', 'begins', 'panic', 'able', 'see', 'nephews', 'contest', 'reunites', 'singh', 'along', 'panic', 'finalists', 'contest', 'meditate', 'find', 'true', 'meaning', 'life', 'singh', 'passed', 'test', 'became', 'brahma\\\\', 'assistant', 'panic', 'failed', 'test', 'decided', 'back', 'came', 'meanwhile', 'panic\\\\', 'nephews', 'tour', 'bus', 'shouted', 'panic', 'board', 'quickly', 'indian', 'beauty', 'sees', 'chance', 'escape', 'father', 'ran', 'away', 'lover', 'panic', 'tally', 'found', 'singh\\\\', 'spirit', 'gone', 'brahma', 'blamed', 'irresponsibility', 'singh', 'brahma\\\\', 'palace', 'continue', 'answer', 'prayers', 'people', 'brahma', 'unfortunately', 'brahma', 'awoken', \"\\\\'dream\\\\\", 'everything', 'vanished', 'movie', 'ends', 'start', 'stone', 'age', 'everyone', 'struggles', 'survive', 'avoid', 'extinction'], ['ayyadurai', 'local', 'mla', 'ever', 'since', 'killed', 'sitting', 'mla', 'robbing', 'constituents', 'food', 'maadasamy', 'napoleon', 'belongs', 'different', 'caste', 'right-hand', 'man', 'since', 'times', 'maadasamy', 'daughter', 'selvi', 'loves', 'ayyadurai', 'son', 'chelladurai', 'reciprocate', 'feelings', 'karuppusamy', 'son', 'mla', 'killed', 'holds', 'hatred', 'ayyadurai', 'plans', 'become', 'mla', 'either', 'killing', 'ayya', 'driving', 'wedge', 'friendship', 'maadasamy', 'thereby', 'getting', 'votes', 'everyone', 'belonging', 'caste', 'selvi', 'finally', 'succeeds', 'convincing', 'maadaswami', 'ayyadhurai', 'marriage.but', 'karuppaswamy', 'manages', 'find', 'secrecy', 'selvi', 'birth', 'date', 'help', 'inspector', 'transferred', 'successfully', 'stop', 'marriage', 'selvi', 'chelladurai', 'basi', 'minor', 'marriage.the', 'inspector', 'lies', 'ayyadurai', 'secretly', 'told', 'stop', 'marriage', 'due', 'cast', 'difference', 'maadaswamy', 'immedeatly', 'breaks', 'friendship', 'maadaswami', 'joins', 'karuppaswamy.he', 'instigates', 'maadasamy', 'lodging', 'complaint', 'ayyadurai', 'murder', 'karuppusamy', 'father', 'years', 'ago', 'chelladurai', 'karuppusamy', 'fight', 'next', 'election', 'karuppusamy', 'tries', 'get', 'maadasamy', 'killed', 'political', 'plot', 'chelladurai', 'saves', 'maadasamy', 'withdraws', 'election', 'challenging', 'karuppusamy.karuppusamy', 'maadasamy', 'fall', 'ayyadurai', 'feet', 'remorse', 'ayya', 'forgives', 'already', 'called', 'police', 'get', 'arrested', 'murder', 'karuppusamy', 'father', 'ending', 'hatred', 'karuppusamy', 'family'], ['film', 'opens', 'scene', 'three', 'soong', 'sisters', 'childhood', 'late', 'qing', 'dynasty', 'father', 'charlie', 'soong', 'demonstrates', 'wealth', 'prestige', 'family', 'running', 'one', 'successful', 'printing', 'businesses', 'sisters', 'later', 'travel', 'abroad', 'attend', 'wesleyan', 'college', 'macon', 'georgia', 'america', 'three', 'sisters', 'eldest', 'soong', 'ai-ling', 'first', 'get', 'married', '1914.', 'husband', \"k'ung\", 'hsiang-hsi', 'wealthy', 'banker', 'richest', 'man', 'china', 'time', 'sun', 'yat-sen', 'fugitive', 'weakening', 'qing', 'government', 'lives', 'exile', 'japan', 'weds', 'soong', 'ching-ling', 'despite', 'stern', 'opposition', 'charlie', 'soong', 'qing', 'dynasty', 'overthrown', '1911', 'xinhai', 'revolution', 'sun', 'becomes', 'republic', 'china', 'first', 'provisional', 'president', 'later', 'founds', 'kuomintang', 'sun', 'dies', 'liver', 'cancer', '1925', 'leaves', 'wife', 'dying', 'wish', 'chinese', 'reunification', 'chiang', 'kai-shek', 'succeeds', 'sun', 'yat-sen', 'new', 'chief', 'kuomintang', '1927', 'marries', 'soong', 'may-ling', 'youngest', 'three', 'sisters', 'chiang', 'couple', 'oppose', 'communist', 'party', 'widowed', 'soong', 'ching-ling', 'often', 'quarrels', 'family', 'accusing', 'chiang', 'kai-shek', 'followers', 'persecuting', 'communists', 'hindering', 'chinese', 'reunification', 'leaves', 'kuomintang', 'openly', 'voices', 'dissent', 'chiang', 'three', 'sisters', 'hardly', 'reunited', 'except', 'parents', 'deathbeds', 'special', 'occasions', 'kuomintang', 'communists', 'fighting', 'empire', 'japan', 'takes', 'advantage', 'situation', 'invade', 'china', '1930s', '1936', 'chiang', 'kai-shek', 'kidnapped', 'zhang', 'xueliang', \"xi'an\", 'incident', 'forced', 'make', 'peace', 'communists', 'focus', 'dealing', 'japanese', 'invaders', 'leading', 'second', 'sino-japanese', 'war', 'chinese', 'civil', 'war', 'continues', 'japanese', 'surrender', '1945', 'around', 'late', '1949.', 'film', 'ends', 'actual', 'footage', 'kuomintang', 'relocating', 'government', 'republic', 'china', 'taiwan', 'quick', 'glimpse', 'communist', 'leader', 'mao', 'zedong', 'proclaiming', 'people', 'republic', 'china', 'october', '1949', 'beijing'], [\"'arush\", 'mehra', 'lives', 'fairly', 'wealthy', 'lifestyle', 'sydney', 'australia', 'roommates', 'tanmay', 'joglekar', 'ali', 'haider', 'works', 'popular', 'dance', 'club', 'tanmay', 'entertains', 'children', \"\\\\'eddy\", 'teddy\\\\', 'ali', 'takes', 'care', 'apartment', 'three', 'womanizers', 'usually', 'end', 'sleeping', 'different', 'women', 'one', 'day', 'find', 'baby', 'girl', 'outside', 'door', 'note', 'instructing', 'take', 'care', 'since', 'daughter', 'one', 'three', 'men', 'women', 'dated', 'slept', 'none', 'claim', 'baby', 'men', 'try', 'take', 'care', 'angel', 'becomes', 'huge', 'pain', 'drop', 'church', 'big', 'rainstorm', 'occurs', 'baby', 'develops', 'illness', 'caught', 'rain', 'three', 'men', 'stay', 'angel', 'hospital', 'realizing', 'much', 'love', 'recovers', 'guys', 'become', 'changed', 'men', 'love', 'pamper', 'grow', 'huge', 'attachment', 'towards', 'one', 'day', 'woman', 'named', 'isha', 'comes', 'take', 'angel', 'back', 'claiming', 'baby', 'daughter', 'guys', 'shocked', 'arush', 'tells', 'past', 'one', 'year', 'ago', 'arush', 'traveled', 'delhi', 'attend', 'cousin', 'arjun\\\\', 'wedding', 'met', 'isha', 'sahni', 'also', 'resides', 'australia', 'spent', 'night', 'shortly', 'isha', 'caught', 'compromising', 'situation', 'devika', 'sharma', 'isha\\\\', 'friend', 'couple', 'split', 'arush', 'returned', 'sydney', 'forgot', 'incident', 'guys', 'find', 'difficult', 'live', 'without', 'angel', 'arush', 'ends', 'challenging', 'isha', 'marry', 'someone', 'faithful', 'within', 'seven', 'days', 'accept', 'angel', 'she\\\\', 'unsuccessful', 'give', 'angel', 'back', 'sign', 'contract', 'make', 'deal', 'final', 'men', 'worry', 'might', 'lose', 'bet', 'since', 'isha', 'beautiful', 'wealthy', 'arush', 'makes', 'plan', 'win', 'isha', 'angel', 'back', 'help', 'ali', 'tanmay', 'isha\\\\', 'father', 'attempts', 'fail', 'isha', 'decides', 'marry', 'day', 'tanmay/eddy', 'teddy', 'meets', 'fair', 'seeing', 'affection', 'towards', 'kids', 'isha', 'decides', 'good', 'angel', 'days', 'later', 'isha', 'finds', 'truth', 'plans', 'fly', 'angel', 'private', 'jet', 'since', 'fooled', 'lost', 'deal', 'tanmay', 'ali', 'take', 'contract', 'well', 'phoning', 'police', 'police', 'take', 'angel', 'away', 'isha', 'arush', 'tears', 'contract', 'allows', 'isha', 'angel', 'parting', 'angel', 'says', 'first', 'word', 'dada', 'arush', 'tanmay', 'ali', 'upset', 'bell', 'rings', 'next', 'day', 'amazed', 'find', 'angel', 'doorstep', 'moments', 'later', 'isha', 'turns', 'telling', 'arush', 'hard', 'forget', 'agrees', 'marry', 'three', 'reunited'], ['corie', 'free', 'spirited', 'young', 'woman', 'paul', 'bratter', 'conservative', 'less', 'free-spirited', 'man', 'recently', 'married', 'couple', 'move', 'fifth', 'floor', 'apartment', 'greenwich', 'village', 'corie', 'decorates', 'small', 'leaky', 'apartment', 'turning', 'picturesque', 'little', 'home', 'two', 'one', 'many', 'odd', 'people', 'living', 'apartment', 'building', 'quirky', 'victor', 'velasco', 'befriends', 'corie', 'often', 'even', 'flirting', 'lives', 'attic', 'building', 'even', 'climbing', 'bratters', 'apartment', 'window', 'get', 'victor', 'helps', 'corie', 'apartment', 'teaching', 'work', 'seemingly', 'broken', 'heating', 'plumbing', 'corie', 'sets', 'dinner', 'date', 'paul', 'new', 'friend', 'neighbor', 'victor', 'corie', 'mother', 'ethel', 'banks', 'scheme', 'get', 'corie', 'mother', 'fall', 'victor', 'corie', 'feels', 'mother', 'lonely', 'lives', 'alone', 'needs', 'love', 'victor', 'takes', 'albanian', 'restaurant', 'staten', 'island', 'knows', 'owner', 'group', 'drinks', 'corie', 'victor', 'get', 'dance', 'belly', 'dancer', 'paul', 'ethel', 'watch', 'embarrassment', 'awe', 'afterwards', 'corie', 'victor', 'return', 'apartment', 'high', 'energy', 'paul', 'ethel', 'drag', 'fatigue', 'victor', 'escorts', 'ethel', 'outside', 'corie', 'paul', 'begin', 'argument', 'differences', 'corie', 'feels', 'adventurous', 'spirit', 'equal', 'paul', 'cautious', 'demeanor', 'one', 'examples', 'gives', 'would', 'barefoot', 'park', 'one', 'evening', 'excuse', 'freezing', 'corie', 'says', 'kick', 'paul', 'get', 'big', 'dog', 'protect', 'paul', 'says', 'maybe', 'finally', 'allow', 'someone', 'barefoot', 'park', 'eventually', 'sleep', 'corie', 'tiny', 'bedroom', 'paul', 'sleeping', 'couch', 'hole', 'skylight', 'snowy', 'february', 'night', 'next', 'day', 'paul', 'comes', 'home', 'fever', 'corie', 'still', 'insists', 'wants', 'divorce', 'two', 'spend', 'awkward', 'time', 'together', 'apartment', 'corie', 'kicks', 'paul', 'gets', 'call', 'aunt', 'saying', 'ethel', 'come', 'home', 'scared', 'corie', 'begins', 'panic', 'eventually', 'finds', 'mother', 'victor', 'apartment', 'apparently', 'victor', 'escorting', 'home', 'new', 'jersey', 'night', 'prior', 'ethel', 'slipped', 'ice', 'victor', 'took', 'back', 'apartment', 'spent', 'night', 'strangely', 'ethel', 'wearing', 'nothing', 'undergarments', 'victor', 'japanese', 'kimono', 'fearing', 'seemed', 'obvious', 'turned', 'victor', 'ethel', 'dress', 'drycleaned', 'meanwhile', 'drunk', 'paul', 'skips', 'work', 'sits', 'washington', 'square', 'park', 'mother', 'advice', 'corie', 'goes', 'searching', 'paul', 'finds', 'drunk', 'running', 'shoeless', 'barefoot', 'park', 'cautious', 'paul', 'fun', 'loving', 'drunk', 'cautious', 'corie', 'chases', 'order', 'get', 'sober', 'eventually', 'paul', 'says', 'apartment', 'going', 'back', 'home', 'corie', 'follows', 'back', 'apartment', 'paul', 'still', 'fairly', 'drunk', 'climbs', 'onto', 'roof', 'apartment', 'scared', 'might', 'fall', 'corie', 'begs', 'come', 'speaking', 'hole', 'glass', 'ceiling', 'says', 'come', 'repeats', 'wants', 'admit', 'husband', 'crazy', 'drunk', 'nights', 'scolded', 'cautious', 'practical', 'even', 'drunk', 'meanwhile', 'realizing', 'paul', 'becomes', 'scared', 'almost', 'falling', 'building', 'corie', 'tries', 'climb', 'onto', 'roof', 'help', 'paul', 'want', 'leave', 'corie', 'asks', 'paul', 'sing', 'albanian', 'folk', 'song', 'heard', 'restaurant', 'victor', 'taken', 'sings', 'corie', 'climbs', 'roof', 'help', 'crowd', 'onlookers', 'starts', 'gather', 'street', 'watching', 'along', 'including', 'corie', 'mother', 'ethel', 'new', 'love', 'victor', 'corie', 'reaches', 'paul', 'kiss', 'climb', 'back', 'crowd', 'cheers'], [\"'thakur\", 'ranvir', 'singh', 'chaudhary', 'rich', 'influential', 'man', 'town', 'doted', 'sister', 'radha', 'marriage', 'man', 'much', 'status', 'could', 'never', 'forgive', 'death', 'radha', 'responsibility', 'looking', 'children', 'vijay', 'bittu', 'gudiya', 'fell', 'shoulders', 'hires', 'services', 'soniya', 'masquerading', 'old', 'governess', 'savitri', 'devi', 'take', 'care', 'younger', 'two', 'young', 'dashing', 'vijay', 'falls', 'love', 'soniya', 'dancing', 'school', 'dance', 'instructors', 'thakur', 'confirmed', 'bachelor', 'also', 'drawn', 'towards', 'savitri', 'devi', 'nasseb', 'kumar', 'good', 'friend', 'chaudhary', 'helps', 'win', 'love', 'savitri', 'pratap', 'singh', 'deadly', 'enemy', 'chaudhary', 'tries', 'evil', 'ways', 'get', 'work', 'done'], ['bhagwati', 'prasad', 'looks', 'vast', 'estate', 'deceased', 'brother', 'assisted', 'wife', 'brother-in-law', 'markutey', 'bhagwati', 'got', 'debt', 'embezzling', 'money', 'order', 'pay', 'debtors', 'spoiled', 'rude', 'niece', 'renu', 'resides', 'united', 'states', 'decides', 'pay', 'visit', 'bhagwati', 'welcomes', 'makes', 'feel', 'home', 'renu', 'easily', 'satisfied', 'gets', 'speed', 'boat', 'alerted', 'lawyer', 'starts', 'scrutinize', 'recent', 'transactions', 'finds', 'lakh', 'rupees', 'missing', 'asks', 'bhagwati', 'provide', 'explanation', 'within', 'days', 'gets', 'speed', 'boat', 'get', 'involved', 'accident', 'planned', 'bhagwati', 'disappears', 'bhagwati', 'set', 'take', 'estate', 'estate', 'lawyer', 'gets', 'court', 'order', 'freezing', 'cash', 'bank', 'assets', 'time', 'renu', 'found', 'body', 'located', 'months', 'bhagwati', 'hires', 'men', 'look', 'renu', 'soon', 'find', 'lead', 'bhagwati', 'finds', 'lost', 'memory', 'living', 'man', 'named', 'raja'], ['paul', 'manning', 'discovers', 'one', 'day', 'dear', 'friend', 'neighbor', 'stander', 'cheating', 'wife', 'curious', 'asks', 'given', 'history', 'tactics', 'men', 'successfully', 'committed', 'adultery', 'new', 'story', 'paul', \"n't\", 'help', 'notice', 'attractive', 'blonde', 'irma', 'johnson', 'lives', 'nearby', 'paul', 'gets', 'close', 'cheating', 'wife', 'ruth', 'never', 'quite', 'goes', 'scene', 'near', 'end', 'motel', 'room', 'another', 'woman', 'hears', 'sirens', 'approaching', 'panics', 'waits', 'police', 'find', 'going', 'room', 'next', 'door', 'friend', 'bed', 'mrs.', 'johnson', 'paul', 'takes', 'opportunity', 'flee', 'scene', 'run', 'home', 'beloved', 'wife'], [\"'england\", '1908', 'emily', 'ivory', 'wealthy', 'young', 'woman', 'lives', 'aunt', 'agnes', 'ivory\\\\', 'end', 'large', 'country', 'house', 'aunt', 'constantly', 'reminds', 'verging', 'spinsterhood', 'meets', 'brother\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'cedric', 'trilling', 'two', 'come', 'home', 'university', 'aunt', 'agnes', 'wants', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'cedric', 'however', 'pompous', 'bore', 'overly', 'fond', 'quoting', 'homer', 'sorts', 'not-quite-appropriate', 'occasions', 'also', 'he\\\\', 'repressed', 'homosexual', 'emily\\\\', 'aunt', 'sees', 'sparks', 'failing', 'fly', 'whisks', 'everyone', 'italy', 'india', 'hoping', 'romantic', 'locations', 'bring', 'love', 'emily\\\\', 'eye', 'however', 'soon', 'wanders', 'family\\\\', 'new', 'manservant', 'george', 'sturdy', 'peasant', 'earlier', 'film', 'effrontery', 'fling', 'clothes', 'save', 'life', 'drowning', 'pond', 'emily', \"can\\\\'t\", 'seem', 'forget', 'tall', 'manly', 'frame', 'ripping', 'set', 'unmentionables', 'george', 'emily', 'achieves', 'carnal', 'fulfillment', 'true', 'love', 'eventually', 'motherhood', 'marriage', 'although', 'upper-class', 'characters', 'disapprove', 'alliance', 'nobody', 'scandalised', 'george\\\\', 'father', 'keeps', 'reminding', 'son', 'he\\\\', 'scum', 'earth', 'emily', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'suggests', 'giving', 'child', 'george\\\\', 'father', 'george', 'appalled', 'begs', 'sell', 'pirates', 'abandon', 'mountain', 'let', 'raised', 'wolves', 'instead', 'cedric', 'finds', 'love', 'edward', 'emily\\\\', 'handsome', 'cheerful', 'twit', 'brother', 'era', 'love', 'dare', 'speak', 'name', 'however', 'emily\\\\', 'wedding', 'scene', 'edward', 'takes', 'cedric\\\\', 'arm', 'shouts', 'love', 'church', 'even', 'aunt', 'agnes', 'meets', 'someone', 'special', 'expatriate', 'englishman', 'owns', 'tea', 'plantation', 'india', 'end', 'film', 'despite', 'class', 'differences', 'sexual', 'taboos', 'age', 'prejudice', 'everyone', 'seems', 'likely', 'lead', 'happy', 'sexually', 'fulfilled', 'lives', 'ever'], [\"'la\", 'primera', 'noche', 'tells', 'story', 'pair', 'farmers', 'displaced', 'territory', 'place', 'isolated', 'world', 'lived', 'childhood', 'youth', 'brutally', 'sent', 'face', 'streets', 'unknown', 'city', 'enormous', 'ruthless', 'conflicts', 'country', 'condemns', 'to챰o', 'paulina', 'protagonists', 'exile', 'live', 'another', 'drama', 'torments', 'suffering', 'disappointment', 'loving', 'disappointment', 'nests', 'interior', 'feels', 'lonely', 'incapable', 'assuming', 'pain', 'much', 'less', 'see', 'part', 'couple', 'passion', 'could', 'open', 'door', 'one', 'to챰o', 'paulina', 'find', 'love', 'force', 'repels', 'help', 'survive'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'concerns', 'one-handed', 'tuna', 'fisherman', 'named', 'mike', 'whose', 'wife', 'falls', 'man', 'lost', 'hand', 'saving'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'centers', 'around', 'lucille', 'ball', 'plays', 'unlikely', 'backdrop', 'namely', 'military', 'academy', 'full', 'frisky', 'boys', 'ball', 'reluctant', 'guest', 'diminutive', 'cadet', 'bud', 'hooper', 'wrote', 'mash', 'note', 'invitation', 'date', 'school', 'prom', 'ball\\\\', 'publicity', 'man', 'jack', \"o\\\\'riley\", 'seizes', 'upon', 'situation', 'perfect', 'stunt', 'convinces', 'travel', '3,000', 'miles', 'join', 'hooper', 'winsocki', 'military', 'academy\\\\', 'dance', 'ball', 'actually', 'shows', 'mayhem', 'ensues', 'hooper', 'never', 'dreamed', 'would', 'accept', 'disinvite', 'girlfriend', 'helen', 'ask', 'ball', 'pretend', 'helen', 'lest', 'actress', 'pass', 'muster', 'institution\\\\', 'screening', 'committee', 'helen', 'fights', 'back', 'hooper', 'tries', 'keep', 'ball', 'clutches', 'cadets', 'want', 'steal', 'dates', 'meanwhile', 'harry', 'james', 'orchestra', 'perform', 'various', 'songs', 'including', 'flight', 'bumblebee', 'cast', 'also', 'sing', 'dance', 'way', 'numbers', 'buckle', 'winsocki', 'wish', 'may', 'three', 'men', 'date', 'alive', 'kickin\\\\', 'barrelhouse', 'boogie-woogie', 'blues', \"ev\\\\'rytime\", 'soundtrack', 'also', 'includes', 'cut', 'think'], ['amna', 'young', 'woman', 'witnesses', 'death', 'older', 'sister', 'uncle', 'abandoned', 'family', 'left', 'support', 'understands', 'mother', 'sister', 'deserves', 'die', 'dishonors', 'family', 'amna', \"n't\", 'agree', 'believes', 'uncle', 'blamed', 'conditions', 'seeks', 'revenge', 'engineer', 'swayed', 'sister', 'lied', 'thus', 'causing', 'death', 'amna', 'moves', 'house', 'work', 'maid', 'tries', 'poison', 'several', 'times', 'plans', 'fail', 'discovers', 'impossible', 'kill', 'engineer', 'starts', 'approach', 'resists', 'makes', 'even', 'attracted', 'poor', 'girl', 'thought', 'resisting', 'anymore', 'pretending', 'love', 'would', 'able', 'destroy', 'life', \"n't\", 'expect', 'would', 'fall', 'love', 'plans', 'dig', 'hole', 'trick', 'falling', 'tries', 'fails', 'fall', 'hole', 'faces', 'truth', 'reveals', 'decides', 'leave', 'knows', 'plan', 'fails', 'uncle', 'finds', 'done', 'decides', 'kill', 'ruined', 'family', 'reputation', 'steps', 'engineer', 'house', 'sees', 'uncle', 'immediately', 'realizes', 'bad', 'intentions', 'engineer', 'sees', 'takes', 'bullet', 'back', 'protect', 'save', 'life'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'chronicles', 'life', 'garp', 'illegitimate', 'son', 'feminist', 'mother', 'jenny', 'fields', 'jenny', 'wanted', 'child', 'husband', 'nurse', 'world', 'war', 'encounters', 'dying', 'ball', 'turret', 'gunner', 'known', 'technical', 'sergeant', 'garp', 'severely', 'brain', 'damaged', 'combat', 'unconstrained', 'convention', 'driven', 'practicality', 'desire', 'child', 'jenny', 'uses', 'garp\\\\', 'sexual', 'response', 'impregnate', 'names', 'resultant', 'son', 'jenny', 'raises', 'young', 'garp', 'alone', 'garp', 'grows', 'becoming', 'interested', 'wrestling', 'writing', 'fiction', 'topics', 'mother', 'little', 'interest', 'however', 'writing', 'piques', 'interest', 'daughter', 'school\\\\', 'wrestling', 'coach', 'helen', 'holm', 'wary', 'however', 'garp', 'quite', 'promiscuous', 'school', 'jenny', 'also', 'observes', 'garp\\\\', 'behavior', 'regard', 'intellectually', 'curious', 'little', 'clinical', 'interest', 'sex', 'offers', 'procure', 'prostitute', 'garp', 'engaging', 'two', 'conversation', 'subject', 'decides', 'write', 'book', 'observations', 'lust', 'human', 'sexuality', 'book', 'partial', 'autobiography', 'called', 'sexual', 'suspect', 'overnight', 'sensation', 'jenny', 'becomes', 'feminist', 'icon', 'uses', 'proceeds', 'book', 'found', 'center', 'home', 'troubled', 'abused', 'women', 'transsexuals', 'meanwhile', 'garp\\\\', 'first', 'novel', 'published', 'impresses', 'helen', 'two', 'marry', 'eventually', 'two', 'children', 'duncan', 'walt', 'garp', 'becomes', 'devoted', 'parent', 'successful', 'fiction', 'writer', 'helen', 'becomes', 'college', 'professor', 'however', 'wife', 'struggle', 'fidelity', 'learned', 'wife\\\\', 'infidelity', 'one', 'students', 'garp', 'gets', 'car', 'accident', 'children', 'riding', 'back', 'seat', 'car', 'crashes', 'wife\\\\', 'lover\\\\', 'car', 'parked', 'home\\\\', 'driveway', 'wife', 'car', 'performing', 'fellatio', 'lover', 'result', 'walt', 'killed', 'duncan', 'suffers', 'eye', 'injury', 'turns', 'time', 'emotional', 'healing', 'garp', 'aid', 'mother', 'learns', 'forgive', 'wife', 'fidelity', 'problems', 'couple', 'reconcile', 'baby', 'daughter', 'named', 'jenny', 'grandmother', 'garp', 'spends', 'time', 'visiting', 'mother', 'people', 'live', 'center', 'including', 'transsexual', 'ex-football', 'player', 'roberta', 'muldoon', 'also', 'first', 'hears', 'story', 'ellen', 'james', 'girl', 'gang-raped', 'tongue', 'cut', 'could', 'identify', 'attackers', 'women', 'jenny\\\\', 'center', 'ellen', 'jamesians', 'women', 'voluntarily', 'cut', 'tongues', 'show', 'solidarity', 'garp', 'horrified', 'practice', 'learns', 'jamesians', 'received', 'letter', 'ellen', 'james', 'begging', 'stop', 'practice', 'voted', 'refuse', 'center', 'book', 'jenny', 'receiving', 'credible', 'death', 'threats', 'garp\\\\', 'dismay', 'dismissive', 'physical', 'danger', 'fact', 'decides', 'endorse', 'politician', 'supports', 'message', 'garp', 'writes', 'book', 'life', 'ellen', 'james', 'book', 'successful', 'well-regarded', 'highly', 'critical', 'jamesians', 'garp', 'begins', 'receiving', 'death', 'threats', 'political', 'rally', 'jenny', 'shot', 'killed', 'male', 'anti-feminist', 'fanatic', 'women', 'jenny\\\\', 'center', 'hold', 'memorial', 'forbid', 'men', 'attending', 'garp', 'dressed', 'woman', 'secreted', 'memorial', 'muldoon', 'however', 'identified', 'pooh', 'jamesian', 'known', 'school', 'commotion', 'breaks', 'garp', 'danger', 'hurt', 'woman', 'leads', 'memorial', 'away', 'danger', 'taxi', 'woman', 'ellen', 'james', 'thanks', 'garp', 'book', 'jamesians', 'outraged', 'garp', 'attended', 'memorial', 'garp', 'returns', 'old', 'school', 'wrestling', 'coach', 'one', 'day', 'practice', 'pooh', 'enters', 'gymnasium', 'shoots', 'close', 'range', 'pistol', 'garp', 'airlifted', 'away', 'school', 'helicopter', 'wife', 'flashes', 'back', 'earlier', 'time', 'mother', 'would', 'toss', 'air', 'movie', 'left', 'open-ended', 'whether', 'survives'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'henry', 'kray', 'interviewed', 'reporter', 'events', 'unfold', 'on-screen', 'henry', 'son', 'powerful', 'conservative', 'senator', 'north', 'carolina', 'senator', 'kray', 'gained', 'national', 'reputation', 'part', 'attacking', 'homosexuality', 'unknown', 'senator', 'henry', 'gay', 'senator', 'plans', 'kick', 're-election', 'campaign', 'luncheon', 'henry\\\\', 'college', 'campus', 'expects', 'henry', 'deliver', 'introduction', 'henry\\\\', 'sexuality', 'something', 'open', 'secret', 'around', 'campus', 'extent', 'campus', 'gay', 'activist', 'group', 'created', 'chart', 'sexual', 'partners', 'night', 'senator', 'kray', 'scheduled', 'arrive', 'henry', 'hooks', 'anthony', 'former', 'act', 'activist', 'who\\\\', 'drifted', 'away', 'activism', 'day', 'speech', 'anthony', 'approached', 'campus', 'activist', 'wants', 'enlist', 'help', 'outing', 'henry', 'anthony', 'friend', 'izzie', 'argument', 'izzie', 'storms', 'she\\\\', 'hit', 'limousine', 'transporting', 'senator', 'wife', 'eunice', 'senator\\\\', 'party', 'brings', 'along', 'eunice', 'takes', 'shine', 'gives', 'izzie', 'suit', 'invites', 'along', 'luncheon', 'henry', 'invites', 'anthony', 'well', 'insisting', 'sit', 'dais', 'henry', 'introduces', 'father', 'begins', 'speech', 'speech', 'continues', 'henry', 'stands', 'pulls', 'anthony', 'feet', 'kisses', 'full', 'view', 'national', 'media', 'outing', 'activists', 'chance', 'firestorm', 'controversy', 'senator', 'team', 'decide', 'spin', 'event', 'stressing', 'senator', 'still', 'loves', 'gay', 'son', 'meanwhile', 'one', 'campus', 'activists', 'congratulates', 'anthony', 'outing', 'henry', 'even', 'though', 'henry', 'decided', 'bond', 'trust', 'started', 'form', 'anthony', 'shatters', 'film', 'closes', 'henry', 'summarizing', 'aftermath', 'anthony', \"don\\\\'t\", 'see', 'izzie', 'died', 'aids', 'senator', 're-election', 'despite', 'perhaps', 'controversy'], ['plot', 'maxwell', 'max', 'smart', 'analyst', 'top', 'secret', 'american', 'intelligence', 'agency', 'control', 'yearns', 'become', 'field', 'agent', 'like', 'idol', 'agent', 'despite', 'amazing', 'scores', 'acceptance', 'tests', 'max', 'denied', 'promotion', 'chief', 'control', 'feels', 'max\\\\', 'analytical', 'skills', 'best', 'used', 'present', 'assignment', 'control', 'headquarters', 'attacked', 'terrorist', 'organization', 'kaos', 'led', 'siegfried', 'almost', 'control\\\\', 'agents\\\\', 'identities', 'exposed', 'leaving', 'max', 'agent', 'whose', 'recent', 'plastic', 'surgery', 'protected', 'identity', 'pursue', 'culprits', 'former', 'field', 'operatives', 'demoted', 'desk', 'jobs', 'max', 'promoted', 'field', 'agent', 'agent', 'experienced', 'reluctant', 'partner', 'clumsy', 'personality', 'leaves', 'two', 'max\\\\', 'friends', 'lab', 'give', 'unusual', 'swiss', 'army', 'knife', 'standard', 'equipment', 'also', 'comes', 'flamethrower', 'crossbow', 'fires', 'harpoons', 'max', 'enter', 'russia', 'parachute', 'hoping', 'trace', 'kaos\\\\', 'recent', 'acquisition', 'nuclear', 'materials', 'chief', 'bomb', 'maker', 'krstic', 'along', 'way', 'attacked', 'dalip', 'one', 'siegfried\\\\', 'henchman', 'infiltrating', 'luxurious', 'party', 'hosted', 'krstic', 'trace', 'nuclear', 'material', 'kaos', 'nuclear', 'weapons', 'factory', 'disguised', 'moscow', 'bakery', 'krstic', 'men', 'corner', 'max', 'forced', 'shot', 'bakery', 'max', 'meets', 'siegfried', 'second-in-command', 'shtarker', 'learn', 'siegfried', 'expecting', 'double-agent', 'compromised', '99\\\\', 'identities', 'max', 'manages', 'escape', 'capture', 'bombs', 'weapons', 'factory', 'escape', 'max', 'confronted', 'dalip', 'realizing', 'knows', 'dalip', 'hours', 'listening', 'spy', \"\\\\'chatter\\\\\", 'max', 'manages', 'persuade', 'dalip', 'spare', 'lives', 'giving', 'advice', 'repair', 'failing', 'marriage', 'chief', 'sends', 'observe', 'clean-up', 'factory', 'kaos', 'manages', 'sneak', 'weapons', 'moskva', 'river', 'report\\\\', 'bakery', 'destroyed', 'realizing', 'max', 'alone', 'key', 'discoveries', 'control', 'believe', 'max', 'double-agent', 'gradually', 'falling', 'love', 'max', 'heartbroken', 'takes', 'max', 'custody', 'control\\\\', 'warning', 'disregarded', 'siegfried', 'threatens', 'release', 'nuclear', 'weapon', 'detonator', 'codes', 'rogue', 'states', 'unless', 'united', 'states', 'government', 'pays', '200', 'nbsp', 'billion', 'max', 'control', 'holding', 'cell', 'dalip', 'sends', 'coded', 'message', 'via', 'radio', 'show', 'american', 'top', 'revealing', 'siegfried\\\\', 'plan', 'detonate', 'nuclear', 'device', 'president\\\\', 'visit', 'concert', 'performed', 'walt', 'disney', 'concert', 'hall', 'los', 'angeles', 'max', 'escapes', 'control', 'flies', 'los', 'angeles', 'unite', 'chief', 'flown', 'persuade', 'president', 'take', 'kaos', 'threat', 'seriously', 'although', 'skeptical', 'max', 'manages', 'convince', 'chief', 'double-agent', 'kaos', 'plants', 'nuclear', 'bomb', 'concert', 'hall', 'max\\\\', 'geiger', 'counter-equipped', 'watch', 'beeps', 'near', 'picking', 'trace', 'elements', 'radiation', 'max', 'questions', 'would', 'radiation', 'said', 'bakery', 'clean', 'also', 'points', '23\\\\', 'knife', 'wound', 'seeping', 'blood', 'previously', 'said', 'happens', 'blood', 'pressure', 'rises', 'concluding', 'double-agent', 'pulls', 'gun', 'takes', 'hostage', 'flees', 'vehicle', 'chasing', 'max', 'explains', 'chief', \"can\\\\'t\", 'get', 'fact', 'traitor', 'chief', 'constantly', 'warns', 'max', 'obstacles', 'ahead', 'crashing', 'golf', 'course', 'car', 'littered', 'golf', 'balls', 'hitting', 'sand', 'trap', 'golf', 'tractor', 'snack', 'shack', 'car', 'hit', 'shack', 'flies', 'air', 'lands', 'fence', 'airport', 'hop', 'onto', 'small', 'plane', 'advertisement', 'tail', 'max', 'reaches', '23\\\\', 'car', 'jumping', 'plane', 'rescues', 'struggle', 'car', 'set', 'fire', 'forced', 'onto', 'railroad', 'tracks', 'max', 'follows', '99\\\\', 'example', 'skydive', 'kisses', 'distract', 'kiss', 'car', 'collides', 'freight', 'train', 'killed', 'max', 'escapes', 'certain', 'death', 'missing', 'much', 'analyzing', '23\\\\', 'nuclear', 'football', 'max', 'realizes', 'bomb', 'triggered', 'final', 'note', 'beethoven\\\\', 'ode', 'joy', 'max', 'chief', 'manage', 'reach', 'concert', 'hall', 'max', 'tackles', 'conductor', 'final', 'note', 'siegfried', 'finding', 'plan', 'failed', 'tells', 'dalip', 'kill', 'wife', 'failure', 'though', 'comments', 'would', 'sighted', 'world', 'favor', 'response', 'dalip', 'throws', 'car', 'door', 'max', 'given', 'honors', 'gets', 'dream', 'becoming', 'real', 'spy', 'agent', 'girlfriend', 'movie', 'ends', 'max', 'exit', 'control', 'headquarters', 'walkway', 'doors', 'walkway', 'close', 'two', 'notice', 'last', 'door', 'close', 'max', 'attempts', 'fix', 'closes', 'drops', 'swiss', 'army', 'knife', 'fires', 'harpoon', 'cheeks'], ['wealthy', 'department-store', 'mogul', 'whitfield', 'savory', 'buys', 'statue', 'venus', '200,000', 'plans', 'exhibit', 'store', 'eddie', 'hatch', 'window', 'dresser', 'kisses', 'statue', 'whim', 'shock', 'venus', 'comes', 'life', 'leaves', 'store', 'eddie', 'accused', 'stealing', 'work', 'art', 'nobody', 'believes', 'truth', 'including', 'secretary', 'molly', 'stewart', 'savory', 'right-hand', 'woman', 'kerrigan', 'detective', 'venus', 'turns', 'eddie', 'apartment', 'forcing', 'hide', 'girlfriend', 'gloria', 'roommate', 'joe', 'entranced', 'venus', 'song', 'love', 'joe', 'falls', 'eddie', 'girl', 'gloria', 'store', 'meanwhile', 'venus', 'fallen', 'asleep', 'sofa', 'discovered', 'whitfield', 'instantly', 'smitten', 'kerrigan', 'decides', 'time', 'eddie', 'placed', 'arrest', 'statue', 'theft', 'venus', 'save', 'eddie', 'willing', 'seduce', 'whitfield', 'threat', 'molly', 'leave', 'brings', 'whitfield', 'back', 'senses', 'realizes', 'molly', 'truly', 'loves', 'venus', 'called', 'home', 'jupiter', 'must', 'return', 'mount', 'olympus', 'returns', 'pedestal', 'whitfield', 'display', 'work', 'art', 'public', 'eddie', 'one', 'left', 'alone', 'least', 'meets', 'new', 'salesgirl', 'dead', 'ringer', 'goddess', 'love'], [\"'jai\", 'habit', 'involving', 'types', 'challenges', 'jai', 'sonam', 'singing', 'dancing', 'comes', 'moment', 'argument', 'develops', 'regarding', 'love', 'sonam', 'believes', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'jai', 'opposes', 'vehemently', 'stating', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'nothing', 'mere', 'infatuation', 'sonam', 'challenges', 'jai', 'befriend', 'propose', 'girl', 'choice', 'succeeds', 'accept', 'defeat', 'present', 'jai', 'gift', 'accept', 'jai', 'accepts', 'challenge', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'steps', 'temple', 'stairs', 'sonam', 'points', 'target', 'challenge', 'girl', 'sarayu', 'adopting', 'different', 'methods', 'jai', 'ultimately', 'strikes', 'chord', 'friendship', 'sarayu', 'one', 'day', 'sarayu', 'brother', 'nanda', 'sees', 'together', 'nanda', 'goons', 'thrash', 'people', 'black', 'blue', 'dare', 'cast', 'evil', 'eye', 'sarayu', 'goes', 'jai', 'office', 'henchmen', 'scuffle', 'nanda', 'warns', 'jai', 'stay', 'away', 'sister', 'seeing', 'rough', 'behavior', 'sonam', 'expresses', 'wish', 'withdraw', 'challenge', 'jai', 'determined', 'face', 'nanda', 'cost', 'sarayu', 'learns', 'confrontation', 'decides', 'reveal', 'everything', 'brother', 'jolly', 'mood', 'confesses', 'love', 'jai', 'nanda', 'gets', 'enraged', 'disapproves', 'jai', 'depressed', 'sarayu', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'jai', 'learns', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'runs', 'hospital', 'meet', 'nanda', 'confronts', 'nanda', 'tells', 'sarayu', 'jai', 'love', 'another', 'girl', 'planning', 'marry', 'shortly', 'sarayu', 'questions', 'jai', 'reveals', 'truth', 'challenge', 'sonam', 'sarayu', 'feels', 'betrayed', 'sonam', 'observes', 'tells', 'jai', 'challenge', 'gift', 'sarayu', 'hand', 'marriage'], [\"'james\", 'ellis', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'sarah', 'time', 'snow', 'days', 'high', 'school', 'james', 'however', 'commitment', 'issues', 'sarah', 'eventually', 'winds', 'engaged', 'peter', 'grandmother', 'warned', 'family', 'curse', 'men', 'always', 'leave', 'women', 'crazy', 'causes', 'james', 'reluctant', 'commit', 'next', 'years', 'james', 'searches', 'true', 'self', 'ending', 'cia', 'culinary', 'institute', 'america', 'eccentric', 'mother', 'elise', 'still', 'upset', 'husband', 'left', 'james', 'endless', 'search', 'inner', 'self', 'commitment', 'issues', 'spends', 'time', 'series', 'lovers', \"don\\\\'t\", 'speak', 'english', 'international', 'house', 'boyfriends', 'ultimately', 'james', 'overcomes', 'family', 'curse', 'wins', 'sarah'], [\"'timothy\", 'bartlett', 'leaves', 'wife', 'kids', 'business', 'trip', 'affair', 'young', 'woman', 'played', 'sally', 'geeson'], ['vishwanath', 'millionaire', 'whose', 'daughter', 'anjali', 'vishwanath', 'loves', 'daughter', 'much', 'much', 'even', 'buys', 'icecream', 'parlor', 'daughter', 'asks', 'ice', 'cream', 'vishwanath', 'expects', 'son-in-law', 'never', 'oppose', 'matter', 'rishi', 'tarun', 'hails', 'middle', 'class', 'family', 'father', 'played', 'chandramohan', 'owns', 'departmental', 'store', 'good', 'hearted', 'happy-go-lucky', 'guy', 'anjali', 'happens', 'join', 'college', 'rishi', 'senior', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'one', 'occasion', 'rishi', 'takes', 'mumbai', 'dinner', 'anjali', 'fakes', 'issue', 'father', 'friend', 'unfortunately', 'vishwanath', 'calls', 'friend', 'anjali', 'missing', 'tells', 'anjali', 'went', 'mumbai', 'someone', 'called', 'rishi', 'enough', 'vishwanath', 'suspicion', 'rise', 'anjali', 'fallen', 'love', 'asks', 'rishi', 'prove', 'worth', 'asks', 'way', 'earn', 'money', 'support', 'anjali', 'brought', 'riches', 'rishi', 'refuses', 'comply', 'gives', 'rishi', 'one', 'crore', 'rupees', 'forget', 'daughter', 'rishi', 'takes', 'later', 'gives', 'back', 'insulting', 'viswanath', 'tries', 'prove', 'love', 'greater', 'everything', 'retaliate', 'vishwanath', 'insults', 'rishi', 'family', 'getting', 'beggar', 'marriage', 'rishi', 'sister', 'try', 'convey', 'pain', 'must', 'feel', 'rishi', 'creates', 'scene', 'viswanath', 'office', 'anjali', 'starts', 'show', 'feelings', 'rishi', 'worried', 'vishwanath', 'tries', 'set', 'anjali', 'marriage', 'another', 'guy', 'end', 'marriage', 'fails', 'anjali', 'marries', 'rishi', '...'], ['seeking', 'material', 'fictional', 'expos챕', 'criminal', 'psychic', 'novelist', 'charles', 'condomine', 'invites', 'eccentric', 'medium', 'madame', 'arcati', 'home', 'lympne', 'kent', 'conduct', 's챕ance', 'charles', 'wife', 'five', 'years', 'ruth', 'guests', 'bradmans', 'restrain', 'laughter', 'madame', 'arcati', 'performs', 'peculiar', 'rituals', 'speaks', 'propensity', 'clich챕s', 'upon', 'conclusion', 'arcati', 'obviously', 'concerned', 'unexpected', 'turn', 'session', 'taken', 'although', 'author', 'guests', 'dubious', 'anything', 'extraordinary', 'occurred', 'unknown', 'everyone', 'madame', 'arcati', 'accidentally', 'summoned', 'spirit', 'charles', 'first', 'wife', 'elvira', 's챕ance', 'whose', 'voice', 'charles', 'hear', 'arcati', 'faints', 'trance', 'madame', 'arcati', 'bradmans', 'left', 'ruth', 'retired', 'night', 'elvira', 'takes', 'visual', 'form', 'charles', 'person', 'capable', 'seeing', 'elvira', 'becomes', 'dismayed', 'amused', 'sudden', 'unexpected', 'presence', 'complications', 'ensue', 'ruth', 'becomes', 'aware', 'presence', 'ghost', 'elvira', 'behaves', 'poltergeist', 'eventually', 'author', 'fascination', 'wanes', 'mdash', 'especially', 'learns', 'elvira', 'plotting', 'early', 'demise', 'spirit', 'miscalculates', 'ends', 'dispatching', 'ruth', 'instead', 'charles', 'haunted', 'wives', 'though', 'initially', 'unable', 'help', 'offended', 'ruth', 'tells', 'charles', 'motives', 'madame', 'arcati', 'uncovers', 'means', 'rid', 'household', 'spirits', 'appears', 'successful', 'aid', 'maid', 'edith', 'turns', 'psychic', 'see', 'deceased', 'women', 'soon', 'becomes', 'obvious', 'one', 'spirits', 'remained', 'house', 'quickly', 'decides', 'escape', 'premises', 'plot', 'bring', 'charles', 'spirit', 'world', 'continued', 'escape', 'fails', 'joins', 'elvira', 'ruth', 'spirit'], [\"'two\", 'rival', 'sisters', 'alice', 'elsa', 'apart', 'two', 'years', 'alice', 'promising', 'young', 'artist', 'lives', 'attic', 'flat', 'paris', 'lover', 'franck', 'boxer', 'moved', 'problems', 'happy', 'couple', 'ensue', 'elsa', 'bored', 'housewife', 'suddenly', 'appears', 'unannounced', 'door', 'leaving', 'cheating', 'husband', 'thomas', 'two', 'children', 'menage-a-trois', 'develops', 'elsa', 'immediately', 'begins', 'trying', 'dominate', 'lives', 'alice', 'wants', 'out-of-control', 'elsa', 'disrupts', 'life', 'playing', 'psychological', 'games', 'leave', 'suddenly', 'changes', 'mind', 'unable', 'bring', 'throw', 'elsa', 'thank', 'elsa', 'destroys', 'art', 'studio', 'sex', 'franck', 'convinces', 'alice', 'unbalanced', 'ties', 'alice', 'apartment'], [\"'mickey\", 'gordon', 'professional', 'basketball', 'referee', 'flies', 'paris', 'bury', 'father', 'detained', 'father\\\\', 'casket', 'missing', 'ellen', 'andrews', 'employee', 'american', 'airlines', 'assists', 'mickey', 'retrieving', 'lost', 'casket', 'attends', 'funeral', 'fall', 'love', 'streets', 'paris', 'separated', 'mickey', 'back', 'america', 'leave', 'absence', 'return', 'reality', 'normal', 'lives', 'seem', 'forget', 'paris', 'mickey', 'ellen', 'ultimately', 'reunite', 'marry', 'live', 'happily', 'ever', 'deal', 'common', 'marriage', 'issues', 'father', 'moving', 'failed', 'attempts', 'child', 'conception', 'spouse', 'unsuccessfully', 'attempting', 'professional', 'change', 'accommodate', 'film', 'told', 'mostly', 'flashback', 'friends', 'couple', 'gather', 'restaurant', 'delves', 'hardships', 'marriage', 'keeping', 'romance', 'alive', 'relationship'], ['film', 'romantic', 'comedy', 'takes', 'place', 'israel', 'austerity', 'period', '1950s', 'main', 'character', 'alex', '12-year-old', 'boy', 'turn', 'attend', 'bar', 'mitzvah', 'alex', 'comes', 'poor', 'dysfunctional', 'family', 'polish', 'jewish', 'origin', 'whose', 'poverty', 'requires', 'share', 'apartment', 'tenant', 'faruk', 'persian', 'man', 'whose', 'humorous', 'battle', 'baldness', 'running', 'bit', 'film', 'first', 'alex', 'falls', 'love', 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'theatre', 'operations', 'london', 'red', 'cross', 'club', 'meets', 'despite', 'married', 'falls', 'love', 'valerie', 'russell', 'women', 'royal', 'army', 'corps', 'subaltern', 'valerie', 'daughter', 'crusty', 'brigadier', 'sick', 'leave', 'since', 'wounded', 'dunkirk', 'valerie', 'also', 'already', 'love', 'captain', 'john', 'wynter', 'british', 'commandos', 'friend', 'father', 'officers', 'posted', 'overseas', 'later', 'return', 'parker', 'volunteered', 'join', 'becomes', 'special', 'force', 'six', 'led', 'former', 'commander', 'lt.', 'colonel', 'timmer', 'hours', 'operation', 'due', 'embark', 'timmer', 'goes', 'pieces', 'arrested', 'whilst', 'drunk', 'breaking', 'security', 'wynter', 'colonel', 'recovered', 'badly', 'wounded', 'brought', 'command', 'operation', 'operation', 'success', 'despite', 'several', 'killed', 'wounded', 'wynter', 'killed', 'steps', 'mine', 'parker', 'badly', 'wounded', 'evacuated', 'hospital', 'due', 'repatriated', 'sees', 'valerie', 'last', 'time', 'tell', 'wynter', 'killed'], ['closing', 'night', 'broadway', 'play', 'leading', 'actress', 'frances', 'elliott', 'ann', 'sothern', 'hosts', 'party', 'attended', 'many', 'guests', 'including', 'eccentric', 'father', 'gregory', 'also', 'actor', 'seventeen-year-old', 'daughter', 'nancy', 'barklay', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'brazilian', 'playwright', 'ricardo', 'domingos', 'considering', 'starring', 'frances', 'next', 'play', 'frances', 'eagerly', 'pursues', 'part', 'ricardo', 'play', 'though', 'virtually', 'assured', 'role', 'ricardo', 'asks', 'publicize', 'news', 'final', 'decision', 'made', 'later', 'ricardo', 'privately', 'tells', 'frances', 'producer', 'frances', 'may', 'right', 'part', 'younger', 'actress', 'mind', 'ricardo', 'meets', 'nancy', 'instantly', 'knows', 'found', 'perfect', 'young', 'woman', 'role', 'next', 'day', 'frances', 'sets', 'sail', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'intends', 'vacation', 'devote', 'studying', 'lines', 'gregory', 'accompanies', 'frances', 'rio', 'nancy', 'star', 'small', 'stock', 'company', 'play', 'goes', 'connecticut', 'observing', 'nancy', 'acting', 'abilities', 'ricardo', 'offers', 'part', 'promised', 'frances', 'nancy', 'accepts', 'role', 'though', 'unaware', 'ricardo', 'already', 'promised', 'mother', 'seeking', 'quiet', 'needs', 'study', 'part', 'nancy', 'follows', 'mother', 'grandfather', 'rio', 'board', 'ship', 'businessman', 'paul', 'berten', 'overhears', 'nancy', 'rehearsing', 'lines', 'mistakenly', 'concludes', 'deserted', 'wife', 'expectant', 'mother', 'paul', 'takes', 'pity', 'nancy', 'enlists', 'help', 'business', 'partner', 'marina', 'rodrigues', 'counsel', 'young', 'girl', 'nancy', 'know', 'paul', 'trying', 'help', 'mistakes', 'paternal', 'concern', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'rejects', 'paul', 'apparent', 'proposal', 'bids', 'farewell', 'ship', 'reaches', 'rio', 'soon', 'reunited', 'mother', 'nancy', 'overhears', 'rehearsing', 'lines', 'immediately', 'realizes', 'studying', 'part', 'revelation', 'devastates', 'nancy', 'prompts', 'bow', 'play', 'tell', 'mother', 'set', 'star', 'ricardo', 'play', 'instead', 'informs', 'came', 'rio', 'get', 'married', 'confusion', 'abounds', 'nancy', 'later', 'visits', 'paul', 'office', 'tries', 'accept', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'thought', 'made', 'paul', 'perplexed', 'behavior', 'still', 'thinks', 'nancy', 'pregnant', 'troubled', 'sends', 'home', 'talk', 'mother', 'situation', 'nancy', 'misunderstands', 'thinks', 'meant', 'discuss', 'impending', 'marriage', 'mother', 'marina', 'follows', 'nancy', 'mother', 'house', 'privately', 'tells', 'frances', 'nancy', 'supposed', 'pregnancy', 'confusion', 'heightened', 'frances', 'misunderstands', 'daughter', 'anguish', 'concludes', 'must', 'pregnant', 'paul', 'frances', 'demands', 'private', 'meeting', 'paul', 'reveals', 'romantic', 'attraction', 'frances', 'frances', 'leaves', 'paul', 'disgust', 'situation', 'soon', 'clarified', 'paul', 'tells', 'gregory', 'met', 'nancy', 'boat', 'gregory', 'immediately', 'recognizes', 'nancy', 'supposed', 'predicament', 'story', 'play', 'frances', 'reading', 'explains', 'situation', 'frances', 'frances', 'learns', 'truth', 'paul', 'changes', 'impression', 'embark', 'romance', 'announcing', 'engagement', 'paul', 'frances', 'withdraws', 'ricardo', 'play', 'suggests', 'nancy', 'replacement', 'ends', 'happily', 'show', 'opens', 'new', 'york', 'nancy', 'starring', 'role'], [\"'barry\", 'fitzgerald', 'appears', 'orator', 'first', 'scene', 'film', 'role', 'slums', 'dublin', 'irish', 'civil', 'war', 'captain', 'boyle', 'edward', 'chapman', 'lives', 'two', 'room', 'tenement', 'flat', 'wife', 'juno', 'children', 'mary', 'johnny', 'juno', 'dubbed', 'husband', 'captain', 'paycock', 'thinks', 'useful', 'vain', 'peacock', 'juno', 'works', 'captain', 'loafs', 'around', 'flat', 'drinking', 'family\\\\', 'meager', 'finances', 'neighborhood', 'pub', 'daughter', 'mary', 'job', 'presently', 'strike', 'victimization', 'co-worker', 'son', 'johnny', 'become', 'semi', 'invalid', 'losing', 'arm', 'severely', 'injuring', 'hip', 'fight', 'black', 'tans', 'irish', 'war', 'independence', 'although', 'johnny', 'taken', 'anti-treaty', 'side', 'continuing', 'irish', 'civil', 'war', 'recently', 'turned', 'fellow', 'ira', 'member', 'irish', 'free', 'state', 'police', 'result', 'captain', 'paycock', 'tells', 'friend', 'joxer', 'disgust', 'son', 'daughter', 'mary', 'courted', 'jerry', 'devine', 'dave', 'morris', 'dumps', 'charlie', 'bentham', 'whisks', 'away', 'telling', 'mary\\\\', 'family', 'captain', 'receive', 'inheritance', 'elated', 'captain', 'borrows', 'money', 'inheritance', 'spends', 'freely', 'new', 'furniture', 'victrola', 'family', 'friends', 'invited', 'impromptu', 'party', 'shabby', 'tenement', 'captain', 'soon', 'learns', 'inheritance', 'lie', 'charles', 'gain', 'mary\\\\', 'favors', 'captain', 'keeps', 'bad', 'news', 'secret', 'creditors', 'show', 'even', 'joxer', 'turns', 'captain', 'gleefully', 'spreads', 'news', 'nonexistent', 'inheritance', 'furniture', 'store', 'repossesses', 'furniture', 'tailor', 'demands', 'money', 'new', 'clothes', 'pub', 'owner', 'mrs', 'madigan', 'takes', 'victrola', 'cover', 'captain\\\\', 'bar', 'tab', 'worst', 'yet', 'come', 'however', 'mary', 'reveals', 'shamed', 'family', 'becoming', 'pregnant', 'charles', 'long', 'since', 'disappeared', 'former', 'fianc챕', 'jerry', 'proclaims', 'love', 'mary', 'offers', 'marry', 'back', 'learns', 'pregnancy', 'parting', 'shot', 'revealed', 'johnny\\\\', 'body', 'found', 'riddled', 'bullets', 'almost', 'certainly', 'joxer', 'anti-treaty', 'ira', 'learned', 'status', 'informer', 'garda', 's챠och찼na', 'realizing', 'family', 'destroyed', 'mary', 'declares', 'it\\\\', 'true', 'god', 'although', 'completely', 'shattered', 'juno', 'shushes', 'daughter', 'saying', 'need', 'christ', 'blessed', 'virgin', 'deal', 'grief', 'alone', 'however', 'laments', 'son\\\\', 'fate', 'religious', 'statues', 'family\\\\', 'empty', 'tenement'], ['cruise', 'stodgy', 'overly-frugal', 'businessman', 'larry', 'wilson', 'gets', 'hit', 'head', 'oar', 'rescuing', \"'doc\", 'ryan', 'wakes', 'remembers', 'actually', 'suave', 'conman', 'named', 'george', 'cary', 'doc', 'one', 'crooked', 'associates', 'however', 'lost', 'memory', 'past', 'nine', 'years', 'larry', 'returns', 'new', 'york', 'learns', 'married', 'kay', 'process', 'divorcing', 'marry', 'herbert', 'george', 'talks', 'doc', 'masquerading', 'physician', 'treating', 'partly', 'curiosity', 'mostly', 'greed', 'seeing', 'balance', 'checking', 'account', 'turns', 'dead', 'end', 'money', 'held', 'trust', 'community', 'chest', 'decides', 'swindle', 'people', 'using', 'alter-ego', 'sterling', 'reputation', 'complication', 'arises', 'falls', 'love', 'kay', 'second', 'time', 'however', 'wants', 'nothing', 'boring', 'cheapskate', 'husband', 'george', 'attempts', 'win', 'back', 'kay', 'affections', 'simultaneously', 'trying', 'sell', 'worthless', 'land', 'greedy', 'leading', 'citizens', 'town'], [\"'commodore\", 'jackson', 'captain', 'mississippi', 'showboat', 'late', 'nineteenth', 'century', 'tom', 'grayson', 'engaged', 'married', 'disgraced', 'refusing', 'fight', 'duel', 'major', 'patterson', 'accused', 'coward', 'grayson', 'joins', 'jackson\\\\', 'showboat', 'duration', 'film', 'behaviour', 'meek', 'mild', 'tom', 'grayson', 'alters', 'consequence', 'constant', 'representation', 'commodore', 'jackson', 'notorious', 'colonel', 'steele', 'singing', 'killer', 'constant', 'attribution', 'jackson', 'duelling', 'victories', 'grayson', 'unrelated', 'corpses', 'freshly', 'dragged', 'river', 'beside', 'showboat', 'yet', 'another', 'victim', 'notorious', 'colonel', 'steele', 'singing', 'killer', 'film', 'provides', 'sufficient', 'opportunities', 'crosby', 'sing', 'rodgers', 'hart', 'songs', 'including', 'centerpiece', 'number', 'soon', 'fields', 'gets', 'tell', 'outlandish', 'stories', 'crosby', 'fields', 'worked', 'well', 'together', 'one', 'memorable', 'scene', 'fields', 'tries', 'tell', 'crosby', 'act', 'tougher', 'film', 'crosby', 'number', 'brilliantly', 'engineered', 'sight', 'gags', 'involving', 'chair', 'bowie', 'knife', 'another', 'highlight', 'fields\\\\', 'remarkable', 'story', 'exploits', 'among', 'one', 'notorious', 'indian', 'tribe'], ['shel', 'gay', 'party', 'planner', 'agrees', 'organize', 'nuptials', 'straight', 'brother', 'ben', 'maggie', 'daughter', 'maine', 'governor', 'shel', 'finds', 'ben', 'campaign', 'manager', 'future', 'father-in-law', 'behind', 'governor', 'speech', 'gay', 'marriage', 'decides', 'strike', 'equal', 'rights', 'shel', 'strike', 'picks', 'steam', 'eventually', 'spreads', 'nationwide', 'leaving', 'impending', 'wedding', 'vows', 'hands', 'tacky', 'planner', 'overall', 'question'], ['three', 'high', 'school', 'students', 'experience', 'perks', 'pitfalls', 'love', 'director', 'leste', 'chen', 'sensitive', 'tale', 'friendship', 'yearning', 'child', 'living', 'seaside', 'town', 'southern', 'taiwan', 'studious', 'jonathan', 'asked', 'concerned', 'teacher', 'look', 'rebellious', 'classmate', 'shane', 'ten', 'years', 'later', 'good-natured', 'obligation', 'since', 'blossomed', 'warm', 'friendship', 'jonathan', 'still', 'academic', 'track', 'shane', 'finding', 'calling', 'basketball', 'court', 'taiwan-born', 'schoolgirl', 'carrie', 'arrives', 'hong', 'kong', 'join', 'mother', 'disagreement', 'father', 'transfers', 'school', 'befriends', 'jonathan', 'convinces', 'join', 'secret', 'day-trip', 'taipei', 'evening', 'seduces', 'sleazy', 'hotel', 'jonathan', 'backs', 'clearly', 'distraught', 'eventually', 'observations', 'shane', 'friendship', 'leads', 'believe', 'gay', 'love', 'best', 'friend', 'carrie', 'meets', 'shane', 'jonathan', 'school', 'day', 'shane', 'develops', 'interest', 'carrie', 'despite', 'initial', 'misgivings', 'boorish', 'shane', 'eventually', 'gives', 'troublemaker', 'roguish', 'charms', 'accepts', 'offer', 'become', 'girlfriend', 'condition', 'manages', 'enter', 'university', 'later', 'shane', 'pulls', 'act', 'together', 'tests', 'university', 'jonathan', 'distracted', 'burgeoning', 'sexual', 'identity', 'crisis', 'shane', 'best', 'keep', 'feelings', 'carrie', 'secret', 'order', 'protect', 'feelings', 'lifelong', 'friend', 'despite', 'best', 'efforts', 'keep', 'personal', 'feelings', 'secret', 'truth', 'eventually', 'emerges', 'forcing', 'three', 'view', 'relationships', 'entirely', 'new', 'light'], [\"'loosely\", 'based', 'grease', 'story', 'revolves', 'around', 'protagonist', 'tries', 'woo', 'classmate', 'spurned', 'poses', 'mysterious', 'biker', 'sweeps', 'feet', 'toward', 'end', 'learns', 'biker', 'classmate', 'fact', 'guy'], ['delhii', 'heights', 'high-rise', 'apartment', 'delhi', 'abi', 'wife', 'lives', 'married', 'couple', 'work', 'rival', 'companies', 'live', 'professional', 'lives', 'affect', 'personal', 'ones', 'also', 'lives', 'timmy', 'kohli', 'fun', 'loving', 'sikh', 'wife', 'ruby', 'two', 'daughters', 'sweety', 'bobby', 'wife', 'saima', 'bobby', 'compulsive', 'flirt', 'wife', 'knows', 'things', 'take', 'place', 'lives', 'change', 'seen', 'lucky', 'cricket', 'bookie', 'hilarious', 'character', 'also', 'four', 'boys', 'two', 'residents', 'delhii', 'heights', 'keep', 'running', 'girls', 'pulling', 'others', 'legs'], ['story', 'follows', 'young', 'boy', 'named', 'leo', 'invited', 'school', 'friend', 'spend', 'summer', 'holidays', 'norfolk', 'country', 'house', 'early', '1900s', 'leo', 'stays', 'finds', \"'go-between\", 'caught', 'daughter', 'host', 'poor', 'neighbor', 'loves', 'dominic', 'guard', 'plays', 'young', 'leo', 'michael', 'redgrave', 'plays', 'character', 'old', 'age', 'pinter', 'screenplay', 'spaced', 'ndash', 'final', 'collaboration', 'losey', 'following', 'servant', 'accident', 'ref', 'nameoctober', '2012', 'cite', 'web'], ['madison', 'assistant', 'hockstetter', 'astronomers', 'track', 'near-earth', 'objects', 'space', 'taken', 'seriously', 'scientific', 'community', 'locate', 'track', 'massive', 'asteroid', 'collision', 'course', 'earth', 'madison', 'takes', 'findings', 'government', 'scientist', 'covington', 'initially', 'pays', 'attention', 'pressure', 'air', 'force', 'general', 'dutton', 'dismisses', 'desperation', 'takes', 'research', 'donovan', 'former', 'air', 'force', 'officer', 'discharged', \"n't\", 'ask', \"n't\", 'tell', 'joining', 'donovan', 'active-duty', 'lover', 'mark', 'four', 'hatch', 'plan', 'infiltrate', 'air', 'force', 'base', 'houses', 'massive', 'laser', 'weapon', 'destroy', 'asteroid', 'despite', 'resistance', 'dutton', 'air', 'force', 'troops', 'group', 'able', 'commandeer', 'weapon', 'use', 'deflect', 'asteroid', 'enough', 'misses', 'planet', 'scenes', 'removed', 'censored', 'version', 'include', 'sex', 'scene', 'donovan', 'mark', 'line', 'donovan', 'tells', 'madison', 'discharged', 'second', 'intimate', 'scene', 'donovan', 'mark', 'additionally', 'short', 'scene', 'establishing', 'romantic', 'interest', 'donovan', 'madison', 'added', 'end', 'censored', 'version'], [\"'richard\", 'breggs', 'struggling', 'actor', 'living', 'apartment', 'girlfriend', 'conversation', 'friend', 'richard', 'decides', 'much', 'nice', 'guy', 'key', 'success', 'act', 'like', 'jerk', 'new', 'obnoxious', 'personality', 'lands', 'part', 'play', 'richard', 'thinks', 'way', 'success', 'goes', 'sleep', 'apartment', 'wakes', 'mansion', 'four', 'years', 'later', 'richard', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'remember', 'anything', 'happened', 'elapsed', 'time', 'due', 'accidental', 'bump', 'head', 'gave', 'amnesia', 'turns', 'famous', 'star', 'known', 'obnoxious', 'selfish', 'difficult', 'work', 'richard', 'realizes', 'new', 'personality', 'gave', 'success', 'also', 'caused', 'lose', 'girlfriend', 'best', 'friend', 'sets', 'trying', 'right', 'wrongs', 'past', 'years.summary', 'written', 'jaclyn', 'mussehl', 'imdb.com'], ['east', 'side', 'story', 'story', 'diego', 'young', 'closeted', 'latino', 'helps', 'grandmother', 'run', 'family', 'restaurant', 'carrying', 'relationship', 'equally', 'closeted', 'pablo', 'diego', 'long', 'felt', 'trapped', 'conservative', 'culture', 'east', 'plans', 'move', 'away', 'open', 'upscale', 'restaurant', 'hopefully', 'lover', 'pablo', 'views', 'relationship', 'differently', 'point', 'driven', 'home', 'begins', 'dating', 'diego', 'aunt', 'bianca', 'time', 'wesley', 'boyfriend', 'move', 'gentrifying', 'neighborhood', 'attraction', 'wesley', 'diego', 'immediate', 'electric', 'forcing', 'men', 'reexamine', 'state', 'affairs'], ['plot', 'movie', 'opens', 'scenes', 'aerobics', 'class', 'juxtaposed', 'classroom', 'students', 'taking', 'examination', 'movie', 'two', 'protagonists', 'featured', 'scenes', 'terry', 'green', 'participating', 'aerobics', 'bobby', 'chrystal', 'taking', 'well', 'turns', 'last', 'high', 'school', 'final', 'french', 'first', 'bobby', 'main', 'goal', 'summer', 'college', 'appears', 'losing', 'virginity', 'unrequited', 'high', 'school', 'crush', 'bonnie', 'dates', 'college', 'student', 'takers', 'soon', 'though', 'poor', 'results', 'french', 'final', 'bobby', 'must', 'take', 'make-up', 'examination', 'score', 'least', 'order', 'retain', 'acceptance', 'father', 'alma', 'mater', 'yale', 'university', 'mr.', 'chrystal', 'kevin', 'mccarthy', 'hires', 'terry', 'skilled', 'french', 'tutor', 'live', 'chrystal', 'home', 'summer', 'work', 'bobby', 'passing', 'exam', 'addition', 'normal', 'compensation', 'mr.', 'chrystal', 'offers', 'give', 'terry', 'bonus', 'payment', '10,000', 'bobby', 'pass', 'terry', 'bobby', 'begin', 'working', 'together', 'bobby', 'lack', 'interest', 'french', 'yale', 'soon', 'become', 'apparent', 'real', 'goal', 'tells', 'terry', 'attend', 'ucla', 'study', 'true', 'passion', 'astronomy', 'terry', 'sympathetic', 'reminds', 'bobby', 'wherever', 'ends', 'going', 'college', 'need', 'pass', 'french', 'final', 'terry', 'help', 'bobby', 'begins', 'make', 'progress', 'night', 'thinks', 'everyone', 'chrystal', 'home', 'asleep', 'terry', 'uses', 'family', 'pool', 'skinny', 'dip', 'however', 'bobby', 'sees', 'one', 'night', 'begins', 'watching', 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'supposedly', 'arrangement', 'lets', 'kyle', 'sleep', 'men', 'attempt', 'threesome', 'troy', 'gets', 'revenge', 'goading', 'performing', 'uncomfortable', 'act', 'cunnilingus', 'first', 'gwen', 'marc', 'storm', 'kyle\\\\', 'house', 'witnessing', 'debacle', 'troy', 'scolds', 'group', 'sex-crazy', 'troy', 'ultimately', 'concludes', 'bisexual', 'kyle', 'admits', 'wrong', 'leave', 'marc', 'five', 'start', 'scheming', 'jacob', 'closeted', 'leader', 'ex-gay', 'ministry', 'mother', 'tricking', 'sex', 'octavio', 'another', 'member', 'ministry', 'portable', 'toilet', 'wheels', 'jacob', 'finally', 'comes', 'mother', 'flees', 'octavio', 'troy', 'takes', 'liking', 'tiffani', 'start', 'relationship', 'end', 'marc', 'kyle', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'confessing', 'feelings', 'start', 'kissing', 'gwen', 'starts', 'date', 'girl', 'experimentally'], ['seth', 'youth', 'artistic', 'leanings', 'rural', 'white', 'young', 'man', 'fascination', 'black', 'pop', 'culture', 'dead-end', 'life', 'adirondack', 'village', 'alternatively', 'sensitive', 'brutal', 'kristen', 'wants', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'explosively', 'rejects', 'late', 'one', 'night', 'closing', 'cafe', 'works', 'young', 'black', 'man', 'called', 'knowledge', 'attempts', 'rob', 'gun', 'point', 'faints', 'illness', 'seth', 'takes', 'man', 'escapee', 'nearby', 'local', 'youthful', 'offender', 'boot', 'camp', 'nurses', 'family', 'cabin', 'begin', 'tentative', 'friendship', 'sheriff', 'learns', 'seth', 'harboring', 'fugitive', 'confrontation', 'looms', 'relationships', 'fathers', 'children', 'dominate', 'subplots'], [\"'on\", 'wedding', 'day', 'prince', 'john', 'commits', 'romantic', 'indiscretion', 'frogged', 'cursed', 'turning', 'frog', 'eternity', 'unless', 'woman', 'kisses', 'marries', 'good', 'measure', 'squire', 'rodney', 'also', 'frogged', 'moving', 'forward', '500', 'years', 'prince', 'rodney', 'form', 'frogs', 'find', 'new', 'york\\\\', 'central', 'park', 'prince', 'sees', 'kate', 'driving', 'horse-drawn', 'carriage', 'falls', 'love', 'however', 'actress', 'margo', 'impetuously', 'picks', 'prince-frog', 'kisses', 'breaking', 'curse', 'next', 'full', 'moon', 'turning', 'prince', 'rodney', 'true', 'human', 'selves', 'prince', 'john', 'rodney', 'begin', 'search', 'woman', 'kissed', 'john', 'help', 'kate', 'prince', 'human', 'form', 'finally', 'meets', 'margo', 'performing', 'shakespeare\\\\', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'decides', 'make', 'unfaithful', 'lover', 'hamish', 'jealous', 'initiating', 'romantic', 'tryst', 'prince', 'realizing', 'must', 'marry', 'margo', 'order', 'permanently', 'break', 'curse', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'meanwhile', 'rodney', 'finds', 'serena', 'fellow', 'wizard', 'try', 'find', 'potions', 'break', 'curse', 'end', 'three', 'couples', 'manage', 'find', 'right', 'person', 'curse', 'forever', 'broken', 'true', 'love', 'marry', 'live', 'happily', 'ever'], ['simple', 'merchant', 'young', 'son', 'mute', 'servant', 'woods', 'chance', 'upon', 'drifting', 'boat', 'baby', 'girl', 'bowl', 'containing', 'live', 'goldfish', 'merchant', 'realises', 'baby', 'unusual', 'life', 'bonded', 'fish', 'fish', 'leaves', 'water', 'stops', 'breathing', 'merchant', 'adopts', 'baby', 'names', 'bidasari', 'years', 'later', 'bidasari', 'grows', 'beautiful', 'young', 'woman', 'merchant', 'prospered', 'wealthy', 'businessman', 'royal', 'palace', 'kingdom', 'king', 'remarried', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'permaisuri', 'permaisuri', 'proud', 'woman', 'secretly', 'practises', 'witchcraft', 'hidden', 'chambers', 'magic', 'mirror', 'show', 'anything', 'asks', 'uses', 'ask', 'beautiful', 'land', 'one', 'day', 'asks', 'mirror', 'question', 'image', 'bidasari', 'appears', 'enraged', 'carries', 'search', 'find', 'bidasari', 'search', 'leads', 'merchant', 'house', 'guise', 'kindness', 'permaisuri', 'asks', 'merchant', 'permission', 'bring', 'bidasari', 'palace', 'companion', 'although', 'merchant', 'reluctant', 'part', 'beloved', 'daughter', 'lets', 'bidasari', 'arrives', 'palace', 'sent', 'kitchens', 'servant', 'starved', 'given', 'dirtiest', 'jobs', 'permaisuri', 'satisfied', 'bidasari', 'ruined', 'asks', 'magic', 'mirror', 'beautiful', 'land', 'mirror', 'shows', 'bidasari', 'yet', 'permaisuri', 'flies', 'rage', 'runs', 'kitchen', 'grabs', 'burning', 'pieces', 'firewood', 'tries', 'burn', 'bidasari', 'face', 'shocked', 'fire', 'goes', 'bidasari', 'face', 'left', 'untouched', 'bidasari', 'realised', 'permaisuri', 'malice', 'targeted', 'never', 'stop', 'begs', 'mercy', 'explains', 'life', 'bonded', 'fish', 'kept', 'bowl', 'father', 'garden', 'permaisuri', 'servant', 'steal', 'fish', 'merchant', 'garden', 'soon', 'fish', 'leaves', 'water', 'bidasari', 'collapses', 'stops', 'breathing', 'satisfied', 'bidasari', 'life', 'hands', 'permaisuri', 'hangs', 'fish', 'around', 'neck', 'trophy', 'asks', 'mirror', 'beautiful', 'land', 'mirror', 'shows', 'image', 'merchant', 'realises', 'fish', 'missing', 'told', 'bidasari', 'died', 'mysteriously', 'palace', 'body', 'returned', 'builds', 'small', 'tomb', 'woods', 'body', 'laid', 'peace', 'meanwhile', 'permaisuri', 'stepson', 'prince', 'dreams', 'bidasari', 'although', 'never', 'met', 'dreams', 'plague', 'even', 'waking', 'hours', 'despite', 'father', 'advice', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'exist', 'permaisuri', 'sees', 'stepson', 'acting', 'way', 'plants', 'painting', 'bidasari', 'room', 'prince', 'finds', 'painting', 'leads', 'merchant', 'explains', 'sad', 'tale', 'bidasari', 'death', 'mysterious', 'disappearance', 'fish', 'prince', 'decides', 'visit', 'bidasari', 'tomb', 'see', 'beauty', 'eyes', 'coincidentally', 'time', 'back', 'palace', 'permaisuri', 'bath', 'royal', 'bathing', 'pool', 'fish', 'manages', 'break', 'free', 'locket', 'drops', 'water', 'starts', 'swimming', 'causes', 'bidasari', 'wake', 'right', 'prince', 'eyes', 'bidasari', 'tells', 'permaisuri', 'confirms', 'prince', 'suspicions', 'stepmother', 'permaisuri', 'finishes', 'bath', 'discovers', 'fish', 'gotten', 'free', 'manages', 'catch', 'prince', 'help', 'bidasari', 'leave', 'tomb', 'causing', 'fall', 'unconscious', 'prince', 'places', 'bidasari', 'back', 'tomb', 'promises', 'make', 'things', 'right', 'prince', 'returns', 'palace', 'fury', 'demanding', 'permaisuri', 'give', 'fish', 'permaisuri', 'pretends', 'know', 'anything', 'king', 'listens', 'prince', 'explanation', 'king', 'declares', 'son', 'gone', 'insane', 'calls', 'royal', 'guards', 'fight', 'ensues', 'permaisuri', 'injured', 'dies', 'prince', 'captured', 'merchant', 'prince', 'loyal', 'manservants', 'arrive', 'bidasari', 'stretcher', 'merchant', 'explains', 'story', 'fish', 'bonded', 'bidasari', 'life', 'true', 'prince', 'takes', 'fish', 'locket', 'around', 'permaisuri', 'neck', 'puts', 'bowl', 'water', 'soon', 'fish', 'enters', 'water', 'bidasari', 'comes', 'back', 'life', 'king', 'apologises', 'son', 'prince', 'bidasari', 'married'], ['duncan', 'unemployed', 'youth', 'trying', 'cope', 'death', 'father', 'ten', 'years', 'ago', 'film', 'set', 'minneapolis', 'minnesota', 'duncan', 'grandparents', 'ronald', 'ruth', 'move', 'apartment', 'nice', 'view', 'ron', 'claims', 'seen', 'northern', 'lights', 'aka', 'aurora', 'borealis', 'balcony', 'ron', 'fast', 'deteriorating', 'alzheimer', 'disease', 'kate', 'home', 'assistant', 'ron', 'ruth', 'order', 'close', 'grandparents', 'duncan', 'finds', 'job', 'handyman', 'building', 'staying', 'meets', 'kate', 'two', 'quickly', 'fall', 'love', 'meanwhile', 'duncan', 'takes', 'care', 'ron', 'helps', 'ron', 'coping', 'condition', 'duncan', 'want', 'leave', 'town', 'grew', 'able', 'free', 'fears', 'past', 'sorrow', 'father', 'death', 'ron', 'nudges', 'something', 'life', 'tells', 'kate', 'duncan', 'needs', 'someone', 'push', 'action', 'kate', 'suggests', 'duncan', 'move', 'life', 'kate', 'announces', 'chosen', 'move', 'san', 'diego', 'hurts', 'duncan', 'still', 'ready', 'leave', 'ron', 'wants', 'end', 'life', 'misery', 'asks', 'duncan', 'buy', 'shells', 'shotgun', 'moment', 'despair', 'duncan', 'loads', 'shotgun', 'gives', 'ron', 'able', 'position', 'gun', 'pull', 'trigger', 'toe', 'gun', 'goes', 'duncan', 'runs', 'inside', 'ron', 'follows', 'heart', 'attack', 'dies', 'kate', 'leaves', 'san', 'diego', 'duncan', 'says', 'goodbyes', 'reaching', 'new', 'place', 'sees', 'duncan', 'doorstep', 'ready', 'give', 'life', 'fresh', 'start'], ['li-ann', 'single', 'attractive', 'teacher', 'singaporean', 'girl', 'school', 'teaches', 'students', 'obscure', 'leap', 'year', 'custom', 'practiced', 'ireland', 'men', 'refuse', 'proposal', 'date', 'woman', 'february', 'chances', 'upon', 'jeremy', 'windows', 'cafe', 'becomes', 'major', 'part', 'life', 'original', 'story', 'cafe', 'called', 'blue', 'paradise', 'caf챕', 'movie', 'windows', 'cafe'], ['aunt', 'yoyita', 'dies', 'visit', 'gina', 'guant찼namo', 'gina', 'along', 'yoyita', 'childhood', 'sweetheart', 'aging', 'c찼ndido', 'must', 'take', 'body', 'havana', 'annoyance', 'gina', 'overbearing', 'husband', 'adolfo', 'punctilious', 'undertaker', 'political', 'ambitions', 'takes', 'charge', 'journey', 'including', 'several', 'transfers', 'along', 'way', 'hearses', 'road', 'keep', 'crossing', 'paths', 'mariano', 'playboy', 'trucker', 'woman', 'every', 'way', 'station', 'gina', 'recognize', 'student', 'wrote', 'much', 'loved', 'dropped', 'school', 'embarrassment', 'reach', 'havana', 'gina', 'realizes', 'choose', 'adolfo', 'mariano'], ['romantic', 'comedy', 'set', 'cape', 'cod', '1905', 'three', '70-year-old', 'retired', 'sea', 'captains', 'try', 'lure', 'attractive', 'middle-aged', 'woman', 'marriage'], ['acrobacias', 'del', 'coraz처n', 'first', 'film', 'marisa', 'teresa', 'costantini', 'took', 'central', 'role', 'consecrated', 'director', 'actress', 'ironically', 'film', 'centres', 'around', 'life', 'film', 'director', 'marisa', 'current', 'husband', 'jorge', 'director', 'best', 'friend', 'lucia', 'successful', 'trapeze', 'artist', 'circus', 'involved', 'love', 'triangle', 'film', 'fictional', 'director', 'marisa', 'currently', 'planning', 'produce', 'new', 'romantic', 'film', 'present', 'husband', 'jorge', 'wrote', 'script', 'thinking', 'lustfully', 'lola', 'real', 'life', 'time', 'ago', 'personal', 'life', 'director', 'actress', 'mar챠a', 'teresa', 'constantini', 'suffered', 'marriage', 'separation', 'long', 'legal', 'process', 'resulted', 'acquiring', 'substantial', 'sum', 'money', 'used', 'establish', 'buenos', 'aires', 'productions', 'real', 'life', 'situation', 'reflected', 'film', 'director', 'actually', 'portrays', 'film', 'although', 'film', 'far', 'exaggerated', 'world', 'romances', 'passions', 'treasons', 'deceits', 'men', 'idiotic', 'cowardly', 'weak', 'beginning', 'end', 'film', 'always', 'evidence', 'extravagant', 'lifestyle', 'luxurious', 'cars', 'glamorous', 'women', 'suave', 'men', 'film', 'reflects', 'paradise', 'upper', 'middle', 'class', 'seems', 'live', 'another', 'planet', 'poor', 'shown', 'trapeze', 'artist', 'different', 'life', 'experiences', 'director', 'costantini', 'portrays', 'film', 'along', 'prevalent', 'themes', 'love', 'passion', 'deceit', 'adultery', 'film', 'also', 'identifies', 'differences', 'class'], ['lalita', 'catches', 'eye', 'immediately', 'falls', 'love', 'decides', 'must', 'uncle', 'madhi', 'arranges', 'marry', 'paying', 'refuses', 'kidnaps', 'keeps', 'home', 'day', 'wedding', 'literally', 'watched', 'every', 'day', 'case', 'tries', 'escape', 'day', 'wedding', 'lalita', 'faints', 'uses', 'escape', 'also', 'moves', 'mother', 'away', 'barely', 'escapes', 'assumes', 'killed', 'saw', 'hit', 'car', 'fact', 'lalita', 'swapped', 'wedding', 'dress', 'someone', 'else', 'person', 'saw', 'hit', 'car', 'lalita', 'lalita', 'escapes', 'city', 'meets', 'raj', 'first', 'uses', 'cover', 'fall', 'love', 'uses', 'name', 'shikha', 'instead', 'raj', 'grandfather', 'rai', 'saheb', 'happy', 'grandson', 'wants', 'marry', 'shikha', 'arranges', 'wedding', 'unfortunately', 'finds', 'lalita', 'still', 'alive', 'mother', 'quickly', 'traces', 'sees', 'fairground', 'raj', 'filled', 'anger', 'tells', 'whole', 'family', 'lalita', 'really', 'help', 'devious', 'uncle', 'lalita', 'taken', 'away', 'forced', 'dutiful', 'wife', 'terms', 'means', 'stay', 'forever', 'hiding', 'frustration', 'lalita', 'decides', 'take', 'matters', 'hands', '...', 'finally', 'lalita', 'decides', 'enough', 'tries', 'kill', 'fails', 'end', 'raj', 'comes', 'rescues'], [\"'on\", 'greek', 'island', 'called', 'kalokairi', '20-year-old', 'bride-to-be', 'sophie', 'sheridan', 'posts', 'three', 'wedding', 'invitations', 'dream', 'different', 'men', 'set', 'wedding', 'sophie\\\\', 'bridesmaids', 'best', 'friends', 'ali', 'lisa', 'arrive', 'wedding', 'sophie', 'reveals', 'found', 'mother\\\\', 'diary', 'learned', 'three', 'possible', 'fathers', 'new', 'york-based', 'irish', 'architect', 'sam', 'carmichael', 'swedish', 'adventurer', 'writer', 'bill', 'anderson', 'british', 'banker', 'harry', 'bright', 'invited', 'without', 'telling', 'mother', 'believing', 'spends', 'time', 'know', 'father', 'villa', 'owner', 'donna', 'sheridan', 'ecstatic', 'reunite', 'former', 'bandmates', 'wisecracking', 'author', 'rosie', 'wealthy', 'multiple', 'divorc챕e', 'tanya', 'reveals', 'bafflement', 'daughter\\\\', 'desire', 'get', 'married', 'donna', 'shows', 'villa', 'rumoured', 'built', 'legendary', 'fountain', 'aphrodite', 'explains', 'precarious', 'finances', 'rosie', 'tanya', 'three', 'men', 'arrive', 'sophie', 'smuggles', 'room', 'explains', 'mother', 'sent', 'invitations', 'begs', 'hide', 'donna', 'surprise', 'wedding', 'seeing', 'old', 'friends', 'often', 'favourably', 'speaks', 'overhear', 'donna', 'working', 'humming', 'fernando', 'swear', 'sophie', 'reveal', 'secret', 'donna', 'spies', 'dumbfounded', 'find', 'facing', 'former', 'lovers', 'could', 'never', 'forget', 'mamma', 'mia', 'adamant', 'leave', 'confides', 'tanya', 'rosie', 'secret', 'kept', 'everyone', 'uncertain', 'three', 'men', 'sophie\\\\', 'father', 'tanya', 'rosie', 'rally', 'spirits', 'getting', 'donna', 'dance', 'female', 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'lively', 'eighteen-year-old', 'captivated', 'charm', 'jean', 'soon', 'pursuing', 'quickly', 'falls', 'love', 'start', 'passionate', 'affair', 'time', 'restless', 'jean', 'pursues', 'relationship', 'samy', 'young', 'rugby', 'player', 'samy', 'emigrated', 'mother', 'brother', 'spain', 'unemployed', 'equally', 'troubled', 'straight', 'although', 'living', 'girlfriend', 'marianne', 'qualms', 'homoerotic', 'relationship', 'jean', 'big', 'crush', 'jean', 'laura\\\\', 'relationship', 'complicated', 'hiv', 'initially', 'hides', 'sex', 'tell', 'first', 'laura', 'furious', 'mother', 'equally', 'livid', 'however', 'laura', 'deeply', 'love', 'jean', 'continues', 'relationship', 'refuses', 'use', 'condoms', 'jean', 'wanted', 'jean', 'also', 'deeply', 'troubled', 'accepting', 'disease', '쏡rop', 'illusions', 'learn', 'disease', 'suggests', 'friend', 'noria', 'peaceful', 'acceptance', 'come', 'easy', 'life', 'ricochets', 'one', 'coupling', 'next', 'trying', 'make', 'sense', 'situation', 'damned', 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'want', 'live', 'friends', 'mostly', 'seems', 'denial', 'dying', 'next', 'morning', 'laura', 'finds', 'bed', 'samy', 'ex-girlfriend', 'laura', 'throws', 'big', 'tantrum', 'leaves', 'endless', 'long', 'messages', 'jean', 'answering', 'machine', 'begs', 'love', 'others', 'threatens', 'ruin', 'life', 'reaching', 'breaking', 'point', 'laura', 'threats', 'jean', 'committing', 'suicide', 'tells', 'infected', 'hiv', 'jean', 'intervenes', 'laura', 'mother', 'find', 'psychological', 'help', 'jean', 'repeatedly', 'fails', 'find', 'meaning', 'life', 'conversation', 'mother', 'painful', 'returning', 'home', 'involved', 'car', 'accident', 'reckless', 'sex', 'life', 'hiv', 'medication', 'avoids', 'interferes', 'drinking', 'partying', 'sometime', 'jean', 'looks', 'laura', 'finally', 'wants', 'tell', 'loves', 'overcome', 'turbulent', 'relationship', 'making', 'peace', 'laura', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'jean', 'laura', 'short', 'conversation', 'kiss', 'tenderly', 'part', 'ways', 'jean', 'finally', 'finds', 'peace', 'hiv', 'status', 'life'], ['eric', 'mcnally', 'gay', 'retired', 'hockey', 'player', 'turned', 'television', 'sportscaster', 'lives', 'partner', 'sam', 'sports', 'lawyer', 'sam', 'unexpectedly', 'becomes', 'legal', 'guardian', 'brother', 'stepson', 'scot', 'lives', 'turned', 'upside', 'eric', 'unwillingness', 'become', 'parent', 'eventually', 'fades', 'scot', 'teaches', 'eric', 'accepting', 'loving', 'true', 'self'], ['guru', 'graduate', 'find', 'job', 'employers', 'looking', 'experience', 'pickpocket', 'bike', 'thief', 'friend', 'indhu', 'rambha', 'live', 'along', 'auto', 'mechanic', 'wife', 'couple', 'muslim', 'lady', 'wears', 'purdah', 'shown', 'whoever', 'lifts', 'purdah', 'sees', 'face', 'faints', 'immediately', 'manivannan', 'seen', 'wife', 'face', 'first', 'night', 'provides', 'comic', 'relief', 'anupam', 'kher', 'rich', 'businessman', 'business', 'topple', 'invites', 'nephew', 'santhosh', 'abbas', 'save', 'loss', 'priya', 'simran', 'daughter', 'expects', 'marry', 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'uncle', 'family', 'end', 'confusions', 'cleared', 'lovers', 'unite'], [\"'there\", 'three', 'main', 'heroes', 'movie', 'vera', 'waitress', 'platon', 'pianist', '...', 'train', 'station', 'two', 'people', 'met', 'differences', 'heroes', 'characters', 'professions', 'plight', 'platon', 'found', 'trigger', 'host', 'amusing', 'sad', 'situations', 'serve', 'backdrop', 'unfolding', 'love', 'platon', 'innocent', 'crime', 'accused', 'simply', 'took', 'blame', 'wife', 'driving', 'pedestrian', 'known', 'platon', 'wife', 'vera', 'confided', 'however', 'verdict', 'passed', 'platon', 'life', 'interest', 'wife', 'although', 'vera', 'ready', 'wait', 'release'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'set', 'around', 'small', 'group', 'characters', 'experiencing', 'relationships', 'build', 'crumble', 'viewers', 'eyes', 'title', 'film', 'refers', 'belief', 'expressed', 'several', 'characters', 'goldfish', 'retains', 'memory', 'something', 'three', 'seconds', 'tom', 'one', 'principal', 'characters', 'film', 'draws', 'comparisons', 'human', 'tendency', 'jump', 'one', 'relationship', 'next', 'forgetting', 'pain', 'previous', 'one', 'might', 'caused', 'film', 'shows', 'complexities', 'involved', 'straight', 'gay', 'lesbian', 'bisexual', 'relationships', 'writer/director', 'liz', 'gill', 'says', 'film', 'influenced', 'work', 'directors', 'robert', 'altman', 'richard', 'linklater', 'particularly', 'linklater\\\\', 'film', 'slacker'], [\"'leo\", 'eldest', 'four', 'brothers', 'marcel', 'age', 'youngest', 'young', 'parents', 'happy', 'close-knit', 'family', 'one', 'evening', 'marcel', 'overhears', 'family', 'discussing', 'news', 'leo', 'hiv-positive', 'agree', 'protect', 'marcel', 'news', 'even', 'though', 'leo', 'wants', 'tell', 'little', 'brother', 'hiv', 'gay', 'family', 'continues', 'pretending', 'everything', 'fine', 'marcel', 'young', 'boy', 'devastated', 'starts', 'behaving', 'badly', 'marcel', 'wants', 'truth', 'neither', 'parents', 'brothers', 'bring', 'speak', 'openly', 'marcel', 'edge', 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'pierre', 'laetitia', 'begins', 'receiving', 'anonymous', 'text-messages', 'expressing', 'interest', 'know', 'sending', 'eventually', 'learns', 'identity', 'sender', 'turns', 'roland', 'verneuil', 'cameroon', 'benoit', 'works', 'resort', 'hotel', 'made', 'acquaintance', 'marjolaine', 'parisian', 'model', 'tells', 'contact', 'ever', 'gets', 'paris', 'brother', 'mourad', 'mailed', 'postcards', 'paris', 'inspired', 'spite', 'legal', 'paperwork', 'immigrate', 'france', 'benoit', 'begins', 'long', 'journey', 'make', 'way', 'paris', 'bus', 'eventually', 'illegal', 'boat', 'crossing', 'across', 'straits', 'gibraltar'], ['campbell', 'film', 'writer', 'producer', 'director', 'hired', 'seedy', 'erotic', 'film', 'producer', 'benny', 'murdoch', 'make', 'dirty', 'movie', 'based', 'poem', 'however', 'run', 'difficulty', 'production', 'backers', 'want', 'completely', 'different', 'style', 'film', 'made', 'murdoch', 'makes', 'money', 'three', 'produce', 'four', 'different', 'versions', 'movie', 'keep', 'everybody', 'happy', 'gay', 'western', 'hardcore', 'porno', 'family', 'version', 'kung', 'fu-style', 'production'], [\"'at\", 'beginning', 'film', 'alex', 'washed-up', 'former', 'pop', 'star', 'attempting', 'revive', 'career', 'hitching', 'career', 'rising', 'star', 'cora', 'corman', 'young', 'megastar', 'asked', 'write', 'song', 'titled', 'way', 'back', 'love', 'unsuccessful', 'attempt', 'come', 'words', 'song', 'discovers', 'woman', 'waters', 'plants', 'sophie', 'fisher', 'gift', 'writing', 'lyrics', 'sophie', 'former', 'creative', 'writing', 'student', 'reeling', 'disastrous', 'romance', 'former', 'english', 'professor', 'sloan', 'cates', 'initially', 'refuses', 'alex', 'cajoles', 'helping', 'using', 'quickly-chosen', 'phrases', 'given', 'basis', 'song', 'next', 'days', 'grow', 'closer', 'writing', 'words', 'music', 'together', 'much', 'delight', 'sophie\\\\', 'older', 'sister', 'rhonda', 'huge', 'fan', 'alex\\\\', 'barely', 'meeting', 'deadline', 'cora', 'set', 'song\\\\', 'delivery', 'alex', 'sophie', 'thrilled', 'accepts', 'however', 'celebratory', 'dinner', 'alex\\\\', 'manager', 'chris', 'sophie', 'mortified', 'encounter', 'sloan', 'confronts', 'finds', 'tongue-tied', 'presence', 'alex\\\\', 'attempts', 'defend', 'result', 'scuffle', 'nursing', 'wounds', 'back', 'alex\\\\', 'apartment', 'alex', 'sophie', 'sleep', 'together', 'sophie', 'later', 'horrified', 'finds', 'cora', 'plans', 'record', 'sexy', 'interpretation', 'way', 'back', 'love', 'complete', 'indian', 'vibe', 'feels', 'clashes', 'romantic', 'spirit', 'song', 'determined', 'convince', 'cora', 'abandon', 'arrangement', 'alex', 'vetoes', 'efforts', 'fear', 'lose', 'cora\\\\', 'goodwill', 'ensuing', 'argument', 'admits', 'cora\\\\', 'version', 'awful', 'contends', 'accepting', 'cost', 'business', 'upset', 'alex\\\\', 'willingness', 'demean', 'talent', 'extremely', 'hurt', 'argument', 'sloan', 'cates', 'right', 'personality', 'sophie', 'leaves', 'sophie', 'intending', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'florida', 'reluctantly', 'attends', 'opening', 'cora\\\\', 'new', 'tour', 'madison', 'square', 'garden', 'alex', 'cora', 'debut', 'way', 'back', 'love', 'upon', 'hearing', 'alex', 'singing', 'new', 'song', 'written', 'alex', 'fletcher', 'sophie', 'upset', 'believe', 'alex', 'stealing', 'credit', 'work', 'however', 'song', 'alex', 'sings', 'called', \"don\\\\'t\", 'write', 'plea', 'sophie', 'give', 'another', 'chance', 'touched', 'sophie', 'finds', 'alex', 'backstage', 'confesses', 'convinced', 'cora', 'drop', 'risqu챕', 'version', 'way', 'back', 'love', 'attempt', 'win', 'sophie', 'back', 'cora', 'perform', 'tune', 'sophie', 'intended', 'sung', 'two', 'songwriters', 'embrace', 'wings', 'end', 'movie', 'reveals', 'song', 'becomes', 'hit', 'cora', 'alex', 'film', 'version', 'sloan\\\\', 'novel', 'flops', 'critics', 'moviegoers', 'pop', 'reunites', 'induction', 'rock', 'roll', 'hall', 'fame', 'colin', 'winds', 'hip', 'replaced', 'years', 'dancing', 'alex', 'sophie', 'become', 'successful', 'partners', 'songwriting', 'romance'], [\"'in\", '1961', 'long', 'island', 'alice', 'bloom', 'ten-year-old', 'girl', 'trying', 'understand', 'love', 'works', 'infatuated', 'girl', 'across', 'street', '17-year', 'old', 'sheryl', 'connor', 'often', 'looks', 'across', 'street', 'bedroom', 'windows', 'level', 'alice', 'starts', 'copy', 'every', 'detail', 'sheryl', 'including', 'perfume', 'record', 'listens', 'alice', 'mother', 'pick', 'father', 'work', 'notices', 'sheryl', 'speeding', 'train', 'station', 'pick', 'father', 'tells', 'mother', 'amazing', 'sheryl', 'could', 'travel', 'long', 'distances', 'car', 'time', 'slapped', 'face', 'one', 'catholic', 'school', 'teachers', 'never', 'cried', 'ran', 'mile', 'gym', 'never', 'broke', 'sweat', 'alice\\\\', 'mother', 'believe', 'saying', 'one', 'day', 'decides', 'bowling', 'friends', 'ridiculed', 'rolls', 'ball', 'lane', 'next', 'friends', 'award', 'score', 'minus', 'zero', 'calling', 'dufus', 'reeling', 'comments', 'made', 'immediately', 'becomes', 'excited', 'sheryl', 'walks', 'bowling', 'alley', 'along', 'group', 'guys', 'trying', 'win', 'affection', 'sheryl', 'seemingly', 'innocent', 'moral', 'rejects', 'advances', 'rings', 'bell', 'front', 'desk', 'counter', 'boy', 'named', 'rick', 'appears', 'instantly', 'attracted', 'alice', 'continues', 'bowl', 'friends', 'constantly', 'watches', 'sheryl\\\\', 'every', 'move', 'friends', 'mention', 'think', 'sheryl\\\\', 'breasts', 'fake', 'move', 'alice', 'insists', 'real', 'make', 'walk', 'sheryl', 'ask', 'get', 'rick', 'pages', 'come', 'back', 'desk', 'police', 'officer', 'tells', 'father', 'died', 'funeral', 'sheryl', 'obviously', 'upset', 'sitting', 'bathroom', 'notices', 'bowling', 'shoes', 'floor', 'goes', 'bowling', 'alley', 'return', 'finds', 'rick', 'repairing', 'one', 'pin', 'returns', 'tells', 'closed', 'starts', 'crying', 'father', 'conversation', 'rick', 'walks', 'sheryl', 'home', 'leads', 'first', 'kiss', 'observed', 'alice', 'earlier', 'spotted', 'sheryl', 'running', 'bowling', 'alley', 'next', 'day', 'rick', 'comes', 'back', 'gang', 'take', 'sheryl', 'beach', 'oysters', 'tequila', 'sheryl', 'pours', 'heart', 'father\\\\', 'death', 'spend', 'whole', 'day', 'night', 'together'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'remote', 'forgotten', 'desert', 'mountain', 'village', 'former', 'soviet', 'union', 'chronicles', 'standoff', 'sexes', 'local', 'women', 'decide', 'withhold', 'sex', 'lazy', 'men', 'fix', 'pipeline', 'carries', 'village', 'water', 'supply', 'young', 'lovers', 'aya', 'temelko', 'caught', 'argument', 'temelko', 'becomes', 'determined', 'fix', 'pipeline'], ['indian-born', 'manmohan', 'malhotra', 're-located', 'london', 'england', 'established', 'returned', 'india', 'got', 'married', 'bebo', 'four', 'years', 'got', 'visa', 'could', 'live', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'gave', 'birth', 'jasmeet', 'manmohan', 'always', 'embarrassed', 'bebo', 'fat', 'could', 'speak', 'english', 'result', 'always', 'left', 'important', 'occasions', 'socialized', 'bebo', 'want', 'jasmeet', 'end', 'like', 'got', 'educated', 'english', 'school', 'encouraged', 'mingle', 'british', 'friends', 'jasmeet', 'transformed', 'jazz', 'mdash', 'beautiful', 'young', 'woman', 'modern', 'looks', 'talk', 'habits', 'heart', 'father', 'set', 'meet', 'young', 'lad', 'bobby', 'bedi', 'though', 'date', 'turns', 'disaster', 'bobby', 'rejects', 'manmohan', 'thinks', 'impossible', 'get', 'indian', 'son-in-law', 'although', 'friend', 'parvez', 'khan', 'similar', 'situation', 'son', 'imran', 'blonde', 'girlfriend', 'susan', 'manmohan', 'takes', 'family', 'tour', 'india', 'forces', 'jasmeet', 'marry', 'arjun', 'singh', 'return', 'london', 'jasmeet', 'announces', 'getting', 'married', 'charlie', 'brown', 'well', 'educated', 'good', 'friends', 'connections', 'even', 'prince', 'charles', 'refuses', 'recognize', 'marriage', 'arjun', 'proof', 'wedding', 'jasmeet', 'introduced', 'friends', 'brown', 'family', 'subjected', 'considerable', 'racist', 'abuse', 'well', 'quote', 'winston', 'churchill', \"'when\", 'leave', 'india', 'country', 'hands', 'goons', 'period', 'jazz', 'becomes', 'close', 'arjun', 'still', 'supports', 'charlie', 'brown', 'rugby', 'match', 'indians', 'arjun', 'english', 'lose', 'brown', 'verbally', 'racist', 'indians', 'imran', 'asked', 'susan', 'parents', 'leave', 'islam', 'become', 'christian', 'change', 'name', 'emmanuel', 'ian', 'well', 'provide', 'written', 'proof', 'family', 'associated', 'terrorists', 'film', 'ends', 'happy', 'note', 'imran', 'turns', 'christian', 'susan', 'accepted', 'imran', 'family', 'jazz', 'realizes', 'love', 'arjun', 'runs', 'away', 'wedding', 'charlie', 'brown', 'goes', 'arjun', 'back', 'india', 'seen', 'riding', 'arjun', 'motorcycle'], ['ajay', 'adman', 'definite', 'idea', 'future', 'wife', 'gets', 'married', 'village', 'belle', 'kamakshi', 'handpicked', 'mom', 'native', 'town', 'kovvuru', 'marriage', 'kamakshi', 'meets', 'hairline', 'fracture', 'entire', 'family', 'kamakshi', 'lands', 'ajay', 'house', 'take', 'care', 'kamakshi', 'beautiful', 'greedy', 'sister', 'called', 'lahari', 'period', 'suma', 'regular', 'model', 'ajay', 'meets', 'fracture', 'lahari', 'replaces', 'model', 'opposite', 'ajay', 'moment', 'lahari', 'gets', 'lured', 'modeling', 'profession', 'falls', 'love', 'ajay', 'ajay', 'feelings', 'kamakshi', 'gets', 'well', 'family', 'returns', 'village', 'lahari', 'tells', 'kamakshi', 'desire', 'marry', 'ajay', 'kamakshi', 'gets', 'mad', 'returns', 'home', 'husband', 'meanwhile', 'lahari', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'kamakshi', 'close', 'lahari', 'promises', 'lahari', 'get', 'married', 'ajay', 'rest', 'film', 'ajay', 'manages', 'save', 'marriage', 'without', 'hurting', 'lahari'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'montage', 'tracing', 'building\\\\', 'history', 'wealthy', 'expatriate', 'egyptian', 'residents', 'give', 'way', '1952', 'coup', 'overthrew', 'king', 'farouk', 'eventually', 'resulted', 'installation', 'gamal', 'abdel', 'nasser', 'president', 'egypt', 'new', 'families', 'rooftop', 'storage', 'rooms', 'converted', 'living', 'space', 'lower-class', 'families', 'rooftop', 'community', 'effectively', 'slum', 'neighborhood', 'symbolic', 'urbanization', 'egypt', 'burgeoning', 'population', 'growth', 'large', 'cities', 'recent', 'decades', 'especially', 'among', 'poor', 'working', 'classes', 'faded', 'apartments', 'main', 'floors', 'building\\\\', 'teeming', 'roof', 'films\\\\', 'principal', 'characters', 'introduced', '*zaki', 'pasha', 'dessouki', 'ndash', 'wealthy', 'elderly', 'foreign-educated', 'engineer', 'spends', 'time', 'pursuing', 'women', 'maintains', 'office', 'yacoubian', 'personifies', 'ruling', 'class', 'prior', 'revolution', 'cosmopolitan', 'cultured', 'western', 'outlook', 'particularly', 'observant', 'islam', '*taha', 'shazli', 'ndash', 'son', 'building', 'doorman', 'excelled', 'school', 'hoped', 'admitted', 'police', 'academy', 'found', 'father\\\\', 'profession', 'considered', 'lowly', 'generals', 'conducting', 'character', 'interview', 'obstacle', 'admission', 'disaffected', 'enrolls', 'university', 'eventually', 'joins', 'militant', 'islamist', 'organization', 'modeled', 'upon', 'jamaa', 'islamya', '*buthayna', 'sayed', 'ndash', 'initially', 'taha\\\\', 'childhood', 'sweetheart', 'forced', 'find', 'job', 'help', 'support', 'family', 'father', 'dies', 'disillusioned', 'find', 'male', 'employer', 'expects', 'sexual', 'favors', 'female', 'coworkers', 'exchange', 'additional', 'money', 'gifts', 'side', 'mother', 'expects', 'preserve', 'virginity', 'refusing', 'boss\\\\', 'sexual', 'advances', 'outright', 'embittered', 'eventually', 'comes', 'use', 'beauty', 'tool', 'advance', 'interests', 'finds', 'falling', 'love', 'zaki', 'bey', 'dessouki', 'she\\\\', 'planning', 'malak', 'swindle', 'apartment', '*malak', 'ndash', 'shirtmaker', 'petty', 'schemer', 'seeking', 'open', 'shop', 'yacoubian\\\\', 'roof', 'insinuate', 'one', 'posh', 'apartments', 'downstairs', '*hatim', 'rasheed', 'ndash', 'son', 'egyptian', 'father', 'noted', 'legal', 'scholar', 'french', 'mother', 'editor', 'caire', 'french', 'language', 'daily', 'newspaper', 'attention', 'paid', 'private', 'life', 'fairly', 'open', 'homosexual', 'society', 'either', 'looks', 'way', 'openly', 'condemns', 'behavior', 'inclinations', '*hagg', 'muhammad', 'azzam', 'ndash', 'one', 'egypt\\\\', 'wealthiest', 'men', 'migrant', 'cairo', 'countryside', 'space', 'thirty', 'years', 'gone', 'shoeshiner', 'self-made', 'millionaire', 'seeks', 'acceptable', 'legal', 'outlet', 'resurgent', 'libido', 'secret', 'second', 'marriage', 'attractive', 'young', 'widow', 'also', 'realizes', 'goal', 'serving', 'people\\\\', 'assembly', 'comes', 'face', 'face', 'enormous', 'corruption', 'graft', 'bribery', 'contemporary', 'egyptian', 'politics', '*christine', 'ndash', 'world-weary', 'chanteuse', 'advises', 'zaki', 'bey', 'love', 'life', 'whose', 'poignant', 'singing', 'european', 'songs', 'like', 'vie', 'rose', 'punctuates', 'film', 'stories', 'primary', 'characters', 'intertwined', 'times', 'colliding', 'converging', 'one', 'another', 'together', 'give', 'biting', 'condemnation', 'nation', 'squandered', 'promise', 'forced', 'compromise', 'principles', 'resulting', 'corrupt', 'undemocratic', 'political', 'system', 'dominated', 'single', 'party', 'fictitious', 'patriotic', 'party', 'thinly-veiled', 'version', 'egypt\\\\', 'national', 'democratic', 'party', 'unlikely', 'pairing', 'elderly', 'rou챕', 'disillusioned', 'young', 'girl', 'ends', 'film', 'provides', 'closing', 'grace', 'note', 'seen', 'ray', 'hope', 'death', 'unhappiness', 'befallen', 'characters'], ['film', 'recounts', 'events', 'life', 'colonel', 'margarethe', 'cammermeyer', 'led', 'retirementcammermeyer', 'website', 'washington', 'national', 'guard', 'u.s.', 'military', 'gay', 'exclusion', 'policy'], [\"'luis\", 'happily', 'single', 'mollycoddled', 'family', 'successful', 'career', 'perfumer', 'easy', 'life', 'tired', 'taking', 'care', 'decide', 'get', 'married', 'within', 'year', 'problem', 'luis', 'want', 'kind', 'serious', 'relationship', 'since', 'ruined', 'first', 'true', 'love', 'turning', 'girls', 'introduced', 'gets', 'idea', 'rent', 'best', 'friend\\\\', 'sister', 'emma', 'turn', 'perfect', 'bride-to-be', 'make', 'show', 'wedding', 'day', 'way', 'luis', 'thinks', 'family', 'leave', 'alone', 'unfortunately', 'family', 'likes', 'emma', 'blames', 'apparently', 'jilts', 'altar', 'comes', 'alternate', 'plan', 'emma', 'act', 'horribly', 'towards', 'family', 'like', 'two', 'begin', 'fall', 'love', 'luis', 'finally', 'stands', 'family', 'confesses', 'schemes', 'finally', 'settles', 'emma'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'old', 'disabled', 'lady', 'lives', 'spinster', 'daughter', 'lady', 'desperately', 'wants', 'daughter', 'marry', 'daughter', 'driven', 'supposed', 'imminent', 'death', 'mother', 'invites', 'total', 'stranger', 'home', 'introduces', 'boyfriend', 'man', 'prospective', 'mother-in-law', 'eventually', 'start', 'like', 'makes', 'every', 'effort', 'liked', 'daughter', 'intervention', 'fantasy', 'granddaughter', 'quasi-miraculous', 'healing', 'lot', 'hilarious', 'repartee', 'movie', 'happy', 'ending'], ['film', 'focuses', 'courtship', 'marriage', 'aging', 'greek', 'theo', 'tomasis', 'rose', 'humble', 'peasant', 'roots', 'become', 'influential', 'mogul', 'owns', 'oil', 'tankers', 'airlines', 'mediterranean', 'islands', 'longs', 'elected', 'president', 'greece', 'considerably', 'younger', 'liz', 'cassidy', 'beautiful', 'widow', 'assassinated', 'president', 'united', 'states', 'two', 'first', 'meet', 'visiting', 'island', 'estate', 'husband', 'james', 'charismatic', 'senator', 'state', 'massachusetts', 'theo', 'immediately', 'attracted', 'despite', 'fact', 'obviously', 'happily', 'married', 'begins', 'woo', 'aboard', 'yacht', 'husband', 'deep', 'conversation', 'former', 'prime', 'minister', 'united', 'kingdom', 'plot', 'unfolds', 'theo', 'beloved', 'son', 'nico', 'dies', 'accident', 'wife', 'simi', 'commits', 'suicide', 'james', 'becomes', 'president', 'appoints', 'brother', 'john', 'attorney', 'general', 'theo', 'ends', 'affair', 'paola', 'comfort', 'eventually', 'marry', 'grieving', 'widow', 'liz'], ['year', 'old', 'patty', 'bergen', 'lives', 'jenkinsville', 'arkansas', 'world', 'war', 'patty', 'family', 'owns', 'local', 'clothing', 'general', 'supplies', 'store', 'patty', 'occasionally', 'works', 'patty', 'abusive', 'father', 'uncaring', 'mother', 'little', 'time', 'instead', 'favoring', 'younger', 'sister', 'sharon', 'however', 'patty', 'friend', 'family', 'black', 'middle-aged', 'housekeeper', 'ruth', 'u.s.', 'government', 'opens', 'prisoner-of-war', 'camp', 'captured', 'german', 'soldiers', 'town', 'one', 'day', 'patty', 'meets', 'one', 'pows', 'anton', 'friedrich', 'reiker', 'pows', 'allowed', 'buy', 'supplies', 'family', 'store', 'soon', 'anton', 'escapes', 'pow', 'camp', 'run', 'escape', 'train', 'patty', 'sees', 'scuppers', 'plans', 'rather', 'inform', 'authorities', 'patty', 'hides', 'young', 'soldier', 'abandoned', 'rooms', 'family', 'disused', 'garage', 'brings', 'food', 'two', 'become', 'close', 'friends', 'anton', 'showing', 'patty', 'warmth', 'respect', 'never', 'cold', 'family', 'anton', 'nearly', 'gets', 'exposed', 'sees', 'patty', 'father', 'beating', 'one', 'day', 'nobly', 'runs', 'hiding', 'protect', 'shouts', 'back', 'seen', 'however', 'ruth', 'sees', 'anton', 'approve', 'agrees', 'keep', 'patty', 'secret', 'helps', 'giving', 'anton', 'food', 'long', 'fbi', 'begin', 'conducting', 'thorough', 'search', 'town', 'looking', 'anton', 'call', 'bergens', 'home', 'patty', 'runs', 'garage', 'warn', 'anton', 'must', 'leave', 'immediately', 'caught', 'anton', 'flees', 'garage', 'thanking', 'patty', 'help', 'gives', 'valuable', 'ring', 'belonged', 'grandfather', 'however', 'whilst', 'trying', 'leave', 'town', 'night', 'fbi', 'find', 'anton', 'shot', 'dead', 'trying', 'escape', 'patty', 'virtually', 'disowned', 'father', 'tells', 'dead', 'townsfolk', 'view', 'traitor', 'aiding', 'german', 'prisoner', 'person', 'still', 'talks', 'ruth', 'fired', 'job', 'housekeeper', 'tries', 'comfort', 'patty', 'grief', 'ruth', 'tells', 'townsfolk', 'leave', 'patty', 'alone', 'god', 'right', 'stand', 'judgment'], ['nora', 'wilder', 'single', 'career', 'woman', 'works', 'manhattan', 'boutique', 'hotel', 'excellent', 'skills', 'guest', 'relations', 'lack', 'romantic', 'department', 'loving', 'dominant', 'mother', 'attempting', 'set', 'consistently', 'fail', 'friend', 'disastrous', 'blind', 'dates', 'rely', 'backup', 'dismay', 'surrounded', 'friends', 'happily', 'engaged', 'romantically', 'involved', 'somehow', 'love', 'escapes', 'nora', 'meets', 'unusual', 'frenchman', 'helps', 'discover', 'life', 'beyond', 'self-imposed', 'boundaries', 'also', 'stars', 'griffin', 'dunne', 'justin', 'theroux', 'drea', 'matteo', 'film', 'screened', '2007', 'sundance', 'film', 'festival', 'ultimately', 'garnered', 'five', 'award', 'nominations', 'among', 'independent', 'spirit', 'award', 'best', 'first', 'screenplay.http', '//www.google.com/search', 'clienten', 'qutf-8', 'oe=utf-8', 'retrieved', '2009-04-10'], ['ravidabishananen', 'tarun', 'aimless', 'youngster', 'falls', 'love', 'swati', 'first', 'sight', 'get', 'opportunity', 'meet', 'talk', 'protective', 'ruffian', 'brother', 'comes', 'know', 'swati', 'unwillingness', 'marry', 'guy', 'brother', 'fixed', 'ravidabishananen', 'helps', 'taking', 'away', 'marriage', 'ceremony', 'tells', 'loves', 'guy', 'called', 'chanduku', 'ravidabishananen', 'sacrifices', 'feelings', 'towards', 'decides', 'unite', 'swati', 'chandu', 'rest', 'story', 'ends', 'well'], ['janaki', 'sister', 'nris', 'want', 'join', 'college', 'janaki', 'stays', 'uncle', 'procures', 'admission', 'college', 'ramana', 'die-hard', 'music', 'fan', 'janaki', 'first', 'sees', 'music', 'room', 'practicing', 'get', 'attracted', 'family', 'members', 'ramana', 'away', 'janaki', 'happens', 'come', 'ramana', 'house', 'wearing', 'saree', 'know', 'wear', 'saree', 'drape', 'around', 'body', 'ramana', 'offers', 'teach', 'wear', 'saree', 'process', 'consummate', 'passion', 'days', 'janaki', 'informs', 'ramana', 'pregnant', 'ramana', 'along', 'friends', 'hires', 'nurse', 'perform', 'abortion', 'janaki', 'ramana', 'asks', 'janaki', 'prepare', 'abortion', 'refuses', 'says', 'wants', 'company', 'kid', 'janaki', 'tells', 'mother', 'used', 'tell', 'dies', 'reborn', 'janaki', 'child', 'janaki', 'told', 'college', 'principal', 'take', 'rest', 'write', 'exam', 'following', 'year', 'ramana', 'parents', 'talk', 'janaki', 'uncle', 'blames', 'ramana', 'soon', 'ramana', 'janaki', 'move', 'new', 'house', 'ramana', 'gets', 'job', 'guitar', 'player', 'club', 'janaki', 'delivers', 'child', 'hospital', 'ramana', 'exams', \"n't\", 'concentrate', \"n't\", 'write', 'anything', 'lecturer', 'tells', 'study', 'well', 'done', 'well', 'previous', 'tests', 'also', 'janaki', 'expects', 'help', 'taking', 'care', 'baby', 'ramana', 'starts', 'getting', 'fed', 'janaki', 'baby', 'starts', 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'1914', 'lower', 'class', 'district', 'paris', 'film', 'focuses', 'content', 'sewer', 'worker', 'named', 'chico', 'criticized', 'fellow', 'citizens', 'atheist', 'one', 'day', 'witnesses', 'young', 'woman', 'brutally', 'beaten', 'sister', 'among', 'crowd', 'entertaining', 'senior', 'wealthy', 'man', 'sleazy', 'bar', 'sympathizes', 'girl', 'diane', 'stops', 'fight', 'later', 'father', 'chevillon', 'worried', 'chico', 'non-believing', 'thoughts', 'offers', 'deal', 'grant', 'street', 'washer', 'job', 'takes', 'diane', 'opens', 'mind', 'believing', 'god', 'chico', 'agrees', 'prevents', 'diane', 'sister', 'turning', 'diane', 'police', 'claiming', 'wife', 'diane', 'become', 'suicidal', 'chico', 'shares', 'optimistic', 'views', 'takes', 'garret', 'situated', 'seven', 'flights', 'stairs', 'even', 'though', 'luxury', 'diane', 'used', 'worse', 'surroundings', 'thinks', 'place', 'heaven', 'night', 'chico', 'diane', 'realize', 'like', 'though', 'ignore', 'feelings', 'next', 'day', 'celebrate', 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'leave', 'riviera', 'train', 'london', 'george-anne', 'carlton', 'encounters', 'persistent', 'former', 'suitor', 'duncan', 'macrae', 'richard', 'carlson', 'still', 'wants', 'marry', 'despite', 'knowing', 'family\\\\', 'checkered', 'past', 'wealthy', 'tells', 'leave', 'alone', 'penniless', 'family', 'soon', 'latches', 'onto', 'kind-hearted', 'fellow', 'passenger', 'miss', 'ellen', 'fortune', 'rich', 'lonely', 'old', 'woman', 'train', 'crash', 'george-anne', 'brother', 'richard', 'take', 'good', 'care', 'result', 'carltons', 'invited', 'stay', 'miss', 'fortune', 'mansion', 'london', 'richard', 'parents', 'colonel', 'anthony', 'sahib', 'carlton', 'marmy', 'consider', 'short-term', 'refuge', 'search', 'another', 'opportunity', 'george-anne', 'convinces', 'try', 'ingratiate', 'old', 'woman', 'supposedly', 'goal', 'becoming', 'heirs', 'secretly', 'hopes', 'family', 'mend', 'crooked', 'ways', 'miss', 'fortune\\\\', 'lawyer', 'felix', 'anstruther', 'suspicious', 'motives', 'france', 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'murder', 'unknown', 'killer', 'decides', 'kill', 'begins', 'hunt', 'raju', 'meanwhile', 'geeta', 'also', 'looking', 'brother', 'vikram', 'get', 'information', 'get', 'find', 'seeks', 'help', 'convict', 'named', 'gul', 'hassan', 'innocent', 'still', 'framed', 'illegal', 'money-making', 'mafia', 'vikram', 'trying', 'help', 'gul', 'hassan', 'prove', 'innocence', 'kidnapped', 'mafia', 'also', 'gul', 'escaped', 'jail', 'raju', 'decides', 'help', 'geeta', 'even', 'cost', 'life', 'geeta', 'learns', 'truth', 'leaves', 'looks', 'geeta', 'unknown', 'mafia', 'police', 'force', 'meanwhile', 'gul', 'hassan', 'mysteriously', 'murdered', 'geeta', 'raju', 'meet', 'murder', 'scene', 'decide', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'look', 'murderer', 'part', 'mafia', 'soon', 'enough', 'raju', 'also', 'kidnapped', 'like', 'vikram', 'mafia', 'mafia', 'force', 'part', 'gangster', 'raju', 'also', 'pretends', 'along', 'pretends', 'part', 'however', 'goes', 'meet', 'geeta', 'mafia', 'understand', 'acting', 'whole', 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'brother', 'heiress', 'kill', 'get', 'huge', 'fortune', 'min', 'blind', 'heiress', 'cold-hearted', 'like', 'julian', 'slowly', 'opens', 'falls', 'julian', 'pay', 'creditor', 'makes', 'worse', 'illness', 'took', 'min', 'eyesight', 'relapsed', 'threatening', 'life', 'story', 'takes', 'terrible', 'turn', 'julian', 'becomes', 'guilty', 'pained', 'guilt', 'tearjerker', 'moments', 'ironic', 'betrayal', 'innocent', 'love', 'make', 'heart', 'turn'], ['alex', 'living', 'venice', 'beach', 'struggling', 'writer', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'reena', 'beach', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'alex', 'starts', 'fall', 'love', 'however', 'days', 'later', 'reena', 'disappears', 'lax', 'thing', 'alex', 'knows', 'thakur', 'village', 'mumbai', 'india', 'follows', 'india', 'discovers', 'help', 'new', 'driver', 'priyad', 'reena', 'greatest', 'film', 'star', 'bollywood', 'engaged', 'shekar', 'influential', 'bollywood', 'producer', 'alex', 'stays', 'bobby', 'friend', 'reena', 'big', 'bollywood', 'actor', 'alex', 'struggling', 'romance', 'bobby', 'starts', 'fall', 'choreographer', 'alisha', 'old', 'friend', 'past', 'much', 'disappointed', 'simply', 'forgetting', 'became', 'famous', 'reena', 'hesitant', 'break', 'engagement', 'arranged', 'parents', 'feels', 'owes', 'shekhar', 'entire', 'career', 'alex', 'struggling', 'reena', 'mother', 'shekhar', 'feel', 'reena', 'alex', 'might', 'interested', 'bobby', 'meanwhile', 'broken', 'car', 'gets', 'stuck', 'alisha', 'abandoned', 'hut', 'beach', 'opportunity', 'talk', 'make', 'however', 'shortly', 'afterwards', 'misunderstanding', 'occurs', 'alisha', 'feels', 'betrayed', 'reena', 'meanwhile', 'tells', 'alex', 'leave', 'going', 'accept', 'family', 'wishes', 'marry', 'shekhar', 'order', 'preserve', 'tradition', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'alex', 'ready', 'leave', 'india', 'bobby', 'finds', 'shekhar', 'affair', 'co-worker', 'reena', 'parents', 'tell', 'give', 'happiness', 'tell', 'alex', 'bobby', 'clarifies', 'misunderstanding', 'alisha', 'makes', 'pursue', 'dreams', 'reena', 'stops', 'alex', 'leave', 'country', 'rickshaw', 'chase', 'everything', 'ends', 'well', 'reena', 'alex', 'professing', 'love', 'get', 'married'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'takes', 'place', 'mostly', 'mental', 'institution', 'filled', 'eclectic', 'menagerie', 'patients', 'young-goon', 'young', 'woman', 'working', 'factory', 'constructing', 'radios', 'believes', 'cyborg', 'institutionalised', 'cutting', 'wrist', 'connecting', 'power', 'cord', 'wall', 'outlet', 'attempt', 'recharge', 'act', 'interpreted', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'delusion', 'characterised', 'refusing', 'eat', 'conversing', 'almost', 'solely', 'machines', 'electrical', 'appliances', 'obsessively', 'listening', 'transistor', 'radio', 'night', 'instruction', 'become', 'better', 'cyborg', 'apathetic', 'mother', 'interviewed', 'institute\\\\', 'head', 'doctor', 'determine', 'roots', 'young-goon\\\\', 'psychosis', 'despite', 'claiming', 'ignorances', 'daughter\\\\', 'delusion', 'reveals', 'young-goon\\\\', 'mentally-ill', 'grandmother', 'previously', 'institutionalised', 'delusions', 'mouse', 'trauma', 'sparks', 'young-goon\\\\', 'lapses', 'reality', 'result', 'fantasizes', 'frequently', 'finding', 'grandmother', 'seeking', 'revenge', 'men', 'white', 'took', 'away', 'il-sun', 'young', 'male', 'patient', 'hospitalized', 'anti-social', 'behaviour', 'kleptomania', 'becomes', 'fascinated', 'young-goon', 'described', 'sympathy', 'fellow', 'man', 'believes', 'steal', 'people\\\\', 'souls/attributes', 'frequently', 'wears', 'handmade', 'rabbit', 'masks', 'fears', 'eventually', 'shrink', 'dot', 'seen', 'compulsively', 'brushing', 'teeth', 'nervous', 'upset', 'habit', 'covertly', 'taking', 'traits', 'fellow', 'inmates', 'makes', 'frequent', 'target', 'scorn', 'however', 'shown', 'willingly', 'accepting', 'returning', 'certain', 'traits', 'owners', 'fill', 'young-goon', 'convinces', 'il-sun', 'take', 'away', 'sympathy', 'order', 'able', 'kill', 'men', 'white', 'hallucination', 'going', 'rampage', 'slaughtering', 'doctors', 'orderlies', 'hospital', 'given', 'shock', 'treatment', 'due', 'refusal', 'eat', 'believes', 'recharged', 'reality', 'physical', 'condition', 'begins', 'deteriorate', 'rapidly', 'doctors', 'begin', 'force-feeding', 'keep', 'alive', 'il-sun', 'wracked', 'sympathy', 'young-goon', 'hatches', 'elaborate', 'plan', 'get', 'young-goon', 'eat', 'convincing', 'install', 'food-to-electrical-energy', 'conversion', 'unit', 'back', 'eating', 'first', 'meal', 'hospital', 'confiding', 'secrets', 'head', 'doctor', 'young-goon', 'ponders', 'meaning', 'recurring', 'dream', 'grandmother', 'explains', 'purpose', 'existence', 'interpreting', 'lip-read', 'message', 'fact', 'nuke', 'bomb', 'requires', 'bolt', 'lightning', 'detonate', 'goes', 'horrendous', 'storm', 'il-sun', 'intending', 'use', 'radio\\\\', 'antenna', 'lightning', 'rod', 'middle', 'storm', 'wind', 'blows', 'away', 'tent', 'using', 'prompting', 'scramble', 'covering', 'food', 'brought', 'young-goon', 'tries', 'cover', 'opened', 'wine', 'bottle', 'brought', 'well', 'unable', 'find', 'cork', 'hearing', 'cry', 'wine', 'il-sun', 'hastily', 'grabs', 'covers', 'pinky', 'finger', 'unknown', 'young-goon', 'il-sun', 'fact', 'placed', 'missing', 'cork', 'top', 'makeshift', 'lightning', 'rod', 'constructed', 'thereby', 'ensuring', 'never', 'get', 'hit', 'lightning', 'reveals', 'il-sun', 'never', 'intended', 'young-goon', 'die', 'despite', 'seemingly', 'helping', 'carry', 'young-goon\\\\', 'wishes', \"\\\\'detonating\\\\\", 'bringing', \"\\\\'world\\\\\", 'end\\\\', \"\\\\'helping\", 'out\\\\', 'fact', 'way', 'protecting', 'young-goon', 'like', 'way', 'installed', \"\\\\'rice\", 'megatron\\\\', 'induce', 'eat', 'movie', 'ends', 'sunrise', 'still', 'alive', 'well'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'revolves', 'around', 'si-eun', 'dreams', 'becoming', 'famous', 'jockey', 'first', 'korean', 'movie', 'show', 'friendship', 'human', 'horse', 'feature', 'horse', 'race', 'citation', 'needed'], [\"'lonnie\", 'earl', 'dodd', 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'complications', 'arise', 'roy', 'calls', 'doc', 'tuley', 'results', 'fertility', 'test', 'took', 'leaving', 'home', 'roy', 'sterile', 'therefore', 'clearly', 'father', 'candy\\\\', 'child', 'darlene', 'notices', 'uneasy', 'glance', 'lonnie', 'earl', 'candy', 'realizes', 'two', 'affair', 'devastated', 'treats', 'complete', 'expensive', 'makeover', 'goes', 'see', 'tony', 'orlando', 'perform', 'determined', 'let', 'insensitive', 'husband', 'rob', 'dream', 'well', 'meanwhile', 'roy', 'hotel', 'lounge', 'trying', 'make', 'headway', 'brenda', 'unbeknownst', 'high-class', 'hooker', 'eventually', 'two', 'couples', 'return', 'suite', 'engage', 'loud', 'arguments', 'fisticuffs', 'following', 'day', 'discover', 'darlene', 'found', 'ultimate', 'way', 'avenge', 'husband\\\\', 'boorish', 'treatment', 'donated', 'suv', 'intended', 'sell', 'returned', 'home', 'destroyed', 'enormous', 'fire-breathing', 'robosaurus', 'monster', 'truck', 'rallydouglas', 'malewicki\\\\', 'actual', 'robosaurus', 'thrill', 'ride', 'featured', 'point', 'filmthe', 'movie', 'trailer', 'youtube', 'minute', '1:49', 'say', 'sacrifice', 'new', 'car', 'epilogue', 'learn', 'roy', 'candy', 'parents', 'three', 'children', 'results', 'fertility', 'test', 'incorrect', 'lonnie', 'earl', 'confident', 'darlene', 'equal', 'partners', 'business', 'become', 'star', 'still-cheesey', 'ads', 'continues', 'make'], ['walter', 'elbertson', 'young', 'shy', 'asthmatic', 'lacks', 'direction', 'life', 'confidence', 'tackle', 'future', 'father', 'effort', 'instill', 'spirit', 'son', 'sends', 'biking', 'holiday', 'spain', 'walter', 'goes', 'spain', 'finds', 'bike', 'riding', 'torturous', 'asthma', 'lags', 'behind', 'rest', 'group', 'meanwhile', 'lila', 'fisher', 'touring', 'spain', 'bus', 'awkward', 'people', 'keeps', 'looks', 'uncomfortable', 'spaniard', 'tries', 'woo', 'bird', 'noises', 'soon', 'two', 'tours', 'coincide', 'seeing', 'bus', 'depart', 'walter', 'decides', 'enough', 'bike', 'tour', 'joins', 'bus', 'tour', 'ends', 'alongside', 'lila', 'rear', 'bus', 'seat', 'wheezing', 'terribly', 'ordeal', 'running', 'bus', 'two', 'begin', 'spending', 'time', 'together', 'necessity', 'neither', 'seems', 'particularly', 'confident', 'growing', 'relationship', 'lila', 'particularly', 'however', 'similar', 'dispositions', 'soon', 'bring', 'closer', 'move', 'past', 'fear', 'consummate', 'relationship', 'relationship', 'always', 'run', 'smoothly', 'show', 'intermittent', 'doubt', 'loyalty', 'fights', 'resolve', 'compelled', 'make', 'pledges', 'commitment', 'one', 'another', 'increase', 'intimacy', 'strengthen', 'bond', 'eventually', 'decide', 'leave', 'bus', 'tour', 'behind', 'walter', 'organises', 'small', 'caravan', 'take', 'around', 'country', 'one', 'point', 'meet', 'duke', 'lives', 'large', 'spanish', 'castle', 'seems', 'taken', 'lila', 'awakens', 'fever', 'jealousy', 'walter', 'first', 'time', 'acts', 'strength', 'resolve', 'keep', 'film', 'ends', 'lila', 'shown', 'signs', 'illness', 'various', 'points', 'film', 'confessing', 'walter', 'long', 'live', 'two', 'determine', 'walter', 'main', 'instigator', 'spend', 'days', 'remaining', 'travelling', 'free', 'following', 'hearts', 'together'], ['man', 'named', 'mahmoud', 'falls', 'love', 'layla', 'beautiful', 'lady', 'another', 'man', 'hasan', 'also', 'fallen', 'love', 'layla', 'layla', 'shot', 'consequence', 'vying', 'affections', 'amal', 'layla', 'daughter', 'also', 'loves', 'nabil', 'hasan', 'son'], ['sujata', 'romance', 'brahmin', 'young', 'man', 'adheer', 'untouchable', 'woman', 'sujata', 'movie', 'dr.', 'ambedkar', 'fight', 'untouchability', 'myth', 'chandalika', 'hinduism', 'subtexts', 'basis', 'tries', 'criticize', 'practice', 'untouchability', 'india', 'brahmin', 'couple', 'upen', 'charu', 'bring', 'orphaned', 'sujata', 'although', 'upen', 'fond', 'adoptive', 'child', 'wife', 'charu', 'mother', 'never', 'fully', 'embrace', 'sujata', 'untouchable', 'never', 'fail', 'remind', 'sujata', \"n't\", 'belong', 'amongst', 'brahmins', 'one', 'day', 'upen', 'wife', 'falls', 'stairs', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'doctors', 'tell', 'family', 'order', 'save', 'charu', 'need', 'blood', 'rare', 'group', 'sujata', 'blood', 'matches', 'willingly', 'donates', 'blood', 'upen', 'wife', 'knows', 'life', 'saved', 'sujata', 'realizes', 'mistakes', 'accepts', 'daughter', 'sujata', 'adheer', 'finally', 'married'], [\"'jack\", 'twiller', 'gets', 'greetings', 'long', 'gone', 'high', 'school', 'girlfriend', 'makes', 'open', 'school\\\\', 'yearbook', 'book', 'love', 'remember', 'old', 'times', 'way', 'back', '50s', 'last', 'year', 'high', 'school', 'chris', 'young', 'family', 'moved', 'town', 'hung', 'geeky', 'paul', 'kane', 'tried', 'get', 'attention', 'lily', 'unfortunately', 'together', 'bully', 'angelo'], ['khaled', 'falls', 'love', 'friend', 'suhair', 'father', 'abandoned', 'family', 'another', 'woman', 'struggles', 'overcome', 'challenges', 'finally', 'graduates', 'law', 'school', 'strives', 'fight', 'right', 'workers', 'suhair', 'father', 'firm', 'bitter', 'relationship', 'results', 'father', 'khalid', 'khalid', 'wins', 'case', 'marries', 'suhair', 'supported', 'along'], [\"'arvid\", 'bank', 'teller', 'dumped', 'girlfriend', 'boring', 'dull', 'hoping', 'put', 'excitement', 'life', 'arvid', 'helps', 'stop', 'robbery', 'bank', 'wife', 'would-be', 'bank', 'robber', 'tracks', 'arvid', 'tells', 'husband', 'robbing', 'bank', 'could', 'pay', 'medical', 'treatments', 'could', 'child', 'title', 'reference', 'axiom', 'arvid\\\\', 'brother', 'tells', 'china', 'eat', 'dogs', 'makes', 'realize', 'thing', 'moral', 'absolutism', 'whether', 'something', 'right', 'wrong', 'depends', 'situation', 'revelation', 'comes', 'sympathize', 'bank', 'robber', 'imagining', 'help', 'couple', 'prove', 'dangerous', 'outlaw', 'arvid', 'plots', 'robbery', 'bank', 'help', 'brother', 'harald', 'fellow', 'wannabe', 'criminals'], [\"'the\", 'last', 'wish', 'dying', 'monk', 'foster', 'child', 'harald', 'find', 'real', 'son', 'ludvig', 'latter', 'currently', 'swedish', 'prison', 'cell', 'peter', 'martin', 'two', 'chefs', 'want', 'get', 'soon', 'father', 'son', 'meet', 'first', 'time', 'lives', 'get', 'word', 'dad', 'needs', 'liver', 'transplant', 'ludvig', 'harald', 'set', 'raising', 'wherewithal', 'everything', 'goes', 'wrong', 'try', 'rob', 'bank', 'though', 'meet', 'mille', 'puts', 'onto', 'new', 'trail', 'peter', 'martin', 'also', 'make', 'contribution', 'however', 'soon', 'cops', 'anti-terror', 'corps', 'tails'], ['nikhil', 'kapoor', 'decides', 'come', 'back', 'usa', 'mumbai', 'arrives', 'decides', 'chill', 'nightclub', 'meets', 'woman', 'instantly', 'falls', 'however', \"n't\", 'even', 'introduce', 'asks', 'name', 'goes', 'away', 'next', 'day', 'nikhil', 'meets', 'old', 'friend', 'rahul', 'two', 'play', 'basketball', 'hang', 'together', 'whilst', 'company', 'rahul', 'steve', 'another', 'one', 'nikhil', 'friend', 'woman', 'shows', 'revealed', 'anamika', 'joshi', 'walks', 'friend', 'farhad', 'nikhil', 'tries', 'talk', 'anamika', 'farhad', 'behins', 'think', 'flirting', 'disturbing', 'fight', 'breaks', 'resulting', 'rahul', 'steve', 'join', 'well', 'farhad', 'turns', 'gangster', 'draws', 'gun', 'big', 'brawl', 'rahul', 'shot', 'leg', 'collapses', 'steve', 'runs', 'away', 'panic', 'anamika', 'also', 'disappeared', 'farhad', 'puts', 'gun', 'nikhil', 'hands', 'flees', 'country', 'quietly', 'leaves', 'australia', 'police', 'arrive', 'scene', 'arrest', 'nikhil', 'rahul', 'gets', 'paralysed', 'loses', 'use', 'legs', 'nikhil', 'kept', 'cell', 'police', 'shooting', 'rahul', 'tells', 'ask', 'rahul', 'refuses', 'speak', 'also', 'nikhil', 'way', 'contacting', 'anamika', 'prove', 'innocence', 'three', 'years', 'imprisoned', 'ira', 'malhotra', 'comes', 'hear', 'side', 'story', 'helps', 'bail', 'nikhil', 'gets', 'meet', 'rahul', 'anamika', 'eventually', 'finds', 'lured', 'trap', 'killer', 'still', 'large'], [\"'at\", 'charles', 'gaulle', 'airport', 'paris', 'french', 'beautician', 'way', 'new', 'job', 'mexico', 'accidentally', 'meets', 'french', 'chef', 'delayed', 'way', 'germany', 'residence', 'united', 'states', 'labor', 'strikes', 'bad', 'weather', 'pure', 'luck', 'cause', 'two', 'share', 'room', 'overnight', 'airport', 'hilton', 'hotel', 'initial', 'mutual', 'indifference', 'downright', 'hostility', 'evolves', 'romance', 're-examination', 'lives'], ['anuradha', 'loves', 'murali', 'college', 'keeps', 'becomes', 'victim', 'classmate', 'sarala', 'jealousy', 'trickery', 'complains', 'murali', 'principal', 'event', 'results', 'hatred', 'murali', 'losing', 'scholarship', 'murali', 'gets', 'help', 'uncle', 'lingaiah', 'goes', 'london', 'higher', 'studies', 'lingaiah', 'return', 'plans', 'give', 'daughter', 'lakshmi', 'murali', 'upon', 'return', 'lingaiah', 'appoints', 'anuradha', 'care', 'taker', 'innocent', 'lakshmi', 'anuradha', 'comes', 'know', 'plan', 'sacrifices', 'love', 'cousin', 'lakshmi', 'lakshmi', 'different', 'plans', 'love', 'brother', 'law', 'yoganandam', 'interested', 'murali', 'asks', 'anuradha', 'write', 'replies', 'murali', 'letters', 'behalf', 'anuradha', 'goes', 'lot', 'struggle', 'process', 'murali', 'loses', 'eyes', 'lab', 'accident', 'lingaiah', 'loses', 'interest', 'alliance', 'anuradha', 'pretends', 'lakshmi', 'nurses', 'muarli', 'blind', 'prepares', 'operation', 'help', 'common', 'friend', 'sarathi', 'principal', 'plans', 'disappear', 'eye', 'surgery', 'murali', 'recognises', 'difference', 'insists', 'wants', 'lakshmi', 'served', 'movie', 'ends', 'reunion', 'lovers', 'love', 'main', 'characters', 'silent', 'main', 'characters', 'duets', 'apart', 'solo', 'songs', 'duets', 'movie', 'girija', 'relangi'], ['reena', 'young', 'indian', 'american', 'lesbian', 'lives', 'works', 'new', 'york', 'sister', 'sarita', 'happily', 'married', 'discovers', 'infertile', 'reena', 'offers', 'surrogate', 'mother', 'sister', 'baby', 'hoping', 'improve', 'relationship', 'mother', 'disapproves', 'reena', 'sexual', 'orientation', 'sarita', 'husband', 'accept', 'reena', 'offer', 'sarita', 'begins', 'second', 'thoughts', 'reena', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'relationship', 'girlfriend', 'lisa', 'suffers', 'baby', 'born', 'reena', 'lisa', 'reunited', 'reena', 'family', 'cite', 'book'], ['story', 'bride', 'mother', 'getting', 'supposedly', 'swindled', 'money', 'spurned', 'suitor', 'groom', 'father', 'orchestrates', 'scheme', 'set', 'things', 'right', 'aided', 'cabaret', 'singer', 'placating', 'jealous', 'wife'], [\"'barbara\", 'covett', 'teaches', 'history', 'comprehensive', 'school', 'london', 'lonely', 'old', 'spinster', 'barbara\\\\', 'intimate', 'relationship', 'means', 'diary', 'new', 'younger', 'teacher', 'sheba', 'hart', 'starts', 'school', 'barbara', 'feels', 'drawn', 'believes', 'may', 'one', 'barbara', 'discovers', 'sheba', 'affair', 'student', 'steven', 'connolly', 'andrew', 'simpson', 'confronts', 'sheba', 'asks', 'tell', 'school', 'administration', 'christmas', 'family', 'barbara', 'explains', 'intention', 'telling', 'long', 'ends', 'relationship', 'however', 'sheba', 'end', 'affair', 'steven', 'causing', 'barbara', 'taunt', 'emotionally', 'draw', 'leading', 'end', 'affair', 'steven', 'months', 'passing', 'barbara\\\\', 'grasp', 'sheba', 'slowly', 'starts', 'take', 'hold', 'barbara', 'manipulating', 'emotionally', 'blackmailing', 'causing', 'attentions', 'divided', 'family', 'barbara', 'barbara\\\\', 'cat', 'dies', 'sheba\\\\', 'loyalties', 'easily', 'divided', 'sheba\\\\', 'husband', 'richard', 'shouts', 'anger', 'friend', 'evident', 'pain', 'wife', 'twisted', 'barbara', 'alone', 'feeling', 'betrayed', 'barbara', 'seeks', 'revenge', 'revealing', 'sheba\\\\', 'affair', 'fellow', 'teacher', 'comes', 'asking', 'sheba', 'interested', 'fellow', 'teacher', 'spreads', 'playground', 'rumour', 'steven\\\\', 'mother', 'mrs.', 'connolly', 'comes', 'sheba\\\\', 'home', 'hits', 'sheba', 'afterwards', 'sheba', 'husband', 'richard', 'bitterly', 'argue', 'barbara\\\\', 'voice-over', 'reveals', 'glad', 'arguing', 'knowing', 'sheba', 'come', 'comfort', 'barbara\\\\', 'plan', 'start', 'next', 'day', 'media', 'well', 'school', 'administration', 'alerted', 'sheba\\\\', 'affair', 'life', 'turned', 'upside', 'collapse', 'marriage', 'destroyed', 'relationship', 'children', 'loss', 'job', 'barbara', 'fired', 'school', 'denying', 'headmaster', 'knew', 'relationship', 'confronts', 'copy', 'restraining', 'order', 'taken', 'barbara', 'another', 'fellow', 'teacher', 'previously', 'befriended', 'sheba', 'ends', 'moving', 'barbara\\\\', 'house', 'believing', 'affair', 'became', 'known', 'steven', 'confessed', 'mother', 'sheba', 'soon', 'finds', 'barbara\\\\', 'diary', 'learns', 'barbara', 'leaked', 'story', 'affair', 'account', 'rather', 'sexual', 'attraction', 'barbara', 'seems', 'barbara', 'returns', 'shopping', 'round', 'confronted', 'furious', 'sheba', 'strikes', 'anger', 'barbara', 'says', 'done', 'favour', 'getting', 'hopeless', 'marriage', 'two', 'continue', 'shout', 'fight', 'one', 'another', 'sheba', 'claims', 'barbara', 'never', 'really', 'liked', 'fact', 'manipulated', 'personal', 'needs', 'sheba', 'runs', 'outside', 'barbara\\\\', 'journal', 'streams', 'reporters', 'photographers', 'shouts', 'deluded', 'fashion', 'becomes', 'hemmed', 'crush', 'reporters', 'photographers', 'point', 'barbara', 'rescues', 'sheba\\\\', 'emotions', 'spent', 'quietly', 'tells', 'barbara', 'initiated', 'friendship', 'liked', 'could', 'friends', 'barbara', 'says', 'needs', 'friend', 'sheba', 'leaves', 'barbara', 'placing', 'journal', 'table', 'sheba', 'returns', 'family', 'home', 'richard', 'answers', 'door', 'two', 'face', 'one', 'another', 'silently', 'several', 'moments', 'richard', 'allows', 'enter', 'sheba', 'sentenced', 'months', 'last', 'scene', 'barbara', 'meeting', 'another', 'younger', 'woman', 'reading', 'newspaper', 'reporting', 'sheba', 'hart', 'affair', 'barbara', 'says', 'used', 'know', 'sheba', 'downplays', 'relationship', 'acting', 'hardly', 'knew', 'barbara', 'quickly', 'introduces', 'woman', 'introduces', 'annabel', 'pair', 'continue', 'talk', 'barbara', 'mentions', 'attending', 'classical', 'concert', 'invites', 'annabel', 'join'], ['two', 'nerds', 'nelson', 'adam', 'book', 'room', 'inexpensive', 'hotel', 'ft.', 'lauderdale', 'great', 'time', 'spring', 'break', 'meet', 'stu', 'o.t', 'brooklyn', 'new', 'york', 'also', 'fun', 'hotel', 'overbooked', 'room', 'nelson', 'adam', 'stu', 'o.t', 'agree', 'share', 'room', 'due', 'shortage', 'hotel', 'rooms', 'wet', 't-shirt', 'contests', 'beer', 'drinking', 'illicit', 'activities', 'associated', 'spring', 'break', 'display', 'nelson', 'step-dad', 'shows', 'causes', 'trouble', 'group', 'paired', 'building', 'inspector', 'threatens', 'shut', 'hotel'], [\"'clifford\", 'godfrey', 'doll', 'house', 'designer', 'dumped', 'fiance', 'hours', 'depart', 'vacation', 'mexico', 'clare', 'enfield', 'travel', 'agent', 'informs', 'godfrey', 'tickets', 'non-refundable', 'upset', 'godfrey', 'goes', 'bar', 'meets', 'amanda', 'hughes', 'drunk', 'party', 'girl', 'agrees', 'travel', 'along', 'godfrey', 'hughes', 'sobers', 'continually', 'flirts', 'rejects', 'godfrey', 'stay', 'hotel', 'godfrey', 'meets', 'enfield', 'photographing', 'travel', 'brochure', 'begin', 'romance', 'disturbed', 'hughes'], ['se챰or', 'manuel', 'elderly', 'gentleman', 'falls', 'love', 'charming', 'luisa', 'confidence', 'trickster', 'posing', 'rich', 'socialite', 'preparation', 'upcoming', 'wedding', 'se챰or', 'manuel', 'takes', 'luisa', 'back', 'see', 'hacienda', 'introduces', 'new', 'fianc챕', 'staff', 'among', 'gabriel', 'manuel', 'right-hand', 'man', 'well', 'respected', 'town', 'people', 'also', 'one', 'person', 'se챰or', 'manuel', 'trusts', 'likewise', 'gabriel', 'cares', 'deeply', 'old', 'man', 'protective', 'haciendero', 'much', 'initial', 'meeting', 'fiercely', 'devoted', 'gabriel', 'immediately', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'luisa', 'fake', 'se챰or', 'manuel', 'money', 'order', 'expose', 'luisa', 'nothing', 'gold', 'digger', 'caught', 'tangled', 'web', 'lies', 'deceit', 'unexpected', '.all', 'unwanted', 'twisted', 'fate', 'awaits'], ['two', 'fast-talking', 'insurance', 'salesmen', 'wilbur', 'boswell', 'addington', 'ganzy', 'help', 'penniless', 'socialite', 'mary', 'marsh', 'dorothy', 'lee', 'turn', 'dilapidated', 'hotel', 'willed', 'thriving', 'success', 'soon', 'run', 'trouble', 'however', 'form', 'two', 'sets', 'gangsters', 'want', 'break', 'hotel', 'safe', 'also', 'mary', 'mother', 'wants', 'marry', 'wealthy', 'lawyer', 'john', 'blackwell', 'even', 'though', 'mary', 'loves', 'wilbur', 'adding', 'complications', 'fact', 'blackwell', 'actually', 'league', 'gangsters', 'finale', 'involves', 'nighttime', 'runarounds', 'shoot-out', 'hotel'], ['set', 'manhattan', 'memorial', 'service', 'andre', 'gerard', 'died', 'aids', 'buried', 'dallas', 'several', 'weeks', 'earlier', 'story', 'focuses', 'mother', 'katherine', 'inability', 'come', 'terms', 'death', 'share', 'grief', 'cal', 'young', 'man', 'lover', 'rage', 'directed', 'man', 'never', 'accepted', 'mother', 'less', 'judgmental', 'grandson', 'life', 'andre', 'well'], ['julie', 'longwell', 'owner', 'hair', 'salon', 'town', 'dobbs', 'mill', 'paid', 'visit', 'social', 'worker', 'tells', 'son', 'looking', 'julie', 'shocked', 'news', 'series', 'flashbacks', 'recalls', 'circumstances', 'son', 'sent', 'adoption', 'teenager', 'julie', 'going', 'steady', 'steve', 'carson', 'though', 'relationship', 'disapproval', 'julie', 'mother', 'iva', 'mae', 'julie', 'became', 'pregnant', 'iva', 'mae', 'sent', 'julie', 'special', 'home', 'unwed', 'mothers', 'gave', 'birth', 'boy', 'immediately', 'sent', 'away', 'adoption', 'julie', 'returned', 'home', 'discovered', 'gone', 'steve', 'breakdown', 'married', 'another', 'girl', 'enlisted', 'air', 'force', 'although', 'heartbroken', 'loss', 'two', 'loves', 'julie', 'eventually', 'moved', 'life', 'forget', 'either', 'one', 'present', 'julie', 'decides', 'meet', 'son', 'despite', 'current', 'family', 'protestations', 'meeting', 'would', 'painful', 'meet', 'son', 'scott', 'minister', 'bond', 'immediately', 'scott', 'also', 'looking', 'father', 'steve', 'julie', 'agrees', 'help', 'tracks', 'steve', 'office', 'ends', 'returning', 'dobbs', 'mill', 'meet', 'julie', 'person', 'pair', 'spend', 'day', 'exploring', 'town', 'walk', 'memory', 'lane', 'together', 'discover', 'despite', 'apart', 'many', 'years', 'still', 'feelings', 'julie', 'grown-up', 'daughter', 'previous', 'marriage', 'disapproves', 'development', 'especially', 'since', 'julie', 'recently', 'become', 'engaged', 'another', 'man', 'steve', 'senses', 'disapproval', 'decides', 'leave', 'julie', 'new', 'life', 'julie', 'disappointed', 'steve', 'choice', 'knows', 'marry', 'fiance', 'still', 'feelings', 'another', 'man', 'calls', 'engagement', 'scott', 'whose', 'wife', 'pregnant', 'series', 'separate', 'meetings', 'julie', 'steve', 'comes', 'realize', 'still', 'feelings', 'scott', 'arranges', 'bowling', 'event', 'invites', 'julie', 'steve', 'without', 'either', 'knowing', 'julie', 'steve', 'forced', 'confront', 'accept', 'still', 'love', 'day', 'scott', 'wife', 'gives', 'birth', 'julie', 'steve', 'grandson', 'steve', 'proposes', 'julie', 'accepts', 'julie', 'steve', 'married', 'church', 'son', 'minister', 'julie', 'grown-up', 'daughter', 'given', 'union', 'blessing', 'julie', 'mother', 'albeit', 'reluctantly'], [\"'norm\", 'matchmaker', 'hopeless', 'romantics', 'find', 'surprising', 'love', 'matches', 'anyone', 'matter', 'strange', 'behavior', 'however', 'norm', 'hires', 'sassy', 'prot챕g챕', 'monique', 'tries', 'teach', 'tricks', 'trade', 'encounter', 'wildest', 'clients', 'he\\\\', 'ever', 'marina', 'female', 'nudist', 'seeks', 'someone', 'share', 'views', 'social', 'nudity', 'sexuality', 'someone', 'see', 'constant', 'nakedness', 'appreciation', 'human', 'body', 'rather', 'invitation', 'sex', 'norm', 'always', 'feels', 'incomplete', 'sex', 'due', 'failure', 'experience', 'simultaneous', 'orgasms', 'female', 'partner', 'cecilia', 'hypersexual', 'woman', \"can\\\\'t\", 'talk', 'men', 'private', 'without', 'immediately', 'raping', 'gunpoint', 'and/or', 'knocking', 'latter', 'norm', 'first', 'presents', 'problem', 'private', 'office', 'former', 'monique\\\\', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'house', 'cleaner', 'aroused', 'pubic', 'hair', 'therefore', 'either', 'collects', 'clients\\\\', 'houses', 'sneaks', 'male', 'clients', 'plucks', 'pubic', 'hair', 'directly', 'man', 'arroused', 'cats', 'bodybuilder', 'feels', 'penis', 'small', 'woman', 'reach', 'orgasm', 'standing', 'upside', 'head', 'chad', 'brad', 'yoder', 'pool', 'guy', \"can\\\\'t\", 'help', 'peeing', 'clients\\\\', 'swimming', 'pools', 'arousal', 'ivan', 'handicapped', 'gay', 'man', 'uses', 'wheelchair', 'excuse', 'stare', 'people\\\\', 'crotches', 'he\\\\', 'unable', 'directly', 'feels', 'unwanted', 'gay', 'community', 'due', 'older', 'age', 'somehow', 'norm', 'monique', 'find', 'right', 'match', 'clients', 'well', 'thus', 'ending', 'movie', 'positive', 'note', 'there\\\\', 'right', 'match', 'everybody'], [\"'in\", 'spring', '1941', 'woods', 'quits', 'oklahoma', 'college', 'join', 'armed', 'forces', 'quarrel', 'co-ed', 'sweetheart', 'joins', 'coast', 'guard', 'partly', 'chance', 'due', 'flip', 'coin', 'boot', 'training', 'assigned', 'buoy', 'tender', 'boston', 'periwinkle', 'ship\\\\', 'cook', 'encounters', 'immediate', 'hostility', 'chief', 'galley', 'red', 'wildoe', 'new', 'crew', 'mates', 'cooks\\\\', 'helpers', 'gutsell', 'poznicki', 'arrogant', 'department', 'head', 'lieutenant', 'higgins', 'bar', 'picks', 'stella', 'appears', 'kind', 'thing', 'regularity', 'develop', 'strong', 'attraction', 'seems', 'holding', 'something', 'harrison\\\\', 'reports', 'film', 'review', 'september', '1958', 'page', '155.', 'befriends', 'gutsell', 'fixing', 'girlfriend', 'stella\\\\', 'learns', 'wildoe', 'cook', 'making', 'number', 'embarrassing', 'mistakes', 'frustrated', 'stops', 'seeing', 'stella', 'whereupon', 'alcoholic', 'wildoe', 'get', 'drunk', 'together', 'bond', 'wildoe', 'begins', 'seeing', 'stella', 'al\\\\', 'blessing', 'pearl', 'harbor', 'attacked', 'war', 'declared', 'wildoe', 'abruptly', 'proposes', 'stella', 'marry', 'free-for-all', 'breaks', 'wedding', 'celebration', 'jealous', 'instigating', 'fight', 'soldiers', 'clearly', 'familiar', 'stella', 'already', 'wildoe', 'assigned', 'another', 'vessel', 'performing', 'convoy', 'duty', 'sea', 'time', 'stella', 'begins', 'seeing', 'men', 'tries', 'prevent', 'wildoe\\\\', 'behalf', \"can\\\\'t\", 'resist', 'stella', 'aboard', 'periwinkle', 'becomes', 'new', 'chief', 'cook', 'higgins', 'promoted', 'executive', 'officer', 'entering', 'lesser', 'amounts', 'pay', 'cost', 'officers\\\\', 'meals', 'ledger', 'ship\\\\', 'mess', 'pocketing', 'difference', 'purchases', 'substandard', 'food', 'crew', 'keep', 'mess', 'budget', 'showing', 'deficit', 'higgins', 'also', 'objects', 'finding', 'al\\\\', 'hair', 'food', 'shaves', 'scalp', 'bald', 'earning', 'nickname', 'onionhead', 'assuming', 'officers', 'scam', 'bypasses', 'channels', 'report', 'theft', 'district', 'office', 'leave', 'attend', 'father\\\\', 'funeral', 'reconnects', 'realizing', 'one', 'loves', 'port', 'wildoe', 'asks', 'take', 'stella', 'home', 'bar', 'one', 'night', 'recalled', 'ship', 'stella', 'tries', 'seduce', 'calls', 'tramp', 'replies', \"can\\\\'t\", 'help', 'periwinkle', 'sinks', 'submarine', 'combat', 'playing', 'major', 'role', 'accusation', 'embezzlement', 'impugns', 'honor', 'innocent', 'captain', 'exposes', 'ship', 'scandal', 'board', 'investigation', 'declines', 'produce', 'proof', 'higgins\\\\', 'misdeeds', 'order', 'save', 'reputations', 'privately', 'slips', 'captain', 'proof', 'meeting', 'executive', 'officer', 'captain', 'tells', 'punishment', 'unsubstantiated', 'allegation', 'officer', 'loss', 'rating', 'reassignment', 'greenland', 'also', 'informs', 'higgins', 'repay', 'every', 'embezzled', 'dollar', 'court-martial', 'gently', 'chastises', 'come', 'proof', 'earlier', 'gives', 'leave', 'marry', 'ships', 'greenland'], [\"'an\", 'australian', 'heiress', 'alexandra', 'hires', 'carlos', 'luck', 'tourist', 'father', 'vetoes', 'burly', 'life-of-the-party', 'boyfriend', 'bruce', 'vernon', 'wells', 'carlos', 'waiter', 'working', 'mexican', 'restaurant', 'located', 'sydney', 'australia'], [\"'this\", 'story', 'oxford', 'university', 'student', 'years', 'graduation', 'allen', 'shepherd', 'become', 'successful', 'novelist', 'married', 'jane', 'anderson', 'firm', 'proponent', 'traditional', 'sex', 'roles', 'shepherd', 'leaves', 'jane', 'accepts', 'teaching', 'post', 'oxford', 'changes', 'views', 'couple', 'reunited', 'robert', 'donat', 'merle', 'oberon', 'given', 'top', 'billing', 'men', 'tomorrow', 'distributed', 'united', 'states', '1935'], ['rutang', 'single-living', 'woman', 'late', 'fifties', 'struggles', 'maintain', 'dignified', 'life', 'amid', 'dangers', 'shanghai', 'living', 'alone', 'apartment', 'endures', 'gossipy', 'neighbor', 'mrs', 'shui', 'pampered', 'cat', 'pragmatic', 'frugal', 'self-reliant', 'old-fashionedness', 'trusting', 'nature', 'make', 'difficult', 'fit', 'shanghai', 'society', 'encountering', 'self-proclaimed', 'aesthete', 'pan', 'zhichang', 'falls', 'pan', 'uses', 'life', 'savings', 'invest', 'cemetery', 'spaces', 'pan', 'suggestion', 'turns', 'fraudster', 'victim', 'several', 'con', 'artists', 'suffers', 'bad', 'fall', 'hospitalized', 'decides', 'leave', 'shanghai', 'live', 'working-class', 'husband', 'cook', 'daughter', 'anshan'], ['harikrishnans', 'one', 'famous', 'lawyer', 'duos', 'india', 'avoid', 'confusion', 'one', 'called', 'hari', 'krishnan', 'known', 'take', 'lakhs', 'single', 'sittings', 'head', 'organization', 'called', 'harikrishnan', 'associates', 'consists', 'around', '300', 'lawyers', 'juniors', 'harikrishnans', 'known', 'take', 'important', 'cases', 'others', 'handled', 'juniors', 'get', 'engaged', 'murder', 'case', 'guptan', 'allegedly', 'killed', 'gabriel', 'gabriel', 'friend', 'hari', 'sister', 'harikrishnans', 'become', 'defense', 'lawyers', 'upon', 'request', 'harikrishnans', 'begin', 'investigation', 'come', 'across', 'meera', 'friend', 'guptan', 'fall', 'love', 'trouble', 'matter', 'rediscover', 'friendship', 'get', 'involved', 'case', 'discover', 'guptan', 'actually', 'died', 'due', 'poisoning', 'relatives', 'doctors', 'end', 'mira', 'decides', 'random', 'method', 'choosing', 'lover', 'liked', 'harikrishnans', 'equally', 'two', 'different', 'climaxes', 'film', 'show', 'either', 'harikrishnans', 'winning', 'toss', 'mira', 'friend', 'losing', 'person', 'presumably', 'becoming', 'mira', 'lover'], ['suraj', 'saxena', 'lives', 'remote', 'hill', 'station', 'india', 'dad', 'mom', 'sister', 'asha', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'kiran', 'choudhary', 'come', 'holiday', 'trip', 'group', 'girls', 'offers', 'show', 'around', 'fall', 'love', 'suraj', 'unable', 'see', 'home', 'train', 'dad', 'chest', 'pains', 'rushed', 'hospital', 'suraj', 'unable', 'get', 'kiran', 'mind', 'heart', 'sister', 'gets', 'married', 'family', 'decide', 'relocate', 'bombay', 'suraj', 'enlists', 'college', 'makes', 'several', 'new', 'friends', 'well', 'becomes', 'popular', 'football', 'player', 'eventually', 'meets', 'kiran', 'renew', 'romance', 'ranvir', 'choudhary', 'appreciate', 'attentions', 'poor', 'man', 'like', 'suraj', 'daughter', 'suraj', 'brought', 'introduced', 'many', 'friends', 'include', 'prominent', 'lawyers', 'politicians', 'high', 'ranking', 'civil', 'municipal', 'employees', 'police', 'commissioner', 'well', 'state', 'chief', 'minister', 'suraj', 'warned', 'dire', 'consequences', 'family', 'leave', 'town', 'immediately', 'suraj', 'leave', 'town', 'hell', 'descends', 'family', 'mother', 'unable', 'purchase', 'food', 'publicly', 'humiliated', 'father', 'followed', 'around', 'ranvir', 'goons', 'harassed', 'robbed', 'faces', 'ultimate', 'humiliation', 'publicly', 'arrested', 'handcuffed', 'imprisoned', 'charges', 'conspiring', 'country', 'loses', 'job', 'suraj', 'friends', 'exile', 'much', 'pressure', 'suraj', 'relent', 'leave', 'city', 'let', 'dad', 'rot', 'prison', 'ranvir', 'sworn', 'kill', 'suraj', 'happen', 'suraj', 'mom'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'follows', 'harry', 'voss', 'three', 'important', 'days', 'life', 'first', 'youth', 'second', 'day', 'high', 'school', 'graduation', 'third', 'lonely', 'middle-aged', 'man', 'phases', 'life', 'show', 'destruction', 'hope', 'innocence', 'descent', 'cynicism', 'alcoholism', 'hopelessness', 'idealizing', 'romantic', 'love', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'childhood', 'bitterly', 'disappointed', 'real', 'world', 'match', 'idealized', 'images', 'love', 'imaginings', 'discovers', 'teenager', 'peers', 'consider', 'outcast', 'due', 'chronic', 'physically', 'disfiguring', 'cystic', 'acne', 'covers', 'face', 'chest', 'shoulders', 'back', 'weeping', 'pus-filled', 'sores', 'repulses', 'see', 'turns', 'alcohol', 'kill', 'pain', 'disappointment', 'losing', 'hope', 'finding', 'true', 'love', 'end', 'destitute', 'alcoholic', 'later', 'adulthood', 'freak', 'chance', 'encounter', 'late', 'life', 'transported', 'back', 'innocent', 'memories', 'childhood', 'idealized', 'love', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'craved', 'youth', 'finally', 'fulfilled', 'dies', 'wading', 'open', 'ocean', 'finding', 'true', 'love', 'crazy', 'love', 'irony', 'hollowness', 'lost', 'idealized', 'love', 'tragic', 'significance', 'harry', 'places', 'single', 'event', 'sums', 'lost', 'life', 'finally', 'makes', 'hero', 'story', 'three', 'phases', 'filmed', 'involves', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'passive', 'female', 'first', 'phase', 'child', 'pushed', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'friend\\\\', 'attractive', 'mother', 'whilst', 'sleeping', 'drunk', 'bed', 'home', 'second', 'girl', 'lies', 'passively', 'back', 'seat', 'car', 'uninterested', 'whilst', 'attempts', 'sex', 'favor', 'boyfriend', 'friends', 'harry', 'carry', 'end', 'turns', 'away', 'disgust', 'appalling', 'cystic', 'acne', 'third', 'older', 'alcoholic', 'drunk', 'friend', 'stumble', 'upon', 'fresh', 'corpse', 'steal', 'joke', 'harry', 'find', 'dead', 'still', 'warm', 'girl', 'resembles', 'girl', 'childhood', 'dreams', 'next', 'morning', 'friend', 'finds', 'harry', 'committed', 'suicide', 'intentionally', 'walking', 'sea', 'corpse', 'arms', 'apparently', 'committing', 'suicide', 'consummating', 'final', 'desire'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'acharya', 'jagadish', 'chandra', 'bose\\\\', 'home', 'falta', 'masquerading', 'uttarpara', 'deals', 'story', 'girl', 'anindi', 'family', 'lover', 'neighbours', 'nature', 'tradition', 'love', 'anandi\\\\', 'pillars', 'support', 'difficult', 'times', 'brother', 'slowly', 'drift', 'away', 'bad', 'risky', 'companies', 'return', 'home', 'one', 'day', 'lost', 'forever', 'parents', 'die', 'heartbroken', 'sister', 'get', 'married', 'suddenly', 'leave', 'family', 'babua', 'abroad', 'marry', 'somebody', 'else', 'implied', 'anandi', 'forgetful', 'sorrows', 'deceived', 'babua', 'loved', 'babua', 'comes', 'back', 'abroad', 'say', \"\\\\'anandi\", 'came', 'back', 'set', 'free.\\\\', 'bhalo', 'theko', 'non-linear', 'pace', 'frequent', 'jumps', 'current', 'time', 'past', 'film', 'critics', 'described', 'anandi', 'large', 'canvas', 'painted', 'several', 'hues', 'stands', 'rootless', 'internalisation', 'perplexed', 'culture', 'poem', 'renowned', 'bangladeshi', 'author', 'scholar', 'humayun', 'azad', 'named', 'shuvescha', 'recited', 'ending', 'film', 'anandi', 'wandering', 'lonely', 'garden.http', '//www.thedailystar.net/2004/10/24/d41024140395.htm/'], ['film', 'starts', 'showing', 'relationship', 'nadeem', 'samina', 'peerzada', 'soon', 'end', 'baby', 'boy', 'shaan', 'shaan', 'friends', 'reema', 'belongs', 'family', 'much', 'richer', 'family', 'first', 'encounter', 'shaan', 'gave', 'dummy', 'crying', 'reema', 'around', 'four', 'years', 'age', 'families', 'spilt', 'leaving', 'two', 'friends', 'separated', 'older', 'meet', 'without', 'knowing', 'disgusted', 'perspection', 'reema', 'jogging', 'shaan', 'accidentally', 'splashes', 'mud', '...', 'causes', 'instead', 'bit', 'mud', 'drops', 'mud', 'bicycle', 'meeting', 'leads', 'terrible', 'appearance', 'fall', 'love', 'returning', 'home', 'reema', 'finds', 'father', 'planned', 'marriage', 'somebody', 'love', 'cause', 'greed', 'money', 'reema', 'refuses', 'spends', 'time', 'shaan', 'shaan', 'parents', 'meet', 'son', 'child-friend', 'lover', 'accept', 'relationship', 'reema', 'fathers', 'house', 'pledge', 'daughter', 'hand', 'daughter', 'law', 'throws', 'back', 'face', 'cowdly', 'nadeem', 'begs', 'give', 'nadeem', 'wife', 'fatal', 'heart', 'injury', 'dies', 'heart', 'attack'], [\"'just\", 'weeks', 'wedding', 'newly', 'crowned', 'king', 'edvard', 'american', 'fianc챕e', 'paige', 'find', 'relationship', 'danish', 'monarchy', 'jeopardy', 'edvard\\\\', 'childhood', 'friend', 'princess', 'kirsten', 'comes', 'visit', 'plots', 'try', 'steal', 'edvard', 'paige', 'personal', 'reasons', 'father', 'norwegian', 'royal', 'heavily', 'debt', 'seeks', 'marry', 'kirsten', 'royal', 'family\\\\', 'money', 'one', 'point', 'princess', 'kirsten', 'teaches', 'paige', 'say', 'something', 'danish', 'paige', 'asked', 'say', 'something', 'danish', 'says', 'kirsten', 'taught', 'come', 'find', 'paige', 'called', 'queen', 'mother', 'green', 'donkey', 'offends', 'puzzles', 'royal', 'family', 'old', 'law', 'also', 'brought', 'light', 'one', 'requires', 'danish', 'king', 'married', 'scandinavian', 'princess', '23rd', 'birthday', 'forced', 'abdicate', 'relinquish', 'crown', 'stress', 'caused', 'law', 'causes', 'paige', 'edvard', 'break', 'edvard', 'plans', 'marry', 'princess', 'kirsten', 'paige', 'decides', 'stay', 'denmark', 'finish', 'semester', 'wedding', 'planning', 'princess', 'kristen', 'edvard', 'paige', 'sees', 'edvard\\\\', 'body', 'language', 'love', 'kirsten', 'going', 'motions', 'paige', 'able', 'find', 'loophole', 'succession', 'law', 'help', 'friends', 'law', 'students', 'newer', 'law', 'states', 'woman', 'crowned', 'princess', 'demonstrate', 'knowledge', 'danish', 'constitution', 'reading', 'danish', 'parliament', 'luckily', 'danish', 'parliament', 'present', 'wedding', 'constitution', 'read', 'happy', 'couple', 'marries'], [\"'helen\", 'macfarquhar', 'middle-aged', 'bookseller', 'recently', 'divorced', 'sending', 'daughter', 'summer', 'camp', 'nagging', 'ex-husband', 'trying', 'convince', 'pay', 'daughter\\\\', 'activities', 'ready', 'move', 'next', 'stage', 'life', 'one', 'morning', 'going', 'mail', 'discovers', 'anonymous', 'blue', 'love', 'letter', 'without', 'envelope', 'name', 'discovered', 'letter', 'mail', 'bookstore', 'naturally', 'thinks', 'question', 'first', 'thinks', 'george', 'matthias', 'local', 'fireman', 'decides', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'trying', 'give', 'subtle', 'hints', 'idea', 'may', 'writer', 'love', 'letter', 'puts', 'away', 'purse', 'tries', 'forget', 'johnny', 'college', 'student', 'summer', 'job', 'working', 'helen\\\\', 'bookstore', 'invited', 'house', 'dinner', 'dinner', 'puts', 'two', 'wine', 'glasses', 'bottle', 'next', 'purse', 'letter', 'mistake', 'noticing', 'helen', 'accidentally', 'knocks', 'letter', 'purse', 'kitchen', 'cooking', 'tells', 'johnny', 'wine', 'johnny', 'comes', 'across', 'letter', 'struck', 'mistakenly', 'thinks', 'helen', 'later', 'night', 'begins', 'peel', 'orange', 'line', 'letter', 'seeing', 'hint', 'helen', 'rushes', 'house', 'says', 'goodnight', 'johnny', 'leaves', 'next', 'weeks', 'johnny', 'helen', 'meet', 'begin', 'affair', 'thinking', 'wrote', 'letter', 'helen', 'goes', 'bookstore', 'brings', 'letter', 'leaves', 'purse', 'desk', 'helen\\\\', 'manager', 'janet', 'hall', 'arrives', 'helen', 'decides', 'tell', 'letter', 'yet', 'upstairs', 'working', 'george', 'comes', 'new', 'smoke', 'detectors', 'store', 'janet', 'accepts', 'desk', 'collapses', 'along', 'helen\\\\', 'purse', 'contains', 'letter', 'chaos', 'letter', 'mixed', 'instruction', 'manuals', 'smoke', 'detectors', 'george', 'leaving', 'says', 'make', 'sure', 'read', 'manuals', 'first', 'janet', 'opens', 'manual', 'letter', 'falls', 'reads', 'thinks', 'george', 'later', 'day', 'janet', 'rushes', 'tell', 'helen', 'letter', 'helen', 'knowing', 'say', 'takes', 'says', 'it\\\\', 'mine', 'janet', 'angry', 'helen', 'faith', 'happiness', 'quits', 'job', 'manager', 'amidst', 'confusion', 'revealed', 'letter', 'actually', 'written', 'helen\\\\', 'mother\\\\', 'lover', 'another', 'woman', 'early', 'life', 'helen\\\\', 'mother', 'fell', 'love', 'woman', 'wrote', 'letter', 'expressing', 'love', 'considering', 'conservative', 'time', 'period', 'social', 'stigma', 'relationship', 'never', 'helen\\\\', 'mom', 'kept', 'letter', 'help', 'remember', 'past', 'confusion', 'cleared', 'helen', 'connects', 'mom', 'tells', 'past', 'affair'], ['hatley', 'high', '18-year-old', 'boy', 'named', 'tommy', 'father', 'death', 'tommy', 'mother', 'move', 'hometown', 'unknown', 'tommy', 'mother', 'chess', 'superstar', 'back', 'home', 'entire', 'town', 'obsessed', 'game', 'school', \"'jocks\", 'chess', 'team', 'romance', 'chess', 'cheerleader', 'rivalry', 'team', 'captain', 'tommy', 'uses', 'natural', 'apparently', 'inherited', 'talents', 'chess', 'help', 'school', 'win', 'chess', 'match', 'rivals', 'russians'], ['randy', 'jensen', 'smart', 'independent', 'tour', 'guide', 'beats', 'womanizer', 'jack', 'jericho', 'game', 'quick', 'fling', 'indifference', 'causes', 'become', 'smitten', 'randy', 'busy', 'romance', 'trying', 'keep', 'alcoholic', 'gambler', 'father', 'flash', 'jensen', 'harm', 'way', 'jack', 'persistence', 'soon', 'pays', 'offers', 'help', 'rescue', 'randy', 'dad', 'mob'], ['jane', 'berry', 'successful', 'single', 'entrepreneur', 'christmas', 'driving', 'back', 'home', 'jaguar', 'accident', 'hits', 'pole', 'sam', 'comes', 'rescue', 'take', 'wagon', 'tells', 'husband', 'last', 'years', 'children', 'years', 'ago', 'dumped', 'boyfriend', 'left', 'job', 'sam', 'jane', 'confused', 'new', 'world', 'new', 'jane', 'completely', 'different', 'previous', 'jane', 'slowly', 'starts', 'getting', 'used', 'new', 'life', 'argument', 'parents', 'christmas', 'dinner', 'completely', 'impressed', 'sam', 'family', 'kisses', 'sam', 'swoons', 'finding', 'jaguar', 'accident', 'sam', 'comes', 'rescue', 'back', 'original', 'world', 'tells', 'sam', 'knows', 'love', 'sam', 'shocked', 'hear', 'move', 'together', 'sam', 'house', 'lead', 'happy', 'life', 'future.http', '//www.mylifetime.com/movies/comfort-and-joy'], ['marigold', 'lexton', 'self-centered', 'temperamental', 'young', 'american', 'actress', 'arrives', 'india', 'expecting', 'treated', 'like', 'star', 'despite', 'fact', 'making', 'nothing', 'movie', 'sequels', 'time', 'stranded', 'goa', 'film', 'star', 'canceled', 'sympathetic', 'crew', 'member', 'offers', 'ride', 'brings', 'set', 'another', 'movie', 'bollywood', 'musical', 'actually', 'tells', 'boyfriend', 'barry', 'hoping', 'would', \"n't\", 'marry', 'trip', 'successful', 'soon', 'finds', 'center', 'attraction', 'set', 'quickly', 'lands', 'minor', 'role', 'date', 'spoiled', 'young', 'lead', 'actor', 'rebuffs', 'crude', 'proposal', 'night', 'winds', 'talking', 'prem', 'rajput', 'film', 'choreographer', 'knows', 'lied', 'able', 'dance', 'takes', 'hand', 'showing', 'nearby', 'towns', 'countryside', 'spare', 'time', 'grow', 'closer', 'prem', 'talks', 'importance', 'family', 'learns', 'estranged', 'father', 'also', 'prince', 'seen', 'family', 'three', 'years', 'day', 'received', 'call', 'sister', 'asking', 'come', 'home', 'wedding', 'asks', 'marigold', 'home', 'jodhpur', 'rajasthan', 'wedding', 'since', 'shooting', 'movie', 'shut', 'week', 'entranced', 'generosity', 'opulence', 'family', 'leading', 'wedding', 'afterwards', 'shocked', 'discover', 'betrothed', 'another', 'since', 'childhood', 'fallen', 'totally', 'love', 'marigold', 'neglected', 'mention', 'long', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'father', 'encouraged', 'follow', 'heart', 'feels', 'betrayed', 'storms', 'followed', 'prem', 'fiance', 'offers', 'buy', 'drink', 'confesses', 'marigold', 'although', 'loves', 'prem', \"n't\", 'believe', 'ever', 'really', 'loved', 'meanwhile', 'prem', 'teetotaler', 'heads', 'bar', 'drown', 'sorrows', 'finds', 'drunken', 'american', 'commiserates', 'romantic', 'problems', 'explains', 'come', 'looking', 'estranged', 'girlfiend', 'called', 'marigold', 'prem', 'invites', 'stay', 'night', 'parents', 'house', 'barry', 'accepts', 'passes', 'morning', 'marigold', 'decides', 'return', 'barry', 'united', 'states', 'since', 'prem', 'son', 'jaipur', 'ruler', 'feels', 'duty', 'bound', 'marry', 'woman', 'father', 'chosen', 'ceremony', 'takes', 'place', 'day', 'follows', 'bride', 'whose', 'face', 'totally', 'hidden', 'behind', 'long', 'veil', 'seven', 'times', 'around', 'holy', 'fire', 'prem', 'believes', 'marrying', 'woman', 'engaged', 'since', 'childhood', 'marriage', 'complete', 'prem', 'lifts', 'wife', 'veil', 'guests', 'astonished', 'find', 'marigold', 'standing', 'appears', 'barry', 'married', 'prem', 'former', 'fiance', 'well', 'movie', 'director', 'friends', 'crew', 'appear', 'crowd', 'cheering', 'prem', 'sings', 'dances', 'marigold', 'full', 'chorus', 'like', 'happy', 'ending', 'bollywood', 'musical'], [\"'teenager\", 'kristian', 'moves', 'new', 'neighborhood', 'makes', 'friends', 'two', 'boys', 'new', 'school', 'henrik', 'independent', 'loner', 'patrick', 'leader', 'gang', 'later', 'kristian', 'startled', 'find', 'patrick', 'affair', 'captain', 'soccer', 'team', 'leads', 'explore', 'feelings'], ['movie', 'focuses', 'daphne', 'loving', 'over-bearing', 'mother', 'three', 'girls', 'particular', 'milly', 'daughters', 'maggie', 'mae', 'happily', 'married', 'milly', 'recently', 'broken', 'boyfriend', 'daphne', 'concerned', 'daphne', 'fears', 'daughter', 'find', 'good', 'man', 'secretly', 'places', 'personal', 'daughter', 'finds', 'potential', 'candidate', 'jason', 'tries', 'orchestrate', 'chance', 'meeting', 'two', 'plan', 'seems', 'flawless', 'milly', 'finds', 'date', 'guitarist', 'johnny', 'happens', 'candidate', 'daphne', 'rejected', 'milly', 'unaware', 'mother', 'scheming', 'begins', 'relationships', 'jason', 'johnny', 'time', 'neither', 'aware', 'inevitably', 'double-dating', 'takes', 'toll', 'milly', 'becomes', 'estranged', 'jason', 'johnny', 'jason', 'case', 'discovers', 'daphne', 'scheming', 'meanwhile', 'daphne', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'perfect', 'match', 'alone', 'many', 'years', 'begins', 'challenge', 'search', \"'perfect\", 'match', 'milly', 'milly', 'also', 'realizes', 'choice', 'daughter', 'mother', 'wants', 'woman', 'wants', 'choosing', 'latter', 'comes', 'row', 'mother', 'leads', 'reconcile', 'johnny', 'relationship', 'daphne', 'realized', 'never', 'tried', 'orchestrate', 'first', 'place'], [\"'nina\", 'young', 'headstrong', 'woman', 'traveled', 'paris', 'provincial', 'home', 'toulouse', 'searching', 'immediate', 'success', 'actress', 'tired', 'one-night', 'stands', 'sharing', 'quarters', 'others', 'sets', 'find', 'apartment', 'stopping', 'realtor', 'office', 'meets', 'paulot', 'timid', 'real', 'estate', 'clerk', 'immediately', 'smitten', 'invites', 'see', 'perform', 'small', 'role', 'maid', 'boulevard', 'comedy', 'play', 'nina', 'takes', 'paulot', 'dinner', 'current', 'boyfriend', 'fred', 'couple', 'major', 'row', 'breaking', 'relationship', 'paulot', 'offers', 'nina', 'stay', 'apartment', 'finds', 'place', 'roommate', 'quentin', 'refuses', 'let', 'stay', 'settle', 'hotel', 'room', 'night', 'long', 'walk', 'city', 'tells', 'paulot', 'slept', 'nearly', 'every', 'man', 'encountered', 'complains', 'tired', 'used', 'solely', 'easy', 'sex', 'asks', 'leave', 'alone', 'quentin', 'however', 'followed', 'hotel', 'forces', 'attentions', 'nina', 'quentin', 'begin', 'intense', 'violent', 'liaison', 'actor', 'performs', 'live', 'sex', 'show', 'version', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'quentin', 'unpredictable', 'provocative', 'nina', 'bounces', 'two', 'vastly', 'different', 'men', 'gentle', 'paulot', 'dangerous', 'intense', 'quentin', 'nina', 'approach/avoidance', 'conflict', 'quentin', 'fending', 'offers', 'paulot', 'care', 'finds', 'slept', 'quentin', 'paulot', 'starts', 'change', 'calm', 'manners', 'towards', 'nina', 'lose', 'craving', 'quentin', 'run', 'killed', 'car', 'seems', 'suicide', 'person', 'attending', 'funeral', 'elderly', 'theater', 'director', 'scrutzler', 'eventually', 'explains', 'london', 'cast', 'quentin', 'romeo', 'withdrawn', 'survived', 'suicide', 'pact', 'scrutzler', 'daughter', 'passionate', 'love', 'affair', 'casting', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'scrutzler', 'recognizes', 'nina', 'among', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'role', 'cast', 'juliet', 'full', 'self-doubt', 'fear', 'stimulated', 'ghost-like', 'appearances', 'dead', 'quentin', 'nina', 'prepares', 'role', 'copes', 'paulot', 'advances', 'share', 'apartment', 'settled', 'platonic', 'relationship', 'however', 'paulot', 'still', 'love', 'nina', 'jealous', 'scrutzler', 'interest', 'confronts', 'spite', 'director', 'assurance', 'interest', 'paternal', 'nature', 'paulot', 'leaves', 'nina', 'nina', 'struggles', 'rehearse', 'role', 'juliet', 'soon', 'open', 'play', 'paulot', 'left', 'realizes', 'one', 'really', 'love', 'nina', 'goes', 'work', 'looking', 'entice', 'make', 'love', 'sex', 'first', 'time', 'violent', 'degrading', 'coupling', 'nina', 'insists', 'going', 'long', 'nocturnal', 'walk', 'like', 'one', 'first', 'time', 'met', 'gives', 'ticket', 'coming', 'opening', 'night', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'leaves', 'tears', 'tickets', 'reaffirming', 'decision', 'break', 'away', 'nina', 'nervously', 'preparing', 'entrance', 'suffers', 'stage', 'fright', 'scrutzler', 'calms', 'leaves', 'london', 'deciding', 'must', 'continue', 'film', 'ends', 'nina', 'left', 'alone', 'stage', 'wings', 'play', 'start', '...'], [\"'hella\", 'lives', 'boarding', 'house', 'various', 'romantic', 'adventures', 'settling', 'vacuum', 'cleaner', 'salesman', 'winkler'], ['josh', 'cin', 'meet', 'party', 'sydney', 'three', 'days', 'due', 'return', 'london', 'originally', 'planning', 'spend', 'night', 'josh', 'decides', 'stay', 'flat', 'leave', 'airport', 'two', 'gradually', 'grow', 'closer', 'feeling', 'strong', 'connection', 'however', 'cin', 'friend', 'sam', 'comes', 'flirts', 'josh', 'end', 'quarreling', 'leaves', 'josh', 'cools', 'relents', 'returns', 'cin', 'agreed', 'fun', 'leaves', 'catch', 'plane', 'next', 'day', 'last', 'minute', 'decides', 'returns', 'cin', 'flat', 'find', 'followed', 'london', 'knowing', 'missed', 'flight', 'josh', 'find', 'flight', 'three', 'days', 'reaches', 'london', 'reunited', 'cin', 'decides', 'move'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'based', 'thai', 'folklore', 'written', 'mai', 'muengderm', 'novel', 'form', 'adapted', 'film', '1936', 'rural', 'bang', 'kapi', 'time', 'nothing', 'rice', 'paddies', 'small', 'farming', 'villages', 'kwan', 'riam', 'son', 'daughter', 'rival', 'village', 'chiefs', 'work', 'rice', 'fields', 'water', 'buffaloes', 'riam', 'first', 'resists', 'courtship', 'kwan', 'kwan', 'jolly', 'young', 'man', 'sings', 'plays', 'bamboo', 'flute', 'persistent', 'kwan', 'pleads', 'riam', 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'woman', 'gives', 'riam', 'western', 'clothes', 'introduces', 'high-class', 'bangkok', 'society', 'including', 'son', 'wealthy', 'nobleman', 'somchai', 'kwan', 'grows', 'despondent', 'father', 'urges', 'enter', 'monkhood', 'wash', 'away', 'bad', 'luck', 'kwan', 'goes', 'take', 'drink', 'water', 'sees', 'blood', 'drinking', 'gourd', 'breaks', 'apologizes', 'father', 'ungrateful', 'promises', 'ordained', 'next', 'day', 'still', 'alive', 'hearing', 'mother', 'near', 'death', 'riam', 'returns', 'village', 'somchai\\\\', 'boat', 'riam', 'arrives', 'see', 'mother', 'die', 'funeral', 'held', 'kwan', 'comes', 'bid', 'last', 'respects', 'riam', 'agrees', 'meet', 'next', 'day', 'noon', 'spirit', 'island', 'next', 'day', 'kwan', 'sets', 'fire', 'somchai\\\\', 'boat', 'prevent', 'riam', 'leaving', 'without', 'meeting', 'kwan', 'hunted', 'somchai', 'riam\\\\', 'father', 'older', 'brother', 'roen', 'somchai', 'finds', 'kwan', 'shoots', 'chest', 'pistol', 'mortally', 'wounded', 'kwan', 'swims', 'spirit', 'island', 'riam', 'jumps', 'kwan', 'grabs', 'knife', 'hands', 'stabs', 'dying', 'true', 'love', 'river'], ['emilio', 'normal', 'teenager', 'somehow', 'finds', 'sent', 'principal', 'office', 'every', 'week', 'crush', 'jacklynne', 'popular', 'girl', 'school', 'decides', 'run', 'student', 'council', 'president', 'order', 'impress', 'announcing', 'candidacy', 'emilio', 'discovers', 'horror', 'jacklynne', 'running', 'office', 'emotions', 'fly', 'high', 'campaign', 'fever', 'intensifies', 'wanting', 'lose', 'chance', 'win', 'heart', 'emilio', 'devises', 'risky', 'plan', 'could', 'come', 'disastrous', 'end', 'tyrannous', 'school', 'principal', 'gets', 'wind', 'scheme'], ['movie', 'tells', 'story', 'phillip', 'dimitrius', 'middle-aged', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'architect', 'going', 'difficult', 'mid-life', 'crisis', 'learning', 'wife', 'antonia', 'affair', 'dimitrius', 'leaves', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'moves', 'greek', 'island', 'teenage', 'daughter', 'miranda', 'athens', 'meets', 'aretha', 'tomalin', 'singer', 'become', 'lovers', 'mysteriously', 'takes', 'vow', 'celibacy', 'move', 'island', 'living', 'island', 'kalibanos', 'eccentric', 'hermit', 'previously', 'resident', 'phillip', 'dimitrius', 'finally', 'seems', 'happy', 'one', 'day', 'twist', 'fate', 'brings', 'wife', 'new', 'lover', 'alonzo', 'alonzo', 'son', 'island', 'due', 'shipwreck'], [\"'it\", 'graduation', 'day', 'high', 'school', 'twente', 'celebrate', 'end', 'high', 'school', 'hans', 'nijboer', 'invites', 'friends', 'boat', 'trip', 'majorca', 'spain', 'boat', 'owned', 'older', 'brother', 'ties', 'broke', 'connection', 'father', 'friends', 'come', 'aboard', 'boat', 'start', 'majorca', 'sailing', 'destination', 'police', 'boat', 'drops', 'another', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'treesje', 'goth', 'girl', 'friends', 'anyone', 'boat', 'upon', 'arrival', 'spain', 'decide', 'look', 'full', 'moon', 'party', 'party', 'secret', 'location', 'night', 'friends', 'visit', 'dutch', 'bar', 'witness', 'breakup', 'two', 'friends', 'bobbie', 'esmee', 'ties', 'meets', 'dutch', 'singer', 'named', 'sacha', 'falls', 'immediately', 'night', 'ties', 'performs', 'one', 'songs', 'bar', 'dutch', 'men', 'call', 'names', 'yell', 'fight', 'begins', 'hans', 'one', 'ends', 'getting', 'hurt', 'days', 'later', 'group', 'finally', 'finds', 'location', 'full', 'moon', 'party', 'ties', 'surprised', 'hears', 'song', 'performed', 'sacha', 'stole', 'song', 'invites', 'sing', 'song', 'dutch', 'men', 'yell', 'sacha', 'talks', 'courage', 'ties', 'decides', 'sing', 'song', 'afterwards', 'room', 'make', 'passionate', 'love', 'however', 'spied', 'natasja', 'one', 'group', 'friends', 'love', 'ties', 'goes', 'back', 'room', 'finds', 'comfort', 'best', 'friend', 'steven', 'end', 'making', 'love', 'well', 'meanwhile', 'bobbie', 'discovers', 'esmee', 'taken', 'luc', 'bobbie', 'realizes', 'want', 'lose', 'girlfriend', 'goes', 'time', 'arrives', 'boat', 'esmee', 'raped', 'luc', 'knocks', 'luc', 'unconscious', 'sails', 'back', 'land', 'esmee', 'start', 'make', 'love', 'couples', 'arrive', 'boat', 'find', 'andrea', 'knocking', 'bedroom', 'door', 'calling', 'boyfriend', 'hans', 'open', 'ties', 'breaks', 'door', 'find', 'brother', 'lying', 'floor', 'soon', 'discover', 'hans', 'took', 'overdose', 'help', 'treesje', 'able', 'pump', 'stomach', 'hans', 'awakens', 'next', 'day', 'time', 'leave', 'majorca', 'head', 'back', 'holland', 'back', 'country', 'new', 'couples', 'made', 'ties', 'decides', 'tour', 'sacha', 'treesje', 'hooked', 'nerd', 'group', 'rikki', 'hans', 'decides', 'stay', 'boat', 'year', 'trying', 'figure', 'really', 'wants', 'life', 'everybody', 'takes', 'seat', 'one', 'cars', 'happy', 'vacation', '찼nd', 'new-found', 'relationships', 'andrea', 'sits', 'alone', 'sure', 'end', 'movie', 'see', 'hans', 'boat', 'girls', 'offering', 'coffee', 'andrea', 'shows', 'meaning', 'gave', 'rich', 'famous', 'lifestyle', 'man', 'loves'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'narrates', 'difficulties', 'two', 'friends', 'single', 'lover', 'love', 'triangle', 'jorge', 'porcel', 'also', 'stars'], [\"'owing\", 'mob', 'boss', 'half', 'million', 'dollars', 'must', 'paid', 'hours', 'group', 'executives', 'comes', 'ideas', 'films', 'pornographic', 'movie'], [\"'the\", 'series', 'begins', 'scarlett', 'attending', 'funeral', 'melanie', 'wilkes', 'ex-sister-in-law', 'rival', 'ashley', 'wilkes\\\\', 'affection', 'estranged', 'husband', 'rhett', 'butler', 'present', 'heartbroken', 'left', 'sets', 'tara', 'saddened', 'learns', 'mammy', 'mainstay', 'since', 'birth', 'dying', 'arrives', 'sends', 'telegram', 'notify', 'rhett', 'mammy', 'name', 'benteen', 'knows', \"won\\\\'t\", 'come', 'suspects', 'mammy', 'passes', 'away', 'makes', 'swear', 'look', 'lamb', 'miss', 'scarlett', 'agrees', 'although', 'intention', 'honoring', 'request', 'dies', 'scarlett', 'another', 'snipe', 'filled', 'encounter', 'culminates', 'leaving', 'returning', 'atlanta', 'house', 'determined', 'win', 'back', 'section', 'practically', 'identical', 'book', 'regarding', 'scarlett\\\\', 'actions', 'funeral', 'mammy\\\\', 'death', 'bed', 'major', 'differences', 'charleston', 'attitude', 'demeanors', 'characters', 'notably', 'scarlett', 'anne', 'scarlett', 'shown', 'struggling', 'unease', 'society', 'rather', 'criticized', 'anne', 'sees', 'ashley', 'hotel', 'room', 'together', 'resulting', 'steamy', 'kiss', 'anne', 'completely', 'different', 'counterpart', 'novel', 'supposed', 'clone', 'melanie', 'shyly', 'yet', 'coyly', 'flirts', 'rhett', 'things', 'neither', 'character', 'book', 'melanie', 'never', 'would', 'done', 'series', 'continues', 'follow', 'relationship', 'created', 'book', 'ceases', 'scarlett', 'continues', 'distance', 'character', 'novel', 'relationship', 'kin', 'discovering', 'assimilating', 'irish', 'heritage', 'family', 'much', 'escaping', 'grandfather\\\\', 'household', 'passing', 'time', 'decision', 'ireland', 'also', 'preceded', 'cutting', 'ties', 'america', 'well', 'details', 'concerning', 'buying', 'sister', 'carreen\\\\', 'share', 'tara', 'donated', 'convent', 'dowry', 'became', 'nun', 'ireland', 'scarlett', 'faced', 'two', 'main', 'problems', 'source', 'struggles', 'novel', 'pursued', 'lord', 'richard', 'fenton', 'none', 'kin', 'approve', 'also', 'faces', 'quandaries', 'mixed', 'feelings', 'regarding', 'physical', 'force', 'irish', 'rebels', 'british', 'rule', 'highlighted', 'comparisons', 'treated', 'english', 'south', 'treated', 'north', 'scarlett', 'keeps', 'daughter\\\\', 'birth', 'secret', 'rhett', 'spite', 'thinking', 'grows', 'knowing', 'like', 'bonnie', 'love', 'eventually', 'meet', 'realize', 'love', 'even', 'know', 'scarlett', 'revenge', 'katie', 'barely', 'talked', 'outside', 'role', 'possible', 'manifestation', 'demon', 'completely', 'removed', 'anne', 'hampton-butler', 'also', 'comes', 'ireland', 'rhett', 'never', 'happened', 'novel', 'even', 'lengthy', 'conversation', 'scarlett', 'death', 'yellow', 'fever', 'also', 'detailed', 'lord', 'fenton', 'much', 'evil', 'role', 'novel', 'forces', 'servant', 'girl', 'sex', 'rapes', 'scarlett', 'well', 'servant', 'girl', 'kills', 'scarlett', 'blamed', 'plot', 'completely', 'veers', 'one', 'novel', 'put', 'trial', 'rhett', 'comes', 'aid', 'finding', 'katie', 'also', 'learned', 'colum', 'killed', 'lord', 'fenton', 'trying', 'get', 'support', 'servant', 'girl', 'pregnant', 'child', 'reluctant', 'confess', 'scarlett', 'found', 'guilty', 'murder', 'rhett', 'scarlett', 'decide', 'travel', 'world', 'katie'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'gay', 'couple', 'j첩rgen', 'jacob', 'live', 'happy', 'partnership', 'one', 'day', 'jacob', 'asks', 'j첩rgen', 'marry', 'happily', 'accepts', 'jacob', 'falls', 'love', 'woman', 'caroline', 'happens', 'married', 'tom', 'j첩rgens', 'brother', 'jacob', 'torn', 'wants', 'j첩rgen', 'caroline', 'gets', 'caroline', 'pregnant', 'decides', 'marry', 'church', 'changes', 'mind'], [\"'this\", 'costume', 'drama', 'set', 'medieval', 'spain', 'itinerant', 'student', 'philosophy', 'hired', 'uneducated', 'lord', 'tutor', 'wife', 'soon', 'newly', 'employed', 'teacher', 'tragically', 'falls', 'love', 'student'], [\"'seeking\", 'improve', 'ivy', 'moore', 'african-american', 'maid', 'announces', 'decision', 'leave', 'job', 'working', 'austin', 'family', 'secretarial', 'school', 'austins', 'desperate', 'keep', 'teenagers', 'gena', 'tim', 'hatch', 'scheme', 'tim', 'austin', 'sets', 'ivy', 'jack', 'parks', 'trucking', 'company', 'executive', 'wine', 'dine', 'ivy', 'moore', 'hopes', 'introduction', 'excitement', 'life', 'dissuade', 'leaving', 'family', 'tim', 'austin', 'persuades', 'reluctant', 'jack', 'parks', 'date', 'threatening', 'reveal', 'illegal', 'gambling', 'casino', 'initial', 'meetings', 'awkward', 'cosmopolitan', 'parks', 'less', 'sophisticated', 'moore', 'eventually', 'however', 'romance', 'blossoms', 'moore', 'learns', 'parks', 'coerced', 'initially', 'dating', 'breaks', 'parks', 'overcomes', 'attachment', 'bachelorhood', 'asks', 'moore', 'marry', 'accepts'], [\"'pilot\", 'steve', 'collins', 'agrees', 'help', 'bandleader', 'alan', 'brice', 'heiress', 'joan', 'winfield', 'elope', 'steve', 'contacts', 'father', 'lucius', 'offering', 'prevent', 'marriage', 'deliver', 'return', 'enough', 'money', 'get', 'debt', 'steve', 'tricks', 'alan', 'getting', 'aircraft', 'takes', 'joan', 'irate', 'joan', 'tries', 'jump', 'aircraft', 'steve', 'sees', 'parachute', 'backwards', 'forced', 'crash', 'land', 'near', 'ghost', 'town', 'bonanza', 'next', 'morning', 'encounter', 'lone', 'resident', 'pop', 'tolliver', 'harry', 'davenport', 'joan', 'escapes', 'abandoned', 'mine', 'steve', 'follows', 'trapped', 'cave-in', 'steve', 'finds', 'way', 'hides', 'joan', 'advice', 'pop', 'believing', 'going', 'die', 'joan', 're-examines', 'frivolous', 'life', 'great', 'regret', 'steve', 'admits', 'loves', 'kisses', 'tastes', 'food', 'lips', 'realizes', 'found', 'way', 'exit', 'mine', 'find', 'alan', 'tracked', 'accompanied', 'nevada', 'judge', 'steve', 'object', 'alan', 'joan', 'get', 'married', 'hiding', 'fact', 'bonanza', 'california', 'therefore', 'wedding', 'invalid', 'newlyweds', 'board', 'another', 'aircraft', 'joan', 'figures', 'really', 'married', 'parachutes', 'reunited', 'steve'], ['tommy', 'turner', 'english', 'teacher', 'football-crazed', 'midwestern', 'university', 'comedy-drama', 'although', 'uninvolved', 'politics', 'day', 'turner', 'suddenly', 'finds', 'center', 'free-speech', 'debate', 'campus', 'editorial', 'student', 'magazine', 'reveals', 'plans', 'read', 'bartolomeo', 'vanzetti', 'sentencing', 'statement', 'class', 'example', 'english', 'composition', 'school', 'conservative', 'trustees', 'threaten', 'fire', \"n't\", 'withdraw', 'reading', 'lecture', 'subject', 'free', 'speech', 'turner', 'dilemma', 'conscience', 'anchor', 'film', 'drama', 'lighter', 'subplot', 'concerns', 'return', 'visit', 'joe', 'ferguson', 'football', 'hero', 'former', 'love', 'interest', 'turner', 'wife', 'moment', 'marriage', 'tested', 'events', 'campus'], [\"'carmelo\", 'years', 'old', 'extremely', 'shy', 'finds', 'difficult', 'reveal', 'innermost', 'feelings', 'ver처nica', 'coworker', 'ver처nica', 'announces', 'engaged', 'married', 'rich', 'handsome', 'man', 'carmello', 'heartbroken', 'odd', 'twist', 'fate', 'ver처nica', 'sees', 'carmelo', 'gay', 'rally', 'assumes', 'gay', 'carmelo', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'correct', 'impression', 'finds', 'ruse', 'way', 'open', 'ver처nica', 'soon', 'falls', 'carmelo', 'leaves', 'fiance', 'gay', 'boy', 'friend', 'reveals', 'real', 'orientation'], ['plot', 'show', 'opens', 'fred', 'graham', 'lilli', 'vanessi', 'divorced', 'couple', 'meeting', 'fred\\\\', 'apartment', 'hear', 'score', 'cole', 'porter', 'musical', 'version', 'taming', 'shrew', 'lois', 'lane', 'play', 'bianca', 'arrives', 'sings', 'darn', 'hot', 'lilli', 'almost', 'decides', 'performing', 'show', 'fears', 'might', 'interfere', 'honeymoon', 'overhears', 'cole', 'fred', 'promising', 'lois', 'part', 'decides', 'play', 'katherine', 'lois\\\\', 'boyfriend', 'bill', 'calhoun', 'playing', 'lucentio', 'musical', 'rehearsals', 'leads', 'gambling', 'lifestyle', 'results', 'owing', 'local', 'gangster', '2,000', 'signed', 'iou', 'fred\\\\', 'name', 'lois', 'laments', 'bill\\\\', 'bad-boy', 'lifestyle', 'bill\\\\', 'winsome', 'charm', 'soon', 'wins', 'forgives', 'meanwhile', 'fiery', 'confrontation', 'rehearsals', 'fred', 'lilli', 'get', 'together', 'lilli\\\\', 'dressing', 'room', 'reminisce', 'happier', 'times', 'singing', 'wunderbar', 'show', 'together', 'fred', 'later', 'sends', 'flowers', 'lois', 'butler', 'gets', 'confused', 'gives', 'lilli', 'instead', 'lilli', 'overcome', 'romantic', 'gesture', 'falls', 'back', 'love', 'fred', 'love', 'show', 'gets', 'underway', 'fred', 'lilli', 'lois', 'bill', 'dressed', 'group', 'traveling', 'entertainers', 'main', 'body', 'play', 'enactment', 'shakespeare\\\\', 'taming', 'shrew', 'script', 'largely', 'shakespeare\\\\', 'interspersed', 'cole', 'porter\\\\', 'songs', 'play', 'bianca', 'younger', 'daughter', 'baptista', 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'fred', 'fred', 'decides', 'accept', 'iou', 'convinces', 'lippy', 'slug', 'needs', 'help', 'keep', 'lilli', 'leaving', 'show', 'successful', 'enough', 'fred', 'afford', 'debt', 'lois', 'meantime', 'learns', 'fred', 'taken', 'responsibility', 'iou', 'comes', 'thank', 'time', 'begins', 'thank', 'angry', 'bill', 'forging', 'name', 'fred', 'kisses', 'passionately', 'prevent', 'lippy', 'slug', 'learning', 'deception', 'lilli', 'bill', 'walk', 'little', 'scene', 'become', 'furious', 'order', 'keep', 'lilli', 'leaving', 'show', 'slug', 'lippy', 'appear', 'stage', 'disguised', 'petruchio\\\\', 'servants', 'keeping', 'eye', 'lilli', 'acting', 'ability', 'still', 'manage', 'amuse', 'audience', 'much', 'less', 'singing', 'point', 'onwards', 'musical', 'play', 'petruchio', 'sets', 'taming', 'shrew', 'refusing', 'let', 'katherine', 'eat', 'sleep', 'comfortable', 'bed', 'petruchio', 'however', 'unhappy', 'new', 'married', 'life', 'reminisces', 'days', 'philandering', 'many', 'previous', 'girlfriends', 'lilli\\\\', 'request', 'via', 'phone', 'earlier', 'evening', 'tex', 'arrives', 'ambulance', 'lilli', 'finally', 'escapes', 'tormentors', 'pair', 'prepare', 'leave', 'fred', 'befriends', 'tex', 'hopes', 'delaying', 'departure', 'tex', 'recognized', 'lois', 'went', 'date', 'although', 'tex', 'claims', 'mistaken', 'someone', 'else', 'bill', 'angered', 'lois\\\\', 'behavior', 'lois', 'admits', 'though', 'loves', 'bill', 'resist', 'advances', 'men', 'turns', 'morals', 'even', 'looser', 'bill\\\\', 'fred\\\\', 'gambling', 'debt', 'resolved', 'untimely', 'death', 'mr.', 'hogan', 'slug', 'lippy\\\\', 'boss', 'lilli', 'succeeds', 'leaving', 'theatre', 'saying', 'surprisingly', 'civil', 'farewell', 'fred', 'fred', 'thinks', 'belongs', 'theatre', 'tries', 'vain', 'stop', 'leaving', 'departure', 'fred', 'dejected', 'slug', 'lippy', 'manage', 'cheer', 'last', 'part', 'play', 'begins', 'bianca', 'finally', 'getting', 'married', 'lucentio', 'gremio', 'hortensio', 'put', 'two', 'girls', 'appear', 'three', 'couples', 'dance', 'sequence', 'next', 'song', 'finale', 'show', 'halted', 'lilli\\\\', 'understudy', 'jeanie', 'mentioned', 'several', 'times', 'musical', 'never', 'appears', 'goes', 'missing', 'suddenly', 'lilli', 'appears', 'stage', 'recites', 'katherine\\\\', 'speech', 'women', 'surrender', 'husbands', 'fred', 'bowled', 'show', 'reaches', 'triumphant', 'finale', 'giving', 'impression', 'fred', 'lilli', 'get', 'together', 'permanently'], ['inspector', 'dev', 'kumar', 'gaurav', 'alias', 'guru', 'childhood', 'friends', 'problem', 'dev', 'kumar', 'police', 'dad', 'parshu', 'ram', 'works', 'underworld', 'right-hand', 'man', 'kakhan', 'criminal', 'also', 'guru', 'dad', 'inspector', 'khan', 'assigned', 'case', 'apprehending', 'kakhan', 'first', 'suspect', 'none', 'dev', 'dev', 'must', 'prove', 'khan', 'earnest', 'hesitate', 'arrest', 'kakhan', 'remains', 'seen', 'dev', 'really', 'apprehend', 'friend', 'dad', 'play', 'around', 'without', 'really', 'getting', 'anywhere'], [\"'in\", '2805', 'earth', 'covered', 'garbage', 'due', 'decades', 'mass', 'consumerism', 'facilitated', 'megacorporation', 'buy', 'large', 'bnl', 'evacuated', 'earth\\\\', 'population', 'fully', 'automated', 'starliners', '2105', 'leaving', 'behind', 'trash', 'compactor', 'waste', 'allocation', 'load', 'lifter', 'earth', 'class', '쏻all-e', 'robots', 'clean', 'planet', 'eventually', 'stopped', 'operating', 'earth', 'left', 'abandoned', 'one', 'wall-e', 'unit', 'managed', 'remain', 'active', 'repairing', 'using', 'parts', 'broken', 'units', 'also', 'developed', 'sentience', 'regular', 'duties', 'inquisitively', 'collects', 'artifacts', 'human', 'civilization', 'back', 'storage', 'truck', 'home', 'befriended', 'cockroach', 'enjoys', 'listening', 'hello', 'dolly', 'one', 'day', 'wall-e', 'discovers', 'collects', 'growing', 'seedling', 'plant', 'spaceship', 'later', 'lands', 'deploys', 'extraterrestrial', 'vegetation', 'evaluator', '쏣ve', 'advanced', 'robot', 'sent', 'bnl', 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'hyperjump', 'back', 'earth', 'passengers', 'recolonize', 'however', 'auto', 'orders', 'mccrea\\\\', 'robotic', 'assistant', 'go-4', 'steal', 'plant', 'part', 'return', 'directive', 'secretly', 'issued', 'autopilots', 'bnl', 'incorrectly', 'concluded', '2110', 'planet', 'could', 'saved', 'humanity', 'remain', 'space', 'plant', 'missing', 'eve', 'considered', 'defective', 'taken', 'repair', 'ward', 'along', 'wall-e.', 'wall-e', 'mistakes', 'process', 'eve', 'torture', 'tries', 'save', 'accidentally', 'releasing', 'horde', 'malfunctioning', 'robots', 'security', 'systems', 'designate', 'wall-e', 'eve', 'rogue', 'angry', 'wall-e\\\\', 'disruptions', 'eve', 'brings', 'escape', 'pod', 'bay', 'send', 'home', 'witness', 'go-4', 'dispose', 'missing', 'plant', 'placing', 'inside', 'pod', 'set', 'self-destruct', 'wall-e', 'enters', 'pod', 'jettisoned', 'space', 'escaping', 'plant', 'pod', 'explodes', 'reconciling', 'eve', 'celebrate', 'dance', 'space', 'outside', 'axiom', 'meanwhile', 'captain', 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'wall-e', 'back', 'home', 'successfully', 'repairs', 'reactivates', 'reverts', 'original', 'programming', 'unfeeling', 'waste', 'compactor', 'heartbroken', 'eve', 'gives', 'wall-e', 'farewell', 'kiss', 'jolts', 'back', 'wall-e\\\\', 'memory', 'personality', 'wall-e', 'eve', 'happily', 'reunite', 'humans', 'robots', 'axiom', 'begin', 'restore', 'earth', 'environment', 'shown', 'series', 'artworks', 'end', '*ben', 'burtt', 'produced', 'voice', 'wall-e', 'title', 'character', 'wall-e', 'robot', 'developed', 'sentience', 'robot', 'kind', 'shown', 'still', 'functioning', 'earth', 'small', 'mobile', 'compactor', 'box', 'all-terrain', 'treads', 'three-fingered', 'shovel', 'hands', 'binocular', 'eyes', 'retractable', 'solar', 'cells', 'power', 'collects', 'spare', 'parts', 'becomes', 'pivotal', 'plot', 'replaces', 'broken', 'and/or', 'worn', 'parts', 'on-the-fly', 'cannibalizing', 'dead', 'wall-es', 'although', 'working', 'diligently', 'fulfill', 'directive', 'clean', 'garbage', 'distracted', 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'robots', 'giving', 'wall', 'eve', 'privacy', 'share', 'tender', 'moment', '*elissa', 'knight', 'eve', 'sleek', 'robot', 'probe', 'whose', 'directive', 'locate', 'vegetation', 'earth', 'verify', 'habitability', 'glossy', 'white', 'egg-shaped', 'body', 'blue', 'led', 'eyes', 'moves', 'using', 'antigravity', 'technology', 'equipped', 'scanners', 'specimen', 'storage', 'plasma', 'cannon', 'arm', 'quick', 'use', 'first', 'deployed', 'earth', 'appears', 'devoid', 'feeling', 'craft', 'delivered', 'blasts', 'away', 'springs', 'life', 'gleeful', 'flight', 'watching', 'wall-e', 'accidentally', 'draws', 'attention', 'sets', 'following', 'directive', 'growing', 'ever', 'impatient', 'lack', 'success', 'wall-e\\\\', 'constant', 'monitoring', 'shared', 'strength', 'feeling', 'soon', 'connects', 'two', 'characters', '*jeff', 'garlin', 'captain', 'mccrea', 'commander', 'apparently', 'officer', 'axiom', 'duties', 'captain', 'boring', 'daily', 'routines', 'ship\\\\', 'autopilot', 'handling', 'true', 'command', 'functions', 'meeting', 'wall-e', 'however', 'sparks', 'interest', 'earth', 'becomes', 'engrossed', 'researching', 'home', 'planet', 'paving', 'way', 'retaking', 'control', 'ship', 'back', 'autopilot', '*fred', 'willard', 'shelby', 'forthright', 'historical', 'ceo', 'buy', 'large', 'corporation', 'shown', 'videos', 'recorded', 'around', 'time', 'axiom', 'initial', 'launch', 'constantly', 'optimistic', 'forthright', 'proposed', 'evacuation', 'plans', 'clean', 'recolonize', 'planet', 'however', 'corporation', 'gave', 'realizing', 'toxic', 'earth', 'become', 'forthright', 'live', 'action', 'character', 'speaking', 'role', 'first', 'pixar', 'film', '*macintalk', 'text-to-speech', 'program', 'apple', 'macintosh', 'used', 'voice', 'auto', 'rogue', 'autopilot', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'built', 'ship', 'unlike', 'robots', 'film', 'auto', 'influenced', 'wall-e', 'instead', 'following', 'directive', 'a113', 'prevent', 'axiom', 'humans', 'returning', 'earth', 'toxicity', 'prevent', 'anyone', 'deviating', 'robot\\\\', 'design', 'homage', 'hal', '9000', '2001', 'space', 'odyssey', 'featuring', 'hal-style', 'red', 'eye', 'center', 'body', 'citation', 'needed|datenotes/'], [\"'after\", 'nineteen', 'years', 'marriage', 'dan', 'edwards\\\\', 'wife', 'val', 'exasperated', 'lack', 'attention', 'amount', 'attention', 'pays', 'los', 'angeles', 'advertising', 'agency', 'runs', 'friend', 'ernie', 'brewer', 'laid-back', 'second-in-command', 'exciting', 'man', 'dan', 'become', 'bore', 'valerie', 'well', 'two', 'children', 'feisty', 'mother', 'lives', 'contrast', 'look', 'exciting', 'swinging', 'bachelor', 'uncle', 'ernie', 'always', 'give', 'advice', 'val', 'kids', 'ernie', 'enjoys', 'telling', 'dan', 'he\\\\', 'envious', 'friend\\\\', 'family', 'life', 'often', 'reminds', 'dan', 'one', 'keen', 'valerie', 'first', 'valerie', 'likes', 'ernie', 'things', 'husband', \"won\\\\'t\", 'dances', 'compliments', 'even', 'picks', 'gifts', 'dan', 'gets', 'val', 'frustrated', 'seeks', 'lawyer\\\\', 'advice', 'wanting', 'divorce', 'ernie', 'see', 'best', 'friend', 'blind', 'urges', 'dan', 'take', 'wife', 'second', 'honeymoon', 'mexico', 'land', 'quickie', 'marriages', 'divorces', 'dan', 'val', 'get', 'argument', 'front', 'proprietor', 'miguel', 'santos', 'know', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'divorced', 'apologetic', 'dan', 'makes', 'arranges', 'remarried', 'right', 'away', 'urgent', 'business', 'matter', 'requires', 'presence', 'back', 'l.a.', 'detroit', 'save', 'company\\\\', 'biggest', 'account', 'ernie', 'travels', 'mexico', 'explain', 'everything', 'val', 'unaware', 'she\\\\', 'expecting', 'dan', 'already', 'put', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'motion', 'mistake', 'ends', 'married', 'ernie', 'gets', 'shock', 'ernie', 'anticipates', 'quickie', 'divorce', 'val', 'thinks', 'might', 'enjoy', 'new', 'arrangement', 'dan', 'fed', 'decides', 'he\\\\', 'exactly', 'broken-hearted', 'either', 'dan', 'immediately', 'discovers', 'joys', 'swinging', 'bachelor', 'life', 'cavorting', 'ernie\\\\', 'sexy', 'playmates', 'even', 'young', 'friend', 'daughter', 'tracy\\\\', 'poor', 'ernie', 'it\\\\', 'run', 'business', 'turns', 'dull', 'inattentive', 'husband', 'val', 'first', 'one'], ['berry', 'boy', 'plays', 'fast', 'loose', 'likes', 'hang', 'around', 'friends', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'thera', 'girl', 'little', 'bit', 'older', 'turns', 'head', 'around', 'start', 'romance', 'culminating', 'meetup', 'nam', 'kee', 'chinese', 'restaurant', 'amsterdam', 'oysters', 'dinner', 'suddenly', 'thera', 'disappears', 'berry', 'becomes', 'crazy', 'silence', 'unrequited', 'love'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'portrays', 'relationship', 'young', 'male', 'student', 'young', 'woman', 'borderline', 'personality', 'disorder', 'love', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'movies', 'website', '2010.', 'http', '//movies.nytimes.com/movie/270976/i-love-you-too/overview'], ['wealthy', 'suraj', 'lives', 'palatial', 'house', 'mom', 'dad', 'time', 'comes', 'marriage', 'parents', 'find', 'suitable', 'match', 'instead', 'marries', 'woman', 'poor', 'family', 'antagonizing', 'parents', 'ask', 'make', 'choice', 'wife', 'suraj', 'chooses', 'stay', 'wife', 'moves', 'years', 'later', 'suraj', 'dad', 'dies', 'leaving', 'mom', 'alone', 'look', 'business', 'vast', 'estate', 'making', 'promise', 'never', 'welcome', 'suraj', 'wife', 'children', 'house', 'suraj', 'wife', 'tragically', 'pass', 'away', 'due', 'accident', 'leaving', 'behind', 'son', 'named', 'raja', 'one', 'day', 'grandmother', 'anjali', 'receives', 'telegram', 'informing', 'raja', 'coming', 'live', 'instructs', 'servants', 'let', 'raja', 'inside', 'house', 'pitches', 'tent', 'lawn', 'lives', 'hoping', 'one', 'day', 'win', 'invited', 'house', 'succeeds', 'anjali', 'welcomes', 'open', 'arms', 'since', 'marriageable', 'age', 'would', 'like', 'marry', 'beautiful', 'young', 'woman', 'name', 'sonu', 'rai', 'daughter', 'wealthy', 'sampat', 'rai', 'raja', 'love', 'chhaya', 'servant', 'household', 'quite', 'unacceptable', 'anjali', 'chhaya', 'house', 'brother', 'shankar', 'opposes', 'marriage', 'raja', 'would', 'like', 'marry', 'maniram', 'seems', 'though', 'history', 'set', 'repeat', 'chhaya', 'raja', 'sworn', 'marry', 'one', 'else'], [\"'marianne\", 'faithfull', 'sings', 'ballad', 'lucy', 'jordan', 'opening', 'credit', 'sequence', 'marilyn', 'jordan', 'bored', 'depressed', 'american', 'housewife', 'married', 'rich', 'swedish', 'businessman', 'two', 'seemingly', 'perfect', 'children', 'tries', 'spice', 'existence', 'surprising', 'family', 'eats', 'entire', 'dinner', 'setting', 'bedclothes', 'fire', 'poisoning', 'pet', 'dog\\\\', 'milk', 'advising', 'drink', 'eventually', 'martin', 'marilyn\\\\', 'husband', 'decides', 'show', 'psychiatrist', 'serves', 'frustration', 'one', 'day', 'decides', 'accompany', 'husband', 'business', 'trip', 'marilyn', 'gets', 'detained', 'security', 'airport', 'technicality', 'missing', 'plane', 'befriended', 'group', 'gypsies', 'taken', 'club', 'run', 'bearing', 'odd', 'name', 'zanzi-bar', 'marilyn', 'indulges', 'fantastic', 'surreal', 'world', 'shovel', 'fighting', 'lamb', 'roasting', 'striptease', 'free', 'love', 'culminates', 'marilyn', 'passionate', 'fling', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'montenegro', 'works', 'zoo', 'spending', 'night', 'montenegro', 'marilyn', 'realizes', 'even', 'though', 'adores', 'world', 'stranger', 'completely', 'snapping', 'upon', 'realization', 'kills', 'young', 'man', 'returns', 'home', 'serves', 'family', 'gourmet', 'dinner', 'followed', 'light', 'dessert', 'fruit', '...', 'turns', 'poisoned', 'final', 'intertitle', 'states', 'story', 'based', 'real', 'events'], [\"'an\", 'unknown', 'future', 'boy', 'confesses', 'murder', 'another', 'all-boy', 'juvenile', 'detention', 'facility', 'story', 'follows', 'two', 'detectives', 'trying', 'uncover', 'case', 'sexual', 'tension', 'explosive', 'violence', 'drive', 'story', 'delivers', 'weird', 'fascinating', 'visuals'], ['graduation', 'college', 'friends', 'catherine', 'furness', 'chris', 'thring', 'mack', 'mcgowan', 'james', 'dunn', 'madge', 'rountree', 'move', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'madge', 'hopes', 'become', 'actress', 'lawyer', 'chris', 'wants', 'work', 'big', 'firm', 'mack', 'aspires', 'radio', 'crooner', 'catherine', 'desires', 'writer', 'although', 'quartet', 'great', 'friends', 'relationships', 'strained', 'romantic', 'entanglements', 'catherine', 'love', 'chris', 'eyes', 'madge', 'madge', 'make', 'mind', 'chris', 'mack', 'adores', 'catherine.new', 'york', 'times', 'overview', 'film', 'hour', 'trancontinental', 'flight', 'youngsters', 'call', 'phyllis', 'carmichael', 'alumnus', 'university', 'invites', 'party', 'later', 'none', 'friends', 'jobs', 'yet', 'desperate', 'catherine', 'responds', 'seeking', 'parents', 'orphaned', 'infants', 'catherine', 'explains', 'dr.', 'nathan', 'kurtzman', 'babies', 'caretaker', 'orphan', 'willing', 'work', 'nanny', 'anyone', 'adopts', 'one', 'babies', 'harriet', 'hawkins', 'kindly', 'old', 'woman', 'runs', 'used', 'clothing', 'shop', 'hires', 'harriet', 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'wed', 'everything', 'goes', 'well', 'return', 'madge', 'decided', 'marry', 'howard', 'madge', 'inherited', 'large', 'amount', 'money', 'pesters', 'chris', 'works', 'gerald', 'mockby', 'louise', 'lawyer', 'husband', 'legal', 'advice', 'catherine', 'jealous', 'attention', 'chris', 'pays', 'madge', 'finally', 'confronts', 'catherine', 'chris', 'spend', 'weekend', 'mockbys', 'madge', 'states', 'persuade', 'chris', 'stay', 'give', 'catherine', 'crushed', 'chris', 'misses', 'train', 'goes', 'mockbys', 'alone', 'chris', 'soon', 'arrives', 'however', 'catherine', 'hugs', 'says', 'wants', 'her.tcm.com'], [\"'andr챕\", 'son', 'wealthy', 'family', 'meets', 'girl', 'called', 'luisinha', 'luisinha', 'lives', 'small', 'pension', 'house', 'rita', 'janu찼rio', 'parents', 'mr.', 'simpl챠cio', 'costa', 'better', 'known', 'costa', 'castelo', 'lazy', 'highly', 'talented', 'guitar', 'player', 'together', 'reaches', 'success', 'order', 'see', 'luisinha', 'every', 'day', 'andr챕', 'decides', 'move', 'pension', 'offering', 'assumed', 'name', 'pretending', 'chauffeur', 'seems', 'going', 'according', 'plan', 'enter', 'ms.', 'mafalda', 'silveira', 'andr챕\\\\', 'aunt', 'unmasks', 'nephew', 'ends', 'farse', 'andr챕', 'gets', 'injured', 'car', 'accident', 'takes', 'advantage', 'ailment', 'persuade', 'aunt', 'help', 'uncle', 'sim찾o', 'allow', 'luisinha', 'live', 'mansion', 'attend', 'luisinha', 'ends', 'moving', 'thanks', 'mansion', 'knows', 'joy', 'light', 'one', 'day', 'simpl챠cio', 'costa', 'comes', 'mansion', 'request', 'sim찾o', 'unexpectedly', 'finds', 'lost', 'love', 'youth', 'gone', 'years', 'mafalda', 'seems', 'perfect', 'one', 'person', 'stands', 'andr챕', 'luisinha\\\\', 'happiness', 'isabel', 'castelar', 'ambitious', 'woman', 'coveting', 'daniel\\\\', 'fortune', 'considerable', 'effort', 'ms.', 'mafalda', 'costa', 'castelo', 'manage', 'join', 'together', 'daniel', 'luisinha', 'also'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'begins', 'young', 'finnegan', 'finn', 'bell', 'playing', 'beach', 'gulf', 'coast', 'escaped', 'convict', 'suddenly', 'pops', 'water', 'overpowers', 'making', 'finn', 'promise', 'bring', 'back', 'food', 'medicine', 'bolt', 'cutter', 'get', 'iron', 'shanks', 'leg', 'finn', 'convict', 'unexpectedly', 'tries', 'make', 'finn', 'take', 'boat', 'mexico', 'police', 'seize', 'small', 'boat', 'heading', 'sea', 'convict', 'hides', 'buoy', 'finn\\\\', 'boat', 'towed', 'back', 'shore', 'next', 'day', 'finn', 'sees', 'news', 'convict', 'mobster', 'arthur', 'lustig', 'escaped', 'death', 'row', 'recaptured', 'would', 'face', 'execution', 'soon', 'finn\\\\', 'uncle', 'joe', 'called', 'paradiso', 'perduto', 'home', 'richest', 'woman', 'florida', 'ms.', 'nora', 'dinsmoor', 'local', 'mystery', 'shunned', 'virtually', 'human', 'contact', 'since', 'left', 'altar', 'several', 'years', 'ostensibly', 'asks', 'gardening', 'job', 'instead', 'slips', 'large', 'sum', 'money', 'door', 'calling', 'gas', 'money', 'meanwhile', 'finn', 'brought', 'along', 'meets', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor\\\\', 'young', 'niece', 'estella', 'overgrown', 'garden', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor', 'sees', 'interacting', 'calls', 'maggie', 'finn\\\\', 'sister', 'ask', 'let', 'finn', 'playmate', 'estella', 'even', 'though', 'estella', 'apparently', 'dislikes', 'finn\\\\', 'first', 'visit', 'disappointed', 'boy', 'dance', 'intrigued', 'says', 'draw', 'forces', 'estella', 'sit', 'portrait', 'finn', 'draws', 'make', 'old', 'piece', 'wallpaper', 'draws', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor', 'warns', 'finn', 'fall', 'love', 'estella', 'heart', 'broken', 'portrait', 'session', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor', 'calls', 'day', 'asks', 'estella', 'help', 'finn', 'find', 'door', 'way', 'pauses', 'take', 'drink', 'water', 'fountain', 'politely', 'offers', 'drink', 'well', 'finn', 'drinking', 'estella', 'kisses', 'several', 'years', 'pass', 'maggie', 'runs', 'away', 'home', 'joe', 'raises', 'finn', 'alone', 'finn', 'goes', 'paradiso', 'perduto', 'every', 'saturday', 'learns', 'dance', 'estella', 'one', 'day', 'estella', 'mentions', 'party', 'attend', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor', 'shocked', 'escort', 'take', 'finn', 'volunteers', 'escort', 'finn', 'shows', 'party', 'allowed', 'guest', 'list', 'estella', 'shows', 'beside', 'pick-up', 'truck', 'asks', 'playfully', 'take', 'house', 'get', 'estella', 'starts', 'seduce', 'finn', 'suddenly', 'leave', 'claiming', 'busy', 'night', 'next', 'day', 'finn', 'goes', 'paradiso', 'perduto', 'told', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor', 'estella', 'left', 'study', 'abroad', 'europe', 'next', 'seven', 'years', 'resolutely', 'puts', 'estella', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor', 'mind', 'gives', 'drawing', 'one', 'day', 'lawyer', 'comes', 'finn', 'tells', 'gallery', 'show', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'end', 'finn', 'convinced', 'new', 'york', 'estella', 'claimed', 'art', 'capital', 'world', 'arrives', 'immediately', 'gets', 'work', 'drawing', 'since', 'pieces', 'put', 'exhibit', 'takes', 'break', 'get', 'drink', 'water', 'fountain', 'estella', 'appears', 'kisses', 'invites', 'afternoon', 'tea', 'high', 'class', 'club', 'finn', 'arrives', 'tea', 'estella', 'friends', 'fianc챕', 'walter', 'plane', 'make', 'fun', 'asking', 'much', 'would', 'charge', 'draw', 'portrait', 'estella', 'finn', 'leaves', 'hurry', 'amid', 'laughter', 'estella\\\\', 'friends', 'one', 'day', 'finn', 'wakes', 'hotel', 'room', 'see', 'estella', 'standing', 'next', 'reminding', 'wanted', 'draw', 'portrait', 'prepares', 'sketch', 'pad', 'charcoal', 'estella', 'takes', 'clothes', 'posing', 'sketches', 'estella', 'suddenly', 'puts', 'clothes', 'back', 'leaves', 'saying', 'busy', 'growing', 'sick', 'estella\\\\', 'games', 'finn', 'chases', 'cab', 'asks', 'cruel', 'estella', 'sadly', 'explains', 'trained', 'act', 'way', 'aunt', 'dinsmoor', 'walter', 'shows', 'finn\\\\', 'hotel', 'room', 'one', 'day', 'wanting', 'see', 'result', 'portrait', 'session', 'confesses', 'finn', 'thinks', 'estella', 'using', 'finn', 'push', 'walter', 'asking', 'marry', 'asks', 'please', 'finn', 'idea', 'respond', 'walter', 'soon', 'leaves', 'lawyer', 'found', 'finn', 'florida', 'shows', 'moving', 'finn', 'big', 'studio', 'work', 'art', 'comfortably', 'finn', 'quickly', 'fills', 'studio', 'artwork', 'opening', 'date', 'gallery', 'draws', 'nearer', 'makes', 'estella', 'say', 'one', 'night', 'important', 'event', 'finn', 'becomes', 'frustrated', 'walter', 'draws', 'estella', 'away', 'barely', 'even', 'got', 'talk', 'follows', 'dinner', 'chinese', 'restaurant', 'bemused', 'dinner', 'guests', 'look', 'finn', 'asks', 'estella', 'dance', 'dance', 'seconds', 'leave', 'restaurant', 'sidewalk', 'run', 'finn\\\\', 'art', 'studio', 'make', 'passionate', 'love', 'finally', 'opening', 'night', 'finn\\\\', 'gallery', 'show', 'arrives', 'looks', 'everywhere', 'estella', 'nowhere', 'seen', 'instead', 'uncle', 'joe', 'shows', 'finn\\\\', 'surprise', 'degree', 'embarrassment', 'joe', 'accidentally', 'knocks', 'tray', 'wine', 'glasses', 'tries', 'clean', 'mess', 'finn', 'repeatedly', 'tells', 'increasing', 'volume', 'leave', 'joe', 'feels', 'homely', 'manners', 'embarrassment', 'finn', 'decides', 'leave', 'early', 'despite', 'finn\\\\', 'attempts', 'get', 'stay', 'finn', 'goes', 'estella\\\\', 'abode', 'new', 'york', 'hoping', 'find', 'instead', 'finds', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor', 'come', 'new', 'york', 'special', 'event', 'estella\\\\', 'wedding', 'finn', 'becomes', 'upset', 'news', 'says', 'icily', 'warned', 'child', 'finn', 'tells', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor', 'broken', 'heart', 'way', 'fianc챕', 'years', 'ago', 'suddenly', 'remorseful', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor', 'apologizes', 'finn', 'returns', 'studio', 'find', 'strange', 'bearded', 'man', 'wanting', 'see', 'none', 'arthur', 'lustig', 'finn', 'first', 'incredulous', 'becomes', 'uncomfortable', 'old', 'man\\\\', 'presence', 'implies', 'leave', 'lustig', 'walking', 'door', 'hints', 'finn', 'knows', 'finn', 'wants', 'finn', 'thus', 'accompanies', 'lustig', 'subway', 'station', 'since', 'lustig', 'plane', 'catch', 'john', 'kennedy', 'international', 'airport', 'paris', 'waiting', 'train', 'lustig', 'sees', 'unsavory', 'acquaintances', 'opposite', 'platform', 'finn', 'lustig', 'outmaneuver', 'get', 'train', 'think', 'safe', 'train', 'motion', 'one', 'old', 'men', 'comes', 'car', 'brutally', 'stabs', 'lustig', 'side', 'stepping', 'train', 'next', 'stop', 'lustig', 'bleeds', 'death', 'finn\\\\', 'arms', 'reveals', 'finn\\\\', 'benefactor', 'return', 'kindness', 'finn', 'showed', 'child', 'devastated', 'finn', 'detaches', 'everything', 'goes', 'paris', 'study', 'art', 'becomes', 'successful', 'right', 'eventually', 'returns', 'florida', 'visit', 'uncle', 'joe', 'reconciles', 'ms.', 'dinsmoor', 'since', 'died', 'decides', 'visit', 'house', 'anyway', 'sitting', 'garden', 'thinks', 'sees', 'apparition', 'estella', 'child', 'follows', 'little', 'girl', 'back', 'dock', 'finds', 'child\\\\', 'mother', 'turns', 'estella', 'since', 'divorced', 'whose', 'life', 'gone', 'downhill', 'admits', 'often', 'thought', 'asks', 'forgiveness', 'past', 'cruelty', 'finn', 'forgives', 'completely', 'movie', 'ends', 'holding', 'hands', 'looking', 'sea'], ['film', 'history', 'passes', '1999.', 'tomboyish', 'outgoing', 'julieta', 'daughter', 'member', 'palmeiras', 'soccer', 'club', 'board', 'constantly', 'frustrated', 'sees', 'institutional', 'bias', 'women', 'soccer', 'one', 'day', 'watching', 'beloved', 'palmeiras', 'struck', 'handsome', 'man', 'romeu', 'sees', 'rooting', 'palmeiras', 'chief', 'rivals', 'corinthians', 'meeting', 'man', 'middle', 'eye', 'exam', 'julieta', 'romeu', 'quickly', 'become', 'couple', 'however', 'order', 'avoid', 'incurring', 'wrath', 'parents', 'romeu', 'forced', 'pretend', 'adoring', 'palmeiras', 'fan', 'increasingly', 'difficult', 'task', 'die-hard', 'corinthiano', 'finally', 'romeu', 'forced', 'admit', 'true', 'allegiance', 'julieta', 'father', 'turbulent', 'plane', 'flight', 'following', 'palmeiras', 'disastrous', 'defeat', 'international', 'match', 'tokyo', 'romeu', 'julieta', 'shunned', 'members', 'family', 'including', 'romeu', 'spry', 'grandmother', 'eventually', 'two', 'families', 'face', 'heated', 'confrontation', 'outside', 'romeu', 'apartment', 'argument', 'escalated', 'particularly', 'revealed', 'julieta', 'pregnant', 'eventually', 'two', 'feuding', 'families', 'able', 'rally', 'around', 'love', 'romeu', 'julieta', 'even', 'unable', 'look', 'past', 'different', 'sport', 'affiliations'], ['young', 'woman', 'named', 'hyun-chae', 'train', 'looking', 'art', 'book', 'turns', 'pages', 'discovers', 'written', 'message', 'underneath', 'picture', 'bears', 'playing', 'together', 'springtime', 'reads', 'like', 'much', 'like', 'bear', 'springtime', 'know', 'secrets', '...', \"'re\", 'like', 'lovely', 'bear', 'beginning', 'love', 'next', 'book', 'gustave', 'caillebette', \"'young\", 'man', 'window', 'hyun-chae', 'unlucky', 'girl', 'trouble', 'finding', 'love', 'born', 'bad', 'manners', 'unable', 'keep', 'guy', 'long', 'throughout', 'life', 'unsuccessful', 'love', 'goes', 'life', 'bad', 'manners', 'pure', 'honesty', 'father', 'alcoholic', 'heavysmoker', 'writer', 'often', 'counts', 'hyun-chae', 'bring', 'art', 'books', 'library', 'saying', 'help', 'think', 'better', 'hyun-chae', 'desperate', 'fall', 'love', 'fails', 'see', 'best', 'friend', 'childhood', 'dong-ha', 'came', 'back', 'military', 'instead', 'chae-hyun', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'man', 'written', 'love', 'notes', 'inside', 'art', 'books', 'believing', 'meant', 'thought', 'mind', 'seeks', 'writer', 'determined', 'state', 'mind', 'believing', 'every', 'man', 'meets', 'could', 'possibly', 'mere', 'stranger', 'library', 'love', 'notes', 'really', 'meant'], ['two', 'indian', 'secret', 'service', 'agents', 'ajay', 'saxena', 'abdul', 'co-workers', 'also', 'live', 'like', 'brothers', 'family', 'chief', 'asks', 'abdul', 'take', 'charge', 'project', 'dealing', 'india', 'nuclear', 'capability', 'defense', 'ajay', 'proceeds', 'vacation', 'switzerland', 'meets', 'beautiful', 'anju', 'fall', 'love', 'returns', 'india', 'told', 'abdul', 'killed', 'file', 'pertaining', 'project', 'missing', 'assigned', 'task', 'recovering', 'file', 'also', 'apprehending', 'culprits', 'ajay', 'sets', 'bangalore', 'finds', 'anju', 'also', 'lives', 'wealthy', 'businessman', 'dad', 'brij', 'mohan', 'alias', 'bm..', 'ajay', 'soon', 'find', 'romance', 'anju', 'short-lived', 'dad', 'may', 'connected', 'masterminds', 'secret', 'file', 'stolen', 'determined', 'away', 'ajay', 'abdul'], [\"'keri\", 'russell', 'plays', 'jenna', 'waitress', 'living', 'american', 'south', 'trapped', 'unhappy', 'marriage', 'abusive', 'earl', 'works', 'joe\\\\', 'pie', 'diner', 'job', 'includes', 'creating', 'inventive', 'pies', 'unusual', 'titles', 'inspired', 'life', 'bad', 'baby', 'pie', 'invents', 'unwanted', 'pregnancy', 'confirmed', 'jenna', 'longs', 'run', 'away', 'dismal', 'marriage', 'slowly', 'accumulating', 'money', 'pins', 'hopes', 'escape', 'pie', 'contest', 'nearby', 'town', 'offers', '25,000', 'grand', 'prize', 'husband', \"won\\\\'t\", 'let', 'friends', 'coworkers', 'becky', 'dawn', 'joe', 'curmudgeonly', 'owner', 'diner', 'several', 'local', 'businesses', 'encourages', 'begin', 'new', 'life', 'elsewhere', 'jenna\\\\', 'life', 'changes', 'meets', 'new', 'physician', 'jim', 'pomatter', 'moved', 'small', 'town', 'accommodate', 'wife', 'completing', 'residency', 'local', 'hospital', 'filling', 'woman', 'jenna\\\\', 'doctor', 'since', 'childhood', 'two', 'attracted', 'course', 'several', 'pre-natal', 'appointments', 'attraction', 'grows', 'dr.', 'pomatter', 'invites', 'office', 'quickly', 'exposed', 'pretext', 'impulsively', 'initiates', 'passionate', 'affair', 'prompted', 'gift', 'baby', 'journal', 'jenna', 'begins', 'keep', 'diary', 'ostensibly', 'unborn', 'child', 'voiceovers', 'giving', 'viewer', 'access', 'thoughts', 'future', 'child', 'plans', 'entries', 'relationship', 'dr.', 'pomatter', 'thoughts', 'reveals', 'describes', 'various', 'pies', 'creates', 'audience', 'gets', 'know', 'evolving', 'hopes', 'dreams', 'concerns', 'fears', 'slowly', 'growing', 'attachment', 'baby', 'first', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'want', 'giving', 'birth', 'jenna', 'bonds', 'immediately', 'baby', 'girl', 'names', 'lulu', 'earl', 'clearly', 'disappointed', 'it\\\\', 'girl', 'witnessing', 'bonding', 'reminds', 'jenna', 'promise', 'forced', 'make', 'earlier', 'love', 'baby', 'comment', 'proverbial', 'straw', 'broke', 'camel\\\\', 'back', 'wipes', 'away', 'concerns', 'lack', 'money', 'fear', 'husband', 'determined', 'frankness', 'tells', 'bluntly', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'loved', 'years', 'longer', 'put', 'possessiveness', 'abuse', 'wants', 'divorce', 'later', 'becky', 'dawn', 'helping', 'prepare', 'leave', 'hospital', 'letting', 'know', 'joe', 'collapsed', 'died', 'jenna', 'remembers', 'envelope', 'joe', 'brought', 'birth', 'finds', 'admitted', 'patient', 'hospital', 'envelope', 'finds', 'handmade', 'card', 'sketch', 'check', '270,450', 'message', 'friendship', 'urges', 'start', 'life', 'anew', 'leaving', 'hospital', 'dr.', 'pomatter', 'wants', 'word', 'private', 'regarding', 'affair', 'happen', 'promptly', 'breaks', 'handing', 'chocolate', 'moon', 'pie', 'asks', 'friends', 'wheel', 'way', 'ask', 'coolly', 'replies', 'affair', 'ended', 'epilogue', 'depicts', 'jenna', 'winning', 'pie', 'contest', 'becoming', 'new', 'owner', 'diner', 'worked', 'called', 'lulu\\\\', 'pies', 'serving', 'brightly', 'colored', 'pies', 'customers', 'friends', 'final', 'shot', 'shows', 'walking', 'home', 'hand-in-hand', 'toddler-aged', 'lulu'], ['vacation', 'sports', 'reporter', 'mike', 'hagen', 'meets', 'fashion', 'designer', 'marilla', 'brown', 'two', 'instantly', 'bond', 'quickly', 'get', 'married', 'realize', 'little', 'common', 'mike', 'sports', 'fan', 'poker', 'enthusiast', 'working-class', 'friends', 'marilla', 'designs', 'clothes', 'wide', 'array', 'artistic', 'personalities', 'friends', 'clash', 'memorably', 'one', 'wednesday', 'night', 'poker', 'club', 'drama', 'society', 'convene', 'marilla', 'apartment', 'marilla', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'mike', 'finds', 'photograph', 'lori', 'shannon', 'mike', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'mike', 'tries', 'hide', 'former', 'relationship', 'fails', 'miserably', 'complicating', 'matters', 'even', 'mike', 'continuing', 'series', 'expos챕s', 'activities', 'crooked', 'boxing', 'promoter', 'martin', 'daylor', 'mike', 'life', 'danger', 'hides', 'wife', 'results', 'series', 'misunderstandings', 'mishaps'], ['drama', 'tells', 'tale', 'blind', 'violinist', 'ragu', 'young', 'lady', 'nancy', 'madhavi', 'keen', 'chronicling', 'ragu', 'inspiring', 'life', 'visually', 'impaired', 'independently', 'living', 'person', 'relationship', 'blossoms', 'romance', 'supported', 'nancy', 'lighthearted', 'comical', 'grandfather'], ['victor', 'started', 'drinking', 'wife', 'linda', 'suddenly', 'died', 'although', 'keeps', 'son', 'tom', 'tom', 'one', 'day', 'victor', 'thinks', 'way', 'make', 'others', 'also', 'mourning', 'feel', 'better', '봞nd', 'make', 'money', 'process', 'help', 'two', 'cohorts', 'wally', 'george', 'victor', 'passes', 'ispiritist', 'communicate', 'restless', 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'also', 'respect', 'son', 'cite', 'news', 'victor', 'apologize', 'sins', 'realizes', 'suddenly', 'developed', 'power', 'see', 'speak', 'ghosts', 'victor', 'realizes', 'must', 'make', 'lies', 'film', 'climax', 'victor', 'tom', 'tom', 'lalaine', 'wally', 'george', 'absent-minded', 'priest', 'ben', 'must', 'enter', 'haunted', 'mansion', 'get', 'rid', 'spirits', 'inhabit'], ['story', 'saw', 'drunken', 'wedding', 'eyes', 'met', 'something', 'never', 'known', 'something', 'comprehend', 'happened', 'live', 'breathe', 'without', 'powerful', 'river', 'stream', 'almost', 'cosmic', 'magnetism', 'pulls', 'together', 'irresistible', 'intensity', 'feel', 'longer', 'belong', 'relatives', 'friends', 'lives', 'husband', 'little', 'older', 'still', 'young', 'beautiful', 'little', 'daughter', 'mad', 'dog', 'love', 'lives', 'flaxy', 'hair', 'like', 'steep', 'grass', 'piercing', 'deep', 'blue', 'eyes', \"n't\", 'know', 'husband', 'knows', 'mad', 'foolish', 'lives', 'ways', 'dog', 'bites', 'daughter', 'finger', 'cut', 'finger', 'kill', 'dog', 'wife', 'leaves', 'house', 'good', 'set', 'house', 'fire', 'leaves', 'different', 'man', 'answer', 'one', 'well', 'burning', 'merciless', 'sun', 'boat', 'drifts', 'depths', 'wise', 'engrossing', 'river', 'two', 'boat', 'dressed', 'niveous', 'blood', 'soaked', 'clothes', 'charon', 'boat', 'eternity'], ['long', 'island', 'housewife', 'lucy', 'chadman', 'midst', 'tarot', 'card', 'reading', 'occult', 'sister', 'zelda', 'zelda', 'exclaims', 'something', 'going', 'happen', 'lucy', 'begins', 'choke', 'death', 'south', 'korean', 'chicken', 'ball', 'film', 'shows', 'difficulty', 'lucy', 'loved', 'ones', 'including', 'zelda', 'coping', 'death', 'grief', 'turns', 'excitement', 'zelda', 'receives', 'book', 'spells', 'called', 'wisdom', 'catagonia', 'within', 'book', 'zelda', 'finds', 'spell', 'requires', 'perfect', 'astronomical', 'timing', 'moon', 'earth', 'dog', 'star', 'must', 'form', 'perfect', 'isosceles', 'triangle', 'zelda', 'performs', 'spell', 'lucy', 'appears', 'lucy', 'begins', 'reacquaint', 'living', 'family', 'shocked', 'see', 'alive', 'one', 'year', 'later', 'soon', 'discovers', 'simply', 'pick', 'life', 'back', 'left', 'returns', 'find', 'widower', 'husband', 'married', 'greedy', 'double-crossing', 'friend', 'college', 'son', 'meanwhile', 'opened', 'successful', 'restaurant', 'married', 'instead', 'going', 'columbia', 'returns', 'hospital', 'died', 'emergency', 'room', 'doctor', 'tried', 'revive', 'begins', 'fall', 'zelda', 'confides', 'doctor', 'lucy', 'find', 'love', 'next', 'full', 'moon', 'back', 'spirit', 'world', 'believe', 'eventually', 'press', 'finds', 'lucy', 'came', 'back', 'dead', 'plague', 'family', 'hospital', 'doctor', 'works', 'college', 'friend', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'media', 'attention', 'attention', 'lucy', 'getting', 'mr.', 'chadman', 'holds', 'news', 'conference', 'tells', 'media', 'lucy', 'made', 'whole', 'thing', 'claiming', 'lucy', 'used', 'tetrodotoxin', 'means', 'fake', 'death', 'lucy', 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'ferris', 'tells', 'bring', 'trip', 'new', 'york', 'cas', 'decides', 'ask', 'madge', 'marry', 'even', 'though', 'father', 'j.j.', 'warns', 'saying', 'madge', 'nothing', 'trouble', 'cas', 'leaves', 'town', 'letter', 'dr.', 'zernerke', 'summoning', 'chicago', 'promises', 'back', 'time', 'wedding', 'baby', 'girl', 'chicago', 'hospital', 'cas', 'asked', 'explanation', 'tells', 'new', 'york', 'experience', 'isabel', 'drury', 'fell', 'love', 'decided', 'wed', 'cas', 'repeatedly', 'upset', 'isabel', 'mother', 'insulting', 'belief', 'astrology', 'ignoring', 'warnings', 'union', 'would', 'cursed', 'inadvertently', 'burning', 'drurys', 'house', 'marriage', 'annulled', 'cas', 'thought', 'baby', 'cas', 'disguises', 'doctor', 'kidnaps', 'kid', 'decides', 'adopt', 'hurry', 'prove', 'stable', 'home', 'life', 'proposes', 'first', 'woman', 'sees', 'monica', 'hotel', 'maid', 'get', 'married', 'immediately', 'madge', 'left', 'altar', 'isabel', 'comes', 'back', 'claiming', 'prank', 'playing', 'get', 'even', 'cas', 'leaving', 'turns', 'monica', \"n't\", 'get', 'marry', \"n't\", 'proper', 'license', 'cas', 'isabel', 'decide', 'give', 'another', 'try'], ['story', 'revolves', 'around', 'billy', 'bigelow', 'rough-talking', 'macho', 'handsome', 'carousel', 'barker', 'julie', 'jordan', 'young', 'innocent', 'mill', 'worker', 'fall', 'love', 'fired', 'jobs', 'different', 'reasons', 'billy', 'paid', 'much', 'attention', 'julie', 'incurred', 'wrath', 'jealous', 'carousel', 'owner', 'mrs.', 'mullin', 'julie', 'stayed', 'past', 'curfew', 'imposed', 'understanding', 'stern', 'mill', 'owner', 'mr.', 'bascombe', 'billy', 'julie', 'marry', 'live', 'seaside', 'spa', 'cousin', 'nettie', 'billy', 'becomes', 'bitter', 'unable', 'find', 'work', 'frustration', 'strikes', 'julie', 'mrs.', 'mullin', 'jealous', 'carousel', 'owner', 'infatuated', 'hears', 'goes', 'nettie', 'offer', 'billy', 'old', 'job', 'back', 're-hire', 'unless', 'leaves', 'wife', 'billy', 'seems', 'considering', 'idea', 'julie', 'asks', 'talk', 'privately', 'julie', 'fearing', 'enraged', 'timidly', 'tells', 'pregnant', 'billy', 'overjoyed', 'firmly', 'refuses', 'mrs.', 'mullin', 'offer', 'however', 'newly', 'worried', 'enough', 'money', 'provide', 'child', 'billy', 'secretly', 'agrees', 'join', 'pal', 'jigger', 'craigin', 'robbing', 'wealthy', 'bascombe', 'clambake', 'held', 'nearby', 'island', 'billy', 'jigger', 'sneak', 'mainland', 'commit', 'robbery', 'bascombe', 'usually', 'unarmed', 'carries', 'gun', 'robbery', 'foiled', 'bascombe', 'momentarily', 'distracted', 'jigger', 'flees', 'leaves', 'billy', 'mercy', 'police', 'cornered', 'trying', 'escape', 'billy', 'climbs', 'atop', 'pile', 'crates', 'whereupon', 'pile', 'collapses', 'billy', 'falls', 'knife', 'others', 'return', 'clambake', 'julie', 'sees', 'mortally', 'wounded', 'billy', 'rushes', 'dies', 'saying', 'last', 'words', 'julie', 'devastated', 'truly', 'loved', 'even', 'though', 'never', 'courage', 'say', 'loud', 'fifteen', 'years', 'later', 'world', 'billy', 'told', 'return', 'earth', 'one', 'day', 'make', 'amends', 'billy', 'returns', 'find', 'daughter', 'louise', 'emotionally', 'scarred', 'constantly', 'taunted', 'fact', 'father', 'tried', 'commit', 'robbery', 'billy', 'telling', 'makes', 'visible', 'tries', 'cheer', 'gives', 'star', 'stole', 'heaven', 'louise', 'refuses', 'frightened', 'billy', 'desperation', 'slaps', 'hand', 'rushes', 'inside', 'house', 'informs', 'julie', 'happened', 'saying', 'feel', 'slap', 'kiss', 'billy', 'tries', 'make', 'invisible', 'julie', 'see', 'glimpsed', 'split', 'second', 'senses', 'come', 'back', 'reason', 'billy', 'asks', 'heavenly', 'guide', 'permission', 'louise', 'high', 'school', 'graduation', 'silently', 'gives', 'julie', 'confidence', 'need', 'knowledge', 'spite', 'everything', 'loved', 'julie'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'based', 'sunil', 'gangopadhyay', 'novel', 'hirak', 'deepthi', 'dr.', 's.r', 'nathan', 'world-renowned', 'professor', 'economics', 'theorist', 'core', 'always', 'harps', 'pet', 'topics', 'poverty', 'developmental', 'issues', 'concern', 'developing', 'world', 'loner', 'hits', 'bottle', 'womanizer', 'though', 'terms', 'loves', 'company', 'close', 'friend', 'bella', 'practical', 'tries', 'identify', 'stark', 'realities', 'life', 'deepthi', 'housewife', 'stays', 'apartment', 'complex', 'husband', 'narain', 'son', 'husband', 'lookout', 'job', 'persuasion', 'deepthi', 'approaches', 'nathan', 'chance', 'encounter', 'ends', 'complex', 'relationship', 'nathan', 'unperturbed', 'quite', 'unmindful', 'ways', 'deepthi', 'gets', 'feeling', 'guilt', 'nathan', 'shoos', 'away', 'fact', 'working', 'book', 'middle-class', 'attitudes', 'notions', 'yet', 'confronted', 'real', 'questions', 'nathan', 'loses', 'ground', 'reference', 'pseudo-intellectual', 'image', 'director', 'closely', 'examines', 'disturbing', 'relationship', 'two', 'individuals', 'deepthi', 'able', 'pull', 'away', 'nathan', 'undercurrents', 'minds', 'deepti', 'nathan', 'tormented', 'souls', 'turbulent', 'sea', 'captured', 'frame', 'dexterously', 'alagappan', 'cameraman', 'though', 'film', 'give', 'direct', 'message', 'hint', 'makes', 'breaks', 'relationship'], ['ayaan', 'lives', 'wealthy', 'lifestyle', 'married', 'brother', 'karan', 'wife', 'anju', 'younger', 'sister', 'yamini', 'brother', 'rahul', 'mom', 'grandma', 'runs', 'garage', 'one', 'day', 'meets', 'beautiful', 'model', 'ahana', 'falls', 'head', 'heels', 'love', 'forgets', 'personal', 'diary', 'garage', 'ayaan', 'woos', 'wins', 'heart', 'get', 'married', 'ahana', 'soon', 'finds', 'despite', 'ayaan', 'wealth', 'family', 'conservative', 'tradition-bound', 'causes', 'bitterness', 'newly-weds', 'gets', 'worse', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'wants', 'abort', 'child', 'visiting', 'mom', 'dog', 'birthday', 'ahana', 'accident', 'results', 'miscarriage', 'ayaan', 'blames', 'losing', 'child', 'mother', 'convinces', 'apologizes', 'months', 'later', 'ahana', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'finds', 'ayaan', 'pulled', 'wool', 'eyes', 'personal', 'diary', 'watch', 'happens', 'ahana', 'decides', 'get', 'drunk', 'birthday', 'expose', 'ayaan', 'publicly'], [\"'dolores\", 'freak', 'brothers\\\\', 'landlady', 'going', 'evict', 'unless', 'come', 'rent', 'money', 'result', 'three', 'brothers', 'find', 'victims', 'bedroom', 'farces', 'vinnie', 'fakes', 'painter', 'client', 'wants', 'services', 'anyway', 'alas', 'later', 'reveals', 'tricked', 'still', 'expects', 'paint', 'steals', 'purse', 'meanwhile', 'vinnie', 'sex', 'landlady', 'find', 'still', 'expects', 'rent', 'however', 'grant', 'postponement', 'days', 'female', 'tenant', 'tries', 'trick', 'lastly', 'fat', 'freddie', 'meets', 'mr.', 'natural', '82-year-old', 'proprietor', 'health', 'food', 'store', 'dresses', 'potato', 'sack', 'wears', 'fake', 'santa', 'claus', 'beard', 'removes', 'sex', 'scenes', 'two', 'employees', \"don\\\\'t\", 'manage', 'sell', 'vitamins', 'fat', 'freddy', 'indeed', 'hired', 'mr.', 'natural', 'wants', 'payment', 'mr.', 'natural', 'puts', 'vita-beans', 'hands', 'employees', 'fake', 'attracted', 'fat', 'freddy', 'thus', 'accepts', 'instead', 'money', 'mr.', 'natural', 'agrees', 'get', 'paid', 'money', 'brings', 'personal', 'delivery', 'female', 'tenant', 'tells', 'brothers\\\\', 'situation', 'feels', 'sorry', 'fat', 'freddy', 'spike', 'landlady\\\\', 'drink', 'vita-beans', 'rendering', 'sick', 'week'], ['gambler', 'babe', 'steward', 'trouble', 'law', 'decides', 'lie', 'low', 'small', 'town', 'meets', 'librarian', 'connie', 'randall', 'attempts', 'seduce', 'flip', 'coin', 'decide', 'whether', 'get', 'married', 'coin', 'forces', 'get', 'married', 'connie', 'soon', 'falls', 'love', 'babe', 'babe', 'meanwhile', 'continues', 'conning', 'telling', 'connie', 'working', 'wall', 'street', 'connie', 'suspect', 'anything', 'finds', 'babe', 'marked', 'cards', 'desk', 'shuffles', 'cards', 'babe', 'plays', 'game', 'poker', 'loses', 'babe', 'wants', 'nothing', 'connie', 'leaves', 'rio', 'janeiro', 'win', 'big', 'money', 'cards', 'realizing', 'loves', 'connie', 'gives', 'police', 'serve', 'jail', 'sentence', 'babe', 'returns', 'pregnant', 'connie', 'suspect', 'knows', 'deception', 'say', 'word', 'true', 'hollywood', 'fashion', 'left', 'assume', 'couple', 'lives', 'happily', 'ever'], ['expand', 'section', 'maurice', 'bendrix', 'clandestine', 'lover', 'married', 'sarah', 'miles', '.http', '//www.allmovie.com/movie/the-end-of-the-affair-v90464'], [\"'tefeeda\", 'girl', 'leaves', 'brother-in-law', 'forcing', 'steal', 'hides', 'friend', 'lives', 'three', 'young', 'men', 'one', 'starts', 'flirting', 'resists', 'marries', 'friend', 'man', 'tries', 'separate', 'several', 'times', 'story', 'climaxes', 'myterious', 'murder', 'investigation'], ['buheirat', 'rural', 'area', 'lives', 'ehsan', 'father', 'tends', 'takes', 'care', 'rich', 'family', 'house', 'breaks', 'father', 'usually', 'goes', 'hunting', 'friends', 'house', 'ehsan', 'usually', 'left', 'alone', 'rich', 'man', 'son', 'mamdouh', 'falls', 'love', \"n't\", 'share', 'love', 'man', 'notices', 'beauty', 'eventually', 'falls', 'love', 'secretly', 'one', 'day', 'arrives', 'home', 'drunk', 'assaults', 'rapes', 'weeks', 'later', 'discovers', 'became', 'pregnant', 'decides', 'reveal', 'father', 'instead', 'travels', 'cairo', 'changes', 'name', 'amal', 'months', 'later', 'gives', 'birth', 'daughter', 'years', 'later', 'ehsan', 'graduates', 'nurse', 'mamdouh', 'traveled', 'europe', 'complete', 'studies', 'graduates', 'doctor', 'returns', 'cairo', 'work', 'hospital', 'luck', 'coincidence', 'brings', 'together', 'except', 'recognize', 'love', 'relationship', 'starts', 'two', 'ehsan', 'father', 'learns', 'location', 'travels', 'see', 'missing', 'daughter', 'meanwhile', 'ehsan', 'reveals', 'truth', 'mamdouh', 'agree', 'marry', 'father', 'arrives', 'find', 'daughter', 'married', 'man', 'started', 'family'], ['macon', 'leary', 'baltimore', 'maryland', 'writer', 'travel', 'guides', 'reluctant', 'business', 'travelers', 'detail', 'best', 'avoid', 'unpleasantness', 'difficulty', 'marriage', 'wife', 'sarah', 'disintegrating', 'aftermath', 'murder', 'twelve-year-old', 'son', 'sarah', 'eventually', 'leaves', 'macon', 'moving', 'house', 'apartment', 'falls', 'basement', 'stairs', 'breaks', 'leg', 'macon', 'returns', 'childhood', 'home', 'stay', 'eccentric', 'siblings', 'macon', 'pursued', 'muriel', 'pritchett', 'kennel', 'manager', 'sickly', 'son', 'macon', 'eventually', 'hires', 'muriel', 'put', 'dog', 'though', 'much-needed', 'obedience', 'training', 'although', 'muriel', 'first', 'seems', 'brash', 'unsophisticated', 'macon', 'finds', 'slowly', 'opening', 'trusting', 'spends', 'nights', 'house', 'sarah', 'becomes', 'aware', 'situation', 'decides', 'move', 'back', 'together', 'old', 'home', 'macon', 'leaves', 'muriel', 'sarah', 'set', 'house', 'macon', 'visits', 'paris', 'research', 'muriel', 'surprises', 'showing', 'flight', 'stays', 'paris', 'hotel', 'recommended', 'macon', 'one', 'travel', 'guides', 'suggests', 'enjoy', 'vacationing', 'together', 'macon', 'insists', 'strictly', 'business', 'keeps', 'muriel', 'arm', 'length', 'macon', 'bedridden', 'room', 'back', 'problem', 'sarah', 'comes', 'paris', 'care', 'make', 'day-trips', 'help', 'complete', 'travel', 'research', 'time', 'sarah', 'confronts', 'macon', 'relationship', 'muriel', 'refuses', 'discuss', 'situation', 'depth', 'macon', 'dresses', 'sarah', 'still', 'sleeps', 'wakes', 'tell', 'going', 'back', 'muriel', 'way', 'airport', 'macon', 'spots', 'muriel', 'hailing', 'taxi', 'tells', 'driver', 'stop', 'thinking', 'driver', 'stopped', 'muriel', 'bends', 'gather', 'luggage', 'catches', 'sight', 'macon', 'taxi', 'smiles', 'macon', 'returns', 'smile'], ['kenan', 'bosniak', 'classical', 'musician', 'milan', 'serb', 'live', 'sarajevo', 'bosnia', 'herzegovina', 'clandestine', 'gay', 'relationship', 'bosnian', 'war', 'breaks', '1992', 'try', 'escape', 'city', 'order', 'hide', 'serbian', 'militamen', 'kenan', 'disguises', 'woman', 'milan', 'passes', 'wife', 'together', 'milan', 'village', 'eastern', 'bosnia', 'serb', 'stronghold', 'continue', 'live', 'deception', 'however', 'milan', 'soon', 'conscripted', 'army', 'kenan', 'left', 'behind', 'village', 'ranka', 'woman', 'village', 'discovers', 'kenan', 'secret', 'seduces'], [\"'berit\", 'young', 'woman', 'living', 'working-class', 'port', 'town', 'begins', 'relationship', 'g철sta', 'sailor', 'newly', 'returned', 'overseas', 'intent', 'upon', 'staying', 'land', 'plot', 'character', 'development', 'centre', 'relationship', 'berit', 'g철sta', 'discloses', 'troubled', 'past', 'family', 'problems', 'reformories', 'various', 'affairs', 'must', 'deal', 'feelings', 'conflicts', 'disclosure', 'port', 'call', 'never', 'considered', 'early', 'masterpiece', 'bergman\\\\', 'note', 'presenting', 'nascent', 'form', 'themes', 'alienation', 'difficulty', 'relationships', 'difficulty', 'dealing', 'past', 'would', 'become', 'central', 'bergman\\\\', 'later', 'films', 'also', 'noted', '1948', 'swedish', 'film', 'deals', 'adolescent', 'sexuality', 'promiscuity', 'abortion', 'frank', 'open', 'way', 'would', 'impossible', 'portray', 'hollywood', 'films', 'period', 'indeed', 'one', 'brief', 'point', 'film', 'nude', 'scene', 'would', 'film', 'banned', 'usa', 'time'], ['nikki', 'finn', 'carefree', 'young', 'woman', 'always', 'dressed', 'leather', 'jacket', 'skirt', 'fire-red', 'lips', 'platinum', 'bob', 'hair', 'speaking', 'high-pitched', 'voice', 'one', 'day', 'boyfriend', 'johnny', 'uncovers', 'two', 'men', 'stealing', 'money', 'trust', 'fund', 'takes', 'pictures', 'theft', 'johnny', 'puts', 'pictures', 'safety', 'deposit', 'box', 'gives', 'nikki', 'key', 'safekeeping', 'thieves', 'catch', 'johnny', 'murder', 'frame', 'nikki', 'putting', 'body', 'trunk', 'car', 'nikki', 'sentenced', 'four', 'years', 'prison', 'four', 'years', 'story', 'presents', 'tax', 'attorney', 'loudon', 'trott', 'busy', 'day', 'getting', 'married', 'daughter', 'one', 'richest', 'men', 'new', 'york', 'simon', 'worthington', 'loudon', 'bride', 'wendy', 'worthington', 'selfish', 'woman', 'consumed', 'wedding', 'plans', 'well-being', 'fianc챕e', 'loudon', 'hand', 'number', 'duties', 'entrusted', 'mr.', 'worthington', 'first', 'pick', 'cougar', 'exotic', 'animal', 'activist', 'named', 'montgomery', 'bell', 'pick', 'nikki', 'lastly', 'make', 'sure', 'nikki', 'catches', 'next', 'bus', 'hometown', 'philadelphia', 'nikki', 'meanwhile', 'determined', 'catch', 'actual', 'thieves', 'bring', 'forth', 'truth', 'meeting', 'loudon', 'nikki', 'cons', 'taking', 'shopping', 'taking', 'rolls', 'royce', 'harlem', 'buy', 'gun', 'nearly', 'arrested', 'police', 'raid', 'explains', 'story', 'loudon', 'believes', 'innocent', 'decides', 'help', 'also', 'run', 'pimp', 'named', 'raoul', 'lackey', 'benny', 'people', 'killed', 'johnny', 'dangling', 'car', 'smashed', 'top', 'floor', 'parking', 'garage', 'tell', 'bank', 'box', 'number', 'nikki', 'slain', 'boyfriend', 'afterward', 'nikki', 'vanishes', 'cougar', 'loudon', 'visits', 'mr.', 'bell', 'apologize', 'losing', 'animal', 'find', 'nikki', 'delivered', 'murray', 'waiting', 'mr.', 'bell', 'home', 'created', 'brazilian', 'rainforest', 'filled', 'animals', 'top', 'roof', 'nikki', 'loudon', 'become', 'close', 'journey', 'express', 'love', 'loudon', 'delivers', 'nikki', 'bus', 'station', 'next', 'morning', 'nikki', 'becomes', 'broken-hearted', 'realizing', 'back', 'philadelphia', 'leaving', 'loudon', 'get', 'married', 'bus', 'opens', 'envelope', 'security', 'box', 'finds', 'photographs', 'prove', 'mr.', 'worthington', 'embezzler', 'mastermind', 'behind', 'theft', 'nikki', 'gate-crashes', 'wedding', 'gets', 'mr.', 'worthington', 'arrested', 'proclaims', 'love', 'loudon', 'film', 'ends', 'nikki', 'loudon', 'riding', 'sunset', 'bus', 'philadelphia', 'murray', 'chasing'], [\"'college\", 'student', 'james', 'arrives', 'new', 'orleans', 'desert', 'ranch', 'owned', 'father', 'hezekiah', 'help', 'soon', 'arriving', 'james', 'hit', 'hezekiah\\\\', 'wife', 'cheryl', 'starts', 'nightmares', 'james', 'cheryl', 'caught', 'hezekiah', 'sex', 'cheryl', 'hezekiah', 'fight', 'leaves', 'ranch', 'night', 'hezekiah', 'drives', 'town', 'picks', 'another', 'woman', 'alisha', 'also', 'quickly', 'falls', 'james', 'disappears', 'cheryl', 'staggers', 'hezekiah\\\\', 'studio', 'dies', 'front', 'james', 'takes', 'house', 'finds', 'father', 'crying', 'alisha\\\\', 'dead', 'body', 'james', 'calls', 'care', 'facility', 'thinks', 'dad', 'gone', 'crazy', 'send', 'nurse', 'patty', 'handcuffs', 'hezekiah', 'bed', 'next', 'time', 'somebody', 'gets', 'killed', 'eliminated', 'suspect', 'days', 'waiting', 'next', 'victim', 'show', 'patty', 'james', 'decide', 'away', 'time', 'sex', 'james', 'reveals', 'patty', 'went', 'witch', 'doctor', 'back', 'new', 'orleans', 'help', 'attracting', 'females', 'misled', 'penis', 'detach', 'body', 'kill', 'people', 'side', 'story', 'involves', 'sexually', 'confused', 'local', 'mechanic', 'probably', 'intentional', 'delay', 'fixing', 'james\\\\', 'car', 'order', 'seduce'], [\"'set\", 'early', '90s', 'dana', 'recently', 'divorced', 'young', 'woman', 'embarking', 'acting', 'career', 'months', 'earlier', 'met', 'young', 'charismatic', 'theater', 'cast-mate', 'jack', 'spring', 'play', 'local', 'dinner', 'theater', 'seemingly', 'look', 'like', 'good', 'friends', 'flashbacks', 'expose', 'history', 'brush', 'romance', 'thus', 'man', 'woman', 'really', 'friends', 'story', 'life', 'love', 'friendships', 'choices', 'believing', 'costs', 'addresses', 'question', 'happens', 'find', 'right', 'love', 'wrong', 'time', 'story', 'life', 'love', 'friendships', 'choices', 'believing', 'costs'], ['entre', 'nous', 'tells', 'story', 'two', 'young', 'married', 'women', '1950s', \"n't\", 'recognise', 'unfulfilled', 'marriages', 'meet', 'preliminary', 'scenes', 'set', '1942', 'lena', 'pretty', 'year', 'old', 'arrested', 'brought', 'internment', 'camp', 'jews', 'pyrenees', 'camp', 'guarded', 'members', 'french', 'foreign', 'legion', 'one', 'michel', 'writes', 'note', 'warning', 'may', 'deported', 'german', 'nazi', 'camp', 'offers', 'marriage', 'means', 'escape', 'accepts', 'marriage', 'ceremony', 'discovers', 'jewish', 'dismayed', 'learn', \"n't\", 'protection', 'gentile', 'name', 'choice', 'hasten', 'italian', 'border', '1952', 'hardworking', 'michel', 'got', 'garage', 'lyon', 'two', 'small', 'daughters', 'lena', 'meets', 'madeleine', 'school', 'pageant', 'madeleine', 'comes', 'moderately', 'wealthy', 'family', 'art', 'student', '1942', 'married', 'fellow', 'student', 'killed', 'street', 'skirmish', 'students', 'collaborationist', 'police', 'widow', 'madeleine', 'drifted', 'marriage', 'actor/black', 'marketeer', 'costa', 'son', 'school', 'two', 'women', 'become', 'inseparable', 'develop', 'intimacy', 'based', 'partly', 'boredom', 'domestic', 'situations', 'michel', 'lena', 'marriage', 'fractious', 'although', 'moments', 'happiness', 'two', 'young', 'daughters', 'film', 'primarily', 'lena', 'leaving', 'husband', 'end', 'film', 'madeleine', 'open', 'dress', 'shop', 'paris.pauline', 'kael', 'state', 'art', 'isbn', '0-7145-2869-2.', 'synopsis', 'derives', 'p.133-135'], ['film', 'vinu', 'mohan', 'ramana', 'plays', 'upcoming', 'musician', 'finishing', 'recording', 'way', 'home', 'sees', 'artist', 'creating', 'art', 'street', 'stricken', 'awe', 'onlookers', 'giving', 'artist', 'rupees', 'much', 'artist', 'expected', 'point', 'begins', 'rain', 'drawing', 'begins', 'dissolve', 'onlookers', 'disperse', 'vinu', 'mohan', 'ramana', 'hands', 'entire', \"'bata\", 'day', 'artist'], [\"'melville\", 'ironpants', 'goodwin', 'much-decorated', 'u.s.', 'army', 'major', 'general', 'appointed', 'chairman', 'joint', 'atomic', 'international', 'commission', 'president', 'united', 'states', 'upsetting', 'wealthy', 'dorothy', 'dottie', 'peale', 'media', 'mogul', 'wanted', 'close', 'friend', 'father\\\\', 'get', 'position', 'dottie', 'accustomed', 'getting', 'way', 'decides', 'something', 'gets', 'army', 'send', 'general', 'goodwin', 'estate', 'long', 'island', 'lengthy', 'interview', 'photo', 'session', 'one', 'popular', 'peale', 'enterprises', 'publications', 'plot', 'ruin', 'goodwin\\\\', 'reputation', 'squeaky-clean', 'red-blooded', 'american', 'dottie', 'hides', 'tape', 'recorder', 'home', 'assigns', 'photographer', 'catch', 'goodwin', 'compromising', 'situations', 'heard', 'rumors', 'secretly', 'ladies', 'man', 'also', 'hopes', 'get', 'general', 'disclose', 'something', 'scandalous', 'every', 'attempt', 'catch', 'goodwin', 'guard', 'make', 'appear', 'fool', 'fails', 'drastic', 'measures', 'called', 'dottie', 'terms', 'night', 'maneuvers', 'takes', 'general', 'nightclub', 'tries', 'get', 'drunk', 'coaxing', 'sing', 'dance', 'vain', 'attempt', 'humiliate', 'nothing', 'works', 'little', 'tipsy', 'dottie', 'falls', 'diving', 'board', 'swimming', 'pool', 'home', 'goodwin', 'rescues', 'leading', 'night', 'romance', 'dottie\\\\', 'attitude', 'changed', 'plans', 'marry', 'goodwin', 'maybe', 'even', 'help', 'become', 'president', 'united', 'states', 'would', 'make', 'first', 'lady', 'surprise', 'general', 'plans', 'continue', 'romance', 'tells', 'love', 'affair', 'woman', 'named', 'yvette', 'revealed', 'top-secret', 'information', 'korean', 'war', 'found', 'yvette', 'enemy', 'spy', 'shot', 'rejected', 'dottie', 'goes', 'back', 'original', 'plan', 'ruin', 'magazine\\\\', 'story', 'blabbermouth', 'goodwin', 'results', 'senate', 'inquiry', 'behavior', 'unfortunately', 'general', 'activity', 'yvette', 'spy', 'case', 'still', 'top', 'secret', 'forbidden', 'discuss', 'questioned', 'hostile', 'senator', 'burdick', 'another', 'girl', 'story', 'goodwin', 'reveals', 'grown', 'woman', 'seven-year-old', 'orphan', 'explanations', 'everything', 'else', 'conduct', 'exemplary', 'times', 'dottie', 'feels', 'ashamed', 'role', 'confirms', 'stand', 'assertion', 'article', 'filled', 'exaggerations', 'lies', 'yet', 'say', 'matter', 'yvette', 'goodwin', 'unable', 'get', 'permission', 'speak', 'usual', 'channels', 'desperation', 'sends', 'colonel', 'homer', 'gooch', 'see', 'president', 'finally', 'spy', 'case', 'declassified', 'testifies', 'army', 'knew', 'yvette', 'spy', 'informed', 'decided', 'break', 'affair', 'ordered', 'feed', 'false', 'information', 'advance', 'important', 'counterattack', 'cleared', 'drags', 'not-unwilling', 'dottie', 'waiting', 'car'], ['mary', 'sharron', 'lost', 'husband', 'forest', 'fire', 'help', 'run', 'ranch', 'hires', 'fred', 'carter', 'handy', 'man', 'handsome', 'taciturn', 'fellow', 'known', 'much', 'tragedy', 'fred', 'works', 'hard', 'robbie', 'sharron', 'woman', 'son', 'resents', 'learns', 'mother', 'planning', 'marry', 'quell', 'ugly', 'rumors', 'town', 'youth', 'unhappy', 'wedding', 'stepfather', 'treats', 'boy', 'harshly', 'cruelty', 'wants', 'prepare', 'boy', 'survive', 'tough', 'life', 'ahead', 'creates', 'friction', 'frustration', 'sometimes', 'fred', 'beats', 'mary', 'robbie', 'day', 'wife', 'learns', 'pregnant', 'robbie', 'fred', 'get', 'violent', 'fight', 'afterwards', 'fred', 'goes', 'local', 'saloon', 'ends', 'jailed', 'brawling', 'month', 'later', 'released', 'gets', 'home', 'finds', 'mary', 'moved', 'things', 'barn', 'natural', 'disaster', 'changes', 'family', 'lives', 'relationships', 'much', 'turmoil', 'honesty', 'pain', 'gives', 'chance', 'heal', 'start', 'afresh.http', '//www.allmovie.com/work/woman-obsessed-130013'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'structure', 'loosely', 'follows', 'minuet', 'four', 'movements', 'announced', 'titles', 'two', 'themes', 'duet', 'set', 'variations', 'unemployed', 'aspiring', 'writer', 'yau', 'muk-yan', 'moves', 'apartment', 'chan', 'kar-fu', 'shy', 'piano', 'tuner', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'new', 'neighbor', 'mok', 'man-yee'], [\"'in\", 'los', 'angeles', 'popular', 'songwriter', 'steve', 'elliott', 'prepares', 'marry', 'caroline', 'brooks', 'pledged', 'give', 'job', 'college', 'swimming', 'instructor', 'wed.', 'likewise', 'steve', 'plans', 'quit', 'songwriting', 'career', 'even', 'though', 'new', 'york', 'producer', 'george', 'adams', 'already', 'hired', 'write', 'new', 'songs', 'water', 'ballet', 'show', 'george', 'overhears', 'steve', 'discussing', 'retirement', 'caroline', 'vows', 'prevent', 'marriage', 'enlists', 'maria', 'dorango', 'aspiring', 'actress', 'posing', 'latin-american', 'singer', 'help', 'moments', 'justice', 'peace', 'pronounces', 'redheaded', 'steve', 'caroline', 'man', 'wife', 'maria', 'rushes', 'claiming', 'steve', 'husband', 'father', 'three', 'redheaded', 'children', 'paraded', 'moment', 'although', 'steve', 'pleads', 'innocence', 'caroline', 'storms', 'rage', 'returns', 'teaching', 'post', 'victoria', 'college', 'new', 'jersey', 'determined', 'steve', 'friend', 'carlos', 'ramirez', 'follow', 'denied', 'entrance', 'all-female', 'school', 'later', 'new', 'york', 'nightclub', 'steve', 'meets', 'drunken', 'lawyer', 'chester', 'klazenfrantz', 'learns', 'klazenfrantz', 'hired', 'change', 'charter', 'victoria', 'college', 'never', 'officially', 'designated', 'all-female', 'armed', 'information', 'steve', 'returns', 'victoria', 'insists', 'applying', 'admission', 'unaware', 'caroline\\\\', 'relationship', 'steve', 'dean', 'clinton', 'suggests', 'faculty', 'admitted', 'two-week', 'probationary', 'period', 'time', 'would', 'give', '100', 'demerits', 'would', 'qualify', 'expulsion', 'parents', 'day', 'enrolled', 'steve', 'tries', 'speak', 'caroline', 'refuses', 'listen', 'explanations', 'tells', 'seeking', 'annulment', 'later', 'music', 'class', 'stodgy', 'professor', 'hendricks', 'attempts', 'discredit', 'steve', 'whose', 'presence', 'campus', 'created', 'furor', 'among', 'co-eds', 'ordering', 'write', 'version', 'scottish', 'ballad', 'loch', 'lomond', 'teach', 'next', 'day\\\\', 'class', 'help', 'several', 'talented', 'students', 'carlos', 'music', 'teaching', 'assistant', 'steve\\\\', 'friend', 'harry', 'james', 'orchestra', 'steve', 'meets', 'hendricks\\\\', 'challenge', 'awarded', 'night', 'steve', 'visits', 'caroline', 'house', 'turned', 'willis', 'evans', 'conservative', 'botany', 'professor', 'love', 'caroline', 'arrives', 'caroline', 'realizes', 'steve', 'hiding', 'closet', 'spying', 'commands', 'willis\\\\', 'great', 'dane', 'duke', 'guard', 'closet', 'door', 'reminding', 'steve', 'unless', 'room', 'five', 'minutes', 'expelled', 'breaking', 'curfew', 'seconds', 'spare', 'steve', 'manages', 'trick', 'dog', 'long', 'enough', 'escape', 'back', 'dingy', 'basement', 'room', 'steve', 'visited', 'george', 'threatens', 'vilify', 'press', 'unless', 'finishes', 'songs', 'steve', 'swears', 'deadly', 'revenge', 'person', 'hired', 'maria', 'however', 'george', 'backs', 'offers', 'help', 'steve', 'homework', 'concerned', 'approaching', 'parents', 'day', 'dean', 'clinton', 'meanwhile', 'commands', 'steve\\\\', 'professors', 'penalized', 'fifty-five', 'demerits', 'bear', 'end', 'mme', 'zarka', 'steve\\\\', 'ruthlessly', 'strict', 'ballet', 'teacher', 'forces', 'wear', 'tutu', 'dance', 'co-eds', 'steve', 'rises', 'occasion', 'desperate', 'dean', 'clinton', 'asks', 'caroline', 'steve', 'ensure', 'arrives', 'back', 'victoria', 'curfew', 'caroline', 'agrees', 'evening', 'steve', 'convinces', 'innocence', 'drive', 'back', 'school', 'newlyweds', 'make', 'plans', 'return', 'california', 'together', 'unknown', 'caroline', 'steve', 'maria', 'campus', 'looking', 'expose', 'george', 'trying', 'get', 'rid', 'steve', 'time', 'campus', 'sorority', 'descends', 'steve\\\\', 'room', 'hoping', 'initiate', 'jean', 'allenwood', 'another', 'co-ed', 'shows', 'news', 'parents', 'dean', 'clinton', 'way', 'inspect', 'room', 'steve', 'desperately', 'hides', 'women', 'two', 'closets', 'keeps', 'caroline', 'discovering', 'maria', 'george', 'unexpectedly', 'arrives', 'although', 'steve', 'succeeds', 'hiding', 'george', 'fooling', 'dean', 'clinton', 'allenwoods', 'maria', 'soon', 'makes', 'presence', 'known', 'caroline', 'leaves', 'fury', 'later', 'steve', 'promises', 'write', 'songs', 'george\\\\', 'water', 'ballet', 'show', 'condition', 'make', 'caroline', 'star', 'george', 'agrees', 'maria', 'finally', 'able', 'tell', 'caroline', 'truth', 'caroline', 'happily', 'reunites', 'steve', 'gives', 'george', 'thrashing'], ['*john', 'gilbert', 'jack', '*wallace', 'beery', 'tripod', 'mcmasters', '*jim', 'tully', 'ginger', '*leila', 'hyams', 'joan', '*polly', 'moran', 'polly', '*doris', 'lloyd', 'flossy'], ['french', 'port', 'marseille', 'lovely', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'madelon', 'love', 'young', 'sailor', 'marius', 'john', 'beal', 'madelon', 'turn', 'loved', 'honore', 'panisse', 'well-to-do', 'middle-aged', 'sailmaker', 'marius', 'finds', 'must', 'sea', 'three', 'years', 'leaves', 'without', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'madelon', 'note', 'tells', 'would', 'break', 'heart', 'tell', 'person', 'rushes', 'dock', 'sees', 'ship', 'sailing', 'away', 'faints', 'marius', 'father', 'cesar', 'already', 'thinks', 'madelon', 'one', 'family', 'carries', 'home', 'later', 'madelon', 'finds', 'pregnant', 'spare', 'shame', 'child', 'born', 'wedlock', 'panisse', 'asks', 'madelon', 'marry', 'agrees', 'marriage', 'convenience', 'sake', 'child', 'boy', 'born', 'cesar', 'made', 'godfather', 'baby', 'named', 'cesar', 'marius', 'panisse', 'year', 'later', 'marius', 'unexpectedly', 'returns', 'sea', 'buy', 'equipment', 'ship', 'visiting', 'madelon', 'night', 'sees', 'baby', 'realizes', 'father', 'asks', 'steal', 'away', 'refuses', 'despite', 'love', 'marius', 'knows', 'panisse', 'adores', 'child', 'better', 'father', 'marius', 'away', 'sea', 'many', 'years', 'time', 'marius', 'leaves', 'shaking', 'panisse', 'hand', 'goes', 'panisse', 'madelon', 'happily', 'look', 'baby', 'first', 'tooth.', 'ref', 'nameavg', 'sql3393', 'category=full', '20synopsis', 'full', 'synopsis'], [\"'wallace\", 'beery', 'plays', 'eternally', 'inebriated', 'ex-veterinarian', 'tom', 'terry', 'aspiring', 'jockey', 'mickey', 'idolizes', 'tom', 'reciprocates', 'passing', 'along', 'horsemanship', 'advice', 'kid', 'film\\\\', 'dramatic', 'high', 'point', 'tom', 'judgement', 'benumbed', 'years', 'alcohol', 'abuse', 'tries', 'pull', 'long', 'enough', 'perform', 'delicate', 'operation', 'mickey\\\\', 'beloved', 'horse', 'lady-q', 'film', 'culminates', 'big', 'horse', 'race', 'mickey', 'tom', 'laying', 'hopes', 'long', 'shot'], ['omar', 'sharif', 'plays', 'ahmed', 'engineer', 'whose', 'father', 'farmer', 'farm', 'owner', 'father', 'succeeds', 'improving', 'increasing', 'production', 'sugar', 'cane', 'farm', 'taher', 'pasha', 'wealthy', 'land', 'owner', 'runs', 'competing', 'sugar', 'cane', 'production', 'facility', 'feels', 'threatened', 'recent', 'production', 'prosperity', 'ahmed', 'love', 'relationship', 'pasha', 'daughter', 'amal', 'consequence', 'rivalry', 'fathers', 'compelled', 'hide', 'relationship', 'cite', 'web', 'cite', 'web', 'url', 'pal', 'q21', 'cpfilm', 'summary', 'accessdate', 'arabic', 'movies', 'language', 'october', '2010|bot', 'faten/'], [\"'at\", 'wedding', 'reception', 'man', 'late', 'thirties', 'approaches', 'bridesmaid', 'age', 'offers', 'glass', 'champagne', 'conversation', 'ensues', 'begin', 'flirt', 'witty', 'small', 'talk', 'topics', 'wedding', 'party', 'past', 'relationships', 'gradually', 'reveals', 'strangers', 'fact', 'share', 'intimate', 'past', 'series', 'flashback', 'scenes', 'showing', 'much', 'younger', 'versions', 'two', 'together', 'confirms', 'lovers', 'despite', 'significant', 'others', 'couple', 'choose', 'upstairs', 'hotel', 'room', 'together', 'however', 'decision', 'sleep', 'together', 'one', 'clearly', 'complex', 'fraught', 'emotional', 'baggage', 'flashbacks', 'series', 'vignettes', 'juxtaposes', 'earlier', 'selves', 'older', 'perhaps', 'wiser', 'couple', 'hotel', 'room', 'two', 'reminisce', 'reassess', 'feelings', 'must', 'catch', 'transatlantic', 'flight', 'home', 'london', 'morning', 'two', 'leave', 'hotel', 'together', 'early', 'morning', 'return', 'separate', 'lives', 'speculates', 'cab', 'driver', 'future', 'difficulty', 'happy'], ['set', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'garment', 'district', 'story', 'focuses', 'ambitious', 'model', 'fashion', 'designer', 'harriet', 'boyd', 'production', 'manager', 'sam', 'cooper', 'salesman', 'teddy', 'sherman', 'leave', 'firm', 'start', 'business', 'specializes', '10.95', 'dresses', 'plans', 'temporarily', 'derailed', 'harriet', 'mother', 'refuses', 'give', 'insurance', 'payment', 'family', 'received', 'father', 'died', 'promised', 'harriet', 'younger', 'sister', 'marge', 'wedding', 'harriet', 'dupes', 'marge', 'fiance', 'ray', 'giving', 'money', 'sherboyco', 'dresses', 'opens', 'business', 'teddy', 'fallen', 'love', 'harriet', 'dismayed', 'flirts', 'lecherous', 'buyer', 'mr.', 'savage', 'business', 'dinner', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'declines', 'offer', 'telling', 'enjoys', 'freedom', 'refusal', 'prompts', 'teddy', 'try', 'back', 'partnership', 'discovers', 'contract', 'ironclad', 'harriet', 'begins', 'dating', 'j.f', 'noble', 'owner', 'chain', 'upscale', 'department', 'stores', 'wants', 'quit', 'work', 'exclusively', 'uncertainty', 'puts', 'edge', 'teddy', 'discusses', 'change', 'attitude', 'claims', 'stressed', 'overwork', 'wants', 'quit', 'teddy', 'repeats', 'offer', 'marriage', 'time', 'harriet', 'considers', 'accepting', 'visits', 'noble', 'decline', 'offer', 'teddy', 'interrupts', 'meeting', 'misunderstands', 'motives', 'mistakenly', 'believes', 'behavior', 'ploy', 'designed', 'lead', 'way', 'departure', 'sherboyco', 'heartbroken', 'angry', 'teddy', 'departs', 'soon', 'leaves', 'town', 'sales', 'trip', 'absence', 'harriet', 'shifts', 'money', 'sherboyco', 'new', 'company', 'founding', 'stops', 'production', 'sherboyco', 'dresses', 'begins', 'designing', 'noble', 'department', 'stores', 'unaware', 'happened', 'teddy', 'continues', 'take', 'orders', 'sherboyco', 'popular', 'low-cost', 'women', 'wear', 'road', 'buyer', 'hermione', 'griggs', 'contacts', 'order', 'received', 'learn', 'harriet', 'deception', 'tries', 'convince', 'sherboyco', 'partners', 'best', 'interest', 'align', 'noble', 'company', 'sam', 'teddy', 'prefer', 'declare', 'bankruptcy', 'rather', 'join', 'forces', 'competition', 'harriet', 'prepares', 'sail', 'paris', 'noble', 'last', 'moment', 'realizes', 'commitment', 'sam', 'teddy', 'important', 'ignore', 'returns', 'sherboyco', 'admits', 'loves', 'teddy', 'asks', 'sam', 'forgive'], ['publisher', 'lewis', 'venable', 'travels', 'new', 'york', 'venice', 'seeking', 'buy', '19th', 'century', 'love', 'letters', 'late', 'poet', 'jeffrey', 'ashton', 'woman', 'named', 'juliana', 'bordereau', 'learns', 'living', 'poet', 'charles', 'russell', 'amazingly', 'juliana', 'still', 'alive', '105.', 'lewis', 'decides', 'assume', 'fake', 'name', 'immediately', 'announce', 'intent', 'given', 'lodging', 'juliana', 'meets', 'great-niece', 'tina', 'pianist', 'time', 'discovers', 'juliana', 'dire', 'need', 'money', 'even', 'offering', 'sell', 'valuable', 'painting', 'also', 'learns', 'tina', 'schizophrenic', 'personality', 'often', 'deluded', 'believing', 'juliana', 'ashton', 'letters', 'written', 'charles', 'tries', 'blackmail', 'lewis', 'revealing', 'true', 'identity', 'purpose', 'lewis', 'comes', 'believe', 'ashton', 'murdered', 'buried', 'garden', 'chaos', 'ensues', 'begins', 'leave', 'house', 'catching', 'fire', 'manages', 'save', 'juliana', 'blaze', 'precious', 'letters', 'lost', 'old', 'woman', 'live'], [\"'roy\", 'slag', 'mcgurk', 'former', 'heavyweight', 'boxing', 'champion', 'ekes', 'living', 'bouncer', 'mike', 'glenson\\\\', 'edward', 'arnold', 'saloon', 'rough', 'bowery', 'district', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'mike', 'meet', 'two', 'brewers', 'important', 'deal', 'sends', 'slag', 'pick', 'daughter', 'caroline', 'returning', 'ship', 'europe', 'despite', 'estrangement', 'johnny', 'burden', 'cameron', 'mitchell', 'boxing', 'protege', 'joined', 'salvation', 'army', 'putting', 'one', 'opponent', 'wheelchair', 'slag', 'tells', 'young', 'man', 'mike', 'sent', 'caroline', 'away', 'try', 'break', 'relationship', 'johnny', 'ellis', 'island', 'acquaintance', 'offers', 'pay', 'slag', 'round', 'new', 'immigrants', 'work', 'fiftieth', 'man', 'young', 'english', 'boy', 'tow', 'nipper', 'orphan', 'sent', 'america', 'live', 'uncle', 'milbane', 'slag', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'deliver', 'boy', 'would', 'rather', 'stay', 'uncle', 'rival', 'work', 'recruiters', 'start', 'fight', 'nipper', 'either', 'loses', 'throws', 'away', 'tag', 'bearing', 'milbane\\\\', 'address', 'searching', 'uncle', 'slag', 'choice', 'keep', 'boy', 'stray', 'dog', 'nipper', 'saved', 'dogcatchers', 'order', 'complete', 'deal', 'brewers', 'build', 'biggest', 'saloon', 'bowery', 'mike', 'needs', 'building', 'occupied', 'salvation', 'army', 'orders', 'slag', 'get', 'group', 'leave', 'one', 'way', 'another', 'slag', 'refuses', 'mike', 'blackmails', 'stating', 'evidence', 'slag', 'championship', 'fraud', 'opponent', 'took', 'dive', 'placate', 'employee', 'mike', 'offers', 'make', 'slag', 'partner', 'new', 'saloon', '2000', 'sum', 'slag', 'hopes', 'get', 'reward', 'nipper\\\\', 'uncle', 'meanwhile', 'children\\\\', 'protective', 'society', 'learns', 'nipper', 'way', 'slag', 'keep', 'boy', 'join', 'salvation', 'army', 'johnny\\\\', 'command', 'finally', 'locate', 'milbane', 'discovers', 'nipper\\\\', 'relation', 'crook', 'wants', 'give', 'money', 'shares', 'nipper', 'learns', 'loud', 'argument', 'slag', 'interested', 'reward', 'brokenhearted', 'boy', 'goes', 'stay', 'salvation', 'army', 'word', 'gets', 'around', 'slag', 'loses', 'friendship', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'pawnshop', 'owner', 'mamie', 'steeple', 'loaning', 'money', 'years', 'mike', 'pressures', 'slag', 'arrange', 'riot', 'salvation', 'army', 'slag', 'finally', 'rebels', 'tells', 'saloon', 'patrons', 'championship', 'bout', 'rigged', 'fights', 'thugs', 'recruited', 'mike', 'johnny', 'joins', 'brawl', 'together', 'beat', 'mob', 'arrayed', 'caroline', 'finds', 'father', 'tried', 'goes', 'pack', 'things', 'mike', 'gives', 'tells', 'johnny', 'way', 'clear', 'adopting', 'nipper', 'slag', 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'day', 'competition', 'jeff', 'mary', 'jock', 'boyfriend', 'gets', 'kicked', 'college', 'takes', 'hostage', 'room', 'effort', 'get', 'kicked', 'also', 'get', 'marry', 'end', 'manages', 'contact', 'ronald', 'telephone', 'sudden', 'show', 'athleticism', 'sprints', 'dormatory', 'pole', 'vaults', 'window', 'fights', 'jeff', 'throwing', 'household', 'objects', 'mary', 'agrees', 'marry', 'ronald', 'live', 'rest', 'lives', 'together'], ['following', 'death', 'wife', 'father', 'three', 'sons', 'hires', 'attractive', 'young', 'housekeeper', 'named', 'angela', 'soon', 'becomes', 'engaged', 'cite', 'web', 'however', 'one', 'obsessed', 'middle', 'son', 'teenager', 'nino', 'blackmails', 'eventually', 'tolerating', 'increasingly', 'aggressive', 'physical', 'sexual', 'harassments', 'culminates', 'one', 'night', 'marries', 'father', 'night', 'electricity', 'goes', 'father', 'older', 'brother', 'away', 'younger', 'brother', 'asleep', 'nino', 'approaches', 'housekeeper', 'flashlight', 'orders', 'undress', 'gives', 'initial', 'physical', 'protest', 'runs', 'away', 'finishing', 'undressing', 'nino', 'chases', 'flashlight', 'accidentally', 'drops', 'flashlight', 'hands', 'angela', 'decides', 'time', 'turn', 'tables', 'blinds', 'nino', 'flashlight', 'tries', 'reach', 'pins', 'nearby', 'bed', 'sex', 'rushing', 'fotti', 'fotti', 'nino', 'finally', 'losing', 'control', 'marries', 'father', 'following', 'day', 'father', 'instructs', 'nino', 'refer', 'mamma', 'cite', 'web'], ['comedy', 'marriage', 'everything', 'relating', 'new', 'york', 'novelist', 'henry', 'fonda', 'meets', 'actress', 'margaret', 'sullavan', 'two', 'date', 'later', 'marry', 'though', 'neither', 'knows', 'fame', 'real', 'adventure', 'begins', 'honeymoon', 'screwball', 'comedy', 'really', 'heats', 'insults', 'arguments'], ['amantha', 'starr', 'privileged', 'daughter', 'kentucky', 'plantation', 'owner', 'however', 'dies', 'shocking', 'secret', 'revealed', 'unbeknownst', 'amantha', 'mother', 'one', 'father', 'black', 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'squabble', 'woman', 'bag', 'pearls', 'floor', 'lagoon', 'bad', 'boy', 'redeems', 'however', 'helping', 'fend', 'mutiny'], ['deborah', 'tough', 'modern', 'businesswoman', 'whose', 'primary', 'traits', 'seem', 'chain', 'smoking', 'bullying', 'colleagues', 'going', 'hospital', 'one', 'day', 'visit', 'sister', 'manages', 'sideswipe', 'chiang', 'tung', 'choi', 'car', 'seeing', 'immediately', 'drives', 'tung', 'owner', 'beef', 'noodle', 'stall', 'gat', 'lee', 'wants', 'pursue', 'changes', 'mind', 'sick', 'mother', 'demands', 'brought', 'hospital', 'immediately', 'happens', 'sees', 'car', 'hospital', 'denies', 'breaking', 'mirror', 'kicks', 'door', 'childish', 'quarrel', 'police', 'end', 'called', 'advising', 'settle', 'matter', 'privately', 'deborah', 'agrees', 'meet', 'tung', 'karaoke', 'lounge', 'get', 'drunk', 'think', 'time', 'one', 'night', 'stand', 'unbeknownst', 'deborah', 'tung', 'actually', 'girlfriend', 'mindy', 'also', 'popular', 'television', 'talk', 'show', 'host', 'series', 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'emotions', 'true', 'feelings', 'one', 'another', 'story', 'chronicles', 'lives', 'loves', 'african-american', 'family', 'members', 'forced', 'come', 'terms', 'tumultuous', 'past', 'marked', 'unrequited', 'interracial', 'affair', 'film', 'explores', 'way', 'family', 'patriarch', 'helms', 'boxer', 'must', 'confront', 'demons', 'amidst', 'changing', 'racial', 'fabric', 'society', 'family', 'cite', 'web'], [\"'the\", 'best', 'day', 'life', 'story', 'dysfunctional', 'family', 'seen', 'eyes', 'young', 'chiara', 'receive', 'first', 'communion', 'family', 'includes', 'matriarch', 'irene', 'three', 'grown', 'children'], ['set', '1941', 'film', 'focuses', 'mamie', 'stover', 'san', 'francisco', 'prostitute', 'chased', 'away', 'city', 'several', 'policemen', 'sent', 'away', 'boat', 'sets', 'honolulu', 'onboard', 'meets', 'jim', 'blair', 'richard', 'egan', 'successful', 'writer', 'thinks', 'mamie', 'cinderella-like', 'beauty', 'flattered', 'mamie', 'enjoys', 'associated', 'less-than', 'glamorous', 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'furthermore', 'offers', 'half', 'profits', 'well', 'possibility', 'deceive', 'jim', 'misleading', 'jim', 'work', 'though', 'receives', 'promotional', 'poster', 'mamie', 'posing', 'performance', 'club', 'respond', 'hit', 'wounded', 'bomb', 'granted', 'leave', 'injury', 'immediately', 'returns', 'hawaii', 'confront', 'mamie', 'argument', 'jim', 'concludes', 'lives', 'different', 'leaves', 'good', 'heartbroken', 'mamie', 'leaves', 'hawaii', 'san', 'francisco', 'rest', 'stop', 'tells', 'police', 'officer', 'lost', 'fortune'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'takes', 'place', 'palestine', 'portrays', 'lives', 'freedom', 'fighters', 'trying', 'free', 'village', 'control', 'israelis', 'ahmed', 'egyptian', 'freedom', 'fighter', 'ends', 'village', 'meets', 'salma', 'girl', 'village', 'together', 'try', 'save', 'palestinians', 'always', 'escape', 'danger', 'friendship', 'evolves', 'love', 'relationship', 'marry'], ['diverse', 'group', 'couples', 'lesbians', 'gays', 'straights', 'frequent', 'local', 'bar', 'struggle', 'accept', 'others', 'lifestyles'], [\"'kay\", 'brannan', 'bored', 'life', 'barely', 'tolerate', 'family', 'prospective', 'suitor', 'elmer', 'traffic', 'diversion', 'brings', 'hundreds', 'yale-harvard', 'football', 'players', 'town', 'one', 'robert', 'dakin', 'socially', 'prominent', 'surgeon', 'boston', 'asks', 'directions', 'popular', 'roadhouse', 'takes', 'join', 'fun', 'later', 'bob', 'becomes', 'drunk', 'insists', 'justice', 'peace', 'marry', 'kay', 'quite', 'drunk', 'agrees', 'eager', 'escape', 'tedium', 'next', 'morning', 'bob\\\\', 'parents', 'like', 'kay', 'shocked', 'bob', 'marry', 'socialite', 'priscilla', 'hyde', 'two', 'weeks', 'would', 'foolhardy', 'avoid', 'scandal', 'bob', 'suggests', 'kay', 'pretend', 'happily', 'married', 'six', 'months', 'quietly', 'get', 'divorce', 'although', 'hurt', 'agrees', 'staged', 'honeymoon', 'aboard', 'dakin', 'family', 'yacht', 'return', 'boston', 'gradually', 'begin', 'fall', 'love', 'still', 'keep', 'arm\\\\', 'length', 'priscilla', 'returns', 'european', 'holiday', 'bob', 'begin', 'seeing', 'secretly', 'one', 'night', 'kay', 'gets', 'telephone', 'call', 'bob\\\\', 'clinic', 'urgently', 'summoning', 'perform', 'emergency', 'brain', 'surgery', 'jimmy', 'young', 'patient', 'priscilla', 'refuses', 'let', 'speak', 'bob', 'phone', 'kay', 'goes', 'priscilla\\\\', 'apartment', 'get', 'bob', 'bob', 'starts', 'operation', 'sure', 'sober', 'enough', 'save', 'jimmy', 'lets', 'colleague', 'dr.', 'underwood', 'complete', 'delicate', 'surgery', 'home', 'bob', 'feels', 'like', 'failure', 'kay', 'hesitatingly', 'starts', 'tell', 'feelings', 'priscilla', 'calls', 'leaves', 'tells', 'bob\\\\', 'parents', 'returning', 'home', 'short', 'time', 'later', 'local', 'newspaper', 'mentions', 'bob', 'rumored', 'leaving', 'reno', 'divorce', 'kay', 'takes', 'walk', 'meets', 'elmer', 'proposes', 'bob', 'drives', 'telling', 'kay', 'lost', 'way', 'reno', 'never', 'wants', 'find', 'drive', 'together'], [\"'composer\", 'peter', 'bretter', 'five-year', 'relationship', 'actress', 'sarah', 'marshall', 'stars', 'csi-like', 'television', 'show', 'crime', 'scene', 'scene', 'crime', 'one', 'day', 'peter', 'stands', 'stark', 'naked', 'apartment', 'sarah', 'announces', 'breaking', 'devastated', 'unable', 'banish', 'grief', 'one-night', 'stands', 'peter', 'takes', 'trip', 'hawaii', 'however', 'vacation', 'ruined', 'learns', 'sarah', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'aldous', 'snow', 'lead', 'singer', 'english', 'rock', 'band', 'infant', 'sorrow', 'also', 'guests', 'resort', 'taking', 'pity', 'hotel', 'concierge', 'rachel', 'offers', 'expensive', 'suite', 'free', 'exchange', 'cleaning', 'room', 'peter', 'begins', 'spending', 'time', 'rachel', 'starts', 'develop', 'feelings', 'meanwhile', 'relationship', 'sarah', 'aldous', 'begins', 'falter', 'much', 'discord', 'triggered', 'news', 'sarah', 'show', 'canceled', 'aldous', 'embark', 'world', 'tour', 'group', 'infant', 'sorrow', 'day', 'surf', 'sand', 'aldous', 'peter', 'run', 'begin', 'talking', 'inadvertently', 'aldous', 'informs', 'peter', 'sarah', 'began', 'sex', 'full', 'year', 'broke', 'peter', 'peter', 'confronts', 'sarah', 'tells', 'began', 'feeling', 'disconnected', 'emotionally', \"couldn\\\\'t\", 'anything', 'make', 'relationship', 'work', 'exacerbating', 'situation', 'sarah\\\\', 'obvious', 'jealousy', 'budding', 'relationship', 'peter', 'rachel', 'later', 'sarah', 'aldous', 'peter', 'rachel', 'share', 'awkward', 'dinner', 'together', 'dinner', 'peter', 'takes', 'rachel', 'back', 'hotel', 'room', 'begin', 'fool', 'around', 'sarah', 'hears', 'wall', 'initiates', 'sex', 'aldous', 'moaning', 'loudly', 'benefit', 'couple', 'next', 'door', 'rachel', 'peter', 'turn', 'situation', 'game', 'become', 'even', 'louder', 'aldous', 'realizes', 'sarah', 'clearly', 'putting', 'performance', 'try', 'get', 'rise', 'peter', 'stops', 'sex', 'tells', 'trip', 'mistake', 'she\\\\', 'clearly', 'peter', 'bicker', 'furiously', 'cruelly', 'prompting', 'aldous', 'announce', 'relationship', 'next', 'day', 'peter', 'encounters', 'aldous', 'learns', 'sarah', 'broken', 'flying', 'back', 'england', 'peter', 'goes', 'sarah\\\\', 'room', 'console', 'admits', 'still', 'loves', 'tries', 'rekindle', 'romance', 'two', 'start', 'engage', 'sexual', 'activity', 'peter', 'abruptly', 'cuts', 'feelings', 'rachel', 'ambivalent', 'feelings', 'towards', 'sarah', 'peter', 'immediately', 'goes', 'rachel', 'confess', 'happened', 'hurt', 'demands', 'leave', 'never', 'contact', 'flies', 'back', 'los', 'angeles', 'period', 'sadness', 'self-loathing', 'begins', 'working', 'dracula', 'puppet', 'rock', 'opera', 'taste', 'love', 'sends', 'invitation', 'rachel', 'opening', 'night', 'performance', 'although', 'extremely', 'hesitant', 'first', 'rachel', 'eventually', 'decides', 'attend', 'performance', 'rachel', 'congratulates', 'peter', 'tells', 'she\\\\', 'looking', 'attending', 'school', 'area', 'leaves', 'peter', 'bask', 'success', 'show', 'quickly', 'returns', 'peter\\\\', 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'filmfare', 'best', 'actress', 'award', 'role', 'film'], ['adel', 'airplane', 'captain', 'shares', 'love', 'relationship', 'woman', 'named', 'mona', 'rushdi', 'friend', 'mona', 'family', 'wants', 'fallen', 'love', 'tries', 'come', 'onto', 'approach', 'several', 'times', 'rejects', 'day', 'adel', 'mona', 'engagement', 'adel', 'mona', 'friend', 'hoda', 'car', 'accident', 'way', 'engagement', 'mona', 'calls', 'adel', 'see', 'late', 'hoda', 'replies', 'telephone', 'call', 'mona', 'thinks', 'adel', 'affair', 'agrees', 'marry', 'rushdi', 'marriage', 'treats', 'badly', 'makes', 'pregnant', 'learning', 'become', 'pregnant', 'hits', 'thus', 'making', 'abortion', 'hoda', 'meets', 'mona', 'secretly', 'tells', 'truth', 'shocked', 'truth', 'asks', 'rushdi', 'divorce', 'rushdi', 'plans', 'kill', 'mona', 'fails', 'plan', 'discovered', 'mona', 'spares', 'rushdi', 'charges', 'return', 'divorce', 'returns', 'lover', 'adel'], ['arivazhagan', 'grown', 'rowdy', 'neglect', 'ill-treatment', 'hands', 'parents', 'aim', 'life', 'irritant', 'father', 'entire', 'family', 'attends', 'marriage', 'savitri', 'bangalore', 'groom', 'disappears', 'arivu', 'offers', 'take', 'place', 'marriage', 'never', 'happens', 'savitri', 'shows', 'arivu', 'house', 'later', 'asking', 'give', 'refuge', 'moves', 'house', 'take', 'residence', 'friends', 'follows', 'initially', 'irritated', 'arivu', 'realises', 'gradually', 'falling', 'love', 'meanwhile', 'friends', 'learns', 'savitri', 'left', 'surroundings', 'get', 'gruesome', 'suicide', 'close', 'friend', 'nisha', 'victim', 'eve-teasing', 'nisha', 'brother', 'kishore', 'family', 'still', 'haunted', 'death', 'brother', 'promises', 'avenge', 'person', 'cause', 'sister', 'death', 'responsible', 'nisha', 'suicide', 'arivu', 'succeed', 'proposing', 'love', 'towards', 'savitri', 'forms', 'rest', 'story'], ['hero', 'jairam', 'son', 'rich', 'widow', 'whose', 'husband', 'killed', 'pakistanis', 'war', 'usual', 'neglects', 'son', 'busy', 'earning', 'money', 'business', 'jairam', 'falls', 'love', 'farah', 'brilliant', 'student', 'also', 'possesses', 'high', 'moral', 'values', 'learn', 'boxing', 'farah', 'father', 'ayesha', 'julka', 'holds', 'indo-pak', 'boxing', 'match', 'india', 'loses', 'match', 'pakistan', 'champion', 'challenges', 'indians', 'saying', 'even', 'years', 'independence', 'indians', 'stop', 'pakistanis', 'butchering', 'indian', 'army', 'members', 'hero', 'challenges', 'win', 'days', 'comes', 'twist', 'tale', 'pakistani', 'boxer', 'none', 'isi', 'member', 'sent', 'lashkar-e-toiba', 'chief', 'maulana', 'masood', 'azhar', 'young', 'jai', 'challenges', 'stoop', 'like', 'film', 'villains', 'fracture', 'jai', 'ribs', 'tear', 'ligaments', 'right', 'hand', 'uses', 'boxing', 'rest', 'story', 'deals', 'jairam', 'wins', 'match', 'single', 'handled'], [\"'venu\", 'college', 'student', 'falls', 'love', 'anu', 'takes', 'time', 'lot', 'effort', 'get', 'reciprocate', 'feeling', 'get', 'hand', 'minor', 'matter', 'dealing', 'second', 'hero', 'amit', 'two', 'heroes', 'settle', 'hockey', 'game', 'true', 'love', 'top', 'hero', 'triumph', 'eventually'], ['premante', 'inthe', 'remake', 'hindi', 'movie', 'socha', 'tha', 'veeru', 'crush', 'lizi', \"n't\", 'bold', 'enough', 'get', 'across', 'emotions', 'rich', 'family', 'meanwhile', 'wants', 'marry', 'another', 'rich', 'girl', 'pavani', 'also', 'positively', 'inclined', 'towards', 'marriage', 'veeru', 'pavani', 'hatch', 'plan', 'scupper', 'match', 'therefore', 'friction', 'families', 'meanwhile', 'veeru', 'pavani', 'strike', 'good', 'friendship', 'also', 'opens', 'heart', 'lizi', 'initially', 'family', 'opposes', 'arrangement', 'christian', 'eventually', 'agree', 'marriage', 'day', 'marriage', 'veeru', 'realizes', 'actually', 'love', 'pavani'], ['karthik', 'life', 'ambition', 'become', 'film', 'hero', 'mother', 'claimed', 'like', 'hero', 'mother', 'dies', 'childhood', 'karthik', 'sister', 'brings', 'like', 'mother', 'karthik', 'wants', 'join', 'film', 'institute', 'pay', 'lakh', 'towards', 'fee', 'chaitra', 'reaches', 'village', 'claiming', 'planning', 'telefilm', 'rich', 'karthik', 'friends', 'try', 'cash', 'opportunity', 'chaitra', 'foster', 'mother', 'comes', 'know', 'dosakayalapalli', 'sends', 'goons', 'chaitra', 'escapes', 'place', 'without', 'notice', 'karthik', 'finally', 'karthik', 'reaches', 'hyderabad', 'help', 'sister', 'meets', 'chaitra', 'dramatic', 'turn', 'events', 'karthik', 'starts', 'efforts', 'finally', 'gets', 'chance', 'hero', 'film', 'goons', 'attack', 'chaitra', 'try', 'whisk', 'away', 'get', 'saved', 'karthik', 'chaitra', 'reveals', 'flashback', 'foster', 'mother', 'brought', 'plans', 'snatch', 'property', 'getting', 'chaitra', 'married', 'brother', 'satti', 'karthik', 'face', 'camera', 'woman', 'demands', 'chaitra', 'karthik', 'categorically', 'tells', 'love', 'though', 'chaitra', 'decides', 'sacrifice', 'make', 'karthik', 'winner', 'could', 'hide', 'love', 'finally', 'karthik', 'wins', 'love', 'chaitra', 'foster', 'mother', 'realizes', 'folly'], ['karthik', 'viji', 'close', 'buds', 'keyboard', 'players', 'music', 'director', 'vidyasagar', 'team', 'brilliant', 'work', 're-recording', 'background', 'scores', 'fun-loving', 'witty', 'share', 'great', 'rapport', 'come', 'live', 'apartment', 'complex', 'meet', 'handful', 'interesting', 'people', 'neighbour', 'flat', 'secretary', 'ananthakrishnan', 'happy', 'karthik', 'occupying', 'flat', 'asks', 'vacate', 'bachelors', 'allowed', 'live', 'preethi', 'girl', 'one', 'apartments', 'head', 'heels', 'love', 'karthik', 'one', 'day', 'karthik', 'sees', 'girl', 'road', 'quite', 'impressed', 'attitude', 'guts', 'later', 'finds', 'girl', 'archana', 'deaf', 'mute', 'girl', 'lives', 'apartment', 'karthik', 'falls', 'love', 'along', 'viji', 'try', 'find', 'best', 'friend', 'sheela', 'karthik', 'learns', 'sign', 'language', 'sheela', 'communicate', 'archana', 'wants', 'life', 'partner', 'though', 'considers', 'good', 'friend', 'archana', 'gets', 'angry', 'eventually', 'thinks', 'baby', 'deaf', 'mute', 'like', 'father', 'abandoned', 'found', 'handicap', 'afraid', 'karthik', 'leave', 'well', 'baby', 'like', 'karthik', 'tries', 'reason', 'father', 'unaware', 'condition', 'took', 'surprise', 'however', 'ready', 'accept', 'future', 'children', 'knows', 'understands', 'however', 'pleas', 'avail', 'archana', 'begins', 'avoiding', 'karthik', 'karthik', 'heartbroken', 'time', 'viji', 'also', 'falls', 'love', 'sheela', 'widow', 'sheela', 'parents', 'agree', 'marriage', 'marriage', 'date', 'fixed', 'day', 'viji', 'wedding', 'archana', 'confesses', 'karthik', 'indeed', 'love', 'story', 'thus', 'concludes'], ['second', 'world', 'war', 'kay', 'walsh', 'woman', 'assigned', 'work', 'armaments', 'factory', 'california', 'husband', 'jack', 'leading', 'seaman', 'overseas', 'naval', 'service', 'lonely', 'vulnerable', 'kay', 'falls', 'charms', 'another', 'man', 'musician', 'named', 'lucky', 'befriends', 'embittered', 'neighbor', 'hazel', 'former', 'singer', 'three', 'enjoy', 'time', 'together', 'kay', 'husband', 'comes', 'home', 'realizes', 'occurred'], [\"'little\", 'athens', 'follows', 'whirlwind', 'day', 'hapless', 'lives', 'small', 'town', 'youth', 'caught', 'dead-end', 'post-high', 'school', 'void', 'journeys', 'four', 'groups', 'late', 'teens/early', 'twenty-somethings', 'unfold', 'four', 'different', 'storylines', 'separate', 'trails', 'converging', 'explosive', 'house', 'party'], ['manga', 'sory', 'two', 'young', 'men', 'love', 'manga', 'tells', 'widowed', 'mother', 'relationship', 'sory', 'tells', 'father', 'parents', 'forbid', 'sons', 'see', 'sory', 'marries', 'child', 'manga', 'mother', 'turns', 'witchcraft', 'cure', 'son', 'unsuccessfully', 'undergoes', 'lengthy', 'form', 'aversion', 'therapy', 'meets', 'becomes', 'engaged', 'white', 'woman', 'called', 'oumou', 'men', 'try', 'make', 'heterosexual', 'relationships', 'work', 'ultimately', 'drawn', 'back', 'manga', 'mother', 'eventually', 'gives', 'blessing', 'pair', 'end', 'film', 'sees', 'sory', 'manga', 'driving', 'together', 'towards', 'uncertain', 'future'], [\"'jo\", '17-year', 'old', 'schoolgirl', 'domineering', 'forty-year-old', 'alcoholic', 'mother', 'helen', 'sustaining', 'fall', 'school', 'meets', 'black', 'sailor', 'called', 'jimmy', 'invites', 'ship', 'attend', 'grazed', 'knee', 'soon', 'start', 'brief', 'relationship', 'jimmy', 'returns', 'ship', 'departs', 'relations', 'mother', 'become', 'strained', 'mother', 'meets', 'marries', 'new', 'man', 'peter', 'smith', 'feeling', 'rejected', 'mother', 'starts', 'job', 'shoe', 'shop', 'rents', 'flat', 'meets', 'gay', 'textile', 'design', 'student', 'geoffrey', 'ingham', 'invites', 'move', 'discovers', 'pregnant', 'jimmy', 'geoff', 'supportive', 'even', 'offering', 'marry', 'saying', 'one', 'point', 'need', 'somebody', 'love', 'you\\\\', \"'re\", 'looking', 'somebody', 'love', 'helen', 're-appears', 'scene', 'failure', 'relationship', 'peter', 'turns', 'selfish', 'lout', 'moves', 'causes', 'tensions', 'helen', 'geoff', 'geoff', 'decides', 'longer', 'stay', 'flat', 'moves', 'leaving', 'helen', 'care', 'impending', 'baby', 'symbolic', 'helen\\\\', 'disdain', 'geoffrey', 'return', 'near', 'end', 'film', 'bassinet', 'gave'], ['michael', 'elgin', 'former', 'high', 'school', 'track', 'star', 'thirties', 'floundering', 'keeps', 'life', 'realities', 'bay', 'many', 'cocktails', 'nights', 'often', 'one', 'night', 'crashes', 'tree', 'emerges', 'unscathed', 'catalyzes', 'care', 'organizing', 'intervention', 'michael', 'comes', 'home', 'find', 'group', 'waiting', 'friends', 'co-workers', 'parents', 'wife', 'new', 'girlfriend', 'group', 'nervous', 'psychiatrist', 'supposed', 'guide', 'stuck', 'town', 'suicidal', 'patient', 'true', 'form', 'michael', 'takes', 'turns', 'event', 'yet', 'another', 'party', 'invitees', 'start', 'drinking', 'event', 'spirals', 'control', 'secrets', 'revealed', 'emotions', 'erupt', 'relationships', 'disintegrate', 'michael', 'life', 'comes', 'crashing', 'around', 'aftermath', 'tries', 'pick', 'pieces', 'michael', 'finally', 'hits', 'bottom', 'forced', 'face', 'demons'], ['ashik', 'kerib', 'wants', 'marry', 'beloved', 'father', 'opposes', 'since', 'kerib', 'poor', 'expects', 'rich', 'prospects', 'daughter', 'heaven', 'vows', 'wait', 'thousand', 'days', 'nights', 'comes', 'back', 'enough', 'money', 'impress', 'father', 'sets', 'journey', 'gain', 'wealth', 'encounters', 'many', 'difficulties', 'help', 'saint', 'horseman', 'returns', 'beloved', '1001st', 'day', 'able', 'marry'], ['film', 'mostly', 'based', 'series', 'seven', 'loosely', 'related', 'stories', 'couples', 'hampstead', 'heath', 'north', 'london', 'featuring', 'ensemble', 'cast', 'scenes', 'appear', 'sequence', 'jump', 'back', 'forth', 'one', 'story', 'another', 'husband', 'wife', 'jamie', 'molly', 'lying', 'grass', 'discussing', 'footballers', 'multiple', 'orgasms', 'molly', 'notices', 'jamie', 'staring', 'pretty', 'girl', 'nearby', 'sophie', 'challenged', 'pretends', 'looking', 'book', 'girl', 'reading', \"l'etranger\", 'albert', 'camus', 'immediately', 'seeing', 'lies', 'molly', 'questions', 'jamie', 'book', 'claims', 'western', 'man', 'eventually', 'becomes', 'sheriff', 'order', 'embarrass', 'jamie', 'expose', 'liar', 'approaches', 'sophie', 'question', 'book', 'well', 'iris', 'eddie', 'older', 'couple', 'meet', 'park', 'bench', 'start', 'talking', 'london', 'skyline', 'wondering', 'couple', 'bench', 'dedicated', 'discover', 'come', 'bench', 'different', 'days', 'week', 'widowed', 'talking', 'past', 'also', 'discover', 'nearly', 'fifty', 'years', 'met', 'romantically', 'spot', 'kept', 'coming', 'back', 'walk', 'climb', 'higher', 'ground', 'bemoaning', 'difficulty', 'climbing', 'hills', 'get', 'older', 'bemused', 'irony', 'meeting', 'mixed', 'feelings', 'longer', 'represent', 'idealized', 'partner', 'minds', 'talk', 'seeing', 'iris', 'also', 'decides', 'visit', 'ex-husband', 'grave', 'appreciating', 'time', 'together', 'anna', 'disturbed', 'young', 'woman', 'extreme', 'mood', 'swings', 'crying', 'arguing', 'boyfriend', 'ludo', 'eventually', 'walks', 'approached', 'young', 'man', 'noel', 'confused', 'way', 'asks', 'welfare', 'tries', 'make', 'laugh', 'asks', 'left', 'alone', 'sits', 'next', 'appears', 'meditate', 'weird', 'behaviour', 'interests', 'strike', 'conversation', 'becomes', 'annoyed', 'suddenly', 'orders', 'sex', 'right', 'away', 'subsequently', 'leaves', 'pants', 'around', 'knees', 'noel', 're-appears', 'film', 'several', 'times', 'chances', 'upon', 'characters', 'gay', 'life-partners', 'billy', 'brian', 'also', 'lying', 'grass', 'discussing', 'gay', 'men', 'good', 'life', 'billy', 'trouble', 'giving', 'casual', 'sex', 'men', 'brian', 'wants', 'faithful', 'later', 'talk', 'adopting', 'children', 'billy', 'wants', 'brian', \"n't\", 'billy', 'promises', 'give', 'casual', 'sex', 'two', 'adopt', 'children', 'convinces', 'brian', 'think', 'however', 'seconds', 'later', 'billy', 'runs', 'pursuit', 'attractive', 'man', 'passed', 'peter', 'brian', 'maxwell', 'sara', 'louise', 'williams', 'meet', 'different', 'bench', 'transpires', 'married', 'seven-year', 'old', 'daughter', 'eve', 'getting', 'divorced', 'however', 'mixed', 'feelings', 'still', 'care', 'louis', 'meets', 'esther', 'discusses', 'louis', 'father', 'funeral', 'louis', 'presents', 'esther', 'tickets', 'holiday', 'barbados', 'discuss', 'variety', 'issues', 'like', 'traditional', 'couple', 'end', 'transpires', 'esther', 'escort', 'paid', 'time', 'louis', 'gerry', 'julia', 'sit', 'rug', 'enjoying', 'red', 'wine', 'cheese', 'stumble', 'modern', 'terminology', 'ethnic', 'minorities', 'appearing', 'racist', 'talk', 'former', 'relationships', 'children', 'early', 'forties', 'julia', 'worries', 'longer', 'able', 'two', 'blind', 'date', 'together', 'julia', 'first', 'seem', 'getting', 'along', 'well', 'julia', 'attention', 'briefly', 'drawn', 'towards', 'louis', 'passes', 'insulted', 'gerry', 'decides', 'leave', 'abruptly'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'tells', 'seventeen-year-old', 'juan', 'lives', 'parents', 'spends', 'time', 'several', 'intellectuals', 'interested', 'photography', 'girlfriend', 'group\\\\', 'money', 'person', 'ana', 'juan', 'attracted', 'ana', 'spent', 'two', 'years', 'mental', 'institution', 'considered', 'crazy', 'yet', 'juan', 'sees', 'ana', 'often', 'juan', 'training', 'door-to-door', 'salesman', 'photographer', 'gives', 'viewfinder', 'changes', 'life', 'he\\\\', 'put', 'path', 'later', 'success', 'hollywood', 'director'], [\"'kristi\", 'girl', 'works', 'used', 'record', 'store', 'good', 'friend', 'kei', 'friends', 'since', 'young', 'one', 'day', 'young', 'man', 'tony', 'alex', 'fong', 'comes', 'store', 'kristi', 'develops', 'crush', 'seeks', 'help', 'advice', 'kei', 'kei', 'song', 'writer', 'helps', 'lead', 'singer', 'silver', 'misquitoes', 'write', 'songs', 'one', 'day', 'kristi', 'goes', 'kei', 'bar', 'deliver', 'song', 'lead', 'singer', 'jack', 'ming', 'starts', 'woo', 'kristi', 'acted', 'rudely', 'return', 'causing', 'jack', 'seek', 'revenge', 'embarrassment', 'tony', 'wishes', 'member', 'silver', 'misquitoes', 'jack', 'uses', 'tony', 'kristi', 'tony', 'asks', 'kristi', 'date', 'part', 'band', 'jack', 'pays', 'two', 'girls', 'philo', 'amy', 'lead', 'kristi', 'evil', 'plan', 'embarrassing', 'later', 'everyone', 'except', 'jack', 'involved', 'plan', 'realized', 'wrong', 'apologized', 'kristi', 'kristi', 'tony', 'kei', 'kristi\\\\', 'boss', 'lobo', 'form', 'band', 'beat', 'jack', 'talent', 'competition', 'competition', 'realized', 'jack', 'stole', 'song', 'kei', 'takes', 'song', 'kong', 'original', 'justin', 'lo\\\\', 'album', 'protection', 'wrote', 'kristi', 'love', 'win', 'competition', 'kristi', 'realizes', 'loves', 'kei'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'community', 'deep', 'south', 'forced', 'deal', 'struggles', 'ignorance', 'hypocrisy', 'oppression', 'citation'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'continues', 'story', 'sara', 'played', 'izabella', 'miko', 'sara', 'johnson', 'originally', 'played', 'julia', 'stiles', 'portrayed', 'izabella', 'miko', 'breaks', 'forth', 'wall', 'speaks', 'directly', 'audience', 'recalls', 'born', 'dancer', 'mother', 'would', 'often', 'comment', 'knew', 'pirouette', 'could', 'properly', 'walk', 'earliest', 'memories', 'sara', 'always', 'wanted', 'ballerina', 'graceful', 'dancer', 'could', 'glide', 'across', 'stage', 'seemed', 'something', 'caused', 'conflict', 'sara', 'ambition', 'also', 'loved', 'urban', 'dance', 'form', 'hip-hop', 'ballet', 'highly', 'structured', 'full', 'rules', 'standards', 'hip-hop', 'afford', 'sara', 'chance', 'let', 'follow', 'beat', 'sara', 'wants', 'best', 'worlds', 'conflict', 'structure', 'independence', 'affected', 'performance', 'formats', 'sequel', 'basically', 'starts', 'soon', 'original', 'left', 'sara', 'made', 'first', 'part', 'dream', 'come', 'audition', 'world', 'famous', 'julliard', 'school', 'dance', 'worked', 'well', 'accepted', 'resulting', 'moving', 'chicago', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'sara', 'would', 'soon', 'find', 'rough', 'get', 'staying', 'would', 'require', 'raising', 'bar', 'almost', 'painful', 'heights', 'main', 'dance', 'teacher', 'monique', 'delacroix', 'old', 'school', 'comes', 'demanding', 'student', 'master', 'traditional', 'arduous', 'curriculum', 'little', 'use', 'influence', 'form', 'dance', 'ballet', 'concept', 'hip-hop', 'foreign', 'staid', 'teacher', 'repugnant', 'orientation', 'first', 'day', 'julliard', 'sara', 'meets', 'miles', 'sultana', 'takes', 'trombone', 'player', 'tells', 'ballet', 'questions', 'whether', 'ballerina', 'sara', 'boldly', 'states', 'already', 'ballerina', 'become', 'prima', 'ballerina', 'set', 'playful', 'antagonism', 'know', 'end', 'romantic', 'relationship', 'sara', 'also', 'deal', 'students', 'new', 'school', 'high', 'pressure', 'school', 'like', 'julliard', 'favor', 'gather', 'teachers', 'jealousy', 'encounter', 'students', 'cut', 'throat', 'environment', 'extremely', 'high', 'failure', 'rate', 'among', 'new', 'classmates', 'marcus', 'infuriates', 'delacroix', 'first', 'day', 'wearing', 'pants', '쁲wish', 'katrina', 'destined', 'main', 'rival', 'girl', 'sara', 'also', 'turns', 'miles', 'actually', 'professor', '쁈ntroduction', 'hip-hop', 'theory', 'suppose', 'pre-requirement', 'gangsta', 'rap', '201', 'expand', 'section'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'portrays', 'conflicting', 'comical', 'attempts', 'five', 'couples', 'avoid', 'pregnancy', 'using', 'contraceptive', 'pills', 'efforts', 'ultimately', 'unsuccessful', 'result', 'five', 'women', 'give', 'birth', 'following', 'year', 'story', 'revolves', 'around', 'wealthy', 'london', 'banker', 'named', 'gerald', 'hardcastle', 'wife', 'prudence', 'live', 'together', 'unhappily', 'sleeping', 'separate', 'bedrooms', 'speaking', 'necessary', 'five', 'couples', 'film', 'gerald', 'french', 'mistress', 'elizabeth', 'liz', 'prudence', 'doctor', 'dr.', 'alan', 'hewitt', 'hardcastles\\\\', 'maid', 'rose', 'chauffeur', 'ted', 'gerald\\\\', 'brother', 'henry', 'wife', 'grace', 'henry', 'grace\\\\', 'daughter', 'geraldine', 'boyfriend', 'tony', 'bates', 'couples', 'want', 'use', 'birth-control', 'pill', 'called', 'thenol', 'none', 'wants', 'admit', 'prudence', 'grace', 'ted', 'manage', 'acquire', 'supplies', 'pills', 'grace', 'prescription', 'written', 'hewitt', 'ted', 'local', 'chemist', 'pharmacist', 'happens', 'friend', 'however', 'grace', 'soon', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'geraldine', 'stealing', 'pills', 'replacing', 'aspirin', 'tablets', 'geraldine', 'admits', 'pill-switching', 'scheme', 'grace', 'grace', 'tells', 'gerald', 'gerald', 'uses', 'scheme', 'prudence', 'order', 'generate', 'incriminating', 'evidence', 'affair', 'meanwhile', 'believing', 'rose', 'conservative', 'accept', 'contraception', 'ted', 'puts', 'tablets', 'vitamin', 'bottle', 'tells', 'needs', 'health', 'however', 'rose', 'worried', 'becoming', 'pregnant', 'switches', 'pills', 'vitamin', 'bottle', 'pills', 'prudence\\\\', 'thenol', 'bottle', 'moments', 'gerald', 'replaces', 'prudence\\\\', 'thenol', 'aspirin', 'result', 'rose', 'unwittingly', 'trades', 'ted\\\\', 'thenol', 'gerald\\\\', 'aspirin', 'soon', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'ted', 'tells', 'gerald', 'pills', 'gave', 'says', 'nothing', 'telling', 'vitamins', 'gerald', 'asks', 'thenol', 'pills', 'failed', 'work', 'asks', 'knew', 'thinking', 'already', 'found', 'taking', 'prudence\\\\', 'pills', 'point', 'realize', 'revealed', 'guilt', 'knowing', 'prudence', 'still', 'pregnant', 'gerald', 'buys', 'aspirin', 'determined', 'expose', 'relationship', 'hewitt', 'eventually', 'works', 'whatever', 'measures', 'grace', 'took', 'keep', 'pills', 'away', 'geraldine', 'end', 'film', 'geraldine', 'prudence', 'expecting', 'eventually', 'gerald', 'gets', 'trouble', 'liz', 'prudence', 'liz', 'grows', 'dissatisfied', 'covert', 'relationship', 'gerald', 'hiding', 'family', 'decides', 'leave', 'prudence', 'finds', 'letter', 'liz', 'wrote', 'gerald', 'decision', 'gerald', 'finds', 'hewitt\\\\', 'thenol', 'prescription', 'prudence', 'first', 'neither', 'gerald', 'prudence', 'willing', 'grant', 'divorce', 'prudence', 'offers', 'take', 'blame', 'becoming', 'pregnant', 'long', 'gerald', 'spare', 'hewitt\\\\', 'reputation', 'gerald', 'accepts', 'arrangement', 'grudgingly', 'meeting', 'hewitt', 'happens', 'see', 'liz', 'driving', 'town', 'tells', 'going', 'baby', 'able', 'see', 'openly', 'child', 'way', 'gerald', 'quickly', 'enthusiastically', 'agrees', 'amicable', 'divorce', 'months', 'later', 'total', 'six', 'newborn', 'babies', 'arrive', 'rose', 'twins'], [\"'businessman\", 'clemson', 'reade', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'workaholic', 'u.s.', 'diplomat', 'girlfriend', 'effie', 'adoring', 'old-fashioned', 'girl', 'fictional', 'country', 'bukistan', 'princess', 'tarji', 'reade', 'wants', 'wife', 'find', 'babies', 'taking', 'care', 'man', 'pleasurable', 'reade', 'tries', 'get', 'closer', 'bride-to-be', 'effie', 'assigned', 'state', 'department', 'see', 'marriage', 'disturb', 'major', 'oil', 'deal', 'bukistan', 'ends', 'educating', 'princess', 'western', 'ideas', 'role', 'wife', 'women\\\\', 'emancipation', 'simultaneously', 'moderating', 'ideas', 'making', 'happiness', 'man', 'primary', 'concern', 'grant\\\\', 'courtship', 'princess', 'attempts', 'conduct', 'american', 'customs', 'must', 'adjusted', 'bukistanian', 'tradition', 'protect', 'proposed', 'oil', 'deal', 'effie', 'explains', 'marriage', 'called', 'hufi', 'followed', 'prolonged', 'period', 'celebration', 'called', 'bruchah', 'terms', 'borrowed', 'comedic', 'effect', 'jewish', 'terms', 'huppah', 'canopy', 'beneath', 'marriage', 'ceremony', 'takes', 'place', 'sheva', \"\\\\'bruchis\\\\\", \"\\\\'sheva\", 'brachot\\\\', 'blessings', 'recited', 'part', 'ceremony', 'week-long', 'celebration', 'follows'], [\"'like\", 'original', 'film', 'story', 'nice', 'guy', 'falls', 'love', 'hellion', 'guy', 'charlie', 'bellow', 'polite', 'kind-hearted', 'young', 'man', 'midwestern', 'state', 'indiana', 'hellion', 'jordan', 'roark', 'beautiful', 'fun-loving', 'emotionally', 'volatile', 'young', 'woman', 'drinks', 'much', 'lives', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'father', 'wealthy', 'physician', 'charlie', 'narrates', 'story', 'charlie\\\\', 'parents', 'hope', 'charlie', 'one', 'day', 'secure', 'managerial', 'position', 'tiller', 'king', 'agricultural', 'company', 'father', 'works', 'maintenance', 'mechanic', 'charlie', 'starts', 'business', 'school', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'sees', 'jordan', 'drunkenly', 'leaning', 'guard', 'rail', 'subway', 'station', 'saves', 'oncoming', 'train', 'carries', 'apartment', 'following', 'weeks', 'charlie', 'jordan', 'several', 'fun', 'creative', 'dates', 'worried', 'jordan\\\\', 'volatility', 'charlie', 'usually', 'declines', 'invites', 'somewhere', 'cheerfully', 'ignores', 'refusal', 'always', 'gives', 'among', 'things', 'jordan', 'tells', 'charlie', 'fianc챕', 'recently', 'left', 'tells', 'tiller', 'king', 'representative', 'pregnant', 'charlie\\\\', 'child', 'sabotages', 'charlie\\\\', 'job', 'interview', 'another', 'tiller', 'king', 'representative', 'gives', 'piano', 'recital', 'charlie', 'jordan', 'sex', 'time', 'falls', 'deeply', 'love', 'obviously', 'enjoys', 'dating', 'occasionally', 'interrupted', 'jordan\\\\', 'father', 'believes', 'charlie', 'responsible', 'drunkenness', 'two', 'three', 'months', 'jordan', 'asks', 'charlie', 'meet', 'central', 'park', 'exchange', 'love', 'letters', 'park', 'says', 'needs', 'time', 'heal', 'loss', 'fianc챕', 'insists', 'bury', 'letters', 'bonsai', 'tree', 'stop', 'seeing', 'meet', 'place', 'day', 'following', 'year', 'day', 'arrives', 'charlie', 'returns', 'tree', 'jordan', 'letter', 'explains', 'fianc챕', 'actually', 'died', 'charlie', 'reminds', 'many', 'dates', 'charlie', 'reenactments', 'previous', 'dates', 'fianc챕', 'says', 'absence', 'bonsai', 'tree', 'means', 'healed', 'yet', 'means', 'destiny', 'dictated', 'charlie', 'meant', 'together', 'next', 'day', 'jordan', 'goes', 'tree', 'old', 'man', 'tells', 'charlie', 'visited', 'tree', 'periodically', 'even', 'going', 'far', 'replace', 'months', 'ago', 'struck', 'lightning', 'letter', 'charlie', 'tells', 'jordan', 'woman', 'ever', 'love', 'says', 'believes', 'destined', 'time', 'later', 'jordan', 'meets', 'restaurant', 'ex-fianc챕\\\\', 'mother', 'two', 'women', 'got', 'along', 'well', 'alive', 'stayed', 'touch', 'since', 'death', 'mother', 'trying', 'set', 'jordan', 'another', 'young', 'man', 'arranged', 'two', 'meet', 'today', 'begins', 'describe', 'man', 'charlie', 'walks', 'restaurant', 'mother', 'charlie\\\\', 'aunt', 'jordan\\\\', 'fianc챕', 'charlie\\\\', 'recently', 'deceased', 'cousin', 'charlie', 'young', 'man', 'film', 'ends', 'charlie', 'jordan', 'share', 'first', 'kiss', 'charlie', 'explains', 'audience', 'need', 'help', 'destiny', 'shaping', 'lives', 'repeating', 'old', 'man\\\\', 'words', 'says', 'need', 'build', 'bridge', 'one', 'love'], ['movie', 'begins', 'two', 'young', 'kids', 'fight', 'marriage', 'hall', 'grow', 'krishna', 'ramya', 'meet', 'two', 'decades', 'college', 'cultural', 'meet', 'lock', 'horns', 'fate', 'brings', 'together', 'chennai', 'years', 'fighting', 'meanwhile', 'series', 'events', 'forces', 'krishna', 'close', 'friend', 'aravindh', 'come', 'india', 'usa', 'get', 'married', 'parents', 'arrange', 'wedding', 'ramya', 'ramya', 'decides', 'get', 'married', 'help', 'younger', 'sister', 'love', 'displays', 'passive', 'character', 'accepts', 'whatever', 'life', 'partner', 'feel', 'right', 'contrary', 'bold', 'active', 'independent', 'assertive', 'nature', 'knowing', 'krishna', 'tries', 'hard', 'let', 'true', 'character', 'come', 'however', 'aravindh', 'stalls', 'wedding', 'plans', 'returns', 'usa', 'finds', 'ramya', 'person', 'think', 'independent', 'mistaking', 'krishna', 'influencing', 'aravindh', 'ramya', 'locks', 'horns', 'meanwhile', 'ramya', 'mother', 'ends', 'hospital', 'krishna', 'comes', 'help', 'family', 'eventually', 'develops', 'affinity', 'ramya', 'turns', 'romance', 'enters', 'aravindh', 'decision', 'marry', 'ramya', 'climax', 'expected', 'closeness', 'ramya', 'krishna', 'end', 'airport', 'come', 'receive', 'aravindh', 'end', 'arms', 'aravindh', 'also', 'approves'], [\"'titled\", 'lyric', 'marines\\\\', 'hymn', 'contains', 'phrase', '...', 'nbsp', 'shores', 'tripoli', 'film', 'one', 'last', 'pre-pearl', 'harbor', 'service', 'films', 'film', 'post-production', 'pearl', 'harbor', 'attack', 'occurred', 'studio', 'shoot', 'new', 'ending', 'payne', 're-enlists', 'wealthy', 'culver', 'university', 'drop-out', 'playboy', 'chris', 'winters', 'john', 'payne', 'enlists', 'u.s.', 'marine', 'corps', 'private', 'meets', 'drill', 'instructor', 'gunnery', 'sergeant', 'dixie', 'smith', 'falls', 'love', 'navy', 'nurse', 'lieutenant', 'mary', 'carter', 'smith', 'given', 'letter', 'winters\\\\', 'father', 'captain', 'christopher', 'winters', 'writes', 'smith', 'playboy', 'son', 'sgt', 'smith', 'served', 'world', 'war', 'elder', 'winters', 'smith', 'affectionately', 'calls', 'winters', 'skipper', 'chris', 'winters', 'understand', 'officers', 'enlisted', 'men', 'associate', 'non-fraternization', 'policy', 'even', 'officer', 'woman', 'enlisted', 'man', 'male', 'chris\\\\', 'society', 'girlfriend', 'helene', 'hunt', 'wants', 'chris', 'get', 'cushy', 'civilian', 'job', 'washington', 'd.c.', 'uses', 'uncle\\\\', 'power', 'influence', 'base', 'commander', 'general', 'gordon', 'sequences', 'filmed', 'marine', 'corps', 'recruit', 'depot', 'san', 'diego', 'smith', 'gives', 'younger', 'winters', 'opportunity', 'demonstrate', 'leadership', 'potential', 'drilling', 'platoon', 'smith\\\\', 'amusement', 'marines', 'mock', 'chris', 'perform', 'slapstick', 'antics', 'drill', 'winters', 'marches', 'away', 'smith', 'enjoying', 'platoon', 'marches', 'back', 'performs', 'close', 'order', 'drill', 'high', 'order', 'perfection', 'smith', 'greatly', 'surprised', 'looks', 'platoon', 'notices', 'several', 'marines', 'black', 'eyes', 'chipped', 'teeth', 'bruises', 'chris', 'winters', 'says', 'captain', 'boxing', 'team', 'culver', 'winters', 'selected', 'sea', 'school', 'gunnery', 'practice', 'naval', 'maneuvers', 'bravely', 'saves', 'dixie', 'smith\\\\', 'life', 'repairing', 'gunnery', 'targets', 'chris', 'picks', 'fight', 'smith', 'however', 'smith', 'claimed', 'struck', 'first', 'blow', 'busted', 'rank', 'smith', 'save', 'chris', 'naval', 'prison', 'despite', 'winning', 'respect', 'dixie', 'smith', 'fellow', 'marines', 'chris', 'decides', 'leave', 'marines', 'hears', 'news', 'pearl', 'harbor', 'attack', 'driving', 'car', 'helene', 'way', 'blocked', 'old', 'platoon', 'marching', 'navy', 'transport', 'ship', 'chris', 'winters', 'runs', 'sgt', 'dixie', 'smith', 'reenlist', 'chris', 'enters', 'ranks', 'close', 'dresses', 'old', 'uniform', 'satchel', 'tosses', 'away', 'civilian', 'clothes', 'uniform', 'except', 'two-toned', 'shoes', 'chris\\\\', 'proud', 'father', 'wounded', 'world', 'war', 'asks', 'son', 'get', 'jap'], [\"'three\", 'men', 'enlist', 'united', 'states', 'army', 'summer', '1941.a', 'closeup', 'shot', 'orders', 'issued', 'battalion', 'dated', 'july', '1941', 'bill', 'burke', 'doubtful', 'courage', 'enlists', 'intoxicated', 'morse', 'all-american', 'football', 'player', 'harvard', 'enlists', 'avoid', 'engaged', 'two', 'women', 'simultaneously', 'told', 'army', 'privates', 'allowed', 'marry', 'jeff', 'hollis', 'hillbilly', 'cajoled', 'enlisting', 'daughter', 'feuding', 'family', 'meet', 'train', 'fort', 'benning', 'georgia', 'training', 'parachute', 'infantry', 'bill\\\\', 'attempts', 'become', 'better', 'acquainted', 'pretty', 'fellow', 'passenger', 'kit', 'richards', 'annoy', 'father', 'bill', 'old', 'thunderhead', 'richards', 'reveal', 'army', 'recruits', 'camp', 'surprised', 'discover', 'richards', 'master', 'sergeant', 'newly', 'assigned', 'unit', 'chief', 'instructor', 'pioneer', 'concept', 'richards', 'reports', 'commandant', 'old', 'friend', 'bill\\\\', 'father', 'bill', 'named', 'richards', 'agree', 'keep', 'bill\\\\', 'identity', 'secret', 'rest', 'company', 'avoid', 'favoritism', 'bill', 'accepts', 'blind', 'date', 'finds', 'it\\\\', 'kit', 'tries', 'date', 'richards', 'encourages', 'bill', 'stick', 'around', 'long', 'like', 'bill', 'confesses', 'fear', 'parachuting', 'kit', 'recruits', 'make', 'first', 'practice', 'jump', 'nervous', 'trainee', 'loses', 'nerve', 'pulls', 'pistol', 'demands', 'airplane', 'land', 'bill', 'talks', 'giving', 'gun', 'impressed', 'bill\\\\', 'nerve', 'richards', 'reveals', 'company', 'commandant\\\\', 'son', 'bill', 'confesses', 'fear', 'applies', 'transfer', 'another', 'branch', 'richards', 'helps', 'overcome', 'fear', 'jumping', 'bill', 'saves', 'life', 'process', 'bill\\\\', 'romantic', 'rivalry', 'comes', 'head', 'gets', 'word', 'receive', 'officer\\\\', 'commission', 'decides', 'ask', 'kit', 'marry', 'bill\\\\', 'anger', 'makes', 'careless', 'packing', 'parachute', 'propose', 'bill', 'goes', 'kit', 'admits', 'loves', 'rivals', 'brawl', 'start', 'demonstration', 'airborne', 'assault', 'assigned', 'task', 'blowing', 'ammunition', 'warehouse', 'transport', 'planes', 'take', 'without', 'sergeant', 'tex', 'breaks', 'fight', 'keep', 'trouble', 'tex', 'arranges', 'small', 'observation', 'airplane', 'take', 'however', 'jumps', 'parachute', 'becomes', 'tangled', 'tail', 'aircraft', 'bill', 'crawls', 'back', 'cuts', 'tangled', 'shroud', 'lines', 'hangs', 'two', 'descend', 'together', 'reveals', 'repacked', 'bill\\\\', 'chute', 'saving', 'lives', 'friends', 'destroy', 'objective', 'ceremony', 'awarding', 'parachute', 'wings', 'richards', 'gives', 'blessing', 'kit', 'bill', 'sets', 'sights', 'another', 'woman'], [\"'writer\", 'scott', 'fitzgerald', 'turns', 'alcoholism', 'becoming', 'washed', 'affair', 'radio', 'host', 'sheilah', 'graham', 'writing', 'incomplete', 'novel', 'never', 'finished', 'time', 'wife', 'mental', 'institution', 'expand', 'section'], ['newlyweds', 'jack', 'peggy', 'face', 'eviction', 'rented', 'london', 'flat', 'tricked', 'buying', 'rundown', 'houseboat', 'current', 'owner', 'alfred', 'harper', 'put-upon', 'wife', 'watson', 'owns', 'jack', 'peggy', 'mooring', 'soon', 'makes', 'acquaintance', 'introducing', 'mooring', 'tariffs', 'associated', 'surcharges', 'rebuilding', 'engine', 'help', 'friend', 'sid', 'used-car', 'salesman', 'jack', 'peggy', 'plan', 'trip', 'thames', 'river', 'ramsgate', 'taking', 'along', 'sid', 'partner', 'sandra', 'way', 'get', 'trouble', 'thames', 'conservancy', 'also', 'river', 'police', 'sandra', 'transistor', 'radio', 'gets', 'misplaced', 'next', 'compass', 'manage', 'end', 'calais', 'fuel', 'supplies', 'resort', 'desperate', 'actions', 'get', 'houseboat', 'back', 'home', 'involves', 'sandra', 'putting', 'striptease', 'watson', 'also', 'happens', 'calais', 'harbour', 'boat', 'enable', 'jack', 'sid', 'borrow', 'watson', 'fuel', 'food', 'next', 'morning', 'follow', 'watson', 'back', 'across', 'channel', 'compass', 'broken', 'end', 'entering', 'wager', 'watson', 'get', 'back', 'mooring', 'first'], ['movie', 'revolves', 'around', 'karthik', 'software', 'engineer', 'professional', 'meets', 'priya', 'ooty', 'love', 'blossoms', 'usual', 'girl', 'family', 'protests', 'affair', 'eventually', 'couple', 'elope', 'get', 'married', 'face', 'trouble', 'form', 'greedy', 'perverted', 'police', 'officer', 'lusts', 'priya', 'tries', 'molest', 'kills', 'blame', 'falls', 'karthik', 'kills', 'police', 'officer', 'goes', 'jail', 'meets', 'nepali', 'social', 'worker', 'tries', 'help', 'women', 'harassed', 'workplace', 'inspired', 'nepali', 'karthik', 'comes', 'prison', 'punish', 'sexually', 'harass', 'women', 'work', 'bumps', 'computer', 'engineer', 'college', 'professor', 'doctor', 'dressed', 'nepali', 'youth', 'dcp', 'gautham', 'takes', 'task', 'cracking', 'serial', 'murders'], ['claire', 'moon', 'set', '1990s', 'pacific', 'northwest', 'claire', 'jabrowski', 'famous', 'heterosexual', 'author', 'decides', 'attend', 'retreat', 'all-female', 'writers', 'claire', 'roommate', 'retreat', 'dr.', 'noel', 'benedict', 'author', 'book', 'called', 'naked', 'truth', 'movie', 'culminates', 'sexual', 'encounter', 'two', 'authors.', 'ref', 'namea', 'therapist', 'satirist', 'fall', 'love', '|url9f0ce3dd1f3df935a25757c0a965958260', '|lastjanet', '|authorlinkthe', 'new', 'york', 'times', '|date2007-02-09'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', '1988', 'los', 'angeles', 'matt', 'franklin', 'recent', 'mit', 'graduate', 'works', 'suncoast', 'video', 'store', 'trying', 'figure', 'wants', 'life', 'something', 'lapd', 'father', 'grown', 'impatient', 'working', 'one', 'day', 'matt\\\\', 'high', 'school', 'crush', 'tori', 'fredreking', 'randomly', 'walks', 'store', 'pretending', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'work', 'saying', 'works', 'goldman', 'sachs', 'effort', 'impress', 'tori', 'invites', 'matt', 'labor', 'day', 'party', 'held', 'matt\\\\', 'twin', 'sister', 'wendy', 'boyfriend', 'kyle', 'masterson', 'later', 'night', 'matt', 'wendy', 'matt\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'barry', 'nathan', 'head', 'party', 'drive', 'barry', 'steals', 'brand', 'new', 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'actually', 'work', 'goldman', 'sachs', 'tori', 'gets', 'extremely', 'upset', 'storms', 'leaving', 'matt', 'guilt-ridden', 'later', 'matt', 'barry', 'drive', 'back', 'kyle\\\\', 'party', 'matt', 'tells', 'barry', 'told', 'tori', 'truth', 'job', 'barry', 'patronizes', 'trying', 'one', 'night', 'enjoyment', 'attempts', 'lighten', 'mood', 'offering', 'matt', 'line', 'cocaine', 'despite', 'driving', 'matt', 'feeling', 'vulnerable', 'attempts', 'snort', 'cocaine', 'ends', 'driving', 'convertible', 'road', 'ditch', 'police', 'cruiser', 'soon', 'arrives', 'turns', 'matt\\\\', 'dad', 'police', 'partner', 'already', 'disappointed', 'matt\\\\', 'unwillingness', 'choose', 'career', 'path', 'mr.', 'franklin', 'damages', 'convertible', 'even', 'means', 'coercing', 'matt', 'get', 'better', 'job', 'order', 'pay', 'damages', 'takes', 'matt', 'barry', 'custody', 'lets', 'random', 'neighborhood', 'warning', 'matt', 'apologizes', 'dad', 'failure', 'dad', 'replies', 'he\\\\', 'never', 'even', 'tried', 'succeed', 'he\\\\', 'actually', 'less', 'failure', 'less', 'condescending', 'tone', 'encourages', 'matt', 'take', 'shot', 'anything', 'life', 'matt', 'barry', 'eventually', 'make', 'way', 'back', 'kyle\\\\', 'party', 'bets', 'placed', 'ride', 'ball', 'giant', 'steel', 'sphere', 'someone', 'enters', 'gets', 'rolled', 'hill', 'matt', 'finds', 'tori', 'party', 'tries', 'apologize', 'tori', 'unwilling', 'forgive', 'feeling', 'nothing', 'lose', 'matt', 'volunteers', 'ride', 'ball', 'however', 'ball', 'rolls', 'downhill', 'uncontrollably', 'hitting', 'several', 'parked', 'cars', 'eventually', 'flying', 'embankment', 'landing', 'swimming', 'pool', 'matt', 'almost', 'drowns', 'ball', 'sinks', 'manages', 'escape', 'time', 'barry', 'rushes', 'scene', 'walks', 'matt', 'back', 'party', 'beginning', 'wind', 'sun', 'coming', 'wendy', 'shares', 'admissions', 'letter', 'cambridge', 'kyle', 'revealed', 'make', 'kyle', 'visibly', 'relieved', 'angers', 'wendy', 'realizing', 'matt', 'right', 'along', 'ends', 'engagement', 'breaks', 'kyle.혻meanwhile', 'matt', 'makes', 'one', 'last', 'attempt', 'make', 'amends', 'tori', 'eventually', 'forgives', 'playing', 'little', 'hard-to-get', 'gives', 'phone', 'number', 'leaving', 'matt', 'wendy', 'barry', 'leave', 'party', 'get', 'breakfast', 'ending', 'scene', 'matt\\\\', 'dad', 'investigating', 'scene', 'steel', 'ball', 'found', 'finds', 'matt\\\\', 'suncoast', 'video', 'name', 'tag', 'floating', 'pool', 'smirks', 'proudly'], ['thiruppaachi', 'sengulam', 'neighboring', 'villages', 'history', 'enmity', 'maayan', 'machakanni', 'meet', 'day', 'engagement', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'marriage', 'gets', 'called', 'groom', 'family', 'insult', 'machakanni', 'family', 'romance', 'maayan', 'continues', 'brother', 'finds', 'hell', 'breaks', 'loose', 'turned-down', 'bridegroom', 'still', 'itching', 'revenge', 'figuring', 'way', 'extract', 'marry', 'machakanni', 'pleads', 'forgiveness', 'succeeds', 'melting', 'brother', 'heart', 'marriage', 'finalised', 'maayan', 'friends', 'swear', 'unite', 'star-crossed', 'lovers', 'also', 'subplot', 'maayan', 'aunt', 'trying', 'get', 'daughter', 'married', 'maayan'], [\"'jimmy\", 'dodge', 'connelly', 'captain', 'duluth', 'bulldogs', 'struggling', 'professional', 'american', 'football', 'team', 'circa', '1925.', 'dodge', 'determined', 'save', 'team', 'pro', 'football', 'general', 'players', 'lose', 'sponsor', 'league', 'brink', 'collapse', 'convinces', 'princeton', 'university\\\\', 'college', 'football', 'star', 'carter', 'bullet', 'rutherford', 'join', 'bulldogs', 'hoping', 'capitalize', 'carter\\\\', 'fame', 'decorated', 'hero', 'first', 'world', 'war', 'addition', 'legendary', 'tales', 'combat', 'heroism', 'carter', 'dashing', 'good', 'looks', 'unparalleled', 'speed', 'skill', 'field', 'result', 'presence', 'bulldogs', 'pro', 'football', 'general', 'begin', 'prosper', 'chicago', 'tribune', 'newspaper', 'reporter', 'lexie', 'littleton', 'becomes', 'object', 'affections', 'dodge', 'carter', 'lexie', 'assigned', 'find', 'proof', 'carter\\\\', 'war', 'heroics', 'bogus', 'carter', 'confesses', 'surrender', 'germans', 'lucky', 'accident', 'role', 'foolish', 'heroic', 'carter', 'soon', 'discovers', 'lexie\\\\', 'agenda', 'doubly', 'hurt', 'learns', 'dodge', 'lexie', 'starting', 'show', 'affections', 'even', 'shared', 'kiss', 'ensuing', 'fight', 'lexie\\\\', 'affections', 'puts', 'spurred', 'threats', 'carter\\\\', 'manager', 'decides', 'publish', 'story', 'story', 'sparks', 'firestorm', 'accusations', 'reprimands', 'carter\\\\', 'manager', 'resorts', 'shady', 'dealing', 'cover', 'even', 'bribing', 'original', 'witness', 'change', 'story', 'dodge\\\\', 'attempts', 'legitimize', 'pro', 'football', 'take', 'life', 'new', 'commissioner', 'formalizes', 'game\\\\', 'rules', 'taking', 'away', 'improvisational', 'antics', 'addition', 'commissioner', 'takes', 'responsibility', 'clearing', 'carter', 'controversy', 'set', 'example', 'new', 'direction', 'professional', 'football', 'whole', 'world', 'lexie', 'dodge', 'concocts', 'clever', 'ruse', 'interrupting', 'private', 'hearing', 'commissioner\\\\', 'office', 'dodge', 'threatens', 'carter', 'confrontation', 'old', 'army', 'mates', 'dodge', 'claims', 'outside', 'door', 'ready', 'congratulate', 'heroic', 'actions', 'truth', 'men', 'bulldogs', 'borrowed', 'army', 'uniforms', 'carter', 'confesses', 'truth', 'commissioner', 'frees', 'lexie', 'printing', 'retraction', 'carter', 'ordered', 'simply', 'say', 'got', 'much', 'credit', 'war', 'actions', 'must', 'give', 'hefty', 'part', 'paycheck', 'american', 'legion', 'carter\\\\', 'conniving', 'manager', 'banned', 'football', 'well', 'dodge', 'warned', 'pulls', 'old', 'tricks', 'win', 'next', 'game', 'lose', 'place', 'league', 'dodge', 'plays', 'one', 'last', 'game', 'time', 'carter', 'changed', 'sides', 'duluth', 'chicago', 'rivalry', 'lexie\\\\', 'affection', 'spills', 'onto', 'field', 'game', 'well', 'dodge', 'including', 'muddy', 'field', 'dodge', 'decides', 'football', 'played', 'without', 'rules', 'lexie', 'notices', 'brawl', 'dodge', 'missing', 'players', 'covered', 'mud', 'one', 'tell', 'appears', 'interception', 'chicago', 'seems', 'mud', 'removed', 'it\\\\', 'seen', 'player', 'none', 'dodge', 'connelly', 'disguised', 'chicago', 'player', 'play', 'play', 'changed', 'interception', 'touchdown', 'bulldogs', 'win', 'carter', 'mentions', 'dodge', 'finished', 'playing', 'football', 'based', 'threat', 'commissioner', 'made', 'intends', 'tell', 'newspapers', 'real', 'story', 'capture', 'german', 'soldiers', 'dodge', 'argues', 'america', 'needs', 'heroes', 'implied', 'true', 'story', \"won\\\\'t\", 'told', 'dodge', 'carter', 'part', 'good', 'terms', 'game', 'dodge', 'meets', 'lexie', 'ride', 'sunset', 'dodge\\\\', 'motorbike', 'discussing', 'humor', 'possibilities', 'future', 'include', 'bankruptcy', 'scandals', 'jail', 'time', 'end', 'credits', 'pictures', 'show', 'dodge', 'lexie', 'getting', 'married', 'carter', 'donating', '10,000', 'military', 'carter\\\\', 'former', 'manager', 'new', 'clients', 'babe', 'ruth', 'lou', 'gehrig'], ['nina', 'daughter', 'ivan', 'fierce', 'croatian', 'patriarch', 'whose', 'family', 'immigrated', 'auckland', 'new', 'zealand', 'escape', 'war', 'works', 'waitress', 'restaurant', 'falls', 'love', 'eddie', 'm훮ori', 'chef', 'despite', 'father', 'objections', 'price', 'agrees', 'marry', 'chinese', 'co-worker', 'establish', 'permanent', 'residency', 'money', 'gives', 'independence', 'needs', 'leave', 'parents', 'house', 'move', 'eddie', 'complications', 'arise', 'eddie', 'realizes', 'depth', 'father', 'fury', 'strength', 'nina', 'family', 'ties'], [\"'kang\", 'jae-kyung', 'typical', 'rich', 'kid', 'arrogant', 'drives', 'sporty', 'cars', 'attends', 'big', 'clubs', 'rides', 'school', 'corridors', 'motorcycle', '18th', 'birthday', 'approaches', 'set', 'inherit', 'grandfather', 'fortune', 'first', 'jae-kyung', 'required', 'transfer', 'new', 'school', 'gangwon', 'province', 'graduate', 'access', 'penthouse', 'cottage', 'credit', 'cards', 'denied', 'fail', 'graduate', 'drop', 'loses', 'everything', 'wishes', 'give', 'he\\\\', \"'ll\", 'get', '0.1', 'over-all', 'inheritance', 'little', 'choice', 'heads', 'countryside', 'small', 'town', 'daily', 'life', 'far', 'removed', 'used', 'shortly', 'settling', 'new', 'home', 'meets', 'year-old', 'choi', 'eun-whan', 'happened', 'run', 'back', 'seoul', 'exactly', 'hit', 'far', 'stubborn', 'cool', 'school', 'sees', 'hope', 'sets', 'make', 'see', 'eventually', 'draw', 'closer', 'thanks', 'set', 'coincidences', 'school', 'projects', 'learn', 'one', 'another', 'kang', 'learns', 'choi\\\\', 'terminal', 'disease', 'make', 'happy', 'even', 'tells', 'lawyer', 'would', 'give', 'inheritance', 'could', 'buy', 'orphanage', 'rehearsal', 'play', 'school', 'kang', 'jae-kyung', 'notices', 'play', 'actually', 'like', 'incident', 'happened', 'life', 'recalls', 'childhood', 'memory', 'orphanage', 'gangwondo', 'met', 'eun-whan', 'made', 'promise', 'return', 'ten', 'days', 'went', 'find', 'told', 'unable', 'fulfill', 'promise', 'remember', 'promise', 'girl', 'parents', 'died', 'car', 'accident', 'day', 'erased', 'memories', 'unfortunate', 'past', 'day', 'play', 'came', 'jae-kyung', 'asked', 'classmate', 'favor', 'trade', 'places', 'colonel', 'rather', 'maid', 'went', 'eun-whan\\\\', 'side', 'asked', 'could', 'put', 'socks', 'bought', 'earlier', 'dancing', 'felt', 'sudden', 'pain', 'went', 'backstage', 'returned', 'much', 'jae-kyung\\\\', 'worry', 'eun-whan\\\\', 'mother', 'came', 'watch', 'show', 'later', 'celebrated', 'success', 'play', 'couple', 'sat', 'swing', 'eun-whan', 'told', 'jae-kyung', 'sarang-hae', 'she\\\\', 'sleepy', 'sleeping', 'minutes', 'first', 'snow', 'came', 'graduation', 'day', 'choi', 'eun-whan', 'received', 'award', 'friendship', \"didn\\\\'t\", 'come', 'never', 'woke', 'three', 'minutes', 'white', 'bouquet', 'flower', 'sat', 'instead', 'seat', 'next', 'jae-kyung\\\\', 'chair', 'stayed', 'walked', 'outside', 'carrying', 'flowers', 'grandpa\\\\', 'lawyer', 'came', 'congratulated', 'told', 'inheritance', 'moment'], [\"'inderjit\", 'inder', 'bansal', 'rich', 'young', 'man', 'although', 'parents', 'want', 'settle', 'goes', 'another', 'city', 'mba', 'stays', 'friends', 'time', 'meets', 'pallavi', 'sinh', 'fall', 'love', 'reciprocates', 'feelings', 'trouble', 'comes', 'form', 'tyrannical', 'trio', 'brothers', 'over-protective', 'little', 'sister', 'take', 'irrational', 'dislike', 'inder', 'show', 'hostility', 'towards', 'inder', 'conflicts', 'arise', 'within', 'households', 'couple', 'decides', 'elope', 'afterward', 'realize', 'miss', 'families', 'decide', 'return', 'home', 'relinquishing', 'feelings', 'ultimately', 'families', 'accept', 'love', 'reunited'], ['movie', 'shows', 'story', 'conflict', 'young', 'independently', 'minded', 'man', 'stepfather', 'ruthless', 'tobacco', 'tycoon', 'young', 'parrish', 'mclean', 'mother', 'live', 'sala', 'post', 'tobacco', 'plantation', 'state', 'connecticut', 'mother', 'marries', 'post', 'ambitious', 'rival', 'judd', 'raike', 'sets', 'ruining', 'post', 'growing', 'connecticut', 'shade', 'tobacco', 'extensively', 'visible', 'scenes'], ['jennifer', 'morgan', 'mba', 'looking', 'job', 'executive', 'oliver', 'caldwell', 'company', 'series', 'errors', 'given', 'job', 'pair', 'children', 'katie', 'alex', 'kids', 'spoiled', 'oliver', 'since', 'mother', 'died', 'become', 'quite', 'trouble', 'makers', 'oliver', 'engaged', 'vivian', 'berger', 'dislikes', 'children', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'jennifer', 'bonds', 'kids', 'preferring', 'jennifer', 'vivian', 'play', 'matchmaker', 'expose', 'plotting', 'vivian', 'really', 'ending', 'movie', 'oliver', 'arrives', 'splendidly', 'beautiful', 'castle', 'discovers', 'ruthless', 'corrupt', 'fianc챕e', 'vivian', 'already', 'made', 'arrangements', 'wedding', 'going', 'get', 'married', 'evening', 'later', 'jennifer', 'alex', 'katie', 'arrive', 'oliver', 'demands', 'speak', 'jennifer', 'alex', 'katie', 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'밼or', 'career', 'disappears', 'plant', 'taken', \"\\\\'the\", 'americans\\\\', 'closed', 'becomes', 'regular', 'visitor', 'employment', 'office', 'attempts', 'variety', 'dead', 'end', 'jobs', 'shoe', 'seller', 'market', 'plasterer', 'road', 'crew', 'eventually', 'meets', 'woman', 'went', 'school', 'bad', 'start', 'gets', 'things', 'right', 'track', 'set', 'small', 'town', 'volga', 'enthusiasm', 'anything', 'seems', 'somewhat', 'relaxed', 'hardly', 'anything', 'actually', 'happens', 'khlebnikov\\\\', 'quirky', 'absurdist', 'observation', 'picture', 'chuck', 'norris', 'workbench', 'trying', 'shoes', 'woman', 'peeling', 'boiled', 'egg', 'creaking', 'door', 'employment', 'office', 'come', 'know', 'floating', 'life'], [\"'sahiba\", 'intelligent', 'shy', 'sensitive', 'girl', 'attending', 'college', 'long', 'way', 'home', 'belongs', 'typical', 'rajput', 'family', 'tradition', 'requires', 'girl', 'give', 'consent', 'readily', 'marry', 'man', 'chosen', 'family', 'girl', 'contemporary', 'times', 'sahiba', 'refuses', 'submit', 'age-old', 'traditions', 'avoid', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'tells', 'lie', 'already', 'married', 'angers', 'father', 'yogi', 'grewal', 'fake', 'husband', 'handsome', 'army', 'captain', 'two', 'meet', 'train', 'station', 'karan', 'saves', 'sahiba', 'group', 'men', 'trying', 'kill', 'sahiba', 'explains', 'witnessed', 'murder', 'murderer', 'sent', 'men', 'karan', 'learning', 'sahiba\\\\', 'plight', 'decides', 'escort', 'home', 'help', 'explain', 'matters', 'family', 'home', 'family', 'mistakes', 'karan', 'sahiba\\\\', 'presumed', 'husband', 'situation', 'improve', 'karan', 'sahiba', 'try', 'fail', 'tell', 'truth', 'sahiba\\\\', 'family', 'consists', 'smiling', 'grandmother', 'jovial', 'uncle', 'friend', 'uncle', 'understanding', 'aunt', 'take', 'great', 'liking', 'karan', 'sahiba\\\\', 'father', 'however', 'first', 'karan', 'anxious', 'get', 'situation', 'meet', 'friend', 'nisha', 'fallen', 'love', 'seen', 'year', 'however', 'orphan', 'karan', 'soon', 'gets', 'carried', 'away', 'love', 'affection', 'sahiba\\\\', 'family', 'showers', 'meanwhile', 'sahiba', 'fallen', 'love', 'karan', 'following', 'misunderstanding', 'family', 'celebrated', 'sahiba\\\\', 'karan\\\\', 'pregnancy', 'karan', 'decides', 'walk', 'though', 'distressed', 'sahiba', 'tells', 'karan', 'loves', 'begs', 'leave', 'leaves', 'anyway', 'upon', 'meeting', 'nisha', 'discovers', 'already', 'married', 'never', 'taken', 'friend', 'meanwhile', 'yogi', 'finally', 'taken', 'liking', 'karan', 'learning', 'pregnancy', 'angry', 'karan', 'left', 'even', 'angry', 'sahiba', 'tells', 'karan', 'never', 'married', 'karan', 'overcome', 'grief', 'guilt', 'left', 'sahiba', 'nisha', 'nisha', 'love', 'shock', 'discovering', 'nisha\\\\', 'marriage', 'also', 'discovers', 'fallen', 'love', 'sahiba', 'focused', 'nisha', 'realize', 'decides', 'back', 'sahiba\\\\', 'house', 'apologize', 'upon', 'entering', 'yogi', 'berates', 'revealing', 'arranged', 'sahiba\\\\', 'engagement', 'another', 'young', 'man', 'tells', 'karan', 'leave', 'never', 'come', 'back', 'meanwhile', 'sahiba', 'distressed', 'find', 'man', 'engaged', 'murdered', 'girl', 'sahiba\\\\', 'college', 'hostel', 'murderer', 'whose', 'men', 'karan', 'rescued', 'explains', 'father', 'believe', 'young', 'man', 'question', 'vicky', 'happens', 'son', 'family', 'friend', 'rai', 'singhal', 'rai', 'singhal', 'reveals', 'true', 'colors', 'yogi', 'overhears', 'telling', 'son', 'would', 'use', 'sahiba', 'inherit', 'father\\\\', 'money', 'would', 'get', 'rid', 'karan', 'reunited', 'sahiba', 'uncle', 'raunaq', 'told', 'vicky', 'arrives', 'scene', 'brutal', 'fight', 'begins', 'ends', 'yogi', 'karan', 'captured', 'trapped', 'singhal\\\\', 'warehouse', 'singhal', 'henchmen', 'set', 'fire', 'order', 'ensure', 'vicky', 'sahiba\\\\', 'wedding', 'disrupted', 'karan', 'yogi', 'struggle', 'escape', 'fire', 'process', 'yogi', 'reveals', 'loves', 'daughter', 'death', 'know', 'would', 'something', 'happens', 'meantime', 'wedding', 'takes', 'place', 'sahiba', 'overcome', 'grief', 'stress', 'swallows', 'poison', 'wedding', 'complete', 'yogi', 'karan', 'arrive', 'beat', 'singhal', 'vicky', 'henchmen', 'everyone', 'celebrate', 'though', 'sahiba', 'faints', 'rush', 'hospital', 'karan', 'refuses', 'leave', 'bedside', 'she\\\\', 'unconscious', 'soon', 'wakes', 'doctors', 'declare', 'live', 'yogi', 'declares', 'karan', 'sahiba', 'meant', 'last', 'scene', 'shows', 'family', 'ushering', 'visibly', 'pregnant', 'sahiba', 'house', 'car', 'karan', 'quiets', 'everyone', 'shouts', 'it\\\\', 'going', 'girl', 'lifts', 'sahiba', 'carries', 'away'], ['unexpected', 'place', 'love', 'finds', 'way', '...', 'survive', 'journey', 'abby', 'thinks', 'everything', 'control', 'best', 'friend', 'sabina', 'walks', 'bridal', 'shower', 'weeks', 'marriage', 'abby', 'younger', 'brother', 'samuel', 'cassette', 'tape', 'left', 'behind', 'sabina', 'lead', 'abby', 'vows', 'find', 'best', 'friend', 'bring', 'back', 'time', 'wedding', 'abby', 'search', 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'bank', 'employee', 'suddenly', 'finds', 'life', 'complete', 'turmoil', 'santamaria', 'unexpectedly', 'fired', 'bank', 'job', 'due', 'world', 'stock', 'market', 'shocks', 'wife', 'takes', 'event', 'opportunity', 'get', 'rid', 'put', 'street', 'forced', 'make', 'small', 'living', 'returning', 'stolen', 'wallets', 'santamaria', 'finds', 'hope', 'bathroom', 'attendant', 'waiting', 'husband', 'released', 'prison', 'ariel', 'much', 'restraints', 'future', 'see', 'take', 'elderly', 'father', 'restaurant', 'marry', 'argentine', 'jewish', 'girl', 'time', 'ariel', 'also', 'attracted', 'sexy', 'co-worker', 'laura', 'tells', 'lesbian'], [\"'harry\", 'bliss', 'runs', 'guard', 'dog', 'service', 'going', 'counseling', 'wife', 'adele', 'serial', 'killer', 'loose', 'los', 'angeles', 'apartment', 'classical', 'singer', 'joan', 'spruance', 'ransacked', 'starts', 'receiving', 'threatening', 'phone', 'messages', 'joan', 'moves', 'hollywood', 'hills', 'home', 'sister', 'andy', 'joan', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'feel', 'safe', 'either', 'she\\\\', 'harassed', 'andy\\\\', 'ex-lovers', 'hires', 'guard', 'dog', 'harry\\\\', 'company', 'soon', 'harry', 'providing', 'protection', 'beautiful', 'singer', 'harry', 'natural-born', 'liar', 'profession', 'feels', 'lives', 'code', 'honor', 'even', \"can\\\\'t\", 'quite', 'explain', 'one', 'thing', 'another', 'spins', 'control', 'joan', 'soft', 'vulnerable', 'badgered', 'conductor', 'husband', 'harassed', 'unknown', 'callers', 'menaced', 'men', 'sister\\\\', 'past', 'helped', 'harry'], ['russian', 'defector', 'lands', 'jet', 'american', 'airstrip', 'base', 'commander', 'air', 'force', 'colonel', 'jim', 'shannon', 'surprised', 'find', 'pilot', 'attractive', 'woman', 'lieutenant', 'anna', 'marladovna', 'asks', 'asylum', 'refuses', 'disclose', 'military', 'information', 'shannon', 'assigned', 'seduce', 'fall', 'love', 'worried', 'possibility', 'deportation', 'jim', 'marries', 'without', 'permission', 'return', 'unauthorized', 'honeymoon', 'major', 'general', 'black', 'takes', 'jim', 'aside', 'informs', 'new', 'wife', 'spy', 'sent', 'relay', 'information', 'back', 'ussr', 'americans', 'decide', 'play', 'along', 'escalate', 'situation', 'shannon', 'goes', 'home', 'tell', 'anna', 'imprisoned', 'years', 'deported', 'finally', 'released', 'save', 'hatch', 'escape', 'plan', 'steal', 'plane', 'fly', 'soviet', 'airspace', 'arrival', 'shown', 'anna', 'criticized', 'allowing', 'shannon', 'crash', 'advanced', 'american', 'plane', 'russian', 'fighters', 'closed', 'rather', 'fighting', 'back', 'says', 'considered', 'shooting', 'decided', 'would', 'valuable', 'knowledge', 'plane', 'would', 'shannon', 'discovers', 'anna', 'pregnant', 'shannon', 'assigned', 'help', 'test', 'new', 'aircraft', 'pretext', 'drugging', 'pumping', 'information', 'american', 'aircraft', 'learns', 'much', 'soviet', 'capabilities', 'questions', 'asked', 'giving', 'outdated', 'information', 'return', 'anna', 'discovers', 'initially', 'plans', 'turn', 'learns', 'drugged', 'permanent', 'insensibility', 'lets', 'personal', 'feelings', 'override', 'sense', 'duty', 'finds', 'suspicion', 'disposes', 'agent', 'sent', 'keep', 'eye', 'steals', 'plane', 'escapes', 'back', 'west', 'shannon'], [\"'one\", 'sunny', 'day', 'young', 'boy', 'named', 'kang', 'meets', 'curious', 'young', 'girl', 'dressed', 'bright', 'yellow', 'raincoat', 'tells', 'everyone', 'school', 'alien', 'whomever', 'touches', 'gets', 'touched', 'harmed', 'everyone', 'school', 'gets', 'afraid', 'except', 'kang', 'kang', 'befriends', 'girl', 'ari', 'falls', 'instantly', 'love', 'ari', 'starts', 'telling', 'stories', 'believes', 'everything', 'says', 'everything', 'one', 'rainy', 'day', 'ari', 'stays', 'together', 'yellow', 'raincoat', 'instantly', 'gets', 'affected', 'measles', 'soon', 'afterward', 'disappears', 'ten', 'years', 'later', 'ari', 'contacts', 'kang', 'high', 'school', 'asks', 'meet', 'although', 'seen', 'decade', 'wonderful', 'time', 'together', 'love', 'begins', 'anew', 'ari', 'tells', 'hot', 'springs', 'temple', 'mountain', 'volcano', 'ari', 'good', 'time', 'ari', 'continues', 'telling', 'stories', 'says', 'english', 'got', 'better', 'getting', 'trained', 'english', 'ghost', 'visits', 'naked', 'believes', 'also', 'tells', 'wil', 'marry', 'banker', 'rob', 'bank', 'get', 'money', 'leave', 'planet', 'brings', 'ari', 'favourite', 'dish', 'home', 'travelling', 'whole', 'night', 'presenting', 'surprise', 'next', 'morning', 'kisses', 'gets', 'affected', 'flu', 'ari', 'disappears', 'leaving', 'kang', 'devastated', 'kang', 'waited', 'long', 'time', 'ari', 'one', 'day', 'ari', 'appears', 'front', 'tells', 'come', 'since', 'busy', 'tied', 'shoelace', 'leg', 'along', 'chair', 'later', 'evening', 'good', 'time', 'jo\\\\', 'home', 'ari', 'explains', 'jo\\\\', 'father', 'people', 'nasa', 'kidnapped', 'since', 'magnetic', 'force', 'body', 'attracts', 'ufo\\\\', 'plans', 'next', 'day', 'ari', 'tells', 'leaving', 'states', 'leaving', 'ari', 'tells', 'cross', 'line', 'design', 'ari', 'asks', 'usually', 'childhood', 'jo\\\\', 'friend', 'gets', 'stuck', 'accident', 'gets', 'admitted', 'hospital', 'visits', 'friend', 'see', 'ari', 'pain', 'confusion', 'visits', 'ari\\\\', 'uncle', 'fuel', 'pours', 'seeking', 'explanation', 'discovers', 'ari', 'suffering', 'aids', 'accidentally', 'transmitted', 'hospital', 'child', 'hood', 'accident', 'father', 'dies', 'visits', 'photo', 'exhibition', 'conducted', 'ari', 'ari', 'looks', 'next', 'portrait', 'tells', 'two', 'look', 'beautiful', 'explains', 'ari', 'type', 'piggy', 'bags', 'ari', 'lawn', 'explains', 'lawn', 'design', 'sign', 'left', 'ufo', 'later', 'night', 'ari', 'fells', 'sick', 'admitted', 'back', 'hospital', 'stands', 'outside', 'hospital', 'wetting', 'rain', 'priest', 'asks', 'come', 'inside', 'tells', 'ari', 'would', 'love', 'seeing', 'standing', 'behind', 'floor', 'line', 'designs', 'sign', 'said', 'left', 'ufo', 'grass', 'field', 'order', 'fulfill', 'ari\\\\', 'destiny', 'leave', 'planet', 'brings', 'ari', 'lawn', 'illegally', 'hospital', 'ari', 'passing', 'last', 'moments', 'life', 'feels', 'pity', 'love', 'believed', 'everything', 'said', 'last', 'signs', 'flying', 'saucer', 'arrival', 'shown', 'mark', 'resemblance', 'ari', 'passing', 'away', 'final', 'scene', 'explains', 'aroma', 'love', 'left', 'ari', 'still', 'believes', 'lives', 'another', 'planet', 'waiting', 'meet', 'one', 'day'], [\"'alfred\\\\\", 'father', 'wants', 'make', 'man', 'sends', 'hunting', 'fishing', 'trip', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'catch', 'shoot', 'anything', 'fall', 'love', 'mountain', 'girl', 'father', 'brothers', 'laugh', 'told', 'alfred', 'battling', 'butler', 'championship', 'fighter', 'masquerade', 'must', 'maintained'], [\"'viviane\", 'wife', 'french', 'consul', 'melbourne', 'joins', 'group', 'explorers', 'search', 'mysterious', 'hidden', 'valley', 'bush', 'new', 'guinea', 'hopes', 'find', 'feathers', 'extremely', 'rare', 'exotic', 'bird', 'along', 'way', 'dense', 'jungles', 'papua', 'new', 'guinea', 'peak', 'mount', 'gilowe', 'small', 'group', 'explorers', 'make', 'contact', 'mapuga', 'tribe', 'one', 'isolated', 'groups', 'human', 'beings', 'earth', 'inspire', 'explore', 'humanity', 'unfettered', 'subjective', 'ideas', 'civilization', 'search', 'becomes', 'search', 'paradise', 'said', 'exist', 'within', 'valley', 'marked', 'obscured', 'clouds', 'maps'], [\"'dr\", 'maxford', 'thoroughly', 'exasperated', 'supposed', 'announce', 'nationwide', 'radio', 'winners', 'contest', 'pick', 'new', 'slogan', 'maxford', 'house', 'coffee', 'first', 'prize', '25,000', 'jury', 'deadlocked', 'one', 'stubborn', 'man', 'mr.', 'bildocker', 'result', 'program', 'ends', 'without', 'announcement', 'one', 'millions', 'contestants', 'office', 'worker', 'jimmy', 'macdonald', 'dreams', 'winning', 'hoping', 'validate', 'faith', 'provide', 'luxuries', 'mother', 'marry', 'girlfriend', 'betty', 'casey', 'betty', 'however', 'understand', 'slogan', \"can\\\\'t\", 'sleep', 'night', 'it\\\\', 'coffee', 'it\\\\', 'bunk', 'joke', 'three', 'co-workers', 'place', 'fake', 'telegram', 'jimmy\\\\', 'desk', 'informing', 'jimmy\\\\', 'boss', 'baxter', 'impressed', 'promotes', 'jimmy', 'spot', 'advertising', 'executive', 'office', 'private', 'secretary', 'raise', 'tom', 'darcy', 'one', 'pranksters', 'tries', 'clear', 'things', 'far', 'loses', 'nerve', 'jimmy', 'goes', 'collect', 'check', 'dr.', 'maxford', 'assumes', 'committee', 'finally', 'reached', 'decision', 'without', 'informing', 'presents', 'jimmy', 'jimmy', 'betty', 'shopping', 'spree', 'shindel\\\\', 'department', 'store', 'telephoning', 'maxford', 'confirm', 'check', 'good', 'mr.', 'shindel', 'gives', 'jimmy', 'credit', 'buy', 'engagement', 'ring', 'betty', 'luxury', 'sofa-bed', 'mother', 'presents', 'neighbors', 'truth', 'comes', 'shindel', 'descends', 'jimmy\\\\', 'street', 'try', 'take', 'back', 'goods', 'maxford', 'follows', 'soon', 'confirms', 'jimmy', 'win', 'tom', 'two', 'jokers', 'admit', 'blame', 'late', 'night', 'couple', 'office', 'tell', 'baxter', 'betty\\\\', 'heartfelt', 'plea', 'persuades', 'baxter', 'let', 'jimmy', 'try', 'prove', 'keep', 'promotion', 'short', 'probationary', 'period', 'raise', 'meanwhile', 'bildocker', 'bursts', 'maxford\\\\', 'office', 'announce', 'jury', 'members', 'finally', 'given', 'accepted', 'choice', 'grand', 'prize', 'winner', 'jimmy'], [\"'eighteen\", 'year', 'old', 'audrey', 'lives', 'agoraphobic', 'father', 'john', 'corbett', 'remote', 'community', 'breathtakingly', 'beautiful', 'new', 'mexico', 'desert', 'though', 'audrey', 'longs', 'college', 'spends', 'days', 'taking', 'care', 'father', 'left', 'home', 'since', 'audrey', 'mother', 'died', 'best', 'friend', 'calista', 'dreams', 'becoming', 'miss', 'america', 'struggling', 'multiple', 'sclerosis', 'summer', 'audrey', 'graduates', 'high', 'school', 'world', 'changed', 'forever', 'attractive', 'young', 'man', 'named', 'mookie', 'moves', 'next', 'door', 'mother', 'mary', 'fianc챕', 'herb', 'knowing', 'much', 'calista', 'longs', 'romance', 'audrey', 'encourages', 'mookie', 'ask', 'calista', 'date', 'obliges', 'calista', 'soon', 'become', 'couple', 'audrey', 'however', 'finds', 'developing', 'feelings', 'mookie', 'feelings', 'grow', 'becomes', 'harder', 'harder', 'dependable', 'selfless', 'person', 'father', 'best', 'friend', 'always', 'counted', 'ultimately', 'audrey', 'taken', 'care', 'everyone', 'around', 'finally', 'learns', 'take', 'care', 'whose', 'lives', 'touched', 'must', 'find', 'strength', 'let'], ['janusz', 'marries', 'kasia', 'father', 'bride', 'wieslaw', 'wojnar', 'gives', 'janusz', 'brand-new-looking', 'audi', 'wojnar', 'pay', 'several', 'people', 'wedding', 'celebration', 'proceed', 'smoothly', 'includes', 'securing', 'plot', 'land', 'father-in-law', 'spending', 'lot', 'time', 'men', 'room', 'one', 'kasia', 'old', 'lovers', 'shows', 'interested', 'getting', 'money', 'wojnar', 'others'], [\"'set\", 'alexandria', '1938', 'young', 'british', 'schoolmaster', 'named', 'darley', 'meets', 'pursewarden', 'british', 'consular', 'officer', 'pursewarden', 'introduces', 'justine', 'wife', 'egyptian', 'banker', 'darley', 'befriends', 'discovers', 'involved', 'plot', 'british', 'goal', 'arm', 'jewish', 'underground', 'movement', 'palestine', 'plot', 'fails', 'justine', 'sent', 'jail', 'darley', 'returns', 'england'], [\"'pinocchio\", '964', 'memory-wiped', 'sex', 'slave', 'thrown', 'owners', 'failure', 'maintain', 'erection', 'unclear', 'ways', 'modified', 'beyond', 'memory', 'unable', 'communicate', 'discovered', 'himiko', 'wandering', 'aimlessly', 'city', 'himiko', 'also', 'memory-wiped', 'possibly', 'company', 'produced', 'pinocchio', 'fully', 'functional', 'himiko', 'spends', 'days', 'drawing', 'maps', 'city', 'aid', 'memory-wiped', 'people', 'himiko', 'takes', 'pinocchio', 'home', 'tries', 'teach', 'speak', 'much', 'effort', 'breakthrough', 'finally', 'becomes', 'aware', 'situation', 'point', 'body', 'erupts', 'inexplicable', 'metamorphosis', 'becomes', 'clear', 'modifications', 'much', 'involved', 'esoteric', 'simple', 'memory', 'loss', 'himiko', 'also', 'begins', 'transform', 'though', 'much', 'subtle', 'manner'], [\"'jean\", 'waiter', 'luxury', 'hotel', 'pretends', 'millionaire', 'awakens', 'interest', 'ir챔ne', 'gold', 'digger', 'convinces', 'wealthy', 'men', 'pay', 'bills', 'irene\\\\', 'elderly', 'lover', 'gets', 'drunk', 'falls', 'asleep', 'birthday', 'goes', 'bar', 'hotel', 'jean', 'meet', 'making', 'impressive', 'cocktails', 'takes', 'hotel\\\\', 'imperial', 'suite', 'spend', 'night', 'year', 'later', 'ir챔ne', 'returns', 'hotel', 'jacques', 'asks', 'marry', 'later', 'day', 'jean', 'ir챔ne', 'sleep', 'together', 'jacques', 'sees', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'ir챔ne', 'returns', 'jean', 'pretending', 'gave', 'jacques', 'discovered', 'imperial', 'suite', 'ir챔ne', 'discovers', 'jean', 'really', 'escapes', 'however', 'jean', 'love', 'follows', 'finding', 'c척te', \"d\\\\'azur\", 'pursuing', 'spends', 'money', 'name', 'pay', 'presence', 'including', 'savings', 'pension', 'plan', 'uses', 'final', 'euro', 'seconds', 'leaves', 'richer', 'men', 'left', 'hotel', 'bill', \"can\\\\'t\", 'pay', 'picked', 'wealthy', 'widow', 'assumes', 'lifestyle', 'one', 'pursues', 'equals', 'ir챔ne', 'teaches', 'jean', 'tricks', 'gold-digging', 'soon', 'wheedles', '0,000', 'watch', 'wealthy', 'sponsor', 'madeleine', 'sulked', 'forced', 'plastic', 'surgery', 'ear', 'paying', 'hard', 'get', 'jean', 'continues', 'prove', 'skillful', 'gold', 'digger', 'madeleine', 'later', 'gives', 'scooter', 'jean', 'ir챔ne', 'steal', 'away', 'sponsors', 'every', 'chance', 'get', 'getting', 'designer', 'clothes', 'fancy', 'food', 'morning', 'irene\\\\', 'departure', 'venice', 'lover', 'gilles', 'catches', 'ir챔ne', 'jean', 'kissing', 'hotel', 'room', 'balcony', 'furious', 'gilles', 'leaves', 'irene', 'nothing', 'sarong', 'swim', 'suit', 'wearing', 'jean', 'sells', 'watch', 'buy', 'irene', 'week\\\\', 'stay', 'hotel', 'gorgeous', 'evening', 'gown', 'also', 'gives', 'invitation', 'party', 'attend', 'jean\\\\', 'patron', 'madeleine', 'first', 'furious', 'jean', 'selling', 'watch', 'calms', 'pleased', 'jean', 'gives', 'beautiful', 'pair', 'earrings', 'also', 'bought', 'money', 'party', 'evening', 'ir챔ne', 'sees', 'jacques', 'finds', 'new', 'young', 'girlfriend', 'agn챔s', 'whilst', 'stealing', 'dance', 'jean', 'ir챔ne', 'hatches', 'plan', 'win', 'jacques', 'back', 'jean\\\\', 'connivance', 'even', 'though', 'madeleine', 'dumps', 'jean', 'pretends', 'wealthy', 'prince', 'seduce', 'agn챔s', 'taking', 'room', 'across', 'ir챔ne', 'sitting', 'talking', 'jacques', 'however', 'ir챔ne', 'first', 'sees', 'jean', 'agn챔s', 'balcony', 'realizes', 'loves', 'jean', 'runs', 'away', 'jacques', 'jean\\\\', 'room', 'abandoning', 'last', 'chance', 'jacques', 'glamorous', 'lifestyle', 'declares', 'feelings', 'jean', 'movie', 'ends', 'ir챔ne', 'jean', 'riding', 'italy', 'scooter', 'using', 'euro', 'coin', 'toll', 'fee'], ['zapa', 'locksmith', 'apprentice', 'living', 'simple', 'life', 'corrientes', 'family', 'locksmith', 'polaco', 'pulls', 'job', 'safe', 'uses', 'scapegoat', 'zapa', 'made', 'pay', 'crime', 'serving', 'buenos', 'aires', 'police', 'jail', 'pictured', 'notoriously', 'corrupt', 'takes', 'matanza', 'barrio', 'greater', 'buenos', 'aires', 'zapa', 'taken', 'proteg챕', 'superior', 'gallo', 'begins', 'climb', 'ladder', 'corruption', 'time', 'affair', 'instructor', 'mabel', 'journey', 'political', 'underworld', 'frames', 'bribes', 'ultimately', 'takes', 'edge', 'innocence', 'final', 'confrontation', 'polaco', 'space'], ['laila', 'daughter', 'wealthy', 'mourad', 'pasha', \"n't\", 'pass', 'exams', 'arabic', 'language', 'seeks', 'help', 'tutor', 'marzouk', 'afandy', 'works', 'pasha', 'brings', 'mr.', 'hamam', 'help', 'studies', 'hamam', 'falls', 'love', 'laila', 'realises', 'better', 'wahid', 'movie', 'takes', 'place', 'egypt', 'beautiful', 'cities'], ['alby', 'sister', 'alice', 'sandhya', 'mentally', 'challenged', 'adores', 'dotes', 'life', 'comes', 'victor', 'young', 'magician', 'loving', 'nature', 'attracts', 'alice', 'alby', 'feels', 'intrusion', 'relations', 'become', 'strained', 'brother', 'sister', 'sophia', 'research', 'student', 'singapore', 'wants', 'prepare', 'thesis', 'orphanages', 'alby', 'become', 'friends', 'soon', 'alby', 'becomes', 'attracted', 'creates', 'tension', 'mind', 'must', 'come', 'terms', 'need', 'companionship', 'life', 'movie', 'based', 'hollywood', 'romantic', 'comedy', 'benny', 'joon', 'starring', 'aidan', 'quinn', 'mary', 'stuart', 'masterson', 'johnny', 'depp', 'julianne', 'moore'], ['harish', 'venkatraman', 'software', 'architect', 'profession', 'lives', 'malaysia', 'millionaire', 'nephew', 'maheswaran', 'iyer', 'lost', 'parents', 'early', 'life', 'runs', 'business', 'uncle', 'impressive', 'results', 'stumbles', 'upon', 'psychiatry', 'student', 'deva', 'cinematic', 'manner', 'script', 'would', 'falls', 'instant', 'deva', 'daughter', 'commissioner', 'arumugam', 'dhamayanthi', 'chennai', 'plot', 'progresses', 'deva', 'summoned', 'parents', 'silver', 'jubilee', 'wedding', 'anniversary', 'back', 'home', 'notwithstanding', 'fact', 'flourishing', 'business', 'attend', 'much', 'wrath', 'uncle', 'arranges', 'wedding', 'business', 'partner', 'daughter', 'harish', 'takes', 'next', 'flight', 'chennai', 'accompany', 'deva', 'subjected', 'warm', 'welcome', 'radhika', 'cold', 'shoulder', 'arumugam', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'harish', 'uncle', 'vicious', 'character', 'assassination', 'name', 'complaint', 'sends', 'police', 'commissioner', 'office', 'help', 'harish', 'task', 'gaining', 'enough', 'confidence', 'among', 'girlfriend', 'parents', 'harish', 'ever', 'win', 'love', 'back', 'chance', 'impressing', 'deva', 'parents', 'doomed', 'forms', 'rest', 'story'], ['raju', 'rani', 'neighbors', 'studying', 'college', 'never', 'settle', 'differences', 'always', 'fight', 'rani', 'keeps', 'making', 'complains', 'raju', 'hence', 'father', 'scolds', 'son', 'good-for-nothing', 'however', 'families', 'good', 'relationship', 'rani', 'father', 'police', 'commissioner', 'good', 'friend', 'raju', 'father', 'hatred', 'raju', 'rani', 'takes', 'ugly', 'turn', 'rani', 'slaps', 'raju', 'college', 'competition', 'thus', 'humiliating', 'rani', 'father', 'transferred', 'kodaikanal', 'friendly', 'gesture', 'raju', 'along', 'parents', 'railway', 'station', 'bid', 'adieu', 'rani', 'surprised', 'change', 'behaviour', 'undergoes', 'change', 'inside', 'heart', 'towards', 'raju', 'two', 'separating', 'realise', 'actually', 'love'], [\"'thirty\", 'years', 'ago', 'karam', 'jindal', 'together', 'widowed', 'mom', 'gayatri', 'wife', 'sandhya', 'immigrated', 'london', 'england', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'gayatri', 'gets', 'cancer', 'tragically', 'passes', 'away', 'sandhya', 'gives', 'birth', 'two', 'daughters', 'anjali', 'sanam', 'jindals', 'accumulate', 'wealth', 'one', 'wealthiest', 'families\\\\', 'london', 'anjali', 'gets', 'married', 'akash', 'sanam', 'look-out', 'beau', 'karam\\\\', '60th', 'birthday', 'coming', 'anjali', 'busy', 'preparations', 'grand', 'party', 'sanam', 'already', 'started', 'make-up', 'karam', 'hopes', 'get', 'sanam', 'married', 'yash', 'employee', 'like', 'son', 'add', 'inauguration', 'gayatri', 'jindal', 'cancer', 'hospital', 'done', 'day', 'preparations', 'way', 'karam', 'brings', 'home', 'young', 'man', 'rohan', 'ricky', 'verma', 'live', 'days', 'sanam', 'already', 'met', 'quite', 'friendly', 'confides', 'mom', 'would', 'like', 'marry', 'rohan', 'mom', 'indicates', 'approves', 'get', 'shock', 'karam', 'vehemently', 'opposes', 'alliance', 'rohan', 'refuses', 'divulge', 'reason', 'karam', 'knows', 'rohan', 'claims', 'death', 'accompanying', 'karam', 'last', 'four', 'days', 'earth'], ['film', 'opens', 'afghan-american', 'writer', 'amir', 'qadiri', 'wife', 'soraya', 'watching', 'children', 'flying', 'kites', 'bayside', 'park', 'arrive', 'home', 'amir', 'finds', 'waiting', 'packages', 'new', 'novel', 'season', 'ashes', 'published', 'soraya', 'refers', 'book', 'amir', '쐀aby', 'hinting', 'couple', 'inability', 'child', 'amir', 'receives', 'unexpected', 'call', 'old', 'friend', 'father', 'rahim', 'khan', 'living', 'peshawar', 'pakistan', 'ten-year-old', 'amir', 'son', 'wealthy', 'man', 'known', 'locally', 'honorific', 'title', '쏛gha', 'sahib', 'baba', 'philanthropist', 'iconoclast', 'dari-speaking', 'tajik', 'living', 'pashtun-dominated', 'kabul', 'amir', 'best', 'friend', 'hassan', 'son', 'agha', 'sahib', 'hazara', 'servant', 'ali', 'amir', 'participates', 'sport', 'kite', 'fighting', 'popular', 'among', 'boys', 'kabul', 'two', 'kite', 'flyers', 'compete', 'cut', 'kite', 'strings', 'defeated', 'kite', 'becoming', 'prize', 'winner', 'hassan', 'serves', 'amir', 'spool-holder', '쐊ite', 'runner', 'retrieves', 'defeated', 'kite', 'hassan', 'ability', 'determine', 'loose', 'kite', 'land', 'without', 'watching', 'course', 'air', 'hassan', 'deadly', 'aim', 'slingshot', 'one', 'day', 'hassan', 'birthday', 'amir', 'gives', 'hassan', 'slingshot', 'made', 'america', 'hassan', 'pledges', 'loyalty', 'amir', 'swearing', 'would', 'eat', 'dirt', 'amir', 'asked', 'amir', 'also', 'writer', 'stories', 'often', 'reads', 'stories', 'published', 'stories', 'illiterate', 'hassan', 'hassan', 'particularly', 'likes', 'hear', 'story', 'rostam', 'sohrab', 'persian', 'epic', 'shahnameh', 'baba', 'dislikes', 'son', 'timid', 'ways', 'complains', 'friend', 'business', 'associate', 'rahim', 'khan', 'amir', 'stand', 'letting', 'hassan', 'fight', 'battles', 'amir', 'overhears', 'conversation', 'rahim', 'khan', 'goes', 'amir', 'room', 'assure', 'father', 'loves', 'amir', 'says', 'believes', 'father', 'resents', 'amir', 'mother', 'died', 'childbirth', 'rahim', 'khan', 'also', 'encourages', 'amir', 'keep', 'writing', 'amir', 'hassan', 'often', 'bullied', 'older', 'pashtun', 'boy', 'assef', 'assef', 'two', 'friends', 'harbor', 'ethnic', 'hatred', 'hazaras', 'assef', 'taunts', 'amir', 'saying', 'amir', 'friends', 'one', 'pays', 'friend', 'hassan', 'assef', 'taunts', 'hassan', 'saying', 'amir', 'treat', 'true', 'friend', 'cornered', 'one', 'day', 'three', 'boys', 'hassan', 'protects', 'amir', 'threatening', 'assef', 'slingshot', 'bullies', 'flee', 'assef', 'promises', 'revenge', 'one', 'day', 'amir', 'enters', 'city-wide', 'kite-fighting', 'contest', 'father', '봶ho', 'champion', 'youth', '봶atches', 'proudly', 'balcony', 'accompanied', 'rahim', 'khan', 'amir', 'breaks', 'father', 'record', '쐊ills.', 'hassan', 'sprints', '쐒un', 'last', 'defeated', 'kite', 'gone', 'time', 'eventually', 'amir', 'finds', 'hassan', 'trapped', 'dead-end', 'assef', 'two', 'goons', 'assef', 'demands', 'kite', 'payment', 'letting', 'hassan', 'free', 'hassan', 'refuses', 'asserting', 'kite', 'belongs', 'amir', 'amir', 'watches', 'scene', 'concealed', 'afraid', 'intervene', 'assef', 'beats', 'anally', 'rapes', 'hassan', 'friends', 'hold', 'boy', 'amir', 'flees', 'scene', 'later', 'hassan', 'emerges', 'dripping', 'blood', 'amir', 'pretends', 'know', 'occurred', 'next', 'weeks', 'amir', 'wracked', 'guilt', 'avoids', 'hassan', 'spends', 'free', 'time', 'bed', 'ali', 'baba', 'try', 'find', 'whether', 'something', 'happened', 'amir', 'pleads', 'ignorance', 'one', 'day', 'amir', 'walks', 'tree', 'underneath', 'amir', 'often', 'read', 'stories', 'hassan', 'finds', 'hassan', 'teaching', 'read', 'amir', 'accuses', 'hassan', 'cowardice', 'throws', 'pomegranates', 'daring', 'hassan', 'strike', 'hassan', 'picks', 'pomegranate', 'smashes', 'face', 'later', 'amir', 'asks', 'father', 'whether', 'would', 'consider', 'replacing', 'servants', 'ali', 'hassan', 'baba', 'angrily', 'rebukes', 'amir', 'declaring', 'ali', 'worked', 'family', 'years', 'ali', 'hassan', 'always', 'stay', 'baba', 'throws', 'massive', 'party', 'amir', 'birthday', 'amir', 'unable', 'enjoy', 'watching', 'hassan', 'serve', 'guests', 'assef', 'attends', 'father', 'amir', 'meekly', 'accepts', 'assef', 'gift', 'well-wishes', 'rahim', 'khan', 'presents', 'amir', 'blank', 'book', 'stories', 'senses', 'something', 'wrong', 'tells', 'amir', 'amir', 'tell', 'anything', 'next', 'day', 'amir', 'plants', 'wristwatch', 'birthday', 'present', 'father', 'hassan', 'pillow', 'tells', 'agha', 'sahib', 'hassan', 'stolen', 'confronted', 'baba', 'hassan', 'falsely', 'confesses', 'stealing', 'agha', 'sahib', 'forgives', 'ali', 'lets', 'know', 'hassan', 'longer', 'work', 'much', 'baba', 'distress', 'pack', 'belongings', 'leave', 'june', '1979', 'soviets', 'invade', 'afghanistan', 'baba', 'disliked', 'communists', 'frequent', 'denunciation', 'leaves', 'house', 'care', 'rahim', 'khan', 'flees', 'pakistan', 'amir', 'travel', 'truck', 'refugees', 'along', 'way', 'stopped', 'russian', 'soldier', 'demands', 'sex', 'young', 'wife', 'mother', 'among', 'refugees', 'baba', 'intervenes', 'daring', 'soldier', 'shoot', 'situation', 'defused', 'soldier', 'superiors', 'appear', 'scene', 'baba', 'runs', 'service', 'station', 'operates', 'stall', 'weekly', 'flea', 'market', 'amir', 'earns', 'degree', 'local', 'community', 'college', 'baba', 'though', 'disappointed', 'amir', 'wants', 'writer', 'rather', 'physician', 'says', 'amir', 'earn', 'money', 'working', 'one', 'day', 'flea', 'market', 'amir', 'father', 'introduces', 'general', 'taheri', 'pathan', 'former', 'officer', 'afghan', 'army', 'amir', 'smitten', 'taheri', 'daughter', 'soraya', 'traditional', 'taheri', 'little', 'regard', 'fiction', 'writers', 'discourages', 'advances', 'soon', 'baba', 'diagnosed', 'lung', 'cancer', 'becomes', 'gravely', 'ill.', 'general', 'taheri', 'family', 'visit', 'hospital', 'amir', 'soraya', 'manage', 'convey', 'interest', 'baba', 'refuses', 'stay', 'hospital', 'amir', 'brings', 'home', 'asks', 'father', 'ask', 'general', 'taheri', 'daughter', 'hand', 'marriage', 'taheri', 'agrees', 'amir', 'father', 'tells', 'soraya', 'wants', 'speak', 'chaperoned', 'stroll', 'soraya', 'reveals', 'taheris', 'living', 'virginia', 'ran', 'away', 'pathan', 'man', 'lived', 'father', 'came', 'retrieve', 'soon', 'taheris', 'moved', 'california', 'flee', 'gossip', 'surrounding', 'amir', 'shocked', 'says', 'still', 'wants', 'married', 'amir', 'soraya', 'married', 'soon', 'amir', 'father', 'dies', 'rahim', 'khan', 'persuades', 'amir', 'visit', 'pakistan', 'tells', 'situation', 'bad', 'amir', 'opportunity', 'good', 'again.', 'amir', 'cancels', 'book', 'tour', 'goes', 'peshawar', 'rahim', 'khan', 'tells', 'amir', 'dying', 'real', 'reason', 'asked', 'amir', 'come', 'rahim', 'khan', 'tells', 'amir', 'happened', 'father', 'fled', 'afghanistan', 'rahim', 'khan', 'managed', 'house', 'series', 'caretakers', 'work', 'located', 'hassan', 'persuaded', 'return', 'wife', 'son', 'look', 'house', 'rahim', 'khan', 'flee', 'pakistan', 'taliban', 'took', 'power', 'civil', 'war', '1992', '1996.', 'one', 'day', 'taliban', 'appeared', 'house', 'demanded', 'hassan', 'vacate', 'premises', 'declaring', 'hazara', 'could', 'legitimate', 'possession', 'house', 'hassan', 'refused', 'surrender', 'house', 'taliban', 'executed', 'street', 'also', 'shot', 'wife', 'hassan', 'son', 'sohrab', 'taken', 'orphanage', 'rahim', 'khan', 'urges', 'amir', 'return', 'kabul', 'find', 'sohrab', 'gives', 'letter', 'written', 'hassan', 'taught', 'read', 'write', 'amir', 'resists', 'rahim', 'khan', 'reveals', 'hassan', 'really', 'ali', 'biological', 'son', 'rahim', 'khan', 'says', 'amir', 'father', 'affair', 'ali', 'wife', 'true', 'biological', 'father', 'hassan', 'amir', 'agrees', 'kabul', 'accompanied', 'driver', 'farid', 'helps', 'disguise', 'fake', 'beard', 'negotiate', 'taliban-controlled', 'city', 'amir', 'farid', 'orphanage', 'sohrab', 'taken', 'learn', 'sohrab', 'given', 'away', 'donor', 'taliban', 'official', 'occasionally', 'takes', 'away', 'young', 'boys', 'told', 'meet', 'taliban', 'official', 'football', 'match', 'amir', 'farid', 'attend', 'match', 'witness', 'taliban', 'stoning', 'adulterers', 'half-time', 'amir', 'manages', 'get', 'appointment', 'see', 'taliban', 'official', 'arrives', 'official', 'house', 'surprised', 'find', 'actually', 'assef', 'former', 'bully', 'recognizes', 'amir', 'immediately', 'even', 'false', 'beard', 'assef', 'presents', 'sohrab', 'dance', 'boy', 'assef', 'agrees', 'let', 'sohrab', 'exchange', '쐏rice', 'beating', 'assef', 'begins', 'pummeling', 'amir', 'confusion', 'sohrab', 'able', 'pull', 'slingshot', 'slingshot', 'amir', 'given', 'hassan', 'boys', 'shoots', 'assef', 'eye', 'sohrab', 'injured', 'amir', 'manage', 'escape', 'window', 'assef', 'yells', 'help', 'orders', 'deaths', 'two', 'get', 'farid', 'car', 'escape', 'get', 'back', 'peshawar', 'find', 'rahim', 'khan', 'left', 'apartment', 'forwarding', 'address', 'left', 'letter', 'amir', 'next', 'morning', 'sohrab', 'disappeared', 'amir', 'conducted', 'search', 'sohrab', 'without', 'luck', 'returns', 'apartment', 'find', 'sohrab', 'sitting', 'stairway', 'sohrab', 'reveals', 'assef', 'would', 'rape', 'morning', 'prayers', 'back', 'san', 'francisco', 'amir', 'introduces', 'sohrab', 'soraya', 'welcome', 'home', 'amir', 'father-in-law', 'general', 'taheri', 'claiming', 'answer', 'community', 'demands', 'know', 'taken', '쐔hat', 'hazara', 'boy.', 'amir', 'reveals', 'sohrab', 'half-brother', 'son', 'film', 'ends', 'amir', 'teaching', 'sohrab', 'fly', 'kites', 'volunteering', 'act', 'sohrab', '쐒unner.', '12423448'], ['laurent', 'loli', 'thirty-ish', 'married', 'couple', 'living', 'southern', 'france', 'young', 'children', 'estate', 'agent', 'housewife', 'laurent', 'extramarital', 'affairs', 'loli', 'unaware', 'husband', 'unfaithful', 'one', 'day', 'campervan', 'breaks', 'front', 'house', 'driver', 'marijo', '40s-ish', 'butch', 'lesbian', 'works', 'asks', 'use', 'phone', 'loli', 'blocked', 'sink', 'exchange', 'using', 'phone', 'marijo', 'gets', 'loli', 'drain', 'back', 'working', 'order', 'loli', 'marijo', 'begin', 'affair', 'laurent', 'upset', 'friend', 'antoine', 'accidentally', 'reveals', 'laurent', 'philandering', 'loli', 'seems', 'justify', 'romance', 'marijo', 'moves', 'house', 'antoine', 'suggests', 'laurent', 'let', 'loli', 'way', 'cease', 'hostility', 'wait', 'affair', 'burn', 'laurent', 'agrees', 'household', 'becomes', 'seemingly', 'idyllic', 'm챕nage', 'trois', 'strategy', 'effect', 'especially', 'another', 'lesbian', 'couple', 'old', 'friends', 'marijo', 'happen', 'laurent', 'welcomes', 'loli', 'becomes', 'annoyed', 'jealous', 'marijo', 'decides', 'situation', 'really', 'going', 'work', 'knows', 'laurent', 'wants', 'leave', 'loli', 'away', 'trip', 'marijo', 'makes', 'deal', 'laurent', 'break', 'loli', 'leave', 'immediately', 'laurent', 'give', 'something', 'wanted', 'years', 'baby', 'laurent', 'sex', 'marijo', 'get', 'pregnant', 'marijo', 'departs', 'loli', 'returns', 'laurent', 'tells', 'loli', 'nothing', 'agreed', 'marijo', 'laurent', 'loli', 'settle', 'back', 'old', 'life', 'relationship', 'deeply', 'affected', 'loli', 'hears', 'mutual', 'acquaintance', 'marijo', 'living', 'paris', 'several', 'months', 'pregnant', 'loli', 'astonished', 'shocked', 'insists', 'laurent', 'paris', 'contact', 'marijo', 'find', 'working', 'lesbian', 'dance', 'club', 'intrusion', 'provokes', 'quarrel', 'club', 'owner', 'fires', 'marijo', 'loli', 'laurent', 'take', 'back', 'home', 'baby', 'm챕nage', 'trois', 're-established', 'two', 'mothers', 'caring', 'children', 'final', 'twist', 'handsome', 'man', 'moves', 'neighbourhood', 'laurent', 'gaze', 'eyes', '...'], [\"'the\", 'action', 'centres', 'several', 'themes', 'firstly', 'homosexual', 'murder', 'investigation', 'involving', 'one', 'central', 'characters', 'relationship', 'girlfriend', 'second', 'narrative', 'involves', 'gay', 'punk', 'soul', 'boy', 'relationship', 'source', 'narrative', 'conflict', 'face', 'double', 'prejudice', 'racism', 'homophobia', 'west', 'indian', 'white', 'british', 'communities', 'ultimately', 'film', 'love', 'story', 'could', 'seen', 'allegory', 'racial', 'class', 'unity', 'love', 'transcends', 'class', 'race', 'barriers'], ['rishi', 'anju', 'childhood', 'best', 'buddies', 'born', 'day', 'hospital', 'even', 'parents', 'best', 'friends', 'college', 'years', 'neighbors', 'rishi', 'anju', 'inseparable', 'much', 'study', 'college', 'class', 'akash', 'talented', 'singer', 'develops', 'feelings', 'towards', 'anju', 'spontaneously', 'sings', 'along', 'college', 'function', 'anju', 'others', 'leave', 'bangalore', 'week', 'participate', 'inter-college', 'competitions', 'apart', 'first', 'time', 'lives', 'rishi', 'starts', 'missing', 'anju', 'badly', 'understand', 'feelings', 'maid', 'sarro', 'often', 'teases', 'anju', 'starts', 'teasing', 'missing', 'loves', 'slowly', 'maids', 'words', 'rishi', 'begins', 'realize', 'indeed', 'loves', 'buys', 'gift', 'greeting', 'card', 'express', 'returns', 'meanwhile', 'sees', 'girl', 'college', 'slapping', 'friend', 'said', 'loves', 'distressed', 'mood', 'says', 'guys', 'shame', 'towards', 'friendship', 'pretend', 'friends', 'really', 'intentions', 'wishes', 'every', 'guy', 'could', 'like', 'rishi', 'girl', 'guy', 'could', 'best', 'friends', 'without', 'worries', 'rishi', 'feels', 'tell', 'anju', 'feelings', 'lest', 'react', 'way', 'feels', 'bear', 'tell', 'love', 'imagine', 'losing', 'friendship', 'anju', 'returns', 'bangalore', 'tells', 'rishi', 'akash', 'proposed', 'stay', 'comes', 'room', 'ask', 'reply', 'mistake', 'half', 'opens', 'drawer', 'kept', 'greeting', 'card', 'gift', 'hurriedly', 'closes', 'asks', 'open', 'tells', 'agree', 'proposal', 'likes', 'akash', 'finally', 'agrees', 'proposal', 'later', 'things', 'start', 'get', 'little', 'rough', 'akash', \"n't\", 'like', 'intimacy', 'rishi', 'anju', 'enjoy', 'example', 'akash', 'anju', 'conversation', 'rishi', 'joins', 'akash', 'asks', 'leave', 'need', 'privacy', 'actions', 'greatly', 'distress', 'anju', 'warns', 'rishi', 'explains', 'akash', 'justifiable', 'soon', 'akash', 'grandmother', 'comes', 'anju', 'house', 'arrange', 'marriage', 'parents', 'agree', 'marriage', 'preparations', 'well', 'underway', 'decided', 'marriage', 'anju', 'leave', 'akash', 'usa', 'whole', 'family', 'settled', 'realises', 'marriage', 'means', 'breaking', 'relationship', 'rishi', 'leaving', 'forever', 'suddenly', 'dislikes', 'getting', 'married', 'tries', 'talk', 'rishi', 'casually', 'says', 'part', 'life', 'inevitable', 'asks', 'talk', 'cold', 'heartedly', 'says', 'wishes', 'leave', 'wonders', 'love', 'akash', 'scolds', 'get', 'idea', 'love', 'first', 'place', 'point', 'rishi', 'ruled', 'emotions', 'hugs', 'anju', 'cries', 'runs', 'away', 'anju', 'grows', 'suspicious', 'actions', 'remembers', 'drawer', 'let', 'open', 'goes', 'room', 'shocked', 'find', 'card', 'gift', 'says', 'want', 'marry', 'akash', 'tell', 'everyone', 'rishi', 'firmly', 'refuses', 'saying', 'parents', 'given', 'unlimited', 'freedom', 'would', 'cruel', 'selfish', 'irresponsible', 'break', 'trust', 'insistence', 'goes', 'engagement', 'ceremony', 'later', 'engagement', 'rishi', 'says', 'basketball', 'match', 'state', 'marriage', 'parents', 'try', 'convince', \"n't\", 'listen', 'anju', 'gives', 'ride', 'station', 'way', 'remember', 'entire', 'childhood', 'station', 'rishi', 'climbing', 'aboard', 'anju', 'weeps', 'holds', 'unable', 'leave', 'house', 'maid', 'tells', 'parents', 'everything', 'come', 'station', 'find', 'anju', 'rishi', 'platform', 'stairs', 'say', 'feel', 'wrong', 'way', 'world', 'say', 'shall', 'cancel', 'marriage', 'ask', 'come', 'home'], ['rahul', 'sincere', 'hardworking', 'whilst', 'karan', 'opposite', 'best', 'friends', 'cool', 'wannabes', 'city', 'rocked', 'series', 'rape', 'killings', 'police', 'search', 'dreaded', 'serial', 'killer', 'things', 'take', 'funny', 'turn', 'rahul', 'becomes', 'prime', 'suspect', 'sets', 'police', 'trail', 'job', 'nabbing', 'rahul', 'entrusted', 'violent', 'lady', 'inspector', 'called', 'urmila', 'martodkar', 'enters', 'rahul', 'life', 'pretext', 'tries', 'seduce', 'showing', 'true', 'nature', 'roller', 'coaster', 'ride', 'mistaken', 'identities', 'comedy', 'errors', 'film', 'reaches', 'crescendo', 'police', 'verge', 'arresting', 'rahul', 'rapist', 'karan', 'wed', 'kiran', 'boss', 'temple', 'knowing', 'transvestite'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'alternates', 'two', 'time', 'periods', '1950s', 'present', 'dying', 'ann', 'grant', 'lord', 'reflects', 'past', 'confusing', 'comments', 'people', 'never', 'mentioned', 'leave', 'daughters', 'reserved', 'constance', 'restless', 'nina', 'wondering', 'mother', 'delusional', 'young', 'woman', 'early', 'twenties', 'cabaret', 'singer', 'ann', 'arrives', 'spacious', 'newport', 'rhode', 'island', 'home', 'best', 'friend', 'lila', 'wittenborn', 'verge', 'getting', 'married', 'lila\\\\', 'brother', 'buddy', 'introduces', 'harris', 'arden', 'patrick', 'wilson', 'son', 'former', 'family', 'servant', 'buddy', 'tells', 'ann', 'sister', 'always', 'adored', 'harris', 'expresses', 'concern', 'she\\\\', 'marrying', 'another', 'man', 'sense', 'duty', 'rather', 'love', 'inebriated', 'buddy', 'passes', 'ann', 'harris', 'chat', 'find', 'bonding', 'lila\\\\', 'wedding', 'day', 'confesses', 'ann', 'confronted', 'harris', 'feelings', 'rebuffed', 'goes', 'along', 'ceremony', 'planned', 'reception', 'lila\\\\', 'request', 'ann', 'sings', 'song', 'joined', 'stage', 'harris', 'afterwards', 'buddy', 'drunk', 'confronts', 'two', 'growing', 'closeness', 'kisses', 'harris', 'lila', 'prepares', 'depart', 'new', 'husband', 'ann', 'offers', 'take', 'bride', 'away', 'lila', 'refuses', 'leaves', 'honeymoon', 'buddy', 'admits', 'ann', 'he\\\\', 'crush', 'harris', 'since', 'childhood', 'though', 'also', 'claims', 'way', 'denies', 'would', 'okay', 'ann', 'assures', 'changes', 'subject', 'confessing', 'loved', 'ann', 'ever', 'since', 'college', 'days', 'offering', 'proof', 'note', 'sent', 'kept', 'pocket', 'ever', 'since', 'ann', 'later', 'expresses', 'anger', 'repressing', 'sexual', 'orientation', 'building', 'true', 'love', 'harris', 'slip', 'secret', 'hideaway', 'two', 'make', 'love', 'buddy', 'search', 'couple', 'stumbles', 'road', 'hit', 'car', 'friends', 'find', 'late', 'save', 'life', 'following', 'morning', 'ann', 'harris', 'oblivious', 'transpired', 'night', 'jokingly', 'consider', 'sailing', 'away', 'wittenborn', 'house', 'hear', 'tragic', 'news', 'present', 'day', 'lila', 'arrives', 'ann\\\\', 'bedside', 'comfort', 'reminisce', 'ann', 'recalls', 'day', 'ran', 'harris', 'street', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'one', 'daughter', 'verge', 'moving', 'los', 'angeles', 'married', 'son', 'intimated', 'still', 'loved', 'two', 'exchanged', 'cordial', 'goodbyes', 'lila', 'leaves', 'tells', 'nina', 'harris', 'reassures', 'mother', 'make', 'mistakes', 'life', 'nina', 'sits', 'ann', 'encourages', 'daughter', 'happy', 'life', 'nina', 'finally', 'musters', 'courage', 'tell', 'boyfriend', 'luc', 'pregnant', 'child', 'ecstatic', 'luc', 'proudly', 'announces', 'news', 'constance', 'promises', 'always', 'nina', 'joy', 'interrupted', 'ann\\\\', 'nurse', 'urges', 'women', 'rush', 'mother\\\\', 'bedside', 'bid', 'farewell'], ['santosh', 'rai', 'pathaje', 'undertaken', 'topic', 'heart', 'transplantation', 'weaved', 'around', 'love', 'story', 'kind', 'story', 'sure', 'well', 'average', 'kannada', 'film', 'audience', 'keeping', 'mind', 'surely', 'appreciated', 'class', 'film', 'also', 'tries', 'show', 'reasons', 'behind', 'marital', 'dischord', 'amongst', 'urban', 'couples', 'also', 'proposes', 'solution', 'unconditional', 'love', 'belief', 'one', 'partner', 'required', 'solve', 'marital', 'problems'], ['group', 'teenagers', 'housing', 'projects', 'paris', 'suburbs', 'practice', 'passage', 'play', 'games', 'love', 'chance', 'marivaux', 'french', 'class', 'abdelkrim', 'krimo', 'initially', 'act', 'play', 'falls', 'love', 'lydia', 'order', 'try', 'seduce', 'accepts', 'role', 'arlequin', 'joins', 'rehearsal', 'timidness', 'awkwardness', 'keeps', 'participating', 'play', 'well', 'succeeding', 'lydia'], [\"'the\", 'bad', 'mother', 'handbook', 'depicts', 'story', 'one', 'year', 'lives', 'three', 'women', 'television', 'adaptation', 'kate', 'long', 'best', 'selling', 'novel', 'catherine', 'tate', 'plays', 'karen', 'frustrated', 'woman', 'thirties', 'whose', 'whole', 'life', 'identity', 'shattered', 'discovers', 'long-kept', 'secret', 'holly', 'grainger', 'plays', 'karen', 'clever', 'hormonal', 'teenage', 'daughter', 'charlotte', 'anne', 'reid', 'appears', 'karen', 'mother', 'nan', 'suffering', 'alzheimer', 'robert', 'pattinson', 'also', 'supporting', 'character', 'lovable', 'yet', 'nerdy', 'daniel', 'gale', 'movie', 'presents', 'insight', 'life', 'motherhood', 'childhood', 'dwelling', 'themes', 'two', 'mothers', 'alike', 'ultimately', 'love', 'important', 'thing', 'talks', 'true', 'events', 'sometimes', 'happens', 'world'], [\"'daniel\", 'day-lewis', 'stars', 'fergus', \"o\\\\'connell\", 'itinerant', 'irish', 'dentist', 'offering', 'services', 'free-of-charge', 'rural', 'argentine', 'population', 'he\\\\', 'able', 'supposedly', 'no-strings', 'sponsorship', 'dental', 'consciousness', 'foundation', 'motorbike', 'repaired', \"o\\\\'connell\", 'falls', 'love', 'estela', 'garage-owner\\\\', 'daughter', 'lovers', 'prior', 'commitment', 'married', 'engaged', 'yet', 'together', 'series', 'surrealistic', 'adventures', \"o\\\\'connell\", 'discovers', 'there\\\\', 'subliminal', 'price', 'tag', 'attached', 'altruistic', 'free', 'services'], ['robin', 'encourages', 'roommate', 'phoebe', 'ambitious', '21-year-old', 'university', 'student', 'find', 'boyfriend', 'phoebe', 'manage', 'find', 'love', 'interest', 'among', 'fellow-university', 'students', 'instead', 'takes', 'interest', '14-year-old', 'boy', 'named', 'frazer', 'frazer', 'crazy', 'next', 'door', 'neighbour', 'suzanna', 'madly', 'love', 'younger', 'quirky', 'sister', 'bugs', 'provides', 'frazer', 'insightful', 'advice', 'love', 'problems'], [\"'this\", 'film', 'depicts', 'disputes', 'two', 'forms', 'dance', 'styles', 'one', 'purely', 'classical', 'rural', 'folk', 'film', 'clearly', 'shows', 'egos', 'hatred', 'ignorance', 'faced', 'forms', 'music', 'towards', 'climax', 'ends', 'beautiful', 'note', 'joins', 'music', 'genres', 'hence', 'name', 'sangamam'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', 'animal', 'trainer', 'fred', 'mason', 'returning', 'latest', 'safari', 'horde', 'animals', 'employer', 'john', 'whipple', 'owner', 'whipple', 'circus', 'among', 'cheela', 'gorilla', 'remarkably', 'human', 'characteristics', 'mason', 'relates', 'affectionate', 'jungle', 'animal', 'ever', 'encountered', 'mason', 'fianc챕e', 'beth', 'colman', 'present', 'dock', 'return', 'tells', 'recent', 'health', 'problems', 'encountered', 'sister', 'dorothy', 'flashback', 'sequence', 'beth', 'tells', 'taking', 'sibling', 'see', 'dr.', 'sigmund', 'walters', 'endocrinologist', 'standing', 'dorothy', 'staying', 'walters', 'crestview', 'sanatorium', 'treatment', 'fred', 'beth', 'arrive', 'winter', 'quarters', 'dr.', 'walters', 'pays', 'visit', 'extremely', 'interested', 'cheela', 'inquires', 'purchasing', 'whipple', 'tells', 'sale', 'upon', 'returning', 'lab', 'walters', 'finds', 'latest', 'experiment', 'resulted', 'lab', 'animal', 'death', 'becomes', 'convinced', 'needs', 'larger', 'animals', 'possess', '쐗ill', 'live.', 'walters', 'enlists', 'aid', 'disgruntled', 'former', 'circus', 'employee', 'steal', 'cheela', 'ape', 'loaded', 'onto', 'truck', 'scientist', 'callously', 'pushes', 'man', 'gorilla', 'grasp', 'stolidly', 'watches', 'beast', 'wrings', 'neck', 'back', 'lab', 'walters', 'assistant', 'miss', 'strand', 'transplant', 'glandular', 'material', 'dorothy', 'cheela', 'horror', 'nurse', 'ape', 'transforms', 'human', 'form', 'telling', 'doctor', 'allow', 'continue', 'miss', 'strand', 'informs', 'best', 'human', 'form', 'animal', 'instincts.', 'walters', 'reaches', 'conclusion', 'need', 'place', 'human', 'brain', 'creation', 'successfully', 'complete', 'experiment', 'sacrifices', 'miss', 'strand', 'purpose', 'brain', 'transplant', 'success', 'result', 'sultry', 'exotic', 'young', 'woman', 'remembers', 'nothing', 'previous', 'existence', 'walters', 'names', 'paula', 'dupree', 'takes', 'creation', 'winter', 'quarters', 'first', 'public', 'outing', 'watching', 'mason', 'practice', 'animal', 'act', 'accident', 'occurs', 'paula', 'rushes', 'cage', 'saves', 'ferocious', 'felines', 'display', 'unnatural', 'fear', 'retreat', 'presence', 'mason', 'dumbfounded', 'offers', 'girl', 'job', 'act', 'final', 'dress', 'rehearsal', 'paula', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'mason', 'fianc챕e', 'goes', 'dressing', 'room', 'tantrum', 'begins', 'converting', 'animal', 'form', 'later', 'night', 'climbs', 'beth', 'window', 'planning', 'kill', 'attacks', 'brutally', 'murders', 'another', 'woman', 'instead', 'beast', 'returns', 'walters', 'doctor', 'realizes', 'another', 'operation', 'necessary', 'return', 'human', 'form', 'continue', 'use', 'dorothy', 'glandular', 'material', 'need', 'yet', 'another', 'subject', 'replace', 'paula', 'damaged', 'cerebrum', 'beth', 'receives', 'frantic', 'telephone', 'call', 'sister', 'expresses', 'fear', 'dr.', 'walters', 'forthcoming', 'operation', 'arriving', 'sanatorium', 'aid', 'sister', 'beth', 'pegged', 'good', 'doctor', 'next', 'brain', 'donor', 'cheela', 'however', 'proves', 'resourceful', 'pinch', 'releasing', 'ape', 'cage', 'cheela', 'walters', 'departs', 'lab', 'leaving', 'beth', 'dorothy', 'unharmed', 'performing', 'animal', 'act', 'solo', 'mason', 'finds', 'trapped', 'inside', 'cage', 'unruly', 'subjects', 'powerful', 'storm', 'interrupts', 'performance', 'beasts', 'attack', 'trainer', 'cheela', 'comes', 'rescue', 'carries', 'safety', 'unfortunately', 'nearby', 'policeman', 'mistakes', 'intentions', 'kills', 'cheela'], ['groomed', 'overly', 'ambitious', 'mother', 'anabelle', 'road', 'winning', 'miss', 'texas', 'rose', 'tiara', 'dies', 'tragically', 'pageant', 'death', 'lands', 'embalming', 'table', 'elvis', 'embittered', 'young', 'man', 'whose', 'sense', 'family', 'duty', 'love', 'ailing', 'father', 'keep', 'following', 'dreams', 'anabelle', 'miraculously', 'resurrected', 'elvis', 'embalming', 'table', 'two', 'unexpectedly', 'connect', 'sparks', 'fly', 'help', 'elvis', 'father', 'discover', 'love', 'freedom', 'happiness', 'real', 'world', 'demons', 'threaten', 'force', 'apart'], ['prabhu', 'happy-go-lucky', 'middle', 'class', 'family', 'guy', 'spends', 'time', 'playing', 'carrom', 'streets', 'friends', 'santhanam', 'karunas', 'father', 'murali', 'keep', 'falling', 'minor', 'misunderstandings', 'indulges', 'hopeless', 'romance', 'strange', 'girl', 'meets', 'bus', 'stop', 'caught', 'act', 'stealing', 'pittance', 'father', 'booze', 'friends', 'prabhu', 'questions', 'father', 'responsibility', 'towards', 'upbringing', 'angry', 'father', 'gives', 'prabhu', 'savings', 'tells', 'something', 'life', 'prabhu', 'purchases', 'bajaj', 'pulsar', 'bike', 'instead', 'finds', 'job', 'bike', 'eventually', 'saves', 'life', 'freak', 'incident', 'gets', 'lost', 'subjecting', 'interminable', 'anguish', 'searches', 'bike', 'family', 'members', 'asks', 'bike', 'tells', 'given', 'dealer', 'service', 'prabhu', 'comes', 'conflict', 'underworld', 'courtesy', 'brutal', 'murder', 'planned', 'right', 'hand', 'underworld', 'smuggling', 'selvam.prabhu', 'finds', 'bike', 'stolen', 'petty', 'bike', 'thief', 'turns', 'connection', 'selvam', 'younger', 'brother', 'ravi', 'prabhu', 'traces', 'culprit', 'senthurayan', 'hands', 'local', 'police', 'station', 'beat', 'formal', 'complaint', 'lodged', 'senthurayan', 'night', 'later', 'night', 'prabhu', 'confesses', 'family', 'bike', 'indeed', 'stolen', 'given', 'service', 'next', 'day', 'morning', 'ravi', 'visits', 'prabhu', 'residence', 'threatens', 'withdraw', 'complaint', 'senthurayan', 'prabhu', 'refuses', 'fight', 'breaks', 'prabhu', 'ravi', 'ravi', 'joined', 'accomplices', 'prabhu', 'manages', 'fight', 'leaves', 'ravi', 'beaten', 'embarrassed', 'among', 'public.ravi', 'brother', 'selvam', 'returns', 'home', 'bail', 'murder', 'charge.when', 'find', 'happened', 'ravi', 'gets', 'furious', 'sends', 'henchmen', 'kill', 'prabhu', 'without', 'knowing', 'really', 'reason', 'brother', 'beat', 'meanwhile', 'prabhu', 'along', 'friend', 'auto', 'driver', 'kumar', 'meets', 'selvam', 'territorial', 'residence.ravi', 'home', 'time', 'fact', 'searching', 'prabhu', 'area', 'prabhu', 'tells', 'truth', 'selvam', 'refuses', 'believe', 'brother', 'ravi', 'men', 'stole', 'bike', 'hearing', 'close', 'ally', 'selvam', 'believes', 'prabhu', 'apologizing', 'happened', 'promises', 'prabhu', 'whatever', 'get', 'bike', 'back', 'late', 'prabhu', 'father', 'murali', 'receives', 'attack', 'ravi', 'men', 'admitted', 'hospital', 'prabhu', 'breaks', 'knowing', 'father', 'may', 'never', 'walk', 'right', 'leg', 'paralysed', 'attack', 'selvam', 'ravi', 'men', 'visit', 'prabhu', 'condole', 'apologize', 'happened', 'time', 'prabhu', 'turns', 'apology', 'immediate', 'fight', 'break', 'prabhu', 'ravi', 'selvam', 'separates', 'although', 'wants', 'stay', 'away', 'prabhu', 'invariably', 'gets', 'dragged', 'rubbing', 'shoulders', 'criminals', 'target', 'family', 'seek', 'revenge', 'prabhu', 'bike', 'caught', 'anti-narcotics', 'wing', 'police', 'cops', 'nab', 'prabhu', 'suspecting', 'drug-smuggling', 'bike.they', 'release', 'prabhu', 'tells', 'bike', 'stolen', 'shows', 'fir', 'copy', \"n't\", 'tell', 'ravi', 'selvam', 'really', 'responsible', 'bike', 'theft', 'prabhu', 'learns', 'bike', 'stolen', 'selvam', 'men', 'escspe', 'murder', 'scene', 'ravi', 'smuggled', 'drugs', 'bike', 'petrol', 'tank', 'prabhu', 'loses', 'job', 'employee', 'workplace', 'since', 'bike', 'source', 'work', 'customer', 'bill', 'collector', 'also', 'kept', 'police', 'custody', 'one', 'night', 'prabhu', 'also', 'gets', 'despair', 'hema', 'father', 'involved', 'unwllingly', 'selvam', 'men', 'ravi', 'makes', 'one', 'attempt', 'prabhu', 'life', 'snubbed', 'prabhu', 'selvam', 'becomes', 'unhappy', 'warns', 'quit', 'smuggling', 'ever', 'gets', 'prabhu', 'business', 'anymore', 'ravi', 'accuses', 'selvam', 'non-caring', 'brother', 'intervenes', 'warns', 'ravi', 'mind', 'language', 'surprisingly', 'selvam', 'comes', 'support', 'brother', 'lash', 'separates', 'briefly', 'selvam', 'conflict', 'next', 'day', 'selvam', 'ravi', 'gets', 'attacked', 'unknown', 'gangsters', 'travelling', 'car', 'outside', 'city', 'selvam', 'asks', 'brother', 'stay', 'inside', 'car', 'handles', 'killers', 'gets', 'brutally', 'injured', 'though', 'find', 'stabbed', 'back', 'brother', 'ravi.the', 'attack', 'arranged', 'ravi', 'kill', 'selvam', 'ravi', 'delivers', 'killer', 'blow', 'telling', 'selvam', 'complacent', 'prabhu', 'going', 'kill', 'killing', 'selvam', 'selvam', 'dies', 'ravi', 'creates', 'scene', 'among', 'selvam', 'family', 'henchmen', 'aware', 'launched', 'assault', 'selvam', 'gets', 'furious', 'vows', 'kill', 'every', 'enemy', 'mentor', 'selvam', 'including', 'prabhu', 'prabhu', 'gets', 'bike', 'back', 'relieved', 'brief', 'time', 'coming', 'know', 'going', 'ravi', 'family', 'first', 'goes', 'save', 'hema', 'securing', 'goes', 'save', 'family', 'thinks', 'way', 'stop', 'confront', 'ravi', 'takes', 'men', 'sent', 'ravi', 'comes', 'way', 'meanwhile', 'prabhu', 'family', 'chased', 'kumar', 'auto-rickshaw', 'ravi', 'men', 'prabhu', 'finds', 'ravi', 'hiding', 'ice-factory', 'engages', 'fight', 'prabhu', 'gets', 'ravi', 'knife', 'threatening', 'ask', 'men', 'leave', 'prabhu', 'family', 'ravi', 'prabhu', 'leave', 'ravi', 'provokes', 'continue', 'fight', 'til', 'one', 'gets', 'killed', 'prabhu', 'manages', 'dodge', 'ravi', 'swing', 'knife', 'gets', 'steel', 'rod', 'fatally', 'knock', 'ravi', 'arrives', 'acene', 'surprisingly', 'lets', 'prabhu', 'let', 'ravi', 'know', 'discovered', 'ravi', 'conspiracy', 'killing', 'selvam', 'ravi', 'dies', 'prabhu', 'leaves', 'scene', 'much', 'beloved', 'pulsar', 'bike', 'said', 'inspiration', 'italian', 'movie', 'bicycle', 'thieves'], ['gokulan', 'krishnan', 'music', 'loving', 'man', 'begins', 'movie', 'dream', 'sees', 'dream', 'girl', 'trademark', 'remembers', 'mole', 'situated', 'next', 'navel', 'becomes', 'determined', 'looking', \"'dream\", 'girl', 'help', 'uncle', 'brother', 'laws', 'hand', 'father', 'arranges', 'get', 'married', 'village', 'girl', 'savithri', 'gokulan', 'objects', 'savithri', 'loves', 'gokulan', 'later', 'sees', 'dream', 'girl', 'swapna', 'wedding', 'spot', 'mole', 'navel', 'sings', 'impressing', 'leaves', 'abruptly', 'later', 'sees', 'music', 'class', 'teaches', 'love', 'gokulan', 'tries', 'stop', 'marriage', 'savithri', 'many', 'failed', 'attempts', 'due', 'everyone', 'savithri', 'family', 'getting', 'wrong', 'impression', 'swapna', 'arrives', 'savithri', 'village', 'revealed', 'sisters', 'neither', 'knew', 'love', 'man', 'gokulan', 'tells', 'savithri', 'father', \"n't\", 'want', 'marriage', 'swapna', 'overhears', 'knowing', 'much', 'sister', 'loves', 'swapna', 'determined', 'get', 'gokulan', 'forget', 'lying', 'blood', 'clot', 'heart', 'much', 'persuasion', 'gokulan', 'agrees', 'marry', 'savithri', 'throughout', 'movie', 'vignesh', 'love', 'swapna', 'tries', 'get', 'marry', 'kill', 'also', 'vignesh', 'reveals', 'almost', 'killing', 'savithri', 'loved', 'swapna', 'said', 'marry', 'gokulan', 'savithri', 'lets', 'swapna', 'marry'], ['film', 'tells', 'daniel', 'coming-of-age', 'seventeen-year-old', 'orphan', 'growing', 'small', 'town', 'rural', 'argentina', 'daniel', 'feels', 'trapped', 'town', 'grown', 'tired', 'living', 'grandparents', 'hates', 'job', 'however', 'enjoy', 'sneaking', 'local', 'movie', 'theatre', 'watch', 'latest', 'film', 'porn', 'star', 'sabrina', 'love', 'daniel', 'enters', 'contest', 'lucky', 'fellow', 'win', 'date', 'sexy', 'actress', 'letter', 'sends', 'earns', 'grand', 'prize', 'daniel', 'get', 'buenos', 'aires', 'big', 'moment', 'money', 'daniel', 'forced', 'hitchhike', 'one', 'side', 'argentina', 'number', 'interesting', 'experiences', 'along', 'way', 'encounters', 'handful', 'unusual', 'people', 'brother', \"n't\", 'yet', 'accepted', 'parents', 'death', 'free-thinking', 'writer', 'reporter', 'love', 'mind', 'meets', 'confident', 'older', 'actress', 'lesson', 'two', 'learn', 'ways', 'world'], ['opening', 'title', 'graphic', 'film', 'begins', 'message', 'appears', 'reminds', 'audience', 'approximately', '30,000', 'people', 'died', 'dirty', 'war', 'due', 'military', 'dictatorship', 'reign', 'late', '1970s', 'early', '1980s', 'story', 'dedicated', 'surviving', 'children', 'murdered', 'two', 'children', 'adults', 'main', 'characters', 'one', 'daniela', 'degree', 'film', 'trouble', 'finding', 'work', 'hired', 'older', 'couple', 'living', 'recluse', 'film', 'buenos', 'aires', 'goes', 'documents', 'city', 'yet', 'customers', 'upset', \"n't\", 'remember', 'buenos', 'aires', 'daniela', 'filmed', 'shoots', 'reel', 'tourist-type', 'shots', 'dami찼n', 'played', 'nicol찼s', 'pauls', 'works', 'low-rent', 'motel', 'discovers', 'real', 'story', 'parents', 'dictatorship', 'story', 'largely', 'episodic', 'mashing', 'together', 'different', 'story', 'lines'], ['vijay', 'managing', 'director', 'large', 'shipping', 'corporation', 'lives', 'joint', 'family', 'father', 'two', 'brothers', 'wives', 'children', 'spinster', 'sister', 'goes', 'switzerland', 'stipulate', 'contract', 'nizhalgal', 'ravi', 'raghuvaran', 'meets', 'rambha', 'ravi', 'sister', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'ravi', 'approves', 'vijay', 'expresses', 'condition', 'vijay', 'stay', 'marriage', 'india', 'good', 'refuses', 'offer', 'returns', 'home', 'later', 'raghuvaran', 'rambha', 'travel', 'india', 'mend', 'fences', 'raghuvaran', 'learns', 'banupriya', 'dumped', 'ravi', 'better', 'life', 'vijay', 'waiting', 'opportunity', 'kill', 'man', 'destroyed', 'sister', 'life', 'devises', 'ways', 'preventing', 'ravi', 'attending', 'marriage', 'later', 'tells', 'banupriya', 'truth', 'vijay', 'overhears', 'angered', 'raghuvaran', 'solves', 'problems', 'deciding', 'marry', 'banupriya', 'banupriya', 'agress', 'making', 'everyone', 'happy', 'finally', 'vijay', 'seeing', 'sister', 'happy', 'leaves', 'ravi', 'alone', 'eventually', 'rambha', 'vijay', 'get', 'married'], [\"'kutty\", 'vijay', 'wants', 'become', 'singer', 'working', 'local', 'cable', 'provider', 'run', 'mani', 'songs', 'appreciated', 'college', 'student', 'rukmani', 'simran', 'time', 'wishes', 'meet', 'circumstances', 'project', 'transitive', 'element', 'also', 'becomes', 'cause', 'rukmani', 'losing', 'eyesight', 'repents', 'starts', 'love', 'regularly', 'writes', 'mother', 'development', 'love', 'rukmani', 'mother', 'dies', 'offers', 'eyes', 'rukmani', 'meet', 'cost', 'eye', 'transplant', 'kutty', 'offers', 'kidney', 'pune-based', 'richman', 'returning', 'home', 'inadvertently', 'becomes', 'accomplice', 'creating', 'explosives', 'arrested', 'regained', 'vision', 'rukmani', 'studied', 'ias', 'becomes', 'collector', 'kutty', 'tries', 'contact', 'still', 'rowdy', 'element', 'mind', 'finally', 'confusion', 'cleared', 'lovers', 'together'], ['siluvai', 'son', 'cruz', 'christians', 'living', 'fishing', 'village', 'another', 'town', 'perumaal', 'father', 'sangeetha', 'gauri', 'sangheeta', 'comes', 'small', 'fishing', 'village', 'raghuvaran', 'proposed', 'marry', 'however', 'gauri', 'falls', 'love', 'siluvai', 'friend', 'hearing', 'father', 'jaiganesh', \"n't\", 'want', 'accept', 'hindu-christian', 'marriage', 'decides', 'elope', 'lover', 'leads', 'breakup', 'sangeetha', 'siluvai', 'love', 'affair', 'however', 'raghuvaran', 'upon', 'hearing', 'siluvai', 'story', 'gives', 'great', 'speech', 'villagers', 'unites', 'siluvai', 'sangeetha'], ['hugh', 'miriam', 'halsworth', 'final', 'stages', 'divorce', 'procedure', 'miriam', 'wants', 'separate', 'addicted', 'gambling', 'although', 'often', 'wins', 'living', 'daughter', 'barbara', 'son-in-law', 'jerry', 'denham', 'little', 'grandchild', 'hugh', 'living', 'next', 'door', 'makes', 'fuzz', 'gardener', 'rosebushes', 'hugh', 'also', 'jerry', 'boss', 'society', 'reporters', 'follow', 'victor', 'macfarland', 'self-made', 'multimillionaire', 'seat', 'senate', 'twenty', 'years', 'ago', 'hugh', 'victor', 'rivals', 'miriam', 'hand', 'blonde', 'fortune', 'hunter', 'joyce', 'mannering', 'trying', 'attract', 'victor', 'interested', 'winning', 'back', 'miriam', 'accepts', 'marriage', 'proposal', 'disappointed', 'postpones', 'marriage', 'appointment', 'washington', 'steps', 'plane', 'explains', 'miriam', 'left', 'twenty', 'years', 'ago', 'miriam', 'furious', 'hugh', \"n't\", 'know', 'refuses', 'let', 'leads', 'comical', 'intermezzo', 'hugh', 'jerry', 'arrested', 'police', 'identified', 'miriam', 'barbara', 'may', 'leave', 'police', 'station', 'back', 'home', 'miriam', 'explains', 'hugh', 'angry', 'victor', 'told', 'twenty', 'years', 'ago', 'hugh', 'hand', 'game', 'craps', 'hugh', 'admits', 'still', 'two', 'dice', 'asks', 'throw', 'turns', 'dice', 'loaded', 'always', 'throw', 'three', 'four', 'hugh', 'admits', 'cheated', 'stake', 'high', 'miriam', 'pleased', 'explanation', 'reconcile'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'tells', 'story', 'boyd', 'american', 'uncanny', 'ability', 'speak', 'japanese', 'boyd', 'aspires', 'succeed', 'world', 'japanese', 'business', 'finds', 'mostly', 'outside', 'looking', 'meanwhile', 'roommate', 'jerome', 'japanese', 'american', 'always', 'felt', 'american', 'japanese', 'japanese', 'american', 'aspires', 'sumo', 'wrestler', 'finds', 'weight', 'blood', 'pressure', 'thwarting', 'dreams', 'together', 'struggle', 'find', 'place', 'world', 'cultural', 'identity', 'seldom', 'seems'], [\"'when\", 'elderly', 'mr.', 'bush', 'appointed', 'justice', 'peace', 'starts', 'marrying', 'couples', 'christmas', 'eve', 'however', 'appointment', 'valid', 'first', 'january', 'two', 'years', 'later', 'issue', 'becomes', 'known', 'one', 'six', 'couples', 'married', 'files', 'divorce', 'avoid', 'bigger', 'scandal', 'remaining', 'five', 'couples', 'informed', 'really', 'married.', 'ref', 'name', 'http', '//www.allmovie.com/movie/were-not-married-v53686', '|titleallmovie', '|date2012-03-04', 'film', 'shows', 'couples', 'react', 'news', 'couple', 'steve', 'gladwyn', 'ramona', 'husband-and-wife', 'radio', 'team', 'whose', 'huggy-kissy', 'behavior', 'air', 'conceals', 'fact', 'they\\\\', 'dearly', 'love', 'cut', 'other\\\\', 'throats', 'couple', 'consists', 'jeff', 'norris', 'beauty', 'contest-happy', 'spouse', 'annabel', 'who\\\\', 'mrs.', 'mississippi', 'pageant', 'couple', 'hector', 'woodruff', 'paul', 'douglas', 'katie', 'ran', 'things', 'say', 'long', 'ago', 'couple', 'millionaire', 'freddie', 'melrose', 'gold-digging', 'young', 'bride', 'eve', 'intends', 'divorce', 'make', 'millions', 'couple', 'young', 'willie', 'fisher', 'shipped', 'pregnant', 'wife', 'patsy', 'end', 'couple', 'get', 'remarried'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', 'prakash', 'raj', 'he\\\\', 'important', 'man', 'village', 'adamant', 'character', 'always', 'sticks', 'decision', 'temple', 'festival', 'starts', 'kausalya', 'goes', 'grandpa\\\\', 'house', 'celebrate', 'meets', 'suresh', 'fall', 'love', 'meanwhile', 'chithambaram', 'gets', 'many', 'conflicts', 'suresh', 'even', 'knowing', 'things', 'suresh', 'unintended', 'chithambaram', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'realize', 'chithambaram', 'gets', 'negative', 'attitude', 'towards', 'suresh', 'day', 'comes', 'everyone', 'kausalya\\\\', 'grandpa\\\\', 'home', 'find', 'suresh', 'kausalya', 'love', 'try', 'get', 'chithambaram', 'agree', 'wedding.but', 'sticks', 'decision', 'finally', 'suresh', 'asks', 'would', 'make', 'happy', 'sithambaram', 'says', 'would', 'happy', 'suresh', 'dies', 'suresh', 'decides', 'back', 'madras', 'kaushalya', 'also', 'try', 'join', 'railway', 'station', 'suresh', 'refuses', 'saying', 'marry', 'fathers\\\\', 'desire', 'time', 'chithambaram', 'arries', 'station', 'prevent', 'daughter', 'going', 'madras', 'hears', 'conersation', 'finally', 'decides', 'suresh', 'daughter\\\\', 'pair', 'suresh', 'also', 'agrees'], [\"'sakthivel\", 'leader', 'village', 'adored', 'people', 'brother', 'selvam', 'completing', 'education', 'singapore', 'returns', 'hamlet', 'sakthivel', 'wife', 'lakshmi', 'fond', 'selvam', 'want', 'get', 'married', 'live', 'happily', 'selvam', 'keen', 'marrying', 'girl', 'seen', 'dream', 'sakthivel', 'prepared', 'anywhere', 'find', 'girl', 'selvam', 'actually', 'comes', 'across', 'photograph', 'dream', 'girl', 'advertisement', 'discovers', 'actress', 'film', 'crew', 'lands', 'village', 'shooting', 'devayani', 'called', 'film', 'group', 'sakthivel', 'approaches', 'brother\\\\', 'proposal', 'insults', 'beautiful', 'famous', 'marry', 'villager', 'says', 'vikram', 'accept', 'defeat', 'manage', 'bring', 'round'], [\"'annabelle\", 'tillman', 'daughter', 'senator', 'sent', 'catholic', 'boarding', 'school', 'expelled', 'two', 'previous', 'schools', 'simone', 'bradley', 'poetry', 'teacher', 'school', 'charge', 'dormitory', 'annabelle', 'shares', 'dormitory', 'amiable', 'classmate', 'christen', 'katherine', 'tends', 'bully', 'people', 'colins', 'student', 'nervous', 'disposition', 'also', 'share', 'room', 'simone', 'dependable', 'respectable', 'teacher', 'occasionally', 'bends', 'rules', 'concern', 'students', 'personal', 'life', 'synonymous', 'abiding', 'conventions', 'society', 'religion', 'annabelle', 'antiagent', 'unrestrained', 'behavior', 'unconventional', 'choices', 'outright', 'defiance', 'authority', 'annabelle', 'receives', 'stern', 'rebuke', 'principal', 'mother', 'immaculata', 'audaciously', 'flaunting', 'buddhist', 'prayer', 'beads', 'simone', 'given', 'responsibility', 'controlling', 'first', 'simone', 'requests', 'principal', 'move', 'annabelle', 'another', 'dormitory', 'soon', 'notices', 'maturity', 'sensitivity', 'convinces', 'comply', 'school', 'regulations', 'process', 'annabelle', 'falls', 'love', 'simone', 'simone', 'resists', 'annabelle', 'delicate', 'overtures', 'left', 'alone', 'school', 'spring', 'break', 'simone', 'drives', 'annabelle', 'beach', 'house', 'annabelle', 'discovers', 'painful', 'personal', 'details', 'simone', 'past', 'annabelle', 'holds', 'simone', 'tightly', 'arms', 'simone', 'breaks', 'deep', 'emotional', 'connection', 'established', 'two', 'simone', 'fights', 'hard', 'battle', 'eventually', 'overpowered', 'annabelle', 'relentless', 'pursuit', 'annual', 'school', 'dance', 'annabelle', 'pours', 'heart', 'song', 'space', 'wrong', 'right', 'find', 'waiting', 'simone', 'consumed', 'intense', 'emotions', 'kisses', 'annabelle', 'end', 'making', 'passionate', 'love', 'next', 'morning', 'mother', 'immaculata', 'walks', 'getting', 'dressed', 'demands', 'see', 'simone', 'office', 'immediately', 'questioned', 'right', 'thing', 'simone', 'admits', 'loves', 'annabelle', 'government', 'officials', 'arrest', 'simone', 'leaving', 'annabelle', 'places', 'prized', 'possession', 'ndash', 'buddhist', 'prayer', 'beads', 'ndash', 'hands', 'annabelle', 'tearfully', 'looks', 'pictures', 'taken', 'simone', 'beach', 'house', 'simone', 'driven', 'away', 'movie', 'ends', 'following', 'quote', '쁅or', 'one', 'human', 'love', 'another', 'perhaps', 'difficult', 'tasks', '쫡he', 'work', 'work', 'preparation.', '19685904'], ['vijay', 'comes', 'city', 'ambition', 'star', 'movies', 'totally', 'mad', 'cinema', 'lives', 'tenant', 'swathi', 'house', 'tries', 'acting', 'film', 'scenes', 'speaking', 'film', 'dialogues', 'loud', 'fashion', 'thus', 'disturbing', 'studies.so', 'get', 'wrong', 'foot', 'finally', 'fall', 'love', 'mansur', 'ali', 'khan', 'maternal', 'uncle', 'also', 'wants', 'marry', 'swathi', 'villain', 'starts', 'disturb', 'lovers', 'hero', 'fight', 'love', 'finally', 'wins', 'lady', 'love', 'hand'], ['film', 'story', 'romance', 'centers', 'around', 'two', 'lovers', 'deva', 'bharadhi', 'swathi', 'two', 'deep', 'love', 'encounter', 'opposition', 'bharadhi', 'father', 'sivakumar', 'head', 'village', 'sivakumar', 'believes', 'daughter', 'suitor', 'suitable', 'one', 'due', 'perceived', 'reputation', 'throughout', 'village', 'although', 'son', 'well', 'manorama', 'comes', 'light', 'sivakumar', 'disapproval', 'stems', 'relationship', 'brother', 'seemingly', 'apathetic', 'lackadaisical', 'film', 'ends', 'happily', 'sivakumar', 'recognizing', 'son-in-law', 'actuality', 'really', 'upstanding', 'citizen', 'village', 'two', 'young', 'lovers', 'overcome', 'problems', 'live', 'lives', 'happily', 'married'], [\"'vijay\", 'vijay', 'grandson', 'manorama', 'anitha', 'daughter', 'raghavan', 'vijayakumar', 'bhagyalakshmi', 'anitha\\\\', 'family', 'rent', 'one', 'manorama\\\\', 'houses', 'vijay', 'anitha', 'pretend', 'hate', 'actually', 'love', 'later', 'anitha\\\\', 'father', 'came', 'know', 'love', 'matter', 'requests', 'transfer', 'chennai.before', 'going', 'anitha', 'leaves', 'new', 'address', 'several', 'envelopes', 'tells', 'love', 'letters', 'given', 'vijay', 'anitha\\\\', 'father', 'gets', 'angry', 'takes', 'letters', 'went', 'vijay\\\\', 'house', 'tells', 'take', 'useless', 'love', 'letters.after', 'vijay', 'takes', 'looks', 'knows', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'love', 'letters', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'anitha\\\\', 'new', 'address', 'chennai', 'vijay', 'tries', 'find', 'one', 'day', 'vijay', 'goes', 'restaurant', 'eat', 'asked', 'server', 'washroom.the', 'server', 'told', 'two', 'washrooms', 'one', 'upstairs', 'another', 'one', 'here.the', 'server', 'tells', 'upstairs', 'it\\\\', 'dangerous.but', 'vijay', 'goes', 'upstairs', 'bathroom', 'finds', 'blue', 'film', 'illegal', 'shooting', 'happening', 'blame', 'vijay', 'death', 'restaurant', 'owner', 'vijay', 'escape', 'news', 'reaches', 'anitha\\\\', 'father', 'police', 'officer', 'tries', 'capture', 'vijay', 'hero', 'fights', 'runs', 'raghavan', 'finds', 'truth', 'accepts', 'marriage', 'vijay', 'anitha'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'cheerful', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'named', 'han', 'ye-won', 'sweet', 'clumsy', 'warm', 'girl', 'side', 'eun-sung', 'student', 'vocational', 'school', 'well-known', 'bully', 'hot-tempered', 'rude', 'deep', 'inside', 'longing', 'loved', 'one', 'day', 'clumsily', 'ye-won', 'leaves', 'message', 'school', 'website', 'reply', 'eun-sung\\\\', 'impolite', 'message', 'shocked', 'someone', 'calls', 'mobile', 'threatens', 'gradually', 'best', 'friend', 'lee', 'kyung-won', 'tells', 'eun-sung', 'sends', 'ye-won', 'message', 'mobile', 'wait', 'front', 'main', 'gate', 'scared', 'kyung-won', 'decide', 'jump', 'school', 'wall', 'unfortunately', 'moment', 'ye-won', 'jumps', 'eun-sung', 'standing', 'exactly', 'side', 'wall', 'falls', 'lips', 'meet', 'accidentally', 'raising', 'voice', 'eun-sung', 'asks', 'take', 'responsibility', 'astonished', 'friend', 'explains', 'eun-sung', 'never', 'even', 'held', 'hands', 'girl', 'since', 'first', 'girl', 'kissed', 'consequence', 'must', 'marry', 'story', 'continues', 'fast', 'beginning', 'ye-won', 'feelings', 'eun-sung', 'even', 'rejects', 'invitation', 'come', 'birthday', 'party', 'unknowingly', 'eun-sung', 'fallen', 'love', 'kind', 'guy', 'knows', 'express', 'inner', 'feelings', 'jealous', 'ye-won', 'approached', 'guys', 'know', 'someone', 'loves', 'although', 'rude', 'bad-tempered', 'eun-sung', 'always', 'pardons', 'ye-won\\\\', 'faults', 'clumsiness', 'however', \"can\\\\'t\", 'bear', 'finds', 'ye-won', 'went', 'kim', 'han-sung', 'older', 'student', 'hates', 'lot', 'broken-hearted', 'eun-sung', 'decides', 'leave', 'korea', 'follow', 'mother', 'usa', 'year', 'later', 'ye-won', 'seen', 'han-sung', 'discussing', 'whether', 'scared', 'college', 'entrance', 'exams', 'seems', 'relationship', 'point', 'exams', 'hearing', 'portion', 'exam', 'brings', 'quote', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'bring', 'ye-won', 'back', 'memory', 'eun-sung', 'park', 'front', 'telephone', 'booth', 'matter', 'would', 're-unite', 'first', 'snowfall', 'point', 'ye-won', 'stops', 'runs', 'park', 'waits', 'scene', 'rolls', 'back', 'fantasy', 'year', 'ago', 'starts', 'cry', 'eun-sung', 'turns', 'around', 'rabbit', 'hopping', 'towards', 'rabbit', 'gave', 'eun-sung', 'looks', 'eun-sung', 'yells', 'saying', 'leave', 'without', 'saying', 'goodbye', 'eun-sung', 'replied', 'true', 'love', 'requires', 'words', 'film', 'ends', 'eun', 'sung\\\\', 'childhood', 'memory', 'opening', 'event', 'elementary', 'school', 'kid', 'would', 'kiss', 'eun-sung', 'ye-won', 'interesting', 'aspect', 'earlier', 'film', 'ye-won', 'uses', 'eun-sung\\\\', 'cellphone', 'make', 'mini-video', 'bedroom', 'captures', 'footage', 'old', 'photo', 'little', 'showing', 'friend', 'turns', 'friend', 'actually', 'little', 'eun-sung', 'hinting', 'connection', 'two', 'eun-sung', 'watches', 'video', 'cell', 'phone', 'towards', 'end', 'film', 'surprised', 'see', 'remembers', 'ye-won', 'little', 'girl'], ['story', 'opens', 'car', 'accident', 'rupa', 'parents', 'killed', 'due', 'carelessness', 'drunken', 'driver', 'becomes', 'orphan', 'friends', 'neighbours', 'support', 'gets', 'good', 'job', 'falls', 'love', 'rahul', 'colleague', 'accepts', 'marry', 'side', 'anand', 'returned', 'guy', 'forced', 'attend', 'family', 'friend', 'wedding', 'wedding', 'day', 'meets', 'bride', 'rupa', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'soon', 'wedding', 'called', 'arguments', 'rupa', 'future', 'mother', 'law', 'anand', 'happy', 'marriage', 'gets', 'cancelled', 'anand', 'talks', 'rupa', 'admires', 'boldness', 'completely', 'falls', 'love', 'win', 'love', 'lots', 'things', 'like', 'shifting', 'house', 'nearer', 'gradually', 'developing', 'friendship', 'finally', 'entering', 'heart', 'starts', 'love', 'comes', 'know', 'anand', 'father', 'murderer', 'parents', 'rest', 'story', 'lovers', 'united'], [\"'the\", 'president', 'united', 'states', 'nominates', 'robert', 'leffingwell', 'united', 'states', 'secretary', 'state', 'second-term', 'president', 'ill', 'chosen', 'believe', 'vice', 'president', 'harley', 'hudson', 'mdash', 'others', 'usually', 'ignore', 'mdash', 'successfully', 'continue', 'administration\\\\', 'foreign', 'policy', 'die', 'leffingwell\\\\', 'nomination', 'controversial', 'within', 'united', 'states', 'senate', 'using', 'advice', 'consent', 'powers', 'must', 'either', 'approve', 'reject', 'appointment', 'president\\\\', 'party', 'majority', 'minority', 'divided', 'majority', 'leader', 'bob', 'munson', 'senior', 'senator', 'michigan', 'loyally', 'supports', 'nominee', 'despite', 'doubts', 'hard', 'working', 'majority', 'whip', 'stanley', 'danta', 'connecticut', 'womanizer', 'lafe', 'smith', 'rhode', 'island', 'demagogic', 'peace', 'advocate', 'fred', 'van', 'ackerman', 'wyoming', 'especially', 'supportive', 'although', 'also', 'majority', 'party', 'president', 'pro', 'tempore', 'curmudgeon', 'seabright', 'seeb', 'cooley', 'south', 'carolina', 'dislikes', 'leffingwell', 'personal', 'professional', 'reasons', 'leads', 'opposition', 'senate', 'foreign', 'relations', 'committee', 'appoints', 'subcommittee', 'chaired', 'majority', 'member', 'brigham', 'anderson', 'murray', 'utah', 'evaluate', 'nominee', 'young', 'devoted', 'family', 'man', 'undecided', 'leffingwell', 'cooley', 'dramatically', 'introduces', 'surprise', 'witness', 'herbert', 'gelman', 'minor', 'treasury', 'clerk', 'testifies', 'briefly', 'communist', 'cell', 'leffingwell', 'two', 'others', 'university', 'chicago', 'leffingwell', 'denies', 'charge', 'effectively', 'questions', 'gelman\\\\', 'credibility', 'later', 'tells', 'president', 'committed', 'perjury', 'gelman', 'essentially', 'correct', 'asks', 'president', 'withdraw', 'nomination', 'refuses', 'cooley', 'identifies', 'another', 'member', 'cell', 'senior', 'treasury', 'official', 'hardiman', 'fletcher', 'forces', 'confess', 'anderson', 'tells', 'munson', 'despite', 'personal', 'lobbying', 'president', 'subcommittee', 'chairman', 'insists', 'white', 'house', 'withdraw', 'nomination', 'due', 'leffingwell\\\\', 'perjury', 'subpoena', 'fletcher', 'testify', 'president', 'angrily', 'refuses', 'majority', 'leader', 'admits', 'white', 'house', 'soon', 'nominate', 'another', 'candidate', 'anderson', 'delays', 'committee\\\\', 'report', 'leffingwell', 'president', 'sends', 'fletcher', 'country', 'angering', 'senator', 'anderson', 'wife', 'receive', 'anonymous', 'phone', 'calls', 'van', 'ackerman\\\\', 'men', 'warning', 'unless', 'subcommittee', 'reports', 'favorably', 'leffingwell', 'information', 'happened', 'ray', 'hawaii', 'appear', 'worried', 'anderson', 'visits', 'fellow', 'army', 'veteran', 'ray', 'shaff', 'new', 'york', 'shaff', 'admits', 'sold', 'evidence', 'past', 'homosexual', 'relationship', 'two', 'hudson', 'anderson\\\\', 'friend', 'smith', 'others', 'attempt', 'counsel', 'troubled', 'chairman', 'unable', 'reconcile', 'duty', 'secret', 'anderson', 'commits', 'suicide', 'president', 'denies', 'munson', 'hudson', 'knowing', 'blackmail', 'tells', 'majority', 'leader', 'dying', 'leffingwell\\\\', 'confirmation', 'vital', 'munson', 'criticizes', 'cooley', 'opposing', 'nominee', 'exposing', 'fletcher', 'forcing', 'anderson', 'bear', 'pressure', 'alone', 'anderson\\\\', 'death', 'nonetheless', 'permits', 'subcommittee', 'foreign', 'relations', 'committee', 'proceed', 'nomination', 'report', 'favorably', 'full', 'senate', 'senate', 'chamber', 'cooley', 'apologizes', 'vindictiveness', 'vote', 'leffingwell', 'alien', 'voice', 'senator', 'ask', 'others', 'follow', 'munson', 'moved', 'cooley\\\\', 'action', 'cites', 'tragic', 'circumstances', 'surrounding', 'confirmation', 'although', 'majority', 'leader', 'vote', 'leffingwell', 'permit', 'conscience', 'vote', 'others', 'hudson\\\\', 'quorum', 'call', 'majority', 'leader\\\\', 'refusal', 'yield', 'floor', 'prevent', 'van', 'ackerman', 'speaking', 'munson', 'asks', 'yeas', 'nays', 'ending', 'debate', 'majority', 'leader', 'tells', 'senator', 'andersons\\\\', 'privacy', 'senate', 'would', 'censure', 'expel', 'van', 'ackerman', 'angrily', 'leaves', 'chamber', 'vote', 'munson\\\\', 'side', 'slightly', 'ahead', 'smith', 'unexpectedly', 'votes', 'leffingwell', 'majority', 'leader', 'prepares', 'vice', 'president', 'break', 'tie', 'nominee\\\\', 'favor', 'secret', 'service', 'agents', 'enter', 'chamber', 'hudson', 'receives', 'message', 'senate', 'chaplain', 'announces', 'break', 'tie', 'causing', 'nomination', 'fail', 'president', 'died', 'vote', 'leaves', 'secret', 'service', 'hudson', 'tells', 'munson', 'wants', 'choose', 'secretary', 'state', 'film', 'ends', 'munson', 'makes', 'motion', 'adjourn', 'due', 'former', 'president\\\\', 'death'], [\"'it\", 'story', '15-year-old', 'aditya', 'voyeuristic', 'love', 'nameless', 'neighbor', 'featuring', 'bathroom', 'masturbation', 'scenes', 'mdash', 'virtually', 'unseen', 'bollywood', 'soon', 'aditya', 'hobby', 'turns', 'infatuation', 'begins', 'follow', 'movements', 'closely', 'feels', 'sexually', 'drawn', 'towards', 'sees', 'coming', 'bath', 'hair', 'dripping', 'wet', 'feels', 'jealous', 'catches', 'making', 'love', 'boyfriend', 'manisha', 'unaware', 'secret', 'admirer', 'boy', 'musters', 'courage', 'speaks', 'heart', 'takes', 'stride', 'gives', 'little', 'teaser', 'adolescent', 'love'], [\"'in\", '1914', 'american', 'showgirl', 'suzy', 'trent', 'london', 'looking', 'romance', 'meets', 'marries', 'irish', 'engineer', 'inventor', 'terry', 'moore', 'couple', 'stumble', 'german', 'plot', 'husband', 'shot', 'madame', 'diane', 'eyrelle', 'mysterious', 'spy', 'fearing', 'implicated', 'terry\\\\', 'death', 'suzy', 'flees', 'paris', 'world', 'war', 'begins', 'cabaret', 'works', 'suzy', 'meets', 'famed', 'french', 'ace', 'capt', 'andre', 'charville', 'immediately', 'falls', 'love', 'sudden', 'marriage', 'welcomed', 'first', 'aristocratic', 'father', 'baron', 'edward', 'charville', 'suzy', 'cares', 'husband', 'goes', 'front', 'wounded', 'suzy', 'goes', 'side', 'finds', 'first', 'husband', 'survived', 'shooting', 'delivering', 'new', 'british', 'fighters', 'andre\\\\', 'squadron', 'also', 'discovers', 'andre', 'unfaithful', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'caring', 'german', 'spy', 'saw', 'london', 'confrontation', 'spy', 'henchman', 'andre', 'killed', 'terry', 'flies', 'dangerous', 'mission', 'taking', 'revenge', 'spy', 'german', 'fighters', 'planned', 'ambush', 'andre', 'crash', 'landing', 'back', 'spy\\\\', 'chateau', 'ends', 'andre\\\\', 'dead', 'body', 'placed', 'next', 'aircraft', 'funeral', 'follows', 'even', 'german', 'flyers', 'pay', 'homage', 'terry', 'ordered', 'see', 'ace\\\\', 'widow', 'back', 'home', 'paris'], [\"'socket\", 'dark', 'sexual', 'tale', 'gay', 'man', 'drawn', 'cult', 'electricity', 'addicts', 'struck', 'lightning', 'reportedly', 'first', 'gay', 'sci-fi', 'thriller', 'however', 'also', 'unique', 'film', 'sexuality', 'four', 'lead', 'characters', 'inconsequential', 'plot', 'socket', 'tells', 'story', 'bill', 'surgeon', 'struck', 'lightning', 'winds', 'recovering', 'hospital', 'meets', 'intern', 'named', 'craig', 'suffered', 'natural', 'accident', 'developed', 'appetite', 'electrical', 'voltage', 'meeting', 'bill', 'realizes', 'craving', 'craig', 'introduces', 'underground', 'group', 'people', 'share', 'addiction', 'bill', 'uses', 'surgical', 'knowledge', 'come', 'method', 'inserting', 'electric', 'sockets', 'prongs', 'members\\\\', 'wrists', 'juice', 'bill', 'accidentally', 'discovers', 'mainline', 'electricity', 'living', 'people', 'becomes', 'hooked', 'absorbing', 'particular', 'kind', 'power'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'film', 'revolves', 'around', 'parvez', 'pakistani-born', 'taxi', 'driver', 'tolerant', 'secular', 'muslim', 'life', 'takes', 'unexpected', 'dark', 'turn', 'son', 'farid', 'converts', 'fundamentalist', 'islam', 'leading', 'family', 'breakdown', 'social', 'conflict', 'according', 'rachel', 'donadio', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'writer', 'editor', 'film\\\\', 'theme', 'encapsulated', 'pivotal', 'scene', 'one', 'revealing', 'insights', 'britain', 'recent', 'social', 'history', 'comes', 'early', 'son', 'fanatic', 'hanif', 'kureishi', 'tender', 'darkly', 'prescient', '1997', 'film', 'morning', 'unnamed', 'city', 'northern', 'england', 'parvez', 'secular', 'pakistani', 'immigrant', 'taxi', 'driver', 'brilliantly', 'portrayed', 'puri', 'watches', 'farid', 'increasingly', 'devout', 'college-age', 'son', 'sell', 'electric', 'guitar', '쏻here', 'going', 'parvez', 'asks', 'farid', 'buyer', 'drives', '쏽ou', 'used', 'love', 'making', 'terrible', 'noise', 'instruments', 'farid', 'played', 'akbar', 'kurtha', 'looks', 'father', 'irritation', '쏽ou', 'always', 'said', 'important', 'things', '쁓tairway', 'heaven', 'says', 'impatiently', 'thick', 'northern', 'english', 'accent', '쏽ou', 'right.', 'ref', 'name2', 'orefbooks', 'pagewantedslogin', 'nyt', 'profile', 'retrieved', 'august24', '2008'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'story', 'lovers', 'played', 'kumar', 'gaurav', 'vijeta', 'pandit', 'struggle', 'achieve', 'success', 'life', 'film', 'became', 'blockbuster', 'http', '//boxofficeindia.com/showprod.php', 'itemcatmtk4mqtop_actors', 'phpsessid=9ff82f3b65560a2328305e6cf0ea364f', 'amit', 'kumar', 'filmfare', 'best', 'male', 'playback', 'award', 'another', 'nominee', 'father', 'kishore', 'kumar', 'film', 'later', 'remade', 'telugu', 'prema', 'sankellu', 'vijaya', 'nirmala', 'starring', 'son', 'naresh'], [\"'it\", 'focused', 'black', 'television', 'producer', 'works', 'major', 'network', 'troubles', 'faces', 'environment', 'mainly', 'painting', 'positive', 'portrayal', 'african-americans', 'media'], ['film', 'opens', 'two', 'couples', 'visiting', 'childlessness', 'stevie', 'married', 'sonny', 'italian', 'footballer', 'plays', 'newcastle', 'united', 'succumbed', 'frequent', 'injury', 'desperate', 'child', 'soon', 'emerges', 'stevie', 'really', 'trying', 'reluctant', 'become', 'pregnant', \"n't\", 'want', 'get', 'fat', 'jenny', 'neil', 'trying', 'adopt', 'neil', 'infertile', 'childless', 'turned', 'jenny', 'something', 'monster', 'neil', 'views', 'dislike', 'wants', 'break', 'kind-', 'hearted', 'goes', 'ahead', 'plan', 'adopt', 'keep', 'happy', 'stevie', 'meets', 'neil', 'day', 'comes', 'deliver', 'brand', 'new', 'kitchen', 'already', 'late', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'late', 'stevie', 'already', 'five', 'minutes', 'pregnant', 'italian', 'footballer', 'husband', 'late', 'neil', 'wife', 'jenny', 'already', 'applied', 'adopt', 'african', 'girl', 'late', 'otherwise', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'exactly', 'happens', 'neil', 'stevie', 'get', 'mistaken', 'marriages', 'others', 'arms'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'titular', 'madame', 'louise', 'whose', 'surname', 'never', 'given', 'spoiled', 'woman', 'married', 'general', 'andr챕', 'amassed', 'considerable', 'debts', 'due', 'lifestyle', 'settle', 'chooses', 'sell', 'large', 'diamond', 'earrings', 'wedding', 'present', 'husband', 'hinted', 'louise', 'andr챕\\\\', 'marriage', 'less', 'intimate', 'sleep', 'separate', 'beds', 'general', 'shown', 'mistress', 'louise', 'attempts', 'disguise', 'disappearance', 'earrings', 'pretending', 'lost', 'opera', 'search', 'eventually', 'reaches', 'newspaper', 'suggesting', 'may', 'stolen', 'turn', 'prompts', 'jeweler', 'bought', 'general', 'directly', 'offer', 'sell', 'back', 'accepts', 'rather', 'confront', 'wife', 'general', 'decides', 'give', 'earrings', 'mistress', 'leaving', 'constantinople', 'mistress', 'however', 'accumulates', 'substantial', 'gambling', 'debt', 'forced', 'sell', 'later', 'purchased', 'italian', 'baron', 'fabrizio', 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'husband\\\\', 'presence', 'louise', 'creates', 'ruse', 'misplaced', 'one', 'gloves', 'entire', 'time', 'making', 'big', 'show', 'finding', 'front', 'general', 'knows', 'lying', 'says', 'nothing', 'later', 'another', 'dance', 'general', 'takes', 'earrings', 'louise', 'quietly', 'takes', 'donati', 'aside', 'confronts', 'earrings', 'revealing', 'origin', 'gives', 'earrings', 'donati', 'tells', 'sell', 'back', 'jeweler', 'general', 'may', 'buy', 'back', 'give', 'louise', 'departing', 'donati', 'informs', 'louise', 'longer', 'see', 'expresses', 'hurt', 'lying', 'following', 'night', 'louise', 'falls', 'deep', 'depression', 'general', 'presents', 'earrings', 'bought', 'back', 'informs', 'unhappiness', 'fault', 'tells', 'must', 'give', 'earrings', 'away', 'niece', 'given', 'birth', 'louise', 'tearfully', 'complies', 'general\\\\', 'niece', 'later', 'forced', 'sell', 'earrings', 'jeweler', 'pay', 'husbands', 'debts', 'jeweler', 'offers', 'sell', 'general', 'time', 'angrily', 'refuses', 'louise', 'goes', 'jeweler', 'offers', 'sell', 'many', 'precious', 'items', 'order', 'buy', 'earrings', 'back', 'accepts', 'later', 'informs', 'general', 'done', 'anguish', 'lost', 'love', 'general', 'goes', 'club', 'donati', 'challenges', 'pistol', 'duel', 'louise', 'pleads', 'donati', 'duel', 'general', 'shown', 'excellent', 'shot', 'surely', 'kill', 'donati', 'refuses', 'back', 'later', 'meets', 'general', 'woods', 'officials', 'duel', 'meanwhile', 'louise', 'goes', 'church', 'pray', 'saints', 'save', 'donati', 'leaves', 'earrings', 'offering', 'races', 'woods', 'servant', 'location', 'duel', 'officials', 'inform', 'two', 'men', 'general', 'allowed', 'fire', 'first', 'offended', 'party', 'takes', 'aim', 'donati', 'stands', 'unflinching', 'louise', 'shown', 'ascending', 'hill', 'toward', 'duel', 'shot', 'heard', 'collapses', 'shock', 'slumps', 'tree', 'servant', 'tries', 'wake', 'respond', 'runs', 'towards', 'men', 'ask', 'help', 'scene', 'fades', 'final', 'shot', 'film', 'shows', 'earrings', 'venerated', 'church', 'glass', 'case', 'card', 'reads', 'madame', '...'], [\"'in\", '1980', 'jorge', 'pellegrini', 'young', 'talented', 'argentine', 'writer', 'upon', 'returning', 'trip', 'europe', 'forced', 'write', 'short', 'love', 'stories', 'cosas', 'local', 'light-themed', 'magazine', 'aid', 'dire', 'financial', 'situation', 'boss', 'best', 'friend', 'roberto', 'eduardo', 'blanco', 'constantly', 'censors', 'jorge\\\\', 'stories', 'deciding', 'parts', 'take', 'stories', 'print', 'jorge\\\\', 'friend', 'mentor', 'mastronardi', 'often', 'visits', 'magazine', 'asking', 'roberto', 'work', 'due', 'history', 'struggling', 'military', 'government', 'argentina', 'finds', 'black', 'list', 'find', 'work', 'showing', 'short', 'film', 'based', 'story', 'jorge', 'meets', 'laura', 'passionate', 'beautiful', 'charming', 'young', 'girl', 'works', 'waiter', 'restaurant', 'instantly', 'smitten', 'gives', 'card', 'days', 'receives', 'news', 'death', 'mastronardi', 'begins', 'write', 'story', 'deceased', 'friend', 'however', 'experiences', 'writer\\\\', 'block', 'get', 'around', 'finish', 'jorge', 'finds', 'card', 'laura', 'gave', 'decides', 'restaurant', 'works', 'date', 'bar', 'display', 'chemistry', 'understanding', 'laura', 'reveals', 'boyfriend', 'artist', 'tour', 'uruguay', 'things', 'awry', 'police', 'raid', 'place', 'take', 'laura', 'jail', 'documents', 'jorge', 'decides', 'taken', 'jail', 'order', 'oversee', 'laura\\\\', 'safety', 'upon', 'release', 'laura', 'jorge', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'jorge', 'reveals', 'feelings', 'laura', 'tells', 'currently', 'reciprocate', 'call', 'figures', 'context', 'could', 'months', 'jorge', 'buries', 'work', 'starts', 'diary', 'loses', 'hope', 'receiving', 'laura\\\\', 'phone', 'call', 'however', 'calls', 'arrange', 'date', 'reveals', 'wanted', 'sure', 'waiting', 'boyfriend', 'anymore', 'starting', 'new', 'relationship', 'kiss', 'make', 'love', 'start', 'relationship', 'first', 'months', 'full', 'romance', 'passion', 'however', 'laura', 'decides', 'quit', 'job', 'work', 'free', 'local', 'radio', 'station', 'jorge', 'begins', 'lose', 'interest', 'constantly', 'bothered', 'monotony', 'relationship', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'laura', 'decided', 'make', 'great', 'writer', 'jorge', 'constantly', 'pressures', 'stop', 'writing', 'short', 'simple-minded', 'love', 'stories', 'focus', 'powerful', 'book', 'jorge', 'reaches', 'breaking', 'point', 'stand', 'current', 'status', 'relationship', 'laura', 'cheats', 'carola', 'laura', 'finds', 'leaves', 'immediately', 'jorge', 'buries', 'work', 'receives', 'news', 'roberto', 'due', 'restructuring', 'magazine', 'longer', 'publish', 'stories', 'however', 'offered', 'job', 'movie', 'theatre', 'critic', 'magazine', 'angrily', 'refuses', 'finds', 'inspiration', 'finish', 'mastronardi\\\\', 'story', 'take', 'theatre', 'however', 'play', 'failure', 'effort', 'put', 'jorge', 'heartbroken', 'jorge', 'receives', 'emotional', 'visit', 'mastronardi\\\\', 'spirit', 'asks', 'look', 'son', 'sebasti찼n', '1987', 'things', 'changed', 'jorge', 'accepted', 'job', 'offer', 'movie', 'theatre', 'critic', 'roberto', 'engaged', 'marita', 'friend', 'laura\\\\', 'met', 'double', 'date', 'set', 'jorge', 'laura', 'years', 'jorge', 'relationship', 'new', 'girl', 'however', 'finds', 'shocked', 'receives', 'news', 'laura', 'married', 'old', 'boyfriend', 'prompts', 'jorge', 'track', 'laura', 'spending', 'day', 'together', 'make', 'love', 'laura', 'decides', 'get', 'married', 'anyway', 'years', '90s', 'bitter', 'disillusioned', 'jorge', 'still', 'works', 'critic', 'however', 'due', 'failures', 'disappointments', 'loss', 'spirit', 'morals', 'learn', 'asks', 'money', 'return', 'writing', 'favourable', 'reviews', 'works', 'laura', 'one', 'producers', 'movie', 'asked', 'money', 'write', 'favourable', 'review', 'personally', 'delivers', 'money', 'looks', 'disgust', 'one', 'day', 'office', 'due', 'disagreement', 'veteran', 'political', 'journalist', 'm찼rquez', 'heated', 'exchange', 'boss', 'young', 'micky', 'fired', 'prompts', 'sebasti찼n', 'mastronardi\\\\', 'son', 'blame', 'jorge', 'father\\\\', 'death', 'unable', 'cope', 'guilt', 'realizing', 'much', 'changed', 'jorge', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'however', 'frustrated', 'roberto', 'arrives', 'time', 'save', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'surprise', 'party', 'employees', 'cosas', 'decide', 'donate', 'one', 'twelfth', 'salaries', 'm찼rquez', 'laura', 'jorge', 'meet', 'share', 'long', 'talk', 'lives', 'hopes', 'crushed', 'dreams', 'movie', 'ends', 'hint', 'jorge', 'laura', 'give', 'relationship', 'one', 'last', 'chance', 'jorge', 'reinvigorated', 'looking', 'like', 'happy', 'man', 'first', 'time', 'years', 'watches', 'taxi', 'depart', 'broad', 'smile', 'greeted', 'friends', 'm찼rquez', 'sebasti찼n', 'roberto', 'tells', 'new', 'love', 'story', 'planning', 'write'], ['min-joon', 'believer', 'true', 'love', 'always', 'dedicated', 'current', 'boyfriend', 'however', 'men', 'always', 'break', 'latest', 'boyfriend', 'ends', 'relationship', 'boy', 'friend', 'birthday', 'distracted', 'latest', 'break-up', 'bumps', 'car', 'man', 'steps', 'turns', 'new', 'boss', 'robin', 'heiden', 'heiden', 'clear', 'ideas', 'relationship', 'love', 'game', 'power', 'min-joon', 'seeks', 'advice', \"n't\", 'want', 'get', 'dumped', 'however', 'starts', 'treat', 'men', 'like', 'heiden', 'treats', 'women', 'realizes', 'prefers', 'older', 'behavior', 'even', 'means', 'gets', 'dumped', \"n't\", 'see', 'love', 'game', 'power', 'never', 'heiden', 'deal', 'heartbreak', 'loved', 'woman', 'much', 'shoot', 'get', 'message', 'across', \"n't\", 'interested', 'starts', 'soften', 'min-joon', 'attitude', 'towards', 'life', 'eventually', 'falls', 'love', 'get', 'real', 'relationship', 'happy', 'ending', 'one', 'unique', 'concepts', 'movie', 'robin', 'heiden', 'speaks', 'english', 'finds', 'korean', 'hard', 'speak', 'min-joon', 'speaks', 'mostly', 'korean', 'two', 'seem', 'understand', 'perfectly', 'without', 'outside', 'translation', 'new', 'style', 'dialogue', 'korean', 'films', 'partially', 'credited', 'film', 'success'], ['glamorously', 'made-up', 'patrick', 'kitten', 'braden', 'pushing', 'baby', 'pram', 'flirting', 'insouciantly', 'construction', 'workers', 'introduces', 'life', 'story', 'intricately', 'plotted', 'film', 'divided', 'brief', 'chapters', 'fictional', 'irish', 'town', 'tyrellin', 'near', 'border', 'northern', 'ireland', 'late', '1940s', 'cartoon', 'robins', 'narrate', 'baby', 'patrick\\\\', 'mother', 'abandons', 'doorstep', 'local', 'parochial', 'house', 'father', 'father', 'liam', 'lives', 'placed', 'unloving', 'foster', 'mother', 'young', 'patrick', 'later', 'shown', 'donning', 'dress', 'lipstick', 'angers', 'foster', 'family', 'however', 'patrick', 'accepted', 'close', 'friends', 'charlie', 'irwin', 'lawrence', 'well', 'lawrence\\\\', 'father', 'tells', 'patrick', 'biological', 'mother', 'looked', 'like', 'blonde', 'american', 'movie', 'star', 'mitzi', 'gaynor', 'story', 'quickly', 'moved', 'ahead', 'patrick\\\\', 'late', 'teen', 'years', 'early', \"\\\\'70s\", 'patrick', 'gets', 'trouble', 'school', 'writing', 'explicit', 'fiction', 'imagining', 'conceived', 'father', 'liam', 'liam\\\\', 'young', 'housekeeper', 'eily', 'bergin', 'inquiring', 'get', 'sex', 'change', 'patrick', 'renames', 'himself/herself', 'kitten', 'also', 'using', 'name', 'patricia', 'approaches', 'father', 'confession', 'asking', 'mother', 'rebuffed', 'kitten', 'soon', 'runs', 'away', 'home', 'catching', 'ride', 'glam', 'rock', 'band', 'billy', 'hatchet', 'mohawks', 'striking', 'flirtation', 'leader', 'billy', 'billy', 'installs', 'lovestruck', 'homeless', 'kitten', 'trailer', 'home', 'discovers', 'he\\\\', 'hiding', 'guns', 'smuggled', 'irish', 'republican', 'army', 'meanwhile', 'irwin', 'begun', 'work', 'ira', 'much', 'dismay', 'now-girlfriend', 'charlie', 'kitten', 'dismisses', 'irwin\\\\', 'politics', 'serious', 'serious', 'serious', 'lawrence', 'killed', 'police', 'detonating', 'suspected', 'ira', 'car', 'bomb', 'tosses', 'ira', 'gun', 'cache', 'lake', 'billy', 'abandons', 'kitten', 'flee', 'ira', 'kitten', 'plays', 'crazy', \"won\\\\'t\", 'shot', 'kitten', 'next', 'journeys', 'london', 'search', 'mother', 'initial', 'inquiries', 'prove', 'fruitless', 'penniless', 'finds', 'shelter', 'tiny', 'cottage', 'park', 'find', 'it\\\\', 'children\\\\', 'entertainment', 'park', 'wombles', 'gets', 'job', 'singing', 'dancing', 'womble', 'immediately', 'loses', 'sponsor', 'co-worker', 'punches', 'boss', 'forced', 'prostitution', 'violently', 'attacked', 'first', 'client', 'saving', 'strangulation', 'spraying', 'eyes', 'chanel', 'perfume', 'diner', 'magician', 'bertie', 'vaughan', 'asks', 'writing', 'notebook', 'explains', 'it\\\\', 'story', 'phantom', 'lady', 'swallowed', 'big', 'city', 'reveals', 'it\\\\', 'mother', 'seeking', 'bertie', 'hires', 'magician\\\\', 'assistant', 'exploiting', 'life', 'story', 'hypnosis', 'act', 'two', 'take', 'romantic', 'day', 'trip', 'kitten', 'explains', 'she\\\\', 'really', 'girl', 'bertie', 'tries', 'kiss', 'bertie', 'says', 'already', 'knew', 'soon', 'charlie', 'finds', 'bertie\\\\', 'show', 'takes', 'kitten', 'away', 'next', 'kitten', 'goes', 'club', 'frequented', 'british', 'soldiers', 'dances', 'soldier', 'injured', 'club', 'bombed', 'ira', 'police', 'discover', 'kitten', 'biologically', 'male', 'irish', 'arrested', 'suspected', 'terrorist', 'beaten', 'prevented', 'sleeping', 'writes', 'hyperbolic', 'statement', 'shown', 'fantasy', 'spy', 'film', 'spoof', 'sequence', 'cops', 'soften', 'realising', 'innocent', 'release', 'place', 'kitten', 'begs', 'stay', 'police', 'station', 'tossed', 'street', 'kitten', 'forced', 'turn', 'tricks', 'saved', 'one', 'cops', 'interrogated', 'brings', 'peep', 'show', 'transforms', 'high', 'femme', 'blonde', 'repentant', 'father', 'finds', 'scene', 'mirrors', 'confessional', 'scene', 'professes', 'love', 'tells', 'kitten', 'find', 'mother', 'goes', 'mother\\\\', 'house', 'posing', 'telephone', 'company', 'market', 'researcher', 'discovers', 'younger', 'half-brother', 'whose', 'name', 'also', 'patrick', 'faints', 'upon', 'meeting', 'mother', 'reviving', 'reveal', 'true', 'self', 'irwin', 'killed', 'ira', 'kitten', 'goes', 'home', 'tend', 'pregnant', 'charlie', 'however', 'town', 'reacts', 'unwed', 'mother', 'transgender', 'friend', 'firebombing', 'parish', 'house', 'kitten', 'charlie', 'flee', 'london', 'final', 'scene', 'run', 'kitten\\\\', 'pregnant', 'mother', 'eily', 'little', 'patrick', 'doctor\\\\', 'office', 'charlie', 'getting', 'post-partum', 'care', 'kitten', 'friendly', 'still', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'reveal', 'true', 'identity'], ['alvin', 'purple', 'unable', 'hold', 'job', 'appeal', 'women', 'friend', 'spike', 'help', 'team', 'women', 'cricketers', 'win', 'match', 'playing', 'drag', 'decide', 'spend', 'share', 'prize', 'money', 'casino', 'alvin', 'discovers', 'identical', 'appearance', 'gangster', 'balls', 'mcgee', 'balls', 'killed', 'alvin', 'forced', 'take', 'place'], [\"'the\", 'strategic', 'air', 'command', 'introduce', 'b-52', 'stratofortress', 'bomber', 'primary', 'manned', 'strategic', 'weapon', 'stationed', '329th', 'bomb', 'squadron', 'castle', 'air', 'force', 'base', 'california', 'twenty-year', 'united', 'states', 'air', 'force', 'veteran', 'master', 'sergeant', 'chuck', 'brennan', 'dislikes', 'commanding', 'officer', 'hotshot', 'lieutenant', 'colonel', 'jim', 'herlihy', 'brennan', 'trusted', 'herlihy', 'since', 'incident', 'korean', 'war', 'career-long', 'problem', 'interferes', 'flight', 'operations', 'aircraft', 'support', 'herlihy', 'starts', 'dating', 'brennan\\\\', 'daughter', 'lois', 'tensions', 'grow', 'brennan', 'demands', 'daughter', 'break', 'relationship', 'brennan', 'herlihy', 'others', 'try', 'solve', 'technical', 'problems', 'plague', 'introduction', 'b-52', 'one', 'top-secret', 'test', 'flight', 'africa', 'refueled', 'mid-air', 'control', 'panel', 'short-circuits', 'causing', 'fire', 'herlihy', 'orders', 'everyone', 'bail', 'ejects', 'brennan', 'refuses', 'safely', 'landing', 'burning', 'bomber', 'castle', 'afb', 'herlihy', 'sends', 'search', 'parties', 'recover', 'crew', 'successfully', 'except', 'brennan', 'following', 'hunch', 'herlihy', 'eventually', 'finds', 'mechanic', 'severely', 'injured', 'airlifts', 'remote', 'back', 'country', 'helicopter', 'hospital', 'realizing', 'wrong', 'herlihy', 'risked', 'life', 'bring', 'home', 'brennan', 'accepts', 'daughter', 'commanding', 'officer', 'reunite', 'eventually', 'brennan', 'also', 'choose', 'high-paying', 'civilian', 'job', 'told', 'discharge', 'papers', 'ready', 'decides', 'continue', 'career', 'usaf', 'loves'], ['plot', 'features', 'series', 'interlocking', 'stories', 'vignette', 'introduced', 'character', 'sex', 'someone', 'previous', 'segment', 'movie', 'opens', 'seventeen-year-old', 'prostitute', 'lolita', 'hangs', 'around', 'outside', 'movie', 'premiere', 'another', 'teen', 'prostitute', 'hopes', 'getting', 'picture', 'idol', 'movie', 'star', 'peter', 'blaine', 'friend', 'forcibly', 'dragged', 'jealous', 'boyfriend', 'lolita', 'wanders', 'around', 'streets', 'los', 'angeles', 'ends', 'performing', 'sexual', 'favor', 'man', 'ends', 'knocking', 'unconscious', 'man', 'young', 'african', 'american', 'named', 'angel', 'engaged', 'questionable', 'criminal', 'activities', 'later', 'ends', 'trying', 'flee', 'los', 'angeles', 'makes', 'major', 'mistake', 'drug', 'deal', 'takes', 'julie', 'young', 'waitress', 'sex', 'stolen', 'car', 'driving', 'car', 'wash', 'julie', 'rethinks', 'plans', 'escape', 'angel', 'notices', 'car', 'filled', 'men', 'shadowing', 'runs', 'car', 'angel', 'killed', 'men', 'sometime', 'later', 'julie', 'working', 'upscale', 'restaurant', 'waitress', 'waits', 'richard', 'ends', 'sexually', 'assaulting', 'men', 'room', 'next', 'vignette', 'richard', 'tryst', 'kathy', 'boss', 'wife', 'kathy', 'non-exclusive', 'relationship', 'husband', 'bobby', 'girlfriend', 'side', 'bobby', 'sexually', 'propositioned', 'patrick', 'sexually', 'aggressive', 'drug', 'addicted', 'gay', 'man', 'closeted', 'blaine', 'boyfriend', 'last', 'vignette', 'features', 'grief-stricken', 'blaine', 'seeking', 'sexual', 'favors', 'companionship', 'lolita', 'still', 'sporting', 'bruise', 'encounter', 'angel'], [\"'the\", 'basic', 'storyline', 'film', 'follows', 'bobby', 'scott', 'two', 'young', 'men', 'late', 'twenties', 'struggling', 'make', 'careers', 'artistic', 'dreams', 'competitiveness', 'gets', 'way', 'bobby', 'screenwriter', 'scott', 'musician', 'neither', 'productive', \"don\\\\'t\", 'believe', 'share', 'incredibly', 'high', 'standards', 'work', 'bobby', 'meets', 'old', 'lover', 'deirdre', 'headed', 'los', 'angeles', 'begs', 'bobby', 'take', 'care', 'dog', 'she\\\\', 'gone', 'bobby', 'agrees', 'exchange', 'sexual', 'favor', 'later', 'bobby', 'makes', 'mistake', 'sharing', 'idea', 'opening', 'new', 'screenplay', 'scott', 'scott', 'tells', 'mutual', 'friend', 'hart', 'playwright', 'hart', 'steals', 'idea', 'incorporating', 'new', 'play', 'death', 'banker', 'campy', 'morality', 'tale', 'september', '2001', 'attacks', 'set', 'performed', 'off-broadway', 'later', 'month', 'bobby', 'loses', 'deirdre\\\\', 'dog', 'tries', 'figure', 'way', 'get', 'situation'], ['expand', 'section', 'film', 'traces', 'progress', 'three', 'marines', 'shore', 'leave', 'wwii', 'pacific', 'one', 'men', 'gung-ho', 'patriot', 'second', 'perennial', 'goof-off', 'third', 'hopes', 'prove', 'worth', 'wealthy', 'father.http', '//www.allmovie.com/work/in-love-and-war-96395', 'nico', 'frankie', 'alan', 'come', 'san', 'francisco', 'furlough', 'war', 'nico', 'proposes', 'pregnant', 'girlfriend', 'andrea', 'drunken', 'frankie', 'fights', 'charlie', 'stanton', 'hateful', 'stepfather', 'thinks', 'coward', 'wealthy', 'alan', 'catches', 'fiancee', 'sue', 'another', 'man', 'lorraine', 'love', 'frankie', 'joined', 'military', 'wave', 'introduces', 'friend', 'alan', 'roommate', 'kalai', 'nurse', 'hawaiian-french', 'heritage', 'lorraine', 'apartment', 'frankie', 'first', 'passes', 'wakes', 'screaming', 'thought', 'returning', 'war', 'lorraine', 'decides', 'leave', 'three', 'men', 'return', 'pacific', 'front', 'end', 'engaged', 'frightening', 'battle', 'frankie', 'shows', 'cowardice', 'nico', 'tries', 'slap', 'sense', 'frankie', 'honored', 'heroism', 'nico', 'killed', 'single-handedly', 'confronting', 'advancing', 'tank', 'alan', 'learns', 'sue', 'attempted', 'suicide', 'returns', 'kalai', 'love', 'frankie', 'promoted', 'sergeant', 'brings', 'nico', 'last', 'love', 'letter', 'home', 'andrea', 'given', 'birth', 'child'], [\"'aditya\", 'kashyap', 'son', 'recently-deceased', 'famous', 'industrialist', 'demoralized', 'mother\\\\', 'public', 'affair', 'subsequent', 'departure', 'gets', 'even', 'depressed', 'attending', 'marriage', 'woman', 'loves', 'another', 'man', 'feeling', 'ashamed', 'face', 'world', 'walks', 'wedding', 'boards', 'train', 'night', 'appears', 'verge', 'committing', 'suicide', 'board', 'meets', 'geet', 'dhillon', 'lively', 'talkative', 'young', 'woman', 'leaving', 'mumbai', 'hometown', 'bhatinda', 'punjab', 'initially', 'aditya', 'finds', 'geet', 'irritating', 'every', 'meeting', 'becomes', 'mental', 'torture', 'discloses', 'big', 'plans', 'eloping', 'boyfriend', 'anshuman', 'fears', 'resentment', 'parents', 'geet', 'irritates', 'aditya', 'point', 'leaves', 'train', 'trying', 'get', 'back', 'train', 'ends', 'missing', 'finds', 'stranded', 'desolate', 'station', 'badnagar', 'luggage', 'money', 'confronts', 'aditya', 'tells', 'responsible', 'getting', 'safely', 'house', 'punjab', 'begin', 'idyllic', 'journey', 'exuberant', 'north', 'indian', 'heartland', 'making', 'way', 'via', 'buses', 'taxis', 'camel-carts', 'reach', 'house', 'spending', 'much', 'time', 'geet', 'aditya', 'begins', 'feel', 'good', 'life', 'arrival', 'geet\\\\', 'family', 'mistakes', 'two', 'lovers', 'quickly', 'assure', 'nothing', 'sort', 'aditya', 'tells', 'family', 'musician', 'avoid', 'recognized', 'famous', 'industrialist', 'family', 'accepts', 'days', 'later', 'manjeet', 'old', 'childhood', 'friend', 'geet\\\\', 'wants', 'marry', 'arrives', 'suitor', 'geet', 'leads', 'believe', 'something', 'intimate', 'going', 'aditya', 'successfully', 'dissuades', 'following', 'match', 'later', 'night', 'geet', 'runs', 'away', 'home', 'along', 'aditya', 'marry', 'anshuman', 'manali', 'however', 'geet\\\\', 'sister', 'sees', 'running', 'away', 'together', 'informs', 'entire', 'family', 'two', 'hurriedly', 'make', 'escape', 'confirms', 'suspicion', 'geet\\\\', 'family', 'lovers', 'two', 'escape', 'manali', 'together', 'part', 'continue', 'separate', 'ways', 'upon', 'returning', 'mumbai', 'new', 'conviction', 'positive', 'outlook', 'life', 'geet\\\\', 'influence', 'aditya', 'guides', 'company', 'extreme', 'success', 'around', 'nine', 'months', 'later', 'launches', 'new', 'product', 'calling', 'card', 'named', 'geet', 'fallen', 'love', 'geet', 'geet', 'family', 'sees', 'launch', 'runs', 'mumbai', 'meet', 'aditya', 'aditya', 'shocked', 'learn', 'geet', 'returned', 'home', 'takes', 'upon', 'find', 'return', 'family', 'returns', 'manali', 'expects', 'new', 'husband', 'instead', 'finds', 'anshuman', 'turned', 'streets', 'refused', 'marry', 'chastising', 'anshuman', 'aditya', 'leaves', 'finally', 'tracks', 'geet', 'shimla', 'shocked', 'see', 'become', 'quiet', 'reserved', 'miserable', 'schoolteacher', 'convincing', 'face', 'circumstances', 'manages', 'bring', 'back', 'normal', 'life', 'things', 'start', 'look', 'however', 'anshuman', 'arrives', 'tries', 'patch', 'relationship', 'claiming', 'realized', 'jerk', 'initially', 'geet', 'want', 'accept', 'apology', 'aditya', 'pushes', 'even', 'though', 'loves', 'three', 'travel', 'back', 'bhatinda', 'unite', 'geet', 'family', 'announce', 'geet', 'anshuman', 'together', 'however', 'upon', 'arrival', 'family', 'assumes', 'geet', 'aditya', 'together', 'confusion', 'chance', 'right', 'family\\\\', 'misconceptions', 'trying', 'clear', 'misconception', 'situations', 'make', 'geet', 'realize', 'fact', 'love', 'aditya', 'anshuman', 'confesses', 'love', 'aditya', 'couple', 'get', 'married', 'two', 'daughters'], ['sundar', 'moves', 'brother', 'family', 'consists', 'brother', 'sister-in-law', 'arundathi', 'little', 'daughter', 'aishwarya', 'sundar', 'close', 'three', 'although', 'sundar', 'reveres', 'arundathi', 'lusts', 'sundar', 'without', 'awareness', 'sundar', 'drops', 'niece', 'school', 'every', 'day', 'meets', 'girlfriend', 'anandi', 'brother', 'gets', 'know', 'relationship', 'excited', 'unfortunately', 'brother', 'commits', 'suicide', 'soon', 'afterward', 'arundathi', 'claims', 'work', 'problems', 'caused', 'suicide', 'sundar', 'tied', 'taking', 'care', 'brother', 'family', 'arundathi', 'aishwarya', 'nowhere', 'arundathi', 'keeps', 'anandi', 'bay', 'everything', 'possible', 'side', 'tries', 'best', 'break', 'sundar', 'relationship', 'anandi', 'subtly', 'hinting', 'sundar', 'love', 'anandi', 'warns', 'sundar', 'conniving', 'sister-in-law', 'nothing', 'comes', 'causes', 'break'], ['film', 'takes', 'place', 'around', 'cape', 'town', 'nearby', 'township', 'khayelitsha', 'film', 'centers', 'around', 'two', 'black', '14-year-old', 'friends', 'madiba', 'sipho', 'one', 'day', 'playing', 'alongside', 'railroad', 'tracks', 'find', 'dead', 'body', 'find', 'gun', 'one', 'bullet', 'video', 'camera', 'sipho', 'takes', 'gun', 'madiba', 'takes', 'camera', 'puts', 'inside', 'wooden', 'toy', 'camera', 'make', 'seem', 'not-working', 'toy', 'sipho', 'seems', 'harmlessly', 'joke', 'gun', 'first', 'begins', 'spending', 'time', 'cape', 'town', 'robbing', 'parking', 'meters', 'paying', 'glue', 'sniff', 'eventually', 'starts', 'living', 'abandoned', 'places', 'cape', 'town', 'group', 'thugs', 'madiba', 'films', 'world', 'around', 'finding', 'beauty', 'khayelitsha', 'cape', 'town', 'tries', 'many', 'filming', 'techniques', 'skilled', 'finds', 'videos', 'personal', 'normally', 'let', 'people', 'see', 'cape', 'town', 'meets', 'forges', 'unlikely', 'friendship', 'white', 'cape', 'town', 'girl', 'estelle', 'rich', 'family', 'gets', 'conflict', 'racist', 'father', 'sipho', 'uses', 'gun', 'rob', 'people', 'madiba', 'disapproves', 'want', 'stolen', 'money', 'still', 'considers', 'friend', 'one', 'sipho', 'robberies', 'goes', 'wrong', 'killed', 'end', 'madiba', 'estelle', 'run', 'take', 'train', 'together'], [\"'the\", 'translator', 'fariba', 'tabrizi', 'living', 'threat', 'death', 'penalty', 'country', 'iran', 'revealed', 'vice', 'squad', 'homosexual', 'support', 'relative', 'fariba', 'able', 'flee', 'home', 'country', 'germany', 'refugee', 'detention', 'centre', 'frankfurt', 'airport', 'application', 'asylum', 'turned', 'lives', 'hour', 'hour', 'thought', 'mind', 'may', 'deported', 'desperate', 'prospects', 'dramatically', 'improved', 'suicide', 'fellow-inmate', 'also', 'iran', 'assumes', 'identity', 'siamak', 'mustafai', 'using', 'temporary', 'permit', 'sojourn', 're-located', 'provinces', 'swabia', 'fariba', 'knows', 'germany', 'literature', 'work', 'translator', 'leave', 'way', 'prepared', 'likes', 'sielmingen', 'contrast', 'metropolis', 'teheran', 'could', 'scarcely', 'greater', 'first', 'glance', 'survival', 'seems', 'assured', 'however', 'refugee', 'home', 'obliged', 'uphold', 'male', 'disguise', 'cramped', 'quarters', 'permitted', 'leave', 'regional', 'district', 'esslingen', 'single', 'word', 'wrong', 'attempt', 'contact', 'allied', 'danger', 'cover', 'blown', 'way', 'escape', 'predicament', 'means', 'forged', 'documents', 'urgent', 'need', 'money', 'little', 'help', 'roommate', 'gasmut', 'comes', 'contact', 'l瀋쮔e', 'local', 'godfather', 'instrumental', 'procuring', 'illegal', 'seasonal', 'job', 'sauerkraut', 'processing', 'factory', 'right', 'middle', 'complex', 'hick', 'town', 'coterie', 'anne', 'manoeuvred', 'workmates', 'taking', 'bet', 'get', 'bike', 'son', 'manage', 'get', 'date', 'refugee', 'chap', 'uwe', 'finds', 'totally', 'order', 'anne', 'solicitous', 'siamak\\\\', 'well-being', 'worries', 'entirely', 'unfounded', 'since', 'anne', 'derives', 'kind', 'pleasure', 'strange', 'foreigner', 'circumstances', 'fariba', 'would', 'glad', 'respond', 'anne\\\\', 'advances', 'however', 'afraid', 'account', 'whole', 'business', 'siamak', 'facade', 'great', 'stubbornness', 'anne', 'drags', 'siamak', 'along', 'boozy', 'leisure', 'activities', 'little', 'hick', 'town', 'clique', 'process', 'become', 'dangerously', 'close', 'anne', 'begins', 'get', 'wind', 'fariba\\\\', 'true', 'identity', 'siamak\\\\', 'permit', 'sojourn', 'runs', 'fariba', 'gets', 'arrears', 'instalments', 'documents', 'becomes', 'clear', 'never', 'manage', 'things', 'risks', 'everything', 'takes', 'anne', 'confidence', 'wants', 'long', 'last', 'able', 'live', 'woman', 'live', 'profession', 'enjoy', 'big', 'cities', 'break', 'away', 'provinces', 'would', 'also', 'fulfilment', 'dream', 'anne', 'disappoint', 'fariba', 'together', 'successfully', 'car', 'theft', 'fariba', 'gets', 'new', 'passport', 'world', 'oyster', 'fariba', 'changing', 'siamak', 'disguise', 'uwe', 'clique', 'turn', 'anne\\\\', 'flat', 'uwe', 'demands', 'explanation', 'row', 'escalates', 'noisy', 'dispute', 'leads', 'fariba\\\\', 'downfall', 'routine', 'check', 'account', 'disturbance', 'falsified', 'passport', 'falls', 'hands', 'police', 'system', 'believed', 'outwitted', 'takes', 'relentless', 'grip', 'fariba', 'knows', 'end', 'hopes', 'shattered', 'anne', 'watch', 'helplessly', 'fariba', 'put', 'arrest', 'term', 'orbit', 'officially', 'used', 'refer', 'asylum-seekers', 'find', 'orbiting', 'around', 'planet', 'earth', 'actually', 'find', 'legal', 'domicile', 'nowhere'], ['nicole', 'love', 'boyfriend', 'robbie', 'ready', 'start', 'talking', 'marriage', 'unfortunately', 'even', 'thought', 'future', 'moves', 'san', 'francisco', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'ends', 'robbie', 'brother', 'brian', 'roommate', 'one', 'month', 'nicole', 'brian', 'realize', 'feelings', 'robbie', 'wants', 'try', 'relationship', 'nicole'], ['william', 'hickey', 'stars', 'andre', 'lecherous', 'brothel', 'owner', 'trades', 'young', 'men', 'exploiting', 'young', 'charges', 'paternalism', 'drugs', 'andre', 'sets', 'sights', 'lee', 'ten-year-old', 'black', 'runaway', 'orphan', 'andre', 'lee', 'quickly', 'becomes', 'immersed', 'new', 'york', 'sleazy', 'underbelly', 'drug', 'dealers', 'street', 'hustlers', 'boy', 'hope', 'survival', 'aspiring', 'songwriter', 'angel', 'former', 'hustler', 'drug', 'dealer', 'angel', 'befriends', 'lee', 'rescues', 'wiles', 'andre', 'cohort', 'fine', 'art', 'attempts', 'profit', 'lee', 'tender', 'age', 'eventually', 'andre', 'petty', 'empire', 'vanquished', 'shiniqua', 'billy', 'porter', 'powerfully', 'wise', 'glamorous', 'drag', 'queen', 'whose', 'fiercely', 'maternal', 'spirit', 'every', 'bit', 'match', 'depraved', 'denizens', 'brothel.tla', 'video', 'twisted', 'page'], [\"'when\", 'two', 'star-crossed', 'lovers', 'set', 'eloping', 'forced', 'big', 'wedding', 'bride', 'develops', 'plan', 'unfortunately', 'groom', 'privy', 'plan', 'meanwhile', 'family', 'friends', 'start', 'take', 'sides', 'reception', 'wedding', 'never', 'took', 'place.http', '//othervenicefilmfest.com/program/sun10el.html'], [\"'two\", 'lovers', 'separated', 'marry', 'partners', 'boyfriend', 'dies', 'girlfriend', 'becomes', 'delirious'], [\"'fred\", 'recently', 'widowed', 'spaniard', '70s', 'led', 'quiet', 'life', 'retires', 'apartment', 'madrid', 'elsa', 'similarly-aged', 'colorful', 'argentinian', 'chronic', 'liar', 'neighbor', 'fred', 'significant', 'health', 'problems', 'hypochondriac', 'elsa', 'seriously', 'ill', 'undergoing', 'dialysis', 'hides', 'fred', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'elsa', 'throws', 'fred', 'situations', 'widower', 'would', 'disapproved', 'met', 'making', 'live', 'life', 'death', 'fred', 'learns', 'elsa', 'probably', 'die', 'pays', 'expenses', 'trip', 'rome', 'fulfill', 'elsa\\\\', 'lifelong', 'wish', 'reenacting', 'fellini\\\\', 'famous', 'scene', 'starring', 'marcello', 'mastroianni', 'anita', 'ekberg', 'fontana', 'trevi', 'dolce', 'vita', 'trip', 'rome', 'movie', 'ends', 'fred', 'visiting', 'elsa\\\\', 'grave', 'madrid', 'grandson', 'fred', 'looks', 'birthdate', 'tombstone', 'realizes', 'lied', 'old', 'jokingly', 'affectionately', 'calls', 'embustera'], [\"'during\", 'holiday', 'season', 'bethlehem', 'school', 'goes', 'review', 'stern', 'school', 'administrator', 'cal', 'peterson', 'sent', 'eliminate', 'programs', 'save', 'money', 'school', 'following', 'long', 'review', 'cal', 'decides', 'eliminate', 'music', 'program', 'led', 'music', 'teacher', 'lily', 'waite', 'cal', 'unaware', 'teenage', 'niece', 'fern', 'taking', 'care', 'changed', 'music', 'program', 'final', 'concert', 'lily', 'must', 'leave', 'job', 'music', 'program', 'saved', 'generous', 'donations', 'cal', 'sees', 'fern', 'perform', 'many', 'sub-plots', 'including', 'hijinks', 'jake', 'peterson', 'musical', 'back', 'ground', 'film', 'unique', 'reaches', 'viewer', 'acting', 'joy', 'christmas', 'music', 'showing', 'tradition', 'new', 'light', 'showing', 'old', 'feel'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'based', 'idea', 'salman', 'khan', 'centres', 'saajan', 'son', 'colonel', 'indian', 'army', 'kaajal', 'modest', 'girl', 'respectable', 'family', 'film', 'opens', 'saajan', 'travelling', 'bus', 'catches', 'glimpse', 'kaajal', 'another', 'bus', 'smitten', 'formally', 'meet', 'since', 'saajan', 'start', 'college', 'think', 'ever', 'see', 'new', 'friends', 'college', 'buddha', 'tempo', 'refill', 'one', 'night', 'insist', 'visit', 'brothel', 'seedier', 'part', 'bombay', 'saajan', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'ultimately', 'refuses', 'select', 'prostitute', 'mdash', 'hears', 'new', 'girl', 'beaten', 'pimp', 'decides', 'protect', 'surprise', 'kaajal', 'kidnapped', 'pimp', 'tricked', 'job', 'offer', 'bombay', 'kaajal', 'recently', 'arrived', 'brothel', 'still', 'virgin', 'adamantly', 'refused', 'prostitute', 'jaggu', 'runs', 'brothel', 'beating', 'finally', 'alone', 'saajan', 'paying', 'client', 'kaajal', 'explains', 'forced', 'look', 'work', 'parents\\\\', 'deaths', 'ultimately', 'led', 'travelling', 'bombay', 'kidnapped', 'dhanraj', 'forced', 'work', 'jaggu\\\\', 'brothel', 'thanks', 'leelabai', 'madame', 'helps', 'run', 'brothel', 'saajan', 'able', 'spend', 'time', 'kaajal', 'kaajal', 'somehow', 'able', 'resist', 'becoming', 'prostitute', 'saajan', 'kaajal', 'fall', 'love', 'tries', 'find', 'way', 'get', 'brothel', 'kaajal', 'gives', 'hope', 'saajan', 'finally', 'able', 'introduce', 'kaajal', 'parents', 'mdash', 'surprisingly', 'mdash', 'reject', 'idea', 'marrying', 'girl', 'brothel', 'even', 'taken', 'respectable', 'family', 'since', 'saajan\\\\', 'father', 'col.', 'sood', 'already', 'angry', 'son', 'refusing', 'follow', 'family', 'tradition', 'join', 'indian', 'army', 'last', 'straw', 'saajan', 'kicked', 'house', 'becomes', 'words', 'rebel', 'word', 'repeated', 'several', 'times', 'movie', 'since', 'kaajal', 'already', 'rebelling', 'jaggu', 'believes', 'love', 'rebels', 'love', 'help', 'saajan\\\\', 'college', 'friends', 'help', 'kaajal', 'escape', 'brothel', 'flee', 'ooty', 'near', 'grandparents', 'live', 'married', 'kaajal\\\\', 'grandparents\\\\', 'consent', 'saajan\\\\', 'father\\\\', 'police', 'arrive', 'take', 'back', 'bombay', 'claim', 'he\\\\', 'wanted', 'kidnapping', 'paro', 'saajan\\\\', 'father', 'hearing', 'heroics', 'fighting', 'dhanraj\\\\', 'men', 'rescue', 'kaajal', 'suddenly', 'new-found', 'respect', 'son', 'previously', 'lazy', 'drifter', 'help', 'saajan\\\\', 'three', 'friends', 'col.', 'sood', 'finds', 'son', 'outside', 'jaggu\\\\', 'brothel', 'police', 'returned', 'saajan', 'kaajal', 'dhanraj', 'preparing', 'punish', 'leaving', 'brothel', 'intervention', 'leelabai', 'kaajal\\\\', 'behalf', 'leads', 'yet', 'another', 'fight', 'several', 'people', 'switching', 'alliances'], ['lou', 'falls', 'love', 'best', 'friend', 'sassafras', \"n't\", 'know', 'order', 'bring', 'careers', 'performance', 'artists', 'forward', 'move', 'san', 'francisco', 'get', 'bdsm', 'scene', 'soon', 'start', 'princess/daddy', 'role-play', 'lou', 'plays', 'sea', 'captain', 'daddy', 'role', 'sass', 'takes', 'brat', 'princess'], [\"'the\", 'preface', 'story', 'shows', 'episcopal', 'priest', 'reverend', 'dr.', 'lawrence', 'shannon', 'nervous', 'breakdown', 'ostracized', 'congregation', 'inappropriate', 'relationship', 'virginia', 'young', 'sunday', 'school', 'teacher', 'two', 'years', 'later', 'shannon', 'tour', 'guide', 'bottom-of-the-barrel', 'texas', 'company', 'blake', 'tours', 'taking', 'group', 'baptist', 'school', 'teachers', 'bus', 'puerto', 'vallarta', 'mexico', 'group\\\\', 'brittle', 'group', 'leader', 'miss', 'judith', 'fellowes', 'whose', '17-year-old', 'niece', 'charlotte', 'goodall', 'tries', 'seduce', 'shannon', 'charlotte\\\\', 'aunt', 'described', 'butch', 'characters', 'accuses', 'shannon', 'trying', 'seduce', 'niece', 'declares', 'ruin', 'moment', 'despair', 'shannon', 'shanghais', 'bus', 'occupants', 'tries', 'prevent', 'fellowes', 'calling', 'boss', 'stranding', 'bus', 'cheap', 'costa', 'verde', 'hotel', 'mismaloya', 'coast', 'shannon', 'thinks', 'hotel', 'still', 'run', 'old', 'friend', 'named', 'fred', 'finds', 'man', 'died', 'recently', 'hotel', 'run', 'fred\\\\', 'widow', 'maxine', 'faulk', 'maxine', 'becomes', 'interested', 'shannon', 'another', 'woman', 'hotel', 'hannah', 'jelkes', 'beautiful', 'chaste', 'itinerant', 'painter', 'nantucket', 'traveling', 'elderly', 'poet', 'grandfather', 'hannah', 'grandfather', 'run', 'money', 'shannon', 'convinces', 'maxine', 'let', 'rooms', 'long', 'night', 'shannon', 'battles', 'weaknesses', 'flesh', 'alcohol', 'miss', 'fellowes\\\\', 'niece', 'continues', 'make', 'trouble', 'end', 'rope', 'like', 'iguana', 'kept', 'tied', 'maxine\\\\', 'cabana', 'boys', 'shannon', 'suffers', 'breakdown', 'cabana', 'boys', 'truss', 'hammock', 'hannah', 'ministers', 'poppy-seed', 'tea', 'frank', 'spiritual', 'counsel', 'hannah\\\\', 'grandfather', 'delivers', 'final', 'version', 'poem', 'laboring', 'finish', 'dies', 'characters', 'try', 'resolve', 'confused', 'lives', 'shannon', 'maxine', 'deciding', 'run', 'hotel', 'together', 'hannah', 'walks', 'away', 'last', 'chance', 'love'], ['shahenshah', 'jalaudin', 'akbar', 'grandson', 'babur', 'son', 'humayun', 'known', 'ruled', 'hindustan', 'humane', 'heart', 'knew', 'order', 'garner', 'support', 'hindus', 'must', 'treat', 'sensitively', 'allow', 'worship', 'freely', 'order', 'maintain', 'peace', 'married', 'jodabai', 'hindu', 'rajput', 'sister', 'raja', 'man', 'singh', 'marriage', 'became', 'proud', 'parents', 'shehzada', 'salim', 'akbar', 'first', 'met', 'nadira', 'anar', 'garden', 'awaiting', 'arrival', 'lover', 'pleased', 'wanted', 'reward', 'asked', 'anar', 'ended', 'bestowing', 'name', \"'anarkali\", 'met', 'second', 'time', 'able', 'revive', 'salim', 'seriously', 'wounded', 'war', 'kabul', 'akbar', 'pleased', 'wanted', 'reward', 'turned', 'third', 'time', 'ended', 'annoying', 'akbar', 'sang', 'danced', 'court', 'influence', 'alcohol', 'imprisoned', 'foundations', 'akbar', 'palace', 'shaken', 'roots', 'manner', 'meting', 'justice', 'put', 'extreme', 'test', 'finds', 'salim', 'love', 'anarkali', 'wants', 'marry', 'akbar', 'may', 'successful', 'end', 'strife', 'hindus', 'muslims', 'able', 'break', 'wall', 'rich', 'poor'], [\"'danny\", 'valdessecchi', 'intelligent', 'handsome', 'charming', 'boy', 'happens', 'blind', 'blind', 'birth', 'volunteers', 'risky', 'experimental', 'visual', 'prosthesis', 'may', 'restore', 'sight', 'microchip', 'installed', 'visual', 'cortex', 'brain', 'connects', 'camera', 'would', 'give', 'best', 'fuzzy', 'black', 'white', 'images', 'tests', 'meets', 'beautiful', 'indian', 'nurse', 'leeza', 'meanwhile', 'danny', 'virgin', 'brother', 'larry', 'runs', 'limousine', 'service', 'gets', 'string', 'hilariously', 'disastrous', 'blind', 'dates', 'rentals', 'danny', 'finally', 'realizes', 'falling', 'leeza', 'tells', 'see', 'anymore', 'promised', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'believing', 'leeza', 'pursue', 'relationship', 'blind', 'danny', 'becomes', 'depressed', 'stops', 'taking', 'necessary', 'tests', 'brain', 'surgery', 'danny\\\\', 'family', 'eccentric', 'psychotherapist', 'dr.', 'evans', 'jane', 'seymour', 'eye', 'doctor', 'dr.', 'perkins', 'advise', 'continue', 'chance', 'seeing', 'soon', 'danny', 'successfully', 'operated', 'sees', 'family\\\\', 'faces', 'first', 'time', 'leeza\\\\', 'away', 'reluctantly', 'preparing', 'marriage', 'soon', 'experiment', 'proves', 'failure', 'fragile', 'prosthesis', 'brain', 'moves', 'clouding', 'already', 'weak', 'vision', 'danny', 'goes', 'back', 'blind', 'realizing', 'really', 'loves', 'leeza', 'bursts', 'wedding', 'professing', 'love', 'saying', 'love', 'speak', 'love', 'touch', '...', 'guide', 'showing', 'way', 'kiss', 'kiss', 'moves', 'soul', 'couple', 'kiss', 'marriage', 'called', 'danny', 'leeza', 'start', 'learning', 'other\\\\', 'family', 'culture'], [\"'rich\", 'spoiled', 'twenty', 'something', 'jessie', 'montgomery', 'winds', 'jail', 'life', 'wild', 'partying', 'father', 'decides', 'might', 'better', 'without', 'daughter', 'fairy', 'godmother', 'stella', 'appears', 'creates', 'existence', 'must', 'make', 'jessie', 'forced', 'find', 'work', 'maid', 'eccentric', 'rich', 'couple', 'film', 'unusual', 'variation', 'cinderella', 'formula', 'fairy', 'godmother', 'means', 'better', 'life', 'heroine', 'rather', 'nemesis', 'stella', 'jessie\\\\', 'primary', 'obstacle', 'achieving', 'wish', 'regaining', 'old', 'spoiled', 'beverly', 'hills', 'lifestyle', 'end', 'however', 'experiences', 'people', 'mansion', 'jessie', 'learns', 'true', 'meaning', 'love', 'friendship', 'self-respect', 'chooses', 'happiness', 'new', 'friends', 'rewarded', 'old', 'life', 'less', 'returned'], ['gritty', 'modern', 'fairytale', 'teen', 'romance', 'set', 'seaside', 'town', 'brighton', 'inside', 'edgy', 'often', 'dangerous', 'world', 'street', 'racer', 'gangs', 'indie', 'punks', 'town', 'famous', 'week', 'christmas', 'strangely', 'beautiful', 'emotionally', 'super-charged', 'love', 'story', 'unfolds', 'two', 'kids', 'opposite', 'ends', 'town', 'romeo', 'juliet', 'fast', 'live', 'generation'], [\"'three\", 'couples', 'travel', 'rottnest', 'island', 'near', 'perth', 'western', 'australia', 'weekend', 'one', 'couples', 'announces', 'intend', 'get', 'married', 'bride-to-be', 'tells', 'others', 'terminally', 'ill', 'make', 'sure', 'wedding', 'takes', 'place', 'weekend'], ['steve', 'mallory', 'involved', 'car', 'crash', 'appears', 'killed', 'mistress', 'holly', 'mitchell', 'steve', 'suffers', 'amnesia', 'recollection', 'whatever', 'event', 'wife', 'hostile', 'cold', 'toward', 'father-in-law', 'severely', 'disabled', 'stoke', 'wife', 'cousin', 'appears', 'hate', 'guts', 'added', 'sinister', 'presence', 'lester', 'aldrich', 'turns', 'downtrodden', 'husband', 'sleazy', 'holly'], ['setting', 'san', 'francisco', 'joey', 'evans', 'second-rate', 'singer', 'heel', 'known', 'womanizing', 'ways', 'charming', 'funny', 'joey', 'meets', 'linda', 'english', 'naive', 'chorus', 'girl', 'stirrings', 'real', 'feelings', 'however', 'stop', 'romancing', 'wealthy', 'willful', 'lonely', 'widow', 'vera', 'simpson', 'order', 'convince', 'finance', 'dream', 'chez', 'joey', 'night', 'club', 'soon', 'joey', 'involved', 'vera', 'using', 'his/her', 'somewhat', 'selfish', 'purposes', 'joey\\\\', 'feelings', 'linda', 'growing', 'ultimately', 'vera', 'jealously', 'demands', 'joey', 'fire', 'linda', 'joey', 'refuses', 'vera', 'closes', 'chez', 'joey', 'linda', 'visits', 'vera', 'agrees', 'quit', 'attempt', 'keep', 'club', 'open', 'vera', 'agrees', 'open', 'club', 'even', 'offers', 'marry', 'joey', 'joey', 'rejects', 'vera', 'joey', 'leaving', 'linda', 'runs', 'offering', 'wherever', 'headed', 'half-hearted', 'refusals', 'joey', 'gives', 'walk', 'away', 'together', 'united'], ['living', 'manhattan', 'peter', 'wilson', 'sarcastic', 'near-sighted', 'cartoonist', 'author', 'swinging', 'bachelor', 'detests', 'dogs', 'children', 'although', 'also', 'disagrees', 'many', 'values', 'women', 'peter', 'commitment-phobe', 'much', 'prefers', 'women', 'come', 'briefly', 'life', 'office', 'eye', 'surgeon', 'peter', 'bumps', 'leggy', 'eye-catching', 'brunette', 'named', 'theresa', \"'terri\", 'kozlenko', 'likes', 'much', \"n't\", 'immediately', 'realise', 'single', 'mother', 'three', 'children', 'scowling', 'dog', 'invites', 'back', 'flat', 'build', 'close', 'relationship', 'shows', 'perfect', 'match', 'terri', 'becomes', 'woman', 'prepared', 'put', 'peter', 'strong', 'views', 'day-by-day', 'relationship', 'soon', 'becomes', 'passionate', 'rejects', 'idea', 'living', 'life', 'purely', 'sleeping', 'together', 'bachelor', 'pad', 'reluctantly', 'proposes', 'eventually', 'moves', 'flat', 'get', 'married', 'rogue', 'ex-husband', 'stephen', 'kozlenko', 'appears', 'scene', 'spend', 'time', 'children', 'stephen', 'peter', 'clash', 'first', 'soon', 'become', 'good', 'drinking', 'friends', 'much', 'disapproval', 'terri', 'peter', 'eyesight', 'gradually', 'gets', 'worse', 'time', 'once-popular', 'work', 'cartoonist', 'begins', 'receive', 'criticism', 'bumbling', 'boss', 'howard', 'mann', 'serious', 'operation', 'possibly', 'cure', 'peter', 'problem', 'arises', 'tries', 'keep', 'secret', 'terri', 'worry', 'upset', 'howard', 'gets', 'hysterical', 'therefore', 'ruins', 'peter', 'attempts', 'make', 'story', 'working', 'away', 'home', 'book', 'terri', 'tells', 'knew', 'along', 'peter', 'really', 'going', 'blind', 'first', 'day', 'met'], [\"'viva\", 'erotica', 'sex-comedy', 'film', 'though', 'serious', 'subject', 'artist', 'compromise', 'talents', 'living', 'film', 'unsuccessful', 'film-director', 'kwok-wing', 'producer', 'chung', 'agrees', 'make', 'category', 'iii', 'sex/porn', 'movies', 'financial', 'stability', 'movie', 'projects', 'financed', 'gangster', 'head', 'turned', 'film', 'boss', 'pui', 'played', 'paul', 'chun', 'shu', 'karen', 'mok', 'played', 'roles', 'leading', 'actresses', 'movie', 'end', 'wing', 'finally', 'decides', 'kill', 'artistic', 'talent', 'making', 'flesh-oriented', 'porn', 'movie'], ['lee', 'yoo-rim', 'high', 'school', 'english', 'teacher', 'cute', 'clever', '...', 'shameless', 'choi', 'hong', 'student', 'teacher', 'even', 'though', 'one', 'year', 'older', 'yu-rim', 'cynical', 'always', 'plays', 'hard-to-get', 'man', 'shows', 'interest', 'going', 'drinks', 'one', 'night', 'yu-rim', 'suddenly', 'tells', 'hong', 'wants', 'sex', 'hong', 'hardly', 'impressed', 'begins', 'battle', 'wits', 'within', 'yu-rim', 'hong', 'unsure', 'wants', 'want', 'dating', 'desire', 'mix', 'explosively', 'point', 'strange', 'relationship', 'object', 'desire'], ['halsy', 'knox', 'professional', 'motorcycle', 'racer', 'runs', 'little', 'fauss', 'amateur', 'racer', 'race', 'held', 'near', 'phoenix', 'arizona', 'strike', 'friendship', 'fauss', 'attracted', 'halsy', 'carefree', 'lifestyle', 'fauss', 'father', 'however', 'regards', 'halsy', 'bad', 'influence', 'son', 'refuses', 'help', 'halsy', 'truck', 'breaks', 'halsy', 'arrives', 'later', 'motorcycle', 'repair', 'shop', 'fauss', 'employed', 'tricks', 'admiring', 'fauss', 'repairing', 'motorcycle', 'free', 'halsy', 'barred', 'racing', 'drinking', 'track', 'proposes', 'form', 'partnership', 'halsy', 'would', 'race', 'fauss', 'name', 'fauss', 'serving', 'mechanic', 'fauss', 'joins', 'halsy', 'motorcycle', 'racing', 'circuit', 'despite', 'parent', 'disapproval', 'fauss', 'constantly', 'confronted', 'inferiority', 'halsy', 'racetrack', 'partnership', 'finally', 'broken', 'rita', 'nebraska', 'drop-out', 'wealthy', 'background', 'arrives', 'racetrack', 'immediately', 'attaches', 'halsy', 'despite', 'attention', 'fauss', 'pays', 'fauss', 'returns', 'home', 'parents', 'breaking', 'leg', 'motorcycle', 'accident', 'several', 'months', 'later', 'leg', 'healed', 'halsy', 'visits', 'attempts', 'ditch', 'rita', 'pregnant', 'fauss', 'however', 'refuses', 'take', 'informs', 'halsy', 'plans', 'reenter', 'racing', 'circuit', 'two', 'men', 'race', 'short', 'time', 'later', 'sears', 'point', 'international', 'raceway', 'halsy', 'motorcycle', 'breaks', 'leaves', 'track', 'hears', 'announcement', 'fauss', 'taken', 'lead', 'addition', 'plot', 'summary', 'sears', 'point', 'meeting', 'little', 'tells', 'halsey', 'drafted', 'difference', 'two', 'charachters', 'defined'], ['narrator', 'explains', 'test', 'hidden', 'sats', 'measures', 'applicant\\\\', 'ability', 'fight', 'cheat', 'lie', 'kill', 'female', 'students', 'score', 'well', 'hidden', 'test', 'selected', 'become', 'members', 'secret', 'paramilitary', 'group', 'd.e.b.s', 'stands', 'discipline', 'energy', 'beauty', 'strength', 'focusing', 'one', 'squad', 'd.e.b.s.', 'composed', 'team', 'captain', 'amy', 'tough', 'max', 'french', 'exchange', 'student', 'dominique', 'prissy', 'insecure', 'janet', 'faces', 'ruthless', 'villain', 'named', 'lucy', 'sky', 'spoofing', 'prime', 'time', 'shows', 'listing', 'previous', 'd.e.b.s', 'shows', 'team\\\\', 'boss', 'mr.', 'tibbs', 'explaining', 'lucy', 'sky', 'spotted', 'entering', 'united', 'states', 'max', 'frustrated', 'knowing', 'reason', 'lucy', 'keeps', 'capturing', 'amy', 'team', 'rescue', 'amy', 'captured', 'leading', 'max', 'take', 'team', 'lead', 'lucy\\\\', 'hideout', 'dockside', 'warehouse', 'max', 'janet', 'chain-smoking', 'dominique', 'make', 'entry', 'lucy\\\\', 'hideout', 'soon', 'facing', 'gun', 'battle', 'lucy\\\\', 'henchmen', 'led', 'right-hand', 'man', 'billy', 'skids', 'meanwhile', 'unknown', 'either', 'lucy\\\\', 'henchmen', 'd.e.b.s.', 'lucy', 'amy', 'lovers', 'lucy', 'keeps', 'capturing', 'amy', 'two', 'sex', 'amy', 'timing', 'know', 'colleagues', 'appear', 'rescue', 'time', 'lucy', 'becomes', 'frustrated', 'routine', 'though', 'secret', 'romance', 'time', 'amy', 'tells', 'lucy', 'really', 'loves', 'lucy', 'happy', 'elsewhere', 'max', 'janet', 'dominique', 'defeat', 'lucy\\\\', 'henchmen', 'three', 'd.e.b.s', 'arrive', 'locked', 'door', 'lucy\\\\', 'quarters', 'hear', 'amy', 'screaming', 'leading', 'try', 'break', 'door', 'amy', 'screaming', 'pain', 'passion', 'climaxes', 'sex', 'lucy', 'amy', 'quickly', 'dress', 'amy', 'tells', 'lucy', 'capture', 'next', 'week', 'd.e.b.s', 'mission', 'uganda', 'cue', 'amy', 'lucy', 'punches', 'makes', 'escape', 'max', 'janet', 'dominique', 'arrive', 'none', 'aware', 'amy\\\\', 'secret', 'tryst', 'enemy', 'amy', 'thanks', 'rescuing', '...', 'four', 'd.e.b.s', 'walk', 'warehouse', 'evening', 'sunset', 'janet', 'asks', 'amy', 'sweater', 'she\\\\', 'wearing', 'got', 'blood', 'dirt'], ['brad', 'steve', 'hue', 'marvin', 'four', 'get-nowhere', 'boys', 'forced', 'summer', 'school', 'ending', 'cockswell', 'academy', 'supervision', 'principal', 'arsenault', 'boys', 'play', 'game', 'earn', 'points', 'every', 'girl', 'score', 'misadventures', 'decide', 'ultimate', '100-point', 'score', 'mona', 'lott', 'new', 'french', 'teacher', \"'re\", 'unable', 'get', 'shot', 'end', 'unforgiving', 'clutches', 'principal', 'lost', 'take', 'one', 'final', 'chance', 'school', 'anniversary', 'celebration'], [\"'the\", 'script', 'based', 'robert', 'grave\\\\', 'enigmatic', 'poem', 'beauty', 'trouble', 'begins', 'words', 'set', 'music', 'sung', 'chanteuse', 'accompanies', 'accordion', 'beauty', 'trouble', 'flees', 'good', 'angel', 'rely', 'pay', 'cab-fare', 'run', 'steaming', 'bath', 'poultice', 'bruised', 'eye', 'first', 'whether', 'shame', 'caution', 'difficulty', 'disclose', 'draws', 'cheque', 'book', 'plumage', 'asking', 'much', 'owes', 'loves', 'less', 'saint-like', 'mother', 'promises', 'repay', 'loans', 'seraphic', 'thoughtfulness', 'million-fold', 'one', 'day', 'beauty', 'grows', 'plump', 'renews', 'broken', 'courage', 'borrowing', 'ink', 'pen', 'writes', 'news-letter', 'evil', 'angel', 'fiend', 'beats', 'betrays', 'sponges', 'persuades', 'white', 'black', 'flaunts', 'vespertilian', 'wing', 'cloven', 'hoof', 'soon', 'fetch', 'back', 'virtue', 'good', 'angel', 'reward', 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'evzen', 'move', 'italy', 'marcela', 'mother', 'dies', 'children', 'come', 'back', 'prague', 'funeral', 'sees', 'jarda', 'released', 'prison', 'jarda', 'one', 'typical', 'sexual', 'encounters', 'speaks', 'marriage', 'pushes', 'away', 'leaves', 'jarda\\\\', 'character', 'patently', 'chauvinistic', 'turns', 'insults', 'afterwards', 'return', 'italy', 'ironically', 'evjzen', 'invites', 'risha', 'come', 'live', 'guest', 'house'], ['giulia', 'carlo', 'happy', 'together', 'three', 'years', 'giulia', 'announcement', 'pregnant', 'sends', 'secret', 'panic', 'terrified', 'imminent', 'entry', 'adult', 'world', 'irreversible', 'responsibilities', 'carlo', 'finds', 'tempted', 'bewitching', 'year', 'old', 'girl', 'francesca', 'meets', 'chance', 'wedding', 'possibility', 'one', 'last', 'youthful', 'crazy', 'fling', 'impending', 'prison', 'parenthood', 'proves', 'attractive', 'resist', 'short-term', 'fling', 'francesca', 'comes', 'serious', 'consequences', 'threaten', 'damage', 'three-year', 'relationship', 'giulia', 'expecting', 'baby', 'girl', 'time', 'also', 'dashes', 'idealistic', 'hopes', 'francesca', 'dreams', 'beautiful', 'future', 'raucous', 'quarrel', 'night', 'carlo', 'goes', 'francesca', 'house', 'sex', 'however', 'morning', 'reality', 'sinks', 'carlo', 'enormity', 'done', 'surfaces', 'easy', 'giulia', 'forgive', 'trust'], ['films', 'tells', 'father', 'juan', 'denevi', 'gets', 'surprise', 'life', 'fiftieth', 'birthday', 'finds', 'become', 'grandfather', 'movie', 'opens', 'buenos', 'aires', 'argentina', 'juan', 'cooking', 'individual', 'personal', 'favorite', 'dishes', 'friends', 'patrons', 'restaurant', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'manuela', 'appears', '3-year-old', 'boy', 'announces', 'lucas', 'juan', 'grandson', 'juan', \"n't\", 'seen', 'son', 'facundo', 'many', 'years', 'time', 'facundo', 'married', 'son', 'facundo', 'wife', 'son', 'find', 'juan', 'birthday', 'party', 'beg', 'come', 'help', 'facundo', 'family', 'crisis'], ['alessa', 'woo', 'art', 'gallery', 'employee', 'toronto', 'built', 'image', 'rich', 'heiress', 'dire', 'financial', 'straits', 'attempts', 'court', 'rich', 'men', 'feed', 'lifestyle', 'prone', 'changing', 'partners', 'one', 'day', 'talented', 'aboriginal', 'artist', 'ben', 'crowchild', 'moves', 'apartment', 'next', 'door', 'leading', 'two', 'sharing', 'bathroom', 'order', 'spurn', 'persistent', 'suitor', 'nathan', 'woo', 'takes', 'hold', 'crowchild', 'kisses', 'two', 'later', 'become', 'friends', 'benefits', 'soon', 'woo', 'approached', 'idly', 'rich', 'art', 'collector', 'patrick', 'aucoin', 'proposes', 'woo', 'becomes', 'tempted', 'however', 'developed', 'feelings', 'seemingly', 'unwealthy', 'crowchild', 'crowchild', 'similar', 'emotions', 'reveals', 'adopted', 'aucoin', 'father', 'rich', 'posing', 'poor', 'artist', 'better', 'received', 'community', 'woo', 'crowchild', 'become', 'couple'], [\"'han-na\", 'overweight', 'phone', 'sex', 'employee', 'ghost', 'singer', 'amy', 'famous', 'pop', 'singer', 'actually', 'lip', 'syncs', 'instead', 'famous', 'amazing', 'vocal', 'talent', 'han-na', 'hides', 'behind', 'amy\\\\', 'performance', 'stage', 'sings', 'amy\\\\', 'concerts', 'records', 'amy\\\\', 'songs', 'one', 'day', 'amy', 'ungratefully', 'humiliates', 'front', 'music', 'company\\\\', 'director', 'sang-jun', 'birthday', 'party', 'knowing', 'full', 'well', 'han-na', 'crush', 'crying', 'bathroom', 'han-na', 'overhears', 'sang-jun', 'telling', 'amy', 'even', 'though', 'using', 'han-na', 'voice', 'must', 'kind', 'walk', 'heartbroken', 'han-na', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'interrupted', 'phone', 'call', 'one', 'phone', 'sex', 'regulars', 'happens', 'top', 'plastic', 'surgeon', 'decides', 'get', 'head-to-toe', 'plastic', 'surgery', 'instead', 'surgeon', 'first', 'refuses', 'operate', 'han-na', 'han-na', 'threatens', 'blackmail', 'surgeon', 'telling', 'wife', 'calls', 'han-na', 'makes', 'moving', 'speech', 'want', 'undergo', 'surgery', 'merely', 'beautiful', 'sake', 'love', 'boost', 'confidence', 'live', 'life', 'surgeon', 'deeply', 'moved', 'han-na', 'puts', 'seclusion', 'year', 'recovers', 'changes', 'comes', 'back', 'hospital', 'han-na', 'incredibly', 'beautiful', 'slender', 'even', 'best', 'friend', 'jung-min', 'recognizes', 'jung-min\\\\', 'help', 'creates', 'new', 'identity', 'korean-american', 'california', 'named', 'jenny', 'auditioning', 'amy\\\\', 'secret', 'vocalist', 'earns', 'recording', 'contract', 'instead', 'sang-jun', 'claiming', 'all-natural', 'meantime', 'amy', 'oblivious', 'like', 'everyone', 'else', 'han-na\\\\', 'new', 'identity', 'desperately', 'tries', 'find', 'han-na', 'record', 'postponed', 'album', 'spending', 'time', 'han-na\\\\', 'father', 'hospital', 'due', 'mental', 'problems', 'possibly', 'alzheimer\\\\', 'meanwhile', 'romance', 'begins', 'blossom', 'jenny', 'sang-jun', 'continues', 'promote', 'jenny', 'effect', 'boosting', 'han-na\\\\', 'confidence', 'new', 'self', 'however', 'amy', 'spending', 'time', 'han-na\\\\', 'father', 'jenny', 'eventually', 'realizes', 'jenny', 'actually', 'han-na', 'disguise', 'date', 'one', 'night', 'jenny', 'refuses', 'sang-jun\\\\', 'advances', 'surgeon', 'mentions', 'touches', 'breasts', 'immediately', 'know', 'fake', 'instead', 'offers', 'phone', 'sex', 'session', 'jenny', 'fallen', 'asleep', 'sees', 'african', 'character', 'jenny', 'drawn', 'glass', 'realizes', 'seen', 'han-na', 'drawn', 'exactly', 'signs', 'sheet', 'music', 'realizes', 'well', 'jenny', 'actually', 'han-nam', 'keeps', 'information', 'jenny\\\\', 'debut', 'single', 'maria', 'becomes', 'hit', 'recording', 'company', 'holds', 'party', 'celebrate', 'release', 'day', 'party', 'however', 'amy', 'brings', 'han-na\\\\', 'father', 'attempt', 'blow', 'cover', 'han-na\\\\', 'father', 'tries', 'return', 'han-na\\\\', 'barbie', 'doll', 'always', 'han-na\\\\', 'favorite', 'childhood', 'gift', 'startled', 'sudden', 'appearance', 'father', 'knowing', 'react', 'front', 'people', 'including', 'sang-jun', 'han-na', 'denies', 'knowing', 'father', 'calls', 'fan', 'instead', 'sang-jun', 'asks', 'old', 'man', 'guest', 'father', 'keeps', 'insisting', 'giving', 'doll', 'sang-jun', 'drags', 'away', 'jenny', 'knocks', 'onto', 'floor', 'desperate', 'keep', 'true', 'identity', 'secret', 'han-na', 'makes', 'move', 'help', 'father', 'jung-min', 'finally', 'helps', 'casts', 'jenny', 'furious', 'look', 'leads', 'han-na\\\\', 'father', 'away', 'party', 'party', 'sang-jun', 'jenny', 'ones', 'left', 'room', 'sang-jun', 'reveals', 'jenny', 'knows', 'true', 'identity', 'cold', 'distant', 'seems', 'unable', 'forgive', 'lying', 'says', 'still', 'work', 'promote', 'jenny', 'carry', 'concert', 'scheduled', 'next', 'day', 'han-na', 'breaks', 'point', 'heartbroken', 'unable', 'pretend', 'someone', 'else', 'anymore', 'tears', 'posters', 'smashes', 'cds', 'placed', 'table', 'cutting', 'fingers', 'process', 'han-na', 'tells', 'incredibly', 'frustrating', 'painful', 'able', 'live', 'lie', 'especially', 'front', 'surgery', 'took', 'whole', 'year', 'recover', 'nearly', 'painful', 'realizing', 'still', 'could', 'close', 'sang-jun', 'sang-jun', 'tries', 'comfort', 'brushes', 'away', 'efforts', 'saying', 'broke', 'heart', 'tissue', 'paper', 'fix', 'sang-jun', 'still', 'insists', 'continuing', 'jenny\\\\', 'first', 'concert', 'despite', 'protests', 'company', 'boss', 'later', 'encourages', 'distraught', 'jenny', 'concert', 'sake', 'fans', 'company', 'thus', 'implying', 'forgiven', 'continue', 'support', 'concert', 'jenny', \"can\\\\'t\", 'sing', 'later', 'breaks', 'pressure', 'seeing', 'father', 'dragged', 'away', 'security', 'tells', 'everybody', 'stop', 'reveals', 'public', 'jenny', 'fake', 'all-natural', 'claimed', 'proceeds', 'tearfully', 'tell', 'large', 'crowd', 'story', 'abandoned', 'everything', 'dear', 'best', 'friend', 'father', 'get', 'also', 'tells', 'crowd', 'way', 'fame', 'fortune', 'also', 'lost', 'identity', 'longer', 'knows', 'sang-jun', 'plays', 'tape', 'old', 'obese', 'han-na', 'singing', 'han-na', 'turns', 'around', 'sees', 'old', 'image', 'screen', 'tells', 'crowd', 'image', 'real', 'crowd', 'moved', 'sincere', 'confession', 'responds', 'chanting', 'it\\\\', 'okay', 'han-na', 'rekindles', 'relationships', 'father', 'best', 'friend', 'drops', 'stage', 'name', 'jenny', 're-releases', 'name', 'han-na', 'becomes', 'highly', 'successful', 'music', 'artist', 'gaining', 'many', 'fans', 'anti-fans', 'along', 'way', 'sang-jun', 'realizes', 'thing', 'han-na', 'always', 'drawn', 'han-na\\\\', 'innocence', 'end', 'film', 'jung-min', 'also', 'asks', 'get', 'head-to-toe', 'plastic', 'surgery'], [\"'by\", '1930', 'evaristo', 'humble', 'worker', 'lives', 'near', 'riachuelo', 'river', 'buenos', 'aires', 'preparing', 'work', 'two', 'partners', 'daughter', 'mary', 'calls', 'bed', 'girl', 'fever', 'forces', 'evaristo', 'back', 'tram', 'three', 'workers', 'missed', 'falls', 'river', 'almost', 'passengers', 'die', 'episodes', 'mary', 'earns', 'reputation', 'predict', 'future', '1940', 'mary', 'happy', 'chaste', 'young', 'woman', 'one', 'afternoon', 'bus', 'sees', 'young', 'man', 'smiles', 'gets', 'bus', 'man', 'follows', 'find', 'lives', 'night', 'mary', 'tells', 'father', 'evaristo', 'already', 'chosen', 'husband', 'know', 'name', 'lives', 'rosita', 'friend', 'mary', 'announces', 'sudden', 'wedding', 'wedding', 'party', 'tito', 'pharmacist', 'friend', 'reveals', 'mary', 'rosita', 'marrying', 'pregnant', 'abortion', 'dangerous', 'hearing', 'word', 'abortion', 'mary', 'feels', 'revolted', 'gets', 'dizzy', 'flees', 'party', 'mary', 'becomes', 'hysterical', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'whores', '...', 'it\\\\', 'shit', 'shouts', 'tito', 'summer', 'mary', 'reunited', 'man', 'bus', 'cholo', 'works', 'meat', 'packing', 'company', 'brothers', 'also', 'boxer', 'mary', 'invites', 'house', 'quickly', 'start', 'relationship', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'mary', 'meets', 'cholo\\\\', 'family', 'cholo\\\\', 'mother', 'mrs.', 'america', 'cholo\\\\', 'brother', 'raul', 'raul\\\\', 'wife', 'sofia', 'cholo\\\\', 'brother', 'hector', 'wife', 'luisa', 'cholo\\\\', 'sister', 'claudia', 'husband', 'ariel', 'mary\\\\', 'request', 'cholo', 'leaves', 'boxing', 'behind', 'cholo', 'mary', 'make', 'passionately', 'cholo', 'tries', 'consummate', 'relationship', 'mary', 'says', 'marry', 'virgin', 'cholo', 'attempts', 'force', 'rejects', 'five', 'days', 'later', 'reconcile', 'soon', 'plan', 'wedding', 'day', 'civil', 'wedding', 'mary', 'announces', 'remain', 'virgin', 'church', 'wedding', 'held', 'two', 'days', 'later', 'cholo', 'tries', 'force', 'mary', 'rejects', 'violently', 'church', 'wedding', 'cholo', 'mary', 'passionate', 'wedding', 'night', 'hotel', 'buenos', 'aires', 'consummate', 'relationship', 'sofia', 'sister', 'law', 'cholo', 'announces', 'worriedly', 'pregnant', 'previous', 'delivery', 'complications', 'sofia', 'fears', 'happen', 'decides', 'continue', 'pregnancy', 'mary', 'says', 'better', 'sacrifice', 'one\\\\', 'life', 'rather', 'kill', 'child', '...', 'dangerous', 'play', 'fate', 'sofia', 'decides', 'abortion', 'dies', 'result', 'intervention', 'mary', 'finds', 'feels', 'revolted', 'repeats', '쏷hey\\\\', \"'re\", 'shit.', 'funeral', 'mary', 'declares', 'sofia', 'deserved', 'happened', 'decides', 'help', 'raise', 'sofia', 'children', 'respect', 'memory', 'cholo', 'sister', 'claudia', 'said', 'mary', 'prophesied', 'death', 'sophia', 'mary', 'says', 'gave', 'sofia', 'advice', 'six', 'months', 'becoming', 'widower', 'cholo\\\\', 'brother', 'raul', 'begins', 'relationship', 'widow', 'mary', 'finds', 'accuses', 'raul', 'desecrating', 'sofia\\\\', 'memory', 'ariel', 'claudia\\\\', 'husband', 'cholo\\\\', 'brother-in-law', 'defends', 'raul\\\\', 'courtship', 'mary', 'says', 'ariel', 'wonder', 'would', 'think', 'die', 'claudia', 'find', 'someone', 'else', 'claudia', 'believes', 'mary', 'prophetess', 'tells', 'shut', 'mary', 'begins', 'move', 'away', 'cholo', 'asks', 'cholo', 'leave', 'business', 'brothers', 'mary', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'sad', 'sullen', 'cholo', 'gets', 'day', 'day', 'ariel', 'takes', 'cholo\\\\', 'place', 'work', 'accident', 'occurs', 'delivery', 'truck', 'ariel', 'dies', 'mary', 'attends', 'wake', 'claudia', 'tells', 'leave', 'stop', 'talking', 'mary\\\\', 'prophecies', 'continues', 'fulfilled', 'ariel', 'dies', 'claudia', 'finds', 'boyfriend', 'plans', 'remarry', 'mary', 'gets', 'depressed', 'retreats', 'cholo\\\\', 'family', 'begins', 'wear', 'black', 'cholo\\\\', 'sister', 'luisa', 'still', 'visits', 'mary', 'mary', 'prophecies', 'luisa\\\\', 'death', 'thus', 'mary', 'imagines', 'progressive', 'death', 'mrs.', 'america\\\\', 'children-in-law', 'mary\\\\', 'rejection', 'in-laws', 'affects', 'relationship', 'cholo', 'mary', 'nightmares', 'suffers', 'depression', 'isolates', 'world', 'luisa', 'gets', 'sick', 'food', 'poisoning', 'mary', 'finally', 'looses', 'mind', 'says', 'fate', 'luisa', 'die', 'luisa', 'recovers', 'mary', 'asleep', 'cholo', 'returns', 'good', 'news', 'cholo', 'asleep', 'mary', 'gets', 'strips', 'naked', 'puts', 'wedding', 'dress', 'takes', 'knife', 'mary', 'goes', 'bedroom', 'kills', 'cholo', 'stabbing', 'heart'], [\"'fur\", 'trapper', 'jean', 'b챗te', 'paddles', 'canoe', 'wild', 'water', 'towards', 'settlement', 'order', 'sell', 'load', 'furs', 'settlement', 'steamboat', 'landing', 'trader', 'foster-child', 'eve', 'arrive', 'seaport', 'fetch', 'mail', 'consumer', 'goods', 'trader', 'explains', 'eve', 'ship', 'brings', 'jailbirds', '...', 'east', 'husbands-to-be', 'bailed', 'paid', 'fines', 'passages', 'guarantee', 'marriage', 'later', 'captain', 'auctioning', 'one', 'women', 'husband-to-be', 'died', 'meantime', 'jean', 'b챗te', 'decides', 'take', 'chance', 'buy', 'wife', 'makes', 'bid', 'late', 'next', 'day', 'trader\\\\', 'wife', 'need', 'compensate', 'loss', 'savings', 'seizes', 'opportunity', 'offer', 'foster-child', 'thousand', 'dollars', 'simple-minded', 'rough-cut', 'trapper', 'praises', 'qualities', 'shy', 'girl', 'explains', 'inability', 'speak', 'caused', 'shock', 'suffered', 'witness', 'parents', 'barbarously', 'murdered', 'several', 'years', 'ago', 'b챗te', 'finally', 'agrees', 'buy', 'mute', 'girl', 'takes', 'breathtakingly', 'beautiful', 'wilderness', 'british', 'columbia', 'strange', 'couple', 'starts', 'difficult', 'relationship', 'characterized', 'mistrust', 'eve\\\\', 'dislike', 'eve', 'vehemently', 'rejects', 'advances', 'gruff', 'trapper', 'b챗te', 'takes', 'hunting', 'acquaints', 'beauty', 'dangers', 'wilderness', 'well', 'fails', 'win', 'trust', 'lonely', 'trapper', 'still', 'spends', 'nights', 'alone', 'bed', 'one', 'day', 'checking', 'traps', 'caught', 'animals', 'b챗te', 'threatened', 'mountain', 'lion', 'successfully', 'shoots', 'cat', 'inadvertently', 'gets', 'foot', 'bear', 'trap', 'badly', 'injured', 'tries', 'drag', 'back', 'hut', 'hunted', 'famished', 'wolves', 'meanwhile', 'eve', 'waiting', 'cabin', 'hears', 'distant', 'howling', 'wolves', 'approaching', 'hut', 'equipped', 'gun', 'sets', 'search', 'b챗te', 'together', 'get', 'rid', 'wolf', 'pack', 'b챗te\\\\', 'foot', 'broken', 'asks', 'eve', 'bring', 'medicine', 'man', 'next', 'indian', 'village', 'two', 'days', 'trip', 'away', 'canadian', 'winter', 'already', 'come', 'eve', 'puts', 'snowshoes', 'starts', 'long', 'arduous', 'walk', 'snow', 'covered', 'hill', 'tops', 'finally', 'reaches', 'village', 'find', 'totally', 'deserted', 'returning', 'empty-handed', 'eve', 'finds', 'b챗te', 'already', 'suffering', 'blood', 'poisoning', 'time', 'lose', 'urges', 'terrified', 'girl', 'immediately', 'chop', 'poisoned', 'leg', 'using', 'axe', 'b챗te', 'stunned', 'gulping', 'last', 'drop', 'rum', 'eve', 'acts', 'commanded', 'patient', 'instantly', 'passes', 'pain', 'eve', 'succeeds', 'saving', 'trapper\\\\', 'life', 'following', 'period', 'nursing', 'time', 'learned', 'hunt', 'capable', 'provide', 'couple', 'eventually', 'seem', 'come', 'closer', 'hobbled', 'trapper', 'longer', 'appears', 'gruesome', 'eve', 'childhood', 'trauma', 'still', 'keeping', 'starting', 'closer', 'relationship', 'consequently', 'flees', 'canoe', 'back', 'settlement', 'although', 'welcome', 'remains', 'outsider', 'even', 'impending', 'marriage', 'sympathetic', 'young', 'man', 'overcome', 'inner', 'barriers', 'day', 'marriage', 'runs', 'away', 'order', 'finally', 'return', 'jean', 'b챗te'], [\"'murder\", 'homosexuality', 'nymphomania', 'sadism', 'among', 'themes', 'black', 'comedy', 'focusing', 'brother', 'sister', 'become', 'involved', 'young', 'sexy', 'amoral', 'drifter', 'mysterious', 'past', 'kath', 'lonely', 'middle-aged', 'woman', 'living', 'london', 'suburbs', 'ageing', 'father', 'kemp', 'referred', 'meets', 'attractive', 'sloane', 'sunbathing', 'tombstone', 'cemetery', 'near', 'home', 'invites', 'become', 'lodger', 'soon', 'accepts', 'offer', 'kath', 'seduces', 'closeted', 'brother', 'makes', 'chauffeur', 'pink', '1959', 'pontiac', 'parisienne', 'convertible', 'kemp', 'recognizing', 'sloane', 'man', 'killed', 'boss', 'years', 'stabs', 'leg', 'gardening', 'tool', 'sloane', 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'education', 'experience', 'urban', 'living', 'heavy', 'drinker', 'lee', 'eventually', 'reveals', 'attempted', 'suicide', 'mother', 'killed', 'suffering', 'deep', 'depression', 'ever', 'since', 'despite', 'fact', 'uncomfortable', 'living', 'family', 'barely', 'knows', 'lee', 'joins', 'forces', 'forced', 'battle', 'locals', 'burned', 'equipment', 'elements', 'threaten', 'efforts', 'transport', 'logs', 'downriver'], [\"'doug\", 'hitzel', 'young', 'man', 'reveals', 'year', 'unsuccessful', 'dating', 'gave', 'unprotected', 'sex', 'attempt', 'fit', 'seen', 'crying', 'kenboy', 'another', 'young', 'man', 'explains', 'moved', 'sex', 'house', 'sex', 'parties', 'relieved', 'finally', 'catch', 'hiv', 'would', 'worry', 'getting', 'using', 'condom', 'runs', 'barebacking', 'website', 'physically', 'ill.', 'group', 'older', 'men', 'get', 'hiv', 'volition', 'explain', 'lost', 'lot', 'friends', 'lovers', 'hiv', 'want', 'relationship', 'want', 'boyfriend', 'bury', 'also', 'talk', 'medication', 'take', 'side-effects', 'namely', 'cardiac', 'attacks', 'seem', 'replaced', 'direct', 'death', 'virus', 'advertising', 'prevention', 'also', 'exposed', 'positive', 'showing', 'images', 'attractive', 'men', 'aids'], ['plot', 'casey', 'meadows', 'free-spirited', 'young', 'woman', 'working', 'dishwasher', 'upscale', 'restaurant', 'one', 'day', 'receives', 'hand-delivered', 'job', 'offer', 'driver', 'brentwood', 'limousine', 'service', 'company', 'manager', 'mcbride', 'appalled', 'casey\\\\', 'young', 'brash', 'presence', '...', 'fact', 'she\\\\', 'woman', 'all-male', 'establishment', 'mcbride', 'soon', 'learns', 'mr.', 'witherspoon', 'company', 'owner', 'personally', 'handpicked', 'offered', 'letter', 'employment', 'mcbride', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'hire', 'warns', 'fired', 'steps', 'line', 'casey', 'experiences', 'sexism', 'chauvinism', 'fellow', 'limo', 'drivers', 'frustrated', 'lack', 'acceptance', 'tolerance', 'amongst', 'new', 'co-workers', 'manage', 'find', 'kindness', 'support', 'jeremy', \"o\\\\'brien\", 'older', 'irish', 'driver', 'jeremy', 'convinces', 'tough', 'give', 'change-hating', 'men', 'time', 'adjust', 'presence', 'agrees', 'stay', 'casey', 'routinely', 'given', 'bad', 'assignments', 'engineered', 'get', 'fired', 'first', 'job', 'driving', 'high', 'oversexed', 'hung-over', 'british', 'punk', 'rock', 'singer', 'named', 'cat', 'fight', 'concert', 'casey', 'finds', 'cat', 'fight', 'motel', 'bed', 'three', 'nude', 'women', 'drug-induced', 'stupor', 'realizing', 'she\\\\', \"'ll\", 'fired', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'deliver', 'concert', 'takes', 'cooler', 'full', 'ice', 'water', 'dumps', 'cat', 'fight\\\\', 'bed', 'casey', 'manages', 'get', 'cat', 'fight', 'three', 'women', 'car', 'despite', 'many', 'shenannigans', 'including', 'cat', 'fight', 'stealing', 'panties', 'senior', 'citizen', 'casey', 'manages', 'bring', 'arena', 'time', 'concert', 'barely', 'makes', 'onto', 'stage', 'girls', 'time', 'following', 'day', 'mcbride', 'learns', 'incident', 'involving', 'senior', 'citizen', 'prepares', 'fire', 'however', 'cat', 'fight\\\\', 'manager', 'comes', 'personally', 'thanks', 'mcbride', 'casey', 'delivering', 'cat', 'concert', 'on-time', '...', 'first', 'act', 'manages', 'temporarily', 'prevent', 'firing', 'casey', 'assigned', 'transport', 'battle', 'witherspoon', 'arrogant', 'heartless', 'workaholic', 'executive', 'stalking', 'ex-girlfriend', 'angry', 'tells', 'longer', 'stand', 'says', 'pregnant', 'another', 'man\\\\', 'child', 'casey', 'sympathetic', 'offers', 'visibily', 'devastated', 'battle', 'liquor', 'onboard', 'bar', 'consuming', 'excessive', 'amount', 'battle', 'runs', 'car', 'strips', 'clothes', 'running', 'park', 'making', 'huge', 'nuisance', 'finally', 'returns', 'limo', 'passes', 'knowing', 'battle\\\\', 'residence', 'casey', 'takes', 'home', 'recover', 'day\\\\', 'events', 'following', 'morning', 'awakens', 'back', 'old', 'hateful', 'self', 'hurtfully', 'insulting', 'casey', 'leaving', 'unbeknownst', 'casey', 'battle', 'witherspoon', 'actually', 'son', 'mr.', 'witherspoon', 'owner', 'limo', 'company', 'mr.', 'witherspoon', 'orders', 'battle', 'check', 'another', 'companies', 'upstate', 'sonoma', 'casey', 'assigned', 'drive', 'battle', 'north', 'much', 'mutual', 'displeasure', 'halfway', 'trip', 'car', 'overheats', 'breaks', 'remote', 'location', 'highway', 'battle', 'casey', 'walk', 'search', 'phone', 'walking', 'bickering', 'several', 'hours', 'night', 'falls', 'get', 'caught', 'rainstorm', 'casey', 'sprains', 'ankle', 'unable', 'walk', 'battle', 'continues', 'walk', 'carrying', 'casey', 'arms', 'finally', 'find', 'rustic', 'cabin', 'occupied', 'hillbilly', 'couple', 'invite', 'spend', 'night', 'put', 'bedroom', 'single', 'bed', 'another', 'one', 'arguments', 'battle', 'kisses', 'finally', 'acknowledge', 'mutual', 'passionate', 'attaction', 'make', 'love', 'following', 'morning', 'battle', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'casey', 'refuses', 'fearing', 'return', 'emotionally-distant', 'ways', 'much', 'later', 'casey', 'next', 'assigned', 'transport', 'middle', 'eastern', 'sheik', 'meeting', 'shiek', 'approached', 'con', 'artist', 'penn', 'jillette', 'wild', 'night', 'town', 'complete', 'orgy', 'prostitutes', 'casey', 'returns', 'fired', 'mcbride', 'learning', 'police', 'government', 'agents', 'searching', 'missing', 'sheik', 'whole', 'time', 'town', 'learning', 'details', 'orgy', 'realizing', 'he\\\\', 'fallen', 'casey', 'battle', 'starts', 'making', 'positive', 'changes', 'life', 'continues', 'efforts', 'court', 'casey', 'slowly', 'wins', 'casey', 'takes', 'home', 'meet', 'father', 'arrives', 'estate', 'experiences', 'deja', 'recalling', 'times', 'played', 'witherspoon', 'mansion', 'child', 'turns', 'casey\\\\', 'mother', 'formerly', 'employed', 'witherspoon', 'shockingly', 'witherspoon', 'reveals', 'casey\\\\', 'biological', 'father', 'making', 'battle', 'casey', 'siblings', 'jeremy', 'comes', 'room', 'giles', 'another', 'limo', 'driver', 'ordering', 'giles', 'confess', 'knows', 'casey\\\\', 'paternity', 'reveals', 'witherspoon', 'casey\\\\', 'biological', 'father', 'giles', 'giles', 'relationship', 'casey\\\\', 'mother', 'witherspoon', 'spent', 'little', 'weekend', 'together', 'giles', 'reveals', 'denied', 'paternity', 'order', 'casey', 'would', 'receive', 'stable', 'financial', 'support', 'heiress', 'witherspoon', 'fortune', 'casey', 'makes', 'amends', 'giles', 'movie', 'ends', 'battle', 'casey\\\\', 'wedding', 'climb', 'back', 'brentwood', 'limousine', 'driver', 'mcbride', 'finally', 'received', 'comeuppance', 'mysogynic', 'treatment', 'casey'], ['faten', 'hamama', 'plays', 'nadia', 'lutfi', 'young', 'woman', 'belongs', 'aristocratic', 'upper-class', 'family', 'parents', 'divorce', 'father', 'wins', 'custody', 'lives', 'father', 'years', 'develops', 'close', 'strong', 'relationship', 'extent', 'sexually', 'attracted', 'towards', 'obsessive', 'behavior', 'known', 'electra', 'complex.', 'ref', 'namehttp', '//www.art-tv.net/moviechannel/movies_movie.asp', 'showid24', 'title', 'march', '2007', 'publisherarabic', 'dead', 'link', 'convince', 'father', 'nadia', 'ask', 'friend', 'kawthar', 'voluptuous', 'licentious', 'woman', 'seduce', 'father', 'nadia', 'successful', 'conspiracy', 'results', 'divorce', 'safia', 'father', 'nadia', 'father', 'decides', 'marry', 'enticed', 'wealth', 'nadia', 'father', 'agrees', 'marry', 'nadia', 'devastated', 'discovers', 'kawthar', 'affair', 'another', 'young', 'man', 'samir', 'realizing', 'kawthar', 'living', 'father', 'fortunes'], [\"'over\", 'black', 'screen', 'sada', 'abe', 'tells', 'aliases', 'used', 'past', 'opening', 'concludes', 'words', 'kichi', 'sada', 'appear', 'screen', 'followed', 'newspaper', 'headline', 'document', 'sada', 'abe', 'japanese', 'title', 'film', 'lovers', 'sada', 'kichi', 'shown', 'together', 'kichi', 'predicting', 'die', 'love-making', 'continues', 'soldiers', 'pass', 'couple', 'enter', 'inn', 'placing', 'story', 'context', 'japan\\\\', 'military', 'build-up', 'engage', 'love-making', 'session', 'lasts', 'april', 'may', '1936.', 'games', 'involve', 'knives', 'biting', 'mutual', 'strangulation', 'kichi', 'leaves', 'sada', 'shave', 'jealously', 'accuses', 'committing', 'adultery', 'wife', 'soldiers', 'seen', 'marching', 'past', 'crowd', 'listening', 'report', 'february', 'incident', 'radio', 'sada', 'kichi', 'uninterested', 'leave', 'crowd', 'continue', 'love-making', 'strangling', 'obis', 'kichi\\\\', 'neck', 'red', 'sada', 'sends', 'doctor', 'kichi', 'told', 'liquid', 'diet', 'plans', 'return', 'home', 'two', 'months', 'recover', 'sada', 'upset', 'losing', 'kichi', 'spills', 'medicine', 'another', 'love-making', 'session', 'kichi', 'invites', 'sada', 'strangle', 'telling', 'stop', 'half-way', 'time', 'since', 'would', 'painful', 'afterwards', 'killing', 'sada', 'rubs', 'breasts', 'kichi\\\\', 'face', 'attempts', 'feed', 'beer', 'castrates', 'cuts', 'writes', 'kichi', 'sada', 'blood', 'body', 'progress', 'scene', 'sada\\\\', 'past', 'life', 'told', 'flashbacks', 'banished', 'wealthy', 'family', 'losing', 'virginity', 'rape', 'wanders', 'around', 'japan', 'working', 'prostitute', 'bar-maid', 'eventually', 'finding', 'employment', 'current', 'inn', 'met', 'kichi', 'final', 'sequence', 'crime', 'discovered', 'becoming', 'national', 'sensation', 'sada', 'discussing', 'story', 'masseur', 'unaware', 'identity', 'says', 'sada', 'must', 'loved', 'kichi', 'much', 'since', 'wanted', 'whole', 'country', 'know', 'film', 'ends', 'sada\\\\', 'arrest.synopsis', 'based', 'cite', 'book', 'weisser', 'p.356'], [\"'jay-taew\", 'cartoon', 'mot-dum', 'songkram', 'four', 'aging', 'katoey', 'run', 'boarding', 'house', 'boys', 'provincial', 'thailand', 'helping', 'cover', 'mysterious', 'deaths', 'pancake', 'num-ning', 'two', 'local', 'teens', 'spirits', 'begin', 'haunt', 'dormitory', 'forcing', 'girls', 'try', 'sorts', 'crazy', 'schemes', 'get', 'rid', 'ghosts', 'eventually', 'realize', 'way', 'help', 'ghosts', 'avenge', 'deaths'], ['tao', 'tomboyish', 'university', 'student', 'supports', 'studies', 'writing', 'uncle', 'racy', 'pulp', 'pornographic', 'magazine', 'sayew', 'despite', 'fact', 'never', 'sex', 'magazine', 'struggling', 'financially', 'tao', 'uncle', 'dr.', 'porn', 'tells', 'needs', 'spice', 'stories', 'else', 'sacked', 'writing', 'fantasties', 'neighbors', \"n't\", 'work', 'tao', 'takes', 'advice', 'uncle', 'starts', 'reaching', 'first-hand', 'experience', 'draw', 'turning', 'macho', 'magazine', 'photographer', 'writer', 'young', 'stallion', 'however', 'sexually', 'uncertain', 'tao', 'also', 'fantasies', 'female', 'classmate', 'mui'], ['binodini', 'young', 'woman', 'left', 'devices', 'sickly', 'husband', 'dies', 'soon', 'married', 'returns', 'village', 'lives', 'couple', 'months', 'sees', 'one', 'relatives', 'passing', 'binodini', 'hails', 'woman', 'two', 'soon', 'agree', 'would', 'best', 'binodini', 'came', 'live', 'woman', 'son', 'mahendra', 'two', 'arrive', 'woman', 'son', 'new', 'bride', 'constantly', 'sneaking', 'alone', 'together', 'infatuation', 'last', 'long', 'mahendra', 'soon', 'begins', 'see', 'wife', 'friend', 'binodini', 'type', 'story', 'details', 'lives', 'three', 'mahendra', 'best', 'friend', 'deal', 'issues', 'distrust', 'adultery', 'lies', 'fallings-out', 'citation', 'needed'], ['diogo', '횁lvares', 'gets', 'stranded', 'tropical', 'island', 'sails', 'boat', 'meets', 'beautiful', 'native', 'island', 'girl', 'called', 'paragua챌u', 'sister', 'moema', 'two', 'natives', 'become', 'lover', 'diogo', 'already', 'engaged', 'married', 'native', 'portugal', 'engaged', 'isabelle', 'french', 'noble', 'woman', 'agreement', 'made', 'portuguese', 'french', 'kings', 'island', 'diogo', 'meets', 'two', 'native', 'father', 'misunderstandings', 'make', 'tribe', 'chief', 'time', 'island', 'diogo', 'sees', 'caravelle', 'far', 'sea', 'ship', 'approaches', 'shore', 'diogo', 'finally', 'gets', 'rescued', 'portuguese', 'nobility', 'way', 'india', 'diogo', 'embarks', 'ship', 'paragua챌u', 'swims', 'diogo', 'decides', 'take', 'paragua챌u', 'europe', 'europe', 'everything', 'new', 'paragua챌u', 'even', 'fact', 'people', 'get', 'married', 'concept', 'understand', 'paragua챌u', 'finds', 'diogo', 'engaged', 'married', 'isabelle', 'meets', 'isabelle', 'makes', 'deal', 'proposes', 'isabelle', 'let', 'marry', 'diogo', 'exchange', 'tell', 'gold', 'native', 'island', 'isabelle', 'accepts', 'proposal', 'paragua챌u', 'marries', 'diogo', 'isabelle', 'later', 'finds', 'paragua챌u', 'lied', 'never', 'intended', 'show', 'gold', 'isabelle', 'gets', 'arrested', 'king', 'marry', 'diogo', 'according', 'agreement', 'made', 'kings', 'diogo', 'paragua챌u', 'return', 'island', 'fact', 'terra', 'brasilis', 'brazil', 'film', 'happy', 'ending', 'diogo', 'paragua챌u', 'live', 'happily', 'ever', 'brazil'], ['irritated', 'neighbor', 'wendell', 'burnshaw', 'brings', 'larkin', 'family', 'attention', 'internal', 'revenue', 'service', 'lorenzo', 'charlton', 'assigned', 'case', 'boss', 'kelsey', 'pop', 'larkin', 'warmly', 'welcome', 'family', 'farm', 'maryland', 'first', 'unaware', 'lorenzo', 'aghast', 'learn', 'larkins', 'never', 'filed', 'tax', 'return', 'cooperation', 'sets', 'figure', 'anything', 'owe', 'way', 'back', 'taxes', 'difficult', 'task', 'pop', 'usually', 'trades', 'need', 'keeps', 'records', 'lorenzo', 'eldest', 'larkin', 'daughter', 'mariette', 'become', 'attracted', 'let', 'get', 'way', 'work', 'least', 'first', 'however', 'time', 'goes', 'begins', 'loosen', 'lose', 'buttoned-down', 'mentality', 'kelsey', 'burnshaw', 'drop', 'check', 'progress', 'kelsey', 'displeased', 'development', 'takes', 'charge', 'investigation', 'sends', 'lorenzo', 'back', 'office', 'disgrace', 'kelsey', 'calculates', 'larkins', 'owe', '50,000', 'larkins', 'unable', 'pay', 'large', 'sum', 'kelsey', 'tells', 'either', 'sell', 'farm', 'burnshaw', 'face', 'foreclosure', 'larkins', 'many', 'friends', 'rally', 'round', 'offer', 'buy', 'junk', 'inflated', 'prices', 'pop', 'proudly', 'turns', 'meanwhile', 'mariette', 'goes', 'see', 'lorenzo', 'family', 'hope', 'receipt', 'horses', 'bought', 'government', 'american', 'civil', 'war', 'never', 'paid', 'great', 'difficulty', 'manage', 'see', 'inspector', 'general', 'bigelow', 'charles', 'lane', 'legal', 'department', 'calculates', 'larkins', 'owed', 'interest', 'accrued', 'million', 'pop', 'decides', 'accept', 'nothing', 'earn', 'lorenzo', 'gets', 'bigelow', 'agree', 'apply', 'present', 'future', 'taxes', 'owing'], ['blizzard', 'russian', 'count', 'alexis', 'vronsky', 'aide-de-camp', 'grand', 'duke', 'meets', 'mysterious', 'woman', 'way', 'st.', 'petersburg', 'russia', 'forced', 'stop', 'inn', 'night', 'vronsky', 'attempts', 'seduction', 'lifts', 'veil', 'revealing', 'beautiful', 'face', 'rejects', 'coldly', 'time', 'later', 'reception', 'place', 'senator', 'karenin', 'vronsky', 'presented', 'senator', 'wife', 'anna', 'woman', 'inn', 'cold', 'night', 'tries', 'ask', 'forgiveness', 'transgressions', 'finally', 'grants', 'visits', 'home', 'kisses', 'passionately', 'scolds', 'ordering', 'leave', 'anna', 'young', 'son', 'sergei', 'almost', 'incestious', 'relationship', 'thawed', 'fiery', 'passion', 'develops', 'anna', 'vronsky', 'noted', 'aristocracy', 'st.', 'petersburg', 'displeasure', 'husband', 'horse', 'race', 'anna', 'makes', 'spectacle', 'announces', 'love', 'vronsky', 'deserts', 'husband', 'finds', 'two', 'lovers', 'hotel', 'room', 'italy', 'together', 'anna', 'forget', 'son', 'suffers', 'left', 'vronsky', 'realizes', 'even', 'though', 'jealous', 'returns', 'russia', 'plans', 'visit', 'sergei', 'birthday', 'karenin', 'prevents', 'told', 'son', 'mother', 'dead', 'overcomes', 'fear', 'goes', 'house', 'case', 'found', 'karenin', 'ordered', 'house', 'make', 'matters', 'worse', 'grand', 'duke', 'plans', 'vronsky', 'removed', 'army', 'cohabitating', 'anna', 'seeks', 'prevent', 'losing', 'social', 'position', 'lost', 'goes', 'grand', 'duke', 'able', 'reinstate', 'alexis', 'condition', 'leave', 'st.', 'petersburg', 'forever', 'result', 'losing', 'right', 'visit', 'son', 'leave', 'vronsky', 'forever', 'order', 'save', 'reputation', 'commits', 'suicide', 'leaps', 'front', 'train', 'variant', 'complies', 'original', 'work', 'leo', 'tolstoy', 'three', 'years', 'lovers', 'see', 'vronsky', 'searches', 'frantically', 'anna', 'chance', 'reads', 'newspaper', 'item', 'anna', 'son', 'finishing', 'military', 'academy', 'st.', 'petersburg', 'return', 'visits', 'occasion', 'learns', 'karenin', 'died', 'anna', 'visits', 'son', 'daily', 'met', 'sergei', 'invites', 'vronsky', 'home', 'reunited'], ['death', 'dad', 'dayashankar', 'pandey', 'arranges', 'marriage', 'two', 'sisters', 'debt', 'goes', 'city', 'ask', 'tenants', 'leave', 'house', 'intends', 'sell', 'repay', 'debts', 'maharashtrian', 'woman', 'two', 'daughters', 'jyoti', 'saraswati', 'one', 'son', 'chotu', 'living', 'dayashankar', 'asks', 'vacate', 'refuse', 'results', 'dayashankar', 'hilarious', 'attempts', 'force', 'vacate', 'seeking', 'legal', 'advice', 'filing', 'police', 'reports', 'asking', 'goons', 'remove', 'moving', 'dayashankar', 'succeed', 'attempts', 'evict', 'tenants'], ['warner', 'baxter', 'portrays', 'wealthy', 'easy-going', 'patriarch', 'family', 'falls', 'hard', 'times', 'death', 'wife', 'stock', 'market', 'crash', 'wipes', 'wealth', 'recently', 'arrived', 'governess', 'emilie', 'works', 'keep', 'family', 'together', 'loss', 'adam', 'stoddards', 'fortune', 'boys', 'boarding', 'school', 'financed', 'wealthy', 'cousin', 'emilie', 'must', 'return', 'france', 'adam', 'afford', 'repurchase', 'family', 'estate', 'recall', 'emilie', 'look', 'reversing', 'fortunes', 'takes', 'several', 'years', 'three', 'older', 'boys', 'service', 'world', 'war', 'one', 'everything', 'getting', 'back', 'former', 'status', '...', 'one', 'son', 'returns', 'new', 'wife', 'hester', 'turns', 'conniving', 'woman', 'wants', 'rule', 'roost', 'schemes', 'rid', 'home', 'emilie', 'seduces', 'another', 'son', 'jack', 'husband', 'war', 'emilie', 'discovers', 'affair', 'keeps', 'quiet', 'preserve', 'adam', 'happiness', 'brother', 'reputation', 'pretending', 'adam', 'one', 'involved', 'jack', 'ultimately', 'discovered', 'hester', 'receives', 'comeuppance', 'emilie', 'adam', 'become', 'engaged', 'ends', 'happily'], [\"'13\", 'year-old', 'camille', 'reunited', 'long-lost', 'father', 'come', 'terms', 'fact', 'woman'], ['death', 'relative', 'brings', 'thai-american', 'couple', 'wit', 'dang', 'back', 'bangkok', 'first', 'time', 'many', 'years', 'arriving', 'bangkok', 'suvarnabhumi', 'airport', 'around', 'a.m.', 'check', 'hotel', 'city', 'suffering', 'jet', 'lag', 'dang', 'wants', 'sleep', 'husband', 'wit', 'restless', 'heads', 'hotel', 'bar', 'buy', 'cigarettes', 'unpacking', 'luggage', 'dang', 'finds', 'small', 'paper', 'phone', 'number', 'woman', 'named', 'noy', 'immediately', 'suspicious', 'hotel', 'bar', 'wit', 'meets', 'ploy', 'young', 'woman', 'says', 'waiting', 'mother', 'arrive', 'stockholm', 'two', 'bond', 'coffee', 'cigarettes', 'wit', 'invites', 'ploy', 'come', 'hotel', 'room', 'take', 'shower', 'rest', 'awaits', 'mother', 'room', 'dang', 'opens', 'door', 'sees', 'ploy', 'girl', 'dang', 'pleasant', 'friendly', 'husband', 'seething', 'anger', 'jealousy', 'bouts', 'suspicion', 'followed', 'hallucinations', 'nightmares', 'fitfully', 'three', 'people', 'try', 'sleep', 'dang', 'wit', 'discuss', 'seven-year', 'marriage', 'wonder', 'love', 'gone', 'meanwhile', 'hotel', 'maid', 'tum', 'stolen', 'guest', 'suit', 'hotel', 'dry', 'cleaners', 'takes', 'room', '609', 'hangs', 'closet', 'nut', 'silent', 'weary', 'bartender', 'enters', 'room', 'puts', 'suit', 'finds', 'tum', 'hiding', 'shower', 'proceeds', 'kiss', 'caress', 'couple', 'starts', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'back', 'wit', 'dang', 'room', 'dang', 'becomes', 'upset', 'decides', 'leave', 'wit', 'wakes', 'find', 'dang', 'gone', 'ploy', 'sit', 'smoke', 'cigarettes', 'talk', 'love', 'relationships', 'discuss', 'married', 'life', 'begins', 'lose', 'sheen', 'eventually', 'think', 'options', 'keep', 'flame', 'lit', 'ploy', 'eventually', 'leaves', 'hotel', 'room', 'wit', 'falls', 'asleep', 'curiosity', 'examines', 'room', 'thinks', 'maid', 'bartender', 'sex', 'apparently', 'dream', 'entire', 'episode', 'dang', 'finds', 'coffee', 'shop', 'takes', 'seat', 'cup', 'coffee', 'pours', 'vodka', 'small', 'bottle', 'took', 'hotel', 'room', 'mini-bar', 'noticed', 'moo', 'using', 'laptop', 'computer', 'recognizes', 'dang', 'days', 'famous', 'television', 'soap', 'opera', 'actress', 'invites', 'back', 'home', 'drinks', 'dang', 'already', 'quite', 'bit', 'drink', 'eventually', 'throws', 'moo', 'spikes', 'last', 'drink', 'tries', 'get', 'closer', 'dang', 'turns', 'advances', 'attacks', 'rapes', 'although', 'puts', 'fight', 'dang', 'life', 'danger', 'end', 'playing', 'game', 'hide', 'seek', 'would', 'end', 'one', 'dead', 'film', 'ends', 'wit', 'dang', 'leaving', 'thailand', 'dang', 'says', 'nothing', 'ugly', 'encounter', 'rapist', 'moo', 'wit', 'sees', 'back', 'hotel', 'happy', 'dang', 'back', 'places', 'hand', 'dang', 'taxi', 'sincerely', 'tells', 'loves', 'earlier', 'expressed', 'longing', 'hear', 'dang', 'smiles', 'rests', 'head', 'wit', 'shoulder', 'lovingly', 'exit', 'thailand', 'return', 'home', 'united', 'states'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'begins', '21-year-old', 'toni', 'simmons', 'trudging', 'across', 'road', 'night', 'mail', 'letter', 'toni', 'returns', 'apartment', 'attempts', 'gas', 'using', 'second-hand', 'stove', 'fortunately', 'neighbor', 'igor', 'sullivan', 'smells', 'gas', 'rescues', 'imminent', 'death', 'using', 'rescue', 'breathing', 'evolves', 'french', 'kiss', 'toni', 'regains', 'consciousness', 'movie', 'explores', 'reasons', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'toni\\\\', 'lover', 'julian', 'dentist', 'philanderer', 'previously', 'avoided', 'commitment', 'telling', 'toni', 'wife', 'two', 'kids', 'upon', 'learning', 'toni\\\\', 'suicide', 'attempt', 'decides', 'marry', 'toni', 'resulting', 'need', 'wife', 'divorce', 'order', 'sustain', 'earlier', 'alibi', 'julian', 'asks', 'stephanie', 'dickinson', 'longtime', 'dental', 'assistant', 'pose', 'wife', 'first', 'unwilling', 'ultimately', 'relents', 'since', 'long', 'nurtured', 'crush', 'employer', 'upon', 'meeting', 'miss', 'dickinson', 'toni', 'senses', 'miss', 'dickinson\\\\', 'feelings', 'julian', 'asks', 'julian', 'help', 'miss', 'dickinson', 'find', 'another', 'man', 'everyone', 'would', 'happy', 'julian\\\\', 'friend', 'harvey', 'one', 'se챰or', 'arturo', 's찼nchez', 'igor', 'toni\\\\', 'upstairs', 'neighbor', 'become', 'implicated', 'julian\\\\', 'scheme', 'ultimately', 'toni', 'suspects', 'julian', 'leaves', 'igor', 'leaving', 'julian', 'finally', 'fall', 'love', 'miss', 'dickinson', 'prickly', 'cactus', 'miss', 'dickinson', 'keeps', 'desk', 'office', 'gives', 'film', 'name', 'like', 'miss', 'dickinson', 'symbolic', 'cactus', 'thrives', 'driest', 'settings', 'film\\\\', 'end', 'however', 'cactus', 'miss', 'dickinson', 'bloomed'], [\"'peter\", 'weller', 'plays', 'wealthy', 'american', 'businessman', 'living', 'paris', 'falls', 'love', 'fashion', 'model', 'decides', 'test', 'love', 'giving', 'fortune'], ['stereotyped', 'girl-next-door', 'image', 'bollywood', 'debut', 'film', 'guddi', 'banerjee', '93jaya', 'bhaduri', 'tried', 'break', 'mould', 'glamourous', 'role', 'film.gulzar', '457', 'madhu', 'falls', 'love', 'ravi', 'anand', 'son', 'employee', 'thakur', 'brother', 'household', 'get', 'married', 'thakur', 'breaks', 'ties', 'moves', 'ravi', 'home', 'live', 'younger', 'brother', 'vijay', 'subsequently', 'vijay', 'meets', 'girl', 'neeta', 'school', 'usual', 'problems', 'parents', 'turns', 'thakur', 'daughter', 'promised', 'marriage', 'benny', 'sinha', 'satyen', 'kappu', 'gives', 'comical', 'performance', 'friend', 'randhir', 'kapoor', 'two', 'scene-stealing', 'pieces', 'first', 'impersonates', 'randhir', 'kapoor', 'father', 'meet', 'boy', 'teacher', 'later', 'meets', 'jaya', 'father'], ['200', 'nomadic', 'group', 'shepherds', 'search', 'new', 'pastures', 'leave', 'mountains', 'settle', 'close', 'fishing', 'village', 'women', 'village', 'hide', 'ones', 'venture', 'arta', 'fisherman', 'wife', 'twelve-year-old', 'girl', 'chloe', 'skymnos', 'young', 'shepherd', 'approaches', 'chloe', 'walks', 'semi-naked', 'around', 'rocks', 'beach', 'among', 'two', 'children', 'begins', 'tantalising', 'game', 'clearly', 'end', 'couple', 'intercourse', 'sign', 'affection', 'skymnos', 'catches', 'pelican', 'chloe', 'mounts', 'gantry', 'hand', 'although', 'arta', 'initially', 'rejects', 'tsakalos', 'finally', 'succumbs', 'couple', 'meets', 'cave', 'skymnos', 'chloe', 'watch', 'crack', 'rock', 'shepherds', 'decide', 'leave', 'skymnos', 'refuses', 'follow', 'lykas', 'mute', 'teenage', 'shepherd', 'finds', 'chloe', 'rapes', 'skymnos', 'witnesses', 'scene', 'unties', 'dead', 'pelican', 'throws', 'corpse', 'sea', 'allows', 'swept', 'away'], ['two', 'boys', 'born', 'day', 'one', 'rahul', 'mehta', 'born', 'silver', 'spoon', 'mouth', 'rich', 'family', 'england', 'another', 'sameer', 'born', 'middle-class', 'brahmin', 'family', 'somewhere', 'mumbai', 'grow', 'destined', 'exchange', 'places', '22nd', 'birthday', 'rahul', 'mehta', 'parents', 'died', 'young', 'lives', 'grandfather', 'shambunath', 'mehta', 'wants', 'visit', 'india', 'see', 'parents', 'graves', 'though', 'grandfather', 'doese', \"n't\", 'want', 'afraid', 'rahul', 'may', 'fall', 'love', 'ruin', 'like', 'parents', 'much', 'persuasion', 'comes', 'india', 'manages', 'escape', 'guardians', 'ram', 'singh', 'detective', 'mirchandani', 'airport', 'catches', 'taxi', 'driver', 'taxi', 'none', 'sameer', 'knowing', 'rahul', 'true', 'identity', 'keeps', 'cursing', 'rich', 'guy', 'born', 'day', 'enjoying', 'wealthy', 'life', 'later', 'rahul', 'discloses', 'identity', 'sameer', 'feels', 'ashamed', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'rahul', 'want', 'back', 'wealth-ridden', 'world', 'asks', 'sameer', 'take', 'place', 'let', 'take', 'sameer', 'place', 'rahul', 'becomes', 'taxi', 'driver', 'informs', 'ram', 'singh', 'someone', 'coming', 'place', 'sameer', 'reaches', 'hotel', 'ram', 'singh', 'tough', 'time', 'grooming', 'sameer', 'behave', 'like', 'rich', 'guy', 'rahul', 'goes', 'sameer', 'place', 'finds', 'sameer', 'sister', 'paro', 'falls', 'love', 'sameer', 'attending', 'meeting', 'one', 'v.p', 'mathur', 'caretaker', 'mehta', 'industries', 'india', 'meets', 'mathur', 'daughter', 'pooja', 'falls', 'love', 'mehta', 'industries', 'shambles', 'corrupt', 'managers', 'union', 'leader', 'dattabhau', 'explains', 'sameer', 'sameer', 'takes', 'care', 'reopens', 'company', 'declaring', 'equal', 'profit', 'sharing', 'among', 'labourers', 'shastri', 'place', 'paro', 'father', 'p.v', 'shastri', 'comes', 'know', 'rahul', 'paro', 'love', 'affair', 'enraged', 'since', 'rahul', 'christian', 'balu', 'comes', 'picture', 'pacifies', 'situation', 'rahul', 'decides', 'turn', 'brahmin', 'marry', 'paro', 'rahul', 'grandfather', 'england', 'learns', 'happening', 'rahul', 'comes', 'india', 'control', 'situation', 'however', 'since', 'control', 'mehta', 'industries', 'gone', 'mathurs', 'hands', 'decide', 'kill', 'rahul', 'shambhunath', 'rahul', 'sameer', 'fight', 'save', 'shambhuath', 'gangster', 'hired', 'mathurs', 'kill'], ['murugan', 'ashok', 'falls', 'love', 'schoolmate', 'amudha', 'rich', 'girl', 'amudha', \"n't\", 'reciprocate', 'love', 'openly', 'denies', 'public', 'news', 'murugan', 'love', 'spreads', 'reaches', 'family', 'members', 'amudha', 'uncle', 'selvam', 'tries', 'kill', 'murugan', 'escapes', 'village', 'murugan', 'goes', 'chennai', 'gets', 'delivery', 'boys', 'job', 'courier', 'company', 'thought', 'would', 'never', 'met', 'amutha', 'life', 'chennai', 'meets', 'medical', 'college', 'forgetting', 'happened', 'village', 'hero', 'heroine', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'friendship', 'turns', 'love', 'amudha', 'completes', 'studies', 'returns', 'village', 'gets', 'sees', 'wedding', 'preparations', 'get', 'married', 'selvam', 'finally', 'murugan', 'amudha', 'succeed', 'getting', 'married', 'amudha', 'fathers', 'blessings'], ['raymond', 'ding', 'middle-aged', 'chinese', 'american', 'college', 'professor', 'aurora', 'crane', 'younger', 'hapa', 'girlfriend', 'split', 'continue', 'drift', 'lives', 'unable', 'fully', 'let', 'raymond', 'visits', 'apartment', 'shared', 'day', 'aurora', 'away', 'aurora', 'haunted', 'flashbacks', 'moments', 'relationship', 'encouraged', 'best', 'friends', 'move', 'raymond', 'aurora', 'begin', 'new', 'relationships', 'aurora', 'dates', 'steve', 'caucasian', 'man', 'closer', 'age', 'raymond', 'dates', 'betty', 'vietnamese', 'american', 'colleague', 'soon', 'discovers', 'haunted', 'past', 'race', 'identity', 'issues', 'begin', 'surface', 'raymond', 'aurora', 'try', 'start', 'new', 'lives', 'remain', 'drawn', 'past'], [\"'professor\", 'grady', 'tripp', 'novelist', 'teaches', 'creative', 'writing', 'unnamed', 'pittsburgh', 'university', 'affair', 'university', 'chancellor', 'sara', 'gaskell', 'whose', 'husband', 'walter', 'richard', 'thomas', 'chairman', 'english', 'department', 'grady', 'professor', 'grady\\\\', 'third', 'wife', 'emily', 'left', 'failed', 'repeat', 'grand', 'success', 'first', 'novel', 'published', 'years', 'earlier', 'continues', 'labor', 'second', 'novel', 'tries', 'finish', 'less', 'able', 'finds', 'invent', 'satisfactory', 'ending', 'book', 'runs', 'two', 'half', 'thousand', 'pages', 'still', 'far', 'finished', 'spends', 'free', 'time', 'smoking', 'marijuana', 'students', 'include', 'james', 'leer', 'hannah', 'green', 'hannah', 'james', 'friends', 'good', 'writers', 'hannah', 'rents', 'room', 'tripp\\\\', 'large', 'house', 'attracted', 'tripp', 'reciprocate', 'james', 'enigmatic', 'quiet', 'dark', 'enjoys', 'writing', 'fiction', 'first', 'lets', 'party', 'gaskells\\\\', 'house', 'sara', 'reveals', 'grady', 'pregnant', 'child', 'grady', 'finds', 'james', 'standing', 'outside', 'holding', 'claims', 'replica', 'gun', 'mother', 'fairground', 'schooldays', 'however', 'gun', 'turns', 'real', 'james', 'shoots', 'gaskells\\\\', 'dog', 'finds', 'attacking', 'grady', 'james', 'also', 'steals', 'valuable', 'piece', 'marilyn', 'monroe', 'memorabilia', 'house', 'grady', 'unable', 'tell', 'sara', 'incident', 'pressuring', 'choose', 'emily', 'result', 'grady', 'forced', 'keep', 'dead', 'dog', 'trunk', 'car', 'weekend', 'also', 'allows', 'james', 'follow', 'around', 'fearing', 'may', 'depressed', 'even', 'suicidal', 'gradually', 'realizes', 'much', 'james', 'tells', 'life', 'untrue', 'seemingly', 'designed', 'elicit', 'grady\\\\', 'sympathy', 'meanwhile', 'grady\\\\', 'editor', 'terry', 'crabtree', 'flown', 'town', 'pretense', 'attending', 'university\\\\', 'annual', 'wordfest', 'literary', 'event', 'aspiring', 'authors', 'reality', 'crabtree', 'see', 'tripp', 'written', 'anything', 'worth', 'publishing', 'men\\\\', 'careers', 'depend', 'grady\\\\', 'upcoming', 'book', 'terry', 'arrives', 'transvestite', 'met', 'flight', 'called', 'antonia', 'sloviak', 'pair', 'apparently', 'become', 'intimate', 'bedroom', 'gaskells\\\\', 'party', 'immediately', 'afterwards', 'terry', 'meets', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'james', 'sloviak', 'unceremoniously', 'sent', 'home', 'night', 'town', 'crabtree', 'james', 'semi-consciously', 'flirt', 'throughout', 'night', 'eventually', 'leads', 'two', 'spending', 'intimate', 'night', 'together', 'one', 'grady\\\\', 'spare', 'rooms', 'tired', 'confused', 'grady', 'phones', 'walter', 'reveals', 'love', 'walter\\\\', 'wife', 'meanwhile', 'walter', 'also', 'made', 'connection', 'disappearance', 'marilyn', 'monroe', 'memorabilia', 'james', 'following', 'morning', 'pittsburgh', 'police', 'arrive', 'sara', 'escort', 'james', 'chancellor\\\\', 'office', 'discuss', 'ramifications', 'actions', 'memorabilia', 'still', 'grady\\\\', 'car', 'conspicuously', 'gone', 'missing', 'car', 'given', 'friend', 'payment', 'loan', 'weekend', 'grady', 'come', 'suspect', 'car', 'stolen', 'course', 'travel', 'around', 'town', 'grady', 'repeatedly', 'accosted', 'man', 'claiming', 'car\\\\', 'real', 'owner', 'eventually', 'tracks', 'car', 'dispute', 'ownership', 'majority', 'manuscript', 'blows', 'car', 'lost', 'car\\\\', 'owner', 'gives', 'ride', 'university', 'wife', 'oola', 'passenger', 'seat', 'stolen', 'memorabilia', 'grady', 'finally', 'sees', 'making', 'things', 'right', 'involves', 'make', 'difficult', 'choices', 'grady', 'tells', 'oola', 'story', 'behind', 'memorabilia', 'allows', 'leave', 'worried', 'grady\\\\', 'choice', 'comes', 'expense', 'damaging', 'james\\\\', 'future', 'crabtree', 'convinces', 'walter', 'press', 'charges', 'agreeing', 'publish', 'book', 'critical', 'exploration', 'union', 'joe', 'dimaggio', 'marilyn', 'monroe', 'function', 'american', 'mythopoetics', 'tentatively', 'titled', 'last', 'american', 'marriage', 'film', 'ends', 'grady', 'recounting', 'eventual', 'fate', 'main', 'characters', 'hannah', 'graduates', 'becomes', 'magazine', 'editor', 'james', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'expelled', 'drops', 'moves', 'new', 'york', 'crabtree', 'rework', 'novel', 'publication', 'crabtree', 'goes', 'right', 'crabtree', 'grady', 'finishes', 'typing', 'new', 'novel', 'watches', 'sara', 'child', 'arriving', 'home', 'turning', 'back', 'computer', 'clicking', 'save'], ['cold-war', 'era', 'post-ww2', 'britain', 'government', 'decides', 'establish', 'guided', 'missile', 'base', 'hebridean', 'isle', 'todday', 'inhabitants', 'happy', 'disruption', 'way', 'life', 'hamper', 'construction', 'much', 'raf', 'officer', 'sent', 'negotiate', 'people', 'falls', 'love', 'local', 'girl', 'realises', 'base', 'would', 'mean', 'islanders', 'missile', 'finally', 'launched', 'guidance', 'system', 'fails', 'missile', 'returns', 'land', 'rather', 'sea', 'technically', 'privately-owned', 'land', 'islanders', 'claim', 'celebrate', \"'victory\", 'dancing', 'around', 'site', 'raf', 'tries', 'unsuccessfully', 'negotiate', 'eventually', 'abandons', 'base', 'islanders', 'wished', 'base', 'remain', 'attendant', 'economic', 'benefits', 'inspired', 'led', 'father', 'james', \"'discover\", 'rare', 'seagull', 'nests', 'todday', 'hope', 'tourists', 'come'], ['film', 'group', 'young', 'women', 'decide', 'help', 'local', 'carwash', 'wearing', 'bikinis', 'wash', 'customers', 'cars', 'succeeds', 'attracting', 'customers', 'money', 'attention', 'police', 'amused', 'scantily-dressed', 'employees'], ['abhishek', 'hegde', 'first', 'fallen', 'love', 'young', 'lady', 'anjali', 'model', 'anjali', 'dies', 'accident', 'two', 'declare', 'love', 'hugging', 'abhishek', 'car', 'hits', 'lorry', 'anjali', 'family', 'want', 'marry', 'abhishek', 'informed', 'anjali', 'married', 'person', 'engaged', 'care', 'tell', 'visit', 'even', 'hospital', 'recovering', 'injuries', 'accident', 'abhishek', 'grandfather', 'faked', 'invitation', 'card', 'anjali', 'wedding', 'angers', 'abhishek', 'starts', 'hate', 'women', 'generalization', 'women', 'like', 'anjali', 'long', 'gap', 'aishwarya', 'joins', 'company', 'works', 'owned', 'uncle', 'assistant', 'manager', 'stay', 'days', 'office', 'gets', 'abhishek', 'fired', 'takes', 'position', 'manager', 'abhishek', 'knowing', 'talks', 'aunt', 'interrupted', 'uncle', 'mean', 'finally', 'takes', 'job', 'assistant', 'manager', 'job', 'available', 'within', 'days', 'assigned', 'task', 'vienna', 'two', 'travel', 'europe', 'business', 'ten', 'days', 'learn', 'aishwarya', 'transforms', 'abhishek', 'assertive', 'fun-loving', 'nature', 'fall', 'love', \"n't\", 'express', 'abhishek', 'finds', 'aishwarya', 'getting', 'engaged', 'decided', 'family', 'strict', 'family', 'mandya', 'aishwarya', 'aware', 'abhishek', 'feelings', 'finally', 'speak', 'love', 'abhishek', 'save', 'love', 'drives', 'reach', 'aishwarya', 'moment', 'aishwarya', 'boat', 'traveling', 'place', 'get', 'married', 'abhishek', 'shouts', 'aishwarya', 'responds', 'jumping', 'river', 'reunite', 'share', 'moment', 'joy', 'telling', 'much', 'love', 'other.the', 'movie', 'ends', 'happy', 'note', 'supposedly', 'married', 'end'], [\"'in\", 'drama', '50-year-old', 'married', 'man', 'played', 'john', 'halliday', 'goes', 'wife', 'son', 'nightclub', 'fancy', 'hotel', 'detroit', 'meets', 'gold-digger', 'singing', 'theme', 'song', 'picture', 'eventually', 'ends', 'going', 'subsequent', 'occasion', 'falls', 'love', 'wife', 'finally', 'finds', 'leads', 'leaving', 'getting', 'divorce', 'paris', 'married', 'gold-digger', 'finds', 'life', 'jazz', 'friends', 'much', 'begins', 'long', 'old', 'wife', 'finds', 'nightclub', 'another', 'man', 'becomes', 'jealous'], [\"'elmer\", 'humble', 'worker', 'dry', 'cleaning', 'establishment', 'idolizes', 'stage', 'actress', 'trilby', 'drew', 'turn', 'carrying', 'torch', 'fellow', 'actor', 'lionel', 'benmore', 'spurns', 'younger', 'ethyl', 'norcrosse', 'impulsively', 'asks', 'elmer', 'marry', 'regret', 'almost', 'immediately', 'handlers', 'extricate', 'marriage', 'elmer', 'finds', 'first', 'hands', 'criminals', 'sea', 'happy', 'opportunity', 'forget', 'series', 'coincidences', 'throw', 'elmer', 'trilby', 'back', 'together', 'cause', 're-evaluate', 'opinion'], [\"'gogo\", 'young', 'boy', 'english', 'extraction', 'growing', 'paris', 'friendly', 'neighbor', 'girl', 'mimsey', 'mother', 'dies', 'gogo', 'taken', 'england', 'uncle', 'gives', 'english', 'name', 'based', 'mother\\\\', 'maiden', 'name', 'transforming', 'gogo', 'peter', 'ibbetson', 'ended', 'first', 'chapter', 'strange', 'foreshadowed', 'life', 'peter', 'ibbetson', 'adult', 'englishman', 'ibbetson', 'architect', 'working', 'yorkshire', 'restoration', 'job', 'british', 'duke', 'towers', 'john', 'halliday', 'falls', 'love', 'mary', 'duchess', 'towers', 'although', 'already', 'married', 'duke', 'discovers', 'callously', 'demands', 'explain', 'peter', 'realizes', 'mary', 'childhood', 'sweetheart', 'years', 'mary', 'kept', 'dresser', 'beside', 'bed', 'dress', 'wore', 'last', 'childhood', 'meeting', 'duke', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'pulls', 'gun', 'ibbetson', 'ibbetson', 'manages', 'kill', 'duke', 'self-defense', 'death', 'ended', 'second', 'chapter', 'prison', 'bleak', 'english', 'moors', '...', 'ibbetson', 'unjustly', 'convicted', 'murder', 'sentenced', 'life', 'prison', 'despairs', 'never', 'see', 'mary', 'however', 'lovers', 'reunited', 'one', 'another\\\\', 'dreams', 'connect', 'spiritually', 'peter', 'leave', 'prison', 'join', 'mary', 'sunlit', 'glades', 'meadows', 'slumbers', '...', 'many', 'years', 'went', 'though', 'years', 'pass', 'peter', 'mary', 'remain', 'youthful', 'dreams', 'mary', 'eventually', 'dies', 'old', 'age', 'goes', 'usual', 'dream', 'rendezvous', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'speaks', 'peter', 'beyond', 'peter', 'joins'], ['set', 'paris', 'story', 'concerns', 'exploits', 'wealthy', 'jack', 'forbes', 'bets', 'friend', 'michael', 'cummings', 'john', 'halliday', 'woo', 'win', 'looloo', 'carroll', 'without', 'using', 'money', 'connections', 'cummings', 'hires', 'simon', 'peter', 'ole', 'olsen', 'pair', 'erstwhile', 'detectives', 'make', 'sure', 'forbes', \"n't\", 'win', 'bet', 'instead', 'simon', 'peter', 'befriend', 'hero', 'decide', 'help', 'olsen', 'johnson', 'best', 'material', 'notably', 'early', 'double', 'entendre', 'encounter', 'randy', 'american', 'tourist', 'scene', 'olsen', 'impersonates', 'mind-reading', 'fakir', 'loses', 'clothes', 'process', 'finale', 'comedians', 'chased', 'every', 'law', 'officer', 'paris'], [\"'ping\", 'come', 'penang', 'north', 'kuala', 'lumpur', 'work', 'aunt', 'meets', 'john', 'young', 'man', 'keeps', 'trying', 'approach', 'ping', 'feels', 'increasingly', 'attracted', 'john', 'although', 'boyfriend', 'penang', 'drawn', 'world', 'ping', 'loses', 'love', 'keep', 'john'], [\"'in\", 'small', 'pennsylvania', 'town', '1957', 'mike', 'shea', 'dreams', 'escaping', 'small', 'town', 'life', 'moving', 'california', 'girlfriend', 'brenda', 'carlucci', 'brenda', 'leaves', 'motor', 'running', 'mike', 'takes', 'alone', 'along', 'way', 'rescues', 'woman', 'children', 'river', 'perishes', 'finds', 'heaven', 'aunt', 'lisa', 'greets', 'explains', 'rules', 'regulations', 'ethereal', 'realm', 'mike', 'falls', 'love', 'heavenly', 'guide', 'named', 'annie', 'packert', 'love', 'abruptly', 'interrupted', 'annie', 'yet', 'earned', 'wings', 'earth', 'must', 'leave', 'tour', 'duty', 'put', 'time', 'inhabiting', 'human', 'body', 'mike', 'beside', 'despair', 'heavenly', 'powers', 'form', 'emmett', 'humbird', 'chain-smoking', 'sporting', 'orange', 'crew-cut', 'offer', 'deal', 'mike', 'return', 'earth', 'stipulation', 'neither', 'annie', 'remember', 'thirty', 'years', 'must', 'find'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', '1940s', 'assam', 'three', 'widows', 'struggle', 'lead', 'dignified', 'lives', 'despite', 'extreme', 'restrictions', 'mandated', 'law', 'custom', 'arrival', 'young', 'american', 'scholar', 'poisonous', 'snakebite', 'theft', 'ancestral', 'jewelry', 'combine', 'bring', 'situation', 'young', 'beautiful', 'widow', 'giribala', 'painful', 'crisis'], [\"'anna\", 'dunlap', 'piano', 'teacher', 'works', 'part-time', 'college', 'laboratory', 'recent', 'divorcee', 'custody', 'four-year-old', 'daughter', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'leo', 'sculptor', 'helps', 'find', 'true', 'passion', 'fulfillment', 'sexual', 'liberation', 'comes', 'high', 'cost', 'ex-husband', 'brian', 'questions', 'new', 'lifestyle', 'worse', 'accuses', 'leo', 'sexually', 'molesting', 'molly', 'sues', 'anna', 'custody', 'daughter'], [\"'overweight\", 'depressed', 'improv', 'actor', 'james', 'second', 'city', 'cast', 'member', 'chicago', 'lives', 'mother', 'cheats', 'diet', 'quits', 'acting', 'job', 'sleazy', 'television', 'prank', 'show', 'girlfriend', 'breaks', 'agent', 'dumps', 'visits', 'friend\\\\', 'daughter\\\\', 'elementary', 'school', 'career', 'day', 'rambles', 'problems', 'boring', 'kids', 'embarrassing', 'front', 'teacher', 'stella', 'james', 'relaxes', 'evenings', 'lying', 'hood', 'car', 'parked', 'great', 'spot', 'beside', 'wrigley', 'field', 'days', 'walking', 'around', 'north', 'side', 'chicago', 'friend', 'luca', 'appreciating', 'buildings', 'wearing', 'pirate', 'costume', 'hot', 'dog', 'stand', 'james', 'hears', 'chicago-based', 'remake', 'paddy', 'chayefsky\\\\', '1955', 'marty', 'favorite', 'movie', 'one', 'mirrors', 'adult', 'life', 'knows', 'director', 'get', 'audition', 'walking', 'compulsive', 'eaters', 'anonymous', 'meeting', 'james', 'goes', 'ice', 'cream', 'parlor', 'meets', 'big-time', 'hottie', 'beth', 'recognizes', 'second', 'city', 'offers', 'free', 'ice', 'cream', 'asks', 'obscurely', 'lewd', 'question', 'cheerfully', 'explains', 'james', 'smitten', 'returns', 'shop', 'beth', 'takes', 'adventures', 'including', 'shopping', 'trip', 'try', 'underwear', 'disposes', 'explaining', 'never', 'fat', 'guy', 'meanwhile', 'role', 'marty', 'given', 'clueless', 'young', 'actor', 'real-life', 'teen', 'idol', 'aaron', 'carter', 'story', 'ends', 'james', 'moves', 'apartment', 'reconnects', 'stella', 'elementary', 'school', 'teacher', 'continues', 'acting', 'movie', 'setting', 'end', 'movie'], [\"'richard\", 'herald', 'famous', 'opera', 'singer', 'father', 'richard', 'herald', 'recently', 'returned', 'fighting', 'war', 'prefers', 'known', 'dick', 'johnson', 'dick', 'engaged', 'socialite', 'frances', 'allenbury', 'since', 'left', 'war', 'expressing', 'apprehension', 'marrying', 'mr.', 'herald', 'wants', 'son', 'join', 'opera', 'company', 'dick', 'wants', 'enjoy', 'life', 'army', 'speaking', 'father', 'backstage', 'show', 'sees', 'magazine', 'featuring', 'leonora', 'cambaretti', 'aquacade', 'star', 'turns', 'mr.', 'herald', 'received', 'injury', 'war', 'stayed', 'hospital', 'leonora', 'performed', 'patients', 'dick', 'yet', 'bandages', 'removed', 'eyes', 'head', 'though', 'healed', 'see', 'nora', 'men', 'described', 'beauty', 'family', 'friend', 'ferdi', 'farro', 'played', 'piano', 'thinking', 'blind', 'nora', 'allowed', 'dick', 'touch', 'face', 'kissed', 'find', 'able', 'see', 'swam', 'away', 'nora', 'performing', 'star', 'aqua', 'capers', 'show', 'dick', 'finds', 'nora', 'giving', 'another', 'kiss', 'gets', 'nose', 'twisted', 'punishment', 'nora', 'misunderstands', 'dick', 'see', 'offers', 'job', 'show', 'ferdi', 'convinces', 'friend', 'xavier', 'cugat', 'give', 'job', 'position', 'baritone', 'night', 'club', 'aqua', 'capers', 'performance', 'dick', 'nora', 'dinner', 'together', 'nora', 'arrives', 'back', 'hotel', 'ferdi', 'reminds', 'barely', 'knows', 'anything', 'dick', 'rehearsal', 'next', 'day', 'nora', 'tells', 'dick', 'fall', 'love', 'pass', 'inspection', 'family', 'back', 'mackinac', 'island', 'dick', 'leaves', 'nora', 'frances\\\\', 'mother', 'harriet', 'meets', 'richard', 'agrees', 'announce', 'children\\\\', 'engagement', 'island', 'dick', 'meets', 'nora', 'grandmother', 'niece', 'deborah', 'warm', 'sings', 'grandmother', 'favorite', 'song', 'apple', 'blossom', 'time', 'meanwhile', 'ferdi', 'gordon', 'find', 'dick', 'engagement', 'announced', 'newspaper', 'try', 'think', 'way', 'let', 'nora', 'know', 'two', 'return', 'home', 'discover', 'engagement', 'announcement', 'separately', 'nora', 'heartbroken', 'gordon', 'arranges', 'stay', 'somewhere', 'far', 'away', 'dick', 'grandmother', 'since', 'dick', 'would', 'know', 'find', 'dick', 'arrives', 'leaves', 'confronted', 'ferdi', 'six', 'weeks', 'later', 'mr.', 'herald', 'arrives', 'aqua', 'capers', 'rehearsal', 'attempt', 'find', 'nora', 'case', 'dick', 'ferdi', 'tell', 'though', 'knows', 'ferdi', 'goes', 'see', 'dick', 'xavier', 'cugat', 'club', 'accuses', 'ferdi', 'love', 'nora', 'well', 'meanwhile', 'summer', 'arrived', 'mackinac', 'island', 'tourists', 'flooding', 'island', 'xavier', 'cugat', 'band', 'contract', 'perform', 'grand', 'hotel', 'dick', 'goes', 'deborah', 'knowing', 'nora', 'arrived', 'boat', 'hurries', 'hotel', 'notifies', 'dick', 'dick', 'loads', 'deborah', 'onto', 'bicycle', 'rides', 'way', 'cambaretti', 'house', 'speak', 'nora', 'nora', 'tells', 'would', 'never', 'know', 'whether', 'lying', 'leaves', 'ferdi', 'invites', 'mr.', 'herald', 'island', 'apologizes', 'grandmother', 'cambaretti', 'placing', 'announcement', 'newspaper', 'also', 'recognizes', 'old', 'days', 'performer', 'circus', 'two', 'decide', 'children', 'married', 'come', 'way', 'push', 'two', 'together', 'nora', 'swimming', 'pool', 'hotel', 'teaching', 'deborah', 'dive', 'swim', 'dick', 'begins', 'singing', 'easy', 'love', 'xavier', 'cugat\\\\', 'female', 'vocalist', 'makes', 'deborah', 'jealous', 'gordon', 'leave', 'night', 'nora', 'decides', 'going', 'gordon', 'ferdi', 'convinces', 'otherwise', 'mr.', 'herald', 'takes', 'grandmother', 'listen', 'dick\\\\', 'performance', 'hotel', 'convinces', 'xavier', 'cugat', 'fire', 'son', 'begins', 'sing', 'audience', 'nora', 'arrives', 'ferdi', 'stops', 'singing', 'donna', 'mobile', 'begins', 'easy', 'love', 'nora', 'gets', 'sits', 'next', 'dick', 'hold', 'hands', 'snuggle'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'opens', 'lab', 'mad', 'scientist', 'dr.', 'vonfockingcock', 'testing', 'new', 'invention', 'ultimate', 'orgasmarator', 'via', 'sex', 'romp', 'twink', 'assistant', 'aircraft', 'attacks', 'lab', 'scientist', 'creation', 'captured', 'futuristic', 'yet', 'gothic', 'eros', 'city', 'local', 'superhero', 'stonewall', 'young', 'sidekick', 'riot', 'introduced', 'chasing', 'catching', 'villain', 'doctor', 'cocktopus', 'afterward', 'city\\\\', 'police', 'chief', 'informs', 'pair', 'attack', 'vonfockingcock', 'determine', 'find', 'culprit', 'foil', 'reason', 'must', 'grand', 'plan', 'wreak', 'havoc', 'city', 'scientist\\\\', 'invention', 'riot', 'suspects', 'master', 'criminal', 'polecat', 'who\\\\', 'recently', 'released', 'prison', 'legal', 'technicality', 'raid', 'gay', 'strip', 'joint', 'kit', 'kat', 'club', 'ensuing', 'battle', 'sex', 'scene', 'flamboyant', 'villain', 'reveals', 'polecat', 'guilty', '...', 'completely', 'different', 'robbery', 'knows', 'nothing', 'vonfockingcock', 'orgasmarator', 'stonewall', 'suggests', 'local', 'rogues', 'gallery', 'masters', 'doom', 'riot', 'depart', 'masters\\\\', 'headquarters', 'team', 'snake', 'johnson', 'dr.', 'probe', 'flame', 'bondage', 'brainstorming', 'plans', 'total', 'sexual', 'domination', 'eros', 'city', 'heroes', 'crash', 'orgy', 'breaks', 'experience', 'enjoyable', 'duo', 'wrong', 'guys', 'return', 'base', 'flashback', 'details', 'stonewall\\\\', 'origin', 'story', 'pair', 'split', 'montage', 'sequence', 'follows', 'detailing', 'investigations', 'romps', 'webmaster', 'chicken', 'hawk', 'polar', 'bear', 'size', 'queen', '...', 'exhausting', 'remaining', 'suspects', 'except', 'insane', 'crime', 'boss', 'french', 'tickler', 'attacking', 'base', 'find', 'tickler', 'holding', 'vonfockingcock', 'planning', 'use', 'orgazmarator', 'cure', 'sexual', 'dysfunction', 'plunge', 'city', 'climax', 'chaos', 'stonewall', 'brings', 'villain', 'knees', 'riot', 'engages', 'henchmen', 'doctor', 'rescued', 'plot', 'foiled', 'film', 'ends', 'stonewall', 'riot', 'flys', 'reporting', 'citing', 'cockmander', 'arse', 'lick', 'credits', 'talking', 'dildo', 'attempts', 'call', 'mother', 'although', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'hands'], [\"'after\", 'burying', 'mother', 'rafael', 'infante', 'comes', 'santiago', 'cuba', 'houston', 'texas', 'work', 'man', 'named', 'john', 'burnett', 'handyman', 'burnett\\\\', 'dance', 'studio', 'soon', 'becomes', 'clear', 'audience', 'burnett', 'father', 'rafael', 'never', 'known', 'finds', 'falling', 'dancer', 'instructor', 'ruby', 'sinclair', 'incidentally', 'brought', 'studio', 'turns', 'dancers', 'studio', 'preparing', 'dance', 'competition', 'las', 'vegas', 'ruby', 'would', 'taking', 'part', 'well', 'rafael', 'gets', 'close', 'ruby', 'attraction', 'grows', 'willing', 'commit', 'relationship', 'seems', 'interested', 'dancing', 'meanwhile', 'rafael\\\\', 'arrival', 'persona', 'wins', 'friendship', 'older', 'dancer', 'bea', 'johnson', 'well', 'studio', 'receptionist', 'lovejoy', 'also', 'causes', 'discomfort', 'burnett', 'suddenly', 'begins', 'withdraw', 'takes', 'less', 'interest', 'preparations', 'competition', 'much', 'chagrin', 'partner', 'patricia', 'black', 'visiting', 'burnett', 'home', 'rafael', 'notices', 'offers', 'repair', 'old', 'broken-down', 'truck', 'ruby', 'downtown', 'get', 'parts', 'needed', 'repair', 'truck', 'invited', 'engagement', 'party', 'cuban', 'man', 'whose', 'daughter', 'getting', 'engaged', 'discover', 'tells', 'mother', 'died', 'never', 'knew', 'father', 'later', 'rafael', 'invites', 'ruby', 'dance', 'party', 'club', 'city', 'agree', 'following', 'saturday', 'night', 'leaving', 'rafael', 'helps', 'patricia', 'get', 'dance', 'lift', 'move', 'practicing', 'explaining', 'mother', 'made', 'take', 'little', 'ballet', 'following', 'saturday', 'ruby', 'party', 'perform', 'along', 'dancers', 'latin', 'salsa', 'dancing', 'song', 'albita', 'rodriguez', 'party', 'takes', 'ruby', 'home', 'discovers', '7-year-old', 'son', 'peter', 'looked', 'bea', 'ruby\\\\', 'absence', 'happens', 'fathered', 'ruby\\\\', 'former', 'dance', 'partner', 'julian', 'marshall', 'comes', 'ruby', 'share', 'passionate', 'kiss', 'eventually', 'breaks', 'later', 'rafael', 'comes', 'burnett\\\\', 'home', 'show', 'refurbished', 'truck', 'latter\\\\', 'delight', 'patricia', 'comes', 'house', 'discussion', 'john', 'asking', 'explain', 'suddenly', 'lost', 'interest', 'choreography', 'preparations', 'john', 'tells', 'dance', 'rafael', 'wants', 'rafael', 'start', 'practice', 'amazement', 'dancers', 'studio', 'rehearsal', 'rafael', 'overhears', 'john', 'telling', 'lovejoy', 'ruby', 'would', 'las', 'vegas', 'without', 'also', 'asking', 'switch', 'name', 'rafael\\\\', 'patricia\\\\', 'dance', 'comes', 'sensing', 'wants', 'reunite', 'julian', 'rafael', 'goes', 'see', 'ruby', 'explains', 'wanted', 'peter', 'see', 'father', 'often', 'want', 'love', 'fishing', 'trip', 'burnett', 'rafael', 'shocked', 'burnett', 'tells', 'back', 'cuba', 'competition', 'son', 'devastated', 'double', 'rejection', 'decides', 'return', 'cuba', 'dance', 'patricia', 'las', 'vegas', 'rafael', 'meets', 'ruby', 'tells', 'returning', 'cuba', 'competition', 'burnett', 'reflects', 'cruel', 'rejection', 'rafael', 'decides', 'come', 'dance', 'apologize', 'rafael', 'persuade', 'back', 'cuba', 'rafael', 'dances', 'patricia', 'watching', 'ruby', 'realized', 'love', 'rafael', 'felt', 'stab', 'jealousy', 'seeing', 'together', 'rafael', 'patricia', 'leave', 'stage', 'bea', 'comes', 'wan', 'rafael', 'perform', 'humorous', 'dance', 'amusement', 'delight', 'crowd', 'dance', 'burnett', 'meets', 'apologizes', 'rafael', 'eventually', 'convinces', 'stay', 'back', 'also', 'commending', 'dancing', 'main', 'dances', 'begin', 'ruby', 'partner', 'julian', 'involved', 'despite', 'slight', 'tension', 'win', 'competition', 'although', 'ruby', 'almost', 'time', 'seems', 'keep', 'eyes', 'rafael', 'audience', 'watching', 'however', 'leaves', 'ruby', 'looked', 'around', 'without', 'seeing', 'breaks', 'tears', 'later', 'dance', 'party', 'contestants', 'ruby', 'met', 'man', 'wishes', 'promote', 'however', 'relief', 'rafael', 'appears', 'leads', 'dance', 'floor', 'final', 'dance', 'scene', 'rest', 'dancers', 'watching', 'admiration', 'movie', 'ends', 'studio', 'entire', 'studio', 'members', 'new', 'dancers', 'dancing', 'theme', 'song', 'home', 'chayanne', 'williams'], ['story', 'set', 'rural', 'area', 'around', 'madurai', 'village', 'called', 'parithiyur', 'paruthiveeran', 'country', 'brash', 'often', 'arrested', 'petty', 'crimes', 'one', 'ambition', 'life', 'gain', 'enough', 'notoriety', 'news', 'thrown', 'madras', 'jail', 'often', 'bullies', 'paruthiyur', 'villagers', 'money', 'women', 'fun', 'lives', 'doting', 'uncle', 'chevvaazhai', 'pampers', 'accompanies', 'every', 'misbehavior', 'keep', 'happy', 'cousin', 'muththazhagu', 'daughter', 'caste', 'fanatic', 'prominent', 'person', 'village', 'council', 'muththazhagu', 'loves', 'life', 'remains', 'unmoved', 'keeps', 'bay', 'kid', 'paruthiveeran', 'saved', 'drowning', 'well', 'event', 'promised', 'marry', 'side', 'forever', 'starts', 'loving', 'passionately', 'parents', 'order', 'delay', 'marriage', 'anybody', 'else', 'fails', 'school', 'grade/class', 'times', 'paruthiveeran', 'violent', 'understands', 'muththazhagu', 'true', 'love', 'decides', 'marry', 'feud', 'two', 'families', 'comes', 'way', 'determined', 'possess', 'warns', 'marrying', 'someone', 'parents', 'choice', 'even', 'threatens', 'cut', 'pieces', 'undeterred', 'threats', 'parents', 'press', 'ahead', 'preparations', 'marriage', 'man', 'choice', 'since', 'muththazhagu', 'able', 'convince', 'parents', 'runs', 'away', 'home', 'wanting', 'elope', 'paruthiveeran', 'however', 'gets', 'kidnapped', 'brutally', 'raped', 'found', 'paruthiveeran', 'muththazhagu', 'beseeches', 'paruthiveeran', 'cut', 'pieces', 'dying', 'anyway', 'want', 'anybody', 'find', 'paruthiveeran', 'request', 'hence', 'chops', 'corpse', 'pieces', 'walking', 'away', 'found', 'muththazhagu', 'father', 'relatives', 'assuming', 'kidnapper', 'killer', 'beat', 'death', 'thus', 'ends', 'story', 'paruthiveeran', 'muththazhagu'], ['set', 'london', 'prior', 'world', 'war', 'film', 'middle-aged', 'straight-laced', 'vicar', 'daughter', 'governess', 'guinevere', 'pettigrew', 'fired', 'fourth', 'job', 'employment', 'agency', 'head', 'miss', 'holt', 'insists', \"n't\", 'help', 'destitute', 'miss', 'pettigrew', 'leaves', 'office', 'assignment', 'intended', 'colleague', 'unaware', 'flamboyant', 'american', 'singer/actress', 'delysia', 'lafosse', 'wants', 'social', 'secretary', 'rather', 'nanny', 'arriving', 'luxurious', 'penthouse', 'apartment', 'delysia', 'staying', 'miss', 'pettigrew', 'quickly', 'discovers', 'younger', 'woman', 'involved', 'three', 'men', 'nbsp', 'penniless', 'devoted', 'pianist', 'michael', 'pardue', 'released', 'prison', 'wealthy', 'controlling', 'nick', 'calderelli', 'owns', 'nightclub', 'performing', 'young', 'theatre', 'impresario', 'phil', 'goldman', 'position', 'cast', 'lead', 'role', 'west', 'end', 'play', 'tries', 'help', 'delysia', 'sort', 'various', 'affairs', 'miss', 'pettigrew', 'swept', 'world', 'high', 'society', 'given', 'makeover', 'new', 'employer', 'fashion', 'show', 'hosted', 'fashion', 'maven', 'edythe', 'dubarry', 'meets', 'feels', 'attracted', 'lingerie', 'designer', 'joe', 'blomfield', 'involved', 'tempestuous', 'relationship', 'edythe', 'course', 'twenty-four', 'hours', 'guinevere', 'delysia', 'become', 'fast', 'friends', 'help', 'achieve', 'romantic', 'destinies', 'series', 'complications', 'like', 'screwball', 'comedies', '1930s', \"'40s\", 'delysia', 'michael', 'sail', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'aboard', 'queen', 'mary', 'miss', 'pettigrew', 'found', 'victoria', 'station', 'joe', 'convinced', 'woman', 'looking', 'night', 'leave', 'station', 'together', 'arm', 'arm'], [\"'wealthy\", 'french', 'playboy', 'toto', 'duryea', 'frank', 'fay', 'irresistible', 'women', 'love', 'none', 'according', 'monsieur', 'rancour', 'toto', 'every', 'woman', 'like', 'new', 'dish', 'tasted', 'finally', 'instantly', 'smitten', 'american', 'diane', 'churchill', 'great', 'difficulty', 'proving', 'father', 'truly', 'loves', 'finally', 'convinces', 'sincere', 'mr.', 'churchill', 'insists', 'toto', 'give', 'women', 'carousing', 'stay', 'away', 'daughter', 'six', 'months', 'prove', 'reformed', 'also', 'asks', 'toto', 'get', 'examined', 'churchill\\\\', 'doctor', 'dr.', 'dumont', 'bad', 'news', 'toto', 'heart', 'weak', 'even', 'excitement', 'caused', 'much', 'woman\\\\', 'kiss', 'would', 'fatal', 'toto', 'takes', 'bed', 'three', 'girlfriends', 'insist', 'nursing', 'fifi', 'florine', 'dagmar', 'converge', 'bedroom', 'discover', 'engage', 'three-way', 'catfight', 'outraged', 'husband', 'shows', 'shoot', 'fortunately', 'dr.', 'dumont', 'arrives', 'divulges', 'toto\\\\', 'condition', 'husband', 'three', 'women', 'leave', 'diane', 'shows', 'leaves', 'father', 'america', 'insists', 'spending', 'hour', 'passion', 'unable', 'resist', 'kisses', 'remains', 'alive', 'upbraids', 'newly', 'arrived', 'dr.', 'dumont', 'faulty', 'prognosis', 'mr.', 'churchill', 'explains', 'dumont', 'fake', 'diagnosis', 'test', 'toto\\\\', 'claim', 'loved', 'diane', 'life', 'convinced', 'gives', 'toto', 'permission', 'marry', 'diane'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'thriller', 'young', 'woman', 'sunita', 'ends', 'married', 'wrong', 'man', 'rajan', 'thinking', 'conspired', 'girlfriend', 'monica', 'murder', 'runs', 'away', 'find', 'old', 'friend', 'father\\\\', 'bangalore', 'may', 'able', 'help', 'money', 'way', 'get', 'join', 'traveling', 'group', 'gypsies', 'meets', 'mohan', 'attracted', 'nisha', 'loves', 'mohan', 'extent', 'killing', 'anyone', 'gets', 'way'], ['plot', 'centers', 'around', 'relationship', '17-year-old', 'couple', 'jenny', 'juno', 'meet', 'school', 'jenny', 'smart', 'bright', 'pretty', 'girl', 'juno', 'cute', 'cool', 'good', 'sports', 'got', 'transferred', 'another', 'school', 'jenny', 'discovers', 'pregnant', 'juno', 'decide', 'abortion', 'opting', 'parenthood', 'instead', 'juno', 'starts', 'delivering', 'newspapers', 'earn', 'additional', 'money', 'buy', 'food', 'jenny', 'desires', 'juno', 'strives', 'carry', 'duties', 'good', 'father', 'always', 'stays', 'jenny', 'side', 'taking', 'care', 'jenny', 'nutrition', 'sake', 'baby', 'jenny', 'becomes', 'jealous', 'due', 'condition', 'gets', 'mishap', 'pyoy', 'girl', 'trying', 'flirt', 'juno', 'juno', 'breaks', 'fight', 'asks', 'jenny', 'never', 'worry', 'baby', 'even', 'went', 'places', 'pregnant', 'women', 'practicing', 'exercise', 'pregnant', 'mothers', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'school', 'outside', 'one', 'day', 'date', 'take', 'boat', 'lake', 'ropes', 'bound', 'boat', 'lost', 'left', 'stranded', 'try', 'seek', 'help', 'mobile', 'phone', 'connection', 'wait', 'midnight', 'fisherman', 'arrives', 'sends', 'back', 'home', 'jenny', 'gets', 'scolded', 'mother', 'returning', 'late', 'try', 'conceal', 'pregnancy', 'families', 'long', 'possible', 'truth', 'revealed', 'eventually', 'jenny', 'middle', 'sister', 'finds', 'pregnancy', 'jenny', 'juno', 'tell', 'parents', 'pregnancy', 'approve', 'jenny', 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'pretending', 'newly', 'dead', 'order', 'avoid', 'receiving', 'soldiers', 'redoubtable', 'wife', 'cornelia', 'despises', 'strategem', 'organises', 'women', 'prepare', 'hospitality', 'adapt', 'carnival', 'entertainments', 'spaniards', 'warmth', 'women', 'welcome', 'spaniards', 'refrain', 'misbehaviour', 'departure', 'duke', 'announces', 'year', 'remission', 'taxes', 'town', 'cornelia', 'allows', 'husband', 'take', 'credit', 'good', 'fortune', 'meantime', 'thwarted', 'plans', 'daughter', 'marry', 'town', 'butcher', 'instead', 'young', 'painter', 'brueghel', 'loves'], ['three', 'men', 'make', 'wager', 'one', 'sex', 'women', 'period', 'hours', 'hire', 'obese', 'flamboyant', 'gay', 'man', 'judge', 'keep', 'tally', 'get', 'ugly', 'women', 'challenge', 'one', 'man', 'comments', 'another', 'women', 'look', 'like', 'something', 'coffin', 'joe', 'movie', 'men', 'gather', 'beach', 'house', 'competition', 'begins', 'one', 'man', 'decides', 'quit', 'competition', 'return', 'home', 'wife', 'finds', 'sexual', 'intercourse', 'jack', 'german', 'shepherd', 'dog', 'brazil\\\\', 'first', 'scene', 'cinematic', 'zoophilia.her', 'husband', 'takes', 'revenge', 'leaving', 'romance', 'talking', 'male', 'horse', 'man', 'persuades', 'penetrate', 'rear-end', 'sexual', 'events', 'narrated', 'critiqued', 'caged', 'parrot', 'hour', 'period', 'expires', 'judge', 'counts', 'scores', 'remaining', 'two', 'men', 'score', 'tied', 'encouraged', 'judge', 'announces', 'tie-breaker', 'would', 'involve', 'men', 'performing', 'acts', 'judge', 'duo', 'flees', 'beach', 'house', 'pursued', 'eager', 'judge', 'end', 'screen', 'appears'], ['room', 'view', 'tells', 'story', 'lucy', 'honeychurch', 'young', 'englishwoman', '1912', 'visits', 'italy', 'cousin', 'charlotte', 'bartlett', 'meet', 'host', 'interesting', 'characters', 'including', 'novelist', 'eleanor', 'lavish', 'tourist', 'emerson', 'son', 'george', 'george', 'falls', 'love', 'lucy', 'florence', 'charlotte', 'whisks', 'charge', 'away', 'return', 'england', 'lucy', 'meets', 'george', 'time', 'however', 'lucy', 'engaged', 'cecil', 'vyse', 'novel', 'ends', 'lucy', 'george', 'marrying', 'returning', 'room', 'view', 'honeymoon', 'adaptation', 'included', 'ending', 'george', 'killed', 'world', 'war', 'lucy', 'returning', '1922', 'room', 'florence', 'implied', 'begin', 'new', 'romance', 'italian', 'man.hellicar', 'michael', 'timothy', 'spall', 'horrified', 'son', 'wanted', 'become', 'actor', 'they\\\\', \"'re\", 'co-stars', 'new', 'drama', 'daily', 'mail'], [\"'successful\", 'author', 'christopher', 'kit', 'madden', 'travels', 'los', 'angeles', 'work', 'film', 'adaptation', 'book', 'way', 'meets', 'two', 'marines', 'captain', 'rusty', 'thomas', '1st', 'lieutenant', 'dink', 'watson', 'considers', 'rusty', 'best', 'choice', 'play', 'film\\\\', 'main', 'character', 'unsure', 'react', 'discovers', 'famous', 'writer', 'keeps', 'identity', 'secret', 'journey', 'across', 'country', 'trains', 'trio', 'end', 'various', 'comedic', 'dramatic', 'situations', 'rusty', 'finally', 'learns', 'truth', 'thinks', 'using', 'would', 'motion', 'picture', 'nonetheless', 'couple', 'resolve', 'differences'], [\"'it\", 'tells', 'story', 'secretary', 'married', 'boss', 'however', 'hard', 'time', 'living'], [\"'nora\", 'shelley', 'tax', 'expert', 'accounting', 'company', 'led', 'paul', 'martin', 'may', 'find', 'suitable', 'husband', 'several', 'bankroll', 'making', 'preliminary', 'inspection', 'profit', 'martin', 'tries', 'tie', 'duty', 'enlists', 'help', 'steve', 'adams', 'imitate', 'eligible', 'man', 'woo', 'lady'], [\"'notable\", 'interventionist', 'message', 'tells', 'love', 'story', 'pilot', 'lady', 'journalist', 'meet', 'latter', 'days', 'spanish', 'civil', 'war', 'follows', 'early', 'days', 'world', 'war', 'filming', 'began', 'june', '1940', 'script', 'continuously', 'updated', 'incorporate', 'actual', 'events', 'sinking', 's.s.', 'athenia', 'signing', 'armistice', 'france', 'germany', 'forest', 'compi챔gne', 'character', 'augusta', 'nash', 'seemingly', 'based', 'martha', 'gellhorn'], ['tells', 'story', 'wife', 'peculator', 'affair', 'wall', 'street', 'trader', 'keep', 'husband', 'prison', 'secretary', 'woman', 'marries', 'hysterical', 'fraud', 'man', 'escape', 'boss', 'persistent', 'demand', 'craig', 'wakes', 'drunk', 'sleep', 'tell', 'wife', 'happened'], [\"'it\", 'tells', 'story', 'engineer', 'jim', 'ryan', 'female', 'photographer', 'katherine', 'grant', 'gets', 'fired', 'tunneling', 'job', 'feels', 'responsible', 'hires', 'help', 'differences', 'styles', 'help', 'fall', 'love'], [\"'while\", 'docked', 'caribbean', 'port', 'aboard', 'third-rate', 'freighter', 'captain', 'sam', 'whalan', 'gets', 'involved', 'drunken', 'brawl', 'seedy', 'tavern', 'returning', 'ship', 'sam', 'discovers', 'baby', 'boy', 'rescued', 'drifting', 'navy', 'boat', 'left', 'unnamed', 'sailor', 'aboard', 'ship', 'deciding', 'adopt', 'child', 'sam', 'advertises', 'mother', 'soon', 'hires', 'sally', 'clark', 'child\\\\', 'nanny', 'exchange', 'passage', 'new', 'york', 'sally', 'tells', 'daughter', 'recently', 'deceased', 'missionary', 'unknown', 'sam', 'sally', 'actually', 'dance', 'hall', 'girl', 'dressed', 'appear', 'virtuous', 'proper', 'voyage', 'sally', 'takes', 'loving', 'care', 'child', 'sam', 'protects', 'lusty', 'sailors', 'board', 'one', 'night', 'first', 'mate', 'gatson', 'recognizes', 'sally', 'dance', 'hall', 'tries', 'blackmail', 'sleeping', 'sally', 'struggles', 'reject', 'advances', 'sam', 'comes', 'rescue', 'ensuing', 'struggle', 'gatson', 'falls', 'overboard', 'unable', 'locate', 'dense', 'fog', 'assumed', 'dead', 'time', 'arrive', 'new', 'york', 'sam', 'sally', 'fallen', 'love', 'intend', 'marry', 'department', 'commerce', 'however', 'calls', 'sam', 'testify', 'investigation', 'gatson', 'incident', 'soon', 'arrested', 'sam', 'sally', 'surprised', 'learn', 'gatson', 'survived', 'picked', 'cruise', 'ship', 'pressing', 'charges', 'sam', 'assault', 'attempted', 'murder', 'course', 'investigation', 'order', 'clear', 'sam', 'charges', 'sally', 'forced', 'reveal', 'sordid', 'past', 'dance', 'hall', 'girl', 'shocked', 'disappointed', 'revelation', 'sam', 'tells', 'sally', 'leave', 'ship', 'decides', 'put', 'baby', 'adoption', 'despite', 'sally\\\\', 'sincere', 'protests', 'sending', 'assistant', 'aloysius', 'deliver', 'sally\\\\', 'luggage', 'sam', 'goes', 'drinking', 'gatson', 'later', 'night', 'vengeful', 'sam', 'brings', 'gatson', 'sally\\\\', 'apartment', 'insult', 'learns', 'another', 'sailor', 'baby', 'left', 'rain', 'sick', 'immediately', 'comes', 'care', 'infant', 'help', 'doctor', 'sam', 'postpones', 'next', 'sailing', 'mission', 'child\\\\', 'fever', 'breaks', 'begins', 'recover', 'time', 'baby', 'well', 'ship', 'pulls', 'anchor', 'sam', 'sally', 'made', 'amends', 'renew', 'plans', 'marry'], ['bankruptcy', 'father', 'business', 'penniless', 'socialite', 'jeannette', 'desmereau', 'works', 'magazine', 'editor', 'cyrus', 'anderson', 'publisher', 'jack', 'bristow', 'robert', 'young', 'discuss', 'love', 'wedding', 'plans', 'however', 'bristow', 'would', 'seem', 'marry', 'anderson', 'prepares', 'plan', 'take', 'back', 'romantic', 'comedy', 'money', 'bad', 'tempers', 'love', 'balance', 'bride', 'comes', 'home', 'also', 'co-stars', 'william', 'collier', 'sr.', 'donald', 'meek'], ['tells', 'story', 'princess', 'affair', 'another', 'boyfriend', 'marriage', 'prince'], ['young', 'pilot', 'daniel', 'bellamy', 'presumed', 'dead', 'crashbombing', 'enemy', 'aircraft', 'carrier', 'footage', 'crash', 'presumably', 'final', 'reminisence', 'walking', 'park', \"'piggy\", 'kissing', 'nose', 'sent', 'back', 'home', 'typographical', 'error', 'transcribing', 'words', 'becomes', 'tribute', 'heroism', 'girl', 'worked', 'office', 'peggy', 'thought', 'object', 'secret', 'love', 'however', 'dan', 'returns', 'home', 'order', 'save', 'embarrassment', 'girl', 'tries', 'keep', 'pretense', 'dan', 'reveals', 'speaking', 'girl', 'fact', 'meant', 'dog', 'series', 'comical', 'mishaps', 'ensue', 'leading', 'resolution', 'misunderstanding', 'resolution', 'however', 'long', 'coming'], [\"'jealousy\", 'comes', 'couple', 'wife', 'earns', 'money', 'becomes', 'famous', 'husband'], ['grant', 'jordan', 'marries', 'young', 'widow', 'katie', 'armstrong', 'three', 'unruly', 'children', 'charlie', 'abner', 'peter', 'miles', 'zoe', 'katie', 'sister', 'accident', 'take', 'care', 'children', 'newlyweds', 'choice', 'take', 'along', 'honeymoon', 'also', 'grant', 'former', 'fianc챕e', 'mina', 'fenster', 'ready', 'give', 'shows', 'tries', 'sabotage', 'marriage'], ['high', 'school', 'student', 'starla', 'grady', 'popular', 'head', 'cheerleader', 'pageant', 'queen', 'small', 'town', 'splendona', 'texas', 'hosts', 'french', 'foreign', 'exchange', 'student', 'orphan', 'named', 'genevieve', 'plouff', 'winning', 'affections', 'starla', 'parents', 'friends', 'boyfriend', 'genevieve', 'soon', 'begins', 'take', 'starla', 'life', 'starla', 'forced', 'quit', 'cheerleading', 'squad', 'getting', 'bad', 'grades', 'french', 'genevieve', 'moves', 'take', 'place', 'roles', 'reversed', 'soon', 'genevieve', 'popular', 'head', 'cheerleader', 'starla', 'unpopular', 'student', 'soon', 'genevieve', 'takes', 'starla', 'place', 'news', 'anchor', 'competition', 'framed', 'genevieve', 'starla', 'arrested', 'possessing', 'knife', 'getting', 'high', 'starla', 'learns', 'genevieve', 'fact', 'former', 'elementary', 'school', 'classmate', 'starla', 'embarrassed', 'much', 'felt', 'compelled', 'move', 'france', 'come', 'back', 'disguise', 'get', 'revenge', 'starla', 'charade', 'exposed', 'genevieve', 'leaves', 'town', 'disgrace', 'starla', 'reclaims', 'status', 'school', 'town', 'although', 'never', 'got', 'dream', 'becoming', 'reporter', 'college', 'scholarship', 'felt', 'changed', 'woman', 'however', 'final', 'scene', 'shows', 'genevieve', 'true', 'texan', 'heritage', 'stealing', 'starla', 'card', 'returning', 'france', 'welcomed', 'new', 'adoptive', 'french', 'family', 'upon', 'arrival', 'paris', 'play', 'acting', 'starla', '...', 'strongly', 'implying', \"'ll\", 'start', 'process', 'building', 'new', 'life', 'trickery', 'deception', 'manipulation'], ['faten', 'hamama', 'plays', 'fayza', 'young', 'student', 'lives', 'family', 'death', 'father', 'left', 'money', 'mother', 'forced', 'turn', 'house', 'illegal', 'gambling', 'house', 'fayza', 'opposes', 'mother', 'solution', 'munir', 'writer', 'meets', 'fayza', 'falls', 'love', 'rejects', 'fayza', 'decides', 'leave', 'countryside', 'works', 'teacher', 'small', 'school', 'fayza', 'gets', 'trouble', 'school', 'desperate', 'hopeless', 'decides', 'walk', 'mother', 'path', 'munir', 'convinces', 'fayza', 'stop.', 'ref', 'namehttp', '//www.fatenhamama.com/arabic/films/altariq-al-massdoud.html', 'title', '2007-04-01', 'publisher', 'arabic'], ['arun', 'sachin', 'son', 'barrister', 'self-proclaimed', 'prince', 'male', 'students', 'finds', 'pride', 'huge', 'ego', 'crushed', 'stands', 'second', 'terminal', 'examination', 'lost', 'lily', 'fernandes', 'simple', 'modest', 'daughter', 'ordinary', 'nurse', 'private', 'nursing', 'home', 'arun', 'takes', 'defeat', 'decides', 'nurse', 'personal', 'vendetta', 'try', 'crush', 'lily', 'growing', 'popularity', 'school', 'lily', 'however', 'tolerates', 'friends', 'remarks', 'sarcasm', 'bears', 'grudge', 'time', 'goes', 'gradually', 'discover', 'basic', 'qualities', 'opponents', 'one', 'becoming', 'admirer', 'visit', 'beautiful', 'places', 'together', 'weekends', 'get', 'know', 'better', 'lily', 'mother', 'first', 'person', 'notice', 'love', 'blossoming', 'daughter', 'arun', 'worried', 'even', 'though', 'arun', 'madly', 'love', 'daughter', 'social', 'status', 'considered', 'despite', 'arun', 'father', 'approves', 'presentes', 'proposal', 'lily', 'mother', 'allow', 'children', 'marry', 'everything', 'set', 'lily', 'falls', 'ill', 'discovered', 'leukemia', 'everyone', 'tries', 'save', 'girl', 'lily', 'arun', 'acted', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'everything', 'seems', 'fine', 'lily', 'condition', 'grew', 'worse', 'breathed', 'last', 'arun', 'arms', 'made', 'promise', 'rise', 'life', 'would', 'peace'], [\"'fr챕d챕rique\", 'rich', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'picks', 'female', 'street', 'artist', 'called', 'december', 'villa', 'saint', 'tropez', 'inhabited', 'couple', 'odd', 'gay', 'men', 'women', 'fall', 'local', 'architect', 'paul', 'thomas', 'however', 'says', 'interested', 'fr챕d챕rique', 'invites', 'move', 'villa'], ['faten', 'hamama', 'plays', 'sawsan', 'middle-class', 'orphan', 'meets', 'adel', 'rich', 'man', 'tries', 'approach', 'eventually', 'marries', 'playboy', 'friends', 'feel', 'uncomfortable', 'sawsan', 'around', 'therefore', 'adel', 'orders', 'stay', 'home', 'staying', 'alone', 'home', 'sawsan', 'works', 'land', 'adel', 'owns', 'help', 'one', 'adel', 'old', 'friends', 'shafeek', 'adel', 'friends', 'try', 'destroy', 'adel', 'marriage', 'telling', 'sawsan', 'affair', 'friend', 'adel', 'friends', 'try', 'exploit', 'adel', 'fortunes', 'convince', 'sell', 'land', 'shafeek', 'talks', 'adel', 'convinces', 'sell', 'land', 'exploiter', 'friends', 'adel', 'realizes', 'mistake', 'leaves', 'friends', 'returns', 'wife', 'cite', 'web'], ['los', 'angeles', 'emily', 'brown', 'kleptomaniac', 'addicted', 'pills', 'misses', 'jailed', 'father', 'also', 'therapy', 'sessions', 'trying', 'resolve', 'compulsion', 'record', 'police', 'shoplifting', 'mother', 'teresa', 'compulsive', 'shopper', 'security', 'guard', 'nick', 'bernstein', 'department', 'store', 'sees', 'emily', 'camera', 'becomes', 'fascinated', 'nick', 'gets', 'trouble', 'dealing', 'ecstasy', 'presses', 'emily', 'help', 'robbery', 'bernstein'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', 'koduru', 'young', 'vishwak', 'meets', 'sweta', 'comes', 'canada', 'vacation', 'grandmom', 'place', 'incidentally', 'goes', 'school', 'time', 'local', 'school', 'meets', 'vishwak', 'love', 'blossoms', 'least', 'vishwak', 'grows', 'loving', 'sweta', 'heart', 'soul', 'however', 'given', 'humble', 'background', 'life', 'teaches', 'calculated', 'whatever', 'soon', 'masters', 'art', 'making', 'best', 'given', 'situation', 'destiny', 'brings', 'company', 'owned', 'sweta', 'father', 'old', 'friends', 'meet', 'time', 'around', 'sweta', 'boss', 'daughter', 'dreams', 'setting', 'pharmaceutical', 'company', 'sweta', 'vishwak', 'get', 'work', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'vishwak', 'works', 'way', 'towards', 'making', 'sweta', 'love', 'springs', 'surprise', 'announcing', 'head', 'heels', 'love', 'rohit', 'millionaire-turned-hr', 'guru', 'seeing', 'game', 'plan', 'boomerang', 'vishwak', 'tries', 'best', 'take', 'sweta', 'mind', 'rohit', 'tries', 'convinced', 'found', 'ideal', 'man'], ['rong', 'comedy', 'screenwriter', 'finds', 'wife', 'daeng', 'affair', 'physician', 'rong', 'daeng', 'relationship', 'grown', 'routine', 'boring', 'daeng', 'affair', 'rong', 'quarrels', 'daeng', 'angrily', 'drives', 'away', 'car', 'later', 'rong', 'told', 'wife', 'dead', 'grieving', 'blames', 'death', 'however', 'rong', 'notices', 'many', 'things', 'house', 'moved', 'around', 'starts', 'think', 'perhaps', 'daeng', 'dead'], [\"'sydney\", 'white', 'daughter', 'plumber', 'paul', 'white', 'john', 'schneider', 'mother', 'kappa', 'sorority', 'member', 'died', 'sydney', 'still', 'young', 'sets', 'study', 'sau', 'pledge', 'mother\\\\', 'dignified', 'sorority', 'kappa', 'phi', 'meets', 'demetria', 'rosemead', 'hotchkiss', 'known', 'dinky', 'also', 'upcoming', 'member', 'kappa', 'sorority', 'legacy', 'like', 'becomes', 'closest', 'girl', 'friend', 'way', 'dorm', 'meets', 'tyler', 'prince', 'president', 'fraternity', 'alpha', 'omega', 'rho', 'on-off', 'boyfriend', 'elitist', 'president', 'student', 'council', 'head', 'kappa', 'sorority', 'rachel', 'witchburn', 'rachel', 'immediately', 'dislikes', 'sydney', 'sees', 'talking', 'tyler', 'tries', 'reject', 'sydney', 'rush', 'friends', 'informs', 'legacy', 'rachel', 'forced', 'accept', 'also', 'says', 'survive', 'pledge', 'one', 'kappa', 'sorority\\\\', 'traditional', 'rituals', 'freshmen', 'need', 'find', 'date', 'late', 'midnight', 'sydney', 'finds', 'lenny', 'jack', 'carpenter', 'one', 'seven', 'dorks', 'known', 'vortex', 'sydney', 'picked', 'rachel', 'ditch', 'date', 'ended', 'lenny', 'paying', 'meanwhile', 'rachel', 'becoming', 'jealous', 'sydney', 'becomes', 'closer', 'tyler', 'rachel', 'makes', 'pledges', 'undergo', 'embarrassing', 'initiation', 'tasks', 'follow', 'superficial', 'lifestyle', 'weighing', 'carbohydrates', 'eat', 'breakfast', 'effort', 'change', 'according', 'standards', 'however', 'sydney', 'upbringing', 'unintentionally', 'defies', 'unlike', 'girls', 'tomboyish', 'ways', 'help', 'easily', 'manage', 'initiation', 'including', 'cleaning', 'alpha', 'omega', 'rho\\\\', 'bathroom', 'different', 'sydney\\\\', 'rank', 'sau\\\\', 'online', 'popularity', 'voting', 'site', 'gradually', 'increases', 'putting', 'top', '13.', 'infuriates', 'rachel', 'longtime-running', '1st', 'place', 'holder', 'fairest', 'website', 'sydney', 'fails', 'become', 'member', 'kappa', 'rachel', 'insists', 'disobeyed', 'rules', 'lying', 'background', 'cheating', 'kappa', 'quiz', 'rachel', 'final', 'night', 'pledging', 'humiliating', 'sydney', 'front', 'greek', 'houses', 'even', 'making', 'strip', 'gown', 'sydney', 'leaves', 'night', 'rain', 'unintentionally', 'sitting', 'front', 'vortex\\\\', 'home', 'welcomed', 'seven', 'dorks', 'lenny', 'one', 'high-maintenance', 'health', 'terrence', 'jeremy', 'howard', 'genius', 'one', 'jeremy', 'shy', 'one', 'uses', 'puppet', 'talk', 'gurkin', 'hot-tempered', 'blogger', 'spanky', 'one', 'experience', 'girls', 'george', 'childlike', 'one', 'still', 'believes', 'santa', 'claus', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'tie', 'knot', 'embele', 'remains', 'sleeping', 'vortex\\\\', 'home', 'house', 'rachel', 'plans', 'demolish', 'build', 'luxurious', 'establishment', 'meant', 'leading', 'greek', 'houses\\\\', 'pleasure', 'sydney', 'together', 'seven', 'dorks', 'tries', 'bring', 'rachel', 'student', 'council', 'position', 'running', 'terrence', 'president', 'sydney', 'also', 'helps', 'dorks', 'come', 'shells', 'unlike', 'rachel\\\\', 'elitist', 'exclusivist', 'views', 'sydney', 'dorks', 'believe', 'diversity', 'equality', 'good', 'thing', 'try', 'befriend', 'people', 'sorts', 'catapults', 'sydney', 'top', 'spot', 'popularity', 'website', 'however', 'due', 'rachel\\\\', 'scheme', 'terrence', 'soon', 'disqualified', 'already', 'graduated', 'six', 'years', 'prior', 'sydney', 'replaces', 'presidential', 'candidate', 'starts', 'campaign', 'day', 'debate', 'election', 'rachel', 'hires', 'someone', 'hack', 'sydney\\\\', 'files', 'using', 'virus', 'called', 'poison', 'apple', 'forced', 'stay', 'night', 'library', 'work', 'gurkin\\\\', 'laptop', 'sydney', 'finishes', 'work', 'accidentally', 'falls', 'asleep', 'almost', 'disqualified', 'showing', 'tyler', 'wakes', 'kiss', 'time', 'rachel', 'answers', 'question', 'posed', 'professor', 'carleton', 'sydney\\\\', 'supporters', 'come', 'led', 'goth', 'girl', 'gurkin', 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'takes', 'place', 'many', 'years', '1880s', '1930s', 'showing', 'freshman', 'year', 'retirement', 'old', 'woman', 'beginning', 'lives', 'mother', 'vixenish', 'cousin', 'amy', 'remembers', 'father', 'farm', 'near', 'town', 'ella', 'inhibited', 'girl', 'whose', 'frustration', 'grows', 'approaches', 'womanhood', 'ambition', 'teach', 'causes', 'lose', 'opportunity', 'true', 'love', 'life', 'becomes', 'one', 'missed', 'chances', 'wrong', 'choices', 'engaged', 'lawyer', 'delbert', 'thompson', 'learns', 'distress', 'amy', 'pregnant', 'delbert', 'amy', 'run', 'together', 'amy', 'dies', 'childbirth', 'leaving', 'ella', 'care', 'amy', 'daughter', 'hope', 'hope', 'grows', 'marries', 'richard', 'move', 'away', 'daughter', 'named', 'gretchen', 'ella', 'also', 'fling', 'another', 'teacher', 'unhappily', 'married', 'john', 'stevens', 'eventually', 'breaks', 'relationship', 'later', 'distressed', 'learn', 'john', 'killed', 'years', 'ella', 'supported', 'friend', 'sam', 'peters', 'local', 'grocer', 'another', 'source', 'support', 'professor', 'corcoran', 'college', 'president', 'hires', 'teacher', 'persuades', 'stay', 'considers', 'leaving', 'death', 'blow', 'ella', 'ella', 'reaches', 'old', 'age', 'reflects', 'back', 'realizes', 'allowed', 'years', 'without', 'achieving', 'believes', 'true', 'fulfillment', 'however', 'years', 'without', 'glory', 'moment', 'triumph', 'arrives', 'numerous', 'now-famous', 'students', 'years', 'return', 'testimonial', 'dinner', 'school', 'honour', 'beloved', 'miss', 'bishop'], [\"'faten\", 'hamama', 'plays', 'mona', 'university', 'student', 'falls', 'love', 'professor', 'mahmoud', 'also', 'gifted', 'writer', 'mahmoud', 'proposes', 'mona', 'mother', 'refuses', 'mona', 'marries', 'another', 'man', 'leave', 'egypt', 'years', 'later', 'returns', 'egypt', 'mona', 'visits', 'sick', 'mahmoud', 'hospital', 'mahmoud', 'expresses', 'love', 'mona', 'lies', 'deathbed', 'cite', 'web', 'url', 'pal', 'q21', 'accessdate', 'arabic', 'movies', 'language', 'october', '2010|bot', 'dse', 'cite', 'web'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', '1985.', 'town', 'planning', 'student', 'richard', 'gillespie', 'walks', 'scene', 'tower-blocks', 'en-route', 'visit', 'older', 'sister', 'natalie', 'close', 'since', 'grew', 'different', 'parent', 'parents', 'divorced', 'natalie', 'recently', 'bought', 'fairly', 'noisy', 'apartment', 'lover', 'leave', 'within', 'two', 'months', 'also', 'unhappy', 'job', 'buyer', 'richard\\\\', 'insistence', 'late-night', 'walk', 'natalie', 'seems', 'cheer', 'waking', 'middle', 'night', 'due', 'loud', 'music', 'neighboring', 'apartment', 'richard', 'finds', 'natalie', 'still', 'awake', 'still', 'extremely', 'depressed', 'richard\\\\', 'attempts', 'lighten', 'mood', 'ended', 'natalie', 'pulls', 'somewhat', 'passionate', 'embrace', 'although', 'immediately', 'apologizes', 'makes', 'excuse', 'wanted', 'someone', 'hug', 'richard', 'seem', 'reaction', 'film', 'checks', 'two', '1987', '1990.', 'time', 'richard', 'becomes', 'extremely', 'successful', 'town', 'planner', 'something', 'lothario', 'natalie\\\\', 'career', 'stagnates', 'succession', 'low-level', 'administrative', 'jobs', 'hates', 'next', 'time', 'meet', '1991.', 'richard', 'committed', 'environment', 'sustainable', 'town', 'planning', 'interviewed', 'job', 'magazine', 'urban', 'alert', 'formed', 'put', 'pressure', 'planners', 'docklands', 'consider', 'needs', 'local', 'residents', 'editor', 'colin', 'somewhat', 'skeptical', 'richard\\\\', 'intentions', 'takes', 'anyway', 'work', 'deputy', 'jessica', 'meanwhile', 'natalie', 'applies', 'job', 'secretary', 'powerful', 'rich', 'stock', 'analyst', 'named', 'sinclair', 'bryant', 'get', 'job', 'later', 'marries', 'sinclair', 'richard', 'wedding', 'finally', 'visits', 'natalie', 'palatial', 'home', 'petersham', 'surprised', 'changed', 'posh', 'mannerisms', 'introduced', 'sinclair', 'two', 'get', 'along', 'extremely', 'well', 'highly', 'intelligent', 'seem', 'similar', 'interests', 'literature', 'similar', 'outlook', 'life', 'however', 'natalie', 'fully', 'happy', 'life', 'feels', 'insignificant', 'compared', 'sinclair', 'shortly', 'richard\\\\', 'visit', 'home', 'visits', 'apartment', 'attempting', 'prevent', 'attraction', 'spilling', 'end', 'naked', 'floor', 'natalie', 'tries', 'make', 'richard', 'stop', 'making', 'love', 'stops', 'wanders', 'side', 'room', 'eventually', 'succumb', 'desires', 'sex', 'afterwards', 'try', 'avoid', 'proves', 'difficult', 'sinclair', 'invites', 'richard', 'round', 'social', 'gathering', 'two', 'still', 'attracted', 'agree', 'meet', 'sort', 'things', 'meanwhile', 'work', 'richard', 'proven', 'good', 'colin', 'developed', 'aids', 'informs', 'office', 'revelation', 'richard', 'colin', 'find', 'hard', 'interact', 'pretending', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'natalie', 'richard', 'meet', 'sinclair\\\\', 'parents\\\\', 'apartment', 'sex', 'although', 'afterwards', 'natalie', 'quite', 'firm', 'relationship', 'must', 'end', 'brother', 'sister', 'course', 'weekend', 'sinclair', 'infers', 'natalie', 'affair', 'nuneaton', 'claimed', 'still', 'claims', 'return', 'richard\\\\', 'job', 'colin', 'dying', 'richard', 'takes', 'hospital', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'confront', 'unpleasant', 'city', 'planner', 'facts', 'intend', 'publish', 'magazine', 'two', 'grill', 'colin', 'eats', 'half', 'sandwich', 'offering', 'half', 'richard', 'offering', 'city', 'planner', 'terrified', 'even', 'touch', 'colin\\\\', 'illness', 'things', 'bad', 'worse', 'richard', 'becomes', 'obsessed', 'natalie', 'turns', 'unexpectedly', 'house', 'finds', 'sinclair', 'promptly', 'whisks', 'boat', 'trip', 'planned', 'grills', 'subject', 'natalie\\\\', 'affair', 'sinclair', 'yet', 'suspect', 'richard', 'believe', 'richard', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'respects', 'decision', 'reveal', 'person', 'hearing', 'sinclair', 'natalie', 'plan', 'move', 'america', 'richard', 'loses', 'self-control', 'completely', 'harasses', 'natalie', 'public', 'hotel', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'taking', 'sleeping', 'pills', 'unsuccessfully', 'natalie', 'arrives', 'unexpectedly', 'apartment', 'richard', 'invited', 'going-away', 'party', 'condition', 'behave', 'richard', 'attends', 'jessica', 'abandons', 'quickly', 'arriving', 'hunt', 'natalie', 'finds', 'announces', 'wants', 'kill', 'pulls', 'site', 'countryside', 'two', 'fight', 'middle', 'road', 'richard', 'accusing', 'natalie', 'using', 'pulls', 'safety', 'nearly', 'run', 'police', 'car', 'natalie', 'apologizes', 'using', 'says', 'sinclair', \"aren\\\\'t\", 'leaving', 'country', 'wanted', 'party', 'anyway', 'return', 'dishevelled', 'guests', 'quickly', 'leave', 'sinclair', 'appears', 'though', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'wish', 'hear', 'confession', 'makes', 'quite', 'clear', 'knows', 'happened', 'forgives', 'end', 'film', 'three', 'walk', 'together', 'autumn', 'sunset', 'river'], ['caramel', 'revolves', 'around', 'intersecting', 'lives', 'five', 'lebanese', 'women', 'layale', 'works', 'beauty', 'salon', 'beirut', 'along', 'two', 'women', 'nisrine', 'rima', 'one', 'problem', 'layale', 'stuck', 'dead-end', 'relationship', 'married', 'man', 'nisrine', 'longer', 'virgin', 'set', 'married', 'conservative', 'family', 'pre-marital', 'sex', 'accepted', 'rima', 'attracted', 'women', 'jamale', 'regular', 'customer', 'wannabe', 'actress', 'worried', 'getting', 'old', 'rose', 'tailoress', 'shop', 'next', 'salon', 'old', 'woman', 'devoted', 'life', 'taking', 'care', 'mentally', 'unbalanced', 'elder', 'sister', 'lili', 'found', 'first', 'love', 'film', \"n't\", 'refer', 'political', 'problems', 'recent', 'warfare', 'troubled', 'lebanon', 'rather', 'labaki', 'tale', 'paints', 'everyday', 'people', 'everyday', 'problems'], [\"'patricia\", 'foster', 'industrial', 'designer', 'gets', 'trouble', 'sells', 'secret', 'cosmetics', 'formula', 'rival', 'company', 'paris', 'christopher', 'white', 'counterspy', 'cosmetics', 'industry', 'falls', 'love'], ['advice', 'best', 'friend', 'ted', 'anderson', 'proposes', 'girlfriend', 'vanessa', 'publicly', 'whilst', 'dressed', 'cupid', 'costume', 'shock', 'proposal', 'leads', 'instantaneous', 'death', 'utterly', 'devastated', 'distraught', 'anderson', 'quits', 'job', 'goes', 'mourning', 'anderson', 'still', 'obsessed', 'perfect', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'help', 'move', 'ted', 'persuades', 'give', 'romance', 'one', 'try', 'placate', 'friend', 'anderson', 'agrees', 'right', 'waitress', 'katie', 'comes', 'whim', 'anderson', 'asks', 'katie', 'marry', 'utter', 'astonishment', 'accepts', 'proposal', 'anderson', 'katie', 'decide', 'take', 'things', 'slow', 'day', 'moves', 'anderson', 'apartment', 'meanwhile', 'anderson', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'unconscious', 'spoke', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'late', 'vanessa', 'however', 'goes', 'ahead', 'plans', 'meet', 'parents', 'bring', 'katie', 'meet', 'parents', 'pair', 'soon', 'begin', 'get', 'well', 'although', 'smoothest', 'meetings', 'parents', 'real', 'objection', 'marriage', 'katie', 'father', 'smitty', 'breaks', 'jail', 'walk', 'aisle', 'arrives', 'ex-wife', 'house', 'long', 'lost', 'passion', 'one', 'another', 'love', 'sparks', 'much', 'stuart', 'discomfort', 'falling', 'anderson', 'late', 'girlfriend', 'anderson', 'katie', 'relationship', 'looks', 'pivotal', 'moment', 'film', 'leads', 'pair', 'finally', 'declaring', 'fondness', 'one', 'another', 'line', 'film', 'spontaneous', 'feel', 'couple', 'suddenly', 'run', 'atlantic', 'city', 'help', 'ted', 'anderson', 'katie', 'ted', 'rest', 'party', 'driving', 'atlantic', 'city', 'car', 'car', 'dealership', 'ted', 'works', 'katie', 'ex-boyfriend', 'william', 'tries', 'persuade', 'katie', 'together', 'proceeds', 'assault', 'anderson', 'way', 'wedding', 'ted', 'boss', 'reports', 'car', 'stolen', 'unfortunate', 'event', 'crash', 'police', 'car', 'resulting', 'arrest', 'meanwhile', 'katie', 'parents', 'know', \"'re\", 'headed', 'make', 'way', 'stopping', 'rob', 'tuxedo', 'depot', 'preparation', 'wedding', 'katie', 'parents', 'also', 'arrested', 'robbing', 'store', 'end', 'police', 'station', 'anderson', 'parents', 'also', 'turn', 'calls', 'lucky', 'turn', 'events', 'group', 'able', 'escape', 'station', 'stealing', 'officer', 'gun', 'locking', 'cell', 'point', 'anderson', 'katie', 'establish', 'final', 'time', 'want', 'get', 'married', 'first', 'time', 'whole', 'group', 'favor', 'police', 'van', 'policemen', 'let', 'use', 'drive', 'atlantic', 'city', 'anderson', 'katie', 'finally', 'get', 'married', 'however', 'soon', 'step', 'outside', 'arrested', 'anderson', 'katie', 'spend', 'honeymoon', 'jail', 'bribe', 'judge', 'blender', 'received', 'wedding', 'present'], ['film', 'follows', '17-year-old', 'cassandra', 'mortmain', 'fortunes', 'eccentric', 'family', 'struggling', 'survive', 'genteel', 'poverty', 'decaying', 'english', 'castle', 'characters', 'include', 'cassandra', 'father', 'writer', \"n't\", 'written', 'anything', 'twelve', 'years', 'since', 'spectacular', 'success', 'first', 'novel', 'exquisite', 'older', 'sister', 'rose', 'rails', 'fate', 'hopes', 'marry', 'money', 'bohemian', 'stepmother', 'topaz', 'ex-model', 'still', 'apt', 'sun-bathe', 'nude', 'possibility', 'salvation', 'seems', 'loom', 'form', 'wealthy', 'american', 'landlord', 'simon', 'cotton', 'brother', 'neil', 'although', 'simon', 'initially', 'turns', 'away', 'rose', 'determined', 'make', 'fall', 'love', 'succeeds', 'wedding', 'arranged', 'cassandra', 'appears', 'left', 'sidelines', 'events', 'spiral', 'control', 'summer', 'ends', 'many', 'expectations', 'overturned'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'divided', 'three', 'parts', 'first', 'two', '1987', '1988', 'depict', 'day', 'family\\\\', 'life', 'showing', 'daily', 'activities', 'detail', 'conveys', 'discomfort', 'sterile', 'routines', 'modern', 'society', 'toward', 'beginning', 'part', 'voice', 'wife', 'reading', 'letter', 'husband\\\\', 'parents', 'informing', 'success', 'work', 'many', 'activities', 'shown', 'parts', 'third', 'part', '1989', 'begins', 'family', 'departing', 'grandparents\\\\', 'home', 'visit', 'husband', 'narrates', 'letter', 'written', 'next', 'day', 'informing', 'wife', 'quit', 'jobs', 'decided', 'leave', 'plays', 'clips', 'quitting', 'closing', 'bank', 'account', 'telling', 'clerk', 'emigrating', 'australia', 'selling', 'car', 'buying', 'large', 'variety', 'cutting', 'tools', 'says', 'hard', 'decision', 'whether', 'take', 'eva', 'decided', 'said', 'afraid', 'death', 'family', 'eats', 'luxurious', 'meal', 'goes', 'systematically', 'destroying', 'every', 'possession', 'house', 'automatic', 'lifeless', 'manner', 'barely', 'speaking', 'rip', 'money', 'flush', 'toilet', 'emotion', 'shown', 'georg', 'shatters', 'large', 'fish', 'tank', 'daughter', 'screams', 'cries', 'hysterically', 'finally', 'commit', 'suicide', 'first', 'eva', 'anna', 'finally', 'georg', 'dies', 'georg', 'shown', 'methodically', 'writing', 'names', 'date', 'time', 'death', 'three', 'family', 'members', 'wall', 'envelope', 'addressed', 'georg\\\\', 'parents', 'taped', 'door', 'end', 'film', 'text', 'saying', 'despite', 'suicide', 'note', 'georg\\\\', 'parents', 'thought', 'may', 'homicide', 'police', 'investigation', 'conducted', 'evidence', 'murder', 'found'], [\"'sadie\", 'jones', 'always', 'longed', 'marry', 'man', 'dreams', 'family', 'church', 'though', 'found', 'lifetime', 'companion', 'ben', 'murphy', 'sadie', 'distressed', 'learn', 'st.', 'augustine\\\\', 'one', 'wedding', 'slot', 'available', 'next', 'two', 'years', 'though', 're-checking', 'planning', 'book', 'find', 'wedding', 'held', 'three', 'weeks', 'sadie', 'ben', 'qualify', 'slot', 'church\\\\', 'eccentric', 'minister', 'reverend', 'frank', 'wed', 'couple', 'agree', 'attend', 'prenuptial', 'course', 'wedding', 'date', 'draws', 'near', 'sadie', 'ben', 'must', 'follow', 'reverend', 'frank\\\\', 'rules', 'attend', 'unusual', 'classes', 'complete', 'series', 'homework', 'assignments', 'designed', 'specifically', 'irritate', 'one', 'another', 'order', 'get', 'past', 'puppy', 'love', 'ensure', 'union', 'sound', 'foundation', 'one', 'part', 'course', 'couple', 'care', 'twin', 'creepy', 'robot', 'babies', 'get', 'ben\\\\', 'last', 'nerve', 'destroys', 'one', 'horror', 'bystanders', 'department', 'store', 'ben\\\\', 'dismay', 'one', 'frank\\\\', 'rules', 'pre-marital', 'sex', 'behalf', 'frank', 'young', 'assistant', 'breaks', 'couple\\\\', 'house', 'bugs', 'thus', 'frank', 'assistant', 'listen', 'conversations', 'though', 'frank', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'let', 'assistant', 'listen', 'adult', 'parts', 'ben', 'discovers', 'microphone/transmitter', 'tell', 'sadie', 'fear', 'accuse', 'lying', 'planting', 'bug', 'problems', 'gradually', 'begin', 'develop', 'couple', 'due', 'course', 'ben', 'begins', 'investigation', 'frank', 'eventually', 'discovers', 'married', 'maria', 'gonzalez', 'shortly', 'wedding', 'sadie', 'becomes', 'reluctant', 'wedding', 'among', 'things', 'ben', 'prepared', 'marriage', 'vows', 'frank', 'instructed', 'instead', 'drew', 'flip', 'cartoon', 'truck', 'ben', 'confronts', 'frank', 'maria', 'gonzalez', 'believing', 'hypocrite', 'frank', 'reveals', 'marriage', 'done', 'allow', 'maria', 'immigrant', 'member', 'frank\\\\', 'congregation', 'stay', 'usa', 'upset', 'ben', 'would', 'waste', 'time', 'stupid', 'investigation', 'calls', 'wedding', 'frank\\\\', 'advice', 'sadie', 'goes', 'vacation', 'jamaica', 'slated', 'honeymoon', 'destination', 'ben', 'seeks', 'advice', 'friend', 'joel', 'advises', 'give', 'sadie', 'saying', 'women', 'like', 'ben', 'however', 'disagrees', 'decides', 'jamaica', 'frank', 'assistant', 'travel', 'attempts', 'call', 'sadie', 'refuses', 'listen', 'parents', 'assure', 'marriages', 'problems', 'friend', 'carlisle', 'tells', 'ben', 'may', 'want', 'someone', 'relies', 'allowing', 'forgive', 'ben', 'easily', 'ben', 'writes', 'vows', 'sands', 'beach', 'impress', 'sadie', 'reconcile', 'frank', 'marries'], [\"'hugo\", 'dugay', 'runs', 'small', 'company', 'hugo', 'pool', 'cleans', 'swimming', 'pools', 'los', 'angeles', 'film', 'covers', 'one', 'day', 'life', 'must', 'clean', 'many', 'pools', 'midst', 'drought', 'interferes', 'usual', 'water', 'supply', 'addition', 'dealing', 'several', 'eccentric', 'customers', 'including', 'mobster', 'chick', 'chicalini', 'richard', 'lewis', 'filmmaker', 'franz', 'mazur', 'hugo', 'must', 'care', 'needy', 'parents', 'minerva', 'henry', 'also', 'hugo', 'may', 'falling', 'love', 'floyd', 'gaylen', 'customer', 'als'], [\"'in\", '1926', 'years', 'mother\\\\', 'death', 'illusionist', 'harry', 'houdini', 'begun', 'debunking', 'mystics', 'psychics', 'others', 'claim', 'paranormal', 'powers', 'offers', '10,000', 'anyone', 'quote', 'mother\\\\', 'dying', 'words', 'impoverished', 'uneducated', 'scottish', 'con', 'artist', 'mary', 'mcgarvie', 'daughter', 'benji', 'set', 'sights', 'houdini\\\\', 'reward', 'visits', 'edinburgh', 'tour', 'mary\\\\', 'psychic', 'act', 'pulls', 'public', 'benji', 'surreptitiously', 'gathers', 'information', 'members', 'audience', 'information', 'mary', 'uses', 'con', 'believing', 'reach', 'deceased', 'loved', 'ones', 'obstacle', 'houdini\\\\', 'protective', 'manager', 'sugarman', 'mary', 'manages', 'charm', 'unsuspecting', 'magician', 'spend', 'time', 'together', 'sugarman', 'intervenes', 'trying', 'prevent', 'houdini', 'becoming', 'entangled', 'mary', 'suspicious', 'sugarman\\\\', 'main', 'desire', 'see', 'mary', 'benji', 'gone', 'claim', 'gone', 'good', 'secure', 'reward', 'finding', 'houdini\\\\', 'mother', 'said', 'death', 'bed', 'sugarman', 'realizes', \"can\\\\'t\", 'get', 'rid', 'easily', 'hoped', 'mary', 'caught', 'trying', 'open', 'houdini\\\\', 'chest', 'covers', 'saying', 'searching', 'something', 'channel', 'psychic', 'energy', 'deceased', 'benji', 'gets', 'key', 'chest', 'sugarman', 'mary', 'benji', 'fail', 'turn', 'useful', 'information', 'turn', 'sugarman', 'tells', 'houdini', 'show', 'missed', 'seeing', 'mother', 'died', 'time', 'comes', 'mary', 'unable', 'perform', 'experiment', 'attempts', 'leave', 'point', 'benji', 'starts', 'fit', 'ground', 'claims', 'channelling', 'houdini\\\\', 'mother', 'death', 'bed', 'uttering', 'words', 'kaddish', 'addressing', 'houdini', 'ehrich', 'real', 'name', 'speaking', 'partly', 'german', 'partly', 'german-accented', 'english', 'asking', 'could', 'interpreted', 'either', 'genuine', 'seance', 'skillful', 'convincing', 'impersonation', 'young', 'artist', 'note', 'wrote', 'confirm', 'veracity', 'experiment', 'removed', 'safe', 'shown', 'blank', 'houdini', 'reveals', 'eternal', 'shame', 'feels', \"wasn\\\\'t\", 'able', 'reach', 'mother', 'died', 'thus', 'unable', 'comfort', 'moment', 'death', 'hear', 'final', 'words', 'mcgarvies', 'awarded', '10,000', 'mary', 'disgruntled', 'believes', 'harry', 'love', 'believed', 'says', 'become', 'romantically', 'involved', 'houdini', 'leaves', 'last', 'performance', 'montreal', 'travels', 'climbing', 'set', 'stairs', 'red-haired', 'prankster', 'punches', 'stomach', 'prepared', 'rupturing', 'appendix', 'eventually', 'killing'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'pair', 'american', 'authors', 'promise', 'find', 'love', 'three', 'single', 'londoners', 'three', 'days', 'publicity', 'stunt', 'launch', 'book', \"\\\\'are\", 'ready', 'love', '...', 'find', 'love', 'three', 'days\\\\', 'fictitious', 'authors', 'randy', 'bush', 'candy', 'connor', 'offer', 'fail-safe', 'guide', 'instant', 'romance', 'dating', 'victims', 'melanie', 'barry', 'luke', 'byrne', 'candy', 'randy', 'celebrated', 'californian', 'self-help', 'gurus', 'come', 'london', 'launch', 'bestselling', 'book', '쁀re', 'ready', 'love', 'find', 'love', 'three', 'days', 'choose', 'three', 'single', 'brits', 'publicity', 'stunt', 'prove', 'advice', 'works', 'luke', 'barry', 'melanie', 'three', 'unlucky-in-love', 'hopefuls', 'pay', 'good', 'money', 'take', 'part', 'candy', 'randy', 'promotional', 'promise', 'luke', 'self-confessed', '쁌onster', 'lover', 'year', 'old', 'ageing', 'pop', 'star', 'relies', 'status', 'one', 'hit', 'wonder', 'attract', 'one', 'night', 'stands', 'desperate', 'need', 'help', 'find', 'real', 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'plain-looking', 'roopa', 'sole', 'heiress', 'wealthy', 'man', 'unknown', 'roopa', 'gopalnath', 'loves', 'fellow-villager', 'shyama', 'passing', 'away', 'roopa', 'dad', 'roopa', 'gives', 'birth', 'baby', 'girl', 'ranibala', 'gopalnath', 'arranges', 'roopa', 'killed', 'marries', 'shyama', 'let', 'ranibala', 'live', 'hostel', 'years', 'later', 'past', 'comes', 'haunt', 'shape', 'form', 'shyama', 'relatives', 'ranibala', 'suitor', 'manmohan', 'leave', 'stone', 'unturned', 'blackmail', 'gopalnath', 'rest', 'life'], ['shyam', 'ambitious', 'man', 'meets', 'rukmini', 'daughter', 'millionaire', 'falls', 'love', 'get', 'married', 'despite', 'strong', 'opposition', 'rukmani', 'family', 'shyam', 'wants', 'become', 'father', 'rukmani', 'interested', 'becoming', 'mother', 'hence', 'relationship', 'shyam', 'rukmini', 'worsens', 'shyam', 'rukmini', 'separate', 'radha', 'daughter', 'shyam', 'employee', 'brings', 'ray', 'hope', 'shyam', 'life', 'happens', 'next', 'forms', 'climax', 'story'], ['luisa', 'middle', 'class', 'housewife', 'living', 'santander', 'northern', 'spain', 'comfortable', 'existence', 'husband', 'ramiro', 'successful', 'medico-dental', 'career', 'two', 'children', 'ramir챠n', '횁ngela', 'one', 'winter', 'day', 'luisa', 'stopping', 'traffic', 'light', 'spots', 'ex-husband', '횁ngel', 'selling', 'tissues', 'streets', 'brief', 'encounter', 'next', 'day', 'luisa', 'looks', '횁ngel', 'area', 'saw', 'finds', 'wandering', 'city', 'destitution', 'overcome', 'sentimentality', 'ramiro', 'objections', 'luisa', 'takes', '횁ngel', 'home', 'effort', 'help', 'rebuild', 'friendship', 'three', 'luisa', 'convinced', 'destiny', 'reunited', 'luisa', '횁ngel', 'ramiro', 'three', 'inseparable', 'friends', 'childhood', 'youth', 'became', 'adults', 'formed', 'uneasy', 'love', 'triangle', 'two', 'men', 'rivals', 'luisa', 'affection', 'luisa', 'married', '횁ngel', 'two', 'years', 'later', 'left', 'marry', 'ramiro', 'thought', 'one', 'mean', 'ramiro', 'pleased', 'see', 'former', 'friend', 'wishfully', 'presumed', 'dead', 'unwillingly', 'accepts', '횁ngel', 'presence', 'thought', '횁ngel', 'working', 'construction', 'living', 'prosperous', 'life', 'south', 'america', 'however', 'divorce', 'luisa', '횁ngel', 'spent', 'money', 'restless', 'life', 'reappears', 'ten', 'years', 'absence', 'broke', 'ill.', '횁ngel', 'still', 'loves', 'luisa', 'never', 'overcome', 'feelings', 'resentment', 'divorce', 'still', 'wears', 'ring', 'gave', 'first', 'wedding', 'anniversary', 'ring', 'inscription', 'p.r.e.o.m', 'stands', 'reunited', 'world', 'initially', 'overwhelmed', 'luisa', 'mystical', 'deranged', 'streak', '횁ngel', 'tries', 'leave', '횁ngela', 'brings', 'back', 'home', 'fits', 'foaming', 'blood', 'mouth', 'medical', 'results', 'show', 'terminally', 'ill.', 'soon', 'ramiro', '횁ngel', 'shift', 'friends', 'enemies', 'bitter', 'confrontation', 'luisa', 'torn', 'loves', '횁ngel', 'part', 'also', 'loves', 'husband', 'beyond', 'reason', 'wants', '횁ngel', 'establishes', 'friendship', 'couple', 'little', 'children', 'ramirin', '횁ngela', 'girl', 'sympathetic', 'boy', 'always', 'taking', 'father', 'side', 'little', 'hostile', '횁ngel', 'spellbinds', 'offbeat', 'stories', 'directness', 'takes', 'short', 'trip', 'beach', 'reenacts', 'scene', 'childhood', 'sees', 'children', 'reflection', 'youth', 'erstwhile', 'friendship', 'luisa', 'ramiro', '횁ngel', 'beach', 'ramiro', 'luisa', 'find', '횁ngel', 'terminally', 'ill', 'little', 'time', 'live', 'ramiro', 'hopes', 'wait', '횁ngel', 'declining', 'health', 'luisa', 'accept', 'medical', 'verdict', '횁ngel', 'health', 'worsens', 'luisa', 'insists', 'upon', 'caring', 'house', 'rather', 'sending', 'hospital', 'soon', 'bedridden', 'constant', 'pain', 'luisa', 'makes', 'love', 'returns', 'ramiro', 'bedroom', 'sex', 'husband', 'loves', 'intensely', 'equally', '횁ngel', 'condition', 'worsens', 'falls', 'coma', 'luisa', 'alone', 'force', 'brings', 'back', 'life', 'astonishment', 'husband', 'children', 'takes', '횁ngel', 'bed', 'spite', 'illness', 'makes', 'love', 'deceive', 'husband', 'tells', 'right', 'ramiro', 'takes', 'information', 'resignation', 'knowing', 'end', 'near', 'rival', '횁ngel', 'death', 'door', 'ramiro', 'prepares', 'lethal', 'doze', 'anesthetic', 'accelerate', 'death', 'final', 'moment', 'dying', 'man', 'makes', 'final', 'desperate', 'bid', 'steal', 'ex-wife', 'away', 'new', 'spouse', 'grasps', 'hypodermic', 'needle', 'overdose', 'anesthetic', 'kills', 'ramiro', 'dragging', 'rival', 'marital', 'bed', '횁ngel', 'dies', 'next', 'luisa', 'luisa', 'takes', 'ring', 'p.r.e.o.m', 'written', 'inside', 'dresser', 'puts', 'dead', 'ramiro', 'bring', 'two', 'ex-friends', 'rivals', 'together', 'life', 'luisa', 'children', 'follow', 'two', 'funeral', 'cars', 'cemetery', 'coffins', 'written', 'reunited', 'world'], ['carmen', 'antonio', 'young', 'couple', 'love', 'planning', 'upcoming', 'wedding', 'carmen', 'works', 'orange', 'processing', 'factory', 'antonio', 'long-distance', 'truck', 'driver', 'firm', 'driving', 'truck', 'stormy', 'day', 'antonio', 'comes', 'across', 'old', 'picture', 'group', 'people', 'among', 'carmen', 'looking', 'friendly', 'good-looking', 'young', 'man', 'arm', 'around', 'shoulder', 'antonio', 'asks', 'girlfriend', 'man', 'picture', 'carmen', 'quickly', 'dismisses', 'antonio', 'doubts', 'man', 'shot', 'nobody', 'important', 'reassures', 'case', 'photograph', 'taken', 'long', 'met', 'antonio', 'unhappy', 'answer', 'feeling', 'fiance', 'hiding', 'something', 'antonio', 'looks', 'truth', 'elsewhere', 'questions', 'luis', 'best', 'friend', 'introduced', 'carmen', 'luis', 'fellow', 'truck', 'driver', 'advises', 'forget', 'man', 'picture', 'instead', 'thank', 'luck', 'eve', 'marrying', 'best-looking', 'girl', 'town', 'happens', 'love', 'unconvinced', 'antonio', 'visits', 'carmen', 'best', 'friend', 'cinta', 'salesgirl', 'shoe', 'shop', 'tells', 'guy', 'jos챕', '봲omeone', 'carmen', 'bedded', 'antonio', 'still', 'suspicious', 'knowing', 'cinta', 'big', 'flirt', 'relationship', 'boss', 'dumping', 'luis', 'antonio', 'really', 'believe', 'consumed', 'increasing', 'jealousy', 'antonio', 'explodes', 'violently', 'confronts', 'carmen', 'breaks', 'engagement', 'day', 'trying', 'wedding', 'gown', 'remorful', 'actions', 'thinking', 'went', 'way', 'far', 'antonio', 'recruits', 'help', 'luis', 'cinta', 'ask', 'carmen', 'forgive', 'carmen', 'still', 'loves', 'antonio', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'though', 'eaten', 'jealousy', 'antonio', 'goes', 'ahead', 'marries', 'carmen', 'tries', 'distract', 'passionate', 'sex', 'promises', 'wants', 'perfect', 'wife', 'get', 'pregnant', 'couple', 'happily', 'settle', 'new', 'home', 'however', 'back', 'road', 'truck', 'antonio', 'plods', 'ahead', 'investigation', 'jos챕', 'identity', 'would', 'stop', 'finds', 'man', 'photograph', 'relationship', 'carmen', 'antonio', 'wants', 'know', 'truth', 'feels', 'everybody', 'hiding', 'fellow', 'truck', 'drivers', 'known', 'jos챕', 'lead', 'antonio', 'small', 'town', 'montero', 'apparently', 'jos챕', 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'shoot', 'carmen', 'resolute', 'takes', 'rifle', 'antonio', 'hand', 'shoots', 'repeatedly', 'couple', 'umbrella', 'jos챕', 'cinta', 'fall', 'dead', 'heavy', 'rain', 'keeps', 'falling'], [\"'the\", 'four', 'characters', 'played', 'jerzy', 'stuhr', 'arrive', 'place', 'different', 'times', 'different', 'vehicles', 'college', 'professor', 'car', 'priest', 'taxicab', 'army', 'officer', 'government', 'vehicle', 'prisoner', 'police', 'van', 'accompanied', 'two', 'police', 'officers', 'opening', 'credits', 'roll', 'four', 'characters', 'walk', 'building', 'professor', 'collects', 'written', 'exams', 'students', 'surprised', 'one', 'ewa', 'bielska', 'written', 'love', 'resists', 'advances', 'eventually', 'gives', 'crucial', 'oral', 'exam', 'dean', 'ewa', 'asks', 'professor\\\\', 'help', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'anything', 'time', 'comes', 'ewa', 'decides', 'resign', 'dean', 'jokes', 'professor', 'poland', 'america', \"wouldn\\\\'t\", 'kicked', 'affair', 'student', 'priest', 'confessional', 'young', 'girl', 'shows', 'claiming', 'daughter', 'story', 'checks', 'knows', 'mother', 'radom', 'years', 'ago', 'mother', 'died', 'six', 'years', 'ago', 'girl', 'says', 'girl', 'returns', 'orphanage', 'escaped', 'soon', 'parish', 'learns', 'wants', 'priest', 'stay', 'end', 'decides', 'quit', 'church', 'father', 'daughter', 'army', 'officer', 'colonel', 'mata흢owski', 'polish', 'land', 'forces', 'goes', 'home', 'house', 'almost', 'everything', 'lock', 'key', 'even', 'fridge', 'estranged', 'wife', 'old', 'love', 'shows', 'tamara', 'drinks', 'talk', 'love', 'letters', 'superiors', 'disapprove', 'affair', 'she\\\\', 'russian', 'mata흢owski', 'sees', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'driving', 'train', 'station', 'prisoner', 'zdis흢aw', 'filip', 'convicted', 'trafficking', 'pakistani', 'heroin', 'sentenced', 'five', 'years', 'jail', 'fine', '5,000', 'zloty', 'police', 'haul', 'away', 'tells', 'wife', 'kryska', 'hell', 'four', 'years', 'later', 'conjugal', 'visit', 'zdis흢aw', 'gives', 'directions', 'buried', 'cash', 'tapping', 'back', 'kryska', 'finds', 'money', 'instead', 'using', 'pay', 'zdis흢aw\\\\', 'fine', 'tries', 'leave', 'country', 'zdis흢aw', 'upset', 'claims', 'expected', 'since', \"can\\\\'t\", 'pay', 'fine', 'spend', 'another', 'two', 'years', 'jail', 'four', 'characters', 'wind', 'one', 'point', 'seeing', 'man', 'archives', 'teacher', 'colonel', 'elevator', 'left', 'alone', 'long', 'corridor'], ['plot', 'cady', '16-year-old', 'homeschooled', 'daughter', 'zoologist', 'parents', 'returned', 'residing', 'africa', 'many', 'years', 'cady', 'unprepared', 'first', 'day', 'public', 'high', 'school', 'help', 'janis', 'damien', 'cady', 'learns', 'various', 'cliques', 'warned', 'avoid', 'school\\\\', 'exclusive', 'clique', 'plastics', 'reigning', 'trio', 'girls', 'led', 'queen', 'bee', 'regina', 'george', 'plastics', 'take', 'interest', 'cady', 'inviting', 'sit', 'lunch', 'shopping', 'school', 'upon', 'realizing', 'cady', 'accepted', 'plastics', 'janis', 'hatches', 'plan', 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'epiphany', 'competing', 'unattractive', 'girl', 'realizing', 'even', 'made', 'fun', 'girl\\\\', 'appearance', 'would', 'stop', 'girl', 'beating', 'spring', 'fling', 'dance', 'cady', 'elected', 'spring', 'fling', 'queen', 'acceptance', 'speech', 'declares', 'victory', 'meaningless', 'wonderful', 'way', 'thus', 'victory', 'belongs', 'everyone', 'symbolic', 'gesture', 'breaks', 'tiara', 'distributes', 'pieces', 'classmates', 'cady', 'makes', 'janis', 'damien', 'reconciles', 'aaron', 'reaches', 'truce', 'plastics', 'film', 'ends', 'plastics', 'disbanding', 'start', 'new', 'school', 'year', 'regina', 'joins', 'lacrosse', 'team', 'way', 'channel', 'anger', 'positively', 'karen', 'becomes', 'school', 'weather', 'girl', 'gretchen', 'joins', 'cool', 'asians', 'clique', 'biggest', 'follower', 'cady', 'dates', 'aaron', 'well', 'hanging', 'damien', 'janis', 'starts', 'relationship', 'cady\\\\', 'fellow', 'mathlete', 'kevin', 'cady', 'reflects', 'girl', 'world', 'lives', 'peace'], ['taher', 'pasha', 'wealthy', 'powerful', 'man', 'falls', 'love', 'nawal', 'decides', 'marry', 'influenced', 'money', 'brother', 'mamdouh', 'forces', 'marry', 'pasha', 'accepts', 'marries', 'taher', 'marriage', 'nawal', 'life', 'turns', 'miserable', 'one', 'living', 'lonely', 'pasha', 'house', 'gets', 'pregnant', 'gives', 'birth', 'child', 'young', 'police', 'officer', 'named', 'khalid', 'falls', 'love', 'nawal', 'mutually', 'shares', 'love', 'cite', 'web', 'months', 'lovers', 'keep', 'relationship', 'secret', 'taher', 'pasha', 'finds', 'wife', 'might', 'affair', 'faces', 'tyrant', 'husband', 'demands', 'divorce', 'refuses', 'nawal', 'brother', 'threatens', 'taher', 'publicly', 'revealing', 'wrongdoings', 'transgressions', 'press', 'would', \"n't\", 'divorce', 'nawal', 'nawal', 'travels', 'khalid', 'lebanon', 'taher', 'pasha', 'sends', 'people', 'spy', 'receives', 'pictures', 'clearly', 'showing', 'nawal', 'khalid', 'furious', 'taher', 'divorces', 'keeps', 'custody', 'child', 'khalid', 'dies', 'battle', 'war', 'nawal', 'returns', 'egypt', 'tries', 'get', 'child', 'back', 'fails', 'despaired', 'devastated', 'nawal', 'commits', 'suicide', 'binding', 'railroad'], ['twenty', 'years', 'ago', 'killing', 'brother', 'sardar', 'rajpal', 'flees', 'hometown', 'shillong', 're-locates', 'rural', 'area', 'assam', 'along', 'adopted', 'daughter', 'meena', 'asks', 'wife', 'kamla', 'send', 'son', 'shankar', 'employ', 'get', 'married', 'meena', 'shankar', 'arrives', 'welcomed', 'sardar', 'employs', 'introduces', 'meena', 'days', 'later', 'another', 'young', 'man', 'shows', 'door', 'claiming', 'kamla', 'son', 'baffled', 'sardar', 'also', 'welcomes', 'puts', 'young', 'men', 'observation', 'order', 'find', 'real', 'shankar', 'question', 'remains', 'would', 'anyone', 'want', 'impersonate', 'shankar', 'happen', 'sardar', 'police', 'catch', 'killing', 'brother', 'years', 'ago'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'opens', 'closes', 'modern', 'era', 'german', 'industrialist', 'hans', 'wieck', 'returns', 'budapest', 'family', 'occasion', '80th', 'birthday', 'stationed', 'world', 'war', 'dinner', 'favorite', 'restaurant', 'szabo\\\\', 'hans', 'regales', 'family', 'friends', 'stories', 'many', 'visits', 'restaurant', 'war', 'relishes', 'favorite', 'dish', 'beef', 'rolls', 'suddenly', 'collapses', 'song', 'gloomy', 'sunday', 'played', 'request', 'two', 'musicians', 'dies', 'sees', 'portrait', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'taken', 'many', 'years', 'portrait', 'device', 'film', 'travels', 'back', 'time', 'budapest', 'war', 'back', 'late', '1930s', 'budapest', 'restaurant', 'owner', 'l찼szl처', 'szabo', 'beautiful', 'lover', 'waitress', 'ilona', 'hire', 'young', 'pianist', 'andr찼s', 'play', 'restaurant', 'andr찼s', 'falls', 'love', 'ilona', 'though', 'still', 'maintains', 'lover\\\\', 'relationship', 'l찼szl처', 'andr찼s', 'inspired', 'write', 'song', 'gloomy', 'sunday', 'ilona\\\\', 'birthday', 'night', 'young', 'hans', 'takes', 'picture', 'asks', 'marry', 'though', 'refuses', 'later', 'night', 'hans', 'tries', 'commit', 'suicide', 'jumping', 'danube', 'l찼szl처', 'saves', 'hans', 'returns', 'germany', 'resulting', 'song', 'gloomy', 'sunday', 'recorded', 'though', 'popular', 'first', 'soon', 'becomes', 'feared', 'public', 'melancholy', 'melody', 'seems', 'trigger', 'series', 'suicides', 'andr찼s', 'comes', 'regret', 'writing', 'song', 'nearly', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'stopped', 'ilona', 'l찼szl처', 'take', 'small', 'vial', 'poison', 'andr찼s', 'l찼szl처', 'ilona', 'form', 'tenuous', 'though', 'touching', 'personal', 'professional', 'relationship', 'men', 'share', 'love', 'beautiful', 'ilona', 'problems', 'articulated', 'l찼szl처', 'ilona', 'argument', 'andr찼s', 'front', 'easy', 'you\\\\', \"'ve\", 'got', 'need', 'two', 'men', 'half', 'woman', 'years', 'nazi', 'germany', 'captures', 'budapest', 'hans', 'returns', 'officer', 'responsible', 'organizing', 'transport', 'budapest\\\\', 'jews', 'concentration', 'camps', 'however', 'uses', 'position', 'save', 'wealthiest', 'jews', 'exchange', 'large', 'gifts', 'goods', 'money', 'one', 'night', 'restaurant', 'hans', 'brings', 'fellow', 'officer', 'szabos', 'insists', 'andr찼s', 'play', 'fateful', 'composition', 'andr찼s', 'refuses', 'compelled', 'ilona', 'begins', 'sing', 'words', 'song', 'something', 'told', 'would', 'never', 'unless', 'alone', 'song', 'andr찼s', 'kills', 'grabbing', 'hans\\\\', 'pistol', 'shooting', 'head', 'bury', 'andr찼s', 'l찼szl처', 'ilona', 'pledge', 'love', 'l찼szl처', 'puts', 'restaurant', 'name', 'keep', 'confiscated', 'nazis', 'ilona\\\\', 'request', 'hans', 'promises', 'protect', 'l찼szl처', 'rounded', 'special', 'treatment', 'however', 'russians', 'closing', 'budapest', 'l찼szl처', 'arrested', 'sent', 'railway', 'station', 'transferred', 'concentration', 'camp', 'ilona', 'hurries', 'hans\\\\', 'headquarters', 'ask', 'intervene', 'promises', 'making', 'clear', 'must', 'sleep', 'seal', 'bargain', 'tearful', 'ilona', 'submits', 'save', 'lover', 'hans', 'betrays', 'passing', 'l찼szl처', 'station', 'saving', 'another', 'jew', 'whose', 'family', 'already', 'paid', 'large', 'ransom', 'historical', 'section', 'film', 'ends', 'revelation', 'ilona\\\\', 'pregnancy', 'speaks', 'andr찼s', 'grave', 'leaving', 'audience', 'unsure', 'might', 'father', 'child', 'back', 'present', 'media', 'reporters', 'paying', 'tribute', 'deceased', 'hans', 'put', 'casket', 'driven', 'away', 'hearse', 'ironically', 'hans', 'wieck', 'remembered', 'wealthy', 'industrialist', 'also', 'someone', 'saved', 'thousand', 'hungarian', 'jews', 'war', 'closing', 'scene', 'film', 'middle-age', 'waiter', 'szabos', 'pours', 'two', 'glasses', 'champagne', 'returns', 'kitchen', 'older', 'ilona', 'washing', 'bottle', 'poison', 'taken', 'andr찼s', 'long', 'ago', 'son', 'congratulates', 'birthday', 'two', 'embrace', 'song', 'gloomy', 'sunday', 'playing', 'background'], [\"'hanna\", 'living', 'farm', 'grandparents', 'mentally', 'handicapped', 'uncle', 'gets', 'first', 'period', 'onset', 'puberty', 'trigger', 'decision', 'return', 'parents', 'montreal', 'returning', 'city', 'hanna', 'resumes', 'relationships', 'depressive', 'mother', 'erratic', 'father', 'brother', 'understandably', 'usually', 'absent', 'home', 'hanna\\\\', 'mother', 'fashion', 'designer', 'put', 'aside', 'artistic', 'dreams', 'favour', 'devoting', 'time', 'supporting', 'hanna\\\\', 'father', 'unpublished', 'writer', 'believes', 'genius', 'hanna\\\\', 'father', 'distant', 'erratic', 'gets', 'job', 'working', 'newspaper', 'soon', 'quits', 'spends', 'day', 'playing', 'chess', 'caf챕', 'wife', 'thinks', 'work', 'hanna', 'fascinated', 'anna', 'karina\\\\', 'character', 'jean-luc', 'godard', 'film', 'vivre', 'vie', 'spends', 'much', 'time', 'watching', 'film', 'practicing', 'mimicking', 'cool', 'detachment', 'also', 'begins', 'aware', 'sexuality', 'developing', 'crush', 'female', 'teacher', 'kissing', 'another', 'girl', 'laura', 'school', 'dance', 'hanna\\\\', 'mother', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'recovering', 'hanna', 'sent', 'get', 'loaf', 'bread', 'father', 'baker', 'gropes', 'gives', 'money', 'hanna', 'attempts', 'set', 'laura', 'paul', 'however', 'clear', 'inclusion', 'boy', 'pretense', 'meant', 'somehow', 'undercut', 'implications', 'attraction', 'laura', 'culminates', 'game', 'spin', 'bottle', 'three', 'hanna', 'decides', 'experiment', 'prostitute', 'like', 'idol', 'anna', 'karina', 'last', 'moment', 'changes', 'mind', 'however', 'john', 'refuses', 'let', 'back', 'forces', 'school', 'year', 'ends', 'hannah\\\\', 'mother', 'returns', 'family', 'hannah', 'finds', 'new', 'way', 'express', 'cope', 'world', 'using', 'film', 'camera', 'lent', 'teacher'], [\"'neena\", 'travelling', 'remote', 'holiday', 'spot', 'company', 'mother', 'several', 'female', 'friends', 'journey', 'decide', 'stay', 'overnight', 'lodge', 'another', 'lodger', 'kumar', 'finds', 'presence', 'undesirable', 'asks', 'caretaker', 'get', 'surprised', 'group', 'leave', 'caretaker', 'explains', 'kumar', 'mentally', 'unstable', 'impression', 'owner', 'lodge', 'several', 'misunderstandings', 'kumar', 'neena', 'fall', 'love', 'express', 'desire', 'get', 'married', 'subsequently', 'neena', 'mother', 'discover', 'intimate', 'photographs', 'kumar', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'kamo', 'alias', 'kamini'], ['formula', 'one', 'auto', 'racer', 'bobby', 'deerfield', 'calculating', 'control-obsessed', 'loner', 'become', 'used', 'winning', 'checkered', 'flag', 'track', 'witnesses', 'fiery', 'crash', 'kills', 'teammate', 'seriously', 'wounds', 'competitor', 'deerfield', 'becomes', 'unsettled', 'spectre', 'death', 'visit', 'survivor', 'deerfield', 'world', 'set', 'askew', 'meets', 'lillian', 'morelli', 'quirky', 'impulsive', 'woman', 'racing', 'time'], ['amitabh', 'bachchan', 'vijay', 'shashi', 'kapoor', 'sunil', 'petty', 'thieves', \"n't\", 'well', 'respective', 'bosses', 'command', 'school', 'task', 'abduct', 'rich', 'man', 'seth', 'mathur', 'son', 'bittoo', 'bring', 'demand', 'huge', 'ransom', 'father', 'vijay', 'sunil', 'fake', 'identities', 'join', 'school', 'ram', 'lakshman', 'respectively', 'vijay/ram', 'appointed', 'sports', 'coach', 'sunil/lakshman', 'music', 'teacher', 'journey', 'towards', 'task', 'vijay/ram', 'meet', 'anju', 'sunil/lakshman', 'meet', 'shalu', 'initially', 'ladies', 'unaware', 'background', 'motive', 'fall', 'love', 'vijay', 'sunil', 'get', 'close', 'bittoo', 'lure', 'days', 'pass', 'realize', 'true', 'affection', 'boy', 'drops', 'plan', 'abducting', 'meanwhile', 'anju', 'shalu', 'come', 'know', 'boy', 'friend', 'true', 'identity', 'words', 'love', 'affection', 'change', 'good', 'men', 'sunil', 'boss', 'uncle', 'jagdish', 'loses', 'hope', 'comes', 'plan', 'abducts', 'boy', 'vijay', 'sunil', 'join', 'hands', 'come', 'together', 'save', 'boy', 'uncle', 'jagdish', 'rescue', 'end'], ['1983', 'robson', 'started', 'boys', 'football', 'team', 'called', 'athletico', 'greenwich', 'twenty', 'years', 'later', 'six', 'lads', 'still', 'playing', 'team', 'things', 'become', 'much', 'complicated', 'cass', 'team', 'top', 'scorer', 'pitch', \"n't\", 'sure', 'ready', 'fatherhood', 'kate', 'love', 'life', 'adam', 'still', \"n't\", 'told', 'rest', 'team', 'gay', 'colin', 'desperate', 'threesome', 'even', 'though', 'started', 'going', 'lovely', 'vicky', 'dylan', 'love', 'woman', 'father', 'marry', 'billy', 'trying', 'save', 'marriage', 'johnny', 'ready', 'accept', 'fact', 'father', 'started', 'team', 'years', 'ago', 'dying', 'whilst', 'sunday', 'football', 'team', 'keeps', 'group', 'friends', 'together', 'film', 'football', 'film', 'complex', 'relationships', 'childhood', 'friends', 'change', 'mature', \"'channel\", 'film', 'review', 'clare', 'poland', 'june', '2006'], ['fiery', 'ming', 'ming', 'always', 'kind', 'take', 'responsibility', 'actions', 'meets', 'boxing', 'ring', 'two', 'soon', 'become', 'lovers', 'tells', 'ming', 'ming', 'would', 'harbin', 'million', 'taking', 'word', 'ming', 'ming', 'goes', 'brother', 'cat', 'asks', 'money', 'demurs', 'steals', 'along', 'secret', 'box', 'manages', 'fight', 'gang', 'members', 'incredible', 'prowess', 'black', 'flying', 'beads', 'projected', 'enough', 'speed', 'deadly', 'brother', 'cat', 'furious', 'taken', 'box', 'send', 'associates', 'find', 'running', 'away', 'ming', 'ming', 'bumps', 'acquaintance', 'passes', 'money', 'tells', 'run', 'special', 'skill', 'run', 'fast', 'also', 'bumps', 'nana', 'coincidentally', 'also', 'love', 'escaping', 'mistaking', 'nana', 'ming', 'ming', 'grabs', 'hand', 'two', 'escape', 'shanghai', 'search', 'nana', 'knows', 'got', 'wrong', 'person', 'lure', 'million', 'strong', 'meanwhile', 'ming', 'ming', 'keeps', 'hidden', 'box', 'using', 'superb', 'fighting', 'skills', 'protect', 'two', 'distance', 'failing', 'find', 'ming', 'ming', 'nana', 'secretive', 'voicemail', 'message', 'left', 'finally', 'realise', 'secret', 'looking', 'also', 'connected', 'box', 'hold', 'secret', '...'], ['film', 'takes', 'place', 'mostly', 'waterfront', 'bar', 'cesar', 'marius', 'father', 'marius', 'works', 'bar', 'good', 'friend', 'since', 'childhood', 'fanny', 'vendor', 'works', 'outside', 'bar', 'marius', 'hidden', 'desire', 'travel', 'exotic', 'places', 'ship', 'crews', 'part', 'docks', 'marseilles', 'desire', 'becomes', 'exposed', 'rich', 'older', 'man', 'proposes', 'fanny', 'marius', 'gets', 'jealous', 'marius', 'jealousy', 'panisse', 'first', 'textual', 'indication', 'secret', 'feelings', 'much', 'surprise', 'feelings', 'reciprocated', 'fanny', 'confesses', 'loves', 'marius', 'prompting', 'reveal', 'plans', 'traveling', 'world', 'noting', 'wife', 'man', 'sea', 'desirable', 'life', 'nights', 'discovered', 'slept', 'together', 'marius', 'father', 'fanny', 'mother', 'convince', 'marry', 'marius', 'becomes', 'noticeably', 'melancholy', 'proposing', 'fanny', 'days', 'later', 'date', 'departure', 'boat', 'marius', 'supposed', 'crew', 'fanny', 'realizing', 'marius', 'truly', 'happy', 'decides', 'encourage', 'leave', 'helps', 'distract', 'father', 'marius', 'sneaks', 'onto', 'boat'], [\"'holly\", 'gerry', 'married', 'couple', 'live', 'lower', 'east', 'side', 'manhattan', 'deeply', 'love', 'fight', 'occasionally', 'gerry', 'dies', 'suddenly', 'brain', 'tumor', 'holly', 'realizes', 'much', 'means', 'well', 'insignificant', 'arguments', 'deeply', 'distraught', 'holly', 'withdraws', 'family', 'friends', 'descend', 'upon', '30th', 'birthday', 'determined', 'force', 'young', 'widow', 'face', 'future', 'decide', 'next', 'career', 'move', 'rally', 'around', 'holly', 'help', 'organize', 'apartment', 'cake', 'delivered', 'message', 'gerry', 'proves', 'first', 'several', 'meaningful', 'messages', 'mdash', 'ending', 'p.s', 'love', 'mdash', 'arranged', 'delivered', 'death', 'seasons', 'pass', 'new', 'message', 'fills', 'encouragement', 'sends', 'new', 'adventure', 'holly\\\\', 'mother', 'believes', 'gerry\\\\', 'letters', 'keeping', 'holly', 'tied', 'past', 'fact', 'pushing', 'future', 'gerry\\\\', 'words', 'guide', 'holly', 'slowly', 'embarks', 'journey', 'rediscovery', 'gerry', 'arranged', 'holly', 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'invited', 'jones', 'deposed', 'imprisoned', 'concasseur', 'men', 'rough', 'imprison', 'jones', 'brown', 'bequeathed', 'hotel', 'capital', 'late', 'mother', 'unable', 'sell', 'trip', 'new', 'york', 'brown', 'also', 'ongoing', 'affair', 'martha', 'wife', 'british', 'ambassador', 'pineda', 'martha', 'brown', 'argument', 'brown', 'goes', 'mere', 'catherine\\\\', 'brothel', 'discovers', 'jones', 'released', 'he\\\\', 'guest', 'captain', 'concasseur', 'treated', 'enjoying', 'hospitality', 'brown\\\\', 'favourite', 'tart', 'marie', 'therese', 'jones', 'gained', 'favour', 'new', 'regime', 'keen', 'receive', 'supply', 'arms', 'paid', 'payment', 'jones', 'claims', 'weapons', 'impounded', 'warehouse', 'miami', 'weapons', 'may', 'imaginary', 'confidence', 'trick', 'jones', 'government', 'allow', 'jones', 'leave', 'island', 'sure', 'weapons', 'exist', 'smith', 'former', 'vegetarian', 'party', 'candidate', 'presidency', 'united', 'states', 'harry', 'truman', 'given', 'tour', 'new', 'capital', 'empty', 'shambles', 'called', 'duvalierville', 'evening', 'mrs', 'smith', 'follow', 'local', 'procession', 'believe', 'religious', 'ceremony', 'turns', 'audience', 'executions', 'firing', 'squad', 'evening\\\\', 'fun', 'frivolities', 'continue', 'captain', 'concasseur', 'men', 'enter', 'brown\\\\', 'hotel', 'beat', 'mrs', 'smith', 'bluffs', 'thugs', 'leaving', 'announcing', 'inform', 'husband', 'american', 'presidential', 'candidate', 'smiths', 'depart', 'next', 'day', 'brown', 'watches', 'duvalier', 'regime', 'seeks', 'put', 'dissent', 'iron', 'fist', 'becomes', 'friends', 'dr.', 'magiot', 'rebel', 'leader', 'brown', 'becomes', 'reluctant', 'participant', 'planned', 'insurrection', 'rebels', 'recruit', 'major', 'jones', 'provide', 'military', 'leadership', 'jones', 'regaling', 'expatriates', 'tales', 'heroism', 'commando', 'officer', 'burma', 'campaign', 'brown', 'quite', 'believe', 'brown', 'hosts', 'meeting', 'group', 'including', 'magiot', 'jones', 'ambassador', 'pineda', 'trouble', 'ensues', 'soon', 'thereafter', 'duvalier', 'spies', 'tonton', 'macoute', 'watching', 'brown', 'hotel', 'trianon', 'every', 'step', 'day', 'meeting', 'three', 'assassins', 'confront', 'magiot', 'performing', 'surgery', 'cut', 'throat', 'scalpel', 'knife', 'operating', 'theatre', 'upon', 'learning', 'brutal', 'murder', 'brown', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'drive', 'jones', 'escapes', 'dressing', 'brown\\\\', 'female', 'cook', 'wearing', 'drag', 'blackface', 'countryside', 'rebel', 'base', 'cover', 'night', 'picking', 'evening', 'realizes', 'jones', 'apparently', 'become', 'involved', 'martha', 'pineda', 'brown', 'leaves', 'town', 'jealous', 'rage', 'inebriated', 'jones', 'makes', 'matters', 'worse', 'bragging', 'conquest', 'driving', 'carelessly', 'treacherous', 'winding', 'road', 'brown', 'hits', 'embankment', 'breaks', 'car', 'front', 'axle', 'two', 'continue', 'journey', 'foot', 'arriving', 'remote', 'cemetery', 'designated', 'meeting', 'point', 'late', 'settle', 'night', 'jones', 'admitting', 'jungle', 'war', 'stories', 'total', 'fabrication', 'wartime', 'career', 'running', 'cinema', 'india', 'morning', 'omnipresent', 'captain', 'concasseur', 'tonton', 'macoute', 'accost', 'brown', 'tries', 'find', 'rebels', 'area', 'demand', 'know', 'jones', 'brown', 'denies', 'major', 'soon', 'brown', 'finished', 'speaking', 'sleepy', 'jones', 'approaches', 'unaware', 'macoute', 'presence', 'two', 'command', 'stop', 'jones', 'turns', 'around', 'runs', 'uphill', 'cemetery', 'open', 'fire', 'killing', 'jones', 'order', 'brown', 'get', 'jeep', 'shots', 'rebels', 'ring', 'two', 'drop', 'dead', 'upon', 'asked', 'major', 'jones', 'brown', 'tells', 'two', 'rebels', 'dismay', 'arrived', 'two', 'minutes', 'late', 'shows', 'body', 'jones', 'two', 'rebels', 'plead', 'brown', 'assume', 'role', 'jones', 'seeing', 'hope', 'left', 'brown', 'hesitates', 'commenting', 'military', 'man', 'finally', 'relents', 'asked', 'whether', 'wants', 'continue', 'living', 'like', 'long', 'walk', 'three', 'meet', 'small', 'ragtag', 'group', 'poorly', 'equipped', 'rebels', 'group', 'buys', 'deception', 'believing', 'brown', 'jones', 'gives', 'cynical', 'taunting', 'speech', 'apparently', 'without', 'understood', 'since', 'rebels', 'speak', 'french', 'english', 'camera', 'cuts', 'pinedas', 'leave', 'island', 'petit', 'pierre', 'journalist', 'friend', 'brown', 'sees', 'telling', 'battle', 'government', 'troops', 'rebels', 'stating', 'two', 'rebels', 'killed', 'noting', 'one', 'rebels', 'unidentified', 'pinedas', 'plane', 'takes', 'martha', 'notices', 'smoke', 'hillside', 'island', 'question', 'whether', 'brown', 'survived', 'skirmish', 'remains', 'unanswered', 'although', 'petit', 'pierre\\\\', 'cryptic', 'remarks', 'two', 'rebels', 'killed', 'recent', 'battle', 'government', 'forces', 'rebels', 'seem', 'indicate', 'brown', 'unidentified', 'rebel', 'killed', 'fighting'], [\"'yves\", 'montand', 'robert', 'colomb', 'famous', 'newscaster', 'married', 'catherine', 'continually', 'unfaithful', 'meets', 'becomes', 'fascinated', 'candice', 'takes', 'along', 'assignment', 'kenya', 'later', 'establishes', 'arrangement', 'amsterdam', 'assigned', 'vietnam', 'tells', 'candice', 'affair', 'discovers', 'acceptable', 'tired', 'returning', 'vietnamese', 'prison', 'decides', 'return', 'catherine', 'discovers', 'made', 'new', 'life'], [\"'the\", 'maharaja', 'eager', 'see', 'foreign-returned', 'son', 'bharat', 'pratap', 'eventually', 'take', 'reins', 'region', 'finally', 'gets', 'see', 'son', 'shocked', 'see', 'crown', 'prince', 'fact', 'clown', 'prince', 'openly', 'shows', 'disgust', 'disappointment', 'decides', 'continue', 'rule', 'bharat', 'friend', 'kapil', 'decide', 'dress', 'incognito', 'mingle', 'general', 'public', 'find', 'anyone', 'conspiring', 'dethrone', 'king', 'find', 'change', 'lives', 'endanger', 'lives', 'loved', 'ones', 'well'], ['kamal', 'bhatnagar', 'jealous', 'husband', 'begins', 'doubt', 'fidelity', 'wife', 'sunita', 'mumtaz', 'best', 'friend', 'mohan', 'enters', 'lives', 'sunita', 'unable', 'convince', 'kamal', 'loves', 'leaves', 'knowing', 'pregnant', 'child', 'depressed', 'confused', 'kamal', 'becomes', 'homeless', 'wanderer', 'sunita', 'remarries', 'provide', 'secure', 'home', 'child', 'many', 'years', 'later', 'truth', 'dawns', 'turns', 'broken', 'man', 'daughter', 'wedding'], ['vikas', 'manoj_kumar', 'comes', 'poor', 'family', 'attending', 'college', 'complete', 'studies', 'get', 'job', 'look', 'dad', 'meets', 'wealthy', 'asha', 'asha_parekh', 'college', 'misunderstandings', 'fall', 'love', 'vikas', 'dad', 'passes', 'away', 'exams', 'vikas', 'leaves', 'attend', 'funeral', 'unable', 'complete', 'studies', 'asha', 'feels', 'sorry', 'arranges', 'get', 'employed', 'dad', 'without', 'telling', 'vikas', 'asha', 'dad', 'wants', 'get', 'married', 'ashwini', 'soon', 'announces', 'engagement', 'ashwini', 'finds', 'asha', 'love', 'vikas', 'arranges', 'accident', 'vikas', 'vikas', 'survives', 'accident', 'loses', 'eyesight', 'incident', 'vikas', 'want', 'burden', 'asha', 'strikes', 'new', 'friendship', 'dr.', 'anjali', 'meanwhile', 'ashwini', 'informs', 'asha', 'vikas', 'died', 'accident', 'asha', 'loses', 'interest', 'life', 'listening', 'news', 'vikas', 'death', 'ashwini', 'meets', 'vikas', 'requests', 'convince', 'asha', 'love', 'vikas', 'agrees', 'convinces', 'asha', 'affair', 'dr.', 'anjali', 'asha', 'marries', 'ashwini', 'refuses', 'live', 'room', 'vikas', 'starts', 'singing', 'earn', 'money', 'dr.', 'anjali', 'asks', 'get', 'eye', 'operation', 'vikas', 'refuses', 'one', 'day', 'dr.', 'anjali', 'visits', 'asha', 'requests', 'persuade', 'vikas', 'operation', 'asha', 'asking', 'vikas', 'undergo', 'operation', 'ashwini', 'takes', 'away', 'locks', 'room', 'feels', 'suicidal', 'one', 'day', 'asha', 'uncle', 'goes', 'meet', 'feels', 'saddened', 'condition', 'takes', 'father', 'home', 'within', 'three', 'days', 'asha', 'becomes', 'sick', 'doctors', 'unable', 'anything', 'meanwhile', 'vikas', 'eye', 'operation', 'successful', 'ashwini', 'apologizes', 'asha', 'goes', 'vikas', 'tells', 'asha', 'condition', 'vikas', 'ashwini', 'asha', 'dies', 'taking', 'one', 'look', 'vikas', 'able', 'bear', 'also', 'dies', 'reunite', 'death'], ['vikram', 'man', 'wealthy', 'family', 'living', 'europe', 'step-sister', 'dolly', 'step-mother', 'ms.sulochana', 'cunning', 'greedy', 'cheat', 'vikram', 'money', 'absence', 'india', 'vikram', 'decides', 'come', 'back', 'india', 'disturbs', 'plans', 'sulochana', 'allies', 'vikram', 'innocent', 'trusts', 'sulochana', 'dolly', 'treats', 'family', 'sulochana', 'pretends', 'affectionate', 'full', 'rights', 'vikram', 'arrival', 'home', 'blocked', 'looters', 'actually', 'men', 'hired', 'sulochana', 'brother', 'kill', 'village', 'girl', 'chanda', 'friends', 'help', 'drive', 'away', 'looters', 'vikram', 'attracted', 'towards', 'mischief', 'love', 'plan', 'marry', 'chanda', 'family', 'consent', 'sulochana', 'marriage', 'threatens', 'vikram', 'leave', 'vikam', 'obey', 'her.dolly', 'meets', 'man', 'named', 'madan', 'introduces', 'person', 'makes', 'talented', 'girls', 'stars', 'cultural', 'centre', 'dolly', 'dancer', 'wants', 'star', 'also', 'attracted', 'towards', 'introduces', 'madan', 'mother', 'also', 'encourages', 'relationship', 'vikram', 'comes', 'know', 'madan', 'actually', 'cunning', 'crook', 'sells', 'girls', 'foreign', 'countries', 'resists', 'dolly', 'meeting', 'madan', 'tries', 'stop', 'dolly', 'sulochana', 'challenges', 'dolly', 'shall', 'marry', 'madan', 'cost', 'save', 'honour', 'family', 'sister', 'vikram', 'decides', 'sell', 'properties', 'return', 'villagers', 'properties', 'looted', 'sulochana', 'take', 'bangalore', 'sulochana', 'plans', 'kill', 'help', 'madan', 'planting', 'bomb', 'car', 'heading', 'towards', 'bangalore', 'car', 'explodes', 'per', 'plan', 'everyone', 'including', 'chanda', 'believes', 'vikram', 'dead', 'enemies', 'vikram', 'celebrate', 'death', 'happily', 'see', 'vikram', 'coming', 'back', 'alive', 'sulochana', 'believes', 'vikram', 'dead', 'sure', 'man', 'vikram', 'tries', 'prove', 'means', 'vikram', 'vikram', 'proves', 'everybody', 'escaped', 'injuries', 'alone', 'slowly', 'traps', 'sulochana', 'madan', 'others', 'cheating', 'made', 'money', 'brings', 'chanda', 'mother', 'look', 'sulochana', 'prevent', 'running', 'away', 'wealth.sulochana', 'decides', 'kill', 'vikram', 'like', 'man', 'poisoning', 'milk', 'sees', 'drinking', 'poisoned', 'milk', 'lying', 'dead', 'takes', 'bury', 'comes', 'know', 'dead', 'milk', 'poisoned', 'actually', 'screams', 'vikram', 'killed', 'hands', 'vikram', 'sees', 'illegal', 'affair', 'estate', 'manager', 'gaurishanker', 'decided', 'finish', 'also', 'resistance', 'dolly', 'marriage', 'madan', 'added', 'fuel', 'fire', 'confesses', 'saw', 'burning', 'exploded', 'car', 'killed', 'finally', 'throwing', 'rock', 'head', 'vikram', 'like', 'man', 'finally', 'exposes', 'vikram', 'cid', 'inspector', 'vinodh', 'sulochana', 'realised', 'confessed', 'truth', 'commits', 'suicide.chanda', 'disappointed', 'vinodh', 'acting', 'vikram', 'vinodh', 'tells', 'vikram', 'dead', 'really', 'survived', 'injuries', 'thrown', 'away', 'car', 'car', 'thief', 'way', 'robber', 'actually', 'killed', 'sulochana', 'arrest', 'vikram', 'enemies', 'vinodh', 'incidentally', 'resembled', 'vikram', 'posed', 'like', 'catch', 'hand', 'chanda', 'meets', 'vikram', 'hospital', 'happy', 'alive', 'dolly', 'realised', 'mistake', 'also', 'unites', 'brother', 'vinodh', 'leaves', 'place', 'account', 'fulfilled', 'duty'], ['radhakrishnan', 'dileep', 'brought', 'like', 'girl', 'grandmother', 'wanted', 'granddaughter.there', 'becomes', 'effeminate', 'calls', 'radha', 'becomes', 'petname', 'radha', 'father', 'divakaran', 'lal', 'goes', 'jail', 'murder', 'accidentally', 'commits', 'radha', 'ridicule', 'among', 'people', 'village', 'worried', 'spends', 'time', 'girls', 'singing', 'also', 'teaches', 'dancing', 'best', 'friend', 'malu', 'wooed', 'kumaran', 'local', 'money', 'lender', 'son', 'man', 'radha', 'father', 'killed', 'divakaran', 'comes', 'back', 'jail', 'shocked', 'see', 'son', 'good', 'nothing', 'transvestite', 'nothing', 'slowly', 'radha', 'liking', 'malu', 'turns', 'love', 'kumaran', 'sees', 'beats', 'radha', 'help', 'father', 'local', 'astrologer', 'dumps', 'deep', 'sea', 'saved', 'freddy', 'freddy', 'takes', 'former', 'native', 'living', 'sister', 'rosy', 'bhavana', 'becomes', 'part', 'family', 'also', 'discovers', 'manly', 'element', 'starts', 'transform', 'female', 'mannerisms', 'slowly', 'later', 'meets', 'someone', 'village', 'radha', 'comes', 'know', 'parents', 'killed', 'kumaran', 'malu', 'given', 'birth', 'child', 'radha', 'goes', 'back', 'takes', 'revenge', 'forms', 'rest', 'story'], ['muthu', 'comes', 'city', 'village', 'song', 'contest', 'meets', 'ravikanth', 'city', 'work', 'hard', 'song', 'contest', 'muthu', 'tells', 'ravikanth', 'fell', 'love', 'devayani', 'got', 'love', 'devayani', 'daughter', 'song', 'teacher', 'village', 'came', 'contest', 'could', 'win', 'money', 'pay', 'loan', 'mother', 'village', 'leader', 'work', 'together', 'end', 'winning', 'song', 'contest', 'muthu', 'goes', 'back', 'village', 'joy', 'finds', 'flood', 'come', 'meena', 'house', 'destroyed', 'reported', 'father', 'body', 'found', 'muthu', 'thinks', 'meena', 'dead', 'sad', 'goes', 'gives', 'money', 'village', 'leader', 'paying', 'mother', 'debt', 'mother', 'takes', 'city', 'find', 'job', 'muthu', 'forget', 'meena', 'reach', 'city', 'muthu', 'finds', 'song', 'big', 'hit', 'therefore', 'become', 'popular', 'holder', 'song', 'contest', 'calls', 'muthu', 'come', 'work', 'muthu', 'want', 'mother', 'persuades', 'works', 'janakaraj', 'daughter', 'falls', 'love', 'muthu', 'muthu', 'still', 'love', 'meena', 'refused', 'marry', 'janakaraj', 'daughter', 'mother', 'says', 'meena', \"n't\", 'come', 'back', 'wishes', 'see', 'marriage', 'therefore', 'marries', 'roja', 'soon', 'marriage', 'business', 'trip', 'usa', 'meena', 'fact', 'alive', 'amnesia', 'muthu', 'songs', 'playing', 'radio', 'meena', 'happens', 'hear', 'remembers', 'promptly', 'gets', 'bus', 'city', 'village', 'helping', 'fisherman', 'saved', 'life', 'meets', 'muthu', 'recording', 'studio', 'surprised', 'overjoyed', \"n't\", 'tell', 'marriage', 'roja', 'selvamani', 'meena', 'adamant', 'get', 'married', 'soon', 'get', 'married', 'juggles', 'lives', 'nearly', 'gets', 'caught', 'roja', 'selvamani', 'muthu', 'meena', 'saree', 'shop', 'bump', 'prove', 'two', 'different', 'people', 'takes', 'photo', 'photoshops', 'show', 'two', 'shaking', 'hands', 'believe', 'muthu', 'veera', 'different', 'people', 'thief', 'muthu', 'caught', 'handed', 'police', 'takes', 'revenge', 'kidnapping', 'wives', 'thief', 'also', 'knows', 'one', 'person', 'comes', 'save', 'revealed', 'one', 'person', 'saves', 'wives', 'fight', 'one', 'says', 'officially', 'married', 'first', 'says', 'fell', 'love', 'first', 'wives', \"n't\", 'want', 'share', 'tries', 'explain', 'away', 'angrily', 'muthu', 'leaves', 'city', 'back', 'village', 'gets', 'home', 'finds', 'house', 'film', 'ends', 'holding', 'bag', 'enters', 'house', 'www.veeratamilan.com'], ['rajini', 'working', 'coolie', 'factory', 'asked', 'three', 'brothers', 'act', 'foreign', 'returned', 'rich', 'man', 'heir', 'property.rajini', 'acts', 'always', 'escapes', \"n't\", 'want', 'face', 'consequences.but', 'comes', 'know', 'heir', 'property', 'father', 'killed', 'three', 'brothers', 'takeaway', 'property', 'mother', 'became', 'mental', 'patient.he', 'avenges', 'death', 'father', 'killing', 'villains.atlast', 'says', \"n't\", 'want', 'heir', 'money', 'always', 'remains', 'coolie'], ['vaanavaraayan', 'plays', 'role', 'feudal', 'chieftain', 'adored', 'respected', 'village', 'people', 'lives', 'grandparents', 'nambiar', 'manorama', 'following', 'advice', 'abstain', 'voting', 'elections', 'instead', 'pool', 'money', 'given', 'candidates', 'get', 'basic', 'amenities', 'vallavaraayan', 'napoleon', 'arch', 'enemy', 'enmity', 'sharpened', 'vaanavaraayan', 'wins', 'hand', 'vaitheeswari', 'vallavaraayan', 'also', 'wished', 'wed.', 'vallavaraayan', 'convinces', 'priest', 'temple', 'mix', 'poison', 'holy', 'water', 'vaitheeswari', 'drinks', 'result', 'becomes', 'incapable', 'conceiving', 'surprisingly', 'vaitheeswari', 'soon', 'becomes', 'pregnant-though', 'pretended', 'help', 'mid-wife', 'uphold', 'husband', 'honor', 'takes', 'poison', 'kills', 'unable', 'bear', 'grief', 'incapable', 'giving', 'husband', 'child', 'deathbed', 'makes', 'vaanavarayan', 'swear', 'take', 'ponni', 'wife', 'vaanavarayan', 'however', 'refuses', 'ponni', 'agrees', 'marry', 'sembattai', 'vallavarayan', 'hechman-who', 'abandons', 'vallavarayan', 'vice', 'infuriated', 'vaanavarayam', 'attacks', 'vallavarayam', 'spares', 'life', 'giving', 'sermon', 'win', 'heart', 'people', 'vaanavarayan', 'marries', 'ponni', 'end', 'daughter', 'names', 'vaitheeswari', 'http', '//rajinifans.com/review/ejamaan.php', '3rd', 'paragraph'], [\"'lucy\", 'journalist', 'dumped', 'perfect', 'boyfriend', 'goes', 'series', 'dates', 'five', 'different', 'men', 'doug', 'entomologist', 'gabriel', 'playwright', 'bobby', 'baseball', 'player', 'barry', 'computer', 'store', 'owner', 'luke', 'doctor', 'acts', 'differently', 'around', 'men', 'drunk', 'date', 'doug', 'uncharacteristically', 'jumps', 'bed', 'gabriel', 'first', 'irritated', 'moved', 'ex-baseball', 'star', 'bobby', 'date', 'barry', 'gets', 'rough', 'start', 'date', 'run', 'parents', 'end', 'dinner', 'date', 'luke', 'sidetracked', 'see', 'colleague', 'luke\\\\', 'daughter', 'eve', 'appears', 'eye', 'luke', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'connect', 'doug', 'get', 'come', 'shell', 'end', 'date', 'takes', 'bobby', 'several', 'places', 'put', 'completely', 'element', 'takes', 'baseball', 'card', 'show', 'discovers', 'different', 'side', 'date', 'gabriel', 'essentially', 'becomes', 'one', 'night', 'stand', 'realizes', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'wants', 'life', 'becomes', 'serious', 'luke', 'incident', 'restaurant', 'rude', 'one', 'waiters', 'makes', 'realize', \"isn\\\\'t\", 'one', 'wants', 'either', 'barry', 'surprises', 'several', 'times', 'throughout', 'movie', 'touching', 'thoughtful', 'gestures', 'course', 'win', 'end'], [\"'in\", '1944', 'young', 'woman', 'livvy', 'dunne', 'became', 'pregnant', 'marriage', 'sent', 'rural', 'southeastern', 'colorado', 'father', 'rev', 'dunne', 'decides', 'deal', 'situation', 'arranging', 'marriage', 'shy', 'farmer', 'another', 'preacher', 'groom', 'ray', 'singleton', 'lives', 'remote', 'farm', 'different', 'livvy', 'ray', 'focuses', 'close', 'family', 'land', 'today', 'livvy', 'thinks', 'much', 'grander', 'scale', 'world', 'ancient', 'civilizations', 'faraway', 'places'], ['seth', 'harikrishan', 'industrialist', 'heir', 'grandson', 'prem', 'grandfather', 'desire', 'see', 'bride', 'grandson', 'fell', 'seriously', 'ill', 'friend', 'doctor', 'farid', 'prevailed', 'upon', 'prem', 'bring', 'girl', 'friend', 'rita', 'wanted', 'marry', 'luck', 'would', 'rita', 'gone', 'away', 'srinagar', 'participate', 'fashion', 'show', 'could', 'return', 'due', 'snowfall', 'roads', 'blocked', 'air', 'service', 'suspended', 'satisfy', 'dying', 'grandfather', 'prem', 'suggested', 'company', 'public', 'relations', 'officer', 'jagdish', 'hire', 'model', 'girl', 'could', 'pose', 'rita', 'time', 'instead', 'jagdish', 'brought', 'illiterate', 'flower', 'seller', 'girl', 'kammo', 'prem', 'sweetheart', 'rita', 'many', 'altercations', 'rita', 'came', 'followed', 'scheming', 'mother', 'kammo', 'knew', 'days', 'numbered', 'yet', 'efforts', 'rita', 'mother', 'win', 'grandfather', 'favours', 'failed', 'ultimately', 'birthday', 'grandfather', 'rita', 'mother', 'divulged', 'truth', 'doctor', 'farid', 'birthday', 'party', 'apparent', 'kammo', 'true', 'identity', 'known', 'everyone', 'despite', 'grandfather', 'announced', 'grandson', 'engagement', 'kammo', 'really', 'liked', 'grandson', 'blew', 'rage', 'threatened', 'leave', 'house', 'along', 'rita', 'mother', 'grandfather', 'stop', 'prem', 'rushed', 'rita', 'find', 'without', 'grandfather', 'wealth', 'love', 'sacrifice', 'meaning', 'meanwhile', 'kammo', 'hurt', 'disillusioned', 'decided', 'leave', 'house', 'good', 'prem', 'realise', 'mistake', 'kammo', 'forgive', 'grandfather', 'welcome', 'back', 'see'], ['favor', 'hippy', 'sister', 'gone', 'india', 'pedro', 'gay', 'dentist', 'agreed', 'look', 'nine-year-old', 'nephew', 'bernardo', 'bernardo', 'father', 'dead', 'boy', 'uncle', 'much', 'originally', 'boy', 'stay', 'pedro', 'days', 'six', 'weeks', 'passed', 'word', 'boy', 'mother', 'nephew', 'presence', 'forces', 'pedro', 'take', 'break', 'otherwise', 'extremely', 'active', 'sex', 'life', 'fact', 'pedro', 'beginning', 'tire', 'superficial', 'nature', 'many', 'relationships', 'even', 'boyfriend', 'manuel', 'suddenly', 'pays', 'pedro', 'visit', 'shares', 'penchant', 'leather', 'latex', 'really', 'man', 'wants', 'spend', 'rest', 'life', 'despite', 'fact', 'express', 'love', 'entirely', 'different', 'set', 'problems', 'crops', 'one', 'do챰a', 'teresa', 'bernardo', 'paternal', 'grandmother', 'one', 'day', 'darkens', 'pedro', 'door', 'puts', 'emotional', 'screws', 'worse', 'still', 'however', 'news', 'bernardo', 'mother', 'arrested', 'india', 'drug', 'smuggling', 'may', 'facing', 'prison', 'sentence', 'thirty', 'years', 'embassy', 'informs', 'pedro', 'pedro', 'shocked', 'news', 'bernardo', 'nevertheless', 'realizes', 'responsible', 'boy', 'without', 'ado', 'decides', 'rise', 'challenge', 'represents', 'suddenly', 'seem', 'many', 'things', 'organize', 'repairs', 'house', 'finding', 'school', 'boy', 'pedro', 'hardly', 'misses', 'life', 'used', 'lead', 'gradually', 'however', 'succeeds', 'rekindling', 'sex', 'life', 'albeit', 'less', 'excessive', 'form', 'do챰a', 'teresa', 'puts', 'another', 'appearance', 'time', 'demanding', 'custody', 'bernardo', 'pedro', 'ready', 'fight', 'boy', 'welfare', 'illegally', 'obtaining', 'medical', 'history', 'hiring', 'private', 'investigator', 'obtains', 'pictures', 'pedro', 'night', 'gay', 'club', 'threatening', 'ends', 'letting', 'put', 'bernardo', 'boarding', 'school', 'grandmother', 'goes', 'visit', 'later', 'revealing', 'pedro', 'hiv', 'status', 'bernardo', 'reveals', 'already', 'knew', 'mother', 'mother', 'hiv', 'positive', 'well', 'reveals', 'hospital', 'pneumonia', 'tells', 'hates', 'fault', 'currently', 'hospital', \"n't\", 'care', 'three', 'years', 'pass', 'several', 'letters', 'back', 'forth', 'bernardo', 'pedro', 'mother', 'grandmother', 'see', 'bernardo', 'two', 'friends', 'boy', 'girl', 'funeral', 'casket', 'lowered', 'although', 'immediately', 'revealed', 'whose', 'funeral', 'shortly', 'cab', 'pulls', 'pedro', 'inside', 'hospital', 'healthy', 'expresses', 'lament', 'passing', 'bernardo', 'grandmother', 'brief', 'conversation', 'bernardo', 'returns', 'two', 'friends', 'kisses', 'parts', 'leaving', 'viewer', 'wonder', 'whether', 'romantically', 'involved', 'one', 'bernardo', 'returns', 'uncle', 'ride', 'away', 'together', 'cab'], [\"'gopi\", 'simpleton', 'banaras', 'gets', 'married', 'foreign', 'returned', 'madhu', 'family', 'faithful', 'type', 'daredevil', 'happy-go-lucky', 'type', 'represents', 'indian', 'values', 'would', 'mind', 'taking', 'dive', 'village', 'pond', 'bikini', 'one', 'day', 'birthday', 'party', 'starts', 'drinking', 'dancing', 'gopi', 'feels', 'ashamed', 'wife', 'like', 'gets', 'angry', 'slaps', 'noticed', 'wrong', 'thing', 'ran', 'away', 'wants', 'live', 'abroad', 'wants', 'stay', 'mother', 'village', 'walks', 'mother', 'wants', 'daughter-in-law', 'back', 'decides', 'get', 'bride', 'back', 'teaching', 'lesson', 'goes', 'singapore', 'foreign', 'locales', 'hunt', 'runaway', 'bride', 'keep', 'meeting', 'also', 'succeeds', 'making', 'pregnant', 'preventing', 'doctor', 'aborting', 'child', 'delivers', 'baby-boy', 'meanwhile', 'becomes', 'rich', 'famous', 'walks', 'away', '15-days-old', 'kid', 'comes', 'back', 'village', 'threatens', 'marry', 'stage', 'set', 're-marriage', 'appears', 'scene', 'wants', 'child', 'back', 'confrontation', 'says', 'live', 'without', 'child', 'says', 'live', 'without', '15-days-old', 'child', 'want', 'separate', 'mother', 'child', 'realises', 'mistake', 'marry', 'good'], ['young', 'widow', 'commits', 'suicide', 'compelled', 'forego', 'modesty', 'save', 'child', 'illness', 'child', 'runs', 'away', 'seeing', 'dead', 'mother', 'becomes', 'thief', 'named', 'raja', 'raja', 'handsome', 'intelligent', 'thief', 'manages', 'steal', 'escape', 'police', 'every', 'time', 'lives', 'friend', 'tony', 'dreams', 'marrying', 'girl', 'friend', 'mary', 'raja', 'steals', 'home', 'night', 'police', 'chase', 'escape', 'police', 'enters', 'marriage', 'hall', 'bridegroom', 'room', 'finds', 'letter', 'groom', 'ran', 'away', 'want', 'marry', 'girl', 'father', 'arranged', 'raja', 'disguises', 'groom', 'veiling', 'face', 'flowers', 'original', 'groom', 'father', 'knocks', 'door', 'raja', 'eventually', 'marries', 'girl', 'marriage', 'hall.he', 'feels', 'troubled', 'whatever', 'happened', 'escapes', 'room', 'nuptial', 'night', 'without', 'even', 'seeing', 'wife', 'also', 'veiled', 'face', 'wedding', 'dress', 'groom', 'father', 'bride', 'misunderstands', 'original', 'groom', 'escaped', 'hall', 'raja', 'caught', 'police', 'sets', 'jail', 'six', 'months', 'original', 'groom', 'dies', 'accident', 'night', 'nirmala', 'thrown', 'in-laws', 'unlucky', 'girl', 'son', 'died', 'nirmala', 'returns', 'uncle', 'home', 'welcomed', 'due', 'financial', 'position', 'wanders', 'everywhere', 'finds', 'help', 'anybody', 'rather', 'try', 'spoil', 'modesty', 'turns', 'courtesan', 'dances', 'living', 'raja', 'released', 'jail', 'searches', 'girl', 'married', 'find', 'whereabouts', 'girl', 'returns', 'back', 'normal', 'life', 'stealing', 'rents', 'room', 'stays', 'friend', 'tony', 'near', 'place', 'nirmala', 'courtesan', 'rani', 'resides', 'raja', 'visits', 'rani', 'home', 'escape', 'police', 'sees', 'rani', 'dancing', 'something', 'makes', 'feel', 'bad', 'slaps', 'rani', 'throws', 'away', 'one', 'clients', 'tried', 'misbehave', 'rani', 'get', 'angry', 'liked', 'raja', 'slapping', 'rani', 'raja', 'without', 'knowing', 'relation', 'start', 'develop', 'feeling', 'start', 'love', 'rani', 'insists', 'raja', 'stop', 'stealing', 'raja', 'insists', 'stop', 'dancing', 'decide', 'live', 'decent', 'life', 'rani', 'changes', 'mind', 'one', 'clients', 'wife', 'accepts', 'sister', 'saved', 'husband', 'wrong', 'raja', 'finds', 'job', 'school', 'van', 'conductor', 'loses', 'job', 'school', 'finds', 'thief', 'raja', 'rani', 'small', 'business', 'selling', 'snacks', 'charged', 'child', 'theft', 'one', 'day', 'father', 'child', 'man', 'rani', 'changed', 'becoming', 'bad', 'rani', 'raja', 'released', 'become', 'good', 'friends', 'man', 'family', 'wife', 'person', 'invites', 'child', 'birthday', 'party', 'gives', 'good', 'saree', 'necklace', 'wear', 'day', 'rani', 'loses', 'necklace', 'given', 'man', 'wife', 'return', 'necklace', 'struggle', 'lot', 'costs', 'thousands', 'raja', 'rani', 'compelled', 'break', 'promise', 'made', 'without', 'knowledge', 'raja', 'goes', 'steal', 'home', 'gets', 'caught', 'finds', 'rani', 'dancing', 'front', 'owner', 'house', 'owner', 'house', 'tries', 'misbehave', 'rani', 'raja', 'rushes', 'save', 'struggle', 'owner', 'killed', 'raja', 'blamed', 'raja', 'really', 'killed', 'owner', 'happened', 'necklace', 'lost', 'raja', 'rani', 'know', 'forms', 'rest', 'story'], ['amar', 'doraiswamy', 'child', 'multi-millionaire', 'businessman', 'lives', 'palatial', 'house', 'goa', 'india', 'along', 'wife', 'amar', 'introduces', 'close', 'poor', 'friend', 'ram', 'father', 'employs', 'conditionally', 'amar', 'falls', 'love', 'woman', 'named', 'sushma', 'rai', 'asks', 'ram', 'pen', 'love', 'letter', 'poem', 'sushma', 'gets', 'read', 'letter', 'poem', 'thinking', 'ram', 'amar', 'falls', 'love', 'meets', 'also', 'unknowingly', 'attracted', 'feel', 'inseparable', 'soul-mates', 'ram', 'gets', 'shock', 'finds', 'sushma', 'amar', 'intended', 'decides', 'stay', 'away', 'sushma', 'plans', 'intends', 'marry', 'ram', 'cost', 'realizing', 'placing', 'ram', 'life', 'also', 'lives', 'two', 'individuals', 'namely', 'uma', 'devi', 'lalit', 'jeopardy'], ['film', 'begins', 'shantidevi', 'announced', 'number', 'one', 'industrialist', 'india', 'shantidevi', 'feminist', 'rich', 'arrogant', 'lady', 'rules', 'company', 'iron', 'hand', 'enters', 'krishnan', 'kind-hearted', 'man', 'works', 'wielder', 'mumbai', 'comes', 'chennai', 'see', 'mother', 'krishnan', 'shantidevi', 'meet', 'airport', 'first', 'meeting', 'ends', 'bitter', 'note', 'krishnan', 'learns', 'mother', 'suffering', 'paralysis', 'krishnan', 'quits', 'job', 'mumbai', 'decides', 'stay', 'chennai', 'take', 'care', 'ailing', 'mother', 'family', 'doctor', 'recommends', 'krishnan', 'meet', 'renowned', 'business', 'man', 'job', 'krishnan', 'goes', 'meet', 'business', 'man', 'way', 'elderly', 'man', 'viswanathan', 'beaten', 'men', 'krishnan', 'helps', 'takes', 'hospital', 'finds', 'viswanathan', 'none', 'business', 'man', 'going', 'meet', 'krishnan', 'asked', 'factory', 'discover', 'factory', 'belongs', 'shantidevi', 'happens', 'viswanathan', 'daughter', 'shantidevi', 'refuses', 'hire', 'krishnan', 'later', 'due', 'dad', 'compulsion', 'recruits', 'krishnan', 'krishnan', 'befriends', 'meena', 'shantidevi', 'secretary', 'meena', 'sweet', 'warm', 'person', 'instantly', 'falls', 'love', 'krishnan', 'mean', 'time', 'krishnan', 'elected', 'union', 'leader', 'shantidevi', 'happy', 'different', 'views', 'ideas', 'frequent', 'clashes', 'due', 'meena', 'decides', 'marry', 'krishnan', 'reveals', '.krishnan', 'likes', 'meena', 'advises', 'meena', 'discuss', 'mother', 'first', 'shantidevi', 'hand', 'decides', 'marry', 'krishnan', 'take', 'revenge', 'somehow', 'convinces', 'krishnan', 'mother', 'get', 'married', 'krishnan', 'obliges', 'mother', 'krishnan', 'mother', 'aware', 'shantidevi', 'plan', 'shantidevi', 'expects', 'krishnan', 'stay', 'home', 'post', 'marriage', 'plan', 'back', 'fires', 'krishnan', 'continues', 'union', 'leader', 'even', 'marriage', 'shantidevi', 'changes', 'policy', 'company', 'agitates', 'workers', 'indefinite', 'hunger', 'strike', 'headed', 'krishnan', 'viswanathan', 'realizes', 'company', 'image', 'stake', 'takes', 'chairman', 'shantidevi', 'angered', 'move', 'saying', 'lost', 'krishnan', 'krishnan', 'mother', 'comes', 'know', 'bitter', 'relationship', 'dies', 'immediately', 'guilty', 'shantidevi', 'kidnapped', 'business', 'rivals', 'krishnan', 'saves', 'ultimately', 'realizes', 'mistake.the', 'film', 'ends', 'meena', 'appointed', 'new', 'chairman', 'shantidevi', 'homemaker', 'leading', 'happy', 'life', 'krishnan'], ['aarumugam', 'makes', 'blazing', 'entrance', 'gatecrashing', 'marriage', 'abduct', 'bride', 'geetha', 'amala', 'bride', 'friend', 'gets', 'arrested', 'learns', 'rescued', 'girl', 'forced', 'marriage', 'revelations', 'make', 'fall', 'love', 'convincing', 'aarumugam', 'reciprocates', 'meanwhile', 'aarumugam', 'sister', 'love', 'son', 'rich', 'woman', 'rajarajeswari', 'rajarajeswari', 'learns', 'foists', 'false', 'case', 'puts', 'jail', 'aarumugam', 'first', 'encounter', 'rajarajeswari', 'learns', 'none', 'geetha', 'mother.he', 'also', 'invites', 'geetha', 'mother', 'rajarajeswari', 'marriage', 'time', 'calls', 'chiranjeevi', 'tells', 'marriage', 'rowdies', 'stop', 'marriage', 'requests', 'look', 'rowdies', 'kanaal', 'comes', 'fights', 'goons', 'wishes', 'marriage', 'goes.he', 'marries', 'geetha', 'mother', 'wishes', 'rajarajeswari', 'vows', 'separate', 'geetha', 'vows', 'prevent', 'make', 'rajarajeswari', 'understand', 'love', 'affection', 'important', 'money.which', 'important', 'message', 'delivered', 'audience', 'one-on-one', 'confrontations', 'rajnikanth', 'srividya', 'highpoints', 'movie', 'handled', 'superlatively', 'rajnikanth', 'bristles', 'energy', 'meetings', 'srividya', 'suitably', 'haughty', 'hits', 'right', 'notes', 'first', 'encounter', 'house', 'private', 'conversation', 'immediately', 'wedding', 'talk', 'garden', 'climax', 'house', 'reveal', 'excellent', 'execution', 'director'], ['vijay', 'professional', 'photographer', 'falls', 'love', 'rich', 'girl', 'marry', 'parents', 'wishes', 'soon', 'marriage', 'rocks', 'due', 'difference', 'backgrounds'], ['college', 'student', 'aniruddha', 'meets', 'pretty', 'co-ed', 'niharika', 'quickly', 'become', 'romantically', 'involved', 'unfortunately', 'relationship', \"n't\", 'escape', 'politics', 'involved', 'sex', 'gang', 'life', 'aniruddha', 'meets', 'ranvijay', 'irfan', 'khan', 'big', 'man', 'campus', 'prone', 'toting', 'gun', 'believes', 'merely', 'helping', 'fellow', 'student', 'escape', 'rival', 'gang', 'long', 'friendship', 'however', 'aniruddha', 'realizes', 'ranvijay', 'using', 'means', 'get', 'niharika'], ['retired', 'american', 'professor', 'lives', 'solitary', 'life', 'luxurious', 'palazzo', 'rome', 'confronted', 'vulgar', 'italian', 'marchesa', 'companions', 'lover', 'daughter', 'daughter', 'boyfriend', 'forced', 'rent', 'apartment', 'upper', 'floor', 'home', 'point', 'quiet', 'routine', 'turned', 'chaos', 'tenants', 'machinations', 'everybody', 'life', 'takes', 'unexpected', 'inevitable', 'turn'], [\"'three\", 'young', 'women', 'team', 'rent', 'beach', 'house', 'malibu', 'one', 'lands', 'job', 'high', 'school', 'thanks', 'investment', 'broker', 'meets', 'jogging', 'along', 'beach', 'another', 'taking', 'acting', 'lessons', 'enjoys', 'horseback', 'riding', 'though', 'young', 'owner', 'stable', 'john', 'logan', 'turns', 'interesting', 'riding', 'third', 'woman', 'practices', 'guitar', 'shuns', 'owner', 'studio', 'records', 'hangs', 'hunk', 'cousin', 'steve', 'fourth', 'roommate', 'house'], ['heera', 'two', 'passions', 'life', 'namely', 'love', 'reema', 'air-hostess', 'photography', 'reema', 'passes', 'away', 'airplane', 'accident', 'heera', 'left', 'passion', 'life', 'photography', 'one', 'photographic', 'sessions', 'raja', 'saab', 'priceless', 'diamond', 'stolen', 'panna', 'hidden', 'heera', 'car', 'heera', 'comes', 'know', 'theft', 'possession', 'stolen', 'property', 'decides', 'turn', 'panna', 'police', 'comes', 'know', 'panna', 'reema', 'younger', 'sister'], [\"'raja\", 'kumar', 'bahadur', 'alias', 'gyan', 'shankar', 'rai', 'total', 'abstainer', 'life', 'never', 'touching', 'drop', 'alcohol', 'keeping', 'away', 'women', 'known', 'vices', 'life', 'one', 'day', 'sees', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'saudamani', 'instantly', 'falls', 'love', 'finds', 'background', 'virtually', 'buys', 'brings', 'palatial', 'home', 'takes', 'drinking', 'wooing', 'renaming', 'madhuri', 'refrains', 'marrying', 'years', 'later', 'sees', 'another', 'beautiful', 'woman', 'half', 'age', 'named', 'sumita', 'meets', 'parents', 'pays', 'debts', 'marries', 'bargain', 'brings', 'sumita', 'home', 'makes', 'clear', 'madhuri\\\\', 'word', 'law', 'kumar', 'finds', 'sumita', 'childhood', 'sweetheart', 'shekhar', 'returned', 'abroad', 'kumar', 'meets', 'shekhar', 'finds', 'still', 'feelings', 'insecure', 'jealous', 'kumar', 'schemes', 'plot', 'historical', 'grounds', 'fatehpur', 'sikri', 'kumar\\\\', 'plot', 'unfolds', 'entrap', 'young', 'lovers', 'thus', 'giving', 'title', 'lal', 'patthar'], ['kind-hearted', 'widowed', 'landlord', 'thakur', 'lives', 'wealthy', 'lifestyle', 'son', 'ramesh', 'daughter', 'roopa', 'adopted', 'child', 'shankar', 'ramesh', 'hates', 'shankar', 'often', 'abuses', 'years', 'pass', 'thakur', 'dies', 'three', 'children', 'grown', 'ramesh', 'frequents', 'beautiful', 'courtesan', 'drinks', 'alcohol', 'continues', 'abuse', 'mercilessly', 'beat', 'shankar', 'bears', 'silence', 'roopa', 'love', 'ramesh', 'finds', 'roopa', 'wants', 'wed', 'shankar', 'severely', 'beaten', 'thrown', 'cliff', 'ramesh', 'arranges', 'roopa', 'marriage', 'another', 'wealthy', 'man', 'satish', 'continues', 'romance', 'tarabai', 'even', 'signs', 'entire', 'estate', 'home', 'years', 'later', 'shankar', 'returns', 'wealthy', 'raja', 'belapur', 'fully', 'prepared', 'compromise', 'ramesh', 'propose', 'roopa', 'finds', 'nothing', 'changed', 'however', 'ramesh', 'though', 'rendered', 'penniless', 'tara', 'still', 'hates', 'shankar', 'satish', 'engaged', 'roopa', 'marriage', 'date', 'fixed', 'shankar', 'love', 'replaced', 'vengeance', 'hate', 'think', 'destroying', 'lives', 'ramesh', 'roopa', 'satish', 'sister', 'mala', 'devises', 'several', 'plans', 'destroy', 'opponents', 'lives', 'abuses', 'insults', 'roopa', 'attempting', 'avenge', 'upon', 'apparent', 'unfaithfulness', 'romancing', 'mala', 'love', 'conquers', 'end'], ['film', 'tells', 'rafael', 'belvedere', '42-year-old', 'divorced', 'restauranteur', 'young', 'daughter', 'named', 'vicky', 'joint', 'custody', 'rafael', 'lives', 'hectic', 'lifestyle', 'mother', 'norma', 'suffers', 'alzheimer', 'disease', 'seen', 'year', 'rafael', 'sees', 'father', 'nino', 'frequently', 'friends', 'rarely', 'fielding', 'offers', 'sell', 'restaurant', 'runs', 'buenos', 'aires', 'changes', 'mind', 'started', 'mother', 'father', 'family', 'years', 'childhood', 'friend', 'juan', 'carlos', 'eduardo', 'blanco', 'seen', 'twenty', 'years', 'drops', 'restaurant', 'renews', 'old', 'friendship', 'demonstrating', 'fact', 'become', 'actor', 'one', 'day', 'rafael', 'suddenly', 'suffers', 'heart', 'attack', 'recovers', 'intensive', 'care', 'unit', 'forced', 'reevaluate', 'life', 'decide', 'priorities', 'wants', 'sell', 'restaurant', 'move', 'southern', 'mexico', 'raise', 'horses', 'time', 'father', 'wants', 'remarry', 'wife', 'never', 'married', 'catholic', 'church', 'rafael', 'opposed', 'renewal', 'vows', 'ailing', 'mother', 'much', 'participant', 'part', 'new', 'life', 'tells', 'much-younger', 'girlfriend', 'nati', 'wants', 'space', 'freedom', 'first', 'hurt', 'tells', 'albert', 'einstein', 'bill', 'gates', 'even', 'dick', 'watson', 'although', 'rafael', 'tries', 'get', 'understand', 'perspective', 'ultimately', 'breaks', 'relationship', 'rafael', 'tries', 'deal', 'struggles', 'relationships', 'fact', 'church', 'unsupportive', 'ends', 'selling', 'restaurant', 'juan', 'carlos', 'act', 'role', 'priest', 'parents', 'second', 'wedding', 'film', 'ends', 'wedding', 'rafael', 'opening', 'new', 'restaurant', 'apologizing', 'nati', 'joyously', 'forgives', 'strong', 'hints', 'relationship', 'revive'], [\"'during\", 'korean', 'war', 'italian', 'nurse', 'lieutenant', 'julietta', 'perodi', 'passion', 'everything', 'twos', 'falls', 'love', 'two', 'united', 'states', 'air', 'force', 'pilots', 'col.', 'tom', 'ferris', 'col.', 'tank', 'martin', 'julie', 'marries', 'ferris', 'convinces', 'friend', 'tank', 'killed', 'aircraft', 'crash', 'soon', 'discovers', 'martin', 'alive', 'remains', 'happily', 'married', 'ferris', 'martin', 'former', 'love', 're-enters', 'lives', 'years', 'later', 'london-based', 'ferris', 'military', 'attache', 'assigned', 'looking', 'military', 'brass', 'especially', 'general', 'parker', 'neglectful', 'wife', 'martin', 'uses', 'influence', 'ferris', 'shipped', 'labrador', 'arctic', 'survival', 'course', 'prepared', 'seek', 'divorce', 'guise', 'arab', 'potentate', 'ferris', 'steals', 'v.i.p', 'jet', 'wings', 'rome', 'reconcile', 'wife', 'martin', 'really', 'wants', 'keep', 'single', 'lifestyle', \"can\\\\'t\", 'see', 'marrying', 'kind', 'two', 'years', 'later', 'marriage', 'firmer', 'grounds', 'ferris', 'family', 'twin', 'boys', 'ferris', 'continues', 'making', 'life', 'easy', 'military', 'v.i.p.\\\\', 'including', 'newly-appointed', 'brig', 'gen.', 'tank', 'martin', 'flying', 'united', 'states', 'air', 'force', 'thunderbirds', 'air', 'demonstration', 'team'], [\"'terminated\", 'job', 'evicted', 'home', 'martina', 'martee', 'diamzon', 'regine', 'velasquez', 'son', 'liam', 'flee', 'away', 'vacation', 'zambales', 'despite', 'luxurious', 'area', 'finds', 'lance', 'monteagundo', 'piolo', 'pascual', 'owns', 'resort', 'whose', 'idea', 'meet', 'clientle', 'martee', 'vacation', 'apparently', 'shes', 'unhappy', 'service', 'given', 'lances', 'employees', 'martee', 'finds', 'way', 'accept', 'employment', 'son', 'liam', 'apparently', 'accidentally', 'damaged', 'lance\\\\', 'motorcycle', 'side', 'mirror', 'lance', 'wanted', 'auction', 'sell', 'martee', 'decides', 'take', 'opportunity', 'escape', 'problems', 'back', 'home', 'finds', 'comfort', 'lance', 'underneath', 'arrogant', 'mean', 'demeanor', 'also', 'falls', 'martee', 'tries', 'change', 'ways', 'scare', 'two', 'find', 'one', 'thing', 'common', 'scared', 'love', 'forgive', 'two', 'souls', 'find', 'love', 'one', 'another', 'try', 'make', 'relationship', 'work'], ['nato', 'officer', 'andrea', 'rossi-colombotti', 'ladies', 'man', 'unusual', 'libido', 'seduce', 'women', 'situations', 'life', 'danger', 'film', 'begins', 'breaking', 'corsican', 'girlfriends', 'house', 'girl', 'armed', 'voluptuous', 'believes', 'andrea', 'criminal', 'nearly', 'shoots', 'seduced', 'later', 'ends', 'relationship', 'light', 'incident', 'later', 'spending', 'afternoon', 'asian', 'air', 'stewardess', 'tries', 'achieve', 'arousal', 'making', 'situation', 'dying', 'relative', 'stewardess', 'learns', 'sham', 'liaison', 'ends', 'disastrously', 'enough', 'condition', 'continuing', 'problems', 'brings', 'andrea', 'goes', 'psychiatrist', 'pours', 'everything', 'developed', 'problem', 'adulthood', 'life', 'flirted', 'woman', 'suffered', 'consequences', 'psychiatrist', 'slightly', 'unhinged', 'due', 'long', 'association', 'deranged', 'sensibly', 'recommends', 'andrea', 'try', 'seek', 'spiritual', 'qualities', 'women', 'rather', 'physical', 'attributes', 'attempt', 'connect', 'emotionally', 'andrea', 'heads', 'switzerland', 'meets', 'alpine', 'girl', 'following', 'doctors', 'advice', \"n't\", 'seduce', 'charms', 'takes', 'romantic', 'dates', 'things', 'well', 'andrea', 'attracted', 'girls', 'sweetness', 'proposes', 'marriage', 'unfortunately', 'night', 'wedding', 'couple', 'visit', 'circus', 'beautiful', 'lion', 'tamer', 'challenges', 'anyone', 'kiss', 'middle', 'group', 'lions', 'andrea', \"n't\", 'refuse', 'offer', 'gives', 'lion', 'tamer', 'kiss', 'life', 'bringing', 'effective', 'close', 'swiss', 'romance', 'andrea', 'next', 'entangles', 'american', 'woman', 'wife', 'major', 'happens', 'superior', 'potentially', 'dangerous', 'passionate', 'affair', 'blown', 'quickly', 'andrea', 'gets', 'posted', 'sicily', 'encounters', 'sicilian', 'girl', 'fierce-tempered', 'honorable', 'family', 'girls', 'family', 'accuses', 'pure', 'andrea', 'poses', 'doctor', 'order', 'check', 'fact', 'takes', 'advantage', 'dangerous', 'opportunity', 'seduce', 'family', 'catches', 'act', 'chase', 'much', 'difficulty', 'escapes', 'andrea', 'takes', 'alternative', 'knows', 'returns', 'italian', 'hometown', 'gigliola', 'first', 'ever', 'sweetheart', 'still', 'resides', 'left', 'gigliola', 'joined', 'army', 'result', 'heartbroken', 'lovelorn', 'however', 'still', 'loves', 'hopes', 'love', 'aid', 'overcoming', 'problem', 'hears', 'andreas', 'condition', 'attempts', 'cure', 'pledges', 'give', 'make', 'stop', 'women', 'andrea', 'however', 'bear', 'seduce', 'woman', 'truly', 'loves', 'instead', 'spends', 'night', 'pedicure', 'reputed', 'bring', 'ill', 'fortune', 'men', 'andrea', 'next', 'woman', 'countess', 'whose', 'husband', 'much', 'older', 'moreover', 'suffers', 'deafness', 'lures', 'plot', 'murder', 'husband', 'seat', 'heavy', 'delicately', 'balanced', 'stone', 'ball', 'atop', 'wall', 'slightest', 'shock', 'ball', 'fall', 'top', 'aroused', 'dangerous', 'venture', 'consents', 'count', 'deafness', 'however', 'sham', 'heard', 'plan', 'tries', 'turn', 'upon', 'andrea', 'adjusts', 'ball', 'become', 'even', 'unsteady', 'convinces', 'andrea', 'take', 'seat', 'seat', 'breaks', 'andrea', 'weight', 'count', 'sets', 'new', 'one', 'andrea', 'accidentally', 'slams', 'door', 'causes', 'ball', 'fall', 'count', 'andrea', 'put', 'trial', 'supposed', 'crime', 'attracts', 'wide', 'publicity', 'interest', 'practically', 'every', 'woman', 'encountered', 'course', 'film', 'turns', 'court', 'speak', 'andrea', 'however', 'gigliola', 'woman', 'believes', 'innocence', 'attempts', 'defend', 'psychiatrist', 'andrea', 'consulted', 'called', 'upon', 'giving', 'testimony', 'completely', 'loses', 'mind', 'andrea', 'offer', 'court', 'apology', 'heart', 'condition', 'trouble', 'caused', 'concerned', 'eleventh', 'hour', 'autopsy', 'reveals', 'count', 'sound', 'hearing', 'since', 'count', 'could', 'hear', 'taken', 'better', 'care', 'crime', 'considered', 'accident', 'andrea', 'acquitted', 'film', 'ends', 'andrea', 'gigliola', 'happily', 'married', 'settled', 'high-rise', 'apartment', 'milan', 'however', 'andrea', 'still', 'living', 'condition', 'gigliola', 'shock', 'attempts', 'break', 'eighth-floor', 'bedroom', '...'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'comedy', 'errors', 'sweetly', 'incompetent', 'dr.', 'pietro', 'vignali', 'run', 'deep', 'debt', 'girlfriend', 'loletta', 'prima', 'creditors', 'threaten', 'sell', 'belongings', 'takes', 'job', 'orphanage', 'health', 'inspector', 'pay', 'debts', 'ends', 'engaged', 'wealthy', 'lilli', 'daughter', 'mattress', 'tycoon', 'chased', 'orphan', 'teresa', 'venerd챙', 'trying', 'keep', 'life', 'order'], ['rawail', 'cinematic', 'version', 'moving', 'tale', 'original', 'star-crossed', 'lovers', 'laila', 'majnu', 'starring', 'rishi', 'kapoor', 'ranjeeta', 'full', 'justice', 'enduring', 'tale', 'intense', 'pangs', 'love', 'painful', 'obstacles', 'lie', 'path', 'soul-stirring', 'performance', 'lead', 'actors', 'bring', 'laila', 'majnu', 'alive', 'icing', 'cake', 'literally', 'amazing', 'musical', 'score', 'composed', 'late', 'maestro', 'madan', 'mohan', 'believed', 'died', 'completing', 'film', 'hence', 'baton', 'carried', 'forward', 'jaidev', 'seamlessly', 'recount', 'story', 'laila', 'lover', 'majnu', 'better', 'known', 'qais', 'born', 'rival', 'clans', 'amaris', 'sharwaris', 'two', 'loved', 'children', 'love', 'one', 'hurt', 'started', 'bleeding', 'film', 'recounts', 'kids', 'madarsa', 'maulvi', 'asks', 'write', 'name', 'allah', 'slates', 'qais', 'lost', 'thoughts', 'laila', 'inscribes', 'name', 'instead', 'return', 'incensed', 'maulvi', 'canes', 'hand', 'laila', 'hand', 'starts', 'bleeding', 'incidents', 'spread', 'like', 'wild', 'fire', 'laila', 'father', 'scared', 'daughter', 'reputation', 'decides', 'stop', 'going', 'school', 'two', 'clan', 'heads', 'decide', 'separate', 'children', 'impossible', 'conceive', 'sharwaris', 'amaris', 'ever', 'joined', 'love', 'instead', 'blood', 'lalila', 'majnu', 'grow', 'different', 'places', 'many', 'years', 'later', 'qais', 'friends', 'visit', 'laila', 'town', 'buy', 'camels', 'stage', 'set', 'two', 'lovers', 'meet', 'one', 'day', 'marketplace', 'encounter', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'start', 'meeting', 'secretly', 'villain', 'makes', 'entry', 'form', 'laila', 'hot-tempered', 'brother', 'tabrez', 'already', 'spat', 'qais', 'neither', 'knowing', 'true', 'identity', 'turn', 'events', 'follow', 'qais', 'father', 'dies', 'hands', 'tabrez', 'qais', 'turn', 'avenges', 'father', 'murder', 'killing', 'tabrez', 'exiled', 'town', 'wanders', 'dunes', 'like', 'madman', 'thirsting', 'look', 'beloved', 'meanwhile', 'laila', 'married', 'prince', 'bakhsh', 'learning', 'love', 'qais', 'promises', 'keep', 'distance', 'time', 'able', 'replace', 'majnu', 'laila', 'heart', 'like', 'others', 'unable', 'understand', 'almost', 'divinely', 'ordained', 'love', 'laila', 'majnu', 'late', 'film', 'written', 'abrar', 'alvi', 'longtime', 'associate', 'late', 'guru', 'dutt'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'starts', 'indicating', 'parallels', 'story', 'adam', 'eve', 'adam', 'ranjeet', 'eve', 'sharda', 'apple', 'nirmala', 'ranjeet', 'newly', 'employed', 'company', 'whose', 'pay', 'scales', 'gauged', 'fact', 'goes', 'work', 'bicycle', 'however', 'bicycle', 'brings', 'face-to-face', 'sharda', 'bumps', 'accident', 'sharda\\\\', 'bicycle', 'gets', 'badly', 'damaged', 'ranjeet', 'drops', 'evening', 'ranjeet', 'goes', 'wedding', 'friend', 'co-worker', 'poet', 'sharda', 'also', 'present', 'ceremony', 'sharda', 'ranjeet\\\\', 'love', 'blossoms', 'soon', 'get', 'married', 'course', 'years', 'ranjeet', 'sales', 'manager', 'company', 'father', 'son', 'sharda', 'ranjeet', 'still', 'living', 'marital', 'bliss', 'nirmala', 'ranjeet\\\\', 'new', 'secretary', 'shows', 'ranjeet', 'inexplicably', 'attracted', 'nirmala', 'honest', 'girl', 'trying', 'make', 'two', 'ends', 'meet', 'much', 'beautiful', 'compared', 'sharda', 'knows', 'nothing', 'ranjeet\\\\', 'true', 'intentions', 'married', 'life', 'ranjeet', 'initially', 'upset', 'thoughts', 'finally', 'gives', 'carefully', 'plans', 'steps', 'pretends', 'helpless', 'grieving', 'husband', 'cancer', 'stricken', 'wife', \"won\\\\'t\", 'live', 'much', 'longer', 'nirmala', 'feels', 'sorry', 'thus', 'making', 'easier', 'get', 'close', 'nobody', 'sharda', 'even', 'closest', 'friend', 'suspects', 'thing', 'one', 'day', 'ranjeet', 'bluffs', 'sharda', 'late', 'coming', 'home', 'meeting', 'takes', 'nirmala', 'dinner', 'next', 'day', 'sharda', 'finds', 'nirmala\\\\', 'handkerchief', 'lipstick', 'marks', 'ranjeet\\\\', 'pocket', 'immediately', 'confronts', 'ranjeet', 'makes', 'story', 'co-worker', 'whose', 'handkerchief', 'may', 'accidentally', 'taken', 'sharda', 'reluctantly', 'believes', 'ranjeet', 'decides', 'take', 'next', 'steps', 'carefully', 'sharda', 'starts', 'thinking', 'fears', 'unfounded', 'ranjeet', 'makes', 'even', 'interesting', 'back', 'plans', 'prepares', 'two', 'books', 'poetry', 'professing', 'love', 'poems', 'one', 'book', 'contains', 'nirmala\\\\', 'name', 'contains', 'sharda\\\\', 'ranjeet', 'courts', 'nirmala', 'without', 'sharda\\\\', 'knowledge', 'turning', 'point', 'comes', 'sharda', 'sees', 'hotel', 'nirmala', 'later', 'asks', 'meeting', 'clueless', 'ranjeet', 'lies', 'sharda\\\\', 'fears', 'confirmed', 'starts', 'spying', 'nirmala', 'taking', 'incriminating', 'pictures', 'sufficient', 'evidence', 'obtained', 'secretly', 'meets', 'nirmala', 'posing', 'journalist', 'nirmala', \"hasn\\\\'t\", 'seen', 'ranjeet\\\\', 'ailing', 'wife', 'yet', 'thinks', 'sharda', 'intends', 'blackmail', 'sharda', 'reassures', \"won\\\\'t\", 'nirmala', 'spills', 'beans', 'upon', 'sharda', 'reveals', 'true', 'identity', 'meanwhile', 'ranjeet', 'gets', 'another', 'promotion', 'rushes', 'home', 'happily', 'tell', 'wife', 'sharda', 'catches', 'unawares', 'lets', 'know', 'busted', 'ranjeet', 'know', 'hit', 'turns', 'round', 'see', 'nirmala', 'behind', 'sharda', 'tells', 'leaving', 'divorce', 'papers', 'soon', 'sent', 'sharda', 'nirmala', 'console', 'ranjeet', 'calls', 'upon', 'friend', 'lies', 'nirmala', 'said', 'malicious', 'lies', 'sharda', 'ranjeet\\\\', 'friend', 'sides', 'lies', 'nirmala\\\\', 'character', 'sharda', 'exposes', 'ranjeet', 'front', 'well', 'help', 'evidence', 'collected', 'sharda', 'tells', 'ranjeet', 'choose', 'either', 'nirmala', 'ranjeet', 'quietly', 'gives', 'nirmala', 'money', 'lies', 'last-ditch', 'attempt', 'damage', 'control', 'honest', 'nirmala', 'returns', 'money', 'sharda', 'making', 'things', 'even', 'worse', 'ranjeet', 'sharda', 'prepares', 'walk', 'ranjeet', 'nirmala', 'resigns', 'leaves', 'ranjeet', 'well', 'sharda', 'comes', 'visit', 'ranjeet', 'one', 'last', 'time', 'innocent', 'son', 'asks', 'happening', 'sharda', 'decides', 'give', 'ranjeet', 'another', 'chance', 'son', 'soon', 'life', 'comes', 'back', 'track', 'soon', 'another', 'secretary', 'joins', 'office', 'ranjeet', 'tries', 'resort', 'antics', 'coincidence', 'ranjeet\\\\', 'friend', 'suddenly', 'walks', 'ranjeet', 'backs', 'taking', 'warning'], ['man', 'bahadur', 'ex-gurkha', 'soldier', 'living', 'hong', 'kong', 'family', 'son', 'named', 'himal', 'nephew', 'suraj', '봶hom', 'looked', 'since', 'childhood', '봞nd', 'wife', 'himal', 'suraj', 'age', 'close', 'however', 'great', 'difference', 'personalitites', 'himal', 'thinking', 'westernized', 'likes', 'hip-hop', 'music', 'friends', 'poor', 'character', 'himal', 'uses', 'drugs', 'occasionally', 'dating', 'girl', 'named', 'jenny', 'philippines', 'spends', 'time', 'discos', 'rather', 'family', 'work', 'hand', 'suraj', 'good', 'work', 'ethic', 'likes', 'nepalese', 'music', 'food', 'culture', 'man', 'bahadur', 'wife', 'concerned', 'himal', 'behaviour', 'fears', 'son', 'escaped', 'influence', 'lost', 'hope', 'yet', 'thinks', 'himal', 'marries', 'nepalese', 'girl', 'everything', 'alright', 'one', 'day', 'disco', 'himal', 'gets', 'drunk', 'kisses', 'girl', 'fight', 'breaks', 'himal', 'girl', 'boyfriend', 'himal', 'badly', 'beaten', 'man', 'bahadur', 'worst', 'fears', 'concerned', 'wife', 'still', 'optimistic', 'though', 'insists', 'finding', 'nepalese', 'girl', 'man', 'bahadur', 'resists', 'first', 'eventually', 'agrees', 'write', 'childhood', 'friend', 'bal', 'bahadur', 'daughter', 'kiran', 'hand', 'marriage', 'himal', 'man', 'proposes', 'bal', 'send', 'daughter', 'hong', 'kong', 'tourist', 'stay', 'hong', 'kong', 'himal', 'kiran', 'like', 'parents', 'announce', 'marriage', 'bal', 'delighted', 'thinking', 'himal', 'perfect', 'groom', 'daughter', 'hoping', 'escape', 'hardship', 'nepal', 'consulting', 'wife', 'bal', 'sends', 'kiran', 'hong', 'kong', 'telling', 'kiran', 'gift', 'college', 'vacation', 'kiran', 'arrives', 'hong', 'kong', 'meets', 'himal', 'suraj', 'stay', 'family', 'gets', 'know', 'finds', 'gradually', 'falling', 'love', 'suraj', 'himal', 'hand', 'happy', 'girlfriend', 'jenny', 'drinking', 'using', 'drugs', 'due', 'absenteeism', 'fired', 'job', 'refuses', 'get', 'another', 'runs', 'savings', 'drives', 'jenny', 'leave', 'himal', 'incurs', 'serious', 'head', 'injury', 'fight', 'jenny', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'friends', 'hospital', 'surgery', 'realizes', 'error', 'ways', 'vows', 'turn', 'new', 'leaf', 'gratitude', 'man', 'bahadur', 'family', 'kiran', 'visits', 'himal', 'hospital', 'finds', 'attractive', 'knowing', 'already', 'love', 'suraj', 'man', 'bahadur', 'wife', 'see', 'himal', 'kiran', 'like', 'thinking', 'kiran', 'responsible', 'himal', 'rehabilitation', 'announce', 'engagement', 'party', 'stunning', 'suraj', 'kiran', 'kiran', 'leaves', 'party', 'suraj', 'follows', 'long', 'talk', 'convinces', 'kiran', 'marry', 'himal', 'keep', 'family', 'together', 'airport', 'flight', 'nepal', 'wedding', 'himal', 'learns', 'everything', 'suraj', 'kiran', 'ashamed', 'villain', 'suraj', 'kiran', 'romance', 'thanks', 'kiran', 'wishes', 'best', 'suraj', 'leaves', 'together'], ['desideria', 'oliv찼n', 'well', 'woman', '횁vila', 'spain', 'getting', 'married', 'ramiro', 'handsome', 'young', 'man', 'solid', 'background', 'promising', 'future', 'couple', 'settle', 'placid', 'comfortable', 'life', 'ramiro', 'attentive', 'passionate', 'husband', 'five', 'years', 'marriage', 'begin', 'worry', 'still', 'children', 'ramiro', 'birthday', 'party', 'desideria', 'husband', 'two', 'couples', 'decide', 'travel', 'together', 'turkey', 'group', 'istanbul', 'amidst', 'sensual', 'ambiance', 'ancient', 'teeming', 'city', 'desi', 'smitten', 'handsome', 'turkish', 'guide', 'yaman', 'unable', 'put', 'brake', 'passion', 'desi', 'begins', 'passionate', 'affair', 'yaman', 'sex', 'tour', 'bus', 'desideria', 'takes', 'advantage', 'every', 'opportunity', 'trip', 'escape', 'arms', 'lover', 'first', 'time', 'life', 'found', 'sexual', 'fulfillment', 'two', 'weeks', 'trip', 'yet', 'yaman', 'vows', 'love', 'spanish', 'worshiper', 'forever', 'two', 'part', 'ways', 'upon', 'return', 'home', 'desi', 'hardly', 'concentrate', 'thoughts', 'yaman', 'calm', 'marital', 'life', 'nothing', 'common', 'torrid', 'passion', 'found', 'turkish', 'lover', 'tries', 'contact', 'fails', 'efforts', 'regular', 'trip', 'doctor', 'learns', 'pregnant', 'yet', 'husband', 'child', 'sterile', 'desi', 'adamant', 'keep', 'baby', 'spite', 'husband', 'protest', 'ramiro', 'knows', 'father', 'offers', 'divorce', 'ramiro', 'agrees', 'support', 'child', 'couple', 'decides', 'stay', 'together', 'unfortunately', 'desi', 'son', 'live', 'long', 'baby', 'dies', 'high', 'fever', 'convulsions', 'funeral', 'grieve', 'stricken', 'desi', 'flees', 'istanbul', 'looking', 'forget', 'drama', 'leaving', 'behind', 'reunited', 'lover', 'turkey', 'stars', 'search', 'yaman', 'finds', 'capadocia', 'yaman', 'happy', 'see', 'together', 'settle', 'modest', 'home', 'istanbul', 'renew', 'torrid', 'affair', 'happy', 'sometime', 'problems', 'star', 'arise', 'soon', 'one', 'day', 'older', 'woman', 'arrives', 'house', 'two', 'children', 'charge', 'yaman', 'mother', 'children', 'desi', 'knows', 'married', 'children', 'also', 'finds', 'women', 'house', 'yaman', 'life', 'desi', 'goes', 'spanish', 'embassy', 'inquire', 'immigration', 'status', 'turkey', 'paulina', 'woman', 'embassy', 'offers', 'advice', 'friendship', 'later', 'warns', 'desi', 'yaman', 'paulina', 'knows', 'reputation', 'good', 'however', 'desi', 'strongly', 'dismiss', 'unrequited', 'advice', 'desi', 'wants', 'another', 'baby', 'one', 'lost', 'pregnant', 'yaman', 'spite', 'protest', 'made', 'abortion', 'procedure', 'well', 'desi', 'ends', 'unable', 'children', 'working', 'tourist', 'guide', 'yaman', 'sells', 'turkish', 'carpets', 'bazaar', 'family', 'business', 'brother', 'decide', 'force', 'desi', 'work', 'besides', 'selling', 'carpets', 'would', 'provide', 'sexual', 'favors', 'customers', 'carpet', 'dealers', 'astonished', 'new', 'revelations', 'desi', 'help', 'paulina', 'flees', 'spain', 'back', 'country', 'desi', 'friend', 'laura', 'husband', 'pick', 'airport', 'madrid', 'take', 'hotel', 'adamant', 'choices', 'made', 'refuses', 'help', 'friends', 'try', 'see', 'feels', 'another', 'man', 'desi', 'sex', 'ivan', 'man', 'met', 'failure', 'feel', 'feels', 'yaman', 'makes', 'back', 'turkey', 'yaman', 'angry', 'left', 'beats', 'care', 'wanting', 'yaman', 'accepts', 'relationship', 'turns', 'even', 'darker', 'desi', 'willingly', 'accepts', 'participate', 'yaman', 'dirty', 'dealings', 'even', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'behind', 'back', 'yaman', 'keeps', 'sexual', 'domination', 'desi', 'helps', 'yaman', 'make', 'amends', 'another', 'carpet', 'dealer', 'tried', 'deceive', 'sexually', 'pleases', 'voyeuristic', 'old', 'man', 'gives', 'small', 'gun', 'gift', 'returning', 'home', 'night', 'desi', 'finds', 'yaman', 'sex', 'couple', 'desi', 'tolerate', 'sex', 'another', 'man', 'unashamed', 'drags', 'bar', 'belly', 'dancer', 'performing', 'dance', 'yaman', 'flirts', 'desi', 'woman', 'desi', 'shoots', 'legs', 'yaman', 'falls', 'floor', 'badly', 'hurt', 'allows', 'desi', 'escape', 'orders', 'flee', 'never', 'return', 'desi', 'carrying', 'bags', 'leaves', 'istanbul', 'good', 'part', 'died'], ['senso', 'set', 'italy', 'around', '1866', 'italian-austrian', 'war', 'unification', 'coming', 'end', 'film', 'opens', 'fenice', 'opera', 'house', 'venice', 'performance', 'trovatore', 'close', 'manrico', 'rousing', 'aria', 'quella', 'pira', 'opera', 'interrupted', 'major', 'protest', 'italian', 'nationalists', 'occupying', 'austrian', 'troops', 'present', 'theatre', 'livia', 'italian', 'countess', 'unhappily', 'married', 'stuffy', 'old', 'aristocrat', 'bears', 'witness', 'tries', 'conceal', 'fact', 'cousin', 'marquis', 'roberto', 'ussoni', 'organized', 'protest', 'commotion', 'meets', 'dashing', 'young', 'austrian', 'officer', 'named', 'franz', 'mahler', 'instantly', 'smitten', 'two', 'begin', 'secretive', 'highly', 'forbidden', 'love', 'affair', 'despite', 'obvious', 'fact', 'franz', 'responsible', 'sending', 'roberto', 'exile', 'radical', 'behavior', 'livia', 'vainly', 'pretends', 'aware', 'although', 'obviously', 'using', 'money', 'social', 'status', 'livia', 'throws', 'affair', 'complete', 'sexual', 'abandon', 'franz', 'giving', 'away', 'money', 'caring', 'high', 'society', 'thinks', 'soon', 'franz', 'begins', 'failing', 'show', 'trysts', 'livia', 'slowly', 'consumed', 'jealousy', 'paranoia', 'war', 'finally', 'forces', 'lovers', 'apart', 'livia', 'husband', 'making', 'move', 'away', 'villa', 'country', 'order', 'avoid', 'carnage', 'late', 'one', 'night', 'franz', 'sneaks', 'way', 'livia', 'bedroom', 'asks', 'money', 'order', 'bribe', 'army', 'doctors', 'stay', 'away', 'battle', 'field', 'livia', 'complies', 'giving', 'away', 'money', 'holding', 'roberto', 'intended', 'supply', 'partisans', 'fighting', 'austrians', 'livia', 'betrayal', 'leads', 'tragic', 'consequences', 'austrians', 'overwhelm', 'under-equipped', 'italians', 'eventually', 'livia', 'almost', 'driven', 'mad', 'fact', 'unable', 'see', 'franz', 'rejoices', 'letter', 'finally', 'arrives', 'tells', 'much', 'loves', 'misses', 'money', 'gave', 'helped', 'stay', 'away', 'front', 'advises', 'livia', 'look', 'listen', 'soon', 'possible', 'livia', 'still', 'grasping', 'letter', 'boards', 'carriage', 'hurries', 'verona', 'find', 'lover', 'soon', 'discovers', 'indiscretion', 'caused', 'amidst', 'gloating', 'austrian', 'soldiers', 'livia', 'makes', 'way', 'apartment', 'bought', 'franz', 'finds', 'drunken', 'self-loathing', 'rogue', 'company', 'prostitute', 'openly', 'mocks', 'livia', 'accepting', 'abuse', 'franz', 'brutally', 'throws', 'livia', 'apartment', 'finds', 'streets', 'full', 'drunk', 'sleazy', 'soldiers', 'livia', 'realizes', 'franz', 'letter', 'nothing', 'remains', 'mutual', 'self-destruction', 'sanity', 'slipping', 'livia', 'heads', 'headquarters', 'austrian', 'army', 'hands', 'franz', 'letter', 'general', 'thereby', 'convicting', 'franz', 'treason', 'although', 'general', 'sees', 'livia', 'acting', 'spite', 'cuckolded', 'forced', 'comply', 'franz', 'executed', 'firing', 'squad', 'livia', 'insane', 'runs', 'night', 'crying', 'lover', 'name'], [\"'no\", 'reservations', 'remake', 'german', 'film', 'made', '2001', 'called', 'mostly', 'martha', 'kate', 'armstrong', 'head', 'chef', 'trendy', 'bleecker', 'street', 'restaurant', 'manhattan', 'new', 'york', 'runs', 'kitchen', 'rapid', 'pace', 'coordinates', 'making', 'preparation', 'fantastic', 'meals', 'personally', 'displays', 'food', 'perfection', 'every', 'dish', 'intimidates', 'everyone', 'around', 'including', 'boss', 'paula', 'sends', 'therapy', 'kate', 'hates', 'leave', 'kitchen', 'customer', 'wants', 'compliment', 'one', 'special', 'dishes', 'however', 'ready', 'leave', 'kitchen', 'instant', 'customer', 'insults', 'cooking', 'kate\\\\', 'sister', 'killed', 'car', 'accident', 'nine-year', 'old', 'niece', 'zoe', 'must', 'move', 'kate', 'devastated', 'sister\\\\', 'death', 'problems', 'paula', 'decides', 'hire', 'new', 'sous', 'chef', 'join', 'staff', 'nick', 'palmer', 'rising', 'star', 'right', 'could', 'head', 'chef', 'restaurant', 'pleased', 'nick', 'however', 'wants', 'work', 'kate', 'atmosphere', 'kitchen', 'somewhat', 'chaotic', 'kate', 'feels', 'increasingly', 'threatened', 'nick', 'time', 'went', 'due', 'style', 'running', 'kitchen', 'nick', 'loves', 'listen', 'opera', 'cooks', 'loves', 'make', 'staff', 'laugh', 'kate', 'finds', 'strangely', 'attracted', 'nick', 'whose', 'uplifting', 'personality', 'affected', 'staff', 'zoe', 'well', 'coming', 'work', 'kate', 'happening', 'kate\\\\', 'life', 'last', 'thing', 'would', 'want', 'fall', 'love', 'man', 'pushed', 'away', 'others', 'prior', 'however', 'kind', 'chemistry', 'two', 'flourishes', 'passion', 'cooking', 'yet', 'life', 'hits', 'hard', 'paula', 'decides', 'offer', 'nick', 'job', 'head', 'chef', 'kate\\\\', 'relationship', 'nick', 'turns', 'sour', 'note', 'due', 'kate\\\\', 'pride', 'end', 'kate', 'allows', 'become', 'vulnerable', 'tear', 'walls', 'built', 'throughout', 'life', 'nick', 'could', 'start', 'fresh', 'movie', 'concludes', 'zoe', 'nick', 'kate', 'opened', 'bistro'], ['refimprove', 'section', 'socially', 'inept', 'media', 'geek', 'archie', 'williams', 'becomes', 'visible', 'kid', 'school', 'announces', 'he\\\\', 'going', 'kill', 'camera', 'final', 'video', 'class', 'project', 'word', 'spreads', 'archie\\\\', 'classmates', 'parents', 'beautiful', 'girl', 'school', 'sierra', 'shady', 'bunch', 'teachers', 'shrinks', 'doctors', 'pill-pushers', 'counselors', 'bombard', 'hoping', 'save', 'wanting', 'imitate', 'others', 'trying', 'push', 'edge', 'archie', 'films', 'pointing', 'incisive', 'camera', 'realities', 'life', 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'back', 'station', 'sitting', 'chair', 'office', 'goes', 'back', 'time', 'lives', 'flashback', 'thinking', 'first', 'came', 'across', 'rashmi', 'riding', 'motorcycle', 'way', 'uncle', 'house', 'cousin', 'wedding', 'road', 'sees', 'car', 'ahead', 'race', 'rashmi', 'car', 'runs', 'petrol', 'attempting', 'help', 'also', 'wanting', 'lose', 'opportunity', 'spending', 'time', 'lovely', 'dame', 'empties', 'petrol', 'motorcycle', 'rahmi', 'car', 'decides', 'travel', 'along', 'car', 'get', 'drives', 'petrol', 'gets', 'stuck', 'finally', 'manages', 'get', 'lift', 'lorry.they', 'meet', 'couple', 'times', 'stay', 'fall', 'love', 'father', 'diwan', 'sardarilal', 'looking', 'assistant', 'moti', 'babu', 'brother-in-law', 'looking', 'business', 'diwan', 'feels', 'moti', 'babu', 'over-burdened', 'work', 'responsibilities', 'rashmi', 'presents', 'rohit', 'diwan', 'agrees', 'hire', 'him.rashmi', 'hunch', 'moti', 'babu', 'honest', 'appears', 'tells', 'rohit', 'rohit', 'immediately', 'begins', 'auditing', 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'rashmi', 'left', 'house', 'gone', 'later', 'learns', 'chetan', 'fallen', 'miscarriage', 'calls', 'desont', 'speak', 'resigns', 'bombay', 'publicity', 'sets', 'bring', 'back', 'goes', 'diwan', 'house', 'learns', 'left', 'place', 'gone', 'vacation', 'noone', 'knows', 'come', 'back', 'devastated', 'goes', 'uncle', 'house', 'letter', 'legal', 'notice', 'asking', 'divorce', 'knowing', 'next', 'seeks', 'employment', 'help', 'mr.', 'saxena', 'gets', 'post', 'station', 'master', 'remote', 'hill', 'station', 'deena', 'pur', 'back', 'present', 'work', 'mr.', 'saxena', 'comes', 'meet', 'surprised', 'see', 'mr.', 'saxena', 'remote', 'place', 'mr.', 'saxena', 'says', 'come', 'hunting', 'diwan', 'sardarilal', 'put', 'place', 'named', 'karimganj', 'near', 'by.he', 'leaves', 'karimganj', 'meet', 'rashmi', 'humiliated', 'diwan', 'moti', 'babu', 'poor', 'also', 'vows', 'earn', 'enough', 'money', 'get', 'rashmi', 'back.but', 'know', 'get', 'much', 'money', 'eyes', 'safe', 'sonia', 'attache', 'next', 'arrested', 'sonia', 'murder', 'rohit', 'really', 'kill', 'sonia', 'take', 'sonia', 'quarters', 'sonia', 'first', 'place', 'intentions', 'rohit', 'ajnabee', 'nobody', 'actually', 'knows', 'proved', 'guilty', 'happens', 'rashmi', 'rohit', 'relationship', 'get', 'back', 'together', 'rohit', 'sentenced', 'death/life', 'imprisonment'], ['aristocratic', 'family', 'torn', 'death', 'patriarch', 'leaves', 'alone', 'widow', 'wife', 'five', 'daughters', 'sons', 'eldest', 'son', 'ahmed', 'takes', 'role', 'man', 'house', 'helps', 'mother', 'take', 'care', 'brother', 'sisters', 'mamdouh', 'brother', 'self-centered', 'man', 'refuses', 'follow', 'brother', 'step', 'decides', 'make', 'decisions', 'life', 'meanwhile', 'despite', 'restricting', 'social', 'conventions', 'layla', 'falls', 'love', 'piano', 'teacher', 'married', 'man', 'years', 'older', 'marries', 'two', 'daughters', 'accept', 'conditions', 'move', 'layla', 'mamdouh', 'impetuous', 'decisions', 'result', 'unfortunate', 'consequences', 'layla', 'divorces', 'husband', 'shortly', 'marriage', 'mamdouh', 'dies', 'car', 'accident', 'quarrel', 'ahmed', 'finds', 'strength', 'face', 'brother', 'death', 'enrolls', 'army', 'fight', 'war', 'sister', 'falls', 'love', 'another', 'soldier', 'war', 'ahmed', 'falls', 'love', 'woman', 'marries', 'cite', 'web'], ['akash', 'honest', 'educated', 'young', 'man', 'employed', 'bombay', 'municipal', 'corporation', 'clerk', 'lives', 'equally', 'honest', 'brother', 'sister-in-law', 'niece', 'sharda', 'nephew', 'due', 'akash', 'honesty', 'becomes', 'liability', 'corrupt', 'superiors', 'one', 'day', 'find', 'fault', 'work', 'dismiss', 'akash', 'attempts', 'assert', 'legally', 'finds', 'corruption', 'everywhere', 'retaliation', 'even', 'brother', 'implicated', 'crime', 'arrested', 'akash', 'must', 'come', 'way', 'clear', 'brother', 'well', 'expose', 'wrong-doers'], ['singer', 'suraj', 'stranded', 'resthouse', 'rainstorm', 'experiences', 'feeling', 'feels', 'transported', 'another', 'lifetime', 'drawn', 'woman', 'named', 'ratna', 'unable', 'forget', 'experience', 'investigating', 'discovers', 'past', 'life', 'chief', 'singer', 'emperor', 'court', 'name', 'prakash', 'love', 'courtesan', 'named', 'ratna', 'much', 'chargin', 'anger', 'family', 'emperor', 'tragically', 'separated', 'subsequently', 'comes', 'across', 'portrait', 'ratna', 'shortly', 'meets', 'gypsy', 'jhumri', 'looks', 'exactly', 'like', 'ratna', 'soon', 'jhumri', 'also', 'able', 'remember', 'past', 'life', 'love', 'prakash', 'chagrin', 'rita', 'malhotra', 'loves', 'suraj', 'appa', 'son', 'leader', 'gypsies', 'stop', 'nothing', 'make', 'jhumri', 'wife', 'appa', 'steals', 'portrait', 'sets', 'gypsies', 'suraj', 'marry', 'jhumri', 'perhaps', 'separate', 'two', 'lovers'], ['plot', 'vicky', 'cristina', 'visit', 'barcelona', 'summer', 'staying', 'vicky\\\\', 'distant', 'relative', 'judy', 'husband', 'mark', 'nash', 'narrator', 'present', 'throughout', 'film', 'describes', 'two', 'friends', 'vicky', 'practical', 'traditional', 'approach', 'love', 'commitment', 'engaged', 'reliable', 'doug', 'barcelona', 'getting', 'masters', 'catalan', 'identity', 'cristina', 'hand', 'imagines', 'nonconformist', 'spontaneous', 'unsure', 'wants', 'life', 'love', 'art', 'exhibition', 'catch', 'glimpse', 'artist', 'juan', 'antonio', 'gonzalo', 'cristina', 'intrigued', 'first', 'sight', 'grows', 'curious', 'judy', 'mark', 'tell', 'women', 'artist', 'suffered', 'violent', 'relationship', 'ex-wife', 'later', 'night', 'women', 'notice', 'across', 'room', 'restaurant', 'approaches', 'table', 'invite', 'join', 'weekend', 'city', 'oviedo', 'small', 'plane', 'flies', 'sight-seeing', 'drinking', 'wine', 'sex', 'cristina', 'accepts', 'offer', 'almost', 'vicky', 'unimpressed', 'brazenness', 'eventually', 'decides', 'accompany', 'friend', 'anyway', 'mainly', 'keep', 'eye', 'make', 'sure', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'get', 'trouble', 'end', 'first', 'day', 'juan', 'antonio', 'asks', 'women', 'come', 'room', 'vicky', 'refuses', 'cristina', 'agrees', 'though', 'falls', 'ill', 'anything', 'happens', 'remainder', 'weekend', 'vicky', 'juan', 'antonio', 'together', 'cristina', 'recuperates', 'trip', 'tells', 'former', 'wife', 'muse', 'mar챠a', 'elena', 'tumultuous', 'relationship', 'vicky\\\\', 'opinion', 'juan', 'antonio', 'begins', 'change', 'takes', 'visit', 'father', 'old', 'poet', 'late', 'night', 'attend', 'spanish', 'guitar', 'concert', 'afterwards', 'vicky', 'finally', 'succumbs', 'advances', 'way', 'back', 'home', 'next', 'day', 'juan', 'takes', 'back', 'barcelona', 'vicky', 'feeling', 'guilty', 'mention', 'incident', 'cristina', 'two', 'begin', 'grow', 'apart', 'vicky', 'throwing', 'catalan', 'culture', 'studies', 'cristina', 'taking', 'photography', 'cristina', 'quickly', 'moves', 'juan', 'antonio', 'meanwhile', 'doug', 'unexpectedly', 'telephones', 'vicky', 'suggesting', 'get', 'married', 'spain', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'flies', 'meet', 'one', 'night', 'cristina', 'juan', 'antonio', 'awakened', 'call', 'learning', 'juan\\\\', 'ex-wife', 'mar챠a', 'elena', 'attempted', 'kill', 'juan', 'antonio', 'brings', 'house', 'moves', 'guest', 'room', 'though', 'initially', 'mar챠a', 'elena', 'mistrusts', 'cristina', 'soon', 'grows', 'fond', 'photography', 'cristina', 'soon', 'realizes', 'ex-spouses', 'still', 'love', 'mar챠a', 'elena', 'confides', 'relationship', 'always', 'loving', 'unstable', 'missing', 'something', 'mystery', 'element', 'mar챠a', 'elena', 'suggests', 'missing', 'link', 'fact', 'cristina', 'three', 'become', 'polyamorous', 'cristina', 'discloses', 'events', 'life', 'vicky', 'appears', 'secretly', 'jealous', 'friend\\\\', 'relationship', 'juan', 'antonio', 'doug', 'disapproves', 'summer', 'winds', 'close', 'vicky', 'realizes', 'unsatisfied', 'married', 'life', 'still', 'attracted', 'juan', 'antonio', 'learns', 'judy', 'also', 'unhappy', 'marriage', 'confides', 'older', 'woman', 'judy', 'sees', 'vicky', 'younger', 'version', 'decides', 'bring', 'juan', 'antonio', 'vicky', 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'wade', 'grave', 'offers', 'include', 'life', 'grandson', 'shows', 'acknowledged', 'wade', 'son', 'headstone'], [\"'ian\", 'lafferty', 'shy', '18-year-old', 'high', 'school', 'graduate', 'well', 'virgin', 'jealous', 'success', 'best', 'friend', 'lance', 'johnson', 'enjoys', 'women', 'secretly', 'love', 'childhood', 'friend', 'felicia', 'alpine', 'believes', 'relationship', 'platonic', 'chats', 'online', 'ms.', 'tasty', 'practice', 'appearing', 'confident', 'women', 'eventually', 'agrees', 'meet', 'person', 'knoxville', 'tennessee', 'since', 'lives', 'brookfield', 'illinois', 'steals', 'extra', 'key', '1969', 'pontiac', 'gto', 'judge', 'belonging', 'homophobic', 'older', 'brother', 'rex', 'heads', 'lance', 'felicia', 'accompanies', 'well', 'ian', 'claims', 'intends', 'visit', 'sick', 'grandmother', 'along', 'way', 'endure', 'mishaps', 'hostile', 'encounters', 'hitchhikers', 'state', 'troopers', 'well', 'friendly', 'even', 'erotic', 'encounters', 'group', 'young', 'amish', 'engaging', 'rumspringa', 'ian\\\\', 'brother', 'pursues', 'encounter', 'ms.', 'tasty', 'proves', 'scheme', 'steal', 'cars', 'chop', 'shop', 'ian', 'felicia', 'admit', 'love', 'lance', 'ultimately', 'finds', 'happiness', 'amish', 'girl', 'named', 'mary', 'new', 'year\\\\', 'eve', 'ian', 'felicia', 'sex', 'couch', 'blanket', 'ian\\\\', 'basement', 'rex', 'comes'], [\"'in\", 'great', 'britain', 'vigil', 'night', 'nurse', 'anne', 'lee', 'takes', 'blame', 'fatal', 'error', 'made', 'sister', 'lucy', 'anne', 'shirley', 'also', 'nurse', 'forced', 'leave', 'hospital', 'work', 'moves', 'large', 'city', 'procures', 'job', 'another', 'hospital', 'falls', 'love', 'dr.', 'robert', 'prescott', 'overcoming', 'obstacles', 'personal', 'tragedy', 'along', 'way', 'anne', 'prescott', 'work', 'together', 'bring', 'better', 'conditions', 'care', 'sick', 'well', 'fighting', 'epidemic', 'threatens', 'overwhelm', 'around'], ['although', 'aspires', 'artist', 'middle', 'class', 'charles', 'ryder', 'studying', 'history', 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'anton', 'according', 'brother\\\\', 'wishes', 'daniel', 'becomes', 'successful', 'man', 'three', 'years', 'passed', 'since', 'andrea\\\\', 'party', 'one', 'day', 'daniel', 'decides', 'return', 'hometown', 'anton', 'andrea', 'monique', 'patiently', 'wait', 'friend', 'anton\\\\', 'someone', 'made', 'business', 'man', 'arrives', 'yacht', 'turns', 'daniel', 'everybody', 'surprised', 'especially', 'andrea', 'daniel', 'tries', 'win', 'monique\\\\', 'heart', 'attempts', 'make', 'andrea', 'jealous', 'andrea', 'point', 'jealous', 'fact', 'still', 'shocked', 'daniel\\\\', 'presence', 'faints', 'andrea', 'revived', 'night', 'daniel', 'comes', 'andrea', 'anton\\\\', 'house', 'speak', 'andrea', 'maid', 'helps', 'two', 'meet', 'backyard', 'revealed', 'feelings', 'changed', 'one', 'bit', 'daniel', 'tells', 'meet', 'later', 'lighthouse', 'andrea', 'goes', 'back', 'house', 'prepare', 'meeting', 'looks', 'locket', 'daniel', 'gave', 'three', 'years', 'back', 'anton', 'goes', 'room', 'couple', 'sleeps', 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'daniel', 'back', 'locket', 'next', 'night', 'andrea', 'anton', 'monique', 'daniel', 'dinner', 'together', 'beach', 'daniel', 'declares', 'yacht', 'arrived', 'days', 'ago', 'belongs', 'monique', 'also', 'like', 'anton', 'proposed', 'andrea', 'daniel', 'proposed', 'monique', 'necklace', 'shocked', 'surprised', 'monique', 'accepts', 'andrea', 'crushed', 'daniel', 'anton', 'talk', 'make', 'deal', 'anton', 'let', 'daniel', 'marry', 'sister', 'marry', 'move', 'somewhere', 'far', 'away', 'settle', 'daniel', 'agrees', 'meanwhile', 'monique', 'tells', 'andrea', 'excited', 'event', 'occurred', 'andrea', 'happy', 'friend', 'tells', 'marry', 'daniel', 'truly', 'heartbroken', 'wants', 'marry', 'make', 'andrea', 'jealous', 'monique', 'believe', 'leaves', 'andrea', 'anton', 'bed', 'andrea', 'begs', 'anton', 'let', 'sister', 'daniel', 'marry', 'shatter', 'heart', 'million', 'pieces', 'middle', 'night', 'andrea', 'wakes', 'seen', 'bathroom', 'clutching', 'stomach', 'seems', 'massive', 'pain', 'next', 'morning', 'still', 'asleep', 'anton', 'watching', 'starts', 'muttering', 'words', 'sleep', 'talking', 'daniel', 'saying', 'things', 'daniel', \"don\\\\'t\", \"don\\\\'t\", 'leave', 'anton', 'checks', 'feels', 'forehead', 'calls', 'doctor', 'examination', 'doctor', 'concludes', 'andrea', 'fever', 'take', 'special', 'medicine', 'get', 'rid', 'infection', 'causing', 'doctor', 'explains', 'give', 'andrea', 'antibiotics', 'could', 'harm', 'baby', 'anton', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'know', 'baby', 'doctor', 'states', 'andrea', 'fact', 'pregnant', 'ectopic', 'pregnancy', 'andrea', 'treated', 'soon', 'could', 'haemorrhage', 'severe', 'internal', 'bleeding', 'seeing', 'anton', 'could', 'able', 'impregnate', 'andrea', 'infertile', 'explanation', 'pregnancy', 'daniel', 'soon', 'doctor', 'leaves', 'anton', 'locks', 'andrea', 'bedroom', 'starts', 'beat', 'calls', 'shameless', 'whore', 'keeps', 'hitting', 'tries', 'get', 'walk', 'maid', 'monique', 'overhear', 'anton', 'andrea', 'outside', 'door', 'hear', 'daniel', 'got', 'andrea', 'pregnant', 'monique', 'cries', 'heartbroken', 'hearing', 'news', 'runs', 'daniel\\\\', 'house', 'tells', 'found', 'anton', 'keeps', 'hitting', 'andrea', 'despite', 'screaming', 'pleading', 'stop', 'falls', 'ground', 'anton', 'hit', 'sees', 'white', 'dress', 'wearing', 'blood', 'stops', 'realizes', 'mistake', 'daniel', 'kicks', 'door', 'runs', 'andrea\\\\', 'side', 'carries', 'house', 'word', 'said', 'anyone', 'daniel', 'takes', 'andrea', 'beach', 'talk', 'two', 'profess', 'undying', 'love', 'promise', 'live', 'other\\\\', 'memories', 'promise', 'made', 'andrea', 'dies', 'movie', 'brought', 'back', 'grandfather', 'beginning', 'movie', 'grandchildren', 'ask', 'andrea', 'still', 'alive', 'answers', 'yes', 'still', 'alive', 'right', 'heart', 'montage', 'shows', 'andrea', 'daniel', 'playing', 'together', 'beach', 'end', 'shows', 'clip', 'sand', 'hand', 'held', 'holding', 'locket', 'daniel', 'andrea\\\\', 'picture', 'implies', 'fact', 'daniel', 'last', 'memory', 'andrea', 'together', 'last'], ['museulmo', 'high', 'school', 'situated', 'somewhere', 'south', 'korea', 'may', 'typical', 'high', 'school', 'one', 'students', 'named', '쏱oor', 'girl', 'walks', 'around', 'stuffed', 'doll', 'draped', 'around', 'back', 'calls', '쏱overty.', 'name', 'implies', 'poor', 'poor', 'get', 'lives', 'mother', 'one', 'room', 'building', 'mother', 'chronically', 'ill', 'buried', 'debt', 'help', 'pay', 'mother', 'bills', 'poor', 'girl', 'turned', 'prostitution', 'support', 'family', 'carries', 'heavy', 'burden', 'guilt', 'shame', 'much', 'attempted', 'suicide', 'friend', 'seems', 'doll', '쏱overty.', 'meets', 'new', 'client', 'new', 'client', 'cross-dresser', 'looking', 'girl', 'play', 'sisters', 'poor', 'girl', 'able', 'share', 'problems', 'new', 'found', 'friend', 'meantime', 'dreams', 'dating', 'classmate', 'anthony', 'anthony', 'comes', 'rich', 'background', 'parents', 'diplomats', 'switzerland', 'everything', 'teenager', 'possibly', 'wish', 'good', 'looks', 'expensive', 'cars', 'suits', 'anthony', 'goes', 'life', 'enjoying', 'superficial', 'ways', 'meets', 'double', 'eyes', 'double', 'eyes', 'sibling', 'anthony', 'classmate', 'cyclops', 'bit', 'outcast', 'museulmo', 'high', 'school', 'name', 'indicates', 'one', 'eye', 'days', 'museulmo', 'high', 'school', 'filled', 'loneliness', 'object', 'pranks', 'jokes', 'waiting', 'sister', 'double', 'eyes', 'restaurant', 'cyclops', 'spotted', 'anthony', 'two', 'friends', 'one', 'anthony', 'friends', 'asks', 'cyclops', '쏡oes', 'sister', 'third', 'eye', 'anthony', 'friends', 'laugh', 'among', 'see', 'cyclops', 'sibling', 'named', 'double', 'eyes', 'double', 'eyes', 'beautiful', 'classmates', 'shock', 'anthony', 'immediately', 'falls', 'love', 'double', 'eyes', 'unfortunately', 'secret', 'double', 'eyes', 'lives', 'students', 'progress', 'museulmo', 'another', 'problem', 'soon', 'starts', 'emerge', 'students', 'never', 'shown', 'interest', 'education', 'suddenly', 'become', 'immersed', 'studying', 'preparing', 'college', 'entrance', 'exams', 'even', 'give', 'dating', 'classmates', 'find', 'really', 'going', 'museulmo', 'high', 'prepare', 'graduation'], ['plot', 'cute', 'bubbly', 'sally', 'malasmas', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'process', 'application', 'visa', 'obeying', 'parent', 'wish', 'small', 'family', 'reunited', 'rest', 'family', 'mom', 'dad', 'older', 'sister', 'charry', 'already', 'residing', 'states-side', 'worry', 'lonely', 'living', 'philippines', 'far', 'sally', 'concerned', 'simple', 'philippine', 'life', 'surrounded', 'loyal', 'loving', 'friends', 'co-workers', 'nearly', 'perfect', 'interview', 'things', 'goes', 'awry', 'application', 'gets', 'abruptly', 'denied', 'handsome', 'yet', 'dismissive', 'american', 'consul', 'derby', 'next', 'day', 'bewildered', 'wakes', 'one-night-stand', 'girl', 'picked', 'bar', 'night', 'due', 'notorious', 'manila', 'gridlock', 'misses', 'work', 'finds', 'instead', 'diverted', 'census', 'bureau', 'sally', 'incidentally', 'works', 'seeing', 'opportunity', 'revenge', 'sally', 'buries', 'inquiry', 'form', 'beneath', 'already', 'mounting', 'pile', 'paperwork', 'expected', 'waits', 'day', 'turn', 'sweltering', 'heat', 'hunger', 'gets', 'fed', 'finally', 'confronts', 'scheming', 'sally', 'gives', 'dose', 'medicine', 'nonchallantly', 'brushes', 'informing', 'form', 'processed', 'properly', 'incomplete', 'must', 'return', 'next', 'day', 'since', 'time', 'home', 'outraged', 'cries', 'foul', 'sally', 'supervisor', 'sides', 'thus', 'order', 'redeem', 'bureau', 'reputation', 'sally', 'ordered', 'stay', 'behind', 'hours', 'finds', 'information', 'needs', 'turns', 'cold', 'sullen', 'demeanor', 'due', 'agonizing', 'search', 'birth', 'parents', 'remaining', 'family', 'members', 'may', 'still', 'philippines', 'importantly', 'reason', 'given', 'adoption', 'question', 'gnawing', 'years', 'sympathizing', 'plight', 'sally', 'takes', 'upon', 'help', 'find', 'looking', 'common', 'purpose', 'pair', 'bonds', 'grows', 'closer', 'seems', 'different', 'idea', 'exactly', 'new-found', 'friendship', 'means', 'casual', 'relationships', 'women', 'conflicts', 'sally', 'traditional', 'old-fashioned', 'virtues', 'together', 'must', 'set', 'aside', 'differences', 'overcome', 'clashing', 'cultural', 'prejudices', 'ethnocentric', 'beliefs', 'otherwise', 'unsettled', 'issues', 'may', 'put', 'stopper', 'blossoming', 'romance', 'get', 'chance', 'realize', 'full', 'potential'], [\"'jessica\", 'moved', 'small', 'burgundian', 'town', 'm창con', 'paris', 'start', 'new', 'life', 'inspired', 'grandmother', 'madame', 'roux', 'always', 'loved', 'luxury', 'paris', 'initially', 'trouble', 'finding', 'work', 'spends', 'one', 'evening', 'without', 'shelter', 'eventually', 'gets', 'job', 'waitressing', 'small', 'caf챕', 'bar', 'des', 'th챕창tres', 'even', 'though', 'caf챕', 'following', 'tradition', 'never', 'hired', 'female', 'waiters', 'owner', 'hires', 'jessica', 'expecting', 'large', 'crowds', 'soon', 'needs', 'staff', 'caf챕', 'area', 'paris', 'close', 'several', 'artistic', 'venues', 'including', 'th챕창tre', 'des', 'champs-횋lys챕es', 'concert', 'hall', 'avenue', 'montaigne', 'one', 'backstage', 'staff', 'theatre', 'claudie', 'dani', 'helps', 'welcome', 'jessica', 'paris', 'working', 'caf챕', 'jessica', 'meets', 'number', 'people', 'dealing', 'various', 'life', 'crises', 'changes', 'catherine', 'actress', 'type-cast', 'role', 'popular', 'soap', 'opera', 'yearns', 'artistically', 'rewarding', 'work', 'alternating', 'soap', 'opera', 'production', 'georges', 'feydeau', 'play', 'rarely', 'getting', 'time', 'sleep', 'except', 'taxicabs', 'new', 'opportunity', 'arises', 'american', 'film', 'director', 'brian', 'sobinski', 'arrives', 'paris', 'cast', 'new', 'film', 'based', 'life', 'simone', 'beauvoir', 'jean-fran챌ois', 'world-renowned', 'pianist', 'wants', 'nothing', 'share', 'playing', 'would', 'appreciate', 'least', 'get', 'away', 'formal', 'classical', 'music', 'concerts', 'disconcerts', 'wife', 'valentine', 'also', 'manager', 'planning', 'done', 'career', 'jacques', 'art', 'collector', 'decided', 'sell', 'collection', 'towards', 'end', 'life', 'son', 'fr챕d챕ric', 'somewhat', 'strained', 'relationship', 'helped', 'fact', 'jacques', 'relationship', 'much', 'younger', 'val챕rie', 'fr챕d챕ric', 'affair', 'fr챕d챕ric', 'also', 'separated', 'wife', 'three', 'face', 'pivotal', 'turning', 'points', 'lives', 'night', 'jessica', 'thread', 'three'], ['gus', 'electrician', 'wants', 'purchase', 'bowling', 'alley', 'friends', 'problem', 'still', 'pays', 'alimony', 'ex-wife', 'leonora', 'gus', 'realizing', 'get', 'leonora', 'remarry', 'alimony', 'stops', 'attempts', 'match-make', 'leonora', 'various', 'men', 'james', 'gandolfini', 'small', 'part', 'one', 'lenora', 'would-be', 'suitors', 'course', 'match-making', 'gus', 'breaks', 'girlfriend', 'rita', 'gus', 'leonora', 'discover', 'still', 'care'], [\"'gauri\", 'found', 'injured', 'victim', 'bus', 'accident', 'travel', 'religious', 'places', 'throughout', 'india', 'taken', 'hospital', 'mercara', 'karnataka', 'doctor', 'declares', 'amnesia', 'due', 'accident', 'forgotten', 'past', 'gives', 'film', 'title', 'aptly', 'innale', 'meaning', 'yesterday', 'gauri', 'forgets', 'larger', 'past', 'starts', 'move', 'courage', 'towards', 'new', 'found', 'self', 'struggling', 'within', 'asking', 'questions', 'also', 'meets', 'mallicious', 'people', 'claim', 'well', 'wishers', 'taking', 'advantage', 'vulnerability', 'fights', 'help', 'brave', 'mr.', 'sharath', 'menon', 'protects', 'transition', 'become', 'new', 'maya', 'dr.', 'sandhya', 'treated', 'gauri', 'also', 'sharath\\\\', 'mother', 'comforts', 'gauri', 'allows', 'become', 'maya', 'though', 'worry', 'follow', 'sandhya', 'decides', 'meet', 'anyone', 'claim', 'gauri\\\\', 'family', 'could', 'help', 'gauri', 'maya', 'sharath', 'brings', 'actors', 'make', 'dr.', 'sandhya', 'believe', 'gauri', 'parents', 'get', 'mother\\\\', 'consent', 'marry', 'gauri', 'deeply', 'fallen', 'love', 'sandhya', 'choice', 'leave', 'young', 'lovers', 'fate', 'meanwhile', 'dr.', 'narendran', 'gauri\\\\', 'husband', 'starts', 'search', 'lost', 'wife', 'much', 'searching', 'friends', 'resources', 'finally', 'gets', 'information', 'girl', 'accident', 'victim', 'hill', 'station', 'calls', 'sandhya', 'birthday', 'party', 'doctor', 'also', 'announces', 'engagement', 'maya', 'son', 'sharath', 'sandhya', 'shocked', 'informs', 'son', 'dr.', 'narendran\\\\', 'phone', 'call', 'narendran', 'reminiscences', 'memories', 'beautiful', 'days', 'spent', 'lovely', 'wife', 'gauri', 'three', 'main', 'characters', 'meet', 'last', 'old', 'house', 'covered', 'mist', 'haunting', 'valley', 'scene', 'talks', 'silence', 'narendran', 'passes', 'mist', 'find', 'completely', 'transformed', 'gauri', 'becomes', 'speechless', 'seeing', 'wife', 'watch', 'talk', 'like', 'complete', 'stranger', 'decides', 'indeed', 'become', 'new', 'person', 'would', 'unfair', 'bring', 'sorrow', 'revealing', 'truth', 'wife', 'tears', 'fill', 'sad', 'eyes', 'unable', 'believe', 'failed', 'recognise', 'final', 'dialogue', 'sharath', 'happily', 'asks', 'person', 'looking', 'right', 'narendran', 'answers', 'shaking', 'head', 'heart', 'wrenching', 'moment', 'understands', 'sharath', 'maya', 'deeply', 'love', 'leaves', 'haste', 'last', 'scene', 'shows', 'bewildered', 'maya', 'sharath', 'staring', 'leaving', 'abruptly', 'without', 'drinking', 'tea', 'made', 'narendran\\\\', 'sadness', 'forever', 'maya', 'regain', 'past', 'unanswered', 'questions', 'remain', 'lurking', 'mist', 'around', 'film', 'warns', 'life', 'change', 'almost', 'unapologetically', 'change', 'boon', 'many', 'horrible', 'disaster', 'many', 'others'], ['lucy', 'frustrated', 'erotic', 'novelist', 'exploring', 'whether', 'weekend', 'sexual', 'passion', 'sloan', 'bisexual', 'poet', 'liberate', 'writer', 'block'], [\"'panama\", 'lady', 'cleaned-up', 'remake', '1932', 'helen', 'twelvetrees', 'vehicle', 'panama', 'flo', 'lucille', 'ball', 'essays', 'old', 'twelvetrees', 'role', 'lucy', 'nightclub', 'hostess', 'stranded', 'panama', 'ex-lover', 'roy', 'victimized', 'shakedown', 'orchestrated', 'roy', 'oil', 'rigger', 'mcteague', 'holds', 'lucy', 'responsible', 'avoid', 'landing', 'jail', 'lucy', 'agrees', 'accompany', 'mcteague', 'oil', 'camp', 'housekeeper', 'assuming', 'she\\\\', 'brought', 'godforsaken', 'spot', 'sexual', 'purposes', 'lucy', 'eventually', 'realizes', 'mcteague\\\\', 'intentions', 'honorable', 'wants', 'money', 'back', 'expects', 'heroine', 'work', 'debt', 'feet', 'ultimately', 'lucy', 'mcteague', 'fall', 'love', 'scurrilous', 'roy', 're-enters', 'life'], ['kitty', 'foyle', 'saleswoman', 'delphine', 'detaille', 'faces', 'life-changing', 'decision', 'marry', 'doctor', 'mark', 'eisen', 'james', 'craig', 'run', 'away', 'south', 'america', 'man', 'love', 'years', 'already-married', 'wyn', 'strafford', 'wrestles', 'decision', 'film', 'flashes', 'back', 'youth', 'philadelphia', 'teenager', 'kitty', 'gawks', 'city\\\\', 'elite', 'main', 'liners', 'attend', 'annual', 'assembly', 'ball', 'father', 'warns', 'getting', 'carried', 'away', 'fantasies', 'ironically', 'kitty', 'meets', 'embodiment', 'dreams', 'acquaintance', 'wynnewood', 'strafford', 'wyn', 'offers', 'secretarial', 'job', 'fledgling', 'magazine', 'two', 'fall', 'deeply', 'love', 'magazine', 'folds', 'defy', 'social', 'class\\\\', 'strictures', 'proposing', 'woman', 'far', 'socially', 'death', 'father', 'prospect', 'marriage', 'wyn', 'kitty', 'goes', 'work', 'new', 'york', 'delphine', 'one', 'day', 'presses', 'burglar', 'alarm', 'button', 'mistake', 'delphine\\\\', 'fashion', 'store', 'pretends', 'faint', 'cover', 'blunder', 'attended', 'mark', 'mark', 'aware', 'faking', 'playfully', 'blackmails', 'first', 'date', 'wyn', 'finally', 'breaks', 'comes', 'kitty', 'two', 'wed', 'agree', 'way', 'marriage', 'work', 'live', 'philadelphia', 'introduces', 'family', 'gets', 'chilly', 'reception', 'also', 'learns', 'wyn', 'would', 'disinherited', 'left', 'penniless', 'remain', 'philadelphia', 'work', 'family', 'banking', 'business', 'realizes', 'though', 'wyn', 'willing', 'try', 'strong', 'enough', 'deal', 'poverty', 'walks', 'divorced', 'kitty', 'returns', 'new', 'york', 'learns', 'pregnant', 'wyn', 'arranges', 'meet', 'hopes', 'reconciliation', 'raised', 'dashed', 'sees', 'newspaper', 'announcement', 'wyn\\\\', 'engagement', 'someone', 'class', 'leaves', 'without', 'seeing', 'receives', 'blow', 'baby', 'dies', 'birth', 'several', 'years', 'later', 'kitty', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'open', 'philadelphia', 'branch', 'store', 'friend', 'delphine', 'chance', 'waits', 'wyn\\\\', 'wife', 'meets', 'son', 'takes', 'opportunity', 'entrust', 'secret', 'return', 'family', 'heirloom', 'ring', 'boy', 'film', 'returns', 'beginning', 'decides', 'marry', 'mark'], [\"'in\", 'ancient', 'times', 'india', 'time', 'children', 'got', 'married', 'time', 'comes', 'live', 'together.this', 'film', 'surely', 'tells', 'story', 'marriage', 'tells', 'greatly', 'village', 'circa', 'british', 'rule', 'india', 'lives', 'young', 'school-going', 'male', 'named', 'amal', 'shortly', 'get', 'married', 'girl', 'named', 'rajni.the', 'traditional', 'ritual-filled', 'marriage', 'takes', 'place', 'young', 'couple', 'left', 'alone', 'days', 'two', 'develop', 'love', 'friendship', 'rajni', 'must', 'return', 'parents', 'house', 'amal', 'continues', 'studies', 'school', 'home', 'masterji', 'elderly', 'teacher', 'life', 'enlivened', 'occasionally', 'rajni', 'permitted', 'visit', 'rajni', 'next', 'visit', 'scheduled', 'durga', 'pooja', 'come', 'instead', 'comes', 'vijay', 'dashami', 'stay', 'couple', 'nights', 'going', 'tirth', 'yatra', 'family', 'scheduled', 'visit', 'holy', 'places', 'india', 'namely', 'benaras', 'gaya', 'mathura', 'vrindavan', 'hardwar', 'nasik', 'hrishikesh', 'dwarka', 'rameshwaram', 'kamakshya', 'puri', 'konarak', 'could', 'happen', 'little', 'world', 'shattered', 'gentle', 'masterji', 'arrested', 'police', '쏤reedom-fighter', 'harboring', 'training', 'fugitives', 'making', 'explosives', 'watch', 'whether', 'incident', 'impact', 'amal', 'rajni', 'otherwise'], ['retired', 'judge', 'shyamlal', 'kumar', 'lives', 'palatial', 'home', 'wife', 'son', 'arvind', 'studying', 'law', 'way', 'becoming', 'lawyer', 'arvind', 'meets', 'beautiful', 'asha', 'shastri', 'fall', 'love', 'asha', 'introduces', 'arvind', 'astrologer', 'father', 'chintamani', 'instantly', 'approves', 'arvind', 'arvind', 'parents', 'asha', 'chintamani', 'sees', 'dark', 'future', 'young', 'couple', 'withdraws', 'blessings', 'asks', 'marry', 'spooked', 'shyamlal', 'wife', 'also', 'ask', 'arvind', 'marry', 'someone', 'else', 'arvind', 'asha', 'start', 'living', 'together', 'causes', 'anger', 'conservative', 'community', 'blacklisted', 'asha', 'becomes', 'pregnant', 'know', 'arvind', 'met', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'neelam', 'shukla', 'believes', 'arvind', 'bachelor', 'wants', 'marry', 'cost', 'saddened', 'father', 'death', 'last', 'warning', 'asha', 'touch', 'dead', 'body', 'pregnant', 'asha', 'leaves', 'arvind', 'oblivion', 'haridwar', 'joins', 'ashram', 'gives', 'birth', 'son', 'works', 'nurse', 'dehradun', 'meanwhile', 'arvind', 'gives-in', 'parents', 'wish', 'marry', 'neelam', 'turn', 'events', 'judge', 'arvind', 'shifts', 'dehradun', 'unknowingly', 'gets', 'in-touch', 'son', 'neelam', 'pregnancy', 'gets', 'complicated', 'doctors', 'could', 'save', 'child', 'neelam', 'longer', 'become', 'mother', 'arvind', 'meets', 'asha', 'hospital', 'enquires', 'son', 'finally', 'would', 'like', 'adopt', 'asha', 'gives', 'husband', 'wish', 'boy', 'comes', 'arvind', 'neelam', 'home', 'letter', 'neelam', 'gets', 'letter', 'becomes', 'furious', 'reading', 'returns', 'boy', 'asha', 'drives', 'madly', 'back', 'home', 'arvind', 'tries', 'explain', 'recklessly', 'driving', 'help', 'neelam', 'rams', 'car', 'running', 'train', 'seriously', 'injuring', 'arvind', 'dies', 'listening', 'arvind', 'asha', 'story', 'arvind', 'brought', 'hospital', 'verge', 'death', 'marries', 'asha', 'thinking', 'anyway', 'die', 'doctor', 'takes', 'operation', 'theatre', 'asha', 'father', 'prediction', 'come', 'true', 'arvind', 'live', 'getting', 'married', 'asha'], [\"'nisha\", 'accomplished', 'architect', 'reclusive', 'tragic', 'death', 'boyfriend', 'shashi', 'saigal', 'karan', 'saxena', 'offers', 'employment', 'advertising', 'agency', 'accepts', 'though', 'knows', 'karan', 'newly', 'married', 'timsi', 'resembles', 'shashi', 'lot', 'anything', 'power', 'get', '...'], ['vikram', 'proud', 'wealthy', 'man', 'adores', 'motherless', 'daughter', 'chandni', 'widowed', 'early', 'brought', 'daughter', 'chandni', 'son', 'sanjay', 'sacrificing', 'personal', 'happiness', 'choosing', 'secret', 'relationship', 'marriage', 'maya', 'vijay', 'comes', 'chandni', 'life', 'steals', 'heart', 'realize', 'course', 'true', 'love', 'never', 'runs', 'smooth', 'father', 'disapproval', 'impending', 'arranged', 'marriage', 'threatens', 'love', 'chandni', 'vijay'], ['plot', 'old', 'baghdad', 'impoverished', 'poet', 'goes', 'marketplace', 'sell', 'rhymes', 'food', 'poet', 'set', 'shop', 'spot', 'usually', 'reserved', 'man', 'named', 'hajj', 'men', 'kidnap', 'poet', 'take', 'desert', 'tent', 'jawan', 'elderly', 'thief', 'jawan', 'assuming', 'poet', 'hajj', 'orders', 'reverse', 'curse', 'hajj', 'put', 'fifteen', 'years', 'ago', 'led', 'kidnapping', 'jawan\\\\', 'beloved', 'son', 'poet', 'asks', 'one', 'hundred', 'gold', 'pieces', 'reverse', 'curse', 'jawan', 'agrees', 'returns', 'baghdad', 'look', 'son', 'baghdad', 'huge', 'procession', 'welcomes', 'lalume', 'favorite', 'wife', 'wazir', 'back', 'ababu', 'king', 'ababu', 'willing', 'give', 'wazir', 'badly', 'needed', 'loan', 'wazir', 'arranges', 'one', 'three', 'daughters', 'marry', 'young', 'caliph', 'meanwhile', 'caliph', 'traveling', 'incognito', 'sees', 'poet\\\\', 'daughter', 'marsinah', 'immediately', 'attracted', 'marsinah', 'falls', 'love', 'caliph', 'thinks', 'gardener', 'arrange', 'meet', 'garden', 'night', 'poet', 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'poet', 'palace', 'poet', 'orchestrates', 'elaborate', 'curse-reversal', 'scheme', 'enables', 'sneak', 'finds', 'daughter', 'marsinah', 'convinces', 'killed', 'unless', 'flee', 'baghdad', 'despite', 'marsinah\\\\', 'protests', '봲he', 'wants', 'wait', 'rendezvous', 'see', 'procession', '봳hey', 'flee', 'word', 'spreads', 'caliph\\\\', 'bride', 'caliph', 'came', 'claim', 'since', 'curse', 'reversal', 'seemed', 'worked', 'poet', 'leaves', 'marsinah', 'returns', 'palace', 'wazir', 'wants', 'kill', 'poet', 'believes', 'dangerous', 'supernatural', 'powers', 'lalume', 'convinces', 'husband', 'keep', 'poet', 'palace', 'use', 'power', 'poet', 'tells', 'lalume', 'worried', 'marsinah', 'lalume', 'suggests', 'come', 'live', 'palace', 'marsinah', 'arrives', 'confesses', 'fallen', 'love', 'know', 'beloved\\\\', 'name', 'lalume', 'hides', 'marsinah', 'harem', 'protection', 'meanwhile', 'caliph\\\\', 'men', 'search', 'baghdad', 'marsinah', 'wazir', 'suggest', 'caliph', 'marry', 'three', 'princesses', 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'soon-to-be-widowed', 'lalume', 'thus', 'poet', 'weds', 'lalume', 'caliph', 'weds', 'marsinah', '봞ll', 'course', 'single', 'day'], [\"'andr챕\", 'frenchman', 'divorced', 'wife', 'takes', 'teenage', 'daughter', 'nicole', 'vacation', 'desperate', 'appear', 'woman', 'girl', 'order', 'impress', 'local', 'boy', 'ben', 'makes', 'ridiculous', 'stories', 'starting', 'andr챕', 'lover', 'leading', 'bizarre', 'assumptions', 'rest', 'community', 'andr챕', 'desperate', 'make', 'nicole', 'happy', 'plays', 'along', 'crazy', 'games', 'stories', 'make', 'get', 'increasingly', 'bizarre'], ['david', 'coleman', 'young', 'doctor', 'hired', 'hospital', 'pathology', 'department', 'head', 'department', 'dr.', 'joseph', 'pearson', 'sees', 'coleman', 'rival', 'fight', 'many', 'medical', 'issues', 'coleman', 'falls', 'love', 'cathy', 'hunt', 'nurse', 'hospital', 'develops', 'tumor', 'knee', 'pearson', 'believes', 'tumor', 'malignant', 'leg', 'amputated', 'coleman', 'disagrees', 'coleman', 'orders', 'three', 'blood', 'tests', 'mrs.', 'alexander', 'expectant', 'mother', 'whose', 'baby', 'may', 'hemolytic', 'disease', 'pearson', 'believes', 'tests', 'excessive', 'cancels', 'third', 'test', 'mrs.', 'alexander', 'married', 'young', 'intern', 'hospital', 'along', 'coleman', 'tried', 'push', 'third', 'test', 'baby', 'born', 'seriously', 'ill', 'dr.', 'charles', 'dornberger', 'mrs.', 'alexander', 'ob/gyn', 'berates', 'pearson', 'conducts', 'blood', 'transfusion', 'save', 'baby', 'life', 'pearson', 'future', 'hospital', 'becomes', 'uncertain', 'resigns', 'coleman', 'changed', 'mind', 'cathy', 'tumor', 'agrees', 'pearson', 'decision', 'pearson', 'says', 'coleman', 'reminds', 'young', 'urges', 'let', 'hospital', 'bureaucracy', 'wear'], ['chorus', 'girl', 'given', 'top', 'billing', 'broke', 'producer', 'show', 'rumours', 'link', 'millionaire', 'played', 'david', 'niven', 'scotland'], ['danny', 'saxophonist', 'travelling', 'band', 'witnesses', 'gangland', 'murder', 'band', 'manager', 'deaf', 'mute', 'girl', 'witness', 'dancehall', 'south', 'armagh', 'danny', 'tries', 'hunt', 'murderers', 'relationship', 'deirdre', 'singer', 'band', 'falls', 'apart', 'becomes', 'murderer'], [\"'red\", 'doors', 'tells', 'story', 'wongs', 'bizarrely', 'dysfunctional', 'chinese-american', 'family', 'living', 'new', 'york', 'suburbs', 'wong', 'retired', 'plots', 'escape', 'mundane', 'life', 'however', 'tumultuous', 'madcap', 'lives', 'three', 'rebellious', 'daughters', 'change', 'plans', 'samantha', 'eldest', 'daughter', 'tough', 'new', 'york', 'businesswoman', 'engaged', 'prominent', 'young', 'man', 'festering', 'beneath', 'controlled', 'surface', 'however', 'deep-rooted', 'resentment', 'pushed', 'onto', 'straight', 'narrow', 'path', 'nears', 'thirtieth', 'birthday', 'samantha', 'begins', 'reevaluate', 'career', 'love', 'life', 'runs', 'old', 'high', 'school', 'flame', 'visit', 'hometown', 'samantha', 'thrust', 'soul-searching', 'journey', 'compels', 'reexamine', 'lived', 'life', 'julie', 'shy', 'middle', 'sister', 'fourth-year', 'medical', 'student', 'whose', 'social', 'outlet', 'weekly', 'ballroom', 'dance', 'class', 'julie', 'always', 'quiet', 'center', 'wong', 'family', 'storm', 'however', 'julie', 'world', 'turned', 'upside', 'meets', 'mia', 'scarlett', 'lesbian', 'movie', 'star', 'researching', 'next', 'role', 'hospital', 'sets', 'julie', 'heart', 'aflame', 'julie', 'grapples', 'difficulties', 'dating', 'celebrity', 'also', 'tries', 'keep', 'family', 'falling', 'apart', 'katie', 'youngest', 'sister', 'disaffected', 'high', 'school', 'senior', 'engages', 'elaborate', 'prank', 'war', 'simon', 'longtime', 'neighbor', 'nemesis', 'pranks', 'start', 'innocuously', 'incidents', 'rapidly', 'escalate', 'dangerous', 'proportions', 'two', 'finally', 'discover', 'peculiar', 'brand', 'emotional', 'connection', 'disappears', 'decides', 're-visit', 'history', 'old', 'vhs', 'footage', 'wong', 'family', 'stark', 'contrast', 'happier', 'past', 'colder', 'reality', 'present', 'compel', 'leave', 'home', 'yet', 'wongs', 'may', 'longer', 'able', 'verbally', 'express', 'feelings', 'daughters', 'learn', 'communicate', 'stories', 'images', 'past', 'plot', 'follows', 'stories', 'member', 'family'], ['raw', 'welsh', 'novelist', 'venice', 'humiliated', 'money-loving', 'frenchwoman', 'erotically', 'ensnares'], ['movie', 'lives', 'kim', 'ji-hoon', 'choi', 'su-wan', 'years', 'old', 'su-wan', 'second', 'year', 'university', 'ji-hoon', 'still', 'process', 'repeating', 'third', 'year', 'high', 'school', 'su-wan', 'mother', 'works', 'family', 'business', 'selling', 'fried', 'chicken', 'help', 'su-wan', 'earns', 'money', 'tutoring', 'children', 'often', 'gets', 'fired', 'hitting', 'students', 'mother', 'rich', 'friend', 'son', 'need', 'tutor', 'friend', 'kim', 'ji-hoon', 'mother', 'wants', 'tutor', 'make', 'son', 'study', 'pass', 'exams', 'salary', 'able', 'pay', 'entire', 'semester', 'su-wan', 'college', 'education', 'ji-hoon', 'always', 'able', 'attract', 'girls', 'draw', 'attention', 'love', 'fighting', 'fought', 'new', 'high', 'school', 'surim', 'high', 'school', 'managed', 'offend', 'jong-seo', 'lee', 'leader', 'triad', 'group', 'surim', 'able', 'attract', 'girlfriend', 'ho-gyung', 'yan', 'fighting', 'problems', 'everyone', 'including', 'entire', 'gang', 'high', 'school', 'beat', 'member', 'another', 'gang', 'took', 'things', 'little', 'brother', 'besides', 'studying', 'ji-hoon', 'actually', 'fairly', 'well', 'rounded', 'child', 'ji-hoon', 'sent', 'america', 'study', 'abroad', 'parents', 'decision', 'relationship', 'ji-hoon', 'becomes', 'strained', 'ji-hoon', 'father', 'kim', 'bong-man', 'threatening', 'send', 'back', 'usa', 'continues', 'get', 'trouble', 'fighting', 'bad', 'grades', 'avoid', 'sent', 'back', 'america', 'ji-hoon', 'needs', 'get', 'least', 'upcoming', 'mid-term', 'exams', 'problem', 'usual', 'average', 'mark', 'much', 'lower', 'make', 'yes', 'manages', 'end', 'term', 'barely', 'ends', 'passing', 'grade', 'passing', 'nonetheless', 'result', 'bet', 'two', 'ji-hoon', 'su-wan', 'su-wan', 'must', 'dance', 'front', 'crowd', 'festival', 'taking', 'place', 'embarrassed', 'shy', 'first', 'eventually', 'gets', 'really', 'dancing', 'audience', 'ji-hoon', 'starting', 'really', 'like', 'su-wan', 'point', 'angry', 'sees', 'guys', 'watching', 'running', 'stage', 'near', 'point', 'also', 'su-wan', 'boyfriend', 'comes', 'back', 'home', 'spying', 'couple', 'ji-hoon', 'learns', 'su-wan', 'boyfriend', 'breaking', 'next', 'day', 'ji-hoon', 'shows', 'house', 'beats', 'leaving', 'later', 'however', 'finds', 'reason', 'leaving', 'su-wan', 'becoming', 'priest', 'service', 'ji-hoon', 'lets', 'su-wan', 'beat', 'little', 'bit', 'settles', 'decides', 'take', 'sky', 'sailing', 'ji-hoon', 'decides', 'tell', 'su-wan', 'likes', 'su-wan', 'know', 'respond', 'pretends', 'hear', 'later', 'amusement', 'park', 'ji-hoon', 'give', 'su-wan', 'present', 'su-wan', 'sees', 'close', 'friend', 'park', 'boyfriend', 'friend', 'su-wan', 'previously', 'confided', 'dealing', 'student', 'originally', 'su-wan', 'friend', 'thought', 'ji-hoon', 'boyfriend', 'su-wan', 'however', 'says', 'would', 'never', 'makes', 'ji-hoon', 'mad', 'throws', 'present', 'fountain', 'leaves', 'eventually', 'ji-hoon', 'fighting', 'catches', 'near', 'end', 'movie', 'ji-hoon', 'deal', 'problems', 'building', 'first', 'girlfriend', 'mad', 'making', 'choose', 'su-wan', 'chooses', 'su-wan', 'finished', 'still', 'needs', 'deal', 'high', 'school', 'gang', 'real', 'gang', 'members', 'ji-hoon', 'su-wan', 'manage', 'run', 'away', 'little', 'bit', 'get', 'cornered', 'ji-hoon', 'fight', 'everyone', 'beach', 'gang', 'members', 'ji-hoon', 'still', 'deal', 'best', 'fighter', 'ji-hoon', 'man', 'mercy', 'su-wan', 'able', 'save', 'ji-hoon', 'su-wan', 'ji-hoon', 'drive', 'away', 'su-wan', 'motor', 'skooter', 'su-wan', 'driving', 'ji-hoon', 'sits', 'behind', 'holds', 'waist', 'together', 'end', 'movie', 'ties', 'su-wan', 'ji-hoon', 'becoming', 'boyfriend', 'girlfriend'], ['film', 'revolves', 'around', 'jency', 'close', 'friend', 'ganesh', 'ganesh', 'decides', 'open', 'heart', 'express', 'love', 'informs', 'would', 'engaged', 'nicholas', 'rich', 'entrepreneur', 'london', 'film', 'somewhat', 'similar', 'hindi', 'film', 'humko', 'deewana', 'kar', 'gaye', 'nicholas', 'sponsors', 'jency', 'mother', 'surgery', 'known', 'well', 'nicholas', 'jealous', 'sadistic', 'youth', 'jency', 'decides', 'marry', 'token', 'gratitude', 'life', 'turns', 'miserable', 'engagement', 'wedding', 'ganesh', 'steps', 'saves', 'troubles', 'ganesh', 'nicholas', 'cross', 'swords'], [\"'katyusha\", 'country', 'girl', 'seduced', 'abandoned', 'prince', 'dimitry', 'dimitry', 'finds', 'years', 'later', 'jury', 'trying', 'katyusha', 'crime', 'realizes', 'actions', 'drove', 'follows', 'imprisonment', 'siberia', 'intent', 'redeeming', 'well.http', '//www.imdb.com/title/tt0018318/', 'resurrection'], ['plot', 'curfew', 'bells', 'ringing', 'night', 'paris', 'man', 'drunken', 'girlfriend', 'jacqueline', 'walk', 'street', 'pierre', 'gilieth', 'comes', 'house', 'looking', 'frightened', 'pierre', 'gilieth', 'jacqueline', 'accidentally', 'collide', 'consumed', 'distraction', 'pierre', 'gilieth', 'decides', 'walk', 'away', 'leaves', 'streak', 'blood', 'jacqueline\\\\', 'dress', 'immediately', 'realizes', 'dress', 'stained', 'blood', 'gasps', 'film', 'cuts', 'peering', 'venetian', 'blinds', 'barcelona', 'detective', 'follows', 'around', 'town', 'pierre', 'gilieth', 'meets', 'fellow', 'frenchmen', 'bar', 'pick', 'pocket', 'give', 'identifications', 'away', 'detective', 'pierre', 'gilieth', 'finds', 'tries', 'fight', 'thieves', 'refuses', 'police', 'investigate', 'matter', 'end', 'resources', 'rejected', 'sailor', 'merchant', 'ship', 'decides', 'join', 'spanish', 'foreign', 'legion', 'seeing', 'placard', 'story', 'spanish', 'civil', 'war', 'top', 'placard', 'reads', 'spanish', 'republic', 'law', 'july', '1934', 'many', 'fellow', 'legionnaires', 'joined', 'destitution', 'frenchman', 'fernando', 'lucas', 'played', 'robert', 'vigan', 'money', 'cigarettes', 'barhopping', 'legionnaires', 'impression', 'money', 'sent', 'mother', 'reason', 'joining', 'legion', 'desertion', 'french', 'army', 'lucas', 'drops', 'identification', 'card', 'quickly', 'hides', 'gilieth', 'becomes', 'wary', 'lucas', 'hiding', 'something', 'gilieth', 'follows', 'advice', 'best', 'friend', 'mulot', 'played', 'raymond', 'aimos', 'pick', 'lucas', 'pocket', 'night', 'read', 'fails.la', 'bandera', 'info', 'spanish', 'civil', 'wars', 'spanish', 'accessed', 'nov', '2010', 'thus', 'gilieth', 'feeds', 'newspaper', 'clipping', 'carrying', 'around', 'announcing', '50,000', 'franc', 'reward', 'capture', 'culprit', 'crime', 'rue', 'st-vincent', 'swine', 'base', 'pen', 'hoping', 'get', 'rid', 'dark', 'memories', 'brings', 'lucas', 'shows', 'invites', 'get', 'drink', 'soon', 'bar', 'lucas', 'manages', 'anger', 'gilieth', 'point', 'fist', 'fight', 'shortly', 'unit', 'legionnaires', 'bandera', 'ready', 'move', 'south', 'gilieth', 'able', 'convince', 'captain', 'played', 'pierre', 'renoir', 'lucas', 'transferred', 'another', 'location', 'account', 'violation', 'personal', 'space', 'indeed', 'bandera', 'departs', 'detective', 'barcelona', 'comes', 'talks', 'lucas', 'mulot', 'tries', 'cheer', 'gilieth', 'bringing', 'local', 'establishment', 'dancing', 'girls', 'meets', 'aisha', 'slaoui', 'native', 'portrayed', 'annabella', 'marks', 'forehead', 'chin', 'immediately', 'falls', 'love', 'proposes', 'soon', 'finds', 'appropriate', 'gypsy', 'wedding', 'ceremony', 'involves', 'mutually', 'making', 'cut', 'mate\\\\', 'forearms', 'licking', 'blood', 'wishing', 'get', 'away', 'lucas', 'gilieth', 'plans', 'escape', 'people', 'south', 'rabat', 'become', 'one', 'still', 'needs', 'deal', 'lucas', 'time', 'commands', 'lie', 'love', 'entertain', 'lucas', 'even', 'whatever', 'asks', 'tells', 'really', 'lucas', 'tries', 'get', 'aisha', 'leave', 'gilieth', 'woman', 'gilieth', 'confronts', 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'pauses', 'moment', 'sergeant', 'picks', 'first', 'twelve', 'left', 'right', 'includes', 'main', 'cast', 'scene', 'follows', 'many', 'stereotypes', 'genre', 'important', 'moroccan', 'combatant', 'ever', 'depicted', 'presented', 'supremely', 'concealed', 'snipers', 'plot', 'elements', 'involve', 'poisoned', 'water', 'men', 'try', 'get', 'safe', 'supply', 'get', 'shot', 'valor', 'fighter', 'plane', 'appears', 'several', 'unit', 'get', 'shot', 'either', 'friendly', 'fire', 'legionnaires', 'surmise', 'enemy', 'pilot', 'captain', 'weller', 'sensing', 'minutes', 'live', 'tells', 'gilieth', 'take', 'point', 'lucas', 'informs', 'captain', 'weller', 'police', 'spy', 'shown', 'identification', 'card', 'captain', 'furious', 'tells', 'leave', 'men', 'alone', 'real', 'legionnaire', 'depart', 'survive', 'shortly', 'captain', 'dies', 'heat', 'stroke', 'exhaustion', 'two', 'remain', 'gilieth', 'lucas', 'main', 'force', 'charges', 'hill', 'machine', 'guns', 'blazing', 'sweep', 'enemy', 'positions', 'yet', 'moment', 'victory', 'gilieth', 'gets', 'shot', 'sniper', 'leaving', 'lucas', 'answer', 'roll', 'call', 'twenty-four', 'killed', 'action', 'except', 'gilieth', 'promoted', 'battlefield', 'corporal', 'killed', 'action', 'present', 'returning', 'aisha', 'gives', 'back', 'coin', 'saying', 'gilieth', 'died', 'thinking'], [\"'plummer\", 'plays', 'fitz', 'wynn', 'truly', 'talented', 'overly-satisfied', 'stage', 'actor', 'wants', 'star', 'new', 'movie', 'written', 'wife', 'lily', 'feel', 'fitz', 'right', 'part', 'explains', 'looking', 'role', 'fitz', 'proceeds', 'orchestrate', 'transformation', 'roberto', 'terranova', 'blonde', 'italian', 'seems', 'exactly', 'lily', 'wants'], ['guy', 'named', 'ron', 'finally', 'settled', 'decided', 'marry', 'girlfriend', 'melinda', 'met', 'two', 'months', 'ago', 'brother', 'todd', 'hates', 'ron', 'tries', 'persuade', 'melinda', 'marrying', 'use', 'money', 'tries', 'talk', 'melinda', 'wedding', 'tries', 'show', 'ron', 'really', 'decided', 'make', 'wild', 'bachelor', 'party', 'hope', 'catching', 'ron', 'canceling', 'wedding'], ['gary', 'hustler', 'walking', 'streets', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'looking', 'business', 'way', 'saves', 'young', 'deaf', 'transvestite', 'group', 'gay', 'bashers', 'regrets', 'afterwards', 'transvestite', 'becomes', 'infatuated', 'gary', 'follows', 'everywhere', 'gary', 'introduces', 'transvestite', 'friends', 'valentino', 'former', 'porn', 'star', 'mary', 'carmen', 'latina', 'works', 'doughnut', 'shop', 'waitress', 'love', 'valentino', 'living', 'time', 'together', 'form', 'bohemian', 'family', 'includes', 'veronica', 'still-active', 'porn', 'star', 'nat', 'tattoo', 'artist', 'gary', 'also', 'love', 'valentino', 'dying', 'aids', 'stages', 'disease', 'mary', 'carmen', 'gary', 'argue', 'kind', 'care', 'receiving', 'going', 'supply', 'care', 'valentino', 'draws', 'near', 'death', 'mary', 'carmen', 'finds', 'carrying', 'valentino', 'baby', 'three', 'take', 'stock', 'relationships', 'one', 'another'], ['aaftab', 'dhananjay', 'two', 'step', 'brothers', 'meet', 'first', 'time', 'one', 'selfish', 'approach', 'life', 'aaftab', 'petty', 'smuggler', 'specializing', 'smuggling', 'goods', 'across', 'rajasthan', 'border', 'pakistan', 'whilst', 'dhananjay', 'corporate', 'yuppy', 'city', 'high-flying', 'lifestyle', 'aaftab', 'love', 'rukshana', 'rejected', 'family', 'illegitimate', 'dhanajay', 'dating', 'ragini', 'father', 'death', 'contend', 'brothers', 'meet', 'first', 'time', 'instantly', 'loathe', 'nothing', 'common', 'one', 'night', 'aaftab', 'blows', 'loaded', 'truck', 'trying', 'steal', 'attracts', 'mass', 'unwanted', 'enforcers', 'soon', 'aaftab', 'forced', 'send', 'dhananjay', 'trap', 'ends', 'handcuffed', 'escaping', 'border', 'security', 'force', 'central', 'bureau', 'investigation', 'border', 'mafia', 'attempting', 'incriminate', 'brothers', 'anti-national', 'activities', 'murder', 'escape', 'foot', 'motorbikes', 'cars', 'stolen', 'trucks', 'aaftab', 'tied', 'undercarriage', 'moving', 'goods', 'train', 'run', 'difficult', 'circumstances', 'run', 'least', 'made', 'better', 'hatred', 'despite', 'initial', 'differences', 'two', 'gradually', 'learn', 'like', 'understand', 'eventually', 'proving', 'innocence'], ['callie', 'morgan', 'workaholic', 'magazine', 'editor', 'prides', 'emotional', 'attachments', 'life', 'changes', 'practically', 'overnight', 'undergoes', 'life-saving', 'heart', 'transplant', 'operation', 'callie', 'find', 'strangely', 'drawn', 'young', 'girl', 'happens', 'heart', 'donor', 'orphaned', 'daughter', 'also', 'finds', 'unlikely', 'romance', 'another', 'patient', 'also', 'recently', 'received', 'new', 'heart', 'soon', 'discovers', 'man', 'named', 'jasper', 'cates', 'received', 'heart', 'donor', 'husband'], ['nikaah', 'b.r', 'chopra', 'makes', 'social', 'comment', 'sharia', 'laws', 'divorce', 'divorce', 'misuse', 'among', 'indian', 'muslim', 'society', 'per', 'chopra', 'story', 'woman', 'haider', 'nilofar', 'study', 'college', 'haider', 'aspiring', 'poet', 'falls', 'love', 'nilofar', 'without', 'knowing', 'love', 'wasim', 'nawab', 'nilofar', 'wasim', 'engaged', 'eventually', 'marry', 'meanwhile', 'haider', 'becomes', 'successful', 'poet', 'editor', 'magazine', 'honeymoon', 'wasim', 'gets', 'new', 'business', 'contract', 'spends', 'time', 'work', 'nilofer', 'expecting', 'happy', 'married', 'life', 'disappointed', 'feels', 'neglected', 'lonely', 'occasion', 'first', 'wedding', 'anniversary', 'wasim', 'nilofar', 'arrange', 'party', 'wasim', 'fails', 'turn', 'nilofar', \"n't\", 'face', 'questions', 'guests', 'retires', 'bedroom', 'guests', 'insulted', 'absence', 'hosts', 'leave', 'party', 'leads', 'heated', 'argument', 'couple', 'moment', 'rage', 'wasim', 'divorces', 'nilofar', 'saying', 'talaq', 'three', 'times', 'without', 'fulfilling', 'conditions', 'required', 'sharia', 'laws', 'perform', 'nilofar', 'divorcee', 'offered', 'job', 'haider', 'magazine', 'period', 'realizes', 'haider', 'still', 'love', 'wasim', 'divorced', 'moment', 'anger', 'wants', 'reconcile', 'marry', 'approaches', 'imam', 'asks', 'advice', 'matter', 'imam', 'tells', 'complexity', 'sharia', 'law', 'remarrying', 'wife', 'divorcing', 'requires', 'marry', 'someone', 'else', 'get', 'divorce', 'later', 'wasim', 'able', 'remarry', 'nilofar', 'time', 'haider', 'expresses', 'love', 'towards', 'nilofar', 'desire', 'marry', 'marry', 'consent', 'parents', 'wasim', 'sends', 'letter', 'nilofar', 'asking', 'divorce', 'haider', 'marry', 'haider', 'reads', 'letter', 'thinks', 'nilofar', 'wasim', 'still', 'love', 'decides', 'offer', 'divorce', 'marry', 'wasim', 'brings', 'wasim', 'offers', 'consent', 'divorce', 'talaq', 'nilofar', 'turns', 'questions', 'treating', 'like', 'property', 'rather', 'woman', 'says', 'wants', 'continue', 'life', 'haider', 'wasim', 'blesses', 'leaves'], ['story', 'opens', 'couple', 'twins', 'sitting', 'train', 'however', 'thief', 'snatches', 'one', 'sons', 'stealing', 'jewellery', 'son', 'leaves', 'baby', 'however', 'baby', 'found', 'childless', 'couple', 'village', 'couple', 'hail', 'large', 'powerful', 'family', 'raise', 'son', 'without', 'telling', 'truth', 'thus', 'twins', 'grow', 'different', 'environment', 'one', 'living', 'parents', 'grows', 'chennai', 'become', 'officer', 'private', 'investigative', 'agency', 'son', 'vetrivel', 'a.k.a', 'vel', 'grows', 'dindukkal', 'becomes', 'rustic', 'young', 'man', 'vasu', 'manages', 'charm', 'journalist', 'swathi', 'professional', 'ethics', 'meanwhile', 'vel', 'engaged', 'bloody', 'tussle', 'sakara', 'pandi', 'deep', 'rooted', 'enmity', 'family', 'sakara', 'pandi', 'killed', 'vel', 'adopted', 'parents', 'enrages', 'vel', 'vasu', 'filled', 'smiles', 'vel', 'lives', 'sickles', 'dangerous', 'duels', 'vasu', 'mother', 'forget', 'lost', 'son', 'longing', 'bring', 'back', 'home', 'however', 'efforts', 'search', 'vain', 'family', 'vel', 'lives', 'love', 'lot', 'everyone', 'especially', 'grandmother', 'lakshmi', 'emotionally', 'dependent', 'one', 'day', 'filming', 'documentary', 'dindukkal', 'swathi', 'sees', 'vel', 'gang', 'fight', 'immediately', 'informs', 'vasu', 'vasu', 'goes', 'village', 'meets', 'brother', 'family', 'refuses', 'send', 'vel', 'back', 'vasu', 'understanding', 'unadulterated', 'affection', 'towards', 'vel', 'agrees', 'give', 'claim', 'however', 'train', 'station', 'vasu', 'one', 'request', 'wants', 'vel', 'chennai', 'pretending', 'live', 'mother', 'vasu', 'turn', 'would', 'behave', 'vel', 'village', 'vel', 'accepts', 'offer', 'vasu', 'continues', 'vel', 'struggle', 'powerful', 'sakara', 'pandi', 'different', 'approach', 'vasu', 'uses', 'brain', 'investigating', 'network', 'instead', 'muscle', 'power', 'rules', 'game', 'change', 'sakara', 'pandi', 'finds', 'cornered', 'vasu', 'eventually', 'overthrows', 'sakara', 'pandi', 'family', 'happy', 'vasu', 'parents', 'find', 'long-lost', 'son', 'well', 'despite', 'initial', 'attempts', 'bring', 'back', 'finally', 'relent', 'seeing', 'grandmother', 'cry', 'grandson', 'understand', 'pain', 'losing', 'child', 'want', 'anyone', 'else', 'pain'], ['kamini', 'abandons', 'anil', 'mehra', 'baby', 'son', 'prakash', 'selfish', 'reasons', 'years', 'later', 'anil', 'falls', 'love', 'radhika', 'marries', 'radhika', 'treats', 'prakash', 'son', 'six-year', 'old', 'radhika', 'meets', 'kamini', 'store', 'become', 'friends', 'knowing', 'histories', 'soon', 'kamini', 'realizes', 'radhika', 'anil', 'second', 'wife', 'son', 'stepmother', 'longs', 'prakash', 'mother', 'accident', 'donates', 'blood', 'save', 'process', 'leaves', 'behind', 'selfish', 'nature', 'end', 'anil', \"n't\", 'give', 'second', 'chance', 'mother', 'prakash', 'heartbroken', 'says', 'goodbye', 'son', 'leaves', 'anil', 'radhika'], ['kashinath', 'imli', 'childhood', 'sweethearts', 'everyone', 'expects', 'marry', 'comes', 'rich', 'wealthy', 'sickly', 'anjali', 'chopra', 'kashinath', 'life', 'everything', 'changes', 'anjali', 'gives', 'sickiliness', 'becomes', 'bold', 'thanks', 'kashinath', 'care', 'anjali', 'falls', 'love', 'kashinath', 'boldly', 'tells', 'dad', 'manmohan', 'chopra', 'marry', 'kashinath', 'dad', 'wants', 'wed', 'ajit', 'imli', 'reveals', 'secret', 'heart', 'disease', 'treated', 'die', 'kashinath', 'unaware', 'anlali', 'affections', 'must', 'find', 'money', 'save', 'true', 'love', 'sacrifices', 'make', 'order', 'achieve'], [\"'tomas\", 'lives', 'vicious', 'circle', 'life', 'death', 'bury', 'grief', 'lost', 'love', 'enters', 'world', 'dreams', 'reality', 'path', 'love', 'suicide', 'alberto', 'peacefully', 'swims', 'life', 'knowing', 'life', 'never', 'outlast', 'eternal', 'time', 'dreams', 'reality', 'tomas', 'find', 'world', 'history', 'preserved', 'present', 'time', 'stopped', 'souls', 'rise', 'beyond', 'material', 'surfaces', 'world', 'exists', 'cuba', 'nina', 'modern', 'day', 'gypsy', 'looking', 'purpose', 'life', 'tomas', 'keeps', 'running', 'frantic', 'moment', 'tomas', 'recalls', 'simplicity', 'brought', 'forth', 'nina', 'ultimate', 'test', 'authenticity', 'given', 'alberto', 'moment', 'tomas', 'discovers', 'one', 'thing', 'love', 'suicide'], ['heroin', 'addicted', 'lahn', 'robs', 'roommate', 'denis', 'lahn', 'attempts', 'hide', 'home', 'trevor', 'denis', 'best', 'friend', 'trevor', 'takes', 'later', 'use', 'lahn', 'drug', 'addiction', 'manipulate', 'transforming', 'lahn', 'trevor', 'idea', 'perfect', 'girlfriend'], ['mugal', 'ruler', 'aurangzeb', 'banned', 'music', 'india', 'since', 'believed', 'music', 'departed', 'person', 'away', 'god', 'ban', 'continues', 'next', 'generations', 'music', 'lovers', 'singers', 'start', 'living', 'secret', 'places', 'away', 'cities', 'baba', 'makhdum', 'staying', 'near', 'kasur', 'followers', 'practices', 'music', 'waris', 'shah', 'comes', 'join', 'baba', 'makhdud', 'tells', 'appreciates', 'talent', 'ask', 'feel', 'pain', 'order', 'get', 'best', 'baba', 'suggestion', 'waris', 'moves', 'village', 'malkan', 'hans', 'music', \"n't\", 'banned', 'mugal', 'ruler', 'finds', 'baba', 'makhdum', 'kills', 'waris', 'shah', 'meets', 'bhaagpari', 'malkan', 'hans', 'two', 'fall', 'love', 'saabo', 'gets', 'attracted', 'waris', 'shah', 'willing', 'anything', 'get', 'waris', 'waris', 'starts', 'living', 'masjid', 'village', 'starts', 'working', 'poem', 'heer', 'village', 'youngsters', 'get', 'attracted', 'work', 'become', 'fan', 'qazi', 'village', 'becomes', 'furious', 'seeing', 'waris', 'popularity', 'waris', 'arrested', 'area', 'subedar', 'complaints', 'qazi', 'waris', 'convinces', 'subedar', 'singing', 'worshiping', 'god', 'bhaagpari', 'forced', 'merry', 'saabo', 'brother', 'betrothed', 'young', 'age', 'waris', 'shah', 'realizes', 'order', 'feel', 'pain', 'complete', 'heer', 'must', 'let', 'bhaagpari', 'hand', 'saabo', 'tries', 'best', 'fails', 'get', 'waris', 'finally', 'accepts', 'fate', 'lets', 'waris', 'waris', 'bhaagpari', 'accused', 'sexual', 'relationship', 'without', 'marriage', 'prove', 'innocence', 'walking', 'unharmed', 'burning', 'coals', 'end', 'waris', 'leaves', 'village', 'upon', 'completion', 'heer'], [\"'vanina\", 'vanini', 'bored', 'spoiled', 'roman', 'countess', 'falls', 'love', 'dedicated', 'young', 'patriot', 'rome', 'assassinate', 'traitor', 'brotherhood', 'free', 'masons'], [\"'in\", 'present', 'day', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'charlie', 'meets', 'girl', 'dreams', 'daphne', 'never', 'expected', 'he\\\\', 'battle', 'past', 'pet', 'dog', 'babydoll', 'woo', 'seems', \"can\\\\'t\", 'beat', 'beast', 'lost', 'something', 'unexpected', 'happens', 'charlie', 'begins', 'fall', 'love', 'dog', 'realizing', 'never', 'really', 'needed', 'girlfriend', 'first', 'place', 'order', 'keep', 'hanging', 'man\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'charlie', 'must', 'scramble', 'keep', 'relationship', 'daphne', 'going', 'costs', 'risk', 'losing'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'kanyakumari', 'deals', 'story', 'man', 'makes', 'sculptures', 'meets', 'girl', 'selling', 'bangles', 'pearls', 'sea', 'shore', 'falls', 'love'], [\"'ek\", 'nai', 'paheli', 'emotional', 'family', 'drama', 'unusual', 'relationship', 'movie', 'remake', 'tamil', 'classic', 'apoorva', 'raagangal', 'directed', 'balachander', 'incidentally', 'called', 'shots', 'hindi', 'version'], ['sanam', 'teri', 'kasam', 'story', 'sunil', 'search', 'father', 'gone', 'somewhere', 'sunil', 'child', 'meets', 'reena', 'roy', 'en-route', 'leads', 'father', 'kader', 'khan', 'unfortunately', 'somebody', 'else', 'already', 'planted', 'jeevan', 'sunil', 'hence', 'kader', 'khan', 'neither', 'recognises', 'real', 'son', 'allows', 'meet', 'reena', 'roy', 'end', 'however', 'every', 'hurdle', 'removed', 'well', 'film', 'also', 'known', 'super', 'hit', 'songs', 'especially', \"'nisha\", 'nisha', 'nisha', 'songs', \"'sheeshe\", 'gharon', 'mein', \"'kitne\", 'bhi', 'kar', 'sitam', 'also', 'hit'], ['movie', 'starts', 'kamal', 'getting', 'released', 'prison', 'serving', 'sentence', 'rape', 'charge', 'ambika', 'radha', 'sisters', 'heirs', 'wealthy', 'business', 'ambika', 'looks', 'business', 'parents', 'died', 'radha', 'student', 'kamal', 'meets', 'radha', 'soon', 'fall', 'love', 'ambika', 'sworn', 'men.jaishankar', 'uncle', 'wealth', 'radha', 'brings', 'kamal', 'home', 'meet', 'sister', 'kamal', 'ambika', 'big', 'fight', 'ends', 'ambika', 'forbidding', 'radha', 'seeing', 'kamal', 'ever', 'ambika', 'reveals', 'reason', 'behind', 'fight', 'years', 'earlier', 'kamal', 'ambika', 'classmates', 'ambika', 'crush', 'kamal', 'never', 'reciprocated', 'class', 'trip', 'ambika', 'gives', 'note', 'kamal', 'asks', 'meet', 'room', 'ambika', 'claims', 'night', 'kamal', 'entered', 'room', 'consensual', 'sex', 'kamal', 'denied', 'refused', 'marry', 'bought', 'rape', 'charges', 'sent', 'prison', 'soon', 'truth', 'comes', 'class', 'trip', 'kamal', 'never', 'received', 'note', 'fell', 'jaishankar', 'son', 'raj', 'kumar', 'also', 'classmate', 'raj', 'lusting', 'ambika', 'uses', 'opportunity', 'enter', 'ambika', 'room', 'pretext', 'kamal', 'sex', 'since', 'raj', 'disconnected', 'electricity', 'room', 'room', 'dark', 'ambika', 'know', 'difference', 'kamal', 'forgives', 'ambika', 'gets', 'back', 'radha', 'bad', 'guys', 'punished', 'movie', 'paired', 'ambika', 'real-life', 'sister', 'radha', 'roles', 'sisters', 'on-screen', 'nadia', 'first', 'offered', 'role', 'younger', 'sister', 'refused', 'role', 'went', 'radha', 'two', 'sisters', 'delivered', 'stunning', 'performances', 'fondly', 'remembered', 'generation', 'fans', 'ambika', 'played', 'role', 'young', 'beautiful', 'yet', 'strong', 'single', 'woman', 'aplomb', 'role', 'plays', 'dominating', 'business', 'tycoon', 'powerful', 'personality', 'portrays', 'controlling', 'protective', 'older', 'sister', 'younger', 'radha', 'simultaneously', 'demonstrating', 'highly', 'glamorous', 'desirable', 'personality', 'soon', 'flashback', 'displays', 'totally', 'different', 'personality', 'pretty', 'carefree', 'college', 'girl', 'switching', 'two', 'roles', 'effortlessly', 'director', 'beautiful', 'job', 'selecting', 'scenes', 'portray', 'varying', 'aspects', 'ambika', 'varied', 'persona', 'movie', 'scene', 'puts', 'corporate', 'boss', 'role', 'scene', 'questioning', 'sister', 'protectively', 'scene', 'shows', 'caring', 'side', 'poor', 'children', 'home', 'scene', 'underscores', 'youth', 'physical', 'beauty', 'dressing', 'room', 'radha', 'also', 'looks', 'best', 'movie', 'actress', 'height', 'commercial', 'success', 'totally', 'confident', 'comfortable', 'pairing', 'experienced', 'sister', 'refuses', 'overshadowed', 'elder', 'sister', 'movie', 'comes', 'across', 'distinct', 'talented', 'actress', 'surely', 'one', 'movie', 'kamal', 'role', 'performance', 'pales', 'comparison', 'collective', 'power', 'outstanding', 'performance', 'two', 'greatest', 'beautiful', 'actresses', 'south'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'opens', 'sethu', 'ranjani', 'rekha', 'arriving', 'cliff', 'plan', 'commit', 'suicide', 'due', 'pressure', 'put', 'ranjani\\\\', 'parents', 'marriage', 'sethu', 'son', 'ordinary', 'drunkard', 'cook', 'also', 'dancer', 'accepted', 'groom', 'ranjani', 'parents', 'parents', 'threaten', 'ranjani', 'either', 'would', 'kill', 'sethu', 'commit', 'suicide', 'jumping', 'cliff', 'sethu', 'accidentally', 'gets', 'trapped', 'tree', 'escapes', 'ranjani', 'dies', 'despite', 'attempts', 'made', 'ranjani\\\\', 'father', 'jail', 'sethu', 'framing', 'fault', 'case', 'sethu', 'killed', 'ranjani', 'strong', 'evidence', 'prove', 'jailed', 'offence', 'attempted', 'suicide', 'one', 'year', 'year', 'released', 'jail', 'padmini', 'owns', 'dance', 'school', 'provides', 'job', 'dance', 'master', 'former', 'student', 'sethu', 'visits', 'regularly', 'cliff', 'remembrance', 'love', 'way', 'sees', 'girl', 'attempts', 'suicide', 'silly', 'reason', 'failure', 'examination', 'stops', 'meets', 'girl', 'gallery', 'girl', 'introduces', 'malini', 'ignores', 'malini', 'meets', 'sethu', 'tourist', 'spot', 'clicks', 'photos', 'without', 'knowledge', 'sethu', 'finds', 'damages', 'camera', 'malini', 'chases', 'dance', 'school', 'student', 'sethu', 'repeatedly', 'insults', 'malini', 'develops', 'love', 'sethu', 'malini', 'coincidentally', 'meets', 'chaplin', 'chellapa', 'uncle', 'sethu', 'dressed', 'like', 'charlie', 'chaplin', 'makes', 'people', 'laugh', 'comes', 'know', 'sethu\\\\', 'failed', 'love', 'increases', 'affection', 'towards', 'sethu', 'chaplin', 'chellapa', 'helps', 'win', 'sethu\\\\', 'heart', 'malini', 'actually', 'sinhalese', 'girl', 'faces', 'trouble', 'class', 'mate', 'many', 'times', 'every', 'time', 'rescued', 'sethu', 'sethu', 'though', 'humiliates', 'time', 'develops', 'soft', 'corner', 'mind', 'sethu', 'could', 'realise', 'started', 'love', 'gets', 'confused', 'failed', 'one', 'sethu\\\\', 'repeated', 'attempts', 'prevent', 'loving', 'malini', 'fails', 'takes', 'sign', 'blessing', 'new', 'love', 'ranjani', 'cliff', 'side', 'finally', 'confesses', 'love', 'proposes', 'malini', 'continues', 'spend', 'time', 'chaplin', 'chellapa', 'enjoys', 'sense', 'humour', 'makes', 'sethu', 'jealous', 'attempts', 'mimic', 'chaplin', 'chellapa\\\\', 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'father', 'chellapa', 'come', 'know', 'start', 'chasing', 'stop', 'vain', 'tha', 'bomb', 'explodes', 'place', 'sethu-ranjani', 'attempted', 'suicide', 'sethu-malini', 'die', 'explosion', 'leaving', 'chellapa', 'sethu\\\\', 'father', 'heartbroken', 'film', 'ends', 'chellapa', 'showering', 'flowers', 'place', 'three', 'died'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'two', 'brothers', 'sivakumar', 'kamal', 'haasan', 'getting', 'married', 'two', 'women', 'different', 'attitude', 'sivakumar', 'marries', 'foreign', 'girl', 'loves', 'tamil', 'culture', 'tradition', 'kamal', 'marries', 'tamil', 'girl', 'attracted', 'western', 'culture'], ['film', 'explores', 'life', 'journey', 'womaniser', 'affairs', 'various', 'women', 'including', 'married', 'tells', 'finally', 'nothing', 'last', 'forever', 'except', 'one', 'wife', 'love', 'others', 'passing', 'clouds'], ['savitri', 'music', 'teacher', 'school', 'also', 'takes', 'music', 'tutorials', 'girls', 'going', 'homes', 'savitri', 'lives', 'brother', 'chandar', 'paiting', 'contractor', 'mother', 'meets', 'manohar', 'dhani', 'guide', 'profession', 'falls', 'first', 'meet', 'follows', 'home', 'pretext', 'selling', 'eggs', 'savitri', 'knows', 'fully', 'aware', 'manohar', 'trying', 'woo', 'egg', 'seller', 'sagar', 'return', 'businessman', 'whose', 'kid', 'sister', 'student', 'savitri', 'return', 'happens', 'hear', 'savitri', 'song', 'immediately', 'falls', 'well', 'savitri', 'friend', 'also', 'brother', 'would', 'comes', 'father', 'astrology', 'expert', 'predicts', 'good', 'times', 'awaiting', 'chandar', 'also', 'predicts', 'bad', 'phase', 'mother', 'however', 'refuses', 'share', 'details', 'sister', 'savitri', 'meantime', 'savitri', 'falling', 'manohar', 'rejoice', 'sagar', 'helps', 'chandar', 'account', 'old', 'friendship', 'also', 'nurses', 'plan', 'marry', 'sister', 'sends', 'savitri', 'letter', 'offering', 'student', 'music', 'tone', 'letter', 'clearly', 'shows', 'intentions', 'savitri', 'fumes', 'letter', 'complains', 'sagar', 'sister', 'law', 'turn', 'explains', 'sagar', 'plan', 'marry', 'also', 'lists', 'reason', 'help', 'brother', 'sagar', 'family', 'visits', 'savitri', 'home', 'sister', 'law', 'proposes', 'savitri', 'marriage', 'sagar', 'savitri', 'plainly', 'refuses', 'hearing', 'mother', 'falls', 'unconscious', 'manohar', 'meets', 'accident', 'hospital', 'meantime', 'savitri', 'marries', 'sagar', 'insistence', 'critically', 'ill', 'mother', 'day', 'marriage', 'friend', 'tells', 'k.hangal', 'prediction', 'informs', 'man', 'marries', 'would', 'die', 'within', 'days', 'savitri', 'tells', 'sagar', 'ready', 'take', 'risk', 'wants', 'marry', 'way', 'marriage', 'savitri', 'writes', 'manohar', 'events', 'manohar', 'meets', 'savitri', 'brother', 'marriage', 'proposes', 'kill', 'husband', 'suggesting', 'way', 'going', 'die', 'days', 'savitri', 'saves', 'sagar', 'asks', 'manohar', 'stay', 'thus', 'begins', 'hate', 'manohar', 'meanwhile', 'manohar', 'befriends', 'sagar', 'enters', 'house', 'suggesting', 'savitri', 'would', 'able', 'kill', 'sagar', 'time', 'savitri', 'strongly', 'disagrees', 'wants', 'away', 'finally', 'savitri', 'tells', 'sagar', 'manohar', 'intentions', 'confronts', 'manohar', 'manohar', 'tries', 'kill', 'sagar', 'pistol', 'savitri', 'saves', 'sagar', 'drives', 'manohar', 'away', 'thus', 'sagar', 'savitri', 'start', 'living', 'together', 'happily', 'going', 'away', 'manohar', 'meets', 'savitri', 'brother', 'tells', 'relationship', 'changed', 'chandar', 'thus', 'explains', 'wife', 'manohar', 'told', 'events', 'intentionally', 'behaving', 'cruel', 'way', 'savitri', 'hates', 'falls', 'sagar'], ['rosie', 'perreira', 'overly', 'anxious', 'widow', 'living', 'violin-obsessed', 'son', 'sabhi', 'lovely', 'daughter', 'nancy', 'would', 'like', 'get', 'married', 'wealthy', 'young', 'man', 'brother', 'neighbour', 'tom', 'introduces', 'young', 'eligible', 'tony', 'braganza', 'nancy', '9:10', 'western', 'railway', 'local', 'train', 'bandra', 'churchgate', 'tom', 'also', 'asks', 'nancy', 'introduce', 'tony', 'rosie', 'rosie', 'initially', 'apprehensive', 'drawing', 'mere', 'rs.300/', 'compared', 'nancy', 'rs.700/-', 'soon', 'changes', 'mind', 'finds', 'probationary', 'period', 'draw', 'monthly', 'pay', 'rs.1000/-', 'nancy', 'tony', 'permitted', 'meet', 'eventually', 'fall', 'love', 'nancy', 'past', 'betrayed', 'boy', 'loved', 'still', 'likes', 'tony', 'tony', 'hesitant', 'costs', 'nancy', 'love', 'rosie', 'feels', 'come', 'marriage', 'soon', 'rosie', 'starts', 'looking', 'elsewhere', 'son-in-law.nancy', 'like', 'first', 'accepts', 'whatever', 'mom', 'wants.nancy', 'tony', 'fight', 'stop', 'meeting', 'train', 'well.when', 'tom', 'comes', 'know', 'speaks', 'tony', 'dad.tony', 'dad', 'tells', 'tony', 'still', 'reluctant', 'make', 'commitments', 'tell', 'nancy', 'same.so', 'nancy', 'tony', 'meet', 'nancy', 'tells', 'never', 'meet', 'again.it', 'tony', 'feels', 'actually', 'loves', 'nancy', 'live', 'without', 'her.then', 'nancy', 'also', 'confesses', 'love', 'get', 'married', 'happily'], ['adivasi', 'mahua', 'lives', 'poor', 'lifestyle', 'fishing', 'village', 'along', 'widowed', 'dad', 'one', 'day', 'local', 'poojary', 'comes', 'across', 'seemingly', 'menacing', 'looking', 'male', 'feeds', 'asks', 'mahua', 'dad', 'look', 'male', 'memory', 'name', 'kishan', 'shortly', 'thereafter', 'mahua', 'kishan', 'fall', 'love', 'get', 'married', 'nbsp', 'months', 'kishan', 'goes', 'city', 'return', 'home', 'frantic', 'mahua', 'dad', 'police', 'well', 'city', 'search', 'albeit', 'vain', 'return', 'home', 'mahua', 'continues', 'worry', 'kishan', 'sets', 'try', 'locate', 'meets', 'doctor', 'informs', 'recalls', 'treating', 'male', 'fitting', 'kishan', 'description', 'gives', 'bombay', 'address', 'mahua', 'travels', 'bombay', 'locates', 'kishan', 'house', 'find', 'kishan', 'calls', 'mohan', 'khanna', 'wealthy', 'lives', 'mansion', 'refuses', 'recognize', 'get', 'formally', 'engaged', 'equally', 'wealthy', 'meena', 'mehra'], ['man', 'robbed', 'making', 'call', 'phone', 'booth', 'staggering', 'middle', 'road', 'beating', 'thieves', 'struck', 'car', 'driving', 'woman', 'named', 'oom', 'feeling', 'sorry', 'oom', 'brings', 'man', 'apartment', 'gives', 'shelter', 'man', 'turns', 'developed', 'amnesia', 'based', 'name', 'pendant', 'man', 'wearing', 'possession', 'oom', 'names', 'tan', 'doctor\\\\', 'examination', 'reveals', 'tan', 'uninjured', 'except', \"can\\\\'t\", 'remember', 'anything', 'life', 'prior', 'struck', 'oom\\\\', 'car', 'tan', 'given', 'journal', 'urged', 'free', 'associate', 'effort', 'recall', 'past', 'life', 'oom', 'experiencing', 'trouble', 'life', 'recently', 'broken', 'domineering', 'boyfriend', 'krit', 'still', 'sees', 'workplace', 'creative', 'director', 'advertising', 'agency', 'oom', 'also', 'motherhood', 'thrust', 'upon', 'since', 'caring', 'nephew', 'son', 'dead', 'sister', 'initially', 'tan', 'around', 'adds', 'stress', 'situation', 'tan', 'reorganizes', 'stacks', 'magazines', 'interferes', 'disciplining', 'ohm', 'angry', 'tan', 'proves', 'useful', 'around', 'apartment', 'looked', 'father', 'figure', 'ohm', 'oom', 'builds', 'self', 'esteem', 'confidence', 'lost', 'relationship', 'krit', 'tan', 'seems', 'instinctively', 'know', 'things', 'feminimity', 'dress', 'oom', 'wear', 'shade', 'lipstick', 'appropriate', 'family', 'unit', 'oom', 'ohm', 'tan', 'goes', 'amusement', 'park', 'defends', 'oom', 'gets', 'trouble', 'fighting', 'school', 'result', 'tan', 'getting', 'punched', 'boy\\\\', 'father', 'visions', 'past', 'nag', 'tan', 'seems', 'perfectly', 'happy', 'oom', 'ohm', 'especially', 'becomes', 'romantically', 'involved', 'oom', \"don\\\\'t\", 'want', 'remember', 'anymore', 'want', 'like', 'forever', 'tells', 'oom', 'one', 'night', 'watch', 'sunset', 'ledge', 'outside', 'apartment', 'eventually', 'memories', 'past', 'catch', 'tan', 'taking', 'numbers', 'wrote', 'journal', 'retraces', 'steps', 'scene', 'car', 'accident', 'eventually', 'finds', 'numbers', 'address', 'house', 'home', 'belongs', 'man', 'tan', 'homosexual', 'relationship', 'since', 'man', 'married', 'woman', 'family', 'must', 'keep', 'relationship', 'secret', 'meanwhile', 'police', 'call', 'oom', 'items', 'recovered', 'thieves', 'attacked', 'tan', 'night', 'struck', 'car', 'among', 'items', 'mobile', 'phone', 'police', 'already', 'called', 'number', 'tan\\\\', 'friends', 'phuket', 'way', 'bangkok', 'claim', 'phone', 'find', 'missing', 'friend', 'friends', 'turns', 'katoey', 'dancers', 'transvestite', 'cabaret', 'tan', 'star', 'attraction'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'young', 'widow', 'mother', 'two', 'beautiful', 'teenage', 'daughters', 'wants', 'join', 'founding', 'group', 'new', 'settlement', 'religious', 'jews', 'west', 'bank', 'first', 'must', 'convince', 'acceptance', 'committee', 'worthy', 'things', 'get', 'complicated', 'younger', 'daughter', 'sexually', 'abused', 'boys', 'youth', 'movement'], [\"'flamboyant\", 'zani', 'kindly', 'young', 'man', 'grew', 'entirely', 'works', 'zoo', 'budapest', 'true', 'friends', 'zoo\\\\', 'animals', 'indeed', 'zani', 'chastised', 'boss', 'nice', 'fashionable', 'women', 'visitors', 'wear', 'zani', 'steals', 'animal', 'furs', 'hiding', 'zani', 'meets', 'eve', 'young', 'beautiful', 'orphan', 'girl', 'eve', 'must', 'somehow', 'escape', 'strict', 'orphan', 'school', 'since', 'faced', 'prospect', 'forced', 'work', 'indentured', 'servant', 'grows', 'zani', 'eve', 'together', 'hide', 'overnight', 'zoo', 'dr.', 'grunbaum', 'zoo', 'director', 'forced', 'organize', 'search', 'party', 'zani', 'proves', 'elusive', 'harbors', 'eve', 'bear', 'cave', 'evil', 'zookeeper', 'heinie', 'discovers', 'zani', 'saves', 'eve', 'vicious', 'attack', 'scuffles', 'result', 'crisis', 'dangerous', 'animals', 'become', 'freed', 'cages', 'resourceful', 'zani', 'brings', 'pacification', 'redeems', 'saving', 'young', 'child', 'hungry', 'tiger', 'grunbaum', 'played', 'o.p', 'heggie', 'south', 'australian', 'actor', 'known', 'london', 'broadway', 'stage', 'man', 'golden', 'voice', 'kindly', 'personality', 'also', 'shown', \"\\\\'anne\", 'green', 'gables\\\\', \"\\\\'the\", 'bride', 'frankenstein\\\\', 'perfect', 'portraying', 'enlightened', 'approach', 'zoo', 'management', 'film', 'fantasy', 'better', 'world', 'typical', 'depression-time', 'theme', 'early', 'days', 'sound', 'film', 'audaciously', 'creative', 'approach', 'called', 'sound', 'design', 'far', 'conventional', 'style', 'actors', 'shouted', 'static', 'microphones'], ['name', 'anthony', 'gonsalves', 'starts', 'gangster', 'killer', 'sikander', 'murdering', 'someone', 'gang', 'bury', 'flee', 'story', 'line', 'drops', 'young', 'man', 'anthony', 'gonsalves', 'accepts', 'sikander', 'father', 'guru', 'everything', 'since', 'sikander', 'adopted', 'anthony', 'young', 'child', 'living', 'streets', \"n't\", 'exactly', 'adopt', 'since', 'says', 'real', 'father', 'town', 'priest', 'anthony', 'big', 'dream', 'become', 'famous', 'wealthy', 'actor', 'kind', 'sikander', 'mdash', \"n't\", 'know', 'sikander', 'murderer', 'sikander', 'never', 'told', 'wanted', 'anthony', 'kind', 'nice', 'gentleman', 'unlike', 'anthony', 'big', 'dreams', 'like', 'living', 'high', 'society', 'peoples', 'meeting', 'idols', 'priyanka', 'chopra', 'etc', 'one', 'day', 'anthony', 'practicing', 'film', 'dialogues', 'couple', 'street', 'gangsters', 'meets', 'riya', 'woman', 'family', 'orphan', 'lives', 'middle-class', 'lifestyle', 'mumbai', 'works', 'assistant', 'director', 'movie', 'producer', 'bharucha', 'anthony', 'introduces', 'son', 'jeffrey', 'died', '1986', 'works', 'waiter', 'jimmy', 'pub', 'bandra', 'meets', 'studios', 'comes', 'audition', 'part', 'mark', 'anthony', 're-make', 'shakespeare', 'julius', 'caesar', 'attracted', 'continue', 'meet', 'little', 'riya', 'know', 'anthony', 'lied', 'never', 'father', 'name', 'jeffrey', 'gets', 'role', 'mark', 'anthony', 'goes', 'tell', 'sikander', 'sees', 'murdering', 'person', 'anthony', 'knows', 'true', 'side', 'sikander', 'anthony', \"n't\", 'tell', 'somehow', 'police', 'inspector', 'khan', 'finds', 'goes', 'alert', 'sikander', 'needs', 'help', 'anthony', 'gets', 'anthony', 'side', 'anthony', 'man', 'word', 'blames', 'murders', 'sikander', 'boss', 'make', 'look', 'real', 'anthony', 'fake', 'stunts', 'like', 'blowing', 'murtaza', 'factory', 'acting', 'dead', 'climax', 'anthony', 'sikander', 'priest', 'raised', 'anthony', 'get', 'together', 'kill', 'sikander', 'boss', 'police', 'enter', 'sikander', 'gets', 'arrested', 'anthony', 'marries', 'riya', 'becomes', 'big', 'hero', 'superstar', 'dreams', 'come', 'true'], [\"'poppo\", 'teenage', 'girl', 'raped', 'four', 'boys', 'roof', 'seven-story', 'apartment', 'building', 'asks', 'kill', 'mock', 'leave', 'tsukio', 'teenage', 'boy', 'watching', 'rape', 'passively', 'next', 'couple', 'days', 'poppo', 'tsukio', 'begin', 'relationship', 'telling', 'troubled', 'past', 'philosophizing', 'fate', 'poppo', 'describes', 'earlier', 'rapes', 'shown', 'flashback', 'color', 'flashback', 'tsukio', 'tells', 'recent', 'sexual', 'abuse', 'hands', 'parents', 'another', 'couple', 'stabbed', 'death', 'poppo', 'repeatedly', 'asks', 'tsukio', 'kill', 'refuses', 'gang', 'returns', 'rapes', 'poppo', 'tsukio', 'kills', 'three', 'girlfriends', 'poppo', 'follows', 'complaining', 'refuses', 'request', 'yet', 'killing', 'gang', 'story', 'ends', 'poppo', 'tsukio', 'jumping', 'apartment', 'roof', 'deaths.synopsis', 'based', 'cite', 'book', 'cite', 'web'], [\"'kamini\", 'gupta', 'vinod', 'gupta', 'two', 'children', 'happy', 'family', 'vinod', 'ceo', 'multinational', 'corporate', 'keeps', 'busy', 'time', 'family', 'wedding', 'anniversary', 'unable', 'make', 'leaving', 'kamini', 'alone', 'young', 'photographer', 'jatin', 'pandey', 'gives', 'company', 'takes', 'pictures', 'dine', 'dance', 'together', 'morning', 'wakes', 'finds', 'jatin', 'bed', 'jatin', 'craves', 'burns', 'kamini', 'forbidden', 'fruit', 'life', 'leading', 'passion', 'dangerous', 'obsession', 'one', 'day', 'jatin', 'found', 'murdered', 'inspector', 'yusuf', 'malik', 'takes', 'bizarre', 'case', 'murder', 'trail', 'obsession', 'passion'], ['raju', 'pardesi', 'govinda', 'fairly', 'poor', 'guy', 'wants', 'marry', 'rich', 'guy', 'daughter', 'chinii', 'however', 'rich', 'father', 'impressed', 'demands', 'pardesi', 'must', 'earn', 'inr', '1,00,00,000', 'rupees', 'within', 'year', 'let', 'marry', 'daughter', 'chance', 'encounter', 'ends', 'overly', 'honest', 'main', 'character', 'accidentally', 'picking', 'wrong', 'suitcase', 'way', 'home', 'suddenly', 'blessed', 'inr', '10,00,000', 'rupees', 'honesty', 'makes', 'police', 'station', 'hand', 'faced', 'dishonest', 'policemen', 'want', 'take', 'money', 'friend', 'happy', 'singh', 'start', 'think', 'could', 'make', 'million', 'rupees', 'million', 'enlist', 'scientist', 'secret', 'recipe', 'tea..', 'start', 'sell', 'brand', 'tea', 'first', 'week', 'however', 'sold', 'two', 'packets', 'tea', 'expensive', 'happy', 'singh', 'suggests', 'start', 'tea', 'company', 'leases', 'house', 'large', 'field', 'tea', 'workers..', 'main', 'character', 'behalf', 'rest', 'story', 'revolves', 'around', 'activities', 'main', 'character', 'happy', 'singh', 'workers', 'house', 'maid', 'known', \"'ms\", 'break-all'], [\"'the\", 'plot', 'surrounds', 'confused', 'bride', 'melissa', 'wakes', 'hand-cuffed', 'mexican', 'stranger', 'claims', 'husband', 'recollection', 'marriage', 'consumed', 'mexican', 'moonshine', 'drink', 'forgotten', 'events', 'occurred', 'previous', 'night'], [\"'chandramukhi\", 'accompanied', 'parents', 'visits', 'hill', 'resort', 'shimla', 'first', 'time', 'life', 'senses', 'familiarity', 'place', 'gets', 'strange', 'feelings', 'know', 'reason', 'chandramukhi', 'family', 'meet', 'dr.', 'naresh', 'gupta', 'naresh', 'attracted', 'towards', 'chandramukhi', 'families', 'talk', 'getting', 'married', 'mohan', 'kapur', 'upcoming', 'lawyer', 'comes', 'shimla', 'meet', 'patron', 'godfather', 'janak', 'singh', 'mohan', 'owes', 'education', 'career', 'janak', 'singh\\\\', 'generosity', 'janak', 'singh', 'wants', 'daughter', 'karuna', 'also', 'lawyer', 'marry', 'mohan', 'mohan', 'agrees', 'gratitude', 'patron', 'gets', 'engaged', 'karuna', 'chandramukhi', 'dashes', 'mohan', 'feels', 'strange', 'connection', 'mohan', 'also', 'meets', 'elderly', 'singer', 'named', 'saraswati', 'devi', 'shocked', 'see', 'say', 'anything', 'whenever', 'chandramukhi', 'meets', 'mohan', 'acts', 'atrangely', 'nightmares', 'man', 'named', 'madhav', 'mohan\\\\', 'doppelganger', 'plummeting', 'death', 'cliff', 'naresh', 'senses', 'something', 'amiss', 'coerces', 'mohan', 'help', 'find', 'truth', 'excursion', 'chandramukhi', 'remembers', 'everything', 'paro', 'previous', 'life', 'madhav', 'lover', 'zamindar\\\\', 'son', 'raped', 'accidentally', 'murdered', 'naresh', 'realizes', 'step', 'life', 'romance', 'soon', 'gets', 'rekindled', 'help', 'chandramukhi', 'mohan', 'soon', 'finds', 'saraswati', 'devi', 'satto', 'zamindar\\\\', 'daughter', 'satto', 'tells', 'villain', 'none', 'janak', 'mohan', 'dilemma', 'broken', 'engagement', 'karuna', 'chandramukhi', 'drag', 'janak', 'court', 'rrealizing', 'option', 'mohan', 'decides', 'take', 'matters', 'court', 'karuna', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'idea', 'truth', 'steps', 'defend', 'father', 'conspiracy', 'revealed', 'janak', 'indeed', 'guilty', 'death', 'paro', 'madhav', 'killed', 'madhav', 'first', 'raped', 'paro', 'telling', 'madhav\\\\', 'death', 'paro', 'cursed', 'took', 'away', 'something', 'precious', 'mother', 'nature', 'take', 'something', 'important', 'meanwhile', 'mohan', 'seems', 'losing', 'case', 'finds', 'mansion', 'paro', 'purportedly', 'murdered', 'also', 'traces', 'billi', 'ram', 'senile', 'old', 'mason', 'may', 'hold', 'clue', 'paro\\\\', 'disappearance', 'billi', 'ram', 'remembers', 'janak', 'called', 'day', 'patch', 'wall', 'mansion', 'mohan', 'comes', 'mansion', 'police', 'tear', 'wall', 'skeleton', 'tumbles', 'front', 'karuna', 'shocked', 'revelation', 'karuna', 'goes', 'home', 'sets', 'fire', 'sits', 'inside', 'playing', 'piano', 'succumbs', 'fire', 'learning', 'daughters', 'death', 'new', 'discovery', 'janak', 'realizes', 'paro\\\\', 'curse', 'done', 'work', 'later', 'janak', 'pleads', 'guilty', 'crime', 'court', 'sentenced', 'accordingly', 'escorted', 'chandramukhi', 'see', 'last', 'time', 'chandramukhi', 'mohan', 'get', 'united', 'naresh', 'heads', 'america'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'baltimore', 'maryland', 'follows', 'andie', 'west', 'pursues', 'big', 'dream', 'becoming', 'street', 'dancer', 'mother', 'died', 'cancer', 'andie', 'lives', 'mother\\\\', 'best', 'friend', 'sarah', 'reality', 'andie', 'feels', 'like', 'belong', 'anywhere', 'although', 'poorly', 'school', 'dream', 'dancing', 'brings', 'something', 'special', 'life', 'trains', 'dance', 'crew', '410', 'keep', 'title', 'illegal', 'competition', \"\\\\'the\", 'streets.\\\\', 'sarah', 'aware', 'crime', 'harassment', '410', 'threatens', 'send', 'andie', 'live', 'aunt', 'texas', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'change', 'tyler', 'like', 'big', 'brother', 'andie', 'tyler', 'first', 'seen', 'meets', 'andie', 'local', 'dance', 'club', 'dragon', 'tries', 'persuade', 'andie', 'audition', 'maryland', 'school', 'arts', 'andie', 'compete', 'place', 'thinking', 'help', 'life', 'tyler', 'decides', 'battle', 'tyler', 'wins', 'battle', 'two', 'head', 'back', 'andie\\\\', 'house', 'tyler', 'asks', 'sarah', 'let', 'join', 'msa', 'sarah', 'eventually', 'agrees', 'tyler', 'leaves', 'andie', 'audition', 'msa', 'goes', 'tour', 'nora', 'chase', 'collins', 'robert', 'hoffman', 'persuades', 'school', 'director', 'blake', 'kemp', 'recruit', 'andie', 'seeing', 'audition', 'andie\\\\', 'studies', 'come', 'crew', 'members', 'angry', 'decide', 'kick', 'andie', 'chase', 'form', 'new', 'crew', 'help', 'many', 'people', 'chase', 'knows', 'school', 'accepted', 'including', 'andie\\\\', 'new', 'friend', 'moose', 'chase', 'copied', 'key', 'studio', 'crew', 'secretly', 'practices', 'routine', 'late', 'night', 'school', 'empty', 'perform', 'local', 'dance', 'club', 'rejected', 'kicked', 'andie\\\\', 'friend', 'missy', 'serrano', 'joins', 'crew', 'going', '410', 'following', 'event', 'disgusted', 'crowd\\\\', 'reaction', 'missy', 'tells', 'crew', 'way', 'enter', 'streets', 'first', 'pull', 'prank', 'post', 'internet', 'show', 'crew', 'entering', 'competition', 'wanting', 'revenge', 'humiliated', 'chase', 'decides', 'prank', 'make', 'fool', 'tuck', 'leader', '410.', 'crew', 'goes', 'family', 'barbecue', 'missy\\\\', 'house', 'sophie', 'tags', 'along', 'begins', 'develop', 'crush', 'moose', 'salsa', 'dancing', '410', \"doesn\\\\'t\", 'like', 'fact', 'new', 'crew', 'compete', 'warn', 'andie\\\\', 'group', 'stay', 'streets', 'consequences', 'tuck', 'finds', 'chase', 'assaults', 'prank', 'warns', 'stay', 'away', 'streets', 'andie', 'chase', 'comes', 'school', 'next', 'day', 'badly', 'bruised', 'hurt', 'top', 'dance', 'studio', 'trashed', '410', 'previous', 'night', 'director', 'collins', 'decides', 'allow', 'anyone', 'school', 'involved', 'illegal', 'competitions', 'decides', 'expel', 'andie', 'msa', 'involvement', 'streets', 'competition', 'tip-off', 'sophie', 'asked', 'students', 'involved', 'andie', 'tell', 'crew', 'sarah', 'hears', 'news', 'andie\\\\', 'expulsion', 'andie', 'tries', 'explain', 'sarah', 'refuses', 'listen', 'telling', 'enough', 'behavior', 'andie', 'must', 'live', 'aunt', 'texas', 'andie', 'packing', 'bags', 'leave', 'receives', 'text', 'message', 'missy', 'streets', 'night', 'night', 'msa', 'fundraiser', 'along', 'andie', 'whole', 'crew', 'gets', 'text', 'message', 'decide', 'ditch', 'msa', 'fundraiser', 'instead', 'compete', 'streets', 'sarah', 'hears', 'andie', 'protect', 'crew', 'proud', 'allows', 'andie', 'compete', 'streets', 'crew', 'chase', 'also', 'leaves', 'fundraiser', 'hoping', 'win', 'back', 'andie', 'collins', 'notices', 'students', 'gone', 'questions', 'sophie', 'moose', 'tells', 'crew', 'moose', 'takes', 'collins', 'sophie', 'place', 'time', 'crew\\\\', 'performance', 'director', 'sees', 'realizes', 'streets', 'hearing', 'thinking', 'fact', 'legitimate', 'form', 'artistic', 'expression', 'accepts', 'andie', 'msa', 'tells', 'moose', 'wrong', 'department', 'moose\\\\', 'surprise', 'gets', 'kissed', 'sophie', 'andie\\\\', 'crew', 'supportive', 'friends', 'education', 'secured', 'film', 'finds', 'optimistic', 'ending', 'passionate', 'kiss', 'andie', 'chase'], ['movie', 'opens', 'glenwood', 'indiana', 'lauryn', 'kirk', 'narrates', 'first', 'parts', 'dance', 'schools', 'glenwood', 'lauryn', 'says', 'goodbye', 'brother', 'joel', 'departing', 'chicago', 'audition', 'famous', 'dance', 'school', 'fictional', 'chicago', 'school', 'music', 'dance', 'although', 'joel', 'works', 'mechanic', 'family', 'garage', 'wary', 'lauryn\\\\', 'decision', 'enroll', 'eventually', 'gives', 'blessing', 'lauryn', 'enters', 'stage', 'however', 'dance', 'halted', 'judge', 'hostilely', 'rejects', 'saying', 'need', 'see', 'something', 'sensual', 'feminine', 'dejected', 'lauryn', 'goes', 'diner', 'sorrows', 'soon', 'finds', 'car', 'towed', 'upon', 'seeing', 'misfortunes', 'dana', 'friendly', 'waitress', 'diner', 'invites', 'lauryn', 'apartment', 'pouring', 'rain', 'dana', 'subsequently', 'offers', 'lauryn', 'place', 'stay', 'considering', 'lauryn', 'could', 'back', 'home', 'face', 'brother', 'next', 'day', 'dana', 'brings', 'lauryn', 'club', 'called', 'ruby\\\\', 'meets', 'russ', 'slick-talking', 'disc', 'jockey', 'brenda', 'club', 'owner', 'brenda', 'hires', 'lauryn', 'bookkeeper', 'light', 'skills', 'numbers', 'lauryn', 'watches', 'dancer', 'carmen', 'performs', 'impressively', 'stage', 'locking', 'late', 'one', 'night', 'lauryn', 'goes', 'stage', 'silently', 'elegantly', 'dances', 'unbeknownest', 'russ', 'watches', 'distance', 'next', 'night', 'brenda', 'finds', 'short', 'dancers', 'russ', 'asks', 'lauryn', 'dance', 'seen', 'graceful', 'performance', 'previous', 'night', 'lauryn', 'reluctantly', 'agrees', 'goes', 'stage', 'first', 'new', 'sexy', 'routine', 'lauryn', 'looks', 'foolish', 'russ', 'starts', 'playing', 'hip-hop', 'music', 'lauryn', 'sexy', 'hip-hop', 'routine', 'finds', 'ruby\\\\', 'new', 'star', 'lauryn', 'russ\\\\', 'relationship', 'progresses', 'lauryn', 'continues', 'performing', 'stunningly', 'stage', 'much', 'carmen\\\\', 'chagrin', 'one', 'night', 'however', 'joel', 'catches', 'lauryn', 'club', 'dance', 'bicker', 'lauryn', 'realizes', 'joel', 'losing', 'family', 'garage', 'due', 'stacking', 'mortgages', 'bills', 'decides', 'ditch', 'stage', 'return', 'indiana', 'save', 'garage', 'soon', 'though', 'joel', 'catches', 'peek', 'lauryn', 'joyfully', 'dancing', 'garage', 'one', 'day', 'asks', 'lauryn', 'give', 'audition', 'another', 'shot', 'uplifted', 'lauryn', 'returns', 'chicago', 'second', 'audition', 'nails', 'happily', 'embraces', 'russ', 'come', 'encourage', 'lauryn', 'goes', 'back', 'ruby\\\\', 'apologize', 'brenda', 'finds', 'surprise', 'congratulatory', 'party', 'awaiting', 'movie', 'concludes', 'party', 'breaks', 'dance'], [\"'the\", 'movie', 'begins', 'dead', 'body', 'journo', 'nadia', 'merchant', 'found', 'remote', 'area', 'somewhere', 'germany', 'soon', 'indian', 'singer', 'himesh', 'reshammiya', 'arrested', 'concert', 'murdering', 'television', 'journalist', 'put', 'behind', 'bars', 'incidents', 'begin', 'unravel', 'movie', 'goes', 'flashback', 'concert', 'germany', 'performing', 'best', 'friend', 'shravan', 'meets', 'event', 'organizer', 'khurana', 'partner', 'ruby', 'also', 'meets', 'event', 'planner', 'ria', 'it\\\\', 'love', 'first', 'sight', 'love', 'blossoms', 'initial', 'reservations', 'hansika\\\\', 'father', 'approves', 'match', 'things', 'take', 'turn', 'arrested', 'asks', 'ruby', 'also', 'lawyer', 'bail', 'hell', 'hath', 'fury', 'like', 'woman', 'scorned', 'ruby', 'love', 'rock', 'star', 'loves', 'ria', 'escapes', 'prison', 'cell', 'taking', 'murdered', 'journalist\\\\', 'father', 'feroz', 'captive', 'find', 'actual', 'murderer', 'one', 'single', 'day', 'else', 'sweetheart', 'married', 'someone', 'else', 'way', 'stop', 'happening', 'needs', 'ria\\\\', 'help', 'approaches', 'ria', 'currently', 'ignoring', 'talking', 'explaining', 'situation', 'ria', 'together', 'solve', 'mystery', 'income', 'lot', 'suspects', 'shravan', 'ria', 'approach', 'ruby', 'help', 'browse', 'invoices', 'documents', 'khurana\\\\', 'office', 'find', 'acute', 'losses', 'previously', 'finalised', 'world', 'tour', 'deal', 'gave', 'khurana', 'motive', 'frame', 'proceeds', 'confront', 'khurana', 'car', 'chase', 'catches', 'final', 'scene', 'tricks', 'revealing', 'motives', 'hindi=speaking', 'tourist/native', 'translates', 'police', 'declared', 'innocent', 'khurana', 'reveals', 'wore', 'face', 'mask', 'appear', 'like', 'committed', 'murder', 'frame', 'released', 'jail', 'khurana', 'arrested', 'ria', 'marries', 'shravan', 'agrees', 'feature', 'ruby', 'one', 'hr\\\\', 'music', 'video', 'therefore', 'movie', 'ends', 'singing', 'song', 'mehbooba', 'classic', 'bollywood', 'film', 'sholay', 'ruby', 'dancing', 'recorded'], ['main', 'character', 'golan', 'something', 'year', 'old', 'student', 'nearing', 'end', 'college', 'studies', 'hard', 'time', 'deciding', 'future', 'sees', 'point', 'getting', 'job', 'finding', 'wife', 'stopping', 'endless', 'round', 'parties', 'blind', 'date', 'best', 'friend', 'quirky', 'sister', 'begins', 'question', 'life', 'golan', 'begins', 'personal', 'journey', 'challenge', 'everything', 'ever', 'believed', 'love', 'nature', 'life', 'contemporary', 'israel'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'begins', 'airport', 'rotlu', 'jiggy', 'bombs', 'shaleen', 'offer', 'tell', 'mala', 'jiggy\\\\', 'friend', 'crush', 'tale', 'jai', 'aditi', 'love', 'story', 'joys', 'sorrows', 'happiness', 'heartbreaks', 'laughter', 'songs', 'fights', '...', 'climax', 'airport', 'mala', 'initially', 'uninterested', 'story', 'hates', 'loves', 'stories', 'general', 'still', 'agrees', 'listen', 'flight', 'carrying', 'friends', 'come', 'receive', 'late', 'meet', 'jai', 'singh', 'rathore', 'a.k.a', '쁒ats', 'non-violent', 'rajput', 'ever', 'meet', 'aditi', 'mahant', 'aka', '쁌eow', 'highly', 'aggressive', 'impulsive', 'girl', 'abuses', 'scratches', 'ride', 'horse', 'tell', 'father', 'brave', 'man', 'fought', 'heroically', 'enemies', 'died', 'jai', 'realizes', 'mother', 'lied', 'claiming', 'father', 'non-violent', 'person', 'died', 'trying', 'stop', 'someone\\\\', 'fight', 'unaware', 'aditi', 'makes', 'way', 'international', 'airport', 'departure', 'usa', 'bhaloo', 'bhageere', 'sons', 'mla', 'use', 'influence', 'get', 'jai', 'free', 'following', 'jai', 'rides', 'horse', 'borrowed', 'cousin', 'heads', 'towards', 'airport', 'stop', 'thus', 'jai', 'fulfills', 'three', 'conditions', 'become', 'man', 'rathore', 'clan', 'causing', 'dismay', 'jai\\\\', 'mother', 'delight', 'spirit', 'jai\\\\', 'father', 'challenged', 'jai\\\\', 'mother', 'jai', 'fulfill', 'conditions', 'day', 'jumps', 'security', 'booths', 'runs', 'seeking', 'aditi', 'airport', 'security', 'chases', 'supposing', 'terrorist', 'ran', 'away', 'security', 'checks', 'finds', 'aditi', 'sings', 'song', 'jaane', 'jaane', 'song', 'jai', 'said', 'beginning', 'he\\\\', 'sing', 'love', 'life', 'aditi', 'delighted', 'hugs', 'cancels', 'trip', 'airport', 'security', 'cop', 'inspector', 'prakash', 'finding', 'jai', 'terrorist', 'lets', 'warning', 'rotlu', 'jiggy', 'bombs', 'shaleen', 'conclude', 'story', 'welcome', 'jai', 'aditi', 'returning', 'honeymoon', 'airport', 'mala', 'gets', 'extremely', 'delighted', 'see', 'introduces', 'jiggy', 'girlfriend', 'leave', 'airport', 'together'], ['story', 'centers', 'memories', 'writer', 'harry', 'safari', 'africa', 'contracted', 'severely', 'infected', 'wound', 'thorn', 'prick', 'lies', 'outside', 'tent', 'awaiting', 'slow', 'death', 'loss', 'mobility', 'brings', 'self-reflection', 'remembers', 'past', 'years', 'little', 'accomplished', 'writing', 'realizes', 'although', 'seen', 'experienced', 'wonderful', 'astonishing', 'things', 'life', 'never', 'made', 'record', 'events', 'status', 'writer', 'undermined', 'reluctance', 'actually', 'write', 'also', 'quarrels', 'woman', 'blaming', 'living', 'decadently', 'forgetting', 'failure', 'write', 'really', 'matters', 'experiences', 'among', 'poor', 'interesting', 'people', 'rather', 'smart', 'europeans', 'lately', 'despite', 'unwanted', 'attentions', 'witch', 'doctor', 'lives', 'see', 'morning', 'come', 'watches', 'vultures', 'gather', 'tree', 'lies', 'evening', 'recapitulates', 'life', 'talks', 'current', 'girl-friend', 'tells', 'past', 'experiences', 'arguing', 'coming', 'realization', 'attitude', 'finally', 'reaching', 'sort', 'peace', 'even', 'love'], ['pair', 'hands', 'meticulously', 'crops', 'images', 'fashion', 'magazine', 'personal', 'scrapbook', 'hands', 'belong', 'unassuming', 'conservative', 'physician', 'named', 'julian', 'runs', 'radiology', 'clinic', 'personal', 'residence', 'assisted', 'shy', 'mild', 'mannered', 'nurse', 'named', 'ana', 'one', 'afternoon', 'julian', 'invited', 'house', 'mother', 'friend', 'pablo', 'reunion', 'two', 'childhood', 'pals', 'arranged', 'pablo', 'charismatic', 'sophisticated', 'adventurer', 'recently', 'returned', 'africa', 'unexpected', 'news', 'married', 'beautiful', 'carefree', 'young', 'woman', 'named', 'elena', 'pablo', 'hands', 'julian', 'drink', 'favorite', 'cocktail', 'peppermint', 'frappe', 'group', 'awaits', 'entrance', 'elena', 'upstairs', 'dressing', 'sight', 'captivating', 'elena', 'visibly', 'stuns', 'julian', 'elena', 'reminds', 'mysterious', 'woman', 'seen', 'beating', 'drums', 'famous', 'holy', 'week', 'ritual', 'village', 'calanda', 'insists', 'never', 'seen', 'ever', 'calanda', 'despite', 'rebukes', 'julian', 'finds', 'immediately', 'drawn', 'elena', 'cosmopolitan', 'demeanor', 'days', 'following', 'first', 'encounter', 'julian', 'becomes', 'increasingly', 'infatuated', 'pablo', 'bride', 'finds', 'pretext', 'spend', 'time', 'pablo', 'busy', 'julian', 'takes', 'elena', 'sightseeing', 'cuenca', 'despite', 'indifference', 'attentions', 'julian', 'obsession', 'elena', 'diminish', 'frustrated', 'inability', 'win', 'elena', 'affection', 'julian', 'turns', 'attention', 'laboratory', 'assistant', 'ana', 'secretly', 'pined', 'julian', 'sexual', 'liaison', 'two', 'soon', 'established', 'julian', 'manipulates', 'ana', 'coercing', 'dress', 'groom', 'like', 'elena', 'involved', 'ana', 'julian', 'continues', 'pursue', 'elusive', 'elena', 'resists', 'advances', 'open', 'derision', 'julian', 'invites', 'pablo', 'elena', 'cottage', 'countryside', 'spend', 'weekend', 'takes', 'tour', 'grounds', 'abandoned', 'spa', 'pablo', 'used', 'play', 'children', 'practical', 'joke', 'pablo', 'elena', 'aimed', 'humiliating', 'julian', 'julian', 'begins', 'plan', 'elaborate', 'revenge', 'couple', 'picking', 'elena', 'curiosity', 'relationship', 'ana', 'julian', 'invites', 'elena', 'pablo', 'join', 'ana', 'country', 'house', 'pablo', 'elena', 'arrive', 'julian', 'places', 'appears', 'poison', 'decanter', 'containing', 'peppermint', 'frappe', 'pablo', 'elena', 'arrive', 'julian', 'tells', 'ana', 'little', 'late', 'offers', 'beverage', 'sips', 'couple', 'begins', 'ridicule', 'julian', 'succumb', 'poison', 'julian', 'carries', 'bodies', 'car', 'causes', 'roll', 'cliff', 'giving', 'appearance', 'couple', 'died', 'automobile', 'accident', 'returning', 'country', 'house', 'julian', 'finds', 'ana', 'dressed', 'woman', 'calanda', 'film', 'ends', 'two', 'embrace'], ['yash', 'sabbarwal', 'enterprising', 'billionaire', 'excels', 'business', 'strategy', 'smitten', 'brilliant', 'lovely', 'isha', 'nair', 'brilliant', 'medical', 'student', 'idealism', 'leads', 'scotland', 'advance', 'research', 'yash', 'sends', 'away', 'giving', 'scholarship', 'studies', 'scotland', 'leaves', 'yash', 'hires', 'gaurav', 'saxena', 'scotland', 'using', 'magical', 'isha', 'make', 'fall', 'love', 'yash', 'scotland', 'taj', 'bharadwaj', 'endearing', 'loveable', 'guy', 'falls', 'badly', 'isha', 'born', 'brought', 'royal', 'luxury', 'taj', 'perfect', 'nri', 'gentleman', 'ever', 'ready', 'lend', 'shoulder', 'damsel', 'distress', 'one', 'problem', 'major', 'one', 'whether', 'father', 'lord', 'bharadwaj', 'would', 'agree', 'gaurav', 'comes', 'life', 'isha', 'isha', 'falls', 'love', 'even', 'gaurav', 'falls', 'love', 'yash', 'finds', 'tells', 'gaurav', 'break', 'isha', 'heart', 'would', 'come', 'back', 'gaurav', 'uses', 'maya', 'dhillon', 'starting', 'fake', 'affair', 'sleeps', 'taj', 'discovers', 'informs', 'isha', 'isha', 'sees', 'gaurav', 'maya', 'together', 'starts', 'hating', 'gaurav', 'awarded', 'billion', 'yash', 'getting', 'isha', 'life', 'opening', 'ways', 'gaurav', 'opens', 'account', 'bank', 'unaware', 'bank', 'owned', 'bharadwaj', 'family', 'taj', 'runs', 'bank', 'taj', 'shocked', 'comes', 'know', 'humble', 'guy', 'like', 'gaurav', 'opening', 'account', 'billion', 'taj', 'asks', 'gaurav', 'gaurav', 'informs', 'sold', 'soul', 'devil', 'gaurav', 'starts', 'realize', 'live', 'without', 'isha', 'really', 'love', 'returns', 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'worse', 'pictures', 'fall', 'floor', 'lord', 'bharadwaj', 'sees', 'pictures', 'tries', 'shoot', 'gaurav', 'yash', 'appears', 'scene', 'saves', 'gaurav', 'tells', 'everyone', 'deserves', 'killed', 'gaurav', 'used', 'gaurav', 'isha', 'broken', 'love', 'isha', 'parents', 'ask', 'really', 'loves', 'gaurav', 'tells', 'focus', 'said', 'isha', 'starts', 'crying', 'tells', 'everyone', 'engaging', 'taj', 'forced', 'anyone', 'however', 'mood', 'tells', 'saying', 'intentionally', 'lord', 'bharadwaj', 'tells', 'isha', 'parents', 'force', 'ask', 'real', 'choice', 'isha', 'tells', 'parents', 'actually', 'loves', 'gaurav', 'isha', 'gaurav', 'engagement', 'fixed', 'result', 'gaurav', 'one', 'succeeds', 'true', 'love', 'yash', 'taj', 'fail', 'gaurav', 'fixes', 'taj', 'engagement', 'maya', 'yash', 'mother', 'fixes', 'engagement', 'rubaina', 'therefore', 'three', 'pairs', 'start', 'living', 'happily', 'gaurav', 'love', 'isha', 'wins', 'end'], [\"'peggy\", 'follies', 'dancer', 'forsakes', 'life', 'carefree', 'attachments', 'order', 'meet', 'goal', 'marrying', 'millionaire', 'alas', 'elderly', 'husband', 'broker', 'morton', 'gibson', 'well-meaning', 'bore', 'soon', 'peggy', 'begins', 'seeking', 'entertainment', 'elsewhere', 'year', 'marriage', 'three', 'significant', 'events', 'occur', 'almost', 'simultaneously', 'peggy\\\\', 'former', 'boyfriend', 'paul', 'lockridge', 'composer', 'pianist', 'love', 'seems', 'funny', 'quip', 'every', 'occasion', 'returns', 'paris', 'reunites', 'offers', 'companionship', 'diversion', 'stuffy', 'life', 'also', 'ralph', 'saint', 'young', 'devil-may-care', 'sculptor', 'still', 'love', 'peggy', 'plans', 'suicide', 'mood', 'bitterness', 'gibson\\\\', 'daughter', 'marjorie', 'returns', 'schooling', 'abroad', 'marjorie', 'soon', 'paired', 'ralph', 'romance', 'develops', 'paralleled', 'adult', 'affair', 'peggy', 'paul', 'ralph', 'marjorie\\\\', 'escapades', 'result', 'considerable', 'trouble', 'morton', 'paul', 'implores', 'peggy', 'paris', 'declaring', 'rich', 'dirty', 'rich', 'dying', 'need', 'laughter', 'make', 'clean', 'refuses', 'marjorie', 'plans', 'elope', 'ralph', 'peggy', 'exposes', 'sculptor', 'fortune', 'hunter', 'dejected', 'commits', 'suicide', 'result', 'peggy', 'confesses', 'unhappiness', 'gibson', 'joins', 'paul', 'laughter', 'paris'], ['mismatched', 'couple', 'discovers', 'whatever', 'wrong', 'wrong', 'family', 'visit', 'comedy', 'leni', 'television', 'reporter', 'jewish', 'family', 'spain', 'one', 'weekend', 'leni', 'drops', 'family', 'home', 'visit', 'new', 'boyfriend', 'college', 'professor', 'rafi', 'tow', 'rafi', 'bit', 'nervous', 'meeting', 'leni', 'family', 'chronically', 'nervous', 'mother', 'gloria', 'blustery', 'father', 'ernesto', 'dance-student', 'sister', 'tania', 'strait-laced', 'bother', 'david', 'addled', 'grandfather', 'dudu', 'leni', 'quickly', 'makes', 'matters', 'worse', 'announces', 'family', 'waiting', 'ernesto', 'return', 'work', 'rafi', 'happens', 'palestinian', 'matters', 'become', 'bit', 'tense', 'rafi', 'accidentally', 'drops', 'block', 'frozen', 'soup', 'high', 'rise', 'window', 'joking', 'tania', 'young', 'daughter', 'hitting', 'man', 'head', 'might', 'ernesto', 'leni', 'sneak', 'outside', 'call', 'ambulance', 'returning', 'inside', 'leni', \"n't\", 'want', 'ruin', 'career', 'scandal', 'rafi', 'sees', 'tania', 'daughter', 'drawing', 'ernesto', 'realizes', 'may', 'done', 'tensions', 'raise', 'entire', 'family', 'becomes', 'exuberant', 'ending', 'leni', 'telling', 'mother', 'tania', 'suspicion', 'ernesto', 'cheating', 'point', 'rafi', 'finally', 'manages', 'tell', 'leni', 'think', 'man', 'father', 'gloria', 'tania', 'rafi', 'leni', 'rush', 'building', 'ernesto', 'office', 'try', 'catch', 'act', 'see', 'ernesto', 'actually', 'dead', 'wakes', 'memory', 'loss', 'leading', 'believe', 'prostitute', 'wife', 'quickly', 'throws', 'realizes', 'money', 'ernesto', 'continues', 'wander', 'hopelessly', 'family', 'meanwhile', 'arrives', 'office', 'find', 'another', 'bald', 'man', 'affair', 'tells', 'ernesto', 'already', 'left', 'tania', 'rafi', 'wait', 'leni', 'gloria', 'mother-daughter', 'conversation', 'tania', 'seduces', 'rafi', 'dance', 'song', 'knows', 'kisses', 'rejects', 'return', 'leni', 'convinced', 'tania', 'slept', 'leads', 'tania', 'finally', 'cast', 'apparent', 'apathetic', 'view', 'family', 'everyone', 'leaves', 'office', 'reconciled', 'upon', 'return', 'home', 'ernesto', 'driven', 'woman', 'scooter', 'found', 'wandering', 'streets', 'family', 'whole'], [\"'the\", 'film', 'set', 'modern', 'war', 'probably', 'european', 'country', 'country', 'far', 'east', 'behind', 'battle', 'lines', 'medical', 'unit', 'surgeon', 'falls', 'love', 'idealistic', 'nurse', 'initially', 'difficult', 'meeting'], ['shiva', 'son', 'rich', 'businessman', 'grows', 'surrounded', 'money', 'cared', 'parents', 'due', 'mother', 'dying', 'young', 'boy', 'father', 'business-minded', 'cares', 'money', 'shiva', 'friends', 'playful', 'bunch', 'study', 'mainly', 'lots', 'sport', 'priya', 'also', 'goes', 'college', 'shiva', 'goes', 'daughter', 'cow', 'herder', 'gangster', 'mayandi', 'priya', 'keeps', 'distance', 'shiva', 'film', 'progresses', 'inevitable', 'become', 'friends', 'friendship', 'develops', 'romance', 'love', 'opposed', 'parents', 'parents', 'try', 'separate', 'try', 'get', 'married', 'different', 'people', 'eventually', 'run', 'away', 'together', 'hit', 'man', 'priya', 'life', 'confrontation', 'hit-man', 'shiva', 'gets', 'wounded', 'defeats', 'hit-man', 'storms', 'father', 'office', 'throws', 'hit-man', 'informs', 'father', 'wedding', 'front', 'district', 'court', 'father', 'turns', 'large', 'battalion', 'police', 'officers', 'shiva', 'turns', 'much', 'large', 'number', 'students', 'film', 'ends', 'wedding', 'successfully', 'happening', 'mayandi', 'gives', 'blessings'], ['one', 'long', 'friday', 'evening', 'takeshi', 'miyata', 'straight-arrow', 'businessman', 'encounter', 'number', 'people', 'intertwining', 'fates', 'plot', 'film', 'presented', 'succession', 'first', 'point', 'view', 'maki', 'kuwata', 'young', 'woman', 'disappointed', 'love', 'takeshi', 'point', 'view', 'friend', 'yusuke', 'kanda', 'private', 'detective', 'takeshi', 'former', 'girlfriend', 'ayumi', 'kurata', 'wannabe-tough', 'yakuza', 'asai'], ['westport', 'connecticut', 'augie', 'isolde', 'poole', 'celebrate', 'fifth', 'wedding', 'anniversary', 'turning', 'application', 'rock-a-bye', 'adoption', 'agency', 'encouraged', 'friends', 'next-door', 'neighbors', 'dick', 'alice', 'pepper', 'three', 'children', 'another', 'due', 'isolde', 'unsuccessful', 'attempts', 'become', 'pregnant', 'determined', 'augie', 'eventually', 'parents', 'awaiting', 'news', 'application', 'agency', 'isolde', 'decides', 'augie', 'continue', 'try', 'baby', 'enthusiastically', 'follows', 'latest', 'advice', 'pregnancy', 'experts', 'although', 'exhausted', 'isolde', 'resolve', 'augie', 'worries', 'child', 'living', 'isolde', 'family', 'money', 'struggles', 'make', 'success', 'serious', 'cartoonist', 'dick', 'editor', 'townsman', 'magazine', 'assures', 'augie', 'publication', 'would', 'gladly', 'hire', 'augie', 'write', 'gags', 'isolde', 'insists', 'augie', 'hold', 'important', 'offer', 'dick', 'criticizes', 'augie', 'serious', 'compared', 'lighthearted', 'manner', 'augie', 'dismay', 'includes', 'perpetual', 'infidelity', 'one', 'afternoon', 'weeks', 'application', 'estelle', 'novick', 'striking', 'young', 'representative', 'rock-a-bye', 'visits', 'pooles', 'neighborhood', 'learned', 'estelle', 'presence', 'neighbors', 'alice', 'takes', 'isolde', 'home', 'dress', 'properly', 'interview', 'estelle', 'comes', 'pooles', 'house', 'augie', 'unaware', 'identity', 'believing', 'works', 'local', 'charity', 'drinks', 'two', 'cocktails', 'behaves', 'casually', 'dick', 'comes', 'makes', 'pass', 'estelle', 'however', 'outraged', 'reveals', 'identity', 'reminding', 'men', 'dick', 'pooles', 'reference', 'estelle', 'waves', 'aside', 'abject', 'apologies', 'insists', 'must', 'report', 'findings', 'agency', 'estelle', 'departs', 'soon', 'isolde', 'returns', 'isolde', 'hurt', 'angry', 'augie', 'goes', 'home', 'alice', 'dick', 'tries', 'comfort', 'augie', 'suggesting', 'augie', 'might', 'relax', 'affair', 'augie', 'scoffs', 'dick', 'offers', 'tranquilizers', 'leaves', 'moments', 'later', 'estelle', 'returns', 'pooles', 'apologizes', 'severe', 'behavior', 'accepts', 'cocktail', 'augie', 'offered', 'earlier', 'considering', 'dick', 'advice', 'dispirited', 'isolde', 'anger', 'augie', 'emboldened', 'ask', 'estelle', 'dinner', 'driving', 'town', 'however', 'augie', 'panics', 'takes', 'one', 'dick', 'tranquilizers', 'later', 'augie', 'becomes', 'drowsy', 'estelle', 'drives', 'motel', 'checks', 'room', 'let', 'sleep', 'pill', 'effect', 'next', 'morning', 'augie', 'mortified', 'find', 'motel', 'finding', 'note', 'estelle', 'thanking', 'kindness', 'believes', 'unfaithful', 'isolde', 'three', 'months', 'later', 'isolde', 'disheartened', 'heard', 'nothing', 'rock-a-bye', 'adoption', 'agencies', 'augie', 'visits', 'dick', 'confesses', 'incident', 'estelle', 'received', 'call', 'informing', 'pregnant', 'leaving', 'area', 'confinement', 'fearful', 'demand', 'money', 'augie', 'pleads', 'dick', 'hire', 'magazine', 'give', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'advance', 'later', 'day', 'estelle', 'drops', 'visit', 'pooles', 'advise', 'believes', 'months', 'may', 'last', 'get', 'baby', 'isolde', 'delighted', 'news', 'augie', 'weakly', 'announces', 'new', 'job', 'dick', 'magazine', 'alone', 'estelle', 'later', 'augie', 'presses', 'money', 'demands', 'explanation', 'estelle', 'promises', 'repay', 'loan', 'explains', 'owes', 'pooles', 'augie', 'assistance', 'months', 'later', 'dick', 'alice', 'throw', 'augie', 'isolde', 'party', 'anticipation', 'arrival', 'new', 'baby', 'dancing', 'dick', 'isolde', 'confides', 'found', 'mysterious', 'thousand', 'dollar', 'imbalance', 'pooles', 'finances', 'realizing', 'must', 'money', 'augie', 'given', 'estelle', 'dick', 'invents', 'story', 'losing', 'investment', 'stock', 'market', 'augie', 'giving', 'loan', 'surprised', 'pleased', 'isolde', 'asks', 'money', 'repaid', 'preparations', 'baby', 'night', 'isolde', 'tells', 'augie', 'bank', 'imbalance', 'panicked', 'augie', 'hastily', 'admits', 'borrowed', 'money', 'dick', 'several', 'times', 'paid', 'back', 'full', 'employed', 'certain', 'augie', 'covering', 'dick', 'next', 'day', 'isolde', 'tells', 'alice', 'promises', 'repay', 'money', 'weeks', 'later', 'miss', 'maccracken', 'rock-a-bye', 'telephones', 'schedule', 'visit', 'unnerved', 'augie', 'wonders', 'confess', 'everything', 'isolde', 'miss', 'maccracken', 'arrives', 'informs', 'isolde', 'augie', 'baby', 'born', 'moved', 'top', 'agency', 'list', 'thrilled', 'augie', 'isolde', 'welcome', 'infant', 'baby', 'boy', 'home', 'days', 'later', 'soon', 'everyone', 'notices', 'baby', 'similarity', 'augie', 'weeks', 'afterward', 'physical', 'similarity', 'grows', 'isolde', 'becomes', 'suspicious', 'isolde', 'augie', 'baby', 'picture', 'blown', 'alice', 'mistakes', 'baby', 'isolde', 'furiously', 'accuses', 'augie', 'infidelity', 'declares', 'leaving', 'isolde', 'packing', 'miss', 'maccracken', 'returns', 'make', 'inspection', 'couples', 'first', 'month', 'baby', 'realizing', 'couple', 'breaking', 'declares', 'must', 'make', 'report', 'agency', 'augie', 'pleads', 'week', 'miss', 'maccracken', 'agrees', 'desperate', 'stop', 'isolde', 'leaving', 'augie', 'confesses', 'incident', 'estelle', 'however', 'estelle', 'arrives', 'congratulate', 'pooles', 'repay', 'augie', 'loan', 'explains', 'money', 'made', 'possible', 'husband', 'continue', 'research', 'australia', 'baby', 'girl', 'husband', 'success', 'publishing', 'book', 'work', 'baby', 'join', 'australia', 'showing', 'pooles', 'picture', 'baby', 'girl', 'admiring', 'well', 'agency', 'placing', 'pooles', 'baby', 'estelle', 'departs', 'isolde', 'apologizes', 'augie', 'suspicions', 'admits', 'feeling', 'unusual', 'pooles', 'realize', 'isolde', 'pregnant', 'retire', 'house', 'celebrate'], [\"'the\", 'story', 'takes', 'place', 'college', 'music', 'mahidol', 'university', 'one', 'year', 'covers', 'three', 'seasons', 'bangkok', 'typically', 'experiences', 'summer', 'winter', 'monsoon', 'chronicles', 'life', 'young', 'high', 'school', 'student', 'pom', 'impulsive', 'decision', 'attend', 'music', 'school', 'unknown', 'parents', 'girl', 'secretly', 'liked', 'three', 'years', 'dao', 'music', 'school', 'befriends', 'aom', 'eventually', 'becomes', 'best', 'friend', 'academy', 'talented', 'rock', 'drummer', 'aids', 'wise', 'japanese', 'instructor', 'jitaro', 'research', 'also', 'forms', 'rock', 'band', 'two', 'friends', 'ched', 'chat', 'however', 'order', 'become', 'closer', 'talented', 'violinist', 'dao', 'joins', 'orchestra', 'assigned', 'feisty', 'conductor', 'rosie', 'play', 'timpani', 'eventually', 'time', 'schedule', 'collides', 'forced', 'choose', 'playing', 'rock', 'band', 'orchestra', 'also', 'forced', 'choose', 'crush', 'dao', 'best', 'friend', 'aom'], ['plot', 'movie', 'revolves', 'around', 'happenings', 'one', 'night', 'clippings', 'past', 'amar', 'mansi', 'unfold', 'past', 'series', 'flashback', 'sequence', 'amar', 'works', 'agency', 'one', 'night', 'alone', 'office', 'rita', 'one', 'staff', 'walks', 'invites', 'join', 'movie', 'converse', 'life', 'marriage', 'amar', 'married', 'seem', 'happy', 'rita', 'says', 'married', 'people', 'dreams', 'left', 'lives', 'dreams', 'people', 'see', 'love', 'gets', 'replaced', 'desire', 'get', 'married', 'married', 'years', 'walked', 'movie', 'amar', 'keeps', 'thinking', 'wife', 'feigning', 'headache', 'walks', 'theatre', 'way', 'home', 'stops', 'buy', 'bouquet', 'flowers', 'back', 'home', 'mansi', 'home', 'child', 'margarette', 'maid', 'sunil', 'amar', 'childhood', 'friend', 'comes', 'home', 'flowers', 'wishes', 'amar', 'mansi', 'wedding', 'anniversary', 'remember', 'uninvited', 'guest', 'sure', 'enough', 'food', 'three', 'mansi', 'tells', 'amar', 'might', 'dinner', 'come', 'since', 'late', 'already', 'might', 'well', 'stay', 'back', 'dinner', 'else', 'food', 'get', 'wasted', 'amar', 'overhears', 'conversation', 'walks', 'saying', 'terrible', 'headache', 'goes', 'straight', 'bedroom', 'serves', 'dinner', 'sunil', 'sits', 'holding', 'child', 'eats', 'goes', 'back', 'time', 'first', 'anniversary', 'mattered', 'spend', 'quality', 'time', 'amar', 'mean', 'time', 'lying', 'dark', 'also', 'thinking', 'past', 'time', 'gone', 'meet', 'mr.', 'sharma', 'mansi', 'father', 'ask', 'hand', 'lying', 'bed', 'think', 'past', 'happy', 'think', 'carefree', 'days', 'madly', 'love', 'nothing', 'seemed', 'impossible', 'start', 'ideal', 'marriage', 'small', 'world', 'brimming', 'love', 'perfect', 'whole', 'year', 'still', 'happy', 'second', 'anniversary', 'decide', 'time', 'extend', 'family', 'plan', 'child', 'flashback', 'see', 'mansi', 'father', 'relationship', 'strong', 'outbursts', 'mansi', 'father', 'take', 'place', 'amar', 'thinks', 'time', 'mansi', 'cared', 'much', 'knew', 'anything', 'without', 'proper', 'meal', 'sleeping', 'dinner', 'even', 'bothered', 'promising', 'start', 'two', 'whole', 'years', 'happily', 'married', 'life', 'much', 'look', 'forward', 'happy', 'excited', 'blessed', 'lovely', 'baby', 'adore', 'lot', 'somewhere', 'enchantment', 'seems', 'fade', 'away', 'leaving', 'dissatisfied', 'relationship', 'live', 'anymore', 'worldly', 'values', 'social', 'conventions', 'despised', 'lovers', 'amar', 'starts', 'finding', 'fault', 'everything', 'mansi', 'even', 'suspecting', 'something', 'going', 'mansi', 'sunil', 'mansi', 'also', 'knows', 'rita', 'amar', 'wishes', 'mansi', 'understanding', 'rita', 'though', 'problems', 'sort', 'fragments', 'past', 'keep', 'flashing', 'across', 'minds', 'mansi', 'gets', 'following', 'morning', 'milkman', 'comes', 'goes', 'sees', 'flowers', 'amar', 'left', 'outside', 'previous', 'night', 'amar', 'comes', 'behind', 'sees', 'pick', 'hugs', 'walk', 'together'], [\"'when\", 'eliza', 'loses', 'father-in-law', 'left', 'raise', 'two', 'children', 'continue', 'work', 'unharvested', 'orange', 'crop', 'maintain', 'heavy', 'mortgage', 'begins', 'lose', 'faith', 'aunt', 'batty', 'persuades', 'persevere', 'suddenly', 'mysterious', 'stranger', 'called', 'gabe', 'turns', 'helps', 'eliza', 'harvest', 'time', 'stop', 'bank', 'taking', 'eliza', 'learns', 'gabe', 'realizes', 'loves'], [\"'kashi\", 'travels', 'ill-fated', 'plane', 'crashes', 'outskirts', 'isolated', 'city', 'ruled', 'women', 'worship', 'sanga', 'god', 'kashi', 'rescued', 'pretty', 'soni', 'taken', 'home', 'lives', 'widowed', 'dad', 'brother', 'hira', 'since', 'roads', 'blocked', 'kashi', 'unable', 'return', 'home', 'order', 'continue', 'stay', 'must', 'first', 'obtain', 'permission', 'raj', 'rani', 'ultimate', 'ruler', 'meets', 'finds', 'attractive', 'charming', 'invites', 'stay', 'palace', 'sing', 'kashi', 'soni', 'given', 'hearts', 'meet', 'secretly', 'soni', 'disguised', 'man', 'shibu', 'watch', 'happens', 'raj', 'rani', 'finds', 'kashi', 'ignoring', 'love', 'mere', 'peasant'], ['delicately', 'nuanced', 'psychological', 'drama', 'exploring', '3-way', 'relationship', 'main', 'characters', 'crisis', 'conscience', 'rocks', 'prosperous', 'well-respected', 'lawyer', 'love', 'engaged', 'educated', 'socially-conscious', 'young', 'woman', 'succumbs', 'weak', 'moment', 'rapes', 'poor', 'local', 'village', 'milkmaid', 'rest', 'story', 'deals', 'aftermath', 'tragic', 'event', 'inevitable', 'undercurrents', 'guilt', 'penitence', 'pervasive', 'heartbreak', 'stem'], ['young', 'doctor', 'returning', 'home', 'abroad', 'stranded', 'village', 'plane', 'develops', 'trouble', 'crashes', 'meets', 'falls', 'love', 'beautiful', 'local', 'village', 'girl', 'happens', 'daughter', 'blind', 'host', 'romance', 'looked', 'upon', 'villagers', 'especially', 'one', 'particular', 'villager', 'courting', 'hatches', 'plot', 'drive', 'doctor', 'village', 'process', 'defiles', 'girl', 'character', 'lovers', 'separated', 'doctor', 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'annoying', 'pranks', 'aimed', 'jack', 'places', 'bucket', 'shower', 'mary', 'takes', 'one', 'falls', 'head', 'places', 'jack\\\\', 'suit', 'shower', 'gets', 'wet', 'retaliation', 'saws', 'bed', 'half', 'would', 'come', 'apart', 'sits', 'situation', 'really', 'gets', 'complicated', 'mary', 'jack', 'manage', 'accidentally', 'meet', 'apartment', 'knowing', 'begin', 'fall', 'love', 'matters', 'get', 'worse', 'mary\\\\', 'boss', 'lecherous', 'harrington', 'hubbell', 'tries', 'invite', 'dinner', 'jack\\\\', 'would-be', 'patron', 'lonely', 'libidinous', 'rich', 'older', 'woman', 'elise', 'peabody', 'willington', 'smythe', 'tries', 'maintain', 'monopoly', 'artist', 'jack', 'accompanies', 'mary', 'company', 'picnic', 'slip', 'away', 'group', 'together', 'miss', 'bus', 'back', 'town', 'forcing', 'take', 'taxi', 'arrive', 'jack\\\\', 'home', 'mary', 'realizes', 'jack', 'roommate', 'trying', 'allay', 'assumes', 'suspicions', 'arrangement', 'unaware', 'mary', 'person', 'he\\\\', 'sharing', 'attic', 'jack', 'strongly', 'denounces', 'co-tenant', 'landlord', 'comes', 'lets', 'know', 'elise', 'hubbell', 'also', 'arrive', 'elise', 'tries', 'bribe', 'mary', 'protective', 'cabdriver', 'fritzie', 'guinn', 'williams', 'punches', 'hubbell', 'mistaking', 'jack', 'realizing', 'mistake', 'fritzie', 'goes', 'cab', 'jack', 'pleading', 'mary', 'fritzie', 'punch', 'jack', 'mary', 'intervenes', 'cab', 'drives', 'jack', 'mary', 'kissing', 'backseat', 'asked', 'get', 'married', 'landlord', 'says', 'arranged'], ['prior', 'north', 'korean', 'invasion', 'south', 'korea', 'regular', 'army', 'world', 'war', 'veterans', 'colonel', 'steve', 'janowski', 'risen', 'private', 'present', 'rank', 'years', 'sergeant', 'baker', 'teaching', 'south', 'korean', 'soldiers', 'use', 'bazooka', 'stop', 'enemy', 'tank', 'mrs.', 'linda', 'day', 'united', 'nations', 'worker', 'assisting', 'refugees', 'colleagues', 'warned', 'steve', 'leave', 'area', 'hostilities', 'imminent', 'linda', 'insists', 'north', 'koreans', 'would', \"n't\", 'risk', 'wrath', 'world', 'opinion', 'steve', 'asks', 'stopped', 'hitler', 'soon', 'afterwards', 'steve', 'air', 'force', 'counterpart', 'colonel', 'joe', 'parker', 'william', 'talman', 'wake', 'find', 'attack', 'compare', 'pearl', 'harbor', 'janowski', 'takes', 'command', 'army', 'unit', 'meanwhile', 'keeps', 'crossing', 'paths', 'linda', 'turns', 'widow', 'professional', 'army', 'officer', 'awarded', 'medal', 'honor', 'reluctant', 'become', 'involved', 'another', 'soldier', 'one', 'desperate', 'situation', 'steve', 'choice', 'stop', 'column', 'refugees', 'infiltrated', 'armed', 'north', 'korean', 'guerrillas', 'calling', 'artillery', 'strikes', 'steve', 'displays', 'remorse', 'civilian', 'casualties', 'however', 'linda', 'learns', 'incident', 'condemns', 'killing', 'innocent', 'people', 'later', 'finds', 'apologizes', 'well', 'army', 'south', 'korean', 'army', 'united', 'nations', 'workers', 'film', 'features', 'contributions', 'british', 'army', 'royal', 'australian', 'air', 'force'], ['film', 'divided', 'three', 'parts', 'departure', 'absence', 'return', 'film', 'begins', 'julie', 'pommeraye', 'walking', 'streets', 'paris', 'goes', 'cinema', 'tickets', 'queue', 'calls', 'boyfriend', 'isma챘l', 'b챕noliel', 'cell', 'phone', 'work', 'alice', 'julie', 'asks', 'lies', 'says', 'alone', 'julie', 'responds', 'pisses', 'later', 'night', 'isma챘l', 'runs', 'julie', 'way', 'home', 'discuss', 'julie', 'frustrations', 'relationship', 'eventually', 'already', 'apartment', 'become', 'reconciled', 'shortly', 'afterwards', 'alice', 'arrives', 'get', 'bed', 'together', 'read', 'different', 'book', 'fight', 'one', 'place', 'bed', 'next', 'day', 'julie', 'isma챘l', 'breakfast', 'julie', 'family', 'julie', 'gets', 'frustrated', 'leaves', 'kitchen', 'followed', 'older', 'sister', 'jeanne', 'julie', 'tells', 'jeanne', 'later', 'mother', 'alice', 'threesome', 'night', 'isma챘l', 'julie', 'alice', 'leave', 'bar', 'eating', 'julie', 'starts', 'complaining', 'isma챘l', 'relationship', 'alice', 'isma챘l', 'responds', 'one', 'loves', 'alice', 'tells', 'bring', 'together', 'concert', 'alice', 'befriends', 'guy', 'named', 'gwendal', 'julie', 'starts', 'feeling', 'bad', 'isma챘l', 'decide', 'leave', 'julie', 'goes', 'building', 'isma챘l', 'gets', 'stuff', 'comes', 'outside', 'finds', 'julie', 'unconscious', 'floor', 'woman', 'performs', 'cpr', 'police', 'arrive', 'question', 'isma챘l', 'paramedics', 'attend', 'julie', 'one', 'paramedics', 'talks', 'police', 'officer', 'goes', 'back', 'car', 'isma챘l', 'sitting', 'radio', 'reports', 'julie', 'death', 'going', 'work', 'isma챘l', 'runs', 'jeanne', 'way', 'apartment', 'pick', 'julie', 'clothes', 'argument', 'tell', 'first', 'isma챘l', 'gives', 'keys', 'work', 'tells', 'alice', \"n't\", 'like', 'argue', 'comfort', 'since', 'jeanne', 'staying', 'isma챘l', 'apartment', \"n't\", 'want', 'spend', 'night', 'alice', 'takes', 'gwendal', 'apartment', 'isma챘l', 'spends', 'entire', 'night', 'awake', 'morning', 'meets', 'erwann', 'gwendal', 'younger', 'brother', 'leaving', 'school', 'offers', 'room', 'sleep', 'bed', 'erwann', 'returns', 'wakes', 'isma챘l', 'borrows', 'clean', 'clothes', 'erwann', 'leaves', 'work', 'returns', 'secretly', 'followed', 'met', 'erwann', 'asks', 'home', 'isma챘l', 'rejects', 'gets', 'apartment', 'find', 'jeanne', 'still', 'annoys', 'goes', 'erwann', 'apartment', 'spend', 'night', 'lunch', 'julie', 'family', 'next', 'day', 'isma챘l', 'rejects', 'offer', 'life', 'insurance', 'money', 'father', 'night', 'takes', 'maude', 'waitress', 'bar', 'used', 'julie', 'alice', 'one-night', 'stand', 'apartment', 'wake', 'noon', 'realize', 'jeanne', 'present', 'isma챘l', 'leaves', 'jeanne', 'disappointed', 'finds', 'girl', 'alice', 'isma챘l', 'goes', 'work', 'find', 'erwann', 'waiting', 'tells', 'erwann', 'flattered', 'attention', 'neither', 'interested', 'need', 'alice', 'broken', 'gwendal', 'thinks', 'erwan', 'sent', 'pick', 'apartment', 'keys', 'gives', 'isma챘l', 'pass', 'erwann', 'leaving', 'work', 'isma챘l', 'finds', 'erwann', 'waiting', 'gives', 'keys', 'takes', 'back', 'isma챘l', 'apartment', 'meanwhile', 'alice', 'receives', 'phone', 'call', 'julie', 'mother', 'two', 'meet', 'restaurant', 'julie', 'mother', 'asks', 'take', 'care', 'isma챘l', 'jasmine', 'julie', 'sister', 'comes', 'tell', 'mother', 'father', 'upset', 'home', 'late', 'night', 'leaves', 'leaving', 'alice', 'jasmine', 'talking', 'alone', 'isma챘l', 'apartment', 'erwann', 'make', 'love', 'morning', 'jeanne', 'finds', 'bed', 'together', 'leaves', 'isma챘l', 'follows', 'jeanne', 'says', 'understands', 'julie', 'threesome', 'alice', 'want', 'kids', 'argue', 'isma챘l', 'leaves', 'erwann', 'goes', 'look', 'isma챘l', 'office', 'finding', 'talks', 'alice', 'asks', 'leaving', 'whether', 'isma챘l', 'together', 'replies', 'hopes', 'isma챘l', 'meantime', 'cemetery', 'visiting', 'julie', 'grave', 'following', 'song', 'sung', 'julie', 'ghost', 'asking', 'isma챘l', 'taken', 'long', 'visit', 'leaving', 'cemetery', 'isma챘l', 'walks', 'despondently', 'city', 'gets', 'drunk', 'alice', 'comes', 'across', 'takes', 'erwann', 'apartment', 'isma챘l', 'erwann', 'argue', 'whether', 'relationship', 'continue', 'movie', 'ends', 'isma챘l', 'kissing', 'erwann', 'asking', 'love', 'less', 'long', 'time'], ['lawrence', 'pat', \"o'brien\", 'critic', 'full', 'time', 'boozer', 'comes', 'cabaret', 'caliente', 'mexico', 'lawrence', 'falls', 'love', 'beautiful', 'mexican', 'dancer', 'rita', 'g처mez', 'musicals', 'movie', 'courtesy', 'busby', 'berkeley'], [\"'peter\", 'chivalrous', 'idealist', 'seeks', 'win', 'heart', 'amy', 'turn', 'fancies', 'urbane', 'harry', 'jane', 'prohibition', 'agent', 'helps', 'uncover', 'illegal', 'bootleg', 'activities']]\n"
"source": [
"# 토큰화+전처리(3) 불용어 처리\n",
"# 로맨스 플롯\n",
"vocab = {} # 파이썬의 dictionary 자료형\n",
"sentences = []\n",
"stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))\n",
"for i in romancePlot_str_list:\n",
" #print(type(str(i)))\n",
" sentence = word_tokenize(str(i)) # 단어 토큰화를 수행합니다.\n",
" result = []\n",
" for word in sentence: \n",
" word = word.lower() # 모든 단어를 소문자화하여 단어의 개수를 줄입니다.\n",
" if word not in stop_words: # 단어 토큰화 된 결과에 대해서 불용어를 제거합니다.\n",
" if len(word) > 2: # 단어 길이가 2이하인 경우에 대하여 추가로 단어를 제거합니다.\n",
" result.append(word)\n",
" if word not in vocab:\n",
" vocab[word] = 0 \n",
" vocab[word] += 1\n",
" sentences.append(result) \n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
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"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
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"outputs": [
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"text": [
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('allows', 98), ('remains', 98), ('less', 98), ('secretary', 98), ('fear', 98), ('closer', 98), ('based', 98), ('desperate', 98), ('stays', 98), ('picture', 98), ('went', 98), ('learning', 98), ('jeff', 98), ('wearing', 98), ('emma', 98), ('jai', 98), ('anyone', 97), ('words', 97), ('emotional', 97), ('begs', 97), ('fortune', 97), ('jean', 97), ('grandfather', 97), ('judy', 97), ('stories', 96), ('crush', 96), ('important', 96), ('apart', 96), ('experience', 96), ('lonely', 96), ('musical', 96), ('drug', 96), ('mistake', 96), (\"'in\", 96), ('england', 96), ('race', 96), ('memory', 96), ('martha', 96), ('novel', 96), ('ralph', 96), ('ryan', 96), ('lesbian', 95), ('scenes', 95), ('exchange', 95), ('magazine', 95), ('eye', 95), ('released', 95), ('within', 95), ('melanie', 95), ('replies', 94), ('constantly', 94), ('problem', 94), ('steal', 94), ('happiness', 94), ('crash', 94), ('sing', 94), ('hidden', 94), ('stolen', 94), ('reluctant', 94), ('video', 94), ('america', 93), ('interview', 93), ('journey', 93), ('said', 93), ('planning', 93), ('pick', 93), ('grace', 93), ('approaches', 93), ('reaches', 93), ('nurse', 93), ('fred', 93), ('gave', 93), ('position', 93), ('likes', 93), ('albert', 93), ('elliot', 93), ('karan', 93), ('hollywood', 92), ('reach', 92), ('seduce', 92), ('appear', 92), ('warns', 92), ('buddy', 92), ('word', 92), ('howard', 92), ('killing', 92), ('acting', 92), ('alive', 92), ('mother\\\\', 92), ('lucky', 92), ('sign', 91), ('actions', 91), ('knew', 91), ('explain', 91), ('board', 91), ('earth', 91), ('deeply', 91), ('sight', 91), ('ann', 91), ('ellen', 91), ('breaking', 91), ('hiding', 91), ('battle', 91), ('reunited', 91), ('performing', 91), ('football', 91), ('barry', 91), ('anger', 90), ('sitting', 90), ('pursue', 90), ('lying', 90), ('hide', 90), ('rose', 90), ('wait', 90), ('incident', 90), ('streets', 90), ('japanese', 90), ('jamie', 90), ('angrily', 89), ('estate', 89), ('tommy', 89), ('air', 89), ('drops', 89), ('promise', 89), ('voice', 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('develop', 81), ('befriends', 81), ('widow', 81), ('cut', 81), ('saves', 81), ('efforts', 81), ('princess', 81), ('reading', 81), ('grant', 81), ('affection', 81), ('worse', 81), ('enter', 81), ('struggles', 81), ('strong', 81), ('concert', 81), ('charlotte', 81), ('visiting', 80), ('thrown', 80), ('deep', 80), ('arriving', 80), ('seemingly', 80), ('claiming', 80), ('speech', 80), ('abandoned', 80), ('storms', 80), ('complete', 80), ('embrace', 80), ('sings', 80), ('brief', 80), ('power', 80), ('holiday', 80), ('reads', 79), ('arranged', 79), ('fianc챕e', 79), ('picks', 79), ('unhappy', 79), ('recognizes', 79), ('government', 79), ('sean', 79), ('killer', 79), ('lily', 79), ('model', 79), ('political', 79), ('lewis', 79), ('harold', 79), ('sonny', 79), ('nathan', 79), ('forever', 79), ('amir', 79), ('failed', 78), ('impressed', 78), ('shy', 78), ('interrupted', 78), ('confront', 78), ('steals', 78), ('goodbye', 78), ('results', 78), ('chase', 78), ('rock', 78), ('allowed', 78), ('sue', 78), ('brian', 78), ('drag', 78), ('daisy', 78), ('ian', 78), ('standing', 77), ('gradually', 77), ('turned', 77), ('followed', 77), ('overhears', 77), ('mansion', 77), ('attacks', 77), ('businessman', 77), ('passionate', 77), ('luck', 77), ('chief', 77), ('paula', 77), ('drew', 77), ('roy', 77), ('caroline', 77), ('victoria', 77), ('vikram', 77), ('cover', 76), ('special', 76), ('antonio', 76), ('unexpectedly', 76), ('theatre', 76), ('acts', 76), ('grow', 76), ('message', 76), ('worker', 76), ('guests', 76), ('credits', 76), ('michelle', 76), ('spot', 76), ('dressed', 76), ('born', 76), ('shekhar', 76), ('attending', 75), ('proposal', 75), ('bathroom', 75), ('san', 75), ('talent', 75), ('aspiring', 75), ('karen', 75), ('community', 75), ('france', 75), ('guys', 75), ('europe', 75), ('security', 75), ('physical', 75), ('gift', 75), ('fighting', 75), ('gordon', 75), ('realises', 75), ('vijay', 75), ('raju', 75), ('fianc챕', 74), ('sick', 74), ('title', 74), ('injured', 74), ('waitress', 74), ('motorcycle', 74), ('they\\\\', 74), ('financial', 74), ('lunch', 74), ('disappointed', 74), ('spots', 74), ('contract', 74), ('books', 74), ('roommate', 74), ('forget', 74), ('either', 74), ('third', 73), ('divorced', 73), ('places', 73), ('prevent', 73), ('started', 73), ('jackson', 73), ('louise', 73), ('mutual', 73), ('passion', 73), ('settle', 73), ('greg', 73), ('doug', 73), ('dates', 73), ('previously', 73), ('gloria', 73), ('mom', 73), ('iris', 73), ('priest', 72), ('attempting', 72), ('commit', 72), ('worried', 72), ('diner', 72), ('theater', 72), ('bond', 72), ('saved', 72), ('instantly', 72), ('awkward', 72), ('cause', 72), ('asleep', 72), ('intends', 72), ('received', 72), ('mistress', 72), ('track', 72), ('proves', 72), ('fake', 72), ('reality', 72), ('lord', 72), ('event', 72), ('read', 72), ('brown', 72), ('weekend', 72), ('gabriel', 72), ('marcus', 72), ('guard', 71), ('admit', 71), ('figure', 71), ('photo', 71), ('hits', 71), ('planned', 71), ('loving', 71), 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68), ('farm', 68), ('suspicious', 68), ('grand', 68), ('subsequently', 68), ('willing', 68), ('monty', 68), ('guilty', 67), ('clearly', 67), ('seeking', 67), ('jobs', 67), ('ill', 67), ('keeping', 67), ('center', 67), ('expresses', 67), ('spent', 67), ('truly', 67), ('jumps', 67), ('somewhat', 67), ('encourages', 67), ('drunken', 67), ('arrived', 67), ('ensues', 67), ('isabel', 67), ('miranda', 67), ('graham', 67), ('harris', 67), ('andie', 67), ('jeremy', 67), ('neither', 66), ('double', 66), ('shooting', 66), ('lived', 66), ('assigned', 66), ('adult', 66), ('beat', 66), ('straight', 66), ('jones', 66), ('base', 66), ('loss', 66), ('producer', 66), ('rescue', 66), ('action', 66), ('raise', 66), ('opera', 66), ('department', 66), ('vivian', 66), ('personality', 66), ('gwen', 66), ('points', 65), ('honeymoon', 65), ('badly', 65), ('god', 65), ('neighborhood', 65), ('remembers', 65), ('household', 65), ('ground', 65), ('dolly', 65), ('manage', 65), ('wild', 65), ('tape', 65), ('stopped', 65), ('frances', 65), ('andrew', 65), ('co-workers', 65), ('rob', 65), ('mia', 65), ('rod', 65), ('carol', 65), ('fell', 65), ('beth', 65), ('depression', 64), ('committed', 64), ('cuts', 64), ('films', 64), ('coach', 64), ('project', 64), ('performs', 64), ('tracks', 64), ('memories', 64), ('photographer', 64), ('lie', 64), ('reunite', 64), ('production', 64), ('stephen', 64), ('beverly', 64), ('ivy', 64), ('confess', 63), ('shock', 63), ('apparent', 63), ('cabin', 63), ('cold', 63), ('guest', 63), ('quiet', 63), ('teenage', 63), ('winning', 63), ('raymond', 63), ('pictures', 63), ('chases', 63), ('introduced', 63), ('slept', 63), ('pierre', 63), ('trial', 63), ('property', 63), ('woo', 63), ('servant', 63), ('naked', 63), ('period', 63), ('stranger', 63), ('jenna', 63), ('carrie', 62), ('repeatedly', 62), ('sir', 62), ('choose', 62), ('answers', 62), ('elderly', 62), ('jewish', 62), ('concerned', 62), ('quit', 62), ('favorite', 62), ('anyway', 62), ('west', 62), ('bag', 62), ('kit', 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52), ('clients', 52), ('flowers', 52), ('friendly', 52), ('presents', 52), ('celebration', 52), ('fires', 52), ('waits', 52), ('fast', 52), ('bought', 52), ('education', 52), ('maurice', 52), ('protect', 52), ('signs', 52), ('seth', 52), ('family\\\\', 52), ('allowing', 52), ('edward', 52), ('wounded', 52), ('peace', 52), ('succeeds', 52), ('discovering', 52), ('advertising', 52), ('construction', 52), ('flies', 52), ('newly', 52), ('nora', 52), ('deborah', 52), ('palace', 52), ('krishna', 52), ('luke', 52), ('joel', 52), ('prabhu', 52), ('madhu', 52), ('suspects', 51), ('pushes', 51), ('address', 51), ('victim', 51), ('north', 51), ('trick', 51), ('gain', 51), ('legs', 51), ('jordan', 51), ('traditional', 51), ('easily', 51), ('carries', 51), ('carrying', 51), ('safe', 51), ('freedom', 51), ('duncan', 51), ('millionaire', 51), ('pearl', 51), ('fail', 51), ('jump', 51), ('misses', 51), ('sadie', 51), ('teach', 51), ('psychiatrist', 51), ('patient', 51), ('hong', 51), ('carlos', 51), ('mumbai', 51), ('juan', 51), ('rani', 51), ('rohit', 51), ('investigate', 50), ('graduate', 50), ('advises', 50), ('elaine', 50), ('cross', 50), ('closing', 50), ('riding', 50), ('ahead', 50), ('award', 50), ('paid', 50), ('approach', 50), ('neighbors', 50), ('sebastian', 50), ('manhattan', 50), ('estranged', 50), ('co-worker', 50), ('clean', 50), ('attacked', 50), ('awakens', 50), ('complicated', 50), ('royal', 50), ('cell', 50), ('space', 50), ('ndash', 50), ('gold', 50), ('abusive', 50), ('tina', 50), ('rural', 50), ('ice', 50), ('bridget', 50), ('bored', 50), ('abortion', 50), ('glenda', 50), ('jesse', 50), ('homosexuality', 50), ('chinese', 50), ('benny', 50), ('skip', 50), ('julian', 50), ('nikki', 50), ('brooke', 50), ('tong', 50), ('strikes', 49), ('listening', 49), ('express', 49), ('explaining', 49), ('pretty', 49), ('threatening', 49), ('guards', 49), ('crashes', 49), ('bear', 49), ('least', 49), ('throwing', 49), ('reunion', 49), ('provide', 49), ('denies', 49), 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48), ('antoine', 48), ('resort', 48), ('hank', 48), ('candy', 48), ('virgil', 48), ('akash', 48), ('hassan', 48), ('overcome', 47), ('forward', 47), ('unusual', 47), ('resists', 47), ('broke', 47), ('disappears', 47), ('fran', 47), ('felt', 47), ('tricks', 47), ('respective', 47), ('niece', 47), ('struck', 47), ('fearing', 47), ('ruin', 47), ('treated', 47), ('hire', 47), ('ballet', 47), ('guide', 47), ('routine', 47), ('knocks', 47), ('customers', 47), ('meaning', 47), ('teenager', 47), ('destroyed', 47), ('worth', 47), ('attorney', 47), ('boarding', 47), ('hometown', 47), ('hanging', 47), ('smiles', 47), ('rage', 47), ('witnesses', 47), ('officers', 47), ('earn', 47), ('swimming', 47), ('reasons', 47), ('wrote', 47), ('gilbert', 47), ('version', 47), ('desires', 47), ('succeed', 47), ('reminds', 47), ('chooses', 47), ('glory', 47), ('homosexual', 47), ('parties', 47), ('clinic', 47), ('eat', 47), ('kong', 47), ('papers', 47), ('jerome', 47), ('neha', 47), ('finn', 47), ('loggins', 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('response', 45), ('article', 45), ('remaining', 45), ('national', 45), ('novalee', 45), ('kidnapped', 45), ('closet', 45), ('piece', 45), ('kicks', 45), ('cafe', 45), ('pretend', 45), ('expensive', 45), ('robbery', 45), ('upstairs', 45), ('briefly', 45), ('disgusted', 45), ('million', 45), ('cinderella', 45), ('audrey', 45), ('anderson', 45), ('enemy', 45), ('trips', 45), ('rid', 45), ('clerk', 45), ('forgives', 45), ('price', 45), ('soul', 45), ('heaven', 45), ('sexy', 45), ('affections', 45), ('las', 45), ('sleeps', 45), ('promised', 45), ('mickey', 45), ('flashbacks', 45), ('impress', 45), ('garage', 45), ('intentions', 45), ('pleads', 45), ('liking', 45), ('marina', 45), ('misty', 45), ('nagiko', 45), ('pam', 45), ('asha', 45), ('fully', 44), ('abruptly', 44), ('cries', 44), ('ira', 44), ('confusion', 44), ('rescues', 44), ('coffee', 44), ('caf챕', 44), ('flirts', 44), ('costume', 44), ('troubled', 44), ('worked', 44), ('charges', 44), ('serving', 44), ('deliver', 44), ('subject', 44), ('betrayed', 44), ('doc', 44), ('progresses', 44), ('torn', 44), ('refused', 44), ('existence', 44), ('enjoying', 44), ('trust', 44), ('mexico', 44), ('ladies', 44), ('via', 44), ('spoiled', 44), ('daphne', 44), ('kitty', 44), ('ran', 44), ('joined', 44), ('location', 44), ('inn', 44), ('fights', 44), ('vera', 44), ('mountain', 44), ('frustration', 44), ('morgan', 44), ('screen', 44), ('beating', 44), ('obsession', 44), ('bike', 44), ('roommates', 44), ('oliver', 44), ('section', 44), ('scholarship', 44), ('monique', 44), ('prakash', 44), ('carmen', 44), ('suite', 43), ('castle', 43), ('poem', 43), ('punches', 43), ('clothing', 43), ('carry', 43), ('visited', 43), ('boston', 43), ('marie', 43), ('fan', 43), ('unless', 43), ('dave', 43), ('circus', 43), ('nevertheless', 43), ('inform', 43), ('placed', 43), ('shelter', 43), ('build', 43), ('absence', 43), ('who\\\\', 43), ('finger', 43), ('fix', 43), ('listen', 43), ('dollars', 43), ('cares', 43), ('pilot', 43), ('liz', 43), ('teaching', 43), ('mob', 43), ('greek', 43), ('intended', 43), ('helped', 43), ('polly', 43), ('sending', 43), ('modern', 43), ('challenges', 43), ('germany', 43), ('rome', 43), ('sandy', 43), ('treats', 43), ('sometimes', 43), ('workers', 43), ('fine', 43), ('favor', 43), ('philip', 43), ('louis', 43), ('industry', 43), ('grave', 43), ('tim', 43), ('host', 43), ('month', 43), ('lizzie', 43), ('evie', 43), ('treasure', 43), ('prem', 43), ('fish', 43), ('khan', 43), ('siddharth', 43), ('anand', 43), ('agents', 42), ('bomb', 42), ('valley', 42), ('honey', 42), ('nbsp', 42), ('junior', 42), ('involving', 42), ('challenge', 42), ('recognize', 42), ('permission', 42), ('aside', 42), ('maintain', 42), ('courage', 42), ('panic', 42), ('religious', 42), ('searches', 42), ('gus', 42), ('you\\\\', 42), ('mentally', 42), ('brain', 42), ('samantha', 42), ('gotten', 42), ('forest', 42), ('informed', 42), ('chair', 42), ('sneak', 42), ('concludes', 42), ('regular', 42), ('stepmother', 42), ('jazz', 42), ('fame', 42), ('craig', 42), ('talented', 42), ('ticket', 42), ('foster', 42), ('allen', 42), ('nicole', 42), ('sort', 42), ('jeffrey', 42), ('shirley', 42), ('hillary', 42), ('alison', 42), ('petra', 42), ('selvam', 42), ('marian', 42), ('lina', 42), ('alicia', 42), ('marius', 42), ('dev', 42), ('ariel', 42), ('smile', 41), ('stuck', 41), ('creates', 41), ('silent', 41), ('lieutenant', 41), ('powerful', 41), ('task', 41), ('ordered', 41), ('inadvertently', 41), ('numerous', 41), ('worst', 41), ('ambitious', 41), ('husband\\\\', 41), ('lied', 41), ('dresses', 41), ('grief', 41), ('designer', 41), ('complications', 41), ('certain', 41), ('retrieve', 41), ('employees', 41), ('ex-wife', 41), (\"'ve\", 41), ('eating', 41), ('housewife', 41), ('harvey', 41), ('justice', 41), ('dealing', 41), ('everybody', 41), ('josie', 41), ('spanish', 41), ('expected', 41), ('hangs', 41), ('mel', 41), ('duty', 41), ('deals', 41), ('relatives', 41), ('demanding', 41), ('classmates', 41), ('mostly', 41), ('movies', 41), ('independent', 41), ('jan', 41), ('countryside', 41), ('receiving', 41), ('sky', 41), ('kat', 41), ('sydney', 41), ('bart', 41), ('sanjana', 41), ('kiran', 41), ('felix', 41), ('aaron', 41), ('archie', 41), ('jeetu', 41), ('isha', 41), ('stumbles', 40), ('comments', 40), ('studying', 40), ('ruined', 40), ('blonde', 40), ('attempted', 40), ('belongs', 40), ('journalist', 40), ('joke', 40), ('iron', 40), ('venice', 40), ('tickets', 40), ('figures', 40), ('photographs', 40), ('afternoon', 40), ('post', 40), ('cars', 40), ('emerges', 40), ('describes', 40), ('centers', 40), ('dismisses', 40), ('romantically', 40), ('aboard', 40), ('rush', 40), ('departs', 40), ('baron', 40), ('irene', 40), ('raised', 40), ('aging', 40), ('records', 40), ('forgiveness', 40), ('usually', 40), ('arguing', 40), ('shakespeare', 40), ('villa', 40), ('distance', 40), ('prepared', 40), ('step', 40), ('sense', 40), ('survive', 40), ('architect', 40), ('moon', 40), ('physically', 40), ('fiance', 40), ('patricia', 40), ('tired', 40), ('ms.', 40), ('spring', 40), ('nowhere', 40), ('latter', 40), ('elena', 40), ('joey', 40), ('c.c', 40), ('sheila', 40), ('ronald', 40), ('nell', 40), ('brenda', 40), ('zach', 40), ('sofia', 40), ('crewe', 40), ('augie', 40), ('promptly', 39), ('lou', 39), ('animal', 39), ('failing', 39), ('interrupts', 39), ('gas', 39), ('foot', 39), ('nice', 39), ('heavy', 39), ('effect', 39), ('author', 39), ('cab', 39), ('adopt', 39), ('assignment', 39), ('games', 39), ('parts', 39), ('pills', 39), ('positive', 39), ('shoes', 39), ('library', 39), ('barely', 39), ('canada', 39), ('passionately', 39), ('florida', 39), ('prior', 39), ('doctors', 39), ('constant', 39), ('lines', 39), ('web', 39), ('tramp', 39), ('spell', 39), ('sit', 39), ('mystery', 39), ('anonymous', 39), ('expects', 39), ('navy', 39), ('dudley', 39), ('anita', 39), ('refuse', 39), ('playboy', 39), ('vince', 39), ('focuses', 39), ('brothel', 39), ('locks', 39), ('luisa', 39), ('madison', 39), ('xavier', 39), ('aman', 39), ('nicholas', 39), ('melissa', 39), ('sameer', 39), ('vasanth', 39), ('sasha', 39), ('lydia', 38), ('obviously', 38), ('consider', 38), ('safety', 38), ('parents\\\\', 38), ('southern', 38), ('easy', 38), ('pursuing', 38), ('upper', 38), ('retired', 38), ('basketball', 38), ('captured', 38), ('ex-boyfriend', 38), ('midnight', 38), ('illegal', 38), ('socialite', 38), ('heir', 38), ('slips', 38), ('revelation', 38), ('blames', 38), ('suit', 38), ('climbs', 38), ('bradley', 38), ('spy', 38), ('orleans', 38), ('roll', 38), ('georgia', 38), ('flower', 38), ('somehow', 38), ('arrangement', 38), ('annoyed', 38), ('embarrassed', 38), ('diary', 38), ('deciding', 38), ('adopted', 38), ('francis', 38), ('girlfriends', 38), ('nude', 38), ('eugene', 38), ('dumped', 38), ('darcy', 38), ('loretta', 38), ('photos', 38), ('climax', 38), ('suffered', 38), ('exposed', 38), ('roles', 38), ('deceased', 38), ('instructor', 38), ('val', 38), ('ronnie', 38), ('elle', 38), ('rafael', 38), ('tomas', 38), ('mohan', 38), ('kannan', 38), ('ganesh', 38), ('angus', 37), ('crisis', 37), ('perhaps', 37), ('amount', 37), ('exactly', 37), ('east', 37), ('murderer', 37), ('official', 37), ('escort', 37), ('heiress', 37), ('punishment', 37), ('twin', 37), ('passed', 37), ('dressing', 37), ('mirror', 37), ('views', 37), ('tied', 37), ('strongly', 37), ('stunned', 37), ('enlists', 37), ('authorities', 37), ('employment', 37), ('brownie', 37), ('deception', 37), ('comfortable', 37), ('draws', 37), ('duo', 37), ('deeds', 37), ('aircraft', 37), ('sweetheart', 37), ('unsuccessfully', 37), ('witness', 37), ('engineer', 37), ('meetings', 37), ('realise', 37), ('wanders', 37), ('split', 37), ('otherwise', 37), ('dumps', 37), ('shower', 37), ('mood', 37), ('proof', 37), ('actual', 37), ('chicken', 37), ('sports', 37), ('speaking', 37), ('washington', 37), ('blame', 37), ('june', 37), ('services', 37), ('rape', 37), ('patty', 37), ('invite', 37), ('infidelity', 37), ('protests', 37), ('conclusion', 37), ('score', 37), ('forms', 37), ('portrait', 37), ('rosemary', 37), ('paulie', 37), ('gym', 37), ('isabella', 37), ('china', 37), ('lilly', 37), ('hector', 37), ('ex-girlfriend', 37), ('poetry', 37), ('karin', 37), ('axel', 37), ('rochester', 37), ('zorg', 37), ('ranjeet', 37), ('pang', 37), ('language', 36), ('groom', 36), ('recovering', 36), ('orphan', 36), ('informing', 36), ('green', 36), ('originally', 36), ('provides', 36), ('difficulty', 36), ('welcome', 36), ('built', 36), ('merely', 36), ('man\\\\', 36), ('academy', 36), ('considers', 36), ('regarding', 36), ('foreign', 36), ('tradition', 36), ('disgust', 36), ('supposedly', 36), ('assures', 36), ('rides', 36), ('impossible', 36), ('tale', 36), ('civil', 36), ('popularity', 36), ('equally', 36), ('cynthia', 36), ('understands', 36), ('vain', 36), ('dawn', 36), ('honest', 36), ('type', 36), ('circle', 36), ('romeo', 36), ('extra', 36), ('propose', 36), ('remote', 36), ('faye', 36), ('debbie', 36), ('fictional', 36), ('catching', 36), ('features', 36), ('therefore', 36), ('bitter', 36), ('sandra', 36), ('tragic', 36), ('pop', 36), ('shannon', 36), ('violet', 36), ('john\\\\', 36), ('cure', 36), ('maya', 36), ('rohan', 36), ('lena', 36), ('temple', 36), ('amar', 36), ('jorge', 36), ('jacques', 36), ('durga', 36), ('leila', 36), ('gerard', 36), ('rishi', 36), ('dum', 36), ('superior', 35), ('possibly', 35), ('suspect', 35), ('purse', 35), ('wake', 35), ('contacts', 35), ('carried', 35), ('pursues', 35), ('expecting', 35), ('elaborate', 35), ('eight', 35), ('consequences', 35), ('elevator', 35), ('caring', 35), ('labor', 35), ('admitted', 35), ('thief', 35), ('diamond', 35), ('other\\\\', 35), ('expose', 35), ('believed', 35), ('ocean', 35), ('recover', 35), ('pride', 35), ('theft', 35), ('cost', 35), ('naive', 35), ('accompanied', 35), ('forgotten', 35), ('slightly', 35), ('sake', 35), ('delivery', 35), ('flirt', 35), ('literally', 35), ('juliet', 35), ('sharing', 35), ('publicly', 35), ('knife', 35), ('overnight', 35), ('arrogant', 35), ('edge', 35), ('usual', 35), ('rebecca', 35), ('gil', 35), ('ranch', 35), ('senator', 35), ('alan', 35), ('winds', 35), ('miller', 35), ('skills', 35), ('footage', 35), ('cool', 35), ('slim', 35), ('zero', 35), ('countess', 35), ('elder', 35), ('tori', 35), ('francesca', 35), ('aditya', 35), ('eiji', 35), ('adventures', 34), ('presumably', 34), ('milk', 34), ('finishes', 34), ('annual', 34), ('fathers', 34), ('screams', 34), ('rehearsal', 34), ('eager', 34), ('ideas', 34), ('angered', 34), ('tearfully', 34), ('legal', 34), ('serve', 34), ('entering', 34), ('obvious', 34), ('gangster', 34), ('holden', 34), ('abandons', 34), ('fling', 34), ('mistakenly', 34), ('copy', 34), ('native', 34), ('farewell', 34), ('employer', 34), ('gambling', 34), ('lance', 34), ('chased', 34), ('gifts', 34), ('page', 34), ('earl', 34), ('troubles', 34), ('performed', 34), ('magic', 34), ('breakfast', 34), ('touched', 34), ('continuing', 34), ('depart', 34), ('earns', 34), ('owen', 34), ('japan', 34), ('somewhere', 34), ('aurora', 34), ('finished', 34), ('ghost', 34), ('lessons', 34), ('engage', 34), ('changing', 34), ('amelia', 34), ('marquis', 34), ('drama', 34), ('justine', 34), ('selina', 34), ('neil', 34), ('lab', 34), ('artistic', 34), ('loan', 34), ('chow', 34), ('rally', 34), ('typical', 34), ('orphanage', 34), ('nigel', 34), ('relations', 34), ('powers', 34), ('jumping', 34), ('malik', 34), ('focus', 34), ('nikhil', 34), ('grady', 34), ('sonia', 34), ('nisha', 34), ('bumps', 33), ('totally', 33), ('contrast', 33), ('threat', 33), ('suspicions', 33), ('surprises', 33), ('races', 33), ('route', 33), ('jody', 33), ('mrs', 33), ('unwilling', 33), ('railroad', 33), ('photograph', 33), ('emotions', 33), ('considered', 33), ('strict', 33), ('wind', 33), ('cards', 33), ('reward', 33), ('explanation', 33), ('pleased', 33), ('flying', 33), ('reunites', 33), ('african', 33), ('inmates', 33), ('chasing', 33), ('lights', 33), ('purpose', 33), ('intrigued', 33), ('created', 33), ('introduce', 33), ('roland', 33), ('balcony', 33), ('discussing', 33), ('longtime', 33), ('sentenced', 33), ('con', 33), ('fed', 33), ('kent', 33), ('sweet', 33), ('oil', 33), ('soap', 33), ('lovely', 33), ('institution', 33), ('celebrating', 33), ('shared', 33), ('hell', 33), ('scandal', 33), ('ross', 33), ('flirting', 33), ('nomi', 33), ('draw', 33), ('campaign', 33), ('understanding', 33), ('tea', 33), ('blossoms', 33), ('guitar', 33), ('promotion', 33), ('teddy', 33), ('classes', 33), ('jack\\\\', 33), ('therapy', 33), ('wives', 33), ('entrance', 33), ('threatened', 33), ('responsibility', 33), ('laugh', 33), ('pursuit', 33), ('faced', 33), ('beyond', 33), ('gabe', 33), ('claudia', 33), ('pumpkin', 33), ('mafia', 33), ('vincent', 33), ('dodge', 33), ('danielle', 33), ('usa', 33), ('savitri', 33), ('cristina', 33), ('samson', 33), ('zac', 33), ('dupree', 33), ('priya', 33), ('isma챘l', 33), ('wonder', 32), ('wheelchair', 32), ('pageant', 32), ('notorious', 32), ('impresses', 32), ('veteran', 32), ('disguise', 32), ('stating', 32), ('neck', 32), ('lesson', 32), ('feet', 32), ('burns', 32), ('subsequent', 32), ('announce', 32), ('triangle', 32), ('breakup', 32), ('push', 32), ('reports', 32), ('requests', 32), ('ricky', 32), ('fascinated', 32), ('complex', 32), ('replace', 32), ('locked', 32), ('underground', 32), ('scared', 32), ('waiter', 32), ('jos챕', 32), ('senses', 32), ('removed', 32), ('departure', 32), ('bid', 32), ('repair', 32), ('blow', 32), ('dancers', 32), ('chaos', 32), ('fulfill', 32), ('impending', 32), ('corner', 32), ('yes', 32), ('laughing', 32), ('charms', 32), ('concerns', 32), ('stock', 32), ('rio', 32), ('conference', 32), ('intelligent', 32), ('painful', 32), ('occurs', 32), ('elope', 32), ('proud', 32), ('unsure', 32), ('afford', 32), ('catholic', 32), ('checks', 32), ('relief', 32), ('session', 32), ('serves', 32), ('exposes', 32), ('pieces', 32), ('nursing', 32), ('began', 32), ('collins', 32), ('path', 32), ('there\\\\', 32), ('hiv', 32), ('customer', 32), ('manuel', 32), ('hilary', 32), ('bruno', 32), ('theresa', 32), ('encouraged', 32), ('matty', 32), ('chennai', 32), ('clint', 32), ('roo', 32), ('arjun', 32), ('kumar', 32), ('saravana', 32), ('behaviour', 31), ('jersey', 31), ('santa', 31), ('hitting', 31), ('twins', 31), ('objects', 31), ('slaps', 31), ('headed', 31), ('directly', 31), ('minute', 31), ('risk', 31), ('boards', 31), ('site', 31), ('willie', 31), ('severely', 31), ('convincing', 31), ('largely', 31), ('carolyn', 31), ('posing', 31), ('quick', 31), ('according', 31), ('clark', 31), ('international', 31), ('intention', 31), ('colleagues', 31), ('sorry', 31), ('tragedy', 31), ('wine', 31), ('warn', 31), ('burning', 31), ('irish', 31), ('ability', 31), ('cruise', 31), ('picked', 31), ('overjoyed', 31), ('buying', 31), ('committing', 31), ('miami', 31), ('stole', 31), ('sam\\\\', 31), ('anniversary', 31), ('ruby', 31), ('gillian', 31), ('resolve', 31), ('nephew', 31), ('particular', 31), ('frequent', 31), ('wounds', 31), ('thanksgiving', 31), ('example', 31), ('breakdown', 31), ('paint', 31), ('frequently', 31), ('yells', 31), ('soccer', 31), ('jed', 31), ('damage', 31), ('stranded', 31), ('mario', 31), ('resist', 31), ('edith', 31), ('porn', 31), ('ludovic', 31), ('happening', 31), ('berlin', 31), ('katherine', 31), ('andre', 31), ('casey', 31), ('australia', 31), ('intent', 31), ('joanna', 31), ('bianca', 31), ('erica', 31), ('thugs', 31), ('marianne', 31), ('georgie', 31), ('intense', 31), ('spain', 31), ('estella', 31), ('paige', 31), ('kermit', 31), ('ji-hoon', 31), ('sanjay', 31), ('vasu', 31), ('l챕opold', 31), ('gaurav', 31), ('acceptance', 30), ('desk', 30), ('screaming', 30), ('dramatic', 30), ('dil', 30), ('ones', 30), ('year\\\\', 30), ('that\\\\', 30), ('management', 30), ('phyllis', 30), ('disaster', 30), ('victory', 30), ('recording', 30), ('sister\\\\', 30), ('remarks', 30), ('sergeant', 30), ('prisoner', 30), ('friend\\\\', 30), ('stairs', 30), ('remove', 30), ('appointment', 30), ('goal', 30), ('tournament', 30), ('secure', 30), ('prize', 30), ('terrible', 30), (\"wouldn\\\\'t\", 30), ('ron', 30), ('bodies', 30), ('uniform', 30), ('pulling', 30), ('museum', 30), ('golf', 30), ('animals', 30), ('delivers', 30), ('wonders', 30), ('nazi', 30), ('cleaning', 30), ('danger', 30), ('actors', 30), ('surgeon', 30), ('sailor', 30), ('biological', 30), ('valerie', 30), ('idol', 30), ('refusing', 30), ('dislike', 30), ('therapist', 30), ('natural', 30), ('innocence', 30), ('drawing', 30), ('regularly', 30), ('delighted', 30), ('bags', 30), ('pub', 30), ('rejection', 30), ('ashley', 30), ('committee', 30), ('confident', 30), ('hate', 30), ('robbie', 30), ('gallery', 30), ('difference', 30), ('tad', 30), ('expelled', 30), ('calamity', 30), ('lolita', 30), ('linus', 30), ('dorian', 30), ('ennis', 30), ('caleb', 30), ('dunph', 30), ('jarrod', 30), ('collection', 29), ('missed', 29), ('bath', 29), ('scarlett', 29), ('discussion', 29), ('fourth', 29), (\"wasn\\\\'t\", 29), ('containing', 29), ('target', 29), ('rights', 29), ('increasing', 29), ('wed', 29), ('suitor', 29), ('warning', 29), ('joining', 29), ('jess', 29), ('presented', 29), ('multiple', 29), ('stone', 29), ('injury', 29), ('hunting', 29), ('parade', 29), ('troupe', 29), ('ex-husband', 29), ('corporation', 29), ('cooper', 29), ('plastic', 29), ('development', 29), ('nonetheless', 29), ('cutting', 29), ('chosen', 29), ('mistaken', 29), ('homeless', 29), ('scheduled', 29), ('accompanies', 29), ('refers', 29), ('tests', 29), ('achieve', 29), ('nobody', 29), ('mouth', 29), ('prank', 29), ('western', 29), ('townspeople', 29), ('arise', 29), ('boxing', 29), ('thrilled', 29), ('march', 29), ('disillusioned', 29), ('lorenzo', 29), ('unemployed', 29), ('yacht', 29), ('hunter', 29), ('viola', 29), ('jet', 29), ('begun', 29), ('arts', 29), ('chairman', 29), ('sunny', 29), ('filming', 29), ('recovers', 29), ('deliberately', 29), ('clock', 29), ('plant', 29), ('kicked', 29), ('son-in-law', 29), ('embark', 29), ('hang', 29), ('toy', 29), ('loud', 29), ('employed', 29), ('excited', 29), ('protest', 29), ('youngest', 29), ('dice', 29), ('irma', 29), ('distracted', 29), ('chef', 29), ('byron', 29), ('foley', 29), ('pocket', 29), ('bird', 29), ('mamie', 29), ('brett', 29), ('spreads', 29), ('violence', 29), ('sympathetic', 29), ('sylvie', 29), ('lana', 29), ('kristen', 29), ('remy', 29), ('gino', 29), ('penelope', 29), ('mama', 29), ('aarti', 29), ('lucas', 29), ('eliot', 29), ('griff', 29), ('laila', 29), ('toby', 29), ('su-eun', 29), ('sethu', 29), ('sundar', 29), ('chea', 29), ('realising', 28), ('daughter\\\\', 28), ('limousine', 28), ('coast', 28), ('rude', 28), ('raped', 28), ('fraternity', 28), ('occasionally', 28), ('fergus', 28), ('salon', 28), ('heavily', 28), ('ties', 28), ('ambition', 28), ('penny', 28), ('horror', 28), ('comforts', 28), ('ignoring', 28), ('continually', 28), ('lloyd', 28), ('suggested', 28), ('odd', 28), ('cottage', 28), ('duel', 28), ('marijuana', 28), ('covered', 28), ('quietly', 28), ('cynical', 28), ('betrayal', 28), ('defend', 28), ('revolution', 28), ('sale', 28), ('century', 28), ('energy', 28), ('variety', 28), ('belief', 28), ('distressed', 28), ('socially', 28), ('residence', 28), ('annabelle', 28), ('passengers', 28), ('troops', 28), ('developing', 28), ('planet', 28), ('considering', 28), ('alexander', 28), ('experiment', 28), ('involvement', 28), ('thereafter', 28), ('facing', 28), ('marion', 28), ('european', 28), ('calm', 28), ('cigarette', 28), ('crushed', 28), ('sugar', 28), ('iii', 28), ('immediate', 28), ('pink', 28), ('basement', 28), ('assistance', 28), ('brooklyn', 28), ('ethel', 28), ('delivered', 28), ('regrets', 28), ('primary', 28), ('contains', 28), ('jessie', 28), ('napoleon', 28), ('temporary', 28), ('creating', 28), ('greatly', 28), ('avoids', 28), ('hat', 28), ('dedicated', 28), ('christina', 28), ('jeanne', 28), ('literature', 28), ('verge', 28), ('simone', 28), ('quest', 28), ('refuge', 28), ('henchmen', 28), ('one-night', 28), ('max\\\\', 28), ('blackmail', 28), ('rupert', 28), ('items', 28), ('embarrassment', 28), ('wade', 28), ('luce', 28), ('progress', 28), ('defends', 28), ('toilet', 28), ('entirely', 28), ('kamal', 28), ('satan', 28), ('olga', 28), ('clio', 28), ('humbert', 28), ('pedro', 28), ('marisa', 28), ('ashok', 28), ('keisha', 28), ('bangkok', 28), ('venu', 28), ('ari', 28), ('isolde', 28), ('respond', 27), ('embarrassing', 27), ('wears', 27), ('deaf', 27), ('eats', 27), ('scientist', 27), ('proper', 27), ('starring', 27), ('worries', 27), ('obtain', 27), ('acquaintance', 27), ('miserable', 27), ('fool', 27), ('sharon', 27), ('interviews', 27), ('recalls', 27), ('alley', 27), ('silence', 27), ('connecticut', 27), ('von', 27), ('defeat', 27), ('confessing', 27), ('brother-in-law', 27), ('fantasies', 27), ('developed', 27), ('painter', 27), ('instant', 27), ('formal', 27), ('prefers', 27), ('collect', 27), ('penniless', 27), ('luc', 27), ('tiffany', 27), ('scolds', 27), ('austin', 27), ('horace', 27), ('practicing', 27), ('farmer', 27), ('lift', 27), ('vision', 27), ('soviet', 27), ('ensuing', 27), ('county', 27), ('railway', 27), ('alec', 27), ('escaped', 27), ('sullivan', 27), ('prompting', 27), ('outraged', 27), ('davis', 27), ('godfrey', 27), ('frightened', 27), ('sights', 27), ('keys', 27), ('rebuffs', 27), ('murders', 27), ('charm', 27), ('agreed', 27), ('strained', 27), ('rooms', 27), ('giant', 27), ('explore', 27), ('occasion', 27), ('sal', 27), ('trash', 27), ('per', 27), ('material', 27), ('school\\\\', 27), ('cocaine', 27), ('welcomes', 27), ('improve', 27), ('despair', 27), ('difficulties', 27), ('korean', 27), ('flipper', 27), ('treat', 27), ('realized', 27), ('widower', 27), ('rise', 27), ('inspiration', 27), ('hans', 27), ('colin', 27), ('expand', 27), ('edgar', 27), ('yash', 27), ('nadia', 27), ('alfie', 27), ('barney', 27), ('lumpy', 27), ('roopa', 27), ('cady', 27), ('susanna', 27), ('izzy', 27), ('chitra', 27), ('nirmala', 27), ('krishnan', 27), ('wall-e', 27), ('su-wan', 27), ('maybe', 26), ('dull', 26), ('corpse', 26), ('string', 26), ('picking', 26), ('closed', 26), ('directed', 26), ('terrified', 26), ('laughs', 26), ('succumbs', 26), ('wife\\\\', 26), ('jude', 26), ('executed', 26), ('shields', 26), ('parent', 26), ('gypsy', 26), ('theme', 26), ('dislikes', 26), ('climb', 26), ('dropped', 26), ('crown', 26), ('fresh', 26), ('shoulder', 26), ('incidents', 26), ('command', 26), ('extended', 26), ('supplies', 26), ('feud', 26), ('raid', 26), ('insurance', 26), ('direct', 26), ('dealer', 26), ('smoking', 26), ('relative', 26), ('blows', 26), ('deserted', 26), ('purchase', 26), ('faints', 26), ('disastrous', 26), ('overly', 26), ('rusty', 26), ('dropping', 26), ('jay', 26), ('pat', 26), ('erik', 26), ('reconciled', 26), ('approve', 26), ('madrid', 26), ('monster', 26), ('ugly', 26), ('empire', 26), ('philadelphia', 26), ('addition', 26), ('kindness', 26), ('hatred', 26), ('poison', 26), ('merchant', 26), ('lower', 26), ('northern', 26), ('independence', 26), ('demand', 26), ('source', 26), ('reverend', 26), ('gains', 26), ('trap', 26), ('coma', 26), ('butler', 26), ('publicity', 26), ('governor', 26), ('courtship', 26), ('concern', 26), ('cultural', 26), ('bars', 26), ('bound', 26), ('desperation', 26), ('womanizer', 26), ('players', 26), ('managed', 26), ('unlike', 26), ('asylum', 26), ('seconds', 26), ('capture', 26), ('escaping', 26), ('trade', 26), ('estelle', 26), ('extreme', 26), ('experienced', 26), ('shore', 26), ('packing', 26), ('hills', 26), ('attendant', 26), ('behalf', 26), ('strength', 26), ('cake', 26), ('profession', 26), ('level', 26), ('league', 26), ('design', 26), ('auto', 26), ('inheritance', 26), ('connections', 26), ('landing', 26), ('carnival', 26), ('billy\\\\', 26), ('inviting', 26), ('pose', 26), ('fatal', 26), ('sunday', 26), ('communist', 26), ('zhang', 26), ('golden', 26), ('cop', 26), ('raising', 26), ('conditions', 26), ('mail', 26), ('round', 26), ('explodes', 26), ('balu', 26), ('caligula', 26), ('mary\\\\', 26), ('stephanie', 26), ('ref', 26), ('transforms', 26), ('internet', 26), ('intimacy', 26), ('gabriella', 26), ('russ', 26), ('bartender', 26), ('missy', 26), ('ben\\\\', 26), ('buster', 26), ('cassandra', 26), ('landon', 26), ('antwone', 26), ('marjorie', 26), ('halley', 26), ('macon', 26), ('woody', 26), ('nandu', 26), ('eun-jin', 26), ('geetanjali', 26), ('pandian', 26), ('kajal', 26), ('xiaoshuai', 26), ('werewolf', 26), ('anju', 26), ('corie', 26), ('bidasari', 26), ('sharda', 26), ('confession', 25), ('april', 25), ('worry', 25), ('shouts', 25), ('excuse', 25), ('elsewhere', 25), ('companion', 25), ('announcement', 25), ('available', 25), ('chagrin', 25), ('sentence', 25), ('fleeing', 25), ('prevents', 25), ('switch', 25), ('rule', 25), ('conversations', 25), ('professes', 25), ('poses', 25), ('season', 25), ('chances', 25), ('expert', 25), ('travelling', 25), ('commander', 25), ('disturbed', 25), ('residents', 25), ('relents', 25), ('womanizing', 25), ('shut', 25), ('loneliness', 25), ('mentor', 25), ('selfish', 25), ('inner', 25), ('ellie', 25), ('passenger', 25), ('peter\\\\', 25), ('obnoxious', 25), ('offended', 25), ('armand', 25), ('midst', 25), ('welcomed', 25), ('suspicion', 25), ('payment', 25), ('hostile', 25), ('tennis', 25), ('questioning', 25), ('vow', 25), ('flame', 25), ('featuring', 25), ('sad', 25), ('gathering', 25), ('assist', 25), ('engages', 25), ('attended', 25), ('shallow', 25), ('bruce', 25), ('mayor', 25), ('stroke', 25), ('hunt', 25), ('winter', 25), ('exam', 25), ('fraud', 25), ('hitler', 25), ('sailing', 25), ('rope', 25), ('neglected', 25), ('block', 25), ('temporarily', 25), ('fountain', 25), ('attracts', 25), ('tutor', 25), ('boring', 25), ('luxury', 25), ('implied', 25), ('examination', 25), ('justin', 25), ('quarrel', 25), ('gather', 25), ('evan', 25), ('suggestion', 25), ('notes', 25), ('ada', 25), ('destroys', 25), ('heterosexual', 25), ('spare', 25), ('composer', 25), ('coat', 25), ('mother-in-law', 25), ('julio', 25), ('loyal', 25), ('douzi', 25), ('practices', 25), ('intervenes', 25), ('ken', 25), ('cops', 25), ('politics', 25), ('courtney', 25), ('coincidentally', 25), ('freddie', 25), ('prompts', 25), ('lan', 25), ('grandson', 25), ('celliers', 25), ('probably', 25), ('chloe', 25), ('hug', 25), ('viktor', 25), ('baker', 25), ('marlene', 25), ('jacqueline', 25), ('jenny\\\\', 25), ('tanya', 25), ('jacob', 25), ('maddie', 25), ('orlando', 25), ('goons', 25), ('garland', 25), ('bombay', 25), ('moondoggie', 25), ('clara', 25), ('shah', 25), ('abbey', 25), ('newton', 25), ('desi', 25), ('ambar', 25), ('divya', 25), ('rafi', 25), ('celie', 25), ('reema', 25), ('sandhya', 25), ('ramesh', 25), ('swapna', 25), ('sayuri', 25), ('doubts', 24), ('agnes', 24), ('bizarre', 24), ('bully', 24), ('replaced', 24), ('collapse', 24), ('anxious', 24), ('academic', 24), ('tryst', 24), ('sabotage', 24), ('cry', 24), ('brawl', 24), ('unit', 24), ('reaction', 24), ('cora', 24), ('ironically', 24), (\"hasn\\\\'t\", 24), ('objections', 24), ('abandon', 24), ('newfound', 24), ('low', 24), ('lure', 24), ('jokes', 24), ('oldest', 24), ('satisfied', 24), ('relieved', 24), ('smoke', 24), ('surrounded', 24), ('poker', 24), ('messages', 24), ('darrell', 24), ('prostitution', 24), ('warned', 24), ('woman\\\\', 24), ('delight', 24), ('fat', 24), ('mechanic', 24), ('gossip', 24), ('false', 24), ('stress', 24), ('candidate', 24), ('admitting', 24), ('statue', 24), ('produce', 24), ('beside', 24), ('kidnapping', 24), ('traffic', 24), ('weapon', 24), ('object', 24), ('suitable', 24), ('culminates', 24), ('ballroom', 24), ('cheer', 24), ('belongings', 24), ('donald', 24), ('kingdom', 24), ('buried', 24), ('forbidden', 24), ('slater', 24), ('please', 24), ('montgomery', 24), ('siblings', 24), ('restore', 24), ('greeted', 24), ('entry', 24), ('complains', 24), ('reacts', 24), ('witch', 24), ('casino', 24), ('cameron', 24), ('stayed', 24), ('display', 24), ('fair', 24), ('rises', 24), ('mixed', 24), ('angie', 24), ('mall', 24), ('seducing', 24), ('cope', 24), ('parker', 24), ('stepfather', 24), ('novelist', 24), ('sacrifice', 24), ('shattered', 24), ('twist', 24), ('madeleine', 24), ('moral', 24), ('children\\\\', 24), ('taught', 24), ('network', 24), ('paths', 24), ('crimes', 24), ('becky', 24), ('link', 24), ('possibility', 24), ('district', 24), ('heading', 24), ('jonah', 24), ('benefit', 24), ('flamboyant', 24), ('mason', 24), ('penis', 24), ('discovery', 24), ('jr.', 24), ('weight', 24), ('david\\\\', 24), ('chapter', 24), ('exotic', 24), ('shift', 24), ('locate', 24), ('bursts', 24), ('salim', 24), ('hawaii', 24), ('everywhere', 24), ('delhi', 24), ('marital', 24), ('blake', 24), ('muriel', 24), ('tyler', 24), ('megha', 24), ('hammond', 24), ('dennis', 24), ('toni', 24), ('guru', 24), ('taj', 24), ('alfalfa', 24), ('flor', 24), ('panisse', 24), ('laxmi', 24), ('meredith', 24), ('lateef', 24), ('gladys', 24), ('sierra', 24), ('lamar', 24), ('lauryn', 24), ('inability', 23), ('newlyweds', 23), ('altar', 23), ('nose', 23), ('portrayed', 23), ('kidnap', 23), ('assault', 23), ('shots', 23), ('shoe', 23), ('ruins', 23), ('isolated', 23), ('richards', 23), ('doubt', 23), ('pack', 23), ('phoebe', 23), ('suggesting', 23), ('tends', 23), ('finishing', 23), ('paul\\\\', 23), ('baxter', 23), ('assuming', 23), ('filmed', 23), ('schemes', 23), ('supports', 23), ('row', 23), ('georges', 23), ('ensure', 23), ('nine', 23), ('throne', 23), ('silently', 23), ('lane', 23), ('severe', 23), ('frederick', 23), ('total', 23), ('file', 23), ('approaching', 23), ('seduced', 23), ('volunteers', 23), ('defeated', 23), ('content', 23), ('brutal', 23), ('motion', 23), ('ireland', 23), ('cinema', 23), ('noticed', 23), ('suspected', 23), ('williams', 23), ('mess', 23), ('curious', 23), ('novak', 23), ('cooking', 23), ('commercial', 23), ('horn', 23), ('bigger', 23), ('communicate', 23), ('champion', 23), ('likely', 23), ('rare', 23), ('porter', 23), ('playwright', 23), ('adoption', 23), ('lonnie', 23), ('convenience', 23), ('sparks', 23), ('entertainment', 23), ('rapes', 23), ('attentions', 23), ('alexandra', 23), ('orchestra', 23), ('console', 23), ('necessary', 23), ('pianist', 23), ('teachers', 23), ('revolutionary', 23), ('separation', 23), ('unlikely', 23), ('ashamed', 23), ('unfaithful', 23), ('degree', 23), ('katharine', 23), ('listens', 23), ('silver', 23), ('imagines', 23), ('breasts', 23), ('oral', 23), ('boyd', 23), ('wave', 23), ('rex', 23), ('tycoon', 23), ('granddaughter', 23), ('intentionally', 23), ('devoted', 23), ('intelligence', 23), ('bottom', 23), ('pet', 23), ('review', 23), ('haunted', 23), ('patients', 23), ('harrison', 23), ('beer', 23), ('debts', 23), ('baroness', 23), ('slave', 23), ('caretaker', 23), ('pistol', 23), ('perfectly', 23), ('situations', 23), ('rebels', 23), ('journal', 23), ('plantation', 23), ('sensitive', 23), ('gentleman', 23), ('associate', 23), ('sorts', 23), ('parking', 23), ('grounds', 23), ('chen', 23), ('gilles', 23), ('sorority', 23), ('denise', 23), ('gina', 23), ('cruel', 23), ('wallace', 23), ('twenty', 23), ('hour', 23), ('syd', 23), ('nathalie', 23), ('burn', 23), ('narayan', 23), ('l.a.', 23), ('regina', 23), ('carson', 23), ('gidget\\\\', 23), ('crawford', 23), ('kinsey', 23), ('russell', 23), ('louisa', 23), ('sita', 23), ('k철rner', 23), ('yui', 23), ('mirabelle', 23), ('ana', 23), ('cinta', 23), ('pablo', 23), ('babu', 23), ('sadhana', 23), ('keld', 23), ('akhil', 23), ('padayappa', 23), ('ramana', 23), ('gilieth', 23), ('prospect', 22), ('ignore', 22), ('fill', 22), ('warren', 22), ('numbers', 22), ('served', 22), ('casting', 22), ('robinson', 22), ('resolves', 22), ('pursued', 22), ('bowling', 22), ('term', 22), ('preparations', 22), ('봞nd', 22), ('backstage', 22), ('advance', 22), ('appearing', 22), ('trunk', 22), ('solution', 22), ('removes', 22), ('injuries', 22), ('looked', 22), ('retreat', 22), ('port', 22), ('servants', 22), ('promoted', 22), ('whenever', 22), ('booth', 22), ('guardian', 22), ('willy', 22), ('yard', 22), ('bury', 22), ('town\\\\', 22), ('africa', 22), ('spotted', 22), ('argues', 22), ('rivals', 22), ('criminals', 22), ('hosted', 22), ('encouragement', 22), ('currently', 22), ('compete', 22), ('portrays', 22), ('warm', 22), ('bullet', 22), ('leon', 22), ('championship', 22), ('knocking', 22), ('pleasure', 22), ('intellectual', 22), ('champagne', 22), ('defense', 22), ('humiliates', 22), ('proposing', 22), ('resistance', 22), ('impression', 22), ('stunt', 22), ('boxer', 22), ('casual', 22), ('enemies', 22), ('throat', 22), ('prime', 22), ('free-spirited', 22), ('irritated', 22), ('tax', 22), ('hardly', 22), ('owes', 22), ('confirms', 22), ('temper', 22), ('frame', 22), ('eva', 22), ('joe\\\\', 22), ('envelope', 22), ('disappointment', 22), ('sales', 22), ('disguised', 22), ('covers', 22), ('relates', 22), ('approached', 22), ('picnic', 22), ('edmund', 22), ('interests', 22), ('disapproval', 22), ('warner', 22), ('tow', 22), ('hostage', 22), ('long-time', 22), ('direction', 22), ('imprisoned', 22), ('spying', 22), ('insecure', 22), ('shifts', 22), ('bracelet', 22), ('stopping', 22), ('secrets', 22), ('teen', 22), ('tank', 22), ('interesting', 22), ('suffer', 22), ('physician', 22), ('proceed', 22), ('channel', 22), ('elliott', 22), ('slip', 22), ('tensions', 22), ('whale', 22), ('madeline', 22), ('lili', 22), ('sister-in-law', 22), ('ned', 22), ('beau', 22), ('nights', 22), ('ruse', 22), ('stuart', 22), ('sand', 22), ('eldest', 22), ('coleman', 22), ('comment', 22), ('misunderstanding', 22), ('cecil', 22), ('luxurious', 22), ('tie', 22), ('consent', 22), ('amends', 22), ('quinn', 22), ('beckett', 22), ('cecilia', 22), ('garance', 22), ('moscow', 22), ('orfeu', 22), ('ming', 22), ('cutter', 22), ('suzie', 22), ('vlad', 22), ('tamsin', 22), ('yanko', 22), ('selima', 22), ('cuba', 22), ('sommer', 22), ('tara', 22), ('keira', 22), ('shiva', 22), ('melinda', 22), ('norbit', 22), ('han-na', 22), ('횁ngel', 22), ('serial', 21), ('hints', 21), ('mainly', 21), ('adds', 21), ('narrator', 21), ('narrates', 21), ('fbi', 21), ('methods', 21), ('activist', 21), ('correct', 21), ('convicted', 21), ('epilogue', 21), ('bookstore', 21), ('distress', 21), ('heated', 21), ('observes', 21), ('eve\\\\', 21), ('biggest', 21), ('premiere', 21), ('brilliant', 21), ('supportive', 21), ('crooked', 21), ('recovery', 21), ('operator', 21), ('designs', 21), ('insisting', 21), ('active', 21), ('patrons', 21), ('hole', 21), ('issue', 21), ('bail', 21), ('rings', 21), ('participate', 21), ('creative', 21), ('graduates', 21), ('embraces', 21), ('fortunately', 21), ('locates', 21), ('prostitutes', 21), ('judith', 21), ('carefree', 21), ('pity', 21), ('mckay', 21), ('swim', 21), ('reconciliation', 21), ('antics', 21), ('threaten', 21), ('funds', 21), ('johnnie', 21), ('fiancee', 21), ('bicycle', 21), ('reaching', 21), ('sack', 21), ('coin', 21), ('enormous', 21), ('bills', 21), ('execution', 21), ('arnold', 21), ('legend', 21), ('sharp', 21), ('hilarious', 21), ('overwhelmed', 21), ('couch', 21), ('kralik', 21), ('befriended', 21), ('proposed', 21), ('doll', 21), ('vehicle', 21), ('chorus', 21), ('pushed', 21), ('admission', 21), ('declaring', 21), ('requires', 21), ('performer', 21), ('pressures', 21), ('brutally', 21), ('pulled', 21), ('brother\\\\', 21), ('charity', 21), ('victims', 21), ('persuaded', 21), ('aggressive', 21), ('teller', 21), ('settles', 21), ('del', 21), ('super', 21), ('mute', 21), ('budding', 21), ('rough', 21), ('papa', 21), ('funny', 21), ('godmother', 21), ('teenagers', 21), ('liked', 21), ('directions', 21), ('ambulance', 21), ('celia', 21), ('bright', 21), ('mathieu', 21), ('surface', 21), ('wit', 21), ('dentist', 21), ('challenged', 21), ('1950s', 21), ('boone', 21), ('humiliation', 21), ('lilli', 21), ('racing', 21), ('shitou', 21), ('soft', 21), ('pee', 21), ('checking', 21), ('transferred', 21), ('begging', 21), ('everyday', 21), ('lock', 21), ('philosophy', 21), ('marilyn', 21), ('victor\\\\', 21), ('ritual', 21), ('holidays', 21), ('shepherd', 21), ('weak', 21), ('values', 21), ('denied', 21), ('pants', 21), ('carrington', 21), ('pornographic', 21), ('border', 21), ('advertisement', 21), ('described', 21), ('regret', 21), ('underwear', 21), ('tokyo', 21), ('generation', 21), ('classic', 21), ('treating', 21), ('joon', 21), ('combat', 21), ('mai', 21), ('yonoi', 21), ('smart', 21), ('marcy', 21), ('pepe', 21), ('gail', 21), ('moore', 21), ('rebel', 21), ('riot', 21), ('veronica', 21), ('celeste', 21), ('function', 21), ('lots', 21), ('isabelle', 21), ('marcel', 21), ('freddy', 21), ('maxwell', 21), ('reggie', 21), ('pamela', 21), ('laney', 21), ('caravaggio', 21), ('chico', 21), ('pakistani', 21), ('wah', 21), ('baba', 21), ('grady\\\\', 21), ('eyal', 21), ('immigrant', 21), ('rai', 21), ('vallier', 21), ('surya', 21), ('manohar', 21), ('tiwari', 21), ('devon', 21), ('sunil', 21), ('abel', 21), ('ricardo', 21), ('sagar', 21), ('roja', 21), ('hurstwood', 21), ('rima', 21), ('viewer', 20), ('hart', 20), ('exist', 20), ('joint', 20), ('jailed', 20), ('unwittingly', 20), ('identities', 20), ('spouses', 20), ('taunts', 20), ('greatest', 20), ('trains', 20), ('loose', 20), ('reporters', 20), ('cairo', 20), ('turkish', 20), ('killers', 20), ('prisoners', 20), ('insistence', 20), ('twice', 20), ('neighbour', 20), ('nino', 20), ('stomach', 20), ('chain', 20), ('knocked', 20), ('determine', 20), ('questioned', 20), ('owners', 20), ('kate\\\\', 20), ('petty', 20), ('protective', 20), ('sometime', 20), ('imminent', 20), ('angers', 20), ('diamonds', 20), ('finance', 20), ('located', 20), ('stabs', 20), ('forgets', 20), ('rapidly', 20), ('sunset', 20), ('greedy', 20), ('claimed', 20), ('approves', 20), ('kindly', 20), ('massive', 20), ('survives', 20), ('supply', 20), ('locals', 20), ('oblivious', 20), ('regain', 20), ('random', 20), ('fritz', 20), ('kidnaps', 20), ('snake', 20), ('gown', 20), ('wonderful', 20), ('partially', 20), ('yale', 20), ('ashes', 20), ('greets', 20), ('thousand', 20), ('roman', 20), ('adventure', 20), ('mine', 20), ('springs', 20), ('sworn', 20), ('partying', 20), ('handle', 20), ('hitch', 20), ('retire', 20), ('befriend', 20), ('fancy', 20), ('smooth', 20), ('ideal', 20), ('fifteen', 20), ('rents', 20), ('husbands', 20), ('grew', 20), ('adding', 20), ('costs', 20), ('virginia', 20), ('arizona', 20), ('roots', 20), ('attract', 20), ('cristal', 20), ('closeted', 20), ('exhibit', 20), ('agreement', 20), ('aim', 20), ('welfare', 20), ('visibly', 20), ('declare', 20), ('mishaps', 20), ('iowa', 20), ('granted', 20), ('addict', 20), ('admires', 20), ('careers', 20), ('satisfy', 20), ('roberta', 20), ('financially', 20), ('baltimore', 20), ('racist', 20), (\"'set\", 20), ('signed', 20), ('donovan', 20), ('majority', 20), ('heroin', 20), ('charlie\\\\', 20), ('reference', 20), ('rising', 20), ('ear', 20), ('downstairs', 20), ('abb챕', 20), ('panics', 20), ('gabrielle', 20), ('theory', 20), ('devotion', 20), ('nazis', 20), ('corrupt', 20), ('infatuation', 20), ('commissioner', 20), ('marco', 20), ('purchased', 20), ('lounge', 20), ('stall', 20), ('hugh', 20), ('fixed', 20), ('mass', 20), ('trailer', 20), ('science', 20), ('ponceludon', 20), ('cabaret', 20), ('germans', 20), ('britain', 20), ('stifler', 20), ('hustler', 20), ('gender', 20), ('fever', 20), ('lodge', 20), ('insane', 20), ('magda', 20), ('tucker', 20), ('somebody', 20), ('tough', 20), ('abilities', 20), ('drowning', 20), ('jungle', 20), ('models', 20), ('carefully', 20), ('burton', 20), ('skating', 20), ('erotic', 20), ('glenn', 20), ('novels', 20), ('miguel', 20), ('paintings', 20), ('bill\\\\', 20), ('diagnosed', 20), ('genuine', 20), ('angels', 20), ('breezy', 20), ('license', 20), ('limo', 20), ('medicine', 20), ('dee', 20), ('monica', 20), ('harmony', 20), ('tia', 20), ('houses', 20), ('gopal', 20), ('kannamma', 20), ('longs', 20), ('katerina', 20), ('clumsy', 20), ('angelo', 20), ('dadan', 20), ('awaiting', 20), ('lalita', 20), ('faithful', 20), ('pia', 20), ('seenu', 20), ('epifania', 20), ('darryl', 20), ('wally', 20), ('rakesh', 20), ('gerry', 20), ('candice', 20), ('khurram', 20), ('meena', 20), ('chauhan', 20), ('clarissa', 20), ('sondra', 20), ('encolpio', 20), ('gong-gil', 20), ('archana', 20), ('jo챘lle', 20), ('kalyan', 20), ('gutman', 20), ('bharathi', 20), ('fico', 20), ('hiraman', 20), ('sonu', 20), ('ritesh', 20), ('ankush', 20), ('sandrine', 20), ('reena', 20), ('vikas', 20), ('himal', 20), ('yaman', 20), ('bernard', 19), ('seated', 19), ('forth', 19), ('women\\\\', 19), ('unrequited', 19), ('sadly', 19), ('margo', 19), ('blackmails', 19), ('wood', 19), ('infuriated', 19), ('published', 19), ('reconciles', 19), ('makeup', 19), ('retaliation', 19), ('kennedy', 19), ('destiny', 19), ('ladder', 19), ('realization', 19), ('suburban', 19), ('uninterested', 19), ('access', 19), ('surroundings', 19), ('ward', 19), ('decades', 19), ('shocks', 19), ('arrangements', 19), ('kick', 19), ('terminal', 19), ('straw', 19), ('queens', 19), ('carriage', 19), ('devises', 19), ('shaken', 19), ('makeover', 19), ('naturally', 19), ('cleared', 19), ('testify', 19), ('outfit', 19), ('experiencing', 19), ('resentment', 19), ('assumed', 19), ('noble', 19), ('episode', 19), ('chest', 19), ('producers', 19), ('finale', 19), ('cart', 19), ('embarks', 19), ('documents', 19), ('spies', 19), ('departing', 19), ('drags', 19), ('regains', 19), ('wishing', 19), ('montage', 19), ('settlement', 19), ('hardy', 19), ('pours', 19), ('resume', 19), ('reassures', 19), ('acquainted', 19), ('wound', 19), ('alongside', 19), ('dump', 19), ('mandy', 19), ('chip', 19), ('unfolds', 19), ('lavish', 19), ('bench', 19), ('poisoned', 19), ('potion', 19), ('gambler', 19), ('bears', 19), ('policeman', 19), ('announcing', 19), ('millions', 19), ('educated', 19), ('displays', 19), ('abroad', 19), ('personally', 19), ('providing', 19), ('talents', 19), ('mentioned', 19), ('poverty', 19), ('hospitalized', 19), ('lust', 19), ('stable', 19), ('emergency', 19), ('teeth', 19), ('sides', 19), ('100', 19), ('cher', 19), ('ultimate', 19), ('walker', 19), ('resents', 19), ('electric', 19), ('molina', 19), ('norman', 19), ('ronny', 19), ('tricked', 19), ('sessions', 19), ('surrounding', 19), ('amidst', 19), ('presentation', 19), ('inherited', 19), ('strips', 19), ('apology', 19), ('sober', 19), ('privately', 19), ('confirmed', 19), ('indiana', 19), ('tone', 19), ('jamie\\\\', 19), ('ghosts', 19), ('environment', 19), ('samuel', 19), ('backs', 19), ('manners', 19), ('fond', 19), ('wing', 19), ('supporting', 19), ('theo', 19), ('witnessed', 19), ('ohio', 19), ('movement', 19), ('liggett', 19), ('insulted', 19), ('fisher', 19), ('shame', 19), ('boys\\\\', 19), ('matt\\\\', 19), ('pushing', 19), ('nestor', 19), ('urban', 19), ('associates', 19), ('jean-louis', 19), ('excitement', 19), ('villagers', 19), ('tapes', 19), ('garbage', 19), ('amnesia', 19), ('plots', 19), ('brodie', 19), ('tillie', 19), ('transfer', 19), ('shirt', 19), ('required', 19), ('fades', 19), ('buddies', 19), ('touching', 19), ('raises', 19), ('dom', 19), ('rolling', 19), ('giles', 19), ('inept', 19), ('tip', 19), ('tail', 19), ('documentary', 19), ('paradise', 19), ('wilson', 19), ('appeared', 19), ('fairy', 19), ('protagonist', 19), ('libby', 19), ('blane', 19), ('rosie', 19), ('curtis', 19), ('officially', 19), ('nerd', 19), ('bay', 19), ('australian', 19), ('laser', 19), ('creature', 19), ('rat', 19), ('dixie', 19), ('george\\\\', 19), ('devil', 19), ('geisha', 19), ('cream', 19), ('earrings', 19), ('spread', 19), ('megan', 19), ('bernardo', 19), ('vida', 19), ('gene', 19), ('thailand', 19), ('trish', 19), ('tomek', 19), ('liza', 19), (\"couldn\\\\'t\", 19), ('darla', 19), ('butch', 19), ('cage', 19), ('kitten', 19), ('speed', 19), ('stevens', 19), ('derek', 19), ('damon', 19), ('rajiv', 19), ('ethan', 19), ('pod', 19), ('helene', 19), ('jade', 19), ('mini', 19), ('shruti', 19), ('lanie', 19), ('puck', 19), ('lytton', 19), ('lyman', 19), ('snidely', 19), ('tung', 19), ('shivaji', 19), ('karel', 19), ('sakina', 19), ('ling', 19), ('pavani', 19), ('garp', 19), ('sheba', 19), ('dang', 19), ('ramiro', 19), ('arvind', 19), ('habit', 18), ('connect', 18), ('identifies', 18), ('undercover', 18), ('insist', 18), ('camilla', 18), ('ecstatic', 18), ('rivalry', 18), ('rushed', 18), ('arises', 18), ('recognizing', 18), ('scheming', 18), ('column', 18), ('performers', 18), ('plea', 18), ('conway', 18), ('memorial', 18), ('exploits', 18), ('council', 18), ('gin', 18), ('despises', 18), ('subjects', 18), ('laid', 18), ('imagination', 18), ('practical', 18), ('celebrity', 18), ('marked', 18), ('aroused', 18), ('schedule', 18), ('habits', 18), ('fiery', 18), ('separately', 18), ('charade', 18), ('skirt', 18), ('luggage', 18), ('safely', 18), ('transformation', 18), ('cheers', 18), ('patience', 18), ('artists', 18), ('appalled', 18), ('publishing', 18), ('consequently', 18), ('whereupon', 18), ('madge', 18), ('cornelius', 18), ('declared', 18), ('princeton', 18), ('policemen', 18), ('donor', 18), ('transsexual', 18), ('strangers', 18), ('grandparents', 18), ('rendezvous', 18), ('jewelry', 18), ('entitled', 18), ('greater', 18), ('marshall', 18), ('balance', 18), ('cigarettes', 18), ('reject', 18), ('loosely', 18), ('knock', 18), ('guns', 18), ('spinster', 18), ('weapons', 18), ('persistent', 18), ('tosses', 18), ('staring', 18), ('assaults', 18), ('election', 18), ('bribe', 18), ('boyfriends', 18), ('murphy', 18), ('prestigious', 18), ('conduct', 18), ('opposed', 18), ('illegitimate', 18), ('bloom', 18), ('duties', 18), ('overweight', 18), ('apple', 18), ('proclaims', 18), ('eternal', 18), ('occupied', 18), ('humorous', 18), ('dock', 18), ('pacific', 18), ('auditions', 18), ('amateur', 18), ('literary', 18), ('possessions', 18), ('prudence', 18), ('hamilton', 18), ('lora', 18), ('marriages', 18), ('introduction', 18), ('hundreds', 18), ('glad', 18), ('stripper', 18), ('possession', 18), ('spirits', 18), ('square', 18), ('jacket', 18), ('cancels', 18), ('broadcast', 18), ('exit', 18), ('davenport', 18), ('mocks', 18), ('amongst', 18), ('luis', 18), ('narrative', 18), ('homophobic', 18), ('talked', 18), ('armed', 18), ('intercourse', 18), ('librarian', 18), ('melvin', 18), ('rolls', 18), ('russia', 18), ('kathleen', 18), ('recovered', 18), ('mourning', 18), ('arguments', 18), ('chauffeur', 18), ('hugs', 18), (\"'after\", 18), ('discusses', 18), ('bertram', 18), ('augustus', 18), ('oxford', 18), ('bull', 18), ('empress', 18), ('martial', 18), ('mountains', 18), ('individual', 18), ('sculptor', 18), ('rosy', 18), ('disappearance', 18), ('collector', 18), ('classical', 18), ('ordering', 18), ('reserved', 18), ('bohemian', 18), ('polish', 18), ('complaint', 18), ('religion', 18), ('startled', 18), ('threats', 18), ('destroying', 18), ('citizens', 18), ('organization', 18), ('cape', 18), ('acknowledges', 18), ('respectively', 18), ('laurent', 18), ('mieke', 18), ('freak', 18), ('mount', 18), ('solek', 18), ('properly', 18), ('roxy', 18), ('kenny', 18), ('kurt', 18), ('bai', 18), ('exile', 18), ('decisions', 18), ('dutch', 18), ('egg', 18), ('madly', 18), ('pastor', 18), ('tourist', 18), ('conductor', 18), ('gibson', 18), ('kolya', 18), ('baptiste', 18), ('effects', 18), ('comical', 18), ('lucia', 18), ('abused', 18), ('indians', 18), ('hana', 18), ('hindu', 18), ('yolanda', 18), ('mildred', 18), ('randall', 18), ('saxena', 18), ('feathers', 18), ('praetorius', 18), ('olive', 18), ('pilar', 18), ('delilah', 18), ('katya', 18), ('helmut', 18), ('slag', 18), ('myra', 18), ('hlynur', 18), ('jangsaeng', 18), ('nandita', 18), ('ambika', 18), ('camille', 18), ('soy', 18), ('francey', 18), ('irwin', 18), ('ignacio', 18), ('heena', 18), ('assef', 18), ('livia', 18), ('wazir', 18), ('instructs', 17), ('tall', 17), ('recites', 17), ('lifelong', 17), ('transvestite', 17), ('controlling', 17), ('criticizes', 17), ('domestic', 17), ('terrorist', 17), ('adam\\\\', 17), ('laughter', 17), ('gunpoint', 17), ('thank', 17), ('rekindle', 17), ('proceedings', 17), ('aged', 17), ('considerable', 17), ('jews', 17), ('cheated', 17), ('show\\\\', 17), ('clown', 17), ('mate', 17), ('mud', 17), ('gregory', 17), ('enigmatic', 17), ('crossing', 17), ('striking', 17), ('unite', 17), ('dejected', 17), ('quirky', 17), ('500', 17), ('ernie', 17), ('spouse', 17), ('uptight', 17), ('goddess', 17), ('airplane', 17), ('chat', 17), ('telegram', 17), ('releases', 17), ('saloon', 17), ('suave', 17), ('scare', 17), ('arrests', 17), ('alyssa', 17), ('threesome', 17), ('nickname', 17), ('concerning', 17), ('ruining', 17), ('equal', 17), ('babe', 17), ('sinks', 17), ('walked', 17), ('barton', 17), ('jim\\\\', 17), ('competing', 17), ('injuring', 17), ('seemed', 17), ('봳he', 17), ('income', 17), ('prospective', 17), ('harbor', 17), ('launch', 17), ('add', 17), ('officials', 17), ('fighter', 17), ('replacement', 17), ('opened', 17), ('dissatisfied', 17), ('depicts', 17), ('contemplating', 17), ('bernie', 17), ('commanding', 17), ('fury', 17), ('expressing', 17), ('repeated', 17), ('convertible', 17), ('nanny', 17), ('dollar', 17), ('backfires', 17), ('amused', 17), ('remembering', 17), ('investigator', 17), ('dining', 17), ('heels', 17), ('feminist', 17), ('lips', 17), ('dialogue', 17), ('bonds', 17), ('unwanted', 17), ('infant', 17), ('suitcase', 17), ('provided', 17), ('familiar', 17), ('accused', 17), ('romances', 17), ('d.c.', 17), ('feed', 17), ('phipps', 17), ('stanley\\\\', 17), ('wished', 17), ('diego', 17), ('racial', 17), ('orgasm', 17), ('cheap', 17), ('villain', 17), ('waters', 17), ('blessing', 17), ('duck', 17), ('banker', 17), ('bow', 17), ('vote', 17), ('closely', 17), ('settled', 17), ('bloody', 17), ('helicopter', 17), ('mark\\\\', 17), ('jimmy\\\\', 17), ('disapproves', 17), ('fault', 17), ('conflicts', 17), ('norma', 17), ('accusing', 17), ('unknowingly', 17), ('pitch', 17), ('answering', 17), ('stewart', 17), ('tiny', 17), ('baines', 17), ('activity', 17), ('package', 17), ('wash', 17), ('despondent', 17), ('simultaneously', 17), ('performances', 17), ('swing', 17), (\"aren\\\\'t\", 17), ('solve', 17), ('orientation', 17), ('crosses', 17), ('gator', 17), ('crack', 17), ('groups', 17), ('aspects', 17), ('furniture', 17), ('mature', 17), ('doyle', 17), ('obstacles', 17), ('locker', 17), ('burned', 17), ('convent', 17), ('sympathy', 17), ('restroom', 17), ('joseph', 17), ('platonic', 17), ('generous', 17), ('sobbing', 17), ('fills', 17), ('luckily', 17), ('switches', 17), ('phones', 17), ('orange', 17), ('endure', 17), ('fund', 17), ('pond', 17), ('pimp', 17), ('deeper', 17), ('ursula', 17), ('tips', 17), ('protection', 17), ('hesitant', 17), ('anywhere', 17), ('cemetery', 17), ('kissed', 17), ('subplot', 17), ('opposition', 17), ('designed', 17), ('clash', 17), ('nuclear', 17), ('aftermath', 17), ('skin', 17), ('clay', 17), ('fans', 17), ('dottie', 17), ('investigating', 17), ('subway', 17), ('mobile', 17), ('happier', 17), ('dorm', 17), ('sat', 17), ('consummate', 17), ('orthodox', 17), ('mick', 17), ('underworld', 17), ('represents', 17), ('explores', 17), ('hoped', 17), ('eastern', 17), ('dirk', 17), ('buck', 17), ('leni', 17), ('pretense', 17), ('halloween', 17), ('lecture', 17), ('gate', 17), ('headquarters', 17), ('today', 17), ('backyard', 17), ('sloan', 17), ('overbearing', 17), ('1970s', 17), ('ambitions', 17), ('kapoor', 17), ('formula', 17), ('edvard', 17), ('malhotra', 17), ('wayne', 17), ('v챕ronique', 17), ('paulo', 17), ('ballard', 17), ('facility', 17), ('frank\\\\', 17), ('loyalty', 17), ('campers', 17), ('bryan', 17), ('vienna', 17), ('ski', 17), ('emmy', 17), ('elvira', 17), ('reyes', 17), ('muslim', 17), ('kahuna', 17), ('ruthless', 17), ('thompson', 17), ('fang', 17), ('tom찼s', 17), ('shepard', 17), ('sheik', 17), ('shikha', 17), ('lighthouse', 17), ('stew', 17), ('wilbur', 17), ('shakaal', 17), ('rumpoey', 17), ('afonya', 17), ('ang챔le', 17), ('juno', 17), ('permaisuri', 17), ('sahiba', 17), ('sohrab', 17), ('eun-sung', 17), ('henrietta', 16), ('toast', 16), ('elin', 16), ('pillow', 16), ('glen', 16), ('nightmare', 16), ('horrible', 16), ('disguises', 16), ('berates', 16), ('extent', 16), ('chemistry', 16), ('respects', 16), ('pranks', 16), ('telephones', 16), ('critic', 16), ('flashes', 16), ('humble', 16), ('higher', 16), ('images', 16), ('enthusiastic', 16), ('hiring', 16), ('policy', 16), ('dirty', 16), ('resolved', 16), ('wagon', 16), ('earned', 16), ('arab', 16), ('naval', 16), ('alliance', 16), ('swear', 16), ('fits', 16), ('tormented', 16), ('genuinely', 16), ('overdose', 16), ('confronting', 16), ('lester', 16), ('corps', 16), ('collects', 16), ('passport', 16), ('lobby', 16), ('ordinary', 16), ('meat', 16), ('charged', 16), ('rely', 16), ('refusal', 16), ('savings', 16), ('tenant', 16), ('resignation', 16), ('bumbling', 16), ('coincidence', 16), ('embassy', 16), ('part-time', 16), ('lucy\\\\', 16), ('manuela', 16), ('son\\\\', 16), ('morris', 16), ('occupation', 16), ('stern', 16), ('sword', 16), ('sorrow', 16), ('tense', 16), ('stages', 16), ('neurotic', 16), ('doris', 16), ('jury', 16), ('father-in-law', 16), ('valuable', 16), ('enlist', 16), ('shake', 16), ('underneath', 16), ('recognized', 16), ('pittsburgh', 16), ('legally', 16), ('idealistic', 16), ('consciousness', 16), ('deadly', 16), ('transformed', 16), ('invasion', 16), ('restored', 16), ('plight', 16), ('taxes', 16), ('walt', 16), ('resemblance', 16), ('lipstick', 16), ('gratitude', 16), ('fearful', 16), ('caesar', 16), ('carlo', 16), ('addresses', 16), ('pledge', 16), ('avoiding', 16), ('apologizing', 16), ('lightning', 16), ('february', 16), ('josephine', 16), ('enamored', 16), ('smiling', 16), ('noticing', 16), ('products', 16), ('survived', 16), ('destined', 16), ('mention', 16), ('newborn', 16), ('resumes', 16), ('bishop', 16), ('completed', 16), ('uneasy', 16), ('patron', 16), ('banned', 16), ('aristocrat', 16), ('ridicule', 16), ('deny', 16), ('michigan', 16), ('dismissed', 16), ('1960s', 16), ('approval', 16), ('packed', 16), ('carver', 16), ('exposing', 16), ('gentle', 16), ('embracing', 16), ('interviewed', 16), ('gaining', 16), ('spaced', 16), ('rocks', 16), ('stalking', 16), ('nerve', 16), ('destination', 16), ('remainder', 16), ('edna', 16), ('seattle', 16), ('overheard', 16), ('solo', 16), ('industrialist', 16), ('appreciate', 16), ('tender', 16), ('harsh', 16), ('cosmo', 16), ('insulting', 16), ('boss\\\\', 16), ('waking', 16), ('zealand', 16), ('alistair', 16), ('product', 16), ('suspended', 16), ('attached', 16), ('guido', 16), ('whitman', 16), ('rebellious', 16), ('circuit', 16), ('dives', 16), ('gathers', 16), ('repay', 16), ('chamber', 16), ('harassed', 16), ('hurting', 16), ('leslie', 16), ('continued', 16), ('hanna', 16), ('boris', 16), ('ancient', 16), ('disappear', 16), ('skeptical', 16), ('tongue', 16), ('rose-ann', 16), ('pen', 16), ('repressed', 16), ('demeanor', 16), ('solace', 16), ('fled', 16), ('suggest', 16), ('clubs', 16), ('drove', 16), ('affected', 16), ('upscale', 16), ('error', 16), ('placing', 16), ('suspecting', 16), ('followers', 16), ('marthe', 16), ('pascal', 16), ('attacking', 16), ('blayac', 16), ('mask', 16), ('encourage', 16), ('intending', 16), ('gesture', 16), ('signing', 16), ('nurses', 16), ('vice', 16), ('introducing', 16), ('intervene', 16), ('hosts', 16), ('sleazy', 16), ('sticks', 16), ('olivia', 16), ('rodney', 16), ('bell', 16), ('alarm', 16), ('cow', 16), ('airline', 16), ('touches', 16), ('bouquet', 16), ('bert', 16), ('landlord', 16), ('explosion', 16), ('firing', 16), ('patch', 16), ('tower', 16), ('preston', 16), ('mitzi', 16), ('robber', 16), ('prominent', 16), ('chaz', 16), ('crashing', 16), ('ransom', 16), ('sharma', 16), ('emilio', 16), ('size', 16), ('alvin', 16), ('bree', 16), ('misunderstandings', 16), ('would-be', 16), ('meg', 16), ('counselor', 16), ('shankar', 16), ('orgy', 16), ('s챕verine', 16), ('slaves', 16), ('marcus/tiffany', 16), ('baran', 16), ('unstable', 16), ('adrian', 16), ('kabir', 16), ('obese', 16), ('piggy', 16), ('withdraw', 16), ('bea', 16), ('tania', 16), ('berke', 16), ('saraswati', 16), ('uma', 16), ('amaro', 16), ('hyderabad', 16), ('laurel', 16), ('nita', 16), ('mar챠a', 16), ('ill.', 16), ('bilodeau', 16), ('vanessa', 16), ('cam', 16), ('nate', 16), ('norbert', 16), ('ir챔ne', 16), ('joei', 16), ('regi', 16), ('weil', 16), ('chiyo', 16), ('sou', 16), ('pussy', 16), ('funderburk', 16), ('novoseltsev', 16), ('screech', 16), ('christophe', 16), ('riam', 16), ('adel', 16), ('rahim', 16), ('loli', 16), ('geet', 16), ('cholo', 16), ('muthu', 16), ('banks', 15), ('mates', 15), ('retrieved', 15), ('mix', 15), ('unpleasant', 15), ('fields', 15), ('wig', 15), ('disappeared', 15), ('escorts', 15), ('graduating', 15), ('motives', 15), ('blurts', 15), ('upsets', 15), ('laments', 15), ('thereby', 15), ('completing', 15), ('massimo', 15), ('opinion', 15), ('masquerading', 15), ('register', 15), ('jew', 15), ('daring', 15), ('trainer', 15), ('launches', 15), ('hesitates', 15), ('corporate', 15), ('assume', 15), ('suicidal', 15), ('videos', 15), ('impact', 15), ('strangely', 15), ('tennessee', 15), ('alcoholism', 15), ('lexie', 15), ('trees', 15), ('paranoid', 15), ('entered', 15), ('mitchell', 15), ('environmental', 15), ('customs', 15), ('lap', 15), ('defending', 15), ('witnessing', 15), ('greet', 15), ('belonging', 15), ('belong', 15), ('tearful', 15), ('fitzgerald', 15), ('tune', 15), ('inherits', 15), ('cedar', 15), ('thousands', 15), ('flames', 15), ('horses', 15), ('steele', 15), ('heat', 15), ('grey', 15), ('lois', 15), ('sidney', 15), ('connor', 15), ('recommendation', 15), ('alternate', 15), ('damaged', 15), ('withdraws', 15), ('agreeing', 15), ('delivering', 15), ('exhausted', 15), ('istanbul', 15), ('hurries', 15), ('sneaking', 15), ('fend', 15), ('era', 15), ('conventional', 15), ('parting', 15), ('spice', 15), ('vladimir', 15), ('allies', 15), ('managing', 15), ('mexican', 15), ('posh', 15), (\"'it\", 15), ('parisian', 15), ('valentine', 15), ('wherever', 15), ('foolish', 15), ('permanently', 15), ('grades', 15), ('venture', 15), ('hugo', 15), ('grateful', 15), ('awakes', 15), ('cured', 15), ('coffin', 15), ('saddened', 15), ('maiden', 15), ('respected', 15), ('michael\\\\', 15), ('avenge', 15), ('thieves', 15), ('traveled', 15), ('undergoes', 15), ('secluded', 15), ('remark', 15), ('mill', 15), ('leopold', 15), ('henry\\\\', 15), ('unseen', 15), ('summoned', 15), ('curtain', 15), ('swears', 15), ('testimony', 15), ('costumes', 15), ('townsfolk', 15), ('mere', 15), ('nasty', 15), ('malone', 15), ('drifter', 15), ('bisexual', 15), ('humiliate', 15), ('honesty', 15), ('promiscuous', 15), ('disco', 15), ('closest', 15), ('glimpse', 15), ('investment', 15), ('tire', 15), ('value', 15), ('cup', 15), ('pig', 15), ('violently', 15), ('archer', 15), ('in-laws', 15), ('opportunities', 15), ('landed', 15), ('beneath', 15), ('nerdy', 15), ('travis', 15), ('gigi', 15), ('bakery', 15), ('working-class', 15), ('stabbed', 15), ('dry', 15), ('rikki', 15), ('wet', 15), ('measures', 15), ('americans', 15), ('shipping', 15), ('rift', 15), ('fox', 15), ('online', 15), ('blocked', 15), ('deteriorates', 15), ('elsa', 15), ('glasses', 15), ('cornered', 15), ('pretext', 15), ('amusement', 15), ('buenos', 15), ('aires', 15), ('neighbours', 15), ('querelle', 15), ('immature', 15), ('bearing', 15), ('implying', 15), ('stadium', 15), ('middle-class', 15), ('paolo', 15), ('reminding', 15), ('brendan', 15), ('citation', 15), ('imaginary', 15), ('length', 15), ('phoenix', 15), ('deck', 15), ('predicament', 15), ('range', 15), ('tracking', 15), ('bombs', 15), ('mathilde', 15), ('adults', 15), ('occasions', 15), ('greece', 15), ('kevin\\\\', 15), ('locket', 15), ('wandering', 15), ('negative', 15), ('pot', 15), ('shadow', 15), ('cole', 15), ('repairs', 15), ('insect', 15), ('adolescent', 15), ('instruments', 15), ('detroit', 15), ('map', 15), ('jock', 15), ('trent', 15), ('girls\\\\', 15), ('survival', 15), ('significant', 15), ('plain', 15), ('stepsisters', 15), ('chang', 15), ('dependent', 15), ('babies', 15), ('selby', 15), ('richmond', 15), ('timothy', 15), ('spa', 15), ('torture', 15), ('tibor', 15), ('precious', 15), ('andie\\\\', 15), ('reduced', 15), ('robert\\\\', 15), ('referred', 15), ('compelled', 15), ('shed', 15), ('tourists', 15), ('paints', 15), ('jesus', 15), ('themes', 15), ('smecker', 15), ('casket', 15), ('slow', 15), ('richard\\\\', 15), ('dilemma', 15), ('lew', 15), (\"'this\", 15), ('roxanne', 15), ('backdrop', 15), ('trail', 15), ('gupta', 15), ('lillian', 15), ('hence', 15), ('leticia', 15), ('http', 15), ('vietnam', 15), ('verlaine', 15), ('mikey', 15), ('affects', 15), ('terri', 15), (\"o\\\\'reilly\", 15), ('tod', 15), ('rosario', 15), ('matko', 15), ('dig', 15), ('sada', 15), ('respectable', 15), ('eurydice', 15), ('leah', 15), ('spanky', 15), ('pakistan', 15), ('glamorous', 15), ('nasser', 15), ('sink', 15), ('blank', 15), ('briggs', 15), ('darlington', 15), ('marylin', 15), ('magician', 15), ('hop', 15), ('lakshmi', 15), ('neal', 15), ('rahmat', 15), ('kien', 15), ('lesly', 15), ('marge', 15), ('roberto', 15), ('timmy', 15), ('amy\\\\', 15), ('royle', 15), ('kalyani', 15), ('mcclaren', 15), ('paco', 15), ('sheryl', 15), ('hermann', 15), ('tanvi', 15), ('zoret', 15), ('whitey', 15), ('brennan', 15), ('man-su', 15), ('c챕cile', 15), ('wonderly', 15), ('yam', 15), ('shiv', 15), ('zachary', 15), ('cobra', 15), ('murali', 15), ('dakin', 15), ('thiru', 15), ('chandru', 15), ('majnu', 15), ('billu', 15), ('susi', 15), ('abhi', 15), ('cay', 15), ('kwan', 15), ('scottish', 14), ('website', 14), ('chapel', 14), ('shouting', 14), ('dares', 14), ('humanity', 14), ('whereas', 14), ('bureau', 14), ('elected', 14), ('surviving', 14), ('mobsters', 14), ('removing', 14), ('presses', 14), ('reappears', 14), ('well-known', 14), ('focused', 14), ('catering', 14), ('wondering', 14), ('identical', 14), ('homes', 14), ('framed', 14), ('friendships', 14), ('segment', 14), ('awards', 14), ('theatrical', 14), ('mercy', 14), ('lawrence\\\\', 14), ('recruits', 14), ('extramarital', 14), ('distract', 14), ('self-esteem', 14), ('accidental', 14), ('stated', 14), ('album', 14), ('maine', 14), ('robbed', 14), ('advised', 14), ('vineyard', 14), ('fifth', 14), ('weekly', 14), ('titled', 14), ('brazil', 14), ('fictitious', 14), ('chick', 14), ('vicious', 14), ('harm', 14), ('hockey', 14), ('partnership', 14), ('islands', 14), ('seaside', 14), ('avail', 14), ('ruler', 14), ('showgirl', 14), ('miracle', 14), ('kansas', 14), ('episodes', 14), ('preparation', 14), ('scientific', 14), ('tumor', 14), ('afar', 14), ('intoxicated', 14), ('earning', 14), ('allison', 14), ('evident', 14), ('workaholic', 14), ('featured', 14), ('adultery', 14), ('pointing', 14), ('impoverished', 14), ('ford', 14), ('pennsylvania', 14), ('platform', 14), ('showers', 14), ('havoc', 14), ('girl\\\\', 14), ('sinclair', 14), ('anybody', 14), ('hopeless', 14), ('year-old', 14), ('17-year-old', 14), ('dismayed', 14), ('impulsively', 14), ('permit', 14), ('simpson', 14), ('minds', 14), ('presumed', 14), ('aka', 14), ('incredibly', 14), ('alleged', 14), ('orphaned', 14), ('musicians', 14), ('saint', 14), ('fuzzy', 14), ('till', 14), ('sensation', 14), ('gaston', 14), ('monescu', 14), ('fran챌ois', 14), ('comedic', 14), ('atmosphere', 14), ('refugee', 14), ('smashes', 14), ('mabel', 14), ('shape', 14), ('abbott', 14), ('confined', 14), ('admirer', 14), ('parliament', 14), ('hastily', 14), ('1942', 14), ('albeit', 14), ('inspires', 14), ('sail', 14), ('casts', 14), ('porch', 14), ('giorgio', 14), ('entertainer', 14), ('zack\\\\', 14), ('lengthy', 14), ('tom\\\\', 14), ('attachment', 14), ('establishment', 14), ('packs', 14), ('branch', 14), ('ploy', 14), ('formerly', 14), ('lacks', 14), ('impromptu', 14), ('rifle', 14), ('favors', 14), ('representative', 14), ('bowl', 14), ('reflects', 14), ('culminating', 14), ('venus', 14), ('climbing', 14), ('maureen', 14), ('gon', 14), ('ship\\\\', 14), ('vagina', 14), ('disorder', 14), ('recruit', 14), ('humiliating', 14), ('painted', 14), ('concentration', 14), ('tasks', 14), ('reed', 14), ('dashing', 14), ('fairly', 14), ('tight', 14), ('screenwriter', 14), ('established', 14), ('retires', 14), ('hook', 14), ('laboratory', 14), ('bunny', 14), ('watson', 14), ('researching', 14), ('authority', 14), ('parallel', 14), ('howard\\\\', 14), ('outing', 14), ('macho', 14), ('cyrus', 14), ('rumors', 14), ('testing', 14), ('longing', 14), ('screenplay', 14), ('carpenter', 14), ('stares', 14), ('insult', 14), ('madelon', 14), ('recommends', 14), ('fanny\\\\', 14), ('resembles', 14), ('pornography', 14), ('bombing', 14), ('enthusiastically', 14), ('recorded', 14), ('recall', 14), ('anna\\\\', 14), ('surrender', 14), ('hanged', 14), ('dragon', 14), ('casanova', 14), ('poems', 14), ('compulsive', 14), ('weather', 14), ('saturday', 14), ('cheek', 14), ('whereabouts', 14), ('achieving', 14), ('timid', 14), ('related', 14), ('suzy', 14), ('sadness', 14), ('brandi', 14), ('dramatically', 14), ('barbara\\\\', 14), ('african-american', 14), ('finch', 14), ('essentially', 14), ('cult', 14), ('dreamed', 14), ('nicknamed', 14), ('hairdresser', 14), ('walters', 14), ('exercise', 14), ('gag', 14), ('manipulated', 14), ('damages', 14), ('contracted', 14), ('murdering', 14), ('symbol', 14), ('instructions', 14), ('demonstration', 14), ('new-found', 14), ('sounds', 14), ('enrolls', 14), ('danny\\\\', 14), ('mermaid', 14), ('adores', 14), ('doubtfire', 14), ('daniel\\\\', 14), ('humor', 14), ('esther', 14), ('trigger', 14), ('internal', 14), ('slipper', 14), ('1980s', 14), ('personalities', 14), ('humans', 14), ('athena', 14), ('harvard', 14), ('billionaire', 14), ('projects', 14), ('erection', 14), ('liar', 14), ('walls', 14), ('harder', 14), ('watched', 14), ('medication', 14), ('upbringing', 14), ('cuban', 14), ('pact', 14), ('superiors', 14), ('chris\\\\', 14), ('destruction', 14), ('critical', 14), ('whitney', 14), ('rabbit', 14), ('enchanted', 14), ('visitors', 14), ('sgt', 14), ('montana', 14), ('rodeo', 14), ('break-up', 14), ('phillip', 14), ('wai-tung', 14), ('sacrifices', 14), ('windows', 14), ('leonard', 14), ('utah', 14), ('harvest', 14), ('khanna', 14), ('spiritual', 14), ('janitor', 14), ('spray', 14), ('shane', 14), ('gemma', 14), ('device', 14), ('reckless', 14), ('scores', 14), ('prague', 14), ('marcellus', 14), ('resulted', 14), ('hearts', 14), ('graves', 14), ('sperm', 14), ('photography', 14), ('rajalingam', 14), ('tex', 14), ('minnesota', 14), ('clive', 14), ('dna', 14), ('brantley', 14), ('shack', 14), ('bollywood', 14), ('semester', 14), ('rickson', 14), ('evolves', 14), ('samba', 14), ('mira', 14), ('transport', 14), ('tariq', 14), ('feng', 14), ('italia', 14), ('gigolo', 14), ('sherry', 14), ('sanming', 14), ('corruption', 14), ('seema', 14), ('sapna', 14), ('mingliang', 14), ('barnaby', 14), ('goa', 14), ('megazone', 14), ('savithri', 14), ('beasley', 14), ('yvonne', 14), ('veronika', 14), ('winthrop', 14), ('dre', 14), ('bobby\\\\', 14), ('vishal', 14), ('sergio', 14), ('genevieve', 14), ('jon', 14), ('merrick', 14), ('young-ju', 14), ('randa', 14), ('jazmin', 14), ('nico', 14), ('joo-hee', 14), ('joon-ha', 14), ('arya', 14), ('karam', 14), ('karuna', 14), ('aravindan', 14), ('zia', 14), ('nana', 14), ('bhanu', 14), ('shreya', 14), ('hesther', 14), ('ramabhadran', 14), ('tereza', 14), ('badri', 14), ('sarayu', 14), ('axiom', 14), ('donati', 14), ('kaajal', 14), ('sang-jun', 14), ('shantidevi', 14), ('rashmi', 14), ('caliph', 14), ('waris', 14), ('tan', 14), ('erwann', 14), ('politician', 13), ('scotland', 13), ('thirty', 13), ('reclusive', 13), ('chocolate', 13), ('unclear', 13), ('playground', 13), ('rita\\\\', 13), ('doors', 13), ('psychological', 13), ('personnel', 13), ('wooing', 13), ('complies', 13), ('understood', 13), ('switched', 13), ('violinist', 13), ('bickering', 13), ('delay', 13), ('awakened', 13), ('harry\\\\', 13), ('wisconsin', 13), ('coldly', 13), ('elegant', 13), ('strain', 13), ('attitudes', 13), ('brad\\\\', 13), ('unnamed', 13), ('admiration', 13), ('robbing', 13), ('ferry', 13), ('misfit', 13), ('stationed', 13), ('prospects', 13), ('commands', 13), ('tribe', 13), ('exclusive', 13), ('company\\\\', 13), ('retaliates', 13), ('reply', 13), ('cheerleader', 13), ('subtly', 13), ('long-lost', 13), ('forney', 13), ('plants', 13), ('bront챘', 13), ('alien', 13), ('conducted', 13), ('expenses', 13), ('aisle', 13), ('frenchman', 13), ('yellow', 13), ('avenue', 13), ('disturbing', 13), ('playfully', 13), ('implies', 13), ('pin', 13), ('banky', 13), ('bothered', 13), ('bob\\\\', 13), ('detectives', 13), ('clears', 13), ('produced', 13), ('vermont', 13), ('patsy', 13), ('erupts', 13), ('plotting', 13), ('witty', 13), ('nun', 13), ('actresses', 13), ('mothers', 13), ('clashes', 13), ('confirm', 13), ('michel', 13), ('atlantic', 13), ('crippled', 13), ('tracy\\\\', 13), ('mademoiselle', 13), ('attendance', 13), ('wreck', 13), ('gideon', 13), ('sequences', 13), ('noting', 13), ('exists', 13), ('builds', 13), ('accountant', 13), ('cary', 13), ('immigrants', 13), ('misery', 13), ('tested', 13), ('establish', 13), ('defeats', 13), ('presenting', 13), ('surprisingly', 13), ('legendary', 13), ('pike', 13), ('reciprocate', 13), ('discloses', 13), ('accomplished', 13), ('isaac', 13), ('heartbreak', 13), ('frantic', 13), ('pile', 13), ('dean\\\\', 13), ('larger', 13), ('canceled', 13), ('jewels', 13), ('magical', 13), ('harassment', 13), ('replacing', 13), ('matahi', 13), ('shark', 13), ('perfume', 13), ('suitors', 13), ('freed', 13), ('addressed', 13), ('farnsworth', 13), ('bathtub', 13), ('hostess', 13), ('reluctance', 13), ('taste', 13), ('repeat', 13), ('overcomes', 13), ('clarence', 13), ('newcomer', 13), ('forgot', 13), ('douglas', 13), ('christopher', 13), ('morality', 13), ('ashore', 13), ('massachusetts', 13), ('curses', 13), ('blond', 13), ('recounts', 13), ('forbids', 13), ('dilapidated', 13), ('notebook', 13), ('reverse', 13), ('ace', 13), ('stardust', 13), ('outburst', 13), ('hip', 13), ('indicating', 13), ('falsely', 13), ('contents', 13), ('furthermore', 13), ('grade', 13), ('unmarried', 13), ('snaps', 13), ('accomplice', 13), ('gig', 13), ('absent', 13), ('day\\\\', 13), ('rejecting', 13), ('sincere', 13), ('upsetting', 13), ('arregui', 13), ('cleaner', 13), ('depicted', 13), ('carolina', 13), ('dysfunctional', 13), ('voices', 13), ('jokingly', 13), ('disapprove', 13), ('quarry', 13), ('hello', 13), ('narrated', 13), ('poorly', 13), ('punch', 13), ('seedy', 13), ('geek', 13), ('mock', 13), ('assets', 13), ('conflicted', 13), ('coal', 13), ('disabled', 13), ('vaughan', 13), ('reign', 13), ('encouraging', 13), ('counsel', 13), ('resident', 13), ('washing', 13), ('jewel', 13), ('self-confidence', 13), ('settling', 13), ('renowned', 13), ('pierce', 13), ('remind', 13), ('hudson', 13), ('waste', 13), ('turmoil', 13), ('imperial', 13), ('greenwich', 13), ('showed', 13), ('promiscuity', 13), ('thwarted', 13), ('will\\\\', 13), ('crowded', 13), ('spills', 13), ('uncertain', 13), ('rooftop', 13), ('monte', 13), ('gudrun', 13), ('kinds', 13), ('claudine', 13), ('rebuild', 13), ('lay', 13), ('bunch', 13), ('jake\\\\', 13), ('etc', 13), ('brittany', 13), ('republic', 13), ('compromise', 13), ('what\\\\', 13), ('belt', 13), ('senate', 13), ('president\\\\', 13), ('loser', 13), ('cancel', 13), ('misadventures', 13), ('phillips', 13), ('kiki', 13), ('identify', 13), ('biker', 13), ('suburbs', 13), ('ensue', 13), ('lashes', 13), ('swedish', 13), ('lorraine', 13), ('withdrawn', 13), ('eli', 13), ('portuguese', 13), ('stacey', 13), ('mia\\\\', 13), ('condom', 13), ('dated', 13), ('belonged', 13), ('liu', 13), ('whirlwind', 13), ('downs', 13), ('fernando', 13), ('poland', 13), ('jupp', 13), ('resigns', 13), ('prescott', 13), ('tate', 13), ('goals', 13), ('teresa', 13), ('lawn', 13), ('akbar', 13), ('anarkali', 13), ('bobbie', 13), ('ollie', 13), ('divided', 13), ('crashed', 13), ('wings', 13), ('nagiko\\\\', 13), ('finances', 13), ('palm', 13), ('franny', 13), ('headmaster', 13), ('greed', 13), ('elvis', 13), ('punk', 13), ('ditch', 13), ('beliefs', 13), ('barrett', 13), ('freshman', 13), ('martin\\\\', 13), ('grieving', 13), ('included', 13), ('fr챕d챕rick', 13), ('sissy', 13), ('franck', 13), ('occurred', 13), ('rodmilla', 13), ('aspires', 13), ('henri', 13), ('babysitting', 13), ('murugan', 13), ('gage', 13), ('spencer', 13), ('promote', 13), ('nadine', 13), ('winters', 13), ('poisoning', 13), ('chad', 13), ('warehouse', 13), ('favourite', 13), ('maxie', 13), ('mac', 13), ('zhenya', 13), ('jimmie', 13), ('partly', 13), ('pine', 13), ('pres', 13), ('dante', 13), ('julien', 13), ('korea', 13), ('blessings', 13), ('thakur', 13), ('hatch', 13), ('rhea', 13), ('live-in', 13), ('nawab', 13), ('vinnie', 13), ('lang', 13), ('sivers', 13), ('exams', 13), ('tally', 13), ('eden', 13), ('armstrong', 13), ('restless', 13), ('toto', 13), ('dizzy', 13), ('bangalore', 13), ('suzi', 13), ('esha', 13), ('rangga', 13), ('toninho', 13), ('chuyia', 13), ('jong-du', 13), ('chandrakumar', 13), ('anil', 13), ('redl', 13), ('caddie', 13), ('mcbride', 13), ('martyn', 13), ('khurana', 13), ('jahan', 13), ('jigger', 13), ('havana', 13), ('emmi', 13), ('young-mi', 13), ('kenya', 13), ('heck', 13), ('kite', 13), ('bahadur', 13), ('roderick', 13), ('charu', 13), ('duran', 13), ('switzerland', 13), ('srikanth', 13), ('siri', 13), ('emmadel', 13), ('valdine', 13), ('gangotri', 13), ('nilambari', 13), ('inder', 13), ('kalugina', 13), ('sabina', 13), ('jarrod\\\\', 13), ('marijo', 13), ('ye-won', 13), ('halsy', 13), ('fauss', 13), ('diogo', 13), ('starla', 13), ('sulochana', 13), ('theron', 13), ('wasim', 13), ('vel', 13), ('malini', 13), ('oom', 13), ('sikander', 13), ('mansi', 13), ('hamish', 12), ('stumble', 12), ('dare', 12), ('stockholm', 12), ('men\\\\', 12), ('citizen', 12), ('winner', 12), ('gilda', 12), ('retrieves', 12), ('counter', 12), ('obsessive', 12), ('assassination', 12), ('planner', 12), ('outdoor', 12), ('venue', 12), ('emerge', 12), ('scooter', 12), ('alike', 12), ('coup', 12), ('disagrees', 12), ('concluding', 12), ('mend', 12), ('aback', 12), ('bullies', 12), ('directors', 12), ('disability', 12), ('upper-class', 12), ('inmate', 12), ('cathedral', 12), ('basis', 12), ('blowing', 12), ('evenings', 12), ('divorcing', 12), ('maintains', 12), ('marine', 12), ('bone', 12), ('bullying', 12), ('heal', 12), ('sham', 12), ('directs', 12), ('sheltered', 12), ('obtained', 12), ('fence', 12), ('crude', 12), ('mae', 12), ('publication', 12), ('trained', 12), ('qualities', 12), ('lifts', 12), ('cummings', 12), ('infiltrate', 12), ('convention', 12), ('miriam', 12), ('wander', 12), ('appointed', 12), ('domineering', 12), ('behave', 12), ('valet', 12), ('mocking', 12), ('punching', 12), ('gardener', 12), ('barcelona', 12), ('rosa', 12), ('experimental', 12), ('burst', 12), ('exception', 12), ('loudly', 12), ('mild', 12), ('endless', 12), ('feature', 12), ('bites', 12), ('virtually', 12), ('stavros', 12), ('capital', 12), ('dowry', 12), ('equipment', 12), ('conspire', 12), ('cared', 12), ('flash', 12), ('universe', 12), ('ambushed', 12), ('betraying', 12), ('right-hand', 12), ('supported', 12), ('coworker', 12), ('1000', 12), ('wisdom', 12), ('importance', 12), ('mercilessly', 12), ('additional', 12), ('embarrass', 12), ('microphone', 12), ('bullock', 12), ('optimistic', 12), ('dire', 12), ('bullied', 12), ('cafeteria', 12), ('dickinson', 12), ('janeiro', 12), ('statement', 12), ('bets', 12), ('responsibilities', 12), ('publish', 12), ('budapest', 12), ('matuschek', 12), ('dismiss', 12), ('gangsters', 12), ('osgood', 12), ('choosing', 12), ('onstage', 12), ('barrier', 12), ('honour', 12), ('canoe', 12), ('detail', 12), ('tentative', 12), ('lend', 12), ('getaway', 12), ('hatches', 12), ('1940s', 12), ('worlds', 12), ('sport', 12), ('covering', 12), ('helena', 12), ('corkle', 12), ('schoolteacher', 12), ('rented', 12), ('grandpa', 12), ('overseas', 12), ('capable', 12), ('hundred', 12), ('heroine', 12), ('repeats', 12), ('dino', 12), ('terminally', 12), ('airman', 12), ('describe', 12), ('sought', 12), ('vengeance', 12), ('people\\\\', 12), ('completes', 12), ('long-term', 12), ('parks', 12), ('billion', 12), ('modest', 12), ('forgetting', 12), ('salary', 12), ('unfulfilled', 12), ('drivers', 12), ('commotion', 12), ('enthusiasm', 12), ('blossoming', 12), ('awry', 12), ('psychiatric', 12), ('parlor', 12), ('sol', 12), ('intend', 12), ('duet', 12), ('tragically', 12), ('amber', 12), ('skilled', 12), ('flap', 12), ('speeding', 12), ('columbia', 12), ('cheat', 12), ('lays', 12), ('tent', 12), ('connected', 12), ('quote', 12), ('teammates', 12), ('compared', 12), ('contemplates', 12), ('fiction', 12), ('marching', 12), ('rider', 12), ('newman', 12), ('commission', 12), ('deserves', 12), ('alex\\\\', 12), ('sophisticated', 12), ('substantial', 12), ('expect', 12), ('filmmaker', 12), ('stood', 12), ('mysteriously', 12), ('pope', 12), ('voice-over', 12), ('na챦ve', 12), ('renew', 12), ('reuben', 12), ('competitive', 12), ('miners', 12), ('decade', 12), ('battles', 12), ('clayton', 12), ('produces', 12), ('treatments', 12), ('resides', 12), ('testifies', 12), ('accent', 12), ('relation', 12), ('elsie', 12), ('reciprocates', 12), ('application', 12), ('aristocratic', 12), ('verbal', 12), ('engaging', 12), ('guides', 12), ('miscarriage', 12), ('jealously', 12), ('ostracized', 12), ('elementary', 12), ('focusing', 12), ('announced', 12), ('interior', 12), ('chastises', 12), ('soundtrack', 12), ('hurriedly', 12), ('succession', 12), ('association', 12), ('aspirations', 12), ('frozen', 12), ('assigns', 12), ('sole', 12), ('workplace', 12), ('swings', 12), ('philippines', 12), ('supervisor', 12), ('classroom', 12), ('drown', 12), ('fantasizes', 12), ('fierce', 12), ('we\\\\', 12), ('simms', 12), ('renewed', 12), ('portion', 12), ('revive', 12), ('monsieur', 12), ('helpless', 12), ('reminded', 12), ('t.s', 12), ('argentina', 12), ('tomorrow', 12), ('forgiven', 12), ('toddy', 12), ('paperwork', 12), ('fuel', 12), ('corners', 12), ('freaks', 12), ('fascination', 12), ('hanover', 12), ('blossom', 12), ('choices', 12), ('conniving', 12), ('wee', 12), ('make-up', 12), ('beverly\\\\', 12), ('clyde', 12), ('brandon', 12), ('winslow', 12), ('correctly', 12), ('mogul', 12), ('reynolds', 12), ('leather', 12), ('steady', 12), ('sammy', 12), (\"'when\", 12), ('goods', 12), ('katrina', 12), ('generations', 12), ('gloomy', 12), ('pure', 12), ('mack', 12), ('sarah\\\\', 12), ('cameras', 12), ('core', 12), ('clues', 12), ('trader', 12), ('handong', 12), ('undergo', 12), ('luc챠a', 12), ('fatally', 12), ('sung', 12), ('hostility', 12), ('callahan', 12), ('punish', 12), ('july', 12), ('hideout', 12), ('bleeding', 12), ('duckie', 12), ('heritage', 12), ('chopin', 12), ('ostensibly', 12), ('rhonda', 12), ('foundation', 12), ('cia', 12), ('cornwall', 12), ('shady', 12), ('visual', 12), ('cases', 12), ('rocco', 12), ('prayer', 12), ('darrel', 12), ('exploring', 12), ('code', 12), ('cabinet', 12), ('pier', 12), ('besides', 12), ('wilder', 12), ('emerald', 12), ('jerome\\\\', 12), ('tomb', 12), ('monk', 12), ('tabloid', 12), ('kind-hearted', 12), ('grandfather\\\\', 12), ('average', 12), ('keen', 12), ('jenna\\\\', 12), ('schools', 12), ('motorbike', 12), ('blown', 12), ('rosalee', 12), ('tear', 12), ('gallagher', 12), ('catcher', 12), ('teens', 12), ('souls', 12), ('fudge', 12), ('weronika', 12), ('cloning', 12), ('10,000', 12), ('berger', 12), ('inevitably', 12), ('lacenaire', 12), ('stark', 12), ('rimbaud', 12), ('identified', 12), ('holy', 12), ('teja', 12), ('files', 12), ('gosha', 12), ('egypt', 12), ('nickie', 12), ('quincy', 12), ('evans', 12), ('joshua', 12), ('helen\\\\', 12), ('200', 12), ('bubba', 12), ('nerds', 12), ('unintentionally', 12), ('adamant', 12), ('brash', 12), ('latin', 12), ('nellie', 12), ('brave', 12), ('marlon', 12), ('exciting', 12), ('discredit', 12), ('rosalind', 12), ('xiao-rou', 12), ('consists', 12), ('kichi', 12), ('austen', 12), ('hesse', 12), ('bernice', 12), ('herald', 12), ('shagun', 12), ('scholar', 12), ('fisherman', 12), ('tiger', 12), ('olympic', 12), ('don\\\\', 12), ('hysterical', 12), ('traces', 12), ('inherit', 12), ('shep', 12), ('stacy', 12), ('durjan', 12), ('min', 12), ('everett', 12), ('benito', 12), ('harlan', 12), ('homer', 12), ('najaf', 12), ('cal', 12), ('hallie', 12), ('sion', 12), ('aldys', 12), ('andrei', 12), ('twelve', 12), ('evilenko', 12), ('tamsin\\\\', 12), ('doe', 12), ('gervais', 12), ('erika', 12), ('j.j.', 12), ('mickael', 12), ('dusty', 12), ('hazen', 12), ('tarot', 12), ('nanman', 12), ('witherspoon', 12), ('alwina', 12), ('lavonia', 12), ('sirisha', 12), ('hilda', 12), ('shakthi', 12), ('aschenbach', 12), ('ajith', 12), ('kavya', 12), ('kishan', 12), ('trisha', 12), ('jeab', 12), ('plastics', 12), ('hirabai', 12), ('kumjorn', 12), ('umrao', 12), ('radhika', 12), ('noone', 12), ('layla', 12), ('drouet', 12), ('eileen', 12), ('idgie', 12), ('rasputia', 12), ('dinsmoor', 12), ('abhishek', 12), ('andr찼s', 12), ('rafe', 12), ('nilofar', 12), ('teases', 11), ('reminiscent', 11), ('federal', 11), ('matthews', 11), ('squad', 11), ('self-defense', 11), ('investigates', 11), ('whispers', 11), ('athletic', 11), ('clumsily', 11), ('floating', 11), ('loft', 11), ('execute', 11), ('terror', 11), ('exasperated', 11), ('remarry', 11), ('strictly', 11), ('gathered', 11), ('dine', 11), ('topic', 11), ('displaying', 11), ('kathy\\\\', 11), ('25,000', 11), ('ladies\\\\', 11), ('buttons', 11), ('spectacular', 11), ('item', 11), ('enable', 11), ('murray', 11), ('culprit', 11), ('enjoyed', 11), ('brushes', 11), ('harassing', 11), ('promotes', 11), ('entertain', 11), ('broker', 11), ('recurring', 11), ('represent', 11), ('anonymously', 11), ('immigration', 11), ('purchases', 11), ('typewriter', 11), ('drunkenly', 11), ('akeem', 11), ('procession', 11), ('sergei', 11), ('reform', 11), ('bodyguard', 11), ('congratulates', 11), ('narrowly', 11), ('enlisted', 11), ('guidance', 11), (\"'an\", 11), ('complain', 11), ('alberto', 11), ('dawson', 11), ('equipped', 11), ('courtroom', 11), ('admired', 11), ('height', 11), ('adopts', 11), ('benson', 11), ('toll', 11), ('blindness', 11), ('reverts', 11), ('liner', 11), ('duchess', 11), ('harbors', 11), ('annoyance', 11), ('governess', 11), ('expressed', 11), ('adhemar', 11), ('squire', 11), ('cheats', 11), ('alvy', 11), ('curiosity', 11), ('brink', 11), ('doctor\\\\', 11), ('strings', 11), ('lit', 11), ('elements', 11), ('amanda\\\\', 11), ('storyline', 11), ('towns', 11), ('turkey', 11), ('bravery', 11), ('reclaim', 11), ('obtaining', 11), ('opponent', 11), ('hung', 11), ('imagining', 11), ('perspective', 11), ('sensing', 11), ('sadistic', 11), ('eliminate', 11), ('vast', 11), ('buries', 11), ('evicted', 11), ('exploration', 11), ('lucrative', 11), ('quitting', 11), ('newspapers', 11), ('determines', 11), ('practically', 11), ('consumed', 11), ('messenger', 11), ('darling', 11), ('december', 11), ('patriarch', 11), ('jeanette', 11), ('aunts', 11), ('sofa', 11), ('long-suffering', 11), ('noise', 11), ('supermarket', 11), ('draft', 11), ('homecoming', 11), ('duff', 11), ('accounts', 11), ('relatively', 11), ('scale', 11), ('bite', 11), ('trusted', 11), ('annoying', 11), ('dwarfs', 11), ('irresponsible', 11), ('shell', 11), ('concept', 11), ('bribes', 11), ('swims', 11), ('feisty', 11), ('complicates', 11), ('les', 11), ('columnist', 11), ('backgrounds', 11), ('motor', 11), ('champ', 11), ('guesses', 11), ('void', 11), ('dilg', 11), ('spirited', 11), ('landlady', 11), ('brady', 11), ('choir', 11), ('stores', 11), ('buckley', 11), ('inevitable', 11), ('herbert', 11), ('swept', 11), ('consents', 11), ('replaces', 11), ('exact', 11), ('washed', 11), ('friction', 11), ('welcoming', 11), ('proving', 11), ('resorts', 11), ('half-brother', 11), ('generally', 11), ('oregon', 11), ('seeming', 11), ('shotgun', 11), ('hillbilly', 11), ('arrow', 11), ('examines', 11), ('stuff', 11), ('cancelled', 11), ('hails', 11), ('robbers', 11), ('distraction', 11), ('pizza', 11), ('appeal', 11), ('label', 11), ('nevada', 11), ('breath', 11), ('achieves', 11), ('shocking', 11), ('considerably', 11), ('philandering', 11), ('imprisonment', 11), ('pit', 11), ('eventual', 11), ('involve', 11), ('borrow', 11), ('flirtatious', 11), ('structure', 11), ('industries', 11), ('fateful', 11), ('mcgrath', 11), ('interpreter', 11), ('balls', 11), ('fingers', 11), ('overboard', 11), ('masturbating', 11), ('grudgingly', 11), ('abuses', 11), ('conscience', 11), ('perceived', 11), ('pro', 11), ('gaz', 11), ('1930s', 11), ('pattern', 11), ('appropriate', 11), ('upside', 11), ('overhearing', 11), ('raping', 11), ('elise', 11), ('root', 11), ('drift', 11), ('acquaintances', 11), ('sr.', 11), ('trace', 11), ('topics', 11), ('printed', 11), ('cedric', 11), ('ignored', 11), ('types', 11), ('psychologist', 11), ('blade', 11), ('occur', 11), ('roughly', 11), ('swallows', 11), ('volunteer', 11), ('wise', 11), ('18-year-old', 11), ('meals', 11), ('puff', 11), ('demonstrate', 11), ('theodora', 11), ('disapproving', 11), ('preventing', 11), ('urging', 11), ('loveless', 11), ('divorces', 11), ('staircase', 11), ('hospitality', 11), ('unwillingness', 11), ('harem', 11), ('belly', 11), ('lewt', 11), ('temptation', 11), ('modeling', 11), ('solitary', 11), ('renato', 11), ('matching', 11), ('centuries', 11), ('unhappily', 11), ('anguish', 11), ('alma', 11), ('fakes', 11), ('persona', 11), ('ultimatum', 11), ('asserts', 11), ('handed', 11), ('linked', 11), ('careless', 11), ('beijing', 11), ('punished', 11), ('skill', 11), ('monologue', 11), ('dreaming', 11), ('prosperous', 11), ('machardie', 11), ('atop', 11), ('pleasant', 11), ('liaison', 11), ('stronger', 11), ('gagged', 11), ('compromising', 11), ('react', 11), ('jessica\\\\', 11), ('fulfilled', 11), ('pal', 11), ('excellent', 11), ('hinted', 11), ('verbally', 11), ('participating', 11), ('hallway', 11), ('one\\\\', 11), ('roberts', 11), ('tracked', 11), ('explained', 11), ('eleanor', 11), ('chaplin', 11), ('reached', 11), ('cadence', 11), ('delayed', 11), ('complaining', 11), ('auditioning', 11), ('affect', 11), ('dixon', 11), ('unique', 11), ('votes', 11), ('passive', 11), ('swinging', 11), ('apply', 11), ('spence', 11), ('anchor', 11), ('separating', 11), ('16-year-old', 11), ('ego', 11), ('kyle\\\\', 11), ('gia', 11), ('speck', 11), ('yelling', 11), ('appearances', 11), ('permitted', 11), ('emmett', 11), ('fort', 11), ('inexplicably', 11), ('sentences', 11), ('versions', 11), ('behaves', 11), ('origin', 11), ('impulsive', 11), ('trophy', 11), ('remained', 11), ('serum', 11), ('abandoning', 11), ('unfortunate', 11), ('disfigured', 11), ('eligible', 11), ('zoe', 11), ('accompanying', 11), ('protagonists', 11), ('frantically', 11), ('interfere', 11), ('stevie', 11), ('aileen', 11), ('graduated', 11), ('sentimental', 11), ('funding', 11), ('addiction', 11), ('smoothly', 11), ('steff', 11), ('punks', 11), ('calvin', 11), ('forcibly', 11), ('josef', 11), ('shunned', 11), ('quality', 11), ('fleming', 11), ('razor', 11), ('pages', 11), ('priscilla', 11), ('hathaway', 11), ('clare', 11), ('hotel\\\\', 11), ('heroes', 11), ('psychic', 11), ('joel\\\\', 11), ('fog', 11), ('sweeney', 11), ('reincarnated', 11), ('daughter-in-law', 11), (\"t'ien\", 11), ('ralph\\\\', 11), ('disc', 11), ('alexis', 11), ('traditions', 11), ('dormitory', 11), ('dominique', 11), ('weeping', 11), ('odds', 11), ('spiggott', 11), ('okay', 11), ('pam\\\\', 11), ('greg\\\\', 11), ('stray', 11), ('posters', 11), ('deja', 11), ('deaths', 11), ('ailing', 11), ('influenced', 11), ('cats', 11), ('demons', 11), ('chronicles', 11), ('webster', 11), ('hippies', 11), ('wrath', 11), ('achieved', 11), (\"'on\", 11), ('joanne', 11), ('normally', 11), ('harper', 11), ('ferris', 11), ('bat', 11), ('instruction', 11), ('telescope', 11), ('nelly', 11), ('mollie', 11), ('shyam', 11), ('volodya', 11), ('divorcee', 11), ('pola', 11), ('robot', 11), ('slick', 11), ('deathbed', 11), ('commune', 11), ('cashier', 11), ('corny', 11), ('torquil', 11), ('angela\\\\', 11), ('christy', 11), ('libia', 11), ('roma', 11), ('coerces', 11), ('fought', 11), ('shaila', 11), ('paulina', 11), ('basic', 11), ('accusations', 11), ('danish', 11), ('chess', 11), ('alternative', 11), ('lil', 11), ('wan-yin', 11), ('quarters', 11), ('blur', 11), ('clubhouse', 11), ('clutches', 11), ('evelyn', 11), ('fixes', 11), ('heung', 11), ('timoteo', 11), ('sabrina', 11), ('competitor', 11), ('henchman', 11), ('lambert', 11), ('historical', 11), ('laundrette', 11), ('arenas', 11), ('lianna', 11), ('debi', 11), ('avik', 11), ('yearns', 11), ('willard', 11), ('denny', 11), ('raoul', 11), ('chopra', 11), ('dane', 11), ('jatin', 11), ('higgins', 11), ('praetorius\\\\', 11), ('reilly', 11), ('goodwin', 11), ('regent', 11), ('parachute', 11), ('idyllic', 11), ('andy\\\\', 11), ('hai', 11), ('trudy', 11), ('jin', 11), ('opposes', 11), ('flavel', 11), ('reddy', 11), ('cruising', 11), ('cinzia', 11), ('tobey', 11), ('gained', 11), ('pignon', 11), ('willoughby', 11), ('mcallister', 11), ('singleton', 11), ('germaine', 11), ('ledge', 11), ('snoopy', 11), ('vinni', 11), ('ernesto', 11), ('stream', 11), ('nettie', 11), ('kristi', 11), ('cici', 11), ('scudder', 11), ('tripp', 11), ('saree', 11), ('berry', 11), ('ho\\\\', 11), ('meggie', 11), ('veeru', 11), ('ashish', 11), ('devi', 11), ('orlinda', 11), ('geetha', 11), ('fr챕d챕ric', 11), ('raf', 11), ('annachi', 11), ('mahesuan', 11), ('alvira', 11), ('appleyard', 11), ('bhramanandam', 11), ('mckinney', 11), ('attilio', 11), ('vittoria', 11), ('simhadri', 11), ('fogell', 11), ('carola', 11), ('azon', 11), ('maximo', 11), ('mindy', 11), ('raghava', 11), ('anjooran', 11), ('malu', 11), ('paulot', 11), ('finn\\\\', 11), ('loudon', 11), ('suresh', 11), ('ferdi', 11), ('l찼szl처', 11), ('ilona', 11), ('marsinah', 11), ('pooles', 11), ('englishman', 10), ('conducting', 10), ('realised', 10), ('veil', 10), ('outgoing', 10), ('professing', 10), ('acted', 10), ('climactic', 10), ('confusing', 10), ('infamous', 10), ('descends', 10), ('cowboy', 10), ('awake', 10), ('matches', 10), ('benjamin\\\\', 10), ('hesitation', 10), ('wooden', 10), ('alias', 10), ('rebukes', 10), ('nerves', 10), ('horseback', 10), ('journalism', 10), ('newest', 10), ('voiceover', 10), ('maintaining', 10), ('unsuspecting', 10), ('city\\\\', 10), ('gertrude', 10), ('dons', 10), ('transform', 10), ('prejudice', 10), ('precocious', 10), ('notion', 10), ('subtle', 10), ('reservations', 10), ('potentially', 10), ('goldman', 10), ('largest', 10), ('guilt-ridden', 10), ('introverted', 10), ('matchmaker', 10), ('discussions', 10), ('examine', 10), ('americus', 10), ('baby\\\\', 10), ('tolerate', 10), ('gardens', 10), ('deported', 10), ('canadian', 10), ('juliette', 10), ('봲he', 10), ('mobster', 10), ('holly\\\\', 10), ('brazilian', 10), ('fred\\\\', 10), ('possesses', 10), ('warmly', 10), ('edwards', 10), ('worsens', 10), ('youthful', 10), ('insecurities', 10), ('hopelessly', 10), ('jerry\\\\', 10), ('hamlet', 10), ('bennett', 10), ('rescuing', 10), ('bleak', 10), ('effectively', 10), ('autograph', 10), ('rosa\\\\', 10), ('hedonistic', 10), ('tend', 10), ('burden', 10), ('preferring', 10), ('conceal', 10), ('measure', 10), ('observed', 10), ('jocelyn', 10), ('professors', 10), ('graphic', 10), ('standard', 10), ('selected', 10), ('affluent', 10), ('painfully', 10), ('emigrate', 10), ('sean\\\\', 10), ('thirties', 10), ('ruled', 10), ('visions', 10), ('plagued', 10), ('idaho', 10), ('tooth', 10), ('options', 10), ('soup', 10), ('hildy', 10), ('niagara', 10), ('folk', 10), ('bewildered', 10), ('pleading', 10), ('plus', 10), ('gilbert\\\\', 10), ('valentine\\\\', 10), ('angelica', 10), ('backing', 10), ('legacy', 10), ('psychology', 10), ('organize', 10), ('borrowed', 10), ('impassioned', 10), ('charismatic', 10), ('hippie', 10), ('rehearsing', 10), ('surreptitiously', 10), ('bids', 10), ('dear', 10), ('prologue', 10), ('deed', 10), ('grant\\\\', 10), ('partial', 10), ('region', 10), ('tires', 10), ('judgment', 10), ('escalates', 10), ('commercials', 10), ('highest', 10), ('spectators', 10), ('unsatisfied', 10), ('atlanta', 10), ('healthy', 10), ('drowned', 10), ('concealed', 10), ('gunshot', 10), ('posts', 10), ('proposition', 10), ('shelley', 10), ('lightcap', 10), ('october', 10), ('clueless', 10), ('approved', 10), ('waves', 10), ('wager', 10), ('cheerful', 10), ('exiled', 10), ('distributing', 10), ('coins', 10), ('connors', 10), ('topless', 10), ('moss', 10), ('runaway', 10), ('billboard', 10), ('celebrated', 10), ('willingly', 10), ('disgrace', 10), ('brand', 10), ('behaving', 10), ('urged', 10), ('revival', 10), ('rebuffed', 10), ('mistaking', 10), ('lottery', 10), ('unimpressed', 10), ('drew\\\\', 10), ('pairs', 10), ('peaceful', 10), ('readily', 10), ('decent', 10), ('hurry', 10), ('crook', 10), ('drummer', 10), ('ellis', 10), ('disrupts', 10), ('awarded', 10), ('tai', 10), ('alpha', 10), ('emma\\\\', 10), ('namely', 10), ('reconciling', 10), ('viewing', 10), ('heights', 10), ('plumber', 10), ('wolf', 10), ('differently', 10), ('borrows', 10), ('seats', 10), ('lowenstein', 10), ('convicts', 10), ('spoken', 10), ('furiously', 10), ('undress', 10), ('superstar', 10), ('adjust', 10), ('muse', 10), ('bankruptcy', 10), ('steel', 10), ('tease', 10), ('dora', 10), ('giosu챔', 10), ('1990s', 10), (\"'two\", 10), ('genevi챔ve', 10), ('drafted', 10), ('couple\\\\', 10), ('emotion', 10), ('unpopular', 10), ('betrays', 10), ('belle', 10), ('e-mail', 10), ('dedication', 10), ('barry\\\\', 10), ('addicted', 10), ('teased', 10), ('lucinda', 10), ('indifferent', 10), ('intimidated', 10), ('thoroughly', 10), ('cells', 10), ('repairing', 10), ('salvation', 10), ('disheartened', 10), ('20s', 10), ('accustomed', 10), ('pace', 10), ('impatient', 10), ('dowager', 10), ('fulfillment', 10), ('quarrels', 10), ('child\\\\', 10), ('matron', 10), ('assaulting', 10), ('turk', 10), ('owing', 10), ('marswell', 10), ('pensione', 10), ('effeminate', 10), ('excuses', 10), ('adulthood', 10), ('gordo', 10), ('doorstep', 10), ('buddhist', 10), ('courtesan', 10), ('thin', 10), ('reported', 10), ('spontaneous', 10), ('wrestling', 10), ('dresser', 10), ('masked', 10), ('tenement', 10), ('outspoken', 10), ('hardships', 10), ('ludovic\\\\', 10), ('observation', 10), ('token', 10), ('real-life', 10), ('fiercely', 10), ('tattoo', 10), ('alabama', 10), ('jocks', 10), ('spree', 10), ('engineering', 10), ('nemesis', 10), ('conclude', 10), ('songwriter', 10), ('remorse', 10), ('wallet', 10), ('exposure', 10), ('drusilla', 10), ('laws', 10), ('initiates', 10), ('wary', 10), ('foil', 10), ('singles', 10), ('bush', 10), ('reuniting', 10), ('gwen\\\\', 10), ('spark', 10), ('self-centered', 10), ('porky', 10), ('balbricker', 10), ('dragging', 10), ('entangled', 10), ('seniors', 10), ('sour', 10), ('brian\\\\', 10), ('wrists', 10), ('math', 10), ('swap', 10), ('adele', 10), ('inspire', 10), ('congressman', 10), ('patrol', 10), ('expense', 10), ('drifts', 10), ('club\\\\', 10), ('debate', 10), ('tomboy', 10), ('coco', 10), ('occasional', 10), ('encountered', 10), ('transplant', 10), ('tables', 10), ('zoo', 10), ('hypnosis', 10), ('retreats', 10), ('arrowsmith', 10), ('detention', 10), ('isolation', 10), ('envious', 10), ('birds', 10), ('grandchildren', 10), ('aspect', 10), ('amid', 10), ('jeroen', 10), ('mercer', 10), ('ventures', 10), ('elle\\\\', 10), ('schoolgirl', 10), ('marks', 10), ('felice', 10), ('vatican', 10), ('scam', 10), ('fulfilling', 10), ('peters', 10), ('israel', 10), ('ariane', 10), ('document', 10), ('parked', 10), ('stud', 10), ('bottles', 10), ('noah', 10), ('genius', 10), ('added', 10), ('tempted', 10), ('weiss', 10), ('bailed', 10), ('expectations', 10), ('victoria\\\\', 10), ('mili', 10), ('hara', 10), ('posted', 10), ('merry', 10), ('illinois', 10), ('rendition', 10), ('stubborn', 10), ('banquet', 10), ('c.d', 10), ('maria\\\\', 10), ('zolo', 10), ('observations', 10), ('flesh', 10), ('haunt', 10), ('disrupted', 10), ('conviction', 10), ('masters', 10), ('lindsay', 10), ('pouring', 10), ('dispute', 10), ('surprising', 10), ('mehra', 10), ('laurie', 10), ('assisted', 10), ('collecting', 10), ('candles', 10), ('mclean', 10), ('woodstock', 10), ('unwillingly', 10), ('frat', 10), ('gently', 10), ('cities', 10), ('mabrey', 10), ('betty\\\\', 10), ('clone', 10), ('consequence', 10), ('czech', 10), ('ex-gay', 10), ('entertaining', 10), ('bess', 10), ('abe', 10), ('gurukul', 10), ('gates', 10), ('pleas', 10), ('frees', 10), ('heirs', 10), ('someday', 10), ('james\\\\', 10), ('auction', 10), ('kevin/brittany', 10), ('heath', 10), ('button', 10), ('november', 10), ('canfield', 10), ('stamps', 10), ('fuck', 10), ('yoga', 10), ('judges', 10), ('illicit', 10), ('dead-end', 10), ('contemporary', 10), ('vulnerable', 10), ('tri-lambs', 10), ('noel', 10), ('whitfield', 10), ('pochenko', 10), ('torch', 10), ('billie\\\\', 10), ('debut', 10), ('quarter', 10), ('pearson', 10), ('austrian', 10), ('cameo', 10), ('mormon', 10), ('targets', 10), ('worldly', 10), ('expression', 10), ('van\\\\', 10), ('mahal', 10), ('giovanna', 10), ('chandra', 10), ('vessel', 10), ('waldo', 10), ('ships', 10), ('gaveston', 10), ('wong', 10), ('taffy', 10), ('dashers', 10), ('sanju', 10), ('collected', 10), ('thug', 10), ('morton', 10), ('skate', 10), ('surely', 10), ('zhou', 10), ('andr챕', 10), ('silvia', 10), ('handicapped', 10), ('beatrice', 10), ('cesar', 10), ('striker', 10), ('manga', 10), ('5,000', 10), ('grocer', 10), ('kenton', 10), ('alfredo', 10), ('turner', 10), ('postcard', 10), ('operating', 10), ('rub챕n', 10), ('blaming', 10), ('ahmed', 10), ('bostonia', 10), ('viewers', 10), ('entranced', 10), ('ike', 10), ('maryland', 10), ('rabbi', 10), ('soltan', 10), ('renee', 10), ('sabah', 10), ('carmel', 10), ('incapable', 10), ('b.d', 10), ('vinod', 10), ('hari', 10), ('garret', 10), ('spengo', 10), ('harald', 10), ('sophie\\\\', 10), ('deedee', 10), ('ballerina', 10), ('eugenia', 10), ('yogi', 10), ('tobacco', 10), ('hip-hop', 10), ('lori', 10), ('naren', 10), ('narmada', 10), ('lorena', 10), ('sue\\\\', 10), ('aslam', 10), ('widows', 10), ('molly\\\\', 10), ('muskaan', 10), ('anamika', 10), ('jonas', 10), ('chiang', 10), ('fella', 10), ('kok', 10), ('visa', 10), ('itchy', 10), ('carter\\\\', 10), ('buyer', 10), ('chembankunju', 10), ('ascilto', 10), ('ooty', 10), ('tunde', 10), ('geng', 10), ('rhett', 10), ('rao', 10), ('ghislaine', 10), ('ganga', 10), ('veda', 10), ('spices', 10), ('vasundhara', 10), ('kunal', 10), ('gruber', 10), ('keith\\\\', 10), ('doogie', 10), ('murari', 10), ('avvai', 10), ('ramachandra', 10), ('madan', 10), ('mameha', 10), ('thymian', 10), ('cristabel', 10), ('garrick', 10), ('incidentally', 10), ('lefty', 10), ('shirani', 10), ('dhanush', 10), ('venky', 10), ('keerthi', 10), ('rokeby', 10), ('adan', 10), ('arpit', 10), ('haider', 10), ('santhosh', 10), ('pasha', 10), ('young-goon', 10), ('quentin', 10), ('aldous', 10), ('chaitra', 10), ('sahiba\\\\', 10), ('farid', 10), ('gauri', 10), ('leffingwell', 10), ('fariba', 10), ('saajan', 10), ('paro', 10), ('jarda', 10), ('han-na\\\\', 10), ('cholo\\\\', 10), ('vronsky', 10), ('lalume', 10), ('sethu\\\\', 10), ('weddings', 9), ('observing', 9), ('awkwardly', 9), ('exits', 9), ('charles\\\\', 9), ('futile', 9), ('johan', 9), ('impulse', 9), ('hitchhike', 9), ('short-lived', 9), ('rhode', 9), ('radical', 9), ('poster', 9), ('rhodes', 9), ('languages', 9), ('doorway', 9), ('relax', 9), ('communication', 9), ('fighters', 9), ('amiable', 9), ('reporting', 9), ('frightens', 9), ('bitterly', 9), ('heartfelt', 9), ('봶ho', 9), ('suggestions', 9), ('footsteps', 9), ('addison', 9), ('critics', 9), ('triumph', 9), ('everyone\\\\', 9), ('prefer', 9), ('mirrors', 9), ('wales', 9), ('specialist', 9), ('profit', 9), ('vowing', 9), ('interact', 9), ('tortured', 9), ('stripped', 9), ('borrowing', 9), ('kubelik', 9), ('dozens', 9), ('improved', 9), ('spurned', 9), ('childlike', 9), ('nation', 9), ('mississippi', 9), ('bruised', 9), ('credentials', 9), ('legitimate', 9), ('wrapped', 9), ('unannounced', 9), ('smuggling', 9), ('19th', 9), ('lazy', 9), ('resigned', 9), ('benefactor', 9), ('hinting', 9), ('signals', 9), ('whore', 9), ('affectionately', 9), ('luau', 9), ('biddle', 9), ('applies', 9), ('ambassador', 9), ('bates', 9), (\"'during\", 9), ('incompetent', 9), ('faulkner', 9), ('esteban', 9), ('blanche', 9), ('stick', 9), ('opts', 9), (\"'three\", 9), ('russians', 9), ('destitute', 9), ('retain', 9), ('animated', 9), ('denial', 9), ('lawyers', 9), ('republican', 9), ('voyage', 9), ('mayhem', 9), ('passage', 9), ('aided', 9), ('engine', 9), ('hungry', 9), ('organized', 9), ('courting', 9), ('affectionate', 9), ('dashes', 9), ('properties', 9), ('satisfaction', 9), ('elite', 9), ('planted', 9), ('concubine', 9), ('leopard', 9), ('complicate', 9), ('beg', 9), ('playful', 9), ('cartoon', 9), ('expedition', 9), ('dame', 9), ('tenderly', 9), ('ownership', 9), ('polite', 9), ('allegedly', 9), ('contempt', 9), ('complication', 9), ('faking', 9), ('profits', 9), ('provoke', 9), ('mayor\\\\', 9), ('intimidate', 9), ('unfamiliar', 9), ('inebriated', 9), ('romancing', 9), ('deranged', 9), ('celebrates', 9), ('portrayal', 9), ('expatriate', 9), ('dvd', 9), ('statements', 9), ('killings', 9), ('memorable', 9), ('colony', 9), ('drowns', 9), ('combined', 9), ('masquerade', 9), ('amazement', 9), ('clever', 9), ('colet', 9), ('sum', 9), ('mannerisms', 9), ('afterlife', 9), ('collapsed', 9), ('healing', 9), ('paternal', 9), ('dingle', 9), ('aloud', 9), ('sailors', 9), ('ease', 9), ('comforted', 9), ('misgivings', 9), ('old-fashioned', 9), ('rehearsals', 9), ('shakespeare\\\\', 9), ('doomed', 9), ('fetch', 9), ('fates', 9), ('gifted', 9), ('spells', 9), ('adoptive', 9), ('shadwell', 9), ('translator', 9), ('proved', 9), ('kelly\\\\', 9), ('explicit', 9), ('lures', 9), ('grants', 9), ('plenty', 9), ('males', 9), ('weird', 9), ('landscape', 9), ('comically', 9), ('eagerly', 9), ('penthouse', 9), ('gladly', 9), ('flooded', 9), ('lewis\\\\', 9), ('connects', 9), ('composed', 9), ('stones', 9), ('bother', 9), ('sonny\\\\', 9), ('traps', 9), ('revolver', 9), ('escorted', 9), ('gigs', 9), ('marines', 9), ('lenny\\\\', 9), ('condemns', 9), ('quarterback', 9), ('boulevard', 9), ('possibilities', 9), ('celebrations', 9), ('good-natured', 9), ('superficial', 9), ('sixteen', 9), ('slacker', 9), ('tendencies', 9), ('houston', 9), ('realities', 9), ('surveillance', 9), ('energetic', 9), ('primarily', 9), ('tumultuous', 9), ('cooks', 9), ('deposit', 9), ('skiing', 9), ('overlooking', 9), ('spoke', 9), ('violin', 9), ('flora', 9), ('trusts', 9), ('underwater', 9), ('anal', 9), ('tony\\\\', 9), ('missionary', 9), ('offensive', 9), ('teams', 9), ('wildly', 9), ('server', 9), ('assaulted', 9), ('rehabilitation', 9), ('1945', 9), ('division', 9), ('recalling', 9), ('accordingly', 9), ('frustrating', 9), ('bluntly', 9), ('20-year-old', 9), ('converse', 9), ('outer', 9), ('blinded', 9), ('crucial', 9), ('fitness', 9), ('budget', 9), ('laptop', 9), ('ny152', 9), ('ignorance', 9), ('outlook', 9), ('zosh', 9), ('procedure', 9), ('alice\\\\', 9), ('stab', 9), ('conflicting', 9), ('thumb', 9), ('disowns', 9), ('fellatio', 9), ('dental', 9), ('operate', 9), ('extensive', 9), ('centre', 9), ('neighbourhood', 9), ('reconsider', 9), ('laundry', 9), ('narration', 9), ('half-sister', 9), ('goodbyes', 9), ('rosalie', 9), ('lynn', 9), ('courts', 9), ('phrase', 9), ('sanatorium', 9), ('talbot', 9), ('francesco', 9), ('showdown', 9), ('18th', 9), ('stake', 9), ('speeches', 9), ('summons', 9), ('sheet', 9), ('lovingly', 9), ('fur', 9), ('province', 9), ('high-ranking', 9), ('fireworks', 9), ('coping', 9), ('spike', 9), ('xiaolou', 9), ('boy\\\\', 9), ('lotus', 9), ('generosity', 9), ('moustache', 9), ('portray', 9), ('conspiracy', 9), ('confessed', 9), ('underway', 9), ('friends\\\\', 9), ('option', 9), ('acknowledge', 9), ('singapore', 9), ('monastery', 9), ('influential', 9), ('resentful', 9), ('cave', 9), ('astonished', 9), ('wardrobe', 9), ('relating', 9), ('martha\\\\', 9), ('qualify', 9), ('likewise', 9), ('good-bye', 9), ('madhavi', 9), ('naming', 9), ('bellegarde', 9), ('sponsor', 9), ('arranging', 9), ('text', 9), ('holloway', 9), ('agenda', 9), ('irony', 9), ('ambiguous', 9), ('grass', 9), ('dubious', 9), ('eggs', 9), ('workshop', 9), ('michelle\\\\', 9), ('vent', 9), ('retrieving', 9), ('citing', 9), ('chaotic', 9), ('scout', 9), ('obstacle', 9), ('commissioned', 9), ('tiberius', 9), ('hysterically', 9), ('reconnect', 9), ('ordeal', 9), ('1941', 9), ('accosted', 9), ('danced', 9), ('racer', 9), ('cross-country', 9), ('highway', 9), ('bravely', 9), ('huff', 9), ('dragged', 9), ('specific', 9), ('fallout', 9), ('gigli', 9), ('scotty', 9), ('fee', 9), ('courthouse', 9), ('vendor', 9), ('unresolved', 9), ('uchiyama', 9), ('ally', 9), ('jeopardy', 9), ('giants', 9), ('run-ins', 9), ('kira', 9), ('errors', 9), ('massage', 9), ('rizzo', 9), ('cocktail', 9), ('booked', 9), ('pepper', 9), ('gap', 9), ('bra', 9), ('mannequin', 9), ('bible', 9), ('meaningless', 9), ('lacking', 9), ('recognises', 9), ('commentary', 9), ('interpretation', 9), ('organizing', 9), ('barn', 9), ('requested', 9), ('ears', 9), ('marin', 9), ('population', 9), ('toula', 9), ('ruthie', 9), ('synopsis', 9), ('babysit', 9), ('reminisce', 9), ('swiss', 9), ('unbearable', 9), ('chinatown', 9), ('claus', 9), ('chet', 9), ('captures', 9), ('reciting', 9), ('absolutely', 9), ('forehead', 9), ('discrimination', 9), ('neglects', 9), ('seductive', 9), ('100,000', 9), ('bust', 9), ('veterinarian', 9), ('wheels', 9), ('excessive', 9), ('prayers', 9), ('dolores', 9), ('displeasure', 9), ('uneducated', 9), ('clementine', 9), ('newlywed', 9), ('munna', 9), ('peculiar', 9), ('porsche', 9), ('spurns', 9), ('store\\\\', 9), ('hint', 9), ('assassin', 9), ('larry\\\\', 9), ('manuscript', 9), ('faked', 9), ('nandini', 9), ('carnal', 9), ('creation', 9), ('jockey', 9), ('richer', 9), ('negro', 9), ('diet', 9), ('inexperienced', 9), ('corporal', 9), ('surreal', 9), ('pete\\\\', 9), ('terribly', 9), ('childish', 9), ('frustrations', 9), ('electronics', 9), ('sherwood', 9), ('nuke', 9), ('cleo', 9), ('counts', 9), ('taryn', 9), ('pilgrim', 9), ('puppet', 9), ('alexandre', 9), ('clarisse', 9), ('trevor', 9), ('wesley', 9), ('ankle', 9), ('doug\\\\', 9), ('lifestyles', 9), ('challenging', 9), ('intervention', 9), ('deserts', 9), ('well-meaning', 9), ('marketing', 9), ('lyrics', 9), ('margu챕rite', 9), ('manor', 9), ('femme', 9), ('ulf', 9), ('karin\\\\', 9), ('rarely', 9), ('pivotal', 9), ('bin', 9), ('storage', 9), ('50,000', 9), ('bankrupt', 9), ('roxie', 9), ('breast', 9), ('denmark', 9), ('karaoke', 9), ('repeating', 9), ('franco', 9), ('inhabitants', 9), ('cotton', 9), ('upstate', 9), ('companionship', 9), ('grocery', 9), ('dangers', 9), ('self-proclaimed', 9), ('fun-loving', 9), ('roz', 9), ('sachiko', 9), ('amazed', 9), ('voluptuous', 9), ('franca', 9), ('pharmacist', 9), ('zare', 9), ('grga', 9), ('transforming', 9), ('buildings', 9), ('aaron\\\\', 9), ('tamil', 9), ('bano', 9), ('otto', 9), ('artwork', 9), ('sujata', 9), ('royalty', 9), ('maude', 9), ('symphony', 9), ('technical', 9), ('kappa', 9), ('ovation', 9), ('hephaestion', 9), ('madonna\\\\', 9), ('illegally', 9), ('dedee', 9), ('nazir', 9), ('abdul', 9), ('martine', 9), ('submarine', 9), ('lesbians', 9), ('dynasty', 9), ('juvenile', 9), ('c챕sario', 9), ('stricken', 9), ('assertive', 9), ('shine', 9), ('overtures', 9), ('lion', 9), ('fletcher', 9), ('cahit', 9), ('sibel', 9), ('horizon', 9), ('kentucky', 9), ('rash', 9), ('sidekick', 9), ('bing', 9), ('tilford', 9), ('perfection', 9), ('claudio', 9), ('transgender', 9), ('ludo', 9), ('constructed', 9), ('email', 9), ('stonewall', 9), ('sensual', 9), ('wannabe', 9), ('brody', 9), ('conchita', 9), ('buddy\\\\', 9), ('sherman\\\\', 9), ('erlynne', 9), ('lt.', 9), ('sooner', 9), ('refugees', 9), ('jennifer\\\\', 9), ('inseparable', 9), ('rice', 9), ('dao', 9), ('tia\\\\', 9), ('bahamut', 9), ('dai', 9), ('recruited', 9), ('escapades', 9), ('kirsten', 9), ('maker', 9), ('jackie-o', 9), ('gennarino', 9), ('sheppard', 9), ('rainstorm', 9), ('mi-heun', 9), ('condoms', 9), ('increases', 9), ('traci', 9), ('peasant', 9), ('swaffer', 9), ('geraldine', 9), ('misunderstands', 9), ('akshay', 9), ('jasmine', 9), ('doucet', 9), ('kubrick', 9), ('fatso', 9), ('madhumati', 9), ('jen', 9), ('brooks', 9), ('lemon', 9), ('gong-ju', 9), ('illyria', 9), ('prithvi', 9), ('shivani', 9), ('milo', 9), ('al-julhara', 9), ('margit', 9), ('boeun', 9), ('alicia\\\\', 9), ('shug', 9), ('arjumand', 9), ('bliss', 9), ('v챕ra', 9), ('niles', 9), ('aggie', 9), ('bathsheba', 9), ('cas', 9), ('kamini', 9), ('zhao', 9), ('kang', 9), ('marcos', 9), ('stingo', 9), ('caste', 9), ('uniforms', 9), ('doro', 9), ('masashi', 9), ('dani', 9), ('eun', 9), ('juliana', 9), ('sardar', 9), ('casim', 9), ('peola', 9), ('ashal', 9), ('element', 9), ('shaam', 9), ('obul', 9), ('punjab', 9), ('sherie', 9), ('severin', 9), ('radicals', 9), ('vadinho', 9), ('chand', 9), ('uday', 9), ('mla', 9), ('noi-naa', 9), ('daksh', 9), ('beatty', 9), ('suriya', 9), ('smitty', 9), ('stu', 9), ('santosh', 9), ('ghunghroo', 9), ('rdx', 9), ('naidu', 9), ('lannie', 9), ('mikal', 9), ('swetha', 9), ('naveen', 9), ('hazari', 9), ('orn', 9), ('siddhu', 9), ('orlie', 9), ('amor', 9), ('lemalian', 9), ('kaew', 9), ('tatiana', 9), ('gill', 9), ('kua-ko', 9), ('char', 9), ('ria', 9), ('windward', 9), ('suvarna', 9), ('nanda', 9), ('willene', 9), ('lustig', 9), ('ramya', 9), ('aishwarya', 9), ('b챗te', 9), ('paragua챌u', 9), ('nawal', 9), ('marchmain', 9), ('chandramukhi', 9), ('janak', 9), ('chester', 8), ('utterly', 8), ('operations', 8), ('fetish', 8), ('irving', 8), ('techniques', 8), ('berkeley', 8), ('frog', 8), ('companions', 8), ('protecting', 8), ('vengeful', 8), ('high-school', 8), ('mischief', 8), ('mischievous', 8), ('camping', 8), ('sally\\\\', 8), ('ceiling', 8), ('secures', 8), ('robe', 8), ('applause', 8), ('renting', 8), ('wide', 8), ('nervously', 8), ('permanent', 8), ('staging', 8), ('remarkable', 8), ('notable', 8), ('orphans', 8), ('fragile', 8), ('correspondent', 8), ('traumatized', 8), ('high-rise', 8), ('sheldrake', 8), ('compensation', 8), ('raucous', 8), ('executives', 8), ('withdrawal', 8), ('des', 8), ('description', 8), ('touring', 8), ('sanity', 8), ('explicitly', 8), ('misinterprets', 8), ('oklahoma', 8), ('wal-mart', 8), ('unlucky', 8), ('prized', 8), ('contacted', 8), ('progressive', 8), ('guerrillas', 8), ('incarcerated', 8), ('engraved', 8), ('bride-to-be', 8), ('run-down', 8), ('calms', 8), ('uncovers', 8), ('adventurous', 8), ('resign', 8), ('penchant', 8), ('greeting', 8), ('heartless', 8), ('alarmed', 8), ('recital', 8), ('athlete', 8), ('journeys', 8), ('co-star', 8), ('gunner', 8), ('dignified', 8), ('accommodate', 8), ('standards', 8), ('fooled', 8), ('dinah', 8), ('tales', 8), ('provoked', 8), ('geoffrey', 8), ('william\\\\', 8), ('stocks', 8), ('jagger', 8), ('bullets', 8), ('salvage', 8), ('docks', 8), ('parish', 8), ('gloves', 8), ('bland', 8), ('atreides', 8), ('arrakis', 8), ('fremen', 8), ('anticipated', 8), ('susan\\\\', 8), ('constable', 8), ('jilted', 8), ('sorrows', 8), ('deceiving', 8), ('reduce', 8), ('handing', 8), ('identification', 8), ('antique', 8), ('jean\\\\', 8), ('torment', 8), ('axe', 8), ('lieu', 8), ('rank', 8), ('whoever', 8), ('confessional', 8), ('iconic', 8), ('jill\\\\', 8), ('embittered', 8), ('clandestine', 8), ('cornelia', 8), ('prot챕g챕', 8), ('apologetic', 8), ('politely', 8), ('rekindled', 8), ('bluto', 8), ('lecherous', 8), ('rogue', 8), ('float', 8), ('trials', 8), ('guarantee', 8), ('investors', 8), ('upbeat', 8), ('oath', 8), ('leo\\\\', 8), ('anya', 8), ('pops', 8), ('봟ut', 8), ('awaken', 8), ('saxophone', 8), ('bora', 8), ('gods', 8), ('reri', 8), ('perfectionist', 8), ('michaels', 8), ('co-stars', 8), ('cleaned', 8), ('adolph', 8), ('firm\\\\', 8), ('diplomat', 8), ('photographers', 8), ('cable', 8), ('color', 8), ('unsuitable', 8), ('drugged', 8), ('murderous', 8), ('logan', 8), ('murdoch', 8), ('gamblers', 8), ('resent', 8), ('hesitantly', 8), ('stuffy', 8), ('self-made', 8), ('feuding', 8), ('eloping', 8), ('shipped', 8), ('prays', 8), ('dictates', 8), ('addie', 8), ('benefits', 8), ('powerless', 8), ('owens', 8), ('persuasion', 8), ('tucson', 8), ('run-in', 8), ('handled', 8), ('acid', 8), ('barber', 8), ('bridget\\\\', 8), ('detached', 8), ('waited', 8), ('undergoing', 8), ('merger', 8), ('barges', 8), ('bonding', 8), ('wilderness', 8), ('dam', 8), ('group\\\\', 8), ('lone', 8), ('implores', 8), ('arrows', 8), ('plate', 8), ('discomfort', 8), ('bikini', 8), ('vault', 8), ('stations', 8), ('elliot\\\\', 8), ('guy\\\\', 8), ('josh\\\\', 8), ('mcguire', 8), ('15-year-old', 8), ('needing', 8), ('nick\\\\', 8), ('breathing', 8), ('wartime', 8), ('comrades', 8), ('experiments', 8), ('liquor', 8), ('bread', 8), ('sweeps', 8), ('shops', 8), ('trask', 8), ('invest', 8), ('pursuits', 8), ('betrothed', 8), ('cameraman', 8), ('drastic', 8), ('ridiculous', 8), ('dishonesty', 8), ('operated', 8), ('copies', 8), ('disgruntled', 8), ('worthy', 8), ('dallas', 8), ('obligations', 8), ('reasoning', 8), ('sickness', 8), ('crowds', 8), ('sickly', 8), ('knee', 8), ('mercedes', 8), (\"'while\", 8), ('prim', 8), ('childbirth', 8), ('trades', 8), ('small-time', 8), ('lists', 8), ('drums', 8), ('whistle', 8), ('complicating', 8), (\"'charlie\", 8), ('consistently', 8), ('opinions', 8), ('prevented', 8), ('inventor', 8), ('transition', 8), ('pounds', 8), ('nomination', 8), ('prompted', 8), ('inquire', 8), ('livid', 8), ('irresistible', 8), ('darker', 8), ('geneva', 8), ('toys', 8), ('pressured', 8), ('interprets', 8), ('cellist', 8), ('infuriates', 8), ('1984', 8), ('centres', 8), ('invalid', 8), ('fourteen', 8), ('outcast', 8), ('marquis\\\\', 8), ('seizes', 8), ('ellison', 8), ('delirious', 8), ('beads', 8), ('threw', 8), ('compassion', 8), ('groceries', 8), ('congress', 8), ('manipulative', 8), ('improves', 8), ('quotes', 8), ('quartet', 8), ('elated', 8), ('transpires', 8), ('sheep', 8), ('nono', 8), ('vic', 8), ('blamed', 8), ('softens', 8), ('rendered', 8), ('childless', 8), ('eloise', 8), ('realm', 8), ('amorous', 8), ('authentic', 8), ('seller', 8), ('alternately', 8), ('installed', 8), ('purposes', 8), ('spotting', 8), ('hartley', 8), ('embankment', 8), ('liberation', 8), ('tenoch', 8), ('exclaims', 8), ('formed', 8), ('communists', 8), ('guan', 8), ('bud\\\\', 8), ('stunning', 8), ('snobbish', 8), ('planes', 8), ('plunges', 8), ('reconsiders', 8), ('hangout', 8), ('proprietor', 8), ('leaps', 8), ('next-door', 8), ('attracting', 8), ('pookie', 8), ('alps', 8), ('discipline', 8), ('vulgar', 8), ('cousins', 8), ('bathing', 8), ('exiting', 8), ('captivated', 8), ('replied', 8), ('rounds', 8), ('risks', 8), ('hotels', 8), ('individuals', 8), ('motivation', 8), ('diving', 8), ('king\\\\', 8), ('clerks', 8), ('rene', 8), ('cambridge', 8), ('significance', 8), ('janine', 8), ('re-election', 8), ('deceived', 8), ('tangled', 8), ('prone', 8), ('cursed', 8), ('kicking', 8), ('appoints', 8), ('pipe', 8), ('releasing', 8), ('presidential', 8), ('jane\\\\', 8), ('hampshire', 8), ('continuously', 8), ('roller', 8), ('jensen', 8), ('scenario', 8), ('delicate', 8), ('t-birds', 8), ('steph', 8), ('animosity', 8), ('morgue', 8), ('proclaiming', 8), ('explode', 8), ('porno', 8), ('pirates', 8), ('lauderdale', 8), ('ronnie\\\\', 8), ('magazines', 8), ('visitor', 8), ('symbolic', 8), ('repaired', 8), ('spotlight', 8), ('improving', 8), ('questionable', 8), ('auditorium', 8), ('adaptation', 8), ('dawns', 8), ('jules', 8), ('pirate', 8), ('kenickie', 8), ('mcgee', 8), (\"'as\", 8), ('impersonating', 8), ('seduction', 8), ('ceo', 8), ('lelaina', 8), ('vickie', 8), ('mauricio', 8), ('hal\\\\', 8), ('commenting', 8), ('gorgeous', 8), ('institute', 8), ('friedrich', 8), ('eternity', 8), ('toronto', 8), ('manipulates', 8), ('participation', 8), ('monkey', 8), ('norris', 8), ('chores', 8), ('attic', 8), ('reciprocated', 8), ('freely', 8), ('reminisces', 8), ('i.e', 8), ('deepens', 8), ('downtown', 8), ('mike\\\\', 8), ('restrain', 8), ('roses', 8), ('incriminating', 8), ('alibi', 8), ('revenue', 8), ('bruiser\\\\', 8), ('subjected', 8), ('stardom', 8), ('brush', 8), ('butterfly', 8), ('filthy', 8), ('pole', 8), ('overthrow', 8), ('heroic', 8), ('rubber', 8), ('visible', 8), ('lifeguard', 8), ('twenties', 8), ('cute', 8), ('yang', 8), ('asian', 8), ('rips', 8), ('slap', 8), ('garner', 8), ('hazel', 8), ('discharge', 8), ('torrid', 8), ('tick', 8), ('favour', 8), ('solely', 8), ('nightmares', 8), ('jojo', 8), ('montreal', 8), ('calendar', 8), ('chaste', 8), ('connecting', 8), ('rituals', 8), ('writers', 8), ('orton', 8), ('preserve', 8), ('hastings', 8), ('dive', 8), ('falcon', 8), ('appreciation', 8), ('fathered', 8), ('offense', 8), ('collar', 8), ('cherie', 8), ('grace\\\\', 8), ('one-time', 8), ('possessive', 8), ('acceptable', 8), ('unconventional', 8), ('lifetime', 8), ('chapters', 8), ('julius', 8), ('kelp', 8), ('purdy', 8), ('cane', 8), ('wrestler', 8), ('tricking', 8), ('1987', 8), ('kemp', 8), ('sculpture', 8), ('protects', 8), ('nuns', 8), ('hungarian', 8), ('freud', 8), ('panties', 8), ('fisby', 8), ('relaxed', 8), ('heidi', 8), ('estrangement', 8), ('framing', 8), ('confinement', 8), ('summary', 8), ('bachelors', 8), ('jacoby', 8), ('bridal', 8), ('coronation', 8), ('method', 8), ('debutante', 8), ('fai', 8), ('mccarthy', 8), ('sincerely', 8), ('sin', 8), ('sassy', 8), ('apologises', 8), ('willingham', 8), ('dishes', 8), ('leadership', 8), ('surfer', 8), ('basically', 8), ('concentrate', 8), ('survivor', 8), ('titles', 8), ('rudolf', 8), ('vandergeld', 8), ('dollard', 8), ('overhear', 8), ('commences', 8), ('illustra', 8), ('moreover', 8), ('congratulate', 8), ('endures', 8), ('dyle', 8), ('phony', 8), ('comply', 8), ('naville', 8), ('half-hearted', 8), ('voted', 8), ('limits', 8), ('proceeding', 8), ('*chapter', 8), ('barbecue', 8), ('good-looking', 8), ('aditi', 8), ('devout', 8), ('kiyoko', 8), ('miyuki', 8), ('hosting', 8), ('sibling', 8), ('impressive', 8), ('cassius', 8), ('locking', 8), ('companies', 8), ('boost', 8), ('trendy', 8), ('ryder', 8), ('peterson', 8), ('lam', 8), ('gaze', 8), ('privacy', 8), ('ulysses', 8), ('frankie\\\\', 8), ('postal', 8), ('courtyard', 8), ('accusation', 8), ('conquests', 8), ('retirement', 8), ('ho-jun', 8), ('graveyard', 8), ('dylan', 8), ('ranuccio', 8), ('handkerchief', 8), ('thai', 8), ('larrabee', 8), ('bugs', 8), ('halt', 8), ('bolland', 8), ('weds', 8), ('ping', 8), ('interferes', 8), ('crabtree', 8), ('arbogast', 8), ('impregnate', 8), ('chips', 8), ('panicked', 8), ('cinderella\\\\', 8), ('mathur', 8), ('namrata', 8), ('freeing', 8), ('admiral', 8), ('godfather', 8), ('self-destructive', 8), ('jasper', 8), ('archibald', 8), ('rumor', 8), ('avice', 8), ('sonya', 8), ('kris', 8), ('redemption', 8), ('denying', 8), ('sheer', 8), ('cautious', 8), ('curling', 8), ('wells', 8), ('ingrid', 8), ('dulaines', 8), ('demetrius', 8), ('lina\\\\', 8), ('gyeon-woo', 8), ('capturing', 8), ('malibu', 8), ('axel\\\\', 8), ('bodyguards', 8), ('benedick', 8), ('hapless', 8), ('profess', 8), ('횋mile', 8), ('pompous', 8), ('pinky', 8), ('initiated', 8), ('proudly', 8), ('loner', 8), ('azalea', 8), ('rows', 8), ('purchasing', 8), ('camper', 8), ('pecker\\\\', 8), ('profile', 8), ('enlisting', 8), ('disgraced', 8), ('r.f', 8), ('bollek', 8), ('diya', 8), ('compartment', 8), ('warnings', 8), ('demure', 8), ('halloran', 8), ('sellinger', 8), ('grandma', 8), ('advise', 8), ('afghan', 8), ('eckland', 8), ('rhoda', 8), ('spaceship', 8), ('programs', 8), ('ryo', 8), (\"shouldn\\\\'t\", 8), ('beard', 8), ('klan', 8), ('red\\\\', 8), ('rightful', 8), ('pratt', 8), ('hackensacker', 8), ('gerry\\\\', 8), ('sextons', 8), ('brannigan', 8), ('youngsters', 8), ('bermuda', 8), ('bump', 8), ('athens', 8), ('bingo', 8), ('diwan', 8), ('czerny', 8), ('brewery', 8), ('chandler', 8), ('eyesight', 8), ('rama', 8), ('outright', 8), ('dish', 8), ('shanghai', 8), ('shoulders', 8), ('churchill', 8), ('dex', 8), ('shakuntala', 8), ('aarthi', 8), ('grayson', 8), ('memphis', 8), ('mitsuko', 8), ('tuttle', 8), ('kachara', 8), ('gdr', 8), ('jahangir', 8), ('unger', 8), ('mich챔le', 8), ('belansai', 8), ('sharpay', 8), ('uncles', 8), ('holger', 8), ('halton', 8), ('rodrigo', 8), ('mun-su', 8), ('countries', 8), ('seo-hyun', 8), ('flannagan', 8), ('soo-jung', 8), ('taliban', 8), ('maxine', 8), ('velma', 8), ('britta', 8), ('loren', 8), ('tiffani', 8), ('hunk', 8), ('bhaskar', 8), ('shaan', 8), ('thursby', 8), ('tobi', 8), ('ji-hye', 8), ('mayil', 8), ('pyare', 8), ('tamara', 8), ('elections', 8), ('napoleon\\\\', 8), ('pushpa', 8), ('nanette', 8), ('sheena', 8), ('bharat', 8), ('rupees', 8), ('nobu', 8), ('amitabha', 8), ('padmini', 8), ('sahib', 8), ('shona', 8), ('seetha', 8), ('hubbell', 8), ('raghuvaran', 8), ('prasad', 8), ('sruthi', 8), ('baghdad', 8), ('convict', 8), ('pivonka', 8), ('gajapathy', 8), ('selya', 8), ('simar', 8), ('samokhvalov', 8), ('castella', 8), ('manie', 8), ('jeeva', 8), ('ibbetson', 8), ('vennela', 8), ('rut', 8), ('arush', 8), ('bhagwati', 8), ('chrystal', 8), ('kamakshi', 8), ('lahari', 8), ('marigold', 8), ('romeu', 8), ('zelda', 8), ('soraya', 8), ('cheela', 8), ('gokulan', 8), ('munson', 8), ('herlihy', 8), ('marcela', 8), ('burnett', 8), ('paruthiveeran', 8), ('ashwini', 8), ('andrea\\\\', 8), ('zani', 8), ('relate', 7), ('deduces', 7), ('clique', 7), ('viewed', 7), ('vignettes', 7), ('participants', 7), ('illusion', 7), ('organizes', 7), ('pasadena', 7), ('carl\\\\', 7), ('thriller', 7), ('deadline', 7), ('jody\\\\', 7), ('rushing', 7), ('heel', 7), ('collides', 7), ('downpour', 7), ('harrington', 7), ('margo\\\\', 7), ('shining', 7), ('triumphant', 7), ('liberal', 7), ('strains', 7), ('phil\\\\', 7), ('housing', 7), ('consulting', 7), ('restricted', 7), ('vacant', 7), ('elephant', 7), ('vocalist', 7), ('useless', 7), ('intercepts', 7), ('fugitive', 7), ('sebastian\\\\', 7), ('collision', 7), ('mounting', 7), ('intact', 7), ('qualms', 7), ('noisy', 7), ('conceals', 7), ('pickup', 7), ('am챕lie', 7), ('unusually', 7), ('frequented', 7), ('pleasures', 7), ('august', 7), ('1997', 7), ('memorabilia', 7), ('flooding', 7), ('landmarks', 7), ('concierge', 7), ('ignorant', 7), ('coop', 7), ('slams', 7), ('errand', 7), ('oncoming', 7), ('undo', 7), ('andrews', 7), ('disdain', 7), ('nearing', 7), ('levels', 7), ('instructing', 7), ('dumb', 7), ('decorator', 7), ('barnes', 7), ('headline', 7), ('firmly', 7), ('trashes', 7), ('concocts', 7), ('goat', 7), ('submit', 7), ('reassure', 7), ('calmly', 7), ('dispose', 7), ('gunfire', 7), ('loaded', 7), ('promoting', 7), ('chronic', 7), ('contain', 7), ('dirt', 7), ('feigns', 7), ('indifference', 7), ('avoided', 7), ('dick\\\\', 7), ('adulterous', 7), ('clearing', 7), ('dale', 7), ('mandrake', 7), ('uncle\\\\', 7), ('appeals', 7), ('fending', 7), (\"hadn\\\\'t\", 7), ('stalk', 7), ('sabotages', 7), ('bomber', 7), ('spill', 7), ('diagnosis', 7), ('kenneth', 7), ('confiscated', 7), ('henriette', 7), ('duc', 7), ('praslin', 7), ('temperamental', 7), ('warmth', 7), ('opposing', 7), ('privileged', 7), ('forge', 7), ('enjoyable', 7), ('data', 7), ('imagined', 7), ('angelique', 7), ('progressively', 7), ('reversed', 7), ('democratic', 7), ('peers', 7), ('positively', 7), ('resources', 7), ('sinking', 7), ('liberty', 7), ('detachment', 7), ('hooked', 7), ('1920s', 7), ('shamed', 7), ('slug', 7), ('anxiously', 7), ('manipulating', 7), ('traitor', 7), ('assassinate', 7), ('jaguar', 7), ('nipper', 7), ('dangerously', 7), ('clutching', 7), (\"'john\", 7), ('downtrodden', 7), ('rail', 7), ('errands', 7), ('unfinished', 7), ('mutually', 7), ('freshly', 7), ('deceives', 7), ('fantastic', 7), ('incognito', 7), ('slight', 7), ('intensely', 7), ('shadows', 7), ('pressing', 7), ('fashionable', 7), ('faber', 7), ('deltas', 7), ('flounder', 7), ('probation', 7), ('cadet', 7), ('d-day', 7), ('hooks', 7), ('roadhouse', 7), ('preacher', 7), ('stability', 7), ('barriers', 7), ('bialystock', 7), ('cheerfully', 7), ('disbelief', 7), ('siegfried', 7), ('country\\\\', 7), ('cooperate', 7), ('tag', 7), ('whim', 7), ('coworkers', 7), ('spoil', 7), ('beautifully', 7), ('woos', 7), ('trauma', 7), ('impotent', 7), ('tango', 7), ('smokes', 7), ('grab', 7), ('soft-spoken', 7), ('reactions', 7), ('hugging', 7), ('befriending', 7), ('berating', 7), ('bout', 7), ('clue', 7), ('confidante', 7), ('disclosing', 7), ('randolph', 7), ('doting', 7), ('cheering', 7), ('remembered', 7), ('ruby\\\\', 7), ('mixing', 7), ('spiral', 7), ('tilney', 7), ('revels', 7), ('unmask', 7), ('revived', 7), ('pan', 7), ('gruver', 7), ('revue', 7), ('groin', 7), ('bails', 7), ('hooker', 7), ('lively', 7), ('high-class', 7), ('hypocrisy', 7), ('demanded', 7), ('females', 7), ('intimidating', 7), ('royce', 7), ('blunders', 7), ('possess', 7), ('stretch', 7), ('collide', 7), ('examining', 7), ('hostages', 7), ('reassignment', 7), ('exaggerated', 7), ('stereotype', 7), ('savage', 7), ('purposely', 7), ('careful', 7), ('homage', 7), ('vacate', 7), ('conservatory', 7), ('contractor', 7), ('rams', 7), ('conscious', 7), ('selfishness', 7), ('elton', 7), ('demoted', 7), ('christian\\\\', 7), ('feminine', 7), ('cleans', 7), ('perkins', 7), ('garrett', 7), ('30s', 7), ('altercation', 7), ('leftist', 7), ('recounting', 7), ('occurring', 7), ('conversion', 7), ('reflection', 7), ('vicki', 7), ('amazing', 7), ('counters', 7), ('momentarily', 7), ('mortified', 7), ('typing', 7), ('halpern', 7), ('mundane', 7), ('m훮ori', 7), ('caresses', 7), ('shakes', 7), ('declaration', 7), ('burnt', 7), ('loop', 7), ('candle', 7), ('festivities', 7), ('shuts', 7), ('fluent', 7), ('famed', 7), ('paired', 7), ('sketch', 7), ('reconnects', 7), ('payments', 7), ('bernard\\\\', 7), (\"'at\", 7), ('ringmaster', 7), ('monkeys', 7), ('lowly', 7), ('jeweler', 7), ('wooed', 7), ('1963', 7), ('earthquake', 7), ('miraculously', 7), ('gilhooley', 7), ('luke\\\\', 7), ('truce', 7), ('joyfully', 7), ('pebbel', 7), ('sarcastically', 7), ('boundaries', 7), ('puzzled', 7), ('laura\\\\', 7), ('backfire', 7), ('louie', 7), ('anew', 7), ('mice', 7), ('scientists', 7), ('dazed', 7), ('disowned', 7), ('artificial', 7), ('moody', 7), ('eighteen', 7), ('invade', 7), ('emily\\\\', 7), ('helpful', 7), ('harlem', 7), ('affecting', 7), ('bourgeois', 7), ('dissuade', 7), ('12-year-old', 7), ('obtains', 7), ('happy-go-lucky', 7), ('idealized', 7), ('unbalanced', 7), ('grim', 7), ('stabbing', 7), ('royer-collard', 7), ('obedience', 7), ('chateau', 7), ('ink', 7), ('maids', 7), ('dummy', 7), ('print', 7), ('abandonment', 7), ('advanced', 7), ('cloud', 7), ('volcano', 7), ('format', 7), ('scars', 7), ('navigate', 7), ('waterloo', 7), ('thick', 7), ('lila\\\\', 7), ('demonstrates', 7), ('rejoin', 7), ('retains', 7), ('interference', 7), ('marta', 7), ('keeper', 7), ('cleverly', 7), ('cattle', 7), ('neighboring', 7), ('agitated', 7), ('halfway', 7), ('acknowledging', 7), ('resisting', 7), ('bicker', 7), ('invents', 7), ('jonathan\\\\', 7), ('concedes', 7), ('weston', 7), ('steve\\\\', 7), ('roadside', 7), ('rosetta', 7), ('allied', 7), ('context', 7), ('chan', 7), ('ungermeyer', 7), ('welsh', 7), ('dieyi', 7), ('distracts', 7), ('brick', 7), ('peddler', 7), ('crab', 7), ('juxian', 7), ('xiao', 7), ('kuomintang', 7), ('mainland', 7), ('requesting', 7), ('indiscretion', 7), ('chez', 7), ('butcher', 7), ('evade', 7), ('butt', 7), ('coverage', 7), ('interrupting', 7), ('irritates', 7), ('referring', 7), ('doryan', 7), ('cache', 7), ('dynamite', 7), ('explosives', 7), ('phantom', 7), ('pharmacy', 7), ('baggs', 7), ('curfew', 7), ('apprehensive', 7), ('karine', 7), ('suits', 7), ('brags', 7), ('silly', 7), ('fondness', 7), ('so-called', 7), ('prowess', 7), ('wits', 7), ('dreads', 7), ('universal', 7), ('devise', 7), ('voluntarily', 7), ('unassuming', 7), ('albert\\\\', 7), ('keeleys', 7), ('pretentious', 7), ('potter', 7), ('flaherty', 7), ('stifler\\\\', 7), ('lighting', 7), ('labisse', 7), ('negotiate', 7), ('platoon', 7), ('radiation', 7), ('macro', 7), ('guise', 7), ('conspires', 7), ('awaits', 7), ('egyptian', 7), ('vivacious', 7), ('versa', 7), ('administration', 7), ('controversial', 7), ('lesbianism', 7), ('retail', 7), ('outfits', 7), ('jedda', 7), ('overcoming', 7), ('dumping', 7), ('succeeding', 7), ('coaches', 7), ('infected', 7), ('ricki', 7), ('ackerman', 7), ('rental', 7), ('videotape', 7), ('somers', 7), ('caller', 7), ('marvin', 7), ('franklin', 7), ('erect', 7), ('ideals', 7), ('last-ditch', 7), ('repairman', 7), ('bug', 7), ('instructed', 7), ('ernest', 7), ('discouraged', 7), ('signal', 7), ('inquires', 7), ('hurts', 7), ('toss', 7), ('feared', 7), ('caribbean', 7), ('rumour', 7), ('kornbluth', 7), ('limited', 7), ('devastating', 7), ('facade', 7), ('postpone', 7), ('nationwide', 7), ('receipt', 7), ('taunt', 7), ('remorseful', 7), ('notably', 7), ('outbreak', 7), ('contracts', 7), ('tub', 7), ('operates', 7), ('adelaide', 7), ('scares', 7), ('donner', 7), ('tremaine', 7), ('lucifer', 7), ('alert', 7), ('perplexed', 7), ('grief-stricken', 7), ('troop', 7), ('remarried', 7), ('coolly', 7), ('maternal', 7), ('rig', 7), ('employers', 7), ('spares', 7), ('indulge', 7), ('chose', 7), ('hated', 7), ('speaker', 7), ('teenaged', 7), ('outlaw', 7), ('ups', 7), ('maggie\\\\', 7), ('rounded', 7), ('gestapo', 7), ('scott\\\\', 7), ('face-to-face', 7), ('manchester', 7), ('1980', 7), ('stereo', 7), ('soda', 7), ('banner', 7), ('crestfallen', 7), ('globe', 7), ('objective', 7), ('selects', 7), ('drought', 7), ('bee', 7), ('steadily', 7), ('flostre', 7), ('runway', 7), ('charles-henri', 7), ('dozen', 7), ('marlin', 7), ('syndrome', 7), ('electricity', 7), ('viciously', 7), ('manny', 7), ('researcher', 7), ('floors', 7), ('cracks', 7), ('cholera', 7), ('represented', 7), ('momentary', 7), ('colorado', 7), ('dolls', 7), ('bosses', 7), ('yuri', 7), ('duce', 7), ('b챕la', 7), ('incredible', 7), ('noted', 7), ('horns', 7), ('georgie\\\\', 7), ('urn', 7), ('glances', 7), ('paraplegic', 7), ('medications', 7), ('1936', 7), ('patriotic', 7), ('shrine', 7), ('21-year-old', 7), ('caucasian', 7), ('gao', 7), ('resistant', 7), ('expressions', 7), ('boorish', 7), ('surrenders', 7), ('calvero', 7), ('ambrose', 7), ('yip', 7), ('rousing', 7), ('convoy', 7), ('premises', 7), ('blackmailing', 7), ('dual', 7), ('switching', 7), ('willingness', 7), ('cons', 7), ('whips', 7), ('tad\\\\', 7), ('freeman', 7), ('span', 7), ('interpret', 7), ('succeeded', 7), ('toddler', 7), ('robberies', 7), ('luther', 7), ('concrete', 7), ('ongoing', 7), ('geeky', 7), ('credited', 7), ('farming', 7), ('rowdy', 7), ('marty\\\\', 7), ('byrnes', 7), ('debbie\\\\', 7), ('hank\\\\', 7), ('rainy', 7), ('abby\\\\', 7), ('load', 7), ('accuse', 7), ('similarly', 7), ('effigy', 7), ('neighbor\\\\', 7), ('stepping', 7), ('objection', 7), ('gretchen', 7), ('monarch', 7), ('hitmen', 7), ('daytime', 7), ('consternation', 7), ('references', 7), ('clones', 7), ('fixing', 7), ('decathlon', 7), ('clad', 7), ('lament', 7), ('czechoslovakia', 7), ('extract', 7), ('suicides', 7), ('lorna', 7), ('professionally', 7), ('sultry', 7), ('c챕line', 7), ('waltz', 7), ('hale', 7), ('fatale', 7), ('swimmer', 7), ('jaded', 7), ('husson', 7), ('paralyzed', 7), ('stressed', 7), ('cruelty', 7), ('gaby', 7), ('pretended', 7), ('smell', 7), ('photographed', 7), ('leukemia', 7), ('leap', 7), ('ex-lover', 7), ('latrell', 7), ('bridesmaid', 7), ('rafferty', 7), ('masturbate', 7), ('aerobics', 7), ('closure', 7), ('cleveland', 7), ('thanking', 7), ('figuring', 7), ('schatze', 7), ('celebrities', 7), ('regardless', 7), ('cquote', 7), ('boredom', 7), ('slavery', 7), ('*group', 7), ('nigger', 7), ('stupid', 7), ('reservation', 7), ('jerk', 7), ('callie', 7), ('highlights', 7), ('rick\\\\', 7), ('candy\\\\', 7), ('scuffle', 7), ('carlton', 7), ('friar', 7), ('tuck', 7), ('describing', 7), ('insensitive', 7), ('slovetzia', 7), ('strategy', 7), ('leaders', 7), ('sylk', 7), ('teasing', 7), ('downhill', 7), ('handlebar', 7), ('hairspray', 7), ('productions', 7), ('surfing', 7), ('morals', 7), ('recognition', 7), ('junkyard', 7), ('periods', 7), ('tomek\\\\', 7), ('booger', 7), ('lonette', 7), ('stride', 7), ('filling', 7), ('warms', 7), ('masterson', 7), ('skater', 7), ('coke', 7), ('oakland', 7), ('styles', 7), ('seventeen', 7), ('darren', 7), ('jaya', 7), ('pledges', 7), ('ropes', 7), ('eunice', 7), ('rubin', 7), ('bowie', 7), ('labour', 7), ('scarred', 7), ('benji', 7), ('횋tienne', 7), ('he-man', 7), ('go-cart', 7), ('persons', 7), ('sybil', 7), ('towers', 7), ('stella\\\\', 7), ('ministry', 7), ('tastes', 7), ('hideaway', 7), ('tavern', 7), ('hughes', 7), ('wayward', 7), ('undying', 7), ('sanjeev', 7), ('delusional', 7), ('pak', 7), ('miles\\\\', 7), ('shoves', 7), ('ganymede', 7), ('pneumonia', 7), ('flute', 7), ('olympics', 7), ('bald', 7), ('crick', 7), ('selma', 7), ('revelations', 7), ('lottie', 7), ('jennie', 7), ('urge', 7), ('demise', 7), ('hiv-positive', 7), ('lasting', 7), ('acquitted', 7), ('recipe', 7), ('kristy', 7), ('traumatic', 7), ('cheque', 7), ('pins', 7), ('bonnie', 7), ('inhaler', 7), ('remake', 7), ('holocaust', 7), ('palatial', 7), ('palankhet', 7), ('richest', 7), ('hopper', 7), ('incorrectly', 7), ('alimony', 7), ('flood', 7), ('sharks', 7), ('sacked', 7), ('increase', 7), ('lionel', 7), ('shaukat', 7), ('antara', 7), ('spontaneously', 7), ('pixote', 7), ('rowboat', 7), ('meek', 7), ('melancholy', 7), ('predicts', 7), ('tim\\\\', 7), ('j.r.', 7), ('shunderson', 7), ('incestuous', 7), ('volatile', 7), ('eddy', 7), ('briones', 7), ('catfish', 7), ('vinka', 7), ('ads', 7), ('survivors', 7), ('dewey', 7), ('afghanistan', 7), ('metaphor', 7), ('oppose', 7), ('ramsey', 7), ('satisfying', 7), ('mala', 7), ('orked', 7), ('sequel', 7), ('woody\\\\', 7), ('m챕nage', 7), ('trois', 7), ('gebhardt', 7), ('commissioners', 7), ('tribune', 7), ('tours', 7), ('do챰a', 7), ('mushrooms', 7), ('saleswoman', 7), ('emilia', 7), ('lingerie', 7), ('intertwined', 7), ('movie\\\\', 7), ('mccrea', 7), ('guided', 7), ('fritzi', 7), ('maud', 7), ('bertrand', 7), ('petersburg', 7), ('drifting', 7), ('raghuvir', 7), ('rowing', 7), ('norton', 7), ('zac\\\\', 7), ('belinha', 7), ('masturbates', 7), ('wang', 7), ('ivanovich', 7), ('fyodor', 7), ('rutland', 7), ('kragen', 7), ('picasso', 7), ('fishermen', 7), ('seal', 7), ('crawls', 7), ('kim\\\\', 7), ('bold', 7), ('javier', 7), ('lacroix', 7), ('tiwari\\\\', 7), ('tarak', 7), ('pumpkin\\\\', 7), ('brown\\\\', 7), ('m.j.', 7), ('pew', 7), ('skunk', 7), ('sweety', 7), ('sherise', 7), ('dubai', 7), ('noor', 7), ('knauer', 7), ('crewe\\\\', 7), ('bitterness', 7), ('delphine', 7), ('burdick', 7), ('yakata', 7), ('competitions', 7), ('tira', 7), ('col.', 7), ('carface', 7), ('boozer', 7), ('karuthamma', 7), ('pareekutty', 7), ('dairy', 7), ('cain', 7), ('brides', 7), ('gitone', 7), ('vanderman', 7), ('kryla', 7), ('mogi', 7), ('thambi', 7), ('dunne', 7), ('aubrey', 7), ('penny\\\\', 7), ('hefty', 7), ('sinha', 7), ('dew', 7), ('lucie', 7), ('nri', 7), ('reva', 7), ('wilmer', 7), ('jess\\\\', 7), ('tae-soo', 7), ('mizuki', 7), ('phillips\\\\', 7), ('monika', 7), ('cinthya', 7), ('snidely\\\\', 7), ('qiao', 7), ('bichero', 7), ('shandurai', 7), ('mehta', 7), ('kammo', 7), ('omi', 7), ('flor\\\\', 7), ('teodoro', 7), ('angar', 7), ('kashinath', 7), ('ranbir', 7), ('jiya', 7), ('lala', 7), ('sulekha', 7), ('nautanki', 7), ('mahua', 7), ('hatsumomo', 7), ('anika', 7), ('desiree', 7), ('kneller', 7), ('bickford', 7), ('pawan', 7), ('poitiers', 7), ('neelakantam', 7), ('kerwin', 7), ('kerri', 7), ('biscuit', 7), ('lilia', 7), ('domingo', 7), ('ely', 7), ('aaliya', 7), ('marga', 7), ('phiffier', 7), ('dunph\\\\', 7), ('pandi', 7), ('sneha', 7), ('grewal', 7), ('nuflo', 7), ('coudray', 7), ('ninny', 7), ('arnaud', 7), ('deion', 7), ('sook', 7), ('kutty', 7), ('hollenius', 7), ('toydy', 7), ('nual', 7), ('tugboat', 7), ('maadasamy', 7), ('soong', 7), ('dalip', 7), ('sonam', 7), ('vishwanath', 7), ('arcati', 7), ('ding', 7), ('samy', 7), ('indhu', 7), ('carltons', 7), ('il-sun', 7), ('wildoe', 7), ('anandi', 7), ('milly', 7), ('riam\\\\', 7), ('mamdouh', 7), ('taher', 7), ('sherboyco', 7), ('kei', 7), ('taheri', 7), ('rukmani', 7), ('anshuman', 7), ('casey\\\\', 7), ('muththazhagu', 7), ('sweta', 7), ('qais', 7), ('ranjeet\\\\', 7), ('moti', 7), ('wyn', 7), ('neelam', 7), ('chellapa', 7), ('joking', 6), ('taxicab', 6), ('gareth', 6), ('blues', 6), ('vicar', 6), ('halted', 6), ('sweden', 6), ('soothe', 6), ('fulfills', 6), ('bdsm', 6), ('sweater', 6), ('contestant', 6), ('tomboyish', 6), ('demonstrating', 6), ('contestants', 6), ('grudge', 6), ('successes', 6), ('sob', 6), ('flag', 6), ('cricket', 6), ('differing', 6), ('unattractive', 6), ('forty', 6), ('karen\\\\', 6), ('follower', 6), ('stare', 6), ('skips', 6), ('scarce', 6), ('world\\\\', 6), ('post-war', 6), ('trapeze', 6), ('midway', 6), ('vying', 6), ('net', 6), ('angel\\\\', 6), ('nearest', 6), ('brighton', 6), ('much-needed', 6), ('defended', 6), ('fifty', 6), ('risking', 6), ('guerrilla', 6), ('motivated', 6), ('massacre', 6), ('managers', 6), ('infidelities', 6), ('hayes', 6), ('disappointing', 6), ('metal', 6), ('epiphany', 6), ('fortunate', 6), ('mouse', 6), ('basket', 6), ('vomit', 6), ('thunderstorm', 6), ('perceives', 6), ('permits', 6), ('donate', 6), ('handyman', 6), ('deportation', 6), ('annulled', 6), ('picket', 6), ('sarcastic', 6), ('banter', 6), ('jean-paul', 6), ('imagine', 6), ('lou\\\\', 6), ('counterfeit', 6), ('strangle', 6), ('honoring', 6), ('intercepted', 6), (\"'richard\", 6), ('conducts', 6), ('tabs', 6), ('deeds\\\\', 6), ('faint', 6), ('articles', 6), ('shrewd', 6), ('tenants', 6), ('holes', 6), ('huma', 6), ('inheriting', 6), ('confirming', 6), ('unruly', 6), ('planting', 6), ('findings', 6), ('rigid', 6), ('protesting', 6), ('winnings', 6), ('eliminated', 6), ('crushing', 6), ('trivial', 6), ('lovemaking', 6), ('easter', 6), ('divide', 6), ('wistful', 6), (\"'joe\", 6), ('choreographer', 6), ('editing', 6), ('postponed', 6), ('staged', 6), ('extravagant', 6), ('sympathizes', 6), ('proven', 6), ('scream', 6), ('three-way', 6), ('nominee', 6), ('odyssey', 6), ('counting', 6), ('tribulations', 6), ('confederate', 6), ('securing', 6), ('salute', 6), ('adjacent', 6), ('coward', 6), ('thursday', 6), ('await', 6), ('guild', 6), ('industrial', 6), ('nephews', 6), ('populated', 6), ('prophecy', 6), ('fleet', 6), ('remedy', 6), ('territory', 6), ('endeavors', 6), ('skippy', 6), ('peabody', 6), ('sobered', 6), ('conquest', 6), ('comedies', 6), ('baldwin', 6), ('albany', 6), ('scoop', 6), ('smuggle', 6), ('second-in-command', 6), ('nobleman', 6), ('swindling', 6), ('dash', 6), ('beezy', 6), ('ham', 6), ('aristocrats', 6), ('morocco', 6), ('harmless', 6), ('depth', 6), ('stubbornly', 6), ('legionnaires', 6), ('idle', 6), ('tommy\\\\', 6), ('mattress', 6), ('certificates', 6), ('omega', 6), ('wormer', 6), ('charter', 6), ('13-year-old', 6), ('construct', 6), ('wreak', 6), ('soon-to-be', 6), ('racism', 6), ('washed-up', 6), ('flop', 6), ('springtime', 6), ('lectures', 6), ('melee', 6), ('cultured', 6), ('judgement', 6), ('wicked', 6), ('creatures', 6), ('bedside', 6), ('slumber', 6), ('band\\\\', 6), ('mimicking', 6), ('feigning', 6), ('certainly', 6), ('hitu', 6), ('diver', 6), ('guarded', 6), ('administrator', 6), ('canal', 6), ('sexist', 6), ('contend', 6), ('manufacturer', 6), ('robs', 6), ('leverage', 6), ('harding', 6), ('inclined', 6), ('offends', 6), ('launched', 6), ('cremated', 6), ('worn', 6), ('mockingly', 6), ('worthless', 6), ('smithy', 6), ('stepdaughter', 6), ('vague', 6), ('sails', 6), ('foreman', 6), ('relent', 6), ('nosy', 6), ('charmed', 6), ('unwelcome', 6), ('erased', 6), ('riverboat', 6), ('civilian', 6), ('insecurity', 6), ('impressing', 6), ('puberty', 6), ('bride\\\\', 6), ('antonia', 6), ('possessed', 6), ('witchcraft', 6), ('streak', 6), ('trevi', 6), ('trysts', 6), ('admire', 6), ('assignments', 6), ('brass', 6), ('seamstress', 6), ('carey', 6), ('alienates', 6), ('boots', 6), ('banishes', 6), ('blifil', 6), ('consuming', 6), ('rewarded', 6), ('bridges', 6), ('predatory', 6), ('vaguely', 6), ('agi', 6), ('aghast', 6), ('swan', 6), ('campbell', 6), ('reminiscing', 6), ('condo', 6), (\"'four\", 6), ('jam', 6), ('unkempt', 6), ('emerging', 6), ('freezes', 6), ('eulogy', 6), ('evacuated', 6), ('flights', 6), ('mounts', 6), ('sheldon', 6), ('faster', 6), ('play-tone', 6), ('founder', 6), ('consisting', 6), ('drum', 6), ('purple', 6), ('backup', 6), ('jarrett', 6), ('occupies', 6), ('cher\\\\', 6), ('idealism', 6), ('initiate', 6), ('failures', 6), ('useful', 6), ('small-town', 6), ('gentlemen', 6), ('corvette', 6), ('recklessly', 6), ('janice', 6), ('nebraska', 6), ('desired', 6), ('lincoln', 6), ('proclaim', 6), ('grandchild', 6), ('underage', 6), ('parole', 6), ('treason', 6), ('disclose', 6), ('discontent', 6), ('surrogate', 6), ('arc', 6), ('resolution', 6), ('parallels', 6), ('sicily', 6), ('whiskey', 6), ('colored', 6), ('dines', 6), ('johnny\\\\', 6), ('groomed', 6), ('savannah', 6), ('overtly', 6), ('instrument', 6), ('mildly', 6), ('interaction', 6), ('hood', 6), ('cunnilingus', 6), ('self-absorbed', 6), ('roads', 6), ('criticism', 6), ('stripping', 6), ('schedules', 6), ('regard', 6), ('require', 6), ('airlines', 6), ('manipulate', 6), ('tryout', 6), ('merna', 6), ('alas', 6), ('yegor', 6), ('supervise', 6), ('two-year', 6), ('cassard', 6), ('economic', 6), ('well-off', 6), ('boats', 6), ('dedham', 6), ('acknowledged', 6), ('forging', 6), ('bartlow', 6), ('smash', 6), ('extension', 6), ('assistants', 6), ('abrupt', 6), ('shopgirl', 6), ('surgical', 6), ('algernon', 6), ('mainstream', 6), ('binge', 6), ('declined', 6), ('glover', 6), ('matriarch', 6), ('secrecy', 6), ('hopeful', 6), ('anticipation', 6), ('halliwell', 6), ('self-help', 6), ('cassette', 6), ('supermodel', 6), ('hawkins', 6), ('1989', 6), ('architectural', 6), ('gowan', 6), ('casually', 6), ('nina\\\\', 6), ('knack', 6), ('vaughan\\\\', 6), ('linda\\\\', 6), ('frankenstein', 6), ('whale\\\\', 6), ('weakness', 6), ('relieve', 6), ('incites', 6), ('exhibition', 6), ('deposits', 6), ('drifted', 6), ('timing', 6), ('juice', 6), ('crawley', 6), ('civilization', 6), ('discards', 6), ('forming', 6), ('plead', 6), ('remarking', 6), ('architecture', 6), ('1914', 6), ('aspasia', 6), ('hamam', 6), ('establishes', 6), ('flattered', 6), ('tipped', 6), ('dementia', 6), ('excessively', 6), ('beast', 6), ('gresham', 6), ('backed', 6), ('pupil', 6), ('elopes', 6), ('mink', 6), ('gloria\\\\', 6), ('uninhibited', 6), ('ritz', 6), ('laizi', 6), ('cheng', 6), ('pressuring', 6), ('madness', 6), ('automobile', 6), ('icy', 6), ('duffy', 6), ('scandalous', 6), ('denounce', 6), ('confidant', 6), ('irma\\\\', 6), ('hauled', 6), ('baffled', 6), ('passions', 6), ('unsettled', 6), ('endearing', 6), ('hollow', 6), ('gauthier', 6), ('deauville', 6), ('colleges', 6), ('closeness', 6), ('taunting', 6), ('officer\\\\', 6), ('repulsive', 6), ('junkie', 6), ('devotes', 6), ('accumulate', 6), ('slides', 6), ('exchanging', 6), ('indicates', 6), ('shall', 6), ('tin', 6), ('smashing', 6), ('correspondence', 6), ('buttocks', 6), ('dominant', 6), ('andrew\\\\', 6), ('shit', 6), ('drain', 6), ('provincial', 6), ('formidable', 6), ('ensuring', 6), ('assured', 6), ('submissive', 6), ('individually', 6), ('studios', 6), ('interpreted', 6), ('jared', 6), ('rooming', 6), ('chats', 6), ('tillie\\\\', 6), ('horribly', 6), ('val\\\\', 6), ('all-american', 6), ('outlandish', 6), ('nearer', 6), ('homoerotic', 6), ('night\\\\', 6), ('toddy\\\\', 6), ('foursome', 6), ('cassell', 6), ('cassidy', 6), ('squash', 6), ('drill', 6), ('ramshackle', 6), ('dim-witted', 6), ('degrading', 6), ('latter\\\\', 6), ('scarf', 6), ('honors', 6), ('pronounces', 6), ('wore', 6), ('ted\\\\', 6), ('abraham', 6), ('america\\\\', 6), ('user', 6), ('disappearing', 6), ('ceremonies', 6), ('steep', 6), ('healy', 6), ('magda\\\\', 6), ('crutches', 6), ('deceit', 6), ('guitarist', 6), ('sweethearts', 6), ('junket', 6), ('cartoonist', 6), ('extort', 6), ('balks', 6), ('uncontrollably', 6), ('biology', 6), ('cycle', 6), ('crowned', 6), ('yearbook', 6), ('scissors', 6), ('barge', 6), ('evades', 6), ('angering', 6), ('suzanne', 6), ('portraying', 6), ('folly', 6), ('labeled', 6), ('entanglements', 6), ('reel', 6), ('televised', 6), ('fitting', 6), ('titular', 6), ('thesis', 6), ('gross', 6), ('kidnappers', 6), ('trading', 6), ('freelance', 6), ('muses', 6), ('isabella\\\\', 6), ('cod', 6), ('indecent', 6), ('alter', 6), ('lundy', 6), ('miranda\\\\', 6), ('prep', 6), ('finalized', 6), ('drastically', 6), ('monroe', 6), ('larson', 6), ('fixation', 6), ('lest', 6), ('jeannie', 6), ('plague', 6), ('yorker', 6), ('makeshift', 6), ('insistent', 6), ('insects', 6), ('zero\\\\', 6), ('interns', 6), ('sash', 6), ('compliments', 6), ('shatters', 6), ('etienne', 6), ('charisma', 6), ('pathetic', 6), ('eighth', 6), ('awareness', 6), ('politically', 6), ('1944', 6), ('posed', 6), ('amsterdam', 6), ('grown-up', 6), ('galoup', 6), ('invitations', 6), ('adapted', 6), ('warhol', 6), ('illiterate', 6), ('rink', 6), ('corey', 6), ('dagger', 6), ('chutney', 6), ('identifying', 6), ('unprepared', 6), ('dog\\\\', 6), ('rudd', 6), ('sponsors', 6), ('compromised', 6), ('cosmopolitan', 6), ('tagline', 6), ('donny', 6), ('demo', 6), ('iona', 6), ('friday', 6), ('emory', 6), ('ghetto', 6), ('purity', 6), ('technique', 6), ('bells', 6), ('swayed', 6), ('majorca', 6), ('shelby', 6), ('pep', 6), ('beckett\\\\', 6), ('economics', 6), ('jo\\\\', 6), ('disciples', 6), ('herbs', 6), ('invisible', 6), ('enamoured', 6), ('calcutta', 6), ('chanel', 6), ('penguin', 6), ('bristol', 6), ('sightseeing', 6), ('boz', 6), ('counseling', 6), ('nilsen', 6), ('bernadette', 6), ('mitch\\\\', 6), ('establishing', 6), ('antonina', 6), ('deteriorating', 6), ('mystic', 6), ('explored', 6), ('suburb', 6), ('conceived', 6), ('rails', 6), ('conceive', 6), ('ellen\\\\', 6), ('placate', 6), ('recite', 6), ('hitman', 6), ('brothers\\\\', 6), ('successor', 6), ('rehab', 6), ('outsider', 6), ('boardwalk', 6), ('essex', 6), ('risky', 6), ('moroccan', 6), ('sylvie\\\\', 6), ('narrating', 6), ('ecstasy', 6), ('crane', 6), ('pendant', 6), ('rutherford', 6), ('crystal', 6), ('gear', 6), ('barefoot', 6), ('gertie', 6), ('botched', 6), ('coaxes', 6), ('trashed', 6), ('composure', 6), ('refer', 6), ('bluff', 6), ('homely', 6), ('wei-wei', 6), ('30,000', 6), ('dim', 6), ('slade', 6), ('danielle\\\\', 6), ('statuette', 6), ('aspirin', 6), ('expulsion', 6), ('matthew\\\\', 6), ('bmw', 6), ('ranks', 6), ('shareholders', 6), ('depicting', 6), ('dust', 6), ('blackout', 6), ('burglar', 6), ('relentlessly', 6), ('prediction', 6), ('thoughtful', 6), ('priceless', 6), ('punctuated', 6), ('exploit', 6), ('weary', 6), ('bruno\\\\', 6), ('leroy', 6), ('colorful', 6), ('homework', 6), ('vocation', 6), ('phase', 6), ('blessed', 6), ('krakozhia', 6), ('enrique', 6), ('1958', 6), ('wealthiest', 6), ('spunky', 6), ('bash', 6), ('uncover', 6), ('darnell', 6), ('wheel', 6), ('twists', 6), ('sins', 6), ('motive', 6), ('burgers', 6), ('duration', 6), ('teahouse', 6), ('haze', 6), ('dina', 6), ('rap', 6), ('malik\\\\', 6), ('remy\\\\', 6), ('essay', 6), ('hateful', 6), ('tyrell', 6), ('obesity', 6), ('soaked', 6), ('noelle', 6), ('assembly', 6), ('lighthearted', 6), ('1990', 6), ('marionette', 6), ('twenty-four', 6), ('frustrates', 6), ('colors', 6), ('ucla', 6), ('funambules', 6), ('barker', 6), ('masks', 6), ('chaperone', 6), ('maturity', 6), ('convert', 6), ('dolph', 6), ('mackenzie', 6), ('tuxedo', 6), ('flown', 6), ('mediterranean', 6), ('lover\\\\', 6), ('outrageous', 6), ('obscure', 6), ('easier', 6), ('ishika', 6), ('expel', 6), ('bargain', 6), ('easygoing', 6), ('adopting', 6), ('appetite', 6), ('webber', 6), ('broad', 6), ('madman', 6), ('guarding', 6), ('mathematics', 6), ('vocal', 6), ('riches', 6), ('cronies', 6), ('headmistress', 6), ('roulette', 6), ('persists', 6), ('smaller', 6), ('strives', 6), ('marcus\\\\', 6), ('backwards', 6), ('moonlight', 6), ('wert', 6), ('hose', 6), ('treacherous', 6), ('displayed', 6), ('unceremoniously', 6), ('celibacy', 6), ('arrogance', 6), ('intern', 6), ('confided', 6), ('bartholomew', 6), ('maddie\\\\', 6), ('correctional', 6), ('irs', 6), ('hanley', 6), ('attentive', 6), ('god\\\\', 6), ('rustic', 6), ('shovel', 6), ('wars', 6), ('purely', 6), ('emerson', 6), ('noon', 6), ('manderlay', 6), ('crops', 6), ('lambda', 6), ('flamingo', 6), ('lambdas', 6), ('decline', 6), ('verma', 6), ('punjabi', 6), ('bubble', 6), ('pilgrimage', 6), ('phreak', 6), ('pappy', 6), ('dungeon', 6), ('complacent', 6), ('guaranteed', 6), ('spreading', 6), ('jorge\\\\', 6), ('pemrose', 6), (\"'one\", 6), ('elizondo', 6), ('hacienda', 6), ('compound', 6), ('estella\\\\', 6), ('tantrum', 6), ('pierre\\\\', 6), ('zarije', 6), ('manure', 6), ('strapped', 6), ('gangs', 6), ('goodnight', 6), ('tribute', 6), ('nadya', 6), ('explanations', 6), ('vehemently', 6), ('shekar', 6), ('cease', 6), ('youngster', 6), ('surf', 6), ('reinstate', 6), ('android', 6), ('wrist', 6), ('hottest', 6), ('orrin', 6), ('firefighter', 6), ('preoccupied', 6), ('reprimands', 6), ('notified', 6), ('rats', 6), ('producing', 6), ('overworked', 6), ('micki', 6), ('chen-li', 6), ('cellmate', 6), ('selfless', 6), ('regards', 6), ('instance', 6), ('incomplete', 6), ('davide', 6), ('namehttp', 6), ('hewitt', 6), ('attendants', 6), ('scaring', 6), ('chambers', 6), ('signature', 6), ('e.l.', 6), ('alienated', 6), ('clouds', 6), ('wilde', 6), ('gilley\\\\', 6), (\"\\\\'the\", 6), ('jamuna', 6), ('unites', 6), ('haters', 6), ('pawn', 6), ('cathy\\\\', 6), ('dot', 6), ('descent', 6), ('islam', 6), ('smells', 6), ('wright', 6), ('koma', 6), ('norm', 6), ('han', 6), ('misfits', 6), ('agn챔s', 6), ('carlotta', 6), ('tong\\\\', 6), ('appreciates', 6), ('magdalena', 6), ('apartments', 6), ('francs', 6), ('disrupt', 6), ('captive', 6), ('pilon', 6), ('mgm', 6), ('kinki', 6), ('epidemic', 6), ('souchak', 6), ('inga', 6), ('arousal', 6), ('lip', 6), ('jeremy\\\\', 6), ('massey', 6), ('p.j', 6), ('laurence', 6), ('kingpin', 6), ('dissatisfaction', 6), ('victorian', 6), ('barkis', 6), ('joyous', 6), ('elusive', 6), ('knees', 6), ('peak', 6), ('periodically', 6), ('crosby', 6), ('mclintock', 6), ('dwarf', 6), ('steed', 6), ('renames', 6), ('drawings', 6), ('evolving', 6), ('madea', 6), ('fees', 6), ('lea', 6), ('analyst', 6), ('nola', 6), ('delays', 6), ('2001', 6), ('wrecking', 6), ('kalinger', 6), ('herb', 6), ('sri', 6), ('attackers', 6), ('blasts', 6), ('reborn', 6), ('supplied', 6), ('supernatural', 6), ('adoring', 6), ('bucket', 6), ('beset', 6), ('bradley\\\\', 6), ('tulsa', 6), ('lili\\\\', 6), ('pecker', 6), ('sandwich', 6), ('rachel\\\\', 6), ('redeem', 6), ('jun', 6), ('elixir', 6), ('elwell', 6), ('miracles', 6), ('tactics', 6), ('bait', 6), ('benigno', 6), ('acquiring', 6), ('iesha', 6), ('stuffed', 6), ('memar', 6), ('cass', 6), ('bedridden', 6), ('hanna\\\\', 6), ('houghton', 6), ('hobby', 6), ('majid', 6), ('sanitarium', 6), ('aiding', 6), ('gamble', 6), ('deliberate', 6), ('knot', 6), ('anshu', 6), ('jai\\\\', 6), ('tomomi', 6), ('shogo\\\\', 6), ('importantly', 6), ('activates', 6), ('healed', 6), ('remington', 6), ('tyrannical', 6), ('su-jin', 6), ('wee\\\\', 6), ('jarvis', 6), ('cally', 6), ('raffaella', 6), ('paranoia', 6), ('vixen', 6), ('veech', 6), ('descend', 6), ('juli찼n', 6), ('maudey', 6), ('robby', 6), ('innocently', 6), ('pondo', 6), ('wendell', 6), ('masturbation', 6), ('dana', 6), ('dripping', 6), ('tram', 6), ('melbourne', 6), ('rajeev', 6), ('timberlake', 6), ('succumb', 6), ('harboring', 6), ('f챕lix', 6), ('santini', 6), ('hogue', 6), ('fifi', 6), ('rajjo', 6), ('chanda', 6), ('registrar', 6), ('laurianne', 6), ('hillside', 6), ('courtesans', 6), ('crimson', 6), ('inhibitions', 6), ('gunther', 6), ('submits', 6), ('chelsea', 6), ('mon', 6), ('wherein', 6), ('deceive', 6), ('knightley', 6), ('flyers', 6), ('handcuffs', 6), ('yemanja', 6), ('thornfield', 6), ('seven-year-old', 6), ('ashram', 6), ('thy', 6), ('meteorite', 6), ('janie', 6), ('willi', 6), ('she-devil', 6), ('latex', 6), ('cronin', 6), ('promoter', 6), ('controlled', 6), ('unwed', 6), ('wil', 6), ('yoko', 6), ('favorably', 6), ('villager', 6), ('sufi', 6), ('arden', 6), ('escalate', 6), ('ogden', 6), ('imogen', 6), ('sangmin', 6), ('nathan\\\\', 6), ('cl챕ment', 6), ('guenther', 6), ('todd\\\\', 6), ('kiyoaki', 6), ('larkin', 6), ('dignity', 6), ('lamp', 6), ('begum', 6), ('mumtaz', 6), ('sheetal', 6), ('guards\\\\', 6), ('scarborough', 6), ('readers', 6), ('ronald\\\\', 6), ('romain', 6), ('winfield', 6), ('t.j.', 6), ('delacroix', 6), ('routines', 6), ('seventeen-year-old', 6), ('pippa', 6), ('carlitos', 6), ('anton\\\\', 6), ('rico', 6), ('maurey', 6), ('yu-jin', 6), ('software', 6), ('choo', 6), ('worm', 6), ('ranjit', 6), ('fatherhood', 6), ('bitten', 6), ('soundarapandi', 6), ('vishwa', 6), ('zamindar', 6), ('seaweed', 6), ('repli-kate', 6), ('su-eun\\\\', 6), ('caleb\\\\', 6), ('j체ttner', 6), ('chrome', 6), ('lahore', 6), ('shanti', 6), ('sania', 6), ('effie', 6), ('elmer', 6), ('cara', 6), ('feeds', 6), ('karla', 6), ('tadzio', 6), ('anchal', 6), ('madurai', 6), ('xiao-jun', 6), ('batista', 6), ('regime', 6), ('bedlam', 6), ('enmity', 6), ('mildred\\\\', 6), ('dok', 6), ('toh', 6), ('love-making', 6), ('steinau', 6), ('shivaji\\\\', 6), ('franchise', 6), ('elgar', 6), ('alva\\\\', 6), ('ashraf', 6), ('shortbus', 6), ('ceth', 6), ('aarya', 6), ('pratap', 6), ('iyer', 6), ('shanmugi', 6), ('lory', 6), ('sayuri\\\\', 6), ('osdorff', 6), ('duane', 6), ('runcie', 6), ('bala', 6), ('devayani', 6), ('faiz', 6), ('clinton', 6), ('uptown', 6), ('valli', 6), ('fitzhubert', 6), ('amerigo', 6), ('sayeed', 6), ('maugham', 6), ('harika', 6), ('cunda', 6), ('neelakanta', 6), ('narasimha', 6), ('madhu\\\\', 6), ('twisted', 6), ('mansfield', 6), ('chandraiah', 6), ('g-d', 6), ('2007.', 6), ('pie', 6), ('loubalov찼', 6), ('luca', 6), ('iqbal', 6), ('chaya', 6), ('jule', 6), ('jordan\\\\', 6), ('madras', 6), ('ludmila', 6), ('kelsey', 6), ('guo', 6), ('vandergelder', 6), ('slannen', 6), ('latimores', 6), ('leisha', 6), ('swaminathan', 6), ('yvette', 6), ('nithi', 6), ('lathika', 6), ('usha', 6), ('sasi', 6), ('mcglory', 6), ('khusboo', 6), ('ayyadurai', 6), ('karuppusamy', 6), ('gim', 6), ('manmohan', 6), ('jasmeet', 6), ('desai', 6), ('gul', 6), ('darlene', 6), ('amal', 6), ('khalid', 6), ('anuradha', 6), ('sheba\\\\', 6), ('harikrishnans', 6), ('robots', 6), ('directive', 6), ('luisinha', 6), ('costa', 6), ('julieta', 6), ('ayaan', 6), ('faten', 6), ('amantha', 6), ('thenol', 6), ('aravindh', 6), ('deva', 6), ('sanam', 6), ('sivakumar', 6), ('naresh', 6), ('emilie', 6), ('amudha', 6), ('leonora', 6), ('gatson', 6), ('fayza', 6), ('vishwak', 6), ('dorks', 6), ('houdini', 6), ('janis', 6), ('regina\\\\', 6), ('rajini', 6), ('rajarajeswari', 6), ('archie\\\\', 6), ('brideshead', 6), ('sharath', 6), ('aisha', 6), ('aaftab', 6), ('ranjani', 6), ('tsukio', 6), ('poppo', 6), ('msa', 6), ('bharadwaj', 6), ('bertil', 6), ('fiona\\\\', 5), ('2000', 5), ('ponder', 5), ('apologise', 5), ('agnes\\\\', 5), ('16th', 5), ('cross-dressing', 5), ('restrictive', 5), ('puppeteer', 5), ('bondage', 5), ('femininity', 5), ('outdated', 5), ('representing', 5), ('frasier', 5), ('dark-haired', 5), ('fright', 5), ('unlocks', 5), ('dissolve', 5), ('hallucinations', 5), ('grad', 5), ('lewd', 5), ('obligation', 5), ('severs', 5), ('fullest', 5), ('blocks', 5), ('captors', 5), ('retribution', 5), ('screening', 5), ('recreate', 5), ('late-night', 5), ('marie\\\\', 5), ('besotted', 5), ('birdie', 5), ('conspiring', 5), ('slipped', 5), ('rests', 5), ('schuyler', 5), ('minify', 5), ('gentile', 5), ('bigotry', 5), ('braden', 5), ('no-nonsense', 5), ('economy', 5), ('rejoins', 5), ('implication', 5), ('vanished', 5), ('transfusion', 5), ('arresting', 5), ('near-death', 5), ('improvised', 5), ('faisal', 5), ('turks', 5), ('prince\\\\', 5), ('allenby', 5), ('proclaimed', 5), ('naively', 5), ('participates', 5), ('baxter\\\\', 5), ('rummy', 5), ('sixteen-year-old', 5), ('camcorder', 5), ('kane', 5), ('cap', 5), ('devote', 5), ('ringing', 5), ('metro', 5), ('discarded', 5), ('shyness', 5), ('moses', 5), ('hull', 5), ('stalked', 5), ('folks', 5), ('lexie\\\\', 5), ('molest', 5), ('reliable', 5), ('facts', 5), ('uncovered', 5), ('vegetarian', 5), ('westley', 5), ('wholesome', 5), ('searched', 5), ('samples', 5), ('strolls', 5), ('elude', 5), ('peeks', 5), ('awoken', 5), ('tossing', 5), ('aide', 5), ('borough', 5), ('lisa\\\\', 5), ('donates', 5), ('bawdy', 5), ('flynn', 5), ('spider', 5), ('horse-drawn', 5), ('holden\\\\', 5), ('assumption', 5), ('gestures', 5), ('colbert', 5), ('straighten', 5), ('responding', 5), ('stung', 5), ('flirtation', 5), ('cyril', 5), ('hardwick', 5), ('scorn', 5), ('intruder', 5), ('vance', 5), ('cruz', 5), ('crises', 5), ('virus', 5), ('spur', 5), ('short-term', 5), ('symptoms', 5), ('skies', 5), ('capitalism', 5), ('unfair', 5), ('graciously', 5), ('erratic', 5), ('invention', 5), ('nobles', 5), ('knight', 5), ('dominates', 5), ('alerts', 5), ('comedian', 5), ('vexed', 5), ('relaxes', 5), ('substance', 5), ('coupled', 5), ('therapists', 5), ('rekindling', 5), ('york\\\\', 5), ('essential', 5), ('dose', 5), ('backers', 5), ('usd', 5), ('bases', 5), ('disregard', 5), ('verdict', 5), ('sexes', 5), ('injustice', 5), ('kirby', 5), ('norms', 5), ('oppression', 5), ('entrusted', 5), ('constantinople', 5), ('carpet', 5), ('villages', 5), ('naivete', 5), ('deprived', 5), ('adamantly', 5), ('slated', 5), ('sponsored', 5), ('impediment', 5), ('exchanges', 5), ('pursuers', 5), ('artillery', 5), ('danaher', 5), ('excursion', 5), ('poignant', 5), ('shaking', 5), ('profitable', 5), ('emperor\\\\', 5), ('mining', 5), ('skeleton', 5), ('rudely', 5), ('undeterred', 5), ('guardians', 5), ('hitchhikes', 5), ('apprehended', 5), ('ambushes', 5), ('astray', 5), ('1938', 5), ('convey', 5), ('ingenuity', 5), ('owed', 5), ('arouses', 5), ('sunrise', 5), ('recorder', 5), ('bessiere', 5), ('jolly', 5), ('legionnaire', 5), ('adjutant', 5), ('unscathed', 5), ('natives', 5), ('handful', 5), ('non-existent', 5), ('congratulated', 5), ('undaunted', 5), ('orchestrated', 5), ('blast', 5), ('pinto', 5), ('marmalard', 5), ('otter', 5), ('otis', 5), ('midterm', 5), ('grounded', 5), ('drunkard', 5), (\"'max\", 5), ('adolf', 5), ('sincerity', 5), ('dictator', 5), ('praising', 5), ('warden', 5), ('tightly', 5), ('awakening', 5), ('matuschek\\\\', 5), ('boxes', 5), ('fairest', 5), ('grumpy', 5), ('sleepy', 5), ('beds', 5), ('biting', 5), ('alerted', 5), ('freezing', 5), ('all-girl', 5), ('lethal', 5), ('sacred', 5), ('virtue', 5), (\"'michael\", 5), ('dorsey', 5), ('unhealthy', 5), ('admirers', 5), ('julie\\\\', 5), ('varying', 5), ('graceful', 5), ('pickpocket', 5), ('marlowe', 5), ('regarded', 5), ('priorities', 5), ('coerced', 5), ('woken', 5), ('봣or', 5), ('interacts', 5), ('pendleton', 5), ('candidates', 5), ('farnsworth\\\\', 5), ('unidentified', 5), ('liverpool', 5), ('meager', 5), ('triggers', 5), ('invaluable', 5), ('distinguished', 5), ('supreme', 5), ('bertha', 5), ('showgirls', 5), ('scandalized', 5), ('generously', 5), ('wed.', 5), ('boasts', 5), ('divine', 5), ('contribute', 5), ('needy', 5), ('automatically', 5), ('deborah\\\\', 5), ('viola\\\\', 5), ('wessex', 5), ('playhouse', 5), ('unborn', 5), ('inches', 5), ('scrambles', 5), ('trucker', 5), ('lsd', 5), ('secretaries', 5), ('cousin\\\\', 5), ('gloats', 5), ('secured', 5), ('high-profile', 5), ('hitches', 5), ('coerce', 5), ('gazing', 5), ('palazzo', 5), ('cesare', 5), ('imperious', 5), ('carroll', 5), ('bass', 5), ('35-year-old', 5), ('arrogantly', 5), ('luxuries', 5), ('businessmen', 5), ('genetic', 5), ('amicably', 5), ('vanishes', 5), ('digging', 5), ('downriver', 5), ('darkness', 5), ('aiming', 5), ('ed\\\\', 5), ('compensate', 5), ('moretti', 5), ('shield', 5), ('bands', 5), ('preceding', 5), ('tunnel', 5), ('plotline', 5), ('steer', 5), ('snob', 5), ('matchmaking', 5), ('stumbling', 5), ('eavesdrops', 5), ('aimed', 5), ('defensive', 5), ('morphine', 5), ('attributes', 5), ('intellectually', 5), ('gatherings', 5), ('musicals', 5), ('bergman', 5), ('businesses', 5), ('brooding', 5), ('miraculous', 5), ('hops', 5), ('coaching', 5), ('dictionary', 5), ('occupying', 5), ('cohorts', 5), ('severed', 5), ('baggage', 5), ('fare', 5), ('tammy', 5), ('greenfield', 5), ('punxsutawney', 5), ('reliving', 5), ('fruitless', 5), ('bumped', 5), ('inspiring', 5), ('cowboys', 5), ('athletes', 5), ('extends', 5), ('rekindles', 5), ('mills', 5), ('striptease', 5), ('climate', 5), ('shutting', 5), ('servitude', 5), ('cartwright', 5), (\"haven\\\\'t\", 5), ('straight-laced', 5), ('boutique', 5), ('coastal', 5), ('umbrella', 5), ('approximately', 5), ('fran챌oise', 5), ('reflecting', 5), ('parental', 5), ('clause', 5), ('sunk', 5), ('sniper', 5), ('amiel', 5), ('pitches', 5), ('professions', 5), ('borders', 5), ('annabel', 5), ('pines', 5), ('let\\\\', 5), ('sinister', 5), ('stash', 5), ('alienate', 5), ('dynamic', 5), ('retarded', 5), ('smarter', 5), ('petition', 5), ('panel', 5), ('fading', 5), ('staggers', 5), ('repulsed', 5), ('negotiating', 5), ('computers', 5), ('functions', 5), ('anticipates', 5), ('heterosexuality', 5), ('well-being', 5), ('assembled', 5), ('problematic', 5), ('leaning', 5), ('aborted', 5), ('macmillan', 5), ('insight', 5), ('enables', 5), ('clarifies', 5), ('specifically', 5), ('11-year-old', 5), ('institutionalized', 5), ('derives', 5), ('participant', 5), ('hearse', 5), ('mustard', 5), ('housemaid', 5), ('strokes', 5), ('slipping', 5), ('towel', 5), ('libidinous', 5), ('writings', 5), ('assisting', 5), ('yearning', 5), ('fireman', 5), ('steamer', 5), ('trunks', 5), ('feast', 5), ('interracial', 5), ('osborne', 5), ('philosophical', 5), ('printing', 5), ('charlotte\\\\', 5), ('stockbroker', 5), ('unfazed', 5), ('conveniently', 5), ('gleefully', 5), ('supervision', 5), ('fantasizing', 5), ('matador', 5), ('belgian', 5), ('rancher', 5), ('arch', 5), ('alzheimer', 5), ('delaney', 5), ('outpost', 5), ('unrest', 5), ('hardworking', 5), ('gorilla', 5), ('dismissive', 5), ('virtuous', 5), ('consummated', 5), ('jan\\\\', 5), ('texan', 5), ('traditionally', 5), ('hideous', 5), ('pajamas', 5), ('flips', 5), ('chemical', 5), ('advertise', 5), ('shopkeeper', 5), ('twelve-year-old', 5), ('michele', 5), ('jano', 5), ('lip-synching', 5), ('paparazzi', 5), ('after-party', 5), ('defect', 5), ('apples', 5), ('bleed', 5), ('jar', 5), ('yuan', 5), ('headstrong', 5), ('harass', 5), ('gong', 5), ('deanie', 5), ('ginny', 5), ('thirteen', 5), ('defies', 5), ('whomever', 5), ('seine', 5), ('invent', 5), ('scoffs', 5), ('relies', 5), ('updated', 5), ('30th', 5), ('traits', 5), ('overtime', 5), ('fidelity', 5), ('stuntman', 5), ('anne\\\\', 5), ('payne', 5), ('enrolled', 5), ('webb', 5), ('botany', 5), ('wrestle', 5), ('implicitly', 5), ('suppressed', 5), ('enduring', 5), ('directing', 5), ('handcuffed', 5), ('tablets', 5), ('ricky\\\\', 5), ('warily', 5), ('perpetually', 5), ('bratty', 5), ('disheveled', 5), ('bushes', 5), ('annie\\\\', 5), ('rainbow', 5), (\"'lucy\", 5), ('bartlett', 5), ('florence', 5), ('minneapolis', 5), ('disqualified', 5), ('sadomasochism', 5), ('pervert', 5), ('carmichael', 5), ('pushy', 5), ('melanie\\\\', 5), ('inconsolable', 5), ('raghu', 5), (\"ain\\\\'t\", 5), ('versailles', 5), ('sparring', 5), ('drained', 5), ('adjusts', 5), ('quint', 5), ('volunteered', 5), ('dealers', 5), ('socialist', 5), ('pointedly', 5), ('solidarity', 5), ('smuggled', 5), ('diversion', 5), ('songwriting', 5), ('fabulous', 5), ('disrupting', 5), ('bernstein', 5), ('bulk', 5), ('idiot', 5), ('adolescence', 5), ('silkwood', 5), ('beautician', 5), ('residing', 5), ('gemellus', 5), ('caesonia', 5), ('assassinated', 5), ('multi-millionaire', 5), ('transported', 5), ('aimlessly', 5), ('creek', 5), ('recreation', 5), ('nuptials', 5), ('congressional', 5), ('acquire', 5), ('masculinity', 5), ('afflicted', 5), ('marbuck', 5), ('abducts', 5), ('elders', 5), ('taboo', 5), ('drugging', 5), ('porky\\\\', 5), ('protruding', 5), ('ambush', 5), ('needle', 5), ('grease', 5), ('lords', 5), ('constance', 5), ('sidewalk', 5), ('bothering', 5), ('chip\\\\', 5), ('fireplace', 5), ('stalls', 5), ('skillful', 5), ('sweets', 5), ('church\\\\', 5), ('dubbed', 5), ('apologies', 5), ('hero\\\\', 5), ('discharged', 5), ('separates', 5), ('tube', 5), ('starved', 5), ('rapper', 5), ('dragons', 5), ('team\\\\', 5), ('tying', 5), ('six-year-old', 5), ('deco', 5), ('liver', 5), ('boot', 5), ('videotaping', 5), ('domination', 5), ('1959', 5), ('vacationing', 5), ('frenchy', 5), ('hallucination', 5), ('fruit', 5), ('madison\\\\', 5), ('splashing', 5), ('studied', 5), ('gourmet', 5), ('troy\\\\', 5), ('reevaluate', 5), ('fist', 5), ('amusing', 5), ('winding', 5), ('dysfunction', 5), ('narrow', 5), ('variation', 5), ('stepson', 5), ('comeback', 5), ('gottlieb', 5), ('mankind', 5), ('gustav', 5), ('joyce', 5), ('forbidding', 5), ('300', 5), ('raging', 5), ('agony', 5), ('denounces', 5), ('sample', 5), ('destructive', 5), ('conceited', 5), ('aversion', 5), ('motivates', 5), ('messed', 5), ('joey\\\\', 5), ('stepfamily', 5), ('slippers', 5), ('burgeoning', 5), ('persuading', 5), ('seventh', 5), ('klein', 5), ('foreplay', 5), ('sentain', 5), ('legion', 5), ('babysitter', 5), ('luna', 5), ('millers', 5), ('fervor', 5), ('bunker', 5), ('prostituting', 5), ('exploiting', 5), ('restaurants', 5), ('internship', 5), ('flock', 5), ('toilets', 5), ('skates', 5), ('walsh', 5), ('circles', 5), ('full-time', 5), ('tearing', 5), ('eaten', 5), ('self-described', 5), ('georgetown', 5), ('urgent', 5), ('stereotypical', 5), ('soviets', 5), ('civilians', 5), ('parentage', 5), ('offices', 5), ('certificate', 5), ('camps', 5), ('plumbing', 5), ('assists', 5), ('volume', 5), ('unnecessary', 5), ('synchronized', 5), ('mistreatment', 5), ('cowardice', 5), ('filed', 5), ('concepts', 5), ('gossiping', 5), ('charles-henri\\\\', 5), ('eiffel', 5), ('targeted', 5), ('consoled', 5), ('abducted', 5), ('roth', 5), ('entries', 5), ('classy', 5), ('provocative', 5), ('interrogation', 5), ('pans', 5), ('felicia', 5), ('canyon', 5), ('stint', 5), ('hathaway\\\\', 5), ('popcorn', 5), ('snags', 5), ('immersed', 5), ('marshal', 5), ('navel', 5), ('intensifies', 5), ('fracture', 5), ('dinky', 5), ('emphasis', 5), ('seasons', 5), ('progression', 5), ('giuseppe', 5), ('setup', 5), ('accordance', 5), ('dubs', 5), ('rajput', 5), ('condemned', 5), ('blaze', 5), ('lacuna', 5), ('receptionist', 5), ('choreograph', 5), ('ginuwine', 5), ('25th', 5), ('handles', 5), ('maintenance', 5), ('c.c.\\\\', 5), ('vie', 5), ('hillary\\\\', 5), ('declining', 5), ('retaliate', 5), ('requiring', 5), ('inspect', 5), ('crushes', 5), ('parent\\\\', 5), ('washes', 5), ('livelihood', 5), ('inferior', 5), ('hamster', 5), ('digs', 5), ('burying', 5), ('commandant', 5), ('improper', 5), ('yonoi\\\\', 5), ('offence', 5), ('raids', 5), ('masculine', 5), ('18-year', 5), ('carradine', 5), ('thayer', 5), ('carly', 5), ('lame', 5), ('sontee', 5), ('madcap', 5), ('singers', 5), ('deteriorate', 5), ('forged', 5), ('misunderstand', 5), ('mailed', 5), ('joan\\\\', 5), ('corazon', 5), ('crocodile', 5), ('ira\\\\', 5), ('poo', 5), ('neville', 5), ('suited', 5), ('beef', 5), ('trucks', 5), ('units', 5), ('erstwhile', 5), ('punishes', 5), ('passionless', 5), ('nihongo', 5), ('forests', 5), ('21st', 5), ('disgusting', 5), ('chides', 5), ('thames', 5), ('poise', 5), ('confirmation', 5), ('mick\\\\', 5), ('chaplain', 5), ('sculptures', 5), ('praying', 5), ('rub', 5), ('competes', 5), ('christ', 5), ('relaxing', 5), ('sly', 5), ('nostalgic', 5), ('pilots', 5), ('hotshot', 5), ('pitcher', 5), ('valid', 5), ('stoney', 5), ('weekends', 5), ('bungalow', 5), ('jinx', 5), ('volleyball', 5), ('detained', 5), ('monet', 5), ('ethnic', 5), ('autobiography', 5), ('ideology', 5), ('decorated', 5), ('intercut', 5), ('acquiesces', 5), ('booker', 5), ('mailbox', 5), ('reside', 5), ('lends', 5), ('paramedics', 5), ('dissuades', 5), ('flashlight', 5), ('boiling', 5), ('stamp', 5), ('lifeless', 5), ('archery', 5), ('engineered', 5), ('dealership', 5), ('mentality', 5), ('bribed', 5), ('brandy', 5), ('1988', 5), ('louka', 5), ('hooper', 5), ('scenarios', 5), ('pantomime', 5), ('dandy', 5), ('melodrama', 5), ('authors', 5), ('othello', 5), ('2006', 5), ('september', 5), ('susie\\\\', 5), ('storming', 5), ('missouri', 5), ('rebellion', 5), ('nominated', 5), ('bends', 5), ('provinces', 5), ('itinerant', 5), ('influencing', 5), ('interviewing', 5), ('exchanged', 5), ('sighs', 5), ('idolizes', 5), ('lovers\\\\', 5), ('haughty', 5), ('gypsies', 5), ('courtesy', 5), ('ruling', 5), ('applaud', 5), ('nations', 5), ('blue-collar', 5), ('finnish', 5), ('deserve', 5), ('perpetual', 5), ('lady\\\\', 5), ('inserting', 5), ('surfboard', 5), ('marcel\\\\', 5), ('depths', 5), ('sidonie', 5), ('colour', 5), ('locations', 5), ('dominating', 5), ('self-loathing', 5), ('messing', 5), ('sloane', 5), ('raveena', 5), ('bhalla', 5), ('actively', 5), ('renews', 5), ('lyudmila', 5), ('well-to-do', 5), ('latrell\\\\', 5), ('hectic', 5), ('noxeema', 5), ('chi-chi', 5), ('typically', 5), ('strawberry', 5), ('ridiculed', 5), ('vibrant', 5), ('swearing', 5), ('loads', 5), ('gravely', 5), ('pauses', 5), ('portland', 5), ('betting', 5), ('detailing', 5), ('antwone\\\\', 5), ('buttinger', 5), ('goldie', 5), ('close-knit', 5), ('militia', 5), ('j.d', 5), ('strapping', 5), ('balloon', 5), ('jackson\\\\', 5), ('gabriel\\\\', 5), ('lane\\\\', 5), ('1967', 5), ('equality', 5), ('diplomatic', 5), ('sterile', 5), ('trainee', 5), ('betas', 5), ('coral', 5), ('ogre', 5), ('seminole', 5), ('rhythm', 5), ('depends', 5), ('immune', 5), ('curry', 5), ('unresponsive', 5), ('isle', 5), ('kiloran', 5), ('grampa', 5), ('marches', 5), ('respectful', 5), ('posner', 5), ('injures', 5), ('and/or', 5), ('nottingham', 5), ('hiss', 5), ('sucking', 5), ('sarita', 5), ('bernando', 5), ('wimbledon', 5), ('opponents', 5), ('semi-final', 5), ('siren', 5), ('fantasize', 5), ('alek', 5), ('lisbon', 5), ('sabine', 5), ('nicole\\\\', 5), ('nicky\\\\', 5), ('flask', 5), ('spits', 5), ('singer/songwriter', 5), ('crazed', 5), ('brunette', 5), ('barmaid', 5), ('veliki', 5), ('corpses', 5), ('morales', 5), ('homophobia', 5), ('ditches', 5), ('deter', 5), ('employing', 5), ('politicians', 5), ('salt', 5), ('scolded', 5), ('cellphone', 5), ('riots', 5), ('bum', 5), ('recommended', 5), ('appreciated', 5), ('loosen', 5), ('mishima', 5), ('fanatic', 5), ('lulu', 5), ('lesser', 5), ('extortion', 5), ('bandaged', 5), ('forgiving', 5), ('stems', 5), ('turbulent', 5), ('nikki\\\\', 5), ('cosmetics', 5), ('co-eds', 5), ('goaded', 5), ('kermit\\\\', 5), ('frogs', 5), ('overall', 5), ('controversy', 5), ('ban', 5), ('takeshi', 5), ('raul', 5), ('manipulation', 5), ('alison\\\\', 5), ('becker', 5), ('coca-cola', 5), ('follow-up', 5), ('finals', 5), ('slot', 5), ('priests', 5), ('ishida', 5), ('bakshi', 5), ('persian', 5), ('darius', 5), ('determination', 5), ('adelaid', 5), ('calamity\\\\', 5), ('boldly', 5), ('airborne', 5), ('woolf', 5), ('obituaries', 5), ('worrying', 5), ('all-out', 5), ('1943', 5), ('tolerates', 5), ('preferred', 5), ('desmond', 5), ('woven', 5), ('wes', 5), ('definitely', 5), ('reputed', 5), ('ablaze', 5), ('adapt', 5), ('sections', 5), ('departed', 5), ('puerto', 5), ('cates', 5), ('kolkata', 5), ('confide', 5), ('scent', 5), ('castro', 5), ('fertility', 5), ('wan', 5), ('buckwheat', 5), ('woim', 5), ('situated', 5), ('serafina', 5), ('orfeu\\\\', 5), ('donation', 5), ('excess', 5), ('bonded', 5), ('rumored', 5), ('mutiny', 5), ('colliery', 5), ('sajid', 5), ('snobby', 5), ('businesswoman', 5), ('scattered', 5), ('intrigues', 5), ('mortimer', 5), ('kynaston', 5), ('buckingham', 5), ('recognise', 5), ('a.r', 5), ('rehman', 5), ('mid', 5), ('motherhood', 5), ('tools', 5), ('discourage', 5), ('grizelda', 5), ('mole', 5), ('expertise', 5), ('scholastic', 5), ('ning', 5), ('c챕sar', 5), ('conveys', 5), ('dealings', 5), ('culinary', 5), ('tyson', 5), ('ava', 5), ('cannery', 5), ('garr', 5), ('marylee', 5), ('gannon', 5), ('rapid', 5), ('revives', 5), ('wyoming', 5), ('handbag', 5), ('aggressively', 5), ('tuscany', 5), ('realtor', 5), ('install', 5), ('strong-willed', 5), ('jose', 5), ('hopping', 5), ('bore', 5), ('paycheck', 5), ('zone', 5), ('entrepreneur', 5), ('alluring', 5), ('broom', 5), ('vacations', 5), ('gordon\\\\', 5), ('formally', 5), ('saratoga', 5), ('quilty', 5), ('pooh', 5), ('prints', 5), ('heffalump', 5), ('dispense', 5), ('entendre', 5), ('encore', 5), ('lysander', 5), ('concerts', 5), ('cinematography', 5), ('misbehave', 5), ('protestations', 5), ('jamison', 5), ('mario\\\\', 5), ('interacting', 5), ('mortgage', 5), ('tagging', 5), ('monti', 5), ('hustlers', 5), ('crowley', 5), ('electrical', 5), ('issued', 5), ('bedrooms', 5), ('treaty', 5), ('pigeon', 5), ('learnt', 5), ('taping', 5), ('3,000', 5), ('masterpiece', 5), ('subir', 5), ('menachem', 5), ('abound', 5), ('leonato', 5), ('fondly', 5), ('decipher', 5), ('lureen', 5), ('sehgal', 5), ('bangles', 5), ('imitate', 5), ('singh\\\\', 5), ('archaeologist', 5), ('ang챕la', 5), ('burial', 5), ('cremation', 5), ('dove', 5), ('arena', 5), ('medal', 5), ('prima', 5), ('immensely', 5), ('magnate', 5), ('profound', 5), ('italians', 5), ('nat', 5), ('borderline', 5), ('same-sex', 5), ('presley', 5), ('cabiria', 5), ('atheist', 5), ('honor챕', 5), ('mamita', 5), ('woes', 5), ('missile', 5), ('schizophrenic', 5), ('rapport', 5), ('contrary', 5), ('lara', 5), ('lovelorn', 5), ('wilby', 5), ('aims', 5), ('mckeever', 5), ('long-distance', 5), ('lunatic', 5), ('kisna', 5), ('initiation', 5), ('shorts', 5), ('dateless', 5), ('kerrigan', 5), ('pill', 5), ('effective', 5), ('woke', 5), ('arthur\\\\', 5), ('interrogates', 5), ('investigative', 5), ('defying', 5), ('lockwood', 5), ('k철rner\\\\', 5), ('jessup', 5), ('forthcoming', 5), ('harmony\\\\', 5), ('impostor', 5), ('incest', 5), ('mcgraw', 5), ('inflicted', 5), ('unhappiness', 5), ('comatose', 5), ('lydia\\\\', 5), ('soften', 5), ('congregation', 5), ('surrounds', 5), ('lace', 5), ('shaw', 5), ('hester', 5), ('nicolas', 5), ('catalina', 5), ('accomplish', 5), ('minded', 5), ('inhabit', 5), ('biologist', 5), ('spins', 5), ('newscaster', 5), ('conglomerate', 5), ('promotional', 5), ('hot-tempered', 5), ('sameer\\\\', 5), ('fated', 5), ('rambha', 5), ('loong', 5), ('slums', 5), ('leprosy', 5), ('dao\\\\', 5), ('poet\\\\', 5), ('controls', 5), ('evacuation', 5), ('crumbling', 5), ('system\\\\', 5), ('eiji\\\\', 5), ('encountering', 5), ('oversleeps', 5), ('balloons', 5), ('reclaims', 5), ('burdened', 5), ('anitha', 5), ('ravindran', 5), ('wooley', 5), ('daddy', 5), ('vet', 5), ('wires', 5), ('lobsters', 5), ('pancake', 5), ('spengo\\\\', 5), ('nashville', 5), ('kresk', 5), ('meaningful', 5), ('hut', 5), ('nin', 5), ('thea', 5), ('kjell', 5), ('alternates', 5), ('well-educated', 5), ('psychotic', 5), ('acquired', 5), ('investor', 5), ('salesgirl', 5), ('merle', 5), ('harmonica', 5), ('houseboat', 5), ('sinatra', 5), ('caroline\\\\', 5), ('harold\\\\', 5), ('collini', 5), ('quebec', 5), ('kirk', 5), ('lily\\\\', 5), ('courtland', 5), ('jana', 5), ('vulva', 5), ('vaginal', 5), ('laid-back', 5), ('sidelines', 5), ('complaints', 5), ('mlle', 5), ('ibiza', 5), ('fancies', 5), ('born-again', 5), ('publishers', 5), ('unawares', 5), ('bronx', 5), ('holder', 5), ('gary\\\\', 5), ('randy\\\\', 5), ('potato', 5), ('pick-up', 5), ('amuse', 5), ('breathe', 5), ('bihar', 5), ('listed', 5), ('admonishes', 5), ('clea', 5), ('lacrosse', 5), ('puppy', 5), ('eliot\\\\', 5), ('nyu', 5), ('didier', 5), ('georgia\\\\', 5), ('dramas', 5), ('admiring', 5), ('bobcat', 5), ('suzon', 5), ('jamaica', 5), ('hoffman', 5), ('ernst', 5), ('panama', 5), ('sacrificed', 5), ('dolphin', 5), ('chemotherapy', 5), ('courted', 5), ('tao', 5), ('bong', 5), ('ulla', 5), ('stairway', 5), ('fitch', 5), ('manorama', 5), ('twinky', 5), ('sirens', 5), ('regretting', 5), ('dwayne', 5), ('bridegroom', 5), ('reformed', 5), ('deployed', 5), ('seoul', 5), ('pension', 5), ('intrusion', 5), ('graham\\\\', 5), ('arav', 5), ('vivian\\\\', 5), ('accommodations', 5), ('systems', 5), ('entertains', 5), ('mahi', 5), ('hail', 5), ('1947', 5), ('bake', 5), ('advising', 5), ('baths', 5), ('adina', 5), ('albuquerque', 5), ('enrages', 5), ('smith\\\\', 5), ('judo', 5), ('dad\\\\', 5), ('bashing', 5), ('seaman', 5), ('fenton', 5), ('cookies', 5), ('quickie', 5), ('reno', 5), ('strangler', 5), ('lighten', 5), ('eldridge', 5), ('jerilee', 5), ('natasha\\\\', 5), ('internment', 5), ('megget', 5), ('lengths', 5), ('dalloway', 5), ('dan\\\\', 5), ('clarissa\\\\', 5), ('armstrong\\\\', 5), ('bend', 5), ('absorbed', 5), ('whisks', 5), ('extraordinary', 5), ('susanna\\\\', 5), ('tobias', 5), ('drunkenness', 5), ('migrate', 5), ('rekha', 5), ('darbus', 5), ('studious', 5), ('hostel', 5), ('shin', 5), ('medium', 5), ('lyman\\\\', 5), ('secretive', 5), ('arabic', 5), ('flavia', 5), ('hyung-joon', 5), ('martelli', 5), ('tranquilizers', 5), ('rivera', 5), ('renaud', 5), ('delights', 5), ('soo-il', 5), ('bong-soo', 5), ('eumolpo', 5), ('jun-ho', 5), ('chavasse', 5), ('ji-yeon', 5), ('consummating', 5), ('jae-hoon', 5), ('chi-sung', 5), ('wilhern', 5), ('christie', 5), ('ottar', 5), ('gene\\\\', 5), ('paula\\\\', 5), ('levinsky', 5), ('su-su', 5), ('bergen', 5), ('co-ed', 5), ('pagan', 5), ('fay', 5), ('bateman', 5), ('donalda', 5), ('thulasi', 5), ('maybelle', 5), ('repli-jonas', 5), ('representation', 5), ('ton', 5), ('maharaja', 5), ('sdr', 5), ('beeper', 5), ('igor', 5), ('hardeman', 5), ('philippe', 5), ('mumford', 5), ('supriya', 5), ('johann', 5), ('smithers', 5), ('bakhtu', 5), ('shaka', 5), ('malaysia', 5), ('polhaus', 5), ('vivek', 5), ('goth', 5), ('brokerage', 5), ('preeti', 5), ('piya', 5), ('marquise', 5), ('hearted', 5), ('minnie', 5), ('meera', 5), ('baskar', 5), ('malar', 5), ('hill\\\\', 5), ('counterpart', 5), ('chinna', 5), ('fern', 5), ('tilo', 5), ('filipino', 5), ('renu', 5), ('sunita', 5), ('yell', 5), ('kinsky', 5), ('a.k.a', 5), ('bansal', 5), ('proboscis', 5), ('buddhadev', 5), ('juncture', 5), ('shimla', 5), ('heroism', 5), ('chlo챕', 5), ('investigators', 5), ('rie', 5), ('fridge', 5), ('izzie', 5), ('gopi', 5), ('chaudhary', 5), ('tash', 5), ('vishwanathan', 5), ('prabhat', 5), ('varadharajan', 5), ('sophia', 5), ('bharath', 5), ('malavika', 5), ('lintott', 5), ('ridden', 5), ('biederman', 5), ('eric\\\\', 5), ('dum\\\\', 5), ('rematch', 5), ('thymian\\\\', 5), ('meta', 5), ('regulations', 5), ('morgenstern', 5), ('anisha', 5), ('broken-hearted', 5), ('implicated', 5), ('amutha', 5), ('jyothika', 5), ('amiran', 5), ('lucknow', 5), ('avataram', 5), ('associated', 5), ('dharmayya', 5), ('winnifred', 5), ('bhanumati', 5), ('belfast', 5), ('juli', 5), ('melek', 5), ('blair', 5), ('zepp', 5), ('rugby', 5), ('roong', 5), ('maida', 5), ('abhiram', 5), ('madhav', 5), ('silk', 5), ('godavari', 5), ('padhu', 5), ('athanasius', 5), ('afonya\\\\', 5), ('bootsie', 5), ('cocktails', 5), ('oberon', 5), ('trembling', 5), ('andre\\\\', 5), ('karrer', 5), ('zerophiliac', 5), ('gitl', 5), ('bhagyamati', 5), ('astrologer', 5), ('iou', 5), ('sathyam', 5), ('ankita', 5), ('kanwal', 5), ('murthy', 5), ('bella', 5), ('amaryllis', 5), ('paroo', 5), ('shen', 5), ('ermengarde', 5), ('harmonia', 5), ('kelvin', 5), ('narval', 5), ('pools', 5), ('prabha', 5), ('ella\\\\', 5), ('charmont', 5), ('threadgoode', 5), ('ninny\\\\', 5), ('bhumika', 5), ('jisook', 5), ('dong-gun', 5), ('hae-ju', 5), ('treasure\\\\', 5), ('anappara', 5), ('watermelon', 5), ('daas', 5), ('petrol', 5), ('surendra', 5), ('jaiganesh', 5), ('brahmin', 5), ('medusa', 5), ('sombat', 5), ('anupama', 5), ('tanmay', 5), ('kaos', 5), ('wynter', 5), ('tolstoy', 5), ('platon', 5), ('alisha', 5), ('mahmoud', 5), ('se챰or', 5), ('scrutzler', 5), ('cin', 5), ('lippy', 5), ('holo-detector', 5), ('palmeiras', 5), ('deepthi', 5), ('ahana', 5), ('ehsan', 5), ('milan', 5), ('worthington', 5), ('hezekiah', 5), ('hamama', 5), ('mem챕', 5), ('chitrasen', 5), ('rushdi', 5), ('maayan', 5), ('bulldogs', 5), ('jae-kyung', 5), ('maxford', 5), ('himiko', 5), ('harish', 5), ('kabul', 5), ('slingshot', 5), ('siluvai', 5), ('chithambaram', 5), ('swathi', 5), ('anitha\\\\', 5), ('cooley', 5), ('heiden', 5), ('geet\\\\', 5), ('arundathi', 5), ('madiba', 5), ('sipho', 5), ('saajan\\\\', 5), ('leeza', 5), ('d.e.b.s', 5), ('crowchild', 5), ('trapper', 5), ('larkins', 5), ('skymnos', 5), ('pettigrew', 5), ('delysia', 5), ('rong', 5), ('daeng', 5), ('houdini\\\\', 5), ('sugarman', 5), ('damien', 5), ('concasseur', 5), ('vinodh', 5), ('martee', 5), ('gigliola', 5), ('rajni', 5), ('museulmo', 5), ('jawan', 5), ('caliph\\\\', 5), ('valentino', 5), ('sakara', 5), ('410', 5), ('moose', 5), ('debonair', 4), ('faux', 4), ('ex-girlfriends', 4), ('flatmate', 4), ('translate', 4), ('unsatisfying', 4), ('rumoured', 4), ('solved', 4), ('gracie', 4), ('disliked', 4), ('criticized', 4), ('morningside', 4), ('badge', 4), ('tiara', 4), ('linear', 4), ('exhibits', 4), ('dreamt', 4), ('a.m.', 4), ('vocals', 4), ('anxiety', 4), ('labourer', 4), ('boyfriend\\\\', 4), ('unties', 4), ('wipes', 4), ('fingerprints', 4), ('fainting', 4), ('clinging', 4), ('condemning', 4), ('excitedly', 4), ('gold-digger', 4), ('sabotaging', 4), ('much-younger', 4), ('cubs', 4), ('underlying', 4), ('histories', 4), ('outward', 4), ('humility', 4), ('understudy', 4), ('insinuate', 4), ('policies', 4), ('discourages', 4), ('consoles', 4), ('wraps', 4), ('jaw', 4), ('seas', 4), ('elephants', 4), ('magnificent', 4), ('crossroads', 4), ('bedouin', 4), ('revolt', 4), ('sceptical', 4), ('gasim', 4), ('fatigue', 4), ('unnoticed', 4), ('derailed', 4), ('shatter', 4), ('garrison', 4), ('pressed', 4), ('bey', 4), ('mercenaries', 4), ('liaisons', 4), ('glowing', 4), ('privilege', 4), ('clothed', 4), ('reviving', 4), ('fitts', 4), ('motif', 4), ('roam', 4), ('dufayel', 4), ('luncheon', 4), ('boating', 4), ('excluded', 4), ('orchestrate', 4), ('tripped', 4), ('doorman', 4), ('tempered', 4), ('lauren', 4), ('overseeing', 4), ('out-of-work', 4), ('fastidious', 4), ('annoy', 4), ('vine', 4), ('hygiene', 4), ('cannes', 4), ('intolerant', 4), ('luc\\\\', 4), ('cartier', 4), ('co.', 4), ('tomato', 4), ('nicknames', 4), ('building\\\\', 4), ('ribbon', 4), ('obey', 4), ('subservient', 4), ('semmi', 4), ('bowery', 4), ('mcneil', 4), ('participated', 4), ('hawaiian', 4), (\"o\\\\'brien\", 4), ('kit\\\\', 4), ('hortense', 4), ('consults', 4), ('reprimand', 4), ('tap', 4), ('horace\\\\', 4), ('venetian', 4), ('exhaustion', 4), ('misdeeds', 4), ('farms', 4), ('systematically', 4), (\"'jerry\", 4), ('interruption', 4), ('sabotaged', 4), ('dubois', 4), ('agrado', 4), ('battered', 4), ('alzheimer\\\\', 4), ('dedicates', 4), ('drake', 4), ('spin', 4), ('wreckage', 4), ('headaches', 4), ('uncharacteristically', 4), ('bidding', 4), ('aristocracy', 4), ('nouveau', 4), ('riche', 4), ('봞fter', 4), ('halliday', 4), ('peer', 4), ('recommending', 4), ('joust', 4), ('nobility', 4), ('armour', 4), ('blacksmith', 4), ('mobility', 4), ('battlefield', 4), ('negotiations', 4), ('frenzy', 4), ('knights', 4), ('subtitles', 4), ('discussed', 4), ('reviews', 4), ('monumental', 4), ('down-to-earth', 4), ('unacceptable', 4), ('defy', 4), ('revolving', 4), ('donkey', 4), ('enterprise', 4), ('mann', 4), ('enticing', 4), ('revolutionaries', 4), ('piles', 4), ('transporting', 4), ('hohannes', 4), ('lodges', 4), ('descendants', 4), ('inadvertent', 4), ('chattanooga', 4), ('trailing', 4), ('reversal', 4), ('thornton', 4), ('dublin', 4), ('talkative', 4), ('leto', 4), ('barren', 4), ('messiah', 4), ('capsule', 4), ('targeting', 4), ('consume', 4), ('mild-mannered', 4), ('donating', 4), ('decidedly', 4), ('hobo', 4), ('unrecognizable', 4), ('welbach', 4), ('year-long', 4), ('amazon', 4), ('scorned', 4), ('re-enters', 4), ('disguising', 4), ('barrel', 4), ('absolute', 4), ('tailor', 4), ('viscount', 4), ('22-year-old', 4), ('unpaid', 4), ('portions', 4), ('instrumental', 4), ('appreciative', 4), ('amalfi', 4), ('commanded', 4), ('nest', 4), ('mentioning', 4), ('godfrey\\\\', 4), ('pearls', 4), ('straits', 4), ('humbled', 4), ('1962', 4), ('delta', 4), ('omegas', 4), ('clientele', 4), ('damaging', 4), ('notifies', 4), ('vomits', 4), ('historically', 4), ('futures', 4), ('lingering', 4), ('lascivious', 4), ('drab', 4), ('romp', 4), ('liebkind', 4), ('dumbfounded', 4), ('satire', 4), ('strenuous', 4), ('transfers', 4), ('hennessy', 4), ('marble', 4), ('kralik\\\\', 4), ('pirovitch', 4), ('stubbornness', 4), ('insignificant', 4), ('rudy', 4), ('봦er', 4), ('white\\\\', 4), ('answered', 4), ('pleasing', 4), ('invaded', 4), ('hag', 4), ('boulder', 4), ('sensible', 4), ('fielding', 4), ('supper', 4), ('frigid', 4), ('amoral', 4), ('receptive', 4), ('dorothy\\\\', 4), ('extend', 4), ('off-camera', 4), ('filiba', 4), ('bobo', 4), ('journalists', 4), ('everyman', 4), ('sportswriter', 4), ('tess\\\\', 4), ('unconvinced', 4), ('riverside', 4), ('tactic', 4), ('wiser', 4), ('hit-and-run', 4), ('ridiculing', 4), ('overcoat', 4), ('financier', 4), ('refrigerator', 4), ('blissfully', 4), ('innkeeper', 4), ('prodding', 4), ('cleve', 4), ('dissolute', 4), ('grandpa\\\\', 4), ('adviser', 4), ('shortage', 4), ('bureaucrat', 4), ('clergyman', 4), ('sermon', 4), ('operas', 4), ('skipping', 4), ('calculates', 4), (\"'william\", 4), ('writer\\\\', 4), ('violating', 4), ('tequila', 4), ('compliment', 4), ('listing', 4), ('guilt-stricken', 4), ('slur', 4), ('stripes', 4), ('bouncer', 4), ('torres', 4), ('prosecute', 4), ('bloodied', 4), ('allworthy', 4), ('partridge', 4), ('bastard', 4), ('banishment', 4), ('gaol', 4), ('pardon', 4), ('mixes', 4), ('trashy', 4), ('hunger', 4), ('diana\\\\', 4), ('harbour', 4), ('catholicism', 4), ('moorehead', 4), ('goose', 4), ('relocate', 4), ('subordinate', 4), ('pharmaceutical', 4), ('toothless', 4), ('goading', 4), ('rapids', 4), ('spilling', 4), ('definite', 4), ('jackets', 4), ('sharply', 4), ('ripping', 4), ('pinter', 4), ('ten-year-old', 4), ('patterson', 4), ('ballad', 4), ('heartily', 4), ('flu', 4), ('breach', 4), ('composition', 4), ('dionne', 4), ('worsen', 4), ('driver\\\\', 4), ('soul-searching', 4), ('neglect', 4), ('horton', 4), ('steers', 4), ('perception', 4), ('weeps', 4), ('propaganda', 4), ('consummation', 4), ('administers', 4), ('tropical', 4), ('existential', 4), ('shines', 4), ('styled', 4), ('leisurely', 4), ('rose\\\\', 4), ('seizing', 4), ('awful', 4), ('staten', 4), ('materials', 4), ('socializing', 4), ('interlude', 4), ('index', 4), ('cloth', 4), ('chop', 4), ('dissolves', 4), ('cheerleading', 4), ('ejaculates', 4), ('evidently', 4), ('cush', 4), ('nfl', 4), ('touchdown', 4), ('best-selling', 4), ('obsessive-compulsive', 4), ('pathological', 4), ('connelly', 4), ('awkwardness', 4), ('sheffield', 4), ('yorkshire', 4), ('scrap', 4), ('imitates', 4), ('scary', 4), ('miserably', 4), ('tightrope', 4), ('slapping', 4), ('chicago\\\\', 4), ('misconceptions', 4), ('ate', 4), ('mexican-american', 4), ('isabel\\\\', 4), ('upward', 4), ('autumn', 4), ('restrained', 4), ('serenade', 4), ('miscarries', 4), ('reef', 4), ('violated', 4), ('swimsuit', 4), ('evolve', 4), ('adapts', 4), ('furlough', 4), ('bestselling', 4), ('employs', 4), ('logging', 4), ('electronic', 4), ('postpones', 4), ('shoplifting', 4), ('schwiefka', 4), ('all-night', 4), ('paralysis', 4), ('railing', 4), ('nemur', 4), ('straus', 4), ('maze', 4), ('increased', 4), ('schneider', 4), ('drawer', 4), ('mortally', 4), ('bach', 4), ('stanford', 4), ('hobson', 4), ('cheese', 4), ('broadcasting', 4), ('efficiency', 4), ('machines', 4), ('debates', 4), ('bensonhurst', 4), ('paulie\\\\', 4), ('antagonizing', 4), ('verse', 4), ('superiority', 4), ('ironic', 4), ('cuckolded', 4), ('30-year-old', 4), ('proposals', 4), ('affinity', 4), ('stifling', 4), ('durham', 4), ('skirmish', 4), ('sternly', 4), ('deemed', 4), ('kaiser', 4), ('hermit', 4), ('predator', 4), ('indulges', 4), ('tormenting', 4), ('sketches', 4), ('assurance', 4), ('exacerbates', 4), ('executioner', 4), ('charenton', 4), ('enlightened', 4), ('smuggles', 4), ('contentious', 4), ('hasty', 4), ('farce', 4), ('confiscates', 4), ('whipped', 4), ('relay', 4), ('madeleine\\\\', 4), ('converted', 4), ('incurable', 4), ('graynamore', 4), ('voluntary', 4), ('labels', 4), ('ironing', 4), ('chemicals', 4), ('selena', 4), ('ages', 4), ('hormonal', 4), ('ape', 4), ('gabrielle\\\\', 4), ('motions', 4), ('appreciating', 4), ('intuitive', 4), ('propositions', 4), ('flawed', 4), ('stevenson', 4), ('snyder', 4), ('lilli\\\\', 4), ('slang', 4), ('yum', 4), ('forceful', 4), ('vale', 4), ('dictatorial', 4), ('livingston', 4), ('trippy', 4), ('skeffington', 4), ('ravages', 4), ('cradle', 4), ('stately', 4), ('amory', 4), ('accessories', 4), ('recluse', 4), ('restoration', 4), ('unconditional', 4), ('gracious', 4), ('wheelchair-using', 4), ('senator\\\\', 4), ('shootout', 4), ('forgetfulness', 4), ('lola\\\\', 4), ('safari', 4), ('ex-fianc챕e', 4), ('piazza', 4), ('goblet', 4), ('overture', 4), ('anderson\\\\', 4), ('anastasia', 4), ('bounine', 4), ('copenhagen', 4), ('realisation', 4), ('expectant', 4), ('bragging', 4), ('rex\\\\', 4), ('melody', 4), ('muster', 4), ('250', 4), ('slut', 4), ('ex-lovers', 4), ('depressing', 4), ('thread', 4), ('speeds', 4), ('cesira', 4), ('boasting', 4), ('transgressions', 4), ('grasp', 4), ('1977', 4), ('craving', 4), ('attaches', 4), ('cheered', 4), ('zhang\\\\', 4), ('conjures', 4), ('sino-japanese', 4), ('1949', 4), ('repent', 4), ('usurped', 4), ('corrects', 4), ('loomis', 4), ('angelina', 4), ('cincinnati', 4), ('lex', 4), ('embroiled', 4), ('nassau', 4), ('compassionate', 4), ('drive-in', 4), ('analyze', 4), ('seductively', 4), ('fabrication', 4), ('donning', 4), ('theories', 4), ('suen', 4), ('noodle', 4), ('emigrated', 4), ('divides', 4), ('riviera', 4), ('birkin', 4), ('hermione', 4), ('ridicules', 4), ('nationalist', 4), ('staunch', 4), ('absent-minded', 4), ('shipment', 4), ('lusts', 4), ('understandably', 4), ('binding', 4), ('birthplace', 4), ('monterey', 4), ('roop', 4), ('marthe\\\\', 4), ('봧ncluding', 4), ('absurd', 4), ('1992', 4), ('backpack', 4), ('saul', 4), ('laying', 4), ('cameos', 4), ('array', 4), ('thighs', 4), ('embarrasses', 4), ('erratically', 4), ('evacuate', 4), ('deaf-mute', 4), ('cannon', 4), ('uphold', 4), ('swamp', 4), ('on-screen', 4), ('flea', 4), ('aired', 4), ('1931', 4), ('klub', 4), ('reverie', 4), ('senseless', 4), ('natalia', 4), ('voyeur', 4), ('risque', 4), ('demonstrated', 4), ('seymour', 4), ('relapse', 4), ('twenty-something', 4), ('bankroll', 4), ('gunfight', 4), ('nervousness', 4), ('depict', 4), ('right-wing', 4), ('crews', 4), ('splits', 4), ('displeased', 4), ('shaving', 4), ('pubic', 4), ('1934', 4), ('cockroach', 4), ('impersonator', 4), ('burly', 4), ('gunnery', 4), ('ensign', 4), ('regiment', 4), ('feign', 4), ('lynette', 4), ('lobbying', 4), ('inadequate', 4), ('sufficient', 4), ('headlights', 4), ('blackbird', 4), ('caligula\\\\', 4), ('depraved', 4), ('mixture', 4), ('chaerea', 4), ('beggar', 4), ('disturbance', 4), ('loathe', 4), ('shores', 4), ('responses', 4), ('s챕ance', 4), (\"'jim\", 4), ('applying', 4), ('trusting', 4), ('a.j', 4), ('ratings', 4), ('cleanup', 4), ('indicate', 4), ('enjoyment', 4), ('exploding', 4), ('coincidences', 4), ('retelling', 4), ('undresses', 4), ('figment', 4), ('adela', 4), ('fumes', 4), ('aboriginal', 4), ('lured', 4), ('cliffs', 4), ('garners', 4), ('publicist', 4), ('eddie\\\\', 4), ('watchful', 4), ('menacing', 4), ('mickey\\\\', 4), ('showering', 4), ('1986', 4), ('bemused', 4), ('interactions', 4), ('ponders', 4), ('hailed', 4), ('stepsister', 4), ('mugged', 4), ('obscene', 4), ('hinkle', 4), ('sterner', 4), ('cautions', 4), ('cans', 4), ('scrapbook', 4), ('manson', 4), ('avid', 4), ('lamb', 4), ('car\\\\', 4), ('cursing', 4), ('credibility', 4), ('ackerman\\\\', 4), ('provokes', 4), ('stoner', 4), ('discredited', 4), ('chicks', 4), ('vowed', 4), ('spaniard', 4), ('lawson', 4), ('stanton', 4), ('majestic', 4), ('regained', 4), ('constitution', 4), ('flick', 4), ('similarities', 4), ('powder', 4), ('mastermind', 4), ('guts', 4), ('fabricated', 4), ('motorcycles', 4), (\"'jack\", 4), ('taker', 4), ('hammer', 4), ('mediocre', 4), ('advertisements', 4), ('portal', 4), ('zeus', 4), ('mortal', 4), ('astronomer', 4), ('unethical', 4), ('temp', 4), ('go-go', 4), ('malicious', 4), ('stagnetti', 4), ('ragtag', 4), ('sleepover', 4), ('cha-cha', 4), ('runner', 4), ('fontaine', 4), ('dance-off', 4), ('bauer', 4), ('gazes', 4), ('invariably', 4), ('whiplash', 4), ('floundering', 4), (\"'daniel\", 4), ('visitation', 4), ('stuart\\\\', 4), ('unlimited', 4), ('valedictorian', 4), ('messy', 4), ('reputations', 4), ('skip\\\\', 4), ('grammar', 4), ('pronunciation', 4), ('dazzle', 4), ('hypnotized', 4), ('overlooked', 4), ('reaffirm', 4), ('arrivals', 4), ('rufus', 4), ('jewellery', 4), ('leora', 4), ('tiller', 4), ('url', 4), ('routinely', 4), ('1973', 4), ('limbo', 4), ('deviant', 4), ('adventurer', 4), ('joyously', 4), ('lasts', 4), ('substitutes', 4), ('sprinklers', 4), ('stimulated', 4), ('callous', 4), ('raw', 4), ('overprotective', 4), ('tossed', 4), ('prejudices', 4), ('uncertainty', 4), ('disappoints', 4), ('sixth', 4), ('cowardly', 4), ('nymphomaniac', 4), ('thigh', 4), ('liberated', 4), ('scarecrow', 4), ('wire', 4), ('hamptons', 4), ('facilities', 4), ('bel챕n', 4), ('scuba', 4), ('interwoven', 4), ('brownies', 4), ('girodias', 4), ('ass', 4), ('joon\\\\', 4), ('garvey', 4), ('suitcases', 4), ('miltos', 4), ('impose', 4), ('majors', 4), ('paulette', 4), ('brooke\\\\', 4), ('cabana', 4), ('integrity', 4), ('exotica', 4), ('chronological', 4), ('unfold', 4), ('bruiser', 4), ('snap', 4), ('macdonald', 4), ('initiative', 4), ('slovak', 4), ('prematurely', 4), ('dropout', 4), ('rodriguez', 4), ('rollergirl', 4), ('starlet', 4), ('marking', 4), ('chatting', 4), ('thrift', 4), ('distancing', 4), ('fucking', 4), ('ridgefield', 4), ('julia\\\\', 4), ('attire', 4), ('handbook', 4), ('naughty', 4), ('life-size', 4), ('elves', 4), ('vandalizing', 4), ('comet', 4), ('solek\\\\', 4), ('invades', 4), ('baltic', 4), ('horrors', 4), ('circumcised', 4), ('aryan', 4), ('betray', 4), ('hitler\\\\', 4), ('orgasms', 4), ('falling-out', 4), ('amounts', 4), ('nomad', 4), ('duped', 4), ('helmet', 4), ('deputy', 4), ('acne', 4), ('misplaced', 4), ('hid', 4), ('attorneys', 4), ('infection', 4), ('mourners', 4), ('melrose', 4), ('shoplift', 4), ('evie\\\\', 4), ('emulate', 4), ('philosopher', 4), ('gala', 4), ('vase', 4), ('materialistic', 4), ('fundraiser', 4), ('oracle', 4), ('carousel', 4), (\"'alex\", 4), ('recollection', 4), ('cleaver', 4), ('ringo', 4), ('erase', 4), ('mode', 4), ('prentiss', 4), ('outlet', 4), ('bent', 4), ('evaluate', 4), ('nail', 4), ('ditched', 4), ('comprise', 4), ('eight-year-old', 4), ('top-secret', 4), ('generate', 4), ('solves', 4), ('braces', 4), ('heats', 4), ('lustful', 4), ('ethic', 4), ('unreliable', 4), ('foolishly', 4), ('nursery', 4), ('griswolds', 4), ('distinct', 4), ('disfiguring', 4), ('yakuza', 4), ('insisted', 4), ('subdue', 4), ('pray', 4), ('mccoy', 4), ('wrap', 4), ('mei', 4), ('unhinged', 4), ('daniels', 4), ('suitably', 4), ('installs', 4), ('pan-pacific', 4), ('self-obsessed', 4), ('off-broadway', 4), ('dutiful', 4), ('alluding', 4), ('spanning', 4), ('fag', 4), ('oxygen', 4), ('spat', 4), (\"\\\\'her\\\\\", 4), ('dishwasher', 4), ('going-away', 4), ('mirroring', 4), ('seppuku', 4), ('possessing', 4), ('instigates', 4), ('batman', 4), ('resolutely', 4), ('quoting', 4), ('rambunctious', 4), ('shipyard', 4), ('sang', 4), ('jenkins', 4), ('semi', 4), ('winston', 4), ('contacting', 4), ('reconnecting', 4), ('characteristics', 4), ('phd', 4), ('taiwan', 4), ('taipei', 4), ('dwelling', 4), ('2004', 4), ('hard-working', 4), ('23-year-old', 4), ('observe', 4), ('dreamer', 4), ('gravity', 4), ('cartagena', 4), ('pets', 4), ('non-linear', 4), ('kelp\\\\', 4), ('strait-laced', 4), ('riddled', 4), ('activists', 4), ('hoki', 4), ('publisher\\\\', 4), ('outrage', 4), ('overdosed', 4), ('bare', 4), ('cultures', 4), ('summit', 4), ('retorts', 4), ('acapulco', 4), ('flirty', 4), ('dollhouse', 4), ('sparkle', 4), ('editor-in-chief', 4), ('juniors', 4), ('headmaster\\\\', 4), ('carelessly', 4), ('plaster', 4), ('shave', 4), ('hairstyle', 4), ('leaf', 4), ('rosalee\\\\', 4), ('disputes', 4), ('explosive', 4), ('wrecked', 4), ('englishwoman', 4), ('eleven', 4), ('pledging', 4), ('specializes', 4), ('blouse', 4), ('giddy', 4), ('leagues', 4), ('bulls', 4), ('ebby', 4), ('pitching', 4), ('rajan', 4), ('tenor', 4), ('sutton', 4), ('tisean', 4), ('t.t', 4), ('investigated', 4), ('strode', 4), ('vandalism', 4), ('donations', 4), ('advancement', 4), ('sophomore', 4), ('downward', 4), ('military\\\\', 4), ('mishap', 4), ('floods', 4), ('knocko', 4), ('shaved', 4), ('skinheads', 4), ('lookout', 4), (\"'teenager\", 4), ('slope', 4), ('amputated', 4), ('uncontrollable', 4), ('neil\\\\', 4), ('louisiana', 4), ('comeuppance', 4), ('eludes', 4), ('parenthood', 4), ('faye\\\\', 4), ('rory', 4), ('inexperience', 4), ('antek', 4), ('folder', 4), ('trolley', 4), ('shoelace', 4), ('genovia', 4), ('university\\\\', 4), ('genovian', 4), ('hopefully', 4), ('scalp', 4), ('comforting', 4), ('standoff', 4), ('inspection', 4), ('veronica\\\\', 4), ('alarms', 4), ('1983', 4), ('reflections', 4), ('bradbury', 4), ('alienating', 4), ('transportation', 4), ('chocolates', 4), ('ching', 4), ('fueled', 4), ('spiteful', 4), ('bouncing', 4), ('1975', 4), ('all-female', 4), ('five-and-dime', 4), ('decaying', 4), ('duets', 4), ('pleases', 4), ('fences', 4), ('pfeiffer', 4), ('coarse', 4), ('confines', 4), ('struggled', 4), ('paralysed', 4), ('aloof', 4), ('converts', 4), ('untalented', 4), ('greville', 4), ('darkest', 4), ('ranging', 4), ('delusion', 4), ('book\\\\', 4), ('advocate', 4), ('towed', 4), ('grande', 4), ('vinci', 4), ('masque', 4), ('banished', 4), ('acerbic', 4), ('wyndham', 4), ('dessert', 4), ('rebuke', 4), ('conning', 4), ('suv', 4), ('cruiser', 4), ('inadequacy', 4), ('sweep', 4), ('ana챦s', 4), ('desirable', 4), ('clearer', 4), ('stupor', 4), ('rejoining', 4), ('hamburg', 4), ('sadomasochistic', 4), ('dietrich', 4), ('rewards', 4), ('seriousness', 4), ('bajaj', 4), ('lair', 4), ('flings', 4), ('intensity', 4), ('mistreated', 4), ('gomez', 4), ('nieces', 4), ('newmar', 4), ('ringleader', 4), ('ann\\\\', 4), ('tremendous', 4), ('haste', 4), ('quincy\\\\', 4), ('opposites', 4), ('praise', 4), ('collectors', 4), ('violet\\\\', 4), ('portfolio', 4), ('unflattering', 4), ('polaroid', 4), ('commemorate', 4), ('cherno', 4), ('loco', 4), ('spoon', 4), ('1953', 4), ('lucille', 4), ('offspring', 4), ('praises', 4), ('tasked', 4), ('appealing', 4), ('pulp', 4), ('mayhew', 4), ('jell-o', 4), ('agencies', 4), ('joanna\\\\', 4), ('hitchhiking', 4), ('descriptions', 4), ('decrepit', 4), ('left-wing', 4), ('feel-good', 4), ('contained', 4), ('timber', 4), ('laird', 4), ('daydreams', 4), ('induction', 4), ('dolly\\\\', 4), ('delores', 4), ('life\\\\', 4), ('patches', 4), ('pushpop', 4), ('restart', 4), ('kindergarten', 4), ('rigs', 4), ('plum', 4), ('hoisted', 4), ('applied', 4), ('theodore', 4), ('powell', 4), ('clive\\\\', 4), ('bombed', 4), ('fockers', 4), ('fockers\\\\', 4), ('chong', 4), ('founded', 4), ('head-over-heels', 4), ('wills', 4), ('wizard', 4), ('unharmed', 4), ('despairs', 4), ('digger', 4), ('ruth\\\\', 4), ('artist\\\\', 4), ('devlin', 4), ('impulses', 4), ('ignites', 4), ('frighten', 4), ('leonid', 4), ('administrative', 4), ('mascot', 4), ('devious', 4), ('richardson', 4), ('creole', 4), ('sordid', 4), ('catcher\\\\', 4), ('vicky\\\\', 4), ('housewives', 4), ('expos챕', 4), ('piti훶', 4), ('juggles', 4), ('grenades', 4), ('afrodita', 4), ('sujka', 4), (\"'anna\", 4), ('undressing', 4), ('boarded', 4), ('cheung', 4), ('adored', 4), ('optimism', 4), ('alright', 4), ('millie', 4), ('mamma', 4), ('ecki', 4), ('improvise', 4), ('leningrad', 4), ('relocated', 4), ('all-male', 4), ('aimless', 4), ('indication', 4), ('penitentiary', 4), ('acclaimed', 4), ('extremist', 4), ('blackpool', 4), ('impersonates', 4), ('tendency', 4), ('shifting', 4), ('machinations', 4), ('losey', 4), ('economical', 4), ('membership', 4), ('sandusky', 4), ('ramu', 4), ('deceptions', 4), ('lad', 4), ('alfie\\\\', 4), ('erectile', 4), ('lump', 4), ('edvard\\\\', 4), ('melodies', 4), ('gonzo', 4), ('whispering', 4), ('snatcher', 4), ('chickens', 4), ('restores', 4), ('kinsey\\\\', 4), ('publishes', 4), ('grip', 4), ('subplots', 4), ('losses', 4), ('defecating', 4), ('explosively', 4), ('conquer', 4), ('global', 4), ('swiftly', 4), ('manual', 4), ('barrister', 4), ('balraj', 4), ('campion', 4), ('1957', 4), ('ltd', 4), ('compares', 4), ('lotta', 4), ('origins', 4), ('nationally', 4), ('racetrack', 4), ('hitching', 4), ('ch창teau', 4), ('dakota', 4), ('misled', 4), ('shabby', 4), ('yearly', 4), ('*the', 4), ('hoskins', 4), ('ayres', 4), ('nudity', 4), ('teacher\\\\', 4), ('technology', 4), ('squadron', 4), ('lynch', 4), ('transaction', 4), ('looms', 4), ('hunted', 4), ('urbane', 4), ('monogamous', 4), ('mechanical', 4), ('caution', 4), ('wan-yin\\\\', 4), ('world-famous', 4), ('precisely', 4), ('weber', 4), ('serendipity', 4), ('s챕bastien', 4), ('mistreats', 4), ('ferguson', 4), ('lumber', 4), ('zeca', 4), ('reddin', 4), ('incessantly', 4), ('coffeehouse', 4), ('happenings', 4), ('bart\\\\', 4), ('comprehend', 4), ('raymond\\\\', 4), ('gittel', 4), ('well-respected', 4), ('quaker', 4), ('whaler', 4), ('acquires', 4), ('fearless', 4), ('onegin', 4), ('foul-mouthed', 4), ('reels', 4), ('1937', 4), ('daughters\\\\', 4), ('alienation', 4), ('obeying', 4), ('ejects', 4), ('programme', 4), ('abrasive', 4), ('dialogues', 4), ('glamor', 4), ('surround', 4), ('stay-at-home', 4), ('meadows', 4), ('sullen', 4), ('persistence', 4), ('rushon', 4), ('evaporates', 4), ('torturing', 4), ('halls', 4), ('e-mails', 4), ('fatherly', 4), ('suck', 4), ('penetrating', 4), ('trampoline', 4), ('mortville', 4), ('coo-coo', 4), ('addicts', 4), ('fu\\\\', 4), ('chancellor', 4), ('injure', 4), ('delusions', 4), ('oversee', 4), ('shashi', 4), ('cello', 4), ('marseille', 4), ('19-year-old', 4), ('chiding', 4), ('trafficking', 4), ('vogue', 4), ('tanzie', 4), ('technician', 4), ('vacuum', 4), ('marsh', 4), ('charley', 4), ('ives', 4), ('sustain', 4), ('redeems', 4), ('mending', 4), ('stearnes', 4), ('clan', 4), ('deacon', 4), ('dispatched', 4), ('russo', 4), ('movements', 4), ('hay', 4), ('seizure', 4), ('undertaker', 4), ('myriad', 4), ('developer', 4), ('sparking', 4), ('gold-digging', 4), ('diva', 4), ('finer', 4), ('councilman', 4), ('empties', 4), ('christine\\\\', 4), ('griffin', 4), ('helplessly', 4), ('stance', 4), ('patti', 4), ('posting', 4), ('federico', 4), ('dildo', 4), ('asserting', 4), ('butterflies', 4), ('lds', 4), ('disenchanted', 4), ('head-on', 4), ('roaming', 4), ('qing', 4), ('photocopying', 4), ('backwoods', 4), ('covertly', 4), ('astonishment', 4), ('collaboration', 4), ('kettle', 4), ('spilt', 4), ('disappoint', 4), ('vail', 4), ('scat', 4), ('cavalry', 4), ('charging', 4), ('sporting', 4), ('mystified', 4), ('exodus', 4), ('cupidon', 4), ('rundown', 4), ('marketplace', 4), ('soule', 4), ('rhymes', 4), ('edmund\\\\', 4), ('lodger', 4), ('seed', 4), ('acre', 4), ('lumpy\\\\', 4), ('logs', 4), ('evict', 4), ('compose', 4), ('maureen\\\\', 4), ('crois', 4), ('precarious', 4), ('antarctica', 4), ('aforementioned', 4), ('milton', 4), ('snatches', 4), ('confrontations', 4), ('setback', 4), ('grosse', 4), ('pointe', 4), ('prey', 4), ('albertine', 4), ('angst', 4), ('noises', 4), ('unscrupulous', 4), ('walter\\\\', 4), ('inhabited', 4), ('kal', 4), ('shipwrecked', 4), ('efficient', 4), ('repression', 4), ('pause', 4), ('dignitaries', 4), ('inappropriate', 4), ('symbolically', 4), ('coax', 4), ('over-protective', 4), ('dominate', 4), ('demon', 4), ('chronicle', 4), ('bewitched', 4), ('bigelow', 4), ('reverses', 4), ('barb', 4), ('kakarla', 4), ('shruthi', 4), ('revelry', 4), ('brokeback', 4), ('forbid', 4), ('garlands', 4), ('overpower', 4), ('sensibilities', 4), ('astaire', 4), ('woolridge', 4), ('proportions', 4), ('elizabethtown', 4), ('stove', 4), ('mortuary', 4), ('mcfly', 4), ('independently', 4), ('drenched', 4), ('patiently', 4), ('ray\\\\', 4), ('costing', 4), ('rhea\\\\', 4), ('ill-fated', 4), ('tractor', 4), (\"'matt\", 4), ('recreational', 4), ('exterior', 4), ('assure', 4), ('deke', 4), ('big-time', 4), ('crewman', 4), ('g.i', 4), ('mahalaxmi', 4), ('gigi\\\\', 4), ('accidents', 4), ('쐔he', 4), ('reminder', 4), ('impetuous', 4), ('circle-z', 4), ('beal', 4), ('lilica', 4), ('짙500', 4), ('muscular', 4), ('sagamore', 4), ('charlene', 4), ('nagging', 4), ('henceforth', 4), ('sari', 4), ('resigning', 4), ('solid', 4), ('merritt', 4), ('goofy', 4), ('woo\\\\', 4), ('pals', 4), ('punched', 4), ('deforest', 4), ('geoff', 4), ('defiance', 4), ('flourishes', 4), ('yong-ki', 4), ('transsexuals', 4), ('reigning', 4), ('hesitate', 4), ('disperse', 4), ('molesting', 4), ('relocates', 4), ('chemist', 4), ('chimpanzees', 4), ('cooler', 4), ('willis', 4), ('yonkers', 4), ('feeding', 4), ('out-of-control', 4), ('cavalier', 4), ('paragraph', 4), ('harshly', 4), ('devastates', 4), ('flamenco', 4), ('seville', 4), ('canvas', 4), ('blob', 4), ('bachelorette', 4), ('petey', 4), ('mockery', 4), ('designated', 4), ('tags', 4), ('wabasha', 4), ('exuberant', 4), ('staggering', 4), ('bonus', 4), ('ivan', 4), ('virtues', 4), ('lucky\\\\', 4), ('judaism', 4), ('foreground', 4), ('london-based', 4), ('astrology', 4), ('minerva', 4), ('reade', 4), ('foiled', 4), ('adjoining', 4), ('templeton', 4), ('irate', 4), ('schoolgirls', 4), ('secretarial', 4), ('40-year-old', 4), ('newton\\\\', 4), ('sanitorium', 4), ('leans', 4), ('swann', 4), ('checkered', 4), ('trance', 4), ('investigations', 4), ('hypnotic', 4), ('battery', 4), ('hypersexual', 4), ('harasses', 4), ('supersoul', 4), ('glenda\\\\', 4), ('horoscope', 4), ('rani\\\\', 4), ('never-ending', 4), ('an\\\\', 4), ('chimo\\\\', 4), ('transmission', 4), ('corridors', 4), ('hacker', 4), ('arcade', 4), ('yacob', 4), ('inserts', 4), ('knives', 4), ('peel', 4), ('near-fatal', 4), ('scar', 4), ('josie\\\\', 4), ('pour', 4), ('lifted', 4), ('chul', 4), ('soo', 4), ('destinies', 4), ('sub-plot', 4), ('westernized', 4), ('statues', 4), ('normalcy', 4), ('joys', 4), ('annulment', 4), ('functioning', 4), ('exercises', 4), ('protected', 4), ('southeastern', 4), ('lineman', 4), ('wilcox', 4), ('dinghy', 4), ('exclusion', 4), ('sewers', 4), ('singer-songwriter', 4), ('wrestles', 4), ('barbers', 4), ('spurred', 4), ('noticeably', 4), ('lorie', 4), ('owning', 4), ('caltech', 4), ('sawmill', 4), ('strikebreakers', 4), ('locality', 4), ('idyll', 4), (\"'wealthy\", 4), ('cove', 4), ('korman', 4), ('lentz', 4), ('gitlo', 4), ('awe', 4), ('mina', 4), ('apprehend', 4), ('conspired', 4), ('caraboo', 4), ('francis\\\\', 4), ('recordings', 4), ('cece', 4), ('starbuck', 4), ('brigitte', 4), ('mopeds', 4), ('studley', 4), ('battling', 4), ('dismissing', 4), ('mahendra', 4), ('stunts', 4), ('amish', 4), ('cuisine', 4), ('tacy', 4), ('lynda', 4), ('cramped', 4), ('dizzy\\\\', 4), ('self-conscious', 4), ('wagner', 4), ('recently-deceased', 4), ('judged', 4), ('brains', 4), ('salaam', 4), ('namaste', 4), ('ambar\\\\', 4), ('overwhelming', 4), ('star-crossed', 4), ('ricco', 4), ('profoundly', 4), ('communicating', 4), ('einstein', 4), ('christians', 4), ('sadie\\\\', 4), ('coyote', 4), ('episodic', 4), ('virgil\\\\', 4), ('loryn', 4), ('simplicity', 4), ('melt', 4), ('demoralized', 4), ('elvira\\\\', 4), ('depending', 4), ('thrust', 4), ('mayoral', 4), ('shubhankar', 4), ('camaraderie', 4), ('yanko\\\\', 4), ('flammarion', 4), ('heals', 4), ('crotch', 4), ('escapade', 4), ('janey', 4), ('owner\\\\', 4), ('peering', 4), ('tori\\\\', 4), ('organises', 4), ('jerri', 4), ('barksdale', 4), ('beatings', 4), ('conventions', 4), ('1912', 4), ('renounces', 4), ('boris\\\\', 4), ('starving', 4), ('dependable', 4), ('young-sae', 4), ('jang', 4), ('easton', 4), ('t-shirt', 4), ('forthright', 4), ('nicer', 4), ('generated', 4), ('rollers', 4), ('blanket', 4), ('maribel', 4), ('liza\\\\', 4), ('conway\\\\', 4), ('pratt\\\\', 4), ('mamy', 4), ('catherine\\\\', 4), ('disturb', 4), ('guardhouse', 4), ('kurokawa', 4), ('fairfax', 4), ('dangling', 4), ('brocklehurst', 4), ('forties', 4), ('gandhi', 4), ('sasquatch', 4), ('misunderstood', 4), ('parson', 4), ('chains', 4), ('burlesque', 4), ('eighteen-year-old', 4), ('ravenal', 4), ('magnolia', 4), ('zazel', 4), ('imaginative', 4), ('folds', 4), ('vegetation', 4), ('ejaculation', 4), ('siberia', 4), ('sub', 4), ('reese', 4), ('additionally', 4), ('founding', 4), ('flustered', 4), ('antoinette', 4), ('chopping', 4), ('mines', 4), ('three-year', 4), ('cerebral', 4), ('supplement', 4), ('jong', 4), ('ben-hur', 4), ('deflower', 4), ('carmela', 4), ('renders', 4), ('sanctuary', 4), ('waverly', 4), ('gen.', 4), ('species', 4), ('tool', 4), ('dye', 4), ('halpern\\\\', 4), ('pandu', 4), ('tiwaris', 4), ('nandu\\\\', 4), ('mcbain', 4), ('austria', 4), ('consolation', 4), ('invading', 4), ('bigamy', 4), ('designing', 4), ('inquiry', 4), ('straightened', 4), ('strife', 4), ('endears', 4), ('jungwoo', 4), ('detailed', 4), ('buffalo', 4), ('devon\\\\', 4), ('drumline', 4), ('corinne', 4), ('phillip\\\\', 4), ('motivational', 4), ('lowry', 4), ('clement', 4), ('hilde', 4), ('eduardo', 4), ('one-on-one', 4), ('epic', 4), (\"'peter\", 4), ('craig\\\\', 4), ('gertler', 4), ('satoko', 4), ('huey', 4), ('elkin', 4), ('glance', 4), ('drinker', 4), ('hoops', 4), ('frannie', 4), ('flawless', 4), ('gendarme', 4), ('odor', 4), ('pepe\\\\', 4), ('pound', 4), ('guardi', 4), ('paprizzio', 4), ('giovanni', 4), ('joni', 4), ('tanya\\\\', 4), ('natasha/tanya', 4), ('cinematic', 4), ('ladli', 4), ('mughal', 4), ('projectionist', 4), ('desertion', 4), ('bree\\\\', 4), ('hitchhiker', 4), ('chain-smoking', 4), ('achievement', 4), ('vampire', 4), ('outskirts', 4), ('fella\\\\', 4), ('evelyne', 4), ('georgina', 4), ('influences', 4), ('meditation', 4), ('his/her', 4), ('bonfire', 4), ('brat', 4), ('bullard', 4), ('nash', 4), ('taming', 4), ('dru', 4), ('young-hee', 4), ('blew', 4), ('positions', 4), ('stroll', 4), ('innkeeper\\\\', 4), ('hattie', 4), ('boldwood', 4), ('strombel', 4), ('dreaded', 4), ('underwood', 4), ('eads\\\\', 4), ('eads', 4), ('tian', 4), ('vinay', 4), ('tehzeeb', 4), ('resurrected', 4), ('chisholm', 4), ('peek', 4), ('scriptwriter', 4), ('dong-hyun', 4), ('ha-young', 4), ('bingy', 4), ('stew\\\\', 4), ('reader', 4), ('windborn', 4), ('oddly', 4), ('hlynur\\\\', 4), ('boathouse', 4), ('setbacks', 4), ('tuberculosis', 4), ('weaver', 4), ('aqua', 4), ('callum', 4), ('14-year-old', 4), (\"'ben\", 4), ('consul', 4), ('coles', 4), ('trimalchio', 4), ('lichas', 4), ('mercenary', 4), ('puro', 4), ('programmer', 4), ('jive', 4), ('penelope\\\\', 4), ('clowns', 4), ('skit', 4), ('thor', 4), ('soyo', 4), ('sankara', 4), ('thwarts', 4), ('tripp\\\\', 4), ('wracked', 4), ('virginie', 4), ('paternity', 4), ('nobel', 4), ('perennial', 4), ('keener', 4), ('dotes', 4), ('villains', 4), ('abdullah', 4), ('mini-series', 4), ('comrade', 4), ('s챕raphin', 4), ('elke', 4), ('brushing', 4), ('siva', 4), ('sofia\\\\', 4), ('skinny', 4), ('nigerian', 4), ('wyzt', 4), ('bosnia', 4), ('samaresh', 4), ('diverse', 4), ('tunisia', 4), ('immigrated', 4), ('sami', 4), ('observant', 4), ('breakthrough', 4), ('grayer', 4), ('hottie', 4), ('breasted', 4), ('eufaula', 4), ('asa', 4), ('marc\\\\', 4), ('superhero', 4), ('drogheda', 4), ('bradley/', 4), ('vii', 4), ('billo', 4), ('sikh', 4), ('flip', 4), ('overwhelm', 4), ('jeet', 4), ('hindi', 4), ('dundy', 4), ('spade\\\\', 4), ('iva', 4), ('queerschlag', 4), ('team-mates', 4), ('roisin', 4), ('simran', 4), ('plummets', 4), ('vijayakumar', 4), ('constructs', 4), ('manila', 4), ('shulamith', 4), ('damned', 4), ('overgrown', 4), ('sewer', 4), ('anarchist', 4), ('militant', 4), ('contrasts', 4), ('marshwood', 4), ('shinn', 4), ('gayatri', 4), ('handicap', 4), ('nell\\\\', 4), ('gabe\\\\', 4), ('castel', 4), ('reappearance', 4), ('beragon', 4), ('emaan', 4), ('sommer\\\\', 4), ('henderling', 4), ('nepali', 4), ('triggered', 4), ('jung', 4), ('pad', 4), ('ladybug', 4), ('nests', 4), ('naved', 4), ('kabaddi', 4), ('andhra', 4), ('predicted', 4), ('whitmans', 4), ('maxime', 4), ('starr', 4), ('dodson', 4), ('lung', 4), ('hindus', 4), ('alumni', 4), ('stalker', 4), ('deepika', 4), ('keira\\\\', 4), ('berrys', 4), ('eugene\\\\', 4), ('puri', 4), ('khushi', 4), ('basha', 4), ('reinette', 4), ('meenakshi', 4), ('mba', 4), ('plunge', 4), ('relentless', 4), ('reza', 4), ('rudge', 4), ('jagannath', 4), ('sentiments', 4), ('arturo', 4), ('poe', 4), ('scofield', 4), ('14-year', 4), ('bamboo', 4), ('satsu', 4), ('kumaran', 4), ('timidly', 4), ('mahesuan\\\\', 4), ('sala', 4), ('banking', 4), ('obeys', 4), ('pournami', 4), ('maha', 4), ('gautham', 4), ('wronkin', 4), ('karina', 4), ('blackwood', 4), ('banerjee', 4), ('firefighters', 4), ('granite', 4), ('lansford', 4), ('liquid', 4), ('erupt', 4), ('chatham', 4), ('kneller\\\\', 4), ('wingfield', 4), ('mitchelson', 4), ('southey', 4), ('aimsley', 4), ('indu', 4), ('thirumalai', 4), ('channels', 4), ('lakhs', 4), ('t.c', 4), ('kamadeva', 4), ('jeep', 4), ('untimely', 4), ('chidambaram', 4), ('suryan', 4), ('chandran', 4), ('bascopolous', 4), ('malliswari', 4), ('vizag', 4), ('monique\\\\', 4), ('fuad', 4), ('mridula', 4), ('satya', 4), ('oversexed', 4), ('raji', 4), ('pom', 4), ('padmavathi', 4), ('carmelo', 4), ('fogell\\\\', 4), ('becca', 4), ('titania', 4), ('pairing', 4), ('muldoon', 4), ('heavenly', 4), ('ashby', 4), ('luang', 4), ('waad', 4), ('kula', 4), ('malkov찼', 4), ('beltinsky', 4), ('carp', 4), ('climaxes', 4), ('bessie', 4), ('pineda', 4), ('catchadourian', 4), ('ross\\\\', 4), ('fitzroy', 4), ('inya', 4), ('philippine', 4), ('sarathy', 4), ('ely\\\\', 4), ('crap', 4), ('ghb', 4), ('dutchbok', 4), ('capers', 4), ('shivan', 4), ('onlookers', 4), ('maxi\\\\', 4), ('maggy', 4), ('samokhvalov\\\\', 4), ('georgiana', 4), ('straights', 4), ('runi', 4), ('janani', 4), ('shastri', 4), ('ogres', 4), ('char\\\\', 4), ('deepak', 4), ('sriram', 4), ('stewy', 4), ('daninsky', 4), ('residency', 4), ('l챕opold\\\\', 4), ('baldry', 4), ('bayside', 4), ('freddy\\\\', 4), ('suk', 4), ('gyu', 4), ('mayin', 4), ('fae', 4), ('mammy', 4), ('maharani', 4), ('thamizh', 4), ('periyavar', 4), ('indira', 4), ('vimala', 4), ('gowri', 4), ('beech', 4), ('warrier', 4), ('mun-hee', 4), ('vasudevan', 4), ('nandhini', 4), ('prairie', 4), ('anupama\\\\', 4), ('musters', 4), ('selvi', 4), ('chelladurai', 4), ('ranvir', 4), ('garp\\\\', 4), ('jamesians', 4), ('double-agent', 4), ('islanders', 4), ('laetitia', 4), ('parvez', 4), ('imran', 4), ('george-anne', 4), ('young-goon\\\\', 4), ('upen', 4), ('farhad', 4), ('lingaiah', 4), ('esmee', 4), ('sacha', 4), ('ver처nica', 4), ('petruchio', 4), ('autopilot', 4), ('hyun-chae', 4), ('pies', 4), ('pomatter', 4), ('marilla', 4), ('lalaine', 4), ('bascombe', 4), ('kenan', 4), ('argentine', 4), ('arivu', 4), ('viji', 4), ('sheela', 4), ('sory', 4), ('eun-whan', 4), ('singhal', 4), ('sica', 4), ('calista', 4), ('alby', 4), ('banupriya', 4), ('rupa', 4), ('subcommittee', 4), ('min-joon', 4), ('liam', 4), ('bertie', 4), ('siamak', 4), ('risha', 4), ('giulia', 4), ('facundo', 4), ('fortunes', 4), ('binodini', 4), ('karenin', 4), ('dayashankar', 4), ('cugat', 4), ('vonfockingcock', 4), ('dumont', 4), ('sawsan', 4), ('sydney\\\\', 4), ('terrence', 4), ('gopalnath', 4), ('jagdish', 4), ('vaitheeswari', 4), ('sushma', 4), ('viswanathan', 4), ('aarumugam', 4), ('heera', 4), ('attache', 4), ('sharda\\\\', 4), ('bal', 4), ('chetan', 4), ('ratna', 4), ('jhumri', 4), ('cyclops', 4), ('narendran', 4), ('chandni', 4), ('lahn', 4), ('bhaagpari', 4), ('chandar', 4), ('ohm', 4), ('rock-a-bye', 4), ('maccracken', 4), ('kashi', 4), ('gwendal', 4), ('endeavours', 3), ('carrie\\\\', 3), ('select', 3), ('astonishes', 3), ('groom\\\\', 3), ('callow', 3), ('unofficial', 3), ('debacle', 3), ('deirdre', 3), ('횇m책l', 3), ('reassuring', 3), ('elin\\\\', 3), ('cryptic', 3), ('alton', 3), ('onscreen', 3), ('dictate', 3), ('choking', 3), ('emcee', 3), ('island\\\\', 3), ('hart\\\\', 3), ('instances', 3), ('temporal', 3), ('mulholland', 3), ('red-headed', 3), ('hayworth', 3), ('winkies', 3), ('selwyn', 3), ('bangs', 3), ('trapping', 3), ('rear', 3), ('maguire', 3), ('haircut', 3), ('donolly', 3), ('napa', 3), ('scolding', 3), ('fairytale', 3), ('veiled', 3), ('licking', 3), ('highlight', 3), ('sardonic', 3), ('play\\\\', 3), ('sampson', 3), ('instinctively', 3), ('evening\\\\', 3), ('characteristic', 3), ('bows', 3), ('first-hand', 3), ('anti-jewish', 3), ('summon', 3), ('tapping', 3), ('darien', 3), ('prevails', 3), ('offend', 3), ('bigoted', 3), ('bailey', 3), ('flyer', 3), ('world-class', 3), ('well-deserved', 3), ('contingent', 3), ('detriment', 3), ('henderson', 3), ('dealt', 3), ('billing', 3), ('attendees', 3), ('klaus', 3), ('unfeeling', 3), ('overshadowed', 3), ('critically', 3), ('steffi', 3), ('1935', 3), ('sherif', 3), ('lightly', 3), ('oasis', 3), ('bentley', 3), ('prodded', 3), ('jerusalem', 3), ('bureaucracy', 3), ('intentional', 3), ('recuperating', 3), ('bachelorhood', 3), ('smoker', 3), ('disciplinarian', 3), ('half-time', 3), ('imagery', 3), ('tile', 3), ('brittle', 3), ('occupant', 3), ('stewardess', 3), ('booths', 3), ('insightful', 3), ('beginnings', 3), (\"ne\\\\'er-do-well\", 3), ('novalee\\\\', 3), ('beneficiary', 3), ('praline', 3), ('slob', 3), ('interviewer', 3), ('paltry', 3), ('h척tel', 3), ('sarcasm', 3), ('gambled', 3), ('wines', 3), ('soonafter', 3), ('fends', 3), ('doorbell', 3), ('coded', 3), ('trawler', 3), ('lula', 3), ('tiffany\\\\', 3), ('insinuated', 3), ('narcotics', 3), ('joffer', 3), ('zamunda', 3), ('pampered', 3), ('thrives', 3), ('commoners', 3), ('1890s', 3), ('short-tempered', 3), ('distrusts', 3), ('alyssa\\\\', 3), ('cuffs', 3), ('fractured', 3), ('chevalier', 3), ('claudette', 3), ('formation', 3), ('flausenthurm', 3), ('franzi', 3), ('wink', 3), ('palmer', 3), ('argumentative', 3), ('scrapper', 3), ('deserting', 3), ('superintendent', 3), ('on-stage', 3), ('tonetti', 3), ('unwitting', 3), ('scandals', 3), ('preoccupation', 3), ('dossier', 3), ('meddling', 3), ('gondola', 3), ('cobb', 3), ('worms', 3), ('hick', 3), ('troublesome', 3), ('grasping', 3), ('duvalle', 3), ('aunt\\\\', 3), ('organ', 3), ('transplanted', 3), ('entwined', 3), ('melancholic', 3), ('tumbles', 3), ('antagonistic', 3), ('malignant', 3), ('prognosis', 3), ('봫uch', 3), ('nears', 3), ('pupils', 3), ('duchesse', 3), ('monarchy', 3), ('enrage', 3), ('complicity', 3), ('thatcher', 3), ('wat', 3), ('chaucer', 3), ('goads', 3), ('colville', 3), ('ceremonial', 3), ('jocelyn\\\\', 3), ('forges', 3), ('victories', 3), ('descended', 3), ('lineage', 3), ('emptiness', 3), ('queue', 3), ('boiled', 3), ('escalating', 3), ('gulf', 3), ('unspoken', 3), ('coda', 3), ('pains', 3), ('stressful', 3), ('readings', 3), ('coronary', 3), ('juxtaposed', 3), ('dazzling', 3), ('mortality', 3), ('hallucinatory', 3), ('satisfies', 3), ('twenty-two', 3), ('faraway', 3), ('reacquainted', 3), ('pennies', 3), ('locomotive', 3), ('manning', 3), ('boxcar', 3), ('disarray', 3), ('blindly', 3), ('landowner', 3), ('heavyweight', 3), ('playfair', 3), ('furnace', 3), ('refreshment', 3), ('conquers', 3), ('expanding', 3), ('vital', 3), ('sonic', 3), ('harkonnens', 3), ('duke\\\\', 3), ('harkonnen', 3), ('executes', 3), (\"'david\", 3), ('assemble', 3), ('brontosaurus', 3), ('favorable', 3), ('verify', 3), ('isbn', 3), ('spar', 3), ('valiant', 3), ('ragged', 3), ('nods', 3), ('lebrand', 3), ('shelters', 3), ('fleece', 3), ('ale', 3), ('broaches', 3), ('cents', 3), ('radiator', 3), ('versus', 3), ('mcmann', 3), ('haughtily', 3), ('wholly', 3), ('rains', 3), ('maurice\\\\', 3), ('undressed', 3), ('commoner', 3), ('steam', 3), ('unfulfilling', 3), ('rubs', 3), ('denouement', 3), ('musing', 3), ('scavenger', 3), ('irene\\\\', 3), ('frivolous', 3), ('competent', 3), ('smelling', 3), ('gray\\\\', 3), ('freshmen', 3), ('kent\\\\', 3), ('vernon', 3), ('violations', 3), ('clean-cut', 3), ('stuck-up', 3), ('stuffing', 3), ('shout', 3), ('boon', 3), ('exclusively', 3), ('expels', 3), ('rouses', 3), ('checkers', 3), ('봳hat', 3), ('unspecified', 3), ('barbershop', 3), ('peck', 3), ('2002', 3), ('miniature', 3), ('tucked', 3), ('vadas', 3), ('pepi', 3), ('corresponding', 3), ('lately', 3), ('huntsman', 3), ('woodland', 3), ('chairs', 3), ('love\\\\', 3), ('vigil', 3), ('rejoice', 3), ('spats', 3), ('lollipop', 3), ('disinterest', 3), ('mama\\\\', 3), ('osgood\\\\', 3), ('arouse', 3), ('venezuela', 3), ('tabu', 3), ('penalty', 3), ('community\\\\', 3), ('spear', 3), ('southwest', 3), ('tipping', 3), ('improvises', 3), ('mariette', 3), ('diverted', 3), ('suggestively', 3), ('stay-put', 3), ('endorse', 3), ('tabloids', 3), ('schmidlap', 3), (\"'sam\", 3), ('internationally', 3), ('incompetence', 3), ('shortcomings', 3), ('emery', 3), ('ghostly', 3), ('elapsed', 3), ('hymn', 3), ('revisits', 3), ('schoolmate', 3), ('petitions', 3), ('qualifications', 3), ('dalliances', 3), ('sublet', 3), ('pendergast', 3), ('vouch', 3), ('parishioners', 3), (\"'following\", 3), ('kay\\\\', 3), ('dunstan', 3), ('buckley\\\\', 3), ('trimmings', 3), ('nova', 3), ('survey', 3), ('짙50', 3), ('twelfth', 3), ('shipwreck', 3), ('coven', 3), ('dispelled', 3), ('database', 3), ('scandinavian', 3), ('manufacture', 3), ('pesters', 3), ('burgoyne', 3), ('dino\\\\', 3), ('monday', 3), ('sobs', 3), ('emptied', 3), ('differs', 3), ('akin', 3), ('nomi\\\\', 3), ('nipples', 3), ('contends', 3), ('thinly', 3), ('hush', 3), ('irishman', 3), ('wordlessly', 3), ('noblewoman', 3), ('disinherited', 3), ('capri', 3), ('half-heartedly', 3), ('vulnerability', 3), ('della', 3), ('landis', 3), ('calla', 3), ('ferrari', 3), ('savvy', 3), ('townhouse', 3), ('machismo', 3), ('condescending', 3), ('defects', 3), ('canoes', 3), ('hillbillies', 3), ('speculates', 3), ('sodomized', 3), ('rapist', 3), ('captor', 3), ('voter', 3), ('shooter', 3), ('sticking', 3), ('victim\\\\', 3), ('weigh', 3), ('consistent', 3), ('zip', 3), ('socks', 3), ('echo', 3), ('traced', 3), ('asthma', 3), ('mulvaney', 3), ('booby', 3), ('satisfactory', 3), ('1964', 3), ('erie', 3), ('appliance', 3), ('tempo', 3), ('midwest', 3), ('solicitous', 3), ('bassist', 3), ('superimposed', 3), ('beatles', 3), ('ballads', 3), ('cosmic', 3), ('insular', 3), ('succumbed', 3), ('liposuction', 3), ('envied', 3), ('malice', 3), ('mysteries', 3), ('extinguish', 3), ('skyrocket', 3), ('courtier', 3), ('roars', 3), ('distributed', 3), ('trump', 3), ('erin', 3), ('astronaut', 3), ('weaves', 3), ('penetrate', 3), ('snapping', 3), ('stifled', 3), ('arcs', 3), ('farrow', 3), ('nolan', 3), ('apparition', 3), ('cosmo\\\\', 3), ('formalities', 3), ('kneeling', 3), ('eyebrows', 3), ('perry\\\\', 3), ('reassigned', 3), ('house-sit', 3), ('katharine\\\\', 3), ('valium', 3), (\"'tom\", 3), ('savannah\\\\', 3), ('deposited', 3), ('tunes', 3), ('steadfastly', 3), ('yields', 3), ('frustrate', 3), ('bradly', 3), ('fellate', 3), ('doggy', 3), ('groundhog', 3), ('blizzard', 3), ('phenomenon', 3), (\"o\\\\'clock\", 3), ('glossy', 3), ('distributes', 3), ('cardinals', 3), ('receiver', 3), ('cushman', 3), ('representatives', 3), ('avery', 3), ('concentrates', 3), ('afloat', 3), ('invested', 3), ('rebuked', 3), ('disposable', 3), ('altered', 3), ('preference', 3), ('sachs', 3), ('harrison\\\\', 3), ('engineers', 3), ('coincidental', 3), ('logic', 3), ('dwindling', 3), ('streaming', 3), ('juggling', 3), ('stewardesses', 3), ('incoming', 3), ('alarming', 3), ('thriving', 3), ('bandit', 3), ('outwit', 3), ('pitched', 3), ('strauss', 3), ('defuse', 3), ('argued', 3), ('overtaken', 3), ('umbrellas', 3), ('cherbourg', 3), ('normandy', 3), ('restrictions', 3), ('genevi챔ve\\\\', 3), ('earliest', 3), ('freighter', 3), ('haleakaloha', 3), ('archipelago', 3), ('donovan\\\\', 3), ('concocted', 3), ('lage', 3), ('doc\\\\', 3), ('hapa', 3), ('marooned', 3), ('trappings', 3), ('manulani', 3), ('downcast', 3), ('lorrison', 3), ('extras', 3), ('self-destruct', 3), ('distractions', 3), ('gaucho', 3), ('observer', 3), ('four-year-old', 3), ('flair', 3), ('sparrow', 3), ('smothers', 3), ('hinders', 3), ('drumming', 3), ('grueling', 3), ('spelling', 3), ('pencil', 3), ('surpasses', 3), ('abstract', 3), ('muttering', 3), ('mussolini', 3), ('750', 3), ('burt', 3), ('santa\\\\', 3), ('reindeer', 3), ('payroll', 3), ('rivers', 3), ('upper-middle', 3), ('brackett', 3), ('category', 3), ('indignation', 3), ('blitz', 3), ('orin', 3), ('dinners', 3), ('noose', 3), ('zoltar', 3), ('keyboard', 3), ('nan', 3), ('starstruck', 3), ('waist', 3), ('horseman', 3), ('advisor', 3), ('tempers', 3), ('traditionalist', 3), ('therapeutic', 3), ('consumption', 3), ('renovation', 3), ('bouchon', 3), ('molests', 3), ('prods', 3), ('rites', 3), ('peephole', 3), ('developmental', 3), ('limitations', 3), ('disabilities', 3), ('agoraphobic', 3), ('supervised', 3), ('high-powered', 3), ('fast-paced', 3), ('chronically', 3), ('horrific', 3), ('waponis', 3), ('solicits', 3), ('flighty', 3), ('typhoon', 3), ('flung', 3), ('raft', 3), ('thirst', 3), ('delirium', 3), ('self-sacrifice', 3), ('stringing', 3), ('sunglasses', 3), ('pineapple', 3), ('wistfully', 3), ('dulac', 3), ('claudet', 3), ('offending', 3), ('imbalance', 3), ('theologica', 3), ('cognition', 3), ('straitlaced', 3), ('illustrator', 3), ('encyclopedia', 3), ('potts', 3), ('seclusion', 3), ('backer', 3), ('venturing', 3), ('saucy', 3), ('sugarpuss', 3), ('lilac', 3), ('testifying', 3), ('dominated', 3), ('contributed', 3), ('jaquith', 3), ('ranked', 3), ('trellis', 3), ('embezzled', 3), ('lovestruck', 3), ('undergone', 3), ('livingstone', 3), ('vendetta', 3), ('heart-to-heart', 3), ('querelle\\\\', 3), ('lysiane\\\\', 3), ('opium', 3), ('seblon', 3), ('chavez', 3), ('stagecoach', 3), ('evils', 3), ('overpowered', 3), ('siding', 3), ('unarmed', 3), ('premarital', 3), ('bouts', 3), ('muscles', 3), ('disagreement', 3), ('choke', 3), ('belligerent', 3), ('roguish', 3), ('fiorini', 3), ('pestered', 3), ('backward', 3), ('rossi\\\\', 3), ('gardenia', 3), ('renato\\\\', 3), ('headlines', 3), ('gradual', 3), ('vanishing', 3), ('descending', 3), ('forbes', 3), ('mighty', 3), ('oak', 3), ('conversely', 3), ('decorate', 3), ('gaudy', 3), ('tacky', 3), ('honky-tonk', 3), ('liggett\\\\', 3), ('wasting', 3), ('yankee', 3), ('bistro', 3), ('cynically', 3), ('mountainous', 3), ('sympathies', 3), ('combines', 3), ('interruptions', 3), ('invented', 3), ('shampoo', 3), ('opportunistic', 3), ('grope', 3), ('plug', 3), ('schoolmates', 3), ('bookshop', 3), ('봳hey', 3), ('warlord', 3), ('whisper', 3), ('eunuch', 3), ('lusty', 3), ('administration\\\\', 3), ('army\\\\', 3), ('tribunal', 3), ('wilma', 3), ('stamper', 3), ('scion', 3), ('flapper', 3), ('complying', 3), ('begrudgingly', 3), ('roper', 3), ('tempestuous', 3), ('sensitivity', 3), ('impetuously', 3), ('ushers', 3), ('smirks', 3), ('uncensored', 3), ('duplicity', 3), ('bois', 3), ('boulogne', 3), ('tolerating', 3), ('pimps', 3), ('cracked', 3), ('recaptured', 3), ('comparison', 3), ('matched', 3), ('confrontational', 3), ('bustling', 3), ('intersect', 3), ('relays', 3), ('enquires', 3), ('louis\\\\', 3), ('mustang', 3), ('telegraph', 3), ('tenderness', 3), ('gerald\\\\', 3), ('bubbles', 3), ('brutality', 3), ('grieves', 3), ('peninsula', 3), ('humdrum', 3), ('informer', 3), (\"o\\\\'leary\", 3), ('ryan\\\\', 3), ('counsels', 3), ('binds', 3), ('painkillers', 3), ('captivity', 3), ('bruises', 3), ('misguided', 3), ('reenters', 3), ('hustling', 3), ('uncaring', 3), ('lodgings', 3), ('interfering', 3), ('frightening', 3), ('pair\\\\', 3), ('factors', 3), ('debating', 3), ('cheery', 3), ('compatible', 3), ('listeners', 3), ('transit', 3), ('commuter', 3), ('mugger', 3), ('bacon', 3), ('tray', 3), ('roy\\\\', 3), ('caddy', 3), ('qualifying', 3), ('gust', 3), ('mccord', 3), ('tattoos', 3), ('smooter', 3), ('unsigned', 3), ('emptying', 3), ('combination', 3), ('irresponsibility', 3), ('adept', 3), ('deteriorated', 3), ('residential', 3), ('diverts', 3), ('gunmen', 3), ('elias', 3), ('mid-sentence', 3), ('freezer', 3), ('urinates', 3), ('lyon', 3), ('swamps', 3), ('vilecourt', 3), ('montali챕ri', 3), ('contaminated', 3), ('capacity', 3), ('puns', 3), ('entourage', 3), ('derisive', 3), ('voltaire', 3), ('innocuous', 3), ('propensity', 3), ('nurtures', 3), ('1993', 3), ('lafours', 3), ('tricia', 3), ('weimar', 3), ('maximilian', 3), ('intimately', 3), ('sporadically', 3), ('characters\\\\', 3), ('socialism', 3), ('intermittent', 3), ('beauties', 3), ('communism', 3), ('testament', 3), ('paperboy', 3), ('keeley', 3), ('co-founder', 3), ('coalition', 3), ('redecorated', 3), ('katherine\\\\', 3), ('agador', 3), ('choreographs', 3), ('inopportune', 3), ('levenstein', 3), ('myers', 3), ('groomsmen', 3), ('strippers', 3), ('boxers', 3), ('disposing', 3), ('thoughtless', 3), ('florist', 3), ('lui', 3), ('soprano', 3), ('ditzy', 3), ('incredulous', 3), ('awhile', 3), ('lodged', 3), ('perpetrating', 3), ('applauding', 3), ('seeger', 3), ('sid\\\\', 3), ('nighttime', 3), ('claudius', 3), ('stepbrother', 3), ('tiberius\\\\', 3), ('obliges', 3), ('oppressive', 3), ('foundations', 3), ('stalks', 3), ('defiantly', 3), ('25-year', 3), ('whiz', 3), ('1960', 3), ('1985', 3), ('greenhouse', 3), ('fooling', 3), ('blackface', 3), ('eighteenth', 3), ('minuet', 3), ('rating', 3), ('shepherd\\\\', 3), ('pragmatic', 3), ('wade\\\\', 3), ('ethics', 3), ('congressmen', 3), ('defeating', 3), ('implications', 3), ('fuels', 3), ('withdrawing', 3), ('christina\\\\', 3), ('complimenting', 3), ('endowed', 3), ('motorcyclist', 3), ('log', 3), ('undertakes', 3), ('rabbits', 3), ('driveway', 3), ('cyrus\\\\', 3), ('coney', 3), ('factor', 3), ('accomplishes', 3), ('slander', 3), ('holed', 3), ('weidmann', 3), ('statuesque', 3), ('minions', 3), ('peep', 3), ('beulah', 3), ('wilhelmina', 3), ('abusing', 3), ('1961', 3), ('rydell', 3), ('twilight', 3), ('perished', 3), ('dreamlike', 3), ('reappear', 3), ('hanson', 3), ('prosecutor', 3), ('york-based', 3), ('starkman', 3), ('baywatch', 3), ('slits', 3), ('chipper', 3), ('fa챌ade', 3), ('sewing', 3), ('deflects', 3), ('rosemary\\\\', 3), ('bundy', 3), ('clippings', 3), ('disregarding', 3), ('lighter', 3), ('merchandise', 3), ('pas', 3), ('insanity', 3), ('arousing', 3), ('detective\\\\', 3), ('unnerved', 3), ('acquittal', 3), ('juror', 3), ('lecturing', 3), ('payphone', 3), ('premise', 3), ('courtiers', 3), ('aquitaine', 3), ('mismatched', 3), ('radically', 3), ('keller', 3), ('classics', 3), ('boogie', 3), ('roosevelt', 3), ('sahara', 3), ('backlash', 3), ('busboy', 3), ('abigail', 3), ('audrey\\\\', 3), (\"'there\", 3), ('unfit', 3), ('guess', 3), ('disabling', 3), ('interzone', 3), ('frost', 3), ('howie', 3), ('knockout', 3), (\"'johnny\", 3), ('rapping', 3), ('member\\\\', 3), ('sweeping', 3), ('yankees', 3), ('japan\\\\', 3), ('skipper', 3), ('outbursts', 3), ('reinvigorated', 3), ('utilizes', 3), ('consecutive', 3), ('dodgers', 3), ('gravesite', 3), ('mural', 3), ('confuses', 3), ('waitresses', 3), ('pondering', 3), ('one-night-stand', 3), ('sandy\\\\', 3), ('grasps', 3), ('vegetable', 3), ('allen\\\\', 3), ('cold-hearted', 3), ('recapture', 3), ('derby', 3), ('disastrously', 3), ('ex-wife\\\\', 3), ('clowning', 3), ('allergic', 3), ('minimum', 3), ('celibate', 3), ('compromises', 3), ('laughed', 3), ('motocross', 3), ('alcoholics', 3), ('unease', 3), ('upbraids', 3), ('makatea', 3), ('tahiti', 3), ('non', 3), ('disable', 3), ('funerals', 3), ('obnoxiously', 3), ('nightclubs', 3), ('robbins', 3), ('shanahan', 3), ('slender', 3), ('gal', 3), ('whisky', 3), ('heathrow', 3), ('elaborately', 3), ('wrapping', 3), ('milwaukee', 3), ('doubles', 3), ('institutionalised', 3), ('mcgurk', 3), ('bask', 3), ('reflected', 3), ('self-confident', 3), ('self-improvement', 3), ('seminar', 3), ('keyes', 3), ('edition', 3), ('abaca', 3), ('embodiment', 3), ('myth', 3), ('buzzing', 3), ('preliminary', 3), ('microscope', 3), ('safer', 3), ('lauded', 3), ('suspiciously', 3), ('sexism', 3), ('processing', 3), ('terrorism', 3), ('terrorists', 3), ('interrupt', 3), ('padua', 3), ('bianca\\\\', 3), ('tutoring', 3), ('footman', 3), ('digital', 3), ('blunder', 3), ('tremendously', 3), ('equilibrium', 3), ('ado', 3), ('whatsoever', 3), ('showered', 3), (\"'harry\", 3), ('unaffected', 3), ('martinez', 3), ('birthdays', 3), ('heartache', 3), ('figured', 3), ('compass', 3), ('1991', 3), ('earnest', 3), ('frumpy', 3), ('lenses', 3), ('baptized', 3), ('ian\\\\', 3), ('lebanon', 3), ('yossi', 3), ('reflect', 3), ('sandwiches', 3), ('weaken', 3), ('disparate', 3), ('nightly', 3), ('200,000', 3), ('congresswoman', 3), ('rudd\\\\', 3), ('ranking', 3), ('blackmailed', 3), (\"'maggie\", 3), ('poetic', 3), ('besieged', 3), ('transcends', 3), ('pronounced', 3), ('creepy', 3), ('mer', 3), ('absinthe', 3), ('entices', 3), ('horner', 3), ('floyd', 3), ('detests', 3), ('boom', 3), ('gallimard', 3), (\"'high\", 3), ('robbie\\\\', 3), ('deepening', 3), ('loudspeaker', 3), ('gymnasium', 3), ('cupid', 3), ('prolonged', 3), ('replica', 3), ('lockers', 3), ('sleigh', 3), ('faculty', 3), ('curtis\\\\', 3), ('summoning', 3), ('presided', 3), ('underachiever', 3), ('mitzvah', 3), ('isaak', 3), ('stalin', 3), ('mein', 3), ('venomous', 3), ('rants', 3), ('palestine', 3), ('solomon', 3), ('olivier', 3), ('pipes', 3), ('dominatrix', 3), ('clitoris', 3), ('pseudonym', 3), ('deterred', 3), ('memoir', 3), ('alliances', 3), ('brianna', 3), ('zorro', 3), ('wallpaper', 3), ('lesion', 3), ('lesions', 3), ('lawsuit', 3), ('discount', 3), ('disconnected', 3), ('edgy', 3), ('truthful', 3), ('thrills', 3), ('thong', 3), ('harmful', 3), ('embryo', 3), ('nonsense', 3), ('unrealistic', 3), ('flostre\\\\', 3), ('manifests', 3), ('prudish', 3), ('vivid', 3), ('happiest', 3), ('idols', 3), ('spied', 3), ('potent', 3), ('yves', 3), ('olivia\\\\', 3), ('hermes', 3), ('tellman', 3), ('edgar\\\\', 3), ('blunt', 3), ('nannies', 3), ('four-year', 3), ('dime', 3), ('sting', 3), ('polaroids', 3), ('aliens', 3), (\"'henry\", 3), ('13th', 3), ('mile', 3), ('socket', 3), ('enraging', 3), ('homicide', 3), ('moran', 3), ('taunted', 3), ('counselors', 3), ('murderers', 3), ('cat-and-mouse', 3), ('raincoat', 3), ('chronicling', 3), ('kings', 3), ('tech', 3), ('applications', 3), ('irreverent', 3), ('constructing', 3), ('laser\\\\', 3), ('hotter', 3), ('patronage', 3), ('astronomy', 3), ('sisco', 3), ('봦is', 3), ('lekh', 3), ('unprotected', 3), ('foul', 3), ('responded', 3), ('undone', 3), ('walley', 3), ('fork', 3), ('scams', 3), ('lasky', 3), ('blinds', 3), ('courier', 3), ('mcmanus', 3), ('patrick\\\\', 3), ('syndicate', 3), ('petrov', 3), ('gunshots', 3), ('sockets', 3), ('yakavetta', 3), ('firefight', 3), ('anticipate', 3), ('unmasked', 3), ('saints', 3), ('candid', 3), ('revoked', 3), ('stipulates', 3), ('conversing', 3), ('1952', 3), ('leak', 3), ('starred', 3), ('orson', 3), ('welles', 3), ('transvestism', 3), ('bigot', 3), ('honolulu', 3), ('irrational', 3), ('chuck\\\\', 3), ('halliwell\\\\', 3), ('parody', 3), ('technicians', 3), ('mails', 3), ('crawling', 3), ('flier', 3), ('donors', 3), ('prix', 3), ('holt', 3), ('fife', 3), ('champions', 3), ('updates', 3), ('blissful', 3), ('sheds', 3), ('fade', 3), ('clip', 3), ('kramer', 3), ('salsa', 3), ('leland', 3), ('analysis', 3), ('skull', 3), ('beforehand', 3), ('pockets', 3), ('hum', 3), ('auditioned', 3), ('re-united', 3), ('jesse\\\\', 3), ('curb', 3), ('intruders', 3), ('kindred', 3), ('spiritually', 3), ('reprimanded', 3), ('lana\\\\', 3), ('rake', 3), ('enterprises', 3), ('beauregard', 3), ('ch챕rie', 3), ('gallantly', 3), ('sensuality', 3), ('habitually', 3), ('stir', 3), ('diaper', 3), ('blacklisted', 3), ('spears', 3), ('completion', 3), ('dion', 3), ('holidaying', 3), ('girlfriend\\\\', 3), ('damn', 3), ('apollo', 3), ('philanthropist', 3), ('escalator', 3), ('anemia', 3), ('bales', 3), ('ramifications', 3), ('fonda', 3), ('colombia', 3), ('waterfall', 3), ('glam-rock', 3), ('collaborator', 3), ('curt', 3), ('rohan\\\\', 3), (\"'professor\", 3), ('hilariously', 3), ('barrage', 3), ('twenty-five', 3), ('samnang', 3), ('cigars', 3), ('sei', 3), ('apprentice', 3), ('lousy', 3), ('handwriting', 3), ('intricate', 3), ('toes', 3), ('slit', 3), ('bonsai', 3), ('chastising', 3), ('depleted', 3), ('steadfast', 3), ('dalliance', 3), ('resolving', 3), ('bumping', 3), ('frames', 3), ('outings', 3), ('first-year', 3), ('whip', 3), ('genitals', 3), ('showroom', 3), ('automatic', 3), ('imply', 3), ('torso', 3), ('mohawk', 3), ('piggly', 3), ('wiggly', 3), ('surfs', 3), ('rhetoric', 3), ('set-up', 3), ('cheesy', 3), ('hedgeworth', 3), ('elopement', 3), ('demolition', 3), ('consumes', 3), (\"'barry\", 3), ('markets', 3), ('themed', 3), ('lena\\\\', 3), ('quantities', 3), ('outnumbered', 3), ('1982', 3), ('taeko', 3), ('stirrings', 3), (\"'we\", 3), ('academics', 3), ('weighed', 3), ('divulge', 3), ('clashing', 3), ('eponymous', 3), ('motherly', 3), ('thumbs', 3), ('leaguer', 3), ('navorski', 3), ('jfk', 3), ('viktor\\\\', 3), ('peanut', 3), ('ejected', 3), ('saxophonist', 3), ('golson', 3), ('enthusiast', 3), ('gynecologist', 3), ('alphabet', 3), ('med', 3), ('nonconformist', 3), ('freewheeling', 3), ('gunned', 3), ('lapd', 3), ('sites', 3), ('entice', 3), ('unbelievable', 3), ('raspberry', 3), ('leaping', 3), ('quiz', 3), ('dong', 3), ('bryce', 3), ('mores', 3), ('cages', 3), ('influx', 3), ('bathrobe', 3), ('focker', 3), ('chastised', 3), ('fudge\\\\', 3), ('kristen\\\\', 3), ('gulliver', 3), ('quo', 3), ('re-unite', 3), ('buck\\\\', 3), ('customary', 3), ('eviction', 3), ('hierarchy', 3), ('watts', 3), ('cunningly', 3), ('unintended', 3), ('봴ntil', 3), ('homeroom', 3), ('graffiti', 3), ('mickler', 3), ('costumed', 3), ('evaluation', 3), ('dillard', 3), ('butts', 3), ('adjusting', 3), ('denver', 3), ('1968', 3), ('protester', 3), ('protestors', 3), ('schwartz', 3), ('den', 3), ('crumples', 3), ('decoy', 3), ('halts', 3), ('unanimously', 3), ('compels', 3), (\"'doug\", 3), ('cloned', 3), ('27-year-old', 3), ('disasters', 3), ('enrolling', 3), ('care-free', 3), ('excel', 3), ('extroverted', 3), ('guillermo', 3), ('briefs', 3), ('disintegrate', 3), ('velvet', 3), ('anti-war', 3), ('bounds', 3), ('outcome', 3), ('theaters', 3), ('fr챕d챕rick\\\\', 3), ('baptiste\\\\', 3), ('mime', 3), ('accomplices', 3), ('avril', 3), ('garance\\\\', 3), ('spendthrift', 3), ('shopper', 3), ('soulful', 3), ('intuition', 3), ('riotous', 3), ('megan\\\\', 3), ('queer', 3), ('rediscovering', 3), ('packets', 3), ('blender', 3), ('furnished', 3), ('rimbaud\\\\', 3), ('staid', 3), ('respectability', 3), ('brussels', 3), ('vainly', 3), ('penitence', 3), ('censored', 3), ('seasonal', 3), ('catty', 3), ('lotion', 3), ('accents', 3), ('self-imposed', 3), ('others\\\\', 3), ('doubtful', 3), ('broach', 3), ('degrees', 3), ('venues', 3), ('travelers', 3), ('whimsical', 3), ('believer', 3), ('comtesse', 3), ('lancret', 3), ('gustave', 3), ('chimpanzee', 3), ('adjustment', 3), ('selection', 3), ('talker', 3), ('incoherent', 3), ('disposition', 3), ('thrill', 3), ('tentatively', 3), ('hunky', 3), ('frolicking', 3), ('perversion', 3), ('kant', 3), ('reproduction', 3), ('mannequins', 3), ('petra\\\\', 3), ('sekt', 3), ('rotten', 3), ('audiences', 3), ('crusade', 3), ('virginal', 3), ('overhead', 3), ('immersing', 3), ('stepped', 3), ('aldorfer', 3), ('charmingly', 3), ('neat', 3), (\"'sarah\", 3), ('fitzpatrick', 3), ('guinevere', 3), ('karishma', 3), ('gogo', 3), ('overlook', 3), ('suppress', 3), ('shrugs', 3), ('proximity', 3), ('one-year', 3), ('stillborn', 3), ('mani', 3), ('devika', 3), ('heightened', 3), ('foreclosure', 3), ('bares', 3), ('sided', 3), ('nikolai', 3), ('katerina\\\\', 3), ('uninvited', 3), ('worsened', 3), ('socialites', 3), ('facial', 3), ('diminutive', 3), ('booty', 3), ('doormat', 3), ('10-year-old', 3), ('corbett', 3), ('stylish', 3), ('biologically', 3), ('snydersville', 3), ('vintage', 3), ('fashions', 3), ('make-over', 3), ('bulldog', 3), ('cctv', 3), ('transatlantic', 3), ('evan\\\\', 3), ('cyber', 3), ('billboards', 3), ('stamina', 3), ('judy\\\\', 3), ('bodybuilder', 3), ('annette', 3), ('herman', 3), ('scobie', 3), ('250,000', 3), ('nuts', 3), ('goldie\\\\', 3), ('kurdish', 3), ('overtones', 3), ('pawns', 3), ('freddie\\\\', 3), ('furnishings', 3), ('vanish', 3), ('eben', 3), ('transferring', 3), ('greasy', 3), ('wad', 3), ('humphrey', 3), ('standish', 3), ('marvels', 3), ('1933', 3), ('loathsome', 3), ('spoiling', 3), ('bounty', 3), ('harming', 3), ('crippling', 3), ('al\\\\', 3), ('reminders', 3), ('conscientious', 3), ('cycles', 3), ('startling', 3), ('niche', 3), ('faded', 3), ('experimenting', 3), ('p.m.', 3), ('ditching', 3), ('manderlay\\\\', 3), ('mam\\\\', 3), ('disgusts', 3), ('blacks', 3), ('principles', 3), ('enforced', 3), ('barrio', 3), ('alphas', 3), ('poolside', 3), ('presiding', 3), ('regulars', 3), ('contemplative', 3), ('burrows', 3), ('homemade', 3), ('enlightenment', 3), ('scoring', 3), ('bikers', 3), ('veers', 3), ('probe', 3), ('convenient', 3), ('macneil', 3), ('ruairidh', 3), ('chained', 3), ('angus\\\\', 3), ('passerby', 3), ('pickle', 3), ('brigadier', 3), ('dunkirk', 3), ('close-up', 3), ('motto', 3), ('asshole', 3), ('glue', 3), ('rum', 3), ('disagree', 3), ('fluff', 3), ('bang', 3), ('handling', 3), ('contemptuous', 3), ('sachiko\\\\', 3), ('rooster', 3), ('posse', 3), ('marian\\\\', 3), ('stork', 3), ('robin\\\\', 3), ('centered', 3), ('makers', 3), ('pale', 3), ('juan\\\\', 3), ('elizando', 3), ('gabriela', 3), ('detrimental', 3), ('stiff', 3), ('lindsay\\\\', 3), ('portia', 3), ('glimpses', 3), ('pochenko\\\\', 3), ('crabs', 3), ('reims', 3), ('frequents', 3), ('satan\\\\', 3), ('assembles', 3), ('freeze', 3), ('nypd', 3), ('edited', 3), ('sacrificing', 3), ('osbourne', 3), ('occurrence', 3), ('nunzio', 3), ('stuffs', 3), ('dj\\\\', 3), ('icing', 3), ('snack', 3), ('shade', 3), (\"'new\", 3), ('postponing', 3), ('cites', 3), ('danube', 3), ('heist', 3), ('whereby', 3), ('slate', 3), ('plaza', 3), ('mcgruff', 3), ('stack', 3), ('eugenio', 3), ('harness', 3), ('pastime', 3), ('brock', 3), ('dorky', 3), ('laney\\\\', 3), ('in-depth', 3), ('usher', 3), ('pavlik', 3), ('seatmate', 3), ('ippolit', 3), ('missionaries', 3), ('waiters', 3), ('mormons', 3), ('layover', 3), ('snowstorm', 3), ('heirloom', 3), ('nadu', 3), ('missions', 3), ('summer\\\\', 3), ('susanswerphone', 3), ('composes', 3), ('mail-order', 3), ('bookie', 3), ('wacky', 3), ('accounting', 3), ('re-evaluate', 3), ('resisted', 3), ('preserved', 3), ('jumpsuit', 3), ('1970', 3), ('dramatizations', 3), ('stuttering', 3), ('nationalists', 3), ('chic', 3), ('icily', 3), ('feverishly', 3), ('partnered', 3), ('impersonate', 3), ('hardship', 3), ('deliveries', 3), ('1999', 3), ('tashi', 3), ('profane', 3), ('perishes', 3), ('manservant', 3), ('vera\\\\', 3), ('anti-semitic', 3), ('2007', 3), ('organised', 3), ('netherlands', 3), ('prominence', 3), ('gable', 3), ('strikers', 3), ('oblivion', 3), ('sharonna', 3), ('bed-hopping', 3), ('dorie', 3), ('hesitated', 3), ('waitressing', 3), ('testicular', 3), ('imparts', 3), ('catalyst', 3), ('opting', 3), ('flashing', 3), ('mower', 3), ('fistfight', 3), ('blocking', 3), ('johns', 3), ('winesop', 3), ('bluffs', 3), ('biltmore', 3), ('interspersed', 3), ('vocational', 3), ('students\\\\', 3), ('rockefeller', 3), ('varied', 3), ('kaneshiro', 3), ('mok', 3), ('raul\\\\', 3), ('lastly', 3), ('unpack', 3), ('tuition', 3), ('lackadaisical', 3), ('laxative', 3), ('saga', 3), ('commons', 3), ('existed', 3), ('jeopardize', 3), ('cruelly', 3), ('stretches', 3), ('veroli', 3), ('metropolitan', 3), ('1969', 3), ('jerusaleme', 3), ('ruffian', 3), ('amritsar', 3), ('ostentatious', 3), ('2009', 3), ('lucid', 3), ('overview', 3), ('eight-year', 3), ('achilles', 3), ('winery', 3), ('garter', 3), ('hickok', 3), ('buffet', 3), ('slopes', 3), ('amassed', 3), ('courses', 3), ('curmudgeonly', 3), ('judge\\\\', 3), ('straying', 3), ('publicize', 3), ('randomly', 3), ('functional', 3), ('checkpoint', 3), ('uncovering', 3), ('inspected', 3), ('blog', 3), ('funded', 3), ('demolish', 3), ('ambiance', 3), ('buzz', 3), ('b-17', 3), ('examiner', 3), ('farrell', 3), ('blooms', 3), ('regional', 3), ('purposefully', 3), ('unfairly', 3), ('renaissance', 3), ('sues', 3), ('libel', 3), ('populace', 3), ('ping\\\\', 3), ('deepened', 3), ('impregnated', 3), ('guiding', 3), ('herd', 3), ('syndicated', 3), ('fidel', 3), ('bulletin', 3), ('exes', 3), ('darla\\\\', 3), ('cody', 3), ('parading', 3), ('eurydice\\\\', 3), ('ovum', 3), ('anabolic', 3), ('polyamorous', 3), ('jujyfruit\\\\', 3), ('segues', 3), ('balanced', 3), ('visuals', 3), ('homemaker', 3), ('sighted', 3), ('temperament', 3), ('stormy', 3), (\"'captain\", 3), ('whaling', 3), ('obedient', 3), ('branches', 3), ('connives', 3), ('morgan\\\\', 3), ('finner', 3), ('appointing', 3), ('brilliantly', 3), ('hospitalised', 3), ('tory', 3), ('p.a', 3), ('stirring', 3), ('beings', 3), ('communities', 3), ('saleem', 3), ('maneer', 3), ('meenah', 3), ('collapsing', 3), ('mould', 3), ('belgium', 3), ('valcos', 3), ('valco', 3), ('trimming', 3), ('coated', 3), ('pancakes', 3), ('flow', 3), ('janosch', 3), ('skinhead', 3), ('indulging', 3), ('infantry', 3), ('diminish', 3), ('tackle', 3), ('bunz', 3), ('90s', 3), ('derision', 3), ('winchester', 3), ('imprisons', 3), ('samarpur', 3), ('berserk', 3), ('overzealous', 3), ('arbaaz', 3), ('all-girls', 3), ('stylist', 3), ('guinea', 3), ('equals', 3), ('narcissistic', 3), ('dawn\\\\', 3), ('trampled', 3), ('rampage', 3), ('denizens', 3), ('platter', 3), ('scholars', 3), ('wah\\\\', 3), ('compounds', 3), ('oedipus', 3), ('kendal', 3), ('appliances', 3), ('canceling', 3), ('waterfront', 3), ('honorine', 3), ('supporter', 3), ('reminiscences', 3), ('albanian', 3), ('gripped', 3), ('regaining', 3), ('recollections', 3), ('vadim', 3), ('merteuil', 3), ('valmont', 3), ('hepburn', 3), ('piaf', 3), ('sabrina\\\\', 3), ('implicate', 3), ('exceptional', 3), ('genteel', 3), ('resurfaces', 3), ('shippen', 3), ('conroy', 3), ('italian-american', 3), ('sticky', 3), ('downey', 3), ('monitor', 3), ('4th', 3), ('bowels', 3), ('volunteering', 3), ('presumption', 3), ('lakes', 3), ('ymca', 3), ('skaters', 3), ('disillusionment', 3), ('enterprising', 3), ('ingenue', 3), ('undergarment', 3), ('fanciful', 3), ('appalling', 3), ('incorporates', 3), ('sprains', 3), ('prohibited', 3), ('inquisitive', 3), ('treasury', 3), ('spikes', 3), ('stupidity', 3), ('renovate', 3), ('arlene', 3), ('rod\\\\', 3), ('horny', 3), ('humbles', 3), ('rutledge', 3), ('40s', 3), ('frankly', 3), ('chongyang', 3), ('veterinary', 3), ('carole', 3), ('quaint', 3), ('chauvinistic', 3), ('shameless', 3), ('brace', 3), ('deluxe', 3), ('reykjav챠k', 3), ('m챕likian', 3), ('low-level', 3), ('washer', 3), ('ominous', 3), ('ensures', 3), ('recruiting', 3), ('crooks', 3), ('ontario', 3), ('trout', 3), ('mortician', 3), ('payback', 3), ('rip', 3), ('bogus', 3), ('fists', 3), ('territorial', 3), ('paddles', 3), ('bloomingdale', 3), ('cassiopeia', 3), ('glove', 3), ('lars', 3), ('dobie', 3), ('verifying', 3), ('light-skinned', 3), ('rampart', 3), ('maitre', 3), ('melodramatic', 3), ('bossy', 3), ('beardsley', 3), ('commence', 3), ('zempf', 3), ('schiller', 3), ('circular', 3), ('lavender', 3), ('piglet', 3), ('dracula', 3), ('homicidal', 3), ('standby', 3), ('buzzline', 3), ('fegele', 3), ('yiddish', 3), ('graces', 3), ('enticed', 3), ('perlman', 3), ('scorns', 3), ('quintessential', 3), ('midsummer', 3), ('oates', 3), ('hermia', 3), ('nominates', 3), ('larissa', 3), ('workmates', 3), ('u-haul', 3), ('single-minded', 3), ('craft', 3), ('restaurant\\\\', 3), ('unorthodox', 3), ('allegra', 3), ('coincides', 3), ('newberry', 3), ('lapoubelle', 3), ('mingles', 3), ('ammunition', 3), ('nunataaq', 3), ('candlelight', 3), ('briefcase', 3), ('irritation', 3), ('warmer', 3), ('cried', 3), ('slapped', 3), ('immoral', 3), ('step-brother', 3), ('scratches', 3), ('voicemail', 3), ('cautiously', 3), ('rambling', 3), ('bundle', 3), ('tye', 3), ('donaly', 3), ('divorc챕e', 3), ('bender', 3), ('wheezy', 3), ('rottweiler', 3), ('wrigley', 3), ('hex', 3), ('moods', 3), ('cyrano', 3), ('phobia', 3), ('filmfare', 3), ('screened', 3), ('israeli', 3), ('eyal\\\\', 3), ('uprising', 3), ('misogynistic', 3), ('leonato\\\\', 3), ('tyrant', 3), ('holmes', 3), ('moriarty', 3), ('stamped', 3), ('shirts', 3), ('step-uncle', 3), ('durga\\\\', 3), ('brothers-in-law', 3), ('chanteuse', 3), ('black-and-white', 3), ('ginger', 3), ('rogers', 3), ('colonial', 3), ('runyon', 3), ('impotence', 3), ('percy', 3), ('baylor', 3), ('scratch', 3), (\"'molly\", 3), ('dandridge', 3), ('tart', 3), ('self-styled', 3), ('tum', 3), ('mihir', 3), ('karan\\\\', 3), ('gabor', 3), ('dream-like', 3), ('louisa\\\\', 3), ('flint\\\\', 3), ('spoof', 3), ('neglecting', 3), ('pinky\\\\', 3), ('demurs', 3), ('undermined', 3), ('sponging', 3), ('50s', 3), ('rationalizing', 3), ('j챕r척me\\\\', 3), ('newspaper\\\\', 3), ('make-out', 3), ('3rd', 3), ('jukebox', 3), ('wanda', 3), ('ordained', 3), ('verses', 3), ('attributed', 3), ('lurid', 3), ('liberating', 3), ('dense', 3), ('ducks', 3), ('humbly', 3), ('cynicism', 3), ('nixon', 3), ('boatman', 3), ('jodie', 3), ('tatum', 3), ('smoky', 3), ('realistic', 3), ('deena', 3), ('thankfully', 3), ('abduct', 3), ('decorations', 3), ('charli', 3), ('reformatory', 3), ('dito', 3), ('sueli', 3), ('cully', 3), ('overdue', 3), ('jumper', 3), ('curtains', 3), ('pending', 3), ('finest', 3), ('짙15,000', 3), ('self-effacing', 3), ('manufactures', 3), ('detected', 3), ('chautauqua', 3), ('perceive', 3), ('mundu', 3), ('incessant', 3), ('biji', 3), ('sums', 3), ('ailment', 3), ('campsite', 3), ('soaper', 3), ('fervently', 3), ('first-time', 3), ('meenaxi', 3), ('plunging', 3), ('blessington', 3), ('downside', 3), ('laundromat', 3), ('tuggle', 3), ('polar', 3), ('brassy', 3), ('mattachine', 3), ('illustrate', 3), ('faggot', 3), ('jung-yun', 3), ('muscle', 3), ('tops', 3), ('nut', 3), ('worthwhile', 3), ('uphill', 3), ('enraptured', 3), ('unforgiving', 3), (\"'dr\", 3), ('fulton', 3), ('edwina', 3), ('predictably', 3), ('misconduct', 3), ('stingy', 3), ('mankiewicz', 3), ('hunts', 3), ('hearings', 3), ('kid\\\\', 3), ('sponsorship', 3), ('catatonic', 3), ('extortionist', 3), ('inexplicable', 3), ('175', 3), ('stereotypes', 3), ('honorable', 3), ('omaha', 3), ('nobly', 3), ('self-aware', 3), ('pink-haired', 3), ('overpass', 3), ('grabbing', 3), ('morelli', 3), ('mathieu\\\\', 3), ('bombings', 3), ('laced', 3), ('counterattack', 3), ('isolate', 3), ('rate', 3), ('revert', 3), ('compel', 3), ('cletus', 3), ('burgess', 3), ('polka', 3), ('reignite', 3), ('lawyer\\\\', 3), ('expatriates', 3), ('1930', 3), ('risqu챕', 3), ('funk', 3), ('detours', 3), ('coyly', 3), ('keisha\\\\', 3), ('synagogue', 3), ('jointly', 3), ('musings', 3), ('uss', 3), ('drips', 3), ('wax', 3), ('bookkeeper', 3), ('eastman', 3), ('peach', 3), ('voters', 3), ('requisite', 3), ('halyard', 3), ('iran', 3), ('inspectors', 3), ('cobbler', 3), ('patton', 3), ('endured', 3), ('northbrook', 3), ('evacuates', 3), ('freneau', 3), ('polly\\\\', 3), ('seer', 3), ('divulged', 3), ('dobbs', 3), ('menken', 3), ('indignant', 3), ('morty', 3), ('magruder', 3), ('madagascar', 3), ('fitzgerald\\\\', 3), ('costar', 3), ('superangel', 3), ('sledge', 3), ('overpowering', 3), ('buggy', 3), ('supervixen', 3), ('stockroom', 3), ('contradictory', 3), ('marla', 3), ('twentieth', 3), ('beth\\\\', 3), ('celebratory', 3), ('haunting', 3), ('enforcement', 3), ('saigon', 3), ('vietnamese', 3), ('capitalist', 3), ('hai\\\\', 3), ('untouched', 3), ('improvements', 3), ('vents', 3), ('capability', 3), ('sparked', 3), ('wiped', 3), ('tankers', 3), ('devices', 3), ('dumpi', 3), ('garam', 3), ('earth\\\\', 3), ('warrant', 3), ('firstly', 3), ('virtual', 3), ('addressing', 3), ('unenthusiastic', 3), ('ballard\\\\', 3), ('obsessively', 3), ('photographing', 3), ('substitute', 3), ('gropes', 3), ('logical', 3), ('gibby', 3), ('inventive', 3), ('structures', 3), ('easy-going', 3), ('shaves', 3), ('whisked', 3), ('cord', 3), ('chul-soo', 3), ('consequent', 3), ('commiserates', 3), ('unlucky-in-love', 3), ('tremor', 3), ('witches', 3), ('imprison', 3), ('wallace\\\\', 3), ('seward', 3), ('flavel\\\\', 3), ('commandeers', 3), ('donated', 3), ('artificially', 3), ('reinstated', 3), ('sentencing', 3), ('yield', 3), ('crawl', 3), ('cue', 3), ('jagjit', 3), ('intriguing', 3), ('refurbished', 3), ('hurricane', 3), ('bipolar', 3), ('14.', 3), ('sunbathing', 3), ('alcock', 3), ('debauchery', 3), ('rochester\\\\', 3), ('afir', 3), ('chute', 3), ('trojan', 3), ('half-way', 3), (\"'paul\", 3), ('prominently', 3), ('loggerheads', 3), ('calpernia', 3), ('violation', 3), ('swallowed', 3), ('orderly', 3), ('grieve', 3), ('arm\\\\', 3), ('roseland', 3), ('pauline', 3), ('january', 3), ('comely', 3), ('tuscan', 3), ('displaced', 3), ('9th', 3), ('editorial', 3), ('jams', 3), ('andersson', 3), ('turbulence', 3), ('chili', 3), ('aggression', 3), ('elk', 3), ('housekeeping', 3), ('grandeur', 3), ('rigged', 3), ('4,000', 3), ('housemate', 3), ('pacing', 3), ('bind', 3), ('guerrero', 3), ('clarify', 3), ('youths', 3), ('competitors', 3), ('seven-year', 3), ('clifford', 3), ('shep\\\\', 3), ('allyson', 3), ('bothers', 3), ('smashed', 3), ('icon', 3), ('mismanagement', 3), ('filing', 3), ('satellite', 3), ('rediscover', 3), ('corn', 3), ('justifiable', 3), ('exposition', 3), ('girdles', 3), ('despondently', 3), ('gladys\\\\', 3), ('induce', 3), ('mercury', 3), ('memoirs', 3), ('holland', 3), ('lovable', 3), ('adamson', 3), ('botanist', 3), ('gillespie', 3), ('wipe', 3), ('barclay', 3), ('withholding', 3), ('incapacitating', 3), ('springer', 3), ('lviv', 3), ('breadwinner', 3), ('simmons', 3), ('toting', 3), ('inch', 3), ('unsupportive', 3), ('amenities', 3), ('last-minute', 3), ('phases', 3), ('blazing', 3), ('kalique', 3), ('gibralter', 3), ('hot-blooded', 3), ('captain\\\\', 3), ('tipsy', 3), ('continuous', 3), ('lesiev', 3), ('maintained', 3), ('belone', 3), ('kopel', 3), ('beheading', 3), ('sharon\\\\', 3), ('dads', 3), ('virgins', 3), ('hating', 3), ('urinate', 3), ('valve', 3), ('chewed', 3), ('shatner', 3), ('vastly', 3), ('shivering', 3), ('belatedly', 3), ('court-martial', 3), ('goerkes', 3), ('relishes', 3), ('lori\\\\', 3), ('biography', 3), ('squabble', 3), ('sophisticate', 3), ('flaunting', 3), ('inquiring', 3), ('essence', 3), ('snort', 3), ('jogging', 3), ('placid', 3), ('manuals', 3), ('drug-induced', 3), ('masseur', 3), ('disoriented', 3), ('flamarion', 3), ('marksman', 3), ('vaudeville', 3), ('richman', 3), ('i.d', 3), ('suzi\\\\', 3), ('moping', 3), ('echoes', 3), ('betsy\\\\', 3), ('1900s', 3), ('free-thinking', 3), ('goldfish', 3), ('naren\\\\', 3), ('tutelage', 3), ('disruptive', 3), ('dishevelled', 3), ('slogan', 3), ('dubuque', 3), ('bigfoot', 3), ('grill', 3), ('narmadha', 3), ('1960.', 3), ('unnatural', 3), ('masturbated', 3), ('eavesdropping', 3), ('cpr', 3), ('pining', 3), ('fixer', 3), ('gandhian', 3), ('casper', 3), ('agonizing', 3), ('all-boys', 3), ('financing', 3), ('cigar', 3), ('luo', 3), ('lydie-ann', 3), ('stepan', 3), ('hype', 3), ('franc', 3), ('cecil\\\\', 3), ('chae-rin', 3), ('kragen\\\\', 3), ('world-renowned', 3), ('honored', 3), ('submitted', 3), ('webcam', 3), ('hiccup', 3), ('bedded', 3), ('determining', 3), ('bonecrusher', 3), ('zara', 3), ('ranting', 3), ('crawford\\\\', 3), ('piling', 3), ('favours', 3), ('low-rent', 3), ('accessdate', 3), ('vodka', 3), ('ruses', 3), ('pierrette', 3), ('vivre', 3), ('ami', 3), ('conception', 3), ('seeds', 3), ('heydrich', 3), ('rubble', 3), ('hubbard', 3), ('ouija', 3), ('prospector', 3), ('pledged', 3), ('maternity', 3), ('unsophisticated', 3), ('variously', 3), ('quips', 3), ('solicit', 3), ('decapitates', 3), ('scrapes', 3), ('chops', 3), ('salvador', 3), ('mavis', 3), ('rebound', 3), ('advertises', 3), ('poole', 3), ('anguished', 3), ('jumped', 3), ('fished', 3), ('screwball', 3), ('worship', 3), ('gulabi', 3), ('kim-chui', 3), ('undesirable', 3), ('donnelly', 3), ('resourceful', 3), ('blesses', 3), ('penguins', 3), ('strongman', 3), ('laverne', 3), ('strategic', 3), ('trickery', 3), ('outfitted', 3), ('winged', 3), ('ornate', 3), ('devil\\\\', 3), (\"'christopher\", 3), ('rocket', 3), ('ricker', 3), ('deliveryman', 3), ('truck\\\\', 3), ('incurs', 3), ('subconscious', 3), ('cracking', 3), ('cavi', 3), ('frequenting', 3), (\"o\\\\'neill\", 3), ('consummates', 3), ('genesis', 3), ('bolton', 3), ('boyhood', 3), ('varla', 3), ('cocky', 3), ('쏶ebastian', 3), ('malcolm', 3), ('burke', 3), ('strafford', 3), ('pandey', 3), ('lecturer', 3), ('unlawful', 3), ('crux', 3), ('latina', 3), ('ayre', 3), ('labourers', 3), ('mendoza', 3), ('amol', 3), ('ogling', 3), ('mistresses', 3), ('pastures', 3), ('17th', 3), ('buddha', 3), ('liberate', 3), ('hen', 3), ('capt', 3), ('rug', 3), ('stoop', 3), ('veterans', 3), ('cleaners', 3), ('unplanned', 3), ('pusher', 3), ('dell', 3), ('toe', 3), ('flush', 3), ('landlord\\\\', 3), ('lodging', 3), ('accommodation', 3), ('simpleton', 3), ('chits', 3), ('tolerance', 3), ('kubinyi', 3), ('montaigne', 3), ('docked', 3), ('kadir', 3), ('swindler', 3), ('nile', 3), ('prophet', 3), ('scaffolding', 3), ('predict', 3), ('prophecies', 3), ('unconcerned', 3), ('hee-won', 3), ('life-changing', 3), ('sheridan', 3), ('post-world', 3), ('birgel', 3), ('fimple', 3), ('rewrites', 3), ('tedious', 3), ('handmade', 3), ('bilge', 3), ('propositioned', 3), ('infuriating', 3), ('montel', 3), ('robotic', 3), ('predictable', 3), ('employ', 3), ('reassess', 3), ('1925', 3), ('mcqueen', 3), ('rearranging', 3), ('openness', 3), ('winners', 3), ('manicure', 3), ('rigorous', 3), ('doreen', 3), (\"'jennifer\", 3), ('cavorting', 3), (\"'young\", 3), ('pearly', 3), ('romps', 3), ('polling', 3), ('beirut', 3), ('tarek', 3), ('fascinating', 3), ('steiner', 3), ('cork', 3), ('gandalf', 3), ('juggle', 3), ('toying', 3), ('pevney', 3), ('rack', 3), ('stacey\\\\', 3), ('1918', 3), ('one-sided', 3), ('altogether', 3), ('brenan', 3), ('snowy', 3), ('oswald', 3), ('oswald\\\\', 3), ('nineteen', 3), ('jakarta', 3), ('sakti', 3), ('remarries', 3), ('phrases', 3), ('sears', 3), ('respectfully', 3), ('hirsh', 3), ('expires', 3), ('vacationers', 3), ('regatta', 3), ('lisp', 3), ('daryll', 3), ('cullum', 3), ('self-involved', 3), ('1911', 3), ('compulsively', 3), ('disturbs', 3), ('rampant', 3), ('mister', 3), ('celie\\\\', 3), ('rubbing', 3), ('polecat', 3), ('casanova\\\\', 3), ('wedded', 3), ('101', 3), ('sleek', 3), ('gilly', 3), ('self-respect', 3), ('mehboob', 3), ('babloo', 3), ('craves', 3), ('fraudster', 3), ('bazaar', 3), ('warrior', 3), ('onwards', 3), ('varma', 3), ('ji-hwan', 3), ('goats', 3), ('fenn', 3), ('dearly', 3), ('conned', 3), ('1955', 3), ('denham', 3), ('slurs', 3), ('steroids', 3), ('goodrich', 3), ('unravel', 3), ('attains', 3), ('fast-talking', 3), ('elation', 3), ('culver', 3), ('duchy', 3), ('parachuting', 3), ('h챕l챔ne', 3), ('claymoore', 3), ('daisy\\\\', 3), ('zora', 3), ('gena', 3), ('lainie\\\\', 3), ('kidnapper', 3), ('he/she', 3), ('norman\\\\', 3), ('libido', 3), ('restauranteur', 3), ('sarawak', 3), ('penn', 3), ('veer', 3), ('bhavana', 3), ('gabriella\\\\', 3), ('kelsi', 3), ('callback', 3), ('barredout', 3), ('choi\\\\', 3), ('destinations', 3), ('workout', 3), ('weaker', 3), ('nominations', 3), ('maestro', 3), ('nugent', 3), ('pransky', 3), ('impart', 3), ('sondra\\\\', 3), ('gags', 3), ('switt', 3), ('oberkugen', 3), ('gossipy', 3), ('foreigner', 3), ('ulcer', 3), ('male-to-female', 3), ('che', 3), ('mimi-siku', 3), ('frenhofer', 3), ('shiven', 3), ('misleading', 3), ('ashutosh', 3), ('prentice', 3), (\"'danny\", 3), ('rana', 3), ('unanswered', 3), ('gothic', 3), ('thorpe', 3), ('hardened', 3), ('su-heon', 3), ('schuylers', 3), ('ru\\\\', 3), ('montero', 3), ('willed', 3), ('viceroy', 3), ('nameavg', 3), ('harumi', 3), ('mimaki', 3), ('hodsell', 3), ('fala', 3), ('detain', 3), ('carmen\\\\', 3), ('vyse', 3), ('icelandic', 3), ('pendersleigh', 3), ('transpired', 3), ('parted', 3), ('orient', 3), ('palani', 3), ('alderson', 3), ('boardinghouse', 3), ('jovial', 3), ('j.t', 3), ('jackpot', 3), ('masons', 3), ('dote', 3), ('educational', 3), ('won-ju', 3), ('grandparents\\\\', 3), ('mun-su\\\\', 3), ('translates', 3), ('snowfall', 3), ('in-woo', 3), ('prescription', 3), ('vincent\\\\', 3), ('shimoda', 3), ('distrust', 3), ('edo', 3), ('animator', 3), ('encolpio\\\\', 3), ('fortunata', 3), ('limping', 3), ('hermaphrodite', 3), ('sorcerer', 3), ('쏡addy-long-legs', 3), ('comparisons', 3), ('min-kyong', 3), ('outsourced', 3), ('packages', 3), ('chang-sik', 3), ('mi-young', 3), ('larsen', 3), ('earnestly', 3), ('lowered', 3), ('young-soo', 3), ('gruff', 3), ('yi-yeon', 3), ('peacefully', 3), ('rumours', 3), ('heart-broken', 3), ('rejoices', 3), ('edmond', 3), ('provence', 3), ('1940', 3), ('1948', 3), ('zarak', 3), ('imam', 3), ('noksu', 3), ('roscoe', 3), ('enforcers', 3), ('inauguration', 3), ('segments', 3), ('rowdies', 3), ('shankara', 3), ('beans', 3), ('teeming', 3), ('jessie\\\\', 3), ('auschwitz', 3), ('endanger', 3), ('similarity', 3), ('mastana', 3), ('blend', 3), ('cindy\\\\', 3), ('mackeroni', 3), ('khaled', 3), ('chariot', 3), ('catapults', 3), ('circa', 3), ('maxine\\\\', 3), ('soft-core', 3), ('rebuilt', 3), ('mckinley', 3), ('simon\\\\', 3), ('magnetic', 3), ('macs', 3), ('reciprocating', 3), ('caravan', 3), ('biarritz', 3), ('ambivalent', 3), ('farmers', 3), ('wren', 3), ('insinuating', 3), ('high-paying', 3), ('smythe-bates', 3), ('enthralled', 3), ('embalming', 3), ('loaf', 3), ('frederick\\\\', 3), ('touchstone', 3), ('silvius', 3), ('hana\\\\', 3), ('masashi\\\\', 3), ('plus-sized', 3), ('tunde\\\\', 3), ('tussle', 3), ('motormouth', 3), ('prudy', 3), ('inez', 3), ('egotistical', 3), ('soniya', 3), ('unpublished', 3), ('prices', 3), ('biff', 3), ('aids-related', 3), ('failan', 3), ('bilal', 3), ('reunification', 3), ('bae', 3), ('prettiest', 3), ('anally', 3), ('two-headed', 3), ('pinocchio', 3), ('prescribed', 3), ('rethink', 3), ('amma', 3), (\"'it\\\\\", 3), ('bequeathed', 3), ('saratbabu', 3), ('krishnayya', 3), ('thomas\\\\', 3), ('kathi', 3), ('kellermann', 3), ('reeling', 3), ('chrome\\\\', 3), ('liability', 3), ('zarro', 3), ('bahar', 3), ('preety', 3), ('tamanna', 3), ('tarun', 3), ('ploys', 3), ('gunman', 3), ('eloped', 3), ('sunder', 3), ('jhatpat', 3), ('edinburgh', 3), ('merdith', 3), ('orman', 3), ('serena', 3), ('amulet', 3), ('sang-min', 3), ('bumpkin', 3), ('clients\\\\', 3), ('simpson\\\\', 3), ('loans', 3), ('delilah\\\\', 3), ('relying', 3), ('marseilles', 3), ('activism', 3), ('monument', 3), ('sinners', 3), ('puck\\\\', 3), ('collective', 3), ('non-violent', 3), ('kits', 3), ('moxie', 3), ('mahler', 3), ('adagietto', 3), ('developments', 3), (\"\\\\'05\", 3), ('cornet', 3), ('anvil', 3), ('hunchback', 3), ('fenwick', 3), ('mountie', 3), ('mounties', 3), ('pao', 3), ('instincts', 3), ('meyer', 3), ('lansky', 3), ('seize', 3), ('donoso', 3), ('strothers', 3), ('ramola', 3), ('bonomo', 3), ('paola', 3), ('silvio', 3), ('berlusconi', 3), ('notwithstanding', 3), ('bixby', 3), ('gregg', 3), ('overturns', 3), ('hannah\\\\', 3), ('metamorphosis', 3), ('bolt', 3), ('bommell', 3), ('mementos', 3), ('doom', 3), ('dutt', 3), ('traitors', 3), ('jagmohan', 3), ('horne', 3), ('financed', 3), ('imdb', 3), ('allegations', 3), ('slum', 3), ('manjali', 3), ('detonate', 3), ('deserved', 3), ('gruesome', 3), ('venner', 3), ('entomologist', 3), ('pixies', 3), ('revolted', 3), ('pander', 3), ('pradesh', 3), ('creditors', 3), ('made-up', 3), ('doughnut', 3), ('mentoring', 3), ('kashmir', 3), ('saddens', 3), ('enders', 3), ('occupants', 3), ('lindsey', 3), ('baton', 3), ('govinda', 3), ('partition', 3), ('muslims', 3), ('lorry', 3), ('yesterday', 3), ('impolite', 3), ('inclusion', 3), ('austrians', 3), ('canteen', 3), ('lakh', 3), ('jomo', 3), ('lallan', 3), ('miyan', 3), ('keld\\\\', 3), ('ling\\\\', 3), ('double-date', 3), ('vadinho\\\\', 3), ('parvati', 3), ('balram', 3), ('shakti', 3), ('25-year-old', 3), ('payal', 3), ('commitments', 3), ('timo', 3), ('accumulates', 3), ('janaki\\\\', 3), ('mudaliyar', 3), ('gundya', 3), ('mangal', 3), ('contests', 3), ('stasi', 3), ('friederike', 3), ('translation', 3), ('tatjana', 3), ('immense', 3), ('scramble', 3), ('commandeer', 3), ('srividya', 3), ('scripps', 3), ('irwin\\\\', 3), ('hector\\\\', 3), ('felix\\\\', 3), ('jagannath\\\\', 3), ('nefarious', 3), ('duran\\\\', 3), ('amiss', 3), ('intersecting', 3), ('hunch', 3), ('zeba', 3), ('moira', 3), ('banderas', 3), ('st챕phane', 3), ('winterbourne', 3), ('hughie', 3), ('lyricist', 3), ('photographic', 3), ('okiya', 3), ('chairman\\\\', 3), ('kimono', 3), ('gazebo', 3), ('fai\\\\', 3), ('elisabeth', 3), ('meinert', 3), ('midwife', 3), ('meinhert', 3), (\"'belong\", 3), ('alim', 3), ('schindler', 3), ('raided', 3), ('chandrakala', 3), ('aathi', 3), ('jeers', 3), ('50-year-old', 3), ('marjorie\\\\', 3), ('passover', 3), ('naldinho', 3), ('karina\\\\', 3), ('fitton', 3), ('buster\\\\', 3), ('creeping', 3), ('pessimistic', 3), ('maulvi', 3), ('sultan', 3), ('ghari', 3), ('desolate', 3), ('bhatinda', 3), ('anaida', 3), ('rajveer', 3), ('lalasa', 3), ('fitzer', 3), ('rajiv\\\\', 3), ('dawnie', 3), ('maharahaja', 3), ('hospitals', 3), ('dillingwell', 3), ('lorri', 3), ('lease', 3), ('gatehouse', 3), ('yan', 3), ('pic', 3), ('newland', 3), ('onboard', 3), ('widgets', 3), ('listener', 3), ('melinda\\\\', 3), ('ferndel', 3), ('meli', 3), ('lumley', 3), ('meddlesome', 3), ('charlot', 3), ('prosperity', 3), ('harley', 3), ('octavius', 3), ('namasivayam', 3), ('nanette\\\\', 3), ('watchman', 3), ('swede', 3), ('nab', 3), ('starke', 3), ('jaishankar', 3), ('keng', 3), ('maheswari', 3), ('1st', 3), ('radioman', 3), ('covert', 3), ('ammo', 3), ('shells', 3), ('iraq', 3), ('iraqi', 3), ('seldom', 3), ('srikrishna', 3), ('jaanu', 3), ('morley', 3), ('mcgaffey', 3), ('jeana', 3), ('shanti\\\\', 3), ('checklist', 3), ('antigua', 3), ('rushworth', 3), ('yates', 3), ('chill', 3), ('repentance', 3), ('쏺ip', 3), ('snegireva', 3), ('cecily', 3), ('lothario', 3), ('anupam', 3), ('kher', 3), ('malta', 3), ('favourable', 3), ('libya', 3), ('봞ll', 3), ('busted', 3), ('pompadoy', 3), ('tang', 3), ('pussy\\\\', 3), ('diyari', 3), ('rolfe', 3), ('coercing', 3), ('hospice', 3), ('conjoined', 3), ('chino', 3), ('luang\\\\', 3), ('basin', 3), ('chinese-american', 3), ('shea', 3), ('five-year', 3), ('ilocos', 3), ('nainital', 3), ('dictatorship', 3), ('hurstwood\\\\', 3), ('kokelar', 3), ('mojave', 3), ('hats', 3), ('lon', 3), ('vince\\\\', 3), ('17-year', 3), ('edilberto', 3), ('bataan', 3), ('lino', 3), ('ladd', 3), ('telugu', 3), ('jumpers', 3), ('evy', 3), ('dhingo', 3), ('elliswirth', 3), ('matilda', 3), ('unfounded', 3), ('chauncey', 3), ('snehalatha', 3), ('policia', 3), ('pesetas', 3), ('maxi', 3), ('trails', 3), ('priyanka', 3), ('kamali', 3), ('pat\\\\', 3), ('anatoly', 3), ('frump', 3), ('ryzhova', 3), ('sekhar', 3), ('untouchable', 3), ('mitya', 3), ('denis', 3), ('diploma', 3), ('ovis', 3), ('shanxi', 3), ('municipal', 3), ('zkc', 3), ('sheryl\\\\', 3), ('edwin', 3), ('riolama', 3), ('pennicott', 3), ('emtan', 3), ('nagesh', 3), ('coupling', 3), ('heston', 3), ('barbary', 3), ('ancestors', 3), ('subba', 3), ('bunk', 3), ('denetra', 3), ('norbit\\\\', 3), ('werewolves', 3), ('cay\\\\', 3), ('basher', 3), ('marisol', 3), ('bronco', 3), ('culprits', 3), ('danni', 3), ('lisabeth', 3), ('brownie\\\\', 3), ('shank', 3), ('achamma', 3), ('androvski', 3), ('domini', 3), ('vignesh', 3), ('sneakers', 3), ('branson', 3), ('rigg', 3), (\"o'malley\", 3), ('parkson', 3), ('rajeswari', 3), ('kerala', 3), ('satyam', 3), ('buffer', 3), ('kita', 3), ('fitzgeralds', 3), ('wednesday', 3), ('r챕gime', 3), ('bonanza', 3), ('kidney', 3), ('cara-ethyl', 3), ('medieval', 3), ('alais', 3), ('bananas', 3), ('hyland', 3), ('axelstein', 3), ('gateau', 3), ('queenie', 3), ('surfaces', 3), ('watchband', 3), ('solange', 3), ('brahma', 3), ('kai-shek', 3), ('wolves', 3), ('amna', 3), ('kray', 3), ('krstic', 3), ('23\\\\', 3), ('joxer', 3), ('showboat', 3), ('shel', 3), ('asteroid', 3), ('kalokairi', 3), ('khadija', 3), ('횋lise', 3), ('mourad', 3), ('benoit', 3), ('verneuil', 3), ('m챕lanie', 3), ('cora\\\\', 3), ('bebo', 3), ('mingle', 3), ('ravidabishananen', 3), ('swati', 3), ('anstruther', 3), ('apathetic', 3), ('suhair', 3), ('arvid', 3), ('infertile', 3), ('periwinkle', 3), ('guptan', 3), ('babua', 3), ('nadeem', 3), ('somchai', 3), ('dimitrius', 3), ('treesje', 3), ('j첩rgen', 3), ('midwestern', 3), ('shrew', 3), ('lucentio', 3), ('kakhan', 3), ('bnl', 3), ('compactor', 3), ('hyperjump', 3), ('wall-e\\\\', 3), ('m-o', 3), ('chhaya', 3), ('mafalda', 3), ('paradiso', 3), ('perduto', 3), ('mullin', 3), ('probationary', 3), ('ashton', 3), ('callously', 3), ('rau-ru', 3), ('hoda', 3), ('jairam', 3), ('julliard', 3), ('prudence\\\\', 3), ('mooring', 3), ('machakanni', 3), ('jinny', 3), ('santamaria', 3), ('mookie', 3), ('wojnar', 3), ('darley', 3), ('memory-wiped', 3), ('zapa', 3), ('peshawar', 3), ('agha', 3), ('hazara', 3), (\"o\\\\'connell\", 3), ('frazer', 3), ('whipple', 3), ('strand', 3), ('senthurayan', 3), ('sangeetha', 3), ('sakthivel', 3), ('leffingwell\\\\', 3), ('쏽ou', 3), ('mastronardi\\\\', 3), ('sebasti찼n', 3), ('m찼rquez', 3), ('vignette', 3), ('blaine', 3), ('manali', 3), ('uwe', 3), ('yu-rim', 3), ('evzen', 3), ('ev탑en', 3), ('jarda\\\\', 3), ('jung-min', 3), ('evaristo', 3), ('kath', 3), ('kawthar', 3), ('burnshaw', 3), ('moo', 3), ('toni\\\\', 3), ('cactus', 3), ('weller', 3), ('gaskells\\\\', 3), ('olsen', 3), ('cambaretti', 3), ('nutrition', 3), ('vortex\\\\', 3), ('gurkin', 3), ('georg', 3), ('shyama', 3), ('ranibala', 3), ('rukmini', 3), ('횁ngela', 3), ('ewa', 3), ('zdis흢aw', 3), ('janis\\\\', 3), ('ilona\\\\', 3), ('deerfield', 3), ('magiot', 3), ('macoute', 3), ('vallavaraayan', 3), ('vaanavarayan', 3), ('ponni', 3), ('livvy', 3), ('aniruddha', 3), ('panna', 3), ('sumita', 3), ('satish', 3), ('tabrez', 3), ('nirmala\\\\', 3), ('nepalese', 3), ('desideria', 3), ('bijli', 3), ('murli', 3), ('balachander', 3), ('hunnicutt', 3), ('mist', 3), ('mcteague', 3), ('hajj', 3), ('ababu', 3), ('wazir\\\\', 3), ('jency', 3), ('bandera', 3), ('lucas\\\\', 3), ('fitz', 3), ('dhananjay', 3), ('sharia', 3), ('saabo', 3), ('heer', 3), ('ranjani\\\\', 3), ('chellapa\\\\', 3), ('riya', 3), ('shravan', 3), ('jiggy', 3), ('calanda', 3), ('rubaina', 3), ('hit-man', 3), ('eliza', 3), ('soni', 3), ('fritzie', 3), ('rowan', 2), ('atkinson', 2), ('monogamy', 2), ('minister\\\\', 2), ('requite', 2), ('viktoria', 2), ('stampede', 2), ('sulks', 2), ('qualified', 2), ('unused', 2), ('harp', 2), ('tobin', 2), ('disruption', 2), ('vacated', 2), ('selwyn\\\\', 2), ('eerie', 2), ('silencio', 2), ('hey', 2), ('camilla\\\\', 2), ('shortcut', 2), ('braddock', 2), ('enroll', 2), ('mistreat', 2), ('elaine\\\\', 2), ('tattered', 2), ('scorpion', 2), ('safehouse', 2), ('pre-op', 2), ('transwoman', 2), ('co-operate', 2), ('lowers', 2), ('re-introduced', 2), ('쁄ddie', 2), ('manhole', 2), ('dumpster', 2), ('pediatrician', 2), ('dreamy', 2), ('pre-wedding', 2), ('week-long', 2), ('mosquitoes', 2), ('1977.', 2), ('albright', 2), ('philosophies', 2), ('cools', 2), ('channing', 2), ('bemoaning', 2), ('supplant', 2), ('scathing', 2), ('eagerness', 2), ('showcasing', 2), ('brewer', 2), ('adoration', 2), ('daringly', 2), ('thunderous', 2), ('lacey', 2), ('angle', 2), ('landlords', 2), ('swanky', 2), ('condones', 2), ('shaky', 2), ('bros.', 2), ('circus\\\\', 2), ('season\\\\', 2), ('swath', 2), ('converses', 2), ('bandages', 2), ('puddle', 2), ('craps', 2), ('skylar', 2), ('recently-released', 2), ('inserted', 2), ('intermission', 2), ('insights', 2), ('dryden', 2), ('assessment', 2), ('outspokenness', 2), ('daud', 2), ('farraj', 2), ('attach', 2), ('camel', 2), ('howeitat', 2), ('arabs', 2), ('executing', 2), ('arabia', 2), ('scouts', 2), ('flogged', 2), ('damascus', 2), ('warriors', 2), ('retreating', 2), ('slaughtered', 2), ('administer', 2), ('utilities', 2), ('diplomats', 2), ('notifying', 2), ('resuming', 2), ('now-famous', 2), ('taped', 2), ('petals', 2), ('60,000', 2), ('twenty-three', 2), ('eccentrics', 2), ('contentment', 2), ('renoir', 2), ('amelie', 2), ('collignon', 2), ('copied', 2), (\"'seventeen-year-old\", 2), ('pickens', 2), ('buckeye', 2), ('whitecotton', 2), ('undetected', 2), ('bowdoin', 2), ('12:15', 2), ('meyers', 2), ('exterminator', 2), ('5th', 2), ('sued', 2), ('copyright', 2), ('environmentalist', 2), ('naturalization', 2), ('quirks', 2), (\"'spoiled\", 2), ('warne', 2), ('danker', 2), ('lifting', 2), ('ellie\\\\', 2), ('enabling', 2), (\"'kate\", 2), ('citizenship', 2), ('intolerance', 2), ('cheeses', 2), ('rudeness', 2), ('golightly', 2), ('o.j', 2), ('brokenhearted', 2), ('discontented', 2), ('jaffe', 2), ('imani', 2), ('independent-minded', 2), ('mcdowell\\\\', 2), ('herder', 2), ('renounce', 2), ('curtly', 2), ('dejectedly', 2), ('trafficks', 2), ('gus\\\\', 2), ('familiarly', 2), ('double-crosses', 2), ('hawk', 2), ('lurking', 2), ('double-crossing', 2), ('where\\\\', 2), ('coos', 2), ('reasonable', 2), ('caustic', 2), ('bluntman', 2), ('baiting', 2), ('comics', 2), ('dissolved', 2), ('hopkins', 2), ('suggestive', 2), ('moonlit', 2), ('glossop', 2), ('geologist', 2), ('much-married', 2), ('egbert', 2), ('co-respondent', 2), ('mimi\\\\', 2), ('contrive', 2), ('attach챕', 2), ('sylvania', 2), ('travers', 2), ('billman', 2), ('longfellow', 2), ('co-owner', 2), ('inhabitant', 2), ('damsel', 2), ('enormously', 2), ('wholehearted', 2), ('babe\\\\', 2), ('wray', 2), ('pixilated', 2), ('leeson', 2), ('oversees', 2), ('transplants', 2), ('rojo', 2), ('streetcar', 2), ('drug-addicted', 2), ('sapic', 2), ('esteban\\\\', 2), ('almod처var', 2), ('recreates', 2), ('pinning', 2), ('traherne', 2), ('growth', 2), ('ailments', 2), ('life-threatening', 2), ('painless', 2), ('swift', 2), ('corrupts', 2), ('exacting', 2), ('kittredge', 2), ('kidd', 2), ('imbrie', 2), ('deluzy-desportes', 2), ('ector', 2), ('jousting', 2), ('rouen', 2), ('patents', 2), ('colville\\\\', 2), ('deficit', 2), ('piercing', 2), ('lances', 2), ('tilts', 2), ('bellows', 2), ('mcluhan', 2), ('uproarious', 2), ('lobster', 2), ('chippewa', 2), ('flexibility', 2), ('marred', 2), ('summation', 2), ('overwork', 2), ('gideon\\\\', 2), ('flows', 2), ('improvement', 2), ('bypass', 2), ('matter-of-fact', 2), ('500,000', 2), ('bargaining', 2), ('stand-up', 2), (\"'doris\", 2), ('kip', 2), ('college-age', 2), ('judgmental', 2), ('kazan', 2), ('three-hour', 2), ('armenian', 2), ('minorities', 2), ('bereft', 2), ('subterranean', 2), ('hovel', 2), ('bloodshed', 2), ('purportedly', 2), ('disposal', 2), ('topples', 2), ('moodiness', 2), ('entreats', 2), ('disconnecting', 2), ('nightfall', 2), ('encampment', 2), ('creep', 2), ('obliged', 2), ('innisfree', 2), ('loud-mouthed', 2), ('outbid', 2), ('sanction', 2), ('tillane', 2), ('challenger', 2), ('thorn', 2), ('rev', 2), ('castletown', 2), ('matin챕e', 2), ('consultant', 2), ('messiter', 2), ('chattering', 2), ('squeezes', 2), ('extending', 2), ('spacing', 2), ('instantaneously', 2), ('emissary', 2), ('confidentially', 2), ('amassing', 2), ('weirding', 2), ('modules', 2), ('navigator', 2), ('prophetic', 2), ('bene', 2), ('gesserit', 2), ('sisterhood', 2), ('kwisatz', 2), ('haderach', 2), ('excruciating', 2), ('rabban', 2), ('feyd-rautha', 2), ('gigantic', 2), ('sandworms', 2), ('underestimated', 2), ('withstand', 2), ('sardaukar', 2), ('wellington', 2), ('yueh', 2), ('awaking', 2), ('alia', 2), ('relieves', 2), ('paleontologist', 2), ('tame', 2), ('zoologist', 2), ('slocum', 2), ('sneaked', 2), ('shoo', 2), ('reconstruction', 2), ('dinosaur', 2), ('hawks', 2), ('rutgers', 2), ('dedicating', 2), ('unveiled', 2), ('newsboys', 2), ('millionaire\\\\', 2), ('rolls-royce', 2), ('thrashed', 2), ('burglars', 2), ('shyly', 2), ('socially-conscious', 2), ('thou', 2), ('double-decker', 2), ('kitchens', 2), ('publicized', 2), ('sullivan\\\\', 2), ('dreary', 2), ('ingenious', 2), ('hard-boiled', 2), ('hildy\\\\', 2), ('reprieve', 2), ('margolese', 2), ('love-triangle', 2), ('gunsmith', 2), (\"'jean\", 2), ('larcenous', 2), ('woman-shy', 2), ('muggsy', 2), ('benedict', 2), ('effusive', 2), ('canned', 2), ('telegrams', 2), ('courtelin', 2), ('var챔ze', 2), ('tailoring', 2), (\"d\\\\'artelines\", 2), ('man-hungry', 2), ('savignac', 2), ('intolerable', 2), ('jeanette\\\\', 2), ('altering', 2), ('recoils', 2), ('rhapsody', 2), ('twice-divorced', 2), ('42-year-old', 2), ('jeremiah', 2), ('isaac\\\\', 2), ('snobbery', 2), ('amendment', 2), ('emphasizes', 2), ('corrupted', 2), ('skyline', 2), ('recuperate', 2), ('scatter-brained', 2), ('resignedly', 2), ('ditsy', 2), ('ad-libs', 2), ('cornelia\\\\', 2), ('salts', 2), ('freeloader', 2), ('endorses', 2), ('house\\\\', 2), ('invitational', 2), ('tau', 2), ('chi', 2), ('urinating', 2), ('dues', 2), ('smooth-talking', 2), ('pepperidge', 2), ('popping', 2), ('mashed', 2), ('potatoes', 2), ('propelling', 2), ('babs', 2), ('revoke', 2), ('toga', 2), ('hulking', 2), ('flounder\\\\', 2), ('katy', 2), ('inaccurate', 2), ('unemployment', 2), ('ekes', 2), ('nebbishy', 2), ('bialystock\\\\', 2), ('shuffling', 2), ('ex-nazi', 2), ('bris', 2), ('l.s.d.\\\\', 2), ('widely', 2), ('sedative', 2), ('regal', 2), ('carved', 2), ('sleeve', 2), ('discreetly', 2), ('allusion', 2), ('linger', 2), (\"'alfred\", 2), ('high-strung', 2), ('봨ust', 2), ('klara', 2), ('openings', 2), ('matrimony', 2), ('carnation', 2), ('balding', 2), ('textual', 2), ('storybook', 2), ('jeweled', 2), ('untidy', 2), ('surmise', 2), ('colombo', 2), ('beanstock', 2), ('outrigger', 2), ('shopkeepers', 2), ('stirs', 2), ('lagoon', 2), ('8,000', 2), ('swooning', 2), ('exacerbating', 2), ('nichols', 2), ('carlisle', 2), ('extricate', 2), ('character\\\\', 2), ('slugs', 2), ('mistook', 2), ('probes', 2), ('leaks', 2), ('heap', 2), ('universities', 2), ('disagreements', 2), ('consult', 2), ('unrelated', 2), ('insincere', 2), ('extremes', 2), ('inconsiderate', 2), ('grievous', 2), ('amputating', 2), ('reforms', 2), ('repays', 2), ('prizefight', 2), ('sounding', 2), ('murdoch\\\\', 2), ('gassed', 2), ('trenches', 2), ('melbridge', 2), ('fifteen-year-old', 2), ('safeguard', 2), ('jog', 2), ('unlock', 2), ('viewpoint', 2), ('excellency', 2), ('tenth', 2), ('bemusement', 2), ('arising', 2), ('clothe', 2), ('restoring', 2), (\"'just\", 2), ('suspense', 2), ('emasculated', 2), ('manleigh', 2), ('scotia', 2), ('reigns', 2), ('concur', 2), ('queen\\\\', 2), ('theatres', 2), ('indecency', 2), ('accurately', 2), ('kylie', 2), ('banish', 2), ('townswomen', 2), ('exorcised', 2), ('exorcise', 2), ('wrongdoing', 2), ('embraced', 2), ('coplin', 2), ('taller', 2), ('boudreau', 2), ('atf', 2), ('fraught', 2), ('frying', 2), ('u-turn', 2), ('garcia', 2), ('reassured', 2), ('distribution', 2), ('cessi', 2), ('breathless', 2), ('desiring', 2), ('anita\\\\', 2), ('katsumi', 2), ('strengthens', 2), ('cheetah\\\\', 2), ('derisively', 2), ('earshot', 2), ('goodwill', 2), ('mantle', 2), ('cristal\\\\', 2), ('rescinded', 2), ('juxtaposes', 2), ('hypocritical', 2), ('tutors', 2), ('sorrowfully', 2), ('upton', 2), ('lustfully', 2), ('boisterous', 2), ('jones\\\\', 2), ('conveyed', 2), ('gallows', 2), ('roving', 2), ('edit', 2), ('bookish', 2), ('adorned', 2), ('famine', 2), ('decadently', 2), ('reserves', 2), ('hounded', 2), ('serene', 2), ('cyst', 2), ('assertiveness', 2), ('thankful', 2), ('jolts', 2), ('acquisition', 2), ('intercept', 2), ('outdoorsman', 2), ('outsiders', 2), ('inbred', 2), ('vehicles', 2), ('banjo-playing', 2), ('patronizing', 2), ('derides', 2), ('moonshine', 2), ('dispatch', 2), ('gorge', 2), ('deer', 2), ('deputies', 2), ('psychologically', 2), ('uncomplicated', 2), ('m찼laga', 2), ('clutch', 2), ('bedding', 2), ('trousers', 2), ('traveller\\\\', 2), ('cheques', 2), ('monitors', 2), ('attica', 2), ('pizzas', 2), ('diabetic', 2), ('dashboard', 2), ('sal\\\\', 2), ('stretcher', 2), (\"'paula\", 2), ('rehearses', 2), ('dolan', 2), ('oneders', 2), ('siler', 2), ('low-budget', 2), ('disillusions', 2), ('catalog', 2), ('bolstered', 2), ('captions', 2), ('sustained', 2), ('plucks', 2), ('risen', 2), ('self-assured', 2), ('ferocious', 2), ('illustrating', 2), ('geist', 2), ('renegotiate', 2), ('gravitate', 2), ('spartacus', 2), ('chauvinist', 2), ('maid\\\\', 2), ('mars', 2), ('봮nly', 2), ('love-hate', 2), ('moines', 2), ('tenuous', 2), ('spooks', 2), ('stroller', 2), ('lumps', 2), ('out-of-place', 2), ('patsy\\\\', 2), ('teddy\\\\', 2), ('unloved', 2), ('aurora\\\\', 2), ('rubbish', 2), ('fabricate', 2), ('leeds', 2), ('24-month', 2), ('secondary', 2), ('entanglement', 2), ('stimulating', 2), ('professed', 2), ('infertility', 2), ('timeline', 2), ('marx', 2), ('anecdotes', 2), ('ingmar', 2), ('successive', 2), ('ticino', 2), ('sliced', 2), ('plucked', 2), ('fianc챕\\\\', 2), ('tux', 2), ('loretta\\\\', 2), ('wingo', 2), ('shrimp', 2), ('woodruff', 2), ('poets', 2), ('intellectuals', 2), ('sheltering', 2), ('hoop', 2), ('insufficient', 2), ('ada\\\\', 2), ('inscribed', 2), ('deprive', 2), ('rowed', 2), ('hath', 2), ('roberta\\\\', 2), ('fondle', 2), ('sucks', 2), ('fellates', 2), ('ashly', 2), ('sauna', 2), ('penetrates', 2), ('cowgirl', 2), ('foods', 2), ('excesses', 2), ('nightstand', 2), ('sculpt', 2), ('microphones', 2), ('report\\\\', 2), ('tidwell', 2), ('26-year-old', 2), ('misanthrope', 2), ('verdell', 2), ('acutely', 2), ('asthmatic', 2), ('lessen', 2), ('once-successful', 2), ('lomper', 2), ('well-endowed', 2), ('seized', 2), ('sweatbox', 2), ('armored', 2), ('devised', 2), ('goings', 2), ('precision', 2), ('airways', 2), ('inbound', 2), ('봶hile', 2), ('girlfriends\\\\', 2), ('state-of-the-art', 2), ('existing', 2), ('1910.', 2), ('bandits', 2), ('newman\\\\', 2), ('wasp-ish', 2), ('fuentes', 2), ('thirty-ish', 2), ('esso', 2), ('anjou', 2), ('1923', 2), ('marriage.http', 2), ('shipmate', 2), ('21-year', 2), ('22nd', 2), ('vets', 2), ('stockholder', 2), ('leilani', 2), ('destroyer', 2), ('polynesian', 2), ('hereditary', 2), ('unknowing', 2), ('utters', 2), ('dispirited', 2), ('helper', 2), ('backstory', 2), ('else\\\\', 2), ('underdog', 2), ('neighborhoods', 2), ('eleven-year-old', 2), ('kathleen\\\\', 2), ('boycott', 2), ('behest', 2), ('somber', 2), ('friendliness', 2), ('relaxation', 2), ('self-confessed', 2), ('par', 2), ('moron', 2), ('compile', 2), ('skateboarder', 2), ('delinquents', 2), ('delightful', 2), ('clings', 2), ('wheelchair-bound', 2), ('ransacks', 2), ('stairwell', 2), ('polo', 2), ('forcefully', 2), ('goatee', 2), ('anonymity', 2), ('premier', 2), ('broadcaster', 2), ('chauffeured', 2), ('jilts', 2), ('cutler', 2), ('enforce', 2), ('garth', 2), ('telecast', 2), ('scrutiny', 2), ('malloy', 2), ('vindicating', 2), ('audio', 2), (\"'before\", 2), ('yusuf', 2), ('purify', 2), ('flipper\\\\', 2), ('pawned', 2), ('trashing', 2), ('mcgland', 2), ('mouthful', 2), ('day-to-day', 2), ('cliffside', 2), ('flophouse', 2), ('spacious', 2), ('mingling', 2), ('formulate', 2), (\"'nina\", 2), ('heating', 2), ('self-centred', 2), ('wilkinson', 2), ('attain', 2), ('attaining', 2), ('arkansas', 2), ('small-engine', 2), ('institutionalization', 2), ('cunningham', 2), ('karl\\\\', 2), ('premature', 2), ('undecided', 2), ('biscuits', 2), ('incarceration', 2), ('loyally', 2), ('graphically', 2), ('lanchester', 2), ('frankenstein\\\\', 2), ('sade', 2), ('penning', 2), ('maddy', 2), ('deprivation', 2), ('dauphin', 2), ('imaginable', 2), ('decorates', 2), ('feces', 2), ('chokes', 2), ('predecessor', 2), ('quill', 2), ('overseer', 2), ('thrusts', 2), ('brusque', 2), ('joyless', 2), ('psychosomatic', 2), ('mineral', 2), ('manufacturing', 2), ('waponi', 2), ('handcrafted', 2), ('fanatically', 2), ('lashing', 2), ('fortuitously', 2), ('takers', 2), ('stinks', 2), ('damper', 2), ('braille', 2), ('sidewalks', 2), ('maynard', 2), ('hubert', 2), ('1919', 2), ('frenchmen', 2), ('sedley', 2), ('bronfman', 2), ('comfortably', 2), ('patronizes', 2), ('excerpt', 2), ('ockham', 2), ('inheres', 2), ('spatially', 2), ('organist', 2), ('lynnfield', 2), ('uproar', 2), ('serialized', 2), ('busybody', 2), ('waterbury', 2), ('smugly', 2), ('teetotaler', 2), ('confining', 2), ('digges', 2), ('vocabulary', 2), ('deb', 2), ('mcintyre', 2), ('rennie', 2), ('resolute', 2), ('well-connected', 2), ('pities', 2), ('institute\\\\', 2), ('lafayette', 2), ('self-centeredness', 2), ('home\\\\', 2), ('parkington', 2), ('christmastime', 2), ('great-granddaughter', 2), ('great-grandmother', 2), ('chambermaid', 2), ('guesthouse', 2), ('livingstones', 2), ('parkingtons', 2), ('loathing', 2), ('mehmet', 2), ('derelict', 2), ('reopen', 2), ('lounges', 2), ('vengeur', 2), ('feria', 2), ('lysiane', 2), ('underhanded', 2), (\"'pearl\", 2), ('mccanles', 2), ('belle\\\\', 2), ('langford', 2), ('derail', 2), ('foist', 2), ('shun', 2), ('flummoxed', 2), ('libertine', 2), ('hopelessness', 2), (\"'doc\", 2), ('disreputable', 2), ('nordleys', 2), ('gorillas', 2), ('wounding', 2), ('surrendering', 2), ('akron', 2), ('signora', 2), ('phyl', 2), ('antiques', 2), ('rossi', 2), ('murano', 2), ('murmurs', 2), ('apt', 2), ('astonish', 2), ('projecting', 2), (\"'jan\", 2), ('morrow', 2), ('self-reliant', 2), ('stereotypically', 2), ('collaborate', 2), ('decor', 2), ('pillows', 2), (\"'gloria\", 2), ('bingham', 2), ('bing\\\\', 2), ('norma\\\\', 2), ('thurber', 2), ('insinuates', 2), ('dollface', 2), ('tainted', 2), ('branded', 2), ('devoutly', 2), ('ciociaria', 2), ('terrain', 2), ('alphonse', 2), ('straightforward', 2), ('storytelling', 2), ('periodic', 2), ('threshold', 2), ('tenoch\\\\', 2), ('measured', 2), ('confessions', 2), ('kneels', 2), ('institutional', 2), ('perfunctory', 2), ('bouncers', 2), ('thacker', 2), ('headphones', 2), ('prick', 2), ('plot|date', 2), ('1924', 2), ('1949.', 2), ('superfluous', 2), ('weep', 2), ('douzi\\\\', 2), ('shiqing', 2), ('upheavals', 2), ('onset', 2), ('feudal', 2), ('contraband', 2), ('mended', 2), ('palme', 2), ('wretched', 2), ('timed', 2), ('absences', 2), ('benziger', 2), ('sakes', 2), ('reap', 2), ('invests', 2), ('suppresses', 2), ('douce', 2), ('nestor\\\\', 2), ('bribery', 2), ('alter-ego', 2), ('tailed', 2), ('moustache\\\\', 2), ('years\\\\', 2), ('ex-pimp', 2), ('mckenzie', 2), ('killer\\\\', 2), ('gloom', 2), ('honeymooning', 2), ('firewood', 2), ('1962.', 2), ('trek', 2), ('re-enact', 2), ('degraded', 2), ('singaporean', 2), ('ashtray', 2), ('francois', 2), ('mans', 2), ('bravo', 2), (\"'mary\", 2), ('oddball', 2), ('midlands', 2), ('brangwen', 2), ('tibby', 2), ('village\\\\', 2), ('discourse', 2), ('ragtime', 2), ('paperweight', 2), ('gudrun\\\\', 2), ('rupert\\\\', 2), ('schoolmaster', 2), ('shaughnessy', 2), ('spoilt', 2), ('banging', 2), ('footprints', 2), ('detonating', 2), ('hideously', 2), ('mutilated', 2), ('m찼ximo', 2), ('toothache', 2), ('lashed', 2), ('marina\\\\', 2), ('mix-up', 2), ('servers', 2), ('flo', 2), ('wisecracking', 2), ('kabak', 2), ('shamelessly', 2), ('condolences', 2), ('recipes', 2), ('skyscraper', 2), ('callaghan', 2), ('misinterpreting', 2), ('belated', 2), ('apollonia', 2), (\"'roy\", 2), ('griswold', 2), ('clinical', 2), ('contention', 2), ('flaw', 2), ('pga', 2), ('jacobsen', 2), ('12th', 2), ('pros', 2), ('implements', 2), ('carve', 2), ('stopover', 2), ('post-credits', 2), ('economically', 2), ('hallways', 2), ('indiscriminately', 2), ('moe', 2), ('milletail', 2), ('dombes', 2), ('gr챕goire', 2), ('recuperates', 2), ('ponceludon\\\\', 2), ('adversary', 2), ('certification', 2), ('maliciously', 2), ('cannoneer', 2), ('volkswagen', 2), ('mall\\\\', 2), ('hicks', 2), ('bandleader', 2), ('triumphantly', 2), ('ever-present', 2), ('undercurrent', 2), ('lyrical', 2), ('saluting', 2), ('nsdap', 2), ('trio\\\\', 2), ('allude', 2), ('forty-something', 2), ('schoolmistress', 2), ('ovarian', 2), ('pocketbook', 2), ('thief\\\\', 2), ('illustrates', 2), ('mountaintop', 2), ('birdcage', 2), ('armand\\\\', 2), ('bowls', 2), ('pitfalls', 2), ('interfaith', 2), ('master\\\\', 2), ('marilyn\\\\', 2), ('belvedere', 2), ('walk-in', 2), ('oven', 2), ('thank-you', 2), ('sustaining', 2), ('frequency', 2), ('marchand', 2), ('moll', 2), ('announcer', 2), (\"'zachary\", 2), ('mayo', 2), ('hazes', 2), ('dor', 2), ('commissioning', 2), ('simulation', 2), ('lynette\\\\', 2), ('rods', 2), ('atomic', 2), ('generating', 2), ('negatives', 2), ('faulty', 2), ('omen', 2), ('praetorian', 2), ('nerva', 2), ('diseases', 2), ('hasten', 2), ('ascent', 2), ('strangling', 2), ('longinus', 2), ('isis', 2), ('enacted', 2), ('drusilla\\\\', 2), ('senatorial', 2), ('estates', 2), ('desecrated', 2), (\"'peggy\", 2), ('inquiries', 2), ('regretful', 2), ('strudel', 2), ('nightlife', 2), ('retiring', 2), ('performer\\\\', 2), ('minstrel', 2), ('falters', 2), ('newport', 2), ('self-discovery', 2), ('conservatives', 2), ('carbon', 2), ('dismal', 2), ('mcinerney', 2), ('solidifying', 2), ('lobbyist', 2), ('jeopardizing', 2), ('priority', 2), ('eloquently', 2), ('solving', 2), ('swingers', 2), ('penises', 2), ('summerset', 2), ('indiscreet', 2), ('mcdonald', 2), ('checked', 2), ('semen', 2), ('choked', 2), ('preaches', 2), ('cortland', 2), ('helm', 2), ('aborigines', 2), ('tribal', 2), ('high-schooler', 2), ('zipper', 2), ('favre', 2), (\"'lee\", 2), ('martyr', 2), ('psyche', 2), ('policewoman', 2), ('surgically', 2), ('testicle', 2), ('line-up', 2), ('olsson', 2), ('stephanie\\\\', 2), ('t-birds\\\\', 2), ('cozy', 2), ('hand-in-hand', 2), (\"'larry\", 2), ('singular', 2), ('ricki\\\\', 2), ('sutphin', 2), ('smallest', 2), ('stubbins', 2), ('skillfully', 2), ('indoor', 2), ('autographed', 2), ('scotty\\\\', 2), ('sterners', 2), ('watcher', 2), ('pandemonium', 2), ('psycho', 2), ('nuisance', 2), ('hodges', 2), ('merits', 2), ('diabolical', 2), ('navarre', 2), ('contemplation', 2), ('fulfil', 2), ('fellows', 2), ('nuptial', 2), ('appleton', 2), ('up-and-coming', 2), ('one-handed', 2), ('halting', 2), ('saunders', 2), ('associations', 2), ('brainstorming', 2), ('alexa', 2), ('hotpants', 2), ('vcr', 2), ('400', 2), ('strolling', 2), ('definitive', 2), ('hallucinating', 2), ('controller', 2), ('incorporated', 2), ('imitation', 2), ('assorted', 2), ('mind-altering', 2), ('substances', 2), ('benway', 2), ('doppelg채nger', 2), ('derived', 2), ('annexia', 2), ('commute', 2), ('inexpensive', 2), ('dieting', 2), ('heed', 2), ('winslows', 2), ('rookie', 2), ('hiroko', 2), ('uchiyama\\\\', 2), ('suspension', 2), ('pennant', 2), ('outs', 2), ('bunt', 2), ('fouls', 2), ('giants\\\\', 2), (\"'sonny\", 2), ('sprang', 2), ('kira\\\\', 2), ('mnemosyne', 2), ('silhouette', 2), ('grubman', 2), ('cardiologist', 2), ('chiropractor', 2), ('diane\\\\', 2), ('badmouths', 2), ('melts', 2), ('spawn', 2), ('stagnetti\\\\', 2), ('bad-boy', 2), ('calhoun', 2), ('sight-seeing', 2), ('fascinates', 2), ('mermaid\\\\', 2), ('fun-filled', 2), ('spoils', 2), ('pretenses', 2), ('petting', 2), ('favourably', 2), ('jambalaya', 2), ('lundy\\\\', 2), ('maneuver', 2), ('dyer', 2), ('documentarian', 2), ('lelaina\\\\', 2), ('contracting', 2), ('burroughs', 2), ('trench', 2), ('disperses', 2), ('ph.d.', 2), ('calvinist', 2), ('seductress', 2), ('wasp', 2), ('psychiatrists', 2), ('diatribe', 2), ('piloted', 2), ('co-pilot', 2), ('modern-day', 2), ('evading', 2), ('hypnotizes', 2), ('bon', 2), ('midlife', 2), ('peanuts', 2), ('penultimate', 2), ('9/11', 2), (\"\\\\'love\", 2), ('videotaped', 2), ('aur챕lia', 2), ('detection', 2), ('nativity', 2), ('mourn', 2), ('caterer', 2), ('asset', 2), ('stunningly', 2), ('simulating', 2), ('on-set', 2), ('groupie', 2), ('herds', 2), ('sondelius', 2), ('puckett', 2), ('b.e.a.t', 2), ('underwent', 2), ('hardcore', 2), ('dispel', 2), ('thirsting', 2), ('centerpiece', 2), ('contagion', 2), ('hypothesis', 2), ('bathhouse', 2), ('burton\\\\', 2), ('scapegoating', 2), ('transmitted', 2), ('squirts', 2), ('curator', 2), ('voicing', 2), ('ragazza', 2), ('perspectives', 2), ('examples', 2), ('bicycles', 2), ('whistles', 2), ('rife', 2), ('vans', 2), ('housework', 2), ('antenna', 2), ('stratford', 2), ('kat\\\\', 2), ('verona', 2), ('ill-tempered', 2), ('drizella', 2), ('bestows', 2), ('coachman', 2), ('humming', 2), ('geography', 2), ('etienne\\\\', 2), ('dishonest', 2), ('photo-shoot', 2), ('constraints', 2), ('ninth', 2), ('two-man', 2), ('long-running', 2), ('lyric', 2), ('zheng', 2), ('crackdown', 2), ('mattered', 2), ('jingping', 2), ('enlargement', 2), ('erica\\\\', 2), ('nyc', 2), ('rehearsed', 2), ('denials', 2), ('supervising', 2), ('tampered', 2), ('jerzy', 2), ('stuhr', 2), ('retreated', 2), ('reproduce', 2), ('thickens', 2), ('rebirth', 2), ('naturalised', 2), ('feminists', 2), ('interweaving', 2), ('babysits', 2), ('bedtime', 2), ('isobel', 2), ('mercurial', 2), ('curly', 2), ('snag', 2), ('toula\\\\', 2), ('helpfully', 2), ('hysteria', 2), ('snow-covered', 2), ('lip-syncing', 2), ('yaeli', 2), ('night-time', 2), ('articulate', 2), ('jagger\\\\', 2), ('solanas', 2), ('distinctive', 2), ('olympia', 2), ('waving', 2), ('grilled', 2), ('beers', 2), ('symbolises', 2), ('girlish', 2), ('merchandising', 2), ('huntington', 2), ('manicurist', 2), ('cross-examination', 2), ('permed', 2), ('chutney\\\\', 2), ('firms', 2), ('auditor', 2), ('auditing', 2), ('import', 2), ('skepticism', 2), ('capitol', 2), ('barbie', 2), ('paged', 2), ('rottweiller', 2), ('commerce', 2), ('hauser', 2), ('ann-marie', 2), ('trans', 2), ('wust', 2), ('1944.', 2), ('ilse', 2), ('berliners', 2), ('2006.', 2), ('crudely', 2), ('homosexuals', 2), ('hooligan', 2), ('perverted', 2), ('pronounce', 2), ('hash', 2), ('leica', 2), ('kristoff', 2), ('papal', 2), ('frommer', 2), ('plane\\\\', 2), ('torrance', 2), ('extraordinarily', 2), ('chevrolet', 2), ('gondolli', 2), ('scripts', 2), ('crossfire', 2), ('squander', 2), ('rahad', 2), ('ren챕', 2), ('mcdonough', 2), ('trax', 2), ('metalheads', 2), ('iona\\\\', 2), ('confiding', 2), ('50th', 2), ('carts', 2), (\"'eight\", 2), ('elf', 2), ('distressing', 2), ('adore', 2), ('slack', 2), ('remnant', 2), ('dreadful', 2), ('wastes', 2), ('festive', 2), ('emory\\\\', 2), ('indoors', 2), ('alan\\\\', 2), ('kristallnacht', 2), ('perel', 2), ('grodno', 2), ('auxiliary', 2), ('rosemarie', 2), ('f체hrer', 2), ('concealing', 2), ('circumcision', 2), ('detecting', 2), ('sympathize', 2), ('emigrates', 2), ('brotherhood', 2), ('unity', 2), ('fellowship', 2), ('burgle', 2), ('liszt', 2), (\"d'agoult\", 2), ('musset', 2), ('face-off', 2), ('dedicate', 2), ('jealousies', 2), ('ten-year', 2), ('eighteen-year', 2), ('torments', 2), ('ferrell', 2), ('austin\\\\', 2), ('diner\\\\', 2), (\"'andrew\", 2), ('spasms', 2), ('computer\\\\', 2), ('admittedly', 2), ('inaction', 2), ('wheeler\\\\', 2), ('awarding', 2), ('punitive', 2), ('totaling', 2), (\"'thirteen-year-old\", 2), ('freeland', 2), ('inhaling', 2), ('spinning', 2), ('merry-go-round', 2), ('trend', 2), ('brainstorm', 2), ('bashed', 2), ('ruffalo', 2), ('packet', 2), ('doubting', 2), ('falk', 2), ('gennie', 2), ('roxy\\\\', 2), ('brunch', 2), ('henri-luc', 2), ('entertained', 2), ('walkers', 2), ('eclectic', 2), ('dexter\\\\', 2), ('regretfully', 2), ('oahu', 2), ('ula', 2), ('islander', 2), ('hukilau', 2), ('lisping', 2), ('relive', 2), ('instruct', 2), ('plates', 2), ('keats', 2), ('alaska', 2), ('leezak', 2), ('fasten', 2), ('approving', 2), ('goldstein', 2), ('confidential', 2), ('.38', 2), ('caliber', 2), ('drive-by', 2), ('christens', 2), ('four-week', 2), ('outback', 2), ('crossbow', 2), ('shuttle', 2), ('accuracy', 2), ('assassinations', 2), ('physics', 2), ('remodel', 2), ('lazlo', 2), ('misuse', 2), ('project\\\\', 2), ('laslo', 2), ('coordinates', 2), ('expands', 2), ('overheats', 2), ('ransacked', 2), ('meck', 2), ('dynamics', 2), ('araujo', 2), ('variant', 2), ('foley\\\\', 2), ('ripley', 2), ('bragged', 2), ('uncut', 2), ('b-movie', 2), ('candlelit', 2), ('lenore', 2), ('sensed', 2), ('leaved', 2), ('쏬ucky', 2), ('life.', 2), ('decorating', 2), ('analyzed', 2), ('쐀aby', 2), ('billed', 2), ('flashy', 2), ('coolidge', 2), ('normy\\\\', 2), ('untie', 2), ('edna\\\\', 2), ('clark\\\\', 2), ('epitome', 2), ('pop-star', 2), ('incidental', 2), ('bunraku', 2), ('genovese', 2), ('retell', 2), ('flourish', 2), ('former\\\\', 2), ('spraying', 2), ('rant', 2), ('detector', 2), ('entombment', 2), ('make-believe', 2), ('obscurity', 2), ('jorgensen\\\\', 2), ('stand-in', 2), ('howland', 2), ('marguerite', 2), ('exacerbated', 2), ('entrepreneurial', 2), ('stagnates', 2), ('montauk', 2), ('inc.', 2), ('erasure', 2), ('peripheral', 2), ('beckons', 2), ('tweet', 2), ('piper', 2), ('meekly', 2), ('pasodoble', 2), ('federation', 2), ('spans', 2), ('suffocated', 2), ('climber', 2), ('bathrobes', 2), ('cardiac', 2), ('tissue', 2), ('depriving', 2), ('headstone', 2), (\"'sandy\", 2), ('phoning', 2), ('incriminate', 2), ('antidepressants', 2), ('epileptic', 2), ('fluently', 2), ('humane', 2), ('manchuria', 2), ('suffocation', 2), ('interned', 2), ('deems', 2), ('exceeding', 2), ('paraded', 2), ('barracks', 2), ('enterprisers', 2), ('928', 2), ('guido\\\\', 2), ('stoned', 2), ('famously', 2), ('speculate', 2), ('youtube', 2), ('cafe\\\\', 2), ('talentless', 2), ('entrances', 2), ('societal', 2), ('restraints', 2), ('tardieu', 2), ('gertie\\\\', 2), ('striving', 2), ('alternatively', 2), ('booed', 2), ('sklar', 2), ('taiwanese', 2), ('inventing', 2), ('atone', 2), ('countryman', 2), ('sorely', 2), ('stander', 2), ('stereotyped', 2), ('northwest', 2), ('ugliness', 2), ('firemen', 2), ('edie', 2), ('tish', 2), ('adorable', 2), ('families\\\\', 2), ('kyra', 2), ('sedgwick', 2), ('wavering', 2), ('grunge', 2), ('antiquities', 2), ('colton', 2), ('zolo\\\\', 2), ('onetime', 2), ('indebted', 2), ('anjali\\\\', 2), ('shifted', 2), ('emergence', 2), ('limelight', 2), ('hipster', 2), ('henpecked', 2), ('rifles', 2), ('pvt', 2), ('d.c..', 2), ('westport', 2), ('complement', 2), ('eli\\\\', 2), ('ex-colleague', 2), ('rightfully', 2), ('comprehensive', 2), ('calligraphy', 2), ('kyoto', 2), ('sh흲nagon\\\\', 2), ('yaji-san', 2), ('penmanship', 2), ('typo', 2), ('devising', 2), ('grotesque', 2), ('riddles', 2), ('sumo', 2), ('corrupting', 2), ('navigates', 2), ('iconography', 2), ('pizzeria', 2), ('indicated', 2), ('unfailingly', 2), ('good-hearted', 2), ('1876', 2), ('mountbatten', 2), ('disrespect', 2), ('thirtieth', 2), ('physicist', 2), ('roebling\\\\', 2), ('forecast', 2), ('shaft', 2), ('merit', 2), ('echoing', 2), ('pious', 2), ('kickboxer', 2), ('escorting', 2), ('loveable', 2), ('tom-tom', 2), ('wyman', 2), ('barricades', 2), ('magazine\\\\', 2), ('trustworthy', 2), ('revamp', 2), ('relaunch', 2), ('non-conformist', 2), ('persecuted', 2), ('prefects', 2), ('scum', 2), ('rowntree', 2), ('corridor', 2), ('washroom', 2), ('fondling', 2), ('strewn', 2), ('punishments', 2), ('administered', 2), ('run-up', 2), ('resembling', 2), ('horst', 2), ('봞re', 2), ('leering', 2), ('groping', 2), ('awed', 2), ('tongue-tied', 2), ('goodness', 2), ('overtake', 2), ('comparing', 2), ('santo', 2), ('vampires', 2), ('slay', 2), ('bigby', 2), ('break-off', 2), ('egan', 2), ('novelty', 2), ('harmonium', 2), ('loophole', 2), ('trumbell', 2), ('recklessness', 2), ('yamagata', 2), ('1966', 2), ('haul', 2), ('taxicabs', 2), ('horrify', 2), ('shorofsky', 2), ('lunchroom', 2), ('berg', 2), ('prinze', 2), ('dupont', 2), ('warp', 2), ('chagrined', 2), ('metropolis', 2), ('educate', 2), ('major-league', 2), ('haphazard', 2), ('matures', 2), ('asheville', 2), ('candle-lit', 2), ('sovereign', 2), ('evaluating', 2), ('theorist', 2), ('meddles', 2), ('stephie', 2), ('costello', 2), (\"'francesca\", 2), ('newsome', 2), ('cleopatra', 2), ('stoney\\\\', 2), ('wrongfully', 2), (\"'stanley\", 2), ('despairing', 2), ('readmitted', 2), ('specify', 2), ('margaret\\\\', 2), ('damnation', 2), ('tawdry', 2), ('automobiles', 2), ('stresses', 2), ('wedge', 2), ('vapid', 2), ('fares', 2), ('duk', 2), ('lumberjack', 2), ('pyramid', 2), ('jots', 2), ('sucked', 2), ('spirals', 2), ('sakini', 2), ('assimilated', 2), ('souvenirs', 2), ('geta', 2), ('beverage', 2), ('air-conditioned', 2), ('organic', 2), ('moonwalk', 2), ('carousing', 2), (\"'gaylord\", 2), ('byrnes\\\\', 2), ('malfunctioning', 2), ('sewage', 2), ('shielding', 2), ('consensual', 2), ('racially', 2), ('paraphernalia', 2), ('neo-nazis', 2), ('stretching', 2), ('thoroughbred', 2), ('panther', 2), ('posturing', 2), ('fest', 2), ('chanting', 2), ('maclean', 2), ('colliding', 2), ('upside-down', 2), ('uninvolved', 2), ('ultrasound', 2), ('nora\\\\', 2), ('horowitz\\\\', 2), ('applauds', 2), ('non-payment', 2), ('noelle\\\\', 2), ('eagle', 2), ('tongues', 2), ('forsaken', 2), ('heavier', 2), ('ten-day', 2), ('indefinite', 2), ('bitter-sweet', 2), ('sneezing', 2), ('nine-year-old', 2), ('krak처w', 2), ('offstage', 2), ('budenmayer', 2), ('graph', 2), ('fragment', 2), ('v챕ronique\\\\', 2), ('weinstein', 2), ('thermopolis', 2), ('flirted', 2), ('stomps', 2), ('nicholas\\\\', 2), ('sidesaddle', 2), ('misconstrues', 2), (\"'opening\", 2), ('buick', 2), ('lesabre', 2), ('injunction', 2), ('hispanic', 2), ('impervious', 2), ('holster', 2), ('kinney', 2), (\"'billy\", 2), ('impatiently', 2), ('idiotic', 2), ('subdues', 2), ('assuring', 2), ('mixer', 2), ('wreaking', 2), ('16-year', 2), ('bloc', 2), ('crematorium', 2), ('five-year-old', 2), ('monitored', 2), ('antibiotics', 2), ('pranksters', 2), ('imploring', 2), ('subsides', 2), ('blanc', 2), ('th챕창tre', 2), ('j챕richo', 2), ('clans', 2), ('improvising', 2), ('rouge', 2), ('횋douard', 2), ('montray', 2), ('unjustly', 2), ('fussy', 2), ('mortify', 2), ('count\\\\', 2), ('protector', 2), ('student\\\\', 2), ('classifieds', 2), ('keiran', 2), ('juanita', 2), ('warped', 2), ('demented', 2), ('mona\\\\', 2), ('gimmick', 2), ('hackneyed', 2), ('labrador', 2), ('ticks', 2), ('sought-after', 2), ('sizzling', 2), ('jingles', 2), ('burner', 2), ('unbreakable', 2), ('behaved', 2), ('cheerleaders', 2), ('etheridge', 2), ('distresses', 2), ('grapple', 2), ('woodward', 2), ('unsavory', 2), ('topped', 2), ('entertainers', 2), ('distaste', 2), ('above-ground', 2), ('upper-middle-class', 2), ('likeable', 2), ('demeanour', 2), ('sausages', 2), ('norwegian', 2), ('jan.', 2), ('damp', 2), ('wilkins', 2), ('tranquil', 2), ('father-in-law\\\\', 2), ('decency', 2), ('verlaine\\\\', 2), ('originality', 2), ('sybaritic', 2), ('renouncing', 2), ('posthumously', 2), ('shortsighted', 2), ('flamboyantly', 2), ('foists', 2), ('distinguish', 2), ('fadge', 2), ('specializing', 2), ('enacting', 2), ('devours', 2), ('cheaper', 2), ('bestseller', 2), ('cynic', 2), ('photojournalist', 2), ('sexless', 2), ('farther', 2), ('song-writer', 2), ('acclaim', 2), ('grimm', 2), ('envies', 2), ('manor\\\\', 2), ('orchard', 2), ('royals', 2), ('recalcitrant', 2), ('entrap', 2), ('defence', 2), ('casinos', 2), ('schooled', 2), ('bangers', 2), ('mash', 2), ('greene', 2), ('newscast', 2), ('percival', 2), ('ineptness', 2), ('zambezi', 2), ('accumulating', 2), ('nails', 2), ('coveted', 2), ('abdicate', 2), (\"'martin\", 2), ('vip', 2), ('privileges', 2), ('come-ons', 2), ('darnell\\\\', 2), ('misogyny', 2), ('aggravated', 2), ('widening', 2), ('braided', 2), ('ravel\\\\', 2), ('bol챕ro', 2), ('extinguished', 2), ('phonograph', 2), ('low-paying', 2), ('wristwatch', 2), ('serizy', 2), ('ren챕e', 2), ('s챕verine\\\\', 2), ('kinky', 2), ('bremen', 2), ('midas', 2), ('substituting', 2), ('redundant', 2), ('predestined', 2), ('replaceable', 2), ('precise', 2), ('zurich', 2), ('frankfurt', 2), ('sans', 2), ('submitting', 2), ('cheex', 2), ('layer', 2), ('sado-masochism', 2), ('voyeurism', 2), ('begged', 2), ('shipboard', 2), ('party-goers', 2), ('erotically', 2), ('philosophize', 2), ('exhaust', 2), ('narratives', 2), ('bogarde', 2), ('succumbing', 2), ('clinch', 2), ('behaviors', 2), ('mikey\\\\', 2), ('upperclass', 2), ('harper\\\\', 2), ('raveena\\\\', 2), ('ram\\\\', 2), ('heroically', 2), ('gogo\\\\', 2), ('cripples', 2), ('output', 2), ('mandatory', 2), ('landon\\\\', 2), ('scantily', 2), ('pry', 2), ('corinthians', 2), ('kalathur', 2), ('electrician', 2), ('zameen', 2), ('ratnam', 2), ('million-dollar', 2), ('professor\\\\', 2), ('20-year', 2), ('copeland', 2), ('mauled', 2), ('heather\\\\', 2), ('tackles', 2), ('unmasks', 2), ('disobeyed', 2), ('lutheran', 2), ('cadillac', 2), ('roughnecks', 2), ('emmy\\\\', 2), ('vice-president', 2), ('montrose', 2), ('angling', 2), ('machine\\\\', 2), ('trespassing', 2), ('vhs', 2), ('trait', 2), ('months\\\\', 2), ('terry\\\\', 2), ('pens', 2), ('theatrics', 2), ('abramovitz', 2), ('lent', 2), ('scantily-dressed', 2), ('40th', 2), ('brilliance', 2), ('criticisms', 2), ('autobiographical', 2), ('highlighting', 2), ('aggressiveness', 2), ('fatherless', 2), ('abner', 2), ('calendars', 2), (\"'terri\", 2), ('griffith', 2), ('sex-obsessed', 2), ('altercations', 2), ('shrink', 2), ('elkins', 2), ('lampert', 2), ('notify', 2), ('untoward', 2), ('goldberg', 2), ('startles', 2), ('principal\\\\', 2), ('chernor', 2), ('dempsey', 2), ('pump', 2), ('measles', 2), ('nursed', 2), ('inkling', 2), ('demille', 2), ('mitchum', 2), ('gaynor', 2), ('1784', 2), ('descendent', 2), ('pettigrews', 2), ('commissions', 2), ('23.', 2), ('ancestor', 2), ('reviewing', 2), ('incentive', 2), ('celine\\\\', 2), ('fiasco', 2), ('hunters', 2), ('decks', 2), ('roleplaying', 2), ('improbable', 2), ('folded', 2), ('whispered', 2), ('stepford', 2), ('mar', 2), ('vilgot', 2), ('sj철man', 2), ('ascetic', 2), ('non-violence', 2), ('embedded', 2), ('vilgot\\\\', 2), ('tract', 2), ('splendid', 2), ('fracas', 2), ('garb', 2), ('woolf\\\\', 2), ('real-time', 2), ('fleeting', 2), ('honestly', 2), ('analyse', 2), ('sweet-natured', 2), ('g철ran', 2), ('significantly', 2), ('rolf', 2), ('stefan', 2), ('lasse', 2), ('pinochet', 2), ('sidelined', 2), ('elisabeth\\\\', 2), ('concerted', 2), ('30-year', 2), ('blackberries', 2), (\"'over\", 2), ('emancipation', 2), ('proclamation', 2), ('mam', 2), ('designating', 2), ('cooperative', 2), ('collectively', 2), ('notions', 2), ('democracy', 2), ('whites', 2), ('informal', 2), ('backroom', 2), ('softball', 2), ('ethnicity', 2), ('bylaw', 2), ('neon', 2), ('prop', 2), ('roger\\\\', 2), ('ungrateful', 2), ('ethereal', 2), ('callie\\\\', 2), ('lalit', 2), ('monsoon', 2), ('four-day', 2), ('partner-in-crime', 2), ('strangest', 2), ('pippy', 2), ('hinduism', 2), ('bellinger', 2), ('mull', 2), ('moy', 2), ('gale', 2), ('whirlpool', 2), ('dared', 2), ('sanford', 2), ('magnet', 2), ('melissa\\\\', 2), ('replying', 2), ('delancey', 2), ('gleeful', 2), ('boer', 2), ('kaunitz', 2), ('twenty-year', 2), ('snubs', 2), ('repatriated', 2), ('vouches', 2), ('cistern', 2), ('regretted', 2), ('tapestry', 2), ('sic', 2), ('oyster', 2), ('one-year-old', 2), ('contrasting', 2), ('flushing', 2), ('scarface', 2), ('leflore', 2), ('unattended', 2), ('presidency', 2), ('ineffective', 2), ('takeover', 2), ('finder', 2), ('kiyoko\\\\', 2), ('alan-a-dale', 2), ('hypnotised', 2), ('crusades', 2), ('kluck', 2), ('jimena', 2), ('bernando\\\\', 2), ('exquisite', 2), ('11th', 2), ('worsening', 2), ('tiredness', 2), ('tricky', 2), ('everard', 2), ('sicilian', 2), ('anglican', 2), ('neill', 2), ('lush', 2), ('highlighted', 2), ('caged', 2), ('slovetzia\\\\', 2), ('masha', 2), ('joy\\\\', 2), ('eventful', 2), ('career-minded', 2), (\"'pierre\", 2), ('balzac', 2), ('matchbook', 2), ('odile', 2), ('referee', 2), ('orb', 2), ('borrelli', 2), ('rouse', 2), ('lilian', 2), ('pestering', 2), ('debuts', 2), ('provision', 2), ('loverboy', 2), ('afterwords', 2), ('cocoon', 2), (\"'nineteen-year-old\", 2), ('primont', 2), ('mug', 2), ('pummels', 2), ('grapples', 2), ('nasa', 2), ('destanov', 2), ('smuggler', 2), ('wiping', 2), ('mid-ceremony', 2), ('villainous', 2), ('rolled', 2), ('outhouse', 2), ('accordion', 2), ('assign', 2), ('chapman', 2), ('swapped', 2), ('wai-man', 2), ('strengthen', 2), ('referenced', 2), ('everything\\\\', 2), ('creme', 2), ('evita', 2), ('mame', 2), ('carla\\\\', 2), ('belles', 2), ('decisive', 2), ('sven', 2), (\"'zack\", 2), ('californian', 2), ('preston\\\\', 2), ('moaning', 2), ('gracefully', 2), ('architects', 2), ('polluted', 2), ('toasting', 2), ('bikini-clad', 2), ('francie', 2), ('flew', 2), ('surfers', 2), ('subscribers', 2), ('emulates', 2), ('brando', 2), ('robes', 2), ('cryer', 2), ('calculated', 2), ('zany', 2), ('chronologically', 2), ('modus', 2), ('operandi', 2), ('manager\\\\', 2), ('biographical', 2), ('segmented', 2), ('vern', 2), ('discontinue', 2), ('devine', 2), ('ex-convict', 2), ('inferiority', 2), ('gate-crashes', 2), ('short-circuits', 2), ('bonwit', 2), ('warsaw', 2), ('nonexistent', 2), ('caress', 2), ('wellbeing', 2), ('binoculars', 2), ('봢ven', 2), ('97.', 2), ('karma', 2), (\"'tony\", 2), ('maidservant', 2), ('barrett\\\\', 2), ('dissipated', 2), ('1954.', 2), ('first-person', 2), ('lids', 2), ('outrageously', 2), ('tri-lamb', 2), ('ponytail', 2), ('self-hating', 2), ('tri-lams', 2), ('spurs', 2), ('embezzling', 2), ('ought', 2), ('jeannie\\\\', 2), ('torpedoed', 2), ('exaggerations', 2), ('off-the-wall', 2), ('cockney', 2), ('jubilant', 2), ('reassurance', 2), ('cordial', 2), ('self-indulgent', 2), ('shirks', 2), ('dispatches', 2), ('s첩ren', 2), ('paige\\\\', 2), ('patching', 2), ('stacks', 2), ('plotsky', 2), ('subdued', 2), ('fozzie', 2), ('hibernating', 2), ('rowlf', 2), ('kennel', 2), ('members\\\\', 2), ('gall', 2), ('wasps', 2), ('large-scale', 2), ('fizzles', 2), ('re-enacting', 2), ('gardner', 2), ('nba', 2), ('ford\\\\', 2), ('renounced', 2), ('machinery', 2), ('iota', 2), ('controversially', 2), ('etiquette', 2), ('filippo', 2), ('unraveling', 2), ('lusting', 2), ('puzzle', 2), ('tracing', 2), ('recedes', 2), ('step-sister', 2), ('cardinal', 2), ('drunks', 2), ('brawling', 2), ('biblical', 2), ('honking', 2), ('lakhi', 2), ('balraj\\\\', 2), ('mindless', 2), ('kitschy', 2), ('wickham', 2), ('macedon', 2), ('conquered', 2), ('asia', 2), ('outlines', 2), ('olympias', 2), ('unification', 2), ('ptolemy', 2), ('roxana', 2), ('patroclus', 2), ('speculated', 2), ('typhus', 2), ('distances', 2), ('legendre', 2), ('gaerste', 2), ('damning', 2), ('soon-to-be-married', 2), ('ynez', 2), ('tasting', 2), ('deadwood', 2), ('fryer', 2), ('disrepair', 2), ('adjourn', 2), ('katie\\\\', 2), ('bros', 2), ('operatic', 2), ('shazzer', 2), ('nicholls', 2), ('renewal', 2), ('bannister', 2), ('tightly-wound', 2), ('yugoslavia', 2), ('haphazardly', 2), ('another\\\\', 2), ('bystanders', 2), ('world-weary', 2), ('postman\\\\', 2), ('partnerships', 2), ('cunt', 2), ('refrains', 2), ('alice/jane', 2), ('pedestrian', 2), ('passers-by', 2), ('symmetrical', 2), ('gond흲', 2), ('manilow', 2), ('mid-term', 2), ('maxed', 2), ('all-black', 2), (\"'george\", 2), ('pavement', 2), ('severance', 2), ('angrier', 2), ('cantankerous', 2), ('allowable', 2), ('limit', 2), ('crossed', 2), ('bombers', 2), ('leaflets', 2), ('insubordination', 2), ('psychopath', 2), ('caldwell', 2), ('snooping', 2), ('cornell', 2), ('ets', 2), ('dodging', 2), ('password', 2), ('desmond\\\\', 2), ('mom\\\\', 2), ('ged', 2), ('untapped', 2), ('programming', 2), ('chicamaw', 2), ('t-dub', 2), ('keechie', 2), ('regales', 2), ('foppish', 2), ('marquess', 2), ('continental', 2), ('honky', 2), ('tonk', 2), ('co-owned', 2), ('dazzled', 2), ('patriarchal', 2), ('dictated', 2), ('fruition', 2), ('morose', 2), ('disparaging', 2), ('glorious', 2), ('song\\\\', 2), ('luchas', 2), ('stepfather\\\\', 2), ('nia', 2), ('mccormack', 2), ('theroux', 2), ('jagan', 2), ('millet', 2), ('intents', 2), ('amicable', 2), ('scotch', 2), ('leftover', 2), ('g챕rard', 2), ('colours', 2), ('skipped', 2), ('alfalfa\\\\', 2), ('thunder', 2), ('hammock', 2), ('darkened', 2), ('mythology', 2), ('inhabits', 2), ('benedito', 2), ('infants', 2), ('banes', 2), ('experimentation', 2), ('arbogast\\\\', 2), ('steroid', 2), ('fluctuating', 2), ('dingbat', 2), ('surrealistic', 2), ('dark\\\\', 2), ('televangelist', 2), ('handjob', 2), ('irreparably', 2), ('hampered', 2), ('bedford', 2), ('allan', 2), ('siggs', 2), ('harpoon', 2), ('brightly', 2), ('profitability', 2), ('hell\\\\', 2), ('colliery\\\\', 2), ('lamps', 2), ('room\\\\', 2), ('sons\\\\', 2), ('expectedly', 2), ('prerequisite', 2), ('uncool', 2), ('neurologist', 2), ('grievances', 2), ('doo-dah', 2), ('zuckerman', 2), ('bargained', 2), ('shropshire', 2), ('baptist', 2), ('moreno', 2), ('households', 2), ('motivations', 2), ('synthesis', 2), ('zottel', 2), ('entails', 2), ('rover', 2), ('absconded', 2), ('disciplined', 2), ('parcels', 2), ('glittering', 2), ('abiding', 2), ('obscenities', 2), ('repels', 2), ('lennox', 2), ('porter\\\\', 2), ('desdemona', 2), ('gwynn', 2), ('fools', 2), ('entrust', 2), ('long\\\\', 2), ('louis-arnault', 2), ('m챕cir', 2), ('disheartens', 2), ('aditya\\\\', 2), ('technically', 2), ('delinquent', 2), ('troublemaker', 2), ('chicklette', 2), ('concetta', 2), (\"\\\\'60s\", 2), ('morbidly', 2), ('gator\\\\', 2), ('1974', 2), ('suffocating', 2), ('genet\\\\', 2), ('oversized', 2), ('stump', 2), ('hare', 2), ('strangles', 2), ('distorted', 2), ('treasonous', 2), ('outcasts', 2), ('terrorizing', 2), ('roast', 2), ('spit', 2), ('strengths', 2), ('familial', 2), ('swordsman', 2), ('repercussions', 2), ('fable', 2), ('ash', 2), ('nomadic', 2), ('contribution', 2), ('envisions', 2), ('shaped', 2), ('earthquakes', 2), ('gadgets', 2), ('unplug', 2), ('acoustic', 2), ('mede', 2), ('ravishes', 2), ('600,000', 2), ('bietrich', 2), ('sympathizer', 2), ('avenging', 2), ('gypsy\\\\', 2), ('italia\\\\', 2), ('inter-racial', 2), ('sentiment', 2), ('pits', 2), ('deceitful', 2), ('18th-century', 2), (\"'sabrina\", 2), ('fairchild', 2), ('횋dith', 2), ('english-speaking', 2), ('endangered', 2), ('redirect', 2), ('marchetta', 2), ('candlestick', 2), ('leprechaun', 2), ('hadley', 2), ('wrongly', 2), ('judson', 2), ('flanagan', 2), ('lofty', 2), ('donetti', 2), ('wharton', 2), ('wharton\\\\', 2), ('shirk', 2), ('up-and-comer', 2), ('homeopathic', 2), ('slinky', 2), ('obituary', 2), ('gmhc', 2), ('pastiche', 2), ('barkley', 2), ('jammers', 2), ('flack', 2), ('social-climbing', 2), ('affirms', 2), ('designers', 2), ('snubbed', 2), ('sources', 2), ('procedures', 2), ('termination', 2), ('booklets', 2), ('donna\\\\', 2), ('len', 2), ('martins', 2), ('forrester', 2), ('sherwood\\\\', 2), ('halley\\\\', 2), ('scarlett\\\\', 2), ('chazz', 2), ('reinhold', 2), ('aphrodisiac', 2), ('uniting', 2), ('cortona', 2), ('fellini', 2), ('dolce', 2), ('vita', 2), ('ekberg', 2), ('fontana', 2), ('marcello', 2), ('overreacted', 2), ('penile', 2), ('manhood', 2), ('abusiveness', 2), ('gum', 2), ('olympus', 2), ('magnitude', 2), ('victorious', 2), ('overshadows', 2), ('northerner', 2), ('aviator', 2), ('faithfully', 2), ('cammie', 2), ('imposter', 2), ('pritchard', 2), ('outdoors', 2), ('connivance', 2), ('cautioned', 2), ('baits', 2), ('squeals', 2), ('differ', 2), ('werner', 2), ('catastrophe', 2), ('derrick', 2), ('innate', 2), ('triumphs', 2), ('brazenly', 2), ('doak', 2), ('80th', 2), ('three-day', 2), ('p.j.', 2), ('poultry', 2), ('sired', 2), ('cardoso', 2), ('undertaken', 2), ('cashes', 2), ('boast', 2), ('docklands', 2), ('provisional', 2), ('aides', 2), ('spelled', 2), ('garages', 2), ('slogans', 2), ('savagely', 2), ('galswells', 2), ('scraps', 2), ('gutknecht', 2), ('intercedes', 2), ('enchanting', 2), ('curiously', 2), ('greta', 2), ('esteem', 2), ('boils', 2), ('photocopied', 2), ('organizer', 2), ('symbols', 2), ('premonition', 2), ('ostracism', 2), (\"\\\\'papers\\\\\", 2), ('hope\\\\', 2), ('colonna', 2), ('galloping', 2), ('hurled', 2), ('cutter\\\\', 2), ('hatched', 2), ('bangor', 2), ('amarillo', 2), ('g.w', 2), ('handy', 2), ('brawls', 2), ('cashmere', 2), ('wollman', 2), ('elevators', 2), ('buchanan', 2), ('placement', 2), ('cardin', 2), ('dulaine', 2), ('th챕r챔se', 2), ('maroon', 2), ('clocks', 2), ('brandt', 2), ('idiosyncrasies', 2), ('criticised', 2), ('badgering', 2), ('reignites', 2), ('ramsdale', 2), ('steering', 2), ('quilty\\\\', 2), ('lolita\\\\', 2), ('13,000', 2), ('coloured', 2), ('kanga', 2), ('tigger', 2), ('lever', 2), ('waived', 2), ('alleyway', 2), ('padlocked', 2), ('distrustful', 2), ('atm', 2), ('1927.', 2), ('pogrom', 2), ('romani', 2), ('suzie\\\\', 2), ('align', 2), ('panning', 2), ('julien\\\\', 2), ('endings', 2), ('offender', 2), ('debrah', 2), ('bailiff', 2), ('spine', 2), ('resuscitate', 2), ('lido', 2), ('frida', 2), ('interpersonal', 2), ('monologues', 2), ('logistics', 2), ('locating', 2), ('immaturity', 2), ('irritable', 2), ('irritant', 2), ('10-year', 2), ('debi\\\\', 2), ('adjusted', 2), ('shell-shocked', 2), ('montr챕al', 2), ('brooklynite', 2), ('cartographer', 2), ('assuage', 2), ('russell\\\\', 2), ('x-ray', 2), ('j체rgen', 2), ('israelis', 2), ('goddamn', 2), ('enchants', 2), ('cutaway', 2), ('lesbian-themed', 2), ('contraception', 2), ('profiles', 2), ('inseminates', 2), ('one-way', 2), ('utter', 2), ('warmed', 2), ('stevens\\\\', 2), ('like-minded', 2), ('professionals', 2), ('denounced', 2), ('self-employed', 2), ('labelled', 2), ('publically', 2), (\"'her\", 2), ('procure', 2), ('refined', 2), ('diminished', 2), ('reveling', 2), ('extra-marital', 2), ('researches', 2), ('l.a..', 2), ('fritz\\\\', 2), ('quiets', 2), (\"'sir\", 2), ('goring', 2), ('philanderer', 2), ('brutish', 2), ('clift', 2), ('poisonous', 2), ('wwii', 2), ('parasite', 2), ('clipping', 2), ('mcnulty', 2), ('pre-nup', 2), ('prenuptial', 2), ('rexroth', 2), ('petch', 2), ('prenup', 2), ('pro-bono', 2), ('fearsome', 2), ('wyatt', 2), ('sitcom', 2), ('ritchie', 2), ('shoos', 2), (\"o'brien\", 2), ('popeye', 2), ('bergerac', 2), ('artie', 2), ('burman', 2), ('bachchan', 2), ('lanka', 2), ('kibbutz', 2), ('tough-guy', 2), ('palestinian', 2), ('rafik', 2), ('poisons', 2), (\"'don\", 2), ('benedick\\\\', 2), ('gentlewoman', 2), ('borachio', 2), ('dogberry', 2), ('disgraces', 2), ('grieved', 2), ('aguirre', 2), ('re-hire', 2), ('infrequent', 2), ('ennis\\\\', 2), ('infrequently', 2), ('exploded', 2), ('interred', 2), ('bloodstained', 2), ('hindustani', 2), ('shalini', 2), ('thakur\\\\', 2), ('suraj\\\\', 2), ('bhaag', 2), ('durjan\\\\', 2), ('teamed', 2), ('haynes', 2), ('defection', 2), ('gil\\\\', 2), ('racked', 2), ('cantonese', 2), ('bubbly', 2), ('garment', 2), ('diabetes', 2), ('kathryn', 2), ('prophetess', 2), ('impetus', 2), ('tits', 2), ('folktale', 2), ('cremate', 2), ('dora\\\\', 2), ('ruckus', 2), ('claire\\\\', 2), ('cds', 2), ('farmer\\\\', 2), ('shrewish', 2), ('lauren\\\\', 2), ('egomaniacal', 2), ('multinational', 2), ('moseley', 2), ('snooty', 2), ('ad챔le', 2), ('teamwork', 2), ('fixated', 2), ('loathes', 2), ('thoreau', 2), ('simplify', 2), ('bankrupting', 2), ('flint', 2), ('avant-garde', 2), ('fusion', 2), ('idly', 2), ('creator', 2), ('head\\\\', 2), ('over-the-top', 2), ('cauliflower', 2), ('all-pink', 2), ('familiar-looking', 2), ('erupting', 2), ('nurture', 2), ('paramedic', 2), ('ostracize', 2), ('relinquishes', 2), ('unathletic', 2), ('dutifully', 2), ('long-kept', 2), ('assimilate', 2), ('dago', 2), ('impossibility', 2), (\"'bradley\", 2), ('sparsely', 2), ('bones', 2), ('fabre', 2), ('dress-up', 2), ('stein', 2), ('markle', 2), ('spearhead', 2), ('suede', 2), (\"ma\\\\'am\", 2), ('absentee', 2), ('plies', 2), ('wooded', 2), ('convulsions', 2), ('padre', 2), ('recuperation', 2), ('compiled', 2), ('vandalized', 2), ('delves', 2), ('impregnating', 2), ('buckling', 2), ('blowout', 2), ('spectre', 2), ('lachaille', 2), ('rou챕', 2), ('alvarez', 2), ('great-aunt', 2), ('accurate', 2), ('preferable', 2), ('headway', 2), ('suzette', 2), ('micheline', 2), ('niven', 2), (\"'elvis\", 2), ('loaning', 2), ('publications', 2), ('stillwater', 2), ('congenial', 2), ('neglectful', 2), ('degenerates', 2), ('boatmen', 2), ('look-alike', 2), ('tatums', 2), ('prize-winning', 2), ('rational', 2), ('kovac', 2), ('uncompromising', 2), ('crores', 2), ('yogurt', 2), ('meritt', 2), ('silverado', 2), ('sender', 2), ('sniffing', 2), ('red-haired', 2), ('bly', 2), ('on-again', 2), ('off-again', 2), ('recruiter', 2), ('blackie', 2), ('unhurt', 2), ('sunken', 2), ('judd', 2), ('perverts', 2), ('arse', 2), ('faults', 2), ('undergarments', 2), ('knickers', 2), ('alastair', 2), ('solicitor', 2), ('shillings', 2), ('sweatshop', 2), ('boosting', 2), ('monks', 2), ('balancing', 2), ('enrich', 2), ('jatin\\\\', 2), ('videotapes', 2), ('dallying', 2), ('swamiji', 2), ('teachings', 2), ('swamiji\\\\', 2), ('devotional', 2), ('disappointments', 2), ('misfortune', 2), ('longings', 2), ('stoked', 2), ('anthea', 2), ('nudist', 2), ('bernie\\\\', 2), ('fiddler', 2), ('refund', 2), ('hawtrey', 2), ('hyderabadi', 2), ('individualistic', 2), ('rejuvenated', 2), ('inexorably', 2), ('insubstantial', 2), ('scathingly', 2), ('minority', 2), ('unlicensed', 2), ('pecking', 2), ('chord', 2), ('dub', 2), ('ft.', 2), ('angie\\\\', 2), ('celestrial', 2), ('virgo', 2), ('claudette\\\\', 2), ('transparent', 2), ('romaine', 2), ('blake\\\\', 2), ('conform', 2), ('ethan\\\\', 2), ('garland\\\\', 2), ('sang-woo', 2), ('eun-soo', 2), ('expiry', 2), ('down-and-out', 2), ('defied', 2), ('coolest', 2), ('vein', 2), ('matanza', 2), ('extinction', 2), ('bandmates', 2), ('fast-forward', 2), ('reebok', 2), ('callers', 2), ('smacks', 2), ('circulation', 2), ('ticker', 2), ('tropics', 2), ('provocatively', 2), ('replayed', 2), ('inner-city', 2), ('proponent', 2), ('unsworth', 2), ('sanctity', 2), ('distribute', 2), ('communion', 2), ('fulton\\\\', 2), ('induces', 2), ('reverting', 2), ('student/faculty', 2), ('anti-communist', 2), ('unfettered', 2), ('raceway', 2), ('onlooker', 2), ('brody\\\\', 2), (\"'nicole\", 2), ('oakley', 2), ('carlos\\\\', 2), ('lamont', 2), ('accomplishments', 2), ('1921', 2), ('dueling', 2), ('talkie', 2), ('grating', 2), ('audience\\\\', 2), ('buildup', 2), ('virtuoso', 2), ('sivers\\\\', 2), ('recalled', 2), ('perils', 2), ('casualty', 2), ('gung-ho', 2), ('stakeout', 2), ('concussed', 2), ('present-day', 2), ('beata', 2), ('factual', 2), ('ike\\\\', 2), ('fedex', 2), ('loudspeakers', 2), ('klump', 2), ('lapses', 2), ('denise\\\\', 2), ('disregards', 2), ('extracts', 2), ('cleetus', 2), ('bidder', 2), ('granny', 2), ('faculties', 2), ('lacayo', 2), ('freaky', 2), ('lakeside', 2), ('longingly', 2), ('ariel\\\\', 2), ('gloating', 2), ('snowdrift', 2), ('penalties', 2), ('lemmon', 2), ('converting', 2), ('slovenly', 2), ('fathers\\\\', 2), ('outboard', 2), ('finbar', 2), ('girl-next-door', 2), ('tarbell', 2), ('caregiver', 2), ('gored', 2), ('ingests', 2), ('quantity', 2), ('outset', 2), ('arusha', 2), ('circulating', 2), ('extorting', 2), ('chantress', 2), ('strang챕', 2), ('lag', 2), ('assumedly', 2), ('sellinger\\\\', 2), ('contemplate', 2), ('distracting', 2), ('havel', 2), ('priesthood', 2), ('corsair', 2), ('raiders', 2), ('submarines', 2), ('commando', 2), ('goody', 2), ('screwing', 2), ('underscored', 2), ('loom', 2), ('embezzler', 2), ('landau', 2), ('*david', 2), ('morrison', 2), ('athena\\\\', 2), ('aria', 2), ('vegetables', 2), ('nubile', 2), ('thelma', 2), ('teheran', 2), ('war-torn', 2), ('afghans', 2), ('wages', 2), ('balkan', 2), ('carpathia', 2), ('pamper', 2), ('interval', 2), ('regency', 2), ('cripps', 2), ('matalava', 2), ('eckland\\\\', 2), ('frenchwoman', 2), ('snakebite', 2), ('torpedo', 2), ('hookers', 2), ('dockside', 2), ('bordello', 2), ('necessity', 2), ('motley', 2), ('domicile', 2), ('sub-plots', 2), ('slutty', 2), ('mediocrity', 2), ('marcia', 2), ('groundbreaking', 2), ('shillitoe', 2), (\"o'neal\", 2), ('quell', 2), ('subpoena', 2), ('pummeling', 2), ('bulgari', 2), ('cynthia\\\\', 2), ('shelly', 2), ('hurl', 2), ('finalizes', 2), ('hypnotism', 2), ('brigg\\\\', 2), ('subliminal', 2), ('cosmetician', 2), ('superhaji', 2), ('stomping', 2), ('plugged', 2), ('supercherry', 2), ('hoople', 2), ('obsess', 2), ('spiraling', 2), ('sunshine', 2), ('vargas', 2), ('pandit', 2), ('ignite', 2), ('looses', 2), ('kapil', 2), ('lotuses', 2), ('trucked', 2), ('cent', 2), ('strap', 2), ('cyclo', 2), ('re-inventing', 2), ('respite', 2), ('huy', 2), ('hager', 2), ('screws', 2), ('buds', 2), ('intertwining', 2), ('losers', 2), ('mouloud', 2), ('chimo', 2), ('titillating', 2), ('takanaka', 2), ('shinji', 2), ('prototype', 2), ('locales', 2), ('yui\\\\', 2), ('deactivate', 2), ('unromantic', 2), ('avatar', 2), ('broadcasts', 2), ('b.d.\\\\', 2), ('sealed', 2), ('shes', 2), ('hologram', 2), ('disintegrates', 2), ('detaches', 2), ('futuristic', 2), ('orange\\\\', 2), ('codes', 2), ('no-one', 2), ('any-one', 2), ('sion\\\\', 2), ('hacks', 2), ('crumbles', 2), ('yacob\\\\', 2), ('dai\\\\', 2), ('forwards', 2), ('activate', 2), ('devery', 2), ('garthwaite', 2), ('piloting', 2), ('canine', 2), ('restorer', 2), ('13.', 2), (\"'james\", 2), ('couplings', 2), ('crotches', 2), ('lamenting', 2), ('repetition', 2), ('upman', 2), ('deckchair', 2), ('floats', 2), ('rugged', 2), ('fireball', 2), ('flirtations', 2), ('busts', 2), ('dizzying', 2), ('soul-mate', 2), ('capitalize', 2), ('parachutes', 2), ('afresh', 2), ('exudes', 2), ('clairvoyant', 2), ('analytical', 2), ('chart', 2), ('plato\\\\', 2), ('halves', 2), ('unnikrishnan', 2), ('mukesh', 2), ('landslide', 2), ('righteous', 2), ('reneged', 2), ('klan\\\\', 2), ('undoing', 2), ('out-of-town', 2), ('padded', 2), ('container', 2), ('fountains', 2), ('cancellation', 2), ('suspending', 2), ('cherry', 2), ('uneventful', 2), ('zombie', 2), ('dandiya', 2), ('raas', 2), ('vanilla', 2), ('terrific', 2), ('jeb', 2), ('theresa\\\\', 2), ('door-to-door', 2), ('sacramento', 2), ('aragon', 2), ('paralleled', 2), ('improperly', 2), ('wolheim', 2), ('hobos', 2), ('linemen', 2), ('pop\\\\', 2), ('grunt', 2), ('hungover', 2), ('antagonizes', 2), ('lower-class', 2), ('laguardia', 2), ('sleez', 2), ('proclivities', 2), ('frankness', 2), ('re-employment', 2), ('syphilis', 2), ('potions', 2), ('canes', 2), ('magnobeam', 2), ('raff', 2), ('destroyers', 2), ('inundated', 2), ('lub-lub', 2), ('carnivorous', 2), ('rages', 2), ('swords', 2), ('muffled', 2), ('analyzing', 2), ('turtles', 2), ('geary', 2), ('1999.', 2), ('unabashedly', 2), ('avnet', 2), ('impaled', 2), ('saks', 2), ('mirabelle\\\\', 2), ('understandings', 2), ('familiarity', 2), ('1978', 2), ('requiem', 2), ('overlapping', 2), ('frescoes', 2), ('beethoven', 2), ('kwapis', 2), ('1931.', 2), ('catalyzes', 2), ('tremayne', 2), ('investing', 2), ('deflates', 2), ('mechanism', 2), ('lovebirds', 2), ('post-partum', 2), ('protectively', 2), ('scholarships', 2), ('nisse', 2), ('zones', 2), ('bystander', 2), ('notebooks', 2), ('tangents', 2), ('stayton', 2), ('redneck', 2), ('incensed', 2), ('unofficially', 2), ('projector', 2), ('1,000', 2), ('sociopath', 2), ('measurements', 2), ('resin', 2), ('janello', 2), ('registered', 2), ('airline\\\\', 2), ('fundamental', 2), ('excused', 2), ('harbored', 2), ('worralls', 2), ('frixos', 2), ('lavishing', 2), ('mistress\\\\', 2), ('indecision', 2), ('westerns', 2), ('minuscule', 2), ('defector', 2), ('tula', 2), (\"'tom찼s\", 2), ('decadent', 2), ('revolve', 2), ('hawkes', 2), ('piques', 2), ('heightens', 2), ('rawlings', 2), ('primitive', 2), ('gillian\\\\', 2), ('redlitch', 2), ('yen', 2), ('chaperoning', 2), ('absorbing', 2), ('beauvoir', 2), ('wienie', 2), ('hackensacker\\\\', 2), (\"'for\", 2), ('leaky', 2), ('cinzia\\\\', 2), ('selecting', 2), ('sex-starved', 2), ('debacles', 2), ('cryptically', 2), ('creeps', 2), ('inefficient', 2), ('mera', 2), ('naam', 2), ('joker', 2), ('materialises', 2), ('meenu', 2), ('modeled', 2), ('yoder', 2), ('levinia', 2), ('henner', 2), ('amuses', 2), ('hauling', 2), ('characterized', 2), ('storylines', 2), ('rawlins', 2), ('lampson', 2), ('high-calorie', 2), ('intrude', 2), ('brannigan\\\\', 2), ('enacts', 2), ('department-store', 2), ('prosecution', 2), ('teaser', 2), ('documentaries', 2), ('columbus', 2), ('383', 2), ('pronouncing', 2), ('ripe', 2), ('exploitation', 2), ('crowd\\\\', 2), ('sigh', 2), ('madam', 2), ('worthing', 2), ('pallavi', 2), ('arora', 2), ('alabaster', 2), ('specimen', 2), ('tijuana', 2), ('misdiagnosed', 2), ('medicated', 2), ('hasselhoff', 2), (\"'lily\", 2), ('speakeasy', 2), ('prohibition', 2), ('freight', 2), ('gotham', 2), ('ensnares', 2), ('15,000', 2), ('circumstance', 2), ('ukraine', 2), ('kiev', 2), ('odessa', 2), ('dusl', 2), ('2005', 2), ('skateboarders', 2), ('mcgorvey', 2), ('claude\\\\', 2), ('fondles', 2), ('waltman', 2), ('buses', 2), ('wired', 2), ('mid-performance', 2), ('acute', 2), ('camp\\\\', 2), ('hanley\\\\', 2), ('all-you-can-eat', 2), ('proverbial', 2), ('infallible', 2), ('electrocution', 2), ('thalassemia', 2), ('sonography', 2), ('obstetrician', 2), ('thirty-year-old', 2), ('unforgettable', 2), ('haunts', 2), ('in-kyu', 2), ('days\\\\', 2), ('fro', 2), ('gibraltar', 2), ('devoting', 2), ('splashes', 2), ('maris', 2), ('magistrate', 2), ('richter', 2), ('orchids', 2), (\"\\\\'perfect\", 2), ('jean-pierre', 2), ('belittle', 2), (\"'chris\", 2), ('1976', 2), ('skinner', 2), ('boleyn', 2), ('dreams\\\\', 2), ('drudgery', 2), ('iced', 2), ('1956', 2), ('pardoned', 2), ('mid-life', 2), ('fictionalized', 2), ('campy', 2), ('dramatist', 2), ('doctoral', 2), ('resting', 2), ('disclosed', 2), ('psychedelic', 2), ('dancehall', 2), ('adaa', 2), ('jehadi', 2), ('insurgent', 2), ('shakeel', 2), ('amour', 2), ('contender', 2), ('seton', 2), ('celeste\\\\', 2), ('unnerve', 2), (\"l'auberge\", 2), ('espagnole', 2), ('unavoidable', 2), ('trilogy', 2), ('deepest', 2), ('raunchy', 2), ('mic', 2), ('photographer\\\\', 2), ('feather', 2), ('j.j', 2), ('landscaped', 2), ('jez', 2), ('disused', 2), ('on-off', 2), ('overdoses', 2), ('methadone', 2), (\"'gary\", 2), ('condominium', 2), ('lupus', 2), ('dunes', 2), ('gulls', 2), ('chilly', 2), ('nameless', 2), (\"'amy\", 2), ('fluffy', 2), ('consultation', 2), ('pictorial', 2), ('bowen', 2), ('sage', 2), ('post-prom', 2), ('sheraton', 2), ('oaks', 2), ('honeywagon', 2), ('primate', 2), ('wunderkind', 2), ('rocker', 2), ('leisure', 2), ('porcupine', 2), ('sailor\\\\', 2), ('commented', 2), ('penetrated', 2), ('rallying', 2), ('pathak', 2), ('rajjo\\\\', 2), ('raghuvir\\\\', 2), ('raijo', 2), ('loyalists', 2), ('bisht', 2), ('toledo', 2), ('servicing', 2), ('ukrainian', 2), ('emigrant', 2), ('treasures', 2), ('thuggish', 2), ('society\\\\', 2), ('connell', 2), ('plush', 2), ('altruistic', 2), ('culmination', 2), ('lick', 2), ('re-examine', 2), ('harms', 2), ('breweries', 2), ('revitalize', 2), ('jasmer\\\\', 2), ('usa-1', 2), ('commonly', 2), ('renovated', 2), ('saami', 2), ('air-hostess', 2), ('yvan', 2), ('imported', 2), ('would\\\\', 2), ('frenzied', 2), (\"'holly\", 2), ('menon', 2), ('shiney', 2), ('ias', 2), ('foment', 2), ('naxalites', 2), ('saheb', 2), (\"'steven\", 2), ('steven\\\\', 2), ('self-destruction', 2), ('dissolution', 2), ('relapses', 2), ('vancouver', 2), ('introspective', 2), ('murmuring', 2), ('downplay', 2), ('1894', 2), ('brant', 2), ('ardor', 2), ('prospered', 2), ('malley', 2), ('upstart', 2), ('monopoly', 2), ('bandstand', 2), ('penetration', 2), ('brothels', 2), ('aunties', 2), ('well-bred', 2), ('misbehaviour', 2), ('oppressing', 2), ('dependence', 2), ('reciprocal', 2), ('accumulation', 2), ('inventory', 2), ('thereupon', 2), ('phileine', 2), ('roberval', 2), ('unperturbed', 2), ('irina', 2), ('homeland', 2), ('veronika\\\\', 2), ('brier', 2), ('hazing', 2), (\"'made\", 2), ('1932', 2), ('chou-chou', 2), ('봳hough', 2), ('clich챕s', 2), ('ex-boyfriends', 2), ('reassurances', 2), ('finalize', 2), ('burger', 2), ('presumes', 2), ('coudair', 2), ('wheaton', 2), (\"'georgia\", 2), ('scan', 2), ('exorbitant', 2), ('insensitivity', 2), ('x-rays', 2), ('linen', 2), ('alya', 2), ('podium', 2), ('lower-middle-class', 2), ('congratulations', 2), ('lash', 2), ('directory', 2), ('intersection', 2), ('manolo', 2), ('g처mez', 2), ('violeta', 2), ('luz', 2), ('pen챕lope', 2), ('mao', 2), ('zedong', 2), ('1975.', 2), ('fabric', 2), ('bette', 2), ('barbra', 2), ('jackrabbit', 2), ('domain', 2), ('wegman', 2), ('pocketing', 2), ('nuremberg', 2), ('davidson', 2), ('gleam', 2), ('rimini', 2), ('augustine', 2), ('calmed', 2), ('gaby\\\\', 2), ('proust', 2), ('camus', 2), ('steamy', 2), ('disrespectful', 2), ('snare', 2), ('elyse', 2), ('radish', 2), ('upstanding', 2), ('p.s', 2), ('r철hm', 2), ('munich', 2), ('anti-nazi', 2), ('wehrmacht', 2), ('swiv', 2), ('awol', 2), ('tuesday', 2), ('weight-loss', 2), ('pent-up', 2), ('suzuki', 2), ('syringes', 2), ('meadow', 2), ('unreceptive', 2), ('dex\\\\', 2), ('c척te', 2), ('charly', 2), ('fruits', 2), ('2,000,000', 2), ('gritty', 2), ('franz\\\\', 2), ('sickle', 2), ('slashing', 2), ('disables', 2), ('clenched', 2), (\"'all\", 2), ('serenading', 2), ('nonchalantly', 2), ('gateshead', 2), ('stool', 2), ('ingram', 2), ('sufficiently', 2), ('supremely', 2), ('motorboat', 2), ('toppling', 2), ('genre', 2), ('dialog', 2), ('slapstick', 2), ('widowhood', 2), ('70s', 2), ('mahatma', 2), ('massaging', 2), ('cradling', 2), ('eyed', 2), ('brighter', 2), ('schoolboy', 2), ('-in', 2), ('mystical', 2), ('manu', 2), ('canfields', 2), ('waterfalls', 2), ('bedclothes', 2), ('fornication', 2), ('disarm', 2), ('pistols', 2), ('kimberly', 2), ('pasts', 2), ('monitoring', 2), ('sled', 2), ('intensify', 2), ('seals', 2), ('teammate', 2), ('orca', 2), ('perseverance', 2), ('high-dive', 2), ('groppo', 2), ('rung', 2), ('gaylord', 2), ('repentant', 2), ('envision', 2), ('jungian', 2), ('mermaids', 2), ('musketeers', 2), ('duality', 2), ('fetishistic', 2), ('pun', 2), ('artfully', 2), ('hefner\\\\', 2), ('tiger\\\\', 2), ('fellating', 2), ('romero', 2), ('dumas', 2), ('tumbling', 2), ('resurfacing', 2), ('cuddle', 2), ('rectum', 2), ('zazel\\\\', 2), ('slump', 2), (\"'wyatt\", 2), ('grate', 2), ('didi', 2), ('milner', 2), ('ad-agency', 2), ('intrigue', 2), ('millennium', 2), ('tizzy', 2), ('viable', 2), ('kelby', 2), ('scans', 2), ('miscommunication', 2), ('bittersweet', 2), ('forsakes', 2), ('urinated', 2), ('salvatore', 2), ('diets', 2), ('chubby', 2), ('now-married', 2), ('27th', 2), ('kuroda', 2), ('shibusawa', 2), ('sacks', 2), ('picturesque', 2), ('widdington', 2), ('musically', 2), ('daniloff', 2), ('finagles', 2), ('150', 2), ('sang-shik', 2), ('discriminating', 2), ('simonds', 2), ('treachery', 2), ('pro-union', 2), ('instantaneous', 2), (\"'catherine\", 2), ('fledgling', 2), ('goalie', 2), ('tryouts', 2), ('much-anticipated', 2), ('discriminate', 2), ('organizers', 2), ('provider', 2), ('affirmation', 2), ('vidyashankar', 2), ('rogues', 2), ('grandmother\\\\', 2), ('toreador', 2), ('kung', 2), ('m.p', 2), ('24-year-old', 2), ('quieter', 2), ('surrey', 2), ('processed', 2), ('achievements', 2), ('dea', 2), ('70-year-old', 2), ('matrimonial', 2), ('stressing', 2), ('greener', 2), ('rafi\\\\', 2), ('persistently', 2), ('bleeds', 2), ('151st', 2), ('general\\\\', 2), ('schmaltz', 2), ('waved', 2), ('troubling', 2), ('pained', 2), ('fuse', 2), ('hobbies', 2), ('remission', 2), ('stained', 2), ('gravy', 2), ('moore\\\\', 2), ('joanie', 2), ('hutton', 2), ('zach\\\\', 2), ('remarkably', 2), ('sobers', 2), ('reid', 2), ('father-son', 2), ('zooms', 2), ('65,000', 2), ('elvises', 2), ('skydive', 2), ('milkman', 2), ('bholu', 2), ('someone\\\\', 2), ('hurdle', 2), ('jeetu\\\\', 2), ('boil', 2), ('chit', 2), (\"'stewart\", 2), ('protesters', 2), ('college-aged', 2), ('stockmarket', 2), ('40,000', 2), ('empire\\\\', 2), ('hungary', 2), ('gnawing', 2), ('sniffs', 2), ('conspirators', 2), ('traitorous', 2), ('scapegoat', 2), ('disloyalty', 2), ('wuschel', 2), ('advancing', 2), ('souvenir', 2), ('rochelle', 2), ('scanlon', 2), ('foretold', 2), ('offline', 2), ('motels', 2), ('meditative', 2), ('swank', 2), ('newsreel', 2), ('plummer', 2), ('lorelei', 2), ('intercession', 2), ('adulterers', 2), ('portable', 2), ('thwart', 2), ('kohlmar', 2), ('burkett', 2), ('virile', 2), (\"'ellen\", 2), ('sigmund', 2), ('sherry\\\\', 2), ('finalization', 2), ('accord', 2), ('armbruster', 2), ('blodgett', 2), ('appoint', 2), ('carlucci', 2), ('racketeer', 2), ('farmhouse', 2), ('thinner', 2), ('girlinium', 2), ('orbit', 2), ('evidenced', 2), ('bombardment', 2), ('analyzes', 2), ('inkwell', 2), ('reagan', 2), ('bicentennial', 2), ('combinations', 2), ('temperaments', 2), ('myrtle', 2), ('womanhood', 2), ('quandaries', 2), ('steward', 2), ('eluded', 2), ('carolyn\\\\', 2), ('lens', 2), ('sorority\\\\', 2), ('swerves', 2), ('abounds', 2), ('illustrated', 2), ('raking', 2), ('plunged', 2), ('flaws', 2), ('biasi', 2), ('foiling', 2), ('emphasized', 2), ('preseason', 2), ('reserve', 2), ('jeffries', 2), ('corinne\\\\', 2), ('alex/louie', 2), ('fairies', 2), ('thompson\\\\', 2), ('aur', 2), ('toofan', 2), ('gymnastic', 2), ('filmmakers', 2), ('harris\\\\', 2), ('steeds\\\\', 2), ('gospel', 2), ('roadblock', 2), ('excels', 2), ('jinxers', 2), ('frodo', 2), ('hairy', 2), ('kitt', 2), ('kan흲', 2), ('shogunate', 2), ('lawyer-girl', 2), ('beachfront', 2), ('swam', 2), ('sore', 2), ('strachey', 2), ('1916', 2), ('lytton\\\\', 2), ('beacus', 2), ('shigekuni', 2), ('waymon', 2), ('stockings', 2), ('executor', 2), ('knob', 2), ('sorted', 2), ('heinrich', 2), ('barefooted', 2), ('andien', 2), ('arisan', 2), ('s찾o', 2), ('taciturn', 2), ('shante', 2), ('red-handed', 2), ('2010', 2), ('malt', 2), ('quinlan', 2), ('skids', 2), ('pansy', 2), ('sparky', 2), ('immortal', 2), ('chesters', 2), ('rent-free', 2), ('breeze', 2), ('1995', 2), ('partygoers', 2), ('hamper', 2), ('disclosure', 2), ('samantha\\\\', 2), ('assertion', 2), ('lavatory', 2), ('hi-tech', 2), ('perpetrator', 2), ('assailant', 2), ('kemper', 2), ('dahmer', 2), ('rendering', 2), ('agoraphobia', 2), ('nantucket', 2), ('daylight', 2), ('flemings', 2), ('ascending', 2), ('posture', 2), ('lilith', 2), ('submission', 2), ('harpo', 2), ('downfall', 2), ('nettie\\\\', 2), ('harpo\\\\', 2), ('lobotomized', 2), ('feline', 2), ('stripe', 2), ('sweetly', 2), ('doge', 2), ('lenient', 2), ('novice', 2), (\"'chachu\", 2), ('conceiving', 2), ('authenticity', 2), ('fatima', 2), ('hawkins\\\\', 2), ('jerilee\\\\', 2), ('sinatra\\\\', 2), ('lawford', 2), ('eliminates', 2), ('edits', 2), ('seamlessly', 2), ('gullible', 2), ('shoot-out', 2), ('motorbikes', 2), ('kandahari', 2), ('iranian', 2), ('nineteenth', 2), ('mausoleum', 2), ('warfare', 2), ('astonishing', 2), ('radcliffe', 2), ('imposing', 2), ('surrendered', 2), ('mauhana', 2), ('shim', 2), ('su-in', 2), ('gyeong-heui', 2), ('cheol-hyeon', 2), ('yuppie', 2), ('mcgurn', 2), ('mcgann', 2), ('japanese-american', 2), ('arson', 2), ('unearth', 2), ('flatpoint', 2), ('noblet', 2), ('ringer', 2), ('beekman', 2), ('molested', 2), ('shaman', 2), ('fundamentalist', 2), ('falsified', 2), ('tune-up', 2), ('point-shaving', 2), ('engleheart', 2), ('cheeseburger', 2), ('swapping', 2), ('hazen\\\\', 2), ('brucie', 2), ('caretaker\\\\', 2), ('touchdowns', 2), ('skitchy', 2), (\"'with\", 2), ('latch', 2), ('parador', 2), ('sedatives', 2), ('securities', 2), ('bonasera', 2), ('deflect', 2), ('break-in', 2), ('trumpet', 2), (\"'harold\", 2), ('preposterous', 2), ('serendipitously', 2), ('thornby', 2), ('thornby\\\\', 2), ('twenty-year-old', 2), ('pyrenees', 2), ('fucked', 2), ('1976.', 2), ('morane', 2), ('middle-age', 2), ('recollect', 2), ('solitude', 2), ('rowe', 2), ('horrifying', 2), ('wick', 2), ('hypodermic', 2), ('macrae', 2), ('mcclellan', 2), ('wwi', 2), ('lainie', 2), ('love-life', 2), (\"'emily\", 2), ('doofer', 2), ('tri-pi', 2), ('instated', 2), ('instigating', 2), ('farmgirl', 2), ('sweetest', 2), ('smokehouses', 2), ('sauerkraut', 2), ('frosh', 2), ('gout', 2), ('smokehouse', 2), ('sauce', 2), ('iban', 2), ('europeans', 2), ('longhouse', 2), ('manda', 2), ('bamboos', 2), (\"'raj\", 2), ('mittal', 2), ('madhuri', 2), ('bhai', 2), ('coincide', 2), ('langston', 2), ('valuables', 2), ('beasts', 2), ('tira\\\\', 2), ('consideration', 2), ('engines', 2), ('hilton', 2), ('chase\\\\', 2), ('husband-and-wife', 2), ('educating', 2), ('fainted', 2), ('rewrite', 2), ('limousines', 2), ('hee', 2), ('meanings', 2), ('unselfish', 2), ('depp', 2), ('prowl', 2), ('strombel\\\\', 2), ('stumbled', 2), ('waterman', 2), ('splendini', 2), ('story.the', 2), ('implicating', 2), ('naught', 2), ('practiced', 2), ('gibson\\\\', 2), ('allay', 2), ('magician\\\\', 2), ('algiers', 2), ('jung-won', 2), ('eugen', 2), ('emmi\\\\', 2), ('xenophobic', 2), ('soliloquy', 2), ('amazonas', 2), ('pastimes', 2), ('kamna', 2), ('heroines', 2), ('johar', 2), ('chhada', 2), ('derails', 2), ('ramdayal', 2), ('phoolwati', 2), ('porters', 2), ('9-year-old', 2), ('gert', 2), ('standstill', 2), ('foyle', 2), ('re-acquainted', 2), ('vultures', 2), ('tied-up', 2), ('perennials', 2), ('butterworth', 2), ('nozomi', 2), ('prides', 2), ('refunds', 2), ('northanger', 2), ('allens', 2), ('fenson', 2), ('fowles', 2), ('conventionally', 2), ('reisz', 2), ('1800s', 2), ('tended', 2), ('schuylers\\\\', 2), ('smythe', 2), ('bravado', 2), ('cajoles', 2), ('garters', 2), ('milagros', 2), ('threads', 2), ('afternoons', 2), ('chava', 2), ('romanian', 2), ('clouded', 2), ('mistral', 2), ('mannered', 2), ('unapologetically', 2), ('dodo', 2), ('vittorio', 2), ('ministers', 2), ('profligacy', 2), ('alfred\\\\', 2), ('occupy', 2), ('visconti', 2), ('breech', 2), ('harumi\\\\', 2), ('misinformed', 2), ('papi', 2), ('tom찼s\\\\', 2), ('tomas\\\\', 2), ('panicking', 2), ('rivera\\\\', 2), ('firearm', 2), ('patricia\\\\', 2), ('rico\\\\', 2), ('costas', 2), ('vidal\\\\', 2), ('honeychurch', 2), ('beebe', 2), ('alans', 2), ('carandiru', 2), ('varella', 2), ('1992.', 2), ('writer/director', 2), ('long-standing', 2), ('intoxicating', 2), ('melting', 2), ('risley', 2), ('tarnish', 2), ('soliciting', 2), ('lasker-jones', 2), ('inappropriately', 2), ('donat', 2), ('opal', 2), ('reputable', 2), ('j.t.', 2), ('31-year-old', 2), ('com', 2), ('commodities', 2), ('catskill', 2), ('fugitives', 2), ('abbie', 2), ('michalka', 2), ('well-intentioned', 2), ('carelessness', 2), ('tripping', 2), ('cups', 2), ('paychecks', 2), ('aloysius', 2), ('racket', 2), ('crooner', 2), ('leaked', 2), ('discoveries', 2), ('barrymore', 2), ('closed-circuit', 2), ('tae-hee', 2), ('hyunbin', 2), ('taehee', 2), ('campaigns', 2), ('drucker', 2), ('nymphomania', 2), ('workmate', 2), ('motorway', 2), ('photobooth', 2), ('solemn', 2), ('commodore', 2), ('consulate', 2), ('interpretations', 2), ('tamura', 2), ('cooperation', 2), ('montoya', 2), ('pretence', 2), ('well-paid', 2), ('film-maker', 2), ('mistrust', 2), ('wild-child', 2), ('flourishing', 2), ('vernacchio', 2), ('discord', 2), ('patrician', 2), ('sickens', 2), ('labyrinth', 2), ('theseus', 2), ('ariadne', 2), ('enotea', 2), ('u-in', 2), ('introductions', 2), ('winnie', 2), ('genders', 2), ('nonchalant', 2), ('orchestral', 2), ('vanquish', 2), ('patrolman', 2), ('noticeable', 2), ('swoons', 2), ('figurines', 2), ('scatter', 2), ('eyewitnesses', 2), ('slackers', 2), ('continent', 2), ('vocally', 2), ('down-on-his-luck', 2), ('trinkets', 2), ('tailspin', 2), ('valiantly', 2), ('wilherns', 2), (\"\\\\'one\", 2), ('vanderman\\\\', 2), ('sweetness', 2), ('monstrous', 2), ('spectacle', 2), ('chenal', 2), ('winemaker', 2), ('duflot', 2), ('vines', 2), ('soil', 2), ('backpacking', 2), ('vomiting', 2), ('worshipping', 2), ('immerses', 2), ('val챕rie', 2), ('integration', 2), ('sonja', 2), ('henie', 2), ('fraser', 2), ('salma', 2), ('15th', 2), ('choseon', 2), ('concubines', 2), ('rooftops', 2), ('1-million', 2), ('delaying', 2), ('turnaround', 2), ('hanjoo', 2), ('championships', 2), ('pow', 2), ('barbed', 2), ('eruption', 2), ('sanakara', 2), ('mid-west', 2), ('emigrating', 2), ('macao', 2), ('쏷he', 2), (\"'julian\", 2), ('j처zef', 2), ('discharges', 2), ('temptations', 2), ('despise', 2), ('brakes', 2), ('lawfully', 2), ('congrats', 2), ('autism', 2), ('modified', 2), ('shattering', 2), ('venla', 2), ('antero', 2), ('keene', 2), ('lawns', 2), ('signifying', 2), ('hurtful', 2), ('onslaught', 2), (\"'fontaine\", 2), ('dowling', 2), ('charmer', 2), ('whipsnade', 2), ('complexity', 2), ('carol\\\\', 2), ('boutin', 2), ('trelowney', 2), ('chardin', 2), ('chauffer', 2), ('charitable', 2), ('bitches', 2), ('commissar', 2), ('tat', 2), ('elmira', 2), ('mallory', 2), ('documenting', 2), ('bruise', 2), ('structured', 2), ('hilltop', 2), ('unconsummated', 2), ('dunn', 2), ('dieppe', 2), (\"'british\", 2), ('miser', 2), ('browse', 2), ('cappamezzas', 2), ('malacicis', 2), ('arch-nemesis', 2), ('vials', 2), ('sundarapuri', 2), ('blossomed', 2), ('stigma', 2), ('wallis', 2), ('carwash', 2), ('necrophilia', 2), (\"'will\", 2), ('stale', 2), ('unswayed', 2), ('shrill', 2), ('bolshevik', 2), ('dirtwater', 2), ('outlaws', 2), ('snakes', 2), ('deposed', 2), ('shepherdess', 2), ('arnita', 2), ('stranger\\\\', 2), ('locally', 2), ('defective', 2), ('jazmin\\\\', 2), ('utmost', 2), ('nigeria', 2), ('pampering', 2), ('segregated', 2), ('maybelle\\\\', 2), ('nicest', 2), ('portugal', 2), ('devoid', 2), ('subjective', 2), ('gris', 2), ('herzegovina', 2), ('almagro', 2), ('strathmore', 2), ('namesake', 2), ('tide', 2), ('tam', 2), ('enactment', 2), ('civilisation', 2), ('virginia\\\\', 2), ('awesome', 2), ('m체cke', 2), ('1998', 2), ('feuds', 2), ('gangland', 2), ('plainclothes', 2), ('tangiers', 2), ('counted', 2), ('ambivalence', 2), ('a챦cha', 2), ('stalled', 2), ('berta', 2), ('zhenwu', 2), ('hua', 2), ('unwell', 2), ('thawed', 2), ('2003', 2), ('habitual', 2), ('helter', 2), ('skelter', 2), ('jude\\\\', 2), ('coming-of-age', 2), ('cam\\\\', 2), ('bloomed', 2), ('overpowers', 2), ('peeping', 2), ('delphine\\\\', 2), ('rayon', 2), ('vert', 2), ('neutral', 2), ('birthdate', 2), ('indifferently', 2), ('banknote', 2), ('insert', 2), ('affliction', 2), ('disobeys', 2), ('taboos', 2), ('meggie\\\\', 2), ('skeletons', 2), ('nazar', 2), ('friend/employee', 2), ('issuing', 2), ('outrun', 2), ('dowdy', 2), ('playmates', 2), ('heidelberg', 2), ('ruder', 2), ('haugk', 2), ('reins', 2), ('fitzmaurice', 2), ('smithers\\\\', 2), ('fitzmaurice\\\\', 2), ('ardent', 2), ('omer', 2), ('yearnings', 2), ('yawar', 2), ('humour', 2), ('repartees', 2), ('nargis', 2), ('wiatt', 2), ('prashanth', 2), ('byline', 2), ('sana', 2), ('scurries', 2), ('viability', 2), ('sahni', 2), ('dismissal', 2), ('choreography', 2), ('loitering', 2), ('archer\\\\', 2), ('enamel', 2), ('figurine', 2), ('wilmer\\\\', 2), ('achim', 2), ('anke', 2), ('appointments', 2), ('doubly', 2), ('devil-may-care', 2), ('ticking', 2), ('pyarelal', 2), ('glaswegian', 2), ('tahara', 2), ('keane', 2), (\"'jessica\", 2), ('socialized', 2), ('week\\\\', 2), ('tahoe', 2), ('guzal', 2), ('incontinent', 2), ('wheedles', 2), ('chappani', 2), ('sheen', 2), ('screwed', 2), ('loafs', 2), ('page\\\\', 2), ('allegiance', 2), ('merrick\\\\', 2), ('rescuers', 2), ('resuscitator', 2), ('surgeons', 2), ('kristy\\\\', 2), ('jordi', 2), ('wiles', 2), ('flour', 2), ('glimpsed', 2), ('zeal', 2), ('draper', 2), ('reinaldo', 2), ('minors', 2), ('lazaro', 2), ('itty', 2), ('bitty', 2), ('titty', 2), ('rooted', 2), ('meat\\\\', 2), ('knox', 2), ('blackberry', 2), ('self-supporting', 2), ('yadwiga', 2), ('auckland', 2), ('samoan', 2), ('redeemers', 2), ('rationale', 2), ('collections', 2), ('apes', 2), ('black\\\\', 2), ('organizations', 2), ('cookbook', 2), ('varner', 2), ('clara\\\\', 2), ('sitara', 2), ('aschenbach\\\\', 2), ('mahler\\\\', 2), ('day-trips', 2), ('crescendo', 2), ('lasted', 2), ('horrendous', 2), ('choreographed', 2), ('dharak', 2), ('burney', 2), ('dousing', 2), ('washburn', 2), ('tarred', 2), ('feathered', 2), ('cote', 2), ('cheeni', 2), ('unmindful', 2), ('shenbagam', 2), ('abitha', 2), ('wonderfully', 2), ('sudan', 2), ('kumquat', 2), ('renaming', 2), ('pummeled', 2), ('dudley\\\\', 2), ('tanks', 2), ('mainlanders', 2), ('saravanan', 2), ('anti-social', 2), ('tropico', 2), ('guevara', 2), ('imperialist', 2), ('procuring', 2), ('greedily', 2), ('shuffles', 2), ('masses', 2), ('vaults', 2), ('kailash', 2), ('lalaji', 2), ('projected', 2), ('caiman', 2), ('debris', 2), ('molotov', 2), ('yukon', 2), ('chopped', 2), ('reorganizes', 2), ('superheroine', 2), ('g-girl', 2), ('indiscretions', 2), ('brice', 2), ('manifestation', 2), ('one-third', 2), ('sargeant', 2), ('unfriendly', 2), ('bonaparte', 2), ('lenormand', 2), ('truchaut', 2), ('loyalist', 2), ('discos', 2), ('hilarity', 2), ('noir', 2), ('monte\\\\', 2), ('yasothon', 2), ('haroun', 2), ('misfortunes', 2), ('unpredictable', 2), ('blindfolded', 2), ('lilly\\\\', 2), ('saddled', 2), ('harlan\\\\', 2), ('egos', 2), ('aegean', 2), ('cliques', 2), ('laughingstock', 2), ('devolves', 2), ('owl', 2), ('one-day', 2), ('chauhan\\\\', 2), ('1996', 2), ('high-society', 2), ('flare-up', 2), ('misbehaving', 2), ('grubb', 2), ('쏮ick', 2), ('쏷exas', 2), ('bourbon', 2), ('halsey', 2), ('omprakash', 2), ('credible', 2), ('benaras', 2), ('apna', 2), ('kurnool', 2), ('montpelier', 2), ('jacoby\\\\', 2), ('furthering', 2), ('golfing', 2), ('circulated', 2), ('overwrought', 2), ('impasse', 2), (\"'maxi\", 2), ('stirred', 2), ('mardi', 2), ('gras', 2), ('owen\\\\', 2), ('sheepishly', 2), ('boarders', 2), ('sikhs', 2), ('husband-to-be', 2), ('unturned', 2), ('shailu', 2), ('khandala', 2), ('grazing', 2), ('heckles', 2), ('testosterone', 2), ('yun', 2), ('bong-choon', 2), ('jeon', 2), ('apologetically', 2), ('ex-model', 2), ('interlocking', 2), ('simultaneous', 2), (\"'deepika\", 2), ('aarya\\\\', 2), ('kasi\\\\', 2), ('councillor', 2), ('bitchy', 2), ('macdougall', 2), ('plotted', 2), ('911', 2), ('gasthaus', 2), ('abated', 2), ('goodman', 2), ('sumankumar', 2), ('deepti', 2), ('amitabh', 2), ('apathy', 2), ('dkk', 2), ('feng\\\\', 2), ('ancestral', 2), ('episcopal', 2), ('schooling', 2), ('dona', 2), ('inhibited', 2), ('elegantly', 2), ('blithely', 2), ('marriageable', 2), ('surajbhan', 2), ('devotee', 2), ('grabbed', 2), ('l챕a', 2), ('amie', 2), ('wool', 2), ('chori', 2), ('intimidates', 2), ('pandian\\\\', 2), ('advertised', 2), ('rathna', 2), ('vishwanathan\\\\', 2), ('avvai\\\\', 2), ('쁔he', 2), ('beggars', 2), ('bandya', 2), ('gujarati', 2), ('speechless', 2), ('erwin', 2), ('vogt', 2), ('adebach', 2), ('pierces', 2), ('second-hand', 2), ('whiz-kid', 2), ('hack', 2), ('inject', 2), ('girish', 2), ('karnad', 2), ('possessiveness', 2), ('racy', 2), ('oars', 2), ('build-up', 2), ('yanks', 2), ('dyson', 2), ('moreton', 2), ('sever', 2), ('gorges', 2), ('anahita', 2), ('crowther', 2), ('timms', 2), ('akthar', 2), ('oxbridge', 2), ('rodgers', 2), ('mater', 2), ('bye', 2), ('builder', 2), ('enemity', 2), ('emotionless', 2), ('prejudiced', 2), ('1959.', 2), ('radios', 2), ('payoff', 2), ('insurrection', 2), (\"o'mara\", 2), ('monty\\\\', 2), ('suing', 2), ('rossmore', 2), ('misjudged', 2), ('exhausts', 2), ('bribing', 2), ('autopsy', 2), ('bensons', 2), ('clicks', 2), ('heckled', 2), ('mccall', 2), ('swindled', 2), ('demann', 2), ('pacino', 2), ('bernhard', 2), ('lepridon', 2), ('earthworm', 2), ('arctic', 2), ('restaurateur', 2), ('kincaid', 2), ('diaries', 2), ('dishonors', 2), ('mizuage', 2), ('predetermined', 2), ('malayalam', 2), ('clawed', 2), ('samson\\\\', 2), ('symbolized', 2), ('climbed', 2), ('hauptmann-koenig', 2), ('sheik\\\\', 2), ('plainly', 2), ('mid-1960s', 2), ('ricochets', 2), ('woodcutter', 2), ('oar', 2), ('rumpoey\\\\', 2), ('henning', 2), ('rebelling', 2), ('astor', 2), ('naranjo', 2), ('imposes', 2), ('ply', 2), ('brig', 2), ('harmed', 2), ('prying', 2), ('yod', 2), ('slowed', 2), ('admissions', 2), ('boyle', 2), ('multifocal', 2), ('leukoencephalopathy', 2), ('brandon\\\\', 2), ('dickie', 2), ('greech', 2), ('airman\\\\', 2), ('presentable', 2), ('guilt-free', 2), ('operatives', 2), ('grimaldi', 2), ('embarrassingly', 2), ('bwick', 2), ('wannabe-fianc챕', 2), ('srihari', 2), ('indirectly', 2), ('goshen', 2), ('chicago-based', 2), ('faizabad', 2), ('dilawar', 2), ('jaan', 2), ('gauhar', 2), ('mirza', 2), ('shuns', 2), ('keaton', 2), ('tussauds', 2), ('satvinder', 2), ('rikki\\\\', 2), ('2,000', 2), ('kanyakumari', 2), ('anklet', 2), (\"'charles\", 2), ('fdny', 2), ('firehouse', 2), ('uday\\\\', 2), ('brokers', 2), ('kanchi', 2), ('minicab', 2), ('safeway', 2), ('impaired', 2), ('compare', 2), ('thefts', 2), ('gallo', 2), ('radner', 2), ('com챕die-fran챌aise', 2), ('picard', 2), ('cabot', 2), ('salty', 2), ('cling', 2), ('athletics', 2), ('landscaping', 2), ('tenley', 2), ('parrish', 2), ('mikal\\\\', 2), ('nanuk', 2), ('littered', 2), ('kleptomaniac', 2), ('palam', 2), ('appendix', 2), ('nicks', 2), ('stevies', 2), ('logand', 2), ('forwarding', 2), ('hubbells', 2), ('adolphe', 2), ('wolper', 2), ('woodend', 2), ('rosamund', 2), ('mccraw', 2), ('hussey', 2), ('bumpher', 2), ('whitehead', 2), ('darkens', 2), ('peoples', 2), ('arasu', 2), ('therese', 2), ('derek\\\\', 2), ('instability', 2), ('2003.', 2), ('jimbo', 2), ('cot', 2), ('nicely', 2), ('kurtha', 2), ('worships', 2), ('donga', 2), ('suman', 2), ('raisx', 2), ('scorching', 2), ('tails', 2), ('hijinks', 2), ('mudaliar', 2), ('sait', 2), ('revathi', 2), ('goon', 2), ('lending', 2), ('rehearse', 2), ('ob/gyn', 2), ('fragments', 2), ('bryant', 2), ('sutherland', 2), ('maven', 2), ('himalayas', 2), ('coordinator', 2), ('shambhunath', 2), ('despised', 2), ('shashank', 2), ('bhikshu', 2), ('yadav', 2), ('burmese', 2), ('bao', 2), ('chai', 2), ('mong', 2), ('reconnaissance', 2), ('unit\\\\', 2), ('schemer', 2), ('textile', 2), ('minefield', 2), ('loggins\\\\', 2), ('mika챘l', 2), ('attilio\\\\', 2), ('mridhula', 2), ('relocating', 2), ('mano', 2), ('torino', 2), ('rainforest', 2), ('subrahmanyam', 2), ('.the', 2), ('chakram', 2), ('mugs', 2), ('clandestinely', 2), ('ladylove', 2), ('badrachalam', 2), ('parrot', 2), ('subjecting', 2), ('bertrams', 2), ('crawfords', 2), ('sabari', 2), ('donsky', 2), ('wining', 2), ('aplomb', 2), ('hoarse-voiced', 2), ('cinny', 2), ('borshchov', 2), ('fedulov', 2), ('plasterer', 2), ('trainees', 2), ('committee\\\\', 2), ('athos', 2), ('frosya', 2), ('gwendolen', 2), ('gwm', 2), ('warren\\\\', 2), ('suffrage', 2), ('watherstone', 2), ('admiralty', 2), ('obsolete', 2), ('sol\\\\', 2), ('outstanding', 2), ('noodles', 2), ('cloths', 2), ('honeycomb', 2), (\"'wallace\", 2), ('letterman', 2), ('kwik', 2), ('foto', 2), ('wilder\\\\', 2), ('undersecretary', 2), ('gang-raped', 2), ('videographer', 2), ('cover-up', 2), ('wendy\\\\', 2), ('jules\\\\', 2), ('nicola', 2), ('jiyan', 2), ('terrifies', 2), ('bollen', 2), ('unfaithfulness', 2), ('shaping', 2), ('starbuck\\\\', 2), ('nap', 2), ('finger\\\\', 2), ('worldwide', 2), ('shayna', 2), ('haredi', 2), ('years.', 2), ('hasidic', 2), ('psychotherapist', 2), ('yeshivas', 2), ('resultant', 2), ('fried', 2), ('elinor', 2), ('dwight', 2), ('dek', 2), ('macheath', 2), ('monteriano', 2), ('lisette', 2), ('mini-chief', 2), ('daze', 2), ('khun', 2), ('boonlueang', 2), ('cut-out', 2), ('satchel', 2), ('crypt', 2), ('beltinsk찼', 2), ('titanik', 2), ('betrayals', 2), ('roopa\\\\', 2), ('swirling', 2), ('ungar', 2), ('murray\\\\', 2), ('oscar\\\\', 2), ('frisky', 2), ('songwriters', 2), ('watering', 2), ('womaniser', 2), ('corresponds', 2), ('meagre', 2), ('reduces', 2), ('andreas', 2), ('transformations', 2), ('a-morphic', 2), ('esme', 2), ('yossele', 2), ('assimilating', 2), ('complexities', 2), ('vishakapatnam', 2), ('yadagiri', 2), ('drouet\\\\', 2), ('exhausting', 2), ('re-enter', 2), ('well-regarded', 2), ('leary', 2), ('chipped', 2), ('uninjured', 2), ('stem', 2), ('maxi-mart', 2), ('assert', 2), ('lavinia', 2), ('parry', 2), ('imposed', 2), ('t.mahesh', 2), ('haritha', 2), ('heartedly', 2), ('joggers', 2), ('furtive', 2), ('iliac', 2), ('baguio', 2), ('davao', 2), ('manalang', 2), ('berto', 2), ('migrant', 2), ('suji', 2), ('rameswaram', 2), ('marudhu', 2), ('s.p.jananathan', 2), ('vidyasagar', 2), ('shauna', 2), ('steppers', 2), ('kia\\\\', 2), ('evy\\\\', 2), ('alters', 2), ('nabbed', 2), ('marker', 2), ('sinner', 2), ('southstreet', 2), ('sky\\\\', 2), ('suppose', 2), ('arvide', 2), ('abernathy', 2), ('convictions', 2), ('nicely-nicely', 2), ('usage', 2), ('22.', 2), (\"'christine\", 2), ('cherryvale', 2), ('leigh-jenson', 2), ('sivan', 2), ('aparna', 2), ('shop-keeper', 2), ('norway', 2), ('olaf', 2), ('crop', 2), ('diversity', 2), ('kilometre', 2), ('viewfinder', 2), ('quimby', 2), ('clips', 2), ('settlements', 2), ('chingleput', 2), ('jaipur', 2), ('dunphy', 2), ('poker-playing', 2), ('incur', 2), ('ladi', 2), ('weaved', 2), ('daredevil', 2), ('thilothama', 2), ('olga\\\\', 2), ('novoseltsev\\\\', 2), ('freindlich', 2), ('rom', 2), ('bombard', 2), ('b챕r챕nice', 2), ('henrik', 2), ('ibsen', 2), ('bosco', 2), (\"d'mello\", 2), ('yelena', 2), ('partisans', 2), ('eulalie', 2), ('zaneeta', 2), ('jacks', 2), ('collier', 2), ('gundy', 2), ('gumshoe', 2), ('sundance', 2), ('radley', 2), ('mainwaring-brown', 2), ('parkyn', 2), ('wilfred', 2), ('sculpting', 2), ('manslaughter', 2), ('meter', 2), ('gillis', 2), ('markova', 2), ('fengjie', 2), ('dongming', 2), ('indentured', 2), ('molloy', 2), ('armoire', 2), ('ephram\\\\', 2), ('gussie', 2), ('ashlow', 2), ('tans', 2), ('caracas', 2), ('coudray\\\\', 2), ('nam', 2), ('homo', 2), ('mooncakes', 2), ('static', 2), ('sundry', 2), ('self-doubt', 2), ('meticulously', 2), ('brimming', 2), ('longed', 2), ('deep-rooted', 2), ('charmont\\\\', 2), ('justified', 2), ('legends', 2), ('jaa', 2), ('ankineedu', 2), ('mantralayam', 2), ('patchett', 2), ('albans', 2), ('tyres', 2), ('nirmal', 2), ('nantes', 2), ('bookseller', 2), ('junk', 2), ('delong', 2), ('liu\\\\', 2), ('censors', 2), ('self-control', 2), ('hung-over', 2), ('defined', 2), ('birmingham', 2), ('evelyn\\\\', 2), ('sipsey', 2), ('griff\\\\', 2), ('planeta', 2), ('untrue', 2), ('latimore', 2), ('sneaky', 2), ('slick-talking', 2), ('harpoons', 2), ('naani', 2), ('waldemar', 2), ('snarling', 2), ('predicting', 2), ('organs', 2), ('boldness', 2), ('pickwick', 2), ('cockswell', 2), ('role-play', 2), ('mimsi', 2), ('kangwon', 2), ('sangwon', 2), ('lost-and-found', 2), ('ha-seok', 2), ('stooges', 2), ('1,200', 2), ('yuppy', 2), ('considine', 2), ('slater\\\\', 2), ('isolates', 2), ('cerdan', 2), ('life-saving', 2), ('yoo', 2), ('hyeon-jeong', 2), ('min-seok', 2), ('drowsy', 2), ('achama', 2), ('kochammini', 2), ('dupes', 2), ('liqueur', 2), ('tamara\\\\', 2), ('fae\\\\', 2), ('appu', 2), ('praveen', 2), ('tozer', 2), ('urgently', 2), ('broadbent', 2), ('fenner', 2), ('absenteeism', 2), ('snatched', 2), ('loyola', 2), ('universally', 2), (\"'raja\", 2), ('kesavan', 2), ('unni', 2), ('hyun-woo', 2), ('ensemble', 2), ('sarkar', 2), ('2008', 2), ('ise', 2), ('enchantment', 2), ('carmel\\\\', 2), ('bumblebee', 2), ('jeanie', 2), ('well-wishers', 2), ('gribble', 2), ('vanzetti', 2), ('lightness', 2), ('incorrect', 2), ('escapee', 2), ('nambiar', 2), ('aravind', 2), ('hindu-christian', 2), ('sno', 2), ('blo', 2), ('chinon', 2), ('lionheart', 2), ('wetherhold', 2), ('impounded', 2), ('info', 2), ('madie', 2), ('repo', 2), ('sav챔', 2), ('richa', 2), ('thrashing', 2), ('sos', 2), ('manivannan', 2), ('mercedes-benz', 2), ('girdle', 2), ('steaming', 2), ('grain', 2), ('hammond\\\\', 2), ('crate', 2), ('sips', 2), ('auntie', 2), ('fung', 2), ('fothergill', 2), ('poushkoff', 2), ('volga', 2), ('ballinagra', 2), ('1985.', 2), ('carnage', 2), ('1981', 2), ('gateau\\\\', 2), ('cha', 2), ('panda', 2), ('menu', 2), ('gwyn', 2), ('aman\\\\', 2), ('assumptions', 2), ('tezcatlipoca', 2), ('breanna', 2), ('albajara', 2), ('gij처n', 2), ('augusta', 2), ('panic\\\\', 2), ('meditate', 2), ('brahma\\\\', 2), ('shouted', 2), ('ayya', 2), ('maadaswami', 2), ('yat-sen', 2), ('ching-ling', 2), ('dissent', 2), ('isha\\\\', 2), ('manly', 2), ('to챰o', 2), ('winsocki', 2), ('firestorm', 2), ('control\\\\', 2), ('siegfried\\\\', 2), ('99\\\\', 2), ('disney', 2), ('walkway', 2), ('savory', 2), ('viswanath', 2), ('bradmans', 2), ('austerity', 2), ('timmer', 2), ('paycock', 2), ('anti-treaty', 2), ('victrola', 2), ('stodgy', 2), ('swindle', 2), ('delhii', 2), ('dutton', 2), ('reexamine', 2), ('octavio', 2), ('frogged', 2), ('selves', 2), ('custom', 2), ('yoyita', 2), ('adolfo', 2), ('mariano', 2), ('costantini', 2), ('fairground', 2), ('aphrodite', 2), ('ova', 2), ('miassis', 2), ('tempt', 2), ('radlov', 2), ('alternating', 2), ('scot', 2), ('purdah', 2), ('sorbonne', 2), ('esoteric', 2), ('narrate', 2), ('inclinations', 2), ('vetoes', 2), ('oysters', 2), ('pipeline', 2), ('temelko', 2), ('re-located', 2), ('handpicked', 2), ('dessouki', 2), ('disaffected', 2), ('zaki', 2), ('egypt\\\\', 2), ('converging', 2), ('pows', 2), ('procures', 2), ('die-hard', 2), ('chevillon', 2), ('aristide', 2), ('gobin', 2), ('filler', 2), ('cyborg', 2), ('transistor', 2), ('robosaurus', 2), ('hasan', 2), ('adheer', 2), ('untouchability', 2), ('ludvig', 2), ('orchestrates', 2), ('connolly', 2), ('deluded', 2), ('o.t', 2), ('enfield', 2), ('blackwell', 2), ('buoy', 2), ('gutsell', 2), ('greenland', 2), ('choudhary', 2), ('cystic', 2), ('passively', 2), ('humayun', 2), ('recited', 2), ('relinquish', 2), ('detectors', 2), ('rajasthan', 2), ('kristian', 2), ('kwan\\\\', 2), ('joi', 2), ('roen', 2), ('lender', 2), ('somchai\\\\', 2), ('jacklynne', 2), ('alonzo', 2), ('kin', 2), ('preceded', 2), ('lois\\\\', 2), ('gremio', 2), ('hortensio', 2), ('apprehending', 2), ('automated', 2), ('sentience', 2), ('recolonize', 2), ('go-4', 2), ('concluded', 2), ('horde', 2), ('thera', 2), ('technicality', 2), ('montenegro', 2), ('mockby', 2), ('mockbys', 2), (\"'andr챕\", 2), ('simpl챠cio', 2), ('castelo', 2), ('andr챕\\\\', 2), ('sim찾o', 2), ('gardening', 2), ('ragu', 2), ('chadman', 2), ('occult', 2), ('clambake', 2), ('undercurrents', 2), ('abort', 2), ('vitamins', 2), ('vita-beans', 2), ('serb', 2), ('g철sta', 2), ('bergman\\\\', 2), ('cougar', 2), ('hezekiah\\\\', 2), ('vinu', 2), ('peale', 2), ('maneuvers', 2), ('sharron', 2), ('redheaded', 2), ('klazenfrantz', 2), ('demerits', 2), ('beery', 2), ('q21', 2), ('2010|bot', 2), ('brewers', 2), ('fiftieth', 2), ('milbane', 2), ('nipper\\\\', 2), ('neeta', 2), ('hache', 2), ('argentinian', 2), ('coxswain', 2), ('sprints', 2), ('fotti', 2), ('uruguay', 2), ('annalee', 2), ('sleepwalks', 2), ('sleepwalking', 2), ('neelkamal', 2), ('kishore', 2), ('pakistanis', 2), ('farah', 2), ('amit', 2), ('tha', 2), ('lizi', 2), ('re-appears', 2), ('kerib', 2), ('misquitoes', 2), ('izabella', 2), ('miko', 2), ('arduous', 2), ('vitamin', 2), ('hewitt\\\\', 2), ('bukistan', 2), ('hellion', 2), ('drop-out', 2), ('depot', 2), ('battalion', 2), ('calais', 2), ('suncoast', 2), ('hard-to-get', 2), ('finalised', 2), ('duluth', 2), ('heroics', 2), ('dodge\\\\', 2), ('interception', 2), ('eun-whan\\\\', 2), ('jae-kyung\\\\', 2), ('boudoir', 2), ('pietro', 2), ('annarella', 2), ('timberlane', 2), ('disposes', 2), ('ari\\\\', 2), ('ufo', 2), ('explorers', 2), ('maps', 2), ('bildocker', 2), ('shindel', 2), ('breathtakingly', 2), ('janusz', 2), ('kasia', 2), ('pursewarden', 2), ('euro', 2), ('locksmith', 2), ('polaco', 2), ('arumugam', 2), ('good-for-nothing', 2), ('jindal', 2), ('kites', 2), ('pathan', 2), ('taheris', 2), ('wittenborn', 2), ('glandular', 2), ('anabelle', 2), ('pulsar', 2), ('hema', 2), ('daniela', 2), ('kausalya', 2), ('immaculata', 2), ('audaciously', 2), ('bharadhi', 2), ('raghavan', 2), ('eun-sung\\\\', 2), ('kyung-won', 2), ('han-sung', 2), ('gelman', 2), ('perjury', 2), ('shaff', 2), ('voyeuristic', 2), ('charville', 2), ('secular', 2), ('footballer', 2), ('cosas', 2), ('blanco', 2), ('mastronardi', 2), ('simple-minded', 2), ('eily', 2), ('strangulation', 2), ('b-52', 2), ('patriot', 2), ('kalai', 2), ('dhillon', 2), ('khayelitsha', 2), ('sojourn', 2), ('siamak\\\\', 2), ('fariba\\\\', 2), ('elsa\\\\', 2), ('tombstone', 2), ('jaggu', 2), ('dhanraj', 2), ('jaggu\\\\', 2), ('leelabai', 2), ('sood', 2), ('kaajal\\\\', 2), ('fellowes', 2), ('anar', 2), ('prosthesis', 2), ('kozlenko', 2), ('d.e.b.s.', 2), ('chauvinism', 2), ('aucoin', 2), ('head-to-toe', 2), ('all-natural', 2), ('rosita', 2), ('tito', 2), ('furs', 2), ('foster-child', 2), ('ageing', 2), ('pontiac', 2), ('brentwood', 2), ('fight\\\\', 2), ('kichi\\\\', 2), ('sada\\\\', 2), ('katoey', 2), ('owe', 2), ('julian\\\\', 2), ('randhir', 2), ('shepherds', 2), ('arta', 2), ('pelican', 2), ('shambles', 2), ('mathurs', 2), ('sloviak', 2), ('oola', 2), ('todday', 2), ('trilby', 2), ('penang', 2), ('assam', 2), ('mackinac', 2), ('orgasmarator', 2), ('eros', 2), ('tickler', 2), ('burnett\\\\', 2), ('rafael\\\\', 2), ('lovejoy', 2), ('edythe', 2), ('toto\\\\', 2), ('spaniards', 2), ('bristow', 2), ('munir', 2), ('shafeek', 2), ('compulsion', 2), ('elitist', 2), ('voting', 2), ('dork', 2), ('delbert', 2), ('en-route', 2), ('natalie\\\\', 2), ('layale', 2), ('nisrine', 2), ('pre-marital', 2), ('georg\\\\', 2), ('gonzalez', 2), ('byrne', 2), ('gurus', 2), ('brits', 2), ('match-making', 2), ('destitution', 2), ('p.r.e.o.m', 2), ('anesthetic', 2), ('oviedo', 2), ('mata흢owski', 2), ('kryska', 2), ('cady\\\\', 2), ('distrusted', 2), ('kamla', 2), ('wieck', 2), ('szabos', 2), ('hans\\\\', 2), ('neena', 2), ('bittoo', 2), ('vijay/ram', 2), ('sunil/lakshman', 2), ('shalu', 2), ('duvalier', 2), ('tonton', 2), ('pinedas', 2), ('petit', 2), ('cunning', 2), ('looters', 2), ('divakaran', 2), ('lal', 2), ('ravikanth', 2), ('janakaraj', 2), ('selvamani', 2), ('coolie', 2), ('avenges', 2), ('vaanavaraayan', 2), ('vallavarayan', 2), ('15-days-old', 2), ('modesty', 2), ('rajnikanth', 2), ('niharika', 2), ('ranvijay', 2), ('nati', 2), ('alpine', 2), ('tamer', 2), ('deafness', 2), ('delicately', 2), ('amaris', 2), ('sharwaris', 2), ('nepal', 2), ('carpets', 2), ('blades', 2), ('sierra\\\\', 2), ('pur', 2), ('sardarilal', 2), ('bheegi', 2), ('karimganj', 2), ('appa', 2), ('catalan', 2), ('padma', 2), ('thilakavathy', 2), ('jhonny', 2), ('tasty', 2), ('gogarty', 2), (\"weren\\\\'t\", 2), ('쏱overty.', 2), ('gauri\\\\', 2), ('narendran\\\\', 2), ('twelvetrees', 2), ('wyn\\\\', 2), ('masterji', 2), ('shyamlal', 2), ('chintamani', 2), ('dehradun', 2), (\"'nisha\", 2), ('marsinah\\\\', 2), ('wongs', 2), ('surim', 2), ('kar', 2), ('dimitry', 2), ('placard', 2), ('mulot', 2), ('attachments', 2), ('talaq', 2), ('dindukkal', 2), ('imli', 2), ('mugal', 2), ('makhdum', 2), ('malkan', 2), ('qazi', 2), ('subedar', 2), ('kader', 2), ('sinhalese', 2), ('malini\\\\', 2), ('bandra', 2), ('krit', 2), ('grunbaum', 2), ('gonsalves', 2), ('pardesi', 2), ('inr', 2), ('zamindar\\\\', 2), ('satto', 2), ('billi', 2), ('paro\\\\', 2), ('glenwood', 2), ('golan', 2), ('rotlu', 2), ('shaleen', 2), ('rathore', 2), ('jaane', 2), ('peppermint', 2), ('frappe', 2), ('mayandi', 2), ('aom', 2), ('headache', 2), ('valborg', 2), ('janowski', 2), ('pas-prone', 1), ('fledged', 1), ('gaffe-prone', 1), ('discreet', 1), ('lamely', 1), ('empathetic', 1), ('gareth\\\\', 1), ('auden', 1), ('commemorating', 1), ('gareth.bbc', 1), ('leicester', 1), ('2012-05-07john', 1), ('scotsman', 1), ('2012-05-07', 1), ('proud-to-be-single', 1), ('five-hour', 1), (\"\\\\'sisters\\\\\", 1), (\"\\\\'out\\\\\", 1), ('patrick/patricia', 1), ('glen/glenda', 1), ('adorn', 1), ('glen\\\\', 1), ('bison', 1), ('flagellation', 1), ('klaw', 1), ('angora', 1), ('75th', 1), ('melling', 1), ('antifeminist', 1), ('freebush', 1), ('runner-up', 1), ('impersonated', 1), ('congeniality', 1), ('elms', 1), ('kesher', 1), ('commandeered', 1), ('bungling', 1), ('praised', 1), ('thump', 1), ('terrorized', 1), (\"'benjamin\", 1), ('anytime', 1), ('robinsons\\\\', 1), ('preemptively', 1), ('prosecuted', 1), ('exhilaration', 1), ('armoured', 1), ('carriers', 1), ('revulsion', 1), ('nosebleed', 1), ('fergus\\\\', 1), ('absentia', 1), ('assassinating', 1), ('off-handedly', 1), ('indirect', 1), ('complicit', 1), ('dil\\\\', 1), ('coordinating', 1), ('geri', 1), ('hurtling', 1), ('edison', 1), ('gallops', 1), ('coordinate', 1), ('evers', 1), ('mckendrick', 1), ('money-hungry', 1), ('cattiness', 1), ('swatting', 1), ('evinces', 1), ('divergent', 1), ('male-female', 1), ('exceptions', 1), ('brightest', 1), ('siddons', 1), ('breakout', 1), ('dewitt', 1), ('becomingly', 1), ('flattering', 1), ('idolization', 1), ('seamless', 1), ('richardses', 1), ('shubert', 1), ('exults', 1), ('slojinski', 1), ('addison\\\\', 1), ('effusion', 1), ('multi-paned', 1), ('regally', 1), (\"'philip\", 1), ('antisemitism', 1), ('minify\\\\', 1), ('pre-school', 1), ('anti-female', 1), ('okie', 1), ('coalminer', 1), ('acquiescence', 1), ('wales\\\\', 1), ('dettrey', 1), ('greens', 1), ('epithet', 1), ('dave\\\\', 1), (\"'brad\", 1), ('bargains', 1), ('1,400', 1), ('roustabouts', 1), ('ringling', 1), ('barnum', 1), ('concessionaire', 1), ('aerialists\\\\', 1), ('pharmacist\\\\', 1), ('periphery', 1), ('sowing', 1), ('disaffection', 1), ('sultan\\\\', 1), ('busting', 1), ('swellest', 1), ('byproduct', 1), ('spec', 1), ('friends/lovers/acquaintances/relatives', 1), ('skyler', 1), ('insolence', 1), ('assess', 1), ('faisal\\\\', 1), ('brighton\\\\', 1), ('pique', 1), ('aqaba', 1), ('offload', 1), ('fortified', 1), ('landward', 1), ('nefud', 1), ('impassable', 1), ('bedouins', 1), ('auda', 1), ('abu', 1), ('tayi', 1), ('ali\\\\', 1), ('auda\\\\', 1), ('overruns', 1), ('sinai', 1), ('quicksand', 1), ('arabs\\\\', 1), ('publicizes', 1), ('enemy-held', 1), ('daraa', 1), ('ogled', 1), ('cutthroats', 1), ('tafas', 1), ('relish', 1), ('allenby\\\\', 1), ('tribesmen', 1), ('ill-suited', 1), ('tribes', 1), ('usefulness', 1), ('drone', 1), ('neighours', 1), ('jeffery', 1), ('company-sponsored', 1), ('sheldrake\\\\', 1), ('holiday-depressed', 1), ('dreyfus', 1), ('kubelik\\\\', 1), ('burnham', 1), ('real-estate', 1), ('abhors', 1), ('burnhams', 1), ('physique', 1), ('poulain', 1), ('moulins', 1), ('montmartre', 1), ('staffed', 1), ('loosens', 1), ('repaints', 1), ('pierre-auguste', 1), ('long-forgotten', 1), ('gnome', 1), ('kindles', 1), ('reconciliatory', 1), ('lucien', 1), ('greengrocer', 1), ('undermines', 1), ('quincampoix', 1), ('treasured', 1), ('seven-months-pregnant', 1), ('sequoyah', 1), ('beat-up', 1), ('5.55', 1), ('browses', 1), ('cornbread', 1), ('buttermilk', 1), ('plate-glass', 1), ('newscasters', 1), ('9:00', 1), ('abomination', 1), ('jesus\\\\', 1), ('manger', 1), ('tornado', 1), ('41,000', 1), ('americus\\\\', 1), ('amputee', 1), ('infrigment', 1), ('horticulturalist', 1), ('faur챕', 1), ('adler', 1), ('adlers', 1), ('impressionistic', 1), ('fortune-hunter', 1), ('thumbing', 1), ('shapely', 1), ('mulls', 1), ('roust', 1), ('39.60', 1), ('get-away', 1), ('secondhand', 1), ('teyssier', 1), ('seven-hour', 1), ('deficient', 1), ('seating', 1), ('deboarding', 1), ('cardon', 1), ('lactose', 1), ('452', 1), ('ravelle', 1), ('paulhaguet', 1), ('birthright', 1), ('45,782', 1), ('pastry', 1), ('varjak', 1), ('eustace', 1), ('failenson', 1), ('berman', 1), ('silva', 1), ('pereira', 1), ('golightly\\\\', 1), ('cracker', 1), ('precinct', 1), ('yunioshi', 1), (\"'akeem\", 1), ('aeoleon', 1), ('izzi', 1), ('intellect', 1), ('akeem\\\\', 1), ('transmits', 1), ('zamundan', 1), ('mcdowells', 1), ('joffe', 1), ('aoleon', 1), ('scene\\\\', 1), ('zamundans', 1), ('splendor', 1), ('abdication', 1), ('barroom', 1), ('counterfeiting', 1), ('pickpockets', 1), ('entertainer-assistants', 1), ('stanieff', 1), ('david_landau_', 1), ('psalm-singing', 1), ('reformer', 1), ('cellblock', 1), ('two-times', 1), ('combs', 1), ('apprehends', 1), ('paddywagon', 1), (\"'holden\", 1), ('calmer', 1), ('experimentations', 1), ('봩issing', 1), ('summarily', 1), ('wordless', 1), ('misty-eyed', 1), ('ruggles', 1), ('barbier', 1), ('satin-clad', 1), ('cigarette-puffing', 1), ('dorcy', 1), ('canary', 1), ('thornhill', 1), ('eldredge', 1), ('scrapper\\\\', 1), ('hundredth', 1), (\"'mimi\", 1), ('less-than-competent', 1), ('hortense\\\\', 1), ('fianc챕s', 1), ('rodolfo', 1), ('egbert\\\\', 1), ('adulterer', 1), ('sylvanian', 1), ('royally', 1), ('fed-up', 1), ('tremont', 1), ('modelling/promoting', 1), ('gowns', 1), ('beddini', 1), ('dandified', 1), ('malapropisms', 1), ('piccolino', 1), ('.adapted', 1), ('tallow', 1), ('tuba-playing', 1), ('semple', 1), ('troubleshooter', 1), ('ex-newspaperman', 1), ('outfoxed', 1), ('longfellow\\\\', 1), ('moniker', 1), ('opportunists', 1), ('cobb\\\\', 1), ('bennett\\\\', 1), ('dispossessed', 1), ('ultra-rich', 1), ('multitudes', 1), ('10-acre', 1), ('봢ccentric', 1), ('pixie', 1), ('spinsters', 1), ('cedar\\\\', 1), ('봟efore', 1), ('sanest', 1), ('warriner', 1), ('leeson\\\\', 1), ('prudent', 1), ('leesons', 1), ('ram처n', 1), ('cajal', 1), ('seventeenth', 1), ('coru챰a', 1), ('huma\\\\', 1), ('cleverer', 1), ('almodovar', 1), ('cassavetes\\\\', 1), ('epicenter', 1), (\"'reckless\", 1), ('sandbags', 1), ('socialite/heiress', 1), ('dizziness', 1), ('secretary/best', 1), ('brattleboro', 1), ('diagnostic', 1), ('봲hortly', 1), ('stablehand', 1), (\"o'leary\", 1), ('bulbs', 1), ('darkening', 1), ('blurs', 1), ('marnet', 1), ('clarke', 1), ('madeira', 1), ('janou', 1), ('iranov', 1), ('buljanov', 1), ('kopalsky', 1), ('1917.', 1), (\"d\\\\'algout\", 1), ('swana', 1), ('ivanovna', 1), ('ninotchka', 1), ('yakushova', 1), ('envoy', 1), ('macaulay', 1), ('innuendo-laden', 1), ('admirable', 1), ('14th', 1), ('squires', 1), ('ector\\\\', 1), ('ulrich', 1), ('liechtenstein', 1), ('gelderland', 1), ('summoner', 1), ('pardoner', 1), ('lightweight', 1), ('tilt', 1), ('cheapside', 1), ('portchnik', 1), ('쏪ew-hating', 1), ('formative', 1), ('neurosis', 1), ('torches', 1), ('chain-smokes', 1), ('chain-sleeps', 1), ('vivaldi', 1), ('visine', 1), ('alka-seltzer', 1), ('dexedrine', 1), ('stress-ravaged', 1), ('angina', 1), ('frolic', 1), ('cardiogram', 1), ('artery', 1), ('money-oriented', 1), ('insurers', 1), ('recoup', 1), ('unconquerable', 1), ('glittery', 1), ('attinger', 1), ('bonner', 1), ('liquorice', 1), ('little-known', 1), ('stathis', 1), ('giallelis', 1), ('topouzoglou', 1), ('anatolia', 1), ('infusion', 1), ('backbreaking', 1), ('hazardous', 1), ('scrimping', 1), ('self-denial', 1), ('overcrowded', 1), ('anarchists', 1), ('tubercular', 1), ('boatload', 1), ('shoeshine', 1), ('elia', 1), ('marietta', 1), ('봶hen', 1), ('beckon', 1), ('detrain', 1), ('handcar', 1), ('boneshaker', 1), ('flatcars', 1), ('dogged', 1), ('pursuer', 1), ('northward', 1), ('hijackers', 1), ('convalescing', 1), ('infantrymen', 1), ('salutes', 1), ('irish-born', 1), ('unschooled', 1), ('brands', 1), ('trooper', 1), ('inisfree', 1), ('danaher\\\\', 1), ('1938.', 1), ('jesson', 1), ('milford', 1), ('grit', 1), ('furtively', 1), ('johannesburg', 1), ('traumatised', 1), ('padishah', 1), ('shaddam', 1), ('corrino', 1), ('galactic', 1), ('melange', 1), ('folding', 1), ('interstellar', 1), ('shaddam\\\\', 1), ('centuries-long', 1), ('breeding', 1), ('superhuman', 1), ('gaius', 1), ('mohiam', 1), ('gom', 1), ('jabbar', 1), ('mohiam\\\\', 1), ('giedi', 1), ('glossu', 1), ('caladan', 1), ('leto\\\\', 1), (\"muad\\\\'dib\", 1), ('caches', 1), ('arrakeen', 1), ('legions', 1), ('feyd', 1), ('huxley', 1), ('beleaguered', 1), ('dour', 1), ('swallow', 1), ('random\\\\', 1), ('brazilleopards', 1), ('befuddled', 1), ('lehman', 1), ('swingin\\\\', 1), ('swaying', 1), ('her.mast', 1), ('brunswick', 1), ('1988.', 1), ('0813513413.', 1), ('33-206', 1), ('chaplin\\\\', 1), ('slinks', 1), ('street-sweeper', 1), ('cures', 1), ('clobber', 1), ('gutter', 1), ('beckstein', 1), ('soles', 1), ('disney\\\\', 1), ('pluto', 1), ('hildegard', 1), ('trumped-up', 1), ('mother-in-law-to-be', 1), ('newsworthy', 1), ('nayman', 1), ('likelihood', 1), ('misfire', 1), ('reprised', 1), ('putty', 1), ('pike\\\\', 1), ('minder/valet', 1), ('sidwich', 1), ('mcglennan', 1), ('hopsie', 1), ('affirm', 1), ('carvel', 1), ('preserves', 1), ('booth-only', 1), ('쏧n-between.', 1), ('savings-and', 1), ('unnerving', 1), ('dance-but', 1), ('encores', 1), ('쏮eet', 1), ('heart.', 1), ('home-her', 1), (\"d\\\\'artelines\\\\\", 1), ('ineffectual', 1), ('custom-tailors', 1), ('viscount\\\\', 1), ('savignac\\\\', 1), ('deer\\\\', 1), ('redesigning', 1), ('envelops', 1), ('gershwin\\\\', 1), ('dalton', 1), ('wilkie', 1), ('fund-raising', 1), ('queensboro', 1), ('yale\\\\', 1), ('segueing', 1), ('embraceable', 1), ('headliner', 1), ('ruffians', 1), ('feigned', 1), ('glee', 1), ('waldorf-ritz', 1), ('mooching', 1), ('authenticated', 1), ('gratefully', 1), ('wise-cracking', 1), ('butlers', 1), ('daunted', 1), ('sizeable', 1), ('rumple', 1), ('parkes', 1), ('bullocks', 1), ('quenching', 1), ('봱ealizing', 1), ('bullock\\\\', 1), ('pawning', 1), ('bullocks\\\\', 1), ('bulldozes', 1), ('kroger', 1), ('dorfman', 1), ('theta', 1), ('blutarsky', 1), ('smug', 1), ('rotc', 1), ('neidermeyer', 1), ('neidermeyer\\\\', 1), ('wormer\\\\', 1), ('blanks', 1), ('stratton', 1), ('zit', 1), ('diller', 1), ('jansen', 1), ('engulfs', 1), ('stencil', 1), ('grade-point', 1), ('averages', 1), ('otter\\\\', 1), ('clorette', 1), ('kangaroo', 1), ('revokes', 1), ('delta\\\\', 1), ('schoenstein', 1), ('fawn', 1), ('liebowitz', 1), ('caters', 1), ('deltas\\\\', 1), ('eligibility', 1), ('brute', 1), ('쐅onna', 1), ('overcharge', 1), ('over-sell', 1), ('audits', 1), ('pay-out', 1), ('berchtesgaden', 1), ('lovechild', 1), ('semi-coherent', 1), ('l.s.d', 1), ('wandered', 1), ('percent', 1), ('tasteless', 1), ('purporting', 1), ('beatnik-like', 1), ('misinterpret', 1), ('smash-hit', 1), ('gun-wielding', 1), ('deleted', 1), ('oversell', 1), (\"'ann\", 1), ('capitals', 1), ('woozy', 1), ('safety\\\\', 1), ('appropriates', 1), ('5000', 1), ('radovich', 1), ('liars', 1), ('retrospective', 1), ('featurette', 1), ('lighter/camera', 1), ('memento', 1), ('ferencz', 1), ('two-faced', 1), ('katona', 1), ('ochi', 1), ('ch챘rnye', 1), ('pesky', 1), ('봌ralik', 1), ('봃erencz', 1), ('nizza', 1), ('봲ecretly', 1), ('bonuses', 1), ('lapel', 1), ('surpassing', 1), ('scullery', 1), ('pig\\\\', 1), ('cottage\\\\', 1), ('bashful', 1), ('sneezy', 1), ('dopey', 1), ('deathlike', 1), ('trimmed', 1), ('glows', 1), ('1929', 1), ('double-bass', 1), ('syncopators', 1), ('ukulele', 1), ('marveling', 1), ('jello', 1), ('bespectacled', 1), ('onshore', 1), ('metaphors', 1), ('sugar\\\\', 1), ('overrides', 1), ('nobody\\\\', 1), (\"'aged\", 1), ('fanuma', 1), ('schooner', 1), ('perilous', 1), ('hitu\\\\', 1), ('illogical', 1), ('nutty', 1), ('more-or-less', 1), ('giron', 1), ('tashlin', 1), ('segue', 1), ('rockwell', 1), ('salle', 1), ('spokesperson', 1), ('stay-put\\\\', 1), ('oh-so-kissable', 1), ('branigansky', 1), ('tarzan', 1), ('marlowe\\\\', 1), ('hunter\\\\', 1), ('employee\\\\', 1), ('봦owever', 1), ('봆eorge', 1), ('edged', 1), ('polyglot', 1), ('columns', 1), ('8:30', 1), (\"'los\", 1), ('cavanaugh', 1), ('amputates', 1), ('mutilation', 1), (\"'boxer\", 1), ('7013', 1), ('officious', 1), ('banker-investor', 1), ('logan\\\\', 1), ('body-switching', 1), ('spiritualist', 1), ('nudge', 1), ('announcers', 1), ('ringside', 1), ('shellshocked', 1), ('jubilation', 1), ('gatekeepers', 1), ('rainier', 1), ('battleground', 1), ('mismanaged', 1), ('touts', 1), ('benet', 1), ('dissolving', 1), ('mediate', 1), ('subscribes', 1), (\"'persuaded\", 1), ('opulent', 1), ('worthiness', 1), ('1872', 1), ('brentano\\\\', 1), ('strables', 1), ('strabel', 1), ('twenty-fifth', 1), ('70th', 1), ('portended', 1), ('annex', 1), ('milligan', 1), ('high-paid', 1), ('doolittle', 1), ('singer-wannabe', 1), ('brougham', 1), ('non-religious', 1), ('wutheridge', 1), ('redecorates', 1), ('broghams', 1), ('underprivileged', 1), ('hollingsway', 1), ('sappy', 1), ('school-teacher', 1), ('brahms', 1), ('statewide', 1), ('finney', 1), ('addie\\\\', 1), ('houseman', 1), ('rigamarole', 1), ('bankses\\\\', 1), ('dunstans\\\\', 1), ('paring', 1), ('250-person', 1), ('henslowe', 1), ('1593', 1), ('pirate\\\\', 1), ('rewriting', 1), ('lesseps', 1), ('star\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'kit\\\\\", 1), ('betrothal', 1), ('burbage', 1), ('deduced', 1), ('lawful', 1), ('chamberlain\\\\', 1), ('castaway', 1), ('botanical', 1), ('verbena', 1), ('angelov', 1), ('belladonna', 1), ('resurrect', 1), ('hallett', 1), ('attributing', 1), ('star-shaped', 1), ('exiles', 1), ('clasp', 1), ('hallow', 1), ('semi-trailer', 1), ('indisposed', 1), ('schlichting', 1), ('doses', 1), ('hutchins', 1), ('bianchi', 1), ('fraternize', 1), ('pinched', 1), ('giorgio\\\\', 1), ('chaperon', 1), ('piccolo', 1), ('three-quarters', 1), ('beguiled', 1), ('principessa', 1), ('subterfuge', 1), ('susceptible', 1), ('shadwell\\\\', 1), ('tucks', 1), (\"'lloyd\", 1), ('itami', 1), ('kobe', 1), ('takarazuka-like', 1), ('less-attractive', 1), ('gruver\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'em\", 1), (\"\\\\'sayonara.\\\\\", 1), ('sayonara', 1), (\"'nomi\", 1), ('abrams', 1), ('diva-like', 1), ('holbank', 1), ('pinks', 1), ('cheetah', 1), ('world-weariness', 1), ('birthed', 1), ('stigmatized', 1), ('squire\\\\', 1), ('ill-natured', 1), (\"\\\\'virtue\\\\\", 1), ('thwackum', 1), ('moffatt', 1), ('road-traveling', 1), ('swordfights', 1), ('redcoat', 1), ('loathed', 1), ('bellaston', 1), ('tyburn', 1), ('blackguardly', 1), ('allworthy\\\\', 1), ('western\\\\', 1), (\"'diana\", 1), ('interviewer/director', 1), ('programmes', 1), ('media/arts', 1), ('gorging', 1), ('jet-set', 1), ('sophistication', 1), ('repellent', 1), ('corporation\\\\', 1), ('medieval/renaissance', 1), ('malcom', 1), ('refreshingly', 1), ('vacuous', 1), ('ill-considered', 1), ('self-disgust', 1), ('romita', 1), ('reverentially', 1), ('guinness', 1), ('jourdan', 1), ('winwood', 1), ('aherne', 1), ('crankily', 1), ('dyke', 1), ('stimulate', 1), ('mackie', 1), ('preachers', 1), ('kazlik', 1), ('girth', 1), ('benign', 1), ('averting', 1), ('non-profit', 1), ('sycophantic', 1), ('wowed', 1), ('complimentary', 1), ('sorrowful', 1), ('봸et', 1), ('봣ormer', 1), ('forgoes', 1), ('130', 1), ('cahulawassee', 1), ('novices', 1), ('bluegrass', 1), ('handshake', 1), ('canoeing', 1), ('bearings', 1), ('squeal', 1), ('3-to-1', 1), ('hillbilly\\\\', 1), ('dissenting', 1), ('badly-injured', 1), ('dentition', 1), ('movable', 1), ('grotesquely-contorted', 1), ('aintry', 1), ('submerged', 1), ('stammering', 1), ('nothin\\\\', 1), ('kinda', 1), ('burdensome', 1), ('allesio', 1), ('segal', 1), ('blackburn', 1), (\"'has\", 1), (\"'mother\", 1), ('menkes', 1), ('spasm', 1), ('sunning', 1), ('reserving', 1), ('trouser', 1), (\"'my\", 1), (\"'french\", 1), ('cooked', 1), (\"'short\", 1), ('workload', 1), (\"'beginning\", 1), (\"'first-time\", 1), ('1,100', 1), ('bank\\\\', 1), ('billow', 1), ('alerting', 1), ('negotiator', 1), ('asphalt', 1), ('shermer', 1), ('pre-operative', 1), ('leon\\\\', 1), ('bellevue', 1), ('tarmac', 1), ('armrest', 1), ('subsisted', 1), ('mcfadden', 1), ('deforrest', 1), ('garfield', 1), ('off-off-broadway', 1), ('signaling', 1), ('mattingly', 1), ('haise', 1), ('mercyhurst', 1), ('airplay', 1), ('fairs', 1), ('100.', 1), ('throngs', 1), ('label\\\\', 1), ('siler\\\\', 1), ('caption', 1), ('closeup.this', 1), ('lennon', 1), ('wonders\\\\', 1), ('post-broadcast', 1), ('specifies', 1), ('corporate-owned', 1), ('snappy', 1), ('reenacted', 1), ('countless', 1), ('paxton', 1), ('albums', 1), ('laughlin', 1), ('khe', 1), ('sanh', 1), ('sepulveda', 1), ('over-anxious', 1), ('post-game', 1), ('d챕j횪', 1), (\"'cher\", 1), ('horowitz', 1), ('fashion-obsessed', 1), ('500-an-hour', 1), ('litigator', 1), ('ex-stepbrother', 1), ('granola', 1), ('scruffy', 1), ('hard-grading', 1), ('grading', 1), ('unhip', 1), ('skateboarding', 1), ('tai\\\\', 1), ('surpass', 1), ('dionne\\\\', 1), ('captaining', 1), ('pismo', 1), ('reaffirmed', 1), (\"'nick\", 1), ('broaden', 1), ('hairdryer', 1), ('poodle', 1), ('venutian', 1), ('shrewdly', 1), ('nike', 1), (\"'aurora\", 1), ('greenway', 1), ('crib', 1), ('mother/daughter', 1), ('once-passionate', 1), ('cultivates', 1), ('breedlove', 1), ('partied', 1), ('re-assessing', 1), ('kearney', 1), ('flap\\\\', 1), ('administering', 1), ('injection', 1), ('armpit', 1), ('biopsy', 1), ('malignancy', 1), ('valentin', 1), ('jailers', 1), ('stalwart', 1), ('hub', 1), ('self-sufficiency', 1), ('hypochondria', 1), ('aspiration', 1), ('dependency', 1), ('disavows', 1), (\"o'sullivan\", 1), (\"'thirty-seven-year-old\", 1), ('castorini', 1), ('cammareri', 1), ('proprietors', 1), ('carr\\\\', 1), ('slicer', 1), ('maimed', 1), ('puccini\\\\', 1), ('boh챔me', 1), ('coed', 1), ('rib', 1), ('hesitating', 1), ('cappomaggi', 1), ('delicatessen', 1), (\"'tess\", 1), ('mcgill', 1), ('stockbroker\\\\', 1), ('bachelor\\\\', 1), ('foothold', 1), ('entr챕e', 1), ('gatecrash', 1), ('trask\\\\', 1), ('spiling', 1), ('tidbit', 1), ('entry-level', 1), ('lunchbox', 1), ('status-hungry', 1), ('i.e.', 1), ('sallie', 1), ('dissociated', 1), ('renata', 1), ('aggressors', 1), ('tanglewood', 1), ('lowenstein\\\\', 1), ('herbert\\\\', 1), ('scotswoman', 1), ('frontiersman', 1), ('mind\\\\', 1), ('ceased', 1), ('forester', 1), ('tattooing', 1), ('eliciting', 1), ('diffident', 1), ('aligns', 1), ('timberland', 1), ('maori', 1), ('longboat', 1), ('lulls', 1), (\"'debbie\", 1), ('benton', 1), ('cowgirls', 1), ('arcadia', 1), ('bradly\\\\', 1), ('spank', 1), ('tammy\\\\', 1), (\"'sardonic\", 1), ('meteorologist', 1), ('wpbh-tv9', 1), ('overindulges', 1), ('by-now', 1), ('expertly', 1), ('crafts', 1), ('eloquent', 1), ('maguire\\\\', 1), ('methodist', 1), ('memo', 1), ('cush\\\\', 1), ('re-signs', 1), ('smi', 1), ('progressed', 1), ('firestone\\\\', 1), ('11.2', 1), ('udall', 1), ('misanthropy', 1), ('utensils', 1), ('mysophobia', 1), ('creativity', 1), ('schofield', 1), ('horsefall', 1), ('resorted', 1), ('gaz\\\\', 1), ('lined', 1), ('chippendale\\\\', 1), ('chippendales', 1), ('sold-out', 1), ('re-gained', 1), ('orefice', 1), ('skewering', 1), ('pseudoscientific', 1), ('antisemitic', 1), ('eliseo', 1), ('non-jew', 1), ('marched', 1), ('goose-step', 1), (\"'bernard\", 1), ('routes', 1), ('non-intersecting', 1), ('comings', 1), ('timetabled', 1), ('lufthansa', 1), ('swaps', 1), ('봭one', 1), ('layovers', 1), ('airplanes', 1), ('ringmaster/proprietor', 1), ('craftily', 1), ('jauntily', 1), ('serge', 1), ('nadja', 1), ('steinberg', 1), ('career-making', 1), ('multimillion', 1), ('neck-and-neck', 1), ('archrivals', 1), ('hugely', 1), ('decker', 1), ('together-to', 1), ('apartment-amy', 1), ('applauded', 1), ('post-credit', 1), (\"'madame\", 1), ('care-giver', 1), ('algerian', 1), ('american-style', 1), ('mink-clad', 1), ('detour', 1), ('cassard\\\\', 1), ('gardiner', 1), ('//www.allmovie.com/work/penny-serenade-37643', 1), ('polynesia', 1), ('pre-christmas', 1), ('dedham\\\\', 1), ('kids\\\\', 1), ('unbroken', 1), ('knock-down', 1), ('drag-out', 1), ('observers', 1), ('haleakaloha\\\\', 1), ('japanese-occupied', 1), ('봎anulani\\\\', 1), ('amelia\\\\', 1), ('lafleur', 1), ('gilhooley\\\\', 1), ('nevins', 1), ('creed', 1), ('contented', 1), ('ribera', 1), ('botches', 1), ('shields\\\\', 1), ('eavesdrop', 1), (\"'kathleen\", 1), ('navasky', 1), ('postmodernist', 1), ('aol', 1), (\"\\\\'shopgirl\\\\\", 1), ('specifics', 1), ('mega', 1), ('bookstores', 1), ('storytime', 1), ('omitting', 1), ('investments', 1), ('convalesce', 1), ('predated', 1), ('brinkley', 1), ('vinyl', 1), ('elitism', 1), ('encyclopedic', 1), ('conceivable', 1), ('mixtape', 1), ('marathon', 1), ('kinnian', 1), ('nemur-straus', 1), ('ascertain', 1), ('suitability', 1), ('diagram', 1), ('mustache', 1), ('reverted', 1), ('unbeknown', 1), ('fascism', 1), ('sardinia', 1), ('home.review', 1), ('4.a', 1), ('marolla', 1), ('shoplifter', 1), ('bitterman', 1), (\"'desk\", 1), ('sumner', 1), ('emerac', 1), ('80-year-old', 1), (\"'howard\", 1), ('well-liked', 1), ('greenleaf', 1), ('쫆nd', 1), ('on-camera', 1), ('instinct', 1), ('noses', 1), (\"\\\\'teacher\", 1), ('wedding-crazy', 1), ('tucci', 1), ('carbone', 1), ('badges', 1), ('goode', 1), ('heavens', 1), ('creatively', 1), ('societies', 1), ('cadges', 1), ('inflict', 1), ('rumpled', 1), ('burr', 1), ('eke', 1), ('appreciably', 1), ('spofford', 1), ('deadbeat', 1), ('come-uppance', 1), ('dentures', 1), ('dictating', 1), ('sheepdog', 1), ('bounding', 1), ('asphyxiation', 1), ('baskin', 1), ('unplugged', 1), ('disassembled', 1), ('kopecki', 1), ('fao', 1), ('schwarz', 1), ('foot-operated', 1), ('chopsticks', 1), ('pepsi', 1), ('vending', 1), ('pinball', 1), ('conceit', 1), ('tarnishing', 1), ('985', 1), ('miners\\\\', 1), ('aspired', 1), ('wilkinson\\\\', 1), ('poof', 1), ('mum\\\\', 1), ('dancer/actor', 1), ('bourne\\\\', 1), (\"'karl\", 1), ('childers', 1), ('sling', 1), ('wheatley', 1), ('hargraves', 1), ('removal', 1), ('lawnmower', 1), ('fashioned', 1), ('attractiveness', 1), ('disorientation', 1), ('cukor', 1), ('monsters', 1), ('karloff', 1), (\"'quills\", 1), ('renard', 1), ('preeminent', 1), ('sadist', 1), ('overseen', 1), ('coulmier', 1), ('laundress', 1), ('leclerc', 1), ('manuscripts', 1), ('delben챕', 1), ('royer-collard\\\\', 1), ('archaic', 1), ('panthemont', 1), ('prouix', 1), ('audacious', 1), ('off-stage', 1), ('quills', 1), ('subversive', 1), ('bedsheets', 1), ('unrepentantly', 1), ('sade\\\\', 1), ('prioux', 1), ('relayed', 1), ('afire', 1), ('pyromaniac', 1), ('vat', 1), ('perverse', 1), ('oubliette', 1), ('crucifix', 1), ('maupas', 1), ('herded', 1), ('scribble', 1), ('well-adjusted', 1), ('retard', 1), ('bono', 1), ('factious', 1), ('refereed', 1), ('newly-single', 1), ('waturi', 1), ('listless', 1), ('diagnoses', 1), ('dede', 1), ('bubaru', 1), ('boobaroo', 1), ('superconductors', 1), ('appeased', 1), ('top-of-the-line', 1), ('waterproof', 1), ('graynamore\\\\', 1), ('flibbertigibbet', 1), ('tweedledee', 1), ('doles', 1), ('trusty', 1), ('crony', 1), (\"d'arcey\", 1), ('caterpillar', 1), ('ralfe', 1), (\"'wonderful\", 1), ('crackers', 1), ('forbade', 1), ('pa.', 1), ('boretti', 1), ('lebeau', 1), ('steyne', 1), ('rawdon', 1), ('scourge', 1), ('bareacres', 1), (\"'most\", 1), ('jute', 1), ('netherworld', 1), ('hiking', 1), ('waywardness', 1), ('cognition.opera', 1), ('p.31', 1), ('cognized', 1), ('non-propositional', 1), ('inhere', 1), ('salacious', 1), ('installments', 1), ('greig', 1), ('stevensons', 1), ('scandalizing', 1), ('berrypicking', 1), ('now-supportive', 1), ('secretly-married', 1), (\"'carrie\", 1), ('crebillon', 1), ('trainwreck', 1), ('obligated', 1), ('compiling', 1), ('grammarian', 1), ('bragg', 1), ('totten', 1), (\"o\\\\'shea\", 1), ('bertram\\\\', 1), ('housekeeper\\\\', 1), ('conga', 1), ('lilac\\\\', 1), (\"'charlotte\", 1), ('duvaux', 1), ('durrance', 1), ('sugarloaf', 1), ('loder', 1), ('tina\\\\', 1), ('jaquith\\\\', 1), ('condescension', 1), ('escadrille', 1), ('encumbrance', 1), ('diphtheria', 1), ('manby', 1), ('wryly', 1), ('vanity', 1), ('sufferings', 1), ('grandson-in-law', 1), ('conti', 1), ('deserving', 1), ('mehmet.steam-scene', 1), ('speedy', 1), (\"'between\", 1), ('brest', 1), ('love/hate', 1), ('feria\\\\', 1), ('assholes', 1), ('manliness', 1), ('half-breed', 1), ('gentlemanly', 1), ('jubal', 1), ('crabbe', 1), ('sinkiller', 1), ('gun-toting', 1), ('langford\\\\', 1), ('reneges', 1), ('lem', 1), ('smoot', 1), ('bayley', 1), ('delaneys', 1), ('underdressed', 1), ('sloppy', 1), ('cupboard', 1), ('coffman', 1), ('maharajah', 1), ('spars', 1), ('pegs', 1), ('nordley', 1), ('aground', 1), ('reinforcements', 1), ('cuddling', 1), ('marswell\\\\', 1), (\"o'neill\", 1), ('mcilhenny', 1), ('yaeger', 1), ('artifact', 1), ('urchin', 1), ('mcilhennys', 1), ('goblets', 1), ('gazza', 1), ('ladra', 1), ('orchid', 1), ('vito', 1), ('burano', 1), (\"\\\\'anna\", 1), ('monarchist', 1), ('anna/anastasia\\\\', 1), ('amnesiac', 1), ('챕migr챕', 1), ('tsar', 1), ('familiars', 1), ('interlocutors', 1), ('self-possession', 1), ('fortune-hunting', 1), ('anna/anastasia', 1), ('romanov', 1), ('summing', 1), ('role-playing', 1), ('stetson', 1), ('homosexuality.when', 1), ('plunks', 1), ('redoes', 1), ('ghastly', 1), ('screen-pink', 1), ('blue-signifying', 1), ('wandrous', 1), ('scrawls', 1), ('butterfield', 1), ('stiletto', 1), ('bistros', 1), ('ex-vaudevillian', 1), ('tredman', 1), ('entryway', 1), ('pelt', 1), ('happy\\\\', 1), ('hurtles', 1), ('lazio', 1), ('propositioning', 1), ('bombed-out', 1), ('goumiers', 1), ('juin', 1), ('re-establishing', 1), ('footnotes', 1), ('economic/political', 1), ('areas', 1), ('boca', 1), ('cielo', 1), ('julio\\\\', 1), ('mam찼', 1), ('tambi챕n', 1), ('sensually', 1), ('stimulates', 1), ('uneventfully', 1), ('coves', 1), ('ex-best', 1), ('sanders', 1), ('lip-synch', 1), ('paolo\\\\', 1), ('colosseum', 1), ('lizzie\\\\', 1), ('afterparty', 1), ('notting', 1), ('specialises', 1), ('flintstone', 1), ('helix', 1), ('bella\\\\', 1), ('under-achiever', 1), ('room-service', 1), ('cheesecake', 1), ('chagall', 1), ('mari챕e', 1), ('daft', 1), ('sepia', 1), ('warlords', 1), ('sharpener', 1), ('bean', 1), ('candied', 1), ('nunnery', 1), ('kunqu', 1), ('kuhai', 1), ('jing', 1), ('painted-face', 1), ('gargled', 1), ('relief.http', 1), ('//www.illuminatedlantern.com/cinema/review/archives/farewell_my_concubine.php', 1), ('yuanfen', 1), ('duan', 1), ('jinlian', 1), ('shames', 1), ('re-forming', 1), ('encompass', 1), ('kun', 1), ('revolution\\\\', 1), ('unpatriotic', 1), ('duress', 1), ('yu\\\\', 1), ('cadre', 1), ('shitou\\\\', 1), (\"d\\\\'or\", 1), ('globes', 1), (\"'1928\", 1), (\"\\\\'29\", 1), ('squalor', 1), ('ranching', 1), ('1946', 1), ('eaton', 1), ('withdrew', 1), ('perfecting', 1), ('wintry', 1), ('self-pitying', 1), ('creighton', 1), ('acumen', 1), ('aptitude', 1), ('archly', 1), ('corp.', 1), ('vindictively', 1), ('unethically', 1), ('windfall', 1), (\"'irma\", 1), ('patou', 1), ('jails', 1), ('barkeep', 1), ('blends', 1), ('rearrested', 1), ('factoids', 1), ('flagrantly', 1), ('factually', 1), ('stacked', 1), ('disproved', 1), ('confessor', 1), ('faxes', 1), ('charters', 1), ('swipes', 1), ('mo-wan', 1), ('li-zhen', 1), ('shanghainese', 1), ('mahjong-playing', 1), ('stooped', 1), ('lipstick-stained', 1), ('koos', 1), ('siem', 1), ('cambodia', 1), ('angkor', 1), ('plugging', 1), ('southeast', 1), ('273', 1), ('184.', 1), ('1920', 1), ('beldover', 1), ('crich', 1), ('lupton', 1), ('catkin', 1), ('roddice', 1), ('pretensions', 1), ('criches\\\\', 1), ('highland', 1), ('firelight', 1), ('birkin\\\\', 1), ('loerke', 1), ('loerke\\\\', 1), ('trudges', 1), ('kirrary', 1), ('kerry', 1), ('sharp-witted', 1), ('exclusionary', 1), ('publican', 1), (\"\\\\'gauzy\\\\\", 1), ('doryan\\\\', 1), ('conch', 1), ('rosy\\\\', 1), ('deriding', 1), ('irb', 1), ('strong-arm', 1), ('nightclothes', 1), ('shear', 1), ('touchingly', 1), (\"'23-year-old\", 1), ('ozores', 1), ('euro-horror', 1), ('muscleman', 1), ('espejo', 1), ('long-haired', 1), ('handstand', 1), ('post-shoot', 1), ('headbutts', 1), ('after-filming', 1), ('halfhearted', 1), ('peacetime', 1), ('baffle', 1), ('forshay', 1), ('socorro', 1), ('hyatt', 1), ('봧ndependent', 1), ('uncommunicative', 1), ('wine-guzzling', 1), ('slum-like', 1), ('decrease', 1), ('deduct', 1), ('nelsa', 1), ('slide', 1), ('orioles', 1), ('unattached', 1), ('jonah\\\\', 1), ('moderatz', 1), ('callaghans', 1), ('tokens', 1), ('antagonist', 1), ('mcavoy', 1), ('prodigy', 1), ('posar', 1), ('golfer', 1), ('needles', 1), ('230', 1), ('yards', 1), ('hazard', 1), ('percentages', 1), ('snit', 1), ('83.', 1), ('simms\\\\', 1), ('par-5', 1), ('open\\\\', 1), ('romeo\\\\', 1), ('blow-up', 1), ('heart-breaking', 1), ('qualifies', 1), ('mickelson', 1), ('stadler', 1), ('janzen', 1), ('mayfair', 1), ('broadcasters', 1), ('nantz', 1), ('venturi', 1), ('chirkinian', 1), ('wider', 1), ('pickaxe', 1), ('other-', 1), ('miscarraige', 1), ('reenactment', 1), ('glassblower', 1), ('sullying', 1), ('balakrishna', 1), ('disadvantaged', 1), ('multi-talented', 1), ('kuchipudi', 1), ('bharatanatyam', 1), ('kathak', 1), ('laxness', 1), ('benefactress', 1), ('high-level', 1), ('afflictions', 1), ('journalist/art', 1), ('sailaja', 1), ('mcfarland', 1), ('spitball', 1), ('formulating', 1), ('shit\\\\', 1), ('propane', 1), ('tauntingly', 1), ('eeny', 1), ('meeny', 1), ('miny', 1), ('cloudy', 1), ('1783', 1), ('clatterbang', 1), ('boggy', 1), ('malavoy', 1), ('peasants', 1), ('infest', 1), ('xvi', 1), (\"l\\\\'abb챕\", 1), ('봳hereby', 1), ('twofold', 1), (\"l\\\\'횋p챕e\", 1), ('pioneering', 1), ('educator', 1), ('blaspheming', 1), (\"l\\\\'횋p챕e\\\\\", 1), ('clap', 1), ('maneuvered', 1), ('antipodes', 1), ('decadence', 1), ('voltaire\\\\', 1), ('dover', 1), ('1794', 1), ('쐆umour', 1), ('self-harm', 1), ('stilted', 1), ('unprofessional', 1), ('typos', 1), ('self-injury', 1), ('lukewarm', 1), ('bathes', 1), ('dominant-submissive', 1), ('svenning', 1), ('mosier', 1), ('wrongful', 1), ('brandi\\\\', 1), ('t.s\\\\', 1), ('ivannah', 1), ('t.s.', 1), ('brodie\\\\', 1), ('bowles', 1), ('doctorate', 1), ('anarchic', 1), ('heune', 1), ('epitomized', 1), ('wine-induced', 1), ('wendel', 1), ('landauer', 1), ('nazis\\\\', 1), ('cabaret\\\\', 1), ('storyteller', 1), ('benevolence', 1), ('strident', 1), ('exaltation', 1), ('uneasily', 1), ('nebenzal', 1), ('nebenzahl', 1), ('mabuse', 1), ('threepenny', 1), ('faithlessness', 1), ('thievery', 1), ('mountain-climbing', 1), ('instigated', 1), ('flails', 1), (\"'val\", 1), ('starina', 1), ('ultraconservative', 1), ('austere', 1), ('remaking', 1), ('goldman\\\\', 1), ('tirade', 1), ('colemans', 1), ('goldmans', 1), ('keeleys\\\\', 1), (\"'phil\", 1), ('marva', 1), ('holmberg', 1), ('nursery-school', 1), ('divorced-men', 1), ('off-key', 1), ('celtics', 1), (\"\\\\'milf\\\\\", 1), ('gang\\\\', 1), ('dressmaker', 1), ('sommers', 1), (\"\\\\'special\", 1), ('dinner\\\\', 1), ('fraulein', 1), ('krystal', 1), ('refrigerator\\\\', 1), ('cadence\\\\', 1), ('batch', 1), ('closet\\\\', 1), ('suite\\\\', 1), ('couple-size', 1), ('nardo', 1), ('frail', 1), ('drily', 1), ('resonant', 1), ('bans', 1), ('salad', 1), ('shrunken', 1), ('grazinski', 1), ('clientelle', 1), ('shocker', 1), ('p.i.', 1), ('bovin', 1), ('andretti', 1), ('boatswain\\\\', 1), ('navy\\\\', 1), ('aviation', 1), ('aocs', 1), ('emil', 1), ('1,000,000', 1), ('worley', 1), ('navy-hosted', 1), ('pokrifki', 1), ('pomeroy', 1), ('pre-shined', 1), ('buckles', 1), ('self-realization', 1), ('aoc', 1), ('upper-body', 1), ('high-altitude', 1), ('dors', 1), ('picture-perfect', 1), ('kerr-mcgee', 1), ('cimarron', 1), ('stephens', 1), ('pelliker', 1), ('plutonium', 1), ('reactors', 1), ('adversely', 1), ('common-law', 1), ('falsifying', 1), ('safeguards', 1), ('retouched', 1), ('documentation', 1), ('rear-view', 1), ('one-car', 1), (\"'caligula\", 1), ('syphilis-ridden', 1), ('half-mad', 1), ('venereal', 1), ('bedchamber', 1), ('signet', 1), ('macro\\\\', 1), ('docile', 1), ('priestesses', 1), ('spitefully', 1), ('overturning', 1), ('eccentricities', 1), ('humiliations', 1), ('senators\\\\', 1), ('papyrus', 1), ('senators', 1), ('breaths', 1), ('whimpers', 1), ('bodell', 1), ('norvik', 1), ('now-young', 1), ('get-rich-quick', 1), ('new/old', 1), ('fitzsimmons', 1), (\"o\\\\'connor\", 1), ('inventions', 1), ('masonic', 1), ('wla', 1), ('dorset', 1), ('prue', 1), ('scoff', 1), ('봟oth', 1), ('lincoln\\\\', 1), ('washington\\\\', 1), ('inn\\\\', 1), ('honchos', 1), ('decorum', 1), ('set\\\\', 1), ('pipe\\\\', 1), ('c.k', 1), (\"'immensely\", 1), ('macinerney', 1), ('consolidate', 1), ('moderate', 1), ('tepid', 1), ('liberals', 1), ('shoo-in', 1), ('legislation', 1), ('substantially', 1), ('dioxide', 1), ('emissions', 1), ('a.j.', 1), ('rumson', 1), ('maligning', 1), ('shelving', 1), ('objectives', 1), ('hartford', 1), ('rebuts', 1), ('rumson\\\\', 1), ('fossil', 1), ('envisaged', 1), ('root-and-branch', 1), ('erudite', 1), ('galvanizes', 1), ('oval', 1), ('moviefone', 1), ('bats', 1), ('rockcliffe', 1), ('donahue', 1), ('unedited', 1), ('sizes', 1), ('restaurant-wide', 1), ('bitch', 1), ('expectancy', 1), ('bonneville', 1), ('speedway', 1), ('unsimulated', 1), ('swallowing', 1), ('preached', 1), (\"'spunky\", 1), ('waltham', 1), ('proletarian', 1), ('coasters', 1), ('yachting', 1), ('itola', 1), (\"'jedda\", 1), ('crocodile-infested', 1), ('half-caste', 1), ('stockman', 1), (\"\\\\'skin\\\\\", 1), ('canyons', 1), ('perish', 1), (\"'awkward\", 1), ('stroehmann', 1), ('carted', 1), ('orthopedic', 1), ('reliant', 1), ('able-bodied', 1), ('woogie', 1), ('49ers', 1), ('narrates/sings', 1), ('shacked', 1), ('massaged', 1), ('wallflower', 1), ('outshone', 1), ('junked', 1), ('actors\\\\', 1), ('hollywood\\\\', 1), ('brenner', 1), ('honked-off', 1), ('relieving', 1), ('tomcat', 1), ('hellbent', 1), ('unsafe', 1), ('smeared', 1), ('police-type', 1), ('carangi', 1), ('forefront', 1), ('mood-altering', 1), ('zinone', 1), ('outgrown', 1), ('nogerelli', 1), ('newton-john\\\\', 1), ('motorcyclists', 1), ('dimucci', 1), ('rep', 1), ('biker\\\\', 1), ('t-bird', 1), ('borowski', 1), ('joley', 1), ('low-ranking', 1), ('gigli\\\\', 1), ('corpse\\\\', 1), ('mob\\\\', 1), ('prosecutor\\\\', 1), ('fingerprint', 1), (\"'beverly\", 1), ('attentively', 1), ('pta', 1), ('morbid', 1), ('cops\\\\', 1), ('impales', 1), ('miscreant', 1), ('beefcake', 1), ('audiotape', 1), ('jonestown', 1), ('sterners\\\\', 1), ('conditioner', 1), ('sutphins', 1), ('congregants', 1), ('rewind', 1), ('bludgeons', 1), ('carjacks', 1), ('hammerjack\\\\', 1), ('fixture', 1), ('aerosol', 1), ('firepoker', 1), ('recycle', 1), ('pickles', 1), ('lu-ann', 1), ('gracey', 1), ('judging', 1), ('bolstering', 1), ('dicks', 1), ('post-trial', 1), ('somers\\\\', 1), ('juror\\\\', 1), ('pretentiously', 1), ('close-in', 1), ('quiver', 1), ('berowne', 1), ('handmaidens', 1), ('amours', 1), ('underplot', 1), ('costard', 1), ('curtailed', 1), ('armado', 1), ('antiwar', 1), ('trimble', 1), ('elvin', 1), ('appleton\\\\', 1), ('leffert', 1), ('ellerby', 1), ('pounding', 1), ('theater\\\\', 1), ('pocket-sized', 1), ('lawmakers', 1), ('resumed', 1), ('pennsylvanian', 1), ('kaya', 1), ('patrolwoman', 1), ('cyberpal', 1), (\"'giles\", 1), (\"de\\\\'ath\", 1), ('forster', 1), ('bostock', 1), ('undisturbed', 1), ('god-daughter', 1), ('fan-base', 1), ('giles\\\\', 1), ('continuations', 1), ('doinel', 1), ('darbon', 1), ('voluminously', 1), ('antoine\\\\', 1), ('amusingly', 1), ('taster', 1), ('employer\\\\', 1), ('trailed', 1), ('recognising', 1), ('insecticide', 1), ('handler', 1), ('centipedes', 1), ('annexian', 1), ('frost\\\\', 1), ('re-enacts', 1), ('divorc챕', 1), ('unrealistically', 1), ('bowers', 1), ('sociology', 1), ('prokosch', 1), ('deftly', 1), ('bohannon', 1), ('songstress', 1), ('unplugging', 1), ('clanging', 1), ('ramp', 1), ('unsuspectingly', 1), ('first-baseman', 1), ('sox', 1), ('nagoya', 1), ('chunichi', 1), ('nippon', 1), ('ludicrous', 1), ('ballplayer', 1), ('hiroko\\\\', 1), ('deficiencies', 1), ('sportsmanship', 1), ('contagious', 1), ('contenders', 1), ('yomiuri', 1), ('6-5', 1), ('infield', 1), ('bunts', 1), ('npb', 1), ('tigers', 1), (\"'georgette\", 1), ('rockabilly', 1), ('singer/guitarist', 1), ('acquiesce', 1), ('desecrates', 1), ('georgette', 1), ('uncreative', 1), ('record-store', 1), ('airflo', 1), ('collided', 1), ('roller-skated', 1), ('has-been', 1), ('leader-turned-construction', 1), ('olympian', 1), ('goddesses', 1), ('timeless', 1), ('interceding', 1), ('xanadu', 1), ('xanadu\\\\', 1), ('dumpee', 1), ('ultra', 1), ('ex-fiance', 1), ('other.http', 1), ('//www.imdb.com/title/tt0118556/plotsummary', 1), (\"'oscar\", 1), ('unexperienced', 1), ('grubmans', 1), ('lodder', 1), ('footsie', 1), ('lobbing', 1), ('salom챕', 1), ('climaxing', 1), ('mediates', 1), ('monopolize', 1), ('1763', 1), ('cutthroat', 1), ('unlocked', 1), ('high-budget', 1), ('zuko', 1), ('봣rets', 1), ('seniors\\\\', 1), ('greaser', 1), ('doody', 1), ('putzie', 1), ('scorpions', 1), ('wholesale', 1), ('kornbluth\\\\', 1), ('dissected', 1), ('feliz', 1), ('dresden', 1), ('eschew', 1), ('self-promotion', 1), ('hillard', 1), ('euphegenia', 1), ('doubtfire\\\\', 1), ('refurnishing', 1), ('caseworker', 1), ('sellner', 1), ('denmeyer', 1), ('station\\\\', 1), ('dinosaurs', 1), ('rotate', 1), ('cayenne', 1), ('ingredient', 1), ('heimlich', 1), ('limiting', 1), ('euphegenia\\\\', 1), ('highest-rated', 1), ('timeslot', 1), ('coffee-house', 1), ('wage', 1), ('grates', 1), ('mtv-like', 1), ('very-real', 1), ('vickie\\\\', 1), ('stylized', 1), ('laina', 1), ('parodies', 1), ('ogner', 1), ('cafetaria', 1), ('burroughs\\\\', 1), ('high-speed', 1), ('rien', 1), ('thumping', 1), ('eef', 1), ('witkamp', 1), ('pettiness', 1), ('crash-land', 1), ('existent', 1), ('beacon', 1), ('air-sea', 1), ('piracy', 1), ('airworthy', 1), (\"'hal\", 1), ('manifestations', 1), ('person\\\\', 1), ('robbins\\\\', 1), ('hypnotherapy', 1), ('vestigial', 1), ('sworn-in', 1), ('bridal-style', 1), ('wags', 1), ('suntory', 1), ('stories\\\\', 1), ('troggs\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'self-preservation\\\\\", 1), ('jewelery', 1), ('foolishness', 1), ('downing', 1), ('click', 1), ('pageant\\\\', 1), ('schiffer', 1), ('frissell', 1), ('britishness', 1), ('carol-anne', 1), ('basildon', 1), ('off-set', 1), ('gift-wrapping', 1), ('aurelia', 1), ('harriet\\\\', 1), ('live-footage', 1), ('ravaging', 1), ('bubonic', 1), ('indies', 1), ('fairland', 1), ('placebo', 1), ('effectiveness', 1), ('university-educated', 1), ('lanyon', 1), ('protocol', 1), ('tubbs', 1), ('wickett', 1), (\"\\\\'shake\\\\\", 1), ('bookman', 1), ('bucks', 1), ('kristofferson\\\\', 1), ('bismark.', 1), ('allmovie', 1), ('avg', 1), ('sql', 1), ('2007-10-24', 1), ('bismark\\\\', 1), ('bismark', 1), (\"'chambers\", 1), ('soundtrack.williams', 1), ('feature-length', 1), ('driver-narrator', 1), (\"'georgina\", 1), ('spelvin', 1), ('existence.', 1), ('name62', 1), ('vcx', 1), ('blood.spelvin', 1), ('p.228', 1), (\"\\\\'pure\\\\\", 1), ('lust.spelvin', 1), ('p.94', 1), ('her.she', 1), (\"'victorian\", 1), ('sexologist', 1), ('1892', 1), ('170', 1), ('taxidermist', 1), ('demonize', 1), ('doctored', 1), ('kaposi\\\\', 1), ('sarcoma', 1), ('materializes', 1), ('vector', 1), ('scapegoated', 1), ('exhibit\\\\', 1), ('candor', 1), ('fluid', 1), ('drenching', 1), ('revised', 1), ('merges', 1), ('cytomegalovirus', 1), ('manufactured', 1), ('world-traveling', 1), ('hurst', 1), ('zella', 1), ('johnston', 1), ('bowes', 1), ('wheatpasting', 1), (\"'cameron\", 1), ('eckman', 1), ('a.v', 1), ('no-dating', 1), ('much-loved', 1), ('jaq', 1), ('chime', 1), ('dreamily', 1), ('bloodhound', 1), ('indisputable', 1), ('confetti', 1), ('discard', 1), ('ex-life', 1), ('here-today-who-knows-where-tomorrow', 1), ('american-british', 1), ('ingalls', 1), ('credits.http', 1), ('//www.avclub.com/articles/wayne-wang,13516/http', 1), ('//www.calendarlive.com/movies/reviews/cl-movie980416-6,0,6006146.story', 1), ('wimp', 1), ('platonically', 1), ('camden', 1), ('musical\\\\', 1), ('ron\\\\', 1), ('involuntary', 1), ('tiananmen', 1), ('home-cooked', 1), ('money-laundering', 1), ('shortages', 1), ('eel', 1), ('abundance', 1), ('homesickness', 1), ('eels', 1), ('narbutus', 1), ('sanborn', 1), ('40-year', 1), ('marin\\\\', 1), ('=until', 1), ('insinuation', 1), ('decompress', 1), ('farthest', 1), (\"'back\", 1), ('forestier', 1), ('fortitude', 1), ('djiboutis', 1), ('metaphoric', 1), ('olgierd', 1), ('흟ukaszewicz', 1), ('hibernation', 1), ('2044', 1), ('post-nuclear', 1), ('subjection', 1), ('parthenogenesis', 1), ('apparatchiks', 1), ('cold-shoulder', 1), ('sex-change', 1), ('surving', 1), ('balearic', 1), ('stalling', 1), ('funnier', 1), ('dorrie', 1), (\"'fotoula\", 1), ('portokalos', 1), ('zorba\\\\', 1), ('overly-patriotic', 1), ('voula', 1), ('voula\\\\', 1), ('misspells', 1), ('bridesmaids\\\\', 1), ('liveliness', 1), (\"'yossi\", 1), ('lior', 1), ('star-like', 1), ('handsomeness', 1), ('ofir', 1), ('soldiers\\\\', 1), ('ivri', 1), ('lider', 1), ('pryor', 1), ('foreshadow', 1), ('derangement', 1), ('juniper', 1), ('benny\\\\', 1), ('cinemaphile', 1), ('housekeepers', 1), ('keatonesque', 1), ('pamphlet', 1), ('tapioca', 1), ('contentedly', 1), ('wuornos', 1), ('rollerskating', 1), ('brutalized', 1), ('rebetiko', 1), ('law-school', 1), ('kensington', 1), ('taylor-windham', 1), ('windham', 1), ('windham\\\\', 1), ('harvard\\\\', 1), ('wait-list', 1), ('stromwell', 1), ('shakily', 1), ('cross-examining', 1), ('reconfirm', 1), ('deactivated', 1), ('ammonium', 1), ('thioglycolate', 1), ('curls', 1), ('exonerated', 1), ('bonehead', 1), ('class-elected', 1), ('boston\\\\', 1), ('interconnected', 1), ('latent-gay', 1), ('pursuant', 1), ('revenues', 1), (\"'elle\", 1), ('chihuahua', 1), ('emmett\\\\', 1), (\"c\\\\'est\", 1), ('magnifique', 1), ('paws', 1), ('refreshes', 1), ('jurisdiction', 1), ('rossiter', 1), ('fenway', 1), ('outerbridge', 1), ('schragenheim', 1), ('aim챕e', 1), ('unexplained', 1), ('theresienstadt', 1), ('correspond', 1), ('bookends', 1), ('83-year-old', 1), ('live-for-today-for-tomorrow-we-die', 1), ('emails', 1), ('couriers', 1), ('fraternal', 1), ('crans', 1), ('sur', 1), ('vandersexxx', 1), ('bratislava', 1), ('desolation', 1), ('mieke\\\\', 1), ('reachable', 1), ('mitre', 1), ('banister', 1), ('hooligans', 1), ('guidebook', 1), ('memorized', 1), ('oberlin', 1), ('diggler', 1), ('friend/fellow', 1), ('rothchild', 1), ('action-themed', 1), ('churn', 1), ('half-conscious', 1), ('swope', 1), ('donut', 1), ('methamphetamine', 1), ('half-kilo', 1), ('baking', 1), ('liling', 1), ('illusory', 1), ('preppie', 1), ('blane\\\\', 1), ('wavers', 1), ('no-good', 1), ('braving', 1), ('duckie\\\\', 1), ('gulia', 1), ('pre-bachelor', 1), ('peeps', 1), ('santa/scott', 1), ('defacing', 1), ('skywindow', 1), ('sandman', 1), ('idolize', 1), ('uncle-figure', 1), ('larger-than-life', 1), ('legalist', 1), ('infractions', 1), ('duplicated', 1), ('de-santafication', 1), ('defaces', 1), ('livens', 1), ('jetpack', 1), ('now-believing', 1), ('reindeer-in-training', 1), ('snowball', 1), ('six-inch', 1), ('soon-to-be-divorced', 1), ('patio', 1), ('anxieties', 1), ('donald\\\\', 1), (\"'solek\", 1), ('흟처d탄', 1), ('komsomol', 1), ('indoctrination', 1), ('inna', 1), ('dem', 1), ('morgenrot', 1), ('entgegen', 1), ('re-settled', 1), ('volksdeutsche', 1), ('latvia', 1), ('yakov', 1), ('dzhugashvili', 1), ('good-luck', 1), ('simulate', 1), ('foreskin', 1), ('fervent', 1), ('schlappschwanz', 1), ('pseudoscience', 1), ('anthropometric', 1), ('indexes', 1), ('lebensborn', 1), ('gerd', 1), ('leni\\\\', 1), ('wunderwaffen', 1), ('gerd\\\\', 1), ('mandate', 1), ('zohar', 1), ('sado-masochistic', 1), ('봳hereafter', 1), ('61-minute-long', 1), ('tongue-in-cheek', 1), ('lovelace\\\\', 1), ('amantine-lucile-aurore', 1), ('dupin', 1), ('dudevant', 1), ('sensational', 1), ('george/aurora', 1), ('countrywoman', 1), (\"d'antan\", 1), ('satirizing', 1), ('sports-themed', 1), ('ames', 1), ('shelby\\\\', 1), ('disobey', 1), ('not-so-elegant', 1), ('drought-plagued', 1), ('stepfamily\\\\', 1), ('sheriffs', 1), ('astrid', 1), ('횁lvarez', 1), ('statute', 1), ('bowel', 1), ('miller\\\\', 1), ('unbutton', 1), ('recognizable', 1), ('hospitalization', 1), ('portola', 1), ('cabbage', 1), (\"\\\\'little\", 1), ('trendier', 1), ('zamora', 1), ('schoolwork', 1), ('ludling', 1), ('javi', 1), ('bolted', 1), ('duster', 1), ('laughingly', 1), ('ojai', 1), ('barbies', 1), ('self-mutilation', 1), ('stockton', 1), ('chichi', 1), ('self-impressions', 1), ('emile', 1), ('empathicalism', 1), ('darkroom', 1), ('gala\\\\', 1), ('backache', 1), ('herbalist', 1), ('herbal', 1), (\"'play-date\", 1), ('soothing', 1), ('fundraising', 1), ('invisibility', 1), ('eggnog', 1), (\"'isabel\", 1), ('roxeanne', 1), ('paris-based', 1), ('tellman\\\\', 1), ('stenographer', 1), ('lichter', 1), ('wigger', 1), ('mcneely', 1), ('x-files-obsessed', 1), ('sing-along', 1), ('roses\\\\', 1), ('pre-college', 1), ('vonnegut', 1), ('surfaced', 1), ('marijuana-smoking', 1), ('serpent', 1), ('coastguard', 1), ('waffles', 1), ('goldfield', 1), ('antegorade', 1), ('steroid-addicted', 1), ('vikings', 1), ('refilling', 1), ('concocting', 1), ('mccartney', 1), ('expired', 1), ('ten-second', 1), ('walruses', 1), ('쏥ood', 1), ('mcnerney', 1), ('thunderstick', 1), ('a-200', 1), ('equips', 1), ('ma챤tre', 1), ('curran', 1), ('tramell', 1), ('stinson', 1), ('re-crosses', 1), ('vasquez', 1), ('dobkins', 1), ('suspends', 1), ('unchanged', 1), ('hoberman', 1), ('unsolved', 1), ('printer', 1), ('hooded', 1), ('brewing', 1), ('creak', 1), ('sfpd', 1), ('foreknowledge', 1), (\"'anthony\", 1), ('belrose', 1), ('sydney-based', 1), ('lasseter\\\\', 1), ('basinger', 1), ('bereaved', 1), ('whitely', 1), ('jollygoodfellow', 1), ('bordering', 1), ('coober', 1), ('pedy', 1), ('vandalised', 1), ('fuckers', 1), ('tick\\\\', 1), ('long-held', 1), ('regalia', 1), ('long-earned', 1), ('mounted', 1), ('computer-guided', 1), ('incinerate', 1), ('pinpoint', 1), ('researchers', 1), ('subbed', 1), ('hyperkinetic', 1), ('hollyfeld', 1), ('timetable', 1), ('lunchtime', 1), ('lazlo\\\\', 1), ('tunnels', 1), ('passageway', 1), ('disassemble', 1), ('reassemble', 1), ('flunked', 1), ('beam', 1), ('redesigned', 1), ('megawatts', 1), ('high-energy', 1), ('conceptualized', 1), ('implant', 1), ('transceiver', 1), ('remotely', 1), ('stained-glass', 1), ('seams', 1), ('cavern', 1), ('month-long', 1), ('merboy', 1), ('tchaikovsky', 1), ('scalding', 1), ('nadezhda', 1), ('nymphomaniacal', 1), ('miliukova', 1), ('chiluvsky', 1), ('barbosa', 1), ('planetarium', 1), ('goal-oriented', 1), ('anglo-american', 1), ('distinctions', 1), ('heritages', 1), ('봶ork', 1), ('bloomfield', 1), ('ripley\\\\', 1), ('co-actor', 1), ('fertile', 1), ('byron\\\\', 1), ('availability', 1), ('phoned', 1), ('rang', 1), ('쐓he', 1), ('reshuffled', 1), ('쐔wo', 1), ('pent', 1), ('nighty', 1), ('texture', 1), ('negatively', 1), ('쏦ow', 1), ('retracted', 1), ('╈\\\\x80', 1), ('fore-coming', 1), (\"'clark\", 1), ('bait-and-switch', 1), ('behemoth', 1), ('truckster', 1), ('tagged', 1), ('vandals', 1), ('308', 1), ('gts', 1), ('crotchety', 1), ('campground', 1), ('bumper', 1), ('rigor', 1), ('mortised', 1), ('realistic-looking', 1), ('swat', 1), ('matsumoto', 1), ('hidetoshi', 1), ('nishijima', 1), ('semi-vegetative', 1), ('haruna', 1), ('cross-over', 1), ('chikamatsu', 1), ('monzaemon', 1), ('alludes', 1), (\"'irish\", 1), ('communicated', 1), ('pager', 1), ('weaponry', 1), ('underbosses', 1), ('styx', 1), ('underboss', 1), ('vincenzo', 1), ('lapazzi', 1), ('vigilantes', 1), ('rocco\\\\', 1), ('cauterize', 1), ('ammonia', 1), ('admittance', 1), ('on-scene', 1), ('sliding', 1), ('eradicate', 1), ('jodha', 1), ('pleasure-loving', 1), ('court-dancer', 1), ('bahaar', 1), ('ascend', 1), ('queenship', 1), ('amasses', 1), ('walled', 1), ('playwrights', 1), ('varietys', 1), (\"\\\\'fictionalize\\\\\", 1), ('shemale', 1), ('lugosi', 1), ('fuller', 1), ('criswell', 1), (\"o\\\\'hara\", 1), ('reynolds\\\\', 1), ('b챕la\\\\', 1), ('baptists', 1), ('swaggering', 1), ('land-baron', 1), ('kahana', 1), ('chen\\\\', 1), ('rabid', 1), ('close-minded', 1), ('gilman', 1), ('gilman\\\\', 1), ('haole', 1), (\"'chuck\", 1), ('ulcer-inducing', 1), ('exuberance', 1), ('blazejowski', 1), ('belinda', 1), ('m.b.a.', 1), ('lahr', 1), ('orton\\\\', 1), ('ramsay', 1), ('faux-sophisticate', 1), ('fab', 1), (\"'emotionally\", 1), ('barish', 1), ('kruczynski', 1), ('revisiting', 1), ('copying', 1), ('mierzwiak', 1), ('re-encountering', 1), ('bewilderment', 1), ('jadakiss', 1), ('sheek', 1), ('louch', 1), ('shawn', 1), ('desman', 1), ('pied', 1), ('performance.in', 1), ('ok.', 1), ('duly', 1), ('claps', 1), ('blaque', 1), (\"'strictly\", 1), ('try-outs', 1), ('learner', 1), ('fran\\\\', 1), ('beginner\\\\', 1), ('disqualifies', 1), ('1958.', 1), ('now-adult', 1), ('travelled', 1), ('aclu', 1), ('opening-night', 1), ('bloomingdales', 1), ('unchallenged', 1), ('unions', 1), ('recurrent', 1), ('viral', 1), ('cardiomyopathy', 1), ('debilitating', 1), ('debilitated', 1), ('c.c..', 1), ('guardian\\\\', 1), ('c.c.', 1), ('o.k.', 1), (\"'reuben\", 1), ('feffer', 1), ('barts', 1), ('lyle', 1), ('amherst', 1), ('mid-1940s', 1), (\"'sylvie\", 1), ('rope-swinging', 1), ('mini-skirt', 1), ('shrug', 1), ('unblock', 1), ('ivy\\\\', 1), ('cringe', 1), ('straightens', 1), ('hallucinates', 1), ('street-toughened', 1), ('effervescent', 1), ('rangeela', 1), ('roadhill', 1), ('largeman', 1), ('apathetically', 1), ('grave-diggers', 1), ('velcro', 1), ('lithium', 1), ('stabilizers', 1), ('eulogizes', 1), ('newark', 1), (\"d\\\\'챕tat\", 1), ('hicksley', 1), ('spokesman', 1), ('ultranationalist', 1), ('celliers\\\\', 1), ('wireless', 1), ('strafer', 1), ('supplying', 1), ('rations', 1), ('atonement', 1), ('moribund', 1), ('pow\\\\', 1), ('bushido', 1), ('katana', 1), ('redeployed', 1), (\"'joel\", 1), ('goodson', 1), ('extracurricular', 1), ('steuben', 1), ('hudock', 1), ('excellence', 1), ('shifter', 1), ('tardy', 1), ('lateness', 1), ('midterms', 1), ('goodsons\\\\', 1), ('wayfarers', 1), ('burgled', 1), ('huh', 1), ('remastered', 1), ('25th-anniversary', 1), ('brickman\\\\', 1), ('critic\\\\', 1), ('kehr', 1), ('2008.', 1), ('voiced-over', 1), ('2012.', 1), ('screenings', 1), ('geffen', 1), ('father-figure', 1), ('ozarks', 1), ('establishment\\\\', 1), ('tiring', 1), (\"'oliver\", 1), ('trink챕', 1), ('probing', 1), ('ollie\\\\', 1), (\"'andie\", 1), (\"\\\\'only\", 1), ('make\\\\', 1), ('quests', 1), ('knicks', 1), (\"\\\\'problems\\\\\", 1), (\"\\\\'his\", 1), ('favourites', 1), ('rhymer', 1), (\"\\\\'lost\", 1), ('for\\\\', 1), ('sorting', 1), ('handcuffing', 1), ('re-emerge', 1), ('1.75', 1), ('disgraceful', 1), ('perceptive', 1), ('hongbao', 1), ('derive', 1), ('chou', 1), (\"t'ien-tsai\", 1), (\"'true\", 1), ('ex-classmate', 1), (\"'number\", 1), ('consensually', 1), ('t-ien', 1), (\"'he\", 1), ('self-fulfilling', 1), ('grossing', 1), ('checkup', 1), ('metastatic', 1), ('dies.', 1), ('namemylifewithoutme', 1), ('acrobatic', 1), ('kowalski', 1), ('touchy', 1), ('c.d.\\\\', 1), ('flat-nosed', 1), ('kozinski', 1), ('cousins-by-marriage', 1), ('ritualized', 1), ('edie\\\\', 1), ('coffee-bar', 1), ('fawning', 1), (\"'joan\", 1), ('recently-murdered', 1), ('smugglers', 1), ('detoured', 1), ('swashbuckling', 1), ('exporter', 1), ('375', 1), ('smuggler\\\\', 1), ('c-47', 1), ('crocodiles', 1), ('sailboat', 1), ('periodical', 1), (\"'70s\", 1), ('interweave', 1), (\"'yashvardhan\", 1), ('raichand', 1), ('naina', 1), ('sayeeda', 1), ('rahul\\\\', 1), ('disowning', 1), ('thereza', 1), ('buck-toothed', 1), ('football-playing', 1), ('girl-chasing', 1), ('wows', 1), ('jazzy', 1), ('endorsed', 1), ('gasser', 1), ('tonic', 1), ('yaphank', 1), ('shrapnel', 1), ('dibble', 1), ('bugler', 1), ('kidman', 1), ('staus', 1), ('porn-enthusiast', 1), ('menacingly', 1), ('pre-danielle', 1), ('cambodian', 1), ('tape\\\\', 1), ('now-ruined', 1), ('whence', 1), ('protagonist\\\\', 1), ('twenty-eight', 1), ('sh흲nagon', 1), ('thrall', 1), ('apprenticeship', 1), (\"\\\\'first\", 1), ('life.\\\\', 1), ('depletion', 1), ('vice-versa', 1), ('skin\\\\', 1), ('smears', 1), ('freelances', 1), ('scriveners', 1), ('plan\\\\', 1), ('impotence/old', 1), ('exhibitionist', 1), ('hyperactive', 1), ('exhumes', 1), ('flayed', 1), ('seducer', 1), ('undecipherable', 1), ('insides', 1), ('messenger\\\\', 1), ('hoax', 1), ('activists\\\\', 1), ('disgracing', 1), ('28th', 1), ('bi-cultural', 1), ('half-chinese', 1), ('half-japanese', 1), ('greenaway', 1), ('everest', 1), ('winchestertonfieldville', 1), ('corvettes', 1), ('hallmark', 1), ('elijah', 1), ('millard', 1), ('leopold\\\\', 1), ('blemish', 1), ('besser', 1), ('perusing', 1), ('schematic', 1), ('diagrams', 1), ('formulae', 1), ('portals', 1), ('stylus', 1), ('avocation', 1), ('sussex', 1), ('margarine', 1), ('1876.', 1), ('spacetime', 1), ('continuum', 1), ('4-d', 1), ('pretzel', 1), ('kismetic', 1), ('inevitability', 1), ('dobler', 1), ('aviophobic', 1), ('unpopularity', 1), ('flamhaff', 1), ('sprinkled', 1), ('sprinkles', 1), ('in-crowd', 1), ('badmouthing', 1), ('likable', 1), ('yearbooks', 1), ('catch-up', 1), ('already-distraught', 1), ('specks', 1), ('unsecure', 1), ('fagging', 1), ('persisted', 1), ('stephans', 1), ('fawkes', 1), ('lowe', 1), ('enforcing', 1), ('perversions', 1), ('geometry', 1), ('towels', 1), ('philips', 1), ('self-inflicted', 1), ('ordeals', 1), ('caning', 1), ('obstructing', 1), ('founders\\\\', 1), ('armoury', 1), ('webley', 1), ('emblazoned', 1), ('hackett', 1), ('processor', 1), ('paperweights', 1), ('bagels', 1), ('schorr', 1), ('stout', 1), ('patronize', 1), ('sculptress', 1), ('hardens', 1), ('munch', 1), ('cargo', 1), ('1950-style', 1), ('봕osalee', 1), ('봡escribed', 1), ('봶hich', 1), ('봱ousing', 1), ('farmyard', 1), ('magnum', 1), ('lesbian-killing', 1), ('carpentry', 1), ('tenq', 1), ('elopment', 1), ('pile-up', 1), ('1902.', 1), ('roc', 1), ('one-year-long', 1), ('plungers', 1), ('hotline', 1), ('amass', 1), ('pudding', 1), ('wields', 1), ('phone-sex', 1), ('provo', 1), ('frequent-flier', 1), ('kelson', 1), ('indispensable', 1), ('weeks\\\\', 1), ('sisters-in-law', 1), ('safflower', 1), ('sleeper', 1), ('dredges', 1), ('applicants', 1), ('doris\\\\', 1), ('keyboards', 1), ('all-around', 1), ('departments', 1), ('spontaneity', 1), ('leroy\\\\', 1), ('doren', 1), ('orchestras', 1), ('synthesized', 1), ('show-style', 1), ('f**k', 1), ('8th', 1), ('hard-party', 1), ('ailey\\\\', 1), ('final챕', 1), ('boynton', 1), ('rifat', 1), ('congratualtes', 1), ('balances', 1), ('re-assert', 1), (\"'crash\", 1), ('single-a', 1), ('laloosh', 1), ('ebby\\\\', 1), ('seeker', 1), ('latched', 1), ('big-league', 1), ('hitters', 1), ('mid-season', 1), ('nuke\\\\', 1), ('clich챕d', 1), ('visalia', 1), (\"'viktor\", 1), ('unrecognized', 1), ('planters', 1), ('cbp', 1), ('trolleys', 1), ('25-cent', 1), ('off-the-books', 1), ('undocumented', 1), ('barring', 1), ('confiscation', 1), ('embellishment', 1), (\"\\\\'friend\\\\\", 1), ('granting', 1), ('mulroy', 1), ('deport', 1), ('1979.', 1), ('ramada', 1), ('albania', 1), ('1981.', 1), ('groupings', 1), ('monica\\\\', 1), ('ronkonkoma', 1), ('mid-coitus', 1), ('caitlyn', 1), ('cabbie', 1), ('propped', 1), ('anatomy', 1), ('toughest', 1), ('janitorial', 1), ('lita', 1), ('sims', 1), ('wimpy\\\\', 1), ('incarnated', 1), ('reincarnates', 1), ('mischievously', 1), ('incompetently', 1), ('personification', 1), ('envy', 1), ('clear-sighted', 1), ('unleashing', 1), ('technological', 1), ('git', 1), ('tastee-freez', 1), ('wimpy', 1), ('runways', 1), ('motorways', 1), ('supersonic', 1), ('rousseau', 1), (\"\\\\'rape\\\\\", 1), ('ego-preening', 1), ('drimble', 1), ('vegetations', 1), ('drably', 1), ('excitable', 1), ('psychedelia', 1), ('glitter', 1), ('beryl', 1), ('beryllians', 1), ('glorify', 1), ('trampolines', 1), ('frobisher', 1), ('gleeson', 1), ('lolly', 1), ('donger', 1), ('tallish', 1), ('large-breasted', 1), ('floppy', 1), ('disks', 1), ('panicky', 1), ('seventy', 1), ('underpants', 1), ('kittens', 1), ('jocks\\\\', 1), ('phone-number', 1), ('um..would', 1), ('mulford', 1), (\"o'shea\", 1), ('54.', 1), ('randazzo', 1), ('hard-partying', 1), (\"'misfit\", 1), ('americanize', 1), ('tobiki', 1), ('okinawa', 1), ('ryukyu', 1), ('wainwright', 1), ('wily', 1), ('implement', 1), ('pentagon', 1), ('okinawans', 1), ('footwear', 1), ('brew', 1), ('yukata', 1), ('foresight', 1), ('dismantle', 1), ('deus', 1), ('machina', 1), ('scap', 1), ('american-led', 1), ('democratization', 1), ('reassembled', 1), ('kantrowitz', 1), ('folger\\\\', 1), ('bungalows', 1), ('epstein', 1), ('historic', 1), ('jimi', 1), ('hendrix\\\\', 1), ('counterintelligence', 1), ('strategically', 1), ('resenting', 1), ('self-segregation', 1), ('isaacs', 1), ('taryn\\\\', 1), ('douglass', 1), ('supremacist', 1), ('categorize', 1), ('graded', 1), ('sellout', 1), ('swastikas', 1), ('anti-sexism', 1), ('spouting', 1), ('survivalist', 1), ('glock', 1), ('9mm', 1), ('phipps\\\\', 1), ('assuages', 1), ('winter\\\\', 1), ('strong-minded', 1), ('pilgrim\\\\', 1), ('whisperer', 1), ('macleans', 1), ('soon-to-be-born', 1), ('ob-gyn', 1), (\"'twenty-seven-year-old\", 1), ('refunded', 1), (\"'hank\", 1), ('grotowski', 1), ('corrections', 1), ('unwavering', 1), ('musgrove', 1), ('jail\\\\', 1), ('quitter', 1), ('jenns', 1), ('corvette-driving', 1), (\"'abby\", 1), ('slusarsky', 1), ('persistance', 1), ('manoeuvers', 1), ('reinforcement', 1), ('self-image', 1), ('withers', 1), ('hilary\\\\', 1), ('edelstein', 1), ('skins', 1), ('desktop', 1), ('vandalizes', 1), ('sonogram', 1), ('봞pparently', 1), ('spray-painted', 1), ('credit-card', 1), ('봲igned', 1), ('roommate/boyfriend', 1), (\"'psychiatrist\", 1), ('medicating', 1), ('봟orn', 1), ('enlivens', 1), ('mickler\\\\', 1), ('youth\\\\', 1), ('tentacle', 1), ('batteries', 1), ('co-dependency', 1), ('//www.moviefone.com/movie/when-a-man-loves-a-woman/8770/synopsis', 1), ('veins', 1), ('weronika\\\\', 1), ('봙챕ronique', 1), ('marionettes', 1), ('ref|the', 1), ('puppeteers', 1), ('performing.|group', 1), ('musicolog', 1), ('motioning', 1), ('ekg', 1), ('shoestring', 1), ('fabbri', 1), ('libellule', 1), ('papillon', 1), ('alexandre\\\\', 1), ('postage', 1), ('gare', 1), ('saint-lazare', 1), ('tree.at', 1), ('distributor', 1), ('kie힄lowski', 1), (\"'five\", 1), ('woodrow', 1), ('abdicates', 1), ('in-session', 1), ('parliament\\\\', 1), ('devereaux', 1), ('clarisse\\\\', 1), ('deveraux', 1), ('condone', 1), ('moscovitz', 1), ('kenilworth', 1), ('stables', 1), ('bombarded', 1), ('tiaras', 1), ('maneouver', 1), ('palaces', 1), ('asana', 1), ('practising', 1), ('surly', 1), ('penny-farthing', 1), ('nation\\\\', 1), ('abolished', 1), ('assent', 1), ('archbishop', 1), ('bended', 1), ('migonette', 1), ('renaldi', 1), ('considerate', 1), ('supplements', 1), ('fugue', 1), ('eldon', 1), ('wesley\\\\', 1), ('ex-fianc챕', 1), ('r챕sum챕', 1), ('over-imaginative', 1), ('workings', 1), ('re-run', 1), ('airing', 1), ('leeds\\\\', 1), ('overly-curious', 1), ('clone-of-a-clone', 1), ('predecessors', 1), ('decree', 1), ('moratorium', 1), ('unimpress', 1), ('unromantically', 1), ('clones\\\\', 1), ('remodels', 1), ('reaping', 1), ('succsessor', 1), ('competence', 1), ('vaughn', 1), ('enrollment', 1), ('graders', 1), ('retract', 1), ('disrespecting', 1), ('single-point', 1), ('contest\\\\', 1), ('-style', 1), ('insanely', 1), ('brandishes', 1), ('maniacally', 1), ('taub', 1), ('bon-vivant', 1), ('osteopath', 1), ('rodr챠guez', 1), ('franti큄ek', 1), ('philharmonic', 1), ('half-accidentally', 1), ('czechoslovak', 1), ('concurrence', 1), ('russian-speaking', 1), ('meningitis', 1), ('bukowski', 1), ('woof', 1), ('daschund', 1), ('hud', 1), ('off-duty', 1), ('berger\\\\', 1), ('kana', 1), ('k.s', 1), ('epochs', 1), (\"l\\\\'homme\", 1), ('1827', 1), ('melodramas', 1), ('plebian', 1), ('lema챤tre', 1), ('exhibiting', 1), ('staves', 1), ('pierre-fran챌ois', 1), ('scrivener', 1), ('debureau', 1), ('pierrot', 1), ('veritable', 1), ('irremediably', 1), ('thanked', 1), ('used-clothes', 1), ('receipts', 1), ('cheapest', 1), ('restaurant/dancehall', 1), ('lacenaire\\\\', 1), ('pantomimes', 1), ('repelled', 1), ('abortive', 1), ('motivate', 1), ('rag-man', 1), ('cuckold', 1), ('assassinates', 1), ('scaffold', 1), ('wifely', 1), ('bobbing', 1), ('unheeding', 1), ('pierrots', 1), ('dead.singerman', 1), ('traumatizing', 1), ('jeri', 1), ('woolworth\\\\', 1), ('stocking', 1), ('photoplay', 1), ('juanita\\\\', 1), ('doo-wop', 1), ('jo/joanne', 1), ('never-seen', 1), ('joanne\\\\', 1), ('cissy', 1), ('pop-flavored', 1), ('pianos', 1), ('responsibility-free', 1), ('cockily', 1), ('old-style', 1), ('makin\\\\', 1), ('whoopee', 1), ('off-kilter', 1), ('crowd-pleasers', 1), ('catfood', 1), ('conventioneer', 1), ('stepdad', 1), ('jingle', 1), ('unmistakably', 1), ('grusin\\\\', 1), ('vegetarianism', 1), ('reparative', 1), ('five-step', 1), ('gender-associated', 1), ('demystifying', 1), ('ex-ex-gays', 1), ('lloyd\\\\', 1), ('placards', 1), ('unrepentant', 1), ('pflag', 1), ('labors', 1), ('pollyanna', 1), ('blythe', 1), ('danner', 1), ('saundra', 1), ('mcclain', 1), ('ottawa', 1), ('show-biz', 1), ('joke-writer', 1), ('taint', 1), ('mccarthyism', 1), ('open-air', 1), ('detonations', 1), ('torpor', 1), ('encroaching', 1), ('marino', 1), ('bel-air', 1), ('nosing', 1), ('dobermans', 1), ('eggelhoffer', 1), ('remodelling', 1), ('buns', 1), ('12-bun', 1), ('8-dog', 1), ('objecting', 1), ('mcneill', 1), ('apprehensions', 1), ('perseveres', 1), ('arnim', 1), ('dissimilar', 1), ('environs', 1), ('arbuthnot', 1), (\"'small\", 1), ('mediaeval', 1), ('waspish', 1), ('dester', 1), ('rejuvenation', 1), ('lewdness', 1), ('1871.', 1), ('scandalising', 1), ('self-indulgence', 1), ('masochism', 1), ('sadistically', 1), ('sodomy', 1), ('christianity', 1), ('abyssinia', 1), ('boy-lover', 1), ('37.', 1), ('dormeur', 1), ('transcendent', 1), (\"\\\\'tis\", 1), ('rabble', 1), ('ophelia', 1), ('low-calorie', 1), ('mayonnaise', 1), ('wakefield', 1), ('gertrude\\\\', 1), ('laertes', 1), ('fortinbras', 1), ('self-righteous', 1), ('horatio', 1), ('not-so-subtle', 1), ('carnforth', 1), ('polonius', 1), ('gravedigger', 1), ('spatch', 1), ('techie\\\\', 1), ('techie', 1), ('new-age', 1), ('adverse', 1), ('orgies', 1), ('disembark', 1), ('unmotivated', 1), ('wiener', 1), ('riesenrad', 1), ('eurail', 1), ('donaukanal', 1), ('milkshake', 1), ('jewell', 1), ('viennese', 1), (\"'nine\", 1), ('constrained', 1), ('thirty-something\\\\', 1), ('traverse', 1), ('bateau', 1), ('mouche', 1), ('simone\\\\', 1), ('fidgeting', 1), ('out-fight', 1), ('courthouse\\\\', 1), ('orbison', 1), (\"'wing\", 1), ('country-wide', 1), ('males-only', 1), ('proteg챕e\\\\', 1), ('her/', 1), ('gurukal', 1), ('tightens', 1), ('love-filled', 1), ('cinder', 1), ('barbarac', 1), ('auguste', 1), ('ghent', 1), ('unseats', 1), ('well-aimed', 1), ('household\\\\', 1), ('jailor', 1), ('more\\\\', 1), ('utopia', 1), ('leonardo', 1), ('comtesse\\\\', 1), ('larder', 1), ('pieu', 1), ('americas', 1), ('electrocuted', 1), ('singer/piano', 1), ('pointers', 1), ('mulambon', 1), ('monarchs', 1), ('finland', 1), ('tuba', 1), ('golly', 1), ('harpsichord', 1), ('befitting', 1), ('1702.', 1), ('crude-but-smooth', 1), ('mugshot', 1), ('po\\\\', 1), ('dent', 1), ('42nd', 1), ('incipient', 1), ('뷶espite', 1), ('뷹ollows', 1), ('telescopes', 1), ('impugning', 1), ('dentist\\\\', 1), ('cavities', 1), ('fillings', 1), ('novocaine', 1), ('manzanillo', 1), ('colima', 1), ('better-than-average', 1), ('븉untanned', 1), ('one-piece', 1), ('cornrows', 1), ('븏hich', 1), ('furthers', 1), ('currents', 1), ('catamaran', 1), ('sunburned', 1), ('optimistically', 1), (\"'s챕verine\", 1), ('frigidity', 1), ('husson\\\\', 1), ('saumer', 1), (\"\\\\'belle\", 1), ('jour\\\\', 1), ('ana챦s\\\\', 1), (\"'petra\", 1), ('apartment\\\\', 1), ('poussin\\\\', 1), ('bacchus', 1), ('codependent', 1), ('thimm', 1), ('sidonie\\\\', 1), ('incompatibility', 1), ('toolmaker', 1), ('algebra', 1), ('arithmetic', 1), ('tumbler', 1), ('glares', 1), ('resplendent', 1), ('pointless', 1), ('6am', 1), ('500dm', 1), ('tramples', 1), ('auburn', 1), ('masochistic', 1), (\"'wanda\", 1), ('assistant-mistress', 1), ('shoe-fetishist', 1), ('ineffable', 1), ('whizzkid', 1), ('hardware', 1), ('thwax', 1), ('marney', 1), ('decayed', 1), ('relented', 1), ('traction', 1), ('reveled', 1), ('cowers', 1), ('stretchered', 1), ('normality', 1), (\"'dirk\", 1), ('rampling', 1), ('atherton', 1), ('salome', 1), (\"'mollie\", 1), ('rona', 1), ('ubriacco', 1), ('da-da', 1), ('polley', 1), ('full-blown', 1), ('cirrhosis', 1), ('guineveres', 1), (\"'amar\", 1), ('daydreamers', 1), ('smartness', 1), ('rounding', 1), ('archangel', 1), ('innuendos', 1), ('emphysema', 1), ('amputation', 1), ('gephardt', 1), ('after-school', 1), ('statures', 1), ('astounds', 1), ('13:4-8', 1), ('home/property', 1), ('muscovite', 1), ('rudolf\\\\', 1), ('antonina\\\\', 1), ('dacha', 1), ('elektrichka', 1), ('katarina\\\\', 1), ('factory\\\\', 1), ('quota', 1), ('relished', 1), ('breadwinners', 1), ('afro-cuban', 1), ('mega-rich', 1), ('heiresses', 1), ('vandergelds', 1), ('break-dancing', 1), ('kidnappings', 1), ('catwalk', 1), ('bj철rk-like', 1), ('rafters', 1), ('marcus/tiffany\\\\', 1), ('captives', 1), ('funneling', 1), ('unmasking', 1), ('dependents', 1), ('boheme', 1), (\"\\\\'drag\", 1), ('princess\\\\', 1), ('jingleheimer', 1), ('schmidt', 1), ('purloined', 1), ('small-mindedness', 1), ('genderqueer', 1), ('newcomers', 1), ('cisgender', 1), ('fittingly', 1), ('ema', 1), ('hasure', 1), ('mannequin-manufacturer', 1), ('switcher', 1), ('timkin', 1), ('rambo', 1), ('window-dressing', 1), ('b.j', 1), ('snowballs', 1), ('dressers', 1), ('illustra\\\\', 1), ('richards\\\\', 1), ('terminator', 1), ('incinerator', 1), ('maxwell\\\\', 1), ('bombarding', 1), ('incinerator\\\\', 1), ('conveyor', 1), ('newly-installed', 1), ('wert\\\\', 1), (\"'nickie\", 1), ('ferrante', 1), ('dilettante', 1), ('anchors', 1), ('dodges', 1), ('unmoving', 1), (\"'quincy\", 1), (\"\\\\'halle\", 1), ('berry\\\\', 1), ('nickey\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'mary\\\\\", 1), (\"'high-powered\", 1), ('pitted', 1), ('centering', 1), ('caisle찼n', 1), ('cloiche', 1), ('depositions', 1), ('gusto', 1), ('everybody\\\\', 1), ('festival\\\\', 1), ('dot-com', 1), ('incentives', 1), ('cetera', 1), ('dishonored', 1), ('defensively', 1), ('pensive', 1), (\"'nelson\", 1), ('deever', 1), ('dmv', 1), ('beguiles', 1), ('sara\\\\', 1), ('non-hodgkin', 1), ('lymphoma', 1), ('blindfolding', 1), ('blindfold', 1), ('loudmouth', 1), ('gold-hearted', 1), ('tolan', 1), ('trounces', 1), ('terri\\\\', 1), ('fined', 1), ('personnel\\\\', 1), ('firstborn', 1), (\"'regina\", 1), ('meg챔ve', 1), ('passports', 1), ('body\\\\', 1), ('panthollow', 1), ('oss', 1), ('parachuted', 1), ('doublecrossed', 1), ('unabashed', 1), ('reggie\\\\', 1), ('stamps\\\\', 1), ('cruikshank', 1), ('split-screen', 1), ('grid', 1), (\"'foxfire\", 1), ('wirtz', 1), ('faldes', 1), ('dissect', 1), ('jacket-clad', 1), ('buttinger\\\\', 1), ('ordinarily', 1), ('snip', 1), ('toenail', 1), ('clippers', 1), ('oily', 1), ('rags', 1), ('reconvene', 1), ('dana\\\\', 1), ('legs\\\\', 1), ('conquering', 1), ('airports', 1), (\"'baran\", 1), ('kurd', 1), ('immigration-related', 1), (\"'resourceful\", 1), ('debevoise', 1), ('millionaires', 1), ('brookman', 1), ('irreproachably', 1), ('j.d.', 1), ('elks', 1), ('ranger', 1), ('nearsighted', 1), ('speculator', 1), ('misreads', 1), ('j.d.\\\\', 1), ('hamburgers', 1), ('kidding', 1), ('saban', 1), ('wilshire', 1), ('bogart', 1), ('ancestor\\\\', 1), ('frant', 1), ('149', 1), ('5:30', 1), ('throstle', 1), ('unfamiliarity', 1), ('demonically', 1), ('1933.', 1), ('1787', 1), ('non-fatal', 1), ('repossessing', 1), ('evicting', 1), ('towbar', 1), ('careens', 1), ('elliott\\\\', 1), ('earth-bound', 1), ('bearable', 1), ('naville\\\\', 1), ('angels\\\\', 1), ('murder-suicide', 1), ('tod\\\\', 1), ('greendale', 1), ('myer', 1), ('badger', 1), ('lasers', 1), ('inhale', 1), ('nitrous', 1), ('oxide', 1), ('cosell', 1), ('foreign-exchange', 1), ('camaro', 1), ('k-12', 1), (\"'director\", 1), ('nyman', 1), ('perpetrated', 1), ('franco\\\\', 1), ('embassies', 1), ('menswear', 1), ('rightist', 1), ('meditating', 1), ('scabies', 1), ('olof', 1), ('yevgeny', 1), ('yevtushenko', 1), ('elizabethan', 1), ('androgynous', 1), ('monetary', 1), ('bequeath', 1), ('wither', 1), ('dabbles', 1), ('takedown', 1), (\"\\\\'lady\\\\\", 1), ('lawsuits', 1), ('her/his', 1), ('heathcoate', 1), ('denigrated', 1), (\"'now\", 1), ('230sl', 1), ('roadster', 1), ('saint-tropez', 1), ('choirbus', 1), ('chickenpox', 1), (\"\\\\'ruthie\\\\\", 1), ('unkind', 1), ('dalbret', 1), ('motorist', 1), ('unserious', 1), ('fran챌oise\\\\', 1), ('offhandedly', 1), ('wallaces', 1), ('signalling', 1), ('terminates', 1), (\"'together\", 1), ('communes', 1), ('commune\\\\', 1), ('g철ran\\\\', 1), ('self-declared', 1), ('tet', 1), ('klas', 1), ('abba', 1), (\"'among\", 1), ('clubbers', 1), ('kellie', 1), ('waymire', 1), ('nastassja', 1), ('kinski', 1), ('mapa', 1), ('peet', 1), (\"'sadness\", 1), ('downscale', 1), ('altough', 1), ('worther', 1), ('22-year', 1), ('rye', 1), ('proclaming', 1), ('5h35', 1), ('bubba\\\\', 1), ('recepcionist', 1), ('parasites', 1), ('cramps', 1), ('swelling', 1), ('justine\\\\', 1), ('thoughs', 1), ('serveral', 1), ('gid', 1), ('recycling', 1), ('c.n', 1), ('thickened', 1), ('dogville', 1), ('slaves\\\\', 1), ('exhaustive', 1), ('proudy', 1), ('talkin\\\\', 1), ('weepin\\\\', 1), ('hittin\\\\', 1), ('clownin\\\\', 1), ('divisions', 1), ('congregate', 1), ('numerals', 1), ('provisions', 1), ('felling', 1), ('exploited', 1), ('sharecroppers', 1), ('institutionalizing', 1), ('communistic', 1), ('embed', 1), ('harvests', 1), ('unenthusiastically', 1), ('ex-slaves', 1), ('gambles', 1), ('plantation\\\\', 1), ('wilhelm', 1), ('abolition', 1), ('trier', 1), ('chadwick', 1), ('l.a', 1), ('lambada', 1), ('bellboy', 1), ('swamplands', 1), ('pre-conference', 1), ('poindexter', 1), ('crank', 1), ('co-opted', 1), ('wet-nightie', 1), ('uninhabited', 1), ('wormser', 1), ('amphibious', 1), ('decked', 1), ('diner/tavern', 1), ('thirty-something-year-old', 1), ('enchantingly', 1), ('goodhearted', 1), ('vies', 1), ('stemming', 1), ('agrees-', 1), ('mart', 1), ('oman', 1), ('telecommunications', 1), ('bust-ass', 1), ('angel-like', 1), ('bumpers', 1), ('metzler', 1), ('multiply', 1), ('sterilized', 1), ('dome', 1), ('mothers\\\\', 1), ('discouragement', 1), ('rallies', 1), ('antagonized', 1), ('quarantines', 1), ('mutating', 1), ('phreak\\\\', 1), ('biplane', 1), ('swoops', 1), ('pappy\\\\', 1), ('health-wise', 1), ('hebrides', 1), ('catriona', 1), ('leased', 1), ('full-scale', 1), ('mh처r', 1), ('bridie', 1), ('corryvreckan', 1), ('stormed', 1), ('water-filled', 1), ('lairds', 1), ('battlements', 1), ('pipers', 1), (\"'angus\", 1), ('bethune', 1), ('wedberg', 1), ('lefevre', 1), ('narcoleptic', 1), ('swoon', 1), ('lady-pleaser', 1), ('largeness', 1), ('rulenska', 1), ('flagpole', 1), ('squarely', 1), ('inflatable', 1), ('grampa\\\\', 1), ('bulimic', 1), ('unwantingly', 1), ('grossman', 1), ('maes', 1), ('bubbie', 1), ('intelligentsia', 1), (\"'major\", 1), ('wynne-candy', 1), ('spud', 1), ('pre-emptively', 1), ('1902', 1), ('anti-british', 1), ('superiors\\\\', 1), ('kretschmar-schuldorff', 1), ('wynne', 1), ('1935.', 1), ('1939', 1), ('bbc', 1), ('theo\\\\', 1), ('by.the', 1), ('parodying', 1), ('mundi', 1), ('myron', 1), ('operative', 1), ('byrnses\\\\', 1), ('rv\\\\', 1), ('villalobos', 1), ('roz\\\\', 1), ('crunch', 1), ('ferber', 1), ('self-soothe', 1), ('injects', 1), ('overeager', 1), ('dina\\\\', 1), ('baby-cam', 1), ('gluing', 1), ('briefing', 1), ('messalina', 1), (\"'brantley\", 1), ('overqualified', 1), ('underqualified', 1), ('mailroom', 1), ('prescott\\\\', 1), ('inspecting', 1), ('non-beneficial', 1), ('firings', 1), ('brantley\\\\', 1), ('merge', 1), ('raider', 1), ('wrest', 1), ('davenport\\\\', 1), ('counter-productive', 1), ('tokarev', 1), ('tt-33', 1), ('godparents', 1), ('miyuki\\\\', 1), ('tellers', 1), ('triples', 1), ('imprisoning', 1), ('tuck\\\\', 1), ('pelted', 1), ('횙scar', 1), ('workers/house', 1), ('bernardo\\\\', 1), ('libia\\\\', 1), ('escand처n', 1), ('well-built', 1), ('joyed', 1), ('to.their', 1), ('montes', 1), ('protectiveness', 1), ('discoovered', 1), ('uribe', 1), ('reyes\\\\', 1), ('gabriela\\\\', 1), ('p챕n챕lope', 1), ('boum', 1), ('poupette', 1), ('matthieu', 1), ('colt', 1), ('119th', 1), ('dieter', 1), ('prohl', 1), ('wildcard', 1), ('internally', 1), ('fitter', 1), ('father-manager', 1), ('nip', 1), ('classed', 1), ('volley', 1), (\"'leslie\", 1), ('chastely', 1), ('barberini', 1), ('paventi', 1), ('blasphemous', 1), ('priest\\\\', 1), ('bucolic', 1), ('macpherson', 1), ('fischer', 1), ('demurely', 1), ('gerber', 1), ('odd-job', 1), ('well-rounded', 1), ('term\\\\', 1), ('fauna', 1), ('postprandial', 1), ('morning-after', 1), ('intersects', 1), ('grushinsky', 1), ('kleist', 1), ('softening', 1), ('emissaries', 1), ('modern-thinking', 1), ('shelton', 1), (\"o'reilly\", 1), ('claw', 1), ('bendel', 1), ('self-doubts', 1), ('lachenay', 1), ('tivoli', 1), ('gide', 1), ('michelet', 1), (\"d\\\\'is챔re\", 1), ('cruelest', 1), ('decomposing', 1), ('beefy', 1), ('globetrotters', 1), ('satanist', 1), ('ozzy', 1), ('adrian\\\\', 1), ('zachariah', 1), ('naples', 1), ('borelli', 1), ('adolescents', 1), ('camorra', 1), ('supremacy', 1), ('pianese', 1), ('strikingly', 1), ('molestation', 1), ('incendiary', 1), ('lillie\\\\', 1), ('bosom', 1), ('fostered', 1), ('foster-care', 1), ('singers/dancers', 1), ('sylk\\\\', 1), ('sub-standard', 1), ('maximize', 1), ('lip-syncs', 1), ('cappella', 1), ('semi-nude', 1), ('dice\\\\', 1), ('imprint', 1), ('begrudging', 1), ('schoolmates\\\\', 1), ('shark\\\\', 1), ('legrand', 1), ('nightspot', 1), ('gavin', 1), ('demeaning', 1), ('primont\\\\', 1), ('maxie\\\\', 1), ('mugging', 1), ('bayou', 1), ('hiller', 1), ('mcmannus', 1), ('catcher/zip', 1), ('womankind', 1), ('here\\\\', 1), ('profiteer', 1), ('serbia', 1), ('bulgarian', 1), ('cut-price', 1), ('subsidize', 1), ('fun-living', 1), ('drug-snorting', 1), ('glitches', 1), ('midget', 1), ('dunking', 1), ('grandsons', 1), ('six-foot', 1), ('peg', 1), ('spiked', 1), ('diarrhea', 1), ('solemnize', 1), ('bulgaria', 1), ('fistful', 1), ('stashed', 1), ('codename', 1), ('protectors', 1), ('calder', 1), ('vltava', 1), ('offenbach', 1), ('stickers', 1), ('venice-bound', 1), ('볿en', 1), ('gondolier', 1), ('bungee', 1), ('germans\\\\', 1), ('german\\\\', 1), ('sticker', 1), (\"'nia\", 1), ('vardalos', 1), ('collette', 1), ('co-obsession', 1), (\"cain\\\\'t\", 1), ('yentl', 1), ('peaches', 1), ('interludes', 1), ('outa', 1), ('mancha', 1), ('semi-successful', 1), ('starshine', 1), ('seventy-six', 1), ('trombones', 1), ('boldrup', 1), ('dortmund', 1), ('industrialized', 1), ('defiant', 1), ('ex-teammates', 1), ('dreamboy', 1), ('ex-soccer', 1), ('stinging', 1), ('boggs', 1), ('solitudinous', 1), ('hacky', 1), ('duckling', 1), ('soar', 1), ('objectified', 1), ('deafening', 1), ('uniformity', 1), ('brezhnev', 1), ('overruled', 1), ('unimaginative', 1), ('multistory', 1), ('brezhnevki', 1), ('live-action', 1), ('banya', 1), ('lukashin', 1), ('galya', 1), ('layout', 1), ('shevelyova', 1), ('yuriy', 1), ('yakovlev', 1), (\"'elder\", 1), ('pocatello', 1), ('markelli', 1), ('montagne', 1), ('cycling', 1), ('pocketwatch', 1), ('excommunicated', 1), ('farron', 1), ('fundamentalism', 1), ('reckon', 1), ('anti-muslim', 1), (\"'frances\", 1), ('manhunting', 1), ('jaunt', 1), ('flat-chested', 1), ('importunes', 1), ('portmanteau', 1), (\"\\\\'girl\\\\\", 1), (\"\\\\'midget\\\\\", 1), ('hemisphere', 1), ('peru', 1), ('cheefully', 1), (\"'ella\", 1), ('switchboard', 1), ('subscriber', 1), ('courtly', 1), ('cartons', 1), ('tens', 1), ('percentage', 1), ('clerical', 1), ('monsignor', 1), ('ill-advised', 1), ('bale', 1), ('eastwood', 1), ('annick', 1), ('complacency', 1), (\"'metroland\", 1), ('expansive', 1), ('metroland', 1), ('pollard', 1), ('fbi\\\\', 1), ('alamo', 1), ('harvey\\\\', 1), ('materialism', 1), ('traditionalism', 1), ('reinstating', 1), ('pavilion', 1), ('aspirant', 1), ('zen', 1), ('kyoko', 1), ('dance-floor', 1), ('quickstep', 1), ('driggs', 1), ('hankel', 1), ('free-wheeling', 1), (\"'jeff\", 1), ('humanize', 1), ('stows', 1), ('reducing', 1), ('absconds', 1), ('bemoans', 1), ('ulysses\\\\', 1), ('marcie', 1), ('봲taying', 1), ('postmistress', 1), ('milkcart', 1), ('crouching', 1), ('봥esturing', 1), ('wrist.the', 1), ('flash-forward', 1), ('scene.insdorf', 1), ('phantasms', 1), ('himalayan', 1), ('pema', 1), ('stonemason', 1), ('jamayang', 1), ('ex-lama', 1), ('land-owner', 1), ('dawa', 1), ('contemplated', 1), ('londoner', 1), ('retaining', 1), ('maugham\\\\', 1), ('novelette', 1), ('arguably', 1), ('characterisation', 1), ('oiliness', 1), ('slippage', 1), ('collaborations', 1), ('go-between', 1), ('indictment', 1), ('waning', 1), ('film-makers', 1), ('upholding', 1), ('nerds\\\\', 1), ('regents', 1), ('orrin\\\\', 1), ('brain-dead', 1), ('implausibly', 1), ('abs', 1), ('inductee', 1), ('anti-nerd', 1), ('adams\\\\', 1), ('vile', 1), ('price\\\\', 1), ('collateral', 1), ('tri-lam', 1), ('guaranteeing', 1), ('skolnick', 1), ('booger\\\\', 1), ('trimester', 1), ('heidie', 1), ('swami', 1), ('lexi', 1), ('myerheim', 1), ('vespa-riding', 1), ('impeccably', 1), ('semi-regular-quasi-sort-of-girlfriend', 1), ('married-yet-neglected-by-her-husband', 1), ('expendable', 1), ('cramp', 1), ('unsurprisingly', 1), ('now-wife', 1), ('encouragment', 1), ('rattled', 1), ('lean', 1), (\"'paige\", 1), ('pre-medical', 1), ('wisconsin-madison', 1), ('denmark\\\\', 1), ('princely', 1), ('haraald', 1), ('drenches', 1), ('deli', 1), ('conforming', 1), ('danhurst', 1), ('muppets', 1), ('3-d', 1), ('tatooey', 1), ('imprompt', 1), ('unread', 1), ('dined', 1), ('sardi\\\\', 1), ('minnelli', 1), ('sardi', 1), ('minnelli\\\\', 1), ('delaware', 1), ('bunsen', 1), ('honeydew', 1), ('beaker', 1), ('ave', 1), (\"\\\\'together\", 1), ('again\\\\', 1), ('supernumeraries', 1), ('expanded', 1), ('muppet', 1), ('sesame', 1), ('fraggle', 1), ('young-adulthood', 1), ('prok', 1), ('afterhours', 1), ('open-forum', 1), ('anti-sex', 1), ('paucity', 1), ('questionnaires', 1), ('disparity', 1), ('in-between', 1), ('sexological', 1), ('mccarthyist', 1), ('subversion', 1), ('importation', 1), ('barbiturates', 1), ('philanthropists', 1), ('quantify', 1), (\"'rob\", 1), ('salinger', 1), ('guillory', 1), ('bigamist', 1), ('re-examining', 1), ('rou', 1), ('tactfully', 1), (\"'elliot\", 1), ('over-zealous', 1), ('mcdonald\\\\', 1), ('colombian', 1), ('secondly', 1), ('clich챕-spewing', 1), ('confuse', 1), ('teleports', 1), ('horned', 1), ('voids', 1), ('scurrying', 1), ('delarusso', 1), ('resemble', 1), ('foibles', 1), ('cog', 1), (\"'australian\", 1), (\"'van\", 1), ('semesters', 1), ('fundraisers', 1), ('bagg', 1), ('pastries', 1), ('drinkers', 1), ('semester\\\\', 1), ('three-to-two', 1), ('mcat', 1), ('northwestern', 1), ('laces', 1), ('ritualistic', 1), ('protein', 1), ('2-hour', 1), ('dialing', 1), ('test-takers', 1), ('farting', 1), ('badalandabad', 1), ('naomi', 1), ('alone.at', 1), ('long-absent', 1), ('dashwood', 1), ('undermine', 1), ('stifles', 1), ('refashions', 1), ('society-savvy', 1), ('transient', 1), ('palpable', 1), ('dimly', 1), ('renovating', 1), ('embroils', 1), ('point-of-no-return', 1), ('skylark', 1), ('costumers', 1), ('deaf-dumb', 1), ('leigh', 1), ('hustles', 1), ('contortionist', 1), ('pipo', 1), ('scipione', 1), ('borghese', 1), ('mournfully', 1), ('writhing', 1), ('jarman', 1), ('anachronisms', 1), ('calculator', 1), ('kichizo', 1), ('self-indulgences', 1), ('strangled', 1), ('localized', 1), ('bakshi\\\\', 1), ('chatter', 1), ('maya\\\\', 1), ('lakhi\\\\', 1), ('darcy\\\\', 1), ('validates', 1), ('kholi', 1), ('crass', 1), ('americanized', 1), ('lalita\\\\', 1), ('together.', 1), ('//www.timeout.com/film/reviews/81640/5-x-2.html|title16', 1), ('2005|publisher15', 1), ('ozon', 1), ('persia', 1), ('city-states', 1), ('kingdoms', 1), ('hellenic', 1), ('bowra', 1), ('c.m.', 1), ('orion', 1), ('1-85799-122-2', 1), ('331', 1), ('323', 1), ('283', 1), ('soter', 1), ('aristotle', 1), ('attalus', 1), ('macedonia', 1), ('razing', 1), ('thebes', 1), ('persepolis', 1), ('west-persian', 1), ('amun', 1), ('siwa', 1), ('gaugamela', 1), ('cleitus', 1), ('bloodiest', 1), ('hydaspes', 1), ('glasgow', 1), ('hewett', 1), ('bostrom', 1), (\"'lil\", 1), (\"'bill\", 1), ('homewrecking', 1), ('legendres', 1), ('wine-aficionado', 1), ('cheval', 1), ('fast-food', 1), (\"'calamity\", 1), ('wesson', 1), ('girlish-sounding', 1), ('drooling', 1), ('sioux', 1), ('squaw', 1), ('lugging', 1), ('papoose', 1), (\"\\\\'primitive\\\\\", 1), ('rioting', 1), ('gilmartin', 1), ('straws', 1), ('wagons', 1), ('stage.for', 1), ('libretto', 1), ('score-', 1), ('chappell', 1), ('libretto-', 1), ('hanmer', 1), (\"o\\\\'hanlon\", 1), ('licensed', 1), ('weinberger', 1), ('tams-witmark', 1), ('sit-up', 1), ('guidess', 1), ('shazzer\\\\', 1), ('mi5', 1), ('interpol', 1), ('big-wigs', 1), ('renewing', 1), ('plaid', 1), ('*one', 1), ('igneous', 1), ('tambula', 1), ('musicologist', 1), ('ethically-challenged', 1), ('dubiously-accented', 1), ('combustion', 1), ('institutions', 1), ('larrabee\\\\', 1), ('larabee', 1), ('roped-in', 1), ('lombard', 1), ('gavel', 1), ('improbably', 1), ('plagiarist', 1), ('in-flight', 1), ('cybersex', 1), ('dermatologist', 1), ('aquarium', 1), ('exhibited', 1), ('truthfully', 1), ('intrepid', 1), ('47th', 1), ('ry흲ko', 1), ('itakura', 1), ('inspects', 1), ('incomes', 1), ('hideki', 1), ('interrogations', 1), (\"'josh\", 1), ('ithaca', 1), ('worryied', 1), ('rubin\\\\', 1), ('over-feed', 1), ('flunking', 1), ('flunk', 1), ('e.l.\\\\', 1), ('blogs', 1), ('salmon', 1), ('thens', 1), ('worrier', 1), ('1,800', 1), ('bluffing', 1), ('..or', 1), ('mooning', 1), ('kresten', 1), ('liva', 1), ('fabricator', 1), ('angst-ridden', 1), ('pill-popping', 1), ('glue-sniffing', 1), ('piercings', 1), ('opted', 1), ('vicodin', 1), ('colleen', 1), ('half-brothers', 1), ('garage/shack', 1), ('dokos', 1), ('exceeds', 1), ('gleaming', 1), ('re-engagement', 1), ('twenty-nine', 1), ('listened', 1), ('airfield', 1), ('callousness', 1), ('2nd', 1), ('sailen', 1), ('limps', 1), ('psat', 1), ('second-highest', 1), ('900', 1), ('ascends', 1), ('syracuse', 1), ('1882', 1), ('leadville', 1), ('silversmith', 1), ('benvenuto', 1), ('cellini', 1), ('windermere', 1), ('dashingly', 1), ('queensberry', 1), ('demeans', 1), ('well-loved', 1), (\"'\\\\'bud\\\\\", 1), ('refinery', 1), ('gilley', 1), ('travolta\\\\', 1), ('sissy\\\\', 1), ('arch-rival', 1), ('detains', 1), ('ghostlike', 1), ('theatre-loving', 1), ('despotic', 1), ('once-handsome', 1), ('once-loving', 1), ('popularise', 1), ('reenact', 1), ('lamented', 1), ('봯robably', 1), ('sea-sickness', 1), ('seemingly-deserted', 1), ('selfishly', 1), ('plata', 1), ('forced/carried', 1), ('truitt', 1), ('bock', 1), ('gratification', 1), ('gym-bodied', 1), ('overthinking', 1), ('boasted', 1), ('kerr', 1), (\"'jagan\", 1), ('rs.100', 1), ('madhavan', 1), ('her.this', 1), ('derieved', 1), ('goodale', 1), ('cows', 1), ('ungettable', 1), ('alden', 1), ('critique', 1), ('depardieu', 1), ('empathy', 1), ('dulcet', 1), ('tones', 1), ('morrison\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'womun\\\\\", 1), ('school-aged', 1), ('womun', 1), ('litter', 1), ('sneaker', 1), ('duck\\\\', 1), ('450', 1), ('admisshun', 1), ('winching', 1), ('burp', 1), ('stymie', 1), ('repainted', 1), ('waldo\\\\', 1), ('yearn', 1), ('excrement', 1), ('girl-loving', 1), ('uh-huh', 1), ('stratagems', 1), ('weasel-inline', 1), ('bas', 1), ('favela', 1), ('forlornly', 1), ('serafina\\\\', 1), ('electrocutes', 1), ('macumba', 1), ('afro-brazilian', 1), ('candombl챕', 1), ('cerberus', 1), ('three-headed', 1), ('hades', 1), ('amok', 1), (\"'gynecologist\", 1), ('expectane', 1), ('fda', 1), ('cryogenics', 1), ('unapproved', 1), ('codenamed', 1), ('pasted', 1), ('lightens', 1), ('massages', 1), ('naps', 1), ('menstrual', 1), ('menopause', 1), ('strudels', 1), ('overeating', 1), ('cuisines', 1), ('reddin\\\\', 1), ('hesse\\\\', 1), ('caesarean', 1), (\"'dark\", 1), ('purple-haired', 1), ('acid-tongued', 1), ('drug-fueled', 1), ('goings-on', 1), ('oft-mentioned', 1), ('bacchanalian', 1), ('sureal', 1), ('contrasted', 1), ('atari', 1), ('ducky', 1), ('coughing', 1), ('cockroach-like', 1), ('outta', 1), ('whitaker', 1), ('magnatech', 1), ('deagan', 1), ('swamped', 1), ('once-idyllic', 1), ('mosca', 1), ('patience\\\\', 1), ('finagle', 1), ('lawless', 1), ('godless', 1), ('stowed', 1), ('untied', 1), ('whalesman', 1), ('dot\\\\', 1), ('finner\\\\', 1), ('harpooning', 1), ('compresses', 1), ('tatyana', 1), ('lensky', 1), ('grimley', 1), ('flugelhorn', 1), ('p.r', 1), ('pneumoconiosis', 1), ('injustices', 1), ('name\\\\', 1), ('scab', 1), ('girders', 1), ('bugger\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'progress\\\\\", 1), (\"'zahir\", 1), ('pork', 1), ('bridegrooms', 1), ('nighat', 1), ('nushaaba', 1), ('infuriate', 1), ('moorhouse', 1), ('eccles', 1), ('reasonably', 1), ('knifepoint', 1), ('shah\\\\', 1), ('breeds', 1), ('shahs', 1), ('monstrosities', 1), ('unjust', 1), ('backfired', 1), ('dreadfully', 1), ('erasmus', 1), ('neurologist\\\\', 1), ('xavier\\\\', 1), ('anne-sophie', 1), ('alister', 1), ('erasmus\\\\', 1), ('latham', 1), ('fiji', 1), ('squeeze', 1), ('hurried', 1), ('sledding', 1), ('sneezes', 1), ('colds', 1), ('chevelle', 1), ('overdoes', 1), ('restraint', 1), ('75,000', 1), ('hardt', 1), ('scapa', 1), ('orkney', 1), (\"'hazel\", 1), ('woodus', 1), ('1897.', 1), ('farrar', 1), ('marston', 1), ('clasky', 1), ('24/7', 1), ('claskys\\\\', 1), ('overstepping', 1), ('600', 1), ('cristina\\\\', 1), ('claskys', 1), ('slays', 1), ('roughs', 1), ('pristine', 1), ('cliquish', 1), ('devour', 1), ('rescue-like', 1), ('쐎ut', 1), ('쏥od', 1), ('pretty.', 1), ('plummet', 1), ('accusatory', 1), ('bursting', 1), ('rubyfruit', 1), ('maggenti', 1), ('embattled', 1), ('robust', 1), ('paraplegics', 1), ('noble-woman', 1), (\"'han\", 1), ('mi-yeong', 1), ('su-hyeon', 1), ('seon-yeong', 1), ('ji-yeong', 1), (\"'booty\", 1), ('tender-hearted', 1), ('upwardly-mobile', 1), ('opinionated', 1), ('lysterine', 1), ('lysti', 1), ('rushon\\\\', 1), ('gowned', 1), ('footmen', 1), ('11:30', 1), ('petite', 1), (\"'once\", 1), ('piers', 1), ('gaveston\\\\', 1), ('pleasure-seeker', 1), ('inflames', 1), ('responsiveness', 1), ('dethronment', 1), ('serenaded', 1), (\"ev\\\\'ry\", 1), ('sadomasochist', 1), ('impalement', 1), ('red-hot', 1), ('donned', 1), ('walkman', 1), ('puritans', 1), ('banning', 1), ('villiers', 1), ('perfected', 1), ('betterton', 1), ('middling', 1), ('endeared', 1), ('smothering', 1), ('unwholesome', 1), ('챕cole', 1), ('whichever', 1), ('sahani', 1), ('maange', 1), (\"'happy\", 1), ('chaperones', 1), ('set-ups', 1), ('namrata\\\\', 1), ('raj\\\\', 1), ('adi', 1), (\"'1960\", 1), ('edsel', 1), ('봶orking', 1), ('dasher', 1), ('hammers', 1), ('pliers', 1), ('disfigures', 1), ('reconstructive', 1), ('ida\\\\', 1), ('wallowing', 1), ('playpen', 1), ('upright', 1), ('immunity', 1), ('immortalized', 1), ('gravel', 1), ('bosley', 1), ('shantytown', 1), ('mchenry', 1), ('muffy', 1), ('봠riminals', 1), ('nudists', 1), ('deviants', 1), ('봠onspire', 1), ('infecting', 1), ('rabies', 1), ('anus', 1), ('pig-like', 1), ('unmatched', 1), ('calligrapher', 1), ('unappreciative', 1), ('chissy', 1), ('rivalries', 1), ('frets', 1), ('reproduces', 1), ('reproducing', 1), ('ning\\\\', 1), ('annihilate', 1), ('heung\\\\', 1), ('jocasta', 1), ('tiresias', 1), ('weinrib', 1), ('career-driven', 1), ('boxer-turned-onion', 1), ('post-colonial', 1), ('manjula', 1), ('felicity', 1), ('jigsaw', 1), ('synthesizer', 1), ('moles', 1), ('mistyped', 1), ('download', 1), ('mainframe', 1), ('overheat', 1), ('sentient', 1), ('elaborates', 1), ('registering', 1), ('coupler', 1), ('falconhurst', 1), ('mandingo', 1), (\"'c챕sar\", 1), ('barkeeper', 1), ('panisse\\\\', 1), ('marius\\\\', 1), ('collaborates', 1), ('c챕sario\\\\', 1), ('bess챕', 1), ('malyon', 1), ('spanish-born', 1), ('student/model', 1), ('fascists', 1), ('auspices', 1), ('cleric', 1), (\"'timoteo\", 1), ('fifteen-year', 1), ('timoteo\\\\', 1), ('frenziedly', 1), ('agitatedly', 1), ('profusely', 1), ('reacting', 1), ('abdomen', 1), ('stabilised', 1), ('anti-discrimination', 1), ('moreau', 1), ('vicomte', 1), ('oft-married', 1), ('staff\\\\', 1), ('emdash', 1), ('1946.', 1), ('rosier', 1), ('scruples', 1), ('induced', 1), ('tivo', 1), ('advisors', 1), ('fabiella', 1), ('brockovich', 1), ('ex-alcoholic', 1), ('steadying', 1), ('fathering', 1), ('inquest', 1), ('night-school', 1), ('defore', 1), (\"'newlywed\", 1), ('esteemed', 1), ('defuses', 1), ('specialize', 1), ('jag', 1), ('amended', 1), ('specialized', 1), ('chet\\\\', 1), ('tight-fisted', 1), ('discredits', 1), ('stearnes\\\\', 1), (\"'lovers\", 1), ('intercutting', 1), ('bernice\\\\', 1), ('spellbound', 1), ('incompatible', 1), ('kwok', 1), ('gossip-mongers', 1), ('lau', 1), ('politicking', 1), ('good-naturedness', 1), ('rarity', 1), (\"'angela\", 1), ('cucumber', 1), ('benitez', 1), ('ball-busting', 1), (\"'longtime\", 1), ('caffrey', 1), ('typecasting', 1), ('pariah', 1), ('toxoplasmosis', 1), ('scrub', 1), ('swollen', 1), ('glands', 1), ('willy\\\\', 1), ('near-catatonia', 1), ('bladder', 1), ('diapers', 1), ('levity', 1), ('lillie', 1), ('eulogize', 1), ('unstated', 1), ('post-mortem', 1), ('zane', 1), ('hoppy', 1), ('flautist', 1), ('excalibur', 1), ('phateon', 1), ('catastrophic', 1), ('juilliard', 1), ('clued', 1), ('gosselyn', 1), ('vries', 1), ('fennel', 1), ('hovering', 1), ('langton', 1), ('flesh-and-blood', 1), ('crichton', 1), ('foremost', 1), ('brassiere', 1), ('specialising', 1), ('subsidiary', 1), ('prototypes', 1), ('souchak\\\\', 1), ('rockies', 1), ('eagles', 1), ('symposium', 1), ('uncertainly', 1), (\"'donna\", 1), ('high-priority', 1), ('re-take', 1), ('weston\\\\', 1), ('objectionable', 1), ('ex-con', 1), ('mendes', 1), ('love-interest', 1), ('kristofferson', 1), ('cassel', 1), (\"'halley\", 1), ('worscher', 1), ('shallowness', 1), ('beach-side', 1), ('stripper\\\\', 1), ('len\\\\', 1), ('eyebrow', 1), ('twitches', 1), ('macon\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'jedi\", 1), ('trick\\\\', 1), ('beckwith', 1), ('mediators', 1), ('crasher', 1), ('cleary', 1), ('cleary\\\\', 1), ('hotheaded', 1), ('over-aggressive', 1), ('sack\\\\', 1), ('eye-drops', 1), ('enhanced', 1), ('tending', 1), ('nihilistic', 1), ('preview', 1), ('mayes', 1), ('봲omething', 1), ('serendipitous', 1), ('evokes', 1), ('star.there', 1), ('pawel', 1), ('ripping-clothes-off', 1), ('psyches', 1), ('straps', 1), ('봲till', 1), ('panties.http', 1), ('//www.imdb.com/title/tt0214388/synopsis', 1), ('jane-ites', 1), ('weights', 1), ('organ\\\\', 1), ('hypospadias', 1), ('urethra', 1), ('underside', 1), ('glans', 1), ('pectorals', 1), ('pony-tail', 1), ('manicured', 1), ('chews', 1), ('nicotine', 1), ('patty\\\\', 1), ('disparage', 1), ('foosball', 1), ('crick\\\\', 1), ('man/brother', 1), ('marsden', 1), (\"'pres\", 1), ('brazen', 1), ('implacable', 1), ('assemblage', 1), ('duellist', 1), ('cantrell', 1), ('cromwell', 1), ('quarantined', 1), ('southerners', 1), ('kovak', 1), ('tanner', 1), ('twain', 1), ('skimpole', 1), ('dickens', 1), ('better-fitting', 1), ('about-face', 1), ('lampooning', 1), ('guerre', 1), ('townpeople', 1), (\"o'kelly\", 1), ('updating', 1), ('ronde', 1), ('brodsky', 1), ('niotes', 1), ('slighted', 1), ('paramour', 1), ('tomruk', 1), ('g체ner', 1), ('mersin', 1), ('ceramics', 1), ('kilometers', 1), ('qiang', 1), ('short-haired', 1), ('xiu', 1), ('pieced', 1), ('parachutist', 1), ('1936-37', 1), (\"\\\\'36\", 1), ('lemans', 1), (\"o\\\\'toole\", 1), ('psychoanalyst', 1), ('fassbender', 1), ('banded', 1), ('terrors', 1), (\"'music\", 1), ('light-hearted', 1), ('sire', 1), ('fillies', 1), ('exploitive', 1), ('p.j.\\\\', 1), ('california-bred', 1), ('tableware', 1), ('maciel', 1), ('photocopier', 1), ('s챠lvia', 1), ('marin챗s', 1), ('feitosa', 1), ('antunes', 1), ('masterminded', 1), ('upgraded', 1), ('flashforwards', 1), ('pint', 1), ('pederson', 1), ('interim', 1), ('floral', 1), ('짙99', 1), ('upgrade', 1), ('embroiderer', 1), ('haute', 1), ('couture', 1), ('shand', 1), ('1960s-style', 1), ('redevelop', 1), ('then-disused', 1), ('gun-running', 1), ('displacement', 1), ('eec', 1), ('ascendant', 1), ('undisputed', 1), ('foe', 1), ('tawdriness', 1), ('organisation', 1), ('legitimise', 1), ('hinge', 1), ('pinnacle', 1), ('constantine', 1), ('consortium', 1), ('hussein', 1), ('traffics', 1), ('extremists', 1), ('redecoration', 1), ('laundrettes', 1), ('non-working', 1), ('dort', 1), ('merchants', 1), ('everglot', 1), ('upturned', 1), ('long-dead', 1), ('bittern', 1), ('fretting', 1), ('mapped', 1), ('high-art', 1), ('manageable', 1), ('uncharted', 1), ('berliner', 1), ('heroin-addicted', 1), ('hard-living', 1), ('professionalism', 1), ('truths', 1), ('straighteners', 1), ('uninterrupted', 1), ('mountainside', 1), ('center-stage', 1), ('sheets', 1), ('beckoning', 1), ('applewood', 1), ('renamed', 1), (\"'scat\", 1), ('stow', 1), ('rio-bound', 1), ('hypnotize', 1), ('peaking', 1), ('keyhole', 1), ('hypnotizing', 1), ('distinction', 1), (\"'nothing\", 1), ('sank', 1), ('fared', 1), ('bucyk', 1), ('strombeck', 1), ('digit', 1), ('reclaiming', 1), ('codicil', 1), ('coach\\\\', 1), ('copernicus', 1), ('re-form', 1), ('brooms', 1), ('re-serve', 1), ('7:04.', 1), ('7:04', 1), ('taste-test', 1), (\"'cattle\", 1), ('longhorn-shaped', 1), ('vane', 1), ('gadfly', 1), ('cuthbert', 1), ('comanche', 1), ('backside', 1), ('trager', 1), ('freckles', 1), ('constellation', 1), ('kansky', 1), ('waldorf', 1), ('astoria', 1), ('snowflake', 1), ('fey', 1), ('spinney', 1), ('intervals', 1), ('malevolent', 1), ('mortar', 1), ('grossly', 1), ('chauffeurs', 1), ('corroboration', 1), ('1875', 1), ('plac챕e', 1), ('haitian', 1), ('begue', 1), ('patronized', 1), ('railroaders', 1), ('unrelenting', 1), ('railroader', 1), ('coventry', 1), ('bellop', 1), ('excites', 1), ('clemens', 1), ('rhyme', 1), ('mother/grandmother', 1), ('dysfunctions', 1), ('peaked', 1), ('butter', 1), ('arnolds', 1), ('overdosing', 1), ('pumped', 1), ('prostate', 1), ('floated', 1), ('gasoline', 1), ('demolishes', 1), ('splintery', 1), ('chopin\\\\', 1), ('polonaises', 1), ('40-something', 1), ('professorship', 1), ('blowsy', 1), ('soda-pop', 1), ('gum-snapping', 1), ('hum\\\\', 1), ('sleepaway', 1), ('requited', 1), ('characteristically', 1), ('overblown', 1), ('whiny', 1), ('characterizing', 1), ('brainless', 1), ('martinis', 1), ('overflow', 1), ('over-protected', 1), ('roundly', 1), ('thrombosis', 1), ('effemininate', 1), (\"'winnie\", 1), ('four-footed', 1), ('heffridge', 1), ('trumpler', 1), ('brompet', 1), ('lasso', 1), ('heffalumps', 1), ('eeyore', 1), (\"'josch\", 1), ('klauser', 1), ('nic', 1), ('josch', 1), ('montier', 1), ('ah-1', 1), ('burger-matic', 1), ('cohen', 1), ('쏝enny', 1), ('ex-druggie', 1), ('groups\\\\', 1), ('collins\\\\', 1), ('reprogrammed', 1), ('inputs', 1), ('a-n-g-e-l.', 1), ('abramovich', 1), ('bizet', 1), ('p챗cheurs', 1), ('perles', 1), ('rifling', 1), ('nazism', 1), ('dwindle', 1), ('dante\\\\', 1), ('rebuff', 1), ('landers', 1), (\"'foreign\", 1), ('rockin', 1), ('scuffling', 1), ('pyrotechnics', 1), ('climatologist', 1), ('brixton', 1), (\"'belgian\", 1), ('enhance', 1), ('lolita-style', 1), ('undertone', 1), ('heralded', 1), ('li챔gehttp', 1), ('//movieraccoon.com/2004/love-me-if-you-dare/', 1), ('disengages', 1), ('handbrake', 1), ('divert', 1), ('milder', 1), ('resurges', 1), ('mccarter', 1), ('mablean', 1), ('ephriam', 1), ('divorce-court', 1), ('jurors', 1), ('.during', 1), ('clean-and-sober', 1), (\"'martha\", 1), ('funloving', 1), ('sous-chef', 1), ('playfulness', 1), ('spaghetti', 1), ('translating', 1), ('picnic-style', 1), ('hitchens', 1), ('brennaman', 1), ('melas', 1), ('allegra\\\\', 1), ('midsized', 1), ('commentaries', 1), ('ashtrays', 1), ('copywriter', 1), ('unilaterally', 1), ('contraceptives', 1), ('external', 1), ('jakes', 1), (\"'professional\", 1), ('cartelize', 1), (\"\\\\'86\", 1), ('basque', 1), ('signify', 1), ('corrals', 1), ('lapoubelle\\\\', 1), ('rationalizations', 1), ('holing', 1), ('siege', 1), ('nsa', 1), ('universit챕', 1), (\"'nola\", 1), ('sexually-independent', 1), ('overstreet', 1), ('greer', 1), ('childs', 1), ('motor-mouthed', 1), ('blackmon', 1), ('cherishing', 1), ('arctic-canadian', 1), ('봳uberculosis', 1), ('mixed-blood', 1), ('u-boat', 1), ('elapses', 1), ('bombardier', 1), ('rainee', 1), ('clutched', 1), ('jacuzzi', 1), ('facets', 1), ('eigil', 1), ('devastatingly', 1), ('rent-boy', 1), ('jurgen', 1), ('pornographers', 1), ('gyeon-woo\\\\', 1), ('sr.\\\\', 1), ('workmen', 1), ('beissart', 1), ('self-loving', 1), ('bloodsucking', 1), ('gunk', 1), ('chimney', 1), ('raccoon', 1), ('dumbwaiter', 1), ('contractors', 1), ('estimated', 1), ('estimate', 1), ('point-blank', 1), ('cash-filled', 1), ('ovulating', 1), ('leighton', 1), ('no-frills', 1), ('esposito', 1), ('fawns', 1), ('skis', 1), ('silencing', 1), ('kenton\\\\', 1), ('interwar', 1), ('perfectionistic', 1), ('clashed', 1), ('understated', 1), ('coldness', 1), ('appeasement', 1), ('conferences', 1), ('darlington\\\\', 1), ('amateurs', 1), ('chamberlain', 1), ('german-jewish', 1), ('failings', 1), ('beta', 1), ('outdo', 1), ('wisely', 1), ('scuppering', 1), ('saffron', 1), ('cough', 1), (\"'six\", 1), ('manero', 1), ('breakaway', 1), ('matured', 1), ('avoidance', 1), ('justifies', 1), ('discoth챔que', 1), ('brashly', 1), ('strut', 1), ('beaming', 1), ('earnings', 1), ('deviously', 1), ('bhushan', 1), ('non-consecutive', 1), ('curled', 1), ('ids', 1), ('goofing', 1), ('clerk\\\\', 1), ('effected', 1), ('memorialize', 1), ('certified', 1), ('chiltern', 1), ('cheveley', 1), ('misdeed', 1), ('marring', 1), ('saintliness', 1), ('cued', 1), ('hems', 1), ('haws', 1), (\"'jenny\", 1), ('stylings', 1), ('reviewed', 1), ('hamburger', 1), ('underfoot', 1), (\"\\\\'snobs\\\\\", 1), (\"'karen\", 1), ('contessa', 1), ('terribili-gonzales', 1), ('donnini', 1), (\"'donovan\", 1), ('donalys', 1), ('foolproof', 1), ('bonnie\\\\', 1), ('sorkin', 1), ('heinz', 1), ('krauss', 1), ('espy', 1), ('easily-manipulated', 1), ('myerson', 1), ('keynote', 1), ('donaly\\\\', 1), ('marylin\\\\', 1), ('salbutamol', 1), ('retroactively', 1), ('funniest', 1), ('darrin', 1), ('mcmahon', 1), ('intrusive', 1), ('rejections', 1), ('grier', 1), ('smythson', 1), ('endora', 1), ('iceland', 1), ('levitates', 1), ('conan', 1), ('talkshow', 1), ('superseded', 1), ('arbor', 1), ('unready', 1), ('ever-shifting', 1), ('wolfmeyer', 1), ('wolfmeyers', 1), ('rooker', 1), ('theatre\\\\', 1), ('degan', 1), ('hargrove', 1), (\"'stacy\", 1), ('tungsten', 1), ('stacy\\\\', 1), ('premeditated', 1), ('sawyer', 1), ('soaring', 1), ('fosters', 1), ('thrive', 1), ('mukherjee', 1), ('abhimaan', 1), (\"'eyal\", 1), ('mossad', 1), ('nazi\\\\', 1), ('seventieth', 1), ('pia\\\\', 1), ('tel', 1), ('aviv', 1), ('unimportant', 1), ('nationality', 1), ('syringe', 1), ('windgren', 1), ('head-first', 1), ('death-defying', 1), ('136-foot', 1), ('margarita', 1), ('sathyanaryanamoorthy', 1), ('mallikarjuna', 1), ('noblemen', 1), ('messina', 1), ('quashed', 1), ('victors', 1), ('sharp-tongued', 1), ('misandrist', 1), ('쐏rofessed', 1), ('쐆ath', 1), ('cherished', 1), ('watchmen', 1), ('conrade', 1), ('friar\\\\', 1), ('claudio\\\\', 1), ('endearingly', 1), ('poorly-written', 1), ('sherlock', 1), ('deerstalker', 1), ('home-made', 1), ('arch-enemy', 1), ('holmesian', 1), ('deduction', 1), ('psychoanalyzing', 1), ('playfair/holmes', 1), ('unintelligible', 1), ('cassie', 1), ('lashawn', 1), ('wives\\\\', 1), ('alma\\\\', 1), ('pounded', 1), ('tacked', 1), ('fastens', 1), ('mutters', 1), ('straightening', 1), ('taxi-driver', 1), ('cision', 1), ('alms', 1), ('swaraj', 1), (\"'durga\", 1), ('munim', 1), ('kali', 1), ('shamsher', 1), ('nahar', 1), ('sonia\\\\', 1), ('bindiya', 1), ('daughters-in-law\\\\', 1), ('magdalen', 1), ('narnia', 1), ('warnie', 1), ('male-dominated', 1), ('rko', 1), ('copacabana', 1), ('cinema\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'real\\\\\", 1), ('frothy', 1), ('escapism', 1), ('cheek-to-cheek', 1), ('artiste', 1), ('stabilize', 1), ('saxophone-playing', 1), ('re-diagnosed', 1), ('shelf', 1), (\"'happy-go-lucky\", 1), ('basner', 1), ('35-year', 1), ('woolridge\\\\', 1), ('fakin\\\\', 1), ('gangrened', 1), (\"'in-soo\", 1), ('seo-young', 1), ('lofts', 1), ('one-upsmanship', 1), ('love-lives', 1), ('pompatus', 1), ('mis-hearing', 1), ('profitless', 1), ('pom-pom', 1), (\"'drew\", 1), ('sp채smodica', 1), ('world-famously', 1), ('hyped', 1), ('972', 1), ('mythic', 1), ('quick-witted', 1), ('gloriously', 1), ('middle-of-nowhere', 1), ('pleasantly', 1), ('lovin\\\\', 1), ('belittles', 1), ('hollie', 1), ('lightening', 1), ('tap-dance', 1), ('lynyrd', 1), ('skynyrd', 1), ('hardin', 1), ('publicise', 1), ('janitor/food', 1), ('pacifica', 1), ('evangeline', 1), ('kareenah', 1), ('bethany', 1), ('jacqui', 1), ('husbands/boyfriends', 1), ('cajole', 1), ('eva\\\\', 1), ('sisters\\\\', 1), (\"'lauren\", 1), ('heidegger', 1), ('michon', 1), ('theoretical', 1), ('dreuther', 1), ('lead-up', 1), ('perfectionism', 1), ('pamchenko', 1), ('semi-professional', 1), ('reckoned', 1), ('albertville', 1), (\"'karan\", 1), ('stereo-typical', 1), ('feeble', 1), ('rectify', 1), ('knifethrower', 1), ('knifethrowing', 1), ('luckless', 1), (\"'louisa\", 1), ('husbands\\\\', 1), ('pre-credit', 1), ('black-clad', 1), ('pallbearers', 1), ('sleds', 1), ('fools\\\\', 1), ('marnie', 1), ('lennie', 1), ('elects', 1), ('crawleyville', 1), ('hopper\\\\', 1), ('palette', 1), ('foreign-film', 1), ('sheet-clad', 1), ('bathtubs', 1), ('minimalist', 1), ('abstracts', 1), ('mendelssohn\\\\', 1), ('palettes', 1), ('staking', 1), ('softer', 1), ('kinder', 1), ('business-magnate', 1), ('veneer', 1), ('paraphrase', 1), ('maclaine', 1), ('slightly-tipsy', 1), ('fantastically', 1), ('podunk', 1), ('tolerated', 1), ('obsessions', 1), ('chinchilla', 1), ('trampling', 1), ('psychiatrist\\\\', 1), ('cummings\\\\', 1), ('ceiling-height', 1), ('no-longer-curse-weary', 1), ('grinds', 1), ('resurfaced', 1), ('coveralls', 1), ('charades', 1), ('figuratively', 1), ('recriminations', 1), ('self-discoveries', 1), ('clarity', 1), ('enlarged', 1), ('thad', 1), ('susannah', 1), ('ornaments', 1), ('mudge', 1), ('conformist', 1), ('easing', 1), ('worshiped', 1), ('dwyer', 1), (\"'nino\", 1), ('culotta', 1), ('aspirational', 1), ('australians', 1), ('frosty', 1), ('anglo-saxon/anglo-irish', 1), ('derogatory', 1), ('morahan', 1), ('gin-guzzling', 1), (\"\\\\'ma\\\\\", 1), ('marley', 1), ('brisbane', 1), ('reinvigorates', 1), ('reconstructing', 1), ('fledge', 1), ('free-thinkers', 1), ('capitaine', 1), ('keroual', 1), ('saint-yves', 1), ('napoleonic', 1), ('hairdressers', 1), ('fantasised', 1), ('haidresser', 1), ('enclosed', 1), (\"'leung\", 1), ('gonzales', 1), ('melon', 1), ('wylder', 1), ('substituted', 1), ('j챕r척me', 1), ('ludo\\\\', 1), ('delvigne', 1), ('female-to-male', 1), ('musketeer', 1), ('barbie-like', 1), ('skirts', 1), (\"'twenty-eight-year-old\", 1), ('copyeditor', 1), ('rilke', 1), ('thirtysomething', 1), ('gallerist', 1), ('test-dating', 1), ('scarsdale', 1), ('ibm', 1), ('ex-beau', 1), ('country-western', 1), ('promoters', 1), ('u.s', 1), ('gasthauses', 1), ('vied', 1), ('rhine', 1), ('tulsa\\\\', 1), ('cookie', 1), ('marla\\\\', 1), ('sperry', 1), ('counselling', 1), ('trouble-maker', 1), ('misdemeanors', 1), ('dillon', 1), ('kooky', 1), ('queries', 1), ('overactive', 1), ('nudging', 1), ('lakescenes', 1), ('bracciano', 1), ('kezich', 1), ('183', 1), ('봑scar', 1), ('scooters', 1), ('aldama', 1), ('natalio', 1), ('insurgents', 1), ('catechism', 1), ('non-believer', 1), ('avowed', 1), ('anti-clerical', 1), ('baptising', 1), ('laundering', 1), ('catholics', 1), ('drapes', 1), ('backstreet', 1), ('presides', 1), ('ninne', 1), ('pelladata', 1), ('mahalakshmi', 1), (\"'introspective\", 1), ('dwarfed', 1), ('towering', 1), ('turn-of-the-20th', 1), ('vivants', 1), ('gilberte', 1), ('accomplishment', 1), ('gaston\\\\', 1), ('maxim\\\\', 1), ('mamita\\\\', 1), ('breton', 1), ('currie', 1), ('hard-bitten', 1), ('friehl', 1), ('reunions', 1), ('jeeter', 1), ('on-line', 1), ('abellard', 1), ('westwind', 1), ('ventura', 1), ('쐔echnically', 1), ('bloch', 1), ('쏞aroline', 1), ('쏬unch', 1), ('deux', 1), ('siegal', 1), ('styling', 1), ('classist', 1), ('referencing', 1), ('뱑oom', 1), ('switchblade', 1), ('bernardino', 1), ('salbo', 1), ('icbm', 1), ('pfc', 1), ('midge', 1), ('riley', 1), ('wag', 1), ('man-crazy', 1), ('kittyhawks', 1), ('revenuers', 1), ('moonshining', 1), ('song-and-dance', 1), ('disillusion', 1), ('schizophrenia', 1), (\"'andreas\", 1), ('vergerus', 1), ('liable', 1), ('gould', 1), ('contradictions', 1), ('compulsions', 1), ('good-time', 1), ('strugglers', 1), ('rs.1', 1), ('caper', 1), ('beale', 1), ('zuni', 1), ('radford', 1), ('gulch', 1), ('spoofed', 1), ('parodied', 1), ('panhandle', 1), ('goblins', 1), ('re-hires', 1), ('tortoni', 1), ('hellish', 1), ('transgendered', 1), ('bumming', 1), ('lillica', 1), ('tyrone', 1), ('aishah', 1), ('shalimar', 1), ('pompadour', 1), ('redhead', 1), ('lucky-redhead', 1), ('stooge', 1), ('cartridge', 1), ('medallion', 1), ('kohana', 1), (\"'lieutenant\", 1), ('frogman', 1), ('symington', 1), (\"'bridget\", 1), ('re-meets', 1), ('misplaces', 1), ('workaholics', 1), ('peeping-toms', 1), ('megalomaniacs', 1), ('saddam', 1), ('hussein\\\\', 1), ('emphatically', 1), ('zebra', 1), ('skin-print', 1), ('parerga', 1), ('three-month', 1), ('melodramatically', 1), ('inadequately', 1), ('opportunist', 1), ('ensnare', 1), ('erects', 1), ('plops', 1), ('pasta', 1), ('labor-saving', 1), ('productivity', 1), ('disband', 1), ('tibetan', 1), (\"'greg\", 1), ('playboy-like', 1), ('lansdown', 1), ('penlow', 1), ('squabbles', 1), ('쏶tory', 1), ('ashok\\\\', 1), ('dishonor', 1), ('slaving', 1), ('monastic', 1), ('hydrocele', 1), ('untreatable', 1), ('procreation', 1), ('motionless', 1), ('oscillating', 1), ('hanky', 1), ('panky', 1), ('long-dormant', 1), ('subservience', 1), ('impels', 1), ('radha\\\\', 1), (\"'sid\", 1), ('boggle', 1), ('lugg', 1), ('fussey', 1), ('meeks', 1), ('heretofore', 1), ('co-operation', 1), ('money-grabbing', 1), ('ablutions', 1), ('chayste', 1), ('bouncy', 1), ('haggard', 1), ('babs\\\\', 1), ('braying', 1), ('cackle', 1), ('muggins', 1), ('rave', 1), ('flowerbuds', 1), ('ravers', 1), ('dried', 1), ('providentially', 1), ('personae', 1), ('jaisalmer', 1), ('consolidates', 1), ('kameshwar', 1), ('criticism.', 1), ('//www.imdb.com/title/tt0366761/plotsummary|title=plot', 1), ('self-serving', 1), ('shareholder', 1), ('shotgraven', 1), ('obstruct', 1), ('stockholders', 1), ('unqualified', 1), ('harkness', 1), ('rehired', 1), ('neutralize', 1), ('divested', 1), ('proxies', 1), ('thickest', 1), ('rorey', 1), ('grainy', 1), ('out-of-focus', 1), ('unglamorous', 1), ('over-exposure', 1), ('rorey\\\\', 1), ('low-key', 1), ('stain', 1), ('pin-up', 1), ('culturally', 1), ('glare', 1), ('memama', 1), ('emceeing', 1), ('chrissy', 1), ('disparaged', 1), ('melora', 1), ('ambiguously-oriented', 1), ('collegiate', 1), ('tolman', 1), ('baby-making', 1), ('fandango', 1), ('swimmer/dancer', 1), ('basil', 1), (\"'woo\", 1), ('mush', 1), ('mismatch', 1), ('incense', 1), ('edible', 1), ('oils', 1), ('pseudo-cool', 1), ('*tim\\\\', 1), ('world..', 1), (\"'nineteen\", 1), ('sexed', 1), ('precociously', 1), ('dislikeable', 1), ('quotation', 1), ('indo-british', 1), (\"'matty\", 1), ('mattie', 1), ('mafioso', 1), ('camelia', 1), ('homophile', 1), ('discourses', 1), ('then-current', 1), ('sip-in', 1), ('discriminatory', 1), ('matty\\\\', 1), ('repressive', 1), ('scrawled', 1), ('advocacy', 1), ('party-animal', 1), ('gassko', 1), ('whittier', 1), ('ever-frustrated', 1), ('riotously', 1), ('36-screen', 1), ('intensifying', 1), (\"'ace\", 1), ('asahi', 1), ('bloodthirsty', 1), ('zombies', 1), ('over-modulated', 1), ('봲tar', 1), ('well-coiffed', 1), ('tobio', 1), ('oblivians', 1), ('oblivian', 1), ('can챠bal', 1), ('garrulos', 1), ('lis챕rgicos', 1), ('siniestro', 1), ('equatorial', 1), ('morel', 1), ('crusading', 1), ('minna', 1), ('forsythe', 1), ('still-intense', 1), ('flakes', 1), ('brady\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'round\", 1), ('starters', 1), ('breezeway', 1), ('flagg', 1), ('radium', 1), ('slights', 1), ('minglian', 1), ('unmitigated', 1), ('fortune-telling', 1), ('cosmetic', 1), ('ambiguously', 1), ('hiv+', 1), ('pilkington', 1), ('rectory', 1), ('theology', 1), ('conservatism', 1), ('blatant', 1), ('sacrament', 1), ('penance', 1), ('headlined', 1), ('preside', 1), ('eucharist', 1), ('commercially-minded', 1), ('oxley', 1), ('rejuvenating', 1), ('monkey\\\\', 1), ('concoction', 1), ('prank-pulling', 1), ('entwhistle', 1), ('scorsese', 1), (\"'people\", 1), ('humanely', 1), ('holistically', 1), ('professional-misconduct', 1), ('out-of-wedlock', 1), ('lyonel', 1), ('viol', 1), ('elwell\\\\', 1), ('undeclared', 1), ('shunderson\\\\', 1), ('ruefully', 1), ('orchestra\\\\', 1), ('brahms\\\\', 1), ('gaudeamus', 1), ('igitur', 1), ('hard-line', 1), ('screenwriters', 1), ('crusaders', 1), ('cautionary', 1), ('corrosive', 1), ('.blank', 1), (\"\\\\'flamingo\", 1), ('trotter', 1), ('straight-a', 1), ('nu챰ez', 1), ('links', 1), ('selden', 1), ('sneering', 1), ('undignified', 1), ('vitaphone', 1), ('picturethis', 1), ('phonofilm', 1), ('1927\\\\', 1), ('diction', 1), ('laughter.comden', 1), ('synchronization', 1), ('clamors', 1), ('sync', 1), ('singin\\\\', 1), (\"'terence\", 1), ('unstintingly', 1), (\"'veidt\", 1), ('worded', 1), ('damocles', 1), ('schulz', 1), ('k철rners', 1), ('blackmailer\\\\', 1), ('hypnotherapist', 1), ('charlatan', 1), ('intersexuality', 1), ('employable', 1), ('lederhosen', 1), (\"'lcdr\", 1), ('usnr', 1), ('radm', 1), ('englishwomen', 1), ('barham', 1), ('scarcity', 1), ('obsesses', 1), ('overshadowing', 1), ('lcdr', 1), ('reprint', 1), ('lockhart', 1), ('ducking', 1), ('intro', 1), ('shrike', 1), ('re-encounters', 1), ('concurrently', 1), ('linking', 1), ('affiliated', 1), ('arbitrageur', 1), ('soho', 1), (\"'diya\", 1), ('coorg', 1), ('ishaan', 1), (\"\\\\'uncle\\\\\", 1), ('protestation', 1), (\"'due\", 1), ('fiances', 1), ('eisenhower', 1), ('groom-to-be', 1), ('goal-line', 1), ('realizations', 1), ('italics', 1), ('her-', 1), ('freaked', 1), ('crowd-', 1), ('unpredictably', 1), ('temperamentally', 1), ('non-flashback', 1), ('deters', 1), ('shootings', 1), ('tantalizes', 1), ('conchita\\\\', 1), ('sow', 1), (\"'attorney\", 1), (\"'sherman\", 1), ('gaines', 1), ('hypersexed', 1), ('abnormal', 1), ('jelly', 1), ('basset', 1), ('hound', 1), ('봭ow', 1), ('autonomous', 1), ('exponential', 1), ('swig', 1), ('leanne', 1), ('gillford', 1), ('klump\\\\', 1), ('tongue-kisses', 1), ('adulterated', 1), ('reintegrate', 1), ('jelly-like', 1), ('infantile', 1), ('genes', 1), ('gelatinous', 1), ('trickle', 1), ('mumbles', 1), ('fountain\\\\', 1), ('andres', 1), ('museo', 1), ('prado', 1), ('homesick', 1), (\"'corrupt\", 1), ('rationalizes', 1), ('hereafter', 1), ('hastely', 1), ('embracement', 1), (\"'easy\", 1), ('coburn', 1), ('grogan', 1), ('heffernan', 1), ('reaky', 1), ('colgate', 1), (\"'retired\", 1), ('gustafson', 1), ('1:30', 1), ('snowmobile', 1), ('truax', 1), ('94-year', 1), ('shanty', 1), ('gustafsons', 1), ('peacemaking', 1), ('unsympathetic', 1), ('57,000', 1), ('jacob\\\\', 1), ('vfw', 1), ('outtakes', 1), ('matthau', 1), ('cooled', 1), ('putz', 1), ('lake\\\\', 1), ('ragetti', 1), ('grappa', 1), ('wabasha\\\\', 1), ('clawing', 1), ('one-eyed', 1), ('ragetti\\\\', 1), ('stink', 1), ('mcmullen', 1), (\"o\\\\'shaughnessy\", 1), ('mulcahy', 1), ('indecisiveness', 1), ('faiths', 1), ('homestead', 1), ('kovelenko', 1), ('defecting', 1), ('aviatrix', 1), ('dangles', 1), ('unappealing', 1), ('pajama', 1), ('medals', 1), ('cloak', 1), (\"'benigno\", 1), ('zuluaga', 1), ('segovia', 1), ('benigno\\\\', 1), ('zoos', 1), ('rhinoceros', 1), ('maury', 1), ('wildlife', 1), (\"d\\\\'alessandro\", 1), ('mercer\\\\', 1), ('initials', 1), ('tembo', 1), ('windemere', 1), ('gossips', 1), ('stubs', 1), (\"'plain\", 1), ('transgression', 1), ('twenty-first', 1), ('re-cut', 1), ('re-edit', 1), ('broyer', 1), ('companies\\\\', 1), ('assignation', 1), ('nazi-occupied', 1), ('double-agents', 1), (\"'justice\", 1), ('markell', 1), ('q-tip', 1), ('justice\\\\', 1), ('iesha\\\\', 1), ('lesha', 1), ('broods', 1), ('now-threesome', 1), ('fussing', 1), ('schram', 1), ('ballgames', 1), ('reillys', 1), ('re-assigns', 1), ('ramblings', 1), ('re-assure', 1), ('post-bar', 1), ('center\\\\', 1), ('preying', 1), ('cmdr', 1), ('hewlett', 1), ('commensurate', 1), ('two-shoes', 1), ('akrotiri', 1), ('excavation', 1), ('봍ina\\\\', 1), ('archeology', 1), ('intently', 1), ('douches', 1), ('prepaid', 1), ('outweighed', 1), ('kalman', 1), ('economist', 1), (\"'sylvia\", 1), ('monkley', 1), ('*richard', 1), ('gere', 1), ('*sharon', 1), ('*lolita', 1), ('davidovich', 1), ('marshak', 1), ('*martin', 1), ('*jennifer', 1), ('meaghan', 1), (\"'conservative\", 1), ('calhorn', 1), ('sophistocated', 1), ('hallson', 1), ('mulvain', 1), ('anti-smoking', 1), ('teetotallers', 1), ('numerology', 1), ('mulch', 1), ('mulches', 1), ('numerological', 1), ('calculation', 1), ('nyle', 1), ('foresees', 1), ('rugs', 1), ('screens', 1), ('installing', 1), ('urns', 1), ('grenville', 1), ('griswalde', 1), ('grenville\\\\', 1), ('off-the-cuff', 1), ('donizetti', 1), ('jiu', 1), ('jitsu', 1), ('minders', 1), ('mulvain-style', 1), ('stiff-upper-lipped', 1), ('1,500', 1), ('leathernecks', 1), ('17.', 1), ('quarrelling', 1), ('comb', 1), ('pitiful', 1), ('accumulated', 1), ('footstep', 1), ('roomie', 1), ('schecter', 1), ('scamming', 1), ('dulles', 1), ('revenage', 1), ('reanna', 1), (\"'taciturn\", 1), ('yugoslavian', 1), ('offshore', 1), ('operational', 1), ('urinal', 1), ('oil-rig', 1), ('near-drowning', 1), ('air-lifted', 1), ('transmit', 1), ('1911.', 1), ('coconut', 1), ('lady-in-waiting', 1), ('irons', 1), ('carpathians', 1), ('music-hall', 1), (\"'axel\", 1), ('nordstrom', 1), ('glass-bottom', 1), ('passengers\\\\', 1), ('aerospace', 1), ('biographer', 1), ('laboratory\\\\', 1), ('surveilled', 1), ('disproves', 1), ('salamaua', 1), ('1942established', 1), ('beachcomber', 1), ('coast-watcher', 1), ('sightings', 1), ('coast-watchers', 1), ('houghton\\\\', 1), ('uncouth', 1), ('undisciplined', 1), ('escapist', 1), ('undertake', 1), ('unforgivable', 1), ('syria', 1), ('souhaire', 1), ('doings', 1), ('non-muslims', 1), ('skid', 1), ('fishery', 1), ('canning', 1), ('bums', 1), ('balmy', 1), ('octopi', 1), ('desoto', 1), ('e.g.', 1), (\"'newton\", 1), ('piqued', 1), ('believably', 1), ('turn-on', 1), ('duncle', 1), (\"'tally\", 1), ('atwater', 1), ('once-stellar', 1), ('ascension', 1), ('continuation', 1), ('suds', 1), ('lobotomy', 1), ('middlebury', 1), ('macduggan', 1), ('necklaces', 1), ('commemorative', 1), ('plastic-surgery', 1), ('soon-to', 1), ('carmine', 1), ('nonprofit', 1), ('c.w', 1), ('reawakened', 1), ('deprogrammed', 1), ('classically', 1), ('dyed', 1), ('empowering', 1), ('straining', 1), (\"'roberta\", 1), ('personals', 1), ('farcical', 1), ('wonderland-style', 1), (\"'gas\", 1), ('bormann\\\\', 1), ('superlorna', 1), ('superangel\\\\', 1), ('turnoff', 1), ('haji', 1), ('napier', 1), ('energetically', 1), ('clint\\\\', 1), ('supereula', 1), ('dune', 1), ('supervixen\\\\', 1), ('reincarnation', 1), ('bedspring', 1), ('mesa', 1), (\"'dewey\", 1), ('babette', 1), ('suckers', 1), (\"'andy\", 1), ('stitzer', 1), ('involuntarily', 1), ('consist', 1), ('smarttech', 1), ('waxed', 1), ('speed-dating', 1), ('piedmont', 1), ('trish\\\\', 1), ('salesmanship', 1), ('overreacting', 1), ('collectible', 1), ('headlong', 1), ('sidelong', 1), ('aquarius/let', 1), ('cereal', 1), ('abscond', 1), (\"'celia\", 1), ('amonte', 1), ('beck', 1), ('mooch', 1), ('fado', 1), ('celia\\\\', 1), ('out-of-luck', 1), ('parks\\\\', 1), ('rehabilitate', 1), ('chauffeur/butler', 1), ('wholesaler', 1), (\"'sameer\", 1), ('well-wisher', 1), ('aggravate', 1), ('sameers', 1), ('aks', 1), ('percocious', 1), ('ratanlal', 1), (\"'gene\", 1), ('19-year', 1), ('pirated', 1), ('vcds', 1), ('malay', 1), ('gubra', 1), ('mukhsin', 1), ('samstat', 1), ('forman', 1), ('renovations', 1), ('mornings', 1), ('bundles', 1), ('휃沼뱊g', 1), ('vnd', 1), ('chewing', 1), ('ph튼沼즢g', 1), ('d횪i', 1), ('hand-picked', 1), ('mass-produced', 1), ('sprayed', 1), ('wilt', 1), ('tragedies', 1), ('lazily', 1), ('headman', 1), ('never-before', 1), ('bui', 1), ('westernization', 1), (\"'chimo\", 1), ('nineteen-year-old', 1), ('post-9/11', 1), ('writers\\\\', 1), ('unmolested', 1), ('mouloud\\\\', 1), ('aggressions', 1), (\"'dil\", 1), ('rishta', 1), ('charities', 1), ('car-chase', 1), (\"'shogo\", 1), ('yahagi', 1), ('yumekano', 1), ('murashita', 1), ('nakagawa', 1), ('km/h', 1), ('tokimatsuri', 1), ('mecha', 1), ('supercomputer', 1), ('bahamut\\\\', 1), ('b.d.', 1), ('tomomi\\\\', 1), ('sci', 1), ('back-up', 1), ('a.i', 1), ('intervening', 1), ('factions', 1), ('ships\\\\', 1), ('populations', 1), ('iteration', 1), ('tokyo-ship', 1), ('late-twentieth', 1), ('reiterates', 1), ('deactivation', 1), ('unconditionally', 1), ('pseudo-japan', 1), ('impossible-to-disclose', 1), ('orbital', 1), ('solidifies', 1), ('1200', 1), ('enlistees', 1), ('pseudo-tokyo\\\\', 1), ('conferring', 1), ('sector', 1), ('shadowy', 1), ('defense/arms', 1), ('mai\\\\', 1), ('droplets', 1), ('tokyo\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'pro-war\\\\\", 1), ('deactivating', 1), ('octopus-like', 1), ('strongest', 1), ('battleship', 1), (\"\\\\'ghost\", 1), ('proto-type', 1), ('erasing', 1), ('shafts', 1), ('scenery', 1), ('observatory', 1), ('back-stab', 1), ('u.n.', 1), ('preservation', 1), ('evacuating', 1), ('dezlag', 1), ('enveloped', 1), ('mournful', 1), ('dirge', 1), ('anime', 1), ('successors', 1), (\"\\\\'day\", 1), ('liberation\\\\', 1), ('gamer', 1), ('psycholand', 1), ('ex\\\\', 1), ('spacecraft', 1), ('simulator', 1), ('_hard', 1), ('on짱', 1), ('unconsciously', 1), ('narahara', 1), ('ex-hacker', 1), ('any-more', 1), ('netjackers', 1), ('netjacks', 1), ('seinji', 1), ('customize', 1), ('nethacker', 1), ('malfunction', 1), ('hargun', 1), (\"\\\\'zone\", 1), ('presuming', 1), ('e=x', 1), ('lunar', 1), ('disk', 1), ('slice', 1), ('plugs', 1), ('life-data', 1), ('ays', 1), ('shogo.http', 1), ('//www.mahq.net/animation/megazone23/mz23right.htm', 1), ('programmed', 1), ('overlords', 1), (\"'uncouth\", 1), (\"\\\\'billie\\\\\", 1), ('verrall', 1), ('ridgefield\\\\', 1), ('accentuated', 1), ('garthwaite\\\\', 1), ('prometheus', 1), ('then-new', 1), ('stanford-educated', 1), ('evaded', 1), ('gauze', 1), ('junction', 1), ('fused', 1), ('meetings/performance', 1), ('fetishise', 1), ('vulva-like', 1), ('reshaping', 1), ('fertilising', 1), ('mediating', 1), ('semi-deliberate', 1), ('strengthening', 1), ('ballards\\\\', 1), ('median', 1), ('geller', 1), ('sun-times', 1), ('rigfort', 1), ('grossie', 1), ('lemmings', 1), ('denominators', 1), ('coulson', 1), ('merrily', 1), ('scouted', 1), ('aldys\\\\', 1), ('bleachers', 1), ('pitcher\\\\', 1), ('mound', 1), ('helium-filled', 1), ('idyllically', 1), ('landscapes', 1), ('macademia', 1), ('remnants', 1), ('harrowing', 1), ('depised', 1), ('trims', 1), ('hair-brained', 1), ('peaches-and-cream', 1), ('fazes', 1), ('immerse', 1), ('torrent', 1), ('half-truths', 1), ('crash-lands', 1), ('standings', 1), ('site\\\\', 1), ('refreshing', 1), ('jin\\\\', 1), ('replaying', 1), ('lemke', 1), ('okracoke', 1), ('keefover', 1), ('robyn', 1), ('split-apart', 1), ('plato', 1), ('lizy', 1), ('circuiting', 1), ('karthika', 1), ('vegetative', 1), ('euthanasia', 1), ('monard', 1), ('salem', 1), ('puritan', 1), ('dooming', 1), ('wooley\\\\', 1), ('manifest', 1), ('vertical', 1), (\"\\\\'trails\\\\\", 1), ('wooleys', 1), ('brainwashing', 1), ('unanimous', 1), ('plumes', 1), ('alertly', 1), ('school-based', 1), ('klux', 1), ('ventilator', 1), ('politicos\\\\', 1), ('convenes', 1), ('gym-full', 1), ('decries', 1), ('prognostications', 1), ('commissioners\\\\', 1), ('hypocrites', 1), ('showy', 1), ('blurting', 1), ('gebhardt\\\\', 1), ('alleging', 1), ('liquified', 1), ('corn-and-pea', 1), ('decorative', 1), ('pee-wee', 1), ('laps', 1), ('poking', 1), ('non-poisonous', 1), ('waddles', 1), ('lungs', 1), ('everglades', 1), ('recanting', 1), ('sucker', 1), ('loosest', 1), ('banged', 1), ('double-cross', 1), ('castigate', 1), ('american-raised', 1), ('krishnagopal', 1), ('idolizing', 1), ('indian-american', 1), ('jagjit\\\\', 1), ('pimping', 1), ('bohmeian', 1), ('freeloading', 1), ('enlistments', 1), ('flavors', 1), (\"'theresa\", 1), ('happenstence', 1), ('literal', 1), ('봳here', 1), ('garrett\\\\', 1), ('lesly\\\\', 1), ('mold', 1), ('melt-down', 1), ('re-enactment', 1), ('jackie\\\\', 1), ('flushes', 1), ('unopened', 1), ('replant', 1), ('18-day', 1), ('custom-made', 1), ('gallardo', 1), ('matadors', 1), ('bullfight', 1), ('bullring', 1), ('lubitch', 1), ('unfiltered', 1), ('incubator-like', 1), ('constricted', 1), ('coverings', 1), ('biggs', 1), ('near-certain', 1), ('immunities', 1), ('lounging', 1), (\"'slim\", 1), ('erecting', 1), ('stumpy', 1), ('ranstead', 1), ('substation', 1), ('봲wimming', 1), ('worthlessness', 1), ('nonstop', 1), ('underclass', 1), ('deckhands', 1), ('indignity', 1), ('undeniably', 1), ('unsettling', 1), ('봣ar', 1), ('runaways', 1), ('marotta', 1), ('congregating', 1), ('wilmot', 1), ('retracting', 1), ('month\\\\', 1), ('etherege', 1), ('sackville', 1), ('ambassador\\\\', 1), ('sodom', 1), ('quintessence', 1), ('peddles', 1), ('gynaecological', 1), ('alcock\\\\', 1), ('urine', 1), ('syphillitic', 1), ('gummata', 1), ('nose-piece', 1), ('hobbling', 1), ('rationally', 1), ('denouncing', 1), ('hobbles', 1), ('thirty-three', 1), ('isaiah', 1), ('sipping', 1), ('utterance', 1), (\"'emperor\", 1), ('galaxy', 1), ('idiots', 1), ('exercising', 1), ('20th-anniversary', 1), ('mind-probing', 1), ('sibor', 1), ('earthman', 1), ('cute-looking', 1), ('mushroom-like', 1), ('sirk', 1), ('semage', 1), ('6-foot-tall', 1), ('scrounge', 1), ('raff\\\\', 1), ('megalomaniac', 1), ('afir\\\\', 1), ('pallet', 1), ('fortress', 1), ('countdown', 1), ('polarity', 1), ('biochemist', 1), ('unavailable', 1), ('34th', 1), ('meows', 1), ('hookups', 1), ('supermarkets', 1), ('car-rental', 1), ('long-delayed', 1), ('kure', 1), ('loggerhead', 1), ('weigert', 1), ('watkins', 1), ('gagnon', 1), ('mizell', 1), ('esper', 1), ('pankow', 1), ('sonablast', 1), ('wilmington', 1), ('101st', 1), ('mini-documentary', 1), ('schenectady', 1), ('singled', 1), ('jason\\\\', 1), ('socializes', 1), ('cheese\\\\', 1), ('bollingsworth', 1), ('nastier', 1), ('cop/playboy', 1), ('kolko', 1), ('scottie', 1), (\"'mirabelle\", 1), ('buttersfield', 1), ('vermonter', 1), ('amplifier', 1), ('typographer', 1), ('aching', 1), ('woefully', 1), ('underwhelming', 1), ('well-dressed', 1), ('logician', 1), ('roadie', 1), ('reliance', 1), ('fitted', 1), ('armani', 1), ('basking', 1), ('alexanders', 1), ('marily', 1), ('schrafft', 1), ('her.harris', 1), ('imperceptibly', 1), ('diegetic', 1), ('scroll', 1), ('verdi', 1), ('messa', 1), ('audible', 1), ('gorchakov', 1), ('pavel', 1), ('sosnovsky', 1), ('piero', 1), ('1+1', 1), ('post-fascist', 1), ('impede', 1), ('polluting', 1), ('bryer', 1), ('contributors', 1), ('tropic', 1), ('inhalation', 1), ('wilton', 1), ('tremaynes', 1), ('screeches', 1), ('pedal', 1), ('kenosha', 1), ('michaela', 1), ('annulling', 1), ('밠adison', 1), ('횇dalen', 1), ('marma', 1), ('impressionism', 1), ('erogenous', 1), ('sandviken', 1), ('wharf', 1), ('kramfors', 1), ('strikebreaker', 1), ('factories', 1), ('쐋ike', 1), ('translucent', 1), ('antennae', 1), ('mauve', 1), ('shacks', 1), ('populate', 1), ('menial', 1), ('non-chalant', 1), ('handywork', 1), ('garments', 1), ('onesies', 1), ('splattered', 1), ('poked', 1), ('destructiveness', 1), ('modes', 1), ('proffitt', 1), ('scow', 1), ('clutter', 1), ('birthmark', 1), ('remodeling', 1), ('monogrammed', 1), ('booted', 1), ('stepsons', 1), ('ever-after', 1), (\"'calvin\", 1), ('self-sustaining', 1), ('nikita', 1), ('khrushchev', 1), ('eject', 1), ('webbers', 1), ('unthinkable', 1), ('overridden', 1), ('webbers\\\\', 1), ('kinescopes', 1), ('timer', 1), ('post-apocalyptic', 1), ('unaccustomed', 1), ('vrustikoff', 1), ('non-mutant', 1), ('spurning', 1), ('commies', 1), ('deformed', 1), ('mi-sook', 1), ('high-spirited', 1), ('young-jae', 1), ('underpaid', 1), (\"'advertising\", 1), ('ameliorate', 1), ('fumbled', 1), ('rewoven', 1), ('masterful', 1), ('dodger', 1), ('datsun', 1), (\"needn\\\\'t\", 1), ('widow\\\\', 1), ('roster', 1), ('facilitating', 1), ('1817', 1), ('gibberish', 1), ('vagrancy', 1), ('magistrates', 1), ('deference', 1), ('linguist', 1), ('gutch', 1), ('irish-catholic', 1), ('renee\\\\', 1), ('potshots', 1), ('torralba', 1), ('almeria', 1), ('has-beens', 1), ('hard-drinking', 1), ('once-proud', 1), ('rescheduled', 1), ('maudy', 1), ('contributes', 1), ('handgun', 1), ('raphael\\\\', 1), ('daughter/godchild', 1), ('co-run', 1), ('big-name', 1), ('pursing', 1), ('amplify', 1), ('kicked-out', 1), ('telemarketing', 1), ('working.cliffs', 1), ('roller-coaster', 1), ('emoticon', 1), ('pooping', 1), ('messaging', 1), ('early-rising', 1), ('holroyd', 1), ('kittridge', 1), ('pyewacket', 1), ('warlock', 1), ('redlitch\\\\', 1), ('passe', 1), ('drought-ridden', 1), ('spinsterish', 1), ('languishes', 1), ('ambassadorial', 1), ('jeffers', 1), ('cross-cut', 1), ('jeffers\\\\', 1), ('quail', 1), ('scrounged', 1), ('minutely', 1), ('erl', 1), ('mcglue', 1), ('often-married', 1), ('centimillia', 1), ('zaccardi', 1), ('tow-truck', 1), ('donatello', 1), ('documentary-style', 1), ('scantily-clad', 1), ('cathouse', 1), ('ladykilling', 1), ('studley\\\\', 1), ('elbow', 1), ('bergerac-type', 1), ('vibrater', 1), ('moby-m5', 1), ('pondo\\\\', 1), ('barricading', 1), ('mobs', 1), ('despairingly', 1), ('poontang', 1), ('inniston', 1), ('well-accepted', 1), ('ripples', 1), ('lgbt', 1), ('noggett', 1), ('funfrall', 1), ('laze', 1), ('organise', 1), ('whitemonk', 1), ('ex-prison', 1), ('organising', 1), ('klinger', 1), ('detracted', 1), ('imitators.http', 1), ('//michaelklingerpapers.uwe.ac.uk/docs1/holiday', 1), ('20camp2.pdf', 1), ('merriment', 1), ('gemini', 1), ('trapezist', 1), ('simplistic', 1), ('sexton', 1), ('10th', 1), ('lore', 1), ('display\\\\', 1), ('guest\\\\', 1), ('lachman', 1), ('sextons\\\\', 1), ('5,000,000', 1), ('trigger-happy', 1), ('hall\\\\', 1), ('lancaster-area', 1), ('tantrums', 1), ('samuel\\\\', 1), ('ordnung', 1), ('colorless', 1), ('levinia\\\\', 1), ('kleinmann', 1), ('lerner', 1), ('extradited', 1), ('uniformed', 1), ('yoders', 1), ('gargantuan', 1), ('tamed', 1), ('1954', 1), ('traded', 1), ('firbank', 1), ('secret-agent', 1), ('realism', 1), ('enactments', 1), ('justification', 1), ('henpecking', 1), ('brannigans', 1), ('goofballs', 1), ('goop', 1), ('gloppitta-gloppitta', 1), ('cartoons', 1), ('jury\\\\', 1), ('keefer', 1), ('divot', 1), (\"o\\\\'shay\", 1), ('toth', 1), ('keefer\\\\', 1), ('garson', 1), ('kanin', 1), ('pigeons', 1), ('3/4', 1), ('puh-feiffer', 1), ('brusquely', 1), ('210', 1), ('630', 1), ('citygoers', 1), ('self-deprecating', 1), ('sheppard\\\\', 1), ('oooh', 1), ('skywritten', 1), ('grins', 1), ('acme', 1), ('realty', 1), ('125', 1), ('flathead', 1), ('catalogue', 1), ('rocking', 1), ('cliffhanging', 1), ('specimens', 1), (\"'sixteen-year-old\", 1), ('mansell', 1), ('cheeky', 1), ('bognor', 1), ('regis', 1), ('bookies', 1), ('expenses-paid', 1), ('control-freak', 1), ('godwin', 1), ('luscious', 1), ('labreche', 1), ('carruthers', 1), (\"'angie\", 1), ('sahai', 1), ('migrates', 1), ('compatibility', 1), ('naturalist', 1), ('sciences', 1), ('harald\\\\', 1), ('eugenia\\\\', 1), ('ants', 1), ('quench', 1), ('empirical', 1), ('//www.mahalo.com/the-new-guy/|', 1), ('mahalo|', 1), ('2012-04-02', 1), ('yanked', 1), ('//www.screenit.com/movies/2002/the_new_guy.html|', 1), ('2009-07-22', 1), ('tourette', 1), ('sideline', 1), ('longstanding', 1), ('nietzsche', 1), ('co-worker/friend', 1), ('fadeout', 1), ('edifice', 1), ('trust\\\\', 1), ('wail', 1), ('trenholm', 1), ('indicted', 1), ('moons', 1), ('pichler', 1), ('slovakian', 1), ('bimbo', 1), ('ignaz', 1), ('adapting', 1), ('post-communist', 1), ('import-export', 1), ('craziness', 1), ('production.', 1), ('nameen', 1), ('documentid=9345', 1), ('chiari', 1), ('valeria', 1), (\"'interview\", 1), ('cineuropa', 1), ('unknowable', 1), ('policeman\\\\', 1), ('hedges', 1), ('date\\\\', 1), ('mcgorvey\\\\', 1), ('megaphone', 1), ('transfixed', 1), ('stair', 1), ('castrated', 1), ('subverted', 1), ('downers', 1), ('armor', 1), ('laurer', 1), ('mishmash', 1), ('malloran', 1), ('flores', 1), ('baumann', 1), ('honest-to-god', 1), ('one-hit', 1), ('woolite', 1), ('snapple', 1), ('mid-song', 1), ('ocd', 1), ('trove', 1), ('dee\\\\', 1), ('sondheim', 1), ('vlad\\\\', 1), ('sabotoges', 1), ('rundgren\\\\', 1), ('purgatory-like', 1), ('fear-based', 1), ('earth-like', 1), ('processes', 1), ('봣rom', 1), ('alleys', 1), ('universe\\\\', 1), ('video-like', 1), ('defendants\\\\', 1), ('poised', 1), ('spur-of-the-moment', 1), ('unstraps', 1), ('amby', 1), ('r.j.', 1), ('dheka', 1), (\"\\\\'kill\\\\\", 1), ('downpayment', 1), ('dev\\\\', 1), ('mdggo', 1), ('ville', 1), ('vexatiously', 1), ('not-so-busy', 1), ('life징짝he', 1), ('blankly', 1), ('hyo-kyung', 1), ('clamouring', 1), ('captained', 1), ('ferried', 1), ('domesticated', 1), ('cocoa', 1), ('nico\\\\', 1), ('absalom', 1), ('shayne', 1), ('vantage', 1), ('dugout', 1), ('umpire', 1), ('berra', 1), ('ump', 1), ('passarella', 1), ('weighs', 1), ('awning', 1), ('andrej', 1), ('romanovich', 1), ('psychopathic', 1), ('cannibalize', 1), ('psychically', 1), ('evasion', 1), ('timurouvic', 1), ('aron', 1), ('1994', 1), ('governments', 1), ('extradition', 1), (\"'single\", 1), ('feldman', 1), ('uprooted', 1), ('man.\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'maybe\\\\\", 1), ('unremarkable', 1), ('snapshots', 1), ('mailing', 1), ('anti-homosexual', 1), ('supervisors', 1), ('cahill', 1), ('pentathlon', 1), ('tinghoff', 1), ('stites', 1), ('newsagents', 1), ('snatching', 1), ('dribbling', 1), ('chants', 1), (\"\\\\'virgins\\\\\", 1), (\"\\\\'girls\", 1), ('zooming', 1), ('gemma\\\\', 1), ('erections', 1), ('snogging', 1), ('earphones', 1), ('woo-ing', 1), ('sheila\\\\', 1), ('embarassment', 1), ('mid-marriage', 1), ('riddance', 1), ('356', 1), ('speedster', 1), ('packer', 1), ('nicholson', 1), ('proprietor/head', 1), ('impalings', 1), ('mitral', 1), ('regurgitation', 1), ('cyanosis', 1), ('aurelius', 1), ('hogue\\\\', 1), ('quackery', 1), ('carbonic', 1), ('component', 1), ('ache', 1), ('chomping', 1), ('folksy', 1), ('35,000', 1), ('tempting', 1), ('vialula', 1), ('halberstrom', 1), ('superficiality', 1), ('producer/writer', 1), ('caricature', 1), ('one-man', 1), ('rated', 1), ('spock', 1), ('moreland', 1), ('liebknecht', 1), ('g철del', 1), ('podolsky', 1), ('moonstruck', 1), (\"'scott\", 1), ('conjure', 1), (\"\\\\'influence\\\\\", 1), ('engineless', 1), ('anorexia', 1), ('nervosa', 1), ('tasmin\\\\', 1), ('solemnly', 1), ('insultingly', 1), ('fantasist', 1), ('kashmiri', 1), ('yashpal', 1), ('cause.bollywood', 1), ('yahaan', 1), ('curtiz', 1), ('vidor', 1), ('warners', 1), ('frenemy', 1), ('commissary', 1), ('kaye', 1), ('guises', 1), ('blinking', 1), ('heindorf', 1), (\"'yvonne\", 1), ('shenanigans', 1), ('bushdinkle', 1), (\"'celeste\", 1), ('talbert', 1), ('newly-cast', 1), ('craven', 1), ('honcho', 1), ('outwardly', 1), ('despising', 1), ('scripted', 1), ('teleprompter', 1), ('maloney', 1), ('jeffrey\\\\', 1), ('ghostwriter', 1), ('biographies', 1), ('kassia', 1), ('senegal', 1), ('uninteresting', 1), ('casse', 1), ('tete', 1), ('chinois', 1), (\"'lucky\", 1), ('negi', 1), ('petersbergian', 1), ('tweeny', 1), ('weeny', 1), ('itsy', 1), ('bitsy', 1), ('insurgency', 1), ('dread', 1), ('sekhri', 1), ('highways', 1), ('moldy', 1), ('cemeteries', 1), ('snowdrifts', 1), ('endurance', 1), (\"'violet\", 1), ('amboy', 1), ('autographs', 1), (\"o\\\\'donnell\", 1), ('coyotes', 1), ('leann', 1), ('rimes', 1), ('leanna', 1), ('traci\\\\', 1), ('maher', 1), ('boa', 1), ('m/bisexual', 1), ('zen-like', 1), ('benches', 1), ('jimeoin', 1), (\"'precocious\", 1), ('reinvent', 1), ('bespoke', 1), ('rationalism', 1), ('ealing', 1), ('britpop', 1), ('rom-coms', 1), ('blending', 1), ('grobowski', 1), ('unappreciated', 1), ('unload', 1), ('ostrofski', 1), ('litters', 1), ('riggleman', 1), ('97\\\\', 1), ('intuit', 1), ('irena', 1), ('laskowska', 1), ('machulski', 1), ('imperfect', 1), ('benic', 1), ('pinecrest', 1), ('physiotherapist', 1), ('pane', 1), ('blackouts', 1), ('rangers', 1), ('lengthened', 1), ('eases', 1), ('friendless', 1), ('misogynous', 1), (\"'julie\", 1), ('dude', 1), ('caves', 1), ('riders', 1), ('flits', 1), ('grandest', 1), ('crashers', 1), ('guacamole', 1), ('galleria', 1), ('ensor', 1), ('unsupervised', 1), (\"'school\", 1), ('beachgoers', 1), ('senselessly', 1), ('honeywagon\\\\', 1), ('chimp', 1), ('watusi', 1), ('bug\\\\', 1), ('mythical', 1), ('self-professed', 1), ('spouse-swapping', 1), ('shock/tititalation', 1), ('nun\\\\', 1), ('wimple', 1), ('seductees', 1), ('amyl', 1), ('nitrite', 1), ('strap-on', 1), ('porcupines', 1), ('crackpot', 1), ('womanising', 1), ('dulcy', 1), ('hectically', 1), ('daycare', 1), ('utilising', 1), ('resourcefulness', 1), ('3:15', 1), ('springsteen', 1), ('freshen', 1), ('rajeshwari', 1), ('compatriot', 1), ('shubhankar\\\\', 1), ('loyalists\\\\', 1), ('shubankar', 1), ('touristic', 1), ('dormant', 1), ('beneficial', 1), ('oafish', 1), ('belt-whipping', 1), (\"'yanko\", 1), ('g처ral', 1), ('1888.', 1), ('봎ary', 1), ('봶ashing', 1), ('swaffers', 1), ('horse-riding', 1), ('lifetimes', 1), ('bewilders', 1), ('obelisk', 1), ('approvingly', 1), ('봲eeing', 1), ('swaffers\\\\', 1), ('wronging', 1), ('bradell', 1), ('waldon', 1), ('gymnast', 1), (\"d'arbanville\", 1), ('preschool', 1), ('newfoundland_', 1), ('printout', 1), ('terrier', 1), ('deceptive', 1), ('requirement', 1), ('zhivago', 1), ('unison', 1), (\"'eve\", 1), ('drivers\\\\', 1), 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('cabo', 1), ('silicon', 1), ('inseminated', 1), ('mollified', 1), ('richelieu', 1), ('libbers', 1), ('incestous', 1), ('glamour', 1), ('chitrangada', 1), ('ahuja', 1), ('ahuja\\\\', 1), ('wheeler-dealer', 1), ('caste-based', 1), ('firebrand', 1), ('socio-political', 1), ('siddharth\\\\', 1), ('naxalite', 1), ('rhethoric', 1), ('whole-heartedly', 1), ('subscribe', 1), (\"\\\\'made\", 1), ('fabricating', 1), ('villagers\\\\', 1), ('consoling', 1), ('unrecognisable', 1), ('terrifed', 1), ('locksley', 1), ('outsmart', 1), ('nilesh', 1), ('schoichet', 1), ('ventriloquism', 1), ('fangora', 1), ('gurkel', 1), ('klezmer', 1), ('fanchetti', 1), ('gravitates', 1), ('ecstatically', 1), ('addiction.http', 1), ('//www.imdb.com/title/tt0424880/faq', 1), ('.2.1.5', 1), ('music-blasting', 1), ('torie\\\\', 1), ('mathematical', 1), ('equation', 1), ('falcons', 1), (\"\\\\'no\", 1), ('dad.\\\\', 1), ('crawled', 1), ('father/daughter', 1), ('hurls', 1), ('hollander', 1), ('brandishing', 1), ('congregated', 1), ('*tori', 1), ('*mouse', 1), ('underplayed', 1), ('mouse\\\\', 1), ('*in', 1), ('spinal', 1), ('malformation', 1), ('hunchbacked', 1), ('kingsmont', 1), ('undiminished', 1), ('growers', 1), ('showman', 1), ('fraction', 1), ('hales', 1), ('accordionist', 1), ('atlantico', 1), ('inflight', 1), ('celebrate.', 1), ('bio-bibliography', 1), ('0-313-29010-5', 1), ('//www.allmovie.com/work/flying-down-to-rio-17969', 1), ('dot.com', 1), ('jamboree', 1), ('nauseous', 1), ('whorehouse', 1), ('tallahatchie', 1), ('guiltily', 1), ('courteously', 1), ('fin-de-si챔cle', 1), ('19th-century', 1), ('drunkards', 1), ('claustrophobic', 1), ('huifang', 1), ('gongyang', 1), ('shangren', 1), ('hexing', 1), ('semi-monogamous', 1), ('harsher', 1), ('crimson\\\\', 1), ('hardening', 1), ('fronts', 1), ('notary', 1), ('blissfulness', 1), ('lilies', 1), ('1952.', 1), ('dramatizes', 1), ('seminary', 1), ('dramatizing', 1), ('martyrdom', 1), ('undertones', 1), ('tilly', 1), ('lydie-anne', 1), ('ventilate', 1), (\"'fyodor\", 1), ('ii.the', 1), ('blitzkrieg', 1), ('deferral', 1), ('conscription', 1), ('ivanovich\\\\', 1), ('mint', 1), ('roadhouses', 1), ('necking', 1), ('mathewson', 1), ('javelin', 1), (\"'eliot\", 1), ('봸oung', 1), ('typecast', 1), ('mimics', 1), ('juliard', 1), ('then-girlfriend', 1), ('bracing', 1), ('baxters', 1), ('avoidable', 1), ('baja', 1), ('candies', 1), ('break-dancer', 1), ('windmill', 1), ('bloodying', 1), ('commiserate', 1), ('near-miss', 1), ('mid-credits', 1), ('tannek', 1), ('alcott', 1), ('maribelle', 1), ('highly-paid', 1), ('danny.new', 1), ('봦alf', 1), ('pushiness', 1), ('sublets', 1), ('boringly', 1), ('haversack', 1), ('byrd', 1), ('cookware', 1), ('tumors', 1), ('neurological', 1), ('lampington\\\\', 1), ('hmo', 1), ('liquidates', 1), ('grandhotel', 1), ('pupp', 1), ('karlovy', 1), ('vary', 1), ('boutiques', 1), ('snowboarding', 1), ('succulent', 1), ('assistant/mistress', 1), ('pandering', 1), ('dillings', 1), ('gunther\\\\', 1), ('avalanche', 1), ('fax', 1), ('scanner', 1), ('emeril', 1), ('lagasse', 1), ('pistol-packing', 1), ('half-sisters', 1), ('gilot', 1), ('guernica', 1), ('khokhlova', 1), ('maar', 1), ('marie-th챕r챔se', 1), ('roque', 1), ('buku', 1), ('curhat', 1), ('yusrizal', 1), ('pro-government', 1), ('disengagement', 1), ('detects', 1), ('insincerity', 1), ('indonesian', 1), ('born챕', 1), ('jeopardise', 1), ('ostreicher', 1), ('cappuccino-drinking', 1), ('oz\\\\', 1), ('half-naked', 1), ('weblink', 1), ('pop-punk', 1), ('blink-182', 1), ('likeliness', 1), ('finch\\\\', 1), ('cappuccino', 1), ('cleanliness', 1), ('restrooms', 1), ('strays', 1), ('precociousness', 1), ('shit-break', 1), ('punted', 1), ('drop-dead', 1), ('thumbs-down', 1), ('raspy', 1), ('snoopy\\\\', 1), ('sayings', 1), ('republicans', 1), ('traditionalists', 1), ('fern찼n', 1), ('d챠az-aroca', 1), ('ariadna', 1), ('roc챠o', 1), ('verd첬', 1), ('na챦vet챕', 1), ('reacted', 1), ('tallulah', 1), ('bankhead', 1), ('fags', 1), ('synching', 1), ('streisand', 1), ('ziggy\\\\', 1), ('personas', 1), ('merman', 1), ('midler', 1), ('stillbirth', 1), ('bonecrusher\\\\', 1), (\"'colour\", 1), ('clockwork', 1), ('after-effects', 1), ('kubrick\\\\', 1), ('anecdote', 1), ('liberace', 1), ('//movies.nytimes.com/2007/03/23/movies/23kubr.html', 1), ('last2007-03-23', 1), ('lyndon', 1), ('bowlly', 1), ('harking', 1), ('writer-producer', 1), ('single-ness', 1), (\"t\\\\'es\", 1), ('dans', 1), ('re-lock', 1), ('barked', 1), ('phoneline', 1), ('streetwalker', 1), ('quoi', 1), ('sert', 1), ('libre', 1), ('bark', 1), ('excluding', 1), ('seul', 1), ('suzon\\\\', 1), ('apron', 1), ('toi', 1), ('jamais', 1), ('silenced', 1), (\"d\\\\'amour\", 1), ('heureux', 1), ('murmur', 1), ('scarlet', 1), ('bataille', 1), (\"'stella\", 1), ('first-class', 1), ('montego', 1), ('soaks', 1), ('sherminator', 1), ('room-mate', 1), (\"\\\\'bandeez\", 1), ('wild\\\\', 1), ('bagpipes', 1), ('funky', 1), ('elyse\\\\', 1), ('holbrook', 1), ('knowingly', 1), ('litle', 1), ('radishes', 1), (\"'helmut\", 1), ('reich', 1), ('reinhard', 1), ('quizzes', 1), ('liquidation', 1), ('transpire', 1), ('dachau', 1), ('glazing', 1), ('ss-oberf체hrer', 1), ('mitzie', 1), ('stuttgart', 1), (\"'theater\", 1), ('alibies', 1), ('continual', 1), ('draftees', 1), ('blain', 1), ('re-engraved', 1), ('mps', 1), ('ever-suspicious', 1), ('blain\\\\', 1), (\"'willard\", 1), ('isenbaum', 1), ('willard\\\\', 1), ('on-lookers', 1), ('slimmed-down', 1), (\"'suzuki\", 1), ('hiatus', 1), (\"'hilary\", 1), (\"o\\\\'neil\", 1), ('geddes', 1), ('healthier', 1), ('irrationally', 1), ('klimt\\\\', 1), ('woodhouse', 1), ('early-19th-century', 1), ('westons', 1), ('riddle', 1), ('gallant', 1), ('politeness', 1), ('carpool', 1), ('endear', 1), (\"d'azur\", 1), ('b챕atrix', 1), ('violets', 1), (\"'fruits\", 1), ('whitehall', 1), ('liebkind\\\\', 1), ('ghia', 1), ('bare-chested', 1), ('gay-populated', 1), ('devil-masked', 1), ('circled', 1), ('enclosure', 1), ('jaws', 1), ('harden', 1), ('toninho\\\\', 1), ('foundering', 1), ('slows', 1), ('boxed', 1), ('macaroni', 1), ('all-nighter', 1), ('better-off', 1), ('p.e', 1), ('mavis\\\\', 1), ('miscarried', 1), ('eyre', 1), ('lowood', 1), ('1829', 1), ('startle', 1), ('uncredited', 1), ('fetches', 1), ('ruinous', 1), ('impediments', 1), ('abercrombie', 1), ('lakebed', 1), ('adversarial', 1), ('teeters', 1), ('re-marriages', 1), ('legalized', 1), ('shaven', 1), ('renunciation', 1), ('two-story', 1), ('expiate', 1), ('burdens', 1), ('sprightly', 1), ('hijra', 1), ('ganja', 1), ('second-youngest', 1), ('sadananda', 1), ('gentle-looking', 1), ('scriptures', 1), ('pilgrims', 1), ('throng', 1), ('ghats', 1), ('input', 1), ('superstition', 1), ('liberties', 1), ('lacked', 1), ('gandhism', 1), ('god-fearing', 1), ('ferries', 1), ('culminate', 1), ('intuitively', 1), ('teary', 1), ('in-name-only', 1), ('meatballs', 1), ('hershey', 1), ('end-of-the-summer', 1), ('counselor-in-training', 1), ('cheryl\\\\', 1), ('co-campers', 1), ('cruises', 1), ('singapore\\\\', 1), ('jen\\\\', 1), ('laid-', 1), ('ever-loyal', 1), ('clean-shaven', 1), ('smooth-talker', 1), ('darby', 1), ('nagel', 1), ('l챕aud', 1), ('truffaut', 1), ('kanu', 1), ('1810', 1), ('twenty-one', 1), ('paterfamilias', 1), ('decrees', 1), ('uninhabitable', 1), ('canfields\\\\', 1), ('trapeze-like', 1), ('mid-fall', 1), ('sampler', 1), ('indo-canadian', 1), ('freak-accidental', 1), ('봡ue', 1), ('govind', 1), ('prizefighter', 1), ('khalsa', 1), ('audacity', 1), ('shakespeare-quoting', 1), ('snowmobiles', 1), ('thinning', 1), ('crevasse', 1), ('paw', 1), ('hypothermia', 1), ('frostbite', 1), ('whiteout', 1), ('dogs\\\\', 1), ('medically', 1), ('mcmurdo', 1), ('antarctic-conditions', 1), ('ingratitude', 1), ('seal\\\\', 1), ('barlow', 1), ('slumming', 1), ('elevated', 1), ('carny', 1), ('flaming', 1), ('collinis', 1), ('sawed', 1), (\"'magnolia\", 1), ('gaylord\\\\', 1), ('magnolia\\\\', 1), ('reprises', 1), ('ol\\\\', 1), (\"'zazel\", 1), ('nymphs', 1), 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('trips\\\\', 1), ('co-passenger', 1), ('beezly', 1), ('drunk\\\\', 1), ('surmises', 1), ('1963.', 1), ('yunost', 1), ('voronin', 1), ('ponds', 1), ('sews', 1), ('recognised', 1), ('sveta', 1), ('alyona', 1), ('whooshing', 1), ('passersby', 1), ('xxl', 1), ('fissures', 1), ('commercially', 1), ('h.i.m', 1), ('chronicled', 1), ('francine', 1), ('grantville', 1), ('burg', 1), ('cat-house', 1), ('j.l', 1), ('grinningly', 1), ('exonerate', 1), ('jailhouse', 1), ('defame', 1), ('innocence.', 1), ('//movies.nytimes.com/movie/34395/the-naked-kiss/overview', 1), ('|title2008-07-21', 1), ('|author10-29-1964', 1), ('|publisher=the', 1), ('nightscape', 1), ('paralleling', 1), ('unrolls', 1), ('directress', 1), ('kirowa', 1), ('disobedience', 1), ('teashop', 1), ('immobilized', 1), ('misapprehended', 1), ('reticent', 1), ('unworthy', 1), ('traversing', 1), ('surprise-party', 1), ('goofball', 1), (\"\\\\'iron\", 1), ('brendan\\\\', 1), ('escalade', 1), ('groupsmen', 1), ('couply', 1), 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1), ('s.r.o', 1), ('studio\\\\', 1), ('ball-bustingly', 1), ('fanfare', 1), ('slavishly', 1), (\"\\\\'blood\", 1), ('mine\\\\', 1), ('red-baiting', 1), ('roped', 1), ('convoluting', 1), ('already-bad', 1), ('propels', 1), ('capitalising', 1), ('brindale', 1), ('ashmond', 1), (\"'viola\", 1), ('cornwall\\\\', 1), ('orsino', 1), ('dinklage', 1), ('eunice\\\\', 1), ('off-screen', 1), ('self-worth', 1), ('windshield', 1), ('wipers', 1), ('on-coming', 1), ('snow-storm', 1), ('re-written', 1), ('chawl', 1), ('line-up..', 1), ('atrocity', 1), ('persist', 1), ('guruji', 1), ('johnsons', 1), ('eskimo', 1), ('limon', 1), ('belushi-esque', 1), ('intrupted', 1), ('fornicates', 1), (\"'ayre\", 1), ('macgillvary', 1), ('bull-fighting', 1), ('shaolin', 1), ('defected', 1), ('anklets', 1), ('trailers', 1), ('simpkins', 1), ('ebbers', 1), ('surrey.', 1), ('slower', 1), ('iris\\\\', 1), ('gumption', 1), ('screenwriters\\\\', 1), ('unassisted', 1), ('rothmiller', 1), ('re-opened', 1), ('allegiances', 1), ('bpo', 1), ('bogged', 1), ('maverick', 1), ('mirchi', 1), ('dreamy-eyed', 1), ('mellows', 1), ('upswing', 1), (\"'rafi\", 1), ('37-year-old', 1), ('ethical', 1), ('patched', 1), ('sulking', 1), ('defrosts', 1), (\"'saving\", 1), ('allocating', 1), ('cho', 1), ('wil\\\\', 1), ('lovehall', 1), ('mosley', 1), ('retitles', 1), ('darius\\\\', 1), ('rotting', 1), ('40-foot', 1), ('anchored', 1), ('farfetched', 1), ('victim/daughter/girlfriend/fianc챕e', 1), ('wielding', 1), ('cock', 1), ('plank', 1), ('tautness', 1), ('send-off', 1), ('mid-december', 1), ('freckle-faced', 1), ('dog-faced', 1), ('acquanted', 1), ('sleeping-room', 1), ('lip-sync', 1), ('flake', 1), ('unseasonably', 1), ('pitiable', 1), ('primetime', 1), ('loath', 1), ('now-disillusioned', 1), ('equally-baffled', 1), ('ever-protective', 1), ('greenroom', 1), ('toasts', 1), ('christmases', 1), (\"'iris\", 1), ('cox', 1), ('bakery\\\\', 1), ('roughed', 1), ('stub', 1), ('illiteracy', 1), ('soups', 1), ('laborer', 1), (\"\\\\'teach\", 1), ('read\\\\', 1), ('bounced', 1), ('flatware', 1), ('fertilizer', 1), ('hormones', 1), ('mini-crisis', 1), ('nil', 1), ('churches', 1), ('aloofness', 1), ('cake-cooling', 1), ('bakeries', 1), ('stanely', 1), ('restarts', 1), ('threadbare', 1), ('clatter', 1), ('barks', 1), ('ketchup', 1), ('compost', 1), ('rotted', 1), ('stenley', 1), (\"\\\\'to\", 1), ('her\\\\', 1), ('oldsmobile', 1), ('six-bedroom', 1), ('one-bathroom', 1), ('robaix', 1), ('madama', 1), ('unveil', 1), ('yoko\\\\', 1), ('astound', 1), ('kazumi', 1), ('mattox', 1), ('world-renown', 1), ('topping', 1), ('flip-flop', 1), ('boardroom', 1), ('cody\\\\', 1), ('northeastern', 1), ('shiny', 1), ('binge-drinking', 1), ('solace-seeking', 1), ('genie\\\\', 1), ('skin-treatment', 1), ('electro-therapy', 1), ('quivering', 1), ('schwarzenegger', 1), ('luminous', 1), ('glow-in-the-dark', 1), ('crazily', 1), ('7:00.', 1), ('f/x', 1), ('730.16', 1), ('bosshardt', 1), ('grounding', 1), ('suvs', 1), ('bally\\\\', 1), ('gambler\\\\', 1), ('singer\\\\', 1), ('molar', 1), ('mid-flight', 1), ('skydiving', 1), ('impersonators', 1), ('illuminated', 1), (\"'hungama\", 1), ('bigwig', 1), ('as-is', 1), ('chunk', 1), ('radeshyam', 1), ('untold', 1), ('london-educated', 1), ('money-', 1), ('status-conscious', 1), ('betroth', 1), ('bubbling', 1), ('super-rich', 1), ('counterparts', 1), ('acrimonious', 1), ('low-class', 1), ('whoever\\\\', 1), ('anjila', 1), ('palatable', 1), ('demolitions', 1), ('demolished', 1), ('housemates', 1), ('shitty', 1), ('occultist', 1), ('stave', 1), (\"'wayne\", 1), ('hold-up', 1), ('milo\\\\', 1), ('12,500', 1), (\"'redl\", 1), ('pre-world', 1), ('redl\\\\', 1), ('judas', 1), ('ingratiating', 1), ('career-officers', 1), ('hapsburg-free', 1), ('raison', 1), (\"d\\\\'etre\", 1), ('nationalistic', 1), ('austro-hungarian', 1), ('parvenus', 1), ('nationalism', 1), ('self-interest', 1), ('nobles-in-waiting', 1), ('counter-intelligence', 1), (\"d\\\\'et찼t\", 1), ('tsarist', 1), (\"\\\\'more\", 1), ('honorable\\\\', 1), ('-to', 1), ('existentialist', 1), ('micha\\\\', 1), ('mainstreet', 1), ('west-german', 1), ('miriam\\\\', 1), ('entry/exit', 1), ('dynamo', 1), ('perched', 1), ('nubian', 1), ('fiendish', 1), ('apparatus', 1), ('engulfing', 1), ('signified', 1), ('well-ordered', 1), ('agnew', 1), ('pliable', 1), (\"'judd\", 1), ('off-season', 1), ('emporium', 1), ('9:06', 1), ('introspection', 1), ('archenemy', 1), ('koo', 1), ('fuss', 1), ('f책r철', 1), ('markus', 1), ('ullmann', 1), ('capstone', 1), ('palmetto', 1), ('scottsdale', 1), ('schl체tow', 1), ('g철ring', 1), ('goebbels', 1), ('pringle', 1), ('ex-gestapo', 1), ('quasi', 1), ('accosts', 1), ('dockyard', 1), ('marshetta', 1), (\"'gerald\", 1), ('tilson', 1), ('defraud', 1), ('cordoba', 1), ('adjuster', 1), ('mousy', 1), ('appallingly', 1), ('bryson', 1), ('annuls', 1), ('wagstaff', 1), ('doctor-patient', 1), ('caruso', 1), ('jac', 1), ('applezweig', 1), ('mondragon', 1), ('revoking', 1), (\"'bake\", 1), ('sea-captain', 1), ('flurry', 1), ('refurbish', 1), ('proviso', 1), ('argentinians', 1), ('animalistic', 1), ('unnerves', 1), ('creamed', 1), ('carrots', 1), ('hardball', 1), ('impressions', 1), ('stuttered', 1), ('circumvent', 1), ('salvaged', 1), ('excelsior', 1), ('ischia', 1), ('soak', 1), ('fiat', 1), ('piggott', 1), ('trotta', 1), ('lire', 1), ('bureaucratic', 1), ('dubliner', 1), ('ingratiates', 1), ('point-of-view', 1), ('pre-teen', 1), ('one-hour', 1), ('heartthrob', 1), ('mccabe', 1), ('tracey', 1), ('lieutenants', 1), ('nueva', 1), ('gem', 1), ('caverns', 1), ('girlina', 1), ('mid-twentieth', 1), ('empress\\\\', 1), ('off-world', 1), ('entombed', 1), ('shelling', 1), ('iago', 1), ('foreshadows', 1), ('arsonist', 1), ('party-loving', 1), ('congregates', 1), ('plastered', 1), ('goldwater', 1), ('insufferably', 1), ('faithless', 1), ('louse', 1), ('symbolizing', 1), ('200th', 1), ('golddigger', 1), ('implodes', 1), ('motivating', 1), ('sexpot', 1), ('annabeth', 1), ('gish', 1), ('pudge', 1), ('girlhood', 1), ('entree', 1), ('sexualities', 1), ('nineties', 1), ('better-looking', 1), ('highly-promiscuous', 1), ('non-stop', 1), ('clubbing', 1), ('nowadays', 1), ('embroidery', 1), ('quilt', 1), ('ambassador-designate', 1), ('saudi', 1), ('mears', 1), ('formality', 1), ('docking', 1), (\"'carolyn\", 1), ('mcduffy', 1), ('romanoff', 1), ('woodlands', 1), ('drank', 1), ('saline', 1), ('pepto', 1), ('bismol', 1), ('tackling', 1), ('midair', 1), ('motivator', 1), (\"'jane\", 1), ('rebuking', 1), ('deep-seated', 1), ('adorning', 1), ('story\\\\', 1), (\"'caroline\", 1), ('baboon', 1), (\"'policeman\", 1), ('hairdressing', 1), ('12,000', 1), ('chartered', 1), ('ruminating', 1), ('eulogises', 1), ('prodigious', 1), ('upperclassman', 1), ('percussion', 1), ('inflaming', 1), ('hoodlum', 1), ('fazed', 1), ('retro', 1), ('drumlines', 1), ('snares', 1), ('drumline\\\\', 1), ('woolloomooloo', 1), ('larrikin', 1), ('stor', 1), ('coot', 1), ('punk-goth', 1), ('49-year-old', 1), ('randall\\\\', 1), ('disloyal', 1), ('exec', 1), (\"'jesse\", 1), ('pollack', 1), ('d.a', 1), ('bradlee', 1), ('bradlee\\\\', 1), ('louie\\\\', 1), ('mixups', 1), ('injecton', 1), (\"'erotic\", 1), ('attained', 1), ('hitched', 1), ('foreshadowing', 1), ('pre-celebration', 1), ('carlness', 1), ('reimagining', 1), ('vasectomy', 1), ('childbearing', 1), ('clearance', 1), ('refurbishing', 1), ('dupree\\\\', 1), ('lance-ness', 1), ('pronunciations', 1), ('wrench', 1), ('ex-fiancee', 1), ('jervis', 1), ('amarin', 1), ('koushni', 1), ('moneymakers', 1), ('steeds', 1), ('eschewed', 1), ('merchant\\\\', 1), ('joshua\\\\', 1), (\"ne\\\\'er-do-well\\\\\", 1), ('joseph\\\\', 1), ('early-on', 1), ('standoffish', 1), ('mcbride\\\\', 1), ('frontier', 1), ('palmyra', 1), ('in-construction', 1), (\"'rip\", 1), ('inaccuracies', 1), ('ark', 1), ('partitioned', 1), ('muslim-christian', 1), ('lark', 1), ('oum', 1), ('walid', 1), (\"'spanning\", 1), ('dantley', 1), ('car-loving', 1), ('customized', 1), ('stingray', 1), ('right-hand-drive', 1), ('nuys', 1), ('prostitute-in-training', 1), ('intrinsic', 1), ('kilos', 1), ('wealthier', 1), ('brother-sister', 1), ('steglitz', 1), ('fockyerdoder', 1), ('pimped', 1), ('humping', 1), ('salespeople', 1), ('hobbits', 1), ('coolers', 1), ('taco', 1), ('fancier', 1), ('bill-style', 1), ('reckons', 1), ('pimple', 1), ('railings', 1), ('officiating', 1), ('thermometer', 1), ('flattens', 1), ('wedman', 1), ('glady', 1), ('argument-filled', 1), ('dupler', 1), ('midnight-shift', 1), ('pharmacy/convenience', 1), ('gibbons', 1), ('s흲zabur흲', 1), ('shinsengumi', 1), ('samurai', 1), ('kond흲', 1), ('isami', 1), ('reformist', 1), ('sanderson', 1), ('arness', 1), ('kline', 1), (\"'todd\", 1), ('undergraduates', 1), ('non-threatening', 1), ('ice-skating', 1), ('yodeling', 1), ('psychologically-imbalanced', 1), ('lederhosen-clad', 1), ('curvy', 1), ('absurdly', 1), ('nita\\\\', 1), ('minx', 1), ('moped', 1), ('fur-coated', 1), ('brunette-wigged', 1), ('guam', 1), ('milou', 1), (\"'roland\", 1), ('taillight', 1), ('pryce', 1), ('bloomsbury', 1), ('1915', 1), ('bell\\\\', 1), ('hike', 1), ('918', 1), ('refurbishes', 1), ('tidmarsh', 1), ('921', 1), ('partdrige', 1), ('bolivia', 1), ('eminent', 1), ('victorians', 1), ('923', 1), ('skulk', 1), ('931', 1), ('long-lived', 1), ('932', 1), ('taisho', 1), ('aristos', 1), ('matsugae', 1), ('ayakura', 1), ('tadeshina', 1), ('honda', 1), ('fabrications', 1), ('sex-phone', 1), ('improved-self', 1), ('hindered', 1), ('1943.', 1), ('braun', 1), ('postwar', 1), ('nylon', 1), ('aborts', 1), ('senkenberg', 1), ('saviour', 1), ('nightdress', 1), ('hospitalize', 1), ('indonesia', 1), ('memey', 1), ('meimei', 1), (\"'long-time\", 1), ('cigar-smoking', 1), (\"'shante\", 1), ('shant챕\\\\', 1), ('shant챕', 1), ('institutes', 1), ('line.2001', 1), ('//www.imdb.com/title/tt0269341/plotsummary', 1), ('begins.though', 1), (\"'vartan\", 1), ('folkspersons', 1), ('mirror\\\\', 1), ('driscoll', 1), ('milbank', 1), ('non-angelic', 1), ('allotment', 1), (\"'luciano\", 1), ('pavarotti', 1), ('fini', 1), ('harrold', 1), ('cognizant', 1), ('munion', 1), ('regimented', 1), ('permanence', 1), ('alpha-male', 1), ('commitment-phobic', 1), ('night-and', 1), ('e.g', 1), ('kendall', 1), ('sunlight', 1), ('hilliard', 1), ('air-traffic', 1), ('citrus', 1), ('tromping', 1), ('pellet', 1), ('sailed', 1), ('scully', 1), ('seaworthy', 1), ('brander', 1), ('curly-haired', 1), ('palamino', 1), ('despicable', 1), ('aluminum', 1), ('microwave', 1), ('necessitates', 1), ('re-engages', 1), ('dinkleman', 1), ('sealing', 1), ('monahan', 1), ('goetz', 1), ('desalvo', 1), ('berkowitz', 1), ('k체rten', 1), ('copycat', 1), ('replicated', 1), ('brachial', 1), ('idyllwild', 1), ('mccann', 1), ('calamari', 1), ('squid', 1), ('ack-ack', 1), ('beckersted', 1), ('peddling', 1), ('fabrics', 1), ('valleys', 1), ('jew-hating', 1), ('half-french', 1), ('adjourns', 1), ('placated', 1), ('fetching', 1), ('shies', 1), ('convening', 1), ('walking-out', 1), ('year-end', 1), ('commandment', 1), ('frannie\\\\', 1), ('봍eila', 1), (\"'walter\", 1), ('koontz', 1), ('locale', 1), ('lavished', 1), ('unrecoverable', 1), ('limp', 1), ('at-odds', 1), ('strides', 1), ('crept', 1), ('rusty\\\\', 1), ('occupational', 1), ('chestnut', 1), ('centur', 1), ('rockville', 1), ('potomac', 1), ('barnssville', 1), ('rossen', 1), (\"'taking\", 1), ('mid-1930s', 1), ('disorderly', 1), ('high-spiritedness', 1), ('retaliatory', 1), ('excoriating', 1), ('squeak', 1), ('haberdashery', 1), ('slacks', 1), ('languish', 1), ('nonexistence', 1), ('alcohol-fueled', 1), ('idleness', 1), ('clapping', 1), ('housefly', 1), ('other.but', 1), ('neurologically', 1), ('smelly', 1), ('perfumes', 1), ('brownish', 1), ('emanating', 1), ('pew\\\\', 1), ('mew', 1), ('purr', 1), ('avec', 1), ('wiggle', 1), ('windowsill', 1), ('vive', 1), (\"l\\\\'amour\", 1), ('rainspout', 1), ('ragged-looking', 1), ('skunk-like', 1), ('neckline', 1), ('1753', 1), ('city.the', 1), ('loredan', 1), ('giordano', 1), ('genoa', 1), ('nom', 1), ('plume', 1), ('inquisition', 1), ('heresy', 1), ('amnesty', 1), ('pope\\\\', 1), ('paprizzio\\\\', 1), ('francesca\\\\', 1), ('overly-protective', 1), ('ujaala', 1), ('underachieving', 1), ('chachu', 1), ('gurneal', 1), ('ahluwalia', 1), ('nikkita', 1), ('canadians', 1), ('t.v', 1), ('whistler', 1), ('film/reel', 1), ('carat', 1), ('joely', 1), ('dalmatians', 1), ('roams', 1), ('surfacing', 1), ('unleash', 1), ('depravity', 1), ('degradation', 1), (\"'dane\", 1), ('clem', 1), (\"'jerilee\", 1), ('nozzle', 1), ('pave', 1), ('hold-outs', 1), ('singer/musician', 1), ('lawford\\\\', 1), ('grayson\\\\', 1), ('schoolteaching', 1), ('outshining', 1), ('stored', 1), ('morphed', 1), ('singer/performer', 1), ('malvani', 1), ('currying', 1), ('daylights', 1), ('show-off', 1), ('wiring', 1), ('fast-talk', 1), ('resplendently', 1), ('immaculate', 1), ('coddling', 1), ('rocky\\\\', 1), ('run-around', 1), ('murugan\\\\', 1), ('scence', 1), ('natsha/tanya', 1), ('fraudsters', 1), ('slap-stick', 1), ('go-carts', 1), ('mujer', 1), ('hermano', 1), ('alissa', 1), ('quart', 1), (\"'hyperlink\", 1), ('aesthetic', 1), ('define', 1), ('mise', 1), ('sc챔ne', 1), ('5-year-old', 1), ('unwrap', 1), ('umbilical', 1), ('jobless', 1), ('cakes', 1), ('mentally-distraught', 1), ('tiler/mosaic', 1), (\"'shah\", 1), ('asaf', 1), ('hindrance', 1), ('mahabat', 1), ('peace-loving', 1), ('aarjumand', 1), ('emperors', 1), ('death.plot', 1), ('klugman', 1), ('patimkin', 1), ('assimilation', 1), ('propriety', 1), ('ill-timed', 1), ('pregnancies', 1), ('surfboards', 1), ('뱑estaurant', 1), ('mopes', 1), ('horner\\\\', 1), ('taps', 1), ('boo', 1), ('dhadkan', 1), ('magnanimity', 1), ('non-union', 1), ('mcgurn\\\\', 1), ('already-rocky', 1), ('issei', 1), ('manzanar', 1), ('pre-adolescent', 1), ('chilling', 1), ('disbelieving', 1), (\"'hillary\", 1), ('out-of-shape', 1), (\"'jerri\", 1), ('46-year-old', 1), ('stress-induced', 1), ('noblet\\\\', 1), ('fig', 1), ('neutrons', 1), ('megawatti', 1), ('sucarnaputri', 1), ('tammi', 1), ('littlenut', 1), ('onyx', 1), ('blackman', 1), ('hassles', 1), ('vaginoplasty', 1), (\"\\\\'bree\\\\\", 1), ('schupak', 1), ('callicoon', 1), ('toby\\\\', 1), ('open-minded', 1), ('peyote', 1), ('transsexuality', 1), ('bleached', 1), ('washing-up', 1), ('juvenal', 1), ('laying-on', 1), ('stigmata', 1), ('evangelist', 1), ('ex-monk', 1), ('eli큄ka', 1), ('liberators', 1), (\"'carlos\", 1), ('camila', 1), ('camila\\\\', 1), ('peer-pressure', 1), ('mexico\\\\', 1), ('demographics-', 1), ('1994.', 1), ('navin', 1), ('nightengale', 1), ('healer', 1), ('popoff', 1), (\"'miracles\", 1), ('rustwater', 1), ('braverman', 1), ('joyriding', 1), ('cruisers', 1), ('allenville', 1), ('heisman', 1), ('linebacker', 1), ('fullback', 1), ('turley', 1), ('nastiness', 1), ('switowski', 1), ('1-on-1', 1), ('resilience', 1), ('meggett', 1), ('withstands', 1), ('engleheart\\\\', 1), ('estrogen', 1), ('inmates\\\\', 1), ('morale', 1), ('post-practice', 1), ('eddy\\\\', 1), ('cheesburger', 1), ('stopwatch', 1), ('grudges', 1), ('referees', 1), ('inflicting', 1), ('tackled', 1), ('35-28', 1), ('fumble', 1), ('fumblerooski', 1), ('sniper-rifle', 1), ('gatorade', 1), ('hotbox', 1), ('snuck', 1), ('ouse', 1), ('1951', 1), ('breakdowns', 1), ('hogarth', 1), ('paradorian', 1), ('strausmann', 1), (\"'role\", 1), ('pont', 1), ('neuf', 1), ('amants', 1), ('pont-neuf', 1), ('vagrants', 1), ('vagrant', 1), ('waterways', 1), ('set-pieces', 1), ('upwardly', 1), ('biotechnology', 1), ('acquiescing', 1), ('goodrich\\\\', 1), ('impregnates', 1), ('impregnation', 1), ('sully', 1), ('c챕l챔bre', 1), ('watergate', 1), ('giamoro', 1), ('self-searching', 1), ('barbi', 1), ('self-insight', 1), ('clarinetist', 1), ('haroyen', 1), ('bluesy', 1), ('quintet', 1), ('honing', 1), ('semi-fictionalized', 1), ('reminiscence', 1), ('tailor\\\\', 1), ('stutters', 1), ('pekinese', 1), ('shawl', 1), ('devore', 1), ('swerve', 1), ('tow-vehicle', 1), ('lonesome', 1), ('retitling', 1), ('boob\\\\', 1), ('romantic-advice', 1), ('headlong-dash', 1), ('bootleggers', 1), ('wrangle', 1), ('morovia', 1), ('basie', 1), ('stepbrothers', 1), ('stretcher-bearer', 1), ('lourdes', 1), ('dimitri', 1), ('romain\\\\', 1), ('streetwalkers', 1), ('paratroops', 1), (\"'montpellier\", 1), ('aerodynamics', 1), ('forty-one', 1), ('recollects', 1), ('gonorrhea', 1), ('typist', 1), ('drip', 1), ('mullich', 1), ('fragmented', 1), ('banford', 1), ('self-sufficient', 1), ('raiding', 1), ('coops', 1), ('grenfel', 1), ('now-deceased', 1), ('kaysen', 1), ('tuskin', 1), ('randone', 1), ('jacobs', 1), ('petula', 1), ('therapist\\\\', 1), ('noncompliance', 1), ('georgina\\\\', 1), ('pyle', 1), ('silvery', 1), (\"'bobby\", 1), ('obsessing', 1), ('ettinger', 1), ('theorizing', 1), ('ettingers', 1), ('teenagers\\\\', 1), ('dinger', 1), ('keller\\\\', 1), ('coleman\\\\', 1), ('dream-world', 1), ('gaps', 1), ('roche', 1), ('walken', 1), ('connick', 1), ('car-stealing', 1), (\"'kok-tail\", 1), ('guarantees', 1), (\"'dog\", 1), (\"'plus-sized\", 1), ('subjugated', 1), (\"'tri-pis\", 1), ('adam/adina', 1), ('tri', 1), ('dave/daisy', 1), ('koks', 1), ('cruise.http', 1), ('//themoviespoiler.com/spoilers/sororityboys.html', 1), ('jolt', 1), ('commitment-shy', 1), (\"'north\", 1), ('esther\\\\', 1), ('100,000.', 1), ('hors', 1), ('쇕뱔vre', 1), ('libby\\\\', 1), ('trailer-camping', 1), ('vicki\\\\', 1), ('oliver\\\\', 1), ('industry\\\\', 1), ('long-concealed', 1), ('grauman\\\\', 1), (\"'esther\", 1), ('eclipse', 1), ('pierson', 1), ('summarized', 1), ('galls', 1), ('simplest', 1), ('jab', 1), ('maddening', 1), ('admin', 1), ('quad', 1), ('exceed', 1), ('bonfire\\\\', 1), ('three-foot', 1), ('daunting', 1), ('fabian', 1), ('rigors', 1), ('zap', 1), ('berated', 1), ('polishing', 1), ('discombobulates', 1), ('pounces', 1), ('sputtering', 1), ('prof.', 1), ('padmanagham', 1), ('super-snob', 1), ('sneers', 1), ('bannerman', 1), ('chimes', 1), ('carbonized', 1), ('inedible', 1), ('nags-head', 1), ('stammers', 1), ('gauntlet', 1), ('cables', 1), ('truscott', 1), ('borneo', 1), ('civilize', 1), ('inland', 1), ('near-by', 1), ('vengence', 1), ('bullard\\\\', 1), ('shipperly', 1), (\"\\\\'sleeping\", 1), ('dictionary\\\\', 1), ('belansai\\\\', 1), ('cuff', 1), ('mendocino', 1), (\"\\\\'hopper\\\\\", 1), ('buffing', 1), ('lanes', 1), ('winger', 1), ('gatsby', 1), ('dimple', 1), (\"'troy\", 1), ('sign-up', 1), ('mckessie', 1), ('nielson', 1), ('wildcats', 1), ('danforth', 1), ('wi-fi', 1), ('callbacks', 1), ('understudies', 1), ('zeke', 1), ('brulee', 1), ('afrikaner', 1), ('malan', 1), ('shimmies', 1), ('sideshow', 1), ('barton\\\\', 1), ('bennie', 1), ('pinkowitz', 1), ('hatton', 1), ('kirk\\\\', 1), ('motors', 1), ('missteps', 1), ('integrate', 1), ('obscenity', 1), ('beanstalk', 1), ('bare-breasted', 1), ('dostoyevsky', 1), ('dulcie', 1), ('centennial', 1), ('step-siblings', 1), ('ezra', 1), ('bernhardt', 1), ('spoonfed', 1), ('blatantly', 1), ('high-handedly', 1), ('rebelled', 1), ('young-hee\\\\', 1), ('hiccupping', 1), ('staffroom', 1), ('goguryeo-era', 1), ('hanja', 1), ('storeroom', 1), ('100th', 1), ('papars', 1), ('tensed', 1), ('whirl', 1), ('shortended', 1), ('jeans', 1), ('motorcades', 1), ('rode', 1), ('smiled', 1), ('shook', 1), ('innkeepers', 1), ('frowned', 1), ('blurted', 1), ('wohhk', 1), ('rhyall', 1), ('delacro', 1), ('delacro\\\\', 1), ('rhyall\\\\', 1), ('durant', 1), ('everdene', 1), ('engenders', 1), ('capriciousness', 1), ('disharmony', 1), ('farmhands', 1), ('weatherbury', 1), ('castproduction', 1), ('notesoctober', 1), ('needed|dateparish', 1), ('friars', 1), ('condition.parish', 1), ('329', 1), ('infobox', 1), ('burl', 1), ('oscars', 1), ('afoul', 1), ('efraim', 1), ('dematerializer', 1), ('reaper', 1), ('sanguine', 1), ('inconsistencies', 1), ('climate-controlled', 1), ('봣ueled', 1), ('baby-faced', 1), ('ominously', 1), ('soaking', 1), ('reaper\\\\', 1), ('criticizing', 1), ('zoret\\\\', 1), (\"'magazine\", 1), ('stanhope', 1), ('whitey\\\\', 1), ('underwood\\\\', 1), ('da-rim', 1), ('shunichi', 1), ('nagasaki', 1), (\"'ali\", 1), ('gastarbeiter', 1), ('60-year-old', 1), ('asfouryeh', 1), ('noxious', 1), ('krista', 1), ('screwy', 1), ('sub-letting', 1), ('tenancy', 1), ('alleviate', 1), ('hitler-loving', 1), ('pigsty', 1), ('couscous', 1), ('migrants', 1), ('symbolize', 1), ('blossomings', 1), ('salient', 1), ('crafting', 1), ('engtanglements', 1), ('intifada', 1), ('d챕nouement', 1), ('hearst\\\\', 1), ('sla', 1), ('ulrike', 1), ('embody', 1), ('faction', 1), ('venezuelan', 1), ('frontman', 1), ('marijuna-crazed', 1), ('obligatory', 1), ('moralizing', 1), (\"\\\\'kicks\\\\\", 1), ('languedoc-roussillon', 1), ('noiseuse', 1), ('봴sing', 1), ('painstakingly', 1), ('dehra', 1), ('dun', 1), ('ranawat', 1), ('dungarpur', 1), ('juggy', 1), ('raina', 1), ('hussain', 1), ('inaugural', 1), ('changyu', 1), ('consisted', 1), ('schoolhouse', 1), ('textbook', 1), ('hitter', 1), ('paves', 1), (\"'pete\", 1), ('seltzer', 1), ('schlaine', 1), ('ruptures', 1), ('abstains', 1), ('alleviated', 1), ('prentice\\\\', 1), ('repossession', 1), ('splashed', 1), ('hemingway', 1), ('barkin', 1), ('shepherd/collie', 1), ('itchiford', 1), ('dachshund', 1), ('drumstick', 1), ('bull/bulldog', 1), ('swirl', 1), ('airplane\\\\', 1), ('turbines', 1), ('horn\\\\', 1), ('setter', 1), ('fleur', 1), ('corporeal', 1), ('collars', 1), ('hellcat', 1), ('itchy\\\\', 1), ('alcatraz', 1), ('alcatraz\\\\', 1), ('stepmother\\\\', 1), ('sasha\\\\', 1), ('terrifying', 1), ('moussaka', 1), ('trumpeters', 1), ('prolong', 1), ('goddard', 1), ('talkers', 1), ('booking', 1), ('shaw\\\\', 1), ('hi-jinks', 1), ('mandolin', 1), ('dance-conducts', 1), ('sado', 1), ('comparative', 1), ('almost-broke', 1), ('reimburse', 1), ('shakers', 1), ('saturated', 1), ('morland', 1), ('castles', 1), ('montagues', 1), ('capulets', 1), ('stutter', 1), ('telemarketer', 1), ('lexus', 1), ('3000', 1), ('enslavement', 1), ('nightmarish', 1), ('hyung-joon\\\\', 1), ('translated', 1), ('no-manners', 1), ('dalian', 1), ('laid-off', 1), ('emaciated', 1), ('ying', 1), ('masseuse', 1), ('autonomy', 1), ('retells', 1), ('transposing', 1), ('continuity', 1), ('relegating', 1), ('offscreen', 1), ('pubs', 1), ('non-readers', 1), ('mcmurphy', 1), ('robert_williams_', 1), ('conrad', 1), ('scooped', 1), ('gilded', 1), ('schuyler\\\\', 1), ('callej처n', 1), ('knitted', 1), ('fifty-something', 1), ('cantina', 1), ('domino', 1), ('eusebia', 1), ('cata', 1), ('susanita', 1), ('guicho', 1), ('maru', 1), ('zacarias', 1), ('wolff', 1), ('turco', 1), ('impecunious', 1), ('wrought', 1), ('mantelpiece', 1), ('jenny..', 1), ('transcribe', 1), (\"'millionaire\", 1), ('alzani', 1), ('reproached', 1), ('impersonal', 1), ('commedia', 1), (\"dell'arte\", 1), ('peruvian', 1), ('depose', 1), ('lima', 1), ('henshler', 1), ('ineptly', 1), ('thirty-eight', 1), ('romantic-era', 1), ('envisioning', 1), ('prelude', 1), ('wagner\\\\', 1), ('tannh채user', 1), ('blubbering', 1), ('tchaikovsky\\\\', 1), ('sweeney\\\\', 1), ('windborn\\\\', 1), ('august\\\\', 1), ('daphne\\\\', 1), ('ascribing', 1), ('artist.tcm', 1), ('sql=1:51839~t0', 1), ('intensified', 1), ('dostoevsky', 1), ('hysteric', 1), (\"'disappointed\", 1), ('mimaki\\\\', 1), ('court-martialed', 1), ('battalion\\\\', 1), ('fishnet', 1), ('kellner', 1), ('lipschitz', 1), ('ex-hippie', 1), ('jennings', 1), ('fuentes\\\\', 1), ('olivero', 1), ('sanchez', 1), ('ordonez', 1), ('coronado', 1), ('pescador', 1), ('prescribes', 1), ('horoscopes', 1), ('mercado', 1), ('univision\\\\', 1), ('primer', 1), ('impacto', 1), ('cici\\\\', 1), ('whittaker', 1), ('marriott', 1), ('rodrigo\\\\', 1), ('quixote', 1), ('delgado', 1), ('unbuttons', 1), ('cleavage', 1), ('lorena\\\\', 1), ('harley-davidson', 1), ('dejar챕', 1), ('chulo', 1), ('fewer', 1), ('forward-thinking', 1), ('turn-of-the-century', 1), ('fusses', 1), ('overbearingly', 1), ('misdirecting', 1), ('unchaperoned', 1), ('barley', 1), ('unreserved', 1), ('resurface', 1), ('admonitions', 1), ('nearness', 1), ('drauzio', 1), ('overcrowding', 1), ('suites', 1), ('jammed', 1), ('peixeira', 1), (\"'geek\", 1), ('downloads', 1), ('cyberporn', 1), ('kaffibarinn', 1), ('baltasar', 1), ('korm찼kur', 1), ('albarn', 1), ('icelandophile', 1), ('transfigures', 1), ('carpe-diem', 1), ('berglind', 1), ('oedipal', 1), ('out-all-night', 1), ('snow-capped', 1), ('scuppered', 1), ('rainfall', 1), ('bloodbath', 1), ('effortless', 1), ('fore', 1), ('wetland', 1), ('migrated', 1), ('flippant', 1), ('neatly', 1), ('contentedness', 1), ('windswept', 1), ('1909', 1), ('durham\\\\', 1), ('domesticity', 1), ('under-gamekeeper', 1), ('scudder\\\\', 1), ('simcox', 1), ('pendersleigh\\\\', 1), ('disinclined', 1), ('sendoff', 1), (\"shan\\\\'t\", 1), ('dunnworthy', 1), ('private-school', 1), ('chakki', 1), ('fisherfolks', 1), ('fisherwoman', 1), ('expeditions', 1), ('pappikunju', 1), ('panchami', 1), ('karuthama', 1), ('endeavoured', 1), ('parekutty', 1), ('baited', 1), ('newly-qualified', 1), ('erodes', 1), ('hypochondriacs', 1), ('hampton', 1), ('deigns', 1), ('kowtow', 1), ('baring', 1), (\"'roommates\", 1), ('curley', 1), ('interconx', 1), ('comedy/drama', 1), ('mckee', 1), ('봎ichael', 1), ('crooning', 1), ('1485', 1), ('envoys', 1), ('hugues', 1), ('minstrels', 1), ('enticement', 1), ('bradford', 1), ('daryl', 1), ('sombre', 1), ('sociopathic', 1), (\"'romain\", 1), ('metastasized', 1), ('leeway', 1), ('forbearance', 1), ('gilberts', 1), ('weavers', 1), ('17485', 1), ('specialty', 1), ('89045', 1), ('standup', 1), ('law-enforcement', 1), ('crimebuster', 1), ('aly', 1), ('blueberries', 1), ('othe', 1), ('employes', 1), ('waitress-turned-broadway', 1), (\"o'dare\", 1), ('garage-mechanic-turned-prize', 1), ('entourages', 1), ('caudwell', 1), ('waging', 1), ('tidy', 1), ('liberal-minded', 1), ('grovant', 1), ('elkrunner', 1), ('blackfoot', 1), ('feckless', 1), (\"'eun-jin\", 1), ('mantis', 1), ('underling', 1), ('nanman\\\\', 1), ('sharks\\\\', 1), ('dowsing', 1), ('kerosene', 1), ('nourishing', 1), ('ramen', 1), ('pitifully', 1), (\"'jimmie\", 1), ('6:05', 1), ('clingy', 1), ('grubbing', 1), ('shreds', 1), ('jimmie\\\\', 1), (\"'mun-su\", 1), ('unreciprocated', 1), ('young-ju\\\\', 1), ('mun-young', 1), ('hanbok', 1), ('insomnia', 1), ('sainsbury\\\\', 1), ('colourful', 1), ('inherent', 1), ('boarder', 1), ('pence', 1), ('film-opening', 1), ('congratulating', 1), ('time-frozen', 1), (\"'seo\", 1), ('highschool', 1), ('inwoo', 1), ('soulmates', 1), ('drucker\\\\', 1), ('bachman', 1), ('hand-jobs', 1), ('volvo', 1), ('boxy', 1), ('bahamas', 1), ('tourism', 1), ('illnesses', 1), ('negotiates', 1), ('katrineholm', 1), ('vadsbro', 1), (\"'satisfy\", 1), ('radlett', 1), (\"'each\", 1), ('pluck', 1), (\"\\\\'porno\", 1), ('reactions\\\\', 1), ('fear\\\\', 1), ('madeline\\\\', 1), ('errol', 1), ('sleight', 1), (\"\\\\'these\", 1), (\"'quiet\", 1), ('weon-san', 1), ('photographer/part-time', 1), ('seong-yeon', 1), ('unheeded', 1), ('1856', 1), ('townsend', 1), ('consul-general', 1), ('translator-secretary', 1), ('huesken', 1), ('specified', 1), ('barbarians', 1), ('okichi', 1), ('okochi', 1), ('l처pez', 1), ('audiovisual', 1), ('bergman-inspired', 1), ('torremolinos', 1), ('73.', 1), ('graffiti-covered', 1), ('thermae', 1), ('slave\\\\', 1), ('axed', 1), ('insula', 1), ('felicles', 1), ('lupanare', 1), ('eumolpus', 1), ('mania', 1), ('eumolpus\\\\', 1), ('declamation', 1), ('catcalls', 1), ('gizzards', 1), ('fancying', 1), ('lucretius', 1), ('villa\\\\', 1), ('trimalchio\\\\', 1), ('ephesus', 1), ('recounted', 1), ('film.bondanella', 1), ('260', 1), ('tilled', 1), ('bequeaths', 1), ('greco-roman', 1), ('trifena', 1), ('behead', 1), ('trifena\\\\', 1), ('evoked', 1), ('armies', 1), ('placates', 1), ('nymphomaniac\\\\', 1), ('demi-god', 1), ('ceres', 1), ('gladiator\\\\', 1), ('minotaur', 1), ('momus', 1), ('gladiator', 1), ('well-spoken', 1), ('copulate', 1), ('whipping', 1), ('kindling', 1), ('hearths', 1), ('genitalia', 1), ('enotea\\\\', 1), ('sorceress', 1), ('eumolpo\\\\', 1), ('banal', 1), ('pulse', 1), (\"'sang-hyeon\", 1), ('kyeong-woo', 1), (\"'blurb\", 1), ('sleeves', 1), ('hardcover', 1), ('뱒pirit', 1), ('takeoff', 1), ('flameout', 1), ('thunderstorms', 1), ('quintero', 1), ('check-up', 1), ('unspokenly', 1), ('labeling', 1), ('outline', 1), ('re-married', 1), ('mini-monologues', 1), ('nationally-syndicated', 1), ('date-stamped', 1), ('dramatized', 1), ('flannagan\\\\', 1), ('domestic-surveillance', 1), ('still-apologetic', 1), ('ariane\\\\', 1), ('femme-fatale', 1), (\"'yearning\", 1), ('byung-ki', 1), ('sang-doo', 1), ('holi', 1), ('powders', 1), ('submerges', 1), ('symbolising', 1), ('buyers', 1), ('lightheartedly', 1), ('kama', 1), ('sutra', 1), ('euphemism', 1), ('us\\\\', 1), ('farm\\\\', 1), ('irrigation', 1), ('now-wised-up', 1), ('six-minute', 1), ('outsourcing', 1), ('outsources', 1), ('asha\\\\', 1), ('ringtone', 1), ('grandiose', 1), ('distractedly', 1), ('hwang', 1), ('for징짝', 1), ('쐖eils', 1), ('faintly', 1), ('mcdermott', 1), ('withholds', 1), ('leyden', 1), ('yeon-hwa', 1), ('briefed', 1), ('pung-shik', 1), ('preys', 1), ('inflamed', 1), ('scumbags', 1), ('geriatric', 1), ('quickstepping', 1), ('steelyard', 1), ('cha-cha-cha', 1), ('paso', 1), ('doble', 1), ('rumba', 1), ('diffuses', 1), ('legitimized', 1), ('rebranding', 1), ('dancesport', 1), ('tug-of-war', 1), ('virginty', 1), ('rough-and-tumble', 1), (\"'despite\", 1), ('outfield', 1), ('well-behaved', 1), ('hijab', 1), (\"'did\", 1), (\"'penelope\", 1), ('pig-face', 1), ('own\\\\', 1), ('cloister', 1), ('horticulture', 1), ('cruel-hearted', 1), ('dubbing', 1), ('flocked', 1), ('public\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'normal\", 1), ('kind\\\\', 1), ('snout', 1), ('horticulturist', 1), (\"\\\\'penelope\\\\\", 1), ('aerial', 1), ('worser', 1), ('manifested', 1), ('monochromatic', 1), ('cahan', 1), ('starbucks', 1), ('employer-employee', 1), ('nedra', 1), ('deleterious', 1), ('immaterial', 1), ('dissonance', 1), ('overwhelms', 1), ('necessitating', 1), ('oenophile', 1), ('zeros', 1), ('invalidates', 1), ('estate\\\\', 1), (\"'rebecca\", 1), ('freakish', 1), ('d챠az', 1), ('crayfish', 1), ('quintessentially', 1), ('hollywood-obsessed', 1), (\"'rand\", 1), ('rand', 1), ('mich챔le\\\\', 1), ('flashed', 1), ('buddhism', 1), ('sabbath', 1), (\"'ted\", 1), ('soloist', 1), ('choruses', 1), ('beneke', 1), ('modernaires', 1), ('unissued', 1), ('eberle', 1), ('medalist', 1), ('winnipeg', 1), ('portraits', 1), ('entreat', 1), ('vehement', 1), ('straightman', 1), ('contemptuously', 1), ('yeonsan', 1), ('sickened', 1), ('slaughters', 1), ('sympathized', 1), ('seared', 1), ('tyranny', 1), ('policy\\\\', 1), ('jeopardized', 1), ('underwritten', 1), ('re-enactments', 1), ('interviewees', 1), ('satirical', 1), ('inversion', 1), ('paradigm', 1), ('zealots', 1), ('tenet', 1), ('compatriots', 1), ('self-possessed', 1), ('sane', 1), ('illuminations', 1), (\"'art\", 1), ('kerner', 1), ('two-time', 1), ('manny\\\\', 1), ('liz\\\\', 1), ('sommelier', 1), ('art/bart', 1), ('-and', 1), ('irrelevant', 1), ('art\\\\', 1), (\"'soyo\", 1), ('inline', 1), ('beginner', 1), ('breathtaking', 1), ('loops', 1), ('unrivalled', 1), ('enthusiastically.', 1), ('name2006', 1), ('tae-poong-tae-yang|urlberlinale', 1), ('scrape', 1), ('looming', 1), ('dwindles', 1), ('grips', 1), (\"'bergman\", 1), ('lithuanian', 1), ('stromboli', 1), ('documentary-like', 1), ('neo-realism', 1), ('velu', 1), ('thondaiman', 1), ('unravels', 1), (\"'tripp\", 1), ('theorises', 1), ('step-by-step', 1), ('exasperates', 1), ('terminally-hip', 1), ('live-at-home', 1), ('upfront', 1), ('manipulations', 1), ('contrite', 1), ('nature\\\\', 1), ('newly-purchased', 1), ('mcgairy', 1), ('compounded', 1), ('polish-jewish', 1), ('apocryphal', 1), ('guineas', 1), ('died.cowie', 1), ('welles.', 1), ('978', 1), ('a.s.', 1), (\"'rolling\", 1), (\"\\\\'80s\", 1), ('fair-minded', 1), ('stone\\\\', 1), ('long-ago', 1), ('businessman\\\\', 1), ('simmering', 1), ('drug-dealer', 1), ('applegate', 1), ('massager', 1), ('revigorous', 1), ('berth', 1), ('maximizing', 1), ('scheduling', 1), ('presupposes', 1), ('klinefelter', 1), ('tides', 1), ('randomness', 1), ('berniers', 1), ('prine', 1), ('lacunar', 1), ('eureka', 1), ('zawistowski', 1), ('cyanide', 1), ('ample', 1), ('flat-mate', 1), ('hans-j철rg', 1), ('harbanslal', 1), ('magnates', 1), ('germs', 1), ('contaminate', 1), ('filthiness', 1), ('deceivingly', 1), ('ill-fate', 1), (\"'roma\", 1), (\"'elisabeth\", 1), ('shue', 1), ('28-year-old', 1), ('neurotypical', 1), ('verbalizes', 1), ('lining', 1), ('brookes', 1), ('genetically', 1), ('implanted', 1), ('fluidly', 1), ('regress', 1), ('regression', 1), ('impaling', 1), ('lizard', 1), ('serious-looking', 1), ('igniting', 1), ('xerxes', 1), ('parsi', 1), ('latent', 1), ('imperil', 1), ('velna', 1), ('terrestrial', 1), ('him.black', 1), (\"'petrov\", 1), ('baird', 1), ('tapdancer', 1), ('contrives', 1), (\"'proving\", 1), (\"'ronald\", 1), ('mowing', 1), ('opportune', 1), ('mancini', 1), ('spilled', 1), ('nerdy-but-loyal', 1), ('individuality', 1), (\"\\\\'paid\\\\\", 1), (\"\\\\'trendy\\\\\", 1), ('poop', 1), (\"\\\\'tradition\\\\\", 1), ('luigi', 1), ('romance/friendship', 1), ('evicts', 1), ('asexual', 1), ('conceptual', 1), ('capricious', 1), ('indulgent', 1), ('tommaso', 1), ('naivet챕', 1), ('covent', 1), ('murchison', 1), ('refinement', 1), ('deportment', 1), ('bingo\\\\', 1), ('marjory', 1), (\"'whipsnade\", 1), ('mccarthy\\\\', 1), ('whipsnade\\\\', 1), ('tiresome', 1), ('adrift', 1), ('hot-air', 1), ('rampantly', 1), (\"'things\", 1), ('communications', 1), ('쐔hings', 1), ('non-speaking', 1), ('postmortem', 1), ('hyperlink', 1), ('amman', 1), ('deliberation', 1), ('visitng', 1), (\"l\\\\'hirondelle\", 1), ('misadventure', 1), ('sydon', 1), ('cliffe', 1), ('boursal', 1), ('geneste', 1), ('mother-to-be', 1), ('dersaad', 1), ('street-walker', 1), ('chazalle', 1), ('inveigles', 1), ('reneging', 1), ('re-launch', 1), ('estrange', 1), ('mini-series\\\\', 1), ('charting', 1), ('irrefutable', 1), ('foyer', 1), ('vanya', 1), ('vasiliev', 1), (\"'socially\", 1), ('garbageman', 1), ('low-life', 1), ('thirteenth', 1), ('봫ost', 1), (\"'civilian\", 1), ('analyzer', 1), ('computing', 1), ('synchrotron', 1), ('vacuum-tube', 1), ('table\\\\', 1), ('ltjg', 1), ('gilliam', 1), ('casino\\\\', 1), ('fitch\\\\', 1), ('admiral\\\\', 1), ('consulates', 1), ('signalman', 1), ('burford', 1), (\"'syd\", 1), ('drug-', 1), ('booze-fueled', 1), ('benders', 1), ('smartly', 1), ('guzzling', 1), ('party-within-a-party', 1), ('syd\\\\', 1), ('london\\\\', 1), ('frycook/law', 1), ('favorites', 1), ('inducing', 1), ('informants', 1), ('subpeona', 1), ('halftime', 1), ('mascots', 1), ('sex-crazed', 1), ('free-spirit', 1), ('structural', 1), ('break-ups', 1), ('readies', 1), ('absolve', 1), ('confidently', 1), ('pouty', 1), ('latching', 1), ('hiram', 1), ('ashwood', 1), ('kenney', 1), ('eton', 1), ('sandhurst', 1), ('approximating', 1), (\"'30s\", 1), ('gliders', 1), ('roddy', 1), ('mcdowall', 1), ('whitty', 1), ('varden', 1), ('lafata', 1), ('laloge', 1), ('poudrier', 1), ('pneumonia-like', 1), ('not-so-gay', 1), ('bronx-born', 1), ('sicilians', 1), ('deflowers', 1), ('greentree', 1), ('advantages', 1), ('laflour', 1), ('pints', 1), ('enhances', 1), ('wheedon', 1), ('rashly', 1), ('unceremonious', 1), ('inhibition', 1), ('asunder', 1), ('pattabhi', 1), ('fascinations', 1), ('invoked', 1), ('stillness', 1), ('dissecting', 1), ('apprentices', 1), ('mckeating', 1), ('royalties', 1), ('single-parents', 1), ('two-year-old', 1), ('unburden', 1), ('crucify', 1), ('out-of-tune', 1), ('softly', 1), (\"'having\", 1), ('belinskya', 1), ('챕migr챕s', 1), ('grushenka', 1), ('once-aristocratic', 1), ('well-placed', 1), (\"'duke\", 1), ('jester', 1), ('aliena', 1), ('sylvius', 1), ('jaques', 1), ('lioness', 1), ('re-embrace', 1), ('repented', 1), ('fostering', 1), ('contrived', 1), ('scholarship-winning', 1), ('heteronormative', 1), ('concussion', 1), ('anticlimatic', 1), ('flaunt', 1), ('obsequious', 1), ('봲tealing', 1), ('exboyfriend', 1), ('after-discussion', 1), ('dorians', 1), ('smart-mouthed', 1), ('five-star', 1), ('curvaceous', 1), ('akibo', 1), ('snagged', 1), ('profanity', 1), ('equated', 1), ('spring-cleans', 1), ('sideswipes', 1), ('more-confident', 1), ('homewrecker', 1), (\"'may\", 1), ('turnblad', 1), ('pingleton', 1), ('joke-shop', 1), ('wimsey', 1), ('corny\\\\', 1), ('amber\\\\', 1), ('fonder', 1), ('off-centered', 1), ('spokesgirl', 1), ('flak', 1), ('wilbur\\\\', 1), ('pingletons', 1), ('tallies', 1), ('integrating', 1), ('tally-switching', 1), ('velma\\\\', 1), ('cement', 1), ('toil', 1), ('replicant', 1), ('beer-drinking', 1), ('sport-loving', 1), (\"\\\\'penis\\\\\", 1), (\"'buying\", 1), ('gulshan', 1), ('siddharh', 1), ('curing', 1), (\"'lisbon\", 1), ('wenders\\\\', 1), ('munro', 1), ('bauchau', 1), ('commercialization', 1), ('semi-non-fictional', 1), ('madredeus', 1), ('manoel', 1), ('oliveira', 1), (\"'marisa\", 1), ('paredes', 1), ('leocadia', 1), ('macias', 1), ('쐏ink', 1), ('happy-endings', 1), ('crab-faced', 1), ('pa챠s', 1), ('tranquimazil', 1), ('joaqu챠n', 1), ('cort챕s', 1), ('him..', 1), ('ked', 1), ('skin-like', 1), ('knott\\\\', 1), ('on-air', 1), ('longevity', 1), ('misanthropic', 1), ('fabulously', 1), ('beaver', 1), ('planck', 1), ('rudy\\\\', 1), ('illustration', 1), ('closeted-gay', 1), ('coeds', 1), ('bardo', 1), ('confounded', 1), ('post-independent', 1), ('stoneham', 1), ('chowringhee', 1), ('26.', 1), ('chowringee', 1), ('maidan', 1), ('shahid', 1), ('minaar', 1), ('author-boyfriend', 1), ('t챗te-횪-t챗tes', 1), ('angelenos', 1), ('th챕r챕se', 1), ('philosophe', 1), ('intermingles', 1), ('b찼thory', 1), ('lucrezia', 1), ('borgia', 1), ('dutchess', 1), ('mirecourt', 1), ('datane', 1), ('crust', 1), ('tunisian', 1), ('dar', 1), ('grimes', 1), ('biff\\\\', 1), ('barnstead', 1), ('lind', 1), ('banditry', 1), ('repenting', 1), ('sandrich', 1), ('tishop', 1), ('greenlight', 1), ('notification', 1), ('deplorable', 1), ('trually', 1), ('20-a-trick', 1), ('elmore', 1), ('ex-boxer', 1), ('wash.', 1), ('french-arabic', 1), ('expressly', 1), ('nabila', 1), ('tangier', 1), ('sa챦d', 1), ('aicha', 1), ('prescriptions', 1), ('exasperation', 1), ('casablanca', 1), ('samis', 1), ('cpc', 1), ('postgraduate', 1), ('tsinghua', 1), ('colloquium', 1), ('whampoa', 1), (\"'nominated\", 1), ('ebert', 1), ('idemoto', 1), ('katz', 1), (\"'jude\", 1), ('carrigan', 1), ('dayton', 1), ('enclave', 1), ('hitchhiked', 1), ('coaxed', 1), ('psychonaut', 1), ('comparatively', 1), ('apolitical', 1), ('shipyards', 1), ('paco\\\\', 1), ('confederates', 1), ('barricade', 1), ('smilingly', 1), ('quincea챰era', 1), ('hand-me-down', 1), ('hummer', 1), ('agra', 1), (\"'21-year-old\", 1), ('montclair', 1), (\"\\\\'nanny\", 1), ('east-side', 1), ('negligent', 1), ('hye', 1), ('kyo\\\\', 1), ('heartwarming', 1), ('ordinary-looking', 1), ('shrugged', 1), ('croquette', 1), ('croquettes', 1), ('soon-im', 1), ('soon-im\\\\', 1), ('봖oon-im', 1), ('evangelical', 1), ('bormann', 1), ('dipping', 1), ('peepers', 1), ('langusta', 1), ('triggering', 1), ('sock', 1), ('scrotum', 1), ('bulb', 1), ('dentist/marriage', 1), ('lavonia\\\\', 1), ('nurse\\\\', 1), ('double-ended', 1), ('roop\\\\', 1), ('cleansing', 1), ('baptizes', 1), ('preaching', 1), ('moans', 1), ('narrator\\\\', 1), ('family-owned', 1), ('automotive', 1), ('diversified', 1), ('perino', 1), ('ground-breaking', 1), ('fuel-efficient', 1), ('great-grandfather', 1), ('hordes', 1), ('restlessly', 1), ('pre-packaged', 1), ('double-talk', 1), ('//rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article', 1), ('aid=/19861024/reviews/610240305', 1), ('verne\\\\', 1), ('verne', 1), ('saint-jean-de-luz', 1), ('tolen', 1), ('der', 1), ('sloot', 1), ('everhard', 1), ('anyone\\\\', 1), ('tautou', 1), ('ethnicities', 1), ('faudel', 1), ('봲uch', 1), ('coffeemaker', 1), ('macaroon', 1), ('봡etermine', 1), (\"'ryan\", 1), ('cringing', 1), (\"'jo챘lle\", 1), ('jean-loup', 1), ('쐇nfection', 1), ('blonde\\\\', 1), ('ejaculating', 1), ('bodice', 1), ('pussies', 1), ('쐒evenge', 1), ('쐄orcing', 1), ('threesomes', 1), ('jo챘lle\\\\', 1), ('쐗ell-endowed', 1), ('쐒efuge', 1), ('쐇nfected', 1), ('continuance', 1), ('mail-fraud', 1), ('adjudged', 1), ('rjetti', 1), ('barfight', 1), ('con-artist', 1), ('gibbs', 1), ('perpetrate', 1), ('overrule', 1), ('broader', 1), ('reentering', 1), ('morse-code', 1), ('vehicle\\\\', 1), ('dampened', 1), (\"'mr\", 1), ('affords', 1), ('expansiveness', 1), ('libbie', 1), ('narcissist', 1), ('proficient', 1), ('kung-fu', 1), ('flute-playing', 1), ('meghann', 1), ('bricassart', 1), ('carson\\\\', 1), ('miscarry', 1), ('protestant', 1), ('biased', 1), ('dane\\\\', 1), ('truth-dane', 1), (\"'servais\", 1), ('mont', 1), ('servais', 1), ('psychotherapy', 1), ('paymer', 1), ('dime-store', 1), ('narcissism', 1), ('galore', 1), ('brinkman', 1), ('levitt', 1), ('tanned', 1), ('cavity', 1), ('etc.', 1), (\"'nazar\", 1), ('village.nazar', 1), ('atlast', 1), ('turnup', 1), ('abyss', 1), ('muthyala', 1), ('subbayya', 1), ('muddu', 1), ('.producer', 1), ('narjaladasaradhi', 1), ('baburao', 1), ('sametime', 1), ('achyuth', 1), ('bhaksar', 1), ('mallikharjun', 1), ('suspiscion', 1), ('hungerstrike', 1), ('decades-old', 1), ('anthem', 1), ('post-performance', 1), ('last-known', 1), ('unfairness', 1), ('good-byes', 1), (\"\\\\'thank\", 1), ('karlsburg', 1), ('1901', 1), ('stoutly', 1), ('centuries-old', 1), ('saxonia', 1), ('rower', 1), ('majordomo', 1), (\"'thomas\", 1), ('metalwork', 1), ('meneer', 1), ('outbursting', 1), ('eliminating', 1), ('half-witted', 1), ('nagma', 1), ('basant', 1), ('daraz', 1), ('khan\\\\', 1), ('lachhi', 1), ('jogi', 1), ('villainy.with', 1), ('terrorised', 1), ('mummy', 1), ('miserably.things', 1), ('ill-handled', 1), ('churail', 1), ('chaudry', 1), ('sheikh', 1), ('pakistan-india', 1), ('mbta', 1), ('wonderland', 1), ('j.c', 1), ('reevaluation', 1), ('applesauce', 1), ('ingredients', 1), ('clamor', 1), ('jeff\\\\', 1), ('booming', 1), ('high-prestige', 1), ('dooley', 1), ('heflin', 1), ('communal', 1), ('metaphorically', 1), ('bar-hopping', 1), ('re-train', 1), ('vishva', 1), ('jothi', 1), ('prasanth', 1), ('koppikar', 1), (\"'rival\", 1), ('correspondents', 1), ('barnabas', 1), ('pells', 1), ('millionairess', 1), ('parker\\\\', 1), ('fortune-seeking', 1), ('spandermann', 1), ('baroness\\\\', 1), ('munitions', 1), ('aviators', 1), ('cablegram', 1), ('lowlife', 1), ('fontainebleau', 1), ('baron\\\\', 1), ('moammar', 1), ('castellani\\\\', 1), ('sotto', 1), ('primavera', 1), ('heart\\\\', 1), ('stark-naked', 1), ('jodi', 1), ('be-friend', 1), ('john.in', 1), ('manchanda', 1), ('raisingh', 1), ('frown', 1), ('etc..', 1), ('izzat', 1), ('papads', 1), ('ad-firm', 1), ('bhallas', 1), ('son-law', 1), ('inducts', 1), ('rustom', 1), ('meri', 1), ('biwi', 1), ('shaadi', 1), ('palekar', 1), (\"'nikhil\", 1), ('anuj', 1), ('disbelieve', 1), ('tailing', 1), ('frisk', 1), ('cairo\\\\', 1), ('encrusted', 1), ('paloma', 1), ('iva\\\\', 1), ('stonewalls', 1), ('gutman\\\\', 1), ('palming', 1), ('wonderly\\\\', 1), ('gow', 1), ('eye-witness', 1), ('murderess', 1), ('attorney\\\\', 1), ('d.a.\\\\', 1), ('rsc', 1), ('team-mate', 1), (\"'skin\", 1), ('angeles-area', 1), ('ghislaine\\\\', 1), ('ex-marine', 1), ('fetishist', 1), ('2,500', 1), ('cop/prisoner', 1), ('bod', 1), ('unbridled', 1), ('re-kindle', 1), ('bhoot', 1), ('bungla', 1), ('sadia', 1), ('advert', 1), ('rukhsana', 1), ('dishonour', 1), ('non-denominational', 1), ('loquacious', 1), ('years-ago', 1), ('lindy', 1), ('slashes', 1), ('eventualy', 1), ('scatters', 1), ('heartened', 1), ('jothika', 1), ('impacted', 1), ('cliched', 1), ('grievously', 1), ('wailing', 1), ('drummond', 1), ('abbott\\\\', 1), ('major\\\\', 1), ('riette', 1), ('orman\\\\', 1), ('gretchen\\\\', 1), ('abbotts', 1), ('15-year', 1), ('calabria', 1), ('thankless', 1), ('spousal', 1), (\"'julia\", 1), ('vallick', 1), ('insomniac', 1), ('bagdad', 1), ('haired', 1), ('cleaning-up', 1), ('soo-kyeong', 1), ('reservoir', 1), ('heart-break', 1), ('pensively', 1), ('hauntingly', 1), ('schoolchildren', 1), ('danceteria', 1), ('ex-substance', 1), ('dabbled', 1), ('latently', 1), ('disaster-prone', 1), ('absentmindedly', 1), ('litany', 1), ('1987.', 1), ('problem-filled', 1), ('roughie', 1), ('parattai', 1), ('emotive', 1), ('styne', 1), ('hensen', 1), ('stead', 1), ('prewar', 1), ('thevar', 1), ('castes', 1), ('neighbouring', 1), ('hinder', 1), ('pyre', 1), ('sati', 1), ('powered', 1), ('soberly', 1), ('guessed', 1), ('philanthropic', 1), ('no-strings-attached', 1), ('get-together', 1), ('30-something', 1), ('ex-couple', 1), ('unapologetic', 1), ('alanna', 1), ('marco\\\\', 1), ('dull-witted', 1), ('alanna\\\\', 1), ('high-priced', 1), (\"'white\", 1), ('pullman', 1), ('light-complexioned', 1), ('syrup', 1), ('jemima-like', 1), ('bea\\\\', 1), ('peola\\\\', 1), ('processional', 1), ('lora\\\\', 1), ('reintroduced', 1), ('now-teenaged', 1), ('parade-like', 1), ('crave', 1), ('bottes', 1), (\"'dan\", 1), ('city-based', 1), ('cara\\\\', 1), ('townshend\\\\', 1), ('oriente', 1), ('holgu챠n', 1), ('sixties', 1), ('honorary', 1), ('seventies', 1), ('carriles', 1), (\"'f챕lix\", 1), ('assailants', 1), (\"'though\", 1), ('ex-cop', 1), ('snarled', 1), ('consciences', 1), ('clits', 1), ('third-wave', 1), ('side.review', 1), ('riendeau', 1), ('ca\\\\', 1), ('misconstrued', 1), ('courtney\\\\', 1), ('procured', 1), ('formulates', 1), ('appropriateness', 1), ('shulamith\\\\', 1), ('phallus', 1), ('erected', 1), ('hormone', 1), ('gellar', 1), ('eisenberg', 1), ('unconfident', 1), ('hotbed', 1), ('full-fledged', 1), ('falkner', 1), ('age-gap', 1), ('strata', 1), ('broder', 1), ('hayloft', 1), ('book-salesman', 1), ('valenski', 1), ('sefa', 1), ('immaturely', 1), ('sione', 1), ('rapturously', 1), ('annuity', 1), ('economizing', 1), ('cannibals', 1), ('headless', 1), ('reinforce', 1), ('쐌an', 1), ('creation.', 1), ('idiosyncratic', 1), ('nurturing', 1), ('coddles', 1), ('bongos', 1), ('overcurious', 1), ('concha', 1), ('tailors', 1), ('piety', 1), ('쐄rom', 1), ('catharsis', 1), ('sinful', 1), ('undiscouraged', 1), ('convents', 1), ('anarchism', 1), ('misandry', 1), ('sweeny', 1), ('unintelligent', 1), ('trolls', 1), ('crunchy', 1), ('tents', 1), ('nihilist', 1), ('disrespects', 1), ('espouses', 1), ('framework', 1), ('directionless', 1), ('petrochemical', 1), ('semtex', 1), ('relic', 1), ('disavowed', 1), ('pedophilia', 1), ('180', 1), ('plano', 1), ('chafes', 1), ('paroled', 1), ('squat', 1), ('facet', 1), ('instructional', 1), ('booklet', 1), ('diazepam', 1), ('intoxicate', 1), ('meditates', 1), ('opening-sequence', 1), ('academically-focused', 1), ('trespass', 1), (\"'non-dates\", 1), ('softy', 1), ('clifftop', 1), ('rankings', 1), ('frenchman\\\\', 1), ('eula', 1), ('littlejohn', 1), ('downstream', 1), ('war-era', 1), ('minted', 1), ('bolts', 1), ('barn-burning', 1), ('lynching', 1), ('naseeruddin', 1), ('hiralal', 1), ('auto-driver', 1), ('frayle', 1), ('disapprovals', 1), ('bains', 1), ('novella', 1), ('aesthetics', 1), ('holiday-makers', 1), ('dyeing', 1), ('whitening', 1), ('reddening', 1), ('barber\\\\', 1), ('gazed', 1), ('봦eightened', 1), ('slapdash', 1), ('digestion', 1), ('deadpan', 1), ('expounded', 1), ('well-executed', 1), ('dance-tableau', 1), ('hurdles', 1), ('akhter', 1), ('suffice', 1), ('grenwich', 1), ('detracts', 1), ('strive', 1), ('heartening', 1), ('gracing', 1), ('grouse', 1), ('catchy', 1), ('keh', 1), ('kehta', 1), ('faheem', 1), ('fahim', 1), ('packaged', 1), ('mikes', 1), ('meticulous', 1), ('sequencing', 1), ('milieu', 1), ('stuntmen', 1), ('jayachandran', 1), ('billiard', 1), ('fargo', 1), ('effusively', 1), ('lida', 1), ('rose/will', 1), ('footbridge', 1), ('cowell', 1), ('elect', 1), ('bach\\\\', 1), ('narayanan', 1), ('ananda', 1), ('vikatan', 1), ('serialise', 1), ('aadi', 1), ('staple', 1), ('yes-sir', 1), ('brothel-goons', 1), ('unfortuntely', 1), ('woeful', 1), ('unfortuately', 1), ('wardens', 1), ('do-right', 1), ('poorest', 1), ('semi-happy', 1), ('boosts', 1), ('pathetically', 1), ('heighten', 1), ('kumquats', 1), ('reinstates', 1), (\"'10-year-old\", 1), ('telesco', 1), ('karate', 1), ('carlyle', 1), ('twosome', 1), ('telescos\\\\', 1), ('soon-to-be-divorcing', 1), ('fractures', 1), ('unsaid', 1), ('summarizes', 1), ('lai', 1), ('opportunist/entrepreneur', 1), ('guangzhou', 1), ('teng', 1), ('tangshan', 1), ('pla', 1), ('ming\\\\', 1), ('daughter-in-law\\\\', 1), ('nandha', 1), ('srilanka', 1), ('lankan', 1), ('fray', 1), ('fellove', 1), ('constitutional', 1), ('anti-regime', 1), ('distanced', 1), ('flimsy', 1), ('decimated', 1), ('visas', 1), ('ambassadors', 1), ('delegation', 1), ('unattainable', 1), ('mart챠', 1), ('tumble', 1), ('rashness', 1), ('mesmerised', 1), ('tunnelled', 1), ('swiped', 1), ('tenerife', 1), ('pati', 1), ('endeavour', 1), ('nath', 1), ('pundit', 1), ('kailashpati', 1), ('angeles-based', 1), ('trans-pacific', 1), ('30-story', 1), ('airtight', 1), ('alibis', 1), ('assistant/partner', 1), ('officiated', 1), ('functionary', 1), ('mao-tse', 1), (\"'cataratte\", 1), ('10-years', 1), ('cockeyed', 1), ('hommage', 1), ('caspio', 1), ('slush', 1), ('caimano', 1), (\"'journey\", 1), ('pulici', 1), ('nucleus', 1), ('berlusconi/moretti', 1), ('judiciary', 1), ('controversies', 1), ('1900', 1), ('lumberman', 1), ('fallon', 1), ('homesteaders', 1), ('sequoia', 1), ('lecroix', 1), ('settlers', 1), ('unequipped', 1), ('봲uicide', 1), ('봡evises', 1), ('forfeit', 1), ('lowell', 1), ('inconvenience', 1), ('timidity', 1), ('disorganized', 1), ('super-human', 1), ('invulnerability', 1), ('superpowers', 1), ('g-girl\\\\', 1), ('supervillain', 1), ('bedlam\\\\', 1), ('sprung', 1), ('villainy', 1), ('catapulted', 1), ('meteorite\\\\', 1), ('energies', 1), ('full-on', 1), ('super-brawl', 1), ('crime-fighting', 1), ('purses', 1), ('pascale', 1), ('bussi챔res', 1), ('tenure-track', 1), ('mckellar', 1), ('coulter', 1), ('melissis', 1), (\"'lucia\", 1), (\"'grant\", 1), ('aubrey\\\\', 1), ('mcguigan', 1), ('dramatises', 1), ('granton', 1), ('boab', 1), ('kafka', 1), ('pitiless', 1), ('mckidd', 1), ('schemie', 1), ('ro챘ves', 1), ('symbolise', 1), ('depiction', 1), ('leander', 1), ('hoosier', 1), ('wastebasket', 1), ('1821', 1), ('deckhand', 1), ('itinerary', 1), ('truchaut\\\\', 1), ('fruit-selling', 1), ('heinous', 1), ('chevaux', 1), ('frise', 1), ('lantern', 1), ('after-note', 1), ('lenormand\\\\', 1), (\"d'souza\", 1), ('cricketer', 1), ('doesnt', 1), ('julies', 1), ('blondes', 1), ('adhi', 1), ('collude', 1), ('arisen', 1), ('bikes', 1), ('enthused', 1), ('xii', 1), ('examinations', 1), ('third-person', 1), ('pierce\\\\', 1), ('smother', 1), ('veda\\\\', 1), ('moneylender', 1), ('slow-witted', 1), ('lightened', 1), ('whitened', 1), ('postman', 1), ('abbot', 1), ('songkran', 1), (\"'tilo\", 1), ('sandalwood', 1), ('cumin', 1), ('incomprehensible', 1), ('tilo\\\\', 1), ('american-born', 1), ('kwesi', 1), ('geeta\\\\', 1), ('kwesi\\\\', 1), ('leung', 1), ('spoiled-rotten', 1), ('hard-work', 1), ('kit/mario', 1), ('dsp', 1), ('loafing', 1), ('chacha', 1), ('crimelord', 1), ('valour', 1), ('unleashes', 1), ('cripple', 1), ('man-who-knows-the-city', 1), ('hideouts', 1), ('fume', 1), ('chase-action', 1), (\"'edith\", 1), ('breezerman', 1), ('paste', 1), ('hitchiker', 1), ('harmon', 1), ('breezy\\\\', 1), ('persistant', 1), ('neice', 1), ('excite', 1), ('10:00', 1), ('consious', 1), ('lonliness', 1), ('thewlis', 1), ('thandie', 1), ('쏥et', 1), ('쐃ssence', 1), ('enough.', 1), ('stowaway', 1), ('mailbag', 1), ('upwards', 1), (\"'rachel\", 1), ('hauls', 1), ('lord\\\\', 1), ('mouths', 1), ('rachael\\\\', 1), ('scribe', 1), ('hot-headed', 1), ('patch-ups', 1), ('nosey', 1), ('apparitional', 1), ('post-teen', 1), ('anbe', 1), ('aaruyire', 1), ('shaam\\\\', 1), ('silvana', 1), ('precautions', 1), ('murals', 1), ('shyest', 1), ('vassilissa', 1), ('mediterraneo', 1), ('review/film', 1), ('roundelay', 1), ('cellar', 1), ('dissertation', 1), ('youthfulness', 1), (\"'be\", 1), (\"'feel\", 1), ('stakes', 1), ('beverages', 1), ('woon-gyu', 1), ('vagabond', 1), (\"'jewel\", 1), ('masterminding', 1), ('gems', 1), ('bromley', 1), ('honest-to-a-fault', 1), ('breadcrumbs', 1), ('subtext', 1), ('nonresponse', 1), ('penal', 1), ('newelpost', 1), ('eying', 1), ('heater', 1), ('overachiever', 1), ('ashanti', 1), ('vegan', 1), ('heartbreaker', 1), ('counteract', 1), ('baskets', 1), ('video-chat', 1), ('bending', 1), ('thongs', 1), ('stansfield', 1), ('o-j', 1), ('ex-secretary', 1), ('burglarize', 1), ('village-uncle', 1), ('prejudges', 1), ('mother.amar', 1), ('topi', 1), ('airs', 1), ('redirects', 1), ('chuhan', 1), ('vigilant', 1), ('ordinance', 1), ('nullify', 1), ('tenure', 1), ('manjaris', 1), ('rocketed', 1), ('sky-high', 1), ('vandalize', 1), ('thronging', 1), ('detonated', 1), ('explosions', 1), ('tactical', 1), ('secretariat', 1), ('instituted', 1), ('manjali\\\\', 1), ('governance', 1), ('competed', 1), ('transvestites', 1), ('nong', 1), ('conscript', 1), ('lakefront', 1), ('soulless', 1), ('precox', 1), ('psychokinetic', 1), ('women-only', 1), ('student-faculty', 1), ('rapore', 1), ('yielded', 1), ('teeter', 1), ('쐇nformed', 1), ('mcnaughton', 1), ('쐀abes', 1), ('unidentifiable', 1), ('mantis-like', 1), ('쐏ets', 1), ('embarrassedly', 1), ('nips', 1), ('saliva', 1), ('ever-interested', 1), ('saliva-doused', 1), ('쐓ome', 1), ('storybook-style', 1), ('쐀eautiful', 1), ('쐆is', 1), ('juices', 1), ('쏝razil', 1), ('homey', 1), ('reproductive', 1), ('staples', 1), ('morphs', 1), ('insectoid', 1), ('tendrils', 1), ('medics', 1), ('gurney', 1), ('repulsion', 1), ('bug-human', 1), ('insemination', 1), ('abdomens', 1), ('inseminate', 1), (\"'too\", 1), ('blankets', 1), ('vaccinated', 1), ('harringtons', 1), ('harboured', 1), ('anajali', 1), ('kum', 1), ('64-year', 1), ('85-year', 1), ('9-year', 1), ('ego-centric', 1), ('봠ooking', 1), ('34-year', 1), ('bastille', 1), ('spectator', 1), ('c챕dric', 1), ('klapisch', 1), ('p챕ril', 1), ('jeune', 1), ('riens', 1), ('tout', 1), (\"'suraj\", 1), ('maiyya', 1), ('light-eyed', 1), ('dilly-dallying', 1), ('gaon', 1), ('chora', 1), ('futility', 1), ('echelons', 1), ('dastardly', 1), ('kabbadi', 1), ('aasha', 1), ('factionalist', 1), ('dasaradha', 1), ('rami', 1), ('lorries', 1), ('ajay-', 1), ('tournament-', 1), ('charminar', 1), ('incited', 1), ('floodlight', 1), ('1903', 1), ('possessor', 1), ('lansdowne', 1), ('cromarty', 1), ('frognal', 1), ('pillar', 1), ('wean', 1), ('circulates', 1), ('sargeant\\\\', 1), ('co-partner', 1), (\"\\\\'club\", 1), ('picnic\\\\', 1), ('commends', 1), ('unswerving', 1), ('patra', 1), ('deliriously', 1), ('thunderstruck', 1), ('wretchedness', 1), ('authorship', 1), ('perceiving', 1), (\"'zach\", 1), ('amberville', 1), ('hon', 1), ('davina', 1), ('adamsfield', 1), ('retinitis', 1), ('pigmentosa', 1), ('pavka', 1), ('cipriani', 1), ('transitional', 1), ('low-income', 1), ('dwell', 1), ('colorism', 1), ('copee', 1), ('hiccups', 1), ('typewritten', 1), ('bhupendra', 1), ('anticipating', 1), ('middleman', 1), ('deduce', 1), ('oblige', 1), ('willie\\\\', 1), ('legate', 1), ('introductory', 1), ('hummingbird', 1), ('papa\\\\', 1), ('tate\\\\', 1), ('cutbacks', 1), ('skinny-dipping', 1), ('spotter', 1), ('pontchartrain', 1), ('alluded', 1), ('boyfriend/girlfriend', 1), ('jatt', 1), ('hindu-muslim', 1), ('erupted', 1), ('lapsed', 1), ('ankahee', 1), ('unspools', 1), ('brews', 1), ('mid-day', 1), ('shilpa', 1), ('venktramayya', 1), ('dhanunjay', 1), ('re-uniting', 1), ('wellman', 1), ('hamsters', 1), ('overrunning', 1), ('massively', 1), ('hamster\\\\', 1), ('reconstructs', 1), ('purty', 1), ('warrington', 1), ('wrecks', 1), ('fart', 1), ('lethally', 1), ('self-consciousness', 1), ('rude-but-efficient', 1), ('guillaume', 1), ('zouzou', 1), ('solidity', 1), ('sprawled', 1), ('choon-woo', 1), ('bok-bun', 1), ('taek-yi', 1), ('lin', 1), ('dimwitted', 1), ('counselor/sex', 1), ('pre-orgasmic', 1), ('social/artistic/sexual', 1), ('beamish', 1), ('across-the-street', 1), ('vicariously', 1), ('sensory', 1), ('forested', 1), ('seashore', 1), ('justin\\\\', 1), ('mirrored', 1), ('kasi', 1), ('coimbatore', 1), ('32-year-old', 1), ('kiera', 1), ('giggling', 1), ('glory\\\\', 1), ('heeding', 1), ('abundantly', 1), ('weirded', 1), ('budge', 1), ('pothead', 1), ('restates', 1), ('curfews', 1), ('boreanaz', 1), ('*caroline', 1), ('dhavernas', 1), ('st-george', 1), ('*holly', 1), ('*amanda', 1), ('*colin', 1), ('chesniak', 1), ('*donnell', 1), ('*paul', 1), ('detonates', 1), ('biopic', 1), ('sodomize', 1), ('adhere', 1), ('fraternization', 1), ('weissmuller', 1), (\"'kammo\", 1), ('girhdarilal', 1), ('womanize', 1), ('rs.1.25', 1), ('girdharilal', 1), ('macklyn', 1), ('hop-scotch', 1), ('drews', 1), ('bankrupted', 1), ('snowden', 1), ('nasally', 1), ('wedged', 1), ('chashm-e-buddoor', 1), ('farooq', 1), ('shaikh', 1), ('saeed', 1), ('jaffrey', 1), ('nagpal', 1), ('bachhan', 1), ('m.a', 1), ('shameful', 1), ('chamko', 1), ('accommodated', 1), ('spate', 1), ('lurch', 1), ('indefinitely', 1), ('rie\\\\', 1), ('24,000', 1), ('forma', 1), ('nacogdoches', 1), ('buddles', 1), ('pesticides', 1), ('gayzah', 1), ('rae', 1), ('stoddard', 1), ('safety-deposit', 1), ('vivica', 1), ('electra\\\\', 1), ('intercourse\\\\', 1), ('dash\\\\', 1), ('home-schools', 1), ('delinquency', 1), ('rightness', 1), ('diverged', 1), ('knudsen', 1), (\"'ruby\", 1), ('chrystie', 1), ('causal', 1), ('2470', 1), ('traveler', 1), ('weirdness', 1), ('agitation', 1), (\"'vadinho\", 1), ('protracted', 1), ('bahia\\\\', 1), ('teodoro\\\\', 1), ('minelli', 1), ('horrifies', 1), ('angarchand', 1), ('bhagwan', 1), ('hanuman', 1), ('gangapur', 1), ('airline-pilot', 1), ('espionage', 1), (\"'sabine\", 1), ('cergy-pontoise', 1), ('time-honored', 1), (\"l'ami\", 1), (\"'sunder\", 1), ('mocked', 1), ('housesitter', 1), ('weekend-long', 1), ('ravishing', 1), ('sexiness', 1), (\"'magali\", 1), ('rosine', 1), ('magali', 1), ('presenter', 1), ('12.', 1), ('barathi', 1), (\"\\\\'avvai\", 1), ('shanmugi\\\\', 1), ('namaz', 1), ('house-owner', 1), ('sethurama', 1), ('쁶ith', 1), ('attitude.', 1), ('쁬argins', 1), ('swindlers', 1), ('denizen', 1), ('evolved', 1), ('kinnear', 1), ('faa', 1), ('nets', 1), ('well-wishing', 1), ('skims', 1), ('love-letter', 1), ('rajesh', 1), ('kumbakonam', 1), ('constituency', 1), ('presumptuousness', 1), ('digest', 1), ('fast-moving', 1), ('marxist-leninists', 1), ('espouse', 1), ('republic\\\\', 1), ('soviet-inspired', 1), ('vigilantism', 1), ('hull\\\\', 1), ('volkseigener', 1), ('betrieb', 1), ('appalls', 1), ('soviet-style', 1), ('horrendously', 1), ('jochen', 1), ('cautiousness', 1), ('choir\\\\', 1), ('nationals', 1), ('friederike\\\\', 1), ('privations', 1), ('aura', 1), ('romanticism', 1), ('wende', 1), ('1989/90', 1), ('secret-service', 1), ('disbanded', 1), ('stasi\\\\', 1), ('stealth', 1), ('recipient', 1), ('soon-to-be-bride', 1), ('perfect-gentleman', 1), ('rite-of-passage', 1), ('honourable', 1), ('sprinkler', 1), ('drench', 1), ('swasame', 1), ('thenali', 1), ('background.jane', 1), ('//thepoetryplace.wordpress.com/2010/03/06/the-accidental-husband/', 1), ('wheedling', 1), ('sen', 1), ('him.meanwhile', 1), ('landings', 1), ('lancashire', 1), ('englishmen', 1), ('hard-to-find', 1), ('rationing', 1), ('ken\\\\', 1), (\"'jeab\", 1), ('jeab\\\\', 1), ('trimmer', 1), ('noi-naa\\\\', 1), ('oversleeping', 1), ('rubber-band', 1), (\"l'astr챕e\", 1), (\"d'urf챕\", 1), ('c챕ladon', 1), ('astr챕e', 1), ('fifth-century', 1), ('druidic', 1), ('gaul', 1), ('auvergne', 1), ('sioulle', 1), ('madhwani', 1), (\"'javier\", 1), ('bardem', 1), ('gonz찼lez', 1), ('melilla', 1), ('tallest', 1), ('extravagance', 1), ('waltzed', 1), ('fetishes', 1), ('surrealist', 1), ('dal챠', 1), ('1983.', 1), ('a-level', 1), ('seventh-term', 1), ('lintott\\\\', 1), ('emphasise', 1), ('knowledges', 1), ('barnett', 1), ('characterises', 1), ('lecher', 1), ('posner\\\\', 1), ('dakin\\\\', 1), ('gauche', 1), ('sportsman', 1), ('corpus', 1), ('blowjob', 1), ('times\\\\', 1), ('trite', 1), ('lancaster', 1), ('black-rimmed', 1), ('spectacles', 1), ('turban', 1), ('irks', 1), ('auctioneer', 1), ('side-splitting', 1), ('sulekha\\\\', 1), ('rakesh\\\\', 1), ('tere', 1), ('ghar', 1), ('samne', 1), ('dekho', 1), ('rootha', 1), ('karo', 1), ('kahan', 1), ('yeh', 1), ('bata', 1), ('bombshell', 1), ('ronny\\\\', 1), ('karamchand', 1), ('impenetrable', 1), ('ngo', 1), ('incorrigible', 1), ('clumped', 1), ('deputes', 1), ('ballantine', 1), ('busily', 1), ('kapakos', 1), ('negativity', 1), ('//www.allmovie.com/work/critics-choice-81937', 1), (\"'warm\", 1), ('imamura\\\\', 1), ('himi', 1), ('toyama', 1), ('prefecture', 1), ('proclivity', 1), ('weil\\\\', 1), ('sewn', 1), ('cubans', 1), ('chigwell', 1), ('agent\\\\', 1), ('volpi', 1), ('ports', 1), ('indochina', 1), ('bandage', 1), ('echoed', 1), ('kenyon', 1), ('lapham', 1), (\"'monty\", 1), ('tranquility', 1), ('32nd', 1), ('statutory', 1), ('chevy', 1), ('chrysler', 1), ('300c', 1), ('lyner', 1), ('beltran', 1), ('쐀abysit', 1), ('쐀usiness', 1), ('lyshitski', 1), ('nelson\\\\', 1), ('fresca', 1), ('hyperventilates', 1), ('shelves', 1), ('storeowner', 1), ('lynard', 1), ('white-supremacy', 1), ('toilet-made', 1), ('merlot', 1), ('rose-bedecked', 1), ('swastika', 1), ('rehabilitated', 1), ('bunking', 1), ('coma-inducing', 1), ('technotronic', 1), ('robed', 1), (\"'sandusky\", 1), ('eurythmics-obsessed', 1), ('rim', 1), ('dorms', 1), (\"'pari\", 1), ('tehran', 1), ('outwards', 1), ('solook', 1), ('boyer', 1), ('80,000', 1), ('out-earning', 1), ('overpays', 1), ('danvers', 1), ('profitably', 1), ('dealmaking', 1), ('kennard', 1), ('ciccone', 1), ('then-boyfriend', 1), ('patinkin', 1), ('newton-john', 1), ('costner', 1), ('cameras\\\\', 1), ('co-starred', 1), ('mikhail', 1), ('gorbachev', 1), ('simulated', 1), ('mcfarland-messana', 1), ('sideways', 1), ('crumes', 1), ('almod처var\\\\', 1), ('voice-overs', 1), ('camacho', 1), ('one-by-one', 1), ('keshishian', 1), ('goddamnit', 1), ('fist-fight', 1), ('harried', 1), ('bonnard', 1), ('mullens', 1), ('violins', 1), ('stephane', 1), ('mindset', 1), ('decunzo', 1), ('wristband', 1), (\"'jake\", 1), ('쏾owie', 1), ('쐆andicapper', 1), ('zowie', 1), ('shirked', 1), ('willows', 1), (\"'nita\", 1), ('manza', 1), ('dries', 1), ('equine', 1), (\"'corporal\", 1), ('leutenent', 1), ('binky', 1), ('turnip', 1), ('dope', 1), ('undetectable', 1), ('stimulant', 1), ('carhop', 1), ('frankenthaler', 1), ('exotically', 1), ('pazzo', 1), ('araria', 1), ('mesmerized', 1), ('roseman', 1), ('1965.', 1), ('geographic', 1), ('showa', 1), ('sakamoto', 1), ('proprietress', 1), ('hanamachi', 1), ('okiya\\\\', 1), ('chiyo\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'we\", 1), ('now.\\\\', 1), ('sorbet', 1), ('kyoto\\\\', 1), ('mameha\\\\', 1), ('maiko', 1), ('gion', 1), ('bidders', 1), ('ensured', 1), ('escort/prostitute', 1), ('amami', 1), ('danna', 1), ('harbouring', 1), ('akashagopuram', 1), ('eclipsed', 1), ('varghese', 1), ('idolized', 1), ('williamson', 1), ('spretzle', 1), ('rosen', 1), ('rebuffing', 1), ('1967.', 1), ('trojans', 1), ('propelled', 1), ('gentleness', 1), ('registers', 1), ('incongruously', 1), ('slow-dancing', 1), ('planter', 1), ('bimal', 1), ('snub', 1), ('gram', 1), ('wednesdays', 1), ('velcro-tipped', 1), ('darts', 1), ('inpatient', 1), ('patronisingly', 1), ('smearing', 1), ('jonathon', 1), ('gel', 1), ('hot-wired', 1), ('sharper', 1), ('rube', 1), ('quick-drawing', 1), ('overhanging', 1), ('rattan', 1), ('suphanburi', 1), ('hide-out', 1), ('rocket-propelled', 1), ('grenade', 1), ('launchers', 1), ('decimate', 1), ('horsemen', 1), ('governor\\\\', 1), ('raindrop', 1), ('brim', 1), ('ebay', 1), (\"'thymian\", 1), ('reformatory\\\\', 1), ('osdorff\\\\', 1), ('re-unites', 1), ('expectation', 1), ('his-then', 1), ('dryly', 1), (\"'so\", 1), ('socialising', 1), ('disembarking', 1), ('glistening', 1), (\"'love\", 1), ('retracts', 1), ('dazedly', 1), ('48-hour', 1), ('mayberry', 1), ('duffel', 1), ('shoe-repair', 1), ('blackening', 1), ('benefactor\\\\', 1), ('early-morning', 1), ('bureaucrats', 1), (\"'alim\", 1), ('nuru', 1), ('semi-retired', 1), ('multi-course', 1), ('hortensia', 1), ('elevating', 1), ('castillo', 1), ('rochard', 1), ('highly-skilled', 1), ('sidecar', 1), ('constantly-quarreling', 1), ('nauheim', 1), ('henri\\\\', 1), ('expeditionary', 1), ('hoe', 1), ('goad', 1), ('buddha-nature', 1), ('manetta', 1), ('ally\\\\', 1), ('five-and-ten', 1), ('shirl', 1), ('disneyland', 1), ('dog-racing', 1), ('handout', 1), ('befell', 1), ('bless', 1), ('keshava', 1), ('western-style', 1), ('sardine', 1), ('rained', 1), ('helmets', 1), ('malfunctions', 1), ('sardines', 1), ('wrests', 1), ('nose-picker', 1), ('farang', 1), ('videogames', 1), ('licks', 1), ('gecko', 1), ('tiffs', 1), ('two-day', 1), ('lapse', 1), ('seconal', 1), ('theis', 1), ('ravaged', 1), ('clinches', 1), (\"'gautham\", 1), ('kannan\\\\', 1), ('gautham\\\\', 1), ('prospering', 1), ('popper', 1), ('marlow', 1), ('jacy', 1), ('su찼rez', 1), ('criticises', 1), (\"'marjorie\", 1), ('adirondacks', 1), ('marsha', 1), ('zelenko', 1), ('borscht', 1), ('aspire', 1), ('ehrman', 1), ('morningstar', 1), ('wronkin\\\\', 1), ('panned', 1), ('crucified', 1), ('rearview', 1), ('boiler', 1), ('frazier', 1), ('faulker', 1), ('jetson', 1), ('harlow', 1), (\"'lifelong\", 1), ('rusting', 1), ('transcending', 1), ('concurs', 1), ('sisterly', 1), (\"'priscilla\", 1), (\"\\\\'home-wrecker\\\\\", 1), ('stu\\\\', 1), ('wexler', 1), ('habitat', 1), ('authored', 1), ('pebble', 1), ('mating', 1), ('voodoo', 1), ('selleck', 1), ('arraigned', 1), ('arraignment', 1), ('romania', 1), ('porizkova', 1), ('best-known', 1), ('ribaldry', 1), ('counsellor', 1), ('charwoman', 1), ('scornful', 1), ('berate', 1), ('a.b.t.a', 1), ('macgonaughgill', 1), ('weirdo', 1), ('sundaram', 1), (\"'buster\", 1), ('tintype', 1), ('newsreels', 1), ('mgm\\\\', 1), ('filmers', 1), ('rumble', 1), ('grinder', 1), ('timely', 1), ('unintentional', 1), ('circling', 1), ('camerawork', 1), ('ticker-tape', 1), ('lindbergh', 1), ('lali', 1), ('over-protecting', 1), ('kidnapers', 1), ('maritime', 1), ('undeveloped', 1), ('ice-cream', 1), ('guide/pilot', 1), ('veering', 1), ('perennially', 1), ('defeatedly', 1), ('scored', 1), ('saved-up', 1), ('evil\\\\', 1), ('optimist', 1), ('dismantled', 1), ('vacillates', 1), (\"'phillip\", 1), ('gregson', 1), ('vests', 1), ('carcass', 1), ('foster\\\\', 1), ('on-and-off', 1), ('propagated', 1), ('scripture', 1), ('drawls', 1), ('chew', 1), ('aravindhan', 1), ('krishnamurthy', 1), ('abhirami', 1), ('abhinaya', 1), ('suvalakshmi', 1), ('vijayalakshmi', 1), (\"'alicia\", 1), ('pozzi', 1), ('ncis', 1), ('servicemembers', 1), ('bias-motivated', 1), ('amos', 1), ('1840', 1), ('khannum', 1), ('bua', 1), ('hussaini', 1), ('khurshid', 1), ('bismillah', 1), ('tawaif', 1), ('determinedly', 1), ('daulatabad', 1), ('dacoit', 1), ('7:00', 1), ('gypsy-like', 1), ('thukral', 1), ('southall', 1), ('partners-to-be', 1), ('raza', 1), ('dodi', 1), ('al-fayed', 1), ('superman', 1), ('alvira\\\\', 1), ('racecourse', 1), ('saddles', 1), ('majoring', 1), ('subho', 1), ('ranveer', 1), ('one-bedroom', 1), ('sul', 1), ('20th', 1), ('pierina', 1), ('quatrilho', 1), ('quatro', 1), ('qu4trilho', 1), ('weak-minded', 1), (\"'shiner\", 1), ('savored', 1), ('reg', 1), ('levine', 1), ('sandler', 1), ('beneficiaries', 1), ('embarrassments', 1), ('asses', 1), ('testimonies', 1), ('phineas', 1), ('fakery', 1), ('misdemeanor', 1), ('tap-dances', 1), (\"'uday\", 1), ('kindhearted', 1), ('reawakening', 1), ('rdx\\\\', 1), ('cremating', 1), ('footings', 1), ('shooted', 1), ('felicitate', 1), ('sambashiva', 1), ('pasupathy', 1), ('guwhati', 1), ('godson', 1), ('ill-mannered', 1), ('rory\\\\', 1), ('hyperventilate', 1), ('developmentally', 1), ('melville', 1), ('beaches', 1), ('arno', 1), ('jogs', 1), ('albino', 1), ('phigg', 1), ('reintroduces', 1), ('recoil', 1), ('wulrich', 1), ('whiff', 1), ('eschnapur', 1), ('fantana', 1), ('greaser-type', 1), ('gearshift', 1), ('incredulously', 1), ('쐏icnic', 1), ('붴\\\\x80쏿', 1), ('앪\\\\x80봣or', 1), ('1750', 1), ('garbled', 1), ('beaumarchais', 1), ('prompter', 1), ('tubby', 1), ('corbe', 1), ('garrick\\\\', 1), ('hydrokinetic', 1), ('needler', 1), ('hooten', 1), ('benus', 1), ('misbehaves', 1), ('godfreys', 1), ('twice-removed', 1), ('pratfalls', 1), ('pygmalion', 1), ('then-philadelphia', 1), ('phillies', 1), ('lieberthal', 1), ('glanville', 1), ('burrell', 1), ('outfielder', 1), ('griffey', 1), ('youkilis', 1), ('gowdy', 1), ('fisk', 1), ('afterlives', 1), ('mechanics', 1), ('activating', 1), ('dispersed', 1), (\"\\\\'stars\\\\\", 1), ('zia\\\\', 1), ('shmeckler', 1), ('witt', 1), ('braingasms', 1), ('interrogating', 1), ('bickford\\\\', 1), ('reprinting', 1), ('schmeckler', 1), (\"'gilbert\", 1), ('tail-less', 1), ('stroke-suffering', 1), ('pitofsky', 1), ('legless', 1), ('mccaffrey', 1), ('muggers', 1), ('campisi', 1), ('valdine\\\\', 1), ('josephine\\\\', 1), ('cow\\\\', 1), ('ripped', 1), ('dig\\\\', 1), ('mitchelson\\\\', 1), ('actress/sex', 1), ('1870s', 1), ('welland', 1), ('olenska', 1), ('displeases', 1), ('exceptionally', 1), ('provoking', 1), ('unwraps', 1), ('hotsy', 1), ('meat-packing', 1), ('congo', 1), ('milque-toast', 1), ('frenchie', 1), ('out.tcm', 1), ('sql=1:5728', 1), ('languishing', 1), ('unloading', 1), ('tyroon', 1), ('stanislas', 1), ('ridiculously', 1), ('dividends', 1), ('undervalued', 1), ('over-enthusiastic', 1), ('regulator', 1), ('vanson', 1), ('texans', 1), ('call-cab', 1), ('motorboats', 1), ('goths', 1), ('fansite', 1), ('abusers', 1), ('stun', 1), ('womanly', 1), ('nelsonville', 1), ('bellah', 1), ('harbrough', 1), ('mccauley', 1), ('tolerances', 1), ('lithopolis', 1), (\"'melinda\", 1), ('hubbells\\\\', 1), ('down-on-their', 1), ('servants\\\\', 1), ('farnham', 1), ('ferndel\\\\', 1), ('lullaby', 1), ('tremens', 1), ('adolphe\\\\', 1), ('insinuations', 1), ('candidly', 1), ('stateroom', 1), ('romance.http', 1), ('//www.tcm.com/tcmdb/title.jsp', 1), ('stid=82175', 1), (\"'ghani\", 1), ('ghani', 1), ('nayudamma', 1), ('laureate', 1), ('lafkin', 1), ('egg-donor', 1), ('1900.', 1), ('waifish', 1), ('geological', 1), ('jittery', 1), ('mid-afternoon', 1), ('lunching', 1), ('recess', 1), ('hussy', 1), ('markers', 1), ('dehydration', 1), ('corset', 1), ('finley', 1), (\"'thirumalai\", 1), ('two-wheeler', 1), ('pudupet', 1), ('tirumalai', 1), ('nagalakshmi', 1), ('쁄veryone', 1), ('illustrious', 1), ('ugolini', 1), ('verver', 1), ('stant', 1), ('embroidered', 1), ('indecisive', 1), ('interlocked', 1), ('짙300', 1), ('discernible', 1), ('짙150', 1), ('stenographers', 1), ('scientifically', 1), (\"'aspiring\", 1), ('mauban', 1), (\"d\\\\'abbencourt\", 1), ('louise\\\\', 1), ('late-arriving', 1), ('nana\\\\', 1), ('softened', 1), ('pasquel', 1), ('charlot\\\\', 1), (\"'luster\", 1), ('flatly', 1), ('jed\\\\', 1), ('p.i', 1), ('enslave', 1), ('fuckin\\\\', 1), (\"'devadas\", 1), ('carnatic', 1), ('katamraju', 1), ('street-smart', 1), ('chinese-canadian', 1), ('chameleon', 1), ('hangover', 1), ('intertwine', 1), ('ulsterman', 1), ('cross-border', 1), ('car-bomb', 1), (\"'frustrated\", 1), ('burns\\\\', 1), ('turlington', 1), ('re-work', 1), ('seaver', 1), ('dez', 1), ('capshaw', 1), ('spielberg', 1), ('conley', 1), ('exalted', 1), ('chart-topping', 1), ('roping', 1), ('ernest\\\\', 1), ('toned', 1), ('hoopla', 1), ('harley\\\\', 1), ('dreams.raja', 1), ('midnight.by', 1), ('luxourious', 1), ('cot.bhramanandam', 1), ('house.and', 1), ('eyeing', 1), ('love-making.after', 1), ('10pm', 1), ('sareewith', 1), ('tumbler.after', 1), ('husband.bhramanandam', 1), ('timings', 1), ('light.but', 1), ('too.raja', 1), ('.by', 1), ('himself.meanwhile', 1), ('12.30', 1), ('intercourse.but', 1), ('jewels.suddenly', 1), ('dont', 1), ('dream.finally', 1), ('pinches', 1), ('1.30', 1), ('practice.also', 1), ('intercourse.by', 1), ('bhramanandam\\\\', 1), ('unconsciously.raja', 1), ('bedroom.but', 1), ('blessings.raja', 1), ('night.shreya', 1), ('him.raja', 1), ('quells', 1), ('him.by', 1), ('waked', 1), ('conscious.shreya', 1), ('takkari', 1), ('infront', 1), ('us.bhramanandam', 1), ('shocked.after', 1), ('life.after', 1), ('grapping', 1), ('tangle', 1), ('pachadlla', 1), ('paramanandam', 1), (\"'karthik\", 1), ('meghana', 1), ('gagana', 1), ('competiting', 1), ('mom-in-law', 1), ('douses', 1), ('stellar', 1), ('thoughtlessness', 1), (\"'swallows\", 1), ('wormwood', 1), ('e-mailed', 1), ('29.', 1), ('valdez', 1), ('centrefold', 1), ('drive-thru', 1), ('vigilante', 1), ('quantum-mechanical', 1), ('poetry/chemistry', 1), ('mayan', 1), ('imprinted', 1), ('autobahn', 1), ('bosporus', 1), ('queer-hating', 1), ('fashionista', 1), ('wingmen', 1), ('jock-next-door', 1), ('jock\\\\', 1), ('cacophonous', 1), ('preachings', 1), ('oneself', 1), (\"'demetrius\", 1), ('countrymen', 1), ('argus', 1), (\"'uma\", 1), ('requirements', 1), ('uma\\\\', 1), ('luc챠a\\\\', 1), ('dianne', 1), ('wiest', 1), ('docteur', 1), ('rey', 1), ('agatha', 1), (\"'billu\", 1), ('royapuram', 1), ('godman', 1), ('topsy-turvy', 1), ('camouflage', 1), ('jiffy', 1), ('쁯ost', 1), ('chennai-billu', 1), ('thrashes', 1), ('manimekala', 1), ('politician-don', 1), ('tamizhselvi', 1), ('roaring', 1), ('westchester', 1), ('two-timing', 1), ('penny-pinching', 1), ('bloomhaus', 1), ('solvent', 1), ('never-reached-his-potential', 1), ('dewaere', 1), ('besse', 1), ('ronet', 1), ('elocution', 1), ('exacts', 1), ('corroborating', 1), ('hitherto-repressed', 1), ('acknowledgment', 1), ('reopened', 1), ('well-compensated', 1), ('grifter', 1), ('underlings', 1), ('steadman', 1), ('authorizing', 1), ('rhyming', 1), ('tit', 1), ('twirl', 1), ('bascopolous\\\\', 1), ('paratroopers', 1), ('bottoms', 1), ('cashboxes', 1), ('crunk', 1), ('loot', 1), ('foggy', 1), ('flipping', 1), (\"'carter\", 1), ('hardwicke', 1), ('negotiation', 1), ('snicker', 1), ('bozo', 1), ('epistles', 1), ('deepen', 1), ('krenshka', 1), ('bassett', 1), ('payton', 1), ('grange', 1), (\"'nancy\", 1), ('unskilled', 1), ('somerset', 1), ('stratum', 1), ('muddled', 1), ('defrocked', 1), ('kosti', 1), ('1929.', 1), ('tempts', 1), ('soiree', 1), ('midwesterner', 1), ('underwrite', 1), ('deducing', 1), ('mirjapur', 1), ('21.', 1), ('care-taking', 1), ('bhavani', 1), (\"'pellikaani\", 1), ('disassociates', 1), ('scheffer', 1), ('audio/visual', 1), ('pharmeceuticals', 1), ('wellness', 1), ('star-turned-martial', 1), ('scarett', 1), ('non-existing', 1), ('demote', 1), ('inattention', 1), ('anpadh', 1), ('bibliophile', 1), ('panderer', 1), ('pappu', 1), (\"'prithvi\", 1), ('warring', 1), ('sashank', 1), ('store-bought', 1), ('creams', 1), ('slather', 1), ('ceramic', 1), ('painstaking', 1), ('slaying', 1), ('bedevils', 1), ('kanchan', 1), ('layton', 1), ('muller', 1), ('cold-blooded', 1), ('summer-long', 1), (\"'zhan\", 1), ('zhan', 1), ('muay', 1), ('pim', 1), ('mioko', 1), ('mistreating', 1), ('maheshwari', 1), ('demotes', 1), ('foothills', 1), ('dislodge', 1), ('truckload', 1), ('britt', 1), ('봈arris', 1), ('single-handed', 1), ('quay', 1), ('8pm', 1), ('now-dead', 1), ('smokey', 1), ('봍oggins', 1), ('pinned', 1), ('classrooms', 1), ('loggis', 1), ('mythological', 1), ('icarus', 1), (\"'rome\", 1), ('iraqis', 1), ('medicines', 1), ('fuad\\\\', 1), ('adversity', 1), ('glycerine', 1), ('over-abundant', 1), ('diversions', 1), (\"'luke\", 1), ('medalists', 1), ('boy/in-line', 1), ('jeopardizes', 1), ('regionals', 1), ('eye-opening', 1), ('lingers', 1), ('sridhar', 1), ('rangayan', 1), ('tla', 1), ('//www.tlavideo.com/details/product_details.cfm', 1), ('id2', 1), ('snfalse', 1), (\"'cunda\", 1), ('gold-panning', 1), (\"'srikrishna\", 1), ('movie-projectionist', 1), (\"'subrahmanyam\", 1), ('vasuki', 1), ('returnee', 1), ('pulivendula', 1), ('쁓ahara', 1), ('heart-rending', 1), ('cancer-struck', 1), (\"'incriminating\", 1), ('wellesley', 1), ('qu챕bec', 1), ('haiti', 1), (\"'everything\", 1), ('factionist', 1), ('imis', 1), (\"'gangotri\", 1), (\"'jalagandam\", 1), (\"'abhyangana\", 1), ('snanam', 1), ('cum', 1), ('restricts', 1), ('365', 1), ('supermodels', 1), ('pele', 1), ('riga', 1), ('siddartha', 1), ('konaseema', 1), ('sidhu\\\\', 1), ('kolkota', 1), ('sidhu', 1), ('siddu\\\\', 1), ('sivaji_', 1), ('ogles', 1), ('shati', 1), ('squabbling', 1), ('semi-urban', 1), ('scenic', 1), ('쏥odavari', 1), ('rajamundry', 1), ('ips', 1), ('choses', 1), (\"'shep\", 1), ('farmhand', 1), ('facesitting', 1), ('flyswatter', 1), ('mid-intercourse', 1), ('convicts\\\\', 1), ('forwarded', 1), ('chronology', 1), ('daydream', 1), ('gang-raping', 1), ('splash', 1), ('nim', 1), ('telephone-hotline', 1), ('well-groomed', 1), ('fyne', 1), ('metrosexual', 1), ('sociological', 1), ('telltale', 1), ('abolitionists', 1), ('inroads', 1), ('declarations', 1), ('advantageous', 1), ('trifling', 1), ('stifle', 1), ('re-introduce', 1), ('crabby', 1), ('opine', 1), (\"'kum\", 1), ('hong-kong', 1), ('vestibule', 1), ('intoxication', 1), ('denotes', 1), ('tierney', 1), ('prosaically', 1), ('mens', 1), ('scholarly', 1), ('mesh', 1), ('hudson-day', 1), ('marketed', 1), ('mint-flavored', 1), ('triple', 1), ('martini', 1), ('daydreamer', 1), ('believable', 1), ('daydreaming', 1), (\"'unlucky\", 1), ('kickbacks', 1), ('yesterday\\\\', 1), ('allocated', 1), ('plumbers', 1), ('zhek', 1), ('vostryakovo', 1), ('allocate', 1), ('quarrelled', 1), ('hooligan\\\\', 1), ('unequal', 1), ('anfonya', 1), ('truancy', 1), ('porcelain', 1), ('snegireva\\\\', 1), ('concertina', 1), ('frosya\\\\', 1), ('50-50-2', 1), ('rug-rug', 1), ('an-2', 1), ('homeowners', 1), ('homeowner', 1), ('moncrieff', 1), ('hertfordshire', 1), ('algy', 1), ('ernests', 1), (\"'frankie\", 1), ('niro', 1), ('classified-speak', 1), ('13-year', 1), ('enquiry', 1), ('봢nough', 1), ('suffragette', 1), ('winslow\\\\', 1), ('winslows\\\\', 1), ('resounding', 1), ('movie-director', 1), ('sussman', 1), ('daddy\\\\', 1), ('ever-constipated', 1), ('arsenic-laced', 1), ('suppository', 1), ('lacing', 1), ('doled', 1), ('assailaint', 1), ('assailant\\\\', 1), (\"'felicity\", 1), ('wanton', 1), ('hungers', 1), ('lilette', 1), ('dubey', 1), ('mcallister\\\\', 1), ('hollywood-bound', 1), ('wichita', 1), ('narrows', 1), ('assertions', 1), ('beachside', 1), ('snapped', 1), ('foudroyant', 1), ('pyrokinetics', 1), ('firestarting', 1), ('forgo', 1), ('bingo-calling', 1), ('wally\\\\', 1), ('carnival\\\\', 1), ('napalm', 1), ('airfields', 1), ('maltese', 1), ('neolithic', 1), ('temples', 1), ('mnajdra', 1), ('칡a치ar', 1), ('qim', 1), ('convoys', 1), ('gonzar', 1), ('borg', 1), ('pisani', 1), ('tanker', 1), ('valletta', 1), ('apex', 1), ('defenders', 1), ('rommel', 1), ('spitfires', 1), ('beaufighter', 1), ('fighter-bombers', 1), ('beaufort', 1), ('fairey', 1), ('swordfish', 1), ('warships', 1), ('visibility', 1), ('spitfire', 1), ('messerschmitt', 1), ('109fs', 1), ('transmissions', 1), (\"'winthrop\", 1), ('putnam', 1), ('verow\\\\', 1), ('capehart', 1), ('styxx', 1), ('tormenters', 1), (\"'inspired\", 1), ('unveiling', 1), ('ahmad', 1), ('muslim-jewish', 1), ('alwand', 1), ('jaff', 1), ('leveled', 1), (\"'wendy\", 1), ('six-person', 1), ('heartbeat', 1), ('dishrag', 1), ('봯ushing', 1), ('braver', 1), ('봚endy', 1), (\"'seth\", 1), ('dartmouth', 1), ('home-ec', 1), ('mclovin', 1), ('firearms', 1), ('detergent', 1), ('aviva', 1), ('headbutting', 1), ('repayment', 1), ('affidavit', 1), ('brotherly', 1), ('comforters', 1), (\"'grace\", 1), ('hunter/jumper', 1), ('toughs', 1), ('roughing', 1), ('coifed', 1), ('tastefully', 1), ('re-emerges', 1), ('shaven-headed', 1), ('7-eleven', 1), ('courteous', 1), ('thaksin', 1), ('shinawatra', 1), ('extolling', 1), ('pompadoy\\\\', 1), ('rungraree', 1), ('globetrotting', 1), ('tang\\\\', 1), ('spandex', 1), ('mind-control', 1), ('hermia\\\\', 1), ('deities', 1), ('sprite', 1), ('mud-wrestling', 1), ('bewitches', 1), ('bower', 1), ('mechanicals', 1), ('pyramus', 1), ('thisbe', 1), ('hippolyta', 1), ('kurdish/american', 1), ('halabja', 1), ('sherko', 1), ('봣alls', 1), ('average-sized', 1), ('fetus', 1), ('esp챠rito', 1), ('flash-backs', 1), ('flash-forwards', 1), ('sifting', 1), ('one-half', 1), ('exclaimed', 1), ('cpa', 1), ('lorna\\\\', 1), ('pamplona', 1), ('thrill-seeker', 1), ('adella', 1), ('provocateur', 1), ('fast-track', 1), ('pottery', 1), ('concended', 1), ('re-create', 1), ('shapes', 1), ('bandini', 1), ('fourth-grade', 1), ('sexo', 1), ('38-year-old', 1), ('comiskey', 1), ('buonarte', 1), ('450,000', 1), ('luna\\\\', 1), ('re-board', 1), ('muldoons\\\\', 1), ('acropolis', 1), ('yazidi', 1), ('armenia', 1), ('hamo', 1), ('revitalizes', 1), ('inventively', 1), ('quack', 1), ('spawns', 1), ('distortions', 1), (\"'trembling\", 1), ('rabbis', 1), ('psychologists', 1), ('figs', 1), ('avail.', 1), ('name1353371', 1), ('hollywoodreporter.com', 1), ('chabad', 1), ('out.tremblingbeforeg-d.com', 1), ('58-year-old', 1), ('electroshock', 1), ('psychoanalyzes', 1), ('98-year-old', 1), ('//www.calendarlive.com/movies/reviews/cl-movie000013084feb20,0,2776571.story|date', 1), ('dashbot', 1), ('fair.armstrong', 1), ('reel.com', 1), ('greenberg', 1), ('prohibitions', 1), ('torah', 1), ('shlomo', 1), ('ashkenazy', 1), ('name432', 1), ('slant', 1), ('film.french', 1), ('malka', 1), ('malka\\\\', 1), ('shabbat', 1), ('children.burke', 1), ('dvdverdict.com', 1), ('anti-orthodox', 1), ('speakers', 1), ('mora', 1), ('newlyweds\\\\', 1), ('chapter\\\\', 1), ('mitigate', 1), ('re-paint', 1), ('indignities', 1), ('big-city', 1), ('spencer\\\\', 1), ('palin', 1), ('1861.', 1), ('syme', 1), ('fully-grown', 1), ('witch-temptress-neighbor', 1), ('befall', 1), ('miho', 1), (\"'burke\", 1), ('double-crossed', 1), ('elina', 1), (\"'dek\", 1), ('peachum', 1), ('hinkley', 1), ('reinvigorate', 1), ('pariseau', 1), ('shooting-act', 1), ('constitute', 1), ('oppressively', 1), ('herriton', 1), ('carella', 1), ('unquestioned', 1), ('outdone', 1), ('priggish', 1), ('sawston', 1), ('appealed', 1), ('sympathise', 1), (\"'understands\", 1), ('vacilates', 1), (\"'lisette\", 1), ('linares', 1), ('looting', 1), ('transexual', 1), ('maasai', 1), ('samburu', 1), ('practised', 1), (\"'dorm\", 1), ('semester-at-sea-type', 1), ('billingsly', 1), ('gerri', 1), ('siam', 1), ('dara', 1), ('kaew\\\\', 1), ('vindication', 1), ('emerged', 1), ('womb', 1), ('dysmorphic', 1), ('mutations', 1), ('trisomy', 1), ('down\\\\', 1), ('boonlueang\\\\', 1), ('self-administered', 1), ('patterns', 1), (\"'jennie\", 1), ('newsagent', 1), ('postwoman', 1), ('slaughter', 1), ('papier-m창ch챕', 1), ('fabricates', 1), ('pivonka\\\\', 1), ('newsreader', 1), ('beltinska', 1), ('effigies', 1), ('struts', 1), ('unfeasible', 1), ('beltinsk찼\\\\', 1), ('kula\\\\', 1), ('fishmonger\\\\', 1), ('child-bearing', 1), ('render', 1), ('willarsky', 1), ('sebastyen', 1), ('hymns', 1), ('charred', 1), (\"'felix\", 1), ('fleabag', 1), ('pig-sty', 1), ('franks', 1), ('triple-play', 1), ('mets', 1), ('sinus', 1), ('gwendolyn', 1), ('coo', 1), ('still-in-need', 1), ('rubbed', 1), ('thurman', 1), ('neale', 1), ('hurston', 1), ('donegan', 1), ('composing', 1), ('canny', 1), ('silvercloud', 1), ('mapping', 1), ('roadkill', 1), ('convincingly', 1), ('lasses', 1), ('pankaj', 1), ('udhas', 1), ('ramdev', 1), ('meghas', 1), ('pre-requisite', 1), ('preyed', 1), ('severing', 1), (\"'adopting\", 1), ('serio-comic', 1), ('gombrowicz\\\\', 1), ('coherence', 1), ('impelled', 1), ('decipherable', 1), (\"'zerophilia\", 1), ('chromosome', 1), ('zerophiliacs', 1), ('zerophilia', 1), ('keenan', 1), ('keenan\\\\', 1), ('defensiveness', 1), ('luca\\\\', 1), (\"'various\", 1), ('plummett', 1), ('purports', 1), ('computer-matching', 1), ('crowfoot', 1), ('snooper', 1), ('bedsop', 1), ('after-hours', 1), ('bertrum', 1), ('muffet', 1), ('muddles', 1), ('philpotts', 1), ('percival\\\\', 1), ('esme\\\\', 1), ('gripper', 1), ('mistaken-identity', 1), ('1-minute', 1), ('bluebeard-esque', 1), ('crippen', 1), ('1896', 1), ('yankl', 1), ('assimilates', 1), ('kavarksy', 1), ('sartorially', 1), ('lingually', 1), ('assimilated-walking', 1), ('noteworthy', 1), ('still-provocative', 1), ('self-assertion', 1), (\"'cynthia\", 1), ('actor/songwriter', 1), ('zola', 1), ('meeber', 1), ('i-o-u', 1), ('cusp', 1), (\"'growing\", 1), ('pointed', 1), ('learys', 1), ('lundstrum', 1), ('rumpert', 1), ('reembarks', 1), ('bully\\\\', 1), ('freaking', 1), ('pranking', 1), ('driftwood', 1), ('evel', 1), ('knievel', 1), ('gun-happy', 1), ('signaled', 1), ('forty-eight', 1), ('terrace', 1), ('volpe', 1), ('foliage', 1), ('thee', 1), ('mists', 1), ('millay', 1), ('webs', 1), ('spun', 1), ('seagulls', 1), (\"'narrated\", 1), ('roadways', 1), ('cathedrals', 1), ('full-size', 1), ('scaffolds', 1), ('bits', 1), ('box-boy', 1), ('neilson', 1), ('porpis-gunders', 1), ('mecico', 1), ('renfro', 1), ('blindsiding', 1), ('racking', 1), ('groove', 1), ('attrition', 1), ('reset', 1), ('iqbal\\\\', 1), ('slow-pitch', 1), ('tie-breaking', 1), ('butterfinger', 1), ('fastest', 1), ('checkout', 1), ('scanning', 1), ('under-ringing', 1), ('audit', 1), ('tills', 1), ('totals', 1), ('leg-tracker', 1), ('francisco-based', 1), ('kingsmill', 1), ('loaned', 1), ('uploads', 1), ('mayilravanan', 1), (\"deepika\\\\'mom\", 1), (\"'sathya\", 1), ('shradha', 1), ('rotary', 1), ('jyotin', 1), ('chatterjee', 1), ('spotless', 1), ('bolder', 1), ('quicker', 1), ('venerable', 1), ('time-tested', 1), ('responsibly', 1), ('suratwala', 1), ('exhilarating', 1), ('perturbed', 1), ('conspicuous', 1), ('vanguard', 1), ('implementing', 1), ('st챕phanie', 1), ('vetsera', 1), ('mayerling', 1), ('cloaked', 1), ('bestiality', 1), ('nice-guy', 1), ('disown', 1), ('corraled', 1), ('crouch', 1), ('skittish', 1), ('peremptory', 1), (\"'joseph\", 1), ('svenden', 1), ('excitements', 1), ('indescretion', 1), ('ensue.carried', 1), ('pampanga', 1), ('razed', 1), ('basa', 1), ('ichiru', 1), ('hamaguchi', 1), ('iba', 1), ('signalled', 1), ('maura', 1), ('tiyang', 1), ('ediberto', 1), ('usaffe', 1), ('76,000', 1), ('tarlac', 1), ('marasingan', 1), ('commonweatlh', 1), ('constabulary', 1), ('main-battles', 1), ('counter-insurgencies', 1), ('1945.', 1), ('self-consuming', 1), (\"'udhayakumar\", 1), ('vasanthi', 1), ('collegemates', 1), ('unsavoury', 1), ('udhaya', 1), ('udayakumar', 1), ('27.', 1), (\"'iyarkai\", 1), ('story/', 1), ('n.k', 1), ('ekambaram', 1), ('*producer', 1), ('a.e.gunasekaran', 1), ('nilambiri', 1), ('ciy', 1), ('sponge', 1), ('clifton', 1), ('parmalee', 1), ('untrustworthy', 1), ('career-oriented', 1), ('bugged', 1), ('criticising', 1), ('golden-glove', 1), ('forfeiting', 1), ('yolanda\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'cuz\", 1), ('rematch.izzy', 1), ('cords', 1), ('compulsory', 1), ('freestyle', 1), ('izzy\\\\', 1), ('kia', 1), ('hippieish', 1), ('daria', 1), ('fingernails', 1), ('matine', 1), ('drifters', 1), ('serious-minded', 1), ('good-naturedly', 1), ('paris-to-monte', 1), ('quarl', 1), ('boozing', 1), ('punishing', 1), ('no-show', 1), ('not-too-bright', 1), (\"'although\", 1), ('straight-walking', 1), ('expensively', 1), ('maritally', 1), ('hurrying', 1), ('reclassify', 1), ('shills', 1), ('decoys', 1), ('welcher', 1), ('phrasing', 1), ('mission\\\\', 1), ('festively', 1), ('blaring', 1), ('self-opinionated', 1), ('velibor', 1), ('archetypal', 1), ('movie-style', 1), ('brit', 1), ('jehovah\\\\', 1), ('fucks', 1), ('roommates\\\\', 1), ('tone\\\\', 1), ('*floridians', 1), ('mid-30s', 1), ('respirators', 1), ('dosing', 1), ('freemount', 1), ('slobbish', 1), ('dutchbok\\\\', 1), ('headmistress\\\\', 1), ('horseriding', 1), ('trots', 1), ('horseride', 1), ('leigh-jenson\\\\', 1), ('coitus', 1), ('lunges', 1), ('apoplectic', 1), ('ghost-writes', 1), ('prajapati', 1), ('time-consuming', 1), ('steckler', 1), ('destroyer-escort', 1), ('kornblatt', 1), ('nammal', 1), ('niram', 1), ('jishnu', 1), ('adenvture', 1), ('debutants', 1), ('surpurise', 1), ('suhasini', 1), ('kalavoor', 1), ('bengali', 1), ('funnily', 1), ('fun.but', 1), ('circumstantial', 1), ('evidences', 1), ('arrival.actually', 1), ('inge', 1), ('altenberg', 1), ('sn책sa', 1), ('torvik', 1), ('audubon', 1), ('cohabit', 1), ('quezon', 1), (\"'abandoned\", 1), ('selal', 1), ('bahagia', 1), ('rosanna', 1), ('roces', 1), ('gardo', 1), ('versoza', 1), ('unprovided', 1), ('dreaminess', 1), ('transcendence', 1), (\"'norms\", 1), ('lain', 1), ('iridescent', 1), ('exemplifying', 1), ('nontraditional', 1), ('-two', 1), ('-the', 1), (\"'km\", 1), ('silvia\\\\', 1), ('jes첬s', 1), ('cabrero', 1), ('miguel\\\\', 1), ('amor\\\\', 1), ('gerardo', 1), ('camera\\\\', 1), ('revelatory', 1), ('neckrub', 1), ('stapler', 1), ('sophisticated-looking', 1), ('sergio\\\\', 1), ('stature', 1), ('neo-realist', 1), ('manila\\\\', 1), ('stoking', 1), ('djs', 1), ('asymptomatic', 1), ('viatical', 1), ('meth', 1), ('dysmorphia', 1), ('gino\\\\', 1), ('djing', 1), ('tonight', 1), (\"'ajith\", 1), ('trivedi', 1), ('dilly', 1), ('mudaliar-gounder', 1), ('intercaste', 1), ('busride', 1), ('subramani', 1), ('pre-nandini', 1), ('acord', 1), ('patients\\\\', 1), ('acord\\\\', 1), ('dildo/dunph', 1), ('pawtucket', 1), ('1974.', 1), ('pleasantries', 1), ('fogging', 1), ('rear-ends', 1), ('kaveech', 1), ('preppy', 1), ('reefer', 1), ('55-gallon', 1), ('mort', 1), ('screeching', 1), ('jizz', 1), ('funderburk\\\\', 1), ('overturn', 1), ('hardam', 1), ('faujan\\\\', 1), ('faujan', 1), ('ladi\\\\', 1), ('unambitious', 1), ('kanwal\\\\', 1), ('blabs', 1), ('bharathiyaar', 1), ('tape-recorder', 1), ('ranjan', 1), ('punjabis', 1), ('blended', 1), ('tournier', 1), ('dijon', 1), ('polo-playing', 1), ('yefremovich', 1), ('statistical', 1), ('prokofievna', 1), ('subordinates', 1), ('humorless', 1), ('grigorievich', 1), ('berries', 1), ('flares', 1), ('inhuman', 1), ('reprimanding', 1), ('hard-hearted', 1), ('verochka', 1), ('shura', 1), ('talebearer', 1), ('reproaches', 1), ('ryzhova\\\\', 1), ('tenders', 1), ('subtitle', 1), ('rom1.jpg|alisa', 1), ('nemol', 1), ('basilashvili.jpg|svetlana', 1), ('nemolyayeva', 1), ('oleg', 1), ('basilashvili', 1), ('n.jpg|kalugina', 1), ('/gallery', 1), ('venakteswarlu', 1), ('onus', 1), ('shaller', 1), ('pegg', 1), ('lucid-dreaming', 1), ('soundproofs', 1), ('gwyneth', 1), ('paltrow', 1), ('cascade', 1), ('bagby', 1), ('breed', 1), ('sours', 1), ('iranians', 1), ('tirelessly', 1), ('roughness', 1), ('dramatists', 1), ('봨okingly', 1), ('redesign', 1), ('hedda', 1), ('gabler', 1), ('canada-based', 1), ('girdhari', 1), ('numb', 1), ('re-build', 1), ('gaping', 1), ('abhigyan', 1), ('unveils', 1), ('united.http', 1), ('//www.imdb.com/title/tt0290326/synopsis', 1), ('jean-marc', 1), ('satirized', 1), ('berle', 1), ('clement\\\\', 1), ('flunky', 1), ('ex-actress', 1), ('emotionally-numb', 1), ('ivanova', 1), ('partisan', 1), ('semyon', 1), ('ruthlessness', 1), ('endangering', 1), ('sheet-music', 1), ('ails', 1), ('badness', 1), ('accordion-playing', 1), ('dream-happy', 1), ('iowans', 1), ('off-balanced', 1), ('horrid', 1), ('giggle', 1), ('crosshand', 1), ('treehouse', 1), ('scold', 1), ('raffle', 1), ('custom-built', 1), ('futura', 1), ('snobbishly', 1), ('recreating', 1), ('poach', 1), ('lancaster-kerr', 1), ('drug-addled', 1), ('webster\\\\', 1), ('swore', 1), ('want-', 1), ('straightforwardly', 1), ('pastiches', 1), ('bygone', 1), ('divas', 1), ('lip-synced', 1), ('premiering', 1), ('cinephile', 1), ('overreact', 1), ('dvds', 1), ('party\\\\', 1), ('avant', 1), ('garde', 1), ('tomfoolery', 1), ('exhilarated', 1), ('bluebird', 1), ('showcase', 1), ('plucky', 1), ('open-hearted', 1), ('lue', 1), ('linden', 1), ('cade', 1), ('milliner', 1), ('well-earned', 1), ('autistic', 1), ('wisdom-hard-won', 1), ('envying', 1), ('subsistence', 1), ('dominance', 1), ('filth', 1), ('damina', 1), ('ruff', 1), (\"'twilight\", 1), ('politician\\\\', 1), ('bodyguard-driver', 1), ('bert\\\\', 1), ('loca', 1), ('cross-dresses', 1), ('taurus', 1), ('chionglo', 1), ('philippine\\\\', 1), ('squatter', 1), ('wyler', 1), ('mischief-causing', 1), ('temptress', 1), ('rock-star', 1), ('tiernan', 1), ('jailbreak', 1), ('readjust', 1), ('eight-day', 1), ('saleslady', 1), ('tic', 1), ('disfigurement', 1), ('na챦vely', 1), ('rhapsodizes', 1), ('outspokenly', 1), ('sleepiness', 1), ('jubilantly', 1), ('lesher', 1), ('child-loving', 1), ('impound', 1), ('fascicle', 1), ('secluding', 1), ('gateway', 1), ('siamese', 1), (\"'oh-sung\", 1), (\"'finding\", 1), (\"'gray\", 1), ('oriented', 1), ('co-dependent', 1), ('poppy', 1), ('indianapolis', 1), ('11-year', 1), ('singer-actress', 1), ('child-rearing', 1), ('wards', 1), ('crewes', 1), ('legarda', 1), (\"'still\", 1), ('upstream', 1), ('self-deconstruction', 1), ('coal-miner', 1), ('sanming\\\\', 1), ('rickety', 1), ('yichang', 1), ('hong\\\\', 1), ('demolishing', 1), ('boat-owner', 1), ('rmb', 1), ('tight-rope', 1), ('1890', 1), ('levi', 1), ('half-a-millionaire', 1), ('weepy', 1), ('ambrose\\\\', 1), ('vandergelder\\\\', 1), ('hackl', 1), ('sneeze', 1), ('establishments', 1), ('fourteenth', 1), ('granger', 1), ('ernestina', 1), ('elegance', 1), ('rudolph', 1), ('levi\\\\', 1), ('now-empty', 1), ('chastened', 1), ('ephram', 1), ('cornelius\\\\', 1), ('bareknuckles', 1), ('maniac', 1), ('zkc\\\\', 1), ('kelvin\\\\', 1), ('re-opens', 1), ('payday', 1), ('komatsu', 1), ('hachi', 1), ('trapnest', 1), ('takumi', 1), ('brittingham-brett', 1), ('uninspired', 1), (\"'sheryl\", 1), ('hoover', 1), ('redondo', 1), ('logistical', 1), ('800-mile', 1), ('antiquated', 1), ('microbus', 1), ('unceasingly', 1), ('jump-started', 1), ('precipitated', 1), ('pilot\\\\', 1), ('yelled', 1), ('sexualized', 1), ('adult-like', 1), ('swimsuits', 1), ('panache', 1), ('olive\\\\', 1), ('taoist', 1), ('misdirected', 1), ('yee', 1), ('turtle', 1), ('indian-like', 1), ('runi\\\\', 1), ('nuflo\\\\', 1), ('incantation', 1), ('knitting', 1), ('burkhardt', 1), ('tarts', 1), ('sui', 1), ('fok', 1), ('second-generation', 1), ('mahjong', 1), ('astounded', 1), ('봁aniel\\\\', 1), ('merged', 1), ('copulation', 1), ('chastizes', 1), ('napping', 1), ('chang\\\\', 1), ('bellowing', 1), ('vadivelu', 1), ('merrill', 1), ('ned\\\\', 1), ('babysat', 1), ('rusted', 1), ('wolfe', 1), ('reintroduce', 1), ('pilates', 1), ('evolution', 1), ('solutions', 1), ('heartburn', 1), ('appease', 1), (\"'chhoti\", 1), ('baat', 1), ('pradeep', 1), ('prabha\\\\', 1), ('gregarious', 1), ('boastful', 1), ('arun\\\\', 1), ('dud', 1), ('godmen', 1), ('nagendranath', 1), ('peppered', 1), ('swagger', 1), (\"'odile\", 1), ('camille\\\\', 1), ('judicious', 1), ('transitions', 1), ('epner', 1), ('39-year-old', 1), ('doujor', 1), ('gerner', 1), ('frell', 1), ('hattie\\\\', 1), ('kingdom\\\\', 1), ('voiced', 1), ('two-way', 1), ('ninja-like', 1), ('urbania', 1), ('sleepless', 1), ('prowls', 1), ('reinforced', 1), ('blood-stained', 1), ('incapacitated', 1), ('marshy', 1), ('marshland', 1), ('kneel', 1), ('paparazza', 1), ('fireflies', 1), ('raghavendra', 1), ('swamy', 1), ('saint-like-man', 1), ('maala', 1), ('heirlooms', 1), ('aspersions', 1), ('rohans', 1), ('patchett\\\\', 1), ('duelist', 1), ('rightly', 1), ('waylaid', 1), ('horse-racing', 1), ('epsom', 1), ('vauxhall', 1), ('fitzherbert', 1), ('necessarily', 1), ('hesther\\\\', 1), ('dishonours', 1), ('love-affair', 1), ('better-fated', 1), ('thirtyish', 1), ('ex-husband-to-be', 1), (\"'baby\", 1), ('vol', 1), ('just-friends', 1), ('sad-song', 1), ('hang-ups', 1), ('rudiments', 1), ('take-charge', 1), ('solver', 1), ('wellbridge', 1), ('cooling', 1), ('deceivers', 1), ('inducted', 1), ('leaver', 1), ('x-rated', 1), ('importunity', 1), ('hotdogs', 1), ('cardboard', 1), ('nakedly', 1), ('puncturing', 1), ('punctured', 1), ('do-gooder', 1), ('kobbarikayala', 1), ('rayudu', 1), ('attining', 1), ('ravulapalem', 1), ('rambhadraiah', 1), ('annapoornamma', 1), ('annapoornamma-', 1), ('babji', 1), ('maitland', 1), ('mum', 1), ('diamond-smuggling', 1), ('contemporaneous', 1), ('fast-walking', 1), ('flats', 1), ('xiaoshuai\\\\', 1), ('nonsensical', 1), ('loudhailer', 1), ('well-mannered', 1), ('brand-new', 1), ('bothersome', 1), ('indemnity', 1), ('compensates', 1), ('passer-by\\\\', 1), ('customers\\\\', 1), ('wall-mounted', 1), ('nought', 1), ('station-master', 1), ('seven-day', 1), ('detainment', 1), ('well-phrased', 1), ('stagnated', 1), ('down-low', 1), ('resilient', 1), ('rubinoff', 1), ('boop', 1), (\"'evelyn\", 1), ('now-abandoned', 1), ('imogene', 1), ('idgie\\\\', 1), ('valdosta', 1), ('barbecued', 1), ('sub-inspector', 1), ('bhoomika', 1), ('adhiraj', 1), ('//www.hindu.com/thehindu/fr/2002/03/01/stories/2002030101000201.htmhttp', 1), ('//popcorn.oneindia.in/movie-synopsis/3676/roja-kootam.html', 1), ('bently', 1), ('juxtaposition', 1), ('coffeehouse\\\\', 1), ('classwork', 1), ('well-stocked', 1), ('doogie\\\\', 1), ('barbecuing', 1), ('monde', 1), ('1984/miss', 1), ('puritanical', 1), ('absently', 1), ('captivus', 1), ('post-coital', 1), ('muehl', 1), ('defecates', 1), ('candy-filled', 1), ('papier-mache', 1), ('prow', 1), ('potemkin', 1), ('nidus', 1), ('cocoons', 1), ('reconstructed', 1), ('altarpiece', 1), ('jer척me', 1), ('jacquelline', 1), ('encumbered', 1), (\"'norbit\", 1), ('wonton', 1), (\"\\\\'married\\\\\", 1), ('meaner', 1), ('fatter', 1), ('rougher', 1), ('rasputia\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'security\\\\\", 1), ('vendors', 1), ('perkin', 1), ('puppets', 1), ('deion\\\\', 1), ('ex-wives', 1), ('nipplopolis', 1), ('slamming', 1), ('clanking', 1), ('recently-entered', 1), ('dog-like', 1), ('helga', 1), ('hammonds', 1), ('lycanthropy', 1), ('descendant', 1), ('bathory', 1), ('bridgestone', 1), ('zoom', 1), ('needless', 1), ('ravine', 1), ('grill-out', 1), ('poles', 1), ('illuminate', 1), ('wolfman', 1), ('dismembered', 1), ('stealthily', 1), ('mutilate', 1), ('burlap', 1), ('daybreak', 1), ('steakhouse', 1), ('grisly', 1), ('wild-eyed', 1), ('ginsberg', 1), ('cassock', 1), ('boundary', 1), ('evilly', 1), ('dawning', 1), ('destricted', 1), ('art-house', 1), (\"'impaled\", 1), (\"'balkan\", 1), ('abramovic', 1), ('myths', 1), (\"'house\", 1), (\"'sync\", 1), (\"'hoist\", 1), (\"'death\", 1), ('8-minute', 1), ('fluctuate', 1), ('gruffydd-williams', 1), ('amdram', 1), ('intercede', 1), ('commenced', 1), ('probert', 1), ('self-important', 1), ('ieuan', 1), ('kary', 1), ('bobbi', 1), (\"'ferguson\", 1), ('fly-on-the-wall', 1), ('weasels', 1), (\"'main\", 1), ('wikitable', 1), ('yoshikazu', 1), ('kotani||', 1), ('kairo', 1), ('aoi', 1), ('atsumi', 1), ('kanno', 1), ('sora', 1), ('amakami', 1), ('yuuki', 1), ('kawakubo', 1), ('ichiy흲', 1), ('kazunori', 1), ('tani', 1), ('riku', 1), ('hanazono', 1), ('sh흲jo', 1), ('kaim', 1), ('tachibana', 1), (\"'desert\", 1), ('six-week', 1), ('rivvers', 1), ('grabowski', 1), ('teutonic', 1), ('regimen', 1), ('toughen', 1), ('characterizes', 1), ('lingo', 1), ('cross-dressed', 1), ('co-worker\\\\', 1), ('encouragingly', 1), ('fantasises', 1), ('groom-', 1), ('dream-affair', 1), ('dissects', 1), ('capriciously', 1), ('courters', 1), ('interrelate', 1), ('misun', 1), ('eunkyoung', 1), ('falling-over', 1), ('mun-ho', 1), ('hyeon-gon', 1), ('tae-woo', 1), ('seon-hwa', 1), ('attractions', 1), ('reemerge', 1), ('warm-hearted', 1), ('mongol', 1), ('near-impossible', 1), ('kilda', 1), ('dominican', 1), ('shell-shock', 1), ('shamming', 1), ('maragaret', 1), ('authoritative', 1), ('pre-war', 1), ('striding', 1), ('voice-actor', 1), ('beastly', 1), ('봁ong-gun', 1), (\"'jin-woo\", 1), ('suk-hyun', 1), ('ju-young', 1), ('hee-chan', 1), ('soo-eun', 1), ('tessier', 1), ('demarest', 1), ('maisies', 1), ('may-december', 1), ('fiabe', 1), ('hinckley', 1), ('paintball', 1), ('registration', 1), ('replenishes', 1), ('bellhop', 1), ('biker/poet', 1), ('screech\\\\', 1), ('extorts', 1), ('caddies', 1), ('heavyset', 1), ('katrina\\\\', 1), ('fremont', 1), ('waxwork', 1), ('kapowski', 1), ('spano', 1), ('up\\\\', 1), ('tabor', 1), ('belding', 1), (\"'mujhe\", 1), ('kucch', 1), ('kehna', 1), ('neo', 1), ('criteria', 1), ('unscramble', 1), ('omnia', 1), ('vincit', 1), ('psychotropic', 1), ('leper', 1), ('lipkin', 1), ('houseguest', 1), ('houseboy', 1), ('prohibitively', 1), ('heists', 1), ('indulged', 1), ('promiscuously', 1), ('teetering', 1), ('sang-hoon', 1), (\"'treasure\", 1), ('doodle', 1), ('ankh', 1), ('maiming', 1), ('neo-nazi', 1), ('huddle', 1), ('balaraman', 1), ('premachandran', 1), ('ventured', 1), ('kanaka', 1), ('balakrishnan', 1), ('permisiion', 1), ('trappist', 1), ('enfilden', 1), ('frisson', 1), ('diviner', 1), (\"'cheryl\", 1), ('butches', 1), ('paglia', 1), ('archetype', 1), ('clit', 1), ('archive', 1), (\"'parthiban\", 1), ('parthiban', 1), ('sathya', 1), ('alston', 1), ('sulk', 1), (\"'barcelona\", 1), ('materialised', 1), ('vs.', 1), (\"'appu\", 1), ('kaveri', 1), ('thavamani', 1), ('kuwait', 1), ('periayavar', 1), ('rathnam', 1), ('unmercifully', 1), ('ctr', 1), ('schultz', 1), ('101.', 1), ('philosophers', 1), ('mover', 1), ('well-presented', 1), ('blackboard', 1), ('schrader', 1), ('off-limits', 1), ('snowborder', 1), ('skier', 1), ('shultz', 1), ('102', 1), ('shultz\\\\', 1), ('introducers', 1), ('life-goals', 1), (\"\\\\'new\", 1), ('high-life', 1), ('bentik', 1), ('ace-pilot', 1), ('biplanes', 1), (\"'robert\", 1), ('domo', 1), ('misappropriates', 1), ('spliced', 1), ('araki', 1), ('epilogue-like', 1), ('font', 1), ('undeserved', 1), ('garrulous', 1), ('tirunelveli', 1), ('antony', 1), ('guna', 1), ('vappa', 1), ('sadiq', 1), ('jehad', 1), ('resource', 1), ('ambiguity', 1), ('incestual', 1), ('cellars', 1), ('karthikeyan', 1), ('photographer-cum-editor', 1), ('navi', 1), ('volunteerily', 1), ('verifies', 1), ('coonoor', 1), ('pachaiyappas', 1), ('pachaiyappa', 1), ('inter', 1), ('strained.the', 1), ('rogues.it', 1), ('goldwyn', 1), ('blip', 1), ('radar', 1), ('humilitating', 1), ('bollywoodesque', 1), (\"'unni\", 1), (\"'to\", 1), ('trumpeter', 1), ('hyunwoo', 1), ('dogye', 1), ('worn-out', 1), ('tarnished', 1), ('trophies', 1), ('frayed', 1), ('mallika', 1), ('postmaster', 1), ('malayali', 1), ('bhagavan', 1), ('pamphlets', 1), ('instilled', 1), ('unearthed', 1), ('paralytic', 1), ('kanika', 1), ('uzi', 1), ('dividing', 1), ('dhoolpet', 1), ('traveller', 1), ('irv', 1), (\"'yaji\", 1), ('yaji', 1), ('t흲kaid흲', 1), ('england\\\\', 1), ('biddlecombe', 1), ('fitzgeralds\\\\', 1), ('diminishes', 1), ('superstitious', 1), ('calming', 1), ('mimosa', 1), ('hastened', 1), ('physician\\\\', 1), ('degenerative', 1), ('church-run', 1), ('mathews', 1), ('polio', 1), (\"'marina\", 1), ('mim챠', 1), ('mouth-to-mouth', 1), ('resuscitation', 1), ('annalist', 1), ('chule', 1), ('ignacio\\\\', 1), ('grooms', 1), ('ofelia', 1), ('nuria', 1), ('narciso', 1), ('rafa', 1), ('jiminez', 1), ('jacinto', 1), ('anglo-indian', 1), ('engine-driver', 1), ('motherland', 1), ('hesitations', 1), ('rapt', 1), ('mobbed', 1), ('composers', 1), ('you.', 1), ('concerto', 1), ('tutored', 1), ('co-operating', 1), ('novak\\\\', 1), ('neilsen', 1), ('them.he', 1), ('helplessness', 1), ('potency', 1), ('her.http', 1), ('//www.idlebrain.com/celeb/starhomes/chiranjeevi/filmography.html', 1), ('cleves', 1), ('cleves\\\\', 1), (\"'chicago\", 1), ('secretes', 1), ('rolltop', 1), ('sacco', 1), ('soon-to-be-over', 1), ('third-floor', 1), ('abetting', 1), ('colluded', 1), ('telegraphs', 1), ('cohabits', 1), ('extra-domestic', 1), ('polyamory', 1), ('foreigners', 1), ('stultifying', 1), ('inhospitable', 1), ('in-country', 1), ('elates', 1), ('soviet-backed', 1), ('autocracy', 1), ('repudiating', 1), ('black-listed', 1), (\"'audry\", 1), ('hankshaw', 1), ('mutation', 1), ('transgressive', 1), ('religions', 1), ('gitche', 1), ('jellybean', 1), ('mislabeled', 1), ('chink', 1), ('seo', 1), ('ji-ho', 1), ('yun-hong', 1), ('barrie', 1), ('jumpstart', 1), ('faltering', 1), ('cochran', 1), ('once-closeted', 1), ('fluctuates', 1), ('uncharacteristic', 1), ('gump', 1), ('bettina', 1), ('francato', 1), ('jaiswal', 1), ('brutalities', 1), ('scalper', 1), ('scalping', 1), ('plethora', 1), ('epiphanic', 1), ('jananaki', 1), ('frightful', 1), ('velingiri', 1), ('grandmothers', 1), ('robert-janaki', 1), ('wildfire', 1), ('dmy', 1), ('pest', 1), ('firenze', 1), ('headstones', 1), ('rock-stars', 1), ('kasturi', 1), ('harijan', 1), ('level-crossing', 1), ('dukhia', 1), (\"'traditional\", 1), ('maliciousness', 1), ('on-rushing', 1), ('1183', 1), ('ii\\\\', 1), ('angevin', 1), ('eleanor\\\\', 1), ('heir-apparent', 1), ('caen', 1), ('1182', 1), ('1183.', 1), ('1173', 1), ('174', 1), (\"'carnegie\", 1), ('mellon', 1), ('unwind', 1), ('overachieving', 1), ('trauma-induced', 1), ('hartigan', 1), ('fragility', 1), ('monopolizes', 1), ('janet\\\\', 1), ('neediness', 1), ('wetherholds\\\\', 1), ('tome', 1), ('non-academic', 1), ('re-worked', 1), ('on-going', 1), ('self-absorption', 1), ('whiling', 1), ('grads', 1), ('pampered-yet-docile', 1), ('gripping', 1), ('heart-touching', 1), (\"'dyan\", 1), ('levrington', 1), ('livestock', 1), ('repossess', 1), ('ramming', 1), ('agathe', 1), ('boulaye', 1), ('possessively', 1), (\"'pablo\", 1), ('fetishism', 1), ('a챰o', 1), ('fowler', 1), ('percell', 1), ('carting', 1), ('jeevanandhan', 1), ('inroad', 1), ('incensing', 1), ('chandrasekhar', 1), ('dhamu', 1), ('fisherfolk', 1), ('appreciable', 1), ('bucquoy', 1), ('delegate', 1), ('bertolt', 1), ('brecht', 1), ('mertens', 1), ('low-brow', 1), ('pre-operational', 1), ('fetal', 1), ('cellmate\\\\', 1), ('envelop', 1), ('immolation', 1), ('fellated', 1), ('pickled', 1), ('swarm', 1), ('locusts', 1), ('dived', 1), ('devoured', 1), ('ejaculate', 1), ('near-blind', 1), ('circus-mates', 1), ('hirsute', 1), ('circus-worker', 1), ('blossom\\\\', 1), ('jar.mitternachtskino', 1), ('thundercrack', 1), ('italy.', 1), ('//www.variety.com/review/ve1117929170.html', 1), ('categoryid1', 1), ('a|accessdate', 1), ('|first', 1), ('2005-12-25|work', 1), ('reeds', 1), ('elsevier', 1), ('inc', 1), ('bilquis', 1), ('nagsh', 1), ('ines', 1), (\"'sombat\", 1), ('old-time', 1), ('picky', 1), ('oldies', 1), ('luddite', 1), ('masseuses', 1), ('sombat\\\\', 1), ('seventy-eight', 1), ('outstripping', 1), (\"'moon\", 1), ('coochie', 1), ('telekinetic', 1), ('semi-pervert', 1), ('70.', 1), ('moon\\\\', 1), ('hyland\\\\', 1), ('superspeed', 1), ('cartoonists', 1), ('superheroes', 1), ('tse', 1), ('pokes', 1), ('trademarks', 1), ('packaging', 1), ('in-joke', 1), (\"'englishman\", 1), ('ouranoff', 1), ('infiltrates', 1), ('gregor', 1), ('vladinoff', 1), ('lomas', 1), ('bolsheviks', 1), ('now-commissar', 1), ('petrograd', 1), ('prisons', 1), ('alexandra\\\\', 1), ('verified', 1), ('samara', 1), ('angel-in-training', 1), ('husky', 1), ('popsicles', 1), ('scattering', 1), ('duplicitous', 1), ('tizzard', 1), ('irish-american', 1), ('reelection', 1), ('matchmakers', 1), ('dermot', 1), ('genealogical', 1), ('margin', 1), (\"'rico\", 1), ('f-poor', 1), ('marte', 1), ('goldmine', 1), ('clockmaker', 1), ('battlefields', 1), ('봫ight', 1), ('maladies', 1), ('weathers', 1), ('7-year', 1), ('77.', 1), ('murmansk', 1), ('thrusting', 1), ('surveying', 1), ('vessels', 1), ('comparable', 1), ('49.', 1), ('63.', 1), ('coped', 1), ('comprehending', 1), ('no-parking', 1), ('leaking', 1), ('lovesick', 1), ('eye-contact', 1), ('bookcase', 1), ('watchstrap', 1), ('400.00', 1), ('highest-priced', 1), ('봳hree', 1), ('commandments', 1), ('pang\\\\', 1), ('sampan', 1), ('highly-fictionalized', 1), (\"'anupama\", 1), ('kaul', 1), ('oberoi', 1), ('sketchbook', 1), ('winona', 1), ('delisle', 1), ('slumped', 1), ('castigates', 1), ('frederich', 1), ('top-level', 1), ('pre-world-war-ii', 1), ('duchess\\\\', 1), ('moulton', 1), ('pulham', 1), ('twenty-five-year', 1), ('hidebound', 1), ('impractical', 1), ('happy..', 1), (\"'woody\", 1), ('deane', 1), ('bedworth', 1), ('varsity', 1), ('literature-loving', 1), ('aztec', 1), ('misrepresenting', 1), ('chinos', 1), ('button-down', 1), ('nailpolish', 1), ('messes', 1), ('sabbatical', 1), ('gautier', 1), ('varville', 1), ('mozart', 1), ('alphabetical', 1), ('knits', 1), ('morea', 1), ('basu', 1), ('khushboo', 1), ('arjuns', 1), ('undeniable', 1), ('alternated', 1), ('foul-up', 1), ('700', 1), ('writ', 1), ('forrest', 1), ('abc', 1), ('nbc', 1), ('cbs', 1), ('roundabout', 1), ('selectman', 1), ('sprays', 1), ('tally\\\\', 1), ('asanas', 1), ('finalists', 1), (\"\\\\'dream\\\\\", 1), ('constituents', 1), ('ayyadhurai', 1), ('marriage.but', 1), ('karuppaswamy', 1), ('basi', 1), ('marriage.the', 1), ('maadaswamy', 1), ('immedeatly', 1), ('karuppaswamy.he', 1), ('karuppusamy.karuppusamy', 1), ('prestige', 1), ('wesleyan', 1), ('ai-ling', 1), ('1914.', 1), (\"k'ung\", 1), ('hsiang-hsi', 1), ('weakening', 1), ('overthrown', 1), ('xinhai', 1), ('founds', 1), ('1927', 1), ('may-ling', 1), ('persecuting', 1), ('hindering', 1), ('deathbeds', 1), ('xueliang', 1), (\"xi'an\", 1), ('invaders', 1), (\"'arush\", 1), ('joglekar', 1), (\"\\\\'eddy\", 1), ('womanizers', 1), ('arjun\\\\', 1), ('tanmay/eddy', 1), ('dada', 1), ('bratter', 1), ('velasco', 1), ('bratters', 1), ('skylight', 1), ('drycleaned', 1), ('shoeless', 1), (\"'thakur\", 1), ('doted', 1), ('bittu', 1), ('gudiya', 1), ('instructors', 1), ('nasseb', 1), ('markutey', 1), ('debtors', 1), ('scrutinize', 1), ('transactions', 1), (\"'england\", 1), ('1908', 1), ('ivory', 1), ('ivory\\\\', 1), ('verging', 1), ('spinsterhood', 1), ('trilling', 1), ('not-quite-appropriate', 1), ('sturdy', 1), ('effrontery', 1), ('unmentionables', 1), ('scandalised', 1), ('twit', 1), ('cedric\\\\', 1), (\"'la\", 1), ('primera', 1), ('noche', 1), ('tuna', 1), ('ball\\\\', 1), (\"o\\\\'riley\", 1), ('academy\\\\', 1), ('disinvite', 1), ('institution\\\\', 1), ('cadets', 1), ('buckle', 1), ('kickin\\\\', 1), ('barrelhouse', 1), ('boogie-woogie', 1), (\"ev\\\\'rytime\", 1), ('turret', 1), ('unconstrained', 1), ('practicality', 1), ('holm', 1), ('ex-football', 1), ('anti-feminist', 1), ('secreted', 1), ('jamesian', 1), ('airlifted', 1), ('open-ended', 1), ('dais', 1), ('summarizing', 1), ('agents\\\\', 1), ('flamethrower', 1), ('kaos\\\\', 1), ('infiltrating', 1), ('shtarker', 1), (\"\\\\'chatter\\\\\", 1), ('clean-up', 1), ('moskva', 1), ('disregarded', 1), ('detonator', 1), ('geiger', 1), ('counter-equipped', 1), ('beeps', 1), ('seeping', 1), ('beethoven\\\\', 1), ('ode', 1), ('cheeks', 1), ('jupiter', 1), ('pedestal', 1), (\"'jai\", 1), ('thrash', 1), (\"'timothy\", 1), ('geeson', 1), ('icecream', 1), ('chandramohan', 1), ('departmental', 1), ('crore', 1), ('condomine', 1), ('lympne', 1), ('poltergeist', 1), ('wanes', 1), ('miscalculates', 1), ('dispatching', 1), ('menage-a-trois', 1), (\"'mickey\", 1), ('faruk', 1), ('baldness', 1), ('authentically', 1), ('concentrating', 1), ('well-defended', 1), ('emplacement', 1), ('steams', 1), ('paratrooper', 1), ('invalided', 1), ('subaltern', 1), ('crusty', 1), ('commandos', 1), ('sothern', 1), ('barklay', 1), ('domingos', 1), ('berten', 1), ('rodrigues', 1), ('clarified', 1), ('orator', 1), ('peacock', 1), ('presently', 1), ('victimization', 1), ('bentham', 1), ('repossesses', 1), ('madigan', 1), ('tab', 1), ('garda', 1), ('s챠och찼na', 1), ('shushes', 1), ('overly-frugal', 1), ('conman', 1), ('sterling', 1), ('cheapskate', 1), (\"'commodore\", 1), ('attribution', 1), ('duelling', 1), ('tougher', 1), ('fields\\\\', 1), ('perks', 1), ('leste', 1), ('taiwan-born', 1), ('day-trip', 1), (\"'loosely\", 1), ('abi', 1), ('kohli', 1), ('saima', 1), ('norfolk', 1), (\"'go-between\", 1), ('dominic', 1), ('redgrave', 1), ('nameoctober', 1), ('2012', 1), ('hockstetter', 1), ('astronomers', 1), ('near-earth', 1), ('covington', 1), ('active-duty', 1), ('breggs', 1), ('wrongs', 1), ('years.summary', 1), ('jaclyn', 1), ('mussehl', 1), ('imdb.com', 1), ('latino', 1), ('gentrifying', 1), ('dip', 1), ('matter-of-factly', 1), (\"'kyle\", 1), ('chiseled', 1), ('schemers', 1), ('sex-crazy', 1), ('experimentally', 1), ('leanings', 1), ('adirondack', 1), ('prince-frog', 1), ('initiating', 1), ('practises', 1), ('dirtiest', 1), ('manservants', 1), ('borealis', 1), ('nudges', 1), ('li-ann', 1), ('guant찼namo', 1), ('c찼ndido', 1), ('punctilious', 1), ('hearses', 1), ('1905', 1), ('captains', 1), ('acrobacias', 1), ('coraz처n', 1), ('consecrated', 1), ('constantini', 1), ('treasons', 1), ('deceits', 1), ('prevalent', 1), ('madhi', 1), ('bridesmaids', 1), ('bafflement', 1), ('dynamos', 1), ('trouper', 1), ('voulez-vous', 1), ('fianc챕e\\\\', 1), ('taverna', 1), ('reprise', 1), ('seyfried', 1), (\"'movie\", 1), ('sandler.the', 1), (\"'ben-hur\", 1), ('earthly', 1), ('saturna', 1), ('forsake', 1), ('faithfulness', 1), ('buxom', 1), ('barmaids', 1), ('arabian', 1), ('lucifer\\\\', 1), ('vacancy', 1), ('appointee', 1), ('judicial', 1), ('secret.twenty', 1), ('mccracken', 1), ('extravagantly', 1), ('savant-like', 1), ('claymation', 1), ('apparel', 1), ('elisi', 1), ('ribbons', 1), ('samoa', 1), ('jerrod', 1), ('nunchucks', 1), ('lillies', 1), (\"'centering\", 1), ('쏡rop', 1), ('illusions', 1), ('noria', 1), ('defines', 1), ('bisexuality', 1), ('mcnally', 1), ('sportscaster', 1), ('topple', 1), ('abbas', 1), ('goondas', 1), ('mizoram', 1), ('confusions', 1), ('unfolding', 1), ('crumble', 1), ('altman', 1), ('linklater', 1), ('linklater\\\\', 1), (\"'leo\", 1), ('principally', 1), ('reflective', 1), ('cameroonian', 1), ('authorize', 1), ('vignard', 1), ('delamare', 1), ('cell-phone', 1), ('khajida', 1), ('laetitia\\\\', 1), ('text-messages', 1), ('cameroon', 1), ('marjolaine', 1), ('postcards', 1), ('immigrate', 1), ('fu-style', 1), ('corman', 1), ('megastar', 1), 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('margarethe', 1), ('cammermeyer', 1), ('retirementcammermeyer', 1), (\"'luis\", 1), ('mollycoddled', 1), ('perfumer', 1), ('quasi-miraculous', 1), ('repartee', 1), ('tomasis', 1), ('simi', 1), ('jenkinsville', 1), ('favoring', 1), ('prisoner-of-war', 1), ('reiker', 1), ('scuppers', 1), ('thorough', 1), ('bergens', 1), ('drea', 1), ('matteo', 1), ('garnered', 1), ('screenplay.http', 1), ('//www.google.com/search', 1), ('clienten', 1), ('qutf-8', 1), ('oe=utf-8', 1), ('2009-04-10', 1), ('chanduku', 1), ('chandu', 1), ('nris', 1), ('drape', 1), ('spoit', 1), ('raman', 1), ('invigilator', 1), ('non-believing', 1), ('gobins', 1), ('reliability', 1), (\"'marriage\", 1), ('disabuse', 1), ('carlson', 1), ('latches', 1), ('marmy', 1), ('ingratiate', 1), ('fortune\\\\', 1), ('sahib\\\\', 1), ('wombat', 1), ('george-anne\\\\', 1), ('ketu', 1), ('money-making', 1), ('vishali', 1), ('patel', 1), ('usurious', 1), ('expansion', 1), ('creditor', 1), ('relapsed', 1), ('tearjerker', 1), ('lax', 1), ('priyad', 1), ('rickshaw', 1), ('menagerie', 1), ('recharge', 1), ('characterised', 1), ('psychosis', 1), ('ignorances', 1), ('mentally-ill', 1), ('kleptomania', 1), ('souls/attributes', 1), ('slaughtering', 1), ('orderlies', 1), ('recharged', 1), ('force-feeding', 1), ('food-to-electrical-energy', 1), ('interpreting', 1), ('lip-read', 1), ('radio\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'detonating\\\\\", 1), (\"\\\\'world\\\\\", 1), ('end\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'helping\", 1), ('out\\\\', 1), (\"\\\\'rice\", 1), ('megatron\\\\', 1), ('si-eun', 1), (\"'lonnie\", 1), ('dodd', 1), ('kirkendall', 1), ('72-ounce', 1), ('steak', 1), ('kowtowing', 1), ('tuley', 1), ('fisticuffs', 1), ('fire-breathing', 1), ('rallydouglas', 1), ('malewicki\\\\', 1), ('filmthe', 1), ('1:49', 1), ('still-cheesey', 1), ('elbertson', 1), ('instill', 1), ('biking', 1), ('torturous', 1), ('lags', 1), ('wheezing', 1), ('dispositions', 1), ('instigator', 1), ('nabil', 1), ('ambedkar', 1), ('chandalika', 1), ('subtexts', 1), ('criticize', 1), ('brahmins', 1), ('twiller', 1), ('greetings', 1), (\"'arvid\", 1), ('arvid\\\\', 1), ('absolutism', 1), ('chefs', 1), ('wherewithal', 1), ('mille', 1), ('anti-terror', 1), ('joshi', 1), ('behins', 1), ('gaulle', 1), ('downright', 1), ('re-examination', 1), ('sarala', 1), ('yoganandam', 1), ('muarli', 1), ('sarathi', 1), ('girija', 1), ('relangi', 1), ('placating', 1), (\"'barbara\", 1), ('covett', 1), ('loyalties', 1), ('restraining', 1), ('streams', 1), ('hemmed', 1), ('downplays', 1), ('overbooked', 1), ('step-dad', 1), (\"'clifford\", 1), ('non-refundable', 1), ('brochure', 1), ('trickster', 1), ('haciendero', 1), ('.all', 1), ('salesmen', 1), ('boswell', 1), ('addington', 1), ('ganzy', 1), ('runarounds', 1), ('longwell', 1), (\"'norm\", 1), ('romantics', 1), ('wildest', 1), ('nakedness', 1), ('arroused', 1), ('peeing', 1), ('galley', 1), ('cooks\\\\', 1), ('helpers', 1), ('poznicki', 1), ('regularity', 1), ('155.', 1), ('free-for-all', 1), ('wildoe\\\\', 1), ('officers\\\\', 1), ('ledger', 1), ('substandard', 1), ('onionhead', 1), ('bypasses', 1), ('embezzlement', 1), ('impugns', 1), ('higgins\\\\', 1), ('unsubstantiated', 1), ('allegation', 1), ('life-of-the-party', 1), ('rutang', 1), ('single-living', 1), ('fifties', 1), ('shui', 1), ('frugal', 1), ('old-fashionedness', 1), ('aesthete', 1), ('zhichang', 1), ('spaces', 1), ('anshan', 1), ('duos', 1), ('sittings', 1), ('harikrishnan', 1), ('rot', 1), ('voss', 1), ('idealizing', 1), ('imaginings', 1), ('pus-filled', 1), ('sores', 1), ('repulses', 1), ('craved', 1), ('wading', 1), ('hollowness', 1), ('acharya', 1), ('jagadish', 1), ('bose\\\\', 1), ('falta', 1), ('uttarpara', 1), ('anindi', 1), ('anandi\\\\', 1), ('pillars', 1), ('forgetful', 1), (\"\\\\'anandi\", 1), ('free.\\\\', 1), ('bhalo', 1), ('theko', 1), ('hues', 1), ('rootless', 1), ('internalisation', 1), ('bangladeshi', 1), ('azad', 1), ('shuvescha', 1), ('garden.http', 1), ('//www.thedailystar.net/2004/10/24/d41024140395.htm/', 1), ('samina', 1), ('peerzada', 1), ('perspection', 1), ('child-friend', 1), ('cowdly', 1), ('puzzles', 1), ('23rd', 1), ('newer', 1), (\"'helen\", 1), ('macfarquhar', 1), ('matthias', 1), ('hatley', 1), (\"'jocks\", 1), ('jericho', 1), ('future.http', 1), ('//www.mylifetime.com/movies/comfort-and-joy', 1), ('lexton', 1), ('sequels', 1), ('jodhpur', 1), ('opulence', 1), ('girlfiend', 1), ('over-bearing', 1), ('double-dating', 1), (\"'perfect\", 1), ('toulouse', 1), ('bounces', 1), ('approach/avoidance', 1), ('ghost-like', 1), ('copes', 1), ('nocturnal', 1), ('reaffirming', 1), (\"'hella\", 1), ('winkler', 1), ('quarreling', 1), ('folklore', 1), ('muengderm', 1), ('kapi', 1), ('paddies', 1), ('chiefs', 1), ('buffaloes', 1), ('spirit-house', 1), ('swordfight', 1), ('wielded', 1), ('thongkham', 1), ('monkhood', 1), ('gourd', 1), ('candidacy', 1), ('tyrannous', 1), ('aretha', 1), ('tomalin', 1), ('kalibanos', 1), ('twente', 1), ('nijboer', 1), ('natasja', 1), ('찼nd', 1), ('porcel', 1), (\"'owing\", 1), ('wilkes', 1), ('ex-sister-in-law', 1), ('wilkes\\\\', 1), ('mainstay', 1), ('benteen', 1), ('snipe', 1), ('mammy\\\\', 1), ('charleston', 1), ('demeanors', 1), ('ceases', 1), ('carreen\\\\', 1), ('hampton-butler', 1), ('colum', 1), ('j첩rgens', 1), (\"'seeking\", 1), ('austins', 1), ('trucking', 1), (\"'pilot\", 1), ('lucius', 1), ('tolliver', 1), ('cave-in', 1), ('re-examines', 1), ('football-crazed', 1), ('comedy-drama', 1), ('free-speech', 1), ('bartolomeo', 1), ('trustees', 1), (\"'carmelo\", 1), ('innermost', 1), ('carmello', 1), ('vanessi', 1), ('darn', 1), ('winsome', 1), ('wunderbar', 1), ('baptista', 1), ('paduan', 1), ('lucentio\\\\', 1), ('serenades', 1), ('ad-libbing', 1), ('spanks', 1), ('calloway', 1), ('preferably', 1), ('petruchio\\\\', 1), ('tormentors', 1), ('looser', 1), ('hogan', 1), ('lippy\\\\', 1), ('bowled', 1), ('parshu', 1), ('2805', 1), ('consumerism', 1), ('facilitated', 1), ('megacorporation', 1), ('starliners', 1), ('2105', 1), ('allocation', 1), ('lifter', 1), ('쏻all-e', 1), ('inquisitively', 1), ('artifacts', 1), ('seedling', 1), ('deploys', 1), ('extraterrestrial', 1), ('evaluator', 1), ('쏣ve', 1), ('starliner', 1), ('showcases', 1), ('retrieval', 1), ('microgravity', 1), ('habitable', 1), ('mccrea\\\\', 1), ('autopilots', 1), ('2110', 1), ('wall-e.', 1), ('designate', 1), ('disruptions', 1), ('jettisoned', 1), ('pollution', 1), ('surveys', 1), ('tasering', 1), ('reactivates', 1), ('artworks', 1), ('*ben', 1), ('burtt', 1), ('all-terrain', 1), ('treads', 1), ('three-fingered', 1), ('binocular', 1), ('retractable', 1), ('solar', 1), ('on-the-fly', 1), ('cannibalizing', 1), ('wall-es', 1), ('diligently', 1), ('rubik\\\\', 1), ('cube', 1), ('zippo', 1), ('lighters', 1), ('cutlery', 1), ('categorizes', 1), ('cassettes', 1), ('ipod', 1), ('magnifier', 1), ('**burtt', 1), ('deviates', 1), ('contaminant', 1), ('*elissa', 1), ('habitability', 1), ('egg-shaped', 1), ('antigravity', 1), ('scanners', 1), ('plasma', 1), ('*jeff', 1), ('garlin', 1), ('engrossed', 1), ('paving', 1), ('retaking', 1), ('*fred', 1), ('toxic', 1), ('pixar', 1), ('*macintalk', 1), ('text-to-speech', 1), ('macintosh', 1), ('a113', 1), ('toxicity', 1), ('deviating', 1), ('robot\\\\', 1), ('9000', 1), ('hal-style', 1), ('needed|datenotes/', 1), ('edwards\\\\', 1), ('santos', 1), ('ernie\\\\', 1), ('inattentive', 1), ('meetup', 1), ('kee', 1), ('2010.', 1), ('//movies.nytimes.com/movie/270976/i-love-you-too/overview', 1), ('sampat', 1), ('maniram', 1), (\"'marianne\", 1), ('faithfull', 1), ('zanzi-bar', 1), ('roasting', 1), ('intertitle', 1), ('all-boy', 1), ('furness', 1), ('thring', 1), ('mcgowan', 1), ('rountree', 1), ('catherine.new', 1), ('trancontinental', 1), ('alumnus', 1), ('kurtzman', 1), ('disparages', 1), ('thomson', 1), ('round-the-clock', 1), ('her.tcm.com', 1), ('janu찼rio', 1), ('silveira', 1), ('farse', 1), ('luisinha\\\\', 1), ('castelar', 1), ('coveting', 1), ('finnegan', 1), ('shanks', 1), ('dinsmoor\\\\', 1), ('playmate', 1), ('charcoal', 1), ('abode', 1), ('bearded', 1), ('outmaneuver', 1), ('bias', 1), ('rooting', 1), ('incurring', 1), ('corinthiano', 1), ('spry', 1), ('escalated', 1), ('affiliations', 1), ('caillebette', 1), ('heavysmoker', 1), ('dong-ha', 1), ('chae-hyun', 1), ('pertaining', 1), ('brij', 1), ('bm..', 1), ('masterminds', 1), (\"'keri\", 1), ('pre-natal', 1), ('voiceovers', 1), ('camel\\\\', 1), ('270,450', 1), ('lulu\\\\', 1), ('toddler-aged', 1), ('hagen', 1), ('memorably', 1), ('convene', 1), ('expos챕s', 1), ('daylor', 1), ('visually', 1), ('ispiritist', 1), ('rids', 1), ('didith', 1), ('ghost-busting', 1), ('magnetism', 1), ('flaxy', 1), ('merciless', 1), ('engrossing', 1), ('niveous', 1), ('charon', 1), ('catagonia', 1), ('astronomical', 1), ('isosceles', 1), ('reacquaint', 1), ('tetrodotoxin', 1), ('marysville', 1), ('romer', 1), ('conny', 1), ('billup', 1), ('fadden', 1), ('zernerke', 1), ('drury', 1), ('drurys', 1), ('rough-talking', 1), ('incurred', 1), ('craigin', 1), ('crates', 1), ('gangopadhyay', 1), ('hirak', 1), ('s.r', 1), ('harps', 1), ('narain', 1), ('pseudo-intellectual', 1), ('dexterously', 1), ('alagappan', 1), ('yamini', 1), ('tradition-bound', 1), ('newly-weds', 1), (\"'dolores\", 1), ('farces', 1), ('postponement', 1), ('82-year-old', 1), ('landlady\\\\', 1), ('bendrix', 1), ('.http', 1), ('//www.allmovie.com/movie/the-end-of-the-affair-v90464', 1), (\"'tefeeda\", 1), ('myterious', 1), ('buheirat', 1), ('unpleasantness', 1), ('disintegrating', 1), ('pritchett', 1), ('hailing', 1), ('bosniak', 1), ('sarajevo', 1), ('bosnian', 1), ('serbian', 1), ('militamen', 1), ('stronghold', 1), ('conscripted', 1), ('ranka', 1), (\"'berit\", 1), ('berit', 1), ('reformories', 1), ('nascent', 1), ('fire-red', 1), ('platinum', 1), ('high-pitched', 1), ('safekeeping', 1), ('trott', 1), ('lackey', 1), ('slain', 1), (\"'college\", 1), ('alisha\\\\', 1), ('detach', 1), ('embarking', 1), ('cast-mate', 1), ('entre', 1), ('nous', 1), ('moderately', 1), ('collaborationist', 1), ('actor/black', 1), ('marketeer', 1), ('fractious', 1), ('paris.pauline', 1), ('kael', 1), ('0-7145-2869-2.', 1), ('p.133-135', 1), (\"'bata\", 1), (\"'melville\", 1), ('ironpants', 1), ('much-decorated', 1), ('goodwin\\\\', 1), ('squeaky-clean', 1), ('red-blooded', 1), ('coaxing', 1), ('dottie\\\\', 1), ('blabbermouth', 1), ('exemplary', 1), ('gooch', 1), ('declassified', 1), ('not-unwilling', 1), ('afresh.http', 1), ('//www.allmovie.com/work/woman-obsessed-130013', 1), ('variations', 1), ('yau', 1), ('muk-yan', 1), ('kar-fu', 1), ('tuner', 1), ('man-yee', 1), ('dorango', 1), ('latin-american', 1), ('ramirez', 1), ('two-week', 1), ('hendricks', 1), ('furor', 1), ('loch', 1), ('lomond', 1), ('hendricks\\\\', 1), ('willis\\\\', 1), ('dingy', 1), ('vilify', 1), ('penalized', 1), ('fifty-five', 1), ('mme', 1), ('zarka', 1), ('ruthlessly', 1), ('tutu', 1), ('allenwood', 1), ('closets', 1), ('allenwoods', 1), ('*john', 1), ('*wallace', 1), ('tripod', 1), ('mcmasters', 1), ('*jim', 1), ('tully', 1), ('*leila', 1), ('hyams', 1), ('*polly', 1), ('*doris', 1), ('flossy', 1), ('honore', 1), ('sailmaker', 1), ('wedlock', 1), ('tooth.', 1), ('sql3393', 1), ('category=full', 1), ('20synopsis', 1), ('eternally', 1), ('ex-veterinarian', 1), ('horsemanship', 1), ('benumbed', 1), ('lady-q', 1), ('sharif', 1), ('cpfilm', 1), ('faten/', 1), ('10.95', 1), ('ironclad', 1), ('j.f', 1), ('low-cost', 1), ('griggs', 1), ('venable', 1), ('bordereau', 1), ('amazingly', 1), ('105.', 1), ('great-niece', 1), ('glenson\\\\', 1), ('protege', 1), ('recruiters', 1), ('milbane\\\\', 1), ('dogcatchers', 1), ('pawnshop', 1), ('steeple', 1), ('arrayed', 1), ('fatimah', 1), (\"'statross\", 1), ('mixed-race', 1), ('statross', 1), ('distinctly', 1), ('ankur', 1), ('goyal', 1), ('guileless', 1), ('floozies', 1), ('grabby', 1), ('tv-soap', 1), ('suffering-heroine', 1), ('not-so-nice', 1), ('reshma', 1), ('goretti', 1), ('hit-list', 1), ('mart챠n', 1), ('socialize', 1), ('users', 1), ('corvatch', 1), ('soulmate', 1), ('strengthened', 1), ('podiatrist', 1), ('street-side', 1), ('positano', 1), ('faith\\\\', 1), ('spelt', 1), ('쐌ost', 1), ('쏿thlete-infested', 1), ('empathizes', 1), ('capsizing', 1), ('rudder', 1), ('mid-race', 1), ('collisions', 1), ('athleticism', 1), ('dormatory', 1), ('harassments', 1), ('sullavan', 1), ('desists', 1), ('outbids', 1), ('cad', 1), ('right-hand-man', 1), ('bestowed', 1), ('aneta', 1), ('montevideo', 1), (\"'seafaring\", 1), ('sideswipe', 1), ('gat', 1), ('hing', 1), ('mishandling', 1), ('50000', 1), ('huntsville', 1), ('glistens', 1), ('helms', 1), ('chiara', 1), ('stover', 1), ('cinderella-like', 1), ('less-than', 1), ('mean-spirited', 1), ('parchman', 1), ('adkins', 1), ('hostesses', 1), ('waikiki', 1), (\"'flaming\", 1), (\"'mrs\", 1), ('capitalizes', 1), ('cheaply', 1), ('inflictments', 1), ('palestinians', 1), ('gays', 1), (\"'kay\", 1), ('brannan', 1), ('yale-harvard', 1), ('tedium', 1), ('hyde', 1), ('foolhardy', 1), ('priscilla\\\\', 1), ('hesitatingly', 1), (\"'composer\", 1), ('bretter', 1), ('csi-like', 1), ('falter', 1), ('louder', 1), ('artisan', 1), ('waheeda', 1), ('arivazhagan', 1), ('ill-treatment', 1), ('eve-teasing', 1), ('ayesha', 1), ('julka', 1), ('indo-pak', 1), ('butchering', 1), ('isi', 1), ('lashkar-e-toiba', 1), ('maulana', 1), ('masood', 1), ('azhar', 1), ('ribs', 1), ('ligaments', 1), (\"'venu\", 1), ('premante', 1), ('inthe', 1), ('socha', 1), ('scupper', 1), ('telefilm', 1), ('dosakayalapalli', 1), ('whisk', 1), ('snatch', 1), ('satti', 1), ('categorically', 1), ('re-recording', 1), ('ananthakrishnan', 1), ('preethi', 1), ('armaments', 1), (\"'little\", 1), ('post-high', 1), ('teens/early', 1), ('twenty-somethings', 1), ('oumou', 1), (\"'jo\", 1), ('forty-year-old', 1), ('grazed', 1), ('ingham', 1), ('lout', 1), ('bassinet', 1), ('elgin', 1), ('invitees', 1), ('ashik', 1), ('1001st', 1), ('hampstead', 1), ('footballers', 1), (\"l'etranger\", 1), ('life-partners', 1), ('barbados', 1), ('terminology', 1), (\"'kristi\", 1), ('fong', 1), ('philo', 1), ('apologized', 1), ('kristi\\\\', 1), ('lobo', 1), ('lo\\\\', 1), ('stiles', 1), ('pirouette', 1), ('glide', 1), ('formats', 1), ('curriculum', 1), ('repugnant', 1), ('sultana', 1), ('trombone', 1), ('antagonism', 1), ('쁲wish', 1), ('쁈ntroduction', 1), ('pre-requirement', 1), ('gangsta', 1), ('201', 1), ('contraceptive', 1), ('hardcastle', 1), ('hardcastles\\\\', 1), ('birth-control', 1), ('pill-switching', 1), (\"'businessman\", 1), ('clemson', 1), ('tarji', 1), ('pleasurable', 1), ('moderating', 1), ('bukistanian', 1), ('hufi', 1), ('bruchah', 1), ('huppah', 1), ('canopy', 1), ('sheva', 1), (\"\\\\'bruchis\\\\\", 1), (\"\\\\'sheva\", 1), ('brachot\\\\', 1), (\"'like\", 1), ('bellow', 1), ('roark', 1), ('managerial', 1), ('agricultural', 1), ('volatility', 1), ('reenactments', 1), ('ex-fianc챕\\\\', 1), (\"'titled\", 1), ('marines\\\\', 1), ('tripoli', 1), ('pre-pearl', 1), ('post-production', 1), ('re-enlists', 1), ('winters\\\\', 1), ('non-fraternization', 1), ('cushy', 1), ('drilling', 1), ('reenlist', 1), ('two-toned', 1), ('jap', 1), ('1941.a', 1), ('closeup', 1), ('morse', 1), ('privates', 1), ('hollis', 1), ('cajoled', 1), ('benning', 1), ('thunderhead', 1), ('pioneer', 1), ('favoritism', 1), ('commandant\\\\', 1), ('shroud', 1), ('repacked', 1), (\"'writer\", 1), ('sheilah', 1), ('put-upon', 1), ('tariffs', 1), ('surcharges', 1), ('rebuilding', 1), ('used-car', 1), ('ramsgate', 1), ('conservancy', 1), ('dcp', 1), ('jabrowski', 1), ('authors.', 1), ('namea', 1), ('satirist', 1), ('|url9f0ce3dd1f3df935a25757c0a965958260', 1), ('|lastjanet', 1), ('|authorlinkthe', 1), ('|date2007-02-09', 1), ('mit', 1), ('fredreking', 1), ('justifying', 1), ('snorts', 1), ('sphere', 1), ('kyle.혻meanwhile', 1), ('thiruppaachi', 1), ('sengulam', 1), ('turned-down', 1), ('itching', 1), (\"'jimmy\", 1), ('1925.', 1), ('unparalleled', 1), ('prosper', 1), ('littleton', 1), ('legitimize', 1), ('formalizes', 1), ('game\\\\', 1), ('improvisational', 1), ('commissioner\\\\', 1), ('retraction', 1), ('muddy', 1), ('gehrig', 1), ('croatian', 1), (\"'kang\", 1), ('sporty', 1), ('gangwon', 1), ('0.1', 1), ('over-all', 1), ('gangwondo', 1), ('sarang-hae', 1), (\"'inderjit\", 1), ('sinh', 1), ('relinquishing', 1), ('raike', 1), ('extensively', 1), ('splendidly', 1), (\"'khlebnikov\\\\\", 1), ('lyonya\\\\', 1), ('밼or', 1), ('americans\\\\', 1), ('khlebnikov\\\\', 1), ('absurdist', 1), ('workbench', 1), ('peeling', 1), ('creaking', 1), (\"'sahiba\", 1), ('age-old', 1), ('nisha\\\\', 1), ('raunaq', 1), ('singhal\\\\', 1), ('ushering', 1), ('carotenuto', 1), ('carabinieri', 1), ('sagliena', 1), ('ritis', 1), ('stelluti', 1), ('forsaking', 1), ('risso', 1), ('mirziano', 1), ('incorruptible', 1), ('highly-respected', 1), ('pi챰eyro', 1), ('wallets', 1), ('spruance', 1), ('natural-born', 1), ('badgered', 1), ('menaced', 1), ('airstrip', 1), ('marladovna', 1), ('unauthorized', 1), ('ussr', 1), ('airspace', 1), ('pumping', 1), ('capabilities', 1), ('insensibility', 1), ('override', 1), ('ufo\\\\', 1), ('fells', 1), ('wetting', 1), ('saucer', 1), ('aroma', 1), (\"'alfred\\\\\", 1), (\"'viviane\", 1), ('jungles', 1), ('papua', 1), ('gilowe', 1), ('mapuga', 1), ('obscured', 1), ('deadlocked', 1), ('validate', 1), ('shindel\\\\', 1), ('telephoning', 1), ('sofa-bed', 1), ('jokers', 1), ('maxford\\\\', 1), (\"'eighteen\", 1), ('sclerosis', 1), ('wieslaw', 1), ('brand-new-looking', 1), ('audi', 1), ('alexandria', 1), ('consular', 1), (\"'pinocchio\", 1), ('964', 1), ('modifications', 1), (\"d\\\\'azur\", 1), ('0,000', 1), ('sulked', 1), ('sarong', 1), ('corrientes', 1), ('pictured', 1), ('notoriously', 1), ('proteg챕', 1), ('marzouk', 1), ('afandy', 1), ('wahid', 1), ('orphanages', 1), ('aidan', 1), ('julianne', 1), ('venkatraman', 1), ('maheswaran', 1), ('psychiatry', 1), ('dhamayanthi', 1), ('jubilee', 1), ('kodaikanal', 1), ('adieu', 1), (\"'thirty\", 1), ('jindals', 1), ('look-out', 1), ('karam\\\\', 1), ('60th', 1), ('afghan-american', 1), ('qadiri', 1), ('honorific', 1), ('쏛gha', 1), ('iconoclast', 1), ('dari-speaking', 1), ('tajik', 1), ('pashtun-dominated', 1), ('spool-holder', 1), ('쐊ite', 1), ('rostam', 1), ('shahnameh', 1), ('pashtun', 1), ('hazaras', 1), ('city-wide', 1), ('kite-fighting', 1), ('봶atches', 1), ('쐊ills.', 1), ('쐒un', 1), ('pomegranates', 1), ('pomegranate', 1), ('well-wishes', 1), ('1979', 1), ('denunciation', 1), ('defused', 1), ('chaperoned', 1), ('again.', 1), ('caretakers', 1), ('1996.', 1), ('taliban-controlled', 1), ('stoning', 1), ('쐏rice', 1), ('쐔hat', 1), ('boy.', 1), ('쐒unner.', 1), ('12423448', 1), ('campervan', 1), ('40s-ish', 1), ('justify', 1), ('re-established', 1), ('allegory', 1), ('inter-college', 1), ('sarro', 1), ('wannabes', 1), ('rocked', 1), ('nabbing', 1), ('urmila', 1), ('martodkar', 1), ('coaster', 1), ('repressing', 1), ('intimated', 1), ('pathaje', 1), ('transplantation', 1), ('kannada', 1), ('dischord', 1), ('marivaux', 1), ('abdelkrim', 1), ('krimo', 1), ('arlequin', 1), ('timidness', 1), ('grainger', 1), ('pattinson', 1), ('day-lewis', 1), ('free-of-charge', 1), ('no-strings', 1), ('estela', 1), ('garage-owner\\\\', 1), ('fellow-university', 1), ('suzanna', 1), ('genres', 1), ('sangamam', 1), ('colman', 1), ('endocrinologist', 1), ('crestview', 1), ('쐗ill', 1), ('live.', 1), ('stolidly', 1), ('wrings', 1), ('instincts.', 1), ('felines', 1), ('cerebrum', 1), ('pegged', 1), ('pinch', 1), ('carrom', 1), ('santhanam', 1), ('karunas', 1), ('pittance', 1), ('booze', 1), ('interminable', 1), ('selvam.prabhu', 1), ('public.ravi', 1), ('charge.when', 1), ('residence.ravi', 1), ('condole', 1), ('anti-narcotics', 1), ('drug-smuggling', 1), ('bike.they', 1), ('fir', 1), ('escspe', 1), ('unwllingly', 1), ('non-caring', 1), ('ravi.the', 1), ('auto-rickshaw', 1), ('ice-factory', 1), ('til', 1), ('acene', 1), ('trademark', 1), (\"'dream\", 1), ('clot', 1), ('tourist-type', 1), ('dami찼n', 1), ('nicol찼s', 1), ('pauls', 1), ('mashing', 1), ('stipulate', 1), ('nizhalgal', 1), ('agress', 1), (\"'kutty\", 1), ('transitive', 1), ('repents', 1), ('pune-based', 1), ('perumaal', 1), ('sangheeta', 1), ('halsworth', 1), ('fuzz', 1), ('rosebushes', 1), ('macfarland', 1), ('multimillionaire', 1), ('mannering', 1), ('intermezzo', 1), ('uncanny', 1), ('thwarting', 1), ('married.', 1), ('//www.allmovie.com/movie/were-not-married-v53686', 1), ('|titleallmovie', 1), ('|date2012-03-04', 1), ('gladwyn', 1), ('ramona', 1), ('huggy-kissy', 1), ('throats', 1), ('contest-happy', 1), ('kausalya\\\\', 1), ('wedding.but', 1), ('sithambaram', 1), ('kaushalya', 1), ('arries', 1), ('conersation', 1), (\"'sakthivel\", 1), (\"'annabelle\", 1), ('tillman', 1), ('christen', 1), ('colins', 1), ('synonymous', 1), ('antiagent', 1), ('unrestrained', 1), ('쁅or', 1), ('쫡he', 1), ('preparation.', 1), ('19685904', 1), ('studies.so', 1), ('mansur', 1), ('actuality', 1), (\"'vijay\", 1), ('bhagyalakshmi', 1), ('manorama\\\\', 1), ('chennai.before', 1), ('envelopes', 1), ('vijay\\\\', 1), ('letters.after', 1), ('washroom.the', 1), ('washrooms', 1), ('here.the', 1), ('dangerous.but', 1), ('bad-tempered', 1), ('pardons', 1), ('ye-won\\\\', 1), ('clumsiness', 1), ('sung\\\\', 1), ('mini-video', 1), ('second-term', 1), ('danta', 1), ('lafe', 1), ('demagogic', 1), ('tempore', 1), ('curmudgeon', 1), ('seabright', 1), ('seeb', 1), ('chaired', 1), ('brigham', 1), ('gelman\\\\', 1), ('hardiman', 1), ('nominate', 1), ('vindictiveness', 1), ('cooley\\\\', 1), ('hudson\\\\', 1), ('quorum', 1), ('leader\\\\', 1), ('yeas', 1), ('nays', 1), ('andersons\\\\', 1), ('censure', 1), ('munson\\\\', 1), ('nominee\\\\', 1), ('manisha', 1), ('eyrelle', 1), ('spy\\\\', 1), ('ace\\\\', 1), (\"'socket\", 1), ('reportedly', 1), ('sci-fi', 1), ('inconsequential', 1), ('voltage', 1), ('prongs', 1), ('mainline', 1), ('pakistani-born', 1), ('tolerant', 1), ('donadio', 1), ('encapsulated', 1), ('hanif', 1), ('kureishi', 1), ('darkly', 1), ('prescient', 1), ('쏻here', 1), ('쁓tairway', 1), ('right.', 1), ('name2', 1), ('orefbooks', 1), ('pagewantedslogin', 1), ('nyt', 1), ('august24', 1), ('vijeta', 1), ('blockbuster', 1), ('//boxofficeindia.com/showprod.php', 1), ('itemcatmtk4mqtop_actors', 1), ('phpsessid=9ff82f3b65560a2328305e6cf0ea364f', 1), ('playback', 1), ('remade', 1), ('prema', 1), ('sankellu', 1), ('vijaya', 1), ('african-americans', 1), ('childlessness', 1), ('newcastle', 1), ('kind-', 1), ('surname', 1), ('fabrizio', 1), ('oph체ls\\\\', 1), ('witness\\\\', 1), ('unflinching', 1), ('slumps', 1), ('venerated', 1), ('pellegrini', 1), ('light-themed', 1), ('monotony', 1), ('restructuring', 1), ('marita', 1), ('micky', 1), ('salaries', 1), ('glamorously', 1), ('pram', 1), ('insouciantly', 1), ('intricately', 1), ('tyrellin', 1), ('robins', 1), ('parochial', 1), ('unloving', 1), (\"\\\\'70s\", 1), ('liam\\\\', 1), ('bergin', 1), ('himself/herself', 1), ('glam', 1), ('hatchet', 1), ('mohawks', 1), ('now-girlfriend', 1), ('wombles', 1), ('womble', 1), ('bertie\\\\', 1), ('hyperbolic', 1), ('interrogated', 1), ('firebombing', 1), ('kitten\\\\', 1), ('cricketers', 1), ('stratofortress', 1), ('manned', 1), ('329th', 1), ('career-long', 1), ('brennan\\\\', 1), ('refueled', 1), ('mid-air', 1), ('afb', 1), ('airlifts', 1), ('risked', 1), ('usaf', 1), ('rethinks', 1), ('shadowing', 1), ('non-exclusive', 1), ('competitiveness', 1), ('productive', 1), ('incorporating', 1), ('deirdre\\\\', 1), ('goof-off', 1), ('father.http', 1), ('//www.allmovie.com/work/in-love-and-war-96395', 1), ('hawaiian-french', 1), ('single-handedly', 1), (\"'aditya\", 1), ('kashyap', 1), ('irritating', 1), ('badnagar', 1), ('heartland', 1), ('taxis', 1), ('camel-carts', 1), ('manjeet', 1), ('misconception', 1), ('reveres', 1), ('township', 1), ('not-working', 1), ('harmlessly', 1), ('meters', 1), ('sniff', 1), ('tabrizi', 1), ('fellow-inmate', 1), ('mustafai', 1), ('swabia', 1), ('sielmingen', 1), ('scarcely', 1), ('esslingen', 1), ('gasmut', 1), ('l瀋쮔e', 1), ('coterie', 1), ('manoeuvred', 1), ('chap', 1), ('boozy', 1), ('arrears', 1), ('instalments', 1), ('fulfilment', 1), ('outwitted', 1), ('asylum-seekers', 1), ('orbiting', 1), ('hickey', 1), ('paternalism', 1), ('underbelly', 1), ('cohort', 1), ('vanquished', 1), ('shiniqua', 1), ('powerfully', 1), ('brothel.tla', 1), ('privy', 1), ('place.http', 1), ('//othervenicefilmfest.com/program/sun10el.html', 1), (\"'fred\", 1), ('similarly-aged', 1), ('hypochondriac', 1), ('dialysis', 1), ('disapproved', 1), ('reenacting', 1), ('fellini\\\\', 1), ('mastroianni', 1), ('embustera', 1), ('bethlehem', 1), ('waite', 1), ('salman', 1), ('refill', 1), ('seedier', 1), ('dhanraj\\\\', 1), ('sassafras', 1), ('princess/daddy', 1), ('sass', 1), ('preface', 1), ('bottom-of-the-barrel', 1), ('vallarta', 1), ('goodall', 1), ('shanghais', 1), ('stranding', 1), ('verde', 1), ('mismaloya', 1), ('faulk', 1), ('jelkes', 1), ('weaknesses', 1), ('fellowes\\\\', 1), ('iguana', 1), ('truss', 1), ('poppy-seed', 1), ('laboring', 1), ('shahenshah', 1), ('jalaudin', 1), ('babur', 1), ('hindustan', 1), ('sensitively', 1), ('jodabai', 1), ('shehzada', 1), ('nadira', 1), ('bestowing', 1), (\"'anarkali\", 1), ('meting', 1), ('valdessecchi', 1), ('microchip', 1), ('cortex', 1), ('rentals', 1), ('leeza\\\\', 1), ('clouding', 1), (\"'rich\", 1), ('indie', 1), ('super-charged', 1), ('rottnest', 1), ('perth', 1), ('stoke', 1), ('aldrich', 1), ('second-rate', 1), ('willful', 1), ('refusals', 1), ('near-sighted', 1), ('commitment-phobe', 1), ('leggy', 1), ('eye-catching', 1), ('scowling', 1), ('day-by-day', 1), ('once-popular', 1), (\"'viva\", 1), ('erotica', 1), ('sex-comedy', 1), ('film-director', 1), ('kwok-wing', 1), ('chung', 1), ('sex/porn', 1), ('pui', 1), ('chun', 1), ('shu', 1), ('flesh-oriented', 1), ('yoo-rim', 1), ('barred', 1), ('reenter', 1), ('charachters', 1), ('sats', 1), ('applicant\\\\', 1), ('paramilitary', 1), ('prissy', 1), ('spoofing', 1), ('tibbs', 1), ('uganda', 1), ('hue', 1), ('get-nowhere', 1), ('arsenault', 1), ('100-point', 1), ('lott', 1), ('grave\\\\', 1), ('cab-fare', 1), ('poultice', 1), ('plumage', 1), ('saint-like', 1), ('seraphic', 1), ('thoughtfulness', 1), ('million-fold', 1), ('plump', 1), ('news-letter', 1), ('fiend', 1), ('sponges', 1), ('flaunts', 1), ('vespertilian', 1), ('cloven', 1), ('hoof', 1), ('naturalistic', 1), ('concurrent', 1), ('step-father', 1), ('repulsively', 1), ('marcela\\\\', 1), ('benefactor/meal', 1), ('vineyards', 1), ('risha\\\\', 1), ('manse', 1), ('patently', 1), ('evjzen', 1), ('irreversible', 1), ('bewitching', 1), ('enormity', 1), ('denevi', 1), ('3-year-old', 1), ('alessa', 1), ('spurn', 1), ('unwealthy', 1), (\"'han-na\", 1), ('syncs', 1), ('ungratefully', 1), ('jung-min\\\\', 1), ('korean-american', 1), ('sang-jun\\\\', 1), ('han-nam', 1), ('re-releases', 1), ('anti-fans', 1), (\"'by\", 1), ('riachuelo', 1), ('whores', 1), ('worriedly', 1), ('쏷hey\\\\', 1), ('shit.', 1), ('prophesied', 1), ('desecrating', 1), ('claudia\\\\', 1), ('luisa\\\\', 1), ('children-in-law', 1), (\"'fur\", 1), ('steamboat', 1), ('seaport', 1), ('consumer', 1), ('jailbirds', 1), ('husbands-to-be', 1), ('fines', 1), ('passages', 1), ('auctioning', 1), ('trader\\\\', 1), ('rough-cut', 1), ('barbarously', 1), ('acquaints', 1), ('famished', 1), ('howling', 1), ('b챗te\\\\', 1), ('snowshoes', 1), ('empty-handed', 1), ('gulping', 1), ('trapper\\\\', 1), ('hobbled', 1), (\"'murder\", 1), ('sadism', 1), ('parisienne', 1), ('wakonda', 1), ('logger', 1), ('widens', 1), ('viv', 1), ('hitzel', 1), ('kenboy', 1), ('barebacking', 1), ('volition', 1), ('side-effects', 1), ('prevention', 1), ('hand-delivered', 1), ('change-hating', 1), ('shenannigans', 1), ('on-time', 1), ('visibily', 1), ('battle\\\\', 1), ('hurtfully', 1), ('sonoma', 1), ('attaction', 1), ('emotionally-distant', 1), ('shiek', 1), ('jillette', 1), ('shockingly', 1), ('mysogynic', 1), ('lutfi', 1), ('electra', 1), ('complex.', 1), ('//www.art-tv.net/moviechannel/movies_movie.asp', 1), ('showid24', 1), ('publisherarabic', 1), ('licentious', 1), ('safia', 1), ('samir', 1), ('aliases', 1), ('1936.', 1), ('obis', 1), ('castrates', 1), ('bar-maid', 1), ('arrest.synopsis', 1), ('weisser', 1), ('p.356', 1), (\"'jay-taew\", 1), ('mot-dum', 1), ('songkram', 1), ('num-ning', 1), ('sayew', 1), ('fantasties', 1), ('stallion', 1), ('mui', 1), ('fallings-out', 1), ('횁lvares', 1), ('moema', 1), ('caravelle', 1), ('terra', 1), ('brasilis', 1), ('charlton', 1), ('buttoned-down', 1), ('inflated', 1), ('accrued', 1), ('aide-de-camp', 1), ('incestious', 1), ('cohabitating', 1), ('maharashtrian', 1), ('jyoti', 1), ('chotu', 1), ('stoddards', 1), ('repurchase', 1), ('reversing', 1), ('roost', 1), (\"'13\", 1), ('thai-american', 1), ('suvarnabhumi', 1), ('unpacking', 1), ('noy', 1), ('seething', 1), ('fitfully', 1), ('609', 1), ('mini-bar', 1), ('trudging', 1), ('nurtured', 1), ('dickinson\\\\', 1), ('s찼nchez', 1), ('prickly', 1), ('driest', 1), ('settings', 1), ('guddi', 1), ('93jaya', 1), ('bhaduri', 1), ('glamourous', 1), ('film.gulzar', 1), ('457', 1), ('satyen', 1), ('kappu', 1), ('scene-stealing', 1), ('semi-naked', 1), ('tantalising', 1), ('gantry', 1), ('tsakalos', 1), ('lykas', 1), ('shambunath', 1), ('doese', 1), ('mirchandani', 1), ('wealth-ridden', 1), ('grooming', 1), ('v.p', 1), ('dattabhau', 1), ('reopens', 1), ('p.v', 1), ('pacifies', 1), ('shambhuath', 1), ('gaskell', 1), ('leer', 1), ('schooldays', 1), ('elicit', 1), ('wordfest', 1), ('depend', 1), ('semi-consciously', 1), ('chancellor\\\\', 1), ('conspicuously', 1), ('dimaggio', 1), ('mythopoetics', 1), ('rework', 1), ('clicking', 1), ('cold-war', 1), ('post-ww2', 1), ('hebridean', 1), ('privately-owned', 1), (\"'victory\", 1), (\"'discover\", 1), ('seagull', 1), ('bikinis', 1), ('hegde', 1), ('generalization', 1), ('mandya', 1), ('other.the', 1), (\"'elmer\", 1), ('benmore', 1), ('ethyl', 1), ('norcrosse', 1), ('handlers', 1), (\"'gogo\", 1), ('extraction', 1), ('mimsey', 1), ('foreshadowed', 1), ('moors', 1), ('sunlit', 1), ('glades', 1), ('slumbers', 1), ('looloo', 1), ('ole', 1), ('mind-reading', 1), ('fakir', 1), ('comedians', 1), (\"'ping\", 1), ('kuala', 1), ('lumpur', 1), ('packert', 1), ('inhabiting', 1), ('humbird', 1), ('crew-cut', 1), ('stipulation', 1), ('mandated', 1), ('combine', 1), ('giribala', 1), ('dunlap', 1), (\"'overweight\", 1), ('improv', 1), ('rambles', 1), ('paddy', 1), ('chayefsky\\\\', 1), ('eaters', 1), ('obscurely', 1), ('allenbury', 1), ('apprehension', 1), ('aquacade', 1), ('farro', 1), ('baritone', 1), ('frances\\\\', 1), ('cugat\\\\', 1), ('snuggle', 1), ('twink', 1), ('cocktopus', 1), ('scientist\\\\', 1), ('masters\\\\', 1), ('stonewall\\\\', 1), ('webmaster', 1), ('orgazmarator', 1), ('flys', 1), ('cockmander', 1), ('infante', 1), ('santiago', 1), ('broken-down', 1), ('albita', 1), ('7-year-old', 1), ('commending', 1), ('chayanne', 1), ('parithiyur', 1), ('notoriety', 1), ('paruthiyur', 1), ('chevvaazhai', 1), ('pampers', 1), ('misbehavior', 1), ('unmoved', 1), ('grade/class', 1), ('beseeches', 1), ('singer/actress', 1), ('lafosse', 1), ('pardue', 1), ('calderelli', 1), ('impresario', 1), ('dubarry', 1), ('blomfield', 1), (\"'40s\", 1), ('duryea', 1), ('rancour', 1), ('tasted', 1), ('examined', 1), ('churchill\\\\', 1), ('florine', 1), ('dagmar', 1), ('converge', 1), ('catfight', 1), ('divulges', 1), ('pyoy', 1), ('raced', 1), ('1616', 1), ('flanders', 1), ('pillage', 1), ('redoubtable', 1), ('strategem', 1), ('entertainments', 1), ('refrain', 1), ('brueghel', 1), ('brazil\\\\', 1), ('zoophilia.her', 1), ('rear-end', 1), ('critiqued', 1), ('tie-breaker', 1), ('1922', 1), ('man.hellicar', 1), ('spall', 1), (\"'successful\", 1), ('madden', 1), ('dink', 1), (\"'nora\", 1), (\"'notable\", 1), ('interventionist', 1), ('incorporate', 1), ('s.s.', 1), ('athenia', 1), ('armistice', 1), ('compi챔gne', 1), ('gellhorn', 1), ('peculator', 1), ('tunneling', 1), ('third-rate', 1), ('whalan', 1), ('jeannette', 1), ('desmereau', 1), ('bellamy', 1), ('crashbombing', 1), ('carrier', 1), ('reminisence', 1), (\"'piggy\", 1), ('typographical', 1), ('transcribing', 1), (\"'jealousy\", 1), ('fenster', 1), ('splendona', 1), ('plouff', 1), ('stop.', 1), ('//www.fatenhamama.com/arabic/films/altariq-al-massdoud.html', 1), ('2007-04-01', 1), ('sachin', 1), ('fernandes', 1), ('presentes', 1), ('breathed', 1), (\"'fr챕d챕rique\", 1), ('tropez', 1), ('fr챕d챕rique', 1), ('exploiter', 1), ('koduru', 1), ('grandmom', 1), ('millionaire-turned-hr', 1), ('boomerang', 1), (\"'sydney\", 1), ('sau', 1), ('phi', 1), ('demetria', 1), ('rosemead', 1), ('hotchkiss', 1), ('rho', 1), ('witchburn', 1), ('vortex', 1), ('weighing', 1), ('carbohydrates', 1), ('rho\\\\', 1), ('sau\\\\', 1), ('longtime-running', 1), ('high-maintenance', 1), ('blogger', 1), ('embele', 1), ('houses\\\\', 1), ('exclusivist', 1), ('gurkin\\\\', 1), ('carleton', 1), ('supporters', 1), ('underrated', 1), ('1880s', 1), ('vixenish', 1), ('corcoran', 1), ('testimonial', 1), (\"'faten\", 1), ('dse', 1), ('tower-blocks', 1), ('1990.', 1), ('1991.', 1), ('sustainable', 1), ('planners', 1), ('petersham', 1), ('sinclair\\\\', 1), ('infers', 1), ('nuneaton', 1), ('colin\\\\', 1), ('grills', 1), ('caramel', 1), ('lebanese', 1), ('jamale', 1), ('tailoress', 1), ('labaki', 1), (\"'patricia\", 1), ('counterspy', 1), ('smoothest', 1), ('mortmain', 1), ('topaz', 1), ('sun-bathe', 1), ('overturned', 1), ('methodically', 1), (\"'sadie\", 1), ('augustine\\\\', 1), ('re-checking', 1), ('irritate', 1), ('microphone/transmitter', 1), ('hypocrite', 1), ('sands', 1), (\"'hugo\", 1), ('dugay', 1), ('chicalini', 1), ('mazur', 1), ('gaylen', 1), ('als', 1), ('1926', 1), ('illusionist', 1), ('debunking', 1), ('mystics', 1), ('psychics', 1), ('paranormal', 1), ('mcgarvie', 1), ('sugarman\\\\', 1), ('channelling', 1), ('uttering', 1), ('kaddish', 1), ('ehrich', 1), ('german-accented', 1), ('seance', 1), ('impersonation', 1), ('veracity', 1), ('mcgarvies', 1), ('prankster', 1), ('rupturing', 1), ('londoners', 1), (\"\\\\'are\", 1), ('fail-safe', 1), ('쁀re', 1), ('hopefuls', 1), ('쁌onster', 1), ('sony', 1), ('pre-order', 1), ('village-based', 1), ('plain-looking', 1), ('fellow-villager', 1), ('santander', 1), ('medico-dental', 1), ('ramir챠n', 1), ('tissues', 1), ('sentimentality', 1), ('wishfully', 1), ('inscription', 1), ('foaming', 1), ('ramirin', 1), ('spellbinds', 1), ('offbeat', 1), ('directness', 1), ('reenacts', 1), ('doze', 1), ('accelerate', 1), ('ex-friends', 1), ('coffins', 1), ('best-looking', 1), ('봲omeone', 1), ('remorful', 1), ('plods', 1), ('bielska', 1), ('radom', 1), ('filip', 1), ('zloty', 1), ('conjugal', 1), ('zdis흢aw\\\\', 1), ('archives', 1), ('homeschooled', 1), ('ingratiated', 1), ('samuels', 1), ('wieners', 1), ('remakes', 1), ('inciting', 1), ('quelled', 1), ('duvall', 1), ('norbury', 1), ('slandered', 1), ('circulate', 1), ('reformation', 1), ('mathletes', 1), ('disbanding', 1), ('asians', 1), ('mathlete', 1), ('wrongdoings', 1), ('despaired', 1), ('rajpal', 1), ('shillong', 1), ('re-locates', 1), ('szabo\\\\', 1), ('szabo', 1), ('vial', 1), ('articulated', 1), ('budapest\\\\', 1), (\"'hanna\", 1), ('depressive', 1), ('jean-luc', 1), ('godard', 1), ('undercut', 1), (\"'neena\", 1), ('kamo', 1), ('calculating', 1), ('control-obsessed', 1), ('askew', 1), ('lakshman', 1), ('abducting', 1), ('robson', 1), ('athletico', 1), ('lads', 1), ('scorer', 1), (\"'channel\", 1), ('harbin', 1), ('superb', 1), ('rediscovery', 1), ('truman', 1), ('duvalierville', 1), ('executions', 1), ('frivolities', 1), ('smiths', 1), ('regaling', 1), ('burma', 1), ('trianon', 1), ('assassins', 1), ('scalpel', 1), ('axle', 1), ('omnipresent', 1), ('accost', 1), (\"'yves\", 1), ('montand', 1), ('colomb', 1), ('foreign-returned', 1), ('dethrone', 1), ('bhatnagar', 1), ('wanderer', 1), ('manoj_kumar', 1), ('asha_parekh', 1), ('step-mother', 1), ('ms.sulochana', 1), ('vikam', 1), ('her.dolly', 1), ('looted', 1), ('wealth.sulochana', 1), ('gaurishanker', 1), ('cid', 1), ('suicide.chanda', 1), ('resembled', 1), ('radhakrishnan', 1), ('dileep', 1), ('granddaughter.there', 1), ('petname', 1), ('photoshops', 1), ('veera', 1), ('www.veeratamilan.com', 1), ('property.rajini', 1), ('consequences.but', 1), ('takeaway', 1), ('patient.he', 1), ('villains.atlast', 1), ('chieftain', 1), ('abstain', 1), ('sharpened', 1), ('pregnant-though', 1), ('mid-wife', 1), ('sembattai', 1), ('hechman-who', 1), ('vaanavarayam', 1), ('vallavarayam', 1), ('//rajinifans.com/review/ejamaan.php', 1), ('ex-baseball', 1), ('sidetracked', 1), ('grander', 1), ('civilizations', 1), ('harikrishan', 1), ('prevailed', 1), ('srinagar', 1), ('numbered', 1), ('hippy', 1), (\"'gopi\", 1), ('banaras', 1), ('aborting', 1), ('baby-boy', 1), ('re-marriage', 1), ('forego', 1), ('veiling', 1), ('hall.he', 1), ('snacks', 1), 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1), ('fierce-tempered', 1), ('pedicure', 1), ('slightest', 1), ('unsteady', 1), ('consulted', 1), ('eleventh', 1), ('eighth-floor', 1), ('vignali', 1), ('loletta', 1), ('venerd챙', 1), ('rawail', 1), ('ranjeeta', 1), ('pangs', 1), ('soul-stirring', 1), ('jaidev', 1), ('recount', 1), ('madarsa', 1), ('allah', 1), ('slates', 1), ('inscribes', 1), ('lalila', 1), ('camels', 1), ('bakhsh', 1), ('divinely', 1), ('abrar', 1), ('alvi', 1), ('scales', 1), ('gauged', 1), ('ex-gurkha', 1), ('봶hom', 1), ('personalitites', 1), ('oliv찼n', 1), ('횁vila', 1), ('brake', 1), ('worshiper', 1), ('capadocia', 1), ('unashamed', 1), ('senso', 1), ('1866', 1), ('italian-austrian', 1), ('fenice', 1), ('trovatore', 1), ('manrico', 1), ('quella', 1), ('pira', 1), ('ussoni', 1), ('under-equipped', 1), ('convicting', 1), (\"'no\", 1), ('bleecker', 1), ('nine-year', 1), ('sous', 1), ('uplifting', 1), ('refimprove', 1), ('shrinks', 1), ('pill-pushers', 1), ('incisive', 1), ('overload', 1), ('carradine\\\\', 1), 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('break-all', 1), ('hand-cuffed', 1), (\"'chandramukhi\", 1), ('kapur', 1), ('atrangely', 1), ('mohan\\\\', 1), ('doppelganger', 1), ('plummeting', 1), ('rrealizing', 1), ('madhav\\\\', 1), ('senile', 1), ('streets.\\\\', 1), ('serrano', 1), ('410.', 1), ('missy\\\\', 1), ('tip-off', 1), ('crew\\\\', 1), ('moose\\\\', 1), ('lauryn\\\\', 1), ('hostilely', 1), ('impressively', 1), ('unbeknownest', 1), ('russ\\\\', 1), ('stacking', 1), ('mortgages', 1), ('uplifted', 1), ('congratulatory', 1), ('journo', 1), ('himesh', 1), ('reshammiya', 1), ('hansika\\\\', 1), ('journalist\\\\', 1), ('feroz', 1), ('ria\\\\', 1), ('invoices', 1), ('khurana\\\\', 1), ('hindi=speaking', 1), ('tourist/native', 1), ('hr\\\\', 1), ('mehbooba', 1), ('sholay', 1), ('jiggy\\\\', 1), ('heartbreaks', 1), ('쁒ats', 1), ('mahant', 1), ('쁌eow', 1), ('bhaloo', 1), ('bhageere', 1), ('supposing', 1), ('self-reflection', 1), ('recapitulates', 1), ('girl-friend', 1), ('radiology', 1), ('captivating', 1), ('stuns', 1), ('cuenca', 1), ('pined', 1), ('decanter', 1), ('sabbarwal', 1), ('nair', 1), ('alam', 1), ('follies', 1), ('peggy\\\\', 1), ('lockridge', 1), ('quip', 1), ('blustery', 1), ('dance-student', 1), ('addled', 1), ('dudu', 1), ('mother-daughter', 1), ('business-minded', 1), ('miyata', 1), ('straight-arrow', 1), ('maki', 1), ('kuwata', 1), ('yusuke', 1), ('kanda', 1), ('ayumi', 1), ('kurata', 1), ('wannabe-tough', 1), ('asai', 1), ('experts', 1), ('townsman', 1), ('novick', 1), ('abject', 1), ('emboldened', 1), ('weakly', 1), ('repaid', 1), ('mahidol', 1), ('jitaro', 1), ('ched', 1), ('timpani', 1), ('margarette', 1), ('wasted', 1), ('unharvested', 1), ('batty', 1), ('persevere', 1), (\"'kashi\", 1), ('sanga', 1), ('hira', 1), ('shibu', 1), ('nuanced', 1), ('3-way', 1), ('milkmaid', 1), ('pervasive', 1), ('defiles', 1), ('co-dancer', 1), ('ruts', 1), ('eckbaum', 1), ('refrigerators', 1), ('saws', 1), ('willington', 1), ('co-tenant', 1), ('cabdriver', 1), ('guinn', 1), ('backseat', 1), ('bazooka', 1), ('hostilities', 1), ('koreans', 1), ('talman', 1), ('infiltrated', 1), ('casualties', 1), ('contributions', 1), ('pommeraye', 1), ('b챕noliel', 1), ('pisses', 1), ('annoys', 1), ('erwan', 1), ('caliente', 1), ('busby', 1), ('chivalrous', 1), ('idealist', 1), ('bootleg', 1)]\n"
"source": [
"vocab_sorted = sorted(vocab.items(), key = lambda x:x[1], reverse = True)\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
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14975, 'banking': 14976, 'obeys': 14977, 'pournami': 14978, 'maha': 14979, 'gautham': 14980, 'wronkin': 14981, 'karina': 14982, 'blackwood': 14983, 'banerjee': 14984, 'firefighters': 14985, 'granite': 14986, 'lansford': 14987, 'liquid': 14988, 'erupt': 14989, 'chatham': 14990, 'kneller\\\\': 14991, 'wingfield': 14992, 'mitchelson': 14993, 'southey': 14994, 'aimsley': 14995, 'indu': 14996, 'thirumalai': 14997, 'channels': 14998, 'lakhs': 14999, 't.c': 15000, 'kamadeva': 15001, 'jeep': 15002, 'untimely': 15003, 'chidambaram': 15004, 'suryan': 15005, 'chandran': 15006, 'bascopolous': 15007, 'malliswari': 15008, 'vizag': 15009, 'monique\\\\': 15010, 'fuad': 15011, 'mridula': 15012, 'satya': 15013, 'oversexed': 15014, 'raji': 15015, 'pom': 15016, 'padmavathi': 15017, 'carmelo': 15018, 'fogell\\\\': 15019, 'becca': 15020, 'titania': 15021, 'pairing': 15022, 'muldoon': 15023, 'heavenly': 15024, 'ashby': 15025, 'luang': 15026, 'waad': 15027, 'kula': 15028, 'malkov찼': 15029, 'beltinsky': 15030, 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15086, 'chelladurai': 15087, 'ranvir': 15088, 'garp\\\\': 15089, 'jamesians': 15090, 'double-agent': 15091, 'islanders': 15092, 'laetitia': 15093, 'parvez': 15094, 'imran': 15095, 'george-anne': 15096, 'young-goon\\\\': 15097, 'upen': 15098, 'farhad': 15099, 'lingaiah': 15100, 'esmee': 15101, 'sacha': 15102, 'ver처nica': 15103, 'petruchio': 15104, 'autopilot': 15105, 'hyun-chae': 15106, 'pies': 15107, 'pomatter': 15108, 'marilla': 15109, 'lalaine': 15110, 'bascombe': 15111, 'kenan': 15112, 'argentine': 15113, 'arivu': 15114, 'viji': 15115, 'sheela': 15116, 'sory': 15117, 'eun-whan': 15118, 'singhal': 15119, 'sica': 15120, 'calista': 15121, 'alby': 15122, 'banupriya': 15123, 'rupa': 15124, 'subcommittee': 15125, 'min-joon': 15126, 'liam': 15127, 'bertie': 15128, 'siamak': 15129, 'risha': 15130, 'giulia': 15131, 'facundo': 15132, 'fortunes': 15133, 'binodini': 15134, 'karenin': 15135, 'dayashankar': 15136, 'cugat': 15137, 'vonfockingcock': 15138, 'dumont': 15139, 'sawsan': 15140, 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19373, 'degraded': 19374, 'singaporean': 19375, 'ashtray': 19376, 'francois': 19377, 'mans': 19378, 'bravo': 19379, \"'mary\": 19380, 'oddball': 19381, 'midlands': 19382, 'brangwen': 19383, 'tibby': 19384, 'village\\\\': 19385, 'discourse': 19386, 'ragtime': 19387, 'paperweight': 19388, 'gudrun\\\\': 19389, 'rupert\\\\': 19390, 'schoolmaster': 19391, 'shaughnessy': 19392, 'spoilt': 19393, 'banging': 19394, 'footprints': 19395, 'detonating': 19396, 'hideously': 19397, 'mutilated': 19398, 'm찼ximo': 19399, 'toothache': 19400, 'lashed': 19401, 'marina\\\\': 19402, 'mix-up': 19403, 'servers': 19404, 'flo': 19405, 'wisecracking': 19406, 'kabak': 19407, 'shamelessly': 19408, 'condolences': 19409, 'recipes': 19410, 'skyscraper': 19411, 'callaghan': 19412, 'misinterpreting': 19413, 'belated': 19414, 'apollonia': 19415, \"'roy\": 19416, 'griswold': 19417, 'clinical': 19418, 'contention': 19419, 'flaw': 19420, 'pga': 19421, 'jacobsen': 19422, '12th': 19423, 'pros': 19424, 'implements': 19425, 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23838, 'pakistanis': 23839, 'farah': 23840, 'amit': 23841, 'tha': 23842, 'lizi': 23843, 're-appears': 23844, 'kerib': 23845, 'misquitoes': 23846, 'izabella': 23847, 'miko': 23848, 'arduous': 23849, 'vitamin': 23850, 'hewitt\\\\': 23851, 'bukistan': 23852, 'hellion': 23853, 'drop-out': 23854, 'depot': 23855, 'battalion': 23856, 'calais': 23857, 'suncoast': 23858, 'hard-to-get': 23859, 'finalised': 23860, 'duluth': 23861, 'heroics': 23862, 'dodge\\\\': 23863, 'interception': 23864, 'eun-whan\\\\': 23865, 'jae-kyung\\\\': 23866, 'boudoir': 23867, 'pietro': 23868, 'annarella': 23869, 'timberlane': 23870, 'disposes': 23871, 'ari\\\\': 23872, 'ufo': 23873, 'explorers': 23874, 'maps': 23875, 'bildocker': 23876, 'shindel': 23877, 'breathtakingly': 23878, 'janusz': 23879, 'kasia': 23880, 'pursewarden': 23881, 'euro': 23882, 'locksmith': 23883, 'polaco': 23884, 'arumugam': 23885, 'good-for-nothing': 23886, 'jindal': 23887, 'kites': 23888, 'pathan': 23889, 'taheris': 23890, 'wittenborn': 23891, 'glandular': 23892, 'anabelle': 23893, 'pulsar': 23894, 'hema': 23895, 'daniela': 23896, 'kausalya': 23897, 'immaculata': 23898, 'audaciously': 23899, 'bharadhi': 23900, 'raghavan': 23901, 'eun-sung\\\\': 23902, 'kyung-won': 23903, 'han-sung': 23904, 'gelman': 23905, 'perjury': 23906, 'shaff': 23907, 'voyeuristic': 23908, 'charville': 23909, 'secular': 23910, 'footballer': 23911, 'cosas': 23912, 'blanco': 23913, 'mastronardi': 23914, 'simple-minded': 23915, 'eily': 23916, 'strangulation': 23917, 'b-52': 23918, 'patriot': 23919, 'kalai': 23920, 'dhillon': 23921, 'khayelitsha': 23922, 'sojourn': 23923, 'siamak\\\\': 23924, 'fariba\\\\': 23925, 'elsa\\\\': 23926, 'tombstone': 23927, 'jaggu': 23928, 'dhanraj': 23929, 'jaggu\\\\': 23930, 'leelabai': 23931, 'sood': 23932, 'kaajal\\\\': 23933, 'fellowes': 23934, 'anar': 23935, 'prosthesis': 23936, 'kozlenko': 23937, 'd.e.b.s.': 23938, 'chauvinism': 23939, 'aucoin': 23940, 'head-to-toe': 23941, 'all-natural': 23942, 'rosita': 23943, 'tito': 23944, 'furs': 23945, 'foster-child': 23946, 'ageing': 23947, 'pontiac': 23948, 'brentwood': 23949, 'fight\\\\': 23950, 'kichi\\\\': 23951, 'sada\\\\': 23952, 'katoey': 23953, 'owe': 23954, 'julian\\\\': 23955, 'randhir': 23956, 'shepherds': 23957, 'arta': 23958, 'pelican': 23959, 'shambles': 23960, 'mathurs': 23961, 'sloviak': 23962, 'oola': 23963, 'todday': 23964, 'trilby': 23965, 'penang': 23966, 'assam': 23967, 'mackinac': 23968, 'orgasmarator': 23969, 'eros': 23970, 'tickler': 23971, 'burnett\\\\': 23972, 'rafael\\\\': 23973, 'lovejoy': 23974, 'edythe': 23975, 'toto\\\\': 23976, 'spaniards': 23977, 'bristow': 23978, 'munir': 23979, 'shafeek': 23980, 'compulsion': 23981, 'elitist': 23982, 'voting': 23983, 'dork': 23984, 'delbert': 23985, 'en-route': 23986, 'natalie\\\\': 23987, 'layale': 23988, 'nisrine': 23989, 'pre-marital': 23990, 'georg\\\\': 23991, 'gonzalez': 23992, 'byrne': 23993, 'gurus': 23994, 'brits': 23995, 'match-making': 23996, 'destitution': 23997, 'p.r.e.o.m': 23998, 'anesthetic': 23999, 'oviedo': 24000, 'mata흢owski': 24001, 'kryska': 24002, 'cady\\\\': 24003, 'distrusted': 24004, 'kamla': 24005, 'wieck': 24006, 'szabos': 24007, 'hans\\\\': 24008, 'neena': 24009, 'bittoo': 24010, 'vijay/ram': 24011, 'sunil/lakshman': 24012, 'shalu': 24013, 'duvalier': 24014, 'tonton': 24015, 'pinedas': 24016, 'petit': 24017, 'cunning': 24018, 'looters': 24019, 'divakaran': 24020, 'lal': 24021, 'ravikanth': 24022, 'janakaraj': 24023, 'selvamani': 24024, 'coolie': 24025, 'avenges': 24026, 'vaanavaraayan': 24027, 'vallavarayan': 24028, '15-days-old': 24029, 'modesty': 24030, 'rajnikanth': 24031, 'niharika': 24032, 'ranvijay': 24033, 'nati': 24034, 'alpine': 24035, 'tamer': 24036, 'deafness': 24037, 'delicately': 24038, 'amaris': 24039, 'sharwaris': 24040, 'nepal': 24041, 'carpets': 24042, 'blades': 24043, 'sierra\\\\': 24044, 'pur': 24045, 'sardarilal': 24046, 'bheegi': 24047, 'karimganj': 24048, 'appa': 24049, 'catalan': 24050, 'padma': 24051, 'thilakavathy': 24052, 'jhonny': 24053, 'tasty': 24054, 'gogarty': 24055, \"weren\\\\'t\": 24056, '쏱overty.': 24057, 'gauri\\\\': 24058, 'narendran\\\\': 24059, 'twelvetrees': 24060, 'wyn\\\\': 24061, 'masterji': 24062, 'shyamlal': 24063, 'chintamani': 24064, 'dehradun': 24065, \"'nisha\": 24066, 'marsinah\\\\': 24067, 'wongs': 24068, 'surim': 24069, 'kar': 24070, 'dimitry': 24071, 'placard': 24072, 'mulot': 24073, 'attachments': 24074, 'talaq': 24075, 'dindukkal': 24076, 'imli': 24077, 'mugal': 24078, 'makhdum': 24079, 'malkan': 24080, 'qazi': 24081, 'subedar': 24082, 'kader': 24083, 'sinhalese': 24084, 'malini\\\\': 24085, 'bandra': 24086, 'krit': 24087, 'grunbaum': 24088, 'gonsalves': 24089, 'pardesi': 24090, 'inr': 24091, 'zamindar\\\\': 24092, 'satto': 24093, 'billi': 24094, 'paro\\\\': 24095, 'glenwood': 24096, 'golan': 24097, 'rotlu': 24098, 'shaleen': 24099, 'rathore': 24100, 'jaane': 24101, 'peppermint': 24102, 'frappe': 24103, 'mayandi': 24104, 'aom': 24105, 'headache': 24106, 'valborg': 24107, 'janowski': 24108}\n"
"source": [
"#전처리(4) 인덱스 부여, 정수 인코딩\n",
"word_to_index = {}\n",
"for (word, frequency) in vocab_sorted :\n",
" if frequency > 1 : # 정제(Cleaning) 챕터에서 언급했듯이 빈도수가 적은 단어는 제외한다.\n",
" i=i+1\n",
" word_to_index[word] = i\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"vocab_size = 00 #상위 200개 단어만 사용\n",
"words_frequency = [w for w,c in word_to_index.items() if c >= vocab_size + 1] # 인덱스가 200 초과인 단어 제거\n",
"for w in words_frequency:\n",
" del word_to_index[w] # 해당 단어에 대한 인덱스 정보를 삭제"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"word_to_index['OOV'] = len(word_to_index) + 1"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 19,
"metadata": {
"scrolled": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"encoded = []\n",
"for s in sentences:\n",
" temp = []\n",
" for w in s:\n",
" try:\n",
" temp.append(word_to_index[w])\n",
" except KeyError:\n",
" temp.append(word_to_index['OOV'])\n",
" encoded.append(temp)\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#전처리 방법에는 NLTK의 FreqDist, 케라스(Keras) 토크나이저도 사용 가능."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"로맨스 플롯, 스릴러 따로 토큰화 해서 x train에 넣을지... 고민중\n",
"이번주 : 전처리 완료, \n",
"이번 달 목표 : 뮤지컬 장르 분류 << 다양한 모델 사용해보기.\n",
"6월에 교차검증 및 장르 시각화 설계까지.\n",
"다음주 : 2진분류(LSTM) 완료, RNN 분류기 만들어보기\n",
"모델 설계할 때 단어 빈도수 참고하도록 만들기. "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "SyntaxError",
"evalue": "invalid character in identifier (<ipython-input-1-8071a46faed2>, line 6)",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[1;36m File \u001b[1;32m\"<ipython-input-1-8071a46faed2>\"\u001b[1;36m, line \u001b[1;32m6\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;33m X_train = train_sc_df.dropna().drop(‘trade_price_idx_value’, axis=1)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;37m ^\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;31mSyntaxError\u001b[0m\u001b[1;31m:\u001b[0m invalid character in identifier\n"
"source": [
"# 영화 줄거리는 X_train에, 장르 정보는 y_train에 저장된다.\n",
"# 테스트용 줄거리 X_test에, 테스트용 줄거리의 장르 정보는 y_test에 저장된다.\n",
"#맞춰서 저장하기. (진행중)\n",
"X_train = train_sc_df.dropna().drop(‘trade_price_idx_value’, axis=1)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 20,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Downloading data from https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/tf-keras-datasets/imdb.npz\n",
"17465344/17464789 [==============================] - 19s 1us/step\n",
"Train on 25000 samples, validate on 25000 samples\n",
"Epoch 1/10\n",
"24960/25000 [============================>.] - ETA: 1s - loss: 0.4589 - acc: 0.7804\n",
"Epoch 00001: val_acc improved from -inf to 0.82452, saving model to best_model.h5\n",
"25000/25000 [==============================] - 803s 32ms/sample - loss: 0.4586 - acc: 0.7806 - val_loss: 0.4044 - val_acc: 0.8245\n",
"Epoch 2/10\n",
"24960/25000 [============================>.] - ETA: 1s - loss: 0.3530 - acc: 0.8500\n",
"Epoch 00002: val_acc did not improve from 0.82452\n",
"25000/25000 [==============================] - 959s 38ms/sample - loss: 0.3529 - acc: 0.8500 - val_loss: 0.4112 - val_acc: 0.8135\n",
"Epoch 3/10\n",
"24960/25000 [============================>.] - ETA: 1s - loss: 0.2544 - acc: 0.8996\n",
"Epoch 00003: val_acc improved from 0.82452 to 0.83696, saving model to best_model.h5\n",
"25000/25000 [==============================] - 1055s 42ms/sample - loss: 0.2542 - acc: 0.8997 - val_loss: 0.4095 - val_acc: 0.8370\n",
"Epoch 4/10\n",
"24960/25000 [============================>.] - ETA: 1s - loss: 0.2172 - acc: 0.9165\n",
"Epoch 00004: val_acc improved from 0.83696 to 0.86588, saving model to best_model.h5\n",
"25000/25000 [==============================] - 936s 37ms/sample - loss: 0.2174 - acc: 0.9164 - val_loss: 0.3471 - val_acc: 0.8659\n",
"Epoch 5/10\n",
"24960/25000 [============================>.] - ETA: 1s - loss: 0.1797 - acc: 0.9314\n",
"Epoch 00005: val_acc did not improve from 0.86588\n",
"25000/25000 [==============================] - 898s 36ms/sample - loss: 0.1799 - acc: 0.9314 - val_loss: 0.3385 - val_acc: 0.8654\n",
"Epoch 6/10\n",
" 1856/25000 [=>............................] - ETA: 10:06 - loss: 0.1396 - acc: 0.9520WARNING:tensorflow:Early stopping conditioned on metric `val_loss` which is not available. Available metrics are: loss,acc\n",
"WARNING:tensorflow:Can save best model only with val_acc available, skipping.\n"
"ename": "KeyboardInterrupt",
"evalue": "",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[1;31mKeyboardInterrupt\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"\u001b[1;32m<ipython-input-20-fd15450a52a3>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[1;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 24\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 25\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmodel\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mcompile\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mloss\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m'binary_crossentropy'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0moptimizer\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m'adam'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmetrics\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m'acc'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m---> 26\u001b[1;33m \u001b[0mmodel\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfit\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mX_train\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0my_train\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mvalidation_data\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mX_test\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0my_test\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mepochs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;36m10\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mbatch_size\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;36m64\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcallbacks\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mes\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmc\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\keras\\engine\\training.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfit\u001b[1;34m(self, x, y, batch_size, epochs, verbose, callbacks, validation_split, validation_data, shuffle, class_weight, sample_weight, initial_epoch, steps_per_epoch, validation_steps, validation_freq, max_queue_size, workers, use_multiprocessing, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 817\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmax_queue_size\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mmax_queue_size\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 818\u001b[0m \u001b[0mworkers\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mworkers\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 819\u001b[1;33m use_multiprocessing=use_multiprocessing)\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 820\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 821\u001b[0m def evaluate(self,\n",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\keras\\engine\\training_v2.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mfit\u001b[1;34m(self, model, x, y, batch_size, epochs, verbose, callbacks, validation_split, validation_data, shuffle, class_weight, sample_weight, initial_epoch, steps_per_epoch, validation_steps, validation_freq, max_queue_size, workers, use_multiprocessing, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 340\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmode\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mModeKeys\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mTRAIN\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 341\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtraining_context\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mtraining_context\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 342\u001b[1;33m total_epochs=epochs)\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 343\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcbks\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mmake_logs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mmodel\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mepoch_logs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtraining_result\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mModeKeys\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mTRAIN\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 344\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\keras\\engine\\training_v2.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mrun_one_epoch\u001b[1;34m(model, iterator, execution_function, dataset_size, batch_size, strategy, steps_per_epoch, num_samples, mode, training_context, total_epochs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 126\u001b[0m step=step, mode=mode, size=current_batch_size) as batch_logs:\n\u001b[0;32m 127\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mtry\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 128\u001b[1;33m \u001b[0mbatch_outs\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mexecution_function\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0miterator\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 129\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mexcept\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mStopIteration\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0merrors\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mOutOfRangeError\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 130\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# TODO(kaftan): File bug about tf function and errors.OutOfRangeError?\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\keras\\engine\\training_v2_utils.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mexecution_function\u001b[1;34m(input_fn)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 96\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# `numpy` translates Tensors to values in Eager mode.\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 97\u001b[0m return nest.map_structure(_non_none_constant_value,\n\u001b[1;32m---> 98\u001b[1;33m distributed_function(input_fn))\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 99\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 100\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mexecution_function\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\eager\\def_function.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__call__\u001b[1;34m(self, *args, **kwds)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 566\u001b[0m \u001b[0mxla_context\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mExit\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 567\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 568\u001b[1;33m \u001b[0mresult\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_call\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m*\u001b[0m\u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m**\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkwds\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 569\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 570\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtracing_count\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_get_tracing_count\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\eager\\def_function.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_call\u001b[1;34m(self, *args, **kwds)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 597\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# In this case we have created variables on the first call, so we run the\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 598\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# defunned version which is guaranteed to never create variables.\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 599\u001b[1;33m \u001b[1;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_stateless_fn\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m*\u001b[0m\u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m**\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkwds\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# pylint: disable=not-callable\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 600\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_stateful_fn\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mis\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mnot\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mNone\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 601\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# Release the lock early so that multiple threads can perform the call\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\eager\\function.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__call__\u001b[1;34m(self, *args, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 2361\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mwith\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_lock\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 2362\u001b[0m \u001b[0mgraph_function\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_maybe_define_function\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m-> 2363\u001b[1;33m \u001b[1;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mgraph_function\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_filtered_call\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# pylint: disable=protected-access\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 2364\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 2365\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m@\u001b[0m\u001b[0mproperty\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\eager\\function.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_filtered_call\u001b[1;34m(self, args, kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1609\u001b[0m if isinstance(t, (ops.Tensor,\n\u001b[0;32m 1610\u001b[0m resource_variable_ops.BaseResourceVariable))),\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1611\u001b[1;33m self.captured_inputs)\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 1612\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1613\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0m_call_flat\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcaptured_inputs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcancellation_manager\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32mNone\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\eager\\function.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_call_flat\u001b[1;34m(self, args, captured_inputs, cancellation_manager)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1690\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m# No tape is watching; skip to running the function.\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1691\u001b[0m return self._build_call_outputs(self._inference_function.call(\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1692\u001b[1;33m ctx, args, cancellation_manager=cancellation_manager))\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 1693\u001b[0m forward_backward = self._select_forward_and_backward_functions(\n\u001b[0;32m 1694\u001b[0m \u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\eager\\function.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mcall\u001b[1;34m(self, ctx, args, cancellation_manager)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 543\u001b[0m \u001b[0minputs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 544\u001b[0m \u001b[0mattrs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m\"executor_type\"\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mexecutor_type\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[1;34m\"config_proto\"\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mconfig\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 545\u001b[1;33m ctx=ctx)\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 546\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 547\u001b[0m outputs = execute.execute_with_cancellation(\n",
"\u001b[1;32mC:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\tensorflow_core\\python\\eager\\execute.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mquick_execute\u001b[1;34m(op_name, num_outputs, inputs, attrs, ctx, name)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 59\u001b[0m tensors = pywrap_tensorflow.TFE_Py_Execute(ctx._handle, device_name,\n\u001b[0;32m 60\u001b[0m \u001b[0mop_name\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0minputs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mattrs\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m,\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m---> 61\u001b[1;33m num_outputs)\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 62\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mexcept\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcore\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_NotOkStatusException\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mas\u001b[0m \u001b[0me\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 63\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mname\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mis\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mnot\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mNone\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m:\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[1;31mKeyboardInterrupt\u001b[0m: "
"source": [
"#LSTM 분류 연습\n",
"from tensorflow.keras.datasets import imdb\n",
"from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences\n",
"from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential\n",
"from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, LSTM, Embedding\n",
"from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint\n",
"from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model\n",
"(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = imdb.load_data(num_words = 5000)\n",
"max_len = 500\n",
"X_train = pad_sequences(X_train, maxlen=max_len)\n",
"X_test = pad_sequences(X_test, maxlen=max_len)\n",
"model = Sequential()\n",
"model.add(Embedding(5000, 120))\n",
"model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))\n",
"es = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', mode='min', verbose=1, patience=4)\n",
"mc = ModelCheckpoint('best_model.h5', monitor='val_acc', mode='max', verbose=1, save_best_only=True)\n",
"model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['acc'])\n",
"model.fit(X_train, y_train, validation_data=(X_test, y_test), epochs=10, batch_size=64, callbacks=[es, mc])"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"loaded_model = load_model('best_model.h5')\n",
"print(\"\\n 테스트 정확도: %.4f\" % (loaded_model.evaluate(X_test, y_test)[1]))"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "NameError",
"evalue": "name 'X_train' is not defined",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[1;31mNameError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"\u001b[1;32m<ipython-input-16-4d2ea5635e5d>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[1;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[1;31m#평균 길이 출력\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m----> 2\u001b[1;33m \u001b[0mlen_result\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m=\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mlen\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0ms\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32mfor\u001b[0m \u001b[0ms\u001b[0m \u001b[1;32min\u001b[0m \u001b[0mX_train\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m]\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32m 3\u001b[0m \u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 4\u001b[0m \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m'리뷰의 최대 길이 : {}'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mformat\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mnp\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mmax\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mlen_result\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 5\u001b[0m \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[1;34m'리뷰의 평균 길이 : {}'\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mformat\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mnp\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mmean\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mlen_result\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m)\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[1;33m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[1;31mNameError\u001b[0m: name 'X_train' is not defined"
"source": [
"#평균 길이 출력\n",
"len_result = [len(s) for s in X_train]\n",
"print('리뷰의 최대 길이 : {}'.format(np.max(len_result)))\n",
"print('리뷰의 평균 길이 : {}'.format(np.mean(len_result)))\n",
"plt.hist(len_result, bins=50)\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
<<<<<<< HEAD
"#전처리(3) 불용어 처리\n",
"stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))\n",
"# 영화 리뷰 예제\n",
"# 0. 사용할 패키지 불러오기\n",
"from keras.utils import np_utils\n",
"from keras.datasets import mnist\n",
"from keras.models import Sequential\n",
"from keras.layers import Dense, Activation\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"from numpy import argmax\n",
"# 1. 데이터셋 생성하기\n",
"# 훈련셋과 시험셋 불러오기\n",
"(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()\n",
"# 데이터셋 전처리\n",
"x_train = x_train.reshape(60000, 784).astype('float32') / 255.0\n",
"x_test = x_test.reshape(10000, 784).astype('float32') / 255.0\n",
"# 원핫인코딩 (one-hot encoding) 처리\n",
"y_train = np_utils.to_categorical(y_train)\n",
"y_test = np_utils.to_categorical(y_test)\n",
"# 훈련셋과 검증셋 분리\n",
"x_val = x_train[:42000] # 훈련셋의 30%를 검증셋으로 사용\n",
"x_train = x_train[42000:]\n",
"y_val = y_train[:42000] # 훈련셋의 30%를 검증셋으로 사용\n",
"y_train = y_train[42000:]\n",
"# 2. 모델 구성하기\n",
"model = Sequential()\n",
"model.add(Dense(units=64, input_dim=28*28, activation='relu'))\n",
"model.add(Dense(units=10, activation='softmax'))\n",
"# 3. 모델 학습과정 설정하기\n",
"model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='sgd', metrics=['accuracy'])\n",
"# 4. 모델 학습시키기\n",
"model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=5, batch_size=32, validation_data=(x_val, y_val))\n",
"# 5. 모델 평가하기\n",
"loss_and_metrics = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, batch_size=32)\n",
"print('loss_and_metrics : ' + str(loss_and_metrics))\n",
>>>>>>> ace09e1dd8a76ab86b48411379ac652756a15603
"# 6. 모델 사용하기\n",
"xhat_idx = np.random.choice(x_test.shape[0], 5)\n",
"xhat = x_test[xhat_idx]\n",
"yhat = model.predict_classes(xhat)\n",
"for i in range(5):\n",
" print('True : ' + str(argmax(y_test[xhat_idx[i]])) + ', Predict : ' + str(yhat[i]))"
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