Name Last Update
assets Loading commit data...
controllers Loading commit data...
models Loading commit data...
routers Loading commit data...
static Loading commit data...
views Loading commit data...
.babelrc Loading commit data...
.eslintrc.js Loading commit data...
.gitignore Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
app.js Loading commit data...
db.js Loading commit data...
init.js Loading commit data...
middlewares.js Loading commit data...
package.json Loading commit data...
passport.js Loading commit data...
routes.js Loading commit data...
webpack.config.js Loading commit data...

KhuTube using AWS, Node js

경희대학교 컴퓨터공학과 강연욱

License: MIT


  • Create your own Youtube site using Node.js.


  1. Frontend: Vanilla.js(Pug Template)
  2. Backend : Node.js
  3. Database: mongoDB
  4. A W S : EC2


Required File

If you cloned this repo, please add the .env file in /myYoutube The .env file is ..

MONGO_URL = "mongodb://localhost:27017/yourDBname"
PORT = "Your port number"
COOKIE_SECRET = "anything"
GH_ID = "Your github developer Access ID"
GH_SECRET = "Your github developer Secret Key"
FB_ID = "Your facebook developer Access ID"
FB_SECRET = "Your facebook developer Secret Key"
AWS_KEY = "Your AWS IAM Access ID"


npm install

Run program

If you modify your backend project and want to run the server for checking..

npm run dev:server

If you modify your frontend project and want to check the change on server..

npm run dev:assets

I just recommend run both at the same time.

Reference links


  • Home
  • Join
  • Login
  • Search
  • User Detail
  • Edit Profile
  • Change Password
  • Upload
  • Video Detail
  • Edit Video