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# OSS Term Project using AWS, Node js
# KhuTube using AWS, Node js
### 경희대학교 컴퓨터공학과 강연욱
## 내용
[![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
- Node.js를 이용하여 나만의 Youtube 사이트를 제작한다.
## KhuTube
## 기술 Stack
- Create your own Youtube site using Node.js.
1. Frontend: Vanilla.js
## Configuration
1. Frontend: Vanilla.js(Pug Template)
2. Backend : Node.js
3. Database: mongoDB
4. A W S : EC2
## Quickstart
### Required File
If you cloned this repo, please add the .env file in /myYoutube
The .env file is ..
MONGO_URL = "mongodb://localhost:27017/yourDBname"
PORT = "Your port number"
COOKIE_SECRET = "anything"
GH_ID = "Your github developer Access ID"
GH_SECRET = "Your github developer Secret Key"
FB_ID = "Your facebook developer Access ID"
FB_SECRET = "Your facebook developer Secret Key"
AWS_KEY = "Your AWS IAM Access ID"
### Install
npm install
### Run program
If you modify your backend project and want to run the server for checking..
npm run dev:server
If you modify your frontend project and want to check the change on server..
npm run dev:assets
I just recommend run both at the same time.
### Reference links
## Pages:
- [ ] Home
- [x] Home
- [x] Join
- [x] Login
- [x] Search
- [ ] User Detail
- [x] User Detail
- [x] Edit Profile
- [x] Change Password
- [x] Upload
- [ ] Video Detail
- [x] Video Detail
- [x] Edit Video