_adaptive.scss 1.82 KB
// When the player is "medium" and higher, display everything by default.
// When the player is "small", display only:
// - Play button
// - Volume Mute button
// - Progress bar
// - Subs-Caps button
// - Fullscreen button
// When the player is "small", display only:
// - Play button
// - Volume Mute button
// - Progress bar
// - Fullscreen button
// When the player is "tiny", display only:
// - Play button
// - Volume Mute button
// - Fullscreen Button
.video-js {

  &.vjs-layout-tiny {
    .vjs-volume-control {
      display: none;

    // Reset the size of the volume panel to the default so we don't see a big
    // empty space to the right of the mute button.
    .vjs-volume-panel.vjs-volume-panel-horizontal {
      &.vjs-hover {
        width: auto;
        width: initial;

  // Hide the subs-caps button for non-Live UI "x-small" and for "tiny" players.
  &.vjs-layout-tiny {
    .vjs-subs-caps-button {
      display: none;

  // With the new Live UI, we can have the same treatment as "tiny". At
  // "x-small", the Live UI makes the progress control very small and almost
  // useless.
  &.vjs-layout-tiny {

    .vjs-custom-control-spacer {
      @include flex(auto);
      display: block;

    &.vjs-no-flex .vjs-custom-control-spacer {
      width: auto;

    .vjs-progress-control {
      display: none;