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Playlist Loader


The PlaylistLoader (PL) is responsible for requesting m3u8s, parsing them and keeping track of the media "playlists" associated with the manifest. The PL is used with a [SegmentLoader] to load ts or fmp4 fragments from an HLS source.

Basic Responsibilities

  1. To request an m3u8.
  2. To parse a m3u8 into a format videojs-http-streaming can understand.
  3. To allow selection of a specific media stream.
  4. To refresh a live master m3u8 for changes.



PlaylistLoader States
  • HAVE_NOTHING the state before the m3u8 is received and parsed.
  • HAVE_MASTER the state before a media manifest is parsed and setup but after the master manifest has been parsed and setup.
  • HAVE_METADATA the state after a media stream is setup.
  • SWITCHING_MEDIA the intermediary state we go though while changing to a newly selected media playlist
  • HAVE_CURRENT_METADATA a temporary state after requesting a refresh of the live manifest and before receiving the update


  • load() this will either start or kick the loader during playback.
  • start() this will start the PL and request the m3u8.
  • media() this will return the currently active media stream or set a new active media stream.


  • loadedplaylist signals the setup of a master playlist, representing the HLS source as a whole, from the m3u8; or a media playlist, representing a media stream.
  • loadedmetadata signals initial setup of a media stream.
  • playlistunchanged signals that no changes have been made to a m3u8.
  • mediaupdatetimeout signals that a live m3u8 and media stream must be refreshed.
  • mediachanging signals that the currently active media stream is going to be changed.
  • mediachange signals that the new media stream has been updated.

Interaction with Other Modules

PL with MPC and MG