private.h 6.12 KB
/* Declarations which are public-facing, but private. See internal.h for
 * declarations which are only used internally by vips and which are not
 * externally visible.
 * 6/7/09
 * 	- from vips.h


    This file is part of VIPS.
    VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
    02110-1301  USA



    These files are distributed with VIPS -



#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /*__cplusplus*/

#define VIPS_SPARE (8)

/* Private to iofuncs: the minimum number of scanlines we add above and below 
 * the window as a margin for slop.

/* Private to iofuncs: add at least this many bytes above and below the window. 
 * There's no point mapping just a few KB of a small image.
#define VIPS__WINDOW_MARGIN_BYTES (1024 * 1024 * 10)

/* sizeof() a VIPS header on disc.

/* What we track for each mmap window. Have a list of these on an openin
 * VipsImage.
typedef struct {
	int ref_count;		/* # of regions referencing us */
	struct _VipsImage *im;	/* VipsImage we are attached to */

	int top; 		/* Area of image we have mapped, in pixels */
	int height;
	VipsPel *data;		/* First pixel of line 'top' */

	void *baseaddr;		/* Base of window */
	size_t length;		/* Size of window */
} VipsWindow;

int vips_window_unref( VipsWindow *window );
void vips_window_print( VipsWindow *window );

/* Per-thread buffer state. Held in a GPrivate.
typedef struct {
	GHashTable *hash;	/* VipsImage -> VipsBufferCache* */
	GThread *thread;	/* Just for sanity checking */
} VipsBufferThread;

/* Per-image buffer cache. This keeps a list of "done" VipsBuffer that this
 * worker has generated. We use this to reuse results within a thread. 
 * Hash to this from VipsBufferThread::hash.
 * We can't store the GSList directly in the hash table as GHashTable lacks an
 * update operation and we'd need to _remove() and _insert() on every list
 * operation.
typedef struct _VipsBufferCache {
	GSList *buffers;	/* GSList of "done" VipsBuffer* */
	GThread *thread;	/* Just for sanity checking */
	struct _VipsImage *im;
	VipsBufferThread *buffer_thread;
	GSList *reserve;	/* VipsBuffer kept in reserve */
	int n_reserve;		/* Number in reserve */
} VipsBufferCache;

/* What we track for each pixel buffer. These can move between caches and
 * between threads, but not between images. 
 * Moving between threads is difficult, use region ownership stuff. 
typedef struct _VipsBuffer {
	int ref_count;		/* # of regions referencing us */
	struct _VipsImage *im;	/* VipsImage we are attached to */

	VipsRect area;		/* Area this pixel buffer covers */
	gboolean done;		/* Calculated and in a cache */
	VipsBufferCache *cache;	/* The cache this buffer is published on */
	VipsPel *buf;		/* Private malloc() area */
	size_t bsize;		/* Size of private malloc() */
} VipsBuffer;

void vips_buffer_dump_all( void );
void vips_buffer_done( VipsBuffer *buffer );
void vips_buffer_undone( VipsBuffer *buffer );
void vips_buffer_unref( VipsBuffer *buffer );
VipsBuffer *vips_buffer_new( struct _VipsImage *im, VipsRect *area );
VipsBuffer *vips_buffer_ref( struct _VipsImage *im, VipsRect *area );
VipsBuffer *vips_buffer_unref_ref( VipsBuffer *buffer, 
	struct _VipsImage *im, VipsRect *area );
void vips_buffer_print( VipsBuffer *buffer );

void vips__render_shutdown( void );

/* Sections of region.h that are private to VIPS.

/* Region types.
typedef enum _RegionType {
	VIPS_REGION_BUFFER,		/* A VipsBuffer */
	VIPS_REGION_OTHER_REGION, 	/* Memory on another region */
	VIPS_REGION_OTHER_IMAGE,	/* Memory on another image */
	VIPS_REGION_WINDOW		/* A VipsWindow on fd */
} RegionType;

/* Private to iofuncs: the size of the `tiles' requested by 
 * vips_image_generate() when acting as a data sink.
#define VIPS__TILE_WIDTH (128)
#define VIPS__TILE_HEIGHT (128)

/* The height of the strips for the other two request styles.

/* Functions on regions.
struct _VipsRegion;
void vips__region_take_ownership( struct _VipsRegion *reg );
void vips__region_check_ownership( struct _VipsRegion *reg );
void vips__region_no_ownership( struct _VipsRegion *reg );

typedef int (*VipsRegionFillFn)( struct _VipsRegion *, void * );
int vips_region_fill( struct _VipsRegion *reg, 
	const VipsRect *r, VipsRegionFillFn fn, void *a );

int vips__image_wio_output( struct _VipsImage *image );
int vips__image_pio_output( struct _VipsImage *image );

VipsArgumentInstance *vips__argument_get_instance( 
	VipsArgumentClass *argument_class,
	VipsObject *object);
VipsArgument *vips__argument_table_lookup( VipsArgumentTable *table, 
	GParamSpec *pspec);

void vips__demand_hint_array( struct _VipsImage *image, 
	int hint, struct _VipsImage **in );
int vips__image_copy_fields_array( struct _VipsImage *out, 
	struct _VipsImage *in[] );

void vips__region_count_pixels( struct _VipsRegion *region, const char *nickname );
void vips_region_dump_all( void );

/* Deprecated.
int vips__init( const char *argv0 );
size_t vips__get_sizeof_vipsobject( void );
int vips_region_prepare_many( struct _VipsRegion **reg, const VipsRect *r );

/* Handy for debugging.
int vips__view_image( struct _VipsImage *image );

/* Pre 8.7 libvipses used this for allocating argument ids.
extern int _vips__argument_id;

void vips__meta_init( void );

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__cplusplus*/

#endif /*VIPS_PRIVATE_H*/