Madan Jampani
Committed by Gerrit Code Review

Added onos-cluster-execute-expect as a cluster version of onos-execute-expect + …

…updated stc scenarios for dist primitives to use this for verification

Change-Id: Ife3bde21118ebd21e8abf807070a72ac58341120
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Executes a command on all ONOS instances in a cluster and matches the output
# from each instance to the passed one.
# First argument is the command and it's arguments if needed, then --expect and
# after it the string of what the output should be.
# Example:
# onos-cluster-execute-expect fooCommand fooParamenter --expect fooOutputString
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ! -d "$ONOS_ROOT" ] && echo "ONOS_ROOT is not defined" >&2 && exit 1
. $ONOS_ROOT/tools/build/envDefaults
trap "rm -f $aux 2>/dev/null" EXIT
for a in ${*:1}; do shift; if [ "$a" = "--expect" ]; then break; fi; cmd="$cmd $a"; done
expect="${@: -1}"
echo $cmd
echo $expect
node_count=`onos $OC1 nodes | wc -l`
for i in `seq 1 $node_count`; do
onos ${!node_var} $cmd > $aux
cat $aux
grep -q $expect $aux || exit 1
echo "expected value found"
exit 0
......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
exec="onos ${OCI} app activate org.onosproject.distributedprimitives"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-Initial-Value" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter get --expect 0"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect counter-test test-counter get --expect 0"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-Set" requires="^"
exec="onos ${OCI} counter-test test-counter set 1"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-Get" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter get --expect 1"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect counter-test test-counter get --expect 1"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-IncrementAndGet" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter incrementAndGet --expect 2"/>
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter getAndIncrement --expect 2"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-Incremented" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter get --expect 3"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect counter-test test-counter get --expect 3"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-AddAndGet" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter addAndGet 10 --expect 13"/>
......@@ -49,19 +49,25 @@
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter getAndAdd 10 --expect 13"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-Updated-After-GetAndAdd" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter get --expect 23"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect counter-test test-counter get --expect 23"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-CompareAndSet-False" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter compareAndSet 1 2 --expect false"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-Not-Updated-After-CAS" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter get --expect 23"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect counter-test test-counter get --expect 23"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-CompareAndSet-True" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter compareAndSet 23 25 --expect true"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-Updated-After-CAS" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} counter-test test-counter get --expect 25"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect counter-test test-counter get --expect 25"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-Reset" requires="^"
exec="onos ${OCI} counter-test test-counter set 0"/>
<step name="Test-Counter-Get-After-Reset" requires="^"
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect counter-test test-counter get --expect 0"/>
<!--Check with check logs-->
<step name="Check-Log-Exceptions" requires="^"
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
exec="onos ${OCI} app activate org.onosproject.distributedprimitives"/>
<step name="Test-Initial-No-Leader" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} leader-test test-elector show foo --expect leader=none#candidates=none"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect leader-test test-elector show foo --expect leader=none#candidates=none"/>
<step name="Test-Leader-Run" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} leader-test test-elector run foo --expect leader=${OCI}#term=1#candidates=${OCI}"/>
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
exec="onos ${OCI} leader-test test-elector withdraw foo"/>
<step name="Test-No-Leader-After-Withdraw" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} leader-test test-elector show foo --expect leader=none#candidates=none"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect leader-test test-elector show foo --expect leader=none#candidates=none"/>
<!--Check with check logs-->
<step name="Check-Log-Exceptions" requires="^"
......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
exec="onos ${OCI} app activate org.onosproject.distributedprimitives"/>
<step name="Test-Map-Get" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo get a --expect null"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect map-test foo get a --expect null"/>
<step name="Test-Map-Put" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo put a b --expect null"/>
<step name="Test-Map-Updated-After-Put" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo get a --expect b"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect map-test foo get a --expect b"/>
<step name="Test-Map-PutIfAbsent-When-Key-Present" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo putIfAbsent a c --expect b"/>
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo putIfAbsent b c --expect null"/>
<step name="Test-Map-Updated-After-PutIfAbsent" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo get b --expect c"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect map-test foo get b --expect c"/>
<step name="Test-Map-Updated-After-PutAndGet" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo putAndGet b d --expect d"/>
......@@ -58,16 +58,16 @@
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo replace b e f --expect true"/>
<step name="Test-Map-ContainsValue-False-Case" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo containsValue x --expect false"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect map-test foo containsValue x --expect false"/>
<step name="Test-Map-ContainsValue-True-Case" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo containsValue f --expect true"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect map-test foo containsValue f --expect true"/>
<step name="Test-Map-Size" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo size --expect 2"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect map-test foo size --expect 2"/>
<step name="Test-Map-IsEmpty" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo isEmpty --expect false"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect map-test foo isEmpty --expect false"/>
<step name="Test-Map-Remove" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} map-test foo remove b --expect f"/>
......@@ -64,4 +64,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -25,25 +25,25 @@
exec="onos ${OCI} app activate org.onosproject.distributedprimitives"/>
<step name="Test-Value-Initial-Value" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} value-test test-value get --expect null"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect value-test test-value get --expect null"/>
<step name="Test-Value-Set" requires="^"
exec="onos ${OCI} value-test test-value set v0"/>
<step name="Test-Value-Get" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} value-test test-value get --expect v0"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect value-test test-value get --expect v0"/>
<step name="Test-Value-CompareAndSet-False" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} value-test test-value compareAndSet v1 v2 --expect false"/>
<step name="Test-Value-Not-Updated-After-CAS" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} value-test test-value get --expect v0"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect value-test test-value get --expect v0"/>
<step name="Test-Value-CompareAndSet-True" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} value-test test-value compareAndSet v0 v1 --expect true"/>
<step name="Test-Value-Updated-After-CAS" requires="^"
exec="onos-execute-expect ${OCI} value-test test-value get --expect v1"/>
exec="onos-cluster-execute-expect value-test test-value get --expect v1"/>
<!--Check with check logs-->
<step name="Check-Log-Exceptions" requires="^"