
Adding REAME.md for project description

<h1>Building a Slackbot</h1><br>
<h2>A slackbot that reacts to user's chat </h2><br>
// Tell a Chuck Norris Joke
function chuckJoke(){
.then(res =>{
const joke = res.data.value.joke;
const face = {
icon_emoji: ':laughing:'
bot.postMessageToChannel('everyone', `Chuck Norris: ${joke}`,face);
bot.postMessageToChannel('full-stack-web', `Yo mama: ${joke}`,face);
bot.postMessageToChannel('bot_test', `Yo mama: ${joke}`,face);
// Tell a yomama Joke
function yoMamaJoke(){
.then(res =>{
const joke = res.data.joke;
const face = {
icon_emoji: ':laughing:'
bot.postMessageToChannel('everyone', `Yo mama: ${joke}`,face);
bot.postMessageToChannel('full-stack-web', `Yo mama: ${joke}`,face);
bot.postMessageToChannel('bot_test', `Yo mama: ${joke}`,face);
//Tell random joke
function randomJoke(){
const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) +1;
if(rand ===1){
else if(rand === 2){
function runHelp(){
const face = {
icon_emoji: ':question:'
bot.postMessageToChannel('everyone', "Type @joker and write a joke that you would like\n ex- @joker random",face);
bot.postMessageToChannel('full-stack-web', "Type @joker and write a joke that you would like\n ex- @joker random",face);
module.exports = route;
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