commonize 717 Bytes
#!/usr/bin/env node

require("commoner").resolve(function(id) {
    var context = this;

    return context.getProvidedP().then(function(idToPath) {
        // If a module declares its own identifier using @providesModule
        // then that identifier will be a key in the idToPath object.
        if (idToPath.hasOwnProperty(id))
            return context.readFileP(idToPath[id]);

}, function(id) {
    // Otherwise assume the identifier maps directly to a filesystem path.
    return this.readModuleP(id);

}).process(function(id, source) {
    // As a simple example of a processing step, make sure the file ends
    // with exactly one newline character.
    return source.replace(/\s+$/m, "\n");