v2.d.ts 13.5 KB
 * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
import { GaxiosPromise } from 'gaxios';
import { Compute, JWT, OAuth2Client, UserRefreshClient } from 'google-auth-library';
import { APIRequestContext, BodyResponseCallback, GlobalOptions, GoogleConfigurable, MethodOptions } from 'googleapis-common';
export declare namespace cloudprofiler_v2 {
    interface Options extends GlobalOptions {
        version: 'v2';
    interface StandardParameters {
         * V1 error format.
        '$.xgafv'?: string;
         * OAuth access token.
        access_token?: string;
         * Data format for response.
        alt?: string;
         * JSONP
        callback?: string;
         * Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        fields?: string;
         * API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API
         * access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0
         * token.
        key?: string;
         * OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
        oauth_token?: string;
         * Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
        prettyPrint?: boolean;
         * Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be
         * any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40
         * characters.
        quotaUser?: string;
         * Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. "media", "multipart").
        uploadType?: string;
         * Upload protocol for media (e.g. "raw", "multipart").
        upload_protocol?: string;
     * Stackdriver Profiler API
     * Manages continuous profiling information.
     * @example
     * const {google} = require('googleapis');
     * const cloudprofiler = google.cloudprofiler('v2');
     * @namespace cloudprofiler
     * @type {Function}
     * @version v2
     * @variation v2
     * @param {object=} options Options for Cloudprofiler
    class Cloudprofiler {
        context: APIRequestContext;
        projects: Resource$Projects;
        constructor(options: GlobalOptions, google?: GoogleConfigurable);
     * CreateProfileRequest describes a profile resource online creation request.
     * The deployment field must be populated. The profile_type specifies the list
     * of profile types supported by the agent. The creation call will hang until
     * a profile of one of these types needs to be collected.
    interface Schema$CreateProfileRequest {
         * Deployment details.
        deployment?: Schema$Deployment;
         * One or more profile types that the agent is capable of providing.
        profileType?: string[];
     * Deployment contains the deployment identification information.
    interface Schema$Deployment {
         * Labels identify the deployment within the user universe and same target.
         * Validation regex for label names: `^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?$`.
         * Value for an individual label must be <= 512 bytes, the total size of
         * all label names and values must be <= 1024 bytes.  Label named
         * "language" can be used to record the programming language of
         * the profiled deployment. The standard choices for the value include
         * "java", "go", "python", "ruby",
         * "nodejs", "php", "dotnet".  For deployments
         * running on Google Cloud Platform, "zone" or "region"
         * label should be present describing the deployment location. An example of
         * a zone is "us-central1-a", an example of a region is
         * "us-central1" or "us-central".
        labels?: {
            [key: string]: string;
         * Project ID is the ID of a cloud project. Validation regex:
         * `^a-z{4,61}[a-z0-9]$`.
        projectId?: string;
         * Target is the service name used to group related deployments: * Service
         * name for GAE Flex / Standard. * Cluster and container name for GKE. *
         * User-specified string for direct GCE profiling (e.g. Java). * Job name
         * for Dataflow. Validation regex: `^[a-z]([-a-z0-9_.]{0,253}[a-z0-9])?$`.
        target?: string;
     * Profile resource.
    interface Schema$Profile {
         * Deployment this profile corresponds to.
        deployment?: Schema$Deployment;
         * Duration of the profiling session. Input (for the offline mode) or output
         * (for the online mode). The field represents requested profiling duration.
         * It may slightly differ from the effective profiling duration, which is
         * recorded in the profile data, in case the profiling can't be stopped
         * immediately (e.g. in case stopping the profiling is handled
         * asynchronously).
        duration?: string;
         * Input only. Labels associated to this specific profile. These labels will
         * get merged with the deployment labels for the final data set.  See
         * documentation on deployment labels for validation rules and limits.
        labels?: {
            [key: string]: string;
         * Output only. Opaque, server-assigned, unique ID for this profile.
        name?: string;
         * Input only. Profile bytes, as a gzip compressed serialized proto, the
         * format is
         * https://github.com/google/pprof/blob/master/proto/profile.proto.
        profileBytes?: string;
         * Type of profile. For offline mode, this must be specified when creating
         * the profile. For online mode it is assigned and returned by the server.
        profileType?: string;
    class Resource$Projects {
        context: APIRequestContext;
        profiles: Resource$Projects$Profiles;
        constructor(context: APIRequestContext);
    class Resource$Projects$Profiles {
        context: APIRequestContext;
        constructor(context: APIRequestContext);
         * cloudprofiler.projects.profiles.create
         * @desc CreateProfile creates a new profile resource in the online mode.
         * The server ensures that the new profiles are created at a constant rate
         * per deployment, so the creation request may hang for some time until the
         * next profile session is available.  The request may fail with ABORTED
         * error if the creation is not available within ~1m, the response will
         * indicate the duration of the backoff the client should take before
         * attempting creating a profile again. The backoff duration is returned in
         * google.rpc.RetryInfo extension on the response status. To a gRPC client,
         * the extension will be return as a binary-serialized proto in the trailing
         * metadata item named "google.rpc.retryinfo-bin".
         * @alias cloudprofiler.projects.profiles.create
         * @memberOf! ()
         * @param {object} params Parameters for request
         * @param {string} params.parent Parent project to create the profile in.
         * @param {().CreateProfileRequest} params.resource Request body data
         * @param {object} [options] Optionally override request options, such as `url`, `method`, and `encoding`.
         * @param {callback} callback The callback that handles the response.
         * @return {object} Request object
        create(params?: Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Create, options?: MethodOptions): GaxiosPromise<Schema$Profile>;
        create(params: Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Create, options: MethodOptions | BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>): void;
        create(params: Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Create, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>): void;
        create(callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>): void;
         * cloudprofiler.projects.profiles.createOffline
         * @desc CreateOfflineProfile creates a new profile resource in the offline
         * mode. The client provides the profile to create along with the profile
         * bytes, the server records it.
         * @alias cloudprofiler.projects.profiles.createOffline
         * @memberOf! ()
         * @param {object} params Parameters for request
         * @param {string} params.parent Parent project to create the profile in.
         * @param {().Profile} params.resource Request body data
         * @param {object} [options] Optionally override request options, such as `url`, `method`, and `encoding`.
         * @param {callback} callback The callback that handles the response.
         * @return {object} Request object
        createOffline(params?: Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Createoffline, options?: MethodOptions): GaxiosPromise<Schema$Profile>;
        createOffline(params: Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Createoffline, options: MethodOptions | BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>): void;
        createOffline(params: Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Createoffline, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>): void;
        createOffline(callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>): void;
         * cloudprofiler.projects.profiles.patch
         * @desc UpdateProfile updates the profile bytes and labels on the profile
         * resource created in the online mode. Updating the bytes for profiles
         * created in the offline mode is currently not supported: the profile
         * content must be provided at the time of the profile creation.
         * @alias cloudprofiler.projects.profiles.patch
         * @memberOf! ()
         * @param {object} params Parameters for request
         * @param {string} params.name Output only. Opaque, server-assigned, unique ID for this profile.
         * @param {string=} params.updateMask Field mask used to specify the fields to be overwritten. Currently only profile_bytes and labels fields are supported by UpdateProfile, so only those fields can be specified in the mask. When no mask is provided, all fields are overwritten.
         * @param {().Profile} params.resource Request body data
         * @param {object} [options] Optionally override request options, such as `url`, `method`, and `encoding`.
         * @param {callback} callback The callback that handles the response.
         * @return {object} Request object
        patch(params?: Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Patch, options?: MethodOptions): GaxiosPromise<Schema$Profile>;
        patch(params: Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Patch, options: MethodOptions | BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>): void;
        patch(params: Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Patch, callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>): void;
        patch(callback: BodyResponseCallback<Schema$Profile>): void;
    interface Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Create extends StandardParameters {
         * Auth client or API Key for the request
        auth?: string | OAuth2Client | JWT | Compute | UserRefreshClient;
         * Parent project to create the profile in.
        parent?: string;
         * Request body metadata
        requestBody?: Schema$CreateProfileRequest;
    interface Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Createoffline extends StandardParameters {
         * Auth client or API Key for the request
        auth?: string | OAuth2Client | JWT | Compute | UserRefreshClient;
         * Parent project to create the profile in.
        parent?: string;
         * Request body metadata
        requestBody?: Schema$Profile;
    interface Params$Resource$Projects$Profiles$Patch extends StandardParameters {
         * Auth client or API Key for the request
        auth?: string | OAuth2Client | JWT | Compute | UserRefreshClient;
         * Output only. Opaque, server-assigned, unique ID for this profile.
        name?: string;
         * Field mask used to specify the fields to be overwritten. Currently only
         * profile_bytes and labels fields are supported by UpdateProfile, so only
         * those fields can be specified in the mask. When no mask is provided, all
         * fields are overwritten.
        updateMask?: string;
         * Request body metadata
        requestBody?: Schema$Profile;