Kappa is a command line tool. The basic command format is:
kappa --config <path to config file> <command>
kappa <path to config file> <command> [optional command args]
Where ``command`` is one of:
* deploy - deploy the CloudFormation template containing the IAM roles and zip the function and upload it to AWS Lambda
* deploy - deploy the CloudFormation template containing the IAM roles and zip
the function and upload it to AWS Lambda
* test - send test data to the new Lambda function
* tail - display the most recent log events for the function (remember that it can take several minutes before log events are available from CloudWatch)
* tail - display the most recent log events for the function (remember that it
can take several minutes before log events are available from CloudWatch)
* add-event-sources - hook up an event source to your Lambda function
* delete - delete the CloudFormation stack containing the IAM roles and delete the Lambda function
* delete - delete the CloudFormation stack containing the IAM roles and delete
the Lambda function
* status - display summary information about functions, stacks, and event
sources related to your project.
The ``config file`` is a YAML format file containing all of the information
about your Lambda function.
@@ -56,11 +61,11 @@ The basic workflow is:
* Create your CloudFormation template with the execution and invocation roles
* Create some sample data
* Create the YAML config file with all of the information
* Run ``kappa --config <path-to-config> deploy`` to create roles and upload function
* Run ``kappa --config <path-to-config> test`` to invoke the function with test data
* Run ``kappa --config <path-to-config> tail`` to view the functions output in CloudWatch logs
* Run ``kappa --config <path-to-config> add-event-source`` to hook your function up to the event source
* Run ``kappa --config <path-to-config> tail`` to see more output
* Run ``kappa <path-to-config> deploy`` to create roles and upload function
* Run ``kappa <path-to-config> test`` to invoke the function with test data
* Run ``kappa <path-to-config> tail`` to view the functions output in CloudWatch logs
* Run ``kappa <path-to-config> add-event-source`` to hook your function up to the event source
* Run ``kappa <path-to-config> tail`` to see more output
If you have to make changes in your function or in your IAM roles, simply run
``kappa deploy`` again and the changes will be uploaded as necessary.